HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-20 - Newport Balboa News Times"'4' ••• ... • -~-~...._--... ..---.-....... ...._._ ., ..... .,__.,.--.. ~ ....... -... -~ NB•POBT~ OA · Pazs·s. AN IHDIPIND~ ·LOCAL N&~PAPD ~~ THI IINTIU NIWPOR,T KARBQ~ Ol!TaJCT -t-r:: - ' .. -- NEWPORT BEACH, CALIJ'()IUfiA. THURSDAY, APRJL 20. 1944 • VOLUME V. I 8 -e . l ~ud School Bonds =·=':: o:::~a So. American Show ~.~:'!? ~=,::.r.~ .. ~~~~~ ot ~ . . M r. and Mre. VerDOD E. llrtt-to B'e Presented by :~~ ~~-~.r:~ .. ~~,;.-::r ::,\: ton. t6:i VIa Lido Soud. ~·l"H h.la parenta Ill 1\11 .. ,. ~n 1-• In By T:N. (~BRICK") 'C.U."'JES f $100 000 MHne ..oat ot recocn~uon trom Ute New Oulnea where be .;;II "':rw Boya'n (tria, you all know wl\at Q J . Hw-on, 8o. Oak., c:h&mber ol l I Ht'gh s h I wttb th 8 fiHe ~omnl•a• •• u .......... b etf·--of oca c 00 t' ·~· .. a etbrekeep-a city council Ia. It·, ll bevy or ~ • n .... --""-er firet claM • ..... 1 • .. •• .... a----.... --·t..Uon "'· ' .. ceo~--"' •0 .... ,uya who cot \'Otell ror and who .-. .... , .... _ .... ...._.-lotttn, a I'UII monl.h wu ~ulred •t t~ether· and dfllbt>rate on t 8 A k d that city baa beMl ~ bJ M Ita ~UQa to Publ.lc for lhe tr1p. ''WI\Jrb.· h .. lll'<"lar.d, What ftre byd.r&nlll WI.' can't park 0 e s e I lK pxiil H&rbortt.. kbool ...... )(ewpon Harbor ''Ia an awfUlly luna limit to be adja.oent to, bow mUl'h money we Mr.-and KrL Brlltofl moved Union KIP...,. WW • Fnday, on tbr OCf'&J\." He a1ao .dMcribed mu.t pay each • yenr to furnllh to tM Dakota c:tt)' •"nl April 21, ,..... a b~ Pan-Am-two 1\'Ytr. •tonne ancoun tt'red en u..t.r Mlartea, Bnd bow brtef can All h.'ault of overerow«Se4 coo-montba qo after t!My and If. ft. erican =It wu announced route 1.o N,.w Guinea, one of lhem our Wth.ln6 aula be htio,_ at Newport Beach Gram-Brinkerbof ot Banta AU ba4 tod&7 bJ I . R. DaV1deon. produclnJ wavu ~ ft>et 111 helatith In other wor~. they run thl• nur achool, where an att.tmp~ a. purcllued a bnwary then and 1"be ~lch wtU be Lbe lrwlt;~ o Jupt~r. yuuna ... t aon worka, municipally. 1f 110l at hmolc, )o·ln~ mad" to educate 1012 atu-turned It to tlM muul~tU,.. ol tlrat "'' Dt1M an\ to be at.ac-at lh.t Joc:oal cuuplt~. now hullla lhe U d u.ualty arl' !pi o.,Winary, run· !I'll Ill in quarten dulp e<l for a lndll.lhi al alcobol for lM ~· e4 .at lM alllot lHO wban ratf' of aiOtekftptr lk'<'On<l c1 ... ol·tbe-mill lot. Folks llkl· you'll •up lou.J or 100, vot.en of t.ba cU. Oltrit. '111e Brittonl reoiD N-••JIMa wu p ..... nted In l hl' Na vy_and ~l'ntly rnleted me. 1owt w1:1 on lrla¥ 1~ be uiDd lO turned to Lido Iale fora o.da1 wW be ror~, of promot-" •rw-ctal echool tvr •torek~plf'l WtU. we ·cot a nt·w council thr p prove a 'h oo.ooo boDeS ._.,. ror vtalt &114 upon l•vtnc tor RUJ"'Ol Usa bett.ar P atd u.ndar-"' Tolf'do. 0 1\Jo ~r an.rnoon. Bob All1•11 and 0 . • unstruc:tlon of addiUooal t.clll· lut Thureda y ,.-ere ~~ at&Ddlq bet t.ba 11. 'LallA ------ 8. Reed decided to sluy lira. . by t.belr -In-law and ~-Arnel"k&D and lhe Unit-IUTDI roa INFAJftl anct l!arl Stanley !Jlnught hjl!d Aonounce.ment t.o uu. .aect t~ra. M1-. and J(IT. Qarl'\'ll liu· ..a&a-.~colortl&l dram-r - --..., Jlke_.to .-u In Ud twlp•run .-lhtAga. m.de toeS&• ~ ID. L M--ril'a nd .oft. of Lido llle: a nd) Mr. atui&UOD aDd 'tbe I4M1a and Private runenal ... nllc:r • Wllre J ·~ -..... -d ~ H ....... _ ~--4 •-· hf'ld thl1 mornlnr for thr t nfant What J'm l414dini ur to, klda, oJf'nt of lhe achool boud o1 ln. an -re. arvoey _,.., •.-~ C\»~ ol ...... them netrb- .. the f~l lhnt hardly anyone wu te~ wbo etat.td' \.bat liM propoe-q&U4fbler, fo~'r H&J1>o.t1t., ',wbo borl wtD • deflded, net-~u~ter or Mr and Mra Franll PNMnt to watch and m rbbl' even !d auiillfary-pt&lir,lt• appNftel. ttav. lately been located a tf Ill Uwr Ume DOl' barin« been aflman. Jr, 288 MaJnnlla II! .. taM 'p&U In aucb an Important would-be 1ocated at. Coriloa dill ¥oftt.e. Mr. Bodman Ia a fJIJit• _ot apartd ·to the ou~d· COlli a M.eaa. whn lli4'CJ lut nlpt oeculon_. -pere ..... ~arp.,nol. cou~~IW.I M.ar ~would ~ada-.... ~&;114 ~..J ,A .~¥·of 107 tnc.,_,~ ..... tk e.ent of tA! ~; =~~"-~dll~ to hrr ....... · e.actlctatea or pya wboae' der(&Ren puplla and the· 1oww au-t. Newport. It acbocll .,..,. •- ,_. .., .., """""'· j~t t5 .,.. ~~ _... ,_ .., ... ,_ -.., Md '!"""' fOUJ'IU. Oo ... ~ .. producuon enlll lh, baby 11 •eurvlved by a pie t.be~ to wa tch the nf'W'na and Corona del Mar. plan to ~ raidel"l(!e at H\11'-a.re .._ P&rtdee, hl!ad of an4 lri.Wr, ~'rank W., and _. . ~rn ln, 1f not at. There . on aAd wtn _.t In operaUon ot the 8panlllla all, and MIM Lynn Amelia. a nd hrr ,Tandpar- lllould've been more. Att'.er all, ... Pl'a-\4 the brewery. Marte ~ the muak de-r nta, ·Mr. and Mn Frank Cbap- Uiey're JOI.nC to buldle our civic With a vl~ toward uJumat.e partmeat. ftle cut wW be man, Coeta Mua, and Mr. ... clleUn.IM for "vera! yean , and ronstruc:Uon ot a _,.. .-ool QWifa& ~~ IIOtJGB'I'· dempoMd fl ~o·n-. tile ,.,... J1' W et'raln, ~&oa ·1•~ you abould ~e what they look to ae~·e Ule nipldly •IIJI&Ddbl& Boy Scout. of Newport 8Mdl 8pt.n1ab d.-and t.ba m1ad Uke. ahouldn't you! blurt l'ommWlill' and Ole llll&nd Troop No. 5 wm tha _...k opan c:boMIII and ..,._ra. A lao ~ U more people had attended, '"'' 1chnol tK.nfbu for the put a drive to oolleclt one a.nd two-I~ In U. aztlllel PRMNM-t4 ..... .,.t1 they'd ~ J~k Sadlelr. 'who ran rrar been accumUiaUJia 'J)I'Opert)' pound 1'1 .. coffee Jan wi\Jch wW Mre. Edwardl. .. &naon, Wm. ror Mlae &veTly Ann' Mac:J.alne, a lood raoe, almoat biting hla tow.ud that end. be aolcl to lhe MJB Coffee Co .• tor Frink ancl AIGIIP Wordm. daUJ'hl•r of Mr and Mra 0 A. ttncernalla, and 0 . B. Reed doing As ro•sult, lhe dlatJ1ct now OWM re-uae. It wu ~ thla 'nle curtMa -riaot at I 'p. m Maci.A!ne '01 Bay laland. On tJ\at hll !left to be calm. They'd have '111 'llrfllllparable blU}diq ... OOn• mornlnl' by '1'Modol'e Robina, ·of and the ,.... II CC*'dlally lnvtt· day ftle' ,~ Woman. D!t onll -n our handaom~ and elegantly-lllllling of rQur and ~IYJI ~ the 1,.._ commltleoe. '111&nJ of ed. 'ntere Will .. no "admiii!Oc ce1f'br-ated her 20th bltlhday &n- atUred pollee cluer eittlng on a •·nuated between Carnation U{ct ~ Jan are doubtle• atored cba.rce. nlve,_,., .but aleo lett for New raJIIftc, Pf'Obably thlnkln~t how 1l:Lhlil\ avenuea 1n Corona del away hi' ca,...ee u d cu~ York 0~ Wbere w will rnl~r dlfterent lhla ml!('tln~t waa than Mnr Thf tract Ia bounded on Ute and the bou.aewlfe wW not only Huntl/r Collece u a r.-crull In the lut one, when certain partite at•uthwcat by Second atreet .nd be a.b&e to OM the utra epace to the WA VJ:S .. ~ MacLalnH a lao were after' ble ACalp, which tbty 11n 'the norlheut c~ 'nltrcl C'ood advutqe, but the troop wiD II&•• a eon, ~ In unrNu lll'rv· 11tcln't ~. thank ~toodnPu. The 111 ref't. I which would be elONCS In derive aome m(lt;'•Y trom Mle of lee. . ch ief 'wu then oaten!llbly to pre-this· blook ) and utendi haltwa y the conta.tnere," Mr, RobiN ~;ald. aerve order. u w\..1 hla &!!alatanl, tn Fourth et~t. ~ att.t wu Ken Oorton-but J lhll;)k they r rnrurril ~ by parc~l. at· a were a bit curious. too. tntal co.t of 18000. m011t of the PaE-IlfDUC'nO!tf PBYIUCA.IA Chlety Crocker or the fir.-dept. lot,a having ~f'l'l bo\.llht from Use AU loea.l men with c1ratt el...i.. looked ln. So did Johnnie Mc:Mil-rltv at tax ule. rtcatlona ot 1-A. 2-A, 2-B or 1._. .. Pat Patt.eraon and R'oland ·. will be c&1Je4 for pre-Induction Tbompaon were very caaul\1, but Mock!,. ~ ,..... phya!eala on either April • 29 or U..,. were watchlng thlnge · very According to plana and llpedft-May 24., It wu revealed today by eac..Jy, It looli:ed lU!f'. Andy iork. r nttnna ~ready U. pro-A. J. Hayman. eblat c:lerk ol ... Severe! lm,.t&llt ~Uo011 of .... adenuaJ fi'OPertY _,,.. re- ported thll! ..... "' Haltlor dlll- trtc:t realtor& .. ol liM Nut 8 uaday momtnc the "Ra- dio Chapel" p,.nm of the llu- t~aal Bnlt4cuUna Byatem will be conducted by ·a. Palmer Lewla. Chn.tlan llclance Committee on Pula&k&UM I• Uw at..te of N- Y ork. ,_, will be ,.. ... -----.....,. ....... -....... ·--~ N\JM BJo:l ~ .< I Reed Wins Council Seat · By . ~in~-Vote--Majority; Hall Re-ele~ted Mayor· Jo'ullo~in..,_ r anv ... uf ~~· ,.._ ••·nil'<' ballot.e on Tu,.fday, Coun· •·oh1111n 0 H Reect wu • ciofelal'l'd '"\''r uf the doubttul Wrd,ecat. llw final, tally J1vlnl him a ·ma- Jn~"ll )' or nine vot• O\'t r hJ.a near -··•t "PJ'Clnent. Jehn C' ll&dlelr Att.er t.h• n-council bad bNn IM'orn tn, Cl)'an H. H all w u re• lll.-ct•d for a two-~r tern1 u fft.,ol'. ·-·-• . P,_nt foi t he canvuat~ wu the laf'J'"l aallery uf epecta ton to honor a rlty council rneeuna In n1any mont.ba Alm011t unaal· mouely U\f' Ol\lookera !l'lli'UMd IUI'p'MM at elM! I'NIOit ot"tlie af-n- IM' rount, the ratio of vot.ee bf'· lnr at ..:II wtde Yar1a.ncr fl"'m tbnee rut by I'Midrnt votera .. Candldatl' W A Kirk wu man In the abient• count. . poll- lila I T votee out of a ,_..bl4. _Found l)ead In Home at C.orona·del Mar M111 Mar-tha O.raca. rt woman wt!Otl' namf' wu once cl~ly llnk- rd with Harbor alfalnl but wbo bad for many ,..,.. lind In -'· III'Clualon at 1101 Bay VIeW· drtve. COrona del Mar. WM found dead In hf'r ball\room '1'\tted&J by a n•IPbor, MIM 1\IIUa atmpeon, IS& Heliotrope avehlll, Aa IM&rly u could be CS,t.tl'll\lne<l .... "-4 &eel 11 daya p1""V1ouMJ . cla&Ut appar- ly hav1nr ..-ll.d "-a oareb- ral hemonil ..... • ,.Mra. O..raca wu the ..uan,e<l wtte. ot Ant¥ Deraca ~ pre- ~ tHor Ill ~UI 1ul ll&y I I. Jl wu In !ttl thAt 11M aA4 Mt' 1\u.- ~l tkd thf' a&~DCI rallo 'r.valled l hn>uahuul thr eMCIUon M wouW tlav.~~ woo t:tlt vntl'll. or uo rer nt 111.,... than b• aet ~aally pollecl. 1 '11um·lh11an Robf'rt Allen and Councllnran R•'t!d eallla polled 14 \'UI,.., whltrb wu, 1n ~ I(Wt&M· "'· a muth l\IP.r ... u. tUn tMt a <'Cor~ ~Y ~ elf!Oton,_ Cowl· ,•lltnan lkrl ltanlt1 .. wu .ttYen n John 8Adl.l!h'.l . capt.•J:IIIato '""· 2. and C'tydfl }IJJ\4'~ 1. <'tty l'ltrk Rlnf'l)aft ......... It vot.re and Treuwo.r o.at. lt. (._...._._,.,._. t-~~;~ttowto~ ~t.unr,)laJI'a. ~ linn he tmmf'dlately ~\&~ned a.11 ro•mnitaalnftt'ra tot' t.M OQI!Il ... t._. ~ ... ,.. Cnuncllman fteed wu .,.. namf'•l fln11nr• rommla.icNr, bll aaat•taiil to bf' c.::ounellmM ....U who hu woa kf!d with him • dN ~ rom mitt,.. llnt r lMJ. • r. bootl.'ln tum. "._ l"fl-appotnW,. IIC't' ('ommlaa!uner WIUI Omanedrnul f'lAn -l•tant aii'O'rt ~'<""'''"'-· w .. madll tl,. 1 umiHI-h•M• wllll Rf'f'\1 u 811111'1lt· ani, and 8tanh•)' w.u ll&ml4 W&• l r•~ rnmmtu lhn•r, with ADea M aMtatant · ' - : Prwr tu rf'·O~ant•Une ol. tht ~'<~Unrll II wu \'1\tM to appoint Mr RliWihart dflputy I~ col- lr(·tor at lAO JIIP1' monUa, Ua• lft· cl'f'ulnr hla ealary to 8ITI -ua. ly,. PanMMT.D flit IL\Jifll IAWI""rll'l L. Bf'llft, Ull ICU. M r boulevard. hu Mell ...-ote4 froan ... ,ll4'utenant commander to rommandflr, &e«lrdlnl lo word re- rrlvftd Jty. Ml'll. IIM.a. OonunMu .. r Bean, w-.o awovlve<l UM ' , .... of U.. AI"NI\ Can1er llefMt ,.:.. - hta laat c:uprooma ~1ct1 a ~J ..._. --... .ror1 ~lee tn 1 '!!_.e erty ~d ..,.,.....e o. Rli'teJ a. m. ,~::!~~~~: .... ~==? ~~=~•~!:::1~te::t .:.:'=1~ .. ==·=;~.:-:.~~~=,..... membf'rw' la&VIfli' r us· a comp e e Y equ P..-.._..,.. to~ wl l ·be determ n.,., at t.h&t and BeverlT S'Winnt)'. wu ~ M t •-to · _plc&l ~fai.I•PW • ...... .,wt• htm count . the A~nt~ ~ot., •l'n enf~teria end "U1 auditorium Uml' if-the examining boa r&. ...~. ol nntca me I!Oro-.-/ ..,.. ( ~··llltn " ."""' ""MIO~-. -. ..... 00~ 1 tla ted by the John E. 8a,._.-. • lnraJ obllltrvPr for th• U 1 Wea-o which he got the moat. Then .. ··~ ··-·-•-.,.;nlJ. tk~>, •i..e· ... ~~ ownen ......,_ Mr. F D I t ~ ""' .. I I od t 300' .... ........ ..._ ree eve opmen tll"r Rurf'•u. ,.. •• •-rara wu ne ahook hllnda mol!l cordllllly W•lU' ll<'f'omm a e . pup , c t c I .b. t • and Mre. Hana Walter wttU. llllt(} a roritrw-trut-m.rf'!er ,and ··:!::' p~:.~-t~~e;;a;OI~~~~:~e ~ ~: M1At"~~,.~r~~~t liml' ~early balt oun y e e ra .lon ;:~~!:It:; t~~ := :...~; Harbor n.,..trl'ct ~~r ."~~~.:.~a:-,,~,:n~a:~ .. ~=~:: qQ)Uid l. I uf lh•• !llllllt•nta enrolle at New· F A • t' D month Mr. WltU.r W ...._ ~ ,.,., ltf'r\'\1'''-a nd harbor f'ntranrr --rtle only n y In thl!! df>pt 's oi nt-pwl &•ncb Grammar achool ..... or rmiS ICe ay clat.ed wllh the m~ defartment •llf'H"I'VIa lun anent wu the fact thalt c Harold. t)fo~ng lnlltructed In temporary or Warner Brothere ....... Ia ad-mmt·ttee'.s Goal •Artrr movlna away In lt211. Mra. the bead of the onc;o not politlcl\l j 1 la~U~rooms. lncjudlnc tbe u-H ld H . diUOl\ r-o lift. wtn.ler, tiM famll~ !Joor-.:11 1100n retum•d to Comna plannin&' commiiUIIOn, wa.an't th!'r(l Sromt c:nbln. l hl' American Ltrton ay e . e ere ln<'ludt-a a da•.-•ht.er, Jo-. -A a ·-· ~ .. • ...... ,. ,,_ ... II h " t.. ( t '" f nner .... ,~ -.., Prim .. lm.....,anc .. uf bo•UI ''""'" (.., ,...,., Wnf'l'fl .. .., ...U ma ...-_, tp te . l e council O'l('mbera hhw '·" our ~c'lllml a .. ,. o eon, Harold, who Ill a lltudant of ..-. I tl , "- t t. • u 1 hlld . h ... , m·-·' -~11 aport tlahtrl" 111 thf'. honw • nrf' IC na vr oL urnnan)'. 0 VO e. m:l .. nn I' c ren I orne on ~-Queatlon or whelh4'r 0 111 not violin un .. ·r Zlm ...... "'""' In -··-.. ·1· ~·~ ... ... • I I I d d th (If ... -.c-~ ...... " r -ruture df'Yf'IOpllll'nl or Nrwp<.•rt •hr houl lr&Yt'lf'd WIIOI·~y pnor tu 11wy prob.ably could ha\·r pror-'"ll san · an ree .. , &·-N-port Harbor wlahu to aaume • ""lA. ·H· w' 111 join hla --n•· .. __ 1 ., "' I H h h I .. h ,... ~ r-• .. -·-Harbor ~·u ccml ldrl"t'd at •t~mr l hH auorrlaacr an• w.-yra ra '~ed oy htl llljl;e 1\CI\'Irr, rtnn't ~·ou '11 I''' lr;: IIC 00 ~uc arrance-reaponelblllty of l taK!ng Or-In June. • tJi ! Or doetl aagr m~tkr you '' nl!l nrf' hl~thly unaatlafact'?ry, *"•e count"'i next Arnlllllce Day 0 . A . MooN' and Marv J Moore lenglh u thl' nt-w Hlll'tlor c·nnr· "', ar "-1 I th I h 1 I "''-"" (( ' ~ t I h ( th t d I t f 8tU -.. :t -' mltte•• li••ld II~ flrat '''""'I lilt yrl • I Ill ,,.. trvr•t 11 11 " Willi U t,,..... a II u I'd turkr}'· lnsll•art '" rom I' 11 an po n ° · celebration, fOf1lled Ute chief mat-1 wnr -of u ary•a .......... t., -•-oa · t 11 '--1 • 'I • ... .. J B I 1 d I h d It I be-· •• ,.. -1 -trrday. -,""'"'1 • vr 11""'11 ,.pro. • .,y " · ettha her,·• on.~ JIO ltlr11l tur-'111~ "" 4'1\C ""· an a ter tor dlacuaalon a t a meetln• of Balboa ._lan•l hav• ... ,_ ... __ ..... e 21 11 o I I -" •t , .. 1 ...... ~ m I d lh l t'--ded . .. .. ' " .. -~ ... '"diiiiiOnlll OIOHO'IIl"' fl rlllllr• rnr ll••W•·II .. '··nr'"' ,. "" keyb -••0 \\ hhCll hP hnrtn't In ;"~" "ld '~ ov~rc~ u:; local Legtoimalrn . Tuuday ntcht . R H Nowlin retddenoe at 11&2 c:;;,mrrclal rta ..... nn;n Wl'lf' ur~eroJ """' 10h•· l"hl Mr Ut~\'torn that IJJC ~ egg, " ,' 11 nn cou a mOll en 1 Rf'portlng on beha'ff Qf Oranp Miramar drl''" anct ...... to rtlu e • h t 1 to' ...,. awAy rn>m • • nllr•\'•llt"d by the Cor<lna del Mar. County Council of American Le· 11 their hnmr The t~lon wu ~d IN'veral •uk.r••etl!>nl '"' 1"'-• " ''•I"'~' "' · -110-RE AM f1T I t I provll"r; the· rtllUIIIIfln w"''' nraclr h"u"' ,.,.,., "1~'.ht ""111•vln~t 111-"1 ..,..., • fl nn · 1 ..con, Adjutant A. J. Hayman u ld ha ndlrd by the ladletr efftce, t 1 1 1 1 1 h •r ''1•11 Mr 'lB .. oouvCJL· Th be: d 1 rllon ill to be he d ..,, In addition. II W IIJ! IUti'O'ed thlll • "I" )Ill I'X I IH ..• I ' ' c.· "" • · " '" ,. " · I that Huntln ... on '&ac:h wu nellt whc•re It wu aJeo _ ....... that .,. ·,., , ........ ti to .,.~.., thr J tl 1... '"'e •• .. -J ... • •-r-~_.. nAt•ll•ylnp UhoUnll 'i-uuhl bo• llrjl\'ld p tl\('f'To' rnn HIOr f " 'f ' ' • Anyway. vou ha1·c a nrw r.ly ''1 rnn unr on w ..... , uo '""'""' In line u hoet ctty but du• to cer-Mr an•l Mra WilHam • •·--•· ' " .. " r t fit h ' M I I t1 J t"-latter It Ia ' -...-~ ed • wl'"' ad\·anla"~ lo r\'rq·,.,.;. nrnrnlf!IC l'"fW'r 1111' !• r •rr r rr council now. Onr. lnrhlentaJiy. nr• '' t•<' 0~· " '"". I taln clrcu matanrra hal:l declined 'lftd purc" .... tl ..... __,...___ pro..._ "' " 1 •t 1 1 .... • ll In" aillrmP 1 I I h t Cord Ftndlay ·~ n ..... .___,. .. r, .. n .. ral dllrUJlllon W(lll ll t•l•l '.'" ...... " ll.ll ,,..I ,, I .. ' which Ioiii a II' I or b•·t.e for a rot .,.,, •'l'l'1""1 1 11 on · to arcept. The''celrbratlon w..,ac-l'rl y at 418 Short a,_t wblch ,1 ,,., 1 .,nflollt•·•l llhllo·lll..,, h•· "1"'11 of peoplt In tht -II) !It '"": mlnu! ·~. f'P'"''"1 rlt•rk of lhf' board, wtll· be rordln~ly otf('red to 11\1' H arbor. wu ownf'd bv J. B. Spellacy ot thr 11\lllt••r ur 11 IT"Irl rtahlll lo: r l'n· ··tl " Wlll•l"w ,.r hrr 1111nll' ""'' no naml'a mt'ntlon!'rl Thry'll fliRkr n •·nndltlntf' to •uccl!f'd hlm.aell. Wllh full rrall:utlon that. auch Taft. Mr. St.ewart .;a a...d o,t the tc-r fflr .t~r ,.,,.,1 nnrl 11 "'11~ !1""" 1\lllfll'll Mlu · Rl"'f'"'lh ..tinoh '"'" a good councll. Thl'\''11 flo th••lr ---IICCPptancr would nt'ceuartly ml'ah nw11t drpllr1mrt~t•at E..t MeWpo'rt lmnu•b •~:~•·e•l 11'111· 1"''nll\. lh•· ,11,. h'"'"' "'!