HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign~A Da. IU& CAU:r. 'HIOBDAT, ltO'fllllllla I, 1-
e Like Ike by 84%;
uchel, UH, urdy,
,sumner • 1nners CALLS POLICE, E IS LIFE
EJght;y . two. year. old Barry but It was too late. He heard a War, ldt a note telling the pollee I President El.wnhower won a.4'--------------'---------=--==-
tre>mendous landslide v I c tory
throuehout the nation Tuesday, Eutman of 'eo.ta Mesa told shot f:lred. whom to notlty. Pollee said be
Coeta Mesa Set. Dean Pollom Mr. Ea.stman wu found dead, wu to be marrt~ today.
over the pb•ne yesterday morn-shot through the head with a .38 Accordlnr to tM pollee. Mr.
lnl (Wedn..ctay) that be wu 10· calibre bullet, at b1s home, 1664 Eutman and the woman he was
lng to aboot hlrn.aelf. Orange Ave. Mr. Eastman. a vet-to marry purchaaed a malTiage
Sat Pollom said, "Don't do lt." eran of the Spanlah-Amerlcan license Monday. It was learn~
trom hla note fhat Mr. Eastman
--speed·lng Car Crashes had purchased 2 niches early this _ week from a local mortuary. The
note Instructed his nephew,
Franklin Blackmer, a mlnlster
Into Brook.lngs Store !~:.~~~u:up~nt~· d~:~~
on: ;t1~t~~·e of Mr. Eastman's first
A 8Pftdlnr car.ltnlck a parked
vebJcle, hJt a llaht standard. ca-
reened Into the front of a store,
and came to rest on Cout Hlgb-
way near MariU~lte Ave., Cor-
ona del Mar, early Saturday wfft>, who pa.ssed away In· 1952.
mor ning. was found near the phone where
Frank D. FaclnelU, 19, the he shot himself.
driver, and Bob Goa. 17, a pas· -------
senger, both of Laguna Bearh. D d • t• f
8Caped wtthout serious tnjury. e I C a I 0 n 0
The Paclnelll car struck a
parked car, owned by Melvin New School Is Tfnctey of 452 Cabrillo Terrat'f>,
Corona Highlands, nc:>ar Ch.-r:~ N t T d
but that over-all maretn waa
nothing compared to the lncred·
lble majority he received In the
Newport Beach voting.
Nationally Ike received about
58% of the total votes. In the
City of Newport Beach he re-
ceived a whopping 84~.
Almost equally astoun41ng was
the tremendous number of voters
who went to the polls In New-
port Beach. About 10,500 of the
12,840 registered voters In New-
port voted. This Is 827..
Unofficial complete r et u r n 1
1ave the President 8,789 votes to
1,674 for Adlai Stevenson In New-
port Beach.
I In Costa Mesa the margin was lfEW KE...U .. U.. Wewport considerably less. but even so. had& PoUe. ~t la h-Ue» Womcm au~ Colaa1D9, way over tlle national average., Incomplete returns gave Ike 3.999
wbo wtl1 ............. Ia Janalle votes to 1.921 for Stevenson. That
wodL Kn. Goee"9 Ia a ..tin Is a margin of 67"'c-for lke. of a'CDIICIII, naatftd teadlJ.D9 c::redeatlcda Cit Jt'lalaa State Other winning Republican can -
Wheel Chair
Can't Prevent
Her Balloting
Inn, then hit a light lliUld~ttd. ex ues ay
&nd crashed Into the front of Brooldngs Variety Store. The The Newport Hel1hts EJemen-
ltore was closed Satutday and tary School. at Santa Ana Ave.
Monday but opened tor b\Wneu and 15th St., will be Connally
TUesday. Damage to the atore d~lcated TUHday evening at
wu about $500. 7 :30. There will also be a special
Teoc:ben CoiJa .. , bat ....,_ dJd dldates poll~ almost as high a ta:D "P ta.. ..._.,119 prot.. percentage In Newport Beach as ""TBE COLDEJr LJGIIT,• a J•l IIRt ~ tM ......._. ..
a1oa. Slle -..4 Ia the WCIY'f I the President: U. S. Senator --·· faitll. wt11 be l::tad by tM )lewpid ......_ c-....u .. ,.,_ ~ .. c..t a
.................. byJb.
.___ 1 ... to 1 ..... __ ........ Thomas Kuchel, 81 .7'it : ~ s Con· Claa.rciMe Cit 5 p.a. aJiday Ia dae W...,...t llaDor .... ...._. ~-- - -.__.._ J U 83·. S Aaclltorlaa. 11lle .....-t. wrtl'-by IAaJl '--9w ... p 1 ~ All't .._ ap utw Ia w..ua lalaDd. gressman ames tt, , ; tate by lloUy LaM Vl.Ml of lau.. W &a .._ Claucll c. _~!'a _. Kn. ............. .,
115 AnMtll.,... Aft., acdboa la-
Aallrew --··· Ia 11, CIDd ILia .U., a..tlotte, Ia 71. Jaat Mrs. Fenton
of COM Dies
dedication of F I n d 1 a y R a 11.
named after Gordon Findlay of
Lido Iale. former school board
Scm JMe9o, Sbe .. a 9'ftldacrte Senator John Murdy, 83.6~; win· coetnbadoa to the GoWela JabUae eahllwatlotaa .. ~ Qty ........
of tile 1.-AJar._ Pollee ACIIIId· nlng State Assembly Candidate pol't -..elL ._. &a • ._. .._ ""'Be C.W. upt.• ..........
-T· Kn. ~ laaa em 11 • Bruce Sumner, 81 %. ....-.~alp 1a E4rrDt. Kn. A.rtbar • ..., ,._,. u.. ...... ._ o--.
.,._-ohl dllniP'-• at r l c l a Costa Mesa gave 2 to 1 mar· n. ..... JelullL ,.... .... St. J--Er-a. 11 c:.JawG la ._ m...
a-t lw.lldq u.r, ~ The dedication will be made
by Mra. Loula Clenar, president
of the Board of Trustees. Invoca-
ADD. wbo la att ' •• 9 8 __. gins to Kuchel, Utt, Murdy, and cmd a.. J. MCidl.aoa ( ..... " .. ) S. tiM hteat.
Sumner. -..a.... ...... ....... .., ............... _. .............. ---·-· ,.., ..... ...... "mH'"w ,.. ta • ,.n ldi.Sr
ru ... al -,..._ were held at tlon and prayer of dedication will
Todd Memorial Clapel, Pomona. _,. etven by the Rev. lohn Propp..
on Oct. 25 toe Ruth Fenton. wUe new putor of the Newport Ra.r-
of Ben Fentbn. of 3300 Ocean bor Lutheran Church. The pub-
Blvd~ Coflona del Mar. 1be Rev. lie will have an opportunity to
Edwin Gomke of the Corona del Inspect the new JIChool following
Mar Community Chureh offlcl-the ceremonies .
BJUdp ldilool. (baip ,..._) Newport Beach voters joined Boo Cl b Spon
other areas ln approving bond La-sters u sors Unger N &.med auea and the eounty propositions a and fn aoundl)r defL'atiQ& the oU
-• .-It ., ............ .
Mdland Ia a iiiU.
.... of ... ••Hm ... ... Costa Mesa's --1<.... Kids DaY for OCC Gillie
City Manager ........ a..t .......... .,
be loft. • o tlu cIa •lr w • • .....w tD. Clllll .... --Uftad laad ..... totlte,..au.,
...... of ...a.ct. Cit 114 ..
)..a Aft. ....... .._ .._ lifted
_, ..... CIIIr..StoU..~
booa. -tlilat ........ ... ._ fttle to u.. a ..... aa, ... .
at~. -------
Mrs. Fenton died at home after H. E. Me II ott George Coffey has reslaned as a short Illness. She and Mr. Fen-city manager or Costa Mesa. and
ton had lived In Co~ona dd Mar Mesa Coundl named Industrial
a number of years and bad abo o·.es at Age 51 Relations Dlredor Robert Uneer maintain~ a home In Pomona. Monday evenlne u the new city
She was a member of the Corona Romer Eu,ene Mellott. 51. manaeer.
del Mar Community Church sJnce member or a pioneer Harbor Area Mr. Coffey, whose reslanatlon ~lmtde~~Jide~:_· -------~::1950~:_·---------family and cousin of Newport ls effective Dec. l, becam~ clty contractor Walter Mellott. · died manager shortly after lnrorpora. M I d N d d H Oct. 31 at Palomar Memorial Hos-tlon In June, 1953. Rls aa.lary Is ore eas ee e on ow pltal. Escondido, alter an extend-$13.000 a y~ar. same as the salary
ed Illness. Mr. Mellott. a native or the Industrial relations dlrec-to Br.•ng Plane to COM or Ohio, came to Costa Mesa In tor. 1913 and lived here unW be
Capt. Rayllnn Patttaon I• prob· They were from the Hunt Foods mov~ to Fullerton 4 years ago. Dodge Named ably wondertnc jult how c:Umcult Corp .. Riden of San Joaquin, a He was a lumberman. employed
It ls to do a rood tum . rfdlne club of Santa Ana. and by the Ward It Hanlnrton Co .•
The Oct .• l.uue of the Enalan. Mn. Schwartz of Newport Beach. both of Newport Beach and Ful-as Cubmaster carrt~ the ltory relatJnr Capt. There's only one catch. The lerton.
Pattbon's problem In transport-averare width of the trucks Is Funeral services were held Sat-Edward Dodre has been named
lnr a Navy tlahter plane from 11 feet. The width or the FSE-2 urday at Parkes Costa Mesa cubmaster of CUb Pack 81 ol Sal-
North Island Naval A1r StatJon to Grumman WUdcat airplane, with Chapel, the Rev. John Propp. pas-boa Island, and the assistant cub-
the Youth Center ln Corona del Ita wtnrs folded, La just over 23 tor of the Newport Harbor Luth-muter La Eric Falconer.
Mar. He had acquired the plane feet. eran Church, of.flclatlnr. Inter-Dr. Tom Doan, chalrman ot the
from the rovaruuent. but be was Capt. Pattlaon. however, ls not ment followed In Fairhaven Me-extension fnd organization com·
faced wtth tbe problem of ~~ eutly dlamayed. He la apln ~rtal 1 Park. 1 1 d hls tl mlttee, Harbor D 1 s t r 1 ct. 8 o y
the plane here from San Dlqo. trytna to lleC'Ule permJ.salon to urv von nc u e w e, Scouts of America bas annou nced
'11111 week, Capt. Pattl8on. com-move the plane by private con -Rose ; a son. Phillip; and • other workers wb~ wUJ 8er'Ve the
mander of the local c:hapter ot veoyance. El Toro Marines are daurhter, Carolyn, all of the pack: c. E. Halloway, cbatrman
the Military Order of World Wars, w1Uinr to move tbe plane, but home at 1009 E. Unlon Ave., Ful-ot the CUb commJttee; Stan Saw-
saJd at least 3 otter. of trucb to thu. tar, pennlaalon to do 80 bu Ierum; bls father, Norrls 0 . Mel-
cany the plane bad been made.
Little Island
Kiwanis Picks
Ned Hill to Be
1957 President
T1ae Men:lacmta Coaalttae ot
tbe W...,.._t ~ Cll~
of a-•erce wt11 Mid a d&a·
.. aaeetia9 ,_ ~ r• 1 .a __ ,.... .. of tiM 0-ber
Tlaanc~~~T ......... If~. 15 ...
the We'W"ppC't Kazt.c. TCII::Iat
Oab. n. cl.laDK wW be _...... Cit
' p.a. -' a ..-plaa ..... to"•• an • be ...S. by a.t
.....,.. ~ tiO IWo
Lay, .............. ~-~b c-.m.r.
If I d wt11 be BCII'J'f Limb,
a 1 , a ~ •••• e1 ~ U. I . a.-hw .. c-. --.. •wm..._......,..
thle .. I , ... tMt 'W'IIIIae-·
........... s.t. < ..
Mrs. Campbell
Out of Danger
Mrs. Oliver Ca~Mll oC Ne-w·
port Heights. wbo wu Rrioualy
Injured in an auto colU..Ion tn
.... which ber b usb&nc1 was kUied
U·JM~·old rae.. He lOt anotb•
out al t1aa1 llltq fll bw.
On. of ""'! ctitics ,..-ninded ..,. led __. thet wf.tit. I hed esked .__.._-.-....,._.,...._ __ !1--~-~------1
our candidetes • ~ of eMpOI+.M ~ions. I h.d not enswe...d h questions myMif. The reminder wes well telen. I have 110 int.n·
tlon of ewMJ ~Ions th.t I can't or won't answer. So here ere the
"Geld IIUI."IfpraiMd. "'JifeB
t:IIM, Mid • tbe trap--. ...
to&.tlae ~ ........ out.
DoD't WW C0V. It wttll your pn
b&rftl. X.ep tt tn .apt aU the
He retlted a wbtle. Then be
aa.td, "Gbnme' ttv. mont."
she qu.stions end my comments:
I. FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION. let's hold on to locol
supervision eod NtpOn5ibility for our own schools by reiecting the
f.der•l he~. Federal control always foiJows federel funds. Fur·
thermore, federel "a id" it not free, olthou9h it is made to appear
that way. A• f.derel money comes right out of our own pockets: so
it is not only not fre., but we hove to shell out much more then we
get back. because e lot of it is spent for federal expenses end red
tape along the way.
2. FOREIGN AID. This is a fantastic fallacy of our foreigo
policy. It is preposterous to think that we can buy fr~endship. Indeed,
the opposite is tnle. We ere only playing into the hands of the Soviet
dictator$, who~ best hope for triumph throughout the world is to
bl.ed the U. S. financially. They can handily arrange for little cri~l
here and there to get us to pour in more billions-right down the
3. INCOME TAX. Graduolly the grim truth is becoming clear
-that the basic root of evil in our political and economic life is the
federal income tax law. It has opened the door to complete confisca·
tion of income, end thereby to ruinous government spending. by pro-
viding such an easy source of big income. It is the perfect tool of
politiC41 demagogs, who can sell their "soak-the-rich" line so glibly.
However, the brutal truth is thot "soak-the-rich" hurts us oil, and the
lower income groups worst of all beC4use it is killi ng the in~tive tha t
has made our nation great and given us such a high standard of living.
