HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign2 WORLD'S RECORDS ARE SET
Two world's records were Mt
a nd 'three natJonal Champion·
ahlpe were eatabllahed by In·
board power boat racers during
the Golden Anniversary BeJatta
held In the Harbor Sunday.
Thounnda of apectaton crowded
all available apace on bluff.l and
chann~l front to watch the spec·
tacular ~nt.
Carl Mag1nn of Glendale, in
h la boat, "Hot Ice," was real hot
as he roared to a new world's
record In the Crackerbox Run•·
bouts class. Hla time was 73.8
miles an hour, ecllpslne the
mark of 68.002 held by Bob Pat·
tenon of Va n Nuys.
Maginn al10 won the national
championship In the Crackerbox
clua. u he won both h eats d ur·
Inc the day.
Barney Navarro of Gl~dale
set the new world's record In the
7·lltre boat even t by speeding
83.817 miles an hour over tbe ,_
mlle courM In North Lido Chan·
nri. The old record w aa 81.008
m iles an hour. Rich Hallett of
Downey wu leadlne Navarro by
a .u~tJal marlin tn thta race
1fllen b e Olpped h .. .peect beet.
"Sewn Grand. .. at the tum neu
the county dock.
Jack Salmon of Plco. new na·
tlonal champion In the 135-lnch
hydroplane class, IICOred wlna In
both heats over a field of 12.
Ed Brown of Sacramento cop·
ped the nation al championship
In the class E RAcing Runabouu
event. In the first heat of this
race, Ted P~terson narrowly
escaped Injury wh~n hla boat,
"Donald Duck," nipped four or
five times before resting on end
Jn the water.
Dan Campbell of Long Beach
won the flrat heat a nd came In
third In the second heat. Brown,
winner of tM cha mpionsh ip, fin·
tshed second In the first heat
but came In first In the final
Ac:ada a .... at the n.a:ll pt.ddle1 ~ Manoc.
SIS CCirDatloa A..., aDd DuDcaD Stewart. 113
Sboncllff 84.. with baD4a full oJ lobatwa.
( Eadp photo)
Tars to Open vs. Excelsior
50% 0ver
Last Year
A new record for att~ndanc~
was set by the Corona d~l Mar
Lobcter Bake last week-end,
marking the oPft)ing of th~ Col·
d~n Jubilee Week for N~rt
General Chairman Bob Murphy
estlmated that more than 3.000
mealjS w~re served. This com·
pares with 2.150 meals last year
and 2.437 the year before.
Tht> t>xact total Is still uncer
taln. because many ticket ~11~
have not turned In tht-lr records
and cash. Mr. Murphy said that
all tlck~t recelpu can be turned
In to Harold Hetrick at th~ Nt>W·
port Harbor Bank.
At y~erday morning's m~·
lng ot Corona del Mar merchants
In Jamaica Inn Jkstaurant. Mr.
Murphy acceptt>d Kart>n Brun·
lng's request that ht> serve as
chairman ot tht> Lobster Bak~
again nf"Xt year.
The merchants agr~ that fu·
ture Lobster Bakes should be
h~ld In September. and not in
October as In prt>vlous years.
Jubilee Finale
This Weekend
The Golden J ubilee wet-k ot
the City of Newport Beach will
~ach Its climax this Wet'k·end
with a Fish Fry Saturday and
Sunday. a concert Saturday ~e·
nlng. and boat rac-es Sunday.
The Bells Join City
in Golden Anniversary
1llP. Flsh Fry will be ht>ld at Mr. and Mrs. J Raymond Bell
the Balboa Parking Lot. bt>gln· H. b. I r·v of 706 Goldenrod Av«>. Corona
nlng at noon of both days. It will 19 I e s del Mar, teamed up 'A1th New·
he sponsore-d by th«> Newport port's Jubilee to celebrate th~lr
Harbor Vt>terans Oranlz.atlons. A Golden anniversary wtth a ~P·
At 8:30p.m. saturday. th~ Or· ppearance uon sunday afternoon In th~ so·
ange County Philharmonic will clal hall of the Corona del Mar
present a tree concert In the Or· IS Delayed Community Church.
ange Coast College auditorium. The Bt>lls were marrlf"d In 1906
The Golden Jubll~ yacht races In Lucas. Iowa. Althou~h th«>y
wlll Include keel boats, startin g CoaDcU.aaa aDd Mn.. Clar· were-just younptftS, thelr wed
and finishing off the eaat ~d -.c. 1119ble WOil't be oa tiUa ding was no surprt. to the town
ol Lldo late, and ceDterboatd T.-daT •• I '"'9's ........ of Lucaa. r«•lla Mrs. Bell. be·
boaU. sta.rtln& and fia1alb.ll\8 off ,. ... ua ""De T-"rrul T~ cau.ee they bad ~ @JidbOQ4
Newport Harbor Yach t Club. WJ.Je ... a odgtaally ~ ~earts all the wbUe t.b!y
Boata Will be started according "Tbe • ._... ....... IWit ,... w~ ~inc up.
to their handicap rating as Cllllftd ~ du..tl tile tpolld~ 1 Sunday's r«'f'ptlon was gh·f'n
shown In th«> race Instructions caa.,...,_ • raP • ._ in honor of the Bells b) Mrs.
Ftrst keel boats. the VIkings. ~~~~-~ -~~. Bells s1stt>r ~rs Hf'lt"n \\'ald~n will start at noon. First Cf'nter .,. -. -~ ... ~ f T 1 C'l d fl board boats. the-Sabots. will (Could be"" I. E.1ectloa Day 0 emp e t) an \P m~s ai.Dce dl 'f the ...; of the rouplf' Miss Zoann(" Wal
start at 1 p m. Tl"ophlt>5 Will bt" -'th r~u ..!_ _ .. ~ .. -den ol Templt" City. Mrs.. F. F.
presented at 6 p.m In the Nt>w -· ...... qar -·..---.-.u. Hollyfie-ld. Mrs Ouanf' Bakf'f'
port Harbor Yacht Club Mc<Art.by wtll be abcMat poll· ~frs Peg£) ~fartln and \1,.. Jun('
Continuing through this \\N'k tics.) Holkf'.;;tat1 all of Lakt"o'coc•t1 A~
Is the Jubilee fishing tourna I -.1st1ng thPm Wt'TP thf' Ptlo,;c-111,1
ment. DeadUnt> for turning In p·lano Solo·st s.>n;('(> Cusld of the Churrh
weight slips will be 8 p.m Sdt· I A r.:-pls('a of lht" or1gln•d wNI
urday. Awards In 10 cia..~ will PI w· h t11ng cak."' was surroundf'd "lth
be pre-~nted at the Fish Fry at to ay It golden chrysanthtomums and tt>a
noon Sunday. sandw1cht>s. on thf' rPtrPShmt'nt
Ph •l h • table \.oldt>n chrysanth("mumc; Permit lsketl il CDI I arm 0 n I c til"d with Whitt" satin rlboon-. and
~flc;s Mary Lt'hl~h. \\'l'st loast bE-lls formPd an arrhwa} whf'rf' For Ceramic Factory pianist. will bf' reatuiY'<I Wllh thE' lht> c-ouple f("{'PI\'f'O morl" than
Orange County Phslharmon1c So. 125 ~ut.osts
Au~ permit for a ceramk fill"· ciNy Orc•hf'Stra In a ronl'f'r1 at A mu<:1ral prn~am ";' .. pro
tory at 609 Ft>rnleal Avt' .. nt"ar R:30 p m Saturt1ay In the llrAn~e ,;dl"d by FNn r ... mkP Rulh HU· Bees and Cees
to Play Today
Harbor High coach Don Burns be open until after this after· both con\'l'rtt>d linemen. lookt'd Coast Highway In Corona del C'oal"t C'ollf'gt' .\ui!Jtnrsum This ma~n. Kathl'nnP Prnrtf'r '>~I
wU1 run hla Tars throueh a light noon's practice session. good Friday night. Coach Burns Mar. Is bt>ing requestl'd by Mat· JX'rformanrt' 1.., onf' of thE' at· aliz1ng in 5eln~.., from thP \.ay
practice today In preparation This week coach Bums has was also pl~aSf'd with how well quls G Parlt-of Parll'S. Inc Thf' trartwn::. of ttv-:"I'" por1 G·•lden !l\1nt>t1~. ancl Fayp SpiC"N "hn
tor the clash tomorrow (Frldayl been stressing better timing of some of the pltchout plays were application will be conside-red by Jubllf'f' playl'd \'lolin c;olo~ Edith Kf'mpt>r
wtth Excelsior. to be played plays and down !l.eld blocking, exccutl'd. The Tars demonstrated th«> City Planning Commission at Miss U>hl~h "111 pl<1y Dohn· sang thf' wN!dtng "nl,,._ "I LovP
there at 7:30p.m. two of the Tar's w~ak points wit· a fair passing attack: howevt>rj Its monthly meeting this .,., anyi''> "\'arlatwn~ ••n a !\ur"'ery You 1'rul~" anti 'Through The
Coach EmU• Neeme's Harbor Although Burns released a nessed at last Friday night's I the quarterbacks w~re not too ning I Thursday• In City Hall. Rh~·me for P1ann 11nd t•n hrstra .. \'Pars ..
Hlth Bee football 8QU &d has fin· tentativ~ starting line-up, he told Inter -squad game. Two fullbacks., sharp on th~ counting of signals I Elwood Murphy, who owns tht> The Or11nge Cnun!.} Phllhar AttN th<" Tf'<'Pptum a Wf't1rllng
lahed hard workouts thla week players that all positions would Art Birtch~ and Doug BowLer, Art BJrtcher. 178·pound Tar :'>fls.-; Mutf~tt ShopJM> n~arby. momr Orrh("<:tra. dtr~ted b~ supper was hrlrl 11t the Bt-11
In final preparation for the eame fullback who played as a line commt-ntl'd on thts requ~t at F'rll'da IWIJnfantl' "111 pia} · Ar home for the Immediate rami!'
wtth Excelaior thla attHnoon G• I F• d T men last year. ~ twice and yeste-rday's meeting of Corona a~"'mlr ff"';tl\al ()v("nureo" by The Bells hll\'1" lw~ In Cahfor
(Tburaday) at the SaUora' field. young lr s In rea sure led hla tum to a 12·7 victory Frl-dt>l Mar mPrchants In Jamaica Brahms. "Adagio fur Stnn~ .. by nia for 35 yt'ar-.. mostl~ In Los
In puttine the 8QUad throulh day night. Inn Restaurant. He said that a Samuf'l Barh(>r. and ·~1asquer-Angeles. ~·h~rf' Mr &-II uwnt"d
a lot of eontact work. coacb by Solv·tng the Wrong Clue The opposing team tallied on manufacturing plant would tak~,adt" Suit('' by KhaC'hatunan a string of markPtS ThP\ h<Wf' Neeme hoped to Jet the players a 55·yard pass play from Jim away parkin& area from tht> r~· Th«" ronC'f'rt Is open to tht> pub lived In Corona dt"l Mar for S(>Vrn
down to their normal aeuonal Schones to halfback Dale Martln.
taU stores. lie f~ of C'haree yea.ra.
wetebt. On Monday, the team Two resourceful little girls of and Miguel Jose was the family Coach Burns romment.ed favor· ---
worked extenalvely on zone de· 12, with lOme parental help, na me of Father Serra. Together, ably on the perlormance of
tense plaJI. .A. heavy practlce puzzled out tM Treasure Hu nt they referred to the lntenectlon guards Jim Bento. Gary Deem,
was conducted on TUellday. with clues Saturday morning and of Columbua Circle and Serra Dr. Carl Ber~ron. and Dave Pettit.
a taperlnl off on Wednesday In found the treasure chest. with Its In Corona Hlehlands, "Fisher· Other linemen mentioned w.l!~ p~atlon for the aame th1.a •1oot" of a $50 aavlnp bond. m~n" referred to the fact that Ron ThornP. Terry Raean, Stuart
afternoon. h Contractor Bill Fisher's men were Betz. and Bob Vlllaera na. Back· ........ Harbor Hleh Cee .,.uad The decisive clue. owever, fle-ldera winning a word of praise • "" -_._._., ld ntal some worklne a t a construction job was cut from 72 to 44 playft'S wu •un.:uY ace e -· nearby. from coach Bums we~ Stan
Jut w~k. However, a new crop thine that not even treaaure puz. Susan and Claudia, with the Sch ones. Forest Smith , ~rb Y~.
abow_.. up at the o,..n tne of zler 11m Van Dyke knew any-Bud ........ omp!!On, and Blrtcher. .... r-tht bo t help of their mothers. figured ... echool whkb should p ut tbe total ne a u • out Colon eaally enoueb. They The Excelsior elewn. who a l80
eount above :50 membenl. 'nle lucky eals were Susan Investigated near Co 1 u m b u a have a ~ roach. will be run·
Coach Straws reported that Rarahbar,er. dauabter of Mr. Circle, but without success. nlng from the trtralaht T forma·
.orne of the new crop would help and Mra. Bruce Harshbarger of Then their mothers ncalled t:Jon. The Tars blanke-d Excelsior
tbe llne con.ald•ably. Monday, 481 Acada Aw., and Claudia the Enal~ article last week a&Y· last season 20 to 0.
tbe coach banded to playen a lrw1n. dauahter of OCC ertd lne that ~. van Dyke often has He-re Is tht> Tar'a tentative line·
mlJ:neolrapbed abeet ot eome ol eoach and lin. Al Irwin, of 230t used Blbl~al clues. Mleuel Joee up for tomorrow's action wtth
the playa to be UMd aplnlt the Padftc: Dr .• Corona del Mar. led them to the stoty ot 1c.epb Ex.cels.lor at Norwalk : At left end
Excelllor Cee 8quad t.b1l alter· Tbey WOtUct out their partly in the BJble-a nd tbey found a w1ll be Chari~ Vandftvort; left
noon at NorwalL acdderltal solution t.rom the fol· refe~n~ to J«*Ph bdnc no tadde. Ron Th~; left euard.
DUrlnl tbe week. the tMJD 1owtft1 ~ pGIIted by Mt. Dyke yean old. Gary Deem : cent., Bob Allen:
went thnMqb .uenuou exerdleS on the c1ocw of the Newport Har· So. u atna a clue entlrlely ~.tn· rllbt IUant 11m amto: rlfht
and K!1mmqed a short Wb.lle bot Bank at t In the momlne: Intended by Mr. van Dyke, tbey tadtle. Dennl.s Da.IMout; ft&ht
wtth pu1 playa on Monqy and ftle c.-.a -Lt' • paeed ott 110 ·~ nea.r Cblum· end. Bob Vllla,-ran.a. 1ft the back·
Tuellda)'. Coadl Stra\ft ltatecS .... ,_ .-.., bu.a Circle. an4. lo. there was tleJd wtll be Art atrtcher. at the
that the bl.,-Improvement Ia " • tbe treuure cbelt ln a cardboard fullback position: rl•ht h alfback. needed tn the ~·· owt·aD ...... I •• .. h •Ill ..._ box hidden lD -.:~me brush. 'nle llud 'nlom peon: left halfback. tt.mlnl .C • Clele. ,......_ ttme wu 1:30 a.m.. just 3 " Dale Martin; Gene Hubbard w1ll
.A.U Tar footbaU pl.,_. _.. • Te Ill 1111 • •ut 8114 hoW'S after the etart ot the trH.a· be caUlnt alpab at quartter·
wettbed In on -ru.d&1 In ~er ... ...., .,.. bunL back.
to d .. I1Y. ac:corcUna to the p1&1-w.... rrt •••• .. ...w .._
fF'• u.,enta. thelr te m eUfl· .. ..._ ~=~ llf11= aftd ~..,
bUtt)'. A--..... CWia...,. u • Ml& •'-t Shelton .,.. on a " II I+
I.OCALft'S JOift •• .., ~ week'• trlp. to kldt Canada. ·-'---........ Ooh. .,.. of Jl.r. ucl ..... ~ -. M Ide ,..._ ..,... lit. IMitOft .. attaldlftl a TIM ~lor t elev l• ton tren4
M.r1. Don Harper of ., HellO· ............. ....t II .. ~ of City II&MfD. prba at tM Qlfona dttl Ku t.ob-tnpe A.w.. C«<fta cW liar, ~ .. IIIII. n.:y Will M M<* ln tilDe ,_ ,. BaM wu ,..... ,-., u .,..,..
tM U. & ltriJ 1Mt ,_.. Mw ...... tM e:NII u II"· Mr. IWI-to '-e ,._at fof oN II'DIII Wallll. -ol. Alta
... WM .-t • Ia ~ ..... -... Vu .,.._ ODiaa II ..a *•...,. .... .,.,., ~. OC, W.. fll 1M UID *'-AftU'•
... .......... .. .. '$ -.. 011 ., .... ~ ...... --lfwjiOft
•• : ?* M M I I I M E E I • •••• •:10
It was certainly o big week-end for our e ntire city lest Saturday
e nd Sunday . . . undoubtedly the most spectacular two days ever ex·
perienced by our community.
Providing e great send.off for the Golden J ubilee celebr.,tion were
the fine boat parade in the Harbor Saturday. o magnificently success·
ful Corona del Mar Lobste r 84ke Sa turday and Sunday, and the super·
colossa l speedboat races Sunday. On top of all thet, we had two of
the finest days of weather possible .
The success of the big week-end is " tribute to the herd.working
chairmen and committees of our Chamber of Commerce, local busi·
nessmen e nd just plain citizens. • • • e LET'S HAVE: A RE:PEA T PERFORt-4ANCE
BUr-., .........
a.vw.l =loaa aiiMI!d be a,_ • .,.. au ... ....._.
tale ....... ,.._. fa ... Jr.
vine bOla ........ CIOUnell
too eqer be&~ OYer the Idea.
P'lnt-Wbere ll the wat.er com· IDI' from?
Not from rain In that bJP dry
I'Ukb-not from our falllnl' wella
lA the rlwr bottGm--4ole poea~.
bUity 11 M'WD. Wltb MWD lbiZII:II:D::DI:Ir;I!Di=IDimiZII:II:Ial:.ili:lcalai:DIZIIaiiiCIII:Iii!J thousanda of acre teet MbJnd on
arden, wbat Ukellhood Ia there • ........._ DAftACIIU f1ytq ft.lh acept OM a.nd that
Newport Beacb wtU be abowd to Marlin time 11 a ...,n that on a knudlle·bead lure. No
the bead of the Une and &'lven a runa the aamut ot U.. entlle macbreJ, no a a r d I n • a but-t
years supply tn .uvance to hold ranae of human «notions. No Well, to quote Elmer, HJ dunno."
aa dead water atorap •l'alnat a matter how bot the marUn are, 1Mt .omeone r&JN at\ .,ebrow,
periodic S\U1Ubef abortaae which you'll tlnd lA every crowd tome let It be aafd ~that the Pben·
luta only a few weeks? Better In the depth of utter deapalr, omena! One didn't eatdl thll
ret thla supply ce:rtltled by MWD .tumbllftl' alumly put l'fOUpe truek·load of marlin hbx l& BJa
In wrltinl' nQ9C. whoee eyes are twtnJr.llq llke tame 11 bued on more than
Second ;-What aaau:rance Ia atara In a rnldnlpt daert aky. catchlAI' flab, tor tbe bla 1'7 that
there that NB wt11 ever eet Ita A. Ia usual theM September the DEDE baa tallled thua tar
money back from Costa Mesa day., San Dlqo Ia the bub of the In 1~ Include. catch• by the
and Lai'Ufta Beach 1 marlJn madn..._ I aper~t the put entble Hebr tamUy, wbldl Ia four
Total cost ot banda and Inter· two weekenda there, trylne, like who fiab, and at leut thlee otber
est will a,. well over 12.000,000, •• hundreda of other bl'Othen and I'\I.U that rm sure of.
