HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignI
to rtgbt. .._ Wcmd CampbelL 11. of CoroDa cS.l M•z Mary .,.,....oa4. 23, of Jkdboa lalcmdJ Judi kDb. 11. ot Wewport B•19btaz }OCID Wag·
g'OMI'. 17. of Lido lalez ]OCII&M SlMM. 17, of
»a1boa hlcmd.. cmd ftyW. MUum. 18. of Bay
51:~ na. QuMa wW be ~ Oil th• '"City
at Hlgbr TV progaam Tu...s.ay .....tA9· ( Eulp pboto)
orm's Laliding Is Sold
For Big Hotel Project ,
75 Units
Pa!ii Slated
A. IL ,....... a.-...... for Veterans a~ ............. .
..,... claalnnaa o1 .._ Cl'' lfllw •••-ol t.be Amv1can Oa m ,.._ ,_ Pub ... I'IIJ'• Lelllli Antatery Od .. lin. .,_..... ..accMdJnc Hal aa.. Cafwlii .. ddUl 1uta ADa. and ot 01n1n1 ft.-pan. ...._ aw lh: ,.,... wanac., ~~~
amy o1 Qltf HaYen wu .....ct ....._ 1NN tnforiMd ol tbe ac·
Me1'*""7, tiVItiM for diMbJed v.te'Us ol
...Jt": 10 I)
WUJIII ..... ... ....,r.r••v.· A Nf!W Concept 1ft ....,.,., ..
Radio. .., PhOne and Can7· ln. Cue Optto-1, llatra.
IAMII .. a u...., ............ o.e. ...
........... ...., .........
OO...S Into tbe IJ'OUP at Jut ...... ....ua., Mn. .c.n E.
1011--. Nlaa.UttatJon e b a 1 r , nau. ai'QOUDC!ed tllat a ,.,.,. .-.:r · WID be held at tbe t.onr .... v ...... ~·tal DDt
,...,..,, ...... Wh.a ..... wm be plaJ.ct and nhlllaWntll .......
A • ...._ ol the waraa pa.
ttenta were entertalfted at the
montbty ha.pltal party beld lut
"'-* at the N,-front Newport ~ Lerton BalL IIOs. Wal·
lace Ryne and Mra. Ken J:, John·
aon took char&e f« the AuxW·
Eric Hansen Is tennis Champ
For His Second Straight Year
You.nc Eric: Jl.aQMD YOU.,.. bJa SUe IWmolz Qd DlaM lie,.
way to ht. .-coad e.ouecvt.iw cWeated Mary Ana S.'b t .......
t1nt d.Jvlalott boJ'I' ~ ten.nta and s..n Trudee.u, 6-4, t-4, S:.J.
ehamplonab.tp ol tbe lallh achool J.n U.. ftDala, Sue aDd m.,.. toe1t
CIOUJU. Erie. wbo wu 1ut ,..,.. t:be UUt Ill)' .... tiD, JoUnad
wlnn.r of the NC:Natkm propana and .Aalle Oq\lbt. wbo laad ...
tournament. WOft In lltraJ&bt ..U, e.atifd Joan leed and luJS. J0r.. ~Jn& only 5 came~ out ot a:s claD ta ttw eemJ.ftDUa.
'l'be 13-~ar·old c: h a m p 1 on ~ ~ DVLir'llr
amubed put quarter nnatt.t ..._.t tu..U at the home o1
Jim Hldul. 6·1. 6·0: c:ruahed Mllll· ..... ADCI Mrs. W. L. BaJdwla. 130
llnalllt JUc:hard Ral&le, 6·0, 6-0; lrta Aw.. Corona deJ Mar. were
then put down tlnala.t RJc:ble Mr. Bakktia'a bJ'other ~ .a.ter-
Parke, 6·0, 6-4. , ln~·law, Dr. and Mn. lleuy Bak·
Firlt dlvt.lon clrb' llnalea Ula ot Duluth, MJnn. Tbe lila·
tltll.t ll Sue ~lmholz. Second ne110tan.1 came to the weat eout
dlvlalon elrll' aln&les went to to attend the weddlnc of their
top·aeeded Meredith Miller, wbo aon, John, In Loa Anadea.
defeated Connie Millft' (no re-
(CJnlt'r<H ftlm Mrs. Robert Bd&P. president, ' lation) for the tJtloe. With thb L&Aft aALaOA IILAirD
match all of the ain&la tiUet The La~ Darllnp. wbo
v.-.ere settled: first dlvaJon-Sue bave lived for a whlle on 110
Helmolz and Eric: Hansen· Sec:· Ruby Ave .• Balboa Island. have
ond dlvlllon -Meredith Miller moved to Whittier.
announced that a number of
loeal members are plannln& to Aaa 1 II ..... ._ attend the national eonventton Ea~ ltod&k~ of the American Leeton Auxlll·
at.ro-a.alt.t Aqua ary tn t.o. A.n&ela Septemb« OOLDD ~-A hoet oe ~
Bell ~ aow.n aa4 3-6. Tb& convention wtll be held ,_. .... et tM ea ........... of F--. Ia
and IAI&h 1ohMOn.
Boya doubtet provided the bl&·
lest upset o! the toumamenL
Nlne.year·old Scott SmJth and
10·Ye&r·old Tim llr<nifn teamed
to put down hlehJy.rated Lel&b
and David Johnaon, who had
flnlabed 1·2 In aecond dJvWon
boya' singles.
MATTRESSES ....._..._c.tt.. Tat:=--ln conjunctlon with the national w.t ••pwt A ... 11 to ...._ J(r, ..s J1n. A. ,. Bow Senlee oonYe'Dtton ol the ~n 1.-. v. c... ... • ....u 50t1a ......sdiD9' ............,. P._hJib.
lrftcular Shapn
IIOSft &I'll _. ~ &lon. More than 1500 delecatet Adllal.ly tM •hhotioo waa -&ly ..._ .... nm CAMD• licw and aJWmates &~e expected to .._ tlae wecld1llg took pl-. Aag. 11. a-. Jll 111 ._...A,_ be preeenL Representatives from _______ :.._ _ __:. __ ---r:.._ _____ _
...... ...... Newport w1ll Include Mmea. Tom B I v· 2110 .............. u .. ,)OJ
·~~~;_,;.,..;;·~•;•;• ~~~~Hudaon. 1ohnaon. a,ne and ow ers 1e !!! Brina.
JOOLCLOI --m-a WK&D-for City Title
The second round found Scott T v and Tim matched with Rkhle ,___ ---..
'l'be mmmtng pool at Oran&e
Cout Collece wtll be c:loaed f«
two weelul ltarttn& Au~Uft 25.
'l'be pool will be cloaed for ln ·
struc:tlonal u well u recre&·
tlonal swtmmln&.
* BAL 'BOA *
,M,_ La
~ F1M11 1u1c11 FIM
• STEAlS •
2511a&WI08T &VD.. e COSTA IIUA
ORII II.._.~ ... ALLDS r...~ .......... .
FVU."f AUTOMATIC ftX I& I i&U * COFFDz.:I~~~I-Ua
JOin YOUR FRIEnDS 17DS svnmoa A•v•a,....,orwa
(} ~i#uw;
lllii'IIEIICII F ..
DeUII.. IIMI-...._, ......._ ..Oiletcw., to-
............ _. claW ..U.. wttlla..t ...._tic 10atla ol .. .._.., a.... Ll W • ,.._ ,.._ • 1WIT• LaDd· ..............
I ll &Ia wo._ "-> ..U..
ftl. IIIIIA I .... = ......... 0 hl J1 I at Ia 0 FE .,._,. a llldutza .......... w .. dllfllft'tun.,.. 11 111 .._ llln•.a•t .._
... , I 11"1 .... -.. .. ..... 01 2
.... ._ ............. _ ... __ Y.el.lallw-.....
Q'J ......... .....
117 & c:alfiil& ---................ & ....... ~ ...... , ......
.. ..... • ... .. -.. 0 •• 01 ,,-........... .
...... I Jl'il_ ........ .a; Ll 1 .... ......
................. --?\• .. ~· hP I
The local Lawn Bowlers have
been very buq for the past ten
daya with helr Doubles Cham·
plonahlpa and the Australian
Sln&lea tournament. which wu
played to a tJe by John Walker
and Taylor Carr at 14 points. In
the play·off Mi. Walker won first
and Mr. Carr took aecond prize,
Walt Pearaon won thlrd place
w1th 12 polnt.s.
In the first round of the local
Doubles champlonahlpe AI Qx.
land and M. E. Taylor defeated
Lloyd St~es and Mrs. Carr.
Walt Pearson and Bruce Hesse
defeated Ed Wilcox and Ed Mur·
let. Nlc:holu Brettner and C. X..
Oose defeated Harold Shandley
and Colin Brown. Walter Wood
and Mrs. Pearson defeated Tay.
lor Carr and Roland Bailey.
In the aeml·flnals. Walt Pear·
aon and Bruce Hesse defeated
AI Oxland and M. E. Taylor.
Wa lter Wood and Mrs. Pearson
defeated Nlcholu Brettner and
C. K. Cl~. The winners wlll
meet for the Newport Beach
Doubles Championship.
Assault Case
Hearing Set
Michael B. Donahue of 327
Avocado St.. Costa Mesa, will
face a preliminary hearing on a
charee of usuaJt with Intent to
commit murder at 2 p.m. Wed·
nesday, Sept. 12, In Newport
Beach juatlc:e court. ••••
Mr. Donahue ls charged with Harlan G. Loud of San Marino.
h lttlne hta friend. Lawrence P. member of the Irvine Coa.st
'Bongo Boys'
Get the Gong
Reilly, of 327~ Avocado St., d h'-Costa Mesa. on the head with a Country Club, an .. guest. L. Bongo drum players were
K. Leishman of the Annandale back "entertaining'' Balboa <tlamantJed shotgun barrel In the Coun~ Oub near Pasadena.
drl t th t d..._,_ Au<> .. '~ Island resIdents Sunday veway a a a u.~ on ... won the first annual member· 13. Costa Mesa pollee were called nJght of last week.
and Robert Parke. who put1he
scrappy y o u n 1 s t e r • down In
straight sets 6·1. 6·3. Meanwhile
top·seeded Richard Bailie and
Eric: Hansen downed Dave and
Richard Goshert 6·2. 6.0. These
two, then tool< on Dan Ken and
11m Hick&. who had defeated Art
and Dan van Eaton. Richard and
Eric: walked ott with a 6·2. 6-3
victory. then defeated the Parke~
brothers in the finals. 6·1. 6·2.
In girls' doubles. top·aeeded
• • • •
* Tlli&'l
y.y sav. ........
WRCOM£ AIOARDI • • • • .to
Newpon Harbors finest wotw·
front rendezvous ••• &..iaurely
dining in o distinctive Englbh
Tavern atmosphere.
to the residence at 10:30 p.m. guest golf tournament at Irvine Ralph Schisler of 1202 S.
3 h dl dl b Coast Country Club. Their score Bay Front. Balboa Island. o..tn.rattll.,..••• ~~ ___, Aug. 1 to an e a stur ance. was 121. A total of 122 palrs 1 ---'l'b tw h d ... _n flghtJng cal ed pollee at 8:34 p.m. to =~ii;~· -..,._ .-.-,._ #lluNu. e o men a ~ · started the tournAy. -b ttl_.. It be.... th "' report the bongo boys at ,_... A------_j . ut se o:u ,,..,een em· In second plact> with t23 were ~~~--w .. '' ~•t10n1 selves, pollee said. Lar C 11 S f 1 Amethyst Ave. and S. Bay
A f~ minutes later Mr. Don· ry arro • anta Ana. u r· Front. Oiflcers found 12 local 1 West Sth St. at Santa Ana River.
d l th t vine Coast Country Oub. and boys. 15 to 21. playing the, -----~hhuehcadlled ~1111c:e tod ec: arle hals Stan Woods. Santa Ana Country drums to an orderly audl· SANTA ANA PlL Kl 3-8311
e a a ..,. ow own n Club. Thlrd with 1~ were John ence of about 125 persons of i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ drlv~:-"8Y and was golng to kill Curci of Lido Peninsula, of ICCC. all age-s, Including whole
him. Dectectlve Set. Dean Pol· and E. W. Murphy. Wilshire famlliE'S.. .
1om of Mesa pollee saJd. The two Country Club. They were In a Adults t>amto' forward to
men had been drlnkJng wine and tie with H. W. Sayer, Laguna explain that the group had
were watchlne wrestling on TV. Beach of ICCC, and Carsten W.,ll been lmi ted to play In front
which wu believed to have of RJ~ra Country Oub, who of their homes. The players
started an argument. took fourth place after a onP· were advised by the officers
Mr. Reilly underwent surgery hole play.off. that a c:lty ordinance pro·
for a depressed skull fracture in A three·way tie a t U6 resultf>d hlblted the playing of musl·
Hoag Memorial Hospital on Wed· In a play·off Cor fifth pl:tt"'". ~·on cal Instruments without pro·
nesday, Auc. 15. He will not be by Col. C.Orge W. BaJley Jr .• l.a per authorization. The otn·
ready for questJonJng for about guna Beach. of ICCC, and Ralph c:e.rs proposed to contact tbe
A•tbariaed A~t
I"• All
• TilliS
three weeki, Dectectlve Pollom S. Harrison of the Laruntt Beach Parks. &-aches and Rec:rea·
aald. Mr. Donahue wu arralrned Country Club. Sixth place went lion Department In an at· ....._. n.. C..... A.reo P• a..ty 10 T ...
laat Thursday. to Everett Davis Jr~ 1.304 S. Bay tempt to locate a place for Ill 0... A.., ~ .._. llywtt ~1•1
IMF .. IIIIf ··--Iff ~~Balboa Wand~ ~~~~~th~~~~~~p~la~y~.~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Burl Watson Jr. of the San
Gabrlel Country O ub. Seventh
place went to 1ac:k Booth. of
An unldentmed man fell from
a car at Coronado St. and Balboa
Oaremont. of ICCC. and H. Ewart
ol the Red Hills Country Club.
Blvd., Balboa, at about 10:40 L-& I ,._ _.
p.m. Friday, Aue. 3. apparently .... ..-WI
waa hurt baclly and atagered
down an alley and disappeared.
a IUwnJde woman told New· Clalre Van Rom of 2731 W.
port pollee. Coast Hwy., Newport Beech, com ·
Mra. T. a. Erwin of Jllwnlde plalned to Newport polJc:e at 4:55
u.Jd abe heard 10meone fall and p.m. Wednnday, A\ll. a. that her
went out to find tbe man lta.nd· ear was atolen. She potnt.d out a
In& In the ~beet. boldJ~ hill ear Identical to het parked two
bead. Ju.t then a dark c:ar drove IP&C8 ahead ot .where hen had
up and a W'OIILan tot out. lira. beet\ parked.
