HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-30 - Newport Harbor Ensign,
'lbe aty elf Newport Beadl
launeJM. lb ~n Jubilee ceJ.e.
bratloft wltll tiM antval of the
Aircraft Carrier Hornet aboUt
p.m. tcmGIIOW (Friday).
Crew ot the Bomet wtu do a
spell-out an tbe lblp'1 fll&ht
deck. ~ ''HI, Newport
Beach," from 1 tie 1:30 p.m. while
approadllDc &ftdlorace. 'lbe Bor·
net wW andlOI' about a haU·mile
from the jetty.
'lbe clty's welcome to the Hor·
net and crew w1ll ~ liven by an
otncla.l party, which wlll Include
Mayor Dora BW, Mia Nancy
IC.lmbeFlln, wbo wu named M1as
Golden lubtlee Tuesday evenlna.
and MJu Sanclra Macintyre, who
Is Mt. Newport Beach.
The U. S. Wavy will welcome
vtattora aboanS the Hornet Sun-
day and Moada.y, accordlna to I
Howard La...a of Balboa, presi-
dent ot the Oraaae County Coun·
dl of the Navy Lea,ue.
orm's Landing to
·Continue Operation
Facutde1 will be llm1ted to the
number of launches available to
traruport vtaltora. Houra for visit·
lng will be tram 10 a.m. to 12
noon and from 1:30 to 4:30p.m.
on both day1. Children under 12
will not be permitted aboard.
City otfl<:lall have requested
th<XW who plan to v1sit the ship
to park a ff!W block• from the
Harbor Muter ortl<-e and Coast
Guard DocJc. where launches will
carry pa.uenaers. VL!Itora with
boardlnr pasas will be honored
tirst. the Navy Learue says.
Here ls a brief bl0£l'aphy of
the famous Hornet.
• • •
This ls not just the story of an
aircraft carrler. It l.t the llfe story
of the rnoct famous namt'd car·
rler of modem naval history. The
rec:ord of her deeds and those of
the former vearls that bore her
name remains unsurpassed In Decldline Set
on Licenses
AUII,JfQDfQ cW811a of tllle •·
rWa1 ol tbe Aircraft e-n.
Bonet 1a Lt. J. K. -laD. USB& of~ Jf.T .. wbo
1a U.S.. oax. ~twMG tile
ftMe1 cmd the dty of Rewport
....... (Ealp pboto)
Water Charge
Change Likely
City Enetneer Bert Webb rec·
ommended to City CouncU Mon·
day evening that the water min·
tmums should be re·evaluated to
arrive at a more equitable rate.
He said he had made a sample
check of 3,107 of the city's 8.849
water users. The survey revealed
that 9CJG. of water users In New-
port Helahts failed to use the
minimum amount of water. 17~
in Corona del Mar, 57% In New-
port Beach westerly of 23rd St.
58~ on Balboa Island and 17~
on lJdo Isle.
CJty Manaaer Robert Shelton
remarked that the survey shows
the small users to be "carrying
Norm Haeen Informed the En·
slen yesterday that sportlish lne
operations will co n t I n u e at
Norm's Landlne In Newport at
least until Oct. 30, 1958. which
Is the expiration date for the
purchase option held by Robert
Ingram and VIrgil Lee Buck.
Mr. Haeen explained that he
.has aold only one lot ot the
1 Norm's Landlna property-;-Lot 5
, (Cqntlnued on Paee 12>
Pick Pockets
Start Young
of Tract 815 which immediately Newport poll~ broke up a ju·
adjoln.a the Caban.u Marinas venlle plck -podtet "aanc' Satur·
and la not an lntearaJ part ol the day after a Norwalk man ~
sportfl.shina bu.tne.. but 1a Wled ported ~-..c.o a..y. and a cfrl
only tor parkJna pwpo~~eS. t&k.lnc monc.y from doth.Jna lett
Ke aald further that Mr. In· on the M&ch • 22nd St. by
cram and Mr. Buck ha~ the op· swimmers. ~ trio .pent the
tlon to pwdla.se, on or before money in a nearby .tore, he re-
Oct. 30, 1957, Lot 4 and 12.2 ported.
feet of Lot 3 of Tract 815, which Oftl~s found a Newport boy,
lot ls at the other ~mJty of 6. and hi.! st.ter, 4, well stocked
the landlnc and also not an in· wtth candy and tee cream by the
tearal part ol the sporttisbtne Newport Pier. They aaJd their
operations. older brother, S. had taken the
Mr. Ingram and Mr. Buck hav~ money. He had gone to a theater
an option to purchase the re-omcers returned the pair to their
malnder of the property by Oct. home and loearned that their
30, 1958, but sporUlshina opera· mother was working In a market
tlons cannot be interfered with and a baby-sitter had let them
prior to that date, Mr. Hazen ro on their spree.
The purchasers plan to ~gin
construction soon on the first
units o( an eventual 75·unJt, 2·
story resort hotel. The first units
will be constructed on Lot 5, on
which the sale has been com·
Newport Well
No. 13 Is Dry
IIAJL TO TilE QUEEIII K.a Cnlae. ~-· txdiW f« tbe rrLA '"Oty at lll9bt"" TV J11091CUL
e F t
•• kl
IIIIIIJII ... ...., ............ •
Newport pollee said yesterday
that jewelry valued at bet\I!Nen
54.500 and $.5.000 stolen from the
home of Mrs. Ht-lm MadlltJ19.
mother of Sancfta Mac:lnt7n.
lOa Newport BHcb, hu been
T!le drawer ot a Jewel eab!Mt.
eontalnlnc all tbe jfwelry, wu
fouad ~ IIOa Meda~ ....._.
at the .-r elf tbe ~ 'lllrl.
Madntpe ~ tile ,...,..,
to polb at 10:30 &.1ft. 'h : Sbebd ............ .
p.m. ..... ., •
* * * CBOlCE
• CHUCK STEIK 59~ ,,,. -L&&
Ground Beef .... -,.
" OKAa ....
makes PLANNER furniture -such
a world -beating Idea?
Te Serve Y•
22l OceM Ave.
rHONE HY. 4-lln
60 I N. 8 c.mlno R..S
PHONE HY.dftftt 2-1 195
or HYeclftfh 2-1196
Votonfeers Are Needed
By Cm1 Air Patrol
••• , 1111111
bthee.dln••ww •
You leaftlt ••• w.--it!
fte ()raap CouJd:r ctvO Air ~ on ~ wtthin the W'A~ htlol Ia aak1na u urtet ea11 conUnentaJ lbalU ol the U. S. ~II ~ lor 90luateer pUoU to twlp lD Ule eontntUed by Air I.-cue Service. ...._ _,
.udl ud ~ work ol the Sl.Dce the traute ol the 42Dd ~ 11M 1t1e1t tJaa
loea1 CU. AJr &e.eue Squadron at Mardl 'nl& POST 0~
The Onnp County ~ua4ron F'S~Id. IUvenlde, a1 dvJU&n aNt -,~ ~.!-'f-,
hu • alteraft avaUaW. now. ae· mUltary ldrdl and re.cue hu ~-un..,.
eof'dlnc to c.pt. Tommy Eno· been put In the banda of t.U -a... c..:-.:a..-.._.
IIIOto ol CaJ'deft Grove. comman· C::.l:.:vU.::....;Air:::::.,_::P~a~tro~l.------~111----... ------' dina ottlcer of the Santa Ana
llllflll let Tillie "' c....... Uti
A reception for Con,..man
AC!DIO AI Dmacroa ., a
aatl..elrcN!ft ... ........ tM -..y .,.._ VII a.-poet
a ..... IIJfrb's • 1o1m &
WoedJaaJL -.. Jlln. LoalM ......._ .... a..tlayat A..._
~ ............ n.cs-t
at ._ Vatnnity o( Cola rodo.
0.. tlaeaa•ad aJAehlprM
...... .... It eol.ll ... -.d
aal..UU.. _..._. -14
....... o( ._ Au-tic n..t Ia
tbe --~· tiWd .......... aaa:a t r •lata • cralM. TbeT -nailed ,__ __ a4 c.bcl ...
f01e ~ .. tlae V. L Aa·
gut If. .,..,.. .. t:bDe at ............ , •totedwd --a.. .... bJ' ..... --· .-y .................... .
1D9 .. ,....,... .. claU.. tMT
wW ......... • acrrr Zutopa cdtw ~ ,._ c.u..,..
bue CAP equadlon. Headquar·
ten ue at the Oranae County
airport next to the Paul Mantz
banaer. Meetl.np are held on
Thursday evenlnp at 7 :30 p.m.
An tn~ve tratnt.nc Pf'Oil"am
wUl be conducted by Robert A.
Campbell. Instructor and technl·
cal wrltet for the Fowler Aero-
nautleal Set-vice ln Burbank.
The Civil Air Patrol is the of-
ficial dvUlan aux.lllary of the
u. S. A1r Force. .o desJenated by
act of Concress. It l.s also char-
tered by Concrea to .erve u a
non-prollt corporation dedJeated
to the advancement of aviation.
CAP annually perform.s more
than hall of the total snreh
hours fiown by all partlclpatlnl
DAR to Hold
Card Benefit ~v:~ ub~ o:,::tau~ ::J Bus r ·hedule Is G·1ven = ~· th':1~~~fre!l~t!: .X M:: af Ll~~~ :!dC:::.
at 12081 Sheridan Lane, thla • Albert Stoclrton of Corona del =~:~~==y~:::ln~ for Registration Days ~:.~:~~D~ =:;
Cctvemor Goodwin ltnl1ht. Sena· uled for Wednesday, Sept. 12. at
ton William KnowlancS. Thomu Here IJI the b us schedule for Mar,-uertte 6 Bwy. -· 8:09 12:39 the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.
Kuehel and Jobn Murdy, and to reaistratlon daya at ~rt Fernleaf 6 Bay Side .. 8:10 12:40 The opentna fall party g1~n
South.em Calllornla Con,reu-Harbor Union Blah SchooL Sen-Marlne 6 Park -·-··-8:15 12:45 annually by the local Colonrl
men, a native of the county. lora will reclster Tuesday after-~aeon Bay ·······-····· 8:18 12:48 Wllllam Cabell Chapter ot DAR
Concresaman Utt, complettnr noon. Sept. 4; junlora Sept. 5. Bay Shore Camp --8:20 12:50 will be a bendit tor the chapt.,-•
hl1 second term In the House ot .ophomores ~pt. 6 and freshmen WZWI08T & aAUOA educ::atlonal fund and phUan·
Representatives. hu just re· Se-pt. 7. A.M. •x th.roplc work..
turned from the ~ubllcan Con· co.o•A DEL NAJI & Leave School -·-·-·-8:00 12:30 Mrs. Adrian lrv1ne and Mrs. ventlon In San Franclloo. where aAUOA ISLAJf'D An H ... ~ wtll ...._ 1 ch be ~ aa an alternate He A.X. ....... Balboa Blvd. 6 Hwy. ne ar~n ..,..,. n ar~ · ll ' Wut Newport _ 8;06 12~35 ol ''Golden J ubUee" decoration~ wu accompanied by hl.s w e, Leave School ····-·-··--·..8:00 12:30 Balboa Blvd 6 for the luncheon, planned around
Charlena. Acacia 6 Hlehway ... .8:07 12:37 Miramar .· .. _ ····-. 8:15 12:45 the Nr.vport ~ach flft1eth annl·
Balboa Blvd. 6 venary theme. The city's otflclal
YAJOIII MOVE ........ p .... _. 1111-Main St. ···-···-8:16 12:46 fiower, a red boueainvUiea plant. The Robert Yamen are movlne ..., ...... n• Library-will be one of the many door
from 620 Mar,-uerlte Ave., Corona II .... __. ...... Eut Newport ........ 8:17 12:47 prl:ra and bridle prizes to be
del Mar, to 403 lrla. --. Balboa Blvd. 6 13th .. 8:18 12:48 awarded.
The team of Walter Wood and Balboa Blvd. 6 22nd 8:19 12:49 ADo on the oommJttee, beaded
Mra. Walter Peanon won the Newport Blvd by Mra. James B. Taylor, vice
Newport Harbor Lawn Bowllni 6 30th ......... ·-········ 8:20 12:50 ~~ent. are Mmes. Braden Finch.
doubles Champlonahip ln a hard Club House-Robert Keppen. Robert Ro~r.
foul)lt 18 end came by defeating Udo Isle .. -... ·-·· 8:22 12:52 Lou Reed. Challen Landen. C. E.
Walter Pear.on and Bruce Hes.. Udo Entrance 6 Stockwell Jr~ and B. Adrian.
19 to 16. The wtnnen were pre· Newport Blvd. ··--.8:24 12:54
.ented lncSlvidual prius by Prest-COSTA MDA
dent Ed Murset and at.o the A.X.
honor of boldlnr the Crosier uav.e School _ -·-. 8:00
Doubles cup for one year. 22nd • Santa
Many tla developed In the Ana Ave. _ ·····-. 8:03
weekly Australlan alngles match., Monte VIJta 6
Joe Stamp a nd Ed WUcox tJed Santa Ana . _ 8:05
with 14 points tor first place In Acacta 6 Orchard -8:07
the play-ott Mr. WUoox won tint Spruce It Pallsades ... 8:09
and Mr. Stamp took .econd. Mrs. MHA Drive •
•.x. 1017GBT roa LIJ)() 1017D
12:30 Joint application bu ~n
12:33 made by D. W. Douelas. 657 VIa
Lido Soud. and Bessie C. Britton.
U :3S 653 VIa Lido Soud, Udo WoP. ror
12:37 a permit to Install a pier. Doat.
12:39 and appurtenan<'H the~ ln
Carr with 12 points won third. Santa Ana -·. . 8:11 Largest and Most Complete Tylnr tor fourth place with 11 Del Mar 6 Orange ... 8:12
Furniture Store in the 1\ree. points were Alexa Fullerton. Tay· 2Jrd 1r Oran1e .. ·-· 8:14
Newport Bay In front of Lots
16 and 17, Tract No. 9(f7. Udo
c.n for ,,..
Lit-ty •-s5 1a
lor Carr and Harold Sbandley. 20th 6 Orange .. -· 8:16
Mr. Can won tbe play·otf. l8th 6 Oranre __ 8:18
II. • 18th 6 Santa Ana ...... 8:20 Pill vl•m• • Leaw School .. . _ .... 8:00
12:48 Marie Zrallk has moved from I
12:50 5l1 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar,
12 :30 to 714 Goldenrod Av~.
12:35 ---
Golden-brown pancakes
in 2 minutes-
when you cook electrically!
electric raop. Prom a cold start wath a cold po:n.
your p&DCU.a arc colden-brown in l mtnuta. Hot
eoup tala 68 ICCOOds. Bacon and e&&J 3 ~ mmutcs.
fry, bale, broal or roast-elcctncity does 11 better.
Toeaa'a N Oa &: your k.itcbeD iJ cooler. And
c:leaoer. Pots an4 pans keep that minor*bnpt
ahine. .Utc:hal wa.UJ look frab and acw much
Anu WAI..L\XTY oa your ranee expires. Eda..oo
ta'VlCa it free -c:har&a ooly for parts., If~
lP vou'u mu. COOIUNO tbr old way, n·s sunplv
bec.auae you bavea't KCD the ne-w ·~6 elcctnc ~
at your applwlce dalc:r's.
VISIT liiN aod Uv~ B~uu-£1,cmcaUy!
• • . . • • • . • • . • • •
• • . • • • • • . • • • • •
• • • •
• •
• • . • •
. .............................................
Honse ... Gar~tn T... ._ Iaiii•... 18th 6 Placentia ...... ..8:05 .. ... J 18th 6 Whittier .. ___ .8:06
Palt A.meru~an 1.e11on Depart· 19th 6 Wblttler · ..... ..8:07 12.36 If ' · f £ • d 12;37 you r e savtng or peace o mtn ...
Furnishings for homes,
dubs, yachts.