I understand It, and $1.000,000 atstera, to hit the lone·chance Aa of Sund~ nl&'ht, old Pben·
l.s tor the two nelehbonna com· Jackpot. Some did, many more omena! allowed be waa a mite
munltles-but they are not wtl· did not. But I can't eo on with tired. Had to lay otr a day or eo
lin& to go alonr at present-«> this dlle without a 21 ·run salute and 10 up to to. An,el• 'nllnp
Newport Beach property owners a.nd a brace ot VIVAS for that 1 o p k ~ d bad -• real bad. The
are r olnr to be asked to advan~ Old Man of the Loeal Sea. the chances are that Elm• won't be
the cash tor their benefit. Sup. master of the marlin boat, DEDE out aeaJn Mfore Wednesdq.
pose CM and LB declde to never II. Elmer Rehr. (I'll bet thoee MA.RLIN are
come In or find a chea.per way Durine an Jnterclub albacore &'lad!)
to handle their future problem. tournament tome years back, • • 810 on
Will we be left boldine the J'N!&t brothe:r·ln·anellnl'. Walt Balder· Laat wHk, anotlter ble f1lh
big sack 1 A repayment a,ree· aton, walked otf with to much of ta.Je wu goJna around. 'l'helma.
ment should be In writing. the tournament that we named (Mra. W. G.) K:rl,lef, Lido
After Sunday's spectacular on North l ido C hannel, I now can
appreciate Kent Hitchcock's enthusiasm about power boat racing. It
was a spine tingling sight to see the boots skip over the water ot tre-
mendous speeds, It has everything needed for a grand spectetor sport
-noise, speed, excitement end thrills, in the unusual setting of the ------------------------
Lido Channel. ~ _ / ~~ t:J
Third -How wUl the water him "Phenomenal." Walt hu Ialander, went tlahlnl on hM' lit·
supply, It any, be allocated! since &'One to the far·away where Ue n.YING HEART U, that 11 Sin~ NB property opnen wtthJn lines never pop, where there are usually bedded down on the
the pre~ent city llmfta are rotnr Po Cblcaeo marlln, and where deck ot the bll' OIISERV'I1
to have to pay the full cost-will every broadtail takea the batt on Thelma. who, not lona aco. held
they eet priority? the tint pa-. more world recorda for bll' aame
W hen the last race was over, I heard expressions of hope thet the ~~. N C)~
event could be repeated next year. At fi~t t here had been concem -, • • •
over possible danger to moored vessels end piers from the we~e of _..,.!8T~CO~L~.AIID~~aEW~.:_.W=:,•,!I:Ii~HL!!::.!.P:-:===:~M:::-~w~ei~Q~ty~CO...~ac:t~t~
the speedboats. But that te rriftc; speed produced practically no wake, Unlea the water allocation ta With Walt's penn.lalon, I tak.e tlah .than any otbn member ol
worlted out In advance, thene the name "Phenomenal" and the fal.r wx. bad done mod of beca use the boats literahy s~immed on top of the water, creating
much less convnot ion th4n e cruiser creeping alon~ at five miles an
This type of sport certainly hos it oil over rowing races for excite·
ment end spectator appeal. By oil means, let's hove a repeat perform·
ance next year. • • •
• AT YUCCA VILLAGE questions of a aprlrbtly lady wbo w111 be a rea.l mesa u thla prob· paa It on to a worthy aucceuor, her record·breelrlna In the wat .... Here I am. at Yucca Village, had come to re,JRer. She must lem arl8es.. Elmer Betu. otr Mexico, Peru, Chlle, and other
bllb and dry at Cod's cttt to the have thoueht I asked how old Fourth-What makes 1101118 of eiiAXIIA. TOO forelp ftelck She had t1ahed
arthrltk:a. I'll Mtcha r'm cooler she wu (are Ia not one of tbe ouT council membenl think that Ka.t of u are. or would be, eeldom In CalUornla waten and
than anyone who isn't at the questlonal. local property owners will be muy cont.ento If one marlin a bad never cauabt a local ma:rlln.
beach today. "I'm 88." .. YI ahe. wllllne to bond t.hoeJmelves to 10 eeuon bad our name on Jt. To That "ne-ver'' 11 put tenM.
Had to atop at March Field, Surpriaea l1ke that keep a Into the wholesale wa.te:r cllat:rl· Elmer, wboee favorite under· PIMlnl' • Uaht outtlt with 30 lb .
thAt muterpl~ of defense et-deputy' a work tram beinr too butJon bualne. for tbe bendlt ot ata~ment 11 a d:rawllnl' ''l a.t s y nth e tIc liM, 1belma • TWO CITIES CAN GET ALONG tldeney, In order to klnda keep monotonous. tolka who do not seem to a,. dunno," one marlin-lln't even a booked up a marlin n.ar Cata·
I enjoy.d liste ning in on the recent qet·toqe the r of Costa Mes, up with A1r Force propt!U. A • • • Interested enoueh to help out at rood day'a catch. Aa o1 Sunday, Una's We.t Encl. In SO mtnutee
and Newport Beach city officials. No blow~. or animosity--iust an very pleasant evenlne at the e MEMO TO QOP present! September 18, the DEDE U bad abe bad the taU rope on ll At
excellent e xample of me n of good will (and the lady too) being •ble clu~enJne ln·doo:r recreation, To tbe RepubUcans: ru tell Jt might be a good Idea for account.ed tor no 1-than SJ:V. Avalon. It wellhed 2'78 Jbe..
to discuss mutuel proble ms and to arrive at a workable solution. and meeting place tor hard Qy. you you've rot to tlebt your op· .ameone in city ~nt to EN"'"'!EN ol the frustntinl' n.b. Which, on 30 lb. teat Jtne, a. jult
Newport Councilmen Stan Ridderhof hod e point when he said lor Air Force officers whose lives ponenta with the weapons they come up with an alternate wat« Until the middle of last ..-. U Jt. under the LG.r.A. wom·
that he wasn't aware of herd feelings between the two cities, that it are dedicated to making thl.s use. Jt becomes more evident re.erve plan devoted jult to tak· the Heh:r 8COre .toad at til'ht. en'a ~ tw that clua, PrH·
· t " t 1• " N t b th En · h 1 t dd country safe tor democracy-with every speech of Adlai and lne care of our own fOI'elee&ble Every tlablnl' member of the ent.Jy held by one of Thelma'a was JUS newspaper a l . 0 Y e stgn, owever. e me a · Republicans and Democrats both, Estes tba.t etblca and whole neecD-one wblcb we know 1ft family, which Include. I.Any, ~-lira. Lou Marron.
The Ensign has consistently championed full coopera tion between that Ia. truths will a,. thrown out the can aately tln&.Qte and opera~. aae 15, and B.lchard, a.,e 12, had When I talked to Thelma •
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, because these two cities l09ically Bumped Into a few of the window. The reaaonlng that the . mucho marlin~ but Mamma. about lt. 1 ehJclecl her tor not
belong to94tther as the C ity of Newport Horbor. younrsters whose tonalls we "means justify the ends" will be •:-* * * ' * * ' * * * * for whom the boat Ia named at:IJJ usln.l' linen line. I aaJcl ''Wby,
Mes, Councilman Art Myers had a good point too. when he "ah'.ed" Csay "ab") In the put. their ,ulde. LeUel'• had none. Thunday ended that. you mt.ed a chance to eet a
commented that dealings between the two cities should h. "above One of them said, "Remembet' • • • ~ When the DEDE pulled up to the whJJe .nee of club r«orda!"
the table." He was referrin~. somewhat ruefully, to what I also have the time I beat 3 aces for you!" e CQI.UJIJIJIT + San Dleao MarUn Clut, the eYe· She 1aft me a merry Uttle
alw.,ys consider.d as a sneaky trid-the manner in which the Upper "Son," aez I, '1 never remember )(y feellnp are hurt. A La· Editor of the EnaJp. n1nl' of that day, tbere wwe Ia up, "'I don't care" abe aald.
O.,y ennexetion w,u carried out by Newport Beech. That was no way unpleuant ept.odes In my ~~ I'Uftatlc whom I Me every Thurs. three blue t1a&8 tluttBtq p.Qy ''lillJeft It or not. I JOt a bJJ'.-
to encourage a spirit of good feeling ond coopera tion. I treuure the pleasant ones. day at the thlnty Thunday On Mhalf of the Southern from the outrt.,.... Two ot them Jdck from catchlnl' thll flab In • · · -h . h th 1 A. I top the rbe that marks luncheon at Chds Inn MZ to CalUomla Yacbtln.e Assn.. 1 w1ah Mlonl'fld to the or1&'1nal Dede, my own front Jat\1 tba.n from Lets keep our negot tot•ons always tn t e open w ere ey be ong. the entrance to Yucca Valley, I me: "Andy, do you own the En· to thank you tor tbe wonderful Mrs. Beht. any rtiCIDfd I ever ma~r all of
New Minister Is Welcomed
by Universalist Fellowship
am aeaJn pleuanUy aurprlaed at sJen'r'' pubUdty and coverare your The next day wu atow. reJa. them put torf!t.her!"
the Proereas on the BI·Deaert RI.eht away I snap back at newspaper eave to the 33rd An· tlftly apealdJl.l', with one marlin When you think ot It, that'a
colt cou~ boleti like a rreen b1m. "Do you 08'\lfe that's the nuaJ Cbamplon.ablp Beptta held on the deck. But no one waa really the way It ouabt to a...
jade Jewel In a valley of brown only way 1 could become a durin&' the tint part of Aui'U&t ~lly au:rpr1.led o,.... Saturday The tbrW SHOULD be there, re·
brush and yucca and joshua columnist!'' at the Balboa Ya.cht Club. wben the P'Japb.lp ot the Karlin prdl-of tbe matarta.l your
trees. When I started aa a coJumnlR We had the la:reest number o1 P'Jeet came around the K-ona hi llne waa made of! Somet:tme.. I
• • • (a looee use of the apnalatlon) boata eompet:Jn.e eva to pa:rtld· Club comer with thNe flap up wonder U our club rul• lo a The Unlver .. IIR Community
FelloWBhlp of the Harbor Ana.
now meet.lne In the Moose Lodre.
435 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, Jut
Sunday welcomed Ita new-mJnl·
.ster, Dr. Charles Clare BlauveiL
His opening sermon, entitled '1
Believe In Man." dealt w1th 2
concepts of man fighting for
supremacy throuahout the world.
"Universalists deny that man
Is born In sin," Dr. Blauvelt de·
clared. "We proclaim, rather, a
kinship wblcb sln cannot sever e MAin' U GIITEa Ill CDM 1n th Ensl 1 took -Ina to pate In a Southern CalUomJa re. -ACAIM! That. am1101 made 8 lot of wa.ya. don't rob ua of tome
or evil destroy. It Ia thl& faJth In Thla trip, you may tlgu~. l.s lnt ~ut th::''tt would ~ever be eatta, due In a laree part to the In 4 daya for a pbnomenaJ ~ of the platn. homespun pleasure
man wbkh is the foundation of an escape from or a rest follow· ~mmended rea.dlnl' for edu· excellent publicity ctven to It by ot 16 of tbe peat ftlb that many, that ahouJd belonl' to the catdl· the democratic Ideal that opens lne the voters ~atlon, wblcb • the not ncludlna your pe:ralatent lnl of ANY bla flab! the door ot opportunJty to aU ended last Thursday nlghL Due cation. 1 lay no claim to any. press. tcribe. find to evane.oent. e ~AI. lrOTa
alike. and measures a man, not to the ettorta ot the deputies In thlng except that I hope to make lnt~ In pleaaure boattne la • .AIID .AJIOTII:Ka I had my aeuon'a marlln
by the color of hl.s akin or hla Corona del Mar, especially 3 It Informative and truthful (It bound to a,. Increased by your 1be news eot around that book·UP Sunday on the SCHOOL·
station In llte, but by the dlmen· lad~. I believe Corona del Mar had better be the fac:ts, or mine presentation of thla event, and all Mamma and Elmer were head· BOY, with • • Be a n y • • Affl«·
alons of hl.s mind and heart and will make a creditable showing enemies whom I am proud of yachtmen thank you for thla lne tor Newport Sunday. Larry baueb and Karl MJller. lt'a aum·
soul." In registered voters peroent.age. will take me apart In a court ot boost to the fastest growing par· and Richard. like all the on• rned up tn one word: "Pop!"
Dr. Blauvelt wu graduated In wise. law). tlc:lpant aport there 1• today. of the younaer pn«atJon, had Hoed •l'aln!
1922 from St. Lawrence Unlver· I wonder how many ot those M to lta educaUona.l value, c ·WURDEMANN to go ba.ck to IIChool. -------
sJty, Canton, N. Y .. which con· last minute reetstrants wUI training In grammar, etc., I bare· ~ rat Cbal.rma The DEDE pulled out ot San "IDJIQ L&Ar COICDIQ
ferred on him the honorary de-make sufficient effort to go a ly am able to get the dlatlnctlon ne n Diego on 8Chedule Sunday a.m. Shaltespea:re'a "Ilnl' Leu'' wm
gree of Doctor ot Divinity In 1936. lew blocks on Nov. 6 to exerclse between grammar and erand· • • • Before they aot out of th.e San 10 Into production Monday at
He Is a member of Phi Beta their sacred right of voting. maw. Diego area, they bad the red Oranae Cout ColJeae and wUJ be
Kappa, national honorary schol· • • • A. for the question that Dear Hop: "tlah·on" 0&1' up &&'&In an~ prelleflted Nov. 14·1'7 ln the OCC
arshJp fraternity. and of Beta e iU...UES prompted thls dJ.scourae, the an· In a recent laaue ot the EN· everyone now expected-pulled auditorium..
1beta Pl. I was asking the required swer Is "No." SIGN 1 noted the article regard· Into the Balboa An&'llnl' Club -------
He has just completed 18 years lne the outspok.en optnJon of a Sunday evenlnl' and wetl'hted In DiutADI VTAII CIOVII.a 'riwti"~"rihlt~~l H... as mlnl&ter ot Throop Memorial F• p f Ch • Ch h number ot the membenl of our nab No. 17. Don't uk me bow be 1be BW Tobl ... ot Corona del
Universalist Church ln Pasadena. 1rst astor 0 r1st urc planntna commlaaJon, regardlnl' does It! Mar have bMntntertaJ.nt.naBtll'a 2150 E. eo..t Hwy., c--d.l ..,.., Dr. and Mrs. Blauvelt and their the traller park (John Sailors We'll bet a JOO(ItoUd hook·UP blothle:r and wUe, Mr. and Mn.
. 2 sons live at 604 Seaward Rd., w·ll T II Ab t E I D Dream) that It'll .,. quite a W'hUe before Arthur c. Toblu at Utah. 'l'tley -;;;===H;;;;•;;;;"-=;;;;';;;;11;;;;4 ====;;;;Co=ro;;;;n;;;;a;;;;HJ=';;;;hl;;;;a;;;;n;;;;ds;;;;.====~ I e ou ar y ays It Ia Crat:ltytnr to bear tome· any other boat pUes \U) a .... didn't 10 fleblna, but they did r. one come out 1n tbe open a.nd ton'a total Uke that. May we add taJre a look at tbe Ca11fcm1a
The Rev. John Gabr~lton. flrat helped to tran.port members and ~ x pre 11 tbemaelw. rep:rdlnl' that theoy were all eaupt on pont. at Del M'a:r.
. . . ... ... . . .
• •
• • •
a good car?
a hertdetoK.Y.?
mln!Atr of Chr1at Church.. By the Mends to and from Balboa and tbl.s monatroclty with wblcb our
Sea 1n lfewport Beach. ww re· Balbo• Ialand. The npld polt· clty 11 betn .. saddled. and tor H b p h 1 w·11 H ld tum aa guest speaker for both war growth of the Harbor Area Which the taxpayer 11 p&,)'J.ftl'. a r 0 r an e I 0
mornlnl' Mn'ic:e. thll Sunday. Be haa 11een various new chorch• John Sallon baa eone the way
waa the first mJ.nJat« at tbe local establlabed In the dty to ol all 1ooc1 City Manal'era. but '-~ b h• J S t 26 church. whlc:b be helped to Of• tbel:r cona.ltuenta. Newport Beacb 11 atiD paytna, M8m er$ •P ea ep •
aanbe In Au,&'Qt at 1112. ; 1 and who can aay bow mucb,
C2utat Church By tbe Sea, alao • _.. aome atlmate One Quarter MU· The m..aMnlalp tea ol tiM Weill lin.. Ec1pr a. wn:-, Jf.r&
known aa the Commun.ltJ Met.ll· -..:a&EI'S --lion. .M an ex·member ot the Harbor Paftbel.lftlc wUl be held WorthJ.Dp. 1.-. Mn. llllton oda.t Cburcb, II tbe olct.t Pro-Parka, Beacbee and Beereation Wectn.csay, 1ept. 31, lD tbe b-. Stannard, lib. a.u.t1a lamp·
tatant Oltndl tn tbe dt1 ot : c = : : r oonunlallon who YOtecl •l'atut ot Mrs. w~ 1M. u. -. lid. I . .....,. w.ar., Mrs.
lfewpart IIHdL Tbe viiiUftl EDITOR or mE DIICX. the tra11ft park, I wlab to MY a.Yidde Jlmle, Oarona clel Mat, J:. '1. ........ liN. Jfac1Mie
llpMIIer wU1 teU ICIIDitla.lftl' at We are IICI'onll7 Ia favw olea· that I to Yot.cl tor several rea· from a until 5:10p.m. CopiiD. .,... & 0. ~. Mrs.
the early cburdl dQa In x .... p1ortq tbe ~I!Wty aDd feul. aona: 11M tea. toM 11wn by tbe ..._ ........... I. B.ltn.l·
port Jleacb u tbe 1oea1 dull'da bUJty ot Corona clel )lu beeotD· Plnt, a t:raller park Ia not a ._._. fill tile ~ a. u..-ua. lin. .. Aitll• Aae. Mn. Jolna tn a tribute to tile dt7 ftr· m. a ~ep&rate c:tty. tblnl ol beauf:7 on our ma.111 tile •enso. ., 111'1. Jolla lleed. ...... ca=...., -. 0ecqe
lnl ttaGoldenAftn.lwwsu7WeiiiL. We fftl that tt It 11 ~· tbClloaptare. 8DdaJ tllalnaan. Tlda 11 tile o.n. liN; MD lleed. aDd Mn.
Mr. o.~ wu cally Juatltled. tbe ..,.,.u. ot Sac!on4. 1 do not tavw an.y or ,.. ..-., 1111e ~ ........... .,._
bit mtna.try wben be caa.e to Colona del Mar bona Jfewport JO"ftlmental body~ all _. m-.... fill _...._ ,._ ._,,," te.,. ..... a col·
cqanbe a cburdl lD lferport ln ae.cb W o u 14 do IFaeb to ~ wttll lta 01WD IU· 1M1i1 Ia tM --.... t13Jd .............. --..cia J-r to a
lJ12. At the u.. be wu ec~QP~e· lltrenltben anc1 _..,.. tile n. ~ lin. --a. WI tM 1111 ._-... ...._ Ala. ~ Un. hll ataca.. It tM Jkaay D&ftdal &-u fill tla.ll CIDIDIDU· ft.lrd. t clo nat ben... that tile ;--' ............. Itt' ... a ...... ba111ftt
lehool ol ~ tM Ulll· ntV a.nd pro11110t11 tie ...... ne-trailer pan Jdea woaJ4 at :: •..:.•~ *l ~ :t-: k ... Mild --W a JIUtl fti'IAt7 ol lo. ..... .-..s ~--., Udl 8eC· ttJDe, ... 1Dda.y, -tM ... ... --=-• .,.,. ., ,,, ..... aD ........ ..... baM a __..., ffl tile lllaaodllt tJoD o1 lfewpc.t ...... PIVft1 ola aaaJar1t7 of tile~ tM Wit pu • p I allld ....... IFill ,_. I ... •• «rilir-Wlti Oildll ......... calllalt:M .... I&M I ..,. ot R...-port ...... .. .. .,. .. 7 ., ,.... I I I .. IMt tw.. ... "* 1M ~ lit. and Mn. Ma E. GNIIach haltll.. 1 tx1 t1aat oar ~ ~ ..., Ww _,._ lA .. • .. w •• u,..
lltaa. lla Ja aftlir "':'ni~ a Jt. 352 a-t Drift O.Ddl wwe ... aa 1M tnlllr 4 I tPIIIIe J1 I at .,_ co •• -tM ,._ Jl•ar .. at • caJI. C.OU del liar put~ by a -...._ I....,. ....... •• l!nii II .,_ .._. II ... ..-...: ........... , ..... -· . .. . ...,...._.., • ... te _,, ....... IJidTII • ...._ ••m• .... ,. llftla. I eta....,.._,,,_ a
PL· rw .., ,..,. .,... by ..._. .... ..,. .......,.. ..-• GaM .._ ..... ll5i:~~a="~ 1: a • ...... .... ftlill fill .... ., ......... ·-· .. .. ,....q ...... ~~:~~ ...... _ .................... i:
--.--,. • .... a....o-&Oa&: ........... .......
