HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignVOL. a. ao.s-nva aurn
ake, I Parade
Ia Ci ,Event
.............. 4a ....
Ra,es Set
Inv~atlon ot an lnddent
lnvolvln& four Lido lale youths
and an U -year-old &frl may lead
to the exposure of a .o-called
"S.E.X. Club" ln a nearby city.
The pl, at first reported as
poutbly kidnapped, took a ride
The Battle of
Street Ends
Flares Again
AllcltlunaottheClty ofNew A
REE 0 BOU 1 ARIES por1 Beach are wrvtng a.s hosts
f« a gala birthday ~lf'bratlon
Wf't!k, honorlnc th• Colden Jubl-
lft ot the city.
The big week o~ns With the FOR MESA & EWPOR annual Lobster Bake In Corona T del Mar thla Saturday and Sun-
day, and a huee boat parade
Tuna to tile 8MDIId ~ of
th1a 1Mae Gf ... EM!p I«
full dMal1a .. tile l..obdw aCib
prog1am CIDd tile 1DeM\11fM of
the Jocrd ............
City ottlcials of NPWport Beach 'voir project. bot boundaries 1 dard, Clare~ Hlcbte, Chari~
Miss Shirley Annette Young
Weds Lt. Gerald Jorgensen
The first Southern Baptist 1 wedding gown of chantilly Ia~
Church of Costa Mesa was the and tulle over satin. which was
scene of the nuptial vows spoken embroidered In seed pearls and
by Lt. Gera ld James Jorgensen Iridescent sequins. She carried a
of Newport Heiehts. and Shirley bouquet of white spider mums
Annette Youne of Corona del • and symbldlum orchlds. A flow·
Mar. ered crown beld her fingertip
Tile double ring service was j veU.
read by Dr. Richard Poss. church Servlag as matron of honor
pastor. Lt. Jorgensen Is the son I was Mrs. Jerome FroemmJing of
of S. D. Jorgensen of San Fran . South Laguna. She wore a fuU
cisco. The bride's mother Is M rs. length mint green chiffon and
Artie L. Davies of 427 Morning carried a casoade bouquet of
Canyon Rd .. Corona Highlands. 1 bronze and yellow mums. Bal·
Clarence Sanders. a family lerlna length chiffon dresses In
tr1end, o!!'!K'orted the bride to the sha des of delicate pink and rose
• • • of soc:ial
., no
The Henry Vauahns of New·
port Heights took a qulclc vaca-
tion to get away. from home Cor
a llttle resplte before fall and
the openJne of 8Chool tor Mrs.
Vauahn, who teaches klndergar·
den In the Newport Beach Ele-
llltend tire ~ oJ 'lJowt etroke .
-----nla w ... ~ Ewerr w ... •• pell ... Y• -----
mentary Schools. ao w. lltla at.. c-t. ,.._ '
• • • La.ty l -4551 I S J Ba~~;~na ~er:t 0in:~:: Sun:::~~~.:.: ~~SUn · Active Auxi ia.ry at t. ames
as a late summer fllne before day School : 9:30 and U:OO Ch h 'N 8 h
opening of school-and after ~iae ~om~~~~~ P·~ UrC ewport eac
the busiest p1art of the season for .m. ~~~~School MYF Service: 1
Stan Sawyers men5¥>'ear shop. £ p.m., youne adults &'fOUP One ol the oldest and most ac-vtoe president: Mrs. Thomas
• • • service. tlve church women's &'fOUps In Frost. secretary; Mrs. Henry
PD11T CMUMCII 011' CIDift , ICI&Widl --··=:=--...... Sunday Scbol: 9 :15 a.m.. Sun·
day Service: 11;00 a .m. Wed·
nesday Evenlnc Meet1n1: 8:'00.
ReadJne Room. 3315 VIa Lido,
Newport Beach, open 9 a.m.·
5 p.m. week days. 9 a.m.·7:45
p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Frl·
Before leaving Mrs. Sawyer en· the Harbor area Is the Woman's Jon-tre..-urer, a nd Mrs. John ed I -'" t th TilE CBUac:B OP CIIAIST --. tertaln at a uno;neon a e 1050 Cllvdl Jt.. Coni ..... Aux:lllary ot St. James Episcopal Donnelly, publicity. PlltST IAPTDT cauac:a
lrvtne Coast Country Club for LlbA1y 1·.., Church. The group meets month· Mrs. W. Stuart Lone ls chair-laata A-. A..., .. ......,...
day even.inp.
Sue Hitchman. Beacon Bay, who D. G. aunt. ll1alftw ly for luncheon and program at man of United Thank Offering, eo.e. ,._
is going to the Orient. She had Sunday aervlces: 9:45 a.m. Bible the church parish hall, and each which conducta two dr ives a year ..... •· <' •· =•
to walt for her second passport study; 11 a.m. momlnc wor-month the luncheon Is served by for missionary work. Mrs. Mar-Sunday ServiCM: 9:45 a .m. Sun·
be<:ause the flnt one cot dam· ahlp; 7:30 p.m. evenln& servi~. one of the four Guilds which are shall Keeler ls In charge of day Schoo~ 11 a .m. Worship
aged before she even ~ton trtthe ~!.~s"'=a aervlce, 7 :30 p.m. part of the Woman's Aux.Uiary. Christian Relations and Educa-=~; u:i:. f:·~P_:a~
boat! Sue just made a uylng p n y. St. Joan's Guild, composed tlon; Mrs. May Ellmore In charee n1n Serv1 Wed .a 7 ao
to Washington, D.C. to meet her camsr CIIUJlCII IT nu SEA mostly of women from Newport of devotions. Mrs. Daniel Patti· p.rf. Pray:: Prai! a:fat~J•
new erandc:hlld. The p~nts. the Coalmaalty Metbodbt Helehts. West Newport and Bal· son In charge of church supply Stuttv. Monday: 7:30 p.m.
James Hltchmans, and baby, ex· aaJhoa aJ..cL at 14th St.. •.....,.t boa. Is headed by Mrs. Don Fer-and Mrs. Arthur Aun.e In charee Men'• Choru. praetke1 8:30
pect to be In the Harbor area IIA.rbw 5221 guson. St. Anne's Guild, headed of periodicals. p.m. Men's Prayer Meeunc. for the month of October while ~cw: a... Boy A. Ccll'lloe by Mrs. Berrell Rles, serves the As part of the Auxiliary the
they locate a home nearer Camp Sunday WorsbJp, 9:30 a.m. and Huntington Beach mem'"-rshlp. also ha a Prayer Guild ST. ADUW_•*...,.,.. P dl to Where Jim will be 11 a.m. Church School, ·9:30 . f ""'"eor women ve nZJrtftaiAif cau ... en e "· a.m. Midweek MeeUn•: 7:00 St. Elizabeth s Guild o ona which meets at 9:1~ a.m. Thurs-lStb at. & St. A*tewa .._ stationed. p.m. Wednesday p~ by del Mar ls headed by Mrs. Levis days In the church. with Mary .._ bela 11a.1a aa..l
• • • 6:15 p.m. potluck. Hamilton, and on Balboa Island. Lou Turner aa secretary. and the J.Jbewty a.lm
Mrs. G. D. Grupe of Corona del --St. CecJlla's Guild Is headed by Altar Guild. ot which Mrs. H. A. '-tor: .... 1--L ••••t
Mar Is vacationing at Holiday ST. JOACJIJM CJI17'aCJI Mrs. John Stetson. Hall Is directress. Under the AJ . SUNDAY: MomJnc wonblp. 9:30
Farm. Blue River, Oregon. She J964 ~A..._ eo.ta M..o Heading the Woman's Auxn-
tat Gulld. weddings at the and 11 a.m.; Church School.
writes that she and her sister ~ I ·JO!tJ lary for the second year Is Mrs. church ar~ managed by Mrs. 9:30 and U :OO; Jr. Rich. Sr.
from Arlzona are "enjoy1ng !'ather Thoalaa J. lfma Joseph Riggs. president. Other 1 Beatrl~ Abell, weddJne direct· Blah and eoll~e aae Fellow-beautiful green Oregon and Its SUDday Maa.e. at 7. L I. 10 cmcS ttl Mrs H C sey shiP' 7 p.m.; 'JburscJay, Prayer,
11 1._... 1 f ft water .. 11 :30 a .m. Weekdays: Mass at 0 cers are · arry a • res& study croup, 9:30 a.m. un m I.C:U supp Y 0 50 · 7:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur-
• • • days from 4:00 to 5:1~7:00 to June Peterson of Costa Mesa 8:30 p.m.
reports that her 6-year·old son
Is attending the Southern Call·
rornla Military Academy In Long
Beach. • • •
01' lfEWPOH
lkllboa 81.-d.. lttb & Court StL.
Odd PellCIIWII Lodge.
IMI •ewJIOd A..._
eo.ta .....
Llberly 1-5711
I E'VEHI8 DAY A.DVDtilfT lf...,..t 111M. ....... lt.. •....-t ..... b J.Jbewty a.1SU
Elder D. I. Spn.ld.J.a9
cauaca or ova LADT or MT. CADOt. •
l.U w ........ aaw... •...-rt ~-·· , ........... KIJey .....
P.U.II~.-..... AK .. I!Dt .......
altar. The bride wore a white were worn by the bridesmaids • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jayred of ------------I who were Miss Marilyn lng· Balboa I Ruth and Bob) have fl. 8 S • neSS mund.son, Miss Barbara F~ney nally tom themselves away from
Jf~rt Rllrbor ss~ 1-3072 Pastor: Herbert G. olluoa
Sunday services: 9 :45 a.m., Sun· day School; 11:00 a.m.. Wor-ship Service; 7:30 P·'!';)Sunday
evenIng Service; MJd-Week Servi~: 1:30 p.m. Wednesday
Prayer Meeting.
TOitll lall:er, Jr. IOaJ.ater
Sunday Servt~: 9:45 a.m. B.ote
study; 10:55 a.m. worship llerV· I~; 7:30 p.m. evenlne aervl~.
Saturday Morning Services: Sab-
bath School: 9:30 a .m . -Ser·
mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet-
inc: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday Maaea: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Cont~on: Sat-u:rd~ and eves. of lat Frldays
and Holy Daya from 4:00 to U I and Miss Joy~ Cassidy, all of filling stations and summer ren·
D Costa Mesa. tals long enough for a bit of a CEWTJlAL IIILE CJI17'aCB U'JfiVEJIIAUIT COiOiUifln 5:30 r;m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 ire C t Q ry Harold Jorgen~ served as his vacation up at Monmouth. twin brother's best man. Ushers • • •
o.-vw Aft. at lkd St. P'EI.LO~ p.m. aUy M._ 8:00 a.m. rlrat eo.t. M--. t.n.ty a.~ Ebe11 Cl.abbu• Friday: 6:30a.m. and 8:00p.m.
A. A. Kaden....._ SIS w. lcdboa ......_ laliMNI Novena {Perpetual Help):
lnauran~ CompanJes liDRESEI COIPIIY
BA 1540
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232
Sales. Service and RepaJ.ra
PLUMBING Ternta. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330 .,..., ............
•• J ... ,...lnlalll ...... a ..
1014 E. Balboa Bl\'4., Balboa . .
and IMUre4
Included Jerome FroemmJing, Lt.
~raid Owen of N~ and Lt.
:'>lorman Wright of Costa Mesa.
Bronz.e and yellow chryaa.nthe-
mums with lemon leaves and
bronz.e satin bows were reflected
the candJellght of pale yellow
tapers at the evening ceremony.
Mrs. RJcbard Poa w u aolollt
and oreanist. She was accom·
panted by Miss Inemundson.
Yellow candles and flowers
were used at the reception held
at the church lmmediately fol·
lowing the wedding ~remony.
Assisting at the reception were
Mrs. Roy Ingmundson. Mrs. Har-
ris Cottle, Mrs. Lee Crott, Miss
SheUa Peck and Miss Jeannette
Fewell. Mrs. Davies received
guests In an avocado green lace
dress with gold and neutral ac·
oessories and wearlne a eold
Following a honeymoon In Yo·
semite and San Francisco. the
couple will live at 717~ Irvine
Ave .. Newport Heights. The new
Mrs. Jorgensen is an honor grad-
uate of Newport Harbor Rlgh
School. Her husband, stationed
at El Toro with the Marine Corps.
Ls a Korean veteran and a grad-
uate of the Naval Flleht School
at Pensaloea. Florida, and Corpus
Chrlstl, Texaa.
J)CQ ¥'-a.w.. ............
A brench of The Mother Chvrdl, 1\e
Firat Ch .. rdl of O.ritt, Sciefltift, i11 .....
•on. Messechu .. t+1.
Svndey School 9: I 5 •-"'·
Sundey Service I I :00 e.m.
Wed11etdey E¥eltif19 M ... i119 1:00 P-"'·
lteedlfiCJ Room loceted et n I 5 Vie
lido. N-e-t a..dl, It GPefl __.
deye f10fll 9:00 e.l'ft. to 5:00 p.m.
WediiNCieye from 9:00 e.m. to 7~5
o.m. Fridey -i"9' from 7:00 PJI'. t.
9:00 p.m. CIOMCI Holidey..
The P'lbllc is cordielly IMMM to et-
twnd tile ch .. rdl teMCAII el!d -ttle
lleedinq Room. '
All your printing needs wil be
Monday, 7:45 p.m. MariLu and Cord e 11 a have BAUOB ASSEJOLT 01' GOD Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom -ActiD9 )ltetefwa WUU.. WU., _
taken Paddl, Berrl, Lazy Puss. 107 w. Vlc:tod4L lne Servt~. 11:00; Evenlne Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom-COIIOJrA Da. MU
Sitting Pup. Elty Snltiles. Lazy eon. 11... Servt~. 7 :30. Mld·week Serv· lni wonblp, U :OO a.m. OOIIMUatn CMUICB
Pup and aJJ the other cuddJe Uberty ...a1 I~. Wed n e s d a Y • 7=30 p.m. C!!:2:£JIII
creations that they've bern ma.k· ..... C. L ~aDMIICI Young people meet &:l5 p.m. --.FJ-Tit. &A~A~ ~!...._co.!_ tu.;;: A..., lng at their little shop on Poln· Sunday 8Cbool 9.4!5 a.m.. mom-Sunday. _ _ ... _...___ .,. __
d Inc wonhlp 11 a.m.. evenJne LDt ty 1-J711 ......, .... ..,. a-a. settla Ave., Corona del Mar, an evaneellat aervlcft 7:4!5 p.m. a &WIOIIT IIADOII • ••• ad K. C:. CNak. ,__ Sunday Worship Servtce.: 9:30
are setting up a plant In Apple MJd-week aerv1ce 7 :45 p.m. LU'TIIJtL\Jf cao-;:a_._~ Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. W«-a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sun.S.. School: Valley. Althoueh Marl Lu and Thursday, Young People's Serv· 1501 aJft DL. •ewporl _,.... ahtp: 10:55 a.m. and evanpllat 9:30 a.m.
Cordelia have left. they wtll be Ice 7:45 p.m. T\iaday. LIIMnf 1-Jal aervke. 7:30 p.m. Young People -
returning often to vtslt their • ..... lloben a.-l...S and ChUdfton'a Serv1ce. 8:30 IT. JAIID Kf'dCO•AL
parents. Mr. and Mrs. .J. R. Qulm· CBU ... oC tiM •u.-azn Dupllcate mornJng aervlces -9 p.m. Sun. Mld·Wftk Serv1ce: a. VIe Ucla. .......... .._.
by, who will remain at their 1• A ••• at.. eo.t. ,.._ un. and 11:15 a .m., Sunday; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' ...,_ 1111 ~ .... CU'N wuu a Klnderprten and Pre-School JII(UUonary Councn. 1bUJ'Idays ..... , ... B. ........ ...._ home at 713 Orchid Ave. Uberty 1,.7111 Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. tor all d~. Sunday MI'VIces: 8:00 a .m. Holy
• • • Sunday Services: Sundq School, 1st Grade throucb Adult &un-Communion; 9:15 Family s.rv.
The Merle Amerbaughs, par· 9:30 a.m. Momlnl Worsb~t da[. School, 10 a.m.; ~~-,_,. IOOiiULilit SAPrDT Joe. 11 a.m .. worship lef'Yice.
ents of ·~any" Drlve·lns as 10:30 a.m. Evanftlt.tte · vi ed and N~ fO'! S or CMUM:ii Thursday Serv1oea: 9:15 a.m.
well as founders of Merle's ln tee, 7 p.m. Suna ay. N.Y.P.S., both eervices an a.m. UD· ISO W. -.na. at.. C... Ill... Prayer Gutld ; 10:30 Holy Com-
CDM. hav• left their summer 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayu meet· day School. _ a.-m unton. "' J 7 30 Wedne.da.y L&& II!J -nautical outpost on their boat at ne, : p.m. • amJST LOYM wag caUIICil ..._.. DL -*Old B. .._ ST. JOD YIAJfJfJn'
Catalina, and have moved back IU..OA I8JUID OP COITA IIDA Sunclay eehooJ. t:45 a.m.: churdl IIC Mart.e a...._..._..._.
to Palm Springs for the cooler 0010IV'Ifi'TT IIK'11IODZIT (lilt 1 at .,._.J.u. a e r v Ie • U :OO a.m. Tratnlna JUdw •••
seuon. • • • lu,:.=, ~ :.-= ~ AMsdcC. ~ =: f&t~c::lay~ s!n~J!!¥;1:•87:-:m."r::ao
A note from Ruth !Mrs. Fred) ~ .S ...._. .... ~ ,...._ ~ and meet.ln~ p.m. a.m. Cont~: Satura,n and
HaiTI""'"· form'"'r dvlc Jtght In Sunday S e r vIe • a : 9:30 a .m. Sunday Serv~CM: Wonh.lp Serv· Wedn8day. Prayer and nea. ol 18t • Frfda.n and Holy _, "' Churdt School~:30 and U :OO Ice 9 a.m. Sunclay School at B1ble atucly 7:45 p.m. Wedhes-Qq_t; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; l'1rSt Corona del Mar, who Is now a.m. WorahJp ce. 10:15 a.m. day. n1day Ma. I a.m.
ranching on a Rural Route out-:::=---:=:::;-::-;-~::::--::--:::::::::.:;~-::-'-;;:;::;-~~;;:~~:;;;r;-;;;i~~:;::;:-;::==::-::: aide Santa Ana: "We enJoY
ENSIGN. Have a Jot of friends --------------------------------------------------to read about-«> keep .endJne
lt." • • •
Barcume Ia leavtnc Se¢ember 18
for Prlndpla near St. L o u I a,
Mad1e Fulbrllht 1a abo return·
lne to Prlndpla thla year after a
year of wwkinc and belnC away
from collece. · • • • •
EARL W. STANLEY, RNiter w.. .................... .
...... OM.et ...... 1771 ...........
tDI W. c-t......,, ............
THIIA Y DEPT. STORE n. ..._r.e. ,., ...... v.a-.
WeMr.SIH.._.._. ................ .........
IIU R.ETOfB ..............