If the I bth omendment cannot be repealed, we must limit the income
tox levy. 'at least to 26%. There will be a howl, of cours., from the
big spenders. Where will we get the money to run th. government?
they'll cry in angui1h. That's just the way we want it , for we con stop
the fantostic spending only by restricting the source of funds. If we
don't call a halt, we can spend ourselves to ruin.
~. FREEDOM TO WORK. How can anyone oppo~ such e law?
Among the basic freedoms-such as speech. pre1s, aswmbly, end the
right to life, liberty a nd pursuit of happiness-there must be included
the right to work without being forced to pay tribute to anyone. Free
Americans must have full right to join unions of their cho1ce, just es
they have the right to join any church they wish. They must also have
the full right not to join a union, just as they are now free not to join
a church. Compulsory membership in a union -or a church, or a
service club-is the worst kind o f d ictatorship.
The lJttle 2> went oft ttw
~ Four of u.o..,.,... ....
a•• • i*D*f br a eJoM fll dut ..... a .,Ut MCODCl ...,..._ a
flytq uu..-had 1MIMl lllhou·
.u.ta~GUtp~*1· Robody IDe. to 1oM. UM&&lly.
But, thfa t1IM. 80IMOM 1\ad
belrted me. I 41dn't Jo.. thoup
Some daya -be beautiful. somehow appear • d on the -l WON! Won aomedltnl that
Sunday waa auch a day. pounds o1 the South Cout Gun I'd been tr7lnl to wtn b a lonr
If you have kld.a, you're prob· Club lam that aftftnoon. The dme. Ttler.'a no troph.y b It-
ably the lcleal rather. Frankly. Old Man wu can)'lnl a pet 12 nothtnr to 1\anr on the wall. But
I'm not. I work at It, but often 1 aauae. tbe Youna Man hila new lt'l an Important win for .veral
end up teelina that 1 should have lO. 1t wu ttme to Moot. people. I lmow-real, ru.1 well!
Jtayed a bachelor. Moet of the C.Q., ~r. 8talJM aWblle. I didn't 'nle tanr{b1e evtclenee of the
time, C.Q.. Jr. and I haven't been push him. I tried t.n clay birds day's suooeue~ Ia a new 1\lft e&b·
• quite able to click. Maybe Juat ftt1lt. Alter a d«ade. that 1\Jn lnet. Need lt be menUoned that
maybe, we could have fo,;nd a JUit didn't shoot Uke It u.ed to! It Ia eotnr to be tn C.~ Jr.'•
mutual interest ln flshlna. but 1 broke only row o1 my flnlt ten, room. He'll like to ahow It ott to
one factor was agtn• lt. C.Q., Jr. three ot the nat fJve. By then, hla t.rlenda. But hla 014 Man wUl
aets aeulc.k-ln spite of all the tbe other member o1 the tamUy just am1le and mutter a Uttle /; -J• A'"" StGf4 • • • motion-sickness remedle. In the waa ready. '"Mla.nk you" to 1\JYI Uke Duncan ~ C'J4,4 drue store. "OK.." 1 aald. "Don't be a.trald Stewart and hla crowd who,
U It hadn't been for that, we of lt... , whether they realize lt or not. ~COL. AlfDDW w. IIGT& p-• ._. .. ,..._ Ceulldl could have been havtna tun to-"I'm not." be chlrs*l often do more than ju.tTb teaeb -.!!:.!::=::.==::=...::=.!!::!!~~~~~~~~-~ .. !.!~~~ eether all these yeara. 'lbe only "What are you wa1Ung torr• I youngsters how to ahoot. anD. place tla.hJ:nr worked out was on umed • fellows. It's been MY prlvtlep to
e POO'nA.LL Saturday....._,d Its 2 Jut aames. the trout stream back ln ~nn· q ' enjoy your club. nlAND A MIL·
Saturday's games were inter· and Oregon State Jose. Saturday sylvania. The first thine 1 did He didn't tell me then. When LION! It wu a beauutul day!
esttne . Michigan, all but out of and wtna Its last 2.. the logical when 1 got back here (C.Q .. Jr. we w~re throuah. he conf~ ''I iii;iiiMiiiiiiiiiiww-iiiiiiiiiiiiiij
the ~ Bowl race, turned Into choice for the Roae Bowl la Ore· stayed In Pennsylvania all aum· wasn ~ atrald of the gun, , he
a wrecker of hO"'"'" for Iowa and aon State for 2 reuona· th.., _ .. n ) t d hi .... aatd, 1 wu afraid I wouldn t be INSURA N CE
PIBZ-MAJUNE-AUTO ..--• • • ~, wa.u mer was o sen m a n"'.. bl to hit th '" wUl probably continue to do just lead ln percentage polnta, and trout rod. Frankly, I'm too old a ,.;. em., th best
that. Stanford hu been mo8t reoently tor most sports ree out of t ve waa e
The Iowa coach, Forest Eva· In the Bowl. I will adck with • ens · I could go. C.Q .• Jr. rnJued hla
ahevakl, an ex-Michigan quart.er· Oregon State, win or ·lose thla LJke m011t klda. M Jlkes guns. tint ~ne. re aeco;;~ clay-bird
back and blockbuster tor Tom Saturday. I have always enjoyed huntlne. tum k d to ust u s new ":."
Harmon, must have sutfered the • POLJTJCS too, only, In these parts. I'm more crac e . A over •
tortures of the damned to aealn With the election behind us, It likely to be found hunUne tins
have hlrold school down and see wlll be a very pleasant relief or bOlls where ocean gamesters
them come from behind In a from the speeches by and for the rutfle blue waters. For real hunt·
drtvtng finish tor t he thlrd canc1Jdates. Of course, you could lng, you need to take a trip far·
straight year. turn lhern ofl and you could dla· ther away from clvlllzatlon. That
G) E. 17th St., eo.ta MeN
.~.o~.~:ll!l'l:v 8·0t66 HA
However. ~e Is a fine young ml.u• wtth one elance the accus-takes tlple.
coach and I 11 string along with lng headlines. but they did come On~. a year or so ago, C.Q., the 1!1-'iilil.il(l;;!;l;.;iJiltllilll~ hlm, this Saturday against the busting In on the air when you younger. started going up to the
boa Colden Gophers. I may be thought you were aU set for your South Coast Gun Club, shot a .22
buying shoes for the, baby. but favorite Rroaram. So eood-bye rine a little, won a cup, and gave
5 GET THE GOVERN••ENT OUT OF BUSINESS Wh you know me--l don 1 care any until 1960, when the third party It up. On my last return from the
• rv1 • 0 can more abOut a nickel than I do wlll become a real contender In east. I brought him aomethlne he be in favor of government in business-except those who are working abOut my right eye. the race. liked. It was an ancl.ent, single-
toward a completely Socialistic United States? Government in busi-Red Sanders of UCLA proved shot .22 rl!le. not nearly the 1\Jn
ness is a burden on all of us taxpayers, because government ii not all over again that the way to Russia has onc-e more run true that hla other one is. but some·
forced by economic necessity to adopt new methods, to increase effi· defend against an outstanding to form and to their principles. how. he loved Jt. Flrst thing you
f d I h hi They conned the Hungarians Into ciency, to eliminate waste. or to go out of business when it cannot orwar passer s to urTY s believing that they were going to know. he was going back to the
meet competition. For private business. which has to pay its own passes. not walt and try to cover withdraw their troops and at the gun club. A llttJe later. he told
way, it is especially galling and unfoir to be forced to subsidize its the receiver. He took a chance same tlme were brlnelng In more me he was a graduate of the
own competitor. and sent In even his line backer to slaughter unarmed patriots-Hunter's Safety Course, with against Stanford's Brodie, and "Professor" Duncan Stewart the
h h did hi h ld . unless you want to call fists and b. BRIC KER AMENDMENT . This is urgently needed to protect w at e to m s ou n t rocks as modern arms. What will head of the department.
::>ur constitutional rights from being ove rthrown by execul1ve agree· happen to a nice guy. By the the United Nations do! They will "How was the course!" I asked.
ment of the presodent, or by treoty opproved by the Senote. We time Stanford woke up to the fact send strong protests. "Swell." sal(,t Rich. "Mr. Stew·
ed II h that there was no pass defense art does a good job. He doesn't ne it to preserve our notional integrity and security. I reca wit behind th.e UCLA center area. My friends. what ls happening bore ya', llke they do at school!" amozemen~ the horrified protests of the Eisen~ower Admini~tration-they were back tn the dersslng In Huncary and Poland now ls • KO PlSIIDfC
objecting th<'lt the Bflcker Amendment W<'lS on attempt to tie the room, and on the short end of the what can happen to' ua once they Sunday anlved. From aJI re·
Admi,ostrotion s honds in its conduct of foreign policy. THAT IS 14·13 score. are ready. We and the U.N. could ports the marlin were saying
EXACT LY WHAT IT IS INTENDED TO DO. We can t risk having So the Rose Bowl entry trom sever diplomatic relations with thelr' last adiOs. The aeuon's
our hard won righh imperilled by the whim of o preside nt or of the the coast will no doubt be de· the mad dogs. So what are we score at the Balboa Angling Club
handful of Senotors thot can approve a treaty. It is not much to ask clded Saturday at Palo Alto. waltJn& for! stood at 183. The laat one tallied
that oor Administration be required to work within the framework of Swhe11t ~ HSUU\tord mee~~ Orear gon 1 do not advocate usJng armed was Opal Crettenberg's 212 lb. C ft f ta e. owever. even u egon force. and I along with 168 mil-light tackle 11sh. weiehed In on
our ons 1 u 1on. State loses. It has 2 easy games lion Americana am glad we have Wednesday, just In time to win
left-Oreeon and Idaho. Stanford at the head of our government a the sUver bOwl that the Schenley
has to meet tougher Washington man of mature knowledge, judg. Sportsman's Club had put· up for
and CalUomJa. ment. common sense and the the last marlJn taken In thelr
M£AT :/&\
Specials for Th\1111.. Fri., Sat.. Nov. 8. 9. lOth.
WE ARE lOW 1111118
SiriOi;SteGk lb. $1.39
Chu'k Roast lb. 43C .
ROAST lb. 53~
Slked Ba'on lb. 5,.
4 4
Rocist of Beef lb. 7'/f.
Now, suppose Stanford wins courage to use them marlin derby.
Alumni Elect New Leader
Husband Dal rot tn on It, too.
He gets a similar trophy for be-
Inc Opal's skipper on their TOM
BOY, which. Incidentally, used to
be Frank UnneJI's LYN. CEver
since Dal got ll It's been a hot
marlin boat-Hasn't It, Frank!)
Jones and Co~ over at the B.A.C.
feel pretty good. Another local
winner In the Schenley Marlin
deal was Norm Davidson. He It
Pappy Hawthorn's big 302 Jb.
marlin held up all through the
contest and ended up the winner
of the awards for the largest of
the season. That's right -the
largest of 688 spike-bills weighed
In at San Diego, Avalon and rlsht
here. Which !.eaves San Diego
(sorry, AI Penrose!) with one set
of Schenley cups -the ones for
the first of the season-and that
they weU deserve. Newport ang·
lers won the other two pair. e PACKAGE OPEJfED
"No use fishing," I mused.
"Now what!"
Out In the garage was a long,
cottln-llke crate that hadn't been
opened slnoe we moved to these
sunny shores, aome nlne years
ago. It was a ease of 1\JDS, well·
loved tools ot o~er days back In
Penn's Woods. C.Q .• the youneer. Stanley (Gorz.ucbovskJ) Alex· lowtne the 1~ homecomlna had often wanted to eet lnto lt.
ander, cla.aa of '43. wu named came. he announced. and the sunday seemed a 1004 time to
new alumni president ot Newport rraduating cl._.... of 1944 and peer Into the 1\JMmoked put.
Harbor High School for the com· l.94S wUI be honored at that tlme. It wasn't long untll we were
lng year and brief lnstalladon Mr. Alexander eooUnued hla Into the ttrst moUN-nest In the
oeremonles were held followl.nr studies after hilh IIChool at Santa shredded paper pacldnr.
the homecomJnt game. Ana CoUere, where be wu atu· HappiJy, the JOOd old anna had
Plana are already andenvay for dent body president, and later been well oUed. The only dam·
alumni featlvttiea to be held fot. aradut.ed from Whittier eou.,e. age wu a tiny spot of ru• here
•• Mrved with the U.S. Marlnea, and there. and a ~~quare lnch
where he wu a captain. Be 1t mta.tnr from one leather .Unr.
now owner of the Alexancler where one of the ttny lnbabltanta
Movlnt and Storap buatn .. In ~ the nat had totten more bun·
Santa Ana. wtth • nation-wide rn tban u.ual.
atruJatJon. The Alexander tamUy We ~ cleaned and
Uve at 1023 If. Brs.tol 1n Santa oUe4 JUDI tor halt a day. I lived
Ana. a lot ol old memories qatn. TIM
16 rauae Parar made me re.
liJelllber tbat B&c' Dq when J Jot two wtl4 .........,.. ,.. .35 Rem·
• lnJtDa told ....._, a tale ol fun at
In••• lap • I ~ --:!,,-=.!. <:: .-dl
AU tJM .......... ftnt nam. :. ..._ tM pN.Dd
..U u ... , fllllt, anci.JIIn.; ~ tM 1UM wu a cloo..._.
DIII&N D • .,..._ 111 & 1M lt.. ................. » _... ... t1u1t ...... ~_. ......... _ _., ...... hMd .....
D1aa Od C)llt ..._.1M o.r. (111\ta.,..., • wtlelf __ ,.... ....... .....,, ... il ..... ucl-fto ..
lellltts..,. ...... ,..., ....... ., ~MIIdli 111e
.... ~ Otto • at -..._. tM fll siiiMt ........ •;t!&J.:;:r• •~~a._::.~ ....
SE .. =·-----··11 .... .. .. . .............. ----~· -. ..... , ..... ...,.!e',..' n~ _,., ........... ~illilt'CI-.............. 2. ~?-.. ~-
• Our years of flnanda1 88rVioe to the
people of thJa community oHer OV'8f\o
wb8~ proof of our ability and cJ&.
me to ..rve you. Our QIOWUl tluouoh
tt. yeca .ad a. a llvlnq ~
to tt. .,....._ oi our lnMih~
.......... c.. M-...,_.. .
• ., •• , ..... C4 --~~~....; .... hllliilli.__.,..~..;.. ........... ~~-~....:~~J
, ...... HI I I
....... 1
w....-.n ........
