HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-27 - Newport Harbor EnsignYOL e. •o. • -nYZ cam
BED II,_.. Drt.IJft lfo. l, tM aobll• drtJlJAg platform alma.t
2 ...u. .,..,_ ..._. u.. aa.ta Aaa JU...-r Jetty. Tilt. &a tbe rtw
tlwlt ........ , OU Co • ...ats to mo.. • to the adJolrltD.r Jfewport .._. a•••• .. a. ~ open~Uocu. EICJbt vtcmt .-.a Wp.
drtwa deep iato tbe OCIMa 0.., euppori tbe buge .tnac:tun by
--.. IS cdr JeciD, .-Ia with aGO-lola capacity. To mo.. the
.alt. tile platfoqa Ia limply J~ dowa to water leYel, the
~ .,.._ jCidlled ap CIDd the •tv• aaJt tow.cl a a bar91. Tbe 1'19 ,.. IDOftd w a DeW loaiUaa oe CbrUtiDaa day, daMr to aboN.
Three -from
Harbor rea
Auto Kills
Balboa Man
A N~rt Heights couple and Winthrop Lee Hlcglnson, 33,
a Santa Ana man died as result of 308 "1.." St .. Ralboll was killed
of a head-on auto collision early In a head-on auto accident late
Saturday morning on Harbor Saturday night on Newport Blvd.,
Blvd., between Santa Ana and east of Santa Ana, while en route
Costa Mesa. hnme for the Christmas holiday&
Mrs. Lucille Smith, 36. of 327 The driver of the other vehlde
Catalina Drive. Newport Heights. and his wife, both of Anaheim,
and Arthur Gonzales of Santa r('('efved major Injury
Ana werf' killed instantly. Mrs II Mr Higginson wac; n native
Smith's husband, John Cordon of Chicago and had llvt>d herf' 41
Smith. also 36. was pronounced )'Pars. Survivors Inc-lude hls
dead on arrival at the Santa Ana 1 widow. Audrey; one son, James,
Community Hospital. and one daughter. nna , and his
Highway Patrol stated that the parPnts. Mr and Mrs W 0 Hlg·
Gonzales vehicle was attempting ginson of Los Angeles: onl' sis· I
to pass a car. but Gonzales' Vt'· tcr. Marilyn 0 Dodd. also of ills
hlcle struck the car on the side. Angelf>S.
and hurtled head-on Into the Funeral services w•rt> ht>ld
south-bound Smith car. Monday at Baltz Corona Mar
Survivors of Mr. and Mrs. Chapel.
Smith are 2 daunghters, Laura
and Deborah, both of the home.
Mr. Smith wu a lumber yard
superintendent and a vett>ran of
World War II.
Fires Precede
Santa's Visit
TBE IPBDfX at Ct. CIDd tM Qeopa ~
Corm the bac:kwjaouad '-Wa picture tabe
duri.D9 U.. neeat traftls of U.. Lymaa peg.
weU.. Left to rtpt an Mn. Panrell, Kr. peg.
weU. Mn. Jlaymood Saaltla, ILia .,._·la·law.
Cllld Mn.. IAoeoanS s...... ILia a.oa..-ta-l.aw.
Knights of
Honor Ken Well
11M ...... --..... ~ Sebll .............. Caint. Mr. Lyaaa,.. wapc1nll w .._. ._.
tbe plutupaatu W • .......,. 0..... .....
eou.,. a..s pad..-.cl la ·-,..... • .,_ ..._.. llr. LTJDIIII pCIISwlted tn. a.. -.
ODI.I ...
lG of Ev
du.._. wu deftMI1 by thi' ....... flrolll oa.ta ...-. .,olb.
N.-port Cit)' CO.OCU ••• '11uM to IMve tM eeapu .nir eoiD·
Jlatbelr .,... naklent.. Mr. and tq to cool weutDa u. lbortl Krt.. Carter Oan»ll and Inn C. • • • MIL WU11ae Trttt ot Udo ..,._..,, _ _...._..,.
WllliUil LNdl of eo.ta Meu Mu.tlek....,. au~nMd to ap. ~ wu ll'lr:IICaDed u pNtiiiAI ~~....-.-~~~~~ ...... ,..~-~~~-.--...,:;..;.:....;.l.l,Jf -~ bJa motbet aad fathtr pear lA J..ce Aqtia bet~ til• ot tJa• Jf.wport 8Mdl .Dell Olab "
aD4I l.atft huna bJmltU at HouM tlo-A..awltan eo...JttM . . • MD. Hell'ft JflDir, ta. wu
Jlabntleld •. 'I'M COuDty BOard • • • Denntte .-uruee that a bume<l to datb MaT II tn ....,. o1 au~ voted t.tna.nimoua· ~ .-owd ..... eoa· R.-p«t bOIDit ....., tatl..IQI ..... b' to permit the Ha.rbcw Rtlh· ltruc:t.ed alotlr ftftb A be· ulwp in her dULli wllUe watdl-...._. ~ -1. CN.t t11ehft, c.-.., Wet, ~
lu411 .,.. to eeoede trcm tbe nr.etl Corona del Mar P1"'0* and Jnr tflm..son . . . H&J'!7 M1«h. · Tl1.fllHOHUt HAUOI -,,,,. _. 1111
Coeta ..._ lleiMDWJ School tbe B&tbof V'ew 8ebool ~und.l. Oil. a nt1.Nd ~ and ..,..,.... 01 THI
DJiltrk:t and to anna to the N@W· wu NI)Oitcd at a meetJ.na of the yachblm.a.n. comm.Jtt4ld &UJclde tn CAUK>lNIA NIWSPAHl I'UIUSHW ASSOCIATlON
port ._ch Scbool DlatJlct • • · Corona del Mar ctvte ~latJoo bta &Jlboa home by hanalnl Atr4 el .... NATIONAL EDITORJA1 ASSOOATON
~ f~
AD es_plodon. apparenU, cau.llt4 . • • OrvUJe Sdllueter, owner ot hlmleit wtth a l&m.P c:ord • • . • AlVO I. HMP .,.._ -' ,....._
by a au leak. Mt t1re to aDd PavtlJoD and Alckn'a Cltt Shope. eo.ta Meaa flled a auJt In Supe-P5 HAN t'll-..e Whr e ~ waA&.al Callahan'• -or the ..... of delltroyllCl a home belonJlnl to wu named J)C'Midat ot tbe BaJ. rtor Court decla.rtna Newport WAU.Y IAXTD 14...rtttJ~tt ..,......, AJl loalJ h-'-· ....... -#--· w. W. Cobum at Tm Orthld Ave., boa Improvement A.uoelatJon . . . Beacb anne.xaUon proc:eedlnls Jn 101 IU ...,.._ '* -.-wawnen are 12\em that pt. blood..abot. "lbe Corona del Nat ... A lJ.yeu-old E. Jtalph Sdltll~r of Balboa Ja. thew. 17th St. af8 were lnvaUd • • • n. NEW..OitT HAitiOit !NSI&N 1w '-" 4•tw•l~t-4 to a.. • happy, Of lhould be! lt'a Jr&)'· final touch wu tbe omdal
C<lro'lla del Mar fltl ~aped ldd· land wtthd'rew u a candidate in clalmlnr that Colta Meta had _,.,., ef ,.,..,.1 ~~Yietion 1.¥ iudt1MIIt ef ttl. ~lor c.wt .M '"' wbale t1me apJn! I haw yet to c!rlnk We named It The EY•·
napen whe abe broke away tbe Newport City Council race prlortt;y ... Milo Lacy of New. ,.. .. ,. "*-of 1• qw.lln.ct to f"lllllth ell ,. .. u. ~totlce~ roqt~ltM .. Y t.w • .-, a1aht one ol the bll eetaeean.a. kU.
a.nd ran from one ot the attack· . . . The Newport City Council port Helehtl dereated lonr-ttme SUISCAII'TION ltATES1 aJthourh I have had both eye· e aa• LOOKUfGI en Wbo had kicker her In the denied the request o1 f52 flJh~· Incumbent Cordon Plndlay 1n t..cel wbtcriptl011 , .... , Two , .. ,......s.oo1 o~to yN,.......l.OO balla tui'IWd Maward for Mveral C&Uahan and ht. nice wife
stomach ... A $7,000 rarag~ tlre men and boat operaton to aell the Newport Beach Elementary Ovttlde of the Herltof At.a1 Two roar-47.001 .,.. ,..,.......oo weeks. MY watchlnt la a little AnnJtt are In Calllornta rftht
ct.troyed a la~ model auto and llW! bait within the harbor . . . School board election May 18. more difficult than usual, due to now. Within the week wre p
a 11·foot boat at the resJden~ Special slogan cancellations to Melwood Berry waa re·elect~: -------------------------the presence of a larre. wbtte, Ina to hold the tint be-ttnnlal
0( J. W. Leavitt. Jr., Bay Shores. commemorate th~ 50th annlver-also re.elected were Hleb Schooi 6oL. ,4"4 g~ • • • well·dec«ated Christmas tlee tn convention of Th~ 79th Cray .•. J. A. ~ ploneer and devel· aary ot Newport Beach were au-trus~ Hadd RJnr and Donald ., front of my f•vortte view win· What• Watchlnr Croup. We're
oper of t.be Newport Harbor Area. thorlz.ed by the Post OtfJce De· Dunaan: OCC trustees Wait•• dow. But It ju.at can't be lonr arolng to put on our Nd lhlrta. wu named Man of tbe Y"r by • "" now. tab our deek chalra and climb
the Chamber of Commerce · · · of Balboa was cho.en u Mra. eo.ta Mesa elementary achooi _...,_, ' __,_of aty O...CO 1 ed tl "''"' ~ •u ... -.. pa.rtment .. · Mrs. Ray Donald Lonemcor and Barry LeBard· :~::COL~::·-~·;-::~~itft~!:a.~~~==M=~===~iiiii.i It's just about two yeara aJnce ...... ladd-to -.e Whal-'a N-
The Corol na d~~ M.ud'-~lslnessl eo.ta Mesa In the Harbor a.rtta trustees Herb Jenkl and Bradley apott my rat big 1'&1 one. wfth blnoeuJara and Eye·Bal.La
.ueoetat on votiC'U to ._, ve t· Mra. A.merlcan competttlon. . Schwan ... M.ra. Edaar Witmer • STD.L TOR TO am • UIOU •AU&eui Chlcaeoan Daniel H. Callahan. we'll tean the nearby ocean for
wM and becomeCoa mem~.~ * * * ot Balboa wu elected prea!dent There's still time to put In Jn my wanderhtp I landed In :~dju~~~r:e':J b~ddy !!!~ 0':1·tih~~ thJe Uvln1 • ~bot. of our frater-
the Cham •• ~ ol IIU'MK'eAnton U~h • • ot Harbor PanhellenJe ... Doone your bid for a palr of tlcketJI to the chd'a d4tp&J"t:ment or Chet'a e IIPUl • I ""' n t;y. IIUJ'e hope. tar Callahan'• chants D v~on . . . ac, Lawson of eo.ta Mesa wu the New Year's Day Role Bowl Jnn. rt you like barbecued beef Group, wu here on a vlalt. En aan. tbat aomeone let. to yeU
a tlaherman In Rubor watera tor named Soroptlm1st pr.-Jdent aame-between the 30 and 40· and chkken. ru lfl you In on rout~ to the Mtaion at San Juan "Tbar She BJowa!"
nearly 40 :yHJ"S. died at the ap t•~c.l'~-~~~-..~~~anenJ~ Jay Tracer of Corona del M~ yard line. 47th row. Send In your wbat I found. To me It's not Capa.trano. we atopped n~ar • • • ot 73 Harbor llll:b Seboal -~ ............ ~ vvocu .... off t b hls S barbecued unlea It has th• ~raid Bay to lhow the Calla· P. S. 1banlts to Emle Schar· rootball ·~ch Don 8uma wu moualJ to aeeept Supt. Roy An· and a companJon from Lona ers ,o me Y t unday, a.nd han.a an ocean view. I saw a ~~ehug ot Balboa for the t1tst
named to INc:ceed .AI rtwtn u denen'a ftCODUXlendatlon not to Beach miraculously escaped make em be eood. because I ve •mok.e. A very simple devl~ for commotion In the water Just be· stamp l evu saw wltb a wtlat.
d -~ •--T V re-emp'...,. Milia Alleen Kartln tor deeth but a third member ot the eot a couple ot blc:la already. All barbeculnr. althourh not practl· yond the kelp. Then two rreat on IL AND -the _.. ...W.C. the hea eo&u• .......... • aD "'' prt 1 ~ died when they had to proceeda from the aale of theM cal for the home on account of b cka d •.u~ "
Dyke. httad of t~~~~~t-~ethn~B~~~v~*!. ~ .. -~'f:~ "'tch their plane ln 1be ocean 2 tickets will eo to the ~d Cross It I tried It, the ltttl~ woman a an two blr apoutl ap. often a double Eye-Ball to the bor Bank wu ....... ~ p...,......,., ... ~ ....... --.. bo """ m.U .. -11 ·" f H t d would run me ott tor smo ..... na up peared. "Tbar' abe blowa!" 1 ftnt eltlzen wb6 lq'Stimatel)' N · ot tbe -~ Harbor Chambet declaJan. wblc:h came afttio a a ut ..,., • •weat of Los nc e~ or uneary un . her oven. "'' • yelled. portl the f1nt rraY whaM al the
of CommeKe ¥t and Hra. number of~ wu bUed on A.nples · · · A new llceMe ordl-• • • Callahan took It phlloeqphle&l· ae&80J'l off Corona delMar. SJ[OL!
·Emat Clyde NUb of. ne rur1 dUferenc.8 ot optnlon and proce. nance provision levytne extreme· e M OLD FIUEXD The requirement. of the chef ly. Hla moct best·temem~ re· .
