HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignCiUdS I IIUll 11IZE LAifE Ia Cona.a del Mar . ._. •• tiM Tu.tlde .-. Ia &oat of tbe •lrtc:ber
811.1.1dfa9, .t tbe NCICArtbw 81M. jUDctiOIL Mer·
City Intervenes
In Tidelands Suit
Newport Beach City Council
agrt:..!d Monda)' evening to Inter-
vene In the suit tued by the
County of Orange for ownership
of tidelands.
City Attorney Karl Davis was
Oil Testing
Is Approved
authorlz.ed to• file the necessary I
papers with Superior Court In an
action to lnterv('ne In order to
protect the city's title to Its own
tidelands. 1
Mr. Davis told City Co uncil
that the county action affects the I
right of Newport Beat'h to Its
tidelands. as granted by 1919, ·
19Z7 and 1929 statutes.
Last week. by authorlzatlon of
the Board of Supervisors, County 1 Counsel Joel Ogle filed a suit
against the State of California.
the State Lands Commission and
a number of state otflclala. The
County t. claiming title to all The request of Monterey OU Udelallcb within Orange County,
Co. to conctact •tamJc testa ol. n:cept tboee ,ranted by the state
the dtY• ttdahM. wu •PIII'O"d to tbe City ot Newport Beach. :::1.;~ the ~ewport u of July 25. 1919.
Wilson Beats
Monterey. wbkb bolclt the con-
tract tor dtWlnf for Udelaoda oil
ott Newport. said that the .ub-
aur1ace testtnr could be of mutu-
al advantage to the company and Tars the dty becauae It mJght pro·
vide information that would lead
to greater producUqn of tidelands
60 to 52
From the audience, Ed Healy
ol Centnl Newport asked If a
vote ot the people 1a required.
City Attorney Karl Davis aald
th18 would not ~ conalde~ an
otl drilllne operation. and there·
fore would not violate present
Only no vote came from Coun-
cilman Charles Hart. who aaJd
that local residents are appoRd
to further expansion of dtWlne.
and that this could lead to sud\
expansion. •-ntt. testing area extends east-
e-ly of Newport Pier," he sald
"Prftent UmJt fOI' drilllnr ls 53rd
St. U oil ts found near the p\er
the next step 1a to deYelop it."
O••• 1111111 t• Ewl11111
Denial Vote
Is 5 to 2
as 'Cower
• • ~m•w
J'I'io\Aiht It liwilfd ~~ .an~ycall
1al C!tbde ct --··-havlnl a tooUl carpenter
that pme "~ Jove. me, be
me not. .. on m,) Oltna dli-~ pleuwe. So 1n u oa.ucb u am
ball way to the cS..-t. J cSec::lde to be man appropriate!
• 1
bl'lnl Dl)'Mll and you up to date Now pt tbla atrallht. I am
on the Hl·Deeert Golf Club. the taDdn,1 about board. roam and
Chlneee food at the Golden ~-t1dl:lon, laundry, lab see.. etc. e OOftJI QDL tlnt -.e of ~ MW,
llon ln Pioneer Town and the ~ no recrultlor, no '<often." In my lonr and lmqi:natlw !DOh CIOJ~l m~~~az~nt. fte
pea.cetul, qulet ot the dellert. ~ Jun face the fact.. It Ia lltetJme, I've ~amed ol belna' Jl&t:ional pubUeatton it lalla .art
1 wu lnvlted to play a wrreuonab£e to ~ an ath· many thlnra that never re&eh_. 4evotAtd Qel_.vwq t.o $1dnf. do-ely, you ean
boiH on the 1011 coutle. rn try t• to put out the pltyaleal ef. the stared 'Of realtty. One ot On the cover of tldl! oae . ._,.. ~ B.4.C. eeal. Just below the bl1h
anythlnl once eo we start. I forth required to male~ the va.r· thne d.rea.m.s bu to do wttb picture ol C!Q1 naUOil'a roller JU)de.
chaled the little whlte ball In aJty, and atiU do an honest job catchlnl aome apede of tlsh of prominent anrler -Pretldent 1'be boat tn th• plctUN 111 o9e
• 8 8 • •:• • 8 •
the cup ln 4 strokes and many ol worldn1 bia way throu1h col-world-record alz;e. Another UN'N· Et.nhower! til Tom larnt.on'a from the Rotel
warrJes and they told me that lege and have the enerJY J~ to llzed aleep-pbantuy revolv.a 'nlat'a the order of the ftnt two l'laya de Cortea. ln Guaymu,
wu par for the lJt hole. My re-do home ttudy-especla.Uy dur-around a state of belnr pcueeeed coven on the "New look" Ftsbtf· llfeldeo. where we bad auch a
actJon-thts rame 1a too easy. I lne the .euon. of enough money that I wouldn't man. nnt. Pre.ident Die; tb• pod time u Tom'a peltJI. lut
• • • * * * * * * am not old enoueb to t&M It up. The other conferences ean have to work. Still another (thla old C.Q. "..., mll4e that eradl September. fttt bl• 111!« 'Wtth -~~ .etKf They tell me the course bas been Jearn aometblng from the open one, .arne day, may come true!) about aobW from the aubllme to the Wlllt~ toGD of ,~e., bNt'a b " Hop open for two months and that and above board rules of the ls owntnr my. own boat, Be&· the rJdieuiOua? wake. the .brtad ,, -~by
, no one has pa.rred It yet. Southern and Southwest acboola. worthy enourh to take me to ~-· • c:ou,ucy 91 ~ to ..,... -"
• • • • • • Catalina, where, with company of e LOCJU. ...uuUC'I'I . ever rraWW tJQr ~ lid-. tM
:=>ICI*c:I*CI:X:ICicX:ICICI*:I*CJC*:I*Cl*ICII*::I*cK:JCICII'X:I:* :.•::EDc:I*CI'ZICI'c:I'ICII:X:::•c• e WATD IOOIEJlS • WJI.AT CAXPVSt my own choosing, we would Most of the mlll1ona who .ee eea and the ftlh that an tn Jt. The dey enrtneer bas compUed Before I wrap tht. up, I quote spend happy hours In aome abel· this cover wlll not know, Don't forget to aay .., .. )t you" I edmi,. the couroge and coovidion of Councilmen Stanley
Ridderhof and Sandy MocKay in sionding by their guns in the. face
of almost unonimous sentiment of the oudience. These two counetlmen
voted in favor of gronting a use permit for a second restauront-~r
on 8olbo4 lslond. The majority hod its woy. however, ond the perm1t
a lot of Opres on the percent· an amusing paragraph from the tered cove, bottom·fiahlng, cook· care, who fllled the shoes. the for these tblnp of JU.. that a.re
•1• of water u.en which 1 University of Michigan alumnus: lng and eatlnr the catch, and aox. on the boakhalr In the .a wonderful wben -,.u and 1
undentand Just u well as I do "All-American lim Parker, the just belne plumb lazy. picture. Nor wW they know that celebrate a eertain Blttbc!ay on
the Intricate worklnp of a me-Buck's 262-pound giant euard.l Last week. the unuaua.l feU In I blush to think ol how thln December 25th.
chanlcal or atooUc brain. BUT I played a splendid eame In his my lap-and thla one I never ls the thread between auccas • • •
wos denied by o 5 to 2 vote.
As Gen. Ridderhof put it :
hove to live with myself."
~ dedu~ from them that the final collegiate contest. Contrary even dreamed of. Believe It or and oblivion. Honest Injun, I be· • ftCtU'aK OP 1'0'0
b I praent ~ar,es are unfair, de · to stories In two national maga-not. I'm about to become a na-lleve I took that part!cula.r plc· All Of the. detatb •y be
"It would be eo~y to vote no; ut .atmlnatoey, uDjut and oppres-zlnes, Parker was not urged to tlonal figure, of sorts. Your old ture just to finish a roll Ot fUm. Vf!rY -.lt1ah and eJOCt'fdrle. 'J'he
Both of these counc ilmen. ond olso the Plannintj Commiuion in
its mojority report. based their thinking on the principle _thot the right
to conduct o legit imate business must be protected. It IS easy to g~t
emotional obout public welfore. sofety, comfort ontf morols. but ~ec1·
sions affecting on individuol citizen's rights should not be dec1ded
on the bosis of emotion.
The Pfonning Commission report contoins o number of wei!·
reasoned stotements in support of its decision to gront the use perm1t
for a cocktoillounge. Here are some:
"It is not the function of the Planning Comm ission to legislate
the morols of this busines~. It i~ o Stote function to regulate the
liquor business ond for this it hos closely end well defined regulotions.
"There is only one or-sale liquor est.,bli~hment on Bolboo Island.
This is the Pork ,A.ve nue Cofe The re wos no e vidence presented to the
Commission thot th1s e~tobl shment h.,s e ver creoted ony t~dverse
pro blems m this estobl1shed commerciol oreo. od'ocent tiS it 15 to t1
d welling ore<!!.
It IS not the funct on o f the C ommissoon to use its tlulhordy to
limit compet1l1on ;,.. t~ny type of bus.ness octiv•ty on Bolbot~ lslond
or onywhere else in the city.
'The Commi~sion m<!!de its determinotion on the bos:~ of the
foduol pic ture of the problem in relotion to the spec!fic locot1on,
o~ it endeovors to d o 1n t~ll coses of th1s nt~lure, W1lhout be1ng
influenced by the number of p rotestonts. The Commis~ion does
not believe thot motter~ of thi~ notute con be foirly determine d
me rely by counting the number of people who ore ogoinst o~d who,
lo rgely. <!Ire not neighbors. when oil of the people who m1ght be
immediotely t~ffected, resident liS well liS non resident. ht~ve not h11d
en opportuno ty or do not core to express their opimons.
loo~ these st11temenh over og11in, de11r retlders. especo olly th11 t
l11sl cne Countong no~es '' not the w11y to determine JUSt ce or
moraltty, not even in o democrocy wh ose strength comes from the
freedom to e~e rcise m<!!Jority decisions. Indeed it 1s till the more
importont in our lt~nd o f ma1on ty rule to protect the r ghts of
mo'>crtl ies. eve ., the rig hts of o minority of one songle person.
I ~ee "" ",r,.., rg incl'n ~~~ .... omo~"g our elected offoco11l~ to sw<!!y
w tn the wh .., o f +e moment a nd not to hold fost to the gu•d1ng
p ronc'ple< wf, h never change I om not undermining our woy of ! fe
The s••enqth of our ~11,,0, l'es nor ;" trusting the doy to doy wh1m
of +he m"IO ' If out ,.. the fo llh thllt tn tf,e long run tf,e moor +y
wosdom of free c.tozer>~ will kee p us on the righteous poth.
Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat.. Dec. 13. 14, and 15.
LAMB CHOPS ·~79f..
.. 7ft.
alve and should be aCUustA!cl at atwnd Mlchlean (hla high school C. Q. Caller Is about to bust Into so I wouldn't be caueht with an ~al reaeon why the pletul'e made
once. now and without delay. grades dld not match his foot· print on the coveF-and In full empty camera when one of the eoveF had nothtnr much to
Tbe tacta, when la.ld on the table ball ability I. The Toledoan was a colors-of a national magazine! Mamma C.Q.'s sailfish went Into do with C.Q., The Beachcomber's
face up, do not leave room for viaJtor to the campus ot another My car~r as a eover-glrl-(well, a round of &£>rial acrobatics! Ya, Shoes, Dave Iackman's aoeka,
a.reument. The present charees, school In the State or Mlchtean." sort of ... l begins when the never know! Brandt's pants, or SIJafiex'a rod.
In the tace of the facts, a.re ln-No names mentioned except February, 1957, Issue of the Flsh · The old tlshln' sh~ In the pic-lt'a just Wee 1 said before-It
defenslbl.e. I don't believe a.ny Parker's. You can guess whose erman Magaz.lne hits the news-ture came rrom the Beachcomb· isn't just •Y picture. It's a pie·
member of the eoundl, or the campus l im visited. If you can't, stands. er's, upon our MarJner'a l.flle. 1 ture of any n snerman _ .._.,
council u a body, will come out I give you a hint. A eow college, • • • got 'em before I went t o Mazat.
and attempt to defend lt. nor Initials, Michigan State. e TIIJliLL Jan for the 11th International 11sberma~olng what you-or
wUl the city eoetneer or city • • • A few w~ks ago, we described Light Tackle Tournament. The they -want to do. Actually.
manager. It would be just as fair • HELP TBE TOtrnl CEJfTEil the picture In this column. At the I spot on the left shoe la albacore friend. lt'a just a picture of TOUt
for the gas or electric companies Col. Andy says "Whether you time we had no Idea how Art
to level a meter c:ha.ree to m eet are for me or a gin' me. everybody Hutt. th.t> editor. Intended to use
the cost of supplying these meas-ls for the "Youth Center'' In Co· lt. The big envelope that came I
urt>d commodities. rona del Ma r. last w~k from Oxford, Ohio, let
This much I am able to glean Our newest donors ar~ Mr and the cat out of the bag It eon-
from the engln~r·s figures. Of Mrs Robert Patin. owners of the talned a proof of the February
the 8734 active meters, 8033 are Bon Marche.' wbo have matched cover of the Fisherman Maga.
~-Inch or the household size. the rect>nt donation of the Optl· 1ine Jk>lleve me. It gave me a
That ls 92 7~ or all users. This, mlSt Club for draperies -they blggt>r kick than spotting a gray
lf you are one of them, entitles have also r iven their valuable whalc.> In the Newport Harbor
you to 700 cu. f~t of water. You advke on decoration colors. jetty !
have paid for It whether you use Now Is your chance to make • • • I
tt or not. 5.27~ use less than 100 your Christmas donation to help e THE 81:6 TIME
cu. teet. 39.37% have not used pay the balance on the draperies Looks like I'm running In
the water that they paid for. for the Youth Centc.>r. 1 m ighty Important company, too,
• • • Donations may be sent ·~ The In this cover business. The other e BVSSlAK BEGIXEXTATIOJf Ensign. night mamma C.Q. was looking
Russia's regimentation and I remind you again that dona-at McElroy's TV program. One
We Now Have a Complete ~lectlon of
Phoa. 1.Jberty t-.-o
We Dell.w ADywhere lD eo.ta M..a CID4 EDtin Bart»or Area
171M Jfewport BlYd.., (Jfecu Scdeway) -Coda M..a
subsidization of two Items is pay-tlons to this non-profit worthy of the guests was Fred Dodge.
tng off. Their amateur ( !l ath· Institution are deductible from publisher of the Fisherman. He I
letes and scientists. We have no your Income tax for thla year. displayed a preview coop~y~o~f~th~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cause to be alarmed about tb.elr ::::
athlete~they are strictly for
show. But we should be alarmed
at their system of tumlng out
sclentlsu. Do you know that they
are turning out 50,000 a year
1 and we graduate 5001 by the
simple expedient of sklmmJng off
the cream of the yearly grade
and high &ehool lntelli,ence
crop. sep~lne them from their horoPS, fur hlng the complete
requirements f force education!
What do we do! lf a student
shows an aptitude for math.
which Is the first requirement of
scientific t-ducatJon. do we even
!urnlsh him with a fr~ educa -
tion? Wt> do not. Kids who llke
math art> scarce as hens t~th.
Our urly teaching of this unln·
terestlng subject Is hopelessly
Before you go off half cocked,
let me assure you that I am not
advocating the Russian type sys-
tt>m. 1 do advocate the follow up
o! any child who shows an In·
terc.>st a nd ability In sclentlllc
s ubjects that he be encouraged,
not hc.>ld back with the dumb·
bell~ and the lazy. who grade
nftrr JZrade, year after year. are
passe d along because "we think
It lx't to pass h im."
We should have more free
scholarships which carry every-
thing n~ded that cannot be paid
for hy the parents. I think that
would be money well spent by
the ff'deral government
Also. I think that any student
who shows exceptional clau·
room and athletic ability, wh~
parents ca nnot altord It, should
be given a full scholarship In·
stead of a phony job, at the
!l<'hool of hls choice. (No recrult-
1 ng, pln.se). It 1a stupidly ridlc·
ulous to expect an athlete to
work hls way throueh ac:hool and
put In the houn of rruelllnl
phyalcal rrlnd required to brine
him to btl peak performance.
which In turn. turM the tum·
Fer , ... 1
, ........ be.
uyfftg • • • end
tlal n int tlwrt
. Ylltll ••••• ..
""" t ]to . C.UIIS
59c & $1
p11 ••B SPECW. · $4.
VALUE Ill 41 ens I
3 dimeuioDCd noftlti,. to make your pack-
a~ IDQit attradi••· AJao a grand CIMOrt-
ment of tags. card eadcwur-. atic:ken. ribbon, bows. .
·-------·--·-·------· CEU.IPIIIE -IETIL F-.
HI LIIIEI• Y• .-r LilT . Wl1 LiYE I I I
Colognes, s ·achets
ChOOM from th ... famoua brands:
cmct lottiN, tna -_ft
Jeweled and ~~arette C.• Caiq hr... iillwda, Gta. C Ill
VEL VEl' TAliS witla l..eather So1ee
BEVLON Futurama Li.-tlc*
cmct c •••
CUfEX LQwtidr Charm Braceletl
I Oloree af Cdl
(N••aD .::::r.).
-.... -·.. . ...
