HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-04 - Newport Harbor EnsignHow to Get
Navy Plane
Over Here?
Capt. Rayllnn Pattison of Co·
rona del Mar t. an ex-Field Ar-
tlllery man and 10 with an alr·
plane on hla handa he's got ·a
problem. I Thoe captain l.a commander of
the local chapter ot the Mllltary
Order of the World Wan. As
auch, he haa arraneed to ret a
surplus Navy plane for the
Youth Center ln Corona del Mar.
AU the red tape and other de-
talle have been worked out with
the Navy, and the Defenee De·
part:ment a.q.d the u. S. Qowm. mmt. All deUfll, exoept _ ..........
that 11: Namely, 1\oow to pt the
plane hl'ft.
The plane b available, all
rleht -at North Island. San
Dleco NanJ Station. It Ia a pro-
peller driven veteran ol World
War D-4 Grumman Wildcat. a
Navy carrie' plane. Its tedlnl·
cal de.lgnatlon t. Model FSE-2.
with wtne span o1 35 t~ 6
lnche.; with wlnp folded, 23
teet, 3 Inches; lenaf.h, 71 teet. 8
lnchee; hetcht 13 feet, 8 Inches;
weight 4.250 pounds.
Capt. Patttaon prope>Ma to 8et
tt up near the Youth center
bulldlnr and let the ldda play
In It
The MllJtary Prd« commander
says theN 8Je aeYaal members
In hla orcan(ut1on who are wll·
line to tly the plane down here.
But there' a a hitch: 'nle plane
can't tly. It'a been grounded for
good. and all IMJCftt equipment
has been removed.
And eo back to the problem:
How to get the plane to the
Youth Centt!l'. The Navy aays It's
up to the MUita.ry Order to
there. Capt. Pattleon la --~U~IJI
for au~gestlons and
You can call him at
Meeting Nite
For Pfanners·
Is Oct. lith
The Newport Beach Plannlnc
Comml•lon will ~Met thla month
at 7:30 o.m. on the eecond '11\ura·
day. Oct. 11. 11\ftNd ot the prevt.
ous third ThurtdaY meettnc day.
Howwer. they will J'O back to
the third Thullday next month
.nd th..-eaft« becauM of a con·
tllct In dat. wtth the meetlnp
of the County Architectural In· •tltut~. ot wbldl Ptanntnc Com·
mlsalon« Geor(le Llnd t. a mem· ....
'5/\.l=•tnd Fair
Thic; Saturday
i&DIIIDAY. OC:rca&ii t. 1-
New Beefs
are Voiced
Who a~ the Hatflelds, and
who are the McCo,_!
That's what the Cert:ral New.
port ~ach ComrnunJty Aan. Ia
wanting to know In the husle
over street end planting along
the bay front.
The Street End Study Com-
mitte.! of the uaoclatlon h:u
drafted a oum~ of q~lons.
directed to the City Council, con·
cemlng ottlclal policy on use
street en~.
The committee noted tha t
Mayor Dora HUI has been quoted
as caiUng the controvt"rsy a Ten.
nessee feud. And 10 the final
question on the committee's long
list ls one dlrecfA!od to ''the Hon.
orable Mayo~" asking ''Who
are the Hattlelds and who are
t he McCoys!"
Th~ question& and a corudd-
erable numbeT of protesting post-
card& a~ IICheduled to come up
tor dlat'Uaalon at MXt Monday's
City Council met"tlng. The Stre-et
End Comml~ plans to ~uest
City Council to reectnd Its re«"nt
approval of the request of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Brigp for 4-foot-
wlde planting alongside their
bayfront houae at 12th SL, Bal·
'""' QIJIO'Vlal
meetfnJ', CoundJ had
ordered the 11th. 12th and 13th
Strftt ends cleand ot plantings
10 they could be used by bathers
Among the questions being
uked by the AMOC:Iatlon an:
U ~ property owners are granted
the right to plant on public pro
perty, what wlll be the Council's
policy when 250 property owners
ask the same rlght! ... Does
the Council have the rtght to
yield public property r~ private
use without ~etvlng paym~nt
therefor! ... Will the city ac-
cept the llabUity II a barefooted
child re-ceives lnf.ction from
walking on heavily. tertii~
plantings! ... Sin~ the right of
plantlne lnc~&at"S the value of
the adjoining property, will the
Increased value appear on th~
tax rolls! ... Is the Council In
a g r e em en t with Councilman
Stoddard's statement that since
street ends have never been used
as thorofares.. the property own-
ers have the right to ciOR up
Fall Meeting Tiny Western Village
Of Merchants I H bb f CDM Pion
Monday Nite I S 0 Y 0 eer
the st:refts! . . .
The faJI dinner meeting of tht'
Ma-chants Division of the N~w
port Harbor Chamber of Com ·
merce will br held Monday eve·
nine, at the VIlla Marina Restau
UNITED FUND DRIVE_ ' Thf' nt"V.' pastor ' of ~-port
Harbor Lutbt>ran Church. the
~· John Propp 'will bf' In
WILL START TUESDAY ~~~;~~~~~~~;=~ ~~
I ~ Rev. Paul Baumeartncr.
pllS1or ot Good Shf'pherd Lu
Some 300 campaJen work~rs lean Red Cross. and the Rev theral'l Chur<'h of Los Angt>lf"S.
wtll start maklne calls throufh ~ Donald Sapp. a United Fund dl· will gh~ the lt'rmon and oft!
out the City of Newport Beach rector and mlnlst« ot the 1'&1·
Tuesday following the United boa laland Community Church.
Fund Kick-ott Breakfast at 9:30 The campaign goal Is SS7.004.
a.m. at the Irvine Coaat Country F~ the first timf'. 16 local a nd
Club. national agenctes serving thls
Malter of ceremonies will be community have combined for
Dr. Robert Olander, United Fund this joint fund drlv-e.
pn.Jdent. Speakers will be Wll-Tuftday wUI mark the formal
lJ.-<l'Bryon, a director of Amer· launchlnr of the l't'Sidentlal 80·
llclttne. but actually the fund
2 Insurance campaign Ia al~dy under way.
The United Fund committee •
undft the chalnna.ns.hlp of Dr.
Firms Me-rge ~=-~~ ~-4!~~:;:
Beeau. of the death of Maurie out·of·town property ownen.
....... s, ••••
II s•••l C11llsl
St.IU\Io, th~ lnBW"ance ftrms of u.tfnc for contrtbotJons. Alree.ty The Ne-wport Harbor Board of ~n and Anlch ud the eome cbedl:a baw been ~lwd..
~ ....... ,_ ••wmt-
QJrlWW. ~ c.TICIIIMI ,..-.,_,_ .,....., ... ....._,_,TIN
"""""* .. ~·· .... ·~ ~,. ........ ~ ... "'**
DOOit 'ID .... -..-...o ~
~v,., "** • ,._,.
WHO OARED ~ ..... li:JN.
----~ ....,.....11awe....
111)~ =-«ll.IIW
JfQIEZD "'":'~)at. ;Mil
~. --
PMTCIO"le ~ taliW ~OM IN,_ weT CP ....ac ~ HAIIIIL "10N
~t.-.nt..o TO I.I'MQD 'n4a INALJ~ ~ CP ALL ..,..,,~
:• .. • I M ME & E C • ME •
:• .
Every week is "Newspaper Week·· as far as I'':" conce~ned. r..~n
so, it is well that one special week should be set os•de to g•ve spec1 al
emphasis to newspapers. and to one of our greatest freedoms--the
freedom o f the press.
This is the week, observed throughout the United States os
' Newspaper Week.' The purpose is weH e xpressed in the procloma·
t:on issued by Gov. Goodwin Knight :
The American press is free. It must remain untrammeled because
it must be able to report on governme ntal processes and procedures
without feor of retaliation.
I am confident that each community newspaper in California
will rededicate itself to the faithful discharge of its tremendous re·
sponsibility in eva luating ond reporting on governrMnt ond commu·
nity affairs.
"The editor hos on obligation to make sure the news is presented
in the public interest honestly. accurately and .u fully as possibl~.
Readers, too, have an implied duty to study. analyze a nd act in tell•-
gently upon the facts and op inions prese nted to them in the ir news·
papers. Writer and reader share equally in the benefits and respon·
sibilitl~ attendant upon a free press in a free nation."
Freedom is everybody's business. Help us preserve it.
Oily Cllllce IIIII Ioiii ke
Speciala for Thura., Fri., Sat.. Oct. (~ 5. 6th.
TRY OUR III-IE-QUE CIICIEIS ..•. . ..• , FiYiiS ___ 1b.: 4~
iei'O, Lamb lb.,,.
Loin Lamb Chops 98f.
V. L CIIOic& I.AIWa:
Loin Lamb Chops 79~
ffiiSTiRS lh. '1~ ,
WO"'''CCI C. ......: Dl ...
Aaaa-tetll6.• _.. .......
Notice 1a IMreby pen that'
Planning Oornm.bllloft ot tM City ot Newport a-da wW bold a
publiC heulng Oil the ~llea·
Uon of Planning ~JoQ.
City ot Newport Beach to amend
SectJon 9106.33 ot Ordinance No.
635. ' Notice b hereby further gt.ven
that said public bearings wUJ be
held on tb' Uth day ol October,
1956. and the1!5tb day ot Novem·
ber, !B, at tbe bour of 8:00
p.m. In the Coundl Cbambera ot
the Newport Beach CUy Hall, at
which tlme and place any and
aU persona Interested may ap·
pear and be heard thereon.
RAY Y. COI'ELIN, Secretary
Newport Beadl City
PlannJnr Colllnlbalon
xoncz or nauc DAJIIIfC
Notice la hereby liven that the
Planning Conu:nJalon ot the Clty BA•n "'CALUJJG c.Q..• wtao -__,y ... .._ ._ ftala. Ia ( ..... --. el ...,., ... Dldr-=-=~-u of Newport Bea.ch will hold a watiiW lat. Mt t. Kra. C. Q. ...S ~-~~ ..._ • eb,..l!iil)y ...._.It a weelt·...S t19 .. "*
publlc hea.rmr on the appllca· ••~a.ufal~~~,.~~...,~~tttp~~at~~~~~~~~~~--~~~IIL~~-~·~~~~-~C.~Q.~-:-------------------------tlon ot Theodore B. Lindstedt for -
a variance No. 318 to perm.lt: A
5' encroachment Into a required
10' year yard aetback to allow
conatructJon ot a dwelling over
an extstlnc carage. On Lot 9,
Block A. Tract 1219, 1311 Clltf 1---/J...:::;;....,.~R,. ..... ,._ ..,._,~,._. .. ._ .,__;-.~.--. Drive.
NotJce is hereby further given
that said public hnrtng will be
held on the 11th day of Octobet'.
1956, at the hour ot 8:00 p.m. ln
the Councll Chambers of the
Newport Beach City Hall. at
which time and place any and
aJJ persons Interested may ap-
pear and be heard thereon.
RAY Y. <X>PEUN, Secretary
Newport Beach City Plan·
nlng Comm1uJon.
lcbool ............
fnaa ..-u .,... ..
tn;owa.,..• .......lal .... ..
.. , •• l''"••n
Lido Shopping OmW
...._ II 1-Y'IaU..
lloag B.PW Pad Fak
8atanlay Oct. • .......,........,_,
._..~ ...........
• ltl ................
•• we..-.t.ll. .,..,..... ........
a .... ..._....._
• The name BualiDan ~
rtnr a lot o1 Mill wttb the eld· let if~ ~ = ;:. ': nen round town •.. R. I. 110ft· .... 1 man wu the· proprietor of the -tiidaauft lllbwct...a • • 1 tlnt men'• lt«e ln Oranp Ia ..__ CpL t.ry D. PN·
County ... It wu loeated at 1U .... -" Mr. ...S 10s. E. E. Cth St. and eaJ141d the Ward· 1L ..._.. t1 Ill J. IM 1t..
robe •.. Jim Huffman. bll 801l, C.... --. • 18 • • '*
hu been known fot the ttne am " SiAn.ll .......-151
of baberduhery In Studio Otr ..... G ..... Ak II tlta
tot the put t.hliUen ,ean alld ........ ..-.
now Jtm Huffman Men'• w .. ::::::=::::::::::======= hanp ta Bh~Jllh wonteda and
Italian SHllklna -In our Udo CAlL 'I'D DSIGlf at Barb«
Shope ••• Carried the only eona· J.:lt eo cdlr ......._ • .mil· = liM of l"rendl SbrtMr ..... '""'r .................
tn Oranp Count7. ... IJWIIatt~· •••• -...
wlllttJe • cuMiom lapel tiM tall· .... .... prbltllt '*'-·
onq.t and throwl In all the ~~g~§~§~~~~ aoe 111 crt. nee 1 IJP'7 to make tbe
man . • • Jim'• wife V1rltnla •· banea nedrtJe8 wttla ber OIWI'l
palntlnlll .•. ,.. V'lee ........
ol ClarJa)er OorpondoG .....
one o1 w maetiQM wlttl tM
fNnt -of • <::hrJallr -It ••. ~" ,.... and Ill" .......... .
(* .................. ..
tiM ........ Oft .. .... . ........... .. , ... ~ t Ia.-,.. Mtelr. 1'8 .... ,.. .. ela'-,. ..... .... ... ~-··-... -· ............. •
. . . . -· --__ ____,..... •
The charm sectJon of the Udo ner brldee lessons wtll be held.
Isle Woman's Club will present The new Shutter-bur travelft's
the prorram for the October ,..Up wtU meet on Ute fourth
monthly meftinr on Tuesday at Fridays..
the clubhou.. Tbe proeram wm ::===========::;; fol~9w luncheon. ~Jar aectlon mtet:lnrs of Largest and Most Complete
the Women's club are held Furniture Store in the Area.
monthly, accot'dtnr to Mrs. Mar-
tin Lockney, president. Sunday
buffet Metlon will meet on the
nrat Sunday of each month.
Charm Clua wtll be held on
Thursday morntnrs for ten con-
RCUUve Wftka. EvenJnr bridge
l«tton wtll rnftt on the second
Fridays of ncb month and men
are Included In this rroup.
House and garden iroup will
meet on the thl:rd Tuesday, and
on the fourth 'I'UacSa.y tbe begin·
C.lf for f,_
Uberty 1-SSII
Honse ~~~ 'ar~~B
Furnishings for homes.
dubs, yechh.
1017 W. Coest Hi9hwey
Newport kech
0 lMI. St..,... ~~-
t. YOU IUlLAX. Slrn Lsiah'l
widl• ... tnaly ~·.,.. .we~
Stader npplics wapt Ia..
iada--~~ & MUSCLE IS FlllMED.
y~ ... 6u smooc:t.ly cm:t .,.,. ... ~ . a. USULTS ASSURJ!D.
Y•'l.wc.e ~...a. ita
..... pcdocl o(--
110N. v.·,. ..-.. c:.e ol ...., .... apna& ......
... ftiM Vlllf. o.u for
•• b 7
CIF,IIII u." •·•·•· PLANES BOATS-TRAINS . -... .. ~
. Buys
Every item in our shop has been reduced
Substantial Saving on Baker's fine quality
furnishings. Chairs, Sofas, Tables. Lamps,
Pictures, Rugs, Room dividers, accessories, chests
and desks. Each piece carefully selected as
decorators Floor samples. We need room for our
new fall styles
Quality Brands
Sale From Oct. 4th Through Oct. 18th
StOI'e Boan Par Oc.ot. ~ 5. lth-t:30 A.K. to 1:00 P.ll.
a.u1ar Boun 1!30 to 5:30 •
.u.. • two-~ laJvwr IIi
Ba..U. dutq •lllc:b time ..
Y'*-1 wttla a.v. aad Kn.: Paul
~. --lY of the RarW
Area, Sue BJtdlmu ol Beaeoa a.y made plane ~ to
Tollyo and bu ..,_ci:Y landed
In tbe bJr capital ot Japu.
Metape npom recelvect to date
lncUcate that abe bu ..,_dy
met .ome llke 1apaneee people,
who have taurbt her to eat
wldyald wttb chop lltkkl.
Sue's son and daulhter·ln-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Jarne. Hitchman,
have just arrived tn Beacon Bay
from the WubJnaton D. C. area
wtth tbelr slx-week-old baby,
Matthew Harold Hitchman. They
plan to stay In the Harbor area
untU they ttnd a houte nearer
Camp Pendleton, wh~ James Ia
• • •
The Yam Shop, Balboa taland.
