HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-18 - Newport Balboa News Times.- THE SAND CRAB for 36. yean the · best advertising medium in the newpo_rt~har_bo_r_di_st_ri_rt---=-:.*-=-*.:.._*.:....:.. --=-· th::.:...:e~n:..:..ew...:....:....=.sp=-=aLpe:.:r--=th=a=-t ~g!:!..:oe:..=.=....s _.::_h.:..:o=m+-l-.,...--- IEEP POSTEl! Buy Bonds to End War Quic-ker (i;) 1 Year .. -•.. $~ ,..,\. • I •• • ... -... .· . ... .... By , Makt~ CJIIMia ...,.... le Nf'wa·n-.N....,. ...... SAM EMBRACING 8 ALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COS1" A·. MUA VOLUME XXXVI --.,-- talk about experiences. H~ did J"pt hJJ:n to talk? Well, I Just kept still and le' bim do his own conversing and tae soon got around to the real stu!! uppermost in· for Pin IChC'r.;; Mil 'for Anchovies and Ann Miller for f -Oout .. tbe proud pc...-.r ol ..._ .._,, !Stick C'hkks. · Pictu~ ol ttt.M $16 000 rmcb. · • ot~ hoi~JW'tdd auuda-captalns and thO!IC of lhC' winnln~t or He lntroduC'~ Lt. Comdr 0 W print. ""'-:'"' C.abn by Ulr Pin ·Snatcher-; are found on nn· J . 1 Lundgnn :r.·ho, throu~eh tntueaUnc ,., oowtw-f' .,.kl 1r$y llllrl 1"'' .oth<'r pa~:,. oC tllS paper. t clrcum.tanC'f'll. haa tone out wltb Sllmf'tJJYW Moncln~ Ill• 1•11 M" ,,., '""'"'lion ..h.M1trl lro• ro t his-mind. , Men's Learue . . thrn-or the llh ip. buill or RL'ha Mant' Rf')tn.•lll• .. tlo· ,,( I ·,.1 fnrtfo'(l I.Jt1" n'"'l11trnh. "' h.· t 1· 4 + • , Wrnnrq; in )hl' fiN'! !'>11'n'!' . That Jnr~l rt'"rl""1~ tlo nnl oh· ·r,.pal~ by South Cout Com· Rnmlolph Ri>>'nulr l• nl 1-\•rt l ilt•'· 1.,,., .. thr "'lantf hilA n~" luvt ,u(ll LA'&R'\IC' ~n!'o!Y'd by lhl' Acker· "'"1 .10 r,:t~tlll: ~toocl JlnN'' for"'""'" pany. A& an enaiiOJ. he tOOk T•·xn ... hN'am(' ,o unh•·111 10hl•• th.ot """"' pnh~ '£Uardll 'lrin~··· 1 '"'', 1 l 'SO. Then d own at the mnn BoM ("Qmpany. arr thP T••r· d<'ntlnl prt>J)<'rty. wa~t I'VIdl'nft'!1 .. I')Ut 00,. nf lhr purK •tnn. 'ht• IIKik 11 by ·h· 1 "'" n tr .• wl 1•1"" t.·fl ....,.,. llf1W' 11.:0 ll•• f·~·t• Newport ·usb Sunday ..an mitM Wl\h a wrnninr;: ~·oro• of 61 H1ofln~ ""i'lf'n Rrnltor 11 Cordoza converted ror thl' "'avy by t.h~ Shf' hnn l)o,·n h"""'k." 1• 1 tu1 ·' th•· t.lll'ul r••l.;. 'lrhould ..,., ,.,..,. rlt. t 23 PI Do N I. S onn ri'JlOrtl'fl thl' ~o."\lr nf ltw '·" , · •t d • 1 ariny mao a nd 'a navy boy 0 . ayer.; arl' n II' ~on. I f 1\1 Ph ·lx' Sa . f t-/I'Wport ysrct Whf'n l!nf' (•f thl' ' "''n " 1'~11 •lllfl~ Il l .. "I"' I ""' l•l.llttl '""I thlll '"" CINIIIIIIJIIII ) "' 1 Boh F ry, AI F<?rl::ll. :.tarvm La· r".'m~,. 0 • ,.... Jl ~d \\"l~mrrl' ,"_ ftr.'ll Motor Mlnr Swecpen~ wu hr• chrldn ·n j,,, •olrTI' '""' ''"" .,,. w ttun ,IMJuld CVI'IJI'rntt• "t• r. ~·' a..,-. .... ot d.,.rt .. eet wbo bu .,._ lalww. Two Groups Entrain For Military ServiCe !leeJTlC'd to .be the best of pals. 1 bory and I.A>oo:~rli l!'nd l "'1 rnr to nro 1 on , "' 1 r?ady tu ~n tl ..,,.11 L.t L.und~tT n "·'> mornurr.: ht• 11•11 '"' '""I I< 11• 11w ,.,, ) nHw1nlll In fu""'""'·· It wa t!~ Jc~y thijt 1 Jlitcticock"~t l:.-hot~.£:!Lllll~d...!Jle ~"rfln \t••nn:r tl••l !\far .etll7.t•n. f(tr ~ ~ ~.lb ...,._,~ .• ~unl nntl :•1••111 10 .. ,·1••1. '" olr• '""'' ,1d,,.tt•a t•• }I"!'•-Mitlft 1"'" 1"'1,.."'' ••1 ""'" l••ft 11''''' W11r.:ht, lr l,11r..r1N• fo:. f'-k"r, AI Jp~ue ~ c}l:~'in.monsJ\(p.-M.&.a..d&.)' .~1~.~....._ :=_-::::=:_::=..: "' fti!Ol I<Jr 0J.. ~ , , . "" '"''"''' ,, l•r t 1"11olor ~ '"''' ''"' '""'"'"' 11111111 I"'" W Kin.:, Oot~l ll Mo.q, Juhn broug ht them -togeth er -nl,::ht hy d't•fpatin~ AI For,::JI ·, Mr \\"ll~nn I'JUI'f'hnsr'fl th(' hnn•!·---ttme""lr..-t.l. ("ttl!ldr:-4.-.. .M-. (W r '""" ~'-&~ 1-'A . llll' '"1 '""'"'""" '"'" ....... ,,., •• ,, ~-\'•!\:•'' Jr llniii!HI holllrMI, both fro m there; a nd wha t Flshl'rmrn. fiVI' rnrnt~ up AI''· "omr l'f'M rlo•n•·•·. Ptn~~'"" ami . rllmr In l'hRrJr:e or nnl' of thr 10blp11 ~lw "'-;;:-,, , n ""H-,,,.,~~~ ~Sta ",, ,, , , .. , tho· t •1111,.,1 s1111,., lit•• JUCUllhul c. l&.W.,.,. J..-wt T they said and thought about I An,.tll'r.; had r·nten•rl thf' finAl~""" Ot'l'llfl Front, for a nnmr It i« n being rPplllr't tr' a.t ~~ company'• lwr<...tf 111 ,, .... nr • .. 1 !llo M --. i"~~ ltllllll .. ·l •;·uty '1-1 '· .. ,.. l.uyn. Kt•rtrtl'lh N W~U~~~JN~nn, WI .. the H ollywood Can tet"n wa~ 'JN>int 19 thr ~:nod Tho-·· "" th·· IWO·~IOI"\', rrnf,hNI 'tn mnhngllJn . •I?Ckll ltniN ' e UJ L • " .,. ''""').111 nl lh•· Nt• .. 1111111 ~ Muhunr•y, IA'vl 8 . AU'-nn, plenty. A private got pushed photo tinL~h fh·l.' hc·~ide th•· ,.,111. with a ~ntral hl'l'l rnl( Jlhtnl Hntl ." LL o .m•lr ~1n<iV"'fl prateed t.lW r The• clr·.-•11.,.rt 1.--:i~;:;,·;;, -~~.-.,-· II • ''"I"" ''"'' ut ""' An"''"'"" Wtlllonr f) ll••l••r, IAKUna lleat'h; 1lround but an -officer-was I lain. 1\Te Mt<~l(f'l;~nk, !"icolson-.~·rnr .:nrnr:f' nn-1 ·45--foot lot. Th ... wnrluftanshfp that ~oe• lnto lh•· l.r! h•·r, lit I• l'ldl' rlt••· nl 1•111 ..,.1. I ~'1:'"" I( II VI' """"t "'"' IHIJ•I•'"'"' Jf~mlcf 8. SlcldnwJn<, Llifta o.di; tops with the . movie stars,. l<\'pfX'r lind Ll•acl1, and mnk··~ nc•w nwn••r Jll>''l' ~I'll ronmlrrnhlt" ahlpa Mating . n Ill lht'y llla.nd f'll• l••rt Oklah••lll·l ~" loHoth••r• """ OOUULAA, A..U... . ll ... hllrd IIIH'Wt•ll llllolro•'"'' Ill ·~tlh do:JIIII 'Jbotfuu. W. St"'tt, Sen ClmM'ftt• . . • who did. n ot !!Cem interested them toli,::ibll' for pnH iriimt I Ph 10 othf'r tl'sl ••11181.1! In lhl• ~~eeUon viably agalnat lhl' (ltuetllng •traiD 7 ·i~tt'r~. Jl lhrnllltl. 4!0. of n..ta ... -. Itt trr ro·'· Whld l W~'f\' fl ""' lllf• I' 1-: l':lrno N flcrllutn,, ftltnla Ana. in the Uttle man In the rear the coming county conii'St nnrl ht'lir,·c·~. rconlty pric-I'S w1ll or battlr contU!Iona. I •ntl' belli\ " 111 I'IHH'J:c' 11r 11;11 11111 •I"Y rf"'·rl•f'd hla "!"lnp arvl ''""' ~tnll11t1 At Nrwp11r1 , whll,. 1 ho• ltt'll • 'l'llfl!lt• ~enlnw 111111 ··~ w.,...: I o r partict.tlar intr tC'St I!'' the• fnrt !~II'Rdily rlimh I I AIIIO reoprewnlrftc the Navy tuli:t I,, a"uf'l Mc;rtu.tr \ Hl"llltlno: tIll' Ill tniiiMirofl ~ a .... nrwt 11"-llf'nanl In 1"1 .... , .... ,,,.,.n IIIII I . un•l••r !h•• 1-'N'fl I' J~n~tcm, WIIUam . A ranks. "When you get lha't Mrs. Hilchcock ·hl'nd>-th<' Mr. SIOfln at~ n •f10rtl'd thl' sail' I tabarlng platform ~onora with Lt I"' nl llf ht•l ""•'and who Will uc-· thr Army Air r-. havlna t'OIII· II url••"llll• .. r Mr·" 1-.lld ~'"""'>' K••lth. r:tnrf'nc'f' ~. fl. J&Ma, I"At· there," said the Navy youth, Woml'n'!l t4'am· and· hrr hu~>band or 8 J·bt'droom houN4' 81 20fl Mari·l Comc!r. Lund,en were Con\dr an,ll , wnpony 11 1,, lh•• Oklllhm;,11 rit.) , r•l' rrl lh~ ad"118C41d pUot lraJnlnac oo·rv•·il IIIII ,.,.,,.,. '""I '""JI:Imrtl~ win J· flh•ht~NtiiOfl, f':mNt J, n,,. , "they shove a sandwich at the mrn'i, both nvrs \X'ing t'ntrrC'd ~told for 18000, ownro by Mr-. 111. ra. Grlmaley. Comdr. Grimllrv 1,r rnt<JmbmNJt ''''•ur.,. at I~ Anny Air 11'\r~ '""' '"''I' """'•lo'il lty Mh ""'"" n••r. J•"' A llAmlret., lllrf'INUI 1:. you and k~p you right on In the county "'atche!'. Roll F rC'y K11th,.rfrw Smlllll'y or Ontario. to~ baa, until recentry prep&rtnJ' tn , l .lf'Ul. au-· wlff', Mra Martha t ttun•IAII • • Walk"l'. Sun111 Ana going through the o ther Is prHident and Hitchcock vice·J . Ellb: Mc<:"rt'ady or Rlvt>Mii<k>. l.take out a &blp of hie own. attfn•l·l Mlu P:lalf' c·unJ411n who h•• ~n n Hams.,........ •• %2411 f)T'alllf" • "'~1''1"1: 1 t.mnurn•lo·r n unllll' ·William .R R171ltll, JU, Oaata door. Now this USO here--· ,. ed many t•uncb1Dp bere wh4!T'r.he 1\ v.-tor lD '"""'hay dJIIlrlcl. hu avenur. nc..a. MrriiL He .. tit" "1' "'••Y wo•ro• " ••••l••r 1:111•1,1 ""n· M"""· Rlllflh A WIJmot, ()NaJ R. they don't high ~ure 'lh'lol• / 1 InC few the Navy. 0 ,1,. llt.ay n( tha t ,.IIJ :-; \1 M . 1.-••~tuu<l 11n•l 'n l .. 'lfllll•' pin fl. Luna. Ran Poodm: ClUJ K tha't's something else again; u 0 . 0 / I I Nl"\\ed .. Supel"\\laor of Shipbuild-I ,c•nf' til Loa AJtJr:rlf'l for an ln~rfl· MJn "' Mr and.,,.. Jamr• HllMII'fl '"'"'C "' Mil~·· (;.,,.1 .. 11 1'1nlllh)' Wh•klllun. jr. '"'u~ ... bllrnt1, (.,.,.· r·~-,.,,. ' roup n ll•·l•rrt• wlul•• A•IJ Anolro·w .I ll11y· Hn•y. lncl111; J11hn R foltrl'lltt, Otbr Or keep moving YOU On, I)Ut •• e Co ll lltrt t llllo•tl t_lu roll I I( tlw• IN ,.. l"rllhtrf'<', (~rdl•n tinrvc•, Jlllnrll let you.:;it around and chin ast Association c d d s· ""'"' lo'(l rrnlv """· (;. '"'''" y,,,,, A Wrll(hl Cllltrlc .. f) MUrMJQI, ~ and make sandwiches just Th· A' . c I M • a man an lng· ers ,,, llf tll"ll\ l'lll k ,., ... ,~, •• 1 tlu•nrlll\ ""'" •l·•l'MIIr like yoU do.at.ho~e." lr~ nnlvereary· I ance 8' eettng "'II"' th•· lttlltMIJII( 17 tol lu·o· .... ~1 A lttiJ.;I II'""",,, n•~el•tr•nu will .,. ''' If,.. nn\ \ IN• unl•·• t•d lur flrt•lntlawtlon phy~tl· MUAt a-a.t.