,.,-.: ....... ~ ~~----=·
~~~~plete 95~ ~
f caa BY sa1111. J f Thoee Imported Meehan~ Ma.terpiecea J
~. Recommended for Santa'• Little FCJYoritea J
f T._IJJI •110 TIYS J
3127 E. COAST HWY.
to 9i•e and enjoy ior ChrinDaa
of a.orted chocolat•. Cl"eCDDL
nuts. chews and c:n.py center canctiea
I-LB.. $1.35 to 5 LBS.~ $6..35
OTHER GIFT BOXES 12 & S3 1:: London-made, Scale Mode Ia of Popular V ehi.c:les :J
and Clock-work No•eltiea
,. ........ 2lc... 1 ·--------------------------
BUTS-1•0. CDS -lUI .. ·
. :. ~~.::.--·h'fJillflii'9Jill.,..._, ... ,... ........ .... J , • ~~~.,... • • • ... "7.1 ,y,.,.~
'4745 VALUE
• LoCIIIDOifft • Trade
• frs ... t C.. • T ... ..tona.
• Autlllllcltlc Uecou ....
Hey Junior!
Sign up now
at our store
The lucky coupon will be
drawn 2 p.m.
at the
Corona del Mar Phannacy
S.llnlaJ, ... 22
The winner will recei•e
tiWa terrific electric train
Fll TillE Wll "'lVE
Look at our gift and gadget depwtawnt.
Jeweled boutique. inducting ccm opeoen,
tongs. key chaina. miniature aab trays. pill
box ... beU.. etc. * .le"!f•l•• II&W LJP1a ... P•l•l• *
Fll TIE ... 1•1 LIFE c••• I I •
The nu mber of Toastmasters! mlngton. The total right now Is
clubs has gone over the 2300-~2.309.
mark, according to the founder, Mr. Smedley, who lives at 320
Ralph Smedley, who has estab-Orch id Ave .. has establish."<! the
llshed the EducaUonal Bureau orrlce of Education and Research
ln Corona del Mar. of Toastmaste's International at
Mr. Sm edley, himself a rest.1336 Poinsettia 1\ve. Assisting him
dent of Corona del Mar. reports at the office Is his sN'retary. M iss
that there are clubs In all 48 Grace Phillips of Santa Ana.
states, and In Z7 countr1es or
eeographlcal divisions outside of fiiW 11--L-1 an•lfl
continental U.S.A. ......IIWI D
Perhap the most unusual loca-cL.-L Total •• 500 tlon are sboard U. S. Aircraft B 11ill
Carrlers-~me on the Hornet and one on the Coral Sea There are Nine new membt'rs were re
203 Toas tmasters Clubs among relved Into the fe llowship of the
the men of the armf'd rorct>s--Corona del Mar Com m u n I t y
126 clubs In the Air For~. 55 In Churrh laM week, bringing total
the Navy. 17 In the Marine Corps memberhlp to 500
and 5 In the Army. The new memot>rs are Mrs.
The fl n.t r lub In the services Chet Farrar. 620 1\targuerlte Ave :
was organiN•d at El Toro Marlnl' Mr and Mr~ Howard Laurent,
Base. under the leadership of 314 Iris Ave.: Mr. and Mrs. Ches-
Brlg. Gf"n. Stanley Rldderhof, ter McClintock and d aughters.
who Is now a mt'mber of the Molly and tlalre, 314 Evening
NE'Wport Beach City Council. Gen. Canyon Koad, and Mr. and Mrs
Rldderhof. who lives 111 Nl'wport Raylinn Pat11son, 613 Poppy Ave
Heights. was a meml.l(>r ot a
Toastmasters Club for many lusiC 11~ P11t.v for yt-ar~. I Ill J
Thf' Toastmasters organization Y.ti.. M Pr._.....
was started by Mr. Smedley ln 1 ..--·
1924 He organ ized t he flrst club In S~nta Ana In October ot that A presentation of "Mualc and
yf'ar. The growth was at first Poetry for Christmas'' by Muriel
rather slow The 300th club was Donrv-llan. harpist, and Beatrice
chartPr£'<:1 In 1946; that was In Crall. narrator. will be tht> holl·
Whittier But while It took 22 day program for the Amt'riC'an
years for the first 300 dubs. the Association of University Women
next 10 yf'ars saw 1WO THOU· which meets at 8 p.m thll Thurs
SA.1'iD new d uhll fnrmE'd No 2300 day at the E~ll Clubhouse In
wa<~ rhartered last month, in Wll· Santa Ana.
s.~ .... 1, • • • ,,. lllk ...,..,
" ........ ...,_ .... .....
......... M.ry .... ....,. ... ...
HIMiy ....... ••ter.•
St. L* 2:16
fhis historical Biblical scene on
display on the lewn of
00otte11's and Peek mortuaries
780 I Boise Avenue, Midwey City
IL.c.t•4 4irHtly ...... •' w .. biiiMtw w-1•1 ,., ..... ,. .. ••tt ., Hlfhw•y lt. Wltllle ""' •l.i~tt 41tt .. u kt •" 0\o .... c-.ty ,.......,,
Be Her Favorite.' ~ ~
Gift her with .. ; ~ ~
• • • e CAA AWAm>l PA.IITT
The freshmen clau elected tMlr
Class Officers last week . .A.a their
president they chose Tom San-~
doval; vice-preside nt. Bob Warm·
lnaton; aa secretary ~ treaaurerl
Patty Jones; and u lhetr bOard
of control oCflcers. Nancy Max-
1 wel and Tom Markham.
(Co.nllnued on Pa1e :5l
Hurt IHICk Filii
Tt YIIHtr Fr• East
The first G.A.A awards party
of the year waa last week. The
first awa rds were the shields.
which are ~arned a fter 28 pol11ts
h ave been gained. Sophomores
who received t heirs were: Tent
Affolter, Pat Bush , Jeanine Arms-Fred Bolter of Lowell, Mus ..
strong. Lorraln.e Cuthbert. Judy who alone with hla wife, waa
Baker. Wendy Desenberg, Jean !ltaylng at the Crown of the Sea
Bonner, Ginny Dunlavy, Marilyn Motel. Corona del Mar. died at
Bowler, Clem Estrada, Louise 5:00 p.m . Saturday after a heart
Fra nzler, Sandy Fleer, Nancy a ttack.
Fronsman, Pat Fruehllng, Carol The tire department ad mlnls -
Hyden, Janice Hayes, Stephanie tered oxygen until Dr. Joh n Mil·
Heck Linda ue Barbara LJilen-ler of Costa Mesa arrived. Mr.
thai,' Judy Loveil. Barbara Nott.J Bolter s~ftered the attack shortly
Johanah Oqulst, Tina Palalerrl, a fter 4:30 p.m.
Pam Pf'ter!Wn, Robin Rylett. Don · I Mrs. Boltt>r. In a state of hys.
na Smith. Sandy Spurgeon. Pat terla. was unable to give t heir
Walkt>r, Pat Wilcox, Sally White, home address In Massachusetts;
Lu Ellen Davis however. she told authorities t o 1
Juniors who r~IVed them notify her sl111ter. who Jives In Los
were: Mary Coosn-r. Irene Drake, Angeles.
Barbara Harper. Diane Lund, Pat --F-IRS1--C-H_U_It_C_r1_0_P_C_H_It_IS_T __
Ragan, Pat Smith , Ma rilyn Walk· SCIENTIST
er. Page Wt>s tfall, Elaine Whit· )]01 Vle U4o, N.woon koch
man, Donna McGinnis . A bfonc.h of T!.o Molh•• Church, Th•
Thf' NH letters are earned with Firrt Church of Clor'''· Sc••"'''' '" Boo
52 points by juniors and seniors •o", M•nochu••'"
and. under a new system, with Sund•'l' School -··--~ t!l e "' I
44 points by sophomores and Su,.doy S.rv•c• · 11 00 •·"' I Wodn..dey Ev•n•nq ""••''"9 8 00 P"' I fr~hmen. Rood•"9 Roo"' loutod el )) IS Vie The-only junior who earned 1 Lido. Newport S.ech. ;, 0~,. ... ,
on£' was Ge rry Nack. Seniors I deyt from 9 .00 • m. to s-oo p "'·
wert': Roberta Bolten. Nancy Bry· w.d,.•td•Y' fro, ~:00 •. m. to 7·4S
ant. Linda Cannon, Laurie Hen-p.m. Fr.doy ..,.,.,,.9, fro, 7·00 P·"'· to I
ctrlrkr4. A n n Lard n e r, Judy ~:00 p.m. CIO&Od HoliQ.Y'·
Sutherland. Tho publoc '' co•d•elly invotod to ••
Girls who have f"ari'V'd their ••nd '"• church ._,k•• ond u•• tho
MuM,~-~ a
The shirt-waist front eyelet em-
broidered and edged with deli-
cately embroidered sheer. Ribbon
streamers, nylon, of course, tie in •
back. The wide sweep of a skirt
billows out from the moulded waist.
From . . . ..... l
I ~~
• , OPU
etne~ s ~n
fi rst !4tri!M' at 56 points a re : lleed•"o Roo ....
Nancy Bryant, Linda Cannon, -------------~-----~-------------------===============....-...-
Phylll:o~ Milum. Ann Lardner, Sue
McCarthy, J udy Sutherland. Se-c·
ond stripes went to Cathy HoU-
man, Nan ~ynolda, Allee Burns.
Sharon Brll lrS· Claudl Gentosl,
Helf'n Hart. Taccoa Hayes.
atwul tiU eluvtcA o.t · ~ efuJke
Girls who earnE'd both first and
s~nd were: Anita M~lland.
lk>tty Shannon, Diane Swanson.
------11111 .... _. EltrJ Wllk ••nat•ll .. Y• ------
Third stripes went to: Claudia
Gc.>ntosl, Helen Hart. Taccoa
Precr .. lh•
At Jn•lll Hall
-W. l .. lt.. C........ 1115 •..-... 1t.. c-t....._ M...,...t ...._ .. ..a. lt.. t.lbelty.... hlten .... cu.. ,., ... _. •....-t ..... .... , ..... w. ........ t.lbelty a.Ylll t.ailltY .. ,.
Sunday: 9:30" a.m., Cbureb Sun-Sunday Servtoes: Sunday School. .W. D. 1(. ..........
day Sch.ool: 9:30 and U :OO 9:30 un. Momtne Wonhlp at Saturday Momtna Servica: Sab·
a.m. Mominl. W.-.hlp---7 p.m. ·10:30 a.m. Ev~Litk Serv· bath School: 9 :30 a.m. -Ser·
CoUeae Ap MYP' Servtc:e-7 1-7 p . .m. s y NY Po mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet·
p.m. Hllh School MYF Service; s'"~p. m. Sunday~ Pr•~er . mHt': lne: WedM*tay, 8:00 p.m. 8 p.m ., youne adultl eroup · ' -eervlce. Ina. 7:30 p.m. Wedn8day. OWlY•••• liT COIOIVJOTi' Special monthly proe rams for __ ra.I..OWSIDP
the young people detained at T'IU cau ... OJ' CIDJIT T'1U CAU8Cil OJ' CII8JST .. .._ ~ JuvPnll~ Hall art' bt'lng present· 1050 Qtlftll lt.. eo.tll ..... Odtl r ...... Loclp. OS a. 17'a lt.. c.tll ..... f'd by the Newport Beach Junior r.u..ty 1·5711 l ... ..,._. A"'-Dr. C:..lee ..._ftlt
El><'ll club under the direction of &. C. J--. ll'•'etw e-ta .... Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morn-
Mrs. Richard Hodge. w e I f a r e Sunday ~~ervlces: 9:45 a.m. Bible ,._ ~~1-S~ tn1 worsb.lp, U :00 a.m.
chairman. With the Idea or pre -atudy: 11 a .m. momln1 wor· • r .. !4entlng programs that children ahlp; 6 :00p.m. eventnelervtce. Sunday Servtcea: 9:45 a.m. B.ble J'DIIT All&k&Y or QOD
UndAr normal living conditions Midweek aervtee, 7:30 p.m. ltudy; 10:!55 LD). worthlp Mr'V· l2lld lt. &acs.Aft..c.tll.._ .. Th rsday lee; 7:30 p.m. evenlfte Mrvlce. r.a..ty 1 ma would enjoy, the club selected a u · ••• ad II. C. c:i.-Jc. ,_._
cha rm class In November. Mrs. CBmiT CAUIICII ft '11m lEA Sunday School: 9 :30 a.m. Wor· c F.: Holloway of the Verna Mil· c-..al~ ~ ... 1 10... .a -1•-
th I • ... p: :..v a .m. anu evan.~.-ler School of Charm gave e pro· acdboa....,. at ttll t.. ..,..... aervke...t. 7 :10p.m. Youn• People ~ram. which was also attended ~ 1111 and Ullldl'en'a ServiCe, S:30
by Mmes. Dean Gorton. Peter ...Wa .... ..,. A. Cca1.loe S Sch 1 45 M p.m. Sun. Mid-week Selvfce:
Pa ..... ,..l and Richard Hod ge of the Sunday Wonb.lp, 9 :30 a .m. and unday oo : 9 : a.m. om-Weclnetday, 7:30 f.m. Ladle.' ~.. 11 a.;m. Cbufcb School, 9:30 1n1 Service 11:00: Eventnc cluh a.m. Midweek M~: 7:00 Service. 7:i>. MJd:week Serv· Mt..lon.ary Cound Thursdays
Slated for Dec. 14 Is Mrs. Fr811k p.m. Wedne.day p ed by Ice, Wed n e 1 day, 1:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. for aU day.
ft. AlfD..W.
fiiDrl1'lmiAif -~ .... u•aca,.. •• lt. £ lt. ...... 114. -----a....l ID If 1-lm ...._ ..... J--LI...._..
SUNDAY: Momtna wonblp,. 8:30
and 11 a,m.: Churdl Scbool.
9:30 and 11:00: lr. Blah. Sr.
Hlab and coUep ap Fellow· ahJpe. 1 p.m.; 'l'flu.raday, Prayer,
atudy IJ'OUp, 1:30 a.m.
CBU"BCB OP Oft LADY o1' ..,., c.awn
l"l W, ...... ....._ 11....-t ~-~· raa.a:=.._·,._..., p ............... .............
Sunday K._: i :OO and 10:00
and 1.2:00 LID. Conf-lon: Sat•
urdaya and en.. of lit PrtcJaya
and Holy DQI ftom 4:00 to 5:.80 p.na. and &om 7:10 to 1 :10
p.m. Dall_y MUI8:00 a.m. Plrlt rrtclay: 8":10 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
If o., en a (Perpetual Help):
Moa.cJay, 7 ~4.5 p.m.
PPrew or the !K'nlor Ebell Club. 6:15 p.m. potluck. Young people meet 6:1!5 p.m. J'DIIT IOGIIIDM UPI'IIT
who will elve two readings tor Sunday. IEWu-co.olrA DIL 110
Chrlstmu Joining In the pro · ST. JOACIIDI CBUIICII ISO W. Jl..ii. it: C......_ COIDIUMITY ta08CII
gram wtll be Juniors M.mes. Ed · liN ~ Aft..1•1eo.tca•1 ...... LMft~B lD 1 rttr 1-loiiS IJ~~: ...
ward Kelly. William McCook. r.u..ty ~.~ ,_._.Dr ....... a.,._ ~
Jam-Newlin. Sterling Paris and J'atiMr ~ J, Jrn'la 1501 CUff Dr. M...-t IMI9Jitll Su•utay ~ t:f.5 a.m.· church ......, -•• ..........._ ....__ ...... .... ltmday M••n • 7. I. I. II ...S ~I.Jal aervlce ·.00 a.m. :.t..-:-,.... ...... ---Gfflrgf!' Gurr. 11 30 Week.da: M t nam.~.. Sunday Worthlp Senkw: 1:30 On Jan. 4 Dorothy Jo Swan-: a.m. ya: .. a .... J ..... Union 1 l.m. Sundy. Ewnlfta 11 00 M>n of the Dorothy Jo Dance 7 :00a.m.-ConfeuJon: SatUr· Duplicate momlne aervlce.-8:30 wtnhlp • f .. m. Suntla,J. Teach· ~ ._ni. a.m. Sun4a,y Scbool:
Studio will teach b allroom dane· d~ from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to a.m . and 11:00 a.m.. Sunday; ftW aDd omc.n ~p.m.
Ina . Later pro-arna Include a S. p.m. _ Sunday School tor ecbool ap Wedneeda.)'. Prayer and -J .. ... t 9 .. ,. -N .. .-lltble .WQJ 7:45p.m. Wednel· ••• AICD KJ'IICO•AL ventriloquist. a mechanical man J'DIIT urniT c:aoaca IJ'OUP. a : .... a ..... ; ... ~, da: a. .._~lkw;:wt .._.
and dog act. ~~quare danctnl and OP M&WIOIIT provided for both eerv1cea and y. _ a.
educaUonal fUnu. ....... ...._ ... & c...t It&. Sunday School r 1"1111T CAUIICII OP QUill .... J ... & ...._ ...._
... 1. L ........... =~.:=. IT.JOIIIfYWIDY ,. ... fit:.~ ..... SUn~=~:l~~=-• -HI Sunday aervtc:e.: 9:45 a .na., Sun· 114 ~ =-lelad -._ lee. 11 a.m., wonbf' .....SC.. _. Aaala .... .. day Sebool; 11:00 a.m.i Wor· r .... ·--Wit-..... Sunday khol.: t :15 a.m.. SUn-TIUI ..... .J' Sen1ca: :1.5 a.m.
WI .,.... ahlp Servte.~ ~m. undu Sund•• ~~~~~lm. 6 t !80 day Service: U :OO a.m. Wed· ::=n.Gulld; 10:10 Holy c:om.