Ia cloeed for a few da,. becau.
owner Blanche Benz Ia busy
belnl a rrandmotber for little
Bruce Michael Scllole8, born at
appendix for the mother, Mrs.
Zany Cheerleaders·
• I
Novel as Well as Good IlliZI •••••nl• nny Western .Village ~~::t:.t'I'b~~b~~=
Bruce E. Scholes. and, while the ·
Dr and Mrs. Prank T O'Brien I H bb f CDM p• ·-·· wee one wu In the ho.pltal hla U J,ou want to know what all the yeUJnr Ia about, ~tell up ud OPBN D.IILY ,,. .. s r.11.
~.._.,,...JJ ..... of ktboa Cove. had a ~tlo buf· s' 0 y 0 IOneer father wu out fl&htJnr the' for-pled~ f~p~= c:aAla~llf';p~n. •• Tom Pletta and PetiY fet party ~ntly to cloee the est fire in the San Bernardino Sam&. They are Ora.nre co .. ra cheerleaders.
seuon of summer patio danclnr Mountains alone with other air-By now most of the OCC student bocty hu met tbeae four rood
' parties for Arthur Murray stu-(Continued rrom Pa1e ll ed." He explained that about five corpa aervloemen. looklnr, U not entirelf sane, peopl~e.~::_::_::_:::_::_:=~===========~ dents and tbelr ruests. Dr. years ago, he went over to the • • • Bandy claima tha you wUl 1·:
O'Brien entertained with plano year-old resident who came here 'front' to have a radio repaired. 'Mlere'a eome fan,.., face-llfUna hear more of him, becaUM be
d 0 m··-•c In ,......,., be retorted, "Newcomer!" _, k 1 bed an raan .... · ~.. "Thought I'd look around while golng on around the Harold Ben-smo H n ·
Among those present from Udo • OlfLT I IDDS IX 'I'OWJif I was ov.e.r there," Mr. Kendall edict home at 4.27 Narclssua Ave.. Tom collects bullflaht pictures
and Newport were .Mmes.. Gladys Mr. Kendall. who recalt. aet-said, "and I couldn't see a slnale Corona del Mar. Before remodel-and reads letters to the editor
Stambaugh. Julllette Milliken, Una water "over on the blutr' houae I'd built. It's aU filled up ling the entire front they pulled with a passion; Alan collects old
Allee Drake and Lynn Nelson, from one of the then two splaots there, now." • the whole wall oU, eo that the plzz.a pie plates.
Mr. and Mra. W. S. Jordan Mr. In Corona del Ma r. constructed Shortly after retlrlna, he un-front rooms wu e~ like a Sam Is dlatingulshed from the
and Mrs. William Goodac:re, Dr. the first building on the coast derwent an operation for an acid play set. The new face looks rest of the group, because he ls
William AdamliOn, Mlu Margue-highway. on the corner this side ulcer at the Mayo Clinic. right pretty. Come to think of It, a she and calls any one, who
rite Way, Earl Kunkle, Charles of Chef's Inn, where a vacant "I thought 1 was gonna' die maybe that's why human face calls hoer Sam, a son of a run.
McNeil and Tony Plourde. service station now stands. before that operation," he said, lltting Is never too much of a A.1& for yells the group la going
From Jrvtne Terrace. Shore "I remember," he said. "there •·but they took about a third of success ... they never can quite to make them clean cut, short
Clltfs and Corona del Mar were were only nine k ids In the whole my stomach out." get the old one ott to start re-and collegiate. The yells will be
Mmes. Mabel Roa.. Gladys Rog-town, and two of them were e LIFE'S IXTEJlESTIX' building a new loc.K! kept to ct minimum and the four-
era, Mary Kimball, Marjorie I mlne. "We had to go over to Sal-"Up until recently." he added, • • • some has many stunts cooked up
ChUderth, Leda Mae Jones and boa to get groceries and the "I would come out to the work-San Frand.!k:o Is certainly a to provide entertaJnment during
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Unde, Mr. mau:· be recalled. shop h ere at 5 or 5:30 In the favorite town for people In these lulls ln the game. A large red
and Mrs. Chet Farrar, Miss Taking a picture of a church morning alter I fixed my break-parts. '!be horde or realtors are and black trunk will be seen at
Frances Rayner. Blll Rippetoe, he had buJlt from the wall of fast. Th~n. my wUe would t lx me just returning this week-end and eveey game and It will lnc:lude
Bill Fuclk and Bob Murphy. h is workshop. he explained, another b rea k fa st around 9. next the Elks will be convening ev~rythlnc lmagtnabl~. lncludlng
Mrs. Betty Watson was present '"This was my b!.ggest job, That's about the only meal I up by the golden gate--we heard a cannon.
from Balboa Island Les Rovin $35.000. It was built. he added. enjoy" Henry Vaughn of Newport Hgts. It Is the goal of the cheerlead-
from Costa Mesa and Mrs. Mlrlm as he pointed to the picture, '.'~·'" Mr." Kendall built the two-story and Bob WIUmes of Balboa ers to make the OCC cheering
Ramsey. a visitor from Cleve-, Figueroa St. near Eagle Rock. home In which he and his wlfe Island making plans already. A section the finest of Its khtd In
land, Ohio. e Bt7D.T LOT OF BOt7SES ' now Jive, "just adding on and recent visitor up that way waa the state. Their . motto Is, "A
I "That was 30 some years ago," adding on to a 12x20 foot cabln" Mrs. Homer Shafer of 34th St., school Is only as big u Its
Elgin & Hamilton
Wall ace Calder head
3123 E.st Coast Hi9hwey
he said, ''$35,000 was a lot o' that he built In 1925. Newport. spirit."
money, then." In front or his home, standing
After building more houses In on the cement~rlck sidewalk
'Corona del Mar than he could which be made, Mr. Kendall
remember. Mr. Kendall retired aald, "Lite ls really lnterestln' 1f
"right after the Japs surrender-you want to make It that way."
A Back-to-Sc:hool-Night meeting
tor parents of Newport Elemen-
tary School pupils will be held
Monday at 7:30 p.m. In the
school auditorium.
Read the Ensign Want Ad pace.
Horse Show in Their New Ring
A bone abow In their own eo.ta Mesa, served as judres.
newly-buUt ring was the pin-Class wInners wue J ulie
nacle of achievement for the Bu~ western trafJ; Sandy
Centaurs, a rroup of hone en-Knapp, wertem plea.su~e: Bon-
thusluts from 7 to 14 years of nl~ Mc:Cay, horse m a n a h I p :
ace. Trophy of the day was Nancy Ga.rdner, bareback pleas-
awarded to Bonnle Mc:Cay. Ginny ure; and Sandy Knapp, .toc:k.
Procter received the trophy for A new riding rlng for the Cen-
seoond high. taurs, who meet In the pasture
ay Aim The show was sponsored by beyond Shore Cliffs, wu buUt
Judge and Mra. Robert Gardner. two week:a ago by th~ children
Cloudy days forebode some Miss Kay Batley and Bob Dun-and some of the parents. It In-
cool nights and certainly the can. members ot• the Ridel"' ot eludes a judres stand complete area's smartest women are now San Juaquln horse rroup ln w1th pennants. sel~lng their fall suits and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ coats to wear to coming c:lub and r
aoclal events already fllllng the
Plain colors ................. .$1 .25
Prints ........ ··-········-------·--·--1.69
Bates Disciplined
Plain colors ___ . ________ .$1 .29
Prints -----------·----·--......... 1. 4 9
Mi..ion Valley
Ginghams ......... 89c and 98c
Pampered cotton.. ___ . __ 79c
Fruit of Loom
Prints -----------------------49c
Indian Head
Plains -------------------------89c Prints ____________ 98c
Topsail Cloth __$1 .29
Flannel Prints 59c
Suede flannel _79
Denims 79c, 89c, 98c
fall calendar.
If yoa ~'t --.s., w w.
aa.....•t la.s a c:taaaee to t.U
,... .,... wW be IAIIJII18M at
tbe wJ.s...~wwl4 Mlectloa
of ~, aulb CI'N11able tbla
,..cu at cnau:x-s. wot Gilly
is tiMn nwy type of IDCit.rtal
tutDed lato tll.is .,.ar'a h.l.gb-
fa.ldoa aulta. bat we baYe a
full ~ of prt.c. -fDIIII
budget to tbe An.n I'OOID
~ -CIDd Rib to Ut
caataaa half·abee. petit.. ........
... CIDd jaaion.
That terribly smart long llne
suit In vtntage colors Is here, a.s
Is al10 a beautUul new suit 1n
Lesur chlUon wool, a clever three
piece jersey ault do~ by Carlye
In the new mushroom shade,
with a nlahtlngale back and a
very smart striped blouse, and
many more.
Tou _... coat ..-y be a
t....s. a CP"..... -w a
.a..u., If ,_a .. e lil*tS CIID -a. ..... ~-.aU of u... _. ........ .....,
... o.t ........... 'n.. ..
a becnaw.& *=--.... CP'Ia· ..... .. . ........... .
• ... ;Wily 0 -~
O'UIKir'l ......... ....
... .. ... Jeri. cY•
............... Nl)
We like the Anrlo tweed, pep.
pel' and salt Oec:ked wttb cold.
made In Olaterfteld lt)'le wtth
a detaehable velvet c:oUar. P«
an aqulldtely ln41vtdual coat
... ou.r cudlpn t1.-coat In •
raft ,puwct. llftn aade. It's
made wttb a rnndl t;ype .band
.t-on .Mdtline tbat fJta _, beaU•
tlfulJy and Ita matertal Ia ~
8beared anaarL
Pl.._ come tn and ree our
many new fall c:oa.........,'t ....._
'57 FO.RD
See It 7ollag!
'57 FORD •• • prufi6e car ol tlae low price field
,All NEW '57 FORD
.... ··-::.: ~
........ )<i'lll ..., ..... .. .. -.. .....,), two .... 1Wfll 1 II ..... ,. I_.
.......... tbeettyel... ... -.an.
port......_ A.._.._.,....... ... ~ f•lt•a·al
on ._. 1t. r.,artld &ale .......-* w *
Loud Blasts A
-Heard in City
eu.loe ~ .......... -.,.. ..... ..
Ueth. .. WI I s a Ia tM MuS· ... OlftiM ..... 8 ltate-UAL DTA'ft 6 arr&U
ftel"• ............... 0.. ~ ..... .,... ..... OW'Md-
WOIIWl ,...., e.. .... ra.. u. me ..... ._ • 11 ....._ ...... -. -----------.,.,_.. ..._, ,.,... ... ,_ ... .._ ...... av .. • 8111.1 knodled oil a.. wall ~ ,..... ... ,..,. .., .... bMdl
tnwla.,. Oft tbe o.ta ......... ........,. owaed. eiiOeiJit ..
1ftwport -..cJa ,......, ..... tbe ...... atleet .... whkb
tbelr cpa ADd exemiMd tMtr ... dae publSet• ~ ~ flO tu.. the oeean. and two Woeb ol CitY
'nle apbdone were belJ.wd OWIMCl PJ'OI*'tY. After the jett1ee
eau.d by a Jet plane. ... bUut • eoiWdetable body Lovely 3·bedr., year 'round.
ol Mnd buUt up. WllJdl wu de·
termlned to beloq, In ..,... part. $125.
Phone :n 10Gr ..,.. --to to the City. • • • ,-our Joeal .,....,.~. tbe ED· About 1tC5 the beach befan
ldiJl. Ha.rtlor UU. to have a larae public uae and 1-bedr. apt. winter rental,
------------a coaalderable ruh ol .mall eon· ee.Jon buUdlnp 8J>r&nl up on $55 mo., Incl. uUL
the privately owned p.ropert;y. • • • When tt ....,.me known that v ....... . ,randloee plarw were &·foot to 2·bedr. apt. and amall apart·
tum th18 beach Into a tun zone, menta for winter rental Rea· replete with danee hall and rol· .,...., ler couter, the people of thU 80nable.
area wtie appalled..
Under tbe leaderlblp of Earl
Stanl~. Isabel Andrew8. and • annou.noe. Saturday camp
pro,ram. Startlnl October.
Prtva~ ln8truc:tJon tn atb·
Braden P'lneb. piau were made
to Mve this beach by enllatlq
the belp ol the State Park Board. MIL, TY CG.
Mr. Stanley wu •ucceatuJ ln 1
pttin& a bW. A.B. 465, throutb -Park. Balboa Iala.nd BA m the Lestalalure. In 1N5. appro· ,
MR. W. MOas
Uberty 8-8842
CAlli roa uu
Monterey Waron-RadJo, heater,
wblte walla. Unted rlus. orlat·
nal black flnlsh, one owner.
prla~ p)(),OOO tor the pur·
cbue ol this beacb and addt·
donal reeratlonal propert:.IM In
Corona del M.u .
At tbe Ume ot the approprla.
tJon thb amounf'"'"would have
been 8Utt1ctent to purehue aU ot
the maJn beach that was prt·
vately owned, toeetber with the
cliffs, Rocky Polnt, Insplratton
Point, China Cove. and C&rna·
tlon Cove!
The plan requlnd that the City
match the State's eontrtbuUon.
The City would contribute cer·
ta1n street ends. two blocka ot
City owned property on Big Co·
rona, Ita share of the aand area
recently <nated by the jetty, the
Ctty owned property In Uttle eo.
rona (this Jut the ellt of Mr .
lrvlne to the City for park pur·
poses), and two blocu on the
~ front on the peniMula
near 15th Street.
However, there was then, u
now, strong opposition to thla
plan to acqulre recreational
beach land ror the people. Some,
then u now, felt that only "thoee
who eould afford It were enUtled
to enjoy the beach." Others
feared that outsiders ml&ht u•
tbis beach u well u local rest·
denta. <~ely over.Jooklne
the fact tbat unJe. they were
ano.ted to enjoy Jt tad. we allo
would be d~ved ot our beach>.
Some City Councilmen openl.y
expressed opposition becau.ee a
publlc beach would mean a "lou ot ta.xJna revenue."
Thoee ot ua wbo took part In
the "Battle for the Beach" can
testJ.ty 'tbat It wu truly a battle.
£wry possible delaylna tactic
wu used by the oppoclt1on. The
then City Attorney ruled that the
City mllht not deed Ita water·
~ I ~ 1111 front property to the State and Vlllr.J • much valuable tlme wu spent
ln over-com.lng this rullne.
FtnaUy atter an enormou.
Harbor BJeh School's Future
Farmers ot America made a eood ~ , ... 4-tL ~~-ahowtne ln the annual C&mp VII . • Condee program Saturday at the
Ultra matte, power brak~ power Los Aneeles County Fairgrounds.
.teerlnr. BAH. Local and a clean About 2S hleb .ctw>ols represent·
car. lne all ot 80uthem Calilomla
entered each cont.est.
'13 I ~ 1•-_ Harbor Hleh FF A was second
...., • .._ hieh team tn Horticulture. Wood·
Monterey. Pull leether vinyl
trim. Radio, heater, mercomatle.
Nice! We have 8e!'Vtce record.
ford Royce wu thlrd hltb and
Jadt Wood wu 9th In individual 8COrlnr. Mlke Johnson wu the
other teem memSer.
Tblrd place wu t&Mn by the •• .... Mil llvestock tea.m. whlch Includes U6 .. John Haas. Ronnie Jessee and
Super 4-doot. New wblte ftnlah. Mickey Queen. The poultry team
Byd.ramatlc. BAH. Sbup. A tood placed 9th. Memben are Garth •
buy. ~ tbla today. Gardner', Tom And.Joeotn and Wal·
lace Pinkley.
bu.atnesa or profeuional per·
10n who desires business lo·
caUon and keen 3-bednn.
home with Free Visual ad·
vertlalna. 3·way corner, close
In on Newport Blvd. See ad·
vantare. here!
• • •
M·l PLOT ON WEST 17th.
120' x 330', price to sell so
buyers can also hold and
sell and make a profit. Try
to find 1.20' on 17th u cheap
as $15,000--or wUl sell In 2
• • •
SOUND VALUE -potential
rezone . . . acre with good
older 3·bednn. borne, tiled
alnk. dlntnr room, breakfast
room. flreplace 2-car earage
and laundry, corruaated iron
shed. Swell spot to ralse
family and Bank roll at
same time. $14,500 with
terms. • • • •
ZONE ~nUal Is very fOOd.
