HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-18 - Newport Harbor Ensign..
lniury Fatal
.14 •
When Boy on
Bike Is Hit
A 6-y~ar·old Newport Heights
boy died at Haag Hocpltal Frl·
day, 3 hours after he was h it by
a Newport Beach City Garbage
truck while riding his bl.k.e. The
aC(,;Ident occurred at Catalina
Drive and 15th St., Newport
Cluistopher Webber. only chlld
of Mr. a nd M111. Norman F. Web·
ber ol 416 Catalina Drive, w as
apparently rld lne his bicycle Into
the lntetsectlon when he was
.truck by the east bound truck
on 15th St.. driven by Ralph
Chaney, 448 Costa Mesa St.. Costa
Mesa. Mr. Chaney was not held.
Christopher. temporarily out of
achool becau.e of a cold, was en·
rolLed In the first grade at the
Newport Heights Element a r y
School. Mrs. Webber ts chief ac-
countant ot th e business office at
Harbor Union High School. Mr.
Webber Is a machinist at Pfahler
Mte. eo .. Newport.
Christopher ls survived by, In
addiUon to his parents. a mater·
nal rrandmother, Mrs. Stella Lev·
erett of Newport Beach. a mater-
nal rrandtather. W illiam Eppe-
aen. Glendale. and p a t e r n a 1
arra nctmother, Mrs. Clara Webber,
N eJIII'l)Oit Beach.
tuneral MrVloN ~ held
Tueaday ln t.be Baltz Costa Mesa
Chapel w1th the Rev. James F.
Stewart om~lat:Jnr. Interment wu In Wutmlnster Memorial
..... c •••• ., .. , .
........... 2
Local Boy Scouts Win
Honors at Camp Out
Discuss Need
of Stop Signs
Near School
The baby of a 21-year.old ault of the tall, aaid the vehicle ported u ~Y the day of the
Costa Mesa mother was born running throuah the crou.waJk accident. The next day ~r at·
dead Tuesday, Lea than a week was a rf'd ·~ or '56 Studebaker. tending physician stated he could
alter the mother bad fallen In She was unable to see It the not 1\ear the heart-beat of the
a crou·w alk in front of the Lido drlvt'r w~re a man or woman but baby.
Theater wblle attempting to get she thought It was a man No witnesses have appeared.
away from the path of a reckJess I Befor,. notlfyina the pollee, Mr The driver of the ranch waeon,
driver. and Mrs BarTf'tt drove around I who h.elped Mrs Barrett. bad
WhUe the search contJnlWS for I Udo hl~> looklne lor the red car. several young paSMneers In his
the driver. an a utopsy ls being Mrs BarTett'a chlld wu re-vehicle. He has not been located
;~;J:f:7~~::::;1 0LYMPIC STARS Barrett of 339 E. Del Mar Ave.
Costa Mesa. was crosslne the
street latt-WednesdJly evening.
Oct. W. She jumped and tell, GO 0 TV HERE sliding about 6 feet. tryina to get
out of the way of the vehicle,
which was heading toward Udo
Isle. With Mrs. Barrett was an·
other expectant mother, Mrs NPWport Harbor and the U S 1 football field at Harbor Hleh
Georee (Murlene) Baker. 2626 Olympic IPaiTUI will be on a na -School. where ther~ wiU be dem·
Santa Ana 1\ve .. Costa Men. who tionwlde live televlslon program onstrations ot the htrh jump.
I escaped Injury. M111. Baker gave Sunday afternoon. Oct. 28. on sprints, shut putt. pole vault and
birth to a baby boy. David. at Davp Garroway's "Wide, Wide other Olympk track and field
1 Hoag Hospital Saturday World" proi'ram ,.vents
An unldentlrted man, drlvlne Thf' tt-Lecast will tM-made from There wUI also be telecutlng
a late model Ford Ranch Waron. 1 to 2.30 p m from the track and ot swlmming and dlvi.ne exhtbl·
was at the scene and aided the I lions at the Balboa Bay Club
2 women. Mrs. Barr~tt. wh~ A1Taneements for tt\e TV show
glasses were knocked oft as a ~ were made yesterday momlnc at
15 °/o of Quota
Reported by
Un ited Fund I
'Ml.e Newport Buch Unltf'd
Fund has ra!Rd $8.696.50 In the 1
flnt ~k of Its campaign. Tteas.
urer Orrin Wright. Jr. reported
This Is 15.2"~ of the United
Fund goal of $57,004.
Mr. Wright s a I d t h a t t h e
amount collected is trom ad-
vance gifts and from out-of-town
property owners. Results of rHl·
denUal and buslneu .oUdtatloru
haw not yet been tabul~
a ronference of. NBC ottlclals with
Kenny Nichols of Balboa Island.
who was rf'presentlna Larry Hus·
ton. also an Island rt'Sidf'nt, and
manager of the Olympic Team
The TV program will be a ~nd·
off for the V S team members.
who will be leavtna soon for the
games In Australia
1 The TV show wUI follow the
Sunday "OlympiC' Festival" at I the Bay Club. where dinner w111
be served at noon. with an Olym·
piC' star at every table.
·sad News' of
Lobst~r Bake
Is Announced Dr. Robert (>laM&;--u'njted araaJCVUrll DIDCIOA
Fund pJ"'I!tddent. challenpd the ...... peo.1 .... r-.. i
businessmen of N~rt Beach to Scbu:la Ia MJs. P.. Webber.
ralse S25.000 at a breaJdast meet· ......., )olDed tiM ldaool ataff tJl1l
Newport Elementary School lng Monday ln Jamaica Inn ~-fall. 5111e .,..b wttll _,_,_,,_
I Trustees dbcuued the need of tau rant. He sUted that unlesa traton cmd tecldMn La plaD·
stop slens and a crossing guard this amount Is raised among DLD9 • CIOOI'Clbacltia aDd ~~a,_.,..
1be .. sad news" aboat the Cor
ona del Mar Lobster Bakt> was
repolUd by General Chairman
Bob Murphy at yesterday mom·
lng's breakfast mf"f't.lnr of the
at streets around the Newport buslnessmt>n the drive fQr thP lDq t.be coa.ne of laabudloa 111
Heleht school at th~r regular $.:>1,004 quota wUI fall. t.be act.oola. JCn. w.a.. .,._
meeting Tuesday night at the PI • celnd ta. M.A. ~at Loe9
Horace Ensign School. T t a..tl State CIDd Ia ...., a1adT·
I Board members also de('(ded r e e an In 9 lD9 t• ta. dec:wato at usc.
local Merehants Dlvts.lon of the
Chamber of CommerN>.
"Wto made onJy about $500."
Mr Murphy annQUn~ Ev~n
1 though some J,()(X) mf'al~ wt'rt"
that charity collection~ from StU·' p I. oK· d Sbo cc.D-bon froiD Ill ........ Ten Newport Harbor Boy &out 2-day Camp O'Rall Saturday and I dents woulll ronslst only of thf" 0 Icy wt..e the WCD CIDIUUltaDt ill
Troops were awarded ribbons for 1 Sunday on the Irvine Ranch. near I Junior Red Cross Drive Previ-eloiDeata:ry educ:atiaa t« ~r-
proCiclency In <'amplne at the the Buffalo Ranch. Newport Dis· 'ously, funds had been solicit~ 1 The Newport Beach Parks. &l.de Cowlty Kb-la. {Eaaip
I served--a new Lobster Bake l't'('
ord--the unseasonal high <:051 of
lobstf"r drastkally rt'd\JC'f'd the I net pi'OCH'ds
Orange County Empire Council's trlct Scout Commissioner Art , trom student~ for several <'harlt ·~ Beaches and Recreation C'ommls I pboto)
Remley pr~nted the Awards. able <'ampaliT\!1 slon adopted a parkway and tr<-e
F II F t • I Ovt'r 1200 boys and Scout lead· planting policy Tuesday evPnlng B I b A I
A report on Chrlatmall dt'<'Ors
tlon plans was Jn''f'n by Tom
Wood. Th1s yt>ar thE're will bf.
local judging lt'a.ms In Pach MPa a e s Iva crs attended the Cam p O'Rall. Blll M II w· and agreed to provide printed I a 0 a s s n.
Lt>wls of Huntington Beach. the e 0 s In copies to local organization<; I
T 8 0 t 30 chief promoter of tht> evPnt. Is The City has the responsibility PI o· I ot thl-city. and wlnnPrs will ~
c;p!Prted In each art>a From thPw
ll the grand prlz(' wmn('~ will be
0 e c . camping chairman of the Harbor F .• s h Net case 'of approvin~ th(' location and I an s In ne r Troops receiving the awards type of plantmg. and taking care
selt'ctf"d Ht> ur~ed lora! bust
lnessmen to ~rt th.l'lr Chri.,tma~
dt'<'Oration.!l up A'< ~!>f•n a~ J'WIS
sib}p af1('r ThankSJ:IVIn~ The Women's Fellowship wlll
hold Its fund-raising Fall Fest!·
val at the Corona del Mar Com·
m unlty Church Tuesday. Oct. 30.
trom 3 to 8 p m. Til.ere will be a
food sale. handmade gifts and a
white elephant sale In Pilgrim
Hall. Dinner will be served from
5:30 to 8 p.m . In Fellowship Hall
Mrs. Brun ing
to Be Married
Mrs. Karen Ma rereta Brunlne
ot Corona del Mar was honored
by a surprise shower t.etlnr her
comJne m'arrlage to 1bomas
Wood of N~rt at a party he ld
Thursday at the hom e of M111. L.
Deltord Fedderman of Santa
Ana. Mrl. Carl BOswell and Mrs .
John Koster served as eo-host-
and their Sroutmasters were Bal-In a <'a&e watched with lntpr.l of tht> planting. watering and Thf' B.tlboa lmpro\rmcnt A~<;()
boa Troop No. 5. Ralph Watson: est by flsht>rrnPn, Superior Judg€' pruning. The plantings must b(> <'intlnn ~111 spon.:;or an annual
Costa Troop No.6. Tom Wlenenga; Raymond Thompson has rult>d In rurnlllht>d .by the propt>rty o~ n dmnrr r1An!'f' Frir1a) No' 16 at
Newport Heights Troop No. 10, favor of Joe M~o>Ilo, owner of th.f Pr'!. thr Rtonr1t"l'VUU'I Ballroom Pro-c r . F. m
Harold Kahn ; Corona del Mar balt boat. Mello-Boy. and his A petition opptJSing rtr~o> rin g<~ t .... >d<; ~Ill gfl ,.~ thP Christmas e a m I c I r
Troop No. 17. Jim Thompson; nephew, skipper Art Mello near Orange St in Seashort> C'nl lk>nt>fit F'und A lilll pound m.u-
Costa Mesa Troop No. 40. Edward I Tht' Fish and came Commie; ony was reoe-h.f'd The C'ommts lin g1,rn tn thr -''"'~'"latiun by IS A pproved
Beach; Costa Mesa Troop No. 80. slon had conf1~ated thelr net. slon delayed action on rlrt> rln~s Dil l Grt>tt!'nbt•rg ~ 111 be Sf'r•ed
Jsmes Askins; Balboa Island worth several thousand dollars. until a thorough c;tudy I" madr fur dlnnf'T Tht> m('('tln~ ,., ,~(l('n \f 1 p 1 h
Troop N. 0 · 81, Matthew Walde· under the provielons of the Fish b'-' Dir('("tor Bob Gin~< h arqu 5 ar " " 0"~' ff'QUMt 11 h N 1 " J ••' to tht' public-for U!!t' permit to oJ)('r111' a N"r C' ; ewport Heights Troop No. and Game Cnde prohibiting the 'amk bu~inM.c; In C'nron:~ r1rl M11r
182. Kenneth Dutro; and Costa u"'~ of a ~--t within 750 teet of a •-111 fay--...1 21·1 0 Lllrie HeMrick 1 · I .... h M ~ N ""' '"'-,.. .,.. I I was prevaou~ \ .,pni•d In 1 f' • esa • '""l' 0 · 666. Orma Crank jett}". pier or short'. j NE""-port Plan nin~ C'ummlc;<;lnn.
Three Explorer Posts and advi· Attorney Ma:< Hurwitz, repre •• H:.......... Ana I z--a... ....... ,.......... ~ubmlned a rf'\ IJ>t>fl plan last
!lOr$ acted as judges for the sentlng thf' Mellos. conceded ..... _.. rrw --Thursday anti rPN'l\C'd approvAl
swards. They were advisor Lew that his clients had tht'lr net The "Tustln-22nd St." an.>a The J)('rmlt wa5 s,rrAniPd for ont-
Cock of Balboa Explorer Post No. within 7:30 ol the pter. ·but said voted 27 to 10 Tuesday In favor l..aurlt' Ht-ndn<.'k.c; c!aughter of }'l"ar on rondlt Inn that parklnJ:
5, Horace Bates of Newport Beach It was the result of acclck'ntal or annexation to the City of New Mr ~nd Mr<~ Rupen Ht'ndrlcks of <~pa('(' 1M' pro\'lr1Pd and th:lt thPrP
Post No. 182. and Arthur KJtts of drlttlng bt><'ause the anchor did port Bea<.'h. Thls Is betwt'fll Tus·, Corona d•l Mar ~as <.'hosen be no nol~ or duc;t ThP location
Costa Mesa Post No. 666. Ex-not hold. Ju<f&e Thomp.!IOn tin and ln·ine. from 22nd to 23rd Zonta J:tlrl of th<' month by a Is at 266i'' E Coast 11~ y
plorer Scouts acted as messen· granted his petition to rclt>ase I St. plus a small area above 23rd rommlttl"f' or Newpon Harbor I The Comml~.•o;lon ·denier! the rt'·
ge111 and service units. the net. St Hlah S<-hool facult~ and Zonta 1 r w d J 11 f 1 mem~~ MargaN'l R e 1 n tort. 1 quE'S o ar t'we or a var ·
PIER LEASE Is OPPOSED ~~t~~m~~~t~o~~a~~;.·~,:~o 1 k~~:i§~~~:~~kt~;~~1~~~
Activitie-s which helped to win Corona dt'l Mar
th<' honor for Laurl<' art> Girl's -------
E..,. ••••• ._.__ · IA'a~tuf" pre-sident. ro chairman of IM.1 11'1 11•111
Plan. for World cOmmunity •-• IRIR OpposltJon to le.uln g Nf!'WJ)OI't ot the Corona del Mar Civic Studtont Amt!rlcan Field ~rv1N> I
d b th Uw Pier a.s a landlnr point !or carry. JIOUC'f SET OR ft&ll Asan_ utd that the State Hl&h rommlttee. ba~ketball. G I r 1' ~ L ,.... r---···~~~ ~-~ m~e• Jn1~ 0~urch Tl • Iiiii I•IIIJ lnr men and materials t o ot1 n. Baa~ .._. Qty way Commlssion would re-JO<.'ate I Athlf'tLC' A.aoclatlon and Trl Sit· •J ~ -••-
Women Friday a t the bome of shore otl Islands bas been ex-Coaacll._t--.tllntny Coast Highway wh~ they ma. a ~erv1ar oraanlutlon Dick Brtdrman h a .11 be,. n
Mta. Olater f'lab.er 1111tta Aft.. Plana tor the Every M ember p~ by the-LNrue ot Clvtc .._t 1a ea.. til .. ..a.lc'f of wished lt no local lntenwt ts n&mc!'d pres:ldent of thE' ~lor
Corona del Mat: ' Canvaa e&mpatan. to be held A.uodations and the Woman's ~ U..-e1 a. a-t· shown. LJDO IIJUif JS A.PJOIJn'D) Youth Fellowship ot the Balboa
w•ld comm~Dity Da7 wm be Nov. 4. will be dt.cu.IM'd Sun day Clvtc Leque. ...._ .._.. ,._ tw ._.... • N&JJ'IIfd a commJ~. hMd~ AlrflSOa aT D&Aif Wii 10 lsland Q>mmunfty Mf'thodbt
obeer'Ved lfov. 1 tn ~ Church at a Juncbeo.n JMidna In the Last 'lbursclay the Learue ot --.a ,........ 1"'ldda .-tM by Mr. E:nrelke. to pt addJtlonal Owt M p Phlillpa of Udo 1M CbW"Ch. De IIU<.'l'ftds Ron St.
by the Sea, bqtnntna at 1:30 Corona del Mar OommunJt)' Clvtc A.aodatJons. MH~ In c..eaa•a ....... • oet .. Information on the PfOP<*'d rt'· has _,!0 n~ u rectsteft'd ae-CJatr. who •• nanwd chalnDan
'nle theme wW be "'Ruman Cburdl. Newport Lqion Hall. voted to Cl•talldlc:a of a.. b ,.a••· moval of PaeUk: El«trlc t:raHs. count advtaor tn the Lone S.adl of 80Cial .-n.~ proJ«t:s. ~':i-ta." MW Oara ~ 1'be luncheon wlU be llei'Wd by write a letter to Cit)' Councll ask· ... ..._. te ... ._ ,._ • • Ren~ lta request for re· ~of Dnn W1tte't 6 Co. De ts Other otfkers a t4t C b a e k wru bit ehalrmall of the day. the Women'• J'eJJowsb.lp alter t.be lnr that no Jeue be .tc:nect wtth ....,._ -ot1 ~ .. be ....Ut moval or tbe Standard OU tanka du.ate or Claremont Men'• ltramer, v1<» p r • a 1 dent; Gall •
Annual meedna of th Coundl .cond eh~h .-vb. 1M Stef. 'ndela nds TransportatJon.. me. et' •..-. In Central Newport as a hazard ~~ an4 a ttenftd tM Cradu· Graws. ~: .Y8nlmt •n·
trW be held 1'11467. Jan. 4. at fe~ la 1n ebatr* or ota~na Learue members aa!d that the to the commun.ltY. t Scllool ot l'tna.nce of tile Unl· M!l', ti'M.S\u'e'; Pamela ~lftlfl-.
tM eo.ta ~~-c 0 m m u n 1 t 'I the canvaa pier lhoold be retalnecl u a e Approved the clt,y's plan to ~t:Y ., OOl.rornJa. He ta a wcnb!p; and Doftna &nJth, ,..