\.·•~ lh•• l)l .. ty w ou lleat for Newport Hnrhnr But J JO~al CiviC ~er II lot of work and effort, Lfoglon -MArkr t •J>Ortrl•htn~; truluRt rv' I" "'l'll•lllv ''''"''' Tit•· '"'''"' """'"1'"1'"' lit ~ey might do b<>ttcr It e ll M YflU naiN-1 at the ~tlnr: -~A1lh the C'IMta ...... ...._ tunru,.lng 111 unpua t&nl'~ ;-::unrn · q1, h"ll~· v.:111 •lnt• •I A nr11 ': ,.lh••r , 1,__ ld h 1 tl · T k C · d f . ''". ••lll•·r mnttrr" l"''""""t Ill th•· 0 .... wou • ow up II m~ .. n..-a ('S omman 0 ,rxceptlon of on~--tavorl'd auch ... -'"'"' nil•••·~ "'"" , ... lnllng Ill I hil l hI d r I lla\·lrl Bradbury, wbo . will op· hArbor'• tutu•··· ""''' nlll•l •11~111" OIICe In aw I 1', ln~IJ•a fl wnlt n, I al'lion. Commandt'r Dunlap .wu l..t , 11~ ,..,. 111,1,r,XIIItlllf' 1.11111· ''' h ~ m'' Transport l'r"''' C'oiii,A M ....... new W~rn l w d IJ until vou wnot· w•m•·l In~ ,; ".. r J . l!uthorlu•l to aprotnt a commlllf'l' 8 1 t ...,,.,,. I· ul 11 , Thr~. artl'r Yflll'\'" huilt llf' J<illlll' to rttnfrr with l••elll llf•n 'lnf' clubs Alll•l uppy • 0'-at l TI8 Nf'W·I All l•ll•llnl( 11"' 11111•llf1JC 1 . 1,1 lloT I••• v.lll '" h•·lol h J ,.., ... h A Berk who baa lone l"•rl booul•·,·u •l. bu purchued lh~ l'hlltr mr1'n Ht1 .. t••r•l 1' /1 l'nlrr ... r lltrrnjttl\, ynu ml_g I ,., ··n t.r\' ;-t· · r • nnd lhe city flllhl'rs and .rrport "• u ndinp: 11 plannln~ rnmml.'t~<u•n '" 1 f,rrmn~tt among •• ~ leader:, bArk at thP nr xt ml'l'tlng . 11 r: l.ln1ll•·y home at Ill Broad-F:ru 1 w Hll!lll•·> \\' M UJ"II""""I 1.-,•••ut•n' ,,.,,n •lrtR: "·' 1ff ,,.J,.,k t f! tiiJ' \f ,,JtuHr \' r ,unn:t . t\••1 \f111 Th• r1• '''' lllt •kht~wn •VI VI\' mfftlnl' ThAI fOhru.r-14 h,. IDI-"rt'"'· • ,, 'L d \'a r hUJ:4; cn...,a."or-e an • Siivrr&J new rommltvo,.mrn WPrt' "''"Y and h,. ana M,., Bra(!bury l'h111 t .. 10 R I'•·Vtt•n lo~••ll~ ~:v,.rtlllll: tng. !'<'~'1nJ;.: th,, rh.111'nl~" nt tt·rHl· , , nvnl ly :ln }'f'\BMt hJ\.11 b~n In· nAntrd. thrar fnrludtn~ \\'lllls M \\'lll t•k"-JW..._..Ion a t an early k J\. MPy"r A tt ltqta-.M•·II~· J r '\ I I lng t o lh•• l'nmml.c~lnn'q tmRirw•• ···:~' n"""''lllt•·ll woth bolhfll hde-F'lrltll lind non Gunrtrn on, f'XI'C!I· •III li• Thl' t rnnaaction wu llandled w""""''· ('npl f:lljfl'"' Mllt'hl•)l 'r~ 8houllln't II' ,.,. •n: 1'1( :-> •wport liAr r, u tl\'t' rommltiN'mrn; Augullt Clark, "ly lh,. R (' r ark.er orttce. llul)h.lrtl II••"'''·· Mn\'111 C:h·n" lln ll • ,. ·• 1 11.ully rnt,.rrd annlhf'r Ueld •rnl,.rtl\lnm,.nt. Gh•nn Crnft. Am-Arf'm •I•"K to Mr . Bradlry the It t. i•11u•·r!!l•n 111\'1 1111rry W•·ld1 ·~-('hara<•i t•r Drama t o an-ln FOR- IMPJW\T.~n::-."T Jnc:ldtnlnll~·. It W All '""1!'1!'•·~1•••1 •nouPiy thnl th•• n• \\' rnunril h:~rl ~rttrr t:"' """'' •n•l lui\' F'r:1nk ftlni-hArt '!I n~'w pel!"r kntr•• \\'hrn tlf' wM 1'11'\"'non.: tho· n b~l'ntr,. hnl· lnlll l hl' nthl'r r1RV ho • lll(i'd A J"cte'k· et knif<', All I h~d lhr IIArnilr~l Ume Irvin~: 1" ~111 'rm nr•'n Lnl!ln folks ~nt \\'Mflftd th:ll hr mll:'hl l!llp 1\lld 10l:t~h hi~ riO j!l'r, flr 110M<'· thing. Brfor.-wt' r•m:<l1t.•r n """' civic c:cntrr, irt·~ ~:rt F'rnnk his h 11 hi~ •·Mt knoWledge of c·rlrAnls m: Ous T llmJIIlll. jfllnt flxlllrf'l fnr th., n-atore a rf' be- th•· "''n •111•1 lhlnj;tl nautical can t r -d A l ("' k I I ill~ fMt llllf"tl thla ~ and ll II llf• J•rt•~('flt,(od &~ mf'l' lnjfl, 1\n UJrlla 1\r ' I p ,.. ('"t ,.,.h I ai.UHI ... H~··d Ito h•'"' lld\'IUitage. I ~nt•· to coun ty rouncll and dla-l'lll)"t'l••ll I hAl the ... tabllllhmr nt ·• y ... ar\'f'S .... ,... .. Lh.unr lndictmt•nt ,.,,y.m .. ~l•'rY'fl as r llJllllin In the trl1.1 ·mtrtlngll Majnr Oofdon' will l>f' open ror bualneaa by May 8 ,, South ('oast ('u. : · ~ '' 1 "''' TmnMport Sco~'ICf', he F'inrtlav ·wu llfiJIOiniPrl "Roy•' 1 ..1 ,.,.,.., • ""' • It ''" II•· ~·" "Ill "'1''l 1' t":~llrnrnla In com-1 Sll\te". chairml\n and will rnnll\<'1 A 1 lh" F E R~ll offlt'r 11 s,;,,, h f . .,.,,.t , . ., * , .. "" 'I '" • , •I \\',.1 I ·. • " 0111 I' h• Ill• I >~.0'-"r tr}\nlport Yl'a~l bound lhf' VRri.OUII lt~·lcP clubll tn Mr l'r· ."''"' rl'fl<)rt••tJ that Mr and Mra tlay tP~<Itl•·•l " ''"'''Y'"" lo·il••: '•I• ,,.,. ,. '"' t·"~' "'"''"" "' 11 lw" (t1r~ '1 tlillc:I081'd ovtrllt'U \port.l lnln lhr numbrr nr rnmllrtntr11 to .1 'I' Knutll l'n havl' IOid thPlr f'ilv I"" k~ I urod ·I "1'1""'"1 ut I""''' r ·halo .. •. 1-'1•1 l~u· '""" lnu• lol lhl' extae~n<-.•f'crf'CY nl'cea-hr 11,.111 to Bovll Stal l' AI SR.Crl\-h<lll)l' AI 19311 RantA Ana av~nu,. th•• '"'"""''lll)n h A\IIIK 1.,.,1, ,,,1,," .,,11, "hlttl will 1.,.-1 ;,1,,,,,., 11 , 11 11v ~lllrflumhng troop mov~-llV'n lo · lfl F.mPIIt E Everman of New-llv tlo~ , 11, ,.,11111,11 "" 111.,11.,1, "' ,.,., •• ,.,,,1 1'!1• M r· Rumm•l• ,., 1· . ull!. lh~' """'" or Capt ~ek • F h•,. new membl'rt Wf'l"" arc,.pt-p11r1 R•·11rtl 'n.. Knuda4'na, It wu ·l 'mln• 11111,.1 \\' 1\ I( Il k 1 , \. 1 1,, Th•• ,1,1111111 hii'~ ,,.., 1 1 ''·"'''r" \\'1111 wilhhtld from pu~ ,.11, lhell" belnjf ,John R Groch , ",nlrt. h,.,.,. flllt'eh~Md proJ)f'rty al l ""'k :t 11 "'"~ •• 1,1.,11,,,1 111,, ,.,.1,,1,1 .,,. 111,. •ll .. n~; .. ltl ln•ll•l lwa h nn until hilt !!hlp w.. ~ vr~ran of thf' flrat Wm;ld War, SAntll An11 And will mo~e there. r .. r ,..,n,.-1111,,. 11,.1,1 1, "'"" 1,. "1 1 ,,f .,11,111117,.,1 11,111,,. 1 11,rr.. '11 II.• "'"'' 11nd 0wl'n Clydr Llndn~>r, Jl\mca 1 Rakflr ~ 8old tv-rl !'I M•·M1II11 11 '•II " '"""llo I•• I'"" th•• IH••I · "h•·lji t•• Will lh•• n('~k"r y'e&rll at Newport • 1 h t ... Voung Mea Matron lfan~ Sf.lf at Home M1\"'""' an•t t11'8pun1t.nt over Ut• r'••rrorl,.llltl"• of ""' lite. · Mra llh1•1Ja Murt.,' R•yawlt.le. II, a IH1.t. "'"' lllothltl, nn Monday ~rll lrl l h•• h11lbr.,om of bl'r h""''~ "t,l l'11rlllr a V!I'flue, Qgl!t• _ "'"" "', "''""~ '" tnrumoatlon rei,... ···I h\' ""' rnuntv rnrnrtrr'e offtc,.: 111•• VII I hn•l fll•••l •u ll ror th.,M'I 1111111 )w r flr•t hu11han,d. <'rawf~ I r ... , •• "· IIIII ··mpluv.;-of Aekii!F· ""'" ll••nl 1 .,, . hut l>f'f<lrl' tht! fi n· "' tlo-•'1• •. \\'1111 It'""'" 1 h~d '"•t ' l•lulllh •u onlr•l I'SJrJl RuMSol11h U•. IJ•.J•Ir• It: Ji'ua . uu .... 1 T-·-- f .,, ~., •• ,, t 'l r.· ~h·· ,,.,,,·,dt tu r'ne· ( ., ~f • I 'I '•Ill T? "" ruur rr ll\ltll"ft 1" li s· '""I ""'' "'"' h1111hllntl '"l tu • 1•" f • t\.PfHh r'••lllt'-'"nCf" .... )fr I'HJ'•" tr ,,, t..rt " ftor work ahuul ,.,.,, ,,,u t• ,,.,,,,,. th•· huctv Vfta •11~•,.\•••·•1 ,,,. flu?.• I f'Attf'n 8. "''hu 111n 1., tJ., U •ll)ll ij11Udrl h11mo• a t ~'!''< I • t' J' If '" ••nu,. fur h..-lp Ar .. •, 1 '' th: ,.,,,,.,.,,.,. rc•nurt. \1 r• I'' ' , ,.,I,. hntl r VIIIr ntly rut " .••.• '"('' ,., lh• \•·lllnl( or lJ\1' ',,,., ••' '""~·J H ur ••un•t h•·r ' • I " ,,, I •l~r·r--1 llfr " nftll ·.,..x ftt ~• • 11'• u•ld rt ,.,. •• ,, lu t•••t 4• r "'1 lllo•l•l• I t '•or I' It• YIIIIIIIJO, llh iJ •lid•d lfrol •!11 •IIII I"'"'" hint till! • •11 I I 1 t I f•lr.l t111V' :'\lt•f l(ll't1 ''' rh l11•1" • lr• 1111rn•·•lllll••lv bonrtl •I H t·U•fl, .,, 1'• ~~~--ntut t\ttl.••••l h• • • • ' I • Ill\ 'rlr•· lowly WAro .,., 1 .,,~~~ ,,,r -.hlprn•·nt t.v """'t~t '·""''I I lr .... I Jllld llllt•f'IIIPIII ~\'Ill •. d I•" ''1"''1 l 1kiH h1mr flf \f I•. 'I ', .... , ..... ' •• M· ""'' "1\\P:P:T f tfAIUIIT tfiii 'M f •, '' '' '''' II\' IUhl•• 1\Jt~lll uf1'1tU' nt , .,,.,.,r, ,, .... "'"' , .,, ~1t"''"v . ,.,. ""q' f•••d•t• tla'• ~"'""' t•hft 'l••t "''" r ,,, r 1t" 111\(11 ,., ., c • ----- ' :TED! •' $2.50 ...... .,,._.. r A MESA Two nsto .,mily ting Ex- Ual1k 10- )lfurW.l an ,.... ho('k tD J. Amn<:b, • • utnhdQW.. · hant baACJ. rn he tl'a.i- "IW .,_,.._ !ram ~ "' u.a. ... ' port. IM4at ~ drowa- dill..,, wltll lnectecl, a.. f a boola. ..... tMt ··: __. ol Mrt '"1tlnar ... au"enad t.n laa ul ,(, too pc»r . .... ona lltlpn ••· UWh ......,.,.. by thl' ~ a kl, Amrlr. ralla, wh""' ., ltYW'U a to bMitll ... . ...-w.. • the·.tM) •her ~ 1110 mnbf-. *•rt and IMh. Whl .. r NUDit f'd .. .,_ liiP ~ •r;un& IJ&ol -. •• I ~' ,. .. rul . l'nHro-u ..... Jt.. .... l. rio'.)', ·1\Uc·rN flw t)flftrrt y, IIUYlntc n unlt} In ··lly 4'"' nl ~~<·rvln.: t'Ur llnll II wH ffill)' I ()r t-IIC'f'f• .. , !hut ~JII H nl utry (''· 1111·11~· fullrrw• K'l .. ~..., ...... t~l :u~. ., l!ll'r I l l' ~····~· 1.7.! .' ... ·•· 'jl.: , .. ~ .1.'7'i t•c·tor n .· trt'~r hi\VI' ht>Pn bUIIV. onf't. He Prtf'r Ban-f'lt, Walll'r tr.: Tlmbfor-. R n. Baker of 8 tnnyford hu llll'llllh hljlllll S2~ .,, ... ,,hi\ ...... ,. "'., .. ,.kl\' "''\lip II nflll '1 '"'' ---~~,;~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~u=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rn~~~~~~~~~~~·~~"" --~~~wLwu~~~~~~--------, • hi 1 1 •• o t.:"rrt MJIIrtt uuf~~t hfttl ,.f.J ~,.ut r ''' MJN£8\\T.F.PP:R I.A t 'SOIF.D ITV')"''r, dlechar«rrl Yf'tf'rana of thl' of t1r11 unlmprovl'd p-rty on ""'" .?,,.,,.,j· l h., 1 '' v $7!. "'''"' v tude• ""1' .., 1 • "'""""'''" "I' P"r"r knif~. huh~ rn111<IPr and WIUI tl\oe tlnrt" oftlct~ ·-r· ( Jltl 1 1 f 1 •11"1"'""" r~<otn 1 1~., I 'I li I~ 11:1'1 ·k •v ~""1'TH ('0.\~T ('0 . "I prf'lll!nt war Hl'lr,. nf th,. Llln<'"Y f'hnrrh alrPeL Mr. and ~,.. J L f11r lh•• pt••nrt ... ,. All ~ifr, 1 " 1 .,, "'' •I J•·•~ w~o v•·•u ~ •~>: ' " .. ...., hnrbnr pnnt. hi• crulaer. Vam011. ~ ... 1 k • II 1 1 "TI "Th• r1• 1.r•· 14 ul•llrl,•r• 11t •II' South Const Co l"~t !"nlurdny Rherml!.n I'll at" oflnl!tr tl to lh l' Mo••r•• nf F'r~>•nfl pureballt'd 1111 mt)nlllly b1·lng ""''"' ''" 1'• "'"'II I 11111 1''V pr"'"'" 1'' ,,. ltot I' ~· r-·1n s.: n11 th• official pilot flOIII a " bJ U dl h h . h 11 h rl , lv l>a'• 11 1 .,.,1 ,,.1 1,,, .. ,., •. 11,,11' . ,. "l'"k1,., 111 "11,11 ;-.;, 1-:1 ,, lllll~'llrl{ '~tiiJlll'· ""''' 1': 11 af~moon hl'lrl lAunr hlnl:' r·••rrmnn· lln:ll H;..,,. rrt'ditPd wllh llta runr flm na on ra O•fl ono-lnt~t on t e wm Aide of till' atreet; "' sr • pr•·\tow• . '''' lr "••n h•·~rt v "1•1•1"""'' frl ~,.~~~~ '11•·•"' r:..rr,.r "Hnt1 lh• ~~ I•• for thn ''l\1~. 4M 1fl th min•'· .,._ trr"f)b, roll-t op d~>ek. ll()m• ·11V'<'I Mr ant1 Mra. RICherd Qlbonl'y, 111 I) Jl H••v•lo '' f.1r S:l1 1'1' ·~ ,, . thr T'lumn.m,.nl or Llgtllll In lnv, I l Th jo 11{1' wn• ''"''" '""' I'II IIIV•·rt lhtolr •rl•" llol -u••rwor •nd •'3rd wnrl'rl\fl In '114' n1r11 and tl\f' pUt COmmandl'f'l 71\11 f:AIIl 20th 'lit_. bou ..... t a 11\tonl h Thr ~'•'ll h 1 '""('' II '' ·••I•, I II II(• ll•o•ll••frr o• • '' 1 •-n r· ft "' 11nol ll•·n ·rd al' r'lmmodore of bot!\ ·~.. "" bll t 1 \•1101•111 "' lh1• ••lol ftrlll llllnlt• 11•1111( -nt .a-.. n thr \\'ft\'10 nl thr l•'r.l\1 ~tolrt bad«~ lnl ''" II),. eut aldt and anolher ""'"" " '"II"" ~on '"" k II ,,,r,wol v " pu " flr'-''11 ''r lin• ~ uv-" -..:. w.vrJI '-~•rbor Y~ht Club and , 1 1 1· h (' 1 r (I rnl lh•· fno11ll \' nn1l '''""' jrrMI • Ill ll1• Yard. Mill" lf""nkrr fnr lh•·.I'I'C'II· '' ,.., WI\; nurf'hAHd hy John ,..lnor.. llulrhllrtl r lltrw•· ~··••Ill '''"~ •.,,,,,l••r '' " nur " , . .,,. r · ~ .. urh.,rn CAlifornia Yachlln• AI· ,. -1 u1 1 , 1 1 1 1 nt n l'rotlv f11r II fCiohll •1•"t " ,.... \\' 1 il ,. IN APPIIECIATION A II n( the tranaactlona were .... n .. ral m"""lt"r wh•1 ~I"'"" "11 •··~•1••n• 11 ., "1 1 • ""' 11 ·· ' · elo'n wu Lt Comdr " .un · ••wo:tllf\1\ llr lllllo ae~•ed aa chair-" tl 1 r A rl • 11 ..... n. rommanrtlna l'ft lrPr n( 1\ H bo 1 t .... t I wlah to Plfl'rtN my alnctrf' ha'ndiPd by lha1 F . 11:. l'l-11 of-""'h•lr nf ht• • "n'P""" "'"trot thJOI •I ''1''1 """ fl md,.l ra 1 "' · ··-.. r mlln of the er r comm t ~ uua ... h J k -IP 1 '"' m'"'' 1111\11111" wr""'" lin .. r lut .. tll "" .t~l mln·~w,.,.n,.r nnw h"r" nr .a. &JlJ*PClatlon to the mAny vot .. ra fir ,. v.•h"r" It wu aim reporioru l " • '"' " w,.,,. '"~' ' ., n ' ,. k rA11!4'd the tun .... n~ t o -1 I s y \ """'". hNI' ''•fi''"''l ,,.,.11 . ""'' flnanrlal '"w · l""f'Ainl Allin nrt••oT'vi~~ lh,. """" · ,••••II"" lh,. lnl!'l 10 111211 and hu whn 8'\I.Pf>Ort~>d me In t h., t ,.e,.nt thAt Mnn·tn M()l)rt, ~37 Tuatln In« Army 11n1 • "'' '' M•• ~·lnHnl·r• "" F: ·'""" f llb ""' . n)A""nml \\'l'r• r.nn•m'lrt1rr ""'' -t .. ctlon for rlty I'OUnrll Thr lATitP ~··rnu,. """ purdl .... d the P'red for rl'palra All wror\c .... 10111'1 •. "" .,l..,,.d lnr11l drnlopemfll In count-~ ..., 1 1 1 1 111, .,.,., !-4'""'""r• 1,. an IO<'IIntrWI4'•11C· )( "'r1c •• ,_.m•l"'' \IrA Rill!' vot ,. l l"f'f'l'l\'rd, althft11•" ln-•ffl-1'1•nr•·•· '""' ene'l' at 1111 Albert """I" h•' p•·, •"r0111'' ")'•" ' rt,-"" ,.. "'' · '•·lll\ nth••r WIIYI ·• "" "" ~ "' toulhtorlly 1111 rhll1l Wl'lfar,. ' nf ,, r-nmn~n'' rl~>nt, to l'lf'ct m•. ,. .. an --p-a· r l.11r r Th~ pro-rtv wlh be oc-•-Ia;-only • mlnlmllm ,.f 11""''" f) ~"'""""" "'' ' ~ ~A • ~ ,.... 1 ...... , oloiUIIIO will llf"'n at 7 ~ I• 1 l!l 1 1 h 'h·"''l'"lr'•' aton of confld,.nce which 1 f01,1n<t ri1~1c-d bv w,_:..Moor•·a parent.e -uv "111HJ•m•·nl w .. ul•l 11" k•·11l 011 •" directOr, W '' Pt 0 j . I l"n\'f' (flf V11:~t(Sry ! 1\lm tn· youJ' wry -ti-n•. 1,.,. fie -tJI,a tJM docJt.e. 81\d rtfln" ItO lll~orP Tlv 111 ~~' a1lmtael0n Will be Cha~f'd bottiP, \\'Allnn HuhhArt1 r . ac ··-·~· • who a rf' com~,. re •·-" .... tM _, .. u .. II IIWited. ~ u m..Wr of eeremonJH . ~rap mf'tal, rap, paper, .,._. J OKlf •· 8AD&.IIInt Imperial vaa.,. ~-wu f"Mte4 . 'T' ,_ .... J;•' d • l l\7.• "" \1 hft l··f1 ,. " tilly r11r II'' I\ It I' With lll'l l' \ V wrr,. 1,.1 lc W l'nln ... r. AJI[I'I · '' •""· n""tl;•· H111 rk•·v. Hllrfll i' ·.v ~riJChl , jl ('laoro·n• • 11:, II ·r, Allw-r1 W Klnl{ •II ,,( C011h '. '" ~ John r v"-"'· Jr . llalbt!a' I• 0 ·. 1/1• til w l)oo.r I':·H• fl, llhlfo ,, ·. I ,111'1(•' 'l\l ·-nul lo·u. h ~~ . ., ... ,., I 'itfttlollo "'' Wit• ll II• T11 nk l4'11 Army '"" n...tlvr '1' almnlll ..,aU lift or If In tb• JfK) club ... and '' Ill Uonct. t.~hlmbla ''ity. . ... mtnK anti I rom tM n at til• to be .. Jl)ftL ... •, ,. NEWPORT-B.ALBOA,PRESS p bWPOBif-B&L80& Loac-~Jlle Plannlnl The "Little " T}Jings BJ w .. a. KAXW&L UIIIIDVCJIP6NF WC:AA. laf'SPAI&IIt Ia Vital ~eceealty, Arabian tr'UillliUJUi tdls how the mighty Nimrod wac-~ ·~ry Tlallreda)' ev~lal a\N"-wPort Beach. Calllornla dpeake Dectue.' war agtJnst the proph("t Abraham, wbo ap~ t» Ida ~ ud pna~ P\&nt a:_nn Oaut Blv~.-Telee_hon~lll _ u rn• M. Wuclq, Npr..-AL&· for prote<:tlotll. And t;<)li W!L3 pleued at the, f~th of En~ u ~ matter June 11. liMO. at tile ~t o(nc:e at uvo: ul Lho: Ualiwnua O.partmant prophet, runs the legend, and sent a pat which .-.d 11a ftaiJib H.oacta baa Newport ~ Callfom.la. under tM !'ct_or March 1, 1m "' ~"'~;tl1Ufl. ~ tO kic4w Nimrod llfcht and day~ so that he built a pa~ -o! &lUI flllDted cblnnan of then . •--t -u ~ r. H...,..t IIAftH-.:•uac•lll •t &.Wbu• Yac:at C!W» lu~ to dwell ,_ 8 -h t red -•--and • reeenlly a-.med by t -.-.--.. '"'" •t til at tuu• <NWJWII uw 1&1. ut l -e guat en e .u.au pa.ed by Nlm· Et TotQ Base Hos·· Of Ebell Book Se a.cuon of tbe Ebell Club. • ______ ?~ ?app _of ~M _'P.!otnu .. _ ... &~n r~~.etut .. uu1t abould be con-rod'• ear into his brain, upon which it fed, increulng In tnutemng t.be "roll Inc Wn• A llla.JlweU aod w .. H. HlteJunan. e>wne...-and PubiW\er-. •'""1 ~<J m we lue&Uon °1 J.m~r· ~i.R dal by day until the mighty Nimrod died, after suftel- -wlttl lla frequentJy renewe WK. A MAXWELL. Editor •••Ill CIVIC" ualn~o~uona. to -rii new readlnJ mattn to W. H. HITCHXAN. Ctrculal,lon and Ad v .. rtla..._ l..it..IJuc atlA:ntu~& to the need tor ~C rmenta for many years. Fable ftCOnh the .tory of the .. t.al a\ El Tnro'a Wannf' l NICLL KlJftBAROitR. Local N<'WI i:dltor ·~·H:lW &Wt..tya.t.a ot .all CIViC prvb-ho~ and the mutllie. History relates the·a&Vinl of a hunted ~· to a report of ---'"maiLII\l Ule no:eo tor clear, unbl· pnDee by a it.J h' h 'ta b • ••UD• 0( t.be .-cOon. nw p..-1a.u Men adJ~ a ~per of ••ner&l oirculaUon b~ ....,IJ uecwun, M.r. Wakeley 8P er w lC wov~ 1 \Ye acroe~~ tlie en~ deorw of l.ha ... ,.,...-Cow\ of Or~• County an1t 1~ tully qualilled 'ut .... ft" ·•·tl ... ,ft. t tb a cave in w.hich the refugee wa.a bi.a'-g. EveM•-. Ufe Tbe projKl y,•htch ,.. . ., ...... -...,,_ ..... .. .... n... ona prev_ a b UUJ. • ~ to pubu.b all ldnM Qf lec&l nouoee an.d advertlumeniA H rinp ... f d · ain f · at the S&Dta Ana Army 1 ,,cwport arbor w•re wuque and -proo over an over,-ag o the potency of "Ut· ... dLacontlnued .ewr&l 8t188CRIPTION J\ATES: uqu•nd ·~~;tal atl&dy and unprej· tle thinp,,. " til affairs of men and the destinies of natlona . ..... wben that hc:~~pltal b In 0~ COUll&¥, Jl.IO per year. O\Ataa4e ot. Oranra C4unty, $1.~ uw~d Uunkinl t.o reach & .proper H __ ,, t . Ollr PN>at a matter a little f•·-ldndleth'.'' -te a lllu ap4'clfled by lb~ arm~ ••l ... IIJUeA • ,.. -.... ....v u.. Ubrar'y automatkally Continu.inr the shipment of American oil pr<><!ucta to ~~:nvtaloninl the probalal.t tut~.&re biblical pliilosopher of long ago. The germ of Ule ia lnviaible onr 'by t.h6 trmy. Since t ,rowth ot lb~ city and Lh• ,..\.Lit· to ti\e huaian eye. ev.en as the germ of dleaae brin-death. tiM IDOftey cennally u~ Spain i.B .