Ave Balboa Island.. celebrated dUN on a4Dll~tlve ma~ Jy hJah feel for the PUn Zone Received a letter from Archie In chuae of thla department~: mark wu that when he rot bade I .. __. L L t~k Golden weddlnr anniver-... Word <lAIIM ll!om Wuhineton area ln Balboa aroueed heavy Kodros, one or the tlve ex· Michl· tt.rst. eood beef and a particular to Chlcaeo and reported alahttna •II J WI
aa.ry Sunday, Jan. 8 ... Merle r . that Ute 10-ac:re .tte on the for· proCo tma bo~}u•ln~en. and gan players coachlna Iowa and cut: second, over-night marina. two real ,ray whales, no one Ia .,.._.. II A-...L AJ.'f~bautb owner of thtt Merl_.a mer Santa ADA ~ lue 11 uncll a,rft!Q to delay putting captain of the team Son Bill tlon of sauce; third, even temp· would believe hlm. a.-.,.._
drtve-lns. ~ .. lnatalled president belnl reJea.aed to tb Newport the fees 1n eftec:t until Oct. 1. played on. I had aent him a let· erature, about ~ degrees; • • •
ot the hdtlc AD .. ~ ... Car· Harbor Union Bfeh School oa.-19!57 ... Gordon Walk~ of Co· ter of con,ratulatlon and a hope fourth. a re,uJafA!od amount of • OllGAXa.A'nOJf Fred (Jae) Oray, 35. of 122~ • trt -• t hi h rona Hl-1anda was elected smoke. For a Jon111 tim .... Dan and 1 bad Crystal Ave., Balboa Jaland.. wu roll M Sovde o! Jlalboa Island ct as a ... te OT a new I ..... that we would have a chance to • "' kiUed In an auto acddent Sun· wu eiected chaltman ot New· achool . . . Charles E. Bart. a president ol the Balboa Bay see him durlna the busy prepa. His way of gettlna that Is r .. lt that the 79th Flahter Group day ot Jut week near !f.-hall.
port-eo.ta Mesa branch of the political novice, won a dramatic Lions ... Mrs. Philip Burton of ration aeason for the ble game unique, at least to me. In a should be perpetuated In a ~ CalltomiL He wu a na.tiw ot
American Red Croa ... 11le dty "last second" victory (a rnareln Corona del Mar was lnat~led u 1 quote from his reply "Dear shallow drip pan which covf'rs or an alumni 80Clety. We never Mtnneeota and bad lived here
of Newport Beach voted to b.1re of 47 votes) over incumbent president o! the Woman s Civic Col: You wiJl never know how the noor of the oven to catch could a~ on what to ~aJl lt. 6 Ye&.rL Mr Gray wu an interior
the Chamber of Commerce as ad-Councilman GeraJd Bennett tn a Leaeue . . . Mrs. Mel Berry was happy 1 was to hear from you r the drippings, he pla<.-es an Js. The slahtlna ot those 11m two de.trner a'nd farmerlJ wortt.ed
vertlslne and publJclty aeent tor hotly contested race ln Dtstr1ct named presld~nt of the Horace am awfully amclous to see you land which holds a small pan of aray whale eave us a unanlmoua with the House 6 Garden 8tote
the city at $2.400 a year . . . 1. West Newport: other wlnn~rs Enslan P.T.A. ... Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Smith. Our whole fam <'harcoal. a few briquets, which l lnaplration. Then and there was Ma.rlnH8 Mlle •
Berand Sehrouder, father of New-were Incumbents Clarence Rle· Lockney was elected ~r~ldent of lly Is coming out-wife Ettie. 3 have ~n lighted by placing on born the 79th ,ray wh.alt-watch· He a. aurvl~ by ht. D\Other
port City Clerk and Treasurer ble of Balboa Island Otstrlct 5 the Udo Isle Women s Club. children 1 Rodney 10. Maryo s. one of the top burners with lng group. Jack Hoaaland. one Mrs. Pearl Gray of lllnnetota'
Mareery Schrouder. died at the and Leland Wilder of Corona del * * * and Bob 4). tongs. then transferred to the of our former flahter pilots. and Funeral 8ei'VIce. wera held Ftl~
are or 86 ... The ~. James Mar O~trlct 6 ; Charter amtond· e •UIE "Say. you are gotna to get pan Chips of hickory or Texas tN> &ld Earle of HaddonLlaJd. day at Baltz Corona del lbr
Stewart. pastor of the St. An· ment 1. to r('S('rve publlc use of • quite a surprise when you Sei! mesquite are added as necessary N. J .. ls the other member. Chapel lDterment will be ln
drews Presbyterian Church. was a strip of land In front of thel Bruce Summer edged out hl.s me-l weigh about 250 Jbs and to maintain a mild smoke. This Shortly after the organization Ml.nn~
lnstaJLed president or the New-City Trailer Park, passed over ·~ Republican 0 p pone n t, John am still only 5' 8." Walt 'til you smok.t' lsJand Is not for heat. The of The 79th W. W. G. we had ~~--·--------....
port Harbor Council of Churches. whelmlngly; proposition 2. a pay Amendt. In the state assembly see Bo~hat a chunk, 41~ yrs oven La kept at the desired heat ele<-tlon of oftl~ra by maU. By ..... , a ........... ... * * * raise tor city coundl members. primary . . $100 annual hl.ke Jn old and weighs better than 70 by ga.s, thermostatically cor.· unanimous approval of all three --._...
was defeated ... Dorothy Palen teachers' salaries was approved pounds. troled. mt-mbers. The Bald Eagle be· e fEBRUARY of Newport Heights was ele<-ted l by the Newport Elementary "It Is certainly nice of you to Aluminum toll Is placed over came The All ·Seelng Eastern
president of the Newport Harbor School Board ... Navy Ensign Invite us to stay with you. after the meat In such a position that Eye, Dan wu summarily titled
Curt Dosh, Balboa Island real-Business 1c Professional Women's! John Pt>rry Langenhelm, gradu· the game. We will be leaving on th~ smoke hits the foil and goes The Ali ·Sfoelne Mid-Western Eye
tor, was elected president or the Club ... Dora Hill of Lido rsle ate ot the Naval Academy at January 3rd. 1 honestly don't around the meat before escaping. Including the Great Lakes. and
Balboa Anallng Club ... Paflc:lc was re-elected mayor of New· Annapolis, was married to MJss know what obligations we might The meat Is placed on the grill your whale·happy correspondent
Telephone exchange manager port Beach and Claire Nelson Mary Harriet Foster of washing. have while out there. Bye tor 110 that the juice is caught by became The Great Gray Whale.
Ted Hambrook announced the was re·elected mayor of the City I ton, o. c .... Over a s1.ooo worth now and am looking forward to the large pan and none hits the which Ia the equivalent of PreaJ.
Harbor exchange would switch of Costa Mesa ... Mr. and Mra. or jewels was stolen !rom the seeing you, and my love to smoke fire pan. This solves one df'nt.
An oriental motll wu uaed
Jut week at the third annual
men's nlrbt ChriatJQu taahton
show at Chef's lnn. Fuhlon.a
from fur to llnaerJ~ wwe on da..
play w1tb Pat Burkhardt from
the MarJorie Hale Studto com·
mentatine. • • • to dial aome time In 1957 · · · John Quinby of 713 Orchid Avt> .. 1 home of Mrs. Helt>n T. Undsley mama Smith. Archie." of the biggest problems in barbe· We adopted red ahlrt.a H t he
Nearly five Inches of rain fe ll on' Corona del Mar. celf'brated tht>lr l of Corona del Mar ... Dave Ta-rnctdentally, 23 children of the cuing. because smoke from bum. oflclal unltorm. The Idea belnr The Newport Balboa Savtnra t~ Harbor area during a 3-day 60th wedding anniversary Sun· mura. Harbor High letterman In roaches and oltlclals plus the lng fat Is acrid. that they matched the color ol and Loan AaaoclatJoo ta maUlne
storm · Mrs. Iris Higbie. wile day. April 8 ... John J. Sailors. football. basketball. and base-children's mothers made the trip. out Ita +4th conaec:utlve dJvt.
of NI'WJ)Ort Beach Councilman. former dty manager of Newport ball. was named ''Tar of the Archie was a close friend of sons led denda. at the rate ol ·~ per
Clctrenct' Higbie. was the first to I Beach. took over his new job as' Year" .. Newport Beach City Bill and Bob and came out with Compel.lf.IOR Ru Out annum. to aome 8500 aavtnp ac· flle nomination papt>rs for the city manager of El Segundo . Council approved a request by the them at the end of one 5Chool count holden situated In the
up.coming council election · John C Tipton, a dishonorably Chamber of Commerce tor $2.400 year 1938 and spt>nt 6 weeks with Harbor are., Oranee County, tn
FBI agPnts t ame to Newport as discharged Army private. was for advertising purposes for 1956· us on Balboa Island. mo.t of the States ot the Union.
part of a sear<'h fur Mad Dog <'hargE'd with the knife murder 57 and $1,000 for Founh of July During his playing days Archie A R I p I t and numerous Corelrn countrfft.
killer Lt>c;lv-Irwin. \!ohO had eo;. of Mrs. Oleta Johnson. rommon flr4'work.s .. Kenneth Pashby of was a shoM double thick 200 lbs. s eason 0 ro es accordlnt toP. A. Palmer, Prfti· capt>d fwm Indiana · The law wife of a Costa Mesa Nlk.l> Monrovia was arrested by New· that was touah to move. He dent. 'nl~ total disbursement. In
County Board or Supervisors based soldier . . Hubert Pf'lr501, port Beach polke otrlcers and plowE'd holes In th«-opponf'nts dividends for 1956 1a In exeesa of
gave thP go ahrad sign on the owner of the Corona del Mar charged with the brutal knife Jines that paved the way tor Arguments that there ar~ al· The vote to Issue the use per. S800,000. The dlvtdend S. for the
final phase or the Up~r Bay Pharma<'y. contested a claim murdN of a 19·yt>ar ·old Pasa-Evashevskl. Harmon and Wt>St · ready too many laundromats In mit was 6 to 1. Commi.Mioner period endlne Dec. 31 but a. paJd
Water Recreation Arra pmje<-t · ., that he owe-d $2.430 In U S taxes dena girl . . . Former Harbor faU to 10 places. Newport were dismissed as out Louis Brlags voted "no." say1ne In advance 10 that lhoee who
Extens ion of tho(> slant drilling . Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvey of Balboa educator and School Supt. Hor-• • • of order by Planning Commls· he oppoM'd the request becauae wlah can use tlw funds for
area In Wt>st Newport loomed a.sl was Installed as president of the ace 0 Ensign. 72. who served 34 stoners Thursday evening. and of the watt"r ahortaee. Chrtstmu lhopplnr.
a strong probability In the light Fourth District P.T A .... Mrt~. years In the Newport School sys-• B.EPOBTIJfG Olf IOWA they Issued a u~ permit to Stan--
of recommendations submitted Donald Colegrove ot Lido Isle tern, died June 9 ... An Orange r watched the first Iowa work· ley R. Pion to o~rate a self. These requests for variances ProfeSS.IOnal
by the city's technical oil advls·l was elected president of Hoag Coast College committee ap· out Monday of la.st week. I was service laundromat at 2611 New-were approved:
ory committee · · · A proposition H~pltal Auxiliary . . The Col. pointed to study student attire Impressed with the compactness port Blvd. • Harry Kelao. swimming pool o• t
to raist> thl' monthly pay or city William Cabell Chapter of OAR reP<Irtt>d "Bermuda shorts as well and the smooth running power of Mrs. Carl Moore. owner of the on front half of lot, 1..231 DolphJn 1rec ory
mundlm('n from S.'lO to $200 and t>lected Mrs. A. L. Pinkley of as bare feet, toreador pants and the team. Sounds like I was de · Newport Laundryette at 417 31Jlt Terrace. Irvine Terrace.
of the mayor from SIOO to $300 Costa Mesa as nE>w president ... other Informal attire are not In scribing th~ 1957 car modt'IS. St., Newport. and George Dun· • Earl Chamberlain and Hat-,..-..:f:..:D~M::.::DA=U.::..::D:::m:S=:.e,:::::D~-..
was put on thE' ballot for the Mrs. Forrest Allinder of Balboa harmony with tht> UBual student doesn't It? So just listen to the can, owner of the Balboa Waahlt old Hetrick, waiver of front-yard Fnendl)'l'fetlbborboods.r.tce
April f'IM'tl on · · Fort>st Smith. I Island was named president of dress" . Mrs. Ellza Jane Monl-commercials of the new cars a nd at 103 Palm St .. both said they setback to permit construction of
Jr . millionaire r('staurant man Junior Ebell ... E G. Samudio, son of Costa Mesa died June 7 you can apply a lot of their had been told when they pur· bulldlne on rear of lot. 600 and PARKES
of Lido lsiP. announced that Losl 19. or Anahelm. was stabbed In just 8 days before he would hav~ adjectives to this Iowa tPam. chased their businesses that no 602 Iris Ave .. Corona del Mar. IIOil'IVARY
AngPI<'S Is a lmost a s...,ured of the back April 28 when he was reached the century mark . . . 1 aim to see as much as I can more permits for laundromats • R. B. and Gladya McRae, 2·
having a professional basketball attacked by a group of teen.age Cy Welsh of Laguna Beach of both tuma and will give you would be IMued. foot encroachment lnto required 110 Broadway
tram by not lat<'T than the 1957 boys In a Balboa parking lot ... caught the first albacore June 19. my Impressions of them. Mr. Duncan said, "ln fairness 20·foot front yard setback to s>er· U 8-MaS t. S.MIW Colt&.._
o;uson. A bid of $72.154 44 for Hugh DavIs and Chisholm 1 tO mil~ off the cout or New-To be a succ:esaful coach one to th~ folks who have Invest. mit extension olearaee.
lmprov 1n~ the N('wpt>rt Beach Brown, owners of Davis Brown port . Bob Murphy, CO·owner of must out.gueu as well a.s out· ments In thls type of business, Followtnr variance wu dented:
trailer park was awardtoli by the Co. In Costa Mesa. lost their the Jpwel Box, was appointed play his opponents. For each OP· this request should ~ dlup· e Stuart' Babcock. eave over.
City C'ouncll to the Griffith Co. Superior Court case against de rhalrman of the Corona del Mar ponent the Board of Strat~IY proved, or aet ulde until a study hang at 213 VIa Lido Soud. Udo
Tht> C'o~a MPS& City Council velopers Howard Lawson and Lnbst.er Bak~ ... Robert Shelton. conalstlng of all coaches meets can be made of the potential of Isle. •
requ('<.lerlthe state make a survey Harvey Somers of Balboa. whom former admlnls1ratlve officer of Sunday or Monday to plan of· the ana." Followlnt was held over:
with a vll"W toward rerouting the they had named. as defendants Snnta Barbara. took over the tense and defenae for nf'xt Sat· He said the exbtlng laundro-e Ruth <ieamer. walver of
frer-wa y clown MacArthur Blvd. In a right-of-way controversy I duties of Newport city manager urday. It conaiders movies and mata would be wUllng to fumtah puklnr requirement to con.atruc:t
to Corona dt>l Mar Instead of I Involving an alley adjoining the June 18 ... Dr. Edward Milum of all reports from the aulstants rec:c:wc:la of their earnlnr• to the dwelllne unit at 128 OpaJ Ave .•
through C'osta Mesa · · · The store . . . Bay Shores wu named cam. who have ac:outed next Satur· commlulon. Balboe Island.
Hellpot Corporation re-questPd Jf. Jf. Jf. palgn chairman of the 1956 New-day's opponent. The element of Mn. Moore. commenting on
Newport C'lty C'ouncll to beg1n e lAY port Harbor Community Chest surprise both on otfenae and de· the probei'M of laundromata, Followlnr resubdlvlllon re·
annexation proct'dure for the drive . . . Ralph Lee was ap-ten.e ls extremely Important. said that most of the local laun· questa •ere approv.d.