._ u•n'IUIIii.'ftlll *· ............ ~ r ....... = ... ,-=~:=a ,._, _. Mllil lllilllt fll ... ~E~i :: _,
....... ..... ----zllll --------~----------~ a __ ._
.............. ...--.... ~ ....-. ............ ---. -.
PllltM~ NeWIIftrt D.~:LII--y·---1 ., & a. ..... th• rapld powth ol the City and notty operation would not M DVIrl~ : "''~ DUIIII .. II VIII Dla a1I ., ::?=_. w.e., ::..::eddla.n4eb= C: ~near a quiet resldentlal
.. Cllt'., IIIIi ._. part ol t.be ctty. lt may be ae-In ... ln.ltancf:l a ''vartanc4t" l a~Mr • . Albn R · rd 'l"he "'ZoD1q Ordinance'' under comp~w-t ., etther amen4lnr 1.1 eranted trom the e.tabllAhed n "' ~--~-whkb tbe ~ Of*atetl 1.1 known the ~t Zon.lnc Orcl1u.nee «. ,.culat:lona, by eo~nt ol City IIIV ~ u OrdlDanct Jlo. a5, and wu If the d1.anles Mem to ft!IIUIN tt. Coundl alter belnr ., recom.
acloft*J by Cltr 1c.u.netl Dec:ltm· by the 4rat'Uhr ot a .,... ordJ. nwncled by Ctty Planntnr Com·
1'he bu1lclb\a ptnD1t total for ~ taSO: b Boward, adctl-ber •· 1180.' ,..._ have been llA.b08 to a\Aper:liede the 1lrst one. mt..lon.
1151 ta put tbe t·UDIWoD·doll&r tioD at 127 Topaz. SU500; Herman eome ........_... after that .U 110011 u ~ new up to "lJ~~e hrmlts" are rranted, tor
IIL&tk, alned)' erow41Da cAo. to Doridn, fence at 330 Apolena. date. A -.cty • Mtnr made at date zonJnr ordln~ p&mph· a property U:M ln a dJ.ItJ1ct where
tbe all-time ,..,., reeord ol. 18). tbe praent tilDe to br1nl thta IN wtJl be Jlri,ftted and made tt would otherwlte be probtblted. ••,l'lJ let 1ut ,.ar 1D !few. lAY 1110aa OrdtDanee up to date and to PI'O· avaDable to the publle at COIIt. unde-MrtaJ.n eondJtlona 8et
port Jleaeh. 'MCII'IJL&ft Gladwell. alteratioN vtde far ..,... CODdJttona whldl a .. lc:ally the Zon1nr Ordtnance fourth by the Planntnr Commla-Tbla .urpr~atnr total. wtth 3~ at~ Circle Dr., t275. have .,.._ alnce Ita adoption. tovenw the &JDOUnt olland, and alon.
montha yet to ro ln tiM, wu • aALIOA COVU 1b1a 8bad.y te Mlnr made by the particular portion ot It wh.ldl Any lot In the Clty"'Whoee ~
reeorde4 alter tbe t.uance of 41 Harold Da me, addition at 15 proftleional planntnr coD.IUlt· ean be built on, al80 the type ol or dlmemiont have ~n chanred
perm!bl far Walter Mellott'• IIUb· Balboa Cove., flSO. ant. ln ~ with the City occupancy wblch wtll be I*'· au*qu.rnt to Auruat 2. 1943, Is
dJvtslon near Harbor Hlrbland.l, • LIDO IlL& Planntnr Comnal..aon and the mltted ln the bu1ldinr upon Ita an IU~ral Jot unlna a IINUbdlvf. r N I L A G U N l totalllnr tN7,880. G. L. Harbour, demoJlah room Ctty Depal'tmllnt ol Bulldlnr and eomploetlon. FOI' lnlta.nee a bJrh· slon, or permtsalon to make the K A K
The rrand total of pennlta IJ. at 60& VJa IJdo Nord, 1:200; T. Safety. 1b1a wu n«esaltated by ly hazardous, dirty, odorous. or change, wu approved by the filE ~AI
aued In the first 2 weeki of Sep· A. Barnard, 2-ltory, 1-unlt dwel-Clty PlannJnr Comm!asJon, and ~ 1 ~
FEODAl. SAVIN&S tembe'r .. $1.2'1.000.'1Wlnrlnr the JJnr at 917 VIa IJdo Notd, 0 Coast YM to Hold IJ'&nted by the Clty Council. ,, • ..._ ··-record for the year to •• 1T7,000. · $42,500; Fted Pre.ton, addJtlon at range All appllcatlont tor action by -·--
A LOAN ASSOCIATION lowln Ita weie t.aued 215 VIa Mentone, ts.~; Richard 1 8 kf S t 29 the Plannlnr CommJsalon must .11111111
T W 0 0 F F I CIS ~· th rp~eek: R.ke, add I«<nd &tory at 128 VIa Annua rea ast ep be SUbmJtted to the Bulldlne ~--I..L
To Serve Y•
nr e H&Vl't", 14.!500. • Partment at leut te-n days bdore 2912 w. COAST HWY.
• ~· IDCm.A.WDS 1 • •a1QOIIT The 1e00nd annual Orange Cout YMCA and Its work 1n th..ls the Commt.aton m~. This tiJM NEWPORT MACH Vlata del Vlsta I~ and '1:.r ~~ Clinton Crane, alteratJon.s at Cout YMCA Community Break· area. ls required to make field tnspec. U'-+y ._1071 Air Eltates, Inc., perm117975 4017 Channel Rd., $4.500; R. H. tut will be held at lM Costa A proeram ot YMCA talent and tlons, poet the property, and pre. ...w-: Hett-1171
DoV« St.. rangtnr ~m • lnerara and VlrrU Buck, hotel Mesa Patk Saturday, ~pt. 29, profeaJonal caJJbre entertAin· pare tor presentation to the ~~~~!!~~~~~~~ to $21,125, total $947, · at 621·623 31st St., f6(),000; from 7 a.m. to 12 noon It Is ment wtll be provided thi'Ough· Council. :..
• mvtltE TEDAc;_:; .wtmmtnr Wayne Bandy. demoll.sh building anounced by MUo Lacy,' chair· out the morntnr. A d.bplay de-The advantages of contlnlng .,.,...,.,_ ...
V. B. Younf:u •ell 12,5()0· at 201 28th St., J75; S. G. Unland, man of the "Y'' Community plctlnr the prorram of the YMCA certain fYPH of business to cer. ,....,.. ....
pool at 1315 ntan a, 1 at demollsh rarare at 127 26th St.. Breakfast Committee. will be prepared agajn thls year. taln dlstrtcts can readily be seen.
Mrs. Da Hurt. swtmmln~ ~aeco 1100; W, B. MJJler. demoiJsh Mr Lacy who ls alao VI~ One new feature wtU be a Zonlnr acxompllshes this. It also
1319 Santa.nella. J2·~dtl 1 at buUdJnr at 1(17 26th St.. $100; President of the YMCA stated supervlsed play area for younger prevents over-crowding and too P,G~Ce~at ..
Corp., 1-story, 1-u t w n Helen Anlch and R. 0 . Ames. ad· that tbla annual aUalr provides children. ere-at a den.,lty ot population Ln •• .-..._.
621 Malabar, $16,125. dltlon at 2814 LaFayette. $400; excellerrt food and an opportu-Tickets for the breakfast may res.ldentla l areas. _.. __ e COIIO•A DEL MD ara e M. G. Miller, re-roof at 3311 nlty tor the ubllc to become ac-be pureha.sed trom any YMCA Further detailed Information
Isla Peck Ac~1;onvert :ara:e Finley, 1120. • qualnted ,!.th their Orange club member. or by phoning the may he obtained by calllng In
to bedroom. bOOo ~ n1 Vln' Orange Coast YMCA at Kimberly person at the Building .D@part.
430 Poppy, $5, ; n eft_ 1j LEOAL lfOTICE 5-2372. ment In the Newport Beach City cent. alma at Vincent'• nc:xa . a&IOLOTIOif 110• 257 line of Paularlno Avenue to Hall. We suggest that you do not
Drup, 3021 E. Cout Bwy., $300, A RESOLUTION OF THE tbe easterly llne of the west LEGAL lfOTICZ phone In, since lt Ia dlt!lcult to
B. E. B&Uey, 1-st.ory. 1-unlt~=: CITY COUNCIL OF TilE one acre of the northerly IN 'IliE JUVENILE COURT OF g1ve accurate zoning details over
Unr at 620 Rellotrope ..... _,, CITY OF COSTA MESA OF one-halt ot Lot 3, Block E. of THE COUNTY OF ORANGE th~ phone.
Ruth Lytle, remodeJUne at 320 INTENT I 0 N TO ANNEX, said Berry Tract; thence STATE OF CALIFORNIA ::~~;;========~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poppy, $1,00; Velm a O'Brien, flre AND G 1 VI N G N 0 TIC E southerly alone said east CASE NO. 111424 f
place at 243 Poppy. $1,800. THEREOF. line ol the west one acre of CJTAnON
• C::OIIOifA IDCIILAJIIJ& WHEREAS, there Is situated the northerly one-hall of Lot In the matter ol BABY BOY
Leo Koch abed at 445 Isabelle ouulde and contlruous to the 3· to the southerly line of LANTRY, (Birth registered u
Terrace. $300. City of Costa Mesa a certain un-the northerly one-hal! of Lot " ... Lantry.") A person under
• IBOH CLIPFI Inhabited area u hereinafter J; thence westerly along said the age of twenty-one years.
WUllam Holstein lr Sona. al· 1 uJ 1 d lbed d southerly line of the north· THE PEOP OF rn ST •-·atlo .. • at 149 Shorecllft Rd., more part c ar Y escr ; an erly one-halt ot Lot 3 to the LE E ATE
\CL ..... WHEREAS, the owners ot over OF CAUFORNI.A.
$1.900. one-halt of the land and the ter-ethasterly llnthe 0
1f "1
1d Lot 4
1d; To: James G. Angell: e CLl71" IIAVEX ltory by ~a and by assessed ence sou er Y a ong sa You are heTeby cited and re· ..... ,. Albrl"'ht. 1-story. 1-unlt r t ... _ last easterly line ot Lot 4 and tbe 1\C'A .,.. $25. valuation u shown on ,..,. qulred to be and appear In [)e.
dweUlng at 1Zll Clltt Qr.. · equall.zed assessment roll In the southerly prolonratlon there-part:J'nent 2 of the abov~ enUtled
FRIENDLY 150. County of Orange have expressed of to the southerly Hne ot Court, at the Court Bouse ln
• lfEWfOIIT IIEICIITI themsel ea desirous of bavJna saJd Baker Street; thence Santa An•. Oranae County, Call-M lt.oft garaee at v as • westerly alone said aouth--• IYMPATHET1C SUVICI . A~W"!~~. Sla.ooo·. , Cecil Inns. otthe,.~~M~-'!exaedndwlt.h the City erly llne ot Baker Street to tornla. on the 11th day ot Decem·
Your Money Earns
More Than Interest
In Our Bank' FREE
PHONI HY. 4-1 In
601 N.. c--....,
PHONE HY.-.... 2-1 Its
., HYacWII 1-1196
'loJO ~ ~.... ~ ber, 1956, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. ot fence at 530 Catalina, J7S; WHEREAS. it would be tor the the east~rJy Jlne of the west saJd day th~n and ther~ to show
George Sanchez. complete dw~: beat lntere.sta ot the City of Costa tour acres of Lot 9• Block E. cause. lt any you have, wby the
ling at 573 Catalina Or., $4, ' Mesa to annex the said herein· of said Berry Tract; thence petltJon on We bereln to declare
Peter Mon.shower, enclose car · alter described property and southerly alonr said ~ut the above named chlld to be free
port. 454 Catalina. $100; ~ WHEREAS, there h~ been Jlne of the west four acres from your custody and control
eoaa»oy. swimming pool at aubmJtted on or about the 13th and the southerly prolong&· should not be r:ranted. according
PUilerton. $3,000. day of Auaust. 1956. to the Or· tion thereof to the ~nterllne to the petition on rue. to which
• ULlOA ... at ane~ County Boundary Cornm.ls· of the road between Block E reference ls hereby made tor fur· Edward Rot.on. alteraUo... alon a Jeral desc:rlptlon and plat and Block F ot said Berry ther particulars.
1013 W. Balboa Blvd., $75; Ma312ry of the said herelna.ttAer unln· Tract; thence euterly along Given under my hand and seal
Anne Marcll, alteration& at bablted ~-. for Ita approval, said centerline of the road ot the JuvenUe Court of the
Buena Vt.ata, $300; MTS. S~b•; pursuant to Secti.on 35002 of the to the northerly prolongation State of California. In and for the
nle Copwe.ll. enclOM pon;u • Government Code of the State ol of the easterly line of Lot 2. County of Oranre, thla 4th ~Y
313 E. Balboa Blvd., $2,400. CaJitomla; and Block E of said Berry Tract; of ~tember, 1.956.
• ..U..OA JSLAJID at WHER.EA.S, the a pproval ot thence *>utherly alonr said L. B. WaJJa.ce. County CJe.rk
D. B. DeWitt. ~-floors 1•.. aald Oranre County Boundary northerly proJonpUon and by D. Perry Mayna.rd, Deputy
123 Abalone. flOO; '""""'~""' m u': CommluJon bu been secured said euterly Jlne ot Lot 2 (SEAL)
adcUUon at US AJDeth1R, ~ and reported upon by the :.,u.nd · and tbe *>Utherly prolonr•· Publlah: Sept. '1'·14·21·28. Od 4.
J. J:. a4dltloD *'t -... .,. CommJ.aalon wtth retpeet to Uon t.heretol to tbe ceDtarllne U -18-25. In Tbe Newport llatbor
the detlntten.. and the ce.r-of the road IOUtherly ol. a&Jd Ensrrn.
..........---·-d Lot 2; t.Mnoe euterb' &Jonr ;;;u;tb-u;;;;;;tt;;tji;-~ taJnt7 ot. the .,...._.. uvv.n • saJd centerUne ot the ~d MXed Is Ul e 11! d Ln tbe l an.; NOW, THERE'FORE BE rr RE· and the euterly prolonra· available equalbed 811!-.n~ t tlon thereof to the IIOUtheut· roll at th~ address ahown th~ SOLVED, by the City Council 0 erly 11ne ot Newport Boule· on or as known to said Clty tlfe Clty of ec.ta Mesa. a City ot the Sixth C1au, to annex the vard; theMe southwesterly Clerk.
aaJd real property as he-relna.tter alonr aald 80uthe.uterly llne A. C. SW A.RTZ
d.:ribed, whJch aald real PI'O· ol Newport Boulevard to the A. C. Swartz. City Clft'k and ex·
petty 1.a conttruous to the pres-euterly prolonraUon ot the oUtdo Clerk ot the City Councll
ent boundaries ot wd City of southerly Une of Block F of of the Clty of Costa Mesa. Call.t.
Right! Your money e.uns self respect, gre•ter
confidence in yourself 1nd in the future. tt
brings presti9e •nd bue1ds up ered"tt st.nding.
moment they are needed .. •~•ry cent. Stop in~
Newport Hcabor Balik
._.. I IIIP&id Will
eo.ta Mesa, and wblcll property aaJd Berry Tract. aald point 1be above and foregoing Reso·
Is. at the present tlme, unln· also belnr an anrle point In lutlon wu duly and regularly '=ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g hablted. the exlsttnr boundary ol the pUlled and adopted at a recular I
N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN City ot Costa Mesa; thence meeting of th~ City Council of
that lt 1s proposed by the aald westerly alone aald euterly the City of Costa Mesa. held on
City of Costa Mesa to annex the prolonratJon and aaJd south· the 4th day of September. 1956.
the hereinafter deacrlbed real erly llne of Block F to the by the following roll caU vote,
Pronarty to the City of Costa ltOutheuterly corner th~reof ; to-wit;
r-th ... n ..... northerly alon<~ the AYES: Councilmen -Martin. Mesa, which aald real property "" '"" • ahall, In the.e proceedings. bear westerly line of aald Block Pinkley, Nelson, Meyers.
the name "BRISTOL NO. 1 AN· F to th~ aoutherly line of NOES: Councilmen-None.
NEXA110N." The specllfc de· said Block B. Berry Tract; ABSENT: Councilmen--Smith .
ICrlptJon ol the boundaries of the th~ce westerly a Jonr said A. C. SWARTZ
be ed southerly llne of Block B to A. C. Swartz. City Clerk and ex· territory proposed to annex the westerly line of Lot 17, om clo Clerk ol the City Cou ncil
are as follows: of said Block B; then~ of the City of Costa Mesa. Callt.
Bectnnlnr at an anrle point northerly along said westerly Publish: ~pt. 20 and 27. 1956
In the exlat:lnr boundary of Une of Lot 17 and the north· In the Neowport Harbor Ensign. the City ol Costa Mesa. aaJd
point belnr the Intersection erly prolongation thereof to
of the nowtbeflX prolongation the point of be&l~.
of the westerly Une ot Lot nJR"nlER N011CE IS HEJlE.
~ ....., ......
STROOT'S ~~~ * Appll~ * PaiDI8 ............. ua..a..c..-._. *
SAYE ... I
Fa...,'s Polley
omCE: Uberty 8-5554 RES. Uberty 8·508.,
17, Block B, Beny Tract. as BY GIVEN, that on the 15th day
shown on a map recorded In of October, 1966. at the hour of
Book 9, pare 8, Ml.eoellan· 7:30P.M. on said day, or u 800n YOUR NEW
eoua Jteconta ot. 1M AnceJes thereatt~r u th~ matt.er may be
County, CalUomla, with the heard. at the Councll meettnr at
northerlY 11ne of Baker the Ju.t:Sce Coun ot. Newport
Street, 10.00 teet In wtdtb; leach l udldal District. 58'1' West
thence euterlt alonl sald 18th Street. eo.ta ......, Call· nortb•l7 Une ot. Baker Street fomJa. a b~arlnr will be bad, at
to the ~ ltDe ot .Lot which hea.rlnr the City Councll
10. Bloek B. of aa.ld JlenY lha.ll hear and paa upon an
'J'rad· theoCe nottberlY alonr written protest& tued at any
....td ~IY ltne of Lot 10 time before aaJd hour 8l't for aald
and Lot 1. Block B. or sa.ld beartnr by any penon owntnr
11err1 Tract to a l.lne 330.00 real prol)e!l1)' within the terri·
reet .out~Mrl7 of tbe parallel tory 10 proJ)C*(I to be &.JUMIRd.
to the ~of Paularlno and at any time before the hour
Avnue: tta-. e a • t e r 1 J let for aaJd hearlnl UlJ CJWJWr
alonr -.14 .....net Une to of property wtthln tbe territory
the _. • ., liM ol. IAI4 Lot propoeed to be annead may ftle
1· tbeDc:e .,..._17 alona a wrtttm protest apbwt the the .,._1.7 U. ol ald Lots annaat:lon. Tbe prot eat shall
1 &Del 10 to aid nartb«l7 8lt tortb the name ol the owner une <Jl ._. !llrMt: ~ ot. tiM JlfOPelt:r art~ and rtve :er3 = =:-:-..: ==..or saJ4 tt•~ tn
.... ., ... of w~ ,_.~an«)( tM av o1
1!, -.rt7 'lftd. U --OD Calla W.. Is IM!ftb)" .... t.ct • map ,_ ... Ia .... • u4 ..... to Clat • CIOWo ol ,...~ ,._ • ID' • ... tllla , I hdoft to t. ........
orcla ol ... • • ,, 7 a.utr. -....... tDr two --Caltfonla• ..... _..., to .... ...,. ... , In .. 0... a~oq -..d a 1 :tr U.. ol --~a..ld.a......-
Lat 'to'l ......... ~., ., ...... ~tioft. .. ......