Erwtn aaked u.e woman what Whlle officers were pnparln&
happened and tbe unldentlfted their stolen car report her car
woman aat.ecl that tbe man fell wu drlftD up by GJeon H. Gum·
out ol the cat. Sbe added that mee o1 x.o. An&e*. wbd ex·
tt had bappmecl Wen u u.e pla1ned that hll fat.Mr bad
do« cto.n't ltQ' llaat. taata bel car by allltt• llt. n.e lnformaDt lltae.d tbe man au-bad purclauld a car
mut baw .._ luart bedlJ bat uct took It to Ba7 ~ via
be dieS not pt Mc:IE b1tD U.. car. tiM bQ whOe bla ...._ wu to
...... cat. w... .... taU.
ftm IIDIU--_,.. antwc1 1ft Bay Sh~ wtth the
'n.. J. Lelll• ._.._ ....... car, lilt. G\1-notJced
........ tiLII ---fir.a 1111 tiM tmll' aad l't'tWMd lt. Rl8 O.U Lane. a.-...... tt ..,. att.c1 the Va.n ._ wlk.k:le. a.a euuu. Aw. a. ,...
.. whJl JqC .. ,, 11 .. .., ......... iiCIIl LUft
woocl, Wt ..... ,, ... ... .... llartba -. CJiraftlla _ a ....._ ft* .._. ...., o..t c.rnr aebool .._ .._
Doa, ... ldi ...._, .. _ .... ---........ ,...,. lilliE ......
eo••;:~.._. . .,.. .... .._ _, .. ...._. ........ ., .. ? • ... -·-1 ....................... Gl .. a... ....... ._..,,I, W..a .,.._ ..... 1.Mf ..
........... ,..... ...... ,...... • J ..
To The Newport Harbor Ensign
ONE TEAll ------Oalt 3..00
()gtiJicle of Barbe. ANa ......
MalllDg Ac:klrW _______ ____.-.,;;._-._.....:..,,;.......::~·
I Qt} (mel State~---.......... ----:~---~~~~.....:;..;;;~~~
COIDIVWJT'f IIE'niODIST rD1T taU .. or taaiiT
-w. ·-lt.. c::.M.... t ...... ,
LD ,, .... L th w H ld p· • .. ... ~.~~a. ...,.I-* sunt;: \•:;,-:.:: ~C::'svn-U eran Omen 0 ICniC Sunday ~11 a..a. 81aa·
cla7 Scbool; 1:30 and U:OO ·~-~: U:ll a.a. W..S· a.m. Komtnc Worsblp-7 p.m. A talk b~ Pariah IOMlon 1bttr pro.)ec:U haw tnducled ~ ....._.: 1:00.
Collece An MYP Servlee -7 BuUden wu the featured pro-beJplnc w1th the lndJa mlalona --~ ~~ ~ Llde.
p.m. BJp "School KY1' Servtee; eram at the ptcnlc meetinr of and sendlnt elothlnc and ma-Jfewpoit ... I LJD.·
I p.m.. 70un• a•wta IJ'OUP the Cbureb held lut 'nlUJ'fda.y t.tala to New GuineL · 5 p.m. '"* .. -I L111.·1:•
leniee. In Costa Mesa Park. The .Partah Two mnaller croups within the L.m. Wec!lneediJt. T-t .... l'rt-
Record I 31 1414 8001_5 Taken 1'D caoiitiiOr C8ilill Mission BuDders were younr Women ot the Cbun:b earry on ~ ~ It ·-a.... .... c.... .... collece people who have apent ~c project.~ ot their own nd FmiT ~ cauaa
0 • '55 '56 l•b y ID1rty .. ..., the past month in Newport Bar-meet to study anc! ~the ._..~a-. .. w r« ut In I rary ear D. Q.JI.nt.Mie'... bor caUJnr on potential mem-Bible. 11ley are the Mary Clft:le, a....--
Just atter Vlalt1nc his wife in -Sunday ...SC.S: I :G a.m. Bible ben of'the Newport Hartfor Lu-headed by Mra.. Marie Bor,man. .... P. & ••~I ~~~~~
H H !tal .,_ 1 H B study: 11 a.m. momtnc WOI'· theran Church. and the Naomi Circle. beaded by 8\ladq S.wto.: t :• LIL IP-oar oap • .... u · rown, A record 131,fl4 books were people In the Harbol' Area have ahlp; T~30 p.m. ewnlnalenice. The picnic aerved u the Au-Mn. H•..., aer-The v.--lellool.; U a.& w;e 59, of San Clemente and Los circulated from th.. N-----rt library ..... da. llldweelc eervlce 7:30 P m. -·~ ..... _, s.r.se-· •:10 J;;j Ia An 1 autr red astrl h "' ~~..... ...... ' • · cu.t rneeUnr of the wo~ of Clrde taxes care of the altar and' • • ge ea. e a I c em-Beach Public Library In Balboa Important addltlona to tN! 11-Wedn..,. the Newport Barbae Lutheran Ubrary of the church and the ~..!.Y~~.i·· 7·-orrhage and dJed In the drive-and Its branches In Corona del brary ~ern thLI year were the ...... ._.,_ w ..v way entranae to the tonner Mar af\d Newport Helfbts, dur· new branch llbrary located At C&illi1' CMUilall aY 1'D 1U Church. Members brourht their Naomi circle hu amonc Its ae-p.m.. PrQer, Pralle Bible
nurse's quarters at the hospital lng the 1955.56 tlscal year. ac· the Horace Enstrn school library ~ Ileal a -.t own lunches. Hostesses. Mra. ttvttles the maldnr of .crap boola Stu~. lfoe4a~: T:• p.m.
at 4:14 p.m. August 11. Mrs. cording to head librarian oOro· the latest addltlo... _6 tb... lm~ lcdiMMJ ...._ tit 1• It:. •....-t Morris Laurie and Mra. Dale lor the Sunday School and tor Mea c:bonla '"ti,
Brown Is pat1ent, with a broken ·-w. "' ~ -Jewett. served coUee and punch. lick people. p.m. Ke'a Pr..,_ II a , thea Sheely. A total of 7,162 portant retes-enoe boolu plus .__, ...,. ~A. Ord-In the absence of the president, Various members of the '""'U ... lee, In the fonner nurse 8 quar· more than 2000 other n-... ~ ... -S d w-... • ·-• -and .----·-ten. ..... .....-... un_ ai.m._ (i"~ -~ .. l:30 Mrs. John Nett, the viae pres!-handle apedal projects tor the ••· _.,..ofoi~-..--
A witn-· Donald R. Thumel I , ·=--I ala&. and the introductory, selection of dent, Mrs. H. 0 Andenon. pre women such .. coUedfon of ....... &aiAII cau ...
-6 San Cl.......,men•-told polJce h... OI'WII .............. owr 100 music and tomrn Ian-Lm. MJdweek ~~~ 7:00 · · • ' a sa a & a-.. a wa ....,
ur. e ""'• "' •--.... 1 __._ O guap records that circulate tor p.m. WedDesda~ p by sided avf!l' the meetlnr. stamps to wnd overseu by Mra.. ..._ ,._ .... ..,.. was puttinc the top up on h is JUJW ..,. ... home ~njo'""'ant. The addJtlonal 6:15 p.m. potluck. The butc purPose of the Paul Prle&'e; care of the nowers La..tr a.l7ft car when be heard the noise ol. ~~ Women of the Chureb Ls to help tor Sunday worship Sf!l'VIce by ,_.., ... 1-L 1--.t
Mr. Brown falling. He ran over Miss Nonna Perkins. Newport books are ~de poaible due to 11'. JOACIIIM taU... members cet acquainted with Mrs. Berfh, and C'luUt!an Servtce SUNDAY: Kcm~ wonh.lt:~
and observed a larce pool ot Elementary SchooLI tnstruraental the lncr~ library tax. Mrs. JIM 01--.. A..., c.r. ,._ each other and keep active 1n CommJttee, headed by Kn. Cly~ and U a.m.; Clnlrda
blood formlnc where the v1ctlm mustt supervisor, ls s~ndlng Sheely said. Llbelty 1-1•1 church work. Amon• the crouPI' Bartwipen, which dedicated to 9~ aD4 U :OO: lr. HlP. Sir.
tell taee down. He ran to the part of August up at Arrow bear At the Newport Hetrhts branch. r..._ ,..__ J. •..sa acttvttles Is .upport of mlsalonary vtattlnc the alck in hospital and Htdl and coUtd ap NJow.
_._ b •-b-'d t 3 30 p.m. ......, .._ .t 7• I. & II .-1 ed U t 'h d ~-d. h ab t •--abf~ 1 p.m.; Tliar"~~C~q, Pra)w, hospital and obtained a doetor, Music Camp, where she wa.s a ev.~ry our .. ""' a : · 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: M .. at uca-on a orne an aun,. ome u . .._. lltud.J' IJ'OUP, t:30 LJL
who prononunced Mr. Brown asked to be coordinator ot new esch Wed.naday for the dilldl"en 7:00 a.m. _ Conte.ston: Satur-
dead. The body was r~moved to music materials. of Newport Helrht&. Flttb crade daya from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to
Baltz Costa Mesa Mortuary. Miss Pf!l'klns has J~st received echool chUdren receive spedal 8:30 p.m. caua::a or ova LAD!'
Read Enstrn Want Ad&.
jewell~~ welty
OOCASIONS T~-=-~~~~1 Flowers Telee:rapbN
sszt E. e-st~' c:.on.. ...
,... z.tblaates
oastal l.alacatli•l
2229 E. Coast Jlltlaway
CoroDa del Mar
aoyc. Prior IMl 1
LJ a.7027 IIA 1225-
Elgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
llll e.. .. C.. .. Hi9hrt
c.-...... ,
word that three of her mtalc library 1Mtructlona once a month
books have been accepted tor and recetve cards.. They have 8Q
publication by the Carl Fischer far borrowed 5.t99 books.
Co., music publlsbf!l's. They ~ Mrs. C. M. Deald.ns bu M!I'Ved
the Band Work Book. the Orcbe-as chairman of the Ubrary board
stra Work Book and Melody durlnc the put year. Abo on the
Methods tor Pre-Instruments. She board are Robert HurwlU. .ec:re-
had previously published tl\em tary; 0 . W. Rlcbard. Mrs. C. H.
for her own cluses. Harry and Leon Ware.
1'D taO ... Or CIDIST UfUIW DAT ADfDIIII l'"'"l WO~c:L,..,_ Oddreu.......... ·~.............. -·--.-. --· PDST UfTIS'i' CII'U"aCJI ... • t A • t • .• ...._ ••c or aawtoft nowpw ..., nowpw -~ r..._ a r:• Jrlle9, ....,. ..a.. mK. ltua & c.art Its.. c.r. .._ I D tl 1-1 r..._tsn' .._ ·~ ~ .. ma a..D.&Ifm'C. • ·a ,...._ JIAdlec 155 14871 ,-._ ...... JL........., Saturday IIOJ"Dlat(a..sc.J: Sab; SuD44Y M• 1 : 1:00 and 10:00
...._1 ~ ....... Sunday Servt~: 8:U a.m. .. ..._ bath Sdtool: 1:10 a.m. -Sef. and 12!00 a.m.~: Sat·
Sunday services: &:G Lm .. Sun-study; 10:55 Lm. wonhlp 8f!l'V· mon: U:OO Lm. Prayer meet-urday. ancl ..._ ofl.at f'rldaJa
, d:ft School; 11:00 a.m .. Wor-lee; 7:30p.m. rnntn• servtee. inc: Wecl1Ms4a~. 1:00 P.JD. and Bol~ na,. flrom C:OO to
ah P Servlce1 i.2:.~1 P~~u~:2 CEJrTUL mau: cau... oatt•••t'IT COiiiiO'iiHi 5:ao ~ ·~-!-'1...!:10.., ~ even n•<:~ence; • 01 .,A..,.tllldlt. ~ p.m.DatJy-ouua.a. • ..-
Servtce: 7:30 p.m. Wednea4ay C.... ....._ Lilli tl ~ Dtll a.••--Jltday: 1:30 a.m. aDd 1:00 p.m.:
Planners Refuse Permit Prayf!l' Meetlnc. A. A. Kst....... $15 w ........ m.d........ Jfovena (Perpetual Help):
IIUJK)•--=u"'iiiim.T M GOD Sunday School: 9:U a.m. Mom-~ we • 1 a ~ wu.y )(on~, 7:U p.m.
F L•d 8 •1d• Cl b IU7 w. Ylctadcl. in&' Serv1ce. 11:00: 'Eftnlnr Sunday Sehool. 10:00 a.m. Mom-OOIIOIIA DKL IUa Or I 0 Ul lng U c....._ Service. 7:30. ¥1d-week Serv-inc wonhlp, 11:00 a.m. COIDiOWI'ft cauaa ~ 1..,..1 Ice, Wednesday, 7:30p.m. c iJ,..
ed the t of , ... c. E. nurmoect Younr people meet 6:15 p.m. PDST AJenaLT or GOD lla'::tf:tc&a Request for waiver ot parldng • Approv r e q u e ~ Co Sunday 8Chool 9:U a.m.. morn-Sunday. a..s lt. & aJdsa A"-c.t...._ ..._.
requirements so that a member· Austin Sturtevant's Westcl · lng worship 11 a.m., even.I.q Ubslty a.Ml ~ ... ...,..a-a
ship health club could be located for detached garages on front evan,ellst service 7:{5 p.m. WEWIOJIT ~· ••• ad 11. e. en.~c, ...._ Sun~ Wonh1p Sert-tc:.: 1 :30
on a thlrd fioor addJtlon of the halt ot certain lots In the new Mid-week aervice 7:U p.m. LOYAE•a..Jf CBO** Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-a.m.. U:OO a.m. SUDday School:
new Lido Professiona l Build inc subdivision, and change ln set· Thunday, Younc People's Sf!l'v-1501 Qlff Dr .. ·~ ..... ta ahJp: 10:55 a.m. and ev&ftcellst 1:30 a.m.
rejected by the Newport backs on certain lots. ice 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. a.a.tr I serVice. 7:30 p.m. y~ People
:'easch Planntnc Com m 1 s s Ion • Approved the request of CIIV1ICII of tbe wAU•DE Du~ =~ -9 and ctilldren's s.rvtce, 6":30 a.~·= ~·~ Th~ay evening Maceo Corp. for 12-toot encroach· 1., Aaabetaa St.. e-ta If a.m. and U :lS a.m.. Sundayi fy.m. lun. M1d·WHk Senioe: 'fiA*-'iif:"
The vote was 4 .to 3. Vottnr to ment in 22·foot front yard set· ,_._:a... cu .. wm.,_,-:a KJnderrarten and Pre-SchOOJ ..J:res4a~.~~~ Ladles' ... 1-. a......,..._
reject the application w~e Com· back at '124 Malabar Dr .• lrvlne ~ 1·7111 Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.; 9:30 ~or an ~-uradaya Sunday services: 1:00 a.m. Hol,y
missioners Galvin Keene, C. B. Terrace, to maintain staggered Sunday Servlca: Sunday School, 1st Grade throufh Adult Sun-OommunJon; 1 :15 PamUy Serv·
Rudd Louis Briggs and o . B. setback arrangement. 9:30 un. MornJnr Wonhlp at day School, 10 a.m.: bua pro· tee. 11 a.m .. ~tv service. Reed' Favoring the aiU)llc&tlon • Approved the request of Gil 10:30 a.m. Evangellstlc Serv-vtded and N~ fr.ravtded for rDIIT IOOI&&aii UPni'T 'nluraday Servieee: l:ll a.m.