New.-4 ...... a....n
2124 ....,.. ...... c.. .......
..... ~e.mt
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U ti L C......,_, c-4el W. ...... ..,.
........, Ma1 ... 1141u• s.n4e. AI '--ef l•w su e
............. ea. .... mJLc-t~C.....4el.._ a...tyNOI ......,!aJ
lAY OT1IS lu.sH .
..... c ................ INSI8N NEWSPNII
,. .... 1 Man t &!:::'! .._. DeWs efAI Tw-. F .. ,., WIMer ,..,. c..eil ....... 2-LC....Hw,.. UW. ........ ..... ..........
TM DAVIS IIOWN Co. IAMIOO IAnAN 8FT SHOr T•tilu ...... . .... ~ ....... , ............. ~ .... D•••lal._.._. .. ............ e... .... .......... ~ .... lAoafr NG7 .........
NEWPOU HAUOIIAMC ~~ ~lia ~C•••» y_,H•••O.... .... '
Mil I. c........,. c.e... .. ..., =:=M2:Z::. ...... .. -=.~a. ....
....... .d
~ ..... , ...
Complete Home J\am1a1np
La.ty a.MM
eOFPJa ro ....
• ..
aaww •...a. DIICIII a
Regular Bus Schedule for
d 8t'rYteN ...... 1Mld Jaa ,...,.
StU ents Attending Harbor ~ ~::w-:
...... the ,..war "-.e~W!d· lAI'.,.U. • a:ID4 ---7:56 l(aclfevln, 85. ol ...... 4na. •
ule b ~--au..natq New· via Lido A R.wport llvd. -· 7:~ lonlw ,....nt ol 0.. ~
port Harbor ~lcbool: "* .... :=Sept. • .a. ...... Md
A.JL Lido Rord 6 &:oron -·-·--·· 7:50 Be wu a nattw ot Prtnc!e Ed·
7:10 Udo Nord 6 Waden -·····-7:51 ward bland. Cana4a, ant c:a.me M1tama.r 6 'T' St. . 7:25 Lido loud A Cub Houae --· 7:5t to cata M-. fNm .....,.. SA
lllramar • "L" St. _ 7:• Lido Soud 6 &oron -·········-··· 7:55 1952. He had llwd 1ft Saftta Ana .....-St. • Gnaada ----7!28 t.Jdo Boud A !:boll -·---7:'57 f« the put 1.,. ,..,._ Re •u a
JalbM Blvd. A -c .. St. __ 7:30 Udo Soud A via Udo ···-7~ ~nter by t:rade. •
lalboa Blvd. 6 "'JY St. -7:31 1 • lalbM Blvd. A llaln _ 7:32 ............. HIII'I
Balboa Blvd. A bland _ .. ··-· 7:34
........ Jaa-4 DWIIW&U,._W~
Bwtm SuJta. &uonp, Ill--. &:elida "QD.tr.',..
A.M. ftlap. Mu~ Luau ~ Jlen'l AJoiLa
KZQI .. G& iiUD&IIN ,._ • ... _..... Balboa It Coral ------··· 7:52 1111.Jrti. O...Du aatlcllll.loutla ... PartJDiaw=
._ -...._ Will •• • a. ...._ AN& klboa It Collins --·~--7:M •• a..a ea.t ...._ (..-t • ..._., i£P
-. 11ft .. .._., -........... 0..... .. Park A CoJIJna --·---··· 7:57 -:::======~-~~IIJ~~~··~M~&~A~YL~~~~AU~~~~~IIUJID~~~::;:::::::!\ ~ Ill ,._. A-. ..,... ....., •lllll•t ....... Beacon Bay ---·-·-···--· 7:59 t 17, llhtla•t ,._ l.lla. A.-..,~....... A .... C.... ..... ....._ Ia ....,_, wta Mr. Park 6 Marine --.. -·---· 7:5f ~~~'~· .!.,~·~·~· r~ .... ~-~~·~·~·~· ,~:...· .!.-~111_2M~n.:2r~.,~-~:·_~-~.d~_!lfn.~~·~-~--~~<•~-~~ .. ~.!,..~•!!!_)~----Bay Shores -·---·-··---s:o1 ~ New ·Teachers Are Listed r....v·=--=-·-~----~ ~ for Elementary Schools Sr:J1~;iw~·-_··-~:: ~~
.,. Mfl. Kate L. TUrney. 81, of 522 Leave achool ----·········-7:15
• Here ll the u.t ot new lnatruc-MRS. S1"E'LL.A 1EAN FOLLIN Westminster Ave., Newport Fern.leat A 101 Hidtway -· 7:25 ~ ton who are now on the stat! of paduated t.rom the University of He.lcht., dlect last Thursday at Mareuerlte A Bay Side Dr ..... 7:29
the Newport Bftdl elementary Callfornla at Santa Barbara and her home after an extended IJI. Drtttwooct It Morn .. Canyon.. .. 7:30
achoola u cluees began Tues-hu formerly taueht ln the On· ness. Sbe wu a naUve of Erie. ~award A Hwy. 101 ···---7:.31
day. trio Sc:hoola.. She will teach Pa.. and came to Newport In Poppy It Hwy. 101 -·-·-··-... 7:32 eii.A.aiOa vmw ICIIOOL Readine and 80clal .tudles. Mn. 1952. Ker husband preceded her ~~~
MISS AUDREY ARNOLD 1a a Follin h u one child. In death In 19M. Leave school ···--.. -·····-····-·· 7:10
eraduate of the University· of BERNARD M. GILBERT is a Survivors include a ton, James Riverside It 101 Hwy. -··· .. ··-· 7 :1~
California at Santa Barbara. She paduate of Long Beach State of Chicago; 2 dauehters. Mrs. Balboa Coves It 101 Hwy-. 7:17
wtll bqin her teachlnl' career u and hu had addiUonal work at Leonard Gray ol Brooklyn and Orange It 101 Hwy. -·-··-··--· 7:21
a 1ee0nd grade teacher. Whittier Colleee and U.C.L.A. He Mrs. James DownJne of Twenty· Bait House It 101 Hwy ......... 7:22
MJSS J AcQUE L 1 N E ANN formerly taueht 1n the Los An· nine Palms, Callf.; and two sls-Balboa Blvd. 1r 471h .......... _ 7:24
KLASSEN ls a paduate of Reed· eeles Schools. He Is married and ters In New York. Balboa Blvd. It 38th ........ -... 7:25
ley CoDeee and Fresno State hu one chJid. He will teach Services w~ held Saturday In Balboa Blvd. It 9th ................ 7:29
Colleee. She formerly taueht at arithmetic. Park.es-Rldley M ortuary Chapel. Balboa Blvd. It 11th -·-···· .. 7:30
the Lowell Grammar School In MRS. LOUISE HERR Is a grad· Costa Mesa. The Rev. P. G. Neu· Balboa Blvd. It 13th ............. 7:31
Fresno. She wlU teach second ~ate of WhlttJer College and has mann or the FlHt Baptist Church Balboa Blvd. It 17th ......... _ 7:32
'"'&de. been teachlna at the Westmln· of Costa Mesa officiated. Inter· Newport Blvd. It 32nd ......... 7:35 ··~ • .,., ..... r.G,•r.~ ""~Gs ater ELementtry School. She wlll ment was ln Harbor Rat Me· McFadden It Balboa Blvd .. 7:50 ~ "'~ ~· ~..... morlal Park ~met.....,. 30th It Balboa Blvd 7·"'2 11 a er&duate of U.S.C. and wtll teach foocts. She Is married and -·-~ · ... _...... ,.J
bec1n her teac:hJng career as a hu-one child. FlUDAT IS DEADLDfE
fourth grade teacher. EDWIN KUHNS Is a graduate PTA IEWS • • • Tomorrow (P'rtday> Is the last
DENYS 0 . JACOBSEN Is a of Long Beach State College, day to tue for possJble positions
l'f&duate of Lone Beach State where he obtained his master's with the California Highway Pa-
College and received h ls student deer¥ In music. He also is a Plans for the PTA membership trol, aC"''nllng to Capt. H. w.
teacher trainlnc at the Harbor eraduate of U.C.L.A. He wtll ~rive. which ~II beJin wtth Null of the Orange County office
Vlew School. Be wUJ teach teach Vocal Music. Back·tO·scbool nlgt\t on Oct· ol the Patrol. More ln.formatlon
True·Cleen Dry CJecmiDq Syateua.
Ia Orange County· a Newest and F'uwst..
PboDoe F• "'-~ Pldr Vp _. .,.._., ..,._
1100 w. c-t -.ry .............. -Ull ty .. 752:5
211 ........... llcdJI,ec Wad-a.ta. 10 Fourth Grade thia coming year. EVERETT THOMPSON, a grad-ober 9• were discussed at the can be obtained at the otfloe, 405 1
Mr. Jacobeen 11 not married. uate of San Joee State. will teach recent meetlne of the member· s. Main St., Orange. 1 u~~~~-_ ~her~~This~lbe~~~lpco~~oftheN~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J ......_ t• •• ..._ JOHN AVBINSON Is a eradu· yea.r of tea.chlne. Harbor Hleh School PTA. Mrs. 1 -===========~ ate of the UnJveralty of South· e coaoxA DEL 110 SCHOOL G. Morgan Fitzwater. PTA mem-G ~ em CalllornJa and hu bad addl· MRS. ROBBIE SCROONOVI-.:R bershlp chairman. presided over OOfD D
tiona! work at Lone Beach State. Is a ~actuate of Orange Coast the meet:tne, whJch was held at
80. *'~ He formerly tauebt ln the Wuh· Colleee and Lone Beaco State. the home of Mrs. Judd Suther-lneton School ln Redondo Beach She hu done substitute wo · < In la.nd In Costa Mesa.
and wU1 teach P'ltth Grade. Mr. the Newport District. She will Meetlne with Mra. Fltzwat~r RAGAN'S RESTAURANT Robinson Is not married. t~ach tb.lrd erade. Mrs. Schoon· and Mrs. Sutherland, v.'tlo Is par· Mfss KATHLEEN MILES la a over h as one c:hUd. llamentartan, were Floyd Harry·
gTaduate o1 the University of e JI&WKJIIT IIEJQIITS SCBOOL man, faculty membership chair· La~N.~ MbmeliOta, with additional work MISS EUZABE"nn WILSON man; Mra. Harvey Peue, presl·
at the UnJventty of Colorado and eraduated ftom u.s.c. and will dent ; Mrs. Fay Rarbi10n. faculty
San Francl8Co State. She former-teach kindergarten. advlSOI'; Mra. Horace Parker, pol·
ly taucht ln the Southwood MRS. ELINOR BRYAN Is a ter and art cbalnn.an, and Mrs.
School In South San Franabco. paduate of the University of Charles Art Jr., pub~t;y.
---·--·-·.l"'llII 6Sc
To S.rn Y•
UHC.nLY ~-
-------..1'11011 She will teach aixth ~ade. Wuhlneton and h u bad addl· The poup wtl.l aend a ..,eclal
• a&W»>ft ICIIOOL Uonal work at Whittier College. lette.r to all pannt. to tell them
MB a..ARITA JaR)[ 11 a She baa been teadl.lq First about PTA membership and
lf&duate ot 8aD ftanelteo State Grade at the Geddcw School 1n what It meana 1n the commun-
CoDege and bu tauabt In Baldwin Park and wut teach lty.
Hawalt, Portland, Qreeon and nrst erade. Mrs. Bryan bas four
the Rockdon American Scboolln chUdren ..
Germany. M1aa Kirk wU1 teach MRS. JOAN K. CH1US'nE Is a
rtrst pade. a:radaate of U.c..t..A. and has
MRS. BEVERLY MUu.AN Is a been teachlne second grade at
gTaduate of the UnJv~ratty of th~ Franklin School In Santa
Southern California and formerly MonJc:a. She will teach thlrd
taueht In San Bruno, California. erade.
Palo Alto. California. and Frank· MIKE W. mu. Is a graduate
turt.. Gennaey. She taueht tn th~ of Oranp Cout CoJJece and
Costa Meaa Schools during the Long Beach State. His student
1955-56 IChool year. She wUJ teaching was dope at the Horace
teach aecond ~ade. Enaten School and the Harbor
MRS. MARILYN POWELL Ia a View School. He wtll . teach
eraduate of the UnJveralty of Fourth Grade. Mr. Rill Is mar·
Southern CallfornJa and will rled and has one child.
begin ber teachlne a t the New· R08ERT ULLEY Is a graduate
port School as a aecond grade or Fordham University and for-m~rly taueht at the St. Christo·
teacher. phera School In New York. He Is
MRS. PATRICIA LEE BROWN returning to teaching after a
ll a ~aduate of Long Beach tour or duty ln th~ Marine Corps.
State Coll~ge and f ormer I Y Mr. Lilley la unmarried. He will
tauaht In the Costa Mes, Scb~ls be teaching ruth ~ade.
and CAjon Vall~ School Sh~ MRS. MABJORY L. ROWE Is a
will teach third erade. Mrs. eraduate of Occidental College
Brown bu one child. and Pasadena Junior CoUege and
MltS. MAlliE STOTr Is a grad· will begin her teaching career
uate of ~ University or Call· u a flttb rrade teacher. ).Irs.
fomla at Berkeley and Long Rowe has one child.
Beach State College. She received ------------
her student teacber training In Profess·lonal the Newport Beach Schools. and
wUl tHcb. th• Third Grade this
ye~.:;,u.;::~~: Directory
graduate of the University ot r-.!!!!l!!!!!:..!!!!~~L-, Southern California and will
begin her teadllng career as a J'J"'eftdl7 Jlfelpborbood Senic.
Fourth Grade Teacher. I p • 'DV'r'C'"RIDI..EY MISS ANN MARIE G.ARDES Is ~
a ,raduate ol the Unlvenlty ol MOIR'nJAJtY
Santa Barbara and will bealn
her teadt.lnC career u a Fourth 110 Broadway
GraCS. teacbet. U 8-3U1 6 S.M.'N eo.ta Kea
lACE ~ HART, ~ Is a trad-~::::::::::==::::::~
uate of the Unlvenlt;y of South-«n cautomla. Bll flrlt a.chlna N 0 W . . . T W 0
~ other than atue~ent BALTZ 't.60RTU•~
teaehtn-. wt1l be u • Pourth " ~ .. Servtna u.. Barw .v.
Gract.tlledMr. Bal M M u• I IQP tz ortuary .._IIAJJCr MTD Ia a pad· CIAPI:L BY Tim I&A
_.. f/6 U.c.LA. and hDirtoll B..,._ a ~ can ... -wtJl e-dt -a. ODut III8WID IOdal --ad ...,.... c... ... Jt. -
CBISJD IO&WICit 18 a .,ad· 1 Baltz MortUary .
aate fll nee~~-. 1tat. -r.dMn' ~ ... Jla eou.p bl Ke_cb.._ II mar· 111a a ........ ~ .._ ,_. Dt ._ .. tlaiJ& .. ... AIIPLK P.&Bme
~ ..... " ... ....,. 110'111 LOC.l'I'IORS
Wardl ....... ID ••wilt .-'----._• •---...~ wiD .... llldal ......... r---,.;;;;;;;iiil ....... Mill •ISAMftl DWABS .......... .,Ka-•ltatllt 'hlldMn Q.a ....... .......
WiDik at Ollla>w• MIL ... a. .._..,._,..,'-a. III I tlllo
-...-.. ......... wm
..... Pf/1. .... ... .... ::;::::::=:::::;:=====:!
OPEN 11:30 A.M. ro 8:30 P.K. C'L()Sil:J) 'nJESD.US
1515 r. c-t .. c.-... -
Gas keeps you BOT 'WATER. HAPPY
whenever you wash ... load after load !
• 'TAil it becca•• Cr 1wflu IDOter 3 tima fater-aNl c.uts las!
O.....U, .......... tl ... ' ttl .......................... .,...........,,,. .. ._ ..... ....__ ............. .., ...
; tfcwlr-LO.. ..... a... ... -11,.. ..... , .. I , ....... .......
U ,.. -rwa .._. tl a..t ... wr-w •
... ,.. .......... , mllc..._ ' ......... _.......,_.__ ......
,__.a..,..at licO..,.._ ...... ,. .................. .. _ ... wW .... ,..~
....... ee••Teaa eaae .. MIIY
WAfta MIAftar
"'-tic ........ , '"'~ _.._ ..... ~,, .. t.
,.... .... 'tl'lllll.a)cM .... --....... ....... __
er 1
JfoW tllll ......_. aaooa, W.U. • .,. _...,.._. at Mitt to .._. _. • wan
...... ¥ I I hi I II tua. Ia tile oN ....... ...-...: ...... hM qia.bL ... ...._..,....,.._ mq •,... ••n...,..,. ·•-• ~ ~ • all ..:U 1a a ... .._ a.q ..._ .. ..._... .....,_ ...... •••""'DCD7..,.. ta all the Hen ar. 201M...._. to Jut I M. a.....ellt "-' ....._ • lllltf Willi W ' a I tlablk 104)WS 11'1111 ..... _. fl ... -. I ._, aJM It
A--,... w.ek's~u.ttoDil 1"11 .... lr: a elue: It ..... pool, IMt .. ......,. ....,, JIG 'e lied. .._. .._.. tldl ,_, WW M -. ...._......,. JlselUke • ...........__ ....._ -I. c:...t ...... ,, c::--., Ww. __... --'--•-..... 1"...._ .. I to ........ , .. _ -... ....... "'-••a ......... ••--• .... --~ -~ old .,. __ ..._ -,....101•• H.ul.,. 1114 .-.1 1111 a-avy -.-.. ..,.,_up -a • ..-.._ ----_. •-•• •J,-.---11 Ill --,.._ ..._ MilO L HA-" __ --·---__ ..., .-.1 ~ ol a ·l'favy dvtllana. lt Ia mk:tlJ to ... ,_....._ 1tMin ... ,'*b' Around n.u' .... ea.&~ D.._ I:: ::-.t... ..,. ~ Ia ApJa tldl ,_, I IMpe tD be
,_ HMM-_____ ~ tl 1 .._.., an Mp.n.lzatJon, molltly aoelal. to ...._ Q to 11M tact tMt tllM w1ll be teec+tq .-..a tldl ,.ar ..._., _.. • opera· ._,.to ....., ,_. ..... .,..,....