14 ~ .arre site on which the cor -Realtor RuM Ford waa elected pointed fire chief tor the cJty The question a. what a. the other dromat bualnesses are for sale. • Georee Pettenltll. erutJon
poratlon's n P w ht>adquarters president of the Newport Harbor of Costa Mesa . . . 285 elebth coach expeetlng &om you both Attorney Robert Schwam~). ~· of two five-unit alta at 1~
building was to tw> erectt>d · · · Optlmlat Club ... R. L. (Bob} ,radera ~ved diplomas at the on de'tenae oUen.ae. ll they re.ent1n1 Mr. Pton. uked that Tuatln Ave •• Newport Be4rhta.
s.rvtnr the Harbor .V.
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor G
15» &. Oout Bla!lw-.,
OaloDa cle1 liar
Baltz Mortuary w...:ra-2121 1'7h,. Sa,.tor. OoiCa ....
~PADJRQ 80TB LOC.\TIOX'I Coach Al Irwin of Newport Har· CalHa, of Corona del Mar. clvtc Horace Enalan School ,radua-ure that a~rately, &nd the protesta be overruled becaute • Mary ShMity and Hannah
bor Hleh School was named head leader. "Man of the Year" tor tlon exercises ... Arvo and Pee with the uneQec:ted it could \'aU the oppoaltlon a. baacS on Clllla. c:natton of 2 buUdJnr sltea ':===gi!i!j!i!:===~
footba ll coach at Orange Coast 1950 and local bostnessman. dled Haapa, owners and publlahera hu juat thtl --..on found eeonom.Je NUOn.l. and cornea at :500 Santa Ana Aw., Newport r
College to n-place Ray Rosso · · · May 2 follow1nl a heart attack of the Enslen. were InJured underooa uPMWng the prec!Jc. nom compedng bualn.-." Hetcht.t.
John J. Sailors reslened hl8 ~ ... Robert Shelton. 32-year-old lllehtly tn a f .car accldent In tJona. S\lch u ti.C.L.A. ruablnl Chairman Walt« Lon,moor • Minot and Anna Butler. _.
as H.ewJ>ort Beach city manager, chief admJnlst:rator of the Ctt;y ot tronth of the Enalan butldlnt. Brodie In the Stanford pme. remartced that the Plannln( allpmft\t ot property ltn. at
after crltJctsm by council mem-Santa Barbara. wu appointed their car wq htt ln the rear by 9tanto..4 certainlY 4ld not tx· CommJ.uion 1a oot cono.ned 2U ltth St. N.wport.
bera concernlne ~rtaln phases of city mana,er or Newport Beach an auto oco.apled by Mrs. Marl· the Une badler to wtth -.m.lnp al ~ b4,at • Oeotp B~a 0. c:JMUon of
hl.a adminl.atratton. . .. A record number ot 197 boa~ anne Bun and l&JI\.8 D. l.ay, an4 fU.IIl the ,._. with tbe IJI'CIINIP u. al 1Uc1 and 2 l&rte loti out ol 3 IIDAJl loU * * * entered the 9tb annual Enaenad.a both Qt. Corona d 1 Mar, who abo that tbe ~ and bulldlftp. a~t*2:151~iChiijan·ae~l ~14.~~1aliibo&.ii~ii~il~ii=~ii~ii~ii e IIICI ra~: Boward Ahm&MOn'a Slr1ua were (njurecl ••• rtnaJ approval can .econ4 ,.._ ....::" aftd ~ O.IYtn Keene. \
of NHYC wu t1:rst to flnllh for rtv. to the N4Wport Bead\ aay wby dlda't 1M who m.-.. modon to ~JU~t
The Newport Harbor Bank tn third C:OM@C'Utive year; Dr. Cor· bu~wtaJda totaled sa.m.m. lJlto tMt dllll I If ana: the ,....._ Mid ._ Col · I '118 n
Corona del Mar wu burclarized don AUel' Cyn)o of UYC won tbe (CfDIM:I.WD WUK) .e:rataD eo ._... ~ tMuJd aat Nal6dlr tile
of • .800. Including $5.000 tn Prealdent of Kex.J.co Cup for ttllt .-, could Mt o.. a• .. U-.. at ~ r111M1at
c:uh, March 4; &bout $1.300 tn In ocean raelnr ct ...... Oavtd lead. ._ liNd* Jaw _.. ..
eMdal anct cub wu atolen &om ac.ocs.n. 15-year-old HarbOr _. 1oted ..-flam -~:s!E tbe ..,.,. bank the mJ&n. of HJrh eopbomore. won the tll'l'l&« 0..
Oeoember, Ul55 ... N •w port ~at tbe Oranp Coun·
Beach EJ~tary ~~ 8oatd tY Sdence Palr l.n Saota Ana Col·
ol ,........ named tM .... lei• ... b1~ Bonda ot aw Mrs. llrWin
.cbooJ at 15dJ S and Santa Ana Ra"" wu ~ aomm.anct1r ot DaDald ~~52~i~~~~l Ave. Sea ........ ~ ....a·.· ".,port Kaltlcw Lflj.on Poll 211 .. .._ t.r ~ boUt marltlnl the comp._ .... Gerald ~ 5&. exec· lr ID lie ~••,
don tJI. tbe hoe Pftlleillll$aUJ udve .SC.pnllcllmt ol llal'11wl 11aJJ41bar lJI ~ ..,.,. .. wu lank. died lkY U after a 111eut ••• belcl Mardi t ... A.,....... fell attaek •.• Blftn7 Wilt. lf.~· ~ to tM dt7 ., x ... old ....... boY ........ ad
t*f ._.. a.r·· .. ..f'IMW Jar-ba a ...._ IntO tM M1 at 8ocQ
&. • ....... 'l'fpzrtfe Carp, -Pobrt. Oarona ... .., I • • .. . w. ue a.,..~ bJ 1M aucM .._..ben .. an ..... • ......_ W. · Cllli II C • , . fte ..... 0•1t'a the Ora.nl'l C... Clll'll .. CIUD· ,_. ..... ._.a .. ~ -,_MNL .,_ WIMn ...._.. ......., t1 , ........ ---....---
1 :11 a ., a .., .-. ..... , ........... ,..... ._.a ,.. e~a•IIIIM
lay finch
-~~ .......... fiHI & COAft 8WWA1' c.-........... ..,
l>omMdc cmd Fonip
RaiL Sldp, Air, etc.
IIADOa lM CDDD COAIT lllamfA1' ~ OKIDD a-.._._. otao.-CO..,.A Da. JU.a
,......... . •... .,
r. Prt•••• a .....
The Oran,e County Pbllhar·
monte Society Orchestra will pre·
sent a full ~phony procram at
8:30 p.m. Sunday, .Jan. 20. In the
new Garden Grove Hlch School
audJtorlum. A pre-concert dinner
will be held at the Greenbrier
lnn. Reservation. may be ob·
talned by calllnc LEhJeh 9·7923.
The Chrlatmaa party for the
~bonaire Dancing group of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • .. elehth graders held lut week • • • • • • • •
WH.~ S : at the Costa Mesa Friday Alter .
• noon Club wu a formal atfalr
• Dancing, under the dJrectlon of
• Dorothy Jo Swanson. started out
Dol NG • with waltzes and ended up to the
• tune of Elvis Presley records. Sev
• eral fathers.. who were hosts for
• • the eventne. cut ln on t heir
: T. M. Hambf'ook, your Telephoflt Manarer in Newport Bach : daughters durtne the dancing. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Usten, my little sweetheart •.•
Five Corona del Mar resldent.l
proved their ahootlne ablllty and
walked away with teveral tu.r·
keys at the South Coaat Gun
Club'a Annual Chrlnmaa Turkey
Ashby Powell. 319 Poinsettia
Ave .. won 3 turker-; and Fred W.
Ku.tter, Jr., 604 Marteold An~
r~lved 2 turk~ as prizes.
Other winners Lncluded H. F.
Murphy, 701 Jasmine Ave.; Dun·
can Stuart, 183 ShorecJift Road ;
a nd 15·year·old Karl Sta l. 519
Marigold Ave. -----RESOLUTION NO. 300
'nfEREOF .
WHEREAS, there la situated
outside and contieuous to the
City ot Costa Mesa, a certain
unincorporated area as herein·
after more particularly described;
WHEREAS, It would be tor the
bHt Interest of Costa Mesa and
lt.l cltlzera for tbe City of Costa
Mesa to annex the said herein·
Tht. wu the year you cn.eo.v.d that fuclnatlnc t.h1nc Mommy
and Daddy call the telephone. Pretty wondez:ful, bm't It! But
ju.lt you walt! Wb7. by tbe time you're crown-ay twenty
yean from now-Iota ol wonderful th1Dp wUl bue happened
to your phone. You'll probably haft one Ill every room of your
home. Maybe you11 even carry a tilly one lD your pockeL Com-
bined telephone and televtalcm may be youra lt you wiab. All
tbe.e tblnp wW COJU from DeVV-eDdillc ~pllone neearcll
-will come, too, from tbe men ud woma of Putae Telephone,
wbo work to ma.ke YOUJ' t.e1epbooe JDON UlfiiDlenry ~y.
··z.aa IIWAin
• • • •
Let your ....._.. llnn11Mr Book
......... tile nnriMr
Do yoa bel J'OUI'I'8lt wf.t!a mon tJaaa the U8ual number of
M we ... rout deccnted
-and~ .........
.... that It bu ~ a
Jl-a to aerve you
Oro tllll avt tiM ,_..1 Now
..... at .... ~
• .., ...... ua.towtlll
,_ tM MJIIIIC .. llioiJdaJ ............ ,.. ......... ..,.
....... ,... •• .w .. -.......... ,, ..... ___ ., .... ........,
pbol:l• eaUa to make thla time
of ,.._,.: friends to call ud
thank. .toree to phone, party
a.rraapment. to make! Well,
now Ia the time to collect all
~ telephone num.berw lD
OM apot when they'll be euy
to IDcl the ,.._,.around. And a
coocS place to write them down
Ia In thla baacly Blue Book.
We'll be happy to ctYe JOU one.
Jut c:all, write or drop lD and
-UL Tbe BJu. Book ol Tet.
pbOAe Nwnben Ia yoW'II for
~ .....
le • tM lu .. aut fw • .W ........ wt. H ,_ ..... ................ _ .......... ,.., _ .... __ .. ..,,..
S2.00 IIADE·IN 01
A. c. sw Aln'Z
City Clerk of the
City of Costa Mesa
1Jalola s.mc.
u.s. ..... n..
Wet~~l,., I ,oiWilllf
~ L*icetJM s.Mc.
,.._. Hett.cw )Ot4
2201 E. c-t Hlthwey et A~ c...-. del Mw
Fer, ... ,
.. yin, ••• Md
MMvin9 .....
I lEW Y. fir .. Yw'a Ew!
Do it at "-J'OV'IIdf -ud DO -will bow ,.. ... doae i& I
Du BARRY Tru!fint
the I color-fast I shampoo
No"! Gi'f' ~our hair ~outh(ul, truthful
color that "on•t "al'h out !
Rani'h II'II IBII" rrn nr fl rabnt•"
"uh trlunn~a "~"" rulur •n fur
ll'f'p<~ . "1th l>uBa rn 1 ru·l ml,
the roiM (tut ahampt>tl. \o
~ueM10g I \u lt"'lin~ot ~ C~tlllfl0ft
action Jtnpe aulnmati<'alh ! 10
Wmmering shades.
Make your h01r glamourous
Resolve to be your most beaunful self
dunng 19571
I. A. C. SWARTZ. City Clt'rk
and ex ottklo Clerk of t~ City
Council ot the City oC Costa
Mesa. California, hf'K"by et-rtlfY
that at a ,.ruJar Mftttnr ot the
Cft.Y Coundl of th~ City ot Costa
Meu. held on' th~ 17th day of
I>ecomtber. lB. the foregoing
Ordlnan<"e was cons!~ M'C:'
Uon by wct:Jon. and that the •Jd
. . . . . ....
-ru .. ....,.........,..
aoaoa an
1117 &. C...t • .., ..... ,_ .... c.... ... -
. r .· ( . , . -. ../ .
, .....
*Ill ... c..t .... cry
terms. If It be found that a
majority prot~ bas not been
made as prescribed In SectJon
35121 ot the Calltornla Govern·
ment Code. further proceeciln~a
shall be taken ln a<XOI'dance
~th the Jaw for the holding of
•••••• ~, • I I .,.._ .... ~ 13 E ....
17tl &. cxun' -W&\'
IIADOallft ...,_ADa. 11U
rAYLESS such speclaJ el.ectlon. LL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiliiiiiiillliiiiililiiiiiiiiii,l SECnON 4: That the City r
Ul1 Vla Llloh BA liD
• ..,port JlecK:b
a1 Coast Bwy-aA sm
CoRDa del KG
LEGAL lfO'nCE SEC'nON 1: That It ls the In· northeuterly alon~ said City
RESOLUTION NO. 4584 tenUon of the CJty Councll of the boundary line to an angle
A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY City of Newport Beach to call a point In said boundary line,
COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF special election to be held on the said angle point being the
NEWPORT BEACH DECL.ARING 216th day of March. 1957, ln oer· point of lntA!reectton of the rrs INTENTION TO CAlL A taln Inhabited territory conttg-, northweaterly line of aald
SPECJAL ELECTION IN CER· uous to said city, proposed to be parcel and the euterly pro-
TAJN INHABITED TERRITORY annend th8eto for the purpoee Jongatlon of the northerly
CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY of submlttln~ to the qualltled line of the aforementioned
PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED electors r~1dlng In said territory Lot 614; thence contlnulng
THERETO. FOR THE PURPOSE the question whether or not said westerly lllon~ the boun· o F SUBMITTING T 0 THE territory shall be annexed to, dary line of the City of New·
QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESID· Incorporated In and made a part port Beach to the point of
INC TN SAID TERRITORY THE of the City of Newport Beach and be1lnnlng.
QUESTION WHETHER OR NOT the property In the territory sub· SECnON 2: That said territory
SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE jected to ta.xatlon after annexa· hereby Ia designated and ldentl·
ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF tlon equally with property with· fled for such election purpoMS
NEWPORT BEACH. AND FIXING In the City of Newport Beach to and for use upon the ballots at
A TIME AND PLACE WHEN pay the entire bonded Indebted· such eJection u "Supe-rior Ave-
AND WHERE ANY PERSON ness of the City of Newport nue Annex."
