HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-13 - Newport Balboa News TimesI • . . -... -'"- ,. for 36 the-best distri(t -tf * * the that 'home Til SAND RAB RuyBonds . -BALBOA-·.·: MES ··c~ IEEP IOITU 1-· ~. :--, .MEnd War Quicker -#®•• ., I ~ ··' \ ' ... .. ' '··· ,.. .... ,. ... SAM VOU" • XXXVI . ... - ·-·~·7 ============~==~====~ . . ~ l Year • . • . $2.58 ...... ~ ........ N•n·11~ N....-rt ..... HUMaaR _, o~=:=~~h~~ IN -. ·I u~ s 0 T k . :wACMaryS~asby t.\. . F . ·~~roc:~~:t:~~ I atlona, . a .~s Of Balboa ~ow on ~~riVe or c:ll.tiOOYered the crowded 0011-w I D t t Ft. M c \OUR· .• Q!!?_._!Absentee Ballots may ElectSadfeir.to.CoUncjl; , Official Count Tuesday' ditlon 0( the bea cn. IIlSotU-0 . c t F u y a yer I =~.f:"~"*~~ 1 ve~ en ~r or arl £-ri.:~~~~.!~:d ~ raemer • =uni~Utd~~eo a:erou: !Wounded on bay front fornla. Ia a JT emtM-r of a Women;• G:>pens herD are a t the Legion Hut and Arwv Corp• 11n1· whlc" noent J ,.,.. ' lf'rt F1~ wAC Tralnlnc Center. · the Boy Scout Hut and some I . . hf'rf' foe: dulv with lbe Army at Prurnlallll: II ~lr (\Ill • ,, .. are up at the H igh school .• I R. H 'GO!som s--~·· R~sentatlve for the c. F\·rt Myt'r. Va. The job of a rranging for~ 1 • ;-, '. l'-'3lCI ~ E . C · •t W..A.C: untt• nrw-are at woril 1W ·h .. \Jill"•' ; t•ttl's ~«'''llrtt'. ,. far-flung -consignment must West \.OUt Tells Local xecutive omml -w•th the Army on mor-e MilD M1 Jf nUll •• lu "' I .t un•·•rrl hl'r< tu Vle pef'!iOnn e l an~ one tee of Plans for Aiding Boys in Service post• In ,.11 4.R· .tatn. t'le Dlulctl ~day •n•l I' I•• INt A " Rou• 'w onders il all t hese boys f:lnd of Columba. and lr England. A rt· _, • c Mlrm un Mn • LA·• !' t'ff,·n-·n nt lA nelleved Nt.~r.y un-Thlrd Seat -Top Man Allen Not C~rtaln of ·chair· manahip, on Hall'i Threat to Re.lrn . -.. I girls a re ·getting the lx'sl ----. . . ca. Italy, New Calf'4orua and II•· .. n,.lat, t n 11 .. ol , , mMIIttN• '' th at education affofds. It ·A ct'ntcr. on th e bay ft'Ont. tl .nt will be<'omt' na l lon nl m walt. ... thAI ''"'''"'Pf" .lnHI • ;,., mea n s bu sses a nd drivers scope with prospeet!' of enlnrg~~wnt. to .be u:-;ctl fo r . lht• ·--' -..::;.--N'I'V 1 r•. ~·.::!. !.:L~~'!....l!f !h!... _ ~ ~ -wau... ..wil~· w04tnded mPn hom~ from .1.bc...J:pll_l1a1"~~ ..\L:ll~oo ~ --: --~ - -·-..--· · ttTTn ~ - Sooll' :.!1 ~tbecni C(' buJioiM, nil ,_,nit~ nnd on the MIL ~· City <1•·•·k lta"J•Ak-l«ftf'ftftl't;"'pmyi'lc-c•f ohn ~lr, bilboi; to ttw dty C'Otllll'll, w ht•n'thnl bocty ('i_IO\'IUlSl.'ti the mum. Mxt 1\ar.qtny aftf'J'Tloon a t 4 n'c•IO(·k. S Hcilc•lr 1fi..Q(le \q) on eow.dl-~llj.'t-..._ Loa.: Uv• tl~ I'!(' I\ f, tJko volf' t.•lna ~ ·fa 987. but nm rior bnly t o plaet> t he lisherl at once on Bay Avenue ~nci t he Bay fr'?n f . Bnll,n·~, =-c-~ RLJJ I• ""' chll~ neJlrest to theil' St'hOOI. I cording to R. H. Gossom. sr~'CI~I t't'p rec;cntatwe for th~· ~n-. .e~ • e but w o r k ing out ,p.l aces.. tiona! United Service o~nnrzatlons_ He. tol,d .lh .e~ullyc • --.Y.._ • wbere they can go and stay. cOmmittee of ~e local USC \\'~lnt>'SdJly a t a m N>t ing with·tnc H. A the at.ntee beUw arr r or Uw lllOflt pert rrom t t. aart New<o ~r1-Qnltm .. ~ ~~~~'Mfttl.-t«~·a"'mm;--u )orft~ tit hli \"OIM'. I -- - ---. .Eddie:Moore .. ·Wfili ~ X?res.i· C.hr c12t ~~11r ... tl}.~w~-.~\t .~rwr,-mr-Tf·woora · ·-•11t-5-· ...,-,,. p---~t r-th L...: _ _;a tha wouJ6~tart at once. UCI' 0 e uutuu. . ~.L.-f l t over lnl'ut .. t OD th~ h'llp'to\Jity. school project. which ..,... "' Better Food Plannlnq 011 W.. shaken ~ apart l.ly the .1933 'quake. was re- built a year lateT to accom. modate 550 stu~nts. It now houses neatly 650. whk h must mean la rge r cla.s&e6 and-more difficult tasks for IT' renet'&lly felt to that angle the ed that 'Uie eervlce men.·wbo eome that thoee c:uea ~ be Oft!'• tlon . . -+ + ___.. In tMN lltOaW be pe~ tD tiM~ tor tM -~od.dooe Ia I SOI'TM' compb.tm ""ldl Acc'Ontinc to • dty h1ell rh,..·k 1'1 llal&ot. we" t.u-.J Schoai Traatee. WhUe on I all they cSf'Cre, to which Mr. Pal· the t1 other merttortou. cu ea. whrn thP Ialii c.lll~;naent till p s f <'••TTiy "llfll't't'iatlw to t.hfo rttll!ll'ftll 1 t'OCtnd lmrn ltv. lA. 01' tM subject ol over-crowded I rn,.r ~rtf'd that the Jtltctwn WAll Tba. att.DdtD~ th e mHtln«1JI•, Wt're l'('Tif lo ·lni Ang.-lea for • I I)( •h·· C'tlmfTlltnlty rcw-ltwlr •up-,_..... ul hult.... - school rooms. just saw a n l only maintain~ for e&ndwlellu d ••rlrd Mt'lll!nl. 'Palmer. a-m a miMt lan nw local bOya rt.son a .e IPII,l. Mt Allpn "'"'"' Wo~lu)' 1,., •• ,. •. wtttlf. tW.r Will = . item where it was announced and coffre. lira. l.. l.. J.tlell. In W&Jlat'l'. HarTy F..amllha'\'. -ct-early In lhr momlntt. ~· ~"' not Vl,llllllo( It• ITII\11) i•>t'fllr' "' ho• ........ 1 1\111110111, In •• ,. ... ~r .. .. tha t the annual e lection for cha~e of the room•. itatecS thalli Aahf'n, Harry Welch, lira. Iabell. ch("('N'd on their way by hoi cnf· It• thunk itwrn fur flt••tr lu\lil .•u1o-lillh• tl(h """"'"""'" ....U school tru.'ltee would be held ll'1"JIIP IIUpplll'll of brtlltl, hutll'r. 8. A. Meyer. Herbert Ke nny. Mra. fl'f' nr tiou.:hnul~ Thl'n when. ttl<')' I . ll'a the nrat '-t thlnl( to hi VIlli( I"" I "'"I tit• hot .... ho• WIMihl ''" hi~ "'"'"' orl hw•IIW'U Ia N...,.rt. M jo Go ql'ft'4' ond pr~>SIW'd mea~ and e.:g-11 I !•Winntl H tl,::klnlllln and Mr. Win-,::ol '" th•• ''ILV at wn1o 1\fll·r 4 JUtTU~.f:. C"AEME"· Orange ,.OU r boy home. tble t.alltlnl( I n utnu~t<l 1•1 I'Tk'lll th"l "'1'1""' ~~ ~~ ~ctfa~~~asain ~00:; w~no on hand. thai the room11 COUld 'l'r niter. nl'w IISAI.Itanl to Mr. o'l'luo k hduro• lht•)' "('r(', !;h'<'n Ceuftty Man'a Platform Sava aOilUY.onAo -W.tlo bubkad 1D _t!la. .adJ&, 'llLbLbftt )'ot. _ ----LJ__...::.__ ..____ ·, h 11 marked tha t etay within lt. budge:. but Ulat Allhl'n at thl' ll~tlbna USO roo~. unp.bt.nt.t Lo t';tl, arul Jlwn it WM -L.d'1--W-"lu.tua tn -w .. trlftg. . ... , 1. ·~ I n 1 11. Mr. and Mrtr. c '' tlw '"'"'~>' ~MMI 1"'"1'1•· "'"' ·\:AJ&a.. ltleiAIII · ~ e cas ua y re -u 'Rnrlwit-h 'WIIh fl rlllt'fl pll'("(' or ton." Ucln I I I l•t•·r-ed tnr th~ I'll)' •1..-unn, 21110 o· . A t• ....... ·I SChehoowr~rd ~e~t:~fJ ~h= Th L R t'ho·t·-··· ,oll'o'urolln~ '" 'lOm e or. I hi' flrt'~nt of I hi' N&tlnnlll ~·htnnotl ~;.,K. ,w~~e;r1 ntWalller ~;-~ ':;:;; , ...... 1 ""'~'" ""' • 711 1"'' ···:nl. leR In -e lOR . l ' • . t hoy,. l..:1l•·r th1·~ \\l'to' \M'\'~1 ~-~f--A•eoclaUnn In lllU rnhlenl uf l'uq ·"· ,,..,. .,..,.0 a prl•unrr uf wur '"''' 111111 provo~l 111111 n ll~elt• hnl· @ll<tidate f or rc-electito;· ose ' IOnS oar. a, fl'l' and IIIJlll(hnUIS IJ)' '",'' l l$0 , lh~ Callf!l,.;,, .. , ... ,,.. ·~-· lu ll1011 tor IIVf'f. year In a German lp· lui "'"II rnl'rlllllll'l , '" ....... h II Mrt William K Oaau.ra.,- Gordon has been on e whr!'h Wil!'o_ mwjl nppro•rt:t ··~I H lau I N'•lrlfonl u! tho• lt•iTin ""' c:•mr. had thla l''""•urr tw .. vy hllrtllttl I• rf'~""'"'' ••• nl Wr. &nd Mra. I"Nd OlliLa ... boa~ rd f"'r ""'-r,"l ~·,..,.rs. ha_s ~tt lln\'m.on •roHI 1111ln~ In .ut1· e aerv~>• 111 r · 1 t 1'1 "ll,.llttltlrtl c·t~••·...,•o•tuott "' thr v ~v-.: " ...-.. L d N h T d · · Cal't 1 N I' t lt•hrr,. ff'('~ntly whf'ft .--rlllh 11 • '"" ITlh and Mnfti'V\Il& -'"·• Colla m adn a,,good t ...... , ..... anct . \f • • •w••rtn•• thnl flllrl 'Who•f'l• nnlhtn;.: . om a I'W~Pitl>c'l II I • Ul I ... t I IHohll~· .. w11•h•·• ,. • ..... , ~ t .. A t 11 _u r ·n •Into· "hu N'lumf'd '"' «' a .. , r 11 ' ~ w .... tuta tw .. n l&Uied la eeUoll a he wan ts the job ft,:tftln . . a JeS 19 ues ay "'"~ :wnwrl lnt'lll--hn~. lhnt ,..--1 MOe a 00... e •• M ,,.,~,-~~"':. f lllf' l;rlp•holm, ronlll"ll'lt Ulrm I,, lh•• '"'"I , ............. C'lty 'd fr•·•hm••nt" "''''''' l(tVt•n 11nl~ wh•'n Ill( an on&nlo(f' f'"v" • n,.•· ( .,,., k Hhwharl rt~'f'l\'o-11 tho· , .. ,., Ul<t Mttllterraneen tbe&W, ...... should be gi\'en the consl cr-llw mrn Wf'll' l)f rto•ro'tl r .. , tnclll(" Whf're hf' Ill otlau puhlu•lo"l' .. , lh•• .. ,. '''""'" and rnad~ plaNt lu vlelt lnl tn a War O.part....t ....__ a tion of . thde ~tvotetumrs wcfu~ • • tum 11nd n,,, fut ,.,anHIIHitun. hut Oranp Dally Nl'"''" · II•• '"'~ '"' 1"';:; 1"1:.:';, "":~~~~ut\earc~nlntc 1,, :,::.· :::~ ·~~~-ur~~ 1 ;~:~' ,'~;.:-; ~.:· -~~·""~";~. ·~...._. Ia • • can be m u,~, 0 ·Mirth and joliii:V werr unrnnfln-put on"'the Datlle or the Sexe• a.nd ht• l'rllmt~rtl In tnvo-•llgnt•• th<' f1ve Y«'Arll " lllrt-d m oof "'" Stilt~ Walll~rw j,,l~or·rt•••·nn•·n .:r•1011. A I h .. r t "' · • -·-. for what Is really an Import-,.,, Tltt'~Ml•y night --.•hf'n nearly 100 II Will PJO gnnd thl\l Judtt• Eddlf' trl'almt•nt R("('ONio'<l at th(' Los An· A~trlt:Wtural SnciPiv Oth~r .nat• nrw~ nf Uob, tellln« ~ II ll•tWo•fl t.-.1 I hill c'flfTiblnutlon with I A .,. o/ 01111~ be .... a nt part of a cit y's prOgreSS. Liota and theJr la.dlu met at the Moore wu alrald to award I de· jtf'lt>S rnd. . of toea held Uf' rnrm~r and ~.t. lila\ 1·" wu well an n Ucn:.~ ;11!l, !lur Ho l ht• fJtrl lhnl hi• OWil llvf'd Me• .U.Ce .,..1111. + '+ + &..-jlfloll H11ll-. -<fto!IHl-MeM. end t'll. elele11. At .etty-r'llte ever)'OM hlld--~ --~ prNitk'ltt-;-.e.Hfom la ·-Rla l.,._ ~1---.1-Ptrll..tl u Ill• clr:~:tnr_!A&I'It'.. •lo•ti'U•t 1.1 c;,i1una ~WI Mar •Yfj ~h-:..t• ova 1 .... ._ · Cit~.-~.-New cofi,plex-joyed a banquet and program tha t an entrancing f'venlng and caueed I A 110n WIUI b rn rN'«'nti)'_IO .. r. road Commlu1nn. d~l"''" •llr""'"r l"''""t "IAIDdlt.lone a"' n•lt u bad 1!:'1rtf'd him !:MinftttonK'I)'. ·-C.-U. I 8ill&- _ 10i\ of aty 'CQ_tm.s!! cannot IUICf bten ~~nrtl'()f Olf' (JIIrTo"t-rprfnr .-·ffiTlloun tli'e • M <rMrii· r.irf' Han111•n. 330 1tUt <'olllfoml Departm~ uf J'IJbllr "" lhry onta ht '-.and Wf' ~ Laka Kn•,wltnn tcCit :.!46 1mtl C1yolo• Slwt · anl1 had pu1Jdpal.lo4. &II • f/6 .. definitely fixed unh l f_he de-belli put nn 111 theY'Wnoundln~tiJ. ~ hnrron~ of war. I 16th lllreet. ColtaJrea.--Worlfa. ~~-.37. f'•llfonlla Rull•l-_11," .,..,. ront.~~ ~n!:b 1 rn•· wunol 'J'Cl vul,.,. I rnaJnr batt.IH: Sad} and It wu annual Ladle.' olgbt and ---' --• ----• In!( and wan ('nmmllltllon~r Ht:!7 ""IC". r~IIIY.f'(l b'y ' . t"upl ( 'hul'it'' 1-'lwllo•r Wt\<1 m11dr '- cision between Re~c:t'~ even though It ff'll on f'lrrUon evt' h l :\8. IUid cAalnnan Muuntaln·P••' I h,. Stalatt l.uet Ill ramp where •thr rn•"'' "IJO'f:"lftrulllr r~mtlllllfl •If It: A. W•&aall ., Clwllll - Reed. U Mr. re-It did nnt mar Ule enlbualum nf u • F• ·· ' • flo! 8tatea Coni,.H·n•·r "' Puhll• lk·h •• tnlrr-t.d. llu 3000 Hrltlllh 1 tho· w 1'8111 llw1"y that hf' """" a v.n11a whn Ill da4n• c aaaJN .. ta ined. ~there will be little IIOmf' nf the a ttendlnr candidate~~ nlon IS e~men· n At>rvlce Cornml .. lnfUI oonol Amrrtr .. n boy•. Tbey have hiii'PY nnfl l'lltiJirll'tl •nci WIUo "'""· fllttllna•nul yt flu! Jll•«o •. .,...t. ch a n ge in the counc il's p~-and polltl<'lans. , r raemer'a 11on Ia ~"rvln~r with •~.ou t u M'&l1 and "c:,_uonat fa. on th# ,lpb at ttlrlntc hi• vl•·w• nn porthoo •rt P'Aeter ...... wtUt. liAr • e nt policy. but if M~. Sadle lr . M. GrettOrY Gorby. who pre.alded. th,. Ua lt.ed Rtatee Army In thr I'IIIU~ll' tn kt'f'JI t.lwaulel~ In ~rood ctvlr condltklfta 1 funlly. goes in new a bgnme nts wield~ a wtek~ betofl and Ttl! I I d c t "'• t. I ~ •tth Paclfl• '..,,,1,. ,. , . ti'~~f~;'1~m ~m~r~ ~.~' f'~~~~;n w~-: ::!e:e!·i~ ro nc a 0 r ac c ·r'n!:::'~"uH~~:.::I!f·,;:'~~1n ·~~~ lllll.::ln:~~ltf'r.r~= fl~llt A;:;~·;~ (A.uncilmanic Vote 'by Precintt8 1'11te'et general approval llJ\d his 0~;n w te and that tall emaclal· d,.nt eupport«'r of Newport Harbo1r "''"' h uf 1M3. Andlty of ~18 ed h th t ll.k"" 1 • . .. land be can tM-rounted 1111011 ''" 1•nr•·utt1 w.u ,...11.-ved wtwo, tiM fol· reveal t 1\t e VO er "~ 1..,1 ScoutmutPr dicl jullt that ·Vtry ..o 1 ,,. f t ba k rd Word. rN•t•iV<'d toony from Snn rluu••• prm tulnl:: _ or r•·mtllllnro rut..,.. belp. Jle alii• ann•non• r" '""''"'IC month, word cam• frllm ~ ''tllnc•ll-•n I t 1 ! 4 a guy WhO is no C WI\J l lhlnjt. Hf'lnl! Kalllf'r, who alway• Frnndsro 1(1 thr f'fti'M that un· of onr·hrllf nf I ""'r C'l'nt nr lhr ,,,,, /\•IJulattl (:r ilf'ral In Wufllna· ...,.. "-in saving w hat hi" t hinks. dunll a wblt.f' aproo and cap fnr ' . .,. nu•ny local auppoJrt~"' hav .. rRIIh"l 11 k I ~1 70 Bob h• as ta'-en scvcra_l stiff the 0\'rllllon, ll('f'Vfd ll ban~t up ion ftshrnnrn in lhnt arc•a hnvo• Cll~rh nr c•nrh ftl<hrrmnrt .In th<' ••• er-mt'r anti many mur~ ,.,,. "' l llll tlt•l tl>f' nyr r: had ~" ahul A l'll "' d sh:nrd OJ::I'N"ml'nt~ arfrrllli~ot fr• ~h unum ,,,.,.11. wN•k a.• Jlll)'ml'nl of fcriDI' tlwlr coopuatlon 111111 h••ll• ''''"" .. v~r lhr N(1(1h Kea an•l wu Slstnh'Y ih tht' ~st 1\n mt'al and later the llt !IIJinn Willi fi~h rlralrr~ In tha t nrf'll. hrou~o:hl uniun dt,_,.,, -•••II nhv•· , . .,.n thnUJCh " r ;~rm"n (', n o d oubt. he got turned over tn Lu Stdff'raon lUI a o.tnlrmcnt from I larry Mr K1!· II.~ thr rontrnct wrnt Into ••Ut'!'l . Mr.. Ear1 Grahtun nf .,...,,111 =--•·w 1,.,,.,,11..r Sitrll•·tr Preltv m ad about it. yet he rrotnm ('halrm&n-tnck. locnl :•·rn:"·n.l!ol l\1'. lhul in 1\:lll'lh•·m Cnltfnml"" rlr<.l Ill'~··· ... ,l 84.-ll h h.u. ""'' '" flrt·.:··· t.·ll••flo ''''"' lho·to ••• ,. Ill• r• l{l't·d Was able to conccnl his feel-,, .. ~lunl!t WI' I(' Jl:(IO<I nnd IAu"h. Soulh('rn C'llltfnmrn ·~ p10pi>Slllt; lllf l"ho·l mt•n wa ... Ill IJO"I •11(11~ on I ~ II k f ll (I ' I 1'1\. •I .... I lor WHikrr• "' lr""' K irk I nhlr nnd llvl'rl up to thr comf'·On .~ )tkr ttnrlrr,tanrltn" -'nt lr•'''•'l\'ln" tlnr·k~ ro·AIIitw "F.-h v.!.•·r" .,,t' .,... 1 tlf'l' ur •~· ,_ · ., ptihlt'"lY and a ways • " .. ... .. 11 h .. d .. _ ,,, , ...• '"""til '""' th~--,.,,. I"''' lng" ~ . • . nnl!l'l'/1 whirl. rlnlmPrl lh('V w otlol "'''tnt.: a~ a 'tuhilillrr nr fi>-h Tlott~o:hl rrnm I 'nt•m l'\to4.11'< ( Jnh.. tr.!!, eo nrw JtTaD ll{ln ·~·rn 'r J cam f' Uf) smiling a nrl Wtth h t;ll:hh ori~ nal and ,,.~ir,ptrtrly prlci'S, th•• Rl:lf'rmcon l wmrlrl lqo· l\h· "MI'I\ittrtd~ •lat~•tl lhur ilu• ",,qy ltJ h"r rtnughll'r an•l ""n Ill· mill• I 1" wrltr hint "t r;Jt'tl~tr In th :tt littlt' g rin of his that· ollvo>rllnl~ Th••rr Will! une MHI that pi) tn all markt 1 lo~h t'IIUI-:IU 1n dt~l l'lr'l llforh Snnra llllllo:11a ''' ~''" 1:•"'· Mr. a nol "1•• 11"1"'"1 litr "•·• '· 1' ""'" mnc'tC" a nci h(')O frif'nc1s. F;trl l'r4o!"'"'; ltoiiiJOO'\'f'lt. Slaltn. ~llllll!o-lhf' llfi':O l'n.tr r l h•• trrm• ,,r lht• (lr••t.:•• trttllloltut: ~''"l"•rl ll:odMII, -----------·- Stanlev hnc; il ~tllhl~m •• ltnL HiUer.-JWcl {;andht JJI\<1 LIJo:w c 1t I el,,.,..;,, ~wop '"'"'""''' •·h•• l•'f' ""'~ lw·m~ wnrk'r,.,-mn c•n :o \mol· Th . d G H ~ -rnm l'lfl j:!Cni'r:-~lly !'tick!' To fl\'e lmllAII(ItiiO Wl'rP r•rvrr anol IIPA,crlhn,:' prlrll r.;r rr·"h lf •h lnr '1111"1' """ '.bill ..... , .•• ,. .. "I tlo• t . ere h i!' \'i{'\\'. lhrinl~h t hick an ci lh nLW.ng Tholl f \'f' mrn • TI'I!Mt•ol Wll llt' fh•' pnl't• pfttr~ tn tlw fL•h· htr~·''' till~··" htl\'1' ltl;fl'l•d Ill . ousan _S 0 . ,· I hin . piC". . ntly. \\' i t h ll u t R.!l 1?"\-1~ rum·••l:oo ol l hr r r .. w ol """ •'I'Tno•n. "'11 h pr .... ' r .. r I I ll "''"' •11;0 . II· •Ioiii I hi~ "Ill nil• ,., -l'rr c·lnf'l I rlnuht. hut stin'l~· n<'\'· f'nul 1\:•Hman Wlln the C'l'lnt,.l't IW ('On\ln~ undl'r 0 1''' ro •~;ulqrtnp-. , ..... m:trk••l• "' Slltlllo UllriJ.•NI. SHIII/I o·~·~ K·~~·s· Get ·Horn. e? .. l'r(c•;tt~·",·.·.r•·r 2 ' :i ·• ,, ·" 7 X u IU ltofall rrt ht'le~. otnnkm,: 11 pint rr milk vi& a nip-twN•n lhl' unt.m an1l 1lr·a l•·t• l\111ntra. He•.tontllo, 1\:l·.,..pnrl f lr~r· "' I" 'IWj + piP ta11 er thAn an:v'•"«' elsr In a•trllttnn '" ••·lllnt.: un1f11tm hor an•l !'.ott l lt••t.:•o I l~o lft l !12 ~I Ill .. l,l:l l~;' 1:!1.):",:1 127 _ Fifth u.·ar Loan. Sc'or'rt'· T11m ·AIIf'n Md Mrt• !'lrfff'lliii>R prtl'l•\, A rhN'k·nfl ·~ ~lt•m I' 10· Till• loll':! I ('Ill ll>h,.t-m•·n' 111111 ) · '~'"''" 1\ 11''"·1111n ~hr-n\Tiflrt I fi:.! :\~ ;,7 lll ·1~ )<~I li~l li:l ;,:\ :\!1 tl:\ t7 !111 :111 fi I 117 ;,1. <!!t, Ill I ~ H Iii :u1 17 ~~ :1 lifJ ~ ;~~-~~~~~~-~~--~!l~·~tHIJ~~~~~~~ 1 ~~ I:.! I ;l , !1:",1 :17 I ~ ~ I ;, I;-, :l~• 'l :1 ~ 7 II••• \loth " ,.------------------'---::--------, wtll m•·•·• 11•"<1 Mrmtlny n1~o:lt1 "' \ l•,.t lnl'l I tnry of thf' :rrf.'nsury Mo r-tu·murub!}-M•M.Inn. ~ '"'"' '' '" ""'" ( 'wrk I 2 ~· fl 1 X I 9 I 10 t.oCal gf'nthl'ltl has announef'rl t~at News~Tim~s F•·rst '".Jth How 0 '"Y •••• • .... "' "':" ... "··' I •• •••• •• : 1 • ·;',', •• ::·· ........ ""'' •ll :fu .,, 11'11'1 lkll 10 1'1:.?1!10 121 '14!'1 12!) I • thn Fifth War Lonn nn\'e n Ro Ch "!o pt I• llllll m ..f···~· lout "'' "• _...J.:":.:..:.:.":..':..:.:..:.• :....;__:...:....~__: .... _ __;.;.....'--_________ --.~.__--::J--. . tary eers f!f11•fl ~~f IHH~hf t•f ft lllt th•• .. WUth hf • will extend from .J.un <' 12 t o Council' Election Returns . lco..:>W that u UMII .. It ··t hhl•t•Y VII I •. I I ,, ,.,. '•m t'Vi'fY .,,...,., whiLo· TOTAl. VOTY.M (;,\~ 2.lfiU . .J111v ~-It will hf' th«-' mn!'>t Crom 1,.:Lio Allen , "''oolng y~ou 11at'rn• llrp•r '. tutt• "" ,.1 "" '1'"'"" ,.,me" 111k ''' '""'' • amhlti"us u nrlertakin g yet , ._ •••I hom,. at. th rn11 •.t n ... ,,. rw nunl h• 11 , '" "'"'"'"I"'' thr "~' k hy launrn erl by th t' TN'asur~ Jntenmv~ ~ffort11 on fh~ part of the N~"-!4-Timf'!t Htaff 1 A· trlf'~trnm In ("r•lmhl~ Allrn 11 l~t~fTrag,. to r-;,. ... :pnrt l«ulholrt t••• ,., ,, ~ 11m,. "'•hn.rn thRt It f fl tiS fo r $16 hillio n tiS pve the ritlu~ of N"'·pnrt Harbor thfo """' l'f'!IIUitA of rormt·r rubll-h~r ll"n•l neWII p&P"r· ~ ... ,l. r .. ,.~k And I<KAin II Ill "Ill·· •••••••• uf Artlrlf'• , .. unl1 ml•tt· comp.1~ t o ~14 b illion ~nd fh~ dh· cound1 .-lfo(<Ucm, "·hen ItA~~-lM,!Jf~WU dlll.-m&n, .,..,h,. 1-Mrlnullly 111 lfl San ,.~ uwal'' ,1111 ''''"' h•rrnn In t he ar""· ..,...m u·uHtneMH Stre~t Paved Full Width .. 'BLOTTERS!! $15 h ltliop.Jn. the l~t two trtbutNif'al'ly •\\'~y mornl~. · · .... Ani nl•• hn•piW., On_tar4~·· lr<'~m Pollee report• "''""' "'"" 11w "'I .,, r• aMtr -·•nrc ~""'" I"'"''" --~m~~ Even m ore lm--Philip l..nv~J''Y· ~r~IUy""f RlllarY u owc:l behaved t.bi!DUII'IVU 1n " l(.l\l!l•"'"-'' llnd petlo cuablutoa \ n N n •L-n-t rnror ... Sout .... ·rn Call .,.... I ,,, ........... -1}11' 8fr'H't "" ( .. n. ··-II a• ~ua port t o John Q. Citl7.en ewl'-IIW!II 1nM H1'r '" fl.-• lntPmlll..,nal, ~xprt'UI'd, ~NI«nl· mnre ~rly rnannrr ttan In f11r · ""''I""" '"' th,. kl'"' '" lay fh" r •r~111o a.Ar• •r•no:t indtvi It'll hUV('I"'!il. ThP pr·o-houMI ahf'Ad of a'!y othrr pu~l«"atlon.ln Oran~~ <'0\lnty. tary In wh1ch h~ ha. t-n a•·ttv~> r•:lllecl on t.h~ blr 11ttch l whl'n tfar· ,. ,.1 • ,u.,.~4 ,,., um f'd '" th"'' rtl(ht '"I;'"'' lh"Y wun't ,,.. "''mi!!llf<l \AI t--,....,.. Uailhtee • i~ ~he· hill ion ~Ml ~t for fomla to ~\'f' ItA ~1'\11 "UC'h n onniUon and "'M 12 1 tlron nl Allt'n'• contribution to Rn· rr.er 1eara. (Jnly J!l l!eol~ w"r" ar weary .,,.,.de <JD whlt•h ., .. ,~. In 1 rill "" "11" ''""' Malrt 10' Wa•h·' ,, ..._ lhU-IIP. r~· h h h ... ,. ...-..,.,. "' ·' Mr Alll'n who hu bf'fon a Ire• tt .o---~ tn ht uy,. f)r•lln•rlly /\11 o•totln" •n•1 11m11111t'mrnt 11_. an \llltnl•·rt'U I•IN I paV<'m•-·nt. oi!IAt talll Ull•a fer &M& ..,_ '• nn tely , larger !i~hl\n' Of ' -.,._ r.!bHS'fl• f--l... Ml.,h effortA are Upl•,· UOthf!f fnr ~many y~ara. • 1 y Jamu attracl;•l 72fl() ht'p<AlJo f ul 11la•lt lh~ fulloWin• m•lfTIInJ: •IIJI ltYrl the tllle runway, bill Can t hP n total w ic-A!\ ...,.mmu"" .,. .. ,,·or t.n whic-h the hubor dl"trtc-t. hi ~•-• ' ~ 1 " "' ""'· ....._ .,.._ ed. to I dlvi(i I .._., •• ·' • qu~>nl via• tor In He Harbor arf'a. 11rtlrrn •lrt. 1t w .uhln'l ha ve been """"' • w•••" cr.-ftMI \4 t'IIJ"'''ItY ToMlay W~trltntf'll llntlltt"'-1 ~~ ,_,. · · · -. tw'('ft ~ ~ n ua !II tJUed and th Df'r"Vfic tDembe"' of the paper'" orpal· wu fuund uncoe.clow. In hie bed unvau.aJ to ¥v~ tuur nr tlv~ ltmoe• ••t t w" lhln«• .,,_,, thle thmna "'",.,..,; rtlrt'IA:h •1111 •• .uon u lhf' pltce'8 u pon ~\ c-h AmP['INln -u~JI @'\'fJI' 1trlv~ t.o ~~en·~ UN-publk~wfth thr, la.,._t lllllt wM!II and; falltnr to rally, wu 1 tn~ many Tn 1~1ttldy (lf .ynun~t pi-t~ Wf'll~r• ..,,. ""10 ru•t.om.ry •urinK prto('e• 18 eon)· N":!~ tht fl<:lli'l lt v -of t-n1c'tln~ aftJJ be!lt rn ... ""' C'O\'era~e ruah•·d VI thp h""Pit.al. He 1111 re-Many "" t.h--vaeallnrWrt.a IIIII'Jll I rt!Min , lheJ -am all <Jay a nd plrt.f'\1. the lllfffl wli!__IMI ~trw ~ ----- (l(lf\ tial t'XJX'tlc'titun-s to _ .• • • ~ t• a..~.... -t-1n een. ca bc»4top -t.nct-or....,.....<t "" llipt~ -,,.vm. rffom Mlr&l n t-urli A mlnlmwYI. . --,.....-----~·-. ------·. ......._._ • • . ' • , f r ' . .. .· ,.,.--~- •. , ' t·.~~ lwq • , NEWPOHT-HAJAi OA NEWS-TIM.ES, Newport Beach, (' ... Hf~"'rnia, Thursday, April 13; 1944 ..,....e -T-' RED CROSS • Activities ~ ;~: .. ~···,./;.r ~~:;:lt,:~bc>. ~:-.. ;n~; Bassett, Friend of Mrs. Alma Hager Deputy Clerk --Crowds Continue II ~:=~~"t~ ~:;~~at~~.~~·-~.~:7.:~~;.~ Old Chica~o Mayor. Call ed By De•th Resi&'n• Post ... -· At Community. • ,,. lt..lbo.a. t.say ::!ntl ftum two tt• G .8. k H · Mr• t.tarlo n Am.leF*)n, ~puty 'B.bJ A d•t • Mra. J. L Alld~w• Ut!Tf' •>'f'IO<'k oes.. ac nme ~In AI..,~ l!llgl'r dled Tflurt-Cit v 11l'l'k a nd a. atAnt to ~Frank I e u I ortum ~ bl~ m'''"' tot 11,1. l~··~tl It~ ,.,.,.,. thl' wqrol nn '" t ht'~tf' ~ .. m '"' at th" horn""' her daua b ttr· Rlncl)art ror twelve yt'Bra lVI N ew . Cr•"'-· tbt,. ..... k t11 tho nnnntt!H'I'· ~n &10 ynu..·llf'4'.them It '".}liP lm ll'r "n" .Mr• r. .. r"l' \\' tln•· ll·law 111r'11 lfulfton D. Haaer. 114 p\)rl B~ttH'h'a p ty ClOJk, hu n-The crn,th are cnnt'nulnf: at m40nt. u ,a\ 10 n 1111.:1·n···•·'• httl .. J>ill 'nnt R t'd C'ro14111 "rr""'" IIO•I cr lt I·,, .. , ho ~" t"''"-" un " '•uat•u11 J8.1!4!. Ra.l bva 'laland. 8be ..,... 80 "'~~'ned her ~~ at the eUy ball the ComtruAity B ible Auditorium hf'f'D c·omplt•lf'ol tm hrolll(tlil( a l'hould N'&f'h all m11 nY .. ~" o•.,~l · t "I '" "' I htlllrtl:< In t •· m ulo!lt> "' &rll of l!li:~' and had been In f11ll· wber .. !~tiP Will tw 1)\laaed by all• In Coat a M~aa 1-:vllDi:t'IIBl Coffar Blood t lwntt t 1 'tt t I., ;-.,._. 1 ,,,1 1-:\'t>ry !fttmm•·r llw l!•·il I r""~ "• Ill ltll<l t . .,,. 1\K""''It "'h" '" ''' Ill): lwalth foJr *'mf' lfme prevhit.IB who kn·ew ll.ntl'~orked Wlt)l her. Ia now lh hhi l'leventh Wl'fir-'"'f dv· 'RI>af'h. C'onduello swiiTin\1~ ~"~•"'"'" ""'' fit,. """"'l!''r rur th•' ('alll••rul•. to hl'r death. t.l r11 Aodericn· and her t·uaband n&!Jll<' IPrturt•ll ancJ 1111ye tht• lotf'r- thc•lll' wltn "''lllh ''' h•·•·.,me In· \'• ,, .,,. t•:o ""'" 1 ·n "'"' "" tlll' I •,,, n 111 c·t,lumbu~. Ohio, )Ira Han · aolu t hesr hou~~e at :)~ ~I· e.t 111 ·ronttmut.lly growing. The I-ll lifo '"'" o f ~urh rlltJWto•ll ronv htk•• Htfl'f tJf "'" '"'" W nt l ht .. 'TII,n•l.l· · '111'• r •Mn•· t thlll are~a With her lerton avt>nue. Newp< rl H eight•. puhllo 111 1nvll~(l w the bt•nutl'ul tho· tnlfl ruo 1u;~ ''''''""'at '"" ~·ut "'"' f r , .... ,.,. mavur ttl ,.,,,, "~" .Jio)n H111tnn P . Hagl'r, and hie '11111· >tnd hll"t' t'lllabllllht'd a home ln liOUncJ mutton pi!'lure11 t'Vrrv n !J:ht krt""• ll.tl(h Sch•••t pl11111(•' {ho• '""' ,. 1 , •.• ,. ""''' olt·l·•ll<ll t.;,,. .n Ult' lv 111 1!.138. when ht> buill a tao•t Sl\llll.l Ana. l tt'XI'f•pt i.tvnt1ov and Turlllluvl 11t 1ng. 81\!boa, ancJ rrllkt 11 1, ,., rva· "''·•·k ••I AJ•tll 17 t . J".: it• I( 11t•·r 'JII:rt• )I 11 o·ltfll"'ll•· r•'"':\:,•d no ll "'' t •w ~:u111 IJav front of tbr 7:30, lhl' Inspiring G••mmunltv !"lnJ: uon. Tbla I• tilt' O(ll><'r-tsullly wf' ", 1r ~~r~ I..Htull Wttrr•·n. ,., ....... u , ... 1,,,,; to m .. ;., .. v uno! h<•JI•\.8 ' lal..nd. · ¥ra. Harer waa pntef't1tol Lt· M t D :.. •11 • at f ':42. and thl! propl)rlll' lN•turt' Mont1ay, Juh! 11't h •·• tho· .t,~ anll Y"" n~ay bt·f.lll\ ~· 1:.1q l • ,,,fl for It n1•w ('t&ll t•l II "''' tt.•· t:•·•l Cro.e offlrt• In rtw ~l 1 • v 111111 1 haw be4-n waitlnJ: fOI. 111 )(I\'•' t httt ;:,., 1rlhr_v I It ~tn)(f' ('~>IIIII)' I ·•'un..tl. \o\'ht•n tho• l(t•put I on n.otw mol 011 dr ttl h hv hPr 1(10 who ~d : ar y Df"l ' at A·OO pint of blood to IIA\'e 11 ... lilh•l,. ur •ol 17fi ;-.; .. lth t'rnto•r St Olalll('' , u111·~nt • n rr • I (n • 'I t• ")!• "' lflltl I\\ n\' fuur year• agu. F tb Jl St N T r t program fur thlf wrr k 1:1 lUI ~·· U!e . 1•1 tllr" '.!:: ,\'"\" l•wnl nrfl• •• thf' mil" r tiP< lt)<'<l '" l''ll>ll~h II Survivors &rf' thr,.e ·gtandchll· 0 0 a ar, OW followl ~ Saturday. ~rll 1~. J 1 With the lh rt.a, •. ,,1 nu r~··• IIOd If )"'" '""'' ·your Am..rlt·•n lr,.ntl,..•n'" hHI<'hllf# nr t hr·•·lly fnt' ·~n. Mf'l Klnam ~lbley nt A ft.a 'M · • p { Co h a. m., "When Cot.l Wr 1 .. a ·30 Ji'• r 'b~tiold bf'lp rully ar utf', lhf' ,.,.,,..,,"'' Ill ··n•·my umr-Ill n·•~ •.• v .. II .. <l•'··~t&lf'i tln • n-.... u WIL~ •lcntt• HU.ton n H"«f'r Jr ot In artne OS ac Toolgtrt'.. 11·00 p m .. The Aoialol· n~:w tttUe babl@,. ('uminf,l I hill }•f'ar 111,. '""'' 11111" n .. l,. of thl~ • h"ng•· o·IM-t,.•l tn pn>4ht<'f' tl 11~ pl11nnl't.l ~ll'wood and Noah C Haaer of • I'D. the ~Oolll. ttnll th~ ~lnn3tl'r' • • msurt lal:.ve thf'lr muthf'r.o 1 nllnl'tl 110 1 ••J:ulloll o• a nti pnntf'd nn4' of th• rr.u11t unsqu .. (;l .. ndaiP. ant.! on" gr .. at jtr~tn<l· r \ :'>tl' PENDI.F.TO!':. OCEAN-Sountl plrturt' "Zoo '8 \\'hu.. Sun· lo ca f'l 101 thf'm s0 l t\e ltcd t ·ru1 tni'J vr "ar mail mu111 0111 hookll't" or ltll' WJ Town rvf'r I•• lrtltl ~117.Annt' ~lhlf'y <;IPF. (':rlit Flr<l Llt'UI :'\tnrtin day rtll(hl, April hi ~ "SI'Vl!n ~ 11 lloWI"C a wr'-of four bfoiH AmertrtUI P.•~marlot .. 