were.Commissloners Don Hayton, Causey and Frank Rhodes for lee, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y..P.S., both services an 0 a.m. Sun· 150 W. •-=1:: C......_ Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Bol~ Oom-
R Co lin and Walter Long-7-foot encroachment into 10-toot 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· day School LD t'l I-MII munton..
ay pe rear yard setback to aUow con· lnc, 7:30p.m. Wednesday. CIDJIT LV'i'llEJIAW ~ ..._.Dr. •:awd a.,_ ft Jotar 'flAinl'ft mc:r~pok.esman for the Lido Pro· structlon of 2-car garage, 1510 BALBOA IILAJID or COITA IIUA Sunday 8Ch~ll t:U a.m.; churdl. IIC Jl.da. .a..., ...... J.-.
f I 1 Building developer ex· Abalone Pl., Balboa Island. C01011JWrrT IIET1IODIIT (11.._....~4) service u :OO a .m. Tralnlnr ....._ •••
ess ona t th tub • Approved the request of 115 A9.te A..., 1la1boa ls1aD4 .AIDer'-Jt.u. Union 7,.m. Sunday. Eventnr rcdMr 11 ul • ~ • ..._ plalned that plans or e c John Feeley, 319 Anade Ave., lllalsW .,. ~lapp c.t. worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach-Sunday Musee: 1:30 a.m . 6 1:30
included a m~mbershlp of per-Balboa, for addition of open ~ aes .__, ..,. ~ ,.....,.. era and oftlcers ~ 7 p.m. a.m. Cont..ton: Saturday. and
haps 1,000, with steam rooms reb to front of buUdtng. Sunday S e r v J e e s : 9:30 a.m. Sunday Serltces: Wonhlp Serv· Wedn.-da.J'. Prayer ce and n.. of t.t J'rtdaft and Hol~
a nd card room. and locker room. po • Denied the request of Walter Church School· 9 :30 and 11:00 • tee 9 a.m. Sunday School at Bible atuel)' 1:4.5 p.m. Wedne. Da78: 7:10 to 1:10 p.m.; J1:nt
He said that c1ub members could Dilley tor sale or beer at cafe ::a:m:-~W~orahJp===SeiVi=:ce.:;--:===l;O~:lS:-;;• :m:~=~=~-;:;--;::da:~:· ;-~;:;;:~:;:~:;:-i;;:J'rt:ftcbdq~~M:•~·-•;:a;•:::::-;e:; orde!" up food and sand~lches and malt shop 507 E. Bay Ave.,
ground floor of the building. a• Approved the request ot Mr. -------------------------------------------------Com m ls s I onen K.eene and and Mrs. Earl Brush tor use per-
Briggs commented that this wu mit toe manufacture of clothin&'
the firstth btlmeull"•-~pera!a~ncr::: at~~ E. Cout Hwy .. Corona that e ~ del Mar.
a restaurant. This type of use ln-• Acljou.med to 4 p.m. tomor-
creaes the demanda for parldng, row <FrtcSay) tor a beartnl on
they said. Mr. BriiP .tated fur· the dty ~ Rewport Beach ap·
thf!l' that the Lido Sbopplnc ~n-plication tor front yard eetback lAy CIT1IS lu.sH
JOHN I. SADl.SR. ......
UJILC:.... ..... C... ... W. ........
ter hu been bcautltWlF dewl· d ,__,, .. .-~~ii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii oped and plaJmed. and that It variance at ty uauet ..--i would be a ahame to .rpoll It t.y 110ft TO PASADDA
.LL FUTOiEI DISfiOSAL co. ..... ch•tttM,..._ • .,... ., ,. Ywpel .. ~ .. IE II
V~&DI!III"J Llbtlt'l e.all .... __. .. c..-....
creating addJtlonal parklnr prob· The Leo)' ~ have moved
le~ Morris Sm.lth of Ll. llle, born 418 Marperlte Ave., Corona
spealdnr on behalf ot the lJcJo del Mar, to PuacleDA.
Prot~onal Bulldln&' Plan. said Rud Enatp Tfant AdiL
It wowd be a tremendoua aaet ----------~:---to the community. He .unuted fiU1 CHUM::tt OP CHIIST
that perhaps puldnr space could SCIINnST
EAlL W. STANLEY, ....,._
be obtained by arrangement with JHI VIe Lw.. ......,. .....
Newport Balboa Savtnp 6 Loan A IH.~~e:h of T1le ._...._ Church. T1le ------------
0• Richard's Lido Market. Fl...t Ch'"h of Chn.t, Sciefltl ... 1" '-COSTA WESA WOTORS .• tOfl, ... _.._ ....
Tbe eollllllt..ion al.lo: Sull4ey Sc'-1 9:15 e.m. ... ............ c..-• A.1J'ee4 to chance the meet· Sv~M~ey ~ II :eo._"'-c-,.a• ...,. Ius Sou or..
tnr rurht trom th~ third Thurs-wee~--, Mtli~~t t.t..ti119 t:COp.m. . ....., _.,._ o..t.
day of the month to the second lbecli"f R.--..... at UIS Vi• 1740 ....,_......_C...._
Tbunday, beetnntn& in October. l.l4o. ......,. leedl. It .,... --' . ....., N26l e Approved the requestof~en-4eyw f.-9.00 ..,.., to 5:00 p.m.
net.b C. MJtc:hell to coMf1Ud a WM....... .,.._ 9:GO ..,.., to 7M
awtmmlnC pool part ta 11 ~ 1ft ...,... ,.,.._, ......,..,_ _ ~ f:OO ~ ..
aer.et halt of bluff view lot. 2JJ tiOO ,..,.. a.-.1 ~
Catnatlon Ave.. Cooma del )liar. "'-C':: Ia ~elly I~Mted .. at-
• Approved the requellt of J. ~' ,:;: .,._ __. -tt.
w JlroWMl1 to Wli8ll«.t a -== ... =====:::::=~ .wtmmtnc pool 1n street hall ot ~ .;.... ___ .,:_ ___ ............... _
uopin&' v1ew lot at 101 1t. J..,.
Pl., cwr Raven. on condldan
that tbe pool c1oa Mt -nett
tnto tbe 10-foot front ,.... -· Mctr. the pool be ...,_ 5 t1i1t
from tM bulldlnl: ud a ..... ............... .-.a.
pOoL .~ ............. ..... ........ ......... ..
l~~~lt-~._ .. ,~ .,,.,.. ~ ·~-=
laS.. .....
htii.C....Hw,.C... ...... ....,._,..,.
... ......, ..... Cusic .... La.tra.-.
, .. " .....
,. ....... tt-e A,..u 111
l ............ c.. ....
"""" N4l1
Y .. H •• Ouau4 ...
.... ,,.
Haw about Creme 4e .._tbe
Ice •· a ltartetT noe.t't tbat
IIOWid C!OOI, ~ and •· d~ clllf*-t .. ~ Wbo ....
bu& W8 ~ the ... rtciMilt
Ice C!I'Mia ........ ol tiMm llll,
eouJd C!OftQOCt Ada • cb1Wnl' yet
lnvt ... tlJl• flavor for the moath
of .A.qwt ..• Try It .•• then
won't a. any In Septml.,_ . . •
* * *
O..eld ......... -.a~ ..,....., .. ._. ....... . ......... b ........... . _., ............ . .... .. .... -• little...,._ . .... .,.._ ..... ..... .. ....... Did,.. ... ....
.. ,.. ...... try.·= -· ...... tt..,_ ........
Jollf Ill .... ...._,., I OS 111_, ........ ,..twe ...... . T•...._ .... ._. .. ...... .... ,.. ............. .... ••lr••y•a ....._. a ; t lnt o..a,..,.ae ...... ...,
..... ,......,. naely-,..
.... ..., trtecl • • • WJala a
...... wWtle called httlw a-. .... ~ ..... ......_ a ~ WIMat. o.t-
....., _, C::... a. -= ................. ..,. wttla
c=.yuacf, Ew ,....._ htda
Cl ......... ._. PnMil. •at ..... wttla ....,._ Wed·
--.CM-. ..... ( ..... two
................ ..etlag • .-t7 ....S), .,......... ()r.
__.. .... lad'er"G .... -w.... ,..... -Wlllte ( .... .._...._.u.,..w~~~a),lclt ..__.,...._,.,.... .... ......................
.. -... ,._ wwttlair
lOlL ra&:DDICK JIAUDfQ. ..._ ·--~-C.O. .. 8cdboar.
Norma Jean Castle of Balboa
Is Bride of Frederick Hansing
Kayle Rue Hurst Marries
Gerald Cross ofJCosta Mesa
llr. uld .... Ceral~ WlWam lace hat trtauDed wttlt peatlt a... .,. ••M;t u..tr bome at ud mi....._ uc1 ean1ec1 a
111 Vlr(tala eo.ta ...... ~ ol wtaJte Camat:soa. a.nd
u.poa their ..... from a boftll')'· ...... ootla.
IDOCIIl 1D lsata a.,buL liDss latbua ~ at Coat&
The ~ OMiple ... mat• ........ JUJd ol honor, She
rled ill a douWe r1DI' cenrnony ... a .,.. -..ua .._ wtth
at tbe Fin& CladstJan Cburda ol wblte ..,. c •'-and a pink
Anaheim oe lulF 25. The brict. eanaat1oe canqe. Glen Tboma.s
Ia tbe '--JD. Kayla Rue ol eo.ta "-* ..-..c1 u belt Hunt. daqba.. ol Kr, llnd Mra. nau..
D. G. Burst ol 175 Coata Mesa At ll NaeptSoa Mid at the
St., Coatll ~ Rer new hus· chu.rch parlon. Mrs. Bunt re·
band 1s the •n of Mr. and Mrs. celved ruesta m ll Urbt blue allk
Wllllam C. ero. of 2122 Santa ctre.s wtth wblte ~ llnd
Ana Ave., eo.ta Mesa. a ma~ carnation I'On&fe.
A. white cotton . lace waltz Tbe young eouple both rr•d·
lenrth gown owr tatfeta wu uated from Newport Harbor Bleb
worn by lll.as Bunt for her wed-Sdlool. 1be groom a1110 attended
dlng. She smllll "bite Oran&e Cout College.
An all wblte weddJng, high· Hollywood, Harold Elssrnann
lighted only with bouquets of Germany, Donald Hanslng, a
red roees llnd tl leaves, wu cousin of the groom. and Byron
chosen by Miss Norma Jean T. Osborne, cousin of the bride.
Cutle for ber formal wedding White gladioli, white asters
late Saturday afternoon to Fred· llnd deep red roses decorated the
erlck Jaecer Hanslng. The tour church for the wedding and a
o'clock ceremony wu performed slmllu motif wu used at the IDS. BOCEB JOJfE.S. the ._ Suaa Jo htlaam. (AldM& _..) by,~-Louis Evans Jr. of Los home ol. the bride's uncle and
Angeles at SL Andrews Presby· aunL Dr. and Mrs. Harold Em;lls ~ ~·.ss Susan Jo Dutnam Is Wed terfan Church. Stahler, 399 SevUle Ave ., Balboa, lVI r; ~ bride Is the daughter of where the weftdJnl' reception was T R D J f 1 Mra. Richard Snow CUUe of 205 held. Weddlng muslc wu pro-0 oger ones 0 Ba boa E. Bay Ave .. Balboll, and the late vlded by BUlle Deaver, organist, •
Mr: Ca.stle. The brtdeeroom l.a and Mn. Robert Andrews, wbo · the 110n of Mr. and Mra. Frederick anr Grier's •1 Love Thee ., In a double rlng c~tndlellght port Hlgh School and John Mulr
Edward Ha.nslng of North Holly· A.alstJnl' at the ~ptio~ were ceremony at Cbrs.t Church by In Pasadena. Her husbllnd aao
wood. Mrs. Stahler llnd ber da gbt the Sea on Thunday, Ml.as Susan attended Newport Harbor HJgb
-In Our New Location
M1 ~Dr~ a& o...a ~
lf ..... .... w.a.c I Cdla•III ...... O z' I I
W.tdl,., .. n' O,t I I
11u Uandtu
Mllll Castle ~tnd lllJ her attend· Lynn; Mrs. Byron D. O:bom':': Jo Putnlltn. daughter of Mr. ~tnd ~ and e>rana-e Coast Co~. lln~w~~~~I~Thea~tol."~~de·~H~~~~~Pu~~ofGM~~~~~======~=~--------------------brlde's gown wu fashioned of Northcroa. a oousJ~· Mrs. C. M St., Blllboa. became the j)rtde of
............. ..
* * * Cb~tnt.Uly lace, made wtth long DeakJns ot Balboa': · ~tnd th~ Roeer D. Jones of 510 West Bay
sleeves, a molded bodice and Misses Mildred ~tnd Florence CJ-o. Ave., Bill boa. The groom is the
But flread can be 110 versatile court train. A ~all brldlll hat .ter of Los Aneeles. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.
. . . It can be a basket. or a of lace and pearls held her ~ Cutle r~lved guests ln Jones of 515 Catalina Dr., New-
boat. or llD aeeordlan or ll tower finger-tip veil. She canled a an I~ blue !latin brocade dress port Heights..
. . . Bere'a wftere the can ot shower bouquet of white orchids. with matching aceeuories. She Rev. Roy Carlaon read the
110methlng or other comes In ... butterfly roses and stephanotis. wore a corsage of wblte orchids. ceremony at the altar of the
ltake a bread buket ... Cut the and her only jewelry wu an Also wellrlng white orchids was church. The bride, escorted down
top ott a andwtch loaf or any helrloom pearl brooch worn by the groom's mother, who wu the lllsle by h er father. wore a
loaf for that matter, scoop out her great-great-grandmother on dressed In a pet~tl pink silk bro· formal gown of Italian lace over
the lnsldes to about ~ an inch her weddlng day. The bride was cade dress wtth a hat of the satin, made with long sleeves
from tbe cru.t llnd fill with . . . given ln marriage by her uncle, same color. and a lace train. A bridal cap
anythlnr to mllke a dinner-sized Byron D. Osborne ol. Los Angeles. The new Mrs. Hanslng started held her Uluslon veil.
famlly andwich ... Boat. are Chosen u mat,ron of honor wu on her wedding trip to Colorado Attending her were Miss Nor·
trenM breed allced long-way . . . the bride's sJster, Mrs. Dean and Utah In a pale blue wool ma Akrlght of Pasadena u maid
A. Tower? lust build thoee slices Hunter Davis of Portland, Ore. suit and winter white haL Upon of honor, and Mn.. Donald Jones
up llnd up with tllllnp between Her coualn, Mrs. ShlrLey Stahler their return the young couple ot Newport Heights and Mlss
the floon ... An a«ordl~tn? ... of Blllboa. served u mald of wll1 live In North Hollywood. The ShlllOn Childress ot Balboa as
Slmpl)' a tower flopped on I~ honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. bride is a graduate of Newport bridesmaids. All of the attend·
side an4 ~ad open ... Some M.artin J~ B1'ockman of Pua· Harbor High School and Stephens llft~ were dressed lllJke In ll•ht
of the round or odd-ahaped dena. Mrs. Wanen Lefebvre of College In Missouri. Her new blue waltz length dresses and
loava ue tun for thl.a ••. But Monterey Park and Mn. Fred· husband Is a senior In the Col· bouquets of plnk and wbJte car-
keep tllOM fJUinp meal·sl%1ed erldt DeJOotz of San Jose. lege of Dentistry at USC. nations.