Julius A. Chutaln, 73, of 2(JS7% even l.n.f: ce, Mid-Week a.ri'eaate.ton: Saturday~ and ;.~!l ~~=:f'~f: lj~
Newport Blvd .. Colta Mesa. dJed ~c:e. ·30 p.m. We4M14ay eva of .lit J'rtciQI anc1 RolJ K IIMdt. open t a.m.. ftMT ~ caoaca
early Saturday, Dec. 1, in Roac Prayer KeRtnc. Da,..; 1:30 to 8:10 p.m.; r1nt 5 p.JIL week dafl! 9 a.m •• 'f:45 ..... AM A-. • w ... , ..
Hospital atter an extended 111· ~ &Uiiai.T or GOD P'rfdq Kul 8 a .. m. p.m. We4Mic1aya, 7-9 p.m. )-rl. er.e. ..._
ness. Mr. Chutaln. a nattve of 107 w • ..,.1111111. -L tla.1 ~... .... •· G. .... -...
Jlllnols. owned and oper'ted a C......_ Clliliil LUIWIIU CBUacA 8u..nclq lenlow: t :• a.m. lull·
sh oe repa ir buaJ11eu on E. 17th LD ~ t1r CIOn'A laiA 8AL80A IILAirD ~ lcbool· 11 a.aa. WOI'IbJt
St eocta Mesa. He bad been llV· .... C. & iWWI •• (XIIII~~ tOiiiiO~ M&IW leiftca: ~:JO p~ ._....
1ni here aJnce 1948. Mr. and Mrs. ~-= rr·~; A••tt=e.JJ::-~~=•-== ='= ~ ~:!.~~:': JM. Chastain aelebratecl tMtr 50th .J,...alllt ....._ 1:• .m. ...._. .... ......._ ,...... .,.._ .. ,.,, PtaiM ~· 1:JO
wedc1Jn1 annlv~"'.!!· .. 1 104...,._ ...._ 1:• La. landu .. wte.: ......._. Sen.· Sunday I en• I ~••: t:ao a.m. ~· -~= 1iiH -:.': Mr. Chutaln lllnD""n-.o •I ". ~. ".............. a' ......... Moot at atuldt ldlool· .... U4 U:OO .,_, a.. ~; 1:10 wtte. Anna Mae, 2 aoftl. ._ymond lee .,. ,....'!• 'IIJ'. tO:U a.& · LIL W .... iriwtoe. ...,. .._,. ...,__........,
of San~ Ana. and Artbm of ~~r-~---~i---;iiiiF~iiii;i~;f~==Qiiia.ii~~nr-;n=;;;r----~~Ci2t=i;;p;;~Pi~~·~;;~i;i;~i;~~i Oranee: .:z daupten. Mil. Fran· TIIIB A ''I GAL p+tq IY 1'11111 CIVIC~ fW Ala) .... ALl
cte DeMaree ancl M.rl. Kenneth
PlckerlnJ, both of Santa AM: 11 STAf'OAD 1 SON
rrandcllUdren and 2 srtat·IJ'and· EARL w STANLI'f ....,
chUdren. • • 'l'uneoral .,..._ ..,. beld .... ....,... ......, ._ ,,.
Dee 3td In Palbt Chapel. wttb ............... l'nl
die a.v. ak:bard ~ omctatti'\J. ...._ ..._.
..-w ,... nurdiiDI
lit. aad Jlra. PraDk llude ot ~,.. ........ ,.....,
Mr.UdllnLOWiel8. ....... ot•na u.o...._..,....._ ............
..... c:....,o. .... c , .......
MDW.W...~ .... ......,_
Oh, the matte of avi1tmu . · ·
tbe ......... the plxWtadnl
oC ..wntpt ... u tile *'-* -.1,., the orp.n oo tile
.......... atnadt • ebGrd aDd
bl.a.lad forth with a ~
... fte eana and~ dallk1ftl and the oranr-and
.,apefnltt apUled th~ all ave t.be floor and were rolllnl 1n
the al8M •..
* * *
._..a..-·~~··· ....... ••Jill Ida a I II II' .................. ................. ,..,... ... -we ........... _ ..
.__ r r'• rnat'J.._ ...S a-.. ..... -. ........ ..................... ............................ ... .. ......., J*llda .......
Ou a... .. ..uc ... cl.lfW·
Grant Bertulett ol eo.ta Meu their little fontp ear, wttlcb Ia
Ia oow the eoloallt at the Chrla· fol.lowtq tiMnl home.
tlan lclenee CluaJ'cb ln Newpori. • • •
A pany held at '7tilcan. Blutr N9~1 Jtftny Baker, wbo aane 1'hat bea.ut:U\&1 bJr boat tld1ne
home ol Mr. aft4 Mia. Edward A. tb.,. for about a yeflr. Grant hu o-. tide In front ot MnL Amber ~ lUI Doll*lo Terra., 1\IJll with Civic u,tlt o.-a 1ft MaMe'a home on Udo Soud Ia lrvtne Terra~ oe rrtday &n· tbe .,._ etty u4 1a bett« 1u:aown t!Je newly named "'Zaroya .. be·
ROUnC*l to ~ tiM .,., • .,.. Ml'eabouta t« 11M ...... "1 role ln lonrtnr to the T. F. Quinn ln.
nMftt of tMir dauPW. Ann. to ''Soutla Padfle,.. tbe tremencloua ot M5 Vla Udo Nord. who ,..
lack FAI'.IDft ol -....-. ptOduetJon put on b)' Oranp eentJy broulfrt the boat down
Tlt.e U.... Ot tie diAMr party Cout CoJ.Jeee lut aummer. from San Francs-co. wu an on.tal lliOdt lD lleeplq • • • · • • •
with dM taOIMo wlalda Ia ll~· 8oullda like lUre wtll be aya Thlrt'J local ehUdm\ wtu ap-1~ WO ~ «*~ ol and daya ot ~~ at the pear on tlw "I Love Lucy" ~Je. art. -•IUeh tbi ......... col· Balboa Bay aub arouDd !few vWon ahow nat Monday eve-
lacted clurtnc tla,etr -Dt trip to Year'L Kember'S .,. Invited to nine. In !A Anreles bWIIIy tnak·
the fM aut move Into one ot the apartment~ lnr arrancemf'flta tbla wMk tor The enaapd eo\Cple are plan-lor the mttre week-.ocl it t.My the lhow wen loanne and hplto
ntnr to be IIIMirW .. the Harbor wlab ... Oft acoount ot there w1J.1 hrft. former Corona del Mar 1ft·
area 80mft.lme 1n June. be dlnner ancl andnc with the tdenta who have a daMe acad-
BBC &ounden on J'rlday, SatW'· em.y Jn Santa Ana .
day and SuncSay--a rata New • • •
Year' a Eve party featurlnc Mrs. K.enneth 'n\oml*M" ot
pheuant. it you wlab-a Sllvet Santa Barbara. tbe former Alma
Fizz party beefnnJnr at 9 a.m. of Cole of the Harbor .,.., hu been
e; P f. iii -· the New Year followed by brunch vt&Jttne Mt.a Marllyn Wbwler of
(Oonttftutitt &om Pare f ) from 10 to 1 p.m.. foUowed by Corona del Mar. e ~ ... P'TI either color or black and white -------
Tri·Slama. IUI'•Ionor dub, •• TV vtewtnc of tbe Roee Parade Judy Math .• a 's apon.orlng a ctrtw for small and Game -foUowed by more
OIIT•u•••• STav•u•
tttit1 1M
Jlllfflll .. l
Chrl.stm.u preMntl f~ the All dinner and danctnc! w dd• S Ra~'a rOG.Ddatloll lD 1.a. An· • • • e 1n9 et -IT ~-'ftle toondaUon Ia a bome Schoolmates at both Harbor at W. a,.. ·
tor teen-ace lfrla ~oae !amJJies Hlch and Orange Cout Co~e. f F b &AnA UA
are unable to provide them with Ml..M Joan ~en Tonne and Rich· Or e ruary
even the barest necnaltla They ard Earl Herndon. have decided lll8a M~ ..._ will .-
Invite these etrll to come and to make it a llletime tow80DW. Formal announcement of the ....,.ar at U.. 1aata A.-..._
u.ae thelr tacllltles. The bride-to-be Ia the daughtn eoneacem.-nt of Ml.u Judy Ma-• ec1Mdaled diM .. w-.
Harbor ltudenta are urged to of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Tonne of thlaa and Don Ritter wu ma~ at 11M wW acdla -•• n 01
bring gttu for these efrlL The Coeta Mesa. RJchard Ia the 10n a dinner party held earl~ thla .,._ a.. Ont .. tM .,._ •
presents may be anythlnc from a of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herndon. month at the VUla Marina fin. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ gencll and paper to halrplna; a also of Costa Mea. No date hu taurant. Balboa laland. The .;i
(Marcie Price Photo) comb, lipstick, tooth brush. etc. been aet for the weddlnc. younr couple are planolnc on an
lf1BI Dlr ~ELLZGIUX Do not spend over fllty cents. • • • early February wedd1nr.
---------PJ~aae bring your wrapped rifts Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davia Jr. are The brlde·to·be Ia the daurhter C h • t p rty I S I t d to Mrs. Patter110n'1 office In the just home from their European of Carl Mathias of lQO Acate r1 S maS a S a e girl's rym or put them under the jaunt In time for the holldaya. Ave., Balboa laland. and the late
tree In the Social Hall. Make their They vtalted 10 countries and Mrs. Mathlu. She Is a Jrfaduate . By Woman's Civic League Chmtmu mnry and New Year covered "beaucoup" miles In ot N~ Harbor Hlch School
happy. and Ia workJnr at the Newport e nDBJIAW CAaiJn:T Harbor Bank. The Woman'a Civic J...cague of Newport Harbor Motherslngen. The freshmen rtrt• now have Ea...-.H ~ Hn lla~ Is aJ.ao a craduate
Newport Harbor wm hold Ita De· directed · by Mrs. LesJle Steffen· the Fre~hmen Glrl'a Learue Cab· ~ f"''IIIIIOIH o1 Harbor HJrh and of Oranre
cernber meetlnc at 10 a.m., Tues. sen and accompanied by Elva lnet. The efrla were M.lected by Cout Collere. He Ia the 10n ol
day at the Community Youth Elsner; Chrl.stma..s Dramatics by the Glrla' Leaeue Cabinet and Mr. and Mrs. Gus RJtt~ ot 212
...... tbe w.. oC wtakta ...
bedylaa8 ................. .
We abr cWJPtf1ally _.. .a.-
J ....... ·A-.C~•
lllatld rtaJ .. , •• J.u.t ...... ............... _.
Center, 5th and Irla Streets, Coro·l studenta of Orang~ Coast Col-
were presented at the Freshman e PaOGESIOIIS I 39th St., N~rt. and ls now em·
na del Mar. lege; Readfngs -Cllts of the &s!!etnbly. Mrs. ~ McCavren of 342J> p,llo~y~ed~_!at~Sa~uru~a.~ ____ _!3111iillilliiliillilillililililililli!: Mrs. Robert Marshall, profYam Magi." 0 . Henry. by Jim Ander· The ef.rls are: Chrl.stlne Mar· exe.n Blvd., Corona del Mar. will "..:
beGt witla ·-......... "" ........ t ................ .
.. .., ... ::nt .......... ....
. . . W..w."t ........ .... ................ ~ .....................
Oocltw =· ...... tbe ....... ot a pa.ada ....,~, ..
* * *
chairman. hu arranged the fol· son. and "The Utlle Match Clrl." gante. Nancy Mangan. Susan entertafn members of Ebell Pro·
lowinc Chrtatmas program: Hans Christian Anderson, by Nealy. Nadine Fox. Ann Huma greaaors 1 section at her ho~ on
Sandra WUJiams ; Chorlc Verse-son. Julie Jordan. Susan wtnr. Wednesday, Dec. 19. for a Christ-
Modern. humorous version of Judy Co1llna J«llyn Godby and mas party beginning at 1 p.m
"Night Before Christmas," leader' Mary Jo ~liy . Party Bob Bulin. A fuh lon show. lllust:ratlng the e PaOGESIOIIS 0
•Mrs. Jack B. Cunningham Is Do's and Don't of uniform regu-Mrs. Ell.zabeth Nobel of Harbor Even .lng donating a Chrtstmu tree. which lations. was given by the cabinet. Fth Is ~n ~~~argecof ~~~!:~ will be decorated by members oC1 On Thursday evening a dinner or e • 0 a r~ a a
• the League and left for the en· wu h eld In the HYing area of the ln lA Angeles being planned by
Ruth Hummel of Three Arch oyment of those using the Com· Home Arts buUdJnc In honor of members of EbeU PfotTeuors n
Bay will entertaJn members of munlty Youth Center during the the freshmen c1rl'a league coun· eec:Uon. Followtnc tbe vlslt to the
Zonta Club of Newport Harbor at I holidays. The meetlnr will be ell. Their dulles f., the year were cathedral, the group will have
A marinated ateak a Ia Dez her home tonJcht (Thursday>. for followed by a "sandwich bullet." dlscua!ied at that time. luncheon.
bunt Ita ceUophane wrapplnp the club'• annual Chrlatmu par· Donatlona of usable card tables Also at the dinner were Mary e COIOIJTTEE XAMED
•.. "I'm pln1 over blC . · · I'm ty. Special euesta for the evenlnc for the Community Youth Center Lou Stal, f~ advt.or. and the New committee appointment&
the &DIW&'f to many people who wt1l be Chrllt.lna Stance. e'X · are requested Thew are to be rnflnMn ot the reruJar cabinet. for E})ell Club. concerned with
want t.hel.r lltMka alrHdy mar1· cbanr• atudent from !weden now brouaht to tbe meetlnc or tele-Monday the troah coundl and bulldlnc the new clubhouae now
nated ... rm Da'a apedal redpe attendtnr Newport Harbor HIJh phone Mrs. Frank Karel. Harbor membert ol the cabinet decorat· under conmuctJon. are Mrs. Ll'
... Somet.lme8 I'm a T·bone, School; Kec Andrew. of Harbor 1081 J. for coUectJon. ed the Ch.rl.st:mu tree for the Roy Stanton and Mrs. George
80mettmes a top. 80D.'Ietlmet a Wchlanda. who wu local U · Mrs. Jack B. Cunningham. hot· school library. Alter school Ia CurT, junior member, on the
New York ... Who can tell what chance .Cudent to ~ny lut pltallty chalrman. wUl be assist· closed for the holiday vacation turnJture comroJtte beaded by
Oft wUI fix ... But I'm crabbed summer; and Valerie D Amato. ed by Mmes. A. Spencer. Karl s.
the tree wUl be given to a needy Mra. Bull htfnOn, and Mrs
up 80 fast I never have mud\ recipient of the Zonta ~holanhlp Ax1ater. Robrrt Rea. lamJly. Horace Parker. Mrs. A. B. King
time to ret aequalnted round award. An e-xchance of eflta will and junior members. Mrs. Dean
hne ... Mo.t people order me be held. d H ld b Gorton and Mrs. John Colby on
ahead 80'1 I never cet to lee the II .• , F•w• ...... Pie ge Banquet e y the Interior color decorators com
ahowca.aes .•. " -• ••• -•--mJttee headed by Mrs. E. C
* * *
n. ~ "hM r..-
ootaa'-1 ...... ...._ ._ .............. .,. .. ... ........................ .... ,.,..,. ............ . ... ,... __ ,..._ ..... . .... , ..... ,... ......... ..... ......... ,... .,.. .. -....................
........ ... .. --••. Aaf· body ................. ....
-...... --· at'cally 91t11 a ft_t,_ lrl t.e .. · ·-·••11' Oz ~,..:::.:: .........
w....Wiawta ......... . ......... ...,. ...... ,.., ........... 01-,...., ...... T•..._. .... , .. _. .............. ~-· ..........• , .....
...... , £1111 .... ~
lt ... ., J 1 ° ........ -·
.......... til ... •
* * *
It .,, ••• .. •••••n Beta Sigma Phi Chapter _Twt_ch_ei_J. ------
A number ol Harborttea are
maklnc plana to attend the
ChrUt.maa dinner and fashion
show to be held tomorrow nl1ht <• rId a y) at the Caplatrano
Beacbcomberl Club. TWo bands
wtll be featured and Chet and
1111 Farrar of the Arthur Murray
Dance Studio, Co.rona del Mar,
wt11 do exhibition danclnc .
Mu EpaUon chapter of Beta lng wa.s held preceding th.e
Sigma Phi held their pledge ban· pledge ritual. Mrs. Elale Eggett
quet Dec. 5 at the Newport Har· read the minutes from the first
bor Yacht Club. City Council meeting which waa
Eleven new members receiving held December Jrd .. presided over
their pledce ritual were Mrs. G. by the newly elected prealdent
N. Noland. MrL Marvin Jteece. Mrs. Cla rf:nce Hardln. Members
Mra. David Stone. Mrs. Margie were urged to continue to collect
Baker. Mrs. John MilLer, Mra. Don clothing for the annual rummage
Koivisto MrL Ronald La\n, Mrs. sale to be held In February.
wm Sa~nders Mrs. Robert DaY· Plana were completed for the
OPPIC&JII WJVU MI:IET en~ Mrs. Robert Moore, and chapter's Christmas exchange
Mrs. 1. R. GUl of Cocta Mesa Mrs. Janice Hales. They were party to be held Dec. 19 at the
wu a member of the committee welcomed Into the chapter by home of Mrs Ernest Waltze, 1530
which made arran,ementa for Mr.. John Buabe. vice president E. Ocean Blvd .. Balboa .
b k U Exemplar chapter members the Oftlcera Wives Clu coc ta and pledre captain. will &180 take part tn the Onlst· party held Saturday at the El M'-,._th 1 Ba e led the ToJo Officers Club. Ent~rtaln· ... ..-er ne u r mu party. Secr~t Sl.stera will be
ment from the weekly El Toro crouP ln the traditional Beta revealed and new ones wtll be
teleYtlton ahow waa t eatW'ed. Slema Phi Grace. A ahort meet· drawn for the coming year . ... , ... , ... ,.-... .. , ... , .. , .... ,.t,~~~---~~---~--
Open Fridays Till9 P.M.
