HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-19 - Newport Harbor EnsignMacDonald
Resigns as
Park Chief
Boys Beat • em
Five Costa M~ gtrla. 9 to 12,
were lltruck several times by a
wooden surveyor's plumb line
weight. poked with a sheath
knife and forced to go Into a
blc drain pipe by three boys
bdweom Harbor Richlands and
the Upper Bay, Newport pollee
reported at 1:5'7 p.m. Tue.day.
The ctrla Wen! on a picnic be-
low the cl.llt.8 near the water akl
area. 'Jb~ eaJd the boys wanted
J1othlnc from them, except to
trtchten them.
A1l the fltla were crytnc with
fear and near hynerla when
questioned by pollee. One eo.ta MOTOa 1'0 IIEXICO
Mesa boy who wu questioned Mr. &nd Mrs. Carl Gerdes, 3720
Mld he wu forced to Join the Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, are
two otber-unlc:nown boys wben motodnc to Mexico City and
threatened wfth a pitch fork. Be then ~ to Oy to Yucatan.
aald he dJd not tbuten or harm They wtll be cone for about
the flrla. three weeka.
COaoRA DEL KA& CALIP. VOL I. •o. 50 -nvE C£rrl
Not Asked
For Killer
Wat er Sup pl y
Short in COM
c...a dial Mar .,.-uen
.,.... Ia abort auppJy tor ap-
~Y ooe b-.r at I p.m.
Leowla MeoW. c:tty watw
fonmclll. -:plataed tMt DOt
-...-.... coald .. r.
CIU...S &olD IIWD to 8\lpply
tM .....s. lalaad JIIWI) .......
uen aucb as ~ Sclllta
ADa. AD.clb.U. -.:1 El Ton
too11t too •udl .....-out of tiM
U... Clty water .. u. Mar tiM
Sclllta ~ rt....-...... put lDto
apwatioD f• appiwbacn.ly
two boon to CIUCJIDaDt tiM Rp-
•••• ....,.,., ..... .......
,. .... ~ ....,, -n.rtlh .... ......................
AlVO L HA»A -----------Witer •"" ,...,.._ PM; HMPA . ~ .. Wlt.r
WAllY IAXT1l .y..,...,_. = HU&H ~WIUAN N."' ,.._._,...
lUIY STEVINSON .. ~---·----· ........ ~
• • •
SUISClJ"IOH lATIS L.-1 .... ,.._ ....,_ T.,. ,..,_s5o007 -r-•-IJ.OO o...w. ef tt.. H.,.._ Are.: r-,..,_s1.eo: -r-,.......DO
?~ )!0¥ ' ..: no.;
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8
Do You Favor Subsidies 1
t hod some uncomplimentary ccmments to make in last week's
Log about federal aid to education. I don't wish for any--in the in-
terests o f keeping big government from meddling with our schools,
and therefore in the in terests of preserving our liberties.
I was getting around to another closely related top ic when I ran
out of time and space lost week. Thofs the topic of subsidies in gen·
erol. I'm agin' the m too, and for the some reason: They ore just a big
fisted wedge for Uncle Sam to chop a way a t our freedom.
By now, I've just about recup·
eJ'&ted from the lnterclub Alba·
COle Tournament. If you don't
think It takel a lot out of you,
uk any of the 218 anelers and
skippers who WeM In lt.
This year, thete weren't many
parties befoce or durlne. Some·
how, thouah. you rnanaee to lose
a lot of sleep just the same.
You've got to eo to bed as soon
as you get back to get In any.
thlne ll.ke a decent nleht's abut·
eye when you're heading out
anywhere from 1·3 a.m. My per·
1 sonal total was 4 '4 hra. In the
two nlehts. That was probably
quarten at Jfewport INch, wu
wapcl aliDOIIt enttnly out or San
Dleeo. The albacore .:boola were
40 to 50 mU• out ol that port,
on a 110utb -west cou.ne and ,.U
of the 54 competlq boata tled
Iiiii In Sa.n Dleeo Saturday nleht.
Very tew craft returned to New·
port Harbor Sunday nteht be·
cauM of the 90·odd miles be·
tween the fl.ahlne erounds and u .....,
the home port. 1• ..... ..-..c... .._
More than a score of anclers '=============':f were driven to the party at the
Balboa Bay Club by chartered
bus from the welehln& ataUon at
the Marlin Club of San Diego,
headquarters of townament ac·
tlvttles at that port.
The form subsidy is a shocking example of un-Americon tocti't:s
of achieving gre ater controls over large segments of the American -------------------------
people. For reasons of power and politics, the federal government ia
I about averaee for everyone In
the dea1. Tossed In for good mea·
sure . were two days worth of
reaUy rough water. It was 80 bad
that I couldn't make my favorite
stew. I'm stUl wondering how
everyone managed to avoid get·
tlng tossed Into the drink but all
apparently hung on throughout
Lar&est flth, a lon1·fln of Z1
pounda, 7J,i oz. wu caueht by
Ed Watkins of the Ueht Tackle
Marlin Club team. Balboa llland
tackle dealer Gordon Wevlll took
second with a 2S pound 3 oz.
creating o favored class of citizens out o f the farmers..-ot the tre· -------------------------
me ndous expense of the rest of us citizens and taxpaye rs, and, eventu-~ _ J• /,.n4 {:1Gif4 those two rugged days. e LET'S CIIAXGE IT
The tournament was not only
a competition but an endurance
contest, because of the d istance
the albacore ac:hoola were from
shore. MOlt boatl pulled out of
their San Dlero moorlnp by 2
a.m. each flahlnr day, and en·
countered rough water and un·
seasonally cold weather oft·
ally, at the expanse of the farmers t hemselves, because they a re selling '-'~j N C')j
their soul for a mess of pottage. • • • Next year, Pacific Anglers Ia
host club, which elves me a
chance to get In my full two·
cents worth of suggestions. It is a crime against ru son and nature and humanity to force
hard-wor~ing and severely taxed citizens to pay hard-earned money
out of our pockets to pay other citizens NOT TO PRO DUCE. This
has all the justice of on enormous subsidy by the gove rnment to keep
the ox-carl business thriving some decades bad. It is the subsidy that
teeps uneconomical and out-moded methods and enterprises alive, at
our expense, long after they should have given way to something more
useful and more productive.
The postal subsidy is another sorry example . This is also a nother
example of the blindness of Mr. Average Taxpayer. He wants the
Government Post Office to ~eep the price of postcards at 2c, regular
leHers at J c postage, airmail at be. He believes that raising the rates
to make these mailings pay their way would cost him extra mone y.
But don't forget that if the postal service would be put on a pay·
ing basis, there would not be that tremendous Post Office de ficit each
year. That deficit, which has to be paid out of your tax money, means
tha t you, the ave""-'ge user of the mo ils. are footing part of the bill for
the big use r$-the big quantity postcard mailers, the hefty national
ma gazines, and the newspapers. Yes. eve n us, the weeldy newspapers
of the nation.
. If the ~ost Office would be required to go on a paying basis, lite pr~vate ~us~ness has to do or die, Mr. Ave rage Citizen's postage ex·
pense m•gh! go up a dolla r or so a year, but the huge postal deficit
II(Ould be w1ped out, and the taxes needed to pay this loss could he lp
cut down that frightening notional debt.
I don"t want to be one of a favored class of citizens. I want to
pay my fair share of taxes, a nd therefore I want the Post Office De -
partment to put third d ass mail (that includes the weeUy newspepers)
as we.U as all other moiling, on a paying basis. If I took any .other stand
on th1s maHer, I would be a fraud and a hypocrite.
lily Cllolce IIIII Solll ke
Specials for Thurs.. Fri. & Sat.. July 19. 20. 21.
IIIII leell!
* * * FIBST QllAJ)E CtJ~Whole or ShaD.k Balf
HAMS .lb. SSt
lb. 43t
Chuck Roast
Ground Beef . 4 ... .,.
ROAST lb. 53~
OICAa IITKD-1 a. c.uo
8y COL AJmllEW W. SlfiTIL P'onDW ~~~of City Cowacll
Convention Is a tough nut to e A BEAD WILL BOLL my sentlmentl against the tax crack. Non e t h e l e s s. why not
In vlno verltas.. In vodka the Increase, a nd I have mailed the achedule the tournament for
naked truth. Without that win· original copy to City Council be· three days, Instead of two! Hold
dow dressing sm ile recently cause one of them once said to the warm·up party the first
adopted for use In their switch of me In Cou ncll meeting, "Maybe night, then make everyone sta y
diplomatic policy, the old boy the members of the Council don't put untll noon the next day or
really took ott the wraps. Them read your column." I replied, until at least mid-morning. That
Rooslans m ust be getting Irked "The heck they don't! They read would permit that really n cltlng
a t the failure of winning control It fo.r rear I have mentioned them event that characterized aU prev-
or the remaining countries of the personally or for fear I haven't." lo ua toumarnentl -the take-off
tree world. It won't be lonr now • • • of all boats at the same tlme.
that a head will roll e DEA.Jl COlJ'IICIL THERE was a thrill for both con-
The Commies have a treatment Here's the letter I sent to testants and spectaton!
tor alcohollsm that Is quick and Council: Once away, let the boats head
sure. They just separate the ap· tor the albacore grounds and put petite from the allmentary. Kru-City Council of Newport Beach In a GIVEN NUMBEit 0 ., HOURS
chle will soon be reported u Newport Beach, Callt. OF FISHING by the same honor
seriously Ill for a few weeks-Madam Mayor and Councilmen, system that has always pre·
posthumously. (Tbey will ellml· I wla.h to be placed on record valled. Slow boats. this way,
nate him sudden·llke, but carry as opposlne the 2l·cent ra ise In could take more time to tlnd thto
him on the critical list tor a the tax rate of the c eneral tax fish and still have an equal
decent period before announcing tund, for the following reasons: chance. This elven number of
h ls death from natural causes-1. You have publlcy admitted hours could apply to the second
not lead pol.aontnr.> that the budret is balanced with· fl.sh lng day, too. U a lay.over at,
• • • out the 21 or 22 cents additional say Pyramid Head on San Cle·
• 1001. O..OSED tax. mente Island, was necessary, let
In llstentnc to members of the 2. Thls money so raised would the committee provide a regular
City Council, I cather that they be put Jn a reserVe fund tor cap· r as boat at that point. Its touah
have the Impression that there ltaJ expenditure In the future. to do It on an Individual basta,
Is little or no oppocJtlon to tbelr My objectJon to this Is two·fold: easy enough If commlttee·ar·
big Ideas for the taxing and use a. It would be a constant ranged.
or our money. temptation to every succeed· We've now had two days of
So I just started askJng peoptl!, in& Council to have the thrlll fishing, let's say-OR. a total of,
''What do you think of the pro-of spending that big money. for example, 15 hours of tl.sblnc
One near·catutropbe occuned
early Saturday when the Mardel,
a Tona Club entry, eanyine the
owner, "Doul"' Graham ot Lon&
Beach. Lester Callaban ot Lone
Beach and Paul Boren of Lido
Iale, ra.nuned the North Coronado
Island whUe crul.slne on auto·
matlc pilot In the pre-dawn
Desl)lle major damage to the
hull. the 42 ft. Chrla-Cralt wu •
able to return to San Dle10 under .,.
It's own power. ''Les" Callahan ~
wlll be remembered u the owner •
or the lll·fated AUCIAN, wbJcb •
burned and sank ott Me.x.lco HY· ~
eral years ago. e P. A. lfEZT BOST
The Loa Angeles Rod 6 Reel •
Club was host club for this year's •
tournament. Maurice Levy wu •
chairman of the host club'a com· .,.
mlttee a.nd served u emeee for ,.
the dlnner and award ceremo-•
nlea. Pacllle Anelen of the Bal· ..
boa Bay Club, 1955 champions. r
will be host for the 12th Inter-~
club Albaco~ Tournament tn ~
1957. • •
CDI1UYEL --Hmbor 12M
, ...
DilEllO ..
posed tax Increase!" b. Tbe $5.000.000 yearly In · time, this tlme to be utilized by D·VJIIOLITZa
Too often the reply was. "What crease ln a.sseument values each boat as they see flt. U you Claaba. ..._, ~ "-IU
tax Increase!" would be enjoying the ben· are In fish, keep fisbJng until c.a ~ Oompla Rome ~
• lllllttr..,.. Alter It was explained to them. etlts without cost In this you have used up your allotted .. _.,
their aentlments plus those who flscal year. time--In one day or two.
were already familiar with It 3. The additional charre on It's now the third day. Allow 211J~~ ..
, ....... ...
COSTA WESA added up to 100'A. opposed. I water (a hidden tax) to finance halt of thl.s day to eet back from Corona del liar
have not found one person out· needed repairs and Improve-wherner you nay be. Make the ~;~~;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~!!!!!!!1!!!1!1!!!!!!!~ side of the Council who Is In ments. plus the 5!5·cent High welgh·ln tlme early, say' noon Y'
favor of the tax Increase. U thl.s School District tax. plus the or 1 p.m., and tcbedule the rest
were submitted to a vote of the county tax lncreue -all these of the afternoon for relaxing,
people, It wouldn't get to tlrst new burdens make it plenty dJI. ahowerln& or siestas. Flnlab It ofl
base. tlcult for property owners, and that evening with a dinner and
If you are opPosed to this tax cause them to wonder If they can announcements of the wJnners. Increase, let the Council know lt afford to owp property ln the Take THREE days, not two for
by letter addressed to: City Coun-City of Newport Beach. the works. It deserves lt. lt'a
ell, Newport Beach. To be con-4. Your attention Ia Invited to undoubtedly the blrgest. most
sldered at the next meeting page 1 of your r~tly adopted exciting fishing event In South·
(when the tax rate will be set), budget: column 6, under the ern California. Why reduce all
your letter must reach City Hall headlne, "Eattmated unexpended the participants to baggy.eyed,
by noon tomorrow (Friday, July funds, June 30th, 1957," Jlsted by Umbered-legged, black and blue
20I. departments, with a grand total litter cases, just becauae It's been
Now Is the time to squawk. of $704,434.52. Thls of course In· customary to run oU the whole
Don't walt untU you get your eludes estimated revenue to be show In 48 hours!
tax bill rome November. All you raised by the 21·cent Increase, e P. A. SEOOIJD
can do then ls moan. which will brtnr In approxl-Here are some more notes
I have written a letter about mately $130,000. Let's subtract about the Tourney, which wu
LEtt en ... that, and by your own est imate won by the LJght Tackle Marlin
you expect to have an unex-Club of Newport Beach, just
pended balance of $610,UC.!52 on ahead of the Pllcltlc Anglers.
June 30, 1957. even without any Pad.flc Anglers, Winners of the
tu lncrea.ae at all. Thl.s sum Is 1955 Tournament, were within 11 ~~~~-!i~ii a monument to the sate-euard· points of the leadln& Lleht !!II!B!III!: Dear Hop: lng of public money by previous Tackle MafUn Club at the end of Iii
The Log hit the nail on the Counclls. In addition to this you the ftrst day. R. D. (Bill> De La·
head! picked up an addltJonaJ $150,000 mar, fishing on hls LADY LA·
Thanks for one of the nicest unexpected oU Income, which MAR. abo .. llmJted·out'' aoon
and most understanding editor· you have expended. after 9 a.m. and hlt catch plua
lals on a very Important ilaue ThLt tax lncreue, tf lmpoeed. thole of his teammates, Dr. S. B.
that hu ever been written. will put us up to the lepl Umtt, Monaco of Balboa and Frank
Federal Ald to Schools-you'vt! beyond which you cannot 10 Uaedon, Balboa Bay Shores,
put It right on the line. without a charter amendment by helped Pacific Anelers to worry
........................... ,..
•• ....., ......... 1 , .... ... --w.......,. Day ... .....
Dally • CLID. Sincerely, the vote of the people. U you the Lleht Tacltle M.arUn Club
Dick Richard should try that. you may find rooters more than they care to ~~al!!i!~!!!~~~~;;~~~~~~···ai•••;n;•~ younelvea faced at the polla by admit.
a rebelllou.t publle. Team captain "Hal" Kenoyer,
~ •. .
~· . . ....
1'hlD.k It over. Tbere Lt a limit of Lldo lale, ftablnl aboard Ec1
to even what a aheeop wUJ stand Delaney's IIDSS lEV U, bad IIOJ'De
without aoinl mad, ao4 It Ia Mid bad monwnta luftdq wben an
that a ~!beep cone mad Ia a tB· eortra-ltubbom lonl·ftft on K•~~~~;;;~~~;~~;~;;::l::=::d r1ble slibt. noyer's rod del~ t.belr art.·
• • • noon tan-eft ,_. the -..--. e !'D Wr&a MD station b 2) mbnrt-.
Jfet oa1J .,. Oi:llb JDbecS up ond·day oatdl qtl 5 fllll. wldeb
wta.n to laold tM aiNDa dll Mar would baw .acfdtd AllllltiMr 14 W•• .._ 1M .._ oa wt.o potna to tbe P. A. --. wu ,.au.......-n ... ....,~ .1ar ,......., t11e ........,. •a 111e11 IUt the lltdoll ~ .... ,.. .a.
JI'Oftta be ....... to tbe ~~ ,...._. .. ec.r ....... d of lD a.e tallJ, ...
Ge Yaidl Olallr ... eat .._ 'nM*Ie 08 ... ._.,,..eeamea. ...,.. ..._.e. llaw ...... ,.. • ......ur .... ., ... ... ...... ..... ............ ~-... ..... ~i ,.._.., .. IEJ ra ...,,.. ....... . -· ., ___ ..... -.. .. ::-:.•=-.. ...... ..., ........ _ . ....,, ......... ...... ..,.
FREE BAJJ.OONS -RIDES 5c 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
• Yll'l BIWLIII•
O.U M .... e OPD ALLnS
r... t.tnctloa A"••n• PVLLY AUTOMATIC ftlf IK'n'ED
• corru ao• *
..... I Swln •I• E, 11~••11
•"TM Fillttrm4""
• Complete Dinner Menu
and Servin• the
Flneat Food In th•
H•rbor Area
()pfm EwrJ/ Da'l/
from 11:00 AM ro t :OO AM
... .....v .............. .._. ....... ,
y .. ,..., ...... u ., Hilt:~ .... " ...
........ lln .......... Jtdf' ....
-r. T ~
) T I' . \ I' '' ~·· l. I '• II' II\
City a-rk JC-..y ......... .....,_ RW Gad
Mrs. Doyle (IIG ... et) aiJ.bel't. Scrri8p .ad
Loella ~ ---' wbo pat tiM •rt•-
throagb Ita~ '-tbe 'rislton. (Pboto bf L
N ull)
L)'llne PatkJU,tnlt. 3~. of 1.8rM I Pl ...... ~-. iT-. .... Coral PL. ClJtr Jla...,. ... no( ; •• _,: ~',Y '
lnj~ •ben ahe ran tnto the ~
r•tht front cl a car at lfewport ~~
Blvd. and 32nd St., Newport
Beach. at 10:15 a.m. July 7. *
'nle motorts£ Frank I . PauJu.
53. oi23C Broactlvay, eo.ta Mea, TIIIWI
said that be had stopped tor the J J -.op aiJD at the Jnt:ft'Mrtlon and •
when he .tarted out the pi ran
into the right front of hla car. ••---... Mr. Paulas took the &irl to a .._...
phyaJclan tor an examJnatlon.
Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p.m., $1.50, Children 65c
* * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat Leanng E't'ery 20 Minutes *
E...t.CJ OaMa ~ • -.cry QoeeL .. 1:00 p.m. & t p.a.
F!re Dama.ge School Board Adopts
Fagures Gaven =:::~::!~~~~~1~::e $1,106,357 Budget
tires caused $550 damage during June, Fire Chief Jan Briscoe of A budget of $1,106.357 Cor the Ices, $2,000; capital outlay. S4S.·
Newport Beach haa announced. 1956·!57 achool year has been 000; transfers, STSO ; und!strlb·
Flres during June included 4 adopted by the Newport Beach uted reserve, $55,000, and eeneral
dwellings, 2 otber buildings. 3 elementary school district board reserve $45,000. 1 :;;:;;;:;:::::==::=::=:=:::=:=:=:=:=:=::::=.=::=.=::::=:~~~~~~~~~-truh. one auto, 4 boat and one ot trustees. I Mrs. Louis Csenar, the new ~-........... ,..... -·•-... -·•-na ......... __ ~
tire outside a building. Firemen The new budget compares with trusteft president, aPPoInted ! L I>
also made 4 rescues. 4 service $927.060 for the 1955-56 school Harvey Pease chairman of ways ~ a I
3 needless calls. Largest Item In the new budg· Berry, salaries. tenure and In· i I calls. 3 invmteatlona and ran on year budeet. and means committee; Mel ~ ih-0 ~ a
The flre prevention bureau et Ia t688.205 for salaries of In· surance; James D. Ray, .chool • rL.--a 111!:.= f·-..1
1 conducted 249 ln.sp«tlons. issued struction, expenses of lnstruc· facUlties, building, equipment ! r.... -·----
9 ~nn1ts, Issued 10 recommen· tlon, supplies, audio visual and and altes. and MUo Lacy, main· :
daUons and 2 legal notices, con· Ubrary aupplles. Other amounts tenance, repalr and transport&· i • ..-ra•• •
ducted 8 tire investigations, held tn the budcet Include admJnl· tion committees. She named her· i •• ~ I
7 drills In school& and checked stratlon, $40,725; •auxlllary aerv· self to head policy and procedure l-2511 JrEWIOIIT &ft. e COlT& IIDA
6 aets of buUdlne plans. Paid Ices, $1S.100; operation ol achool committees. 1 ;~· ~~~~~~~~~~....-~~-~-~~-~·~· .... §·~··~·~· .. ~·~··~· ~···~ .. ~-~~·~· ~· ~· ~··~"~' ~-~· ~· ~··~· ~· ~· ~~ call firemen conducted 59 houtS plants. $100,690; maintenance or A bid of S3.!58C wu awarded
of drill and paJd firemen con · a c h o o I plants. $20,000; flxed to the Harold E. Shuaart Co. ot
ducted 239 houra ot drUI. A joint charges. $40.887; transportation. Los Anreles for acouatlca.l treat·
Inspection program on substand· $47.500; all C'U.r11!nt expenses of ment ot the gym at the Horace
ard houain& wu Inaugurated education for the achool year. Enslen school to permit use of
with the clty buUc:Unc depart·! Other budget Items are food the auditorium purpoeeos. It calls
ment. services, $5.400; community aerY· for aeoustlcal treatment of walla
Leader in Angling Tourney
Has 18 Species of Fish
and the installation of baftllng I
In the ceUine. R. Jack Sareent.
Santa Ana palntlnr contractor,
wu awarded a $1.470 bid to
paint the outside trlm on the
aouttl, east and west expotiUt'eS
of the Newport .chooJ. A $1.902...10
contract went to the Western
f) ~Uwu;
Dennla Carpenter, with 18 spe·
cles o1 flab caugbl Ia leading in
the race tor cb&fDplonsbJp ln the
annual Junior Tournament ol the
Balboa Anellng Club.
Leading the c1rl anrlers ls
Jean Va.n Dame. with 15 species.
Bob Scotleld of the Touma·
•• C.nM Willi
George Running of 510 Bolsa
Ave., Newport Height& wu ar·
rested on an Intoxication charee
by Newport pollee at 9:54 p.m.
Friday, July 6..
Newport pollee received a call
from Jack Poteet of 3308 Clay St ..
Newport Heights. that a man,
covered with blood, was In the
back yard. Mr. Poteet aald that
he had openesf his back door
and a man covered with blood
had fallen Into his back porch.
Mr. ~teet rushed the man back
out Into the yard and called po·
The man was found In bushes
at the rear of 3300 Clay St., with
wounds about his head and
band& apparently suffered when
falling down. He was taken to
Hoag Hospital for treatment and
then booked ln jaU on the lntox·
lcatlon charae.
The R. H. Drakes o1 223 Poin·
settla Ave •• Corona del Mar, have
moved to La Habra.. where they
will be nearer Mr. Drake's work .
ment ConuuJttee reporta that 187 Sprinkle" Co. ot Santa Ana tor a
junior anglers are now entered sprinkJing system at the New·
In the contest. and there ls stiJJ port Belehts School.
Ume to enter. 'nle Tournament Landscaping plans tor the
w1ll continue until Auc. 18. and Newport Heights school. sub·
the priZL' a•ard party will be mJtted by Richard Beeson. land· Delld s• II h a ....... lad.... $1' 1 1 til•
held Aug. 2S. An outboard motor scape archJtect, were approved. ~ .._ Clad cWU ...U... wt~ t1Mrt -aa tic --~ ol
araln .wUl be the crand prize. School caretakers will do the the ....... Oa9w. IAeatld -Pala ...... -'hny'a Lalad-
Standlnga to date are as fol· planting durlne July and August. 1Ja9. •a.o.. a.ta. ..a,
lows: I New teachera approved Cor em· -------~Sl~l~E~«a~w~a~w~~PJ~--.~~wau.a~~-------C:Orblna-Danny OstJ, 3 lb. 2~ ployment Jncluded Jacqueline I ....... KASj ft&lrr
oz., bonita-Frank Lo PrHU, 7 Klassen. Robert UJly Mrs. Betty OVV 1 n ~ UIU"'~
lb. 15 oz.; .bus-Rtc)lard Nobles, Elll.son, Everett Tho;,pson. Ber·
7 lb. 8 oz. • white sea bau-Jrn nard GUbert. Chester Burwick PlM lood ••• eecfdlll1 ta. • . • a.. ...... ldtlliltly td8e
Nebon, 2 lb. 10 oz.; spot in and Mrs. Patricia Brown. 1 =-~ * «a :taw • • • &.y .. wet .. ..._ -..,.;..;.· -· croak~ -Bruce Russell, • lb. Superintendent Roy Ande~n ... 1111" · "iil' ...,_ aJ..s..; tam rtpt .... IIIP~
2 oz., barracuda-Dean York. 7 announced that vacancies 1st ::!t..:--. tua diM • ,.._...,. llo..t • cr..-ef 6 ...U.
lb.; Pacl!lc mackerel-Jean Van Cor a first grade teacher a~~ a 101'79 0. S. IIWY. 101 aear AJrAJIEDI Uii iOitE ~
Dame, 3 lb. 3 oz.; yellowfln lower grade art teacher. Clllllftlrllllft
croaker-Danny Ostl, 1 lb. 3 oz.; Non·certiflcated em pI o y e e s U._..118 CAFE -All .....
haHbut-Jim Nebon, 12 lb. hlred Included Jack Schick. head ~~~=Gild .acs.t Cbt•n• JWbau aat
custodian. Newport school ; Jack ..... _... -...-.ty • .-pi U. IDchadlag au.. c:beb. ••· .... c.a•c ..... Tweedy, custodian; Mrs. Katha· derfa.1 Qt•a-toed uttaoeta .,.._..ta ~ ~t tbe leen Leitner. secretary. Newport SoathJaDd. Ira wvrtb • trip to ~ Clald!ee lA tbe
T 11-LI -~ ... Sch I ~ aad ateab at.o cmt &eatund. Tet L1D la -·" boa. 1 till -WI oo . and A. P. Walker. bus Otic sa 9Ift &laop Dlllrt ~. ·--
driver. 127 £. CEWTEL AJfAHEIM JtE----. .. .or11 . A barefoot young man, about w··-"'--"
20, wearing a dJrty yellow shirt
and Balboa blues. kicked Thomas
C. Webster of 3024 Ocean Blvd ..
Corona d~l Mar. In the stomach
and hit Stanford H. Atwood. 2050
E. Ocean Fronl Balboa. In the
mouth anrt forehead. on the
ocean beach at "M .. St.. Balboa.
at 9:39 p.m. on the Fourth of
Edward C. Pope ot 543 Dian
Lane, Harbor HJ&hlands. reported
that an argument started on the
beach when he sought an
apology from the barefoot man
for namc ·callinr earlier on the
Balboa Island brld.e.