&lmoat &a fool..iah u aelllng acrap iron to Japan . ..nl need tor a lone-ranee atucJ.y, A _,_.,.... a- -boolul, hu beeo accu • ' Lhb epe&X•r ca.Utd au~nuoo to IND • .., drop uf pou10nous chemical, it ia recorded 1n the ., t.bat t.b~ .um ot u s 11 American air and naval foreea are moving closer to Lh~ pr10aent attuauon wttb..,-n ..-an.nala .~~ the -chemical experilnental service of t~e lut ~d t.o 1 ,art the E1 Tc..r~ f -umucd •ooo homet and a total war, worked through the clothing of a laboratory employe ADYOD• b&vtnc bonk• •u To,kyo, rom aeveral different directions. Thoae who give ut 12,000 butld1n& lot.a w1th.ID !.be d b • t11e boy• durtna Ute aumt proper ,-~t.e to the Japane~~e mena:ce are Jloping Mac-\.1ty Hn•1ta. H" a1.1o pointed out -:n rourht ~im. {~ an a~oniz.ing d~atb. The. poWer of in· t.ba l'f'OUP dou not met A,rthur will soon be given more men and equipment. ~ ... need tor h1(h value Lmprove-fmiU.Ima! tbmgs .18 marufes~ throughout the economy of cootact Mr.. HoldeD and . il uumll' 111 order to carry hl&b tax nature, .o greatly mdeed, that one thinker Wlt-8 moved to re- rta tabo t.o tM &Me. • ralH. -mark that th ld h dl be Wlt.b twellty ~~tembera Congree& ~ut week p~ a new naval appropriali9n J • . ert: cuU ar Y any SUCh thing &a dfati.Dc· aac.. lb! Bo'.k ·oroup • -bill aulbo..Wng the ·expenditure of nearly 33 billion dollars p~a» TO M.i:..:i f. tlon between great and s mall 'in the world of matter. ; Ou hou,j.wUe .t.cently Mid "I n•ver got aa.jthing but fl ne me at fiem tli• OcMn Front Market." ... w.u, thing• can go wrong iD th, bMt regulated bu. iD .... a, but we'll etand on that Come and ... our • GEO. :rAYLOR, Owner 2110 Ocean Front 1J.p~, &33 Mal• o4 111"· L. L. label for 31,000 new stupe and 24,000 new a.irplanee. This will .M b.! t t.h · u p1 1 • ~~ parallel holds in the everyday world of liVing. PeP Oent.ra.l. D&lbOa.. wiLh M ... . • ...._ · ~111 ·u u u e c 'i ·-·~"t oct h. &I* It Would. not be -... ggerat1'ng to say that be-, too, u -.-aw aJI4 litL-Eute,De JW• ~ UD.ited ~tate. by far the ..greatest. .ea power the wmmullllOn w• meet ....... - a _.. •... _______________________ _. • lA h kn the city hull wbtre a public: be&r· lD the realm of mat'-r one can b dl dra lin -===;;;;;~;;~~~;!!!~:;;;;~;;~;;i;:;:;;;;;:::;;;;;;;:=::; ab&rtDC boat.e• hooor& • wor..., u ever own. Here'' hoping we tlon't p,t senti-111.: will b.! h~ ~poo Ule IJ'At~r oc ' · a r Y w a e of· &Ia-r "':~-_ ~~!':..l~~ut-11!:-.•--"'-':-_ :u·nd.,jp.nk.Jt 1n another dieaftnaiMnt 'deal-or ,tve ot-t~ appttcatlon a1 Oart. wtlat.J~h•~at arid·-what"is-mnalr. ·P<>r u· Ji ourrocnt n t-n .. 101 owtd , half f it to "friendly P.O..,.. , ftubuuon, :.&~ttl &nd Ocean Front, . te.Umony of common experience that the so-called ...._ o1 Epawdlnc'• w~r ~ ~ : · . , · I• ho II· J<•eku!f a rear yard aet-''httle thin"'" in their .bearing upon 'happiness and eorrow . . ~ and Jl'ollow," live ·I 7 • bark variance. The meet.IJW wW flU and f .1 HOME • AUTO • MARINE "1flliaetred 1.. W~Mdlllt • . opinion is that the GOP natJoda.J convention vpen at 7:30 o'clociL , cceu al ure, leave an impress Uld wield influence _ ;:" ...::;:;.,:;::.;;.:.•.. • ·lo>..I:IU<ac<i -u ... will-be • uvo~rma1r. while the •. -· • , • ,. • • .~-<>l'tlle...,.n.d"'blfgef'''llill>io. • • MDI OS· RBPAIII!b · • 1 ~ratk c:fnvention which meeta in the li&JDe dty in JuJy Co~ttee to Study Ken ·accept readily enou~h the theory that the human MARINE ELECTRICIAN a,..""' C•nl• • •· ttrill be ~ mere cut-and-d~ ratification for a Roosevelt Harbor Problelll8 body ia CC?mpo:>ed of millions of microscopic cells. They ap-U .. ... .. ' .. "WE INvtT: fourth urm. But suppose Governor nettey has the Repub-. prebend tlaat unl~ this cell structure be sound and IW'-B 8 T B.. N 0 B 'f 0 K J£W lican ·nomination cinched. and suppose 'FOR decides not to t:~mpMIOn ot lbe Harbor com-vive the ravages of ~nemy cells of a destructive nature Pb.oa8 2417 Dlamefld ·· n&D for L fourth term-then the fint oonv~tion would be ~l~ ·~ot~N~e'W~po:rt~Ha.rbo:~r~Cb::am:;·~~~h~ym:·;cat~~b~eaJ~~th~~an~. gd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~,,!!_=~~~l""'·~-:ilifiatJ::iiiEi'Js\~~~~~~~~f::::::::~ I a tea party and the . ae<:ond a hot acramble between New !Inlay tJy •chaJTman Wal.ton Hub-. . thing or men iD under8tand and ap-f~===~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~:;=~~~---~ .._ ____ 1_711_·-"-N bealen and old-line •Bourboru1 for tbe Democratic nocni· bard. Jr:. wbo h~ named u bia preciate • t~at the moral fibre, the personality, the spirit- • -------• .,_ • aide• P. A. Pll.lm~r. Wetter B. ual entity of a human being ia also made up of :-'m' a·t-'-al· Da.....-. • • -Sp1ccr, E&rl W Sl.&nley, W M uu ~ How would you like to five In the Crimean pcnit}s uJa? Longluo<lr, Cl)u. R. Pe)"J.on, LoWj parta, buildlng day by day nnd hour by hour. and thriving MORTI.CIAN ' • BEFORE YOU • : __ ·:&All . ' General Auto Marine .... ·-r~der ., Tb!t UJ-falea ·portion o1 tht ea.rth has been the scene of .,; .... rotng, s A. loleyer, w B Bel· or failing according to tht ir resistance to evil influencee . b . lut, Ev('rell Mom•. A. B. lttlua-The 10 II ·' "b' " th' f 1:,. IU..er warfare (or Ct-nluriea and some of the fiercest battleR llell~ and Mayor Cl,.. H&11 ·ca L'u ag mgs o u e are rare and far . o! hiatory bave beien fought .within ita borders. Nearly a Thr'~nmtltue, etWnn&n Hub-apart. Grea.t mom~ntJI, mighty crises, befall but seldom. ~~eore of trjbea. races and nationa ba\'e held dominion m·er ba't<.t pointed out, ln<;ludea repra-High triuml>hs and dire· defeats are the exception. -Some- It ~ce the da,. when men fought with clubs a nd stone ~~~a~r~: ~~mla":;': en-::~: times, it· ia true, they appear to mark epocha and define ,.-eapona. Early in the .present war Germany wre.ted the •ub-tommttteea can be created turning points. But mostly it will be found that whatever Crimea fronr Ruasta, 'but Ute 1\UBelw have rctakl'ri the for spcctw.l work. Jt lr~~rnpl&l-the effect of th('sc unusual everats upon our destiny, that territory, al(>ng ~th the lmpol'tant and strawgic d~y of ;,~~~a\;" ::::;-r;;::: ~ effect bu ~n determined in advance by the accumulative Sftutopol-now onlY a heap of rubble. Two brignt spots problem-. · · power.of tM unnoticed an~ Wlrec.kdlled "litiJe thinga1 ' wl1.1ch shine out in t he dark and bloody h,istor.y of the CriMea-. ' preceded or wh•ch follow the great evemt. · ' .. We Ovf'Nlvu tl&4 Bettn Serve bw Sn'r1'lng Ot.Mn ..,._,' PHONE NCWPOfiT aat • 110 BROADWAY , C08TA liltiEaA the beginning _of Florence Nightingale's career aa a;O army ftla ~ODIO TOlD; How do you liv~ days or ·decades! '11\e anllwer i8 nurae, and the inapiration for Tennv.n , .~ . The Kln& 11 a\ hil oftlce dee~~. obvious ; a human career i111't a series. of huge .lumos but a ~~j;:~=======~::::;::;::;::;::;:~;=::=:~======~ . "_n • poem ·'-uarge Not counllnc out hil m()(W)' d ~"· of the u,ht Brigade." l He atiU re(TeiA hil Income *-~tea y_ accumulation of'tlny particles. Th~ "table'' we leam- A.D4 bey. wu It a t.on.y! ed at carries within It as deep and practical a phil· l.l of IJUcal Aft prMcbi,ng \heee d.~· Ford and With ration boolt, ~u U)1nl seconds make a minut<'. sixty .make an hour twen- Kai&er havt: been aaying for that there is no neccs· 1 To tii'Ul'c out a bW t-tu. , ly-rour houn Jll¥.kc ~ day-and so it is that we m~ live, aity for a panic when th~ machinery-for _ "nr produc-Her polniA permit t bu)tt.IW. b<ocauae the only timl' we really do exist, u a veritable ~.~ordered. to·ahut down. They baae thia opinion on' the The m&ld hu 'lett ~~11 ~t. physiological fact, is in ' the present iMlaDt. . b1g accumulated ~d for go0d8 a..Dd services whk h No longer mild aM meell; Now the mora l of. this simple school-book truth re- have boon unobtainable during 'the wa)'---:and the immense She'a llelpta.c butld , .. bomlillr'8 verU natura.lly and ine\'ilably to the "little things'' that A COWPLITI tiNE or FLDDR CDVERI.NBS ' FOR YOUR RZOUIRI)RN'I'I savings o~ the people whQ -are eag~rly waitlf!Jit for a chance Atrw:.ly ll\aeka a w.ell! go tp make up today's ~perieaccs We are _not an•erinJt \0 buy aut~mobUe., h.Qmea, ~oa. reirigeFalors, furpittue • · ~'I• ·C .. ..,.... calls to the. colo~ day, but-we are answering calla ud a thouli&Dd other artidea. Governor Bricker and Gov-of ccm!'Cl<'rtOI.· We are not ·rescuing heroines from birbar· ..,---!~--------------l...:6-.2_2_8_· _W&Ua __ s ... t.~ ~o~ W~n are the latest a~.ditiorfi fO the group of poUt-c~ u:a& A J'OJI. ians. but we ~ facing telrt.B of mor al courace. We a~ not 1coe ~ho predict an era of proeperity after the war:. Though wu o":~t'>~~~t~ !:"ct~ ::::I summnncd daily.~ dar~ marty~do~ for a ca~. bu\ we the 1peaken do not aay .0, it ia evident the foundation of cr day ILiltl u I pURd It I Uloufbt are rootronted dally Wlt h the ChOice between ri«bt and their belief• reeta upon the hope that the Goven1ment ~ll !L. a _ll!.e.U...V attracUve pla.te. It wrong flraclices. We an not d{!tailed upoD missions of DOt apoil the aituatlon by reviving the WPA or .,ther forma ~sttglht not 1be •th badJ .to 1111 .J~t •1 knighthMd iD the .dull routine of work, ·but we are hourly t , , e craz tr an am, .. ,en t . rt . . 1 ~ o 'Teller which will' dampen the ardor of iDdi.tdl&al lid· would ~ taken care ot tn a com· BC'IIl[! oppo umties to serve our fellow men and women. Uative and free eaurpn.e. .• . . !ortabl~ home. with plenty to eat. If Wf' do an ho~cat d ayts work; write a fairly clean , , · , a ~ood bell, nt'cea•ary ~olhea aiM1 patf{' in 1'11r daily history· add a little to the happinesS of . = · · mcdlc.al at~~nllqn. and nothing lO . . . ' • . Harold lc kea, Sec of the IDt.erior, ID an ad~ worry "bOut. There are um"•j somcorw · thmk a few_ good thoughts: feel a httle glQW of deYYeftd. in San Fran ldt Jl'riday pmpo~ that all when thv propo.luon aoundll -wry human km.tncsa; add'·a little to our stare of knowledge; ex- government owned war plant.a (worth about 15 billion dol-''ntlctng. 'Fhr high wire r .. nrl' r:-~nJ • ~•·•ll·. ca a little to the beauty that is everywhere !!Jay ~ more t.t.al'fUI in keeplng I . CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR A ND B U ILDER COM .. LET£ BUILOINCJ SEAVLCI: lll't40 ... 1[ N JCW"'O"T f 034..1 ••• ......... ...... ... o. lla• ao• 8AL e OA ta&..•ND, CALl,., Ian} •hould be given t~ the men and women who have aerY• mt'· out than keeping rM ·ln.-A'rt ::~bout us : gtve a sympathetic moment to the sorrows and t eel in ou.. armed fon:ea. when the' war ends. In support c:il Mc:Brl,le m L&Habra star .. ' ~riefs' ::.nd w<lrries Qf o therS-if we flU this one da.y-with bie. augpltion Ickce stated t hat if turned over t o existing these "liftlc things'' of .living. and keep on filling another ~,._ ... _ _... ____ .._ ___________ _...._..., ________ _ corporation• the plants would • _ ~ to prom()te the :~;!~~ !~-.. b., .,. day and another and another. even before we know it we ) For Building and Repairing lnflnnat•n eeonomy of acarcity; while continued ownership and oper -,....,tn we will have a chore, · !<hall haw c\'ol.-d a life that is real and true ll{ld worth IU ation by th~ Government would be contrarY to the Ameri-Swl'<:Jllng up t.he meM arid m.a !'omething m the final accounting. · · · He can idea or free ent~rise. Without denvinu that such a Tracked 1a by tile war. It'~ th1· "little thinga" of life that make or break you: • Bag I lllrlct laUIIIJer Da. 1 J • ,.. We'rr going to be the Santa "bonus" would be a w.ll deaerved recognition of the nation's Claua Are they WQrking for you or .against yma? - ., obUption to the eervice men and women. we cannot via· Who filii the empty. -··---,._._ _________ _ t:alize the aucceeaful operation and management of such a Lt'lt hiLilgtng 0" t.he manU.JMCI. nrSF.E UTTLE WORD8 And bulge lbel r ahelvH 'l!rith · ~t e{'terpriee b~ more ihan 10 million stock holden , 'moat atocka. From California F u turt' lk'rvlce 3t wh"m know little about production ·and rrtan•....,ment. we·n aend rr-t elpl~ ftlll ol In rcct'nt years milliona. of dollars have belll lost "'J6"" food I ' The Wiaer CO~ would appear to be to follow the eat:abliab· ll~n lt>SS Wise than romantic. bec•use of three little WALTERS. SPICER, Owtter ••••oa..-•••ca ........ "'-"•87 .. ,.., ..... • 'f , •... I ISO -~----....... _... _________ .. >L.. ed 8o Nu.l IDO,. may eel. ,. p~ctice of aelling the plant.a to experienced induatrial-And wipe Ute war debtl •oa the whispered in the moonlight to lad~• who ptomplly ....... ~~::u ------... •!:.__ ... _,.~-- lata who have sufficient knowledge' and capital to operate booka. them iri r,~r "heart balm." .• ~ .?, ~------ them succeeafully. And wnd 'em ccnM for m..t. Toda,\· the entire State of ~tfiOI'Ilia Ia · '· • · __.. We'll brln• back all our ~·an. ln\r011~tWIIo..llllJ .. ~. . .. . • ·t.~G·ift-... ~s:~.· ... · ... ·· 11 .-• ~. ----• tanu a t,rial to nujlify three little .WOrds that likewise have COillllb:.,..l.~ ~ • . Wh~ hoping that no Ul luck will befall any of. our And pound 'tm Into .crap. million!'. ·Th<'y are not, in t'ttifl c~the blushing : '1 10,llll!l .... ~,.. • . national lt-aders, it may not be amiN to direct attention An<l !>e 1 •ucker one~ a«atn, '-'ou"-but proeaicly .,.nough : "Hi · nited ·Stat-.'' · t th · b And ~u It to a Jap. J , " ..... o&J ../ • • __ • o e 1mpro able possibility that H.:>nry Morgenthau, ~r. our hurta wtH cry In peat c-. They appt-ar 11) the St,ate constitution , where they rpre-'. Diamonds e Jewelry could ~OmCl · President of the United State&. With PrE!sl. pa.tr \'ellt th<' tax a tion of 3_?0 · biflio~llars worth of property with a I' . dent Roosevelt likely to show up in A( rica or Europe \>r 'Cal.t.at! Eu"?~···.rone plumb brOke. l OW (('()(-rn II~· held. Such huge\ blocks ot land have been nearls e wa· tches • ClockS! .Orne other foreign land. v· n__,d t Walla . . t And pan the bo) .. who n ... the d-• withica C1 , • Ice cn;:on en Ce g~g ]0 planea IVerted f nr government U'e that approximately 48 per w: China· and Secretary of State Hull lno re than seven~ Ahd l&ld lbelr town. in amok•. cent of the cnrire. State nbw belong•, Ill effect. to the Sil .. . -D Se Click f oh. ·n " 1 1 verware e resser ts ~--~---~~-~~~-~--~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m Y~~ ana ~~~~·~ftrnment . r To mOl l oetttf wo~ 4 ' • •• l..iscel .. . . to theM three leaden. Under ~~ R~membennr them -torr-ettlnl' Nin<'ty 1"-'r cent of Alp ne.· coun~y is federally 01f!leG, . Preliideatfal Sue~ Ace.' paued in 1884 the ·~retary -h!; nnd accordin~ to a California Taxpa(yers' Aasoclation .ur- ··' • . - ···~ oaKPW •• "- of ~te WU. dea~ u •uece.or to the presidency in \\ •n~;tg~ ~.,..So~ 1\lrl-:; vey. o\'er hnlf the area of nearly a dozen other countiee Ja cue of the ·~eath. removal or lncapacity of the pl'C8ident ... n . out "" cut off tlw t nx 'tolls for the. aa'me reason . and ytce.pl"e8ldent; and, next til line cdme the secretary ot nt'lt prtu ror ·frankneaa lltould 'fhe rt'~ialtanl lo81!1 in tax income to Califomla iA more the u...ury and other cabinet members. California would lt'O to the ehap who.lt.ted • fe-J han S6.500.M!"\-a wh opping slice out of the income of a face a atm!lar, problem ln caae Governor Warren ' should f'f'ndenhta on hi• Income tax ,.. State that nlrt•.ady pnys the third hiahest federal tax bill be eJected ~ent · 'd . tum I• wtfr, four chlld,.n and -c . or VIce preea f'nt and ~eut. _Governor ..,,·coral million otttcl' holdera. 'Californt~·~ preliminary trial is scheduled !or May 16, Hou.er choeea Uruted States senator. A c:aliforrua t!latut.e · when the J'l('nplo' 9oi ll eonsider hlottlng from tl'le record thoee ~yea t_.be goftmor J>?Wer_ ~o appo~nt a new lieutenant gov-The whole thinr .un be Ndue· three costl~· little words that now block local taxatJon of ·r " •r 1r -~ ot the deatti, removal or ~rnation of the ~~' t~e:~,. 1;"~~ :~ = '~~ f~ral pro1'1('r1 iea. In ~-multi-~~!~on-doUar cue, juatJce lnctmabMrt · waullef JOuruL atands c~ea0~ on the aide of tbt p tift ,.. : At H. R. Trott~s • Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA -ANA Phone 56\8. BUY U.S. WAR BONDS! + .. ,..., . \ - Mack's Photo Cout Guatd •nd P•saport lor ldntilicatloo, 1-b our sen nce Portraits •I ••naib le p1 ac e s s.b, Photoa, EniAICJf'\mente •n~ Photoatatic CoJ,.aos • WI INVITE YO U TO VISIT Mack & Black Cllt of Friendship GIFT SWOP DlrectlJ' Acroae the Street LICENSED lEAL ESTATE BROKER AU r ona• of INJURANC!. .... O.poeat ao .... Notary Public. llahn E. Sadlelr \ Mrs Tt'd Pontine. 218 .US -'·· ransacted bll.ltneM 'ln Lol ~ ·:.• l:lllt wee~. Mr and Mrs Rollo McCiell&D nd tamlly, 201 2tU\ at .... t, &1'1 l'•'ndlna; the week at C~tUne. R 0 Prldbam and family ot 8&1- •oa lsl,,nd· were tfo<!ent J'UHta ot '•It' f'a hlham'l" mother at Lancu- ter. A marnage Ucenae wu ~ •'I S 1nt 11 Ana to Edward J O'Trem· '•It nnd Velora MLx. both of a.l· l><la : Th<' L H Cramen of BaJ~ slr>rhl hrl\'t' lleen vacatlonlnc at 1 !l,cl.r cabin tn the m<NDtaina nMI' ·.an Gabriel. ~ ~~~ anti Mra. Clartnce Holt. 1107 \\~· ,:t C'Pntt &I aw nue, are the par· nts .. r a son born Aprtt 1.2 at St. ••s••ph hoapltal. ~-1 anti Mra Eucf'ne .DtBrecbt. -:-11 Larkapur avenue, art t.be ; ;u·,•nts nt a 110n born • April 11 at St Joseph hoapltaJ. I , : lEJVPORT -.8A.J..BQA M.E8S Page I MN ~ Beaulac, lU Oout IU.hway, wu eoftftDed to Iter home lut ""k u ..