Adjacent to comer that Ls
sure to become business,
0 1 d e r improvements are
~nted but of llttle value.
S9500 mJeht buy with $2,000
• • •
garaees. 8 steady monthly
checks eomlna in -$42.000
full price, ~ down, or will
trade for commerdal or
manufac:turtnr zoned. vacant.
Construction Company needs
area to bulld Industrial bldg.
• • •
BUILDINGS on P I a c e ntla.
Sacrifice price ot only $9,000·
cub value here.
• • •
eoon make them reasonable
-II you pay only $1.000 On.
on this brand new duplex
w/paUos and oversized 2-car
rarare. $13.500 In the full
• • •
2 C·2 LOTS. 90' x 150' TOTAL
FRONTAGE. Buy at 1950
price ot wroo. with rood
t.lmD& Room for 13 units ad-
Jacent 2 8totes, transp. and
~~~ Tbe dairy team wu lOth, with '14 llrllll .. an Don Hendenon pladnl 9th hlP .... IIIMitft ..... Individual. Other team membfts
A Capri. J'ull powltl'. All leetb• are Da\lle Carroll and Fred
lbterlor. 'nle clMJHIISt. Around Knowlton. •ooo actual rnU• -------
Jn the Lon& Jlun You'll
liFE IIJ ...
-...... CalilJIWF.
Young Marine
Is Arrested
1.-r B.wport A.e .. eo.ta liMa u 1-1832; u 1-lleOO ewe.
...... Lll
tJt1 J[ 100'. utwtta ln. SZIOQ.
11.000 ~ IS) IDODtb.
aub u4 ... dl I'd~
• • • •
.1/1 ..........
Lovely 2 btdr. ecmer horne + 2 bdrm. lDcorM apart .
ment. ~ loc. t:Maxl. .....
~ 2 bedrm.., Oaaatone
tkepl., HW ftra., \berm. b•t.
larJe pr., atr ' ad tor apt.
4" loan. J'ulJ price $14,!500.
SBOilECUPr8 anest con•
temporary 2 bdr.. den +
lanal. 2 batba, l8' U\l'lnrnn.
with ~ view. Priced toe
qul•k we $t1,500. EXcellent
VIew of hUla and ocean. 2
bdnn., buae llvtnaroom +
lure rumpus rm ... 2 ~plcs.
A "mu8t see" at $32.000.
Call ua on thl8 cu.tom buUt
2 bednn. Lovely roR·planted
paUo. Owner will trade for
beach home or income. .., ...... .....,
3S30 E. Cout Bwy.. Harbor 51563
Corona Del Mar Brancb
1111 ~~~;ra.a.r. a •····
~utlful Uvtnc room. din·
IN room. pa~ ovtltandtna
vMw' and teftUic value.
Pbofte f~ •ppt. to Jlee.
-·· D.ALTOa
2731 w. Cout .Bwy. u a.cn
(At the SJtnal)
!f elllll'port Beach
Cllllll lEI. Ill
3••*a I._ •••••
45' lot. double garaae, hard·
wood Ooors. 2 fwplacn,
$21750, on good terma.
3333 E. Cout Bwy.
Corona del Mar Harbor ~
Harbor 1428 LJberty 8-5101
on busy Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa ... Good inter·
section. 140'x121' with an addJtional 56'xl40' on side
street ... Income bu.slnesa now on part of pfOP"tY.
No drue .to~ In this populated area for miles!
See us now for this good buy.
• • •
Commercla.J omce bulldlne wtth lovely 2-bedroom
home on second floor. Ot1 highway ln good location
near new post oHlce. 1056 sq. ft. ln office, 960 ln apart-
ment. 2760 sq. ft. In S.rarage·warebouae units. Also lot
for ort.street parking. Must be seen to recognlz.e advan·
tages. • • •
FIIIGII J. I.VITI, lluller
3420 W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd
Harbor 1428 Eves., Harbor 1!565 Uberty 8-5101
542 Riverside Dr.-Two Bedrm .. Hardwood F1oors. at·
tached Garage. 50' x 12S' lot with paved alley. •
Uberty 8-1139
Full Price $13,950
Only $2.000 Down
eo.ta M~
call U 8·5665
400 E. 11th St.
u 8 ·8566
Ocean and mountains are beautifully combined In one
sweeping panorama from the priva~ view-deck at rear
of this charmlnl, livable Corona HJghlands residence.
An Intriguing 2-level plan provides 3 bedrooms. 2
baths. rumpu. room with second fireplace, We kitchen.
F.A. heat, bardwod floors and double garage; the fine
hlllsJde lot hu large play·recreatlon area. llnk-tenord .
It's 2000 sq. feet on a $10.000 lot for only $2'7.580 total.
Ideal for the growing family! Mr. McNab. Harbor 4448.
eves. Harbor 5359.
EAR W. STilLEY, lluller
IICI II Y SITE .............. ., ...... , ...
La.rce com~ lot
Full price SS.OOO
(ML 6982)
WI. W. SUFIIII l••••lalla
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island -HA 2462
One of the truly beautlt\d homes In Shore CU.fts. Cor·
ner, 3 bedroom8. 3 baths, deUdlttul Uvina room look· tn• out on attrac:tive patio. llodern In ewry respect. Prl~ to .ell!
• • • .. ......
UNUSUAL JIUY: Soutb lu J'tolrt. .._.. plua ~ tnt....c
l:n pa.r patt.lJ ~ 4-tw. ~ 1" batba. tsl.SJO. • • •
A'I"''"U.C'nft J VIm'S: ._._.,, ...._. tl• l ·Wclr.
...,a..t. CoM ...... ....aJ)t ~ --• • • ..
NOWY. OCI'OM&a 4 1-WaWICMt .,..._
Irvine Terrace
I 1111-' rtlll••ll ... •••
.. Ml 111111 I ••ll
• • •
.AN EXCLUSIVE OOKMUNITY of LOVELY BOXES IN AM JI!XaAJSIVE AllEA .A..DlOINING .orvtl'fE OO.AST OOUNTKY CLUB. ..... ., ···••" lla.lln., .... Y• 1•••11
• • •
Earl W . Stanley
On H.tway 101.. Newport Harbor, oppoclte tbe
new Irv1ne Cout Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 f~ Pwther lnfonnatioll
DelJahtful 2 bedroom home. Ebtry ball Larp llvln.c room with picture windows and Arizona fi&Dtooe ttre:.
place which completely covers one wall PatiO. A beaut· ltul home set among towering Eucalyptus trees.
PrIced at $24.500.
&7 E. Cou:t Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741; BA: rTm
•••• lui Eslall
"Friendly, lnteUlgent service"
We KNOW the ana!
• • • .... ..., .......
No oth« like it!
3 bedrms.. family room. 3~ bath&.
Secluded petio.
Bay and oce~ vteww
from the lovely living room
and dJning room.
This exclusive home. lncl_udlnJ complete custom fur· nit~ and appliances deslJned for each ana. Is ot the
calibre ~eldom otfered f~ S&le. Beocau~~e ot a chance In t&JnUy plans. the own~·buUder oaen thb deluxe hoi'De to the select buyer who can atford the best.
Toda)f's finest buy ((i) ~.000.00
• • •
Smartest one-story In the area!
Each unit has:
2 ni~ bedrooms plus endosed lanai usable u third bedroom.
Large living room with dining area.
Laundry room. garage.
Lovely landscapln •. This 1s a real home with Income-unmatched at $42,'500. Good terms.
wua.• L lillill, ......,
LlfiJ 1••••, ........ .
3341 Newport Blvd~ Newport S.ach
OpposJte the City Hall
$35.000 tun price
Ju.t $1o.ooo down
Don't ml!IS this!
liT c. IIS1lEI ..
IlEAL ESTATE ""8&7 Pront SpeclallJta"
:1091 Newpc:.t Blvd.. Newport .a.cb
Rubor 5236, d.a.)' or nJcht.
,_,, ...... ., ......... . . ·~---. ..... ~ ...... 'ft7 .................
I ...... _,-p. ealt· .... ._ ....
PIAJK) W.K-~ pl •
........... wt.U ~.,. ..... ..__
ptaaae J'fNW Ill fi'GIIl ... ~ Oru4 .. IDUIY otben.l'"'l-* .....
SehmJctt-PbiWpe •• Pl-.no
DAL DTA'ft & DII'I'U.a IJTVA'I'IOIII WAirftD and 0rpn 8ton. bt. 191f.
Ji7iiNJSHEi) BOUSE. coil One Alw.,.. 100 pJaDoe to a.oo.
..._ Nez houw, prlnte patio WAN"J'ED. PART OR FULL '11ME trom. 520 No. 11aJJt Santa
on OM year leue or monthly. employment. Clerk, cyptat. re-"'--~ No peta. Owner eves. aeptioru.t. Rave U.S. Clv11 Serv· uwmRtn;fl!i;;;;r-;fLEPHANTSiilii"i;;;;;~;;;;;r-a-::t~Fun=---=d
IJ~ 8-7127. Ice mtu:a. HA. 1101. Fair Sat., Oct. 6, Bendezvous
ltiWPOliT BEACH. new 2 Bll. IRONING 1n my home. $1.00 per 8&.lltoom. Balboa. Ineludea an-
Open: Oct. 17, lB, 2 p.m.
fumlabed apt. with earap. h.r. Pleue brine haneen. ~ Uqu., e e r am I c: s. aceordlon,
TUe bath and formica kitchen. Seaview coM. mancJe and etc. Benefit for CIOII:JII.a'IW LAiriMICAJ'DIO
Winter rental $75 per month. WILL DO 'moNmG In my home. Boae Memorial Hospital. lata:&
HArbor «*~·• alter 4 p.m. $100 per hour Brine han BOu..EIJ'LEX 2.8C with lens P'ltEE D'I'DIATES
BALBOA J.SLAND. ~e one JUl. uberty 8.8915.· eera. lhade and aky1Jeht filter. AJ. 8a:B GneD Stam~
furnllbed apt. Winter rental BABY Sl Beflned ld ly most new, $200. 936 W. 18th St., QUia P• All 0 hal l'ree delJwry
t80 per month. lnclu4in& utlll· lady, ~::,. and wee~-e~da eo.ta Me.. after 6 p.m. FllO: WATCH UPAJ:JmfG OORONA DEL KAJl NUBSERY
ties. HArbor <BJ9·R after 4 p.m. preferred. R e II a b J e, won't l95S VOLKSWAGEN. Sun root "Prompt Service-BA 1038 27H E. Cout Bwy.
BALBOA ISLAND, yeerly, attrac· smoke or drink. Refe~Wmces. ~with red Interior. RadJo. Reuonabl Prices" -n=--:-----;::::----_:__
ttve aarace apt.. furnished, HArbor 437&-.1 Ort,tnal owner. Beautiful. con-e Pamnng _ Decoratmg
privat.e entrance. One B.B. Will MATURE WOMAN wishes baby ~!:.!; n~ Price $1665. Phone ..._ •• PAPER HANGING
equip double « twin beds. slttin& and care of those con· 1711 a. Cit. ltwy .. C.... clel lie GEORGE BURICHARDT
HArbor 31M5-M bet. 6:30-9 p.m. fined to home. Day or nJ&ht. FOR SALt BY OWNER. Very de-tHI. 1 1 • Uc:!eNed Cclllb'IIC._
or Sunday. HArbor 3l92·M. alrable 2 Bll home, dble. ca· .....,11 111 ta'r Oranp Aft. ~ 11 IE NT A L S : 3-bednn. unfum., race. Abo furnJ.shed bachelor , n.-. 8-8&28 11!18 )ower dl!plex, Npt. Is., $US mo. GARDEN WORK wanted. Phone apt.,. completely private, rent-In• fir •--a --~ .. .,
Incl. utll. l ·bednn. car. apt., HL l038. PbU Brooks. Inc foe S48 per mo. $22.500. r--• COMPIEI'E PAIN'J'ING
116~ 34th St. fum. or partly IIELP WAJITD Open hou.e dally 1·4 p.m. 311 Arnertaut Leaton 215 15th St. PAPER HANGING SEilVICE
tum.. yrJy., $60 plus gas. Also Marlcold, COM. II..Unp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. RA 297& ~bedrm. unfum. CM; and 2· EAllN $40 WEEKLY COMM. 8~ CU. rr. Box 11restone BA!frl&· Patrollbe the mercbanta wbo Sample eelectlon !n your home. ~-ca.r. apt., unfum., CM. SEWING BABY WEAR! erator. Good condJtfon. Real adW!r'tfN In the Newport Bar· EUGENE 0 SAUNDERS Call 11a;.;;a.:...r 111.1 for JoL IL.L...&a-g Jlhone RA 1428, RA 1:i65 or U No House s e 111 n 1 ! Rush bargain. $70. HArbor 0514. bor En.afp. 500 :n.t Street.. N i11A1J1U 'I g 1"'11111111
•5101· stamped addressed envelope. -----·-------·-ewport-· ....:....:.....:_Bea.:..:....:ch:_ _____________________ ,::
unturn. 2·bedrm. apt.; unfum. ana. J/JL~~ JL _ '-.J4 _A t~~ ~h::; ~~~":r -:1 -:-TELEPH=-:-::--0-NE_C_O_N_T_E_S T-WJN-. ~VKf Ufe vU, 7Tet tQ/,u
112 eves. NERS from your home. No ex·
2-BEDR. It DEN APT. unfur· perlence necessary. Phone Mrs.
niabedw/stove,paUo.BBQ,ga· Farrar,HA50l4.. KEEP GAS . PRICES DOWN n,e, tlreplace. $85 mo. Inquire ACCOUNT CLERK. Must be ex-
at 612 Goldenrod, COM. periena!d. Accounts payable
2 B.R. FURNISHED HOUSE. work Involving audJtlng of In· •
Adults. Disposal. Water paid. voices and processing for pay-
$150 mo. Call HA 3271-R for ,ment. Must be accurate, with
k.ey. abillty to type and operate
PRIVATE OFFICES with pbone Marc ban t calculator. Bur·
an.swertnc lel'V1ce. Secretary It roughs Book.keeplng machine
notary avaUable. Ground Flr., and payroll experience deslr·
new Trident Bide.. 2200 New· able. Opportunity for advance-
port Blvd., Newport Beach, ment. Starting salary $265 per
(Adjacent to South Coast Co.) mo. 40 hr. 5-day week. Apply
otflces trom $30.00. Seml-prl· In person, Bus. Off., Orange
vate desk spa~ $25.00. BAr· Coast College. Adm. Bide .• 2701
bor 3028. Falrv1ew Ave. Costa Mesa.
2 B.R. HOUSE, furnished or un-SALES LADY OR MAN, sell toys
fum ed. 417 Heliotrope, CDM. and gltU. No delivery. coil~·
PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS tfon or door to door. Need car.
om~ suite. Blrtcher Bldg., P'uD or part time. Kimberly
2515 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. BAr· .=3·:5895:::-=.=::-:--;-;;;;=~=7U'7"': bor 1535. NICE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to
DO YOU have a fumlahed home llve In and care for 3 unall
or Apt. to rent? We wW be ctrls and do housework for
penn. and responsible tenauts. world:nc widow. Room and
Call our agent, Select Realty board and salary. L I bert Y
(no charge to you). KI 7-3506. --=8-....:.71.:.;4:.:.9:..... -------
SOME FREE -30ME FEE W AJfTED TO apt'T Applicants needed, many otnce ..
2 OR 3 BR. HOUSE. partly fur. Jo.,._ abo restauranta and do·
nlshed, with yard for young mMtica. Many Jobs for qualltled coup~. 2 chlldren and small men. (Register now.>
doc. HArbor 1033· W. lune Farrar Empl ~J"'C)'.
VERTISED Greettnc card busl·
402~ 32nd St.. Newport
ness for aale. $1500 me.rchan· Liberty 8·3449
dlse and South Coast fran·
chlae. 34.298 E1 Molino, Capl· 1009(, EMPLOYER RETAINED
strano Beach, GY 6-5250. AGENCY
NO FEE collected from applicant
LOST AXD P'OtJJfD 120 Tu.un Ave., Newport Beach
TilE LADY WHO left her glasses
case In Pirate Stadium on the
night of the OCC-Glendale
game can pick It up at the
Ensign office.