........ .., 1'11111
Cnselnlllef 3
Ronald G. Rowe. 22. of Ana-
helm. wu anated on an lntoxl·
cation charge by Newport pollee
following a dlaurbance In Ern·
le'a Bar. 435 lf. Newport Blvd..
Newport HeJpta, at 8:11 p.m.
Friday, July 6..
Rowe was found lytn1 In a
driveway alonplde the bar In a
8e'l'l'll·COI\SCIOU. conclJtlon, covered
w1th blood. apparently aurrerect
by a blow ID the mouth. -..r •
teeter Robert a. Banehlcl
daarl'e<f that.,_. came'lftto the
bar Jn a be11111Nnt mood. ...
uliled to }MW ~ tlmM aJHI
ftaally dld. ~ to r-t Jnto .aa
MI'IJIMI'It ... .. Santa. Aaa
...... wtth ...... fllllt .....
Army PFC Robert R. Griggs. 19.
110n of Mrs. Herbert Holdrldgt-.
l MS W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa, has
completed a month-long series or
Cleld training tests with the 10th
lntantry Division In Germany
near Grarenwohr. ~rmany.
PFC Griggs. a gunner In Corn·
pany I of the dlvlsron·s 86th
ReglmPnt, entf!'red the Army In
~mber. 1954. and recelvf'd
basic training at Fort RJiey, Kan.
He arrived In Europe In July.
1955. He Is a 1954 graduate of
Newport Harbor High School.
. .,.._..1110 PIIIDAY, .JULY aoth
......... llftO
.1-tf~I~~A IN"
7S,...~ .. ,edk
a ll•:*" • a....._ ....... ,...,.
• • • 8
... .,. Hop
I M 8 E M E 8 M E H M M M <' M . . . . . . . . •:•
Do You Favor Subsidies 1
t h&d some uncompliment&ry commenh to make in J.,st week'~
log &bout federal aid to aducation. I don't wis~ for .an~n the in·
tarests of keeping bi9 govamment fro~ meddl1~9 w.'th our schools.
and therefor& in the 1nterests of preservtng our l1bert1es.
I was getting around to enother closely related topic when I ran
out of time and space last week. That's the topic of subsidi!s in ge~·
eral. I'm agin' them too, and for the same reason: They are fUSt a b•g
fisted wedge for Uncle Sam to chop away at our freedom.
e DAirl AGAIIf quuten at Jfewport ~Mdl, wu
By now, I've ju.st about r«UP· wapd al.mc* entlnlJ out ot San
ereted from the l nterclub Alba· Dlep. The albaeore .eboobl w.... ,.
, core Tournament. U you don't 40 to :50 mU• out ol that port.
think it tak8 a lot out of you, on a IIOUth·w.t coune and all
uk any of the 218 anglers and of the IW eompetlq boat.l tied
alr..lppen who were In lt. liP ln San Dtqo Saturday nlaht.
'nit. yur, th~ weren't many Vezy few craft l'4!tumed to l'faw·
pattie~ before or dwlng. Some· port Harbor Sunday nlaht be·
how, thouah, you manage to lose eauM of the 90·odd mUett be-
a Jot of sleep Just the same. tween the flahJng grounds and U .....,
You've got to go to bed as soon the home port. •• ..._ ..-. c.e. .....
as you get back to get ln any· More than ~ score of anglers "============~ thing like a decent niaht's abut· were driven to the patty at the '
eye when you're heading out Balboa Bay Club by chutft'ed
anywhere from 1·3 a.m. My per· bua from the weighing station at
1 sonal total was 4 ~ hrs. In the the Marlin Club of San Dleco,
two nights. That was probably headquarters of tournament a c·
about average tor everyone In tlv1tlett at that port.
the deal. Tosaed In for good mea· LargHt ft.h, a long·fln of 27
swe . were two days worth of pounds, 7~ o.z. wu caught by
really rough water. It was 110 bad Ed Watkw of the Light Tackle
that I couldn't make my favorlte Marlin Club team. Balboa bland
stew. I'm still wondering how tackle dealer GoTdon WeviU took
l'Veryone managed to avoid get· aecond with a 25 pound 3 oz.
tlng tossed Into the drink but aJJ Junker.
apparently hung on throughout e DDO&AJfCB COIITKIT
The farm subsidy is a shocking example of un·American tactics
of a chieving greater controls over large segments of the American
people. For reasons of power and politics, fhe federaJ government is
creatinq a favored cf&ss of citizens out of the farmers--at the tre---------------------------
mendous expense of tha rest of us citizens and taxpayers, and: eventu· ~ _ J• ~~ e:JtMfl those two rugged days. The tournament wu not only e LET'S CIIJllfQE IT a competJUon but an endurance
ally. et the expense of the farmers themselves, because they are selling '-'~4 N c'>l
thair soul for a mess of pottage. • • • Next year, Pacific Anglers Ia cont.Ht, bec:au.e of the dl.ltarlce
host club, which gives me a the albacore Khoob were from
chance to get in my full two· ahore. M<* boats pulled out of
cents worth of suggHtlons. their San Dt.co moorings by 2 It is a crime against re•son and nature and humenity to force
hard·working and severely taxed citizens to pay hard·earned money
out of our pockets to pay other citizens NOT TO PRODUCE. This
has all the justice of an enormous subsidy by the government to keep
the ox·cart busineu thriving some decades back. It is the subsidy that
~eeps uneconomical end out·moded methods and enterprises elive, at
our expense, long after they should have given way to something more
useful and more productive.
The postel subsidy is a rsother sorry example. This is also another
example of the blindness of Mr. Averege T axpeyer. He wants the
Govemment Post Office to keep the price of postcerds et 2c. regular
fetters at )c postage. eirmaif at 6<:.. He believes that raising the rates
to make these meilings pey their way would cost him extra money.
But don't forget that if the postal service would be put on e pay·
ing besis, there would not be that tremendous Post Office deficit each
year. That deficit, which hes to be peid out of your tax money, means
that you, the ave~~age user of the mails. are footing part of the bill for
the big users-the big quantity postcerd mailers, the hefty national
magazines. end the newspepers. Yes. even us. the weekly newspapers
of the nation.
. If the ~ost Office would be required to go on a peying basis, like
prtvate ~us1ness htts to do or die, Mr. Averege Citizen's postage ex·
pense m1gh! go up a dollar or so a year. but the huge postal deficit
would be w1ped out. and the taxes needed to pay this loss could help
8y COL A.lfDilEW W. SIIITIL PonD• Jleat.ber of Clty CouDdl
In v1no veritas. In vodka the
naked truth. Without that win·
dow dressing smUe recently
adopted for use In their switch of
diplomatic policy, the oJd boy
really took oU the wraps. Them
Rooslans must be getting Irked
at the fallwe o( winning control
of the r~malnlng countries of the
tree world. It won't be long now
that a head will roll.
The Commies have a treatment
for alcoholism that ls quick and
sure. They j u.t separate the ap·
petite rrom the all~ntary. Kru·
cble wiU soon be reported u
seriously Ill for a few weeks-
posthumously. (They will ellmJ.
nate him sudden·llke, but carry
him on the critical list tor a
decent period befo~ announcing
hls death from natural cawses-
not lead poisoning.) • • •
Convention Is a tough nut to a.m. each flahlng day, and en·
my sentiments against the tax crack. N on e t be 1 e s s. why not countered rough water and un·
Increase, and J have mailed the achedule the townament for seasonally cold weather off·
original copy to City Council be· three days, Instead of two! Hold shore.
cause one of them once said to the warm·UP party the first One near-catastrophe occurred
me In Council meeting, "Maybe night, then make t'Veryone my early Satwday when the Mardel.
the members of the Council don't put untll noon the next day or a Tona Club entry, carrying the
read your column." 1 replied, I untiJ at least mld·morning. That owner, "Doug" Graham of Long
''The heck they don't! They read would permit that really acltlng Beach, Leiter Callah.an ol Lon•
It for fear 1 have mentioned them event that characterized all prev· Beach and Paul Ro1e:rs of Lido
personally or for fear I haven't." lous tournaments -the take·Off Isle, rammed the North Coronado
• • • of all boats at the same time. Island wblle c:rut.ing on auto· e DE.All COUWCU. THERE wu a thrUl for both con· matte pilot in the pre·dawn
Here's the letter I sent to testants and spectators! darknea.
Council: Once away, Jet the boats head Despite major damage to the
for the albacore grounds and put hull. the 42 ft. Chrts·Cralt wu
City Coundl of Newport Beach In a GIVEN NUMBEit O f HOU RS able to retum to San Dleto under
Newport Beach, Callf. OF FISHING by the same honor It's own power. "Les'' Callahan
Madam Mayor and Councilmen, sy.tem that has always pre· will be remembered u the owner
1 wish to be placed on record valled. Slow boats. this way, of the lll·faled ALICIAN. wblch
as opposing the 21 ·cent raise In could ta ke more time to find the burned and sank ott Mexico eeY·'
the tax rate of the general tax fish and still have an equal eral yea,.. ago. •
fund, for the following reasons: chance. This given number of • •· A. lfEZT BOST
1. You have publlcy admitted hours could apply to the second The Loa Angelett Rod It Reel •
c..t All 5
... ly
011 navn --HarM1241
.... wfltt thet , ...
cut down that frightening national debt.
I don't want to be one of a favored class of citizens. I want to • 100'-o•I'OSm
pay my fair share of taxes, end therefore I want the Post Office De· In llstenlnl to members of the
that the budget t. bala nced with· fishing day, too. U a lay·over at, Club was host club for thla year'a •
out the 21 or 22 cents additional say PyTamld Head on San Cle· tournament. Mau:rlce Levy wu ..
tax. mente Island, was necessary, let chairman of the host club's com· ~
2. Thls money so ralsed would the committee provide a regular mlttee and MrVed u emeee for ,..
be put In a rHftve fund for cap· gu boat at that point. Ita tough the cUnner and award caemo. •
ltal e.xpenditwe In the future. to do It on an individual buis, n les. PacJtlc Anal_.. of the Bal· •
My objection to tht. a. two·fold : easy enough If commlttee.ar · boa Bay Club, 1955 champlont, t
rtm t h d City Councll, I gather that they pe en to put t ir class mail (that includes the w .. ~ly newspapers) have the Impression that there
es we.ll es all other meiling. on a paying b4sis. If I too~ any .other stand 1s JlttH or no opposition to their
-o"'::;niiitiiihliiiS;;iimiiiaiiitt;;;;e;;;;r;;;;, ;;;;l ;;;;w;;;;o;;;;u;;;;ld;;;;;;;;;be;;;;;;;;;a:f=r=au=d=a=nd=a=h~y~pou~=i=te~.======:-big Ideas for the ta..xlng and use a. It would be a constant ranged. wUl be host for the 12th Inter·
temptation to every aucceed· We've now had two days of club Albacore Tournament in
Oily Cllolce lull SoN litre
Specials for Thurs., Fri. & Sat.. July 19. 20. 21.
IIIII leltl!
* * * FDST GllADE CU1LED-Whole or SbaD.Ir Ba.U
HAMS .lb. 55~
Chuck Roast lb. 43~
Ground Beef 4 ... .,011
(8(liCK IIOUJID 8011& •
of our money.
So I just started asking peop~.
'What do you think of the pro-
posed tax Increase!''
Too often the reply was, "What
tax Increase!"
After It was explained to them,
their sentiments plus those who
were already ta.mlllar with It
added up to 100% opposed. I
have not found one penon out ·
.side of the Council who a. In
favor of the tax lnaeaae. U thls
were submitted to a vote of the
people, It wouldn't get to first
lf you a re opi>qsed to this lax
lncreaH, let the Council know It
by letter addressed to: CJty Coun·
ell. Newport Beach. To be con·
sldered at the next meeting
(when the tax rate will be set),
your letter must reach City Hall
by noon tomorrow (Friday, July
Now Is the time to squawk.
Don't walt untU you get your
tax bill come November. AU you
can do then Is moan.
I have written a letter about
LeU en -
lng Council to have the thrlD fishing, Jet's say-OR. a total o.f, 1957. •
of spendJng that big money. for example, 15 bou,.. of flshlng .,
b. The $5,000,000 yearly In· time, this time to be utilized by D·~ ,.
crease In aueament values uch boat u they see fit. If you a..ln. ...... ~ ~... ~ Coeplete JloiDe ~
would be enjoying tt\e ~n· are In flab, keep f1ablng until .. =aatllrf • 1 , '• .._. d.lta without COirt In thiJI you have used up your allotted ~ naeal year. time-In one day or two. ._ ... .,.., a ..
3. The addltJonal charge on It's now the third day. Allow 2111~~.. CDTA ~.
water (a hidden tax) to finance half of tht. day to get back from Corona del Mar
needed repairs and Improve· wherever you may be. Make the
menta. plus the 55·eent Hlah welgh·ln time early. aa,y noon
School Dlatrlct tax, plus the or 1 p.m., and tchedule the rHt
county tax Increase - a ll the.e of the afternoon for relaxing,
new bwden.s maJce It plenty dlf. ah0\ftl'ln1 or slestu. Flnt.h It off
flcult for property ownen, and that evening with a dinner and
cause them to wonder If they can announeementa of the winners.
aUord to owp property in the Take THREE daya. not two for
City of Newport Beach. the work&. It deservett it. It'a
4. Your attention ls Invited to undoubtedly the biggest, most
page 1 of your r~tly adopted exciting fishing event Jn South·
budget: column 6, under the em California. Why reduce all
beading, "EIItlmnled unexpended the participants to baggy.eyed.
funds, June 30th. 1957," listed by llmbered·legged, black and· blue
departments, with a grand total Utter cases, just because It's been
of S7M,434.52. Tht. of course in· customary to run off the whole
clud~ estimated revenue to be show In 48 hours!
raised by the 21 ·cent Increase, • •· A. SECOifD
which wllJ bring In approxl· Here are some more notes
mately $130,000. Let'• subtract about the Tourney, which was
that, and by your own estimate won by the Ught Tackle Marlin
you expect to have an unex· Club of Newport Beach, just
pended balance of $610,434.52 on ahead of the hclllc Anglers.
J une 30, 1957, even without any Pad.flc Anglers, wtnne:rs of tbe
tax Increase at all. Tht. sum 1.s 1955 Tournament, were within 11 ._liollllll't~
a monument to the aale·guard· polnta of the leadln1 LJgbt
Dear Hop: lng of public money by previous Tackle Maflln Club at the end ot
The Log bit the naU on the CouncUs. In addition to thla you the tlrst day. R. D. (BJll) De La·
head! picked up an additional $1!50,000 mar, flahJng on bla LADY LA·
Thank& for one of the nJceat unexpected oU income, whJch MAR. also "llmfted·out" aoon
and most undemanding edltor· you have expended. after 9 a.m. and hla catch plua
lals on a very important 1.-ue Tht. tax tncreue, If tmpoeed. tboee of hla teammatea, Dr. S. B.
that hu ever been written. wtll put ua up to the legal limit. Monaco ot Balboa and Frank
Federal AJd to Schools-you've beyond wblch you cannot 10 Uaedon, Balboa Bay Shores,
put It right on the llne. without a charter ~dment by helped Pacltle Anders to worry
Sincerely, the vote of the people. It you the Light Tac:kle Marlin Club
Dick IUchard mould try tbat, J'OU may ft.nd rooters more than tbq care to -------------- ----- ----------youraelves faced at the po1t. by admit.
a rebellJoua public. Team captain "Hal" Kenoyer, ~~ &,I IAIBc.AIU4
Think It over. There 1.s a llmlt of lJdo tile, flsb.Jna aboard Ed W~ ·ww,~w
~.'! . .
~'" ·-' .
to even what a abeep w1ll .tand Delaney's lOSS 8EV II, had 110me ••-
without golq mact. uc1 at .. aaJd bad l'nOIMirta SUilday when an [::.,:;~E~·;·s•!£iii~~ that a abeep pne macl is a tft· extra·8tubbal'll lona·ftn on K• ·~·.P,I~; r1ble atpt. noyen rod del&Jed their &IW· )
• • • noon take-oft fGr tbe IM!fl~;;;.::~ e 'I'D LOWI&a UD ataUon fer ~ mlnutM. lie•
lW 01117 .,. 8Dib mtud up oncl·daJ catdl of. 5 fllla. wlllkb
wbae to bold U.. C.OU .s.J liar woalcl haw .acfcled anodMr 14
~lake. but.-011 wt.o points to u.. r. A.--.
pta tiM proceed~. It .... been ............. .. ........ 1
..... ztqJJ •a••*' tlaat the ...... 11 .aaut.. .-DI'ol.lta .. l1lrMd .... to ........ \
O..w o1. Ct••• ••• a. a.e ....a tallJ, ... the Yautll C.W ... -..a ftllde ....U. C:W. ..
..,., '" ~ fUj.. ... = ..... . .....
....... a ...... --·-~·· .;-....... .-.. ........ -: .... ~ _..._ .. ,,_.. .,, t =: sa
."-..... ... ... 2 5 .. ____ ....
... .,. a a
~·:.. ........ ............ ....... ~ .-M .. u;!~l;!ltt~;--..... !1-11....,.
FREE BAU.OONS -BIDES 5c 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Fne IMb:adloa AJ .... oo••
r1JU.T AUTOIIA'ftC ftll IKTI'BU • corru a o• * LmZIIT't I-JIM JOin YOUR FRIEnDS 1703 aunmo• AVEifV& COITA 'JIDA
•••• I Swl1 she E,at,••ll
• ''The Thhn'mc""
• Complete Dinner Menu
and Servin• the
Flneat Food In t hta
H a rbor Area
Opm Ewrr Dtl'l/
from, 11:00 AM to 1:00 A M
... ...WAne. ••••• ..-ew ._...,
y.., .. Lan •• , .. "'* ec.-"' ......
......... llr. .......... .teck' ...
~ T' . i . ' • \ \ ' . ~ 6 1 !_ ' \ I ' I I\
Lynne Parkhurst. 3%. of l80C
Coral Pl,. Clltt HaftO. wu not
Injured when abe ran fnto the
rlabt front or a ear at Newport
Blvd. and 32nd St., Newport
Beach, at 10:15. a.m. luJy 7. * 'nte moton.t. nank 1. Paulu.
53. of 23f Broadway, eo.ta Ill~.
said that be had uopped for the
lltop alan at the tntenertlon and
when he 5tarted out the flrl ran
into the rl&ht front of hla ear.
Mr. Paulu took the rtrl to a
phyafclan tor an namlnatlon.
Tllld'l ,_,_
City c:len 11...-r ~. II..,_ JIW ad
...... Doyle ( ........... ) cm-t. ScmiiP aDd
LoaD pa.rdloDlD9 ~ wb.o pat tiM._...,.
thJOagb lts pacee ._ tlae 'riattoa. (~ b'f L
F!re Dama.ge Xhool Board Adopts
F1gures G1ven ::::~::~~:::~:~~:= $1,1 06,357 Budget .
ttres caused S5SO damare during lune, Fire Chief Jan Briscoe of A budget of $1,106,357 for the !lees. $2.000: capital outlay, ~-
Daily 11:30 & 1:00 p.m., $1.50. Children 6Sc
* * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDEs * Boat Leamlg Every 20 Minutes *
Eftllia9 Oaaa m.s.-....., QueeD. .. I~ p.m. & t ...-.
Newport Beach ha.s announced 1956·57 school year hu been 000; transfers. $750: undlst.rlb·
Fires during June included 4 adopted by the Newport Beach uted res«Ve. $55,000, and general
dwelllngs. 2 other buildings, 3 elementary school district board reserve $45,000. :::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;=;;:=;;~;;:;;;:;:;;;:=;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;::;,;;;;;;;;;;~;j
truh, one auto, 4 boat and one of trustee.. Mrs. Louis Csenar, the new ;--
abo made 4 rescues. 4 service $927,060 for the 1955·56 school Harvey Pease chairman of ways ~!
calla. 3 Investigations and ran on year budget. land means commJttee; Mel .,
3 needless calls. Largest Item In the new budg-Berry, salaries. tenure and In· I
l>o~la tire outside a building. Firemen The new budget compares with trustees president. a p p 0 In ted ; ih-La
The fire prevention bureau et t. t688.2IIX5 for salaries of In· surance; l ames D. Ray, school •
conducted 249 Inspections. issued structlon, expeMH of lnstruc·l facilities, building. equipment •
9 permits. issued 10 recommen-tion, supplies, audio visual and and sJtes, and MUo Lacy, mAin· :
datlons and 2 legal notices, con-library auppJJes. Other amounts tenance, repair and transport•· ~ • ~ ••s •
ducted 8 fire Investigations., held In the budeet Include admlnl-~ tlon committees. She named her· : Olli'la ~
7 drllla In schools. and checked stratton. $40,725; •auxiliary 16"· self to bead policy and procedure 1 1511
6 seta of bulldlng plans. Paid Ices. $15.100; operation of school committees. 1 ~·~~~·~.,~-~~,.,~,.~·~,..§'~'§'~ ... ~~~ .. ~·~·~· ·~-~~~~~?"~·~· ~~·~· ~· .. ~C:C~~~· ~~~~-~MD~,~·~·~~ call firemen conducted 59 bows plants, $100.690; maintenance of A bid of S3..584 wu awarded
of drlll and paid firemen con-a c boo 1 plants. $20,000: flxed to the Harold E. Shugart Co. of
ducted 239 hours of drill. A joint ch ar&es. $40,88'7; transportation, Los Angeles tor acoustical treat·
Inspection program on substand· $47,500; all C'Urrent expenses of ment of the gym at the Horace
ard housing wu inaugurated education for the school year. Ensign school to permit use of
with the city buUdlne depart· Other budget Items are food the auditorium purposes. It calls
ment. services. $5,400; community serv· for acoustical treatment of walls and the installation of battling
Leader in Angling Tourney
Has 18 Species of Fish
In the ceiling. R. l ack Sargent.\
Santa Ana painting contractor,
was awarded a $1,470 bid to
pllint the outside trim on the
aout!l. eut and west exposures
of the Newport school. A $1.902.30
contract went to the Western
Dennla Carpenter, with 18 spe· ment Committee reporta that 187 Sprinkler Co. of Santa Ana for a
ctes of f1sb c:aueht. ls leading In junior anrlers are now entered sp.rtnkling system at the New·
the race for eh.,nplonsblp ln the In the contest. and there Is still port Heights School.
annuallunlor Tournament of the time to enter. The Tournament Landscaping plans for the
Balboa Anelln& Club. will continue until Aul. 18. and Newport Heights school, sub· I
Leadlng the &lrl anelers Is the prlu award party will be mitted by Rlchard Beeson land·
lean Van Dame. with 15 species. held Aug. 25. An outboard motor scape architect were ap ·roved
Bob Scofield of the Tourna-again .will be the grand prlu. School caretak~ will ~0 th~ I ........... 1
!~~dines to date are as !ol· planting during luly and August.
0 • I New teachers approved Cor em-
0%.; bonita-Frank Lo Presti. 7 Klassen Robert Lilly Mrs. Betty ~ UAI"~ Corblna-Danny Ostl. 3 lb. 2~ pl.oyment Included Jacquelln~~---------;ilt;-.;;;;::;U;;J;;;;;;:I;-=:;K=:'::ASJ:==~.~.~rr;_.------
lb. 15 oz.; _ba.ss-Rlc.hard Nobles. Ellison,' Everett Tho~pson. Ber·
7 lb. 8 oz.. white sea bass-Jim nard Gilbert. Chester Burw1 k , ,_ tood • • • ~ t.r · · • 0.. .....,. u.tlltiY cd8e
George Running or 510 Bolsa NeLson. 2 lb. 10 oz.; spot t ln and Mrs. Patricia Brown. c I ..... , d n t ••• z.y-w-t -.... ...-,.;..;.· ...
Ave., Newport Heights. was ar-croak~r -Bruce Russell. 4 lb. Superintendent Roy Ande~n ~ ~ .... 1lp a-t.. al9'd.. hlra rttllt .... asp...,
rested on an lntoxJcatlon charge 2 <rL' banacuda-~an York. 7 announced that vacancies exist :::u.:--. tua ~ • ,._.._. .._. • ~ -' • au.
by Newport pollee at 9:54 p.m. lb.; Pacific mackerel-Jean Van for a first grade teacher and a 1017'9 o. S.. JIWY. 101 Mar A.WABEJII UHIOJf£ ~
Friday, July 6. Dame. 3 lb. 3 oz.; yellowfln lower grade art teacher. I CIIIIMHriiM! CAfE
Newport pollee received a call croaker-Danny Ostl, 1 lb. 3 oz.; Non-certificated em pI o y e e s u--..n• -111.1111
from lack Poteet of 3308 Clay St., halibut-Jim Nelson. 12 lb. h ired included Jack Schick. head TIUa lalbwloaa cat.. larf-t CIDd .acs.t Cbln•• ...eau-t
Newport Heights. that a man, custodian. Newport school : l ack :.J>~-ct:a=-ty· -ploys SS. blel~ a1De dMfL •-·
covered with blood. was ln the 111111 Calli•• UaU Twe-edy. custodian: Mrs. Katha· tood ottua.u .-.-.ta tn. tlanMaPout u.
b k d Mr Po ld th
-rt I Lei t N SoathJand. lt'a wartb 0 tnp to A-belaa.. Qklree la tM
ac yar . . teet sa at TO li.LI -.1 ll..WI een tner, secre ary, ewport baa.bt Gad llteab cal.-an lecrtund. Yet Lla 1a _ .. ..__ he had openesf his back door llill -IV School, and A. P. Walker, bus ChU... tut lllop Qat door. ·---
and a man covered wtth blood driver. 22'1 £. CENTEJL AJIIAHEIM rE---S-4SII
had fallen Into his back porch. . A barefoot young m an, about r•·-
Mr. Pot~t rushed the man back 20. wearing a dirty yellow shirt PFC CaiGCS COMPLETES VIlA 1111111
out Into the yard and called po· and Balboa blues. kicked Thomas TB.ADnJ(C TEST IK CEJDCAlfT lice. C. WebSter of 3024 Ocean Blvd., Army Pf'C Robert R. Griggs. 19. Peatutav flatl MCdoocl. n.ob. prtale rib&. cblcba. dudt.