1-:tthl't ""'·11 "'it. lo·&thn • ""' r ~'"'"' '""' l'l•r vlf',.. will bf' colldU<'ted Sat-, •tart, 1 Rrltl. f(lnn<'r llll-Aml'ri· "Orc~&dful 1'1&)(111'".. Sound ph'· '.' "In•• and beallttt.rl~pb7. ' ola\' . ll ftemuun . rrom 1"oru t-; on ftt<llhllll CfiH Ill Jl:otrP n:.r•·· lure, "Uir(l!l u( l~t<North \\\Jq JI .. The na-tla p to ~n Fnul<'la· L&wn_ ~cmortal MauiKIIeum l41th ,11111 0,""''\' ha~ lw·•·n namrd post \\'eotn .. ,d uy nlghl;\ pr lt IP "Lytnc Y•o-r~. thf'nl'f' tu C"ttl~,. fnr II .''·lsll ;.:a!l7 ~'ttrlru•ry so· t·hurc• t~h!•·IIO' . urtko•t· at lhi~< Marin.-C:lllltJrt'!' What Do They Ue CAN HELP WIN wllh h 1 brnlho•r, thet~ nn to \\alb· ''"ff" tn1~,. About?" Sound plclurt', "H um- . ln~ttnn f'lf' a trw ciaya bdttn' ,.,_ Police Officers lit• \.\lit•. Bat-hlllTt. and dau~htl'r. mine Bir·d .. Thur •Y night, Apr.l t!:J mlnl( tn (~JI' N'I\Jnty, wh•re A d W . ln~~n. ltVP at 81~ A road !<In'{'! :.tal .. Arlhrltta .. Neur1Ua, Rheuma·t mE BATILE OF---PRODU<~I()N '-!r IIIIIMI'II , r y ... nl waa M"l'n'· n tves Honor 'l:t•\.\'~•M Ht'ICbl-•-. IJ_sru lind l'aiml" Ooctt)f Owlaltlaon j 101\' nt , ..... lltlfllly t•ulltt.·r a ell· Chief and Bride . l.lt'l!lt•JIIII\1 Rrlll ,tflOk ·" ~mnH~· will pre~nt lhia IUb)t'd to hla ___ .~,. . ___ -·~ ~--. _..... • ·-· • ...___ . ~fm .. f'<l!l"liil::lD.llf'~. ·-+• _ .L. •• •-:-__ ) ·--•l'tfl 111 tlu• l\J;p·ino• Cnrp-< RPl<l'l'\'1' fon ·dul way ·Sound plctur<' ··IJ,•:~· .M )he trmQQ....Q[ our ¥tttnck on f'VP.ry 'front iniTf'iiSl'" ~ .. at"h • · • · • ••n•n1ly upM ot)f!lln int.: ii rPI('a ...J• ·en-Jn Bloom " Frid~ty n•ght. Anrll -our 8ft ttl«> or ProdurtiCJi mu!(C l«."<'P P•'\~. I'~ ----~Itt"' C'hto·f 'ffnrl MMI R R rr IIIII lht• anny .. nr !<Ut'l'f~>ds (';tp-)21· "fa the CoOKience a l&r. more and ('Ver mono bomhN"I\, cargo nnrt trun~pi>rt rm )'"llr IPtlf'r lral,l .. lin un .... aled J lnrlgksn~on who~~· 0\IJI rlo~w WH• .• l.rtn l'uul s Ford. who nOlo\ i.e r.ul\11' ••• -·· lltr(:ratt mul'f ht• built bPfon-final VJ' ctory w)ll IM'· . ··n l·•·tn....-lldrlrrallf'd to you~ pog. l't'('l'nt. !'Vi•nt. WPM' hnn(ll'<'d 111 ~ "'lth I ho• Ma"rlnt' Fifth Divi!lion. You will want l•J .... lht:rt' (or l.tt: r rrotrr Anti t:P''' on f_hal oullridl' rl1nn.-r AI 111'11!7 KH I-.••r'.• Rllyshult· 1\o;t n MRrc:h 13. 1906. at· Nns~ another beautiful b&ptiRn at the aete~vt"d-AND. MORE MEN AND WOMF.N 11\U!)I '. l'r\'t'l..,. •'tfo w 1''1111 llrtl to .'lll' I'll((' • "" Wo'lrlnt•s tlay t'\'1¥tina II) "''")<1· I'll . Lit;utt-nant n rill ~tarl ··d clo-e of thl' llei'Vkt• SIIIHIIIy oi~ht Na'Uited to be1p huUrl lhCJ!tl(> aiqllancs.. llouda.'i at ~--81'4t...t" ._. M."\41 tba-UttM" 'to 'mcrntw>t·,. of 'fht> Nrwr10rt' 'RI-:wh tn,-tnotbult cnn't'T-wtittt"-llftl>ntftn~e .tprJI T6 . . . 1 ..Long, Beftch !W'e'ds addltion~tl w n rl«-f"!! to IH•Ip wl~l I hi' ,.1"" I'' ~trn111ft" with that "tate· I'J?~it~· . Otru·.-1·, A~""'llttlun ·'"'' tho· l'o·on C'hllrtt't· llil(h ~·houl '" Battlfo of Production. rt .... tr "'"'''• l'o•o•~·t"""i" II·· l:tl••• 1111 1•lno~l ra mo• KUfh' u: t unc·., r • tnl( 11 nl1 pr'l"'-•Oif't1 •h•· honor•·•t· onrl """' nnmo•d nn tho• t.v t ha u a city audience who'a aUncl u • l.a clutlA"red up wllh the worrtea of .-" • MOTOR SERVICE . KENDALL ·BOAT SERVICE In Fortn4ir 6atifoola. lndUAtriM Bids. M52 \'ia Opt'rto Newpch't Beach * At thit ·~nk, reoltot1 and athora find an efficient, prompt, depend~ble etcrow ••r¥tn . Tht nearnt-1»,-,,.c-h welcome~ tl-e opportunity of terving you. '11\ls"mc:·ns·vou -You -and YOU an-Ul)(t'lll nfteded ln a· produetion job at Dou~la<~ Air<'l'.tft. Lonal Beach . Don't le t i.nex~rient'f> stup _vnu. l oln-the ntnl<s of ~las workl'r5 today--<1ncl ~ with lhfom-f ht> Victory to mf1••' th f\Mt~l1 all-out pffort In a in·rdft Jlrolilwfi'.'"· of .laJnlnt•,. .. tro•at nwnt ur Amf'll• ~~~ r riJtnnt•r,. Thr :'\alwnal lto·ol ('ruM haa .,...._n making ,_..ry ··oupiP w ith It ('Ot'lt•l•·t·· 111\lf he·~ .... \mo•rrCit tt•nm. tsm.... IJancmj( Ill the' JIIU810 of '''"I llt'l nf lllblt" llnf'n frnmfthe.. l.to·ulo-n:lnt Rd ll nl"'f'_ ~tllrr,...1 nn-' Ken~ L!akr r and o 1'1ln•lf1r,s lA OIW ,----------------------------. &t J:UJI Information Today a t l)oua'laa. U.' S. Employment Feeder Shop · SerVice ~ • •• ,, ......... AM •• w. aurat... • •• ... • • p. liP· ........ w.... • .. ~ .. DeiiJ, ll:s ....... 8mlday I :M ,.. m. • 1:01 p. ...... /.VAILADIUTY CERTIFICATE . N~ESSAJW" 1.,,...,,,,, ... rtort tn !'arrv lh errVIf'l'll • I .·,':.11.11'11 group ·!lot· l11•h tnrt·k h •am A! th•· t•m•· pa8tlmoo whu:.h ~~~ ThO!'«' atlt•nf!lnh til ,ttftltoJ •n. Jtt h•· "'II' r(noflt•cl in Itt tho• af1'1: lh :Inti' f01 , I'l-l :VUIIt' IJt&Ut~ fana a ... It• thi'IM' rrw-n and w nmrn an•! ha.o tlltll'ol an ulflcla l oo lhl' Olfft{'t•t'!< unci th ·1. "'"'''" \\o•s1• ("" (outhttll ~·ulu·h "' Ln)uiH un•· .,~o~ly ,.•"'.''''"'" 111~ , ·•mtnl! f'n· llrd•y~r Wn"e ~la to the a roup "·"' e •vi>re;c••ll "" audl@nce ... In wllh • delldoue f Q&l ol .. orne-•• s ... l!~!!!!!ll.-•• ~!l!!l .. l tlol!!lllallilpllialliiil•j(iif'•n"e·--···m· .... r•"•'"•'•tln•e•"•'•o·~-.1 rre.e.rn .. d· t madt-d~nula and coffee. · LIDO MR. COLIN :;". PROWN klt.):• n.~·•.t at t ·qb•m 8 \JV W A '-BONOS Quality--lumber and • B~ilding M~terial11 ll!MBER CO. R. £. HOSTETLEI't ,· ,Pnone 48 • "' -n:[EPIIOIF OPERATORS··NEEDED : ~rvt~ ~~~ a11d war·"·orkc-rs are all depea diD1 u poa .our J:irl" ~ the swih·hboardA. Good ~pay whJJe leara- IDK and ~~ lncreue8 * * * .SQUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE . CO. · ~~~·: 100 E. Bay A\·e:, Balboa or 5~1 <. No. Main · Santa An'a ,\\.\I !.ABI U T\' Ct:RTit"l(:.~TF. REQVIJUt b ',. .... . •• ~·--.w·~s-T•WARflADl . : \ THEAT E R l'h"n,. .-'! 114 t'r,.:O. l'tHklnrr: .,;, .. nine a l 7:eu A !1'1.\ '!•!Jr.!!:! ~lurda) 111 I : l .'o t 'unllnuuu.. ~unday lrmu ·~·:til \dull" 4lf·. '"' "'·-Ttt!nl ;,,.,. "4t·n ·lc.,. '!tk-, ltn A.--Tttlnl s.•,.. t hlltlr\'.11"'10.·, Ia' fk.-Tntlll I '!•· \lalln.-:.;,.. A I'!•· Fot·m<'rlY o! LO!' Angel~. .\nnuunt~ the o.,..nin~ c)f an ()fli···· ttl :u:i ~lurich•";\\·eauf', RaJbOJt l .;la ••l. '' h t•t •• lu~ has l'<:1:thlish.-.t " I .\ .... at EICELLEIT PlY .. \ ...-wlaile leaniq oa ·dac·io" a& oar IIOC&- -...-.. ecbool-.. u...~a .-wei&. IITAL -WII 'Ill dlafY".._"tW....,.~ FilE WIHIII CIIIITIOIS wida lriniar co-wotbtt IWIII .. ~ probleml ucl hoaaios til· ........ .. _. w ... an nei.W .W to_. as ••. ·. I - APPLY TODAY / 'JMPOitTANT ... Brina ~cia.! ~curiry Card, Ptoof ofCitiuasbip md Anuability uni6cact. . - 'CAliFORNIA SHIPBUiLDING CORPORATI.ON ~ 110 w .. t An•heiM .oulevard W1LM .. GYON lr .. • ~ II .. tl !tnt ttll14 SUit& r..,... 111'1111 .... , o • 1100 lOUTH "LOWtll IT .• l OS AlliOtlU 41. ,Ill~ AVliiUl. LONG II:ACH ,... A WAR JOB WHE~£ YOU WILL CALSHIP UARN A POST WAR SKILL . -----.--- \\rd. Thru ttat ., Aprll I:! · 1.' '4JII"nt' .. r T f'at•y · l r.on•• Uunu In •• ,, cal'' :-JA~tt:o Jut:··. C 'rul'"'" ll ~''".. • ~un. · Mnn. • Taw~. ICAlhl. Taylnr Mu-.. I'"'"" In "MU Sil U t' Kl'l'l~l,\" ( '• rto<•n .t N ''".,. W~nf'liday Onl~ "l'4Ht:RI.t)('K HOI,\U:I'4 .\S il THE ~U.ER \UUL.~ al ... , "M I:I.ClU\' PARAI>t:" .. -tth \tary 1\cH>I b ltllflilw~ P'.ddl" Quillan '"-" Wf'rk-Tf'd t'ln Rllu ancl Ttwlr On-tw"t""' ('.,toon .· Mta rtllllf Ttla"-. Attrll '!II tllnpr R.or-r' In "TIL!:SU I:R ('OI'tRAilt~ .. ('omlnr:: .. Uff'boat ··. ••J an r f:yY.P", .. HJ• Bullt>r'" l•il,lf'r", "II...,. ..._.", -n.r "ulllun .. ". • ....,..c~aAR R.-,..". ,... ~1111 'lo1n. 1\t•ltf' b> I• \ttnnm ll••t•kln' !•t ··tH.U \C'H( \I'T\'I't " ·•\f:1t t h ••f T l ... ·· r •,tfntHt 1\ '11\t-t\' =--- Tu"' "" ··•1 Hld trtrtl Ill' .l.tnt• \\ <rltttl In "Titt ' ,,,,.,.,, .• ·o1''' "\\ 1TII 1 Ut' 'I \I(! '.t:"" • \11'\H\\\\'' ('ftrttu'n ... \ ''"""' tl ""fn rtlno:: Thur~. \t'rtl •:1t "TII\'K \'lll'f( tt tk\ St'\R ~" = c II" I ' c;: "\1•(\lltnr c uri~". "llP•tlo•lltoh To•k I,. .. , "\\It lo h "" thf' tlhllll' ............. uf \\ ,.~, rulnt", "l.c>,.l ,\npl". ",\ Ol,y '\'11nH'd J~". ... UQOKI\EEPJN(·; & INCOME TAX SER \'ICt: l\tr. Bn"' n 1~ lit'''' H r~·r·nu1nent· ~ine •nt ot Halt)()a l:'l;snn. nnd. !Pif'phmw fadltth'~ not being nvailnbiP nf tht• f»'l'S· 'Pnt. will wPirnnw tll•tllirt£'S by ma il or (.l('rsonul t"al~"' at th l• f1how arltlrt~~" nn \\'rdrtesdAy thmugh Saturdlt\ of- ('ll<'H ''"''k. ~1r. Br11\\'ll ~~an f'Xperiencro <wt·uuntant anc-l is NtUipJM'd 10 rendf'r good St:'rYil'\' :················································ • • • -F OR BUII~DTNG INFOR~fA'TlON - -·See -.. . Bay Oistrict Lumber Co. W "L TE!' S. lf'IC EI't, Owner S18 St.llt!.H tghwa y At The Arthu Newport Beach Phone 1150 ······················••••••••··•·••········•··•• ~ H . \ n I 0 SE R V I C E J lo•n .. · .\ .1. \' . •n· ·. , I•,.. ..,.In'(!. :\ln1 tn<' l::lo't'l M!'l!an l~urt R. Norton 1111 ( lilt•! lltdlll I\ 't!tl'POR1: Bt;..\Ctt Phonf' ZH 7 BALBOA MOTOR CO. :nti I . 11:\y An ., BalhoiJ . . ( ;\'nt•ral ..\ut nmohilt\ and Marine Hepa irir1g. ''a,?nc Elt.'rt rician s A,·ailah1 e Fend{\r Bncty Work Re!inishing Tt:I.F.PIIO:\ t~ S~RT Bt:.'\CII 2~ •· : -----------.,.---· . I ~--O.range County'sMost Complete Ahto Body, ·Fender and Paint ~hop Operated By the Riaest-Craftsmen in the Business and . . LocateJI in Our New Annex I M E 8 8 M M h h H +:F F +:+!+ F *Zi F F H M I E EM E F F E 8 8 E • ••••• • • • • e AUTO REFINISHING _ e Frame & Front End Aljgnment e Duco and Synthetic Enamele Body and Fender Straightening c•:c• +;+ +:M *!i!+ H M 8 M H M M M M 1:+ M *!* Hi e:•:•:+:M:M:M i M M i M M F F i e e :1f F ; M F e F Let Us Put Your Car (Rega~dless of Make or Model) in First Class Shape. Drive in at ONCE for a FREE E S TI ~I A T E CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. ('II EVROI.E ... T OII>S '10 RIT E co 'I E ~ • I "'·" ~ s :\;\;1) REJ~\"I('E \ Huntington· Beach -I Ocean A n~nue ,at Third St. Pl)onr :us '' • ... '· . . REPORT To.4'HE COMMUNITY ON CITIZ~st OOPI'ITEE CAMPAIGN • . ·LVKNDmrRES · In fulftllment C1f our promise, we wish to repor-t .the contributions we received and expended in connec- tion with the recent council election: Total funds receive4 $324.30 Expendjtures --. . . . . . 268.QO Balance on hand ... $ 56.30 I • Forty-eight contributions were made. the largest being $25.00, an~ the smalle.st was ·so cents. The aver- age was $6.75.; Vje wl.sh to thadk our friends for their lntel'ftt ana support and assure the people of NewpQrt Be6cb that the Otlzens CommUiee for civic ptog1"etts remain!' active and welcpmes their continued support.and interest. ALBERT J. BOWEN C. A .. KNOW~TON. CL Y.DE E. SHERWOO~ CI'I'IZI!NS' OOMMITI'EE . I • ' IRED ClOSS IECitES EFFOITS TO . GET SUPf0£S TO .BOYSJI JIPII 1 ~., nout·h hu bft'{l .&w and print. a~eot. OCNio oe ..-_.. rd alo1ut lht' trealn-~nt of A.m•ri-the ft~ rov-naiiW!ft; .,.,.._. can boyit: 'pri80nua In· Ja~. and j be a hipped on Ru•lan v ... la .. th• ·fillure of. varlnua ·~•nc:lea to Vl&dlya.tok and thence trana-ablp- ret nllef to lh•m. 'thet thc Red 1 ped to Ja~ controu~·-':-'"• era. b&.e aut the follow"'---ldl'y. ·-mary of Ia eo!A>ru to tb,. local '1'tle' molll tar-nacbln~ pc~ I br&Aeh, ··~tch Ia reprodueed tD I wu made 1n Felllnaary, 1MS •• ,_, I part •• followa: Ulf' American Red Cro•. wllb tM "'On Dfl:erober 31, lHl, the la· approval of the United Stat• to¥· ternat!ooal Commlttet' wu uktld eorament. offered to 111m&.h to tbe tu ubtam Japaneat" approval for a Japan•• Hed C'roA a ablp to c:arT7 r.llef ablp to rarry auppllu to rellt>f auppU.. ~uraed over to tM prla·nera or war and tntcrneea Ia JapaneH at any point apecttled by j thl' Fllr Eaat. When the American tbaa:i· _.yen tn mid-Pacific, If. D&C· Red cro. wu lD.Iormecl by UM e.-ry--G\CS t here \o be ID&I\MCl t.y rommlttH lfi&l nt"lfo71atroni'T!Ittl&t-....,..._ crew and ILI'ler U.. .. I eDd were 1D pt O«Tt'P, \be Kanan· trtbuUoo ot tb• auppl .... nt11rMCl I roora, a Sw.UI•h llhlp thea bfrth-empty. Tbe Jap&IMM uew .._.. e..t In San Franclaco. wu chartered tb~.rl pick up a aecvad fuUy loeded I and loaded in the auromer or lt42 .rtiP'-d Ow proc ... n~ with Canad.lan and American Red ~ J~ never even ,._ o<..,-ro. auppl ee valu.d at over Ollt' pUed to UU. p~. IutM4. Ia IID1Woa doll&ra I.D Auruat. 1942. April, lt43, &bey ~...-Uloll I tbe Japane., authorttta tiDally .... I t.bey would eonakter acce~ •P" · t. aate conduct ·for (h'-ahlp I pllu eent by ~iet ehlpe. troaa a aod.....,.ted that no n~utral v-1 Well\ Cout port to Vla4tvoaok. w~ pe11111ttt>t.l In waten ooe-Tbe State OeaartJaent ~~ U.. lrollt'd by Japan. 'nle cb&Nr ol appi"'Val ot tbe R~ ~o,.,.,.· the Kanancoora conRquently wu meat to Ulloa 8UJ',..uoo, aDd at canctlled and th•• 11hlp unloacWd. I tbe end oJ May, U.. State DQUt· "'WhU~ thUl' m·~oth.tUona wert' meat ~laed Uw Jap&MM ol uM ' way. tl .• · Japan.-w ai'Jeed to j RUillmae qreement. at Ute _. ece•pt rt'llrl •uppU.e• ablpped on Ume uiU.nc tb.MD to ~ UN ~------------------~---ll!""lllll)ldlplomatlc n ohanc• vl'•t'l~. The me&Da they propoeed to U88la pt- GriJ*lolm, whlcb wu, abo~tt t to I ~ UM auppllaa from ~ ...U from New York Oti '1\.a tlrat 1 • to tbe campa. WbUe awaiUq lbe u cha.op voy~e in June. · ltu. Ja~ . anawer, UM ,. , ••• # 1 I \ I • UNREP.ORlED SALES ,. of our , CORONA , DEL MAR ·PROPERTIES -- ... BLOCKS A-35·& A-36 . . . . . .. . UN&F.BTIUcTED (ellC'Ppt u to Zoee ud ...._) wu accordtnrly loa.ded wlt.b mort' 1 Btata covemme.nt 'Uitec1 tbe au. than 100 ton• · 0( American Red I ttau to etart eany\11~ a11ppUN to r----~~~--~--~E-_.~~ji~~~ifiilf~~~--~~--~-4~~~~~·~u~p~pl~··~·~an~d~~&R~~eq~~tt!~~;~~~~··~GK~·~· 1n ~t.e A~ ~ao~···~nuDw~·~t~--£L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bQ~~_;_,mn~~--~~~~~~r.;~~~~~~~~~~~~==~----~ tc Vl'nlk" -. • . . . • I relief auppllee ,from tM UDtt.ed ltn ~P~ Ute State., the auppllu to .,.. pc:Jled In• VJaCTivOitok. Wblla u,. up at UU. a.ulral port by Japa-moveroe.nt of Jooda wu tak .. n<-H ah1plo: (2) lbat th~ American place. a wrtee of cabiM were a.llt Red Cro. tum ovtr to the Japa · thrOUffb c~neva to the Jap&neee nue a' fuUy loaded ablp ln mld·Pa-Red Crou urgln~ a definite Jap&- cltlc. or at any other polnt accept-m•se proposal for the d.atrlbuUon able to tt.~ Ja'p&nue: (3) that eup-of the auppllt3. There bu ~tW I plles•.be. ~ov. n from th~ United ho e'n nu ddmltl' plan !rorr. tbe Sl~tttll to u 'ti~~"UtaJ p.mt !ur telay 1 Japanue sl<tt. but turt hf retepa t6 to Japan. ~ 4 I that. If th~ necualt!Y ubt~ltn a lllllut.v:t· of th1.1 pr blem -'-_.:..________ J··-·lr·rc rco·r•vlng ctm!lnuoua conaldera-· Ilion. ' ' The ~tccuno.J atupment of Amen- You con lte o ••entlnel'.of 14fety• lty 10feguardlng America's fooCI aupply. Avoid waite and uae every foot ol CMiilaiJia eround for a Vectory CiclrdM, .fillY IIKEl,_ 'EM RILliNii" THI .A/U/IA/11 Alii THE IA&KIDIIE llf.tiEM.I' UfYIIt,.. "fovi AllfiiiCA"' 0" t e ::t ! :•·u II I C tTITION rvrff UfVteAY J '·"' 'ACifiC WA& ftM1 I ''"' reloef tllppl ea 6n diplomatic cxllr<.ulK<' 'u••e.a waa made In Se p- t.em.her, 1943. 'rl"' llitJI&I)elm t.aya lett New Yurk wttb a cargo vaiii&CI at U\'t r 11.300,()()0, lnt:IUdlD( 140,• CIOO apeltally prepart"d ·13-lb. food pat kagn. ~ti(JO cu e11 or medical · supploe11 lncludmg druga. aurglcal jln,trumentll aod ·drf'llllrlnga. 7 mU- llan v•tamln captulu: and lar ... quantJtll'• of dothlniJ: llltd comfort I arti<:lt>a for men, wom~n and cnU- dren -The ~tire cafl"o wu-tr1UUF fcrred lo the Japaneac uchanae vesacl, Tela Jofaru wblcb aaUed ~..-~·:' nrd f o 0111 l-1 uraugau on Octo- 'ber 21. li43. About one-balf ol tllcae auppllta tDCiudlnr 78,000 food parcela and 73 tona or· drur• ud mcdlclne were unloaded al Manila on .November 8, •. for dlatrlbu- llon to campa e Pb1llpp1D•~ A bout a wed: I r •vtral hUD· dr~d tona were unlo.dt'd at Yolfo- -hama .for dt.trlbutlon In Japaa, and elaewhere In the Far Eut. FOR INSU,.ANCE HE Howard W. Gerriah 2611 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach, Calif. Phone 4SJ • 1_ Automgbile • fire Accident e Life l.lt t>n.11e and ('oontrsct llunua \Vrltto·n ' Watch Your · Kidn ~ ,. llrlp ,Tbf'ra C :lranM 11. 111•..,.•1 of llermfut a...t, V. a '" t T-.. ..... _ .. ,.. .,. M~···"''' tl .. ~..,,..,,,fit,. rtt•tJtO'd •t,....,.. .. ~ •• , ••• H,U•t•n_, ... lat 1ft tl'l•lt .,.,, nu\ al't .. Nat vr-• u ,.,~,..,.... fall t ,.,.,~. l"'''"''t ... rh,t,. 1f ,, •• "•••., pu••,..• &h• l y t h ,. a•d U('lt.,l t tlit • ~'11 •lt>t\tn,.ry • ~Y~I•It)tn• rto•y b4t •• ,.,.,,1 a,.,.~., y...-, •U·nl • 1 t 'la I\•, •1t•,.._• t d '-~' •• l:l lftl'l ... , ft .jhWI . IW• !1 11, pU , I • Mnd"'r , .. , _.,.. • a r-"I 1 f n \-' , •••••'' af'ltf to. 1 t IH>f' ,. fi '''~"' 1 •I brr •••"• "' II ifl'i•r "'" 1 tatttl.-r • t'lll If .,.. ''"'f ,, -I l.•n nf ,,..,.., ' ...... r~.f1\Wftl vr•n•• "" +I "~"''• 1h, M.lft h~ no • ""lrt t' •t .,, ·• I ~'•I 'fJI'fll ... _..,., I haft n• .:f• ,', I •• liM .. t /'11/1 IJH"' 1 I t .,. .,. , n • ""• fri••• f•• ,.,,,. t t~u 1 ,,,1 •• 1'b•J hAYe a e at h~ • ,.,. ,, 1,, .~ ,.,., ......... tt-d ~,. ,., •• , •.••• ,.t ..... t-o"at'7 o•tt. A t ( .. ~• "' •' Both Pun.i\a8f'r, and Scolt.r ~prewnt.d by our Mr. T. F. -~...__ _____ _ O~oC thow sald lotJt ~low l~ blurts. .. ' . BLOCK A-36· Lot 5 -'rhl~ Is ai!IO ont> of thoR attrartlwly prt~ ~ lotJt fronting 31 .61' on the • Northerly sl~ of Sho~ AvenUt", juAt nr roa t~ wt~t from the ~11-knawn and lafpiy. patron~ Corona del Mar O<"ean-sicte Mnd beach. Purchuer, a l"ftka.nt of Ora~ County, wu repn- sented by ~I "Eatate Brokfor W. J. Hol~-~llt"r hy Mr. Rhodft't . .... .. BLOCK 238• Lot 24 and tht>'South~·Jy 5' of Lot 21>-"ft l"e!!trk tro """ltk-ntlal buJidtnc ldte 'locif~ 00 the · • Sout~rly sidf' or Lltrkspur Avmuc North or St>avlow Avt"nlH', havtna a frontap ot ~ by a dt>pth of ·nw to nn a llt>y .. Ptm·hnsc'(l hy " w~ld•·nt. or Ontiar-io -both rurd1a.-r and Seller ~pn!tleftted . by our Mr. Rhode-n. RESTRicrED PROPERTI~ -IN THE COVE FRONTING THE BAY BLOCK B .,..._ Lots ti & 10 -sold ns ia n-sitiPnftni Hitt> or A Hollywood ~lt1ent.. Thl" 18....., ""'--' lite •,),) fmm many i'ttnnflpolnts _: ha vin~ 11 fmntngr on "If" St~t of :\~'. throuaft to "A" Strt!lt, wht>n-it nlc;o hn-. a rrontnge or :\5'. and n tronfHI-:1..' of 120' on Ff'mll"nr Avl'nlJC', at tht" end o1 the ramp. Both PurchaSC'r and Sdlc:'r rt'Jli"('S('nll'd by our Mr Hh1~n. BLOCK B 32• Lob l'i & 1~ -Anothrr n-str:ktM f't'11identlal building """ In tht-Cove on Bay lllde.-hav· · ., •. in~-: a frontn~<' or .J1.4'J' on "~ Stm•t through to "II" Sli'et-t, wh(>re It aa...) haa • tronta~r of fH A:i', hctw•'<'fl Ft>mk>itf-ftnd l>ehlitt-A~"os--~-gllft1:)pnt'ft-butfdtnK m~. Bottiht by a """'* nt'nt projK•rt y-ownrr or Glendo It>. Califomln huth PurchnA«'r und S(.Uc>r n'P~~ by our Mr. "lthbddn. .. OUR "LIQUIDAnON ~S~'~ of Blocks A-35 & 1-36.1a A!Jnolt Completed WY. IIAVY. I..EFI' ONl.V: 3 K.MidrntliJ Sl~ 4 RUA!nt·"ll c.r ~lf'aUal IDMmf' l..ota, aad I . . '7 BUIII•eM J..otA froaU~fK Mhon ~~·- • RF:M'J.:MHEH -("tr l'RJri·:S and 'f1·:HMS art' t 'NtJSlJAL, nnc1 WIIJ-:N ·nns SALE IS COMI'LETF:p WHERF. WILL YOU.l'IND SJ ~fii.Ait l 'HnJ'I~HTIJ-:s AT THESE I.I(JUJ DATION ~ALE PHICES nntl TERMS WF. OFFF.R~ CO~MON !oo4t:s"'t: \\11.1 .. n ·sTit·\' \'OI'K I'I:J(<:IIA!oo4Y. OJI' ONE OK MOKE OY 'Rit14F. l.oTK. .. PROPERTIES, INC~ • • 7:16 South Hill Street -L•i~r An;eles, California, a Se(• :\lit T. F. IUIOUEN, Trad Salef' Mlnager COR-QNA MAR • I ' ' "I .• ED ·1 T 0 RI-A'[ S Newport ~Jiboa News.;'fimes F E. A T U R E S .... .. I NaWPORT..! a.ALBoA NEWS-. T .l M ES PBOND: NEWJ'OH It a II ~--------------- Word&UidMosic ·C'.art a. ol•"-... MJaJaln IU E. ttul 8t. Pll. U16·R OluJTh 9.45 •· 0... o1 tt.. remarkable thlnp about this war !s the fact Yc)\ith !(roup~~. School. In· ...... _t '---t r It to com"""-with the great I termt'dllllt', Adult. 6 p. m. ....... --ua. no 80I1C n•• come OU 0 ..-~ · a,;v~!.::~l Krvlt't', 7 JO o'clock. I waron with a !()ad of, amendment&. Onental a&m~!U&IJ!' en.:.. ad•• f)f Ul• buralft• -.ua1 wa• 10 ...._ o1 Wortd War I IUCh as ''Over 1bere:~.OO ''lt'&-e Long M• frilowwhtp and p..-.yvr, ·~ attemptato ~.alaty. 4lu.4-U. IOIR--.conllid«aUoa ~~~ •• ,.,. •lrht 10 bHutltul In '11ppft'ary" • -"' . • '7~3!> p.m . ~urlty and hlghtr llvlnr .t.&nd· ~Ut~lq a llvlnr; In any trade in· t~~e.,,ttll ot the ewnlnr. Wbat t. n _ --'•'--·t :..~-that a-... which ia to have a last· 1,11111,,..1 ,., ,-,,~·_,-, ". 1 III-ICI'H"," arde tr r everybody under any aad ... vi.IC thf'lr oWD count ry. lhf'n to. mo~ beautttul than fire? 1 uked •-••~ _., .. ,. _,. , • r •· •• ~ ,.II r iT'l'um11tanrM "ffVer a. very oce&a tl'1l1Cic l1 a twu ""~'~Y 11tre~t .• WrJLtrrurre ll'rTible? 1111& popalartty muit be more than merely a combinatiOn of "I .,., •·"' •I"' •. t;,., .. ,,,, .. '"" wtde field, all the way from lmpc»·! It Ia clitflrult for any one cOWilry My thought. raeed on. futer . --aDd notes. It'must expresa the deep feelings and em~ r,,,., '1• "1111 "'' 11' Ht•· '""1111 lng" rtne ot fity dotlana upon any Ito control it bt•th waye. Tl:eae are than t.be fire lteelf. to that whlrh -'"' (lo·"r 11 ''I •t lun · hut b .. <il t t t tb blm'l that tiaal wbkb U.. war haa created '~~'''' "'" ,., , 1 1, 1 ;. '" ,.1,..1,11,, ,11,. m&.lltf'r who neglect& to Inform a jWI a ew o e pro 11 i11 elway11 lrr the back of my mind. ~ · h figh ".,,.,,,"'I' I••· ,. •I. ,,1 ,,,... • ut J,.,,.. m8 n bflnr; eJllployed on ht. llblp ,..,.. lnYOiv~. tTo be continued. I 1 t.bou«ht of the fire coming down Of CIOUI'Ie, we have had war songs ~ore since l e t · f1.111, ~~~~~ .. ··• •: .. t•• 1. v.111 b .. II•" that It 11 unlawM tor a eeaman t 9 1-... • froiD the sklu on helpleu and ID· lac ~ l&a.D.)' ol thf:tn ~ed · popularity-for a time. r. .. ,,1," 't'• ,, ,,. II'-· :'un•h• '"'~··on -~ar • 11heatll knife," to ttiat re-I PuBLIC NoTJCES nocent people: -Jn my Uloughte I ---..._ -.. ~ ..... _ can you readily rt!C8ll riow? Or h ow "i<''=""l<.l 0 11 • II ,. "'1" ur "'1111" 1111 pa.aengn •• htpe to be equipped I --. felt t.be terror. they muat feel, will be~ 'when ~war ls over" \tOIIIr·r ('hllt lll 1 .... ~·tr•t I 'hurrh wtth automatic: fire protec: Oft lfcn1CE OF ) • ttwNr; m f' "Willi Oft y -.. na· I~-~~M:It1~ll:~~~~~iJ~~i;U~ioiiiC\imtiiFS10iir1Jieif'~~~~~:'":"~:~~~~~~-::-I~~~~·~,GTh~~t.~latter and m~ No. IIAA . tloo. I •w burning cltlea. bum· Thursday', April 13, 1944 P ..<UL NORMAN AVA'CHT IAIL .... AK£"1 Sillll, Awnlnga, Boet Cove,.. 22• •2 2111t s<. Ne"110rt 8eacti • --lltfione~ ke Deliciout! 'l!MJ World's News Seea Throucb .. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lmcmaito!Ull Dazly Ncw~pdfln Publ jshtd by 'THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PURLISHING ·SOCIE!'TT Onr . Nor-way Strt'el, Duston M\'IWIChUKII& •• .-ruwut-eoaatnadi-Uabi~Free from 8en•U..al.._ tAUiur•aa•., t\rt• 'l'untliY and ln•t,.-u<'lhe and II• Daily t't~atun!l, To· fl[l'tht'r wttll the "'N"kly ~lar:aauae SecUoa: Milke ~ Moal&or u Ideal NewJIIMlper for; the Ho-. l"rttoe 112.00 \'Hrf)', er 11.00 a MoeUL -- 1, ~ ,...,.... ••--¥ .... 01-vJII:"''Tl • ·n•·nt·· tn r u h 1 ''' t•uw .ur• 'f'••.., t t t~ Tat R~S 1!rALI: h in 1 t i I ·What .. tM In ht~ fir•• .. ~•h· l'"l"r-.. t lt .. • ncen~ one Cffttll~nw eo ()ft-.W~~y the Jro dav of ID&' !!hlpe, w!lon In t~L~b_l!nl· Clllucb! 1.-.'t the~ a .Geof¥e M. Cohan o f today who can with •rr,.,. •. 11 h . ·• •• tin 1 ""'' ~"·•'~"' tty 1trurglln« Pactnc Codt fleet May, 1944, at 11 -()() A. M .. CJTl· lng oil-eo • .f~rrlb~ •o terrible: Saturday ID•. lnducllnr Macrulne Section, ft, .. a Veu. lntroduetory Offer, I SalardaJ ._, 15 Cenu • ObtallwWenll._._.... . • ----f-----t----1 .......___.....8ft the naUon and.tM world tn 11n.-.1 .. ., a aong tha t nr nur l.orll _,,.,.,. t'ht l~t . whfet• of pa-nr:. er llbiJM~ juat a l olhe Op·IZP:NS N_ATIONAL . TRUST ~ Then l aaw them row on row of . -..._.... . ,.. •",. ft~r•lln~t In 111~ tlbotn•lRnt, mere:) portune lime for t.be Ja~ to SAVL"JGS BANK OF LOS AN· our YOWII men with facea upll.l•d 1 ........ !" hat) ~,r;omm u" •~telri' unto,. IIMIJ plck up ma.t oC lb ... ,._..._ at a£1..1:1. u TrulltKO. undf'r ar<1 -m&ellll&' all lht. and more, with Chrilltlaa Scleaee Readla~ Room 111 EM& Call-A-- Balboa. c.ut ...... ....... .... ~ ....&..-ua 101M catchy melodies. ln~his ·11011'1 by l h ....... UrTf'C:tlon ., J-..... k pries and. r•t UleiD O'l't'f'b&UI·I P"~ of Tnlnsff'r II\ oaly the burning dulrt to rid the .. ._. ...... ~. t..'lu111t fNim th .. .,,.lid. To •n IJL r--..... t .. _,_ ... J "'th 1940 .&. :..,. _._ •'--Ann ,. hut -..... _Y •'--laatlng ed and In .tlape. ~~ lhelr U8f In ',,,~ un '" unf' .., . • r r · praiiiiCUO'\ au. ulll:' y , 4!-a."' uJIC' u..:-h .. rllanef'. lnrol r•11•tlblt. and uodt thA W'llr a.nd --.-tty for the conled June 28. 1940. in fkll'k 1052, .. f ~ '-•-h Ilk •oro ...:.a 81 "-.......: " will be OINt. and that r~rtl'ltl not away, . . ~ .. ~--.---• ~ .--)' 11111 ymn-e uuu ess .n.JIIIC'II~ Wbo nrtly •·•• lnrf"Unl~ln•-d be ftnat tl~e In nearly ninety yeana, Page 276. of Official RC'<'Ords in ... IOIW aicllt ldlntilled with this war. Even that. howevl'r. tore th~ rnun•l "t'ou or '"" ynrld It ~came lmpoa-'ble. to buy a the ~ of •h• Rt;c>rd,.r uf ... ~on the nadto long. ~fore PMTI Harbor. bot .... ntanlt"•l In lht•J<r la•t limN I ttckt:t I rom ~eettlf' to san Fran· Oran&e Count)'. Callfomlll,_ and ~ .... . . . . ror you. Who b> him dn lwtl•·v~ In a boat Nrinr. amnn1: olhrr nhlu;atlon~. I So. lt we are to haw a ptealiOng wntten m th!s war, It I 1-:od. thllt , ...... d him lift from lhf' I c:t.co ~ II me .that t~lngll ll.rl' dtr·'nott for $187500 dntt-d. Junr, 5. laob l1ki U..-writ•rs Will have to get busy. But irmay I •lflad. and «U "' hint «lory. th~t r~ur Tbe) tf'. I arou 1940. ,..In rnvor of LA:'\D COR· -... ...,. _ • ta.lth and hupf' o1l~ht II•• In 1,.