.... «Ua ...... --" ... CltJ ol a.ta ...... .. • fl. eM ~ 11M .. w ........ "wpolt ........ J:n. s ot. ....... at Ml7 ~ ....... ol ...-a~ dr· n.et: ..._.. a a " .._. ......._ pUIIIJIIMd ln a. ONntJ
a lillie ,..alii " ... .... ., Olujla u4 oubllc1e a. 017
-.. ., ,_ .. .... .... ., Oeilla .......
........... ., ........... fteatraft ......... ~=::'t ...... ".!-~ a 1a1 ... a«t..s" ..a a -----· -~ •••k .... <Jl tM ... ~
• Fair
• Friendly
"'UU TIE IEIT fti"
--A.-: ...... _.. L 11w .. aD ,. dA .. -~~-•., ~~"'''••••~···~~---r------~~~~-----~~--~~-~-~-~~~~
' .
el ~embei-shiP '·· Held t•, -
By Newport Junior Ebell ~ ... u-0
111""' ., 11oo Youth Slated a.-_ ~ .,.
MidWay throu&tl a '"-s.p. major plue tor • .....,... tiM ~:~ .. ~ r • ~~ 0:.::: Tbe ftrtt pat, of -.pbons .. rtwclWt da\IJtl• tA if,, 0 ~ r-..i& .. IJilll.biL....,
tmber, I'DIIIliMn of t.be lual« -lor J:be1l Oub to fliWice aDd 1Aqt1e (WQIL) Ia ICMduW tor tow YCMfth wu ennouQC84 tor W am d Oentalr, n vn;mv ,.,....., Jld....,_d ....,._
Dell Club at lWiport BMch ('OMtruc.'t tiM DIW clu~ ... ldndq, f.rolll 3 to 5 ,..... at tbe Nov. 10 at tiM brw"'•tt .....una Q~ ~0.11:•.;::: t!: PARICES-RID~ ' uft ..,_4>' acoompl.illlated on. .a-. ~ on tbe elub-IMIDe o1 11ft. BeulM ar...nan. at J'rteefll ol tiM JltlDlaanDoa.lc ltal. sb. --...~ 1 Ddl, a MOWI'U..__
project low tbe mon-. tiM an-boule eocamJtt-. tiM juD.Iol'l 1IM.1 Walaut Awn-. Garden bel4 1UC w.elr at tile DIIMY· !uneee at~ pou -·
....... _..benblp ..._ and are plan to lncl\Hie ocap~«e decor· O.OW, w11en mem!»en pU. ro. lan4 HoteL J'rtecla ~. df. In a&Ution to Gntcben. tM 110 Broadway
JNPArtq tor three IIMlN wmta aUon ot ta. powcler room and ~ and a ~a.l *· reetor ol tM ~ ordtMtra, 0en 2 lrii~~~~ii~t befOre the IDOiltb·encL provlaton ot .uverw.,. (« tbe ""-...u..a wW be opeD to annouDC*I plaM for a Ml1ee ol a..:::;-bave a .,..,.-old 1011, "=u= ..... ==·=...,..==CDII&==.,..==C ne JD~DDblnhip tea wu beld new bome. . , an womea ot Oranp County PN-eoltCert 1~ 1be G.amws moved to Corona ~
at the Bay Sbore. NlllcJeonc:e of In Oc:tobft tbe elub will hOftCII' wtao haw been o~ WOfiEen. A pre·conc.rt cUnner' wt11 be del Mar from IH~ Wublna· N 0 W , . . T W 0
Mrs. lohn Colby on Sunday. Mrs. Norman Wataoll, ~t Tbe ...._ Mu. IMalah aren. held before next Saturday's Gol-ton. lut AprO lfr GftltDer la 0 a, 'P'7 MORTUARIES
Sept. 9. All club memben and of the Callfomla Federation ol DAn. eerwd witb the American den lUbU• C'ODC.'IIrt. 'nle dJnner employee! u a J.,;,ut man for U~U.oU•
El9ift a Hemtlton
their JUNta were tnvttecl Mrs. Women'a Clu~ julllon, who 1t Red C.O. Ia France. wtn be held at u.e l:rvl.ne Cout Gluatar 1n Santa Ana ler¥tal tiM HarbOr AIM
lames Wblte and Mra. Wllllam al80 a mem_,.r of the local Bott 11 atat.tlna at the tea Country Club. ltele.rn.ttona for ' · Bait% Mortuary
CalllsletVed u CO·c:bal.rmen and poup. 'lbey are planntnc· a will t.. .0. Blanche Fu.lJcenon the dh\ner may be made with .....,_ F..., I • IIJ THE Sb
members ot the board, beaded luncheon ln her boDOI' at the ot Newport Be~h and Mra. Mar· Mra. Karen M. Brun1q at Bar· f•l I ~.:.!, a
by Mra. F~ Alllnder, pi'Hi· Lido ble home of Mrs. Robert aaret GUbert Klrctna of Laauna bor 4141 or Mra. Fred Ferrey, W ~~ Ia J'..la · 1530 &. eout Ht.b'"'7
dent, were ho.teues. Fralley. Beach. KimberlY 2·8622. ..-...... .... c-on. Clelllar
Seven junior nwnben will Amonr thoee att.endtnc the Balt% M rtu
aerve as models at the "Fa.shlona A • t l 1 B f•t breakfast meettnc were Mmes. In penon speaker f« the New· 0 ary
of Yesteryear" ahow belnr Jiven SSIS a nee eague s ene I Gertrude McCall, Jack Com, H. port Bual.nea and ~nal .17h A~~~~ .... today (Thuraday) by the aenlor H. Henahaw, Carl Boawell, Jack Women's Club meettnc tonlabt
Ebell Club to ralae money for w·tt 8 H I d 0 t I 2th Cunnlnrham.. Fran Hardin, wu. (Thu,.ciay) la Carl no., ybo BOTR.um.E ~tr?s kitchen equ.Jpment In the new I e e 0 n c • llam Relrel, Calla VIele, Gun· will talk on "'Ibe FamU,y No~
clubbouae. Taklnc part wlll _,. , • nlnr Butler, J. Maddox and Wanted." ':=~:J~[!!!!!!===::: Wall Cald h d Mrnes. K. L. Hartman, Edward Columbus Day. Friday, Oct. 12, ParlsJan motU for decorations BrunJng of the Harbor area. Articles about this "around r ace er ea Kelly, Richard Hodge, Freeman has been named as the date for which wtll feature carousels and The Jubilee concert wUI be the ~orld" famlly of 6 boys and HARBOR REST
MEMORIAL PARK JEWELER Fisher. Robert Diemer. James the annual fall benefit of the a black and lemon yellow color preaented at 8:30 p.m. Saturday 6 ctrls have appeared ln Read·
Reynolcls and James White. Newport Harbor Ass I s t a n c e scheme. at the Orange Coast College era Digest. Llte and McCalls
l 12J &Jt CoeJt Hi9hwey Mmes. Robert White Harlan Learue. Thia year's party wUl The luncheon at the Balboa auditorium. magaz.lnes.
C«oM del t.fer Hoyt, George Gurr, Edwin Fin· be a (ashton luncheon wtth a Bay Club will be a benefit for The dinner meetinr wlll be
, ___ m::;:::::;;;:;;;::o:::;;::;iiiiiii:=~ ster, Dean Gorton. Don Clark. the League's main philanthropy, 1 J 'I'Linl ..... _ held at the Newport Harbor
11 Robert Wallace and Allinder wUJ the Robert H. Olander DDS, Chll· IYI '11 I • ..,... Yacht Club at 6:45 m.
assist w ith serving. Boat Course dren's Dental Clinic. F ........... _ F n largest ond Most Complete
Fumiture Store in the Areo.
c.n for fr ..
Liberty a.551 8
Honse ... Gar~ en
Furnishings for homes,
dubs. yachts.
)()17 W. C:O.rt Highwey
Newport S..ch
A dtstrlct workshop at Seal Mrs. Allen Crlsell. chalrll\&n of If 1--J
Beach will Include participation Off d F the party. said that reservations by the local Juniors on Septem· ere ree for the event may be made wtth An B·pound. 15 ·ounce boy.
ber 22 on September 27 a lunch· the following members: Mmes. David Lee. the new son of Mr.
eon .,;eetlng of the Juniors of A tree boatinr course spon· Arthur Lewis. Roland Wright. and Mrs. Howard H. Thon. 789
Newport wlll be held at Jamalca sored by the u 5 Cout Guard Hay Langenbelm. Roy Lyman. D. W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, was born
ll')n. and given by ~e~bers of the u. V. Hayes, Wilfred Be.rls. WlUard Tuesday. Sept. 10. at Hoag hos·
bo d d xill _,. KUllon, Frank Linnell, Paul pltal. At their September ar S. Coast Guar Au ary gan Rogers Lawrence Pfister Robert The Thons have two other
meeting the Juniors revealed Tuesday at the Horace Ensign Stawicki, Walter Seibert Robert boys. Dale, who 1s 4, and Steven,
School, a nd wlll continue every Gardn H E Stl ld J h who Is 2.
Tuesday eveninr at 7:30 for 10 Webst!~· and Arthur~· 0 n Mr. Thon. an 1 n dependent
Pacific Model Cent(e
c •• ,, ... u. ........
UIE.ID l•i•• Is We•lhMI ..... ···-Off to 12 sessions. -gardener, works tn Costa Mesa.
The course wUI Include boat W 11 ........ ,., 1..&........... Newport Harbor. and the sur· lla K. COAST JIW'f. selection. nautlcal lanruage, e~· ... .... nww rounding areas.
mentary seamanship, knots and jliwiiijjiiii~~~~~~iiiijjiji
FwY ... !
Peopl. heve been
seying ••• end
Weevint thet
Marine Sgt. James Dixon of El spllcH. alds to navlgatlon, pUot· Car oH Fenw .... G
Toro suffered a severe gunshot lng, rules of the road and safety • • • --r OOD ~OD wound when a pistol he was ex· ln boating. Miss Margaret C. Haines of
amlnlng was accidentally dls· At the end of the course an 2017 Arnold Drive, Costa Mesa, ~ charged at his home. 201.23 examination will be given those nearly drove her car Into the ~ Acacia St .. Santa Ana Heights. wishing to take It, and a certlfl· bay at Ba1boa Ferry landing RAGAN'S RESTAURANT ~ Tuesday of last week. cate of completion. issued by the Tuesday ot last week.
""' The bullet from the .25 calibre COAST GUARD. wUJ be awarded. Pollee officers received a re.
• automatic pistol struck Sgt. The Instructor In charge wtll be port that a car was about to fall ~ Dixon In the left abdomen and DT. Irving E. Laby, assisted by In the bay at the landing. When ~ ~erred In hls left. lower back. Al Oberg. assistant harbor master they went to Investigate, offl.
""' Be was taken to Boar Hocpltal. of Newport Beach, Mal J. Fink cers ob~ed the front wheels YOU CAl
~ and Captain Cy Tucker. of Mlsa Haines· car on the edre
~ RlSt CHUit01 Of' CHliST of the landing. Jean Frondella. ~ SCIENTIST Wh A I ? 18612 Pacltlc Coast Highway,
UOJ V14l U4o. Newoef+ IHc.ll 0 m • Malibu Beach. was seated In the
A ~.nell of The ~other Chu~ll. The car with hls foot on the brake.
Arrt Churdl of On.t. x ientift. in._ Bl Man Asks . Miss Haines explained to offl· ton, ~.uechuwtta.. h d h
_________ ,P'a()JI
Su~•Y School 9 :15 e.m cer-s that abe a driven er car
Sundey Service 11:00 e.m. on· the ramp, thinking the terry OPEN 11:30 A.M. TO 8:30 Pli. Q£'SEI) TUESDAYS
Wed,.sdey Evonin9 Meeting 8:00p.m. A mlddle·aged man, wearing was operating. When sJwutopped DINNER SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY PliO)( NOOK TO 8:30 P..M.
R .. d inq Room loc.eted ei 3115 Vi• no shoes. approached patrolling her car, It slid through and broke ISIS K. e.-., c-. .._
Lido. Newport S..ch. i• o~, -k polloe otflcen at Marine and oolt!~tb~. ~e~b~an1~c~a~d~e·~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ deyt from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m. Balboa Ave .. Balboa llhmd, just =
Wednesdeyt from 9:00 e.m. to 7:-45 alter midnight Wednesday of
p.m. Fridey -ninqs from 7:00 p.m. to last week and stated be could
9:00 p.m. Clc»ed Holid•Y'· not recall who be was or where
Tt.e public ;, cordielly invited to ••· be lived.
'-nd the chu•dl .. ,.,.;,.. end ute fM Pollee oUJcers attempted to
~ .... d.,o It,_.. identity the man by lnqulrlnr
attend tire etwd. ol ~ e&ke
Rese"ations Now Harbor 3930
Wednesday, Sept. 26th
Frances Norton Shop
213 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
* Presented by Vema Miller Charm School
Luncheon From 12 Noon
Bay Side Drive at Marine Ave.
at one of the bara 1n the area.
'lbe man, who had two centa 1n -----TIIIIW ..... EWJ .... ••nat•ll .. Y•-----
chanre In h1t pocket but no taU*'* ef t11ae •.az.a .....
ldenuttcatlon. was t.alr.en to the 1• '•* 'n lt.. c.e. •-Newport pollee _..lion for ques· Llllerty I-4IU ,_... .... C::U.. wnu_.
ttonlnr. The man had been .... J~ W ... .._. ~ a.flll
drinking but wu not Intoxicated. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· Sunday Servkeli: Sunda:r School.
After an hour's quest:lonlQC• day School; 9:30 an4 11:00 9:30 Lm. Momlnl WOnbJ]) at
th an named several prorru· a.m. Momln& WCJI'ShJp-7 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Evanjellatle Serv· e m Collere Ace MYF Service -7 lee, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.. nent business people of Balboa p.m. Hlrta School MYF Service; S p.m. Sunda:r; Prayer meet· Island. He remembered one of 8 p.m .• younc adulta poup ln&, 7:30 p.m. Wednelda:r.
them and by association of service.
names. he recalled that he was
Jose Rodriquez and Uved at 114
Garnet Ave., Balboa Island. He
said he worked for the Los An·
geles E x a m l n e r u editorial
Drllilc Plla I•••
• , 1'111111'1 Official
nm caoaca or c:a:aDT 1050 atucll at-e.e. .,_
LJbedy .. ..,
D. G. Bti.Dt. Jl'•' ... Sunday aerv1oes: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. momlnc wor·
ablp; 7:30p.m. evenln& jervice.
Mldweek aervtce. 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday .
'11m CMU*'* OP CIDIST 0611 p ...... LMte-
l ... ..,..tAft.o c... ..... 1.111ertr e-m 1
T-..... Jr .. lllalatw Sunday Servtoes: 9:45 a.m. &ble atudy; 10:55 a.m. worship.....,.
lee; 7:30 p.m. even1n& M'J'vtce.
. cauaca or on LADY
OP liT. C1 8JIU
lt&JW ............... ..,.t a....alt r-=:•,;:r=.,~aar . ,, .......
Sunday M•ne1: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Conlealon: Sat·
ur4ayl and ewa. oflat Fr1da.ys
an4 Holy n.,. IJ'om ~:00 to
5:30p.m. and fnlm 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. Dan:r..._ 8:00 un. ~
Friday: 1":30 a.m. and 8:00p.m.
K o • • n a (Pwpetual Help>: lfoftday. 7:45p.m.
Bar.bara Louise Hennings Wed
To Jerome Hamilton Klotz
Helmut Describes Schooling
In His Country. Austria
,_ .,....._ o1 a.. u.m.. Uam w.u. o1 ., ua••••• ~ thouah. t~we wu a meet~~aa 1a 11tt7 ot CaJMonta ... ...,.... Mit ..... A·boJ ~ -. ..._.,.. .... ted v~ ot ltUdeftta trom z cllt·
1ft a ....... wldld'lW Clilltc ..,-~ the ...,.y a ,.. .. came to tbe UaJted ltaW 11 tennt aaticm&. ""J'be commoa
bJ .. a.r . ...._ Olilllre at 1M Ollldoft wu atwn by the ... ~ bere. 'nlroqla u.. ~· 1....-... • u Mr.. ara.,. pat a.
0... ... Mat Co • • u alt f t1ma1 ~ o1 tbe brtde .. nelcl lerviee, 11·,..,-old .._.. ~ wtdc:b ..,... ~
Cllurda oa • p.IIL. 1M. lept. L at the Jalboa lllud bome•ot ..,.,... ....._ ku urtwcl tfclnl to all ol them!"
'I'M brtde Ia .0.. ......... ..._ lin. A. ~. Bode. maternal aunt Alllbta u a ....._., _.. • .,. Belmut bu been ..m, tbe
....,. ~.out. 8 ennl a a•, o1 tbe bride. Tbe bride and ...._.. In a.nor IUIIL Be 11 at&bte around Soutbena CaU· .. .,.._ ol W. 0. _.._. ol lf'OOID wUJ make tbelr bome In lltaJiq wWa tM a.-arc~ Gtavee tona1a alao liMe be hae a.een
1111 ~uta ADa AW.. c.ta ..... llerkeley. ol Wa.oa 1llaDd. here. The Gra,... have tabn b11D
wta II' I ft ad tM ... liN. Jfenlap. •• 'J'Iae bride la a p&dUate of llelJDut'a boiDe .. lft u-. be· to 8ee Dlaeylaad, K.nott'8 a.ry ome R•DilltoG JDoa. 80ft ol Dr. Newport Ba.rbor Blah 8cboo1. tween VIenna anclle ....... .atu. Parm. tbe·lllbt opera ~
an411n. L ~. JDoa ol .. venldt, Oranp Cout CpUep and a 1951 ated on tbe Dalulbe ..,_, Be SonJ ... Be hu bem on the alr·
All apple tor tbe t.Heber • • wu tbe ilrtdepoom. .,actuate ot the UnJvenlty of Uvea then wltb Ilia...,_ .. and cn.tt ea.rri11!1' Hornet. and hu
Wl\J .._Q8 an applef W1lY net 'n.. llride ,..... a whJte lace C&lltomla. ne poom u.o IJ'ad· bu an older ...... wbo Ia 28. aeen ct:Mrama. Of th1l lattet he ~ peacb « a plwn « a PGPM-J'GIWD tltiDmed ln wtalte •ttn uated tn ~u.ne from California Helmut Joob l.ur. a ,..war -.ya there ta .. nothlnl like lt."
panatef Appl• and ~ 10 ma4e ol coelctall lenltb-Whlte where he wu a member ol ptJ Amel1ean boJ In 111a wbJte panta. '!be Graves are ol c:oune very
toJether • · · they ~ have.,: ~ lneluctlnr a lace cap Jlet& ltagpa and pt Mu E}»llon, ab1rt and flat top. But be ar-pleuect and happy to ha"'e Bel·
new crop ln the fall • · • W and wO c:ompllmmt.d her JOWl\. honorary math fraternity rived ln the llhort pante that are mut, and hope to Jain much
I could pve an apple to all the De carried a coloalal bouquet. ==========·==============: worn by IDOIIl boys In Autrla. from the experience. Helmut also teachers . . • But perha.-th1l 8ft Glter, M.t.. Kaney Ben· ~ &Dd eoccer are Hel· plana to learn much and is
will do u well • · • "'Thanka nlnp. eervect u maid ot bonO&'. Ta T ttJ FBCII JIAIIBOI ID mut'a fa....tte aporta at home. happy to ftnally be In America.
teachers. Jtdt tor belnl ~~ She wore a UJht blue tatfft& r a e8 • IY u••a• LILID'nU1. Jut be 11 a"ldoue to eM the toot· When you aee Helmut on th~ ... Thana tor wanttna to __.... etreet lenath dreaa and canted a ball pme toiDIA'Iow nl&bt. &e&d· eampua why not Jreet him wtth
and dolnJ IUch a JOOd job · · · nGeeJa.y ol blue delpblnJum, and lnJ and c:betullltr) OJ)el'tments a friendly 111." and help btm to
Thana for fllUnl our of(aprlnCa ptn.k roee. and camaUon.a. Wll· • mmATIOir aULD and may be ..a llmplnJ around took up moat o1 wttat tree tlme learn our American way of
daya with enjoyment and le&m· Slx month.a behind bars or a the baUa wtdl a larae cut on. Relmut had ln Aumta. Be went friendship.
toe ... ThanJu for your Interest I k J $!50 to $.'500 fine doesn't ~nd • • • to achool wtth ftve to atx aub· -------and your Habt t.hlnklnJ ... Ta on apan Vf!IY nice. c:toe.lt! TheM are the eaACK or .... TKAII jec:ta eva)' day, atx ~a Wftk.