~?"'T Mma-===-------~------.v-c:Ofl! ~::: :::p~;,!':t':!. ~v: ~~t = ,;.011. :::::~-: :!::'1~: ~-=-~ ':F ~.:::· .. ~-= ::-otola!:.~-=:. ~lllea .,. IUINS-----·--~·---···--·-~------.. ......_ It take. to be ellctble to join lt. ...._ lo now loollfM 4tenowal • • • .,,_.... "' fllr IMt ,_,. fM)I
Hu.H ....,.LLAM---.. ··-··· ···---.. -.. -··--=....., One ot the btl ahot8 In tbe local bJ tbe Ch .. ._ ol Cc-•~ree Lake Tahoe...._ toM-ol -~ • ...._ bM 11 people w. e. t•J NUOW---.. ·-·------·-·-·-,.-.. chapter bu a boat and wean • a.M 1M CoUneU that It wu • ol the moet ~alar .. _ ... 011 w ~ ...,, Cllm'IIU •"eeea I''W'
IUif ~--·--·---·~---·-·---.. -··--··-·-·-1' ... "'"' vac:htJn• eap. Two ot our eoun· part o1 tiM JubUee. eatJon spots tor hoUflla7·••,.,.. 'fte lrl '•= and all MW stu· A nnr ..tee o1 ...... _, .. _.~ -· SUISCIJPnON IATIS: ' • So .__. ___ .... _,_ ,.-Leeel ..._.,..._ , .... 1 ,_ ,_.. 11.00; _ y--'UO cllmen, I am told, are memben. • JOU want to know wh.. RarborltH. Local buata.s people. cleat. ._.. -In an ... .,.._, "Bow a.rtsldaa lcteDce iCi:jciO.iwt.i.W.~~ei;*~~H~ww~,._i;~,_.~:;T;-~Y"'~; ... -;;.f?i.OO~; ;-~ye~-~i••;.oo~iiiCi The approach to the request the spencttna will stop? I'll atw Mr. and Kn. Barry Yertqton ot -bJy by John llenrotln, stu· Hea.J.t." will betfn tbln lu.n-• , fM the $1,200 appropriation to you a due on that one too. M Corona del Mar, were a~ dent body pNllldent; Don Red· o.n Channel 1 at 1 p.m. Jtad.Jo
entertain the penonnel of the lon1 u there Ia anythtn1 left 1n th~ who tpent ten days at lneton. dudent Court Head, and propama on the same theme
Aircraft C&lfler Hornet was a the advertlsln1 lund. Lake Tah~ and vtclnlty dur~ our prlnclpal, loeeph Ramble!-will contJnue to be heard each
1111\ooth bit of work. As one coun-e aaiDDU TilE IIUDATK Au1uat. Becau1e Qt the overload ot 8tu· Sunday at 9:15 a.m. on xn,
d lman satd. ''nley made It They wru llnd a way to ~et • · • • denll we bave double Jundt 10:15 a.m. on KJU and 2:45 p.m. :X::ICI:X:ICX::ICCC~ICIC:ICICICG:lCICX:JQIICIC:ICICX:G::ICICX:ICIICIC:ICI*CI' 10und good and may~ we were around the mandate ot the M.r. and Mrs. Hadd Rittl 'of lr· per1oda. But tt ls lood to pt o.n KPOP.
taken ln." peopLe. We thought ,vhen we vtne Terrace spent aev~al days e HELP THE YOUTH CENTER.
Come to the Corona del Mar Lobster Bake this week-end, folks.
Good entertainment, fine lobster meal. and it's for a worthy ca use .
The goal this year is "$5,000 for the Youth Center,'' which needs the
funds for helping complete the temendous job of remodellin?.
Every year of the Lobster Bake, since it wos inaugurated •n 1949
by the Ensign and the businessmen of Corona del Mar, this outstand·
ing event has been carried out for some worthy cause. There can be
nothing more deserving than the .Youth Center. Come and do your
bit by attending the Corona del M~rr Lobster Bake this Saturday and
The Lobster Boke is the start of a big week of celebrating the
50th anniversary of the City of Newport Beach. There ore many other
fine events for you to attend and to watch: Boat parade. the spectac·'
ular inboard power boat races, Fish Fry, yacht races. G olden Jubilee
Sale, fishing tournament, symphony concert.
Join the birthday party!
i M i M +:M 8 i EM ME E EM E E 8 E EM E M M h H:e H M M M s:+ M M i I
e WE'IIE aoxs notarized. but It took quite a
Thank Paul O'Neil of "Sports while to get around to them. Be·
IIJustrated" for our text of the fore I could state my business.
week. I quote: "Man would not Cashier Hetrick leaned forward
be man if. somewhere In his and whlspered, In great conrl·
h eart. he was not a bum-" and den~. "I had a marlin strike!"
then he a dds a pertinent phrase: Then he threw out his chest.
"Fish-are a bum's ~ trlend." made like a man with a rod In
Add one name to the list or hand. and told me the whole
"bums" hereabouts who. each taJe, yard by yard. unUI he ran
s ummer. get In the dog house out or line. He ended with that
with amazing regularity because well-known "pop" so familiar to
of marllnltts. •We. the marllnltes many of us buiTlJI.
ot this fa ir harbor. welcome yet Some wtll say ''Too bad!· He
another on~·respected. on~·Un· was always such a nl~ lndustrt·
bitten citizen. ous fellow." Othei"IJ wtll s hake
If you chanced to stop In the their heads and mutter, "-and
Newport Harbor Bank a ny day he had such a nice family!" But
lately, you couldn't help but no· In the hearts ot a lot or us who
tlce that Harold Hetrick, the able are a little more bum than
cashier of that sound Institution. mebbe we should be. there are
looked dilf~ent. Ke's a pleasant strange happy stirrings as we
guy, aJwaya, but there was a fraternally take Harold by the
strange new 11eam In his eyes. arm, lead him to his boat. hand
I noticed It the Instant I saw him a package of fiyfng fish and
him. say, "Welcome. Brother!! They're
I had a sheaf of papers to be out there. Now 10 get one!"
F OR -n-4E
T~!:M , UP v-IITW
uOV / •
Tile LIWer ....
Your Ylllll C•ter l eea Y• 1111,.11
Speciu lex ThurL, Fri., Sat., Sept. ~3. 14. 15th.
SiiOUkier of Lamb 39'"
c:.:ncK·W)I 1 m
I am not critical of the Navy. forced on the ballot over an last week In San Franclaco · · · H ..J-. Ill 1
... F:..&. '1.
It was a good show and they are unwtllln1 councli the propoeJUon ~rtrude Seymour went tiahln' vmfiiii i--•RJ -····
not to blame for what the Navy to llmlt the Chamw of Com· lut week, at least she went out IIOOI& IIAU.. • &. 1,_ IT COITA IIDA
League pulled. "rbe visit of the merce to $2.400 of tax mon~ an-where the fishes play, for a short 11,,.11111 Dw. e.,_ ca.; .....at
Hornet was a public relations nually. then passed It by a con· holiday at Catalina. Jl A.M. IUJIDAY, I&PI'. ll
and recruiting operation, tor vlnclng majority. that we had sa••· "' •a ~ • Ill" which the Navy has an approprl· served ~otloe on the Coundl that have done just that. They 1 ~WI;
atlon of miJJions of dollar.l a n · we were against usln1 our s howed us that "there Is more ~~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~iiiiiiii~ii~~~~i nuaJJy. This you and I pay for money to pay the salaries ot the than one way to skin a cat," or 1
on our Income tax. Chamw and that we thought lt the taxpayers. We now know
• JUaiLEE CEST'U'aE high time that they get out and that we should have put the lim· You ask. why, In' view of the hustle and become sell support· ftatlon on the advertLslng fund
fact that the vlsft of the Hornet lng. Itself.
was billed as "launchlng the We were wrong! Many akeptJcs Well. what are we waltlng for!
city's Golden Jubilee," wasn't said, ''nley · wiJI find a way to Some one to write up and start TELJ:PBOJf& JIA.8ItOa 1•1·11
the $1.200 charged to that $7.200 get around tha~t~ltr~l~ct~u~re::_:~· ~Th~ey~th~e~pe~tl~tl~o~n~!--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!~~~!!!!!
Thw il our Bou . . .
Newport Beach has come a lor-: way in its first fifty years . . . and all of us
here at Richard's Udo Market are proud to be a part of our city's progress.
We've been on the lido Isle landscape for just a little over eight years, but all
sorts of exciting things have happened since we arrived. So many interest-
ing businesses have come to keep us company •.• and to help us keep pace
with our growing community. We're mainly in the food business, you know
. . . although our Aorist Shop and Gift Mezzanine don't look like it . . . and
we've made a career of building the "better mousetrap" that brings customers
from au over. We're the store of a jillion atom-age gadgets (designed to make
shopping eas;e,), where you'll find everything extr•special ... from our own
Bakery or Delicatessen goodies to the latest detergent to ttae most exotic party.
fare. But thlrs nothing compared to what we'll have for you in 2006. We hope
you'll share CU' nat 50 years~
. . . Till Stal It
FOR RENT: 2 BR. B~. fur·
nlahed or unfurnished. Must
••• .....
Home plua cs.luxe apt. Beau·
Utul Patio. extra au• room
wiJb bath. Only 130$0.
3444 E. Cout BJwy., <DM
Harbor 2288 have references. 417 Heliotrope. __ ,... • .._......., ________ _
COM. ' DICOID non.-rT
DO YOU have a tumlahed home
or Apt. to rent! We wUl be perm. and responsible ~nanta.
Call our acent. Select Realty
(no charp to you). Kl 7·3508.
c •••• , .. -.......... PRIVATE OFFICES with phone
amwerlnc M'J'Vlee. Sec:NtarY •
notary avaUable. Grou:nd J'locw
New Trident B14. ZIJO l'ew·
port Blvd., N~ Beach (Ad· . ts7,5()()-.$25.000 equity. Ex·
jacent South Cout Co.) Court·
esy to broken. HArbGr ~ change for .mall home or In·
iuaur~ onoaTUJ~ma come.
WH~~~~!!:dy~: .., ...... ...,
ness tor aale. S1!SOO DMidl&D· lNOOJlPORATED
dlse and South Cout fran·
cbise. 34298 E1 Mollno. Capl· 1875 Harbor Boulevard
strano Beach, GY 6·52Sl eo.ta Mesa, CalltornJa •y
80111fEIS UBTAJ..I Day or nJJ}Jt phone U . 8-T714
port Blvd. near Hoac Ha.plta.L -----------
$65 mo. Pouealon ·~:JnSep! CIVIL SERVICE BOARD, city of
15. Phone Uberty Newport Beach. lltlnounces ex-
Uberty 8-421._ amJnatJon for FIREMEN. Sal·
WAJn'ED 1'0...,. ary S339·WJ. AppJieaUon and
GARAGE FOR STORAGE. M'U.It further lftrormation may be
be clean and dry. Snack Shop, obtained at Civil Service Of.
Corona del Mar, HArbor 1737. flc!e, City Hall, Newport Beach. ---Exam date Oct. 2. Applka-
STORE OWNER IN Corona tlon.s must be rued on or be·
... th» s.ar_.. t.btdroom
home at au aJpal act. ln
0UJ RaWIL Owner .. y. ~tell,
-*lq S17~ Terma. ntot
OPEJf: Sat. • Sun. 1-~ p.m.
• • •
In> W. Balboa Blvd.., Newport
Hub« 41112
Income for vacant C·2 or
M-1. We need' buUdJne area
for commetdal Have $21,000
equity In 8 units with In·
come $440 month. Newly
constructed, 1arages. Close
._ .... Clut ,., .....
1857 Newport Ave .. C:O.ta Mesa
LI 8-1632--U 8-1400 eves. ........... , ......
2-bedr. with attached small
apt., dbl. garage, 45' lot,
~lose ln. 118.500, Good Ttmns.
• • •
2·~. bouse plus large
apt. over dbl. garage plus
~est room. 3 baths, So. of
Hlway. View of Harbor Area
from apt. Bldgs. 5 yrs. old,
$23.950 . . . Terms.
• • •
2-bedr. houae plus new dbl.
garage and apa rtment
above. $23,000. Convenient
Mar needs unturnlahed 3 B.R. .,_ 21
or 3 and den boule IIJ'lllled.l· fore ~p::t.c:---· ---::::---:---::~:-:--: REALTOR A INSUR.ANCE ately In CDM up to $150. Lib· SAlESLADY. age 2S to 35. Must
......, 8. 79S1. have knowledge of sewing. IV AN w. ERHARDT,
.... J HArbor 3973 for appt.. Snip 1N A.eoclate roa SALE Stitch. C«ona del Mar.
,54 OLDS HOLIDAy 88, p~ 90i1ii P'JlEE _ 30ME FEE 3333 E. c.t. Bwy. Corona del Mar
brakH. 25,000 miles. Private Appllcanb needed. many offtee ____ u_u_bot __ 3U2 ____ _
parties. HArbor 3562-W alter ~ allo re.tauranb and cSo·
4 p in. mestic::s. Many jobe for qualltle4
POR__:.SA.LE· 1953 Autoette. I aw.n. (~now.>
condition: S(SO. See at lS85 ~=~':_.._!If~· Riverside Pl .. eo.ta )leu. ... -..-·
Mult Lilt No. 78. .. I
•••••• ....... • ••••• 411111
.. .... J..lberty 8-3449
Complete line of all 5 modet.
-Hammond Chol'CII895. Elec·
tronlc Orcan ulted $475. Tty
a new Hammond Sptnf't for s weeks. only $25 plu• cart·
a~. lesaons tree.
PIANO SALE -Practlee pt·
anoa 195. $135. $195. or will
rent $5 per month. Spl.Mt
planos ~ur uctflom....._
Lovely Grand f'95. DWlY
others. E&Jlest t.enna.
Sclunldt-l'bllllpe BIC Plano
and Orpn Store, Dt. 1914.
Always 100 planoa to ehooee
from. 520 Mo. lla.ln. Santa
GARDEN WOU: wanted. PiiOCie
HL 1038. PhD Broob
• • ICIIOOU & 1111 raacnow ........ ·-
Starta T!lura.. Sept. 13
7:4.5 p.m .. CDK Community
Cburdl. eu JlelJotrope. cn11
tua: WA'Ial ... AmllfO .......... .........
NO FEE collected from applicant
1.20 Tuat1n Ave., Newport Beach
•• , .. . .., .. .
of our tremencloua lfOWth
and nUIMI'OU.I promotlon.a
e Full pay u you Jearn
• Frequent lnereues
• Advancement actually en·
Tel•,•••• a,arllln
8:30 to 4:30
1.22 West Thlrd
Santa Ana
... ..,
.. Dltlll•
3-bedroom home, new waU-
to·wall ea..rpet1nr. laree lot
<NOT a leuebold), alley ga-
rqe. Near ~oola, clean u
a whistle. •. ., .. cu., .....
2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8·4271
<At the SJrnaJ>
Kewpcll't Beadl
"One of the few"
Level Lot In Shore Clltfs • Fitzmorris Realty
3135 E. Coast Hwy., COM
Harbor 2152
3-WAY CODa on Newport.
Goocl 1ocat1oe lew buatne~~,
Dlndlt 01 Dodlw 01 anyone
~ n.ual a4vertlle·
IMirt. t..J Dice I ·Br. Home
With ...,... ~ • dlnJnr
f0C1mo a.otJl eupeted W·t ·W,
pullmaft tiled bath, lar1e
ldtcta. lr .....ufa8t room
" dbl. ,.,.... Ott ltrMt P&Jtd.u uea. C·2 lot • ~eJ. line price JUit ~.ooo.
• • •
A·l ACU, A·l niCE, A·l
LOCATIOif. Jl&dt Bay area
~ ftoom ~-Older
houe 6 ahedl make rood
• mall e r trailer court It
should rezo12e. Best priced
acre In area, t9'750.
• • •
M·l COMMERClAL ~acre
on West 17th doee to town
AJI utilities, ln.wst:ment poa.
slbllJtles wtth uklng price
ot only $12.500. Terms.
• • •
come on CoRa Mesa S~t.
Wlll subordinate with a,
down payment. Full prloe
just $3750.
• • •
Rent other aide of thl.a brand
new duplex. l ·Br. each aide.
2 patios, separate raraaes •
lar1e storage or hobby room.
Full cement dr. Fenced.
Lan<bcaped. New dl.at:Jnctlve
Floor Plan. Be a landlord for
$1700 Dn.
• • •
155' x 314' PLACENTIA ST.
Frontaae with aide ru~ en·
tran~. Best priced M·l pro-
perty, only $60 sq. tt. Aleo
lnclu<Wd are 2 proven gold
mine claims ln PanamJnt
gold mining district. Terms
arranged to suit.
WI!S'I' 18th STREET. N:re
Improved with Joocl older
3-Br. wttb F.P. 2 ear catace
A laundry room and Iron
~ X .0 tiiMd. Jt.4 mnlng.
Priced to •11 at tt•.m. 'l'hU place bu Jnvatnltitt poat.
bWtJa. May be retJOned.
• • •
110 1001' RO!n' AGE IACJC
BAY. AlnoftJ $25 to P>,OOO
homea. View of ,._ter; $1500
down buys. Balance 3 yra.
OnJy ~Full price. • • •
Flnanctnr. Brand new 3-Br.
Ad! ca bIn eta In bar-type
kitchen. Forced Heat. Hdw.
Floon. Coocl nellbborbood.
• • •
$3500 ACllE. BEST attea ..
buy In Orange County. 40
acres. Bound to lncreue Ln
value. Property across street
1rom dty limits of Costa
Mesa. Sewer• a.eross land.
Unllm.Jted prospect~ for pru-
dent buyer~ h~.
• • •
PRICE 6 TEBMS. BuUt 1956,
has 3 Drs., 1" baths. dun,
airy, ~ment patio. lancbcpd,
dble. Jarage, paved, curbed
str~ • all lmprovem~ts
pald. S1642 Down mows you
ln. Balance m month •
prloe $10.950, m&Jles tt best
Buy In tract.
• • •
TRIPLEX wiL't $180 month
gross Income. Fully rented.
Older but producer. It'• on
close-In "' acre It IeWers tn a nd pd. Buy this Income unit
for $3000 On.
• • •
$3500 FULL PRICE for cor-
ner lot on Eld~.>n Ave. These
are scar~.
UBERTY 8·1632 -UBERTY 8-1400 EVES.
UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front. home plus \i Interest
In pier partly f\lm.lshed 4-br. home, 11l baths. $57.500. • • •
A 'n'RAC11VE 2 UNITS: 4· bedr. how.e pi u.s 1· bedr.
apart:me11t. Good m-eet. totally 1uml.s.bed. $34.500.
• • •
.. Ill DEL Ill
A 2-bedr. ~on e.n.. level lot. SOUTH of highway .
• • •
On a IOOd street-3 bedroom home, 1 bat h, $21.500.
• • • Fll DCIIIIE
Buutltul 3-bedr., 2-bath bou.w. Good dlstrict In Santa
Ana. SZ5.000. Will ex.change for comparable te-e pro-
perty ln Harbor Area.
Elrt w ..... ,
225 Kartne Ave.. Balboa Ialaad
Eves. Call Edith Maroon Hyatt 4-6222 or
LoW. Boynton Harbor 2878
nat ...................... trill!!
Lara• Uvtn1 room. new expensive carpets It draperies. F~ AJr heat. dbL earap. Must be aeen to appt'eclate Its deluxe quality. • • •
A 'IWO-UNJT best buy on the Uttl~ Wand! J.bftdroom
home With 2-bedr. tut'Disbed apt. Dbl. gara~. Bil
Value for $35.000.
