HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-29 - Newport Harbor Ensignor t for n
~ WID .,.. be ta dlle by the Women'a CoiDJDlttee ol tluty decided at a brtaktut meet-'nle mm:f\anta abo ap-eed on place orclen for t:ree. and deco-P'oW' 15-foot candlea, Ut up by atcntty a candy cane . Merc.han~
alr, ~. WIMn ~-tbe Oll.mber ot ~ lnJ lut week at Merle'a Drive-Monday, Dec. 11, u t.be date for raUona by thla week-end. ek\!ctric Uth~ whJch wtll ~ve the have been uree4 to d,ecorate their Will flri t1ae ..._. ~ Tbe dl&lnber wUJ awud a bt. ln. beclnnlnJ to ttay open tor eve-lmpraalon the flame. are mov-~with CllJUtmu cSesJcna.
U.. 11ut11ot uw.. Two oaet•• 2b4 and ar4 prbe I« U.. .,._ Tbe ,old wm be tor the New-nif\6 ahopplq f« Ciu1stmu. • lJII CEIJd Inc. wUl be aJtuat.ed at the en-
will ,.......,.. .._.U... aDd ~ated ~ lft th• lfewport port Bud\ Golckn An.nlvenary Other dat. are: trance to the &hoppine center at • -CIISJ
cwtr 30 ...,..... and &Wudll wtD Harbor aree. A. 1tnt triM wU1 JO c:tiebratlon. The merdlan~ will Dec. 7. U~tt w1U 10 on tor the Reefs matt. ot OreJOO holly Newport Blvd. A eroup ot three
be ~q& to Meh o1 the ta.t ~Ud bU.I· UM white • ••yed c.:::llrtltmaa os-runJ "' tbe "merchant.-' wtll be put up on Utht pol• candles wiU atand at the oorner The Oranee County Coast As-TIM Jtcwpiliili QsnMr o1 Ooe· l~ In t1M ax ctb01c:tl of tr... u much u poatb.._ be-Chrt.tmu J'alrylan4. from Newport Blvd. to the brtdce of Via Malaca and Vla Udo. aoc:laUon'& contest. "<>ranee Coun-m.c. .. out Mu.tSD~ ,_... l'f.wpott Beach. NlDe oth• prtaa cauae It w1ll be cUfficuJt to PJ"'· Dec:. 13-WlndQwa to be read entrance ot U4o l≤ all of VIa ty Cout Chrtatmaa Shr1nes,'' wUJ
day to ~ .... lMndn wtll be awarded tor community vide UJ,btinr tor tJees alone the for judJlnJ by the Chamber :, ()porto up to 32n4 St. and alone • u• 'II lllAII award nearly • ~ trophies. tn tbe .,_. •• ~ .. 1M Cold· PlOJect.a. aldewalka and 111Fhlte trees wtU Commerce. Vla Mal.aiL Theae trophJ~ wUl be awarded
en lt.ftni•II'Mrt CbrtlbD&I J)lco. Here a. a auDUil&J")' of Chrlat• make a better ahowln~ than The reeta, clJtlerent from lut Chrtattnu deoar'aUona on Bal-durina a apeclal dlAner to be
ration Oonu.t. ' mu decor&tinl plana throuJbout areen tNa. Dec. 21 -Christmu carolllnc year, wUl aunound the lamp boa I.llland are In the proceu of held In January. Ted Hambrook
EllhtMD a.ni6i wtll bt made t.b• Harbor area: Tom Wood. ehalnnan of tbe niJ,bt, bqlnnlnJ at 8:30 p.m . pollt.ll and UJbta on the poRa. eolnr up and probably wtll be and Dick Richard are co-chair
tor oublta.ndll)f ~attona. Ptr· Chrlatmu decoratlna commlt-Cout Rwy .. concludJna at 7:30 Larre wrourbt Iron placud.l, wtth c:ompl~ by Saturday. men of the c:ont~. ~na fJom DIM local orJ&nlza· • CJIIOII DEL Ill tee. &bowed aampla ot wblte and at the Youth Center, where eHu aeuon peetinp prtnt.ed ln Old Urhu wtll be strune alone the The top award. a sweepstakes
tiona wtll conduct prellm1Dar1 yellow metallic aarlandl. The apd candy wUl be rtwn to the Enrllab., mulUcoJored. lumlnoua root llnea of various bualnna es-trophy, wUI eo to the Oranre
Juctrtnl SaturaY. J)ee. 15. On Corona del Mar mcrdlanu wtll men:h&nta •&reed to Join In mak-kids. letter., wlll appear beneath the tabllshment. for nleht effects. County Coutal ctty wtth the best
S\llldq Dee. 18, wtnoen wUl be carry out a aold and white theme tnr a bulk purchue of these dec-Mercban~ an asked to call Mr. rftfa. A larae metal.Uc bowl wlll Trees and lleht poles will be over-all dlaplay. The Harry Welch
eha.a from pn1.frillnarJ w1nn1n tn their c:::tu1.tmu decorationa. orattona. Wood at HArbor 1.3'73 oc 4141 to be placed at the foot of the posts. decorated with lltrlped Unes to !Continued on ~ 8l
New Census
Is Considered
'By Newport
&4.. • fOO'IUU.
We eu ..,., ug tbe retu· rt.ld. It wu a wry -~DYII-
Jar football ••em, wllldl wu and enllCbtentna ....tied a., .... ..,._ and W!rJ which we all look ,,__ ...
• • • n. ~ HAIIOl ...,. ._ ..._ I •• a..~ te ~ • r.w u~tecl tam~. It can be U I ...,. tndt.ned tD
w .. •r ., _.. ,.._..~,:Z, t •• •• • el .. s..-w c:-t .-4 llol tru17 aald that Oft &Jl1 Jhleft Sat· ltNmlln a friendlY tip, ~,.,..... 1,;,:t.:..., ._ ~ oe~., ~ "'"".•c:.;, W'day aJQ' atwn tam eould UP· am not. I would aua-t -.. ..._ .._ c:.;.. *' w., BY ~ J ~"' set tAe apert's ebolce. Tilt. wu late a.t WUUama, who p o • o •• ......._ • ~. • tale etty ., ....._,. ...-. Calf. OM-~.,.~ ~A!A......__ espedsllJ true tn t:U -Ten. waUtJnc around the poar
.., ,....... ,.._. Ia tile ...,.. ........ ~~ L c-t ......._,, c:.t-., ~ ~ w6.N th-. wu DO un.,_ted and taldnc a peek at the n111~•• w.. totNIB 01 THI teem. wu asked by a pla)W,
CA&.IfOl~ NIWSI'AI'Il PUiliSHIIS ASSOCIAT10N Iowa ~ to the Boee Bowl would you do with thin hud
lttM e1 tale NATIOHAl EDITORIAL As$0CIATON e WillTII CIIIWi'I'KU JOt to crowdlnlllef'O, TIMD eaaw with a defftt b1 MJdalp.D. 'ftlls and Bert replied. "Boa, rd h ...
A1N0 L HM1' IWMw .-1 ,....._ Sure looka like It's rolna to be the shoe& In avwap .,..tber, l8 fhe ..eond ,_.. ln a 'tf1'lll that tate."
,.. HMI'A..--._,,... .,..., a WhJte Chtlstmu back In ~n· tbe tavortt.-.,_,. a palr JD&de Mlehlpn has defeatecl tM Boee So, alter belnc allowed a peek
WAU.Y IAXTB.-,.~.,...... W...... ,.v•v•n•• this y.ar. That two teet by that peat outdocw outfttter, Jowl seWctJcm. ll.lcblcan was re· at the Atr Force hole card (down
PAT PtSK.. ----·-OffMe ......,_ snow Whlcll covered Erie, Pa., L. L. Beau ol vre.port. M.al~. portl!d 'before came time as be· card);.:_ I nay just tbat to Mr. Bul· lOt IUIHS-. · .,,_.., l tn tb beM ---..al d SUISCllrTION lATE$: l&Jt week was early. 'J'bere'a no TheM shoes had rubber bottbma na e .....,...... an men· cant
t-.1 wltMrl,t'-, .... : r-y.a..-.$1.00; ._ ~uo doubt In my mJnd that the trln,es and leather uppen, that came tal c:ondJtJon of the season. and u Mr. GomuUca pte bade
,......,....,OwhUa..,.... __ .,_..._ __ HMW_:--~-• .. : r-_ .,..,........._,., ...-_ T,....... at leut ot the storm reached as halt way up your calf. Another tlw)' went out and took cham· Poland alive, It can mean but i_x:cis_a~::~::i'Si::S::~::5i:S::~:i::3::~~~= ~::5:i:i::~a5i§i::: if:ia5::~i:iia2i55:i5•o+ far south u the Btc Bear Bod Beau feature wa• that when pion Ohio State apart tn no un· 0.,. thib~ He has k1nled the Bul· and Gun Club. ru~ber wore out you Mnt Cf!rtaln manner, maklnc the~ can.._ 'lltn4 and reeelvM-u.. ... _ ..
it. .e H You won't find the B.B.R. and back. and they MWed the aeuon a nucceu. It was seniors Jtrernlln bleafnl on his proml8e It' ep G. Club on many maps. The UPPft'S to a new palr ot bottoms. da,y-clx of them played ~ cat to ..n hln people down tbe rlvw
worklnc headqu¥ters ot t h 11 With these, you wore at least two the 1ame. Iowa won the ~ on ttte .ame u.e that u..y revolt· -c:x:~cc:~e~cciCICICICICCX:I:X:DOcx:I:X:ICI::X:ICI:X:ICII:X:ICX:X:~* • erown ot deer hunt.en Is on a pair ol socks. alway• of...... Bowl witb oae Joes. while the ed alalnet. or co~ 11 he doee·
:A • • • • ' ' • • ' Httle forest path ealled the Wal· approved method of keeplnl next tour conteaden all la.t two n't ~ he'll meet with an e LET'S BlOW OUR OWN HORN ker TraU. It's a two·st~ white fNIIl nllpplnt down on thoee 1~ or the equal thereof In acetdent.
Could it be thot the Ensign is too modest? We forgot to boost bulldln1ln a ctea.rtncln tile tall 25-mU. hikes was to futen loue. and U~ • • 1 _. ,...... luJianiD nouncW
obout OUR coveroge of the Costowoys fir~ybe becouse we hod Umbers o! the AlleehenJ• Un· pe.ll'l With eatety pine to the leas • DI&IIWG ott ln ~at a vodka~
h h h . t th 4 h re der the eavee ot the porch 1.1 the of you.r lonc·handled woolJes. at whtolt tie was l'lOIIL An the just one lone p otogrop er on t e scene, as ogoens e w o we llgn, made ot white birch sap· Even no, ln mow, YOur teet On the •ubject of food, I have NATO ~en ol tM westerd
covering the fire for onother local pc!~per. Our one lo~eso~ photogf lings. that tells the world that would eet wet That. tor me at decided not to preach to an audJ. afttr a lclt h ddl cte:-
ropher took only 8 pictures, insteod of 65, ond the Ensegn pnnted 3 o the)"ve arrived at the Bll Bear R. leut made a patr of all-rubber ence about dJet while their :.S..... alt ~tel u Ji the
the pictures .last week. I guess it .wouldn't ~ too. immodest to soy thot A: G. Club. hl&h·top~ boota a must. I a~ mouths are watering and their bead .a'nw of the ,!..un Poland
the Ensign pectures were superb m componson weth oil other photos of Down a little path In front of t.ook a pair ot moccuJns for camp ~a. are on the food, hora spoke aod then headed tor tiM
the fire published in oil other newspapers. the camp 1.1 a fine clear wat« and a pair ot fl~·llned boots d ouvres, nonchh:ance and may. exfta. ..,_ V we would just show
While on the subject of excellence, let's point out e few other sprlnc. It's the beetnnlnc of Bll to put on ln the evenlnp and In be a little vlno at toes with the the llwlntan en~ the 4to. ft
items. Bear Run which wanden through the cold mornlnp. Brother! Dld holidays. no promise yourself and would be able to 1Ift our b..d. a
Hove you noticed (how could you miss?) thot the Ensign is' the lots of well-remembered deer your feet ever purr at nlcht when tell everybody that you are golnl little from the depth of sb.aJMI!~;~;~~~~~~~~~
best printed newspohor of oil the newspapers you k.now? The. t s. o country before It finally empties you pulled oft about ten pounds to diet come ~ J:nu.ary 1957· and humAllatlon which we haw
h d h b f t Into a larger stream, the Walker ot shoes and damp, cold socks evMd by allowlnc ounetvee to tribute to our bods op crew, w o o o top-note IO o pren eng Branch of the Big Run. And-~· and anuelled you.r achtnc toes • NBXO TO aULGAJnR be lft?Ulted and pushed atOund.
ond pressw_ork. &omine further, pleos~. The Ensign is ols? tops i~ ~eing cldentally-11 my eeography l.ln t Into that soft warm neece. Ir you Along wttb 300 retired of!lcers IAt'n follow the example they
well written, corefully edited, ottradevely mode up. weth o mene,mum accurate, you can bet the beard have ever been a PenN)'lvanla and their wives, I attended the have a.et In allowtnc so-called
of errors (no, we ore not fool proof). . of the biggest gobbler you've deer-hunter, and have dreamed "volunteer~" equipped with up·
We will rnotch the Ensign ogeinst ony other newspoper en the ever shot that I'll hear about It that widely · dlacuased man's to·the·mlnute war equipment to
occurocy of reporting Horbor Areo news eve nts, end olso in foirness -PRONTO! dream of walkJn1 In a certain enter the n1ht In Korea and now
and importiolity in news coveroge. ond lock of prejudice in handling e THIS WEEK ten-acre field In your bare teet. In Hunaary. Let's send one R·
news storie s. Ask the folks who should k11ow-the one we write about, You can get to Big Bear camp chances are you'll want YOUR bomb with a Kremlln address by
such os our city officiols, concernin g news of our city government. two or three ways, any one of dream lleld covered with lamb· a "volunteer cr~· and Jet the
Finolly, the Ensign is not ofroid to ta~e o stend, even though ot them a rugged trip In deep snow. neece-INSTEAD! bloody murder~ of unanned
I Ev L h L But 1'11 wager my last box of .35 Naturally, the rlfle went. along strlkers and tlielr women and times the stond might be unpopu or. ery weeo; t e og presents Remington rille shells that I with enough shells to last for children tute their own blood.
Ensigns opinions on issues thot concern us oil. This does not meen could get there blindfolded. Start· THREE years. In doe seuon, 1 We have told them to stay out ot
u. s. loyal n,...
wet~~i119 • rolit~tl,..
~ t.bricatioft SaMe.
"-e He..W l094
2201 E. Coest Hi9hw.y at A~ Cot...., ... ., merely being in fovor of sunshene ond good fellowship. or going only ing point a Bellefonte, In my Included a muzzle-loader, with held at 2:30 p.Jn. yesterday (Wed· the Suez brawl. Why ahouldn't
in the d irection that the wind blows: the Ensign believes in toking o native Centre County. This week. ram-rod, powder horn. bullet nesday) at Parkes Mortuary, the the UN tell them to ,et the.lr
hord-headed look ot bosic issues. which in the long run will determine there will be many of the same pouch, and the works. Hunting Rev. Charles F. Hand officiating. heel ot:! the Huneart.ans' neck ============~
how well we con preserve our liberty. old gang doing the same th1ngs ~r with a munJe.Joader was a Interment was In the Harbor Rest and let the heel back to their
We trust thot we ore not olone in our views. The columns of the we did a lot of Novembers, before real sporting deal-so much so Memorial Park. own country. If they don't. why
Ensign ore alwoys open to those of you who disogree. os well os for this department hit the West· that I never eot a deer that way. Mr. Alexander was a native of not just swln1 with that right
you who do ogree. ward trail. Chances are, Lew Ralr-trlg1ers and cold. clumsy Illinois and had lived here for 19 that we have kept cocked ln ~ e HOW DO YOU LIKE OUR OIL ISLAND? Smith's house. out In Bush Addl· hands weren't a successful com· years. Mrs. Alexander died last hour read!~? lion. will be the ta ke-ott spot. blnatlon. Of coune. I had to have year. That's not vodka ahoutlnl Newport Beoch now hos o good opportunity of seeing whot on Lew hns always be-en the club's a hunting knife. a compass. a either. The Hungarians have
oil island looks li~e. There's one os big os life end not very attroctive captain. He used to shoot a small whistle thongs to lash deer on PAJlE.ri'S JODI PECICS demonstrated by their resistance
out there in the oceon. not too far off the West Newport shoreline. cannon that we called a "ravine carrying poles. binoculars. cam· FOB JIOLJDAT DDI1f£B that they are convinced there are
It's not herd to visuolize whot o greot number of them will be like. gun." This bit of wb.lmsey ln· era and film. wate r . proo f Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Peck of th:.=:J;;np=:;:;Wi;:o;:r::ae:=th;a;n~d;e~a;;th;·===~::::::::::::========:::::==
Drive out to the city limits neor the Santo Ana River ond talte o look. terred that I! Lew pointed that matches. plllows, blankets, candy, 104 E. Bay Ave .• Balboa. together
• UNFAIR USE OF ZONING POWER old Winchester up a ravine, It cigarettes. my slide wht.tle tor w ith Mr. Peck's parents, Mr. and
There's certoinly o furor on Bclboe lslond over the request for o was sure to clean out any wild· the evening musical sessions. Mrs. Walter J. Peck of Tustin, had
liquor license ot 0 Morine ,\venue locotion. All these protests ore we ll· life within the next half mlle. medicine, red handkerchiefs. and Thanksgiving dinner at the1San·
intended. but let us not lose sight of the fod that cockto il bors are When he pulled the trigger. no a good supply of that well-known ta Ana Country Club. The aenJor one ever wondered who shot. warming Jlquld that comes In Pecks were residents of Newport
legitimote businesses under our present laws, end deniol of o use Most rtnes crack. Lew's old Betsy fifths. It tuted Uke ambrosia before moving to Tult.Jn a couple
permit con be legolly contested os unfoir use of zoning power. The made a "Ker·whoom" that was when we finally made that last. ot years aco.