8:30 1UJ 5:30 Fr1~12 Noon 1UJ 9 p.m.
285C E. Cout Bwy. -RA 5137
Corona del Mar
A Canadian 8pr\K'e puahed Ita
way out ln front. "11l:Tve never
had the W.. of me before • • • See how preU7 1 paint up .•. M1
tollap ta to tlllak tile paint ms-80DM ~ f/1. me ~ to
the br&DCIMI aDd abDo.t llwt
tbe eftec:t rill tDa4e of allllcl • • • Don't I look ~ with tllJI ta·
turecl effect .•• !Cot. a.t colorr'
hold-everything handbags m "Italia" in Ronay's superb
antiqued leather that is water repellent and colorfast.
* * *
Aa ............ ,.. ........................... ...:....;... ... .., ..... ....
...... _ • ._. .... ....,, st' .. .., .. , ,,._...., ... •
111 .............. , ...
• IDc:lucMe ltalmat ..... v ., I I •• 7 Ill
Below: "Ai9ht 8 12," an inspired example
of true tailored el.qance.
Ri9ht: "Round Trip ' with its pro-
YOCatiw ~shoe shape.
Two of the many beau-
tiful gift handbags at ...
Del a(! Is . 0 . Compulsory Unifying Of 13o,. kouts ::¥;tN =~
Of t u m H. P5enh•ng 1 c!~ ~:-.=.. ~"'.,:. School Districts Likely ::~=~~ ... ~ ~.!: ~,:O!~~d:: ~
OS a MeSa I c 00 4~ at hS. home afte> a brief ID· s~ m..e--D ...... ~ ported _. eonunlttMfl*'o ww be held =~o:!j,~f> :-m-a.m.~.:' ne.a. He wu a native of Muaa· -~ a ... ._.. .. re empoweJ"~ to toree u~tJon. W~. Dee. 1J, at the Sea ----· ' •
It wou14l>e wWltW Wftldl\1 to Lnu:necUately. Be aatd that the bid cbu.Mtta and had Uved here 8 to • H~ Harbor Blah rqardlea of lbe wa.bea of local Explaw .... en UN Cout Hwy., ~Y In CJorona del Mar School:
CCNAt an ~ tbe ...., ht&b probably woulc1 call tor comple· )'HI'I. SehooJ truatA!ee Konday on a pro· .ICbooJ boards and voten. Newport J1Meb. 9.30 a.m. W.clnaday tn the
81ebool Ia eo.ta W.. rea~ for tlon ln 360 calendar daya. In World War I, Mr. Baker ~ law to force unJficatJon ~ Locally tt eoulc1 mean eompul. e co.olfA 81:1. MD Hel&h~ Sehool OCC'U,._,. ~ tM ..cooct ...-. Trustees HadeS RJna and Mra. .erved wtth an arttDery dtv1alon .ICbooJ dt.tnct.a. AMY unlfleatlon of the HJab An oraantadonal meettnr ol -------
tw of U.. bat -=bool ,.ar. 'nlts Ronald Barlow both expressed In ..tbe Army. Be .erved with pro-Tbe btU wu enc1oned by clty SehooJ Dlstrlct and the Newport the Corona del Mar Explorer ~ bad ~ a~ Ada.
wu tM ~rt rtwn M'onday to hope for second semester open· ducer John PoreS ln a photocra· ecbool aupertntendt'nbl medina Beach and eo.ta Mea elementary 17 wW be held at 7:30p.m. Mon· ••• • ••• ••••••
the N~ Harbor Hlp School tna. phlc unit of the Navy attached to In San Francl.lco lut week. The dt.Uicts Into a atnale llchool dla· c1ay at the poet'a loclp, adjacent
Boanl ~ Truteee by Arc:hltect Mr. RJng said, "I bate to think the oUlce of stratea1cal servicn State Lefl.alatu.re Is expected to .trlct. The Costa Mea trustees to the Youth Centu. Explore.n
Gearje Und. of overcrowdec1 classrooms here In World War n. He wu a pho· a~ on It Warty ln 19tW. l)ave req\testec1 aucb untftcatlon are lnvlted to brlftl their fathen
He repcwted that the plana while a new school is standing toarapher and lecturer, and, In de b _.,P1 rovtdet that lt a anc1 the matter wtll be dl.lc:uueci to the "Chart. Nllht" re-orpn.l·
lhould be baek by the middle of empty." his late years, h6 was assistant stu Y of Unu cation la not voiun-zatlon meetJnc. At tb.l.l meetlna,
Januuy trocn the State Dlvlalon Mr. Lind and Supt. Sidney credit manager of the Los An· tarUy lnltlated locally by 1965, at an Informal meeting of the boys who have reached their 14th
and would be put out to bid Davidson polntec1 out that com· geles Herald Express. the Stat• Board of Education Ia 3 boarda on Jan. 10. bltthda)' may join the post.
p-lrCifes Slap
8040 · Defeat
pletion and occupancy are two Survivors are his wife, Mary;
dlfterent things, that much work a son. Wendell. Jr. of Los An·
wtll remain to be done alter the geles; 2 daughters, Mrs. Barbara
buildings are completed. Mr. Quarry and Miss Laura Baker,
Davidson said It would be lnad· both of Co$a Mesa; a brother.
vlsable to hire a completl> start Norman of Hollywood; and 2
for the new school when there grandchildren.
was doubt as to completion date Funeral ~rvkes were held yes.
The Trustees approved a $9. terday at Parke Costa Mesa
The Oranae Coast College bas· 533.71 warrant for Thomas Min Cha~l. with the Rev. Joseph
ketball team rot back In the ear for 90~"'r completion of clear McShane. oftlclatlng. Interment
winner's circle Tuesday night ing the school site on the former was In Harbor Rest Memorial
on El Camino
when they deteatec1 the w arriors Army Air Base. A warrant for Park.
of E1 ca.mJ.no 80 to 60 on the I $1.793 for surveyor Jack Raub
home court. was a lso approved a1tt>r the DIIC8 Sfi.I10IO Party
The Pirates will journey to trustees had questioned why thr •
Oceanside Junior College. Next survey had not listed 3 building The Corona del Mar Arthur
week they wtll participate In the foundatiOns. Murray studio will hold a Christ.
Cbafley T ourney, beginning Mr. Raub said that locating all mas benefit party at 9 p m.
1 Wednesday. structures would have meant Tuesday at the studio. Admission
Calderhead's Jewelry
3113 E. Coast Bwy., C. D. M.
Harbor M20
, for H/1 $160.00 ~ ____ .._
3123 E. eoc.t Bwy. Coach Stu Inman's occ var· walking every Inch of the 70 acre to the annual benefit ls by dona· ,
1 slty basketball team suUered site. tlon of clothes for Korean or·
their ft.rst defeat In the young ::...Ph_a_n_s_·------------------------------------------------==--~~~~Corollcr~~~·~~~~~~cu~~~~
basketball ~ason last week-end. Cockta.•l Bar -----------· as they dropped a 68·63 contest
to San Joee ln the semJ-flnals of I 5 Voted Down the Bakersfield tournament, de·
spite the fact that guard Denny
Fitzpatrick talllec1 17 points. Ptrate cagers c1rubbed Fresno !<f>ntlnuec1 from Pagt-ll
In the openlna rounc1, 53.32, be· 1later h1s tenant moved out. Sinet>
tore falllna to San Jose. Leroy 1 then he has not been able to get
Stevens paced the Dues wtth 10 another tenant, a!ld therefore de
counters and subst.ltute Bill Wet-~ clded to get a liquor ~rmlt so zel potted 8 that he could open a restaurant
San lose i.ed the Pirates. 36.31 and bar and recoup ~is loSS(>S He
at the half. but Inman's cage-rs discovered that a liquor permit
rallied back to close the gap was available for this area ancl
early ln the second half. The was able to purchaSE' OI'V' for
northern school continued to find :·~rFEBS TO SELL
the mark and went on to edge . .. the Pirates out of competition 'Then the shooting <;tartecl. ht>
Fresno trailed the Dues by only re~arked.
two points 21-19 at the est ·I 'If you do not want anotht>r
rlod of the 'openl~g game, rbut ~e cocktail lounge on tht>. bland:.''
OCC defense held them to but 13 he challenged the auclu•nce. I
points In the second half. offer you my property for saL" f•Jr -============~ exactly what I pa1d for It If ynu r I don't want a bu~in<'S<~ distrirt on
the Island. Why don't you votl' a
bond Issue and r<'mOvl' II?"
1 Commenting on the ch:n~l'
that "th~r<' arC' t>nough bars on
the Jslanrl." hi' ~aic1. "Monopol)
1 e"<i~ts on th.t> Island. and monop
1 oly is bad Comp<'tition nl'\'l'r
hurt anybody"
1 H<' as.c;erted that problems with
tPen.ag<'rs comP not from alto
1 hot but mainly from marlju;:tn;t
1 and heroin.
I Anc;werlng anothrr rharg<' marl('
in the protestmg 1.-ttl'rc;. he c;a!cl
that FathE-r Kllt>y had assurer!
I hlm that thert> wn-; no prot~t
from the Catholk Church. whll h
ts located near the propoSE'd r<'"
taurant·bar e COIOIEMTS BT COUNCU.
Each memb<'r of tht> Council
made some comrTV'nts bt•fore thl'
vote was taken. I Councilman Highll' <.aid hi'
wanted to krep Balboa Island a
famlly·tYP<' rommunity He maclt'
the mot ion to rlf'ny th<' uc;(' per·
mit on the grounds that a bar
T W O 0 F F 1 C E S woulrl be rlf'trlmrntal to thf'
1 ht>alth. saft>ty. pracr. romfort.
To Serve You
m a... A.,..
PHONI HY, <4-t tn
1 mr,rals and genl•ral welfarE' of
1 thl' neighborhonrl
1 Councilman Wildt>r conrerlecl
, that Dr Campbell was asking to
1 rstabltsh a il'gttim<~tP puslnf'<;S.
fully rov('recl by law. and had
('very right within the law to <''~
tabllsh and opt>rat<' a bar. But
he said. thi~ bar woulrl cause a
grt'at dt'al or ronc·<'rn to a great
many Island r('<~idf'nts "If Just
one person would drlnJ< too much
at this bar and cause an ac-cl·
dent. we'd all fl>.el had and fPel
that we would be to blame:· ht>
added. e AVOIDS -EAST WAr
1 Councilman RiddNhof said It
wnuld be the easy way to votP
against this use permit. "but I
have to Jive with myst>lf.. He
supported the Planning Commls
c;ion argument that this was a
legitimate business.
Councilman Stoddard contend·
ed that safety and peat'e would
be adversely a ffected. and proP·
erty would be Injured.
Councilman Hart. who had S<'<'·
onded Mr. Higbie's motion, said
the people In a community should
be able to say what type of busl·
ness Is detrimental.
Councilman MacKay said that
he agreed with the PlannJna
Commission. Mayor Hill remarked that the
Council should give consideration
to the t.eellnl of the people.
lliP ...... .. •• ... u.s., ...
Newport Barb« Blah School
Dlatrtct will reoetve about S5().000
In federal funda for tumlahlna
the new blgh 81ehool ln CoRa
Mesa. Supt. SldneJ Davidson told
the Board ol 'J'r1dteet Monday.
The amount 1a baled on the
number ct .tudenbl whC* pal'· enta .,. ln catalft defenM jo.,_
cw Jn tM eerYSce. The pound ~ f« app17tnl for tJMM fundi ,... ~ bJ' t. IIOIW, ad· ~ ••''I'C&Dt to tiMt ... ptrtftC.frt. ....._ Dn1dla a .-repoNe~
oa a ta...., at •·~,_.._ .--.....-..aarwB~~Ja ....................... __ .............. ..
........ , 5 .. ........
Spend This Christmas Under a Richard's
"Flame • Proofed" Christmas Tree
Stately Silvertips, Soft Canadian Spruce, Beautiful
Douglas Firs a~td Sweet SmeHing Jack Pines in
lovely n.tur.J <7eens or vivid artistic colors.
The widest ~ection anywhere in Richard's
mammoth forest of trees. Big ones ... middle saed ones
... littfe ones And, beqinning December I 3, Santa
Claus wiN be right hMe for Junior and Sis, and don't
forget the Rainbow of Prizes, inside. Put your ticket
in, too .....
Color spraying includes flame-
proofing. All naturel green trees
shOuld be flameproofed. Protect
your home fTom fear of fire. It
costs only a little bit more.
Ia••••• If .. ~ :=; C::.a:-ana .. .. •• ,, =~:=:~;. ~ ......
Mrs. Gnce I. 1\an!MU. 5I. o1 =.-:: ~ ~lebU: On l&lboa 111u4 Ia th1a deUcht·
Zl2 10M Lane""~ e-ta..... ·--· 1 t died Satut4ay at Roq Boeplt.aJ. cllurdl oa luDClq. ru tum. holM w1th e ec. ra~
Ill ... ,
FlEE-FlEE 1"\anerat ~ were held at c:aawt cao.,. .,. ,_ UA an4 water beater, 2 bdrma. and 2
2:30 _p.m. ~ay at P~ .. A lav\or's Concwn.. wm be batba. Beatcte. the JUellt room LoeatecJ r. ....._ and hom.
¥ortu..,., eo.ta Mesa. wtth -..v. tbe top6e ot. the ... ~toy Carl· wtth Ita % bath. tbere Is a larp --3-wa)' CIOr1*' wttll tree vt.ual
Qlw Wllllama of the Chureb of .an'a ..-mon SundaJ' 'momJnl at attract. f\lm. apt. BOUle Is DOW actvern.tn1 adaptable to mo.t
tbe Nazarene l.ll Calla Meea om. the Cbrist Chwdl -tbe Sea 'The rented ' u t winter tn all7 omce « ll,:bt bwatnesa. 3 dat1n1. .,, · « ace en' • BJlMS. and dinlnl room. tiled
eo.ta Keea pollee reported tbat ~.!'c~a~:'" ol M · come, property Ia all dnMd up ldkhen 6 batb-pa.rkinl-B.eally
Mrw. Tummell apparently dSe4 The 'nllrd Annual Youth Ban· with' a new coat at patnt. A real a &ood value at $30.000.
from an overdoM at ~ quet for junlor and ~~enJor hJgh buy few only. • • • • •
pUla. She wu found ln a coma .chool audent.a and coJ.lece ltu·
In her home Saturday mornJq dents. will be held at 7:00 p.m.
2-bdnn. unlt plus a l ·bdrm. apt..
both furnished. near ocean. Just
9 years young. ltucco exterior lr by her houaekeeper, Mra. Mary Monday 1n Goodell Ball. Carroll. Mrs. Tummell waa UJten N:re-Home needa eome paint-plaster lnterlor. 2-car garap.
to Roa1 Ho.piW. She dld not -----------come out of the coma and died • l'oo Lnte to ~ at 9:!50 p.m. .
Mts. TummeU bad been an In· SMALL OFFICE for Nnt. B.J .. • yard. trees and ahrubla need at· $13,950
tentlon; and whUe you are paint·
lng and attending the plantings,
your Invested dollan are grow-CIWIIEL ROIT
VOGEL VA~UE _. .....
............. ,!!
Olein f -bdnn.. 2-batb home plus separate small houae
on rear. Excellent location tor winter-aummer rental
Most all furniture lncluded. Over-sized lot. Th1s is a
real "Fun Ho~ ...
$.16,950 W1Tif $3500 DOWN
:1667 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741; HA: a7S'7
valid for the put year. Her bu•· Yearly lease. Suitable for ac-lll_l_. l•l•!n ~ft band, Arnold W. 1\ammell. pre-countant. lnauranoe, etc. $30 ___ .. _ __!:...11. .,_. Ing, too. $14,500 full price. You With pier and float. on Newport -----------------------
submit your plana and term&. Isand. 3 bedrooms. 1 ~ baths, 2· oeded her In death lalt October month. HA 2998-W, CDM.
Are Now AYailable In
OTerloolrinq the Upper Bay
Selin needa to aell. story bouse with boat-bouse, all
RAm • • • electric. Ready for your Inspection! Own·
ers asking $26.500 -tells us
"sell!" Terms as low a.s t6500 1/1 ~ acre with today'a income of down.
$185 mo. 3 bldgs .• 1 cafe, 2 dwell·
OOUBLE BEAUTY lngs -all should be uaed and IWI I SUIF IEALn nus fine comer home with 2 r~>nted for business. Room to T
bedrooms. hw. floors. trpl., encl. develop additional Income. See fOur N~ Name)
patio, plus sunny 2-bdrm. apt. advantage here--$22.500, terms. ROBERT BROS£, Realtor
with aundeck. Open daUy 'til • • •
.ald. 1-'t p.m. 520 Orehld Ave ..
MEN UKE CONSTRUCTION 1 or 2 east aide level lots at
Ladles like comf«t. ease of whoLesale. $3400 each, or both
maintenance. Both like the pres· for $6500. Paved street.
tlge of a ftne home In Shore
ClW.. This 2-bd.nn. A den view
ho~ has e-veryt.hlng~cept
a hlgh prlce. Call for appt. to see
• • •
the aeuon'a best buy. Mo ney-makJna court ... In town.