-wt I tertnt 1_109.-Pf'OP e are mt)rf • PORATION ("() L TI1 :l l'nrpom·l be tbat too ~y writers are too busy fighting to have timl' ID "~Mf'DI'e •n.~ ll•·alth v.llh Key e(f and lrrprf'IIHd with thl' lropol"' tlon. 1!!11 1'<'11 ill pultli~ :1111'1tOn tn for words and music. . tolheSrrlt•lltr•·· M"rJ 0Ak,.r F:ttt1y tanre of having a Mt~hiUit Ma-thf lltfheet b•ddr r for \a..'lh I PAY-1 •11)'1<, "I~< II 001 • -;•••r lr• or In rtnr J beltf'Vf' thllt.l• I rut but do ' · · ~ rtdf'llly tn 1-..'11,.,.,.. th~tt 110 lfrMI 1 1 . [t th l d be AB.Ui: .AT THII: TIM F. OF ~ALE ~ "'rorlt u '"" W•·~•lllh " '11'111 ~tmf' they ~allxe ·wha ey m~ll o • II': OOLD C'01N, on LAW-1 HOLG-Down Prices ror hlnl~f'ft 01 ror (in\1, who Of'l't1f'd frre lhf'y I'IID have on,. I Orrlln. F1.'L MONF:Y OJ.' ·no: t.::'IIJT-ftiUIA · no ht ltl tr•llll J•·•v• •·•••11J1I"' to pre rommtrrr •~ an lr\trrnattona ~tamt' F:D S'I'ATESt 111 thr Routh .__-·-.facta about the effects or OPA regula· """" thr Pll'rltlll lllort.n)'! Out It ('811 not bf' romrllrt'd wlt,tt &ny Front Ccnttr l'>txlr "' lhco ('nunt\·1 ,.•-•--& ,J10r1al• IIIII nl'f'd tl l1 hl'lfJ. •'!' othr r lndul!try ~hlp!! of cllff~rrnt \l'urt Hruae. In tlw Gllv of s anta U... oa tW dcJt.ha we buy we.rr rea;nUy bfOUght ou~ i~ a JMu polall"d th• ••r fer thl'm. I nation. ar~ pr~trtlc!llly all allktt Anti. Counc y or Or:tnKI'. 'c alifomtn. , ~ heartnl in Washington before(t11YDeputy Admmi-· IIUid thr only advantagt any ~"" nil rt1ht, IHIP, 11nd inl••r,.q • cnn: 8trator ol the OPA Prt~ Dl>part.ment. ,.I,.IT CHU,.CH 0' CH,.IIT, tl c&n havt O''rr anothl!'r I& In c 11-v~y!'d to and now hrlfl h~· It undrr . h M . S . s 1· ICIENTIIT etruellon and bJ>f'r•tln~t colft.. .ait1 Deed or T~nllfer In the pro-·Ciottiln& me-rchants from crossroads a nd t , e am 1 reel. Lido Theeter, Centret Avenue I We dld build nry r:rmt fth lpa rot prny t~iluaiP In thr ('nun I y of ~In protftt qatnst--tftel(i)pA·onier whieft ~4~l 8nct-vte-t.-6M · uo per ton-but lhat wu lllbout Oran1e, StatP of Qlllfnmia. <k'· ..-·at prtcea.:no hlgbe&t.than'tfietr top llne sold in M arch, A branch or Tbe Mother .,Ctturch, twk• tbe co.t J?f fonl_gn bottomll !'<Titltd u . l a.., -..__----·m•-deod aa one nw.a.ns of-holding d own •'7he Flnat Church. of Cbn.t, Scl· on the avf'rage. but now thf' rQIII All that c('rtain lond !'ttuatt'd ~-lW. UI"UUICT .... _ """' lrntll't 1r1 8..toft M-ellu.ett& ! 11 uld to be S17~ per ton ILitw-'tty in ttw Ci.ry of NrwpoM Hrach. 0 -fttai~ou&.-Ulat ll has ..not onO> J ~y lkho~l at 1:30 L m. Bblpa) but we w ttl •kip thlt for County of Onan~o:r Still(' of failed 1n th1s ahn, but ia a ctually driving many Jong~tab-lsunday Senlc• at 11 L m. W~Two ~~ +'INI-r w• can rlle... • C.UiorDI&. dcxribed a.o; (ol· ... _..._.. ....-.--.. ~... t f bust I h-s&y TeetlmOillal MHtlnr at 12 off that difference In colll Md 1~ to·wit: --=u '"uu.....,.. ..... OU 0 ness. · .· o'clock noon. · ----Tht> Northt'uterl) 5 ft>et of SlnoP low· and medium·pr1ctd stprri, whether l~trgl' or Readlnl Room locat.d at 711 In what rutin,.-:-. '' hn'< mnd4-rr· Lot Thlrtl'f'n (JJ). all -of Lnt 1111&11. can no longer ock ~ir shelves adequately at 1942 Eut Central Awnur, Balboa. t. Juinr pT't'vtou~ manufRrttu m~: F'lftet'n 115) and thr South· • prices and~ they are not ~rmJtted to add hlg~r-prtced op.a dally trom J p m. 'o 5 p. m. bRn!l Thf' famtly car .:ot a hrrak "'Citerly S fftt of Lot ~vPn· • • e-,r~ Buad&ye aod boUdaye -. wtth ·an-in<'l"f'lll.'"" ot 20 pr'rcrnt tn 11'411\ ( 17) in Rlock Onl' Hun· .._. t.hae mB'Chant.a Re• thelt for:mer cust~ going Uoca.lly ot.erved. t he numht>r of bnllrm~ ~o ho,:_.p• w . ~red Thirty~ I 137) or ten* the ltrftt to stores which laaw alWay~ bei!n bllber I ,._ publk t. eordtally lqvtted to duCt'<! and th~>rr "ill btl !<omc 1n-R.e-subdlvblon ol Corona I)(-I · · d 11 b; ~ar" u lhown on a 14ap r&-priced or to places.whtch started up 1n buslnes.'i after Match , ~tllend tt.e churcb euvlea and UM ~&K In outpol on ry l'f' ~• ~ 1 Book 4 ,7 f •'----1 aff ....... b .... _ OPA · )' 'ta Ult' Rudlnr Room tt'rlt'11 for rJa.ChiiJ:hl ~ Thr pr11· C:On.oo:u n · part> o UM2. and are not, UK'J~01'9: ec'-CU y u~ pnce lml • . l Wllr lead pencil with thr ml'!al ~ileceUane<>U!i Mllp.c, l'f'COrds tlon onlel;s. . · l8apn4y lllltaadoft · ff'rrulP 10 hold thr f"ra.<rr. ~<tr~cly uf Orangr Cuunty. Cnll· ~ illustration gtven irt thl' hearing was that or a store I When It C'Omf'll to rt'por1in~: on! !tON hack Into lhr P""hll'tlon ltnf' ~"..~···Ill) ill be d b I ~..A. ' _. I'JDNi ( 11' d • .. 2 98 JlPC:l · thP nc>w drvl'lopm••rtt~ in th<' mat· 11!1 do pMI hold«'rs with mrtnl 11'\, .,... t' w ma e. u wua;~a was ••Ors-.:--; rotn If' mg a ~.a,. o~~ . 7--:use m · 1 1 1 rt1c: F.i~ht lnrf.":l' mflnufnrlurt•l"' w11 hout covrnant or wnrrnnty, px· Jlarch i942 Ita Coitli~t 'dross was $1.98,;-H~Vt!r, a co• :f!,.. of.~C' ;;~ur;:;; =i.Y ~~~ ~~rtt'd. enOUKh !ltock on h:tnd '" f"rl'l(.~ or lmpllt'd rt'J:Ilming tltlr, -•tor ln~ t nurn which a~oUv had)l rught-r pri.<.'e onr' of "nn Dl'W" 1" J.:OCtll """' •. 1 o.frr kstr hcn 11tnvu to lll'f'RII other llOII.~Oft, or encumbrnncc>s. "' ~.. · '!;" ... ,.. <~ · • h · c1·· 1 . . 1 Pft>' ttw unpaid prloc;ipnl !'um or level 1n 1942, was pennlll . sell the ·itientical dres." ThP WPB u~tt'd almos.t nothing thll~ I <'~•.:. _•mmr ldlt•) I ~1111 ...... 1 not«'. lo~itt st26\.45 witll in- frOm the ltme ihaker.for S3.~5 o r ~L & Mrs. Alnf'rlc:a n<'t'ds ror•t~·· ,tl••~·· th•'4' fa<"t~riM!. -••'r1•'1t from Augu:ot lfi. 194:\ ~~~ In Such -=--·'ts of the h igh<.'St Price ~tne limitation ordenl 1th<' nn.--r sh ortngc lm!' for"Ct'<i Cllrt:lilmt•nt qf "~'"'"P:I JII'I' ad· ~~~~<• nott' provic1C'd. "rdva~~·r~-~ • · ~ " ,~.,~ · t ttnY und<'r thr trrm~ o l'nho ....,.,.., were n4t ~ wben those Otrlers Wt'te ftrst gi\:{'0 out. vertbdng 8paC't' through which n"tailt-rs Pl'{'~'lll th<'ll' t.:<X~ '-(ir . rranart"r : f('('~. chllr-J;l'~ nnd «'It" Now. howe'vff, tMy should be corrected bot only in fairness nnd commodities to the public. prnret of thr :rru!'tr'<' nnd or triJl'f~ to long..-+•t)llshed m crt•ha nts. but to the-public as well sinc-e The 'threntcnro tw~tlay !'hut-clown of tlw Ari1nrw IX' I"''" • r('nted by l'a td n.'ro_, or 1'~d~~n~~"r1 ~-' · . . . 1l\e bt>Jwfic:lary unurr ~1\1 , .... ·ro throu&h such correction lowe r pr1ces may~ a-:hirvf"d. is tmportat;lt in it.ltelf. but it also J;('r\'f'S to mdtr:n c• wh;tt nH~hl M Tranlft'r. by . ren!'On rot 11 · , •• • 1 ha p.pcn on n much lal'l!t'r· s calf> if Wi' nllow ottr p;~pPr s up-hn ·•d\ or drtault m thr obli~:<Hions -' -Sh 1 • , •~-~~~ lh«'rt'b)' h••r!'tnfnrr rxo•· Our P DPr orf.age pi\('S to gt"t t oo ow. ·, ><1 and df'llvf'rC'd to thr undf'r· -'\-. , . So when you finish. this papt>r. don't hum il or thrm\ 11 ~~,',I'd a wrltlrn I.X'claratioa of -Tbe fact that a fleW$print sh ort.agl' almost forci-<1 the _two away~V<' it. Wh<>n you h a\'c> a bunri l£' ,,f parx>r.-. 111111 nrr,,uJt a.nd Ol'mand for Sale. nnd • •--......-cn~~,_...ln Arizona to suspend publication for two lthem ~r t!tJw local salvugP rommittet'. 1J ts .til 1~1rt n f wm tl'ft Notl<"e ?!_Qr-tadch ~ind ~I!'C"' • ~&-=-• ·-~---·-' 1100 to cause u .. -un t'l'll ""'" to claya etves us something to think a bout. Last ntinute'pt•nnls-1 the war l'ffo rt. !<f'll JII"'P'rlY to lti!IIAI): sa•d obli- tlon by the War Production Board to borrow flf'wsprint ma<k> • '" •ana. and tber-ral-ter. on Novero· ....._ • .....__ .• a...u-u-..:. ol -oooo~...o.-1 ......... , I 111'1' ll, 1943 thP undt'Miti:llt'd ..-.~ u• P'M-au:'-.a ·~~....., nuuOil.'>. rau<t'd l&ld N~tlce of Bl"f'ach and , t A1thoulb It ,was stated that the shortage a.rose from the 1 .,Ell MAlliE SERVICE or ~:t.ctJon to bE-rt'C'Ord~ In Book tat.1ure ~ ~ WPB ii1 makina pePft' stock allotments to con-I , 12'lt. Pap 228-. of Off!c:ial Rtocords llder ~ lf'OWlh oltM territory ~ by thew ncwspapt>rs. 10 ~~~~·~ c::!~ct'~r MarcH, tbtiiDddet'lt rwwrt.helets llf'I"V8 u a ~nminder that pa-1944. per i'Mib' ll _..rce.~ · · sHE t L· ctTIZENS NATIONAL TR\·s:·-n. acute lbcttap ol ~r DOC odly thn"8tflls the .. recu-. .J. continUII"Cr ol mmtary lhl.-enu" u \\'PB Chalnna.n , ~N~E~. 1 Danald Neml put Jt, but It a1lo atreda rany dvilian .rwds. B A 1 a .... 0 A 1_ 5 L A N Q . ~ .:.7'~!'-: · ._._,.._ _. .. chain and ~t--haw foUnd s upplies .. ~ Offl ~· .,-.-t. :t'NIIt Cl'f' -.1 ,wr.....-. p.,e.r hard to obtain and IIOIDr paper pt'O(tllcta 1 ord.-1 · , llave ........ van'ebed fnam the market. Ill ~e instan<'eS. 1 ! Pub. AJI. 4. 1 1 11. 1944 . • 0 , ... Don't trY the train during '44 Unles~ the AXiS is no more! • Until tlte w•r en«,_ our bed achice to emliamlltlalar Doa' thiDk.of taki .. a traiJa trip u~eu you abeolot.ly '!!!"!'/ W• ca .... carry all d'f'illaDI who waat to tl'nel beeaue -..'n dol~~~ ear ,. 1 ··· --Job .. AD Soothena PaciJic tl'aiat an 61le4 to capacity. aad ..... J • traiu are eold out • loDf time ahead. U 'JOG c:aa't ~ abe trela ticket-you wut fiPt aow-why DOt tab the ..-ey J" ,hm 4 ...... f• tnia fan ud pat It iato~YAB BONDSf .. S·P ' lie ·frle•lllr Se•tller1 · '•clflc ' U.. .... , ....... fk ,_.. .... ,"JHI ltAIJH liHt"' ~ W .. ~.,. I to I :JO ,.. •. ., S..,..,IC,aC '-. . o/1 . ' • . . I ·-.. 'EAD .CLASSlFIED ADS FO .R BARGAIIS! JtoA~ St11'1'1.1':S ~l\JCt:NT -Jt ltML._.,Aftlj-~~18&-, ROAT~ 11<1. :;.,1.1 1\nO 'l'rll•ll'<l tll':t.t• .W A NT •:t • Wmn";' '"" 1 ·~R ~··~ .'\ j FOB MALE--. _._ -.. __ M~trln•• F.nl!<"''" ""'' l'aHta .:•·n,·t.nl h••l&at'W• tk l''ull tlml'.' \\'hrn Vvu Think of lll'al bta.te 1 11tN1NO JlOOM P\lltNITUI\1: -The Beach . Season~-About~Her .. F 0 R' S.A L E' MAI:I:'I:E lt.o\1.\ Al ;'i-: ANII 1.)\'o• In ,,r l'ltl a:nnol M lary Think n f Compll'll' IH'lll, nr o.hl IC'Ill!ltl I'll P'l~ I"' I ., ... ,II dHhln'll In fam ll)' lll~4 VIa I .I<"II,N ~A r•I.F.IR I '""'"' \lroi'IC'Af l'!llf'nRIM It hiM! I 108CI \\ l"i·ntrl\l A" \'!> :·~!'\w \\ I I I "' I I I I I I N I \' I I II • " • 1 ,, ., .. r, ,, " ",., • <'"tl""" ••.:•• 1 • It o(t.l t1u,lra.' •·ha ir ..-t•. buf't~ta. NEW REINFORCE I CONCRETE BUSINESS Bull I IIG N"'l\(\tl 11,., .. h. l'~tl:l :•n "' l tt-11. 11 •l\l·lf1': 11A l.fl0A 1 ~~~~~.-n~''wr.~~~ ;:~:r ,;;~~~~ . FOI tn :I:IH't.,.:tn :P Nfllt!'t·: "'"'''"l'rl·t Arok Ah.u t 1111, ~"'"'·" .... t ,.. "' , • l :-;AI.~: 1'\'ll'lh' loa <' •"lltl· " r otn ll nrl' ',,, ?n•l anrl llr,•>An· ., .v .. to• n urro•lll( tw .ta\' .... h .. u r, I 1 I "'"'·'• l'ant ll "''"~ ... , .... . ---. . . . . . . . ' .I ".•,•,,~~·.:h· ,~,.•,~,:::.\':;·,~ .. ",',·.,~.· ,.,',•"_,','!,':',·.·,,~.·,'lrll:,. . t ;,.,.,1 r ,.,,.,,.", ,. _rhrllll' N""'l'"'l 1'•'1"'"11 ''''I!" ----~ " '" .,.. " , •., •• ,.,. la11d at 2.'14111 Ar.u•la Rl .. EVER E " ~u llr...,hl'rill \\ 1!11·4ll''l.tlT llAilelAIN I" t l.·~an Jl'r!•n tFIIH 1-'AJ.i': 2·1•1'11n~:•lllct'O, . N ' OOCUPI I 1484 :17·~--\\' A!':TE_I \ \\'011111111 "' I 11'1\11 "II ... , 401lll(l, Ha1h.•ll r f.nlnaulal 1 "" 11 1' 11 :00 fllnll" 11 "• 1 Nu Yllt'&at. 1 .-{)It "'AI.~'. • Ttn•tt•lu,· l'houu• :-: .. "I''" t t\1:1 Tt ·w l S 10!\0 "r11atl "' l•rm•·l ~ala ld~.. f'rll'• l!\30~1. I3:.1M -' · ! "' r ::1.1 II ~hu11 r r n lkt/\1 M 1 ~ \\'n II• •n ttu hluor ol, .I r !!II \It' A 1,.,, l wu hlllllll""'" "111 ff'• <t•ntta1 1 ~ 1\ H 1 l b r -.l.._f 01 THE OCEAN SAlas A . T con• DEL M-AR· t'llhlll -:hunk:< t.: .... hull. •··~I ·~·· tlll Hllh !'It .. Jl~ c-..t~.l ~~ll't'l'lt,.::t"r ••• ; .. ~:···J"V Hu~·omb. . K . . l\•nt .'\tut ""''"' t'urt\I'.""''I ·.LAI '\' \\'~STI-:1 1 tl•• "'•·rlt In l-u~1·nr· F:lllntt 110~ 1-. C"'l'nlrll t l 1!'>l1 (\Jaat •l lt"hWa \'.t'oruna del h nu lr•l "" 4 "lu•r 1 tautlf't "'"'"' ·.to•l\nlu~ •' "I' I '~ l'a lm 14t. • ... , ... ~ "4 tf ' • · "'v'. ·-'"-~. , • · _,. _Mar . 30·2te • I b oat ': '~" • uwrllh'f" "''"'ll•""· llalt)()ft 30-Hr F MAN AND WIFE b d d d h b h} . ll•h•n~t "lllllpmr•nl '""'1'1"1•· 1-'l'ft S AI.Ir. C'W-fltn ~t !-~r. ('0~ TAnt:.tR. t'nd tabl••· Or a WhO Want tO e in epe11 ent an •, Oper'ate t eir OWn eaC COnCeS-1 ,700 II••-• )lttlh•t• ri<l" io1Hiil'"' \\' A!I:TI-:1_' Mftn ''1 hnv l(tllolr nl'r • •lnttll ta bl•t. ma••-'nr •nd o.. • ,.,. ... fl11<~> ,., 1'111>1 _ :.!il Hp llltn·~'""ntly ""''"rnrated hi.-.. lamp Ia blN. •C'I'Uinn•l ia. I A 1'-11 441\ ,., ~I 1'11•'!'" 20 \:I·J or r a il ':'"''", hllrolw"~'' nt ,,,., Vl'nl' ,. .."N r - sion -on a GOOD, beach too, from a concessiqn st~1 n~point. ron u,'At .~·. ~1\lurolay ,.r ~~n·lay .=·~·Ill' ...... ltt'llll\1 Ill r""' ··arant now. ;.. biH. book "" ..... Ot'tkt·. w w tnr yd!j SHOULD GO OVER AND SHOW YQ U THROUGH THIS HAVE OUR MR . RHODEN • BU ILDING WHICH WE ·. ARE OFFERING ON EASY TERMS FOR - . S&.JIO FUI.L PRICE , -~ THINK . OF IT! - Service Counte rs-Cement construction fronting YES 3 FRONTAGES ,, r t ""<~> T oohm h ronl l' I h C t &j;l', lAt h h ntlllf' A J"'IIO, 110 tt I'A .. If11'b A wltll' e.-IH"tl~ .nl a It I 1 I 0 Ill ll 10 ft , !\Ol Jl<'r lb.. 1 1 . .. 1111\\' ""ul.t ' u Ilk,. to• hav• an fr~lllJrf'. fl'nrl'll Ownt,. 3tll2 lltyiN anot nntahM Mr ltlah&n npw s: .... ln honn,, ~than 1 "'-In a a n . !)Ck ~r lb . I ... ".""'"' f'VhiiOI\'f' lf'rrllnry hand ttoa Orl'an """"'· N I'Wl\f"r1 n.ai:Jl P\l'"tlltliN' C"'n ·. ~nd •1jc1 h rC'ett. brol)l'.l' alntl t'ultn~ot 16 7 17111 .A•Ir•hr P a tr y prudol'h• • ~rma. ._,!hnn• 11'17 2T·•tt" .,.,., Aaata• Ana II: lit' at., Collta t.lua. 30 11 nl'nt. f'aaPnt Ia I. l(nnd N'nvmrra· · P lion Ad11hr Mille 1-'arm , :ltlth Whf'n y,.fi 'ntt.,_ of ftf'a1 Dilate WANTJo:l' l..tl(l.l w•lllht ~~all In llnol l'l'nlra.J AVP N•wJMort 'Mllnk l'f I fll'tt I'!&Jll' r••n•lilll'fl 111 1h t ».-11•·h :4,..,. Mr llull lwfM • T a JOliN l'IAfli ,P:ttt 1 h o4et. 12 ,,.,.1 ""''m with f'lamt>a m or "tt"r :1 I' m . "' .. rtl• 111;00 Vo~tf'l ltlc1tc for m .. ,., and hnron· !'tat•• J'rl ... • \V An .. hl'lm fit t.unJt lif'at·h. II A t.nn A fl \\' ~mltlt :1~1 ':4n 1n1n~ 19·•tr MIVol 1.··~ J\111:• 1 ... :-. r'altr HELP WANTED-M•n for oen·, :!II :ll•' er¥ 11Uinten•nce and oardenlnO W ANT~:I 1 1 ""'"' lh'" 1111.1 11~,,,, work. GOOd waoee and llvlft•) •II• IOr.~tlll''' l'ttlt ~nllllt Alln quar1era. lplendld eppor,l\rnlty IM O. fo~XI!;,.I!.'Ij.l'll :!t;7 St.:t n~t1·n lor • w lltlne worker. If ,...,,.. 1''"• rted, p.art -t in1• work c.an bt l:tr•· NOl tCE TA-(l> DELINQ•J E.NT \l lded for ""'"~· 1 PueL·Ic NoTICES 1-. I - ~ • 11•l IH"'"II"u ,,.............., .... .,.., .... , ........ ;_1-.. a.,h l tl .. l ll•k ll: :11. N.-wll4Jd l._..,•r h Thu,..la) Aa•rol JH ""' Th• T.-""t.hVt!Oiool>-Tho• ,llltnlf' tlf'lnl( Ul• r •. u ....... ,. olftlo ~ ••II ,, .... , .. ~11 • •t•tln I , .... rnrr .... 2"th ~tn••t Hntt t ~·•n •uJth ·, ·•·• " • ' • ·. • ,,. .., F rnnt. ln thr l ,ly .. , N f'Yt'1"w1 ·• ,, fl.-ar h . C"'altfnm ta Your 66 Prr ·l:ent?- ,, .. ,.,,(dlfu' l tl nh I• rt•IIU th.ttf A Ilk A I" II~ ll11r l'laffl1 V 1 lf'l>~•lt '1'm1•a W ANTY.P TO 'Rf.NT \\'A NTI'~P Til H b:NT \lnfurnlah· lUI ·n '1.1"~ :'4nld, ""'"''' v, ~""'· 304 ,..,a.. ll~tlt..,,. .. n•l :lf\11 Martn• ·'·'""""' lnhuua :btl mat .. ~lair I~''"'"" Tu IS.•I h P'Oft BAL.& tcoe ~. v.ry ICood • C'onltltlnn ~. M-rm1 ttTt..J 30-4tt' 'OARRAmt Anrq• · 1\ aallon. r--r 11ay, I[NWI, rii'An l"rN II plr ked ur l\ lttnel ...... k . Jlllun· •I Trailer l'ark, 2!WIO Nl'wport lllvol . 1"1••la Mna. :lt·4lt' <~1N<41i1A'tl lilr~ TO ftlr.NT - N,.w F:R•Irll ~ttur. hy ltay or ...,..,. '" ,,., day Ctlaftn•l Bid Dlack.....,. Ia ~ .. tu1 F'l'l lirn 110ttn lr) he'r l'urona tlfo1 Mar hnme r&tlt~r bPh'ilr a I'UHt ot hrr ntrolhrr Itt lhf' •:,.It -' ., Where the people can be served without congcstiari . Then too. the interio·r is lan~e ::\nd could be used fo~ m any concession pur poses. Notlt'l' 111 tlf'n•hy ~·v•·n th&t ' fh·· Newporr1 II• 111 h i 'II y I 'I an nltllt Com miMJoolt f. ttl • hoolol ~ l'lfblu hekn n.: "'";A tho· n·111t •·r .. r 1 ,. up pllea tl n 11( 111111 '''" ,, H• '"""'"' ha v1n,: ••• ,J,t \\lth ll r::u ~.u;j set quntt.·t ~ ,._ •'t•l· ,,,, • ' I• I •·~ ,tl\ tL!• ~~. f'' I • t td ,.J lfl '' ,,Jd JU f"'''· .uuf ,\ H It• 11 • It• '~ "'" '" krt•t\\ tf lla tf " l u U ll' •1n fh h .. ,dl\ I lo-'l'' Uut• April 15th Ftand~ Horvath • "•• Add•~•• f t*' N~t•l •••u• ,.,..,. Corofta d•tl M•r "•• r.,..,. .... ...... ,, ~~ N.D. CASH 0 v."' Yes -There are slet"ping quarters and toilet ~c.·commodations also. ··-pROPERTIES, INC~---- 7.~6 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California See ,MR. T. F. RHODEN, Tract Sales Manager Tract oi'ftce -.on the Bluff!• at CORQNA DEL MAR --- .'• G'.WAN! MAkE HIM S'ING ~ - ha~k \',trt tnt • 1"' n ptuJ• L•• 1 ..:ll· ~·«fl' ,., h·· I l•tt-.tt Ul t ···l 111'••11 t,~•;t.J.I rr , .. u .,.. • '" '"-' , "'' 1t11•d .. ttf .tU '""'''"'''' 1 •t ·• ~'!II \11..., MI. 0 0 0 at'lf CAT HO!IPITAL '""''"'' ....... h ,,,,, .... ,,, ••• , ''' ,,,,,, •••flllttllltll\ \t ,, t1• •,4HIIh' \t•ltf h tl t1 HI \\It d • .,_~-----------___.: fo'OH. SA 1.1-: 16 \4 t.o _lll'aln at . I •"'• A..-e. Calif. ._, NOU .SL BARIAilt 1-&rlroorn hnui-.•, C'us1ot . Mt~a. ( ;ood \·ah11•. < ·r .. s.· In ~:· .. ~.'~150 •·zouo " ('uh D. C. MacKENZIE 180ft Nf'.-•port Blvtl. j l-Cmila Mf'!W t 1rl\ I· ~ .. ,, ,,, I d• "' Itt· hi I \\oil .uut I'' o\ td• f,,, lutut• d • 1\ tit 11 1 , •• qlltltlrlft l11 ... • )11 I'll I rut II '""~ur .. t•llyfl •II \\ ·'"'' P•'l_... I \.\ "' •tl•f'l••\tltt.tl t '' ·~ f., it , '" J( t It •II, ... ,,, '.' •• •I 'til' • ,, 'I I 1.,r •.... ,.,,,,hl. ,,..,,,, uf fl\11 ,., . l hl' ,,,,., \\llh .. 1111,'111 ,. 'IIIII• d l'oo,ol to( H,II(MI.f.M I I IIII~. '"' Ita\•• Inti J.'fttJO fliUU IIIII 'ul ,,., .. , '''"''''' \1.,1 ...... _ , .. "'"" tf'h ... "''''' ""lfl• II • 1~111 II ":"I fl''t'''..,h l~ I•• """''' •tttl\ t>\ l" 1 ,., "' .. r "., ... ,, In J'.,11 \\I' "'""' '"'•' .,., IWf ,.,., •• ··1· •• \.lll.•hl• ~,,I I pi) llt.tl • \\h\ "U ... t• Jl•tJH'I I ft11 ~. '~rw<tt~ttJ• ••I Jh.-u•tlt-t"• I, ·I··~ h,ltp Ill· ..:• .. •" "''''"' UJI ,~,, \\,If f'-rutf ¥t flO )'f't " Bv ('h\:a rl:.~ \1,.\1""''..: ~~--~------~--~ Yr.">·-f',, r j L A.,...>l ···' c "' V/Pf IT C )."''' rl( 1 t•jl OuU\.L .~ "'"'~ ••lo....tl.' I r • - i ~ ' ~ • •• J ... '• ' " I '" '.---·,' ...... ' ,_ ./ . ·-. -~--. ~ .. -. "' J' • l Prof esHional Gordon M.Gr~dy, M.i>. Phyelc;l•n and lur1aon Ninth llftd~tr•: A.tt . Offlc:• H ra.. I0.12t.m .; l·~p.m . --Telephona 1.7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOft.NIEY AT LAW Ceeta Met6 .a.,.., a ulldlnl ~bona 421 Clltta Mila HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAP..EL "\Vr· Ourlf'IVN ihfl Rf'tlar aenoe Uy &rv-1111( llt.hPrt IWttt" Pho.nc Ntw ... or1 HI - Goat• Meu Celtferttlt Phy•lcl•n •nd l uroeon Office 107 22nd ltreet · N-P"t .. tch HO\Irt: to-12 •· pt. & l·~ p. m. Phona..:..Offlce U:J; Rae. 74·.1 DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN 'and IU"'O.ON DOt c ... , 'a 1vot • New pert ...... -~hOM - Ofrtc. 281-W "'"· ..... II N• A"ew•• Call NowpWIJ t Dr. M. D. Crawford 0 ~ T O"M • T ft I IT Jl:y n Jl:xamlnHI nt...-• l"'lted 1n1 N•wpurt Uoulevard Phone 2AJO COITA M&IA ~----------------_j···------------------~ BUY NOW City Ta.x Sale lou A. J. TWIST 607 Cout Hlghw•y Phone 2422 COftONA DEL MAft BALTZ MORTUARY CH~~IEL av THI: IlEA 410 Cottt atvd .• Cor on• d•l "'"'•' Ne'WWI)ort ••••" Phone N ewport 42 Dlt OBEU LlJ('AS f)(\nt iAt • t'!O'l 1 i \\':-T"t'YYI rl\l, " l'h 14~ Sf:\\ I'Ofi T l~r: \t 'II :__ _____ -------------- 'liMO'S 'WHO IN HA.RBOR DISTRICT rau 1•1 11 r r Jo Nn Kt"I Ot'INr. w onn Jf \' ~· t 'I 17"'1 f ,.-Hl···l , f ·.,!'tt ' M• .. ' ,.,., t J 111111·• I , ••• ·~:)~. J r ·~• I'l l\~ ,,,.~rnl\rlfon '· ~ ''I J .·•He·. (·~tlf•f ·,,nAI fUY'•I f•t, :u.~ l 'l.t~ • nu • (' u .. t, l•·l•••n. ,.J ''"'I I~I fiM f>-"'~1 ~~ ·.,. • 1 • t f ll t ' f,•l Ufll t 1• V••'l Jl tU \1ft l•tllt f 'ttnrtfl' 4"4 '· I 'I "'' ,.,. ,.,,,,,, 11 ·•• r·.,.,,., lf•r lt~o.•v nt /lrl h f'•. I t It I •, 11 1•1•1 I I 'I i f ' 11 "'·•, ,.,,~,u .. t.tn,: ,\,, ,., •• .,"." 1:1 1 : !':1·v..p··•t ' ·11ttn 1,.,r.. . 'I ,• 1111•("""""'--l nhUfll fl'(', J'h••l•'ll ]'J 11 ~f'Wf1Hft I l>t I '-TAT r , fN<,U RA Nr.[. & N f}T!<RV P U BLIC- I • II \\" t." • 1.'••~ \\' I'•·• t "'' A v••l"'" l'hron~ :} •Uillll J1 1s .TAMPS • I r, : "I" •' l l;or l•f•l 1 '111•11~111111( 0• l 'llflloill 1:1 13, Nt•WJ••rt ~"EET M£TAL WO~~~ \.'10 1~ I lo1tt l•l n l{ .., ~'"'''' M•tal Wnr"-. (~~"'I " M•'"" l'hom e VA R IE T V STORIE-. Ualboa Jlllan4 Vu1ety 81 ltc, 26c 1.nd up. P'lont~ ,. - . . .-~ ~· : .. -,t ...... .. • ·. NEWPORT-BALBOA ~-TTME~t NeWl>Ort B~ach, r.lllifnrnia, 'Thursday. ~ApriJ \ " 13. 1944 A • · · • • Functions for the Louise Peters Is -~·t-IVl-ties ·cadet Wives' League C hristened on :-\...1 r -East e r Monday Nlnl't~> .. n rrelJ)~N of the Cadet --.. Repatriated War Prisoner t o Speak at · ~esa Meeting S~nsgr~d~ by W .S .C .S . -I-I arbor ·Feminine - thf' . • Re · • Phones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 600-W Catherine E;.1~t~o. "Soci:t; po~r ---'--'-----------~ ---::----------.,...----- TUeecla.1 Ia a coW lt&r dav ou been ntended all )Dtm~ of t1ae ttlflldar o1 U. W.A,C.8.·ol U.. w.s.c.a. of Olriltl Qu~rcla ~y lbe. Colt& .... COIDmCDit.y Cbl&l'da Se&. • , wbeo they will prumt ln a mH.l· MIM -rw·in•m bu btf'n Mr-urrc1 .... at 1 p JD, wMcb w111 be opeD by Jdr.. WartiQ Braull oa·ho Ia vlcl' to the public, MIM )farruertte preeldeDt of the W R C~. Wr• Twtnem of Anaheim Who, durln61 E. 0 Pott#r will bt chalnnan Of WSCS C o ncludes ~ Red Cross Class · w lvsr;' l ui[Ue JIPOilliOred by the "t tlvt o'clocl: ln the Ralboa U~O. enlovtd d1nner re-or Euter Monday. the four1 rrntlv 3l Knott's ~rrv Farm, U · muntNI • ttl d&u&•ter o! Mr. .------,..---~--------: ' L 1 nrt4'd bv r.tmP a. Ham a. • J . A. Aha, G Jo'UIIer .Ptolf'r,a O( ~ldo Let His F rien. ds AssistaAce ea~ue c~nt Ttlorrp.on. f!.obtrt Kllletu was t·hr~~~tf'nttt LIJUIII' b.r tear her-mtalton work In Ollna. thr. f"VI'nlntt. .,.. made a pr1eoner of tbe J,._pe. r :--- Stucfy-o f Leslie~ • W~thcrf.ord 's R ook • Offered for Expectant Mothers D_.'lhe day a'trr Purl ttarbnr f)"b r ence 1Lee Oti ls en ,,.,, &ad N'tumed to the Unlkd SlAte& E \f•• ll•·rh<•tt K•lll( L''l\'• tl t t To RevieW f o r be11 tn•l tn•l,llm•·nt "' '"' •n"'•···'-'"''' "~··rw~ "' f•111r r'll""~'~ a month laat Decl'm~r on the ~on r P 001 ... "\\11\ n.1 \\'•• surt••A" Ill th·· r r, ~rwrtAnt mothrr11 wilt be pre· of thl' u ehangoe ahtp Grlpebolm. ~r '" 'b< h h the All F.lw!ll mr m!M'ra :)rf' ur~red to rr..:ulur ITt"nthl ~ m•·•·ttnte ur II •· .•u·n't•ol 111 P.8 •a t roug cour· Ml• 'I"a•lnem 'haa tnmplf't"d h,.r .s""" 1., ,.1111 111 1 h• \\'u111,•n'• S11• t<·~,· of t' r visl•ln~t nur .. aervlrt · 1 11 ..... 1 attenc1 th.-rl'l(llltH lunt h"(IO me••\ leCODd five-year Ben/ r r JM' "" n rl• I \' rot ('llrlqi'>O ~f"\'li'o nf ('hrl I ,,( l hf' Ro•ol ('r'"'"· arrr rdlnl' to I CblM. havln~t retumrd holflf' for lng 011 April 20 wht'n 11 ey will ( "hHrt h ,,,. ttw s1••1 ",,,., t h•·\ m•·• 11·r••rl I rom hPadquartere. a Y•a• nf ... •·dy In l~M bttwreo, hl'ar . Florence I.A'e Ohlaf)fl. .'" he, r_ 1 T ~ • ••u wllh :\!1 f.' IJ (;l'•HI•·' oon 1"'' Th•· nprnlnl( r hillll will be held the two. Hfr Chu1li mlulnn In tnatrur Uvr ancl r unvuu an.: pr 1 d~\ "'"' 11111•' 11•·· '•••k h'" l:•·r·r · 1,11 Tll\'l'llnv 111RV 2, 3 p. m. Jll Hopei provtn~ k1 Northf'rn C"hlna. £r&rh 011 ':''I rlo.J ,.•rair• a.ncl r•ur~c:nl ·•••fl iNt "' ·~·nn•••'l "'" \\1111 lllr ••th· p ... I '• o1 ('rolss ru~•ms. lll Palm ----of lh• prld4'A or mlaelon• lltt rature. With·& bat>k~truuntl nt "I' 1 I •h I fl f ---·~ • 1 1 1 bt> ,,.,., " "'" ' ''••'' 1'1 1' .fb lh•ll w•lh .Mrs F.mlly Relnklng 111 Oltn·a. At thf' outhrtoak of "'ar, 1 ro,.•J and Rllldy uhl ,nn a rt f'n 't 1 011111 t;;11 rt.•rm •' "IITI'It "'" '"'''" ln.utr••• tlnu. t th 111'1 In thl' Amerlr•an way Of life, '1 ~ ,., ~e and 12 other•. four o em _.,. 1 1 , .... 11, d '"' '"l•lol• Il l• tllo•ol 1!1 111• \\'mr•·n lntt'rl'nl'rd In attertdln~ ,. cblldn-n. Wfn' lt'nl tr. Pelpln~1 anti lilt l!Jl<'aKt'r w1•1 IJrii)K 111 wr au• I· ll•ltl· conf.ntd to a compound. ence a fane dcollnealhm In ht'r L11lk In 111., dlt·f "'"'" lho• l''l'lll:ll t· It\' r• .. !ll<ll'r a• the Red Cr~ of· A .....,.dual• of R•dl"nda Coll.,<>c:. Rile· vo~.t ' ~ havr bcx•k ·~ with ~ 1 1 tu ,. ~-tton•v Rill~. Aalboa, nr by ., .. -~ ~ ...., t.U,ft\• "" '"'''''lf'C \\ 1"" f LIM ,•f• t'l i•\..••0Uif l"'lf:J lbe apealttPr ha" romp1etN1 «r&d· htr • wa•h IIW p••·•rdlpl \1" Sl••nh•·n uate work at USC ani! HartfOTd Luncheon will lw Hrvw 81 1 I' \\,.,,rho 1 '" rl 11 lhr · lwt11l :'o1•c . TheoiOJ'k'al 84-mtnary 01 with ~In: ~tunny HALhltt lUI J 1\ llutlllliin I • \" \\f•rt ... n ... N e wpo rt C i rcle Ttle projtT&ID win be prl!l'rded !'halrman. Rewrvallon• Wlllult.l pco 1 .,. d , S••m' 111 ,1 s1r n"" .I ;1n!l ~ M t by a pot·ll'lck INf>pfr at 6·30 to l.•llf'll In l<) lltr~ I.!Arnr tt, .1~.04"', f•tlt••\\o•.f II\ .lt'l ,.,1,1,1n ol!oon tl\,;.11 '._ CWS. at e(! wblch'·all th1M wbo care are In-or Wtaa Marcia C'oombA. 2346111 ~,.,11.,., ••I 111" 1.1111••" II'"''' .. vtted to cc me and bring lh4'1r cov-----th•• I•'" 1 h 1'.1'""'''1 1-'• ·"' and '" II,. h m~ 1lf Mn. Ivan Goo ered dta::t A 1pt't lallnvllat1on haa Clauifil'd AdS Get R·E·S·U·L·T·S lh•• I,,..,,., """1•1•·• I'• nl•l 11' ~. r nz• \\'••lOt Ol"l'nn Front. t h,._New· ~ m••nh JII "\'HI•·ol lhlfllt'h '"'',1"11'· .I ''' r··rtl" nf \\'S':"S. waa cal11d tre.ttng Carda and a Oreat v~riety Qf Unuahal Glfh .... , 'If •• (o•illl" ( lq pl Ill\ ••I Ill •• rdt'r full wing d!'lllerl l trve•l '"''F.;-V'JV1IT. YOU TO IIHO\\'~E All{H'!'O" C'h qol.lln 1; .. ., • 1 .11 lh•· <.;,\.