Jow itse lf should be if thot's whet the wont. unmistakable. 1be echoes that long, all-the-way uphill mile, at -------
rolled back and forth across the the end ot each day. Da. JIOJ'P'MAK ATTEJfDDfG
hollows sounded like summer I've lost my llst. 1 know dumed COKPDDCE AT STA'n.EB
thunder. A.JJ the woods became well that thls Isn't HALF ol the Dr. Richards Holtman of Coro·
still again. a lot ot red-coated stuft I used to take. Gosh! I just na del Mar wlli attend a ~t
members of our Big Bear crown remembered something mighty craduate conference tn endocrln·
would chuckle sllently, and th~ Lmportant. I almoet forgot my olOIY today, Friday and Saturday
''There's one tor the pole and Its MITTENS! at the Statler Hotel ln Loe An·
gonna' have Lew's name on the geles. The coune ls liven by the
tag!" Not always-but usually. • SALUTE __ , University of Southern CalltornJa e GEU Thll. then, Is mY annual aaJUte Medical School. Mrs. Hortman
It always amazed me, not to to the good memories and the wlll joln the doctor for the week·
mention everyone else, how much good fellows ol the Bll Bear Rod end.
gear I had to have to go deer· A: Gun Club. Good hunting, you
hunting at Btg Bear. A lot ot guys. and good tun. I'll be with DAUGBTE.a POB lfOaLES
·-····--··-·--·--·-· .. -··-··-·--...
ADVL T & CIDI.DaDS 800DU iWiii 18
u .............
0,... DldJ'f • .. • ... ,.,. ....
Ill ....._ A.... IIA 1M1 ...... ,.._.
old-timers left In the clothes they you. ln splrtt whether you gko Mr. and Mrs. James Noble, 2175
would wear all week. carrytng down Bald Eagle to Beech Cree Paclflc Ave .. Costa Mesa, have al.;~;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~:;:=:=;=s;;;;55!:=:=::;;;;. nothing heavier than their favor· and up the mountaln, It you 10 new dauahter. The 6-pound, 12· II
tte rlne and a box of shella for ll to Renovo and up that steep ounce etrt was bom Tuesday,
Specials for Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. NOT. 29, 30. Dec. 1
LegO'Lamb 1&.6~
T -BONE STEAKS lb. 89(
CHUCK ·R9AST lb. 3,_
I never could approach this de· grade, or It you go the famJllar Nov. 20. at Hoae Hoepltal.
gree ot traveUlnl lllht. Usually I way, throu1h Snow Shoe. Black
had to take my own car. There Moshannon. once the Rldce RoacJ. IEJrlOB QiiDI'I TO IGlET
wasn't enough room In anyone then turn right just beyond the The Senior Citizens club wOJ
else's to hold all my equipment. Water Rocke and IO down the meet from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
I had a llat ot what I needed, Penro.e Road until you hlt the Monday at the Youth Center In
or thought 1 needed. Each year.on Walker Trail. Corona del Mar. MembeH are re·
return from that glorious week, I dunno tf Eddy LJck Is as steep quested to brtni a sack lunch .
1 jotted down a dozen other thlnp as It used to be. But It that Erie
I could have used. I'm sure, had snow came your way, don't tor1et DAVCIIITila ~..__~anlta I stayed In Penn's Woods, I'd your chains! Helplnl to .. ~ocv•ate ·
need a good·slzed truck to carry Good Juck!-and put some ven· efvlnl at tbe Sam Rijl home at
everything. by this time. lson on the pole for an old mem· 1316 W. Bay Ave.. Balboa, was
Firat. and foremoet. was what ber who remembers! the Rurs daupt«, Mar 11 Y n •
1 wore. Out ln the Alleghenies, home from her nrst year of col·
ln the first week of December. 'f'VBJtEY DAY m UAJIDII Ieee at ~~Barbara.
you could never be sure what the Mr. and M.ra. Jarhft H. Venable JODITOD Uft 1011
weather-man would hand you. So of 1518 SantaneUa Terrace. Irvine • Mr. and Kra. Terry Johnston ot
I went ,Pfepared. The old red Terrace, bad Thanknrtvlnl din· 580 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa, have
Woolrich hunttnc·•utt was ttrst. ner with friends ln Anaheim. Mr. a new son. born Thursday, Nov.
In c ... It was cold. Then allah· and Mra. Erlon MclOnley. 15, at Hoac Ho.pltal
ter outfit, In cue It beeAme un-...===================::;..-=======; seasonably warm. We aJl wore
long-handled underwear, no I
took both heavy one and Uallt
onee. Theee sao served u Alle·
cMDY pajamas, tor the second
floor ot the camp lot m11ht1
chJlly at nlcht. when the mereury
D ~ I · . ..... ~e.
Notice Is hereby rtven that punn1ant to the provlllon of
8ect.lon 34015 or the Munklpal Code of tbe City. cat N.-port
Beach, 1 wtll •11 at pubhc auction to the bJchest blddet, for
cub. on Saturday, December 1M. 1ft, at 10:00 AM., at the
Corporadoll Y&rdt of the City ot Jfewport Beaeb. ._ted at
1482 Superior Awnue. the foUowlnl deK:rlbed property:
• ..,_. aai QlrW llqc:lee cmcl T~
• Tooll. .. a-GaiaTGDbaDdOD
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: ,'MARilYN'S'
P4111l11 ••• lllq C1lara
TakiDg Depomta Now •••
Will Hold for Cbriatmaa
......... ..... Cell• ..
F• $4.2111$11.11
"' Ill .,. •••
the iordans
coaOJfA DEL MAll
Yauget A SLEIDER Fill IE
rrdaxing at home
with theiiAUFFIR
Are fOCl cited of beioa Oftrwript. of DOC
lookiq ..an iA JOU dodaaa? Tbat 10Cl
lhould lea.ra about the tDOdtn ST At!PPD
HOlO PLAN -wbich .W.. iadaa ftofll
aa.k.*, dl~ hipe, C'1UIUil'ft upper anDI ...
beaad6a pcM~CU.N. mabt yocar carriqe more
p1ICiefa.l. irma ..ct npCieDS mucJes. and.,
IDOida 'fOW' ~t 6aure iDeo loYe1iu
l1ML Tbe Plaa CIOUiJCS of .,.. ... e:arc:Mt
"darouub .-of dM AUIChiae. plaa nduc.d
c:a.loric lotab. It iJ tiM JDOCien reel~
.....S Vope Kqazi..e ca1b
"'cM ...., ..., 10 aeteile. ..
_. ..... Y•1W•_.,. , .. a..., .......
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,__u_.h 11.• ... Upl ..... ............... __,
Sl17 L CocDt ll1fbway
...... ,i_ ~ ~ ••••• filii I••• ,.. ar aide. • ;,-;:.~ -·-----..... -....... --. ....._ ___ _ ~-= ~~ '::: • ~naa .... .. Board Qf Control a ,..-tauv. Five Installed ~ tJl u.. IM'e and Be'• ,.t a etudent council meetlna trom Huboi HJ'e En&lnMn Club
Club Clrl*nl:liecl In Santa Ana at lut ...._ ampue problema wu ukecJ for a loan of money to 8 C h•t
Blackburn Ball '!'be cqanlutlon =~· tb polntnt. lt IHIIla ltU· J)W'Cbue 3000 ..,eetal plutk t.'OV· y one I a
le a 80daJ dub tor unmamed n • mom 1 are parldnc erect book oowra to eeU to ~
. ~ ......
.... , 1111111
• • •
adultl from aJ1 of Oranae County. their .. ~ ouutde ol echool and atudente. much to the abode of rtv• new members were in·
Alter a abort bualneM MIIMlon the are unna.•~ and amoklna In· the .ophomore and Jun.lor clua llalle4 thll month by the NatJve
meettn1 ended wtth cSandnl and :•cSL'!,_ comhia dlrectly on to ott&cera. It eeema that both ot DauchtftW ot the Golden West. WIIIEIEttL ~menta. Puture open meet· 00 &ue etudent8 do not eenn theee clu.es bad al.o had the Conchlta Parlor No. 29«. •
lnp wUJ be held at 8:3Q p.m. to reallze that tt they are caufbt aame Idea for ra.latnc money!! Th• new me-mbers are Mrs. Ar· ..._ _, Tueada~ at Blackburn Rail, San· ln a two·blodc radlua of any pub· Ob weU, J am ~ there are atJll nold Na~ of Newport. Mra.. Aero. the -.eel from ta Ana. Uc .ebool they may be au.spend· many more ldeu that may be Fred Norton of Santa AAa and niE POST OrPICE ed from ecbool dl.ac:o~. Mrs. CheatB Welty, Mra. Ke~neth Ull &IIIII C...t ..,_
...._... ... .. Sa~ Robert Karnua.on. vtee-e CII.Aca::DOWM o• LITTEJl Eddena and Mrs. noren~ Dar· ~ OrdlJd) rnw ., prtndpal: "'t you amoke, amoke Don Redlnrton. head of atudent Unc of Corona del M&r. Prealdlnc ""l.-lr 1w ..:-..:-.._.. ...... "---II I • at home. We (Harbor HU are try. court thl.t year announce.s that and lnatalllnc ottteer wu the ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ..... IfF. lnl to k.eep on aood public rela-they are stat11~a to crack down preaJdent MR. Don Muncy r tiona with the oommunJty." ' ·
Army Private Charlet~ P. Jlow. Another rlatnc problem around on the atudent. who are throw· Largest and Most Complet.
Furniture Store in the Aree. ley, .on ot Mr. and Mrs. J'rank Harbor Rl theee ctaya la the bad Inc llttn durlnr l~b Ume and U. .... GISTIIIII
G. Rowley of 1!i39 Sylvta Lane, oonduct at UMmblle~~. Thl.t year are smoking. Don aa.fd that atart· P C.ll for fr ..
Harbor Hiahlanda. 11 cunently t. the worst It hu "t:r been tng thl.t week the otfendera, ln-ft. .......... .
.ervinc with a SJrnaJ Corpe Sup'-with ldda whletltna boolnc talk~ atead of j\Ut being warned the U. DECO RATING Sel'IICE
Liberty ~5511 ply unit at Verd Pr ln d rln __, ' • fl.rat tlme they are brouaht Into Prf un. anee. I u I _..ormanee~~. and not the court. w111 be forced to apend Army Second Lt. Alexander tra~~ a~!y ~~~~c ~.ttfnl 1n ththetr proper ~~nat. thelr lunch period In a c1ua room Bowte recently completed a 14· B I us e J I~ G a r ~ t I • • -...unl· uppoee ere are a num~ o r t pldctn• d w~k ortk:fla ba.&lc course at the
ton, and wu ltattoned at Fort reuona fM th1a horrible problem. 0 ou • up papers aroun En""" Gordon, Georcta. prlor to 101nc but the one that atanda 0 t 1 the campus. The four student vtr"::~eer School. Fort Belvoir, overMU Be tt ded 0 I .. u n court capta.lna this ~ are Walt •• a. Lt. Bowie, whose wUe, Furnishings for hotn4H,
Co • a en . r a n 1 e my m nu II that proper manners Howald. Pat Tuttle, Gary Deem Barbara, Uvea at 1.201 Dolphin d
Ar ut f:!!e:a before entertnc the and publlc conduct are not being and Trt.h Jtnapp. The three Ueu· Terra~. Irvine Terrace. wu a ubs, yachts.
my y. :-~::t:.~=-~nant8 who have been attendlnc ~ gradua~ of the UnJversity 3017
W. Cc-t Hi9lowey
GUlL roa JACOUEJfS meetinp this year are Burt MY· of Colorado N-porl S..Ch
Hr. and Mrs. Ivan Jacobsen, During a IW!!Cent meetlna of the ers. Bury Crawford and Jay :;:;:;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;;;;;;:;;::;:;;::;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~
21.20 Ralelch Ave~ Costa Mesa. Shore. If
have l new dauahtu, born 'rues 1111 .. II 1·z1• • KXCILUfC:E noGUK day, Nov. 13. at Boac Hospital A e:roup of students from Har-•-IIL...a...... a AlLar bor who are lntetetrted ln the
UGAL •ona .. ...,... All .._. American Field Servke procram.
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Ben Davis. ~~lands Drive and our focelgn exchance atu·
mE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Cotrta Mesa. hu been appointed dents took a trip to Santa Mon·
IN AND POR mE COUNTY a memMI' of the California State lea to help plan a student AFS
OF ORANGE Legislature Cltlz.en'a Advisory Federation .
CITY OP NEWPORT BEACH a Committee on Marine Atfaln. Those who went were: ChriS· I
Municipal corporation. ' · Hl.t dutle. constat of studying tina Sance. Helmut Beran. Lynn
Plalntltf, marine problems In small boat McFarland, Ann Lardner. Mickey vs. harbors and making recommen· Haskell, CArney De Caston. Sally
s •••• ., ... ,.. ..........
BA.aBOB 1173 COaoJfA DEL MAJl ORANGE COUNTY IMPROVE· datlons to the state legislature Could and Laurie Hendrldu. Stu·
MENT ASSOCIAn ON, a dlsaolved through a subcommittee on ma-dents were there from 45 schools
corporation, MRS. E. ABERCROM· rlne affairs. In Southern California, from San-
BIE. MRS. 0 . T. HOSACK. aka Mr. Davia. formerly of Pasade· ta Barbara to San Juan Capls·
CRACE ADEAU SHAW, DOE I to .na, is territory manager for the trano, which carried or are plan-
DOE XVI, inclusive, Don Baxter Research and Produc-nlng to have the AFS foreign
Defendants. tlon Laboratory. Glendale. The student exchange at their school.
No. 68931 Davis' have four children. two of Everything was run by the stu·
SUMMONS IN EMINENT whom are enrolJed at Costa Mesa dents themselves. Atter an as·
DOMAIN schools. The family has been llv-sembly they broke up lnto four
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE lng here eight months. discussion gTOIJps which were
OF CAUFORNIA SEND GREET-He has been active In boating con~med w1th: 1. How you can
lNCS TO: for over 10 years and owns a 40· Improve AFS In your school; 2.
ORANGE COUNTY IMPROVE· foot schooner. "Aeolus" Ho~ How can the school h elp toward
MENT A.SSOCIAnON. a dissolved port of the boat Is Balboa. financing; 3. Devices to get the
corporation students. faculty•and communlty
MRS. E. ABERCROMBIE. ..., •••• , Dill Interested In the AFS prognm:
MRS. 0 . T. HOSACK. aka CRACE 4. How can the students assist
ADEAU SHAW, Gravest&! seTVIces were held AFS.
Defendant. Nov. 21 at Holy Sepulchre Ct>me-Alter the discussion groups the
The above entitled action 1s tery for baby Coll~n Mary Walk-students gathered together agaln
brought by the plaintiff for the er. daughter p! Mr. and Mrs. Har-to discuss their new Ft>deratlon
purpose of condemning the fee old Walker of 316 E. Broadway. It wu to be based on tht> prob·
almple title ln and to the follow-Costa Mesa. Tht> baby was dead lems brought up In the diS('US·
ing described property Jytng ln at blrth Nov. 20 at Hoag Hos-slon groups. Temporary chairman
the City of Newport Beach, pltal. Also surviving are a broth· Is CecUy Bond. whose job lt wUI
County ot Orange, State of CAll· er, Clinton, and grandparents. be to put Southern California In·
fornla, more particularly de-Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Walker of to regions. Representatives shall
ICllbed as follows: Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. F. be chosen from these regions and
Lots 1 and 2 in block 145 ln Lee of El Montt-. Parkes Mortu -another meeting will be called
Canal Section. City of N4!wport ary was In charge of arrange. soon to make more thorough
Beach, County of Orange. State ments for the aervl~. plans.
of California. u per map re-
corded 1n book 4, page 98 of
Miscellaneous Maps. In the of·
flee of the County Recorder ot
said county.
Open fridays Till 9 P.M.
8:30 nu 5:30 F'rtdays-12 Noon TIJJ 9 p.m.
2854 E. Coast Rwy.-RA 5437
Corona del Mar
"Where rood taste costs no more"
,-~--~------~--~.._~, 3 Exciting NEW
th• pr•W•st thing to do (or
• Altch•n .•. GM IAJISMS'S
•. -OH -I : Willi
Gift a
ALSO that certain parcel or
land situated In Section 28. T.