The man was found In bushes Corona del Mar. In the stomach son of Mrs. Herbert Holdridge. U.. VW. Mort... 1a -of o.a.g. Coe.lltT"• ti.Dest reft.aa·
at the rear of 3300 Clay St., with and hit Stanford H. Atwood. 2050 lo-J5 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. has rata. •=Q"Mt IOCIID ...ta 1IP tiD.._ Loc:at.d at the~
wounds about his head and E. Ocean Front. Balboa. In the C'Omplet~ a month· long series of to lcaJhoo lalo:acL Ullda .... ow-hlp a tM C1rq\ae In
hands. apparently suffered wh~n mouth and forehead. on the field training tests with th~ lOth ~
falllnl down. He was t4ken to ocean beach at "M" St. Balboa. Infantry Division in Germany --ft·-·IIOI-;jjjjjj;jLFI'iii:.iia~'S .. -.IEUiii:Siii:iiiT .......... _ ... ,;;;.;:;:IT;;;;;-~-;·=-=a:-:•=-=ao~.-=---
Hoal Hospital for treatment and at 9:39 p.m. on the Fourth of n£'ar Gralenwohr. Germany. anA
then booked In jail on the tntox· July. PFC Gr iggs. a gunn~r in Com F~ .t a...t
lcatlon charee. Edward C. Pope of 543 Dian pany 1 of the dl\islt>n's 86th Spedoll.m, 1a -a...~c nau-Food. ":~:ttaal .tlao·
I Lane, HarbOr Rlihlands. reported Reglm~nt. entered the Army In ....,.. Ideal ~ . ...U:S..~ n.u-r aDd '-trr
IIOVZ TO LABA••• that an arrument started on the 1 ~mber. 1954. and recelv~ paepcaed a.-a...d~Uo•a..,. lpeclili1 .._.. •••
11\e JL H. Drakes of 223 Poin· beach when he eou1ht an basic training at Fort Riley, Kan. ~ ...._. L•ngs• •-• MCide h-rio&&
settla Ave., Corona del Mar. have apology from the barefoot man He arrl\'ed In Europe In J uly, ~ I..Ua S• Poed. ~
moved to La Habra. where they for name-calllnl earlier on the 1955. He 15 a 1954 graduate of 511 lo1bocl m..s. D .u.r: TO co-• ..._ _.,
will be nearer Mr. Drake's work. Balboa Island brld&e. Newport Harbor High Sch~ __ ~EX DAILY .... tD aJdldtlat; Cloeed 11.....,_
Ronald G. ~. 22. of Ana-
helm. was arrested on an lntoxl·
cation charp by Newport pollee
foUowtn1 a disturbance 1n Em·
le'a Bat. 43S M. Newport Blvd.
Newport HelPb. at 8:11 p.m.
ntday. July 6.
Rowe was found Jytnc In a
dttveway aJo.qslde the bat ln a wmi·CONCI~ condttlon. c::ownd
With blood. apparentlY aua.ed
by a blow Ill tbe mouth. liar-
•• Jtobelt a. 11 a n • t el d clla..r,ed that .,_,. came blto tt.e
bel in a ~t mood. ,...
uMd to IMft ~ U.. ...
ft.Dally did. 0817 to .. lato ...
UIQIMftt .... • Suta .....
.,.. -*"" fWU)
-J~tiAI~fA IN"
75rwna~tM.-cHic ....,..._ ..... .... ,._
... ••• • HIP t .........
17 m• I.,
s ••••• ,
~ettll Elliott. 800 of IIF. aD4
Mn. Don Klllott ol 2181 PKI&
Ave.. ea.ta ...._ and Mt. Mar-
tan lutell. daupta> of IIF. ud
)(n. aQmon4 llutell of Ora.np.
pll&tatled tbeJt tJoCil 1at moaGl
at tbe Holy hmlJy Caaaotk
ChUI'da JD Oranp. 11M ..,.....
Mil Jr. ca..e ...,.. •a u" * ~ADA'S OJILY am,.,.
... _.., ............. , __ , -----
rln• eaa:oo;q wu Mid at a · r.-T c.= or ClliiiiT IDOI1l1q nuptial ...... .,
Tbe ~~deW• .......... Pa· -......... $SfSI!iJl ....
-trtda Bartell and lOa Jlarbara ..._ ~ h S • ty A•d .. j• • . ...._ -B~uteU. '""maid ot bonor and Su~kMot:U::SO and .\,.,nUrC OCie I 5 MISSIOnS so~a.S::: ~:&, !..::-,:::
bl'tdeala.id, ~my . .Anotb« a.m. ~~omtn• Wonblp-'7 ~ ~ '»srttna: l*l. ....._, S u & anne. wu junior CoUep • ~ SerVice -'"'-W011WD'a Baptla MlMJon· t.Mnfore are allowed to 10 duty Jleecllq ..,._, 1115 VIa Lido,
~d. Tbe bride's brother, p.m. J11Cb School MYP SeJ'vlce: ary Society ot tile rtnt Baptist free and are awe to be UNt\ll ~ 1eec11. """ t 1-JL·
RJchyd Bartell, wu beat man. 8 p.m., youna adults II'OUP Church at. lfewport hu reeently uUcl• AU ,.u 'round the 5 p.as._ '"* ~ t a.m.·T:45
whUe brothers of the croom. ~«Vice. dlvk!ed Into two drdes named women MW and make the Jlft· p.m. Wectn.daA T·t p.m. l'ri·
Donald and Robert Elliott. Weft TBZiCiiiOP c::aaJIT for WOlDen of the Bible. The new aertbed article., web IW'cical day eveninp.
uahen. 1010 ~ at.. c.te ..... .Ruth c h c 1e Ia dreaatnp. layettes and qullt PDIST UJ'I'IITW
M,.. V. L. Grtma. Mia. Robert LDutr a.IIM'P ~bead~ by Mia. pieces. They abo aend th1np to ._ .. A.-A.., .. 'iiu,11,.
Odie, Mrs. John B«den. aU af.a. D. Q. •...e. M'•' .. r ~ o u Ia J ames, t«rltCII'Ial mt..lold web u In· c.-. .._
ten of the rroom. uaWed at the Sunday services: 9:45 a .m. Bible ~~ whlle the Mary-dian reservatJons. When they ..... •· Q. ., ... ..,._
reception, u did MrL Rosie atudy; 11 a.m. momln~ wor· Martha ctrele Ia send boxes nearer to home they sunay Servleea: t:CS a.m. Sun·
Glftn, aunt of the bride. There· ahJp; 7:30p.m. evenineliervlce. t e m p or a r Uy Aft allowed to tuck .In addJtJonal d&J Sehoolj U LID. WCDhlp
ceptJon was held at the bdde'a Midweek aervice, 7:30 p.m. beaded by Mrs. Joe Calli, who Ia etfta and send clean u.ec:t cloth· SerYtces; e :30 p.m.. Ba~
parents' h<ftne. The eroom'a lfa. Wednesday. allo president of the Women'• In& u wen u the prescrJbed 'n'aiJlln• Unloffi T:30 p.m. 30 ter-ln-law, Mta. Robert Elllott. CIDJST CIIV1IC2 SY TBE lEA Miulonary Society u a whole. utjclea. ~ 8ai'Ytce. wednaa&,J: 7: wu In ebaree of the euest book. Three times a year the Society Otb« projects ot the women ~ Pr•if:• Pr-!-~nd Bible
'nte new Mrs. Elliott gradu· ~~,:_r.~ meets u a whole. The nat een· are to belp Cll'pJllze and prepare .. ~'7.· 01~&7· .Ji:. ~~
ated from Diamond High School ..,.._ 5111 eral meettne wW be held Tues· the monthly pot.Juck auppen of p.m. Men'a PraJ= iieetlni
AC110811'11011 au..Q.A aAY a.n In M!Dourl. The groom served ...._, ..... 1kJif A. Cars-day, When Mn. 1u&Jllta Anderaon the dum:h oonpeptlon and to ~-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!-----~-------!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ _. wtth the U. S. Air Force rradu· Sunday Wonhlp, 9:30 a.m. and of the First Baptbt Chu.reb of ~ NrYe .... a wlfe 1n a IT. AIIDUM
"!!!! atlng from Lindsay H1&h School 11 a.m. Church School. 9:3000 Lone Beach will talk on a num· bome," ~ Mta. W. S. Hunaakft, ~ ii"'!!Q .. Urnaca~
at Llndaay. a.m. Midweek Meettne: 7: her of the mtaions abe bu put pnmdent ol the er.x~p. 15tla St. & at. A• I awa ad..
• . . . . . . .
I • . . . . . • • . . • . • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • • • • • • . • • . • . .
Now! Hot soup in 68 seconds
when you cook electrically!
T ODAY, NOTKJNO COO~S PASn& tban a modem
dectric ranee. Hot soup in 68 eecoods. Ba.coa and
eap in 3~ minutcL lnst&nt c:otfee in 60 ecconda.
Fry, bake, broil or roast -dec:tricity doa it better .
TH:E:u's won: your kitchen is u mutb u 16'
cooler. ADd cleaner. Pots and paos llay mirror·
briJht. KitcheD walla look fresh and new twice u
loa a.
SOWEDAY YOu'LL COOit OD a modern electric
ranp. It'a alm~ inevitable. But why ~pooe it?
Ediaoo rates are amona tbe lowat io tbe c:ouot.ry •
What'• more. Edisoo acrvia:a your ranee fru u
looa u you own it. (lbe oaly cbarp is for Pasta.
when needed.) I lP Yov'aE anu. COOIDNO tbe old way, it's simply
becaUIC you haven't aeeo tbe oew 'S6 eJcctric l'allp
at your appliaDc:e cSeale:r'L
VISIT HIW and Live 8eUer-E1ectrieally I
' : . . . . . .
.. . .
: SOUTHEIN CALIFOIMIA COIIPAIIY • • • : I ............................................................
p.m. Wednesday preceaed by visited In otbet pAtti of the leeldcs Mn. C.lll. otb« otfl. .._.._ .... .-..a
W dd• AI 6 =15 p.m. potluck. world cera of the 'Women'a MJ.aaonary Liberty~ e lng So --...._., ..... J-LI .. wet IT. JOACIIDI CBU*'* Each year the women workers Sodety are Mta. Harry Elltu.a. SUNDAY: )(omJq wonhl~
C I b d liM a.-.. A ..... c... .._. ot the eburcll select a dltfeftnt vice pre.tclent; Mn. Eulala Estes, an4 11 a.m.: Ouarca 1. e e rate On I.Aertr a.1•1 foretan mission to help. The aecreta.ry • treuurer, and Mrs. 1:.30 and 11:0o: Jr. HlP. Sr. Pcraa. n...aa J, R..ta thlnp they pack and aenll to Wllllam Hocbdon. WhJte Croa H!l.ta and ooU .... ,. hllow·
J I F rth Stmdlrt' M-tit 7. L I. 10 ad these mtulon are requested from chairman ln c:b.arte of the mJs. lbf~ 1 p.m.; Tfiunda.J, rr.yer,
U Y Ou 11;30 a .. m. •eekdaya: Maa at the forelan service people and alonary work. lltllt17 croup, 1:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. -Confes.lon: Satur·
Mr. and Mrs. Geor&e F. John· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to c:auw OP OV1I LADY
aon of 600 Hellotrope Ave~ Co· S:30 p.m. TJ1E cauaca OP CidiiT IEV&ai• DAY ADVUIDt OP.MT. CAWMW
rona del Mar, had plenty rea.aond ruurr LU'TIIT catJ'&CII Odd p.uo.. ~ •....-t ...., .e ..._ at.. 1.C1 W. =. -;t •...-t
to set ott Roman candles an OP R&WIOft' 1• •.....-t A..... ...,...... ••~:~~ata p~ !·?•lr•l-=-=-cartwheela, torpedo& and every ...... Jll..S.. 1taa 6 Cout Ita.. C... •-LD tv a.aJa ·-~~;:;: __
other type of ftrecracker on July -~ z.u.ty a.Pn ZW. D. & 11"'s:!f1•1ddlll-f A '1 1 ,_._
Fourth. because that wu their ~ ~ a.t~n Sunl.-Y s!!;~!~:~&ole s..:r~~~30 a.m. ces_:, ~: Sunday M.-: 1:00 and 10:00 5&b wedding anniversary. ._._. W a. ...... and 12:00 a.m. Conf.-loft: Sat· 'nle couple. who moved to th@ Sunday services: 9:45 a.m., Sun· study; l0:55 Lm. wo.rahtp aerY· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· urda.J'8 and ewa. of t.t ~
Harbor .Area less than a year day School; 11:00 a.m .• Wor· lee; 7:30 p.m. evel)lne ~«Vice. tne: Wectn.day, 8:00p.m. and Holy Da7a from 4:00 to
a""' were married tn Dayton ablp Servlcei 'l:J.O p.m. Sunday ~ ._ w QUK& . --••-co-uiUTT 5:30p.m. and from T:IO to-.:30 •-· ' evenlnc ~·Mid-Week -., .. ...,_. -p.m.Dally ..... I:OOa.m.J'Int Obto, In 1901. A dJJlner party at Service: 7:30 p.m. 'wednesday A"' • Drd at. ~ J'tldaJ: 8:.30 a.m. and 8:00p.m.
the home ot their dauchtp and Pray~ Meetln£ ~ ~~~~ua 515 -~·~...... llovena (~al Help): .on-In-law, Mr. and lrlrS.. !lox __..._ d ....... _1 1 ..,., Mom .._.,, T:4S p.m. Hovatter of lrvlne Terrace. wu ..-.oa AIIIDOI.Y 01' GOD Sun ay ......_. : :~ a.m. · Actl8f 10 ' Ia a Willa-WU., . _
held ln oblervance of the ro· ClnpeL ... .._. C.W. lq Servlcl!, 11:00; Ewnln• Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mcm· ~ADa. IIU
ti t. 8lble C'.a..t-Sei'Yke. T:30. lllcJ·week Berv· Inc wonhlp, 11:00 a.m. ocetiivam caoac:a man c even J.a.tf ....,1 ke, Wed n e ad a y, '7:30 p.m. C ; :;:;; ,
Among the cuesta were four ..... C. a. ftw •II YOWtl ~ meet 6:15 p.m. PDIST AIIDDLY 01' GOD IU!s=• a ...
generatlona of girls. Mrs. John· Sunday aebool 9:30a.m.. mornlnt Sunday. 1184 at. & ...._a ..... c-a..._ =:.an
aon; Mtl. Hovatter; Mra. Bovat• wonhlp 11 a.m. Youn• J)eOp)e ID tr l-m1 Jt.11n ..... ....._a-ile
ter's daughter, Mrs. Frank Limb aerY lee 8:30 p.m.. eYen!nc a.u c 11. e. a...c. ,_._ SuJldQ Wonb.lp Se!Q:ee: 1:30
of Pasadena; and Mia. Limb's ........ -u .. aervtc::e 7:30 p.m. ----.........._ •• t·-··-----U:CIO --___ .._.__1· dauthter (the honoree's rreat iit~ MrV1c::e 7;30 p.m. 1501 Cldf Dr-·= ....... ~ ~ .... ~ ~~ i:iO a.ai. -____,-.
grand-daucJtt.er), J Itt 1 e eteht· Wectne.daJ. ....~ a.-l1l84 ~Oihf~-:-= Piolile:JO. 1'1' •. Ja1a1 rrAL !::rth=th:~ ~dy1!;<>~~~ cauw o1 a.. w.u.a•an: DupUcaw IDOl'lllnl ..mcea-9 ~ sun. Kid-week ~ -.. u... ._.
brother, Edwin Johnson. who ~-A art.._ at.. c.at. .._ a.m. ud U :1.5 a.m.. SU~ Ciecm.c~ay, T:30 p.m. LadJ_. Ullin
came wtth them from Dayton. ...._, ~. cam wuu-· Kin~ and Pre-Sch 1118Uonary Coundl. Tburwdayw ..... J ... a ~ ..._
Fourth of July jut started the ~: ~~~~,. School, ~Grade L~Jt ~: t:30 a.m. fer all day. ~!.~::-' a.m. =.
celebratlona at the Hovatter 1 :30 a.m. Komtne Wonhlp at daJ Sdlool. 10 a.m.: bua pro-Ice. 11 Llll: ;:::t';·~.
house, because Mr. Hovatter cele· 10~ a.m. Evancellatlc Serv· v1cled and ":'::1 ~ded for l'miT IOU IDU UPniT ftunda.Y a.~· ·1.5 a.m.
brated h1a birthday on July 5. Ice, 7 p.m. Sun d.ay. N.Y.P.S., both .....nee. aD 0 a.m. SuA· 150 w . ._:a;: c.t. .._ Pr&1W Oulld; ·io:.O aOa, Com·
Friends who carne down over the 6 p.m. Sunday: Pray~ meet· day SchooL 1.e ntr ...._ mu.n.lon,
week-end to help him celebrate Inc, '7:30 p.m. WedneadaJ. CidliiT LU"''DJJAJJ caoaca ~ Dr. ilc~~ .... & ,_ IT. JOIIIf Y1AJmrr
Included Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ~A IILAJfD or COITA.,IIDA Sunday .cbool. 1:45 LIILl. ebwdl llt ......_ Aftw ...... ..._.
Nutt of Altadena. and the Stan· woattt IO:TIIODDT ()III •=~:La service 11:00 a.m. ·noatnlq ~~AdJ. lilt
ley Calvert& of Pasadena. Prime 115 A9lde Aft......._ ~..a-4 A881f-~~~1 1l.m. Susndq. ~~ .,..._ 11 e, ~ . ._._
recreation for the birthday cele· Mlatetw1 ..... .,_... .... c.a. .......... 1p 8 p.m. unc!ay . .a~· Sunday ......_: 1:30 a.m. Ia 1:30
brant wu a came of golf. ..... .. ....., ......... ,.. ... eft and omcen meettnc 7 p.m. a.m. Conl..aoa: latwdQ'S and
Sunday s e r v 1 c e a : 9:30 a.m. SundaY Services: WonhJp Serv· Wednesday. Prayer MrYlee and ev-. of t.t J'rl~,. and Holy T .. WI •• t.l... auuch Scboo~:.30 ud 11:00 loe 9 a.m. SundQ Sc:bool at Bible maG)' T:45 p.m. wecme.. Dua: '7:30 to 1:30 p.m.; J"lnt -• a.m. WorabJp c::e. 10:1.5 a.m. • day. rrfday 11 .. I a.m.
Minor Injuries ~ ~eed -------------------------------------------------------------r------------------------------by two women In a three-ear ac-
dd@nt on Newport Blvd. 60 feet
.auth of VIa Udo, Newport
Beach. at 9:0t p.m. July 7 .
Injured were Shirley Anne
Caples, 21. of 2138~ <>ranee
Ave., eo.ta Mesa, and Joan B.
Ryan. 28, of Palm Sprtnp. Bee
were r(dln& In a ear drlveon It
MJchael E. Ryan. 38. ot Palm
Sprtnp. All three can had been
coin& .outh on Newport Blvd
Leona Z. Caldwell, 48. at. Sh«·
man Oaks. stopped to make a
left tutn Into a parkin• lot, and
Robert E. Workman, 19, of Or·
anp ~ bebJnd b.~. The
a,.an Yelalde bit ~e rear of the
Workman car, wblc:b wu
knoeked Into the Caldwell car.
A nearby llln'1ce .tatlon at-
tall ,, ·•call41 pollc::e clla.rpd a.t t1ae involved were
the street.
.-4 W'IZAlO .:>ATS ... ......... uv ...
'"' ...... IW., c... .... L!MtyNIII
~ ....... "-'-... , ..
t.WaOM.,H.WI771 ..... ...
e--•~ u..i c.-. c ... ,. .. ,, Alfu•• a ...... w., .-4 , .... Dept.
1740 ......... IW., c.-....
THE lAY DEI'T. STOU ,.. ..... ,.s.
F.1M .... Y•'-·
W• eM SIH ._ ._,.. . .............. ._._ ..
•u FUTCHB ,.. ............
.... ~ ..... a.-.
21M .....,..IW., c.. ..... ..... ......,a.422t
.. s.. ·-· ...
Dlll.c..t ....... C.... ......
,......, " ........... s.nte. AI,___,._ ••
............. c.. ..... WJ I. c:..t Hw,. C... ....... ...... ~, ...... Mil
lAY CITIES lu.sH NIWfOitT HAUOI DISflOSAL 00. INSI8NNEWSPANI .... c .... tt ........ Ptl •• "uu'd = ..... ~tiMfweele•rM
IIIIWI!II.Jwe..C...._ -LC....~ .,...,
&aulr ..... ...........
n. DAVIS aowN C.. WtiOO IATTM NT SHOP , ........... ==···· .. ,.. ........... ~····· v ............
·-~~c.. .... ..L.._ ......... .....,N411 ..........
MJI I. c:..t ...,., c..... ...... ;':;W: ~ :::. ,.....,.. ... c.... .... Hirt.,.,. .....,..m.
...... u.._ .............
• •
.. ADd the ntckel'lnl 1hadowl
~e>ftJJ come and go" . . . How to
Mt a 801\l at twlll&ht tlme on
your klnl bat·b·q table ... Tiny
three tncll candlet 1ha~ lUte
old fubJoned kerose'ne lam}MI
. . . Ill a candle'• mellow &low
all food becomet an occulon . . .
the quJclr u ndwtcb 11 not &UJped
quite 10 hutUy . . . One mUtt
paUMJ between bites o1 a bul&lnl
Allefww. .... ,_ .... DWteeic ...... -... ~ ...... -. , ....... ~)
···~·-·· .... --1 I-COMPUX
VITAMINS ... v....,.NC'.-11•..,•••• Y.-,_,. s ... ,, •Hef W..,.._,.. Vlf••••
130 Taltlets (R ... $4.00) ........ '3
JSJ N. Nowpott lh4. .... ,...,. ....
(2Wb.HMtf!l1 .. ~ ....., ......
hambur,er, reflect 1n a candle's
fllclrerinl Ueht ... A candle can
8e't a mood, whether drlpplrll
down owr a beer bottle or eUt·
tsln& radiantly atop a crystal
holder . . . But ttl meanin& re·
ma!na the same . . . A refiection
of Jove. warmth and plenty of
boaplta.Uty ... A candle la com·
pany when you are alone . . .
Cozy at a am.all table of (our . . .
A refleet.lon ot the hostesa down
a lon1 table or a laree crowded
: ............................................. •
room ••.
* * *
To pt M* to tbe oW laab·
....S Ma II I ._.,. W'CI'f ap
tJMN ••• ""* ad , .. Ort9·
l8lda Ia ......... TIMY
~ .. J * •• of ....,. «:.-·
,.... wta ... al~ a*·
tNyll .... ...s-.... madle
• • • Alld ... tilly .... cedi
• • • aaal .. Woony .... Cllll•
...... too wttla tiMit aolltray
at ... plaCe •••
TBE PODIU KIM Parbr DOW 1.8 Kn. Cod»J.a. (AJdeG photo)
MilS. JAJIU 8AJLE'f, the ,_ ~ £....-. (AideD pboto)
Pat Evenson of Costa Mesa
Weds Jim Bailey of COM
A Corona del Ma r boy and
Costa Mesa elrl. both former stu.
dents of Newport Harbor High
School. Pll&ht~ their troth at St.
Joachim Catholic Church. Costa
Mesa. on the afternoon of J une
Assisting at the reception. held
In the church parlors imm~l·
ately after the w~lne. were
Mrs. Dee Rayes, Miss Susie
Hayes. and Mrs. Inez Und.sey.
Pink cymbidium orchids 1n bs
corsaee match~ the pink acces·
A w~dlng touched by sadness, ba nd was lnjur~ on their WtY The bride ls the former Miss sories worn by Mrs. Wentworth,
Darlene Parker of Heights
Bride of Romaine M. Corbin
when m4!Dlbers ol the wedding to attend the wedding rehearsal Patricia Louise Evenson. daugh· compllmenting the lleht blue
party were muck by a fatal ac· a few days before. Mrs. Corbin. ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Went· sheath dress and dusteT In whkb
cldent. was held June 25 at St.
the former Shirley Mlthoft, was worth. 156 Rochester Ave., Costa sbe received guests. The rroom's
James Episcopal Church, LJdo to have been a bridesmaid and Mesa. The croom La James Hayes mother wore a brown linen au.Jt
Isle. Rev. John Parke, ~or, Wayne Corbin was to have been Bailey, aon of Mr. and Mrs. B. wJth white aCCHSOrles and char· unJt~ Mlas Darlene Parker and his brother's best man. Neverthe· E. Balley of 620 Heliotrope Ave.. truese cymbidium orchids.
Aetually the f1nt candles Romaine M. Corbin In a candle· less he requested that the w~-Corona del Mar. Alter a honeymoon In South· * * *
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
More and more • • people aay • •
SEA and SKI • • •
PISDIIELI • • • • • • • PIEIEITS • • • • • • Sllllll • • • • • • • ......, ..................... • ... ....... ~·0....• • • ~ .............. • • •
eUAfltANT •• ..,_,~ ..... ~
~ ............... _ ..... ... _ .... _,......
made trom dlpplne rushes in Ught ceremony. ding plans proceed. A full lenath lace g<Mn over em Cautomla and Mexico, the
melted animal fat ... Next can· Thl! groom's brother's wlte, • Miss Parker was escorted to net and t.&fteta fashioned with bride and groom will make their
dles were made out ot beet wax Mrs. Wayne E. Corbin, wu killed the altar by her lather Grant E. a train wu cho*n by Miss home In Solvanr. The bride is
. . . Friend Bee bu stUl got in an auto cruh and her bus· Parker. She wore a white satin Evl!nson for her wedding. She a graduate of Newport Harbor
modem ac:Jence ln a whirl tryin ------------gown of princess style wtth soft wore a pearl encrusted Juliet cap High School. The groom's schools
to produce a candle better than d net over the satin and a lace to hold ht!r waist length lace· Include Harbor High. Orange
hl.l'n .•. Real Bees Wax candles Ex-Pres·· ents overlay forming long pointed bordered veil. She carried a Coast College, California Poly-lUll relln tupreme and are the sleeves and Insetting the lull net white Bible adorned with white tech at San Luts Oblapo. ....... A •. M •a PlllfllCY
ultlm&t.e 1n the candle bumlnr f c h• aklrt. Her bead encrusted coronet orchids. ...,.VIlA ... drda ... Very llow burnln&' 0 one 1ta crown held a llncertJp 111usJon Geor~e C. Bodre of Los An· JIOVE TO LORG U.ACB .,... PPI_uls_.U .. •• ,.11.__W'
veil. She carrled a bouquet ol reles. erandlather ol the bride, The Matthew Conleys. formerly T"
Are Onored white glarnella.s tl~ with rreen gave her In marrtare at the of 415 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Baa. 11ft rlb~~ ~u~aiW.~~a~u~e ri~~M~ar~,~b~a~v~e~m~.;o~~~~to~~:n~c~~=a~~~~~~S~~~L~~~~~~·~·~t~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~
Mrs. Phillip Sparman, sister of cere mony wu read by Rev. ·
Conchita Parlor 294 of the Na· the bride, served as maid of Thomas J. Nevtn. ~·;·.~~ ~~ ' . ' ·!-. . . .. '-: • • 4 • , I • 4' • ,, . . . .
Uve Daurhtera o1 the Golden honor, wblle the rroom's sister. Miss Helen Armstronr of New· I
West celebrated Its ninth annl· MisS Unda Corbin. was the only port Beach wu maid of bonor .
venary at a ~t meeting ln bridesmaid. Tbe matron ol honor She was preceded down the aisle
the IOOF Hall In Costa Mesa. wore wh ite and rreen. The by Miss Kay Balley. sister of the
Charter members and put bridesmaid was dressed 1n yel· rroom. Miss Barbara Rayi!S of
presJdentl were euata o1 honor. low. Both attendants carri~ Newport and Mrs. N~l Johnson
Put prestdentl present were white carnation corsares-of Casta Mesa. all ~ng as
..._, ...... t.. ............ Mmes. Frederic Singer. Herbert Larry Flannagan substituted bridesmaids. Tbe bridal attend· ~ a::;ib:. ~·:;n_ hM Tbompoon. RaYmo n d HerrN. u best man. Ushers were Jack ants wore ballerina gowns of net
araeed )'OW' table. ,.,a'll never Cbestn Pollard, Edwin Mlrko· Kutter. Gleavi!S Lowe and. Ward over ta!teta In blue. pink and
be aatlltled wttb anT other ••• vich, Jooeph Wheeler and Walter McGee. yellow with contrasting cama·
Von expe.nalve •.. .ute .•• Jut Nollar. Mn. Barry Lace was un· 11le bride graduated from tlon bouquets and tiaras.
they lut and last ... TbeJ eome able to attend. NewPort Harbor Union High Carl BaUey wu his brother's
tn 6,
tncb lenctht Pretldine a t the meettnr wu School. Her new husband ts at· best man. Ushers Included the
and all the populg ea1on • . Mn. Rudolph Petenon. pretldent. tend[ng O...nge Coast Collece. bride's brother. Craig Wentworth
And the colors c:banp wltb the After the buatnea meetJng, re· where be ll majoring ln commer· of the El Toro Marlne Base. Bob
--..ons . . . Summer's crop are freshments were served by a da1 art. Tfte couple are making K~ner of Santa Ana and Don
IOIM ol. the most beautUuJ 1 committee head~ by Mrs. Al their home at 1890 Merrill Pl. Hanley of lngl~ood
P'OI'Cft. eo.ta M.esa. • .
have wer teen • . . The pr ce "Puttln Co hi th M " ...... rl from S> cents a p•ir to $1.45 . . . I nc ta on e ap uae b de 11 the daughter of
Just thou&ht you'd Uke to ki\OW. wu the theme ulle'd for decor&· Mr. and Mrs. Parks of 466 w~-ttona. under the dtrectlon of Mra. minster Ave., Newport Heights.