\ \T! ,, t p n:' ''" We•ln<'!lfllly. In tht · C. E. LOUCKS . ~··t• l•tiL•k• 11 f•l h~ lh·• l'll'fll · nh1l<'nrP of the prnJ<lrnl, Mrs. D. • -· J£WeL""Y _,.ct1TAT.ONEAY • "~ W Holt by, Mta. W. 8 . Hunelker Dlamonda . W.tehea • F ine R•~l rlng 1•rP!tl dNI. · no-N-~rt laat·R Capilla Circle '"'vlltmnAit. w .. r .. Jtlven by Mr.. • • -11t7·H Newport-BtvJ., c .. ta Meaa~ Calif. Co · .1-:\'t•n "tt F'llnkhouser who cba.t 11lppreciate the confidence of the peapl~ in eJecting me to office and sha11 do my - Appo ints mmJttee "Justtre and Mer(•y" for her IIUb· Sewin~ C l ub M eets With Mrs .• M e rre 11 S.... ors Dane--for __ ....... tty A.mu.a who'·· ltadfr of Pf'lC'1'11 In prelly St. Mary's Know. About Yo.ur • ~ons "'. ...... """' th ..-th th' fi'OUP· • at Laguna lkacb WI a tr Service B oy 'Conval escents • Amoog lboef' attending ,Wf'rf' "fh'llltiO)l ' • _ 1 ' J , -_ , Conn•e ouebc.n norot.,•· Qtll7;"'~· )\'~Ann& thl! tra<ltt!Onal Hl'an't It ~ll lnteru d ng to Ai!Miiiant'e ~..\'ague membtre have Ardatb Bunn, Nancy White, VJr: cbrlatenlng .Sreaa , ot 110ft. apt n.-red their ~~econrt dancl' (fir ••• ,,.11 E'·· Rettv r _.., ... r. Mar tory I ,,·lui" mu.,hn trlrr.m••d 1n llt'lt In ~&l'h Thuraday'a ealtlon h .. t ' J I bk h rnn,;aleat'ent 80idlera at t .. ::san a Faires, Jean Week<~. 1 Madelon a~·· llntl ~lny tu 1 wit a of this paper, a picture o• IJne An" Army Air Ba ... hoft)llt'al and. n t;k<•. Mnryannf' NorlllUJ'•I. ~lh•la t n mo~t'h, llltlt Lo·UIBt' waa ••f 'ur InC' a I lade wbo 1• urvlng l1ke the t I rill, waa prnnounc:ed a r,mdemlln. f:vel~ifl Sosamun and ly wat~h~J Ly h•·r bn•th .. r. In the .armf'd forcea Wl~h a big BliC'!'f'!IIO with pll'as for more C1111re RI\'Chln. Jr.. HI. untl ~tatPr, Curo., 7 story abflut hlm? ' from the boya. . Mr.. Robert Klllefer wu h<.o8tt<&» IUI.il \\lUI mud,• lly ht'r·.nw tht>l WI' Wfluld like to borrtl\t' l\ Tran!!portec1 .In bu•Pa fllmlabl'!l to 8 ~roup of tileae girl• In hf'r had t~··n worn In the 11amc pwturt> nf yrur boy. Kindly th f "'0 1 1 1 1 t by tile base, .e ttronp o -> g r 11 h• 01f, -~Hi VIa Nord. -Lidn • I', ·"'""). yy . •·I' u.dl'r IIIK t'l' hrt1w nr mall rplc;ture to our h " _... d b -•~ 1 '· • • 1 'I e ar .. c oaen &'lu n18perone Y wher1· thl'\' l'llrtook of a ....... ,. ou• • !111"• U.•lur"" nnr •• IIIII ' ffa•·<>. ll will be net:esaary to rrt•lr bera t f qu.• ll'8gue whlc:~. at lu11 .. ;i .. nn ~nd t>njoyrol lfl.lO balhlnJr lttr\f: of Uulbou l81ttn<t St'l lt•'•·p 11 about ten daya. 1 1 1 .1 •t l" 1 til!' laftt lt'fnlr, nt ur l'u "mt'a. 1., tl:o• pni!U Th1L"" IJIJol1•n Wt'lf' .;oolll,...llh r" \\hl~t· till' ltll' Jol'k lllllman, Harlamt Wln.-klcor. Brtry Lever. Mulon H1r k ll'\' \til flltllt'r l 'uk the 1111" • CO MING EVENTR Wratl n Jny, R. K \\'allcl'r. H. E . · "; lun II• k•· .l•·an \\'f't•k. A rd~lh ratilr~.· t.Jr toml t.lrft H !'taller,(.' I. Thom!llt. ,.~ .J rtrrkf tl11nn. p .,1.,th\'. Bt>n7.tn~ an.t \',r· '"·n· hunuljlr.)•.gUI!fulh~c: FRIDAY, APRIL 14--F., M. Harvey am.l F.. T C'haprrian glnla Ey. . mot hl'l , !I ll t' C'1ub will ml't't at t' " 1111'81' funl llun~t uri' ht>ld In the The teagu~ n1~U ev~l')' \\'c•o!nt>s ,M.,, ws wur .. takl'n lullu\\'<~1 Rfd '<'rNIIJ a uolll urlum uf th•· huspl-d:ly night at 7 o'dock 1n, lhf L'SO a ft·Sll\'t' MIIJ'JII'r t•nJuyt·<l ~~~­ hi w1th m1;!1ll· rumlsheJ by one r ''~'"" t!alt,ua All wiH·~ u ( 3\'rtl· t•hriltt.,nmg rarty at Las homl' 1•f Mra. Leroy Page, 401 S.111ta Ana Avr . Nl'wport Hrlght.a. Hf'tl C."r0$!1 w • rktoom. 11 t Palm. lla'boa. OJW'n 10 a. m . to -4 p. n1., ~rwlng. 1 Of l hl' n111U' UOitll And rt•fr1'11'1011'0IIt linn t'ado•ts jlol t' o•uN11ally tn\'1!<'<1 •CrtW Wht'Tt hltll' ~tUII'l' IIIII servt.><l by Alllli~tunrl' Lea~uc rr.l'm. too all1•1•d the rwlll 11( hun1 r ut thl' lo ONOAY, APAIL t7- Bed CroiRI workrl o,, 111 PRI'll, r:all..ua. up~n 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., ~llrl':l<'nl drel!ll ngs. l~ra. Grammar School PTA T o I n s tall Officers .llc·1l rroMt • work rl\::m. • ~.300 \\'ht>n 1 hi· rTA ,,r t'II'Wf'Ml l Or •:Wl lllw1., Corona rlrl l'o•~r npl'n llearh Grnmmar Scho I Is t'll)lj!d 1 tn 4 p. m .. 11Urg1cal d~~p to urdfr at 2 30, on lll r n•Jn;v. Aprl1 TU ESDAY, A~RIL 18--· li. t' t' treetlng 'h1111 been dt'slgne<tt IJt·rmrturf crremonlee tor N&voy tn V:lslPII nftll't'rs fnlluwetl by a conllnJ:t'OI of enl·attlu. 7 ll. m·. P lelaurely t u hour wh('rt' members E atatlon. All Lectoonain• pleaa may btcorre b<•lle1· tu:qua•ntcou.-. attt>nd and cape. Mr.. Hurh C. Marabalt, prui- SURPRISE SHOWER VISITS BAY AREA Mllrpret L 8charle (llemller Mlltlle T~na· AMa of C&lllora&a) . ·Give Dollars to Uncll' Sam while ynu t'An' Auy Wnr Bonds! lhl' tun~ tablt BUY WAR Srrllh il'tl .S1•vutiUO!tlll The rr- ml'llloll'r 11f the urtrrnuun ~·a!f llfl'nl In H.-ol ('roN! 84'Wing \t'lth a tlillll oo( l:l run\ ~tlt'l!fl'nl all}lpt'I'J! t•nt~l.,..l f• r 11/ll<lirra at tht Air lllllk· I •• lh luutt lf'freahmenUt wo•rr • T~~ a~owrr or raUl tflar-- -. --·-rrt·pt an under lhP rO-ver ot d&rk: 'ft!lii'CIIE& br · PIA.'ml .Orc-J•l • Accompaalst 81 r\'<•d lJy M no SWIKt.:ert IU!8111lt'.J hy ~lrl\ llurry siaurh. Mn Lcwte Mrrrl'll nn<l wnr n<ll8 _rarly Wedneeday monUAif. v,·11a,..r C'ol~rl' hu~tt'~lll'll fur the' ldt 11nl~· 01 .'"'II tn the r&IJl Ill· Sf'wtn11 Club v.hl'n It mt>t In the >lllatur. brtnKtng our alrt>adr am- llfcrr111 hum•· on !'/Pwptlr\ Height•. pie total fnr tht' II!'Bs.t.n to 15 32 Tbt' hlg~ll~:ht fJf th•• day Wl\ll an IDlhPII in wuap,llrls<JO to 13 35 F:astl'r 1.'1(1( hunt foor lh" vountoe.ter11 '"' ht•ft at the sam .. !loll<' l11l!t year Stacao: 101 ·0olde•IPCI AveoUf' Colo--· ~lar PHQ!IIE: 'NEWPORT 1~1 'BEFORE Y.OU BUILl) .OR REMODEl:-. Th•• ~1111day lll'hV< I flpunaore'd b.y t h• _. ':q,ll" t ·.,, II' meet11 each murn111~ 111 111 u'dol"'t In tbe l..ttUe !II··,., 1n~ 1 1"11~•· r;;.ra Ja11m ln,., with \'l':!flrl .!'• n·l• t'8 n. 4 In the lliter- noon \\'hn had ~('Companied thl'ir moth-;-----------------........ ----------~ ..... Alt a ulutco In l hr aprlng westh-1 .. ,., " pll'nlr:' lunch OCilll\.ttlnJt of 1IZI eoutl'l Main lt. ;nd' dlaptay reoma. guldee planning a!ck, pr-ehen1lve atOck of ruga, carpeta, linoleum and Vene- tian bU~da. ¢ Ruga end Carpet a Cluned R•palred LUDLUM Carpet Works ,.,;,.. • 1ant; Ana 2806'4 I ANn ""'" with 1111 tile 1 rim· mtns-s waa 'M•mbenPwhoee natal day11 Wt'f'f' rf'lebr81ttl Wt're Mr11. John Mr· Millan snrt Mra. LC'wt11 !lll'rrf'll t 111ull'~ \\'<tkt'f~t•kl C'ac1man 18 a Otht'ra preMnt wr•rt' Mrr'h F'.d J.,'lll'llt In lhf' I'O'niii8Ul8 home f>f Mr Mlrk!_lVIh•h, Thuma8 Jr11ku, Jsm4'~ au1d ~lr.ll Rt bt'rt Holllnahrad aad Fn!l!l anol thr I OSlt'~ltO'~ Mr~ LA> "Ill rt'mAln until ·saturday. 'll.lr nort' Helll'r \\'811 a apcoclal J.,'lH'~I 1'11d011tn 11flp4'1H8 In a Jlr<•~:ram.f••r ChOIIrt>n who rnJ0\'~1.1 lhl' flay Klwanl1 Ladlr1' Night on Friday W\'rl' l'h1hp 11n1l na rhnr.t !\llrko. 111 lilt• t :rumn ar S• "'".'1 a uditorium. \'ltr ll P••nnv 11n•l !'lan•'Y l'ulo• AI· OUwr, gunta .bidden rffently to frt-.I ·M.,n.-11 Mnl"lln 1-'ro11t OudW,O .. njoy lht' oo•r1tallty ot lhe, llol-Hdlt•r nnl1 t:rr~thhn•• And J11• qut· hn•l"•"'"' 10 thrlr nrw home were ltne Jl'l'k<1 .Mr .. J Mnt Frank Huwdl nf Ll•ll Ana t-l<'ll. Mr and'Mrll Ge rge Mr-M. I K .,;,; .. hun u ( HaiQoll and Mr. and r s . -Y11r1 epper 11fr11 St\mrt nuniBJI ot B&lboa ·Taken t u-Hos pital L---------------------------rl· Ill anti :::========:;:===::::=:;=====-----------:-...---------~l~~·;nd~ llf t.lr~ ~·):nn KI'Jli'Pr nf . r 1 1 ark A w•m11-, lin l)loa laland. 1 will ~ happy lu kno\t• tll,lll shl' ••. 11mprovln11 An<l l~ ''"l)f'<'lrlt to re-TAKE HER TO • 'kJiuiei. ONCE A WEEK .. BALBOA'S REND -EZVOUS . ,. . " ---===-- .BALLROOM I • # I Present~;~ AND HIS ORCHESTRA ............... .._ ......... SATUIDAY liGHT,-APIIL 15.TH • .. -r-· turn from tllc Sunta Fe hospital I this week. j Mra. Keppf'r WM 11tr1rkrn wllh I a atrl'p lnfN·t lon &not wae rushtd to th~ Los Angrlt'~ hoapltnl on Sunday "·herr she 1.8 reacttna ra- \'Orably to lfle aulfa trealmen't. Young Ronnie Kf'p~r I~ .ottaylnr with lhr :'\ormnn n rc·krrll In \lnnte Mar Vt11t11 whtlc• hill mntl)~r Ia Spring R a1aar Slated For Balho a Circle 1 ln\'1181 ,.,,,. h"''<' bl't•n ~··nt •ml 1 to ml'mbl-no c•f 1111 <In lr~ u( thr I \\'"rr.rn'ot !':l•<lf't\' tt' l'hrlllliiU1 !:~r. \Ire hy I Ill' IIIIth II I '11 I•• I" llltl'llol thPir llprm~ ll:u11 tr nn 1 111111 h~ 11 nn \\'o·o'n1·~·lrn \ 1'111 1!1 In IN• hrld nt ( 'hrol'l • 1our. h h\ 1'" ~··n. A flt•IH I••U' • h~ k· n 1 tr I I'. •, '"' ,.,.Itt' ht' ll•'n'1·d 111 1! ·:11 tnt! 11tl'l &rth II'S fool 1"11•· 1\ Ill h• ooll ""r •1\' nll ntt••r n"t'n :\l r~ .I i' rt\' \'all'!lan l11nrh• "" dl , ttnln• 1•· 1 ,t F ll I' l'.f \11' l.1•l· II •• 'II h.ll I!• n( tha i ! • I'' I' • • • "l·l hi' .') ,; I t ,,.-4, I\ d t n,_:. l'ianu It to• I rul'l io11 Gustan• Lin~t.·nharfl I ;I oHlll.ll 1 I • q';: .I" t ' I '• I\ • I, \ •l'ttpJl ... ,\1 'I f11 1 d • . u,~~1'1l1' .. ,l ~:~~·· d\ Phonr ~"'~JHtrf l!Ht:~-\\ Zon.-T1u.•rtt11~, ~lrtlit•al Ma.o•saJ:c', SnJ!dbiDlas-~"· ll~dro Thrrnp~· Sr•'<'l t1 T1• .ot1111 nt-• •I \.l\'t'l\'•h:ht ,f. l 'n,J, I " .:t,. Gene ~lorlrghrm 7.<>no• n1o I 11\11•1 ~I' • lll•l -Ralbt•a Inn Ride _ 'f',.lf'ph<tnf' '!UI·! •! 'I . For Your Support and Your Confidence and lHAIK YOU In Allvance for Confinuing that Support · . and Confidence . · k., _ throu~h t he yea r that it will ~~my privj lege trr serve citizens o f g:port Beach on t he City Council. - l will d o all l n my power to d e ve this supp d r t and c on fide.nce: • ROBERT ALLEN .KEEP YOUR tY~EWRiiER IN ACTION-ALL NEW ONES ARE NOW ••• at the· FRONT Soldiers cqll machine _ gtfT\5 "t~ pcwnlers~" ~lrangrly, lhl· : ... C. ~mith <..:o. is bu:.y t(l(',;t! days making machine guns! And the cpeery, busy · cha.t ter Q( type· writers is giving way to 1111! lethal "chatte~" of. Its succes- 101'1. T1lat ls why ''nemanls cannot .eU. typewriters today. We can REPAIR and OVERHAUL your okt typewriter ••. probably ont ltMcel '" have ever rendered. Let Ul help you. kftlp .,. t)'pn'rit« aolnlt .--.......... . . =i-'~ ... -6...~·-.. .. ' ,--~· -.,.. - ' ' Ti . .- . . : &piece ,of Weber's Bread It wlll skid l\long llke new •. Wrap un-· tre>n~d dampened clothes in a towel and store in refrig- erator it you 'l'e in- terrupted and can't tin ish. RECIPE ~~- nvlfED TMuro JLVRP 3 c • "•b•r • s "U Br~ed c rUJilbs l SaelJ Onto.o chopped • 1 •u • b beoom1DI -•-fMI tor freedom Y R-ister _. ,_ • termer. •D C •pert-time h th• u. s. r op w~t 8Q4-.belP OD a -''corps 1o e· f oo4 ')fa Till Ol' l ent OD process ~~m~ ~es15· a spar~-~ VictorY If you re 1n-r. den ·worker, y&r roduc-crease your P t ion thiS year. TASTY TREAT -..... ...... ..... ,.. .. -. 8ull1 VOLUME V. 8,;d, ~~ War Work of • ., T. N. ("BRICIC'lt oA.INts Al ~l Types ·In Well boya'n ctrla, the d ty hu pa-.c1 another ~lleatone. New ottlclala ba,va been elected-and U.. dty wUI keep rtght on run-p ..... It w ... nice campaign. nnd rag res s nobody puncb- ed any no 1 c •· much. wblch lll dt-ucedl)t unua· ual for our har- bor dlatr1ct. Re-wll• will prove t'mlnently ~at· ar~factory ~ o r the whole com· muntty. Penon- ally. 1 think the vol••ra tlld 8 swell jnb " n d Uaat they ahould be coll,~;ratulal- ecl. "nMty're good plckera! • Opena•ona are .rttlnc _,, un- -<lt>r way at the South Cout"• new 19th llrt'et yard. It wu repon.d by Hubbard c. Howe, pn- ••rnl mahar er of the concern. · Army ·m~ertal already daUver- ,•J to the pre~m.lllea. for "'l'tl*r In· d udea aco~• of pontona uaed b.y Army t>ngineen ln Ole conatruc- lton of .emercency brtdgee; water supply lanu, trallen, and otber ll'oop equtpment. Moat ol the- tc·rlnl haa been uaed a t tra1n1nC ca111ps ~and alter btoln& Ntumed to good condition wiU ~ •ua(p· .-..! fer-combat-UR oveneu .. Mr. llowe lt&ld. •• • : -v . ~------.. - A ·PBBSS _ --------NEWPORT BEAl;H. CALIFORNIA. THt.ffiSDAY,· APRIL 13. 1~ . . . NUMBER 1 Local Committeemen Org&nlzed to Boost Craemer for Senate Pled&1na their tull aupport to Juatua F. Craemer In l\la C&Jtl· paJcn for r ii!Otaon to tb~ U, B.. Senate, a group or local clU..na tnf'l here Tueaday and formed a C'ommlllee t o IM'e tl\at Craemer'a clalma &1'\' fully p~aented to vot- en • ln the Harbor .areJ. A. B. ~lie wu elected chalrman of t.M committee and J Ualle St.ef· n, aeeretary. w. u pointed out that UUi ~ nnt lime Qranre county bu had a candjclate for thl! Senate It Ia tlae opinion of many d ti- MI\8 that ,lhe opportunity to ltave a county man In Wa.eb1ftCt.OD ahould be tully recocnl&ed. Cr'aemer'a tttne.a for the office wu dlacU81M'd ..ad It wu declar• ed that the •rvtcee bit hu al-- ready rendered t.Ke • atat. in a 'MeSa ranee of oftlclal poettlona admirably 'ltted b1m to render at)ll more. valuable ~lp thi'O\II'h elecuon~ to the Senate where he SchooJ Allthoiities . ' Fate Big Problem in Pupil ·lncrease Wblle UN -.vy •. "anl&ll fry" have fgr ¥.......U00. awtutco.& ll\f tu t day of ecbool '41lb a•·t.t and tll-conoealed lmpalltnce. th~ year the lllu&tlon t.a't all ottt'·ll~. UoubU-UMt'll'a aot a founaater In att.ndaru.•e at New- port lkadl WJ'&IIUIUU' aebool wbo will be u thorouihly relieved wn.n the cW'HDl .Lerna cloau aa wiU memben ot tbt Kbool boanS, t be facuJly, and 8\lpt-rl.lltt-nl.lent H . u. J:nldp. The under!,._. rtuon tor thla atatement .._ Ill t.he fact t.bat the tint 'aeven monlha of the t ernt 1\ave ~led almoat ln- aurmountable 411f•culuu to a acbool m an....-eat which bu IMitn raced wt~ t.be propoallton Of tryU\W to .... ll' ni"Uiy 1000 yuunpten ln a t.ulldlnlf deaiCJiad to accommoa.u litUe mort' t.ban -~ Mesa Real Property Finds Ready Sale; U.tlnp Scarce Allen and Stanley Elected; • I BoU1 Improved and unlmpro~ed property In the Coeta Mt-u·N-- port Hl!lcbt. &I'M C'OIItlnuftl to rnov. rapklly. A~ntlft6 to a ew--"'Y of local Nal eetau oM~ available JlaUnp are woetully In· euftt<'lc-nt to aupply tM demanda Tbird Winner Depenas On Absentee Ballots of homNHkt-n who-ano i.teadlly By-~Cr d4M!Iolllve acuon on pourtn& Into the dlatrtC't from all 1'\.h•...tay, votera or N-purt ~b part• of Cal.lfornla and otJMr t.:*''" amph~ eva.te.nce that Ukoy atatn, u well. ,,.,,, 1\ubel l AUt'n uf Haibua la· UnfNL a pro.,.rty 11 held at a llllld .-.turueli tu the CILy {'UWK II tlcu~ ~yond""'l!l reyon. or baa 1ur a11ulher ruW'·yeu larm. WIUI olhl'r .,.rtoua d,..wbacka, It Ia .-• vult· 111\•ldt'cl tunona lO c:aot.11- ually .old within a week after .!atea, ~ .ot the U>M 5"'111"1 .. llattnw and''IIP many tnat.anc.e. In \'Ullf!W cut lb4otr. 'balk>&. &ur AI· a matter .of I\Oun. len. Am()ftC the mON· lmportaAt lo'IIIIMlnC In NCOnd p&an WU rana&ctiONI !"\!ported tbla Wed IIArl W . Ml&lllt'y, ptM&4tNat ot lh•· by tJae R C P•rker orne. wu ..;nalll~r uf l:.uliUller~ .. &Dd Pl'\1111· ole ,of t.be Homer Acrft bonle Ult!nl laland realtor, wlw» poll"" a t 300 E1 Modena avl'Jiue wbJdl •:l l vulee 111 lui INIW ll')' at City wu purc'hued .bY Capt .• and len. ~IIUc:a. Harry Roblrulon. C.(lt. 1\obhwon Allen'• vote wu doubt!-In• Ia atatloned at Lon&' Bfacll with crcoued by the char~tv or IIOIIh• the Ferrytn1 Command alter ot thl! uvpoa~taou lu lui candhla<'y, I 1\f tblr 11 lk'at ull tbe ClC>UUdl will hall!( 111 Uw balanc•• b<lltwHn ln- .:umb\:111 '1 U fh•e<i a.nd Jacll .,,..u..,,, Ita. I bull 1 •·•ll .. r. Mr. &..&· 1..-1'1 \o\' ••• ..,.,.,.,, .... 1 --\Out• tultd .'ulllh'lhllllll lt•'t'd MT, nererur•. ll~ l,..lll' 1e U&• 'to t.be aal.utt,.. · ,.,.,,, •. '"'''!' Ulol a..tOcli ~bHtt.y . hlll tl ,,., ••lml 111a.y. t.10• ltl'lll•tl•l•·\1. \ 'I•UIII'Ihllnll \\' A. Kuk tlltlall· <'II U a IIIJI ·l•w••tii.Miol tlflh WtUI .r.ld \'trlt•a 'l'hll l!IUoll\'lfl\,t" ba..:k· J uy ttw l11lwa wuuua. ~ tJM • lila<' Ill l"••mlllll h ·o· llkr'W\H flU~·-::- J to pt.•tufo• 1611)' ~,.•t portion of .lw o'll>'• lnllof Alb••tt Uowcn . ,,,JI,•..t ;11 :, I 111 1'10, I 4.1 of .Lilla nt.AIII•. "'I hi&\ I IlK '"'"II UUII at Col'\ln& '' .1'1 •tnl, ha• htJioiC' \'OIIIIllunJty. C. .. - We all know what Bob Allen e-.-.do. Jf1\e f&llY hu a habit -<>f -.a~ on ht.a IYW'fl teet anil fiiiiUi'l nfr wb&t • lie thl'nka Ia rctaL Pl~ll ~ller. rt1ht out In If he thlnka .omethlng Operating Mm.. I~~ tn-t-t'A>M-.--I..ft•t "' ~I'IWioley wu "'" 1--.rttttrtr-<r-iltn""'rtt.mr.:-.M"'ntttt-nnmTa.r--- broad. . able and etaclent manner. re, ... t._ ca.aa lM Pd. North Arr.tca; Mn. Robluon 1 tile crt'ued by aome of the •·wpp(ll~l wm coaUnua to do that. qulred to complete the neoeaary Rt-ft-rrtnr to aome of the of· rormer DQrothy Spicer) beln& ue ba4. Earl atan~ey wu. an ~!egant r•·paars on Army equipment which flcea held Cnaemer, A. B. Ra~»-When the ,....nt echool build-M>cret_...y of Newport S.ach Wr&JJI-UnUl lhe clty'a 16 &beeot.e bal· ebolce by the vot&".' He'a juat u has aln •ady ~n dl'llvered to tbe aelle potnted out that In 1832 ·he In& wu ~~ lO yea..-q o,, m u echool. loU a.re coUIIled nut ~ • .,_.. 1n bU ldeu ror eur city South Cout. After compleUon of wu prealdent of· the, NaUonal at -med evtdllal that It would c.....-._..., """"• .......... _ ... _ ................. Ill u llol». He knowa the communi-th!' lnatlal contract, It La could· Edjlortal .-,elation;· In ttU, be aufneseaUy iari'P to bancile . BOAT O"'Na. To ll&ft llcavtHt V()(e In lbe ei~UOfl 11111. l'lilllllt'd :l•& vul .. and ._'l)'oh• ~hN'Wiovd, 226. Capt. J'uel· ler ot Ualboa Jl<lllr•l 1113 vot" &114 AI Uorvat.h. Newpu•t He~. l.J u.orou,tlly, La a good bualneu· l.'l"l!d highly probable th. addl· prellldent of the California p,.. the ctty:a normal ro-'th fo\-m&riy Mr. and Mn. H. C. Kolbe,_ ol wu 11ullt'd by City ClerJt Frank -..a and above all Ill a very hu-laona! material will ~ received a.MOCiatlon. hu aervcd u p,..a-yean to eome. *v•n. u late u Newport bave purch ... d tb!! M.'C. An Important '""0 1\& of New· ltlll.-llotd whu w•• elo·l'l"d to ol· man ud honeat guy. He can have for similar repaln. dent of the California Newapaper IIHO, not evea .... moat vlalona.ry Campbell home . at 123 Paltaadu port l:luat OWnea'8 ~lion rtr" Cur thu rttth I'HIIllelcullve four- thW department'• ahlrt whenever AMoclAtlon, and W. .opllm'•lc den loper couW rotad and plan to take lmmedlau wall ~ hl"lll htW'cS&y ai\M'Quoft y .. ..,. tcorm with 12e8 vutea. Ctt)' 1M want. U.. &.D or&n,~i. ~ 1\ave fo!'NMD t.Mt the populaUoa poueaaton. Mr. an4 Wra. ~j)-at a o"clo..:& at 11\U lM&y.Ue T-.u.-.r h A. Oant. who, l1U Jack Sadl!!lr may or may not :;.;;::;,:~u:m~~.wlltet-e-.fle La aao pub-of the "c.tty w..,ated to lncreue will move tci Hunun.ton •venue. AU boAt ow..,. ..,. -•· Mr IUnl'llut. bad nu o ps-IUon ~----,~;:;;__;:;;~~;;~tn~mnm~~~~~ ... ~~-et-.7S(r-the Oranwe DAlly Neww. by lDQ .per C!eD'~RW the not Beacll;wMA they a1ao own prop-.:ume. un th" hllJiu\. l"•llcod 12&1 vot ... _,._ ... __ .._·an•·-• of a Cine ~fl conduct launchl"g <'l!remuniH for For nve yn.n a director of .the tour yean. -erty. Mr. uc:t Mn. I. H c .... wbo Vtr k llat.~ .. r rN·••Ind one wrtt.- -. ·- .... , ,._ ..... -~ -YMS 4~. a motor mlnet .vee-r, · w • • • -• • ..-aaac:tal lralntnr U he • doem't .-Blatt AV!cultural Society, Mr. YR, Inc,_.. It did · · \ anc:l han been llvtna at !14 Avocado -· ...... In vulr for r tf) t"'uurer e.nd · ' whll'h will bto aponaored • Y Mra. h n ., .... rtnll)' bro;·-l atnaet "'--pu-~..a '"'e a-. A" ""a ....... -·r·•t of WalA"l Park u 1 aa8 0 . B. Reed'a the m an. lnatead. Ralph U.._Jiweeney wife of one ot Cnlem er Ia alao a put pruldellt I e newcome r---..... ·~.._ ... _..,._ n --·~ -• oJWil< e·r tlt·har~n une wrtle•IA o. 1!: wtU rtve ua more of hia the CODlP¥\)1'•-~rcto,.. or the California· Blatt-Railroad wl~h thl'm a Nil com~enL. cat · propt.rty at lU. Orance av .. l"cpurted· t.u pollee J'tlelt'l"d&)' t.ha1 \'Ott' tnr rouncllntiLII. -.-It :: .. lleMe ...... ~-coutncllman.-.n 1 t d I ~pt'akrr of the occu lon w1U be Commtuton; wu d4rputy cti'Netor chlldr~n. -· 3 1». --,c bad &o.t in UM vlcln!\7 ot Mo· S tranccly, Jlf'•h•l ... Councilman ..... upe.-...ce o run a c y. Lt C d l.. d h • N of the California · Department of Aa '""It, the IIChoot lut JW&.r Tile Jormer W11Uam Onaeley Ao"ad<lell' P~ a .. a.Uet conl&UI.IDt All,.n'e h•a vl ... l be•·kt~ came In y ..... needn't feel aorry for the om r un p en w oee avy P ublic Work• tn 1886-37; Callfor-tx~rtmut.ed with half-day --home at ltll Santa A.na avenue, .. 7 Ul .c;ub e.nd two c:hec:U. one .N"wpor• H<:l~lll• vrec:fttct wtwN -. • :urer hu strangely brouaht b1m h r nll_of U.. candid~ ~ck or bllr k prrtodii'Ally to Newport Har-nla Bulldlnr and L.oan ComJll!il-Ilona wt)lch met With .the dlup-w . lch wu recenUy purc.ha8ad by tur 11411.08 an4 the oUwr tor ht' 'A'IIII 114 ""'"• out or lH c..._ a lot of people rave evtdl!nce of ho 1 ~ d b aloner, 1837·31 and r,balrman of pro,•al of p,...Uea.lly everyone. Mr. and Mn. D. K. Blue of New-M6.~ Mr R"•·•l hkrw1.., aot Ilia --.& u..tr frt.ndahlp and faith In each r 8 ~<'e 1 pre-war aye w en the Mountaln-Pactnc 8\.atc-. eon-Tille year. In an erto~ to betw port He!Cbt.a. baa been ,_,a4 to -----· -b&<'kln• In the H•ltchl• wbena t.M ooe by vottnc .for hi!". That'• ~;hnc,r aa jwal out of tralnJnc terence of Pu~lc . Servl<'e Co-m· an 'unfortunate llltuatlon, the Mr and Mn J . D. Davjoa ol 111 D&IIOL'ILA110 LUNUIIIIUN vote rur )o'uo•IIH , llnf'Vat~ ... aDOQCh. Wrl't It ' I Comdr L.undgnn tint came to miNion. Ria 110n Ia ~~erving with I ciUII'a were apUt up Hroa.IJ\II•av. William M.llford ... Jftlen ·u~~ w11e ul Malvyn "liiilun" l'~tn•IHI•fl·• w ... eW.~ • • • ~"''·port In tht-. early ~· .. of 1141 the A'""y In tht-South Paclflc. One bunch ol fourth fl'aden aold hla borne ·at S«f ft.t.&n aft-Duucru, pronunent tUm ae.u, wall ally H•ht 1\!aal Ktanlooy poUN ..._ • .,_. • Chatnnan• ~e alated that wu &hunted ol1 to tbe A.mertcan t.o Mr. &nd Mn. J . W Button be pnnclllal ~er al a Demo-h"avtNJt on l:taltloa lalaM on ..eaa~ nnrt. u an ~rW~.;jiOOtt 'CQmman4 Cruniu bad alway. ~ ·-Leeton hut; UIGtller ~ ~~ City. "' autt.On ... a Cr&Uil lunca-t.u be boe1.l lllUJida¥ cmd at t.wl Mar, aad John qD~K or ~ fl~t t.o ~~~~~~~~t=~~~~~~-opM~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~----~~ ben' am! eaft be ~ upon wtD be open when the council· lh•• Soul future beJR,. off to tM llel" · ~ Mr. and, Ms. Ruel 8mlt.II/-111111D m~t. next Ume, L.ul• of people l:ll,.r h!' rt'tllrnPd lo the Harbor, Among , tha.t' fltendln~ the whe"' a vacant room •u placed ha,·co ~en H¥tn~ at 1M ftot'IMe· ciAa ..,_,.,_ -mto f~el that Bob Allen ahould tha~"llmr ns "jUAIOr lieutenant, · J d Fran k Ill th••lr dla ........ l. and Ole UtUe ll'r atr«t. ll'ave pureh~ the Nl"• .. ••w ..... -OOL o•• •wa:o -1.~ 'lllol tt'\Ok I'Om man•l of th• ~-mPt'ltng ~~rc u gr r-' -· ---A 17·yt·•r-<•l•l youth -n tiM ~ n~d to thlt nnsltlon. and ~ • _,., D h lrma.n or thl' Orangt f•'llowa or Balboa leland and Cor-!'Jt'll.,•n plare a t 171 Coeta Mt'U ,... 111, on•· or the firat aertea Qf t rumm. c a · . tlwmr to delay In arrival or I'•Junl y Jllll r ... trlll • ~rrand tbeft U\ia department 11 Inclined to •otlno•~w··••J1i'rll to ~ buill at t.be 1 County Committee. for Crae.mer, on a del ~hr lhe flrat to fourth a~et. Tht' dw .. lllntt Ia · OM:uph•d lluppllu fur bot r pi"UJM*'d IIW'IMiry aut<~ 1,11.,11,, •• 1 t'•Uil .. r an llutet acne with 'em. I··· lll ,.,..rtl I C"..ordon X. R1rhmond, chalrmllll of ~rnd•·rs Wt'l'(' JnVt'n an opportun-Ill Jlrl'lM•nt by w y Dunr.an Mr 'I I M Ull··--· t• . an ' .. , k .. "" k-I I j I d .. _ . .. . .). •• ''"J. rw. -..... "" n c• -·· .. ,.,. '"Mil w 111· 1 ll<'o ve t,_ Ht' acort-d a amnshtng victory Th.:.N:wv man lll 'now ho:>re ~.thP Rf'puhllrnn County Centra.! lly tn "''''liPY '!Orne of the old nncl Mra B W r;latn, forn ... rly uf 11111111,.,.,j lo...Ja y lhal lboo tawUlu· 11,.,. "''• ~••uwn•••l by Mn liar• at the polla, and lt'a t'ustom for <.nm m:..n<IHI~ orticl'r or a ateel C'nmm.ttlPI'. Runald FalrbaJrn. Pd· lwnrh i·•·t I'll:''• fllrmerly uaec1 .by ~1111111 Ana. hll\'•' bt'IUICht_ th,. 1,,., ,. ould b.-unable tu l ."l ulldrt : uhl ll•~~olwtll. 11211 •:ul Hur t av .. the man rec~lvlng the hight'st mln••J<w•••·r··r whal'h tau aerved II-a tor ()rani!'" Dallx :'I:Pwl!; Earl w I h•· · ~IRA•ffflo· f'hlldren'• .~me. 1 l•rHk•• prnperty at 2742 A carla ....... y b••lut ,. May J At lbat t(!ur, 111w. ·u.u.... Th•• , atr waa ,..,l'IIV• nwn~r of votea to receive the lu:-lrously '" lhl! Al~utlan• ud. StRnley. R L Pall<'riOn, ~~ .. ~ l_'a ... tt .. r ... ·tory Anaaa-t ~~"t 11nd arc •ln•ady In t-•· b•arlnl ''" 111 . ..., tknlup"ca~nt.a, .,.., ,.,...,1 )blurol•y ll•·•r :Wlh ltrto\lt bo.Dol'. I hope_ he...doca. .-;rr.~r ar-flung a ttl,. areu and 11 Rousa~ll~ . ..vqr-stt'H.-fiM>n. w~ ....... · ,...,.., .... n ...... t.u. uy, ~ a fN'O--n ttl, th,. • .chl!inl will lk!tln!tt lf be I "'"I 111 ""II'' ""'''"'''· c 'u•ta 'Meaa. • In addition, ntmor hR!I II that ,,, lh•· Routh C'nat(t r('lr 'nrce•ary Spk~t .. (l n Rrl'd, Slim 'M\oyt'r I:IJIIII hw• bl•t•n Jar from u tlal)IIC· aa ... lA~ .... llluncb.. ~-·tthr vuuth l<'llollna,: N .. WJIHrl pollee -Mayor Hall promiii<'Li Bob' ho·'d n·· ••·1'1111!' bP(or .. s:onti~lng , on Ita lind W H. Hlt«'hmRn. All agrf't-d t.ury t:uft'lt'rlll faclJIU .. are no F tua . -too lh•• Jtl••·r wh•·•e "" had aband· alcn In hla ravor tr Bob rntrrt high-"'"'" It til undPM!lOQd that Corn.· a to IM'rvr nn tho• C'mnmllti'P ror lull~t••r ''"'"lily ilVallable to tbe h,;~,.. at ~:n~.~ ~~lao~l=tnof't IIONoa "'INNIJIIIO l 'A'l'fDIUAT& Ullf>d II •rte·r •lrallnll the Vtthld• ut In tht-ballolln~ lfnre hr do"~ 1,1,.,n. •l··r •unc1••rpn wall trll of thl' thr JO!'tll!l Crn .. nwr ~fln1f'111~ 'h ai.Jn n wll•l hll\C ~t:n "farmed In n•h•bratlon uf hta llo•ca•ave ,.. Tl 1 y It'd bl! .the gentlemanly thlllg to "' .. lu Mr anti 'Mra Ll'wla A •·br· · 1 "" 111r~•" >-i'l• nolul WRY an whlrh South Cout "lit.'