3017 W. Coe1t Hi9hw•y
Newpott a..,h
--~---~-.·--w--~ _.r-:
t Commander Joe Farber of 19th 6 Monrovia ........ 8:08 ~~dena wu Juest speaker 19th 6 Placentia .. _ ... 8:09
Monday at the .American Leilon Wilson 6 Placentia -··8:10
Awdllat;Y Unit 291 held 1n the Wilson 6 Canyon Dr. 8.12
Newport Leeton Ball. An explan· VIctoria 6 Canyon .
tl W ... m de or the new dis· Drlv.e ... ~ .. · ·--.8.13 12:43 a on - a . VIctoria 6 trlct.lng whlcb divides District 21, Placentia .. . .. _8:15 12:45
formerly composed of t.be ooun-VI I R bo 8 17 12 47 ties ot Oran1e and Riverside lnto ctor a • ar r ···-: : two dlstrlcta. From now on dl.s· VIctoria A Fairview 8.19 1~:49
trlct 21 wUJ be Riverside County 20th 6 Newport Blvcl. 8:21 12:51
Co Harbor 6 PacHic Model Centre
Ce•fllll U. ef 1•••11 .
and Dlmlct 29 Orange u.nty. N~ Blvd .s·.... 12· ... 1 Mlu S Brow l Cllft HaV'en ~-~""·· · -· · ·-J local Cl~~. Stat~ ~prHentatlve: 17th 6 Newport Blvcl. 8:25 12:55
waa elected treasure!' of the Studenu llvtn~ In Halecrest
Girl'• State Alumnae, Dlstrlct 29. please call the hllh 8Chool ga-H~ for Monday n ight's rae-e. Liberty 8·1123. to make ar·
aoclal IJlHtlna W~ere Mrs.. Wally ranre.mentll for transport.tlon
Ryne and Mrs. CUbert Opel. for rellatratlon day. -----
Edison Seeks to Construct
Trestle, Tunnels at Sea
nte Southern California Edl· from the Newport Beacb city
110n Co. hu u ked the Loe An· limits. iiillli-~:.1 1etes offlce of the Corps of Encl· Thla project Is In connection
neera for a pennlt to m.tall two ..tth the Steam Station to ~con-
14·foot diameter c l r c u 1 a t l n I atruc:ted by the Edl8on Co.
water 'tunneb mencUna t.eC8 Conduits would be burled at t..t tnto the C)Ce&D n~ar tb.e toot leut 5 teet below tbe Mel of the
ol 1fewland St.. Buqtlnaton ocean. wtth manhole. atendJne
8Mdl. .-out a m11e an4 a halt to about 2 feet aboft the ~an
II ~iii~---------floor • ., on, cany out t.b1a projed. the ... r •·
I ' ~ / . E418oD Co. l.s alto aalltnc b a
.,..-mit to construct aad malntalft
a t.laponry ptle ~ b I
,...... to extend t.m tilt -· ........
Ccamun.teatlona co a c • mlnc
~ appUcadoN .,.. ... b ·
.... tn trtpllea .. to tbe 0111-
trtet &bit....,. omc. ... Lot All·
.... "' .... 21. Ill .... Oft ...
...... a,.,mttwUlM-..cloa
.... tf 1M pi'OIIIIIf 'tliclltl -., ........
... where you save does make a difference
t . .
~ ~'··
Mllftlill'tle ...... ...........
a.IC....IIwy--aa .. a... .....
Jloun 10 CUlL to 5 .....
riC'I E. COAST IDGIIWAY c.oaa del ICCII' Barbol' c.s'l
¥este~day's FaMIIDnl to Be
Show at Ebell Benefit
United Fund-Campaign
Kick-oH toBeOd. 9
llttend tlf£ e/iwu1i ol 'IJ4wt ~
------11111 ...... EIIIJ .... ••nat•ll .. Y• ------
OOiiiiUtfi iiJLiaoDIIT
GIW.lltlllt..C.... .....
JIM. Joeepla W. McDDI
day School; 9:30 and U:OO
a.m. Momtnr Wonblp-7 p.m. Flm Fall MHtlnr of the nua )'lea.r'a ottJcen o1 the For-
Collere An~ SerYb -7 Women'a Foreten MlssJonary So· elm MJuJonary Society were
p.m. H1(h 1JchooJ KY1' Service; clety ot the Chul'dl ol·the Naza-elected In lune. They Include
8 p.ql., younr adulta poup rene ln Costa Mesa wlU be beJel Mrs. Roland Bolmee, pl'ftldent;
service. next Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Mra. Kay Poole, vice pJSldent;
P'DIIT cao-=a or camn
ICI&iiiiif --v..=::-' .....
Sunday Scbol: 9:15 a.m.. Sun·
day Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed.·
ne.day Evenln.1 Meettnr: 8:00. Readinr Boom. 3315 VIa Udo.
Newport Beach. open 9 Lm.·
5 p.m. week day., 9 a.m.-7:45 p.m. Wedneedaya. 7·9 p.m. P'rt·
day evenlnp. T1IE awiCii'Or CIUUST Church. Mra. Ed Shawhan. aecretary; and
1050 Cbvda St.. c.ta Keeca Established s ince 1950, the eo-Mra. Charlea Mullinax, treuurer. PDIT M.n'IST cauata
Llbelty I·JOC'I clety's main work is ml.astonary. They al80 have apectal chair· laata "-Aft. at K...,.ata D. G.. Bunt. ........_ They gather and mend and pre-men, lncludlnr Mrs. l ames Mar-c.n. lleeca
Sunday aervlces: 9:45' a.m. Bible pare clothlnr and other uaelul ahall, who fa auperlntendent ol a... P. a. lf......a
study; U a.m. momtnr wor· Items to aend to their foreten atudy, and Mn. WUUam Adam-. Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sun-ship; 7:30p.m . eveninr set'vlce. missions. they send gilts of In charg,e o1 their "alabaster" day School: 11 a.m. Worship Midweek service, 7!30 p.m. d 1 th t th I .__ hl h 1 t ry ,.... Services; 6:30 p.m., Baptist Wednesday. money an co es o e n· ...... es, w c are vo un a 6~. TrainJnr Union; 7 :30 p.m. Eve-
--<Ua.n.s. and they lend a suJtable offerinp . Mn. Carl Parker has nLnr Service. Wednesday: 7:30
CIDliST ~ IT TD au helping hand to people expert-charre of the dlstrlbutton ot the p.m., Prayer, Pratae and Bible
Coauaualty lletllodlat enclng &pedal hudshlps in their Church of the Nazarene mission Stud?.:. Monday: 7:30 p.m.
lkl1boa 81"-at l Ctll St..lfewpan church and surroundlnr commu· maga.zine, "Other Sheep." Mrs. Men a Cboru• practice: 8:30 BA.r.,_ Sla nlty. Galln Anderson Ia aec:retary In p.m. Men's Prayer lleetin .. The SS7.00f Newport Beach Dr. MJlum stated that pre-Pastwa .... iiDY A. c:-J.. The women also study about charge ot prayer and fut.lng. --Fund campaign wUJ begin ottl-e&mpalgn plans call for the Sunday Wonhlp, 9:30 a.m. ~d ml-,slona at their monthly lunch· IT. AlfDaEWI_,~-
cially with a kJck-oU breakfast mailing on Sept. 15 of3.000 let· ~a~l~ee~:M~~ ~;~eon meettngs. Special work da~ L.~~~:rU~be th 1~1~~
at Irvine Coast Country Club ters to Newport Beach property m. Wednesday p ed by are planned to help mend and e .._ .._ 111ft 1c11oe1
Tuesday morning, Oct. 9. owners who live out of town; f:15 p . .m. potludt. pack clothes to send to the mls-sermon theme for the 9:30 and La.ty e-lm
Dr. Edward Milum of Bay 1,100 letters on Sept. 22 to focal · alons. During ~ next ff!W U a.m. aervtces at the Balboa Jtanon -...
_ L ~~
Shores. drive chairman, aald that businesses; and 400 letters on ST. JOACBDI CBUACB monthl, the women wUJ be pre· Island Community :Met h 0 d I 5 t SUNDAY: :Momlnr worship, 9:30
clvfc leaders and representatives Sept. 22 to special rt!ts donors. liM ~ Aft., c.ta llela paring Cbrlstmu packages to Church thia Sunday. It w1ll be and U a.m.: Church School,
from th 19 Fund agencies wUl The Fund antlclpates receiving LJbenr 1-1•1 ~d overseas and they will also the third and llnal sermon which 9:30 and U :OO: ~r. Hllfh, Sr.
e 1 .,. eeds 400 contributions which w1U av. ratMr ,..__ J. lfnta the Rev. Don.ald G. Sapp Ia Bleb and collqe age Fellow· point up the comml un t, s ~ all eraee $100. Saaday 11-at '1. I. I. 10 Cllld send letters o! greetlnr at Cb.rtst-prnchJnr on ''What Do You abfpa. 7 p.m.; Tfiunkfay, Prayer, and urge the a.ss stance o U :30 a.m. Week:daya: Mua at mas time Know About God•" ltudy croup. 9:30 a.m. ------=:=.::;:.;:;.. ___ ~ in attaining the 1956-Si roal The otiJclal campalen bead-7 :00a.m._ Conla.Jon: Satur· · ··
Margaret L Scharle During the same week. a bual-quarters wtu open Sept. 24 at the ~ from 4:00 to 5:1S-7:00 to cauaca or on LAJ)T
Teacher of Plano nessmen's break Ia a t Is belnr Chamber ot Commerce, 1800 W. 8:30 p.m. '11IE cau-=a or CilldiT DiD
DAT ADtD lilt or liT. c:AmiiKL ...... ,_ planned tor the same purpoee, Coast Highway. -~ ..__ w-• • ~ .. -•-
., UC1 W • ....._ ...... lf.....-t Orrant.t • Aecom.....-under the sponsorship of the Local theaters have agreed to PDIST UPnST CBVIICB lit.~...--q;apwc _._ - -....._ lilt ~:::"f.c;;'1:"" N...-Had,.. c ham be, ot "'" two-mile traUen t<lllna the or •**toaT · c.. --. -~D..2 t~&'-~ 'L.'?'&.J:"* 3111 GOLDENROD AVE. Commerce. United Fund story. aaa.oo ..,.~lltla & c...rt Ita.. L1b11tr 1-5711 -.. ..... • ... ,_. ...._
Corona del Mar Area report breakfasts and co!· Dr. Milum announced that Mrs. ~ asu.--.1 t4G7I ,._ ...... )1'.. Nlah..., Saturday Momlnc. ~t Sab· SuftA·-K._: 8:00 and 10:00 L-------......,~~---tee hours will be held on Oct. 16 Ted Hambrook of Balboa hu .__1 i:t-t 0: ...._ Sunday Servteee: t :t5 a.m. &ole bath Scbool: t :IO a.m. -Ser-and"l2:00 un. eont..lan: Sat·
FUWELU. DD&CTOIII and 23 for reports on the au~ been named a can'lpaJen major Sund.q 811'Ytces: 9:45a.m .. Sun· 1tudl: 10:55 a.m. wonlhtp ..-¥· mon: 11:00 Lm. Prayer meet· urdaya and..,.. ott• rrtd~ r--.....::...;;.::;;;.:;;;=;;...;;;;=;;..;;..;-......-....--, ot the canva.satna. In charee of achool aollcltatton. ::ft Sc:Mol·, U :OO a.m.. Wor· Ice; 7:30p.m. eYeDiDJ eerriee. Inc: W~. 8:00p.m. anc! B .. ,. ft.-f:rorQ 4:00 to Friendly Neflhborboocl Service • • s ncJa .,,.,. p;;: ·.!d'bam 7:30 to 8:30
PARKES-RIDLEY h h B k All F . e.~:r:';e~~~d~:l ~-.&so::" oa"'';!lrn"wfaw-•ITY ;::;-: DaOy .. Ma.e:ooa.m. rtnt
MORTUARY c UrC ac ey air Service: 7:30 p.m. Wec:lneeday c.-UIM II ...,_ Dell O.bi!IIUI P'rtd.ay~ 8:30 a.a and 8:00 p.m
Pra)'a Meetini. A. A. ~ ,..... 111 w . ..._ 11M. ......,. If oven 1 (Papetual Help}: 11 0 B d f 11om MOilday, 7:45 p.m. roo way To Have Hawa·.·.an ~ ~ot·. IIAJmOII AMDOLT or GOD Sunday School: 9:45a.m. ............ lUi.... Wiley -LlB-3433 6 8·3434 eo.ta Ilea lVI 117 w. ~ lnr Sentce. 11:00: I:Yenlnr Sunday Scbool. 10:00 a.m. Mom-COitOifA Da. liD
C........ SeMce. 7:30. llld-weelt Serv-lq ~Po 11:00 a.m. COIOIOWift cao ... It w111 be a Hawaiian motU roll, and mov1oea.. Stands wtll Lu..tr .... I lee. W • d. n e • daY • 7:30 p.m. C!E:!iJ.S N 0 W · · · T W 0 thls year at the Back Alley Fair peddle bot dop Haw a li a n -... C. E. ""-•• !~~ people meet S:l5 p.m. P'DIIT Allncm.T or OOD IU A-.
. __ .. d .d SUnday aool 9:45 LID.. mom-~uay. Iliad lt. ............. c.tll..... &1lhl BALTZ MORTUARIES to be held next Monday, Labor pur,.;n, can y, an popcornd. Inc worabJp 11 a.m. ewn.tnc Llllllty a.mJ ......, -.. . ....._a-.
Serving the Harbor Area Day, by the Balboa Island Com-Makeup art1sta wUJ be on ban evanreliat llerVtce 7:45 p.m. •awPOWt ......,. ••=
II. c:, c...ac. ._.... Sunda.y Wonlllp Senttcee: 9:30
munlty Methodist Church. to paint ldddles face. to look llke MJd-week M!'Vice 7:45 p.m. LU awcau CWO... Sunday School: t:ao a .m. War-a.m., U:OQ. a.m. Sunday School: Baltz Mortuary The fair will open at noon at clowns, Indians, or anyt.hJnr of 'lbunday, Younr People'a Serv· 1501 CWf Dr.. •....-t ....... Jlblp) 10:55 a.m. and evan,ellat 9:30 a.m.
CHAPEL BY THE SEA the rear of the church, us Agate their choosing. Women of the ke 7:45 p.m. TtlHday. LD 1 tr ._.1 MI"Vke. 7:30 p.m. Younr People -
Harbor M b Ave., and wUJ continue untU 7:30 church wJll serve bomecook.ed. Dupll= =~ _ 9 and C1illdren'a Sentee, 6:30 -~ .. ~~~~ UDCO P~ 3520Co~o~a~l :!arway p.m. Proceeds wlll be used for foods in the cafeteria. 1~0=::.. U:t!'t.::::!. a.m. and ll:l5•a.m., Sund.ayl· e.,~~y."4~weekr..m. ~~~ -U6. r-Bal M youth activities, parsonage fund George Hauser and Otto Hoer ...._, a... Clift Will'-• Klndera-arten and Pre-Schoo MJalonary Councl , Tbunda~ -... JoMi a. Pal'llll. -.ctw tz ortuary and redecoration of Dearborn are finance chairmen. Booth con-Llbelty 1·'1111 Dept. SUftday School, 9 Lm.: 9:30 a.m. tar all day. Sunday tler'Yfca: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Liberty 8·2121 Hall. atruct.Jon Ia In charee of Rick Sunday Servlcea: Sunday Sd\ool, 1.at Grade throu(h Adult Sun· Communion; 9:15 FamUy s.v. 17h 6 Superior, Costa Mesa Ron St. Clair. youth chairman, Lundy, Burt C. Lowen, and Matt 9 :30 un. Morntnr WOnblp at day School, 10 a.m.: bu. pro-Ice. u a.m., worship Mr'VIe..
AMPLE PARKING and P. F. Baines, his adult ualst-Waidelich. Decoration chairmen 10:30 a.m. Evanr.llatlc Serv· vlded and. Mwwery provldecf for P'DIIT IOOYII&IUW UPniT Thunday Servfcee: 9:15 un.
BOTH LOCATIONS ant. state that the patio area are Pam Peoples and P. F. Baines. Ice. 7 p.m. Sun ay. N.Y.P.S., both aervlce. and 10 a.m. Sun-ISO w. -..Cf!*t: c-t..,_ Prayer GuUd; 10:30 HolY Com· '---~==:=-;;:11:=y~---where the fair wiU be held wlll Dick Bridgeman heads the publl· 8 p.m. Sunday: Prayer meet-day School &.Deity I•Ma munJon.
____ CE==:M;.;:.;;.=;;.;.............; __ ,I be decorated to re!'emble a Ha· city committee. Henry Ferry Ia tnr. 7:30p.m. Wec:lne.day. PaaWa Dr..ldc:ltard B. Pou IT. JOD YlAiflf&T
HARBOR REST wallan compound. Workers wtll mualc chairman. UL.aO~ Sunday IChool. 9:45 &.m.J. cbwcla 114 x--. A.._ ..._. 1---.s
be attired In grass ak.trts. lela, Booth chairman Include lean COIIII'UJQTT llftiiODIIT a e r v tee 11:00 a.m. natnlnr ......_ a14 MEMORIAL PARK and other typically Hawaiian Smlth, Suzy Stone, Terri Walde-liS ...... Afto.. ...,_ laiCID4 ~~. 1l.m. SuSunday. Ev~!:';.' S r~ II 5 h• ~ • ..._ '
(&rb. llch, Gall Graves, Nancy Shooter. .. ........ , .... DIIMdd lapp WUIJ_U, ~ nday. ...... • un......., ....... : 8:30a.m.. t :30 Harbor Blvd. at Glaler Booths wJll Include the ftsh Marilyn Shooter Steve Ferry Bill ~ GIS ..._, .... Le6ar ToaNw en an ~ 1 p.m. a.m. Conf..SO...: Satunt~ and
V"n. ...... ERLY aru..u pond. ba.lloon darts, run darta. F-Whitney Baines. Jim Woes· Sunday s e 1' vIe e. : 9:30 a.m. Sunda:r Servfcea: Wonblp Serv· WBled.nble ~&)'-7~.~a~-w~~= eva ol lat Fridays and Holy
&t..Uno ~ JO _..ft_ toa, aurf tide c:oooanut t ~··~D· 1 k We .. -loel Fruehan Church Schoo~30 an.d U:OO Ice 9 a.m. SUnday Sellool at ..... Qy 45 P--._.: ~~-to 8:30 p.m.; nnt ~~~~~~~~~~~;;_; ...... ~-;;-=;;;;;;;===;;;;;;'==--. on, c ..... • a.m. Worship ee. 10:15 a.m. day. uay-I a.m. r Diane Harris, Bettjean Guenther, ::::-;:::=~~-===~~~=~=~=~-;:;--:;:;:;;r;--;;r;;;;t:_:MMrw;\j;inn:~;-:~-:=;;;~:;;:-;: leantne Bonner. Sandy Fleer. and nus SPIRITUAL SERIFS IS SPONSORED BY THESE CIVIC-MDmf:D FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS Sharon Waidelich. .......