Thanka tor your spue tamanahlp penalUee tor vtolaUne the State Tomouow ftlllst Ia our flHt A To be a ellem.t.t ta Helmut's H 1 S I
and your lmpartlallty ... Is Scheduled law c:oncerntne lniUatton, Lut football p=· at I!D:!rbtor. k dream. eY« .mce be took ebem· ere s ogan 'lbanka for belnJ what you are Friday a freshman boy wu aure to eome out and pve our btry In hla third year ot bleb
... for belne there." ''pecaed,'' that l.s to .ay. hla bo,. your IOJ&Ity. aebool He .... 13 or 14 then. For Shopp.•ng
Member's ot the Woman'a So· pants lee w..a stuck over a pole • • • After only four ~..,.. ot Cram· * * * dety ot Ch.rlatJan Sftvlce of the protrudJnJ from the Cfl'Dent. He • aAat TO -=-ooL •~ mar ~~ehool Auatrlan atudente
Balboa Island Communlty Meth· wu re.cued by two teachers. '!be echool ,_,. and the return graduate to hlch eehool f« ten Mn. J. C. &..... .C ._
odllt Church wtl1 conduct the .lust thouJht I would warn any ol ~udy Welpnd back from yea.ra. A few ot the aubjecta Bel· CIt -w .,.. ....._ .C e. a.&~ 9~30 and 11 a.m. sunday .ervtces would·be lnJtlatDn u to the eon· Arabia were ...ac:omect at a Back must took Jut year were Enc· ct. J...U. ..... all ~
We ... wt I I 11 .........
p=1zt119< diWIU '&1< liqtd4-bia9 .......... ., .....
liN • -wtlllqwrtr a..t .. ................... -at.., .......... .,..,...
.................. d'fwd. ................... ,._ .. ,. .... .,.... .... .... ........ _.,.... .... ....
.. .....,.. ...... twe •••
A..._IWMrallllatf,....., ·-...., ....... .,.. ... ., ..... a.-""' .... ...,... bciiiMs ................. .
tla9 .... .... • •apt _, lllt.F.-~ ·-lk.1Ut. .... 9''· .......
(14) llc.1U..!\l ..... ..
1 lit. ftltlas .. 1 .. ...
2Sc. 1 a.. Q&u 118 lie.
* * *
at their church. It Will be the aequences of th:ir fun. to School Party, ha.tH by Bar· Ush, French, ee,man. Physics. _.... a-wp ..,.. 11a.
annual ob.ervance of WSCS Sun· • • bara lJJieothal. Guests were Cbemtst:ry, BloloeY and a few 0.. K. OGIIIdel .C ..... A-. day e IV'Y TOR CAaD greeted at the door by a ble stan others. That la why there are no _. 1a tla1nl ..._ .,.. lin. ~esldlne wtll be Mn. Harold I would like to stress the lm· readlnc "HOWDX." outslde sports or clubs in Aus· au.. L .... .C • au-
James. vice president. Mn. Fount portanoe of purcllulne a student The barb e.c u e dlnnn was tria. ...._ J)c... •....-t.
L. Lowe and Mrs. P. P. Baines body ea.rd. Besides beln& an served on paper eovend tables, Althoueb you may chaa.e one ~ .-,_ ......: ...._.
wlll read the Scriptures and pve ldenUftcatlon card It enables you on which were to be found al1e· of three 41f!erent types of bJeh ,.... ..... • • .,...._ pa-..
the prayer. to Jet Into any and all home bra problema, apellJng word.a, IIChools. once you enrolJ you have .a.p 11 1 se tWo -.C •·
Guest apeaker wtll be Mra. aport Jamee free and those not doodles. etc.. Then cuesta pre· very llttle choice of sub)ecte. But b Uw ...._ • ,._ ..._
Hugh N. Lormor. Fullerton, a at home for hall price. With your pared to leave on a acaveneer you even must p1511 an exemJ.na· 0 , , m-. caetoa .. 11M
formn secretary of student work student body card you w1ll be hunt: Girls were handed balloons tJon to be adm~tted to the ~~ehool Cl'fldiiYJ ...._.. ,1 111 mot.
fOil the wscs ln the Southern admJtted Into all assemblles free which when broken devuleed the Ot the chot~ of schools. Hel· _. tladt _y,...., ~
C<lomla • Arizona c 0 n f erence and cet the acbool paper tree. name of the boy who was to mut took RM.Ucllule. the tecb.DJ . _. .... ....._1 , u •
area. She will q>eak on "Japan and many other act.lvttJes. _ _ escort her on the hunt. cal hlp IIChool. 'nte other two _. we .. a.4 11'1 =•.
1w I Saw ll" J4ra. Lonnor and '!be $:l.S() paid f« the card la Th~ Uat lnclu~ auch things major In languages and adeneea. -. •
hu buaband. who la the mJnlster a anall price f« all the benefits as: Ike t-In. fats. flncemall, Helmut says the relations be·
of the Ptnt Methodist Church ot received ln return. It la most cer· apark pluJ. watermelon seed, t~a tween the students and the
Fullerton. have just rnumed from talnly a eood ldu to have a bae. matches fmm the Jamaica teachers are g~nerally very for·
a two-month tour which took card. Better alan for your Gal· Inn. allvn penny. darnlnc needLe, mal.
them to HawaJJ, Japan. and leon pretty soon too. Four dollars colored toothpick. near bahd, Most of the schools are seere·
Aluka. 1.s the price for the bie yearbook fOJeiJD stamp .. movte dcket atub, eated for boys and girls In
They just happe!Vd ... RJtbt thJa year. lump of IUJar. Austria. In fact there ue only
out of a rebieerator truck from lfEW aDIDDTI m C.JUL • • • '!'he fTiendly nel&}lbon cooper· from 10 to 15 etrls In Helmut's
Geofl'la . . • DlxMSMd's Prtde Mrs. Cecella For.,_ and her e TEACIIKIII Ul)'lmE.D ated and most of the loot wu ~~ehool among the 800 stu~ta.
Prytnc Chldrtu anct tiMtr ,.. two eblldren. Robert. S. and The janlton at Harbor are round. The w1n~n wne Patty and they are there because they
apectlve parta tllereon •.. Dl.x»-Christo ber S~ are tnakJnJ dotne thelr job ot pollahtne th~ Buah and Roy Mathu. Guesu destr~ C:OUJ"'JeS that ue not of·
land'a Pride are paclted and their b!me 'at m Polnliettla Ave .• noora very well. too well In fact. returned from the hunt to spend tered ln their own acbools.
cuaranteed by GeorJla Brothers, Co del Mar The Forbes. who Mariam Lewis. Spanlah teacher. the rest ot the ~enlng playtnc Boyw and girls more or tess
Inc., wbo are located In the North m= to Coroo·a del Mar on Au· allpped and broke bu right Leg. games and dandnc. Wlnnena or "com~ out'' when they are 17.
Georeta Commercial Broil• Area. 71 had rev1oualy lived at th~ nnrt day of re,tstratJon this otb« cames ~ Roy Mather Helmut hu been to a ~ partJe:s
Georeta Broilers are said to be ft:.a Madre, p Calltomta. year. She 11 dolnJ Olt. thouJh aJaln. Frank Scllultz and Janice thJs summer and Is enjoying
one of the larJest chicken pro· Hayes. l~amlne how to dance. Last
dudnJ areu In the country and · The den for dandnc wu gaily summer Helmut and a boy Mend
each week aupply 1J5th ot our Couple Is ~ Jarr··ed Our·· ng derorated wlth blue and whit~ toured. by bleycle. Austria. and nation'• needa. Georpa Broilers IV1 lights. ~amen and remnants a little way Into Germany and
employ u. s. Depa.rt:ment ot Aarl· l • St d• ol last year'a football eames. Italy du.rlne their nine ~b va -
cultu.re In.tpectlon and GracllnJ Races at eglon a IUm Thoee attendlnawere: Pete Stod· cation. -1· ...... s---Service and each padQ.Je cames dard, Judy Baker. B.lchard Elllot. Helmut aays he cot to aee more -
..1 wore a size UJ' dtc.. wcigbcd
~ pounds... says Ma. Ruth
Murny ... My doctor 6n.ally in-
sisted I do somcthiDg to reduce.
10 oii I WCDC to wlw I DOW ral-
ix is the best •lmdcriz:ing meth--
od ~ Staatrcr Syscan. rm
DOW weaDog a 16 eire.. weigh
oaly 1 so pcxmds. Tbc new f.cd-
ing is jndcwyibabJc , ..
If yoa 1100 Uft a di6:uh ~
probkm. c:al1 today for yoar
free erial ... ..d 6pre aaalytiL
·~ ..... .._.....
S117 E. ee.t ..... ,...,
Jll'di t r lMI tb u.s. Department at A,IJ'lcul· Sally J:ymann.ltoy Mathe, .lanla ot Germany wben be left to' come INJ &. CIOMT WWAY ~~ot~~·~A~~J~~~~~adrath~~~~~w~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~h;e~;~~~~~~~~M~~-~~~~~~~~~~~==========~ ·d · M performed on the Buntlncton driver for four yeua, an e Stautfu Horst Jtkharct.on Mary
thla for 44~c • poun · · · BMdl auto race trade. American bride. a race fan for ten YN.rW. Lu ~Jne Frank sdtultz.
cheap u eaUnJ ba.mbure« · • · Leeton Stadium. at lntenn.laalon A.abtlng with the W'eddJne cere· M~llnda Horae: Elmer Schuman. * * * time ~ the races on Au· mony wu Garald Baxter 01 Allaon Mellor. RJchard Atklnaon.
,u.t 25 unlted In marrlap the HuntJncton Beach as best man. Ginny Dunlavy, ~oh.n .Haskell,
former I>ureUa .lean Mone:lllo ot He ~ the mec:ha.nJc for the Judy Wetcand. Bob Johnson.
Buntincton :&deb and Cyril Ran· eroom • race car. Servlnl u Bonn~ Barns. ~lm McKee, Pam
80m Frttz of eo.ta Mesa. bridesmaids were f1ve County Peterson. Bob Hotnnan. Rachel
A84 tM 0.W.. JeNIIsf .. ...................
••• y ....... ..u.a.......,
........ t..la.,..r
...._..taUpsU,...... ......
tlarlatllie ........ ~
....... Aad ...... lltW
~ --loft .c tiM CWdaa ~ .......... .
lodaldstT ... laadlty tM ... .
past .......... -.w ....
tbeb ..... --~ ... ella· .................. ~
Pal'ldal9 ....... latldllr ........
wU1 ... ... Coldaa JaiiOte
Tctdlt ...... .
* * *
Is Oct. 20
Jirla, who have all been tropby Stewart. RJek .lobnson. Pat Bush .
Jirla at the race track. Miss .I all~ Georee M c Fa r 1 a n d and the
Lyons ot Costa Mfta was maid hostess.
of honor. The chaperone. who assisted
Rev . .lack Tutor performed the the ~·a parents were Mr.
atngl~ rtnc c e rem on Y which and M.n. Bod 14c:Alevy.
united the dauebter of Mr. and:==:===========.
SomeeomJne at Crance Coast M.ra. E. A. Sbaw Sr. ot Hunting·
College will be Saturday, Oct. 20. ton Beach and the son of Mr.
accordtne to the Alumni A.uocla· and Mrs. Walter Fritz or Baltl· uon more. Maryland. The bride wore
The evenlne'a wtll Include a a powder blue waltz leneth
social Jatbertne at 6 tn the OCC gown of nylon and ba d a white
atudent loun,.e. the HomecomJne bridal bouquet. H.er maid of
J&me with Fullerton ln Pirate honor wore a pale pink ballerina
Stadlum at 8. and Homeeomlne leneth dress with plnk Dowers.
All the JOOd thtnp that 10 dance alter the Jame. Alumni Am e r I can Lecion member!
toeetber to make Newport Beacl:l wt11 be welcomed and the Home· helped make the arraneements
truly a Golden Clty · · · the fiah· eomlne Queen wlli be presented for the wHding. After the cere·
STilES lne, the salllng, the' ftsb eatlnJ, durin" balltime. mony a reception was given by
the ex c e 11 en t mercllandlaJnJ • a HunUneten Beach auto dealer
have been ~nted 1n t.ll8e • .___._ 01...1.. a... .. with the manacer and salesme n
1Uttfl' pac:ked two weeks of cele· IU---• for the car firm assLstJne with
braUnc . . . ,.. • 1 the party. * * * .llllrt The bride. who Ia a graduate
The ~Harbor Jt.twanla ot Runtinaton Beach Schools. Is Club. ID Villa Marina a partner wtth ber parents ln a
ae.taurant n today (Thurs· ftablnJ tack 1 e manufacturing
day). wiD a talk on Propo· company. B« new husband La a
.won 4. the oU drlllinc unttlza· member ol American Leeton
tioft mee,nre. ro.t 133 ot HunUncton Beach.
t I· n [ <; ( ;: I I' I i" '-~
~·· . ,r. .
'ftae ~« ta Lawrence Dyl· -=rMafY for the Carpenters
art. &II dlll!c:tor of the Cltlr.ena Local 1.s3 of eo.ta Mea&. and a
Oaaw*-'Son CommIttee and naem• of the otlldal board of ,_1 'fle, '#s IIA _,
••• ot the spe&ken bure&u radna of the Callfomla Jalopy • ...,... .....
AnaeJee Com.munlty A.-oc:latloll. ~ c..t ~ 5Ift
Bolln wtu be procram The c.-oup~e wm live at 1934 c.-._..._
-~~~~~,·~~ =~=-~~=~~~~O.~aM=-~--~==~~~~=== 11 News ......... ,, ..... ••••
1J10W'1'1WK,U e.-WAIKIID
8wtm SuJta. ....... Dr-. ~ "'aa1lcllreD'a" ~ Mu......._-Luau Oostu..._ .,_.. AJo1aa -~=~:...~=51.!7= ........ a'fL•AUOA
(Anotha in a Series ot Mesaqes P'raented by the Newport Harbor Eoaip.)
A Message
From The Ensign,
Y• 1-Ten • ...., ,....,
In our last Shop at Home mes·
sage. we pointed out that the En·
sign too is a local business. and
it too deserves the shop-at-home
courtesy that we heve been writ-
ing about for the past several
Wa ~now from the response of
local citizens that the Ensign is
an important port of our commu·
nity life. because it is the loc.al
weekly newspaper. Here are some
When the citizens b.come con·
cemed about what they belie.,.
to be an unfair tax increase, they
don't take their comr:>la ints to th.
big city newsp4tper. they cotM to
the Ensign. the local poper. end
we ba.... taken the iuue to the
Council Roor. Result: A r.duction
in the proposed tax incrMse.
WMn local bwinessmen obiect
to e~ant increo•s in ~
lie»me fMc. they don't voice their
~ints to tM out~-towl'l cWY ,.~.,.to the ~ OrMCJS ty ..dions. They ~ to ~ IOc:.l ,.bbither •nd
edt tMir loeel ~ to help
in their cemptliCJft b fei~ het.
ment. lt...lt: A ~ of . the
city'• businall r!Ciftle nnenee..
There are many other e•amples
of community service by your
local newspeper. the Ensign . . .
Successfully opposing the a ttempt
to cut our community in two wtth
a Freeway ... Campe igning for
traffic sefety by as~ing for a re-
duced speed limit on Coast High-
way and see~ing mora stop signs
and traffic signals in our town
... O pposing the indiKriminate
spread ot oil drillin9 within our
city . . . Auf-sting the campaign
for esta~shin9 and firw.ncing our
Communiiy Youfll Canter.
In addition to these projects.
the Ensign offers its personal oov-
erage of ell important loeal
...,.,h, careful ,.porting of wflat
CJOeS on at the Ciiy Council ses·
sions. and the meetinQ$ of the
School Boerds, "-'nin9 Commi ..
sion, Pert Commitsion, the Civic
and lmprollem8nt Associations.
We do this beceu• this is our
town. We k*iew in our town. end
we wi1f continue to do aft we can
io ma-it • battw place to r.w
Mrs. Moore Is
President of
Point Assn.
Mrs. ~ .liGen 0( D)5 J:.
OoMo Blvd.. klboe. wu ap·
The Jh w port ._. Putal, IUIIIl._ fll ftre rtnp ln ap« lat4l potntec1 ..,.adent of the Balboa • • • · .
Pentnaula Polftt ~ation at
Tueectay .-olna'• ~ an A py mad wtl!rl ot 411bu.r A ~ bll "'btt~ttr .ur. 11
the Balboa Analfn1 Club. Murray danae ~ Ia oa ate belnl plalUMid f« nat W~
... tiMe ...... doe Com•le· ...... -..... beeebeL
.._ ,....... • NfGI\ ,._, Dl· -na-loeat:lona were recom·
...... C'nptdl n..d.Q ..... JMnded:
...._ n1 zeDdil'\l u a-1 leed e The L f$t. pa.rktn1 area tn
1a1~ 100 yd. by so•yc1, 25 nr.
Street Ends rln~ear touthwest 'corner of the
Mrs. Moore. formerly VIce· aedule lot the rat ot tbla ~! Dinner at .,_ DaltOnt and
rre.Jdent of the .-odatlon. month -1tart1n1 with codrtaU. dancln1 follow'ln1at Vaux, wb_.. moves to the new poeltlon va· , · · , .......... . c:ated by the rest,natlon ot Ed· and danctnr With the ltu4Jo Arthu.r Kent • c:ombo .. ..._._.
ward Hare. the former prestdent. ran1 at the t.auna Hotel tn The party wtll taM the pl&Cle of
The vacancy c:reated on the La,una Beach lalt nl1ht. Every· the annual Toys for ToU clrtve
board wu tilled by the re·aP· one aereea. atudenta and teach· u1ually bel~ later, 10 .tucJenta. po~~m:!,~1 .:Ot~ ~.b~~ of .en, too, that leamln1 to dance teachen and auem are to brtnr
drawtna up rulet to aovern the Ja fun, but the mo.t enjoynwnt a 1Ift wrapped toy u thet.r din·
use of the M Stieet BNch ramp. 1a found when you aet "out on ner ti~ Now Jan't that havtn1
An A.uoctatlon lnalgnla Is. plan· the town" and really let In IQme fun and helplnl tome crippled
ned for boatl that will be ustna gay danclna to a aood ilve or-chUd, too!
• Balboa parking lot, 200 yd. by Will Be TopiC 1~ ~t·~f~~ ~~ntral New-
pori. 75 yd. by 125 yd., 3S fire President Ed Healy announces rlnp.
that the Central Newport Beach • Near southwest corner of
com m u n It y Aaoclation will Newport Pier. 75 yd. by 125 yd .•
meet at 8 o'cJock this evening 35 fire rings.
(Thursday) In the lounge of the • At Oranee Ave., on west
American Leeton Hall, 15th St. side, 35 yd. by 100 yd., 20 fire
and Bay Ave. rings.
the ramp.
The social chairman Is plan· ch~a.