Donald Mun.sey. Dltfsent maps The groom's parents are Mr. and
o1 the .tate o1 Calltornla were Mrs. L. N. Corbin of Twenty Nine * * *
.... cardal ........... ....................
C..ltbotMcycleoC_ ..
.............. QJI ..... 8l ..,.,....u.-.......... ~
* * *
uaed around the room. Palms.
Plans are In the making fM
the com.tna Installation ot of11·
cera on Aua. 23. ., .... , ....
F• •••••• ,.
...... ,_Rnt ...... .., ·-
Mrs. Fred Joyner. press chair·
man for the American Legion
AuJUary ol ~ m . won first
SuddenlY there hu been a de· The monthly hOIPltal party for place and a c:aab award for the
mand for pi~ cards • . . Our diAbled ~ from the Lone publicity book entered ln com·
Lot. wtto 18 tbe queen of BNdl Vetenna Bo.plt.al wu held pdftlon at the ttate convention
PartJ 8bop on the aMaanlne hu yesterday at the Amerlean Le· ln P'l'esno. She recetwd 1~ to
bela ln a t1a;J ~ place cards cton C 1 u b h o u • e In Ne-wport w1n the Blue lllbbon for her
• • • All abe could Un4 UDOill Beach. book. the pe~ hCMIIM weN plala 1'bill wu an extra .pedal OC· Attending from Unlt 291 w~
wblte oneo wttb .ea))opecJ eda-ealon. bee&UM the American lin. 8obert Brtas, pnlddent;
.. ~ Paper b~ It ....... uve IAitoP Awdllary Unit 291 wu Mn. ~emet.b If. JobNon. ~ha·
been outcSoln& ther.Mt.IV. lD aolnl Into lt8 ntth year of at· bUJtatiott d\al'rman, and Kta.
m.atdlln& paper · pl~ euv-. raalbll tiMoe monthly partl& GWJ ,...pll&
laft up to Jla1f -CVSTOli DUI'DIES • IOIIIICIE'
HA1tBOR 6176
2919 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
jewell f* welty n.oRJST
n..ollAL DESI~ AND
()CCASIONS ..... .,.....-y ,.... ..... 1
P1owen Tel...,apbed
AI\)WMre IS1I L o.-t ._.., .... ._ .. qrw
c.-4121 ...
napldnl. tabledoth.l and fawn At lut month'• party, 29 vet·
.•• But Lola kept eearc:lalq • • • erans came from the hOIPlt.al
abe wu aad at the diMW"'IIW and l'wt Actjut.allt Don MUDIOD
look on the plaee card .-rdsen toGk tiMD r. a boat rlde. )Ira.
facel • • • So now flooCD <JonD.an7, aalph .,_.. ol. the Awdllary U ·
Personalized Cleaning
abe hu the lOYtileat place earc11 sl8tecl ~ ••• Many wtth beautiful )Ira. J'N4 loJnet, publlclt)'
floral .-cna ... Gold eq,. dlaln:Dall tor tbe AWdlJ.arY, re-
••• Pla.ln 1fhl~ OMII .a~ paiU tlaat tbe 1Mil enjoy the
wtth pld . • • Tbe plaee card trip to the H&nor Am • muc:b wotb! that the ,.,..tioftal cUNetor ot. the Veterua BOI!Pit.al bu to .end
oat IC.'OUtl to roun4 up the mea
"'-' lt Ia UJM 1D Jeaw f« the * * *
IIWI'p;p l -'l .. ~ ., ,1 __ .......... ................... ..,... ............ .. .................. ........ -.........
••• 0.. ... "' Cl Ill .. ....... •..::.-· ... .. ..,_... .. ._ .. . .. ,.. ......... ·
* * * ,. ,..., =---.. ..... ...... , ..... .... ., ............. -....... ,. J
8cJin I Hemt1+on
Free Pick-Up & Delivery
w edneadays & Saturdays
OK C4!10iD• IW&A~ coatTAIL OOWKS
__ JIIIIOiri'ID IILQ-I,,Dl'C'S AND IOfiT sons
KIDS! ... -,ocr
.... If Prilll
1111'1111 c .......
"Why I Should Keep
My Shoes Well
....... __ .........
·-... ·---·-.......... -... ·-AI .. II _.
.. ··-·-·-··-· .. --· ............................... ---...... ...
.......... _ ......................................... _. _______ ...... ...
,._I SUPEI •• -1111
AD you haft to do ia fim.h tbia .. ntenc. in 25 wwda 01' '-:
., bep my mo. -..n gaoorraed bec:cn.e ---..----
---------------------------•H . ., a·. EAST! Get Mother cmc1 Dad to ~~.e~p yoa..
JIVI.Df J. 0,.. tt ~ ., .. .... .. ....... tt .. I n -· tt ••• _ ... .,.. =. ........ _ ..... , ..... o..t ... -•• a... ... -. .. c .·~
_,.. "::. ~ ":" '-t 0 I WID '-.,_ ., e R1M St ••• 'if ... . _ _. .. ~ .................... [ .. ......... ..
>4 "_ .... ... •
JIBS. STEPIIEJI SAILOIIS, tbe forme• Judltb ~ (AldoeD pboto)
Miss Judith Allen Is Bride
of Stephen Albert Sailors ·
Pale yellow appointments. In-yellow dresses were ballerina
cludlng a yellow aisle runner and length crystalline gowns with
yellow pew bows and loops, dec· matching net hats. They carried
orated the sanctuary of Saint crescent bouquets of white car·
James Episcopal Church for the nations and yellow rose buds
July wedding of Miss Judith with streamers.
Carlesta Allen and Stephen Al· Servlne as best man was John
bert SaUors. J . SaUors Jr. of Los Angeles,
White and pale yellow gladl· brother of the groom. Ushers In·
oll. white stock and white and eluded the bride's brother, Rob-
yellow esthereeds with baby ert 1.. Allen Jr., and Joseph
breath and fern were hJ&hJighted Leddy of Santa Ana. The bride's
at the altar by seven branch cousin. Bruce Collins o! Los An·
candelabra In white. geles. was rlnc bearer. Mrs. Wai-
Brldesmald and maid of honor lace Longridge of Coeta Mesa
repeated the pale yellow In their wa.a soloist, accompanied by Mrs.
gowns contrasting the white Ia Castleman Smith at the organ.
and tulle formal length gown of Yellow and whJte r ladloli dec·
the young bride. Miss Allen wa.a orated the church patlors. where
escorted to the altar by her a reecptJon was held following
father, Robert L. Allen. She wore the marriage ceremony. Mrs.
a dose fitting lace and net cap Joseph Leddy and Mrs. John
trimmed with pearls and waist Sailors Jr. asslsted at the recep-
length veil. On a prayer book tlon. Miss Joyce White had
she carried a white orchid and charge ot the guest book.
streamers o! stephanotl..s. Mrs. Allen received guests ln
Rev. John H. Parke unlted In a pale pink cotton lace dress
a double ring ceremony the
with beige accessories. She wore
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen a green and white orchid cor-
of 1940 Republic Ave.. Costa sage. The groom's mother wore
Mesa. and the son of Mr. and a pink crystal acetate dress with
Mrs. John J. Sailors of El Se-1 matching accessories and a slm·
gundo. The Sailors were for liar cosage.
many years residents of Newport After their honeymoon In Yo·
Beach while Mr. Sailors served semite .Park, the couple are llv·
as city manager. He Is now city lng lrl' Costa Mesa. Both the
manager of El Segundo. bride and groom were school
Miss Viola Cartier of Ne~rt mates at Newport Harbor High
was maid of honof. and Mtss I Sch 1 d Orange Coast Col· Loralynn Milne or Newport was oo an
bridesmaid. The attendants' pale. lege.
$2.95 to $5.96 SPECIAL
portraits in oils
2908 E. Coast Bwy. BGJ'bor 5135
CoroDa del IIIGJ'. Cclllf..
* SwimSuita *
Pedal Pu.ben *
ThOM out d o o r entbualuta.
Etnl~ and Myrtle Soderberc of
Newport Helcbts. bave Jllctufes
of their latest "camptrfc out"
venture,, wblcb they say is Just
an appetizer for tblnp to come. • • •
Stuart Foote of Newport is re-
cently back from a trip to the
mountains. But Instead of belnc
alone with bls thouchts and th~
ble trees. he found them thar
hUla just allv~ with people . . .
(Did he say, "Too many people
under foote!") • • •
On the sick list: Mrs. Frank
Jordan of Corona d~l Mar. • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clifford,
managers of Sea Crest Motel In
Corona del Mar, spent a week-
end down Mexico way ... check-
ing up on other motels. of cowse,
while they were eone.
• (Aldie Pboto)
lOIS. OOaDOJf LONGFELLOW. tb• fonDa Sla1riM Jlou19GL
• • •
OLD HAT DEPT.: With the
Jamaica Inn hotel part just
opened 2 weeks yet, a lady shop-
Shirlee Ann Hour~gan tWed
To Gordon L. Longfellow
ping 1n one of the local shoppes Pink rosebuds, white gladioli Hourigan. and brother, David
volunteered, "Oh yes, we're stay-· and fern decorated Costa Mesa Linn Hourigan, served as nower
tnr at the Jamaica Inn, we AL· Community Methodist Church for gltl and ring bearer. The little
WAYS stay there!" the wedding of M1ss Shirlee Ann girl was dreSsed In a noor
• • • Hourtran to Gordon Undsey length gown of pink and blue
NEW HAT DEPT.: Some kind Longfellow of Atherton on June sheer nylon. Bernice Fox was SO·
of a hat, just ANY kind will be 23. Joist, accompanied by Gary
appropriate garb for the Business The bride Is the daughter of Bruin.
and Professional Women's Patio Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hourlcan Following the ceremony a re-
Party next Thursday nleht at the ot 414 EJ Modena Ave., Newport cepUon was held in the church
home of Mildred Swanson In Heights, and the groom's parents parlors with Mrs. Agnes Houri-
Costa Mesa. Cunning Invitations are the Ermann Longfellows of gan, Miss Diane Troolen and
sent out this week had miniature El cajon. Mrs. Harold Spiker all assisting.
hats inside. Miss Hourigan wore an an-Mrs. Hourigan received guests
• • • Uque Ivory gown of slipper satin dressed ln an apricot print
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Laby en-with lace yoke trimmed In seed shantung silk dress with apri-
tertalned a b o a r d the Bonnie pearls. The dress had a chapel cot accessories. She wore a cor-
Doone last Sunday morning for length train and a sweetheart sage of bronze cymbidiums. The
ham and eggs etc. for members cap held her fingertip veil. nny groom's mother wore aqua lace
of the Friday Anglers Luncheon pink rosebuds with carnations with matching shoes and pink
Club. Abo entertaining the crowd and white orchids made up her hat Jlnd gloves. Her corsage was
ot about forty were Dr. and Mrs. bridal bouquet. pate pink phUanopsls.
Salvatore Monaco with banjo Miss Patti Lee Hourigan was After a honeymoon ln Northern
and guitar and Sue Ficker, who her slstec's maid of honor. Brides-Calltomla, the newlyweds plan
gave out with the voice. malds were Mn. Carvel Davey of to Jive In Atherton. The bride
At the Anglers regular meet-Costa Mesa and Miss Carol graduated from Newport Harbor
ing tomorrow (Friday). members Doane of Corona del Mar. All at-High School and attended Or·
are asked to bring in the reports tendants wore tafteta gowns In ange Coast College. The groom
of their recent catches . . . In waltz length and can-led baskets graduated from San Dleeo Hteh
order to start llnlng up for the of shasta daisies. The maid of School and attended San Diego
six or seven trophies available honor wore dusty rose and the State College.
thia year. bridesmalda were dressed In =:::=;:::========= • • • turquoise.
Ever hear ot a fish and a half! James Haostad of San Fran-
That was Mary Belle Tobias' cisco was best man. Edward An·
catch on Monday. Just this once, derson of Newport, Carvel Davey
her husband Bill beat her ... and Thomas Troolen of Costa
he rot two albacore. whlle Mary Mesa and Douglas Harper of San
Belle split her second albacore Franclsco, all ~ as ushers.
wtth a shark-half an' half.' The bride's alater, Terl Maureen
Mrs. Evelyn Ellerman Weds
Robin A. Lindsay of Balboa
At a late momlng ceremony
on July Fourth at the home of
the bride's parents. Mrs. Evelyn
Ellerman of Newport became the
bride of Robin A. Lindsay of
New Son For
The Stallmans
'nle new Mra. Lindsay is the
dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert F. Witt of 2606 Ocean Front.
Newport. The groom Ia the ion
of Mrs. Robert Lindsay of Los
Rev. Robert Gronlund, pastor ot the Newport Heights Lutheran
Church, performed the single
ring ceremony In the presence
of the couple's Immediate faml-
Ues. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cozens
of Lakewood stood up wtth the 1
Little J. David Stallman ar-bride and groom.
rtved at 4:20a.m. Saturday, July Also present at the ceremony~
14, weighing In at 7 lbs .. 14 oz. were the bride's two sons, Teddy,
at Hoag Memorial Hospital. He 9, and Crls, age 10. She wore an
Is the son of Capt. and Mrs. John Imported cotton street length
Stallman of 448 Serra Dr .. Corona gown of delicate blue and white
9 ld tracery, designed with a scoop Highlands. and joins -year-o neck. Her corsaae was of white 'Sonnee and 6-year-old l aneau in • the family. orchids and stephanotis.
Also here for the big event was After the ceremony a wedding
Mrs. Stallman's mother. Mrs. I. breai<tast was served Members w. Church. the former Delight of the family on hand to con-
Jaax. whose home Is now In Great gratuJate the newlyweds In·
F 11 M t a n a She'll stay eluded Mr. and Mrs. J oe Witt of
a h~i t 0 "help h~r daughter's Orange, Oscar Wltt of Santa Ana. aw e 0 to and Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Witt family pack for a move and daughter Linda of Ontario.
Florida. Al t the .,...oom'a Capt. Stallman Is gettJng out so presel!.:, was •• t th Marines after 14 years of aunt, Mrs. r:;u.a Herford, and his 0 e 1 to mother from Los Angeles. Mrs. service, and he will be go ng Hazel Near assisted with the re-Melboume, Flerlda, to be an tl
englneertne test pilot for North· ce~~n~uple will Uve at 807 W.
rop. The Stallmant bope to be Balboa· Blvd., Balboa. Mr. Lind-
coming back to Southern Call· say is an officer In tbe merchant
fomla eventually. marine and UI'IOCiated with the
w..a c.pet• ..,. •15.15 !4.
HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Cout Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
Grace ateamahlp line. The new
Mrs. Llndgy Ia aecretar.y ln the
Stuart Foote Inau~ office.
amJS'IUlf ~C~m~a cauac::a
The t.e.Qn-s.rmon on -r'nltb"
t() be read at the Newport Beach
Cb.rbt1an Sclence cburch' SU.tlday
points out bow the understand-tnt of truth bu bHn tbe dellte
of aU mankind ftolll ear~ Bible
times. David's lft'a)'ft to God, u cJwn In tbe Golden Tat from Plalma (86:11) aaya, -r.-t!fl me
thy WaY, 0 Lol'd; 1 will walk ln ~truth : unite m,. Mart to fMr
tb7 name."
Dresses . . . dresses dres-
ses. we have oh! so many pretty
ones at O'BRIEN'S. Cool and crlsp
dresses for surnmerlne at the
beach <August Ia our very big·
gest summer vacation month
here at Newport Harbor, you
know.) Darker transition cottons
for those who are golne travellne
in more uncertain climes . . .
and those who are already look-
Ing ahead to next season's smart
A ... tr...s ta ...._ d.r·
et. .. tbe ~ W'lad'" .... •• ---. s-a Wile Jut
aboat tbJa ..... ,.... ... ...
a Uta. tiNd .. oar .., .. ...
tbiDp CID4 ~ a ..., look
wttb decal .-ooth 1m. •••
IIOIDetiWag aJMk CID4 aaa..y
to tab ua to the D111Deroaa
paUo eoc:kta11 pcll't* CIDd loft·
ly Utu. diaDen ....... tbe
F..t~Yal of .Alta wttb OIIU' oat·
of·towD gaecta. ADd tbat"a wlay
Mlu <Yad-baa ~ to•
gether wttb the drriJ1MD to
briDcJ "* a fNaJl ... 91'0aP .C ...... CIOttou ad ~
CIDd a11b. c... Ill CID4 .. IJ
.. baftD't Jut tbe tb.I.D9 to
bri9bt.D up you abat Jaklp
Some .women are alrudy look-
Ing forward . to another season,
some are plannlnr a train· or
plane trip, others just don't want
to go Into town and stay all day
in a ltght colored frock that
might pick up the city's grlrrie
and dirt. For the.e peopte we
say, "Come Into O'BRIEN'S and
tee our collection of dresle:s wtth
the '2·way look. 'nleyre dUk
enoug.b to transcend time Into
another MUOn, but made ot cot·
ton and comlortably smart. .:0
they may be worn anytime."
w ............ wttla OIQI' ...
b .......... UIDt ...
Clal'ehD'f W'rw' -..... Ia • .............. ,___ ... ......................... ..., ·-· ................. -tiM ..._ J \ ... L'AIIIIa ..
I .................. . ....... -...... . ........... c-. .. ... .... ,... ......... .._ -...-.ww ..• ,,.
DOJM" JIOaGaT: ..,...,. , ...
~ ol ,_ ~ Ia tbe rarf
32 Entries in Pet ·Show • 'nlirty·two pea .... ebt.ed ~·· Heatber; ...,.,.cl Oanl Ia Uae pet rbdw beld Prida.J at Coonrod'• Coolde; ~ non.ot
tbe Youth c.at.r powact. ln Oo· HaVWJW' n..,.
rona del Mu lily tM lfewport ~ b~ 1&117 IIQ'· ~ Parltl, ae.cb• and ltec:re· ton'a Craclten; ~ Donl"t
adon DePartment. Bozlo.
JudCM were J[.ay J'tndl and a.t perlonntnc blr4 -Bllly
J'rank Jonlan. C(ty ._uiiUUM OW· Itlllan'a Mr. Ja.,..
cer Georp Meyer abo W.. on Mollt unique btrd-flnlt, Danny
band. Meehan's Chipper; recond, Mike
Here are the wtnnen: Hutton'• Pete.
Best pertormJnc q -Bruce Marine lite • e e t1 on : mo.t
Graham's Tama. unlqu~flnt Sparky LoncleYI
Best appN.rlnC do~ Len· Murtle; second, Janice Beeney's 1
ny Jollea' Annie; 8eCQDc1; Joan B. W. Turkle; m08t eoJorf\al-llnt
and Marela Murry's China and Shelley Kuster's Guppy; MCOnd,
Puppy; tblrd, Bllly Wlrth'a~.Julle. PhtUJp Coonrod; third, Charlene
Beat over·all behavm. doc -RecZuch's Goldie and Pl.retold.
f1nt, Vicky Lindbere'• Cindy; MUcellaneous aectlon-Awarda
aecond, Shf!U& Strenl'a Terry. ctven to peta of Jimmy Tlauner·
Prettiest cat-first, Suaan Hay-ma~. fltst; Mike Clemence, eec-
ton's Frosty; Denlae Davis' ond; Phillip Bonde, tli!rd.
Smoky; third. Seyd Havens' Participant ribbons were ctven
Skunky. to Marne, JUI and Jan TluelkelcS.
Best dressed cat-Joe Whyte's Craie Graham, Bonnie Wirth, •
Fluffy. Suun Macdonald, Pbyllt lean
Most unique cat-first, Greg Bonde and Wlcky Havens.
with tho.t wonderful
The modem woy
to be !1/J M again ...
She'.s wearing a size 12 again because of
passive exercise and caloric reduetioo.
If vou want a more youchful, slender
figure •.. if you w,nt to trim inches from
heavy hips.. thighs. tummy, arms and
legs, acquaioc your~lf now with the
STAUFFU HOME PLAN. liarpcr's Bazur
Magazine says. "the body you live in, u
your prize pos5C"SSioo ... take care of it:'
You c•n buy it for SCM • 4ltly.
""' DIMONSTUTtOft.. A se-H• ••-, .... ,. .......... ___.. ............... u.it 1M~.v-••-..._,_., __ ,, II oa.Ne ••"r , ......
Write • eel ......, f. • _, •• 1 Ut tin
JD. 1-7010
121 W.S... .... tblt. 1117 E. Coa8t .... ...,
The halr is cut ao that
the natural waves fall
In easily without ex-
cesalve trouble. Let us
shape your halt so It
will be aa ea.a.y to
keep a.a It la lovely.
For Appointment Phone HA 1876
80~,!'!,f.y ~n
~Now Harbor 3830
WEDNESDAY. July 25th .
Francis Norton Shop
213 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
* Preeented by Vema MWir CbcD1D Scbool ..
~ Bergeron ShutS Out
League Leading Cards
., ~ YA.Il.& puted first place u they beat
l.ft the AA braeket of the Bar· the Cardinals 6·3 and the Braves
bor Area Bo~ Club Mldpt 4·2. Other acorea wm Cut. 5,
Lea au e •. the Major Leaaqe Braves 2, and Giant. 10. pt.
Jlravee Mc•n movlna up In the rates 5.
.U.ncllnp u they won two In the Callfomla Sta~ League,
pmee last week. one ol them the Ca.rdinala tln&lly lost a eame
betna a two-hit autout. .. they were trounced by the
Brave dlueker Carl Be:raeron Dod~ers 12-3. The Braves toppled
wu ntepona1ble tor the two·hlt· tlle Cubs 9·3 and beat. the Dodc·
tft u be pitched hb Braves to ers 8 -7. The Giants took the Pt-
a f ·O tr1umpb over the Jeacue rates 5·2.
leadinJ CardJnala. Others play. The Eastern League saw .arne
lng ~ part.a ln the Brave vie· hlgh acorlnc atfalra as the Card·
t«y were Butch Vineyard. Jerry lnals beat the Dodeera 15-3, the a.y-, Larry Schrader and Braves thumped the CUt. 18-1.
Frank RJvera. the Dodgers trafni)Jed the Braves
In other Major Leaeue tllts 14-5 and the Giants amubed the
Jut week. the Pirates clobbered Pirates 16·2.
the ceUar-dwelllnc Cubs 10·4, In the Western Leaeue the
and tbe Btav• won their second Dodgers beat the Cards 8-4 and
earne ot the week over the Cubs the Cubs took the Braves 9·4 on
10-5. Monday. The Dodgers won again
The PacWc Cout Leaeue on Wednesday over the Braves
Giant. moved up on the tint by a .core ol 11·7, wblle tbe PI·
place Cards as the Cardlnal4 lost rates took the Glant. 11·3.
4·3 to the Dodgen. and the In the Pioneer Leaeue In Co·
Giants took the Pirates 6·4 and rona del Mar, the leaeue·lead·
the Cut. 8-7. The Dodgers and Inc Plrates remained In first
the Braves battled to a 4-4 tJe place whUe the ceUar·dweUing
and the game will be played ott Braves remained In Jut place
.oon. The Plrates won two games last
The scores In the American week. 6-0 over the Braves and
AuodaUon were: Braves 18, 15·1 over the Giants. The Braves
Dodgers 2 ; Cubs 12. Giants 3; lost two games. one to the PI
Cardinals 6, Pirates 4; and Cuba rates and the other to the Card·
8. Braves 5. lnal.s 11·5. In the only other
In the International League eame last week, the Giants
the Dodgers remained In undla· edged past the Cardinals 6·5.
BUT~ ., ...........
Local t.upayen are colnc to
let hit w1th 80!Detbln1 b•avy
llke a tommy 1\&D next (aJJ when
the new increued dty tu bUls
come blastJna out.
Thb heavy eometbtn1 lt a 30
per cent rat.e 1n the eenen.J tu
leYY to flnanee a wild $282.000
"dream fund" cooked up by thoee
ffiW councU members wbo are
Intent on makJna a "abowtna'·
for tb~ administration by undft·
takJna a bunch of vaeue and
unknown projecta that are not
yet even in blueprint staee and
that are not ldentUled by name
ln any part ot the city budlet.
But a chance-a pretty eood
chance-hu auddenly opened up
In the ranks at Clty Hall to head
off thb faotutlc pPrk barrel
Several memben of the coun-
cU have just lndleated thelr
wllllngnesa to ~~euttle the "dream
boat" Idea-and perhaps even to
reduce the present tax rate by
one cent-It enoueb cltluns wUI
make thelr opposition publicly
known at next council meeting.
One councilman just told m~
'1f the people do not want this
unallocated contlneency fund, I
wUl vote against It and the tax
raJae which It entaUs. But so far,
Mr. Finch, you are the only indl·
vidual to date In this whole city
who bu made a formal protest
to the council.
"Unless other people protest In
sufficient number, I may have to
conclude either that they prefer
the tax rat~ or do not care what
W • T k F• t PI the council does." arrlors a e IrS ace Now, Mr. and Mrs. Newport
Beach. here Is your chance to After Beating Pistons 73-51 ~~1~~a~d.~~pu:,u=~~et:~
• Increase from being imposed
The crucial basketball came respectively. Wetzel and Mac upon you.
of the wee~ wu played In the Brown were hJgh for the Celtlcs 11 xou do not want higher
AA summer basketball leagve with 16 apiece. taxes--cpeak up formally to city
F'rtday nlaht u Don Minson led At the end of the tltst round of council In a letter, postcard and
bla Warrlon to a stunntnc 73·51 play, the Warpors are leadlng sign your name and addr~r
win over Denny Fitzpatrick's In the standlnes with a 3·0 rec better yet, come to council meet-
Pistons. ord. Then come the P1stons with Inc next Monday night and be
The game put the Warriors 2·1. Lakers 1-2 and CelUcs 0-3. ready to object In person.
Into undisputed first place In the Center Dick Strickland of the I Otherwise, ~vera I memMrs of
leaeue. Mll\80n sparked hls team Lalcen tops the leaeue In lndl· the council may insist on push·
to victory with a total ol 28 vidual acor1n1 with a total of 89 lne throuah thls extra 21-cent
points.. The Pistons were paced polnts In three games for almost per hundred tax burden on the
by Fitzpatrick's 17 marken but • 30-polnt per game average. !eround.l that there is not suUi·
were minus two of thelr top Strickland ls followed In acor-clent public opposition-and you
playen, George Daecb and l:ddJe lne by Fitzpatrick with 63 points. wtll have no one to blame but
Po~. · Wetzel with 58. Gary Green of yourself when th~ new blgb
In the second earne ol the the Platona with 56. and Armand city tax bUJs start ripping your
night. Bruce Knipp's Lakers ft. l'fettles of the Warriors with 51 1 bankroll to ah~nd I am not
nally won one u they trounced digits. The second round of play I kidding.