Aero~~ tbe *-t ,_
THE POIT Oft'JCI: =~llww· ..... .................
To Serve Y•
mo... Ave.
PHONI HY. 4-lln
601 N. I C..... R..J
PHONI HY ecWh 2-lltl
• HYeelnttt 2-1196
Arfist's Picture of Travel
Abroad Is Described to Zonta
Tbe CDkw ot the people'• haJ.r, dau1bter, Dr. Belen Trotter, a
their ~itdnl black .,es. the member of the elub.
~ of tDees and buUdlnp Ln DurW. the abort buslnesa meet·
tbe varlowl CCJ\ll1trlell wbue &he tnr. Maf1orle Cru.m.ley, a former VIGtad. aerved to brtna a colorful ~ber of Zonta. wu _..lnlti·
attl.lt'a P~ ot m.a.ny Janda at.ed with the el...WC.tlon ot
&O"GU the aea to memben of the ueeutive mnoarapher. Eva Aa·
Zonta Club when they heard a pin eave a report on the first ~lon at Europe by elub meetlnr ot the ~nJor Clt.l2n.a
member TbeJJM Paddoc.k Hope, elub bel~ C:O·IJ)Oil.IOled by Zonta
who apent lut year ln Enrland. and the Newport Beach recrea-•LMR. SIINCAAMA
Holland, Be.tatum. Ptanc», ltaly tlon d~ent. ....., a.-. . and~a ----------------------~====================~ Mrs. Hope, a Corona del Mar
artJ.st. &bowed the poup a packet
of ollJ, water colors and &ketches
whlch ahe brou&ht back from her
European travels. Many of the
sketches wUl be turned Into col-
ortul pictures durin1 working
hours this year.
The eventne meetlne of Zonta
Club wu held at the borne ol
Mrs. Raymond Brown at 602
ltinp ad.., CWJ Haven. HOitea tor the ev~nJna wu Mrs. Brown's
aua. ro• TilE CAftEJII
Susan Kay, newly a r r I v e d
daupter of Mr. and Mrs. La\nOn
Carter of m Jiar:noJJa St., eo.ta
b Mesa. wela:bed 8 pounda wben New Mem ers Are Welcomed , .... , ...... WI born Thursday, Oct. 2S, at Ba.r Ha.pltal. Su.aa.n has a brother,
At Junior Ebell's Meeting F ... fir ••lap ~i·s~·Mrar:~~iu!~~
The South Cout Gun Club wtll contractor ln Laguna Beach.
Mrs. C. D. Newman, Mrs. Wll-Ebell meetlne to be held a t 10 hold turkey shoots on Nov 18
Ham M'Cook, Mrs. H. W. Brlsley Lm. on Thursday, Nov. 29, at The and Dec. 16 to raJ~ funds for Phone !n 70ar new-a atorte. to
and Mrs. Byron Batcheller wft"e American Leeton Hall In New· construction of a new 50-foot jun-your loeal newspaper, the En-
Open Fridays Till 9 P.M
8:30 nu 5:30
Frtdays-12 Noon n.u 9 p m.
285C E. Coast Hwy. -HA 5437
Corona del Mar
"Where JOOd t.ute costs no more"
welcomed u new members at thl! port. lor rifle range of 30 tiring posl-atan. 8a.tbor W4.. ~~~tl~of~~n~ Mra.~w~~l~~nd ~t~~ ~~~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ebell Club. Mrs. M'Cook and Mrs. president, urged members to sell Free Instruction Is now being I G
BrJ,aley were temporarily ap-series tlcketa to the World Trav-given to all juniors on the first OOD ~OD pointed to head the club sections elogue lectures., being sponsored and thlrd Saturday mornings
until Mrs. Curtis Herberts, cur a-by Ebell Club u a benefit for from 9:30 to 11 :30 a m. Upon
tor of sections, returns from a their new clubhouse, and re-completion of the new range,
European tour. minded members to save thelr classes will be held on a weekly RAGAN'S RESTAURANT The Informal meeting was held rummare for the February sale. basts .
In the patio of the home ot Mrs. Aa the result of reports by Mrs. ---------------
Robert Frailey, LJdo lale, and Richard Rodle on weUare, Mrs. ·--T-v--.... members attired In Bermuda Robert Hauk on youth coopera-NO UQOOR SEitVED
shorts and caprl pants exchan&ed tlon and education and Mrs. Har· L u N c H E s box lunches at noontime. Espe· Jan Hoyt on international rela.
clally honored at the meettnr tloa., the elub VO(ed to support SEIVJCE ----.. ····-·------"1011
was Mrs. Norman WaUC>n. pres!· wards at Juvenile Hall. the pedJ· D I N N E R s dent of the CaJUomla Federation atrlcs ward at Oranee County *
of Women's Club JunJon. who ts Roepltal and to save nylons to
also a member of the local Junior wnd to Japan. A com.nrtttee, ln· JUJU'S
Ebell. cludlnr Jlmes. Frftman Fisher,
Mrs. Watson gave a lftUtne of PbUtp Maurer and Hoyt. ex-T J •~CE ,.,. FI .. J IESJIUUIJ
the role she playa as state pres!· plalned their plana for the pow-• ~WI ·
dent, telllne of her recent trip to der room of the new Ebell Club-l_l_ &.-I OPEN 11:30 AM. TO 8:00 P..K. CLOSED ruESDAYS
the General Federation Board houae, a· project of the junior -.----V.. DINNER SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY FJlOM NOON TO 8:00 P..K.
meeting In Wlshlngton, D. C. and !lr'O~U!P::._· ----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~IS~I~S~E.~C~I~a;t~~-~C.~~-;~del~K~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ber aummft" trip to New York.
This month she wUl vtstt feeler·
ated junior clubs l.n the northern
part of CalUornla.
Mrs. Jl'on'eSt Allinder, Junior
Ebell presJcJent. announced that
the local eroup had won the
Orange District hrpetual Attend·
anoe trophy at the October fed·
eratlon mHttng. She &lao an-
nounced an emeraeney Juniol'
Cathy Marie, l1rst daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brehany,
Jr. of 3040 Klllybrooke Lane,
Costa Mesa, was born Saturday.
Oct. 77, at Roae Hospital. Cathy
has a brother, James rn. who wtll
be Z this month. The Brehanys
moved here from Pomona 3 years
age. Mr. BreHany. a pharmacist.
Is ~mployed at The Pharmacy in
Carden Grove. ------JfOTICE OP PUaLIC BE.&mXG
Notice Is bereby &~ven that the
Plannln& Corrualsalon of the City
of Newport Beach wU1 hold a pub·
lie hearing on the application of
Charles 1c Mary Alexander for a
variance-No. 326 to permit: An
encroachment of 4' Into a front
yard setback of 9' on Lou 1 to 13
Inclusive of Block 16 and an en-
croachment of 2' Into a front yard
setback of 7' on Lots 1 to 13 In·
cluslve of Block 17. on Lots 1 -13
lnel.. Blocks 16 lc 17, Section B.
West Ooean Front
Notice Is hereby further &~ven
that said public hearing will be
held on the 15th day of Novem·
ber 1956. at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
in the Coundl Chambers of the
twtwport Breach City Hall, at
which tlme and place any and
all penona Interested may ap·
peer and be heard thereon.
Ray Y. Copelin. Secretary
Newport Beach City
Plannlnl Comml.aJon
. t. Plymouth leaps S full yean
tn one ft.ami~ momen
Fury "301" V-8 ... revolutionary new Tonion-Aire ride ... exdtinr sporta-car hand.liDa' .•. new super-M!e Total Contact Brakes · ••
dramatic Flirbt.Sweep Stylinr. The car you mirbt ha • •e expeeted m 1960 ia at TOV P17moath , . dea.Jers PU)W! See 1t ! Drive it! Own it1
. .
. ... ,. . .l. . ·-.. .... ....
,...... ....... ........ ~ ........
Lor<jerl and Most Complete
Furniture Store in the Area.
c.n for fr ..
Liberty 8-5518
Hause ~~• 'ar~en Furnishings for homes.
dubs, yochb..
3017 W. Coed Hig.hwey
N-port '"eh
Bgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
3123 E .. t Coed Highwwy
ColoN del .... ,
TAKIXC CAllE of the flab poad booth at the PTA Cclm19Cil Satv·
day, Oct. %7, wa11 th1a Trio of tbe E.-y Moon fcaally of aa1boa.
?E5 an C.Offley, 10, CIDCl Chrta1. a. Mn. x.-ta
t of the Balboa ha.1uula Po!Dt AuodatioD lA add.ltkla to
PTA daU.. (Eui9D photo) ,
Civic League Meets T onite
Enioy Hallowe'en Parties;
Costume Prizei Are Awar.ded
.... fl-rill p.Jt
Tw ~b~MM/1 Moll &llilliflll
'nae fJalr of colorful fashion• *-l1ltu1b" translated into
pncUeal Pled Piper
Gleaming Black Patent
combined with alaabes of
gold piping accent a brllliant
Pied Piper dress aboe.
Silver-toned stitching joins a
gracious bow in a Pied Piper
shoe with feminine flare.
* .IR. SlOE IIUSE * Mll E. Coat llwy. ft.IIA 11"
Pinafore Party Dress by
Parents' holiday feature in November
Notable new arrival fo r the mo$t
fashionable Christmas festiv1tles·
that begon in a 19th century
picture book. Quaintly
captivating os o
curtsey; in checked
ruffled lace-edged
gin:;~ham, w1th
flirtatious bock interest,
solid color sleeves
ond underslt•rt, ond
a specia l hidden
skirt pocket.
Wa~able ond crease·
defying, in pink or blue.
Siz~s 1-3,
Sec••• S. Ia llrl £7~~-·-J ~11..-.nll..·-··~-11.. nl lJin••u r.J4-!--II 1111 111•••••••• U-UeRU ~ ~ "'1-' ~.., ~
Michael Francil. 8-pound, 7· ................ £ .... • ..t. II .. Y ounce son ol Dr. and Mrs. Elmer 1-YlrJIVI llr ----------
Thomassen ot 412 Westminster COKJI1JJf1'TT JIETIIOJ)JBT taO ... of a. MUAIEWE IEVDIB DAT ADVDfJII
Ave .. Newport Hel&hta, wu born ao w. lltb lt.. c.t11 X... 1-A.-... lt.. c..to Me.a a._..n ahd. a W.. St..
Wednesday. Oct. 24 at Hoar Hos· Llbedy 14551 ._._, .... cu.. William• K_....t ..._ta
pitaJ. Michael has a 30-month· -... J_,.. w. Mc:SWIDe Llbedy 1·7111 Llhrty 1-1111
old brother. BiJly. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Olurcb Sun· Sunday Services: Sunday School, .W. D. &. If Hh9
The Thomaasens moved to day School; 9~30 and U:OO 9:30 a.m. Momlnl WorabJp at Saturday Mom.lnJ Services: Sab·
Newport Beach from Los An,eles a.m. MomJn~tp-7 p.m. 10:30 a.m. EvannllatJc Serv· bath School: 1:30 a.m. -Ser· in January. Dr. Thomassen ls an CoUece Are Servk:e-7 Ice. 7 p.m. Sunilay. N.Y.P.S., mon: ll:OO a .m. Prayer meet·
orthopedic surgeon at Hoag Hos· K.m. Hilh School MYF Service; 8 p.m . Sunday; Prayer meet· lne: Wednftday, 8:00p.m.
pital. ~"!!.' younr adults croup m.. 7:30p.m. Wedne.ctay. 'D'JrJYKDAUIT COIOIOMitt
Fa.I.Ows.D KOTICE OJ' PUai.IC IIEAaDIG TilE taO*'* OJ' amJST TilE taO ... OJ' c:&aDT .._ .......
Amendment No. 29 1050 Cauda lt.. c.-e. Meea Ockl P.U..S ....._.. US K. 1'Na 1t.. C....._
Notice la hereby given that the Llbeltt' 1-5711 1 .. K..,...t A.,._ DL ,_,.. ..__,
Planning Commission of the City E. C. JOMe, MID.IaW ~~I Sunday ScbooJ. 10:00 Lm. Mom·
ot Newport Beach wUl hold two Sunday tervlces: 9 :4!5 a.m. Bible Toa .._# )If .. Jllld.ter In& wonbJp, U:OO Lm.
bli b • .t--th Jl .Wdy; 11 L.m. mom.lni' WOf· pu c e ........ on e app c&· shJ 6 00 even.ln., --.t-Sunday Servtoes: 9:.:5 a.m. B.ble ---AU....,.,• -GOD I • Pl t eo--·--· p ; : p.m. • ltC&""'""· ...... ----• ..., .. ton o~ ann nr u.uu..._.on. Midweek .ervtce. 7:30 p.m. .rudy; 10:55 a.m. wonb.Jp .erv· a.cllt. &a...Aw..C...._
CChlty of N5ewportp Beachh v' to :m0red1n<1 'nluraday. lee; 7:30p.m. eventnr Mrvtce. Ulmty ,__1 apter . aragrap , o.. · •••• d 11. c. a.1c. ...._
nance No. 635, to Include "MUNI· CKJiftAI. aDI.K CII1JJICB Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. War·
CIPALLY OPERATED PARKING 01-.. a ....... Did lt. ablp: 10:55 a.m. ud evantel.lft
LOT." c... tt.& ~.a.ty 1-5101 8erYice, 7:80p.m. Youn1 hople
and ChUdren'a Servic», 1":30
p.m. Sun. IUd·weell s.rnoe:
P'r1end.ly lfellJhlbor~bocld
, 110 Broadway
U 1·3&336 a.MM eo.ra U..
lervtnJ tiM Harbor ANe
Baltz Mortuary
CIIA.PEL .., 'nm ...
Hart. a
BaltzMortucJ~y u...., •~m ,.,. • ..,...,01118 ....
101'11 LOCA1'0"1
Wedneeda7, _7:30 ~~ Ladt_. ~.,. COUDdl, Tb~
8:30 a.m. f« all ••
..... u:oo a.m.laDcJa7 Scbool: t:JO a.m.
.,.. JAIID DIIOOi'AI.. ---..... ~· ...... .......
........ & .........
Sanda)' IIIYieee: 8:00 LJD. Holy
Ooamumlan; 1:15 ~ s.rv.
Jc&. u a.m.. wonb.lp ...vtee.
ftundq s.vtc.e: 1:15 a.m. ~ Qplld; 10:30 Bo~ Com· IDaDJaD.