Arnone the problems to be dis· Another location Is the Corona
cussed will be the public use of del Mar beach, but no change In
street ends for bathing, and the the present plan there was rec·
propoeed plan to provide com-ommended, pending completion
munlty parklna tor local rest-of the master plan.
dentl on the recently acquired Mr. Gingrich said also that a
property a 1 on r sl de the City fire rtng area may be established
Traller Park. In the Upper Bay.
Action Due on
License Fees
The Commission I n s t r u c ted
Chairman ~rge Sherrill to ap-
point a committee to review the
city ordinances on planting or
parkways and street enda and ......a.
recommend a revised ordinance. SHE'S fAiREST OP THI fAll. Pretty Ch....,l loufllon, 11, of Po-eo m m I s s loner Tom Norton -·,
nlng eroup me e t1 n I' s o! the
women's eroup. At the next
meeting, to be held at the Ang·
line Club on Qct. 16, beach rules
ol the point area wUJ be dis·
cussed. The meetings are open to
association members and to resl·
dents of the point area.
Mod·el Pl~ne
Club Formed
to Reduce Din A.ctlnr City Manager Bftt commented that the present ordl· mona, ha• bHn named qu.en of the 29th annuot Lot Angelet
Webb said yesterday that New-nances. enacted many years ago, County Fair In ptomono, S.pt. 14-30. S.lect.d by a paMI of Complaints about the noise of
port Beach City Council Is ex. "come pretty close to what we competent judge1, she was one of 11 condtdat .. choten by m 0 de 1 motor-drlven airplanes
• • •
In cue you haven't been
brushlnl' up on your dancing
lately, you wW be 1urprtsed at
the International Oavor of the
latest stepa ... the Samba (no
relation to the card game) from
Brazil, the Tango from A.raen-
tlne and the Merlnaue -pro·
nounc:ed MER-RING-GAY -from
the Dominican Republic ... are
tome ol the at.eps we broke Into
lut night.
• • •
Everyone Ia looklnt forward to
a tasty evenlne at Dalton'• ~d
110me delicious danctna later at
Vaux. Why don't you allde rlfht
over to Arthur Munay'a Studlo
ln Corona del Mar and enroll, ao
yo(l can glide around town hav-
inl' fun at studio, patio and
night club pa.rtlet with the crowd
u well as feel a lot mace telt U·
aured w1th your own trlend.l d\lr-
lna the comlna fall and winter
social seuon!
pected to take action Monday want." popular vote from the 500 c:o.dt at MI. Sa11 Alweonlo College. have led the Newport Beac.h Jlec.
evening on a new business 11· These ordinances authorize the She and het ten charming princes ... fo"" the royal cowt of reatlon Department to the task ;::::::.=========-==:..:===============; cense fee ordinance. city to remove plantings that agriculture preliding over the constant round of fettfvitf .. at the of oraanWne a model aln:ratt A number of meetings have have been planted Uleeally, for-huge upoaitlon. club.
been held with members of the bid encroachments on aldewalk.s A preliminary meetlng wa.s
Newport Harbor Chamber of and roadways, allow the cJty held Saturday mornlnl' at the
Commerce, which hu led the counclJ to ,rant permits for tome Youth Center In Corona del Mar.
campalan for rev111on of the plantings on street ends, upon D W Commerc·1al·1ze Sex' The local model plan.e enthusl-present o r d I n a n c e . William proper application for permit by 0 e • asts a,reed to stop their Oy1ne
O'Bryon, first vlce-prealdeat ol property owners. ' for the Ume being. untU plans
the Chamber, saJd that agree-Mrs. Norma WaUon of 106 Via '1 knew rl~tht from wrong, of for the new club are formulated.
ment hu been reached on a fee • -11-H Dljon. Udo Isle, speaks out course, but I was llke a child In Last nleht <Wednesday> an or·
schedule as recommended by the EJa11 ... lA. II-a,_lnst the modern trend toward that I did not know exactly ganlz.atlon 1'1'1eetlng wu held at
Chamber. WJII .__ II C.D 1 commerclaUzaUon of sex In a wbere the line lay. Fortunately I the Youth Center, with City Jlec.
The new schedule calls for a .... • • forum presented ln the October met my husband and was mar-reatlon Director Bob Glo,rlch
Oat fee ot $25 a year tor most issue of the Ladles' Home Jour-rled when 1 wu twenty. presldlne. Tbe plans call for two buaineR.eS 1n the city. There wlU Grand opening of the Elaen· nal. Title of the article is "Do "But thouah th11 overprot~ branches ol the club. one for
be aome exception& allowing for bower-Nixon camPaIgn head· Americans Commercialize Sex!" Uon worked out all rlcht with Newport. and one for Corona del
higher feet fo.r door-to-doo.r to· quarters at 2625 E. Coast Hleh· Here are tome excerpts from me, I am eolng to try to give my Mar. Mr. Gingrich l.l arrang·
Ucltlna. carnivals and a ff!W way, Corona del Mar, is sched· Mrs. Watton's comments at the children more I'Uidance, and try lng for an airplane Oyjna loca-
other enterprbes. Omitted for the uled !or Saturday from lO to round-table discussion In the J.o be a real confidante to them tlon a bit farther ~moved from
tlme belnl from the ordinance noon. The public l.l Invited and New Y'ork Workshop of the La· so they will bave tomeone ~ the residences along Flfth Ave.
revls1on are the penny arcades free cortee and doughnuts wtll dies' Home Journal. ta.ke their penonal problemt to. In Corona del Mar.
and Fun Zone. which wUl con-be served. The stte ,Is the former She aays, "When girls Ln their Mrs. Watton, who Is President
Unue to operate under the pret· location of Norman s Nursery. early teelll bear men raving of Federated Wotnen'a Clu~ of
ent schedule until Oct. 1. 1957. about 'the gals who are really Calltomla. Juniors. made the trip
D& PLEUilT JfAJIEI) stacked' and things liJ<e that. to New Y'ork a few weeks ago In
UGISTIIAT10Jf SLATED Or. Geo.rge J. Fleury Jr. of th~n the young people accept order to participate In the forum
EIHII Ia,_ •• The St. Andrew Presbyt~rtan Newport Beach was elected sec-these things u a standard of de· with one other mother and •lx
·Church wfll hold a Sunday School ~ary of tbe Orange County slrablllty.. college students. Mayor Dora Hill of Newport
registratJon-orfentatJon perfod at Branch of the American Cancer Mrs Watson pointed out that Mrs. Watson Is the W\fe of Dr. Beach hu been elected president
the church Monday and Tuesday Society at the annual meetlni the ~n-age girl today bad a Norman Watson, who II aaslst· of the Oran1e County IAaJ'Ue of
at 7 :30 p.m. Sunday School and held In the Newport Harbor dlftlcult time determlnlnl' whom ant superintendent at Crance ClUes. She 11 the first woman
cbu.rch services will be held ••· Yacht Club. New president ot the to listen to. She says, "'!be nJce Coast CoUeae. ln charge of voca-elected to that o«Jce. f Or
multaneoualy at 8:00, 9:30, and local branch 11 l . CraJc Maeker· boys probably aren't brave en. tiona) and adult education and Mayo.r Loftn Ro\dley o tn ·
11:00 a.m. ru ot San Clemente. ough to voice their detlre for the summer seaJon. anp 11 vlce-presld~~Ou:.!~ I :.:...:....:. __________ _:_ __ =~========--friendship, but the othel'8 are president Is Mayor e 80n
more vocal and they whJstle and of eo.ta_M_.,._. ___ _
think ahe ts pretty hot stuff In f --~al
her tl~tht dreu. and she alms for • • • 0 ~
'"" Restaurant
Friday. Sept. 21st
on •.x.
JI.DEnA110ft •ow-JlA KSI
them. nol '"Mte standards of the mother e
are alto lowered." she adds. "She .......... .,.........a. Ce Ill •• .. a.
la told repeatedly that 'everyone lt7 RG Mrs. Wanda Schwaneke and 7· 1_,_ r.a •• , ._t. •--~~~~~ew
11 doing this or doing that' and year-old eon, Cary, have Just re-Clllld ~ p....,.._ Dl8tladl" ......
• • • •
STORE --.. ~~
O.lr C .. lce lull s.w ke
Specials for TburL, Fri., Sat., Sept. 20, 21. 22.
~--·r * * * CHOICE
[iMBCHOPS 69~ .
ifiMPROAST 69~
BACON 591.
she l.l also told that lt Is Import-A little early for details, but turned to their home at 518 Or-
ant today to go ~on1 w1th the tome o1 the local &irls. now col· chid Ave., Corona del Mar, after I.OIIIDQ"'
crowd, to confonn. leae freshmen away from home, an abaence ol a year.
Mrs. Wataon. mother of three have already phoned home about Mrs. Schwaneke visited her Frontier VLDa1e
young children, reports how her their IOI'Orlty pledglna. Nand parentl, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. In-778 W. 19th, eo.ta Meta community handled the teen-age Cam bell hu gone Alpha Phi at man of Kanau Clty, and her ala·
Invasion of Balboa Beach during the PUnlvenJty ot Colorado at ter, Mrs. NaornJ UnvWe of OYer-DU"' DD
Euter Week. Boulder and Anita Palm la a land Patk. Kansaa. Mr. Inman 1800 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa "W e assigned hostesses to each Gamma Phi pledae, a l110 at hu been Ill for the past year,
block of the rental area. These Boulder. Cerlnl Cteely went Delta but wu showing con~lderable VEDA MDJ •• 1<:11001. OP CIUDC
hostesses made t be m s e 1 v e s Zeta at the Unlveralty of Call· Improvement when his daughter Commentary-FuhJon Modela
known to the teen·ace renters fornla at Berkeley ... and of lett to return to Corona del Mar. 3117 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
and oUered their uslatance and course every b 0 d y la thrilled ~;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;:;;:::=:=:;::::=:;:;:=:==:======~ th~lr welcome. Meanwhile we set about everything· ... with more ~T _.. ~e...,c r
up roadblocks Into the area and detalla coming up. ..., ~ ,.... ,...,. .:. tumed back undesirables. Any • • •
young people with liquor In the The Harry Campbells of Co-
car or without adult chaperones rona del Mar leave aometJme
were sent back home. Before that next week for a vacation In
we had vl.tlted n e le h b o rIn I Europe. Naturally ~ey'll be ay.
towns and colleges and told lng <Hany'a a pUot) and In
them that chaperones would be honor of the new-luft·80metbtne-
e.xpected. or·other will eo clear Into Frank· "Well. It wo.-ked. We had the ....__ t _.
Tb furt. Germany . . • ...-~. o ....
A let-acquainted nlaht wtll be
held Monday from 7 ~ to 9 p.m.
In the cafetorlum ot the Horace
En~ien School. Betresbments w1ll
be aerwct. and parents and teach·
en will be In~ best Easter Week ever. ere to Munich and Hambura too,
was no rowdylsm, no vandall.tm. perhaps Bruaela, u well u Eng-KD •Anm AJ'IIOIIITD
no drunken driving and no hor· land and Scotland. Enroute they Jtenaetb Payne cl Corona del
rlble accldenta." will eelebrate their 25th weddlnl Mar, former IJ'OCerY mana,_ ol
1n apeaklna ol her own ~:-anniversary wtth t:rle~ 1ft New Cout Su~ Market, la MWl7 ground. Mrs. Wuon says, >' York. named •"'st.a.nt mana,.r of the
background was extremely pro-• • • llalsln Market just opened Ill
tected. J wu educated In Soot· Mrs.. Flora Ha.rrla, Wbo 11 the Santa Ana.
land untJl I wu fifteen and then four--=on wonder ot the nelth· -------tent to a convent In CaJUomla. borbood on Wntmlnftlr Ave.. I'DfAL Dl'f'0.:8 GaAinD
I never went out with a boy untll Newport Bellht.l. bat tone back Mrs. Jlfuy A. lay h., been
I was eighteen and then be wu to the mld·welt to vf111t relatlvee 1fanted a tlnal dlwree ~
a trlend of the famUy'a. t for a f.., montba. from T. W..ton lay, Newport In· "When I wu nineteen I wen aurance a,.mt.
to Jive wtth my aunta In Call· Phone !n ,.,_ ,_. IIIIDdea tD -------
fomJa and aot a Job 1n radio and ,.,. local ......... u.. •· rw ............. aD4 _..,..
televllton In Hollywood. It wu :•~sn.~llarbor~~~W~t.=;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ca~LO~~IIM~~I!nfi~~-~Btnar~~~W~&;;:;;;;;; I my fJnt venture 1n the world.
Of coune I came l.mJJMdlately
ln oontact with the wolv.. It
wu a lboc:k. So I wu oo~
at 11 I.Mtead ol at 1._ f'lt: r.; r , , . ~ , . ,
Adopt Policy
on Parks a nd ._. • •• • •• r ,., pn~e~aw;r • • • • • r Oo••tQ .. .. ......--..-... cr.. 8Udt .. ~nda or coral R ti
... 1101 at Ia -'-.. O...llowerl~~IMI· ecrea on •u rwt ....... I .,.,.. ... aoUa aM ..,.. Po4DCtl t 'fte
wdttss .... ••••'a a. t8nlft wouJd ......-tiM po~~~~. A. .ue.m.m or po11cy, ctratt~
IIIIW .... .....,. ..,._, bWt7 ol ~ I« QM U a b)< C')wmnl•loner In Brandt. * * * --* ,...._ u It often a IDOIIt wu approwcS '1'\MMa,y evettlnl • a&QOII'IA. U "'IIDL mqnU~cent .._. ftl u.. 88111or. '-7 tiM 1'.-pott IMdl Pub.
c:AaA'I'IOif With allpt tfrradAI. IDOte Ma· ~ and aecr-Uon Conun'-· ~ uu lD eor.a Ml Mar, m., Uld ~bly pJcale tabJea. .aon.
contaiN boUa the ar1aat. 1'u11 a ar-t dHlmore OM ucl pa..; "'We have a .take tn parka.
(now pa.rt1:y plant.d) and aty &aN eouJd be had ll'om tlllll .,.._ beada• and recreation/' tbe
owned PfO~ belw tbe dlftl Til.. .,_,. to be roam at •t.ment ~tarea. "f'tnt. '"
and runnlrir up ..,UM, u well Ole top of U.. proPtrtJ for a "Tot need u... for the fulle.t well
u the street end or CtmatJon on Lot" wtth ktnderaart.n type ol belnl ot ounelve. and our faml·
the Bay. eQUipment. With thla exeeption U.. Secondly, we need t.hMe to
A amall hW-top Mdlon of th'-the contour ot tbe land t. lbap· help tbe eoclety around u pow
area, known u Beaonla Park. proprtate tor l)byaleal dewlop· wtth a mlnJm~ of delinquency
bu been planted to lawn and ment. The. people. of tht. .,... and mrne. Finally, and lt for no
edred with brl1bt plant1n1. It had a almple, tnexpenatve, plan other reuon. we need theee fea·
contains a frN benchea on the to make thla area more UMtul. turee because they repraent the.
outv edre. The , .. wu tl.rst They should be encourapd to dltfet"ence between profit and
covered with raJMd tprlnkler revive their lntertst In order that la. In the Investment which 1s
heada, prevent1n1 any UM, but throurh cooperation of the Ctty the Clty of Newport Beach."
these have been lowered. and the local fftldents of thla The statement pointe out that
Althoustt plana for ahelten area the Improvement can be "apace to relax. to walk about.
and use were at one time ap· realized. to look Into the dlatanc:e ... ha.a
proved and money appropriated The Corona del Mar State-City been alowly, I n ex or a b l Y de-
for thelr construction thla project Beach Park covers thoee prope-r· auoyed. AI. our Harry Welch aald
was never completed. M.r. War· ties now In, or aoon to be added, In hla Jut yeara. the windows on
wtck and Mr. Pleru have do· to the State-City Beach In the Co· the bay are doatnr. A!J natural.
nated their time to draw excel· rona del Mar area of Newport God-riven opportunities for re·
lent plana for this Park and Beach. These compr!M: laxation and self-fulfillment dls·
thNe ahould be executed. 'I'b1l L Little Corona" or "Buck appear, man must take steps to
area of Beronla Park ls land that Gully." replac:e. renew or substitute it
wu rranted to the City u a 2. Inspiration Polnt. the character and charm-the es·
dedicated Park area. The New· 3. Rocky Polnt. senc:e of rood Investment--are to
port Realty Board donated $1,000 4. The main beach In Corona be pr~ed."
for the plantlnl of tbla Park. Be· del Mar or "Bir Corona Beach." Plannlnr for year-round rec::re·
IOnia Park 11 the only park de· e Ll'n'L& COJIO•A atlona la recommended. because
velopment even part.iaUy real· 'I'hll beach wu riven to the Newport Beach hu developed
lzed In thla area. City eome yeara aao by Myford Into a year-round communtty.
We particularly hope that de· Irvine FOR PARK PUR.POSES. It 'n\e statement prat.ed the
flnlte and conctM plana wUI be wu ued by the City u part of work of R«reatlon and Parka Dl·
forthcoming In the Muter Plan the City's share of matchln1land rector Bob Glnlflch, saylnr that
aoon to be submitted to make to acqulre the blr Corona Beach. he "hu foil~ the wishes of
use of tbll ldle land alon1 BaY· Block C ls needed to complete the corn.mt.alon with a wllllnr·
aide Dr. Surely It o«era a mal· the neceuary Park Beach In nea and profesatonal compe·
nlflc:ent opportunity for much "Little Corona" and Ita acqulaJ. tence admlred by aU who have
needed Adult Recreation in thtft tlon 11 now pendlnr. uken the time to follow the pro·
area. as well u beaut1b1nl Baf· It ll enormou.Jy popular wlth aram."
atde Drive, at leut u far u the the 'teen arft'l and colleae -------
Footbridge over Goldenrod. crowd. There ta a volley ball ........ It IAPI~
We uncHntand the Ctty Coun· court on the beach. The buiJdJnl
ell directed the Clty Attorney to of an adequate rest room Is now UYC lllf
clear aome title cloud on certain under way. The are poup that
parc:ela Ln thla area but to date uses th1a beach alma.t uclu· Commodore Kenneth C. K.lngs-
no report hu been made to the aJvely makes 1t doubtful whether ley announces that the Snowbird
best of our k:nowledre. On AprU It 1s neceeaary or desirable to bu been adopted as the oUlctal
19. 19e5. City Manaeer John Sail· develop thls beaeh aa a famUy bod of the Lido Isle Yacht Club.
ora Informed the Park. :Beach, type recreational area (I.e. tables The Udo neet of Snowbirds
and Recreation Comm181ion that or bench.._ however, eome has been quite larre In the ~
aueb title clearance wu neca· thou1ht mlpt be rtven to plant· cent put, but wttb the produc·
aary before any turtber deYeJop· ln1 the approach to the beach. tlon and oficlal acceptance of
ment for Park purpoeM could be • ~no• fODfT BW Schock's new Snowblrd
made. There MeiDl to be a '1bJa area ll tbe promlntory on Whlch auarantees additional and
manre nalemate exbtlnt bere the Clltfs, between Nardau and repla.cement cratt. thli beloved
over neceaary letal proeeedtnp. OrdUd Avenue. Prl\'ately owned. claM of catboat will continue to
It wu offered to the City at a be tbe ·popular boat of Newport
• c::ur7 J)JIIV& •AU re-.onable price. It wu ahown Harbor and the symboltcal craft
'lbla Park, area '-located on that by utne c:redJt the City bad of the Lido hle Yacht Club.
In aU tJW ...W there are
few t.ora. u bM.UutuJ and
deU~ttul • t.hJI C'U&t.om •
b\aJlt J . be•room, 3 bath
It x e ~ uihltech&ral
plaM.Iq &J)d ._.ID have
effectively <:al6taUiled on the
view aDd poC.Mtlalltles of
thla IUper'b loeaUon -from
the ~n v..c:ae-to the
..., ol the tunoundlnr
'lbe ultimate In eharm,
and UvabUity are rdlec:ted
tn th" ol'lrlnaJ-owner-occu·
pied home. U you wllh noth.
lnl lea than tbe BEST, then
let ua arran~~~t an appoint·
ment to IMJ)ect thla out
atandlnr horne.