BIU Wet z e I 'a CeltlCI 80-66. starts this Friday ntcht with the -------------
33 s, ... Leaaue 1 e ad I n 1 ICOia' Dick Celtlcs playing the Warriors at
Strickland and teammate BW 6:30 and the Lalcera meetlng the
Kelter potted 28 and 29 points Pistons at 7:30.
Red Cross to Join Drive
A unJted drive to eoordJnate a and the Newport •ach Area of
number of separate fund cam-the American Red cro..
palm-became a reaLity u the The r~ar aeencfes .erved
Newport Jlarboc Com tn unIty Include Boy Scout-. Glrl Scouts.
Chest ottldally chanced lt. name YMCA. Harbor A..rea Bor-Club,
to the ftewport •ach United Vbltinl Nu.rses A.saoclatlon. ChiJ
Fund. d.ren'a Ha.pital. Travelers AJd
This action wu talten at a spe· Catholic ?'ellare and Protestant
Trllllr Part
Excellent location In New-
port area ... 100% occu-
pancy ..• 2 -bedr. bouse and
store bide. .
Income in excess ol $900
mo. Priced to sell at
~000 ...... , ...
IEILn CO'S ctal meeotlnc Jut week. accord· '(Veltare.
In& to ~· BobeTt Olander. prert. Not jolnJne beeau~ of na 2323 w. Coast Hwy .. Npt.
dent ot the board of d1tectors. Uonal poJJcy are the PoLio Found· (at Port Orange)
The State of California must ap· atlon. Muscular ~phy As· u 8-7562 Eves. HA 5154
prove the dtanee becauae the IOdation and Heart Fund. -
Newport Harbor com m u n 1 t y • liED CIIOU TO JOIX CAJII--==-ro_a_&AL&_--::=::--;---:----
Chest ... state corporation. With respect to the N~ Theo. Rob·.ns eiiKW Aaarcms •ach·Costa Branch of Red Cross.
In addJtlon to the reeular the {>lan calls for the Newport
acencles wrved. the U8tted Fund Beach part of the local branch F o R D
wtll also Include the Salvation to join the United Fund drive.
• • •
cheetfW.. horM wtth 2 bedrs ..
tlle bath wtt.b puUman-Ule
kitchen. p 1 e a • a n t dlnJng
area -t"""*ee -service
pordl--eem.nt front Ia rear
porehe.-larp lot with aome
cement block walls. Just
t8325. We recommend thla
hom~ buy. • • •
RENTAL. 2 new homes on
lot t,i block to•eurf. These 2
unJm have ela.a enclacwd.
Wed. heated baths. Fire·
places, garaees. patio. On
new street. all Improvements
pd. Property clear, seller will
carry 1st trust deed with
rea.sonable down. Rent from
one should make payments . . .
TRADE EQUITY ln new 3·
becir. 2· bath borne for lot or
lots. exposed beam ~llln~.
louvred windows, Inter-com
system, glasa door1 to ce·
ment patiO. 80' frontAge,
landscaped lot.. Desirable
honie for $13,500. . . .
corner, suitable site for home
or duplt>x. County location
In back bay area, $4000 cash. . . .
type you've always wis hed
for with built In kltch .. used
brick F. P., Perlmltt>r heat·
lng. hdwd. floors with living
room. dining area lr hall car·
peted-2 tiled baths. shake
roof, covered ~ment patio.
landsc.'aped lr fenced. You'll
like price, too . . .
3 ACRES on Placentia, R-4
zonlng. $5.000 Acre. • • •
MESA DR. corner lot. R 1.
Mountaln lr water view.
Very desirable location for
your ho~. Only $7,500. E·Z
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8·1632; U 8-1400 eves.
w l 'oo Ltrte to ClcmmJy
FOR RENT ROOM. ba.s space
avaUable In aJz.e 24 dress. Ex·
pec::ts to vacatr completely and
occupy alze 14 soon. U you
can't reach rne at home. I'm at
Stauffer's. HA 1742.
WANTED: BROKER to manage
Costa Mesa Real Estate oUlce.
HA 1428.
GARDEN WORK wanted. Phone
Ha. 1038. PbJl Brooks.
1111 I '•• Ill•• •.•. ,.,. .. ,. ... , ....
Loeated In a quiet oei1h·
bochood compoeed primarUy
ol permanent l'f.Sident borne owners. thla 3-bedroom bome
comblnee privacy, UvabWty
and fun ot outdoot llv11l1.
Completely and att.radive·
ly furnlabed. Dbpoaal and
Other kitchen convenJenoes.
Don't pau up th.ta one.
Price $25.000.
498 Park. Balboa Ialand HA m
.. Elclllift
... ,. Clffl
Outstanding modem 2·bedr.
1r den home. 2 baths. Beau·
tlful patio, and landscaping.
Ocean view.
2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8·UT7
(At the Slgnall
Newport •ach
Rlllic,I.Wr ... 2-'•* .• ,. ......
4 yrs.. old. Well built..
2 garages. patio. &bake
roof. One apt. leased.
A veey good buy at $19.850.
..... E. Wllir
3333 E. Cst. Hwy. Corona del Mar
Harbor 24.22
3-bedr. borne . . . Freedom
Homes area, Costa. Mesa.
Priced for quick sale at
HEIIY ¥1.11
2029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
Uberty 8·4761
3·bed.roorns. 2 bath&. all electric. with shake roof. slid·
lne glass doors and all the trtmmlngs!
OPEN HOUSE-Sat. and ~un. 1-5 p.m
406 E. 23rd Sl.
Fu]l Price $28.500
!Multiple Ustlng No. 767B l Army. the FamilY ~ce Aaso· and Costa Mesa to conduct Its f&& f nl $I &a&
elation of Oranee County and the own Red Cross fund drive In uu 0 ..u
United Cerebral Palsy A.uocla· March. Ranch Wagon. JOHI Y.EL, Realtor
Uon of Oranee County. Abo join· A request for an agreement to f& 1 L..ll........ ..... .. lng wUI be the Camp Flre Glrls thls etfect was submitted Mon U r"-INIIIi ....----351 ~ N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, U 8 16li
day to the Southern Orange 4-dr., Hyd. "In Crossroads Village"
CloMf, Cleaner Shave•
• ?011 ww.. eleclrk ... _. ..... ._. ... .,..•c•n r:._,..CLOSI.-..Ia-widl ... ,.._...,-
...... ..WcMqll
... I stt7 .. ... ~t.': ..... c.-e vy. ... ... .... A-a.----~ .... .
llecblcecl FniiD .. 50
011 14.
--~ ... -. ---...... , ...............
.. Qit .... ··-
Chapter of Red Cross by William ~ -.,.1 .. ~
O'B'ryon, member of the board of UU riJ•-..-v Evenings phone LIBERTY 8·1~
the Newport Beach-Cocta Mesa Club coupe. -----~-Ef--11--£ YOU BUY JRY
br.nch. e '41 fenl $216 • • • • dl~rLa~rat.:ar~~~P:;~u:!rd Station Wagon. overdrive. fRIICIS J. HHYATH, Rtalt.
Monday that the executive com · 'l3 CllltJIIIf $11.
mJttee of the chapter has agr~ Convertible.
to sign the aneement between
tlfe local branch and the New· '14 PIJaiS.. $1411
port Beach United Fund. •Jv. b·t.
Chase Leads
To Arrest of
Young Driver
Newport polke "threw the
book" at Stuart P. Newcomb,
19, ol 213 VIa Ltjon. Lido lsle. at
3:a7 a.m. Monday after a chase
through Newport streeota and
a uer-onto Udo Ial~ He wu
overtaken •t Via Lido and VIa
Be wu boobd on charees of
at t e.m p t 1 n g to evade &IT'Nt,
apeedJ.nc 515-mllee-an-bour in •
25-nille 110ne, llleaal left tum. no
boulnvd atop. pumq on the
rllf\t, not lfJ'Mllna. drlvtna
wltbout llahta. ~ ... 40-mll•·
an·hour tn a 15-mUe llllM.
emerllnc from an a.lle7 ~
a lkftwaJJt .,.. wttMut ttop.
Pine aDd ~ clrt.tq.
'II Ftnl $1216
~ Ton Pick Up. 'I Fn V-8 Pick Up. , .....
PSek Up.
'Ullin. Pkk Up.
'II FM Panel.
Theo. Robins
1M TBIS <XllllltJ1Ifl1'
11• W. 11111 ..,.
Harbor 1428 Liberty 8·5101
BUSINESS AND HOME -Sunset Beat'h. Hwy. 101.
Marv's Smoked Fl h. Long ~<ab cafe. Built-in smoke
h ouse. walk·ln cooler, fully equipped. 2·bedr. home
over garaee with ocean view. $31.500. Terms. • • •
3·bedr. frame "oldie" on 2 lots. R·4. $10.250. Ttorms.
DUPLEX. cornN, Nt.>WJ>Ort l!dand-2 'bror. up with with view ot ocean. park and bay. Rents for $SO mo .. un-fum.: down has 3 bt>drooms. rents for $100 wk. summer
rate. Owner very anxious. $23.750 terms.
Commercial office building with lo,.-ely 2-bedroom
home on second floor. Off highway In good location
near new post ortlce. 1056 sq. tt. In office. 960 In apart· ment. 2760 sq. tt. tn 5-garage·warehoust' units. Also lot
for off-street parklnc. Must be seen to rerognlze advan-
tages. • •
2 lots ln ColEta Mesa. li3-17S E. Walnut Pl. R·3. on HW·
ers. $5500 tor both or $3000 each. cash.
FU--.1. .. VITI, •••r 3420 W. lalboa Blvd. 2216 Nrwport Blvd.
Harbor 1GB Eva. Harbor 1.565 Uber1,J8·Sl01
A real taal17 home llllJ and OC*D ~ beet..
...,... ~ room. ...,.. u.ma raora. 2 batbl. 2 llrkk
nnpLa~ IDOO 811· ft. Lute )ot wru. dWn uo r.not.
Irvine Tenace
......... ~ "'•••• ~ •••••"
lllll'llrl ., llrlll I ¥• l•••rt
Your ~on Is respectfully 50liclted.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On HJway 101. Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 for Further Infonnatlon
C1•flrt•ll 2 Wre111, I Mil •••L
Flreplace. 2 wall furnaces. tile In bath. Nice handy
kitchen wtth dbl. formka sink. breaktast bar. Serv1ce
porch. Full d ining room opens with slidJng door to cov-
ered patio. Ample closets. Carpets A: drapes. Dbl. ea·
rage Nice fenced yard. StuC<'O exterior. SO' x 127"'
lot. Paved alley. Near schools.. Only SH.SOO with cood terms.
2667 E. CoLct Bwy., Corona del Mar BA: 1741; B.A: am
111 'S lEST BUYS
Costa Mesa. u.st.slde. neat. well planned four bed·
room. two bath home. Fully Improved. c::omer lot
with sewers. Wlred tor 220 V. Elect. Range ... Dl.&b·
master lncluded. Priced to sell at $11.900. $2000 Do-Nn.
Balance on FHA Financing
''you'll Uke our friendly aft'Vfce"
400 E. 17th St.. eo.ta .....
BAY FRONT. cute tropka] home. Extra large Uvtnc
room. wtth bar kitchen. fireplace, sUdlna glus doors
open to patio overlooking "beat'h and boau..·· Also bas
2·bedr. small home on rear of lot for income.
JSL.AND DUPLEX~ur nf'W exclusive Usttng of two
2-~room apartments on rear of welJ-lOC'ated lot. Cl011e to North Bay beach. Room to build a fine home ln. front For a low asking price of $18.500.
• • •
A fine buy in 3 3 bt>droom compl~tl"ly furnished home.
1 short biOC'k to ft ne txoach E..'Ccelll"nt terms on asking
pn«' of S23.500.
£\·l"mngs-('all Edith ~laroon H~ att 4·6222 or Louis Boynton. Harbor 2fr.
Earl w. Slallet
225 Marine Ave~ Balboa l.sland
Call Harbor 1775
·A lo\'ely large 2-bedt. home on 65' x 110' lot with
partial oet"an and bay vit'W m finest Nl'wport Helght5
area. Not a l<>asehold. Owner must move out ot town.
Is notfl'<'Ued for rash. WUJ a('('(>J)t trust deed as aU or p~ o down payment..
Excellent 47~ financing. We have key and wlU show by appotntment.
Price $19.500.
IIIDT¥.11 ......
~late Charlott~ B. loblnaGn
19:aO W. Balboa Blvd.. N"'P<Wt. Harbor ..a72
1be _.. lEAL TOit is not a I)1)0n11D tor -.....J ....._
q'C'ftt"" -n .. the a:clUIIlYe ~tloft for ......
pl~ to truead a11 ru1 t111tat1e ...,.._ ac:uw a •
to the lliCh llbn4af.M ~ b.7 Ole eo. ol .....
of tM Jfau.a.l -'-odatlae of 11M! ...ae. llillllfti IIIe
... -~--~
• aww........... t&OMIAY. JVL'r II. .. Forest Smitli
••• • • ......... ......:;::::;,••••••· Race Horse
iiih watt• I. pa~r • tt..' Brt· l11i• ... 1.11 ,._. SmWl err Udo Iale.
tMb UICIIIor, 11Pt eeJ"¥H .... 80Utbland .-.urant JDa.Q, lau
taocu1 pqw~ boalda. "'-• 1001(, J:MPLOYD D:TAIIUD ju.t announc.d t.M putdaue, b rain..,. MIJ. abJ_p ~11. ori· AGI!MCY an uncl~ sum, of t.M out·
eata1 uatlquea. Pr.v~tte party. ataftdJnc Au.trallu race bone,
'I'll• bUlldlq .-mat 1otal tar eo..t ..,.,. .. .-o; Jf. 1. Danow,
18158 DMNd the 5-Dl1llloD·dollu ad4 ctftUan. at G5 •aonaa. martt u 10DM ~ men 1n asoo; I. E. UO'll•••. earpan perm.tu ... l-.cl durlftc ua. at a Poppy, ta; 116uc1e l"'a· p.~ap.~a
put wMk. MaJor permlta .,.. tba,·l41tiorY. l ·unlt dwwllJ.Da at ~-~~~~
a a2$.100 dWe.lJ.Inc on Balboa llt ~ llO.SOO; a. O.l!;ii'·······~ llland and a -.ooo dwtiltnc tn Dew.oe. l·lt.orJ, l ·uolt n.lllna Colona del Kar. at 280 1"'--.ooG.
llab•' ua w. 2nd St., a..o. 110 J'ZE coU~ ~ --Prince Cortauld. conaldel'ed by ~ DU ~. 4.13·!11l !WJ!C!t many foretan experu to bt the df iiGiitJJU:D BOiBY JONES ~ cre-te.t hone dewlope4 "clown
II'CIGII and 3 old woodland bac. ~ under" since famed Pbu Lap. P'ollowlnl perm.tb wereluued: e•&WJOIIT IIDQiiii •
euuoA JILUD 1. 6-Gta«Y. &d4JtJoa at 2&18 tar r= 1 Inc;:--Loren Waper, addltlon at 118 Kuca.ret Dr., JU80. IJ!elul au.
Baqaln. Harbor O'rn2·W. MORE 'J'RAN The alx year old "Prince," who ili0¥1A&o would Uke to aell Wur· 500 GDLS has a record of 18 wins. nJne
S. Bay rt., $2.500; l . E. BUclreth1 e aAUOII ..,., ....... J11M -~G
foundation at 11!5 Ma.rlne, 1100; Paul Caldwell. .-tmminc pool COSTA ~ WAniiSS co.
ttt.r Spinet Plano, 1-than ._.__ seconds. and ellbt thlrda 1n 52
1 ,_, old. can be .en 1n wtll .tut local ..... _ne Australian atuts. Ia leavlne Au·
SaJlta· AnL Fot deta.lll. write Company eueers this month. stralJa this week and will arrive Motaan Luphu, l ·.tofY, 1-u.nlt at 1900 VIVIan Lan._ 11• ....
dweUlnc at 237 E. Bay Pt., e aAI.JIOA L ~~!!@!~~~~~~~~-. )ln. B«bert Bloomquist. 2US WW You Be on the east coast August 20. Mr.
KJ.np Boad. ao.evtU. CaUL One of 1bem! SmJth plana to race him at Santa
l:ledi'Oftic Orcan, ll.ke new, 1485. • Anita In the 1.957 meet. •ve tsiO. Schmidt · Phllllpa Full Pay u You Learn.
$23,100; Howud Fallor, house on John Vopl, .,INtall atc:n. ,._ fl
2 lots to be moved to one lot. place cu-ae dOon. 1l1.5 E. Bal-
LAwaata WELit ...s lata n Z10 Coral,.. $3.000: J. A. Reed, boa Blvd., $125; Dick Van Gau-
pertol .. wW p1cry ._ tbe move kitchen. add 41nlna AM&. deek. fence and p&tlo alab, 2160 Blc Plano It Orcan Co., ~ N. e
Mal'n, Santa AnL Frequent Periodic Increases. Channel's Not
For Swimming
••W •t _. d•ct.w of 306 Coral, $3,000; J. A. Beek. In· E. Oeean Ft.. •18; Mra. H. B ........... ltft.lll Inabe Gr-and just like new. re·
pcau•eod; pay out balance ~~f:P~TORS ~ same u rent. $475. buys sweet toned Grand. many
otben llke Ft.lcher, Wurlltzer.
Muon It Baml~ etc. All
wonderful bareat.ns:: SchmJdt· PhlW~ 81& Plano It Orean Co.,
52) N. Ma1n. Santa AnL
~ t. tM ~ c..atr .tall new 4.000·&allon cas tank. Wllllam10n, demolilh bulldl.nl
FCIU. wldcta wW be Wei A•fJ. 408 S. Bay ft, 8800. at rear of barber ahop, add 1·
Ia alated e COaolfA DD. 110 hour fire re.iatant wall. 703 E. lO.lL Ilia ....,...... Van'a Cleaners. s1cn at 3426 E. Balboa Blvd., $tOO; Georp ¥ath-
MAPLE ~ BEDS. compl .
l!pr1.np and mattre., $29.95
4 chain. SlU5 Nt. MAPLE
DBL. BEDS. sprlnp A mat-
t:re.es. $18.95 Mt. Pb. leftenon
7-1853.1.1352 W~«,GU·
den Grove.
wonderful chance to buy a eood uaed Hammond Orpn;
at.o, one only, a Hammond
Chord Orcan. hurry and .ee
theee at once, bl& aavlnc.
Schmldt-PhUUps BJ& Plano It
Orcan eo .• 520 N. Ma.ln. Santa
Spinet Plano beautiful cue and
tone, save over $1.50. on this.
Another bar&ain Knabe Mlno·
type Spinet $195. Many other
great buys.. Schmidt · Phillips
BJ& Plano It Orcan Co., 520 N.
MaJn. Santa AnL
An YOU lookJnc to the fu-
turef We are! That's why we
ue otferln& steady joba with
011111' tWIII&IIJ
It'a to out own Interest 1f we can hire men who wlll make
a ~with our dynamic
bualnesa. We therefore offer:
Steady lobs
On-the-job tralnlna
Real advancement posslbllltles.
5-day. 40 hr. week.
Intervieow now for Immediate
openinp for students Inter·
eated 1n lune openlnp. MW-
tary atat u. not con&ldert!d.
Apply 8:30 a.m. thru 4 p.m.
1030 E. 1st Street SIITIIIA
s.TIIEII caumo us
Glenn D. ~oway Jr., 24. Ql _'-:..:..:...:...A:..:.._:...::__1&. ____________________ era. demolish .twace bulldlnc.
Alhambra and Wayne B.. Tanill· 318 Buena Vllta, $50.
lo, 24, of Monterey Park were E c s •th F •1 L • LIDO ISU
arreRed on chuces of sw1.mmJna • • ml ami y eaves l . B.. Deerlna. a~d to wall at
In the channel between Balboa 820 Vla Udo Nord. $420; Ewtnc.
and Balboa Island by Patrolman To Take Over I nher·ltance wall at 116 Vla Undine, $700;
Dorrance MClure of the Hubor g Alftes llomqu.a.t. replace wall ~-~~-~ department Saturday afternoon. at 130 Vla Xanthe. ~.000. The patrolman aaJd he first The E. C. Smith family, lnclud· Ave .• Corona del Mar, to cruise elfEWIOIIT
warned the awtmmers that It Inc Mr. and Mrs. Smith; Tom, cross country vta a trailer to Earle Po.re, cabana at 18 Boll·
was against the law to swlm 1n age 14; Barbara. 9; BIU, 6; Sylvia, RJdae. Lonr Island, New York. nr, Udo Tra.U6 Park, $3,000;
the main channel. He told them 3~; and EUle. 2, have lett their Mr. Smith recently inherited a William Rlnnen. re-aldtnc at 301
to 1'0 back to the beach on the Harbor uea home at 313 Poppy larae famUy estate about 50 32nd St., 1675; John Hormen, paz.
Balboa stde. He continued his miles from New York City on tJtlon for omcea. ~ 32nd st.,
patrol and returned later and T s • Lone laland. The estate hu been $10,000; Wuren Merrell, altera-
notlced the same swtmmers. eenage Wlm tn the family aln~ about 1780 uons at 4601 Seashore Dr .• ~;
When they arrived at S. Bay and Includes 800 acres with a William Harper, cabana at 36
Front and Collins Ave. on Balbo c I F d rreat old old famUy Jlome. Drake, Udo Trall« Park. $2.500.
Island, they were placed under ass orme The land Ia known In the New
arrest. York area as the William Sidney LEAW COSTA JIUA
The swtmmers claJmed they A new feature of the swim Tancler Smith estate: It Is called The Carl Carl.aon.a have moved
did not have moner to pay for program at the Newport Harbor Lonpood and Is part of an or· trom 2045 Anaheim Ave .• eo.ta
a ferry ride. They were booked Union High School pool wUl be latnal land grant clven by WU· _M•ea,-•to-•An-ah•e•lm.------•
JAMES D. RAY ••• ,a .......
1446 L COAST KWY ..
~4761 ....
In city jaU at 4:45 p.m. and re· a special cla.u deslcned for teen-llam and Mary In 1696, accord-•
leased on $10 baU each at 5:30 ag«a who wl.sh to learn to swim. lng to records. Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Forbes The pool. usually clotled at noon, c . Smith spent part of thel:r
p.m. will open for this teenager class honeymoon at the estate vtslUnl
ln. S... .... to be held from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Mr. Smith's two unmarried sec-~ • 1• No othu classes will be con-ond cousins. That Is the Jut time I U I L DEB
........._ ducted at this time. The class Mr. Smith saw It untll last Of I.Jtll 1111 .,... will begin Monday. Chester Wultt spring, when he wu called there •••••••••••A•w••.•_,._. -· ··-'-'•'•'--•~11!111-•., wtll take reclstratlon lor the to vtew the estate, which had
Mrs. Susie Matilda lohMOn. 79, class thls week. been left to him In his ~uslns'
dJed Saturday at her home. 1<1l Reglstratlon for the final two wUl.
VJa Orvteto, Udo I.ale, after an week session at the pool will be Before leavtng his position
extended Illness. She wu a na· held Thunday, July 26. wtth the North American Rocket-
tlve of T\lstin and had lived here dyne Company, a dinner was
tor 12 years.. 1-Y• Sill M given for Mr. Smith with a "This
Services were held Monday In --r ' ls Your Ltle. Elbert Smith" .... llliiiiiiiiJIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIII•••~•····~ Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel, with ···-• ........._. 'I' -1.1 theme. Over 75 employees and ,11 the ~-John Parke of St. lameap .._.. n• executives of the company were
DO YOU ha~ a furnished home
or Apt. to rent! We wUl be
perm. and responsible tenants.
Call our agent. Select Realty (no charge to you>. K1 7-3506. -SJTU--A-n_O_If_S_W_AifTED _____ _ Eplscoptl Church otflclatinc. A cee,.....• of a •aaa. present.
Survivors Include a 80n, Roscoe DCdlled .._. the wcdft 11p • -------
CDM. $75 If tena nts cares for for Infant care. Fond of chU· small garden. Shown by ap-pointment. Evgs. call Ll 8 -7127. dren. Call HArbor 5396-J.
White ol Los Anceles; a slater, tiM bay be.ta crt ltt.l St. lfew·
Mrs. Ida Sova of Huntlngton port ...._ ww ..-..s by
Park. and a brother, John Eng-lfewpel't ,.UC. at 12:17 p.a.
llsh of Santa Ana. We11audll'f. Jaly 11. Aa ClftJcw
fotaDd a • a•-. Cllbeet 55. _..
II .... ,,,.._
Cadet Dan BlankenahJp, 22. aon rona del Mar. yearly basis. sitting and care of sick. knJt· !!l:l.ll Is La.a..
Prefef' single person. Choice. ttnr or crochetlnc. Day or UW ,.... ...
RA 1243-Jl. nltht. HA 3192-M. Fer Eltlls .. Fllr
PIUV A TE-0-==FFI=c=ES=--wtth-:-:-::---p-.b~o-:n-:e Bt7SDfESS OPPOHOiftTIES
1-.r .............. .,.. ..
,... .... Ia the ....... ..
............... crt ..
,...... leftL "'If It ww aa ~
enahlp Sr .. 317 Ordlld Ave., eo. of Mr. and Mrs. Gllbert B. Blank· ~~==~=i~~;;;.:~.=~~:~ rona Gel Mu. la receJvtne six
weeka of tralnlnc th ll summer
answering service. Secretary II
notary available. Ground Floor
New Trident Bldg .. 2200 New·
port Blvd., Newport Beach CAd·
jacent South Coast Co.) Court·
esy to brokers. HArbor 3028.
CALL Edna Crate. rental spe·
clallst with DorU Bray, realtor.
216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
HA 20 or HA 64.
Long or ahort terms.
C-1 ' Paved Lot 70' x 103'
Downtown Coast Hwy. Co-
rona del Mar. Next to Mary's
House of Maple. Call DAven-
port 6-6019.
SO used pianos wanted, highest
allowance In trade for ORGAN.
Schmidt-Phillips Big Pla no lr
Organ Store, 520 N. Main,
Santa Ana.
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Cout Klthwar
Corona del Mar
a.. Phone. HA 5232
Salea. Sen1cl and RepaJn
Tame. 10 ,.,. Cent DowD
Pbone Barbcw 5330
~ CoDIIdon Wadt Auto PaJnt:h,l
J'Ne ~'l'r7 Oe ,_
.. ·-lTa at.. Oollla .... . u .. .,.
FOR LEASE, store in busy center
ln CDM. Phone HYatt 4·4996,
sistance with your home sew·
lng. Phone for appointment.
HA 5996 -W.
cldeet.• Deadline 11 fast approaching at Fort Hood. Tex.. under the
for entries In what Is expected Anny'a Jl01'C proeram.
to be Oranee County's blegest SDifJt CAt7GIIT Ilf DUDf Cadet Blankenship, a 1951
and ~ successful county fair. A younc akunk beeame caucht graduate of Dantel Weblter High
Entries close July 25 for all In a drain ptpe at the home ol. School ln Tulaa, 11 attendlnc the
Oorlcultu.re exhibits. Final day Mrs. Rita C. Lokam of 548 Sea-Unlven!ty of Oldahoma. Be la a
for filing entries ln all other 41-ward Rd., Corona Hlahlands, member of Beta Theta pt tra-
vtslon Is July 22, according to Sunday afternoon. Humane Otfl. ternlty.