M.c.bOd.Lit OlurdL. A. &late of of. pleaaure pier, and they oppo.ed repi'!Mentat:Jws of the Central name a citbens commltM to bft of tbe M rt H _. ,_tbl.
ted try a Ali&aDAirCK CIIVIAD& wrvfclnJ an operatton that ll Newport CommunJty A.aln... Cor· study lm~t proJ«ts and ~Mme•por ar -------tken wm :0.= which In· A church attendance C'I'UN.cle outstde of thla territory. ona ~~ Mar ClYic ~tloln. cll.rerted the tecNtU')' to write a Yacht Chab an4 L.A.. Yacht Outa. S. fir .. =~~ ""EIItft' Ftaber. W. wUJ be c:ond\ld.cl at lht Ba.l* Tuada1 !pO"Dln&. th• Wom· W N"'PO't I m pro v • me n t lf'tter to tbe d t:r uktnl when the a:& I I800f OCT • a. HCUIIMkft Ge«ae Devlel, K. ttlan4 Commufttty Methodtat an'a Ctvlc ~ m.t.lnJ lD the ~ Woman·a Ovlc! t.Ma'u4tt commJt~ wUJ .,. named. tv • ael I.e.........._ -01 •· ~ a...-~ A. 1. -.atw. Church durt~ MOW'Itn\btf, a«ord· Youth ~nteor, YOted unanfmoua"tr N..wport Island -'-'-and the An &JU\Ual 1'\nlq spon· Ud lira. Jadt 0.
1na to Mtt.. Clair a. lam«t am! to n-atate Ita ttand ~ an;y Otbeftil OommlttM tow Park~ and IDJOa atw '1'0 IDft IOI'H., U..lfw'port llatbor II· ()riQ'x c::r<.aJt .-,a.a.ut G1VD Mn. J'ount. L ~ MWly e~ of oJl deftlop.~Mnt tn ~nell. 0\ air m a a Mutt OttJ ,.. Oi'W 50 wtll b d an wants au~ Will w Mid Standq. bilra ~1\Jiadu~
,......... o1 tbe Jf...,-.t Bar· tMC:tM tood\alr'IU.n of tlte Com· thla community. 11M 1.-p pnlldetl arpnJaaUoa ••ctaa at J p.m. Oc.t. • at Ute MOl 0D1i1i1t Ca :•••
litif ~ .. Club aw a fUia 011 l:ftlillloft on lfembtrll\.lp •net ate pa-.cl a mOttOft to Uk atJ lMIUe alto! 1'\aeldq In tbt ODNaa del Var Oab aa.,. • ~ die _, ....,...., at tbelr • ~--Oft ~ .... CountU to diiDy tM ,.. ..... b • tlriM .U ..... ._ .....-.. Toutb Cilllltlr to plaD a N!CI'Mdon ~ .m .. tDr ·••t~ldlllll"'--.-1 .... vwa ....... nbiC "" 13...,..... ,wtll Vflllt • ...... tiona., llt\MI'I tb< __ ......., .... JI'OirUil for -...ot dtbelw. ...... •odolllltl at .... CJrtillilt -~=--" 1 a11-. .. ~v~a tl&lbiliM PtttBJt.te.•a~tt~cfll .. e.ttcMt_,..au'-'ltNilT •••·ftit~l84 ect~ OIMim,.._..._,..._..,.... --=:..=~~ .............. ~ c.: ...... a D I a: IAI!IIIM el c:twtP •• W'rH ......... Dt • .., LIPIIII\ "' 'I 5 ..... a..'~ ... Or aaa. ~·, .... _L_ Cl
v.,s. Cbokle .........
....... Q
U. S. C:.OICZ 7-.:>RK oa C1117CE
AU. RO. l
• camera~ . film
TIIIB'I ,_, __ .......
"1 C4n't
,..... ... .... ..,... ... .... .........
UDioD s.mc.
u.s. .. ,....
W •eiUet I Polfih1119
c-p&.t. L.IHfc.tioA s.Mce
Phone H.rt-]094
2101 E. Coest HHJhow et Awcedo c.-.., ....
La~ end Most Complet.
Furniture' Store In the AIM.
c.JI for ,..
Ll'*ty Ulll
.. ..
Concerts for Youth Slated
OCC AIJJmni Will Be Honored
At Homecoming Saturday ~~:!t'n~ne:: ~
eously in the come>ietely-.quip-
Aln-• el ~ CoUt CoU~-=--ecllatllrdaY eve-Ded Job Printinq Deportment Of :~':. Oetolillw JO lit tile amaual lootMU pme and The Emiqn,
--~------~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--... ~ :.=.:. tmtt.cl to particiPAte 1D the PN·PJIM. pme, •••• llldi'l ••• 111
-&\eQ11 .. 11 ~ AJj ~ ol liiOIMeeeelnc ~ the UOIIIIW&U .._ w•-
daQce t.ID .._.. el tbe alUDUll, 9w1m ---.._ ............ 'bod1 pr.t. I • I •• I II, -..-. ~ .. K.udl ..., ..... c~at A1 K41pi........ Ill I I , ~ c=.~.!:t:a~= a ...... ooc ......_ wtn bolt •· If I •• ...-c..t.,. <..e .. ....., ..__ t.nd1Dc cta•.,IDD h1l«toft B«-1&111 .. .. -J1U1R AYL UUOA -.... beta Ill PtNte .... WIL Game r
t:tme Ia at I. ,.._ •undred M&b Ser.-tc. were beJd Saturday lD ..,.,.,..... 8•'u't'f baw bee r II P"'M lotr alUJDAi Pa.rkea Mortuary Chapel. ec.ta _.,_..__ --.--lk-
adjaeent to tbe ooc root:lfll -.:-Me.a. tor b)'IDOnd D. Codabalk. ~r ~ ~ ~ .. --
tJon. fl9, ol 522 dltauna Dr .. !fewport ~ ~· • ~
RetreMmenta, •pine o1 cuest Hela'hU. who died Oct. 10 at Hoq All'=="!._~ :_~ !:":ru~:."":! =~-The Rev. Chades Hand ~~~~!:!~-~-..~·~mwz~~A!YL~~~~!!~ 115!!i'!!u!U!80&!~!!!!!!~ amon• the JIN·IUDI activities to ~-Godshalk wu a native o1 .;;::
belfn at 6 In the Student Center. Lyons, Kanua, and ~to New-
Alumni wU1 have an opportunity port In 1951 from Los Ancelea.
to view the new Auditorium and He wu a retired jewelry manu.
Sclenoe l'illd1nl at thta time. factwft.
FoUowlnc the came a dance Survtvon tnclude bls wlfe,
wU1 be held 1n the S~dent Cen· Carrie; 2 aona, Raymond. Jr. of
ter at 10:30. The HomecomJnc Los Ancetes and Ted of San Queen wU1 be crOwned at the Dleco; a daupter, Mrs. Dorothy
dance. Nelaon ol Burbank, and 7 crand·
Alumni atuclmt body cards will chUdten.
be on sale 1n the Stuclmt Center ~~---======~~~------~~~---------------and at the came for 50 cents.
With these ea.rda alumni may
cain admJttanee to all the eve·
nlnl"• activities.
Mr. Robert Humphreys. class of ·so. and Newport Beach fire In·
spector, Ia e b a lr m a n o f t h e
Alumni Aaodatton committee In
cbarce of alu.mnl activity. a .... 1 llL-nl• Other members of the commit· --•1 -~ tee are: Mr. WUllam TUrner, '49,
~ .....
eW. 1-B--a •.:....a... Hunttncton Beach hlch a c h o o 1 The flrat of the current aea· erton Hllh School Auditorium at ..... .. r.... RWw•W teacher; Mn. Dorothy Hart KIJ.
aon'a Twin S y mph on I e a for 2:30 P.M. ler, '49, of Fullerton; Mr. Donald
------~11 65c
$1.25 Youth, presented by the Orance 1'he muaic selected by conduc-Seventy.two ships of the U. S. Knipp, '51, eo.t.a Mesa; Mrs.
County Pbllha.rmont.c Society, tor Frieda BeUntante bu been Pint Fleet and 160 Navy aircraft Robbie Schoonover, '51, Corona
_____ _____,.,.
wiJl be played on Saturda1' Nov. keyed to the public school mu.alc were uaembled at Lone Beach del Mar teacher.
3. The momtnc concert will be th t th f lut month for the Ja.rcest fleet Mr. James Hensley, '53, Hunt-
played In Santa Ana Hlrb School procram. e praen eme 0 review since World Warn. Serv-lncton Beach; .._... v 1 r r t n Ia
Auditorium at 10:30 A.M. and the whk:b Ia Myth and Lecend. The lnr aboard the min.-weeper USS Moore, '55; Mr. Bay Rein, '51, OPEN U:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.K. CLOSED TUESDAYS Y .. Fa..Y IESTIUUIT
afternoon concert will be In Full· concerts are tree to the public. Illusive wu Barry V. Muon. sea-Newport Beach; and Mr. Spence
LEGAL •one& L&GAL XOTICZ rnan, USN, of 9 Avocado Ave .. Rush, '56, who 1.s conUnulnc stud· DINNER~ ALL DAY SUNDAY FJtO)( NOON TO 8:00 P.K.
cnYOPNrWPORTBEACB ~~~~na~d=e~l~M~a~r·~----------~ies~a~·t~C~~~st~---------------~~~~~~~~~~~U~U~L~C~r~·~~~·~WT~·~C.~~-~~ .. ~~~·~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA -•onca '10 conucroa
SEALED PROPOSALS wtll be received at the ottlce of the City Clerk. City Hall, City of Newport Beach, Calltomla, unW 7:30
o'clock P.M. on the 13th day of November. 1956 at which time they
wUI be publicly opened and ~ad. f11r pertonntnc work u follows:
For the Reaurtaclnr of Certain Streets In Shore Clltta and Corona Richlands
No bid wW be received unleae It 1s made on a proposal fonn fumlshed by the City En21neer. Each bid must be aocompanled by (cash, certlfJed or euhlei'a checlc, or bidder's bond) made payable
to the City of Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at leaat ten percent UO~> of the amount bid. auc.h cuaranty to be forfeited
should the bidder to whom the col'\tfact l.s awarded fall to enter Into
the contract.
In accordan~ with the provtalons of Sections 1770 to 1781 of
the Labor Code the City Council of the City of Newport Beach hu
ascertained the eeneral prevaWnc rate of wares applicable to the
work to be done as foJJows:
# Roady .. .,...
~--····················-······················-···-~~3.~ w~ Ce~nt Flnlahers ···············································-···3.145 25.16 Laborers. General or Co~uctlon -·-· 230 18.40
Asphalt Baker 6: Ironer -···--··---·-----..2.51 20.08
Flaaman ---·--·-·-··-···-···-·····-·-··-.2.30 18.40 Watchman and/Ol' Guard ............................... ...2.10 16.80 A~U:.ti~re~~·.!.~~-~~~-~-~~~~~~ .. --2.54 20.32
Air Compreuor Operator ....... .... ········-··· ....... -2.54 20.32
Asphalt Plant Fireman ···-· ········-······--·-·-·-.2..95 23.60 Asphalt or Crusblnc Plant Enrtneer ···-·-··-·.3-.05 24.40
Concrete or Asphalt Spreadtnc.
Mechanical Tamplnr or Flnlshinr
Machine Operator ............... ·-··········-·· ........... 3.05
Concrete Mixer Operator-Paving Type . and Mobile Mtxer ..... ...... ...... . ..................... 3.30
Concrete Mixer Operator-Skip Type ····-·····-.2.74 Heavy Duty Repairman .. . ................................ .3.05
Motor Patrol Operator, Including any
type of Power Blade ......................................... .3..21
Pump Operator ...................................................... ..2.74
t=~::::~·~=~~~t·o~c;:·· .... -.. .3.05
Attachments ···-··-····-··-··-··-····-············-····-·..3.30 ~~~=n?f;:,':or·(Sh"o~-·-·····.3.30
~~·::• Crane) ·--~~-~~-~~: .. ~.~-· ......... 3.30 Driven of Dump Trudca of leu than 4 yda.
Water Level ···-···-············-········--··················-.2.645
21.92 2(.40
21.92 24.40
21.16 Any CJa.saltlcatlon omitted herein,
not lea than ···-·--·········-·· .. ··-······················-··.2.00 16.00 All bids are tO'be compared on the bu1a ot the City Enetneer'a estimate of the quantities of work to be done.
No bid w1U be accepted from a Contractor who hu not been
licensed 1n accordance with the provtaton of Chapter 9, Dlvtmon W
of Bu.alnea and Professions Code.
Plana ma.r be seen, and forma of proposal. bonds. contract. and
apedtlcatto:.,:;r be obtained at the oltlce ot the City Enct.neer. Clty Hall, N Beach, Callf~mJL
The aped&l attention of ~ bidden Ia called to the
''Propoul Jlequ.tr..Denta and CondJdon.a" llllnelted to the blank form
of ~POUJ. for tuU dl.red:loa. u to blddlnc, etc:.
Tfie City ol !f.-port Beach reMrWS 'tbe rllht to reject &n7 or all blda.
liA.RCEllY SCRBOUDEB, City Clerir
Dated: Oct. S. 11156
Publish: Oct. 18 and 25_1n the_Newport Harbor l!rWp.
... m 1.111 24 ias. •... ,.
Just out and just won derful!
Chevy goes 'em all one better-with a daring new departure
in design (looks longer and lof.Ver, acnd it is!), exclusive new
T urboglide automatic transmission with triple turbines, a new VB
and a bumper crop of new ideas including fuel injection!
- -
~-...--...a. ........ -.: ......... Jtl ,... i ,....... ..... ...... -~. c... ... J l ..... .....
New right down to the wheels it rolls on-that's the
'57 Chevrolet!
By now you know it's new in style. You ean see that
CheVy's longer, lower-and every inch a beauty.
But Chevrolet's new in Jots of ways that don't
show up in oUr picture. It's new in VB power option,
that range up to 245 h.p. • Then, you'ft a choioe of
ttco automatic drives as extra-cost options. There's
an even fiBer' Powerglide-and new, nothing-like-it
Turboglide that brings you Triple-Turbine take-oft
and a new lowiDa kind~ aoiag. It' a the oaJ:y one of
ita lriDd!
Come see the DeW car that .,. 'em all <me better
-the new 1967 Che'VI'OW r
Wrong Ordi.-.ry chiWreft's shoet .,.. m•de on
l.th tft.t swi~ iaw.~. crowding litif. t~ -twisting
forep.+ of foot. flre~~&~re o.. to. diiCOur•g" comfort.
•bJe. Ntur•l w•lking. In this type of la.t room for sm.tl
to. c.n only be provi<Md lay ~ 10 I.Hje that ..._,
NCI •rclt •re sloppy. permitting foot -io .ttde forward,
c.rowdi"9 •• toes.
straight last~
Tltil is •notMr of the many politive re..ons wfty di6-
tinguillt.d Pied Pip« Sftoet .,. •s perfect for children's
feet" huma" ure •nd honest ,....rch c.n m.ke them.
Pied Pip« distinctive feetures of conri'rvction •nd delign
.,. the ~ of long •nd ~onac.ientiow r~arch c:arri-4
on •• part of • unique •nd ~ontinuous program of
~ud development.
* tiR. SHOE HOUSE * 3411 E. Coat • ...,. ft. BA 1177
Pacific Model Centre
c.a,lell u. ........
Knees •• cool
•• a breeze I
coaowA na. KAa
Correct with uy cottame. Smart all year
roaad. ud 6t.perfeot aD their li.-es. Thal'a
Berbh1re bee-hip 1toekin8L The dutic
top ... ,. ap -.J.r, c.dortably. • •
Knee bigh -.Ida 1.35
AD B.guJar ........_ Boll1ry, too.
* a... ••••t-.occ..-•t'llfc:.et .._
_.,. --..------------
J)().u1'l AJfJ) a.&PIIAIITI will ...... ...._,.h 1 Ill at ............ ...., Jlld1 te .................. ..,. a..,. ..... =·Oct. .. Tile --partiMa ..._will ...... ..,. .......... :'1!2 addle Slat• tt:la IM.Cd·d _.... ..... _. llleatuut wt.Uftde ............. llltll ... Lrt'=t ............. .....
.... .. IW1 Jlkt1and Wt to ,... .................. lila. -
..... ...S Mr • ...S lin. AI C.. ('hay ......... )
Costume Contest Seheduled
At 4th Annual PTA Carnival
the Opening of
Fashions by
• •• •
e Don Loper e Harou'
e Addie Masters e Charles Cooper
e lingerie by famous makers
• Hosiery by Hanes
JtMIItlit» !J~~A
East Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
1'ltl Ye•p If LIM •. ..., ..... ,., '111E CBVliCB OP CBBJST
ICIISO Cbarda lt.. Coeta Meea • Uberty .... , Patrice, daughte-of Mr. and 1). Q. llallt. ....,...,,
Mrs. Thomas Young of 220 VIa Sunday servf'ces: 9:45 a.m. Bible
Palermo. Lido Isle. was born study; 11 a.m. momtnr wor·
Monday. Oct. 8. at Hoag Ho.pl· ahlp; 7:30 p.m. eventna: service.
tal. She weighed 8 pounds. 7 Midweek service, 7:30 p.m.
'I'IIE CBU ... OP c:amsT
OddP.U.W.J.odt'e. l .. RewpodA.,._
e-ta .....
LIII JU11 .. 5711 Tom ..._, Jr .. lliD.IAitel'
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. B.ble study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerY· Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenJnr aervtce.
ounces. Pa trloe has a brother, Wednesday ..
.John Dudley, 14 months. CEJfftAL aJBLE CBVliCB
The Younrs have been llvtng CllaiST CBQIICI ft 111E UA Or-.. Aft. at Drd lt.