• Till> Satur-. cancellaUon of the acbaduJ.r.J F .. K -. M llo•fl t\ "· ("lllt-1111111 .• S....IIt Mtlo ..... rl!nm1nu!IIW1 ., l ho• lilll An •.• &.. I I . t . -· n s eet ,llllk \\ l':tlm••! A\••1 t. .. r ~··n 1>!"1<-~ illlhll"llttfl llllltlnn on AJ~rll day Evening Post n 8 n>-· , . ~ meeUng at IA~n· Beach lhlll ea ure IWd I k t rti' I on the W est 1 Ttl. Nation• Cat.hollc Olmmu· Room Regiat~ Se~e. the NCCS Tuud•y o r the Oranrr ruunty I" •·••··· II :0:1111 •'> I "'' ••t•t \o\ ~"'' ''"'' M11y 41h oez:t a tc th t th task hen:!i n1t.Y ~~rvlce, ~lch operatu a pro-IUIIII•t.a In rondln( fG'IIIee In Army eoa.t A-.oclatlon wu announrrd ,, potn\8 OU a C · . gram In the USO Clu,.~ at Balboa Mtl Navy arru. and for war w ·t by L A Patch prretdl'nt \II y • '!!len. •the war E'~rls .IS .n ot will obeen~e Ita third aMiveraaryl en~ In overb'!rdened comm tlea. coun~lla o1 the · dtiu aln~lt th,. •.:harte. WRkrfrrlol 1 'Aotm1tn "' K•·n~r .. lh Allin dlaplay•"l " "'"" SHTlply one of rct:~n\Cf'SI<?n~ on April 21, tt was announcl'd to· ,F'r'anclll P. Matthewa rhlllr-C'llUt will be reorg,nlzlnlt ,,11 1, ,...,.,,.1 f•l•l!' 11r,.n•, ,,,.,, thr". ,,,.ntnn• ••1ln whk-1'1. I~ Y''"r • rrt l._{ost o( our ,new tn~U!'trtes dRy .by Cl)'de Aaben, }~man oft P NCC'S e~u ve rom ·'Tueaday and thf'lr ml'm.,..r" "ll) ... •.•:tr, thrtll•·•l 1\r,.ourrlotto '''"' O~t·lot '' • '•l""''n. Ill ,...,lly a dr~tmlltlt stmply wcren. t h C'r(' tn pre· N.C c.s. director. r opular!:ly. l'l .... n mlttee' and Ja~..{.JNOr~. el'tczs::u-1 ~ pnoventr<t from lllJen•ltn)t Ill• l>t•lle• 1&111 ~'rllhiV lltl(lrl tot t h• '' loHI It ltd whirl(. Will "'•"'' '"'~ :war ctays, ~lth th<' f'C!';Uit "" NCCS, It Ill (lne of the m~ ..... "'I I\'(' I! rector. et>,.6r~~:,.;,n,.•ltfl the'' C:OIU!t ..,Ailll~latt'on IK'ac!tfm, Rc r.r.ot! • 'wp<Jrt n •. ;" I , ;"'"'""" Soil''' I ''''"II: man ram'."'" ~' II k.'l' that they Will h a \"{' to s tart h•·r lll(l'nc• "" or lh,. ~S~-1\.d Jn NCCS I ' " · 'exteo· rnl{ to t•atrh rt 111 Jll&nnl'd to ',, '' \ ••llt'?f'llllll Ttw •• 11'~1"!1 "'411 01" "lr••• 1'"" "' .~r. '":~.1~" 11 ""'1"., AnnuaJ HOnor Court1 Scouts, Cubs,. Frtday • from ~CrRtch 'in thl' prodttC· ihl~ !'ll)'lllrity n~ra~ c 'Uitul 11 v('·l :S~v 11'11 jcJr t.be>~m~na 1 the May mNJIIncr nf thl' ,....,.,,1 ,,, •'' ·~ular "1''''''1'' '·"'11''". !1:1"111 '''' iiltwrrlrtl: ""11 nu 11"11'1' 1 lio n of civilian I'Onlmnrlitit•s. 000 r lubs.anrt exte~,r•rnr lll'rv~ l)f men (t.. • "'1Plt..".w&ll't-·u rrn ~ Lal{un• 84-ach. \I I r·,.,m, .. rr """ ""''"''" I•\ ,,,,,, til• l •• t••·r wrlt l .. tt •fror .. l<own ll ll' '.:· The re will lx' the tas k of lt'l'mt•n. Bo-rvlct·~·,.ln~· a n•l ~·ar fn~t. r . YuUil~rfl'll (7"hrr,.. . . 1fn '"';' h•l 11'1h'll ll ro, 1 ~"'''' '"'"''' 11'f1' llf•..:•n Wr llullol 'l l1• rt r11101HI , . .,,,;, ••f """''r ,.,,·vn•·ol t•o "'"''I 11111llr•·"r Mr Wll f. d" 't b l ''"(X:lttct~ t o wurk l'rll. n•gardll'!(!l of, mel'. color. tl A""'orlntloflll l v ,un<P-\.\' f • • .., I ''a In n l''"~'l ·t;l~ '""'"rr"~' ''"'' ~~ .. til ,.., rh•o·ol hNrly ••·•·lotlllt Ill" ~:. "'" "''" t ''''" ,,r "'' ltllr '.,,.. II I•''" 11Mtlld""' "'roult"""lf'r tn lng SUI a C lt.. . · or lll'c'd ' '1' . . e. oorn. nvJtatJona manulactur-C-,. thc•n finntng ~ . t'OI Cbrllltlan Alii! IIO'JIII. lhr IJ•ally ''''"1''""'1"''~ ,,, tlw 1•·1· ~~~ ''" ,.,, .• ,.. ... Mr l"ll.tllllllll "" ,, .. 1 •IIMIIIt l ""' ,,.. lr o•ltl ... 7 :llr !oltuulov l: •. r1tt•l .. ·il•kl, forrrrll•r •lr . . • ·rs I'. TTrnu,ehi!UI thr rluhll ami F«t,·n·,!'=ah a llnn Armv.lht'·~ttonal Jew· R t-E d l •t """ ''"''·"" '""'I"''" I ''"' r ., .. .,.,. lttllt hiJI n,.w "''"I< "r rl•l I' " ""~ l•rHirt y ·•• '"'' ~'"''"'' pll•ol, v,lll '"' "''l••t l•·•l II~ wrur with bu~Ct;i: To 1\ S!:l~( . ' . . ~ 101"09· II'K at•·d In PVo:ry 4lt!'te or ~ lllh Wf'lfarl' B(;ard And tbl' Nation-ega ta 0 s ~· l"f'r ~1"'1 Mrtl••", WtoUIIt lrrrvo• ,. M I '1 ~· II• "' ,, ';, "'""'"' , .. ,,.,,, It/' I .... 11111( llh• ,,. ,j t ""'" ~·f•rn· Uri' Wllr .,. I . tE>q~nsm.g and ~ IJ:::~llltl~ . ~ Utilun A !I WI' II IU the na~t ... ~·r>-Ill ·rrnvf'ler 'll Aid A!lll~latlt)fll!. • \I t h lo•olll "' ,. '" '" t Ill I 1•'1' lrt•HtlnJ: "'Ill It ltV l<l'llll• Ill ,,, :-l·~ ""'""''' I 'I'• Ill A ll•·n '""'"' '"'"'"'""' llt'tolllmlllllf't. ~ Cahfornta, thnt ISO Inn 1~ IIAI. 11"Uvidual dub l'~;l ~llon11 Clydl' Allh d' 1 Our tu the 11ltf wind on E11 •t •• ., rrmp;nl;;;;;.'.,, ~'' c·1c•h•·•" •It• lt.ku• Ttor .,"'J: aa ll11 tiU,. ""I' ''" ""'"' ••'•J•·•t "' tlrt• ,.,,,,.. 111 lrr~th·llt '•·V " "'"' .. t11 Uu• t,..1,1p sur-mountab1l' prnhlcm. a-will be• held com~ ..... <l lJO"' • thl' . en, tr«-c or anrl Ar· "'· un-'oy. ••nly tw11 rl··-·· ,. ,,1. ·I · ' 1 1 11 ... ''" ,,. tn ttor hum .. rlm• v•·tll ''" 1 1 1 t f 11 , · 1 ...,... " UHJr \\ tnt .. rhllltrr 1 t .. dl ,, "" ~" .. 1 .v .. ,l " t11"1" •ell rr •. ,~ "1 • , •• • " " I'""' •• 1, ""'""" ''' "' or '" ,,,,, '""'lilt" t11 ,.111,,.. ,,.,, I" ...... thou..,h adml"tt~..IJ'.' II Jll-.,'· annll'f't!lary obi!e"'-n-. Sn.claJ . ' 8118 11 80' l"f'r· 1 bt •-I I I I h II " u ,.. "'~>ntsr-. m any diffk·t~ltt.·<'~. But r·'!J.,., ~oal.lr~ll~lll.~marko lhr ~n~~ oTI th~r Balbol a U!'!O rlub. arr up ror thl' rllrl' In lhr 1tllll••" lnhtrumrnt v.IHI• t ,,. lr.·ndl\ ·'"' ~··11~.,;~::,,~"~, ,..:;--h =~:~~: NJtl ,.,,,';, •·· I'" I"''"" v ftll t•h 'k•·lo • "''""'t.: '' nr•l•t lnt• r•••tlnl( ttne nn•l "J"r-r-"" . . I i , ! .. f h 1 , ... nn nJ: t a prOJr:T&m In co-op-Y llcht f'l)lh_ F:1111ll'r In vii 111 '''"'" , 1 rm at rnR ""' 1 11 , ,,, '"~ ""' ,., • 1 ~ t" '"'' """ ~ '"''" Jl,,, rv I Jt• •· '" 1 ""'''"' Ill llntt1 If'"'"'' 1,. w1ln,..,. ~ustus Cracmcr. tn 1 s rom· 'f'Ot ,t .. CJI.Ii ~4t .e nat ?n~.a. rr:ttl• n wl lbf' national l..t!trd an· HI' Kalla, wr.r,. ablr I•• a tart Thr•·• It chllght I til! "'' I''""', I ''""" '~ I ... ,. rl• • ,,mn•• and I .:rw" '"' "" I 1/l•tr ~~~1•·1 "~~• t "'' •1!. ''Ill>• .. II•• Ill•' ''"'' w•u k "' ltllll ur~r:•niF.&tlon, peign fOt the U n itcci S t;ltCS Afiprux't"at;:, t,OOO.OOO 6~1(:!. ntvrrMtrJ program wl!_!C'h wOt In mor,. rllliiSf'll. lhl' Viktnl{~. StHI ... '" thr S• h• "" I• '"' ''" • "'' ,.,, Tol•t ... tr Mr Aleta p,.,.,...,.,,.,l "'" "''I '''' I"• lolut~·" ""' "''""" r•" "'""'" I)"" l(ruwn h•·rf' In 'membe~ &nate. h as brought 1010 rn, wnrU#n' lht! armed. force a. dudC' lue publto u wen-.. lh; Rftd [air"""· nu I' !I . Jut • Sundt~\ I' a no """ "" It• ,., '·• ''·" k I '•'"' I•'" ••·rtt: tn l'""""t ortytr an•l ,,. ''' 'It•· N•· .. , •. ,I H<'l\rh l'llr,.ot "'I' I• oot " '"1•1•1 ',.,,. •lnf .. Mr. AJien the . .' opeo aiJ,Q!ticr challl'ni C' a. ntJ V."~?r~zan crowded tnduatr1al mrm!Mora l)f lhr Armed rorcn • llflf'rn(>(ln off Uir rlub'll pte,. 1 rr• 0( lh,. Mlu olt I;,,, Ill• , ... , '*'IY' •I lh" •PI*"-otl lh .. "11'11 T•·N• h•·r• 'A ..... lllll .. n wlttlo• "''" ......... tltkr" l'hllrl(f' which confronts-this Staff'. rrntf'f'!! ~~ ~ NGC£..op-ted • F'rom u. .. race ch•trrran. F' c lo•tl rnm m•·nt• ,,11 n ... ""' 1• nt Jnrll '""'" !4• ''"'" "''"' .. 1tl '"" "" ttnl•••l lh•·lr Sa~ Mr CraemC'r· I, <luha m~ t ~ly. "''here,• wid! va r1· H bb. d . Brewf'r, rt'I!Uit.. rr,r thr.e thr•·•· nn nut. ,.,.,1 111• J ll•~'"'' r ·•lot Kov.11nla , .. ,....tflftt tl~tllln"h""'l ortoi••JUJf "''' ., .. ,, .. , ..... , "' t~-Ho, . ._._..,;===T===--------, "W .h ould race. ~hi' ~t<:f "'t ~( ~~erv cu Ill oftered. Under u ar Appoants "'-• are .,. follow• Vlk lnjC• tn hal mPI••It•'IO .... r,. 111fl'"ll't••lr .. , ....... ,,..., lrlr. ~n. , .... "'"J.: r·•·rl ,., ... ,,. M··~ll ,,,.,1111 l"l ull R ()T'f E RC!ft- e s m Stat«'S h~v. I; (b~ guldece or 76o tnunrd pr()-Harbor Committee fl rlt. Larry Whf'eler, 111'('(101.1, , ,, I ,,, the (lf llj(rltlll ' ''. "', . .:•U'IIUI. IUYKH\If ""'"'" Wf'tO' I II IIIII!•· ': .. lnt V'll ,., ..... "'""'' .. II .J ;i:J •• • that the Easte i-~l'de , fu11mnal ,wor~rnr, &allated by J F. William•. and third. F: !"harmllln 11 1111 ""'''"' , ,,,.,v c·,.rr1uu1 llDd .,,.., Albf'rt 'tlotlan1l "' rot1v" ttuwlt Wit•·"• wrll .:tv .. •I .lwet ~V~ Jona d ominated ~rh . • more than ~00.000 votunteenr. • : ---to-tea. St.ara· rlr1t, n. S. Hat• h •·pranu ,.,11, ,. nn.t , hll rrnro1r '""" tt•·•"' Kr~l•r .....,..,_. Uw dlnnrr 11h••rt llllk hn t11r rut1rr•• ••f.II!IHtt Govenuncn~--an t e tn . , :'o/CCS run11 ~ ProCT~ oC ~uttunu ( ompldlno nf the memberablp •econd, Normltn Walton, and thtr•l n;.r wen-Nt)ll)'"!l lly 111, noo•tr• 0 ,... 1111: ruttt tho• JlUhlto 1" '··rdllllly In IArll'l NW....-t of trial East, If it h asJts \o\a~. snrl anl'lal acUviUea In UN total or lhe~ICrbor Committee bu been Hr E. CbrUIUer. P'alcone: flnot 1.,.,, twn "' M~ 1•11ot"'"'" .,,111C~ M ~'AN CIIAeH VICTIM 1 will put a quick en to the t 'SO lllm t.o provtdr a "homl' away annOUD.,lf! by Walton Hubbard, Cllnver• Wurdemann; 14:con•J,, 'lh ve U k,. th .. 