Jl.M.C. Fullenwider, aec::r.tary. cer l . Blake removed a metal ------
manager of the falr. elbow In the drain 80 the animal amL.. 4. mT R CAa
$5. a month rents good practice Entry blanks for aU depart-could cet out. Patrlda Swo~. •· of San Lo·
plano; apply term rent on put· ments may be obtained from Qr. -------renzo, autfend minor lnJurl• at
chase. Good uJied ptanos $89, anee County Fair. 20391 Newport SCIIEVFLES CET ODIL 4:50p.m. 'ftlwaday when she ran
$125, $187. SteIn way $295. Blvd., Costa Mesa. 4 A daughter. Robin Clulssa, 8 betw'Mn 2 puked cars on Marcua
Easiest terms on any plano. lb. 5 oz., was born to Mr. and Ave. between 31th St. and 38th
Costa Mesa Lu•iereo.
... pwt ...... OI.e. .... ... Ill a.1011
Schm.Jdt-PhUIJps Big Plano lr CLOECE Ilf ~ lUClO Mrs. Frank Scheufle of 209 las-St., Newport lteadl, and wu hlt "-------::;;;iii;iiiiii=ii;;;:;::----_. Organ Co .• 520 N. Main, Santa Coast Guard Cadet Terrill M. m ine Ave., Corona del Mar. tn by a ear driven by Ot1l E. Ells·
Ana. GJoece. 20. a.rTlved lune 21 In Hoag Ha.pltal on Thursday, worth, 33. of 417 E. Balboa Blvd..
I R .....&. ... ....a San Juan. Puerto Rico. first of June 28. Balboa. l.-1 four ports he will vUlt wtth the -------------------------
~.. to R--' UnJted States Coast Guard Cadet 8 I Ch h w·ll H ld vpaCI r ..-. Practtce Squadron on tu annual • • U rc I 0
American ' -"on 215 15th St. summer traJnlna crui.M. He ls k II F s 3 """6' the 80ft of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8 A a. r e pt Meettnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. L. GJoece. 425 M St., Balboa. ac ey I •
ORGAN SHOPPERS. drive to IEn!CEI Ron St. Clair hu been named members of the Intermediate and
6th It Bush Street. Santa Ana. * '-wei 111 * ceneral chairman of the third Senior Methodl.t Youth Fellow· 'tor FREE VALIDATED PARK· .. annual Back Allq F&lr of the ahJps.
ING. CUt8 F• AD 0 '-• Balboa Island Community Meth· 'ftle f&tr, whtc:h 11 held ln the
SCHMIDT-PHILUPS BIG PlANO odlat Church, whJch ls scheduled patio and the alley at the rear
1r ORGAN STORE. S20 N. Main FINE'WATCB R.EPAIIUNG lor Labor Day, Sept. 3. The event of the church, will feature a
St., Santa Ana. Est. 1914. Open "Prompt Service-la planned and lnltlated by HawaliaD theme.
Friday nl .. hts. lteuoft4ble Prices" ''We ue plannlnl a bll aloha • D1•1 ·-· _.__ party," aaya Ron. ''We wtll be aentHammond Spinet Orean $15 llaatMw 1.a II-M7inl aloha to OW' .ummer
a month. with free lessona. lftiiL eat. llwy .. C.... del .._ trtenda who w1U be leavln• and SchmJdt-PbUll~ Big Plano lr 'aloha' to our wtnter trlendl wbo
Oraan Co., 520 N. Main, Sana Painting _ Decorating Fred Wlt.on of ~ llela wu wtU be retumlna."
Ana. PAPER HANGING named vtce chairman of the Or· c:ommtttee. appointed Include
Flnt I... ..__.. GEORGE B' rovu A nNP anp County Central Democratic decoratlona. Pam Peopl•; bootb
.,_ v~u.,' Committee at the eleetJon of new ---.. .... ...,n JU-.. Lu·-· ft. ~ Coetrlletor ...... -.. .... u.y • ... .....y •• fir .. 188'7 ~Aft. oa.ta X.. of.Oeen held last week ill Santa
ub!rtl Ul2l lJbertZ um $38.000
40~ to appral.ed value
A eood Investment for retire·
ment income.
Phone: Uberty 8-4761 or
UbertY 8-4718
IIYI ...
A ~Y camp oaertnr a 911Y
or weekl7 echedule. Pr1vaw
tn.trucdon li'WD 1n 8Wbn·
m1nc, t~ Oahlnr. rtdtal
and other IIP«U b7 8ebool
IOl ~ m:EIDOI'
HA 21'71
Sample .elecdon 1D rour home.
500 lllt 8Cnet. RI'W'PG't a..elt
Ho pmlded ID drivila llil Gft air ' ~ry eta,. llhdaa tn~bd ...... ... \
hiJhwaya 1111ti1 be l&artM ... 1D ......
Fiu.lly,lle Cried Wecro .,.__ .... ..........
were owr .
W.,.,. .._.., a 1aioa ._,_JOG.
n.o.aow, .. Mitro _.. JI!IIU•I. Lta .................. ,.., .... *'*''' . _ _._a,w ...... ..
.....,. at ....... ..., ...... ,_ar ......
oms ... •• -.. -na. c.sur ., o-.. _... .. caw., ._...,.._-.....,a,..... wm NIMIIr, IICft • vwtb'..., repo~t don otlbe PrOI*'tY lllri« to at. a&WIWi ~ =-:::-or '1'1111 an IIWI -. In .. •• ..... ill .. a ,. ' sv ..._ -c1 ~ wllll • • ........._ c1 utw~w tt.e ~ ot Patti ot PQJJCb.... aauwy, I'ILT a -
I IRAal AlliJIIfO tM c..Mir:-·Ctn• II ....... apwlt ..... • .... lllllll· Pllt I cl Udl = Uul 1M thla cMpllr, W'ho ......_ _,y 'n.e total amount for whldl the . ...... r. ~·· '10 ...... ~a...,...... . .. .,. ........ '-..... ,_, ..,... ... ~ ···'*' ,... -hudu-t Ntunt. with JliiOI*tY .. IOid ldduda all ol ~· aor .... at1 .., .... CIIAPia 19 OJ' Yl OJ' I ttu• to Ill _.. ...... ad U. ....._ .. , IIW:&I te .. JW· punuaat .._..., and dlncCa tiM Intent to cWe.t or evade lbe de· the follow1na: • lDciUifw, URS. NQl leJ. 1Im, 'I'D IIUIIICIPAL COG& JIIIIIC». 1'U ..... _. ....,, •-Gf tiM Ill ' oil CJt1 ~ ftl rsu..c. m IIIUe t.mlnatto. cl u amount due "'(1) Any ~ that .,. a T05S. ?Wl, 7101. noa. T1S1o 'TlSI
DIG A UCAM TO ~ ,_ .. rt1r ... D'NPIICA& .... ..._. aaa IIUdl ... 1"117, ..tl ,.,...._ and NCIWred to ~ paid hen· put ol the .U.: UHI'7151. an~ adoptied aad ~a. m.uJIO TAll· Ia 11-11 tD ... R ll't• ...... plaCII Ia die~ fll..._. "'ktioa Mil. IZJtt:WAL OP uocllw Ill f\dlt)l ol a lllbdemea· "(2) MY amount fot wblcb mact. a part ol Put Dol data
0111.8 I IDIIUL ,_.Ail r a I II Ia hrt I" De41r I port~ ~· A ...... ..._. penott ncr, ~d upon coovkt~ t.bereot c:recllt Lt ,twe to the pwdl...-.pter u thoup f\ally-tonll
• ., _,.AIL, ~ J0a Gf ... •sot• ... "' d .,, :rJJe ..._ t.u DOD ap. b.u ..._ ,...._ ... , .,,,,Ddecl tball be pwtl.lba.ble by a tin. ol by the •U. bereln. and all ~a. ol&Q'
IIMitN TO 81'AR-PliO-o.tlt " .. llatj ., c..ut.nda. JIY (....._ ID fat-.tlt • 1atn· or .....,. lllaii~N'Y U.., ~ Df. not .._. than J'hte llu"*-d DoJ. 'SaJea ptice' do.. not ind\lcle any otbet ~nee bt con1llal ....,..
• fiiNHG '90a 'l"'m oou...cftlfO lftlr .... L-.-. t11aa11 '-.. c. O'ftt~) to..-oiii'O· ~ G1 ,.._.a ... ot Sl!U)O tare (I!IOOJ)O) 01' ~ry lmJI!Non· ot tJM tollowlna: wttb are U...ppUca.b14P to Part D
AJifD PAYDfC OJ' IUQI 'rAJ[. .,....,,. ,_ ..._ ~ "">" ....,.. tr.a • point out· for die ......,.. • Jaeuarw:e o1 IIM'Dt few a P«iod ot not more .. n> Cub dUcouDu al.N•~ ot t.hJ. durpter and the tax._.
AJID ft*31Mif0 PafALftD ol U.. tu ,.. Nltl&lpU from: aide ol tiM~ ot -~ 8Mdl a l*"fttt. Ua.a.n a:br IDOI'lthl, 01r by botb .ueh and takp on aalea· b)' lnlpoaed.
JIIOa tiOLA'ftC*I CW .... ftO. "A. The UDIIUt ol ~ .U. to a pureb.aMr ...... tiM ~ o1 "SatUoa MIT. U Jf L 4 W P U L ft.ne and ~t. "(l) '!'be ~t c:b~ for "B. Tbe term 'aalea pdee' JbaJl
¥11101111 M'IM•:W ARD -.zt'. •-tu lqaud by tiM ltaCie ·~-..... • tiD tiM retall· ACrS. A,.._ wt.o enpa~& tn ''Section M4'7. I,AJQ. Any Pft'· property returned by cutomen not tnclucSe the amount ol uur
1110 lllC'I'IORI MDO 'l'tmOUGR ol. Ca1lfom1a \I:POD a ~ • _.. a,ent m tt.e att cll'...,ort buiiMIIt u a ..n. lD Ute aty eon, nrm or ecll'pOtadon vtolatlnr ttben that ent:IN amount " ,... Caltfonlla ltate aales tax or u.w
ea5 o• CB4PID IV Of' ARft. ~. 8eec:h. far cSeUwry to tJae pur· oil Mewpowt .._. ....W.OUt a per. any of the term& of Put r ot uu. funded ~ther in cub or Cftdlt. tax.
a.E VI <W 'I'D M'lJ11fl<:IP4L .... aec.tpq from the Ale ol dl .......... ...,. •• ....,t ol tlle mit • peradtl. • lifter a permit chaptft shall be deillned auUty but thJ.a exd!WOD Mall not ap· ~C-~ of ~u pro~: OOOC. tanrtble Jlft1IOfta1 JII'OJ*tY upon &ale. 111 ac141don to Mldt delhwy, hu been .u.ap.Dded or fft'Oked ot a ~anor. and upon con· ply ln any JMta.nce when the • an lie 'n.t at7 CcM.tnetl o1 the ctty whkh a -~ or uee tu laae be· taa. placee In the CH;y ot Jfew. and Ware U.. ftiMWal « ~~n, vfctlon thereof ahaD be punJab. C\l.lltocner, In • mS« to obta1n the h@l'eby adopted provfdlnr tar the
ol Jf~ BMch ~ ortlatn u come due by ......, o1 ~ ....,. port leub. a.nce or a penaJt. and Ncb om. able by a ftne ot not more than rel\ln4. " requlre4 to purcbue adoptJon ol rules an4 NfU}atiou
tol._,.: tranaactlon to a01 other city ancJ .. E. 'Element o1 Sale' " h.-e· eer o1 ..,,. ourpcwaUon which 80 Ft~ Hundled DoJ1&n (t:500.00> other propefty at a price cruter and for beutnp on t!te part of
II:IC'nO!f 1: Tba..t Put J. Sec· count7. count)' ott.. than Or· by 4ettnect to tncJucle .alkltaUon B~aate~ m ~ la auUty ot or by tmprllonment tor a period than th~ amount charced tor tbe ~ ~e ~ ~ ~u~gonty t1oa Ma thro\l&h ancJ lnductlna •nre County, 011 etty In th .. state ol an Cll'der, the aeceptance olan a m~nor. ot not IDGft than 11x monlhL or property that ta ~-~ .. orm Y e
...... a4ded to Chapter IV ol under a alec or Wle tu ordl· order. the llvtna ol an order, .,Seetlou &138. DUE DATE. Tb~ by both sud\ tlne and lmprillon· "(3) 'D)e amottnt charted tor ~~ AJ<t o!J,~ Cltyvt!f N~
Alttde VIal the Muntct~ Code D&Dee enact..t by that d1y and whether IUCb orct. la ctven ln taxe. lJn~ by Part I ol thla ment. ~bot or .ervic:N ~ 1n ·'Sal erd~ ;na 0 lA.;
ol dM at:t o1 Newport Beach to count)', C'OUIIty oUaet than Or· penon. by t~one or by mall. chapter are due and payable to "Section &H& SE'V'ERA..BU.JT. lnataiUnc or applytnc the pro-~ ~:; ~in axtor th
l'ftd u tollowi: &J\Je County, or dty ln thlt mu, or the payment of the pul'Cbue the ctcy Dtrec:t.or ot Finance on II any wc:tton. wbeection. ~-petty eold. ..-a ot P~aJ !:uo e
"PA&'l' L S4LES TA1. whether ln accotdance wJth, or price. or before tbe lut day of th~ tence, clau.ae, phtaa, or portion .. (4 ) 'nle amount of any fed· ..-.ormance o n on 1ectlcm eas. I )( P 0 s mON purporttna to be tn &CCIOC'danea .. F. Tbe City DJrec:W or P't: month nat succeedln1 each ot Part 1 of tJtla dtapUr 11 for eral tax lmpoeecl upon or with the .,.rt of the State Board of ·.um RATE OP TAX. For the with Part 1.!5 ot DIYisSon 2 ot na~ may a~ the payment quarterly pertod, the tint quar· any reuon held to ~ invalid or TeSpect to retaJ1 aa.le. whether Equalization shall be perfOI'S'Md
prJvtJep Oil 8eUinc tanrlble P«· llewnue and Tu.atlon CoM ol the aa1ea tu by retallen lo· terly payment to be du~ and uneon.nltutlonal by the dedslon lmpoM'd upon the retailer or bY_~e ~ty gtyrect:; C:: Ftnucet
*Jftal proper1y at retell a tax 1a the State oil CahtomJa, or In ac:· eat.cl outatcle the dty tn &ceor~· payable under Part I of this of any court ot competent Juris· upon th~ eonsumeF and reprct. · ~wpor
hereby lmpoled upon all retall· eordanee wtth Ute orpltk law ot ance wtth a formula U he ftnct. chapter on the 311t day of July, diction. auch deel&lon ahall not lesa of whether or not the ~U: ,:!'~~ ~~~:a=·
en at tbe tate of one percent any aueh dty. that ·tile formula wUJ produce 1968. The City Dlrector ot Ff. atfect the valldJty of Ut~ remain· amount ot federal tax it atated u~ the stateS. reterftd ~
<1") of the II'* reeetpta of any "C. Jtecetpq from aaJ~ to the same or appronmately the nanee may require retl.lJ'J\I and tna portions of Part J ot tbJa to customers u a .epara~ w e e ,
tetaU• &om the aale of an operatan ot common cam• and •me tax u lf detalled account-~ ;ayment or the amount of taxes chapter. The counctl of tbt. CJty char~. and the amount ot any 1n .;ld ~~tyan~ -ra:, ~=·
tan,Sble penoual property 10ld wat«borM ~ ot pr~ to Ina proeedute~ had bftn tol· for qu&JUrty periods other than her~by declares that It would Callfomla state aales or u.e tax. . e Y
at retaJJ In the City ot Newport be ued or COniUmed In e GPeF· lowed. A retaller dealrtnr to Ide calendar q u • r t e r • dependlne bav~ adopted Part l ol thit chap-<Th~ tenn •aroa recetpu' in· =::-: -:~lA~ deemed~
Beaeb on or alter April 1, 1958. at1on of auch common carriers or such a formula ahalJ furnlah auch upon the prlndpal place of or ~ and each section, aubsect1on. cludes the II.Dlount of any ~anu· wb~er the At.torM P1 General
The aaJd tu tmpoMCt shall be In waterborne weeels prlndpally lnlormatlon u may be required the nature of the bualness of the ~~mtenee. c.lau.e, phrase or por. factu.rer'l or Importer'• neUe tax 1.& reoferftd to in ld ~ and ad~ to any. and all other outalde of thla City. b)' the City Dlrector ol Finance to seller or maller or may require tlon thereof. irrespective of the tncluded In the price of the pro· U 'I'a.x Law , aa
tue1 lmpo-.d by any Cllher orcU-"D. Sales made pursuant to enable hlm to make the required returns and payment of the fact that any one or more ~-perty 10Jd, even thoucb the ~F The Oty Dlr«tot ot Ft·
nanc:e ot the Ctty of Newport c:ootracta actually executed in ftndln£ The formula may ~ amount of taxa for other than tJona. subsectJona. clauaes, phra · manufactu:rer or Importer a aav n~ &ball be deemed suMtl·
Bead\. cooct faith ptlot to AprU 1. 19!56. u.ed by the retailer for such quarterly pertoda. ses or portJona be declared in· the retailer thereof. and wbetht!r tutec! forth~ State Controller and
"Seetlon &427. TAX LEVIED IN ''See1Jon Mao. ADOP110N OP period of time, not to neeed one "SecUon 6439. REIMBUllSE· valid or uneonatltutlonal. or not the amount of such tu '-State Board or Control wbenewr
SAllE M.A.NN'EJl AS STATE TAX. RUL!'!S AND REGULA 'MONS BY year, u may be authoriud by MENT. The tax h~by Imposed "Section 6449. 0 PER AT IV E stated u a separate charae.) the State Controller or State
Tbe tu henby levied, except u REFERENCE. INTER.PllETA· the Ctty Dlr«tor of Tfnaneeootn shall be collected by the retailer DATE. Part J, 5«\lona 64l6 to "(5) Tansportatlon c harre• Board ot Control are M'ferred to
otherwt.e herein provtded. 1s 'nONS. The rulet~ and . r._-ula· wrlUnc, and ta subject to re· from the consumer tn.ofar u It and lncludln~t Section 6449 ot .eparately atated. lf the trana· ln aald 'Sales and U.e TalC Law.'
levied ln lbe aame • manner, to tiona of the State Bovd of Equal· newal, upon application. for can be done. Chapter IV of Artie I~ vt of the P<lf1#tlon oceun atter the pur· ·•c Tbe County of Oran&e
the aa.me extent and under the lution u amended and ln force peortoda not to aceed one y~ar. uSectJon &MO. UNLAWFUL AD· Munlclpal Code. shall be opera· ch& of tb~ property ta made. ahaU· be d~med •ubltltuted tor
aame eondJtJona u aales tax• and etrect April 1, 1956, pertain· "P~nt in full ot aales taxes VERTISilifG. It ls unlawful for tlve u ot AprU 1. 1956. "B. 'Use' Includes th~ aft'd8e th~ County of Sacramento when·
are levied pursuant to Part 1 ot lnl to the Interpretation. adm.Jn. In a«ordance w1th an approved any ~er to advertise or hold '-rbe purpose of tht. ordlnan~ of any rtght or power over tan· ever tbe County of Sacramento Is
DtviaSon 2 of the Calltornta JUv. 1.11ratJon and enloreement of the fomuda ahall eorutltute full aat· out or at#te to the public or to Is to amend Chapter IV ot Article &ible penonal pro:perty lnddent merred to ln aald 'Sales and U.e
enue and Taxation Cod~. known 'Sale. and Uae Tax Law,• Jnaofar lafactJon of t.he retailers aalea any cuatomer, cUrectly or lndl· vt of the Municipal Code of the to the ownenhlp of that pro· Ta.x Law .
u the 'Sales and Uae Tax Law.' u applicable. except Rule No. 55 ~ UabUity. ~y. tbat the tax or any part Ctty of Newport Beach by substi· perty; subject. however, to th~ ''Sectio~ 6464 . .AOOP110N OF
u amended and ln force and ef· (Seetlon lOIS. nue 1& Calltornla • Section 6431. VERBATIM EX· thereof wiU be usumed or ab· tutlnc Part 1. Sections 64l6 to followtne ~x~lons: RULES AND REGULAttONS BY
feet oo April 1. 19e6. AcJmJnl.l1ratlve Code, Sales a: UR CERPTS SHALL NOT EXCLUDE sorbed by the retall~r or that It and Including Section 6449 and "01 It does not t.nclude the REFERENCE. The rules and ~
"Seetlon M28. .AOOYnOlf OF Tax> aball apply In the lnterpre· flA4ANCE. The Inclusion of any wtU not ~ added to th~ selling Part 11. SectJon 6460 to and ln· sale of that prop«()' In the reeu· ulaUona of tbe State Board of
STATE SALES TAX LAW BY tatic;n of Part I ot UtiJ chapter claUs.. portion or part of the price of the property sold or that. cludlnc Section 6484 of Chapter Jar course of b\Wnea. Equalization pert&Jnfnc to the
REP'!:RENCE. until .pecl!lcaUy abandoned by 'State Sales and Use Tax Law: lf added, It. or any part thereof IV of Article vt of said Munlcl· "(2) It does noc Include the interpmat1on ad m J n lltratlon
EXCEYnONS. the rules and recuJatlon.t adopted Part 1, Dlvtalon 2. of the Revenu~ will be refunded. Any person pal Code. in place of Sections storace. use or oth« eonsump· and ~~ent of the 'Sales
"A. AU of the provt.alona of by the City CouncU of Newport and Tuatlon Code ol the State vio~Ung any provtalon of thla 6400 to and lncludlnc SecUon t1on ~f tanaible personal pro· and Use Tax Law.' ln.IOfar u ••·
the 'Sales and U.e Tax Law,' u Beach pursuant to Part 1 ot thla of Callforlna. or the rules and aectlon Is pllty of a mUde· 6425 ot Chapter IV of Article vt perty, the gross ~lptS from the pUcable ahall apply to the Inter·
IUD.eftded pd In force ..,d effect chapter. The word 'City' ahall be rerulat1ona ol the State Board of meanor. ot uld Municipal Code which sale of or the cost ot whlch hu pretatJo~ ot Part n of th1a chap·
on AprU 1. 1954S. except the pro. deemed aub«ttut.ed for t.he word Equallz.atlon. verbatim In this "Section &Ul. SUIT FOR TAX. wer~ and ar~ suspended by City be-en subject to sales or uR tax ter untll ~ally abandoned
vtaiona ttlereof pertalnlnc 10lely 'State' whft\eVer the word 'State' ordinance shall not In or of It· All ta.xes hereby levfed shall be Ordinance No. Til as of April under a sales or use tax ordl· by the rules and ~lat1orua
to the 'UM Tax' and Sectlorua appean 1n aatd rules and recu· aeU be deemed to exclude any of payable to the City Dlr«tor of 1, 1956. nan~. whether enacted tn ac· adopted by the C1ty Cou.ncU pttr·
6051, 6052. 1053. 60816, 6067, 6068. lationa. tbe rematnlna provtalona of aald Finance and any dvU suit for "U for any reason It Is deter· eordance wtth. or purportJne to suant to Part n ot this chapter.
6089, emo, 6a71, 6451. '7052, 7056. ln lleu of Rul~ No. 55. speclfl· 'Sales and Use Tax Law' or rules the collection thereof may be mln~ that aald S«tion.t 64l6 to be In accordance with. Part'l.S of ''Secdon 6665. INTEBPBETA·
7101. '1102. 7151, 7152. 7153, ap· eaUy excepted above, the follow· and reauJaUona that are made a filed In any court ot competent and Including Sect.Jon 644.9 of Division 2 of th~ Revenu~ and n ON. Tbe lnclus!on ot any
pllcabJe to u.Jes ol property at lnterps'et&tlon.a ahall apply In the part hereol by reference only. jurisdlctJon In the State of Call· Part I of Chapter IV ol Article vt Ta.xatJon Cod~ of the State ot dau.e, portion or part ol the
MtaU. are hereby adopted and admlnJatrat.lon of Part I of thla "Section M32. APPUCA'nON fomla, and the City Attorney of of tbe Mun.lclpal Code ot the Cfty California by any other city and 'Sales and u.e Tax Law,' Part 1.
made a part of Part 1 of tht. chapter: FOR PERMIT. Every penon de· uld Ctty ahall pros«Ute th~ of Newport Beach. are not opeor. county, county oth« than Or· DtvfsSon 2. of the Revenue and
cbaptft u thouaJl tully let forth "A The sales tax -.. IIOt sirlnc to encaae In or conduct action. atlve u of April 1, 1956. then Ln an~ County, or city In this state. Taxation Code of the State of
heN1n. and aD ~ona of any apply to nles of property wt\Jch bustneu u a seller within the "S«tJon 6442. RESALE CElt· that event aaJd aec:Uons shall be or enact~ ln acoordance with Callfomla. verbat:l.m In Part n ot
ot.h« ordlnanee lD eon1lk:t tbere-ls: City ot Newport Beaeb shall tile 1'1nCATE. The City Dlr«tor of operative as of July 9, 1956." th~ orc.ntc law oC any .uch dty. thls cba.pt.er ahall not In or ot
wtth are inapplicable to Part I (1) Imported lnto thJa City with th~ C1ty Dlr«tor of Finance nnance may at bla option ac:cept SECT10N 2: That Stctlons 6400 "(3) It does not Include the ttaelf ~ ~ to uclude any
of thla c:bapts and the tax here· ttom a ~Ill' coontr)' and 80ld an application tor a pennlt for a St.a~ ot Calttornla Besale Cft. to and lncludJnc Sect:loa 6425 ol storace or u.e ol ta.nJible per· ot the remainlnc prov18io:na of
by impoM!Cl a.,. the lml)OI'Ca In the ortainal eaeh place of buaineaa from t11kate as niclenee that any Chapter IV of AttJele VI ol the aonal property ln the traJUpOI'ta· aid -sales and 0ae Tax Law'
.,._ n.e term •,.._ rece:tpta.' pack.ap 1n wtlJd:l IJQportecl. whJcb t.uabJe aal~ wtll ~ aale " not a aale at retail. or he MunJdpal Code ot the Ctty ot tion « traumt.lon ot penon&. that .,.. lftAde a p.n bereof by
u UMcJ herein. doH not Include (2) Sold to forelp J"U'Sh...,. made. Every appUC3Uon fot a may In bla dbc:retJon requil'e an Zfewpcn Bead\, be land the sam~ property or eommttnJeaUona. « refeftnce only.
the amount ot any ta.x tmpoeed for shipment abroad and de· pennlt &ball ~ made upon a a.Mdavft from the .eller aettfnc are hereby deJeted and repealed. In the ~nentlon. tr~on '"Section 6466. DUTY TO COL·
by tbe State of CallfornJa upon livered to a a.htp, airp~M. ot form prescribed by the aty Dl· forth such lnformatlon reapect.Jna SEC'TJON 3: Tbt. ordJnance, Sn· or distribution Of eledriclty or LECT TAX. Every retaUer main·
or wtth re.tpec:t to retell aalea other conveyance furnished by rector of Flnance and ahall Mt JUCh aale u he deems necessary asmuch as It provides fOI" a tax In the manu.tae1U.,.., tran.sm.J.uJon tainln,-a place of buahlesS in
wbet!Jer lmpoeed upon the re-the purehuer f01t the purpoee of forth the name under wbJeh th~ to determine the nature ot auch levy for the u.ual current ex· or dlstributJon of eu In Intra· thla City shall apply to the City
taUer or upon the coltl\lmer. ca.ny1na the property abroad and applicant tr~ or tntenda to sal~. pen.~es of the Ctty of Newport state, lntent.ate or forelp ('Om· Director ol Finance tot authotl·
--c, Tbe tenn •we' ahall mean actually can1ed to a focetan des· transact buaJnesa. the location of ''Sertlon 64-4.3. EXTENSION OF Beach. aftaJI take etfect lmmedl· merce by public utlllttes which zaUon to collect the tax lmpoaed
and Include, ln adctltlon to the ttnation. tJUe and control of the h.l• place or pJace~~ of business, 'IUIE. WAIVER OR COMPRO· ately upon the pasaaee thft'eOf 1 are regulatf'd by the Public Utili· by Part D of t.hla chapter. Arly
meanlnp contained ln para· property puatna to the forelp and .ucb olber Information as MISE. 'MJe Ctty Director ol Fl· and abalJ be published one~ In ties Commlss.lon of the State of retailer not maJntalnlna a place
srapb A of thla .ct.lon. the wtth· pwdluet upon cJellwry. and no the City Director of Finance may nance aball have pow~r. for cood the NEWPORT HARBOR 2NSIGN.