." a.n.t "" longo•r Ia the t-nllre ~lilt)' .. r J<anAIUI .low M. UnrCtdlu l •·h l'llun lu lhr ca\y c•>utwll, Hu'-l l " ........ , do. • r h•rs Art' ~It in the war effort (!(),('!iT AS!"S. ~Et:TISCI "' h•••l f•r"'rl•·.:•·tl to 1M' preaenl at uf (; r<'u hu n~d' lJit-H .""''" alld Mra All•·n Wt·re huat. ~C.'4PJ:I) INollll&~ ~ • II h t th ld I un.v &.o~st·mbly or pro..-,..m. •The YP P ru•·••lay t'vc:mn .. tu a lar1e party II nug nu P wor · l)l:r: Nt:XT Tl F::-iDA \' • ' 11 Ill.: gina proJwrly at 3M 011,)' I I ·•-h • th ·' lh IJ•·••t Kt' ll•••l•lo,nto•, 112• Uolo 8oud, IIIOU ABOUT I ~lll•ollllli'rt( htll 111crcued to IIUch -'' lk'll-w o IlL rreu 1n c " POLITICS n .. hlnlr a..ta Comptet.4 u rangc l't~unty l'na~t A"snr1a· "" , . .,1, r.l that lhe audltortum, ~lr•·•·t. lho• JH•·•wnl O<'<"Upanla bl'· IJ•rlljll•'l rount uf Whtlt~'• l'a•k • .. "1'~'•1 1111111)' M•'""'-1 nl&hl \, And now. l<lddlr,_, nbout lh(' :-;..,I h A mrrl•·an Shlphulldln~t .lion Will nu·• I tw xt Tu•·lldJ)' •·Vc· .. ~ .. ,. '""""lo·r••rl 110 apacloua, w1U lng M~r and Mrw W C Nl'wlun. A' ··nut• < llle u .. b t•ook hJa au•·· wh•·ll Ill• '"' wna IIIVt•lvl'd Ill a 1• 1• ~ 17 Co•llllt h aghwny, will next lllrTg Itt Hul• I Ll.tjptn~·· 11ll which ""'' ,, , 10111111udate al a aJ le Mr •I Mra Clyde (,JliO havr ····•• v~ lltvdull a mi wu ht'arl I hrof • r11 • ullh•l••ll . •II IV"ra Iff lh• one "fly In our pohtrrlll ulntnwnt "'i'h a <-lu\" hiunrh lht• a'r cond In a llnll' Prt'•td•·nl L A I hl•·h hll.ll IIIII•' 1•111.v about three or ~~~ ~ulol t r hllnar at. 671 Wrat .19th rly , ... n.,~&tulit.tt•c./·. tolh•·• •'na•·lu•lu~ J(dl~<·•·t..lC. Alkln· ~ n.;,;a~dth:~rk·q:~~!(~:.::~~~ .. w:~ rt• , ,,; •'IJ:hl rishlng \'CI&I'Ia now pr on11ated tu antroducr th~· new ~· 11,,.,)'11 , •~:ht gradea )! 1 llll'f•••t to Mr •n•l .Mil lle•nuau t.lo·&IIWhll•• llalo .,.cond·J•Ial•r ~'~'"· 17, uf \\ lut,t 1•·1. lllltl )o'r"d h· ans: l'nn~<lntl'trd Cor rnmml'rclal clu:urna.·n uf fa vt• ltni•Pa ltutt •·om-,\11<1 tlml Ill nnly a few of the Tultlh•r lrf Lc•nt~ Brae·h Mra Tlll<l· louloJ,.r, brl 'w .lfl.anl•·y. and Mra ;o,; ....... .,uh. Jt . ~7. "' Uranjll!!. 111e local polltlca. f ~h· ,.1,, . ., or thP Southf'rn Call-null en, hlllhwuys, t•ruJ~Ion, sl'al& 1 , • .._...,"11 """Y M•'IUI E . .L Moore, lo-r 11noJ lh••tr fanuly will r•·aldl' ~liUtlt•x, hf'hl OJMIII huu.e at t.hr "'I hi• Ill '" • 111 • •·•I "'h"n lb.-At· J t ahould_be rdt'rrl'd lo our All· 1111 ,11• ~. ,,,11 f' I parks, h n.tnCI' and 111•·rub<·rsh1p. 1• 1 '"' n llfiy d M C Dodd ho•r,. whll<' Nr Toidlf'r Ia at•rvln& .,1 1 fl M kurflooll hill•• oulllll•••l wiUI the re•ar I I Ill D Pt ln!lthll-' hill \\'(• n " ,oro 1.!11 r I f n an • , • .~ Uti ey 0 lt't' IJII l"nnl' a VI'IIIII.' j • n m e1 ,. · ' "· J> s Jrnl l'nlch nlsu prorK•s.,a f th. . .. 1 bo d Ill b. th wath th•· Navy Tht 1111•1.11 J•l•n to 1 frt -•-d · 1 1 1 ••f-llo• l"'•ldoottae tt Hli hlnu, ahovll.., might u wl'l1 dlsClll!ll It hr·re 11 Th,.. •·rnft, whll'h Ill 151 ft-et In r•· 11 '' ,. ~~ ''"" ar w rt-a e v., 1,.,... 111auy ,..,..,. rnpJW't n " • I· IIJ.:th. """' hullt fur Nick ),fard· two gTOUPII tn work on llnrbor 11 ~~~h tof ,..1,.., wht>n echool cloe-.• an.'IV!' to th••lr propt'rty Ill 1)7~ wtah hlllt •u•·cua In hla new vcn·l" 111tu lla•· N•·WI "'"" ve·hll-le. wu a prorout;~d pronounc•·nw nl •I' h nr ~'ln }'('drn. and wlil be p1·obh:ms. on I' tu lllllllllicr lhc ell· 'II an Jurw I\\ •·•I 19th. • 'I urr . -- produced by the head or our plan· ~hrt-t AnAd ,'Jfom·.·· P ow·r··· wl""' liBtlon •lit gaul Bt·AI'h nllw that l'.'r unol ~r. J•atrk•·r r-· ,. or It .• nJI'\I' commlaalon. , • .. ., ~ ~ ~u uo h .... -h~n t k d • If • "llfl"' lhrn It will bf' only ''' ... -~Tt:..T•\IN AT IIKA(11 HHMII o !'1llh p. MI IPrplllsr dltHI with a l ,. ..a•·y 111 a e-n u\·er an I h1 • •• l"''"the ~nUl !k tember ''"t "11118 llllllld hii Vt bvu~hl th" 1.) h ti a ~""t M, ~ I ll• k llurolut r anti olan.hter Klddl~ llf'4'r this" ynur mnmB rt'f1UNinn jCf'ar,· the the othrr grnup tu k•'•'l' an touo·h \\'h• II th•· Whhl .. problt': will ' r•·aldf'lln prupt'rty Ill 21!114 Hlrt h ' .. rop e c ~ UJ"el want. t o find out how to Nlnk 9 lw.,~lu-uno< With dev••lopnwnla nl :'l:l'WJ>tllt I ... b lllll'•·d rrurn )fr and krw H L. t A ditori "'" t"""· ••I 1-'ullo cl ooro. ••ut••rlllln••d ateak, dig a ct•npool, trim ttw. h(llll h:111 a fue•l rl\pOclly nr 1500 111:,1111 l•• tnriiWn ack In their ~ . i& U Urn ''" till'•••• olitYfl.. ''", ttlly 11l lhnlr 1 l.":>ll•·n~ """ 111 cap11bl~ of hauling Harbor. lnr·~ ''till probably an6ther bun-Mt·rrall or 1~ Hm •olway anol Jllan l•t·u111 "'''"' .1:1•1t "', n11 Jo'llrul lh• beqe, feed. ~e rhlrkt'n!l, ~r. ~-r:n tnnl! of flah 30 l ona In the E••eryonr lnl<'ro•l!lt!ti In growth •lr•·ol ••r "" 'rhaldrt-n added. '" ruak•· Ull11 lhflr hrm1•·. Mr a nd 1 ·,.,w•l.a •r• ~•mlutulll¥ tv rh,. k , 'ulluwua , cldentally, ho\1 to volr. ha\1' r _ '_ -----1 and J'I'Oitl"'t'll uf tht-unmJre coun· -· I Mra \>\' J ~mtth nt Ti'I(M lilY~ I•• th .. c .. mmuntly lllblr Allilitur-,.... •1 " •1 u h ulr C Hamid Hop~--l~<l:-I I " ,,.,.," " 111 Joor lo· ... tr tt(t(' ••lm ~ · d \ ~l~l··r !!hlp Nvna Roet' which 1y rout a I arPa Ill ln\'lto•d 1<1 at· ('O:\I\If:SUEO I"'R A<. "nON l~•tr<"hnae•ol twu hulldlntt lut~ un 'I"" at 1 ·,,.,,,. Mr~" ""'h••r,. ll!v•ttt( "'"', 1.,1 I<• 111111 "" VII 1111111 Hu•~ C. J;larold, wrltlnjZ lin I!IJmanjZ ' · · b ·:'of ' tc-ntl Dlnn"r will hf' l!l'r\'o•d at , bl Jo.f•.,Joonr~ 11vo•rr1.,, rr""' \\ I' o•lull t:lf•1olt t:ulf"r Ia rurw 111 1h1e •t 1 1 U "chalrm&n or the plannln~: "'·1" t:III?IC'h"tl y · orth Amtrtcan, 6 :~n s 2~ pl11t r nnel ll<l-l.l f'o•l Rwuwll V Lee, who aev-nrown Rll<l plan to rrf'l'l " nrw 11111 w•·• k ul olyu1u•11r· l•••·tut~•• ""'1 " '"''"' 1'""'"" ·comml•lo.n" a Ad t hus-!lnl'ak ln~ :'.1.1.1 r·h 24. WAll delh·f'rPd · 8Rturrtay . at I. , pl'r 'ani w•·• Its R~tr wu lnatrumental , . '' 1 11 . . . A d Trut \'Rn•·~> rl'l l'f\'lltlnns nre n""''IIIIIU'Y hunt,. At th•· "lllll••llt "I'JHrrtuulty ...,.,1 •I•' 1 ...... that irll•'l•'•t Ia "now• • for a body of ml!n Rppmnt~'fl bv " ~ nr" 11" ner. n rew a-, 111 ~"' •Ill: tho• lite of Lt. Dominick Ut.I'AII'fl Itt: r K"t:MUNY · 1 h f Srtn Pedro be<'BUBC' or rataonlng. ~ 1 to N Jln '"IC ato·•o.l•l)' the city council, prl'!lllml'd t o ad .. ·'' " • · · .I At•on•· artl'r Ole Jat~r·a plane · 'nr • 1'• """ ·r 1 h d . 1 1 :--;, ,..1,,11 11,111,,11 Alllrrhln lA· vUlt the citizen• how to \'dll'. t f"••nlll narllon or commerelal haol • .... h• tl at CortJna del Mar h•· I"'" ''' ,. aal .. Ia nvl h•--n to know' that ~ome mem-flshln~ b<•ats is .alao ~~lng for-LAI>I!:!!t NlTJ: PROGRAM l.laall r• .~. 1\ ··•I a C'ommendatlon fro~ Mr ""'' Mrll .I A Miol•llll,uah. •·tl ~u lh•· bo·ltllllful tt<llilltl "". jo:l••••.l·""l .... Ill I•· Ill , hl\rr •· uf de. -rr-I Bll But1d I ''"hu hfl\'•·ht•flnll\'lntre lnth•~J ratt f tur'-JH•M•'tll•~•··,·•·•y utwht r••tK · f•H rfllt• ';tt fl··~'"'" '"' t wo ·now ben of the comml!!altm didn't "•cord "' ~'1Tl:m 0 t en, M••mberl! or th•• L1nns nn(,l R•1· Su•a•trq \' .•1 r thf! Navy Vrank "''"""'"'''' .. t 1117r, Nco":l•nrt tl<•ul••-''1'1 M"'''"'> •ur·l Tu•a•I"YI ,.t l~•·•·'l ~ ,., ... 1<~··~ "·''" wt11 1••11 v,. '&Tff with hla pr('lfnund pro-1,11:1 Nrwport bouiPvRrd. 'delivery IRry ctuba ha•·" bl'•'n I.'XI•·IHiwd a Knux u.r tu. "ult&r 4&arefard ol '''""' h,.,.,. htl\tKht th" J.,·tlallt 'I !l•t ,., I•.-It Til•· 1,.811111111( , 11111 !1lr•· I•·• t1 1•,,. ill• 1<1• l'ltl•· •l•'l"'' on DOWICeml'nt and arh·lrl', and ,,.. ,( ,. •n-ror•lr·r ha,·lng bl'en· mad' I ll""dal lrtviiRtlon tn alt,.nd the J" ''' r 11 ,..,r,.ty and quick think-1 h 1 s 1 E B rtl tt t ,.. 1'"''1'' rty. In• u•linl( " •llta•• ""' 111Ut11ly •11111 1• II• 1•1 101 7 4:l """ "I ,,1 I I 11 I 1<, ''""V , ... n itta .-.ted It I'Xtrt>mt-1\' The plan-·· '1 ur• A\' to ugl'nl' • e ° Ktwana• ch1h'a monthlv IR<II<'II 1111: d ~l''"'··•·d In re~eutnr th• un· 1 1u · 1 .... t 1 • '"'" · • ~ I"'" <•Ill, Ill "II ·•••WJ~•It """' lh•· l•"•l•h ... l• h olut<· b••&llll lll II •I• I'·" IIIII' .• ro I It• I•• ot••t oln\1 ami nln• commlaalon Ill -pardon me I2A .21\th •trret .. Newport. na,.ht program whll'h Is llf'l t or • """' '""-Mnr1nf' Co....,. pilot. • ~ 1 Th 1 1 1 1 ' ·I ~· & lh ,.. "'r-" \'A.r' ••Y flAO •1 nl''"r n m· ,,·,·•·~·k. . ... :,\\" l•rJIItl't HI ttl llttt••r lluu• -u. a non.nnlltlcA., body, ap-•. \\nrk Ill n.nw under way at e tomorrow nJuht 8t N••wnnrl Bt.ftl h 11 1 1 .. 11 uo l~'·fl 1 \1 1 111• ,... ' ( I I " I' lrll'l ,, •. y ,.,ra '!',,,, ... rna. "" I 'l'ltl• I'' .. J:'""' r ... l.hlll w•·· k, "' I I ""'' .... t loo . ""I'' '•I' (' llf(o pointed t o J'V'rfnrm CPrtnln du· '""1 o.n R 44• ~oot comm erc • grammAr Ach<K)I llllclllmlum GUPit -r1 ... -L' h II f '"u and thclr arllnnll mu.s1 b•• r."h··rrn~tn ror \\' S H1U11,. o_f San-•·nt~rtaln"r• w ill b4 ''hl\rl .... • Wokr-aewpo. ..... . Tw•l'" "''''11"''· ... •••' • '"" ""r••• I ,,, ""•II ,,, I h•• '"'''' Mr t i••fllll, Ill Ill " I·• I• I• ''" ~ol "' 7 " "' ln ... -• > "' ., .. , Ea•t tit h .IIUI'I'l and !:IIUita. lUI fr,IJ(JIII'I . I "T" "I I ll• fltlul• ~-1\ lit llldl on ,..Utfed by lht' rlty council t • ., ~\sU)IMI. llntl the kl'f'l wu laid rtPid CadmAn, Am .. rlrl\'1! ••mlhrnt N••• No llldalor lh " k r lh •• , t Ann IIVf'nU•· "' .l•ohn Stlll,.nb .. rl( I :-.~tll rollly, Al•rll HI II • Ill ' lit• II .. .,, don't think thAI !ln\.' rounl'll 1q "" ,. or nnn tor ,. 00 er n1mnoll~>r, and P.n11•• f'nlll~'r. 11••l•1· Th•• ••. 11,,. o" .Lid H 11 fl ~ h b b 1 f W"ll ,. -" • naro op-wh<t "liJl<·<'tll I•• hut' at 11 rro \\'h•·ll ~~·••I \\'rll•·• •:1(1' fur Tv· would havf! the nrrve to order '' J ' 111 tn " Ul 1t or ~ am llll with t.h•· Los A n~•·l•·ll Cl\·tr• lcln~ In JI,.UtuUn hAlt fflce ('Rrl ' Th<;pHUI 'ror OrRfll(" hu ,..,1,111 11 1111 1, 111 . "Tht• MAiolo• II C. Harold to bar.,.e thu~lv. Into :'.l••rrlson nr San D ego. Ll .. ht Q n .. ra Cu. Both hn\'e an. . ~ 0 ' " Tl .... h • b 11 A• "" ,., •· "" 1 hllilrman of Ole (.1ty Pltaa rJrrrhnii,.,J fnur ll''t''" '"' JI:MI 17th Ill•· M •~<tr<, t•fl•l th•· Mn11•1t•t ·• pouuca ao It mulli !lr prl'llllm· l" """18 llrl' Plnl( u t un....,r nrnr,.d pri'ViOIIliiV b•'•rnr•· 1111"1\l -w · . ., • f th w t F d Ad 1 ,. · • nln« JC •rmml-to• to part~ ~~ rrrt rmm fl ( 1 Tal•·m Tho-II· :.; .. 111"1 1,1, 1 '"''· .. z,.,, .• Wh••" Hu n• e4 that he did ll on hhrbwn l'.rn• a on 11 ,. a 00 m n-11Ut!IPnC4' and It Ill llnllrlpalrd th11t a1 _ · 1111n YArhr<rugh Jtr••r•rrt v ,11 Ararla h A 11 18 •·fl 1 -( ~ ra de· Sc·h au I Plane• ( 'hrist <·awcl ''furty• "'and w owle. are lh!' sparks• ~ton· "'I rntinn. lh~ll ll.li3Urtng adequate l<lmt'ln ow·a cono .. rl w ill ~ wrll •·amr acn .. -.----alloold be '"Y •••.: I, I'! , . .,,., P'l"rltlto~ f"r mntrrtl\l and labor f'f'hukrd by thf! C1ty .()oaadl. ,tr•·,.l h1111 bl-rn aul•l to r.l .. nn M lll''rt•llul l'rl\g'lu·• · Rttun•l ptrtur... ~·.llto•.o. '"1: •·\I• """I h.olloollttl( na~:! lt~m h ncrforth will bf' • Rohl'rt v ~lllRll! Co~ 82~ Cf?Ut llttendl'd. ~ A" • 1•rhaw LDdhidii&J Mr. HoP-I.Anrnn of'""'" A n~e~lr11 Tni. Or'uro• ''ltotol~< •• r ·ttloo N•orth W""'""" hv llro· 1•1'11111 '"·I • '""''"'""" .,f, fUed 'In our ~ch, Trh! Or pt I hiJ.:h\\':1\'. Iaiit w rrk 11tsrted work lcln" h-. t hf' IIIAine 11111• u ...,. \\'rt.:ht rrf I lrstn~o;•· hruo lrurrhllll•·•l w. •In• 111111 y 1111(ht. 1\ prll I If •·J~y I h•· "" ''""" • , "', I••• '11uh'h11l 1•·•1. , t t I.e, I lO r\'T, MIRANDA ('&1.1.1':0 "th•·r t•ltlua to IIII,P,_ Ida protJtPr1Y nn Knt'lX atrN•t nnt1 Mr lloa: Chll•lro•n • What 1111 T)wy Ll•• ;-,;, Wl•••t I II• "'~ t ;r '""l""r •• '"I'll pe.ndlnj any s ctlon thl' C'OUnr ll 'ron 8 n··--cnn [llr ver ng U --I I thl I I \ ,,. .... "" ~-......... _._ , of"'-'ln" u~ u ,.r\'f'l . W<'llll nr nr... I • u I j l I til" "lloarn It··~ ,,. ,,,,., ~ ; I I I 'I 111\ltll ftor may lief! fit tO take rJ hnp~>l ofn 1~1-rn<ot f'l("ktot OI'IBla which are ......,11 WU 11a 1 . ll .morrnng ll " ·--OP o ,_., ., ,..,a ,... ~"II ,,otllllf I ' , ·~ 1 ~ " ~ the planning com· to two built tor thl' Navy. Tile con-Our Lady of -GuRdalupt' <hur<·h In hut hi" I•~ of a Ill~ hll""' hru1~thl IJ'"• C",rorl(" WAI<'r· 11,111g lt1rol Thur~t~lay ntaht. Avr Ill •• '""'" "lit• It '""~ ""'"lol• 1 11 l..a ,.,m·~ \'RI'fll bf'olt,.rsgc-bualneN SIIAia Ans"for Pvt. B<'rnlr .Frank... ~&l!'r Iii l'halnn.&..of a......,._ m11n rnm"r "t 2:Jf'f1 lllr,.,.t a.nrt ~ · AtlhrlliA.. ~'li•·1Jr1tl•, }t.h~'lllllfl u• 1 •·~ull •·I .. twl• 111 df••rl In thr m on. • • • rnntlnuu active. t.Ur.!Utd&.....24. of Corona r:UI .Mar~ ed ~~~port .boulenrd .,..,.,. ,.,..~ ... · 1Joctor-D!m&ld· •'uurlh nr who <lltd Frlltlly at Hit' Vf'!Pran•' "·a• lUI .... niM ~of Maika. All prl'r.f'tllng 1\AII'II ..,,.r,. hAn•ll· ~''" w1ll pr., ... nt thla aubJrrt In Th•· fljflttiiiJl wnr•·a,.rt witt • ru·-- ,, ... , ... ,.,,,,, • .,." •• ,.~.,•··••, .. ., •••• u•·····•'""•''•''•''"'',.. hofllrltal. 8AWtl'11f\ Pvt MlfllntJA ,. \\hit,. ,,.. ,.,, flfltw't ., ..... ,.., thr'lUKh lhl' R ~ rark#r ,.,, .. , .. ~ '•·r· r•rt.\1 wflY, 81)untl pl~tur,... ry th" "'"""'' Uht tJ• llll);llft1t••tl ur ~ •rofr,.llhlng Rttttud,. t owarcj PI!'C· ~urvlv~d by hl.a feth,.r Ptorlrt'l llur•kln' JMw• .._ to ra117 • til' .I' 1" •· 11 In HI•""" :· fo"ri<IIIY night, ''TI1ffy " 1 wu rrotn~ to 'IOo"Tilt f!IOml'· 11on11 Tommy Bourhry, unl-\tlrllllda of Jofprcrtl, " hMth•·r man\' lndlll*l!t lliU.... to tiM ,1,11t 21 "Ia lhr <;rr~lf'n~ a N••wJ"•rl ""''"" t '•!ltoll thln~ about Mu!'lrl"l Rhook. hut '••rn• An•l All, WAll In town Tuea-r r,•rln MlrRntla or thr t• R ""l'l"'rt nf te.. ~ .._ op-1'/)""SMf:SI>nT.M TO ~n:r.r ~..rr (:ulrlto," •• ""''I K'" • ll1· "11• 111 ... T think I'll wnal Wa\'n!' 1,v I'm ll•hamPd of Tonv \ rl"'l\', Rnrl " 111•t"r. MllraR Lnr":r. fl'.-.1 and to 411v" IIC'Ohtll of N•·Wport HrRr h Tttwn"""'l rluh .. y,,11 will w11nl l•l lw · th,.r•• /Hr l ll11lly" t" 111 .. rr~:ltl • 1 1o1 "'' Harpe.r pla.ys "Swl'tt AJI.allnc"· ·llcrah,•y H.-woN> an ove-n:o·a1 l'lf Coroni cff'l lll'a.r: Tnt,.rrrwn{ w"•l '"'''' •"ay fr-u.-•Item will m""t ""lit Monday rv,.nlnl( 011.ottwr two~&utlful hllJ>lllllll at th•·,ll··•l I~> II ,.,.,. I ···•In M• "" ll!t. n- btotter'n the mort:' profound num-.,,. ••th,.r nl~rht ana thu• mallrn· 1t. 'tht' :'llllllonal Military.· cem"· hr •u111,~. 'u.e ad .._..... tlt the A 8 Thmnjlllon homr . 312 , ~~-or th~ euvlc~ Sunday n11ht. tary artul"l •"1•·•11'•1 "AVI'III:IIllf ....,.. Chuck Blakl'ly hu a I'd our cl,lmat• t•ry. 16wtelle. • t~ '"'' I a1.. Santa Ana av•nua. April 11," tfie eviJ'IIilllt' 1&14,--" Earl•" for lt. Ct&ht.er . .. I .• .. Repatriated War Mesa Meeting S1 .,.._.,..., .. a ptd .ta1 the c•lendar ol the W.B.C co;ta -. .. · CommunJt) Wilen lbf'Y wUI prurnt .tr IDe at 8 p m. whkb wiU to tbl' public, Mt.. M Tw1nem of Anaheim wh )Mr (M('h#r-mlMIOft wora wu ~nadf' a prl...ner Qf ' n-the day a•tu Pear iDa Ntum~a to tO. Urul 1ut Decem bl>r' .on the lit' ot lhf' exchan&:Y ahiJt Grf Ml• ,..,.,ln~m haa con11 ..:ond flve-yf'ar ~~ervlre China. havln« Mumrd ·a y.ar ~>f lltudy In-1934' t~ toa•o Htr Chu~tlt m Kopel province In North• wu oaf' or thl' prtd~ll ol ln China. At the outbn•t 6bt and 12 ulhen. fnur Cblldn!n . Wt'n' at'nt t•• I'« oonf.nf'd to a corvpound. A «T&dUalt nf Rf'<IJMnc; tbl' llpf'&kf'r h1111. rorrrp't' • uatf' work at tJS6" aad Thi'Oio«lcaJ SI'Oilnpry. Ttae progTam wltl be: by . .a J)Ot-tnr~ •ul'P"' a wh.lch all UK M who "CIU ' .'v(ted to c•m" and bring ered d1aJ A apt>claJ lnvl c~etlng Carda I "WF. INVITI n:w Diamond. .... '111J·tt Nt EARLST) APPRECI. of to off Utmot port. 1~ Main lt. [. __ _ -i - TAKE RE .. • ' lbWPOB'I'·.BAL80A ~PaE·ss Mf ~DVIT UlCAL N·~P~II. _ _ _ _ ,.,._,. ~ at-N_,_-t Bf-acll. C&llfom1a ~ ~U.. P'&Al .• t J%11 ec..t Blvd -Tt·lrphone 1811 .. -~·-~~ aeoon~ mattf'r -:,;;.,1'8. 1~0. attn.-ptl.tlt offh',. at 41Newport a-da, CslJiomJa.· unlto•r tb<> A <. l uJ .){...ri:li 3, 111711 ~ ,_. ._hi._ 1a Newpin llartMir .,.. ' ?op.JD~?D~>n of iht '"Proplc:.. w~.;;.JJ ud W H. Hitchman. Own.,ra.. and l'ubllah"r. WM. A . KAXWELL. Editor w . H H1"ft=HMAN, ClrculaUon and At.lvert111111g NELL IIVJlBAROER .. Lo<-a.l N,•wl E J itvr -,..--,.,._--._.--..._--adJ-~-:--:--.---a,.pa-:pe:-r--:-ot-cenenu cu·c-ulaUun b~ cleci'N o1 UM I1Apef1er Oeurt ot 0ran1• County •and 11 fully quullflect &o l*bUAil all lUnda of le&'LI n~ce1 anc1 advertllf'mrnta ll1118CRIPI'ION RATES: In Clnlat'l ~1. 1-1.00 ~ ,...r. Outalde <?f Oranre County, ll ~ The U~lted States Supreme court has upheld the leg'" right of Negroes to participate in Democratic primary elections in the state of Texas. Party leaders in the Lone Star st.te are •aid to be con~idering a special session of the legislature to devise new ways of barring color.ed peo- ple from the privilege of helping to nomina~ their rulel'!l. ------·---- • ...__ .. • v •._ • .. ...,., L.'\-..,""-:tA•• I ...... w \>. ,.." ... t'"'""' UUA.U.,.U\Itc . _ •u'--1• h t6.a &J~\ t '-'" ~.:\.& j W.UIA..ta.& t.M• ... "-.. "''. • ul "'"· • .-, .r ~WtU _.,,,.,.,_WI U.l lllll.llc p~ l\11' Uk •.. ~1 ''-H·""'"''jJt o& v•,uo.J wut-.t'n a.u ..oil: IUWUitl IIIUWtloy W 11-' ..... .oc.u•btt:oJ ·!IIi" 1 cquu·enu:ola 01 .. , ... w,WV,UUU pvUlltJll Of t\ab pl'Od· .... ~.~~, AppruJWIIItollliY 1lUO,OOO WOrK· .u ~~orv nc;muaJiy cmplo~ .ua lA• .uwuat.ry. .~n;JLNL~O TO ~t:&l l:laH:hce .lo"&rl'(;l, !or tAe put H\'C.W yaara &n emp.l.o)'M o.t NewJXIrt BeMh Bank of Amen· ca, lett Monday evenlnJ with Kra. t-'llrrcl and their twp childretl lor their former home at B&lem, Mo., Nhere they plan to nt-ulallllah rt'aldenoe prior t.o Mr. Farral'a 111· ..sucuon 111 lbe armed fore.-a. 81Dce nc hu aJready p&lokd hla .pbyalc:&l ·>u.imln~tllon, llul c.Ul Ia 41}C~cted ,,wmcnlarUy. Wtule • tn Newport Ull' Furrct. 1 •·lit.lcd Ltt 1131 Wut ._,,can Front llll..S It 11 tbelr hop lu rduru to th" Harbor alter [h., 1.\'U . .. '\:lo'"' rN4111o"N t '"I'RT • While. OPA'a recent· ruling removing expir-ation datea Orvlllr w. Dant, owner ol DIUit frnm certain food •atlb~ stamps was gl~fully received by ~(,Hwr Workll, th1a werk an· hou!K'wives, o(Ciciala who have been tryirK7 to brt:ak ' up O~UIIl'i'i.l tho· opening of Arehf'l , ~,. T1 >llit•r L'uurt which hu been .-.. .. NSWPellT-Nt.BQA -pRESS EXPERIENCE, ., w. aa:£ .lllAXWD..L ' ., 0..,. YOW' kodak album and look at a pcture. Pw- ha.. It la the -.uvenir of a pleuant journey or ~ happy C\"eDl; IDeY'e dle-amiUng face of a child tOO 10011 frOWD, IJII, or a ltlr-a• of the loved one loat: PriceleU, perhaJI' u • ~ treaiure: but af&er all, what Ia a Qboto- gra~h lD it.Mlt? A touch of Iicht !\ere, a touch of &bade Lhe~. a 8i.mple' contrutlng of white and btrc'i-o6thia& more. Too mueb Ugbt or too much ahacJow and tbere La oaly a blank or blur; t,Jle ope La u.eleM wi~t the other. Anti· I heaia m•lr• lJM pktUI'e" and preller\'ea'1Jte jeWell Ot ~ ry. • . I . The netnpaper you hold In your h~d Ia readable by reuon of black ink on white ~per. White on white, black on black, lea,.. nothing for the eye. Everything la In the rontraat. "AU lD antitheaia," repeated 'Hugo after Juvenal . It is the law of life aa of nature and science. What ia a !.{real dra.rna !_ Merely a miJture of th't pathoe and humor common to the knowledge of us all. Great music. A eucce8- sion of hannonles to warm the aoul and diuonancee to l'hill it: Great art! The old. and endleaa variant. of Ught and shade. .Thi8 ·law ef oppoaiti~n is essential to the filQng of s tandal"da; without compariso ns there are no valiiM. 'Polu- ity keepe tbe old world spinning on its axis. All about us, from-the ertb to the coffin, are th~ positives and negatives n .. fine daya of lprinq are good. for walking and there ia no finer aioht than the ocean front from our atore- nor finer MEA.'tS J • GEO. TAYLOR, Owner ' 2110 Pee~ Front . .. · the ~lack market claim the new order is a boon h J these l><hlllih••tl ·n,.or the overpua at racket.ecr'l. With expiration datea removed, the stamps ·101 HJ.Khway and Newport boule· 'I b · ed d · dil d Tl · ·t '~trd Ea• h Lnul••r lot Ia equipped are more e~t y o tain . an mort> rea y sol . liB s1 • "·•th uu.tl\·louul lll'wer, ll&ht and of virtue; without sorrow, no measurement of joy. ~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~=~ Why Ia it that men. recognizing this muim of antithe-; Qis in' the world of nature. resent or complain4 of Ita inevit- :~ble application in the affairs of life, ·sulking under misfor- tune, whining at failure • .brooding over eorrow, smarting rrom dmappointm,t>nls, as if the picture of_human .experi- once could be-wrought in full beauty and sublimity with uat.ion is one more illustration of the difficulties facl.od by ... u~t-r ,·uno•·• 11dna and reuonablr the OPA in. trying to administe r food rationing fairly. nJh·" w111 pn·\'ltll, the owner aa.td. · S•nt·c opeulng tor bualneaa three ----··----"•·•·h~ llb"· tJ1o;. Marine rep&lr :ih .. p hus b.x11 practk ally •wamp- •·<1 w'lth ·buMHII·sa. accu rdlnr to ~I r Jlaut. whu tkclar.·d that all Jl.lh~ a••· b.·IIIJt complete!' u rap- ully u p11,;1ubfe. never a touch of shadow? -..1 .. I am a part of all that I have met," proclaimed the veneraple Ulyaes, setting sail in his old age in search ol BADIO SERVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED -. MARINE 'ELECTRICIAN BUBT B. NORTON James M. Cox says "My thinking of. the peace now U; aa,it Wfl8 in 1920. The atar Woodrow Wilson followe-d iK still my light and guide. He warned us in words that arc npw ~ecy fulfilled. ·• Many of our r£'adcrs may a~k. Whu is James W. Cox? H~ ia the former govem op of Ohin who ran ror president against Warren G. Harding in 1920 on n plat: form urging ratification of . the Lc:>ague' of NationA peacf' treaty. and the people ~feated him by an overwhelming t'I'DLil'IHt:H. ~TRJ<'KEN Ianda still unexplored in.,his busy journeying about the PboDe 2417 1111 Coaat HaQbw&y ~~rn~~~=:~~~~ca~rt~h~-~A~ll~h~;e~h;a~~~l~m;c~~~a~l~l~lh~;a~t~h~e~h~ad~ffcl~tnftani~d~~~;n~anntdHt~::::::~~::~~~~==~~~====:::::= l'r.,•nble ,, IIPn, publlsht-r rtr\d ;~~~;~~~~~~~~~:~=~=~~:==~~~ nuuntalna '' 11ummcr home at 308 and the great·, triumph and disaster, debasement and exal----L..- II •!!' uv~nu•·· Corona del Mar, la tatlon, good and bad., He knPW that the essence of lite, ----·---- :' n-.tnrial ..action on the water a<tj~ration treaty .,, .. :otiated betw~n the United Rtl!les n nd Mt>xico 1 n 1">:-~lpc.)n('()-or rather, the treaty has tx-en wit.h- ludtl rrom the Scna~. Critics of the proposed C.reaty de· l'lare it would cacrifice valuable rights of frtrmcrs and fruit _growerM in California, Arizona and New Mf'xico for- • he bcn~·fit of o ur neighbors in Mexico; and for that rea- n It ·1 ~ safe to prt'dict that adminif-traticm· r fforts to si- l'llrc ratifitatin~ will be put orf until after the No ... cmber ~ler~!on. The treaty should be junJ<ea . --- ~•WI to b.· In a critical eoncSIUon ,, Sm1 Antonio ho•pttal following the thing that di~tinguished human existence above the .. stroke "urr.·rctl Jut Wedl\.uday animal, was its mrasure of e-xperience. . Mr. ,Allen has ~isll.t•tl nearly every Eden was a pretty tciyll, .but a contemptible existenCe r .. untry In thl' wnrld ~n the' In· 1. "'"'" nt Rhta~· International ror red-blooded mrn or intelligent· women. "Heaven" as a :t-nd hu.'l rnun(lt·tt many 'endown-place of thrummmg harps and perpetual happiness fails to nwnts. n1mlnK 111 goodwill and attract the aentient and virile. "Give me the glory of going Wl>rltJ p••UI't• through underatand· In~. He formerly publiAhed . the _on and yet to be" is the cry o! a finer conception and a Gn·•'nsburJt. Pa .. Dally Trtbunl' nobler aspiration. Sonner or later we come to unders~d an7t ror' 19 yea"' wu publlaher indeed that .'.~knowloo~c .i.nef'-4NUJeth &orrow," because knowl· the Ontarln. Callr., Dally Report. edge briiip . wider perception ~d keener emoti~ns. But sm:nethnee we forgrt the collary truth that sorrow lnc.reaJi-I'ROM'OTF.D IN JlANJl . ----• ~ 'Waller S Spleer, •aon of Mr. rth. knowlqe. · . -. .. , ~tad Mn. Erwin H, Spicer, ~ • T .:tilt Sunday 8 broadcast by Sccr:etary of .State Cor-Dnhl.la a,·cnut•, hu recently ....., ril"ll lftJII, tn which that vene~ble s tatesman outlined the I pr6mpted from aeeond lieutenant ··ma.~ent's foreign policy in coi'Ujidcrable drtail, was an. to fll'llt lieutenant. accordlnc to . . .. an announcement from the lith n.le an!'bul two kinds of :people who know no ness, disappointm<'nt or "'gri\>f: the babe& who ·die , MORTICIAN : "We Ouraelt•es ihe Bdter Sf"T I'I' fnl · Serrti?ti) f Jt11ers Best.'' a b)e reply lO most Of the CMtiCtBm that ~ been levelled &\.\Army Air P'Orcc! headquartmt In the light of l'e&Jk•n dawns, .and the unfortunates whoee Ugh( of reason· hu failed. If the ahadpwa of life were denied ~~--~--~~~.,..~~~~~~r th,_ country's attltude toward Italy and France, Jtowcvcr, ·••••nna. _r the pathetic content of the infant or the imbecile-. . . . . . . F. . ' Lt. Spll·er Ill a pilot with a mea· • r I dtt1·not satssfy thoae who cla&ufy Bagdoho as n ucast and ,11tH bl)mbardOirnt &T<NP under but we should miss the zest o iving. It is not without aig- DeGauUe as a Convnunist-nor thoSe who think we sh1111kl th·· rumm1w1 or co,t. H-rry Wl1-nificanre thnt human life reachea its lowest lpvels In tho.se Rlay ouf of European quart't'la. Yet we consider Hull tht• ""11• turnwr \V.O•t Point footNU so-called "earthly paradises" where lf:as't ~_ffort ie required bl in th D.--:d • bl-•. -I !tlitr A n adJ,If!te or sldl~ .\Da # ........ P---. . . bl ·h . .......:. t d a est man e c~ ent s ca IUiet. -J~olor ('OII<>j%1' fn 1940, he 'olftet a'Or Sffirrtuoulal. -==--=llr rncVtta y .. e·1trC.::nuve 0 egen- --'----• 1 th•· AAF' tn Mnrch. 