0 W N IN G REAL PROPERTY S.•ach outstanding or authortz.ed SECTION 3: Notice Is hereby
WITHIN SUCH TERRlTORY MAY t at the date of the first publica· given that on the 14th day of
APPEAR BEFORE SAID CITY tlon of the Notice of Election for January, 1957. at the hour of
COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE Annexation. for the acquisition. 7:30 p.m . In the Council Cham-
WHY SUCH T E R R IT 0 R Y ('onstruC'tlon. or completion ol hers of the City Hall In the City
SHOULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED munklpal Improvements. of Newport Beach. any ~rson
BE rT RESOLVED by the City Said territory Is described as owning real property within said
Council of the City of Newport follows: territory so proposed to be an-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Be~a~c~h~:MMMM~~MMMtl Beginning at a point In the nexed and having any objection boundary line of the City of to the proposed annexation may
Newport Beach. said point appear before said City Council
being the southwest corner and show cause why such t~l -
of Lot 1213 as shown upon a tory should not be so annt>xed.
map of the First Addition to Such protest must be In writing
Newport Mesa Tract recorded and shall state the namt> or
In MIS<'t'llaneous Map Book names of the ownc.>r or owners
R. Pagt> 61. Records of Orange of the property affected by such
County, Callfom la; thence annexation and the location and
Dear E•ea f<AM
snutht>&sterly a Ion g the area of such property In general
Clerk shal certlty to the adop·
Uon of thla resolution and cau~
the aame to be publlshed In the
Newport Harbor Ensign once a
week for the two weeks prior to
the said hearing.
The above and toregolng Beso·
JutJon No. 4584 was duly and
regularly passed and adopted by
the City Council of the Oty of
Newport Beach at a ~lar ad·
journed meeting thereof held on
the 21st day of nec.mber, 1966.
by the following roll call vote,
to wit:
AYES. CounclJmen: Hart,
Wilder, MacKay, Higbie, Hlll
NOES. Counctli'D!Pn: None.
ABSENT, Councilmen: Stod-
dard, Rldderbof
City Clerk
Publish : Dec. ZT. Jan. 3. 10 In the
Newport Harbor Ensign.
Read Ensign Classlfled Ads.
Newpot I Hftor
MU&.c..a-..wt C... ... lle
Jut a note to a.t you kDow our bea:rtl cmd. our best wlabes wU1 be with you
durlD9 tbla fJGlG bollday ..-oa. May
all yoot lfew Yea:r'a dNama e11111e true
tbla ..a.oal Slaceftly.
southwestt'rly line of Lot
1014 as shown upon said
map to the southwest corner
thereof; thence easterly along
the southerly line of said Lot
1014. Lot 914, Lot 814, Lot 714.
and Lot 614 to the southeast
rom er of said Lot 614. as
said lots are shown upon
Mid map of First Addition to
NPWpOrt Mesa Tract; thence
southwest"ly a I on g the
c;outht>asterly line of Lot 715
and Lot 716 as shown upon
said map of First Addition to
Newport Mesa Tract to a
point of an Intersection with
a line lying southwt>Sterly
of. parallel to. and distant
699.00 fe-et from the south·
wM;terly line of that certain
parcel of land granted to the
City of Newport Beach by
deE-d dated January 22. 1919
and recorded In Book 330.
Pagt' 22 of Deeds, Records of
said Orange County; thence
110ut heasterly a I o n g said
parallel line to a point of
lntenectlon with the north-
westerly line of the 60 foot
right of way as deeded to the
State of California and re-
corded In Book 683. Page 248
of OUiclal Records of said
Orange County. said point
lying In the bound~try line of
the Ctty of Newport Beach:
thence northea.st.erly along
said northwesterly line and
along said City boundary
line to an Intersection of the
10uthwesterJy line ot the
atorementJoned pare e J of
land granted to the City of
Newport Bellch ;• t h e n c e
northwHterly alone sa I d
110uthweaterly 11 n e. an d
along said City boundary
line to the most westerly
comer of the aald parcel of
llttend t/ie etuVtdt oJ ffJewt, eJluUu
Tes.pbcme llalbo6 2117
Tommy Wilson's
Beauty Salon
2515 E. CocDt Blqlnray. Coroaa del Mar
M..~M..::.-•~•:;.a.•~·~.::.-~w.:.:-~~~~1 ·~~~..,......~~~.. ~. .. .. .
Coroea ~1 Mar
llal'bow 5135
tJand gnnted to the City ot
N Beach t h • n c e
------nil Week •• Etei'J Week .. Y•------
GD W. 1taa St.. Coetcr MeiiCI
Uberty I-US2
-... Joeep!a W. McSiume
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Oturcb Sun·
day School; 9:30 and 11:00
a.m. Mornlnr Wonhlp.--7 p.m.
College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. High School MYF Service;
8 p.m., youn~ adults group
1050 Qnacta lt.. eo.ta M..a
La1dy 1-5711
B. C. J--. Mlalater
Sunday eervtca: 9:4.5 a.m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. morning wor·
ship; 6 :00 p.m . evening aervlce.
Midweek aervlce, 7:30 p.m.
CIIUJICII of tM •u.a•PE 1115 ........ lt.. o.ta .... hstDn .... OJft wnuama I.J:beJty 1-7111
Sunday Setvioes: Sunday School.
9:30 a .m. Morning Worablp at
10:30 a.m. Eva.ngellstJc Serv· tee. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet·
lng, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
TBE cauaca or CJiaiST
Odd r.u.w. l.odge. a .. • ;art Aft.. c.tmll-l.lltedy 14711
T-......, Jr., ll•••ster
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. &ole
study; 10:55 a.m. worship .erY·
lee; 7 :30 p.m. eventnr aervtce.
CEII'ftAL m:az cauaca c::a&\11 c::auaca rr 1'JIE lEA ec.maatty lletbodUt aa1hoa al~ at l4t.b lt.. Rewpclllt Oaage Aft. cat Drd lt. lit._ _. c.. ~&.ee& La r tr a-sa
...., ~ .., A. c:.s-A. A. ............
Sunday Wcnla..lp. ~:ao a.m. llhd SundaY. SduJOI: 9:4.5 a.m. Mom· u LJD. Clwilr:b Scbool. e:ao tnr ~ 11:00; Evenlnr ~t.m. MJctwtM Meetmc.: _ 7~00 Service. 7:30. Mld·week Sen'· p.m. Wed..cla)' pdCleded b7 Ice, Wedneaday, 7:30p.m.
6:15 p.m. potluck. Younr people meet 6:15 p.m.
IT.AJIDDWI ••l*t ............. L ~ ,.ca..,..O .. IICB,..
• pat ·~ lltlllt. & lt. b
... K.
•• lt ..... . ---.... ~lc:Mel Saturcla~~'== Sab· ......, ~ .........
bllth Sch.ool: t:30 a.m.-k· SUlmAY: Momlna wonhJtr::> mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· and 11 a.m.; Cbureb I. tng: w.oe.s.y. 8:00p.m. 1:30 anct 11:00; lr. HJG. Sr. lllab and con..-ap reUow. ua&t*"'' ~ ... uant llllf~ 1 p.m.: Ttiuncs.y, Pra>W. == llUdy poup. 1:.30 a.m.
.... ,. ... a.... ....
Dr.o .... ......U
Surukr Sdaoot, 10:00 a.m. Mom· ~~ Wanldp. U:OO a.m.
Llll · IIII!T
... , .. ,n
• • • soriel
DWiOIII•._ •
Dr. Ken
Is Honored by
Malta Knights
J'rleo~ fA Sue Bit.chman, f«. The L. J. PattenotU ol 1M An·
nwrly ot 8eeCIOft Bay and now ol re)ea .UU UJte their home at &22
Tokyo. Iapan. have been kind Grand Ca.nal, Balt.o. ltlan4. well
enoup to ahare tbelt tpUfl enoul')l to ..,end fiNery WMiwl4
from Harbor 8ft¥a «t~tWhUe ,Ul wtth ua 1.n bbe Hatbor area.
repal"ler. who la oow wortdna rot 1ynm Wtlll of BaJboe la ~
tlw Alt.hJ ~ Jlfewa. One ol NCOWrtn.t:m hie ..eond --her NCeDt a.ua. to lin. Boland ot opera A tpedaJ treet at
wrtabt .. ,.: boUc~ay time wu tbe vtalt ot A r.orm. ..adent a1 Caroaa
'1t la In~ woltdna on their 11011 on leave from the del N.u. Dr. Kenneth D. W
a paper that la put out b)' Japan· Navy. prHtdent Gl the heedomiJ hun•
_. tor AJl)ft1can ~p. • • • daUCia at van.y rorae. fi~~Dn.
ma.tly, and patterned after En&· Haniet Smtth'a nicest Chrilt· qlvanJa. became the thlr4 IIWl
lllh n~pen. Tbe ecUtor 11 maa pNMnt la a beautltul Wl'lat ID the 9Q8.year b.-ory o1 u,.
an Amer1call bom Japaneae, very watch from ber hUIIband, Tom· Jtnlpa of Malta. oldelt frat•·
aloof and dlcnU'Ied. I have only my. Ju.at before Tommy clled naJ order 1n the WGttd, to reoetw
apolten about two wordl wtth from a fatal heart attack .-veral bononry membenbJp 1n that
him. but for 80IDe reuon I like ..U a,o, he allowed Harriet a ~Uon. Tueaday, Dec. 4. at
hlm. Molt Gl tbe ataft ol about II!Cftt ccmpart:ment ln hll wallet. Norrt.towa:. hnn.
60. lncludln& the bustne. de· Wheft ... had~ tuddna tlWay Dr Wtils 11 ~ fl.nJt peraon on ~t. 11 Japaneee. The rest ~and 110 billa all year In order the North Amerkan eontinct to
are Enrtlab, AuatraJLan. Incllan to surpri8e her with a MW wrist· tv XnJJbts of Malta honor·
and American. All the executJvH watch. After Tommy's clea_th, reee e benhlp cl1at1nct1on. The
are Japane~~e. Harriet curled out bla w1ab and :ierm;m redplema ,....,. bonond
"I work cloeely with Baba·san. pW"cbued a watch from WaUace In Europe
a JMpane.e clrl Who has an M.A. Calderhnd. So, althoup thto Slr H · C Coburn of the
decree bom the University of time whkh the new watch Is JCnl hu ~Malta made the pres·
MlchJran. Sbe makes up the tJddnc away 8eei1U to 10 much ent!tJon apeedt
lnalde parea. teatUTes. columna. Gower now that me 11 alone. "1hla ts. In~ 0 ausPldoua
etc. I write the he.d.s, copyread Harriet has a con.atant reminder occ:ulon. Dr WeU... • be a14. "'t
oc rewrite the ~~~~~ ot In Tommy's ~. ~ to her. may never ·be duplicated. Only
the atorie. are trauauu ..... uvm ""('e before. In ~)' a thOU•
the A.5ah1, our pa.rent paper. Hollday time t.a the moct tun and ,..,._ hu IUdl u bonor
COIIOifA DEL MD ill pttdl.lag Ia tD lael1» tbe
Datloa-wlde ..... tor GMlatCIIICie fo ·-91DT· U.. .... EdwtD Comb of U.. Conea del Mar
Commu.D.ity CJ:lurch, who 11 coocdJ.DaUD9 U..
local drin: Dr. llarla VaradT·I«bely, a oatt..
of Ba.aVCUT. who baa Ht4bll.l.b.S ber outce ba
Oorooa del Mar: Mn. DorotbT Pta.hft, I~
daa9bter of "DOC"' r . A. ~~ JucU~
•aractT·BorbelT, DJ'. V....ay'a l!ftlr CIDd C181.Wt-
aat; Cllld '"Doc" 8-.Jil-. ,..... baa .._
aaslltiD9 ln tbe colledMe ol ........... (£ul9&)
"Tokyo la such a noisy, crowd· because the pretty Urht.a and I been eoatened.
ed, scurrytnr place, that I love to decoratJons ~eem to put EVDY· "We are eon.terrlnc tJ11a honor
leave It Sundays and ride the ONE In the happy hoUday mood upon you. Dr Wella, becaue of Tla18 ,..... ....... ... of tbe CID1Jectiold
.... looiGf ......... t ........ Left to I rut electrlc tral.n.s to juJt any. and It's a tt..m. when we .ee folks your Ute ac:ti~t;y. your IMPum.
where. Always tun to watch the we've been wantJna to .ee .U leadenltl1p. your eftorta tn be·
little Jap ta.m1Uea and, 10metimea year. half of God and c:ountT)' and
communJcate wttb ~ and Mr. and Mrs Lee Barnes ot especially becaU8e of yoW' decll·
a !ew wonk. I aet off at IOD'W Udo We entertaln~ at cllnner cation to the work ot Freedoms
station. explote ~ town and Sunday nlpt at the Irvine Cout Foundation ln Valley P'QC"'e, a
walk on the beacb." Country Club In honor of Mr. and work that la moldlnr ~nath
diM ... tlae .... AatbODT lacdlo of 1.-AD·
,..... dWII a of CGWonUa .. ...., a. r ...
• ....,.,, J1n. habot aor Montac.. wbo ba J1lolt ......... ...,.. ..... l bop ad wW llpOIYCW
a B..,..rlaD fCIIDllT at bla radl Ia Qrldlerl ..
In anotber dlred communle&· :Mrs. Francia Harvath of Welt t.nto the Jives ot A.merlcana.
tiOM. wbld.a bu,..,.. ~OW' Newport. who have Just return~ youq and old, by 'Brtnctnc
desk. we note th.t they a. the from a trtp around the world. about a better unclerstandlna at
aame ldn4 of CGPY paper ln • • • the .A..merica.n way of llf.e.'
Japan u we d9 heft. Sue writes The Raymond Jtent Ba~ .. Jd we are 10 united ln the
Mn. G,..,. Buntt.naton, Mn.. that she received • byUne and at Corona del Mar held open bonCIIa ot fellowabip and com·
Herbert wttt and Mra. Charl• that at nr.t abe feJt "u tbourb houR Sunday In double honor at IDOIIl mdea"'r, let u. remember
Foretan Exchance student repre· Perrin won tlrst. lfJCOftd and I weft su.spended In space be· Chrl.mnu and Ray's blrtbday. the words of St. Paul u b.e ald.
aentatJve. Mec Andrews of Bar· third plaoe prizes at cards at the cau.e the ~ee chatter wu all Aatattnr with~-duties wu 'Stand fut.. UMretore. In the ll·
boc HlghJanda. who spent the Christmal party of Book Sectlon In lapaneM. In apea.ldnJ of the the Harveyr dauabter. Mary, bert)' .meoe Ch.rt.t bath made u.
summer In Gftmany. She gave II and tbe Carden Section ot hodp · pod.ce at nat:JonalltlH home from coUece Cwtt.b 8Cadl tree and be not entanaled with
hl&hlllhts of her e-xperiences Newport Ebell held ~b« J workJn& for the paper, al'le •ys: at term papers and boob to tbe ~ of bondap.' You are
and df!IC'J1bed her German home at the !fewport Beech American ''Somet:lmes we tulve dell&htful lltudy, she says). A special rust now known u Sir &.enneth
Kristina Tells of Christmas
In Her Native Land, Sweden
Custom~~ and tradJona ot Chrlat·
mu In her native Sweden were
d..crtbed by xn..ttna Stanae.
tort"tcn excbanre student at
Newport Harbor Hl&h School,
when the Newport Harbor Zonta
Cub held Ita annual Christmas
pa.rty In the borne of Mrs. Mon ·
roe Hummel of Three Arch Bay.