In the Harbor Area for the r,ast ~~,:.~:..... ~~~~sa
two years. Previously, they 1 ved KA!bow 5221 Sunday Schoql: 9:4!5 a.m. Mom ·
In Los Angeles. Mrs.. Young's .__, a... loy A. C:.S... lnl Service 11 ·00· EvenlnJ
mother from Wt..conaln ts vt<· Sunday Wonhlp, t :ao a.m. and Seivtce. 7:iS. Mid-week Serv·
lng ln the home. 11 a.m. Chutch Scbool. 9:30 toe. Wed n e 1 day, 7:30 p.m.
ra.LOWIIIIP ..... Ledfe . as z. l'PIIl st.. c.. ..... nr. c::Jaaa' ... --.nat
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom· lnr worablp, 11:00 a.m.
I'DIIT AIIEIOLT OP QOJ) 2IDd lt. &&w..A ..... eon.lleeil
IJIMrty 14711 .......... c. a.Jc. .......
S~o~nday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor·
ahlp: 10:M a.m. and t!'Y&DJellst let'Yice, 7:30 p.m. Younr hople
and ChUdren'a ServiCe, 6:30
p.m. SUn. Mld·week Service:
Wednelday, 7:30 f.·m. Ladle.' Mt.lonarJ Cound, Tbuncl_,.
9:30 a.tn. t«w au day.
IT. AJIDDWI .... .., ... ~'~~, .. a..,.. ""ta .. o"aca-
•• lt. & IL A• •••• M., .... ........ ldleel
Ullatr 1-1m ...w: .... J-LI...._.
SUNDAY: Mcnllnl wonhJp,_8:J9 and ll a.m.; Church SCbool,
8:30 and U:OO; Jr. BIJh. &. HIJh and eoU-.e are Fellow-ahfpa, 7 p.m.; Tfiunday, Pray•,
.rudy poup, 8:30 a.m.
cauaca or on I.AJ)T OPIIT.~ ..... "· ...... -~ •...-n .... 1114 .,..._·:=Dey, ..... ., ... ~ ......... .............
Sunday M.-: 8:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Conlealon: Sat·
urda)'l and .eve&. ollft Jrlda)'l and Holy Days from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 ~·!!'! Dally llaa 1:00 a.m. J'lnt ~: S:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
!f oven a (Perpetual Help):
Monday, T:CS p.m. a.m. Midweek M=: 7:00 Younr people meet 6:15 p.m. Fl.$1 CHUitCH 0, CHRIST p.m. Wedneeday ed b SundAy.
SCIENTIST 6:15 p.m. potluck. • Pm1T IOU ..... Uft18T a..A Da. MAa
JJOl vw. Lido. New_. a.ec~o -a&WtOaT IIAIDOa aeaca OCMII.,.
Fi A ~~~hh~.~_,~otSch~ Cth'~'~ -IT~A • =-LOfMII .. QU-lltW.-It.CooW-'iiii''ff nt .......,., ... ~·· •• , .... '" -· 1-.... a... ..... 1111 cua Dr. --.:r:r ....... .... I ..... Ill A
lOll, l.tuaechuteHL 1-1.1 La.ty I I ~ DL _ • .,..... u...! ..
Sundey School 9:15e.lft. Paa.. J, a...ta .... ,... ..... ~ ldlool. 1:41 a.m.• ellrardl .......... Kftta a-a
Sundev S.""'• -·-----.. II:OOe.m . ...-., 11-llt f, L L 10 ad Duplleate ~ eerlkla _ t aer•le• U:00 Lilt.~ a..-..a_ ' Wedt~..dey Ev.ni~ Me.tint I:OOp.111. U:30 a.m. Weelldaya: ..... at a.m. and U ·l5 a.m., Iunday• Union 1,.m..'SuDday. E¥ainl ___,. Wonb?p Slmcee: 9:30
lteedinq ltoom louted et ))15 VIe 7:00a.m.= Confea.ton: Satut· ltlndeqartai and Pre-mf ..,.~~tDIIIi, ,._.... a.m.. ll:Oel a.m..SundaySdaool:
Lodo Newport e..,t., ;, ope11 -• daya from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to ~ Sunday Sdaool, t a.m.. ID ~ t ..., t:30 a.m.
deys from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.nt. 8:30 p.m. lit Gra~ throup Adult Sun: .... . -"tee and Wedt~etd•ys from 9:00 •·"'· to 7:45 day Sdlool, 10 a.m.; bua pro-J1b1e 1: PJ1L W~· -IT.;.!, .... if' !AL._. p.m. Fndey .-..enif\91 from 7:00p.m. to rDIT aAftiST cau... vlded and Jfunery proylclecf lor. -· ............ __. 9:00 P·"'· Closed Holld•Y'· OP a&WtOII'i' both eerv1cea and fO a.m. Sun· _ ~
The public is ~elly l!Wited to ••· ...... ...._ •• & c:..t .... da)' School 8ftt ~.. .....
tend tt.e dlurdl ..,vk M end -.... IIAdlew .:·m: ~ ...,. ~ _,.: 1:00 a.m. Bol1
lleed•"o Room ...._, ....._. G. .._ IT. JOIIII YIAIIIf&'l' .... Oomlll~; 1115 ~ lllrv•
Sunday aervteee: t :CS a.m.. Sun· 114 ~~~ .......... J.w __ lea. ~:r::"'t ...nee.
t ',. ·,' .
~··. ~~-
da.Y Sdlool; 11:00 a.m.. W«· -.. -· •nn : :15 a.m. ah(p Service· 7:JO p.WL Sunday PdMr 11If•• ~ • ...._ -weal· ::-=.. .~ 11DtJ Coal·
evenlnl ~: Mld·WMk Sunday*-: 8:30 a.m. 6 t :ao $-......; -· .'~ ---
ServtA:e: 7:10 p.m. Wednada.y a.m. Conl~_la~r and M IMd&,-::_. ~
Prayer Meettq. ;~:1-.. -.. 1-;f·~: = 5 ~..-daft.-;-..... ~
JMq .._I a.m. t;" =-'A l ·l JWIL t)t·
.. .
Llll IIIIIT .........
Antta aawc:~auck an4 ~
Gerken • • • wbo doe"t JDIDcl a aood Prime 8Sb It lfl well .....
••• So w.'1l cook one and •t tiM
oth• raw at Oranp 0out Col·
Jep Cooldnr lebool tor tbe llllllt
four...-. ••. Two pia at.,...
to dlah out tbe lelnalq • • •
Anita (I'm all ate'IMd u~ and
rartnr to 10) aaweb.S. tn
charre ot J'oodl. KutrltSon and
Home Manacement at Oranp
Cout CoUep ••• IettY (tboqb
I've been pickled for not too
many yean. I alwap liMp DeW
ldeu ln my julce) Gerken, Home
Service Dlreetor ol t.M Soutbern
CounUea Gu Company.
-Ctdd'l'9 ..o.a ...... .-t .,.._..,, o•r•• a._. will -u , t.r .._ .......
~ I..IM ,...... ••• "'--
... A.M. .,.. .......... ........................
,.._..., Aaltltl .... a.rr .u
Miss Caroliean Smith Weds
Phili~ D. Gross of Newport
Charm Demonstration Giv~n
at Meeting of Lido Women 1-----------~~------
111t aew boiDe clllr. ud 111"1. .lao ll~ at 1'701 W. ~
PldUp DuaDe an. II 87 W· J'lont, Kewport. it tbe .oa c1 Mr.
l&Ddl J)r .. c.ra ......_ 11M OIM.la* and Mra. P. D. GloM ot ~&era-
-. JUIISed-ln. lat. ........ -.to. •
bw CWWIDGii7 ud lil*'t tJMtr a.Y. 1._ Stewart l*'fGnDid
lwoQJWOG at Palm lprtncl Ud tbe double rtq ...sllq _...
.AnowiMad. motlY at .. Andnwa ,..,..
11M ...... tile ear-Carol· lu Clturdl. ,.. bftde .... .
JMu lmJ1Il cl eo.ta 11-. dauaJa• biM bloeade -..u. ... Wltb a
ter cl Mr. aa4 Ill& W. &. '"'*** blue r..tta. bat an4 a wlaJte •· c1 IAI ..... a. llvaria4. dlld DOMPY·
The rtcbt and WI'Oftl appJoadt Luncheon wu pr-.pared by
to IDA.U·UJ. aa: ,..,._and poe· Mrs. loe ~ntnpr and Mra. Hal
ba'e .._ 4emonlitrat.d by nwtn· DOte, CO·dlalnnan of a committe.
... cl tbe ClaanD 8ac:doa ot the lncJudJna ll.nML Georp Boc:col.,
Lido .. Wocnu'• Oab betON Kartan Ot.o &oct Melvin Wat-
tbe October •11fdq cl pneral IOD. Setvtq ... JilmM. Joeepb mem....._ M1d ,_..,. at the Arnold. P'ra.nk A.u.t.lo. o. H. Cal·
dua.taou.. houn. Frank can.u, Kelt.b Card· lila. ~ ..,... ... Mrs. rey, 7ohn Earl, Akha.rd ~d
Altbur ._...._ coo4Uded the and Robert O.bcwn. lr., wtth Kra. ~tione UDdlr Us. CIUper· J. L. HoJIIday and MnL Barry
V1.aoa cl Pat lutkhatdt. Charm Rolft'l aeUnr u h~ r
ICbool d.lNetGf. J'oUowlo-1 the Charm and HaJJoween WeN
procram eal'dlwen pbyed ln the combined to ma.ke f..Uve pump-
board room. kin table decoradon.e by Mme..
I~IY 1111111
..... Keftn)' ..... cl eo.ta .......... .....,. JDaUon ol
................ buband ..-wei ..
Mit mea. Mn. lrtiP wore a
pink pnnc..-~le t.roc:k With
IIUtdlJ.Dt UCJIC:det and a pink
camaUoa oonaae.
'nw reeep&n for the ~ple IGI. aTIT ncaa.. ......, wu ._.ld 1ft the Briep home at w11a ., v. 1. .__ ~ a.
Kra. PbJUp Stambeurh. mem. John w. WJ.liOD. Jadt Swart. Az.
berahlp cbaJ.rnaa-o. announced 60 nold and ~-
new member-. llr'l.ftlina tbe club =:....:::::-=~=------~~~~~~~~~~~~ total to 291. Y earbooka were alto
mw lftlllftAL • ad • r • •• cez,.,Gecl....,.. ... •'t•
............... will .. ..........................
•.....-t .... ..t'!lt......,
.. .... Od. .. "' au. .. licit (-...) oC lafln .. tlle,
ladln• lin. llay, ••-• of ,... aan.tlaa w .......
.. IActaneblp. wUl ..,.. ..
tbe duarcla .awe., ~3D VIa Lido.....,. tbe ......._. ol
Pint Quc:ta ... C'artllt. Ia-·
u.t. .ewpol't ..... -....
dlatr1 butecl.
m Otle st.. cc.ta Meaa. ~e K•*t' ..m • • Mt el -· =·=:·.;:-,:a=:a~ :=~.:=:.~Junior Ebell
~-and a conap of ear-..._ .a twe .._.. • Oct.
clltnlu and roeebuda. Mra. GrOM ............ 10.... .. ... l Jeets Today wu clreeeed tn a sraY knit IIUit a-,... _. a.. .._ at lVI
with matdlJnr aceeuortee and a ._til ' r-a.t1t ....u
tlmUar conare. .._ .w ... • ..._ • ...,.... ~ ot tbe "'Nlabt tn Lu
The bride attended Marshall ,.... A. x..tF, Jr.. Cr ,,,.. Vecu" dance to be held Friday,
Hlrh School In to. An,elee and .. ,_.. a. Vtt _. X.... Nov. 2. wUJ be part of the cet-
Pierce JunJor CoUece. The poom wn • eel r....a. ..._ Wa acquainted cotlee for new mem.
went to ·ed\oola ln Sacra.ml!nto. _,.... • a Ia ~ ben and necutfve board mem-
lncludtna Sacramento J u n 1 or Ceaaty, _. All wy ._... ben ol the JunJor Ebell Club be· eouece .,._ .___ Inc held thJa mornlna' C'nlura·
_ _;:;_·--------------------day) at the Balboa Wand home of Mra. Phlllp Ma~ .
3 New ~ Jembers welcomed Mrs. Edwin Ft~r. t.ederaUon lVI ~enalon c h a I r m a n. Aid the
B L • A •t• u •t 291 dance wtll r&Ue tunds to build Y eg1on UXI 1ary n1 a physiotherapy pool for Orance County. The dance wtll be held
New members welcomed by man. '"11\e veterans will have a at the Rendezvous Ballroo~ and
American Lerton Aux1Uary Unit chance to .elect gltta for their will feature Frank Devol a or-
291 are Mn. Wayne Drater. Mrs. oved ones." cheatra.
Henry Duron and Mrs. Martha The Auxlllary la aWo sponsor· New members will have the
Souard. lng a Hallowe'en dance at the opportunity to become better ac·
Open Fridays Till 9 P.M.
8:30 TUl 5:30 Frtda~l2 Koon TUl 9 p.m..
28M E. Cout Bwy. -HA. 5437
Corona del Mar
"Where rood tute ~ no more''
Ject wW IMt ""C't.r..a.a lcl••s
TM w.., ., The r.ut a ..... ,.. ............. ...
Mrs. Robert Brtcp, president. IAtlon Hall Saturday ewnine, qua lnted with the board at th~
aaye that Unit 291 bo1* to have Oct. Z7. Mrs. Wally Ryan S. coffee and also to aak questlona
the membership ranb tor 1958 chairman. All ~ will ro about Junior Ebell activiUes. Bro· ---======================::::; tilled by Veterans Day. Nov. 11. to the nhabWtaUon fund. used churea of the World Ttavelorue r
1'lae unit Ia ~ftC a card tor tile ~ tu.pltal parties. tert. tD ~ .._.,. tor tM new
It ....... tM W.W Ia. JOa. ........ ~ ............ ..................... ..w ............. tz ... ... ,._ .. --..... dee a.tt. .._ 11• altr
.... 0....., o.ill 0 •••• will .......... _. .......
....... Glltll-. ~ ••• .,.., ................... .
U I ...._. LetiiiJia •••
-CIOIIac:tMa ..... ....
Election Set
For Oct. 25
by Red Cross
All cont:rlbuton to the Amert·
partJ at 1 p.m. today (~unday) Loeal Awdll&..r7 aaei'DMn at· Ebell a.llb~. wtD be dlltrtb·
at the Leaioll Hall. 15th St. and ten~r the NCII!IIt Anaheim wte&
W. BQ A.v~ .• Newport AdJnia. meM.ID• fA ,..aea ol I ~t e.
alon price 1.1 a cUt for tbe &1ft Sa*' l• C'f a... .. Couty w ..
abop In tbe Lone Beach Veterans Mr& ~ La Chapaaa; Kn.
Hallfttal. Ke...ea ll..-a.m. La Sec:ratatr·
'11lla 1.1 tor the Chrlstmu pro-Ca.aJer; Mra.. Fred Joyner. La Ar·
gram." aaya Mra. K.Mneth E. cbJvlste, and Mn. Herb Thomp·
Johnaon. rehabilitation chair· son.
ea.n Bed ero. are Invited to at· PI t s..a I 8 St I tenet the annual dinner and elec· ayers 0 yaltA us op.
tlon of otflcen of the Newport· '7-
Membenl of the Bah a 'I FaJth Ln <>ranee County are boldJnc a
~ service In honor
ot United !'lations Day, at 8:15
p.m.. Saturday, Oct. 27. at the
eo.ta K .. Branch to be held at ~ ~ th _J s T I c t YMCA In Santa Ana. according f :.S p.m. Thunday. Oct. 25, at IVIO er ana on eam n as to Mrs. John MacDonald of Cor·
the Buct.on Roue. eo.ta )(..._ ona del Mar, who Is asslstlnt
wmtam R. Rynct.. executive A mother ucl toD aetJq tMm tM Oranre Cout CoUere Chapel wttla tbe arran~ment&.
41rec:t.« ot tbe Southern Oranp llu t.atu.Ncl ..,._ 1D • ._stop," Theatre. Curtain time wiD be I!Yeryone Interested In the
County Ola~ ot ARC. wm ba tbt ar.t pi.Q ot tbe .,.._ ta.r 8:30. eervlce and the faith. wblch pro-tile.,..._., aecordlq to CanoU a.. Jlfewport Harbor eo.uaanJt.J I'DCJitiM U.. unclentandlnc of the * * * ... Oct. Je. onene. cl mankind and the fun· SovcJe. dlaJnDu ol tbe 'Newport· ~ to ba .,...... .,..... .. ~~s 4amental o---of r•ll""on. a-eo.ta ~ .andl. -..ervatton. 25 and~ &Dd Jrov. 1, 'ud a. .., • ~ ~.,....... m91te4 ------.. •• ...,
Followtnc 'hll I If will ...._ IDQ be made at t.be Newport Mra. JMnn.e Evana of SO& Mar· Kra. ~~ ~~0:.:0~~~
forth t4Qulck "ft t 9 r ... ~ A.: omc.. Harbor 1815. ,uertt. Ave.. CoroAa cltl MM. e ... IC800L JTA lAo Jtovb1. both of Costa Mesa
eana and pa~ _, •.. bow ef sod.~ piQs t.1te part ot Crace. the TeacMr ••a•at • teu are be· who are ..., aaaist:lnr ·
to make them..._ •Diu•... 1mowtna pr~ ol 1M ~ me JIWI\ nat...-bY the PTA. ·
"Flt u a FtddW' .•• -.,. t.o eat • • • ttop ...._. the edloD ol tile play ol the Newport Bart.or HJeh
for health'• ...._ aDd laave It ~ kr7 Eva.na playa tb~ School. 'nle ftnt tee. tor pareab naT Mftll'r, •zwtullT
taate &ood too ......... .._ r-. llale .,..... eowboy, 8o Decker. ol freshmen and ~ lltU· The P'lnt Baptist Church or
fare'' tbe wora tw .. _.. "1k&& Stop" a*» atan Kelwood dent~. will be held Moaclay. On Newport Beach. 19th and W. Bal· fun-e~~11euon o1 tiMID all . . . ., nG BenT ol Clift Haven, local dlool Tueaday tbe tp wlll be held tor boa Blvd.. la cooperating In the
1a the wtnd·UP • board J"Dember u Dr. Lyman. parent. ol jUitkn and eenJon. United Splrltual Advance Pro·
· · · lobn ._ ot Kewport Belrbt8 Ge«p Lewt.a ~the aberiff. and Both teu ..,. deduJecS tor 3:15 pam. a splrltual crusade or
1a ~ around In h1l new a newcomer. Freda Grlner. u p.m. 1n the toelal 1aaJ1. ..wn weeks which will contlnu~ * * *
Act1Mdly I dlla"\ ..... T I ................
wt•••waya ............ ...