6 S .. R. 10 W .• San Bernardino
meridian. City of Newport
Beach. County of Orange. State
ot Callfomta: described as fol-
lows: Beginning at the north·
east comer of Jot 1, in block
145, CAnal Section; thence
westerly along the northerly
line of aald block 145 to the
northwm corner of lot 2 in
block 1<15. said CAnal Section;
thence northt"rly along the
northerly prolongation of the
westerly line of said lot 2. to
the line of ordinary high tide
of the Pacific Ocean ln New-
port Bay as designated as
"SOUTH UN E." In final decree
entered August 22. 1928 In Su·
perlor Court Action 23686. a
certified copy thereof being re-
corded September 19, 1928 In
book 201 page 253 of Official
Records; thence easterly along
uld tide line to Its Intersection
with the northerly prolongation
of tht' easterly line of said lot 1
In block 145. Canal Section:
thence so utherl y along a
s traight llne to the point o! be·
The t un-bright giMm of COP9ef, glow-
Ing atop luatroue color , •• what pret-
tier way to glamout1re a kitchen 7 And tl'le~rmlnfllle,.tMI tlnlah I• W«J.,;
: .. SUNBEAM APPUANCES J '!: ~·t t TBE XAI<TOTR::'l,;;.... WE RAVE .t
Said property ls sought to be
for longer--.,, ... lef-<ate.. ChooM
from pink, turquol ... y•llow, bl•d.
white. At a ptka ao IIUie. vou'U otve a
loti 11.00 to 110.00 I* aet.
·: TO CHOOSE FBON I # · .. ·· ~-~.,.~~~y~~·
WAI.. IC:.--
IUI uc.-lJM
;:::=======================~ condtmncd for a public purpose authorized by law. and In Pjlrtic·
ular for the use of said property I
~ 174.2 AlumlDum Ice
Buc:bt. N lno-
Pollabed Alu.at..l·
aum wltb F~
9klaa lanlcrtlo& Keep~ Ice C\aiMa
Solkt lor Boun
aad Bot Fooda
Bot. 1Wo Qaart
AatOIDatic Sptral Drill
CIDd Sc:ntw DnYM.
Complet. wttla ~
Screw Dl1ftl Bits li!P CHRISTMAS
Local bnatn a r znen offer
atbactlveand clepaodable
. mercbandi8e at moc:t.rate
pric:l-. Tber d • •• our
patr()OQ9e, fer aus.taoo.
abopptnrJ, cmd tbe whole
year throuqh. Mon~
IJ*ll at heme belpe to
boc.t ~ IXOII*Itf• I
as a public park.
appear and ahow cause why the
property described In said Com·
plalnt should not be condemned
as prayed for therein within 10
days after the seTVIce on you of
thfa Summons. If served wtthln
this Cpu nty or within 30 days If
served elaewhere.
You are hereby notified that
unless you appear and answer as
abnve required. the said plalntlt1
wlll apply to the Court for the re-
lief dt-manded In tbe Complaint.
GIVEN under my b and and
8eal of the Super1or Court of the
County ot Orange, State of Call·
fornla. thle 15th day of June.
L. I. W AU.ACE Cou_ntJ Clerk and aertt ol
tb• Superior Court of tht
SteW tJl CallfomJa. tn and
tGr tM CWn\7 ol Oranle-11 t..lile L McCa.rtJw1,
cap.dty. $388
8uy till•
$14.95 fliNT
$4.95 RINT
15 U9bt CluUtaaa Tree S.t.
Eacb Lamp hnla III~Uy.
.,.._ ....
...... a .... nxm
aad nu-e. Drillt.
&-... ............ .... ...... ._ ........ ..... ......... .... .......... h .. ts •. --· ... ~~ .• K<>'JtCE
~: '"~4ant ap·
pean 1ft an adioe tftMn 1M an· ................ ~a. plata-
-........... nolice of ._.. .....,. .................. ..,~ _..,. of • ....,._ .. llta •
..... ... c.c.P.) ,.._ ...... -~..-wtn~~ L~~::=::::..:~=:~::::~::;:~------~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! L-------"!'----~--.-....._.;--.... --...:..:...---..,;;;.-'1 ftllid ...... an. '
Milhlti ,._..
P*• 111·11-
~ o-~
* * * eo.. Ia ad laW na.. r ........ "'••cee
The Burton Grants Announce
Mrs. Phlllp Wood of PhUadel-Engagement of Daughters The Balboa Bay Club duplicate
phJa arrived Jut Sunday to 'n\e engagements of tbelr two 1~. 1a the 10n ot Dr. and :Mrs br1dce poup will meet for lunch-
spend 'lbanlullvtng with ht!r dauehtera were announced by VIctor J. AndJ'ewa ot Cblcaeo, ru. eon and brldp today (Thursday)
daughter, son-In -Jaw, and S.year· Mr. and Hra. Burton S. Grant ol and Claremont, C&.ltt. Tile Wed· at the club, mrttna play prompt.
old grandtlon, the Thomu WU· t.o. Angeles and Balboa Ialand d1nJ da~ hu been Mt tor June Jy at 1 p.m .
llama of 612 Acacia Ave., Corona at a annual Holiday tea rtven 8, 1957. Eut-west winners at the Jut
del Mar. Mrs. Wood expects to be Friday by Mrs. Grant and the ~ Carolyn Elizabeth Grant meeting were Mra. Clarence Hlg·
here about a month. dauehtera at theJJ' Loa Feliz pa.ued the traditional candle and ble and Mrs. Dorothea Weston.
home. candy at Hughes Hall, Unlver· North·IOUth winners were Mra. Party Mar~5
the Unveiling
Of Portrait
A party honoring b1a wile's
Mlsa Edith Laurel Grant, a aen· slty of C&Jitornla at Davia, to tell Arch McAllister and Mrs. C. E.
lor at Pomona College, passed her frlenda ot her betrothal to Harbelon.
chocolates to her clusmates to James Arthur Roehm, 10n of Mr. -------
make known her encagement to and Mn. Elon Lory Roehm p rty R •
Edward John Andrew, Kappa Tuatin. Mr. Roehm's grand par. a a Is e s
Theta EpeJlon at Pomona. Mr ent:.. Mr. and Mrs. Elon lllcllard
Andrews. who b now 1n the aerv Boehm of Santa Ana. are pioneer Acoustic Fund residents of Orange County. He
birthday and celel;natlng the un-----
veiling of her portrait wu given ••lliiillllitll:.l•
last week on Tuesday by Georee
eraduated. from California Poly, More than enough money to
where he wu a member of Boota buy the acoustical tile for one
and Spurs and the Rodeo Club. room ol. the clubhouse wu gar·
The date for their weddJne b set nered at the Moonlight Supper
tentatively for next spring. Dance given Nov. 17 at the club·
Buccola of Udo Isle.
Guest of honor was the artist
who painted the picture, Henry
Clive of Balboa. Nearly forty
guests enjoyed the cocktaJJa and
buffet dinner and helped to fur-
nish theJJ' own entertainment
with an Impromptu "jam &eS·
slon" to wind up the evening.
Asslstlnl the ha.tHseS at the house by the Udo Isle Woman's tea were Mrs. Grant's mother. Club, It was announced thb week
Mrs. George W. Chase of Santa by Mrs. Gene Rosa and Mn.
Barbara; Mesdames Elon Roehm. Harold Rlep, co-chaJnnan of the
Richard L. Roehm. VIctor C. Mey· starlit ball.
er, Stuart Harrla. Alwtn W. Lewis. Mrs. Hal Dike, the silver prln·
William Hunsucker, Ellsworth cess. wu crowned Moonlight
Meyer, Henry Gross, W l I 11 a m Queen 't mldnJght before the
Young and the Ml.ases Patty 250 ruest.s pr~eeent. Mra. Robert
Harris. Su.san Harris, Barbara Harrt. wu named crown prlnceaa
WllJir.enlne. Mary Ferguson and and received the badge ot royal
Judy Mace. Theme for the order of the moon for eelllne the
was the wedding march second rreatest number of votes.
wlth the names of the two Other runners up were Mrs. John
revealed on the muslo notes. Brouebton. QOpper prlncea. and
c .......... ..
., .............. fdll
f«MI'iiiiSMt• ...................... .
flltttrlfti._WI. Of 100~ ,_. a..,.rw ........ -· 11 ..
witll DlltoA'a doal.lo ...wt·IMt ,._II • II,....,_,
All Dalton Sweaters and Skirts are durably mothproofed.
llecei•• a FREE Sample
oC You Pcn'Orite
* * •
Guests at the party Included
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of
Sherman Oaks, and from the
Harbor Area Cedric Roberta, Mrs.
Philip Stambaugh, Mmea. and
Messrs. Lee J. McClellan. William
McCook, VIctor McLaglen, Robert
Osborn Jr., Joe Prelnlnger, Hadd
Ring, Earl Sawyer, Eugene Vree·
land, Stuart Cummings, John
Cur et, Hal Dlke. George Fuller.
Vincent Healy, Howard IJJo, Rob·
ert Keppen. and Dr. and Mra.
S. R. Monaco and Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. Grant 1a well known 1n Mrs. Jerry lkClaJJ'e golden
C&.lttomla for bb work In water .,prtn=~oea.~:_ _____ • ---~----_:IS~lS~IL~C~•~•~t~m~~·~-~·t:,....,~~~·~,.....~~~~-~~~~----matwn. He la ua~nt general _ .. , -...., _
mana,er of the t.o. An.Ples De·
partment of Water and Power,
and national director for Cell·
fornla and Hawaii In the Amer·
k:an Water Works Auodatton.
Ctna ...... , ........ ,
-nm Pnec:rlp&a ....
.... 1171 Jll7 &. eo-t lrwy ..
Ralph Tandowaky .
The Dr. G. E. Tohlll family
have moved from 1750 Miramar
Dr.. Balboa, to 1<»3 VIa AnUbes,
Voted the ~ llkely to succeed with any of your tallored
lldrU and alacltl A. th1a authentic Ivy Learue ah1rt by MAC-
SHORE. It'a the ma.t popular look at 8Chool. work at play
• • • eo favorably l.~Dpt-.lve 1n woven novelty atrtpe eotton.
Gn7 Ott turquol.le. Sta. ao to •
The Granta' Jla.lboa laland home
1a at 125 E. Jay Front.
Panhel Dance
Is Dec. 19th
A ll your printinq needs wiH be Plana for the Harbor Area Pan·
ll&ndled conveniently ond court· hellenic dinner dance to be held
eously in the completely-equip· Wednesday, Dec. 19, at the New·
ped Job Pnntinq Oep&rtment of port Harbor Yacht Club were dis·
The Ensiqn, cussed last evening (Wednesday)
at the November meetlne of the 2110 E. Coett Hw-r-c..-. ~el Met group held at the home of Mrs. :===="-=="-==1= 11=·==== I Edgar S. Hirth, 847 Bayside Dr., Newport. The short business T-v meeting was conducted by Mrs .
.. --· --~~Edgar B. Witmer, prftldent.
Proeram for the November
meetinl was a dllcuaalon of SEIVIOE flower anangementa by Morrl
Kolbo of Morrl'a Flower Shops In
Balboa ancl eo.ta Mea. Members
brought bowla and containers
which are dlUicult to Wle In
flower anangementa.
A.uisting Mra. Hirth u host·
eaes were Mmes. Raymond Har·
vey, H. 0 . Boyvey, Emil Wick· man. George Moran and Martin
Mom . and daughter
make a
. tn
FOtt Mom aQd 8il . . . IDII'I'il.J
matched oc-bed coUoD bUt
pejlana Pretty eDOQib lor
Jouncinl ... comfy-warm lf1r lleepin,. Bold1T ~u.n.d top lD
Nanjoct.ip ..• ao...
.,lid oolor. ~ ... to
abrfftk oat ol tt,a.t. ~ ...
or yeiJow ••• coiOtt-fM. ol coa~~a
MON • ._ 8~ f495
BIB • .._ 4-14 f360
Alao FA 1'HEIL._$5.I5
AndSon aiS
• • .. ,.
,..,....ytq ,.....ct a time lot out liMp 1« 3 ntehta waltine to
.-ry NWlioll fGr the ~ evacuaq, So far they report oM
e.t ... ....,.etaUy tboel JOUna IDCIIWatoml. at the end of October.
I*JPie wbo are home from tb* whlcla made thine• v~ beauti·
ftnt Jftt at oollep. A pocap of ful, but ciJdn't Jut lOOJ.
tt..D met at IU4y eoa.n..n•a • • • boiDe after luadleon f"r''dq _. 11M Hal Rauaen of Balboa 11·
vlllt.d a..u..r IJtt1e ol o.ta land haw recently returned from Meaa. wbo .. bome W tim ,..,., an exte.Ww tour ot the eut vs.. Amon~ U.O. pnllnt at ludJ'• ltiftl Mew York City, M.laml, Ha·
(and'""* not WN .. eoumad vaua ana New Orlean.. amone
all tM no.. u tbq clrOfl*l lD the famoua metropoll. They new ......._ the ~)..,... .LrnD _. but tound lrtencll with an _.,.......,,_
...._. ..,..... ~. Anft lloln· atra cer lor 80me speelal tourtne
..... !fonDa 8.,._, CUolp of tM co<. They found Havana
...... ,,.
}If ~ber-ll58 Gray, Cuol Crain. LaUNl Wood· HfabUIOM'' and actually not ex·
0 -8011, Toed llurroup and luaan ...... ve for the 1\ah accommocla· Jf~ Beada J1rown &Del Pat ... an (both of tloM olfe.ncl. Hal. a realtor of
4800 hena all a ·Mttlnl on a wbom are dl at Harbor BJcb). eoune. wtabes the Harbor area
ne.t aoan. aat.eut.eut..e&·cla·cut Other .. recent Ba.rbor trada who co\lld h ave ju.t one or the many
• • .whlc:h ta a haap of c:ut·CUt · appeaN4 PridaJ' nlJilt at the Tar extrava1ant ~ta:nt. •ach hotel&.
aat·ca·cla·cuttlnJ to brlnl JOU pme ,... Pat KAIIC., Jan alwa. your tavortq poacbecl, boOed, Linda Cleary, wbo .. attendln1 lt'a been no ordinary nu tor
eocldled. .crambled friH __ CuWU.ja School • .Joleftl GreeD at MrL J&JDIS Gooken of c.orona del
1 or --Santa aatbara J. C. and Terry Marl She IIJ)ent the wmmer un· ~~~~· ~~= ~~ l ay at Arizona U. l u..t about ev· der the weather and ta ju.t now
eel food cakes ..• 400 biD .,.. :t:• to~,!;'~...-..:: =n~=~:O:, .. ~ :::
a day · · · that'a the number you roueha home In Clltt Haven on at~ with the Harbor Mother
tote home thta tlme of )'Ml' ••• Saturday J1lCtrt. Slnprs qaln. ,etttne ready tor
In the ~er montha you triple • • • Chrt.atrnu proerama.
the amount. Kary and BUl Davtcl80n. who • • •
* * *
P--ady..W~beea ............................ ........................ ......................
................ I "f ... a...,. .. ...._. .................. -..ay-..tWfa.._ .. _ ................ .., ................... ,,,,_.....,. ... .., ... ... , ..... ,..-.--.-....... -.,... ...
.... 1 ........ ........., .. ---·-----. • • •asM,..... •• F 811ft ...... .,..-y .......... ....................... .................
............. -..y ....... ...
....... h ........... ... .................... ' ........... -.......... ......................
left their Uttle Cout Blehway The Norman Moeadows famtly
reatawant In Corona del Mar thJ.I have moved aealn ... bac.k !tom
fall to manate the bAe.-.ry up Santa Ana to 313 Narclasua Ave.,
at Lalle Anowhead have had a around the comer from their
8COJ'chln' pod time ever alnce Butcher Boy shop ln Corona del
they antved lB the mounWn.a. Mar .
aecordlne to reports by Bill'• 1l1· • • •
ten. Janet and Mareal't!t Davld· The Dave Perry• of Balboa Ls·
son on Larkapur Ave., Corona del land apent a lone Thanklglvlng
Mar. holiday with hta folks tn Long
Mary and Bill Jpent the Beach .
Thankletvtne week...end feedtne • • •
about 1800 fireflJhtera In the Before Seyd Havens. of Havens
area, and to thOM firemen who Malt Shop, Corona del Mar, even
.couldn't come to the restaurant to JOt to enjoy bJa Thankletvtng
devour BtU'a 10 turkeya and 5 turkey dlnner, he took alek and
hams, they aent sandwJchea out has been nat on his back ever
WbUe the most recent fire hal since. Doctor has etven hlm strict
~a food problem to the BJII ordera not to lltt even a little
Davt41on'a, the earlier biJ blaze finger. 80 hla wife. Kay, wtll be
occurred wtthln 2 mU.es of their ahaklnJ up the malts at the cof-
aettlement and had them with· f~ ahop for a whlle.
MU. r . &. QLEAIOif, tbe tonier 10M lletty .._
Miss Betty Bacon Is Bride
of Frederick K. Gleason
Tones of yellow, tallaman and I mlnlstrator o! Roag Memorial
ru.uet blendlng with the blush Hospital. The groom. a childhood
beige Interior of St. Andr~• Prell· friend o! the bride. ls the son of
byterlan Church formed a fall W. F. Gleason of Yuma. Arizona.