498 Park. Balboa laland HA 3i7
Del• VIew Lot
60' x 100'. Utilities ln. $2500.
Sl,OOO down, $SO month.
• • •
Newport Beach, on . 2 lou .
$16,500. $5,000 dow n.
.1•• v•n CIOiaiUS IEALn
367 N. Newport Blvd.
opposl~ Hoag Hospital
Phone Uberty 8·1617 ..... .,
3·bedrm. home with 2 batM
larre llvtng room--wall-to·
wall carpet -near Balboa
Bay Club. $21,500.
THE GREAT .......
-OR HOME -with lots ot
around. 3-UM. older home,
P.P., lt1«. ttove. dble. ra· 1 ra~ larae abed. Sell oil lot
or Iota. Build Income-or?
See thla cloee·in acre. Now
._. mned but may be re·
roned. Barpln at today'a
• • •
Older 3-unlt Triplex., aewera.
room to buUd 3 more unit&
Gro~~ Income $180 month a:
fuU price only $11.000 with
$3.000 down.
• • •
has older house 6 sheds.
Hard to flnd A·l acres at any
price, but $9750 buys thls.
Good to own!
• • •
cation tor visual advertls·
lng! Doctor, dentist. small
retail-home or offices or
stores. Off street parking.
Up to minute, 3-bedr. home,
dlnlnr room, 6 lovely rooms.
2·car gara ge. Business loca -
tion, only $20.000.
• • •
home, 2·bedr., den, with 1~
batlu, completed this year.
patio, lawns, shrubs. dbl.
ga rare. $1,100 down. Balance
like rent.
• • •
Elden Ave. Comer, 55xl40
. . ............. ··················-$3!500 Banjo Paved 6 Curbed. R-1
--.. ··-·-··-···········--·-··· $3500 Back Bay 80' Front. R-1
. ··-····-··-·· ·-·-·· $1500 Dn. ~rt Hgts. Unit sJte $.'5300
• • •
~~ down, balance In
10 equal yearly payments.
Own acreare that you can
buy today at farm priees-
only $3500 acre. 40 acres-
sewers-wttet"-dty limits of
Costa Mesa across street.
• • •
M-1-1.20 ft. on West 17th for
$1S.OOO . . . or will divide
Into 2 parcels 60x300, $7,500
each, aome terms.
GriiPC.IIfPr•ll ...
1.85'7 Newport Ave .. eo.ta Kaa
u 8-1&12; u B-1400 eva.
the BluU edp ln Newport Hta., with the State Park Board. pJu LIYC hu ateadJly tncreued Ita
bordered by Avon Street. RJver· a m1all amount o1. additional domlnatlon of the Snowbird fleet
aide Awnue, and Clltf Drive. 11le cub, and cetttnr the State to In the bay both In numben of
total area of approximately 3 match tb.ll sum, lt eould be ob· boata competJnr and the num-
acrea La cll.tded by a 8trtp of prl· talMCI and added to the Corona ber of conatat.ent wlnnen. and
vate proper1;f and a atreet end. del Mar Stat..clty Park. thla fact was emphulzed when "''t " a __, hW·Jdde wlt.b • • 'Yi'om private lncllvtduals Du.n· the ftnt four wtnnen of the 1.9!6
ravtne ru..DJllnl Uuoup the ..,.. can Stewart collected tuneS. near· Pl!Pt of the Snowblrda were
raerved for the~ 1)e.,.... '1 8\ltftdent. Wben the CJty wu Udo Iale ~ and when Com·
tern portion of tbe park alte S. asked to contribute the .mall ,.. modore ot the UYC Junior club. REALTOR
planted with pound ~. Palm
All your printinq needs will be
hondled conve nie ntly ond court·
eously in the comole tely-eQuip.
oed Job Printinq 0el)4rtment of
The En siqn,
treee border the north•n pert.
meter or tbe entl.re park ........
We auaa-t that the t1tat need
of tbla Park la for more tree&.
• 1·oo Late to ac-•r
POR SALE. Double o~n. elee.
atove with clock eontrol. $45.
refrl1erator, $15. ras atove, $1!5.
HArbor 4533.
FOR BENT. 2 BR. furnished apt.
with 1arap. So . .of btrhway.
Cloee to markets and tranapor·
taUon. 430 Heliotrope, CQM.
WANTED TO RENT. Local busl·
neaman wanta tumlahed bach·
elor or aln1le apt. with aaarre
or abare house. Prefer eo. of
hwy., CDM. Daya u 8·Tn3.
eva HA 6009.
experience preferred. Full or
part ~. O"Bl1en's, 251.5 E.
Coast Hwy., CDM.
FOR RENT. 1 BR. un.tu:mt.abed
hou.e with aara,e. Alao f\n·
nlahed room for ll!flned penon.
BA.rbor 2&J6.Jl. SU Jl.,uerlte,
POR RENT. HOUSES: Yearly ren·
tala. 3 BR unturnlahed 185. 2
BR untu:mllhed .. UbmY
8-4761 or Ubat.Y 8-4118. .... -•.....
malnlnr amount. the Coundl, on olhnny Haskell, won the Gold S 2'731 w. Coast Bwy. u a-an
the advke ol. the Ctty Attorney, Mria for the aec:ond year ln a (At the stpal)
re!U8ed to do eo. Only lut min· row.
ute HercuJean eftorta by M.r. ------------Newport leacb
Stewart and ~nerous dtluna aKAL DTATE & aDITALI -------------============= taklnr up the Ctty'a alack saved
thla point as a Park atle.
• • •
We are thankful to report that
It la now saved and ll otftctally
a part of our State-City Park.
'Ibla area should be planted u
a continuation of the VIew Walle
alonr Ocean Boulevard. It need& a aate path down to the Blr YEARLY untumllbed ~ntal,
Beach, tnatead of the danaerou Balboa Ialand, nearly new
tralla now cutttnr down the
bluff. There ahould be a drink· 2-bedr. S85 month IH.se.
Ina fountain and plenty of
benehes as thla Is a favorite
Lookout Point. Loeal orpntza.
tlona would doubtless be happy
to cooperate ln the developlnr
of tbU project. e WILY fODfT
Boclly Point Ia the lonr crest
of rock extendlnr from the Cllffa
at Ocean Boulevard and culml·
nat1n1 at the berlnnlnl of our
jetty In the landmark or the
"Uon'a Head." .Prlvately owned,
there were pl&n.l for bluttnr tbla
bmatJon and erecttnr apart.
ment boU8eL
......... ..,
II llllflllll Ill II
• • •
lB. Ill •••II••• .... :1 u•• _.. .....
Harbor OS.
We are pleaaed to announce the au odatlon with
this oftlce
17 years of active parttclpatlon In the real estate devel·
opment ot the Newport Harbor area have won hlm
many friends and clients.
WI. W. SIIF .. ll111cilles
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lsland -HA 2462
U 1 Miasu..
UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front. home pJu ~ Interest
ln pier partly turn.J.abed 4-br. bome, 1~ baths. $57,500. • • •
ATI'RAcnvE 2 tmn'S: 4·bedr. b~ plus l ·bedr.
apartment. Good meet. totally fu.rnJabed. $3Ci00.
• • •
~~·home on ~ft. level lot, SOOTH of hlfbwa)'.
• • •
A.ttempta were made to eet the
City to match 80me or the New·
port Beach ocean front <ortat •
nallJ rtw'n the City by the State> wtth tu.n4a from tbe State
Putt Boud to PQrc.hue thll fur.
tb« natural adctJtlon to tbe B11
Cc1rona Beadt. Howe\W such op.
PQIItlon wu volc.d that the
Coaad1 niUaed to u. the m atdl· tea land JII'OII'&m. tn.tead the
Teacher of many well·Jmown Ooundl a uthorized subnwll'nd ------------
lancJ oU fundiJ and pJlftal tunda,
to be matdMcl bJ tbe State.
1n actva.nced ballet and cna·
Uve dance. on J"rt. aftlmooD.
September 21. ta at t.bo
Oonun&antt1· Cc~ft~N~aUoa&l
Cliurdl. CDM. War ......_..
doD ~ IIA.rbcW .,. ... c.
........... oltiM method ued,
tiM Mtua1 MQWiiWoll til. llodE;J
~ wm be a areat addition
to our ltate-at1 Partr.--4rben. u.
QCI If, It Ia C!lllllp~ ,_ ln
addidoa to tiM INlle roc:1Ef that
ru.r1t our Bubar-~ tbla
pcGpetty ... ----quiet .... ~ beecb.-partte.
~ ......... daD .....
laa;ut ••••• • -····· ••·•· •.•.
......... ...... On a lood atNet-3 bec1roo1a home. 1 bath. SZL!IDO Unt\amlabed. .
• • •
~ ........ ···-~ . ..
-Ia .. -..rt til. .... lhl Corona ........ ,.,.. lDclotiM
Ulta;2ue....,,........._2,...clllleto .... ............. .._-. ... ,.
.. & ... ~ .. a..a ..... ...
'I'WV-.oAT.SUiiiQD &I-
Irvine T erra(e
• • •
~., •••••"
11•1en •r ... I V• l1nut
Prioa $21,388 II $31-
Your Inspection Ia respecttully solldted.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 for Further Intonnation
-~~~lEI. Ill Nice 3 bedroom. 1 \i bath home on 4.5' lot. Ocean aide o1. Hwy. HW floors. FA heat. fireplace. Main bath has tub
and tWl tile ahower. KJtch. w1th comer We sink. e1.
dlabwasher. Shun.en, cedar root. Complete! f.enced
yard and play yard, lr. dbl. rar. and park.lng ~ 3 cars.
Priced at $25,850 with good t.emu.
Lf.. rustic 3 bedtoom. 1 ~ bath home, (2) uaed brk. ~
J!'a.ces ca. zr rumpus nn.. opens to fi!DO!d 1:::-~ noon. d:rps. Dlnlnr room has ll.ldtnr to View
porch. X... kJtda. wired for %10. btrda eabl.nets.. 1
pantry, blt·ln laundry apace. HI·Fi system to all roon!
One of larreat lots In area (6ff.JCZM'). An \Ulusual. out-
st.andlnr home. OnJy $33.~t terms.
BA: 17U; HA: rrr:tr
Clllll lB. Ill
Lll'' , ..... ,
13500 down-Two Jew! ll·2 lots. Close 1n.. SmalJ rental iMO~ now avaJJable from PJ'ftlent i.rDprove.
ments on property. BuUd lawr. Full Prtce iU.!SOO.
D ~n·side of Hwy. R·l m ne. Best buys. Bea1 daft
4 ~ hhome .. _ .... .. .. ····-_ ---11S.1'50.
. -~.... ome, 3 baths ·-··--· . .-.---12:5.995.
In Modem Be-ach Cottare on 40-tt. R·2 lot nev MaJn Beach. Ju.st ofl ~avlew. Bldr, site on front porttoa..
$4.000 down.
Cout H.lrbway at .M~d
Corona del Mar
COSTA liEU .... , ..
..... 3 ............. ....
Only $2.000 Down. balan~ S'ii' mo. lncludlnr taxes and
Insurance. A REAL buy at $lQ.S00.
"You'll like our friendly service"
W.l. .... ,
Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St.
EvenJnr s call Ubel'1y s.ens
f:.~ r.u.n, boD'. hill and oce&ll view-~ ..... ft:!:i~ I'OOIID. larp Uvlrta I'OOIQ. I beths, 2 br1c* ...._.._._ ..... ft. L.arp Jot wttb dWD l1Dk fenaa.
ASEIMG PWJCE t32.500 Wl"'B
l"wlftYMw: Wull Mdlab. BA ....._ U 5.1:18
W.ITMO, ....
Read £Mtcn Want Act&
& soN·s
Safe BuyS
* '14 IDC. ....
'&4 PICDRD $1116
t1 1 t r a ID a t l c Bacllo, ..._,
..,._ ~ PowM StMda9·
low IDileage • ..-tra ~
'&I CUILLIC $1491
n.t•ood ...... fall P""l'• Melt ad deaD.. naaa pod.
'14 F ..
• ..... .
811111 Pen1111l
Uberty 8·3449
l{)()(jf, EMPLOYER R£7 AINED
NO FEE collected from applicant
1.20 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach
llrls , •.
of our tremendoua ITQWth
and numerous promotions
e Full pay u you learn e Freque~~t lncreues e Advan~ment actually en-
8:30 to 4:30 m west 'nllrd
Santa Ana
2 Red Cross
Aid 0ourses
Ar.e Offered
"Be Sure-lnllure"
Phone llarbar xr•
3315 & eo..t Bll!l~
C«ona del Mar
._ Pbone. BA am
aa-.a.mc.aada.p.Jn ..
'l'etml. 10 .. C.t DowD
ftoDe Barbar 1310
C&UUii&I~ADI •
~,...,.IN MOOIRH .....f!Ott
CO ct8T•10•c:c:MST
/lll!t:WINCI. •
Fall Activity Schedule at
Youth Center Is Announced
naT W&&IIWCI ol •...,
CIDaDe ...... t .. wW be
held ......... , ....
.._ I ol a.. .._. h.t.JdiDg
at a.-.. c:.-c.u .... n..
coane wW lao -dl ctN by wuu-'-~ <....._>·
......... -Ill ., tM Co-
................. 11 I
& ea. .. wW .... .u.. ....
a.ic:CltiN., .......... Cilia•
moe atDdr. .,...._ matual
fuada. 9 • • • r a a • a t bODd8. IN1Idla9 ad .... ~
IIDd but ..... n. ~ wW
meet Oil Tbanday .........
froaa 7:30 to I :JCL
• • • of SCKial
ay na
Are Nantecl
Fund Drive
Ellht m.ajOn wbo WW ~an port. wUI be superviJied by M.ra.
Important part ln dw 8011dtAadon l ohn Hundley, 330t Ocean Front;
ol contributloM tar tbe ~ Area C. Udo l.lle, Mrs. ltenneth
llndl United J\and drt,., wblcb C. IUnpley, Me Udo Soud, and
wUl becln Oct. I, wae IWIM!d Mrs. Ellawortb E. Betts, 231 VIa
thla week by Kra. LM Sc:boDek. Flrenze; Area D, Newport Hta.,
...satant drive cbalnDan lh Mrs. Earl Lewta, 501 El Modena;
dlarp of resldent:lal IOlleitatlon. Area E. Balboa Ulanct. Mrs. a.
OrEN DMLY ,, .. s ,. ...
~...._.~r-u ....
"-atiefte "., -The majors wUl wot1t wtth the C. Blaclanar, 121 Abalone Ave.;
eampalp commlttee and their Area F, Corona ~ ~. Mrs. D.
ttatt of eaptalna and worker'~~ William laeklon, 721 Marcuerlte; ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
towarcla the attainment ot a Area G, Corona del Mar, Mn. 81ST.I.XK aoal In the drive, which Douglas HOIIklna. 553 Seaward
wUl ~n Oct. 9. · Rd.; and Area H. Beaeon Bay.
Headlnl the work In Area A. Harbor Laland-. Irvine Terrace.
Balboa, Ia Wlldan P. Thomu. and Bay Shores, Mrs. Rlchard
2112 Mlrama.r Dr. Area B. New· Steele. 2801 Clrde Dr.
Lutheran Women Prepari.ng
Reception for New Pastor
MrL George Burkhardt and her ~nt trip to Hawaii. Mlss
Mrs. Clyde Ra.rtwtpen wt11 tx-Brown Is the aunt of Mrs. Don·
hostesses tonlaht (Thur.clay) at ald Wedekind. pro&Tam d irector. ~~~~~~~~~~iii~ the Septemtx-r meeting of the Mrs. Melvin Erickson will give •
Women of the Newport Ha.rbor devotions entitled "'Artists in
Lutheran Church. Chris,tian Living." Mrs~ Harry comt-ro\ fd m
Plans will be made for the re-Bergh wiU give a rt>port on the
oeptlon of the new pastor, Rev. ~ Gulnt'a mlsslon work of the ~-~ ._
John Propp. trom Dallas. Ore., church women Eastman Kodak A.oeoo
who will be Installed at 3 p.m. An expected guest at the meet· Bolle.ltlex Polaroid
Sunday, Oct. 7. A reception will lng wUl be Mrs. Rlchard Vogel, Stel'o·Bealtat .Arcua
be held following the Installation. a member of the German Luth· Bell A Howell and
Rev. Robert Gronlund, the out· eran refugee family wbJch the 24 Ho~a~~ 9erYtee
going pastor. baa already 1~ for local Lutheran Church is apon. t..o. Angeles. where be wUl take lOring In making their new h ome .OUT an ... ...ua
further ministerial studies. In the UnJted States. The VogelJI 1'D c....-• 180.
Tonlabt'a meeting will be held are already eatabllahed ln a liS..._¥ -... ~
at 7:30 o'clock In the church home In eo.ta Mesa a.n& Mr. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~·~dxw~~~~~~=! The John Nett Family of New· parl.sh house. Miss J011le M. ogel is working ln Laguna.
port Helgbta are back toaether Brown of Palomar will tell ot
again after a heterogenoua aum· IIIIP£a IJI ... -~--• SMCAN4A n-te .....__ 1 h mer In aU part:a of the globe. Dr. • I) ..... ._.. The Community Youth vcn r 11 p.m . • '""" group s now at t e lohn, who originally had plan· CH m .-.. -=:c-BOT UOW'KD-CTUX c:.uurrrs.-aoWDI ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Corona del Marta open daU, Intermediate level. Mr. AI Lock· ned to eonduct a Euro~an tour 11\,. ..... ~ llASSAGE AJfD COB'Iri10ifDfa roa liD AJrD 1fOKU r: after achool tor the chlldnn • a bey ta the Instructor and caller In conjunction wtth Pepperdlne JU •· aeupwt aa..L. •••J4111
GIPJIIII playground propam. for the claas. Colle,e. at the lut minute Ia 0111 nl ...._.
Beglnnlne at 2:30p.m . the ac-The women's allm and trim changed plans and became the IIAJIIIO• LVTBEUJI tauiiUI l'~!!!~!!!~!l1!!~~~LIIID:~~!l!!lt~a.~J~Cft~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ tlvttles will be planned tor prl· claaa baa resumed weekly Thurs· colleae'a representative at the Edear Mann, lay leader of the II
mary concentration on the early day momlng •~• 11 on a . The u n 1 v e ratty of Lausanne tn N~rt Harbor Lutheran
elemen tary Khool children. 'l1lla classes are held from 10 to 11, Switzerland, where he taught Church. wUl deliver the Sunday wm be followed by actlvttles for and are under the leadership of International aftalra. Mrs. (c;IR· mesaage for the next two Sun·
the older boys and glrla. and wUl Dorothy lo Swanaon. rid) N~. flew over to Oslo daya until the new pastor, Rev.
eontlnue untll 5:30 each echool The adult crafta clau a1ao has where she picked up Norwe,lan John Propp, arrives to nu the
day. The after·echool procram r e • u me d Ita activities. Mrs. tolk·lore and culture at the uni· pulpit. Rev. Propp Ia expected to
wlll Include lndlvtdu al and team Geoqe E. JobMOn aJaln Ia the venlty. Tbelr small daUJhler, arrive on October 4 and will be
J ames. stories. am and crafts. lnatructor. Claaee are beJel each Karln. atudled Americana from a ln.stalled October 7.
musle a.nd llaht dramatics, and Wednesday momlnJ from 9 to small town ln Iowa where abe
.._ ... 111t"Pedal eventa. 1 Un 11:30. went tlahlna while visltlne her UJn'IEDALIST FELLOWSJIIP •· Square danclnJ w11l eon ue aunt. "A~ of Great Uvtna" will ~~~~~~~~~~~!~~d~c:b~111;~iiyi.veni~ln~lifro~m~B~toi Patronize the meebantll who l nterest.lng note: Dr. NeH had be thla S~o~nday'a sermon topic ot _, • a an M ac!vertlM ln the Newport Bar· Harry Campbell aa hla pilot from 'Dr. Charles Blauvelt. the new
W I bor ErudJn. California to New York and Eva minister ot the Universalist Com· ::::======::I==== Marte Saint, the movte actresa. munlty Fellowship. which meets
ORLD aa h1s seat eompanJon from New at 11 a.m. In Mooee Lodge, 435 E. THE W Gla York to Parla. WhUe her husband 17th St., eo.ta Mesa. fROUf had a Saint. Mrn. Neff bad a CDII COiiiiuMrtY CMOIIUi .a .. ll YOU prl•t .. her ,lane eompanJon Rev Edwin Gomke·· "God .. llill Gl• from New York to Bruaela.. Loolili,l for You .. wJU be the Jmpses Mrs. Paul 0 . Davis hu te· sermon topic at the 9:30 and 11 GOING? turned trom a trip to Hawaii a.m. servicet~ thla sunday at the
aboard a Matson freighter. She Corona del Mar Community · D .....: -~ r ·-and eleht other passengers en· Church. -oa'lsdC UUQ .-«e~,.-joyed the trip to the several The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship BaiL Ship, Air, ek:. "~hh, we have the loveliest small talands of Hawaii besidea will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday
TRAva SERVICE . . . . That phrase eould apply Honolulu. Wh1Je she wu In Ron· with Miss Jan McCurry a.s advi· CDM to any number ol the beautltul olulu sbe dld see former Harbor· sor Th~ Junior Ptlerfm Fellow· n~ tall tubl~ fresh In at ltes. the Carl Hannaa. the Les ship also meets every Sunday
JIAIDC)a •• COIIIID COAIT BIGIIWAY & OIICIIID 0 BRIEN'S, but 1m particularly Llvlngston.a and the Jack Gar-evening at the church with Mr.