Xrlat!na wu dresled j.n a ca.·
~reserved only tor Mldsum·
mer's Eve and the Christmas
holidays In Sweden.
Mrs. Hummel. International
Relatlona cbalrman. also pno·
aented Newport Harbor's own
Two ctrearna were reoenUy ful-
ftlled for the Lew Hodpona of
439,_ Goldenrod Ave., Corona del
After nearly ll years ot
manied lite, the HodponJJ were
bletl.wd with their first t"hlld.
Mark RandaJI, who was born
Saturday, Dec. 15. at St. Joeeph
Hospital. Mark weighed 8 pounds
and 4 ounces. and La 20~ Inches
Dream number 2! The near
completion of their new home at
12838 South Foothill Blvd., Santa
Ana. The now 3 of them expect
to occupy their new ~ldenc-e In
mid-January. It looks like the
stork beat the carpenters.
Mr. Hodgaon Is a sales writer
for Beckman Irurtruments In Ful·
Farwell II SeiHW
II Tral1ll1 c.t.
Selected at the Naval Training
Center, San Diego, as apprentice
petty ottlcer second class was
Lyman G. Farwell. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman H. Farwell of
1124 E. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa.
The Apprentice Petty Ottlcen.
wbo graduated Dec. 8. were chOI·
en from the ranks ot the ~aman
recrultJJ to us1st the Company
Commanders. The selection wu
made on the bam of aptitude
and leadership qualities of each
II& Tu ,.,. ....
.... .., Ullllllet
'11le Telephone and Cas com·
panles have paid more than
t8QO,OOO as nrst Installment& of
1956·57 real and property taxes
to the county. PacUlc Telephone pre8ented a
chedt for t59'J,'754.39 to County
Tax eonector Don M01ley. South·
em Counties Gu Co. paJd $309,·
895.85 to the county. Nearly lden·
tical amol.lDta will be paid rwxt
IPI"f.q ln rtnal Lnatallmenta..
IIOtD 10 CAIIADA lae:k lleCall ol 4011 Goldenrod
Ave ec.ona dt"l Mar, baa ~ hia aclcbal to Gutiph. Ontar'lot canacta. where be baa Uftdoui*CilJ beell wlm.-lnl a
W'hn. CIU1ItJDU.
..... :a ,... .... lliiiDI'tel ..,
lileal aawq ,_, ae ED·
..... ll.M.
and parents. She reminded her ~rton Hall International a.rcumenu over at the party wu Gertrude Coch· Wells.."
audience that we have Germany · thick black eoHee. whicb I en.)oy ran. who 11 jWit home t.rom moUly Dr. Wells. In hls acceptance
to thank tor the Christmas tree At the January meetlnc ot tJw almost u much as arcutn1 with months abroad. Gertrude had speedl. "'Wby Amerlea Must Stay
tradition. Carden Sectton. which 1.1 to be Hop.'' rather Intended to stay In Enc· Awake," wamed aplnst sleep·
Climax of the evenlnc came ~l:b~ti th~:o::,C: ~it:'u~[ She cloees wltll a sad note. land durin& the winter, but ad· Lnc tn a day when Rualan Com ·
with the appearance of not onJy tl . fro ' Cos that she hu to work on Christ· mlta she cot homesick when the manlml mJ.cbt encWf u. un·
Mr. Santa Claus but also Mrs.. boa. a repraenta ve m a · mu. '"Thls." she wrlt8. ''Will not boUdays approached. She re-awans.
Santa with tb.elr packs fill~ ta Mesa Nursery wiJl apeak. convert me to Budhian." lnct-turned vta her native Canada ''Loft oa cet eoxdted with tJw
with r1fts for aU th~ present. • • • dentally, Sue's a~ 11 c/o and viatted friends there. (act that Rusa.la 11 methocUcaJly
Cuesta present were: Valeria Mrs. Earle Patti10n. 638 Mala. Am«ican Exprea. Tolcy'o. Japan. • • • plannJnc our destruction. ll.laht
O'Amato, Z o n t a'a acbolarshlp bar Dr~ Irvine Teoraee, waa host· • • • The Ceorre Hannabeorp of at thla moment 400 Red aub·
honoree; Mr. Richard Stewart. ess for the ln·Betweenen Hctlon "Ivy ~ Is detlnftely • Shore Cliffs ~ spendJna both marines are ready to co Into
KrlstJna'a American "mother," of Ebell Club at thm Chrl.ltmaa tread amonc the youDif!' set Chrlatmas and New Year's boll· action as compared with our ~
Mrs. David Chapman, Haul meetln& Mid Friday. Mrs. Sam these days. Wben C~ Buahes days In the rllttertnc play town They have many t:imes the 101·
Grant Klnr and Mrs. Joseph Howard and Mrs. Carl Cl.le were dropped ln at Sandye SW&DIOn's of Las Veras. Undoubtedly one ellen that we have. Wbo can b-
Carver. co-hos~. the other evenin• <Creel havinr of the nicest Chrlmnu prn.enu complacent with aucb rtruns!''
-------------------------ju.t put a ff!W morrtha mllJtary Mrs. Hannabert could have was be asked.
Rrviee un~ hls belt. and San· the noturn of heT beautiful dla· Dr. Wells concluded. "We must
dye home tor the hol.Jdays from mond s t u d d e d wrtat · w•tcb. newor catch ~lves aleeplnJ.
P'llntrld,.e) they d~ th~ which wu miulnc for MU"ly a Each of ua hu a duty to per·
were weartnr the same Ivy year. It turned up In the pocket form."
Patricia Atkinson Is Bride
Of Marine Sgt. Art Courteau
Making their home on Balboa sage of pink carnations. Mrs..
laJand are newlyweds Tech. Sgt. Courteau was unable to be pres·
and Mn. .Arthur M. Courteau. ent.
The bride Is the former Miss The young couple spent their
Patricia Atkinson. daurhter of 1 honeymoon traveling up the
Mrs. Isabel Atkinson or 237 coast to Santa Barbara, Carme-l.
Klnp Pl., CllU Haven. The 1 San Francisco and to Sacra·
groom. at present attached to the 1 mento. Thl new Mrs. Courteau
First Marine Olvtslon at Camp graduated from Newport Harbor
Pendleton. has been living at High School In 1954. She at·
323 Colllna Ave .. Balboa lsJand. tended UCLA. wht>re she atflll·
He Is the son or Mrs. The!'esa ated with the Alpha XI Delta
Courteau of Santa Monica. Sorority, and recently has been
The young couple were mar-
ried In a quiet family ceremony
held at St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Dec. 8. The Rev. Jame!\
Stewart performed the single
ring Cft'emony.
The brtde wore a cocktail
lenath dress made In princess
lines of white lace over taffeta.
Her lace headband m atched her
dress. She wore pearls and her
mother's wedding ring and car·
ried a white Bible with carna·
tlonJJ and ginrer n owers.
M.la Bernice Nafzger of Clen·
daloe, a classmate of the bride's
at UCLA and lltelong friend.
served u maid ol honor. She
wore a blue tulle over taffeta cown In cocktaU lenl(th and car·
studying history at Orange Coast
College. The bridegroom attend·
ed high school In Sant a Monica
and tor the past 8 years has
sreved with the U. S. Marine
Atte•• Yule PIIJ
AI SHrill Heart
Father Stephen Kll~ of Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel Chureh.
Newport. accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Swanson or Corona
del Mar to Flin tridge Sacred
Heart .Academy for Glrla In Los
Angeles for the dedication or the
school's new auditorium and
their annual Ch ristmas play
Sandye Swan10n bad a lead In rted pink carnations.
RM2 John S.nder of the U. S. the play and aJeo plann~ the
Navy !lft'Yed as best man. He Is choreoeraphy. She has been
attached to the Marine Corps and elected president of the newly
stationed at Camp Pendleton formed rtrls drill team at the
with the IJ'OOID. school.
Alter the ~mony a cham· -------
Garbage and trash c:ollectiorul
scheduled for New Year's Day
will be made Instead on the fol-
lowing day . Street Supt. BUI
Covert announces.
pacne and wedcllnl cake recep·
tlon was held at the Newport
Yacht Club. AIIJatlng with the
party ~ Mlla Marraret Thorn·
10n and Mlaa Rebecca Forr. The
bride's mothe.r received the fam-
Uy and cloee tHenda In a black
and betae en~mble and a cor· Read Enslan Cla.aaltled Ad&.
Open Fridaya iill9 P.M.
S'IQD IIOUIS a:ao 'I1D s:ao ~-'nJllp.m.
.. &. o.t ..,. -IIA MT
LNrue shirt-and even match· ot one of her husband's sta.rt'hed -------
lng skirt and slacks! dress shlru which had belen at Read EnsJgn Classifl~ Ads
• • • the bottom ol hl.l bureau drawer------------
Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Comkeo of -In fact Mrs. H had bidden It
the Corona del Mar Community there herself -hidden ao well
Church were guests of Mr and that It nearly wasn't found'
Mrs. Cbet Farrar at the Beach · !You'll Just have to flt ,.,_. .....
combers Club In San Juan Capl$-band to dress up more often.
trano Friday ntghl Dec. 14. Jill Mrs Ha.nnaberg 1
and Chet Farrar from the Arthur • • •
Murray Studio, Corona del Mar. Navy Lt J C. Jlm SHly, who
rave a dance exhibition at the ~lved his ,old winrs a coup~
club during the evening. H&r· of weeks a,o. will be stationed
borlte-s also lncludt'd Mr and at North Island. Coronado, after
Mrs. Ed Hare of BaJboa, Cai'TIVn a holiday leave. Hla parents.. Mr.
Milstein of Irvine Terra~ and and Mra. Lou ls Seely. formerly
Isla Mull of Balboa Island There of Corona ~1 Mar and now of
were also a number ot Harbor Menlo Park. new down to Corpus
area newspaper folk there at· Chrls11 Naval Air Station to wit·
tending a meeting of Orange nt'SS the gnduatlon ~mony
County Publishers and entertain-Jim and a &le-nd, Miss Gall
lng the Cautornla Newspaper Oevermlnn. drovt> home with his
Publisher's president and Ms folks and spent Christmas hoU·
wile. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ster· days In Menlo Park before rt"·
ling of Sanger. porting to his new station.
FOR ·JOUI $ $ $
their doll1rs happy.
Accounts up to $10,{0)
•e inswed by 111 ll'f'CY
of the United Stites Gav-
er•nt-SAFE! Doubly
SAFE bee•~¥ we put 'fOil
money to work in First
Trust Deed loins to build n imprwe lanes in fast
crtwinl er.. eo.mty--.a·s brittrtest pros.
perity spot Triply SAFE. .._sa we'Ve paid ~itla •uur•• tor 20 001.-
""nna l4ld ANCMCT Gl ..... ....,._,.. ___ ....... ,_.~--........,u. ..... ............... ~ WJI,,.....,,...._.,.. ... ............ -....
==~; .........
OlfE OF TJIE OtlTSTAJfDJJIG cm4 uaunal
C2a.rlst:acD diaplays oC u.. Jla:rbor Ana g tb1s
Tu wtae. aceee , .. ,....ecS bJ Mr. CIDd 11n.
B. G. aod411lgtoe Mar U.. f1nplace oC UMU
bome at 307 hUaMttia Aft.. CoroDa del Mar.
..... Bo441agtoa, abMna ..... puft!D9 u.. fba.
U. S. Chooses Dick Richard
To Attend International Fair
(CoftUnUid ,..., .... u ahlp tJecl ...., ...., tb• c:rw.e tl\tp o. w. (Diek) ak:bard. OW1Mr peaM ol the ~ ...,. ot
tftt ........ tbe J"rndd wllo .,. l"rendl and llrtu.b pJaBee drded an4 OSMQtor ol ltldWd'• Lldo w.. p8rtlculatlJ th• .........._.
prehen..S 5 Arab ometaJt wMn ovwbead aDd the ru.nu. bad Mark • t. will ..,.,.IMI\t tiM potentlal ol U.. lncUYI.dual Aawf.
the lau.n" p&u. wu dow!Md) a Jittery Mnaatlon tbat at any Am«lcan way ol lUe" at tbe kan.
and tb• bq1Jmlna ol tb• -.r time, the planes mtpt bomb the Intemat.Jonal Trade J'aJr tn Ml· Ke wtll be aeeompanJed -.,. bla
over the luez Canal ammunttJon ahlp. Apparently, Jan, Italy. early next JMT. B• wUe and thelr 13-year.old aon.
• ftlOON IIAKII the plana reco,nbed the Ametl· Ia antJctpattn• atnclal word from lo~nny. Tbla will be U..... 1tnt
It wu d.m..q thm 11tq b.. c:an tta• on the cru~ ab.lp. WubJnpm tbla week on tall trlp to Europe.
that EDP(lan troos-rnarebect Jn the afternoon ol the aame role u American Food Conault· Mr. IUcbard .aid he wtu .-pend
put their botel. Brltbb. J'reoc:h, day, a submarine n~ wu ..,.._d ant at the fal.r. appl'Oldmately 30 d-.ys Ja Mfth.
and IaaeU troope bad picked an ac:rou the mouth o1 the H~. Mr. Richard. winner ot the em Italy, precedtnc the trade
opportune moment to launch Flreworka could be heard In the brand names award u reta.11er fal.r, at whlcb time be wtU aPft)c
their attAck, which oec:u.rred dlatanoe. of the year 2 years a~ and the to vartoua orcantza.ttou. Inter·
whJle the AraM were on a ~-Two days later, the .ubmarlne Grocer's J'ather of the Year In view lnduatrlallata. talk wtth
hour .ntke. net wu withdrawn and the 19M. aald he Ia to repl'flMnt food salesmen and warellowe·
At Florence Italy between crut.e &hlp, with over 500 persona America u a food conaultant. He men.
4,000 and 6,oo0 atude~t.l "aeem· aboard, let out to sea. Line of added, however, that hla mtuton ''I feel very honored to repre·
lnely appeared out of nowhere" wubln• wu attune from s tem will Involve lntormln• Euro. sent the United States," Ito aald.
with axes. hatch ets. and eaao· to stem on the "luxury llner.''
line. They were bent on bumlne Mothers and babies-w~ quar.
the Ruaslan Consulate there; tered Jn the lounp, the bar, on
hdwever, Italian pollee held the deck, and everywhere else. One
student.l In eheck at the point of baby waa born aboard the ship.
machine euns. e auu fUOL IJQJIT
While at Alexandria, only 100 Some dl.atance from the harbor.
mllea from the war zone, the 4 U. S. de.tro~ at.ood anoat.