216 M'a.rlne Ave., Balboa bland ............ ...,_... ..
A real fam.llr boale h1ll and ocean vte.P-3 bedn..
larp rum~ room. 1arp 1Jvtnc room. 2 batU. 2 llde.k &eptac., .., .... ft. Larp lot with dWJl 1Inll r.oc:..
ewport Harbor
o~rd of RealtOrs ................... ... .......... .. .... ..,..... u .... .
Irvine· Terrace
• • • • AN EXa.vm: OOMJWNlTY oJ LOVELY BOM'ZS Df ~v:::~ ABEA ADJOINING IlMNE CO.AST .... ., •••••"
IIIIIIM ., ... I ¥• l1eart
OPEM EVJ:JCINGS UNTIL 9:00 P l4.. ,... ........ a••
Your Lnspectlon l.a re~aped:fully 80lldted.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Rlway 101. Newport Rarber, oppc»lte the
new lrvtne Cout Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further Information
Special! v~ nlee 3-bedr., 1 bath home. Hdwd. Doon.
n~ wall to-wall carpeting, comer brlck flreplaQt. buUt
In range and oven. large cloeeta, nice b~aldut area
. . . 13 x 20' llvln~ room. laundry room. alumJnum
awnlnp. cement patio. SO' x 127' ft"need 10\. Only
$15,850 w1tb r.erm..
2i67 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar BA: 17U; HA: aTS7
CIIIU DB. Ill C:.aeafll ••• hellt ••••: * UVING ROOM h u . beam ceiling. wood bumln1 ~· ~ace, concealed lighting. O&Jc tloors Uuou,gbout.
'* DINl.NG AREA wttb ~llebttuJ view of the bill&. * KlTCJlEN ha.s more QIPboards than TWO ordinary ho~ * BOTR BEDROOMS have bli wardro~ cloeeta. extra electric wall beaters. * BATHBOOM hu a tub with shower; llaen ~; all nxtura In pleaslnl color. * OUTDOOR UVING ROOM with rlrep!ace barbecue ~Jne tor entertaJnJng: * GARAGE for two t'ars; carport or garden warltabop or storaae for boar or trailer. ' * YARD 1s tenced, lanc:t.caped, h u underground &prink· ler systems. * POSSESSIO~ at cl~ of escrow. * PRICE: Not $16.500, nor $16.000 but ONLY $1.5,000! T~ 11 desired.. '
STAll n a. SIITI, ... ,
2647 E. Coast Ki&hway. Corona del Mar
Top Eastside Location
Tine lltl F• ...... ., 2 I•""•••
Foroed Air be-at Garbage d'-PoAia. ~aust fans. Formlu counter tops and pnuln~ A.t.b Cabineta.
Stneta. Curt., SJckwa1ks, 5fowft U.. and water lA a.nd P&Jd lor. •
Tine ••• , .......... , .. ...
1111 ••••
F. .............. $11,411
'")'ou1l W.. oar~~
W.l. T-..-111
UMrt7 1-l.UI 400 &. l'Nl a. o.ta ....
Is t.he t1me to ~ til .. ec-.1ec817 0111tlta.n4lnr ..._...
clm bolo&. W• ~ that If )'OU ha._,. ewr ~
tbtoaala 811 ~:1'.: haw-dt .. ..__ &Ad -.N .,r r tfwct 1n tM.t'a tt. Mw~e 1 wou.1c1 wut. • NOW!-YOU CA..N 1t1Y rr.
,_ a. ,a*• llllllllttlr•
<LC URaOit <Xi.ll.dAGDIDI
1100 w. cout ~ ... cb--,.. fta ....
UMrt7s.srD ........
• I
Natural Gas Demonstration BPW Holds ·
Give n at Kiwanis Meeting First Meeting 1, ..... ___ ,...~llarw .. ,
... , •• e~ ............ ..,. a.. ...... a,....... ». of +he Season ~='i.e. ::.-: w o-• au..,.. a ._._.,,.......out...,.,.u.~ _
IDoll at tM ,.....,.._ ol -twa~ 1-... • a.. lilt ot buJldiAI a.. A larW7 fill __ ._,. ftC!&· L.JD.; lla 114'. ~I. RR..cw..,pw.nrt
... ...... • ........,..... .. ._ Ill .. u. s. 1ft • -t tiona aDd J'illlGit,.... Mule ........ -=-~.. ...... aa4
...,_at..., Aq. • •uU.n1 Nft11 b)r tM Jfats.nal,....,.. wbo wu del .... t1o tM .... Ul~-=., ~
.. tM VWa M.-tna. t.edioe ..... Gu ,., .. --Oft --...... a 'lnal w ..... •• iN£4':!..~ . The 1 n a "''Cradoo. put o1 ua tbe uae. ot t.m ueed Jft ...._ ~don Ia ......., ~ tbe Ud~ ·-Oolbnl; 1t1 hotb ol
erteetatJoa coune ua..U, 1ft· ancl ladulllly, he .. sd. ,....... bi ... JtaMa at 1M ant Venlca.
-teeS to .......... ot ~and Mr. ltGN1 alto lt:U-1 tbe fall.., ............. ~ -------
a. deputmata. wu 11wn by fad that -· b odorl-Ill Itt aapt at U.. W..pwt Rubor --==-=~~;::;=-==-----!-...i_.-. ... 1111111-.-.---AI ~tony ot tM C\18tonw ~ •-Yaebt C\lb.
department ot ScKatbena Counts. ortrtnal atate and that Southern laabelle Bowl• tolcl ot the
Gu Co.'a Loa Aapl• ot:nc:e. Countl• mult add a auMt&nee tartilelt and lonplt vac.don be·
La b or a t OQ' clemoutratlonl known u "C&lodora.nt C'' to the eau. 81\e Jaad j\lllt eome oil tbe
durtnr the eoune ot .lib talk nautral ru to produ~ ttl ebat· boat at ftOOII 11om a ten-w.k belped M.r. Storey to lhow the trip to Enclanct and 8cotlaft4.
aafety and economy ot natural acterbtle ru ordor and to en· <>then In the dub told mo.tl)' ot
ru tor cooklne. heatJq, and a ble It to be eully detected tor lhort trtpa. Cecelia ,....,_wet
elothe. ctrytne. lncreued home aafety. to C.Wina._ Lydia Southworth to ___ ...:,__::. ______ ___:_ ___________ San J'rancbc:o. Jlelen Cole wtll
Frank .C. Baxter Will Talk
on Humor at T roian Meeting
The tJ.m annual 0 r a n 1 e
County Trojan Caravan wfll pre-
lent Frank C. Baxter, the tele·
Mrs. James (Sally) Newlin of vtaton educator, 1n a talk on
Balboa come home lut WHk· "Qualltla of American Humor:
end after major sureery at Hoar 1956." Th1a proeram of the Unl·
venlty of Southern Callfomla
will be held at a dinner meetlne
next 1bunday evening, Sept. ·20,
ln DlsneyJtnd Hotel.
leave aeon for a trip to Walh·
lnrtoft State. Valerie SbJeJd
c:hanpd jobe and Ia now worlc-
lnr for Hellt»ot. Belen Gatterdam
made 8bort tripe 1n and out of
hOIPIWa, and AcD• Blomqulat
went to EnMnac:la.
Elizabeth B-.. who won the
new car at the eo.ta Mesa Flah
Fry. spent moet the summer re·
cuper-atlne from surpry, Nancy
Middleton alllo had aurrery dur-
Ing the summer. President Dor·
oth)' Palen went camping at
Kft'n RJver. Allee Fox directed
ctrla c a m p s In the mountains
~ f~Wf'J6od11 on th4
S.P. .
" 110 /WMtill'N· Jlaku
I ~ ,. rigAt tJt AMM.,
The unlvenlty Ia pnesentlng a
aerie. ot pubUc serv'loe proerams
and later tooled South Da.kota THE lEST OF RIDES-FOR FOLKS OR fREIGHT
and Mlnne.ota. ltuby St~enson ------------------------took an early summer trip to
pO,eeo,ooo DNiiiiOW 0.
Mil" of ''" ••ltlblb '" 20 fiiYislotu
Ia "'AZJ At 1111 f~" ......,_...,.. , .. ,.
fhrilllllt -..... ............... ....,.,, f'O<ode.
-lfom M>4 etll.f -ts m lwfUieftt
Hlthtly, Sept. 16 ..... S.pf. 22-fllwt s. .. Met.
'Worlcl't top, • ...._,. 1ft ...... ...,.tlftt ectiOfl celll,.lo
"' ••cltllll ,.,t-••
Hltlltly, S.pf. 2a--M pi• S... ... ,_,
1IOUI uc.e NAY •ut .... ...
tiAII'I .....-. fAa -AY
() ~Uuw;
CIUIIII. CAFE -11 .. 1111
ftJa ......._ CIGie.=...t .w.t Qhnl ......_., .. 0..... C:...ty, .. bid ............. ,... ....... ~.... ....... .. ._ .......... .. ...aaw 11'1 ..til • tlrtp ta ANIIal• Qld Ia a. ...._._......_.._ ............ TetiJa .. ,._..._
117 &. C&ifi'A& AlfADDI Utw' I t J..Git n.u-,
Prlll--.---'ull ................... , • ....._
... ~M ..... _.,0 1 Ca IJ'• ..... ._.
...... I .... -.......... 111 1 ..... ...... .................. _ .. , ..... a..-..
p . k
ln the county a.a part of an edu·
catJonal policy ot "brtngine the •
campus to the community,'' ac·
cordlnc to eeneral chairman Ray
HawaiJ. Meta Bachmann wu In
Colorado for the summer. and
MazJe Blrd vlslted In Baltimore,
Md., (where abe wu lnviWd to
the governor's mansion), and
Mlchlean. while retumlne from
Rhoads ot Buena Park.
Mr. Rhoads said that a limited
number ot tickets will be made
a vailable to the eeneral public.
Reservatlons must be made 1n
advance, and may be made by
contactlne Mr. Rhoads at the
Buena Park Chamber of Com·
merce. where be serves as man-
Dr. Baxter has won 21 national
awards tor bls network televisJon
proifams. He has received 2 tele-
vision "Emmeys" as well as the
the Florida convention.
During the business meeting
Marie Lanning was appointed to
represent the club on the foreign
ltudent excltanee committee. It
was announced that Mildred
Swanson will be chairman of the
Christmas Preview. GuHts lntro-
Peabody and Sylvania awards. ruced at the meed.ng were De·
He became nationally famous for Jores Lois Paris and Lols Sands
his presentation of "Shakespeare of Costa Mesa and Jean Yule of
on 'IV." Lido.
Military Order Will Hear
Talk About Guided Missiles
. . . . . . .
: ) . .
Now! Canned Pork 'n' Beans
piping hot in 21/2 minutes •••
when you cook electrically!
electric range. From a cold stm with a cold pan,
ready-to-serve roods lite porlt and beans ue pipio1
hot in 2~ minutes. Hot IOUP taka 61 recooda.
Bacon and ega 3 ~ min\ites. Fry, bate, broil or
roast-elec:tricity does it better.
ThuE's wou: your lt.itcben is far cooler. And
cleaner. Pou and pan.a atay Dlirrw·briabL JUtcbeo
wallJ look fresh and new much looter.
AFTU. THE WUAANTY 00 your ranp expires,
Edison ~ervk:a it rree-characs ooJy ror puts, if
you sbould need them.
Jp YOU'a £ STILL COO&:INO tbe old way, it's
aimply bec:auee you haven't seen the new 'S6 elec-
tric tanacs at your appliance dealcn.
VtSlT HIM and Livt Bttttr-Eiectrically/
To .The Newport Harbor Ensign
• e
. • • . . ..
. • . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . . • .
10earuun ....
IITIIIIE aae ••• ,.......,
c.cs. .... ,.... ...........
Liberty •• .,., ~ 1·1111
Largest ond Most Comp&. ..
Furniture Store in the ArM.
c.n for f,..
Ltb.rty 8·5518
Hause ... Gar~et
Furnishings for homes,
dubs. yocht$.
)017 W , C:O.st Hiqhwey
Newport Beech
GaoWIIIO UP -CliMb alii• ....-it • IWdflc hlep':U e'a ..tn11 .._ ._, ...... 4d JU 1!. ............................. 2=
WIMa -...-. .. .., -:.t-· .. wW ....... tlae ...... Ia IIWltdalew .....
--t .. COli ..... of -"-........ to
dkd op8I'CIUoiL eo.t of tiM ....... wW naa daM
to • qaallel' .m._ dolan. 1 M119 to T.a.-
pboee KCIIIa9'ft Ted llalllblociL
it Total for Year
Goes Over a· MITIOIIs
I 0 A.M. to 4 P.M.
-g.h.U qJit6
For the Entir~ Family
--u••m A lt.,_,.... J0U11a C!Oftf~
to luvenl.le Ball autboi'IU. daat
be bad mol...-.<1 at leut awen airbl In the put year. One ol tbe
lAit eaU to ntUter eo you ean lnddnta wu the mol~ o1 a
vote In Mowmber'a pc:edMntlal 4%-year-old pl on l.J.nda Iale
eleetloft • • • Today (TbQl"eday) Jut May lL
18 the deadline • . . If you have Ftnprprlnta taken from a toy
moved. bHn martled. dJd not plutfc boat found near the aome
vote in 19M. 0t lf you wUl be 21 Jut May matched tboee of the
Parenta of the Newport boy took
hlm to luvenlle HaU Auau-t
29 and deaired to s11D an appU· POIDIAL DDICATIOif e1 .. .,. -...are _..
eatJon for a petition. They l&ld tr.k a....l ia tile 1fiJcl...s wUI ._ Wd at
the boy was 1ncorrllfble and had 1 ..... ar. Saaday. Tlala JaWt Cllldltloa te tM temper tantrum.a. The parenta ____________________ .;;._ _________ ;.__.;;, ____ _
a.Uo stated that the youth wa.s
gettlne to such an age that they
were unable to handle him any
longer. The boy wa.s reported to
have suffered a brain Injury In
.......... . ,. .........
........ ~
r. All ··-. Ullllll • .,. ..
Mesa and Newport Officials
Agree on Joint Boundaries About 50 parked cars were ... ,., ,... c..llll "-P• •-'7 10 T-
S~CES (C'.onUnued trom Pace ll was advlaable to build the 1.200-opened and the glove compart· IIJ o-A,., .,... .....
by November 5 tht. year .. · thla COMJ'LETE LAKDSCAPDfG • 50·50 noJOSmOR acre-foot re.ervolr rather than menta ransacked late Friday ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ means you ... City ball '-the City Manaeer Shelton aug-one half the alze, becaU» cutting night and early Saturday mom· 1:
place ... If you can't make It IDVJCK eested a 50·50 apUt In the In-the project In halt would not Inc In Balboa. from Alvarado St.
to the City HalJ, call this news-FREE ESTIMATES dustrlal area annexaUon about cut the price In halt, and aJ.o to 12th St.
paper or call us ... Harbor 2828. SA:B GrHn Stamps 16th St. This would put the becauae the larger size would One car owner stated that he
and we'll tell you the closest Free delivery boundary line halfway between eventually be needed to take saw eight or ten pis, dreued ln
place. CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY 17th and 18th atreets. he aald. care of the coastal area. jeana. roamlne the area about
• * *
K~' SHOW . . . LIDO TilE·
BA 1038 7144 E. Cout Bwy. Mr. Meyers agaln expreaed a City Manager Shelton aald 9:30 p.m. Friday. Another person
personal erfpe. apeed was essential because con· reported that he heard croups of Painting -Decorating ''Such a boundary Jlne does structton costs are eolne up 5.8~ teenagers t alkine between r and
PAPER HANGING not appeal to me at alJ," he said. yearly, which means $98.000 ad-2 a.m. GEORGE BURKHARDT '1 have always .ort of taken It dltlonal coat for the ruervoi.JI for -----------
UCli!'Ned Coatraetcr for granted that Newport Beach each year ot delay. Orllfnal estl· foot r~ulred aldeyard setback
1897 Oranee Ave. eo.ta Mesa would never come on the Costa mate for the res e r v o I r was for construction of a bay win·
Liberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-8632 Mesa side of the one-foot shoe· $1,712,000. dow on Lot 6. Block 21, Tract
string annexation strip. And I'm Mr. Stoddard sugeested that B..I .• at 1210 S. Bay Front.
COMPLETE PAI.N'I'I:NG . not alone In this thought. the Newport Council ahould Notice Is hereby further lfven
Pacific Model Centre
a •• ,, ... u. " ••••••
PAPER BANGING SERVICE ''We held oft an annexation in make a statement of policy, to that aald public hearlne wlll be
BA 2976 this area unUJ It would be in a the effect that Newport was wtl· held on the 20th day of Sept.em· ;:=.=======================;
Sample 8elect.ton In your home. better condition. lt we had ex· line to undertake the proj«t on ber 19M, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. • • *
Now . . Welcome aboard to EUGENE o. SAUNDEBS pected Newport Beach to mt)Ve Its own, but was expecting the In the Councll Olambent of the
Newport Beach's Golden JubUee 500 3llt Street. Newport Beadl In, we ~~ld have acted a lcng other areas to come In later and Newport Beach City Hall, at
Celebration . . . How to be ;;.;..;;.....;;~;.....;;..;;;..;;.;..;;._;_.;;.._...L..;..;..;;.....;;..;;.....;;.;.;. time ago. ahare In the cost. which time and place any and
nauehty but nice In slx easy e ROT A 80UKDABT? . e 'WEWI•~ TALr all persons interested may ap·
Jesaons! Vlllt Corona del Mar, '1t was never the purpose of eo.ta Mesa's dty attorney, Mr. pear and be heard ther-eon.
Mariner's MUe. Balboa. Balboa the one-foot strip to aen(e as the Duncan. l'eCIODlDlended that the RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary
Isle, Lido or Newport Beach . · · northerly boundary of Newport Coata Mesa CouncU ahould work Newport Beach City Plan·
You'll see . . . There will be •• ....'or Beach," Mr. Rldderhof said. out details of aharlni with the nlng Comm.l.ulon.
Golden lublJ.ee specials trom -... "But it did euarantee that separate Costa Mesa water dll·
stem to stern ... And the JubUI· Costa Mesa wouldn't go south," tricta. so that ~rt Beach lfOTICK or ~C DAmlfG
zJne will continue all next week, ..:mwH Mesa City Attorney Dungan com -would deal dlrectly with Costa Notice ll bfl'eby lfven that the
corn.menclng this Friday and Sat· r, mented.. Mesa and not with the water Plannlne Commlulon of the City
urday . . . ·~e one-foot atrlp wu aimed dlatrlcts. of Newport Beach will hold a
* * *
wttla ltewiiDwall:l rather against Santa Ana and The 2-hour meetlne cloaed publlc heartne on the appllca-
Huntlngton Beach," Councilman with a remark by Newport tlon of L. S. Blakeslee for a var-
STAaTI IOW'DAT roa I WEDS Stoddard said. 'There was no Councilman lUdderhof that the ance, No. 316 to permit: En-
rro. Tbet w.,..