Acll.-,._ ,._ om-_ COIIOIIA DKL liD apeakJne of the loveliest brand naua. and Mrs. Meredith Harwood a.s !~KI.J'nJ~~AL~~n~cs~t~t~saM~~CE~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~ new embroldet'ed cashmeres that Mr Davis leaves aoon for any. dvt.so ! a a a a au have just arrived. They COnlll! In lnc trip to Mexico City-as an a rs.
W L I. I • such delectable shades aa pow· architect h~ ~fers the combl· ClmiSTlAJf SQEJICE CBOIICJI • f AI ' I I I der pink, powder blue and naUon ol ancient and modem The Golden Text ot the! ~n· o.a ...... o.a AJ.tZ'll powder peen (just channlngl) architecture of our 80Uth·ol·the Sermon on "Reality" at the New· r... 1as11 al1'se Mww II PI · · · and are almply and e~· border nelahbors to the little port Beach Christian Sclenoe
P'ULLY AVTOIIATIC ftll Hi i&U ganUy adorned with sell em· grass shacks In Hawaii. chuTCh Sunday Is from PhiliP· * oorra._:~,.-broidery or contraatlna white • • • plans (4:81 ''Whatsoever thlnas
-embroidery. They eome In cla.sslc Hawaii turns out to be one of are true. what.IOt"ver things are
1711 lunJDOa AVDVK alJpover or long sleeved cardl· the favorite recreaUon apota for honest. whatsoever things are ~~;~=~~[;~E~;:;:::::c-:OIT::A:MU~;·~:;;;;l 'an styJe..-or 11 you prefer them people hereabouts. Councilman just. whatsoever things a~ pure. without embroidery, take a look Chick Higbie and hls wife, Iris. whatsoever things are lovely.
at the stunnlne gold cashmere recently returned from a month whatsoever things are of good
with am art collar-or the autumn on the Islands. declaring that report; If there! be any virtue.
colored ruat.. th~y had a real picnic over there. and 1f there be any praise, think
~ Ia .._ tbe ao.t One of the highlights wa.s a din· ot these things."
dsecrtptlft 'Mild ,..._ ~ ner party given Cor them by the Glboat-O'aalar'l ..., 11111 lla· Carl Hannu wtth an HawaJian a.TA IIESA aAPTIST
.,...... We'N ,_atl'f'llly ..-. combo and everytblna. They all Th~ Rev. P. G. Newmann w111
... ...._ we .. .. .......... say that Carl Hanna is looking talk on '7rallblazers'" at the 11
IIIII ,.._.. _. • plurnt very well and s pends a lot o1 o'clock Servl~ of the Flrst Bap·
..... -.t wtrn ... Ia llall .. time In his swtmmtna pool. tlst Church Of Costa MH& thls
,_l f&SII Ullddly • .. ..,.. • • • Sunday. Thls will be the second
wltll tile ..._. .._ t=•t.ee Also In the lslanda thla sum-In his ~les ot sermons under a dO tile..,.. ....... ._. mer were the Horace BenjamJn the general beadJne of "~are
.. ......_ .... _. ....,._ family ot Balboa. The Benjamlna Ye The Way of The Lord." S~·
• well • _.... _. pAU. took an apartment 1n Honolulu ctal music wtll be provided by
and lelJiu~~ely enjo~ the flab· the Chancel Cholr.
Several ot the new petticoats. lne. swlmmlng. surfing and re-
you wtll note, are now allm hall· laxtne ln the warm water and I ·DAY-OLD C111LD DID
allpe to fit JraMullY with aUm lovely climate. Mark Allen RUe. 3-d.ay·old
sheath Una. Note the new kJc:k. • • • child of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Rlf~.
ernJc:k"1lalf·sliP at O'JIIUI:IrS. for S~aldnc of Islands. lan .and 608 Avocado Ave.. Corona del
example. of aleek nJ)on trlcot Bart Hender.on o1 Corona del • dled 1bul'*lay. Sept. 13, at ~~;;::;;;:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wtUl only tbe bottom Jivtq way Mar ju.t returned from ..,endlnl Roac ha.pltal. F'uDeraJ ~ to aqu l.llte ..,..,.,.,.,., It Ia a week or ., around the various were held the aame day at Baltz
adorned wttll....U I'O'n ollm· cows and lnlm of Catalina Mortuary. The BJt• haw three
* ..._... .... ... .....IIJ * parted lace wtt1a 8Wisl embrold· laland. Ttu.st them to pick the other d\llftn. ~~.Steven. and
1115Wrwlll 11 -•~ end mucaet m-tlon at t.M nicest. warmest WMk ewr toe Carrole. . -v.-wa ZS32 WJ»>''ea b~ clalnty pink roee-IWlmmlna In the blue Catalina -------C'" • .,. ...,... bucll! water• ewn bad a moon out all
u..:::IM~ ='!ez .._,, a' ....... .._ .. ..-~ • • • -----~~~~~~~~
ICOn'·AYW..,.. ...... a iii•IC8 ......., ..... •••siJ .. _.... Raw you heard? Mup Von • ._. oa.e nan ••» • ••P..... .._ ... •11&6 •• t ....... J:breonbere or CorQna del Mar •
.,... R II G I , .. • • • sllll ... pe"'nJ out doC bl8culta tb~ .._ a l II --. It dQ'f. Y~. be's the ptOQd papa ..,... .a .. lfK -· ... ol OW dal(Jhten aDd OM -..,. ...... Ia............ . .. u.e proudeSt ~ hou.ad
• • • .. ...._ AM ,_ ln an U... parts! ...... __ ...... .... . .. ,,.,.,I at a ..... -. JW hrra.r'• caneen.cs aPfHI'·
All.,._. I ¢ • I ...... &ftC.'e In a roller lkatlq ahlb&·
r.-1 ...... • .. .._ _. tloft at tbe LoMW 8Ue Ia a
.. hi ........ --.... 8ICftt ••• tbe ei!CNt .. ~ ....... ..., ... oa.• 110 ....., .. AprU.
~ ....
f) ~i#uw;
na. ..... • • II Ltitilll .. , • • ........ 9'1=~·. • .... ~ ~..: I •;;.:~-:.: ~ ;;,;;._. ···-._ .. _ -., -tsla~t~M•I'I 0 I .... I ......... .......
IIBI v. L IIWY. 1.11-AII•D!M &aiSle.& 1-1aM
r~ a.. ................ ..-. ra.. ctana ..._
tM VW. ....._ Is -" ONawe c..aty"a a-....._.
I'C8tll.. a q'll#t .............. Llcr_. .. .._~
~ ...._. w v.-.... ••-•lit • a. c::a.q.. aa r.u.....
rw ltofW a, dd' .... 1a .. a ric n.u.. r .... ...._-.a .......
................ ~ ....................... t.ery
....... .._ a.-&'a ...... d .......... .
..... l ... lFIIIIJ • I ..... a..tell
lp•~•---· 1wr .... ...., "'PPOD nDAaED TO acr 511 a.u.o. ~ ...... .....,_.,
OPEJf DAD..T ...... •'411alillttl a-d M..-.,. ----"IISSI'S-ITIIlg IEITIIIIIT;;.....__
W1Ma ,... ...... tM ................. ---1::11 .....,_Bald It ..... lw&t!'ll-• ~ ,.apaed
OV ..... ._ dMa IdS I WI ••• -.l: C"~~~t ........
.. ,.. Ia .ad ....w ·-···-..... • prtcla ~'!!,'*bw'a ,.U... ......S). L••=-•• ......a ... o.-4 p.a.t11 1 a.-.
DIS E..t c-t m.la••t· C.... c1ltl -
Civic &roues Are .AJiowed .. r o ~eet in Local Schools
a....J lett:~~~~~ 1toiD poupe now under Np&tr • ..ad ,......._
aDd cqan.btatloaa ~ a dill to meet In one ot the lfew •
.......... plece --NCIItwlcl by pcwt Schook Tile Board ..,..... to tbe Jf...,aft Banor El...eotary let tbe Cub Scout Pad!: w.e one
lcbool 8oud ~ llla'bt. ot tbe ecboola u a ~ place
A o.ta X.. Cub Scout Pack. on a tempon.ry b&a.l&. ~ former IMe!tlq plaae 11 Bequest. from a aympbon.lc .......... youth poup and a atnrtne I"'UP were panted on a rental baala.
Board member Harvey Peaee ex·
.. • 11 • • · pressed th~ desire that wh~never "lr Jl If possible school facilltles be made
. available to civic poups and or· Mra. Marp.ret Ann Ruther of ganizatlons.
4.14 B. Eaat lmperfal, Brea, Su1· The board acx:epted a $986 bid
tered aerlous InJuries from a skJ. to ~plaoe the furnace at the Co·
lng accident near Shellmaker, rona del Mar School Cafetortum .. Inc., late Saturday afternoon.
A wttnea to the accident. John Reoommended changes In Dll·
Jackson Mikesell of 13882 Rom-trict and transportation bound·
ney Drive, Anaheim, stated that aries were accept e d . These
Mrs. Ruthes-ltruck rocks n~ar the changes wW facilltat~ the best
shore, about 300 yards north of possible distribution of students
the Shellmaker pl,ant Tile rocks at the five schools.
wer~ stlddng out of the water,
Mr. Mlkesell aatd.
The boat towing Mrs. Ruther
wa.s driven by her brother-in·
law, Jack Ruther of 424 Alder,
A doctor at the scene stated
Meet Slated
that Mrs. Ruther might be su1· Connie Mitchell, interior d~-XBW IOihi iU of tbe tJatftncdlft C...-..tty PeUowsiLlp Ia Dr.
ferine from a fractured hlp, leg, orator, wlll be the program Cbarlee a.. 8knaftlt. '--ly of,..._. a.a.Dodal UDl.....u.t
and possible back injuries. An speaker for the Corona del Mar Cluuda Ia ra.ad•&o DOW • naidelat of C!'onaa lli9Ja,l.ciDdL (Story ambulance summon~ by Mrs. Newcomers Club which meets for _011 __ P_~~~--~-) _ __::;::.-:;_ ________________ _
Ruther's h usband earned her to luncheon at 12:30 Tuesday a t the
Boag H08J)ttaJ tor treatment. Irvine Coast eountry ctub. Open School Yards to Kee Mrs. Mitchell, Interior stylist e •• ~~-f1 HeW for Baker's Furniture stores In K•d ff s p A
,... ..... ......, ~roa'::istde~ ~':u-:: a ~:!~!io~~ I s 0 tre et I are nts s ••p She was formerly a.ssoclat~
w1th the Interior decoration de· A petition for use of the New· sen to confer wfth Bob Gingrich, The South Coast Gun Club will partment of Robinson's. Beverly port Heights School playground city recreation director, to work
hold pistol matches and a trap Hills, and was a consultant for to keep children of the streets out a 8Ch~ule for keeping the
shoot Sunday morning at 9:30 at Better Homes and Gardens Mag. was present~ Tuesday evening grounds open, or to hire a super ·
the range on MacArthur Blvd. azine Home Planning Center. to the Newport Beach Elemen· visor on a t~porary bast.s. Prizes consisting of ham, tur-Sch 1 Bo d Newcomers, who hav~ come tary oo ar · Robert Oliphant, 531 San Ber-key, and roasts or steak.s w1Jl to Corona del Mar within the The petition, wtlh more than nardlno Ave., Newport Heights, !:~:r~n t!:e a~~~~a~h!:i past two years, are partlcularly SO signatures. ask~ that the one of th~ petitioners, went from
cla.s.sl!l tl Invited to attend the meeting school groun<b be kept open the school boarcl meeting to the
Th ca ons. 1 tt f th Luncheon reservations should ~ ~ 8Chool hours and on Satur· meeting of the Park&, Beac.hea e range oca on o . e d o h 1 bo d ber events is one mile south of the made wtth Mrs. Glenn Young of salayds.th ne sc11 oo ar medem and R e creatI o n Comm.l&slon,
Or Co t AI rt M 223~ Marguerite Ave Corona at po ce h3cl recelv sev· being held the same evening. .v::•~ Bl ~n tietw rpo Sao~ ;.c· d~l Mar, telephone Ha;'bor 5517. eral calls complaJnJng about chll· and told about the petition.
d ~ v .d I M een n a a dren playing In the streets In Mr. Gingrich agreed to Include
an rona e ar. •=-• ftLJI..I •--that vicinity. the Newport Heights School Jn ~ u. • ...,. The trustftS approved a mo· the fall recreation p r o g r a m , APORT ffii,.~..
'1UUl1VA 0£1. MAll •l.fAII,'IIIii/<J
•• •nc
Fro111 That W&JW,
Witty, WOIIderful
Broadway Play!
YL.:... 1-L-Poo•--tlon authorlzlng Supt. Roy Ander· which will include 2 h0U111 after
•• .,_ IIWa school and Saturday mornings.
John H. PooLe. president of
ra.dJo stations KBIG catalina and
KBJF Fresno, and his w1fe wei·
corned their sixth child Sunday.
Angela Christina. weighing 7
pounds. 12 ounces, was born at
St. Joseph's Hospital In Orange.
Angela makes It an even dlvJ.
slon tor the Pooles, who also have
thr~ sons and 5-year ·old twin
girls. The family resides on Pa·
cific Dr. In Corona del Mar.
Kandall Noel Jacobsen, 21, of
S09 Narcissus Ave., Corona del
Mar, was Inducted In the Army
just two weeks ago and Is now
undergoing baste training at
Fort Lew1s. Washington.
!Bon Voyage'
Tea for Sue
P.l. F1u1J 1111 .. ••h! .__ 'I'IIDID I'I..AC2 waaau a-. aew.. JliiiOie ......, 1a ... .-~--~ ~ ................. a... a.-.... ,.,.., .. .
Here's a progrea note Indeed: Dlr.. lhwpwt ...... .._ a. ....... ._. wta Mia. ~=-of ... ~ •" .,....... ., .. ........ .... ., Ball point pens have finally ..._ Ow-t '*' .. II tr of 1M ......... Tille pro ::_,._ wa .....
plaoed the old style pens at the s.tltiMy •• , 1 Cit u.. c..... w lie JAil _ ..._, (ltwy •
Post Ofti<:e. Also nf!!W 1s the .... L) ...... ....._
palntlne of mall eollect.lon boxes ========================= red, white and blue. 1be peen
painted boxes are tor Post Oftlce
use only.
Read En.algn ~ant Ad&
Use Ensjga Waat Ads for Besalll
Re-open after Remode6ng
3521 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
OPEl 8 A.l. TO 8 P.l. III.Y-
OPEtl 'nl. I P.l. n.aY, SITUIIIY, lltl SUIDIY
* IR. DOIIOUSE IIYIIII J11 It c••• II fir pH fiN
1M fMIIe• IIRI•!
c• Scelll ,... a
Tt lllet s.,t. 28
Kendall, who has been Jiving
In thJs area for over 12 years.
attended the Horace Ensign
School and was graduated from
Harbor High School. Prior to en·
t.erlng service, Kendall was en·
rolled a t Orange Coast College for
a short time. before accepting
Cubmaster Warren Clemenc-e a job with the Pacific Telephone
"RED HOT" V aluea for ThW'L. Fri.. S;lrt.~ Sept. 20, 21, 22nd
Store HoUI'II: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Sunday and Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. announced yesterday that the 1 Company.
Cub Scout Pack No. 8 will hold His brother. Donald. is a Ma-
lts first meeting or the fa ll sea· rlne LLeutenant now stationed at ----•..C""¥AN .......... " ...... ..-t .. Nf •lllt..o\HIIC --son at 7:30 p m. Friday. Sept. 28. El Toro.
·~ ..... -~-...... .... ""l..~f'1lt4Nll\ • A l.. Co~NO <~~.............., ..._~.,. --... ... -..... -.. .. -... ... _ ... _ .... __ _ In the Corona del Mar Commu Friends of Kendall who wish to
nlty Church. Pack No. 8 Includes "drop him a line~ may address
the area north of the highway In their leners to Kendall Jacobsen.
Corona del Mar. US Army. 56279381. Co. M. 22nd
PLUS Int .. Fort Lewis. Washington.
LeHen-A discussion on 'The Church
and the Country's Youth'' will be
led by the Rev. J ames Stewart of
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church :~•ex• ::I•:::I•CX• ::I*:::I*CXK::I*:::I:•cx• ::I*:::I*C:IC•:::J•:::I:•oo•>
JOfJ'f L.AWRAHCE ..... ----~-KAT ..UNG" COl£ • M!OiAfl CURTIZ ................. ,..., ......
at a county-wide conference of
Protestant ministers and lay
leaders at Chapman College to·
morrow fFrlday). Theme or the
conference will be "'The Church
and Our Growing County."
..,_.._......., th _.. h VKTi\hona,a Patronl.ze e mo::n;uants w o JU~ ~ advertise in the Newport Har·
••••••..._..._ ..... ..._ .... bor Ensign.
SANTA -'NA betwee. CUt UICI 5~ o• lmOADWAT
Doon ()pee at 1:16-Satud&y aad 8aadQ Opn at U:Jt
'-:r~ • • DR IV E -I N i ...,.--·, lC THE AT IH -, I:IJ
COMI A ~ TOU .a•1
c. · • MOBY T 'h,.
P£ _..._ CJICH Texan ............. ~
Editor of the Ensign,
I would like to voice my praise
for, and my pride In, the teen
age boys and girls of Corona del
Mar who worked for the Lobster
Bake .
They were h ard working, re·
sourceful, good natured and com·
pletely charming. And they were
a credit to the community and
thelr own generation.
31:17 Poppy Avt.
Corona del Mar
z-J4 OL ..W.
KETCHUP .... •
SO'IISIIDfZ aJSC17IT c:o-7Yt -. ._
21¢ Wheat Wafers 1
DIXIE Sbawbeur-12 OL Jm v.._.-. ca.
ELLY ••..••.
29( APPLE SAUCE 3 .. 33¢
u:J..I. 8~y lib. I OL Ja
35¢ Peanut Buffer .. 49
• • •
ReynoldS Wrap 69¢ Grn. & Ripe Olives 25¢
...,..__ILL liED BEEF ILL liD IEEF --
lb. 49¢ FRYING CHICKENS Sliced Bacon • • Whole or Cut-up lb. 49c UTB"S SJIOU'LDEa-4 lb. 4 OL ea~99 THIGHS • • • • • lb. 69c Canned Hams •
Drum Sticks lb. 69c L~ADIIMI 47( • • • • HOT DOGS lb • BREASTS lb. 73c • • • • • • • nDIII.&AX 43f WINGS. • • • • lb. 29c Ground Chuck • lb •
• • • • ••