1920 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport
Harbor 4072 ................ •• UIUIIIUCI
BIB Present rents are very modest. A HOSPITALITY HOUSE Place should be sold on $480 mo New Quality Home. Single atory;
Which extends an open arm. Income basis _ Instead, present easy a pproach; secluded odn\er
Ocean view from huge Uv. rm., owner wants action on base price lot ; 2 bedrooms and den; two
mutn bdrm. 1r sundeck. 20-tt. of $42.000. 8 units. aaravs. laun· baths; hardwood noon: natural
rumpus room with trpl., bullt-ln dries. paved drying yards, drive. Alder cabinets; heavy hand apllt
wet ba~nly 1 block to best ways. guest parking. &hake roof; beautltuUy decorat.
beach. $32,000, terms. ed and ready for occupancy.
BIB • • • Land.scaped-$prl.nkler system.
To flnd a lo~ly home right In IDISES-UIIm $28,500.
the heart of CDM, So. of Hwy.. ed f
terms you can afford. But we small Rancho-has older build·
Only 1 year old. Three bedrooms, 1 \& baths. Choice
hardwood Coors. Comple~ly fenced. St. Augustine law n
front and rear. Monthly payments only $168 incl. pr ln·
clple. lnt.. taxes a nd insurance. MUST BE SEEN TO
APPRECIATE. Full price only $13.500.
A really beautUul home, with a very good view. Corner
La Canada and Tustin. Three bedrooms, 2 baths forced·
alr heat. fireplace and choice hardwood floors. Over
1700 sq. ft. of planned living, built in O'Keefe and Mer-
ritt oven and ranee. Hooded fan and garbage dispol5al
A MUST TO SEE. Priced to sell at J3;,950 with 16,000
W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor
"you'll like our friendly service"
Uberty 8-1139 fOO E. 17th St.. Costa Mea
Ois.enminating familift who are considering building
a new horne may b. intereded to know that !Mge,
highly restnct.d homMites .,.. now avait.ble in WEST-
CLIFF, a profeuionaly p&.nned eommunity for homes
of +M highett quality. Thitty-thre. roomy loil from
$8000 reedy now for ~ of your home on
your own lot.
at a down to earth price. with Back Bay Acre, zon or your
Owner-1194 'Temple Bills Drive.
found It' 3 bedrooms. 2~ baths. lngs, but we are selling at land u 8-4207
tinted picture windows. birch vaJue only. $2000 dn Prominent -----------------------
cupboards and paneling through-corner close by. EAST SIDE
ThOM who prefer to purdlaM a new home slolould Me
the spartdint designt and top quarrty homes now b.ing
built in WE.STCLIFF. A few of the.-superb homes are
stil avai&aba.. From $23,1 50 ••• for occupancy starting
about January 1St+..
out. Over 1,700 sq. ft. of well·
planned comfortable living a rea. ....,.CIIIIPrserties COSTA 1£Sl Shown by a ppt. --o• ..,.. •. , ...... ..,
3530 E. Coalt Bwy.. Harbor 5563
Corona del Mar
We recaR-.nd e.ty inspection for greatw .-,Ject;on.
We wil be happy to slolow you lo+s or homes in WEST-
CUFF, one of the most distinctive properties in the
Newport ... ch ..-. W • wtCJMt you visit the lite ...
one quart. mile east of 17th and Irvine Avenve or one
mile notth of Pacffte Coast Hwy. at Upper S.y Bridge.
11.1 IOIEY
2305 W. Balboa Blvd ..
Harbor 5074
Draperies Made Free!
Jwc bay d. &hac &om oar fabaloal.e'! crm . ~ . Boo Marcbe
il eel ....... cbe GaDd Opea.ing of our bend fa! oew ICOn br
GIVING nD l.ABOll oo your chapedetl All wocl .. w..hip
~ MAM I• O.r Workrooms on tbe Prtt~~ises
Coale Ia -' ~ cWce ol6 beaatifal colon
ia apbollfeiJ Oat ali~ e:xpe:rt will aa.
UIGl cut Ud 6t ~ ali~ dp at boee •••
elMo ...... hlldc lieck -t.iloc.iAI ia oa.r wocao-.
~ Of O'llla M!IM':s AVAILAIM1
Ate-tpeo ....... ,...
Open lveal~~g~ by Appolnllltent
,._,u ... tallllllll• a tl•• ua 6176 ............................... I'IAJ
1857 Newport Ave., COsta Mesa
U 8-1632; U R-1400 eves.
2'721 E. Coast Highway, CDM
HArbor <B46
Entrust your r e a l • s t a t e
transactlona to a REALTOR.
He ls trained In bls profes·
slon. knows values, financ-
ing, and Ls bound to serve
you ethically, honestly and
courteously. REALTORS are
members of a national br·
ganl.zatlon conforming to a
rigid code of ethics.
3 bedrooms; fireplace; hardwood
fl oors; la rge lot; double garage
on a lley.
Cl.IIIE YO ...
2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8-4277
CAt the Signal)
Ne-wport Beach
Newport Heights-Mesa Disl
Older 2· bdrm .. partly fum . home
plus additional land to build
another unlt Close to transport&·
tlon. markets a nd Helipot plant
$6.850 cash.
307 N. Newport Blvd.
opposite Hoag Hospital
Phone LibertY 8·1617
Eves. u 8-1..28)
Ba.lboa Island, yearly rental.
furnished. Bayfront 1· bdrm .
$100 mo.
Bayfron t. 2-bdrm.. v1ew and
sundeck. $125 mo.
HArbor 3344
308 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island
3 bedrooms. 1 "w baths; 2 years old; beautiful front
yard. Sacrifice a t $11.900 furnished.
58 foot on Harbor Blvd. near 19th. Best business loca·
tlon left In town. Glad to show you.
Ill W. PIPE, lultlr
1908 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. U 8 -114.2
S.llrUJ I s.Hay II-& P.l.
Brand n.-w 1:-tlng. 3 bNI.rnom : 1 "-baths: shakt-roof; forct"d air h.-at ; butlt In rangE' and ovt>n ; 2 ~E'ars n~
Positively the best de-al on tht> pomt at $.23,900.
Ctpe lepr, Rulllr
312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, Harbor 2525
Day or night
Just look at these trade-ins that are pourinq in on
'52 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. air cond.. full power.
'53 GMC lfa-ton pi.drup. Hydra-Matic. ·so Buick 4.door de luxe eedcm.
'55 Ford Fairicme Victoria. Fcwdomatic. R&IL poww.
'54 Ford V8 cu& 2-dr •• Fordo ... B&H. poww m .. bdts.
'52 Chrplar Wmdll« f-docw.
Cldl II ... S. fir YIB?IIf!
'53 Cbewolet Bel Air COD.....t.. Pow•vlkte. B & H.
'53 Ford VI CU8kn du.b coupe.. ·ss Fard VI acmc::h Wave& O'dme. racla. ....... ·sa ~ GokleD Hawk S-pca cpe-. a._ aa.
'54 Ford Svnliner. Fanlc medic. redo. M •• • •
~ Font c••• 1-cloor. F•"=•ntk:. ...._ k11 111 •
'53 O..tiD'-l 110 ~ Powaglk, , •• a, .. r
i& lila 'Jildilii aoover
~ =n_...,...mta.I3Q.
' -~ Ill Clcllld. aJM. ZO words or l...:e••-----
4 L '*I iiiiC iiM .-t. 21 to 30 word-.•-----• ...... a •·•monel Ortan. -•• ...._ all eodlla for Santa 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 = ~ '::': ~!t Each word over 40 .03 .05 .07
•r•w, u.. ........uu1 sou Caah must be NOeived within 1 clap of tim iuertion
11 0 D • L. tbe Joftly ltttle TJBB SIZE eh fn.t ad hl the ' Miifi, an4 the ever popular ~ .,.._ on17 SUfO b
C1iU16i MODEL 11ir the tradl· three m..tSoqa. call ta )'OW
tloMl ~ All have 2 man-• to Huber Ult. Ml ..,.._,. an4 foot-pedala. a ..,._ta 8tart u Uttle u $40 ""ro_I_IAL&---------.... ~U-~I""'D.,_!'O~'""w.,.w ........... ----1 ....a. we dtlt,.. for CJltt8t. ..... I C 8 IUD T · PRJL1JPS ELECTRIC TRAIN fouale. IJonel. WAlh..,_, TO JIEMT. Slqle ta·
PIAJro8 6 OIIGANS. ~ No. O-ruace. Transformer, whlltle, rap In Corona del )Cu. -----------
llabl. lu~ Ana. smoke, treJcht can. larce loco-BAda .,_ * Jlw.t IIJ *
JILUfD MiW Pllll..CO-Space for motive. Uke new. Har. 1992-R. BAL DTAft & ..-rAU
botu. and butter; a1ao 19S6 ELEC. G. E. STOVE-24" wtth NICELY FUllN. 1-room wtth pri· Qlftl Pw All 00._. ..
Morp 1• c:u. ft. r.ner, hold.t auto. timer, Uchb. puab but· vate bath. Apt wtth prtvate tn· I'DfE WATCH ~AJJIIKQ
OYer 580 Jbl. Jt.efrlc. paid down ton. Uwd 17 month&. Excellent trance oa pound floor. Near ""l'roaapt ~.,.__
to sne:rr. Pay only $U9 per condJtJon. $100. HE·-~ Lone p O CDM 325 Orch.fd b ..._800able Prtc.'"
month; ~-..P!!~ .. down ~ Beach. FiA SU -R.. or P one Pte& Pay uu.v __ ..,. per w JOR SALE Firewood. Uberty ISIS &. c.t. Jtwy., 0..... del liar noon t~ (Tbunday) at the
M'o down. 8•9589 after 5 p.m. 2307 New-2 BEDROOM. front apt. Larce Jamaica Inn. Corona del Mar.
BAUGHJII•s nJRNm1RE WARE· rt BlVd eo.ta M 1'0011\A, nkely tumJabed. ~ 111M ••• ITI New members welcomed Into ROUSE. 880 W. 17th St.. Costa po ·• TRE esa.. block shopplnf district. 321-C the Exchanre Club are George
....._ 1 block west of Van's CHRISTMAS ATS. Sever a 1 Marcuerlte, CDM. Buccola, Paul Butler, Harry
BowUnt ~ey. Store houra: used Spinet pt.n: $359, $425, PRIVATE OfFICES wtth phone CHANNEL 2 1V -11:30 a.m. c .. ey, Jack Hoyle. K e n net b
llon.-Frt 9-9· Sat.. 9·6· Sun.. $495 and many 0 era. rent re· .-... .-vice --. A: INX RADIO -12:30 p m Kln-1ey, Harold Lacey, Henry ., • ' turns. trade-Ins, reposaeaslons. ----..... · .---,. · · .... ll·5.. l.J 8-3186.. closlng them out for balance notal)' avanable. Ground l'lr., ART LINILE'n'ER'S bouse party Lunney, Leon Nelson and W. V.
DRESS FORM, t5; portable elec· due most all llke new, terms new Trident B141 .. 2200 New-on 1V and radio CBS coast-to· Penfold. Pres en t membership
trle tewlnr machine, $42.50; llk~ rent. some Maple, Blond, port Blvd., !fewport Beach, cout. spoMOred by Wyler numbers approximately a:s mem·
tlshlnr pole with reel. Ann French Provincial, Mahocany. (Adjacent to South Coast Co.) Watch Co. leat~c the watch ben. Huettl. 611 Narelsaus, CDM. etc save $90 to $250 up to 3 <>mo. flolll aao.oo. Semi-pri· with ruaranteed unbreakable David McNeely, club member
OUR GREATEsT CHRISTMAS ye~s to pay Schmidt-Phillips vaw cleK ~1101 125-00. BAr· main aprtn. and balanc» ataft. and sales manapr for the Hell·
T'REATS. Stelnway Grand mac· Big Plano 1r Orcan Store, 520 bor 3028. See RAY PTELDS-~ uclu-pot plant. preaented a film on
nUJcent condJtlon moat beautl· No. Maln St., Santa Ana. aJ . FUMISHED A.PT.-No chtldren; alve Wyler Watch er. the re.earch and manufacturlnr
tul ease. ean be boucht on 3 ways 100 pianos to choose no peta. 810 Marruerlte. CDM. a w. 19th St., eo.ta Mesa metboda used at the Costa Mesa
yra. time. Muon 1r Hatnlln from. Vf1!W u:Ii: plant at the luncheon meetlnr
Spinet save $400 the world's 1956 O'KEEFE 1r MERRJ1'T-It's TWO BEDBOOIIS-4ullt·ln ranee Uberty 8-&&88 lut wek. _____ _
very finest spinet. Another our big CP auto .• griddle. 18 ln. 6 oven; drapa In Uvtn, room; 140~~~ ~~~~J' ~;~ ll.lll•l• I& 12
wonderful buy a Jtnabe Spinet oven. everytbJng; allo 1956 GE private p..UO. or decks; car· I ~ . ·• ·-···-•-. • like new save $279. Lovely automatic tutertlo washer. They ..-; one bJoclt to beach. New. box, car Jean-to tent $5, 20 ft: f ftL C I
Baby Grand In light finish ot t hed All that $1!50. Yr. Jeue. 2610 Seaview. traller awnlnr. ll~ new, $20, lr ........ IM d nJ •Acn are n even ouc · RemJngton portable typewriter •• 1575. Ebony gran o Y ~·· 1s due on range Is $198.56 or Bar. 6440. 540. 9x12 wool ru $30· 5 aJ' The Chapman Collece annual
10 others from 1495 ~=· pay Sl.~ per week; washer 2 BEDRM. UNFURNISHED apt. Buune cu tank.'' t5· 'ttsh~ni homecomlnr wUJ be beld Jan. 12.
Up to 3 yea.r11 to pa!.Or · $239.59 or pay $2.15 per week. Larre Uvtnc room. South ot rod and reel 120. m~ ltenu the aaaoclated student body an-PHILLIPS Pianos • rans. es-BAUGBN'SFURNmJREWARE· HJrbway, CDM. Adults. No ' ' . . nounca..
establlshed 1914, 520 No. Main, HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St., eo.ta peta. 315 Lark:tpur, CDM. HA 222 Poppy, CDM. HA 30t6·R. HlchUghts will Include meet-
Santa Ana. Mesa. 1 block west of Van's 2402-W. lncs of special Interest alumni
HOUSEFUL OF FURNJTIJRE BowUnr Alley. Store houn: ONE BEDROOM FU1lNISHE'D For 1 Lrall• Preself rroups, reception for former pro·
Consists of 10 pe. llv. nn. group; Mon.-Frf., 9-9; Sat.. 9-6; Sun.. houae. Rea!'. with private patio. -. feaors, a parade and a basket-
S pe. dln. rm. group; bedroom 11-5. LI. 8-3186. CDM . .u.o tum.l.ahed bachelor ITS ball g~ with CaJllornla Poly-
has bookcase headboard. mat-CHRI.STMAS TREATS. Wonderful apt. ts5. Incl. utJJttJa Inqulte teehnJe.
trea. box sprlnp. double dress· saving! ~autltul largJe Console 500 J asmine, CDM. After 5:30 11-TM -8 -ao--11-&L--------er with mirror. Paid down to organ and Tone Cabinet, Jess HA 6974.
$293.28 cash or pay payments than balf price. Looking for 2,--:B,::::ED=::RM"'=.-•-=--=D~EN=-A"="'PT=.-u-nf--::-um.-
of $2.75 per week. WARE· Spinet! You can save $700 on w/stove, patio, BBQ. rarare.
BAUGHN'S FURNITURE eo.ta this near new spinet organ. fireplace. $8S. mo. Year •round.
HOUSE, 660 W. 17th St., , Schmldt-PhUllps. ~ No. Main, 612~ Goldenrod. CDM. Ph.
Mesa. 1 block west of Van~ Santa Ana. Hyacinth 2-5473 San Clemente.
Bowling AlJe~. Store _hours. HOUSE FULL OF MAPLE-This --=.::...=.:..:..;.;;.::..:....:.....:.~-------
Mon.·Frl .. 9·9, Sat .. 9·6• Sun.. ls what you can alford. Con· IMIS .. lPTS.
11-5. LI. 8·3186. slsts of complete bed r oom
BURROWS POOL TABLE with group, mattresses with 10 year WIZ&LY AND MOln'HLT
toldlnr lees. sturdy construe· guarantee, complete dining nn. OfT SEASON llATES
tlon. Adult si7Je. completely group; l ove I y living room • DaUy MaJd Servfc:e
equipped; only two months old. group with Imported fabric. All • :M-hr. Telephone
Coat $189---4ell for $110. Will new. Paid down to $'194.24 cash • 24-hr. Deale Service
deliver. HA 5586 10 a.m. to 5:30 or pay only $4.64 per week. • Room Servlc:e
1956 REFRIGERATORS! We have HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. eo.ta • Restaurant
bulging warehouse of 1956 Phil· Mesa. 1 block w.-t of Van't • CocktaU Lou nee
cos. GE. Hotpolnt. Crosleys, BowUng Alley. Store hours: • Color Telntsion
Amanas--that have to be sold Mon.-Prl .. 9 -9: Sat.. 9-6; Sun., I llll C l Ill to make room for Incoming 11·5.. LI 8-3186.::,. """=",.---::----•
shlpmentll. No money down. BALDWIN GRAND Plano. 1 year Corona del Mar
pay as little u S2 per week. old. Save $1.000. Woodworth'• Harbor 5076
BAUGHN'S F'IJRNl"n1RE WARE· Piano Shop, ~0 Eut Coast ~~::-:----__,..-,..,..---~~
HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. Costa Hflhway, CDM. HA 3382. UNDER construction on blutt.