M!ttlng for the Thanklglvlng Eve and the late Mrs. Gleason .
wedding o! Miss Betty Bacon and Rev. James Stewart perlormed
Fred~lck ltammet~ Gleason. the stnrle rinJ ceremony. The ._ .. MMtlttly-'..-l· ....... , ...... -.... ....Oa TIIIMHY caoaca tlon and communion service Sun· The bride ls the daughter of bride was escorted to the altar by
Dr. Ernest Sltenhoa, aaaodat.ed day morntnr at the First Baptist Mrs. Robert L. Bacon of 256 Ocean Donald P. Nichols of Pomona, a
with Frlend.l of Israel, will be Church of Newport Beach. Title of VIew, Newport HeiJhta. and the close friend of h~ late father
eue.t apeaker Sunday at the H&r· the evening service 1s "God's late Mr. Bacon. Mrs. Bacon ls ad· Mt. Baoon's wedding eown was
... -~~~-.......... el:teftll
* * * bor Trtnlty Baptist Church. A Grave." A Chrlstmas pageant, in full·lenetb In tradltion.al white
demoMtratJon or the Jewish pantomime form. will be present· satin with alencon lace slen'es
In aMWer to many requeats. P&MOver wlU be presented. Mr. ed at 7 p.m. sunday, Dec. 23. Glamour and bodice. Her fingertip veU wu
the Oran1e County Realty De· and Mrs. WUllam Eberhart. mls· held by a coronet ol lam that
partment ta brtnelnl their Mo· aJonalres from the Venezuela AJ . c::llaJIT CIIUJICB liT~ lEA matched h« dress. She c:a.rried a
bile Cheat x .aay to the Newport )lance Mlsalon Board. will speak The Rev. Roy Carl80n, pastor of Gl. bridal bo\lquet ot white orchids
area Tbunday, December 8. '11ley at the 7 :00 p.m. llel'vlce. Chrlst Church by the Sea. beJln:s lmpses and atephanotis. wUl be here out In front bom 11 a •r1es or Chrlst.mu eervlces Maid of honor, M1.u Am~ Nlch ·
a.m.·l p.m. and from 2 p.m .· ~n~ a~~. ~~e':tar.p,~~~ ~!rw~.: ols of Pomona. wo~ a ru.et vel-
8 p.m. ... The eervke ta of c:oune port Bea.cb Clu'Wlan ScIence The church wlU proeaent a Chrlat· .., AJf1f vet sheath dlfta wtth n)'ton tuJ),jt
free and ev~o~. youne or old. Ch\lrdl on Sunday wlll be on the mu paJe&nt at 7 p.m. Saturcl&y Precloua cems have alway. been drape and bo\ltfant bow. Mateh·
t.a \atpd to taki aclvantap . . . ~ ~ the Ollb' C&u.e ancl and Suacl•y nlahta. Dee. 14 and an tnoamperable tribute to &low· lng aboes and hat completed h~
U you went to the OraJwe County a-tor .. 1"'w &Olden tat. taken 15 1y W'OID&.ft from .ht« 1 ve co.tume. She carried a bouquet
Health Depa.rtment bllkllta Ana from the prophet Jenmtall. aeta · ~ pr~ ~~: of apJder dlryanthemunu and
fot this aame MrYice. the watt · tile tone of the aermon. "'Tbe Lord IT.JOAc:.DI cau... tlful and tamoua woman tn hla· tallaman roses.
1n1 period would be .evenl houra Ia the true Cocl. he ta the llvtne Contlrm.at1on exerdae:s will be tory, baa bad treawres ot eenu Similarly go w n e d were the
... lise via the Mobile Unit It God, and an everlutinl ldnJ . _. held at 3.30 p.m. Saturday. Dec. to adorn her. Nowadaya. the br1desmalda. Mrs. Glenn Tomlin·
wUJ only t.aJre a t.ew minute. ... Be hath made the earth by hta 8. at the St Joachim Church. c:rowna of queens are no loneer 10n of ~a. sister or the eroom.
power, he hath e.tabUahed the eo.ta Meaa. A dlstrlct bishop will ln fashion. but women atiU love Ml.a Jay Glanville or San M.a · * * * world by hta wllclom. and hath be preant at the exerct.es. '11le beautiful jewelry and no compll-r1no a.nd Mrs. Edward Janz or
atretched out the heavena by hla Mother& club of the St. Joadtlm ment Ia ereater than a gUt of a Laguna. The bridesmalcla carrled
d1.8cretlon" (l0:1().12). 8Chool wUl m~ at 1:30 p.m. Fri· gorgeo\15 necklace, earrlnp. pins bouquets of yellow and bronze
day &It the Social Hall of the or bracelets to adorn her chrysanthemums . CDII C0101111fl'T'l cav.ar church. · The groom's brother -In ·law,
''Le&rnJ:DI the U.On of Hla· FIIIIT IOUIBW aAPI'JIT n. ..._ ...,_ .. __. Glenn Tomlinson, served as best
JUI &. c..t ....,,. C. D. 11.
So 6efinMiy to' ._......,.
eovr "Co1y T -·· illlvJh ........... .-wflh ..
P-8 ......... cot..,._,.....
....... , ... WI* ....... ~-'"
.. ,
lltloctW. piRk, tv,...oiM, blodl ., red wllh goy
priM ..... ~ ... -...,......., .......
ho :4•olta~ll, 4lf ~.In hif _,
~ deor ~ corryW. COM.
A W01tclafful ,., s 3 • 9 5
,..,,, .... u. ........ O.W· .. . . . ..tr wttla 1'olr1nda lt"a
........... tM --.tc .. ............................ _ .. .._ .. ...,. ••• AM
.. Cetel't-. &W. J• ...... ._t 1'olrf11dJ ••. I altlat
............... tyJII'O'IClto ................. --.
-.. 1'ollh1 .. , bl -•
tory" ta the topic of t.be Rev. Eel· "Who'a Time Are We t1slng1" pauh u .-. ...._ ,_.... man. Ushers were Donald Nichols
wln Gomke's 8etl'DOD S u n d a y ta the topic of Dr. Richard 11. Pou' Mt .,.. ~ ............., Jr ~ Edwtn Phillips of Costa Mesa
momJne at the Corona del Mar sermon Sunday at the First South· of aaftaa• C1D4 e14 ,.,..ld and nm Ericson of Pomona. TELEPHONE HArbor .1308
Communtty Church. New mem-ern Baptist Church.. Costa Mesa. ...u-a Ia avata today cap· Autumn chrysanthemunu. mag. 2737 E. COAST HIGHWAY-CORONA DEL MAR
= ............... ..
....... ..-sa& ......... .
* * *
Chrtatmu wtthout Glftl! Not
ua! Bqtnnlne December 1. th1l
Saturday, we're aotna to etv•
away a e:,IO.OO biD every day un·
t11 Cb.rt.atmu eve ... We call It
our Ra.lnbow o1 Chrt.atmu Gl..ttl
... 1beD thert'a the Pot o' Gold
at the end of the rainbow ... a
* * *
bera wUl be rectved at the 9:30 The evening sermon Is entitled taJecS Ia o.. ...,.u.d look tow nolla leaves and whJte tapers de<.'· ~~:i~~;~~~~=~~~;~~~ati;~~~~' and 11 a.m. services. "Simon Peter'a Great Confealon.'' my lak lady crt tile bM1Jbt of orated the church and church
rDIST aAPTJST, IRWJ'OIIT Special Chrlatmu music wtll be 1157 faeltleea hall. where the rec:.-eptlon was
praented Sunday eventnr. Dec. held following the ceremony. The
"Bro.ken Token" Is the title o! 15. by the church's primary, jun· Come ln. then,. and examine bride's gr&ndmother. Mrs. J. D
the sennon at the day or dedlca· tor, youth, men and adult choirs. th~ fabulous j~eUed replicas Hom of Pasadena. aalsted with of lavish old world masterpieces the ~ptton as did her aunts.
up.£T IT E"
To ~ your frogronce •••
ond corry with confidence •••
Nettie loMMtein'J purse-componfon.
leok1)roof ond ~ptOOf.
now on dlBplay at O'BRID'S. You Mrs. ZeJJ Rust. Mrs. Adolph Rich·
wUI be thrUJed that they can be enbacher and Mrs. JORph Blan·
had for a mere pittance of the ehard. Mrs. Edward Mackey of
~at value ol the 011Jlnal Jew· Gl.udale and the Harbor area
eUed ornaments few mlladles of also aatsted.
the old world. Let me (the manl· Mrs. Bacon I'@Celved her guests
kin In the rteht front window) In an em~ald ~n ta!feta
call your attention to eolden sheath dress compUmented wtth
ne<.'klace wtth the rich cluster o( a wblte hat and gloves. She wore
jewels at the throat. See the lus· a wblt.e orchid corsage.
trous green pearls aet with gold Following the ceremony the
and matched wltb beautltul ear· younr couple left fot a honey·
rines. moon In Palm Springs.. They are
maklng their home In Anahelm . .... -...... wolcloa
bi leta .. ..o' I l l • ...... ed~U..----· ... ..................... lady .. ,.... ....... .._ .. ~ .......... ~ ..
The bride ta eraduate of USC and
Ia now tMdllng .chooJ at Hunt·
lDflal\ leach. Her new husband
al8o ll'aduated from USC and
.erved two years In the U. S.
Navy before enterlnJ bualness In
Brea. na-y eet ·•-a c.te Ia ..W·
-Wlletdtlt ...... .._... .. ,..._.._.,.,.. ·-----.. 1 latllr a.MEa TilTOn ~ tlaa •-_.0 u .. . aa.ATIYD OJI IIOIIDAT ~wltll ............... .a.r dell •*~-...._. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tryon of
......_ 1a a ayriad eC _. ... 2lOl E. Balboa Blvd.. Bat~ en·
....., wt11 ,_... ... ._. ..,.y tertalned their 80n and hta wlf~
...,._. _. 111M .. a...,_ and two chUdMft. Mr. and Mn.
• Qrrctznw My. Lawrence 'l'l')'On and Sua.an and 'l"onUQJ ol Korth Hollywood. for
And ~na ol OF111tm.as. let Tbankqtvt~ d 1 n n e r . Other
ua not forJet another perfect eue.ta were Mr. Tryon'a altlter·ln·
<:::llrbtmas gtft ... and 80methlnl law, ltrs. Nellie Tryon. and Mr.
you may need to b\lY tot younelf Ttyon'a brother, Harry 'l'ryea.
before the hoUdaya lf you both of lllverslcle.
many happy pa.rtJe. comlne up.
tt'a a ~Ued codrt&l1 and tw-~DAY ua n1nl bq. Thta ,...... modela aqulaltely det&Uecl wtth 1111'. a.ncl Mrs. AMD,.. Oan·
....._ pearlJ and rbm.tonea on cletJ ol 327 E. 1'7Ul8t., 011ta M-. a~Mmlna aatlna an4 Clltber rtdl haw a S.pound. 1-GIWK'e clauab·
tallrb Stop and &hop fot Cb.riM· t•, bam Tbuncl&)', lfcw. 22 ._ 1fvtJw th1s ....--at n'b&Jlka~Mq ._,.,, at Boq
O'am:N'S. elf c.."'.-! Ba.pltal. iiliiiiiiiiii~iiiiii----
In N!SJ)On.W to' many requests, MONA TALBOT
now features Olrtstmas beauty that will delleht
the eye ot youne and old. She hu added Chrlat·
mas J1lta and deooratlona aultule fot both In·
~ or outdoon. Many o1 theM Chrt.atm.u dla·
playa are new on the market IDcludJnc two
crutlona ol a Chrtstmu tree whldl baft won
ftnt swlllt by Vocue ror their &beer beautY.
art1atry and l*fectlon in detail. A1lro -...n putt
wnaths, h&nclDI omamebta ... ewn a ctr.m
puff Clutabu.a tree In ~ 1DOdf. O.t·
..,...,.. 11ft aua-ttona eo t,. to...l'M1 ._. too
nWIMI-to mntion. We auaeat &D .... 11 vtslt
to WI o1 cll8tlnc:tlon.
TilE AJrJfUAL CAJrDY CUE aALL wW be b•ld at tbe lkl1boa aay
Club Friday, ~ 14. by tiM Jfewpon a.odl AubtCIIIC!e League, JUAJ« Awd.JJary. n.. aalJ dudnDa:D Ia Kn. a. Jf. Log.rlot (lrtaDd·
lDg), cmd pU:tun4 wttb ber .... CIOIIUilittee memben Kn. WUllam
IAeter (ceatu) cmd Kn. llugb Plumb Jr. (Teny Boris photo)
·Christ Church Will Present
Yule Pageant Dec. 15 and 16
The second annual Christmas Adults and children from all
production depleting scenes from departments of the Sunday
the birth and llte oC Christ. wUl School and church congregation
be presented at Christ Church will have parts In this pageant
By The Sea. on Saturday and All choral groups of the church
Sunday evenJngs. Dec. 15 and 16 are to participate. Including the
In the church sanctuary. cherub, junior, youth and adult
choirs. SpeclaJ soloists are also In
Occ PI d rehearsal for their parts In the e CJeS ;::::ca=st.==============:::;
S 1 00 to Drive Christmas Hospitality
The OCC Student Council in its
regular meeting Wednesday cov-
ered the subjects oC Its pledge of
$100 to the United Fund Drive,
special parking places for mem·
bers of the student council, and
the proposed change of school
1t was reported that $86.17 of
the $100 pledge was avallable.
and it was moved to take the re·
malnlng $22.83 from contingency
In order to meet the drive's dead·
line on Thursday. The money ls
to be repaid through the sale of
pom-poms at games.
On the subject of special park·
lng for student council members.
two views were presented: one,
that It would give added prestige
to council positions, and two, that
It would cause too much separa·
tlon between the student govern·
ment and student body.
A committee hu been appoint·
ed and Is studying possible park·
lng locations or student councU
stickers for cars.
The controversial Issue of a
change of school colors was also
discussed under old business. It
was moved and passed that a
committee be appolnJed by Pres-
Ident AJ Keplinger to study the
Issue and report on Its Investiga-
tion within one month.
Watcb f« tbe merchaut"a
opeDlDg of our holld.ay
fcdrylallcl Oil tbe
Open Eves. 'Ul Christmaa
Sundays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m .
21653 E. Cout Highway
Corona del Mar
Phone: Harbor 1373
Evening Bags
$5.00-$8.95 eus.r bclg'S 15.95 • 110.15
Wondamere Sweaters
Velnteen Coats
.... IMdr. caprt, .............. J...WI..., ... a ,.... ..... ..
Aa ---' Ad Cit '"' ......... lhd. ......... GAMy ........ .., ........ .
.....-4 _.. • ooaple oa tiM....., btJ' ...... by tllle T--y Wl.l8oa .... ty ..._
511.10 ,....... Wan t. $11.80
Includ• haircut and reconditioning treatment
Telephone HArbor 21 87
Tommy Wilson's
Beauty Salon
2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar
1881 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa s T o R E DilLY STRE HOURS: 1:30 a.m. to 9 , ...
SUIDAY ST.E HOURS: I 0 •·•· to & ,_ ...
o o
1-1 IIIII •••••••••
2m '!'· Cout ...., .. X.•po.t
LIMrt, .. '7M2
J:van1nJI JlA 51.54
...... • ·---FII
&n ., a 11ft tbe •UN fam .
Uy wt1l enjoy fer ,._,. to COIIM JEW LJr --e bome on Balboa laland..
L 2 beeoom bome, 2 bathl, plua t2.:500--"''llnDD. IOxlOO S. wauna. apt. -taT ,500.
2.. 2 uDIU, c:omplely turnllhecl--.soo.
3. a bMrOOID8> 2 bathl, plua apt.
Near new deluxe 2 bedrooma. --.ooo.
a,ooo. !!xchaftle oo ncant lot. 4. 1 Jot (lpedal> •.250. Terma to
tutt a Santa Claua bud~et. ... ,_ •
........ 1~
0. L LOAl' ··-DALTO&
2731 w. eo..t a.,.. u s-an
<At tbe SlPal>
Xewport lleadt
tbe hlfbet your monthJy pay.
menta. P'bter up • • . 1· bedroom.
den, cl1n1q ...... frame Cllltta,fe.
comer lot. treeL Completely
ftnced. Maybe 2101llnt will be
M-l. 17500 liMed and Rlllnc prt~. All oftered clown paym@nb
eonaldered. Qutdc actJon needed
tor you to buy t.hUI barealn. Lot
• • •
VOGEL VALUE -lEI. Ill Fer ....
1 bedroom, fumlahed apa.rtmmt. Very nlce. ae.t furnJ.
tu.re. Lota ot We. Close to .tores and tranaportatlon. Only • per month on a years Jeue.
Lonly 2-bedroom. unlurnlabed apartment with ~an
view. Wall·to·wall carpeting, cu.atom draperies. Garaee. New--tlnest ol everything. We have the key.