Farwella could see fiashea .trom beartne Old Glory on the stern.
artillery lire and hear the cuna '"Thoee American nags on the
bursting forth. The cruise mJp. ships were truly a beauWuJ
a small luxury boat with a sight" Mr. Farwell recalled. •
capacley of 100, on which the It wu a pleasure, while croaa·
lab.lag touch• oa tbe Uttle Ylllage, .ays It took Farwella were passengers. wa.s lng the Atlantic. to contemplate
Clboat 3 daya to CII'J'aD9e GD4 lDcludea mon detained until 400 refueees were the Statute ot Llberty and their
tbaa 2SO eeparat• ~ Tbe aoddlaCJtoaa Cll'e brought aboard. own country where nothing more
botb Dati._ oC EagJ.a:D4. .. ft u..n C7 yean • PLAJIES OVEDEAI> dangerous than a New York d'ock
ago fow CG:DocSa, cm4 Cllllle to Coi'OIIO del Mar Durlne the delay to board strike was taking place.
• yean qo.-(Eaaiga fboto) relucees. a Russian ammunition The task of gettJne the small ______ __;_ __ ......:.._~ ____ .......:_-=..,._.:._ ____ .:.:..:.:.:.::...~.:..:.;. Items and trunks otf the ship
~----------------------............... seemed minor compared to the eventful trip that at.arted out to
from all of us
Music -Favors-Fun
Entertainment -Special Dinner
Phone Uberty 8-9006
2530 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach
••• ~ F'i~Mrm4""
• Complete Dinner Menu
and Servin• the
Flneat Food In the
Open Everv Dar
/nnn 11:00 AM to 1:00AM
...... ~·· . . ' • • • • • • •
YWI .HI/Itt Lan ....... Hoet teeM ...,.,,_
Servint et th. e.r!AJ and Shep ..
the z-tt...,. ........... ,. T l ) ' IY , I , f\t,J • "-I I -1 I ,, llltia\
..... , ... At,
be a pleasure cruise.
Ira. Ireta D.U, 13
Of Balha lal•ll Diu
Mrs. Greta Dash, 63. of 210
Agate Ave., Balboa Island, died
Friday In Orange County Hospt.
tal. Survivors Include h~ hus·
Street-Cocktail and Formala. and Kuita
band, Edmond, Newport city em· Inc:luc:ti.ng Co.tumes
ployee; a brother, the Rev. Leo
Doyle of Colorado; 2 sisters, Mrs. Sizes S-201/z--Juniora, Mi8Ma. Petit•, Custom lj2 .U..
Frances Gogerty of Balboa Is·
land and Mrs. Marte Rellly of REGULAR SALE
Chicago. 8 95 to 22.95 ... ····-····-----.... -... · .. ·---·-S.OO
12.95 ..... -........... -......... ----·--·---·--·-6..88 to 7.88
14 95 to 16.95 ....... _ ................... -............... ___ 8.88 lotller-111-l.aw ef
CariiHist VIP Diu 17.95 to 39.95 ......... ·---·····-·--.. -···-··· 10.00 to 10.88
Mrs. Ruth Dresslar, 63, or 621 19.95 to 22.95 ............ ·-··---·-·-.......... _ ... __ 12.88 to 13.88
Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, 25.00 to 29.95 ..................... -.. -·.--.. ·-··-·----14-88
~the~~:~~;w ::rt~~~~~tedv1':;:i 29.95 ........ . .......... -.--.... ----·--................ _ .. _ .. _16..88 to 17.88
Partch, died Dec. 20 at her home. 29.95 to 35 .00._ ........... ·-·-·-------·····-·-....... -19.88
Services were held Friday In the 35.00 to 45 .00 ....... --·-.. -·--··-·-·-·-···--·-·-..22.88 to 13.88
Corona del Mar Baltz Chapel. 39.95 to 49.95 ........... -.. ·---.......... --......... -25.00
MU. IOBX £An JOIIJfSTOJf la tbe. fGn~Mr Mlu Syl.t. Dcnna
Donea Lcmyoca.-(DoD au&.b photo)
EVERY lady should make It
her New Year's ~Iutton to
45.00 to 59.95 ........... -............ _ ........ -................. ...29.88
55.00 to 79.95.-........ -...... ·-·--·· .... ··-··-··-·------35.00
59.95 to 69.95 ................ _ .................. -......................... _ ... 39.88
79.95 .............. -·--·······-.. -----...... -...... C9.88
85 .00 .............................. _,_ .. _____ ...... -··--··-· 55.00
99.95 .. --................... _...... ...... 20-00
Harbor High Grads United
in Lanyon-Johnston Wedding
look gla.mourous -to look her 49 95 BEsT durlne 1957. Time' a · to 69.95 .......... ·-----·-··-·-·--··--...... -29.88
a .wutlne . . . you can't atart 65.00
any sooner. So let's beg1n with 85 00
~~n~e;.'~~!;'e~n~~PW!e~~ 99:95
--·-·-........ --.. ---··-----39.88
........... _ ....... ·-·---·---·--·-... _ .. _49.88
don't more than make up for the
Two N<'wport Harbor High Miss Jeanne Barnard of La· little extra time It ta~ to be
School Jrraduat..-.!'1 were united In guna fcach ~rved as maid of your most attractive.
a pre Christmas wedding cere· honor She wore a pale blue bro.
mony held Saturday, Dec. 22, In rade dress with accessories dyed
Santa Ann to match and carried a colonial
If you're mlylaiJ cmy ac·
coatermeata DMded to belp
you look you beft Jfew Tear'•
E.,.., burry MW to O'BJUEJf'S
cm4 ,.'11 help you out. £..--y.
tlWliJ 1D perlect tate -from
tbe ~ "'Do b.Ml « toe ..
ayloa ..... (eepeetany made to
wear wltb your ......W.g scm.
cSa1l cm4 piGs.Uc: aboe prett*)
to tbe alx buttoa rNAID9
9lone requtnd for formal at·
tlr-.may be fOUDd here at the
loutb Coaat'a fbwst abop of
leaa1D1De a:ppa:reL
JoSf'ph R<'ynolds or Bishop read bouquet of pale pink rarnatlons
the double ring rites that brought Best man was Robert Kent or
t'>~tether In marriage Sylvlan Santa Ana.
Dawn Dorl't'n Lanyon and John At the r~eptlon, held at tb.e
Earl Johnston The bride Is the groom's parent's home, Mrs.
dnu~rhter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Elanor Ross of Long Beach as·
Lanyon of Santa Ana. The slsted along with the sisters of
groom'R part-nts are Mr. and Mrs. both the bride and groom, Miss
C Johnston of 2549 Fairway Dr .. Bonnie Lanyon and Miss Anna.
Costa Mesa. belle Johnston.
A pale peach nylon dress was Mrs. Lanyon wore an embrold·
<'hosen by the bride for her wed· crf.'d toast colored sheath dress
ding. She wore a shoulder length with dark brown accessories and
"''II whl<'h dipped ln the back a rorsage of brown and gTeen If __ , h 11
and was held by a small 5e· ort'hids. Mrs. Johnston wore a you n~ a s eath·s m pet·
qulnnt>d hat trlmmed with lilies blue flannel suit with white ac· tlcoat. or a bouffant rutned un·
()( th(' va lley. Her bouquf't In· cessorles and a corsaee of roses. dersklrt, O'BRIEN'S has a lovely
rludPd white orchids with yellow Following a honeymoon In Arl· ~lection. It you are looking for thrr>aL~ romblncd with stephano· zona. the youn"'' couple will a perfect dress to give you added 1 • glamour for New Year's Eve. t c; and lilies of the valley. make t~lr home In Costa Mesa. plea.ae come In 800n. We'd love
Starts Today
on many
too numerous
The bride attended Canadian to help you ... and we have a
l!Chools before .-raduaUne from beautllul aelectlon of formal
Newport Harbor Hlih School and gowns, cocktail dresses and aft-
the gToom gTaduated from Har· ernoon party frocks. A.ak us for
bor area schooa. throueh hleh help In aelectlne fublon's latest
_8C'._h .... oo_l_. ----------a color which compllment.l
The car of Alene Schock, 224
VIa Ithaca. L I do I sl e, wu
marked with Instant shavlna
cream ... A Newport Beach po·
lice car, driven by olllcer Gerald
Irwin. wu allabtly damaced
when It atruck a barricade at the
corner of Poppy Ave. and Ocean
Blvd., Corona del Mat ..• Som•
one entered the earqe& ot John
Mlller. 2'729 W. Coast Hwy .. New·
port Beach. at Ba,_.de Drive near
your own-a style that make.
''bumps" take on the elamour ol
"curves ... that &19ea a eal's bones
the look of smart new linea!
U you•n a Cllllefal aboppew, It
......... be .......... 110 JiDiep
yoa.r •ew Teca'a a.olaUoa
aa4 nally Hoar you beet. It
Jut tabe • Wt of plana• .. to ......... .,.. ....... the proper
~ ..... ocw.l• ...
110 watclla ...... ~ .. .,._ ......... ..., .. ... ....... ..a.ct ....... ....
.. ... ....,., ..at .... -..u -..... nttle .. ... .........
the blu.U and broke a window, The at.a1f at O'BRIJ:Jf'S Ia
banjo, and portable n41o. trained to belp you Mlect dotbea e W&DiiUD.AY, Dac.. It to br1.n& out tbe moM attndJve
A SO-toot bole wu ~toWn from you-And uk tbtm f• belp 1n
the propert) cd Duke Rotan a( ~l.natJn• acx 11111'1Ma (Wblch
111 3t.t St.. fttwPOrt BMc:~~ .•. a. a ~to poe~ • ritnc)
Five p.Ucnwot au .... .apbonH
from the truicll o1 Glee ibrtJn. We wtD be 01...-d tD Wo you
422 E. 1q .&...,. llalboa ••• 'r.o keep your !f .. Yeu'e -'aUon youttw tbJew roea .t u.. boliDe and -. knoW that If ,_ .._ It's
al E1170e ,....._ lllcn A .... bound to M a IIAf'ft .., f«
Corona ._. Mar. JOUl· e IMOWY, Dee..
A teO lllllipde ... _._ lloln
bJ MJt*a .. aa .. ...,.. IIIII
laland A ... ud ~ llaJbo& ... A,_. ...... .._ .....
a • .._ ... , ••• C>al•u
. . ................................. _____ .. ___ 69.88
--.. -·--.................. ·-~·-.. ··-.. ··-·---.. --... 39.88
·-··· ........................... -........................... --.-69.88
.................. ....... ..... -·-·--.......................... _85.00
8 95 to 25.00 ................. ·-··--·-...... -........... ·-·--5.00
12.95 to 14.95 ................................................ -... 7.88 to 8.88
16.95 to 17.95 .... _ ................... -... --········-·---1.88 to 10.88
17.95 to 19.95 .... -.. -····--·-····--···-........... 10.88
19.95 to 25.00 .................................. ·-··--··-.. -12.88 to IC.88
29.95 to 35.00 ... _ ...... -.... -... -... ---···-·--18.88 to 19.88
A few, very speciaL ................... _ .. __ ··---.. -1.00
7.95 to 11.95 ... ·---·--··---.... ··--····-.. -·-3.88
8.95 .............. -................................... --.. ·------2.88
7.95 to 10.95 ......... -........ ·-·-·-·---··---·--.. ---C..88
12 95 to 17. 95---·-·--·------·--·-·-.. --. 5.88
10.95 to 12.95.. . ........ -.. ·--·-·-··---·----·---8.88 to 7.88
3. 95 to 7. 95_.-.... -........ -··--.. ··-·-·-···-·-' 2.88 to (.88
OTHERS on which prices are not yet figured.
7.95 to l 0.95 ..................... ----·-.. ·----.................... U8 to 6.88 ••Es 7.95 .. _ .............. -.......................... ____ , 5.00
12.95 to 17.95·---......................... ___ 7.88 to ·IG.88
BEL'I'S-Iarge •leetion draadcally reduced.
BllA.S-lwobn me.. nducecL 1.00 cmd QP.
Hanld-. 9~ 8CCII'il and II.. GDd bats
c:lraatlc:uUy reduc.d.
cmd PAHI'IES, pdced to dear •
* * * A S.Jectkm of Our lett.~"
JE'WELilY lh priQt « ...
Alllo Jewelry in ._meet Price lhftve NOW 11
......... ,1111
All ~ancltee take from our ....... .aodc.
K011t ol thll _....... • PltcM ....._our eo.t.
.&.lllalle na..L c-.., .................. .. ,.
Here'l .,. '.0:.:7 Story on 01 I
fCootbJued IJ'GID halt 1> that there Ia no ofl there. U
man ltoddard Mid. -nae ~I.e IIOIIM'tblnr bl there. 0.. peopiAJ
woald have to know a let more muat be told about It to maJca
llltonnaUon l.n ord~ t ~ tM vote worth whO.!' ~ would baw to bo.. ~ Counctlman Ma.cCa1 remarked,
tlwN Ia a bJr oO ~· or Juat ~~ 1:e,~t ~n ~~
8eattered UtU. o,_ Jntensta of the dty to obtaJn
"We wouldn't be lnwr.ted ln more lntormaUon about our tide·
It efthu thm," M.r. P)tlee replied. Lancb. Therefore I belleve we
"11 the corlne newt. tn tau~. should comply wtth Monterey's
Seaboard wtll be wtlllnr to I&Y requert
M.ra. Stewart then &roM In the "Every cJvtc auocJatton hu cone audl~ce. on record oppo.tnr oll activity
' "11 they don't ttnd oll, then In the city. It should be stopped
there Ia no problem ot dr·'-ae• right now." .... , "' UCJIAJIG& a.n L&AD&a-TM ft.nt .,.._.. Jaa. 11, tbe date of oUJctal vraatla9 of tiM « the rteht of recovef7," she Mr. Cubbage alao spoke up IMDt ..._.. of a. ...,.., lllnDecl ....... _... CbCIII'tu, a.atU Jwae 30 cd ..-xt ,.... n.. ~
ald .. "How can you erant thla agal11.1t the Monterey request: C1~ of •...,.ott ~~arbor •• (Wt to dAJbt) Ca:l'l o1 Cootrol ladadea u.... 4 off.lcln plu l'au1
requ.t, when the clty baa voted ''I want the CouncJJ to give the liMb, prw6deatl z-y •••oa. .t.c.pnat. autlu, Heal .....,.r, £meet Sodlllt.9, a-.
to oppoee lt." people a chance to aay what they deatl Artbu A. u..,...., MUwtaiy, ad lpalci. lletb Kla9aWr. heel hedoe cm4 Joeepb Steel-
Councilmen Wlldn and Stod· think about this." 1a9 a. Eaatlacm. tr.aww. n.r wm ~from aacm.-(a.ctcaer Pboto) dud~ted~tth~theclty Coun~~Wildn~~~~~----~--------------------------------~ baa not voted on that apeclfk: Mrs. Stewart: "You can't justify a.ue. your statement that the people
ot Newport ~ach don't want oil." '1 belleve they voted few the
rtabt to approve or deny fu.rther
development ot oO wtthtn city
Umlta when aucb a question
came up," Mr. Wilder aald.