Mesa. 1 bloclc west of Van't C H R 1S T MA S TREATS. Give CDM. t ~ ~~~
Bowline Alley. Store hours: slightly used Electronic plano. ~is ~: Blvd. ~ c. w
Mon.-Fri.. 9·9; Sat., 9-6; Sun.. $295. Beautiful tone. never need Mutera. Har •t40 or Bar 6440:
11-5. LI. 8-3186. tuning, fold like suitcase with ------------21" MAPLE console Phlleo TV. only 85 lbs. we have 2 only IITUATIOifl WAJITED
$319.95. Up to $100 trade In for Schmidt-Phillips, 520 No. Main, PART TIME oUlce work wanted.
your old set on this lovely new Santa Ana.
1957. STAR 1V, 2305 W. Balboa N=-=0..;;-=R-:=:G-=E;-A...;:.OTO:r.i;;:~. -;-:W~AS;-;::;-H;;;E;;R;----;Ur:se:-=:od ~:::~lenced. ~ferences. HA
Blvd .. Newport ~ach. HA 50'74 only two months. Paid down to ·
4 ROOMS OF-FUR.NITURE-Has $1.26.56 cash. No down pay-MATURE WOMAN wbhes baby
all that goes. Complete living ment if you pay payments of •f11~1 anhd care Dol.. th~r~L
3123 E. Coast Hwy .. C. D. M.
HArbor 0420
2 experlencecl, Insured. fut
l11112la• lrlr
Permanently remowd tJom face,
arm.t. Jep. Eyebi'Owa and hair
line abaped-No more tweezint.
Udo'a Salorl ol Beauty Bar. 25'76
aeroea tM 11treet tJom
Newport City HaU .
mov .. phae larp van oaly _
t9.25 hour anywhere wlthln 30 ••• tf'S
miles. nm. .tarta at your
door. Lowelt rates and tree w··-esttmates on state and nation· ,..... ...
wtde movtnc and on .torare.
No extra ebarre tor Saturdays
or RolJdayL
•as, lEW Ill
1.966 Harbor Blvd .. eo.ta Mesa
Phone: Day, LI s.zn•
Nlcht. Ha 5593 or Ll 8-&&30
Amerfcan Leeton 215 15th SL
Meetfnp 2nd-4th Wed 8 p.m.
3141 E. Coast Bwy.
Corona del Mar, Ca.l1t.
Bem&r4 WbttJna
room group; 7 piece dining set $1.95 per week. Also 1956 Phllco no::u to orne. ay 01' I
and complete group; big 1956 21" 1V. Paid down to $16&96 HArbor 3192-M. The new VIm Cent« on West
Phllco double door Retrlg. with cash or pay only $1.75 per wk. GARDEN WOIUt wanted. Phone 19th Sbleet lD CoRa M ... T Bay
Busine ss
Directory dalry bar; 1956 Gaffers 6 Sat-BAUGHN'S FURNmJRE WARE· Ha. 1038. PbJ1 Broob. Fleld.t Jewelen Ia now teatur-
tler CP automatic clock: lamp. HOUSE, 660 W. 17th St., Costa nrr<>RING-In own home by lnr a new line ol !!'l'EIUfA·
griddle, glass oven door. ·All Mesa. 1 block west of Van's Cal11ornJa credentialed teach· MATIC watch-. Tbe fl.neR au-iiiiViiif ne-w and perfect. Paid down to Bowling Alley. Store hours: er; primary to mJdd.Je elemmt· tomatJe that money ean buy. _______ a ____ _
$788.49 while stored. Only S7 Mon.-Frl, 9-9: Sat., 9-6 ; Sun.. tary grades. Late afternoons Shock proof and water.,.... •~-
per week. 11-5. LI 8-3186. and Saturday-a. BA 3672-J. ent Modela tow both la4iel and --~...,-'--·~-
BAUGHN'S nJRNl'IURE WARE· 21 FT. SLOOP-outboard auxlll· prttlemen. J'rom J7t.OO to U1U1
HOUSE. 660 W. 17th. St. Costa ary Gaff-rigged. New saJla. IIEL' WAJn'a) aooo. -8Dcl-
=tng1 !b0:. w::r:'h~~~ saroro~,: ~HA~7· 111111 Plnl•ll lAY ..US .lbifJJP s OUJ,
Mon.·Frt., 9-9; Sat., 9-6; Sun.. IN USED FURNm1RE t.IIIJ eaT W .• at. Q;{."'... .A-ec-ous.
U -5. LI 8-3186. AND APPLIAlfCES-SEE ••••• l..lbert7 .... --
CHRISTMAS TREATS, a new Top job oppuitun.ttt.l ell fteJAk &&af iC&i -Hammond Chord Orcan for the Ken and Women ------------
whole family, everyone Mom. 2(a Hatbor Blvd .. eo.ta Mesa 120 rru.tln-Mewport Beadl OOIIP'L&TE PADntlfG ~~ .wt".
Dad, Brother, Sister can play lt. I.J 8-ml (aero. from All·~ PAPD IUlfQIKQ IDVICJ: D
It's ao t'uy, $29 a month paya · ~ Jal) tor lt. We deliver for Christmas. a.l POa IAL& WOULD lid nJee::--~iDJ=c1&~-.~ ... ~-IIA 8'M
we have one used Chord Organ 1~ LINCOLK Capri. J'ull power woman eo Uw IJl a.Dcl care for Sample llllel!doD In J'OUI' bome. at aubatantJal aavlnr. Schmidt· equipment. air cond.Jtloned. all 3 ama11 plt and cJo boule-IIJGIIIZ 0 . SAU1fDI:IS ____ ,.... .. ._..Mfl.._..., __
Phllllpe Blr Organ and Piano aeceaortes. new tJ..., ortrlnal wortc for --.. ... wtclow .,.._
I "'-·-An anc1 __ _.-pl--.···•·-u'a.n• 100 a. --. •-._.. Store, 520 No. Ma n . .,.n.. a . owner. $3.~ KA 5660, CDM ~.. _ __ --·
BBEAKFAST SET-Table and f 1955 FORDV-8 8-puaencerCoun· 80KE J11D _ J01D J"D Paintina-Decorating
cllalrs. Formica top. Like new. try Sedan. Ford-o-matlc. r adJo. AppiJcaata Dilled. ~ PAllia IU.JtCDfO
$30. UB Larkspur, CDM . HA heater. power ateert~. cood ~ al8o Nita...... M1CJ .._
588Ei. tires. Must sell. Private party. ~ .._, ,..._ for qultflecl GEORGE BURKHARDT
• iOOMS OF FURNmJRE-It's Evenlnp and Sunday only, l.J m.n. ( ... tM _.,,) aa7 ~ 1~ .,_.
really nice! 1956 Phllco 11 tt 1-0353. 111M hrnr J:lalpL ~. -....... --iiiiiLiaaiiiiiiiWiii;iii"'~~ DaJrybar rdrlr .. IB Wed81t-UGAL ~ au. llld a. Jib -It -" IAIItr ....
wood blr CP wtth rotiteerle; •OTICK or l'tr8I.IC U.dllfQ 7W ~--GiiDiii UIAi&d-our til*·
complete 7 piece dJnln6 croup; Notke ta h.-eby ctven tbat the JaltJ. :::=• ........... and
10 piece llvtnr room IJ'OUP and Plannlnl ~on ot the aty ,.._ for J'OUI' Golr·
ewryth)nr few bedroom com· o1 !fEwport Beacb wtll hold a .. and ,_. lllre JIDU
plete. rra aU new. Paid cJoown to public IMartnr on the appllcaUoa waat It! Call aa.r I p.m.. BA -.a No euh down U JOU o1 Mn. .Ruth CrunMr tor a vui· .._.._ -
,., t.be pa.y1'Mnta ot t&.47 anee, Mo. 332, to permit: Wa~ --iiiuuiiiuiiMiit--
..._ ot parldnc .,ace aa ncaulred Uft·
BAVGIDf'l ftJ1IlQ'ftJU WAll&· c1et Zont""-ar.tnanae. • l..aJt II.
JM)UU. _, W. 11th St. Blodl 11, Tract IMJboe 1llud, J.JI
..... 1 lllodl ,... ol o,-1.
AIIIJ. ..... Marr. lWiot .. ....., twtbet ....
-L·••ro... lat., N ; Sua.. tbat Mid public ....... wru ...
lwld 011 tl» ... -ol .,..... ftiiiiil~liiiiDI'"'Ii"iill'ii w. ._ at dae boar II 1:10
p.m. • tile Ca < an• • ot ............... _ .....
~ .. -llllllftkll ...... ,.. .., .... ..,... 'I__. .... ..,.,_.,1,_, _. .. ._.. 1111•••• IU:C,GQU.W. ·1· ... 1111=--·1 .........
LL 4 ' , •
So Traditioaal lor Jloliday.
ur. 1r. 1s•. 1r T.-Cl!lld._
AU-.-., .......... ._. •a•ttc~
• • •
....._ cala•• ....,._
to diCI•a .. t. 9lftL
"• o.ny tiM dNent·
--------.. -------. . -
Dates -Avocados -Olves
·----------------------WE SHIP ANYWHERE -PREPAID
S1l.l n• Tl -EIIT F. TIE 1a•an
~..-... Harb« 1730-J
..,.rr---~.---'!r--r...--r...--;..---.,---~.---~r-.. r---Jr ·-.,-· .... ,
.... ~ , .. . . . . ' . ..
* m-
ODe -rwr.t Ql,_ W1tla FAcia .......... .
GDOfYf , ~co,
LA1'·A11f41' 1LM •
'lbe !f.-port leach Bulldln& ruppen. rit·roof at .. ~an
Depe.rt~~Mnt blued a 1338.730 rt.. m : C"JUb'd 'IUIOUc>n. ca
penalt lut week to the Balboa bana at City TraU. Park. D Ba.1 Club tar oonatrurtton of a 17th St.. 13..00: Ptlll Norton, al
3-.toey a~t b u 11 d I n c. tentlonl at lett~ w. OC.an n .
which wtU oontaln 31 unJU. t2.000: Lola Vo,el, coc:ktall bar
The Bay Club at.o received at Nl w. Cout HW)' .• s:ao.ooo:
pennlu for conatruetton of 49 car Balboa aay Club, 3-atory, 38-unJt
paiU and tor movtn& bulldlnp apartment bulldln1. 1221 W
tcf another location on the Bay Cout ~ .• 1338,730; 48 car porta
Club .tte. $13.~; and move bulldlnp to
Other pennlu luued durin& af}Other location on Bay Club
the put week Included a •ooo alte, S14.'785; Esther RoberU, re·
dwellln& on Udo IJile and a 120.· move wall, &30 n.t St., 1!50: R. H.
000 oocktall bar on Ma.rtnera Robinson, car~ at 10315th St ..
Mile near the Arches. $200.
Followln& permlu were lMued e aALaOA IILAifD
durli'll the tint week of ~ovem· C.. C. Wood, t -Jto:ry, 1-untt
ber: • dwelllne at z.ao Opal, $12.000:
• QOaoXA Da. MD Putnam, addition at 301 ~uby
Ernie Smith, alteratioN at 4.20 $!U50; Evan Koppe, 2-story, 1·
FernJeat. t&OO; Ray Conatruetton un~:z:~,llng at 310 Coral, 16.000 Co .• repairs at 3436 E. Cout Bwy., e A t&OO~ Dorothy Wllaon, funiU• re-George Gaynor, remodelling a t
pair at 425 Orchid, $900; Allee 2105 E. Ocean, $5,400: Don Ayres.
1ohnaon, 1·1tory, 1·unJt dwellln& feMe at 1108 W. Ba.y, $200: L. S
at 316 Latk.lpur, $14,000; 2 ·ato:ry Blakeslee. 2·story dWelling at n8
earaee apartment at 316~ Lark· w. Balboa Blvd., $18.150; Mrl
spur, $11,000. Charles Cotton Sr., repalra at 1506 e XKW?Oin' E. Balboa Blvd., $250; Jess Luke.
J. Tavalolne. '2.story, 2.unlt cloee In patio, 1719 Miramar.
dweUlne at 115 24th SL, $12,500 1800: James White. enclose fur-
and at 113 24th St., $12.500; abo nace duct. ll~C::/s $400. demo llah bulldlnl at U3 24th e XEWIOJn'
old dauvhtc ... NlcheU., Gild h.r .... Daftd (wllo
..... to be compla1a.Ja9, _..,... bcanue he
am•t be the boea. althOGfh he's tiM oa.ly ·~ .. the Job); Stepbaaie, S, ad D1aDe. 5, daaP·
ten of Nl'. cmd N.n. kf 1t. WIUboa; Patsy
au ... u. 4: Mn. CeM9e Pardcy Cllld 1ln. Wh1tacna.-(Eui91l pboto)
Here Are P. 0. Hours ,
For Hornlay Mai&ng
La.st minute malllnr or pa~·
area and cards always heaps a
tremendous load on the Harbor
area pMt offices. 80 do your
Christmas maUin1 early. Here's
the ICOOP on post office hoW'S
tbrou&h the holiday season. e COaOJfA DEL MAa
Sunday. Dec. 16, whtm neither
braneb station wUI ~ open.
Parcel post windows .. today
(ThursdayJ thru Ore 18. 7 :00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, Dec.
15. 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
P05llllut~ Haul Gill aald that Pa.rcel post windows · · · today substitute carriers h ave been
(Thursday! thru 0«. 20, 8:00 added ln Costa Mesa and will
a.m. to 6:00 P m.; Saturday, Dec . .ma.ke u many deliverie-s as poa-
15, 8:00a.m . to 5:00p.m .: Sunday slbJe. The po!lt ot.flce has rPnted
Dec. 16, 1.2:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. 2 warehouses In which to handle
Delivery will be made Sunday.
lncom1ng pack&ges. Two trucka
Dec. 23, and Monday. l)e(-. 24. have been acquired from El Toro
• WEWIOilT 8EACB Marine Base to help handle Pa~l poet windows ... today packages.
(Thursday! thru Dec 20. 7:30
a .m. to 8:00pm : Saturday, Dec. I;::===========::;
15, 8:00 a m to 5:00 p m.: Sun
day, Dec. 16, 12:00 noon to 4:00
Delivery: lt>ltf'rs, Sunday, Dec
16 and Oec 23, packages to
day I Thursday 1 thru t~ Z·1th Sernce Lat~ arrl\ lnr Chrlstmu pack·
ages will tx> dellv~r~ Christmas U. S. Royel r;,... 1rMI,Irlf••••
If II ...... Dies BY LAWN BOWLING ASSN. :o~~A-BAUOA ISLAXD Roy 0. Kln&. 49, transportation I Same u Nrwport ~ach ex~pt
We.tli119 & Poliahl119
Complete Lubriu ti011 Service
FREE PICIC.UP • DELIVERY foreman at the Newport Harbor Walter C Pearson, 722 Colden· Ausualla11 s ingles tournament.
Union Hteh School, died of a rod Ave .• Corona del Mar. was In the play.olf. DeWitt Bauer L. d J w·
heart attack Sunday Dec. 2 at elected president of the Newport I won first. Harold Shandley was In a 0 Ins ~.He~ 1094
220 I E. Coerl Hi9 hwey et A~
Cotone del Mer St., $500; Western Union. alp at John Ne!1, atoraee and shelves.
2303 W. Balboa Blvd .. $196; W. H. 440 Santa Ana Ave .• PX>: A. J.
Ray, convert eara1e Into bed· room. 511 Irvine, $3,000; Solomon
TUlH, cover patJo at 2616 Clay,
hi• home. 724 VIctoria SL. Costa Harbor Lawn Bowling Assn. at second, and Ml~ Hubbard was 1 I
Meea. He wu a native of St. the annual m~Ung held In third. Mrs. Bauer and Lew Pet· • p• B k• F:===========~ Charles, Iowa, and had lived In Amerkan Legion Hall. I tilt tied tor fourth with 8 points. I In I e a In 9
Costa MKJesa s11nC:u!!~!~d b his John Lamar, 324 Bu~na VIsta, and Mr. Pettitt won the play.off.l I JAMES D. RAY
Rlehard LUienthal. addition at
306 Snug Harbol'. $2.,600; A. H.
Stegmann, add second story, 700
Kines Rd., $2,700.
Mr. ng 1 Y I Balboa wu named vlce·presl·~ Can shf' bake a cheny pie ..
wUe, Ruth, of ~e~:e;~~~n~ dPnt: Colin Brown, 403 Kings Rd .. 2 St d t 'Billy boy. Billy bo)•; c;an she bake
daughter, JTUa, • y e way, 80 Ed Wilcox, 426 Poinsettia Ave.. Shf' can and diJ' I Howard ~.~ BUl R d ~ Clift Haven. se<:fftary-treasurer, u en s I a cherry pie. charming Billy!
lllliJI Ge1lr_., e LIDO ISLE
James Gray, addition at 123
VIa Orvleto, $2,500; John Davies.