Insurance Companies
CO.OifA DD. MD u 1540
C., lib I
-llllllln .. , ... "'-....... ..........
1014 J:. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa
LL ---
, ...
of our tremendous growth
and numerous promotions
e Full pay as you learn e Pnquent Increases e Advancement actually en-
8:30 to 4:30
122 West Third
Santa Ana
Are lou leokln1 to the fu·
ture. We are! That' a why we
are oUerlna steady jobs wtth
real . ... .,, .... ..,
It'l to our OWb interest U we can hire men wbo will make a career wltb our dynamJc:
bua!ne.. We therefote oUer:
.. ely Jobe
Oft.tJie.,_ trabttDI
Real acfvancement ~bill ... , ..... ..er.
lntrriew now tow biUDedtate
open1ftp lot 6deftta ...... ::;' -=.:a=.~:u·
e Why does Oil Conservation mean gasoline price protedion for motorists?
e Why will Proposition .4, the Oil Conservation Act, help keep gas prices down?
-Because conservation of California's irreplaceable oil resources means stopping waste
in the production of oil. It means ,.,.. every kilt ,.., of ol from tlte ground
tltat it is poulble to get by modem, sdeltflftc rMOYery ,...,...
-Because Proposition 4-by providing urgently needed Oil Conservation legislation-
will double tlte production of oil from Callomla •••·
-Because a plentiful supply of low-cost California oil is the ... , ,_.,.,. 8UGI•ntee
against drastic increcaes in tlte service-station price offiCII·
If-• oJv L.Jr<IVE A CAR, you are vito~lly concerned over the price of
There are tt.ree ,....,.. operating tod.Jy in the direction of
.ncrused prices of gasoline. They are: .
1. Greater expenditures by both the Federal and State gov-
ernments fo r improved highways and freeways--fiuace4 l.y
higher tn" on eyery gallon of 1M you buy.
2. The Suez Canal crisis ~ Middle East unrest-foreshad-
•wing demands on American oil to fill Western European needs.
3. The constantly increasi~ ho..-power of automobile mo-
ors--requiring gasoline with higher and higher octane content.
TIM great, pocket..._ .._._ of ,,.,_... 4 to -.
orists is that it wll ,...w. • a.p..t.-~,~,.....,. to
·~ risiftg ~i~ t .... lloy treltty -... ...... tH • ...., of
. •.,w-<ost Califontia crw4e oil. •
moro oil and gaaotine ttW'I we ,.i .. ce.
Yet, today,..., Ull ..... tlaat caM recoftre4 II Miftt ,._
CO'Nr.. the otMr half l"efNins ln the gr~, tragically wasted,
for want of ~ OU Consetvation ~res.
Proposition 4 provides the leg.l framework to make it possi-
ble to recover that presently wasted half of our producible oil
resources. It will replac. sarclty with plent)• MIJftt a ,....,._
.............. ~ .. .., t .... , ,. ....................
1e1t .t •, ... ••••••., .. ttaat wll M pN4uced front .,......._ ..... wtl N NlatfNIJ ............. ell ••c..,.. ......
• ......,, ................... CGIItt .,. .., ••••• cl to
proc~ ....
ly Pf&vtAII a ..w, ...,..._, ...,. of low-colt Callfomia
cnlcle ..a. ,...,..._ 4 wll...., k.., t .... i ... prices clown!
9il companies (with only one exception)-tlte companies tltat 1t0f
,nly protluce oil, IMit ...... It-"'........,. It fo ,.. pu61c ..._
pol'f Proposition 4. ~heir interest is in volum• production and dis-
tribution of gasoline at reasonabl. prices.
HtJN yoa re.l "TIN CGN of Cdlifornla' •
Di.tq,..,U.. Oil" 1 Atlc fol" il at your
Nreice---.. or.....,. ttand.
other hand, tlte ,.,..._, of flte .... •aile, •uiiHnii.Uon .,_
• "in•••nis" wlte ... ,. ..... ., .. P.t"IJIOI,_. 4 fa .. ld.,_. pnc.. They are iimply producers of crude oil and do not serve the
motoring public. rltey ... CIII'Ntlfly ..,., .. for ,.,.,.., ,-.
for crvtle oil.
Installation of a $5300 atar pro-ZeL. instrument, the stan and
jector wu completed thla week plAneta may be rotated td any
u part of the new C:XX:: edence ~Jtion that t.bly occupy durlna
dlvt.slon. 24 hours. To fadlltate Jnstrue.
Supervta1n1 the lnatallatlon of tlon, celestial co-otdlnates may
the projector and adviatnl the &00 be projected.
tclenee faculty u to Ita u.e, waa Aocordin1 to lames Pitton. ac:t-
H~bert N. WUJJama, Represent&-ence instructor, the planet.a.rtum
tive of Spitz Laboratories of wtll be In operation shortly after
Yorklyn, Delaware. Spitz Labor&· Cbrf.stma& 1be lnstallatlon ot
tortes haa recently completed the --planetarium will g:reatly fa.
eonstructJon of a lar1e plan~ cllltate utrohomy lnstructJon at
tarium In Montevideo, Ura,uay, OCC. and It will later be open to
and are now conat:ructln1 one aa the publle.
part of the Harford, Mlebl1an. --------
culture cent«.
One of two of Ita kind ln Call-
fomJa, OCC'1 projector wtll te· •
produce the heaveN on a 24 foot •
dome whleh completely sur-"'
rounds the ai.tdlenee. SlmUlar In t: .__._ L--L..~
operation to the Grlftlth Park ,. •.....,... .,... -
• ..p.g ••• Mel
-· ---------. U••l Olgg erellll • Wniftg tW
------. ,. Ill
Morrl Molho and bla" wUe re-• • .IE II n ~~~~~-~~~:':: ~-.. .. appeued u cuest dfttper at ,.
the CalJfomla l'l«Ut Conven-•
tlon. lforrl, owner of Flowers by •
Mont. wu one ot two de.apers .,.
from Southem Calllomia uked .,
to appear at the meednp. Two
othen were eeleded froiD North· • 4
em Calltoml~ ~ • F~4
Certificates In ehann will be • Complete Home J'untlab1np 4
awarded Tueld.ay wbetl the Mar-• •
jorle Hale Studio bolda their LD If 1-MM ~
semi-annual ~raduatloa ol tiMR • -• a 1 ... ~
8Chool of Cbann and )(odelllq. ~COSTA t.f!SA • announced Pat Burkhardt, dlree·
tor. •
" ,_ Wlr1 I Mlr-111111111
far I Jab-..... t ,_ tin ._....,..112% •M"
....... -tlllt ..,. ...... '
•......• ,. ••oa••••--.......... .., lin,_.....,, . .._. folia • 1M It WI
· (.,....., tf JOI kHW JOtr ~ hlrtNir .......... the
ufttJ WI ...-ttH. II IF .... II I CIIMiMltlft
' YOI'd 1»1 IM..W II ,_ Jldtbult's PlfMiM. thriYiftl flbn--..... CIQ ltiiM lllllatry 1M ~~ ... ,rMictiol
• yw .... N-il Jl!l ,..._ llllr'd ,.._ 1M WI
... I ......... II .. lllliii~~MIICt it ....... , .....
~~~wport ..._ SMip _, w. fttf tlttt WIJ-ts,.ciiiiJ if ....... ,.. .......... ,. ............. .... ..... ,.., ...................... ........
..... ~,. .. U.S.A. 1111 tM pdlt MtW. , ... , lift
...... fw h1•n • -. ,..,. il lit ....._ ..,.lsJt .... _ .......... ...., ...... ,. ., ..., .. -'.:
.. .,._ T'M 1 fl II ,. n Dillin. 8lt .......... Wllll ,
.... ,_ Mlri. ~ lltiM ........ tiel" .... s.w. • lllilct -• llllrll: " ,. _, .... ,.. .... , ........ ,. .... _,_,... __ lttl ................. ., ___ ........ , ... .........
' , ., ~
: ~ ~ ~ ,
, .. ..,_
1 Combs I
Ra1 CII'
Ck -.a
..... lc. s .......
•• 4(
ill ••
&I ptp, I& •••llr,
Ill t-allt
Get 1 pair
Llatt I ., 1 :'«<s ,_ cui u •·
.... tifal. ...... y.t danlble.
fall .... ., •• d.
Ill ......
. ··•
* *
STATIONERY ....... , ..... .... ......
.. 4~
(aYI IIIJ 1111)
Now 69c
.••.•.•. , ..
T . Cl h With T 12 ft 11 l•ztlit • o as -v ...._ DGNt'lt7 ..,..... aoJ.
(0oa ... ,._ .... 2) .... 01 112 ..,. ... x ....
fte ..,._Hlp C..~ Dadal tM ,.,_ hall ot the u It er...t a._.. double ti:._., dMd ~ In eq~4. wflaJcb out-clua4 a Mall· •~ MoatfteUo taUe4 to era. UN, 01'09""• ..,...... ...... Aaa CoaaanJDllY ao.p!tal . ...U. ...._ b7 a eoore oC 12..0 tt.. SO llltiD 'IV ~. JlvW to PN"ftl demep aDd a ..,_ .,.. a oatlft ot ·oru.
ft1t ........... IIIP 'Ill~ ol 1ut Week, wW ply 8S IU up til* 8rit ta.1b-In th• -ped tbe c.. 0W11i1r o1 tbe Va~Je, CaJU.. and _.. to If .... ,..... ._ waa ,._ -...., ..,. ~MaU• opponent .._ lieoillld )IIWted. ..._ b.altblc:k W1bJeM wu ..... .,. tar a piece ,.rt Ja 1-.. lbe wu a mem.,_ til*._....,.._ ot .. -......._ ,(TiuuJday) at ADa· Gu7 ~ ...... a lonf one to Mt. o1 .t.uxUJuy R« 11!11 ol the
lllal a 111e tomon'OW (J'rlt.y) afternooe IMl& fr'GIIl tM lfoa......UO 45 to end eWDDAY. aft. I LoJa1 Order of t.ble lfooee. Colla -~~ lint clown 18 W'bla tMJ Jtune1 t. ~ O.dl Btu Strawt bu beaD 'hd IIMclodl on tbe 15. Raddoc:k 1 ...... 11QUm. BK W~ ~
J. a a bat m. lalt YMJ"• _,.. Nt )'arda ruahlnc •. -D 1n tbetr a. ...... c a..,..Udoa. n&l.lft1nJ Ida tam thtoup dliftn. ..._ tlw ll'&b AM I'MCtM4 paY· llvd., Jlf.....-t lteeh. NPGrud "-Mwn lndude ber lna.lba)ld,
dl&IDPiona. The 1V •lew1\ wiD 10..-pa.-attempted ---'I eo.da tlDD ,.._ llfOIIe o1 11w playa. wtth bopel ot *P· dirt. • Mel oenttr pwuwted tbe tbe tiMft ota bucl·ma4e *tber Mewn. and a eqn. RIJ'Oicl, of
be -'dna thelr tecon4 .S• of 2..-.,.... completed -·-:s club u a ,_. "touf.U.... Tile p&q the p .. tn, attaek. ot the Tan from attelaptlna the conver· wallet . • • lira. Paul Allen ot the bOIM adclreel: a dau~
the eeuon: attn dropplnc the •·--net yarda pasatnc --.. .B7 Bee elewn toet a dole one to •(&Jw~ touch" Anabelm -.uad. alon. 5Ge Ordlld. Corona del Mar, nt· Kn. Jo A.Dnl .A.bpaqh of If.,..
Wt last Friday nJabt with Mon· 5. ..... ._ .... --·· punta -·--·-2 Montebello Jut week, ln 10. de· •At Anaheim." Coach 8trawa 'Jbe Ha.rbaw deteue would not ported the theft ot earrtnp and pen. Mn. Genevlew ~~
tebel.IQ.0-13. 30._.. .... puntlne averaee --··....29 cree weather, by a .:ore ot 12·18. Mid. ''they atart cetttnc expert· be content with merely .topplne a rtna. val,utd at between PJO. ol VMta and MriL Della Luetua
Tentl't1ve lfne.up tor the club 2·-·-··---··· fumble. -·-··-··-·· .2 With hJ•b bopea ot atvtna ace 1n junior hJ.cb 8C:bool.' •t their toe. SPM4Y qua.rt.back ~ ••• A 18·ye&r·olcl Coeta ot Colt& Mesa: a brother, J'Ncl
tomonow nJ&ht Ia Ola.rtee Van· 2.. .. own tumble. reeoverecl -· 1 Anaheim plenty ot trouble. tbe lfewport nearly all members ot lob Harbtn.eon 1 n te r c • pted a lieu .,outh wu boobcl on Row. ot eo.ta x .... and • ....
dervort. len end; Roo 'Jbome, 15. ....... _. yarda penaltzed _ ..... 60 eee -.uacl nnilbed up drWa the eee 'ctub have had no prev· Montebello rune on their own dlar.-.t ~ult after wttnel· ten. M.ra.'Klnnte Bale ot N..,.
left tackle; Davtd ~ttJt or Carl today, encllnc a Wftk'a loua fOO(ball experience. 40 and ran It all the way. Aa'ain, .. lclentlfJecl him u the boy port. Mn. VJol« Terk1a ot VIr· ~n wlll replace Gary Deem on fundamentala, Thla week. the team added a bad center pa. l'll&JTeCI the wbo hJt lamea Ka~b"n. New· ctnJa Clty and Kn. Ethel Melaon
at lett &Uard; Bob Allen, eft\ter: minutes and 40 IM!COnda alter the blocklne and tackling. 8eVeral new playa to their often· ebancee ot the atra point. port Barb« Hlp Scboolatudent. and Kn. May Pemberton ot
Jim Bento. rleht ruard; Dennla kJckott. Montebello back Ray Coach Neeme said b la pJayen alve attack, In addition to the Venice.
Dal.ebout. rtght tackle; Bob vn. PadUla canted t he p~ over were "ph,.Jeally beat from the hard work put out on tackllnc Woman Spots a~ssailant:. . Service. wOJ be beld J'rldq 1n laerana. rlcht end; Gene Hub· from the Tar twelve, endin1 a l)eat" Jut week. They ran up and blocltlnc. ~ Partr.e. llortuary, eo.ta 14eea.
bard, quart«back; Bob Bender· cruahlnc and au.talned drive thelr ttrat ac:o.re early In the third After the game with Monte· with the a.v. Boy Cart.:m of
ehot. lett halfback; Bud Thomp· from the Montebello 10. period atarttnc trom the 50. bello Coach Straws aald the Arre f M~..l-by Police Chrllt Church by the s.. offici·
.on. rt1ht haltback; and Doue Left halfbaC;k Bob Hendershot 'nley ~to the Konebello 40, ~uad'a tackllne and tlmhl!l h ad S UUC atlnc. lnt.erment wtll be In Har·
Bowler. fullback. took the OUer 8 kick on the Tar where quarterback Ronnie Koren "Improved considerably" over the . bor Jlest Cemetls')'.