0 11,.0 · &not I h.. ' • .-l;o .. llror.u ,,, tr•·art 1" r""' cllac· lnduatrial ~est as ~n as frn?' ~omf". • ' • 1 Jr., rh~rmllll or the P'O\Ip 1~ llllldY ,~ell Nortls and third, Krnn .. th 1 1, pular "1.-ntl "' th•· !'kv fth>f'. A• 'II" ,_a ot an automololl•· ,,r tv "'"J humtl1t y '" ""' lirll(htr"' J the war ~nencY. IS ove~. . f.&ch.club (eatun-l dancea. ~-Harbo pr»blem .. ulollowa. Mcwcan. I w .. ter". Thl' ~O'flrllll•lll lotrrlltk .. ' .. l!l.t-on whld'l ~mod on Ullrhllr j••wrl llr' •h•· f'tir1111 tall'll rrnwn. r~ :''East !limply O()('Sn t ICII, .,on...oeveota and other adWi·l w~ Hu\b&rd, P. A. P•lmer. Accordtnc t.o report.t, entry fM"I V""'" WILl! pt\rill•ularly flll'lllftrtf{ '" lllvol . a.t.h·cilm He ..... ao. "' II II U•ond I want ''OUr corn~titio~d tlu delflgned In ~·hsp~lly the I WaliA. 8ptcer, ICarl W. 81Aaley, p&.ld for tbe Rl-«atta whkh will ~ th1· l•ttrr 8 ntl,.wlth lit~ ''"mfl'llll'r 1-: lltllr . .t,..._, Me .... f'.lmflnrd 'l'lrt• ldJ'' ··~t nllloo&trrwn( llll wo•l! unless ... , are prepaMJ to do ·r1e\llure bqun of N\.'.;::t"J'Ue••· ape. w: . Lon pilOt', Cbarlee ,Jt Pay-l 11"•" to t.he loea.l Red en-qu<$&. •t t.he plann. rf'I'I'IVf'iJ o·nUllllllaallc Ill an ( )r .... bCJriiiiiH.&I IIUI'ferinjf "" ••n)oym••rrt ,,, tl•• •t•trHual "'"· battle tn Washington. our . dal llervrc.u . locludlnJ'a ~Jllt.ructJon ton, II 'Ewrdln~. 8. )!c. )leyw, wUI probabl, N&Cb aao. • &Jiplaue.. rmm th,. lllldleor.. A• I fr•om three .,..... ...... othf'r In· "' t .. to• -.,, ... "' •II tlrnc•• and In ·A• lndust.ri wjll d()f;(' lnl~ngu~le•,eti.lllanflpUierll\lb-I,W._r· H~lla, Evenlt Morr1a, A.j ------an~or"t.Mil!tiiAkln .ng "lrolllkr ,~l IJt~..., ...,.e ahra-all tlun~:a I•• n y ,.:...'Thv will~ new t~ O'Afn .. j~'ctll trl' t>ffl'rfd. -ftroup Ita B. ~fie and .... ., .. CIJM RaU. Cl...ifw .._ a.t Jll-E+U lA .. I Bfol'"•" tmm thr fUiow Ileal ~tton• """" .. Trynn F' • .twamta. down, never 0 Opt"f\ lle-. r . . . . I -. • I ' . '. I •• DESK BLO'JTE8lol HI ..... lh~lto HI~ Us--Ito Ju.t uM, ~ .. for UaM .._ c.r youra . . , ~ er eftlal ' ,, - \~ ,, .. .. .. ( . ''"".: two .NEWPORT-BA LBO~ NEWS-TIMES, Newpo_ rt Beaeh, C··li fn mia, Tuesday, April 1§, 1?44 -----------------------------~~~~~~~~~-~--------~--~~----~------------~~~~~.------------... ! . ' . ·o ·A -LBO ~ . ~ . . . . . ./. s • ~ J .· . . . \ . .. 'I EXPRE SSES THANKS AND APPRECIATION . . . TO THE SPONSORS OF THE RECENT . \ -·vnrM-El-rs---a·o.w rr.-o· -·ro ·u a·tHl:M EN T .... ... , .... -''l~~E.:~IN SNATCH ERS;,:·~:.· su·RF AND SA."J) SHOP ... . . .. . .... Spqrso.r _,_,. .... ' WOMEN 'S BOWLf;NG TOURNAMENT ~tarted OctoiK'r 15th End~ April J.l th Winnin g Tea m: .. . . SNATCH .ERS~'· Peggy H itcl 11.:oc k Captai n . I : • oth•'rs in phntP I n\\ t'.f Ct~rfl('rl RiL':hl fp I ,,•ft lr . 1'1'1 t:H . . . Fra nces Cukman -Qor.,thy Pouu_~ey . • • ;( ~ • J .. -.... Hel en 'K in ~ 111\\ f.;fl . . M ar~i c U t.:lms , 'I Pct!·~y H itchc, 1('k • -~ . \\'l: Al$0 ,t:.~t'Rt:'!'-Ill H <\I'I'II U 1\Titl"' .\ ... U C ct'lci8 \TI'I,\Tifl~l4 lol'l fw fo~ll•••ht.; tou·u·,. lr 11m': "TI:fl\fiT t:"'" --"t \1.1 1'\ , .. :._ "~T\tUUI \Jllj~" -"LOI Tt:tC~" -"t 'ftlll f ".\)OTI.t-:!4"-"tlt't 'l cr.' uf \('Kt:tt'l '' 1111 \T I 11"1' \ '\ 1.1· \t.l I "UlT ('II('CIC 'K l'llllT(t-..· -"'I ., I 1'111 ''· I 1.1 I T". "'Ill f il-e II \)OT C'O·" -"\( k t :lt\1.\'1 1\Cl \T ("0 .'." "l 't:\ To~;~ ~ 0 . 1". -vJ:~ \ rn'-., ~el ~ .. nl \l11tul"' 'l.:hl IRMoKU•': I. . ' IDA NAYLOR Sponsor ., CASINO CA FE Spon s<,>r --. B~B ~U RPHY Sponso r J. A. BEEK ·Sponsor -·- FITZP A TR~CK'S . .:.: -·s ponsor , ,• Tt:.UI <.: -'l'T:\l NS -"BAlLS OF FIR£" . "AN'CHOVIE$'\ ".St iCK CH!CKS'' "INNER OUTERS" "PHONE BELLr::S" ,. ~I n J>il'llll'l'--· R i!.:h ~ •to L<'fl :-"' . . T"l' 1:11,\·--~larion Fry ~ CaJifaltt, "Ralh uf Fire•'' K Mos. .. twrg -C:tphtin, "lnnt•r Ottte•rs" llf•1 t~· ('ru(•kttr -C:q t!atn, .. I~honr ll~·tl•·,·• · .: l .cm ·~--S 1··~~~· llif··hc·ewk -(':•p•n:u. "J';n St:::~ h , .. •· ;-u<•••• lluh'L~ -( ·ap!:tin, .. :.n. "''' · ... · t-----------+....::J.'L\.'Il:.lt:~"--•. ,,fl•r·,·~-· .... UJ\ \ n ·u-., .. -"e l.li'I'I.H "'.-"I \1,('11''" ''et\\ IUt.O::" ""T""t.<r' -.. ,,t.l.l.~ .. -ur .._ .. ut h t ·,.a ... l (tttupu u \ I • •:.:u•• , .. -COM ~NG ~VENT-\ . . 'oRANGE COUNTY . ·W:I.9.C. ·cHAMPI .OISHIP .· : · T 0 U R N A M .. E NT {> APRIL 21..;2~~-2·3 AT SP.ORTLAND· I • . ,, . -I \ , -. , . .. ' .. .. .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES: Newport Beach. c ·.,jirnrnia. '1\le!O<iny, April \~. 19-U Plilll 'ftuw- , ~~~~-~~~sT ~~~LIC· NoTIC~-I E~A-o_:_:_:.c::_:..:L:::.:;-l~S:.:..!:.:....S :.:.....::.1 F~tE~o----.._,-D-1 -F--0-R--· -~r--A_R_G_A_II_s_·! ANGLING AROUND I aiJMMOMS 1 WATERFRONT '" N"•. eMil . 1 .;~~. ~•·•·•·r.rm A IUb-t'ba .. r tn World War I, IN TID! stJPZUoa ('OtiRT 01'" JIOR RAI ~ the "Mary tn•na" l1 Mini put IIIlO I THE STAft OF ('."I.IFOilNIA'-' .~ condition at the Peyt oo Company -IS ~NO FOR THE cdltNTY BO ~T . I . OD tbe Cout Hlp ... ay. The boat . • • ' ' " I I ~··1•1 1'11•1 '1"hh•tfod bo · hl ·'-y. th• C·'""•nl• "'ulf OF OR~OF. • · )fl\1'1111' 1-:IIJ:III•'S "'"I l'nrt ... ' ~ wa.a Ult ..., " ~ ,.,.., -liiiailil t . tJw Aa ,._I -~~~~-Tradera. lnc .. w boae heastouartert, At-~~ of t!Mt c..:..t:v of o!:'. .... j ~1.\1:':\'~ ~···;A·.! A:-11' , le '" C uaymu . Mule(), 'I'M ~t. And <'o,;,olalll't ltled 1,. tl\f' Of· . MHl. f'O -4 REAL I!'SrA'I'E 111-'1.1' \\'A!I/TJo:t• Wotnan t.w FOR RAL ... I:M PUl\"Mll:NT ~··no' fill ""\"'"" 'k Jo'lall u i-ur U \'t' 1n •tr nut '1u'''' M11rV '1'1• ,, , lui. II ••II U• f••nll)' 6(14 V Ia 1 I "''' ;-.;,,,,, l .~ol•• IIIII', Nrwp••r t llt•llfh ~~~-tt.! \\' h .. n Y '"' "MMInk "' ltf'al Thtnk c•r ,11'111!'11 RAf•t.Jo~lJl \'oarl UIIIJC """'·'"'" I MrwtNmt"JIJ 1 FOR' ·~r;r-. _.s...-___ ......_ f:etat; I IIY.J"R()()M F\JHNTTlJRII Oint· plt~l<' ~et• 11r odd plecee aur b U c1r.-...-re. ..d u·ata. bN!a. na.tat 11111n•t• hrnr hN. bMlronm C'bal,., A timely hint tu 1porttlihlng tn· Dleg~. At Santa ~(lnlca and Rf· will bf' Ul'f'd for haullnr freab .• ...,... of tht' C'if'rk of ihr Mupl'lr1.,. ~-\\• 'r!l"rnl ""'' f'll :'~-(,1! w thlll'IH!Itll whn are t>mploy4id In dondo. tlllhlng boata were forcro .sl)rlm p 1\nll c>y~ttrra !{ton. Gll&yrnllll Court of 10aJd (.'ountJ. , No'"l'"'' ll··n~h I'"'" .ltl'l;l ~;l'l•'ll l'l• :'<l 'lt~t-: "'"" .. Jil l· A•k Ah 111 Our Retrr!~ llliiJ>,\'Brda anll nth~r ~dfnlt' lflanla to lll'l'k sheltl"r Or ,come in . At , to Califor nia 'porta. I :!!\ lfc'-1 Ill• IIIII ~Ill: 1>\ dll\' "" hlllll. • • I ••·r•••tlll ll"JI''" J.prlnl(~." matlr-•. bunll. t.de. rtr l.arl(ll llf'lf'('tlon of atyl• ""'I rtnlahra. llC'II'"hWool(f, m~ple, wnlnut. ~r~alnrllW"'"l mahu.any, '"" •t · •'11111111 Y.~y T ern) e. Me· .Mahan "1Um ll u 11 C'c•. ~n41 and Jtru&olwlly. ~An Alia to-ttc ' ':., u1 ,_.,,., ~,, ~ •. l 'h•'"'"' !'\,-·wp,._.l 1~ that th~y w11~ be w l11t-t1> Bt<"!tre Nt>wport" It wa .. ·t q utte 110 bad Till' "Marv lrent'" wu built· In A. J. TWIST i 11,,1., 11 ,.1111 \\ , :.!II ,.,11 1..01. IIAIH-:AINI' n.-,.;111 Jo'r<•nl l11,.1r rPuulation Coaat Guard ldt>n-but had t.>nougb to a poll •. go •<.1 Bremerton ·w alhln "'on. and W IIJII ... 1 .. ,1·n1·1rr ,... 11 <·t: ·'"I I· :o. '' Mnntf'r•, t~·at. 1 I " ' ' •· ,. {' ·.,, 4tl~<~ll ll81ttu•' l'•utnau a . llllcatlon CanltJ at on<' e. T t:ue 1111hlng day A a ala ted bet ore, re&l, tater purchue<l by a Canadl&.D 1.1 l.LT A !II 1 RF.AG ER. 1 •1"" • """"~ I! ••.t hull 4-c '1 \\"A~ rr 1• \\'"'""" t•• o•lr 1111 on T• 11 1 f lll!lll 1 .,.1111 , r t•rm• ~atdti a re luu~ by th~ l'nast hnneat ·to-~O<>dnt>IIS 11por tflahing firm a.nJ rc'llUilt. It ~till reta ins ,!()liN IX"F. nnd JAN t: DOE. Co•ut ~~" llh•llll o'ump .. ,., ,. 'l'l•lu·,l.11• l'b 11,. :-lo•"J't'•l It!\ A'"'' 1"" 1,.,,.1n,.,.. .. r r"e ct.•nllal 1·,11anl 81'1,11\re popularly known,;au Will nnt bt> lopa until the _w ak-r ,lt• for~lwn bottom. tt hill J)Hn . n,•fo•n""·o11t~ lla•ll···l "" 4·\\h~•·l trllolo•c •lo ,,,. ~''" _\\~11 11 l h ohl11,rl Jt :!!l-Ilt• , ··111t NAl3. 1 •lll'llroom lltUI'I:O, ,--o " •·" • "''" .. h ~~· h ~~ $1(\C'Itl ('1\ah "'10 Card!!", The Navy <"a rdll a nd warn·!! up and the .tun ahlnu more R iling aoder lhe Alll. ~ric~ ft.. Tl f L'. P "'OPI."'. O F TIT F. ~ATE bo•.ll :• "" ~ nor~r•n•·11• , n•t·:o~" -J>a tt Ially fllntl•hrol Nt•w \'IC~t. ~, al"l'r la nd 11l 2Mit At•acla St .. ('>ala Mrea •t-rlr., l !\300 U:IOO I h h I I r r ,., 'I I ~ 1111\\ ,~ •"tl.! 1• 11 IIIIo· It• hrtl'l' 1\0 F u n• Ill' I :II loll I. ~tl I 1•: I •,.n~rAI Lh•"'' IP!!Ied by dd enee p ants lire · t a n It u a te Y. for aomf yean. • O F C A t,..Jf"()]t"'lJ-\ SF: NO O RF.F.T· ~ 1•111! •·•t"lf•mrn t ~"•": rto•tr Awr . llall,>•... :!4·trr good !! far* In allowing th~lr hold·. llny fllJb~&.J~re ,l.t s.lboa b u I ~hi' will be ak PJlt'fN by C'apt. J'l;f':S m · LILLI AN I. RF.AGF.R . fino u ..