~ MftiiT caua::a
.... A-. .............. .
wttlla I*''"
* * *
.. nl Ollat .ay .... .. o.-.. c.-C.Utlll Ctt'rta9
lcMt& lit .. Lkle -n...a. ...
.... hlftii'J' ........ My, .,. .............. a.&n ..s...a. ......... ....... ...........................
"-..... kit ·-.. .eua .............. -. ....
............ ay •
w-. ............. wola9 .. tiLLU
... Ia'\ MldL -al-*'r .... ....W .,._ till .•. Qlftal CJI.IWI
QUial .._ .u. .. .. Lkle
.......... ,... Tell a.e-
..... cd1 ,.. tatDTa, ......
ld.u .. t.tift bMnl lbrt ....
let't ...... Me tMral
* * *
* * *
* * *
Z515 E. eout a_,. coao•a DEL MAa
,~ .. This youn~er generation: One
ot ~ nef~hborhood klddJes. an·
gry with hls mother for not help·
lng hlm with his Hallowe'en suit
IMMEDIATELY. blurted out. 'Tm
going to tell DaddY never to mar·
ry you again!"
Be Slender by
37th. BiiihCJay Celebration
Fetes Zonta EX-Presidents
* ....
Ollila I 4 1 &t'a •••• ., .............
&!lift[ 9 ---.. ...., .... .,.. .,.... ...... . -·-UM--,._ .. ...._At
Wlll.l._ .......... .,
....,_.. •• _ .. L..-.....1
OliR SPEC1.4Lrr
\ .. SWd.sfiD us
_.IMS-.a'S ramsr-=--r
Gas now brings you rot.y barbecuing
... ancl1l1Jturally ~. maolreless!
1 n.is "" tra ,.... llunltf cooks I
' f.ttf u. "" --kifw ~ : I -., ,.-.ctiut twt-_. ._ a I • You know how eaty, how c:leaa. •ow
tmobl&. broilma it~ C... Now ..
broilina compartJMnb of aaay MW
Cas ....... tu.ft • ..wed ......,._.
rotary f>arbecae. Yo• can baden. a
harley, dlaa, W , ._.. • _, .._
mellt •Mikiowlr tt yoe ~~nil a.-Itt
FilA • 4*'-/M .._! s..1Dt -.d
Spancr clia.,..r ill 1M c:a.. .... C.
" ._. BtnJ...,.. iMide you !.oiler be-
ca-,_ ._.._ willltlledoordoeecl. ... ~...,.deu-cool
AMIIMI.._.of!MaewC. napa
'-,.., lhana Ttt.pentwn CoMl'ol.
~ .... roe atka aay pot or paa
-IT I. \'il* 8rf ..... WJOU Ctt c..,_,• ....... o• HOe. See aD
._.__...._ .. aewc-,....._
I ...., all ~-eoolfll II 1 ll11ds of food. s .. it at '"" I I ........ c.,......,. I
I l-,. 1'IIU .., fU1IMI. :
t '"' ""-44t P"tll. "'..._ I I --. • ......, tilltr&. ... I
: llltil ,..,. a..n ••••., I
.......... I
I---~ I : • -· Cllwic.,....... I t c.,... , s.n• ....... ,, •1 ..,... Cliff, .,... a -.
. e AQUA IIIOW tM tr.bman 0.4..4. .,. locty
Obeerva.not Gf odd Comau,. ~ and Uw a1ck 1ft Europe
nJty DQ 1.. J'rt4a1 b1 tlHt and AGa. The ~ w .. IM14
Untted Ch~ WOI\'Mn ol Meow-at Cbrflt auuu by tbe S... -.J-
port Rubor tiroupt a50 pounda •·
'1"be Happy Wandec"' 1a the U.b. Vldd Verrll'lc*, AM -.m.
thele fer th1a YNI'• Aqua Sbow, ltfiJ1. Cathy Stu.rt..,aat aJWl MaJy
to be held Nov. 2> an4 21. Ann c.ooper;
11w Wudenr, Sandy Spur· A4m.la1Joa on tbe nllt\ta ot
pon. wW travel t.hto""" cUtter-Nov. ~ an4 n wW be ooly :;oc, ent countrt-. bqt.n.n1na and end· 110 ,... hope u III&.IU' peep&. u
tncln the United Statea. To brtnc poatble wtu come and «1\))y
you the ttory, a ~n. lohn thla beautlful abow. Mew. 11 11
Hazlett. brtnp letters to the wa~· mt_dent Jl.IPt and the «udenu
deret'a al.tter. Sue Roane. trom ,.,at pay 25e. The abow opens at
the wanderer. 1:!/J and we hope to .ee Iota of
ol doth!DI aD4 bla~ ~ Mt• Oara ~ dta.trman
to cover transportatJon. and u ol tbe da_y, a.d In a wonhlp ..-v·
otferlnr of about teO -all for Ice belled on the UnJversal'Decla·
• Black Ball' Is
Given for Use
of Brown Ball
ration of Human RJchta adopted
by tbe Unl~ NaUom General
Auembly 1n lfM&
The apeaker, Dea~ W. Ma.r
eh and de Polater of Chapman
College, defined liberty as th~
right to do aa one pleases so
long as he does not Interfere
wlth the rights of others. He
Orange Cout College ha.a been called attention to the price
reprimanded and placed on pro· others had paid for our heritage
batlon for one year tor use of an and cited the need for strength
unauthorized football In the Oct. of united effort In ' working to
26 game In Pirate Stadium. where buUd a world community.
OC de-feated Fullerton 35·7. This
action was taken at the last
Eastern Conference meeting.
The rules call for the home
team to provide a plain white
ln. WaYer, Former
and plain yellow ball, and the Word has been received of the
referee Is to choose the one that death :lf MnJ. Ada Weaver, for·
contrasts ~er with the unl· merly of Corona del Mar, who
forms. For the Fullerton rame passed away Oct. 29 In her apart·
Orange Coast provided a yellow ment In Long ~ach.
and a brown ball. and suggested Funeral service wa.s held at the
use of the brown ball as contrast· Wee Klrk of Heather Chapel In
lng better with Fullerton's wbJte Forest Lawn on Oct. 31. Mrs.
Jenseys. Weaver Jived at 620 Heliotrope
Dr. Basil Peteraon. college Ave. In Corona del Mar for many
president, explained that a white years.
ball wu not provided because
they knew Fullerton would have
whlte jerseys. He aald the brown
ball was suggested because they
thought that recent conference
action had permJtted Its use.
Party Given
Mrs. Ben Baum of Lido Isle l'n-
tertalned at a pre-nuptial lunch·
eon and bridge party Oct. 24 at
the Balboa Bay Club In honor of
Mrs. Florence L. Darllng of 438
Acacia Ave .. Corona del Mar.
Mrs. Darling, who Is formerly
of Glendale,wlll be married to
Stewart S Knowlton, a construe.
tlon rompany executive from Los
Mrs. Darling and her groom-to·
Col. ..... Y'llits
His Plftlls Here
Lt. Col. Harold E. Gould visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Gould of 508 Seaward Rd .. Corona
Highlands, for a few days last
week, comlng here from hls home
In Washington, D. C.
Col. Gould will be hopping orr
to Korea soon In service of the
army. He expects to be gone a
In October the Goulds were vis·
lted by another son. Dr. Ernest A.
Gould and his wUe from Wash ·
lngton. D C .. also. Dr Gould wa11
in CalUornia to attend the an·
nual meeting of the American
College of Surge-ons.
~ &r1(> childhood school chums VISJT MilS. FOOTE
from Los Angeles. They Intend VIsitors a week ago at the
to make their home In Corona home of Mrs. Louise Foote, 213
del Mar following their wedding Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar.
trip. were Dr. and Mrs. Harry Brodskl
Guests at the bridge luncheon of Los Angeles, and daughter.
were former Glendale-ltes wbo Marianne.
are now residents of the Harbor
area Including Mra. Robert Speed,
Mrs. Don Hilke and Mrs. Rob· e POSTEll COJfTEST WDflfEU
ert St. Clair of ~alboa Island. Winner of the poster contest tor
Mrs J. A. Shepherdson. Mrs. Ger· the Horace Ensign and Newport
aid Krause and Mrs. Floyd Buell School PTA Carnival were John
of Corona del Mar. and Mra. Jay Cunningham. first: Cheri Mills
Person and Myrtle Davy of Udo. and Doyle Hughes, tied for se<:·
FTom Glendale came Mrs. Dean ond; Nancy Harvey, third; Barry
Bryant. Ross, fourth; Donna Burdsall,
The honoree received a trous-tllth. Honorable mention winners
seau gift. Bridge prizes were were Chrlstin Neal, Anne Jorgen-
awarded to Mrs Buell and Mn.J sen. Wayne Gaul!. Sue Porter and
St Clair Patti McCombs.
Tb~ will be 15 numbf.n from your tbere.
the 5 JYm perloda and from the • • •
tre.hman, .ophomore, Junlw and e QIU.I• LB.AOUE
senior c;..A. claaea. The repre· Tbe Gtrla• Leacue baa taken
~entatlves from G.A.A. to the over the bulletin board by the
Aqua Show planning com.mJttee cafeteria for Ita committee an .
are: Allee Burna. aenJor: Pat Ra· nounoementa and other Glrla'
gan, Junior; Janla Ha_yes, .opho~ Leaaue actlvitles. Make aure.
more, and Patty Jones, freshman. girls, to keep an eye on tbla board
The ooathes for the I'Y"' per· and U there are any committees
lods are Jesatca Roberts, Jan Ary, you would like to belp on. make
Naomi Morgan, Penny Lowe, anti sure to notify Laurl Hendrtcka or
Patty Whitehurst. Coaches for another representative.
Newport• s Plumbing Code
Provisions Are Described
By RAYMOND GLENN approve plans for sanitary faclll·
Director of Building & Safety ties for rommerclal buildings,
City of Newport Beach food h a.ndllnr establishments,
The Plumbing Code of the City hotels, motels. apartments. and
of Newport Beach known as Or-public awlmmlng pools. Upon
dlnance No 379 was adopted by completion the Installation must
the City Council April 21, 1930. be approved before being used.
amended by Ordinance No. 463 Single dwellings and duplexes
February 7, 1938. and by Ordi-are handled by the City lnspec·
nance No 493 May 13, 1940. tors only.
These two amendments relate A permit obtained at the Build·
Concert Aids
Ebell Project
Dr. Clarence Loomis. noted
plantst.composer from Mlchlran.
will present n benefit musical
program a t 2 p.m . Thursday, Nov.
15, at the Newport American
Legion Hall.
Donatio~ received at the pro-
gram wlll hi! used to help build
2 Local Sa....t..-fl and furnish the new Ebell Club·
•-house, according to Mrs. Basil
H •••• .l It Col..._l Peter.on, who hu made arrange-• ... ments for the muaJcal afternoon.
Two local atudents have ~n It ls being sponsored by Proeres·
designated company executJve aor Sectlo~ I and n of the Ebell
officers of the ROTC Battalion of Club and wUJ be open to people
Pomona College and Claremont of the community as well u all
Men's College. Ebell Club members.
They are Cadet Second Lt. Dr. Loomis Is here from hls
Richard Paul Hausman, eon of home In Drummond Island, Mlcb·
Mr. and Mra. Jack Hausman. 1506 Iran. especially for the o,range
Dolphin Terrace 1rv1ne Terraoe Coast College production of 'Kine
and Cadet ~nd Lt. Willian: IAar." His wife ls a former Met·
McKenzie Jeffrey, son of Mrs. ropolltan Opera alnaer.
Phyllis Jeffrey. 312 Narcissus
Ave .• Corona del Mar. fund Raising .
=~ •-=-~-=· Is Discussed
only to plumbers' exams. certlfl· lng Department In the City Hall
cates. etc. This old ordinance Is Is required for any and all
not comprehensive enough for plumbing work. This Is In addl·
modern Installations of venUla-tlon to any required building
tiorl. heating. furnaces. swim-permit. In ape c t Ions must be
mlng pools. and lawn sprinkler called for and made and the Capt. Arthur Blalne McCrary, The Newport Harbor Soroptl·
systems. Either a new ordinance work passed before eround work, 74, a mired Navy officer and mist International made plans at
or an amendment to the existlng or rough plumblne, Is covered. veteran of both World Wars. died a recent m~tlng to double the
one will Include these provisions. Calls for Inspection must be Saturday In Corona Naval Hos· Income from their monthly food
• • • e SAD.IIfG a.n
The Caldwell Perpetual Trophy
was raced for last w~k·end by
our S&Uine Club. The race wa.s
for Lehmann l()'s. In the 3 races
Sunday, Burke Sawyer came out
on top. Second and third were
Oren Wade and Steve Crary. Next
week·end the race wW be fin·
habed. and the memberw wUJ be
looklne forward to their ocean
race on Dec. 8. • • •
• I"''VV)ZJITS au OP&U
Fitty·aix ttudenta from the vo-
cal department had a wonderful
experience when they went to aee
the opera, "Madame Butterfly,"
In the Shrine Auditorium In Loa
Angejes. It waa put on by the
San trancl.soo Opera Co. just for
students fr om J u n I o r h I 1 h
through colleae age. About 6,000
students attended.
Members from the Larkettes,
Chanters and the big cbolr were
allowed to attend. Marie Hiebsch
and Clint Sawin, our music dl·
rectors. chaperoned. Thls was
the first opera for the majorlty of
the atudent.a. Twenty of tbe stu·
dents were able to go backatage
and meet Dorothy KJrsten. who
sang the part of Mada!'M Butter-
ny. The kids were able to meet
her because one of our ltudents.
Lorraine, Kemp, ls a relatJve.
Althoueh the opera wu aung
In Italian, the student. knew
fairly well what wu happening.
for th~ had been told the atory
beforehand. The County Health Depart· made by whoever doea the work. plt.al. sale, held at the Book Cue In
ment, as well a.s the City Build· Upon completion of work and all He 14 survived by h is wUe. the Lido ahopplne area. Lut r============:;
lng Department. check and must fixtures are In place and con· Helen, of the home address at 366 month, $40.25 wu taken in as a
IIIII at Party Fill
Trick-or· Treat lap
At a little Hallowe'en party at
the Ray Donald House, 1717 E.
Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. the children
had the most fun filling "trick or
treat" bags for prospective callers
later In the evenln&. Those at
the pa.rty lncluq,d Chri.Wne
Spencer, dressed as a gypsy;
Meredith Stoll, another gypsy
and Paut.ette Donald. an 8-year·
old hanm danceT. •
• • • of social
nected, a final Inspection is Ramona Way, Costa Mesa; 2 result ot the aale. The money
made. If passed by the city daughters. M.rs. Ruth Lewta of goes to the club's charity proJ· plumbing Inspector, the Gas Newport and Mrs. Cecil RJchlaon ects.
Company Is notUied the day the of Fresno, a slawr in Garden Other business at the brea.kfast
final building Inspection Is made Grove and 5 grandchildren. meetlna wu the appointment of
and passed, and the owner may Service& are belng held at 10 Mia Efteen Martin aa chalrma.n
then apply for ga.s service. thla morning <Thursday) at Baltz of the IntemaUonal ~undl of
For rea.sona of safety to Ute. Corona del Mar Chapel Understanding and Gooctwtll,
health, and property the plumb-which meeu the tblrd Saturday
lng Inspector has the right dur-CDI Lan lewlln of each month at the Mlsaion Inn
lng reasonable hours to enter any In RJveraJde. 1be next meeting,
property or structure In the dts-l.eMI 11 TNIHJ Nov. 17, wUl be a Joint meeting
charge of his duties. and to order of public attain and the Intern&·
correction ot any existing unsafe, Corona del Mar lawn bowlers tiona] coundl. Dr. Arthur Jremp,
unsanitary, or dangerous condl· led the Held ln the weekly Aus. profeuor of Economics at Clare·
tlon. trallan alngles tournament on mont Men's Colle,e, will speak
U In doubt. contact plumblne the municipal Bowlina Greens on "Role of GoVftl\ment ln the
Inspector at the BuUdlng Depart-laat week. Ed Wllcox won top Peacetime Development of Atom·
ment during the hours of 8 to 9 honors with 15 points, Walter lc EnerJY."
A.M., 1 to 2 P.M., and 4 to 5 P.M. Pearson took IK'Ond with 14 -------
He will be glad to help you with points and Mrs. Pearson placed Fll..ll.. l•..a.&.• .. your problems. thlrd with 13 polnts. BUl Perrow .._ ..... ...
and Taylor Carr tied w1th 11 '"I'L..-1 .... f..alv
points tor fourth pia~. In the ·-· IJ playoff Mr. Carr won out.
liVE YOU 110111
nc ... UNUSUAL
ne Best For Less!
Blanch.e and Louis Gates have
moved trom 422 Belvue Lane,
Balboa, to thetr new home at 136
Topaz Ave., Balboa Island.
Stark Sell lr~t~~~
i1 the Harltor Ire• During the month of October Debra Ann, fourth daufhter of
the Newport Beach Municipal Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gento.l of
Bowling Greens were open ror 517 Park Drive, Costa Mesa. was
play 22 days with a recorded at-born Wednesday, Oct. 24. at Boae
ten dance of 497 for the month-Hospital. Debra we I g he d 8
367 bowlers partJctpat1ng In the pounda. 10 ounce. at birth.
activities on the Greens while Debra'a a1den are Barbara Jo,
130 spectators enjoyed wakhlng 7, Unda Suoe, 6, and Sandra Jean,
the play and competition. 2. The Gentosla, residents In
PAY-LESS I Oc Laundromat 20c
-lf""'P'Mt atri. (ACJIOSS P'IIOII
ROAG •osnrAL)
OlE STOP Celt•
F'mest Dry Cleaning
At Volume Prices
SJd.rU-SJ.:b -lwecner1
•opu EVEJrY DAT & lnGJIT or TBE nAr
Senator Johil A. Murdy
May I expr~ my deepest gratitude to my
campaign committee and all those who showed
their confidence in me by voting for my re-elec-
I will do my utmost to prove worthy of that
Sen. John A. Murdy, Jr.
• • •
LJIIM F11lll, Ace 70,
01 ...... S~ce•••
Costa Mesa. for the put 10 yean,
moved here from Des Molnes.
Iowa. Mr. Gento.l 1a a pneral
contractor In' Colt.& Mesa.
a53 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Phone: Harbor 1373
....... IJ , ..........
DG Z. CO&IT iiN&WA1'
~ 1171 C080Jr.A D.ll. lUll
0 ..... ....... , X I Dti,Irt & lUI IS
...., n..a6q as >•-........
Daly BuHet luncheon· •••
a.rwd U:I0-2:.10-(~ So.> ,__ ... ,
Local Students to Enter .... .., • .,. • -..rau
Cherry Pie· Baking eontest :_;~~d~
ll 1111. a.. 0.0. Yowk. Whltnuu\ you .,. a bop or Jtrl. be· biella. Soutll.-n Ca.lJfCIIrft.la Rd.l8on ...,.ey IIG a. eout Bwy Col'· twwn U.. &1ft of lf ud30, and Con:lp&IU' clilltrid ........,... _.,..JIM. ..
unmarried • . . kbooJ.e lD tilt. .,.. ..., an ~ •ooo ~ If s-ople often have •tel o1 lloldtnl prellml.Dary ~ Ud ·--<'Utola·buJ.lt you. "a.cb cnu.t'' . . . wtnnen will OOID,_.. In a ...utet laome In Jllwnlde w/2 bednla..
AM lf JOU Dow bow to wrap oonte.t to be be1d at t;M Jfewport ~ baU... den. for ~ lD OOr·
thla crott around a 1~ RubOr Hlp lc:bool. at 1 p..111. ooa del M.at ow LaiUJl&. Wrtte
chftT)' ruUq ... Monclay, Dee. a. ... 10.15 c/o Euip.
'l'ha ,_..,. a IIOOd btt to h.lt Wlnnfta tn .a ol the J:4ilon 1 D:D~ AP'r. Untum. ••th
the....,..._ .. la tt.e 25th Ka· Companya ;s cl1ICricts wUJ ,.. .tove and refriaerator. Cataae.
tioMI ~ Pie ...._. Conte.t. celve an eledrtc try~ pan. and Adult., no J«t.. U 8 -3811. 3301
ac:cordtq to a.ars.. D. lUcien· will be ellctble to compete 1n a 1:5th, Jllpt. Bta. •
"dlvt.lon" c:onte8t"'lbe tlve Clivi· 31-Fr. 'itin ER, batfl and ahow·
tical• Del II .... .. , ..... ..., slon winners. 1ft tuJ'n, will be tent er SA ftM eowt. ..,. Phone U~-
to the state finala at the General erly 8-1088. Electric Test Kltchena 1n J...o. An· =ro,.r.;a;;:;IIENT::..,;,..;,;;.;. l'urnlab;;. -....,.....,. -ed-=-I'OOID,--...,Co,--.r-
&eles next .January. ona del Mar, private bath with
Finally, champioN from eveey aeparate entrance. HArbor
An evenln1 of tun Ia In store state, plua Canada. Hawaii and 5998-W.
for .Junior J:beU members and poaslbly Alaska wUI compete ln npmvan"A""TE"'-:oi"\yvyv1uCES~;-:w::it:iithi:"'""':p:ih=::o::n::e
their huaban.d.t on Tbunday, Nov. the national "bake-oft' In Chi· answerln& aervtce. ~ary 6 15. when they depart trom their cago on Feb. 21. notary avaUable. Ground J"lr.,
re&U]ar ~edule to hold the an-Entry blanb for the dlatrlct new Trident Bld 2200 New-
nual ~n'a Nleht party at the contest are avalJable at the Home port Blvd., Ne!Port Beach.
Vtlla Marina Restaurant. The Economics room at Harbor Hleh. (Adjacent to South Coast Co.)
You will qrw that there
ain't IIWiiF oe .U.boa Island
lJIIe \be ....... ,. t•Ulnl
about. 'l"'ww .... apeot a lot
oliDOMJ' WOftrdaa .., OVft .•
You know. oae fill tllole tace-
llftlnlo peppa-upper ~at ..
Sbe came out ol tt real rood.
ln tact. we think you mf&ht
like to ao •ad.J with her
'cau• abe's ~ble about
web thlnp u paint, powder
and prlce.
JUit tor tun. lf&b tor the
phone and uk for a date to
11ee her. <CoJlfldentlally the
numbfr 11 Harbor S'TT.l
' •
498 Park. Balboa l.tland RA 3'M propa.m Includes a buUet din· Contestants will be required to Offices from p).OO. Seml·prf.
neT, the John S. Daceett film. bake one 9-lnch lattice-top pie tn vate desk spaoe $25.00. HAr· -----------:.......
"We Swam the Colorado," a nd the presence of the judges, who bor 3028.
danclnc. wtll be prlvUeged to sample same PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS
as IIOI)r. as It hu cooled. oU&oe .uJte. Birteber Bldg~ lllf .... .... ~~~ 2515 E. Cout Hwy .. CDlL BAr· bor 1535. 2-bedroom. c u atom b u II t II lllf ., ,..... 2 BEDROOM turniahed house. home, So. of Hlway. Hdwd.
Jack Brennan is back on the Fireplace, ~arbage disposal,
How don one 10 about aawlne Real Est•t.e beat &Jain alter earaee. 418 Narcissus. CDM. Ooors. carpeted llvlng 6 din·
a goll ball In haUT Several juve-spending aeveral days at the After 8 p.m. RA 2W-W.
nUes have tbe answer, tor they money spa . . . t.u veru. FUllNISIIED DE LUXE Bay apt.
did just that. A bl& turnout is expected at 1 bedrp\. Newly decorated, utll·
Juveniles forced their way Into next 'Ibunday'a Realty Board lUes. Re&~onable rent 822 W.
lnr room. Nice kJtchen. Very
nice side patJo. Oversized dbl.
caraee. JUit 6 years old. a howle under corm:rw:tlon Mon· Brealdut at the Balboa Bay Club, Balboa Blvd., Balboa. HA 6952
day afternoon at 101 SboreclUf when votin& will take place for EvH.. a week·endL $21,500.
Road. Shore CUtts, hooked up a the new dlrecton ot the 1957 2 BEDRM. UNFURNISHED apt.
· power aaw and cut up eolf ball.a, Board ol Realtora. Two active and Larae Uvtnr room. South of
in adcSJtJon to playlna around 2 aaoclate members wUl be Hlehway, CDM. Adults. No
with paint cana and "ralstnr heclc elected. pets. 315 Larkspur, CDM. HA
In g~neral." W. E. Flaber of 3024 Alrady a petition bu been 2MYJ. w.
E. eo..t Hwy., Corona del Mar. circulated to Include the name of O,...;;NE,;;..:~B..,;,ED="'ROO-=-==-=M=---=ro=RNIS=~H:-:-ED==.=
contractor worklnr on the home, Randall Ullete> Geddes among house. Rear, with private patio.
report.a th!a rnl.lchlef UIUally OC· the active candidate.. Those aeJ. CDM. Abo tuml.ahed bachelor
curs after WOTkmen ro home or ected by the nomlnatlnr commJt-apt ass. Incl. utilities. Inquire
on WM.kenda. tee Include Tom Cox. Art KUtler, 500 lumlne, CDM. Alter 5:30 -------· ______ Ruth ¥ey and Homer Shafer, HA 69't4.
Notes as active I'J'leiDben, and Ivan Er· =--==~~~-===--:-:=----=-hardt Bill C. Fisher Dick Bodle 2 BEDRM. lr DEN APT. unfum.
and Jack Mullan. 'as uaodate w/atove, patio. BBQ. ~arage, members fireplace, 885. mo. Year round.
Mrs.. H. Verne Woodruff of Ir· Newly · admttted to the Board 61l~ ·Goldenrod. CDM. Ph.
vine Terrace eave a talk and are Franda Drohan. asaoclate Hyac!!'th 2-5473 San Clemente.
demonstration on flower arran~-with Duncan Hardesty, and Ed· CORONA HIGHLANDS
Wlth Low Down Payment
3333 E. c.t. Bwy. Corona del Mar
Harbor 2422
menta at the October meeting of ward Nahlgan. an usoctate with 3 BEDROOMS UNFURNISHED -the Ebell Carden Section Jut Vogel Newport Beach. double earap; enclosed yard. Attractive 3-bedroom home,
week at the home of Mrs. E. F. Bill C. Fisher with hta papa, 460 Serra Drive. new wall-to-wan carpet. flre-
Pohlman In Corona Richlands. Howard, u co-chairman, wUI 3 BEDROOW-FronJ apt. Large
Mn. Gretchen Slmmona of Cor· head a new Realty Board com· roorna. nicely tumlahed. J,i place. Double aarare on
ona del Mar spokeon miniature mlttee, entitled "Municipal At· block to abopplne dl.ltrlct. 321 alley.
georanluma, fain Committee." which will look ' C Marruertte, Corona del Mar.
Chairman Mrs. Raymond Into proposed city legtalatlon af. IMII .. ...,.
Henna opened the meetinr by lo· fecttne real estate. --.,.. 10.
troducln1 I JUHtl, Mrs. C. F. • • • WEEKLY AND MONTHLY
Peters. Mn. Al~ Sparb and New members of the R.ealty OFF SEASON RATES
Mrs. c. Dreaer. Mrs.. Allee la· Board are "Bua" Comellua. &aa· • Dally Maid Service ~ Mra. Herbert Witt and Mrs. date with W. A. Toblu eo.ta • 24-hr. Telephone
F. Hall Dlckenon wee welcomed Mesa; Blll Cullen. a.a.ldate wtth • ~-hr. Desk Service
aa new ~bera. The meetlne Art xt.tler, Newport; 1oe Denker, • Room Service
wu preeeded by a aala4 lunch· a.-oclate wtth Vopl Co., Balboa • Beeted Pool
eon wrve4 by CO·hoet 1111a. Mrs. bland; and Ralpb Hlnrer and • Restaurant
E. C. Doane, M.ra. Ted Tapter and ShJrlee M'un80n. both UIOCJ&tee • Coclrtall Loun&e
Mn. Pohlman. wtth Blanche • ca.tes; • Color Televtaion
Banteoy Francque. a realty .I I I II C I I • I U .. l.l a. ••m'-1.-pl'e'Xle. now hanp hla Ucenae on
--• ...... the wall next to Frank lames In Corona del Mar
------------the eo.t. Mesa ottlce. BUIKernp. ~B:ar:bo::=::r:::;:5076:='=':::::;::::;::===:::=:::32~
A poup ot new teadlen are ton hu ~an otOce back ot A'I'TR.AC'I1VE ONE BEDROOM
alldinl and rhumba-in& at the Mariners Bank. tum.labed apt., clean.. Uaht prl-
Larce lot which l.s NOT a
leasehold. A beautiful home
ln A·l condition.