California. of busJnesa ln thla CJty may
drawal by a maner In thlt C1ty portion of the ~ betnl requtn. The application shall be cause ahown. to extend for a a newspaper of ~n~al clrcula· "14l lt does not lnt'lud~ the apply to tbe City Director of ,.
o1 tanclble penon&! property u..d or eontumed In the United algned by the owner. lf 4 natural period o! not to exceed 30 days tlon printed and published and use or eonaumptlon ol property nance for authorlz.aUon to collect
from a place ln tb1a ctty. floom States. Cop'-of U. S. CUatoma peNOn; In the cue ol a corpora· the tlme for maJUna any retum circulated In the City ot Newport purchased by operators oC com· the ta.x hereby lmpo8ed.. Upon re-
a place tn CaJllomta outalde of ShJppen' aport cJeduatton filed tJon. by an executive omcer or « pa)1na ..,Y amount required Beach. mon cam« and wa~bome ves· ~lpt of any applk:atlon in such
thU ctty under the control of the with the Collec:tOit of cu..torna some penon specillcally author· to be pald under Part l of thls Th~ abov~ and foregoing ordl· s.els to ~ u~ or consumed In form as required by blm. the City
reUfler, or from a place ln call· must be obtabtecl and retained 1z.ed by the corporatJon to slen chapter, when ~uested 80 to nance was I n t rod u c e d and th• operation of sucll common Dlrector of Finan~. In the cue
fon\la ouulde thla ctty at the by ret.allen to aupport cleductlona the application. to which shall do ln wrltlng. before the. same adopted at a regular meeting of carriers or waterbom~ vesaels of a retail« malntalninl a place
order of the retaJler, {« delivery taken under this parappb. The be attached the written evidence b«omes delinquent. The Cfty Df. th~ City Coundl of the City of principally ouulde ~h~ City.. or business tn th~ C1ty. shall au·
Ln &J\Y manner at a potnt In CalJ. tax appll.cl to the tranaactSon U of hit authority. rector of Finance may, with the Newport Be~h. held on the 9th "C. The word storage. as thorlz.e, and In the cue ot a r~·
fomla outside t.hJ.I CSty under JUch the pro~ La diverted 1n tfaJWt "Section 6433. ISSUANCE AND written approval of the City At· day of July. 1956. by the follow· u5ed in thls art1cle, lncludts any taller not mainta lnlng a place of
cttcum.atances that the t:ransac· or for any reuon not actually t>tSPLAY OF PEKMIT. After com · tomey. waive or comptombe any lng vote. to-wtt: kHptng or ""ention In the City business In the C1ty, may autbor·
Uon of wblcb the wtth4rawaJ Ia delivered outside the City pur.u· pllance with Section 6432 of Part penalty or Interest that would AYES . CO\JNCTLMEN: Hart, for any pu~ ex~pt sale In 1.ze 'the applicant to make such
a part would have been conalder· ant to the contract ot ale or not I ot thls cbapter by the appJI. otheTWlse aCCTUe undeT the pro· Wilder. MacKay, Hlrble. RJdder-the ,.gular course of business or collert.lons and to forward the
eel a aaJe within the meauJJlc of ablpped abroad by a forelen pur· cant. the City Dlrector ot Finan~ vfslons of Part I of thls chapter. hot. Rill. subsequent uSf' solely outside ume to the City Director of Fi·
pa.raerap.h A ot thJ.a Mdion bad ebuer. ~eas of clocumeD · shall 'arant and laue to each The City Dl11!ctor of Finan~ NOES. COUNCTLMEN: None. this City of tancJble penonaJ nan~.
U.e point of delivery bft1l within ta.ry evtdence beld by the re-applicant a wparate permit for shall mak~ a nd transmit to the ABSENT COUNCTLMEN: Stod· pro~ purcha~ from a ~· .. Section 6467. PERSONS U ·
thla Qty. Provfd.ed. .howeftf. that taller ot cteUwry of the property each place of bualnea from ctey Council quarterly a detailed dar~. taller ABLE ro TAX. Every pt"l*)n
wtthcl'rawals pursuant to a trana• to a carrier for thlpment outalde wtuch taxable aales will be report of any 1urna ao wal~ or ATTEST: "SN:Uon 6461 1M P 0 S InoN storing. using or otherwise eon·
ac:tlon In fonlp or Jntentate the Oty, or to a forelen pur. m.ade. A perm.Jt ls not Ullll1abl~ compromised with the reuons MARGERY SCHROUDER AND RATE OF TAX. An exclse sumlng In this City tangible per·
~ shall not be aalea for ehuer f<# abtp~t abroad. and La valid only tor the penon theft'for. Clty CJerk tax iS hen-by tmpoM<f on tbe sonaJ prope-rty puN'hued from
tbe UtPC*t ot th1a Metlon. (3) )laUecJ by the Rller. pur· ln wh~ name Jt Ia tuued and ''Section 6444. DlSPOSrnON DORA HILL storace. u~ or och« ('()nsump· a retailer. Is Hable tor the tax; Qt.,:. made fdr the dellvery au&Jtt to the contract of sale. to for the tranaartlon of bualnea at OF PROCEEDS. All monJH col· Mayor Uon ln th~ City of N~ Beach provided. howev«. no tax ahall
o1 tanclble perwonal property 10 ~ tn the armecJ fOKa at the plaee deatenated therein; lected under and pursuant to the ot tancJble personal property ~ d~ hert'under lf tb~ u. lm·
wlthcl'rawn ahall be lnclucSed In polnta outalde eontfnental Unlted provided; however. a chanp of provfsions of Put I of thla chap· otDutAJra ItO. 711 purt'hued trom any ,..(lUer on posed by Pa rt 1 of Chapter tv of
the 1ft* neelpb by wflk:.h the States, bOit'tfftUtandlnJ the pro. location may be mdoned upon teor shall be depM!ted and paid AN ORDINANCE OF ntE or after AprU 1. 1956 for storace. Article V1 of the Munlctpal Code
tax liDPO"" under thia aeetlon ta petty it addreaeed tn care ol the the permit by tbe ctty Dlr«tar into the General Fund ol the Ctty CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH uw or oth~r consumption ln said of th~ City of Newport HMch hu
maU\U'.ct unl-IUdJ eharr-PoM:m.ut• and forwarded by of Plnance. 1be permit ahall at of Newport Beactl. ADDING PART n, SEC'T10NS C1ty at the rat~ of one pe!U!nt been patd on the sale ol aueh
are eeparately stated ancJ are 1m· b.IJ'l to the adcb UJn. When mall all t1mea ~ con.plc:uoualy dla· "Section 6445. DrvtJLCING OF 6460-&C.tM TO CBAPT'Ell IV (1") of the sales price of the property. The liability ot aueb ~ for tr~n whleh Ia acldruud to Arrt1y'Potlt omces p~ at the place tot which INfORMA110" J'OltBIDDEN. Jt OF .urncu: V1 OF THE property. penon 1a not ext1nplsbf'd until oc:c:un after the eaJe~ the pro· (4·P·O'a) In care ol the 'Potlt· lsaued. t. ttnlawtul for any ol!'k« ot MUMlQPAL CODE. IMJIOS. "Notwithstandlnc the forecolnl the tax bu t.e.n paid to the ctty
pert)' to the PUJ'Cild•. .muter or to naval f~ ad· •'SectJon M34. PEDOT PEES. employee of tbe City of Newpot1 lNG AN EXOSE TAX ON provtsJON of thla M'C.'Uon. W'tH!ft of Nf'W'PCI't Beach ~t that a
"D All ol the ~ of ctrund In eare otthePoatmut.er. At the time of ma.ktnc an appJJ. Bead\ havtnc an acbnlntatrattve THE STORAGE. USE OR the sales pr1~ ot laJtl'lbl~ per. ~pt tJoom a retailer aulhorbed
the ·'Sal~ and u.. Tu lAw' Jt will be presumed that lt Ill cation Icc a PIJ'IftJt. and at the duty under Part I ol tbla d\a.pter 011IEll OOHSUMPnON OF _,.,al property purehateed f« p\IJ'Suant to SedJon 6486 bereol ~Y adopted provtdl'ftlb th• tarwarcMct outatde CallfomJa. 'l'!le time a dl.aJiae ot loeaUon Ill en· to make known ln any manner TANG~ PERSOl'fA.L PllO· atorace. use or oUter COMUmp· to l'Olt~ ~e tu. riven to the
doptton of ~ and fiii'Ulattonl ..uer •• 'keep recorda al\owfnJ' ~ .,.poll a J*lft}t. tM ap· wha~ the bust~ aftal,... PERTY. tion ln the CJty of W.wport liNch purd\uer pUI'Inlant to SectJon
a for bearlnp 01\ the put o1. the names and ad~ u tbq plbat tor a ,.,rut or for an operations. or lnformat1oo ob · 1be City Coundl ot the Ctty ol. purwant to a eontrart ot sale 6418 hereof. 1s auttldent to .,.. ~!tate Board of Equallzatton. appear on the matl.ct matter and ~ et a cb&Jlllt ol Jo. talned by an lnw.dption of N~ Betlcb does ordain u actually encuted In aood taltb u~ t.he purdluer b'OID fUrther .:0 be performed by the Ott lllould t.p mcJeonce that the cation on a S*"ft''t .UU pay to ~ and toqulpnwnt of any re· folW..: • prior to April 1. 1956. tndudea UabiDC)' for the tax to Wtlk:b the
Cound1 ot the Qty o1 N...,ort manan. wu cJoM by blm. th• Cttt ~ o1 Plnanee a tee taUer or any Cltblr penon vta:lted 'SECITON 1: That Part n. Sec· Newpor1 BNeh CJty Al• «Wit' 1"«'elpt retera.
JteMil All otiMr proYIISoDa ot (t ) ShlppecJ to a point out· ot OM Doi.W (11.00). or examined l.n the d*:barp ol tlons 6e80 throucb and lndudln, tax. the rate of tax applled shall "'Section ~ COLl.ll:CI10N
tbe ~-and Ult Tu l.Mf' .._.. atde t1tJ1 <:tty pursuant to the ""Sed:loa &a5.. REVOC4110lf otnclal 4hlt)', 01' U.. ~n1 « 648t be addM to Chapter IV ol be that ..-te In eft~ when the OF TAX BY ltE't'AlLE'IL £wry
by dopted JII'OYtdlnl tw the eontalltd o1 _.. wt\en the pro-OP PIJOIIT. Whene'~C U1 aer· 80urce of 1nt'OIM, ptnlllta. loeae., A.rtkle V1 of lbe 11\1.1\ldpa.l Code cont:ract '-6:eaated. r«aJ~ W'bo 1.& autborbld by the .... !me~ ot olftdal ac:tSon OCl I*'Y Sa JIU.Ibd tar ..,qM11t and 10a (a.Ua to ~lYwtth arct ot expenditures. « any pa.rtladu ol the Ctty ot Newport Beech to "S«tSon 6462. USE TAX LIM· Ctty ~ o1 nnauce to aDJ.
_.,IOF of the State Board o1. dellYeNd by tbe rttaller tq tM tile pecMaloM ot hrt I ol. tl1ia theMOf. Rt fO/t'CI\ Cllr cl*lOMCS ln read a.t foUowa: ED IN SAME JllA.N1IQ:Il AS kct th tu tm~ by Part U ::~tlon. aba1l be performed 'ctontractlq amc:er: ~~ In cbaJt• • .._, naS• or ft~Q!a· any mum. 011 to permjt any re-"'PAJrl' n. USE 11.\X. . STATE TAX. ,-,. tax b4ftb)' ot thta c:N.,_. and wt.o ...ne
b the Clt1 Dtreetot o1. naanee ebarltt.' 'Jiteft ~: or don, •IP•d ,_..ant MMe. the tum « copy tllereot or any book "'SPdion ,MIO. D&FmmONS. lt"IW. ·~ u oth«'wtte ._. w. o1 ~ pclftOUJ Jti'Oo J tbe 01:1 ~ N.wport -..eb. other omNr o1 tiM United Stat. ac;, Ooudl ol tbe ctty ol !few· containing asv aa..tact 01t . p&r· The followlt\l worda and pluuea. In ~declls lf'Yted fn the NJDe pe1:J for ....... uae 01r Cldler
"'S. 'DM Ctty o1 )few port for tranJIPGitat:IOG anc1 ~to part a..cb. QOD Ma.rfq. after tkula.ta th~NOI to be ._n or ~ u.ed 1ft Part U ol th .. m&n!M!Ir, to the AlM ~and C!OMU"-ptlon bt thla Cltf, DOt G •
....._ ..a.all be cJMIMd .. .-.. u... ,...._. at IQdl a »>int. flvtq tM ..,.,.,a tm .._,., no-aamtned by any penon. Bow· d\&pter, lbaU be ClCitl\ltrQed ., undtr tlle aarM eonctit:iol\l u '* empe.d uw tile peow.._ o1
,_ the lltata o1 Ca1J1Gm1a .... ,.. •'-ta DOD ROT ttc. Ia Wlldlla ~ tile ewr, the CitY CouDdl ma.y, bJ deftDed In thJa MtC'ticm UD1e. ft t:axa Aft ...sed put11Uant to Part Put D ttl dtila ~ • ....a eiDI· = •• dM ..._ tl ttfaa«< to applJ to .U. o1 atrp1ana. and time Ud place al ....,.... aDd .-olutlon. authcll'bt ~t;t&· appe&n from tM ~n::.::: a t ol DM.son 2 ~~ ~ led -. tax troa tM ,.. t cw liaJcl 'Sale~ aacJ U• Tu Law.' putt aad ....,.... b air· ~ JdiD tollbow ... wt.7 Uon of ttl# ~ .. _. .. « ~ ...,.Ina .. · .. ._. and .-.-Uon '-at dw dnlie o1 .,., ... -.. _. 111 Ott~ c1 w ... ,......_ enn•lll'llld to a point Ills ~ • ,..._ ........ • •• Clilftltca's ar • ,.,_. • by •A. 'SaM price' ..... that latciwD u the 'Ia* aiHI u Ta •· tt a. ~ -• ..._ ,;:·.=. JIJall'-IIJJMJI .. t.s ....... t1Ua atJ pwnent ~tile be ........ 1M7 rewaM .... tM talt otn~ 0( tilt.« U1 toe&J UMIIIItt IDif whk:it taftltW. La .. U UMfllll. aJM1 In ~ t11111 !IJI!'-of .. tt ... k c· ~ ._ u.. AtiiDni&Y a-.ral eonll'.et c1 aaJe .._ ..a ,.... pend .., -• ... et-. ~ Gdlltlr db' tt a NdpiNc&l...,..... ftlnOMl ....,..c;, Ill ..acL ftlMCI &ad e8kt on 4pdll. ta ...a " ; • tJ 1a WIC .._ • tM ......... ·oaMn~ .-.::1 Ia ....,_.. to tile Untt.d IIdia W4 W .. ,.._.. 'n.. 110-1M11t ....... S.Cc Ill IlL ......... ID ..._,, wtMUMr paY .. ~ ""'ecdoi1 .... ADOPnOif Of' del ... hr . .r ... tr1nrt ..
::..:':. to tn ........ Ud ... A1R1'1 C.,. « ..,. ..._ tlcla _., '-....... , nll:y • IIM1t.. D«l .. ll. ........... er .awaw'-wttllollt ~ ~ S'I'Aft ta TAX LAW ft D:r· ........_ -• ... -=
U I ~ Law • ... f!J fW baltl J ..._ ttl tM -ID&U In tM .. RPW' II ••• IIIII& ........ -......... tloe OD ~t ol aJQ" ol tbe toJ -Di:l'C1 tlnli l II '-'"" .... • • fte cit, Dla4/llaf Gf J'l, UnJtild .... tDr ~ 6lr 0. _.. tl ...... .t a ... If dhdl)' tal led. _,. te ..,..._: W»'IIONS. ......... -.. 1 t 3 •
"'Q. fill .. aer-;, ••put ... ,. __ , .... ,., -ar lldllle:r ............. --....... aatanD ... .......... •(n ,... c.-., tM plof&IC) ·A. u ot .. 1116<11'u• ol t .. ::lr:lo .. -... = .,... 11e •• •• ..-... ••• s tr111P ani . ., ..,. at ...-... a. ,_ a.-: 'Ita. •·••• 1n ._ ••IIi •• aad ..W: ..._ ...._ _. -Tlur l.MW' • ..._ a ar 1 1a .. __. a. ...... c OJ a.-. Poent-• Cltrl* a .,...._.... n wtt ot .., ...... eu • !G) n.. ¥ flf .. _.... • 111.,.. "...._ _.-..-w •... •
.. .. .... C 181 • "'C. 'I'IM--taDODIIO't ..... a..., .......... _..ol'-1"...,_. ................. _......_ ID·GaAidl. ... ~·, .. ,...et~MI t t1 =::,..., c ttel .. lillllllr-...., (.-. • 11eaea •• • IJts a us utn ., a,_..._ .. eoD 1 :l a.•• •tJn= .,... • e II. ...._ • .., .,...._ . .,.. ' t , .. ...., .... e. •
... toiiLIPN'Iaiii .. VII'I'U tnrt•tl •) • llllsa .. QOOc Dtl .. !»1 ....... ......_ .... ........__ ..._ ... ; ...... .,_. _._1 • .. 1tr1111 ._Will Ia ..... .... cr D.IIII ._ a tpiiJil Jllll .... ~ I l' W ..... _, ,._ I 0 I :al .. •CI) ftla -.. tn 0 ':'~ .. ~ ta ~ ~ fC 0 •
Auto II ze
at The Beectl
IUO 1.&.40
18.80 11.92
12.48 11.2)
12.08 12.48 auo
10.16 ... 48
ea.D~ ••.urrr PAYOIII
1'0 ...
Ellie ......... ,.
........... s ....
DCJ &. ~ IDGIIWAT c-.......... ...,
To Serwe Y•
IN1llEST ItA ru
C01'0Da del Mar, Calibnia
Statement of Condition
JUNE 30, 1956
C.uh on hand and in Banb $ 567,96-4.96
U. S. Government Securitie s .. 2, 709,052.65
Capital Stod (Common)
$ I 05.000.00
Municipol Bonds . 362,991.36
loans and Discounts .. .. ......... . I ,583,994.08
Fumiture, Fixtures & Equ ipment 39,780.83
Othe r Assets ........................... . 1,276.75
lam. T. Van ~ Praldent
Undivided Profits . ..
Reserves ..... -· . .. ..
Uneamed Interest .
, Commercial ... $3.3-49,861U 8
Savings .......... 1,134,6-43.7 1
Public Funds .... 355.000.00
lOS 000.00
" -4 1,303.22
U.S. Gov'm't .... 72.685.02 4,9 12,198.01
'Other Liabilities ........ _........ . 1,994.67
H. L Hmidc, Cashier
a. z. Mcl:lnJM7, va-Prealdent w. D. Sexton, A.ss't Cuhler
.. den J'tDeb, Vke·,.,..dmt Deruay C&&Je, Asa't CUhJer
KaMI J:nld.De. .:.row omcer
l.-T. vaa»yu
I ' Jl'llda J"'adk
C.... I . om-
B..Z. K~e7
B. L. Betrldt
~ s.. la.rrc1t
II. ·-a&WJOii't .......... II
Longmoor of Shore Cliffs
Is President of OCC Board
c.n fO# ~r..
Lit-ty ~5511
SIVE ... l
F.,..,, Mcy
OP'PICE: Uberty 8-~ RES. Uberty 8-SJA
·The ·Sooilers!· ~
A century ago, when America's natural resources seemed
inexhaustible, waste and reddest exploltation...,. ... order of the day.
JM .8181 of flte IJIDilr 11N1: ""-e ~··· .. ' II•"
We've come a long way since the ~ber Baron era. We'.,. fought
to save our precious resources from devastation. We've insisted on ccnser-
vati~to protect our timber, our topsoils, our water, our ftsh and game.
Today in ~,we lwwe 10 wflw for eon..,.....afion ~
,..: to save our oil-our most valuable resource of an-from the irre-
sponsible, wantonly wostefvl practices and the public-be-dan•..-d attitude
of the spoil~~~
Let's with
Proposition 4-the Oil Conservation Act on the November ballot-wt'll
establish a State O il and Gas Commission to put into effect modem con-
servation practices whidt the great mafority of responsible California oil
producers are ready and willing to abide by.
Production methods made possible by Proposition 4 wiU double Cali-
fornia's recoverable oil bpert petroleum -eineen agree on this. Even
the opponents of the Act begrudgingly admit that fact.
What ... tltot ,.,... lw you-and for oU CaJifonilons? It means:
• More ;cbs and business prosperity.
• A huge new source of tax wealth for State, c:ounties and
school districb-to help eose your tax burdeft.
• less dependence on foreign all supplies ... a life or death
matter in time of notional ern.reency.
,.,.11111111• 4 .. I & A _,._ ..... Cfl R ,., ,._ -• •1kc iof-
fw •• -Jtlllfl• ., c.,. 'a ............ 5 •••
~-··"' Oil eo....~. 1ft ..... , ...... ~ ........
The Spcila"' way h ._ ~Mawani way.
Let's go lw su4 with 41
~Jtlon No. 4 on the No·
vember ballot-the oil coMerVa·
tlon act-wUJ be dlJicusled at the
meet:tne of the Younc Republl·
eana ol. the Harbor Area at 8 p.m.
today (Thursday) at the Park
Ave. Cafe on Balboa Island.
Spea.kt!r wUI be PhJlllp G. Cook,
~oltatJon engineer for Union
OU Co., at the !leld department
olfices ln Sante Fe Springs. He
a. a 1948 grduate of Ohio Unl·
venslty, received ha. Master of
Science 1n 1950 from Cal Tech.
He joined Union 0 11 as a geolo·
g1.st In 1951 and was transferred
to the petroleum engineering de·
partment In 1952.
cOoldtD....strom .... U) cwr ..._ ...,..w ftDdbll a
..,-=doD on Balboa f.elaad at turtle .ttlt bdllall ,..._. • *
12:51 a.m., Jumped on hla ear Mc:k ill U.. ltrMt at our Dr.:
u4 trMd to run him ott tM tt wu placec1 IMide tiM fence at
.tnet ••. tlrbaa M. ·Hope. • tbe Bence l:nllaD edaool. ~ ol lM5 8upertor Aft.. eo.ta wbae It had lltra,.ed.
...... wu &meted on a drunk .PIIIDAT. JVI.Y II
drtv1q eh.,.. bl the 2lO blodr Mrs. BemJee Warrum o1 111
ol 8h St., Newport ae.dl. at St. lamee Pt, Clftt Hawn. N--
1:01 f,m. . • . ported tlndin~ • 8CNe book
e iiOIIDA'f. JVLY t pulled out of ber j)OICb door •.•
WWJam Stone ot a Camet omcen d1llpoeed o1 • dead poe·
Ave .. Balboa Ialand. reported the sum In &oat ot the home ot
theft ot a pX) outboard motor Mar,.-y Mewbroufb ol eoe Mall·
1rom ha. open earace ... A car bar Dr .. lrYlDe Terrac:e ..• A
driven by Suzanna B. Beam. 59, Mot from a BB ~ wu belleftd
ol 534 San Bernardino Ave., Mew· to have broken a wtnctow ln the
port Helehts. htt the rear of a home of Mrs. Blanche Lytle ot
.topped ear of IUcllard D. Ctoul, 277-.otb St.. Newport Beach •.•
a, of 2310 nr.t Ave., Corona del e UTU'IIDAT. JULT 1•
Mar. knoc:klne lt ahead lnto an· A Newport Heleht• boy. 16,
othet stopped ear of Alfred W. wu booked at 12:20 a.m. on
Johnson. 68, of Va.ta, waltJne to ebaree.e of curfew and Jack of
make a lett turn at 1400 W. Cout parental control arre.ted at
Hwy., Newport Beach, at 2:25 Merle's Drive In, Corona del
p.m .... Kid.l reported sbootlne Mar . . . Darwin Tate reported
firecrackers ln the Chra.tlan's a ncht 1n proeru-on tbe Corona
Hut parldnc Jot. Balboa, were del Mar maJn beach at 2:55 p.m.;
eone when oftleers a.rrlved ... A It wu over on the arrival of ot· Jam a •• c a Inn humane otflcer wu unable to re· fleers . . . Mrs. Wayne Hunter
move a moc:kJnc bird from the of 318 Grand Canal, Balboa
chimney In the home of Mra. C. Ialand, r~ed the theft ot a G I Q •
Wall of 321 Narcissus Ave., Co-girl's bicycle ... Cars driven by' a a pen1ng
rona del Mar, who was adva.ed Mrs. W. W. Colley of :nos Mira·
to leave the bird alone to make mar Dr .• Bal~a, and Joyce Eck· Th• k d
Its own way out ... Mrs. Tania ela of Costa Mesa Wef'e In an Is Wee en
Daniels of 417 Heliotrope Ave.. accident at Newport Blvd. and
Corona del Mar, reported the 24th St. . . . A gang fight re·
theft of her operator's license ported In progTHS at the west Grand opening of the million·
and a credit card from a planlc end of Park Ave., Balboa Island, dollar JamaJca Inn resort hotel
container In the elove compart-at 11:37 p.m. waa over when oUI· and restaurant at the entrance
ment of her car ... Georee M. cers anlved . . . to Corona del Mar will be cele·
Graham. 65, of Balboa Island, • SUWDAT. JtJLT 15 brated this week-end, beginning
complained ot a sore rleht It H. Burke of 2632 Crestview tomorrow.
shoulder when be opened the Dr .. Bay Shores. reported the theft H o 1 I Y wood celebrities are
door of hls car on the street aide of a spare tire . . . Kenneth scheduled to be on hand for the
and It was hit by a car driven Nichols of 305 Marine Ave., Bal· week-end activities. They Include
by E. J. Shield, 75, of Los Angeles boa Lsland, reported the theft of such stars as Cesar Romero., Ml·
on Agate Ave. near Park Ave .• a $20 sign ... Albert BrlttJng. chael Rennie, Mala Powers, Joe
Balboa Lsland ... Burclars took ham of 633 VIa Lido Soud, Lido Kirkwood. Broderick Crawford,
nothing but the loc:k trom the Isle, ~ported the theft of a $40 Joanne Dru. Cleo Moore, Dan
Vandals created a shambles boat of L. c. Danver of the Lido parachute-type car cover from Dalley. Jarma Lewis and John
lnsJde his boat moored at 15th Trailer Park. Newport Beach, hla car . . . Carl Berry of San Ireland. A numtler of other
St., Harold Crossen of 3711 Lake moored at Udo Yacht Anchorage, Bernardino reported a possible celebrities a lso are· expected to
Ave., Newport Beach. complained prying a hasp trom a door to psycho and dangerous man sit· be here. to Newport pollee at 4:18 p.m . gain entry, leaving no mess or ttng 1n a car with two other men Co-owners of this major devel·
Sunday. damage . . . near the Staa Bar, N.....-nnrt opment of the Harbor Area are Glass In a window was broken • ~-,... Ro'--rt I R. J (J II e WEDJfESDAT, J11LT 11 Beach. who were trying to start '-"" ngram, . oel Co Ins
and parts of the engine and tools Joan M. Wheatley of BeUnower trouble and left toward Costa and L. M. (l..es) Blakesley. Bob w ere thrown about the Interior I d--' _ .. th h 1 d of the boat. A quantity of flre· wu not Injured when her car MH& . . . ngnm .,..gn..,.. e ote an
work.l had been burned aboard turned over at 1.9tll St. and Bal· Officers aided Peggy Stewart restaurant. 1't,. lngTam-Colllns
8 estlm ted d boa Blvd., Newport Beach. at ot 423 VIa Udo Soud, Lido Isle. Construction CO. are the build·
the cralt. e a amaee 2:16 a.m. ... John E. Simonelli, In getting her brother, 2. out of ers. and Mr. Blakesley ls the'
at $50. 40, Alhambra bar owner. was a bedroom In which he had managine director.
booked at 3:38 p.m. on a cbarre locked himself and was unable The 200-seat festaurant and
of ~lving stolen property lot to ret out . . . Mrs. Mattie J. coc:ktaU lounge will be operated I
Kick-off For
Member Drive
"D*«t" meetlll8 b the
............. , clrtve wu beld lul.Y
U at the lalboa Bay Club by the J'rleft• ol the ft.l.lhannoftlc. ,.._
lld1q .... Kra. Kann llnm1na.