1942; received eracy. "These are they th11-t l\11\re come up through great Though it haa not been. so long sinre Ame rica quit h•1 "'"'"'111111nn F'r b · 1943• at Roe· lribulallon," said the l!ropbet of P,atmos. "Tribulation" \n•ll, ll:t•w Mrxtro. 1111d hu·~n h countinr, in millions and jumped into the billion class, iL m..-rst'IIAI lllnrr Sept. 1943. • evolves from "tribulus," the ancient J.bresbing sl~ge w icb ,;ccms we "aint eeen nothin: yet.'' The Nt•W York Time~ I ~ hammer.:tl 'out the wheat from the chaff. estimatea t hat the cost of ,the wnr. to dat<-. tf) nll bl.'ligrr-• Tnt: not.-~INO PROBLDI -'Suprrme i!i 'the artistry of the gre,at Overlord of Life .,. . . . . .11 . Here 111 rl rent story trom Art -God F t n . t' h t · '11 ... · tabl · tb ent powers, 11 nearly one trtllton dollars and w1 \'astly Mt'Brtdc'a "~zer•" ~lumn : , a (', '~·s my or w a you W1 -108Cru e 10 e exceed that amount before ·puce comt>S. With half u~ ... A man"'w'-.8 drowntng ottlhore mingling of hght and shadow as the canv&llll of our lives people of the world nearing 'Starvation and the· othr r lmlf "ntl ht• call "lor help brought a pr:oceeds; mnlltt>r musician blending with unerring alill the needJ~g and wanting comforts they cannot buy. sud1 rnor· ~~~~~:~~~~ ~~:n•r:1':·n::.';: !: tender mny•rs Rnd doleful m~non1 into a throbbing eym- moua WUt.e--tO. say nothing Of the a ppalling los~ nr human wht•ro h<' li\'f'IJ, tht'n told hJm he phony Of t'Xp<'rience;. divine dramatist, binding together life--ls a stem indictment ·of our boasl<'d civilizat inn. ~ , •· .. ul.tn'l Hw••n: 'Jjut thl' wat~ the mirth nnrl 1 he melancholy, the loves and longings, the ----• , haRf••n:-<1 1'1 thl' addreaa (lv.-n, weaknel's ami the wisd~m of our little hour upon the earth· jllnnckrd Ill lhr <lnor and when the The opinions of Republican leaders \'arv widl.'ly n~ to t:w.llndy np,wnred. said : "Madam ly stage. Ole chance their pa~ baa for \lt(inning th;~ year'~ prrsi· I l'lun'l WAnt tn' trtghtt'n >'OU, but T«t~y. ~rhaptt, we II« only the drab dau6lnga ot-'tbe . . . . lh · mnn who Is rcntmg your room h d h h · t :-t·m of tragedy' dark apeD dent1aJ election. Some Of them, mnuenced by tht' l'\'lllt>nl drr\\'nNI 11011 1 would like to (f't 8 a OWS: t":tr t e potgnan Ctl &X 8 · swing away from the New DeaJ and th(' rl'~ult:-~ of bye-•·.t · "Snn y," wu the reply, 'but Yet in Roml' kind tomorrow. when the picture at last ia elections in varioue parts of the country,' evilll·ntly think a th.• rna, who puahrd him In hu finiRhcd. tlw 111ymphony ended and the drama done, w~ shall •• . . . . . .tro·atly rrntl'd· It!" f Ex · "yellow dog" candidate _can wm; wh1le others lesa optamts· ht'ar th1;.. f:ur a~urance o wiae penence: tic think the Democrats a re too firmly intrrnr h•'{) to tx-1 ..,.~tALL Tows ORIGIN "ll·wH:-: all J::ood, all necessary, all a part of lm.mutabJe ·dislodged from power. Much can happen betwt't'n now and I . Th·· .''··o th or s.·natnr F'rederlck law. T.illt·!' fr\1m .the blackest muck, pearls from an oyster's N ' be b t t thiB' time it looks like a close, bittl'r <·nn-'an ::-o;u\·s. " ""0"" ot Falmouth; bri'iis~. diamond~ from the deepest dirt, life from the rotted ovem r , U a . Inti. ,,.,,k rr .. rn th.-national anon& t · 'th n.-. d W 'tl-..J ag"'""t Roo""''·elt .ancl srol :" Llf,. ll-nnly a study in cgntrasta. Let ua not be eet wt vo:wey aJ'I a~n PI t.-u <L&.LU> .,._ -" ru~~·~l JrHI"·••IuRiist who bad Rayburn_ ' J.:rt'"t .J>rhk. l(bb.t.a_a.m.all .t.ow.n {lfraid o! the shadowa...- bJ rth nru.l th•• fn, I that hla father ----------------------• ~ •••r ,·,•rl " l11r1r•-.. rommunl(y u a L k · f fh Fi f The withdrawal of Wendell Willkic from tht' R('publi· t tllllllr~· lllll't .. r lie had Wl1ttrn 00 Ing 0 e u ure ran presidential race leaves Governor Tho:-. F.. Pt'Wt'Y of th•· Rt~sh,·lll•' •Ind.) Republican F'rl\nk 1 •. -Perrin In ehrlatlan Sc~nce Monitor r hat t h•' m•'lllnrl•'! of Ill• Hooaler New York as a 4-to·l fa\·orite for the nomination, though h .. vlwtld Wt•r(' ~till \'1\'ld. A rnrr('~r-~·nolent in California. a lady who inherited, Dewey still decliite~ to say he is a candirlatt:•. c;,wpm~r · TM8P 1p·r•' lh t> horae and bug-1t is bt·l~o·w•,J. :t hard-and-fast allegianc~ "to the party o Bricker of Ohio, former Go\·emor Stassen of MinnrRota ~~· 1!1\ya," h.• rcocalll'd. "and ad-G r11w r Cll•wl:lnd, writes that she hopes her old frien wnt urcou.. trips Included annual and Gt>neral Douglaa MarArthur el\ch has a S<':Jltcred rot-\1~1111 t() thr Rush County F&.lr. Alfm! E . ~mlth will announce bia return of faith in Preai- lowing. and our own Governor Warren is r egllri1Ni 11'8 a \\·r lrft 1\t rtllybf'1'1\k and came dt"nl Rno~wlt. Oher frienda of Mr. Smith. who are riot be- 1-.ossibilily. Mr. Willkie had made a good start . '0 n nn ag-hnmr At c111rk, tired and worn and ll('\'rrs in rnurlh. or even third Wm&. or in perpetuity in lnnd(>(J tJ.1wn wiLh INn·r.nlra that gre~sive ·campai~. but the jolt he got in Wiscon~in lnst '"1111' rntf'l1111nt•d Ul. llrriee. haw 1\~ hopefully indicated their belief that Mr. week (where he ran fourth after stumping the slate) con-. "Holll." lLn.J frlt>ncS. we~ llfe'a Sntith should; 1·n!tst to head a third~party movement o..f ln· ,;need him he could not make the grade. rhlrf llttrllctlCinl th.-n. No tell'· tft•pt'nd('nl D••m,;l'rata. phone11. nCI aut011, ho plctUft ----•----"hO\n , n~> prwrct rnacS.. no racSioe Str-a ns:l'r !hangs have hap~ned. ~other Roosevelt did Nm<r tl\a.t tht:' municipal (')('Ctions 1\rt' (1\'er . tho!'e who jut<! homf' lind frtl'nda. I wbn-·th(' trick 10 1!'112 ln the face or strong oppoaition and I k · t' t · bl' ....,f • 'II d t m('lr " attt>n '1"" tr thrsl' youngrr genl'ratlon~ 1wnsn;t n fnrmrr ~loee poiJtical friend. He proved lt to be a (' nn an enos tn pu IC ma atrs W1 <')'0 t' • · rf'llliu wh"l they mt-d. "' · tion to the gt-n<'ral . pr.imary ck<'tion srhe.lulro for Mny "Thl')· think they a~ lh1n& a <'rft>d i\'(', H nnt .tltogether populal', political str~tegy. J 6. In Cnlifc1mla there will be no contrst in tht' sl'lert ion of tnnrc abundnnt life, Ma\'bl thev • A fl. J unr approacha ~d November looms on ·the dia- d I h · 1 t ' f th t · an'. btlt 1 wou.ldn!L.....J~ade my t:Jnt 'horiznn. t h" people of our Ameriea are Jtivintr &erioWJ e t>gatt'!l to t e nat1ona COI]\'en tonfl. o e wn maJor pnr: •n••mCirfl'l nf my boyhood da).. _,. __ · ties. sjnr(' tlie sclf·appoin(ed )('t&d£'rs haw enrything R<>Wt'd r •• r 1\ll th~ 9xcJtenw>nt and _.,. thought t o tht' ruture. 'they are 'beginning to re~. per- ,up Ught. Go\·emor Wa~ will head the dl'legation t o the ,.1\tln~ .,ntf'rtlltnmrnt ••htcb -.em hi\,PS. thRt th,• rl·nl criail to be met and the act~ prob- GOP con\'enUon and the Bourbon crowd Y.ill be unanimous 10 fc•lfow In lh• wake ot thla mod· lems. to b(> $,,1wll by them next year and the yeare immed· · · ··m at r. for a fourth t~rm for r:.rnidmLB.oo.se1·clt._OIL1h! slate -·~~loeopbu onu iatl'ly r0llt,wtn.~o: Rr.:! the iUuee. not of war, but of peace and bal&ot .t~ wn! bf. ll li~y t'Of1t~or"'the-Rt"fltlbliMin nmn-!'t>!o.-n't'd thllt ()(\(1 wu ~ to rf'<'Onatrurttnn. The call, .Ome ~ 1rfor lrbmrtnl-lr1lm111-+ · ti for t r. R. S<onator. with fiw or Rix nwn ~wrnmblins: 11101 nn•l f'l'rltllllf'cl him to b4' born ieHIU!'trial. n. •t :1 military or poUtical.,. CoDlJtlander-in·Chief. Jna On . • . T • n II l'll11lll tuwn. Thl'rl' II \ worltf • for a chance to run agamst. Senator Downe} m N,,, t'mb(>r, l'lf lll'r.ttmrnt 11nt! wla&·m. bf'hJnd Tn· Ornn~ county the only contest 1\ttrar~ng nny nttf'ntion thAt <>t>8C'n'llllon T too. want to : •. 't ··l.'(ln Jud-Raymond Thom~0n atrd n illtrirt 'Attor-··xprr!<lt m\' ~at ltudco t oT thl' prl\•· .•~ -C '· e -il"l!'t' of 'bl'lnlf born In a .mall . ney J~ DaYII for the Superior eourt judgeehi~. t<l'A-n."-Patllftndlr. .. The bt·nr th:tt walks like a man has to do a pretty good job of r unnmg to lleep up with Hjtler'a retreating "m· viDclble"~ ~ I • • A CQMPL!Tl LIN! OF ,. FLOOR COVE'RINGS . FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS LUD .. IJII f;AJUIBT ~ORKS Phou2808 SANTA AtJ.LL.--1.622 S. MuD St. ..._ • CONRAD SHOOK CONTRAC(TOR AND B UILDE R COM,.Lf:T£ ~UILOING SE~VICE -"MO!q( N~WPOI>T t03 ~.J .. 2f2 ~A"I ~t Avl P . 0 8 0 • 201 ______ .._. _________ ~··-·-·-....-_......., For Building and -Repa_iring lnform_ation -· .. -Bail r DislricllaumbirJ:o. .·· . WALTER S. SPICER, Owner REWPORT ... BEACH 511 a.... Nltltwey It TIM APChee ---..:...... Pt. .... II .SO -------------------~ -----------------~,---------------------------------,~ • Elegant Gifts Diamonds e Jewelry Pearls • Watches • Clocks SilYerware • Dresser Sets ~ At H. R~ Trott~s ~cimore at. Fifth Street --SANTA ANA f ··~ Phone 5618 BUY U.S. WAR-BONDS! ., ,.-, -- · .. • . . ... .'-.. . ''\ • OPEN APRIL 17 ~ I A. If; t P.tJ. aaDdna ap to 8 t.,.,. --. } .. 'Ji"" ~ 'l/~ N~ Mra DoiJI'IU Ward. of Bal~ t. Mr, and Ml'll. aw-it. AN. 'ut \-lsltlnr lil'll cah1n Blame of Montero" avenue. are -s>en~ 1~ l'ho.•nlx. ~114, • clay. at ~e ~- Mr ... Sara Bowm~ of Balltoa W . L. Jordan came dowD from h land. ~pent M~teral da,. ~ C&thedral ((it)' Oil 1'\Meday to c:Mt , •' IY ~~·tl~ -~ ~ ~~~ rela~..._ hta vote ln the city .S.C:Uoa: OaU for enrollment. 1t.t M rt Roy P&Je, .01 Santa .An& Ml'll. Beet McBrtdp oL. Balltoa U.. iaua at.. Newport Beecla av~·nue. wll.l be boetHI tomorrow hu Aett for Monlel'lly wbeN lbe " 1.. • N&WfOR1'·8A.LBOA PRESS ,._ -I -;::;:~~::~===::::te1t'·c:·nlnc at a meeuna of DDJ' ~·Ill epend the ~·r wtth rel~-Gf----------~--:------~ Mr and Ml'll. J. A Bodman. l:l~tlt out-of-town ·e~~ ~rt.l •.. _· •.. :.·d· 8-t .. l :,~--· -·· •. • 107 13th atreet. a~nt J:uter w•re ·entertained over Euter by] \\'i.',•k at their mountain cabin In l\lr. and Mra fnd CaUl~· %U Fnuwr Park. , . Cordova. · 1 LtCINSiD lEAL ESTAJE ·BROKER All ..... o.t DIIUUMCI . .... O.po•lt Boa:••· lfcMar7 Pl&bllc . • · ••II•L l1dl1lr 302 Mala, B•lbo• ') btl-laclc Do It " ROSSI CAFE Staff Sgt. and Mra. Kenneth Dr . ..,;d' Mra. 0 . E. Tohlll, 112t I Fuller. 207 Coral avenue, are tbe Piau del Norte, tlave u their pnrl'nta of a eon born April t at hoUMfUHt Ml"ll Maxine Rice of l St.· Jo1eph hoaplt&l. • Decatur, Ill. ... M1ss Jane ,Taft, 3000 W. Oceen Glenn Hel~ wu ~'ll 'from j F1urtt, ha.. relum.ed froni Pau-Loa An"trel• Tuf!Nay to look aft· -;h-na •h('re abe apent a month er hJa property fnt~reata and to with rt>lativea and frtenda. eall on tor:mer netrhbora. ~t o and Mre Emeat Schult.s.. 11:;:> Cunst Highway, are the pa,!· ··nt~t .flf a daughter, born Sat"rday 8 t -Santi,. Ana Community boepl- tal. Mf• MarJtie ~ Weber of Palo Alto 11pent Euter .Week wtth her aunt. Mre. R. N. ·eoe. S1S 'Eut 18th atr'Qt, Coeta MeA. · Mr. and Mra. Trln'lclad Mendes Tt•t'. · Sgt . and · M ... · Warren 'ot. Coeta Mea& are the pJU"enta ~·1a, 1423 Wut Bay avenue. are of ~ daurhJ.er born Jlonday at I h<' part'nt. of a daught~r. born Santa Aria Community hoepltal. last Thuraday at St. J-pb boe--· ______ ._. __ p1tal. CiJ)t. ·and Ml'll. Dayton J onee of the Anny Air B~ were tcu- Cocldallt BANQVETS P\·t. ~ra. LincSMy C. Har· ter cueeta of Mr and Ml'll Henry g-l'tt, 191~ -wei~. Central awn\le. Wfe~ at."Balboa Y&f:h( Club. · arc thl' parenta ot a· eon bom Tuel!day at $anta .\n& Commun· II}' hbllpit&l. .• . BLOCKS A-35 .AND A-36 UJJJD:iTiP,C'h:D (except as to zoae aad ra~ BL()OK A-S.'>: Lot 5-Business ·lot fronting 3 ·1.61 ft. o~ Shore Ave. ~ by a d_epth of·75 f e('t t o an unnamed street~· This busi- ness site is just a ·cross Shore Avenue from the lar~e and beautiful 'Oc~an Front sand Beach. Purchaser re- I si<~es in Pasaden~. Both Purchaser and Seller repre- sented by o ur Mr~ T. tr:-Rhoden. . BLOCK .\-35: ~24-A rcsident.ia l s ite fro nting· 30 feet op HP.lio- trope Avenue by a depth of_l24 fee t to a private alley. One of those sand lots b e low the bluffs. Both Pur<•has~ e r and Seller represented by o ur Mr. Rhoden. ~tiJ<~ Allct' Beat •rt'turned Mon- to her &tultlea at Ow! Univer- Sity of Arizona at 1\tc:.qn atier :;p.•ndlng a four-lSay holld&¥ with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~=~!:~~~J~~~~~oru~~~uruLh~~on-Sho~ •" • " LAll f O R NIA I OII'MD ON IIONDAY8 .......................................... ~ ...... ...,. ... ,~'-"' I 1\lunicipal Property ie-lds Good Income In ~lonthly Rentals Mlu Blrdllla Ball and a JTOUP of Jtirl frienda from Downey •Pent Euter ,vacation at ~e home of the fonner'a I(Tandmother, Mra. Bf~Ua Ball, 2ftO"'W. Ocean FrOnt. 4 -Mr , and Mn Harold ~J\dt. who have 11pent the p!,ll eewral , A long with their other head-month• at Detert . Jfllll{ Sprlnp, I :ll'hl'!l, 111.-mbt'rll of the city coun-wt're greeted by , many local , <'II afl' rapidly uaumfnr the aU.t-frlenda while In Balboa on TuM· • u11 of landlord&. at the pl'ellent da~- tlml' having under their auperv1• 1 Mra. Leater libel!, 1303 Eut inn right municipally-owned prop-Central avenue, wu .to be hoeteu • • -•-. ";'"''• ........................... • rlil'll yielding the city a tot&! fdday at a meeting of~ book PROlUSIONAL CADDS I monthly rt>ntal of s:1~.~-aectlon of Newport ~aCh ICbell . . • BLOCK A-S6: ~ross t-he-street .fro m the beautiful Corona del· Mar· sand beach. Bought by a · Santa Ana r esident-Pur- s haser tepresentcd by R e al Estate Broker· W. J. Hol- comb, and Sell~r by our Mr. Rhoden • Lot_ 5-This is also one · of those ~ttr~ctively ...priced bu~mess lQts fronting 31.61 feet o n the Northerlv side of Shore Ave., just across the · street from the \veil- known and largely·patron'izcd Corona del Mar QCean- side sand beach. Purchaser, a resident of Orange County, was represent~d by R e al Estate Broker W. J. }\olcom b--S(!llcr by Mr. Rhoden. • b -:-----, --·-1' · -----+--Molft" tmportil\T oftlieelty'a club. Mra. Dt'ana Sh8w and Mra. 1 --• -1 S<"\1'rnt ... nanr.-·-fa· the--~th Eugene Fenelon were' to be co- Const eompany which durlnr hoateu4. ' RESTRI~1't;o PROPERTIES ~ ··· Lot 24 and the ·Southerly'S feet of Lot 26--a restrict- ·. 'rohill 1 1 :\tal<'h r.-mltted $922& In rentala. SURG!ro~ ~I or. thlll am $700 1 are to meet tont&'ht at Newport nn tht' carnp ground and anoth-Harbor Yacht cJub wbere "~- otftee:·III-W a-: ~• H 4ote3 the rent on Dock /J and U M .....,I eall Newpo.., a .. l:tllll l!l'. The balance of $80. wu ~·II" of ~embera will be •peclal , ::==========~ ~ gucata. An outatandtna procram 1 . _ · for l•·f!ta_! Qf additional city prop-il planned: r rty br Obed Lucas U Otht•r tenanta lncl!l_de the santa . M~ .. Jof,Yt.tle OJat& at Minneap·_, • I Ana Am1y Air Baae which paye olla.. haa -arrived te··-epet~d tht> DEN'I'I81' S-1 2!'1 monthly tor Ult' of a bay summer with her aunt, Mra. Nt'l· • , front arra Wlt'd In teaching awtm-ie Wllklneon of 108 Cordova. Mra , nee~ W. O.tnl ptu,ltf' 1410 nung to eadt'l.3 : Fred,. Metzler Wilkineon Is aatd to be conaidet· NEWPORT BEACJI I pmd $52.'50.Jor rent on Dock 1 ably Improved following ·brr re-·' ;=======::~==~ and lf!lragf'; D. B. Boyden, rent eent lllneu . . I .DR. C . J. CARTER .---DeiiMJI·.._ · _ .....---w ltocrltliiii"Pla"\M-a Specialty Phone. 1&2i "" _T)O<'k 4, $33: Kt>lth . Spalding, . rrnt on Dock 5 and garage, $25. Mra. Arthw .Young ot Weat I nnd Albrrt S. McMillan, rent on Bay avenue had .u Eutcr Week • li<lck ~. S25. ' gucata .)(,D. )(ark L. MOO<!¥ and , ---.uiT'ji; ~ da'\rltltu.; ... Mu1l}l._.)tac. oC P'IIIM Fhntrld~. The MO<fdY• w1ll be Currrnt .taxt'l and aueaamenta remembered u fnrnu•r rHidenll rnnountt>d to $77M.63 durtnr the of M atreet. Balbo&. . month of Marrh: taxu and.-..._ ;.::==::::;.::::==::..::-__::..._......::· =--.·m<>nlll l't'dt>mpt1onl!, 1889,82~ taxee · 1 "" lj11Altached pcraon~ property. tall Newpon·Blv4., <Joeta M- Burton Fo1ter. ,technician claM, Ia now tltat1ont•d •onwwherc in the South PacifiC, accordlnc to _word reeelvt'd tty hla mother, M.ra. Fo.ter. of 3010 Court •treet .. Dr. M. D . Crawford ():!!\ q:z. 1915 Act full paid aueu- m•·nl:c. $55.49 and· bualne•· llcen- "' ~< $11 8. City Judge 0 . A. J onu , r··r•wlrd $~25 eo!lected In tratfle wu formerly an t"mployce of .,_ ll:aamlhed 0~ Fitted r1111.~ and $273 . In other ffnea. Hugh Eatue' eervlcc station. ~2430 111'1' Newport Boulevard 008TA MDA R• ntnls and finPs from the city Mr. and Mra. ·-Jack HO lman. loh1 ;H ~· amountPd to $1SS.eo. 2129 Miramar drive, had u sun-. 1 ~alo• nf city lot&, yielded 17875 dtnner guelll.3 the latter'• par· nnd i'lsuanct' of quit claim deeda enta. Mr. and Mra. Charlea D. ~======:====~, :S 111 77. South4"rn Califomla Edf· Wacner of Loe Angelea. The Wq-. ~.,., ro. pllid $444.34. repreMnllng nera apent th~ week at tnetr beach :! pr r C('nt of the g-roaa receipt., homr, 1813 Eut Bay rwenue. Z th opy CII.OI.C ,_ 1• 1 r1an• hlsr: r(',·enue 'from • -. . one e . he· 1\ .It• I ()('partmcnt amount~d • Mr and Mra O•car llloe and Mr• '" ~!\ll;!l. ("orona del Mar property Hugh McMillan, 161 7 Eaat Central I ~own••).,., pnymGnt on 1ewera, avenue, apent Sunday at Qlendal • Medical MuM(MI 8"•.,.SI11h l\la,.,ltl:l', ' Hydro Thl'rapy Vapor Batt.. • ( 1 !t!l fl!l 1!1'\.\'~'r <-onneetloM. $~. ~ith Mra Moe'a eon-in-law and ·•r11l R n \' s 'Netsoh. March and d,ughttr, Mr and Mra J ack I'll· .\ prtl p~~·.menl.3 on garbage con· kmto'!· The ~eulon ~~trved to •·••MMinn. $180. .~elebrate the birthday annlver· sarlu of Nr Moe a nd Mr Pilkin- tOn . BullcUnc Pennlta lln~··marl•ghem A. ~(. ~eleon, bulldlnr fnape<:· Zone Therapllt Spcclalt.t tnr. r•·ported $l1J.IIO collected (or l!.fra. Veda Thack~r lena lut JIA:Iboa bn Bide. hllll<ltn g pcrmttl: plumbfnc per-week for Kanau City.· Mo., In ~=====:;:~;::;::::;;=: nut~ y1etdt'd s4o;,; plu terlnr ~r-ruponl4! to a wire lnfonnlnr her or her · moOter'• deaui. Mra. mtt~<. $1 2; electrical pennia.: $6.TS 1 11o s M h Thacker. who came to Newport ---uet L. Sc:harle 1 ' J'"rmit&. 1 ..-· c lmney per-Mt tall from. Miami, Fla.. hu __.,., n 1t11. M <"l'nt& &nd rt'moval ~r-. (Ill_._ Killik: Tf"'...,.herw A»o mit. $27:?. Journeyman-. aamf· been tnakln~t her home ~i~h her ., Oa1Uomla) Wltmn~t yirld!'d anothtr $10; ul& unclt and aunt, Mr. and M.l'll .. TCACIID OF PIA..'IiO ,,f I nwhoatll 1\t the city dump, 16: Brn ~Uen of 37th atreet. • 8~ ~ac:,o;::~';!.,ne ~:1!1• nf m.-.lnl h,uckt>IJI,',$6. and tfl'e Dr. and Mra HCL Llndaay of 0.~ dri Mar !'"lllhf rn ('"nh fomla Telephone eo. Balboa lllland had lUI EMter PBONil: NEWPOR:r 1046 1•'1\' !<l:lll<lll nn lhP pier, $9.39, Week • gueltl the MIIIIU &tty ~... Ol~en at home of Hfl lllnr ~~~'rl\lld Community' Auo· M,u,.Phy, .Bf'fty. :· Jo Kubiclllwk . . PupU u r>Htrf'd • 1 ~~ '"n · paid S2~. on lldf'landa Pauline ·.Pen.a and Ruth Oleav,., l-:==========:.:· l· :~~·· and the Union OU Co. 111.27 all IIJu.dl'~ta at tht' Unlve ... lty of ,..----~··--------, "" r"funti on ovl'rpayment. 8alt Cali fornia. Ovt'r the WI'Pk Pnd thr '.• ,f c 'nH•nn <I<' I MA.r mapa to W. J · P.&rty . wu joined by Pfc. Jack "IJ .. I,.,>mh )'ll'lded $2. S\<ll'lner and Pte. ~nny Kiefer of .PI11bu"-mfontaa t I' lht' tJ .. S. Jlarlne yorpe, I .-. I 1-l ,,,.tlur~trnwnt.i Included the cur· ·, 111 •• x.p<'flll<' fund. $17.26&.'46: Nl lk furld. $279: water fund. ltfr and Mra. ·Stedman Hoar. 2118 0<'1'1\n bou"vard. have been enter- . · .. · .. .· ;-BLOCK %38: ... . . . . . ~ide ot Larkspur Ave nue North of Seaview Ave., hav- . _mg a front~e of 35· feet by a depth of 118 feet ·to an · aHey. Purch~ed by a r·csidcnt orontario-both Pur- ch~r and Seller represe nte d by o ur Mr. Rho9en. . Ht:STRJ(~T.t_;J) I'ROI't;KTIES .. IN· THE COVE (J<'KO~Til\G TilE UA-Y) BWCK B-3S: L ots 6 arid 1().-:-sold· as a -ref}ide ntial site to a Holly- w ood r~sident . This i!s an unusual site from many standpoints-h aving a fro ntage o n "H" Street o f 35 f eet, through t o "A" &trect , ~he r.e it_lllso bas--a ft.@~-.r•l·.-: age of 35-f cet l arid a f r'ontage of·1~Teet ·on F e rnlca .. Ave. at the end of the . r a mp. Both ·purchaser and Sell-.. er repl"ese nte d by our Mr. Rhoden •. BWCK B-3%: • L o ts 6 ahd 14-Anoth(.·r· r e stricted residential build- ing .site in the C o ve on Bay side-· having a fro ntage of :n.42 f eet on "A " Street t hro ugh to "H :'-Street, whe re it also has a fro nta ge of ~1 .42 J e ct, .between Fernleaf and Dahlia Avenues,--a Bay side and beach buihl~ng site·. Bough t b y a· pro minent property-owner o f G l e n· dale, California-both Purc haser and Selle r rep- r esented by our Mr. Rho den. ·OUR "LIQ'UIDA~ION · SALE" of Blocks A-35 a A-36 is almost completed. '-' · We have left only: · . . 3 ~esidenli~ !~tes, . ~ · .. ~ ·. ·' . · ... · 4 Badaess o~,~·.llesidentjallncome -Lot•: ... d 7 B~dnep Lots· Fronting Shore Avttna• . . I BEM ... D-ptu .PBJCD and TERJfS are UNU8U'AL,·--wllea thla Sale 18 c:o•· · pleted wlaewe wUI yoa tlad 1haUaw propertle1 at ala ... ~aWatloa ••te •~"~en aad tenaa w otter? Co••oa Hftae Ju•llflel our of oae ow~.-... of theM Iota .• ........................ JIIIOPERTIES, INC. 7.3,. ao•th au1 ••· Loe ·~··•• see Mr. tE Rhoden, Tract Sales Manager rract OHtc:e oa til• •••••• •• coao•• Da. ... .J . 0 ... ·' ' r ·~ Greeting Care!• "W E INVI 1717-H EARLST APPREC1 I app of the to or utmo port. .. ~ ~ BEFORE VOl TAKE R-E -.... .... . ... -,_ " . ---~. ' NEWPOft'J'.a.u BOA PRESS Mae.tro Ken Bder Combag to Balboa KeG su.r uct lUI cnat or· ~•• .. •tra. w~ ... v. recently ap- ,,. .. ,..:a m ov•r a ~n lup mot.Ju11 .-~•w•, w &U pqy ~~~-t.h: Ho:l~~;ji· • ...... .DIUO ~ w ~IN&& lldl -~•ut..._y, • Apu1 111: 11 IO.'U 11.11· -v~ .. ._.... l~y II)' UWUCI U<lll •••••t-UJ. l"la•u .. lC\.)t'••UY ~4U· , ...... t..-.~ ......_". ~~c: !l~o\, • !UMJU( • ..... , · Luc•y atw.ca, u.ul.l u..,IJ o~aca c, CieAU"y, u. s . .Am1y, tm • ucauay hled awt tor divorce • • viii ·ftiAI 4 wue the tu1mer Mary . . ..:.uo:n .to'oebt. ot <.:o.ta Mea&.' l.D BAI.BOA Y01JNG8TD'8 PJ:'l' ••a peUuon Gentry &&!<1 Ul&t .k .-.ua Kn. Gentry were "m&rrtel.l \'ICI'UI OF A&8ENIO •dllj. ~. lMl, al Lu v~1u. On I r Early Resident Here +-------~--·-----------~----~--·-·-·-----~ Summoned By. O.tb Paul 0 . .,J'Ulll. one of · Jlland·• earltut Mttlera~ lnny Monday mornlnf at. where be had made h1a bome.~ lea vln~ the Harbor nw ye~ qoo. Death waa attnbuted to a be&rt attack. Mr. Fink, who wu a naU~ of 1 Cerm&ny, wu If yeara of art. · havlor COflle to UU. eount.r')' at the afi! of 18. He fkrmed for BA n'LI:-TitlED \'1:'1'12AN Allhougb only 18 yean of ace. ' COOKING c·HEES ·MI~~s · CUD&IIY'S PUIII'rAR IUCZD . BACON· in willmi~ed quantiti .. 'for your w.-k eDd·lboppiiiLQ _Alpha Beta Mark ... COSTA MESA Bobby Ote. •oe Eut Central .June 21, lit:.!, be vnlerea tbe aer· aven~: 11 today wondertn&' at tbe •Ice. On .Aq. 1 Ulat year ana .... S L S P • 0 ~ 1: I 3 8 I cru.-.1\y and hearUeun~ of tbt .July 21, 1H3, be &&ld, be aent ba i unknown person who _pol&oned IWi t¥U•_, f2060 Wh.icJl abe l.lepo11Le<1 to ---...::...---------:.:----------=:--~-little· black dor. Pud~e. eau.tq • .er own account .:tldrefuaed to K B . g u s War Bonds. I hi Ill· to die an agontz:tnc death ..nare Wltb.b.¥n. A week later abe Jame1 Forsythe, a naUve Balboan, 11lrt'Uy hu a.n enviable Hrvlce record. Enll.lttn~ ln. the Navy at the q e of 17, he 4uallfied _.. an aviation ordn&ncema.n and aerial gunner; ~erved at Pearl Harbor; took part In the capture of J(l.aka and 1aw ~ervlce et.ewhere ln the A leutlana; croued the Pactnc ffii!llll!ilill:Jili!Hfmiilmlllll!!il!!!!!!.lllll:IU!I:H!l!tmJ'IIlilf!Jll!!:!!!:!!!m!::::::::::::::~~!llj!!!i!mUlll~ Ulrte tlmu a.nd now b.. been --~ -R-W 8. . eep on • uym .' ' · I (rom arlen~C. " .4akt d bJ.m fOr & tllvorce and on . ~~~-··-·--·-·--j "He wun t a vtclou. dog, Bob-.:lepL 10 conte.ucd abe loved "retired" to Livermore where he • y"' arl·ety . S t 0 ~r 11 l111trueUnc: Naval eadel.l ln the l!cfence of a.erial runnery. He u B eon or-Kn . C. W. Beldtnl of -..... - ---..--~ -. . bv .aaJd. "'lfo1t e~~tryone ln t~ .-omeone et.e, ~ntry ll&id. He ~r·w him and liked blm. He ~-..:barr ed dellerUon and uked tor • H~ Edf~water, BaJbo&. THE .. ARBilGASTS· .... aaga .. to ••rve Y_OU wilb TBE 51: ... Uardea Fresh Vegetables. ••• Fmils· &., ...... --COSTAMESA . Fast, Courteous ~ervice P. 9:--0ia, Y .. 1 The Oranqes are so very aw .. t and cheap. Remember? j ••tl almost buman u, me-he knew "' dJvilllon of lhe1r commWllly how to uk for a drink; would pro~y. P.-T. A . MEI:TINO lnsk -to come-In or co out and In~tallatton of new otrlcera wiU could u k me to play ball qr...t.brow ~------------I fntu~ a meettnc of J1ewport I ll· slick for blm. or btl me to pet Bf'at'h J"arent-Teacber ~fallon ""' ''"' him. 1 m-hl.. .... • •. GGS O.F THSE s _., which II planned for next Won-'1U<'h and 1 know I'll never find (1ay afternoon, at 2 :30 o'clock. In .n .. thr-r paJ like him. the. gT&mmar iChool audJtorium . ··r Just thought, maybe," aaJd ~!rs. Hugh Marshall, praldent :.o!thv ... ,, you'd print a IN rm HARBOR AltEX 'lt th(' high lldlool P .-T. A., will tuout It that the pe?On who klll· ~ ln~talllnf officer I Putlgte would read It and wben By KRB. O. L. ANDREWS Elt:hltt Jr"&de. mot.Mra wtU be th•·y rrallutl how terribly .bad J hOilt'latl and 1lnce no dettnite I f••t>l. Ulat they'd never pol&on an-'Ibe tNr 'new• for tbe local ' Red program h&a been &rTanred. It 1.1 I nther tittle boy'• do&' •.. 1 ju.t Crou Uua week IS Lbe &llllOWlce-hoped to have more Ume for tea wonder~ all the time who could ment that. arran(emenl.l have and ''ll lllnr alter the meettnr: hue been wicked enoqh to klU been completed tor brin(Ul& a h " bl.oo4& clonor urut to Newport r------------Im · · · Bea dL I MER~O 41' CA.88DfO Monday, Jul)l lOth, ill tbe day Lt. • Robert Hunaalcer, .,.u a.nd you may beJin cetUng re&l.ly known Ne(wporter,' wu &m9QC uM for It opw. Call or wrtte ~e Red Crou office Ill tbe Storey build-American forcea encapd In tbe ~ and m•ke a reae~ long attempt (o take C&Mtno, In Italy, accordJnf u, word rec.lv.ed 'ftll ill tne opportWIIty we this week by hl1 parenta, Mr. and have bMJt Wait~ for, to Jive W . 