3867 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: l7C; HA: t:mrr
F11 HIE IEII.n ~ IEILn a
ED BUSINESS Stt'E toefther with
3-bedroom .tuoeo ho~ . . . wtth
full dJnine room, Wed kitchen
and bath. breakfut room. Con·
vert to ottloes with top llvtne VALlES? quarters. 2-car garagl!, off-meet
parking, 3· WAY CORNER. FREE Lookln&.l« your money' a worth! VISUAL ADVEBTISING. Best buy
Then taU a look at thJ.a 3-bed-on Newport Blvd. •
2 -bedroom ho~ plua 2 tumiahed
income unlu on 60' lot. An ex-
ceptional value at S27.500 -
$10,000 down.
• • •
LEE OllEY -..cE
2721 E. Cout Hlcbway
367 N. Newport Blvd
eppo8ite Hoac Ba.pltal
Pbone Liberty 8·'1617
498 Park. Balboa laland HAm
w l 'oo Late to Clemmy
room and den and 2-bath home
wtth 19'x20' muter bedroom.
beam ~illnc and vtew ol rolling
billa. Hardwood t1oora. too.
Only $21.500
DfiTAWrLT APPEAL.DfG ART UKJO.E'T'I'ER'S house party The moment you step into the on TV and radio CBS eout·to-apadoua lanai leadine to a trop-cout. ~naored by Wyler _.. b llt Watch Co. ~aturlne the watch leal patio around Whkn Ia u
Corona del Mar, Calllornla
with euaranteed unbreakable the cleve-rest 2-BEDROOM al'\d
main aprlnl' and balance sta.tf. den. 2-bath home 1n exclusive
See RAY FIELDS-your exclu-Shore Clift.a.. 28 ft. picture window New Quallty Home. Sln&le story; aJve Wyler Wat~ Dealer. living room. Owner aaya SELL!!
euy approach; ~eeluded corner 809 W 19th St. Costa Mesa HArbor OS. lot: 2 bedrooma and den; two · ' .. , ...... ....., baths; h ardwood fioo111; natural Uberty 8-8488
Alder cablneta; heavy hand apllt WANTED TO RENT. Single ga-INCORPORATED
ahake roof ; beautifully decorat-rap 1n Corona del Mar. 3530 E. Cout Bwy~ Harbor 53 fOI Ul f IY IWID ed and ready for oocupancy. HArbor 4795 • <Arona Del Mar Lancisc.aped-cprlnkler ayatem.
3-BR., 14 -bath home. Inquire 128,500. 702 Heliotrope, CUM., Sat. or
leead the Enatcn Want Ad pace.
Owner-1194 Temple Hila Drive.
u 8-4207
Loaded with accessories
Loaded with accessories
and air-conditioning
TIE .. E I.IS F ..
Private Police Patrol
Merchants. industry cmd residential areaa
Boat patrol available for waterfront estates, boat
owners and industrial waterfront facilities.
Pllda cJeu.. ... ..u....cs oUicwa ..
All 0 ~-Commercial Security Patrol
...... lt.
Once upon a time (meaning now), theft ls, on Holm·
wood Dr. a truly lovely home. Not just a house but a
place to Uve in and be proud of. Then I~ charm In ~ery
one or the livable rooms. We know you will like the
brick patio and the attractive yard and appreciate the
radiant h,tatlng unlt-also the electric caree doors.
It ha.s all ol the built-Ins Including 'IV; HI ·Fi: BBQ; and
el.ectrlc mixer. To top It all oU. It ls completely and
nicely fuml.sbed. You will agree this 1s a buy at $29.500.
2001 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach
HArbor 2313 or HArbor 5920
SUIDI Y II 1.11.-4 P ~I~
713 ,.py lYE., CMIU lB. Ill
3 bedrooms; Hi baths; lot and a hall (R-2 ); orange
trees; laree patio; view.
Low down payment
CIJH .,_, Ruiter
312 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand, Harbor 2525
Day or nJgbt
Go To,randt·s, For
EtmRE FAMILY "Y•....., llu'a • ., c ....... 011111111 lllr•"
Girl Scout.. Browuie'L Mariner'•
* * * u .. Our
• • •
ACRE ON WEST 18m. Good 3·
bedroom home with dlnine &nd
breakfast room. service porch.
electric stove. Wed atnk. double
garage, coneeated iron building.
Place ahould be painted, so priced
accordJngly. $14.500 with 16.000
• • •
IMPROVED. 3 Rentals paying
$185 month. All C-2 property and
room for additional Income ex·
panslon. 1 bulldlng lea.se<J as cat~
... 2 dwellings rented. Dwellings
ahould be remodelled and ren~
Do you have $750! Then let us show you a real cuUe.
TWo bedroom.a. landscaped, new street and t"urbs. Clo.e
In with lare-e &h~j)plng center, just around the corner.
Full price only 18.750. OON'T Ptn' OFF SEEING THIS HOME.
one o( the ~t rorner homes In Newport Heights. Three
bedrooms. F'.A. heat, hardwood floors. carpeted, Uvine
room and dlnlne room. l% bath.s, large enclosed a.nd rovered patio.
Deslened for comfortable living. Full price $24.500 with ts.OOO down.
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
as buslneas. This Is located cl~ "you'll like our trlendJy service"
to Fair Grounds and priced for Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mella
Immediate and quick sale. $22,. EVENINGS CALL UBERTY 8-8566, U 8-5665
500. Terms. -------• • •
bound to be business location M ·
fore too long. Older house and
sheds. Sale price Is based on ac
tual land value. $9.500 with S2.000
• • •
Newly built rourt-<fowntown-
Buy this 8 units with 8 garages
-paved driveways-paved park-
Ing area-2 laundry rooms-at
less than cost. $42.000 full price
Terms atTanged.
• • •
l8S7 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; U R·l400 eves.
John McNab of the Earl Stan·
ley Co. and Mrs. McNab spent a
few days. lncludJng Thanksgiv-
Ing, at Palm Springs.
A ll your pnnrmq needs woll be
nondled con ... enientlv ond court·
eously in the completelv-eou•o·
oed Job PrintinQ Deoortment of
The Ension.
SEWII Pl•on •.
Entrust your r e a 1 est a t e
transactions to a REAL TOR.
Re is tra.lned 1n b1s prote:s-
adon, knows values, flnanc-
lna. and is bound to .erve
you ethically, bon~ and
courteously. REALTORS are
members of a national or-
eanlzatlon contonntna to a
rigid code of ethics.
conu DB. ua
2·BR. and den home on Poppy Ave~ 90-tt. frontage.
Room to build on front plus \·acant lot. A value at $28.500. • •
2 BR rustic type house. Early Amer-Ican decor plus new
double garage and apt. Very nice. $23.950. Good terms. . . .
Dupll'x. south of Hwy $21.500.
• • •
3 br It dE'n homt' on 45 tt R-2 Jot-<fble gar. stressed S21.i50 . . .
2·BR rottage type house with double ear~ and patio $13.000 Payents 161.35 mo .. 4'<.
.1•1 E. SJIMBI
3333 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar HArbor 2422
Store bulldJnp and 2 apts. Next to Port Theatft. 2919 E.
Coast Hwy_ Corona del Mar. Ideally suited for IIcht
manufacturing. retail. outJet and home. WW accept
L. A. nchane~ • • •
$5,&00 FUU PRICE
2922 W Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. Heavy gaup steel,
spun glass lnsulat~ all equipped restaurant bullding toM moved.
Submit exchange • • •
• • •
.... , Buell ... ltd ....
1 year.old. 9 units. all kJtchens. Submit Newport area lnromt.> property or ! • • •
LOll lEACH, 2701 E. 4TH ST I
4 stor-es and 6 a pts .. furn. Schedu],pd lnrome 1665 A
month. What do you have to trade for $22.000 l!qulty!
Ttust dee-ds OK . . .
20 acrE-S Apple Valley
40 acres Mor(>ngo Valley 160 acres W~. Calif.
340 acres In Coact\ll'lla Valley
l'tiUllons $S$S In Trade
2912 W Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, Uberty 8-1521 Long Beach-2701 E. 4th St~ HEmlock 4-tnl4 -----"-
Expansl\•e ocean view ... attractive modern home ..
2 bedrooms, 2 baths .•. dt'Sign(>d for lots of llvtng and little work. PrJ~ to sell! • • •
One of the truly beautlt\.11 h ornet; In Sho~ Cllffa. Cor-
ner. 3 bedroomS, 3 baths. delightf-ul llviD&" room look-Ina out on attractJve patio, Modern In every resJM!ct. Priced to R1J! • • •
I.JTI'Li:~Near Eut IQ. 3-bedrma.. 1" batha _,til a ·bedr. apt. Ext"e.U ftt home or IJK'Ome unlta. AttractJ ly prl~. .. . .
2 vacattoa bot•.. cme at t:tt.SOO. one at fl1,.180. • • •
Fll .,.
IIOUSD'UL OJ' IIUPI.E _ 1'h1l D&IK available ln Q))( ~ .-. chana-Y~ 1et 1 Time 2 Tlmea 3 Timea am. • ~ tar a.••· I
e , • .,. Uvtr\1 NODI arouP, lO words or lees 75 1 25 1 50 =...-..IDJ. Jl&rW • •1 Mdloom poup, m.ttr~l yr. • • • . Jd5.
auaranc.; beautuul cf1n. rm. 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 DO YOU WANT Puller BruiiMI =Pao:!1 to"= c::f~ 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.SO f• ~ lifta?«< 1·2100. C{,J::.s ~ week. Each word over 40 . . .03 .QS 111 11• P111111n
II008a...., w. l'fth -:t.~~ Cash raust be received within 1 day~ of first insertion roa JtDT
M-. 1 block west of Van's I·MM = J5.101 Bow~ Alley. Store howa: 11US SIZE da•'fted ad In tbe and 11101 Projedon
Moa.·rrt.. t -t; Sat., 9'·6; sun.. Enatp ~ em~¥ am a rJJJr ®U>a nLK auv~a: 11·5. Lll-3:2.-. three ln8ertloDa. Call ln yo• -..a .... _ ........
2 BUJ1rE BEDS, sprtn._ mattrea. ada to Bubo( Wj. ~-!1.
laddft (1 dam&JM); ~Iron· •••• ·-A~ .. --··· 1_
' IVJI trw board 11.!50: new doJ hou.e roa aAL& ---. '1"11". -.-·-N.. eo.ea
$10. "101 Goldenrod CDM.. SEASONAL TllA.ILEll PAJlK FOR QUICX SALE-Attractive 3 ~ 1-10&1 '
POUB II()()M.8 or FUBNrruRE-Showtnc a cood profit -at bedroom laome. Ex.cellen.t neiJh. * 1 Ill
Indudb\J everythlne.lt:iSPbU· lea than replacement cc*. borhood, Eut eo.ta lfep. W.U diWJI · * ~0::0~ ~~·~ ~t;;v~~: ~Y m~ ~~~ U::~ :,;a~~arg:~~~~~u~r:: GAftl Pw All o 'rt
ln.£ bJ• full a1ze with crtddle; down--cmall paymenta. bar·b·que and tlreplace. TerQ:w rnu: WA'Ial KEPA.DUJfO
blc 7 pc. din. room poup: blc 10. 2-1825 JCL 5-"068 eves. and G. J. ftnandoe. U 8-51.92. "'Prclallt ... aw-8 pe. llvlnl room croup; com-LIONEL ELECTIUC TllAIN and Owner. ....,•bl• ~
OW'ICW POll .., ........... ._.Wee~~"' ............................... *'!J: ... .............. , ...............
=Ill It r..:t ·~~=liUtll.t ...... ... .. .. --oa... ...... ,. ,. ........ .... .... ,..., .. ..
plete bedroom croup. Allot thJs track on plywood bale. Excel· FURNISHED, 3 BB.., 2 bath home .. ~ ::1: d~ee dlts~68. -r:_ lent condltJon. HA 1106 after clOR to Bll Beach. Corona del Jill &. qat. ~ .. <=-• .._ • NOIIDAT, JIOY', It and petty theft on Lido Iale . . . Pete r.&non. 8INdleb • born .lu~ ~ W ~-Saturday. Mu. $1.25 month. HArbor 2422. ~! ~ macJdoe valued at A $400 outboMd IBIDt« wu stolen barber wtth more than 33 yean
HOUSE, 860 W. 17th St., eo.ta 1956 NORGE AUTO. WASHER-FOil R.EMT. RtXlM ln Jfewport ~ wu .tolu from Trapp It from l.Jie ao.kla 6 Son. 1D> W. ot ~ wW open hla new
Mea. 1 bloek west ot Van's 11te latest. one with that ne-w Bellbta. Coalple«ly eeparata Son. 7200 W. Oout Jlwy., Newport Cout Hwy., Newport Beach ... barber shop 1\t8day &1 3315 E.
BowlJnc Alley . Store houn: dJspenser wheel. Had a carload with own entraDOe and private Beach " · Cl5 C&lh and UO pairs Two fender aldrU ... ato1en Cout JIWy., CoreDa del Mar. The
Mon.·Frf.. 8-9: Sat.. 9.6; Sun.. come 1n with some allehtly full We bath. Q5 Santa .Ana .. __.__ , --ot cuff Jlnb, value ~.50. were from the car cl E. B. I!Ubr, D bulldln1 wu formerly occupied 11·~ Ll. 8-31.88. damaged. Cost you only $198.77. Ave. .:::-=.--· -.d..., n W215 15Cta St. .tolen from the Potter' a Wheel, Mua-rfte A~ .• Corona del Mu by the Stan.leoy lnnranee AJency.
FOR SALE-Firewood u .... -.. No down payment. Pay only LOT FOR SAI.E-Q.5xl.Z West -"""""'np 2n ..Cth eeL I p.m. 2937 E. Cout Bwy .. Corona del . . • Ttle 10-yeu·old dauaht.et c1 Mr. Peanon. formerly employed
• .,.... •.r $2 18 week · liVE • Mu · · · Someone ehot a hole Mn.. llary Oarlay, aGO ~ at Boys Batbet Sbop, mo\Wd here
8-9589 after 5 p.m. 2307 New· BAUGHN'S. FURNI'rultE WARE· stde ot Irvine neu 17th. Cotta 1 throueh a piaU 11&M window In Canyon Road. Corona lfllhlanda. from Puadena ove.r four yean
port Blvd .. Costa Mesa. HOUSE. 660 w. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Exclusive nelpbolhood. The. n..,., vwu Center on We.t the Sllhouette Shop, Wf37 E. Coast wu bttte by a ctq owned by AI ap. Be bepn cutttna balr wblle
5 ROOMS OF,.FURNITURE-1956 Mesa. 1 block wen or Van's $6,500. Call HA 1415·J. 19th StNet In Cotta Mesaf Ray Hwy .. Corona del Mar. nttany, D Ddftwood ltd., lhor.e lMnc In Wlnltred, CAnada.
Admiral 21 TV with remote BowUng Alley. Sto~ hours: CORONA mGHLANDS Field& Jewelen 1.1 now teatur· • wm•DDAT, •ov. 11 Cllfts ... A ts4 bicycle wu .toJ. Mr. Peanon and h1l wlte,
control; 1956 Easy auto. wuh· Mon.-Fri., 9-9; Sat., g.a; Sun., 3 BEDROOMS UNFURNISHED. Inc a new llne of E"'"ERNA· A G.-k and chair were .tolen en from ll T. Dlnwtddle. 201 Via CJacSya. live at 418 MomJne Can·
er; 2 complete bedroom eroups; ll-5. u 8·3186. Double earaee; encloeed yard. MA11C watches. The finest au-from the qntque Cafe, 410 32nd Nice, Lido lale ... Mrs. RoMI't yon Road, Corona Hlehlands.
big 7 pc. dlnlna room croup; 8 4l20 Serra Dr. $125. HA 4887. tomatJc that money can buy. St., Newport Beach . . . Youne Krietlrr ot 217 Onyx Ave .• Balboa They will celebrate thelr •Uver
pc. llvfne room e:roup. Only ,.... -·-UNi"t1JlNlSHED 2 8 ROO Shock proof and water·radst· bo~ were reported throwing Ialand. wu ~&ken to Hoac Hoa· Wll!ddJnl anniversary Jn April.
been stored. Paid dn. to $198.08. I ....,.. HOUSE--G a!t D fireplaoe ent. Models tor both ladJes and clods ot dirt on the freeway In pltal after •ufferlne from taklnl
No cuh down. Pay only S7 ..38 Newly red:•fr!mec~. occupan: gentlemen. From f7'9,00 to front of the 300 block Newport aleep1nc pUll. ~ week; Complete llne of all 5 models ey. 630~ OrcbJd C.D.M. 11.000. Blvd .. Newport Beadl ... A suit· e UTVJIDAT, •ov. It BAUGHNS FURNITURE WARE· $995 to $3800 4125-HA 5446 • UY FIELII ..,.FI a cue contalnlne woman'• cloth-A 21 -year-old Camp Pendleton
HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. eost:' · ~1 ---Inc wu .tolen trom the automo· marine, Mathlt s. Mathleeft, wu
Mesa. 1 block west or Van • PIANO SALE_ Uprights from 81J7 w. 19th St.. Cotta Mesa bile or Batbara McCoy, 306~ booked on a charae of bu.rclartz.. t~-Bowllng Alley. Store hours: -. Gran .. -from ~ ..-ect Uberty 8-8418 Ruby Ave .. Balboa lsland. Inc the PacWe Fl~alaa Co ,.. .. Elizabeth Stephenson. 70, Mon.·Fri~ 9·9: Sat.. 9·6; Sun., ~ ua ..-.. ~·· e TIIVIISDAT, .Ov. II ~ W. Cout Bwy., Newport former Newpod leach resident.