-alt fll an nttack of ftiL Mr. and Wra Emu11tn Hawley 8012 Cout boulev&rd, Newport. •~ the pa~nt.a of a 11011 born lut 'nluraday •t St. J oeeph h~lt.&l. DE.'IAND I'OK 'ft' .. &W111~1118 M,._ IAdll;l :;tavtht•re: 6441 1!:1 Mo.Jalla avtNll.u•. ~on,· ut th\U'IJ lu· Mr and MN Steven Weather-, .• 1 pe~ wh .. hit.ll' lii .. '<Wrrl·d lord. 300 .A.Iv&rado place, epent th•t no ~r lld\'t•rtl.tlni IU\'o.liuna the week end at Ban Petbo where In the Harbor •r,•a pr,xluCl'l auch they vtaited their daiJI'bter and IUltlllfln&' reeultAt u 11oee u.e ulher rea.tlvH. cliUIIIfled ~ In thr l'Rt.:.SS. Deputy Dlat. Atty. z 8 W•t Lut Wf<k ~,.. Struthera maerl· and the lat~'• moth.or Mn v A ed U\e brielu IIOrt uf •n &4\·er ·, . ''"'-. ., ' ..-I !lat•ment-J'* twu Wll~t "UN-~ aM\ell. have ~ ~-.f&Dla UERWOOD TY!>EWRl .. • oJ 4.no to U\etr n-r.t~n~ ~ -• an AIVaf"l'do lace Balboa. hrr add181. Sooll aftt•r t,h,• pa- p ' pt•r appeared on th•• Jlrl'.-t, lire Pvt. Mary 1.-ene Bbeuby, 'l* Strvlbers' noW'Il'd \Ill to "kill" lh•· . . .• -1 8Ut'8UC'.'N" I N MUt ... IY J.~olr lhl' taret I IIIII' allll'f' letc>. H••puiJih'allll ou •' In th•• tnajortt)' "' Or•n«•• o·nunty, &eo'urt!IIIC to tht' l'uunl y l'lrrk'• orth·•• Of tho• 6:1 !1110 \'••t••ra o•h~ttbh• to ,•u t b•l- 11•1 • In lh,• Mav .11 prlmara.·•. :It,· :111.1 ""' Rftiii.Atf'•l wllh.... th•• Re- puhlto lUI (lllrty, :Jil,!H':J w(lh tho• I '•'tlltl('!!l!.....m~..-_...._......,,.............,'+ aa .. n pn ty an.l 'lll'r7 dec-linN t•• ~11\lo· psrty Affiliation \Veat Cf'ntral •vmue. ·bu com-.d. "People lt~trtl'd C'Omlng bt'·IP----· 1: A a;---~ pll't~ lll'r tralnln&' wtur .lbe wAC !Orf' ~ ..... OUt or bc·d Frldl\)' c":fM4 J~ •• y. New Spring -Styles ·lfow Arriving Daily- Cole of California Sarong Swim· 8_uits 41nd New Play Clothes • st Fort 0.. Wotnee, IL, and .. momln&' and I C'OUltl hlln IIOid ta PHILIP -a· lUCROFT 'lOW at.aUoned at Jl'ort llyer, VL typ~wrttel'l If I had OWWd that .... • • •• •ao& I . manx:'' lbe declared. ... ,Mrs Harry Cope ol Bout.b Oat~ ,. __ dlda 1 - 1nd brot.bcr, Emory Coopt'r. of • --te lA .. _ ., · 'J~ • • _ J J Jj __ '_ /_ ~~~ 1 __ ~ l..oa An6Ylea. •pent 'nlured&y ln JIAiti Koot~ta... U. I IIIII£ j .,,.~ ~ ~,-.,. ' __ ..... _-• ~ "3o2 N•llt; lt~l-•'4 ._ "-let Jack Do It " , J ohnny 81Jup410n, lHO Court '\l'll'r'fiiK'en fo-an•tJtta:ftl•e-.tiolp(t&J lry ambulance Thul'lflay u retNll 'L' nn ~-c-ute attack of appendicJJia. ~ewR9rt.IQP..k40& &ttcrJM&aln~iD: p~ a II ..A.o-.JW & N-9. -• • , --....,-.--. --·---_,_ __ • --• _·:_ ___ --:....-~~;:,:" vlaltln&' old trte~ and DA»Dnf / MONDAY NlTES II · 'I' I: L I: P. 0 •• I~ 8 - ' Fine Food c.ocktau• - OL08ED 'ON'IIONUA H4 . . -'::~OF}SSIOifAL CARDS - .Jtulg-1' a nd UN. Harry Weatover -~ ~IL.t IIOD. l;JUey,.jr., o( 1.-Aapi : ~. Iii'• nt tb&. week end at U\elr -· • .. ""'' .,,.1 M~tr home, 111~ Pa· I 1 rfic-•lrive. ./. 1·: A \\'•·ntzl'll, who Ia optoratlng , , ••tHill•·rl'lal tlahlng ••t out of nh Barbara, epcnt etveral day. u·r~>ntly with lla. famll7 on Club- 11 ,., 1 ha!! for th•· ptt..t two week• ' .. ,,, r bll• nt !rnm hcr accustomed. Ill• >i nt N .. , ... port PQitofnce .. ~ult .. f ,. Mr10~U &tl&ck ol flu. l it s Florence K. 'l'orftnce, 114 ,;:: • h st r u ·l. hsd u Thuraday ·; -.ts iffij' Walter Bradley and •t " ~:J t•· l.:r'lm <llke. Long U..Cfl. , 1 ~Irs Carrol Jrtm. 1.-~­ OJ{~ ! . •, 1 ::.a.tlth of Nl'''''''J.' ,,. l .. ot llllprO\'('tl (ullowlr-. 1111 ' • Ill r•·lufo!h' OUl Will be ~tn&Oie • ~ r, 1 11r11 tu has work at the A ir . ',' fn t s,•\'o•ral monlba, accord- ~ tn rrport. -:\! · s \\' ··ndell Cal kina. 213 Sap-'!:,,,, a\·,·nuc, returned home Sat· '"1.'_\' !a om the• Good ... .m••rucan ll.ld been ronQnf'd etnce underp- ong n ri'CI'nt major operation. . M r nod Mra Harvey C ~Mer of ;-.;,.~,...,, t will operate a cafe wblc:h ts lv he opl'n\'tl thl1 week In Banta ~---------------------r--- . Ana .,,. }.fq Mac Blollot. latr Tdl· • r. w ho as just out of t.he Army, .~ n ,.,.,,ran of both lh~ ftrwt u d '• cond W orld Y.".J"'· Dr. G. B . Tohill 1 P HTBICIAN ·and SURGEoN iHt eo.& Bou~t,-..il 1 Tea.,he•ee:' Otftee: ~w 11ft: 286-a U .. .-wer, ..U Nf'""Port I Dr. Obed Lucas .OENTmT • -~ W. OOontTal Pfllln~' I~ JdWPOKT .li&ACII DR: C. J. CARTER • Deatbt' ·~ .. Platu " !--p~r-allll\' Phnnf' 1!'12P a• •wport IU• d .. Or>-ta • .,.., Ll .Hugh E Dunlap. 8on ol » u hi ~l ri.! S T Dunlap of iJo Aba· tun.:_ a now ~ aervlce In It 1tly 11 h•·r<· hi' 111 a "bomban1Jer "·' a U-2• Laberator ~m~r. H I• hroth• r. Stewart, Jr., • 8«9tDI wal h th<· Marini.' CQr~. ~I r and lire Robert L llo~ )I'; l:.!l l ('uast boull'\'ard, Corona del Mar, wcr<' Saturda y evenlf14r hoall 1 Culbua T &cht Club to )Irs. l!o>vol 11 futlw r. Ll'o De Loa RIOI ,,, 't.ns Ans:t•lt•!!, and Jlr and Jllra .Ill• '' su:1.11m. Santa ~·· ~Ia s Lt·tltn StroU\cra, IH6 E1 Mo· •·· "" a,·,•r~u··-tuld lntereatangly of lh r g arlhood an Russia when *e :-, •k•· i:u!l fo"rHiay at a meetln• of , h·· 111utl• t'n ltto·rature •cllon of ~ .• "' ,, A 1111 1-..!b••ll club 'The aubject •·I h··a talk waa. "Who Wu The. .. t,, L 1!'1h ·n " Dr. M. D. Crawf c,;·d ••Tolts'fal 8 1' .\!. .s l::uuly 1\c>lnkiJII will lte Ule •u•·lltll tnr or a n<'W aerlea at cl ... ~ ~ln.. OIMIIU P'lttf'd Jltlone.2430 JftT ltl.wport P.I>Uif'VItrd 008T A IIJ:SA I Zone. Jberapy Clinic ·\f~ ....... ~:',.. 8wf'dlah M:'""BICf', RJdm Th.-rapy VIIPOr Bath• • ••• ma'rleghem ZoM Thf'r&pilt Sp,n~th~t · ...._p._IUdc. -- l.alsed Yeterinaria~ ..... c ,,...., f)qulppm .... ~&..,._. O'rlar 10 ,_,. exr~rw11r.~ '" t,.UJIC IR~e 11nd •'1'1\ll AA "''lM A 1... <, ao~o-&Antr~~~ ftWII'PINO -n.IVJ>fSO Or. I. H. WALK~AOIHE 1001 Oout H•lhway ~DelMar , tur mur:U\·lo-bt, the first "" ••t;nh tn held May I at 3 I' 111 Ill th<• ,.,J Crollll room1, Ill !' .• lm ~,,,.. t, BLtlboa. Many valu· .th!·· f"llnl•·rs wall be ltvtn to aJd lll"th• 1 s an canr-. for the eape<:t• I nrrl\·a ls C"lhlh· Malloy, •n of II,. P V :.t:o lluy ~f 1a U nd atreet, Jlltw· 1 • ·• t has h,•ch promoted from en· 1~·11 t .. lal'utc~ant junior gT&de In th. I' S :-la\'y. Ht 11 etatloned :a: \ •' .~At~••. Kans .. where lie II an lfll<:n al'tnr at the Navy iebool.. • \ .. un~o:• r broU\rr, Martin .Malloy, ,, .•:rlna,· fi rst cia&~~, 11 aerViJW Sn th•• Suulh Paclltlc. \1 Is Chsrll't Mil ln. man .. r or 1 h.. H,t'•J:Biow Court In Balboa. ,;; , un!anl.'d ~o Commu~ty h1· · I at l:=anta Ana where lht 1a 1 t" lw rl'covertng· nicely f I· • , It• I' a major operation I t ... • k t:pon b<olng dlacharflcl 'I I {he hospl tal ehe Will (0 lo · h• humf' of • !!titer In Banta Ana : a,. : com·alucence. , 1:1,_,,._.,.. ClAire Crou1han, 10ft of :.1 r an11 Mrs Jeue C'l'oiJI'tlan of • tlil \\'••st CPntral avenue, llu 1 rn~nsf•·rred from Port B<:buy- S " Yl'lrk lo a torpedO t ~ ,,·~· Rhodl.' laland. AilOW- I " . .,.,.n day, furloul(h between l h·· 1 wo poell. h~ ef>ent t.be Ume Pfc. Kennelb A. Hunt. 110n qf • Ill Beauty Shop 9 :45 - :;.,:~~,.~~ :_.::~~~· ~ .. &:._~~ ~-· .. ~·".:K-. H·~·l ·L 1 ~·Keep--on· Buying U.S . .Wu~Boud.a. haa been (Taduated from lbe Army 1 ~~~~==;;:===~=;;~~;;;;::::::::::::::::=-~ Alrfi~Jd. cunnery .-oo1 •t King· - man, Arts Mra A B Merriman, 5502 ..... nore drive, wu taken to lhe hoe-j utaJ by ambulance after abe eur- ;ered a broken ·morn'· • Mrs. Mun;ay Rabbllt w u to 1M' helrman of U\e li:beU Club lunch· ·on planned for today. Gueat en- crt ,·ner wu to be Floren~ ~ Ohllen who wu to cllaeUM world .lftalra and current lltenht~. MN Earl Graham, 381.3 Cout bqull'\'&rd, lett Jut week for Port· lalld whcrf' ~the will vlalt her -· ~ m-lllw and daughter, Mr and M,_ 1 RobN't Gutahaw and lhc!lr new ~ eon, John Earl. She' expecta to be ,one for three weella. RITa ma ...,._ et.'U. Fu)ler~l aervlcea were held Tuea-· day afternoon at Harold K . Orau-! cl chapt'l for Tbomu V. Curl, 83, I who puaed ·aw&y .Sunday' •at an' tJome Ill C&lJfomta tor 10 ~~ Mr. CUrl, who w .. a fonner reei- tlent of l'i.ewport ~ach, Coeta Me•-and Runtln~on lkaclll. wu 11 natiW of Oblo. Survlvora Include a liep-eon ' • and th~ atep-dauchtera, ~ene Punk, Co.ta lleaa; Mra. Emily Burl'"'· Sanl& Ana; Mrs. Eth<'l SoMer. Nt-wport ~ach,• and M.._ Roee ,J onn. Coata Mraa Twenty• lh~ grandcJalldrc>n a(ao eun-lv•- Thf' Rc\·. Carl B. Johnson ofti- C'Iated at \.he _.,vice.-Interment bfol"-at ~-mlnlltf'r Memorial • park. M......V MIDDI A patll'olman In a.... Ctty f'VOI\Ied hll own method ol '-Jinc with ,.ywalknw dur1"-a C\IJ'Tfnt <'lm,.lp fer tra(f1c •ff'ty. AI Ro<m' • h e would epot 'aywalkel'l who medl tt t.o Ule othf'r aide Gl thl' •reet he would wr1"-their h&nctl and wannly co~ulatt them on bel,. nlll alive. • Nll.-.Y~ Robert Conowr of santa Atla. rf'ported to ,.uce that hi~ car • had t>Hn ~ ... d wh~n a mA- I'hlne Opt'rated by •rt 'r. Stark nt 2452 Jl:~n av~nut, Cneta lleaa w u backed Into It on lhf' New- flOrt Ocean Pront. The Conov• car WM ~mov"" •to lhf' Bl~ g~rage. I ·. f!..!ewi4 JJ4 IIOaftaa• ,... 410 Cout BIYd. --· CORON..A OIL MAR ~.,.-...~ DAT Alt"D NIQHT . .. ........ ,.,., r••-*•' ,.,..,n,•• 1111••1 AI. WAU 011, C...N TechRic ... ..,.... - ..... L.-..wy T_;hnW• ~,.,..., c.......a ,..., o,.,..., CMe ..... .,.,..., .. ,., ..... ,.. ... , ....... .. . . Plel4 Wire Chief . -,..... '" .. ,.,....., WMth.rat.ee~ . .,.,.., ' llehth,.._, •• ~ Airplane 01 .. \. 'let ..... ht Mech~ll U.ll ,,.,..., o~..- ,.,....,... Clwll \ . .,.,..... ......, ......... , ... . B.a ap our indo~nita!Jie •a~ with WiQ81. You.caD he a •ltal put of our ~~~nt j~ing l~gio~ cky aoar onward rn_ fkrl~ Manila and T<*:io-Joan the \V o 1 Army Corpe for servtce wadi the A.AF. Be an Air Wad _ V ou'U mab pricdeu conucu and new fricndt among the high· .. type o( m~n and wom~o. You'll travel. You'll ~arn good pay while leamiac •ew sldJIJ and eslablishing.. your career in the air lfJf oftomorro w. Yuu'll W~al a eman unifo rm ~itb the proud .winged iasignia' of1he Army Air Porcn. Lif~, adventure, ~ppi­ aas awaill y;,u in chil ~ life. C.rup 'chis oppomaniry now. W ri~ w Air W o~t . ~anca Ana, Calif. for fun her information, or p .0 any V. S. Atmy 'Rc:c;nici'll Slltion or ArtDf Air field. ._ ' < G-REYHOUND II·RY·II THE WAC r fterw"'.;· ct.e Waa ao ia 1M U. I.-co traJ_nins cam~~ or ajr fi~lde-GrfJ· 'llouod •rna cht•m with_ 4e~odaWe tnnaponatjon. Thi1 le part of our lmponaarwar job olcnnaporrinJteMDtlaJ military anti tivilia~ ~nnnnd ID e-..y pert ol aile aalio6. We .,.. tlad to perlorm chit kflil~ fur the .. ~on nuw. end ~~,. looiU na ahead co chc po•! wu p~r;oJ fur, th~ fa16UmfiK ol our an1 ~~ pro•nli.et luurioue aew l"HI~• •nd a lifM'f, llloadcr hipw•1 u · ...rca for all. . GRiYHOU _ND~ _ _____...- rHI NAriON WitH DI,INDAill raANI,OarAriON .. \ \ .. ~ N 241't2 on a typical "down -.\1' I&I'ID 1n C<mnf'c tlcut and pvtlcuJa.r1)' • r1Joyed the eapert.nce of .Prlnl'· ttme 1n Nr~~ ~ ------------~ \ ----- tTED!: . -$2.5o ......... ., ...... TA MES·A TwO nsfo 'lrriily ring Ex- Bark to :__. .-tnric8 tn nett bnck fD " ..... ··~~· ntf~~ _. , . Jtnnt bend. 14:'0 h<' t('Je. ..... ....... ,.._~ ad u... ••- td pert. lat.w ........... / '\II""· wl~ n ntcled, 11M W a ...,.._ ••• ... tMa "· --., Mit_...,._ ... .,,.,.,.. tu t.ell ol •d ,_ P:OG" .... fN lmPft .. - -tbe Pectn. by tb•act-1 •ld. Amrlch ralla, wh""' ., ....... • l<l t..!U. ... .......... • IJw et.lf) ,. .,.., doo- M<> mobu. ··rt •nd ..,_ WhlliP W NWII\ftll .. at, tht C •ru\a ~t.ol' •• I r; 1•nu1 .. . ll••n, 1~ ..... 1. tl••y, All,.,, llu• holtrlf ly , 1141)'ln6f orl11nlt) tn r'lly t•m ul ~W•rvlnw .. r IUl•l " IMI '"">' I or ,..,...,.."'" thltl will , Ill 1111)' 1.··••. Jllt•lrrw• fftllrl'"" KM ~,~.., filii :1 1!\ :t l!t!\ Ill :14~ fil'J :.1~; 7:1:1 t :·~ • I.J7H rrfor .n treer •• lh·· ,, ..... ... , l '~lt o, 11ha., a lla-l(o• To nul t"'" h I Afltl llT ('lt.l.htolll n•l w••'• •-T•nlt .... """' ., nctln tt almott ~w.e ot .. J.n Uw J80 club ., ..,. rr AIUnct- 1 )llumbla C1ty. t ... mtn~r antJ from u.- tr at '"' to be. onl ) I El Toro Base He Of Ebell Book ~ ................. ,....._ cba.lrma.n of t.be eet ...-cenUy a..1m~ b) 8Klloft. ot lAe Ebell ~ r tnDIIferrlllc t.lle ··roiUD _ wtUI Ita frequently re,IM\ of new readlna matff r t- ,uaa at E1 T oro'1 Waria• oairdl.ac to a report 01 •..u.. ot lAe aecUon. Tile proj«t ~which • at t.be 8&Dt1 .Ana Army ... d18eoaUnued aver -.o wben Ulal bot~pltal ...,. ~tted by t.llf an tM Ubrary automatkell o.w by Ule Al"'lly. Since .. IDGIMY aeoerally ~ -booka, hu becA ac ., t.bat the w.m ttl Ill 111M41 to·•.atl l~ ISJ 'Tt· Aliyooe bavlD& boou • u.e bo)'ll duriJlc thf au t.be JTOUP dou not ID coatact Wn. Holdea us .. l&keo &o UM Sue. Wlt.ll t._ty adD ben, .-.. Ule Bo-k Group ~~ ttl Wn. L. L. lltl ' Oeat.r&l, Balboa, wii.Jl . ---• and .. n . Euaer 8bar'tq boM.ul booora _ • lira~ r. Jack . ,...&.tJtt C'tlf'rirftt"~t'eii17W .. "'"' of Epau.ldlnjfl • •· . -.u. a.nd l"oUow... &h 1l....,...a a. Wold• ~Gild book, ''Mn. V -'--·~····~·~~""'~ Q,...tlnt Ctrw "WE INVI BALl General Aut · Marir W! with IJ wirhiD c .. ~Qki oDitn .j ... , .... ! ' . ~ . •••• I • ·• HEWPORT·R.UJ!k)A PRESI , ~ Tbul'lldaf; A.prllJO, 1~ p·~'----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;d~~~~;&~,-~~~~~~;d~~~======~====~~====~ -B\'C Easter Be~atta . Me.a-Grade School Balboa Girl Honored t ompletfJCI SaDday; to Give Operetto at Bridal Shower hae .... *-.... •etwodl .. .......... .~ ...... ................ .. -........... ............... e .., ... ~. --··flU·-_ ... .. .... n ,., .... " ..... -t 811 liOW8 \\'OAT . .lULL Y MEANS CCKUMIIA ·~ tiHII ~~~~-___ _. ..... LOUCKS ,., ... _ .... .. Pacific 148 Race '"'l'om a&aw)'w:· a.u_.opemta u. Ml• AAnA IMbeUe PvkAir, wtao ' ..w ... , IM'UI CiUIN Q,Q ~lll. 'J.'WIWl l ..... -w~ t.o beeog)e lAa bn4e ot ''.lili~-· YOUB ....... , i .. iiWI& ) lll'lll t:lub I ~ In· ~~u.y ut tA4I ~ u.l.u'"• wUI ~ l..:vt~o; H.. li4¥,r,· Jr, ot N.wport. -~----n~ W • v ~·•l•utlul Ho:a~atta w,. complet....:.l .,, ..:kllWG nut 'l'taUI'IU&Y evcnln~. lul Fri~y e~Nn& ~~~ w,YJ. ~ ~..wn& -.vu4 ~~~~~~cal· IAl a •luJicel.laAeque abowe.r IIWD OVD E.JC A IVIRY TJUDAY AT 9 P.M. o~ooe r~,. tach. Plac~ lA UM '"Y ~ il wu &Ill~ by Mra. Dorot.by Sunday al t.be n&.t 'procpea i8 put OD by Hall Brot., ma.,_n of the faaou 1 '"'''if &M'I W .. lAn7 WJMflu. .u.y b)' ~ A. Aca. IUP\'r&Dt..IDO· Ullil 0. Parker home, 611 ~ ,..,. _ _ ~:'uu w:iplc.llowild tif Di TF WU· o!nt. Fort~ .. ~Ul -will ::iurf, aa.tbo&. -,_ .uw.a •nd E Cow'-. lA MOOnd U.Ke l>&rt I.U LAe pl.,.._&u.uCIA. Tbc C\'t'nlfl& wu de,roted w , .. 1<J lAl,l'd p:ace. U ' II H&tc.b won •1w operetta. w~ 1.11 lltl~ oC· 6~Uill'l, pr!MII btln& won by 11JM ,,,,. ,;wl' tul.l.,at, Norm&A Walton lcoo:d Ill ~Uull Wllll i'ubUC r'ut Ua6riel a.nd Ml.lt Jletty' H!n· ""'" U I•: t.hrutUer INIAl ,.....,.. ~ooul'a WM.k, -\pnJ :l• to :lll, .·r. Retruhmenta were -uvect. u;•. 111lo.J Wt )o alc:on race wu cap-*'ul belil} aLl. o·c:wcl!-Jolla~ Dar· l n a.Jwuon t.o Ulote prevtowaly luruJ b) Converee W~ 1Y" 8a.ncll WW be &.11 cAaa• Of lii"IIIIOnP.d the party WM attttD j. w1lh l ... ,.,·.tll Nort.b aA4 KeDIMUl .Ae mUIIAc; Mta. ·W&rle Pearce, t'IJ by t.lle honQI'M'a two •rani!· ~tv•~~ 8kvnl! ••• Wrd ~; lin. a.t.a £Ilia.. ae-r· ••IIJlt.t •a. M.rt Enuna 1 Pvktl' ,aad ..... .,. Da~ ~ ·~· oa Dbpla~ YOUJr DIAUR NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND GIFT ·SHOP ..-...... ·-three uut. ,.all _. al d.irtc&or; ~ Loll Taylor, 'coe-M .o. An'lll Faulk, .,-d by her mot.b· .wllar , lilot'b Cor t.be pri~ ol LWDM; Mn. · Bee Bryant, mall.•· :.:r, Jofh. Blalnc. P.arker. ()thu' 1 ,,. 1 .. .;, f'IIJ.o IUIOUMr di.Jiar wblda .!p; MJ.i Manoa P&llKIM, lt&it: ~..l~aUl wea Mfoi<MmM Han) WU. ,.,,,. t unU1b.alell ,c ~ fw J IIIJ a property; Howard Paul, teenuy, ...... u...n, T I&: Bouchey, VIc JIIWel', '.::~========::;====~========~ .. . ,, ,, .a;, 1. n~ aaUre .,.,_ WM and Mn. 8te11& Ca.ln, ..aa.ncea. Fol· •• alph Not-It, ·Dick ~ert, IIIVUI ·' .... l~·J uy LIM, cJutl t.o UM loCal •Ow~ lba ptrfonnance the art ·J•vwn, Chunayf o Parker, J..,. .. "'L'r~ <hapter. room aA4 .Mop will • open Cor -•vut:nan, AJ Woodbury and tM •111 ··1 1 Ill SHIP I I 't.um U-toot ~b* Ga 8\&D• piAbUC l.lwpec:UoD, AluiScl Slnma JiLJ&'bU, EleaDCW .. .. u· ••w.mo!cl lbelr 'llfi"AJ •nM OD WedaeedaJ mornU.. at 10 •• ul!ll', Ann Tole, Helen EaWa, &Ad • • ' . . ,. • -, lhc 1•uuntlo:ra perpetiAAl tl'o-o'clock a oae--.c:t operetta, :·1'\a'· -·ll•" !kilo: Wallia.r\a'ln. Mrt. Jolul 18~ Me.,.,...,...._ COSTA MESA Phone New,.,t ._ , , > '·t.•••UC 11ral I.A t.be\_U-eeriM ture't Weclc~&Da Chlmu," will lie .• .; .. 1, &t, a.nJ Mu .• lulu. Vo,el, _ • ·~ 1 ..... ~. aa1led by "8idp" Cal· pruented bJ t.be klnder&arten. "' we"' 1a:9ted bu~ ''Hile UA&bM ... s•L 1"\6-•••• STILL •.• aa~!.DAIYLA~LISt:WSQt, .. W. ·E·E·It· .: . . . . . .. / ---------:--1 I hll·"· l.c~t year'• ._,UUMr 0~.\.:~h• wtth a .. tot e. ~ull4!nl.a waller ·' alltud. • ua ~ _.., .. 