1-atory. J.unlt dwelling at 130
Vla Genoa. $4.2.000.
ot Costa Mesa, 4 sister;. C M':.l C.orona del Mar, and Roland c h Linda Jo Millt•r. 17 year·old
Raymond K. Eastms a n 0 d 0~ I Bailey. 509 Poppy Ave . Corona sw·l pe ute I N~wvort Harbor u n I 0 n Hl&h
Mesa. Mrs. Harry now an ·'del Mar dlrwors School studl'nt .and daughter of
Glen Partlow of El Segundo, a nd I Secret~ Colin ·Brown reported Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krlt>te ot 517
Mrs. Guy Derby of Santa Ana; 2 that 9 new members had jolnt>d Two Orange Coast College stu· 36th St .. N~rt Beach. estab·
J-446 !. COAST HWY-
..,.,.., 4761
lle.lde-1 HA"--4 t'tt
broth~s. Harry E. of Santa An~ during the past yt-ar. bringing dents stole a parachute Monday llshE'd hPrself as thE' new local
and George F. of Loa Angeles.! the mem~hlp to thf' largest Dec. 3 from Sea Explorpr Base, cherry pie quf't'n last "f't'l< at the
and 2 granddaughters. number In association's history where the college k~ps rowing Home Arh building when sht>
G II G• Funeral services wt>re held '"'. ree players tlt>d Cur fi rst pqu1pment. The para.chute was won the dlstnct chNry pie bak· a eon IVen Dec 4 In Parkes Chapel, with place with 9 points In last w~k's PtcJ(>{'rty of tht> rollf'gl' lng contest
the Rev Charles Hand o!ficlatlng. Nl""'port Bcarh pull~ offlt't>rs Judges for tht> rontt>st. s pon
T Art P • appr€'hendc.-d the studt>nts who sor~ lr>C'ally by thP Edison c-om op raze Tile El ..... Lokken LECAL lfOTJCE room togNher in !\!.'\\'port Beach pany, wert' !\~pnn St-ach ~fa)
t1 f h C II New ORDINANCE NO 805 as tht>y "f're lf'a\"lng thC' baS4> or Dora Hill. t:ntvf'rslty of Call
TheH stabo 0 u~ en ~I ~nSchooi Are ........ lirt AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY The tudents Said lht>y had In Cornia homt' ad\'ISOr Marion Pren·
port boo-:c r ; the~lves a OF NEWPORT BEACH AME~D· t('ndE'd to gt>t "<•me gt>ar from tlss, and Orange C{J~<;t Cullegf'
year • eame h the e Mr and Mrs. Eldred Lokker ot lNG SECTIONS 9106 33 and thf'lr lockers. Tht>y rouldn't f¥ home e-conoml t Anita Rawr hurk
pat on the back w enh Y r · 766 w. 19th St., Costa Mesa. have 9106 34 OF CHAPTER VI wry ''('II a('('()rd1ng tn tht'lr writ Linda. "ho won an .-len ric fry.
celved a golden tro.!a~ ~c~r;; a daughter. their first child. born OF ARTICLE IX OF ten statements. but saw the para mg pan, wtll comp<>t,. '' lth other
aentlnl the ~t art t!c,k dd t Monday. Nov. 26, at Hoag Hos· THE MUNICIPAL chutt> and decided it would clhtrict wlnnr>rs in a division ron
seeon annOrua year ,._A CayiLeron· pita I. The little girl has been CODE OF makt> a good car rover tPst fl\ e dh 1 wn wtnnt-rs "ill terence at ange ........ st o gt> 1 NEWPORT BEACH h h " Mrs. Shirley Rice, art lnstruc. named Mary Lynn. The poll~ departmt>nt did not be c osen tn comJ)f'tP In t t' !lt ltt>
th N rt h 1 Is the Mr. Lokker Is recrt>atlon super · I The City Council of the City of make charges. A letter has b<-(>n finals to be held In January at
FilE ~C:a:t!ooke a~:'~r ~dool~d tht> visor Cor the Newport Beach Rec· Newport Beach does ordatn as St"nt to the dean of mPn Inform Los Angell•'\
workshop on a rt and color. The rentlon Depa rtment. fo~~ON 1: That ~ctlons ' lng him or the studi.'nts cl·..a...---,--.-... -_..--F-..... • we. P'RCW'oe THe
L.Aft5T a.l MOOERN
~lNG.• , u,.., W011
...... Ill ......., 1177
best art award was made on the LEGAL JfOTtCE 9106.33 and 9106.34 of Chapter VI • • I•IUII I IHftill •vn•
basis of art work, layout, title WOTICE OP TB9STEE'S SALE of Article IX of the Municipal fretl Ulll Ul .. nnll 111• • 1 • rl-1 .. page and design of cover. T. s. 85612 Code of the City of Newport ... II rill riWI
Nearly 100 liChOOI yearbook ed· 0 J 7 1957 at 11 '00 St-ach be a mended to read as. Ia Beall at .... of • ttors and staff members attended n anuary · ' ·b r 11 . 1 Rft The many Crlt>nds of Clinton the conference held at Orange a.m., Burwll, Inc., as Trustee Y o .. ows. . Cout Colleae Orange County substitution punuant to the ~tlon 9106.33. A~tlon by Fred Louis l.lnderman. 68. o1 Kirby will be happy to learn that
IIChoola and ·Bellfiower Para· terms of the Deed of Trust, by an Commission: 2384 Elden Ave .. Costa Mesa. died he has rt>turn~ to h1s old stand .
m ount. ExceJslor and Bre~·Ollnda Instrument In writing dated No· "(al Aft~ the roncluslon 1 ot Thursdzy, Nov. 29. at his home at l ·Ui W Bay St . Balboa. Clin·
to. mtMAfl CAU ..•
MATT B 8 8 E 8 were amona the schools repre· vem~ 23, 1956 and recorded In the pu.~~l1c heharl1n1 1 thde P11,a_ndn n1a after an extended Jlln.-ss. He was ton grows grain In Jlllno1s In thr>
ed • the County Recorder's office of Commuo.a on s a ren er ._.. ec · a native of Nebraska and movE'<! summt>r and C'Omt"S to Newvort ~r•-Cettee . ae~ ·Galleon was awarded the Orange County, State of Calltor· slon on any variance within here In 1~ Before his tt'tlre · each w jntt>r to ht>lp the local 1280 "••rwlt 8l9d..
•-·Jar Shapes best ~k award In 1954 Both the nla on Novem~r 26. 1956 and un· thlrty.flve 435) days following ment lasf year. he was foreman fJshf'rmt>n dt>pll'te our )()('a) wa C..... .._. ...W~ .. aaUJLDDIQ 1954 and 1956 Gall~ns were der and pursuant to a Deed of the close of t~ public hearing. of the Consolidated Rock Pro· tPr or an)1hlng that rest>mbles a ,._ ~ & laa.
COSTA .,.UA MAmW CO. l ted b the Ensl n Publlshln Trust dated January 17. 1956 ex-The granting of any variance. ducts Co. Orange fish Llbe.ty 1-7113: ~ 1-1581
2110 llw4. U ~~-pr n ro:a del Marl 1 ecuted by ~es Vale. a wl· when conforming to the provl Survivors are his wife, Clara: LYON VAN UNES A6EHT ~~~~~~-~-~=··~Co~ .. ~Co~~~~~~-~~--~~~who a~ul~tltlp u Mer· s~M ~~Is ~~n. ls he~~two~~khn C ~~n~Ana ~R=t>~a~d~E~n~s~lg;n~C;l;•;~;l;f;I~~;A~~~=~~====~~~==~~ i ~ cedes VaJe. a married woman, declared to be an administrative Ht>ights and FrE'd Jr of Costa r ~~--Rubber nJe and recorded January 18. 1956. In function. the authority and Mesa; two daughters. Mrs ~ar
,......._ 1 Ttl book 3358. Page 374, of Official responsJblllty for performing. garet Ireland of Santa Ana
Formica -Uno eum e Records In the oUice or the Re· which Is Imposed upon the Plan· Hplghts and 1\.irs. ~raid Shradt>r OIII.TIIS' UJI~ cor~r of O.ange County, Call· nlng Commission and the action I of Costa Mesa; s.evt>n grandchll
lal &. lftla lt. c-t. 11-fornla, will sell at public auction ~ereon by said Commission dren and one grE'at-grandson.
J..D&1lTY a.425l to highest bidder for cash (pay· shall be final and roncluslve ex f'uncral S<-rvice-s werE" he lei [)('('
22 Yean ln Oranp County able at time of sale In lawful cept In the event of an appeal 1 tst at Park~ Chapel. with thP
Orco Block Co.
BUILDING BLOCD-ALL SIZES-ALL TYPES J.Acaaa ,... • 1De'*ly U7M aoa K...a.. ....... aao L ...... a-• Aae
PLUMBING HEAnNG ··-...... 24-Hr. Emerpacy s.mc.-Bepain
Llbelty ..., ........ , ..... c..-....
STROOT'S ~~ * QHiwwe * .. App&aac:. * Painta ... --.u ...... a.....,_
money of the United States) on as hert>lnatter provided. . Rt>v Joseph McShanE> officiating
the south steps o1 ~e Orange "I b l The Planning Commission Interment was 1n Harbor Rt"lt
County Court House. corner of 6th may designate such conditions M.-morlal Park.
and Broadway, City of Santa In connections with the varlanct> -------
Ana, County of Orange. State of as It deems nN."t'ssary to secure I LECAL lfOnCI!
California, all right, title and the purpose of this artlclt>. and 1 Jrfo. A 21351 Interest conveyed to and now may requlr~ such guarant~ and NOTICE O F HEARING OF PE11 ·
held by It under said D~d of ~.>vidence that such conditions are TION f'OR PROBATE OF Wll.l.
Trust tn the property situate being or will be rompllt>d with AND FOR LETTERS TESTA·
In the County of Orange, State "Section 9106~. Appeal: MENTARY.
of California. described as: "Ia I In case the applicant or In tht> Sup~,>rior Court of the State
Lots Four. Five and Slx In any person. firm or corpc>ratlvn 1" of California In and tor the
Block "B" of Tract No. 673. not satlsried With the actions or County or Orangt>.
as shown on a Ma p recorded the Planning CommiMIIln. h" In ttw! Matter of the Estate of
In Book 20. Pages 17 and 18 may within ClftN>n 1 15l clay~ ap Jessie Fulton Stleett>r. dec-eased'
of Miscellaneous Maps. rE'<'· peal In wr1ting to th(' City l oun :-<otlce ls hereby given that the
ords of Orang,e County, Call· ell • 11 h 11 1 petition o1 Security First Nation ·
fornla "1 b 1 11\.t> City Cnunc s a S<' al Bank of Los Angeles -for the
EXCEYrrnC (rom said Lot date for publ1c ht>arlng anrt shall probate of the WllJ of ~e above
Six the Southwesterly 13 feet. post notlct> as set forlh In ~tlon named decedent and for the Is·
ALSO EXCEP11NC from said 9106.32 lal Not•ce shall also be suance of ~tters Tt>Stamentary
Lot Four the Northeasterly liven to thi.' Planning Commls· to the-petitioner will be heard at
33'' feet. slon of suc-h appeal and the Plan· 10 o'clock a.m. on Friday. Decem·
Said aale wlll be made. but nine Com mission shall submit 8 ber H . 1956. at the court room of
without covenant or warranty, report to the City Council setting tx>partment 2 of the Superior
express or lmpUed. regarding forth the reasons for action t~k~ c~urt of the State of Calltomla In
title posaess1on. or encum· by the Commission. or shs and for the County or Orange. bra~ces. to pay the principal sum representE'd at the m.-etlng · L. B. WALLACE.
of the Note secured by said Deed (cl The City Count!! sh all ren County Clerk r Trust. to-wit: $16,000.00 with der Its decision within sixty !60l Dati." November 26. 1956.
fnterest th~n (tom AprU 1st. days .. altt>r the filing of such ap· A. K. Phelps.
19C56 at the rate of 6th per an· peal. 34~ E. Coast Hlehway, num. u 1n aald Note provided. SECTION 2: This ordlnan~ Corona del Mar. CAllf.
tocet}ler wtth advances.. If any. shall be published Bt leutl onC'f' l Attorrwy for Petitioner.
under the tenM of aald Deed of In the Newport Harbor Ens gn, a Publish: Nov. 29. Dee. 6. 13
Like your doctor and law·
yer, we hold a great and con·
fidenti.al trust. Our sound,
conservative policies are de-
signed to gi' e you efficient
suvi~ and gtarantee you
financial protection.
You \\'ill find our banlc al-
\\·ays looking for new ways
ro sen·e you .
Newport Harbor Bank
MS5 L c..t Jll9lnnrT C..... del lla
. ree.. charps and ex· newspaper of ge-neral clrculatlon. In ~e Newport Harbor EnsJgn. Tru~. oftheTru~~andofthe~~~andpuhll~~a~clrcu ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g pen.es ted by aatd Deed of lated In the City of Newport ttl
crea Beach and the ~me shall bf' In ~; beneficiary under aald fUJI f<>rff and eUect 30 days attt-r
Deed ol Tru.at. by reuon of a thls pa Age
bread\ cw default ln the obllp· The above and r~golng ordl
tiona MNNd tbelftf, bentolore nance wu lntrodu~ at a re1Foi
uecute4 and dti\veftd the un· tar meeting of thf' City Coun<'
--a wdtteft l)l!claratlon tbe City of Nt'Wport ltftch held ~~-;it and Demand for Sale. on the 26th day or NovemMr-.
d wri~ not~ ol bftad\ and 1958 and was nnally ~ and
:;' election to caue t.M unw• adopwc:t on the lOCh day ot ~
atped to Mll uld property to eembft'. 1956. by the foJiow\nl
eatlllrY Mld oblleations. a.nd vot•. to wit: ~ Aucust K 1-AYES. couNCILMEN: Bart. ~ ca-.d Mid no-Wild«. Madtay. ~ =:.~and of eMdton to HI.Jbl•. RJdckrhoC. KUl. ..U to ... N«iidM ta ltMil ~ ltOES. COUlfCIUD71: None.
Pap err o1 ..W OIIJdal .._... ' AIISENT COUNC'ILMEN:
~ 'OtC.. .. ~ l'one.
by DOitll ~ DOitA o. B1LL
. .wMIIIId~ A,.,_,~
Dlte: ~ 'lr' \ MA.CDY 8C80UDD ......... ::.:,.....-rt ..,._ a. Qlrk
J.-FII&Y 1111111111'
. -r. ...... . t '• II( ' ( r · ... ..,,.
l...,t lfKt Molt Complete
Fwnitute~~ ':..the ~vee. Beta Council eourteq or ala penona .t.
OlCORATINQ SEIVICI lJdo Sho~plnJ Center .tore en·
u...,.., •"'' I~ Organ·lzed abled • tt~ae~ to loot tbe o.ub drawer or !approximately $100 I r J lut Thursday noon. II sf ... u a r I£ I Offlcers w~e ~ntl): elected A man po.ine u a n Insurance ~ .:.::~ :':.: ~-=c:. ~sc:. r::..:IJef~~.u:;-:l..=:.-=
r... __ 1..a.la-f L----by the newly or&anlzed 'Newport -~an walkeCI Into Shad-tell'• ad Ma t..._, Col•llll ~ tM dbplcrf. na. llati.tty .... f8 fleod .......... "'"'-...._. ~ ~ Harbor Beta SJema Phi Area dodl'a, lnc., :Ml2 Via Lido. and .._., lllclway City, • lel8e A-. na. .... 1a aJ9~tly. · dubl. yec:hta. Councll. said be wa• to meet a Mrs. JUdl. ___ ;__ __ :.._......;;. _ __; _______ :--__ ....;,__..;;. ______________ _
)017 w. eo..t Hithwev Mrs. Clarence Har~in of 1714 tteld to atgn 10me ~ance u • d Ch h
.......... ch Miramar Drive. Balboa. wu papers. He wu asked to ha~ a Committees "-••1 a .............. " nate ' urc elected president: Mrs. El.sJe E&· seat. After chattlne a while wtth -----._...
gert, 323~ Anade Ave .• Balboa, sales persona, the man left the f E h w t p• k .. --T-v--.. recording secs.etary; Miss Louise store. or XC ange Teaching and performing are omen 0 IC Oliphant. correspondlne seer~-11\e man returned ln a few
tuy; M.1ss Martha Oehlerldnjt, minutes and wu noticed ltand· Cl b N d the duo occupation for Dorothy N Off•
* TUIEH ,_,_ .......
920 Clay St.. Clltf Haven, treu-tne by the cash drawer. A aales U a me Gavin of 1991!'fewport Ave., eo.. ew leers
urer; and Mrs. S. T. Wicke-r ol lady thought It odd at the time, ta Mesa. who aharea a stu~io~lth
20061 S. W. Orchid Ave., Santa but abe dlslnlued It from her Committee apopintments have Jo Ann Burdick. dance an ton The United Ch~rch Women ot
Ana Heights, parliamentarian mind. been made by PrHident Carl Instructor in Anabelm. where Newport Harbor will hold their
and historian. Atter the man lett a second Stentz tor the newly organlud Mrs. Gavin teachn plano, organ annual meettne at 12:30 p.m .
Members of the council made time the sales lady checked the Exchanee Club of Newport Har· and voice. The active musician Friday, Jan. 4, in the Social Hall
Plana for the Beta Sl....,..a Phi An· c--•-' draw.er and noticed the bor, which meets every Thursday Is aliO available for concrrta and of the Costa Mesa MethodJ.It
..... -· 1 J 1 1 Rest t. rtyecltala throughout Orange Coun-Chu-h ... _ ,._ ... l•man Smfth •-nual Lunch Fuhlon Show to be money wu mlastng. noon n ama ca nn auran ..... '"" ........ L "' ..
hdd Ln February. 'l'he next coun· Corona del Mar. Mrs. Gavin ls In private llte chairman of the event.
ell meetJngls scbeduled tor Mon· Th• f 1be following appointments the wife of Charl8 Gavin and Reports from officers of 1956
day Jan 7 at the home of Mrs Fussy I e were macte: h 1' f 12 ld Lyn will be heard anc1 new officers 'i~==~~:iii:i~t:~~il ~uel R. 'Frazier, 467 E. 22nd Proeram-Chalrman, EmerY ~o: ~airs to~Y;~,,t w:;~~ ln: wiU be elected. Mn. (Glenn T. ·~ St Costa Mesa h 8 Hanson, David McNeely. · Welln. area chairm an, wUI ln· .. . Gets t e est Fellowahlp -Chairman, Fled dl.na, where she taught at Fort stall the new omcera.