WlttJ, Woadertvl
Broechra1 Pla7l
City of Costa Mesa when the talk of anlmo.lty and competl· croachment of 4' into a required
shoestring a n n ex a t I on was Uon and frlctlon between New· 9' front yard letback. On Lots
made." port Beach and Costa Mesa ll 20 and 21. Block 5. Tract East
"But you knew there would "newspaper Wk" and does not Newport. 716 A 718 BaJfloa Blvd .
be," Councllman Meyers replied. come from the offldala. NotJce la hereby further lfv~
"Let's not kid ourselves, The that said public hearfne wtll be
strlp wu put there to stop Costa ROTICE OF nai.IC IIE.AallfQ held on the nh day ol Septem·
Mesa." Notice Is hereby liven that the ber 1~. at the hour of 8:00 p.m.
• aAaaaOtrlfD EDLAIIfED Planning Commission ot the City In the Council Chambena of the
Costa Mesa's city clerk, Mr. ot Newport Beach will hold a Newport Beach City Hall, at
Swartz. came to the defense of public h earing on the appllca-which tJme and place any and
Newport Beach by saying that tlon of Leland J. Bolin for a var. all persona Interested may ap.
the decisive reason for the shoe-lance. No. 317 to permit: a 2-foot pear and be heard thereon.
It •E rr• a ....
10. Lcnmdromclt ZOe
Thrlft-D-Lux tiDMt Dry CJecming
At Volume Prtc.a
44c -•...-t ... (AC:.OU noll
...._ ...... _ .........
-onw nzn DAT & lrtGIIT or ,... TUr
11.., ... t.y Cllllll a.-port
-..eta ,.tf TIMIW'I ........ .aat·• U... a -.at ..._..
. • • ... lt up -"' ... tM bey---~··· Ewwfl*tr wtUa -ytlaj89 t11at
floats Ia ..._. .. pall 1IP
tboelr ,.. ....... Gad peddle
a~• u.. aow-al.rthdaT Ooat
wttla ..... Qold.eO Jubilee aDd
NJ..M Jf.-poft haCb aboard
••• Kaut ·T ••• Kaut -yl
Thll SUDdaT trom II :30-4:00
tiM JfatloGal Inbocm! Power ~ ._.. ••• Thea by put·
string annexation was the possl· encroachment Into a required RAY. Y. COPELIN, Secretary blllty ot state taxation ot city 2 ~·foot rearyard setback and an Newport Beach CJty ......_ _______________________ _,
property that was not within city 18-lncb encroachment Into a 3· Plannlnr Comtft1alon
&9 • a few II:Dotl you wblz
to Corolla doel Mar to pa:rtcdw
of a Iot»ter or two, wbU. you
... tla• CoroaatieD of tb• ~ partldpate lD a Tr.all·
un Bwat. watcb a Bula Sbow.
a faaJUoae abow. u.tea to em
ACCMcS.loa lkiDd. ... Clll 1Dd.kiD
J:)cmCe • • • Becrle Bo aDd a
bottle of PepU Cola • • • I"'D
aauts • • • It's tlaoee fryl.D9
IICIUc:en • • •
* * *
... Batting up this Friday and
Saturday ... for the first time
... Ba~·UP Pancake Mix . · ·
No mlx, no stir. no addee da
water ... Just pour on the grid·
die and fry . . . Twenty pan·
cakes to a carton . . . to keep
chUllng, ready and so brealdut·
able alongside the orange juice
in your refrigerator ... Batter·
Up Pancake mlx wtu hit a home
run with pop. the kids and espe-
cially mom ... Could It be that
Batter-Up has broken the add
Uquld and mix barrier? ...
Could be that soon we11 be pour·
lng our cakes, bllculta'n com
bread too . . . If you see one
flying through the air thls Frl·
day and Saturday . . . catch It
and eat It ... Those Batter-Up
pancaka are eo Jlght th~ can't
be kept on the griddle ..• Leave
your breakfast at home and
come In for a bite with us . . . a..cy ............ u..
* * *
.......... GIF ,., ...
.......... ,.. ••• Ach· ...., .. _. .. DICit ...
................... t ... ._a.-.... ,... .................... ...... ,... ..........
.................. ftl.-...................
• • • ewwaclay, .... .,.... .................... ..................... ........ ~....., . .., .. ...., ...... ,.. .. ... -........ .... • .., • en ........ ... ......... -.. .. ....... -... .
------~""'""" •AHA¥A .... ~N lll'ftA,""' -· ......:--"""'-~ .................. .....,..!...,...,. ... ~ ..... ...
A ~ C;~~~ W .._~ ..,,\11_. ...
Ta::. ';;cO. OR • .n.v.-1 '.!!!!!rP!P'
NAT"IUi.rrol£ • ~LM\1z
limits. Newport therefore decided
to Include the city water treat-
ment plant property within city
llmlts by means of the ahoe•
atrlng. he ~lalned.
Councilman Stoddard added
that the Banning family. whose
extensive holdings are now en·
clrcled by the shoestring. had
favored the strip annexation be·
cause ot fear that Huntington
Beach would attempt to cross the
Santa Ana RJver and reach Into
the Banning property.
ConOBnlng the plans for the
proposed water reservoir. there
was agreement that Newport
Beach should proceed "on Its
own" to get the project under
-··---·--way. rather than walt for joint ·.:;,. _.,, action with other areas.
A.A.A.A.A..AA,.A.A.A.A.&. Councilman Stoddard said It
•:'1 • • 0 R IV E · I N • -(t lC "Hfi\TPI<. (J
( rl W I l • ., ' ' A • •
• I J' .. I
-. -··--.
l • I
14 ~·I •• f~. ' '. L . ,. ' ... ........ u ...
--.~::L_ ----
Open House
September 16 ,,.,..,.
September 23
IO.ut .. t,.M.
lo.f .......... a..
tlottrlr.a iuw Jrrk ilortunrits
<!!~aprl in tiJr Jllilbwoob
for Weddings
without cluJrge
J• W• ., H <..-._. .... (H.,. Jf) _. ._. el W1 lrrrr .....,.... Put ·
THE 1nLDWOOD II • .......... -Cllllllllllel .......... -a ...... ........ .. .. CIIIIM ..... wl6 61 ...... .., ra ,. ... llrl~ .. ..
...... .. rt .. ....
-=r I IOIZ :........
==---....., .. -1 ........ _. • =·· ................. . .. ..... ~-.. -· ... .• ~ .... a...-• ....... ...................... .
Color Television Set
Is Grand Prize at Bake
Week-end '
•t .. tbe ............. t. Left to n,tat. tMy ....
L.,.. AJ.km. 17. ot 133 Via Jucar. Udo lale: Jadl
aa.b. lt. ot 531 J'ullertoa A•e.. lfewPQI't
&...._tat ~ aunaa 17, ot 111 D&amoad A ....
aaUioa la1a.4. Cllld lfl.D.a &beabaa. II. of SIS
PolaMttla A..._ C«oaa del Mar.
The tr&dJtlonal Treuure Hunt -----------
will onoe aealn be th~ openlne
event of the Corona del Mar Lob·
ster Bllke thla week-~nd.
And once agaJn It will be
James T. Van Dyke who will
hide the Treasure Chest and
muter-mind the lntrlca~ clu.ea
that wUl lud some lucky young·
st~r to the "burled treasure."
The Treasure Hunt wiU be
held Saturday mornlnc. You can
be sure that there will be a· host
of kids up at 6 a.m. to take a
look at the clues that Mr. Van
Dyke will post on the front door
of the Newport Harbor Bank.
Those clues will be presented,
u usual, In typical Van Dyke I
poetry-pt>rhaps by means of
81 bllcal refe-renc-es. or llter&ry
allusions. or points of a compass.
or a combination of these sue I
Some Umt-In the-dark of tht>
nleht preceding. Mr Van Dykt'
w111 hide the Treasu~ Chest. As
to Its whereabouts. all that he and also steak dlnners wUl be ~U say now Is that It will be served. startJng at noon and con-liOmewbe~e In the-Corona d.el tlnulne as lone u the "chow
Mar area. lines" laat on both days.
In the Chf'St will be a certl!l· Ther~ wiU be continuous enter·
. •• e...... F-..a..... Watch Offered as Pr .... ze cate stating that the lucky finder I tainment during both altemoona -P -•••ve will receive a S50 U. S. Savlnp &nd evenJnp at the Lo~ Bake
0 I .1 I Bond. A now In the Chest wUI site. at the main beach of Coron& •••• -1•1 l,art At S t d N• ht D &IJIO Instruct the finder to de del Mar Grand prize to be awarded at 'Ibere will alao be drawtnp for a u r a y I g an c e liver tbe Treasure Chest to tht' Featu~e event ot the Saturday
the conclusion of the Corona hourly prhes durlne the after· Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brush of 423 staae at the Lobster Bllk.e at 31 evftllne festivities will be the
del Mar Lobater Bake wUl be a noon and evenln& on Saturday P~a Ave., Corona del Mar, There'll be dancing at the Co · Durin& the Intermission, there p.m. Saturday so that an oUI I crowning of the Queen ot the
Motorola color television set. and Sunday. Thae are prizes do· rona del Mar Lobster BaJc.e Sat· wtll be a special entertaJnment clal announ~ment of thor Trea Lobatft Bake. Naney Jtlmberlln..
'J'bil color TV, wh ich hu been nated by Corona del Mar mer-are opening a new shop, La Mer. urday eventnc -both square by Chet and Jill Farrar. prewnt· sure Runt rll'Sults can be madt> who ls also Mia Golden JubOee
on display at the Newport Har· chants. at 3446" E. Co&st Hlway, Co· dancing and the regular kind. lng the "Cavalcade of Dance." This wUI be the 8th time that for the Newport Beach annJver·
bor Bank. wlU be awarded to rona del Mar, which will f.eature Stllrtlng time will be 8 p.m. the Trea.su.re Hunt hu been &r· sary cel~ratlon.
101ne lucky winner at 8:00 TAl.& OW 'UYDfG UGIIT custom made ak1rU. shlrts and . Cllller for the square d&nce TBE OlD'OIID"S DAUQIIfta ranged by Mr. Van Dyke. who ls Other spedlll evenu will In·
o'clock Sunday ewntne. An· "'Story In Living U &ht." an 11· sportswear. will be Al Lodtabey, ''Mr. Al!.e· PLAJrS PLJGIIT UaoAJ) president of the Newport Harbor dude the Cllvalcade of the
nouncement wtll be made fJ'OID J\wtrated lecture on the produc· The Brush f&mJly Includes a man Left" hJm.el!, who hu been Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Oxford of Bank. and this ~ar ls &lso serv-D&nce, to be ~nted at 9 :30
the .tare at the Lobltta Bab tJon ot ~ned l)ua windows. dau&hter, Carol, In Newport Har· conducting square dance da.sses Port Theatre talked to their lng u president of the Newport p.m. Saturday &nd 7:30p.m. Sun·
stte. 'Ibe winner does not have wUl be preeented at the J'amUy bor HJgh School, one. of Jut at the Youth Center In Corona dauchter, Mrs. Edward Clemenu Harbor Cha_mber of Commerce. day by Chet a nd Jill Furar; en·
to be preaent. Nl&ht proeram of the Balbo& year's Lobltft' Bllke pr1nceaes. del Mar. of Sa 1 em . No. CaroUna. thJ.a He has been Treuu~ Runt tertatrunent by the Dorothy Jo
All purehuers of dinner tick· hlu d C o m m u nity Kethodl.R and a 80ft Xetth. ace 7, who 11 nck.eta are Sl-!50 per couple, week &nd heard plana for Mr. chal.rm&n eW'I' since the very Dance Studio &t 2:30 both after.
eta for the LotNiter Bake wlU Church at 7:30 p.m. Wec!Deeday, 1n MJCOnd grade. &nd wUl atve tbe purchuen a and Mnl. Clemenu to eo to Ene· t lrJt Lot.ter BalLe In 1.96. nOOIUI: faahlon llbow at 6 p.m.
have a chance to wtn the .,and Sept. 19, by Mr. a nd Mrs. Horace Mr. Brush hu worked with the cha nce to wtrt ~~df, donated land, Bruuels, Cuablanca and The 8th annulll Corone del Saturday; 8QUare da.ndnc &nd
prbe. All tldlet tltUM wUl be put Juaon, ownen ol the 1uaon Bank ot America for nine ~ by the Jewel Box ~ Corona del Puts on a flyln& ~week va-Mar Lobst« Bake ltaell wt.ll start atrert dancing at 8 p.m. Satur·
1n a boX for the dr&wlnC at 8 StudJc» whtdl make R&Jned three years with the Newport Mar. The cfnwtne wtil be made cation. Mr. ClftMnt.s l.s a pllot at 12 noon on both days. Slltur· day; drawtnc for the IJ'&nd prize,
Sunday nJcbt. claa br&nch. d urlne the ev.entne. with the Piedmont Air Co. day and Sunday. Lobster meals a color TV set. at 8 p.m. Sunday.
The Youth Center Needs Your Support
·Join Tile Treasawe Hunt!
au. will .......... at ...... wpwt Jlar ..
boa-.... at .. a.m. lcduadlly.,. -rr.c..
are• S. a ISG.GD U.S. 8av1Dgaload.
SATURDAY, Sept. 15
6:00 a.m.-Treasure hunt. Clues posted at Newport
Harbor Bank.
12:00 noon -Serving of lobster and steak meals
2:00 p.m.-Milton Mann Accordion Band.
2:30 p.m. -Entertainment by Dorothy Jo Dance
3:00 p .m.-Winner of treasure hunt to bring trea-
sul'e chest to grand stand for announcement.
3:00 p .m.-Entertainment.
3:30 p .m.-Songs by Barbershop Quartet.
4:00 p .m.-Hula Show by Lura McKenzie.
4:30 p.m.-Music by the Dixieland Band.
5:30 p .m.-Roller skating exhibition by Jill Farrar.
6:00 p .m.-Fashion Show presented by Mary Ton-
7:00 p .m.-Coronation of Lobster Bake Queen and
Miss Jubilee~ .
7:15p.m.-Award of prizes for Shop at Home
8:00 p.m.-5quare dancing and street dancing.
9:30 p.m.-Cavalcade of Dance by Arthur Murray
SUNDAY, Sept. 16
12:00 noon -Serving of lobster and steak meals
2.00 p.m.-Milton Mann Accord10n Band.
2:30 p.m. -Entertamment by Dorothy Jo Dance
3:00 p.m.-Jo-An Burc:hck's Majorettes.
3:30 p.m.-Songs by the Barbershop Quartet.
4:00 p.m.-Hula Show by Lura McKenzie
4:30 p.m.-Indian Dance presented by the Buffalo
5:00 p.m.-Music by the Dixieland Band.
5:30 p.m.-Roller skating exhibition by Jill Farrar.
6:00 p.m.-Entertainment.
7:30 p.m.-Cavalcade of Dance b y Arthur Murray
8:00 p.m.-Drawing for the grand prize, a color TV
• • *
This Invitation Is Sponsored by Tile Following Local Businesses:
3600 E. Coalt Hitay
Corona del
3422 E. Coalt Hlohway
Corona del Mar
3132 E. eoa.t tqghway
Corona del Mar
S2S8 E. Coaat Highway
Corona cJ.l tlar • DOUG"I IDTA.alft'
226 WclriDe Aft.
BaJboa lidcind
3026 E. Coast Highway
Corcna del Mar
2653 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
IlEA caar .otEL
2931 E. COCJit HiGhway
Corona del ~ar
''''PADk!l1i T.V.
2756 E. Coaat Highway
Corona del Mar
·you_ tiuy PLANNER ... you buy . '
permanent de•lgnl
It's Important to know the furniture you buy Is not·a paaqfucy
... that It will remain In style for years to comet Thet'1 JltMMI'
desf&Md by r».ut Mc:Cobb •• :which hn won the hMrts at mJIJ
hons of Americanel Vat tt Is Individual MGYN at tta lout ~ow~(.
finiShes, ttl two ~ of a. ... two ltytee of ,.,..,..~ Mel co1o1t
pa,.q for doorS. When tt comes to "llnllllnMrtnc~~!lnd
Plan,., exdtinc ••• In ·~ ~~ny tlamorrowsl
Chests from $36.00, Dining Chairs from $22.95, Occ. tables
from $15.75, Beds from $29.95.
285-4 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Harbor 5-437
"Where good taste costs no more"
COM Couple Repeats Vows
At Their Silver Anniversary
·Mr. and Mra. Carl S. Stau· yean In the boatlnr lndu.try u
raard of Corona del Mar re· a deslener and buUder of plea·
~ated thelr marriage vows on sure craft.
Wednesday, Sept. 5, on the oc-In 1942 buslnHS took them to
cuion of thelr sliver wedd.lng the popular boatln1 center ol
anniversary. Lake Minnetonka, just outside of
The ceremony was read by the MlnneapoUs. Minn. After 10
Rev. Norman Brown at the Co· years or tJrbttng wtnter bltz:zarda -;;;;;=====================;;;;;i rona del Mar Community Church. they decided to come to Southern r The Staugaards then entertained CalllomJa, and establlahed their
friends at a dinner party held home at 312 Mar~uerlte Ave.
In Jamaica Inn restaurant. Llvinl with them here 1s their
Mr. and Mrs.. Stau1aard are 100. Ronald. Go to the LOBSTER BAKE
• • •
Your FamUy Restaurant
(CioMd Tueday)
2515 E. Coast Jll9bway
Jla:rbolo 1.. c..... del 11-:
formerly with
Murl Miller-Tommy Wilson
formerly of our Pasadena Salon
naUves ol ChJca~o. where Mr. ------
Stau,aard was actJve for many The Farrars
Will Present
Dance Show
A highlight of the talent show
at Corona del Mar's Lobster Bake
Saturday and Sunday wnl be the
Cavalcade ot Dance presented by
Chet and Jill Fanar, owner·man·
agers of the Arthur Murray
Dance Studio In Corona del Mar.
Mr. Farrar hu been chairman
of the entertAinment committee
for each yea.r'a LobRer Bake.