In Our New Loeation
Ml ...... Dr ... o-.1 ...... ........... WYeo t ••• .. ...._c a' 1a1
Watcllfw ....... 0,1 I I
Adult uslatanta are Mrs. Vern
Smith, Mrs. Clyde Shooter. Mrs..
Leonard Graws, Mn. Robert
Bonner, Mrs. Waldellch, Harold
~ C. ~lu Feny, and.
lleY. Donald G. Sapp.
Fw MNIUDI OVfiC)AIDS _. W1EMD IOATS -.. ... ....._nv .... ............. c.. .....
lJWty ...u
EARL W. STANLEY, INitw . s-a......,.. ..........
..... Ofleee ~ 1771 ............
COSTA W1SA MOTORS ......... ~ u...c-c •• , .......... _ ..... s.. ...
Wy ... ,..... 0.,..
1740 "-ll::.,. ..... c.. .... .., ..
1'\e ..... Tew ,_ n.. •• v. '-"· w. &h. S&H '"'--.... ..... sw..t ...... .......
•LL R.ETOfEit ............
..... ee4 ...... a..-
DM~ ..... C:..W.. ..... Ln-t, a.att
[~] .. ,_ I ...... . Wltll
Dll I. c..t Hw, .. C.... tW W. ""'-,.,.
DeSIOSAL co. .... ., c. t ... • ............ .,..,.. .. Nl ,.,.. ...... ,_.
~-~~· .....
The DAViS •oWN C... ·
,.~ ... Ft ..... .... ....................... ........... c... ....
......., t.l-417
Y-H• teO...I ....
..l.c..t~c:.... ...... ......,.,.
JOHN E. SAOUflt. RNftor
AJ,.,.. .. ·--DD L c-t Hw, .. c.-,_, .,._ ...,..,422
""'" I ~er1'·; b:!::: ..... a.ol.c-tHwr. ... ... ......,,,,.
IAMIOO RATTAN 81FT SHOP .......~ ........ Ds ... w._....-.4 ..
...~. ..............
Miss Sally Sue Bush Is We.d
To Lt. Sehworer of B. I.
ln"a atmple wec!cltnl ceftmony Kn. B.arveJ Mayer eerved u
Mid bdoN '-Ill• and doee matroa ol bGDar and WlWam
tritnde at the Clllapel ot EJ Toro Sds...._ lr . ..wd u ILia broth·
Kartne a.u. OQ Au,uet U, M.t. et'1 beR awa. WJaHe cJad)olJ.
SaU1 Sue aa.h and Lt. Thomu ~ a.d ditlr'Janthemuma dee·
Leo D a r d ~ uc:ttaqed Ol'.e.d tbe ~ &DCI tbe oaJ.
man1ap wwe and weddlnl o.t ebaat_ ..._..a~ fol·
ba.ndiL 10W"td tM Clll-.oq. Baelq Jane
Tbe bd4e Ia the daucbter ot ~. atater of. tbe poo~~~.
Mr. and MIL B. lrown au.b ot pl"'lll&cced OYer tbe I'MIIt book.
285 Walnut f'l. eo.ta ){ .... Mr. 1'be bride craduatA!d from
and Jfla. WUllam I . Schworer ot Nt'W'part Harbor HIP Scbool and Jar SapphtN Aw., Balboa IaJand. att.ndecl 0\'ll.ftl'e eoa.t CoUep.
are tbe puente ot ~ IJOOm. He Her huaband attended Alhambra
la a fJnt lieutenant Jn the United HJch School and UCLA. where he
Staf.ee Air P~ waa a membeF ot Cht PbJ !rater·
The bride choee a white lace nlty. He Is an eleetn>nle enclneer
eown for her -.cldtna. The tltted and navirator of jet bornben.
bodlee, COVft'ed with a dbnlnu-The younr couple ue tempor-
tlve lon1·llMWtd jaek.et, fell Into arlly Uvlnr at Cutle Air Fonle
a full aldrt made with tJu on Uer s... near Merced. but expect to
of Jace rutOes. A fUmy lUualon veU wu held wtth a 'lace cap be transferred to Maine ln No-
atudded wtth teed pearla. She vember. where Lt. Schworer will
carried an orcbJd coraace on her ~nd bla final year ln the
BJble. aervtce.
Jessie Phelps Is Honored
On Her Ninetieth Birthday
Two partie. honorN the nine-Smith, Mrs. Edna ltennedy, Mn.l
tleth blrthday ot Mrs. Jessie M. AJ Bextneer. Mrs. Frank Sch·
PbeJps of !500 Larkspur Ave., Co· wartz. all of Corona del Mar. and
rona del Mar. Jut week. A patio M.las ltat.e Dlsmoor of Colby,
party for relatives and old farnJJy Karwu.
friends was held at her home on Mrs. Phelps also received nu-
August 19 w1th the honoUt>'s merou. cards and letten from
daughter, Mrs. Gladys Barrier, u friends aU over th~ country and
hostess. her 19 great uandchUdren.
Among the sl.xteen pr~nt. out
... ,r !:t, t1om Ia•~ to ....... Cilia twftlt74W ....... .•• 1 ...... Quelp ol tbe ltalWl
...... the mo.t .-.cl fer, JDOIIt
4blcu.IMd and mo.t Uked maln
dJab hm ltf&m table raw In the
DeUeate.en • . . Aecd'dfnl to
dUr JM, enn hla own mother
ean't mu.e l..a.u.JDe u cood u
be ea.n • • • Here 1a a .uperb
blenclln1 of three Italian dMela . . . JUeotta. Mozzarella, and Pat·
meaan. ca.ueroled tocether wtth
a tomato-meat sauoe and two
Inch wtde Luaane noocn •...
You cannot latdl your tute buda
onto any one navor ln partteular
. . . You'll feel like you're eatln.a
mmethlnc you dreamed about
lut nllbt and never hoped to
find . . . True ItalJan cookerY t.a
actually quite almple . . . The
Italians depend on the aubtle
bl~dlnl or a few tngredlenta
and perlect cookery, rather than
a long llne·up of apices. herM,
etc. . . . If you like to eat 10me·
thin1 dltferent, but do not lean
toward dramatic seamning and
forelcn flavora . . . Lasacne t.a
for you . . . A new lhou1ht for
a buffet dinner . . . wh~ you
want a meal-in·one along with
a aalad ... A nice awltch from
a p a g h e tt I , baked beans and
chicken pot lf!e ... Joe wlll be
makJne up a batch thl.t Thurs·
day ... If you feel the urge.
of town guests Included Mrs. CBmSTlAJf SCJEJfCE CBUBCB
Phelps' uanddaurhter and fa · "Man'' Is the Lesson-Sermon
mlly, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith subject at the N~rt Beoach
and SOM of Bakersfield. and an-Christian Science church on Sun·
other granddaurhter and family. day. The words of the beloved LT. AJfD NilS. TBOJIAS SCIIWO&Ea c:at tbeU woedd1.Dg c:Gie.
* * *
Jfaw ..,.. bait c:aa.a am be
glamo~oa ••• l.raDd ...,. •••
llot off .. hlywtlayleae ~
••• Z1 gpUGa tlaah c:au wtth
tbe ...-..t. ~ alr Ugbt
lJd r.. yoet to ..... EzdtlAg
C!Dionl JlecL y.Uow. 91'MD aDd
bladl • • • ww DOt nat. wW
DOt ........ wW IIOt t.ld. da1p.
cr-=lr -....... WUl IIOt bdle aa odDn ••• Jfaw ._ !'"% lll·
.......,_ II .. ILMe wW bold a.._..,...,..,, ... N .., ..... .._._ .. ,.. ....
~ .. ..,.. ....... _
tM ....... --..-....~.
Aall ......... ** 114 ... ........ :: ...... .........................
.-.t ._. .. la.,.r .. 'n .. ,.. .... ...-...
* * *
Miss Sandra l»hifer of Balboa
Is Bride of Marvin T. Lusk
~ San~a l t'an Phifer. the Costa Mesa was mald of honor.
Newport Harbor High School She wore a dark figured print
coed who bad the lead In last wtth white accessories.
spring's mu.Jcal p r o d u c t I o n Robert Allen of Corona del Mar
"Carousel," became the bride of ~ed a.a hls brother·ln·law's
Marvin Thomu Lusk In a n AU· best man.
lUSt wedding ceremony at Ca· At a reception he.ld toUowinc
pJUa de AntonJo ln Anaheim. the ceremony at the Lusk family
The bride Ia the dauehter of home. Mrs. Phller wOI'e a pa.atel
Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Pblter of bl~ auJt with white ac:eee.ortes
514 Ocean Front. Balboa. The and a corsare of white carna·
poom'a ~ntl are Mr. and Mrs. tiona. and the groom's mother ~les E. Luak of 20302 Santa wore a pink sult with white ac-
AD& A'J!e,. Santa Ana. and tor· ceuorles and a alrnllar eonare .
IDerl)' of Corona del Mat. The bl'tde wu .carted to the After a boneymoon at Mon·
ebapel altar by her father. She terey. the young couple ue mak· wore a p:ey broeaMd damaak ine their home at 4137 E. 3rd St.,
ctre. with white aceft80rles and Long Beach. The groom gradu·
a small wbJte leather hat with ated from Newport Harbor High
dlminutlve veU. She carried a School and attended Oranre
no.gay of rardenlu and cama · Cout CoHere. He Is now usocl· On the way to aee the tnah tlons ated wttb International Business
cana, you mu.at pa. by the Mez· M1a Patrfd a Whl~urst of Machines.
DDJne'a new lewelry CUes . • · Special guests at the wedding
Newt la Renolr'a copper collec· C I 8 k were paternal grandparents of
tion ot belts, ea.rrtnp. bracelet& 0Up e ac the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
and cltpe . . . Wbat la there R. Phifer of Pasadena; the
about a rlltt.eorlnr line-up ot COS· f E groom's paternal grandparents.
tume jewelry that prac:tkally rom urope Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lusk ot
hypnotizes us aala Into examin· Costa Mesa; a)'\d Mrs. Louise
Mr. and Mrs.. Zaven Astor and daclple John. as riven In the;:;;:::==--======::::::::;::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~
daughters ot Garden Grove. Aiso Golden Text. Ulustrate the ser·
p~nt were Mr. and Mrs. WaJ. mon, "Behold. what manner of
den McCord ot Rtvt-rslde. Mr and love tht> Father hath bestowed
Mrs. W. F. ~per of San Bernat· upon us. that we should be
dlno. and M1u Isabell Ross of caJied the sons of God" c 1 John
Leucadia. 3:ll. I GaL • 5 lal.
A luncheon held last Saturday =========== for local friends and netrhbors = In honor of the nJn.etJeth year Phone !n your news atorles to
wu held at VIctor Hugo's Ln La· your locaJ newspaper, the En· BAY NURSERY
I'Jna. Present at the party were aien. Harbor W 4. -E. 171'11 ST. Mlas Graoe Jterr, Mrs. penlla
lnr each piece ... We atart at Mr. and Mrs. John M~au Mikesell the rroom's maternal
one end •.. pick up a piece here Jr., son·in·law and daughter ot gragd~ter of Santa Ana. Also •
and there, look at the back. lay the Bobert Powell! of 916 W. prestmt was Mrs. James Pounds.
tt down ... l 1\ltiSS we all have Ocean Blvd .• Newport. are dock · the bride's aunt from Pasadena.
a touch ot Mldu In u.l ~ ln• In New York thl.t week. who assisted with hostess duties
where ..• Well come on up . • . 1bey have been coming home at the reception. w~ve loads of new looklne room vla the Ile de Franoe after a year ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sports Wear
'100 TD '1ocr AUGUST
SALE tn the )ool ltne . . . aboard whUe Mr. Mersereau wu Ill"'--,.,.EI etudyinc atavic lanruace and
Ru.ssJan Uterature under a Ford * * *
A* ........... Iaiiy
c-11 ............. .
,._ ....... INdy .., • .. _.. ............. am.
... bet ........... t lolly _.. H _... • . • 'fiJI ,
........... -.. o--.-y .... QIM c... ...... ,.... ..... .... c ,. b ...
.M '• ...... hDf .......
..t br • I "4 a. ... Qdnlt-·--~ ... -...... ............ .., .... ......... _. .. -··· ... -.. ~-c.dF_ ....... ..... . . ~ ,.. -·" ....... . ...... 17 " .... .-................ .................... , ..................
............... -=bet .. ,.. ...... ,
* '* '*
Foundation .cholanhtp. -UYE LillER
The M~au. were tn New-and 50 other boob on health
pert vt.alttnc Jut .urnmer and ln our
attended the Asstatance Le&,ue lila .....
INlD.D\e'r formal. WhDe abroad ....... ._.. J
Mr. Menerau studied l1x montha
at the Univenlt;y of London and
slx moutht at Sorbon.ne In Parts.. Th~ aaw part o( the Olympics 1-~~~~~~~~~-1
aDd ftDIIbed their European atay
wftb a quick trip to Southern
Pranee and Spain.
'nle J'OWll man hu accepted
an appointment at the University
o( 110dt11an tc. the comtna year,
and the:y do not expect to come
lmmadtateiY to Callfom.la.
_ Beadl Boy Surfers
Sarong & Party Costumes
LASTS 11.1
$1.00 $2.00
.....u •nn1n • uwaMI •
a ..... c. bMcl. ..._, maa-
... ol ........ Lklo ........... dttd rrtciQ at_., a... 1U 9la
Udo W.. an. an •· "*" .. IIIli W...... Be wu •· wu a nat1w ol lflwot.
Colo., c:ame to Calllomla tn U..
wu tn the ar-1 bual,_ ln
Glendale Mlon ecmtnr to ~ch
ard'• 9 )'e&l'l &JO Whl'l'l the
market opened.
Survtvca Include bJa wlle,
Mary, and eon, Bill, of the Udo
tale adttr.a; a dau1hter, 1'4n.
Susan .Joyce BJee ot PuJlerton;
bla father, Oeorre Dodd of Colo-
rado; 4 alatera and 2 erandloftl.
Servtce.e were-held Monday at
Balu Mortuary, Corona del Mar,
with the Rev. Jame. Stewart of·
flclatlnr. The body wu sent to
Colo~:ado for Interment. '75 Skindivers
Attend Luau
Sewn1y-ftve akin dlver enthu-
sluta and their trill!ndl attend~
the fourth annual Sub Mariners
Luau Sunday at Salt Creek tn
South La~na. Murky waters
Impeded the dlvinr contest. but
had no dfect on the fun and
food, acoordlnr to chairman .John
Party Ends Successful
Junior Fishing Tourney •11":-~~ ... •• ,•, • ... ••r Play-Offs Near Conclusion' n;: ~d== ol Mt. -and Mia. S. D. •ock o1 eo.ona
Mra. M~ BodrM. 83. mother In Baseball Tournaments . del Kar, wUI celebrate ... tmth .-y DICE BOFPIIAJf
The Annual .Junior Touma ·
ment of the Balboa Anrlln& Club
ended Saturday afternoon with a
big party at the Newport Harbor
Youth Center In Corona del Mar.
pr~ntatlon of awudl, he gave
an excellent taJk on honesty and
aportamanahlp In anrllng, the
principles of whlc.h can be Ideally
applied to everyday Ute.
of Mrs . .Jane Denny of Corona del · birthday anniversary ......... ,.,.
Mar, dl~ Tuesday at a rest (P'rtday). A ~laJ IUIIIIt for tbe
bome 1n Oranee. .., IIDrZ VAl),& the Pacllk: Cout LNcue toumey celebration will be JeannJe'a
She wu a naUn ot St. Char-Only three tf!&Jn.l. the Cardl· are the top-Meded Glanta. thtPl· aunt. tot wbom lhe Ia named.
Miller of Balboe.