• ,. !'II II.... till .. '"'"" .. -l"l'< '""'"' 1•'1111••• \' lli\llllllnlt c·re t.l go uut on ~ ocean 1•rov ...-eu g ocv •• owf\'.-. rec9r I Zl" Ric-hard Weill who" hu fcr ty·flve J (IH!II OO F: nnd JA!'I:F. J){)'f:. 11\•· ,. r ••-..·n 'II I . :" Ill• th I''· ~ ·• h A d I • A\* II 11(1 ( 1 f ~ A..tt•lu 1 '" t' t'r•'•hh 1,... t•rrmK "'-h th I h t 12 d II "'---bt urul ··~,.,.n\tal ~'""'' rrntu1u·••· eDj; the ca r..., a ve e r p o Ol, poun C!a ro ......, w u caug yeara' ex..-rleocf wllb boata. fc•nrumt-: In•· d th I IS t ·1 AI F t" M ld b r-lonn. A,J,hr ~lllk "'"re" :.tlth fiog~rpr ... an o er regu ar a uruay en org1 • a en Y 1 t 1 rew You Arc dil"('('tNf to Rr>J'lf'llr In HARO Tl) FJNn Falro'n ... u ldl'ntJflcation dala t hereon : how· I \\·uuam J enning• Bryan Jr. Tbl• The boa ute.~ ad~ x mane! c An ne-t ion hrou~:ht 11~nmct you h) btla t , ""'1'1••11'1) ,....,111111,.,1 !:••"I ~··ir we bellev<' It Is ·only a mat· Ia a darn g ood·I IUd ~ and a ud .. one buodre our An o nf'· thl' nhovf' nRmed plAil')tiff In thr ••ts ' ~ •. ,. tf I! ll•·ul•·) ~··n trr .1 time, and poMibly" a ·lhort I cat<"h to be proud of. Thty tell me I ~alf fret lonl( by a fiftH~ and :u~ Suflf'rior Court of 1hr S tlllt• of Ruby Ave . Rall>o•a b land. or r ail wDt', until the only paaau accept-that Bill Bryan Is u good a fllb· alt ft>Ot bf'a m. and a It' en a d a C'11lifom ia; in llJld for th<' County l<it " p .. rt :.'lltlT H 31 :.'tp ,..,, by the Cout Guard to let 11port-ern:a.n ru hia illuatrtou.a father wu ball foot cl{l k of Ora nj!l'. ft,d t o llnot\IIC•t'r th C' c-nm · ''" \ , •• Htanl A '''"' Ne·~JHtt t ll•·n· h ~ • .,. Zllr Jlull l}l•f,.r,• 1 a Ill ••I nit••• :l I' Ill "f \A I I II' 1111)11 \\' All,.h• 1:11 ~t """~ II"'" II ' 21H tp fl!lhr rn'<'n out on the nc.ean will be a speel.'b·m~&ker: • • • pl:tint thl'rf'in within tt>n days n:gulaCion auUioilzed Cout Cullrd All fishing boata are now under· A unlnuf' fruit ~tl\n•l th~ Trop-nfll'r thr ~rn·k<' on you o r thl~ 5llld n••l,. Jlfllnl'lo•ol,: Ill I\ .111,•,, 1t I.Ol4T ANU t"'llNP h.lent lflcatlon Carll•. tJigned by an 1 going a r1gld iMpectlon b~ leal Fruit Juice Aar. o{M'nl'cl Arrll l-Umhlnn~. if ~t'd wltlun ttw All)". '1111kr thr Jl'l111' "' ,,11ol ''' •··I· • '!ST 1 1 · u!fil•i'r of t he Coa.t Guard. T .. ere· Gout Gua1cl· to make a ll ~11 9" at 915 Cl'llt Hhrhwav wh'rh ltJ C'ounlv of Or!tn!le.' or with in thirty or Ttnn~r.-r . Cft'l-, o·hurl:•'' 11n.l •·'<· ""' • n r"'.l-1 .i)f 11"11w'" T httlltrf' ' · ~11niln1 nl.: I '"'' ·,. ~.·hwlun Ill •• ~u~e.. peJc.rr-, .\ht or~e~ ~;_opu;a .&fld !..Jla!er (or -tile E_~atom~r•· .lj.o ~qu_!)t nr:~tt.l' th~ C'hria C'rAfl Company. days if ~ervl'd <'11'><'Wtlt're. and you Jlell<:•"" nr lhr Tr11•l•••· ·'"•l ••l H"u••' ,.,~1.. ,.. ,1 wtl h , 11,11111 I I'm. fl\l - • t•> al'ulll rush Rnd p011111bit· dldap-1 rroBl of the boat a here will pua T hl11 "bAr" epe~allu~ fn """""a i•rl! no tifiNJ' i h'af · unr,•ss }OU ~~ l~l'flll'i•rl h~· 'lllol l~···f ,·,, h ""'I' , · -. I ...... lng ., . .,, l•,.·k '"' k•·•l ''" hllr k ''' pomtment. we auggeat lhat you t11111 Inspect ion. but It I•' a good a nti rnrrot tuk "• A"lol fratnr~s Rf'rw>Rr Hnt1 ""'""''r 'n~ nhovl' n •· '"'' l"''"'r11·1:11 ,.,JIIoll'l ~-u•l I l,•,•d t 1 1 l!t ·11 t\tk j d or ~ r l Hal.-1<•·"'"'1 &\l'lt lltll~<•rt sN'Ul"l' YO.UR "10 Carll" at once. Idea. • fN'&h fnalt 1\nd pur. fruit julc-ea o quirt'd the p n nt WI e u .:· rltn• •'I, ~) rt·n~uu ••I :1 1 '""' '"1:~ 11.,111 ~ llMv ,..,.,1111, • "''"'I to th'· willl' Ia sufficient. Capacity crowd!!, good bAit, are ~ervr or t o take out. ml'nt for nny monr y or dnm A,::rs brtaill 111 l~.'rllljlt 111 lh·· o~l•ll•:·•lli•"' " ,... 1 · ('<'\J t 1 ...a I ~ •• U~·u ll"1an•l ''tunu• ~~d ·n .tf, Ph what! · j the rule! at Newport a nd Balb!Ml. It 111 mana~ bV Ml"'l. C. J . 011· t1 r mandf>d· in I hi' 'omp a tnt. ns !' ro•l I ll'r'"''} h·•• \ 1"1 "' ,. ,.,,. · · \\"tmt11·~· a toni ~he coaat 'Yc• ··Au·we.'iti-l'd Ii dooo-w~ATHI'i:R. v~r: wliiiee nueb~bd' le aatloned ·'at:f!;l~' Upon conn-nrt. or wilt np· cutt'l'l zuyl rlo·li'''""'" to 1 h·• unci• 1 tr1J ay from S&nta Mon'lca to' san I'll be Mein~r ,You : , at t~'>f" LIJ'hler T l'an AI Raw '" a fllv to th<> Court for nny uthl'r N'·, slgnrll ·' .111 111'"11 ll····t: ... o!loa "r Pueuc ·NoT\C£e ---c-hll'f aviation pilot. llt•7 dl'"V'nrlo'd in thl' !'om plnlnt. Defuu~l :o1111 p ,'ll)llno1 ''" ~.do·. ·""'' • .., G1vrn undt'r mv hllncl und ~l'al WMit•·n "\,.111'•· ul 111 ,., ... ., 1111~1 1<1•·•'· N OTICE. l aa08a from the St.>w~rt Yacht C'uh al s trong gust of w ind . .wung • • • Thf' cruur "'Argo" bu b~n of I hi' S u j'M'rior •. Coui·t u( 1hC' liolll ... , •1111"'' tho• unoi··•·IJ:II••d '"I 1 "ell ""' lw '''"l'"llalhh• t •1 hllll County of OrllnJ;tC'. Sllth• or Cnl!· sdl 1~~""1"'1 ~~ 10 '·" l~f~ '·1111 .. t.ll ""'"" ... I ""I' ... 1•··1 "" .l .. hn " Wllrtt Y••u Thln'lt 11( Hr lll t-'•b t• T hink nt J l\ltS SA IlL Y, Ill \'"""' l'lotJC UAI...DOA A•k Ah•lll l lur ~~tt•y olnwn Rf'l' • .JJ,.,,,... .• top hy. If' tntr1 utl'c1 '"'" \\' J llnlromb, t/117 n>~~et "lllr;hway . c·omna del •tar S0·2to J'OR RALI: lea '"'•· Y..-y i'OOCI o•unollthm. l'hone Nfwpor1 \f'fl.J. 30-Ct.e •1m S ·\I.Y..--AliTOS . 1 MIKRO K" of all k lodll tor yoqr I IIC'Ir • t hlfl lolodf'm rnlrrort wt~ ltlt 'Yc "J'=l-'1" Rnld_ (!!ltf'o1 "' .-.. amall aquaru ami wltlJ n\lt•Nd f'llil •·•1 Vo·~:rl"• ~04 Maltl I'll. l~r.lf'rl. varillloll elllf'I·U '"'II U ll.c)Jl<•:a und ;.!Ql4 M.,rll\1:", Ay~fl.llt',_1 __ tralllld mlhbn. MIUIY du&pl. 111111"'" ll•lnllcl. l~·tf• A. d .. lrabla and ueef\al 11ft. ~ IH 11137 Ford· ...;;;;;;-l .• uwf'lll ter111a. Mr Mahan 11\anll• ~A I.Ie: . " · •turt' Co. 2ml .. nd llrn&dwaJ, Nt·~· m"t"'· K•"•ll. tlrto•. 'f'm>ne ~· I A ' 1o-Ua N•'" l'"•·t 11124-J . 30-4tc • a n a · 111 t'f\~klJ<) llli')UtaK"t" trall•r; flvr · '1"01\ 8A~LID • Mairh~ et.•t'Jat;Je 't(lp 111'1\lll Whlfo. 10 fr rt lnntt:-nht•c1, 11a a lttnVf', ll'ou r ·bUmf'r. doubt• • "11•1 t 11111 ''1:'1 M r• 1'81 r lr k .. vrn. vrrfl'l·t c•un•l t111n ITI\.00. 1-'1111'1\llll k l:l)ol A~11 1r. ltalhna 1 Mna l'atrll'k l"!tq Hitrlck. lJI lltlanll, l'~<ltf ;1l·tr~ 1 Aptr, ltalhoa lalantl ~1-Uc .. Sailboat Overturns And .. {A}ast-tuard Rescues Trio purl:haaect by J011eph Snydw of De-' th~ blur mainaall_.iq J;he wrong dll , tf"Qlt anti 111 heln~ N"'••nd••l,.,...,l ,t : ~l'tlon, . the Prrt of Seven Stu . The own· rori\ia, this :lOth dny "' Mn"rQI.! klllinn~ "'"' tlorrtll.lt c.r. un .1\:u \'COl· ~lmJ'IIIIII ' 1944 ho·r• :.'li. I'll I I hi' lllllkl cllo:lll"ol I \'l•'llA !'HII'~lN t Sl'nll 0 J S mi I h. I CIIW.o-cl '<IIIII :">1111!'1' '•( lll•'•ll"h )llld 1 A l'r II IIHt H ·:ltt· t-•ntt 't'AI.I-~ "!'17 tturtiiOTl II -'&n QM;-~~~~~·----~----~ 4 '"""' llrN A·l ehape. '!'tie .tron1 ~~>lntls. Sundlly. rt'· 1111to·.l •n !IE"vcrlll M ilboalll coining tu ~:rlrf In the bay. among them l:ellllo( a Sloop lllunched lor t be !lrtt t1me th11 aeuon by !l:ancy Hollbw- htad and two friends. Kenato Mon- aw and George Me Keehan. Tbe • b.~&t h64J been unllt>rl(olng t>xteo-· li\'o• rt'Jll\lr8. Sunday waa l.he d ay set for• the .. trlcial -'"lnund.aulo(~ and the youngstne, with th .. help or Nan· ty"a and G<'lhgc'tJ pa renlll. f1110 lly put the boat In tb" Wlll<'l , All ill't•meJ to bo.· l'u•n~: wl'll i•!•llt just Thl' U\rf't' sailor~~ BIHhJrnly found t>r plan• to eventually · convut It lhemSt>lv.-11 enjo)•ing 1 ! 1 •I! unex-Into a c-ummt'rcial,!illhln.r. hoat J>ected ~rWim ! Fortunately a Cout 1 • • • ' jGua nJ txmt waa on lhc ~t &.Dd I Mrll H. T. OMit-li m n• t~ .. r.r8· the friendly and helpful Cout ham Bait and Tackle Store ou tbe Guardert bad Ute· tbr~ out of tht' 1 Cout Hl~thwav IJi Ill &nd w ill be w11trr a rtd ab ant In 11hort order. rPIII InK 11.t th,. Lvnwood Re'it HQII!t' T he sa1lt>n;t wu11 ·alSo rt>lll"UNl tor ·the" ni'Xt month • • • , One ot t hC' lilt tfnll bo-lm at' the Ml'8. Cl-11rlu Stauf er bu been VIC"tl\ry !':hlpbultt11n~ Cor11 •• a t•w llw gu~st ••f ~··r ol~<u~hter. (tra.l Wf'1"k1l "11:0 rt>lllly hu a "beef'' ~lhi.Je.li-!""uht.-n ~:' u.whoa Js a nd. ll ll:lllnllt 1., .. N IIV-V T luo navv bnal \ u1on.: '"I trut.klcs 1-a .len -vent YT3I I WAll ~:olnR' tn tAl<" ·n.,,. nf :;o·. ··rat \\'eo·ks With his grand· t h.-m u ·a mAIICOt bat deddld ao ,.,, Jher m P hOf'nlx. llntl .~ht> acr••m· 11 ·1 tf'AII Th lilt l'•'"ll'li h im hunlt· 8 flO l't' pupry. nil . ,. •'r ...,,.,.rl' 111k'(.n py Mr Ma1 11h11ll Mt- B~~!qe,,~f.~RTFIS~-~N~~.~~~~T <'n l rnA-. Mrs H1\lltrJn. an n• fw •• jtlrl nnd 11 w!