Coach Don Bu~ a!ld be 15 and ran It out to the 37. 'nle threw a lone pau to left hall· first lame. A 22-year.old Newport Beach never been employed by the
thought the team would boun~ Tara faUed to move and had to back Dave Hammond who ran It woman. the reported vtctim of eo.ta Meea Pollee Department Profess·aonal
back" In splte ot the absence of punt. The Montebello team. 1n over from wide the io s h I S an attempted rape lut Thura· InJured guard Gary Deem. whose u downs, wu stopped, thlally, · C OO •1te day (Sept. 2'7> apotted her ... wonca OP n.uc DAmiiG
upper ann wu broken In Frt· on the Tar 38 and kicked to the In the fourth period, the Har· sallant tn a Co.t:a Mesa cafe Notice ta hereby Jfftn that the Directory
day's game. Coach Bums refer· Tar 18. The Tars punted but alter bor team moved fro~ thelr~w: Draw.·ng' s are late Sunday night A few houn Plannlnc CornmJalon Of the City Rc:l to his club u "highly two penalties against Monte· 40, with a fine runn nc a c • later Newport ~lice anested of Newport Beach wtll. hold a PUIIDAL Dm&CI'OU spirited" and aald they were bello. the Newport Harbor squad deep lnto Oller territory. Quar· Sherman Francia Blcke 25, of pubUc heartnc on the appUc:a· ,_.....::..:.:::.::=.::..::;;;;;;:;;;:;.;.;;=._--,
"hopeful" of victory over the retained pouesslon and ended terback Koren moved the ball 5 e nt to State 1654 Brook St Santa I;.. and tion of Rex Dibble tor a variance Friendly NelJhborhoocl Servtce
rugged Anaheim squad. up on the 50. Deem wu hurt on over on a sneak play from the book.ed htm ;;n char es ~~ at· No. 322 to permit th@ ~natruc· PARKES
In the game lut week, the the first punt play. When the 8. The Tars had one last chance tempted rape 1 tJon of a swlmmlnc pool on front
Montebello squad. which out· hall ended. Montebello was deep for vtctory but tlme ran out with The Newport Beach Elemen· The 22·Y~·old waitress, who half of lot. Lot 86. Tract 1700. MOB'MJARY
weighed the Tar team ln ~ery ln Tar territory. the Tars on the Montebello 10. tary School Board of Trustee~ worka at a ca!e ln C4eta Mesa 729 Santana Dr .• Corona del Mar. 110 Broadway
department reached paydlrt . 5 In the third period. the Sailors The Oilers scored early ln the Tuesday night voted to aubllllt 2 was on her way home alter leav: Notlee Ia hereby further elven U 8-3433 It 8-3434 eo.ta ¥ee&
held Montebello In check and flrst period when they recovered drawlnga of proposed School Site lne Van's BowUnc Alley early that said public heatfn~ will be L:::==========~ both tearna punted several times. a Tar punt on the latter's 15; .No. 6 to the State Dlvislon of Jut Thursday momJne 1be held on the 11th day of October, ,.. .PORT::: .. /.
( 111/()NA 0£1 ltrfAII·i,A A·'I AIH/'1
••• nn Sat.
The Oilers cot their final tally thN ey rahn thedbalflthoverfirln 3 pl11aod'!/s. School House Planning for ap· woman reported that wb~n she 19:!6th • Coat the11hoChiU of,!!!!> pim. dtn N 0 W ... T W Q
In the fourth period as the re· ear t e en o e at pe • proval. arrived home an auto stopped e unc amuo:o.. o e ARIES
suit of a passing and runnln~ at· Koren attempted to punt from One of the drawings shows a behind her c~r Newport Beach City Hall. at BALTZ MORTU
tack that began on their own 35. his own end zone; the kick was site 10 acres. net; th@ second Th@ driver, ·saennan Hickey, which time and place any and Servtnc the Harbor Area
The conversion wa.s eood. The blocked. and Mon tebello tell o.n drawing calls for 10 acres, erou. cot out and lntxoduced hl~lt aU persons Interested may ap· Baltz Mortuary
spirited Tar club was unable to the balJ for the score. The Oller s The site Ls In the Harbor Hleh· as Sgt Sampaon of the Costa pear a nd be heard thereon. CHAPEL BY THE SEA
penetrate Montebello territory third and final TD wu scored lands area. at Irvine Ave. and Mesa Pollee Dept. After ques. RAY. Y. COPELIN, Secretary Harbor 42
beyond the 38 and the game on a pass play early In the third 19th St. The Irvine Co. hu of· tlonlng the waitress. a friend of Newport Beach City 3520 E. Cout HlthwaJ
ended wtth the Oilers ln poSSP..i· period. fered the la nd to the School Dis· Hickey, tdentln.ed u "DalJas," Plannlnc Commlulon Corona del Mar
sion on their own 45. trlct for $2.500 an acre. appeared and Mr. Hickey lett. Jn R011CE 0 1' PVaLIC KEA.aDIG Baltz Mortuary
Alter v1ewing pictures of the CALL THE ENSIGN at Harbor Board members c1lred a dla· 4 ft!W moments, DaJlaa left and Notice ia hereby Jiven that the LlbertJ 8 2121
game. coach Burns said he t.:l4 to order letterheada. envel· cusslon on 4 proposed district the woman aald she went ln to PJannlnc Commission of the City 17h It superior. Co.ta Mesa
wasn't disappointed and he .. felt opea, bu.atnea card&. statement-. boundary chang~K that would In· 10 to bed. ol Newport Beach wUl hold a AR.KING
the team played as well as they lnvttatlona, poatera • • • Remem· crease the Newport Beach Ele· She heard a knock on the door public hearln1 on the appllea· ~ tkATIONS
could." ber, the Enaip print. It better. mentary School Dlmlct by •P· and when she opened the doo; tlon of Ward E. Jewell for a var1· '-----.~a~~wrnr----_,J
proximately 400 acres. The ter. Hickey entered. She aald the ance No. 323 to permit an en· -
r1tory Involved lnaludes an ex· man pulled a knile and held It croachment of 5 feet Into a re· ,----.....:==~:=..:.-----, High Scoring OC Pirates
Play Friday at Santa Ana
tension of Corona Highlands at her throat. She threatened to ~ulred rear yard setback of 10 HARBOR REST
toward the Lacuna Beach area. scream. She said Hickey offered feet Lots 4 and 8. Block B·33.
Although these sections are prac· not to bother her It she would Tract Corona del Mar, 2708 Shell MEMORIAL PARK
tlcally uninhabited. It Is antlcJ. not scream. St. and 2709 Cove St.
pated that these l«tton.s wlll The waltrea reported he then Notice Is hereby further given
develop, Supt. Roy Andenen sat down and be1an talktnc. that said public hearlne will be
Harbor Blvd. at Glaler
EIMBERLY 5-1158 Coach Al lrw1n's fired up Pf. High atar. and a 46-yard run aald. saying he had spllt up wtth hla h@ld on the 11th day of October.
rate grldders. who displayed an arqund end by Don Jones. A recreational program, pro. wife about five days aco. St\e ~. at the hour of 8:00 p.m. 1n ':::=========== amaz:lne scoring punch In smash· The Pirates were so busy with posed by the Park. Beach and abo aald the man claimed to the Coundl Olambef'l of the .:
lng Amei1can RJver last week, TDs that they had little time for R«Teatlon Department for the be enrolled at occ. Newport Beach CJty Hall. at
will open . the conference cam· flm downs. American River, 1956·57 school year, wu aC· She said the man finally left. whtch time and place any and
paiiJl aealnst a tough Santa Ana from Sacramento. made 24 first ct-pted by the boerd. The pro· telllne her to call him at the all persons lntereated may ap.
team tomorrow (Friday J ~e-downs to onJy 6 for OCC. They posed schedule, however, Is aub· Pollee Dept. and "juat Uk for pear and be heard thft'eOn.
nlng. weu~ close In yards ealned on ject to certain chance. wh.lch Bill Stmpeon." RAY Y. OOPELIN, lecretary
All your printinq needs win be
handled conveniently et~d coort·
eouslv in the completely-equip·
oed Job Printinq Department of
The Ensiqn, Came time wUl be 8 p.m .. and the eround. OCC havtna the mn~-be1 r:!_a~-~eceaary by the HJckey, who wu releaaed on Newport Beach CUY Plan·
It will be played at the Santa edee. 395 to 350. The Pirates n~~~~o~u~,e~_,~,oo~l:::~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~=i~~~~~~=~::!:;~~~~~~~~~~~; Ana munlcfpaJ boWl. made no gain by alr. faJUnc 1n i · 12.000 balL alated that he had ntnc Comrniulon.
Halfback Bill Hantaon was the their one pass attempt. American
big gun for the Pirates In th~ River madt-131 yards In 12 com ·
-------------42-12 v1ctory Friday. He brought pJeted passes.
1'011 1 WEEK
the crowd to their feet w1th dazz. OCC scored In S plays alter the
ling touchdown runs of 35 and kJck-otf and made the extra
86 yards from scrimmage. an 85· point. American Rlv~ came right
yard kick-off return for a TD. back to make It 7-6. That's when
and a 46-yard run that set up Harrison returned the kickoff
AI Garcta·s s .yard touchdown for the TD, and It was 14-6. From
plunge. then on It was a romp. The Pf.
That last one was the only rates stretched their lead to Z1·6
short touchdown. The others at the hall. 35·12 at the third
came from a 66-yard romp by quarter, and 42·12 as the final
John Hopkins. former Harbor score. •
Program for 'Over 50' Group
Is Planned by Zonta and City
A tentative date of Tuesday
afternoon. Oct. 23, has been set
for discussing details of a sen·
lor citizens club for the Harbor
Area, It was a nnounced at
Thursday night's Zonta Oub
m~tlng by Eva Aspln, servtoe
She explained that the Zonta
committee Is WOt"kJng In con·
junction with the Newport Beach
Recreational Director to Instigate
actlv1tles for people In the "over
50" age brackets. The Zonta aerY·
Ice commlt11ee has gathered In·
fonnatlon on such activities from
many cities and s p onsor In 1
clubs. PRONE Dl-4'71'7
8ANTA ANA ~tw-...... 6UI • JntOADWA'I'
Doors OJM'Il at t :S0-8atardla1 ... ~ 0,.. M U :M The rE'port was Jiven at the
business meeting whlcb fol·
lowed a Zonta luau and houae·
warming Jiven at the new New·
port Helehta home of member
W I n I I r e d Bacon. Mlu Betty
Bacon, daughter of the honoree,
entertained with Haw a I J a n
dances. Nora Stepbenaon later
showed colored alldea of her
summer trip to the lalanda.
.~. • • DRIV E·I N ~ ~ _..,. ), tC THIATAIS 1-1 mil
Door prlz.es were won by a
guest. JewelJ Welty of Corona
del Mar. and membef'l Huel
Dell. Ruth Gibbs. Myrtle Soder·
berg, Dr. Helen Trotter and Mn.
Mears. COMIA S TOU A•r I
..._ ..,_ Frl StatU at 1 :to c..rt... ~ 8MW ..... ~ e-. s .. ru at t!Ot J:nry 'rt.. 8at. ~ a-.
. ----
M i l\MI
:--)( PQSr
' I• t ,, I I ,,
' i J. •
ft'Aaft AT I .. ••J •• • ...
"BED HOT' Valuea b Thura.. Fri.. Sat.. Oc:tobel' 4. 5. &tls.. .
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 8:30P.M. Sunday cmd HoJiclap 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
COCK 0' TilE W ALK-IIALYD oa 1LVZD= reen Beans . 2 ... 25t PEACHES : ~ :_IL c.
lcOG'JI'I'IIT &itciiEif DDTATJOif n.~ OL ..W. ITO IDIT-c:bak ltyle lila -. Cilia
:a'-~~-•51/a-. Caa • I & W-llb. S:.. _____ J FOOD 2 ... 23~ GRAPE FRUIT
-fooD 2 ... 23t OiEESE WHIZ
IIOin'Oif ...... l ........
Mac•onl & Cheese
• -• •
·open· House lor
eW C StOre
oaCIIJDS roa TID LADJU-Tbat"• tM ~al Stal'te9aat. dnpw of Autta.stu..--t. coe·
u.t bela9 e1ten4 tDdiiF Cit tM P-1 Dl ... tract. fw tbe ba1Jd'"9 proJed. 1'be rOiboa cut·
of tbe ...._ .._. of vw-rr ......._. Drup ua tl"9 ~y Ia sct..dulecl fc. t o'c:lodt this CorODa del NCR • ._...,oat U.. orc:laJds wW
be etta Sllllth (left). claupter of E. Monla monalD9 (Tbunclay). willa M ayw Dora BW
Smith. owaer of the DeW bulldlD9. CJDd Cathy wleld1D9 the sdrnn. (Karl Mc~Matall pboto)
Pirate Center Ken Wood
Is Elected Commissioner
One of the top football players
at Oranee Cout Colleee center
Ken Wood of Carden Grove. was
elect.."<! coo per a tlves commis-
sioner a t last week's student
-------------------------John Hopkins. Costll Mesa, was
Scott Names
Cast For Lear
elected freshman president In a
race among three other football
Jim Tibbs, Huntington Beach,
was elected sophomore president.
16 New Mem&ers W e lcome d
By, Newport Junior Eb e ll C lub
~ ... of Newport 8Mdl &elly, tra11 and IM&nll; Mr..
.... ~ ••• 11 new adtw meat· Donald OutE. NCatCUna -=re-.._ at tbe ftnt ~~*~tina ~ the tuy; Kn. o.wa-Gurr, truaurer
,.... Jut TbVIId.,-In lamaJea and bud.-; Ml'l. ltobtrt Wal·
Inn a.tauruat. I a ee, 0011.-poncllnr eecretary: n.. uw IIIIII!.IDben are Mmea. Mr.. ToDl Woodward. auciJtor aJ¥1
Hany aea. llobert .Burke. IUcb-c:ourte~~J: Kra. PbWp Ma um,
hard Iutton, T. F. Cluke, How· membenlllp cbalnnan; Mr.. Ed·
ard Farwell, Robert Jtlamm. wln nuter, fecleratJon exten-
Ja.mes N e w 11 n • Petu Wooda, aJon: Mp. JC. L. Hartman, editor
Peta Pucal, N. D. Pomeroy, of Tattler; M.n. Robert Diemer,
JCenneth SmJth , Robert Ward. A. prea; Mrs. Curtir Herbert&. cur-
L. Webb, Fred WHt, Robert ator ot Mctlona; Mra. Freeman
Kea.rna and William Schorer. Fiaher, parliamentaria n.
They were welcomed ~Y Mrs. Mrs. l ohn Hoyt, buUd a better
Forrest Allinder, president. after comrf\unJty; MrL R.ldlard Hodee.
an Introduction by Mrs. PhUip welfan; Mra. Don Hayton, moral
Maurer. membership chalrman. and spiritual values; Mrs. lohn
The symbolism of the federation Colby, hlatorlan; Mrs. Sterling · 1 member&hlp pin was explained Paris, district ways and means; ITAFJ'OIID BAU. wbo wW _..
by Mrs. Edwtn 'Finster, federa-Mrs. Richard Holder, penny artr; -. oe a. a.••• ... of u..
tlon extension chairman. Mrs. James Carner and Mrs. ..., at....acs. v..._r, Dna• e TAI.Jtl 011 FLOWI!JIS Loren Waener, ~atlons; Mrs. rton. begcaa wortt with U.e
Proeram for the day was a Robert Hauk. youth cooperation Vtaw.t .,..,.. daoala Ia 1Mt 4ft
talk and demonstratJon on flower and educatlon; Mrs. Harlan Hoyt, the Lido .-.. .. 1a a DCIU.e
arranging by Bob Schroeder of International r e 1 at Io n s ; Mrs. Alaska CJDd ~to the u.s. la
Richard's Market. Robert White, citizenship and 1M2. Re padaatecl froaa the
Mrs. Dean Gorton, first vice· leglslaUon: Mrs. lames Reyn-UD.l'NI'81ty oe Ca1llocala 111 1147
president. gave a review of fu· olds. conservation of natural re · cmct Ml'ftd two yean Ia l!an~pe
ture programs. October's "Strictly sources; Mrs. James White, pro-aa em Army ~. Fe. tiM
Informal" meeting will honor visional hours. part thfte yean, lb. J1a11. baa
Mrs. Norman Watson of Lido -----------bMo CIU14.taat I'M"HHI"" at the
Isle, president of Calltornla Fed· BUTS RITB JllJIA BOUSE . Sclllta Fe Spdlap r ton. Be Ia
eratlon of Women's Club juniors. 'Mrs. Eileen KJmbrell of Los the fcrtbei of t.luee cll11dna.
The November 15 Men's Nlte din· Angeles has purchased the Keith I Shdlold n. t 1 JCIMpla. L aad
ner meeting at the VIlla Marlnf ._Jamba 4. Mr. Ball Ia MOW will feature the l ohn Daggett Rima house at 3911 Marcus Ave., WOI'IId.ag Oil n.n ....-bly
film. "We Swam the Colorado," Newport Island, and expects to GDd ~ Jayoat 4ft u..
with dandng following. move In around October 15. ,.., no.. Ia C... del NCR.
Members were urged by Mrs.
Edward Kelly, second vice-presi-
dent. to send In early for their
season's tickets to the World
Travelogue Series and reminded
that other residents of the harbor
area could obtain tickets by con-
tacting either junior or senior
Ebell members. e DDCE lfOV. 2
Reed 1: Barton Silverware
CIIARI •• uoww ..... wW ... a.•= .... ., ........ Ide
Vbacllllt'r store. be9aa laa. •·
rMr wltll ua. V...._t dnaw
cllcda Ia ~. • ... .t
tile Lkto rton. .. ta a ..U.e
eC Kcm.., .. .....S with tbe
Mcut~:ae eorp. 4 ,.._.. .... uy,
wllile woddll9 at tM IJdo
st.n. Mn......,.. ~
fpm~Beadll .... c.u ...