Frank LoPrest.e ot Riverside Bob Clark of Anaheim won
first plaoe with the most agere· pte fish ln the divine contest. is the Junior An&lln& cham·
Asslstln&' him In etvlne awards
were BAC Prelldent Curt Doeh
and Committee members "Dick"
Greeley, Clint Trimble, Bob Sco·
field, Jnd Dr. Bob Olander. Not
present were hardworking CO·
chairman Hal Dike and commit-
teemen Bert Mills, Dr. H. Kay
Dooley, Fred .Johnson. Blll Bush,
Fred Hershorn. Hal Kenoyer,
Country Washburne, Stan Annln
a nd Tom Williams.
lea, Mo., had llv~ In Calllornla nab. Cuba and Pirate.. remain rate., and the Brave.. There are and wbo Ia a t-.cher In ph,.scal
alnce early chUdhood, and for-In the Major Leaaue tournament only three team. left tn the clau educatJon at the Unlverait;J of
merly reald~ at 421 Heliotrope at the eo.ta l.tesa Park ~olnr B tourna~nt at.o. Tbey are the Santa 8arbarL
Ave., Corona del Mar. Her hus-Into thla week'a play, and two InternaUonaJ Lea,ue Dodren. The entlrle Brock famUJ drove
band. Charles Hodrea. resident of these te&IDAI wW club for the the American Auoclat1on Dodr· to Santa Barbara a ffl'fl ....U
architect for Stanford Unlveralty, Utle on Sept. 31. era and the American A.uocla-aro to attend the clty'a annual
Decorations for the party were-pion. He won a brand new .John-
arraneed by .John Evans .Jr. and son outboard motor, a ahlnln&
.John Evans Sr. of Balboa, Jlm take·home trophy and the rl&ht
MlUer of Balboa and .John Schick to have his name added to the
of Santa Ana. Entertainment wu llst of champions on the Anellng
arranred by BllJ and Barbara Club Frank and Julia Sawyer
dled In 1943. The aurprt.e of the touma-Uon Bravee. Spanlab P'ie.ta.
Services wUl be held at 3 p.m . ment ao far la the Cub nlne. Al·
today tThuradayl at Ba.ltz Mor-thourh·flnllhlnl In a tie for the
tuary, Corona del Mar. cellar spot In the league stand-SUzie of Corona del Mar. ~tual trophy.
Prizes for the best coatumea To make It a day, the young
were award~ to Mr. Schlclc.l champion also won Individual
Deborah Weinheimer of Long trophies for largest white sea
Beach and Dane Sllzle of Corona I bus and t>.nlta.
del Mar. e 25 SPECIES
Frank cau&ht 25 different spe· ern lilT n CAJl I cles of fish to clinch his CTOWn,
DonOMI Of prizes may well be
proud of their contribution to the
future of America's most valu·
able asset, the youth of the na-
tion. The Balboa Angling Club Robin Adalr, S. of 317 Abalone 1 one more tha n last year's junior
Ave.. Balboa lsland, received , champion. John Lantow of Long la to be warmly congratulated
mtnor Injuries when she ran out Beach . Second In the number of upon the auccesstul completion
from behind a parked car on species was Dennis Carpenter, of this most worthwhile Jdnlor
Crystal Ave. and was hit by a with 24. and right behind him angling activity.
car driven by Allan R. Stonema n were .Jean Van Dame and Jack Winners for the various species
18, ot San Marino, at 4 p.m~ Carpenter. each w1th 23. wer~: George Seltz. albacore;
Tuesday. Frank took 8th place Jut year. Frank LoPreste. bonita; Gary
and Dennis pla ced 5th. Cordak. barracuda; Frank Lo-
APORT ~~~~"
C0/10 /IIA D£1. MAII ·NAAIIt'AiBIJ ...... Jean van Dame of Pomona Preste. white sea bass; Dennis
was the glrls champion with her Carpenter. Spanish jack; Walter
23 species. Jean Ostl of Sierra PlttroU, Pacific mackerel ; Dennis
Madre was second with 21 ape· Carpenter, halibut: Ann Gray,
cles. Last y.~ar JeJtn Ostl was the spot11n croaker; .Jim Goode, tuna;
girls champion with 16 spec-Ies. Bob Valentine, yellowfln croaker;
... , ...... , ...
Jlla Lll*er Cl•
A little rlrl was added to the
R. H. Lenker clan at 603 Fern-
leaf Ave., Corona del Mar, on
Monday, Aur. 27. The new baby
Is Laurie Anne and she wel&bed
In at f{oar Hospital at 8 lbs., 11
Besides Mr. and Mra. Lenker,
the family Includes .John, are 3.
and Steven, 1. Mr. Lenker's
mother, Mrs. W. D. Lenker of San
Bernardino, Ia ataylne with the
children unUJ the new baby and
mothef come home. Little .John is
plannlne to ro aoon and visit hla
other grandparent~. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Ballentine at Porturu~
Ings, the Cuba have utonlah~
many by pulltne 2 stunntnr vic-
tortes during tourney play. ln
ttrat round, bl&' .Jlm Hehn Pl!Ced
the Cubs to a 3-2 win over the
Braves, thua ellmJnaUnr the top-
seed~ Braves.
ln the next game, however. the
Cuba w~ beaten badly by the
Plratea but remain~ In the tour·
nament because of the double
ellmlnaUon factor after the first
round of play. The Cuba came
right back to eJimlnate the Dodg-
ers. who had beaten the Glanta
and lost to the Cardinals.
The Pirates and Cards. both
undefeated In tourney play, met
earJier this week and the loser
of that contest meets the Cuba
tonl&ht <Thursday) at the Costa
Mesa Park. Game time la 8:30 .
The three teama remaining In
James Mason
In "11810 THAI UFE"
Perha ps the Lady known as Danny Ostl. corblna; Richard
Luck remembers fathers who Nobles. calico bass.
take tht>lr da ughters fishing and Glamour . Street Ends ,Are Ordered give t hem a chance for a champ ·
lonsh lp. On Sunday. E. C. 1C.2ne1
Van DamP. fa ther of the new girl
champion. was a fish ing guest Cl eel f Sh bbe
Starts S•aJ
~~Efd~~1~r~:1~·ni~~~~:r~~~ Glimpses ear o ru ry
flag tha t the Toluca flew Sun· By Aaa
day afternoon was for a 145...,·1b Let's see _ dresaes, sweaters, Street endl on the bay at 11th. attend lnternatlonaJ City Man-
ma rlin that Mr. Van Da me skirts. blO\Iaes, belts _ hmm! 12th and 13th atreeta In Balboa aeers meeting at BanU, Canada.
caught during the day. NOW we're getttne down to will be cleared of shrubbery and Sept. 16-20. e Ill F1SB CAUGHT buies In our 1 back-to-school other obstruction-. tn accordance e Received a Jetter from Ken
1be summer·lon& tourna ment wardrobe. we cboose Larkwood with a declaJon of City CoundJ Smlth. owner of Smith Pharmacy
saw 774 juniors enter 618 flsh In hose. of course, at O'BRJEJ('S, be· Monday evenlnr. on Newport Blvd., Newport Hta.,
t he contest. These represent~ 27 cause they are proportioned to tit Thla battle of the atrefl endl commendln&' the Pollee Depart-
species of flsh. only 2 more than well and make sheer flattery foe came up. once more, by way of ment for alertness and Initiative
the new champ caught. our lees. They're practical, too. a petition alened by 44 property on the occulon when the phar-
1be largest flab reelatered because there Is a type tor each ownera wbo aaked that ahrub-macy was robbed. All the stolen
were albacore. Ceoree Seltz won occasion, made to wear weJJ and bery be mov~ ao that the street narcoUca were recovered. be
An /~a1e of
Beauty Salem
338 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar
1'J~ Shoes
Yes, comfort and foot protection deslped
Into Pled Piper Sboe.a for your cbUd'a
rreater toot protection. wmn avca ro• CDU
LOAFKIII ro• 801"1
C...e.l.C .. Oie~...,.._
.II. IIIE IIISE * the albacore trophy with a 29·lb .. look beautiful. ends would be acceulble to aalcL
l2·oz. long fin . .John Porter took Tbe 9lt1.a an I'CI'f1a9 Cllboat awlmmera. • Set the next meettnr date at Nil E.~ L'IL.IIA 1177
second with a 28·pounder. Olga'a ""FNIIdl MCNt'" glldJe Attorney Robert Bcbwamb r~-Tuesday evenlnr, Sept. 11. be· ~AltEA'S ONLY CHILDJtDS .Jim ~d~23-lb .. 2-oz.~na ••• ~.•~~~~ ~~~~~pro~o~~~ca~u~ae~Se~p~L~1~0~ls~a~h~o~Jt~d~a~y~.~~~~~~~~~m~o~E~~~U~~~OO~~~H~A~D~n~~~~~~~~~~~ won him a first place trophy. fraet gt.t.g u aa act1oa bee contended that plantJnr does In-
Dennis Car~nter took a atmJlar ~ ao roll1D9I ADd terfere wlth the UN of the
trophy for his 16·1b., 12-oz. hall-1N'U ta1r1e cdGeg .....a~ pa1n beaches and therefore la a viola-
but. of K.ldrenaJclt -oaot-... of tlon of the city code.
Co-chalrrRan Forest Smith was ODaJM. t.ta.y're ~1 for CouncU apeed that there wu .a..._..._..._..._..._,...._..._ .a..._ • emcee tor the pa rty. Prior to the ..,...u Man&• u..y an a Uttle no choice but to enforce the code.
.f'OiftM ......... .,.. r ...... o.-.... o.n-o.r.tYa~ rrt ... ._ ...._ a --. o,. at U:M
NOWdrwQT!!IF• ....
o,.. ... 0817 -~ -llroedwa7 01117
-no; l.A.DY Kll I EM"
~ • • DRIVl -IN • -:-r-'
I lC TH (A TR ( s L : l'!"'!"i ' r IIW.I COMI ll\ YOU a•1
1 ' 1 raM•
\I I 1 1' r,
~~·a .J . .........._. . ---
-~-.... ., ........ ..........
fi.nDJ.D9, wW bold tbe stock· A motion to dlrect the park IU·
lDp up, AJfD retcd.D tbek perlntendent to take neceuary
abape ao Dlcelfl action waa discarded u not
Slips are now more varl.ed than atron~ enourh. Council then ap·
hosiery because they come pro-proved a moUon tor oompllance
portioned In leneth u weU u with the city code.
sizes and In a baker's dozen of City Council allo:
materials and styles for the allm sheath or the bouUant aklrt. Ny· • Approved final map, Tract
Jon satin ls an absolute dream 3004, Mellot aubdlvlalon In Bar-
In practical luxury and aome of bor Rtrhlandl area, accepted
the new fabrics. llke "cudaJon." bond of $76.000 ,uaranteelnl
are already eettlne raves with constructJon of aU lmprowmenta.
the dorm Mt. • Allocated $UOO ol adwmu-
Coeda wt.o do • ,...._ lnl fundi to help defray ex-
CIIDOallt of 8daool wodr .. peDJH of aircraft ea.rrter Hornet
boalld to ~ a Jot ., 111M vlalt. u requested by Navy
Ia tWr ...._ ad .._ CIMta Lea,ue.
---.._. s. -an ..a to • Approved a bualne.a lloenM ctaeo.. wttla .,._ ~ pta. for Dorothy Kln1 of Coeta M-
lelect-t1w1t ......_ ,.. ._. u the nfl'fl owner ol the Waab·
.... .ad ........., to .. Ia pt. erette,. 3538 E. Cout Hwy .. Co·
_. plcll • llilldc a.t1J .._. rona del Mar.
-. ..... ad .._ • well • • Approved a bualnea llcenee
be -fy. T-. o-.man ...._ for Arthur Wooda ot Downey,
tlult ~ dMctr ...s ..._ nfllll owner, to operate Shell .at wt1la tM _..,. b-* tMt Service StaUon at 2801 E. Cout
,..-.. beea ..._.,._ Ia ... Hwy., Co(ona del Mar.
'-lalea pld ... l ..... ... e Approved a .,....,_ lJCOM
......, .. la tM cralltad _.... t« Earl lrulla to Ol*'ate La Mer,
w1tla tlae _,1 .. 1 ,... Jllfat. ~aldn£ altera tion. and
TIMa ._. Ia .... -t ..... aa.tom mac1e eblrtl, M MM% E. ..a. ..._.. .... , • ...._-Cout Bwy .. Corona del Mar.
wthNd ..,.. • •••II••• • AdopWd Ordtn&Dce m . aJ. ,...._. 4.l.u. Jowtq dt;J m.an..-to appolat
One or t.be newc Ia. tbe MW ...,..,_ at a .alUJ up to
qulla.d tJtcot-.. 111117 wubab .. and lnclucll.q third .tep ol
robe. We'r. per • on a II)' ~ eaJuy ranp.
about the CCII'd\uoJ JDaCJe .... a • ~ c:tty .....,_ to qullttd lldrt. ,..... ... Wlal
~ MW&DCI ~:~· :..--=: -seau. .-n • • •
dona aad .... eatftt. .. «*f
Oft ..... tiT ,.., ,.,.... ....... .....,.,
.. Flnt ..
CO..ona ·del Mc.-
~IIICICY • • •
BE READY FOR SCHOOL!! .............. ,.,. ..
••••• n. .. Ill .. 111••••11 • 0
DPPE1 ........... .
New, .......... Ju.ll3.30
0 4
...... -. ........ !
It•• Pada _. Z..V., 8peda1
'n.m. Ia II • • • • ba co&aa!
e.bar...S to ... ,..,. Depart·
....at.) lJfe eau. ..... -v-..
~ ,_ tM atlre --.
,.,.. &N DO plcale taW. fl'
PIDdttuN law 1ra41a1. ..cauJp· .,... lit up tor pkalc:tna. ~ .,.ct ..... -·· ... to ... ~.!' .. D?, ~ pla.DtJaa tlw -It illl&ble. ... .... ot ... IUU Alnl ... , --beedl wiQ
-IWt.al ..... 1ecridoll Jt .. the aeeptloQ ol dM ....U ..,... ~ that a ~ ot actjaont to U.. lalboa Pfer, re·
dale .,. would oe. tbe --'*-tlJ pla.lrUd Uuoup the •· !ee6'e Plan. It iMuW M -.. fwta ot .tbe • ..._ J'inli:IUiula
.. ~ ........ tlaat ...... •••oclatloa. n .. Park baa
'I'IYa II -.,.. at tM no ~ 'ecllltiea aDd uw b-.tlln .,._ -..c. .. Udo lalaa4. 1M tra.n~portatto. ot _.. ... ..._ e llfui'OA IDINOLA .oarr
Colllll •b ;.a '-lH ...., -....,. M nac .,., ' tWit li • . -u .. ol OtT
dowa .. ~ aill ..... .. .,.. Cl1)' DOW OWM 1 )otll Ia Ud ~ owned peopetty, =--: = r--tM b JNIDTd Padl ...._ ft .. OO"'••ndJq a mqnUiceat view
plemc ....._ -=--~~ ,..,.m • ...w that a-.~,... ~ :::':'., ~TbeUldoe!:
tatn and Ul ..._ 11eautlfull1 ~~ ~ aoquialdoa ol two front In thla uea ta a 4anpr
planted bJ tM WOIIMil ot Udo by prlvate ~~ ~ area. ao any water u.e of th1a lalud. t th a.., area eboul4 b4t Um1te4 to acqua. Dorloe lau been t!areatalna ;r'P ete e propoee4 plan of tic proaram within the Jtarbor
the a.. and tbe plaatlnr. 1be • Park. tB.OOO.OO 11 1n the pro-entrance. crt 1t a favorite area
4aniW •• ...Ued to the a_tten. Pl*4 bu4cet tor 1958·5'7 u the f« akin dlven and Under Water
tJon of the Park. Beaeh, and Bee· :,«m•ted cost of acqu1rtn1 tl\ete Clubl).
readon CommiM.ton and the City 0 lot&. ror the balance of thla area we
Cou.Ddl u early u JanuUJ, Prl« to September 13, 19!55, the tu,ae.t development u a VIew
11153.. We undentand the CI(J City Councll duected the Ctty Park atea. Jt b lfeatly t:n need
Coundl hu reeently ord•ed pro. Attorney to proceed with tbe of further development of at
tecttve meuures to be taken to n e c e • • a r Y condemnation pro· leut a amall patkJn& area to
aave the treee but adequate curb· ceedJnp on Lot. 1 and 2. Block relieve the Inconvenience of local
lnl on the touth-wmaly alde 145, and to clear tome title cloud r.tdenta. A few trfte and
of ~ area alone a ded1cated on Lota 1 throurb 7, Bloclc: 244. 'benches could make thla a most ~ la badly needed to protect Tbea action• are now under dealrable "Art.J.ata Lookout" This
the planUna. The uphalt path und.er way. area mJfht be developed with
ln tbla pvk mould be otended • 11'111 lftD'I' •AD JUfD the Interest and a.ulstanc:e of
to tbe watf'r'• ed&e. ftAD D •ux rJlOII'TAGK tome ldta.l I m prove men t or e a.&'S UAIE ftiOftiiTf Tbe 19th Street Park In Cen· nel&hborhood lfOUp.
Thla b City owned property tral Newport Ia a relatively tmall • MEWJOrt IILAJrD •ux
neu the Udo Shoppln& Center area on the Bay Pront. approx· Newport Wand Park b located
CUIJ"ently leued to the G.rlt:rlth lmately 400 feet ,lone. west of on the w•ter, or canal edge on
Compaey and aub-leued to the l9tb Street. From now on It the touth·we.terly •Ide of New·
Elk't Club. It Ia now uaed by abould be conside-red torether port laland. Thb la a relatively
• them u a parkJn& area. 11\b with the narrow ~-ft atrlp ot PD&ll area alven twenty years
property Ilea juat westerly of the water front property runnJna the aco by Ralph Mukey for a Park
Elk'• Club bulldln& and conatm e!ntlre le!n&th of the TraUer Park. area for thla community. For
of 52 feet on the Bay front lm· whlc:h b est.abUahed for the uae many years the residents of
medtately adjacent to a public of tlie Public. This ceneral area Newport bland tried to ret lt
street that dead-en~ In the bay. 1.8 a destenated awlmmJng area developed aa a Park.