..• TbJ.s l.a CUnner you're flxinr A.lJ the attend~tnts Wft'e dressed Donald Jones wa.s his brother's
. . • And don't ..,are the tom&· lllllte tn bouffant white nylon TZJIIIU'JfU CET SOli bbt man. Ushers were Harold
toe., thln·slleed raw zu,cclnl : • . chttfon gowns with d o u b I e A. 110n, David Andrew, wu born Hobby of Costa Mesa and Chris
wad and wcetables, you know! banded match I n g headpiece. to Mr. and Mrs. !turton Terhune Ferrier ot Pasadena.
I almollt torrot the pie ... The which held a full short clrculu of 575 'l'treslta La.ne, Rubor Following the wedding. ,.uest.s
bJ• round fat Joana like potato Yella. Tbelr bouquets were cas· Hlghl~tnds, ln Boar Memorial adjourned to Goodd:J H~tll of
ma11e a wonderful sandwich pie. cades of deep red roses ~tnd U Hospital on Monday, Aur. 6. the church foe a ~ptlon. The
* * * .., .... .,., ........... ................. ._ ...... _ .......... .. ___ ,.... ...... .
Q II wt:t I; Ia tM ................
... 0 .......... ftiliii .. -0 ,_ .. .......... ..,_ ....
• lsi I....... ef
. . . a..t ... ~ ............. ,..,. ...... ,_..,I,, I ...........
......... C II ?. • .,... ........................ _____ .._. ........... ....................... ............. ....,_ ..... .,..... ........... ........ ~.,an Wl ,., ................ ......
* *
D:batd's ~ ptUac a
... Oil tbat prte. ~ ••• ooe ot tbe Lido lbops
leaves aught with aulu. pink bride's mother wore a rreoen
rlbbona. DAUaaau POB SIID.ETI dlea with black ac:cesaories and
Paul Evans ol. NOfth Holly-A. d&UI'bter, Suzanne lta,gsd.ale, ll corsage of (lll"denlu. The
wood lll!r"Ved u best Mlln. Ushers was born to Dr. ~tnd Mrs. David groom's mother wore ll wine
were WUUa.m Cbadney of North SmUey of f01 lr1a Ave .• Coron~t colored dress and at.o a conare
Hollywood. lobn EvllnS of Colo-del Mar, ln Hoal' llemori.al Boa· ot p.rdenlas.
raclo. Donald Fannin~' of North pttal on P'rtday, A.uf'. 10. The younr couple pl~tn to live
• In Balboa whe.n tM7 retu.m from
.,~...._ ......... ,..... ..... ....,-=-· ..... ......., ...... ....,
.AMtn ........... ~ ..... ................... ...... ... . ....,_.. ...... .... .. .................. ~ ............. ,.._ .... MIIIr .. ...... ,_.,. ..... .. ........ _ ... .
O.w '., .... .._.._. .. ................. .... .. ....., ... .,... ..... ..... el ....... _ _.,....., _ ....... ,... ....
theJr honeymoon tn San Fran·
cl.8co. 'lbe bride attended New-
Mrs. Evelyn Gardin« of ltay
Sbores was appoaDUcl to the re-
~n committee tor the south·
em dbtrlct of tbe Republican
State Central ~ Cell~
In San Franct.co ~ the a.
publican Natlooal Oonnntton.
1be &eceptlon CenW Ia at 8S
lilu'tEet St. and Is Gpell to all nil·
UoDa1 clelerates and to the
Thlnday. Aug.. 23
10:00 A.M.
* VALUES Fll W... *
... laril IIIII }Swil s•• Llllu
.llllzll . Sail s• Cel11 Paills 11•1••
Pedal Puabera in Cottao PriDia cmd Sc6k
Bermuda Sbar1a in CottaD Prinlll cmd Sa-'ida m.on. in Cotton PliDta cmd Solidi
Sldrta in Cottoo Priaa cmd Solidi
Sail Cloth cmd PoptiD JacD• .....
K.c::lett.. cmd ~ • * IILIEI,_ .. *
• • • of S«Kial note ., PW
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Gene Boero and
baby bave returned to their
home at 325 Marcuerlte Ave .. Co·
rona del Mar. after a slx·month
trip to Claveno, Torino. Italy.
Gene's son, ''Speedy," returned
to the United States with them
and ls drivtnc a car across the
Prertw1ck airport. Slcrtd WTites
that she ls glad to be nearing
home even though she hu had
an exciting summer. A further
sentence Indicated that she saw
the Russian Oeet In Oslo. Nor·
way, a.s she lett.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lathrop of
• • • Corona del Ma.r are enjoylnr a
The mumps have arrtVIt'd at vtsJt from their .on. Lt. Com·
the Robert Gronlund home. eo.ta mander Glenn Lathrop, who Dew
Mesa, and wouldn't you know, In last week from Quonset.
they came just when the family Rhode Island. Lt. Cmmdr. Lath·
1s gettinc ready to move from rop will be here for ten days In
their Costa Mesa home to Los order-to be wlth bla wlte, who
Angeles. where Rev. Gronlund had a sureicaJ operation thls
wliJ tak~ further theoloclcal week. The Commander's wlte has
studies at UCLA. sold their home ln Costa Mesa
• • • and wJll join her husband In
Family Theme
at Playground
The tamJly ls th~ theme at the
city playcrounds thls week.
A.ctJvtUes at the Community
Youth <Anter In Corona del Mar
wUl ret under way at 7 p.m. to·
morrow (Friday) with a base·
ball came betwt't'n fathers and
sons. Mothers and dauchters
wiJl play croquet.
The children wlJJ then preaent
a puppet ahow. using puppets
constructed by the boys and flrls
u part of the cra.tts prolf&m at
the touth Center. Then there
will be a abowtnc of colored
slides of actJvlttes ot the sum·
mer program.
The program at 38th St. Play.
ground In West Newport will be
held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. today
au~~or .,.. rramma.r IICbool ••••• .... a. • ~ old OD .tuclerP wU1 J'elia4« from 1:10 or ...._.. Dec. 1. U a * N 1 II am: uatil noon OA J'rtday, s.pt.. new to u.e dl8trtct. a ,..... •
'J, ln the echoala they..,. to at· ~laB ..._... ..... ,.,.,
ten4. 8uperlntendllftt 8oy A..nder· tMaa I« ..........-. .... ....._.
ten &JlDOUDC*l tb1l WMIL Mft akJ. K.w .tuclelda aN Mlllld
Inatrudlon will start on Tu•· to brtq a NPQrt eard or -· day, Sept. 11. Monday, A..dm.l.-lo:n t.h1nt to IDclleate their ......
Day, Sept. 10. 1a a leral bollday. from other ecboob.
CbUdren to be ellflble to .nt« rlttb and alxtb rraae. ..,.
ldndercarten m~ be :5 years old ~ IDovecJ trom the Colona cW
on OJ' before Dec. 1. J'lrwt rrade Mar School to the Harbor View DaY .,..; ...... I II I .. ....... ...... ·~ ...
SchooL Sudl t1tth and a1xth c:a.a.. ........ _, .._ ....... ___. •-tan.. ............ ef
crade ttudenu llvlnr lOUth ot 1 'lf'a D 1 1 •• .....,-.._.dill._,_.._.._., A
Cout Hwy. and eut of Marau•· .... ..,.. ill .._ • ..,.... .... lt.e. .c r...._ •• e Mtr1 c..
rite A.w. wlll be pJ'Ovlded tl'&na· ,_ ... -. ~._..,....) portatlon to Harbor VIew Sdlool. -----.....:..-~ __ :.__:;....._ ________ /:----
Studenu 1n these crades Uvtnc E h p •1 C H A pennlt l)'ltem tor nr. rtnp south ot the htahway and w• XC ange up1 S ome ere on the city'a beaches wu dls· of Marruerite Ave. wlll walk to • • eu-.c~ Tu8d•Y evenJnc by th• achool. havtnc use of the •top From Sweden and Austr·•a Newport BHeh Parka. Beaches stcnal at Goldenrod Ave. and
and Recreation Commt.ion. Cout Rwy. .
Com.mlalloner Re-X Brandt op· Students, klnd«garten throu1h
~ the plan, sa~ that It tltth crade. In Newport Helchts
would be lmpoeslble to entorc:e, and CllU Haven will walk to the
but the Commlsslon lnstruded Newport Hetpta School at 15th
Dln!c1or Bob Clngrlch to lnVMtl· St. and Santa Ana A..ve .. except
cate the propouJ and aubmJt a tor ld.nderrarten th.rouch third
report at the September atudy IJ'&de students U~ eut of
meeUnf. lrvtne Ave.
Board Altows Norma Perkins
Ml• Krlstlna Stan... 17, of Helmut ls staylnr wJt.b Mr. and
Stockholm, SWeden, and Helmut Mrs. Leonard Grave. of 110 PeMl
Beran, 17, of Unz, A.uatrla for· Ave .• Balboa Island.
elcn t"Xchan,e atudents, rerlster· Both arrived 4.n Calttomla by
ed T\18day for .enlor study at air Sunday after docldna 8atur·
Newport Harbm hllh IIChool tor d•y ln New York Clty alloucl the
the 1956·57 school year. PanamanJan ship, A.I'OU C'uba.
Krlstlna 1s staylne with Mr. Thef were In a croup ol ftO b ·
and Mrs. Richard L Sc.ewart of etcn exchance students antnnr
393 Del Mar Ave., Costa Mesa. ln th1s country (or a ,._,. ot
To Operate Her Music School I .... CIIJ.ftls VIlli II C.l.l.
Krlstlna uld ahe hu no Jll)e-
clal field of study. ~lmut plana
to become a chellllat. 'lbe7 wlll
study U.S. hlatory, U.S. .--n·
ment. senior Enrllab and 1)'1!1..
&mODI other COl.U"aes. Tbe7 wt1J
return to their bomelaadll nut
The Newport Beach School Trustees MUo Lacy, Jim Ray and
Board apeed on a comprom.llte Mrs. Louts Csenar defended Mia Visitors from Jean ... Clty have
solution 1\aesday eventnc whlcb Perkln.l' rleht to operate hft' been keeplnc thlncs bu.y at the
will allow band teacher Nonna school, but Trustees Harvey home of Mn.. s. M. RA'!ber, Orchid
PerkJns to conti.nue opera tine her Peue and Mel Berry uld It Ave., Corona del Mar .• Leavtnc
private school of music:. would be a violation of school lut week were Mr. and Mrs.
However, abe must chance the policy. 'TUesday evenlne. the Oarence Bohart and .on Davtd,
name ot the school, now known vote to approve the comproiJlUe 15. Whlle the vlslton were here
as "PerkJns School of Music," so IOlutlon wu unanlmoua. Mrs. Reber and trlepds went to
that there would be no ldentUI· Speaklne up ln support of Mill aee Dorothy Shay at the Biltmore
caUon of herself u a member Perkins were several obeervers ln In t.o. A.nceles and went dlntne Despite a b\LIY flahlq auon
of the elementary school .taft the audlt'noe, lnclud1nr Mra. and danctnc at the Seafare the Keith Rtmu ol ft.-port
with the private music achool. Ronald Barlow ot Balboa Island. Lodee In South LaJUnL Island have been dotnr a blt of
She stated further, throueh ber Mrs. Sam Htn of Balboa. Mrs. 6. Another r~nt party at the entertalntnc. House ru-t-who
attorney, ~~· Toblu, that N. De'llenberg of Corona del Mar, ~ber home wu a patlo party spent three weeb with the JU.
other teachers uatnr her private and Olnton Sawin, band lnstruc· and buffet WPPH reunion of mu bet~ departJnr lut wefl(
school tor lnstructlnc muslc •u· tor at Harbor Rlgh School. friends who met on the Lurline w~e Mn. Edward A.Jdeft (wtu..
dents would pay her on a atrtctly Mra. Barlow objected to the re· enroute to Hawall In May. AI.· first name 1s PriiCllla) and chll·
rental bul.a. not on a perc:entace qulrement that Mlu Pt"rkln, •lstlnl u hoa.a and hosteaes dten, John and Cathy.
ol tees collected. Thua Mia Per· chanre the name of her school. were other Harborltes who we-e :M,r. and Mrs. Rima entertained
kJns would not be shartnc In the The name existed before th(! on the voyace. lncludlnc Mr. and trtends 1n aovemment at a din·
Income from the teachlnc. policy wu adopted. ahe said. Mrl. Vlck ParJM, Mrs. Ruby ner party JW!C!e'ftUy. Aa.adlnr
M1aa Perkins' also •creed that Mill P~klna heDelt upressed Stevenson. Mn. Lillian Lee and were Senator and )ln.. 8~
she would not Instruct her own th• wish that she would not hav~ Mrs. Leda Mae Jones. Sonny Gottlelb ot New Ma:k:o. and
elementary IIChool pupils at her to chance tbe name. Budd and the Royal Lancers former Senator and Mn. Mephen
private achool. School board • dropped .tn for some musical en· Bixby of A..rlzon. AI*» pneent
members said thls restriction • ......,.. 1111111' tertalnment during the afternoon ~ Kr. and Mra. £art Barrell
VInce Cusumano and hls broth· Rhode Island when she ls able. ers had a hectic time keeping or the family may be stationed (Thursday). The Horace Ensign
the senior Cusumanos from find· in New Zealand tor several a rea la planning a family picnic
lng out about the surprlae 50th months. Lt. Cmdr. Lathrop re· program.
wedding anniversary party they celved national attention last SOif P'O_B_EJU--CKSO--If-S--
had planned for them on Sun-winter when he was lost for sev·l
could be waived by the board ln ... ------------and early evenlnJ. and daurht~ Earlene. speclal cases. such as pupils d,e. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; string Instruction In trench hbrn, Lt. Cmdr. Glenn Lathrop, who P
whJch la Mlsa Perkins' particular la v1sltlnc hla realtor father. will specialty. apeak briefly at the Realty Board
day, Aug. 12. A couple of hours eral days In "Little America." A son. Eric Rudolpb. was born
bef the party Mrs. Vlnce Cus· • • • to Mr. and Mrs. David Erickson ore , h of 537 Santa Ana Ave .• Newport umano s tamlly arrived In bat · We hear that Dave Powers and Helght.s. In Hoac Memorial Hos·
lng s uits, an~ pin curls and Bets y Blackmar stole the show I pltal on Friday, Aug. 3. dungarees to go swimming at at th~ entertainment following
This matter came up at the Breakfast today (Thursday) on
Aug. 7 board meetlnc. when Mlu hla experiences 1n "lJttle A.mer·
Perkins asked tor a rullnc on lea." Abo on the prolf&m will
board policy which states that be Robert Rak~aw of RJchft.l!ld
teachers cannot accept pay. dl· on. .
rectly or l.ndlrectly. tor private Nt!'W active members of the
Instruction of students enrolled Newport Harbor Realty Board are
In their classes. At that time Evelyn Green ot CostA Mesa, A.J. the beach" while the Cusumano the Irvine Coast County Club j
boys took their parents out to an ~mber·guest tournament re·
anniversary dinner cently. They did the swing and
VInce told fh• Vllla Marina to the charleston, complete with I
slow the serVice to give every· costumes. Chet Farrar of the
one plenty ot time to get ready Arthur Murray StudJo In Corona
for the party while th-e hono~ del Mar arranged the program.
were eating lunch. but senior Mr. which also Included Regina WU
Cusumano. having been a rest· 111ams and Rich Richards dolng a
aurant man himself Cat the VIennese Waltz. Jt'an Carroll and
House of Florence Restaurant I Kelly Brals In a tango ex)llbiUon
kept hurrying the walters up and Chet and his wlte doing the
Gl bert Dayton with Waldron Realty amour 111 ·--rt-·-· on Balboa Island and Floyd ..,._ .w Lytle with Mesa·Harbor Realty
and getting worried for fear they Samba.
wouldn't get back to open up
the Flor,ence for the evening
While tht'y were eating the
swtm.mlng party changed to r.eal
party clothes. set the tables. let
the norlst a nd the bakery ln
with centerpieces and cakes. and
shooed all the guests cars around
to the back of the building. Then
they locked the front door and
Jet all the guests In the back so
that the honorees had to actua lly
unlock the front door In order
to gf't In and be ~ted by "sur·
prise" from the more than 60 as·
sembled guests. • • •
A note just received from Mrs.