11·5. U . 8·3186. condltJon. Splnet plan~ llkl! IEIIYIC21 A Metropolitan CO:lch al.-n was leach ... A ba~ry wu atolen died Jut Thursday at her bome,
BALDWIN GRAND Piano. 1 year new. rent return--410me repoa· answertne MJVtee. Secaetary It f d t 107u --. St. N_......... ._ •'"e r ... _ _.J .. • _..._ 2346 Newport Blvd., eo.ta M ... COMPLETE PAINTING oun a 7W ~· • ~-.,.... uom ua earo lUI .... a-. I.AIOOAne, She wu a natlv. ol PhUadelphla,
old. Save $1.000. Woodworth's seaed. Maple, Blond. Fr. Pro· notary avaUable. Ground Flr.. A.PE1l Beacll ... Someone threw a fire. 231 VIa Orvfeto, Lido Jale . . . d Uwcl 1 N--d Plano Shop, 2610 East Coast vtnclal. some traded ln on new Trident BldJ., 2200 New· P HANGING SERVICE cracker ln the ball of Saacha Ja. Tbree eu caps have been stolen ~ n w-r--· • year an
Hlehway. CDM. HA 3382. Hammond Oreana trom $359. port Blvd., Newport Beach, HA 2976 cobeen's home at 1596 Ocean In the put three week.t from the a hall belon IDOYtnl to eo.ta
1956 HOTP6iNT REFIG.-tt's the $395. etc. Some save $1.20 to (Adjacent to South Cout Co.) Sample selection In your home. Blvd., Balboa ... A brief cue, ear or Vlrelnla F. Roclen. 212~ M~:!. mo~~f~ husband
latH t one. Has big extra top $265. Ea.slest terms. Ortlce. from $30.00. SemJ.prt. EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS stolen from the t>ar or a Santa Pearl Ave., Balboa Jaland ... A Hubert; a brother and a slater I~ rr~r. shelves and door. Color 0 R G AN SALE -Electronic, =e ~ space $25.00. liAr· 500 31st Street, Newpoct Beach Ana man. wu tound empty at ru metn at the home of Mrs. PhUadelphiL s-vtces were held
Interior. Paid down to $137.12. beautJful Mah. console, full 2 pooFESSIONAL OR BU""~"" rJ01 Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. Grace Martin. 71J7 29th St.. New· Konclay: ln W:t:l eo.ta Mesa
No cash down. Pay only $1.79 a ~~ Painting Decorati e PJIIDAT, •ov. IS pott Beach, wu atruek and Ola-' per week. keyboard with 25 ~ala 1875. oftloe suite. B1rtcher Bide.. PAPER ~ANGING ng Malcolm Muan. 18, or San pushed Into her hon» by a bJt ..,... •. ______ _
BAUGHN'S FURNITURE WARE· One blond for leu, like new. 2515 E. Cout Hwy., CDM. BAr· Valley, was booM<! for va,rancy ancl run nbfcle ... 'l"wo disc .... Ill y.a..a-fl
HOUSE. 660 W. 17th. St.. eo.ta bor 1535. GEORGE BURKHARDT wbeela and tires were taken from -1-1 WUIII
Mesa. 1 bloe.k west or Van's ~~~-~·....... 2 BEDRM. UNFURNISHED apt. Licensed Contract« the car or Glenn D. lohn.eon. 203 ..... I • ._, Ills =~~ .. ~~:rs.~~':.G:h~':!~ Juc Ptano 1t Orpn Store ~J~.~~~&:O~d!:.th 1897 Or~·~.: Mea 1.111111' :!'. S:,~.N~~: ::O~t·~ 19 1
11·5. U 8-3186. Establlabed 1914 pets. 315 Lark.tpur, CDK. ot Jotm PooWs ,...~at 2200 Mn. Selma~-. cl 310
21 Fr. SLOOP-outboard auxUI· 2402·W. ..l ... J111 Pad& Drive. Corona deliiU' · · • El Modo.&Aw.,JfewportHelahtl. ary. Gatf.rtgeed. New ulls. 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED • d"W At thls momJnc'• meet:lnc at The park~ car ot Loretta b.1· clled at her home J'rl4ay after a
SID). HA 3382 or HA 4.547. Al 100 Pi h d hou-. e---. with prtva•-patio. ~--WA'I'a the Balboa Bay Oub, John ~y. mond, Cofta Mesa. rolled Into t.be brief lllnea She wu a native cl ways anos on an ..., .nc&l _, rt Ufetl.me euat IK'turer, wtU ~ak on 'The vehicle ot DemJtrt Tuan. 410 Sweden and had Uved here 38
HOUSEFUL OF FURNrnJRE -CDM. Abo fu.rn1IMd bach~ ,_ PhUoeophY;, of lM RHJ Eltate Orchid Ave .. Corona del Mar. at yean.
Just re-le-ased. Includes big 5 pc. SPIRT CAR CEIJEI apt. 165. Ind. utllltles. Inquire protection &la.lnJt ProfNSion. )few members of the the All·Am«lcan parkJnc Jot • • • Sbe ~a· survived by her daucb·
dining . room group; complete 500 Jumlne. CDM. Alter 5~30 tooth-decay! oreanlz.atlon are Robert Speed, A hit and run car hit and bent a ter·ln-law, )Ira. Anita Tetz1afl ot
bedroom group; 8 plea llv1n g 1932 Harbor-Costa Mesa HA 6974. CALL LDIDTT f.50ll active member 1n eo.ta Mesa. rtre plue at 1110 Park AWJ., Bal· ~ Beach, a lf&J'd·dauch\er,
room l"fOU p. All new. Paid dwn. ALL NEW 1957 2 BEDR.M. It DEN APT. unfum. Harry Swaru10n. active with R. A. boa Ialand ... SewraJ boy. stole Mia Mary Robb c1 Lonl Jeedl.
to $284.6. CUh or pay only $2 AUSTIN HE.ALEY w/stove, patJo. BBQ. euaee. II VII I 7 Ne:reson, and John Van Sant. U· hub capa from a parked eu at and four JrMt·arandc:bUciNn and
per wet>k. 4·PUMncn Sports Car fireplace, $85. mo. Year 'round. eoclate with Bay and Beach Real· Bay.lde and Carnation Avenues. one IJ'Mt·pe&t arandcbtld. Serv'
BAUGHN'S FURNITURE WARE· Immediate 612~ Goldenrod. CDM. Ph. 2 experienced. Insured. rut ty. Corona del Mar. left were held Saturday at Baltz
HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St .. Costa Delivery Hyacinth 2·5473 San Clemenu. m.oven plus lure van onJy • • • T JfO'I 11 eo.ta )( Ch 1 Mesa. 1 block west of Van's Uberty 8·1194 $9.25 hour anywhere wtthln 30 Dates on Rnltors calendars are • IVIfDA • • esa ape ·
Bowling A11ey. Store hours: ... .. .... miles. 'nme stan. at your tonleht (Thursday) at the Lane· An outalde Uaht ttxture wu iDYICKS
Mon.-Fri.. 9·9: Sat .. 9·6 ; Sun., CAD POa IALE ar ... door. Lowest nta and free era on Harbor Blvd .• when Or· brok~ by a brlck at the home ot ------------
11·5. U . 8·3186. '54 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE -WEIXLY AJfD XOJII"nnLY estimates on stat.e and natlcm· anee County Council wUl hold H. S:.M&Zet. Balboa Jaland · · · Al·
AMERICAN FLYER electric train Excellent condltJon. W h t t e, OJ'P' SEASON JtATES wide movtnc and on storaee. thelr meetlne; tomorrow (Friday) bert R. BucU)' of Huntlneton _
for ~a le. w ith trestle aet. Good black top with red interior • Daily Maid Serv1ce No extra ebarce for Saturda.)'a when a benefit buffet supper wW Beach, wu auaulted 1t an un-WMJEJ'I
condition. HA 1Z79·J. $3.295. Ph. U 8·8674. • 24·hr. Telepbone or Holidays. • be held at the VIlla Mulna, and 1
21den11tUMle4Fpenc>nd.. •,t1the ~~rte. ----1 E WIll Jan. 3, 4 and 5, when the Call· c a uen ace, ....... ,_ 1956 O'KEEFE It MERRITI' ra nee. WAXTEJ) • 24·hr. Desk Service Cornia Real Ettate A.uoclatlon Beach ... Windows were dam·
It's the bi g CP-all automatJc WAN'I'ED--BEFINED WOMAN to • Room Service TRANSFER It STORAGE will hold thelr lnau,uratJon &led by BB ahots at the home of with griddle lift top. Big over · • Heated Pool m-tJna li'\ San Franclaco. H. B. Hottman, X11 Apol~a Ave., slu oven and grill broiler. Used share home. Good location. Call • Restaurant 1966 Harbor Blvd., Carta Mesa ""' • Balboa Jaland ... Claudia Mor·
only 1 month. Paid down to BA 5396·J, C.D.M. • Codrtall Lounge Phone: Day, Ll 8·22'74 ria. Garden Grove. reported an
$128.9. No cash down. Pay only ~ WJUfTED • Color Televl.IJon Nllht. Ha ~ or Ll 8·6430 unldentltled man struck her ancl :l~G;;~·FURNmiBE w ABE WOULD LIXE nice mlddloe . age " II II a I II • 8 us·· ness knocked her ol1 • bar atQol at
HOUSE. 660 w. 17th St.. Costa woman to live ln and care for the Stac Bat, 211l MePtldden 3 u 1 1 d d h Corona del Ku Place, Newport Beadl ••. A ..,
Mesa. 1 bloe.k west ot Van's sma Ira an ° OU~· Hubor 5076 o• t Mta. Bertha Ann MOOI'e, 81. of watch WU stolen from the boat
Bowling All~. Store hours: work for workJne widow. Room I fee ory ze1 Vl.lta Drive. Bay Shores. died of Leslie n.u.t at Lido ~la
Mon.· Fri .. 9·9; Sat., 9·6: Sun., and board plus waea. U 8·TI49 VIEW APTS lut Thursday 1n Hoac Memorial Shipyard .. •. lolaeone tlu ew SMALL .APf'LL\JfCD 81:PADJ:D
11·5. U 8·3186. WANTED-Lady for cleantne one TWO BEDIOOKS-buUt·ln ranp HMPital after a brief Ulnea. She plecee or eoftCHte !" the root ~ J:. eo.. a.y.
SOFA-$25; chair 117; noor lamp day a w~k. Own transport&· 6 oven; drapes ln UviAl room; wu a native ot GUro1. Callf .. and Mn. WIIUam Bucb • balM .t U. c.rooa dlll&ir, e&ut,
$8; cobbler bench $6. 37080cean tlon. HA 6205. private paUoe or dec::b; pr· bad lived ID Jfewport Beach tor 35th St.. NewpoetJie.eb.
Blvd .. C. D. M. RA 4926. BABY 8111 ER for work InC qe; one block w ......_ ..... 3~ yean. . e IIOirDAT, .OW'.. ~ ~
FREEZER-Big 12 ~ cu. rt. Gen· Mother. day.. Monclay throulh $150. Yr. J.eue, atO Sea'fMW. aurvtvon lndude two daueh· A 'FS-foot beee WM Sltoleft !!rom --------....;..,-~
eral Electric. Holds over 480 Friday 9:00 a.J:n. to 6:00 p.m.. Hu. M40. tea. .._ Joeepb1fte Sooy ot the the horne cl Dr. Howard taa-· CAJIDD sn..nRO-OUr ..,_.
Jbs. or food. Color Interior. Ex· WUJ give furnished apt.-utJl tnmfi COI'IMrUCtJoft on ilutt Bay Shorft a~ and Mrs. Zoe Quast. 5M AUio Ave.. Jf.wpart lalt7• Ullq Mil ~ .,..
tra space tn door. Pald down to pd. In exchance tor Chlldren's CD)(, a bedim. 2~ batba. ear· Martin of R_,..a'd· a 80ft Vln· Betabta • • ·'nile Taaco ltadoD poww eec+IM llr,... dow·
Sl88.08 while nored. No cuh care, plus amall aalary. Phone peted. u~ .tew. OPEN oeat~ a.Jtn~· rou.r irand· at RWJ. lOlA and III...Scle Aft,. .. aD4 slink lui .... JOU
down. Pay only $2.08 per week. daya. H.A 2102; n I I b t • HA at M1S ONan Ill"-Call C. "· dilldtcn and three ireat·aT&nd· Jf.wport ReiJhU. ,...wet two wut It! caD .,... IIA D ·lf.
BAUGHN'S FURNITURE WARE· 5294·M. .......... Bar 4.140 or Bar _. ebJldrell. bol\l8 c:bec:kl • • • A W and OOIIII.8'IW 1 _.II •o
HOUSE, 660 W. 17th St., Costa SOME J'2EE -aoKE n:E .. .. a. COAIT IIWI'. 9ervket1 were held Frtd., at tunal.-.,... .tolen from loh.n _.._
Mesa. 1 block west of Van's ApplJcuu Deeded. many omct WAWI'D '10 aar1' coea.a .......... -.Jtz eo.ta Mesa Chapel wtth the Carrfll, 131 Via .,_ntoM. Lido r.D -.n~UTD
Bowline Alley. Store boun: ~ abo Nllltaurana and do-REJ"l1fED oGUSB couple want 0 a... Donald Sapp of the Balboa late · • ·A U ·JH.r:cJid lfwport MB ,..___ rtu ...
Mon .. Frl., 9·9; Sat., 9-6 ; Sun .. m..Ucs Many jot. tow qu.allfled to share bouse wtth 1araae IMI ll1and Mctbodllt Churdl otflclat· Beach p l beelme aUpt17 Ill -.,..,.
11·5. U 8·3186. ~.!.-= =:;;t ~, CDM area. 1U 3(MI.8.. ..... ~e:. taldn. an ovwdoee cl U· COIIOlfA '::..~WI
• I 'DT• m• -~ l2n.d St.. Jfewport ........ •a.u..~ -.... • IIA u. ,.. .. eo.. .., .
••••• ...... 1
1014~~~ .......... _
ll1W .. RIDUON6"
mo... A ...
PHONI kY. 4-1 177
601 N. I c:....M. ...,
PHONI HY.-.. 2-l ltl
• HY.-... 2·1196
• IMMUS&1WO_,.
,_. FMel&.l NCB.
ICM miMA11 CAU •••
UJMIII-J1JP.,DING IIATEIIIALS ... ,.... ....,.,; c..-... Ulll " .....
Orco Co.
JA 1 ,.... Die' If .......
.. Katlllll. II•... -L ...... ._..AM
"" .-aWLT AftOIIII&D ._. =a a .,._.,.._c-.
tt. a.. ea., ..........
......... 1--•. (Ia.) ...._, el .... Las a llr. .,.._._ ... IIIJ...__.
........... 11¢'¢= .... ... a.. ca.· ........... ...... ....................
Ia a 1hdd W• D ,. ....
_..... ..... Allay Air r_ .. .._....._.__. ......................
--. 1111. ... II. 1-. e...-..... lk..-.... ....._.e._ ..... ...,wm ........ a..c... ......
•••• ... w ... o...,.c-s ty, -.-.Dltlllkr .....
TlffiQIIII ...
Two burglarler In Corona del Stanton G. nttany, 61, of 261
Mar that took place at buslneues Monte Vista Ave., Corta Mesa.
within 50 yarda of each other dled Friday whUe at work at the
Monday of last week have been Grl.nnet' Mte. Co. of Costa Mesa.
801ved. A 15-year-old Lar Vep.a He wu a veteran of both World
youth, vlslttng friencn In the Waz I and n and had been ~n
Harbor ~a. wu apprehended by eral superintendent of Wstern
Newport Beach d~ectlves last Pipe A: Steel Co. ot San Pedro. ~
week. wu a native of Yonker& N. Y.,
Cuff Jinks, 1!50 pain. stolen and had lived In thlr area for
trom McFarren'• Pottery Shop, 15 yean.
were recovered: however, S25 Survlvora Include hla wife.
taken from the ahop could not LouiR: a dauehter, Mrs.· C. F .
be found. The youth denied bav-WUII&m80n of Coeta Meaa, and
tne taken the money. a 110n, E. Cabell Jb'ala of New
1be aame boy took clearettes. York. Servloes were held Monday
candy and money from Cannon's In Parkes Mortuary.
Market. Approximately all of the
loot taken from Cannon'• wu re-sa nw mow
covered. The youth wu turned
over to juvenile authorities. The Jack Sadliera of Corona del
Mar went to Loa Anaelea lut
week on Tu~ to ~~ee the MW·
ly rele&Rd motfon plcture spec-
tacle. "''be Ten Commandments."
EWe ... lriFP'•
J'ou.r comlftr elates for the Or-ance County PhJJ.barmonle were ~ at a NeeDt llnaktut meetlnr ot the .. PriencSI ot the
ftllllannoltle'" at Jamaica Inn.
Colona ,_J Mar.