By special Invitation of the
Farrars. the Arthur Murray
Dance Studio ol Laruna Beach,
owned and manafed by Tom
and Cay Cannon. win brlnr thelr
group of dance-a to the abow,
WILLJ.AII a. lrYWDL -.od· and will present .orne unuaual
cned wttla u.. Flnt w..... and excltln,& exhibitions. Three ....ar of Saata A-. 1a.a ._ of tht: dancen from the Laruna
a a Ill • d __.u._ dinctlal' of Beach studio were featured at
tiM loutbena a....,. Coallty the Medal Ball Jut July 29, on
Cia 111 e. of ~-.iCIIIIIII lied television from U. Anples. a-. wla.lcll ....._ tbe ..... The prorram wUJ Jut for one
--........ C... .._ 111 ._ ball hour, and wUI take you pan-· ,.. back fifty yeara In danctnr his· Be n CCIMCII• lin. l.tnua War· ,... of 0 , ,. wt..e nil.-· tory, complete wtth co.twnlnr. It
tioa w. • ~ Oct. 1, will ~ praented at 9:30 p.m.
aftw r7 yean ot ...sc. wttll Saturday and at 7:30 p.m . Sun-J ommy w·.lson 1184 ca.... JIL .pda .. --day. BEAUTY SALON ac:tt .... 1a ._ en. c1u1J1tw
2515 E. Cout Hwy. -Corona del Mar -Harbor 2187 WOI1t • a ftlaa.._ ,_ • CDII COIOIVXITT cavae& i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y~ear~L~iWwwiNiiNi;MiMjii Rally Day actlvitJea for the church school ol the Corona del
Mar Community church will be
held Sunday wlth all children of
Go To 1he Lobster Bake
• • •
Pcicifi, Model Centre
Preaenta A Complete Line of
* Matchbox S.riN * X-ActoKita
* V anwt H. 0 . Railroad Equipment * Atbetn Tram. ill Miniature * A~ Scale Modek * Ulricll Tndll Model Da
* Mantua 8ocde Model By. * .U.Taadt * 'nDe .. TradE * •••~•odell
CM•JIII .. U. .. IIadeiO.•gJ• M
the community welcome, accord·
tnr to Norman Brown, superin·
tend ant.
Sunday's sert'Qon for both the
momlnr wora.htp M'rYica wtJJ ~
rJven by Dourlu Fox ol Sidney,
Au.atralla, 1t wu announced by
Rev. Edwin Gom)(e. c b u r c b
Phone 1n your neww 8tol1• to
your loeal new.paptr, the En·
lim. Harbor 1114.
that give rov
new fltlure , .. mourr
t. YOU ULAX. S' k ' . I ...... ..., ..... ~
... aperialceo a. COMPJ.,BTB ABAUTY.
Statdrcr aopplja wcipt bl.
iDda &o.,loYdict..,....: .
Your akio 6cs smoothly ~
your DeW proportioaL
You1l.WCVe spcci6c raul• ia
a spccj.6c period of time. •
TJON, You're oodc:r tbe cue ol
biply skilkd expcra at all times.
Pil l TIIAL V1SIT. Call Cor
2117 .. c..t
1.11-l.OW WITOBY willa a.cJ..m IJBBON
YUlE •i•• ,._ wfrecl.bra beelltf witJa -'t-bn bll.l Y • _,., feel RibiMe Wire-It ca't die
la I IAc.b c•p Wht..Uy wired; M ceatu wire
to poke ,_. Be 1Ve to try tAU bra oa I
St,U .,, •Ail. ...,.oiJnd c~. A $350 a~,, J2.J6; 8 up, J2-«J ; C CMp, JZ..fZ
D crap, l2-44-15J»
Styi• «<I Nyt.,. !.c«. A,B.C, QfP 15111, D c•p 15.95
fBI«k iA B, C • .U D C•PIJ
C. cotfTM WITOBY awitcha etrapa for aay
Deddillel Weu it bete-top~ halter, or .. ,..
1fiU • •• ,..1J be diYiaely -tenable! lt'a ...
witt. ~ ~ ~ Win; caa't poke ot llic ... ,.., ....... u..w, peclded ••• ..... ...,. .u.n: ..... ,.. ...--.......
Styl4 ""· ..w.. _.,..,__ ~ s3ts
.4 ~ .D...M;. cap. J2.JI; c oq,J2.4f
3409 E. eoc.t Hlglrwar, CarOIW del Mar
-----· -----.. -·· . -~ -.. ·---~ ........-.----. ---___...,._.-....,...._
COM Women•s Fellowship
To Resume Fall Meetings .
·-·· hllowllhJp oi tM Oo-........ , Ia tM (lawch Sa.De-.... clll liar OomQaanH;J Clll.ell tur)'.
wW -·-.. fall at 2 .... ........ ....... wtll be Mrs. ~~..:......;.:..._ ______ ..;_ ...... 1!. ...... ebaJ.rman oi
Thru Otannel il
• A toCal of SU72 ~ left boarda, W ...._..,.. ud 1JT
I 1.... I .. .. .. ·-·· QJft .. the Fenow.lllp II &Ill r, II oi ~ women for
......,. '"' I I ill :::::..ca~o.!;~' :1 ~ ~ I 1J "WOIIW'l'a Gift."
Sea aftCI lap Audll'-' loc:Mt)' Kra. A. A. Jtem~ of Corona
for Oraqe ~ .. plann•nr del Mar, put ~t of t.M
a &ld trtp to atud7 water and Fetlowablp. wtll stnr f« the mu-
lbcn blrda on Saturdq. ,.. 8leal meditation. l'ollowinr th~
fUt1 wiU leave t1om tM laata propam. the J'rteon4ly Sevtce
Ana Hlp Sebool at 12:30 p.m. IIOUP will be bornsu for ua
The pgblle Ia lnv1ted on tbe trip. ln tiM elnaldl f~llowshlp hall.
and eataed Aswpoot Harbor char-•llboata.
Zonta Club wW r.ume thetr 1nr A..,.._.IIDOit 10.000 mor. n.. Aurut tot.~ lacluttd •·· dub meet.lnp today, 'nn&nd.ay, than the record~ tor A\lf\Uil of 1M ln..,.,. 21.-_.. •-*
at a lu~ meettnr at the lut ,..... ~ uad 8,750 u.Jllloet& .,. f11 ..
vma Martna. when convention Ranor ...._. au..u Crate a..a-.e wu Ia tiM a..-. t1 ~ wtll be liven. Wlnib'ed aald that t1wt 51,272 ftawe com-OUtboercl8-bom J5.7G Ill J8 to
Bacon wW eatatAWa the club at pane wltb -...n b ~ 45.413 21.e:11 W. JWIU,
a c:Un.ner meetfJlr at' bet new • 1-... -_.. ..._ ,_ =======::::::::::::::::::!: ho t ~ ,..__ __ VI ,.__._ &.CW ...., ,.,,-~-.._ ~ f« me • -~ ew, '-"'"Ul 1950 and a.-D fw 1Jt8.
Mesa on September 27• The annual tnme c:heck wu All your print;nq n.ed• wi11 be
Pwt.her tntocmatlon m&J be BOO aawa ,.,.. II.UIDa obtatned from Bart.or Ana mem-.,.
IRW c:s•••AL •ALlY OPPJCZ ~t!f ~ ==-'Jb~ handted ~'lenl•n+fy end eourt-
Ottlc:ee for United Cerebral ahOWII that tM peak load oc-eoydy in the completely~uipPalq of Oranre County have ci.I.I'Nd between noon and 1 p m.
ben ot the cro. up, Mr. and lin. Jamea ~ln ot Newport Hts.
Jobn Jobnaon of 820 If~ la neuperldtnr from a ~~ertoua
Ave., C.Ona del Mar. lllneM IUa..d tbJe aullliDft'.
moved to 801 Spurreon St., Santa Su11day, Aur. •· ln thla one h~ur ped Job Printinq O.pertment of
Ana. Tbe phone number remain. period, a w..Ja p a a a e d Th En ·
3107 Eaat Coast Highway, CcxoDa del Mar
Recine .5-'*-HM .. pint Set " 7 49
Reguler $10.91 ··-··-·-·-··-·· SpecW •
24-f'iect SteW.. Steel T.W.W.,. 5. same. f« 6 -It~ $9.95 ----·--·--Special •
"St.riite" ~ eona.,..... s.w · 2.69
Regllat $4.95 -----------··········---·-Speci.l
6.nuN loofttonw.,. OW.. 2. 99
6Mranteed Uft ....... "-c. Setting --· -·····-Speel.l
I 6-P"~ •• .._ .. Pottwy Start.r s.ts • 4 98
R..,a.r $7.95 ··········---····-···-·-·····------·-···Specie~ • 7-P"~ Aluminum Jev.r•ge Sets • 3 • R~ $6.95 -·····-···--·····-···········-----------Special •
::;:. ~ ................................ ------·······--·· SpeciM 1.49
GeftuiM ~ TV TreyJ. Discontinued Pattwns • 1.89 R $2.95 ....................................................... .
----------Special • .89
• '« 1
Wood fort I Sp uft R $2.39 -···-···-· Sp.cJ.I
Genuine c.a..o.l: TV Tr~Mued Pett.ml • 1.49
Ra4JUI-$2.45 ---··-··-·········-·-·-·--·-·-·····-···· Special
F...,._.,. Stainless StNI I. Qt. Saucepans • 3 99
Regular $4.95 -·--·--·-······-·····----·--·-··· Special •
AI Norrisw.,. Stainleta St..f_ w.,. --··--·--·········· rftO'c, OFf
Riviere lmprart.d German t.A~OMCI ';JIV74
Steak Knife s.-iYOrt Henclet, 0wome Faigree 5 98
Ra4JUI-$1 9.95 ····-·-·····-··-··-··-··-·····-·-··········· Special •
Super V .. Dish Oreinen 98
R..,W $1 .tt ···········-··-···--·---·-············-Special •
TWI"'Mbout Ravotving ~ end Trey 98 R~ $2.49 ·-·-------·--····---·-·-----·-·-· Special • "-tic ,._.,.,. lamW « Poodle 39
...,.., .tee -------------·-·----Spec:i.l • t~ a.cor.tect ...d ... in Wood lowts 79 S w • ...,.., $1.39 -·---·--·--------------pee:
Carw1 H.1 Paring Knives • 98 ~ $2.25 ---· ----····--·-··-Spect.l • • = s:.: ~., Plastic-~----··--Special 2.19 , sa. s ....... Cer._l2 Cup 4 98
R....., $7.95 -------------··-·· Special •
Cory 6'-Coff• Mahr-. 2. 95
• Cup -------·--··-·· ...... Special
Imperial v~ 5-l'c. Knife Sets ., 5 19
Wood HoWiftt Ca~e btu~• S6-t1 ----·-Spec:W • ..,._ DecoretN 6'-Atilt Treys Sets 98"
"' &fft ~ $1.50 ··-Special • H.._ ."Color ..... " AJumilwM ..._.,. Plkhen . 2.98
wfth Ice Up ..... w $4.21 . Special o..a c-a.t. s.t.--ChroMt ,...... Oft c.,. 6.98
Easy_ StaC!Wrtg ....... $10.00 • SpecW
J..11eoe C1ppwed Aii!MlnuM R.,. .._ Sets 2.29 ~~ ... ,..~-:.Ef ---====~ __ 1Qo/o ow
........ w. ....... ~~ ..... Sc* 4 •
..... "'" ----·--· ---·-SpecW • ....... Dne ...... WtJ,..._ 98
.......... --------·-·-.. ·-----Special • "T.a." ,._ Met Ft.ted Pastry Cuttwa 39
..... w .,... ------Special •
Ia ._ C..W. Mat• Set c..tainl J DeeJpa 98
••••• ''·" SpecW .. s.,._ .., w.-ow. ...... . L~9 ..... _. _ .......
I Ostee~ • ..... • 29 95.1 -........ _ _... . -
the same Jamberly 3·1731. ttuourh tbe c ban n e 1--88 out· • seqn,
-Lobster Bake
:; ~d---~_:-~~-~~: ............................. spec;.~ .49
~9 $~.;t: .. ~--~~--~~~. ~-~: ....... Specl.l 1.19
~a:n~; ... •··· . .. . .. . . SOO/o Off
-:::;;;·~6v::~ ·-~~ H•n~~~~ 6 ...... Speci.l .43
;.,'><;'2~9 ~~. f': .. ~~ •nd Aut~-·-Spec:i•l • 98
~ R.:~~-.~~-~-~~~P~ ~ .. ... .. .. . ....... Speci.l .19
~~ ~~~-~-~~.~~-~~·~"' Cho~ • 98 ~~--:3.~. . ......................................... Spec:i•l 1. 99
Whit. Enameled ToiletS..... with Rudteu 4 •
Chrome Hin~.P., $5.50 ·······-·-·····--···-··· Speci.l •
Chrome fltmd ... ,SwirMJspout FOrtw.s 8 99
with Aer~~ $10.95 -··-·-·--··-··-··-Spec.t.l • ~:.,. Tit!t .. ~ .. :~ .. ~--~~----··---Specj.l .3.29
Presto St..,., II"'M
RetuiM $15.95 ·--·-·······--··--------·--Speci.l Presto Sectric: Pr.sure Cooker RegW.r $29.95 __________ ., __________ Speci.l
4-Qt. Ptesto Stainless St..f Pressure Cooker
Regul.r $20.45 -·-··--·-····-··p··--·········-Speci.l Sectric: o..p Fry.r
11 ••
17.95 R..,a. $24.50 __ .:__··········-··········-·-··-··-······ Spec;.! ~;_a.:~ ~:: ................................................. Speci.l 5.89
Bec:tric H .. foall\ Cold w .. tn.r Ah..d-
T .U A dvantage of SpeciM S.Ving Now!
Regular $22.95, 2 He•+, witft F•n ···-·--·-······· Special
S.me • Abo¥. with Thermostat
Reguler $24.95 .................................................. Speci.l
Arvin CombNtion WafRer I Gta--1 Only
Regular $29.95 ···············-·············--·-·· ...... Speci•l Unr..n.l Automatic 2-Srece To.ster
Fuly 6'*'em..d ···-·--... ... . . ........................ Spec:i.l T~2-Sf~
17.95 A..tom.tic T o.tst.r ..................... ·····-··-········· Speci.l ~:S~9~~--~~~~~ ~-~~:.~---·-····-·-Now 24.95 ~ ~ ...................... ······-··----···· Spect.l 19 • 95 = ~~ ~_':': ___ ·~~~--~· ....... _ SpeciM 2. 98
~~-~~~.-~~:: .. ~~-·-··-···---·--·-·-Spec* .69 z.phyw-.1~ indl Bectric Drl Kit with Met.l 14 95 ~ c..-1 (Wy--leguNr $24.ts --·· Speci.l •
M...'s S..llee.m Bectric baor in L..ther 1.. 95
Wrryint C•• ........ $21.50 .. ___ with Tr..,ln ••
ow Colo.y "" ~ HOUM Paint &-....... ..... $6.67 --------SpecW
Qh.. -~·t iM -------· ---SpecW PaW ltol.t ~ Tray s.ts
• ....... $1.79 ----····-······-······--·········-····--· Spec:W
.99 21f2 ln. w• ..,. with f1.l n.fcflntla Nylon
•• .._ 2~ ln. l.Aiftt R.W $1.71 ------Spec.t.l
ZyMih P..._ FW.h lt..W. ._ PaW for
c-..-~ PriMe Coat Ne~III"Y 1 19
............ $1.71 --··-·-· -Special • ~ $2.11 -------····-··----SpecW 1.89
' --··--------Specie~ 4. 95 ..... $1.11
11111 0111 ... * ......
'Twin" Sprinkien ~~Spr~~· ·spriNMn .............. Speci.l .49
:a,~:c:H~ N~ ..... ·-------........ . .......... SpeciM .69
~~~~ .. Gr.u Sh..n . . .... . . . ... Sped.~ .69
Regu&.r $I .69 . . ........ SpeciM 1.29
I P~enia 14" l..Mnt Moww--Just right I
; for SM.~ L.wna Regular $17.95 ______ Speci.l 14 ••
Ad•plo HOM R.... Att.dt to Hose Faucet-6 49
Elm• .. -. to House Reg. $7.45 ..... ····-· ___ Special • ~'lr~s~--~~-~--~~--~:~-Speci.l 2.98 ~~~~-~~ 6.881 = ~~~--~.~~-~~~-~-Special 2. 98 Q_TS7~:r~""-~-~~~:_ ________ SpeciM 5. 98
Orr;~~~--~-~--~-----·----Spec;.~ 6. 98 ~M~ ~9-~-1om~--........................... Spect.a .49
Mr. or Mrs. Potato H..ds
~-= 6~-------------·--·-··-··----------··--Special
Regular $1.7'1 --·--····----------·--·--··-·-Specie~ Frtndt c.rds
~ $1.49 ···-·-···-·-···-·-······--·--·--······· Speci.l
Regular $1.00 ............. ·-·-· ········-·--·-··--···-$pee* Girl's Travel Cosmetic lag
.49 .
1.29 ~:L't: R!!;.~ w·Sc;~·-··············---·······--Speci.l R~~ .tOe: ............ -·· ........ ---·-·····-··-S~2 pr. .15 ~~:., K~St~~m. -~-i~~---·-··· ···-·········-Speci.l 1. 19 ~~::.;:~Tray S.tl ······ -··-··-··············-SpeciM 1.49 ~.:t~" .... . ... ·······-·····-Speci.l 1.29
:!;1::' $~~:s~ Size . ··-· __ ------·---Speci.l a.• ~T~ Only -.... -·--·········· Speci.l 7.95
"lit loy" Smot.-1 Only ~ $19.95 -·------. ~ 59.95
"lit loy" CombNtion Gril I Rotiu.ie I~ 79 95
R ..... $119.95 ___ ......... -----··--SpeQa1 • "lit loy" 24" ROUftd Gtl Comp.t. with Wotw,
Spit, U.... Worlboard, T owe! Ring I Fire .... 69 95
R--a-$99.95 -··--··---Special • "it,~·· COMt»iltatioft 6ril I Rotf erie R.,.... $7'9.75 -········------------SpecW 59 • 95 e ~-~---------------·--------·---9. 95
=!:! ~-------------------Sib. ~9
10 lb. 1.29 25 lb.· 2.89
FUU LINE All IIQ AcassottiiS-
G.Ioft --· ------------------Fr.. 2. 98 ==~"""w~~ s,.w 129 L_,. S.. W..d Wei_, T,.. loerd •. ;Ra
...... "'" --SpecW .,....,
SAVEl 41c •
lOIS. KtnlT AL VDf A.a. JB. Ia tbe foma• 111M Karr A.lul Bow lee
., lf._poct 8eac:JL, (Kcrrette Pboto)
Mary Ann Bowles Is Bride
Of Kurt Apel Jr. of Laguna
At a candlelleht service held
Saturday evening, September 1,
at St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church, Miss Mary Ann Bowles.
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Mer·
nice Bowles ot 510 N . Newport
Blvd., Newport. became the bride
ot Kurt Alvin Apel Jr .. son of the
Ave~ Balboa. The br ide gradu·
ated trom high school in .Ml3-
sourl and Orange Coast College
and attended Long Beach Clty
College. 11\e groom, a Laguna
Beach High School graduat~. at·
tended Orange Coast and Long
Beach City College.
Kurt Apels ot Laguna Beach . :::::::=========== The bride's full-length ~owr.
with sweeping train was made
ot chantilly lace and tulLe over
satin. The lace scallops were ap·
pllqued a round the full tulle
sk1rt and iridescent sequins dec·
ora ted the molded laoe bodice.
Lace and satin formed a crown
which held her illusion veil. Her
colonia l bouquet was made of
white orchids. garde nias. lily of
the valle-y and st.effanoll>.
Mrs. H. J. Cain of Whittier
served as matron of honor. She
wore a gold taffeta gown trim·
med In velvet and carried a CO·
lonlal nose&ay of bronze chry·
santhemums. Similar gowns In
turquoise were worn by the
brldt"Smalds. who were Mrs.