Alplla 8omeo JIPOWU car which Cherie. Marre Wlllilll\IOn la dl-A. 1958 Innovation. the teu an tluoulb the ~anksgivlnr sea·
doclulcl a week liO· Dr. Kef! pur· rector. planned u a tribute to"'-teadl· .._ 'nle Jl.eov. Herbert G. John·
dlued the m&PPf Uttle ~In The play will be pruented In en and to encourap cloeer reJa. mD wU1 preaclJ at 11 a.m. Sun-
Lauaa.ne, Swtaerland. whDe be tlon between home and ailool. city oa the theme. "Wlwn a
wu there dutlnl the au.mmer. · aceordJnr to Mrs. Harvey ,_.._ !t.and.ard Bearer Falntftb." A
Wednesday. October 24th
Frances Norton Shop
213 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
* Presented by Vem a Miller Charm School
Luncheon From 12 Noon
Bay Side Drive at Marine Ave.
....... 1157 ........... .
...n.tiMdlt .. _., .. ...
• • • IAIW .... II ,.. PTA president. Mrs. tlchard UJ. -.tlcJoua moUon picture wUJ be ~~~~L.A~ • ~~~~~ch~n;~-~~D~a~t~th~e~7~p~.m..~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colle,e, are comblned with prae-lll.....ll ........ 11....11 Mrs. Horace Parker art chatr .
tical nuratna counea for Mary 4$3 m 4dCSIII man; and Mrs. Alex~nder MJller • ...... . . . Aa.. letwl
Doable ............. wttll Ethel ltelth and Mary Fay, both . noral chairman. are maklnr ar-ot Bal..,_, who entered nunea International Belatlona Section ra ncements for the teu . PTA
______ .... ___
...... o. ..... ,.. .... . tralntna l .. t month at the Bishop of tbe American Asaoclatlon of bo&rd members wW act as hoa-
JohniOn Collece ol Nuratnr. Their Untveralty Women wlll meet teues blllllll•• .. wta ........ by _, .. t1o Culda9 ldlloo&, • I
...-r• bet* .... '" ... TIMe ........... toacl
hospital duties take place at the Tueaday tor a covered dish aup-Tuc~day rrom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Hospital ot the, Good Samaritan per and a dilcusslon of recent ls "Back to School Night" at Har .
ln to. Anteloes. development• In the 11nlted Na-per School In Cocta Mesa. Thla
tiona. The mMtine-wUl be held will be the second meeting spon· CIDOIIIe4 la ..... ...., ... --ol4.-boC~ •••
* *
8gin & Hamilton
tt the home of Mrs. Wllllam sored by the school PTA.
Wasley, 2405 Bonnie Brae. Santa The first regular meeting was
Ana. held Tuesday of Jut week w~en
a packed room heard Supt'fln·
tendent Everett Rea a~ak on
Grant' a Furniture ln Co8ta Mounfings ''Strengthening Com m u n I t I e •
Mesa. who la CO·!rpenaol'lnl th.la with Our Schools." Alao on UN
thlnr. hu a beautltul wrourht pro.eram waa Ml)'Or ot Newport
iron tlve piece dinette aet be Wallace Calder head Beach. Dora Hlll. who told about
hopes 10mebody w1ll w1n · · ·And Me, Andrews of Harbor High· the Assistanoe Learue cbUdren's
all of our 28 Udo Shops who are JEWELER Ianda. the exchante student wbo dental clinic.
co-co·IPOf\IOrlnl have a couple • wu sent to Germany from the Mrs. Mary Cook. prealdeot. pn·
of thJnp they'd like to contrlb-3l2l r..t Coest Hith...., Harbor Area lut tummer. will 1M aided over the buaJnea meeting.
ute for the cau.. cont1atlna ot c:.r..-. cW Wef ruest of honor at the Ways and Meana ehatrman. Mrs.
125,00 men:llandlae crien from 8 -~-~!'1111-~---:~ and Pror-sonal Women's Oub ~ ltelakes. told about the
dlfterent abopa. a waltz lenrth Profess·lonal of Newport Harbor tonlr•t rumma~ drive belnl beld thia anpl lace ntahtaown. a.c.A. (Thur-.day) fot cttnner at tM week.
Time Clock Radio, Sunbeam Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The Fourth Grade ltUdenta under
Deep-fryer, J'tw turkey~, two o•recto BPW Club 1.1 one ol the support· tbe direction ot Kra. Lew1a Jtld.
hand cSecotated beelreU, c1tek 8lt. I In• orranlzatlona tor the ltUdent der, mate tupervleor, preMnted
decorated .,..ter, ladlee hand-_....,!:!!!!!!!!:.!!!!!~:2!!.._, exchange prolflln. an lndlan playlet and 10np. bal. 4 pewter plat-. 3 alJl,OO aav· r-
lnp account.. a clozen double old
faahloned al--. G.J:. l!lect:r1e
Wall clock. two dilld•t pottralta.
two hand palntH n~ bam·
boo c:uu.,. let with mat'dllq c:upe. dtnMr for tour. wul\, cleo.
pollab and wax Job on your car
J'rlandl7 K.tpborbood Senttce
·110 Broadway
U a.aaJ 6 a.MM eo.ta ~~-
........ G1 r•lt F•l•••t'll
--...... -... ,. ... er.trr ... •t' ... •DLQr1aeO..IIn ....
II..-.. I l8f, OIL II ..... : "WW. , •••• 1111111"
.... ''The scarlet CoteS" . • • ~========~ ~~iii~iiiii~~iiii~~~~~~iii~~~~ NOW ... TWO I * '* * BALTZ MORTUARIES
.._.. IJtltt" ••n•atl'l ........_tiM Harbor.,_ ,._, ... .a ._ a.w. ftt s 11 Baltz Mortuary • ...,. C.. 1 '4 ... CB.A.PSL n nm IIA
a.r.,, IX l • -_, .. ~ B~tawu ...., ... .,..... .... . . . ---.... -1M1 ftl ' t. tt'DI.... c.-cW
-•• .,.. •• # ••a' ts Baltz Mortuary WI~ 1'!1 0 11tn .. ... ~ a.2121
hJrliJ, 0 lll • • • • ... l'nl 6 .......... Oollta .....
12 IW& a ... P II !_!I .. AJIIPL,8 PdKilfO •
.. 01 w p oa.vl'f "'L IO'nl LOCATIOifl ..... ....., .. , ..., .. ~---~ ... --...J ... ,
* *· *
-· --~9 ~
a.c+N• WfbhEISDAY
II Till-...
.. ~-;:; Fall Festival of
JIL&Ya.OftiD, ..... ... ' SMtta.
at I ,c:..n ..... ~---··
~ ILKD'W&A& It t .,._.. ...... .., ........... Dad...,.
.. I 7 '& ._. ·-·-----····--··-· .. --·· _
~ ....... y, ..... a......s
-~ a&ldlrlll --····-····-· ·-····-... -.. ·-····-
D& !' .-d tty._ of Sa .... .,
.... Sldlta .... , .... ad
A t&•taelDittti,J......,ad~
SWUTEIII,Ia..-.hdltl .........
In t I--... -a.trtctTta of
..,... ....... Ill'-¥a ..... ····-··-·-· --
...... ,. ..... ,.. • 'I tl..,... ..
v .............. ..,..,. ......... ................. _______ _
._ ...... .....
18. 19, 20
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
1.99 •Mf 2.99
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
99c to 2.99
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
' !!II~~:~ New Members Are Welcomed of tiM C1tJ ot M...,.n -..cb, tbat tiM JJtla tQ of Wowmw, tlaat &aT port1o11 .o1 . ..-~...-JDt
• CaliiDnSa. an ••• ••t to ta, at tM bow ot T:3D e'dodl • .., ,...... ,... .._.... • IJe.
coonr tM MUa due w u. won P.ll. a. tiM time a...t • a. u.n· pJ11 18dul*l Ia .-c rrhi<'t tor
and ~t .... aDd .......... CltJ Oerk ...... aft)" tbe .............. -llilldna
biDed • the cootrac:tar. 1lnk and all ,. ... ~a .. -..s ID tiM a~ .-jeetlcml to tiM C*tlltl-At Opening El)ell ~eeting
ancJ tn punuanee of tiM provt. work doae, Cll' tn tbe •• r Nnt of tM ur nvst Cll' ..... or
A meetlq pac:bcl wltla bual· llblp lncludM .,__ ...._ Y*·
Tbe ~ Youtla Cllllw .-uc1 ~t oaldaU, Uq. a. a. D-•'4. n.a.u aloM ol tbe ~tAct fll on m., mq ..,.., at U.. NIU· aa. .et. .............. • JIO·
1111. • ...,.._.. .,..... mac~~~ to 1u pJMe ot meeUnc ot a. cttJ ~ o1 u.. ~kit ~ s:'mt a.oludoe ollntentloa Jfo. M21. CouDeO of aJd ~. loe8W ID of StNMa 9'1 ctti• Cll' adoptH ~ tbe Ot7 Couodl of dle CoaDCil a.e•ben tn tbe Oty any .._. Cll' ..._ ., al4
the C1t7 ol W....-.rt IIMc:ll ()D tile Ball ol tiM CltJ' of Jlfewport ctty ~ ...-8iaM work.
2'Tth day ol Deoember. lJtl5. and .. ell. and' be then and there aball prior to tJM clq a-1 •r
to ...,.utloD ~ ~ bearcl by MJd City Couhdl. · 1&14 lleutq. ...-1 • .aM a.,.
and mocJitlcatioM. ....._ a-ola· n. ~ ibe contredlar. or Coaadl of _.. <*7 Ia Ae ..,..
tJon No. ett. aAioptecJ bJ Mid Ita....,.... and all odaer penocw ner JIIO¥tded bJ taw bJ llfWI1
City CouncU on the 23rd c~.,y lnteNIItecl In aalcl WGrtt. • In the atiDc tn wrttlq tbe pound~ ot.
In Corona ... liar ......... a opeDid tM fall club ................. AJC~a• .......
MW loold ... ~ e... lllta· tbe 11....-t IMdl Dell Club 011
Mn ol tM ..._..Danai~-nuandq, Oc!t. t. at the Jlfewport II.II.IR IIIII llave arr-et¥ .....,_ _. 400 LettoD ClaabMule. Sally Jlu.
feet of no. boarda. tud wtlcox urd, alnpr. aDd Harper MoKay, Tt ... , •••• ,
and EtaJe • r of tU dance plu.lllt. ~ted the afternoon IJOUP ... Al 0 'DC» aBel War-mU8kal propam. The COrona del Mar ~~~
ran CJemeaoe ol tiM Youth Cea· Durin~ tbe luDICMon Neal wu. ..,. club wUl meet at 12:30 p.m.
111r ~t ~ momtnc and llama of Lone Beac:h pneented Tueeday at tbe JniDe.. Cout
Monday ~ oa UU. pbue ot the aide ol the ID&Ipenclent oU Country Club. Mn.. John Triplett
the projeet. c:om-n• on ___.tJon t.. v-of 420 Mornlnc Can,on ltd., Shore r-· ··~ ..,.-CUtts. and Kn.. BJchard Under· .......... , .. ,.,_ ..... July, 1958, In the metter of the •tt •......., ...,...lid by any aPPM}.
oonmuctJon of eertaln pavtnp. &111 ad Cll' ~tiDe ol tlae DATm W. 1etb 4q ol Oc·
aJdewallal. curbe. eutten. sanl· SaperiDe-clent ol .._.. • tiM toW, u-.
tar)' .wen. dralnace mueturee. at;, ..,._.In relatloa tbeNtiD. MA.aGDY 8CHM>O ...
Arthur LbldMy, l~aticm chair· wood. 612 PolMett:la Ave .. Corona
mJ.n. Introduced the speaker. del Mar will .rve u bosteaes. water .ervtce eonnecdona and an or wbo daiiD tlaat the worlr Jau City o-tt ot tiM Cltr ol
ornamental liC'htinr tY.tem tn not t.n ~mecl IIOtlOI"ddftl to fl.-port 8eadl. ~Ia M.ra. WWtam Ttltt, pre.ident, The proeram will oonsJ.st of a 31st Street and other meets and the tontnet In a po4 aBel •b· Publleh: Oet. 18 ud 25. U. Introduced the executive board fall fashion 'abowinc under the
and. chaJ.nnen and thanJeed the aponsorablp of MarUyn's In eo.ta
deoora.tlon commJttee, under the Mesa and the Jamaica Inn. Res·
leaderab.tp ol Kn.. Clyde Johnson. ervationa may be made with Mrs.
Al8o oo the decoration oommlttee Glen Youn1. 223 Mar1uerite Ave.,
Republican can d 1 date 1 will rl1hta or way, for the cleecrlptJon atant1a1 manner, or wbo d&JIIl In the Newport llarbCII' ~
apeak at the monthly meeting or of aald work and Improvement.
the Newport Harbor Younc Re· and of the dlatrkt to be .....-d
pubUcana at 8 p.m. today (Thun· CO pay !-he costa and ~
day) In the Newport Beach City thereof; aald aueument belnc
Hall. A question and anawer made pursuant to the provialona
period wUI follow the speeches, and requlrementa of aald Act. ac-
accordlng to Vlce·Presldent AI oordinr to the character ot the
Brannon. wCII'k clone, and hu attached
were Kmes. Lewis Matthias. Co del M HArbor 5517 Sleepwe&l'-in challt..s. nylons Tho,nu Baurne, Leda May l ones, rona ar, · 1
and dacron batiste.-in oh! such E. P. Zllm. Charles Perrin, R. R.
prettY modela-a.re ln bright ar· Donald. Arthur Neeb and l . A.
1 ray at O'BJUEl'rS waJtlftl for you Gant.
to look your best. even whoen It's New members Introduced by
time to retire. And rllht on top Mra. WIWam Gamble, vtce-presl·
ot them we have the loveliest dent, included Mrs. Larry Young·
oollection of housecoats and love, Mrs. Patricia LacLachlan,
robes-you'll be proud to wear Mise Ma ude Chilcoat, Mrs. Ray.
them at the breakfast table and mond Kirby, Mrs. Eugene Dugas,
pleased to allp into them of an Mra. Harry Black, Mra. CharLes
evening whDe watchlng the late, Melone, Mra. Louis Reed, Mrs.
late. late abow on TV. Charles Hart and Mrs. William
.......... ...... ,,., ........
The Harbor Democratic Club
will meet Wednesday evening,
Oct. 24. Ln the American Legion
Hut, at 15th St.. ott Balboa Blvd.,
Speakers wtlJ be State Senator thereto a diagram of said dll·
lohn Murdy, U. S. Representative trlct u requlred by aald Act.
lames Utt and Assembly C.ndl· Said aaaessment a h o w s the
p,..., rt•· ....... tbJa ,....
ID.ay be fall -.... ....,.__
at TOft ............ Toe may
cbooee .. flttlld 10M la eoacb·
IIUIIIl 1111"' ... -pie. -tbe .._ PIP am d1a.at. atyle, .tp-
JIIIa9 .. -cSoeiD9 wttla pretty batt... Toa'U ftDd ~ at
OBaJD"S la td1 IIOI1a ol lowly
fabltca, 80ft ftlftty _dw.., ..
qullt.d c:.ttaes. a.. a:qa.Jalt.
aew qullt.d ayloll triciOta wlllda
a. -..., to ...... aDd JaDg
ntala their abape aDd pntti·
......_ You'll lcwe the flatterf.Dg
femiJWalty of oa.r plush-y odoa n..c. macie with the large
collar to empbcalle their style
cmd IIDartDesa.
Pretties t of these Is In pink.
but you may personally love the
flame-colored coat or the dainty
printed cottons. Many are richly
adorned with jeweled buttons
{and smart a ppliques, most of all
they are all easy to care !or and
keep you looklng your prettiest
morning and evening.
A 1MW alaJpmet of J ..... lrf,
juat lD at O'BBIEN'S, baa ua
models really ga-ga -each
piece La so exquJ.alte. lt'a hard
to chooee the prettiest. U you
bll9eD't ... D them, come lD
~D and Me the gorgeou. "au·
rora boreallau -th•e gema
baTe really captured the fire of
DOrthena Ugbtal Besldea them
the topca, the czmber, the rich
gold collar-type aeclrl...,.. by
maater acdtsiDCIII Moaet, wW
make any bcalc fall eDMmble
take OD Dew special beauty.
See them IOOD at O'BilJEif'S.
2515 E. Coast Hwy.
!lAm. Dll
Now, real
medicated help
for your
trou bled skin!
/1 1/at[fDt~t //o rbtrt
[J r' •,., o/lJuroth r (.roy ~aloru
I h a ' ,. won cJ ~ r I u I n f w ' !
llorolhy Lray Ki,.oll•tt l>ave
ilf''t'l"l'~d a mt"t t<IIHtive
trratmnll to ht<lp rlt>ar trou·
(,It'd '"'"· It'• I~ new M&Dt·
f.HI.D ~C"Ull Sn . Works won1 cl~>r~ 10 3 steps:
1. Lather on Medicated
.\rrub Soop. ~cle with Oat·
meal, it rout$ out every trace o.f
ciO!!I!'"I! dust, hardened oila
ancJ stale make·up. And il
heirs force out bbcltheada.