8. Hunaaker of 125 21th lhat Pint of RN<iod t.o "aave a 801- Lt Hunaaker al.o wr«e dJer'1 or aallor'1 life. are ~erving Ule tof(:e. avv-l SI'U~ tbe Red Crou Ia UN oa1J 'Ont> which actually roee out OD lhe batllefleTd to 1erve hot oat- f<'f' and dnughnu~ to lhe nctai- r rs and to 'lndtr IJ!I In enry possible WI)' 001'81: BraGL4ai.ZD laelp really acute, new little bibiea comlnJ t.bll year muat have thelr motb,ra lralnt'd t.o care for them. So tbe Red Crou a holdinf a aut• ot tour cl&uee tor tboee moUle,.-to- be. Mn. Remktnc, on.e of tbe 'VW· lllng .nurau. wUJ bold tbe llnt clan In the local Red ero... ot- tlct In BaJboa ·on Kay fn4; tJooa two to three o'cloc:JL Mack's Phot-o 104 MAID St., &lbol Cout Guard and Pa11pori lor ict.atificaUon, 1-how ~oe Portraits a.hy Pliotor, !Diarc;remeote ud 'Photoatatic Co pi .. •• WI DIYift YOU fO YIStr Mack & Black CDUrt ef Friendslip . OOST A liES A STAMPED GOODS ConaatiJl&' of 8carfl. Vanity Stta, Card Tablt> Coven , . !!Jete. In wbJte, ecru and natural colors . llate.r'tala-Popltn, Unbluched Sheet.lng . and Repp. 29c to . 79c each .----------1 BATHING SHORTS Yen·:, and Boy'a In auorttd Coiors. Some all olhers Rayon and Cotton. '$1~19 and $1.98 Children's Bathing Suits:-49c to FOR THE BA"\'HROOM Bath J1at and Seat Cover Set• In beautiful putel ""-<Jrted colon. S!ulg ...&Mil.. In aevera l wanted -· In .Aorted Pt'atel ~a~u. $2.79 to $3.29 Men, Won)C!n nnd Chll1ren, wide brim no~JUea, durable pulm ltra1'· · In ·uaoc1ed ahapu Helmet&, Optmwa wiUi Peen vlaor and Al,U... ' I 29c to'" 98c --------------~---------------- GARDEN TOOLS me-gal t'ntry and occupancy ol tvs ltom,.. and thf'ft of ltema ap-t. ..... ~~~~=~::::::::::-:::::::::--=:::::~~---.,., prmrJmattnr 1300 In value, wu -----rl'fl0r1td II\ • pollee Sunday by Pu. tbe wont OQ t.o ·~ ... men u you He tbem. It II aa Important Rt>d ero. eervlc.e t.n41 GIFT SHOP Heavy ateel, ion~ paint,•d hand!.-, tor your 1pr1ng COIIaiatlnf of Rakee, Hr-. Spadu, Wt-edert. Spadlnr 98e to $1.79 .. .....,. D.lllii·ONDS I.OUC:KS J•w•lry and Stationery Store 17e7 Newport Bl..t. COSTA W!SA ...... ill .............. ... ... lid_ .. "MB£12 YOUB NAVY" OVIR I I C A IVIRY FRIDAY AT 9 P. M. Thw proqram ta put oil by Hall Broe., m•"-• ot I~ faaou AllMAAIC GAlliTING CARDS •olllwa Da~ CaJ'tla Now oa Dbplay . YOUR DlALIR NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND GIFT . SHOP (AU ..... ) 2119 Coast Blvd., Newport Beach ~.-.-.--------------------------------------. Charlea N. K orTall of •20 Udo Jtiord. Accorllln,; to Mr. Morrall. ~l)()da ltolen lnclud~d a pa1r of bl- nocul•ra valued at ll&o; a b&rom· eter \'alu.d f t IJOO: 18 pacu of cl~arrttea, a dark "ue wool ablrt and ~~evrral T ltllrta. ICntrance. lhould r~acb u many u need it.'=====:;::======~.:..::===-==-==-::: ~:s~.~;E§.:; i!-!ili!i~~!lill!!~U!!JIIIIi!!ll!H!ll!ll!liEil!lffii!IE:iiiJi:;;:.;:i:F-'!!!!!!:.!if:;;;;;:::;:: 1 ~a,. •ld waa c &Jntd by brealdnc a down1t111r1. window wt~ a hroom. the UUtruetol'i • COUDe .a the ; Hlfll .ch•ool plunie~ thi week of ! ., 1 April 11 to 22. Regtater wtUl Mra l:.llura Wl\rr••n, eaeciiuv. aecre• !!: tary. Or11ng•· County Coundl, at, HI the ofnce . All payment& abould be &eeom· panted by tax bill. deed, or other ~ument be&ril\f dMutpUoa of propert y. 171 North t'Pnter ltreet, Or&nl'f', I H: or throu~:h y11ur local otrlce. ~! 'Mie rmC'ktng Jig, or r-<Wet. Iii which Edw,n Holmberg made for i iH th.-~ur~.:h·:ol clrtulng work, and jg llboUl Whllh we lold )'OU In f'eb· I Hl mary~ JIM hco•n patent protected 1 !li now an•l hu.., been formally pru·1 g! rntf'd to thr Red Crou. 'Mie local HI r·haplt•r t11t~ accepted the draw-l jy I ng• anti lht' .pl~ &rftnpmenta I r and t.lll1l vtry ftne contnbutlon !H Will now be pre•nttd ,to the Na-11 m tllllllll Rt'd Crou throqh the Pa-W c.ti<' AN'A hl'aCSijuarte,_ and the l1l J.. .._,II bt' u1~ • exchwvely for f:l Rt'd Croe~ worlt Ia, all p&rtl ell 1 ht rountry. Wr Holmbn~• ~ntaU• ol thl1 llandJwork of bill Ill a Jood e•llmplt oc bow people can UM j I h•'lt •P•·clal talent& to fUrther Rt•tl Crt•ss work, Have you .ame I · tl\h•nta to rontr1butet 1 ~-! R11y Alvord. ctl.luter re1tef 1, chnlrman, hu announced that •. 11111111 Ruth Stnip.on wfU ba IWi I CO·l"hlllrman, That la · 1\)011 "..,. ror· K ru Simpson'• lJedJcaUon of • .I hPr t rn"lie anti many ablliUN to I IH R.fd Cr01s work ~ weU known I! and f'veryone Ia pi~ · Thtrt JJ much unbapp!MM In t!'l• country beCaUM ot the uneer- t&Jnty or Japan... trMtment of A mtrkan prbonerw. fte 'Nation- Al Red Cr('u 1\.u been illaJdnf t'Vf'ry · pou1bl,. t tfort to carry Jta 8!'n·trl't to Ul~ men and wo-·· m,.n and hl\f publllbed an otftetal bulletLn on the aubject. 1'IMN la't room ht~ ll> go &nto aD ot lt. \'ou may r11~1 tbeo ·Home a.ntc:e Burtau of th-1 r ry will tt>tl you u m~. u M yoneo <'lin 11bout what ,.oee on. Rtmtmbl'r n1JI'I. lo.d of. ...-pon- l lblllty II I'Vtr In~ beN &II~ llll of thl' tl'ni~ ~ moN help. Many nnv people ha" ,.. ~ ARCHES-TRAILIR ·COURT Under Maaap•nt of Orville· W. Dant Modern * Reasonable Rates " Hot Showen, Individual·S.wer Conn~tioua foi Each Trailot CAFE IN CONNECTION (ndindual Liqht and Wat$1 Coanection" At Junction o/1(}1 Highway and Newport Slvct-'~ . (At Eddie's Padlry } Pleue make cflf'Ckl .,.yabl.e t.o DON 8. MOZl..ET, ~ty Tu OoDeetor c.-"nl\>• tnrolll'd. eut you plan ~r time to add , ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ .... ~ .... m. .... ~ ...... ~--. .. ~~ .. ~ .... Mn .................. ~ •rvtc:e to 1.0\lr ........ ' 11 ) •' 13, tMf Wool, $1.~ ahadea. "'-'· .· ... , .. - .. ·' • TbUnda)'. April 13, 1944 11/tuu; II. WATBBFBONT .\1111)'·~&\')' UN. 'llUI ....,.,. Will '-'• lUI ''Vl~ltU\l llln't'ill&nCt Otl nlfht-aallor tht• h.11 '"'I hu k•·· ,, •. ; ;prfn• ln\·ltatlonal La 0.\·te Hlltch fu1nwrly "' 11 .. 1, e boa leland Uavb J'llrilally crip-! 'cbeduJed By NBC plf'd by lnfanul~ patah'l l• found ~ F. C. Brew .. r Named BYC Race · Chairman . ,.,,. So~nnlr Harrtaon 1\u no-' IJ~<•t ato\'\'1111 lllffilt"-. wtth tw-r lu 1\ar home at CO.,IWI 1 11\uUwr an.t al•tn, Mnt Mary At•· Tn.. after .,.ncli~ "'" 1 l1t'I1N)fl and Mnt .Robert Foote. OUr annual •P~ ln\'dlOn t. .... '!J&J t vi ~&rcuUo of amall cJW. wU.b Ua nolle and cufl[WI\2n found "'"'"' uh•llie tv -un and ta.c:..IUD& • pwf~ climax 111 the jp'IUy ,,., ptvl\.~llon of Ute preeuven. ·~ wind that \l£bO!rt!\1 1.!1 ! uo.: avuncr· a younc-~r can b..- J:utar Sunday. And tht'll audden· ..uu&ul tu .JWttp ott the IJoclt and ly UM raucou.e lltUc' invader• ,.,..,,0~ ahure the t>eUar . wen ,one with the ":tnd ·and 1 11,. eluate remark ot Ute WMk our occu_pted territory wu re· ,·h.; Hlu.dll by the owoer o( a bil cla1med and comparative pe~C<' .. IIIII.)' crutau whOM piM.Iure Ul reatoNd. Semc the "playgrowa.l . vwpm.: about the bay al 16 1Jl1l., Of t.IM Pacific" 1\_t Umea hu Ita . .Ur lluu1 wu IUddenly lnlerrupt· dtaa4vantacee. .-u uy Ute v.atrol boat. "Why 1ou Tb.e lolcN&lly and Vallely tboa con t 11rreat_'l'M." be crfed, ''1 llMrlM an~ li:v Jon<'a wbu keeps .. 11.1\'c lnflullnU.U tr1en~ here." u eye on the fury, however, re· port UtU.. or DO trouble trom the • • • lluter crowd and conaidered It WALTER t'ILA.NZ AND on the whole better behated Ulan nu; "AMO&ITA Jut year. H ICh acllool ~ya were t'lte C&IHurn1a aa clua compoe· touild to be lUI cooperative than ·.:d u1 Lhc tl\·e beauutuJ and Ja- MI"VSce JDeD ln bailing out lhr .Jlll~ _.,,.,,., 1lovpa: CHOLITA ~ UMy captized during Lh<· .\L'l'A . ..\1;\R olrE.Ml'EST, li:SCA~ Euter b&ow but Ulal waa prob-•'A.I:JE anJ AMORITA bad Ute!{ ~1 due to tht' dllfer.-nce In ag.-·111.;111 111 · Uw nunda ot flv~ yacbll· aad t.be fact that service men .... n whullc 1deaa wert' eryal&Uzed have learned to watt un them-n th,• bv.uJ of OQJilll'r Nlcho~ Mlna. ;:;. l'ull,•t Jo'c~wl and Stewart What wu probably \h,· won~ I ·': I•· a··l··•·tcd · lu build Uw n- EA8ter cuualty occun····l when . "' oug di.Uill Rlld did ao ·rn 1937. two women In a rowboat attempt· ~ •• hrunua 32• can be ~orna· e4 to make a landing at Vallely'" ,.J by th" lcttcr c mctrclin& a Balboa clock. Aa one woman wu J:.! on the aail. Forty-alx foot aux· about to climb out the oth1•r WO· oll.11 y sluupa with a 10-ft., 9-tn. mu p ve &n unexpec~t'd, but I'm tJo·aJtt th~y can alt>ep tour and an aure qultt> lnnoc<'nt. WJ: nt .the , xtr u. t'l'l-\V m the to'cale. 'Ibelr oan, apllllnr h•••· tnend 111 the !IJJn·•l nnl.l s~aworthlneaa wu dt'm· b&y. Dreued In a new and charm· ••nslratcd by the ESCAPADE t~ Zuter outfit tha .•. <lwtked Ia· "hen ahc wun the Jut Honoluiu dy awam lu.etlly ~o ahore and laC<'. drtppl~ and dtalrt.veled rode tbl' Th,• t'HOLITA tlntt of the clue fefTJ back to the lal&nd toLchange. to tl•· buill , formerly called VAL- But llk~ moat dunkarda ahe wu Eltl l 11 and owned by Colonel ~rtul about It, aaying she had M~o·kll-. 11ow bt'IO!!C• to Fre4 AI· alwap wanted to awim at Balboa Juus ALTAMAR No. 2 11 owned l:uter W'Mlt. IJ~· Dlmald poufl!-'. Jr.; TJ:M. V1111ety. dt.leovered 110meUtlng !'EST ~. 3 by Ted Conant; 11:8· new In aquatlca IC&ater Sunday .. l'.\I'ADE No. • by. Walter J:l. Two !D'&U boya wanttng to nnt lo.,ll. and AMORITA N"o. II by a roWboat Wt'ft' uked If t-hey \\'.iJt..r Fr~&nz. chief ,purdlulftl' eowd .wlm. Tbe older one laid llJ:l'nt and a v1oe pruldent of ''Ytll'' but the younger boy who Hubbard's South Cout Company. wu about atx dt>cJared be could All fl\'4.' yacht• are "ept bue.· .wtm under the water al11ght b~t -wallt·r F'ranz bought tht> AM· DOt on top. H. wu auppllecS with ORIT A from Bruce Beardal'y a ll.t.e praei've-r In cue l'reahoul4 twu yl'artt ago allortty be1oft the w~t to come to the aurface for Harbor w11..1 cloaed. He baa Ullt'd &DJ ....... h••r on ,·anou.e CGA tuka to Cat· ~ of We preaervent, ahna ·Ill wl'll u . Jn tht> bay t.!Mre &ftll't any. Kapok, the ttb-1 t'~.. It 11 a pleaaurt' to aaiJ f'OUI ~t.ertal llnCUI!Ji the .Ked& hl!r In lht~ ba)' deaplte her aJ.se of aUk-cotton treea. wu fonner· bt•c-nu!le she bandlea 110 well. 'lbere ly LlpP,OIUd from Java and our ts talk of thl' five California 32a ~ aupply 11 abaorbed for mo•tn~: to Honolulu aa a elua aft· IAIJOA CANVAS SHOP 8Uia e Boat Oo,-e., '• A wniMK" llutae Upholaterln« ...._. JOT n•~ 2111 ~t. ··r the war. Th(' A !IJORJT A Ia kept In front nf the Frant" home on L& .. d. H··r <·n·w ron•letlng of Mt>l'rls, AtldiiOn Gurley, 'Pre tlce Fulmcy and Skipper Frana. "all :'I:IIY<' Jll l'l1\bt'nt,.llave a dlaUnct ad\·anlage apart fro~ their n" two blo~ll of each other. \\':tltPr F'rAnz formerly ~d r thl' 49-foot yawl BRILLIANT ~·htrh h,. f'll t'f'd to Honolulu tn _'3f flllo,.hon,: I!I'I'Ond In ht'r clue. Be· si•h• his proflrh·ncy and popular· ~ J1 IUid 2t on tht> Bay it v as a vachtaman he t. knoWn Newport -Phone 6::11 f•;r ttl!' flnr care 'he C1vea hl1 I)QRtl\ HI.' "'~ lt'e ''pArt oC Ole ------------------fun of owning ont'" For Your Signs PB6NE 81 t.iiiOSTING . 11\' MOONUOift' ll:r'n · you bt'«n n11hl ..UiftJ' """' that It 11 &~r~ln your pr1vU: I, s:•· ". The other night 1 eaw a .. t•••P gllJlalmg alone ,on a -taint hr. rtlh of air. At Umea ahe wu ·~•lhnu.-lt.rd agalnat harbor ltghll a nuraculou.e curt' In ~1111'\g 1St'--' ~ H&rbor Taclat Club P C Br.•wfi ~··• .. VI>ointe.J ra,•e c-amf' an t'XP;f'l't stnooat aklppcr wtll neat Junday tauncll lt. Dvl· ..tktrniJ&n for t~• "' a mf'o'tlna of and dfl~hlJ!d 1n JliSbt ..uun.-. H• •. tatlonal ~Ptlfl& Serwa whicll..wt.U lb.o:. .urectura.oL-lS&Jboa \'acht Club 11 now l'n~rag•d In wlr \\"\Irk o""ta 1 bt> open tu all m~mbent of y.cht b•·ld S•t•uJay at tlh-clubhl>u.at. another Star. ' , ... u~ bfh>n&lfll to thi Southern )o'ulluwln.: 1\la appulntm.,at, Mr. ~allfomla \' arht1n1 .-K'IaUon. • Rrt'Wl'r nl\.lllf'd vn bla couun,ttre SA\'1' a&caun Race. will bt-aaUed on ~pr11 Stt•dman ttoar an.J c· v Wurde· \\11U.am Alfred Ho~ ot 1 Ul. 23, and 30, and May 7, t• and onar~n a not Ia tlXI,Wc_tt!\1 to add mon , NeWJ>Ort Bea<'h ·hu enllatt'd In ' 21 Award of polnta will be on a llf<'lllbc>nl u """ .Jh:tatu .. the' Navy and ·will lf'a\•t> '"'""'" ",.,.,•nta.rh· bute ana ~ta wm F ,E Hatnn h•tHit'rt'd hla rt'lll· latt>ly fQr boot ramp tr&l 'l 11•' l'i'QUirNI "' .. 11 In all racee on ••allnn "' Jl\lrt <'IUitaln. thf' board ..__,...--__ n nc. llvl1\-out of the tlx lt'ht'.Juled daya. MCn•ptln~r ...,n,. and namlntc VIc•! BOAT Bt'l'INO l'LA.TED 111 0~~} tu qualify. l ct•mnwd••r,. l>on Kc-11111 to .,.n•e ' Good · • 'lb~ at&H\'rt wt.U be~ mimi-! t<'mporarlho In that t'&J'Rt'ity nt>wa for lht' Nt'wport boat onum numbt'r acc .. ptable In t'acb fo'l\'o• apJ.IIIt'&.f\Ja Wf'ro• ., . ., • ..,,, Into bult.Ung :nduatry Ia contained In 1 oMre for .Rho.J,.., PC'a, PIC. and nwmi'H<nthlp. tht'... bt•llll( Walton a IUf\'\'y rec<'~tly conJucted ·bY j 80 dtn&hlt>l, and fuur atartue for Hubbard. Jr .. an.J'~rlan w Mvono. F'ortunt' --Magwnt' to ~t•nnlnt' Albau-. Fakona. P'tatttee, Na· Nt'wpo r1 Drach, nr R R HaMt'n. ~e e-xtent of cont emplatt>d ~t.l ll(lnala. 8nl~a. Pac1n~ t•·foot Loa Ant(rlr• .1 s Wh)1r, C'orona '' ar purchaan. Acro1'dtne to tht> l,hnJrhiH. Pt'l\t(UIIIa a n.J Dyn din&· ,lt'l Mar "".! Gt'<lr{e w llryant * At thia bonk, r•oltora and othe,. find on effic1e~. prompt, de-pendable • sun•ey 'IMI.OOO,OOO will ~ ·~nt . hlu. nnt rrtzr will be awarded · for boal.f AQOb. attrr the war'a In uch c:laaa tn wtu.cll lJU"M_ at escrow aervl~•· The neorett branch ronclm on 'lbla 11 tbr~ t lmt'a the 1onort' boat. ,.uallfy. flntt and INC· \' AC11T at tao~ total •~nt for nrw b.oata In 1~1 .1""" pnua f••r """ boata quaiJty. Johnny "Tatun" \\'elaamullu 'a ' . ·w.tcorMt the opportunity of Mryif\g ye>\1, th .. auf\'t')' ahowt'd. tnlt and f~rat. 1.-ron.J and thlrd yn.-ht, Allur••. wu burarla l1zo'<l Fl1· -. fur .covt'll or mort• boata quality-day, entry lx-tnc calnl'd by brf'ak· .IO~N8 TILANI!IPO&T 8EilV1CE 11\1'. 1ng •. tt .. t .. h Amonr matrrlal rt'- pol14'll atulen WI'N! f<lllr or ftvt' bottll'a o r Rtlurbon, t\\"t1 b.CII•·• or Scotcn and two rartuna of <'II{· 'illn1tk ··.1f A'tttrirlt F"rt>\ll"rir R. Spelllcy. 122 33rd lltrt•l't, hu joined· thl• Army Tranaport Sf'n.'lrt' amJ I'XJ)K"ta to lea\'l' 1100n for dlat&nt porta, It waa dtacloaed by hla aletrr, Klaa Ann, Spelllcy of South faaacSena. who wu tra.naactlng. buatnu. In Newport. Tura<Uy. Mr. Spelllcy hu t<aken an acllvt' lntl're.t In local civilian ·Mfenlt' ,work and lnatructf'd II'VI'ral d._ tn Red Croou fl ntt ald. BYC Races .Cu~ By Sunday "Breeze:' Out' to tht< hard "wUterly" which IWt>pt down on Newport HaTbor 8Unday arternoon. on.Jy two cl~a' of U'le achl'dult'd · nlnr -re pt<rmlttf'd to aall In Balboa Yadlt Club'a Easter Invitational Rt'eatta. 'Mie ft'malnJn& lt'vtv, 1Jl. t'ludlng Stan. Albat~a. 11'&1· cona. VlkJnp. Pactnc; H •fool dinghlea. Balboa dln«fflel and Dy· Pr dlnplea. al"'t'.alated to r&Ct' next Sunday aftern09n. weat.bu ~- mlttine. _ Supervlalng the racine of U'le Intrepid Snlpea and 1-C dJnghiH wu F'. C. Bl"'t'wer. nf'Wly-appolnt· cd race chairman; Craie Doyle, former c.balrman ol the ra« com· mltlet>. Hub RJley, chairman of thr am all boat dlvtalon of 8CY A. and VIce Commodol"'t' Don Kemp. 'Jlwo racea were aalled by the Snipe clue, the revt>ne acorinlt 11 y•t em bt' lng Ult'd. "'lt('i.l)&' wu Wild Hal't'. 1allrd by Me(.calf, who finished with 1 1·2 polnta; aeconiJ; Lark Too. Bill t pt.a; third. Toper. Bob Walten, 1': Dtpper Too. Bob Andrewa, 11 : Screwball, Dick o'lattt'rman. 1!. Bolk-tte. Bob and Betty •'hit.. 13. 'an4 Hal ·Tall· mAd~e. 14 .. H · lol Worct>al~r. jr.. aallt<d hla Sub De\ Into thwt place In thf' thrt>e I·C dln~hy rac-t'l. L R Lyon ,taklnr Reond In Gad· r et. Rutlt'll C. H lglint!Of'l, third. In Flying Dllt~an. and W . M OUU.. fourtb, lJl Codlet Savr for Vktory! Tum In your ll('rAp mrtal. r~ pape-r. ltTI"a&e. llrf't t••a. 1 : \I ·. · \! ' ·.' ; A ,.,. H 11.1 II • . ....; . . . . . . . . . . - II THE · lEIGH·-SEISDI .; "' NEW REINFOR('t;o enNCRETt~ BUSJNESS11LQG ... Nt;Vt~n Of'CU.fa.P • ON .fiiiE ~AN ~ANDS'it CORONA 1)J;L' MAlt For.a MAN and WIF~..who want tG-be in eonee88ion Oll· a beach too, from a concession standpoint. l'OU SHOt LD (iO.tO\'t;J' AN~ IIAV.E ·OUil MR: RHODEN ~HO\\•' l'OU THROUGH I THIS .~JJILDiNG. \V~U 'H \\'~ ARt~ OFFERING ON tJASl' TJo:RMS FOB . ~-~--~--------$6,000•-·FaU Pdcfi Ralboa Anglinl! l'1uh Issues·. Certificate8 to Marlin FishenJ . . -,.. . . ~ .. -1• ) .. :u1r! Ill'~'" ln. 111atlnet In the aha· Succt>l!llflll nngl••r" who wo•agh· THE SIGN l'fAS I i", ~ 111 ht•r pro~r<'ll! wu 10 "'I 1n "wordfr~h nt N•:WJI!trt Hsr· 8pt'Cialt)': I ,,, .. 111 d slh:nl. I hlflrtO" aha.ltP nor lli.Jit 11uonnwr aJ"' nnw b•'lng 'IIOAT LETTF.IU."O· ·, t h; 1 1•'11 r n phantom ahlp. IIIHUCif Crr11ftl'at t•ll of 1-'purt•man· ~--.._ ~-----·.'' f'H•bably the moM. -~~llltt'lnll 11h1p by 8 11lbua An'flong Clllh. It ·wu annnunrt·d (11\lay uy ·~ , " , ("rfl("kl'r. Cf•('rPlnry Shell Marine Products AT THE ~HELL MA1N CHANNEL Just received for your . . , inspection: A new ship- ment of Marine Hard- ware for summer outfittih~ 911 CoaSt ·Highway Phonel84 6 . Llul •r-caA .. n'r '~'~'llrtl lndu\1" 148 marlm. lhl' flrsl. b-•1111: .llrtiUJCht ln Aug 1 and tho· l11~t. S•·pt 28._ Largeat flab waa a :14ti-poundf'r landed hy 8 . ll: Crowu••r of Haw- thorne who wa11 ftllhlng sboard the Dolphin Wrlh Capt Offt•riE'. Cut- t:ng rlo!W' to thi11 WPighty ont' wu a :!~·pounder brought In by R L. Slaughter flahlng fr<rm th~ Sornn. with Capt. Taylor Frank l..lnnt>ll topped all recor'da for grou numbt'r of swor•ltlllh. welghine In elsht ranging from 99 to 1815 pounda. Another record wu .. tabllabed by H . C. Kr'M(a who caurbt U'lree marlin In a single day, all from the Daley n. with Capt. Jimmy Stnenson. The Dalay U, Incidentally. brought In , 21 fllh durtnr the aeu nn, t.hus Mttlng a rt>cord among local swordtllhins boat.. CApt. De· f;rajlse a nd the . Tl~hlllnea came In aecond with 17 marlin, and El&. • Capt. Perce Marplea. 18. I Dlrectora of Balboa Anglin~ Club will declcle at an early meet· lng on pi&N for maklhg aw•rda and kt>epi"C ~U . recorda, St>cn - tary Crocktr aald. tary Crocker aald. C. JriA&ftN 80DION~ F'u.neral lt'n1cea were held yu - terday In Santa A.na for E. C Martin. a rtaldl'nt of that city for •2 ~ara and lalt'ly a l"'t'aldent of Newport Bt'ach. Mr. Martin, whe died Sund•J at 8 L Joaepb hoapl· tal. Ia aurvtved by two 10n11 'and lh~ dauKhl~nr. J aml'll A 1-hr· Lin. Newport; Charlea E. Martin. 8el.ttl!'; Mnt. Agnl'll Ade.m11. Vtll11 Park; Mn. l!lYa NellMn an4 Nn Oraoe Pett>non. Berkeley, Jnl,.r· ment waa at Fairhavtn cemPttry. I • . . .. ... .TBINK . OF IT! "crvicc Counters ... tcmt·n t construction ... fron Unh '\hore Ave., iaHminc Av ('. and an unnamed Hlr(•'· t ; Vt;~, S t'UONTAHt;s where t he people can be ~wrv.ac,l without congc~ti(d' ,.Then tQO, the interior is large a nd could be Ut,JCd fc.~, ri:l'iifly concession purposcH· ... Y cR ... The re arc slee p- ing quarters and toilet accommodations a~~o! ........ ,, ................ . PBOPERTIES, INC. ~3· loath Bill IL LeN Aa~el .. See Mfl.T. -Rifollen ;~ racfSate5Man3ger · \ Tw~ ~fflce .~ the •••••• \at co a oRA DEL JIAB r .· the Rev. Karl K. Hillman otn···••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••••lil•••••••ill••••lllll•••••llil~ ~----------------------------------~~~.. . r "" • . .,... .. Repatriate4 ' Mesa Meetin Tuetlday Ia a pi the calendar Qf tht ' eo.ta ·w-~ When tllt>y Will W'ft ~ at 8 p. m. whk to lht' publiC'. liM Twlnem of Anaheb bu teach•r·mtulon wu mad• a priiiOM D-the day a't.e1 &Dd ~turned t<1 the lut Decem bf't on l ot :thi ncb la(lt'e · ahl1 '-' Ill• TWinem hu eecond f '••·Y••r eer • Cblna, having retur a year of lltudy In the two. Her Chuf Hopei prorinee ID N wu ODe or the prld~ In China. At the ou llbe and 12 ot.hen, children, w•re -.-nL. · eonf&ned to a comp< A &"RdU&It' of Jlf't the l!peakn hBII co uate work at USC 'nleolo11cal Seminar 'nle program wll by a pot·lllck ll).lflP which all lhl'ae whc v1ted to cc;me and IJ ar.d dl.!!. A apectal: r ' O,..tlng Ca· "WE IN 1112 a.utll Malft TAKI " \ . RI > t Pa,e8 -------- Mn Barbara Feb. l&lt ~· avenue, hu accepted a poeiUon with lhe Southern California Telc· pl'lonl' Co "ortlt Balboa. / 1 • Mr7 I: B l:hle, (the tonner Vt'lma' Woody of, 5U HamUton atreet r .:-Jill-jol.ned 'ber bUibanc1. Lt. Ehle, who Ia· atatloned at IUv- e.rmde:~ .. Mn. Oordon ~nd. W1ll be hoaleM tl\11 evenlnc at a mHt· ~ of Ooeta Me.aa ·M'tremen'a aux- Iliary whicb wUI be tseld at lhe fin!hall. • Mr and w... A 0 Bmltll movt'd to Santa Ana trom lhelr home at 680 Wut Wlll!On •treet. , They had been ruldenll of Colla M t-M for nve yean. Greiory Gorby, jr , a · ~u~t at Norton School for BOy• at CI"-Rmont, apcnt Euler vacaUon wllh hl1 parenll, llr. and lira. Or.,gory Gorby of 1~1 Tu..IUn avcnu~. . , .a&n 1 Juanlla Danlet. .... ~ci tJau&b· t.er. Beverly, of LA(Una BOJacb, aiH..I Hell'n l..lndaey were recent IU"•u at ~~ home of Kn. Dan· tel'' parent&, Kr and .lin C T Bfflek, 30:1 Weet' Wllaon. J arne• 1 c :allacber ot Paaadena Jsu bel'n IAIIU<'d a c:ounty bulldlrlg permit tu t'rt'Ct a dweW.n&' on Ua~ nrwOI 11dl' of 2llt at.Nel weat of Oran'.Je avl'nuc ·at Colta llua. The atrue!ture Ia !Xptc.te4 to ca.t aoon. Ml"'l R W Murray. 1833 Harbor boult'vard, ·had u Sunday IUelll En.et•n Robert lla)'o of Terminal J'JIIand ancl fill taUter, H H Mayo Clf P itlllburg, Pa. Al1o, Mr8 M 0 Mua-ray, Mra Jack C urtlJI: Ml'8 Jlarry Gt•ntry and. Mlu Ann Mur- ray, all of .HuntlngtOJI Beada. Ml"'l -'•lah Wile ·w aa ncenUy rh·clNI chu.lrman of the Colla ac,... Girl Scout Troo commit· l•••). Oth~r oHiC'cl"'l named-were lira, Arthur Kt'mper, vice chair· man; Ml"'l Cheater Flaher, IH!Cn!· ttary and Ml"'l Donald Card, treu- 1url'r. New board rnl'mbel'8 are M re. C. G HUlton, Mra Pa.ul A J()ll('pb, Ml"'l Oui1Nna Butlcr, ...... Kemper and M~ Jac::k Keatlnc. I 7iae . Old f2.90 .. I • PIR QA.LLON ... , ..... .., ............... • I :-• .. " -----.-- • ' NEWPOftT-Il.AI.JIOA PllESS . \ Thul'&dfy, April 13, .Mr ttnd M r8 f~li C. Hl\nlK>n. :s:.O F.ul 18th strt•t t, a rc the par-. ,,1118 uf a AIJII l~<ll'n t-~nst•·r Sunt.la~ 1,1 S!Oita AIU& l,;u111ntUnllY hOIJll; tal. ·• Joseph'() f'uyue. 11 i East 18th rt ..... <'!t , ,h n ll b1·~11 C\III·(IOt'd l u h ill h~>me for lhl! p1Ut anunlh. aa ,re- •ull or an attack oC acut o.' brun- chltll. )41'8. 1... V. Pht·llus, 1669 Twltln tl\'enue, ret'\an1ed (rum :"it•W Mcxl· '\o Monda~· .,., .. ·nln.: whl'n' sht• had llpCnt a llll)l)th w (!h relnll\'t:• near t..o"rdaburc . 'lh!'\l 't:'Bt:LLV IU'..HIDENT8 TO WCAT.E AT IQ:BA Out-of·towMI'8 who are IOOD to he nrw Coat& ~ .. -,...S~t. are 8J't. WllU.. L ' -Oaau.ru. eon !\tr. ancf Mn .• Ot!or,.e W. ~uak at of Mr. &nd liN. ~ Cont:ruu J:'.-,,.4•hello who hatvo purchued of 17th and Kc~Drovta aven'u.e. th,. P,..u home -and''acre at lt'Tii C'oala Ilea. wu lllUe4 In action :"'••wp<Jrl bqult'vard and wiU take In Italy, ~ to won! re· ·•·•sst•ssion af an early dale. celved bare Ua&e week from the Thr· t raua actlon ·waa handled by \Y,ar cit~ Sgt. ~m. Coatreras KIUed ... ...,D r•1,. v E. Ruaacll office w~ere It Sgt. Con~ wt.o waa a ~quad \r'all alao k>port.ell Uiat Mr. and leader wtUl tbe lrd Infantry Dl· \lrs Andr.-w O&lltlce have boupt vlalon of taw W!1ftJa Anny, had • h•• Lawrence Rippetoe hOUM and only ~nuy .,._ promot•<t from '·•l nt 187 Albcfrt plal'e. 'Mr. and t~.raftk of qlllplrll. A native of ~It t! J 1.. Moore' of·F're.no ~ve Callfomla. be WM -born ·Kaf 8, 'C111J:ht 1ix lot• on ~he weet} llde 11118, and bid. l'tllllded at Coltta .r Ch urch 1treoe tfrom R. B. Bate· Meea •lnce ~ Inducted In .r Church 1LrE'et trom R. a Blak; the Army June t , 1Hl, he had 1nd ~fr1. Richard Olboney have Qeen OVII"MU III.Dce early In the ..,urrhaMd• a lot on the eut elde "'ar and had' paitlctpated In the ,r Ch~rch •~reet from tlle l&lbe heav1eat tlptJnc 1 of t.ht' )efedlter- ' vn•·r. .-anean eector. Mr and Mr11. Fran£!• Davtea of · Mr. 'and Mn. Contreru hav• ,.,...,,.,nn d •·l Mar hBve ~ugh nve another eon, Manuel,. who 11 at.o .,.,.,,s at 17th and Pl~,c~nua froi'Q l!Hvlnc tn the AnnJ. \Irs Taylor or t..oa;g Beach . . · d 'A . -oiiM!IDJiOTaD MUJU~OE A.IIIINOUNCD Untmprove creage .. 4MB ~·J--AIIDOUMe'Dent 'laaJ .... B • ff ' 'A ...,,. wrr ot Ule mamq-e of Mile Bought ~ .e eJ"'ID the.., ot a 11·1MI'"OI4 bJi'a. w! Clarke, d&~&~ht.er ot . boy). Aller Jr~IU.. mont.ba DIICOti&UoD, •·r _: ... •. ¥r-. c . W . Clarke of with l1x rraetlonal OWDera, w. '1'. ~ N~-.Ballio&.P~~,.. (JI') -'rthurl\. "Miracle. Klle~· Jefferaon · ·~ : 1 .,;; 11f01lckr1Jl&' lt tbe Boardl Mr and Mra A. R. recorded • deed &iv1nc b1m tull of ,B:ducatlon of our ftriou Sou· or Banta Ana, lb., rtt• t1 Ue to lhe "larceat potential aub-tJtern Calltom1a 8Cbool dlatrlcta taken, place April 2 fl tbl dlvlalon acreace to be IIOld at could not be· pei'W\I&Mcl to ~ ~abyterlan chun:h LD Costa..,Meea In 80DM till¥· lhe ume of the ~er boUda)'l to AnL. 'nle brtdef"'OOJ\ Ia a The lud ~ulred by Mt. Jef· the Week an.r J:uter 1utM4 · of of Kr. &Dd Mra. A. B r_,r.on Ia a 3t'-acre tf&Cll~ .,._ the wMk befoi.e. There would be o.f B&lboa and a tween Newport boul"itN ,..ID4 a 111eUer ~ or .uiDy weatber Allee Plumn of N~rt road W1th a 1000-for ON thiDc but 1D0re tmpt&nt atld hla parent& reelde4 oa foot fror\tage on the wm ellk of It Juat ctoe.n:t -m tltUftC when boa. Ialand for a number ot rhe boulhard. (m the .outh tbe t~ whole· Clu18t1an ·world Ia ob-an.