A ''Momlna with lluale" b-ee
leeture wm ie"atven by Plied&
Bellnfante, orebfttra eondlad«,
at the I'UU.rton Ubrary at 10:JO
a.m. toclay (T!nanday). T!te nat
ID4!ft!nc ot the "Vrlenck" f'OUP
W1U be a brunc'h and Cluutmu
Jalaa.r to be heJ4 at 10 un. Wed--. I a ••-• ~. Dee. J2, at tiM Balboa ....,_ -
Bay Club. r ....... ._ •ntu& ......, ..,_. ...._ clllcM-..._
1be nat reeular eoneert of the .. YW. ....._ .. -.. o..ite Cr•tr•e -. ..,_. PhU~e Qd\eltra wtll be ....._ 1 ..,.. ---.. •-. Lr••• eat .. ~ held Jan. 12 at tile new Oazden • .._ .....,_ .,..., ...... __. .. • a.. a.q.. Ia
Grove Hlp Srhool Auditorium p.u .,_
'l1l1s copeert wUl be preeede4 by ------·--··tij ... tijii;------a dinner at Greenbriar Inn. Ttle
next paJr of ~pbonles for youth
~ wUJ be helcr Jan. •·
At the buaine. meetlne. pre·
etded (1'11et' &,. Karen MarJJet.a
Brunlne. who rect'ntly beeame
Mra. Thomu Wood, reporta Wet'e
Jfwn on the recent fund ratatnr
picture show by lira. R. R. Ken-
ahaw, ud on the fall f&Addon
luncheon by Mrs. Hany Ken&·
Dtw slllic cmd Foreign
BaiL~ AU, etc.
Present ... with a future
1'4 r \\ r o F1 r ~ ) ., : . : ~ . \ " , '\ \ 1 ".
eu ~· A ttHtat .. a ................... ,
Catholic Women to ·sponsor
Pr.e-Y:ule Fashion Show ..
fte ...,_ D •-:::.r-itrllll' t1'1111.r1 , •
Msm' ua iJt tllle ...... ciMe el ....... OdNr ----el tile el ... ..... ....... A JN·C~ait~Dau tw+lon ~!bow 811111 II bdu41 liN. ,... 111!'1••1 111e ......_. 11u11ar lltab lebqol ._ ~ 1u1111. oau. ......_. a...-. -. ._ ..... ._.. aD4 au..-... ~-~~~ .. bJ tiM IIIDitlt. J!~•lld•t 01 tiM CaiiM>Ite wm 1111 1 ~" a pJq -... Merllft CoueJa. fb1Uia 1111· ta17 fll .. .......... ....._ CetltoUe w.._ a Coundl el tiM Women • Oound1 ot tiM 1ft. Car· = .................... ., um. Jed CUIItdp. ..., ........ ,. au c ...... ., ~ LMJ ., lit. CanDe1 atwda. wtU ..... Qnarc:b, and ...... John
I* .. tile Dool audl· mu, 'hccoa 8~ Dtek Ta7a.. C&llllrDia ud ....,.._ ,. 0.· lie IMicJ at 1 p.IIL tocJq ('naun-IAahy, J:ctwucJ Kulby, I. W.
tDctua a& 1:11 p..a rwiU, aDcJ Walt Howald. Vuo ,_..OJ aacJ •' *• 11••• •• .....al ~ W) at a Pweeadcw .-taura.nt, Cammadr. IUdtucJ Altman. Doa· ~ ......._ ~ ..... 11 ca.,. ... -.. to ....... uocJ eo.ta ....._ ald .......,, 1amee ~ ...a'a 0... O.VS4 J:mmM 'Suppordq membln of tM Mia. ..._. ~ ue a tra..a Robert Helmholl.
aftd Terry ltillcb have l•diq are IAro)-Hotland, lolln W _,...,to tM llol7 Laad In 1.r 1 0 :..11• lll••••••r llfuale wW accompany t.IM ,..... ___ .:__ _______ 1llllllleato. John lAw~~~. lob ADell. and a .._ to Soutll .urka tn .___ • •-••-•• ..,.tauon ot holtday attire by U..
S h 1 l k• Judy Sauttr. ate. Joh». lfomou !a · Ftr ~...._ tJc1o 'Fublon Shop. Intloduetloa
e s 00 '"9 ~=~~~ c:!:,:~.~~ -· robn~.w;ra:r:~a':'d.~
F E t II Fb. y ~lnpley, Darlene Green and u ~ ot Sail DMto. fomMr Lonen. DJne.pound. OM·ounce former mov1e .tar, auby Keelilr. or s e e Sharon ~... minl~Mt ., aan.t aualda by the daup .. olll.r. and lOt. Donald Door pro. reflect the hollday "Bem~'la d~ byllfn.. S.., Balboa. Kkhob, :105 W. Gnd St.. M ... ..uon. A ham or turkey order.
..,.,. ••• encl
belleYing thet
0 •
·aaiEtili ..
~ Furniture~
Complete Home J'umlahlnp •
liSt • .-poet Aft.
or.. ....... --.. .. .... ...-n ........... ....
ofC::....ct.~-·• ' ... ..... ,..__ .... ( ..... ·
-lbNaiiGp ........... )
bcld ................... .....
FlolliMe ....... liS .....u. t.o.9 ..... _... ...... _
old trleDd ..-.cl ....u.. .......................
sp a r.-ct • 9Ift .... bl 0.0.. ...........................
"'Call It be pI I 'hie ... .,.. _..
EsteUe. • ...,. a.-._r
Jln. Wood .... _,. .C ...
..... , tMt ... _,.. Eatelk
Doea ...,... a.... a.y .........
Mn. Gretchen Carr, her daugh·
ter Chria. and her mother. Mrs.
Gertrude Weaver, have moved
from 7~ Jasmine Ave .. Corona
del Mar, to Balboa. Mrt. Carr's
,.,andmother ls convalescing In
a rest home.
Swim Sulta. Saronp. Dreees. Keilda "ChJJdren'a" Tblnp. Muumuus. Luau Costumea. Men'a Aloha
Shlrtt, Glfta. Deeoratlont. South Sea Party ~a1~r:i
• • •
140 Iouth Coat at...s. (...t to abow) LapiiG 209 MAJI.DfE AVL 8AJ.a0A ISLAJm
T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Beach • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Don't open till Christmas!
But you can sure put additional telephonea-and ln color, too-
on your Christmas shopping liat right now. They're an Ideal
gift and what's more, they're eaay to order. Juat call ua a.Dd
we'll deliver, fancy-wrapped and ready for the Chri8tmaa tree.
• •
Juat picture Mom here lD the
kitchen with a hallct.ome lvory
wall phone at her ~
The kitchen Ia a room au U&M
a lot ao ahe'll apprec:late a
handy phone. She h.u beauty
and convenience for $1.00 a
month after one tn.tallat1on
charge. Mom might aleo 11ke a
·neat aprlng cord lD a ahade that
complemente her color phone.
Another gi!t idea Ia an Ulum.J·
nated dial phone \hat make.
calling easy in the dark.
Th~ three attrartlve women
shown Installing the old !ash·
toned magnt>to teiPphon.P are
VIrginia Rclsda1e. M I I d r ed
Wade and Leslie Gustafson.
They are part or the more than
fltty men and women who
m ake up the Newport Jtarhor
Community Players. We were
able to find the old telt'phone
for them to use aa a prop In
their r~nt production of the
play ':Bus Stop." The lffOUp's
playa IU'1e held ln. the chapel
theater located on the Oranee
Cout CoUeee campus. In addl·
t1on to provtdln& the theater,
tile colt.p &lao proYidH frH
aftlt drama cou.rMS for Itt .... ...,., pe wtN dellthted
.. .. of .., to tbta nne or·
~ wtaleb Ia muJna a INM eontrtbotloa to the ad· wNJ Ufla ol dw communJt)'. u ,.. .,... ..e-one of t!Mtr .._,. ..,. ..... JOG catdt
tbe ...... ,.. wtU • Jt.
Marthella 1\andall. 1'be ,._,. waa port ae.ch. wu born Wednelday, dtampaiM and two 1 o u rIll • t
written by M&J)' Cb .... wbo..., c.c. Elect.·on Nov. 21. at Roq Uo.pltal LoMett fruit ea.t.e. atei.D the olftDa. wrote the Broaci'Way bJt. "'lla.r· bu a brother, Daniel. who Ia
VtY·" Wonny, the IIUUIC\ll1M lead. nearly 2. VIIIT lAir ~0
&a Mek:lnc al\ Ideal atrl; h1l eol· Plans ~Jade Tbe Mk:holr moved heft from Tbe Clarence Herbert~ ol ~
1ep duama, rnemMn ol t.be Bid· lVI Santa ltola over 2 yean aeo. Mr. Ocean VIew, K4IWPQI't Re:llhta.
nuts club, invent the lnvlalble NkbC)la Ia a uleaman tor eau: haV. bMn apend{nj a month In
Bernardlne, who Ll any coUeae Ballota for the election of board fornla Medial SUpply. San llfarlno. ·
boy'a ldeal drum boat. Alter l'M'IIlben of the Newport Harbor jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~---~iiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii umeoua mJaadventuns. Wormy Chamber of Com.rnerce wtll be
meeta a real Bemardlne named dlatrtbuted on or befcmt Dec. 21.
EnJd. From h~ the comedy executive MCHtar)' Hay Lan,en·
runa from one Lmpaue to an· helm aald thll w~. Announce·
other. ment of the newly elected board
Bemacllne la ~naored by the members wm be made Jan. •.
hleh tchool P.T.A. and the pro. The new board will meet Jan.
CHds will co to the P.T .A.'a achol · 7 to elect otflcera ot the Chamber
anhlp and wel.tare projecta. of Commerce for nftt year. In·
atallatlon of otflcera will take
place durtne a cUnner · dance
Jan. 11.
SAVE Willi
Fa,..,a Ptlq = ~
Mrs. ·crocker
Dies at Age 52
JMtla •• cw1• , ..... u ......
STROOT'S :anus:.,~
*. Giftwan * Appilcmce. * Painta •• ..... u..,._c......_
....... -.. · .. ·-·--··-····P'JlOM
DINNER SERVED ALL~ SUNDAY FROM NOON TO 8:00 P.M. 1515.. • .. c...a del .....
"UNt.r&a V OlT nerytbloa
the you bay," explaim Reddy
Kilowau. your ekctric.al _..
vaot. "electricity cotta yoa
leu today l.bao it did 17 rean
aao." (Biner bill? Tbat'a
becatJM you're ueina mew.
a.Dd ljWa, beuer dclctricaUy.)
Small 1I'OOdu that today eJec:..
trltlty Is )'OUr biaM .....
ill IDOdcnl liYi.Qa.
Jane Deborah, newly arrived
dau&hter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo·
dore Lindstedt of 1311 CllU Drive,
CUU Haven, was born Wednes·
day, Nov. 7, at St. Joseph Hos·
pltal. Jane. who weighed .even
pounds. and one ounoe. has a sis·
ter. Joan. 12, and two brothers,
Michael. 14. and Danny, 5.
attend tire eluvtdi o.l ~ e&ke
The Llndstedts nfoved here
from La Canada aproxlmately
two years ago. Mr. Lindstedt, a
University of Minnesota alum·
nus, is a mechanical engineer
and Is doing g,eneral contracting
In Laguna Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Georee McNelly
of 701 Marigold Ave., Corona del
Mar. entertained 1uests from
Hemet for Thanksgiving dinner.
Fot letteorhea4& and envelopa
Call the EnaScn. Harbor llU.
))0) Yle lHie. New!Mri leech
1\ brel'loh of The Mother Churcll. The
F;,, Church of Chri1t, Sctel'ltiat, ,,., ao,
•of'l, Meuech~~Mth ..
Su,.,day School -----9:15 a.m.
Sul'lday S.rvl~ ...... ·-. II~ a.m
W'ednfldey Ml'li~ MMttl'l9 1.00 P m.
Reedil'lq Room loceted et ))15 Vie
lido, Newport S.ech, i1 opel'l wH~
deyt from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m.
wed,Mdeyt from 9:00 e.m. to 7:45
p.m. Fndey .,.,.,;"9' ftom 7:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. CJoJed Holldey..
The public is COfdielly invited to ••·
tend the churcll Mrvicet e11d UH the
lteedtnq Room.
Friendly Nelehborhood Servtc:e
110 Broadway
U 8·3433 A 8-KM eo.ta Meaa
ServlnJ the Harbor Area
. Baltz Mortuary
CHAPEL BY 'MIE SEA ~bor 42 ~D> E. eouc Btahw.,
Corona del Mat
Baltz Mortuary
111l • Supmor. Colta .....
-----11111 W ... lltl EYirJ w ........ 111 ... Yur -----
ao w. ltth st.. Coeta 11.-a
Llbedy ~~
-... Joeepla W. McSbcme Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11 :00
a.m. Mornlng Worahlsr-7 p.m.
Colleee Aee MYF Service - 7
p.m. HlJh School MYF Servtce;
8 p.m., youn1 adults group
TBE CIIVJICII Or .camsT 1050 Clna.rda lt.. Coltta 11-
LDMrrty 1·5711
E. c. J ooea, lltla1aW
Sunday 16Vtcea: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning· wor·
ship; 6:00p.m . evenlni aervlce.
Midweek tervlee, 7:30 p.m.
atoaca .c tJM If AZAJIDE
la5 ADCibeim St.. eo.ta ..._ .__1 .... cu... Wlll&awt
LJberly 1·7111
Sunday Services: Sunday School.
9:30 a.m. Momlna Worshlj) at 10:30 a.m. Evangellstlc Serv· Ice. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday;' Pr~er meet·
lng, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Odd r.uowa LodcJe. IMI lfewport A .... Coeta ,._
Ubeny 1·5711 T-llakw. Jr., Jllalam
Sunday Servtca: 9 :45 a.m. B.ole atudy; 10:56 a.m. wonhlp lft'V· lee; 7:30 p.m. evenln~ aervlce.
ClmJIT CIIUMCB aT '111E lEA CE.IfT&AI. JmLE CIIVJICB c-maalt'Y Jl.tbodiat 8albocl 11"-at l4tla lt.. lfewport 0.,.... A.._ at Urd lt.
JIArt)or 5111 eo.ta ..... Liberty --~ ._._, .... a.y A. CGI1.Mtl A. A. Kaden. ~
Sunday Worahlp, 9:30 a.m. and Sunday School: 9:4!5 a.m. Mom·
11 a.m. Church School. 9:30 lng Servtce, 11 :00; Evenlne a.m. MJdweek Meettne: 7:00 Setvke. 7:30. MJd-week Sft'v .
p.m. Wednesday preceded by lee, Wed n e • day, 7:30 p.m.
6:1!5 p.m. potluck. Youna people meet 6:15 p.m. Sunday.
liM ~ A .... c:o.ta II_. lfEWPOIIT BAJIIOB LlbedJ ... 1011 L1J'I'IID.Illf CJIUJICB .u.L,~..-::-:,,J .. If~ cad 2501 aw..~:~:rm Belg1ata
11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mau at a.. J Pn,p 7:00a.m.-Confess.ton: Satur· da'/6 from 4:00 to 5:15--7:00 to Duplicate momlni aervlcea -9
8 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday;
: p.m. Sunday School for achool a,e
nJIST JAPnST CBUIICII eroups at 10:00 a.m.; Nuraery or lfEW'fOIIT • provided for both servtcea and
lfewpod ahod. at ..... lt..
lf..,...-t .... ..
Llbedy I·ISS2
Elder D. L I~ Saturday Momlne Servtce.: Sab·
bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· tne: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
tnnVEDAUIT 00101171QTT
P'D.LOWSIID ..... ~ as E. lftla lt.. c.ta ..._
Dr. c:aw.s. aa.n.at
Sunday Sdlool. 10:00 a.m. Mom·
tne worahlp, 11:00 a.m.
IID4 lt. & IDdaa A..._ c.tll 11-Lu.ty •• ,..
........ d II. c:. Cnak. .....
Sunday ·School: 9:30 a.m. W«· ahlp: 10:!55 a.m. and evan,elJst aeorvlce. 7 :30 p.m. YounJ fteople
and ChUdren'a Service. 8:30
p.m. Sun. Mtd·wMk S«vvce:
Wednesday, · 7:30 f.·m. LadJa' Mlllllonary Councl , Tbu.radaya
9:30 a.m. for all day.
l'tDT IOU tii&U UPriiT CBU8Cii 150 w. ~-lt.. c..ta ,._ u:a..tr l-UG ....., Dr. JIJctlard ......
Sunday echool. 9:45 a.m.l. church • e r vIce 11:00 a.m. naintna
Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlne
worship I p.m. Sunday. Teach·
en~ and omcera meetlne7 p.m.