2. Pat oo coolin,, bracin1
,\/cdlclltetl R~~l"l UO.fl. h
geh at bacteria. Helpe reduce
enlar.ed pores. Refinea and
smooths your sltio.
3. Let M ~tlic:aretl Blemi11a
Cr~am work while yoa aleep to
toolhe, bea I. rew ud you witla
a tofter, clearer c:omplesion.
I promiw 6ne retuht U JOG 11M
M miCATlD Soua Sn clall,y. a•
for beaDIJ the moden WIJ
, Dorothy Gray .....
date Bruce Sumner. amount to be paid to the contrac· • IP'tiiL •••moa • N.ewport. Propositions on the LEGAL ROT1CE
Nov. 6 ballot wUl be discussed. NOTICE OF FILING OF
Gov. Georee Leader of Penn· ASSESSMENT AND TIME
LEE S. a.
sylvania talked to an overflow-OF HEARING THEREON
lng crowd at the spaghetti dinner NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OR IIOIIDATI & 'I'1IVJISI)ATI PJIOif 10 A.M. TO~ P.K.
lunlor members newly wel·
comed Into the general member·
and rally held by the club Friday that heretofore there was tued
eV1!nlng. with the-undersigned, City Clerk
tor for aaid work and ·lmprove-
ment contracted for and per·
formed. together with aJ1 lncl·
dental expenses and shows the
amount of each ass essment
against each lot or parcel ot land
assessed to pay the same.
Exciting --Fun and Educational • •
Ou Ran~e from Grant'• Furniture and Appliance -your local Oafftr11 It Sattler Delaler.
GA.n'aa a U'l'll.a AIL
NI:W .......... &'D 0.&8
UNG&. Ot D l1.. wttll .._
.... tltlta. ... ...., ...
....... o.tnl. y ........... .............
..... loltOCa .,._..
,.., .....,..,. QM ......
DAft~& .................. .............. _ .. ,.. ....... .... .... .............. ...... .................
LOn AJiD 1.01'8 ..... fta
LIDO .... ._....,...
rowu .& • • ........_
AllaleiO.... .... .._ ........................
........... y ........... ............. ...
9:30 • 11:30 A.M.
OCT. 23 ................................ -... Round the world in 90 minutes
OCT. 30 ...... -.... ·----·-·-·---·Quick Treats
NOV. 6 ........... ~ ............................................................... Fit as a Fiddle'
NOV. 13 ................................. ~--------.. Holiday Fanfare
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Oet. 23, tfte fiF?t
week of the Orange Coast College Cooking School.
Come and discover a world of new ideas and interest-
ing ways of making meal time a pleaaure, instead of •
chore. Usten while Anita Rawchuck and &itrry &.rlcen
take you arounct the world on • whlrf of foreign intrigue.
Ancl after ,,hoOf there's clrawint ancf.lun from all the
Lido Shops for a l»it momint of leamint ancl fun . Plan
to attend all four meetfnts and ltetter your chences of •
Heads Cast of
liB St II us op
e waaw...la.Y. ocr. .. e MftiiDAY, ocr. II
POrt TIMatiW ta CCII'CIM del Mar lob Aidadr ot UT 48th St.. JIPOI1IIdl1.080 da.map to U. ~-Jf.wpan -..eta. found a box ot
tuN eeren. eut wttb a ...U bl· raJlroed tolpedaw .•. A bcarllar
llnaDent lkartq tbe ~ • • • 111oJe a • lllp t r e q u • a ~ y
Bub QP...,. ...._ 6'GID tbe ,....., from the but~ ot l .
car ot Patrtcla J1aPe. UJ~ Tope& c. lfUIIc:k. aeo Awn St.. !few·
Aw., Wboa lllancl .•• Jul1aae pan IMdl ... 10-,..u-old Velma
... by. 4. ot 5110 ...... .J)rtW. P. De Jon1 of 50t a.dlaadll AYe.,
Jfewport Beada, wu bitten by ¥' JCewport Betpta, wu Wtun by
Q)lJdeatifted doc ... Two turb1a a dol ~~ to Edward Bate.,
and J rr,.n ,... Molen froiD the 5M Be4landa Aw., Jf e w port
deep treae ot Jh. WI1Uud zwt.. Bel1ht. •.• lin. Alfred Martin,
Mt, 21t Sappbtre Ave .• BalMe It· 4315 J'ullerton A v e., Jf e w p o r t
lan4 ..• Wade FaJ.rd\Ud, 3000 Belpta, IC18t a teO vtolln.
Oc:ean Blvd., Corona del Mar, N • e IVJOUlT, ocr. 1'
ported the theft of a chair and At l0:4.2 -.m. ~ya were re-
benc:h valued at $25 · · · A youn1, ported operaUn1 rftod@l planes on
abort. bald prowl• wu liMn on the era-area at the Youth ~n
the front porch of Mra. Marl tft ... A TV• Jet wu .tolen from
Graves, 4210 Avocado Ave., Corona an apartment at the Lee Haven
dd Mar. Hotel, 2939 W. Cout Hwy., New·
e TIIVIIIDAT, ocr. U port Beach.
A p) top aled wu stolen from e lf()lfi)AT, ocr. 15
Mtl. G. E. TobW. 108 Vta An· A box of tools an~ 15 quarts
tlbe:s. Lido lale · · · Loren James of motor oU were stolen from the
There ta an OCC eophomore Amtbor, Jr. of 5871 Vla Lee St. ear of Joe Todd. 125~ 26th St ..
who bat been in a flcht alrnc:.rt Santa Ana. .u#end a cut M1By Newport ~ach ... L. E. Cock of ~ery nJcbt. Be ta R.obln wu. whOe Indian wre.tlln1 on a ut 27th St., Newpo.rt Beach. re-
llam. who wU1 play the lead In clus table wtt.b Ronald Setta1a. ported the then ot a st~l camp
"Bu• Stop'' at the Lacuna Beach ~ Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, stove from hla back yard ... A Playbou~. at the home ot Ann Romber1er, 13·foot boat with an attached
Robin playa the part of a Mon-223 Via ltbJca, Lido Isle. 0 u t b 0 a r d motor. owned by
tana cowboy tn the bfl dty for J'IID)AT ocr II Charles P. Hansen of 608 S. Bay
tM tint time. Despite rebearatn1 • • w~ rted tum-Front St.. Balboa Island. was
an oMta&e fllbt nllhtly Bobin is 1n 'lb.ree boys bap C:on N Bay stolen from a moorlnc near the
unbrubed and unbattered. Robin, 1 over car ... _,boa laland · A ownet'a home. h~ baa IIJ)ent hta aummen Front Ave., ~ · · •
alnee he wu a younpter on h11 S:S0 bicycle wu stolen from the e TaUI)AT, ocr. II
grandlathft'a raneh. residence of Dr. A. G. Buch~ 701 Ronald Sanchez. operator ot a
Robin wu born In London CllU Drive, Clltr Haven · · · Cua ~ervfce mtlon at 1500 W. Balboa
when hls parenta were workinc Beach, 20, ol Costa Mesa. Larry Blvd.. Newport Beach. reported
their way around the world. H11 htnlk. 23. of Newport Beach, the theft of ~ cans of oil ... 6·
mother bu been active In the and a Santa Ana boy were year-old Carolyn Lawrence of 411
theatr@ hav1nl coached Marte booked for flrhtl.nl at Merle'a Irla Ave., ,Corona del Mar, was
and Cower Champion. Drive-In. bitten by a doc. owned by Mrs.
FIIDAY,· 1 ...
llDEBVATIOMS WOW-B.AaBOB 5451 ....._W Tlt.nup tbe Co opeeottoa of U..
J..alclll bua ......._~, ·--IIJ.J.*
C1114 tbe FoUowt.D9 DiaUactlft SMpe.
Frontier Vlllage
19th It Placentia Costa Mesa
Jam~ca Inn Shop
Corona del Mar
Costa Mesa Plaza.
Harbor at 19th
Costa Mesa
AIJce Rail ot 410 Heliotrope Ave.,
Corona del Mar ... 4 Riverside
juveniles were arrested at 17th
St. and Cout Hwy .. Newport. for
stealing a car ; application for
petJtJona were filed on the 4
youths ... Earl Stanley of No. 9
Beacon Bay, notified pollee of a
Sl50 plate glass window broken
In hla building at 3301 E. Coast
Hwy., comer of Marguerite Ave~
Corona del Mar.
• • •
-------of soc:ial
ay n:c
Miss Perdita Hom. Pomona
Colle,e and Harbor High gradu·
ate and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Horn of Corona del Mar.
Is newly head of the speech and
drama department at Burbank
High School. • • •
east. En$llft Columnist Doc
(Calllnl C. Q.> Rottman. says
that rke-Nixon stickers on hls car
have been creating a ~ensatlon
east of the MlssissJppl, where
tb@y &ln't got none of those fancy
auto signs. He said that rldlng
along the Pennsy TUTnpike. car
after car would honk and wave
and point to bls car sticker. • • •
~ AaUt leued bl4c. now a.d .. .,. wtt.b otf·ltreet
~ I .. 2 lood l ·BIM
bolaee ••• ......_ on swe--
411t u.ttt u.ttt•.oo month
• • . aU unJta lllaould rent u
IM.aq II I .,, OWl'~ preen.
.._ ...:alit and read)' to de·
velop • ONLY 122.5()0,
• • •
3-BJD( bGme. d1nln16 llvtnr
room hu earpetin• W·to-w , tned Pullman bath. Wed
Jdtc:hen with brukfa~ area,
NEWPORT BLVD. 3-way cor-
ner that ahou1d ault PRO-
pt!Ople Ideally. People who
need tree advertlalng. BAR-
CA.IN price of $20,000, Terms.
• • •
dlnln1 and breakfast room.
fireplace. tJled sink, tl@rv1ee
porch, dbl carare with laun-
dry, larae corrugated Iron
shed. Site for MANY, MANY
multiple dw@lllnga . . . or
ralae nuf8ery stock ... or !
Probable chance In rontng
aoon. $14..500 with suitable
• • •
Z7 lo~unty approved ten·
tatJve map. t62.500 Buys!
IMPR O VED -S h ould
DOUBLE your Investment. ~
Cash. Fum1ah reJease cla u~~e.
• • •
FAMILY ROOM -2 baths. 2
fireplaces-bullt·ln kitchen
-glasa wall to covered patio.
VlEW of BACK BAY wat@r lc
hills, $32.500 with terms.
• • •
LESS THAN 60c FOOT. with
low down payment. buys thla
acre and 1/5-M-1, Best lo-
cation on Placentia-155' x
31-t' and Roadway to adjoin-
ing street. Near new devel-
opments. You also get 2 20-
acre proven gold mine claims
at Panamint.
• • •
NEW HOME ... comer fire·
place. plaster, nat'l wood
k.Jtchen cabinets, 3·BRMS. 1" bath. BEST BUY possible
tn Newport Heights. Less
than $18.000.
• • •
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
u 8-1632; u 8-1400 ~es.
llT frontage on Harbor Blvd. JOBJfiOM JEWEI.n" STOB.E
218 Marine Ave. Vena Killer lcbool of ClanD
Commentary-Fashion Models
3iJ7 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
A new drlll telll1l has been or· Best location lett.
Balboa Ialand
Invites you to. accept a
ganlzed at the Flintridge Heart Max w. Pope, Realtor
Academy In Pasadena with San· 1908 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa dye Swanson, a senJoT at the academy. a.s Instructor. Sand)'e ____ u_be...._rt.;;.y_s._t_tu ___ _
attended Newport Harbor High f'OB SALE
School last year and took part In
football half-time activities wtth
her baton twirling. • • • ! RUL VALUES !
Henry Clive, prominent car· English Pigskin aaddl.e, one of the
t.oonlst now llvtng In Newport. finest -· ............... only $79.50
had a double birthday oelebra-Like new portable C. E. dish ·
tlon early thls month when he washer ...... . . ..... only $69.50
celebrated hla diamond jubilee-Serve! gas refrigerator guaran·
or 75 years on thla planet. On t~ .......... ·-········ ... only $49.50
Wednesday. Oct. 3, the a nnlver· Maytag wringer washer, a dandy
aary date. be was f~ to a birth· ...... _............ .......... only $39.50
day dinner In hla honor at the Portable electric sewing machine
Newport Harbor Yacht Club a •d used twice, complete attach-
on Friday a second birthday ments. all guaranteed ........... .
party was held at the Lido Isle ..... .......... .... . .. .... only $67.50
borne of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Tan-12 foot Carver Craft. trailer. 10
One bedr. aputment down-
stairs plua 2·bedroom UPlift
apartment, P'Urblahed •••
patJo ..• 2·car .arqe. Near
Nort.b Bay ancl Beac:b..
$26,500 full price
~amtaEALn co.
C88 Parlr. Balboa Wand B.A m
cozy 2-bedrm. hom~. flq .
Jtone tpl., HW Ooo:ra, t.benn.
beat. dbl. carage atreseed for
apt. Full price, $1t, 750, 15.000
• • •
says, ''Sell!" Home and ln·
co~ in choice loc .. 2·bedr.
each, Pefect cond. Pt-500.
• • •
T AltE UFE EA.!Y -in th1s
amalJ c o m p a c t modeme.
Completely turn. wttb a de-
lllhtful encl. patJo. 427
• • •
YOu'LL LOVE UVL'lC in the
~autltul co m m u n i t y or
Shore cua. 2-b@dr.--<len-
lanai-ocean vie-w. $41,500.
$16.000 handles.
• • •
fireplaces, 2-bedr. plus lg.
rumpus room. Walk.Jng dJst.
to ~ach. $32.000.
Bar I Beacll Realfr
..... He-S.Ur
2&7& Tllli1 Ita.
Two b@dr. and den. 2 baths.
built In range, oven. dish·
washer, d I s p o s a 1. m e r c.
switches. dbl. garage, ei@C·
trlc eye, opposite future park.
Finest Permanent sweeping
vtew. Room for pool.
CWRE YO 1101111
2'731 W. Coast Rwy. U 8·4ZT7 (At the Slgnal)
Newport Beach s5gao DANCE COURSE
FOR ONLY s141 dowllky. Among th@ guests were horse Mercury, Inboard ron-------------Ralph Tandowsky. Jr~ Col. and trois. all ..... ____ .only $325.00
...•......................• , . . ! .... '1 WHAI
: YOU Gill • • • • • : • 6 lftcltvkluol studio : • • : ....... : • • : • Aft lnvltatkwt 1o : • • ..... party ..... ., ..... .., • • • • • • • • • • • • .................. •
• ..... ..., .................... , .... , .... ,.. __ .._ .... ,......., ..... ,.. ....... ......
~O..C....I .... ..., .. ,_...._ .. .._.......,. ..., ... ~ .......... ,.. .......... .., .. ..................... c-.-....... ....
Mrs. Matt Ober of Lido and Mr. Your choice tank sw~pers. RDyal,
and Mrs. OUver C. Hantman of Eureka, Universal, complete .
Los An1eles. ..................... ····--·····-only $17.SO
Close out. brand new 1956 8 cu.
TBOIIAI SIOf'a ILL ft. Servel a~ top trener, one
Thomu SmJtb, 68. of 621 Aca-left. yours wltb trade _ ..
da Ave.. Corona dd Mar, •uf· ................. ···-······-·-···only $199.50
feted a mOd bNrt attac:k l ate Special while they last. only 30
n..da)' nlcbt at hls home. Be of them. all bard ladder back
11 ret>Orted u cetUnl alon1 all chair&. woven wood ... ts. nat·
rllht at Hf>a.1 B~ltal. ural f tnlsh ___ each $2.95
•l'ooJ.-.toO ,,
enced. a.acty to wear. Salary
and C'OIJUillaaloft 5-day week. ~t arandt's Dept.
Store, 33Zl E. Cout Hwy .. COM .
I latin
iUUuvU & AnLIAirCD J-R&Wi'Oih' SLYD.
FOR RDT. Us-talra apt., fUr. ----------nJ.ahed, w.to-w carpet. carap. CAliS roa SAL& oc.an view, prbqe dll!pCIMl .=.:=.....::._ ________ _ = ~. Waldron Jlealty. Theo. Robins
•• PORD 4-dr. V-1 O'dlr. 145 "5t JOIU) ccmv .. Ponto -1• 'S!J M.J'J(X Jtfv. bdeop -2.s
'5I 10m) n:h. .... O'd. -UIIIS
'It JIOm) VIet.. Pwdo ·-1-
.. JIOm) Vkt. ...... -~ .. amYS. WIDtck ..... -..,.
.. JIOel) rdt. ..... 0" .. -1MI
'Cl ~ ... Pldlnilt --
2-BR.M. Rustic sty~@ bouse,
Early American dec:or with
new double g a r a 1 e a n d
apartment above, now leased.
Large. new separate brick
patJos. Must see to apprt'<."l·
ate! $23.950-Tenn.s..
Ml E.lllalr
3333 E. Q)ut Hwy.
Corona del Kat lf.art)or X22
10' z Ul1 ---~750
fAUUDAT. OC'I'Oiaa'JI. 1-•&WIOiit ..._,. IRI. t
Irvine Terrace
• • •
Your lnaJ)«t.Jon 1a respectfully aollclted.
• • •
Earl W. Stan ley
On Htway 101. Newport Harbor, oppo<e t.be
new In1ne Coast Cocmtry Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further lnformatton
I l•••a, • ..., flni•••• lllill -
W11.11fwl UedJL
Shows income of $10,100 yearly. Full price $64.500. Owner will
consider low down pym't or wUI also consider trade for small ln·
rome home or duplex.
21667 E. Cout Rwy~ Corona del Mar B.A: 17U; RA: 0757
CHAI8ERLAII'S "Wile a.,.," Cella l111
Four bfodrms .. 2 baths. 3 yrs old. ArtistJC'ally dec:orated.
b@autltully landst'aped, completely fenced. Class cov
erf'd lanai lr patio. s~ lighting. Sl3,750, 4\s<;< loan.
terms. 2''1 blocks from complete shopping center .