"' bellew test:tnr f~ ou abould be up to the people too,'' Mrs.
Stewart responded.
Coundlman Hart spoke up In
support of Mrs. Stewart's arru· ment.
"U we grant Monterey the
rleht to core, they wtll have
spent conalderable money on the
project, and we wlll be obllpted
morally to I~ them eo on fur.
ther,'' he aald.
'1 concur In Mrs. Stewart's
ata~enu," aald Mr. Healy.
Mrs. Stewart fired right back :
"I remember when you ran. Lee.
You went on record against oil
encroachment All the candidates
made the aame statement But
When you ect on the Council,
money become. the t.ue."
Mayor Hill spoke tor the flnrt
time: .. When we took otflce, we
took the oath to wwk tor the
good of the city. We have the
advice from our oU oommJttee.
We must take factual advlae
trom our commJttfts. I don't
think we are eotnr aaalnst our
word ot agalnat the wtshea of the
people when we ~k more In·
Mnl. Stewart dln!cted a ques.
tlon to Mr. Pyle. and to City
Attroney Karl Davis: ''Would you
honestly say you wouldn't go
furthn? If oil Is found, then
City Attorney Davls answered:
''There Ia no question that coun.
dJ may vant a corlne permit.
U aa a r.sult of the coring, oD
is found In autfk:lent q~tltles
to mak.e It desirable to dr1ll. then
the people will have to vote be·
tOft a pennJt to drill for oil can
be eranted. 'J'Mre l.a the obllga.
tlon undft' the contract to do
what la nece.sary to derive thoe
ereatest benefit tor aU parties
to the ('Ontract.."
'1s there anything In the con-
traC't to allow oil testing off.
shore?" Mrs. Stewart asked.
"No,'' Mr. DavLa replied.
Councilman Wilder explained
hla position: "'I'here l.a the Ukell-
hood of a 1~ oil pool offshore. u drtlllne atarta In the adjolntne
state leaae, then dralnace of our
tldel~da wUJ beein. I would be
remiss In mY duty to nee:Iect the
best Interests ol the people ot
Newport Beach and make It lm-
possible for the people to obtain
Information about their re·
"Oil wiJJ bring In money for
the city. and will lessen ta.xes.
lf cortng showa oil La there, then
It Is thoe obUgatJon ot the Coun-
cil to brine It to the VOJ«! or the
''We don't want anotht>r Hun-
tington Beach. Best way to avoid
It ls to cooperate with the oil
Mrs. Stewart answered back :
"Councilman Stoddard said that
11 there Is no oU on the Hunting-
ton Beach side, there can be no
drainage, Isn't It time enough to
find out when the drilling staru over ther~ ., .•
"No." Mr. Wilder said. "We
want to find out before then."
Mr. Pyles remarked to Mrs.
Stewart: "You oppo~ with all
your force the tranafer of the
Elliott contract to ua. Have we
Injured Newport Beach In any
Mra. Stewart an.wer.ed by SAY·
lne: ''We are opposed to thls
becau~ oll development la alow ·
ly creeping, creeping, creeping
on our city."
-rJie ttme wlll come wben thb motion to vant Monterey tht-
brldge muat be croeMd." Mr. permit to use the mob lit> bland
Pyle. said. "1'hb La the day we for testing Newport Beach tldt-·
~ aaklng to c:rou ~ bridge." lands. and Councilman Wlldeor
a«onded the motion. He pointed out that In Fuller-Before the vote wu tnkton. ton. where he lives. 40% of the
2·bedroom home with ext'l'llent
furnishings lncludlng new retr ..
stove and TV. ...... ,. ..........
2731 w. Coaat Rwy. u 8-427'7
(At the Slenal)
Newport Beach
lUll I • I
Wl.ahlng old Frlenda and new
a happy and prosperous
New Year
w .... lulfJ
Located Since 1927 on Balboa lsi.
308 Marine Ave .. -Harbor 3344
•• UIUIA lEACH taxes come from the oil Industry, Councilman Stoddard said, 'Til
and that oil pays 50 to 60~ oppos(> the motion. There Is ron-New Quality Home. Slngle story;
of ta.xe. In Huntlneton Beach. slderable sentiment a g a 1 n 5 t easy approach; secluded comer
Councilman Hleble then made drilling. Or It's safer to say that lot; 2 bedrooms and den; two
hLa flnrt comment: '1 think Mn. Newport Bea('h wants to limit baths; hardwood floors; natural
Stewart Is unduly concerned. We drilling, not prohibit lt. Aldt>r cablnm· heavy hand aplJt
mullt have the facta to decide "Cortng w11l reveal lf there Is shake root; ~autlfully deoorat-
whether we want oil or not. and a stru('ture worth producing. We ed and ready for occupancy.
how much oil la out there." want only to protect our lntt•rests l..andacaped--sprlnkler system. .. from drainage. I want better jus-
$28.500. "Suppo.e you do core. Coun-ttrl('atlon than Monterey's say·so.
dJman Stoddard a.sked Mr. Pyles. I can't believe they'll pun('h only
"Ia 1t your lntentJon ever to etve one rore hole after bringing the
ua Information on the struc· barge all the way from the east Owner-1194 Temple HUh Drive.
ture!'' coast. through the Panama U 8-4207
'1 cannot rommJt Seaboard," Canal. Tbey'U drill other loca-
Mr. Pylft ~lied. '1t falla upon tJons for coring flnrt. And it"ll
J.fonterey to uk Ita aaodate. to take weeka to Interpret the m OR
dJvuJp Information to the dt;ys aelsmk lnfonnaUon. WH£1 I II
oU committee-not to the pubLic. "It would be better tor you to
111 do my level heft to aak su. approach ua." he told Mr. Pyles. sa••• PIOPEITY board to release the lnforma-''When you have more lnforma-•
Uon... tJon on whether the coring In our
Councilman MacKay made the tldeJ~cb ls even n~ry."
Coundlman Bart aald: "' op-.uccesstul, we may loee right to
poM the requetrt becaue the our tideland. Our etvtng permls-
peopJ• 1 repre~ent are aralnat lt. slon to Mon~y to core may
'J'he Umltl and boundarlee of tbe have bearlne on our rights."
requ.t are not detlnJte." "'J'hat Is just another iood
eoundlman MacKay laid that ruaon for not vantt.ne the re-
he bad uJced U Monterey bad quest." Mrs. Stewart sa(d. "W~
Uved up to Ita contraet by pro· were just laughed at by the
vtdtna Information on ~ county when we protested to the
and the oU a4vl8or)' commltt.e wpervtaora agalnat drllllne."
hu told hlm ''ya." AI the roll call wu taken on
uwe have hete the only piece the vote, Mt. Hart voted "no,''
ot eq\llpm. ent of Ita kind tn Mr. WUder and Mr. MacKay said u.. world." Coundl8wl WUct.r ''>-," and Mr. Stoddard cut the
po(nted out. '1t Ia an apenalve teeond "no," maktnr It 2 and 2.
optntlon. It would CCMit a trem· M.r. HlrbJe aaJd, "We bave not
ftlCious amount tw tiM ctt:r to enoulh Information yet. 80 J vote
Gnd out aboUt Itt GO ~" no." an4 the ta1l7 wu a to 2
"'Why rrant t.hJa requ.tf" lit. aplut tM motion. Tbere ....
Stoddard uJtH. "We'll lmow IIWl a charice lew a de vote. but
t!Mn'l oll, anyway, wb• U» oO MaJOr 11111. an. a moment of
taland 1.1 buUt. 'nlen ...,U ban h•JtatJon. vote4 •no."
to ftDd out lf theN t. ~ Coundlm.an WU&w .ta:ned otf
1'tlla mrt.n, may not ctet.mloe tbla tlnJt ba..le over oU l&laocb
tJlat... with the remark: .. I &IQ db-
ODe ftDal af'IUJMDt wu sn· appoln~ In the attltucle ot the
..ad b1 OoueOID&n WUde: council. 'J'hla wae an opportu. -n.. eoat:r l8 dat•llDI ~-nlt;y to aboW CNt aood faltla wtth
-.. ddlkndil. If .......... the olJ (IQIQ&Dt.i,"
Entrua JOQr r e a 1 e s t a t •
transactlou to a REAL TOR.
Be .. traJ.ned tn b1a prot.-.
aJon. Jmows values, tlna.nc-
ln£ and .. bound to 8eiW
JOU eth.Jcslly, bODeltlJ and
~-REAL10&S are
membed ot a natioDal ot•
to a
OUT 01 1918 • I •
But a Brand New Year
u nt•arly here.
We hope It is a happy year.
a good year, a prosperous
year tor all throughout
the Harbor area. •
498 Park. Balboa Island RA 3T1
Two Ho1111 • Ole Lit
IIY ll&l BE Near Country Club
Fa YOU! $5.500 -$1 .500 Down.
B. A. leriiOI'I
Harry 0 . Swanson
W. E. Wehmcler
Donna M. Smith
-a•• v•a
Fred Van Vliet
1982 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa
Phone U 8-1612
367 N. Newport Blvd.
opposite Hoar Hospital
Phone Uberty 8-1617
Eves. U 8·1280
0• Beat Wislla fer Your
StalleJ A. Slnlth, Realtor
Corona del Mar -Harbor 882
May 'Pring bring you good health. summC'r
bring ynu joy, autumn bring you a C'CQmphsh
ment and winter p~vlde contentment for
you anrl yours during this wonderful year
of 195i
JoiHI E. Wleir
3333 E. Cst. Hwy . Corona del Mar
Harbor 2422
IIY 1•1 IE I YEll
, .. I •
Thanks for your patronage and good
will during the past yeccr. We pledge
ou.rselves to serte you with every mod-
em facility dunng the year ahead
'fliUIIIIDAY, D"Z~Mii ~. t•
01111 lEU
I lOllY CEI ..
Cheoc:k th~ features:
Hardwood Ooors. dining room. lovt>ly kltt·hcn with
bltch cabln~ duposal, ·1 ~ baths with elec. hKt Ln
each and elau enclolW'd c;,,ower. Large wmdows. Ample
dQIIPUI. Patio and bart-..--cue, !eneed yard, double ga-
raJe. Cedar root
Price $14,500.00. $10,496.00 G. f loan ut 4 1v': with pay.
menta of f71 .00 per month Including taxe-s, insurance
and In terest.
&7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HA : 1741 ; ItA: 07':Y1
$3laiO DOWI
Brand n~ contemporary home with 3 ~ooma. 2 baths
Spadota kltcht'n. lots of tile, bullt·ln stove
l.ar&e glus windows overlooking rear patio
Amplt' room tor ~mmlng pool
Well restricted leasehold estate
Near lrvlnt' Coast Country Club
Full price $26. 78> 00
ap. Satarday Gild Sa.Ddcry 11 -C
30th A: Newport Blvd. Newport Bea('h Call Harbor 1600
l.arp ... ., .....
Prl~ u low as $4750
with ont.>·thlrd d~rn
Only 12 available Call us now
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
''you'll Uke our t:rtendly service"
Uberty 8-1139 400 E. 17th St.. eo.ta 11-. EVENINGS CALL UBERTY 8-8566. U 8·5665
A Time for Saying
..Thank You, Everyone!"
Eart w. SlalleJ
Sta.ff and Assoc:-utps
H .. IY IIEmiiiS!
Cl. YIE IEYER. ....
312 Marine Aw . Balboa lsland
' Harbor 2525
Day or Nlrbt
OiWrn.l .............
.. ~----
Te S1rN Y•
m ec... Ave.
PHONE HY. 4-lln
601 N. • c.Nno ....
"toNE HY Klfttlt 2..1195
• HY.a.tt. 2-1196
Refund Made
on Classroom
Permit Fees
For New
Ye•'s Eve!
We Will
Gala Celebration
Boy Scouta and Eap1orera ~ aion ud the dates of the dla· A bulldlnar permJt fee of $273 the Harbor Dllltrlc:t wU1 ''KobU· CU..SOO. ~ u lbDows: J an. 3, wu refunded Friday by Newpon lAin A CAKZ ft IIOAT oata Wewpett ..._.tWa Clw' .......
tze,. when the Halert" ta eounded Proeram Plannln.l; Jan. 10. Den ae.ch Clty Coundl to Secrest Ia lalltll •tw•lf. wttll a gift llat Ia ... W • r 2 W ., ..,. Ja
durlnl Scout Week which C)(.'CUI'W ~; Jan. 17, Pack Meet1nl: and Fish, Inc., builders of the Ole ot!Ww. This Clartatma:a d1w atka _.. '-._ a.; J._ ....
1n February. Jan. ,._ Den Mother·Den Chief cluwoom buUdlnar at Harbor _:•:arda:::::_:ll~o~·~·~at~Jta~·~D ~Cb«a~~-~~·~1--~:-<~·~s~d~lll~~-~·~) ___ _
....... 17 •• IWty ... JolT -....t""
... AlltM C... at
Scout Troops .and Explorer Relatlpl\lblpa; ud Jan. 31, Padt HJarh School.
PM8 wotk out In advance a plan A.dmtnJatratlon. Thla wu done because of a
to contact one another onee the Cub Leaden who complete thla court rullnc that cities have no
alert ta eounded. None or the nnat cours wm be ellflble to re· Jurt.dlctlon over echool construe·
unfta know when nor where the celve th~r Tratnlnc Certtttcates tlon.
"MobUlutlon" la to take place. at the dlatrlct Annual ~cnl· CounciLman Jay Stoddard
Boy Scouta and Exploners mu.t, tlon Dinner to be held Feb. 28, uked, "How about dWerences in
when the alert la eounded, pus at Orance Coast CoUete. building standarda between state
the word throurh their ranks and local requirements!"
and move quickly to the sta,.tng 1 53 Q • h He cited aa examples the local
Legality of Parll Fee
Questioned . in City
area to report for duty. When vers1g t code provtalons caUng for cast
they arrive at the destgnatA!!d Iron pipe for .ewers and for rlg1d
apot. Sooutera are Inspected for J c t d electrical conduits. their preparedness to rendf:r 5 orrec e City Attorney Karl Davis said
emeraency service and are sent he would invetlcate the matter.
lnto action.
,e MoblllzatJon will rHUit In
a Diaaster Service shakedown to
see bow quickly the Troops and
Posta can respond to a cornmu-
nity.wtde emf:rlency by employ.
Inc their knowledre of first aid
to llve dlsa.ater victims.
Cub Scout Leader Tralnlng IH·
alona wtll be held for Den
Mothers. Cubmuters, and their
assistants. and Pack Committee·
men, at 7:30p.m. every Thursday
evening durlnc the month or
January at the Sea Explorer
Subjects scheduLed for dU.Cua-
largest and Most Complete
Furniture Store in t+.e Area.