OPEN BOUSE ... SUN. 1·5 p.m.
1000 CLAY ST.
CI.WE¥11 ...
2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8-42T1 (At the St&nal)
Newpol't Beach
4"' lln'EaEST ON FHA LOAN,
montMy peymenta t64 <l&a
than renU. Payment.a Incl. fn.
terest, tax ... Insurance a prin·
c:fpal. Move in-newly bullt 3·
BDRM. with ~a.rpetlnr w-t-w
thruout. Abo elec. ran&e ataya
Jn redecorated Jdtchen. Owner
will take low down pay~nt
and carry 2nd trust deed.
• • •
BDRM HOME. Needs some
painting; has location, she and
wherewttball to do something
with. Home has tpl:, d.Jnlng
rm .• breakfast room. ~lee. stove
In kltch. with tlle sink, service
poreh. oversized dbl. garage
with laundry trays. Also lath
houteS and 20 x 40 Iron ~
gated shed; trees. shrubs It
bushes. Large enough to build
18 unlt.-or sell oft some Bar·
gain price! Acre for $14.500
with $6.000 down .
• • •
bedr. homt>. Visual advertising
on 3 arterial-way rornc.>r. Stu('(.'()
It plastt>T 6·rm. home with
hardwood floors. Oft-street
parking. Could be converted to
om ce for doctors. dentist or
light bus. that needs good lo·
cation It tree advertls1ng. $20. ·
000 full price. Terms.
• • •
BUSINESS LOT on Newport Blvd.,
50' x 210' tor $6500 cash.
• • •
8Q. tt. New, le~ black-top
parking. Income $360 per mo.,
$10,000 down.
• • •
8 UNITS - 8 GARAGES -right
downtown. $440 montll income.
• • •
come now $185 month. , acre
on Newport Blvd. Leased bldg.
now used as ca.te. TWo l· bdrm.
dwellln&s now rented month·
to-month u homes. Should be
remodeled and leased as busJ·
ness. Elbow grease. remodel-
lne It paint wW make excel·
lent com.merelal plant. $22.500
buys thls. Terms.
• • •
ON 16TH PLACE# Sparkling new
design ... all the new ronven.
lent buUt-lns. entry hall. built·
In breakfast table. famUy room.
tile baths, fon::ed thermo heat.
Uvlna room carpeted and pan·
ellecl shake root. 1.600 ft. ol
cheerful Uvtn& spa~. Comer
lot. selllnr at $216.500. Terms. ....... "., .....
1857 Newport A~ Cocta Mesa
U 8-1632; U R-1400 eves.
Art.bur Murray Stud.lo lD Colona • • • vate patio. Available Nov. 15th.
del Kar. l'ew addition to the Now that abe'• started travel· 224~ Diamond. Balboa laland. _u.oa_=-_AL_-=------==--=---LOST JUQ) POUJm
staU. announced by Cbet J'arru. lin£ Realtor Ruth Jayred ean't vu:w APTS. 1-erfl•• 1-l----------
owner, ~ Clno Coma at Cuba. .-em to stop. A couple of weeka 'IWO BEDROOMS-buUt-ln ran&e 4 -FOUND BOY SCOtrr KMFE.
now a Balboa r.ldent. who aao abe attended a Zonta con-A oven; dra~ In Uvtn& room; Pennanently remo~ from face. Owner may have S&Jile by pay-
teaehes Latln A.mertean danca vention ln San Dle,o. 'Ibla put private patios or deek:s; gar-anna, lep. Eyebrowa and halr lng for thls ad. Call HA 1114.
and &~w. dance exhlbltiona; Nor-week-end abe Joumeyed to San age; one block to beach. New. Une shaped-No tnore tweeztne. SIAMESE MALE C AT -Dark
man Brooks. torm•ly ot the Frand.eco to .ee~ brother and $150. Yr. lea~. 2610 Seaview. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. brown. Answers to "Mock·
Santa Ana Arthur Munq Studio, niece ott on an Aatatlc jaunt. Har. &HO. Udo'a Salon ot Beauty Bar. 2576 Moo." VlclnJty 400 Block Poln·
]lvtn 1 Corona del M.ar a '"'"'E •~ bl -aCl'OSI the ~ !rom aett.la, COM. Reward. HA now r n • u""' R conatruct~n on uu., NMvnnrt City Hall dance ana'.-; and teachers DJOJI'I'Ea 'TO TALK CDM 3 ~ 2u b ..... ~~""' ~-J.
Mant ~;:formerly ot tbe Pat Michaela. Santa Ana radio peted. U~d vt:W~o;~ AMAND---A-LCoYD. Ph.-ya-lcai-Th_e_r. LOST-P-a.,..-le-bl,_u-e-p-ankeet. with
Arthur Murray Paaadena stucllo. reponer and one-time foreign at 3415 Ocean Blvd. Call c. w. apy. New location. 3530~ East yellow head and Upped wings.
now a1. Corona del Mar: Grace corTe~~pondent. wUl tell of hla Masten. Har 4140 or Har 6440. Coast Hlway. CDK Cor. Orchid, Answers to '"Perky." ~ard. Rooco. Corona del Mar, formerly travela at the meeting of the across from P.O. RA 39!n. HA 0154-J.
with the Santa Ana atud.lo; Bert MJdcSJers CJub of the Corona del ------------------------Roberta ol Tulaa. Oklahoma. Az. Mar CommunJty Church follow-WAXTEJ) 'TO aDT CAU POa SALE
th¥-r )(u.rny Studio, now Uvln& In& a 6 :30 p.m. pot luck dinner
In Newport Beach! Laurie Sutan on Tuesd8,)'. Mr. and Mra. Robert 2 ADULTS u. aeekt.n& to rent a
ot Santa Ana. fomM!tl)' wtth the Meredith and Mlas Clyde Ma,y. small 2 brd. untumlshed bouse,
Arthur Murray atudJo tMft. and nard wUl be hoet.a. CDM. HA 5135.
Erica Lau. ortJinally from C«·MJICI'! ·~~~~~·~LJrE~o~v~~~~----ICIIOOLS, DfSTIIVcriow many, and teacller at tbe Arthur -
Murray Studio In BollJWOOCI be· WANTED GOOD H O ME tor 1--.. ..1 --tore movtq to Corona del Mar. )'OUDI ~ male yellow Per· ....-z deln r.-
atan cat. Abo dach.abund pup.
MA&JLYII Gil& TA.KIIIG U S-1712 between 9 lr 11 A.M. Learn to .Sebt-read. lmprovt.se.
aaAD WOU AT ITUI'OIID FaEE -kJIIEHS -to eooe1 plaJ by ear. Younpters to
Althou&h they won't look for bomea. Persian motbet'-lather oldsters -will teech you u
her at Tbanbltvlnl. Kr. and of quettlonable ancestry. t.on1 much or u little u you wish.
Mra. Carl Glae of 310 Ameth~ hatred. Out.ry. Very nJce. H.A Phone
Ave .. Balboa laland. are oped· ta2. ~ BA 1461.
1n1 tbelr daupter, Kartlyn. home DO YOU WAin' Fuller Brubea ·~~-~
tor a 1on1 holiday vacation at for Ou1stmu rtfbT KJ S·2100. DIE ,. Chrlstmaatlr'M. Mba Clae Ia tak· --=.:::.......:;:;:::..:::...:;;;::::.::::~::..:::...;_;;;:;;:....;;....::.:...:..:.;
!~f. :::.u~. :o!\.!:0:-,:'~ IIIII Pla)~l-1 Tbe aew vw. 'Center Oil Wst
and Ia now taldnl educaton. POR RDT lith St:Net In eo.ta ,._?by
1-M:M tf.IIM 35-101 Ptelda Jewelers Janow t .. tur-
and HIOI Soon.t Projectan tna a new line ot rn::RNA· rMr 001.011 JI'IL)( 8DVICE MAne watehea. Tbe f1Delt au·
We have
used trurJQ;
fWODDAY, 1109DfMa I, 1-a&WIOIIT .....,_D .. 7
· Irvine Terrace
Overlooldnr Southern Callfomla'a beautUul yachtlnr
oenter at Newport Harbor ... Across the bJebway from
one ot America'• finest &oll cou.raes .•. cloee to South·
ern Callfomla'' many varied r~at1onal opportunities.
• • •
1•••1 H•es wltll
l•llriln ~r larti1 I V• He•lrl
Prices 124,500 lo 531,001
Your lnspectlon ls respt'tttully solicited.
• •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the
new lrv1ne Coast Country Club.
Phone R-.rbor 4448 for Further Information
F.._Y IOIE! 2...,, 4 ... ., 2 .. ••••
just a few steps to the beach~ 20-ft. Uvine room. fire·
place. Fenced yard. BuUt on an expensJve lot. NO'Ili-
JNG else like it.
A real opportunity at
Easy terms-just $4500 down.
&7 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar HA: 17tl; HA: CTm
SITUIIIY I su•IY-12-4 P.l.
E.xqul.alte and cheery 2 bedrooma. 2 baths. Year 'round
home. Expensively carpeted and draped; cleverly land·
scaped; lar&e patio. A home ln tllis exclumve area that
we are proud to praent.
308 30th St.. N~ Beach
Harbor 1600 Besldenee Harbor 3888
2 vacation bouse:.-one a.t S19.500. one at $19,950.
For lArge family, some v1ew of the water. Larae lot 6 bedroom, 4 bath home. $55,000.
UTI1.E ISI..AND-Near East Bay. 3-bfodrms., 1"' baths with a 2·bedr. apt. Excellent home or Income units. Attractively priC'ed.
Eart w. Sillier
2:15 llar1De Ave.. Balbo& laland Call Harbor 177S
Eves. Call EdJth Maroon Hyatt 4 ·6222 or
Louis Boynton Harbor 2878
spot In Corona del Mar. Lot and a hall . . . orange
trees. 3-bedrooms. l 1., baths. Let us show you thl.a
lovely home. Jt you don't hav~ the whole $5.000. Jet
us try and work out a deal.
$11, .. ,~, ......
Owner says .eell:
Model A.lrpla.De SUppU. tomatlc tbat money can buy. 1!1!!!..!'3~.!. ~=toL.::.,.t!!i-00'-; '56 FORD c:oan. Md. deL ______ __.1195 ..,. •• ,., ltl•r ,_... _._ •-n"' ••07< .., 312 )larf.ne A~~ Balbo& bland. Harbo~ 2525
PboDt UWtJ 1-'700 aooo. '51 FORD lfsataD pidmp SIS ;;;:;::=:::======-i~iiiiiiiin.--~=.=.n:.ve moved * 11•11 •-* IIY fiEIM AWEIR FOBD V! taa~F cloawr ID91CD from ?Ollfardllu Aft.. 0orcma W -.& lOT, W. lJtll St.. eo.ta Maa J • 01' DC co.J11.Kft &.AIIDICU'IIfC
del .... tom....,,_,.. -.. tw u a ,. ~ s.ea "51 FOBD 1/s-toD pickup ________ ......,....,
.............. 110ft rug W£"n:B aP-'DIIIfO ~=~~ ....__._ .... B. Tl DODGE pcmel ___________ .....,..~
Sdll t:D Ounoa del ..... but ........ la11w --.... .._ .. _.... -mcmn,c:t.. to U.. 8IMitb edt'e • nanW.,....... 2· .cc.b.~$1?G. JltL '8 fORD lfl·klll pcmeJ _________ _...., .,. tbe Captain W1Wa1D Van Rat. Ml·K after 5.30. I
.... ...,... t.a.llT· ,...., baw 111.1 a. CIL ....,,. ~ M ._ 1iiiTUDEIAIER Y, taG pid;ap ______ ..... ._,
f'DO'Nd to toO PeppJ A ... men -------------.,. ,.._.tda Aft.
S6B ere. 8t.ampe
c:o.olifA Da. IILU JrutiD:!
IIA 1CDI 2'7t6 &. o.ut a-,..
:Painting -Deoorcting
Lie ~~~ ~ .... lllcb:D II!I'Cir.•"llld. -k:c ___ ___.piG 1.-r 0n111e A• C11i11ea .._
~ .....
. I . . ~
""' l.JteUme ~ ......
t.oadl~t .....
20 words or ~le!"lla.s!'------
21 to 30 worda~~........,..:...
31 to 40 wCI'dl_. __ _._
~ JC ODiiiir' •r.a WL:r..,_
0 II Cl..e--1 I I-ll .... 5 ..111117.
...... 'h..Jil ••
....... 1111.
hM w -·--1 I I • • _.............:.J/11
Cll a.t -~---• 1 1 a • ·
•• a 'Gt --·-·---J I • =~~!!~~~~~:!!!!~~!!~~~~~~e~~~~ TBJll SID d•wfted ad m tM ,_ W&<'W CMKD
Eulp COIIta only ~ tor ~ ..... ......._._a..... .. Y sl
t . . .... ~-.. t.au. a-tiona. can 1.6 your Cit ................ -.,;tJtj •• I. • tr G .. 41 ... ,. ..... ada to Batt. W'-, __.,.aide et OJ...-CMtt. rJUU ~ ··.~J
==GROUP complete. ln· ~::GRAND P1ano. 1 year a.~:.:-::==-II FhiCII Honae c.... on 'Friday~ ;
eludes book-cue bead board. old. Save $1.000. Woodworth's Mt. lAC ae. ._.. A.-0 .ft. ~...l. ~
matt:rfla, box aprlnp. b Ia P1ano Shop, 2610 East Coast. CIMI&y 1~ ••• lit 7 e N..,.,.,un Harbor vamty IVIRft UAQft ITAII'DIIfCII A 8Crappy 0CC football team
double 4reaer w1th m.trTOr, 2 Wahway, CDM. HA 3382. football team, with a ali1Rle wln foutbt back from behind In the ~~
All of this ln.Stuwet lMpe oom~tfon, wUl W L "'-OJ9. RCOnd half to cop a 30-U de· .,.-r ... pUlows. 2 lam})ll-21FT. SLOOP-outbo~d aUXIu. Flag Gr·adders mee•twlce·be. aten Santi Ana to-• .. -:sa .. ,_, ___ ,$ 0 Ill M da1on over potent San Jernar. DIIVG noaa
only $137.!51. Cub 0 1 pay the ary. Gaff·rJapd. New sana. morrow (Friday) nllbt at ~ h ..... ··---...... 5 0 •• a cUno before .orne 8000 apectaton 1
payments of $7.49 per mo. $800. HA 3382 or HA 4!547. staciJum for th• ...... __. , __ '-om'"' ._.. Aae -1 I • • at th• Oran-en._ --.1 Sta· ~UGHN'S FURNITURE WARE· M t u t "' .oou• .-~ u; "" .....,,___ .... • • I "" •-.,qy,... _,., -~ ... I "s U-HOUSE. 660 w. 17th St., Costa •• ECTIIS ml ee pse s came. Kick-oft Ume .. M't at7:30. -• • u • dlum Jut P'r1clay nllht. ....... ....