'1'ruiy a WiS@ Buy." EARL F. CHAMBERJ...ArN, Realtor,
388 E. 17th St . Costa Mesa. Uberty 8-6301. \Bobble
Dt>Fir. A.ssoclate 1
down. will buy this neat J .
BRM. home on quiet str@'Ct.
Beautifully landscaped. baC'k
yard "ith tl hpond and fru 1t
bearing tree'S Fireplac-e -
hardwood floors-2 car ga.r
ar-e--wlred for 220 \'Olts
Fl'l..L PRICE only $14.500
with an excellent FHA loan .
Hurry on this! .. , ..... ., ....
1875 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa. CalJfomla
Day or nlcht phone U 8-m4
Phone !.n yow-newa atones to
your local new.paper, the Eb·
qn.. Harbor W4.
Doe• View Lei
60' x 100'. UWitJes ln. $2500.
n .ooo down. $50 month.
Club and Beach pn\1leges.
• • •
1-2 Ltl
level, ;o· x 11;. $3.000
• • •
• • •
.. 111111 lltltll
Fin~ location on Newport
Blvd. For sto~ or QUice. ~
0111.1 .. IEILn
367 N. Newport Blvd.
oppaaite Hoq HQ8Pital
Pbcme Liberty 8·1617
rr-h aiJ--.Iow cos1 pow~~
lcmcL aea and air -happy emplo.,... u~
minu._ away--oenter of e~ing JDarbea
-no fnsew:ay tie-.upe.
See a IMIDbet ol
CAR U111 roa a•cm WAft AD8
1 1Une 2 Timee 3 Tim•
.75 1.25 1.50
1.00 1.50 2.00
31 to 40 wcxdi 1.25 2.00 2.50
Each ward OY8J' 40 .03 .OS .07
Caah mu.t be reoetftd within 7 days ai first iriaertion
Insurance Companies
I Iris
ot our tremendous growth
and numerous promotJona
e Full pay a.s you learn
• Frequent Increases e Advancement actually en·
Tele,ll••• O,arllln IIDRESEI COIPAIY -Apply-
CAU&Ifi81-aDADIS ...........
I. .. a.EII8II
1014 E. Balboa BlYd .. Balboa
Pal •sc~•••rallll ...........
-~a ... cJoon
.. loW .. p.J5 eadl.
-&.t.ta.a..taAna EJ!Db-tr , .UOI)
0,. lat. aUI 2:00 p.m.
8:30 to 4:30
122 West Third
Santa Ana
~{;. ~!l«a~ ::,. ~
are ot1ertn1 mady Jo~ wtth
C.. IW•:t•llr
It'a to our own lnterftt lf we
can hire men who wUl make
a career with our ctyna.mJe business. Wf therefore otter:
Steady lobe
On-tbe-Job tralnlnJ Real advancement
5-day, 40 hr. week.
lntervlew D9W f« tmawJJ.ag
openinp for students lntet·
e8tAid 1ft lune ()IMIIl.lna. Mill· ta.rJ atatua not-con.tlae:red.
Apply 1:30 a.m. tbna • p.m. 1030 z. t.t 8trMt
95~4.115 a?,OOO.OO
To S..e Y•
LOW "ltmuaN6"
222 0.:.. Av ..
PHONl HY. 4-lln
601 N. a C..eo ....
PHONE HY adftth 2-1191
• HY .ante. 2-1 196
1446 E. COAST KW't ..
I HAiti. 476J
a..W-:HA~CI ..
liTI-~-FilE -UFI
lTIIS JQ!WPOirf AVE.. OOSTA MESA bm cs: U'-tJ .. 1155& u:s. UlMrtJ I-5013 _____ _._.......,_ __ .......... ~
STROOT'S ~m:,~
*A~ * Pclia? • ._ .. ...._u...-.o.ss. ...
n. ....... 7 P~-·~---'t:;;··--............... .......... : ... -=-U.J;...... .... ........ dill .. ..... ....... , •• , ..... ., 2 ....... ........
.._ IL &. ll1ne .. , --~ UIIIC.& ~ tU:I-p .......... nrnn?rriL......, ~,... M 2 ...._ .. vw. ¥ -...... o.-.e c.-.,.. --...... ....al ........ ..-. ... -.Lrrdld•tM._.....
to .......... ...__. nll ...... a.... ..
r.u.t.. •
~.,..... 7rr ....... ._ ........... a tru
tea'1l ...,. .... ~ , ..... -.... 6 ••
(a-........ 7111'11•• ...... ~ ?!:1!! ..... te,.. Ia .... .,.y It: ';J' ...... tit • , ___ -= (CiaU' 'I J1011hs _... • ....,., 1 __. •••
~ ....... ... .. .... c.-... -•. c-......
Daas •* aDd Foeeip BaiL SWp. Air, ..
VldM Q. ~Ill'
Cllaa. A. ~arson CoaiHn MorTie
Pllul Demar"
Mf"'L J J Dwyer ltdw P Sacl<e
£fvfn Wolaon
Mrs VIva Alnandar
SUIENA "''"'U< Go,_ M~C:o"'Mt
Dw•ght An••noon "'-ap .......
COSTA M E.,_ Arlie l wa t•
"' H F"la ... r1y Qaorwa TOO aa
Cllaa. W . ToWinlo.lo O~naw Oun .. n
Mra. Oorc:Ulp a .. thwlaft•
F"ULLit .. TO"'
To"' K Qewon w. w. Ha)'. Jr. Wataon O..n a.tush Mh. II. H h •tt>. Jr. Joll11 M. TOOI)O
Ha"'"l' L4Wfa L~ko
MacltiPII Shor1
F"ranl< Ut lcll ~. III""WOO<I &dga r N S. Von ltohr
Ha ..,flt.ll ~ottw
wan., Oo"'"'"•
"'· k"-rtlltr VIctor T ttr)' ~., "'""-" ... , .........
.,.,... Jacll Celvln
Or L t:_. WlllttakW
OC&AN ""IW, WINTEIU,.. ~H .. I
C'tlaa. "'· Attrl._. M~ T.V. c. ..
LAOUN" SIIACH cu ....... _
..... ,.......... •• I(Of'MC)o
;~ ......... u.. HAa.A --~ L.~ •• ~ T-H.,.. w ........... .... o. .....
.... ••4 Da•r ••II
tlueugheut . 40 o..._. c:...ty_.,.. ..
........ boW .... ......
M.mfy .. his c .... ....
Fo, le -&.die-. T It a y
Ws¥e ........ ...,
that this C~M~tdy ....
a M an sf Ssn•tsr
Mut.IJ'• experieMe ....
, ...... itt.
' ~--.. ._tt.efll'lliM· dii.,Oiell:;.._.._, .... lllli8 • •• fll .. ,_ 1o tMIQcral::f!Wl...,..uda -::; , ..... .., lh ... a. ...... ....., ................. *--.......... BOCiee ., 111-..daa ....aarll7 tiO
II a-II ... tM a.,-llr aa:r ._. Mille a 11 t1 ,, ....... -..a ._tr'KWd Ia • .,.... dlma7 ._. 'DHIIIM • Mice ~*'-le-...... --~......... ---=:.IDoiD .. ,.aft)' IDU8t tbiNfiPOII ~,..... .. a • aou. • a· , U. "'11eda lUI& .. , s -.... ~ eaJ4 bi•id~ e~ ..._ up•a tile
--,.. ... al J'lauce -••• 2 9 J 0 c .. .. u ... ~ to toll· ,......, Ill-........ ludl ....u ..... c:lwp ttl ........... Jlfo -1MB .. ... .... .... or that ..... purs madl1De ot ...,...,._ ..a.4.
eilldl _.... .. 1lcleMe .._... to ..... fiDr U7 01 tM ..........., ,_ ... ftldl tbe ~ llu Such lUCia._ or ....,.lla&U a.
NPiece U7 ...... ~ UHler bilm I : ........ II betq ua.d to Hid by tbe Cltr IDr tlatlt7 (ID)
,..,.WDfO ,.. IUSD'DI u.. .....,...... al • A.rdeM. ......,.._. Y"fDIW • ,......, t.M •• •t of tiM ,oue. or dl11 efta' .a ...-.. u4 If
l.JC&'MDS AJfD A IC"BD-wlald\ Ml .,._ IOit or ._Ofed, •• AlooboUe ~ Oil ..... tllat die 11c1nee 11 lliltq Ullld no adiOe 11 CIOIIliMIIC..t to ,..
t11.E Or J'D'.'I 'J'BI:DI'OL Upoll NAIION'We peool til-at. "Ambulance .-.kit lor a,..,_ dl.Cfer.Dt t.rc. tbat ~ DUI III.Oil ol.uda ~
,. City CouDdl ol the ~ ttl ""Secdoft GCM.T. I
0 I ... .. AudioD tot WbkJl It ... t.ued. It tlaall « deYtce wtthlD ncb ..... ....
Newport Beach 00. Of'dalD u 'ft • 1 I 1 • r· Z a e b 11 c en • • "lt.utomobU. Cor h1.N or.t. Mid UeeMe IU.II*Ided or aame aball be au~ ck·
f 11 • panted or S.Uecl u.nder any pro· .. BUUatcl room • N\'Oice4. ~ penon havlnr aa&d atroyed. « lf .udl m.aell1M • 0 ~ON 1: nat A.rttcle vt vlaton of tbla Article llba.ll au-.,._t.: ftllhlq b&rp, al•bteee-1~ llalilll*lded llh.U not •· device 11 held by tbe Court. Jn
of the Mu.nld pal Code of tbe ctty tborbe the Ueen8M to traMact or t..., tJ,orM, llveba!t and aap In *UCla bualnela untU all any dvtl or erbldnal aetton. to
of Newport Beadl ))t and the carry on the '"*'In-theftin wat..-c:ratt tot hire aueb objectionable oondit1ona are be 1n YSoJatJon ot Sec:t:ioD 6113.1,
same 11 hereby amlnded by de-named. at the place thereto des· "Camlval • elrcu.a tully nmedled to the aatt.atad:lon the same ahall be aununa.rUy des
letJn and repeallnl tbe exiltm a lfnated and at no oth« place, "Dance ball · ot UM CltJ Council. The applls stroyed Immediately att• the des Chap~era 1 and n, sectlona 6100 and the uld Ucense shall not be "J'ortune teWna and related caUon ot any peNDO for a ll· clslon ot the Court bu become
t hrou h and lneludln.a 684 of asalanable or tranatenble. A pra~ ~. after bavtq bad a ltoen.e flnal.
said 1rt1e1e vt and aubstltuttna chan~ ot locattoo ahall be al· "Gal'M ol aldl1 01 amUMment revoked purwant tD the provi-"Any and all money ae1z.ed In
In lieu thereof the following 10\W!d to the holder of the ltcenee .. BOOM to hou. .oUdtlnr alotu o( th11 Mctlon, mWit be ap· or In connection wtth euch m as
chapters and sections: upon the payment to the Director "lunJc deal« or yard proved by the City CouJldl chine or device, Immediately af.
"Chapter 1 _ BUSINESS LI· of Finance ol the sum of $2.00. '1AUDdllnl tami> "Section 611.2. & 1'"-ter such macbJoe or device bas
CENSES GENERALLY. "Section 6100. Dl8play el Li· "MerrJ·IO·I'O\lnd or almUar de· "Section 6112.1. c:e.tatatlea w been so destroyed, Is to be p aid
"Section 6100. DeflaltloDI. For ~ vice ltota ... of Uae VDltM ,...._ or Into the treasury of the City ot
the purpose of t.bJs ArtJcle, cer· "Section §.105.1 ~ el Li· "Outdoor mualeal or epectal t.M ltat. el ColllonaJc. Nothlna N~ Beach to the credJt of
taln words and phrases are de· ~ et Fbied .._. ef 8uef=n• events In thiJI Article shall be deemed the General Fund.
fined and oertaln provtsJons shall Every person havlna a license "Pawnbroker or construed to apply to any pet· "Sect.lon 6113.1(~). ~
be construed as herein set forth. under the provlsions of this Ar· "Ska tJna Rink son transacting and canytng on aa to ._.Y A.rclaldM. Until Oc·
unless the provisions of the con· tlcle and carrying on a business "Yacht or boat lan dJng, allp any buslnea exempt by virtue ot tober 1. 1957, Section 6113.1 of
text otherwise ~ulre. at a fixed place ot b usiness shall rental the -Constitution or appllcabie thJs Code shall not apply to the
"Section 6100.1. .. "ala • a r keep such license posted and ex-or for any other buaJneu which statutes of the United States or keeping. malntenanoe, pouesston
means arts, professJons, trades, hlblted whlle In force ln some la almllu thereto, or wbtch In of the State of Calltomla from or control In any duly licensed
and occupations and all and ~lcuous place of aald place the opinion of the ctty CouncU the payment to the City of New· pen ny a..rcade In th• City of Na¥-
every kind of calling curled on of business. ha.s an equal or areater effect port. BNch ol auch license tees port Beach ot any of the ma ·
for profit or llvellhood. "Section 6105.2. Ko Ftad •lclce upon the public health, safety or as are herein prescribed. cblnes, aames or devices u wt
"Section 6100.2. 'Opelatle' tn· of auat=•• Every penon hav· weltaff, exorpt by prior a pproval "Section 6112.2. Cbarltllble hz· forth In Section 61J.l.L lt.ll 'web
eludes to manage, control or Inc such a license and not hav-ol the City CouocU. Whenever paM. 1be provtalons ol thls Ar· aames and devtces 1n auch duly
carry on. lng a fixed place of business, any person dealres to operate tlcle shall not be deemed or con· Ucenaed places of amuaement,
"Section 6100.3. 'hnoa' ln· shall carry such license with hlm any such business he shal~ apply atrved to n!QUlre the payment of and the owners. operators 01' poe·
eludes any penon, firm. auocla· at all Urnes while canyiJ'11t on to the City Council for approval. a license tee to operate a ny bual· seuon thereof shall, however, be
tlon, organization, partnership, the business for which the stlme The City Council may grant ap· nesa or activity from any lnatltu· avbject to all other laws and ord.Js
business. trust or corporation. was granted. proval In whole or In part. or tlon or oraanlutlon whJch 'l.a op· nances of the State of Callfornla,
"Section 6101. L 1 c • "a • • • s "Section 6105.3. UCIRII Raa-may deny approval .• Where any erated wholly for charitable pur-and th e City of Newport Beach
qu1Nd. N~S oe Veb.Jdee. Every vehicle business specified 1n this Sec· poses or trpm which profit l.a not pertalnlnc to aamblln •.
"No person. either for himself liable for the payment of a Jl. tlon. in the oplnlon of the City derived. either directly or Lndl· · "Section 6113.2. ._lillble F.-I
or any other person. shall oper cense under the provisions of Council. may ~me dangerous rectly, by any Individual. firm. or St-.4 or Stnet ltttda• ITolaJb.
ate any business spedtled ln this this Article shall have a number to, or adversely effect the public corporation; nor shall any Jlcenae lted. Portable food atand or at:reet
Article. ln the City, without first printed or painted thereon or at· health, morals. safety. or wei· fee be required tor the con duct-kitchen ls prohibited wtthln the
havtng obtained a license from tache<! thereto In some con.splcu-f~. or become dangerous to sur· Inc of a ny entertainme nt. con-Ci ty, except after Councll a p·
the City to do so, oc without com-ous place tn plain arable figures roundlnc property, the City Coun· cert. exhibition. or lecture on ad-proval, on developed privately
plying with any and all regula· oJ not less than one 1 n c h l n ell shall deny approval. entltic, hiJitorlcal, literary, ffllgl· owned commercia l or Industrial
tlons or such business contained loengt:h. and oC a proportionate '"'be City Manaaer shall rec· ous. or moral eubj«ts wlthln the property, and then only for the
In this Article; and the carrying width. and of svch color a.s to . be om mend to the City Council that City. whenever the reoelpta theff· purpoee of aeJUng food or r'8·
on of any such business without r ead II Y dlstlngulshed. whK:h an Individual business eatabllsh· from are to ~ appropriated to treshmenta to employees of the
first having obtained a Hoon.se number shall be designated by ment shall ~ subject to Council any church or school or to any business located thereon.
from the City to do so, or without the Director of Finance who shall approval when. ln his judgment, religious or benevolent purpose; "Portable food stand or street
complying with any and all reg· keep a record thereof. any such business establishment nor shall any Jlcense tee be re· kitchen meana a pla.oe where
ulatlons o1 such business con· "Section 6106. hrymnt OD4 not speeltically Included In Sec-qulred for the conductlna of any food 1.a sold, or food l.s cooked for
talned In thls ArtJcle. shall con· T•rm of LiCMUe. All lice~ fees tlon 6110.3 ha.s an effect upon entertainment concert. e.xhlbl· JrnmedJate sale and ls portable
stltute a separate violation of required by this Article shall be the public health. safety, or wei· tlon, or lecture by any religious. and so constructed that It can be
this Article for each and every! payable In advance to the Dire<.'-fare equal to or greater"than cha ritable, fraternal, educational, moved trom place to place.
day that such business Is so car-tor of Finance In lawful money those businesses listed In said military, state, county or m unicl· "Section 6113.3. Sell1a9 bOIIl
rlf'd on. I or the United States. section. pal organlzaUon or aS!IOCiatlon, WCif'CIIU Jlrolt.UMW. No license
"Section 6102. VlolatJoD a Mla· "Licenses required hereunder "Any applicant for a license to whenever the receipts therefrom s.hall be granted for enaaatna In
dem.auor. Any person. who for sha ll be for the following periods carry on any business speeltled are to be appropriated for the the business of seUlna tamales,
himself. or for any other person. and the-fees therefor shall be hereinabove. or any other busl· purpose and objects for which tacos. sandwiches, p eanu t a,
shall vtolat.e any of the provt· due and payable on the follow-~ n('SS which ls similar thereto. or such organization or auoclatJon beans, or candles fr<>m staUona.ry
slons of this Artlole, shall. for,lng dates: which. In the opinion or the City was formed, and from which waaons. handcarts, trays or bas-
each violation thereof, be deemed "I at Annual licenses s hall be Manage-r or the City Council has profit Is not derived. either dl· ket.s upon the public streets, or
guilty or a misdemeanor, and for the period of one year a nd an equal or greater effect upon rectly or Indirectly, by any lndl· vending of any klnd.