John NeU ot Newport Helght.s
was WTitten aboard the Flying
VIking Ship of the Scandinavian
Airlines "somewhere ov~ Scot-
land" and about to set down at
• • •
Lt. Col. Bill Woodruff. formerly
of Corona del Mar. (when he was
only a Majorl has moved, but Is
st111 living In Alexandria, Va.
• • •
Pat R o dgers (Mrs. Rhoma
Rodgers. that Js). ol 3810 Chan·
net Pl.. Newport Island, Is homP
from a vacation bearing a second
place trophy for water skllnc
which s he ga rnered at Bass Lake
• • •
The Jlm Edwards family or
Newport Isla nd are due home
from their European trip tomor·
row CFr1dayl.
Amos Chaves, resident at 612
W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa, ls now
recelvtng mall In Redlands.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : More and more : • • •
• people eay • • SEA and SKI :
l ln Costa Mesa. G impses II IIIW 11 leu Friday (tomorrow> trom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. a number of Harbor
are• realtors will attend an In·
dustrlal Conference at Dlaney·
Nominations being In order.
we would llke to make our own
special nominations for tall.
All the experts a,ree -you
don't need Gallup or Roper to
predict a big vote for the amart
new F a s h I o n s at O'BRIEN'S.
Every customer's Important Cash·
ion l.ss ue of the day Is repre·
sent..ed at O'BRIEN'S, and you are
sure to get a big vote from
family a nd friends. when you
check these Issues from our plat·
P'lnt tbere an ~ two-party
coctum... Oa.e .-cttlcally M-
a.ct.cl ,_ yow.. U ~ are a tf.a1
tNt ~ «"Wav-.a-. La bltW
brow1l ... wool c:npe • • •
a abecrtb. _,.... U.. don-.
wttb a sv.b4aed pJal.d Jadllet
that Jut IWata cd the ra..atle ol autuma ......_
Then there ls another Two
Party candidate, In a small stz.e.
ot Cashmere cotton by M. W.
Thomas wtth lnvlslble pln·strlpe
sheath dress. empire llne. The
V·neck of t.he dress 1s outltned
with crl•p cardenla·whlte ntln
ascot. Ita rib hugg1ng jacket
makes lt a sure tire wtnner.
Plans for a 20,400·square·loot
Greater AJl.A.mertcan Market In
Costa Mesa weTe announced yes·
terday by Blayne HutchiJion,
president and general manacer.
The market will be located on
the south aide of 19th St., just
west of Harbor Blvd.. In the
Costa Mesa Plaza Shopplnc
Center being developed by Row·
ard Lawson of Balboa. Construc-
tion bids will be called tor In
30. day~. and completion date ts
expected to be ln March, 1~7.
The Rev. Roy Carlson wlll
preach on the toplc. "Keys of the
Kingdom," at the duplicate S«V·
Ices Sunday In Chrt.t Church by
the Sea. Sunday wUl mark the
bellnn1ng ot Klncdom Ttme, ob·
served ln many Protestant
churches from now thJ'ouch
'nlanksclvtnc. Sololst will be
Don Valdt'%, who w1ll sine "0
Lord. be MercltuL"
Morrl Molllo, owner of Flowers
by Morrl tn Balboa and Costa
Mesa, won the first prize award
for all of Orange County with a
100·8QU&re·foot booth at the Or·
ange County Fair. Morrl's booth
wu bued on a yea t e r y e a r
theme. deplct1nc an old time Uv·
l.ng room. • • •
Lut night's Luau at the BaJ.
boa Bay Club was preceded last
Wt't'k by a luau fashion ahow
presented by Waltah Clarke from
hts abo~ on BaJboa Ialand and
Laguna Beach. The fashion ahow
featured u modela county eon·
testants lh the recent Mlal Unl·
verse Contest and wu pl'ftented
with an aecompanlment of na·
tlve drums from TahlU by the
famous drummer, T b u r s to n
Knudson, In the ma.Jn Bay Club
dJntnc room. .. God Love Ua" Ia the Sunday
sermon topic ot the Rev. Donald
G. Sapp at the Balboa Island I& I i&U DTEUA.Dr
Community MethodJst Churdl. Mr. and Mrs. P'loyd Yetter of
The sermon ta the seoond ln a 222 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar •
series of tbrlee on "Wbat Do You have been entertaJnlnc CUesta.
Know About Cod... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howell o.f
Lady 8 Lovely
In 1905 the Machine JN ave . . .
In 1932 the Machine less Wave .
In 1940 the Cold Wave .
And Now-
Here 1s a nf!W, advanced, completely dllf~nt kind ol
permanent. Your halr Ia wound with ordinary wat.r;
cradled In a .--t.d Utue ~~ then rently I*·
meated with an exclusive ,..._ soi•U.. that IJD..
parta the nearest thl.ne to a perfect curl we've aee..
The whole process 1s so amooth and kJnd to your ba.lr.
each wave Ia a blessing, every curl a cueu. You•"
n~ experienced such aheer deUcht In a permaneat
. .. you've never had a more beauUful wave ...
For Appointment Phone HA 1876
Beauty Salon
STa2 E. OOA!fr RWY .. 1fa. POPPY A.. VI!.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tbe c a ad l d at • witla u.. ____ . ___ Detroit. Mr. Howell Ia Mrs. Yet·
U.V~ ol ~ w .a PELLO~BDTOva t:er::s;b:r:oth:;u:.::::::::::::::::~~~==~====:=:=::::::::::::::;:;::;:;::~~ Elaplre ~ by Cadye. Tea'U de e........_ • _,. _, Ten members of the Senior
........... 1' ..... 0
,_, •rtbw ectl~ Ia tbJa Youth Fellowship of the Balboa ~ twMd wttla ..., Ialand Com m u n It y Ktt.hodlst
bell • .._ 1....._ IICitla ._ Church and thek adult ebaper·
ones toured Chinatown. t.o. An· • s•• a....ty 11 • 1 ._ __., -. Aur. 10. Tboee attendtnr These are only a ff!IIV of a ,..,.. Ron St. C'lalt, Chuck Xra·
whole .tore full of excltlnr new IIMI', Dk:k B r I d liD a n , Sandy
ltt'm.l, lnclud1nr some aqul8tte J'Jeer. 1ean1ne loluMr, Donna
new I m p o r t e d Tweed ooeta. Smith, lton 1orc!an. Linda Bowen.
•hlch haYe Juat arrived Do 11top Georp Bau.r, ~ Eut. Mr •
ln and 1« ......... J'OU 1ll md· and ...... aobert -· alld tU 1nl you cuapa.Jp plana r. tiM .... DoiWd 0 . ...,.
fall and wtnt.r.
. ~nnounc1ng
for cool htening
' 01111111 .llflf ... ~ n. ~
rmft', ..... ,.., ... -..............
.. tM ...._ A..u.e Cllllt Wds hy, A ... 15, lrf lAC __ .._ 1B1--.. ....... ._,. ..w.
Mesa Council
S.ets New Tax
Rate of S I .00
Park Board Complments
Recreation Personnel
A t1 tax rate for the 1966-57 n.caJ peu for eo.ta M ... wu 1be New p or t Bftch Parka. and to promote and stimulate
adopted at a ~al c:lty coun-Beaches and Recreation Commla· pubUc: Interest therein ... It 11 en meettnc Friday ntaht. •lon listened to a proereu report normal and appropriate that the
The c:ovnc:U Mt 40 cenu ot from Dlrec:tor Bob Glnertch and Commtulon •hape and aulde the
each 11 for capital lmprov~ h11 3 aupe.rvllora Tuesday eve· Clty'a recreation procram In a
menU, the balance to be UMd nine. and went on record rom· eeneral way, and look to the de-
for opt!l'atlonal upen.ae.. pllmentinc them on their recre· partment heed to eany It out.
An annexation election wu atlon proeram. ApparenUy th11 process hu been
set for Oct. U for the MCtlon ot At.o 1n th1l connection, Com-tak1nc place durlnr the brief
cou~ te'rttory Involved In a mbaloner Rex Brandt auraested hlltory of the new d~rtment.
dt.pute wtth the CJty of New-that a atatement of polley abould "It 11 al10 n01"1'D&-l and appro·
port BNcb. 1'tle annexation, 1f be l.IIUed by the Commllllon, prlate that the Comm.lulon from
succe.tul. wW brln1 the mesa alnce lt bu now completed lU time to time evaluate and ap-
clty llmJu down to the Newport first ,-ear. He Nld auch a ltate praise the recreation proeram.
Bncb city llmJu alon1 W . 16th ment 11 needed becauae of recent and that It continuously serve
St. aDd tbe Newport BMcb lboe· crltldmls about Dtrector Clnl· u the medium throurb wblch
strilqr strfp. Votlne will be done rich's conduct ot the recreation the attitudes of the community
In the Robert Speth lleS!denee, proeram. toward the reaeatlon proeram
lO'l& W. 18th St. Mr. Brandt Nld the Commlulon are channeled. In thla way the
Monday nJaht the coundl should explain Ita polley, pro-work of the rtalf can most ef-
pu.ed flrst reaclJn1 on an ordl· lf&m. and plans. He aurae-ted fec:tlvely be respon.aiw to the
nanoe annexlne 162 &crft of land that the statement be drafted at public's desires. Neither the City
Into the dty 10uth of Glller Ave., the mH'tlne. Other commlalon-Manaaer nor Mr. Glnerlch wants
west of Harbor Rest Memorial era Nld they wanted more time. to ~any out the City's recreation
Park. Tbe unJn!Jablted land Ia to 10 they named Mr. Brandt to pro,ram In any other way."
be aubdlvided Into r•ldences by draft a atatement &Dd present lt ------------Dudley A. Smith of u. Anples. ber d Htl W l 'oo Lnte to Clcwdy No action wu taken on a ten· at the Septem .W Y m ng. Lut week Councilman Saady tatlve tract map for a 24-lot aub· MacKay met with City Manarer
cllvtafon by G. D. Buccola on Or· Robert Shelton and Recreation anp Ave. between 20th St. and 21at St. A final tract map for • Director Glnerlch to dlscuu re ·
19-lot aubdlvlllon of PhU D. Sul-porta of crltJclsm. After the meet-
llvan and eeor1e P. Evenon wu lnl. Councilman MacKay aald
approved on Maple St. between all the questions bad been wu.on 9t. and VIctoria St. A clNftd up and that these wu no
final t:raet map for a »lot aub· but. to the crltJclama.
dlvt.lon by L W. KoU of New-City Kana1er Shelton lllued
port Beach wu approved on the followfnc statement; ~ St. lOUth of Wlllon St. "I have been uked by the local
~ Howard Greens havt'
JtlOWd from 404 Serra Dr .• Co·
rona Blahlands. to Ojal.
new.papen for my comments
conoeomlne alleged crltJdama of
the City's recreation prorram
and of the man assigned to ad·
minister the proeram. Bob Glne·
EL&crJOR Ol'FIC&U '7be few crltlclsma that have
UD JOLLDIQ PLACES rome to my attention bave cen-
WANTED: E xp e r lenced Auto
aaleamen-Rere are wonderful
opportuniUes for en e r 1 e t I c
hardworklne men who want to
make aood money selllne the
mo.t popular ear on tht' mar·
k.et t.oday-Ford. Apply In per·
10n for further Information.
Theodore Robina Ford. 3100 W.
eout IJWT., Newport Beach. u 8-3471. --:,.......-,,.......,.---o FOR RENT: Bachelor Apt., Year
around bulL Cloee to shop·
plnJ cenliet' and beaches. HA
3336 or HA l!r76. FoR -Ii.i:NT: Unt.-u-m-=u-=h-ed....,....,...bo-use-,
2 B.R., Hardwood floors, Fire·
place, one chUd. no pftl. $100
per mo., years le~. HArbor
1538-W. NotJee ta bft'eby 11ven that, at ~ally been without bull In fact.
the ~al Annexation EIMtlon Any roocem over the nature or
pertaJnJna to the ann6atlon of progress of the recreation pro· CARE FOR CHILDREN IN
-ru.ttn Avenue and 22nd street gTam aeema to be attributable
Annex to the City of Newport to the normal problema of estab· MY HOME. REASONABLE.
Beech to be held on Tuesday. the llshlne any new city proeram. I
16th day ot October, 19$ for the have he.a.rd, and heard about. HA 3336 or HA 1B76.
CAJ...YKTI-We ~urN 2 new
1-bedr. ~ will ...U for
t'750 cloWD • matrad until
J'OW' Cal Ytt Loan Ia at· nftllld , ........... ~-
• • •
GOOD SIZED Ma.nutacturtna
aJte with quol\llet bld&. -
Parklnc area. Beady to eo.
$12..!500 only.
• • •
home 11tea. Paftd 6 curbed
at. 53500 each. OUe on the 3 .
• • •
REDUCED -I.rnJnedlate sale
necessa r y . $1642 down.