.witha~aaa.•ass .....
....... t. .. Ia wedd.s9 W'ltla
StaHord •an ot u.. _.. eo. .................. -·
C'llCIDd' .. Jayoat GDd .... •·
~ ................... u..
at at ............ two beys.
CMrlee Jr .. L CIDd .,..W,. 11
The selection of the cast for
"King Lear" has been announced
by Lucian Scott, OCC drama In-
structor. who will appear In the
title role as the elderly British
Barb a r a Jackson. Newport
Beach, was elected elections
commissioner. Carol Crain. Costa
Mesa, got the ASB treasure nod,
and John Petty won the AMS
president's office.
"A Night In Las Vegas" will be
the theme of the dance to be
held by the Orange District Jun-
Ior Women's clubs on Nov. 2 at
the Rendezvous Ballroom In Bal·
boa. Frank DeVol's orchestra
will play. accordlne to Mrs. Ster-
ling Paris, district ways and
means chairman. The dance Is
the main phtlanthropy project or
the district. and proceeds will go
towards the building of a physi-
otherapy pool for 0range County.
Wallace "Old ,,.lOCh ••
The play will be given Nov.
14-17 In the OCC auditorium.
As Lear's daughters. Conerll,
Regan and · Corl!'ella, Joanna
Buchanan. Loretta Bennett and
Phyllis Yarwood h&ve been se-
The King of France, suitor of
Cordelia will be played by Gerry
McKenna, and the Dukes of Bur·
gundy, Cornwall and Albany will
be taJum by MeJvJn Lennard,
Marvin Dorris and Bob Butler.
Tom Pletts and Jack Nelson.
director of drama at Huntington
Beach High Scf1ool. will portray
the Earls of Kent and Gloucester.
Edgar and Edmund. sons of
Gloucester. wtll be played by
Alan Baker and Darrel Hart·
Assuming the role of the stew·
ard. Oswald. Is Larry Whitson.
and an old man and a fool will
be played by Bill O'Rourke and
Jim Anderson. The parts of a
gentLeman. a messenger and a
doctor will be assumed by Dave
Grant and Randy Albers.
The play demands a cast of
more tha n fifty, Including ladles-
In-waiting. s e r v a n t s . knights.
commoners and prologue play-
ers. A prologu.e was especially
written for thla productfon by
Miss Mary McChesney. Special
music Cor Lear was composed
and w111 be played by Dr. Clar-
ence Loomis.
Others In the cast are:
1st serva!ll .... Michael Drlskel
2nd servant ...... . .. .... Ron Stone
3rd servant ...... Larry Robinson
Servants to Albany: Ted DeJong,
Raymond Hajebl.
Ladies-In· Waiting: Sandra Wll·
Iiams Helen Holt. Ann Adams.
Bev Stafford, Nlkl Niles Lucy
~re~ •
Commoners: Natalie Rogers,
Clair~ Smith. CecU Barkley,
John Chadsey, Marshall Sulll·
van. Richard Thompson. Ger·
aid Wayt Ruthee Huffman,
Hooshang Hedayat.
Prologue Players: Sharon Durant.
Carol Edwards, Beverly Trout.
Dolores Valence, Marlene Mad·
Production Coordinator: Larry
Student Directors: Marvin Dorris.
Ruthee Huffman.
Lighting: Bill Harmeenles.
Marvin Dorris.
Special lighting eftects: Robbie
Make-up: Lucllle Codlhaw
eo.tume: Frank Kuwalaky
Costume Mlstreu: Marlo Tate
Stage DHirn construction: stage-
craft class.
E I e c ted representatives at
large were Mike Drlskel. Nancy
Fukuda, GaU Gardner, and Larry
Head song leader Is still un·
decided. There will be a run-off
between Ruthee Huffman. t.em·
porary head leader, and Karen
1510 Students
AHencl OCC
Latest registration figures re·
leased yesterday show 1510 stu-
dents are a t t e n d I n g Orange
Coast College In the full time
day program.
This marks· an all time high
In the short seven year h istory
of the school.
Another attendance record was
brokeg In the adult division
where 3078 are registered for one
or more tree adult dJv1slon clas·
ses. This compares with 1846 reg·
lstered at the same time last
year and adult registration Is
still going on.
Men outnumber women day
students better than two to one.
There are 1049 men compared to
461 coeds.
Veteran attendance has picked
up considerably this semester.
There are 310 vets attending thiJI
year more than a hundred
stronger than last year.
More than 1550 students have
registered In the day since clas-
ses have started but 42 students
have dropped since then.
Book Section I wtll hold their
first meeting of the Ebell club
year at l}le home of Mrs. Eugene
Fenelon. 1721 Miramar Dr .• Bal-
boa. next Thursday, Oct. 11. Mrs.
Herbert Baetz will be co-hostess
for the dessert. • • •
Mrs. C. G. Waldeck will give
a program with pictures for the
first fall meetine of Book Sec·
tlon n to be held at the Newport
A m e r I c a n LeJion Hall next
Thursd ay, Oct. 11. A baaket
lunch wUl be held at 1.2:30 p.m.
All Ebell members and .guests
are welcome. • • •
Mrs. Clyde l ohnaon wlll enter-
tain mem bers of Book Sectlon m
on Tuesday at her home at 178
Shorecllff Rd., Shore CJms. The
meetlne will start with a aadt
BOBEll'T A. aAMSAT. -nc:.
.,.._ldeDt of the ConDer del
Mar ViAcMat'a aton. Mefttary·
tncawer CJDd partDer·JDCJDCI9W
at Viaclllt'r Lido store. bar
bMo witb the ~
liP/a 'fMI'L Be befaa auoda·
Uoo with the c:bcd.D at tbe Co·
..... del liar ...... Ia .. ..,.
liM. Be Ia -Air J'OI'Cie ftt.
....... Mr. -.ay baa bMD a
ft9latiiNd ..... idrt 25 yMno Tbe ........,..., wbo ll"n at 1412
SeNDade. lrriae Tenaca. lurf-
-. .... Alec Sl/a.
Keith Rimas
Are Honored
• Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards
of Newport lsb.nd gave a dinner
party Saturday Q!ght honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Kefth Rima, who
are moving from tM Island this
month and expect to spend a few
months travelling.
European pictures from the
Edwards' summer trip to Europe
were shown during the evenlnr.
Guests at the party Included Mr.
and Mrs. George Sherrill. Mr.
and Mrs. RJchard Weber and
their children. Sherrllyn and
Rickie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bar-
ton and little Donald, I Mrs. Bar-
ton Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwards), and the son of
the host and hostess. l lmmy Ed·
Read the Emlgn Want Ad oage.
Mrs. Allinder announced that
the club has been Invited to be
guests and possible participants
on the Bill Leyden "It Could
Be You" show OR channel 4. J un·
lor Ebell w111 be on the show
filmed Oct. 5 and Shown several
weeks later. •
It wu voted that each member
be required to give SO hours to
maintain their membership In
good sundlne and Mrs.. l ames
White was appointed prov1aJonal
chairman. Incentive to work was
also provided by the announce-
ment that two deservlne mem-
bers would be sent to the State
Convention next May In recogni-
tion of time given. e llfVJTED TO MEETJifC
Mrs. Allinder Introduced Mrs.
Wllllam Tritt. EbeU Club presl·
den t. who Invited the juniors to
attend the Ebell Club's meeting
today (Thursday). Other honored
guests ~e Mrs. C. M . Deakins,
Orange District juruor coordina -
tor, and Mrs. L. M. Reed, senior
newsletter chairman. On hand to
greet juniors wu Mrs. E. A.
Rogers, newly appointed junior
A letter was read by Mrs.
Robert Wallace, corresponding
eeaetary, from the city manae er
of Burbank cornmendlne the
Junior Ebell for Its clean-up
campaign and asking for lntor·
matlon to aid the Burbank
Chamber of Commerce In a alml-
lar drlve. e CBADDIAJI lfAJIEI)
Standing c o m m l tt e s a and
chairmen for the year 'lllrefe an·
nounced as roll~: Mrs. Dean
Gorton, proeram: Mrs. Edward
F'L.A TW ARE . . .
Gorham Stainless Steel Jewelry by Kre.mcntz
31117 E. .... ..,.
We are proud indeed to oler you
exquisite solid silver. Oorham• Sltrlifta •..
time-honored ror more than a century for
authentic design, superb quality and
craftsman~ip. Feature~ Jn our complete
selection of this wor1d-renowned silver are
Gorham's eiahtm~ nationally·ldvertised
patterns and a sperklina amy of OorhaiD
S..liaa bollowaft and speciallies. Oaly
Oorlla• ...... OM piece. dnt·nslscaat.
nttle1"'0of seerlifta kaif• bandla.
"lyric" ..
"Wlllew" •.
LOIIIf'IK a. vmcarr ta ...-.
............... Dnw ..................... a. C.... clsl X. vt.a.t's -...u.,... ......... , ....... .................. u.s. ................. , ..... 1... 0... v.-t's d:nl9 .............. r.~ .... ··= '<le 1.-ao .. . ......... JSJI' ... ........
....... -51111tf111 .. .. ••• .,.....,._o-w., c ............ ..
...... Itt ttla.leDsc ••a so ... ,._, .. ..,.._
aJITAJn' CiDIII DID. peat.
..... 5 ... ....-•. c. .... c~s~ .............. ....
• s s • clc tlo a wtt1a ao cJn19
........ Udo .... lall&
• ta • wa s ... ., v.a.c. 1a rt :rallcld di-Wtwy. lb.
~lefttlloUdo ..... ........................
....... Ia 1.-..... .
... -,... Ia .... . ._ •t IC. Jlr. Qf' 1 n
...... •• s de,.. wt• ... .._. ....... ct .. c.
..... clsl ........ l(.r. c::lld.t· -. ... ..,.. ct-z ... ... c..y.a ..... a.. aut.. a... ..... u .......... .
dllt 10,.....
Godshaw and Cox
Named as EldOrs
Ludlle Codthaw bu been ap·
pointed .clltor ol the Barnacle
and Carol Cox wu appolnt.d
editor o/. the Lo1. .tudent body
p re sl de n t Al Kepllnpr an·
no\lD!Ced this w.eek. Both WOIDGl
.,.. tr.tunen.
Arden Black. returnlnl stafter,
wu plc:ked as manaatD1 editor.
Other staff &Mi~JUDenta ..at
to Don Younc and Cary Davl8on,
buatn.s mana,en; Jlob Pa.rt1n.
etty editor; Ralph Youna. pboto-
papby editor; Ellzabetb lll11.
teeture editor; and Bill Doner,
.,ns edltor.
Sherry PUce. Bill Ha.rwy and
Jud1 Clep, have been antped
coverap of club adfV'Ities. Bll1
Sorrtlla ta Barnaclsttbnrlan.
A new s-ttlon of news ualst· ' ant wt"nt to Cody 1vrt0n. statter
from lut year. TIM MWS a.sllltlt·
ant wW ualst tbe pubUdtJ dl·
neW ID nswa 1111...... __. .. TIM etty edit« llot Ia al80 a • • • -.....
new ac14Jdon to the Bamade Black are from San Clemente. Plf uapment. .... God8baw h u written for
•Keep Your Thinking Young'
Is This Year's Ebell Theme N~ associate members of the
Newport Harbor Realty Board
are norenee Wolmutt with the
Vogel otttce In Newport, Gert·
rude Volkart with Clyde Meyer
and Bob Hardesty. with Duncan
Hardesty, of course.
"Keep your thlnkine young Mrs. C. M . Dealdns. Table prius
and your spirit humble" Is the were the workmanship ot both
1956·57 theme for the Calltomla these members. Senior members
Federation ot Women's Clubs who modeled were Mm~. John
and w111 be a challenge to the Linson, Raymond H«-rms. Leon
membership, exec u t lve board Yale. Basil Peten10n. H. V. Wood·
and committees ot Newport ruf1, Horaoe Parker. PauP Rogers. MONVE P'aOMid VAJf lfUTS
Beach Ebe11 Club. Lawrence Tilton, Leda Mae ew res ents on Newport
Sky Spotters
Meet Friday
Awards fot hours ot eervice
will be pre:llltbted to JMmben ot
the New port Harbor Area's
Ground Obeervw Corps tomorrow
nllht (Priday) at the Coundl
Chambers ot the Newport Clty
Hall. accordJncto Gene ao., au.
The evenlna"s procrarn wtll be
motion pictures presented by an
alrcratt oftleft' and a short talk
by Newport City Manager &bert
Shelton. Mayor Dora Hill. herself
a member of the Ground Obaer·
ver Corps. will al.ao· be present.
The meetlnc Is open to the
Phone !n your news atones to I your local newwpaper, the En·
atgn. Harbor lllC..
ITIIEI . ,,,, ... ,, ..,,
.1\ J. ~--t:;
y V'&;f' DDG noa.t.
Jtll VIa Lido aA ta
J021 Coaat Bwy-IIA 51'70
Coloec cW-
,.... Flli1'k1 It Its lest
With Each Roll of Black and White FUm
Brought To Us For Poroessing
You Will Receive Free a 5x7 Enlargement
From Your Favorite Negative.
* n.ts T .. ._. Pw e d '-sd Pbotap l'k
~ Gleetl ... c:-ls KCide r...
Toa.r Owe Jlegctift -Pldaro Illd. l!a'Nhpu
10 roa 2.15 • POll s.. • roa ,.. •• •• u.-
-lnClAL IIATEI -20"J' Oft ~ OR ..... ..._. Oct. 15.
Anticipated completion of a Jones. Ed ztlm. E. K. Hartman.! Island are the Andrew Mayo
new clubhouse early next year. 1. S .. Bolan, F. E. Blrtcher and S., famJiy who Jive In the forme!'
rapidly lncreaslne membership. E. Brires. Grlttln.resldence at 3909 Marcus n~ sections formJne and many Junior Ebell Club members Ave. The Mayos are from Van s~lal events planned presage modeling were Mmes. Forrest s Nuys. The family Includes three
a busy season. President Mrs. Allinder. president. D. W. Clark. children. ~ndrew "Jr~ better
William B. Tritt announced that H. M. Farwell. Freeman Fisher. known as Skipper. who ls In
all committees have been ap· Roger Hannatord. K. 1... Hartman. high school, Michael. 12. and ~~a~~eyfu~~ed&~Ha~~~~~Ed-~~~~~~·~W~-~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ durin& the summer. ward Kelly. Betty ¥. ~ynolds. r
Attendln& the first Orange Dis-James White. A. 1... Webb and
trlct meetln& of the year recently James ~lin. Others aulatlng
at Seal Beach were Mmes. Byron Mrs. Rocers and Gamble were
Wells. C. M. Deakins, W. B. Tritt Mmes. John B. Colby E. H Fin·
and Bruce McBride. Mrs. Wells 1s ster. Dean Gorton. Georee Gurr.
district financial secretary and Jerome North, Robert Wallace
Mrs. Dealdns dlstrict Junior and Robert Whl~ .
Membership Coordinator.
Spearheadlnc a series of new
clubhouM fund raising attalrs, a
"Fublons of Y~ar" show
wu praented Sept. 20 at Leaton
Hall. Old costumes datfnc back
to 1860 were modeled by Junior
Chorus Plans
Yule Program
and Mnlor club members. Co-The women's chorus. formel'ly
chalrm~ Mrs. E. A. &JI!'f'S and Newport Harbor Mothet' Slncers.
Mn. WillJam Gamble were In -ls makln1 plans for their Christ·
tl'Oduced. u well u Mrs. Carl mu procram and have laued an
Glw. who ananlf!d the fashion Invitation to all women of the
showin1. Harbor Area wbo enjoy part
.uststtnc the chal.nnen In the stngin& to Joln them.
huce underta.ldn& were Mmes. The chorus ls under the q,on-
Tbomu SmJth, H. S. McGregor, 80nhlp of Oran1e Coast CoUece
Boy Sabin, ltarl Miller, MuAon and directed by Mary Batten Dodd. Nlcholu ~ Clayton Steffensen. They meet Tuesday
'ntompson. W. B. Tritt, Ruth Ved· mornings from 9 to 11 at the Co·
der, E. L. Munsey, A. A. Horvath. rona del Mar Co m m u n I t y
H. C. Ahrendt, H. P. Baetz P. F. Church.
BaJnes, Lee Barnes, Horae. Ben· -------
jamJn, R A. Blair, Floyd Buell, TKACII&a IIOVEI IUD
C. D. Cunnln1ham. &bert Heft· New residents at 401 38th St.,
ner, W. Harold Jones, Golden Newport Island are Mr. and MN.