upon conviction by any Court the f~ therefor shall be due the public health. safety, or wei· vidual. firm. or col'J)Oratlon; pro· "Chapter 2 -SCHEDULI: OF
having jurisdiction thereof. shall and payable on the first day ofl fare, may be required to be tin-vlded. however, that nothing In LICENCE FEES.
be fined In a sum of not more J uly of each year, and shall be gerprlnted by the Pollee Depart·~ this section shall ~ deemed to "Section 620(), ._lc LiCMLM
than $5()0.00 or by imprisonment delinquent on the first day of 1 ment o·r the City of Newport exempt any sU&h organization or r... Every person canyl.Qg on
tn the City or County jail not ex· I August of each year. Beach and may also be asked to association from complying with the followln& named businesses
ceedlng thirty days, or both such ''(b) Dally Hcenses shall be answer such reasonable ques·l the provlslons of this Article re-shall pay an annual license £ee
tine and imprbonment in the due and payable In advance and tlons as may be put to him con· qulrlng approval from the City of $25.00:
discretion of the Court. shall be delinquent It not paid In cernlng his past hlstory and Council or any City Department "Accountant
"Section 6100. araacb ~ta:bs advance. mode of carrying on business. to operate such business or ac· "Advertising. outdoor. except-
UabmeDt cmd S • par at • 8aai· "Section 6107. Peoalty for n. whether It be the same or a dlf · tivlty. lng advertising of licensee's
DeUeL A separate license must UDqueDcy. To every license feel ferent business th an the one ap· "Section 6112.3. DlaablH Ex-own goods on hls own prem·
be obtained for each branch es· becoming delinquent as provided plied for. Such application may ......,~ Any dJsabled ex· lses
tabllshment or location of the In th\s Artlcloe. a PenaltY o f also be referred to any other de· serviceman who qualifies under "Airplane. passenger or freight
business transacted and carried twenty · f Ive percent of the partment or the City or any pub-the provisions of Section 16001 of (Council approval)
on and for each separate busl-amount of such license shall be lie agency for Investigation and the Business and Professions · ''Alcoholic beVerag,e, on sale
ness speclfled In thla article and added and said penalty shall be report. The employee or employ. Code of the State of Clllfomla, CCouncll a pproval) ·
carried on at the same location, coll.ected. and the payment there · ees of the applicant. where In the shall be exempt from the pay. "Ambulance service (Council
which ls not ordinarily an ac· of shall be enforced In the same opinion of the City Manager or ~nt of a businesl license fee. approval>
cepted part of such business. manner as the license fees are City CouncU the buslneu is such "Section 6113. Jlrolt.UMW 8u.ats "Apartment h ous e, h ot e 1.
Each license shall authorize the colLected and the payment there· to effect the safety. health or ......., It Ia not Intended ln thiJI motel, rooming house, board-
licensee to transact and carry on of enforced. welfare of the public. may alao Article to license any b usiness. tnc house, auto court. trailer
o nly the business licensed there· "Section 6108. u-=-e.. r.. • be required to be finaerprlnted occupation or profession proh lb· park, buna alow court. or Inn
by at the location or In the man· Debt. The amount of any llcense by the Pollee Department of the lted by law or by other provisions constatJng of 3 or more rental
ner designated In such license. r.ee and penalty lmposed by the City ol Newport Beach and m ay of thls Code. and avch other pro· units.
"Section 6104. AppUcatioo cmcS provtslons of this Article shall also be requ ired to answer such vtslons of this Code prohlbiUna "Architect IuuC~Jae» of Ueia.M. be deemed a debt to the City ot rehc>nable questions u may be certain businesses, occupations.
"Section 6104.1. AppUc:atioa few Newport Beach and any penon asked conoernlna h ls past his· 01' callln p In the City shall ff· ucea.ae. Before any license Is f.s. carrying on any business without tory of employment. main In full force and eflect and
sued to any person, such person first having procured a license "Section 6110.4. Is-dAd ~'roMe· s h a 11 n ot I n any w a y b e
s hall make application therefor from the City so to do shall be tiGil OD4 ~ The City amended, repealed or modWed
to the Director of Finance. Ap· liable to an action In the name Council may require from such by the provisions of th1a Article .
pllcant must state (ll the name of the City In any court of com-businesses or act!vltles u are "Section 6113.1. Poaseulon of
of the party to whom the license petent j u r I s d I c t I o n, for the enumerated ln Sectlon 6110.3 or Certain Games Proh ibited. It
ls to be Issued ; C2l the nature of amount of license t.ee and penal-o ther businesses or activities shall be unlawful for any person,
the trade or business to be pur· Ues Imposed on such business. which are similar thereto. a rea-flrm or corpora tion to keep, ma in-
s ued; 13) the place where such "Section 6109. 8oth Crbataa1 sonable char&e for special pollee taln. ~ or have under cons
business will be conducted and aacS C1Yll Actioa Autbol'bed t. and tire protection and In addi· trol In any place of buslneu. or
such other Information as may Pailan to l'ay Uwue F... 1be tlon thereto may require such any other place of pubUc re.ort.
be necessary for the enforcement conviction and imprJsonment ol businesses or actJvitles to pro· either u owner, leaaee. aaent.
or the provisions of this Article. any person for enaaetng In any vide public llabUlty and prop· employee, mort,aa,ee, or other-
"Sectlon 6104.2. Duty to ~ business without flrat obtaining erty dam aa e Insurance In the wlae, any table aame or deYJce
UCIIOM. Upon application as a license to conduct such busl· amount to be determined by the commonly known u a 'pln aame.' 11 quo r,
above provided, and when the ness s hall not reLieve auch per· City Coundl. 'ptn ball machine.' 'muble mas
applicant shall have tendered son !rom paying the license fee "Section 61ll. • ............ chine.' 'one allot marble aame,'
the license fee as hereinafter pros to conduct such bualness. nor ~ ol 1.1..... Upon a 'horae race mac h 1 n e,' 'c:law,'
vlded. It shall be the duty of the shall the payment of any license written statement by the City •scoop,' or •arab machlne.' 01 any
Director of Finance to prepare tax prevent a crlmlnal prosecu· Manager ftled w1th the City automatic pay-ort machine or
and issue a license hereunder lion for the violation of any of Council to the effect that any 11-any game of eh anc:e commonly
and to state upon the face of the provisions of thla Article. All cenae Is belna ueed Jn contra· known aa a 'alot-machlne' or
.Cach license the following: (1) remedies prescrtbed hereunder ventlon of thls Code, any ordl-'alotlesa alot-maehloe.' the re.ult
the person to whom the same Is shall be cumulative and the use n~ of the City, or any law of of the operation ot which ma-
tssued; (2) owner of said busl-of one or more remedies by the the State. the Clty Council shall chlne Is determtnecl by the juxta -
ness; (3l the kind of business City shall not bar the use of any fix a date for a beartna thereon, poeltlon or aH~t of picture.,
thereby licensed; (4) name and other remedy for the purpose of a nd shall cause notice of the symbols or other emblems borne
location of such business; CS> the enforcing the provlalon.s hereof. time and place of aald hearing on revolvtna ~ turnlnr reel.a,
amount of money paid therefor ; "Section 6110. ~-tw to be aerved on the Pft'IC)n to wheels or dlalu, the operation .
and C6) the date of expiration of c.riala LlclaeM whom auch license haa been ls-use or play of which 11 controlled
such license. "Section 6U0.1. h1'sneM ... sued, or any one of such penon.s by placlna therein any coin,
"Section 6104.3. Elfect of Miss qulrlD9 Food JlndiAWJ. Where a ln the event aucb llcen ee haa plate. disk. plug, key or other de·
tcdiK& In no cue shall any mls· business Is required by law to been Issued to more than o~ vice. or by the payment of a ny
take by any officer or employee have a food handline permit. no penon or the manarer or a rent fee.
of the City In stating the amount license shall be Issued until the of any such penon. Service of Section 6113.1(a ). ... •••
of a Jtcense prevent or preju dice Orange County Health Depart· thl.t notice eball be accom~lllbed Any machine, aame 01 devtc» u
the collection by the City of what ment and the City BullcUnr and by elther aervtnr auch Jlft'80D delcrfbed tn Sec::tJon 811.3.1 a nd
should be actually due from any Safety Depa r t m e nt have In· penonaJly, or by depoeltlnr It In 11rhJch l.a kept, malat.alned. pc»-
-penon earrytna on a business s~ and a pprov-00 the prem· the UnJtecl Sta* ~ OfJiee at -.c1 or COGtroiW Ira ~n
svbject to a license under the lsu. Newport lleec:b. Ca1Uor71Ja. po.t· of ..W MCtJon tGIWdlutel a pub.
provtalons of tbiJ Artlcle. "Sect:Jon 6110.2. Pat s ... ap prepaid, adclruua to IUeb lk'DUieanct. and a.i aty lt..lt(lr.
"Section 810U. Void u ..... quLrt .. ~ ol 0 •• .,.. peraon u It appHn on the U· MY o1 Jfewpan ._. *Y lnlas
The Oty shall not be bound by All commerc:fal, lnciUICJ'tal. aDd eenw. tu14 abatement p roe• ••• "r•
the ml:wtake ol any otficer or tl'lt· mltcellaneoua b u I J dl n r • con· "11 upon nell ~ the CltJ ....,_ tiM ~ • ,_. a1
plo,.ee ttl tiM City tn lsautnr a muctecl wttbJII the aty W'tlldl CoundJ lJAcla that IUdl lJceNt II 810" bulldlnl or = Ia wtaicll UCJ~mM ('llllftt:ra.ry to the ttrma of are to boue a bulln-~I Ml~ 1llld In dDnlra.._tiun 011 RCil ~ IIMd.
t.hls ~ Ot ttl Ute tenna of a cltJ 1kelwe-haft a 0.· tlall OcM1e. CJr ...., orcllaaee ttl ~ llU.l(.). C • I
an1 IOnl~ • odw ordlnanca tJtka~ ttl ~ -...s b1 t111e OtJ, 01 &n1 law al .._ ,...., ._ _. MtE ~ fa .....,_ ID
ol tbe CJI)'. 8adl U.... Mlll be the Clt1 adktlftl and lallt;r De-• t.lt8t Ole PMIDIIM ........ ..,. .., OCIIIr 1 . • ~ • null aDd ..,.., partmlat ............. lo ............. d •• !IJ tkll AitJde .... 'ay ....... a_... .... .
"''lctJCIID tJOU. •4 •• r.. ~rate aiel ' an• ..., .. • II -• s.,. ... Dot Ia IJIOlCMI .... ..,.. u •• sad "1 larllill
• .. tl P-· ltr;;, I Jto aed. Alrtes lltl• I llliiiiO. r tl:Mz, ---• ...... 111&1 ~ '--~ u-e ilr -L -C ... wtddl.,... 1 ali ..... ID - -JPG& tD t11 cAeUwll) -:=i .... ..... ....... ... ..................... -........... ........_....... ... ... .. .-a• a• ... .._, I._..ID'IIl .... ~ ...... ,~ 1 X.................. .... W,...lll
Filii ••• ,. ........ ,..,
Gary Allen. JMW!y arrlved eon
of Mr. and Mn. atdlard JUecert,
958 Dopood Ave .. eo.ta MeM.
wu born Thursday, Oct. U. at
Hoaa Ha.plt.al. Ge.ry welahed
7 pou.ndil at birth. 'nMN are •
other cblldND ln the aiqert
family, Richard lr.. 6. Daniel. 4.
Lany, 3. and Chrtatine. 1 "'· Betore movtna to eo.ta Mea
2 months aao. tbe R1elerta llved
In New York.. Mr. R.le1ert. a c:er-
amlc en~ la employed at
HeUpot Jn eo.ta Mesa.
Llndaay Ann. dauahter ot Mr.
and Mrs. George Corlch of 1972
Fullerton A'vt'., Coat a Me a a.
weighed 7 pounds. 9 ounces
when born Sunday, Oct. 7, at
Hoaa Hospital. Llnclaay Ann hu
two brothers, Scott, 3',i, and
Chuck. 2"i.
Formerly of Glendale. the Cor-
leba moved to Corona del Mar 2
years aco bdore movtna to Costa
Mesa. Mr. Corlch la a commer·
clal artlat for !forth American
Aviation In Downey.
ID+iiiG wttll 1M I.e ._..
AbcNft ..... •••lr••l. ,.... ....... w ... Dlewtta. ••• « ......... ...
Caiola. .......... -.....
laadla A"" •.....-t JleiPia.
.. Is ~ • oa •eadl"9 ....._. ............. a4 ...........................
...... .. -""-.. Sept.
1M2. M artt :OM w..,.. V'al·
.... ty. ------R.ead the Eutan Want Ad pap .
... ••• BUSY MAN
• • • ON A HAID JOI!
fOI AlMOST 21 YIAIS, U.S. Sen. Thomas H. KUCHEl
has been serving the people of his county, atate and
notion. And Mrvlng them well, Truly, he ,.pr ... nfl
All the p.aplel
JUST AS IN ANY OTHB fiBD, performanc• counts In
the buty job of being o hord·working U.S. Senator.
Perlotmance plus ABILITY put cwr "fovorlt. aon" Tommy
ICuchel of Anah•lm at the TOP of our country's list of
able ~lalotoraJ let'a k"p him therel
He Always Has
He Always WiA •
* * *
Film on Peru h . II•••• . '*iiMDAY. Ot.Ta.a aa. a• ... IW, ..... !!!"' .. u
• • I .. GI&J'a.TaaJNR-a .... W.ll 8 Sh n•• Debra Ann. ftnt ebOd ol )(r tfEIRlll~ I 8 OWn aemc. were beld rr14a7 1n and ~~ra. Donald 1aeaon. ot 158 &• ~
St. Anctrews Prab~ Clnuc:b E.llonte Vista Ave .. eo.ta Mea. ~.,.....JU.'I" A CIDIIond motioD pleture taken b lira. lJlUe Eliza beftoar, '13, ... hoed 5 pouDda, 5 OUDCea at ,1:11' A
1n JWu bJ Dr. Loeta T. 'hJbot wbo died Crt. 10 at Iter home, '*lll Wedbeeday, Oet. 10. at .._ ~
wtll W abown at T p.m. tbla Sun-S00 Z. 15th St.. CW! Haven. 'l"be Boaa Ba.pital. Kr .. laePoll Is -o-.. .._.., day at tbe J1n1t Sa,u.t Clw.rdl -... lam. a. Stewart cftldat.ed. empl~ at the Alplla leta ..._. ....._ --:
et lfewport -..eta. lttb and W. ~~ Parbe ~ ot. eo.ta JlarUt In eo.ta Mesa. •• •sswt a. ... .....,. lllialll
Balboa Blvd. -wu in ebarae ol arranp-
Tbe ftlm Is a paphk ~ta-menta. .
tScm ot Ute amona junrle ln41all Mn. lzenour .... a native of
tribes ot Peru. 'nibal praettee. Beu.la,b. Pa., and bad Jived ln
Reb u INerlblna INIC'Nd mark· Westwood, CalU.. tor 28 yean be-
lnp on the face ot. a )IOUDJ a'lrl fon movlna to tb.1a c:oDUDunJty
and blncttna tbe heatt. of tnfanta In 1.953.
were photocJaphed. Tbe manual Survivors Include her huaband.
lkfll of the native Is .een In thetr Barry F. Iunour; 2 dauJhters.
paln.ltaldna weavtna and deU-M.rt. B . H. Burnett of Newport
cate palnUna. and Mrs. Thomu KcLauablln of
The work ot. vet.eran m lulon-Fresno; a aon. Harry, Jr. ot t.o.
art .. Who have patiently tauaht Anaeles, and 7 era_n4chlldwn.
and autded these Indians Ia ~n.
Included In the tUm la a vlalt to
the famed Bird laland.a..
•••••• .. jell• ,
It is our pleasure
to announce the
The home ot Luke Vecchio at 1•1111'11 f..U, ~ lumlne Avt'., Corona del Mar, wu b~lartz.ed of nearly
Richard VIctor, new addition to $2,000 worth of personal property
the SantanaeJo famlly at 2408 late Thursday nlcht or early Frf.
Westn:liMter Place. Costa Mesa. day mom!na. The loot Included
wu born at Hoaa Ho.pltal Mon· 300 silver dollars and 218 Indian
day. Oct. 8. a.tdlard welched 6 head pennies, a pproximate value
peunda, 8 ounca at birth. The $1.500 .
appointment of Dwttllt P. Pllilli's
as a Registered
Account Advisor
._.__. Santancelo family a1ao Includes The Vecchio home was entered ........ Chrlatlne, 5, Paui, 4. and AnJta, by someone breakJJ'Ia the lock on
2"i. the front door. Detectives fou11d
The Santanaelo. eame to Costa the .crew-driver. u.ect to break
Mesa trom New York Jut year. the lock. In a clothes clOMt.. n.e
PboM !n )'Oar new. Rorlee to Dr. Santancflo, an oNtetrtclan burclar took a $178 radio, a 125
J'OV 1oea1 JMWSpaper, the En· and IYJMICO~ la practJclna at lunaae pteoe. 3 watdles: an
liP, Harbor W&. 408 WestmiMter Ave., Newport elec:trlc ruor, a .Wt. three shirt-.
.._y_.,._.~ .__...,.,._.r.._ .............. _...... ..__ s-.r-.. flnla.......... ... -......... !II
HeiJbta. cuff linD. and uaorted jewelry.
Serving ...
Meet W. J. Callis. He's a member of the
oil industry whose job it is to keep the Harbor
area supplied with the many top quality petroleum
products you find essential to modem living.