~ .. mr.ctc. ol tile Onnp
Oount7 PllllbarmoDJc loeW)-.
Future da ... annou.nc.d w.n:
Sundar, Au1. ~ COOCillt ot
the 1J58·S7· ..aon. at lrvtne
Bowl. Latuna Jlftdl; J'rlday,
Sept. It. at U ua. -umuaJ
"Neuly New>-fuhJoa lhow with
the ~ of "80 llllDut.e atoU.Dd th~ world." at GoonDet ~u·
, rant. Disneyland Hotel; Satur·
day, Sept. 2:a 1eennd coneert of
the Muon, at Oranp Cout Col·
lege audltortum.
Next monthly meetlq ol the
Frlend.l of the Phllhannonte will
be held Wedne.day, Aue. 8, at
.Jamaica Inn, Corona del Mar.
Pllone 1n your .,... ltOrlel to
your loeal r.ewspes-, the En· aten. Harbor Ut4.
Margaret L Scharle
Teacher of Plaao
Oreanlat • A«<mpa.Dill
Evenlnf ClUitllll tor dulb . atn GOLDENROD AVE.
Cpronl del Kar
Friendly Metehborhood Service
110 Broadway
U 8-3433 A S:3434 eo.ta M ...
NOW.· .. TWO
Servlne the Harbor Area
Baltz M ortuary
Harbor a ~ !!. ())&It Btabway
Corona cle.l liar
Baltz Mortuary
lJ~ .. 2121 .PORT ;;~ .. .~.
rniiC'IIIA OFL MA/i·NAAil•'III Hl '
alle,edly buylne an outboard nnman, SO, of 106·18th St .. New· thbye AEn~!_rltte ~~straeu. rco-antownoner of' BOLLTWOOD ACT11ESS Cl M (at left) _._ J motor stolen from Raymond A. port Beach. turned her ankle In '"'" 1'-C" La tiM 91ftl at u.. .. oon , -eaa I....-
Mitchell ot 545 lllvlne Ave .. New· a crack in the street at McFad· Clenega Blvd. In Hollywood. Bud =.I..: (lieU,.-.,:;::-bUtbday party._ 1 ... at tiM J•
port Heights ... Brian W. Cu· den Pl. and Ocean Front, New-, Gaston. formerly with the Gour-
17h A Superb, eo.ta ..._
.urPLE PAB..lt.ING
80111 LOCA'nONS ....... serly, 6. ot 1011 E. Balboa Blvd, port Beach, at 9:31 p.m .... A met ch ain and the Tall ot the Balboa, suffered minor Injuries woman shoplltter. about 20. stole I Coc:k In Hollywood, Is the restau· fr~ torm swimming pool with and suite.. tennJa courts. .team
when he ran from behind a a $22.95 swim suit from Reinert's rant manaeer. a championship divine board. room, beauty parlor and barber
parked car Into a car driving 8U Department Store. 22nd St. and The 75 rooms and suites ot the ~am-.Jca Inn cuHta will have shops. -===--=="'=,..,...._ HARBOR REST
Harbor Blvd. at Gtaler
the Balboa Island ferry landing, Ocean Front. Newport Beach, two-story JamaI ca Inn have access 'to boating. ocean tlahlng, LEAVE COSTA MUA
operated by Marlon K. Schroeder. apparently getting away with switchboard service, radio and coil course, oc:ean swtmmlng. Rex Flaherty, formerly of Bal·
33. ot Syracuse. Nebraska. at the .Wt 1n a small ovemleht television. and a view overlook· water akllne. Futun plans for boa Island and more recently ot
5:SO p.m. . . . Char)le Hoptc:m. bag she carried ... James Bar· lng the Harbor and CataUna the hotel resort Include the bulld. Costa Mesa, hu moved to San
yacht broker ot 3101 W. Coast 1 rett ot Newport Beach reported Ialand. In the court 1a a 60-foot lne of an addltJonal SO room.e Joee.
Hwy.. Newport Beach. reported the theft of a SlSO tire and wheel
the theft of a $600 outboard from his car In his unlocked
motor . ga rage ...
Officers , on patrol warne-d a L d p• k d marine and his w ite for teavlng ea er I C e
a 19-month old baby asleep In a b N
car on the Corona del Ma r main y ewcomers
beach at 12:30 a .m. while th<'Y I
hunted g runion a quarter-mile Mrs. John M a 1 c om so n wu
down the beac-h . . . Detective named acting chairman at the
Allen Johnson In pollee unit 205 last meeting of the Corona del
was Involved In a minor accident Mar Newcomers Club.
with a car driven by Edward J. Mrs. Charles Brad 1 e y wu
Jonon. 20. of 346 Ogl<' St .. Costa named s ec ret a r y ; Mrs. Carl
Mesa. at 16th St. and Newport Gerdes. treasurer; Mrs. John
Blvd .. at 11:15 a.m ... Mrs. Trtpplett, hostess chairman ; Mrs.
Arthur WlntPrbotham. 42. or 400 Howard S tape It o n , progTam
Snug Harbor Rd.. Clift Haven. chairman; Mrs. Glen Young, tele·
lost consciousness while driving phone and membership chair·
• on New port Blvd. near 32nd St., ma n. 'ALa Ill lllall Newport Beach at 8:48 p.m . and The h ospitality commltt~ In· UJW swerved across the road to hit eludes Mrs. F. J. Boody and Mrs.
- -... -park,ed cars reeistered to Odls R. C. Hubbard. The club has an· lot ....... , ....... ' 1 Reviea of 423 Hamilton St .. Costa nounced that women living In n 1JI n I Mesa. a nd Leo Majerkl of 1691 Corona del Mar, Irvine Terrace
-~ ---Mesa Dr .. Costa Mesa ... Mrs. and Newport Heights are ellclble
.&.AAAAAAAA.AA.& Oliver Wilson of 1701 Haven Pl., for membership.
Next luncheon meeting wtll be
held at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, at
Irvlne Coast Country Club. Reser·
vatlons can be made with Mrs.
Young, Harbor 5517.
C• F-1111 laJ, ..............
fiAiow Stan. at 0.-k I . Doon 0.. at t :ll
c..n.-a CJe.nalftJ F rlJJM S.. . 8a&. aS.....,._ M U :M
A 1941 station wacon wu
pulled from the bay at 26th St.,
Newport Beach. by a tow car
early last Thursday mornlne.
James C. Bell of 21600"' Newport
Blvd .. Newport Beach, reported
to pollee at 2:17 a .m. seeing the
top of the vehicle. Pollee, ti,..
department rescue squad, llle
euard.l and a harbor department
boat were dispatched to the
scene along with a tow truck 1n
cue someone had been trapped
ln.tide, but the car wu empty. It
wu regi.ttered to Thomas A. Cox.
a former resJ~t of 605"' Club·
bou.ee Ave., Newport Beach.
* N-~at Two TJMa&na *
I : I: -.&.1M-
-8&an1q-..... . ......... -.......... J-.. J??1ch
--~. • • DRIVE -IN ~ lC THEATRE~ [:II
(OMI A\ YOU Altl
-f llf fHI IAMILT (A .
MfJHAWJ< ----l~ ..
___ :-:-~ v !LT ..
"RED HOT .. Valu• for ThUI'&.. Fri.. SaL July 19-20-21
Store Houra: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Sunday cmd Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 p.M.
MAiflfDIG6 IIDPn~K Oa CJIEAXT ftLLDVIIT~-. COFFEE Peanut Buller Cinaan1011 Rolls
Limit 2 to a Customer 3~ 2 ... 45C ~:N ············-····-········-···-·····-8~ 13 oz.
JAR -···-··-···-··-····-· .. ·-·-··-·-
~ .
l •o~ 49t ITO IDIT~ 1tySe PIL.Liaurr -BACON lb. TUNA . FLOUR
~~G ·····---··---·----···-··-· 4~ iAcOtrib. 57c 61/J oz. 27~ -CAN --·--·
IVJtiiiiiM~. ... ... • JVaa..-AD ,.._ Apple Sauce CAT FOOD Krispy Crackers .
6oz. 2-21( I-~ 27( •-lb. 2 ... 35C
CAN _ ... tBOX
CAN ___ . • • . . -
JAMAICA INN, beautiful resort Hotel and restaurant in Corona del Mar, Californ ia
lu'"'' J <'IC mmod~t• " ,.. "
rel1 ""q 'e H•de t!!lm o\phere Me
pr v•,.Jed ,., ti-e Jom ,,,., Inn re~,...rt
ht lel ond re~t.,url'ln t "' the en
I ronr e to (,..,one') del MM.
In H-Jdoto0'1 t'l the fone lo.o~~nq
'lucHter .,.,d dononq forilitie\,
there He 1 q•eoll ml'lny Cl'tert''"
mPnl fec~tu•e\ o11rt'ltl.1ble for Que;t,
The;c mc.lude oreM ..,nd b<!!y fiJ:
•nq. oc eM Md boy ;wommi,..q
bo~t ,..q woter nq qolf nq 1nd
l'numer~ble "qhl\ee•nq '"!='
At the In" t~elf •s o heoted bO
foot free form swtmming pool wtl h
l'l chompeonshep d•vong bo~~rd
The J<!lmo oCI) Inn is ode..,Uy IC'I
t: ,ted tll the en trl'lnce to Cor ,~
del MM en the heort of the m 1q
"'Lcent. ,moq free Horbor Are.,
one Clf the fine,t re\odenh<'ll ,1nd
vocotion spo ts on the world
Guests of Jomo ico l,..n ore od
ven• to the f "e shopp . .,q ~e,ter
of Coron., del Mor ano ~so lhe
shops o,..d b~>s•neHes of tht' re t
of the Horbor Area ll"O Co 'J
A ,...,mber of other ottrocloons .,e wolhio e3sy dr'v'nq di\11\nce·
the Newport H ll r b o r Bd f 1lo
R 1nr h Knott Berry Fll'm Oo;ney
l,,nd s,,, Ju<~n C.,p ,,,,~-,,,d
mMy others. Los A"qeles ohelf
·~ withi,.. on eosy hours drove
Bob Ingram Joe Collins Les Bla~esley
Tho m II on dollt~r J t~mt~oct~ Inn
enlerpro e •\ the protect of "
three-wt~y pt~rl,enhop that on
elude~ Robe rt (Bob) lnqrt~m R. J
(Joe) Collon~ 4f'd L. M (Les)
Blt~kesley t~ll loct~l resodent~.
Bob 4nd Joe ht~ve been t~ssoci-
Future Plans
Call for 50
More Rooms
Jt~mt~ict~ Inn now provides 75
rooms t~nd suoles on " two-story.
L sht~ped structure Future plt~ns
ct~ll for "" additiont~l SO rooms
t~nd suotes. tennts courts, stet~m
room beauty pMior Md bt~rber
shops. The odditoont~l uni ts will be
included tn " second wing to be
butlt oceol'lwt~rd of the present
L-sht~ped wing .
The Inn ts loct~ted in wht~t is
ct~lled Irvine Terrt~ce Subdivi~ion
No 2 which enclude~ all the va·
ct~nt lrvene IMd between Coast
Highw&y ond the roadwt~y along
the bt~y. between CoroM del Mor
and Irvine Terrace No. I. The T er·
race is one of the oulstt~nding resi·
dentit~l developments t~lo,g the
coo st.
t~ted for o number of yet~rs t~s the
lnqrom.Col'ns Constructoon Co.,
t~nd they ore the builders for thos
enormous construcloon pro1ect.
Bob lnqrt~m t~ho prept~red the
plt~ns Md dod the color desognong.
Joe Collins wt~s the supervostng
conlrt~clor on the 1ob.
Le~ Blt~~esley. " long-time res•
de nt of the Ht~rbor Aret~ wt~
formerly o~socit~ted with Newporl
Fur'1olure Co. on Mt~riners Mole
in Newport. He is the mt~noginq
dtreclor of J4mt~ict~ Inn.
Congratulations to
on the Excellent job done on
Coast HI-Way at the Arches
I ~
ENJOYING the d:~ rq boHo of the heated sw mming pool at Ja·
m, 1 1~,., are two y 'h•"9 que'' Ale, Semo,s, 8' 2 of Mill V<~lley,
Clllof. Md Wyn Taylor 9 .,f Balooo lsiMd.
HERE IS " ~ecor'ld floor room ol the Jomoico lrn w th o wonderful
v ew to the northwest. toward the ocean. tf-e harbor lr_,,.,e Terrace
Md tJ.e golf course.
Phont> Llhety 8-4161 Costa M('~ll
All Highways
Lead to Inn
All roods leod to the JarT>o co
Thos new resort t.otel ord •e>'Ou
ronl s eosoly reocl·ed 0" Pac foe
Coos I H qhwoy (Ahe•na •e I C )
ot the entronce to Co•o"o :Je
Mor just o few blods from the
poon t where MocArth..or Bl .. o tO•"S
the Hoghwoy.
Guests comonq down fr om H·e
Los Angeles oreo h<~ve a hondy
drove down the Saflto Ano Free·
woy. turning right either on H'qh·
woy 39 ot Bueno Pork (past Knotts
Berry Form) or on Horbor Blvd.
(post Disn eyland) ond on to Coos!
From inlond Oronqe County
Md the desert oreos the roods
lead to Sonto A.,o ond from there
dowl'l Mo , St o,d MocArtf.ur
Blvd to Coro'>O ae Mar.
For oil ·r-e .-..,as•al cc~,., .. -• e;
of Cal for" a •re route P!!c ; c
Coa~t Hwy (ol•er-o'e C • ., C:)
rono del Mor wl-c" s o "'"~O • e•
aclly mod.woy oetween laau'"d
Beach a,..d Newoor• Bea-"
• •
...Camp 1i9fzt t::Sfwp
24-43 E. Coas'
THIS ROOM ot the JoMOtCo Inn feolures duo bed; ..,,.,,.j bv•lt •n
r11dio in the comer. One o f the dt~l nct.ve J,mo c.~ Inn l11mp~ con
<'!lso be seen here
Assoslont monoger of the Jo
mooco l"n s M It Borrows wt-o
comes here from the lee Ho•els
Inc. Most rece,.,tly he wos oss tont
monoger of the Covolter Hotel on
Westwood. one of the Lee cho.n
Before getting 1nto the ho+el
business. he wcH in +he serv•ce of
Uncle Som in 195 I or1d 52 He
wos o se•qeo"t on on r>tell qer P
teom ossiqned to the Fourtt-
Eng roeer " GermO"f He wo
tot oned Most of •hot 1 me ,..
Oberommergou the p•c luresq~;e
Welcom e
Bovdr ll" town n the Germon
A.ps fomed for h Possoon Ploy
Other members of the stoH in-
dvde Penny Cttto os secretory
formerly on the off•r:e stoH of the
Newport Horbor Chornbe r of
Commerce· Loro•n Addm. o res•-
Jent of Belmon t Shore •n Lonq
Beoch. s ot the sw tchboord
At +1-e Jomii•(O I'"' Res tourord
Bvd G11sto.., the m11"oqer Pout
S"mmons s "·qht mt~nt~ger ond
Borboro Mo•ey fr m Se~n Fer-
nondo is hostess
To the Ja maica In n
from Corona del Mar's New spaper
HArbor 2868
Just Up th e Street
ot the T roffic Signal
Henry Richer
OfC.D.M. Is
Named Chef
E.e ... ~• ~e 1-e• .,, ·~e J,....,j -:~
~~ Re ,.,.,,,~, He"''t R :::"er
C'O"Ou"Ce::l R !~c'l, wh ~ ~ ·e~
:1e"'' f Co•o"') H a" 1"'0' ... ,. ~~
t>-e c •~er s ae f C.-.: .. ~ ~e M ''
M• R 'c~l'' who e ·::e.-· •e 1:1
GREAT SPORT for youna~ters d":i qrown._p, "'••e ~ the heoted
•w mm·,..a pool .-.t •he J~m) ,, lr".
I 1 •de,.. I f,e\ h.m c'IS 11 Frenrf.m~"'
wos brmerly chef ~~ the Hurley
Bell ,.., Corono del Mv V ct':lr
Huqo '" l11qur11 11"0 tr>e Kc.., ~
Ko · Club " So" D eqn
Mrs. Ingram (Jean McCallen}
There <~•e lwo lr>qr11m 1 _
c•oled w,th the Jom.) co ,,.,,., e"ter
pr•se. l11 odd't•O" 'o Bco tJ"e of
ll·e three port,..er the•e h
br~de the former Jeo" McColle"
of Beverly Hills.
Jeon. who is o des•gner model
o'ld oclress, is opening <'"Other
bronch of her shop, JeM McCol
len s. ot the Jam<~ico Inn. She de
siqns oil the clothes for her e~clu·
sive women s shop •n BeveriJ H ih .
Here she is oddtnq o lone o me" s
sports weor for her J11m11 co ,,.,
Blonde ond lovely Jeon hos
done some televis•on wor~ 1nd
hos olso been with 20th Century
Fo< Md Columbio mov•e studio .
She hod o pttrl tts O'le o f the Flor
c'ldoro girls i, The Girl in the
Red Velvet Swing.
2-136 W COAST HWY . NEWPORT PHO:-lE Lll>t'rty 8·2'782
W. R. (Wes) COWlS, l1c.
1756 Pomona Ave
Costa Mesa
Phone Liberty 8-11 77
NOW ... Enioy
Luxurious Hotel
in Newport
The re~orl hotel f,c '" e you "" II W<'l)' nqeu for n the Horbor Me<'l ore
reody (...,, you ot the new J~m., ' ,,.,.., Here lru f re ''M "n o• ·t., very
best · ~poc•ous ond toslefullt dec r..,ted r rn overloo~•nq Bolboo Boy mony
w.th pr.vote pot.os ond equ•pped wdh TV or rodio if you ll~e ... effocient
room serv.re. olwoys ~~ your commond . \womm•nq in the l~rqe hected pool
... sunnonq '" 11 lropicol q11rden. At Jomoocd Inn, too. you con orronqe for
boot chorters ond qet complete informt~t oon on interesting side tr ips ond specit~l
11ctivilies •n the Meo. So don I put off your vocotion pions onother min1..le.
Phone the J,,ml!iCII lnr1 now . . 11nd enjoy Newport Horbor IH never before!
Hotel and Restaurant
NOW ... Enioy Superb Foods
at Jamaica Inn Restaurant
And 1 Mcintyre ro cwner of the f.,mous Encore Room in los A"qele br r>Q
o .,ew ,.,.,inrd i e(ce e-·e t the H.,rbor Are' w th ti-e ("'IOe"i"o r,( ._ ~ew
J~mo -:1 1-" Re 'l ~·.,-· E,..-, j:erb f-oa· prepd'f''"l b, """' •er ~he1 ~ 1r e
e ~ ·-: a-... Q '0 ...... _.,. .,..e •e,.,. e . ""yr.v~,. m ., •..... e J,m,,., 1 ... --!
A nothe• rc11ven ence of the j..,m.,icll lnr> is Jeor McC.,IIen s Sport> we v h ·10
where you II find .., hMdsome roller loon of Bolbo.1 •"<pire-:1 <w,m we"' be,· f.
wedr ., .... d lothe f r • .,SU-' I • "C) G ft ton for th e • ~u wont to reMember
,t h,-,me!
HERE IS "' corner of the <'lltroc l•ve J.,moic;o Inn
Pe t tun~t wh,ch provides seoling for 200. The
·~ t,_,, ,~t ncludes o d,n,ng room roc tod
u' QP 0-'l"(luet rl)om d"O ,,, o~o~l de 'lrert f r
J,. ~q 1rd dd"C ng o•C"':J tf,e 60 f t he.,te"
w ,.,,., ":J pool.
Jamaica Inn
Is in Hawaiian
Modern Motif
Jomii•Co f,..n the o~o~thlord
"ew,. 1 re~ort hotel ll"d re 1-'lv'""'
' de\•qned by Robert lnqrom <'1"0
THE STAFF ot Jomoico Inn includes Assistont
Monoger Milt Borrows ond Secretory Penny
Cillo shown here ol the receplton desk. Penny
used to be a secretory ol the Newport Horbor
Chomoer of Commerce nff.ce ond M.tt come
here from the Cevo •er Hotel ,.., Westwood
BILLHEIIER I WALlER bv It on the How., 11n m dcr"
....... If u\lnq Poles Verdes dr.ft 2660 AVON NEWPORT BEACH
w J lone w.th shoke roof C"JIII ,\
,,~ I t,mber on lrurhon.
He 75 room\ M•d w.!es. ,...,,h
w I h w. I _h boorrl \!'rvlf P r v:i10
-1"1 tele ~~~'"" ..,,e ;er rl'lled i,.
thp m der" ;e ,. !h uql-n I 1r
'"e e •"eme. Eo'Jrt r .m ,,..d u te
·~ S" :Je· q,ed tl'o! '' h n d v ew
o ~e·l ~ ng tf,e oceo'l l"<1 t Mbm
11"0 C ll'll nil l•l<'lnrl ,,. thp d
He entire IMd~cop•'~q feature<
the lrnp•cal motif wtlh polm trees.
bon11n<'l trees llnd flowers from the
lslond .
bet~ul fully fur" l-ed H ~e f
moon Su te ,, , tf-e e -r :"1
floor "' the c rrer of the L
sht~ped wonq of tf-e J--1mo• 1 I""·
Guests there ht~ve , bret~th
to~inq voew of the enfore hMbor
the oceM ond Ct~laloM 1\lt~"d.
The \Ce nic harbor ;\ perfer I for
\oilonq ond sw•mmonq ond serves
tH the home /orl for some-
5.000 bot~l s .,, yachh. Satl,,.q
and fish•nq lrops Me ,..,.,,f.,bleo
for guest~ of the Inn.
A FUll
liNE Of
• Handbags
• Jru tlr,r
• 8/nuus
• S (llfl rs
• Bells
• Drrucs
• Pia) u tar
Wl GlfT.WIAr
2137 E Coast Hwy
PHONE Ll R·529.'J OR Ll 8 6520. COSTA MESA
HERES A BLEND of tl>e Oroen•ol with modern decor in one of
the Jc!lm., (" l ... n su 'e' Thos w ndow looh Oul over •he ce,.,ter court.
In tre ther dorect en > o v·ew of rl-e oat o.,d :.cea".
FUNCTIONAL MODERN is the theme of the furn iture ond furnish
ings in this second floor room ol the Jomoico Inn. All rooms hove
otlrodive woll to woll corpeting.
and Pohshmg
free Ptck-up
and Dehvery
Next Door
To The
Horbor )()q4
For Fost Service
2201 E. Coos! Highway
Corono del Mor
fou ,.,.,,, do o d uD P. ·~•e
whc~ yOL ee Bud G., !"'" •• ,.. ..
Jo'lmo'l U l 1,,, Re•louro'lnt be' o'lu e
ol ust P<"''S•ole th,t you mo'ly
f.. '"'f' ~een 1-m omewhere before
Th ~t somewhere w" ., t~e
mov e Stalo'lq I 7 where he
ployed the role of ,.,.,e d H•e
AmefiCO'l fl en on the Germ ~I" r·
\O~'~er o f W (tr c 1mp d,.r,rg W rid
Wor II For Bud ol ...,,, o'l n~·ur,JI
be· ~u e he W/1\ ploy•nQ d rc.le
poi,.fully fom •l•o r to h,m He """
<S pro\O<'er of W(jr h•m\elf 1or o'll
most three y~>IH\ dur•.,Q the w~r
Bud G"s'o" who s the qene•ol
m;,nager of tne l'ew J11ma•co J,n
Restouront wos one of the e orly
fly boys n combo! '" Europe.
Hos outf t opened up the 306th
Bomb Group bose eorly " 1942
ot Thurleigh Englo,d north of
Londo,.. Those were the cloy
pogeon doys of bombong when
the bombers ~.,-/ to go out over
enemy terr tory w thoul foqhte•
Bud wo o lor\ I loeulen ,,t on the
200 Capacity
In Restaurant
One of the top notch restou
rants of the Southlttnd is o mo1or
ottroction of the new Jomoico
Inn It is o 200 seoting-copocity
re stouront, with cod toil lounge
and privote dintn g room. Also
ovoiloble is the od1ocent poolside
donong ond doncing
The restaurant ope rotoon fell·
lures o menu consisting of unusuol
ewotic. fooch and drink as well
as steoh. chops and prime ribs.
Operators of the restaurant ore
Andy Mcintyre and Neil Nelson.
1\ndy Mcintyre is co-owner of the
fomous Encore, on restouront row
on La Cienega Blvd. on Hollywood.
In 11dditoon to the main dtnonq
room. there is al~o o coffee ~hop
ond banquet room. The reslouronl
provides room service for gue~l s
at Jamoico Inn .
Bud Ga,ton
A r Corps and a p 1<">1 of a B I 7
Flyi'lg Fortress. On hos thtrd bomb
ong mo>sion h., plone wos \hot
1 wn orod t>e "'ad '' "'"'eo r-~ 'I
~.,d '"CJ 0 "' •foe w~•er vs r )H •r,.
Bre~1 pe" "~ulo of F•o"Ce O,e '=r
lc,s me .. ,.., lost He ""d rhe rest
f the rrew were l~t~en pr sor>er
oy the N.,z,\ end they woolej oul
the IC"\ng wee~s end morths of the
...,.,, ... " Germor Stalagluft.
H•ey we re oberoted by Amer :o"
lnrre d-'''"CJ the finals days of
I~P. wor .n Apr.! 1945
When Stolog 17 w.H oe r-q
f lmed he and othe· r?rmer PW s
were coiled '" to gi ... e rechnicol as
soslanr e ard thot "ow it rt~me
about thot he h~d " pod '" t~e
Bud who s now 37 • 11 "dl ve
of Los Angeles q•aduo'eo lro"'
USC in I q41 h1s been n 1he
•estaurot'lt b ... s•"e s for e'ght year
He started w th the Gour..,e• "
Beverly Hohs and hos also oee"
..,onoger of the Valley Tool of the
He a"d h w fe ~arlene .:~~ 1
daughter To, are ne w Vl"i) ~
T usti,.
355 Avocado St.
Costa Mesa
Phone Uberty 8-1233
Complete home Fur'lt\hing>