Hugh Tyler or Midway, Mrs.
John Kelly of Garden Grove and
MJss Pamela Milligan of North
Hollywood. Candlellghters were
Mlss Sylvia Miller and Miss
Beny Vandeveer of Huntington
Ronnie Apel served as hls
brother's best man. Ushers were
Hugh Tyler. and Fritz Mickle
and Rl chcfrd Cash of Laguna.
The bride's littLe cousin, Harold
Hil lhouse Jr.. and little RencH~
Sm ith served as ring bearer a nd
flower girl.
The hrlrle's aunt. Mrs. H. H.
Hlllhou54' of San Bernardino. as·
slsted with t he wedding recer ·
tlon. which was held at the
ch urch. Also assisting were Mrs.
Albert Stockton of Corona uel
Mar. .Mrs. George Fox or Co<~ta
Mesa. :Mrs. VIrginia Moorf' of
H u n t i n g t o n Beach and Mrs.
Ethel &hots and Mrs. Ruby
GolcJing of Santa Ana.
Mrs. Bowlt"S received guests In
a ma uve lace dress with match·
lng hat a nd gloves. She wore a
corsage or wine·colored orchids.
The groom's mother wore a
slate blue brocade sheath dress
with blue accessories and a
white orchid corsage.
Followlne a honeymoon at
Yo1ttemlte. the young couple will
make their home at 14Zl W. Bay
Elsie ........ ,.
............. ~
De & COAft IIIGIIWAY a... ........... ..,
By A.lul
GOLLEE ... I mustn't forget
to tell you about our brand new
"Lady Long Legs" girdle by
Olga. It's specially deslened for
under your slick fall sheaths be·
cause Its longer leg gives you a
smooth thigh·llne and yet It's so
artfully deslcned It Isn't binding
or uncomfortable--come lr) and
see! You'll like Ita breath-easy
"French secret" w&J.t.llne and
the arttul way the garters ar~
concealed to keep trom making
bumps In the 'lltron1 places.
I kDow yoa'U .._ u tc.
ftla4lD9 w. Ufltt aDd uu..-
-. y.t c:oattollla9....,
girdle-,..... c... la ..
CYaaDDf"' -.s ru .......,
IOIIIe ..... rr..-. ...... ..
yoa aboat a MW 0 ... br& ...,
Jfo U.. lillie tM ,. ..... t.
loolr yoar VEIIT -.u
2115 &. Cout BWJ.
~-Da.IIAJI ...... -
ANNOUNCING . . . ____ ,.
Custom-fitted . . . made to order.
at ...... ...
. .... ... Jv.m.--Kaan fll •••• .... tldrtll, ....... tid lpOftiiWIIU.
. . -··--T .......
. .. _, ,. '-·-
Patricia Ann Rende I of 8.1.
Is Bride of Rodney Lauter
R...-oue ,...,.uptJal llltM· IDIItla« wen a Mtp ptlnt lbeatll
.._ IIM!ludlfta four a.tdal I!Mw-wttll ...._. cl.-aJid eNaiD
... ...,._. tbe ......... cl colcnd NelbU-..... Patrlda Aan blldall and ~ a honeymoon trip
•• ,_, .. La.-, wbJdl took up tbe Padtle Cout. tiM JOWll
p&eee on tbe afterrMMa ct Aupat couple .,. ma~ttna their home
J5 at the Balboa bland Commu-at au-t leach. Tbe bride, a
nlty Ketbodillt auardL ~dua .. ot Oranp Coast CoJ.
Tbe a.v. Donald1 Sapp pet· leie. wUI atWnd Lona Beach
fcJrmed the double nn. ceremony State Collep to obtain h•
wblcb united the ton of Mr. and teacher'• credJentlala. Her new
M.ra. M. F. Lauter of SunMt hu*band abo attended Orenae
Beach and the dauahter of Mr. Cout ColJeae and Ia connected
and lira. Lloyd Bachtman o1 134 wiV. RHIU\ and Tebault Enat·
Opal Ave., Balboa Ialand. neertna.
Mr. Bachtman NCOrted hla The bridal ahowera held earlier
atep-dauaht.er to the altar. She In Auau.t were given by Mra.
wore a white embrotMred or· VIola Randall of Fullmon Mlu
1andy 1own and ttnaer-tJp veU. Pat Clark and Mlas Blrbara
Her bouquet wu o1 orctllda, Jacluon of Newport, Mrs. Irene
wbJte carnations and .tepba· RandaJJ and Mlas Sally Randall
notls. ot Whittier and Mra. Shirley Led·
The bride'• alster, Miss Sally better and Mra. Linda Kun of
Randall, eerved u mald of Fullerton. honor. She wore a yellow taffeta
b~de ~ made ln prl~ -------------------------atyle and carried a crescent ~T .A lll....le--.,c· ahaped spray of yellow carna · 8" ~ f""''llll TT ~
tton.s. Mrs. Cbarlea Ledbetter, her
other attendant, was dressed e BOUCE 1.1fSIGlf PTA
Identically. Horace Enatan PTA board
... _
JACK 1IVLIIO'f Re~ JtepreeentatJve
Baya Shorea Realdent Harbor Hl&bJanda Realdent
It will pay you DIVIDENDS to invest through your fr:iendly
neighbors at our convenient local office. · Five years m the
Birtcher Building. * STOCKS • * BONDS * MUTUAL FONDS
MoRGAN & Co.
2515 E. Cocut Bwy .. C:OC... ct.l X.
Charles Defrenzo served as lnembers uststed with 11 c b oo 1
best man. Usbera were Eug~ene registration Friday wt\h their
Cox and Joe Reaftealle. Pamela own brand of hospitality, cottee
Randall, little alster of the bride, and doughnuts for the teachlne
and Vallnda Walters. a cousin, staU, served In the caletorlum
were tlower girls. They wore yel-flom 11.):00 until 12:00 noon. The
low organdy dresllee and carried following board members were ~~~~~~~~ow~~:~~~n~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ad white flower petals. Miss Seal, Art Kistler. C. F. Brunk, ;
Barbara .J~ckaon was solol5t at Wm. G. Paine, Joeeph Casala,
her cousin s wedding. Robert Wallace, Mel Berry. Den
Yellow and whlte flowen and Bucy, James F. Butler, Durwood
cake decorations were used at Young and Porter Sinclair.
the reception following the wed· A rerular board meeting will
ding. The party was held at the be held at 9:30 a .m. Monday at
church parlors. Assisting with the Clift Raven home of th~ pres·
the arrangements were Mlss !dent. Mrs. Mel Berry. Plans for
Judie Moore. ~s. Patricia Clark, the carnival, to be held Oct. 27
and the brides two grandmoth· In conjunction wtth Newport
ers. Mn. Frieda Jackaon ot Ful-Beach Elementary School. will
lerton and Mrs. J. W. Randall be dlscuued. together with busl·
of Corona Highland. ness for the month. Mra. Batchman received guests
In a white lace over pink tal·
t.eta sheath dress with duster en·
semble. She wore a corsage of
pink rosebuds. The g r o o m ' s
l.elera J1111 Dies
• Read E:nstcn Want Ada.
8gin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
for the entire aummft
You lecrt'e it •••
We wash it!
e A LecrcHng loc:al IDduatry .me. 1931 -with a
. .
HarbC!r• ~ Cross Country Team
Holding Time Trials Today
Tbe Barbcw KIP er-. country 'nle .ebedule Ia u foll0W11: trade team pbl Ita fl.rat t.-t of Sept. 13 and 20, time trtala;
,... ... 1011&) t r al n 1 n g tod.ay Sept. Z'l, Montebello, here; Oet.
(Tb~) wt.a time t r 1 a la 3, Anabetm. here; Oct. 10, Gar-
OYa' tbe enure C!IOUJ'8e are held. den Grove, there; Oct. 17 Hunt·
Second time trial. a t.eam tryout. lngton Beach here; Oet. ~. Mt.
w11l be held on a.pt.. 2>, aecc.d-San Antonio Invftatlon.al; Oct.
Inc to eoec:b llalpb Jl.eed. !M, La Habra. here; Oct. 31, Ful-~ Barbw BJib team bouts lerto.n, thleft; Nov. 7, Santa Ana,
a bl&hly tmpr..tve record. The here; Nov. 14, Orange, th.ere;
vanity team bu piled up 42 Nov. 21. Sun.aet League Ftnala at corwecuUve dual meet wln.a In the put four yean.. The junior Huntlneton Beach; Nov. 30, c.I.F.
Cob lila-
TARTER'S TV vanitY hu been unbeaten In prellmlnartea; Dec. 7, C.I.F. ft.
four yean. Thirty or 40 men are na.la~~;~Dec~-~12~, t.ett.er~~a~w~a~rda~. -~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ apected to ahow up for the first -
time trial&. Coach Reed aald Har-
bor HJch ahould wtn the champ-
lonahJp th1a year.
Newport Beaeb playec\ host to
the Cout Lawn Bowllni Leacue
on the Munldpal Greera Satur-
day. President E4 Murwt wel-
comed the eroup. and with the
aid o! Mrs. Herb Wheeler and
Alexa Fullerton, players w~e
.erved coffee and donuts at
luneh time and cold drlnlu dur-
Ing the afternoon.
Newport Jieaeh Players won a• ,... pd nan 11 ..,... .._.. Aa..n.. two out of three game. and a lao
(left). ll•••red br tbe ·~ JlcatMw Kl· the second high plus ICOI'e prlu. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!!.._..~~a:!•~~_.~~~~ay.a~~~2~~tl==c~~(d~lgta~t~)· The team of Walt Peanon. Wal· ... nund by tlae C:C.... del,._ a Aaa.. ter Wood and Alexa Fullerton
defeated a Santa Ana team 30 to
17. AI Oxland, Mn.. W. Brtms and
Lew Pettitt defeated Recreation
Park of Long Beach, 22 to 17.
Uoyd Steeves. BUI Brims and
w~having a
Gr"ter AII-Ameri,an
YMI TlltmiD
S.,L 1•
14111 I 1&111.
Tlllr're 1111
JtOa MOOilE. Mgr.
LAUU ICUJ)DEJIS SPRY Mayonnaise moa•uma
(i)ts. 39c 3 .....
303 C11 &c 8 IL Jar 43c
Greater All-American
·-· F• S..,U.I.
Lola Hoyt of Corona de Mar Mrs. Pearson lost a close game
wUI head the ways and means to Laguna Beach score 19 to 22.
committee for the Newport Har-
Jubilee-Treasure Days-Lobster Bake
bor Soroptlm1st Club tor the com-CII'BDTIA.K SCIDCJ: CBOIICII
lng year, tt was announced by The Lesson-Sermon on "Mat-
President Doone Lawson Tues-ter" at the Newport Beach
day morning at the breakfast Church of Chrt.lt. Selentlat. Sun-
meeting at Jamaloa Inn. day, challenges on the basis of
Oth~ committee heads are spirituality, the reality of matter .
Bunny Mayer, by-laws; Velma even a.s physical sclenoe today
O'Brien, service chairman; Ooro-questions matter'• reality on the
thy Jo Swanson, publicity; Helen baala of demonstrated physical
Pratt, budget; Mabel Fitzmorris, facts. The Golden Text from
hospitality; Farel Walker, mem· Psalms (81 :9, 10) admontsbea.
bershlp; Terry Boris, program; '"Th~ shall no stranee god be
&)"'d Sue Bussey, raffle chairman. In thee; neither shalt thou wor-
ahlp any strange god. I am the
For leotterbeada and envel~· Lord thy God. which brought
Call the Enalgn. Harbor W'-thee out of the land of Egypt."
2 Runaway Girls Reported
Trying to Visit Prisoner .
taken from O'Brien· a reqular stock mes 5 to 20111
and featuring juniors. mires. haU.me. and petites
~(J~ Where ,very day
is Treasure Day . Two Baldwin Park teenage would he allow the child In their
girla were arrested and booked house. After some delay, an
on runaway charges after the uncle of the ,Ul W&J noti!led
mother ol one of the girls notl· and the &irl wu r~leued to him. 251S F. Coaat Highway--Corona del Mar-Harbor 2868
fied the N~rt Beaeb ~~~~ ============================================================================~~~~~---
Dept. that the girls had possibly
come to N~rt Ln order to visit
a prl.Boner In the city jail.
The girls. aced 15 and 14. re·
celved a ride to Newport with an
Informant tor the Baldwin Pa.rk
~lice Dept. The 24-year old man
aald the girls had asked him for
a ride to Newport. He said he
pleked them up with hopes of
getting some Information on nar-
eotlea. After local o f f tc e r s
checked the man's story and
gave him a physical examina-
tion, the man was released and
Instructed. by Baldwin Park ~-
11~. to reP<>{t baek there imme-
The mother of the 15-year old
girl came to Newport and got
the child. 'nlle mother of the sec-
ond child told Newport PolJce
that the child's father would not
permit her to come alter her. nor
CALL mE ENSIGN at Harbor
t:.l4 to order letterheads, envel-
opes. bualness cards, atatements,
lnvttatlon.a, ~en ... Remem·
ber. the Enslen prints It better.
All Types
Jcm llilP ...
FCII' n. FaD ·
, .... !be ••.• , ...... .
Wel,oine to the C.O.M. Lobster Bake
••• and Welcome to Our Store
This Week-end, and Every Week!
I••• Llllsllr lake
Special Items
, .... , ...... Ilia:
&.9u1ar Sl.OO Gift Boxed
100 Sheet. and SO En.elopes
Now ••• 69c
A11o Reg. Sl.OO Gift Box
For 49c
..... , ...... 1
a a.v-AJann Clock
A .liah&e, Guaranteed wa.-upper
ID leautitul Pa.tU
JUST $2.95
CHRISTMAS is just around the
comer. so come in and see our
beautiful a e 1 e c t i o n ol HAIJ....
MAR.K cards and gift wrap-
ORDER penonali.ad cards &om
the H.AI.I.MAU Big Book (in-
cluding wocb by such famoua
w tiata aa Sir W"mston CburchilL
Maurice Utrillo and Norm a n
Rod:weU) 01' ta. DeW hiq Thrift
Book. s.. the boxed c:arda.
--*150 ~i5f,0CIEIE ~
National Academy of Dance cmd Affiliated Artists Corona d I Mar Phar
.... : . ... . .,.·. ---
~....... . 4 ....
Wbol.ale Retail
1'101 z..t eo.t atpway, eo..... del II•
Your Y oufh Center
Needs Your Support
Attend The
* * .JR. SIDE IIUSE * Mil E. Coat Bwy. Pb. JIA 1177
Says-John S. Scofield
Straight Colors and Mixed .... -.... -........ __ 1St 59¢ C" FUCHSIAS
Sale Price ........................... -............ ·--·-.. -.... each
House Plants to Enhance Your Room
PHILODENDRONS .. -·----................ __ 19~ • • • ,
Harbor U50
del Mar
'hn, t.adtJ-. In ...... ~ aad '!We .... ·=· ......... ~. Ml)' ...... At the _. ,_.. ...... .. t· 2, If J 11ma•
coed& Don ....._ w111 beltft U... In a6Pitlon to v..._~ J) o u 1 ..._, u .....-.. nd
ptdlnlft action to~oo~1ow nJ ... t 11M v~ and ~ .._... ...., aDd .Ait •, t •· a .._ <f'rtdv> Ia an lntllr·-auad p.me **W ..,... ata ..... IJY&luable. ~ Will .. ~ ..... •
at ta.. Blala ldaool IWd. C... .,.. tnldl .-n. TolD Atldneoa ball...._ CoMia ~··~ be
time 18 at 1:30. _. Tod WU.On. wUl al8o aJd u hu two -.a atas"' • ......., wttty.ntne ,._,_., vandty and r..tw•a. la4 ftoma-n and Dale 11art1a.
.tun lew vanl~. comp..-twice Badr1Wd ~ o a e h Bill a.naQ lotJa .... an tut and lb.lft7.
a day pradic:e -ton. Jut Prt, reporta that the baddleld 1a rela· • CM1 BM DAD ....
day. Throutbout the NJDatnder 8wlY Ml&ll but fairly fut. lome llead-eo.cb Burna, who hu
ot the •uon. practloe -'oM ~ Junior van!tf men been badltleld co a e h tor the
wtll be held after 8cllool. lhould help out the lltuaUon.. put three yean at Harbor HJah,
Coach Burna reported that he point. to Bunttnaton lead! u
hu etaht ~~ lettermen. d the Sun.tet Leque dark bont.
Among tAe retumtnc veta .,. Bees an c e e s Anaheim, 19S5 Jeecue eluunplon. four key men. Charles Vander· ,Ia e.Jwaya tou,h, Buina alated.
vort, 141 -pounder, wUI ~ action F\allerton and Santa Ana ahould
aa an alternate end. At one of Prepar·•ng for a)., provide keen eomjletJUon. the auard positions Is Gary The Tars tlnlahed thud Jn leaaue
Deem. who tlplJ Ute scales at competition 1ut -..on. (San
200. Gene Hubbard, who did an,. F• t c t t Dte,o wu C.LP. champion. q .
excellent job filling In last sea· Irs on es Ina the Anaheim ColonLIU Jn the eon, will call signals at the quar· . flnal playolfa.)
terback spot. Bud Thompaon, 139 Forty Harbor High clus 8 foot· The 1955 8clledule for the Tars
pounds, wJJI bold down the half. ballera, twenty of them C letter· ll u follow., With last year'a re·
baclc position. men Juf year are maldnc final sulta Jn parentbesla:
• LIIIZ AYEUCU 171 La& preparatlona f~r next Thursdaya Sept. 21• Exoelsfor, there (20,
The Une avera.,es out at 176 openlng ~~ with ExeeJ•Ior, ac-Excelalor 0).
pounds while the back1Jeld av-eordlnr to head c 0 a c h Emil Sept. 28. Montebello, here (18, "=====~================= erage Is 160. AceordJne to Coach Neeme. Only three of the play. Montebello O>. _
Burna. the weakest ~ts In the ers are clus B veterana. Oct. S. Anahetm, ·at OCC Sta-
llne ue at the tadc.le positions. Coach Neeme reports he hu dJum, (0, Anaheim Z7).
Line coach John McCowen aays several good running backs but Oct. 1.2, Garden Grove, there
he hu two lood p~ for points out a weaknesa at the (14, Garden Grove 0).
P. lr:•z lly ol ll...:lauett..
wtao ..a.1 ._._ atet.u9W to a
pboee-llalab .. tbe ........
U.. D.-I Clatk C 0 S. e T tloa.
wW appear 1a lasta A.D. ...t
Tlau.nday. Sept. .. aadew tbe
auaplciN ., tbe 0,.... Coa.aty
CouDdl of .,_DUUtk Qab&.
111'. lr:eaaedy w1ll .... a •• ~ to lcaulc:la .. .,...
quarterback position. Paul San· ~ Oct. 19, Huntington Beach,
doval, the regular quarterback, OCC Stadium (18, Huntington
Is out with an Injury. Ronnie Beach 13).