The water frontaae of thlt area and a popular beach. In 1951 Jam• Edwards and
.Wwt 17th. 1~ utUJU. -·
commerclal ~ aer• 112.500 Teana. lnv.tmttlt P«*lbW·
U. here!
• • •
MOVE ll'f one .. de of this
Bond new duplex. collect
rent tor 2nd unlt-Beat floor
plan. Lot& and I,.ots ot c:e .
ment. Patio, wtde drive, over·
.tt.ed dbl. cuaae. Land·
aeaped. Only S1700 I>n.
• • •
ACRE W1Til L J V A 8 L E
HOUSE 6 Rabbit 6 Chlc:k
Equipment. A·l Zone. Back
Bay Area. Make amall trailer
park lf rezon~ Only acre
plot In area for ule.
• • •
LOT .. . .. . .. SS300 Cash.
Comer lot. Elden Ave.
·········· ······ -· -.:: $3500 Cash. Back Bay 80 Ft., R·l
....... ··· ······ ····· ..... 86500 Terms. 3 ResldentJal sites
··-·········-··-··········· $3500 Each.
• • •
older trt.plex ... All rented
for $180 rrou m o n t h 1 y .
$12,000 Is full price with
terms to s ull
uc:h~ Quallfted dknta
.... m
498 Park. Balboa Wand BAm
........ rt
0 u t • t a n dine year 'round
home. 2 bedrs., 2 baths. Cua·
tom construction, F.A. Beat.
etc. Comer location.
Let us thow this to you,
-it's a honey! to a depth of 30 feet, toðet Tbe old 19th Street Park Ia a the Newport Wand Association
wtth 30 feet of the atreet end. forlom apot-no tr~no abade. be&an rabin& fun~ locally for
hu been approved u a tmall It copld be plant~ at amaH ex· Ita development. Not until th.la
land8Caped area, tor public: u.e. penae and u the Traner Park )'HI' were they suocesaful ~ 1r C ......a ........ ..~&aa
Ita development wtll be planned land.lcapln& develops. tbe publlc over-comln& their road-blocks -~ ... ~ ..... .,..
tn the nature of a Wayalde Park. waterfront area both In front of (wrona type of plana and too 1857 N---rt Ave., Colrta M..-
A plan hu been approved to the Trailer Park and also thla coftly plana>. F l n ally witb ·~,... "' .....
7731. W. Cout Bwy. U S.4777.
(At the Sl&nal >
Newport Beach bulk-head the water tront and adjacent rectancle of publJe Park money raJaed. by them~elves U 8·1632; U 8-1400 eves.
thlt ean be nnaneed by the rent should be Included In thlt face· (SJ..-,> and the uat.atance from ot the remainder of the lot. to ltftJn& project. This area should the Park. Beach and ~atlon
be uted tor parking. be Ued In by name with the Cornmlalon In approvtn& their
When developed thla Park will Trailer Park. possibly as "Bay plan thla Park wu completed
provide the public with a small Front Martna PubUc Park." It is the finest example In our
but beautlful ''windoW on the e OCZAJf non UEAS City of a eood Community Park.
water." With aultable trees and Ocean Front areas from the exemplyflng the full u.e by all
benches It can be en)oyed u a jetty to the Santa Ana River are aaes that a amall area profes. ~t for c rea t I v e recreation. public beach. mostly owned by llonally planned c:an &tve. Jt dem·
(Small boys &Uo know It as the the City, but wtth small areas on.strates the perfect u nion of
best n ah lnl hole In the area.) owned by the State and Federal "Parka" and "Recreation." At· e CIIAIIWEL PLACE Government. The enUre area Is tractively planted It hu a aize.
Channel Place In West New· open tor public recreational use. able lfa.ued area, paved areu
port, ly1nc. ott Balboa Boulevard However, parklng facilities a re for plcntes and publle &ather·
and frontlng on Rlvo Alto Canal. centered at the areu of the BaJ . lnp. a sand area -.nd a play
consists of portJona of Blocks 145 boa and Newport Piers. area equipment for small chJJ.
and 244 (15 Jots). It la a large. New rest roonu are being pro· dren. It Ia ll&hted for n1cht use.
totally unimproved area oonalat· vided at the Pier locations. The It Is a tribute to the Ylafon and
lng of u ndy fill, and hu no lm· entire beach area appears ade· perserverance or the people of
provementa wha'*>ever. quately cleaned by mechanfeal Newport Island. We need more
This area bu been auc&efted meana by the CJty. (The Street llke It-both the people and the
u a buebaU diamond. Such u.e Department does the actual Park. would ~ulre a minimum ex· ct.nJnr, the ~ of whleh la e C0'""MI"'-"O.,M .. I1"f-TOUTII CEll rD This taelllty is located at 5tb
Ave. and lrla on the Harbor Vlew
School Grounds. Corona del Mar.
Ita existence Is due to the cooper·
atlve splrlt of the School Board,
the Irv1ne Company, and the de·
voted effort.a of many d tiz.ens
FIIIICIS .1~ I.YITI, lultlr
Harbor 1428 Uberty 8-5101
Cilia ••••
Newport Blvd .. 70' x 140', key lot. shop income. 2 houses
to be moved. Owner's very anxious to aell. Ideal for
small business operation. excellent location. Can also
buy adjacent gas statfon. • • •
W. 17th. north side. near Tustin. Garages and house at rear. Plenty of room for business and parking ln
front. $18.500. • • •
3-bedr. home. CN:ll Pl. Large Jlv. nn. 6 llrpl. garage
yard, $12.500, $2.500 down. • • •
Lot.s-173-175 E. Waln ut Pl. R-4. sewers, S2500 each.
Northwest corner. Cecil Pl. 6 Elden; bldgs. to be moved
$3,()()()-..$1..000 down. ,
2·lots 6 smalJ bou.5e. Near park. bay and beach. $10.250
Newport Beach City Council lnvol~ apeement with La· under the leadeshlp of Grant r.a..,... .J1 I.YITH, •--ll...r
expreaed a11ftment Monday l\ln& Beach a_nd Costa Mesa a nd Howald. Ita ball diamond ls on rnAIIUIO ......
Reservoir Financing Study
Is Planned by City Council
evenlne that It would be unwlte other water districts. Ia definitely lrvtne land on a permlsalve 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 N----.. Blvd. to tt t t th t f th 1 bull. It Is rraaed and Ita beauty Harbor 1428 Ev H bor 1!565 "'~.,..,. • a emp o put e water ~r· ou o e p cture. Councll wu Ia apprec.lated by all who Jlva In _____ _:_::.:,. __ ::.:..es.:::..:·-=ar=-==-==---=Li::berty::::.:.!._::S.:.::5~10~1:..__
voir bond laue on the Nov. 6 told by a bonding expert that the area. ""
ballot. auch a bond election would take
City Manacer Robert Shelton 6 or 8 month.a to prepare. The City now b provldln& a eo ndlman full tJme auperviaor to ooordlnate aald It would not be po•lble to u Jay Stoddard aald a tun time proaram for both
reach the rt&ht dec:Jalon and In· that the ~olr should be com· youths and adulta. Tbere wt11 be
form the vot1n1 public properlY pleted by February. 1958. to .._ __ _
In such a ahort tJme. He pointed there would be Ume to fill It In ......,ball five tJmes a week 1n
out further that the New. 6 ballot time to put It In u.e by summer late afternoon. with other activl·
will have a ..,eat number of of lJe58. He estimated It would ~= !: :! !!!~~~ A~ p~nt.
other --n·y m............. hJ h tahe about 4 months for plana u • ere "' a
would .. h'a.;'dlcap ~ u;-~~lr and bidding, 6 ·months tor con· Slim 6 Trim et .. with alxty-
bond ltaue. muctlon, 4 months tor fJJUng tlve women from all areu of with water. The city hu about the City partlclpattng. Tbere is
3 month• leeway trom now to ar· an Alta and Crafts Class well
ranee for flnanctnc. 'he added. attended and a Square Dance
Councll alfeed to obtain the
advice of financial conaultanta
belor. proceedlnl further wtth
bond laue plana to finance the
propoeed 1.2)0-acre.foot h!MfVOtr.
The oo.t hu been estl.mated at
Councilmen have expreaed de· Group beln& attended by at least
termination to carry out the fft· tlxty·four people. 'nlese last are
ervotr project without help from adult actlvltlet. Ma_ny oryanlz.a·
other cn.t:r1c1a If joJnt alfeement tJona and lndJvtduala cooperated
cannot be reached eoon. Later ~ complete the Youth Cent,er.
Tbe chance of &ett.in& a Joint the other d.lat:rlcts could buy In
bond t.ue on the Nov. 6 ballot. on a th&re·the-~ basts.
'Golden Jubilee' Sdledule
7:4.5 p.m., CD)( Community
Church, Ill BeUotrope. CDM
...•.•..•. ..,
I.....corner R-'2 Zone. 1 IIi loll with 2·bedr. rental on rear.
Excelt. bld&. 1lte on front. Cuhout -FuU price
D-Here's a cuUe! 413 Narcissus Ave. Coml.orU.ble 6 con· venlent 2-bedr. home. Close to abopplnc. Raised
hurth. brtck llnplace. Living room with beam ceU-Ing, hartlwood n oors. dishwasher 6 dllpoul Over· sized dble. car., Enclosed patio. R·2 zone. $i9.SOO.
ID-And don't/ua up this larger home. 1 Block trom
ocean Blv . on Seaview. 4-bedrms.., 3 bath.a, small
lot. nice patio. Full price $25,995.
... ESEI CO.
Cout HJghway at Marleold
Corona del Mar Harbor lS40
2·bedr. h~ dlnJn& room plus ~-Illest room at 311
Marigold. Corona del Mar.
Fenced y&J'd...-45 rt. lot~bl. prap. ruu price JZZ,soo.
ElriW. IIIDIIJ, ltalllr
Call Jobn McNab. HA 4448 or HA 53:58
UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front. home plus IIi lnterellt
In pier part)y tumlahed 4-br. home. 1~ bath&. $57,:i00. • • •
A1TRACJ1VE 2 UN1TS: 4-bedr. h~ plus l ·bedr
apartment. Ooocl meet. totally turn18h~ pe.soo ·
• • • ....
A 2· bedr. home • 6ft. le¥eJ lot. !OU'nf o1 hi __ ., SZ& IIW\ ... ~-·
• • • .. ,_
Oft a --
• .....
ISUMD.AY. &DCIUI! a 1-M&WJW'f ··-1 • f 4 p •
Irvine Terrace
PtiCII ..... 534,000
Your Inspection is respecttully solicited.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Cout Country Club.
Phone Harbor +W8 tor Further Information
Cllllll lB. Ill
3 ............................ .,
2 ....................... ,
I • Home hu hardwood floors. large kJtchen wtth break· fast area. Muter bedroom ls extra larre 6 opena to yard. 54' lot 11 fully t.en~ ld~al property for home 6 Income. Only $23,750--very good terms.
&7 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar IL\: 17U; B.A: f1m
F irst time ottered. It's new and vacant with tmmedJ.
ate possession. We know you are anxious to have the
address. Bener yet. let us show you this •
Cllle• 1111111. 3 INMI--. If U. II•••·
It otters ~ar living rm. with comer fireplace and t~
air heat. The k.ltchen ls fully equlpped w1t.b buUt-ln
oven and ranp. dlspo&al and hooded (an. ~ to .u
at Sl6.!JOO. M. L. No. 7'572
"you·u like our friendly wrvice"
W~ I. TilliS IEIL Til
... llllcillll
lJber1y 8·1139 400 &. 17th St.. eo.ta .,..
A real family home-bill and ocean view-3 be4rL.
laree rumpus room. lal&e Uvtng room. 2 baths 2 brldt
Ttreplaees, 2000 ~· ft. l.arie lot with chain 1llik fenc..
1 .. ~ft. lllllluclll ulll.t lluii1L
WI. W. SIIRIII luecillll
Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa Island -RA 2462 ··-B.ETWEEN
....,.b CJIW'Mr'l ~ In our ~ fll e.t
pi• • wwllid eftalt b7 .....,. _._ .... ~
10 un-oa WY ,...... t~u. •,....
Jfew,art. c.oea del liar, c-........ of ....... eo-.. ft~ ............ a. ~.:.;;:::::+~~~~~~~==::::;::::::;;=:::;:===· Harbor' V.... ....t • •• port way 101, lhon QJdl. Corou Bawa -a..-~ H.._ta kboo1l. an4 at I:JO a.m. BIPl...._ Harbor HIPJa.nc»-tlal'oqb a-. Lido ~
at Horac!e EMip School. Gtadee kl.ftMrcarta tbroqb a1z. ~ t~aroqta ave.;
CtUdllan wbo .,. enroUtnc fa( Bay~ 1q -... ~ (lh· IJMerprten
======:=;:~~====~;;;;:;;;:;;;~:;;:;;:;::;== the tint ttme JJl thla ~et chactiDa Balboa 8a)' Club, lea 11om1nt __ ..t:OG-U:OO •••• -A-• -••• •••• _A_ • __:_... ahould be accompanle4 by a par· Scout a-, etc,)--Qract. Jdb*r· (W .. Kewport. -.tl
--· •• • -·----· •• • -·-ent or JUardlan. CtUdren wbo ....,wn thJouah !hoe. Corona del Street to tile Santa have a~ Gth• echoola Mar Soutb ot KtPway 10!. Jal. Ana liftr, Cltft Hawn
• lOll I..EA..SE POR RENT: Bachelor Apt., YMr ahould ~t a report Hid • boa lalaDcl. Jlatbor Jalanct. .... and Udo late) · Lona or ahort term. around bula. CION to ahop· 101ne other evidence of tbelr eon Bay and Irvtne Terrae. -KJnderauten
C·1 Paftd Lot 7f1 x 103' plnl center and beacbea. HA cracte level Grades five and a1x. Attemoon ..12·00-3·00
DowntOW'Il Cout u-.. Co-8336 HA 18'16. • ----· · • -, --~06 e D.IGIIID.IT'f 11VLU ltJndefcart.en ____ ..8:15-U:15 (Newport Kel1hta to 1
... rona del Mar. Next to Mary'a FOR RENT: UnfurnJ.ahed hoUM, Chllcll'ftl are ellalble to enter F1m and. Irvtne Avenue)
BOUM ol Maple. DAvenport 2 B.R., Hardwood floora, J"tre. the ftnt arade t1 thtl)' are 6 years MCOnd pades ... _.8:15--1:115 Flnt and ~nd
6·6019 « Box 306, Lomita, place, one clillct. no peta, $100 of aae or wm be 6 on or befOI'e 'lbml IJ'ade ... --.-..8:1S-1 :45 Grades ·-·---··.9:00-2:00
Cal1f. per mo .. years Ieue. HArbor Dec. 1. 1956. CtUctren are elllfble Fourth, fltth and 'lbird Grade ·-~..9:00-2:30
YEARLY, Balboa laland, earace 1538-W. to enter ldn'*t'uten tr they are alxth pades ... ......8:1S-2:15 Fourth and Fltth
apt. Sunny and brJeht. Prtvate FOR BENT: 2 BR. Houae, fur· 5 years o1 ace or wW be 5 on or • W&WIOIIT SCIIOOL Grades .. _ ...... ~ .. .9:00-3:00
entrance. Obe B.R., tastefully nlshed or unfurnlahed. Muat before Dec. 1, 1956. , All of the penln.aula from 4Sth e BOUC& DSIQII IC200L
fumiahed. Call HArbor 3045-M FOR SALE BY OWNER. very de· 'lbla a1e ftquJr~nt Ia not a Street to the Point-Grades kin· All MVenth and el&htb crade
between 7·9 p.m. or Sunday. al.rable 2 B.R. unfumlahed cl1strld poUey but Ia a State re· d~ throulh five. Lido Isle atudenta In the Newport Beach
3 BR.-APT., unfum ed. Inquire home. Bachelor apt. in rear qulrement and no exceptJona can -Grades one throueb Ow. Elementary School Dlltrlct and
at 612 Goldenrod, Corona del renttne for $48 month. Dble. be made. It Ia aim eontraey to Klnderprten ... _ .. _ .. .9:00-12:00 sixth arade atudenta from all
Mar. ~ garace wtth apace for 2 apt&, State rqulatlona to allow a chUd (Balboa Peninsula-areaa not spedflcally daJrnated
PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS fenced·ln yard, a bleafna tor of ktnecart.en or f1rst erade 12th Street lo the tor Harbor VIew.
otfioe aulte. Birtch~ Bid£., ama.ll c b 11 d r en . Full price age to ertn)Jl alter the first Point> Hours ~--....... -... -.. .8:»--3:15
2515 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. HAr· $22,500. Open tor hispection month unless that child b trana-Klnderearten o If there Llany question re1ard·
bor 1535. · daUy 2·6 except Sun. 3U Marl· fMflna from another school. Afternoon ............ 12:00-3:00 lne the school your child should
gold, CDM. All chUdren enrolling In kin· 13th Street th.rou1h attend. caU the Dlftrld Ottfce at
B_VSIJfE.SS ____ HKT __ ALS ______ SEYI. 1. New ocean vtew, 2 B.R. dergarten or lint grade tor the 45th Street> Uberty 8·1164.
untumJ.ahoed duplex. 520 Avo· first time must present docu-.