Monthly payment. $73. Cor·
ne:r location, 3-Bedrm., 1 ~
baths, Dbl. lar&~e. patlo.
BuUt 1956.
• • •
ACRE A-1-Bac:k Bay area.
rf!ZOned would make dandy
location for amaller traUer
court. Cloee to atore. Cuh·
out prtced-Older borne and
ahed.l on premt.es, But of
Uttle value. S8'T50 F.P.
• • •
Newly redec.. paJnted, with
.orne remodellnc. makes th11
2 Brm. prlaed at only $8325
worth aee1n1. HWD. noon-
tile pullman bath -East
Front-DbL Garalt'. Quick
poaession with $1937 down.
• • •
Ab8olutely cheapest priced
lot and must be 10ld. $5300
cub and buUd borne or du-
• • •
OCEAN VIEW from thla 2· yr.
old beauty. 3-BDRM-w·to·W
carpets thruout-<t.rapes-fan
6: dlspou.l-Dbl. Garage-
fenced, landscaped. at.reet,
sewers In 6: pd. $12,500,
Terms. ........ "' ...
1857 Nt'W'J)Clrt Ave.. eo.ta Mesa
U 8-1632; U 8-1400 eves.
We ~ ftnd ounelva
w-Jth ..,.,.} qua.ll:fted buy-
... but not enoulb proper-u.. ot the rtpt typa to
abow them.
Have you lDcome unlu for
Nle? A. 1-ape.n..alv. year
'round home!
U you're thln.k.lna of ael·
ltn1 let \11 list your property
111.111 IEAI.n ·ca.
d8 Park. Balboa lll.and HAm
2 .............
on tree oovt'l'ed lot 66ltl(X;'.
R·f zone. $18.000. Terma.
RUTH JAYliED, Realtor
Mildred RJns and
Sylvia 1bompeon. Aaodates
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Rubor 2658 or 4600
Will ••;•rt
Ice• F..t
0 u t s t ~ n dJne year 'round
home. 2 bed.ra... 2 bathl. Cus·
tom ronstructJon. F .A. Ht'at.
etc. Comer location.
Let us show this to you.
-It's a honey:
7731 W. Cout Bwy. U 8-4777
(At the Slpal)
lfewport Beach
Clllll lB. Ill
Where can you find a ~rter buy than th11 J..bedt.
and dm home, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths. hardwood floors.
dJnette, nice ltreet. 45-tt. lot. double rarare ~
for apt. abov, for a qu.ldt Ale at. s::n.~d $7.500
down will taire It! • • •
Another best buy: A 2-bedt. ~autltully tum.Lsbed.
mo.tly maple home. double prare. 50-P't. lot. with
ample room to bulld another home or units. Ask.inl
$16,000. Owner very arudoUL See thla!
... E. Ut'BI
R.EALTOR 6 INSURANCE qualltled electon W'ltbln Nld .everal compllmftltl to the new
territory, there wlll be one votlna department for the manner In
prednct for the purpo8e of hold-which various r«reaUon pro· tne the election, conalstlne of the erama are conducted.
FOR RENT 2 R. Ivan W. Erhardt. A..uocfate : B House, fur.
n~ed or unturnllhed. Must 3333 Eut Coalt Hlrhway, Corona del Mar HA 24.22 have refeTences. 417 Heliotrope, --------___;~___; ____________ _
CDM. ,..,War eledlon precincts estab· "Mr. Glnrrlch bas the dlfflcult
lllhed tor holdlnl state and task of carrying out a new un-
c:ounty elections. .. follow.: dert&klne by the City. I have r IE'.. VALUES VotJne Pneclnct "A", compr11· found him to be a alncere. ron· ....._ !
lne state and county precincts aclenUous person. dedlcatfll. as Simmons Hlde·a·Bed, aood
numberl Bayv1ew 1 and Bayview he should be. to the job for cover very clean. small
2. which be Ia trained and for alze hu dftp aJ,eep ln-
Tbe polllnr place shall be at which !'_.e :.'_~1-i h-~th· Hmye ba;,,:· nersprlna mattress, only 79.50
Raldence located at operat.,.. uu T -• 0 · Maple arm bed dJvan ln
431 Sierra Vl.sta and I have had no ocaLSion to Jood condition, p l a I d eo.ta. Mesa, California advise hlm to chanae bla meth-1 ...,
ods -~ o....,ation In any alanlfl· cover ···-··-· ·· ·----·0 n Y 29..JU INSPP.JCTOR: Mrs. Betty S. Clark lA ..-· Small a1l.e walnut ottlce
JUI)GE: Mrs. Ma.raha B.. H&Wtt cant way. desk nJ 19 75 1U'DGE: Mrs. Helen V. W. Wood "By Charter provtston. It Is the ·· · · · -·---· ·0 Y · duty ot the Parka. BeachH. and Admiral 7 cubic ft. retrie·
The polls wtll ~ opened betWeeJ'I D--.aUOft eo--•••lon tO advise erator • ·•· •• ·-· ----.only 4S.!50 the boun of 7~00 o'clock A.M . ._ • .., ~ FriJ1da1re, 2 years old.
a.nd 7:00 o'clock P.M. the City Council ln J'e(ftatlon can't be told from new IIAJIGERY SCBltOUDER. matters. to ua1st ln the plannlne
City Oerlt of parka and recreation proerams 4.;L·~~~~;;~teecL:~~ 1~~
City of Newport Beach for the lnhabltanu of the City, 10 cubic rt. Cold Spot wae
~~*-'• Coreu ... I• s,.a•
1--Com•r R·2 Zone. 1 "» Iota with 2-bNlr. rental on f'f'&r.
Excelt. bide. site on front. Cubout -FUU price
0-Here's a cutle! 413 Narcissus Ave. Comfortable 6: con-
venient 2·bedr. ho~. Cl~ to ahoppln1. R.al.sed
hearth. brick fireplace. U vlng room with beam ceU·
ln&. hardwood floors. cllshwa.sher 6: dlsposal. Qv«.
a1zed dble. 1ar~ Encloeed patio. R·2 zone. $19.500.
W-And don't pass up thla lar~er home. 1 BJoe:k b'Om
~an Blvd: on Seaview. 4-bedrms... 3 baths, small
lot. nlc. patio. Full pr~ $25.995.
acroa top fl'eneor pe-r. Coast Hlebway at Marteold
Burglars Enter St. James,
Christian Science .Churches
feet .. ··-·-··-··------Only 149.50 Corona del lfu Harbor 1540
~luxe 8~ cubic ft. Serwl -----------------------llke new ~d for tu2
tully' 1 u a r a n teed . . .
thla box Ia apotlae.
. acrou top frefter _.only 1.95.00
8t. Junee Ept.copal Olu.rcb. fl~ equipment or a 16mm movie Wall Nfe new -·····-··-·only 39.!50
~ V1a Lido. and the J'lnt projector. Simmons Beauty Jtect box a....a of Christ ScJendst. 330S A pry bar wu uMd. to force aprtn1 6 mattrea 2 pes.
VIa Lido. Newport Beech. were opee a alde door In the ChrlstJan ···-··-···-·--·-··-··-··· only 47.!0 u.. tarcet of buralan Sunday ldence church. A bat wu u.ed 5 Pc. Hardwood dinette set
nlpt. to 1o1oe open a door Into the ··-·-···-····--·----only 11.95 A.baat 1&40 tn cub wu ltol4m nadine room oftlce and to force 4 Pe. Walnut bedroom aet
fNm at Jams Cll111'Ch and an Of"ft a cleelt drawer whld\ was l&J'Ie c:b-. bed. nlte
\IDCJIIInDined UDOUBt flrom r'lnt beJJewd to 0011ta1n bam • to atand. ctn.tnc table •
O.ardla of Cb.rUt Sc:Mntllt. Jf.w· 11.0 1flllda wu taaft. An un-btftdl _ only 42..!50
part po1.1tae MI)Cirted. 1mGwn I.IDOUIIt of 1DOMY wu ,... Upricht plano walnut cUI •
'I'M c:ulpwttJI entfted tbe dq moYed fraal a ltloftC box In the toed ftnilla Pft(led ClOiad·
dool prtndpal'• oftke of --cb.Udna'l llktJ7. ltlon oeJy 17.:10 J~ bJ brM.klnl a plate .... Botpolnt aJt. .._ -.:tate ::=. ~ ~nl!.r c-:=:: 11&)111 11111. .... : calr?d '*:; fUO
n.e ,.,..,t of eatrJ ... eoM'•IId IIIII I 11 ~I ill ...._ ao plloD ........ tte ...-.., .. etabt·foot brtdt ,_. ... -...... .... ... fUll)' ....,.......
......., a patio. Matda6 wtre 1IIOie dwa .. wu d11rod on _ ~ a50
_. b Ulum.lnatkl& A c1111111 t1ae lfcw...,.. llllalll ~· a...a •••etrlc ..... ... .. ... rUled.. ,.. ---..,... ..... _ .... ...... .. ............ ~
.,. ...... rUled ........ W4 .......... at .... 'lleP7 .......... JM
J-.. _.... of bumt ,... COlla ....... of .... ~--..... -,.... .....
-· D Wt • dM aa.. C.,. PoUud. U.. 11M. falafo.-._._..~taa.e ..................................... ..
_-'._· laaiiii!Gwllllflllltelll•ai •• .--.,-.. = ... eiiiUQstd ...... llr& ............. ...... .............. JIM ............. , ... . ................. ....... ; ... ... .__..... .._.._I J&q,,-. ...
~=--,· ... .... .. •*•
P••••l• ...... S .. eellllrlal
Three and Four Bedroom homes now uncter ODn·
structJon. Many added ff!atur. aud\ u I.Mulated
Ooon. F~ Air bNt. aluminum al..ldJn& doon to
patio. Sparkllnc ldtcben wfth natural ftnJab blrc:b
cablneta. dllpoMJ aftd fan. New carbed atnea, ...,..
1lMe tn and pa.Jd for.
.&. low u $ll.t50 wlta t1B5 Down.
"'"1l Ub _, ~ .,...-
•• I. T.u •11.111
•au ... .,. AOOial a -•••w ._.. 1 • t
Irvine Terrace
.......... , ... I I• l•••lt
Pall•• .._II SM ...
Your lnlpect1on 11 respedtu.lly 10lk:.lted..
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Htway 101. Newport Rubor, opposl~ the
new Itvtne Cout Country Club.
Pbone Harbor 4448 for Further Information
VOGEL VALUE ..... ,...-n
A f'f!ally nice borne whkb \be owner Iowa but due to
health says 11eU for only $15.8SO! 3 bedrooms, 1 bath.
HW fln., new WUton wall·to·wall cpta. Blt-ln stove •
oven. Bruktut nook. Corner fireplace. n..Je pullman
bath, lJ. cl~ Alum. awnlnp.. Fencrd yard. Dbl.
aaraae. SO' lot. Near stores 6: tran.sport.ation. We have
the key and ate proud to lhow 1t! Good tenna.
BA: 1'741; IU: OTST
11 1111 mu.
UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front. b~ plu.a% ln.t...t
In pier partly furnl.shed 4-br. borne, 1 ~ baths. $57,500. • • •
ATI'RAC'T1VE 2 UNITS: 4-bedr. boa. plu.a 1-bedr.
ap&J'tmenL Good street, totally fumiahed. ~500
• • •
ellll• ....... !
A One 2-bedr. home pla.a 1'\l.est I'OOm and bath SOUTH
OF HIGHWAY on a 45-rt. Jewl lot. Attra.c:thoe cs.a.a
and qualJty construction. plu.a a low price o1 ~
&bould Caldf! a quk.k aa.Je. • • •
On • rood ~t--3 bedroom home, 1 bath. $21..500. Untu.mished.
• • •
Beautiful 3·bedr .. 2-bath house Good d.J.str1,ct In Santa
AnL $25.000. Will exchan1e for comparablt' fee pro.
perty In Harbor Area .
Elll w. .. ••• ,
225 Marine Ave.. Balboa lal&Dd Call Rarbow 1775
~·es. CaU Edith Maroon Hyatt 4-6222 or
Louls Boynton Harbor 2fmJ
Roomy family home--Includes 4 bedrooms. 4 baths a.nd
dlnln1 room. Beautifully landscaped. Wonderful loca·
tlon $45.000.
1700 w. cout htahway-n-..port t>e..ch-3333 via Udo
liberty 8·5573 harbor l!lOO •..• ,_ .......
A real tamll7 h~W and ocean view--3 bedra..
la,rae n.arnpus room. l&r"p uvan, room. 2 baths. 2 brtclt ft.repla~ DX» ~· ft. Larae lot with chain Un.k fence.
-~ 11M ot all 5
models. Hammond Chord Or·
PD ~ Electronle Qrcan
u.ec1 tf75. $15. a n>nth renta
a Hammond SpJnet Orca.n
and ~na.
SEPT. 1. New ocean view, 2 B.R. Sl Newport ~ach of been uaJnc a traJler without au-~um~ ~url:~ 520 Avo· annual hone show thla Saturday $115 Friday' nlcht and all ot' the thortutlon. They w«e believed tn flnt place, ju.t two pmes .3fM and Pancho JUoe ~ the
ca 0• na e · and Sunday at the Orance Coun· Saturday cash aalea In another r.-ponaJble tor the ahJpya.rd ahead ot tbe MeOnd place CuM. Cards wtth .375.
00 YOU have a furnished home ty FaJrgrounda In Costa Mesa. burclary Saturday nlcbt. New-bW'clarte.. In tbe In1ematlonal Leacue, the -In the Pacltlc Cout LHcue • .._. ~Practice plan~
-. ~. $195. ~uf.t terme
Cl' wW rent $5. per month.
SplDet planoe repoaeued trom ts95. Lovely Grand
$695. many others.
or Apl to rent! We will be The momlnc ahows, devotA!d to port pollee reporl Dodcers nnlahed four full camea Douc Trapp ot the Carcl1naJa won
perm. and ~nalble tenants. halter claaes, w11l begin at 8. Ray Purdy of the shipyard re-Aatu .. •L....~ _. ahead of the .econd place CUd· It wtth a .414 awrap foll~
Call our acent. Select Realty The afternoon shows of various ported the first loss at 8:20 a.m. ~ .-.n· WI tnals. by Ron Palaferrl of the Pirate.
<no charJ'e to you). 10 7-3508. action classes will be&in at 1 Saturday. The burglars brolw! a ............ _. T An ama.zlnc thtnc happened 1n with an even .400. The American
PRIVATE OFFICES wtth phone p.m. There la a Saturday evenlnc glass In a front door and un-.._ .. the four Cee Leacuee. In tile Aaoclatlon bat crown ahoulcl ob·
an.swerlnc .ervtce. Secretary A show at 8 p.m. latched It to gain entry. Locks Western. Eutern, Cal State, and vtouaJy 10 to little 1'or'llmy Me· 1 s w.~ Blc Plano
and Qraan Store. since 1914.