Smith, C. E. Dowda. L. H. SttfOer, Fred Myene, Mr. M)'ft'S la a
Elizabeth Noble and B. L. Bea· teacher at Long Beach, the arH
man. from which they moved. The
Tlckei'S Welle bandied by Mrs. tamny Includes two children .
Byron Wells and decorations by Christopher. and Connie.
Ma.omy & Electrical Work
2121 Harbor Bl'Yd.
Pboae 1.1 1-1731
On Your Ultra-Modern
' New Store
In Corona del Mar
We of the • • •
Austin Sturtevant Co. Tile Bamacle 8N'IU to let a the San Clemente tao.t and Sun ~ advl8or ~ ,_,.. Tb1a sa well u bavlnc •n editor of
yeer'1 eaocftdate for the a1eer ta her hlP tebool paper.
)(r. DoD o.ror. admlnt.tratl .. -==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... nt. .,..,_ .. a ,.... r GENERAL CONTRACTORS
lWWIP"perma!l and ~per
ac1¥tllor at Lon1 JNorb CltJ Ool·
111~ .. tMn .,. ~ t!Uee ntumlnl staft.. out ot the
AI , ... lld.afiiWoltMIIaf· ,.. ....,. laacl ,.,.uaa ..... .nee ... 111 .._ 8dlool or
wD _...an.JtJ ,.a'=' uc1 .......... _,_ ..
Star 6hapter
Group Meets
lEI~ a.tuiUlllllmml
'fliceit'S Rexall -Store .
as II
l..t Pd... & Colon .........
KetaJ ..... IJQ.II
Ironing 695
A4,__..t. , • .., lloalllt
PA;~:: 79(
54" Ir01lla9 Boan
Waste. 198
Alstd. Colon· ....... -----e• WOOD
alad s:99' --....~~~ ..... ~--owls •
C ake Covers Plcsslic 98~
I Reg. 1.98 "" NOYf
I ~
= g
= • I
Alllllllaum 98( Percolator
~ ........
-.:...lOft Uta· POLDDIG
Laundry / 279
Bulbs 99(
PolyetlaeleM • 10 Qt.lbe •
Dish_ :li 88' Pans .
Aaorted Colon
lwla9·Awat . Red. White. Yellow
~ Can ·-.~~ 198 ~e.e!!~
54• • sc-Add BellltaDt • Platle
~il'abl~ 2~100
Clotll • ..... ___ _
51 CJcrDge • IS O.S. · Jlet.ll.l• Nylo~ 69' Hose ............
PCIIIaloMd IUglat
6 Cup Electric . 269
NOW Req. 4.25 ···-·.. ....... ·
,,~'/PAY LE~~-.
Yac:uu_m 98' BoHle
........ 1 .. -----S~dc~49~
R89· 79c
.... a..so.DlfO
Dtl Laa ..... 11.11
CARDS .... s~· . .z.::.,
Milt10:. i=':: ;;
za-ao COUJn'
WD -..... ·-
FACIAL ME .... ,~
Gl•t st.
, WI
I IOOft'-1 .. JIOU.8 = 2 1
= PAPII TOWBS cur---+-;
Liai iii IIOOSf sc ..
Shoe ]c Strlriji pr.
~ .......... _ .... ,.
•• ......... ~-·--
Mold .
DiAPER 191 ·
a.pJar 1141 • DoUie Jt -1 lb.
Mixed 89' Nuts
candy aa·rs
3 lUI 11r
.... ,...Taty
After DIBner 39(
Ha~d Soap
, ...........
Aluminum 19' Foil
IS Foot BoD
1 Waste
·Basket 79' • .,. 11.25
IIEK'S lfn.o• ·
5-+-r-e-t-c-11 69( Sox pr.
Begular 11.00 pr.
Bltl · Ketal· Beg.IU9
Bathroom 419 Scales
WI. c:a..nt.w IMall la...rt IIIII G .. ........... .
Earrings · Necklace -Bracelets
and Sets -Values to $10.00
==.o 198
Popular Styles
BraeeJets & Sets
~(JPAY LESs_ .. . .
Card Tablei
Bridge ChGirs
Vincents Have
The Largest Selection
of Hallmark
in Orange Coun t Y.
Ask About Our
1.00 WiH Hold
Until Dec. 15
-mu 21~.
_ ........
Bobbie Pins
ICIINnST )Jell Yle w.. ,.,_..,. .......
A bte~teh ol The Mother Church, Tlt.
Flr.t Churcll of Chriat, Scientlat, In Joe.
ton ..... ~
Suntlev School ----9:15 •·"'· Sundey s.Mce II :00 e.m.
Wednetdev Evenl119 MMtin9 1:00 p.m.
••edl119 ltoon~ loeeted et 3315 Via
Udo. Nawpot+ leech, it open weel
de'(l from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 P·"'·
Wednesdeyt from 9:00 e.rn. to 7:~5
p.111. Frldev -ni119• from 7:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.111. CIOIId Holid•'f'·
The p<~blic it cordielly invited to et·
tend the churd1 Mrvic.. end tne the a .. <Wf: .. a ltoo-
a beautiful
textured \
100%wool 1 ~ akirt •••
HeN'a thot Importa nt •heath •llhouette In •klrt& •.. done
&o magnificent I'( In "Milliken'•" 1 00•4 wool dobby d ip
In rich color combination•. And it hot ih own leather
belt. Size• 7 to 17.
* crowa staaa .. c .... •aa~ty Credit 11aa
. "
Swim Butta, Sarona Dr-. ~ "0\UdNn',-
Tblnp. MuWDuua,-Luau Colltu-. Ken'• AJoba
Sb111i. em.. Deeoratlobl.loutlllea Put;y ~.'!"af 1.-...c.... .... (..tte ..... =:r
-11A1111r1E AVL UUOA
F01 letterbeaCB and envel~
Call the .Enalp. Harbor W4. Carol Ann Brush of COM
Is Bride of Robert E. Ayou r. (r • (
n f.' GOOD~OD
r ... r I / ,.( .r . , .. ., -
________ .FIIOJI .
Clttend flU eluvtdi ot ~ eJuua
-----11111 W ... lltl E"'l .... •••&'•II .. Yw-----
CASE NO. ru4.24 oowoattt IUTIIODIIT CBU ..... tile WAU•D& UYDIW DA1' AD'ftliiWI
CITAnON -W. lltla lt.. C........ 1-A ..... lt.. CiMII ..._ W....-t ........... lt. In the matter of BABY BOY LJbelty t-a51 ,_._, a... am WIW-• •=r=t •• ...,.
LANTRY (Birth ~ u .... J .... W. MclbaM LJbelty .. nil tautr .....
.. ~-.. ) A ~n under Sunday: 9:30" a.m., Cbureb Sun· Sunday Servtces: Su. nday School, . Dlac D.~ ---• • • wz . . r--c~-.y School: 9:30 and 11:00 9:30a.m. Mornln• WonhJ_p at SaturdaY~~: Salt-the ace ol twenty-one yurs. . a.m. Momtn• Wonhlp-7 p.m. 10:30 a.m. EvanielWtk Serv· bath Scbool: 1:30 a.m. -Ser·
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE Collep Are MYJI' Service -7 Ice, 7 p.m. Suna.y. K.Y.P.S.. mon: 11:00 a.m. PraJer DMet·
OF CALifORNIA. p.m. Hleh School MYl" Senriee; 8 p.m. Sunday; ~ mMt· tn•: w....._,.,, 1:00 p.m.
To: lames G. Anrell: 8 p.m.. youne adulta croup ln •• 7:30 p.m. Wednad.t.y.
You are hereby d ted and ~· service. VlfJTKaALIIT OOIOiUaftt
qulred to be and appear In De-TD cau ... or c:a&iif =
IT. AIIDDWI nw ..... ~il"&aiAIJ ro.ca.nu•w,..
lstla lt. & ......... .... _.._ .... ......
~.~~~.,, ~ .
....... ..,.,....LII*wat
SUl'fDAY: Momm• wortlltp. .1:30 and 11 a.m.: aum::b Scbool. 1:30 and 11:00: lr. HJP. Sr. Blab and eollen ap hllow-abf~ 7 p.m.; T'lluncs.,, PraTW, atucb" poup, t:30 a.m.
partrnent 2 of the above enUtled l~a.c::la*'fe.. 0~!. c::A ';,-=-,!. ~ as ._ I Mit.. c.t. ..._
Court. at the Court HoUM In LJbelty .. .., C........ ~.Cia..,_ -....at CAOW or ova LAD'1'
Santa Ana. Orance County, Call· D. G. •...t. M"' tu ~ .. 5711 Sunday Sc:boot. 10:00 a.m. Morn· or liT. CA""D,
' fomla, on the 11th ~y o1 Decem· Sunday eerviees: 9:~ a.m. Bible T-...._ Jr.. ........, tn wonhl u 00 1.a W • ....._ ....._ • ..,._.
ber, 1956, at 9:30 o eloclt a.m. of atudy; 11 a.m. mornm. wor· Sunday Ser\1~: 1:45 a.m. B.ble · • ~ a.m. ...._ •• •
aald day then and there to show ahlp; 7:30p.m. evenlnrlervtee. atudy; 10:!55 a.m. wonhlp MFV· rmiT Allallll.1' or aoo r..._ '"C: ~h
cause, It any you have, why the Midweek aervtc:e, 7:~ p .. m. Ice: "(:30 p.m. ewnln .. aiervtce. Ibid lt. &IDdaaA,._c.tll.._. r~diG•I-=..._
petition on fUe herein to declare Wedneaday. 1111 1 rty ...,.. •
the above named chlld to be tree C'&JiftAL a-.. CIIVJICA ..... n t K C:. a-le, ...._ SuDda)' ...... 1:00 and 10:00
from your custody and control Cliilln taU ... ft 'I'ID UA Or-.. Aft. Cit llld lt. Sunday lehool: t:JO a.m. Wor· &DC! 12:00 LID. Conf-lon: Sat·
should not be eranted. KCOrdJne c-.~ lletiMdl8t C... a-. ~ .. UIIII ablp: 10:1115 a.m. and enn~ urdaya and ....._ oll.t ~ to the petition on file, to wh.Jch ...._.ami. Cit • lt.. •...-t A. A. KAidin. ...._ Ml'Vk:e '7:30p.m. Youn• ~.. ~ Bol7 Dall from .4:00 to
reference 1.1 hereby made for fur. IIAIMI' 118 Sunday Sebool: 8:«5 a.m. Mom· and Cbudrea'• Service 8:30 • ~and from 7:30 to 1:80
th-..... -cui ·-......., ~.:,..,9~ C.... ..., In• Serric:!t 11:00: EvenJnr p.m. Bun. Kld·--* s4nloe: p.m. I •• ~ .. a:~ a.m. l'lrat .. • .,.... --Sunday w~ p. !.w a.m. anu Sei'vlee. 7:a~. )(JCJ.weeJc Serv· w~ 1:30 p.m. LadW Prlclay. :.-a.m. anu 1:00 p.m.
Given undu my hand and eeal 11 a.m. Cbulch School, 8:30 Ice, fW e d n e 8 day, '7:30 p.m. Ml..tonary 'Coundl. TbUJ'iCI.a1' Jf o Y • n a (!Wpetual Help):
ot the luvenlle Court o1 the a.m. liJdweek )(=: 7:00 Youn• people m~ 6:1S p.m. 1:30 a.m. for all day. lloaday, 7:~ p.m. State of Calltomla. In and tor the p.m. Wedne.day ed by Sunday.
County of Oran,e, th1a 4th day 6:15 p.m. potluck. naT IOGia&aW UftliT CO.O.A Da. 11AJ1
'o/4 ,4~ g~ ot September, 19!56. cauw COIDCUalff cauw
L. B. Wallace, County Clerk l IT. JOACIDIC CAOIICII..._ LGJMIWQ caua:a -·· 8 P._lt.c.e..... Q!~!;;~
by D. Perry Maynard. Deputy .. ~~ =-1101 Clift DL. lkwj:< ...... tu Llll 1! .... Ill ~--A-. (SEAL) 17 ...... Llll t' .._I ........ DL •Ftvt & ,._ ...._1111
IIU R..,..t 11~ eo.ta ,._ Publl.th· Sept. 7-lf-21·28. Oct. 4-... :.a.: n-.. •, L 1.10 _. ... -...at~ ~ dool. t:e &.m..i..C!burdl ...._.. ........ a-a. ~ Ubelty a-tn• 11-18-ZS: In The Kewport Harbor 11:30~ WeekdaYs: 11 .. at DupUeate mornJ.g ....,1C*-t ~,!!..!.11eeee 11:00 a.m. na~ luDdq Wonll.lp lavhn: 1:10
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J!,!Enatp.:=t.!!!;. ______ --. 7:00a.m.-Conte..ton: Satur· ~:1.5 and~~ =:.iJp l':m. ~ ~ a.a., ll:GO a.m.lu4aylc:hool: :-g~ ~ •:00 to 5:1.5-7:00 to ~ Iunday Sc:bool. I a.m.: • .. and oalclra ~ T ~ l:30 a.m.
11t On4e ~ Adult lun· WedMida_.r. Pruer 8lrilce and
take the pleasure announcing, that they have taken over the
2908 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar
With their wide back ground and experience,
make everything in the field of photography:
they intend to
In black and white, oil coknd and in~. ADd tint in thia
CINCI, they will make poi balll in natural color, u.tng the dye
bGI d1r pr'OCIM
dQ ldaool. 10 a.m.: 'bul JWO-.... ltUd)' T:«S p.m. Wedne8· ft'. JAIID DIICCPAI. rDIIT Ufti!TIOCAIITUW 'f'ktecl and KunerJ Dt0Vtcle4 far clq. . -Yilt lola lliN»at .... or aaw botb ~ &DcJ m a.m. SUD· Dill•• ... ...... ....., IM & c..t ..._ ctay kboOL naT cauw or c::aaat ... ,_. & ....., ..._ =···~?.= •••~~saw ..... l£Jir•.._. ~~~~,·:= Sunday-~. t .d a.m..lun· -·~ 111• ...__..., __ ...... _,, 1•11 ·---=.~..... 11 dU School· 11:00 a.m.. Wor· ----· · --...· •• ----•lee8: : ..-.-, ahlp ~· 7:ao p.m. lunda.Y r.... ....,._ ._,, .... qy .....,_: U:OO a.m. Wed· JlrQw d; lO:JO 8oly Ollaa·
eYenln• ~: Mld-Weelc lu.ndq M.uil8: 1:10 a.m. A t:IO ~ IDI'MII .. M..un•: 1:00. maDion. ~ ~~7:10 -tt • .m. Wecbl81day . ~ o:'l.:tdll'l: 1a:u:r.rc=
.,_ eettq ~~; T:IO to"'r..:rp.&: ft'lit
mGq ............
BuUdtnJ ,._.ta 1-..d JD fte S.pa-• ,.,..ta fn. foundation at 121 27th St .. 12:50;
Septembe NedMd ua. ...... elwled • ..,.,._ fam07 dWel· A1 Forlft •·roaftnl at llT 22nd
alve total of ll.GI,SOS. .....S Unp <• of U... -In tbe St., 13110; Sandy ~ay, patti·
hllbe.t ~ Ndlrd JD tM MW Walta> lleiJatt wb41Yialoft tiona Barrowa ttor~ bulldtna at
hlltof;Y of tile Jfcwport ...a la ...,._ Ra,tlla.nda), total HM ViaLl*>. teQO.
ButJd,na Department. ¥alae ll.taSOO: f two-famlJy
Thta brtnp tile uee .tcUJ to ,......... _,.,: ooe reean
19.314,UC u of dM -.1 of tbe bcMI. 110.000; one c a b a n a,
third quarter. With at11l a more ta.OOO: demollah T atructw..
montba to 10. th1a Ja only 1800.· 11;8'75: sa Npaln to ctw~Uinaa.