8 :1nJW-,. ·" .. d l po:rpetu.a.l tropAJ a .. "-'d· Ule direllllll ot Allee Owen, k.ln· RE-ELECT I tJ .... lht! ~u~nmer em. ·~ dercartfs!L~· ~ ''(H)O STOLEN ftOII BOAT 4-Stla Qta ..• :. noUJLLA •·Sth Otl ............ VODU H. I t:,~ttJ .•. ru Mttcalt, tldppertn:~ "We ttncere11 hope t.bat par· Th~e minor boyl were ~-4·Stla Ota ......•.. , IMPORTED DOUBLOdN Th 1 W•ll• olii:J, placed eecoad, only entl wiU vlmt tM ecbool durlnl 1 Ssturday and boo'ked at t.be omas .viii J.OHIIS UIVIdi~ ber from the UM, nul ••k." 'Kr. ftM aald. lty jail on petty theft cbarcea Aad. Ileal TrMt from Old Mexico: "••m•·•·· 'I turd place wu woa by ·hen thry were found to !)ave tn lt't Smooth• -Teaa~ HAB.ANIRO Supreme-JUJtt Tf1 Itt G Et 11..r lu .. thl:r, Darby Melc&lt, tn • h 1 ~ d f b ~AU 1:' .. U H ,·!1..u~, r , .. nu fourUl tty -.. BNio t . 1 e r poue a poun ° aeon _ ..:. .................. CI .... •FHi .... · w 5aln - \ . ;: · :_. ~ b:. -~U:lft-,~:'..!'JG~~;~ , -.~GQf;:R...._:tlttits·-~--.. ~~~.~~~~r:-datutfa taken trom liDMt laported !Oft, sRiRRY, MU:ATEL-4-Sth Qta. l{yl(ert Ht.nte'y·a Ct,anee.. and Dlclt . r .craft. accorciJn&' to t.lle 0\lyMI' ~·( nl.,n'' Ml).lo&o. tM l.aU.et '"'0. . ~~dfd brfa4, candy and pea.nut AIM • ... ...,....r...., Caft41et; Ch~ CltaN, T.Mccoe gATE "n·•~:~::·~~~~~~~ ~~MU~AHA ~~e~.ri·~-~i~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · .. SENMPR-Pill~~~~~~'~ . ·- p~vent~d Ulem ~~~-but OranJ(e County ~" co r ume~oiAt of U.. 11 recee. Our enU.u.l.uim for ell Ullnp, 0 extwrienred feJri!IIRI Ilr viiOWln._ Ole nc:. .It W &»• even i»r'IYfe. war WOrk, It lncJin. 'l thP ~ t 8 t e ~PnAi f'.• nouncl'<.l hat Kl&IAa laai ec1 ~ rua II wa ... Tbe ... C ne)" •UR MAS 'f.OH ntF. .puu.ka.K<1 Darby Mfir.ac't a...... all U.. u..·..-. ~At IJle to be lOB i!)_ lttP lnrumhf'nl: an..l w1ll •a• ~ It lA I he aut eeriM h•1 woadertu.J devotion to rou- iENKTOR TH OMAS H. wl•, 11 .... 1 Dl tor .Ia• Mark &aly tine j(M. ~The Servict Man's ~Home Away From Home pcrpt!lua.l t•opby. 1w~ l'a.oe. wUl W•k &ftel' wee~. wor~ oci a • KUf'~F.L. ~ be a&lleu eally on ,..., ~. 11, an4 recular tebeclulet pur Red Croa a. • a... a i.bter fur farm· welfare. He h~" 0 June • ~or.•·u... :o~u•a.:a ·.(rdea ao to the'lloJllltala F'IR.ST ANNUAL REPORT OF'·THE . Christian· ·ServiC~Organization lair-·~ telabor. Ht 'bat bten a real fr•~n<1 of ·• lo worll; Or&J .wd~e~ to Ule .Air ,.r a.bllc icboola. He bu fOQiht for t hf' prot Kllnn nf 1 "~SoN UVNIO. Bue boaJ»tal; Motor Corp. m cm· tie ..... ~ and the .mall homt'nWnfr. He I . . ben clri-.e . all .. tlourt day' a.nd .-;. fa----a.-t .. a...••-tO -•lie t"'-future fi.K.ure (o_r • The put aeve.ral d&Jt bave bteD nipt· St&tf A.ulatanla falthfully -,..,.._ ... -uuu .... mr particularly happ)J .-for Mra. ' • oar ....., dtlslu. Re bu alto f~ht for efftctency '" Ill all y WilliiUTUIOn ~ 41aui1lldr, put In tJ\elr boun at t.be otfce; -r ..... -emmelit. Lulie Belle 703 J:ut eentn1 ave-a.nteen l(emben tlo UIIV· co.:k· ,., -•-· ' · · Inc a"'d ·~ In the place. s&NATOR KOCHEL il DOW ser\·lnJf all a l.iE'utenR~I nue, wbo ~ve bM .U U.. IDGD· w~ UM7 .,. needed; BurJ1cal ia the United Stat• •Navy. and if re·rlectt>d. he ,will ben of \Mll' lmm~ f..UJ drefllnct wcn·kin. carT)' on· --u· 1-··-----to whea the ~•ist.tur.e. conv.ene.Q .,llome· .alDce . B.wtd&li. IDcbaded. weDu -Y other ·~eo"le wbo -·-Ill --1 a. n" t.be .. .,uo•ta'•\ WM t.be ' ' .,•rt-,.ear. 111" "' •-• "" aeurt~ tbe urvict' men. husband N'd . ~r, ~•f .,:-: Y.oni ~Ilion an! app~· ._.OM...... H. •VCH&L Wll.l. FAITIH-'tll.l.t rant OfCicer WID aiMoft. w claUon of Uleee 'trrvlcea ard your an -• stationed at ~ D~etrv; • aoa ot rooreratlon ~UI them ell llelp RKJ-Kia~ENT Al.L THE Pl-:cti'I.E Of TIH~ the Wllla&IMOI\8, ~n4 Ue!~a~ make thr wbole war bualn..-run OIS'I'RI(.-r, IIONESTI.t A~O ft\IR-t.t. ant Bull K. wnu..m:.on.. a ... p mon ~~mooth!y and roucb ~PQtl lnalructor at Dollllu. Aria., a.nd for ina.n~le leaa rourh. .. a oorpon&loa I'OR FISCAL YEAR APRIL 1, INs -APRIL 1, 1944 (Opening date of LoaDce 6aDe 18, ~iJKS) TOTAL ATTENDANCE (Service Men and Women) ... _ ........ ~.·~ 220,622 TOTAL DECISIONS FOR CHRIST ........................ .' .... .'............ 1,153 COFFEE SERVED ·:' ........ 161,197 cupe, or ..... ~.................... 9,756 gal.B . ROOTBEER SERVED ........ 131,8li6 glaaaee, or , ....... -.......... 9,396 gala. SANDWICHES SERVED .. 161,372 ualng ....................... _ ....... 12.31llva. . Vote on May 16th To Keep lo olal.lgtller and arandllon ....... 0.. On ...u.o. Ialand the eurrte.l a llJ'PhY a.nd baby ~ )Uc:bu1 dr.-'IJ'I J"IUP bave found K.lnc Murpby of Baa Dlqo. home ud " ow COOKJBS SERVED .. -.. ·--··-&47,962 or .,. ____ , __ ................... _ .. 53,996 doa. BEDS (furni&hed to arvice men) r.oom. I:Vfr) Thunday ttorn trn to four and tbeJ llHd ylfu, They fold~ fOOQ ~p l.u9 ~~ ....,..._... .._ .._. llonated by trl.-da el leeatlr 1\-.. &&ldlllf. Memlten of Balbo& Tacltl club hav~ been notltted of.a cSt.Dce to be -Mrd •t the cl~ Y'rtd&J ev.- run&, Apnl U . Mualc will be fw'• nlahed by Oourt.y o, t.be o,..... I c~unt)' Harbor _PatroL . . daY, w~l,:b Ia fUll Md If mur( or )'OU h!'lp they C&tl double t!lAI. Ttt•·te lm't a week withou t • aiODI tbe 1 ' I ·. \ \ , \, . looe tn"n1ertwUI be aee:IDJ aomatoea1 coro aod ~ Dc4aUICI •comioa.aJoaa" oa boch ridel -" for o~c •1aia S.Dta Pc hu. way a...U.bte ao ica ~pJo,.... -•pace. 1'bil nllroad lt bart ud ca'• Viaory Gudco project. ........ ..a.hl .. bitt ........ lillrill .. Ill Yu Boodt'tO oar .,_.. • .dclecllocead .. IOWU\IIMJIIAM ... fMdoca.• • Located .. wa .... •AJooa .. laacaP.epeople~ou wack c:aa "fed• dU.t ww.1'1Mf ..,_ 10...,.. aJoq ....... ~ ..... .... ..-. ... aoc1 -..udci!MI .._..,. IMc'• aDOChu reuoa oaly ~Jiwd•r oo their n' ...... - .,. pretty be '!llu Boad Gerdeoerl u ' welL IJI4 s.... h .JJ 1M .., ,.. " $AN>TAJ.E SYSTEM LINES --~ ............... Ml __ .... _J\ ~· \ - chanrc te {IU\ In a wcwd IW:>ut a I06d •k-t&.l f• U• Rffl Crol'll. t.ertc•rme.J JS 110meone. It Is m,tull t.rnrtwarn,cr,g. Now"lt 1.1 Fred· t rick Rr •Wfr, c:balrman oJ ttle t:J.C'f' ~'l'lnlmlttef, at the Baltloa Ya.(l\t ':11.b, Wlllo came fn to pre· lfnt th~ c·ntlre proceedl from the entry ,,.,.. for Uut Euter 'qalta. T?v~nfc" Mr'~ B~tftr ~d tile 8 1tl·' boa Yncht Ctub Milan. I · t'o:~'t {"' &~t to •r:e•d tile ~ about M'i'l. lkinklnr• vtttun,r nurwe ri~~M,t·a ror eXPf'CtaJ\S motA·! 1rt. al 11\r Rfd Croet office, May .. 2 3t " c'rlock : t.nd tit cetttnc rl'lldy fnr Ull' M~ donor .unit 1m July . 10 ~fl'"t be 'mea.ntlme, III·W'<I ,l••noN m&J -~ up at Ulf' lr>enl • 'I ,r.. rtndl CO In the fte-.1 I Crhtp •·nr tc t.ht 1ty1 Ana ltltto4 llnn~r ~nit. • l .. oJir ...oMMJ~ ' 0 W • HolthJ. local ~iftc I 1:11'<'1 "" uC'pot li"UUl. bM return· •'" Crn;n lfonroe, La., wbere on Ar..JI 8 hot wltn.-4 a ce~tnony I )1\ \Yillrh hl1 1011, Oavtd Holt-,, jr. w"• cornnwttoeed eecond lltutenant tn the .Anny Air Foret. F ou ..... ·mr t• comml.ltlo1llrlc Lt. Holtt-y wu ae.nt to LJncoln. :-.;,.h, . · thrrl" ln awa.lt t.he ..,.m. tiling nr 'tut creW. 'Once toccUl er, thrl l·unrh will talle Ulree • mnnlh~ n(fl~ere' ~nln&' pltor t1n bel• •nt· tn• combat Nrvtce "' rt'IPil• OUH~,_ tNJ.1 Ulree· m~>nUI "'" oc (~· ._, crew ~will lh'f' telol'f'lhrr, .work topther .,. ny to,..,.~r. t ht~by aCC\Lilomlnc U\4'f'Mtlvie to one &DoUier't work mtt.hodl a.nd peCuJartU.-bt!IDre ..... Info battle. I · Dur1n~t Mr Rollby'l ••nee, Mrs 'Ho::by '111ted Nl.aUv .. tn t..-A • ..._ I .............. .-.w............. P"''lod .............. I You 'll lind ll al { 'I)~ . cllo~U• UUHES' SPORTS~R IRMA MARPLES 219 MArl•• lw e. B11l'ol [aland . and PACKAGES (av. per wk. at pres:) ·~ ftOOMS ancl A)»ARTKENTS SECURED. SIU.VES and'SHOE- ~. BOYS-CX>UNSELEo WITH, and 'HUNDREDS OF OtHER SERVlCES '1'00 NtJKE.ROUS 1'0 )IENTION. · -. ..:..PaoxuiATE TOTAL IABOa ~·NATED ., CHECK ROOM, INFORMAtt:JON DESK, CAN'l"EEN, PASS·4 ' JNG OUT CARDS, REPAIR WORK, ETC.,, USING lfO() PER- ·SONS SERVING FOUR-HOUR SHIFI'S PER MONTH . . . . '1"(Y,,'AL FOR YEAl\ ...... ~: ................................. -....... ~ ..... '35,200 Hours WEEKLY COMMUNIQUE '11AIL£D TO .................... ~ 2,500 llomee (This Communique ia mailed only to th'ose requestipg it or wbose _addn:li.-it~ ha\e been turned m to~ Uli by a frii nd ; we wtH h~.-tll•lljl happy to put othe~ oo the mailing list if so deaired). •· ... -- FIN 1\:JCIAL REPORT TOTAL RECEIPTS (unSolicit~.-'<1 donal.tonsj .. CAPI'r.A.L INVESTM~·.and.. R~ODELING . OPE~ATIONAL EXPENSES . ~ ....... ~~-.. --~ ... __ ... ,"7', -$ 33.848.30 l3,141.H BANK BALA.NCE (March 31, 19U) .. ~~--........ .. 20.550.22 156.34 T():J:AL • .. ......................... -............ ~ ................ ~---~~::.:..::: ._ ... $33.848.30 ~ fLow) ~~-~y ...... ~ ..... _... 3.775.00 -. ·. The above report is another exam pie of the Lord's work beginning in the most humble manner and growing to tremendous size. H~re we find thousands of Christian people working together in one common cause, forgetting all d~nomina­ tion. all personal ambitions, all aelf-glorif ication. desiring only to present Christ to the Armed Forces of our beloved country. · In february 1943, God laid on the hearts of a few· people the burden o{ thous- ands oL liloya passing through Santa Ana who would perhaps never have another chance to hear the Gospel before many of them would lay down their;livcs for you and me. It grew from a tiny prayer group unliJ today it is one of the largest fight- ing fronts for Jesus Christ in the whole State. In this Army at. the C.S.O. ag{) and physical requirement. are nqt conaidered. Tlfe only requirement ~~ a desire to wrve. Thousands of people are praying d:li.ly for the success of the C.S.O, Creed-flone, except to preset?t Chrut u the Saviour of the world. ,/L Gospel message is giftn each day; on.Saturdays and Sundays and special occrutions, two . . ' Q1e888Cea are ·givc. We k now that the boys have a great· spiritual need-they tell us so tbem- eek-es: They ~lize that a sandwich and 'll_cup of coffeE>, or. a pat. on the back il. poqr help· tn time or-trouble. We do not trap, trick, or mislead these, men ; w~ scorll ro.resort to trickery. The outcome 18 that thousands of boys have sought our co\m- e l and in the.l() mootha the lo~ge baa been open, almost a quarter of1 a million Service Men and Women have ac'Cepted our hospitaUty. To._tbe ~e~ders. o~ this Report: This is ChristianHy .in Action CHRISTIAN· SERVICE ORGANIZATION 114 8. lb&a Street. SUta Au,· Oallf. <Thla Ad .. c~oaatect by a hieed> £vetything is Free to the Service Man or Woman at the C. S. 0 •. --''-----:---• -,_ -.& -... ._.... -r •I ·' . ' -A.·--,&. -- Thi4J:!IIday, April 20. l9 a .. si-t. Donal4 Pbllllpl ... \II vi i AJ.~ Jl wu•arao· NT' ''-'Oif Ill th .. Balt.u.l T•~ht Chab ~~.~~~~!~'""':~'/'Ill~ ,.. a -·· .. ' illtt•l a .OIAft.S Ja)' \)II \be WI'- ,_..... u-'l~.. .. nnJ lookmtr at bfl' you wonciOr Rawa.IJ wbe.,. bell at.aUonod wl~ 117 •w ... u~ . \\'ar I:UnoJ 4rivJ la.11t )'Ur Bobby wh\' )'Oil hav.n't .,.nt u.~ attero tM Quartennuter eorp.. ~ l!dtADD OJ' ~OJ: Ptl'I(NU •"IJ h•• •I1Jdt11 anll boUJC'•t a po "l"ln 11 111p1q wtUa Uae -...... Grant. Pblll!pa. a brother, ll BOW ·~t }'eU OilS P.ter Graham bo'IHJ II wu th1· boY\J that Put I uuJ,•r-.tand Ulen ll con.tc~Nabae l&klnc bonlbardler ti"Unlnc _ at a1W .,.. 1M ut.~~u llif'bt, waated N N . 1-~llt.' tttth IT'*de uver u.. .-trl taleot ~ u.. anow. onotlle. • to knoW wtller. ht l'OUhl b"1 a top auJ lllalito•tt tll • w.nntq room bll'\l ~lpp.re tMit ·~ cal• Mn A.bce Kyle', 2301 ~lden a ve-Johu D&playu 8lu&1l &a tllljo,. . S.ver-.1 neAI1aborbood clilldnll \IIICir. "J:ItiMr 1 llu.ek ~ doe In lh<" Cut~&& lll!M Orammar ~<id that ~ Metoalf ll ~-wu hoatt'aa at tho Apul g two we41U vacaUoD t,_ liiK were IAvi'-1 t.o ....... ~ ~ would do" •td !'\ole,. mom.At.ar-&:bool. IMdi"C" lady • the amaD bOat ....U.C o( tbe Home Economl~ oJu Ua at Br&d4.ya BeuatJ .aiGp. ~ c4ka wtUa MYa ...,_,.. OoD· lly ao.t In teelwcaltUea, " IMlt r4 We had a .Nek 0 u'e. The mllk· fl~hJ, dUb. AJra. EmU o .... ner, lTIT New· ley wbo oel ..... '-1 W tilth btrtb~ 'lk~ to baw both ~~laM 1 want man fc·•md It ' wr &a"'-... II\'N wiUI ta.r moUI· 81\. and Mrs. Frl'rll'rrtk Dubu· pot·t bQuln ard. bu. for tM put day annlveri&I'Y 00 'l'bwwclay. Tttc-o raiN 'baby ducU." hte Uv• FOOUttll Ql\'d and " ... " ... .wr.,,-,:;;.ot,ool"and Datb)'. now emplo)'M • at ..-.ue the parent. or a c!aurh-week ~~n contiAed to ber ~· ~ lady t. • daqtatar of Mr .n Corona del Mv,wtUa bia moth· the. chiiJren. It w .. a quackl-.\l'lctrm an'a ta llvtna wUh bt. ter 1Iom Apr11 12 at it. J oaepb ~\' lUneM. and Mrs MU• E. Conley, l .. 7 r. lire. FI'UI~ Orahanl. and Ia blal'k nnd white MU8Nvy •wtUI 1'11 h• ''" tht• Ultl• taland. ~ · ~tr. and Mrs. AntOD Wa.oek Bant.a Ana avenue. e.Jr... UM 'owner and fa!thtQl a r.·tJ bumart anJ we ••ailed tt y._ Pearl Brown. 170 Roche• hll\'l' ~pellcKl the Quality bAkery Mra Olenn Roc',ra, 120 23rd 8\ .. ·Crlend ot a white rablli be ~ Donlllt.l .. ,., ... aftt"r ht' '-Hl an ""· ter atraet, wu hoatua Wedne• ,,·( t .e r ;apen4alta' :an>' ~e on Saturda)' .wel~ed home Aer Maraey no.tea. It JOU know IC\'t'ry .. rl.omoon ·vro't!W iy at 3:30 day at a mHUnr or the Women's , ... .,ka vacation at Palm 8JN'UIIa. 110D. Petty Ottlcn Irvin White, where· he could IMIJ a duck &r a Donal\! balhtj In tht• fWI 1)(lnd, ~ eorp.. !\tr and Mn 11c1 a..wm.y, lWfl \9lw1 bad ~n atatlonrd at Purl pair of duc:U call him at Ua·R. epluhtn~ un'it{ th( apra )' wu f-1 . Mr and Mrs A J Lupton. IH3 ,•'ullerton a.venue, bad • aa rrtday Hartlor with tho• Nit\')' for .th•• Many a yo\lnpter ...tlli1M'<f tooono•!l with ralnbowa Thr n he WNt Vlctorta alr~et, hM as Sftp· .~u··sts Mr• M L Frten4 and Mre put two years. lilt• tw1ng hta tarat from tbe Cl hunt at Ule 'Banta 1t0od 1111 lbf' t't~~~ and dlppl~ ~ ~ C&llera Mr and Mrt T E Top· ,\'tlhum ciat. .. dcSle, boUt of '8an· tr1p bacll to the Statee. Thr youna .\na Arm)' .Air But EuteMun-btU In 11 •!X'·tal waa that duckl .. t..._ • .,.. • • U.. .. , --------8AI.80A CANVAS· SIIOP e.u. • Boat eo... .......... IUtlne l:phoNtann. P~ lOT •• ,. lut elt. K""JJG't' .... -=== For \'our Sign" I'IIONII: ll . • 'I'll& IUQN IIA.N "'~· ltO.&'I' LEI'I'I:IIIIfO baa oC' Rlw ratde. ,. ta Ana. · mu., w~ attended Harbor }il&tt tJ a y prou41J rat1'ytna a. n~ rarry un thrtr bar ka. pollaht'tl .lUI . ___ N_-... 'PO.;;._r_t_·-_PIIoee_;...;.,;_ao.;.;...;._--.J Mre RafMond i<. Eut111an. 1767 Pfto Ivan Hamilton who ll at.a· ~I and hu many local htenda ducklll\i wiUdl be had won u a ft"ath•·r• to trn'~eonrl' Weo were _____ _ Newport boulevard. wiUI to be ""neJ ttt Harrta' Neclr n.l ar-wu able to J reel only a lew 91 pnae. 1 have It from duda auUior· rond or Donald. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. boat.llla today at a pli!N lng or 1\ ,.J Thuraday for a t3·da}O-,vtalt ~em U aae 'hAd to bt ~k ln Bobby Hall that Ul.-duck· non't you want to buy a duck T Ctrole 1. eo.ta Meaa WSCS. \'llh h•:t wtfe and mother, ..r.. San Dlero on Monday. ltnp ahould do very well at ,tbe • • • Mr. Eugene Gl':l\'~ 111111 son. ,,·alto•t' Hamilton, both of wbom Mr and Mra Del Stein, 2436 t>o.•tu•h. Water It U -ntlal to B~IUI.AaA AND lltl~UP Kldaul, o.f Santa Ana, WL'I't' Stan· . t'lllu,• at 240 E . 18th l tJWel. Or~~nce avenue. w~r, ho.t~ at lheln u It Ia to a Yachtaman 81•ven l'·l4'a lined' up at the da:p ,.u .. ta at th t' C C Allrlll~t> '~fns c 'I' Brock, 303 WNt Wll· Sunday mornlntr breakfut In *1r nnd althouati they won't ewlll No•wport Harbor Yacht Club bome, 182 Eut 16th .l!lrt•t•l. "'" str•·•·l. •• p roudly di1pla~ "outdoor Uvlnr .I'QOm." guea~ ~-aalt "'&ter UY'oucb IJ!etr bllll Sunday ~.nrrnoon for thr final Axel l.anlaG. 1118T Santa Ana tattl.l·l""ntcd white allk bedllp~ I' Mrs Stein 1 bfoothera-4{1-law 11mack ln1' «town . edible parUclea, ract' In thl' Fred Brew~r Mr1M. avenue, lett 'l'ut•stht y fllr t ramu•l-! '""·ntly •••nt by her 8Dn, Corp. and IJaters, Mr and Mre Walter they w oll enjoy the bay for ewtm· Vur Nl\llar Sut~!lay wind wu C:amp where be wlll hc-g tn lUI nt'w ,'h<v lea H. Brock who purchued We~~r. San P edro; Mr and Mra min.c• And Uwy wlU mak .. \Jcovot· J>lpln~t ur attnlrlrllf rold and 1n the caner wttb tM U. s. !':rH'Y .ht· pa •ce In Africa. He 11 now at.a-Harry O'Dane. Loe Angelea, and .·d pt-llt. The ot.ber eventna 1 dlf· '''nuu t•l th .. r11~ thru .dropped Mr and Kra Hun·ey McClelland. lioned In Italy. Mr and Mra IDdwln Hawthorne.. 111Cl~d Anny Clftlcer. wu .. n uuf an1l nnr. El11M' a... .. lo jlhtn~t lit COIIt& Mrsa stoo·fl. ""' th• :'ltr. and Mrs. C. H. McAlary. A~Ur brealltut. the .Webbt>ra, walklnl' ~Jona the a a w.al da..-around a markt'r, cap•lwd. Tbe POB· SALE· pel'ltnt.. of a· daugh~er, born lut _j,() Bt·oaJw&y, wtU b 1 8WI 0 D~ee and SteiM drov~ to San ly followed by two web t•t ._ thrc" •Nil•• flnahf'd. wr no : Dar1»y -:. • '"*ilt11Y""~'Sa!\hi-An:t~l1MUO· :\IIIJ't's lO -ifj. ~ ucS "'Mii.--o-.o oft! Caplltrano_wbere they epent ulll and .... ,uff or yellow .,WIL Mt'tralt, hlp Calk ira and Bar- .., hospital. l!