>rko•r In t he' yard. Annthf'r k ii iPn frnm lh1• V11'tnry ('nrJ'"r nt lnn, '"~rulllt• Bull"' 111 nn 1 h•· 31)!1 nnd is IIOIT1<'"'hPrt' In the The "Owl", "~laiden'' and "Dina Lee'' 331 nr Suut h PtH'Iflc AnyfJJif' dulring. a m .. a-vf'IOutJ 11\lflrlY nf the "'just o1oK" bl'c>~d may NEWPORT TACKLE STORE hlll"l' llfiP lfl n roup!" 1 t\t't't'kl' hy • ,.,,, .. , ttn~: I ho r ,. llr.-IW\Oupt ••f . t:U St.U('()~IB •. )1:\~,\fit:R ,,.,. B• '' "" ..J.;.,n.tlm: 1:10 1 t'wl"t l11J.:h\\ c\ • 111•'ll• l•llf't'lll< w••r•• Ba"it-Tat·kl(•-Fishing Information l••fll 1-"r ulo~· mcht April H . 1 1~1· at I ,, 1. 1•1 '' .11:... • 1 ~' •·1 1 • .1 ,. ' ,t,\\ I'OUT Ut ~·II ==========:-:===================~ I I~ 1-'JI'h Mnr kt>l n •artrr r.r:.====="=====-=::::::==---========:;;:::;======~ t f ••'••, '!" ")' ft:th rt'4.J:tV)Ot: ltusrntt~"" 1:\\' 1\nm_,.... r ... I I•" •.• "li'"' ···~~~···~~~·"t ;II .1_ .. ,1 \ ., • "'••l• t•• ''"'. ( f)(l\P f H·· \\ l>tll••• ~" I•"IU III l ht• l11 k•·r ... ,. S!'ORT FlSJ ING· BOATS Ill."'· Cc>unty Ct.·rk or th,• S UJll'rlor nf •:I .. •Ciolll '" ht• ,. .. , ... ,1,1" Ill Hnok I • Cou rt or tht• 'Sill It• nf C'nlitnl nla. t:..'2t. ····~··:.':!H."' llflwl.ol lt··•·luol•l an and fnr t h r Cnunt v (If 0Nin~;e. 1 10 Jll111 II•"~" ll•·r·· .. tlw•· •· Countr~·man'" 'ntou~ht R, A. L. H iiC"hN.rk . O.•puty. ~ D.·u,~l 1111 "ICIJh ,1,,, "' :\ll)edo ."'1 n•·vo·r !Ill\\ .4\ ll'fvc-llra _lhllll: . · . .1~ , 1 ,,,,.h•helt \'hl•••nm 'lntlll'llprlut-: ~ouc+ · I · .. • 1 ClT17.F:!I:S :.;AT II e:">;,\1, TH\'~T \\llh l>~l.:ht hlur "kv ll<'hlnol ~\PPF.ARANCE ~ '"A do•frndnnt ,~y S A\"l!'I:G!" 1\A!'.:" (1}-' ).(~ UJ~M'A~ an an llr tac•ll "'~··n ho• 41n·, 1\:"\( ;t·:I.E.'-; 11, Tn1,1,.,. Anol '" •f• •'" hu•l I wr it thl• ••'Ill: <Wt'l"!<: dl'nllu·:-. or J.!l''"" lh<' plnln· llv 11: Jo: M\'1)(;•:. I \\"t,.·n 1 h•c\1 1111•1 I''"''· ~"""'"' &n•l tIff' Wrtl t•"TI ,filii 11'1' nf hi~ ;!JlJ'<'III", \";c"t• J'I•·~Hlt•lll ,tt 1 IIIII: anl'l' .. · o r "'h•·n un attorn••) ""''~ Hy E M l't-:T~:nsu~. A 1, ... ,.1y 1,, .. khll ol •·•11•·•1 tol m.- nnti•·•· of :lJlP<':II":lO!'!' fnr him." ""'' Till• I l Hrlo .. .-. 1 r~''", ul•••l In that Jllnk IWIIlll"•l • Sro· lOH . C C P I Cm t t :.!OOU trt'e . . -"""""'""' ••r rl<>fl'l\1""'""' nn1'<1 ,,.. +----m "r1tm~ nn•L r•l··d "ith thl' P ub A1•r 4. 11 · tM. 1!\14. 1 C'h•rk ... ----------------:-------------:-- 1?\Jb · Apr II, 1~. ·:..'5, :\T."ty :! 'I lti :!:1, :\41. Ju~w 5, 1~. 1944. I NEWPORT -BALBO.A NEWS -TIMES I'Rll al'ttr ~ 3\J "M()tl At'uho~,----------~ .Urtve. N~wpurl O.a<"h 3'"3tp ('UN( 'RICTII MIX Ilk TO RICHT- . ' • .,.7 Nrw l!:aaj t•lc Mlaer; b)' chJ • WANTF.P TO RENT . weell. l i ,.., cU.y. a....t .._. W.ANi'F:ti"Tca.ttr.N-1: Arartmrnt n•11r l.lf'ar h ltr wan'f"-tr,r lnrnr· Co., 1210 UlUt Ht~wq,tt ..... port lloo~b f'~on• ~AM. 30-tt.e "'"''"'n lr~e•ll)llt t.o notal u t.. Apt., POll. I I:Aa&-- "11 L<·•• h t mut. S«t. JOIH!Jili H•hln, 414 ll•t lr A 8. ~d .. Jo"OR Llr.AIUt One or two etorae; H A A A.U l'lutnl' 8 A.A.A.R on• CUNiatlna ttl batt aed tack ... 1-:kln llW2 31·2tp nra;IDUIIIPJlll .. and 1m....&~ W A.NTI-:IJ 1'1 1 1<1-:NT ttaltx~~a lt<ltilld.· ~ ur 3 lio;.dr:oom ·RHMIHft humr tor A IIJ(tllll l'hODt! All· mln .. •r Ot411 nr ll'rltr !'16110 A u· r•ul"· Hnu~I"Vard. Lo• A Ol(t!lf'• ·4~. ( "•llfllt:lllll 31 Itt' lila equipment: UM other lUll• able for •mnkecf lind "f'reab ,.,.,._ 1 1:101 C"out .. lllahway. Newport 1_'-r h ll-2tp I 1944 W A NTI•:I t ·Tc I HJ:NT -tJ~f•lrnU.I,. Pueuc NoTreES . I . I'IIUSt:~; :"it~\\I'OKT I'!~ Ill i ···I llt•UIW 4 u r r. r•••m•. In liar· -------· ac 'i:w .. \"i h111 lllt•o l'lliiiii'·Nl''WJIQtl ''7111 -..----~!!_110:~ t:\'t't)' Tu~a)' and T hurooda)' _Aft~'"'"'"~ ,...,lunw ""': 4 ~OTIC't: Ot' TRntTF.F.'!\ M\lt: -M111 l'rll•l~n•·•· ~nflth 211-ttr · ' ' ' , S ub,.r rlvtiun P ity able· In Acl\ r1nt'1· S:.! !){) 'fll'r ~··•U" •n < l!"nh~•· County. :-r---~-~---..,;.....;_ __ _ TIOE TABLES. S o. I&~ $:l.75 JA'r )'('llr to 4l h z•l'w. ~I tlO twr y••llr tu Kth 11111<•. or ' t·ordtttl ~lun•· •\ol p q q u• 1'.-" k IU) I' ·· _·;,; • f t ,,:.,., •I H •·• ntd ... "' •I·· .. tli···· ,,, 111· H.• I' •df I I • ,.,,,._., ('• .:u'' t • .... ,, • ,,,,• , . ··~•t-"1tt-t••n ... .-h,.. ..lt!i ,. ;, "',,I Ill ~ 1 '"-"7:. ,., I " • I ·' ·' 1" l•l 'I I ,, I I '·,I, I I q! I 'Il l~ \ I I ll"\ I II I :lfl·•· '" • I · •• ,,,, \\Ill I II I I ,,,j,,' •l ,, , ., " I • ... I I •lol I '•·I I··"'''"' TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED . • '"' ~ A,• U<tJI r'f ~uti.\ I,,. ( tUI Wd I~ ,... !l l l lol'" •••·I•Jr••••l I t ... , , ...... ·n A U I 0 SJ•: IL \:.1 (' J·:r rr....... ""'". i\1.1lhll· n ... n.,, ll• I• ,(fc<ll M il IIIII' I \1•' I I " IIIII lhu-t tt:-Nortnn II II f '""'' lll~:h•"•> !\.f. \\I'UIIT nt .. \4 II. l'huur :! Ill STAJ:T St: \SO~ S:\TI IW \ \" :\NUL 1ST I!ITII STIU.:t:T U.\\· J •. \~IH~'; ~t·WJ>url H••ou ·h \\" h• no! ,.!II• .•11 1,1, 1c ,1,11 .,1 1 1.1 o\ T 'Ill 1-. 1 I \II C II•' :' \1 1 ··.'~~··~~·.~:;~,•;: ~-.,1.< ,',::·~·~',·,~r":,~;;~,., :.·l 'l .•:;::·~:lf\~·••,1.~· 1'111.'~-.')~';.' Mfor,·i1·t· uu·n and 11 ar \\uri,,.,.... arr all tl•·l""lulin~ upciR I ,rc~f essiun.al ~------------------~~ Uircctory CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE ("I.IFF \ O'<i Kf;Sst:l.l. Fisfiing Tackle Spedalist Arlj;wt n1 111 Pa\ Ilion ~-;, •• h nnll Sail \\"1111•1 T ... •l;lo· Pllnnt· '!lfl n.u .no.\, c u .n·. .'1116 ~!aln ~1. 8.-\\' I'1SHISH IS (iOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Bout~ fl,r lt•·ol 111 R<'n~unahl.-I'IIC"l'" Ll\ ,. lk111 Av .. ihohl•• NE\\"1-c}RT BAY I N\"f;STMENT .CQ. ~ (,l,.....lty · COf'MraJ ~laaal:'f'r NEWPORT &BALBOA PIERS GEORGE IIINt:R • Good Fishing at All Times LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE NEWPORT IIAnnon·~ Nt:W, CO:WPI.~:n; .. .• :J ·end :-tlrs \\' r· \\"lih:umt Crvm 1'"N ~T.\TF~· 11' I ll•· :'<•lllh Fr·•·r•' c ··~nl ••r J ... o,. ur 'h•· ('ntln' \' .L"~··,\n~o:d~··' r ·.o~li'l 1N '"'' In 'h•· C"'it v .. r ~IIIII.• HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! W...tt~•V.._rn._,._. 0.. .,_OUOH .. .:-. .,_ _, .,...a. __ .. , ,.,. Melee _.. thia . -· ... ,..,... ....... , ... . _..,... _ .... , ., ---· ··-"" ... .. ONEruDAY *"'"' s•~ Ldl -o-A lleJ"' "-•"" v .• _. .. A ...t 0 TeW• • eqv••aJ..,..,.,. •" \. ••• -A M<4 D -••...Y ,.. -~ -,.., ·~ulo -c-.1 u•.. 0•1 8'\eettaa ••••"'_.,. U•lt•4 5te••• ""--"'>..-.. 1 Slaftd•"k ' c-.. _,., -v-.... _., -.-.a.. • .._,_ H••" • .,,.,...,. c- --&.<., teble~~ _ .. ,,. ~ u .. tt. el V ... '""' A end ~ U1Mtt ol V-.,111 0 £ .. , ,. •~• -Ne ,,.,., • .a~, Uollill --··-···"'~-'), \.;._:!) ~··1111..., fJ1•t••tu••.,_. ,u,f ••••'"• .. ,...,., b,. "'"' ,._.,.ar .... t.JI A;ke '\,.Itt.•• ""·' c··"""•. · r>t ',, Hru···. ·r.lltflll lll"l :Jl l IIL.;hl, lfllo • .1 11ol 1111•'1•'1 ''"II" ''''•'If 1o :tnd 11n\\' h··ld It\ tl u rul.•r :«,: .. I 1 •• t·d .. , Tr~·•nr-rl~r ul 1 h•· pr•~· (M*I I,\ ,lftlh ft• ·.·, tht• (''(llfrl'\ ltr t ••·'"'-='" St:''" .,r < ••• ,,,,.., .... ·d··· "''l'llw•d H"'- ,\11 lh:~ ,.,.,.,,,,, land ,11 ,.111 ~ •n ,,,... ( '1t ~ .. r :'\•·" I"" 1 1\t·: .. ·t. c .. unl~ nf I" 11111.;1" Sl.cl•· "' ( ':chlowntn ol···o·n t .. ·ol ,,, loll· IO'A'!o, Ill·\\ II n w :"\orlht•;•,l••rh ~. ""''' of ,,,, nurt•·•'T1 j t:li "'' ,,, J..,c F1fl•·•·n •151 nncl lh•• S''"'" "•·~1,.1 1} :; h •,•t or Lm S o '•·n · 1 """ t 17 1 m t~tork c In•' J turf rln•d "Thl rt y·l-('V••n 1 I :11 I nt '"Re•·•uhd.vi'IOn ur c .. , I Ifill I , ... Mar··. u lt!'iflwn lln a 'Ptftp ~· c·nnl<'<l in llook 4, 111•.:•· fi7 .. r l\1•'«"rollnno•nu" Mn '"· rt"<'()l "" uf Ora II~•· C ounl). (":o)o· fumw, 1 Shirl '·,"' Will h<• mnot... t.•11 \\II h11Uf 1'11\'I'II!ITII or WRITIII11), t•\ p1 , . .,, nr 1mpllo•cl n ·.:anllnL: Ill I•· I,.IS...•,•·~~·dun, nr ••nf'hlllh r:tnf···'· fu p;,~ llw unpllld pnn1 1pal ~III II nl 'IIIII tlOI<•. IO·WII $1:.11111~1 \o\111\ trl t.•n·,;t 11 ''"' t\11~\hl l!l, I !II"\ ,, 111 · 'ntar &irl• al t II' "\\l1t'tltHi!\n1'i. fic11111 pll~ \\hi ... lt·U~· iliA-IUiil ff'lo:llhtr ittc•ff;ll"''" I j~ ~ f( · SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE ·co. ~ppl~: IUfl t:. Ha.\ "\f'., BnJlHta nr :J J.tl::. Xu. MaiR St.. Snut• Ana• This Is YOUR \\'ar Ilelp-f~ight If! . . . YN>-fh l~ I' )1)1 "1{ ;\;It ri~ht IH•t7• ''" Hw lt"•n·· .ft • •Ill and '"" 1 ·'" h••IJ,, fit' 111. it 1\JI It ''''" t itn•: \\tllf1,11 ; nr ss :1nd o..kdt ·,\I Ll•oii··J:, /\lr• 1":111 '"'' ··111 J ll'fl• l>tlll.f Ur J.(f'nfJ\' 111'1'"' •I 1 .11 '1•• 111ol o'•ol!of,·of hll 1•i.~t1•'' flol III II' · ! 1 1 1 • l it o .. I ./I lo'll' 1:o•,11 11 ft~hl tJII' 1•11 I I ' I II' \I • 'I 1 1 \• I 'I ,V' n~ ... 1111 ,t ... 