Always 100 piano. to c:hoo8e
notary available. Ground Floor Thla la the largest All-Arabian were broken on three cash draw-A daughter. 7 lb. 12~ oz., wu Pioneer teacues. the CUdlnal.l Guire who bashed out 23 bJta for
New Trident Bldc .. 2200 New-Show In the world and la shown ers to obtain the money. born to Mr. and Mrs. Jules Gaee w«e the first piece team In each 41 times at bat for a whopplnc
port Blvd., Newport ~ch (Ad· for the flrst Ume In Oranee At 8:06 a.m. Sunday the second of 605 Kines Pl .. Clllf Haven, In league. The Cee toumamnt be· .561 battln& averace. Jim PbUllpa
jacent South Coast Co.) Court· County. Horses w1U be entered loss wu reported. 1be burclars Queen of Aneels Hospital, Los can last week. and U teams atlll was the leader 1n the Intema-5~~-!~ esy to brokerL HArbor 3028. from all over the western halt forced a temporary wallboard Angeles, at 3:22 a.m. Sunday, remained aolna Into thla week's tlonal loop with a .481 mark.
_____ ....................... -........,.....-----................. -----of tbe United States. covering over the broken alus Auc. 19. She joins her alate~'~~, play. •
BUSlJIESS OPPOBTOIUTl&S KELP WAJfTED IIELP WAJITED from the entry ·made the evening Pam. 10; Julie, 9. and brother, In the Western Lea~. the IJQ'IUfT so• Dm.
y AI). CLEAN, EFFICIENT WOMAN. before. The cash drawers were Allen. 6, In the family. Cardinals, Giants. Cut. and The lnfant aon of M.r. and Mrs. WH~~ J:~~:~ busl-five days a week, own trans· CML SERVICE BOARD, City ol pried open again and the unde-Mr. Gaae 1s a teacher and var-Braves are atlll In contention. In Wllllam 1. Finch, 412 Belwe
nelliS tor sale. $1500 merc:ha.n· portatlon fot cleaning, ironing Newport Beach. announces ex· te rm I ned amount of money slty basketball coach at Newport the Eastern Leacue. the CUdJn-Lane, Balboa, dJett Auc. ~ In
tr and evening meal. HArbor amtnatlon for POIJCEWOMAN taken. Harbor high ~ehool. The baby als, Giants and Pirate. 1Jt1ll re-St. Vlncenta Hospital In Loe An·
dlse and South Co~ eaa~-5552. lrvlne Terrace, COM. SALARY $339·$4.11. Exarnlna -At 1 a.m. Sunday pollee re-was delivered by her grand-main. Irt the California State J'eloea, two days after birth. Prt-~ =~~~~~ P . MCYrHER'S HELPER for working tlons and further Information celved a complaint of a group ol father. Dr. Allen E. Gaee ot Hoi· Leacue. only the CUdlnala and vate .ervices were held P'rlday. ~;:..:..:;;,;;... __ ;..______ mother alone with 4 children may be obtained at Civil Serv-boys havlnc a party, drlnklng lywood. Cubs are left, and tram the PI· with Baltz Mortuary In charp.
llTUATIOJIS WAXT£1) (3 In school) live In or out. lee OUlce, City Hall, Newport
GARDEN WORK wanted. Phone fiW!! day week. HArbor 2040 Beach. Applications must be
Ha. 1038. Pbll=,_:;:Brooks.~=;· =:-----::--:--after S. Mrs. Davis. tiled on « before August 27.
MATURE WOMAN wiahes baby YOUNG MAN. Hotel desk clerk,
llfttlnl and care df alck, lmJt· evenlnga. Must have nioe ap-
ttnc OlE crochetin&-Day OlE pearance and manner. Perma-
nJCbl HA 3192-M. nenl Ken Niles Vllla Marina.
HArbor 6000.
LOST near COM P. 0 . ~ Washer· Newport ~ach announces ~x-
ette, large, black. fine straw amlnatlon for PATROLMAN
hal HA 31.20 or bring to SALARY $339-$4lL ExamJna-
Enalgn oftice. tions and further Information
••TATE & aEJITALS may be obtained at Civil Serv-llEAL -lee Oftlce. City Hall. Newport
FOR LEASE Beach. Appllcationa must be
Long or short terms filed on or before Sepl 3. 1~-
C-1 Paved Lot 7C1 x 103' JMiiEo. 0 p E~NIN G, mature
Downtown Coast Hwy., Co-single man to work as men's
rona del Mar. Next to Mary's dormitorY supervbor. cuat.o-
Bouse of Maple. DAvenport dian and opentor of swtm-
6 -6019 or Box 306, Lomita, mtni pool Must llv~ In donn.
Callf. 40-br. work week In addition to
B • dorm reaJdence. $2155 per mo. US In e S S wary. plus 160 per mo. tor
supv. Charge of $14 per mo. D .• rectory wtll be made for room rent and linen servtce. Noon and
ev~nlng meals avail. Mon.
thru Fri. tor S26 per mo. Apply
In person at Bus. Off. of col·
teae In Admin. Bldg.. 2701
Fairview Ave .. Costa Mesa.
Insurance Companies
$250 /
month ·~;
Newport I
Man ••• . ...... ., ......
BA 1540
NO FEE collected from applicant -----._...~----120 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach
.. Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Cout Btehway
Corona del Mar
Ba P'bone. BA 5232
Complete CoUlldon WCI'Il Auto Palntlq rr. l!ldmar.-TrJ Us r1nt
711 W..tlTth !t., Colta M-
U 1-1101
llrls , •.
of our tremendous lrfowth
and numerous promoUona e Pull pay u you learn
• Frequent lncreues e Advancement actually en·
-OPENINGS FOR -, ............ ,.,.
8l30 to f:30
1.22 Welt Th1rd
Santa Ana
. I ...
I •
Sl' I R••••at s ... fir ...
Am«1can Leeton 215 15th St.
Meetlnp 2n4-4th .Wed. 8 p.m.
S6JI er-a ltUlpe
..... dlitftr7
BA la. 2M& &. ODMt Jlw7,
Painting -Decoratillg
GEORGE BlJRKHAIJDT Uec-· O.baUol' 1M Orui'e Aft. Clllta liMa
UMrt7 ... UMit1 ..a ..... ., •. ,u.
roa 1ll!lft
1-)0( 11-101 15-MM and 11101 ....s .... ,....
rAn oor..oa ru..M wnc:a
MocJel ~ sawn-
.... lna1ra -.
111'.1 Jfewpart ..... Colla ..... ....,.,. UbeiV 1-'IOG
Starts :Jrd Part,
.......... ,-till lllf .... .....
,. • ....., -Wlillll pi ... ar-•••• -••••a,-LlpiL S•s• Su O.Y• ...,.
1. Must eat fish & poi with to-.
2. Mu.t wear Waltah CJI'CDa akirts an' UN free ...
3. KcmN (men) muat wear AJoba Shirt on out-
mde. lib mog KmnahanMbcL bec:aule Klag
he DO wear panta.
C. ADa Dad•• gotta pJaat palm tree. on Jalboa
lekmcJ Nab it look Jib We Pooka-Poalra.
-5. N..a leam talk talk HawaiiaD ldDcllaDguap
1D ~ woccll mUll bow LUAU ..,.....
ieCIIL KANE ynecme mn'a room.
L E•erhociy gotta -..ur Waitala'• .ca..-Mr. &
Mm. loatla lea Party Collmne htaa aaiL AD
k'•* llllt«ncc 1PG1t11 wear. AD a.-d pdDt, lrr
lotiDg haadl cm4 hare .....
• * •
. ...
.... Nat ..... Cottoa = ~---·-·-·-·------'r
•• , ,.-= t ,,...,..
... 1 n. IIMI 1 _L .......... AM
Tbe Amoe Chava, who were
llvlnc at 61.2 w. Balboa Blvd.,
Balboa, have moved to lledland.L
lfOW 8ALM>A auJDErr
Lott Mullck ol Lola Ancel• la
now llvlnc at 825 W. Ba.:y Ave.
Balboa. '
IS Mile Sc-'o -Oc•• c.-.
llrtllci' .. On •
~ ... nvrvuta-...
....... .A~IrMM•••MW'
A LAOUl!IA •tal
'-"-.,._ II :II aa. , .....
Aalta l..M -'b'' -..
........... s,...
27C7 &. COAST IDGIIWAT eo.-...... ...__,
To Serve You
ZI'J 0... A"-
PHOHI HY. 4-1 177
SAN CLa.ENTE •K•c .... ...,
PH0N1 HY..-.. J..lltl
• HY .... J.ofl".
For Y ... l
People have b.....
wyin9 ••• and
befievin9 that
ATI'DI": M•• II-··,.._ CleFCII*.
known to ._ to be the penon
whoee name Ia eullecr1bed to the
wtthln ln.ltrament. and admow~·
QVAI.IPIKD -• --... .. ·~ ...... Pu ..... ... _... .. .,.._ ...... r.a.
._.. .. -w • .., .._c... ..................... u..._.." ., c.a••• ttdlr .t Lee
Aafll•--.. ........ .... ...... ,.. .. liM, ... -· .......... , .......... ...
_. •=edt _..._ u.s.a.
.......... a.lf .... ....
....... •••• ..... knb ....
.... .. 1Mb .. ..,... ..
U..CinyftiM ..... A..W·
CII'J AJr ...... haJif Is PJ&
t .. , ,.,.
~·-· ~r;
Pacific Model Centre
c.,, ........ , •••••• PLANES BOATS-TRAINS
II, •••....
... FOI ~
Stop lnl
Newport Harbor Bank
4PO R1.
'{) ...... ' "' 4 I '
........ .,
AOGOif. ... --..
1111 -· FaT
Butler Back
on t~e Job
• The new but familiar face ID
the meet c!epartment at Cout
Super Market ID Corona del Mar
Ia that of Ray Butler, now bade
:~~e aame Job be !tad 5 yean AT CON"'ID CI.III1C-Allnrla (left). a._.,
· Ba• bad ... ~n In the m•at de· .....a__. tit 0...... eo.t c:.u ... tllllla..,. , ~ "' • lbw...,., ,._, wttll Joe hiMirtda. ..._. ...ta p~t~~Su~Market --------~------------------------------------------------------------= ~.,~:!~tif:Y~ ~~ From the PO M . H rt ;~enth~~Ra~~::~ . UCE BLOnER. ar•ne u
a Navy man during World War I In Low Dive
U, aervtna In the Mediterranean <Continued from Pace 10) 21 ot 2U6 San lernardlno Ave
area. 'JbJa time he went Into the e WDirKIDAY, AVG. 15 ~. Mea, Rtr.red poulbl~ Eclgar Lee C bam be r a , 19, !f'1~are":.Jn~ In K~ Mra. George f.. Fortner of 1006 rleht btp u d Jddbey lnjurln Buena Park marine. ntrered a
having served In Al..:. aer~~ S. Bay Front. Balboa Wand, re-wben be .Upped otl a bench poalble broken neck wben be
rea and in atomic N!M~ r: ported the theft of a bicycle . . . while wowldbg ott a eon.strudlon dove ot1 the west tilde of the Co-~=~===========~=~:~~~~~= the put year be hu been a Boya reported abootinr a rUle Job at 0 Sftra Dr.. Corona rona del Mar Jetty at 1 ~53 p.m. I
butch« at Market Town in Lu near Avoeado An., Corona del HlrbJanda, and wu taken to SUnd~ and bJt tbe bottom.
Vecu. Mar, were tone wben oft'Jeen ar-Boar Memorta.l Roepttal . . . A friend palled hlm from the
Bay and hJa wU . nYied ... James lt. Pattenon, 47, Jadt Buclcabee ol D> Karlne water and ute ruards provided
IMI'dllng tow a 8 !,: ~C: ot • CoRa Meaa st., eo.ta Ave~ Balboa bland. reported the ftnt ald. Be wu llemO'fed by
home tow their rrowt famU M,.., wu arrested on a drunk theft ot a porta•Je radio and two ambu.la.nc:e to Roq Kemortal
wllkh tncludes Glori nr 2~· drlvlng ebarge at Bayside Dr. bedapracla . . . Ho.pltal and wu taken to eo-a. age • and Coast Bwy. at 5:45 p.m. . . . • PIIIDAT. AUG. 17 rona Kan.l II<Mipital Monda
and one on the way. WUllam E. WUJLams. 18. ol On-TQd WhJte. JOO Marine Ave., John JobNon, 21. at s~U,..
tano and two Pomona juvenlle Balboa laJand, nported the theft wood. dove IDto tile 1Urf at Buell
boya were booked on ebarra of ol hla orange racer bicycle . . . GuUy at 1:28 p.m. Sunday and
&-..... ·-r-1-burcJartzi.Dg the home of Geor.,e A. 25-hc:nepollNt' outboard motor bit 1W1 bead on the bottom. Be
1Wf _, r..-GUleaple ot 318-32nd St.. New-was R.olftl f!()m tile boat ot T. eompla.!Ded of ~ea and .wr-
CommJttee ebalnnen who wUl port Beach, on the eveniJlr ol E. Moores of Pomona and an-oesa tn bJs neck. Life guarda
be ln dlarce ol the aervtng ot July 22; the arrest wu credited other from the boJt of K. E. Me-took btm to the top of Buell
fDoda at the Labor Day Badt to the alertness of Motow Otllc:er Comber ot l.25t Ocean Blvd .. 8aJ. Gully, where frienda took hlm A.U~ .Pair ot the Balboe laland Ed L)'Deh ln notblg jewelry ln a boa. from the boet yard ot w. D. to Hoar Memorial Roepltal for
Community Jlethodlat Church. car at 32nd St. and K.areus Ave. Sbodr.. 5CM·29tb St., Newport enmtn.ation.
were a.nnounc:ed th1a week • by on the night of the burclary . . . Beach . . . WUllam H. Boane, Life guards Su.nd.ay made 11
Jln. !taft 8mltb. pnen.1 ebalr-Arnold Behrman.n ot Orange 3340 Via Oporto, Kewport Beach rncues, found 16 JOlt pe!riOlla
man of foods. compa.Ined of the theft of a cue com P lal ned tbat a bit and and· handled 22 cues of nm
Dtnb\c room boeteuet wlll be of .oda pop fJom bJAI truck by run car cau.ed $25 damace to ald. The wale!' temperature was
Mra. Fount L. I..owe and MH. ~-boya In a dark eoupe while hJa car In the Sanitary Launctry 70, with llrbt surf eondJtlona. An
Clair B. Barnett. <>tiler dlalnnen his truck wu puked at the La parking lot. Newport ~ach . . . estimated 100.000 pen10ns were
and their .... rnmenta .,. MrL Cantina U quor store. Corona del Vlvtan W1lllama ot 1m~ Gol· at the beaebealn the harbor area
Huold Ja.me. and llnL Byron L. Mar ..• Vandala c:au.d approx-demod Ave .. Corona del Mar. re~ Sunday.