<•t:<'rs or c~ver a&¥· Mr. ROc· t~~ ance ot the day witb t.b~ Bobby Hall who Ia, t.be eleven bar~ Metcalf Da rby w on Ule CORRUGATE-D IRON 801 LD"II_G __ Bit ·and Mrs Glen Cununlnl:'s. ·nt \\'til bt> rem-berecl u 1 for· wornen"a mother. Mn F K Stroa· y<·~r old eon or Mr. ~d Mn. ~ allt:t' but 8ktp havln( the moet 2032 01'Jll:;e avrnuc. nrr ri'C"I~II~g JllCL ..e.wp~oy_, 0/ u.. a..a. ~eln.-• Donald" Rlll, lftVt-al~ ln. pain ot t>vlnt w "'''" the wnea with Bar· . . Oe concn.twatl6nt or !~·lends o.n ·.'.tn('J'tt'fl at N~. wMtl' PekiM and rrey Mallartl8 blU'II " l'lollt' l«'t!ond. ;; ........ "·~ A( ... a.~~ .... t"'ikl...b;a ,,......,. thoi(t~ ... o.·c~·~; ~ I'LANN~ tuptht'r with 20 duckllnr. for ·It waa lyl*al of Barbara to ·. arrival lut 'nluraday nt St. Joa· ,.011 16th place, had u 8unday cea~ Meaa firemen a.r:e buatly their Co.tta Ml'aa ranch. Bobby Clnlah lhr ra,,._ In aplt~ o( the _,,. ho.pltal. i{Uest an ulu fr1e~ Forut Lane, prepvtnr for the Flteme.n'• Ball soon koarned Ulat duck. a« &1· Wf'ath,.r ancl to placf' hl~rh In the P1an8 are ~lng •made : ~or ~e who l'lis bo•en hoep'tta!U.d ln Tex· on May e. an ~vent d ich wu war• a-quack for food. Ht abo ~··rl<'ll . Hrr~ I• what otht'r am all Ulllual CQ8ta Mt'~ F:'lreman •. IS find Ill Santa Mont• "11ce .... h~ld anJN&IIy ~ • number ·Of lurned that baby Ml\1 quack·. hllflt •kl)ll)t're who hl\'1' raced •u which wtll be h•·\d May 6 at 111ui111g f rom tb~ montht aer-yean &ut wu dieconUn~ ,... ed ofttzwr and louder,,.th.an ..,_by '''llh .;ll8rbara ov~r • ~r1od o1 the American LI'I:'IOn hn\1 Pro· ·o~• e a.a a navlr ator ln the aaro: a tlme aft er the outatreak of war. •I rake• wl~Mta. Ia tntlrely lrrel~-) ,..... aay a.bollt hl'r :·Barbara eeec:t.. will bt' ust·d to rurr h:lllc p.-un combat J()ne. 'nl~ affalr will be h~ld a t tbe vaut and doM no!,. Invite compar. Mo•1r111f ll the only, woman we ...., e!IU~fment for department :'lfrs Angellne ..\u~n. 2327 Or· American Le(1on hall where an tson. know whol rnjc1y1 aal1tn1f PQtoeiJ 81Dl~ linE;.-· 11\'('nUl', Ia corwtc!erably lm· a!l...,ldler orchHtra will aupply Ewory anemooo Boalby Itt wa· fnr thr ••kJ nr MlllnK. the waJ Polly I'Hl\ :J rollqwtng an attack fill mualc tor· lbe evening'• fullvlty. tt·r from a pond Into an 1rr11a· B 1111\n !Sol• Sh~·· a happy ro A P Pare t. t•l(•tni"Y suffered lut week. 'Con· ,All procee4,1 ot th~ dance wt)l •on J ltdl and watched hta duciUI hu•ky .11fttppu , lov•• to win but full .! w hrr be\l aince auttert.na·a M · utlllr.,ed for the purchue of go IIWimmln,r. Each ·put on a '·'""'"'t m1n11 loelna an\l ahl' nrver , IJrok t•n hlp two monthl ...,, It ll ma t'enala and -.u1pmcnt vitally rme duck ahow. Some ot, the ba· qulbblea ovrr deciiiOJll We like • .'I.J•·t:l••tl lha t ahe will 800n be lul·lnd!d~d by the departmrnt. hiCI In their exubnanct' lurn~d ~u hllVt' ht>r In .a rae.. 8be olfara COSTA MESA fll'lt·nlly r<'COvered' to pt a~ . . eomplet. eome~ta ""-reupon rlo•nty of aUrt eompt>tltlon ap11 Ia 1n 11 wheel cba!r. • IMP.KOVJ:III!NT8 8LA,. som.. of the J'TOWn:uP. teellnf alwaya , a 100<1 aport wbatever -~ _'!BAllA B O.U .. T'~ A peacil-atripeJ ... penci J. Ilia two-piecer ... ",titcl,ed ..I .tyl.d" by Lady A lie. Ia tit. California manner: Jtf• cut from a fine, cruth· le11 Bri.bton fab ri c in .-,...~-=colon ·J,y Je"- ••Uy ApparE:J 1811 Newttort Blvd. h•loffloe Bullp1nQ • .COSTA M ~SA ·.Afwr spending eomt' Ume with AT TeWINtUJI: RDWJ:. juat u youq u theoy Ullfd to. go.•" · th••11 ·old rn~nda, the H .& 'l'i'omp-Work IJOl-~r way lb!a wMk UUDed anme&eta &meqtinlf Rarbara and her '-other Dar· • l• rs M 1523 O range avenue, llr. on an addition which will lncreue rtn.etf'r~d with mull f•om Olt" by .J.,arnP<I to aa~ In L A Har- ''' I M t,.. AI Klu.uman and two lbe noor •pace or :rew tnkll' Hard· •lo t('h, lhi'Y c:ran~t' their .w!vd b<>r In t~!f-1'arJy t..era 'nl~y ·!··:II ·:1 n( Jl!dg(•tnont. S. Dak, ware by 600 aquare rect, The MW nN'kl and rll'etully dr•willf ('ac.h ,,,..n, tl th~h flrat Snipe L.~.• ther. •· '' •' Jn•ult'\J t o bt'come penna-.. tructure will bnng thl' preaent fl'll(hrr th~ Ulelr bill". wlpeo1 th~ VTI!!N'J'O. but a teen a •• 'll "'~H.If'nt!l 0(, Coata llell. lllra •"'flrt'hOUIIe-nu.~~h wllh PearmQin \WilY ~very trace el dltt -Aftt't hmthl'r ttnd 111111'1' l'ri'W I. not ~I' l'llt~sml\n, who i11 a r~gtaterecl! ',.1,':1) and Eut 18th atrcet'. lht'lr bath and rub **n tht' 'lll'lll 1 f'nmpllllhlr Colmblnlltlon and ••· s··. has llt•cured a poelllon al Other lmprowment.JI plannt>d at whll.e Pekll\1 wtUI their K'Qid bllt. n y~ar lall'r BArbara ~u .-tvrn <;t .lus••rh hospital. the atore, according, to Manager -.nd rl'~t gllltened like a plcturl' h"r nwn Smtw". ln ltlt abe~ won ~f r·~ C L. Andrews &nd Mrw. fJ. C. Llonbarger, w111 Include tht' In a fa iry tale. the w, !'"'n'a International Rnlp<' I P A. Chambt'r1in will be ho.tt-. tn•tallatlon of a receiving hol•l \fr11 Hall aaJd that Ole P'!kla Cho~mplonahlp and later that • l!lnl and a Nat aecUon 1 I or he,a vy .r ('u.!!.!Jl M,•SR F r1day Aftemoea 1 removal of the ofttce , quartera Crt Club. ThE" arraJr wtll take plaft th~ bulldera' IUpply c!epl rtlrt..t. •n thl' 11unroom or the clubhOUM The .. pace Ulua . (alnl'd WIU be •nil reaen ·at10n1 may be made utllind for dtaplay tabll't and 0:0. , ... Jrr ltllt<r or the lioet.Hiei ol'~ eC;um"''· j n adi!ftlOn. Ill~ el\nr<! ., olh Mrs C H. McAlary, .ee-l'ltabltahment Ia to ~ modernized 1 ••11 chatrman. . anll rearranced In antll'ipatlan of SOfln to 'IK> nt>w ruldenta ..,.• a ._nnet aummt't aea.aon. \!1 nnt.l Mrs D l3 Crough &n. •1 ------ 1 ot at nn•• v,:roJ lar,re eno.tah to t.alte lbe th,. L. · A Yacht Club tnto lbe~ rh'c~ or the ... MJ\ ..,.. aRal· !'ept~mbt'r tlumcane. Tn tHO an4 fy rnllr d for hi a caJae rec'lpe. IIPin In 11141 Dartly wu NaU t'lnc nlr:ht a alnmk aM Duff 81 SniJ'f' rhamplon • t119 Pi'ltt'T ,......, -te~nrtnc Ptuff '" ~nt ,...,.... t tno--tlft:nr1ttr-l hl11 hl'n dl~~eonaolate. 'Thereafter hav,. ""r h nwn,.d and ah' attacMd hereelt to tiM Hall Oarbv, tt\1' MIASER and ~r­ fnmlly ant! w u _ either underfoot b11r11, lb,. BU'M'ERC"UP na mrd ''ht stn•o•t . Nrwport. who M.ve llhet'Jbi• .,.._ a. ,.,_ pttrl·ha.st>tJ thP )<App& realdtnce at ----------- ' 1829 Oran~l' avenue, until r~ce~~to-1 lv ••rc11pit'd by. Mr. &iul. Mra R N l •1r unrler 'heir car Jt tlley were tor It• 1unny yt'llow hull. An)' nbout to dn~e away. DuriC • 8un4ay ntnlna you cen ...... r. --------~----------~-----I T.h•· C'roughan•. who moY'If '·• :'\""'T'<>rl 111'\'eral month• II'D f•····" \\'Mhlng'tnn, plan to t.ac.e " .s.~· l<Sfgn" In about 80 da)'11. f r ltl'lrl Mra L H Ew~n ot tile Rlldlo Sl~ht anti Sorand LaboN · l~ · o! Loa A.n«ete. are...accept... in,~: radio repa.lr work at Craw• lo•y's FoOdba.ekt't Ma rket In C~! ~feR& u ch Monda)' and 'nl111'8i1ay .• Tl\1· Ewcns h:we purdlued prop- . ! t ,. pn H10rbor boulnard .... \ ""~uplate ercctlal' a abop h.,.1 , ,. on IU condJtlona pennlt. ~1 1 . H. R Farr, 429 Short a., 1, •K b<?l'.n ~oytnc a vtalt from •, r brotl\el'. R B. L&ndta!r If I ...,,.. 1-'.S ~lU'llll" CoJ'1)a lt .r \o._ • · l"" whnt1 l'h<' had not aeen tal •7 '•a,. lso \'t8itlng at UWI a·.,n hnrne ~ R nPphew. ~~·· ·.,,·., :tt••r o!IO'thr ~ ~lr corpl ,· l.. ~ ni. ,.Mr. ro.-... -,. .~r---· , ~ Is mn1 or Mrs. ll:upn. 1 \mo·s. 2315 Old Santa Ana ,.,.._ You ·ceft h e "tentlnel ef tofefy.,., tofquarcllftl Amerlco '• foocl tupplr. Avoi4 w•• cmcl vM every .foot .... D.II .,..unci ,. • YIIIDty W'IIIMI'Ia ··----l---------·-·-------.. ------------~_.... CHEESE )~;~e~~~g . • · ~ Sandw1ch I Rams · · · -.BBc:on ·1 · Beef·. Lamb Pork ·Veal r \ Fresh ,Dressed Rabbits t" -Have an ~nlimited ~upply for all your needs I l Alp~a Beta Market-1 . . COS TA MESA ~----------4-·-·-----------------------------~----~ ·' __.. ----~------. :. I . CORQNA. DEL ·MAR I · .()ri ·Lots 14 and 16, Block -232 THE BIG GA -RAGE - ACROSS PIUVATE STREET BACK OF PALlSAl>ES TAVERN Dimensions _as Follows: OPDIBD Corrugated Iron Roof l.t'ngth 50 ft. 6 in~ Width 45 ft. Hel ghth ·~Ga.,._ Approx. 20 ft. l.kl'll{th M rt. 6 in.. Heighth at. Sldee 10 ft .. & ln. Wltltb .18 n.. llllount of · Heavy limbers .-~ Lwnher .U.O IN!olPEX;T THIR AND SUBMJT YOUR WRlTl'li:N OJTI&l\ If offer ~lved In t.Jte-oplnlon of thr ownera A-ta.lr i.1 wiU ..be.. •~~~tlld-.llitb the~ tftat. Hie purchaaer arreea,m wrtUnr to .fttDOve the.> entirtt build· lng and Rhed from lhe prel!'l18M on or bt>forc.• 30 day• from date r~f acceptance of offer. ~ Lola Ia· Bloc• 332 Golag-lo-lle oltentl fol' &ale , ~y ld JO .. IRBJIBOD IIIIBRII PBO~EB'J•J£1, INC. '786 lllut.h IIIII 8ti"N't l.oM ADJ;f!IM, Cal.lfu"'la , .. ..,.,.._.. IIAdhton 1211 Shell Maline Products -AT THE ·· s·HELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL JuSt received for your in$pection: A nc::v.r ship- ·-m'EiiiC of Marine· Hard- ware for summer outfitting. 911 Coad Highway Phone~l84 .~ .. 'ITEDl .$2.50 ........ _..._.. TA MESA NUM•K" II Two ·nsto unily "ing Ex- Back to n • r iltoriH ln 'fiN bock ID J . Amrildl. un_,~ · tllnnt bind. l('fl he tt'~ f'dle.,_, wl-. IIUleeted, .... ut a bocirk. '•'' ... Ullal tn, IDOIIt ot ...ut Hutlar -. .UeNd to ladl 111 IIWI too pow ...... luna lin~· • u.. flWUW ,by'" .. aJct, .\ m r1ds Ira!.._ wheN~ IM ........ ... t.o beellaa ..... ......... ---·· • ---- .. uw jot7 ,. ......... ueo Dlob&Jit dr•rt ~ _,lh. WllUa er 'ltWIItood one ot UIIP t "n..-a •Joot r· I ''"' ~~~ lui· II. J>ullr'l• ',.,.,., Jw""'. ~.-.w...n - t t\1' ~ ity, ll&l)'lftl( urtunlt} to I tiiY .,..._ · ul llf•rvtnt~ ~rttr nn(l a nrtl mey t fo)r ~•Wt'f'"~ JC thut will lr 111 uny lif't', J>ll'll*' • tull!lw .. KW ~~!)~ AAI :II!~ ... , ··~ h Ill ~-~·: ft7:l :.!~fi 7:1:• I:')()! 'I n~ ·t•t·t(•r tn ;•reer til~"' fol~( I ""· '1111•1 •• '••llr fCr Tu J>uul ltu•·h· 11 Rntl ou 1011 W"l A lh,. Tank atr 11 Anny ·om nctlv• ter almollll be-a&-ot 1Ue lh lbP lHIO elvb '!"'ela, ..,. lf'r &flmlt· 1 ()lfllmhla : n ty. Jte tnnlnr ~~~ 'ftom 1M tf'r at tllr Co be-. · El Toro Base·l or Eben BooJ -Ralpb HoWee .-.w eialrman of ect recenUy u.umec! 8eeUen of .tbe . .'Ebell tnuferrtna the "n wttb u.-'lrequ~nuy " ol new l'f'adloJ matt pltal at El Tnr;o'e Me oardla1r to a report ...U.C ot UN IIKUo Ttle projKt' whlcl at Ule S&Dta Ana AI ... ctiec'onUnu.d • .,.o wben Uult bo• .._ epKtfled by the. a.. Ubrary aut.omaU ower by the Anoy 8 tbe IDODty 1uerall: ..., booka, bu beie ., t.bat t.be eum ol lii&Dd to • .llll't t be 'EJ A.Qyooe baviJII bool &.be boya durtD1 the the ~P dou no& cootac't W n1. Hold" .... t&kep to tM aU Wltb twenty mea &Dee, th~ Bo.k Cro ~~ Male ol Mn. L. L. C.tnl, Balboa, wt Aaw .J.Dd k n1. E\, ~~•hoo lira 1!'. ·Jack n cur,..t evtot.l folk -.._ ot 'EpeuJdtnr-'; HJUee llllld Follow," • ....._ L. w~ -.cood ~ ..... ,.. M Ul UDWiiJ\Ir CQat ... ---- GI'Mtlfte Cl •'Wit If\ BAt , . ·'· withl widda I Qi •.• Iii ... -- IJ· r • .. .. co .... AIID aa; ova LiVing .. Rocim --:·suites -D~eapaat and~ ' ,, newl~·upholat~red in tans a nd bluP~ _... •• wu lpl'mgs ·.aardea Bose as reet•2•9S KNOX . HARDWARE .._ .. ,'los-•·'-\ . 17 ........... ... Cotta Meaa ' Why1u1fer with a S·ICK , RADIO? t , Pr· IWT SERVICE • REASONABLE PRICES . . -A.II Work Guar'all~ J WORK DONE 8 '. Radio Sight .. & Sound Labor~tory OF U)S· AN(it~I..EB • .· .. . \ S&RVIC~ AV~I~ILE MONDAYS AND lHURSDA\'S AT . . CRAWLErS FOODBASKET . . 1812 Newport Blvd. ----· • N ........ IM II obouf the Mtl tfiM o ..,... liNin hoe to coli t.om.. n..t't .. toM point to remem..,. _ , when you ,_1 the .,.. to male• • 'Le.e .Dhto•ce coli tMtw..n 7 and 10 P.M. .·, . <Ill l_f .It ~ Important, we hope you won't moke .. lat the IMft In .me. tt.n ftrst coli on the wl,... .... Qlllll-r-...-_,.. ftA ........ ..,_ fOUttUIN CALifOINI~ ULIPMONI COMPANY 1 Ill Palla IS.. ...._ N.t lUI lewtag Mac:lalaes /• -and-· I • -~vaca•m Cl .. aen ' SERVICED AND REPAIRED , _____ _ 2119 Coast Blvd., Newport Beach NE WPORT-BA.LRO.A PRESS Track C~plonsbip of Sunset League \\'on By Harbor Cubs and Boy Scouts Pacific Grevhnoncl"•' Plan .Jolat ·Meeting .~ds Stimulate • , for Tomorrow Ntte ~crultlng ..\;t·wpurl .Harbor Bailon, who -.uUII w~ All-.· at~Ao.:u".i ~ hli\';> lx-<'n conslall•nt II,!IMe,.. . .,c 01 12 Yl!al'l anu Uh:r.'IVrt: dJ· llha""ib•IUt t he wlnt.lr eport.l ~·"'" 1.0 ~ 1'tnue~lvu~ ~~ta "'~"" l.ost fo'rh.lay Dgam ptoved .. ua 0.: IIAid&Uy rco.:u,al!Zc.tJ Ill a , tM 1\ ,.,. " llltl•· ruter and a Juu.. uu:<:t~ ut 1.-uud liJlJ &y t 1 1 "I •• dfh•arnt tbnn their op· -• u .UI v~.uwu tfir lvHovrauw o:vu· rol:O As r••!lult. ltarbor Hl6h ......... ~ 'thu &UWlullU'lU tot :-.lcw- ·1 a~ tn luy th•• pruu<l poeat!l · , lll ' ~ko.:h ~rauu11;a, •dlwJ. "' tho· UIH Sunllt!t, r.eacue UJ~b lfNUJ* ~111 11o:: ewrudeU o ,, t ··ht~mplon$lp. J•uu. a•uU mo:nt ba~~•. the S<.:vU'- 1 Tho• lu9l 1r huol1 "A" team a.·c•a\'11\C Uaeir boullfll lrUIII Ulo: .ollii.J!IS'•d :W 1-'! Jl(nnll ill the tin· l• ~X-p ~'OIIUIUtt.ee bcauJ<·II by Tbeo o1 m··~t. thrl,... l'ln1nt rival betnc ltutm ra. Mr. Robtne will &lAIO ottl· ll;tt llngton Beach with 25 polnll . .oltoloJ .at the comm{~tonlJIC ot a 1 , 'tvl l4al wlnnt>ra Included Me· u o.: \v ~t ICoutrnut"r t ·w k•·ll who placed tlr•t In the ;,ta.Hley n.""cb.ankl., an E~le 1 1:0: Bishop, al'cond In the 1.00 .3co.at wbo f011DV.Iy lt-rvt-11 the to- ) ttr•l duh: Shand. w cond, In the c11l troop u JWdor aulltant IICOut· 1-10 . Taylor. third, In the 880; .a:a.lcr. ,After ~ht anunlhl »('r\'· I· o~l~'l\l&n and Johneon, aecond an• In A.Jr, eocp. u riAdlo opera· ,., I thard, n••pectiyly. In the ahot tur aboard a Flyang Fortreu, r·••t McCorkt>ll rtn.d Kuhn, tlrat ~·.,U.IJ 'Oanucbavaka hu .bee» ,,,cJ third, In the 220 low hurdlta; ""nurably cli8cbar&.:.J and r~lum· ~~ II •r, third. I~ mile: Foclt· I tu l'lV~Uua punu , 1 • '"n. IJ('<'nnd. 1ft the bro~d Jump. Hul'h M. Wtkc»~. n .. wly appoint· In n<1datlon, Harbor High t.took o•d cxecuuve-ottucer uf lbe Or· fo• ~~ place In the. relay wtth an •• ngo.: powtty ,8cout Cuunc1l, Will •I •pS<>d time ot 1 :3•.1. uliiO ("tve ~ abort t~tlk on SCout ·A lthou~:h lo•ln~: to Santa'. Ana ,ocUvtuee uad ewn1no:r l llnaJ? plana ;II lhl' "R" r onto•lt, lfarbor came Tne Cl'cnt of the e\'.:lllnj:, fNm ,., fnr ll,.\:tral whUI Mill'tr placed the alllllldpolnt ot boy anlere1t, wiU 1 htr<l in thr 70· high hurdlu; Se· ~ the &nnOUDCeJntnl u! which pa· •·a··r. fourtfi, In Jh<' 100 yard dub; II"Ut hu won the Y<'Dr-long patrul !!rvtn.flrst, In thl' 2~0; MilLer, ICC· ""n~eet, llllld wblrl\ ha.a been the ! ., 1 m thP abot pu•: ll:a!lll, thlrJ. ,I'll ·yea: 1 out.atuadlnc Scout. ti\e latter • tho· brond jump ~ team aao lid.:ctlon being 111a•l~ by flOPI/-Iar I<:C:ond In the ..M2. rei~ . \ ulc or tb~ bo~. Thl.' nweung wfll In the "C" tf'.lllll conteat, w~ .• .,..,n at 7:30 p. m.---·-,,.'!I won by#HunHngton Beach, --- • ·"·r.nrt plsc1•it first In ·the r~l~: l~iWANa BPEAKf'.a ,.f•\'1 llml l9Cnl winnen lneludislg Capt. A. 0 . Ca.mpb••ll. publtc rt-· I! tnt" n. B!•rond. In the 50; You"r I • .Ca•m• ortker a t El Toro Marane "'nol M,.lln, first Bnd lle<'Ond In the t;:u•r, wu to be ~'lh·St ap('aker at Hill W11rfl, rnurth In the pole1to•dny·e "*Una or :>;cwport Hu· ,. •ull · M•'lln ftn~t, 120 low hurdl•! i "' l{lwanla Club. Ills talk wu llnJ \\llltiOn, nnt anct ,., t oncem the ethed'uled. expan· &hnt JTilt : Plltton. third. :.aun program whu:h 18 • to t'A."'QI,..,... ASD BASDAOE~ Th•' bnnqu.·t rou111 at Whlte'a .,.,. k A'\ W'IU•' ···nf·· nn Balboa II· I ."·rll 'h•·H··•ft• r ~o double duty. .. , n1'141111ot"nwnt h'l\'lnl: made It • • I lh lt· to llAlbna hland JtlocJ • o,~ 'w;.rk,rnl fur. tht rolllnlr llllld " k afClnJi nf bandllgl'l for lhlp· , :Jl ov••fllt'IUJ. Thf! l•tand :Red :.'' " waa. r<'r~ntly l'rowded out •. i•,. fur m.•r A~nte &\'t•nue quar· 1 • .,.h•·n lb,. pre.mi!K'I were leu · • rnr buaan•·u purpotl('a anit It .lh,: b11nqawt room ha<1 not been llllnl••flll\tf'tv plncf'd at their d'-· • '!"'d. lh•· ln•ror,lant• work mlrht "''"'' 11urr~"rcd •••rloil• dela~., cw•• TO f'IOCAOO ~ W Ba.uett. vfrk.·e rnanag~r ''' (;alllom la Mar.,.,. Packang and ( '111 lng Co., left IMt week for 'hlcot~'O lnd Wllsi-am;.;ton, 0 C , "heR he wiU Yllll rt>laUvee llllld :a·uneact bWIIneu llr wBJ~ accom· a nled by Mra. B9ssetL -----.-~l'MMEBS ROMF. ~LD Mr. llllld Mra. H11ruloJ E. Wlleon .vho bll\'e been .II vans at 208 Fe;.(. I• Rf a venoe. Corona u~l lo{a.r, have r•urchued the bcuutaful Sununera' •··lllolf'nce on e>«an t.vulevard and !'Inn to make It thd r'l!ome. ~lob1llzlnc the power of lt.e .. ,.,\·•paper a<Jvertlllraf behind the A• moo io'orce1, Pae1t1c Oroeybol~~ncU t.an .. • ba. run tour advutiaementa .u the put few montlul to eUm· oble recruiUng The tint wu tor .Ill' :>eabeee, when that bra.ncb ot •h·· Navy wu In urgent need or ••lllltructaon mecbllliiiCI In the Pa· i'lftc. Thll WU followed In I UCCCI· aion · by large advertwemenll tor th" Wavu, Women'• ~rve ot th•· Marin~ Corp+, llllld the Wac. Thl' latter advtrtltement appeara 111 lhl• l1~e of the Preu . kch aJ\·ertJeement wu run tn more tban 500 wt~tem newepapera Traaapontq Armed ro,._ Napoleon once aaid that IIlii urany lravdJr on Ill 1tomach. "With .til dl.l(' reepect to the mu.lm ot , be, great 1trat.e("tlt," Mya Vlc:e- i'n·siJ ent F W Ackerll)lllll of Pa· • trac Greybound Ltnee, "one hu •mly to ta.ke a bu. MU<! to gain t 'le 1mpreu ion that the Army, u •"•·II aa the Navy. Mnrln<j. Corp•; ... nd uniformed women ot ,.u the tnalatary forctl, travel on Grey· ho•und buae.