Wednesday. Prayer aerv'lce and Bible 8tudy 7:45p.m. Wedn•· day.
a.lboa ll..S.. lldll & c:o.t Ita.. Sunday School. ·=. nJIST CBUIICII OP CiUiiif ~ J55-~·107'1 IT. 10-VlAiflfET ---~=-··r ._ ..... w a. ...... • ... -----... _ -Sunday aervtces: 9:4!5 a.m.. Sun· • • --A..._ le'lbocll..a-d day School: 11:00 a.m....t W«· p..._ 1~ ~~ ..._ Sunday !chol: 1 :15' a.m.. Sun·
ahlp Servtcej_~7:~ p.m. ~unda)' Sunday M.-;:;;=-s:;):.in_ 6 9•30 day Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed·
evenIng MrVJce; Mid· Week a.m. Confe.loo: 's.turdaya and Maday Even.ln1 Meettna: 8:00
15tb lt. & lt. Alldnwa 114.. ---J:::., ~kbool
SUNDAY: Momlnl worabJp, 9:30
and 11 a.m.: Church School. 9:30 and 11:00: 1r. HIJh, Sr. Hleh and college aee Fellow· ablps. 7 p.m.; 'naUI'Iday, Prayer, .tudy poup, '1:30 a.m.
CIIU'aCB or 0011 LADY or liT. CAIDIEL
1"1 w. a.u.. alftl.. •...-rt ........
Am'._t .....
Sunday M.-: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Confnalon: Sat· u~ and eve.. of bt Frtdaya
and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30 p . .m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Daily M .. 8:00 a.m. F1rst
Friday:_ 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Hoven a (Perpetual Help): Monday, 7:45p.m.
II~ ...
........ u.s.a-..
Sunday Worablp St'rvtcea: 9:30
a.m .. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30a.m.
... VIa IJdo. •;;wt IMda ~· ....1 ..............
Sunday aervtces: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion; 9:15 rt.mUy s.rv . lee. 11 a.m.. wonhlp aervtee. Tllundq Servtcet: 1 :15 a.m.
....,._ GuJJ4; 10:30 Holy Coin· munlon.
Service: 7:30 p.m. WedneedaJ eva. of t• Frfdaya ancJ 801., Readln1 Room. 131.5 VIa Llc1o, Prayer Meetlne. D 7 30 to 8 30 • ,.t l'fewport Beaeh. open 9 a.m.· PIIIIT 8AftiiT cauaca _ u~,.:-~ 1 : p.m.: 5 p.m. week days. t a..m.·7:45 ..... ,...A ... •IIwrtU.
II.AJmOa IUISDDLT OP GOD Frf~ ---a.m. p.m. Waclnelldaya, 1·9 p.m. J'rt. o.e. ._
llf w. ........ aay ewntnp. .... •· a. •• w c..-.._ ~~-C!'uaca ' Sundq !len'leea: t:CS a.m. tun· ~ .... 1 vw .. --.. IALM)A -.AifD d_, Sdlool· U a.m. Wonllt
.... C. a.._.. (Ill ••:;c-11) COIIUIOMilillftWODS\' a.l'*-; e:ao pm,. .....I
Sunday ac:bool 1:41 a.m.. morn· .__._ 11a11. Ill ae-te a.._ ....... a..... ~ Unloft·~:Jo a.~ lnJ _..,,_ ,11 a.m.. t'Willnl c.e. II' I ........ Dr &H -· .................... ::.& IUJ' T·-wan;.u;i., elnlce 7:41 p.m. ..-n .... IAIMr ,._.,.... U... aa ._., i:~_;r.;;; ~ anc~·.=
Mld·w..lr ._.._ 7:41 liJ:' 8uncla7 ~: Wonh~· Sunday S~r•t~cea: 1:30 a.ao. ~· _lloDclq1 T:IO p.na. Tlua~. Y~ PltopWI • lee I a.m. Bunclq at Qourcll IJcbool.;.t;::... and U:OO lll4ln 1 ~ JrMidee• W:IO Ice 7:45 p.m. 'I'll req. 10:15 a.m. a.m. Wor:l:! f!& ...... ....,_ .......
EARL W. STANLIY, ...._ .... ....,.. ........... .. ... ~ ....... "' ........
* We Gift Wrap and Mail
Husband, father, son, brother, boy friend
Wife, mother. daughter. sister, girl friend
Aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, friends, etc.
at the ..................
Call Us at HArbor 3586
* -'A"AittA
QOiaiA Da. 11M
* ... • •• ft:lt lilt .. a. •• 1' ....
, .......... 11 (,._ .....
_. .. I'IDEa-DLIZ "w ..... ------. ..... ,. If ... 'C.... J= = !:' eo.ta ...
o.ta ......... ......... o.ta ...
~~~·:: =~~~~: IS ORGANIZED HERE Singlet~ toumameat last week on
the Newport Harbor Municipal C&rl Stentz ol 108 Vla Quito, I
Greens. Clayton Clo.N. 700 Nar· Lido lale, ~·retired rubber 1 d•u. Ave., Corona del Mal', took manufacturing consultant, h u
top honors by racking up 14 been elected acting presfdent of
polnt.a DeWitt Bauer with 1.2 the newly oraanlU!d Exchange potn~ won, second place, and club of Newport Harbor. The club
Harold White wound up ln the will meet every Thur.ctay noon
third posJUon with 11 points. at the Jamaica Inn Restaurant,
Mn1. Walter Pea:nlon won fourth Corona del Mar.
place arts a play.ott w1th Tay. Mr. Stentz was formerly pl'ftt·
lor Carr and Ernest HuvyaJde. dent of the club ln Alhambra and
Two Corona del Mar newcom· ~ as mayor of that city. Ar·
en to the Lawn Bowling Green thur Llnd8e, Newport Beach at·
are MUes Hubbard of 713 M.ar· torney, wu elected ~. and
gumte Ave. and Harry Moore of Spaldina Eutman. vtce.pc~estdent
310 Heliotrope Ave. and loan otrtcer of Newport·Bal·
boa Savtnaa. wu elected treu-
Emery H&niiOn, rul e s t a t e
Salesman tor P. A. Palmer Com·
pany, Georae Michaud. an lnsur·
ance brok.er. Mr. Eutman and
Two college freshmen teams Mr. Stentz are seTV1ng on the ex·
and one service squad have been ecuUve committee.
named to compete In the second The new club. one of 1500 clubs
annual Orange Coast College In the nation, Is designed to en· the general welfare. The Ex·
rour·team basketball tournament courage the exchange of Ideas. change club slogan Is Unity for
Dec. Z7 and 28. Teams will be plans and methoda of promoting Service. Occidental. Whittier. El Toro Ma·
rlnes and.. host Orange Coast.
LEQJU. xOTJcu 'Desperate Hours• to Open
NOTICE o:~:= OF PETI· Dec. 6 in oc Chapel111eafre TION FOR PROBATE OF WILL
AND Ft>R LE'M'ERS TESTA· There are just a few desperate Uamaon of Laguna. who Ia dl·
MENTARY. hours of rehearsals lett before the rectlne the performance. Openln1 In the Superior Court of the State Newport Harbor Community Play. nl&bt wtll be, next Thursday, Dec.
of California In and for the ers presents Its nat attractJon. 6. with six week-end nights of
County of Orange. ''The Detlperate Hour&" a .ua-production planned. lndudlng
In the Matter of the Estate of pe~ drama written by J~Jt ~. 7, & 13. 14 and 15..
Jessie Fulton Streeter, deoeued. Hayes, acoordlnr to Marjorie wu. The play will be gtven at tM NoUce Is h ereby given that the Chapel Theatre tn Orange Cout petition of Security First Nation· College.
aJ Bank of Los Anples for the u •t d F nd Included In the cut are thrH probate of the Will of the above n I e u members of the Mel BerT')' fam.
named decedent and for the la· d Uy of CUff Haven. Mel, hl~lf.
auance of Letters Testamentary Appeal Ma e plays Dan Hilliard. His wl!e. Bon·
to the petlt1oner wlll be heard at nie, plays hls stage wlfe. Eleanor;
10 o'clock a.m. on Friday, Deaem· . and his son. Tommy, plays their
ber 14. 1956, at the court room of The Newport Beach United little boy Ralphle Hilliard. Only
Department 2 of the SuJ)ftior Fund hu cloeed Its ottlce ln the "outsider'·. In the stage family Ia
Court of the State of Callfomla ln Chamber ot Commerce buUdlnr. w Hilliard daughter. Cindy. who
and for the County of Orange. acoorcUnr to Ed Milum. cam · Is portrayed by Ann Burr of Bal·
L. B. wALLACE. palgn manag.er. boa laland.
County Clerk. He urred local residents and Other characters In the play
Date Nov~ber 26, 1956. businesses and .UO local proper· are taken by JerT')' Evans of Co·
A. K. Phelpa, ty ownera who live elaewhere to rona del Mar. Duke and Chris
3429 E. Cout Blrhway, aend In contr1buUona by mall. Hendrickson of Beacon Bay. Bill
Corona del Mar, Calif. The followtnr form can be Beeler of Newport and Ben Sel·
Attorney for Petitioner. used by those who hav. not been ndg.e of Laguna. Community
Publlah: Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13 contacted by a volunteer eollcl· Players president. Jim Webb of
In the Newport Harbor Ensign. tor and for those wbo wlah to Santa Ana Heights. takes a part.
lnc:reue their contribution: as do Swen Brockman and Bob
XOTtCE 0? PVaUC BEAm!fQ · • • • Blackwell. bo;th of Costa Mesa. Notice Is hereby gtven that the
City Counctl of the City of New· Xewpol't .._. v.lted had.
port Beach wiD hold a public hft Offtoe ._ UJ.
bearlna on Ordinance No. ~ re· llcdbocllalacl ,......_
aardlna PlannJn1 Commission Xewpol't 8eada. C:.W.
Amendment No. 28 to amend Sec·
tlons 9106.33 and 9106.34 of Chap· I ~ to CDDtru.ate 1 .......... -...... ..
ter vt. Article IX of the Munktp· to tbe UD.lt.s r.a4.
The Kappa Alpha Theta Alum·
nae Club ot Orange County will
meet for dJnner w1th their hus
bands as guests at Disneyland
Hotel at 7 p.m. Sunday.
aBel Codh e._lovfln!!'elh:IP~a~~l:g~~ Xaaa. ............ -... -.... _ .... _ ........... --QmL roa TilE IIAJISOXS ac • • a "' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haneon mla.alon final authority to act on f 372 E 17th St Cowta Mesa.
Applications for Variance unless AdcSn.-.. -.. ·-·--······ .. --.. -.... '-·--· ~ave a n~ daughter. born Mon· q,:C,~~ ~0 t~~~~~n~~t the ettr ·-..... -····-· .. ---.. ·····-····-···--d.ay, Nov. 19. at Hoaa Hospital.
said public hearlnr will be held • .._.._.._.._,_,.,.,.,.,..,.,..,.. ............. ~
on the lOth day ot December.
1~. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p.m . In the Council Chambers ot
the City Hall of the Ctty ot New·
port Beach at which tlme and
place any and all penon.t Inter·
etlted may appear and be heard
City Clerk of t.be
Ctty of Newport Beach,
l:ai l.fomla.
Y• ... you CCID .........
aean.t cmd decaNt to yoa •••
oi wbateYer e19e ••• bellt with
14.Kt. Jewelry
Jewel. by Trifari * Omega Watc:bea
* ll'i'l IEPT. * * Nylon Uned Jackets * Tee Shuts * Flannel & Cotton Shirts * High Top or Oxford Keds * Haberdashery
* IUS IEPT. * * Nylon Jackets. lined and unlined * Sport Shirts--<Ill types * Lambs Wool and Orion Sweaters * Keds--Assfd types and colors * Hickok Jewelry
*Pajamas * Haberdashery
* MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAB .,...._A.._ JlA 571 ----. .
You ccm bcrYe
Actually c:h.aper them .. u ... rrice type lcnmderiD9
Beautifully laundered
flu ff dried and neatly folded
DI'J a. • & ' 1 •
.ewpol't .......
11. w..t eoa.t ....... ,
Self-winding wa.tch~-hand80Jl'le
runed stylinr for men.
dainty gracefulneu
for the ladlel;
they mab .. wind" watehea
aeem old fuhioned -
like a par ahltt
.PORT 1/,a/.
'1,1/IONA DFL ltllll·IIA #/II'IUH/'1
SillY Of
"Tcu o1 the Teal""
CDM Assn.
Wants P.O.
Left As Is
fContJn~ trom Paee ll
government and the citizens
should be broken.
"The door Is o~n." he said.
"Come In and uk queatlonJI. Re·
member that lt'l our government,
and belongs to all of us." e WATE8 ROSLEIIU
Jay Stoddard. one of Corona del
Mar's 2 councilmen, rave a de·
tailed history of Orange County's
water problem.
He said we'll again feel the
pinch of short water supply next
July and AuguM. even though
the MWD wUl complete a new
48-lnch line by next June to
bring In more water.
Reason for the water problem
I~ t~ tremendous growth of
Orange County, he uplalned. In
Junl' of last year the population
was 368,000, and It Is now about
475,000. Most of thla tremendous popu-
lation IJJ "upstream of ua," taf)·
ping the water supply ahead of
CHOCK VAJmEaVOIIT us. Mr Stoddard said.
Co-alptcd.D of Tcu <nlnUy e JIESEIIVOIJI PL.AJflfED
alOD9 with aud Tbompeoa He described the plans for the
C . hug,e water reservoir In the Irvine 0 C CaCJers hills Inland from Corona del Mar .
The Irvine Co. has agreed to do-
..... .,._ ........ 1.,
.... lllllu.u'l · .......... .. . .., ..... ,_, ..
@J~~ D f t AI nate the land for a 1,200-acre-foot e ea ums rest-rvolr In exchange for capa-
city rights. hf> Mid. PLOS • • •
Tht> vlctorlouo; Orange Coast
Cnllf'gl' Bask PI ball team plays
hoc;t to Glendale at 8 p m. to·
morrow I Friday J at the Pirate's
Coarh Stu Inman's quintet rot
off to a good start Tuesday eve-
ning when thl'y outscored the
alumni 67 -42. Denny Fitzpatrick
pal'Pd the PiratP squad with 17
PHOs-E IU %-411'7
SANTA ANA 1M-tween 4tll and 6th on BROAOWAY
Sbow StartA at 1:00 -Matln~ Sat., Sun., at I :00
(!!f!!U.fJ: =~ IIIIMJilll!~!!!!!!fl~ ,......,SAO! . .,_-. __ ,..
Moo. &bra 'nan. Starta at 1:00 81lotr 8tarta at '7:t0
Fri. Sat. A 8lm. Starts at t :OOFrt~ at., Sun. 8 &atU at t :eo
Councilman Stodrlard said that
the City of Newport Beach may
have to go It alone In building
th.e reservoir. and for that reuon
the city's water consultant has ~n asked to estlmatt> the cost of
a 600-acre-foot reservoir as well
as the 1.200-acre-foot structure.
Mr. Hurd remarked that when
ttl.! Supreme Court rulH on Colo·
rado Ri ver water rights. we'll
have to look for other aourc:H of
water. We should be looking to
northern C&llfomla for our water
supply, he said. e PAVDfO OF nrrB AVE.
Wallace C&lderhead called at-
tf"ntlon to the poor condition
Fifth Ave .. the un-wldened road·
way on the Inland edge of the
town. He suggested that a com·
mlttee of th~ Civic Association
work out a solution with the city.
The rneetlnr wu held on
Thanksgiving eve In the Com·
munlty Youth Center. About ~
persona were preiK'nt. Coffee and
refreshments were served at the
conclusion of the bualnea meef·
In g.
Tar Saabtbcdl lcbedDJe
Nov. 30. Fri., 3 p.m.-at ExcelaJor
Dec. 4, Tues., 3 p.m.-
at St. Anthony
Dec. 7, Fri .. 7 p.m.-Rlvenlde
Dec. 11. Tues •• 3 p.m.-at WU.On
Dec. 14. Frl .• 7 p.m .-Torrance
Dee. 17, Mon.-H.B. Tourney
Jan. 2, Wed.-Compton Toumey
Jan. 8. Tues., 3 p.m.-Anaheim
Jan. 11. l'r1 .• 7 p.m.--e.t Oranp
Jan. 15. TuM~ 3 p.m.-
at La Habra
Jan. 18, Fri., 7 p.m.-. Garden Grove
Jan. 22, Tues~ 3 p.m.-Santa Ana
Jan. 25. Frt., 7 p.m._.t J'uUerton
lan. 29, Tues .. 3 p.m.-
at Buntlntton 8Ne.b
J'eb. 1. rrt., 7 p.m..-et An&Mlm
J'eb. 5, TueJI., a p.m-<>ranp
J'eb. B. J'rt., 7 p.m.-La Habra
J'eb. 11, Mon .. 1 p.m.-at Cardell Qraift
J'eb. 15, l'l1., 5:30 p.m-a.tJianta AM
hb. 19. Tuet .. 3 p.m .-f'ullertan reb. 21, Tbu.n .. 7 p.a.--
11\mtleltOft .....
• •a. I
"RED HOT" V aluH for ThUJ'L. Fri.. Sat.. No•. 29, 30. Dec:. lat.
Store Houra: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday and Holidaya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
WEDEUYER 11:00 A.M.-3:00P.M. PH. HA 3588
PCifduiiOg Food H~ So1dTUiOPGCk cu 33t
SNOWFiiKf' 17~ DiNNE~
&urn VELVKETA.-4·1-a. LOAJ'
PORK .. STEAK 491. FRANKS 47f.
PORK SAUSAGE 39:. Smoked Sausage 35t:
WiiCHOPS 63f. HAM _____ oauu ss~
,~ .... YAMS ..,at