OFFICE BUILDING on N. New· cado Corona del Mar mentary evtdenc:e of blrthdate, on Mar·lne R•tfle-P·astol Team port Blvd. near Hoae Hospital. J:V.;: •• • such as: birth certltJcate, famUy t65 mo. Possession about Sept. uv YOU have a furnished home Bible, baptismal oerttllcate. pass·
15. Phone Uberty 8·2TI2 or ~~n~o ,!!;:!~-:;: :::!n~ port. dated news cllpplng, natu· Ueutenant Colonel Leland C.
Ubeny S·42l4. Call our aeent. Select Realty ::,tzatJon r~rd or doctor's ~-McAuley of 124 VIa Mentone,
WAXTED TO IIEln' (no charee to youl. KI 7-3506. e 8·". 1,_ ....... _. .... Udo Isle, haa been .elected u
PRIVATE OFFI-CES with b ""' ..._...,.,a.ao a member of the crack U.S. Ma·
SI'ORE OWNER IN Corona del
Mar needs unfurnished 3 B.R.
or 3 and den house lmmedl·
at~l)' In CDM up t.o $150. Ub·
erty 8· 7961.
P one Buaaes wUl pick up chUdren on 1 Co u---· lWl d p•-answerlng ~ce Sec:reta.ry 1r . . r ne fPS ~ .. e e an ... notary avallable. Ground Floor reglstrthatlon da)'sedat ~~ ~me tol Team eompetJng aealnst the N Trld t Bid 2200 N stops at were u a e c ose top shooters of the land ln the ~ Blvd..e~ewpo~ Beach (~: of the Jast school y_ear bccept 1956 NatJonaJ Rifle and Platol
jacent South Coast Co ) Court· that no transportation will be Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.
t b k BArbo. 3028 provided for chJldren In the New· Col. McAuley waa chosen tor
8'1 ° ro era. r · port Helghta a~a who ate at. thla coveted berth tor hll out·
IIELP WAJnED tending the Newport Heleht.a atandine pertonnance ln eruel·
REASONABLE. 8 ft. sofa. daveno, Schoo.! nor will tranaportatJon be lne prellmlnaey eornpetJUon.
and other misc. furniture. 503 EXPERIENCED C 0 0 K·HOUSE· provided tor Fltth and Sixth He is one of the 32 Leatherneck
Goldenrod, CDM, or HArbor KEEPER. white, tree to travel. Grade children south of Hlf,h· ReseJvl.st.s ptttlne tlaelr skill
0589·R. -Two In family. Write Box BJO, way 101 In Corona del Mar, who agalnst some 2.000 crack ahots
G. E. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC c/o ENSIGN, CDM. are attending the Harbor VIew from other milltaey eerv1ee5 and
washer. Good aa new. One year WANTED-:-E I ced School from tbe ranlu ol clvtllan club& euarantee. Terms. HArbor 0393.. . x per en Auto Children who will reglster for 1'tw lfatJonal Rifle and Pllto1 ----. 0 RT aalesmen-Here are wonderful Newport. Harbor VIew Corona del MODERN BED D A V EN P , opportunities tor en e r K e t 1 c H 1 h Sch Is Matches, the world 18'1es of the
matclllng chalr fioral pattern. hardworldne men who w&nt to Mar or Newpo::W e I ta 00 ahootln1 world, con t I n u e at gr~n leaUw!rftte trim sturdy mak ood 111 the should be at ir bu.a .tops at Oamp Perry throueh Sept. 8. blond dtpette table 4. cbaln. Ollte 1
1 money ee th nl 7 :45 a.m. Chlldren attendJne the Colonel McAuley baa been a
red lea ttrerette sea~ All ISO ~et t~pu -;Oitdcar A on I f mar· Horace Enalgn School should be member of the Reserve team tor
429 Marleold. CDM HArbo; t ay turth . rr!t 1 n r · at their bua atopa at 8:15 a .m. three con a e c u t I v e Yfti'S and
5607•1. · ~~~~=Ford.~~· Busses wtll return chUdren to placed aa first expert 1n the
MAJOR OfL CO. SERVICE STA· Coast Hwy., Newport Beach: their homes as aoon as poalble Leach Cu.p competition last year. LT. COL I.D.AirD lkAU'I.ET
TION. Coast HJcbway ln Dana U 8-3471. an~ r~lf,stratlon baa bl!ftt com· Lut )'e&r, tbe .R.elerve Leather·
Point. GYpey 6·5182 eve... or SOME-FREE ac>IIE FEE pleted. neck team captured the nation's ot the Unlvmdty of Soutbem
GYPB>' 6-5250 days. Applleanm needed. IDAD1 omce e1010 WAUL SOME IUD& bJpeat prtz.e f06 lftft'Ye mllitary California and 1a employed at
Complete line of all 5
modela. Hammond Chord Or·
ean ~ Electronic Orlan
used $475. $15. a month renta
a Hammond Spinet Orean
and lesson&
11-.o ~Practice pianos
$95 •• $135., $195. ea.alest tenn.1
or wUJ rent $5. per month.
Spinet pianos tepossessed
from $395. ~v~l)' Grand
$495. many othera.
lc:b•A&·~ Ble P1a no
and Orlan Store. alnce 1914.
Always 100 pianos to chooee
520 No. Maln
Santa Ana
VERTISED Greetln1 card buaJ·
ness tor aale. $1500 merchan·
dlle and South Cout fran·
chlae. 34298 El Molino, Capl·
mano Beach, GY 6·5250.
HA 3336 Of HA 1876.
GARDE!f WOU wanted. Pboae
Ba. 1038. Pbll Brooka. iiAroKE~
.. nina and care of .. ck. lmJt.
tlnr or c:rocb.t1n.r. o., «
nJpt. HA 3192·M.
-· ..... il ...........
ArMrtean Let:ton 215 15th St.
Meetln.-2nd-4th Wect. 8 p.m. .........
t--&lao re.t ura.ntlt and do-On ~a:fWaHon day each c:h1l4 rtthmen. the famed Rattlesnakoe the Oran~ Co\mty Serf'lee Can· ~""-a will be etvea a bus adledYle Trophy. ter ·aa Clabu <>meer and Voea· :~ae=! ~c!:.:06 qualUied ahowf.na time and place where Colonel McAuley Ia a araduate Uonal CounMior.
l F Em L •-he may board hll bus. In ~n· une arrar P "6~.,. eral. transportation will be pro· M~~~~~~K ;!~~tnl:!'te=e=taaw=: WATER YOU
mother alone with 4 chlldren reaasJenment ol acbool bound·
(3 In schooll Uve In or out. artes make. chanaa ~· THINK???
fl~ day w~k. HArbor 2040 Corona del Mar tltt.h and alxttl
alter 5. Mrs. Davis. CT&dera llvlnl south of Hlehway
101 and eut of Mareuer1te AV·
enue wUI be provided tranapor·
ta tJon. Tboee llvlnl IIOUth ot
Highway 101 and west of Mar·
100" EMPLOYER RETAINED guerlte wiJI walk to school ustne
AGENCY the Goldenrod Avenue croaln1
at Highway 101. IIE.AUT'l SALOW
NO FEE collected from applicant At the Newport Helghta School, A lady who. locka crew ln stubbles ~ Tu.st1n Ave.. Newport Beach all cblldren k 1 n de r gar ten Ran into .orne hair rlnaln1 troubles.
throuah flttb In Newport Hetahta She aald, '1 now rattler
West of I.rv1ne Avenue will walk. lu.at leeve on the latllet II ria , •.
An lilac•
of our tremendoua erowth
and numerous promotions e FuU pay u )'OU Jearn e Frequent Increases e Advancement actually en·
8:30 to 4:30
122 WMt1blrd
Santa .Ana
Fou.rth and tltth cradle chllclrell And watch the enda puab thl'Ou1b the bubbles.."
1n Clltf Haven east of I1'V1ne wDJ •ollTICULTUD
walk but transportation will be Tl'fts poaeu roota for the buteal f\lnctlon
provided for all lower arade chll· ot auddn1 up mo11atu.r6and food lb conjunction. c:tren In thLI area. It Ia abo hoped But Uvtn£ like ua.tn wdt beck of a piclde
that It wW be poatbl.e to trana· Tbe)' .-pond ralber poorly to bl·weekl.Y trickle.
port seventh and elehth cracSe Trees, once watered by oodles and oo4lea.
children from Harbor HJJhlanda Stand paHenUy poiNd pon~fna plddllnf poodles..
to the Horace Enalan School. ltOI&WOOD, (C:WW·tnt•-.) ~-L e ft.AJISFZD MAD& "'lbla baby baa p.s." aald the pedlaU'1CI&n.
Last year tbe enrollment at the '"Soch belcblnr defies the IDOit astute phyalcl&n.
Rorace En.alan School wu near I Rlonll)' .upeet that. Ita normal nutrition . ... Ia laddn.r In ~ftl 06 other." capadty and. with anticipated 'Tve made a .u.bt eJaaDp. and Ita uu.ae 1 tear
lncreuea In eeventh and el1htb Bu eoetrlb\IUC-to 119' chUd'a ~.;.-.,.
era de enroUment. It 1.1 nec:.aary 'lbe ~re hu prompt.ec!ID.)' puwDC liiOln BEEil
to traa.ater part of tbe atxth In b.la PABLUM,'" CIOIIte.ecl tbe you.q mother.
lfade to the Harbor VIew Sebool. DO .. QL (ledld)
Eventually, u the Dtatnct ~n· Now, 1U to_... people,
tlnua to pow, It Ia apedecl A teuup In dutch,
that all a1xth IJ'ade dlDclnll wW Rourlsbes c:ttatter-
IO to the lower •• .eboola. lt't .ttal for 8UdL o nme devoted ,_ ~ ...... tn· aut leetdna the ftuJ4
lltrUetlon tn aU lbtb pa4ea wm To float out u. aa ..
be 14entkall7 the aame. 'nle atuff n. aroancl the Horace 1:n11p Sdlool c1a7 WHil no tut.e aJid 1.-.a¥Or.
.omewbat 101\IB' thaa tlaat A llewwttY matron.
Harb06 Vlew, the dUfetw~~Ce In ::.r-~'-1:t_tlle tal&£
time II talr8l up br • C rtMil ~ tM Me.
.... time aJid tilDe deMlld * * * * * ~ f06 physical AJI c:.• 10 OVII aana+oa Here ue tile 6ftn4art• for -, IIADY A. I.UWD
varloua ..:boob: .. , nat door Mf~MN*, • poet indeed; e co.oiiA DD. IIU -=-ooL Be llblp b.la ...,Ia ordlr to pM4
Colona del liar ..a fll Jilt lllw. I'Oal&aee • ~ l!pOIU
WA7 1m. BalbOa w.... Pw clartftr deed~~ ta IIWI.1 porta?
latan4, ....,. -.... lfftM 8ut farta.l J...al: ~~§~~~C!:::= ,.......,. ...... u.. .: Ate bOt .. ..,.... ...... "•l••lil lut=::a::=--.,...bowla: rc:. . ., ~-tiM ...... aut Jt JOlla. .. ~ --'= ~,::;:" ........ .._. ......... tt-.
Pltllr-coLOa f'ILIIAWVD .... ,.. .. ...,.., ..... ..,.......,
...,.. Airplane IJMn IIIGt of tbll .--oflbat -ow..._ Ia ... Mlllttd. Ia• nratw.-._.tD.._..
1-I lln...-:r
' fWJ IIIIIUIIII coeec. ..., .. on.. -'ria k
wane to be deader •
Y. CID ac:lainoa that
DeW 6pre 10 p.....dy
the prottecl, Kieatific
ScauBCr Syteem way.
Stau6u ~ WliPt
Ia., iodl Jo. *a ..arc
beauriful pclltUI'e. M..le .
• alto 6naed 10--amooda1y .a'OII. your
Stalllf'cr YiRt ia • IOOCb-
iog aDd ddigbdW apo-
fi&TIIM. tm. Call today
for a figure~ aDd
No obliprion
frue..CJMn Dry ClecmiDg S,.cem.
Ia Orcmg. Cowaty'a New..t cmd f"butaL
'fOV WILL SEE ,... DUf&aUC&
' .._.r••swt c ....... ,...__..,..._,..._
n• w. ee.e ~ ..... ,.., ..... -a,a a1 .. ,..
Ill ...... A"-...._..._. _..._It
~•r ... ......_.._..,._, .... ....,., .......... _
~ ~···-..... -..
.. (!In",,,. t.ln1
,.. teed ••• eedlt.ll '*-.............. ~ ... .... ..... .. f=dJI9 ••• K8y ........... )f...p.t .. . -.. *·"··· ..... 11.&.,; .... 111M .... ~ 101. -.......... -,... .................. ....... .......... • .,. a. 111
F..muta9 ftM 111f111L ............ .a.. Gkha. .. cit. .... vw. ....... -.. 0. t;• c.utt'• ........... ...... -..pet .............. .._ lA Wcttbe..._.
"' ..._. lalaDcl. v.-_... ••• • tile a.q. a.
Boats May Reach 140 MPH
Speed in Sept. 16 Races
COM Youth Shown Where
Dad Served Aboard Ship
A. Corona del War boy and bla accident aboard the destroyer
mother Yitlted the destroyer tender U..S.S. Siena CAD-1.8), .u.
tender U.S.S. Piedmont CAD-17) ter -'tip to the PlMmont. 1be po·
1n San Dleao on Aua. 21 to aee tential Navy man VIsited the blc
~ ttPe of .ttlp the boy'a father ahlp'a machinery apaces. the
aervt!d on before ht. death dur· same place wtMn bt. father
inC World War D. worked before hJa death.
IC~tb Jacoba, 13, aon of Mrs. Tbe vtsJt was &emllnated by a
';i:::::::::::~=========i Luctlle Jaoo~ of 441 Beeonla tour of the shlp'a bridce. vt.ual i Ave.. was booed by the ablp'a algnal ..,_ces and cun emplace·
oom.mancSJnc oftker, Capt. Char· menta. Ullll TU¥11. .... ..............
hfAD ...... ~" ...... ~
AT ·
let E. PbWia-11le lad waa rtven Over ~ta .erwct In
a tour ol the 18,000-ton &hlp by Capt. PbJIJipa' eabtn, tbe com·
a staff member ol Rear Admiral mandlnc offtcer oJ t.1w Piedmont
~ Wood, commander of tbe told Keith of tiM lmportanet ot
crut.r-deltroyer fOJU, U.S. Pa· flnlahlnl hla ..tucatlon ~ore
d1k fleet. constderlnc entry Into tbe Mavy .
Keith 'a taU. waa kUJed In an 1b Ia t. a basic ~a val poUey lor
proapedive enllates, otfclnated
.. ..
by Admiral a. &. Carney, ex-dllef
of naval operatlona. ...
AUI. 29 • Sept. 1
wlttl ... Klnt Simrs. the GM~tnw ·~ c.e tf ~ ........ * Sept. S-5
~ .... ,., ... , ............ c. -~o... .... .................