000 below tbe all-time ,.erly ttoe.a: one prap, $1,000; 3
record establlahed Jut year. ..nmmtna poola, $7,500: 2 re·
pain to COf1U'Del'clal bulldJnp.
$10,900: 3 alaN. JI.3SO.
Bro~en Wrist
Suffe red By
Officer Lynch
Followtnr were th~ final per-
mlta l•ued tn September: Newport Beach pollee oUI~r e COIIOIIA DEL IIAJI Edward Thomu Lynch sutter~
carl Knort, addition at 708 a broken wrist Saturday as a re-
Larkapur $3 500· Bernice Deane suit ol an accident on a motor-
• • • • cycle. He was on his way to 1-unlt 1-story dwelllna at 308 lnvestlgate an accident at 8ay-
Narclsaus $14.000. side Drive and Coast Hwy. He
• DIVDfE TEJIUCZ had turned right Lrom 32nd St. Youncqulst, fence at 1315 San-onto Newport Blvd.. when the
tanella, 1260. drive off stand of his motorcycle e BAaaO• IDGIII.AKDS dug Into the pavement. causing
Mary Jane Moad, alteratlona the motorcycle to spin. Otrlcer
at 1401 Priscilla Lane, $1.000. Lynch was thrown to the pave., e JIEWJOIIT B'Ela.IITS ment.
E. C. Workman add rumpu.a
;:'~~=· 13
. Bowlers Hos t
Ethel Chapman, 2-story dwel-
Fred Wichman. repairs at 113
wttla Mn. ltobert ICCIInbcd.l of Lido Jaae. .-t
WiWiw'f ef tbe C.Wona.la TOUD!J ...... bit ... •
Cllld anaoe s.......-• ......,Lctcrt. lor u.. State
Aaa-Ny Cllld .... ~t of tbe 0ra11oiJe
Coaaty TOUD!J llepabllcaD.a. -----------------ling at 339 E. Bay Ft .• $10,000; v.·s·.t·.n· 9 Clubs
~~ I I • ~ =nd. demolt.h dwel· B<;r:::n: ~~: o._::. S:C:h t~~~ ,. .. JfM $120 C .. SEr!.":n~~--=-Seely, for·
ling at 72i VIa Lido Nord to pre-Sou t ber n Calllomla Women's Ia Slllel frllll C1fe merly of Corona del Mar. were CIEfllll ............... pare for eon.ttructlon of new Lawn Bowline ~n. la.t week. l in the Harbor area lut week-end
dwelllna. $1,000; C. L. Harbour, Women from 14 clubs partlcl-A tall. thin. dark man entered for a short reunion with their
addJtlon at 604 VIa Udo Nord, pat~ ln the games.. the pantry at Robert's Cale, 630 son. Enslen Louts Seely, who T W 0 0 F F I C E S $16.000; William Kelly, remodel· Coffee and cakes were aerved 31st St.. Newport Beach. and had a brief leave before taking a
To S..e Y011
Uog at 120 VIa Trieste. $985: by the entertainment committee. made off with the purse of 1 new a.ssJgnment with the U. S.
Ralph OlmmJtt. 1-unlt, 2-story at which lnclud~ Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Rush 631 VIctoria St . Navy. The Seelys now Jive in
217 Via Eboll J17,650. Walter Pearson, Mrs. Taylor Can Costa Mesa. who Is employed at I Menlo Park, near San Francisco. e WEWIOIIT and C. B. Rudd. the cafe as a cook. The purse
Stanley Ahlman alt"atloM at Twenty bowlers took ·part in contain~ $120 In blllJ! and some ALftlA Zl ALUIO TO IIEET 1 C.O.... clel ,._.
216 34th St., $200; J. W. Lelerltz. the Australian singles tourna-small change. 1 Alpha XI ~Ita Oranae Counly i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ment last week. Nichols Brettner An hour ar~r the robbery. the Alumnae Club meets this eve-I IAa J
ran hot for 19 points to win first purse was round on Wrlaht St . nlng IThursdayl at the home of IIA 121$.
llllllilc Ce1lriCI•
pia~. Walter Pearson was &ee· approximately ~ mile north or Mrs. June Beard at 12532 Red ~~~=====~==~
ond with 16 points. Ed Wilcox Coast Highway. the $120 In bills Hill Ave .• Santa Ana. A rum ofj ~ad Enala-n Vtant AOJL
and Lew Pettitt tl~ for third wu still In the purse A rom E:_u~r~o~pe~w:l~ll~~~·~h~own.~:_ __ _:=========== with 11 points. and Mr. Wilcox 1 purse containing S2 In change
came off best In the play-orr. was missing.
ConverM All Star cmd Hood P.F.
Athletic Shoea
, I
Don. Day AdvUia ....
«te Get A•ta~ futtr
Ytl Nee• A
c•ettiat Atttllt ~'
YOU can proiit from Doria DIY• eound advice! A per-IOMJ dleck:i.q acoount of
your own will raile your
financial atandinc, help
you manace your money
better, rive you rrealer
penonal prmtire.
Let Us ldp Y n Select ne
lyPf tf Clltdi•f Autul
JUt b lest fer IH
c:ocnorn. u r 04J upect to keep • eub.Untial IUm Oil depo.it
aod we more than 10 or 12
checb a -th. a ~r Cb-ckinr Aecowlt may t.
better for you.
A.y amount OJMM a TIIJUJ"n·
C1UCit .ceount. you quickly
recaive a heJidaome cbeck-
book.I!Witb your nam. printed
OD ..cb d.ek /rw. Depoaita
ant... too. You a-k;:!Y a t.w oenta a c:beclt. aa
much or aa Little i:D yow ac-
OOUill • Y04J lille.
-America ·a moat popular
d-tiQI .ceount..,.,. -..
a...uabM i:D tbil a... oaly at
HSS E. eo-t IIIP••t
.-..ciiNTLY OPERAT£0
222 OceM Ave.
PHONE HY. 4-lln
601 N. • c.m;,.. ....
.PHONl. HYadftth 2·1195
., RYednth 2-t 196
I Ell
UPIILITEIIII To The Newport Harbor Ensign
The only weekly newspaper in the Harbor Area
ONE YEAB ---·------Only 3.00
Outside of Harbot-Area __ _ uo
Mailing Address ---
City and State --------
Wlsh to Announce the Me-rger o(
with the firm or
Effective October 1. 1956, Our Offices Will Be Combined at 337
Bayside Drive. Newport Beach, the Present Address of Anderson
and Anich.
Anderson ,· Anich and Stanley
All of Our Peracnnel will be looat.d at
Our New Office
,.. ... ""' 1llliiW .. * .. -~ ..... c.-a del ODWtllllllll a ?uS'S ......... ~~,!:_11 WJ,'IOl ~--Gil~. 0...14 ............ Awol~ ... ~ .....
COIIIIt Gu a. ~ -.... ..... -...... Melt ..-e Arthur .._ ....,.,. o..a .W ~..._ ......_ ~~ """"_._
Mar. A.e., ...._. lila ad : A. K.
Tbete wW be matct.. bl trap. I'Uw.U, 311 "'lnutUa Aw .. Co· rt.de and pa.tol, a.Mo IIOWI~ rona cW+ IIR. a. M. C. Smith.
e'Yeftta felt the novice abooe«, U.. 2080 lfewpo.rt •"--eo.ta lieu.
non·abootel' and the "unluckY' Wlnnen bl U.. pt8tol mateha
aboote:r. Tbe events wW 11tart at were Newport Pollee s,t. WOJJam
9 a.m. and ~ntinue throuebout Blue, 50& E1 Modena. Kewpon
tbe day. Heights; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
'lbe Gun Club wm hold IQ Gardlner'e. 327 W. wu.on St,
Turkey Shoot on SundAy, Oct. 28, eo.ta Mesa: llobert Cuh. co~
a11o beglnnJnl at 9 a.m. W. WU..On St., eo.ta ~. and
At the Sept. 23 trap shoot, the A. M. Powell 319 Polneettla Ave ..
following tied for fttth place with Corona del Mar.
2 match88 won : Fred Kwter Jr. ---------------........ =-=~ 1'D aELI.I Df IIAWAD
Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Bell
of Corona del Mu. who recently
eeelbrated theu tlttleth weddlne
anlvemary, have started thelr
8eCOnd f1lty years o.f martted IUe
with another honeymoon. TbJs
time they are In Honolulu vistt·
~~~~~~~:;;;;;ii;. tnc tbeu nlecea.
TYOIIRE f'ITZ AT WBJIIIEB ......... .,.... ..
Eastman Kodak Auco Rolletflex PolAroid Ste:ro-Rea~Ut Arcua Bell It Howell and Tape Recorders
24 Hour Developlnl Service
..... laJad
Yvonne LouiSe Fitz, daughter
ot Mrs. Mary L. Fltz. 4U Hazel
Drive, Corona del Mar. ls among
the 1050 students enrolled at
Whittier College tor tbe tall
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, 712
Poinsettia Ave .. Corona del Mar,
and their son Dick, who Is with
the U. S. Navy. spent several
days recently at the Desert Inn,
Las Veg~ '
MASSAGE AJfD CODmOifiKG POB MD AJfD WOKEJf xa If. Jfewpon atYd.. lfewport
1D Cr ~ IIIOCida Vll.lage
LmEJIT'f •· 7472
OI'Eif It BaL e OPEif .ALLan
Pree lutnact:lo+ AfWDD ·-I'ULLT AUTOMATIC PDf IETT&D
........... ...., .. a.a.r ............. -~ IIIII CldiM. ....... ,. _. ..._ ...... --...(a.._,...)
New Members I>T .4. ~ews
Join Auxiliary
291 of Legion
e ooao•A DD. MAa PTA at the home of Mra. David Peny
A fashion show and allver tea by 16 of the P.T.A. bo&J'd rnem.
are planned for 2 p.m. Monday beta. Mra. Patricia Oele, pres~.
at the Corona del Mar School dent, appointed Mrs. .Perry u
New members were Inducted auditorium. Donations trom the foo4 chalrman, Mrs. Douglu
lnto the American Lerlon Auxlll· a.ttalt wUI ro for welfare work. Bue)J, who. Ia In charre .r or&an·
uy 291 of Newport Beach at the Mra. Sue MartJn. past p,_J. lzlng tbe Show, gave a ~rt on
last meeting. dent, w1JJ give the commentary her prograa.
Mrs. Robert Brtrrs. president as the models dlsplay the latest • • •
and Mrs. Tom Mill& membership fashions from several of the local • MEWIOIIT ICIIOOL PTA
chalrman, wel~med the follow· shops. Models will Include Mrs. "Parents a nd teachers toeether
lng: Mrs. Ronald E. Schmidt, John Broughton. Mrs. Jack Bell· are unJted tor youth. loln the
Mrs. Calvln RadclJ!fe. Mrs. Jerry yer. Mrs. Beth Nethery and stu· PTA."
S. Marsau, Mrs. Daniel 0 . Knottl, dents ot the Corona del Mar 111ia slogan bu been ~elected
Mrs. CJIUord Sturgeon and Mrs. School wtll model chUdren'a u the theme for the ~·57
Freda Wallace. clothes. memberah.Jp drive of the Newport
A musical program was ar· Plans for this event were made Elementary School PTA. Mrs. ranged by Mrs. George Shaw. Warren Blinn ls chairman for the
Judy Vaughn wu pianist, and drive, which will begin Monday
all members joined In the slng· ~ caoaca BY TBE SEA and continue tor one week.
lng. n.e sacrament of Holy Com· Posters decorated with a clrcus
~rs. Clayton Thompson, who munion will be administered at theme will be placed In each of
Is Americanism program chair· both services thls Sunday at the 24 classroom& Proeress of the
man, reported that the local Christ Church by the Sea. Balboa. drive will be tabulated on the
schools wlll be contacted In re· .as the ~ngregatlon participates posters. nte clw havtne the
gards to Amerl~nlsm essays. in World Wide Communion Sun· largeat percentage of parents.
Hostesses for the evening were day. A Communion meditation relat!ves and friends algned up
Mrs. Tom Mills and Mrs. Joe on ''The Bonds of Unity" wtll be will receive a ca.sl\ p!Ue. Mn.
Hudson. given by tt.e Rev. Roy Carlson. A Paul Rorers ot Lido Isle la PTA
Next meeting of the unit will class of new members will also president.
be Monday evening. be received this Sunday.
Ebell ,_.es
While other realtors are spend·
ing thla week at the Calltomla
Real Estate Association Conven·
tion in San Francisco, Williard
Killion la tending to business,
having just returned from a fish.
d'ri:JIT A.Df C111J11CB GaoVP
Mrs. S. M. Seymour ot 437 Car·
nation Ave .• Corona del Mar, w1JJ
entertain members ot the Read·
lng Adventure Croup of the Co·
rona del Mar CommunJty Churdl
at 1 p.m. .Monday at her borne.
Dessert wUJ be aerved by co·
hostesses Mrs. S. C. Olen and
Mrs. A. L. Colclazler.
Interlocutory divorce decree
wu rranted Jut week to Bettie
Rossi from Raymond RosaJ.
lng trip to Oak Creek Canyon In r===========~ Arizona. Statlstlcs show that
more local real esta~ men are
attending the San Francl.sco
~nventlon than went to the
CREA annual do that wu held
previously ln nearby Lonf Beach.
Enroute to the meetings. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Sanford took ln the
Stantord·MJchlpn football game.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. CllU Llonb&J'ce:r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Costa Mesa owners of CroWn 1: Hardware In Corona del Mar, re·
turned Jut week·end from a
wMk'a camptnc trtp ln the Se-
quoias. nae rain cut short theJr
vacatJon and kept them from a
propoeed trtp to San Frand8co.
•wa ~.,. ""' LA,...,. .a MODIRH
f) ~Uiuu;
r-. food •.. .-..u ...... Door ....... ~Uy ••• ~ ........ *•···1*9 ................ ~ ...................... ~ .................. . ..... -....... -....... , ............... .... ....... .... u. a. ....... JOJ-OADDI
aaAJfi-C :+" .o roa TBZ aJUQQI
A daurhter wu born Wednes·
day, Sept. 26, to Mr. and Mra.
._land Br'lep bl the JlfaVJ Hoe·
plta.l, San Dlep. She .... IIUIMd
Kathy Colleen. ._land Ia the
eon of Mr. ud Mn. BotMrt L
Brtaa ot aa f'\lllt!rtGil .Aw..
eo.ta .......
Since Oc:eoblr, 185.\ tt ... bela Wetro'a privl·
Ieee aod duty to banlport auruca of puleft ...
over the ~ hflhways and freeways ol South-
aD Cd£01'Dia. Durma tbit period. c:orutant efort
bu beea made to improve every operatiooal phase
ol ita 54 moeor c:o.ch and atreet cu lines. And the
program to provide better tranaportation iJ a con-
tiouing one, aeared to the chalJeoge of changing
times brought about by boomin& iDduatrial exp&D-
sion and readeDtial powth. .
Foltowittfl en o l.w ol lite ~rw~Jot IHtttelits to Melro
rldws, wltidt ,._. Men ocltl.wed Jn ... ,.., 3 ,..,.,
t laCI'eUIDI uae ol Freewaya, u new mileett
become• available, to provide futer teMce.
a Schedule revisions to meet chanpng puaeo-
ger needs.
a R~ts and extensions of Jines in
fast-growing areu. such u Sail Fernando
Valley, to aerve new territory.
4 Nt:W DivisioG Servioe Terminals at Van
Nuys, El Moate and West Hollywood, to bet-
ter clean, Jei'Vice, and maintain equipment.
8 Addition ol 265 new, air-sUspension bu.Jea,
with 23 more scheduled f« 1958, totaJiug
over M, 7~,000. to provide new modern
buses for added comfort.
e Special se£Vice to such locations as Disney·
land. Xnott'a Berry Farm, Hollywood Bowl.
Santa Anita. Hollywood Park, Rose Bowl,
and others.
Metro reoliz-. tltot JOtiJodory lronaif iJ • .,.ntiol fo
SOCIIhetn Colilornio, ond ceNt IN ~ ottd lfNJin-
foiMtl only by~., JIOff Oft ow potf, plvs lite
a>operotion f!l ..,.,.., .....,_ oltM co••• li#J.