• • •
. -.aaac:r
(RO -ru.U) I World"a SmaU.-t -.ocuo
WEI CD Oln. T 12 OZ.
s1ae oaly r • s· • 1y.· A New Concept In Peraooal
bdlo. Ear Phone and Carry.
fnl Cue OptJonaJ. Extra.
Preston Ralph J . (Bud) Gaston. Wayne Colleg.e of Music and In · The United Ch urch Women's ....... r.. Wilt Hou~halrman, Joeeph Steel-structed in organ at churches World Community Day prorram
.. A cold-blooded burglar entered man. Ernest Soderberg. throughout the stte. She studied resulted In the collection of 340 II lnllllllt ...... the home of Berman Ranney, Publlclty-Cbalrman, OrvUle w1tb Franklin Taylor, an out-pounds of clothing and a 160 of.
p 2000 W. Ocean Front, Newport Hud.lon, Fredric Buhon. standing soloist wtth Metropoll· ferlng Cor refugees In Europe and
Beach, and stole 10 blankets. i Attendance-Chairman, w. s. tan Opera Co., wfth Marte Zorn. Korea.
pillows. a radio, and an electric Messenger John Klug. Internationally famous concert -------
clock, some time In the past · pianist, and attended the .Arthur ............. • ....
2 weeks. Jordan Conservatory of Music. y.._ --
Mr. Ranney, who lives In Plan· Pa·lnes Going . . . c ._ ....... ~ centla but .owna the Newport A complete Lionel electric traln l-..,_ WI .-u
Beach home, reported the theft E t f y I with all sorts of accessories ls
to Newport Beach pollee otficlals aS or U e being given away by Corona del Four unlnvited ruests ap.
Wednesday ot last week. Pollee Mar Pharmacy on the Saturday peared at a hlfh school party
said the thief was apparently Mr. and Mrs. WIUiam Paine before Christmas. Dec. 22. Draw-Saturday, Dec. 1, at the home ot
"neat" Inasmuch as he only took and twin daughters, Cynthia andl lng for the prize wUI be made at Dr. M. M. Haskell, 'JJ11 VIa Or·
the beSt Items avallable. P trl 1 f 320 Holmwood Drvle 2 p.m. and the winning name vieto, Lido Isle. A(ter the 4 per. N~:t ~eights will leave Mon: posted. U the prize Is not claimed sons left. It wu dlacovered that
'1ft 11 11. ALl •-If d f D yton Ohio where the within 24 hours, according to G. an electric shaver and barometer ~--... 0. c:~u;' pl:ru to' spend· the Christ· H. Pelraol, store own~. a new were mlsslne. The articles w~
1111111 ... -O...LII&. ftl...... h lid with Mrs. Paine's wlnnl!'g name will be drawn. valued at too. n....-. ._ IU U... mas 0 ays Everyone Ia invited to register ------------
parents. t b ize tb b p f • I Charles Rolland Schultz. 2(). The trip will mark Mrs. Paine's or t e pr at e p armacy. ro eSSIOna
Wayne Mayfield. 510 Fullerton month-old, son of Mr. and Mrs. first trip back eaSt In 4 years .
Ave .. Newport Heights. was re-William Schultz. 2525 Newport Cynthia and Patricia, who have LIWC Group o· t cently Installed vice president of Blvd., Costa Mesa. died Wednes-never !seen snow. should get an I rec 0 ry
Long Beach State College's new· day, Dec. 5, after a brief Ulnesa opportunity to see and play In PI an s Lunch I I'UJifEUL DdZCTOU est national fraternity, the Delta at St. Joseph Hospital. the nutty stuff.
Gamma chapter of PI Omega Pt. Funeral services were held Friendly Nelfb borhood ServJce
Mr. Mayfield, father o! 2 chll· Saturday In the Southern Call· ...... I 1_._1-t Q H p Jl Dtrr~
dren. 1.s a member of the Elks 1 'th ..... pen ouse I ~ and Masons. He served with the fornla Bible College chape ' Wl ,..0_, .... ,
Rev. C. E. Thurmond oUiclatlng. -------------.... un.Aa U. S. Navy In World War 11· Interment wu In Harbor Rest The House and Garden section 110 B d
ulatlng professional attitudes In Mortuary wu In charge of ar-Newport Harbor Rei altyiBotcharl d anfd will hold a progressive luncheon U 8·3433 lr 8-3434 eo.ta Mea
PI Omega Pl. dedicated to slim-Memorial Park. Baltz Costa Mesa Lots or new members of the or the Lido Isle Woman's Club I roa way
the field of business education. is rangements. . a number of peop e sw ng o and open house from 11 :30 a .m. "'::==========~ U a.M3'1 a cO-educational fraternity and Survivors Include the parents flees around. New members }n· 'til 4:00 p.m. Tuesday. Proceeds r
•• ~ at~ e-ta ,._ membership 1.5 limited to stu· and a broth~. Douglas. elude John Enders, aasoelate with eo toward island beautitlcatlon. N 0 W . . . T W 0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~e~n~ts~~w~lth~~a~B~a~v~er~a~g~e~. ~~~ Doris Bray; Catherine Hallberf, Memben will vlslt 4 h omes BAL il MORTUARIES associate with N4>lda Gibson: and a dltterent luncheon course
Paul Holder, a.uoctate wttb Vo-will be served at each of the Servinl the Harbor Area
PeatanDg U... ..................... dbe. dddala. d.ack.
tlae VIlla 11..-. Ia -et Ot S Coaaty'• aa.t ....... . ....... a..ca-t ,._ ......... 400. t.ocated at ... ....... ~ 8a1bDa llla:D4. o..w ... OW"Mddl1p'-... a.rq... ..
l'tDe too4 ••• CIOddai1 .,_ ••• a.. ...... a1411atly .......
auk tc. dlrrd8g ••• &.y t. .-• "-W..,.rt ._. ... Ano ..... _._ .... .......,; ........... .......,
101, a. t1lla diM .. PI-Ill& .... • q-tw ef • aile ...........
loe71 0 . L IIWT. 101 --AJIAJI'ItM
• Yll'l IIWLIII • o ......... onll AU.KD
ftee lwbMtlle ...... ··-PVLI.1' AVTOIUTIC .. AI IW ·
* Wll&&..=...-..,_
gel Co.. and Robet Smith, U · homes. The homes and hostesaes Baltz Mortuary
soclate with Myrtle Davy. are: M.rs. Forest SmJth, Jr., 928 CHAPEL BY 11lE SEA
Albert Dayton, no loneer wtth Via Lido Nord; Mrs. Stuart Cum-Harbor 42
C1audla Ann, daughU!r of Mr. Waldron Realty, la now In hls mings, 629 Vla Lido Soud: Mrs. 3MO E. Cout HIRhwa7
and Mrs. Edward Black of 1539 own office at 320 Marine Ave. VIncent Salmacla, al5 VIa Lido Corona del liar
Priscilla Lane, Harbor Heights, Balboa Island; Charlotte Robin· Soud; and Mrs. Eldred Remelln, Baltz Mortuary
wu born Wednesday, Nov. 28. at son. formerly with Brose Realty 545 VIa Lido ?ford. LibertY 8-2121
Hoag Hospital. C 1 au d 1 a Ann and then James, has her own Mrs. Salmaela ls chairman of 17b A: Supedor, eo.ta Meu
weighed 9 pounds. 1 ounce. office at 128 E. l8th St., Costa the event and Mrs. Earl Sawyer, AMPLE PAJUClNO
The Blacks, who formerly lived Mesa: Clarence Lake ls now as-co-chairman. Other committee BOTH LOCA110NS
at Balboa, have a son. Edward. soclated wlth Blanche Gates, VIr· members are Mra. James Ey. ~===:]!!!!i!!1!:===~ who Is 2. Mr. Black Is a high glnla Wotmutt with Vogel Lido mann, Mrs. Edith Ahrens, Mrs.
school tt>acher In Santa Ana. office and Helen Mc.Kenzie with Frank Austin, and Mrs. Leon .......... ·-
of l.alllrlllla' S.
G. H. Lathrop. Ware.
• • • Tickets may be obtained by
Executive secretary Farel Wal· contacting Mrs. Salmacla. Mrs.
ker Is sneaking In a quick De· Sawyer, Mrs. A. S. Heinze, or
cember vacation before Chrlst· Mn. Vincent Healy. mas.
Ronald William, tlrst son of JttJTEJfDALLS IIAW
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Lamerton DAOC~
of 441 Santa Ana Ave., Neowport Mr. and Mra. BJU Kuykendall
Heights. wu born Sunday, Nov. l 407 W H mUton St Costa 25, at Roag HocpltaL o · a ·• , Mr. and Mra. Lamerton former-Mesa, have a new daughter, born
ly llvea In Balboa. Mr. Lamerton Thursday, Dec. 6, at Hoae Hospl-
ls a boat builder employed at the taJ.
Harbor Shipyard.
Fill n. c •••• .........
Rubor Blvd at Gl.aler
UVQ'RI y 1-11!51
Q .....
leu todiJ
20re•n 110!
....... .. .............
A. ElectrlcftJ
"'EvaN 1'1100011 the prico of
pnctic:a1Jy rrc:rythiDa dM baa
~. Clfkiu .eddy
Kilowllt&. ~a t1lowaU boar of
elactricitJ Ia Sootbena CaJj.
fomia ~ Je.loday dwllt
did 20 ,..,. .., ... (Bigu
blll7 That'• becttata yoa're
Q1i.na mora ao4 Uviq beUcr
electrieally.) SmaJJ woDder
electricity ia your blqeat
barpin ill JDOdcnt Uvin-.
~lft IITlU-IliCTII""Y
9¥• a trip
• • •
~c:oaAGU -I'LAJITI c:awnua
WaBace Calderhead
DICK . MACKERS ·----Prices
Dnlstically ~educed
.aT. TilE
I "
' ..... , ,.,.. '
~ ~.
IF 011•1 lB. Ill
A Fine Selection of
nat .... 1M litclll1 I PIMt If PIIM•I
Open 'Til 9 p.m. until Christmas
. GIVE. • •
Wlalt., ....,, red. ....... upt blue ···-
1HE fi'ESt 1R SPOilT
$15.95 -17.95
• n.sw. ·-
y-.•. you CCIIl plea., tbaM
DMI'Wt cmd dearest to you •••
cil w1wotlnW ~ ••• be.t with
l .. Kt. Jeweky
Jewela by Trifari * Omega Watc:Jw.
C!fi;.!"psa 0= ... ~!...-...... _ .. -.... -
-. ...... .-t tar 1M eomnaWIItJ C'lut.IIIDu wW ._. .. pende.. ,
Spa.rkllq pink tt....a, ..... A ....... to be .,.,....cs rrtdq T:Cii ~ ........
lll1n1na aa4 •ttn lua-nlCM.. OK. 21. by t.M Olrona del lltUt8 at Youtla Oln~ ~ paJ*8 u~ Kat ~tl DIYUIGD ot tbe aeU. cuoUac, a.n.tmu eudJ
•.. mix u.-....... Cb••her ot Conunemt 1a eooplr· lltoc*1np.
tmaatnaUon ud no atloft wttll the Newport BMda T:e p..llll.--CIII..._ belill e&r·
Santa lowe to abop at <n&ID'S ~tecnatloll Dlvtaoa a .. •• tM oUq a.1oae Coeat Hwy. ancS ID and haw Ilia preMnta _.. emedule: tbe .._..._taoocJ&
11ft wrapped! , t :IO p.m.-Children pth« at t :OO to lO:JO p.m.--0\Udren re· -J-r .. 1111" .... •....., YartUertte and Cout Hwy ac· tum to Youth C.t« I« bot daoc·
c:::lllrilt.M J • I II (J ...... ... CCJI'd1q to thelr lf'&de. Scout olate and oookiM ' .... -cr....-. ...... .. _.. ....... J d ...... ) will Jl'lll•lf esaDaw I'OUP OC' "uu~n poup. u ,ee
lato • -..._ ... ,.._ .._ bectn Ju~ne CCMJtU.meS. -wMr• m'IIDK tlae p~~~~t. t:415 p.m.-Santa Claua arrtv.a
.... ,...... ... .,.. ......, ,._ to leed the parade, croe&lnl the ,._t h•• 0"8.....,. ta hJ&bway at Mareuertte, eotnr
beaM to u.a.ct ....S ...._ alo~ the hlthway to Irta Ave.
_. o-aaDJMI m. e1 .._ _. and alon1 Irb to tbe Youth Cen·
tcmwt• _... <•weU• ,_._
wW be ......... prhUewM
laDWa wbo wW ool*t • .._ ... ~~-...... n. ....a
May we sue~est a robe for -----------mllady! It can be warm and
, STilES
snurrlY like the, brushed orion (Continued from Paee 11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ robe of pink or white trimmed • TUESDAY, DEC. 11 ; with dainty lace - or another LeVa lley's Food Mart. 112 Me·
euy . to . care . tor . and . com-Fadden Place, Newport Beach,
fortable -for . cold -mornings received 2 no-account checks to·
t I'll I <,( I· II'; 10 ,\
~... .
' beauty a robe of Sanforlan . . . tallnr $50. which were signed
combtn'atton of wool and nylon. K. A. and Ruth Hawkins . . . A
with wash and dry directions $20 ~r cover was stolen from
right on the label. Pick the warm A. W. Snyder, 209 Emerald Ave ..
red with gold braJd trim, a pastel Balboa Island · · · The 10-year.
pink or heavenly periwinkle old daughter of Mrs.. lean Ad .
blue. Glamour over the breakfast cock. 433'• lrls Ave .• Corona del
table or around the television set Mar, was bitten by a dog owned ot an evening will be found In by Mrs. C. Horry of 432 Avocado Mil VIa Udo IIA 3GOS
Naw,.._ .............
........ .,, Jat ,... ... ... ............ us.....,
Elecbic a,. CMIIQ .... .... --d..,. .... ....... ..,.,... IDdoon « ..
Yoo dae't ne. ..,_to daruad
HarbOI' 1406
3121 Ecut Coast Highway. Corona del Mar
Open the elegant brocade duster of Ave., Corona del Mar ... lose-•..port .._.
white with gold ... or your phlne Landvogt. 226 Pearl Ave., 3021 Ceat llwy-sA 5870 U•a "'=-.,· II w~.-6 a ...a.. , __ a--•ts special someo~ may want a Balboa Island, lost a purse con· c.o.. del llcr .-.;p !:!!~·--... , nu. lUI RUI
beautiful pastel or high shade In t;a;ln;ln;;;g~a~co;;;m;;;p~act~a~n~d~$40~.~~-=====::::::::;:::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~=~==~~===~----.......... -=~~=====
We invite you to see
our unusual selection of . . .
* GRfXI"ING CARDS .........
I(MUI, ~a/J 335S VIA UDO
Newpor\ Beach, Calif.
u 8-0317
a corduroy robe.
Couple these with a warm
challie gown -or an alluring
nylon with lace and you will
have a pleasing gift combination.
Out of ber nry f~te
Cbriltmaa box may come a
lonly DeW party d.nu -10
rtgbt for thb hoUday MCUODI
We1.1 be plecued at O'BilElf'S
to belp you cbOOM • d.nu
sbe1.1 be eftl' 10 proud to .......
l ust In time tor Chrlstma.-a
perfect gilt-and an especially
choice fashion for those who are
planning an a!ter-the·hoJldays
cruise or trip. are a new collec-
tion of coats. These exclusive
modela are heralding the 1957
fashions and you will be thrilled
with their materials and style
JIG'ft you met Suutte? Sbe
b U.. ....,..t addltioD to ov
s to r e m a a I k I a s he... at
O'BJUEN'S. Velma brought ber
back bolD lfew York . . . em
adorable Preach poocn. wttb a
peacbaat fOI' J..,.lry. IUgbt
aow abe's woartDt ea:rria9's. a
bracelet oa ber rlCJht paw, •
MODet IMdtlace collar, • rbiM-.toae bcaclelet oa bow taU, a
Hattie Cc1nMcJio pta cmd balld·
pcblt.d ptJ.lbaK ... cmd .....-a)
oth..-gUttertacJ Items CII'OUDd
ber mld.dle. Su.Mtte b praeti·
ca.Uy a walJrillt (or ahould I
..., atcmdJ.at) ...,.try ward·
robe lD h..--U--aad do9 ... all
would make IOIDec>IM a
.crumptiold pnMDt.
Come In and meet her and see
1 all fh e pretty Christmas things at
O'BRIEN'S. Real soon, now!
2S1S E. Cout Hwy.
llArbor ...
lbdfiwt, .Mwutag' &
~-!}~to. 'lJoa
FREE ••• A $25
C... .... Altll., • .,..,.. _... _.. ........ I a .....
.... .... www .. -..... -. ~ ... .,..'11 ...................... -...... ~ ..... ...
UJJI ... tM -Gdl c..n. will bel hw .._,. e tift
tliMit will .. a ••II•••• _. • .,., ... P.,....,. ef ,..)
.. ,..... ... .,.... ....... ,...... e h'il IF -·-............. -,.. ... ,-.. ...., ... ..._. ...... CIIJit•• It• Cd
.. B. eo-t Bwy.-CoroDa clelllar-Hall»or 5013
111lnlliJIJJfE 7114-oz. no. -DDfZ
Y CRACKERS 17~ BABY FOOD ;:::::::a.
nt7 chO,olate 2~ POnT DOg Food 2..,
-I QAL. TUNA -81/a·OZ. CAlf
IDER '1 10 PurrCatFood 2r.23
range Jui(e 2 "' 35~ LEMONADE
TOMs 55•· DENs· 59i
~. -...... ~ FRE5H PROOU[E