15 Mile Sc_,ca Oc•• c-.
Bgin & H,milton
Mount ings
Wallace Calderhead
Tht omcning ond brilli-
antly eok>rtd wottrs that
octwfty donee to lftV$icl
the POUCE BLOt ta Boys Aground ._IIi 111111-.,
oa nuick Sand 11 ITI'IIIr 11 • e~~Gm»AY, AVG.. Abalone OD.. 127·JOtb lt., ft8· 'f' l.ut dQ b ,......._ at
l A butiW alarm rtnalnl at pen a-ell. ""*'*' uaac eome· QalciE laftd btl two c.t.a ~ Caul oou... wm M ,._ ~ ea-. ha.-been 2:10 a.m. at ttM Jrandt'a 1)ept. OM ......_ 1nt1o ..., ftrm anct ...._ boJa ~ 11a u..ar •t WelllwiiQ, e.pt. ., a 11 Nlllq tD
cleuect by Rawpcwt polb with Store, &121 &. Cout HW,.. eo. 11to1e a ~ ,...._ . . . ln the uPP* '-7 IDr QIII'Oid· Diu ot ..... • O..W ,_...
tbe aiNIIt of WWlaiB -;.~ J'OD& del Mar, ...ultect in Owner eW&IM ... Y, AOG. a ma-bar boun W........, ,_.will M ......... aU. to. ol 301-33nct St.. ,_.,..n ltenMth llraftdt ~ ean.ct to a.u111 Aanml ot 114 z. ...aq. Aq. • Jt~ po11ot ~~pt. t to JO. a· • wW 1t.at leeeh. on burl...,. aD4I vaaraney e:bedt out the -..: eve)thtna ()eleu l'roat, Balboa. nparted reponed. ~. lept. U. ~ wu fouDct 8ee\lre ••• Wade II. klcta alpbon&Da JU trom ean In -Yamell. U. of-...... 4 Sbull wu tHen lDto ~ O'Hara of at~ S.llotrope A-.. .• front of hill Nllcleaoe at 12:35 va.ta a. uc1 Die ........ o1 -..a L&UI' ~ 4 by Guatcl L. v. CGrned at U.• Ccnlfta ctel Mar, nportect that a.m. • • • A dty car drtwn by 21C. w..wm.c. Aw .. bad left ,.. Dat druDa ~ 8t ~loath Cout Co., 211.1 Rewpcrt LaWNnee Zlcln. 18-a&me ad· Harold YOWIJ, dt.Y ltc.Ne de· theti boat tn tJa• bQ at blab~ Caul o.JI .. wt11 M ~!!!~~!i!~l!i~ ~ Bl¥4.. Rawpon BMdl. at 2 IL.In. ctre. wu .m.tac .•• Lanna L. partmeat. wu lnwa.ct ln a u.s. an. lbMrtJw a III'OIMI&. "&tntiA&r," to MJI , ntiiCIJfcw. -w., llinMSinM _. •• , 11~ ~ :e•r:::~l':f~~ theO..::w~ = :..:_m aneth~ ~~y = ~~~ ~~~~ pln ln their outboard motor. 16·11. Lub 1coCt .. ~. Clll ... • 'IJr\......, W'-
man wu attempttq to pt Lambert of llontM'e) Park were eupertntenctent. at Balboa Blvd. On ret\l1'l\lnc w1tb a '""' pln
aboard a boat tJed at a South driven of carw involved ln an ae· and 38th St.. Jfewport 8Me:b. at they were lltranded by low tJcte . ... __.. We cuarcta anct the harbor -.. Cout alJp. dMnt on the north..-AnOD• I a.m. ... Prank A.rm~Dona ol partment were called 'l'be boys ,
Polioet aa.td that the followinJ overpua ramp at 1:30 p.m. .• · 310 lrla Ave., Corona del Kar, ,... ltated that a man a~ them
cuea were cleared up: breaklnt Clara Wade ot 1:101 Raven Pl, pol1ed the theft ot hla $10 ma-to 8tay tn the boat u there wu
lnto U.e hardware *-• at lJdo CUtf Haven. and Bex Allbrttht. roon bleycle from the Corona del quick sand around them About
17llllllilt\liN14 Shtpyud on Friday niJht. AUJ. 341 Flower St.. eo.ta Meu. were Mar ma_ln beach • • . W. E. 8 p.m. hiJh water retur,;ed and
• 17, when $70 ,.,.. taken: the motortsb Lnvolved ln an aeclclent Woodruff of 120 Acate Ave., Bal· they were able to paddle the
burJlary of Paul l . Burn.lde'a at Irvine Ave. and Raven Pl., boa bland, and Arcadia reported boat uhore by hand pollee AJd GeDI'!!I'al Petroleum gu dock at Newport Belrhts. at 4 p.m. . • . that a car driven by B. l . IeDin • ·
zrT.DJl St., Newport Beach, on J. W. Weat of 382·22nd St.. Colta of 608 BeJOnla Ave.., Corona del
Monday niJht. AUJ. 20. when Meaa, reported a watermelon Mar, drove Into hla boat traDer
$'T7.25 ln eaab wu taken: burJ· smuhed on hla c:ar at Coronado beln• towed on a road parallel to
lary of the Monroe Bros. Abalone St. and Balboa Blvd., Balboa . . . Coast Hwy. near Bayside Dr.,
Co., 22'7·:110th St., Newport Beach, Mr&. M. C. Bolllnporth of 136 eaualng minor damap ... Rich·
where a euh retlater wu l!e· VIa Wa.zters, Lfdo lale, reported ard Orfalea ol 905 E. Bay Front,
moved; burclary of ClW Von leaving a buket contalnlne a Balboa, reported the theft ot a
Kennel's A a a o e 1 ate d Marine portable radio near her ear ln a $15 alx-eallon outboard motor
Dock. 2514 ~ Newport Blvd., New· parking Jot near the Newport JU tank and hose from hla front
port Beach, Tuesday nlcht. Aug. Pier and driving off without It porch ... Dr. C. E. Tohlll ot 502
21 when a 12 flaahllJht was . . . Vandala tore the topa off Vla MalaJa, Newport Beach, re· stl,~en, and burclary of Harold three valuable plant. at the Co-ported the theft of a porcelain
Trapp machine abop. 2406 New· rona del Mar Nursery, 2744 E. elgar~t um, two black rubber
port Blvd., Newport Beach, Tue:a· Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar . . . door mat. and a ahaJ ruJ, all
day nleht. when S3 or $4 cash BIU Twist. 63 Beacon Bay, re-valued at $25 • . • Eventt Ml·
was stolm and a row boat was ported the theft of three mall chael of ~ E. Balboa Blvd., Bal·
taken. Later durlne the nJeht he bo:xe:a In the area ... Hans Roes boa. reported .eelng five juvenile
came ln at the South Coast eo.. of 1008 s. Bay Front. Balboa boya throwtne elty·owned ear·
wher.e he waa taken Into custo· Island, complained that the oe· bage carw Into the ocean near
dy by Guard Comecl. cupanta of a blue ear jumped out the Balboa Pier at 11:38 p.m. but
Read Enstgn 1t ant Ada.
SAVE Willi A
F•,..,'• Poftcy
OYPTCE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty 8-sos.1
of the vehicle In the alley and oUJcera were unable to Joca~
took some beach towels from his the boys or _. any eana In the
clothes line ... Clara L. Schafer water after they arrived at the
of Corona and Mary Becllel of ace~ . . . Officers wued three
119~ ·42nd St., Newport Beach. traffle citation. to motorist. In
~re Involved In a two-ear aeel· the area of Diamond Ave. and S.
dent at Newport Blvd. and VIa S..y Front. Balboa Wand. after
Lido. Newport Beach, at 9:30 receiving a complaint of recklesa
p.m. . . . drlvinJ and loud murtlera from e TUESDAY. AUC:. 21 an anonymous Individual ...
I. A. Monroe of Monroe Broe. (Continued on Paee 11)
Registration Deadline,
Registrars· Are Listed
• • Here ts the list of deputy reet· Newport -Mrs. lulla Erlft't.
• '-.. • strars of voters. where local resJ. 1608 W. Ocean Front Harbor • ...... _ s • de nts can re gister 10 they can 1903-W; alao City Clerk's office,
• ...... • • vote In the Nov. 6 election. Dead· City Hall: Mrs. Katherine Win·
• : line tor reelsterlne lB Thursday, die, 409 Clubhouse Ave .. Harbor
!• DOl NG .·: Sept. 13.
3429; Mrs. Bernard Ellerman, ------------2606~ W. Ocean Front, Harbor
• • F·lght Flares ~-l~a-Mrs. Emma Holt -
2118 E. Ocean Blvd. Harbor • T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Beach • • D k T k 2449-J. <alter Sept. 1) • • In run an Lido-Mrs. JulUette Milliken-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Harbor 1912. Call for appolnt·
It's more than a job-ifs a career
Did you know that one out of every ftve telephone men have
been with Pacific Telephone over 20 yea ra? One out of four
telephone women have been with ua over ten years. llany have
been with us much longer. F or a telephone job Ul much.more
than just a job. It's a career. And u telephone men and women
gain valuable experience. they move up to jobe with more re-
aponslbility. This gives all of ua at PaciAc Telephone a een.ae
of accomplishment. And It meana that your telephone eervice
is alwayw in the banda of weU traJned, esperlenced people. It
meana better eervice to you. The men and women of Pacific
Telephone work to make your telephone more ueeful ever-y day.
• • • •
They'll be as dose as your telephone
• • •
WeU, they'U 1100n be packed up
and off to acbool. And then the
al.am-banc activity that'a been
eoJnc on all awnmer will alow
down. Sun, it'll be peaceful.
But it'a a Joocf bet, too, that
you'll be happy t o bear their
vo.lcee often. So why not plan
DOW to make f'eC\ll&r telephone
vlalta with your boy or girl
away at acbool thla comlng
.....ter. You can tell them to
call home eoJJect, too. You'U be
.urpriMd to 8.od how low lone
clMtance ratee really aN, .pe-
dally after e o'clock on week·
claJ8 and all d&J SunclaJL
• •
"WI .. IIIII! II I .... '•"'
Minor cuts a na brui.RS w~re ment.
suffered by Walter R. Hortman Bay Shores _ Miss Rosemary
Jr .• 31. of Glendale In a fight ln Reck. 2671 Creatvtew Dr. Liberty
the drunk tank at the Newport 8-5275.
clfy jail at 11 :35 p.m. Aug. 20. Harbor Island 6: &!aeon Bay-
Another drunk tank occupa nt, Mrs. John Dodge, 13 Rudder Rd .. ~ald P. Martin. 24. of Hunting. Beacon Bay, Harbor 7112.
ton Beach. complained of a dis-Balboa Island _ Mrs. Charles
located Jaw and shoulder but Bradley, The Camera Shop, 215
an examining doctor pronounced Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Har·
him a ll right. bor 2563. Evenlnp by appoint· O[flcers found Hotfm"n on the ment; M1a Rosemary Heck.
n oor of the drunk tank with mornings only. 209 Marine Ave ..
Martin and Patrick 1. Doyle, 26, Harbor 3473.
ot Santa Ana, alleeedly on tllp Newport Hetehta -Mrs. L.ewts
ot h lm. They were removed to Merrell. 421 Holmwood Dr .. Lib·
separate oells. Martin and Doyle erty 8-4646; Mrs. Vera LJllenthal,
had been arrested on lntoxlca· dayw at City Hall, evenings at
Uon charges at 10:24 p.m. Mon· 306 Snue Harbor Ret., Liberty
day at Coast Hwy. and Walnut 8.7600•
St. West Newport. after their car Corona Highlands and Eastern
!mocked down a clty .treet sign. part of Corona del Mar -Mrs.
Hottman and Winfred 0 . God· l ack Lindsey, 460 Sen-a Dr., Co·
win. 29, of Redondo Beach. were rona Highlands. Harbor 4887; Ml·
arrested on lnto:xJcatlon charees ehael Healy, 436 Momlne C.n·
In a parklnJ lot at 2530 W. Coast yon Rd .. Ha rbor 5194-l.
Hwy., Newport Beach, at 9:10 Corona del Mar -Mrs. Ellen
p.m. Monday, Aug. 20. Travis, 521 Marguerite, Harbor
3660; Mn. Mama Olson. 415 Pop· Check Rumors py Ave., Ha rbor 3549-l ; Andrew
W. Smith. 3400 Ocean Blvd .. Har-
f G F• h bor 0393; Mrs. Fay Reber. 216 Or·
0 ang 19 t chid Ave .. Harbor 5875.
Harbor RtghJanda -Mrs. Eu·
Rumon of a poalble Jang gene Chari"' 5i5 Diana Lane.
right In the Fun Zone area of Liberty 8-7963.
Balboa Monday, Aug. 20, caused Upper Bay Area and Bay Vlew
Newport police to walk foot pa-Tracts-Mrs. Marcia Hazlett. 425
trol In the area. An oUicer no-Sierra Vista. Liberty 8-6657.
tlced a youth place a partJy.full Costa Met~a -Mn. CunnlnJ
bottle of wine under an old Butler, 1753 Anaheim, LibertY
model sedan. Another bottle of 8·1322 evenings; Days -phone
)Vlne was found under the front oUtee, Liberty 8-1192.
seat along with an U -lnch A•ntee ballota ca.n be ob·
switch . blade knl.fe. tal ned from Oct. 17 to No•. 1 by
Robert F. Manley and Thomas applyinJ to the County Clerk ln
H. RouJbley, both 18, ot Santa the Court House, Santa Ana.
Ana were arrested at th' IICene ;=============. at Palm St. and Edeewater Ave.,
Balboa, on eharees of possession
of an alcoholic beveraee. Costa
Mesa boys, 1!5 and 17, and a
Santa Ana boy, 17. were charged
wtth poaesalon and curfew vio-
..... ,..,..., .....
.tells ... FIM
'l'be Newport Beach United
Fund wu Informed this week
that the United Cerebral Palsy
.U.n. ol Oran,e County wtll par·
tJelpate In the united campaign
for tunda thla October. It la an-
nounced by Dr. Robert Olander,
United Fund chairman.
or the $57,004 campalgn goal.
$3,!500 wtU eo the Cerebral Palsy
A.un., one of 5 new agencies
added to the Unlt.ed Fund In re·
cent months. William P'ama-
worth. Newport Beach business·
man who heads the Cerebral
Palsy Aun. of Orange County.
pledJed the support of hla group
ln the campaign. .... , .. ,,. .....
11 ~••• lllwHy
Only a catastrophe can now
prevmt 1956 from being one of
the aJJ-tbne' JNat yean for
American bualnea and Industry,
accordlnJ to the quarterly busl·
ness and real estate letter just
lsaued by the Newport Balboa
Savlnp and Loan A.sloelatlon.
Observations made In the let·
ter Include theM: Total output
has expanded despite declines In
2 major lectors of the economy,
automoblJea and boualnJ; the
reneral advanoe hu continued
under restrictive monetary and
credit polleles; the year'a fourth
qu a.rter Is .e:xpec:ted to be the best
ot the year.
cona GET sow
A eon, 7 lbs.. 1 ~ OIL, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Ceor,e Coner of
126-42nd Sl. Newport Beach, In
Santa Ana Community Hospital
on Sunday, Aue. 12.
Orivin& your own car is
supposed to be a pleas-
ure, DOt a ni&)\tmare.
When choked freeways
and streets, and the con-
Stant threat of collision
take aU the fun and convenience out of drivtn,.
it's time you give those green Metro buses a trial
Dependable schedules, fast service, friendlr
operators and slllOOdl, air suspension coaches ...
1111 are on the job, every day, wa.itinJ to make yow
travel easier and leu expensive. Save your
car for w~ltend and vacatlon trips.
Try Metro for a few daya. You'l
say it's the SMART WAY
to get around.
f•h • M..,. ••• w•M ,_. .. 1e IH M.,.,. M_... ,. ...... s..,," ., ON ....... c••• ... , ,., ... ~.
y.., •• ..,., .....
Once again Richfield translates
Promise into Performance
with its new $10,000,000 platinum
catalyst refining unit
Wtth the completion of thl• remartc-~ ..-Jiy •Otlul-1/t'-.wkltnl ,...,
able equipment, Richfield contlnu.. ''"''"''' will .,,,,, w.,,,,, molorl.t•
tte tradition of providing Weatern utpM q11utltl., oltop-pl'tmlllm !Uti• et til.
motorlata with producte that anti-lowiNJ ~/bit coel.
olpate rather than f_ollow advanced
trenda In automotive engineering.
No m•H•r whet th• dtm .. d• ollotltofrow'•
eulomoblltl er• lot mol't powtrllll , .. ,.,
I hi• ntw fu/1/ly will bt reedy-•• It I•
fHdy IIOW-to moff t•u Utllfy e/1
ffqUlfflllfiJt ..
Thla gr-t new platinum reformer Ia
the lataat atep In Richfield'• never-
ending program of expanalon and • devetopment-an dealoiMd to aaaure
you that Richfield p.troleum prod-
uct• are truly "yeara-ahead" an•
wltl continue to be.
!'dna -and-
lrwuranee eompame.
Ul ..
U'KClAL a.oiE OVT C. 11-G"GOa JIAD..TQ&
POOTULL...a .•• 7 ...
Dam rltk tmd FGNign
BaiL Sldp. Air. *-
.:.~ ~ ·----~~·-·,-----------------------------------~
....................... t .. ...,.._ __ .._ 1 tl .........
"'W~ Day boat-......
g~~!!!!!!.~~~~-CITY TRAILER PARK
1t7 ....... a a-t ..u •. but ecauare wttll maxlm\UQ ~· h.u lDc:Nued IDDI'e u.an _,.
OM ol. tile ....t tdpltkiant pub-alone ot 1..00 by 1.D '-t. lade 1A tbe put t ,......
lteadona tW tiM aty ol. lfewpon alos-wtll be 3 to 1. 'htal Gea· Wbetl tbe Clt7 o1 Newport
..... Ia a Mcsn"'t eaUtle4, vatJon wtll be l.,UI,OOO cubic IIMdl h.u attained Ita DWdmWD
........_. and ...,........,cladoM 1ucll. a.nct total embankment .a. a.ncl ~t. the an·
tor ftooo-4 UOO .ur.root a-. UOO.OOO cubic:,.,._ nual waw requ!re~Deat Ia atJ.
eno&r ... Jt ~ Use need and 'nle area to be .erwcl by tiM mated 10 teacla 21,835 &eN feet,
piQit t. ac1cUtSonaJ. water ft.or· rt!MM)Ir I.e a ~p of luld compared to the 3J580 u.ted Jn
a1e tor tbe coutal area. bounded toutberly by the PadtJc 195C·55. Tbe ultimate .umate Ia
Tbe •\QtborH 1 11 James M. Ocean. northerly by the l1ID.IU ol bued on S.<nO acre. of developed
Kontaomay, eon8u.1tl.q ealfneer the Coutal MUillcapal Water land wtthJn tbe future dty 1.1m.1t1.
from PUactena. who prepared Dlatrlct. euterly by pana Point • aas" arcwaua
thl.l ful·ftlled. detalled report for and westerly by ~Mesa. 'lbe Tbe war. conaumpUon ftpra
the Irvine Co. and w the dty ot net developed and developable t~ ~ Mesa are u followa:
:Newport Beech. area to be .erved Ia approzi· Tbe amount produoed from wella
l'ollowtnl are ~e ol the mately 28 8QU&re miles. baa lncnued a1J1bt1y, from 1.121
hllhlllhts of the report, which • WELL SDPL'I' DaOn acre.feet 1n 19C9·50 to 1,.308 in
contatn.e Information and reeom· Water produ(\tJon record.l of the 1.954·55. Uae ol Metropolitan
m endatlou of ereatest import· City of Newport Beach ahow that water baa doubled, lncreutne
ance to the future development the volume received from the from 818 to 1,308 1n the u.me
and crowth ot the Harbor AreL city wella baa dropped' from 2,187 period. Total oonaumptlon In·
• WKAII CDII acre feet In l.N9-50 to 1.70C 1n creued from 1.745 acre-feet 1n
The raervoir slte lles wlthtn 19:W·55. In that aame time the l!N9·50 to 2,!136 In 1.954·55-an
the San Joaquin Rancho of the volume of MWD wat~ received increue of 125CJ'.