-J" Mr. Ackennan foOinted out that m01t of the army cam~. navy yuda, llllld other mil· •\.,ary tr.alnlng center~~ are aerved by Greyhound, llllld mllllly ot them 'Ire n« reached by other forma 1•f .Public tr&IUiport.aUon. ~ aa Nt"Wac, Urlrflti~"'Jhouad The currcn~, On;yhounu adver· tas~nacnt in today·• Pre•&. Uf'l'e• women to ·enlilt In the Air Wac, 11 branch ot tho: Women'• Army Cr>rpl. Jt emphual:r.d that nlf.OY onternllng career• are open to •''onwn rnhallng In lbla aerVJcc, .. nd that thl' trainln~ t~y will r ecl·a\'t' w111 hl•lp to eetablta.h them \"IC'I'DI OF BF.AJlT i\1TACil Cecil Walli&To Nuh, 3,, of 560 .vl'St 156th llreet, Cantena, waa .. trkkt>n with a heal t a.ttack wlule • .slung on the charter boat, Ow~ Sunday tnornlng. Tht attack oc· urn·d lib<~ut two hour• ofJ Ule .... ut olf Blllboa. RcmllVC1 from tl•t' IJoat -.y COM~ Guud auUloritlea, ,\;IUib WU ruabed. to tJre local IUb· r•alrol brute, afrlvmg there at I :.uo p. m., .at wblcb time he wu PI on.ounced de~td by Or. :-.~ PNu c 'st Corona del Mar A native or Maine, he ~ad lived .ot Garder1; only a •hort time, be· 11a~: •·rnployed by a Long Beach f.'INED ON Ia C'fiAIIOil ><hap_vRrd. The bOdy wu ·removed .. .. _.,_ __ ... ----.........- ·~ I I ;'You'~ r,ight, ~.a yard is/~ w~n ~ hue·• bu- ,becue ... ligh~ garden .:. provision foe pins pooa ud 'other games ••• pethap a badmintoq couit or twimmioa pool. )Vby ooc plan your 'pouwar' .yard oow? Remembu, you'D oeed pleory of lisht and you'll want tO we electtical cooking appliaoa=s when you 6avc mea.b out-<>f<iooa, 10. inclUde pro~r outdoOr wiring in your plans! The Bdiloa Comp~ny wijl glad1y bdp you plan the·.witins foe ~ yard, howe or gaiage. As~ .bo.~ Ibis fr_, .J,..,UI lfii·1MI . ~111'111 l!.ili.sOtJ olfi+•." ~ lliDDY Kn.ow'ATI'; Yo• ~ S":M" ~ .. ~~·~auM~r•u·~·F~ran~cUwu·~K~·ea~·~rn~•~Y~·~w~·~hmo~w,aa~~~~~~~B-a_lu __ mortuary_a~t~C=o~ro~n=a-=de:l~~--_jlG~JUIIJUIJt~~IJIIHll~lJUi~UILJ~Ilf1UIJL~~~----------~ wife and dauthtcr. JOIIlll Uve a\ ''615 Brollcr•trtet, Newport Htlghla hn! b<'l'n L1111gned to Camp P~ndle. tnn, nl'ar Oc,..nn•ade. where he will a~:o·r u pgaJ atl\.h.•Uc. officer U 1 Brill. formtrl}• an ail-American rnrotb.'lll 11tnr a t Not r~ OIU!le, al10 ·•t ·,n ,·d on tht' Jl"igbtlng Irish track t '\Ill ~tn•l at thr Umt or hi• ·an. ohlt lmn anto tti~ l'ofarlnra waa root· h.dl <'nach at l..nyola unh·t•nllty. " <'harce or dnak driving, paid 11 fine .ot $1~ when htr aUomey ur•l .. :nred bdurt> JucSce 0 . A . Jone. uri Surulay. Atty. Gener&l K.-nny A•~dresse8· Meeting · H .. b. rt W Ktnny, attornl'y gen· • • •• 1 ur 'ahrurnaa, wu the main ""' :11" r nnd UISlJncuJIIhed gue•t ,,, u •n•·•·tm~; ot 0rlllllge Count).' r.·n,.· Otnc,·rl AuoC:Iatlon heW James Smll.h. for ll\1! put NV· lu11r-na~:ht at Newport Beach eral. ye11n1 prop~letor of the VIc· ;, 0\lallaarcr so huol aud.ltorium. Mr. tory cafe at 11:1 Main 1treet, li,a.e "·•nny, .whu hu cloeely aligned eold the utablllhmi'nt to Robtrt lum~o·lr wath all l&w enforcement M urpbf, owner ot the la.te Bam· ~~~· rwto•s, hrougbt a mtuace ot b(lo ltoom. It Ia unctemooct that 1a1u1 ant••arost to peace offlcen . · Kr. K urpby will remodel U.e I l llnn•·r 1"'11, aerved by Heinz place ~nd ln1tall. addltiOII&I equl~ ll<:11~rr \\'tth Chief R. R. Hodgni·n' mtnL : _ . • "on no•lln~; us holt tor the e_ventng. ---.. -- New ~Horns' For the Buffalo "Water Bu6Jo" .. phibloaa taitkt, made by PooCI lthcillaely Corpondoo. now carry )7 mm caanoa and te\·tral aadalu JWll •• extra "home" to JO~ ch• tntmy. Th"' tanb. Ultlcl ~ dM Narinn and Army, cail travel end 6ahc ~ually well oa &aad or ML Above ia ai&ht 6ria .. thowina tht c•nnon aMJJ. heny liae iD cucer; ucl aaadUu awu. lipttt Uu:s. To" il ''8~a1o''• .... ..._ __ P&oMormD TO CAPTAIN 'Ar( ("Fletcher Cbrtatllllll") LA· Sh~Ue, ownfr of . Chrt.Uan'• Hut, wu ~ntly .Jrreeunc aid nfFndit .at Balboa and at that lime re· '~ alrd tbat he had been promottd ra om nrat lltutenant to ~a.ptain .n Ute Anny Air Cnrpe Feu ylnc Command. Capt. La8helle &1M ~tatl'd that on a rectnt Saturday hi' conjnyr4 dinner at ,Cua Blllllle&. :--:or.tb Africa. llllld on the tollow· HAIW\!AU: , J. B. BITUS PLCMBL'IIO -----:..-- Ceaei'8J E18Cbtc aANOU • &EFIUOE&ATO~ • WASIIEU Dl8HW ASHEBS • llADIOII , Wedn('aday breaJ(ta)t~ lla Long Bea.ch. ....... )11 Newport .BeKh _ ;oos te-a Bt.C. ' -.-- .ARCHES -TRAILER COURT Under Management of Orville W. .DanJ - Modern •• Reason.able Rates ~ ............... I .... -....... ..-.................... ----....._ .... _________________ _ CAFE IN CONNECTION ladi•idual Liqbt and Water Connectibna ~t luncti9p. o/101 Hig_hway and Newport Blvd. · (At Eddie's Pantry) · . ,. \ • I. : J I - \ . I Tb\ll'Bday, April 20. 1 !\-~1 / .. thel't' f'\"f'r anythlq that ~~~" u ..... 1 b<>tlf'r than-a pan "' ~olll<it'h 1 bro..•n rat~ bllcu ttl Juat U.r they'~ takt•n out ot a wood-.t.;ove oven ...... Pap? ·0011·~ 11'1 IBEP'S lor LUCIOUS 8HA&Sand OVDSTUFFED .... UBGE-'J l l 35"Htobw•y 101 Jut 1aat ol Tb• Arcbeo Ovecpus ~ ...... WORK BASKET ·1 Bela N. Oali'J'ber I .._peel Ooo:d"' aod \'am-. e w ....... rtl hatmc-tlona Gratl1 wt&al Parchue of ~lat..rt&Ja PhoM ten &ll Jlf. llfocled w.a y l'lulta Ana· roa IN8URASC f: l'r:ll Howard \V. Ge rrish 1 . tll7 W. (~ntr;tl -'',. ' New..._,rt ~b. ~.' ..__tal 'UTOMOBILE AOCIIlENT • • M~M.JJ/w; 8 y NELL M U'I.A,_O ... It u~n·t the &'UN or ann&aneDU • c •r th<' money lhty can p.y, 11 ll thl' clo•e cooperaUon -TELEPHONE OPERATORS I • • rh 11t makl'a them win the day; II n tn't th~ tndl\1dual .Harry Hy"-. ex-dlJ J~ ot Newport ~ach who now • Wpe operate the nell( White-Gridley Bowling alley a t Colta Meaa. wu lhe olher night dolq aome work at the place after the play•,. bad departed, 'Twu about 2 a. m . a.nd hla car wu park~ In tronl ut Uw Sprouae-Reltz 1tort>, nl'n : ,., ;-.;,., tht• Army aa a whole, Htct tht> l'\'erlutlng teamwork II! • ,·,•ry bloomln' IIOUI. • -.J. Muon Knoa. • • It may not 8t1ddenly thf'n• Willi n hnrnttc be a local n c· cruh -·and whc•n Harry r.•urh••J ord but unUl a the 1treet · ht• foun(l t hat a ca r- e h a I I enl'f'f .load of 'Marlnea, ~olng anuth nn comt•l alOI\J', Newport boult>\'ard had shot clear t hla department over on the ldt t id.-of t.M four· Ia golnr to n~-lane atrHt, atrucll hta car and lnate Mr. ~d nocked tt down tn 'front ot the .Mr"8. WIIUam l"oodbul(~t. tour doora away AI Un>Oncfleld ot you may hav" jueaeed, both c:a.ra 2408 W. OOean Wl'rf' practically demollah~ • · · Front u the Oh. yea, apeaktJt.r of turntna Harbor'a cham· the other chi'l'k ... The Ha.rlne1 NEEDED Servicemen and War Workers are al~depending upon our girla at the •witchboarda. · Good poy while learning and regular incNKJ1e1 SOUTHERN CAUfORIIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa OR 514~ N. Main St., Santa Ana. I'·"'· '"I' pal tlll.t . . The1r HfV· "'!'re pretty glum bf'cauae. With , , ''·'.-'·''' "'" (I\ e 1tara, every their car wre~ked., they had no - ••.. ( .... cllllll; a lklll ln overwu wav nr Kft Ung back to thl'tr bU!! Mrs. Conrad Shook . p t N . t 'al n · - ' Avo_il?;bil~ty-Cer_tJ!!c,alf: R_equ_!re~ • VI· at San DICfO bc!or~ tht'lr lt'&Ve& OS -up 1 .\nncr L. h:l Ul thl' lot II Roy E .• who f'X]>Irl'd ... su -Harry borrowed Hostess at Bridge Honors Hodgkinsons ., ,. • .anl; with Lbe Aterchant anotht'r car and took 'em down. •• ,M • .,u,., .otmartl . lhc S S. Broad ·• • • ..... ~..ouura4 bhV~Jil, Jut Rutl,y l'olk·• C'hlrt R lt. Hodgkhuon H ,, 1. :lla ~. Huv a.nd their daugh· You've got to hand It to thl• ,,. ..,,.. &Wih.,... o~Y~l \\t'u.Jh.:•· ani.! h1 • brtl.lt• ut twu monthl w rrr : , Ia 11 1:1 ,:-;,.,~rt .. Next \!Om e.t ymmgf'r gf'n~ratlon . . . I don't :::· .. :·,. .,.,.._., ,...,, ... ~vii ho,.:lu ·~ rt'<'t'ntly ll·n•h'r•·d a poet-wftddlnc llu\l.n <l .\t , a ma,•hlnlll mate H C· know whcrt' tht'y'rt> golng--bul .: ...... ,; • ~k A>'.-uuu CI&Jc. l'a olua ro•l'ioptlon by tht• Nrwport, Bt·ach •:a.! f'l,,.,., 11 clh till' :i<'a ~. 000 hv hokt'y, I'll txot tht>y get there. .. ".., ........... wv.:a)' .... cu .. lh·u w1U1 l't'a('o(' Ottlt>!'l"ll ~uoclatlvn. '111• W•th Ill• :lkH·hant Marine, and ~fnvl:le you read about the 14-year ~ .. o:..L a-• ... """' Jl~Lcl c ... u'fl\lll ltJI.J Rftaur, whl<•h took plan • at Ht'tn.l ~ z .. 11 ••· '' 11-_a boulawwn·a mate old boy wbo atole a car In Santa .·v .. v .... ._ ...... ~~uu ~"' I&Jlcu luuu K•l•rr'K Uay a hor,• c~Af(, Ia aald , '"·'I ,·J;c.$.<1 un the USS Hector. Allll on Mor1day, and on i'\'Vednea· .. .-. ,..,u•l"~ w a.v~a ll.l ,~~,.,..._.._ lcl have' txo.on' one of the·moat brll~ \ .. lltl,' J't ,,z lh•· lot 11 Wlllia.tn E. day of th e aame' week w,aa ar-...... w.. 11anl II(>CIAI •·veniA ot thl' winter~ . -· .. (SINCE. l93:l ) •• a-IUtd ('nl't,...t 8oeda \\'rtttf'tl , t!.. Y.C :~,.1 \'lilt; ubuurd the US~ rt'llt'd with the car In hla poaeea· • .:..u · 1u at pru.ca w.;r,· awa,nku 1eu on B } b 1 &1111111 • • • BIOn In El Paao.-Tn u . . . .v .M•II· .......... .UI\.0\lll.oJI Wlu M••· <·hll'( an<l Mra llndgklnann were• • a oa- ll 11 .... ''' ,·n tt lung while aince. ,He muat ha~«' t'vl'n taken Ume .......... ...,.,..:..,., ... .,., wau twu • .,.:. prl'll<'lltc·•J with a han<laOn\r llnrn , ll t ... '"" ~~ of thr fanuly were out to ateal ga.a en route, or el.ae ....... ., .. _ w M.e. •t:Ujuu" kuu.: tablrcloth and napkin ert by mtocn-•--..----~·--·-....... ---------------..... ·•·cr.hl 1 U< I':JiiiOnally a couple lw hi\ <.I a auper·(tupcr iupply of ~· .. liftr¥. ""lUI .uuu.. uuc.,ui auai · brra of th~ .A~Iatlon. Aul1t ant --..,. _ th• IJ"'" HI'• tutdly thrown to-"Mo•xkan B'' coupona , ... -RatiO'!, ,,6 ln.: ucc.al<oat "'"'" •tca<UUII..:41 t:hld K W. Gorton prt'IIMd at ..---------------_:...------.~-. I h c .• ~. ~: •111~ ·rurd l(n land. ( Rc· ooarda. aO I hea r It'll, are kind of "''"'"" .K•\14"""'*'"· ,. Wh•l~<.>o~ \\ ...w-Uu dinner. • -It Balboa Island ·,ll·; 1\hlli· Hu\\'tl l'<.l'a ahlp waa tuu~h when It comPa to IMu lng .-), MI&JJOIIII tl.lmlh, kuth RcuJ· In addition to Aaaoclatlon mel'n· , • u g ''', 1 111 thl' Hawaiian Ia-..:aa fnr extra·('Un1cular motorln& '""u· t(.,.,~ca k ul>l!lla, l'ru" liol· bt-ra an<t thtolr w1vt'a, lf\lt'lla at Ole ',,. ' th1• Ocoa<.l Rlnr made port A raptaln In the U.S. Nl\-y,.wbo .. ,.11, AJWII." U&J.U. j'ulb t •alwoar , tuActlon -1ncludt'd J uq e and lfn. , •.t h• and Roy got to •pen\! one hal lllrt>ady, aun·lv~d ont> to~-Wudy Joac i,;&Yreu, ~ll.'lt.llur Alll!n, () A Jonu . Pollet' Cummt•Jonet -----------------....·~ LOUCKS t IEWEI...&Y e 8TATJO:>.T.R\'! Wat.ch 6 Jf'wt'lry Rtp.unn~ i O~l~ Card8 F'nr All • f . ()cCLSI(InS • • f !fat.chu and Engl'g .. rnr nt : ··.~'l'·~~~ .. ~~~·l~h~·~r~·~T~h~c~n~cx:t~l.l~ajy~B~~II~I~c~lo~l~n!~~o~ff~A~f~rl~c~~~·~re~c~e~n~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~t;~~~~~;:~}:~;;~~~ .:: , q;"y R.tclue, MliOcl ::luuth, Mar· ceon and Mra. Q _ II: Tohi.JI, and --------..:..----------~---------.... • · "" 'J!ict 1\ 1th Hvward ... but hi~ home at Coel& Mt'aa to bta ~tU..tltc ttarper anu th11 ~-. Chl,.f Hod&'lllnaon·a II!Other, Mra.' ----------1 : .. _, h.o•l :cla "·' ly put tQ. ~a ag&Jn 1. thlp at San Dlt'go. Mabf'l Hom . ftinca on our t~~sy 1) Budget--Plan , l7t'7 N~rt Blvd Ph. 1~39R {. . COSTA MESA }' ,;,-----------~-·--·-·· l'.apll Ocoomfidd. lncl6t'ntally, Hf' waa turned down l.•w w!'l qntl<' u bit ahout flalt!b!!t!!ln.!A. __ _ h.cA~•·If . . HI'' \.·as m t he..Prln· 14()(1r:I'V CO~Sl.TU ,.,,!iS Pat DI\'IS1on of the C&n&d· Jofc>mlx'rll of WSCS held I.Mir uc n .\1my durmg the World War April mHting at the home of Mrt. nnJ ha~ nlr•'Rtly ..ll<'l'n llcrvlt't' wltb r. o Goodc>ll w ht'rt' the mornJ.ng th• C'•• •~l t:.unrd <lurlllg tluo pru-~tlhly llt'llllon wu conducted by 1 t • .. nna l. 'Mrs· }111,n Qonaer. Mre. Herbert M.Kd. OONd:a IW~jT~ MRA. A.LIIA 8. RAOEa 8t 'MMOHt;O BY DltATR FUI\!"ral aen :ltn were held 11'11· atti'Tnoan at Jl'oreet Lawn tor }ftl"ll Alma B H'-l~r who p.-d away ApriL 12 a t her hurrt'e, lU Jade •"~nue, Balboa laland. \1 l'~~''"o nt ht• is a guard over ){In~: n •vl(\o\vlng !he final lnal&ll· ol th. A•u• 11c·on r ip!' 1!!1d Con· 11,..nt nt IA11lle \Vr ntht'rhead'• BOAT aJ:PADUNO "lJ Ill t·un ,~.. Whc'l'<' tht'y are . \\'hv no Men Sufft'r?." Vlrg's Ga.ra f't'C •· .doli ng !lt,·o•l bru'JC•'!I ror carr y-F'ollowcng 'lunch(.on. Mn ... stev- r.ewpo• t Urct.e ul th~ Wumen'a ::)UCJdy ul <.:hnluan lkrvu:<~ held •La Apral meet.ma WIU\ Mra. !Van \JufUiel\ ~lU Wdl Ocean !-'runt., wncn: M&a. W. t:t. HUIIIIa)ttr pre. aJuc<i U1 th~ a!leence ot Ml"ll. ~ W noltby, proeajde.nt. Jcll"ll. II:Yc rclt J:o'wJILbouaer oonducled the llllvo- uozta, bo:a· aubJect. belf\1 "i uallce unl.l Mercy." Mra. HIJ'er, ~.ho wu a native lit Colllnlbua, Ohio, wu BQ Y•al"ll of ag t•. Shr came to Calttom la 2~ ye&ra ~litO and had been a · real"'nt I •1f 8 1\lblla llland alnce 1~38. 8ur· ''1\'ora Include h.-r · 4aupter-ln· law, Mr•. Huaton D. Rarer. Balboa ~ 2::1.,_~1-'ll..,f;..;,;,:.\\' or ··ar~:•l Thl' burge cun cnt· o•n Wcatt)!'rford presldPd at the _.,..._-i!~~==~=~ft~o~ae~~~~IT~~:t=:'W~:·j h ".n ll~" Wll_\'!1 111 b··~ng ru.ehed l~ hn~lnrd a(•tslon. del'utlona being -~ . "'"If'' \1• n for thf' I l'ruvll\n gm-conl.luctcd by )ofr•. L"'mard Har· IJun~ the bu.tn.. meeUnc \.h e •·to'~t.~tb Jar'' wu optnl!u anu y1c:lded f tlJ. MJ)I. R. H . 'litll of tO.: wor k oomnUttee a1.u lume<i 1, • n l :-.-rd . !:n l'n' I>N'n told. I'd gr11, • .,11 who u•t•d u her 1ubject -~.;..,..,...,.. ;.;;::~;=:~=~.i<\..:_~~~:Z~~~~~~!!;~:;=i'i~rmif::Pial~,rn~T:-:x:~~:f.w~u~t k~m&:;: vn layet.t. for \be Church c. Ha,er, Glendale; Huaton D. man •poke on the th~'!'e of the ut all ~atJ-Ill ~ ,.Aqe.... RaK~r. Jr., Jn.lt'o,vood, and Mra • •tory 1 yrnr. "The Lor4'• Son~ In a llwelvt' 111~mber"8 wen p....ent.. Jan.. H Slblot'y, Alt&denL Alio 1\ ·"" lht• uth..r day. 'nle mother . StrMjl;f' ~nd." Mre. CoruJt'r ex-ont' JT•·Ilt • r nnd.rhlld, Suunn,. " 'd . ".l11hn, whrn·Junlor aakl you plalnr d U\f relatlonahlp bt't ween D--..:...tt ~ DJee iHbley._Hu 1011, Huatoa .0....-H-.u. _ Ul"'"' 'on you mn'.t.-IU1~er, why tttr Jnn..tl PaaO'n'r 1'U..Sl &Jfc1 .ll' aa-te"'ICU '-JIIDI'eiDO . prtoudrd '11_.-r 1n 'cttith four yrara I , , .. u j•L~t t .. U him you don't thP Lord'a Supper and acrved f 4 ....,." aecru.tta · Better Ice Cream -. ·-·' TRY· IT! j 1 •• ' "'"l· ·1•1 ur saytng It'll a mlll·,p..,0 \'er retreatun.-nta provtded 01' .. ....,I&AIIJ q~t' R.,,. ~!'lrt' w Shatftor of I i j' 11 y s~r .. t !" bv-Cha~laln Ld tkowltz of the FIVe ltdJ'bor ciU..u were iD· 01,.ndal,. P rnbyt,.r1a n chun"ti of- ( • • • A'rmv Air Ba.e. d u<kd tn • troup ot lt maD wbo tlclatt'd at th" .uvtr"•· funl'ral ...... s Confectionery I :O.fr f•nrl ~fr; 0 B . Add liOn. I . ------l ldt Nc\\ J!Vrt Be&eb dalpot lat arrAn~l'llWnta bt>lnjC In char~t" ot llOO OCEAN FRONT 1, .. (.,1 "''""' ~-r:H'!I ltl'c'cl 'at 203 !o'ICIS RP:PI~Ct;Ml':~'T PROolt;CI' !-nday u.v1 IIlli& tor Fort ~r-Da lt' nwkuary of Con.na d<'l -'~'h ~t•·. 1 ="··wp<~rt, !'OI'I ot tlg · ~lll(ltr,.Rnr~ wnrk on dir••,·Uon-lhut whc11· tbeJ will u~r Army Mar. I Pbone 73 , , . 1 h , hn 1 ,. HI t.•al!l onr foot 111 nn.t wR manjZ sl~:ns "Inn,:; rout t nunmg. · Lucat I"'ICndta 1.Dclude: -------...------~-.• ll an•n .. . 1 hlilhWAv In thc11 ,.•••cnllv as •whed-1 J.w~a A. Wr1cbt. ·uad Cba.r!ee. D. . N011CI': OF ELE<"'10N . y \ "' 11·11 ,-,.1uo•tnhl'r wu for 1ukd wlthcn th•· no''CI f••w t1:1ya by ,•1uuuz, <.:vrona del Mar; Ralpb A. Fur -~-of tiM! Ooverw.Jaa l ..... _________ ...__._:.._. ____ -II • ,,: ~ I I; rlun•d by thl' lllle E . lll.:nJl()lllln~ l'rt'\\" .. r lh!' .t\utomll-\\ almut . lUid Orval R. W&dlh&ln, ~ of tbfo NPWpOrt ~ 1''11 1 ... nt tho• lru•·klng bual-1 b•l·· C'lub nr Soul h··rn ("nllfnm ia. I Jl • ~!boa Island, and Wlm.nt 8 . I'!INAea'-'Y 8ebool Dlatrkt. I if' ~ .. .ll,l.'lfAJtlt 1 _, 11 ,:-;, •q lurt \\'h••n the Bur· Ro•plnca•mf'nt <>f lll,.;n.« i~ lnr tutla•d ;:S1111lh U J. L'•llt.a .M~ 1 NOTI<'E IS HEREBY GIVJ:N • c:')~ .,.-, 1' ,.,,., 1•1 \\"o.o JOolol to R. W.l 1n lhr 81fKignnl"11 l ~~~ 1\'dl U re· Newport ll.trbor Pc»t 2t1 Of the TO Tiff: ELEC'TOR8 OP' TJif:a ~f· f'l· '1:111 1\l!ol ~nn Mr. Addl110n pnlrlng, rt'pa jrlttng anal wuhlnK Anll'rfcan Ll•glon wu In cbarce of NEWPORT HEACJI ELEMEN· 1 if'~ ~~ ,,. 111111,.,J tel 1\'nrk ror th,. new I"' the' markcril 11nd pnsbl. It wu ,. ltw dPparturt' ceremony. Com · TARY RCJIOOJ. DISTRICT or I c:')~ . C)1 · , 1 .., unnnunccd by 0 . C. J;th"U"II. field man<Ju ~ T . Dunlap, wbo al.o ORA:SOE C'OUNTY: CALIJI'<IR· ~· .,. 1\' Mr McCl<'lllln rl'llred ··ngln(•!'r t nr t he 1111;11f'OIItlng de-,>~••rvca 8Jl chairman of the loc:&l NlA. thRt thl' Annual f:lf'ctlon e J 1 ! 'h· '"'""'Ill. 111 11 fine old J•nrt nwnt. I !'