11ul ~lt•l 'l • \II ': >~I II \Y"''\11 ' 1•. l•·•n l lw ""~·· lj)A I I . ' II ' Gordo n M.C.ruridy, M.D. f>h rolr.l,<n ,. .. d Surgron Nlf•t" ""f1 C,~tjll· Ave. Offk r llo • 111.12 a "'·; 3 !I p m. 1 rlr phone 37 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTORN£ V AT LAW C.nat• ~ ..... Bank l ultdlng Ph~ 426 1 ~••• Mt:o,. HAROLD lt. GRAUEL -cHAPEL \\. ""'"' "''"" 111,. Jt.tler SW.~ t!y l-l•·rvllll; l cUtt'rt I!#.C." Pt.OI\e N•""IID" 661 c.oeta •eu Clllll'omte BUY NOW City ta• Sale lota A. J . TWIST . I tollf co .. et Hlghw11y PhoneiU2 CORO NA DI:L MAA Conrad Richter, M.D. P hv,•ld•n """ Surgr~n/ Ofllce 107 22nd ltrtet Nl'wport Beach .-I t4f"rl:" , 10-12 •· m. & l 6 p. m. Pl'lonee--Otrlu tlll Hn 74-J . ' . DR. G. E. TOHILL .PHYi iCIAN ae4~1U"O~ON ~ c ..... lll~d . 1\j .... .,..., lleadl -~hOM - OffiCe-2U·W ,._ lit·" If H• Anew•• Coli J'll•wpo<t I _or. M. D. Crawford 0 ~ T'O MaT" I I~ ·~y ... lr.JramlnNI 01..-e Fttl_ed 1'717 Nawpr•rt floulevard "'ene 2430 COtTA MEIA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL IY TH£ I J:A "10 Coaat Blvd. Cllt&t~tt •fi,.l M1• . ,.._ewvGrt .... ._ Phone Newport 42 I I ' . BOAT SERV·IC·E FOR SALE II S r nnk .... ••li"'~"''''''l ''':l tt ,)-'I"' • I · ,..11,. • , nh ~ ,,.1 ' ~ '"" 1 1 , ''" ',\J~"11' 11'' I ' I 1 I I 11d ;IJ"I' I I ''" ' I I· I • ,, II ' '. tl ' ' ; I I ' • I Ht OBJ~U Ll 1 (' 's.l · ·-·Ut•nthd ·, .. ,-·~ ~:10''-'" w. , .. :.Sill. .~ .. ,.~ .... \ 1\'Y.\\ I 'CIIIT U Y.\("11 BOAT SEP.VICE KENDALL FOR YOUR HOME i-JIIIIIIIt' ·~·tl, \\ ilh R HIItft Cuil s w inr: t lt•·ll••al I 11t1•1 ',Ill • II!• J,l ,,At....-~ \\111: •l:h I I 1· I "'I I I' "'''"tl -t1---· \l'-11111 lfco I • I ,ft,,c 11 •1 I -1' . •. . I I ··I ' I ,, ''I. ;t ltl !t.•f I ' 1 ' Jlf•f•ol• d ' I I ' • I I' :.._ _______________ -- .. In Fo rmf"r California l,ndu ... h ir-. IUtlt:. --•. t· M :l'! \'In nprrto ~t'\\'pnrt Rf":w h '"''-. ··' 'J.l~ll'S V'HO ~L~JRROR DISTRICT --. . --------------~...,.... t l•l 1'~1''1 l'••n I<Joi'TrTrtl~r. W fVYO • \\'A:\TEU ~ J.oral Girl P(•rmanr nt Position !\houlcl Tntu.' Hil'fntiun, TiaH.' Ofri1·c• t-::q w·rirnc•f" t:xn:u.t:~T (,{•Pornn~•n· ___ j. " -"''"·~ UASK 01•· A~IEIUCA Balboa Braneh UIU.II• llur«< ''' t•..t il•·u1 C"nil Spr"'~' fur , I\\ in IH c1 .. ·' ~;rr nt•w :\lattrr·"'-4'' r .. ~ '"in llf'lt.. . Uint•ltt• TaiJia•: c·hair' t11 ma tc·h : "mall clrup ,.j,J,. C itt' ltan~-:r~,lcHI(•rr;, \\Jt h, Cl\ ''" hr·l'l t 1'11111 rul ""'·' ~ r.·, ( ,,·1 t "a,r, ill, It clod; 'l •otl ,,1' • J)ouglaR F(•<'dl·r ~hop ·I.. s: Emplnym«.ont .. Service fJ' \t, 'I, 1 · 1'1 f··•Pt 't••• 1··· I •• I' ,,., .. ,f ' J••, ··•"' f!h. 1 1'1. •:,,., t·t 1 a,,: 1 • u ' ,, U"o 11 "1'1" ....... 1\,.111 '! t •• ., I I t I t • I 't "" h· lp \"lt lf ' .r \ f •tr , I ' '• •• ,,. ·~ ,, ,., I jtl f·r~·· r•h,·n•·l l,.O r,.,,(:d._Jf ·:~·~ I I I' I '.1 J•l'r II t, ~ · • • 1 ,, 111,,1 .,, l'ul•l ll'lldnJ: I •,, I'J•!••i•ll : t ·: :"• u I' r I ll••;v·l .,,, .... ' '"''· • •"f ,. ,,,,,,., ,.,,t.1t~r~~t1tnw r·~. J •tlh''"' t 'l l": ~:·~•···r t ,H,•P\J h. rt l /1 1 r <,l ATI'" IN t,UR AN CE &NOTA RY P t'l'c. J;w II Wu'IJII P 2~fl'.! W ('"ntral AYfiiiUf' 1"11 11r :1 MAl. nt· .. "'t ",t :','. AT ll .,_ .~.""'1 \7. lith'"'· "ante Ana II UII III n ')TAM PS-'"' .. , ntrt oil ~l•urc•.·••"· "r•u 1 '· • .., , t•---• •t ,. d a..,._. " 1 ; .. •v i•·•' l '"''"'r l'ul)tlllhlnft Gn l'hCJIJI•e · I\!· 13 .. \~~"'Ji<""t _...,.,, I a 1 1 .• un.. ~• ,, • r n .. 2 1 ~ A a: 111"' "1'· '· • '\H f £.T METAL WOtU<-: " mt•HI\'lll St. 1 r. 1 "''"'1,., fi :SO a. m . • G :00 p. tn. l -•, DaJ )'. ·'!'1'1• " Vl•·lt• l'lut~.lllrtV, 1o Kh..-1 Ml4aJ Worlla, f'oela MMII boll~ .-0. Balboa Wa0d -Phone 21'79.., AVAH .. lnli.ITY CF.RTI .. 1C ATE f"ffX'l-~~ARY . VAAil.TY ITOA£-.\ ·----------'---------------~... ________ _;· _ _._____________ ...,.,._ JJMM VlrtlltJ 8~. llo, 26c a.nd up ....... 2Ul·W. . - I, I • ·I I -. '· . ......... NEWPORT-SALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport JJeac~r ... J :'~mia, Tue~ay. April 18. 1944 > El To..O Base Hospital to Be Recipient 'II b F • • A t • • t • Hosted By Members of Harbor BPW Of·Ebe,IIBookSection "RollingLibrary" I ar or· eminine c IVI IeS Annua\BigTimeEnjoyedByBo~ses Mra. ftaJP" Holdeo hal bMD ap- 1 by lin. D. M. o-ober(, newly · ll wu ~ one opportunll.)' of 1 were· ukecl to make. & ~ &o ........, ellaJrman'or OM new proJ-welcomed Into (be 'action. A rt-. Catheri~e Easton, SOciety Reporter e Phones 12 and 1~ • ~ldence Phone 690-W the yta.r to put their ~ "oa the the lntroducUOD. eet ~Uy .-nned by tba Bc¥»k view of t he new booka wu ab11y .•pot" ~d mep1bera Qf the. Harbor I FoJ.Iow1nr. t.be dinner, t.be p~ a.euon of tbe Ebell Qub. lboat o1 bandied b)' )ba. Fred twlnhold Buatnr.;. and Proleulonal Club ~featured Dav{(S )/'. Rotb o1 t:raderritlr the "rolling llbrary"l wbo IIIII> l.jlai(Tied book.t to be rtv· Maj or Blumstein COMING EVENTS 11 Cram mar School ' l\1ildred Stanley d!do't ,... lq) any cb&ncel &l the Beverly Hilla. a fucln&tiD( mem- wtt.ll ~· frequenUy .renewed auppiJ eo at the Yay meetln(. • C. I f . G I . L M & d BPW unual \BoN' ·Night dlnn~r and nry-upert 'ho amued the ruut• ot ne-&. r.adloJ maUt r tl) the hoe· f _,..the 1ut meetlnl of the ytoar, IVeS n ormati VC WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1~ i rS eague eetS "tten S .,-party -at tha Newport Harbor by r.allln( each of the half a .hun- .. tal at EJ Toro't Wartne BaM. a,c. a d«~Hrl luncheon tWill be "'""'\ • Ta I k at Hi PTA f;pr nJ:" Ha7aar .:tven by the B&J. I • .Pi strict Meet I Yacht Club. Qulc~ and au btl~ dred by name and occupation. oorcdq to a report of lbe lut &\ 1 o'ciOClk oo Wa]L ·11. at th• b•""' t:•rd~ of W.S.C !i. will be btld 1 F'a~hlon flhow for Olrll' Leacue , ___ . r~part~e n~w tblck and fa.tl from That wu only U)e be('lnnlnt of a .. lill, of the acUon. home of Ml"'. Deuenberg, 17fl l M~.-1111~ at night Lhra montb In at t: n 11t Cburcb by the Sea~ 12:30 a.s noe<Uioed by Paul.._ Weiner. .4 ... on« pr•a•dtlnta of the vartoua the moment t he group aat do~n the aurprlalnr thine• ·Mr. Roth 1'1la project which wu atarted Bayatde. 1olra. Ralph H'llcJ•n anti q1,. 1 11 I'll' II II 1 11,. Jll~h Sduool 1'1' A lunrlu:un. lh-:~terv~tiona llhould be ·'·'" l~·r ~ of ttte Gramhmar county chaptera of Bualne11 and to tl)e ·lonr. attractl.v~ly decorated tihowed could be qooe by hla "ayo-•• H w .... 111 Ill • · • .• •·. u 'J K Ell I tl If ! !-;, hool t;lrls' League heli.J t elr •t t.be S&ola Ana Anny Air nue .... re. arry e ... , w aerve w 1 prt>IW'Dli'<J • Mnjror Al••lt lllurn8tt'ln rr.aur ...., -"'· . . o . 2l . , · Prof...tooal Women, Mra. Mildred t.ablu. thetlc memory", aa he cala. lt. •· M n.. ..._ h t •"d c . k 111 p 1 , 11 ''nthll' mf'~t nr In the achool I • .,.. -onunued IIPVfral moot.b.e ra. -rlleDudf u o..... Of KAAAU to th•· mothrr& lllld fa·· ... w rose 1.\ur r<xun . a m., ' . , Strn'ey of the Harbor l'f'OUP an. Lea Stetfenaen 01 Corona del Placet were IUd lo(o~ Ulna H~r· AI'O wben lhat,bcapltal t>ttarue & • thtr" or 8: uriPnl" 111 a fane t~lk on A& II><•&. (op•·n 10 a. m. LO t p. m:,l 111''111 num 1"' week. Sixth l'rade .W.red roll call at the dlatrt•t ,.o,. Mar aerved &I muter of ceremo-ahe\t and Jim Slemona; Em Mo .. ~ 4th f)' ' PTA -'I --• ·• ••11 llf "h" "'11 be the new rre bera , IUe apeclfled by the anny ao lbat I StriCt rayrhlatry and J•ll)'l'h< lnvv u used rru• g. c ... urcaa1~1 .. .... '•"e. In Santa Ana 0\111' t.ba week-nlea and kept U:e btll rolling rn b<'rK and J ohn Tu-l)a; Lorraine .. , J'--d C .. 1•00 11, .. 1 ,.,.11 r "ere IJU~•t• ol oonor. I ' L De Ubrary automaUcally .. taken C l In thr Anny A r 1-'hn -,. All th~•~ "' rcea wor.room, ,. I _ . ..., end. fme fuhlon, with lbe traditional Moore ana Sam Klnafather; Elaine f OngreSS n ' . n.. Bl , C d Plane tor the Wotbe.r-.ea b.Jay o.ar by the Anny. alae:• that tame, • 1.,.,110g nyrr trnlnrea orP .only 1 """au a 1 d. orona el .trlar. ope a ..., Arcom-nvlnl' fo'l"'. Stant.'y 'or floee belo( levied 10 heavily that Webb and Chtt Wc[)()oa ld ol San· .... :... all ~ .. to .... ., AJl D ~ · · -., · 1 t • 4 · 1 t .. In 3 In lh<' Klnd~rganlln room, weft' .,_ -~ ~• .,..1 •• 1 .-money Jtoer y u--.. ...y , ay ,:,eSSIOn r••w monttr' oflln 1n AUme In · o r m . aurg en ure11 11. d lth Itt .__1 tb• Saturdav ---'oa w·-.. ~ ..... no one eac:a~ ' , aii·Tw atu" t.a Ana; -~t e Rollln( and BIU boo .. _ ...__ , I T .. U,.SOAY AP"I ...,. rurmulatt ' w comm ee• """ng ~ " _.., ~·· -l!'t•t ... W ...._ All DeW • ..... hll ~a ar01mula lln1 _. •t&Dc:ea tl un hiKh ll•'hocol pupil• n • ·-d Jlatl• Roll'n• a nd on Sun .... av ,..ra., .....-,-e ...... mpnlea derived Beach. both of Sant.a Ana; Vii·· ... _t lb ol I l . . . 