Mesa. 1 block west of Van's The Salnlt ~mped over win· ~ ...._ "--·-* 1 " Ill Early In the ttnt period, Dar· aaa c..e llwy-aA .,.
Bowltna Alley. Store hours: AM SELLING d1n. r. suite that Some of the previously unbeat· l8a Oranae (Newport's Jut foe ~ ..._ -1 • • 111 rell Jon• tumbled on the occ c.-... ._
Mon.·Ftl .. 9-9; Sat.. 9·6: ~un.. ha.a been In my famUy for en te&IM were toppled from their ol the ~euon) Jut week. wbUe g.---a.... -·~ : : 1• • and Ken Wyaal pou~ on i~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-5. LI 8-31.86. yean. Consista of buttet. China pedestal thla put week In the the Tan bowed to unbeaten Ful· II ---Ill It for San Berdoo. TRAILER. 35 ft., Pan American closet, six chairs and extension Newport Beach Recreation Dlvl-lerton 23·0. LAIT W&&JH 'OOPU Eiabt pla,. later, Carley Ffelcb
Mobll-home deluxe. Near I Y table, all In exe@llent condl· slon't youth fial arid leapes. Newport surprlled Fullerton r---. a.· ••= .. t 0 bluted tblouch the lJne for a new, aacrWce by owner, 1809 lion. made of solid oak with The 49era moved lnto first place wbell the Jndlaru fumbled on the ..... A-. 11. 01 fl 0 touchdown. Jeale Murdock's 6 .
Fletcher Ave., South Pasadena. Jacobean finlsh. Normal slz.e In Ute "A" leaaue at the Com· fl.nt play ol the lame. Tar Art Aarda ... .C.~ a.... 0 tra point try wu wtde.
Ph S 9 3918. of table Is 38 x 56 Inches, can munlty Youth Center In Corona B1rtcber recovered on the Indian 81111t. .._. tl, J.. ...._ u The ~ .WI. 8tood at 6·0 at
,. RMoSn.eOFycamorFURNerru· RE-w:o...-ry. be extended to !50 x 86 Inches. del Mar by det atl th Browns 4S. They moved to the FulJerton the halt. but thlj p.me was not ~ ~:ov.,. Fronts are hand carved and e n1 e • 30 In 4 playa. be f o r e Stan T11J1 'WKU"'S GAMU over yel •
thlng -2 complete bedroom lees are turned. Family tradJ. 41·26· Tony Wrath took the open· Schones' pass to Bud Thompson Fri6rt llitllat -s-a. A-. ft. Murdoclc ldcked ot1 to John
croups. 7 pc. dinette croup, 8 tlon says It was made In the ln1 kickoff 1M the wlnnen and was intercepted at the 20 and lfC'U'pOI't ...._ cat o...i-Cocat Hopktn.l to ttart the 1ee0nd half
pc. llvlnr rm. croup, 1956 11 cu. Pennsylvania hWs by some Dwent 64 yarcbed fo4r the1 '"?· Jothhn returned to the Indian 30, setUnc ltllillau ••••• et 01 .. , La and In 12 plays the Buea marclted
ft. Hotpolnt retrleerator, 1956 Dutch artisan. It was appraised aW110n aoor t mes ~or e up the lnltlal score. .._at r.u.t.Ju a... 0.0.. 58 yards to pay dirt, wftb Ray aa &. c..e 111 ..
'W'edcewood ran1e. C.P. with about a year aeo at $600, ask-~rs. Lon14;oorrnd.sc brunaDI~~ ~e Fullerton moved to the New. at B~ ...._ Adermann aoina 1n from tbe C... ,.j k UUJ
bl& rot~rle. Bal. left to pay lng $375. It belongs In a ho)lle osel'l were yar Y 0 • port !5. Two penalties sent the three.
only ~.92. No cub down. Pay where lots of entertalnlnc and man, ~d 52 yards by Chrls Mor-Indiana back to the 15, and from celver circled the field d aJ . Al Story added the PAT and IIIIa...• ,.._
only $8.29 per wk. BAUGHN'S eraclous Uvlng Ia carried on. 1anro · there Indian halfback Mike Jew. • an g the Pirat es Jed 7-6. U ~,.,
FURNITURE W AR.EHOUSE. 660 Can be seep at my home by ap· In another "A" lea.aue came, ett kJcked a fteld coal for 3 loped 63 yard.a to make the half. On the ftrat play &om .crtJn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. 1 block polntment. Call Kimberly 5· the Rams outlasted the Bean for polnlt. Urne score 16.0. mace. Eulene Brttton fumbled~~
west of Van's Bowling Alley. 6633. a 39·31 victory. David Gauley pi· Early In the second period, Ful. Dou1 Bowler's quick kick ln and Ed Chambers recovered for
Store hours: Mon.-Frl. 9·9: WES'nNGHOUSE DRYER. 4 years lotA!d the w1nners. with scorln1 lerton's Bob Un4ow intercepted lbe fourth quarter went out ol oc on the Indian 33.
Sat., 9·6: Sun., 11·5• U 8-3l86. old, wtred tor 220. Harbor 252. help f.rom Drew Jobnlon and another Schones pass on the 33 bounds on the Tar 31. and from On fl.nt down, Chuck Yeyna
FOR SALE Firewood. Liberty FOR mE BEST B\JYS Martin Johnson. Charles Berman and returned to the Harbor 40. A there the JndJans acored In 8 ripped 33 yar~ oft taekle'for an· 8-~ alter 5 p.m. 2307 New-IN USED Ft1RN1TURE handled the .coring chores tor cllpplnc penalty sent the Indians playa. Fullerton moved to anoth-other Pirate. tally. Story's point
port Blvd, Costa Mesa. • the losers. back to their own 35. From the er touchdown before the final after wu a1aln aoocJ, and the
4 RMS. OF FURNtTUJU: _ Com-AND APPUANCES-SEE The Colts found themselves on 39 and on a first down. the In-sun. but It wu nullified by a eoote wu u .s.
plete. Big 9 pc. living rm. PIIWPS FURIITUR£ top of the heap In the "8" league dian's speedy halfback John Co· penalty. StatlstJcs: Mt. Sac .cored In the third pe.
eroup. Big 5 pc. dining room at the same area. by squeezinc llannJ found a hole tbrou1h hls •ewport hlJcnola rlod, aftff recowrtn1 Dlek Grov·
group _ complete bedroom 2089 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa past the.. Packers, 6·0. On a direct right pard and ran 61 yarcb for 6 ........ -........ First downs ................ 7 er's tumble on tJ\e Buc Z .
group. Big Norge range. Big u 8-2621 pus from center, Dave Connell a TD. The kick made It 10-0. tOL ....... -Ya.rd.a ruablna-........ ..302 Overton Curtis lotted a 20-yard
1956 Pbllco refrteerator. All ot scored on a 5·yard end run .. Lar· Fullerton mrt~ aoother scor· 10_. ___ Paases attempted ............ 1 ~ to Murdock tor the IM:\On.
this for only $495.92. No cash SPORT· CAR CEIJER ry Broerlng waa outstanding on lng drive from their 29. With one 2 ............ Puses completed ............ 0 Ed Burulc split the upr1chlt for
down. Pay only $4.96 per wk. defense for the Colts. mlnute remalnlna lrf the half. 0 ....... Puaes lntercepte4 by ....... .2 the point alter and the Buea led
BAUGKN'S FURNITURE WARE-932 The Eacles defeat.ed the Uons Mike Jewett. from the C& faded L ........ -....... Fumbles ....... -.. -·-···.2 by only one point. 14·13.
HOUSE. 660 w. 17th St., Costa 1 Harbor-Costa Meaa by a 20-6 marcln. Todd Hess back to pass. couldn't slcbt a re· 25 ............ Yarda penaltzea ............ !55 The final and wlnnln1 Pirate
Mesa. 1 block west of Van's 1957 MG·A opened the tlrst quarter scorlng .core of the nllht came early In
Bowling Alley. Store hours: on a S6·yard run. Homer Alex· J B • s nd Plac the fourth quarter, when 1obn
Mon.-Ftt.. 9·9: SaL, 9-6; Sun., Immediate ander received a 20-yard .pass ar ees. In eco e Hopkins romped around lett end
11·!5. LI. 8-3186. Delivery fl"'m Henry Sprague to open the I for 15 yards and a ecore to ell·
second half scoring. The Uon tal· J ng1 With Sa•nts Friday mu an 80-yard drive. HIIIMI IIIIlS Uberty 8-ll!H ly came on a'pltcb·OUt from Bon· a e I I In the closlnl minutes, Willie
WEDGEWOOD RANGE _ Used ny Fulweller to J[Jm Oviatt, who Mlms slipped around lett end for
Complete line of all 5 models
$995 to $3800
ran 62 yards for the score. Coach Emil Neeme's Bee foot· On fourth down alter the kick· 20 yarda and the flnal 8C:\On of
onJy 4 mo. The big C. P. all The Eagles took over sole pos· ball squad, with only one los.s In oU, Fullerton punted to the Tar Ute nllht. Mlma' kick feU short
auto. lighting bas clock, lamp, session of first place In the "A" league play, will travel to Santa 28 and Hammond ran It back to and the final score stood at 20-19. chrome top. Big over.slze oven. league at the Horace Enslgn
IIIII lilt•• P'•
IN1 &. COMr WWA1' a... ......... ..,
PIANO SALE -Uprigh ts from
$95. Grands from $685, perfect
condition. Spinet pianos llk.e
new, rent return--some repos.
sessed, Maple, Blond, Fr. Pro·
vlnclal, some traded In on
Hammond Organs !rom $359.
$395, etc. Some save $1.20 to
$2165. Easlm terms.
grUl and big broiler. Pd. down school grounds by virtue of their Ana tomorrow I Friday) to lock the 44. Ron Koren connected with CALL THE ENSIGN at Harbor
to $138.97. No down payment. 48·0 romp over the Uons.. The horns with the Saints at 3 p.m. Scbllckenmayer at 36.. and be t :.U to otdet tett.rbeada, envel-
Pay o n .1 Y. S5.59 per m o. Colts also had an easy tlme In The hard·hltttnc. Bees are In ran to the 11. Stan Lewis scored opee. bum-c:a.rda, .Utementa. ~~~~~~~~~~.~t'~~ ~~!~ng the Packers ln a 32·13 ~nt!~11~:.·:;:~~~~~~a~ =n~~~/=:tS::I·~~':O~~J~~ ~~~t.·ti=· Lldo~bapf~Jaac.nw
Mesa. 1 block west ot Van·~ The Uera and Brown& are stlll helm leads the leaaue with a ton took over on the 15, but fum· =============~~-~-~~~~~-~~~~~-~.,..~~1.~ ... ~::! BowlJng Alley. Store hours. d f ted 1 th "B" 1 t perfect reeord ot 5 wins. bled on the first play, and New· _
.Mon.·Fri .. 9-~: Sat .. 9-6; Sun., ~n e ea E s" ~ 1_;ae:k~s The few single wing playa em. port recovered. Robin Swinford
11·5. LI 8 -3186. trace th ~ n h de! th ployed by the Tars' offensi ve carried to the 6 u the quarter
P ay e ns an e team have really been paying ended. With fourth down and 5
Glantt their flm loss. 26·12. Willy off a it _ __. b th lr 26 0 yards from paydlrt. a Tar back
0 R G A N SALE -Electronic,
beautiful Mah. console. full 2
keyboard with 25 pedals $875.
One blond tor Jess, like new.
Big Plano It Organ Store
Established 1914
520 No. Main St., Santa Ana
Always 100 Pianos on hand
also edltlr.~
' Harbor 6798
Divan. chair, 2 Never Mar step Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Lalcb scored all four TDs.. Mike · 5 w n~ Y e · victory over Fullerton last week went around lett end for the
Ober scored both ot the Giant at Davld.tOn field. score. Hammond's kick wu good
touchdowns. The 49ers had a and Newport led 14·0
tougher tlme before besting the The Bees racked up 6 points In the final period Mike Geor e
Bears by a 25·20 margin. For the after a little over 5 minutes of Intercepted an India;, pua on t~e
winners. Alan Gray and Steve play. Lett halfback Dave Ham· Tar 15 and ran It out to the 35
Broyls scored 13 and 12 points. mond took an Indian punt on the Swinford, Koren and Phil' Mall~
Bob Rosso tallied 14 points for 36 and ran It back to mld·fleld. loux alternated carries In a drive
the losers. with Kermit Kay add· Stan Lewls and Robin Swinford, to the Fullerton 10 MaJJJ t k
lng 6 mo•. aJong with Hammond, toted the a hand off, swept ~undo:rt :d
Tile Cards ran over the Rams. pigskin to the 4· Hammond scoot· to make the score 20·0
30-12. In the final game. Bob Fox ~~ u;ro~~h 4his ~ft ~~d rsl: The Tani added an ~tra TD for
scored both Ram touchdowns. on or e yar 5 an t e ars good measure when Koren paased
Mike Pells scored three times tor first score. Ron Koren passed to from the 22 to reserve back Mac
the winners, with teammate Brian Dick Schllckenmayer for the ex-Donald In the end zone with 20
Dally adding two more TDs. tra polnt. seconds to go.
tables and co!!ee table, 2 1755 Monrovia, Costa Mesa
lamps. AJI brand new. Pd. Liberty 8-9406 Phone !n your news atortea to
down to $148.97. Cash or pay. TYPING IN MY HOME. Accurate your local newspa,per, the En· 3 Sailor LeHennen Back
For Basketball Practice
ments ot $1.96 Per week. and neaL HArbor 2873·R. atgn. Harbor 1114..