Irvtne Company at the western lncreued from 4S1 to 1,876. Com· Annual water requlre~nt for
maretn of the San Joaquin Hilla. blned total ot water uaed wu ~ Mesa Ia estimated at 9,:562
It la approximately 1.3 mllee 2,638 acre feet In l!K9·50 and acre-feet when the ultimate de·
War-Time Collection of
Bolo Knives On Display
northeast of the center of Corona 3,580 In 19s.-55. v e 1 o p men t of 3,.211 acr.es Is A collection ot bolo knives and
del Mar, and about halt a mlle The combination of a dlmJnlsh· reached. reproductions ot the a1x famoua
aoutheast of MacArthul" Blvd lng well supply and a erowtne Tbe raervolr will be lined
The final shape of the pro· population hu produced a de· with a 3-lnch thlck uphaltlc ~ raervoir ts rouehly a mand for Imported water whtch concrete placed over an lmpervt. Aux1•1 •1ary Tea ous earth blanket not leu than
3 feet In thickness. H D b ·:o~~,!Dh':v:x=n lnclu~ onors e s
for mctning and <"hlorlnatlng all Mnr. Howard Lawson. presJ.
water leav1na the reservoir. dent Mrs. Donald Andenon, ball
Other appurtAenant t a c Ill t les, chairman; Mrs. Tod Oviatt, deb·
such u the splllway, drain line, utante chairman, and Mra. wu.
roadways, fenclne, d r a I n a g e llam CUrlett, tea chatnnan, all
ditches, are Included In the de· acted u special hostesses at the
sJen and 1n the cost estimate. motht'r and daughter tea elven
The area Is one of very gently last week on Wednesday by the
rolling plains that are lnclaed by Newport Harbor Auxlllary of
steep-walled ravines and canyons ChUdren's Home Society.
a few feet to nearly 100 feet The party honored the young
deep. The plains lie at altitudes women who have been ch~n
of 230 teet to 330 feet They are by the Society u the debutantes
fianked on the east by a proml· to be presented at their Chrl.st·
nent hUJ slope that rises to mas holiday ball.
helehts of .200 feet or more above Mrs. J . H. Caldwell of Shore
them. Nearly alJ of the area ls CliUs opened her home tor the
l"fUSland atlalr. The tea tabJe was espe.
Colta whJcll won th~ We.t la on
duplay at Even St~ Gltt
Bazaar, 30C Main St., Balboa.
durtn• the Newport BHch Gol·
den Anniversary.
Byron Stevena, proprietor of
the Gift Bazaar, was elven the
bolo knives whUe aerv1ne In the
South PacllJc undft Gen. Oou&·
lu MacArthur durin& World
War U.
He was a tint lieutenant In
t he Army Slenal Corps. He
traveled around the Philippine
Islands setting up communica-
tions units to be operated by na·
Uvea. He wu attached. to the
503rd Paratroop Regiment. which
dropped onto Corregtdor durtne
the Invasion of the Phlllpplnes.
He taught natives sJenal tech·
nlques ol seocret code work.
Some ot the knlve.a In his col·
lectJon are 100 yean old. &lven
him by Phlllpplne guerrllla lead·
era. One bolo knUe came from
HoUandia, New Guinea, where
Mr. Stevena served before the In·
vuJon of the Phlllpplnes.
Co.daaH ,_ ,.._ 1) ~ ._, Mqullt ......_ fttt. •a.a-wv• --. OnJ7 ................ ._. -llr. lrtarl .... tbat ... ...... t111a ,......_ ll .... rr-cau. OM ... _ aa ...... .....u.
........................... Co. ot ~ t:~· .............. . ea.a ..... ... C!IOIItaiMd • 01*1 -... tt ........... a ......... ~ a.I:Dolmta. a.. place .......... ,.... eouaaa , ....... u.. w• to a.. wtaa ~ ei& , • ., ftk:ll dtJ ......,_. '--.. Coadl· wauld ......,.. tile ~
man I&J ~ teld Mr. Bot· aloq IICNet·aad ........... anu ttnpr that Use blciiJ ..,. ,...,.eel aJonr u.. baJ tront oe a..tt.oa
tow •uct)' beeau.e tbe aoundl hu ltenln.tulL ln.IIIKcl. be ..W. the
not had a cbance to ~ the c:tty hu ~ to ro 111to compe-
newly aequltitd area and wanted tltlon wtth prtvue ......._ by
to 1ee It 110me of It mt&ht be developtnr the traJJ• ,.._:.
uti.lJad few parltln1. Commfwlo'lere wt1nc to denY
Council al.lo reoelwd the rec:· the clt;y'a appU•tloJl were Don
ommendaUon of the PlaaA1n1 Ba)1ob. W-.ley 8mJth, Galvln
Commlaaion, denylnc the dty'a keene and lit. Brtaa. Vot1n1 for
own application tor a vartanc. the varJanee went 0 . B. a.cs and
to allow the fence to oome wtth1n Walter Loqmoor, who aa-4 lUI·
2 feet of the aldewalk ln.tt•d e-ted that the n.rtance be al·
of the mequlrecl 5 feet. CouneU lowed tor fence and planttn•
upheld th1l declalon. purpoeea only and not for provtd. e VOTE D • TO I 1n1 additional traUer apac». City
The Commluton voted f to 2 Enltneer Bert Webb bad atated
to deny tlle vart.ance, polntinr that 1onaer tratlen eould be ac·
out that approval would .et a eommoda~H It the feoce could
precedent for private property ~ moved doeer to the llldewalk.
n. Best Fer u..t
MElT• c ...
10. Laundromat 20c
Tbrift..J>..Lux rmeat Dry Clecminv
At Vo1UID8 Pnc..
-Jfewpolt 8J9'd. (ACIIOU FaOII
Udrta -la.dllt-....... a
"''PD nz.rt DAY & lfiGBT OF TD RA.r
The reservoir site Ues within dally arTance<~ with a pink ecru
a triangle bounded on \he south tea cloth holding a silver tea
and east by unimproved roads server and1aree crystal punch
and on the northwest by an bowl. Pastel !lowers were rea-
aqueduct In the form of a COY· tured in a delicate arrugement
ered pipe line. The most con.splc· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=.~:============::;:;::;:;;;:::::::::::::;::::::=======-':""::~ uoua topographic feature within
TBZSE ISLAJfDEilS (klboa lalaad. tlult Ia) ba.Ste you to tbe
lladl: AlWf Pair to be beld OD Labor Dcry at tbe aaiboa lalaDd
N.tbodlat Qlwcb. Tbe motif wt11 be BcnrallaD.. Cllld demouba·
tiJa9 wttb .am• Hula ,.mu-an (left to ri91lt) Scmdy P'Je.. 11.
of SlO CoWu A.._, Cntc:bela aro.IDg. fJ.I:t• of 120 Ametbywt A...._
CIDd Debnr OgJ.e. 5. of 114 Amethyst A.-. EDa!9D photo)
Aircraft Carrier Hornet
Launches Jubilee Fete
the trlaneular area Is a aeries of
ravines. 5 feet to 30 feet deep,
that join to form a northwest·
erly-dralnlne canyon. e PJIEVEJIT SLIDES
One pbyaJcal phenomenon that
was discussed In the eeologtc
and soU Investigation reports Is
the apron of actJve slumped and
slide material that frln~ the
reservoir area on the east and
eoutheut. Both reporu at.reaed
the Importance of provtdlnl ln
the design eome meant of pro·
tect.Jnr aeatnst the ettect ot pos·
slble future mua movement of
this material.
lt Is propo8ed this possible en·
croachment be deterred by cut·
(Continued from page 1) period of Inactivity was not long. tine a bench just beyond the
the tale of fighting ships and In May of 1951, the HORNET was dralnaee ditch on the northeast· I
fighting men. This Is the story transferTed to the Brooklyn Navy erly perlmeter of the reservoir!
ol the USS HORNET (CVA-12). Yard for a 27-month period of dike. This bench would provide
As dusk fell over the Pacific conversion that modemlz.ed her a buffer zone Into which an earth 1
on Oct. 26. 1942. the seas opened to operate the newest jet types. ma.ss could possibly move with·
to engulf the Seventh HORNET out lmplngtng on the reservoir
<CV·8), sunk by our own forces •--IL....-YLg-~.. dike. It may be necessary In the
to prevent h.er falling Into enemy ,......, I • nMNIJ future to periodically maintain
hands. ... for 1-'-the bench by removing any ma·
The CV-8 had In her short J ..... terlal that has slumped Into the
lived span of one year etched a Thursday is a lucky day In area.
sterling record In the Pacillc the Fred Kuster household. Last • DAM TO BE atnLT
Theatrt' of war. She was th.e Thursday, Aug. 23, Kristen Mar· Proposed developmenta Include•
"Shangrt La" off whose decks tha Kuster was born at St. Jo· construction of an earth-fill dam,
Brigadier General James Doollt· seph Hospital. and an earth-fill dike around the
tJe and his Raiders delivered the Both of tb.e Kusters· other enUre perlm~ of the reservoir,
flrst retaliatory sting of war to dauehters, Kim. 9. and Shelley, also considerable ex cava t Ion
the homeland of the Japanest' In 6. were a180 born on a Thursday. within this perimeter to augment
the April 18th raid of TokJo, Yo· and Mr. and Mrs. Kuster were the favorable characteristics of
kohama and Kobe. married on a Thursday. The new existing topography.
Ten months later, a new and baby weighed 6 lbs .. 13 ounces. The dominant geologic unit ln
mightier HORNET rejoined the She and h.er mother came home the area Is the Monterey shale, ~t. Originally to have t>nn to 604 Marigold Ave .. Corona del a thick sequence of fine-grained
named the KEARSARGE. the Mar, on Monday. to mod e rately coarse-grained
eighth vessel to bear the name marine sedimentary roclul ol HORNET was launched In Au· lfOTJCE OP' PUBUC BEAB.DfC 1.\le>cene aee. These rocka under.
gust, 1943, and commissioned at Notice Ls hereby given that the lie the entire reservoir a1te, and
Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth. City Council of the City of New-nearly all of the surroundln&
VIrginia. on Nov. 29. port Beach will hold a public a rea as well.
She sortied with Task Force 58 hearing on Ordinance No. 799, re· The dam site Ls a favorable
under Admiral Montgomery oU gardlng Pla nning Commlsston one from a eeologtcal standpoint.
the Marshall Jalands In March. Amendment No. 25 to amend Except for trivial quantities of
1944. What happened thereafter zoning of Tract 3082, Irvine Sub-alluvium In the canyon bottom
15 h•·tory. The CV·l2 played a dlvlalon, 8 a y c rest • Newport the Immediate area Is underla in "' Beach. trom "U" to R·l ·B. wholJy by the Monterey shale. spectacular role In nearly every Nptlce Is further mven that The rock here Is mainly har .... , fracas In the Paclflc until the "' u
rt 1 down on the the aald public hearing will be allloeoua .Ut.stone, &hale and ~ a n wlas Arung t 1945 held on the 11th day of Septem· 1• and s.t o n e. with eome Inter· .. apanese n ugus · · be 1956 t th b f · bedd_.... ft -" Du 1 thls period she ranee<! r, ' a e our 0 7:30 I .,... 80 INJtftone and mud· r ng · o'clock P.M. In the Council ' stone. The pouJblllty of bedding. from Palau 'hrough the Mart· Chambers of the City Hall of the plane allppa"'e of ~'--J _...., anu' Operations. the First and • • ...._. mm'CVJ• Second Battles of the Phlllpplne City of Newport Beach at which ately beneath the dam ahouJd
Sea. the Okinawa campatp, and time and place any and all per. be at a mtnlmum.
11 allv th len..... of Ryukyu aona lntel'ftted may appear and • ai.An'DIC JOIIDLE n ,. e 6 ... be heard thereon. Some ol the Monterey rocJcs
chain and up Into the Japanese MARGERY SCHROUDER, ue 80ft and ahouJd otter little
home waters oU Kyushu. City Clerk of the dllflculty In excavation wjth
In ht!r wake the lett a destruc· City ot Newport Beach, California heavy power equipment. 'lbe
tlve toll on the Japane.te f~ other and probably dominant
688 planes shot down, 742 planes JfOTICE or PUniC DAmlfC rock:a' are sllloeou.l and hard but
destroyed on the ground, and Notice ls hereby gtvn that the nearly all are -o thinly la~
one cruller. one carrtt!f, ten de· City Councll ot the Cfty of Nf!W· and tend to apUt ao readlly alona
moyers and 42 car1o shJps sunk. port Beach will bold a publk theM layers that theft removal
An aatst In the llnkinl ol the hearinl on Ordinance No. 800. abould thereby be much 'faclJJ.
battleahJp Yamato. re1ardln1 Planning Cotnntb~Jon Uted. Bar-d. thlc:k·bed&ld &and·
Du.rlnl eombat operations In Amendment No. 216 to amend atone that would require blut·
World War n. the HORNrl' wu zonln1 ot Tract 1763, Tract 1• ln1 appears to be very rara In
awarded tile A.l1atic-Padttc Cam· and Tract 1808, Harbor Rlfh· the reeenoolr area.
~ R2bbon with seven .tara, Jan&. Newport •ach, from '11" 1be p!I'CimJMnt fault apoeed
tb.e Pbillpplne Liberation Ribbon to R·l ·B. 1n the canyon fOUtbeut oC tM
with two ~tara, the VIctory Medal Notice 1.1 further lfven that Ute teMC901r•a,. tNndt ~·
W«14 Warn and the PresJden· said publJc hearlnt wtn be held ward Into th1l area. On tiM
tJaJ tlnJt Cftatlon for extra.ordl· on the lltfl day of September, oC ~ .1ft .,.., tutW
nary beroa.nt In ac:tlon. 1988. at tM hour of 7:30 ddodl eoutbeut. thlt t.auJt ._ not ..-
SIM wu •ble(lu.ntly u.ct u P.M. in the Counc:tJ Cham._. oC pea to ha .. lleeft ~
a troop tr...,lllt 1n tbe -..called Ute Ot;J BaD oC Ute Ctt:J of~-· ~lan ot U. ~ ,.-.!-• "'Ma,p ·CUpit"' Ope!l'at10n, N • port IMct1 . It Whkh time al\d ~~~ ..... aJHI 0... II
tun'lJq .,._..,. ol Pad& pJ.ace a., and aU penon.e tnqr. II ...... ol .,...,... K'IM~
,...._ ....... to e. W.C ..ee.t -.y a....,. and M beer4 tM "'!"J,I~~· U... • II
Oout. tiiiiNoft. ~;llli6 .. -'ftii &Oidtfi tef I I to AUl )UWMJ JCIIIIOUDJ'!Ir. ........ WdJ I ... I ~--:a Puadeoa, .._. .._ .., de· ~a.. filtlle ,, fll ...._ '+>• .._
' ' rl Ill lllilff ... lltr ~fllfcwp<-...CtB wa 1 rafa
.. RED HOT # ValUN for Thura.., Fri.. Sat., Aug. 30, 31# S.pt. let
Store !lours! Daily 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Suaday cmd Holiclaya 8 AM. to 8 P.M.
T oinato Juice DA.PT'I ft'AUAJI I -. Iettie 2 ... 25¢ D R E S S I N G
UUTa-lfo.-0. ~ a..le AA
Garden Peas 2 ... 35( RANCH EGGS.
JtllfC SIZE-I lb. 10 oa. Caa IUW KCOII
Calo Dog Food 2'"'41¢ Kleefte'if.Ssue
LDmSA'I'-4l/a-. COD IO'JIIIIDIK-1 lb. a.
Cho Olives 2 '"'15¢ Hi-Ho Cra,kers
AU. IB IEEF ----..
• •
BOUla. DAIII'I' aaA.Jfl)
Round Steak
lb. 49( Swiss Steak • • • lb. 59¢
lb. 59( T ·Bone Steak • • lb. .,.
lb. 47¢ Ill-Eye Ste Ill& • • lb. '1•
lb •. 79¢ CWB sTEAK • • II. 7,.
• • • •