1:'"'-11 I I 1 I a•lgoed by the _prul ent. ~ .. u -th l eo .... e IWil 18 1 now Ofl W ith Mra. w. A. Orlrtlth.a pre· rrany of th\' rrnd~J:" tn thr Ia bora-Cl -b""h • uncf ·~1,on.ed pb. m . at the l .. rl Emma Hurhea of B&lboa Corel' a Tubba. Mra. A-lt'a Oorton •• way I donated to a l·harlty gloltt Shtrlry. Cly&fl Hall and Earl .... d t.o ••ar1 tbe El To.ro JWOJect. I a I diD(, the fourth i.J.Iatrtcf Caltfor· torlea of l hco A nr.y r11n be appl\ed u ucse. o .ow Y prorram · 1 f 1 a~" Mia~ T'.-rn'..,~" WUaon Memberw Introduced their ~ l'lt~tnlev.; Ada •Berrtngton :· Evt AJ!yooe·havlol book• ault.able tor nlll CongreAa of Pa.nhta ani.J to hi gh ach 1,1 •K~ featuring Jo'ILrtnc~ L.ee Oblan. ,. gave an lntf're~~ "II: ad':h ~~ ~0:. TWo ouUtand~( 1 ak~~ _..,.. !rom tbelr place• at the lonr t&-Moore; Marie Kalaer, Paul Palmer tile bo)'ll dllr1.D( tbe aum111er wbeu Te&chel"' wlll convene 'Mlur!lllay Muftf'l Hait h, l-h•rbor Hl'a 1)\l,'ll 'r··w~r 11f world afratra and C:llC'· 1 "lth 71 1 11~ .~er~~na w!re bl t 00 t.be prorram f~:Urtn~ Mlaa blea d~corated wlt.b green~ry ac. am{ F: .1. lo10Uf'e; Nora Wade and tile (l"'Up doea not meet, kindly at a n all day •eulnn In tbe YM CA talt•ntf'd vlolln.11t. pl~yf'd t14·o •·om· rrnt hterature. Wn.ke rtael'v&t10G1 1 "'"1~ Tht !f'.'h dl (bY , .. ,.~..,••r't~ Twtnem p.-enrer on tented by red nowe_n and ~:olqr-~"m M~ytr, Hergheld Stevena and ~t.act Wl"'. Hol~o and they. will building In Sant.a Ana. J'(•l<lll'lnl . "lnt•·rn c-1.zn" by H~l1lz ~~•th Jolra .• l.iarnelt. 150-4W. or M'-11 ppr<>vo-ot by t e au eoce. _ . the Jut tr ip nt the Ortpaholm. who fully clad dolla ot ali natit na. At Holand Wright; Martha Eg.e a.nd ~ ~ ~ a.... . I Slat~d to appear In tbe program l 'ruv(l!lt ani.J "!'rnn'adc", by r.a.-t •1 !llbs, 2346M. 1 f"I\Y~ an lnlerHtln!f and lnaptra-lbfa point only, did the boaaea bave Harry Welch : Sue Horvatb and !t'l._ t wenty IDUDMra 1o ~tt~nd·l are lii1M E . Kau Ru, d&alrlrt •t'u-br••l 1•1.-me Mlu l i,f·l .. n l'lff'r ,.IU 1_1far~~ .K'"~'•, C1ub . mee~ at F AC Will Do l '<!l'lal tJ>Ik Ofl. Saturdav. cfrawlng their golden opportunity wbeo tb~y ~I llorvath: Gretha Tubba and aoce, tbe Bo-k Group met at th~ dent loan cha rma.n and •tra. Leo hrr llOiompamet, roll wf'ol t.y in· 1 <~llloall Electrlt CJrlll. l :lt l~ nooo. t I t Marine f rol"'l h~r ex~r'enru 111 a Jlrfaoner ------l t..:hlet Hcdgklnaon; Edythe Homer .M&• ol Wrw. L. L.. llbell, lS~ &. F'rlla. prl'llhlent Anahtlm (' unrll. atallatlon or off,~•r• • on.Jtu r.•d hy lto>tl CroSII workroom, Ill Palm, on or 0 . of the Japant"ae. On Sundav. Dr. Newport Girl j oi ns I and Horare Er.algn; Dorotby Rob- ;c.,tral, Balboa. w'tb ........ De&rVI Wra.1r.. '1". Hale. pr~eldenl ('all· ,.,.. Alh~rt Sparkra,llw first pro'l!· e&II.Jooa .• J)eR 10 a m. to , p. m., Corps at Meettng I w 1"\a'IPntlne Hen lev. preeldent of Ina n and Ma rion Dodd; Betty 8baw a.od ....... E~ena Fenelon fomla O..ngreu. will be thl' !rpf'ak-ltlf'nl "' l!tt· o·lub · ·~IJ:I'f' lllk'"g s.-w&ng I -'the Coll~«e -of Oeteo}>athlc Phyal-Women 'Marines Baratad and capt. Vem McLar. ab&rtnt ~-booora. ,.r n( th~< morning ae»ll•n. e' 001• t tN-•r f'hu·• !' ••n lltt• rust rum wrre --...! -1. 1 A~ t•ll.• hl'o'n ti'IP f·u~trom t"'!l clan11 and Sur~rne and a etudent key; Lola Slmmona and Georg~ . ,.,... ... If &ell rar,e lpOice on• tn~ frrr her aub~ct. "YI"tlt .. rdaya -Mrll. tiUI)Di ng BUUt•r. vresh't-nl : your Frie"ds and Mine \'••Ill llo.: F'rll'ny Afternoon Club of. phl\oaophy and hll!(ory of r~ll· Marion May Hinkley, 1012 WhM t ; Marie Eblen and Oordoo . narrent-..,mta "NIIow'td by • re-l 'nlat Srrvf' T~y and Tomnrrow" · .Ut11. ''IVdl' OH<•, vh·•· !Jr"••drnt l • •wilt f11rtfl"r honorV.tlon~tbranrh~ ~lm•arO*~ord and In VIenna. he'd"'Ocun Front, Newport Beach. hu PIDdlay: Marie Hleblch and · Sid Y1ew 91 Spauldlllc·• W1.rU•y book, I In .thr atlemn n. ~n lote~rlltlng Wra. Jack Sailh•lr "'~ ll'tary , .Mrlt .\lr11. William Ritter, ~augb{er of f ,.:1\r Armer F'orcn w·~n they, t>t~ atr~·~fft'P tnthralled with hla jointed the ~omeo'e Reaerve of Davldaon; Qorothea WliJion and NJUa and FuUow," (tven tJi Wl"'. _queaUou boll will b4o conductrd ,by l•un Mr•C'n lum, tr'\'a.urer: Mra. C. Mr.·llllcl Mra. ·Hugi\ C. Manball Of .._wlil r av tribute to the Ma.rln.c• "Biueprlntl For Temorrow''. • 1 t e U. S. Marine Corp• and .. one 0 . B. Reed ; Alta Gorton. Mr. Nor- WIDDI'Ired L.. Woldenberg. The Mra. E. T. Hale ..._lllld Mr.' J o!ln I~ Thom, h l11l ~ r lan. Mr11. Hilbert Unll>m ts:a nd, le l Jo'rlday for San f't•{J'~ ,., lh• r!'gular meeting Iff' D nnf'r In the Peacock room of of 22 Calllornia glrla who are en ton ~od 'Mr. Oray; Mildred Stanley ee<:ood book, "Wra. Wlllou(bby."'j Hayea. t'ounty aupt>rvl~r of ele-l'owrll. pulla mtntu}'la n: and T . Jo ranc•sco wht'.re ahe ha.a jolned .liar 1 h•' (:t.l!bh()tilll' • n F'rldav. Lunch·. tt-e Ebell Club attended. 'by ;. 200 route to Camp Lejeune, New an II Stu Dunlap: Lydia Stra.ln. ~;.,-~· .. ..., .~Uflnl ~~· w~.W•o .m..-.Jfr'Y; gur,rtP.u)tlm •.•• ·-·•.• 1 l4rJJ? IJravJ.!. .• ~u..lii.O\"; -•. ~M. Lt: Ritter. · • , ~.,. "-:tltbe, wrved' btlftet .•~YI~ M· -gue.at,a. -wD< ~be. alpal :.'(or• tbt River, &o .. lb .~roll'na, -.tol' ~lr C•pt. #&fr~. ~~~_1114"-'P~~Il ~. · · · · · Each IWW membl"r WAll pro-so·nt· 1 AHII. Lonnie VIncent wbo bad l:!·:ltl r ~~llnwPd bv a pr ,,...,:,."" opening bf the ~6nference· during lndo<:trl:natlon. Herehey: Hilda 'al:laco and Bob -.. • Qreatlnt Carda a"d a Ql"'at Variety' of u"u1ual Glfle I'd walh a rorlll:ll('t all l!ht tuuk her two Impacted wlltdom "'eith re-tu .nrhulc a epe.aker from the f:L which district orflcera ~ere el~ct· All were eoi!Aled at th.~ J.!arlne Mu r)lhy : Evalyn Everett and , .. WI: JNVJTE YOU TO BRQWgE AROUNU" plarr and Mn -Hugh C. /olftn all. rr.oved lut week, .. re~d faa&.. T"ro' ~·r•rtnl'·l-'&se. . ed. .Corpa prO!=uremeot office, dt Theo Robina. C. E. LOUCKS outgolns pr-:lfl rlen(, waro l(tven a ! In;; aomewhat better. . I Wra Cly!W Otto wii'tbave charge Weal F'iftb alreet , ~ Angelea; J3. -r--------------, JKWIIL"Y aiM! ITATIONE"Y reroembrance rtft from hl'r eaat.'\1·, Drivi.Dr do~ for tbe .day.wlt.b of the pro~:ra.m while th~.JDut·c.al DDF Welcomes _ lAtter meeting all the pb~cal and P~¥o Jastruetlon Dlatnaflft • • "'"' ,.._.lrl"' I live bf~ard. I Mn . Eugt'ne Fenelon, were Mra. p r tton ot thr afl~rnoon will be ln '"' Noller fJ~ental requlrementl of Uie re-Gustave JJnsenbard At th• ~oa of lba protNUD, ,.... UL aenre. Wb~n they complete their • l!later. )fra. Winnie R&ymoocl, I · ---Wb~eo t.be D.D:F. Club held ·a b&l~ traloln( lbey wW rec;~lve u-Graduate Lelpaic Con~rvatory (;un•t•ntlo F'tlnk .. cba lnnan ... who I• v .. ltlng from''lhe Eu t. R d Cross Making regular meellng .at the bo~e of lllpmenta .t.Q rel~ue. martnea for Pupill A~pt~ •lalf'd by membera Ill th~ execu-· Major and Mra. MoreJ of lba e . .-Mp. Roy Pa«e tn NewporS combat duty. ---~ ~nners a Specialty • ·BEFORE YOtT BUILD OR REMODEL I tlve boar<!. . -San,ta Ana Anny Air s... were Dressmgs on Island H~lgbr., • new member wu wei-I ~oae New)M!rt 1903--W ---aueata of Ml"'. Hall 8ff'ly .In ber l --•n-·.-4 l~t~ .t .. e P'TOIIP. Mra Wit-Pilot Class to Vltt!t ~ l"tareatlftg. ~mpla a1141 d1aplay ·rooma. Color guldea pla"nlng aide, com· pNttiDIIve etaek ef l"uiL urpeta.' linoleum a"d Vatt•· tlan bll"da. "uga an4 Carpet a Claal\ad ... paiNd LUDLUM Ca~Works • Costa Mesa N ew• I bome on Eut Bay Front. B&lboa--l Ann•)Unrf'ment waa made today l1am N oller of Balboa. -. 1 1 II!I&Ld. Saturday -cl&ht they at-1 tal6o thf 11P•' Cross u~ll of aurglcal : rore .Pr zu were won by Mra. Cl:\_ther 1 n BaTboa -· t ... ndt'd fest&vlttu at lba Balbo& drt.inr w•ll start making dresll Roger Barrow for high and Mra 1 A llaughter waa twlrn to tots. and • • 1 .. ,. !It Whltt''l C'llfe Bat"--'I Y&ebt Club. n,. · ..,._ Harrv Baker ror 80 honor !ofl'mbe~:~~ of t!-e Pilt>t Cia of I Mrtl Hurvf'y WcC'Iella.nd 196 Cne· · · · t'l 1 Thur!ll1a f o 10 • · 18 1 • M !It t th R' t.&. Alia Mrs Edna Finch, wl(a of Rob· 11 8.lll .... , •·n · Y r m ·.a. A d~licloua late 19Upper WBI INV-Christ Church by. the Sea hav~ ; na It . v: · ~tal e .' :" rtl 13 I ert Lylr ~·inch. eaecutlve director m tn 4 ff m rt 111 requested lbat ed by tl'~ hrat~sll too the above bet'n bidden to lbe home of Mra. .ommun Y u•p on P ~ of..Ule USO at St Loula a-nt th• thnlio' Jnterllllf'd will please report mentioned and alllo llfmu F.lrrer W R Fow'-r 216 -......_ -t 0c Sprlnjftlmto Sunday guellta of · · • r -~ . k. • · • · · ""' • La~ ean Wr.' and Mra. Oennla HQ&~:I&nd o,f werken,l vteiUng 1lf'r old ahool r<>r \\l1r _ _ • Patte~n. Bert Oqulat. Ed Edlc~ F'root. Ba.lboa.. on S'rlday -•DiDf'; Broadway· wrrl' Mr. and Mrit .• R.l m&Je. Mu. s. A Meyer at her Bal· 1 . an•l Alma Ra{h. . April 21, at 8 o'clock. 1 w Mc:<"lrllan Mr lllld t.tr• Wll-brla hom~. . 