HOUSE, 660 W. 17th SL, Costa sitting and care of those con -
Mesa. 1 block west of Van's tlned to home. Day or night. Bowling AJiey. Store hours: HArbor 3192·M.
Mon.·Frl., 9·9: Sat., 9·6: Sun .. GARDEN WORK wanted. Phone
11 ·5. Ll. 8·3186. 038. h
RADIO---PHONOGRAPH comb. Ha. l! p l1 Brook&.
Mahogany cabinet. New 3· IRONING In my home. $1.00 per
speed reeord chancer. Cost $475. hour. Mabel Whitman, 6(f1
Price, Incl. records worth $150, Marguerite, Corona del Mar,
only $90. HA 6045. HArbor 4279-J.
1956-G.E:-FILTER_,· no=-==w=--a u-t-o. KELP W~
washer. The one you see ad· _RE_.AL_ES'_T_A_TE __ S_A_I_ES_M_AN-.-n-lc-e
vertlsed so much. Has big 12 lb. tu~verylblng. Only been well located office. Good comm. MIKOL REALTY, out 4 months. Bal. left to pay 1414 So. MaJn. 10. 2·1825 only $176.57. No down pay.
ment. Pay only 16.99 per mo. SOME FREE -30ME FEE
BAUGHN'S FURNin.JRE WARE· Appllcanb needed, many omce
HOUSE. 66o W. 17th St., Costa ~ a.1ao rtiiDu.rant.a and do·
Mesa. 1 block west of Van's me.t1ca. .Ma.n7 Jobc f~ qualWed
Bowline Alley . Store hours: mens <~ now.>
~OUTe •
Insurance Companies
Mon.·Frl., 9·9: Sat., 9·6: Sun., June Farrar Empl Aceney,
ll·!5. LI. 8-3186. 402% 321ld St.. Newport ...... ,
Alrna.t new. Uaeful for omce lll. ,...1111 ...._ •• I I
or small apt, 2 venetian bllnda. ••••J .. ,.._'be ...UI ~~ ~ && : . .
19!56 PHILCO, The blc 10"' cu. tt: Top Job ~ fields. .. ,014 • ._,....__ •-... .-.... Ueed only 4 mo. Hu bll croa-Ken and Wome.n A' -.... _ "'....., -~
.....__ cb__. ._ d·'-(acroca from All-Amerlcan top ~ ..... ,.. .... e au;r pa:rldne lot) bar wftb atra IP&C. ln door. ___ __._;..;.;.;;.;~;.,_.-.---. __ _
AD .tee~ abeJw. with big ftle·
table cri.lpe.r. Bal. due only
"-M.t7. l'o cub down. Pay
OftlJ' •. OC per mo. BAUGIDMJ
J"UD'''roU W AUBOUSE. w. 1'7tb St.. eo.ta X... 1 block
w.t c1. Van'• Bowt1n1 Alley.
... Jloun: lbl.·f'rl. Ia.. N : am., U·S. U. · .• ~ .. ---r·:
IIlLI _,_,_
-~-..... m ...... ......
the Sunaet league championship
agaln thle yeu."
The first 1ame of the aeuon Is
Friday night. Nov. .23. aaalnat
the AJumnl at the hlch .chool
All afternoon c&ea betin at 3
on TUesdays and wUl be followed
by 1V games. At the nlaht l"&metl,
played on Frld&)7, the N'a play
at 7 and the varsity 1amea ttart
at 8 p.m. ·
Cee Gridders
Play 2na Tie.
• • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Now! • • • • • • Hamburgers "deliciously done" • • • • • • • in 2112 minutes-• • • • • • • . when Y.O~ cook electrically! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • •
M46 I. COAST HWY .. coaOMA. 011. w.u
ll..wiR .. J HAitler ....
a. ........... c.-....
.... Z.....&loa.
Uberty a..ftat Llbedy .... Ill
Fa~~~~r'• Pelley
OFFICE: Uberty 8-55M RES. UbertY 8·5063
* * Applicmc:e. * PaiDta · ............ u..,..c....,_
.._. H.,._ 10M
2201 E. c-.t Hlth-1 .t A¥0Coe4o c.-..., ...
<•o TVa:l) ........ d ........
WZ:JGIIS 0111.., ll 0&.
aa..oa~T r • s· • •v• A. New Concept 1D Pe:tonal
Badlo. Ear Phone and Carr7· lnc CUe Optional. Em'L .........
u~ .............. c:-a. ....
lfiRT .. FII ~
Dux Bar Hooded Sh..in. -Coayen~e "AD Star"
and Hood's Famous·,.-· Black & Whit. Can.-
u IMl
• 111'1 IIWLIII•
I"Ne lwbiidiua AI... 1 I
* COPFUu:.t~
17'11 SOWA•tD-"'u&• cccra IIISA
VIU 1111111
Peaturllag filM MCdoocl. ....._ ..... dbe. dlkbe cilia.
tJM VWa Man-18 ... el ~ c:..a~a a..t .......
raat&. 1aDquet ,..,.. MGtll ap to .._ L1 led Cit taw ~
to lkllbeo la1CJD4. t1Jida .... ------u.. ~ Ia ~
............................... ~ ............................... ,. ·-
D-w111ic cmd Foaeip
I . --,-C_H_U_R_C_H __ E_S ____ Dll'llllr .........
., CDI CMrcll Cllllr
Choir director Mary Batten
CI)K COIOIUJf1TT CJnniCB IIAJlBOa TJIDflT1' BAPTIST Stetteraen waa honored at the
"Dlsclpllne of Dlaa.ster'' will be The Harbor Ttlnlty B a P t I s t potluck dinner party of Corona
the title of tN-Rev. Edwin C. Church. which ls presently meet· del Mar Community Church chan·
Gomke's sermon Sunday morning lng at the Gem Show building at eel choir last Thursday evening
a t the Corona deJ Mar Commun· the Orange Co unty Fair Grounds, at the Harbor Island home of Mr.
tty Church. will have a special communion and Mrs. Walter Spicer. Sh~ r~·
service at 11 a .m. Sunday. A spe· celved a cake decorated with a
cial program for young people cholr book and the actual notea
w ill be presented by the youth of the "Happy Birthday" re[ra ln. 4PORT /?,.d~.
clt/ON/f OEt llrtA il IIA ~R. "11/Hl V
of the church at 7 p.m. The ca ke was made by Mrs. Rog·
Paul'a words In Romana (8:6), Alter dinner Mr. Spicer showed
''To be camaJly minded ls death; pictures of a r~ent trip to Ha·
but to be splritually minded Is wall. Mrs. Don Hayton. chairman,
life and peace," constitute the was assisted by Mrs. W. D. Hum·
1111 Golden Text of the lesson·ser· ason.
mon. "Mortals and Immortals,"
IS ~i~~e N=~ ~ua:a;hr~~~~ li1iater'1 fa•iiJ
thought In the Golden Text Is Hll •-J..LIW-
amplltled by citations from The -...... BIG Psalms where the Psalmist prays, "So teach us to number our days, Rebecca. third child of Mr. and
-·---~ that we may a pply our hearu Mrs. Edwin C. Jones ot 638 W. -f - -h be 18th St.. Costa Mesa, was born u•cnru ·MYit.W. ::::.. unto wisdom ... And let t e au-Tuesday, Oct. 30 at Hoac Hospl·
l tiiMILdiiY _...,., _, ty ot the Lord our God be upon tal. Rebecca, who weighed 8
a Ullll ur--~~~-lllfn~o"' us." pounds, haa one broth~r. Tim·
Cclll you ClrfaiLgle
you IDO'rie 90ill9 acbech&M
.o as to make aure you ... a
pktun from lts ftrT begtJua.lDcJ?
"lAD SEEJr-7 cS 10:
Children may attend
with thelr PARENTS
MCODd feature
S<rt. ""· 10 at 2 p.m.
"PJlDfCE V A1.1AJf"T'"' •
a1lo 3 bl9 COIDeclin • + e 0 a o ~ o a ? $ e 6 6 6 6
Mon. tllra '1'1ntrs. Stuta a& '7
P'rl Sat. & 8111L 8tana at C
~ . . . .
CB1JBCB Of' XAZUEKE othy, 11;, and a sister. Cynthia,
' Revival servl~s which began 3"'.
Friday night at the Church of the The Jones' moved to Costa
Nazarene, 1885 Anaheim St .. Cos· Mesa from Coeur·d'Alene. Idaho,
ta Mesa. are beln c held nlghUy 2 months ago. Mr. Jones Ia the
and wtll continue through Sun· minister of the Church of Chrtat.
da y. The Rev. Den1.e Woodey, an 1050 Church St.. CostA Mesa.
evangelist from Illinois, Is the
visiting speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Merrick
and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Randall
will be hostesses for the poUuck
dinner of the E·Z Club of the Co·
rona del Mar Community Ch urch
I when they meet tonight (Thu rs.
day) at 6:30.
llrs. S_tree_t._D_iea
Mrs. 1essle Streeter of 508~
1 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar,
died Oct. 31 a t t he California
Hospital after a 2·day lllness.
I She was a retired osteopath and
ha d lived here for 3 years .
Mo-. tJtn rrt. 8tarta a& '7:00
Sat. & 8-.. 8tam .. J :00
for w .... 'a Ce•cll
The CathoUc Women's Council
of Our Lady o f M t. C a r me 1
Church. Newport, will hold their
mon thly luncheon meeting next
Wednesday noon at th e Pariah
Mrs. Rose Rassm ussen ls In
ch arge of the harvest luncheon.
Mrs. Forest Smith, Jr., president
of the Women's Council, asks
that reservations be made with
Mrs. Katherine Windle. Harbor
4329. or Mrs. Pat O'Kelly, Harbor
685·J. Speaker will be Father
William Barry, assistant director
of the L.A. Catholic Wellare Bu·
ne••• Clarte ef
..... lallltl Dill
Thomas W. Clarke. 71. of 317
Coral Ave., Balboa llland. died
Friday, Nov. 2, at Hoac Memorial
Hospital. Mr. Clark~. a native of
Ireland, waa a retired clvtl en·
cfneer and had been uaoclated
with the Orance County Road
Survivors include hiJI wUe, 14·
nes; a dauchter, Mra. Helen Pe·
erman of Balboa Ialand; a 80Jl.
Tbornaa of Lo8 AnceJea, and a
brother In ere-cent City.
Servlots were held Monday tn
Baltz Corona del Mar Chapel.
with the Rev. John Parke ol St.
James Ept.copal CbUJdl oftldat-
lng. Intennent wu In Harbor
Rest cemetery.
• '. • ' D R I V E ·I N t -r--'lC HUATIHS CJ
:v,..f A\ fOU All
_ • TIO l'l,..llT Cllll
Mr. and Mra. Herb Jrenny are
back at borne at 807 E. Bay Ave ..
Balboa, after a montb'a vacation
trip up oorth, lnclutiQc V&JKOU·
ver ln Canada.. They ltft on the
trip 1 mmed Ia tely after Mr.
Kenny'• redtement flom the BaJ.
boa Po.t omee.
Mr. Kenny wu abl4t to t.p ln·
tad ht. ttCOrd ol15 years ol ,...
feet J:lw...U. ·~ ., .....
Plnl l.n at Vancouwr ~
Club meet!np twlet duriDC tbe
New I? astor Is • New. Dad. :-..:..-=. ~-:.:~ ... .,.part_, ... ........ Church Group d ~lso Has a New Church =. ... ,.c" ... .., .....
M • S A lot ttl J11:W ...._. . .,. u.-blltla to .,,..._ s.. llrl. aw. Acton. a aatlve al Ana· .. t .•ngs et penlq ............... a,. DMira: .. at...:; .. ..._ ••lded *!"-:,w. .. ~ .. t. fll -~ •• ......, a. Oailta plta1. ~ .,,~.-Aacet Talbot
lin. KIDU Beelltel ot Ill Xlnp ...._ .... Aeton ... t1aat tbe Bar· ~Jopllal -=-=·~ Place. ata Baftft. wtn entlrt&tn ~ . ...._ ... ......._. Oct. w 'l'rtftiCr .._. aawe. _... .. ~ l•da.,. lD
memben ot the -..cKna Adwn· 35 ud .. ua. -,..._ ot tiN _.. tD t1ae C.. ..., buJldlac
tuN ..,up ot the C'oron& del Mar BuM ~ .. ptilt au~~e~a. at tile 0raqe co ant 1 hJr CovlDa. Commuftity Church at ll• home
0~M~oodat~~·~Oet.~~-~· ~bJa~·~-~~~~a"~~Oroa~~.-.:=,..~~ .... =:~-~·~•=t~a~M~ ... ~~Dud=~ID~CII~·=r~•:dl~~--~~--~--=~lta.~ at 1 p.m. next Wedn-s.y, Jlfov. P
14. lira. C. C. Waldeclt wUl pre·
lent the propam &n'd lin. David
HaNlOn and Mrs. Walter Swfter
wUI be hosteaa tor deuert and
cotlw. 1
'nle Motb~r'• Coundl wt11 meet
at 9:.S a.m. on Wednaday at the
chwdl. Mer Anctrewa. Nftrport
Harbor Rich School exchanJI!
stud~nt to Gennany, wtU tell of
her experiences In that country
lut aummer. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Harlan Hoyt and Mrs. Mal·
colm Shannon.
Members are requested to brine
aclaora to the Artl and Crafts
Group of the church when they
meet at 11 a.m. Monday at the
church. Hostesses will be Mra. W.
L. Bakkela, Mrs. Louise Barrett
and Mrs. John Cameron.
Pllpt. FtiiiWIIIIIII
..... Offloen
The JunJor and SenJor Pllrrlm
FellowahJp groups ot the Corona
del Mar Community Church re·
cently elected new officers. For
the JunJor rroup, Gary Caldwell
wu el~ prealdent; S u a an
Humphrey, v1ce-presJdent; Frank
Atrrurtronc. aecretary, and Doro-
thy Day, tr~uurer. The Senior
group elected 'Terry Rosa, preal·
dent; K.ent Ha rvey, vlce·presl·
dent; Harrl~t Hayden, secretary,
and Marjorie Habel, treaaur~e:r~.=~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~
.. RED HOT' Valu• for Thura.. Fri., Sat., NoT. 8. 9. lOth.
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to HOP .M. Su.aday aad Holiclcrya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
WE DELIVER 1~: t:_·
Phone Harbor 3588
80o•• fACE
lath's Fr•*•
~ ...... c. ........ \
· 69el»~
59c lb.
45c ••