He· s your distributor for everything from
Mobilgas and Mobiloil for your cab to lubricxmts for
machinery and special Mobil fuels for heavy equip-
ment. He's a member of your community, an
independent business man, and proud of it.
He's the supplier behind those other independent
businessmen who serve you daily-your Mobil dealers.
On the occasion of Oil Progress Week it is our pleasure
to compliment these men and their organizations for
the fine job they do of serving you every day
throughout the year.
OCTOI!I 14-20
11M Jbwpwt ...._ ftiiiiJ' aort tDolll tbe ldella8 OD bJe
foGtMD ......... -~ ~ L&AGin I'OO'I'ULI. aDd ...... to .... 1'1 ~
leq1le vtdiDr7 .. ._. Cftdat. W L ....a.. wu a.ou.tat down by Art Jllrt. III!_!D~W~JW~~~~~~~~UIIIOa!!~~L~-!!·!•!!._:!!!_!~~~!!=~!:!!!!.... tab-u Gucldud'a lhmtialtDD •• • 'r --·.1· • • -. CIMr. On l l"\\lt.D1q p~Qe, Sbart .,.;; . ---....;. ... .._.. 0U... .._....,. ~t PrD 1 -_ ...1 I • • II IM¥M to tiM Tat a&. but a &*'· -~ = Olllll ..... _ ..... ,.._:; ~~~ .. •~!_~t._ o..110ooc lltacUWIL .......... ._. 1 1 • • ale;, ~ the~ back Oft tWr _. .:;:'31.-=.hi· ow•rmiil ..
'--uu. • : p.ID. r. ..... --··1 I • • OWD -. A GAl"-~ pen· ..... ....., ~ ~ 'I'M "''ar-.. who edpd out Gar-alty d need tb GvcWn Crow ww 9' at~ ._ I a ..a ••»=t ---1 I • II a va e ... _ ID 0CC .... _ ......... _. .. 0 I -I dell Groft lut P'rlclay nJpt by ..... A.---·-· 1 II WI 8qUa4 to tbe Tat 48. .... 0...-._ --• -a 8C(ft ol »U. w1ll tlac:e a team a-11a a... _ _. 1 11 • e TID AT II· II ·" IAit -will .. I=--._ ILl h-1 :!:O:"a!1~ ~ ~~!~.!; Oa II -----·• I • • ~!:' a~':f= =: C:~: Coach Emil Neeme'a Bee toot· oil McJt. IIDre a...it -.lid addM -===tat. tWr = :-~
lut week U -13.. EarUer tbt.a ~a-UIT WDK'S scoau pauec1 to md Bob Ballew on the ball tum wUl be aeeklng their &I'OGJld ~ Wt ad to ._ 11; clabD u top .,......._ In tM • a -__ _. 1
.on. the Harbor team suffered a Newport :10. Gardtn Grove 13 Tar .S; Ballew made the grab ~-Sunaet J.ea~,..e win J(nFrl3 RMl.~ • paa wu lnt..-CIPC*J ~ ~ ~ ~ •s 1 f I ··---• 1 1
38-20 Ucldng by the tlaahy Flynn Fullerton 20, Santa Ana 6 and hustled toe 45 yards, un· -.. tomorrow anernoon · on ..._ ... ...,_..., --
and company. Anaheim 42. Huntington Beach touched by Tar tacklers, to pay. day) when they Invade Hunting. Tadtle Ed .aothenberae Contra Oallta -.. Ja ~ LM!' WWii QUID Accordln~ to the ttgures, then 13 • dirt. ·The klck was abort; the ton Beach on the Oilera' own eoU. ameuecl. the .Arao ball C&lllomla aad .....,... tlaem bJ OOC 41, E. Contra ec.ta 0
Coach Don Burna' eleven should La Habra 33. Orange 6 game was tled at 13-13. 1be Tan, after dropping their bac:k to the 2. Ge.rden the loplllcled aea. ol U.Q. s.nfa Ana U. Chan., I
have the nod over the Hunting-The Tars could not move be· league opener to Anaheim 13·0. battled their wa.Y to the 5 llaJtbeek Bill .Ban'leon wu &n Bernardino 53t lilt. SAC ~
ton Beach team Coach Burns T8JS WEEr~ QAN'ES yond t heir 36 and punted to the pl~ed the Garden Grove Ar&o· havlq to lddl OD fourth down. blek 111 Ida '--k·a_.., 61nn..to-Puadena • Rlwnlde 12
said hil men pl~y.ed their best FRIDAY-Huntlnrton Beach vs. Argo 38 on fourth down. Garden nauta to a 13·13 deadlock In a The Tara took owr on the 15, ~ b 10 ,..,. Ill tiM aeeon4 hllerton 11. Pboenlx 1
l ame of the season at th OCC Newport at OCC stadium; Gar. Grove unable to get a drive go-wide open aerial dual last Frld~ where a abort Afao punt WIM\t q ue.r to .tart the 8C'Orbtl......, _ w-'S ._. ... e den Grove at Santa Ana; La • ~ afternoon on the Sallor'a grid· out ot bounda. Daw Hammond The OOC l•d wu extended to •---stadium when defeated by Ana· Habra at Anaheim; Fullerton at ing, kicked to the Harbor -lron. moved to the f Jn 2 playa. ltobln lf·O by halt·tbae u quuterbac!k 11UDAY-4Santa Ana at atwr·
helm. Orange where the Tara began a Jonr With tbe brutlant runnJng ot Sw1ntord canied to the one, and Bob Crodt.u t..-d a X.yard llde; 8an lemarcltno at Chatll!f.
• TAU SCOJIE ' drive down fJeld. On hJs 37· left haltback Dave Hammond, Jnto the end mne on tbe next touchdown paaa to end B1ll SATUimAY -l'ulltrton at
Against Garden Grove, the quarterback Gene Hubbard faded the Newport team stared an play. PhD Ka1lloux'a ldek wu Brown.. Orange Coast, Mt. 8aa AntonJo
Tars took the opening kick and rtght end and ran 19 yards to the back to pue on hJs lett aide and early threat when they moved abort but tbe Tva led 13·7 wtth Tbe Pirates continued the rout at Phoenix.
moved from Inside thelr own 40 22 was nearly trapped. He clrcled from t.helr own 46 to the Carden 4 mJnutes lett Jn the game. In the 81!C0Dd halt-Harrlaon co·
to the Argos' 4 In less than 6 The Argos held. took over on the field and made a jump pua Grove 11 In 7 plays.. However, 'I1Ioe Arp were qaldt to retall· 1n& foe t Yu4a. Dave Tamura -------------
minutes of play. The Newport downs. and moved to thelr 42. to the Argo 39· Terry Ragan the fine defensive Une ot the de. They mumed the ldek trom 8Camperiq 3t )'ardll around left L I S rt
squad went out In front when On tblrd down. Bud Thompson made the catch atter the ball was Areo-held the Tan for 4 downs. the 10 to the 31 and a 1S yard end, Paul Lorenaen aeartnc florn 0Ca .po 5
Art Blrtcher carried over from snagged a Garden Grove toss on nearly knocked down by a GOnar· Garden Crow moved out to the penalty agalnat tbe Tan ad· ~ yards out. and Chuck Yeyna
the 4. The conve1"8lon attempt the 2J6 ; the Tars drove to the 39 den Grove deten.stve back. . 26 before klcldng to the Tar 47. vancecl the Garden Grove team runnlng 71 ya..rda for the final Booster Club
was no good, but the Tars led before puntJng to the Argo 34 the 29, the Tars failed to make e •DALTY roa IIOUQIUJfG • to the 46. Moving to the Tat 38 tally. 6·0· with 4'1S minutes lett In the half. the needed yard on fourth down. Late In the second period. In f Pl&A the Argos completed a
The Argonauts opened up the1r e AJlGOS co ADAD e 1'BB WlltMDWC 1'1) Coach Neeme'a men took a punt pus to the 25. Accurate passing
oft.e.nalve attack wtth a couple ot Garden Grove haltback Bill A break wu In their favor. on thelr own 30 and moved to quarterback ErnJe Mwr.semann
aerials. Bud Osborne doing the Short took a hand ot1 from Bub however, and the Harbor team the 35. A roughlng·the·klcker hit Roy Davenport on the 5.
tossJng. Hurt by two penalties. Osborne and moved through his moved to the 25 on an Argo otf· penalty sent them back to their Davenport canted the ball over
Garden Grove l<m poaaeulon on right tackle for 16 yards to mid· alcks penalty. Doug Bowler, Herb 19, where the Tara were forced to on the next play to tJe the score
downs on the Tar 38. The Tars field. On the next down, a well Yee. and Bud Thompson alter· punt ort fourth down On thlrd a t 13·13 with a mJnute 48 to go.
were pushed back to the 34, executed draw play, Osborne nated carries to one toot Une. On down, the Argos' hailback Roy The conversion that would have
where Gene Hubbard passe~ to sped to the 38 before he was fourth down. Bowler went over, Davenport aJunr one trom his 36 spelled defeat for the Tars, a
Bud Thompson on the Argos 45. dropped by Gene Hubbard. Short bucking the Ll~e, for the winning nd connected with his end, who pass play. was no good.
Thompson. from the 41• picked broke loose again and aalled over TD. Hubbard 8 boot t 1 0 a t e d scooted Into the end zone un. The Araoa made another threat
up a tlrst down when he swept right tackle to the Harbor one. through the ~p·rlghts. giving the touched. The conversion was when they Intercepted a Tar pus
.APORT ~'-",.
'••ll{lfiiiA {)(L 'W-44' .,_.f~ IIIH'Y
He reached paydlrt on the suc· TaWrsltha 20
1 ·13 mthargin. mJ t t good and Garden Grove led with on the 45 and moved to Tar 23.
eeeding play and Ued the acore ess an a n~ e 0 2:20 lett In the flrst half. The. Tara wrapped up the stale-
at 6 all with 3 minutes to go In play, the Tars nearly, scored a Only a mJnute a.nd 20 seconds mate when they recovered an
the first halt. Richard Ponce's safety when the Argos Osborne in the thlrd period. Tar haltback Argo fumble on the SaUor 23.
boot sent hls team out In front was smeared trom hls 9 back to Mlke George Intercepted an Argo
7.6. the one. Garden Grove moved to pass on the 25 and returned 21 IIW Ill-The Tars. not content to trail the 8. at which point they yuds before he wu brought
at halttime. took the kick on punted. A personal foul penalty down on the 4. Stan Lewis "'""-fi-' their 43 and moved to the Argos' put the Argos In possession on reached payd.Jrt otl his right
I • IM 19 in 5 downs. 4 of whJch were their 24· Gene Hubbard inter· tackle on the next play. The ex-
T .. ...a.. Sdl:!..a.~ running plays. With 25 s«<nds cepted a pass and the Tars had tra point fixed the acore at 7 all.
........ • .. _, remal.ning, Ge~ Hubbard slung started a final thrut when the • 4TII QUA.aTEB DB.IVE
witb C1agler ...,_, Bany lfelaoa one to Charles Vandervort. who game ended. The Tars started a drive from
CIDd Cam~ Clcaut.la9 was standing In the end zone. STATISTICS their own as late in the fourth
pla.a Hubbard's kick was good and the Wewpon CardeD C.O.. period. The Newport backfield "JIIe Hlllfll Sllry" Tars took the lead a second time, 12 ........ . .. first downs ·-····-.. -· 10 interspersed their regular T for·
13-7. 188 ... _ ..... yards rushing ....... _.173 matlon with several plays exe·
STAllTS StnmAT (ocr. 21) After a college·callbre half· 69 .......... yards puslng .......... 70 cuted r.rom the single wing.
time exposition by the Garden 14 ....... passes attempted ........ 8 Quarterback Ron Koren, Robin
111111 Flac FIIIWI
The Adult Fl ag Foot b a 11
League. sponsored by the Recrea·
tlon Division ot Newport Beach,
swung Into action la.st week wtth
a pair ot gam.es at the Costa
Mesa Park.
Cla-Val detea~ Hellpot 34·18.
and Globe Herald won over the
Junior Chamber of Commerce 20-
6. Grove dancing drill team. band. 4 ....... passes completed ........ 2 Swinford. an~ hard·runnlng Dave
and baton twirlers. galloping Bill 3 ... passes Intercepted by .... 0 ~~"'::;~dZ:~gged the pigskin to ··-~ ..... IUIIT ,..,_ 10M\'
·--hi!'!) AI!NII pl \U
Cee Team. With 1-1 Record.
to Play Huntincjton Beach·
The Newport Harbor Cee toot· vers1on was good and the Argo·
, ball squad. wfth a 1-1 Sunset naut.a Jed 7·0 unW the end ol the
league record. plays host to the third pt-rlod.
Huntington Beach team this al· Although the Newport squad
temoon <Thursday) at Davidson penetrated Argo territory on sev·
Fit'ld. Klck·otl is scheduLed tor eral occasions In the second per·
3 p m. lod, the of1ensJve attack met
Coach Bill Straws polished· up rigid resJst.ance a.s tbe Tar eleven
his oUensive attack In rugged neared the goal. The Tars moved I practice sessions th ls wttek. Left to the Garden Grove 5 from the
1 halfback Tom Sandoval. Injured 50 on a long run, only to have It
In pre.season training. should be called back because of an otf· I ready for act.lon today. Tom sides penalty.
1 Ht'~. who missed th.e 12-7 win Early In the thin! period. the
over the Garden Grovt' Argonauts Argonauts tumbled in a punt for·
I last wttek. is expected to play maUon on their own 7. The Tara
this aftt'rnoon. recovered but had to give up pos.
Mike George's pass was Inter·
cept.ed on the 10 and returned to
the 12. where a crvshlng tackle
by two Tar grldders caURd the
ball carTier to fumble. 1be New-
port team recovered but were
pushed back on 2 downs and pen·
alized back to the 22 for being
Connie Seeley, 17·year·old Har-
bor High School senior, has been
named editor ol the 1957 Gal·
leon. according to Mrs. Shirley
RJce, facul ty advisor.
AI'IOIII i&D te • __. J rltte. ..... .-ttr Cl' •• t •• trl·
.-ty 0....,. DtWdea .....
c:Uic T..,,, x· Ia a.la* .,..._
(...._) ol UY "po'n• A..._
....... laa..d.. ···---· ber ..... ,......, ••• c.. .......
.... taii:I8W ...... P"'Hm
.. diSIIItct tNfCic ............. .. ............. ......
... ,., .. la7 ....
,.............._ f ro• Ocddmtlll
c.ua.. ... a-t -~· eat .......... tNftic .........
.. Ia IAet , .....
Is Organized
A Harbor ~a Sports aoo.ter
Club wu orcanlzed at a meeting
Monday evening In the C08ta
Mesa Boya Club.
Ray Roao. athletic d.lrector at
Orange Coast College, was named
chairman. Ralph Freltac of Costa
Mesa Is vice-chairman; Rod Mac·
MUllan. sporta director at the
Boys Club, Ia treasurer; Eldred
Lokker • or the Newport Beach
Recr-eatJon Department 1.a aect'e·
The Board of Directors Includes
Carl TbonJU. Hal Glasa. Frank
Zavala and Al Brannon.
The Boo8tn Club alms to pro-
mote Interest In ~ at all
ages and wtlJ help In organizing
teams ln varloua aport.a ..
Q) E. 17th St., eo.ta Mesa
Liberty 8·0488 Ita BA
I The Tars. with the absence of session because of another otf.
extra point specialist Pete Lom· sides penalty when the Argos
1 bardo, who will be out tor the tried to punt on fourth down. ''RED HOT .. Values for ThW'L~ Fri.. Sat. .. October 18, 19. 20th.
season with a left shoulder In· • FAIL TO COMVEBT
jury sustained In the fray with Out of trouble temporarily, the
Anaheim. scored a close 12·7 vic· Garden Grove team moved out
ftriT nlrlli'Y tory over the Argonauts on the and got oll a klck to the Tar 35.
.NI:_.,6.1:A latter's home turf last Thursday. On a sertes of running plays. I The Argos scored their first and Jerry Hobbs, Gary Pickens, and
onJy TD midway In the first Bob Harbison altUDated carries
_ quarter. From his own 40, a Gar· on a 65 yard suataJned drive to
den Grove back broke loose and the Carden Grove one. Harbison
• • • • • • • • ~ • • • t ran 60 yards to paydlrt. The con· r.arrlt'd the pigskin Into the end
Moo. thru Frt. Start. at '7 :00 j llOIL tJa.ru rrt. Stuta at '7:ot
Sat. A -· Start. at 5:10 Sat. A Saa. Starts at U:t6
-NOW AT TWO TBI!ATCU:S -:::::5~~~~ A -............... -:JI;I=~ N
~ 0'1 ... • JAJI STUUMQ D
.. _.th (· gamn1a
· people·
_...,.. _
_ t!. ~ i., tt, Nigl\t
·, .
zone on a lint' plunee. The Tara
failed to convert and trailed 7·6
going In to the final quarter.
Neither team was able to post
a thrt'at In the early minutes ot I the fourth period. The Argos
were forced to kick on fourth
down In thelr own terrltory and
the Newport team took over In·
side their own 40. Not to be out
done by the Argos' 60 yard run·
nlnr acore early In the gi.me,
Gary Pickens broke away on the
Tar 40 and galloped 60 yarct. for
the wlnntng touchdown. The Tars
drew an otl-aldea penalty on the
first conversion attempt and tbe
second boot wu bad. At the
sounding of the gun, the Ceell
were out In front 12·7.
Yardley Back
With Pistons
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. SUDday cmd Holidaya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
OL CaD Lftca&li CIIJUIK .. -IIIIG Pt.
& Cat Food 21«15¢ WAX PAPER
···--lion Dressing 25¢ COFFEE .... c.
IOOM:mOCI""""'IIfo. I C'aa ' P'IDI"D 5 lb. ft9.
Sliced Apples 21¢ DOG FOOD MEAL 63
'lUI-IUKoll.l' UJ.TDfU-1 Jb. ..... DAPTJ..4 Jb, t.d
W. FlAKE 25¢ American Cheese
a.y . ........... ..................