\1 many I!>Cal trten41 ~ tract Ia tJOunded by Jll• NewP,Or1 aerv111f Holy WMk W1th 80iemn In wtlhtnc the yoWl& COU Caadltlal• city dump and exten~ n~y prayen ~t there lhould be .Op :.:ln=IJ!M=·=::;-~ralit-::~ to Collta Meaa Lumber Yant, lb. much merriment and hll&rtty la _ only lmproveme.nll OD the ac,.._ our Uttle community b.,.. 8o -----1· are beln&' the rld11J6 etablea fonn-why not a poe,t..l:uter ,ac&UOD erly owned bY Jack «enneey. lnatead of a pre? Dh1de'd In tenth·lntereeta, four MRS. UDONA.RD IIA.RO~VID. ownf'rt each held one-tenth, the sa Orand Canal. Balboa IalaD4. Ray llarr••lt. u '"''tllth'r of th1• :"'U\')' • f•~htnrl{ Sen Uct·s, ha.i bt•en aeetnJ; s•·• I'!Cl In the Ctltx·rt (alanda, rH·t'"l'cltn~ to the latt•st remaJnJn,-alx-tent.ta. belft&' held by two ownen. Since theee par- tlew were IKattered throupOut MI:SAN8 JNnJJa:l) the Unlt~·Stat~ &Dd Can&4 \RRESTED ON-.60! 'CHAIIOI: Maxine McKque 28 of Ooata clearing the UUe pre.ented con-P.RMANifNTil IIILUJI)r._ ·u. 8. IEIIIE ·MONDAT.Ntt!S n·i-••ivl'd ra om hl.m by hilt wJ(~. Ettlttl Barrett ul !HO ~c'!'·· pnrt boull•\·ard. ·'''sl·ph Thornton Powell, arrut-M<>aa, auffered ~r ln,JIIrlef Frl· .Sioera,oae ,dJfftculty. 'nle tranaac- "' f•Jr drunk dnvlng when hla lay evenln&' when th<: 'tar abe tlon wu handled by Lew WaDace. , o~r ran orr lhL we11t end of 18th 1 wa.a backln&' from a drh·ew&Y ~aa Bder vllllla.ty ... 9 :45 . Nr5 Alic••• 1o; t:uton, 112 D l'l Mar atr.·t't , Is' n·< ov,•rtn~o; ft 0111 htl· n .. r tnjUrh•S wu((l'l't·tl last wct•k 1\'h•·n h•·, 'ar roulo·d 1•1 n•&~e the turn frcun It vrn•· ll\ •·rinl' to 22n.J ~>lt••••t arul run 111l•1 ll Jltt.:h nt tht' m l•· or lhr t•oaJ Sh•· waa taken to a Co1t11 Me11u phy~tcillll for c r;;alm~L • 1 n ·d , was found to ~ drlvlnc on ~~,a~rtedly atJ!uck by a machine ada brtna' ,, prubat wnary licente a.a reault 1 ";crated by Kalcom H. Nelaon, •• r r• t'rcv1ou11 n mv.ic tlon on the, :!9, o f 8M Weet W ilaola atreet. <a me charg... Appearlnc Friday, ;\lclaon reeetved Internal 1 K H-J dU lfewpen ..... Colla~~-...... - .M 1 s .1 ~_;-> W alo<t'f, Ute fonner :,;crultJJilct HJtrHit·ll, •• spending ,\nl \l<·•·t..s '' •lh h•·r pll r.·nu , Mr. 11\tl ' Mt ~ J,·~~~ ll:~n,;o·n. uC ·16th •tro:rt .\!1M \-\ .dk••r'>< huaband, a \'t'OIIIIll! ftl'l>l 'IllS>!, 1-i ( •>llflll\'d LO .ll•··gu x .. , . ..J .hnliJ.'•lal lUI r..- hl'forc Judgt• D. J . Oo<lce he J ll nd bolh h~ and M111. !•l•·a.Jcd nol guilty and aaked for .. ,·ere remo-ved to St. trial by the court which waa eet pttaJ, Ne'-on having tur April 31. ,.ufflclenUy to return home , Jamca· A. Whlt.e, arr~ for tollowlnc day, ne accident drunkeneu In lhe Palm Palm pla.ce on Harbor boulevard parktng lut, Ia o.t Uberty on f25 Bay atreet. hall pendln~ his appeuance In r ... urt tomorrow. Al!lo alated to ap. 'fO IIONO& MA&lNJI: 008N flt'3f IOmllrrOW (HI B drunk cJi&rge .,, Jamo·a Irvt.A Davis, arrukd at 12 :70· a. m: ~4ay aa he w• l~avi Barba r&' Tavern In Co. Spcclal · honor wall be paid . .!'! the U . S. M&tine C.orpa at the next meetinc of Costa ·weea Frl- Jud&'e According to court r~corda,. Cov- ltiTt:l!t t'Uk t'. ft. !-OTE\'t:SS ...., u J Oo<.lg e on a charge of drunk e,y had agreed to pay the fine In "••ving, Paul J. Mea®w& una .I "tnstallmenll" and bad failed to • ' for trial by jury which wu eel '""' 10. . • · J.'un..:rul' »t:rl'i<'• " wen! lwhJ Sat-· -de for A._,rll ~ at. 10 a. m. •ne • ------ Ill c.Jny nl h a rold Gt-nllf'i.. r.·tltll\nt was arrc1ted April 21 ARil8 AN!'lUI..MENT . lt•l Ft·t n II· lt,, .. fll St I'CIIB, -61, ·' hil" tlrlvlng In . the Palm Palm M.1'8. D&lay lrc>ne Oviatt bu \\ lltl ... lit•d Tbllt ~ I,!\'. oil h1S humc t'Mt• parkin~ lot. The trial will uked !vr a,· annulry~ent of be.r !till :Z:.!nol ,.lrl·•·t Stll \'1\;(•1'~ lllt'ludc .,,. 'hrld In tht• American Le&ion ' mania,l:'e to Han uon Oviatt. In his w Hiow , Mn r:rruu11 . Stt·vrns : hall. the cnmplalnl sh,· 11tated that lhey two I 11.,.1,., 1 >un.d.J F a lid Htc'hllrd were llla rrlcd ill Colta llf'!a Jut T ull uf 1. • .. :.t.• M1 ··• :. ohnt;:ht•·r, Go<td prlr:IUnl at tbe · Pre.-Jan. :1 but d1d not dllciOM the M;.,. \'tr1o;111111 B-•~,.. It 1~"'" JW:w h shot>. Price1 'reaaonable. date ut' sepa~athm. ht~lth•·f, F .. ;Hi Sh ~ -•• ;..-. • .;;,·;-;.;.·.---.:..--~----~-~--~ 'hi•''' Mc~l•·•"· Jotr~ \',.tn t'll\'ht, I Ft•·Mnf•; M1~· Tll· It'"' ll••lltllly, u ukltttl•l, 1111·1 Mt:> l'; •II (Ill\'•'• Rk h111u11tl Tlio• R··\· ('nr•l B Juhn· ~on n rf1• "'''·I at lh,. ~··t ,., .. , .. In· l<'rm••nl b<•m..: at l-'1\11 h :l\'t•n ro•nw-1 • rolonv - faini;'. ... _ R.EFRIG~O-MASTE-R SOMEI'HINO NEW FOR \'Olll ELECTRIC REFRIOERATOK ·OK ICE IIOX ; NEW sciENTIFIC ' DlSooVERY SA \'F. food -SA \'E money SA \.E your refrigerator · $5.85 ~ f>l'l'\'f'Dfl" dc>h\'Clration. Pl'f'tM'n't"'' moi"hlrt' eoateat. • KN'pa f.ocwt,..\·itamla~fl'f't'lh for da~·a. • .:Jirnin:at .. M' nofrignator odors. • ~R\'f~ !'hoppinJt trips. • ~t nokhf'~ ration t"'tJlH)ns to thP lin\ I,. Jl4-frig-0-Mut~r 1K nf'w! 'So nu)\'ln~t parta. PEARL-WICK HAMPERS Seat and upright styles in all th~ poputar _ ---colora. -' $6.95 to $7.5t Bring the ·spirit of Spring righ~ intq your. home. Brighten up your ~tchen and bath with some---Of .the IllY c~ora. Old Colony Quality. pain't will do the triclr. fion't rtotr-wtth -me·liouse: rue up the iawn and patio with sotne of our outdoor furniture. It is made for beauty and utility. See 'l'hem Todayl .For. Gardens W A 'rEB-PROOF RUBBER GLOVES AU Size 69c -79c FERTILIZERS ! TOOLS AND SEEDSI' for your VIctory. Gardea ~---------------------- or Cmilfort Fn Cooking ·Folding Lawn or Patio Chain'· with Extra lleavy Removable . BroWD Caavu Cover $4.75 Only a few left! ~--............ ....,....,......, ___ _ 8 inch ·· Heavy Chrome STEEJ:: FRY PAN Will Not Warp .. .-$~.19 10 mch size $1.59 Jasl Ardvedl A .,.. llllfment of Shower aad Wladow· C~rtains lD all the ·New and 'Popular Colo ... ~bower Curta~. $4.95. · Ensemble $7.95 Popular Heavy Weight Large ;\NOTIIER BATH ROOM 'RUO Size Chenille SlliP~I El\"T 8Pd COVER SEATB SHAG RUGS of the PopuJ.a.r-.Peach in Colorful Heavy iD Popular Col_on. Bas.kct Shopping Weight Chenille . A big-value at Size 21x32, Only CARTS t4.29 $3.29 Only 89c ·the set -------- IAUNDRY&A.Rft FLAT FOLDING Nuff Said! CLOTHES DRIERS JUTE PATIO MATS -Well made SpliDt Colorful and Attractive Clothes Basket on ·a Collapsd nat when Two sizes. Replaces Wheeled Stand. Special not in u.e. the Coco Mat. Each $3.98 $2.95· $1.19 SEE US FOR BM.J:V FURNITURE! ~bs, Matt~ ~h ChaJ~ and Pads. Play " PeDII and ~ada, NUJ'1M'JpY Ohaln, .lampe~ and rnaay other Items Ia this Uae! ·"WF..STERN HOLLY" 0¥ Baqee. "SOUTHERN" Water Reateri! ,·our toe bos lJ,_I--.J.u:_rei.r:iJ:,f~loL-.JlljLj[ljle~~:-"~--"'~· -vp-te -a -tH- TE .,NKLE HARDWARE. '~TE 'WiNKLE HARDWARE Telephou N•~r1 1325 COSTA M~A ' • 1811 Newport . ....._ .... tc•J tMRD\lt'ARE ,..:--;r I IIJl'~Fth't [') Nrr STORES ! ·o;~J.. h. t .. ... ) . • , /. I· .. ..... 'Thureday, April 13. 1944 / •ooa&YI II'• IIIEP'S -... . ~\::!1 ~.-.· 1135 'HiqhwaJ 101; J.a.et Jut of The Arohea Overpua ....... -._....., WORK BASKET Helen N. Gallaper . 5tamped Good8 and Yantlj • ~Mdleworll l•truc.-tlnaa GraU.' wttlli PurcfaMe of Materiallt . ...._..!tn Ul N. Bl-.d"·ay ~ta Aaa ~--·------ rua IN&UJIA~n~ toEP -- Howard \V. GerriSh·! :t'll'1 w: (..,at~ ..\,-.., We •• vurt u_..._ Callt. Ptto.e .as UJTOMOHILE ACCIDF.NT • Watch It Jewrlry Rrpn1rin~ Greetmg Carda For All · 0cCJUIOM Watches and E ngagl'ment • Rln&'l on our Ea..sy Budget PllUI 1787 Newp<irt Blvd. Ph. 1539R COSTA M ESA Machin.. \\·orl< FOR and BOYS • Mart.e An. BA.LBOA I~LA~D .,. N~l. IIIIU .. aAI!Ie•• W c are tbe on• to watab IOIIIt day, • ,, J • \\"h1•n Uae llhowclowft -at lut; • • -• We who h&\•e kDow1l the Jau..s.r w av • That 'led th~b a rot.IPer put \\'1' h_a''" taken our be&Uq Alzld. . lng up ).nd now with the e&lltna' dnulu, w .. 11n our beal'll wtth aMOer t:up To the nat bard • .., Ulat ·romee. • • • T'ot h"r nl}:'ht. at a meeting of lru nl fl8hl'rmen llnt! legl1lat1ve hil! !~hntfl, the! matter of price ''""' rnl nrctdr nlly crept lnto lM +·-- 1 I Pl'loar :ne f ~----1 LYLE POPE I Official 0 . P. A. I • 'nle Qovernme"l now IIAYI you may recap your. tlffll wtth· out certlflrAlfo frrun the Ration Board U11 your n tlon certtflcatr for pre-war gnde ura. AUio Uaed and Grade m Ttm. • l I Save lor VIctory! 'l'um hi your ecrap metal, ra&a. paper. ~eue. lnlllngC.nll RIIU / I ................. ................. Iaiii II . Cilia•• ll•••lru •' .... Servicemen and War Work-en are all def,ending upon our girh at tbe nlfitchboorr:J, . Good pay wh ile learning and.legular.mCrea••• sootltERN CALiFORNIA ttliPHoNE co: . .,.., 100 E. Bay A"Ye., Balboa .... 01\ 514~ N. Main St., Santa Ana I ' . ~~~~J~bility Cer!ilicate R~_i~ T. 0. ~attlngly Heads Early Dtagu08g . j A1'r11 4th, l8U . Putl. Apr 13·20-2'7 i-'lt'TlTIOl 'l" t'IAM NAME l'ER'nf1C'ATF-OF 8VIlllfU8, Th•· un•k ratcned doea twreby t'l•r\ofy th"t !the II concluc:UnC a liHh t•ll rl'lhl)' tv wear buain-at 210 Jof11rtn1 Ave .. Balbo& .l.llancS, Cll y t•f :--; ,.,, 11ort Bead\. County of u rsngt·. ~tat .. of Callfomla. IUickr lh1• ftt:lol•""" finn name oJ VM•· bund H •<Ul!c aiul that aaicCfum 11 cJmpoa•·d "' the foUow"'-per.on whoae narne and ~ Ul .. followl . JRMA MARPLU, llt Ruby, Balboa Ja\IUid, C&llfoml&. Wltnru my band thUI flnlt. day o r Arm l. 11144. IRMA KA.I\PLE8 s.T A 'I'E OF' CA.LU'qRNIA ... SAllY llf~ .. J ean Gale .Scappell, 2, wu tak- rn to the A.lr But bollpttAd by Army ambulance u I"Nuut of In· Jur1ee 1uffered Frtday when 8be wu etruclc. and knockf'd doWn by a C'ar operated b)' Gordon IUoe of Puadrna 'nle accident occurred , at 131 Aple &VU~Ue where lhf' llttlf' 8frl wu pia~. CHAPEL byllle SEA e. Baht 410 Cou t Bl•d CO RONA DEL WAR DAY AND HIGHT s.~.s. RJ44 t»Ui.C~ C,:OUnty of ~ I on lht• lat day of AprO ~ 11144. b..t<,rl• me, the unde~ecS. ll n<1tary public In and for ll&ld (.'nimt y ant! Btat.e: ,_dl"-there· HI. oiiJI)' l lllll m ... nne4 an*-orn. Radt'o Se'rvl' ce r•·r~nr1ally 11ppe&red Irma KarpiN. kn11wn tt• rna to be the pefW911 whtlfiP Olllnt! Ia IUbec:rlbed to the wiUlln 1nalrument 11D4 ~­ t•d(rd l<o me th&t · 111M euc"U~-ed th,. ... mr ,. RADIO AND rtASHLrGHT I • Batteries lBAtBOA · GIFT SH ~·--~~_u ~E&a-~~~~~~~--ha\'e hf'r,unto lit Ill)' band and I ......... I . . I Aldie Feny Lendlag . n. p,_ u only •• 00 • ,.at I ! ......... ..,. ID&II &11).._...,_,.. ln I =· ... ..,. 111.60 • .,.., ......... _____________ .,.._.._ __ .....,. __ ,... __ ..... .. atf111et1 my om ctaJ -.1 tbe daJ -cLOSID OM WONDA YS •nil yrar In t.bUi C.rtJftcat.e ftiWt , 11 t><w wr it un . 1 SEAL • EARL W. 8TA.HLI:Y Nnt iH)' Public: Ill and ffn the H ld L H • ~;:~-:::~9 llf or.,.., lt&t.e of Call· a ro u am m IWilo SoWld Technlclu -My commiMklft OJI&,.. lUI)' 31, Ill·~ • ~ewport-~boa ....... Aprll t , 215 Wartd, BALBOA !SLAND I I • #J I .. ( SJNCI 1932 > ... .. ... ... -........ ·-,.,... A-T T M~ R-EH D £.%,y 0 U...at .,., ............. ,. ... ~ ...... """'""''""'~,.,.._.,J,co,. ...... AND AT THE BALLROOM BAI~BOA Sat_urday . 4 ighl . RPRIII l&lh liiH.u IF .. Bug· ·IIIia War Iandi! ·-:- • I .. .. ; ' < olt ...... Repatriated Mesa Meetln Tueet.ta~ '" a .. the cale""-'Of UM Coeta ,._ caa Wben thty will PN t11;c -at I p. m. wllllo to th~ public:, lit Twlnem of AJ\ah• ber tNrhf'r·mlMIOII wu mad.-a prUtoe D-·the day a' let and 'l't'lUntf'd ~o tho lut Dec~mbf'r on ol Ulf' eacban&'lt eh Ml• T'Win•m btu ..-ood flv~·Yf'ar M CbiDa . havtnc retu a year ·of lltudy lr the t ... o Her Chu • ·Hor»l provtnc.'ln I wu one or t.h~ prt ln Clllna. At the o lbe and J 2 othua cbll df'fn, wfre ernt oont.ned to • c:om1 A (T'adUale of flo the •Akf'r hA" c uate 'wnrk at l.IR< Tb~oiOCit'al ~mlot Tbe program wt by a pnt·lf\C'k IIUp which all tb1.ae wt vit.ed to cc,m• and ' .red dlt 'l A IPf'«'ll 'I'IIAlOl YOC, ..uJfDe ' ~ t o llACuely ~MAX all tlln• ••M CJrtr ... ll O!Pfttrn la ., oowactlmtpl(' eftarta at* DObil Tuaeday. Tbe ..,.... ~ I r.Gii'" wu a eouroe ot rnW"· caOoe ana &JthOQI!I to et'ect rf\1, I wl.lh to •Y that I &all continue to 1trtve t.o do my uunoet. 'for the .-rowth and proc· ftM of New.port 8MdL WK. A.. JCilUL ... ~...__ ___ _ IN APMEaAftOW I am deeply rntetul to t.he voten of Newport &each tor Ule confidence exp..-.ed in me at • • TueedaY• e&ecUon and I lllall lltrtve to tulfUl the obU.~ thua n~ In me. VJU. w. 8T ANI.ET. Notary Public For Your Convenience W • b..,• two Notul• l.a our office. R. C. PARKER Rea{ ~Mate uct~re•e!!t I .. N ................ ~-- Chur~h · ~irectory naa1' CIIJ1IICII 0. C'IJI,I.,. IIVIDI'IU'I '- A. Jtrudl.~ Mother Church, 'Mie Jl'h·•t Church of Chrttt. Schmll•l. In Bolton, · ...... Service~ held In the Lido theatre. Newport a.acJL ~day IICJwOl at f <30 L m. Sunday terv\ce at 11 a. m. Tn~monlal· meeUnr each Wed· neaday at 12 'o'clOC:lc 11oon. • Rea<Unr room, 711 Eut Centra.! avenue. open dally 1 to 0 p. m . · CIOM<I Iunday• and hoUdaYI! naUon&lly o.,_..rved. 'Mia public .. cord1&1ly Invited to attend the aervlcu and uae th,e rta<Unc room. <JtiU8'I' CRCJWII"11Y 'l1d BFA (Community Mel,hodUtl &. D. GOODELL. Wlnlater r..rly worahfp •rv1ee, t :30 Lm. Cbwch IC:bool ~~ ...... .lO:ll. M~nit~ worwhlp, 1 1 o'clock. Even!nr worlhlp, 7:30. WednUday ennlnr . potluck tel- lowahlp dlnn~ at t :SO. Mtdw~ek ..rvic:e at T :SO. ' .• 0011 LADY OP' MOUNT / HELP WANTED Man tor General Maintenance and Gartltninl' Work GOOD WAGES 6 LIV. QUANI. Splendid opportunltY .tor Willl~ Worker If man-ted, part-time work can be provided for wUe. Reference• Required Dick Drake, Bay I.tlud, Qalbot.. c.w. WANTED • Auto mechanlca. Top w..-. BUY A HOI!m on Broa4way. H..,, two • MdrooiD ...._ ...... FWl .pno. .-, .. L .. c..~ 1101 -K...-port ·~ eo.ta KeeL -11U OK JIAY ntOHT Tbunday, Aprilll. ~ WZ WANT REAL E$TATE LISTINGS -81Jt bectroom., three batbl· tunt- ,-HI\E& APT'&. kM:atecl in ....... IIUd.. Occupuey 10 .k,. .:_tn the- ~ ~--~ ................. 111~ two ..... .oce..n Jl'rollt in Balbo&. ~ ()oat. 1121 per month. Pr1ca NIQO. ft. • 1NJ:WPORT HA.i"aoft COST A KESA DI8TIUCI" NEW HAMPaRIRII baby chlcu &Dd ba~ aga. •n V1ctorU .t., COli\& Meea. 7c FOil a..u..8 lee llloK. T~ lbl. cap., in 1'004 CCIIlciiUOQ, ... 00. Pbon• IV.Dl_!'P, 1... 7p C. Parker, laot Newport BlYCL, eo.ta 11(.... Itt uO.r.llDa n P&li-aioH. J...., two • bedroom bowie.' Oar- ac-e ttxJO.· Land .,.dOO *-" Jl'ull prtce f4&01. POGO caa, ... per month. ft. c. P&rtc.r, 1101 ~rt Blvcl., eo.ta K-. JI'OR 8~2~ acre. a. cated near Ule corur ol 1M and WhltUer in Ooeta 11--. Jl'u1l prtce auo. Tenna. ft. c. Par~er, llot 'Newport -.... A OOOD BUT $22,500-., W. L. Jordan TOO a OaDtnl, ..a- -Ph~•· tor Sal• ~ ·Earl W. Stanley 226 Ma.rtne 8aU»oa JIIIIIDd Newport 1711 BEAUTIFUL SITE FOR HOME! JI'OtlR AND D~ ACRES OJI' LAND ... ON TID: BLUJT .. X'l'""IDND OJ' VICTOR.U. STRJ:IlT ' Unobstructed View of the Ocean $.1000 Down Balance 1J'ODlhly 1'\JLL PRlCE: N00 PER .ACRE 110t Newport ~lvd. Cotta K ... FOR BALE Da~port and chair Yard, eo.ta Keea. Itt coffee table &Dd other ltemt. ------------ft. e. J>arker Ml Victoria, Oaeta K~a&. Tp LARGE CORNER LOT OD mala boWivard. Jl'll11nC ttaUOD, two FOR a.u.&-Yun plan~: Key pump1. T·room boule. Double WMt &Dd PaMno RiCL 100 to car..... ~ prt01 fUOO. TenDa. 100,000. Pbone 8 . A. 3261-W.-·. R. C. Parker, liOe N.wpoct Blvcl., eo.ta KI'IL lie UNDERWOOD Typewriter, 646 1:1 Modena .<ve. (at 1~th St.). Newport Hetabta. L. Strother. ' Tc WILL \ A FINE SITE FOR A RANCH · OVJ:R4)0KJNO UPJI'J:R NEWPORT BAY lo-Acres* of Land Good· Soil · loUKE A SPLI:NDID LOCATic;>N FOR A RANCH HOKE $500 per acre R. C. PARKER, Rt-altor 180e Newport Blvcl. Co1ta Meta -..J....I.....,:=-=,..,., ................ .--.. ... ..-~--.......... r'lll ...... ~ • , : ~ -~ CAJUIJ:I. CAntOI.IC CulJ~ RJWr-P.•.I ·liEARY,~W:.... ~.t ot workrnr condlUona, an -nU.al War ln~tz)'. DnRIOJ· ment either here or at Honttq. ton Beach •tore. ...... 41JZQDOJiiiO~ BOJUN .... $2~ CASH bu)'ll a 3·bedroom hoU8t. Combined llvtnr and din· lnr room; batll. Garden t.nd tnea on Banta Ana Ave. Jl'u1l • BUY 'nUB INCOVll: PROPERTY! ---·voNTHLYii~m AL. $-rl-5.~oo-· r Sunday MuteJ~ at 8, 10 ,nd 11 Greeting c. ··wE u You'll lind it at • m. Ford S&lU 6 Service 22nd 6 . Central ··Newport Be~ Pbone 21 Ttl . I 1797· EARL~ APPR£ .. I a of to uq pO' 1122 leuth Melr TAK Rl J'l,.e. Rentak-... 2 blr lote on comer. Cloae In Good ..-_. denU&l dlatrtct .... $9000. Tenna. ( :t.1Lt4!itt4t}wl ~­ LilES. SNITSIUI LOST AND FOUND · LosT -.-wane ~~lqred 8W~ be. t~<'en 38th and 42nd atreet, Newport. A. V. SCanlon, liM6 Saturn-St .. t.o. Anrell'l (10} Davenport and chair, ~ matchlnc. Oood eprtng1, r'ecent- ly 're-covft'ed. Phone 1296-J. euc RENTERS WHY WORRY T 11000 caah will buy a 2-bedroom·'bM., fireplace and rar"''e on b&lf acre oC gTQUnd. Full prtce IUOO. . R. C. PARKER MAL I!U'A Tm INSURANci1 S3~ per mQnth. R. c. Parker, 1101 -~ Blvcl. 1 Cotta ·x .. 180e Newport , Blvd., eo.ta -:;::;~·;;::::::::::::::;;::::::::::::._.=====:.:==::::. Tc LOST-On Bal lale. br in Balboa. Tuea. mght, , cal pencil. Valued u keepaake. Reward. Phone . "NeU," lt18. Ttl WANTED -Woman want.a day work. LaundJ'eM, cleaning; httlp to MJ'Ve p&rtJea. 119 • 23rd St. Room S. KTL Atkl-. T~ Me1a. Ttl r Wotlld Uke to han your lJ.tUDp. of .... ··LI-DO with oven. Oood condition. 112. KIIOll Hctwe. 1170 Nttwport blvd, Coeta MeaL Pbone ~¥. 7c J'. E. Rt.Tam.L Ji'90 Newport Blvd., Coeta Real Eltate. • Jl'1re lNuraDce N~8~·f!J~ llpt'Jic~ Trsc:y -lft:De-Dunne lA A Guy Named Joe ~-.Jif ... ........... T-. RDbt. Taylor • Suaan Peterw in Song of RU88ia o.noo.. "' ... We4 ~~~ o.J,y . Sherlock Hotme. and the Spider Woman · al~ M~klcly_~ with Mary Betti HulfiU-1:4dle Quillan ANIOn WHk.l • Ted Jl'1o Rtto and their Orchetlru OUt4loll s.tarUar 'ft1trL.. AprO tt o~ Rocei:a <In I"ULL 008PEL AS~R~LY Elden • ancr22ntl:r"'Sf1Ht · REV. W. C CRONIC Putor Pltone Santa Ana UIN·MK Sunday Kbool. 9.4~ a: m. Mom ln« wurah1p. 11 o'clock . Evanrl .. tlc aervlce. 7:00. Mid -week prayer 81'1"\'ICe, w~. • • Tp WANTED!! Uatlnp of Newport BM'* and 'eoeta x.. p~ We have lnqu1J1M tor pr.perty In th1a ~~teU.. R.·C. PARKER ~a •• ICIM, · Nntecl or ,. patrecl. Voc-1'' i04 Katn Balboa, a.ad 20t li&&ru:w A "-o Ba.Jtao. laland. N LAWN MOWERS S~ and kept aharp one. year, .1 . Younc People'• evan,r lls tlc !Itt· Jl!Oe Newport BIYd., ~ ,._. Jamee M. Gall"''ber, 2003 Bar-vice, Friday, 7:4~. bor Blvd., COil& KI'IL Up And balanre monthly will buy a 7:•5. $2500 down ACVmNnt DAY 1U>\'f:STII47 I WANTE"'"' . THREE·BEDROOM HOUSE AJ PAJNTI.NO and ~-on one acre ranch near Chureh of Chrt1t Bldg . Walnut SL e Frff •Umate~. lnalraao~ CU'-SAN"!' A ANA COUNTRY CLUB ~~~~-.. . · . ' ' Sabbath acho4•1. Saturdlly. 9.30. Lota of Cood clean u.4 ..,._ nee~. A. J . B.)lrtcm. .,. Newport F l . Pf'Hdltnr ~tMl, _It ... m . .... WJU pa)' lnn nrfu .Blvd., epa• a M ...... ~..lMUV • u I Price $4fi00 Wt!dtw'Wday m«'l1 llf"rvvat~~ --• mro~.UC-.. ROBiNA-=--+=--,;;;..----:-...-:;;-.... ____ ...,i:t!!~~ par.; ..... 1806 11~~-IJ.~It..;i-~Uil~-:J ~. I Ford Sal• • aemce Moneu to Loan c oat&"iieaa 7' ~ .eOtX:JJ tUUJ p~ 22nd A-Central Newport Beadt J No'4C.-Vaca.n1 .li ~ Mr. t.nt.l Mra. M. L. Rabbit!, 310 -~~~ 21-U you have IMPROVID UAL 2-Bedr:oom Stucco -aJ:Jit'-1:,1;1 Buena Vlat& boult'vard. wert! Eu· \\'ANTED TO llENT ESTATE and need money, IH Partly Fumt~ed '-·No D lJ~/1 lt•r Week hOill to mal')y yo~ -r - --R . c. p ARI$:ER . 01\ Halt-Acre of Land ., nntsiUll" . . lni:.w .. .J - frltndl! of their daughtl'r, Mlu WAtJT to RENT-Profa. rl'll4ent 1806 N_<>wr.ort Ulvd., ~ta life.. at 28"': Acar.la St .. · Coata lien • ,_ .. •m· lkt11y Rabbitt. who wu home would lr ue nice borne betw.,.. • out, Cemta~....a.t,.lpe &JN; ... from stanford tor aprlng vaca-B:llboa and t..nnr Beach. Want-WE Sl'ECIALlZJC IN . Price :• $5300 Wora .., .. ••J•, er ~.ca lo11r, ' a.tiPr'a 811Jter; ...,., lAM: Tile lion. AI many 1111 22 young fulkl .. rd to buy; Waahlnr machine. n l · 13200 DOWN Sclf·rcplcu.lat •.• rour han1cr 8uW,•u'a: 'l'lte n---a AD Here were ~nt~rt11ln<'d on 11 10nlole \iay Phone 1286-J. D aCkSmithing. Stop by and lt'e ho..... 0 Tender Comrade -.. ~" ~ r rellc4 •• ia J••r puru or -------------·and manv enJoyable bt'nch plcruca El t · d U lntereated See: dn- Buy Wu Stam..,. aad BoDde and feeUviUea re.aulted. f MIDDLE agt• couple want amall ec riC an .--how•"· fumlshl'd: permanent., A I W. J . Holcomb • lrie -~.,_. 10 "-·~rue ~.-ne Hubor Htgh arhool Parent· l lartlng about May 1. Addr... cely ene Welding l~l1.Cout \itway, Corona del Mar .., .... Tucher Auoci1Uon 11 to meet John E Coltmnn, ~21 Eut Va· J .V. BAXTzR -------------t ,_ ·- 10 -• • • ....... ltventn~ a t 7:00 A 1 :15 Lut 8howtJ\r of a double feature procram et.artl at 1:30 A•a~ta no-au To-,.._, «c Sen~ liM ~au le-Tetal lie CIIIIJdftla lto-lall ~Tetal Ue tonight at 7 :Ill •'•'lOCk, at which h•ncla. Burbank. lp 181 rFull~rton, Coet.a x... I .. ,;.,_ ... ,.,, ......... . tlnwo thf' U IWmbly Wi ll be ad· r ncome Property l.ner, ttrrued by M&•or Bh1mateln ot HO,tE \ .. ~NTE.D -Would like · • · For Sale W 4•• .... i•t•i••" ' t 1 rt t b tu:,u . J·;.<sTATL' (.,or ~-•-) th~ paycholoo d••tulrtm,.nt of, o P are..( In p ,.a e ome an or.. • ~ ,_ 1 Santa Anll · Al"'ll)' Air BBM Hit f'llil'rly, atlmHnvalld lady requlr-F t.;R.'o;ISHED HOUSE, t,;o b;s: Excellent location on comer ta IUhjl'rt will be "Pi yrhlatry In ·the lnl little care. Harbor .,. pte· room Ill Newport Bea.ch, DMI' Balboa ni'IU' Newport Har~ Army-F'lltht l'll arid hwffiandt o1 1 fprr ... , Phone !46&-W. ttt ocean Full prtee $2eOQ. ft. C. Yacht Club ... _ -~-----J>arkAr C' 1 .. Four unlta on two lo~ nwm.,..rs are apo•rl,lly lrivltedc ItA· HA' Wanted to ~nt ! F ive ~ ' o., 8 --lc ·PreMnt lneome Joh11 f"lor-ence K Turren~. nt ro"rn hl'ul•' In Costa Mua or )o'lVE ACRES' n~'ar Pomona and $ 2ith .•ln•et, had ,... " four·dlly Nt'Wport Bear h Pf'rmanenl ru-\~'· 18th Full prtce 1100 per 132.00 month gurat hrr daughtl'r, Mn J(Jt ldt'nta Rrn!lonRbl c r~nt, not war acre R C. Parker, 1801 N--REASO NABLY PRICJ:D A'l' Sum~erw of Lo11 Aftltl~t. On S un-I "boom" 1 r-rm.-~r. thl'r l''l a por t Bl\·,1. Coata Ilea&. 4tl • .... M 10 1l la .. croO<h·r.,cn . _,..,_ 14• .J,.~ .. J,i.J,-~ .• Cl•,.,-. c ....... "·•- Tlllll'tL ............ day thr pair entertaJncd for Mr. poaslbcloty or " ''buel" att.-r ll'l l:'-1 NEWI'ORT BEACH. 2 bednn. and Mra Gror&'e Francl• and 10n. I o'<'cr-1' Box OKM. P~. $9700. Down Payment $3000. Balali~ $7~ month. Will take In nice ~- In plain colora and the laree coif\ dota. Th Batt. I R Ia \ houae almoat completely fur· e e 0 U88 Vaynf', nf San Gabriel; Mr1. Nell -· n1·11ha·• L'ull priA• IJT'"" .... -&J.8o-DavldaoiJ, Van Nu)'ll; Mrt. Ed VM I ROATS FOR SALE ~u r ,.. "" n Wllf and E•ldlf' Rapp. Puente. and _ . · __ _ f'ark••r, •l8(16 Newport Blvcl., dence In C01ta Meaa area. Adolphe Menwu • )(artha Bcott -in- . HI Diddle otdaJe oUtoo•·N~ Sa. • M-. Bette 0.\i l · Martam Hopklna ., Old Acquaintance IIIAfto~ of 'l'tme • OUtDoe • Jlfeww ,.__. w ... Richard Dlx • Jane Wyatt tn The .Kansan· __..._ '""' ..... ....,._ ......... _ ean-....... . .. ... ... Thank Your Lucky Stan Olillllll= .... _cut.; ....... ... ~l Watdl o. the aw-: D11111a el W..t Nat; 1Mt .Qpt: R . C. PARKER · Co1t11 Mua. IU Mra. AmolcJ Todd and Mrw. Frank FOR SALE--Star .,_t. Phone _ Bakr~ S rWJiOft Ouch. . I _ 1318-R. 'P 13EAL'TIFL'LLY fum .. becl. S·bed· 1808 Newport Blvd., Cotta w ... rutol1l hc•u~··· ba th. All utllltll'l. ;.-_.;;...... _____ ....:;.._--==-== Balboa l1land Clrt·le WSCS wiU 1 F'OR SALE 1 new Tobin bronu mfft next Tuf'aoJay at Mar CuL sJ:Iaft J t_. ln. by 10 ft., 60c l)otrbh' gnrall'~. 'f8200. Terua. Rt;AL &qTATE (For~) At lut Wfttk'e nw.-tlng ap.-clal lb.: 1 llf'W Tobtn tiro~ abaft R l' l''inkcr. ·1-l!Oe Newport ----- 91\ d., Custr~ MtiL 111JSIN&S8 P.OPICIIT1'--JI'or .... honor ~o~~•u pal d. to memhl'fll whoae I 1·4 ln. by 8 ft., 60c lb.; 1 birthday Annlvf'rl!llrll'l hnd fallen lllangl\~nt•a•• broll&t' Strut cut· I Ml\1 El>l ATE PUS. Nearly new durlnc thf' put three montht. lng. 167 · 17th St .. Colla llel&. 2-h+·tlro<•rll houae on h&lf acre 'Mif'H lneludf' MC'Idamu Loulae 7p ut grountl. Garq-e. Full prtce Smith. Hl'ltna H AI'J!'r:\\'1', J'hoebe ~ 14000 H C l'arur. 1106 New- Bf'nnf'tt. Lura Smfth. tonf' Spr&JUe SPO T F'lSHERMAN, "-foot . pori Hl\'t.l , Coala Ml'l& Ttl v. Martin tnd MRJ1' Cummlnp. 1939 Ackerman built. mahocany The day w&e devotetl to makl~ plankl, coppe, rtvetted, all ac- Red Crou jac·k ta for ldlen oeaaonu. ~ h.p. Chria Craft. • ·• • 10 · AU juat o\'erhauled, 8ee your !!!!! !.! !! ·!~ CLASSIFY --·-· LOST Pair dark torlolac--rlmmed TIU)'tr gii.AI4'1 corrt'cted for \'I· 11on, In Bank America. Balboa. TuHday. Reward Care Earl w. Stani~Y. phone 1716 or 1929. 7c broker or 203 Martne JJ,.va .. Bal· boa Ialand. JU AUT08 FOR SALE 1!128 Bl"\CK SEDAN. pod con· dltlon J" 219 ·'34th St .. N~w­ port Bt'arh 7p On BeautU\11 BRlboa Pentnaula . :t-BF.DR()()Jo( STU<::¢> • A 0., Jlf .... ,.. -__ ....._ ______ _ 1939 CH!:VROLI:'T two-door. Ell· c:elle.nt condlflon. 17110. 110 1·2 P~arl. Balboa ltland. • fp , Immediate Occupancr A Good Buy a Shorta and Jumpera to Match. ~ • _____ ..;....;...;,_ .... ___ VIBRATONE CWITAR. BrAnd hf4'Wu Bonde aad Stampe at BranJ new. Stll •ttnox H~·e., 'rt.YMOUTH '36 etandard coupe tWa '11aMtre. 1770 l'Jt!wport Blvd.1 Coet.a 11... In (ood condiUon, $360. 260 ~ ~7~AN ONCE A WEEK C~nt~ • ~boa L-._--------------~~--------------~~--------------------~--~~~.J I .. Pllone IOI·M. r 'o ·M.,.-nolla St . eoitta Meta. ip 100 .... : ' ...