1 Harho.r BPW W11J The May 12 mrtflnJt ,wiU ~ at Lt and Atnt. F"red Woodworth I n.m em .... a~d rhlldren . .Robin_. Air. anl1 Mra. E. A. Wlnetaoley I E I ect 0 ff leers . the home of Ml"'. Elmer Patteraon Will llt'rve Ill co-holllueea with and Cerahl. Mr. and totra. R. w., and dau;;htt r Nancy M Glcnt1alco • -·--"" Newport leland. Mrs. F<!Wll'r. '•tr ClPtlan jr· fVld Mr11 ~:ora Hoar· 1 "P~nt 8 re-w tl&ytt wUh &Jr. and .\ t rh..-. rPJ!lllar me~tlng on r • • --' lull. . . I ~~~e(}rg~ R9«'tn"r •If ::o7 Anadt . ThurP<Iny or lht> Ha.rbor c;ha Bridge Fourso me MrlJ. Tt>d' .Pootlng of Newport • 10M Tberapy. lledlcal Jll!•••· 8wedlab ...... . up. ~ydro Tbenpy Spe<:iaJ Treatments for Overwelaht .l Undcrwelaht O~ne-Morleghem Zone Therapist Spc.>clalis't Balboa Ina Bide Telephone !41! I Thr Arlll and Crart11 v ctlon and 1 ...,.. 11•'11"~'"'11!' nnol l'm'Pssi nnl \·Vom-W'th M B d Beach spent laat week In t.oe.An- 1 Garden IN'Ctwn of the F'rlday Aft-. ·.MI"'. 1tla f;)l'akinll will leave the rn' I hi' nnnual election or o~flcnr• I f S. en Or ':~e~le:a:.:o:n.b:u~a:l:ne.aa::·~· -------============== • fl t f j · k f .. _ ..... 1 ' " ' ~ F.njoy•~g luncheon and an ..:--.-r-tmoon Club of Cott.a Jlf'aa met 1 " 0 .• eltt WCl' or ?"' •• e ey I wlll,be br)d. "' .... jolnUy fn thl! Kunroom of t br club-wh~re 11h will vl1lt twr eon £?yane. .. 1:. r r•lun wlU convene at &:SO noon of carde. ~ra. Alvin Buah·t houee 1"1. H. wh11 Ia a atudent at lbe Unlvel"'lty man. Mre. W. H. Spurgeon and her ---were ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ ... --IIIIII""!"'...O.--i------------1 elected new cbalrman &nd acre-A former realdent ot lhla ar.a. I t.ary, rt~~pecllvaly of lbe ('&nko )'ra. Jeule Merriam of~ Alt.adrna H C U ·A nl\, and Mra. Henry Niemeyer ol U do Iale were ' gueat. recently ot I rs. Zelia Bender In her Newport se.eb bome Ofl 18th at reel ' ft<'h'lO. ~ -re&ker for the !Itt· r~nl'wed olrl frtendablpa ~ere dur· orne anners . se emooo wu E v . .Anderaon who ,log F..uter V~'«k. lg St N 37 apokr 110 "Tuberoua &gonl&a". • The R 0 . Prldhama or Balboa pare amp . 0. Word hllll bf'f'n rec•lnd by Mra bland took advant.age of lht . llfabf'l Ca.awl that four local lada. achor1l holiday to vleij Mr Pnd---- 11 ·· · ham'11 m nlh•·r In Lanra.tlt•r flou!IPwtVPII who art a1artloc' BALBOA ·.··MOTOR CO~ . . .... . .:,_ '708 r..r-tlay Ave._. IWboa a Mrvlng In thl' Navy on L.S T. , · tb 1 art h 1 · On an f'rrand of ml'rt'V to h.-at I e r e Y homl' C'nnn•ng a rt r ... ~. •rl"t·l m~Tt h"~~"'!Y n th" South the bcdald~ or a aac l( rilrnol ~Ira I mlndrol by OPA otrtr ta'll to attach .-ac r. .. .... yearr L.eea..-n.• '· •<~P•R fo·--N "7 .... fl t 1 W C J.am•a Ba1cf'r IJ)f'nt the fln~t vi tht · <' • .... mp o. " to u ol'll"' 6~· · R&man rl' r llllll, .•rT'tn aa. . 1 R . pllc.atlona !1 r CIUirung SUJrar. ""I. gunntr'l matr .1r111 •'111.81. John 1 ""ct k 0 h ~rill de. · ,.-x General Automobi~ an·d Muine Re~iring . Marine El~cians AvJilable r.rt•llry ami llalrh Wyrehn. All L H ('ra•mtr anol family o! .A number of app_llrati'ln!l h:we tbe ooy11 atteoi.Jl'd Harbor High 1 Ralbna Island vn!'atronr<l durtn~t ~n mailed tC> OPA local boar'''* !khnol , Easter at their mountain •ubln with "ugar llla.rr p 31 ntta..·'l'<l., Fender Body Work Refinishing , . n:LEPIIONE NEWPORT BEACH Z%5 .. ltu tL'If' ~u;·l'llll r•rrntlv I'Dtl"rtatn-back or Sao· Dlrgcr 'l'hrl!t' hii\'C hi'Pn l! .. nt bark with " t•d l,y Mr" VIvian 'e'"'IW' of • --------~"l'qUf'llt for S PAin-: ,.~an~pa !':u~r.r RrolldW!•." "'LJ•• .Mr". Mary Harrl· aon of Loul11lana and Jamo•11 1; stn10p 37 will br ""'''' lfttN to 'buy Harrtaon. Heman tirlt 1 laM ••f thf' the rf'~tlar hou.hold ration of ~~·y 10111rar ~PARF:'tllamp 37 ill n~~ --I Yre. a. W. Barttne leaVI'II 11vun now to rdentiry lh<'sr fur whom 8 ··~-·I for a trip Jl:ut. 1 ration or extra cannlor aapr ie 1 Lunchron followed by aa aftH·, requeeted. . I rlfiOD of card.a wu enjoyl'd hy ~ Alt.bou~h •. 1M-bonae old ana I 1 group uf lrlenda of 'MI"'. J ohn F. hom~ canniJI~ sugar ration le no 1 W~b•t~r when abe wu hoe&.tol!ll I<> leu than lut y~ar. ·tbf' total civil· ~r brtdgf' club lo her homr on tan 111ppfy Ia leaa. Bf'uu• o1 war 1 Or&nJe Avenu~. The gunt ll11t tn· need& hou~~Pwlv• are uked to '*' eluded Wmu. Ja('k C~yln, Hnrrl"r their ration ~~~&rlngly and not to Mellott. Ray Wallace, M. J. Hnt· apply ror ~ore ~&Dol~ aupr than let.ler, 8&m Crawford, Arden Lt>nr lhey need for CUITII• and .,....._ And" II,., Patrick. ,.,. pu~ lire. Douglu Ward Ia vlalllng 10 1 Pttoenlll. An&ona. u lba ho'* Gi DoUarl to ~ 8em ...;... 1 ., IIUell of Mra. Calvln Blaine. ·you :.,, Buy War Boadl! I Paul V. Parkea. Jr .. aviation ord· aatlJU man ftl"'l cl._ .. •pendinf • I & ls:<lay furlouah with hft par- t nta. Mr and Mra P V. ParkPJ I ol Orallge_ ·av .. nu~. He hbl ltay Bo•• ·at the Ad\'anre Ol'dnaoce .!'t ·ooJ al Jacluonvrlll'. ,ortd&. Mr11. Amn .. l"lluk IFranc•'ll llnb· e.rt.aunl w1.11 rellldtlOI with hrr pur. efltll. :\I r. and M r11. 'H. Jo' l(.,hf>rt. !!<a of A.llxort f'IBi.'f', hl\l ,.., l'l\'~•d ••lrol ml "u111 that hrr hu~h:~nd t'pl Amr>11 l'lnrk uf lhf' l'natrJ ~tat ••s .\htrllh' t :orr"-has "' r'l\ ~'<I !!Uft•ly 801h•'Whr>rt• rn tlw' Sntttl , J•,.. \'lfH'. \ ••• Like II! W HEN Eastsid~'s inside, who wants to go outside! Wh~ the day's shift of work is done .• .-stretch oilt in lazy comfort wim a good book :; . and with a ·bottle of cool, sP!kli.og Eastside within easy reach. Oick oo thc.,radio at 10 o'clock • • • listco to Amcria'; finest baods ••• Eai'Jid~·• popular dance program oa KFWB (980) •. ~rwO full boun of ·w:IIIW ..... IUftl ~ :ra:: ....... Mr~ .luhu 1-' Well/Itt•• :\It • t:u11111n~ llutlrt ~i.J :\l r~ ~lll/o(llll• Tatt htl\'t"" rt't'•'n\1y I'-'~ •'l\'ttd Unn ,, "'n a.•· pin> ltnd ll'ltlflllll•• 11·· 111 llw Ht•J { ·, .. ~,. The• otWIIr<ta ", · .. m1hl~> lll " tea h•·l·l 111 •-·~~~· ,, l k :H'h. .f{ay Ve~•• wwr "''""' j;u~ .. l , I W II EN Fun('lionnl Ncn~ lJ11turba nre1 &orh a• Sll'ep. I leunu a, Cranki"t'U. t:u1ta~ity, R.tlf'tlllnf'll!l or ~l'nou•lluduhe lnterfl're with )'our work.OI' a'poU J'IUr cood time,., take Dr. Iiies hnl•• CIJqaW or Eu~n..cul T•IJic-U)· p·ay li __ ore . for ,a t . persOn~) • loan • than the Bilik of America rate - ' • MEN IN -DRAFT CLASSIFICATION. 4-F .. ·Marine Shipbuilding Is a CRITICAL INDUSTRY Chom~e Your War-Es.•1entlal Job NOW from Among . the Many H1gh-Paying Crafts 0pt'n at . • C A.L SHIP • Yoo-cao become highly skiUed Ia au tDte~. w~U-~d postwar tnde • With friendly co-\\'orken, you will eajoy fine worldbg condltlou • ReaJ a.ld on traasportatlon problems Yd housing lnf~rmat.lon are off~red Urgently Needed Now ..• Welder-Students WPidcrs Dra ftsmen Stenographers Typi-1\ts Electricia ns & Helpers Machinists and Helpers Pipe Welrlers & Helpers Pipcfitters, & Helpers Plumbe~ & Helpers . Slw(lt Metal Meehan lea Tabulating T,raint't'S & II<"IJ"lf'J"' Tahulal ing 0JX'rll lors a nd llclpt•rs AI'PL Y TODAY IMPORTANT . Bran~ 5nl'l;ll So•cutll~ C'at·d. l'mnC of Citlzrnllhip nnrl Av:Jdahlllty \o•l'tlflcatl' • ' CALIFORNIA SHIPBUILDING CO-POUTIOI r--------~•oar a sioJie com.mac:iaJ...;· • t•nlly llt·f• rr ht' l~lt for mlhlr~r1 oluty Mr aool llrtt. ,..,,,~d t;,h .... n wen• lhf· h c-'lil "I•O "' r'\'''" ,. , h• ~\ mrtn dlnfTrr Gu.-~ts Wl'rt' th" , m. ph·~~· ·•.f th.-fo' 1\nd Jo 1-'Pun.h ,. M r11 .I tt Hhrxl••e lllltl l'tm It'"" who hav• bto~n thl' 1\1<'81" uf 1:,, a.n.t :\11"1!. G Wlll~rd :;tf'llrn,., h 1t1 ,, ·Nal"·oua Tenaion can make :r• JV&b!al, JW.ry, Jrru..!»t.. Ner- •.ua Tenaion can eaaa Neno• B ... &dr and NerYoa lndlr:n-cJaa. Ia tlmea like theae. we are. aon likely than uaual to becom• ' ..-rwT"Oqht and nervoua and '10 wWl for a pod Mdati\'e. fir. ll'n-WeniM II a rood aedatJYa .-mllll Mit efFKtlve. 510 WeAt Anahf'im ~lnard \\lLMIN<tTON ltnJcbu JOU'~ IUT home Uld like ~t. • - In :-,;,.,.. Bri.ghton, f'a. · Mra. Haroi<S lo't•b whu '"'t" •'II Or'tt.n~ Ave. Ill " nl"w ••mpiO\o'" I• <>f I hi' Suutbem C.llf, 'rOll\ T;.,, pbooe Q)mp&n)' \n Batboe.. !\fr. aud Wl"'. J. <"'. l..lonhaq:• r I ba"~ returned from & lrlp 'to Kart~· man. Arizo~~&~, where thry haw• Vll!ltl'd th~lf 8011, Clifford, WhO Wl\11 l{raduatt>rl. from t h~ Uunntry S.•hval at that place anti wu ~til· ":ance.S to l hf' raNI or rorron.~ It ,... tlo DOt _. DT. MO• Jfft"riaa ,.. ean "t k-now •hat 'it wW .. , _ _11ML It eolllft ill U..W a,~d Efr~"~ T.tUd t-.. boUI equally aoet.hioe t.o .... and 0'1'11'-Wf'Oiltrht n .. ~ •• WBT DO.N'T YOU TRY ITt ~ tt 'at yoar druc $tort, Efrarf'H('I'nt· tatllf'ta u• alld 7~ , IJcraW J5f allll ti.OO. Read di~W­ U... .-aae ·only u directecl.. Or ~ Our Rqm''l'ntRIIIt" at One uf Thcllt• Unlt<'<l Stat~ F:mpio~ ~l'nt s ,·n ICI.' l HftCl'~ Uoo SOL'Tll FLOWF..a ST., LOS A.NGKL18 U6 PINE. AVENt"E. LONG BEACH IF YOL' \A:o-.;'T GET 1:-; IT IIEI.P Wt:O.: IT . AT (' A L ~ H 1 p . I ·.