Koren and Johnny Hukell ane Oct. 26, L&Habra, here (did not
two good prospects to fill Sando· play Jut year).
val's slot at quarterback. Three Nov. 2, Fullerton, there (28
other back• expected to eee Fullerton 6).
plenty of action this seaaon are Nov. 9 Santa Ana, OCC Sta ·
Dave Hammond, Terry BagweJJ, dlum, (12, Santa Ana 13>.
and Robert SwlnfOI'd. Nov. 16, Oran.,e there (21, Qr.
'Ibe B's have a good llne this ange 7>.
year. with the exception of both • :c;o~.m~y;g:_ ~~e~~tlona, where the Une Three of the Tara foes are not
Coach N~me and hla aafst. In the Sunae( l.,_,ue. They are
ant. Mike Pellnger. have hlch Montebello, Ex.celAIIor, and La-
hopet of bettering Jut aeuon's Habra. LaHabra Ia taldna th~
won·lost record Last vear the plaoe of Calltomla on the ~
· ' • , achedule. 'Ibe Tars lost to CalJ. B's won fi ve and lost 4• The B s fomla by a score of 26 to 6 Jut face the same opponents u the ~ar
varaJty; however. B games wtll With the exoeptJon of. the In·
be played on Thursday after. ~-squad game tomorrow ntght,
noons at opposite loeatlona of all games will be played at 7:30
the varsity aames. on Friday nJgbts.
In the clua C ranka, head· All coaches employ the T-for-
Whm You Think of
Think of
s~rving CoroM thl MilT 4114
South~rn Ort~~~ge COfUity
SINCE 19<48
3631 Eut Coast Hipway • Corona dd Mar
cnrtic .-pulp Ia Oraate
Coa.aty. 1'be ... t w1J.I be bel4
at tbe c-.zazlty c..w. liM w. ltla lt.. lasta A-. tit 12
coach Bill Straws and his aafst. matlon, with a modJIJed apllt
ant, Bill Burn-. report an out· Kne which wu lutalled at
standing line. At the ends are Harbor In l9C8. Prior to thla time,
Larry GentJl and Dick Scbllclcen-a abort punt formation wu uaed.
mayer. Three load guards are Coach Burns Is uaJng 8er'les
Dick Rains, Phillip Malloux. and pla)'l, pla)'l, a1x runnJng playa to
David Vauchn. Mike George will either aide and approximately 12
be at center and Tom Ireland paaatng playa. Be Will be uatnc
and Mike Ha)'te8 wUI hold down a total of around 30 playa. Bum.a
the tackle poeltlona. ~trawa. who ~mphuized the fact that be wu
Is also varsJty track coach, 1• lntelftted In playtnr u many
still working on a backfield com· boys u poatbJe 1n tbe oomln&
blnatlon. · ..,.80n -----------------------
The C's have the a.ame ached· -===·~=:;;:============================::::::;. ule u the B'a and their games r-..... Loaslly ......... ......u.
are alao played at oppoe.lw lo-
... ,._ ...... a-u Axtat.
Pirate Squ~d Slfaping up
For Passing Attack on Foes
H~ad Coach AI Irwin expect& ~Y~ In a quarterback by the
to break the Plra~ grid ~~quad nam~ of Crockett, first name
Into teams thls week for the first Bob.
tim~ and begin prepping for Crockett wu all ClF, all eo .. t
their first game--against Gl~n-L ~a g u ~, and moo valuabl~
dale Friday night, Sept. 21, at player uncler the tutoraee of th~ Plrat~ Stadium. backfield coach llm Staneeland,
The 1956 OCC football machine when Stangeland wu head men·
Is expected to be a passlne ma· tor at Down~y Hteh School. Lut
chine with lots of fiankers. year Crockett completed 101 out
They ar~ a amall team, 10 no of 184 pua attempts.
~5.-The Jewel Box \
d !~
use trying to run over anybody. And there are ~me potential ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Seco~~n~d~ly~, ~t§he~y~po~ssess~~~a~de~a~d· r~lven for Crockett ,too. At one ;; end Ia Paul Lorentzen, who fol· ''IE SUIE Tl II Tl TIE LIIIJEI BAlE" lowed AI Irwin from Newport
• • •
, Harbor High. A ahade above 6
feet. Lorentzen wu all confer·
ence and one of the beat ends
Irwin has ever coached.
There Is alao rtaht end Clay-
borne Tribble, who ltand4 only
5' 9" and welgtu but 156. Second
lltring All Suntet Leaaue Alan
Storey Ia another end eandtdate
who may have the ball t.o.ed h.la
way. Storey didn't eatcll too
many P&UH whlle at Anaheim.
But then Anaheim dJdn't throw
HA 1403
2726 Eat Coat Hwy.
WE Y. Tl 111111 TIE
LOBSTER BAKE ,_ , ....... ..... , .. ·4~··
too much Jut 'Year either. I j~~iiiii~~~~~iiiiiii~~~~iiiii~ii~iiJ(iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iii~ The halfback 81tuatlon took a '1 ~
jolt when bJ&hly touted VIc Co-
ronado, left haJ.IMdl tram Ma1Jr
Del, awttched from Oranae Cout
CorODG del Mar
Get aeiJII~IDted ·~-h
.. Coanuy cmc~•mc.". OUI' ..... ,
3537 E. COAST BWY .. COROllA DEL lila HADOJ( 3131 * ua on..., ••YD •ABDIG 1.01' •-... or n011a •
Dlllft ur AU.ZY r... •AaCMOI oa oer ••o-uaaa n-... DOaa
to Santa Ana.
WJtb the 8tartlnl flllebool tbll
Wftk, practJce mow. up boat t
to 4 p.m. CDM IRAVB.
SRYICE -..... ~ ..... ,_ ... _, tliiliiNI a II ... .
JK)WJOOIINQ a re~ C81n1D ....
the Jordans
a ..... .,.,,.
Lucky are the cuya who are
taldne dandne from our attrac·
For a bit of example of danc-
lne at Arthur Murra~ our
apeclal proe:ram at the '-'~~'IJaL•a
Bake tht. week-end.
OlE IllS-Fl'llll •• Slick
FUll. OF
1 Gal. Can ---···-····· $1.75 to $2.50
5 Gal. Can ___ $5.00 to $7.50
Corona del Mew N~W~ery
., .. &. c..e JIWyt
._ M" f &a...._ • GQioollll'._ ......
...m Ill"--• U.S. Roycil ...,.....
Experienced Coachin9_ ~S.taff ·
At Helm of far .Grid squads
D ·D.&C!'D .. ,lddr•t .. tM
Caldenle ...... ._ a. ....
A-. ._ ... attla ce••• ~Uw ,.. ........... Jolua A.
KwdF Jr ... •-tbl9toa ....._ ........ .,.., .......... --
................. lillltlola .. ... *' 17,....... ... u..
..... --Ia ...... Or-all9e eo.atr .. 'ttea. .. .........
...... 01 .. c..aty Ia ...
Mrs. Edwin Wachter of 5e Bea-
con Bay will ent.ertaln members
of the Santa Ana Valley Alum·
nae Chapter of Sigma Kappa SO·
rorlty at a dinner meeting a t her
home at 6 :30 p.m. Wedn~ay,
Sept. 19. For reservations. mem-
bers are aaked to telephone her
at Harbor 1596·1.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick D r a k e
moved this week from Corona
Hlehlanc:la to South La~ Mrs.
Drake ls convale.clnr from her
~nt operaUon and the Drakes
are contemplating a fonl~n jour·
ney when her atren(th returns.
The Hal Thurmana ot 427 Fern-
leaf Ave., Corona del Mar, have
moved to Orange.
a c .. , ......
CoM&nt watchtuln@U throueh the yean hu been our best protection--and yours. We ue
elad to be known u a "careful bank!"
Our COMUVaUve policy wUl continue to sateeuard de~tora and to make th1a bank a
bulwark of !lrtand al stnmath in the community.
34• E. Clast IIP••J, C.... 1111 ..
Tlolt N(W ISSU( o1 _,., .. ot -be"'9 olle<ed to ... ....,al e»wbblc ~ ll>e .....,_
••V"ed ...._.,_ boftle<. fhe olle<Oftt •• .ode 0., -ol lhe 011..-iftt Cw,wlor Oflly
27,000 shores doss A common stock, par value $1 0 per sho re
27.000 shores class B common stock. por value $1 per shore
.._,ed ;., """' ol -dou A eNI -clou a ~
,.,Cf $11.00 per unit
434 ........ s.r.... loe ~ 14, MA.. ~1611
lfVUlT HillS • fUllltTON • COlONA Oil liolA.t
,.;._ co.t Ott oWitotlool ..,..... _. -o ~ ol ........
cltniOtt • .....,_.,, lee.
c ity ................................ ~one----J;lhon.._ _____ ____
110WIWolfoe ......
~ 1111...,. owea
Knom Your DOME StOre Better!
~ .. lwnl. ......
Jlfcda CAioltaJaa. .... ,..... ....
eclltonal ltd 01 tile Jeawpoi't
H.atbcw J:lwlp.
Mt ...... au.ncled Walle FM·
.-Coli... Walle ...... Jlf.C.,
prior to ~ tM lfavy ln
UN8. Be wu ltadoned at the U.S. Jlfaval Air .._... ,._ Cen·
ter, Point llqu. Caltt .. b' three
yean. Afte 1Hvll\l Pt. M\lQ,
Burna wu .. Jped to tbe USS
Sallabury ~nd, a •• plane
tender operaUnl at Okinawa.
He wu dlachar1ed from the
Navy in lB a nd resumed hlt
studies at Wake Forest In the
sprlnl of 1953. He wu (fl'aduated
from Wake Forest In May of thla
year, recelvln1 a B.A. de(fl'ee
with a majM In Phll010phy and
Bums wu marrlecl just 2
weeka aeo to the former Miss
D o n n a Jean Robinson, 4419
Ramsdell, La Crescenta. ~. and
Mrs. Burna are makinl thelr
home at 119 44th St., Newport
Mil Vta I'«· IU a. .............
-.a c..t 8W7-aA 5170 c.-......
LAST BAn '"-'-of u.. Lobetw 1a11e t.o.ne. 8Jl1 E..-...s bl'ota.. Ten7 ~ c._.-_,. nz•oz roa ::.V~~ 1· c-ata (.._t) • ....,. tnc.ve ......... tlaeM , J'OU8tr ~1 Dcl9td au .. eo.-. del .... v-u~ .......... TZZ.U --of ... 01 ... ,.. A-. ......................... __::....::....::;.:..::.:__::..=;.:__:_..::......=.:..:...:.......:_:_ _ _;:_ _____________________ VISIT TilE lldfELI.T"I alaow8 a cMet •·NJ to Dr. 1.-lha...u. C1DG8t7 ad dty
OIIDDIAJrCK •o. ,_ AYES. COUNCILMEN: Hart, ATJ'EST: Relatlvu from Texas are Mcdtb oat~. 11ae C~M~Dtr D Aua. wtll ~ Ia a ......
The City Councll of the City MacKay, WUder, Stoddard, Hil· MARGERY SCHROUDER housecuesta at the home of Mr ·wide SUft! .......... tiUa fall to ti8d -...,. to -. ol tile of Newport Beach does ordaJn ble. HUJ. City Clerk and Mrs. George McNelly 70l ~ l~oe pnbl-s ..,....U.. • ..,,_ --. 'I'M
u follow.: NOES COUNClLMEN: None. -------M ' •'Dn'Of wUllaftlft tlae _. ot tbe ~ wt. Wbk* t. __, SECTION 1: Section ~ en· ABSENT COUNCll...MD'f: Rld· OBDIAJfCE JfO. _, arfgold Ave., Corona del Mar . .,.... waa 0.. prtadpcd tool Ia IPOttlaf ~bat wlaJdl
titled "Public Address Svflems" derhof. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING Mrs. McNelly celebrated her .._ "'ecliMd Ill 1aM wttJa,tbe ..,_t of tlae ._ liiiiiiiDII'" •·nrr ~-~ birthday la.st month with a dJn. .... ......
be, and the aame ls. hereby DORA 0 . HlLL 'MIE ZONING OF CERTAIN ner party at Chers Inn. wh.lch -------------,.-----------
amend'ed to read as folJows: Mayor REAL PROPERTY IN THE was given In her honor by her Call ~~~~-
"Section 4209. Public Address A1'TEST: CIT'i OF NEWPORT BEACH Codarougnhaterd.elMMI~ •. Velma O'Brien of r lllf lor JoL IL.:-Iillg Systems. No person shall use or MARGERY SCHROUDER 'l'he city council of the clty of .. 1J 1'"1111
permit to be used, any public City Clerk Newport Beach does ordain as
address systems or similar me· follows:
chanlcal contrivances or appar· ORDDfAJfCE MO. 718 SECTION 1: That sect 1 0 n
atus, for the purpose . of broad· AN ORDINANCE CHANGING 9102.2 of Article IX of the-Munl·
casting noi.Jea or music, or other THE ZONING OF CERTAIN clpal Code of the city of Newport
sound&, In or on the public REAL PROPERTY IN THE Beach Is l'lereby amended as tol·
streets, or In or on public or CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH lows·
aemJ-publlc places In the City, The clty council of the city of · unless such public address ays· Newport Beach does ordain as Tract 1763, as per map re·
terns or similar mechanical con· toUows· corded In Book 52. page 11, Tract
trlvanoes or a'J)paratus a.s hereto· SECTioN 1: That Section 9"102.2 1!1)5. as pel' map recorded In
fore menUoned. and the sounds of ArtJcle IX of the MunJclpal Book 61, page fO. and Tract lB06,
emitted therefrom. shall be con· Code of the city of Newport u Pet' map ~rded In Book 72.
fined within enclosed rooms or Beach Is hereby amended as tol· page 32. records of Orange Coun-
bulldlnp provided that this sec· lows· ty, be, and each of aaJd t:racU 1s
tlon shali not prevent the Parka. Tr~ct 3082. as per map re· hereby re-zoned from a U District
Beaches and R«reatlon Depart· corded In Book 91. pages 12 and to an R·1·B District.
ment from u•Jng a public ad-1S of reocor(ls of Orange County, SECTION 2: That the city engt-
dreu system In conjunction wtth ~ and It 1s hereby re-zoned from neer of the city of Newport Beach
planned procranu and actJvltJes a u Dl.atrict to an R-1-B District. Is hereby Instructed and dlrected
tor the benefit of the cltlzeM ol SECTION 2: That the city engi· to chanee the above District Map
Newport Beach. neer of the city ol Jllewport Beach so u t o show the zonlnr ch.anges
"EXCEP110N: Upon appllca· Is hereby instructed and directed de.crlbed In Section 1 hereof.
tlon to the City Council, the City to change the above Dlatrlct Map and as saJd District Map ahaU
CounclJ may within Its discretion so as to show the zoning changes have been eo amended, the same
grant an exception to the afore-described ln Section 1 hereof, ahall remain ln full fo.roe and
aald prohibition. provided that and as said Dlltrlct Map shall etrect and be a part of Ordinance
the public address system or have been so amended, the same No. 635 of the city of Newport
aJmllar mechanical contrivances shall remain In full force and ef· Beach and Section 9102.2 of the
or apparatus as heretofore men-feet and be a part of Ordinance Municipal Code of the city of
tloned la confined to a fixed No. 635 of the city of Newport Newport Beach.
established place of business Beach and Section 9102..2 of the SECTION 3: Thla ordinance
within the City of Newport MunlclpaJ Code of the city ot shall ~ publlahed at least once
Beach. or the application Is made Newport Beach. In the Newport Harbor Ensign.
by a non-protlt charitable organ· SECTION 3: Thl• ordinance a newspaper of general clrcula·
l.zatlon. In which event the deteT· shaJl be pubflshed at least once tlon, printed and published and
mlnatlon of whethn the appll· In the Newport Harbor Ensign, circulated In the city of New·
cant la a non·Proflt charitable a newspaper of general clrcula-port Beach and the same shall
organization sh all be Left solely t lon. printed and published and be In full fo~ and effect 30
In the judgment of the City circulated In the city of Newport days after this passage.
Council. Such ex c eptI on , lf Beach 1\nd the same shaJl be In The above and fort-going or·
granted by the City Council. force and eUect 30 days after thla dlnance wu Introduced at a reg-
shall be for a fixed period of passage. ular m~ng of the city council
t ime." The above and foregoing ordl· of the city of Newport Beach held
SECTION 2: This ordinance nance was Introduced at a regu· on the 27th day of August. 1956.
shall be published at Least once lar meeting of the city council and wa.s finally passed a.nd
In the Newport Harbor Ensign, a of the city of Newport Beach adopted on the 11th day of Sep·
newspaper of general circulation. held on the Zith day of August. tember. 1956, by the follow1nl
printed and published In the 1956. and was flnaUy pa~ a nd vote, to-wit:
City of Newport Beach and sha ll adopted on the 11th day of Sep· AYES. COUNCILMEN: Hart.
take eft.ect 30 days a fter lts final tem~r. 1956, by the following lolacKay, Wilder, Stoddard, Hll ·
passage. vote.· to-wit: . ble. Hill.
The foregoing ordinance was AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, NOES COUNCILMEN: None.
introduced at a regular meeting MacKay. Wilder, Stoddard, Hfg. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: RJd.
of the City Council ot the City of ble. Hill. derhof.
Newport Beach held on the 27th NOES. COUNCILMEN : None. DORA 0 . HILL
day of August. 1956. and was ABSENT COUNCILMEN : Rid· Mayor
finally pused and adopted on derhof. ATTEST:
the 11th day of September, 1956. DORA 0 . HILL MARGERY SCHROUDER
by the following vote, to-wit: Mayor City Clerk
. ~.t • -.. -~ --• -• ' -
An Invitation To The Lobster Bake
The professional men and women of Corona del Mar com-
mend the Corona del Mar Business Association for their public-
spirited project in sponsoring the annual Lobster Bake celebra-
tion, which will raise funds for the Community Youth Center. We
join them in inviting you to attend this worthwhile event.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Otolaryngology
Physicians & Surgeons
ALLEN 0 . COrn.E, M.D. Dentiata
LINCOLN GRINDLE, M .D. Osteopathic PhysiCians
and Surgeona
.. RED Hor· Vaba• tor ThW'L. Fri.. Sat.. S.pt. 13. 14, 15th.
Slcn Houn: . 9 A.M. to 8:30P.M. SUDday cmd HoUdaya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
IIVJIT"'.-4 ...
Baby Food ~--~~:=.l ~ r.: Tomato Sau'e 3 ... 21(
JAJr·V-W'IIQ.-.5 oa. aottle DlliD ,........._1 lb. 4-. J•
IUIIilbii&-l lb. ._ . ll~llb. ...
nut Cookies
LDIDSAT--Ifedlaaa-Plttecf.-7'1/1 oa. Call
4~ Hi-Ho Cra,kers 33(
IIAimJf KJ I IS-I qt. 8ottJe
33( Apple J'e~ or Cider 33(
I ... II IL Ill