Keely ltot dllllles· MrL Walt« 1amtely 1600 damage by break· ported that a driverte. ear eame -------------
.....,..., ADd lin. 'Frand.a ltUe7 Ina wtndabJelda and wlndo>n In down a bill and .U.ek h« car azo.az .-cnai.ADr'S 110ft
aalada; MrL Dlcbnon G. Bak.; ell'ht can at the Klller a.vtolet parked In front ct her home. 'Ibe Georp Bu:rkbaftlts have
I 020 on your dial ·
WcwJd IJr'Otb.rhood "'Ronwmity Ccrllinq~ prn r I'll
CHURCH WOBLD SEBVICE-illa m · dx cmd ..._
lon. in pamotiDg brotherboocL J· .u.c. CIDd • peace.
and lbs. -:Rieb.rcl, tteuerta· agency and Jobnaon and Son causing minor damare . . . AJ. moved from 878 w 18th St ~~~~~.~~;an~~~-~~cy~~~M~of~~~~~~~;;m;~M~ea,~~~~~~~~~an~~~e~A~v~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .11n. Vern SmJth, candy. Mn. Ted Rwy. - . Robet't Pbllllps. 6, of Shop, Newport Beach, reported
Jl Hauser, p r e alden t of the 200f Ocean Blvd., Balboa, suf. the theft of a piggy bank eon·
Woman's Society of ChrlaUan fered bruises whUe rldlng bJs talnJng $30 ...
5erv1ee. is an e:x-oUlc:lo member bicycle when hit by a car being e SATV11DAY. AVG. 11
of the foods eommlttee reversed by Lebert Lombardo, 14, Ruth B. McConnell. 45, of 2651
· of 2026 E. Ocean Front. Balboa. Circle Dr .. Bay Shorft. was ar· ------------on "L" St. at the Ocean Front rested on a drunk driving charge
., .. ., all~. Balboa. at 3:07 p.m. ... at Mangold Ave. and Cout
E. Monla Smith ol 501 VIa Udo Hwy., Corona del Mar, at 1.2:35
Soud, Udo Isle, reported the loa a.m. . . . Melvin L. Beebr, 59,
of a $100 white dinghy . . . , of 323 Drtnwood Rd.. Shore Clltls..
Harry VIctor Johnston, 69, of e TJIUJISDAT. AVC. 11 apparently suffered a alight at-
331 Walnut Pl., Costa Mesa, a WUllam R. Koleta of 223~ Ma-tack tn flont of 2:Hl W. Coast
former Newport Beach eommer-rlne Ave., Balboa Island, reported Hwy., Newport at 4:45 a.m. and
cial fisherman, died Aug. 14 In the theft of his mUon wagon feU, sutlertnr a laoeratlon on the
San Rafael. He was a natlvcft of . . . A youth, 14 to 16, exposed back ot hla head . . . Bernice
CaJitomJa and bad Uved In Costa himself to a Newport woman Gila of 1.22-47th St.. Newport
Mesa for 20 years. near 39th St. and Ocean Front Beach, reported the Jou of a $100
He Is •urvtved by his wfdow, . . . Walter Jacobaon of 900 E. radio controled model airplane
Edith; three 80na, VIctor of Costa Balboa Blvd., Balboa, complained painted orange w ith a four-foot
Mesa. Glen of Newport Beach that a rear vlt!W mirror and wlnppan In the area of Newport
and Robet't of ~Wlower; a windshield wiper were twlfted clty llmlta on Superlor Ave ....
daugbter. Mrs. Lorraine Miller of ot1 b la car parked in the "B St. VlrgUna Lock« of 6602 W. Ocean
Buena Park; a at.ter, Mn. W. C. puking lot. Balboa . . . Mrs. Front. Newport Beaeb, austalMd
MacDonald of Newport Beach, Rer~ Wllson of 521 Orchid a one-Inch cut on the bade of her
and 11 grandcbUdJ'en. Interment Ave~ Corona del Mar. reported head tn a fall d~a.ira and
was ln Harbor Best Memorial the theft of a boy's bicycle from was taken to Hoag llospttal ...
Park. boer garage . . . Archie Horvath, Mrs. Thomas Soren.aon of 3100
&.Uft'£ ANA. Www •aa .. M • BaOADWAY
DllnO,.ett:ll-•*-• Mil ~ a& U:ll
-.-.IN TOWN"
,. df/(? • • 0 R I'J · ' '-~ r r-tt'A_ t G 'f~( 'I T~E '> c
• l W I & l J A • I
" ~ .. f I .. ... ' ' .. A
Clay St.. Newport Betrhts. re·
ported the theft of a .22 cal.
pistol valued at $37.50 from the
boat San Juan at SH.sport Land·
lng. Newport ~aeb . . . A.. L.
McVIdeer of 1027 Grove Pl. eo.ta
Mesa. reported the theft of a $150
box of tools from a boat at the
Newport cannery doek . . . e SUWDA1'. AVG. 11
Mrs. Allen Johrwon of 2306
Laurel Pl., Newport Heights. re·
ported the theft of her purse eon·
talnlng about $10 cash, makeup.
operator's license and credit
cards from a shelf at the bay
window bar In the Balboa Bay
Club, where she Is employed ...
Mrs. Grace E. Merrlll of 113
Grand Canal. Balboa Wand, re·
ported the theft of a $7 .!0 creen
lounre ebalr pad and that two
weeks earlier two blue pads,
val\led at $25 Ncb. ,..... atGlen
. • • Bra~ MlDer of ..
Rtwt Ave.. Newport IIMc:b. re-
ported that durin• tbe 1llrbt
radio ..nat. were Mnt or bro-
bn oiJ two can . . . John Dll.
Jaalboa Pier, repoNd NDt.iq ,
rod a.nd reel to a run who did
DOt retam tile outftt ..• ...._
......... dol 525 C.Wlna Dr ..
Rewport Betl'hts. a40'e.d _..
tJdq ~ at t. Mdl door
at 8:.11 p.a ud amc.. ~ a ,....,., _.. pot. .wll&lc:b tiller
lnqllt to tiM ltau.D •..
(Another In a Series of Mnaares Presented by the Newport Harbor Ensign)
all of us
For several months the Ensign
has been presenting these mes-
sages about the value of shopping
et home. Per1onally, we of th.
Ensign do all of our shopping with
our harbor area merchants. We
know that we can get just es goOd
bargains right here es we could
oui of town---and without having
to fight the heavy traffic or fece
the smoq of out-of-town shopping.
We lik. to shop with our friends
and neighbon. And we wont to
wpport our own merd.ants, be-
'"use they aN the backbone of
our wonderful community.
Now, excuw us for <Jetting ,.,-.
aonel -but the Ensign too is a
~ buUnpu: and being the local
-...llfy rMN+*fW. it is definit.ly
en important pert of our commu-
nity life.
We of the Ensiqn .steff have
dedicated ourselves to the inter-
ests of our community by report-
ing fully and fairly on our city
qcwe mment, schools, politics, civic
groups, service clubs, end all the
other organizations and activities
that ma~e up our town. We aim
to keep you fully in formed on de-
velopments in this community. al'ld
we intend to ~ .. p a watchful eye
et eU ti!'Ms so ~at .. can safe-
C)'Iard the intwe5ts of the citizens
of the best town in the world.
The Ensign 1oo ._....,.. ....
"Shop et Home" c-~ thet
-he~ bill" Writin9 .bout rc.r
h pest ~el montha.
economy!!! Joke! This country's
principal export Ia money. So
why piddle around with maybe
a f~ doUara aaved In malting
the Corona del Mar Post Office
something a ereat deal dltfennt
I am tn favor of retalnlng the Interviewing businesSmen and than lt ha.s been!
Polrt Ottlce here in Corona del residenu of Corona del Mar to Also, I~Ttatz. don't forget that
Mar. determine their .entlments Jn thLs little town of Corona del
ROBERT G. KINSMAN the matter of consoUdatlon of Mar ha.s a beautiful name and
231 Larkspur Ave. making the Corona del Mar Pea let's hope that the postage stamp
• • • ott:lce a subsidiary of the main on eNery envelope out of here
We. wish to enter our protest post olflce 1n Newport Beach. ALWAYS carries that name-be·
against the consolidation of the Have a hunch that Mr. Prokach caWie also I looked 1n the crystal
Ppst Offices of Newport Beach. wUI have received so many pro-ball ,and saw where Corona del
MR. 1r MRS. K. V. DILTS tests from Corona del Mar mer-Mar wtll be the lar&eSt. busiest.
230 Larkspur Ave. chants and residents against his and most Interesting spot 1n thla
• • • Ideas (depending on how m.any area and that all the municipal
As a property holder and tax· people he lntervtews) that he ottlces wtU be Installed up here
payer I wish to go on record realizes he's stirred up a hornet's ratba-than on a limited 5t.rlp,
100% a.s objecting to consollda· nest. such a.s Clty Hall, pollee and fire
tlon. We receive very good service department. It Lsn't too much of
HELEN L. FIKE at present from the local Post a stretch of the Imagination of
309 Marirold Ave. ottlce In Corona del Mar. The the foregoing 11 lrvine will tear
• • • clerks and the carriers are very l0011e some of hla holdings.
We protest the consolidation efficient and a 1 thou I h they SAM It FLORENCE MANSFIELD
ot the Post ottlces of Corona del might be 1n clvU servtoe and be 212 J asmine Ave.
Mar and Newport Beach. We like enabled to hold thelr jobs, there • • •
a community of our own. are 110me things that could be I am opposed to Corona del
MR. It MRS. K. D. KNAPP changed. notwtthstandtnr state. Mar Post Office becoming a
319 Marguerite Ave. menta to the contrary. And don't branch of the Newport Beach
• • • get any ldeu that 11 your Uncle Post Office.
I believe the change that Is wants to do something you MBS. R. A. ~GTON
advocated ln our Post Otllce "small try" won't even be con-241 Heliotrope Ave.
should not be made. Also would sldered. • • •
work a hardship on our carriers. At least one consolation this Pleue record tht. household
DR. F. E. RILEY time lA that the resident. of Co· as deflnl~ly op~ to Corona
300 Jasmine Ave. rona del Mar bave been con· del Mar Post OUice becoming a
• • • sulted about a change. branch of the Newport Beach
Referring to recent a.rtkles In 'Ibt. move to consolidate the Post omce. We are very happy
the newspapers about Mr. WU-Corona del Mar Post Ottloe atems wtth the ~lendJd 8ei'Vfce ren-
Jiam Proksch, postal Inspector, from perhaps a desire for de-ed by our b:aJ oUJdals and
p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prompt recel pt of Incoming m.aU.
A plea or economy would be a
big laugh. Any change of our
With Old Colony Sel«ton~ syst~. you can ~ su~
o( per(c:ct color harmony be(o~ you dip your brush. With
408 ~olors, all avulable in Bar, semi·gloss and high gloss
linssbcs, ~ou can be sure o( mttti?g "ert p&i.nt decorating
requ1temenr. All ~ ready m1ud for immedWe use.
With every Selc:ctooe color you
get Pine Old Colony dependable
quality. Together they mean longer ~~~~~
lasting beauty. Pa.Joring is so easy t:
when you usc Fine Old Colony
paiors and Selecton~ system.
Come in today. We'U be
&lad to help you.
WeC.t~ * ...._.
local Post otttce would rHk of
722 Goldenrod Ave. • • •
We are very much opposed to
any change In our present post
office service. Since the service
Is satisfactory In every way, we
can ~ no reason for any chance
and we certainly do not want to
lose our Identity.
209 Marguerite Ave. • • •
We have for many years re-
celved most excellent service
from the postmaster and staff of
the Corona del Mar Post Offloe
and emphatically protest any
303 Heliotrope Ave. • • •
I am very much opposed to the
Idea of consolidating Corona del
Mar PO&t OUice Into Newport
Beach Post OUice. My knowledge
of almUar altuatlorua convinces
me that thLs would be very UD·
desirable for the CDM real-
• • •
I am taking tht. opportunity
of getting In touch wlth the su-
perintendent of Po8t Office
being a bit conoemed about
laue of the con.olldatlon of our
PoR Office here 1n Corona del
Aa property holden and thia
belng our home, we are aatiatlecl
with the conwnlence and eUS-
cJency of all service tn our ~
ent oftlcial ~ Oftlce IM't·up.
U Corona del Mar continues to crow. the c:on.oUdatJon could
not poatbly meet the needa of
the lnOux of famiUes or be the
arwwa-to the expansion of b\181·
';~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~~~~~=~ nea. Hav1ng talked the pojnt ii ovf!t wtth many people of our
c:onumanJty, the ultlmatum ta: U
J)C*lble pleue leave the ConJna
del Mar Po8t omce omdally .. KPOP
I 020 on your dial
w ......... ....
Funeral services for WUllam
James Rutlec!re, 78, of 20392 S.
W. Cypress Ave., Santa Ana
Heights. w<Me held Aug. 14, In
the Seventh Day A d v e n t I s t
Church, Newport Heights. Parkes-EJrrE.JrTADfl DELECATE
Ridley Mortuary wu In charre Mrs. James B. Taylor of 239
of arrangements. Drlttwood Rd., Shore CJJ.fl-. hu
Mr. Rutledge died Aug. 10, In been entertaining her brother,
Hoag Memorial Hc.wpltal. He wa.s John B. Davenport of Perkins.
a native of Ontario. Canada; Georgia, who wa.s enroute to the
moved to San Frandtlc:o In 1907, ~ubllcan Convention. Mr. Dav·
Oranee county In 1910 and Co&ta en port Ia a d e 1 e & a t e from
Mesa 1n 1929. He was a charter Georgia.
member ot the Newport Heights -------
PAY-LESS IDe Laundromat 2Gc
(ACilOU notl
FID.t Dry Clecnring
At VohiiM Prx-
~~at~t~t-s.--•= a Seventh Day Adventt.t Church, POIIXEA aESIDD'n MOVE
and an honorary elder. He wa.s The Frank McCralb. formedy
a 9lutertng contractor by trade. of 419 PolnsettJa Ave., Corona del
Interment was 1n Harbor RHt Mar, have moved from Anabelm "''YD ZVDT DAT & IIJalft OP 1'D: TUr
Cemetery. to Ukiah.
'"RED Hor a.tu. b Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. Aug. 23-U.25th
Stan Houn: Da0y I A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday cmd Hollduta I A.M. to 8 P.M.
• II -. c-a QI.OaDTT~e. lila C.. Campbells Soup 6,., ,. P E A R S 3
POaJI-4 OL c-a •a.n ILR ...,._.... C. Qt. aa...
CAT FOOD 2'-21¢ BEER 2"'90f
taOit& IT'f'L&..-.tl/1 OL CaD
STAR-KIST TUNA 27~ A-1 FLOUR 5 .. 45
COitTADDf~o.ll/a CaD DArr'l •AUAT a '
eeled TomatoeS 19¢ MARGARINE 1 ··· ... 25~
aouau .a~m
••••.• lb. 45~ BEEF ·STEW •••
• • • • • lb. 49¢ iAcON ~. . . .
SWJSS STEAK • lb. 59¢ iACON' . . . . . .
r;;' Round Stealr •· 7~ HOi .... DOGs •••