C.ll lor ,,...
uberty a.ss 11
Hoose ... Gar~eB
Fumishiogs for homes,
dubs. yachts.
l017 W . Coect Hiqhwey
Newporl Beectl
An overslrht of 3 years ago
was corrected Thursday ev~ntnr
as the Newport Beac h Pla nning
Cornml.ssJon approved Leonard
Newton's request for a use pt>r·
mit to operate the restaurant and
cocktail lounge. the Drift Room.
at 3344 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del
A. business license had been
granted Dec. 14, 1953. but the
required use permJt had not been
requested or granted.
F. C. Andre11("n, owner of the
Drift Room building. told the
Planning CommiMion. "We trled
to do everything that the city
and th~ In authority asked us
to do." He said that the Drltt
Room has a lO·year lease from
Jan. 1. 1954. with opUon to ~·
The commissioners noted that
the~ had been no protests and
unanimously approved the re·
quest. with no time llmiL
Tile WilliaMs FIIRIIJ
Wll•••• CpiWa
Cynthia Wood. the 7·pound. 10-
ounce daughteT of Mr and Mrs.
Thomas WllUams of 612 A.<-acla
Ave., Corona del Mar, was born
Tuesday, Dec. 11. at Hoar Hospl·
tal. CynthJa bas a brother, Rob·
ert Emenon. who ls 5.
The Wllllam.s ~ natives of
New York and moved here ftom
Whittier about 2 years ago. Mrw.
Williams does art work In com·
merclal advertJslnc. Mr. Wtl·
llams. an Industrial enrtneer, Ia
employed by the Stauffer com·
pany In Vernon. near Los An·
Sell throueh Ens:llrll Classified
•• 1 .... -..................... ¢' 0 .... ... "f'IDii u , a. -.. o r o a,-. .._. ........
-.. 1 a ••-........ -. 11 n , ..... ...., ............. ....__.. ? ..... a..-..
..... 1
Llq n.. .......
If Cedi •••• Dill
Georgina Emma Luke. 8L a
resident of Costa Mesa for over
20 years. died Dec. 14 at home
ot h~r dauchter. Mrs. E. S. Tout.
Paradise, Calit. Mrs. Luke, a na-
tive ot Stillwater. Mlnn.. had
bet>n living with her daughter
for the past two years.
She ls survived by slx daugh·
ters. Mrs. Tout. Mrs. Charles Son·
noman and Mrs. R. G. Williams.
both of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Clifford
Elliot of Michigan, Mrs. .John
Frlevalt of Wisconsin and Mrs.
Georgina Hoyum of Balboa: a
brother. Fred LeClaire of MJnne·
sota: one sister, Mrs. Sophie
Wickett of San Diego; 24 grand·
c-hildren and 15 gn-at.grandchU·
Funeral servlcrs were held
Dec. 18 at Parkes Chapel, Costa
Mesa. with the Rev. James S.
StPWart of St. Andrews Presby·
terlan Church officiating.
Notice Is hereby given that the
City Council of the City of New·
port Beach wtll hold a public
hearing on Ordinance No. 807.
regarding Planning Commission
Amendment No. 30, to amend
zoning of Tract No. 3068. lrvtne
Subdivision. Newport Beach.
from "U" to R·l ·B.
Notice Is further ctven that the
said public hearing will be held
on the 14th day of January. 1957,
at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M.
In the Council Chambers of tM
City Hall of the Clty of Newport
Beach at which tJme and place
any and all peniOM Interested
may appear and be heard there·
City Clerk of the
City of Newport Beac-h.
Notice Is hereby given that the
City Council of the City of New·
port Beach will hold a public
bearlnar on Ordinance No. 806.
rep.rdlnr Planning Commission
Amendment No. 29. to amend
Section 9105.1 (f), Chapter 5.
Article IX. of the Municipal Code
of the City of Newport Beach. to
Lnclude a municipally operated
park:lnar Jot.
Notice ts turther ctven that the
aa.Jd public he&rlnc wtll be held
on the 14th day of January.
195'7, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
P.M. In the CouncU Chambers ol.
the Clt)' Hall ol the Clty of New·
port Beacll at which ~ and
place aAY an4 all penona Inter-
ested may a.ppear and ~ heard
thereon •
M.UGERY 9CHllOUDER Cl~ Cleric ol tbe
OtF ol Newport Beach.
A. Park Commission proposal to
double the present S15·per·lot
park fee for new subdivisions
was dropped last week In the
race of a court challene~ by a
romlnr from the area belnt
"I disagree with your state.
ment that the principle la th~
same." the city attorney reoplled.
'The money used for the water
lines ls recovered by the ctty.
becau~ new propft'ty comes In
on the city tax rolls." -.
The issue came up Thursday
evening when the Planning Com·
ml.sslon considered the rtnal map
ot the 83·home. Banning subdJvl·
slon being developed by Irvlnr C L.EAVE co•OWA DEL JCAJI
Jordan of Los An&eles !!OUtherly The ~rnard McNalrs have
of Coast Hwy.. between Balboa sold their home at 620 Orchid
Blvd. and 58th St. ln West New· Ave .. Corona del Mar. and are
~~~ ..... __ .,= --~
port. I living out nearer their restaurant I Celebrate New Year's Eve
A letter from the Parks, Beach· In Costa .Mesa.
es and RKreatlon Commission -------
gave detailed recommendations . CALL THE ENSIGN at Harbor
on street tree planting to be re· L.l4 to order letterheads, enwl·
qulred of the subdlvldf.>r. and opea, bUII.nesa cards, .Utementa,
also asked tor S30 per lot for lnvttat1ona. posters · · · ReJnem.
park development. ( ber, the Enslrn prlnta It better.
II I... !
* * * lllPPY lEW YUI!
Mr. Jordan said he was not Enal.p cllalfJed ada let rsulta.
1 taking Issue with the require· ments for planting. but h(' TOlE STAaTS AT YOn DOO• Lob of Eatle~-t •• eo.... c::bca9a
CAU. roa a:savAnon •ow~ m
chargPd that a $30 park fpe was
"We were prepared to pay S15.
though ll we chose to fight. this
could be found to be an Lllegal
charge." he said. "I! we are
forced to pay $30. lt will be un
der protest."
I • ~ • .
11'IC Commission approvPd tht>
map, specifying a ft>e or $15 pt>r
lot and waiving the code re·
quirements on minimum lot sltt I becau~ adjoining dt>VelopE'd lots "!! •••••• also are small~r than th~ cod'> fo
At F r I d a y morning's City
Council meeting. City Attorn~y
Karl Davis ~xpressed concern
over the park ff'e policy
"I question the legality of tax
lng a subdivision owner for
parks and then uslne that money
to acquire par~ In another part
of the city.'' he said. "It would be
okay ll tht> funds ar~ used for a
general park for the entire city.
or for a park In the area whf'Te
the funds are d~iV!d."
Councilman Jay Stoddard dis
puted the city attorney's viPW
"How c-an you justify the Ullt'
of gent-raJ city funds fOr water
lines In new areas!" Counc-Ilman I
Stoddard asked "It's the same
principle. We're now paying for
a water line for the Upper ~y.
and not a ol the cost ls
UM ~-~C£-a.'~
Fne O.U..-y bywa..n lllll tbe Bart.. Area or eo.ta Meea
171M Jfewpod m.d (Jf.-Setvwut), C.tlll MMG
Enjoy a Gay, Festive New Year's Eve
at the
IESTI 1111
E. Coast Highway at MacArthur Blvd., Corona del Mar
New Year's Eve Party
Loulslana Shrimp Cocktail-Conaonune Madrllf'lnf'-Princess Salad
New York Cut Strlom Steak
ruet~qnon. Beam~
Boneless Squab Chicken. W ud Rice Veronique
Freftdl Strtnc BeaN Stutfed Babd ~
o-tt-Parfait Maron Claat
OI1QfD SEitVG> -1:(10 P.M. TO 12 MJDlnG8T
$5.00 Per Petaon With Dinner
TBE AJiflfUAL limE BODEO W'CIS beld NCM~tlt by tbe k1boa Swim Clad Cal:laacDter Ed Dodpt MCIODIS row, left to rtpt: IUcMrd
la1alul Cub Pack lfo. 11. Pic:'tuNd ben, ill tM rODt row left to J•aSOII, 8W Koc:ICaatu, To.my lt.pb•..e. lt..e Swim. Tom
right. are BarolcS Jam-. B..uy ~ Jr .. Tom ICadCCIIIt:en c.tOD, ~leary I»&Wiw, Larry Moan, ..S Lany Dodge. .....,
(with Just part of Ills head abowtDg), Ira Dowd, DcrYicl Banta, Spragae was c1wrtrecm of tM speda1 ...-ta CGIIUiltttee-(Photo ______ s_tene_ Dowd. Albert Chtpaum. Jim Botfm_cm._..:._LcD __ J.....:f:....Porta __ •:....•_a_'.:...pJa _____ bT....:._Cu.b _ _;;_pca_•_t_lf_onaaa __ w_abm __ cm__:) _______________ _
THIS SCENE of the carol lingers and Chrbtma:s
tree Ia on the roof of the OrYWe Deardorlf rea!-
denca at S07 Poppy An., Corona del MaT. It is
part of the bloc:k-loa9 Christmcu decoration
themo of the 500 block oa Poppy An., which
won a tpeelal award ID the Chamber of Com-
mere. Yule l19btlng coatnt.-(EnaJCJD Photo)
-----------------------LEGAL NOTICE
No. P A 731
the creditors of anrl all persons
having dalmo; against the said
decedent or said estate to file
them with the necessary vouch-
11-. ..,. nan. &tart. .. '*I f'rt., S.L .. 8-. Start. * tllll
Prs in the offtl't' or the Clerk of
thE' Sup"rior Court of the State
of Cali!nrnla. in anct for the
{'r)ll nty of Orange. or to prPScnt
th<' same. with the n('("('ssary
vour hers to the unrlt>rsigned at
his or her place oC buslnE>s..c;. to
wtt: r/o Ralph M. Myer<~. Jr . AI ·
torney at law. 2721 East Coast
Highway. Corona del Mar. Call-
'~-:r~ • ' DRIVE-IN t f.'l-" ::' , , lC THIATRIS li t!J
COMf A S YOU A.l I 1
..... .... ..,....., ......... .,. Outoea Ou.ani 8ltGw
r.t. ...... ..._ 8..,._ a& t :IO EVERY F'RL, &AT .. SUN.
Cnrn!u within six months after
th" first publication of this no-
Oated Ortobf'r 26. 1956.
Admlnl!!trator C. T. A. of the
J:state of said decedent.
Rnlph M Myers, Jr.
27.21 F.ast Coast Highway
Cmona del Mar. California
Attorney !or Administrator C.T.A.
A ll your printinq needs will be
nandled corwenientlv end court-
eously in the completely-eQuip.
ped Job Printinq Department of
l'he Ensiqn,
2150 E. Co.rl Hwy~ <M.... del M.
HerlHw 1114
.APORT /1. .. .1.
"Hellywllll or But"
ITAaDfQ ]All. I
45 Coast College Football
Players Are Given Le"ers
All 45 players on the Orange
Coast College Eastern Conference
championship football tea m
were awarded lettf'r~ last week
at the annual Fall Sports Award
banquet In the college student
2760 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar
mon. Ed Jones, Jark Hahlstede, Harbor 5403
Dickie Steph.ensen, Alan Story, I ~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All conft>rt>nce qul\rterback
Bob Crockett recelv<'d the Glohe
Herald award for making the
most tackle!!. and the Rod E.
Gould awa.rd for having playe-d
the m06t minutes.
Ta<.'kle Ted Dlnklf'r rt'<'elved
the most valuable player award
and also the Lions Club award
as the player of the year. Team
captaJn Jack Ashbaugh, tackle,
was named the most lnsplratlon-
aJ player.
Center Ed Baln. was honored
Bob Crockett, -,..arry Livingston. I i
Denis Wagner, Kenneth Wood,
Paul Lorentzen, Ted Dinkier. Jlm
Rumsey. Joseph Corre, Art Mon·
toy a, Thomas Pro c t e r. Wm.
Brown. George Allen. Del Drake,
Harry Robinson. Gus Osterkamp,
Gary Jacobsen. AJ Garcia, Dick
Vanasek, Orlan Donley, Terrence
McGuire. Roger Early, Tom Har-
mon. Glenn Spear, John Mh·
baugh. Olmstead, David Johnson,
Bob Watkins. Jef! Thompson.
Water polo letter or jacket
winners were: Bob Herman, Craig
Koch, Doug D' Arnall. Max Bow-
man. Veri Rosnow. John Swann,
Russ Murphy, Dave Powers, Dave
Andrews and Bob Patterson.
as most Improved lineman. and ------------
halrbnck Don Jones as most lm-lafti'le 1 '•fill' proved back.. .,.
Bruce Martin of the Lions Club ------------also surpriSt'd the 125 players
and guests with an unschedul.cd
presentation of a plaque to the
coaches for their outstanding job
of character building.
Dr. Basil Peterson, collt>ge pres·
!dent. spoke on the phll080phy of
Orange Coast Colle~ relative to
Students who com~te In ath·
Jetlcs should earn what they re-
ceive ratht>r than to de~nd on
handouts, Dr. Peterson told the
Dr. James Thornton, coll.ege Board member's goal of multiple
vice president, was master of listings sold during 1956 wu
ct>rernonles. reached with a total volume of
Football players who received just over $12.000,000 . . . and
letters or jackets were: Bruce Gladys Klap~r was able to take
Knipp. Clayborne Trlbbl.t-, Dar-1 care of her Chrbtmas bills by
rell Jones, David Tamura, Charles collecting $45.85 u the lucky at-
Yeyna. Ed Baln. Ed Chambers, tender of the last December
Jcarald Gregg, Dick Grover, Dud· Board breakfast.
ley Heller, Wm. Harrison. Ray I • • •
Aderrnann, John Hopkins, Don Lots Vogel spent the holidays
Jones, Tony Wallick. J im Har· 1n Tucson vl51ting relatives.
Heaps Of
Good Wishes
U each of our good wtah. for
you weighed em ou.ac., you
would Deed a t.a-toa tnadt to
aury them aU cnrayl Bcrppr
lfew Tecu to you I
Ill IUDf rr .. IAL80A ..._.,
IO'Jif'DATI Aim JIOLIDATS t A.K. '10 I P.M..
SPECIALS roa DEC. 17, 21 Aim 11T11
lcBIC:U:JI OP THE 1~1-0Z. CAlf 15-PT . .OLL
ite Meat Tuna 33( Reynold's Wrap
laJI.OIQ'lrTJI...-IJo. ZV1 CAW ~oz. CAlf
KJ.&. .
IIlLI• TOPPING 1-ll..,.