>a·~·•·llvl' So·n·lct' board, cSellvered fur mc•n•hl'r or the no 11 r,l nt Tru•· • • ( b l .,, ,11Jqul thrr•• mllea Thr prnjrrt r xtt•nc111 alon~ U. S. ,, ran:W•·Il ll.thlreM to the conUn•· lt'l'• of trtP Nl'wport U••arh El••· foR MEN -'/ ., "' "'"''"'~'"n Br·ac•h Thl'r(l Hit ti·om Long 8f'BI'h tn Ocean·l',ut. AMau:tcng Commander buu-mPntary s.-honl lllatrt.i't Will b(' 1 • 11 11··· nln•• roorn~ lnrluc11ng llltll' htp w~re Lectonna&ree Gordon held on thr third fo'rlr111y of M•y. 1 i'r• t...: l•"h""m" up~tair11 a rnm.j ~---· Flfl~~~ and Olenn CI'Ott _u co&or .l.'U., .lelA¥ Ul. ~-. · _ _ :........L.LJ ... l u·IJW . ..1:41nm W.lt.h -t\ tfr~'-On~ of t hf' flO*l-w•r-p-roblf'mtt-b, ;;t-~ra :, "A . J H&}'!aa. i4jUtiJ\r, It wll 1>4! lli'Cf'lltary tu _t'h·ct c'"" • 0 ·,. , ,·fhHll/ I !'I ar rf'j of w ill be what t o du with lhe arn·j u11..t Frank l:!mlt.b, act~ u •r: ( 1 1 m•·m~r ,, "-,. ol· 1 fnl 1,;11rdo·n Rpot. 30 ))it1 nua huaband who wants to Krt 1<• 11nt at arma. lA~n Van Til<· p<>llln~ plar•• ( 1 ,r l lll•l (•lrr I • and BOYS 1 . .r.t 11n nii•'SI.ln w••ll '01'1 and hnvli' 1\ "carrer" lnatead ur11uu1 ot th•• Omaha, Nebr.· poet Lqra of th,. N,.wj;ort ""'"'h F.lt'· 'f \ ''"!I hl'r l'r"\Ok ln~ nn a .. 'll\ l'taylng home and II!JrkJil&' to '"&II aJIRI "prnet~t. mPntuy School (lu 1 tru·t .will ll" "n •·! 1 1 : 1a:t> Ray11 11hl'. ' 0 waa hill kltcllt'n duUea and hoWI4!work. J.Jou~hnuta and COffM wen lhf gar•g,., N"WJY•rt -IJ•:Arh F.l"· i· I -· ----------------lci'Vcd lJy Ml"ll. Helen Randel and nll'f\tary Sr hnol 111 thr N"WJ"I'•r1 ------Atra. Vtr.:an•a Rowe \wbo rep,... Jlf>ar h EJrmentary ~rhnnl 01•· l nted the Red c~ J:mercency t rlrt - Martee Ave. LYU: POPE Official 0. P. A. Tire Inspector • Tbe Government now MYII ynu may recap your tlr"ll with· out certificate rrnm the Ration Board u .. your 'rauon ctortlflcate for pre-war padt' Urea. ! I ' I I I 1 I i ~ I . I . j I I ' .A.Mo UMd. and Grade m Ttrea. I l I • 1 lr111Jng· Carda DIIU ~nlun Plaque• I . Hand DICDJIIId Baidn CD11am1 IIIIUIIrg-• .1 : BALBOA. GIFT SHOP laaaaiated 8P:Jl.\'1CP: Htlt aDd (?tit,... Pltooel~ Al ·lh• Feny Laadlng -I . ...,._..,_ 1.1 only I I 110 a )'•·A r ......,._ by mall a ny'ol•ha•r• tn ar_. county. ~ll.bO a y .. ar c:l&e·l + . ----------------4 .... ,. --------- • • <.:a.ntet'n unit. 11\4 the Ladl• AWl· Th,. poll• will boo "~""" ll"tw(W'n chary of tile lACSoD-thl' hour• or e p'clul'k A M., anc1 f'R TITIOU8 J'lall N.&IIK • l:t:annGAT& or auaoraa, The undl'ral,ned doee bereby cert 1fy that abe w oooctuc:~ ,. ladll'a l'l'ady t.e w..,. ~ Q 2111 Marine Ave., B&lbo& lalancl. City of Newport lle&ch. Oounty of uranr c. State of C..Worifta. under the rfct1ltuu1 firm 1t&me of V"''&· bono Huuae and that Mid flrm .. cmnpol\!d of tbe foiJowtna' peraon whoae name and ~ ta u follow1: IRMA MARPI..a, llt . laubJ, Haltwa laland, C&ltlomJL .... Wltneaa my hUld thJa flntl 4ay or April, u~••· · IRMA lilAA.PLa STA TJ: OJ' CAJ..U'O~ u . County of Oranae 1 On thla tat d&7 of Aprtl AD 19U , before me, U.. under"8~ed, a notvy public ln Uld lor Mid County and State, ,_diq the,.. In, duly comml~ ancf awo"" peraonally apJ)eand Irma Karplee, kn own to mtl to be JM 'peraoa whnel' name .. ~ to tiM wllhln lnatJument aekDoWI· e<1~eed to me that u.euted t.ht' 11ame. • 1 n'rl()('k P :W The orttnl'l"ll "Jlpnlrt,.•l In rfln· 1 dur t t h,. ~l!'rtlrm I!) th,. 11hQv,.. na mt'd Jtl,.m,.ntary ~rh(Jolll Dl"t rt<·t •• Ml"' Nf'lllt' Shonk,. lnap,.....tr~r, M_r• Lf'all,. F'ret'man. Juttre. Mr•j Lurlfl,. Hnltz. Jurl~er SIKOfld: OOROON 8 F'JNDLA v ('l .. rk Apr1l cU•. 1 .. 4. Pdb. Apr. 19·20-27 Radio Service RAIJ,P AND fLASHLIGHT Batteries 1 :-J WITNESS l't'lf'I:RIIOP' I hll\'e h"rt'unto aet m7 band 11\4 • ON AYS Afflx~"<1 my ottlrtal M&J the day -<LOSm ON M D tu1d yl'a.r In lbl.a Certtncate flrlt llbr•v,. wrllt!'n. , ·~F.A LI EAJIL W. BT.A.NL&Y Not'ary l'ubltc tn and for the Haro·r·d l Hamm <·r,unty rat Oranre, State of call· • tnrnla. . My commluion qpt,.. Jul7 11, 1 94~. ' R•dlo Souad Techn1clao· Newpor\o&albo& a.., oll\pi1J 0, 315 W.Utao. A £ N·.c E z v a u· •• . AT THE ~MrrtstneOQe • ~,.,. • .,.,,.,._."' ...... -... ...... , ••• ,..,...,.,. at •• ... I -A-ND-.= --!..--... AT THE BALLROOM .. .Sa~urd-g I ~ . 1 111111 IIID --- ·aug ·Thaaa War Ba~al I .... STED! .. $2.M· .,.... .. pert.....,. ;rA M~A ___ _;_ __ Two ~nsto !tmilv wing Ex- llat"k to •n r Nl urit"'l ·ln mea hock to I J . .Arnrlch, '"" and Cor--RHant bed.· hm ht> fl"b ..,.,.. ........ ,....~ uw •t ........ i~ port, latw J ..._.,...,.. U"\JI"'f. Wl.&al o -~t.d .... ot & .,.,._ ,, ..... u.aa •n.--01 hut ~~after -.. a&.UeNd to lada 01 .. ~ and too poor .... ttM. lmPf't~ ... r u.. ·.-.11'11 •• "" lll• -aiel, Amrlt!h ltralta,' wlleftl Jor ......., 1m to beat~. ...... ..... "- •r reuolt..., CJ ... of lhr n.mna ,,.., r· I ,.,.,. II" ,, I II , l '•tiiN• \lk•Jl, J "-'CCI~­ IIllo•y, Alll'fl . lth• htlllfct lly, llllylnjc •urtunlt) 111 •I •-tty "'"'" • "' IM·rvlnl( y••or unci " uwll muy I fnr ,..,.,.,~,. uc I I'IJcl ••ttl I( 111 nrt)' Vlt~t·. plt•lt Mf• •• f~tllc.w, K\4 ~~~~ fiX I :H~ 1,,,. I !~ lh Ill ~···~ r.n 7 1;1 1 •xx 117M •t•c·tor . - I tn . ;ar(~~--- ., , ... ,. ..... til•" I 'HC• eJ,,, f HHn. " ...... 1(.1 ., .... loot~ll li'IU h I) Rntf 'lF' f:•th .. ll· acul """• a llu• · T11nk "'"• Army r••m ""' lvf' tl'r a lmnllt tJ.oo,.u iM! of .ur In ~p UIIO c:l lrl4ia, l•· r Ill l~nd-' 1 r"-lum bt. ' I ( 'lty. '"') 1nnlng a,ntl from tbfo clt'r at IPI• . to ~ ... rot. --·· ' ~, , -~-. • • .. .. El Toro.Base Of Ebell 8QO lla~pb Holcl-. ~ eulnn~ ol eoc recenUy ,_,_ 8eetSOn of tbt EbeU traur.n1Jig tb& "r w1Ur lla h-equenUy 1 ot -,..adln« mat1 ,.u1 at Et. T<>ro'a W. ~ • ~to a report ••UAc ot tbe ~tl , Tbe proJKI whle at Ule Bauta Ana A wu c!i8conUnu.ct e -co wben tbat bo., .. .peclfled by lbe taw Ubrary' automat ower by Ule Anny I U., mo~Uy JeMralt MW booka, hu bee • thAt the IIWJI ot ltaDd to •.a rt the 11:: f# ~-.yooe havlnt bobl u.e bon dunu tbe l u.. ~p dou not eaatact Mra. Hoklec ... taileD to 1M .... WIUI twenty .... aliCe, Ule Bo.k G"' . .._e ql Mra. L. L.. c.ti.J. Dalbo&. wt 8baw ADd lara. E\ -.rtq~boD. lfm.F. J~k n current event.l folk GNetlltt c, • "WI: n Fender · TEL . w, wida I wi~l Qi ••••• • ••• •ltl ... ..... Pa1e 8 LIDO il!!!FIED WANTED . .--------bADY W ANTS RID& ft'oiD 0oMa M-tO'~a,~Ba he. c oets M!!aa .Pbooa 111. lp . . ----~~~-...._, ,, a• ...... PutUaa a..;....-.& ,,.. ~ t:sa • .. u-a.turay a& s:.a ('•aU•-,.__ ...-r-t :M A ..... dMM lo-~ Me. s.t• .... ~--lo-'hW lie ~ ..,_ llo-._. lotTotal IJo MMt ue ... 11c ------~-----------------,.""" • Ft1, • Hat. Glnrer Rogera In TENDER COMRADE Ca\•,alcade of Dance (~ ... NeW8 -~~----~--8Ua. •• lloe. • T\MJa. Tallu ah Bankhead • Wm. Benc11lt -4n-- UFEBOAT Mall Call • MUIIcal \JafA)Ioree ~ ... Ne" .. ",.,.._.., 0-.IJ - 8~GTIME .IOHNNY ·-and- TilE GHOST 'tii..\T • WALKS ALONE can-. llladl SliMp ----~-------------------tl\ll.rtlq nura.,_ Aprtl n .IANf; EYRE ~nr: IIIII a.~a Slater; Up I• A~; '11M! e.Df'dMI Tile ~-Wurnlll lu ~lwan 'M\I.INdA)'ll. Piwn,• Mr1 borc1. 813. un \\'A.STICD -Cub p&ad tw ..wt ~ R dloa 8.0 .1. ._.... 11M E lect ric Shop, 111 lilartDJt A Vt' , Balboa leland. UU WA:-ITEO 0 111 . ur wunl~t.n t.ur hOIIk wvrft. C'uflkllll(, lrolll ,'\ 'i.:i ~n f di'IOOinl{, • IC J'hvfto) 22111· .. VY,R"l,. £I • • o. r call :zo33.J 11 IUifl)l 8ta LIST! :'lOGS OF PROPERTID IN -CORONA DEL MAR · DIB'I'IUC7 \V,ANTED Stenugraph••r , typll l Phone: W. H. Mallard, carfloblo• of gen•·• rtl l'lftlcc tluty. N<'WpOI'I Beacll ~7~ .,'u ll llmt.•, ~oo·l aulury Perrna· . nent n .. ld .. nt 1n C•1stu M.-ea· :-lcwport Jlutbur llrl'llo vreterred Phone lj<"WJ"~<•rt 804 ett WANTED .. , Lol.l of g~ cle&n UMd ~· WA~TI-~IJ ·Girl or Woman Will pay top price. ' • EXrERH;:-:c EII AS T\'I'IST M~>f.·~~'"'~~~~lehY ~~~~« 1216-W WANT E D Auto mccbantc:~~. Toll WBj;:t. .. , bt:ll of w nrktng l'l•ntllli.<>UI, &n eu ••nllal WBr JntiHIIl ry. F.rnploy· menl eltber h•·r·· cor at IJuntlng· Inn B I'&Ch etnrc THEODOnJ.~ ROUINS Jo•ord Sai~H Ill So·n ·lrl' 22nd .t. Cen tral . N;•wport Su ch Phon~ 28 THEODORIC ROBINa FonS Selu A ·Be,.,.. 22nd It Clentrat N ewport Beadl P.))one II WE WANT R E'AL ESTATE LI~TINGS In tb&- :-IE\~'ORT HARBOR C6ST A. MESA D181'RICT Phon.. for Salea 8ervtc.- Earl W . Stanley. 226 Marin~ Balboa laland Nt'wport 17Tt WANTED Tb BENT \ - IIIICD.I.A!fmus .. a&AL arAQ roa u... $2500 down -----a.Daoe peptpetlle Blcta• t•e. -,_c.c~ ~-,. B&ACB CO'M'Aq& two kJta, well ... M!DRO<)M ITUOOO An4 ~c4 moothly wUl WJ a paiN& v...,., 106 llaia •~ k utecl. Jl'\&niMid. 11000. <l.r· THftD.BIK)ROOll ~ II&Jbae. Ud 101 Jlll&rtM Aft., 'aid W . RltciUe, 1U6 Cout BJ• luJmediate .Oil oae acre rucll ..., Balboa lllaM. way, Corona at tfar. Pftoll:e 13. {)c · SANTA ANA COUN'I'IlY CLV"8 LA~ MOWDa F'URH18~1:D 'IIOVU, two bed-A ~'!r Full Price $4ts()(} . Md ltept IMrp one YMZ· ••· room "' .llf~ Jk.-. .., $711UV\ ....__ Jim,..'M .. o.Dqher, 1001 liar-oaan. J'\111 Pitc. .-oo. a. o. """ * Blvd.,~ w-. J.Jp Puller. a.ta ...._ la W. L. JORDAN R . C. ·pARKER -~-__;=~---f.,--__ -~---THREE 4P'i'( looated 1.11 ... vi 100 &. O.t.nl ~ 1101 Newport BlYcl., oa.ltl ..... PA.Dn'Dfo a..a cl. paper....... the t1ae1t ~ ·~ u.. 8=0==-:TH18=:::::--:-, -:-,-,:-------~--~~-------- "'-....... I.MU...... tW'-•. ~ Fruit 1D Balbo&. IDoaml ... l1ecl. A. J . -..ua.. tM N~ 1121 pe,. moatla. Prtoe ..... a. 5-Room Stucco House. Hardwood Floors Blv~ Oa8 ~ :--:-w . ~~.i ~ N~ ~ . • • ~ $8500. Terms Blae~tbing · ,.. POUM«iiM. N• Approxunately 2 acres of ~ound. Garage -tw9 • bedroom boule. Oar-lnaurance R. C. PARKER Real Eatate ElectriC artd ace lidO. Land a~xaoo ,..._ .1801 Newport Blvd., Coata Keaa Full pr1oe S41100. POGO cub, ftl Acetylene welding pe-monUl. R. . c. Parker; t-. J . V. BAXTER • ._Newport Blvd., Coet.a ~ 1117 J'\lllenon. 008ta Keia R,.<fios Made New! HAVIC YOURs GLOIUFIED -wtUl-- Be&laww s~aelk! FlAIIIr - -ln- "BUftOAHDY • SKY BLUE CALlJIORHIA BEIOI!l a.nd DAJUt BROWN .$3.50 and up Alao Cuea 'Repaired $2500 CASH buya a S·Mclrool:n bouae. Combined • Uvtnc and din· .!."& room; batb. Oarden and trtee on Santa Ana Ave. J'ull pnce S4500. R. c. P a.rtcer. 1101 Newport Blvd., Coat& M-. _ RENTERS WH:Y WORRY t $1000 cuh will buy a 2·bedroom ll.M., n ... p~e· a.nd carace on halt .Cre of croun\1 Full prtei U200. ~~ per month,. R. c. PU'k.-, 180t · Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meaa. 7tt . ·crawley's · · Fo o d -B a 8 k ·~ t 1113 Newport Blvd eoet.a M.a Costa BEAUTIFUL SITE FOR HQME! POUR AND ONli:·HALF ACRES OF LAND . . . ON TH.J: BLUFY AT END OF VlCTORIA STREET · Unobstructed View of the Ocean $1000 Down . Ba.lance M onthly R. C. Parker FULL .PRICIC : a600 PER ACRJ!: 1801 Newport· Blvd. Coeta Meaa A FINE . SITE ~OR -A RANCH OVKRLOO~ UPPER NEWPORT BA 't: 1 10 Acres of Land Good Soil WILL MAKil. A IWI..JCNDID LOCATION FOR ~ .• .RANCH $500 per acre · HOM'IC R. C. PARKER~ Realt or B~boa · llATIOSS WANTt;D t':'{,PRY ,<"ll,.h 1111·l u orry Mn c• 1-: F unk. Itt•· .1. llttx :l17·R. would leue n.lce bome b«w._ ~EAL ESTATE (For Sale) • Ba.lboa and Lon&' Beaeb. Want~ ed to buy: Wub.lftc 11\Ublne. ftiUftS.~ ....... £\tenln'f• a(7:0C1 6 8:1~ Lul 8howlnl of a dOuble feature pf'OIT&ID ataru· al 1.30. . AAI .... 11~tu 1~Tetal Ue Hen ce -tee-... ID-Tolal lie ·-·01**-1.,._tu to-T.-.)Ie. -.... ..,.. -...... • eaa; Hur ~ of Star Ent.ertalnera THANK YOUR • ~ oanoo, ... ·N-. . 1 -a.. · Mt~a. · T... ; G~·r Oanon • Walter Pldr eon In IIAD.A)IE Ct'RIE . ~ ... "_.. Wed ........ J Only TilE VN~OWN Gl1E8'l' ·-and- -THE lAND aEVOND . Tilt JAW_· C uMIII M o·KII 8p ~.!; \\'urunn wanla day "'n:·k L niJO<Iro >IN, l'l•·unlnl(, bd p tn (II'' VI' f'llrl ,.~ Jlfl -23rt.l St., RI'Nont 3 ~·s Atkl n.'W'In 7p LOST AND FolJNU W ST White goi.J ;rostw~t,l• h In Balbi'Ja .. Fln.J~r ri'IU111 t .. Mrs. \VtHHI :113 M urHo'"'· Ualbtl.•. ur l'~tjl AX·16:102 fll'ward 8p _._ .,. BOATS FOR SALE SPORT J.'fSUERMA::-1, 29·foot 1~38 Ackl.'rm&n bullt. mahogany plan-.. ~r ri,·etted. .all ae· ~~~aorto•11, !16 h p Chria Craft. All julll overhnult'd Ree your broker or 203 M'arint Ave . Bal· boa leland. ttl Phone 12t&-J. l:WME WANTED -WCMIJd ~e td place In pdvat.. _Julme u •·ldcr\y. aeml·lnvalld la4y Nqulr- lng little eare. Rartlor u. pr .. t erred. Ph.!>M lta-W. ttt RE:-ITAL to· EXCHANO& -6- room ho\1.11! In P U&deo& for similar property In Newport or vicinit y. G. S. Batae, J4U VIa Oportn. Newport. Of ltmdall'l Boet . Sem ce. lp TAKEHERTP • Living and Dining R'QOm. Two Baths Fiteplace. Heating Systeni. Two Lots COMPLETELY FU RNlSHED $13,000. TermR R .C. PARKER l iiOe Newport Blvd .. Coate Meta , o.n.-........ Oo HA! HA! Wanted to ,r-.ntt Ftw room houae In 008ta :w.... or N'.rwport Beach. PermaJMilt re. ldenta. R~le rent, DOt war "boom" (,..member, t.bere'a a ~lblllty of a ''b\dt" alter It'• overp-Box OKM.-Pr-... • -· j . . ... -.,.... ., w• ...... : ·.~A~~& A OtU' H~ lee; ~taec· el •: OMert ~~-- • .. , . PIJ :IDOr8 for ·a .. than the Buk ·of · ... lllleriia: -c;; . rate · .·,t '· of ~ •\. . \;..::. ..... , ~ ..: ~,b~-1 \\ 7-~ BA<10AGE TRAlLEH ~ ft. wtue: I 10 rt· long . Qooll c:ondttio:"', $(,6. I M rJII. Pa~tr1ck Foltpatrtck, 121 Agat · A\'e., Balboa. Ialand. • ~1 FOR S~LE . )• . \ l l. ~ f 1 ~. • l LADY WANTED-To work In ~ ' 1 I t ' ~ clun~ng Aflop. 1 U Palm St .. '11 ., • II . .#~;. f BRibol\. 7c (' h ·.-:.: \ ---:-----------~ .:: , •1,~.'. _\ ~ CHICKEN FRYER.S-Ready tor ~ the ~-'1M& Newport Blvd., Coata MeN. ttl I CORRU ~,\TED SHEET IRON, S s. · s. ~otalv.uuz.ed. Dan\ Marine Worka l • mart /J/d /If l 'itl lha' Archu . lc .knOWS -:-1.£\V .H .\MPSHIJlE baby cl\lcka GIRD Ls LA. X ~7~ ~~~~~~"~ .. :~~··~ 431 Vlcto1~: I POR SALF.-Yam • planta: Key ..... .... \\'o•llt ~~d Puertq R ICA, 100 .Jo do , , ., for t111J and c 100.000. Phone 8. A. SMl-W . 11 1 • f 10 DOES and ONE BUCK , N. Z. f.ztry Q((aSJQ fl. AIM hutc!Ju , all or p&rt. 5,21 . I Bnl~<a Phone 1499-R.' I n the sh(lp ... ar home ... on rluc I ._, -......, J h d · J R" G r.P.T' ·TO WORK ON TIME' Pr~· C ltras t J) O · • ·• lllDULAX 1 \\'Ill' A1fl aJl clock. ~rl&et tlmt'· llllrhr brll comforrabl)·.sm .. m /J.dur· 1 k•ll'rwr, S2 •n nx M. N -a 1-'Lcu . abl)' Cur co ~Jrrtr,uilored with TWO MAT'TRESSICB aM .-pr1nc- bulge d1rnuutJng m1nn1sh drape f~~r 111nglt bfoda. Good condition. rhar gJ\cS a lor•gl:nr ~~ rht flgurt. I etu•ep 3 17 Coral ave., Bal~ And, of course, K our GIAOUUX 1 . Ialsnd. tp hnt chat slenJerizmg, gbmounz.l MAGIC' CHEF ta ble ,top ~u . ing G11d!.,, <~•st•. a non.curl, biu. ronll•"" Fuur.bum rr. doub~ ovtrf cut IJ)On wTcrJ \\,usrb.and wuhr••· I Po·rf•·•·t rnndlllon. 17~. Mra. Pat· . . .. . , .. . ririe F ll7.f'lllt'k k. 128 Agate Ave ~"·1' 1111·" ITinf~·· ,,,.C. • .. IJ naplaD j R11lbo11 TIIIBnd. 8tf . •• ' • YAMS and SWEET POTATO LAROE OORNI:R LOT oa IDUil ~VU'd. ,Daq K&Uoa. two ,pumpa. 7-roona lllouM. Double garqe. Jl'ul1 prioe f'IOO. 1'erlu. R. C. Parku', 1IOt · Newpqrl Blv!L. eo.ta ~ llc BI-~DROOM R OUSE. p.race, nlct• tool llht'd Lot 103x275 feet. onr·half In Bo:r-nben1ea. ::rreee and 11hrubb1'ry. Full pr1ce 14500. Terma R ~ Parker. 1801 New· por1 81\'d . Coeta :w..a. HOt:SEs on one acre. One 3 bNiroom, owner occupied One · 3 room rent&d; 3-car «U.Ce ; lu~;l.' 1.'h1clun bou.N. 30 or~ 40 orsng~ trl!t'l. 8ee P'. r. RUIMII or J C PByne. 1110 Nnrport Blvrt C'osta Meaa. le IMME.DIAT-P: P08. Nice oomer In Hu"tlngtrm Beach. Good loea· lion CIOllt' ln. Two h~. t- room 11nt1 :l·room. Both turnlab· ~. Two ,.,..... J'W1 ,pr1~ SMOO S3~ eul\. R. C. Park er, 1808 :"lt•wport Blvd., Coela M ... THE SPOT YOU RA ~ been lnoktn.: for ! a aeru of level ~otrnuhd on IS'th atreet near bllf'h llchO:ol Soi'DI lm proyement.l Cll11 bt• .made lnt'o lovely eat.ate. Full pr1rr $3000. R. c. Parller. 181le :"li'Wpof1 Blvd., Coeta X ... F'Ofl · ~ \I.E ~ acre•. or ltu If de~tn·•l. r ood epll; dbl. prarl!. tool-r011m, faundry room. lath . houso• !Rr~te paekln« houae. &- ., um dw••llil\( with baaement: , l·•nt ,. ~II rubbery: pennanent PR"I IJr~ Price au .500. -r.rina. s, I' 'nw nl't on )lftmleea. ~ In ·lrfr ~~. Coat.a Meaa. tp ro .. t flgurt In )IIJI tiN ~ght pf•m/ --. • All Gll OUlAX l•1h 11-rt' plan t. K,.y Wnt, Puerto Ric· " . rut, Yellow Jeraey, Yellow D C M' k • Sltm.tint~orqu•liryBurc trtl"en... :-l"nC4'me>nd Md While. 1860 • • ac enzle ICtlly Grf'tn1 Fire RC'd.Luu ., .Bttch-!'lt-wport Blvd., Coate M.a. or BRO~IR · ·, COIII~r B~•Bt.lagoo"' Blut . .,..,, ~21 :l:Stfl St.. Newport Beach . . , 1808 to~._w-poit Bl<rd., COtta WeN ~ft'ST SELL AT ON~ cw~ leave ·$5500. Two-bedrm. houae April :101. Sf'\'t'r&l artlclee of fl.lr· __ ... __ plut til nl ture • Cncludlnr a Maytag ·' . _.., •r • ~Cabell~ro" o( <ru'h ru i'"" ,Cn.U, •• Twill 111 ~hcom~r B«iat, /uno,. .. II•. Brown and Nawr ...... ~-17 ."Pitn~.l y' of OundH Chu ( 11n ,.,. oa and 1 yam) In Blut, BIM1tl8row1 • udG ........ ·... •iMtll ' a ) 1 "Gior1 u~7fl,,,,,., Sn.vnu (ra,. ,/ \ Oftlln mr S1111r T•"· Mn('u Brow-. Aa.\, NI'J tftd 81d · .._II •w..,...._. ,. ......... le ...... I • ·~ ...... \6R'KIN'S ";uhth~ mschlne. ft!Ttltf bed. oaraqe; half acre. !00 ebiclt•.n•, mAII rn t "tt Other tt~m.a. All ' at full chicken equlpmeDt. lD oood ,..uona ble pncee .. See · tbeaf' water du tnct. Ia home oWDera' IO:ood" and Jack Rutter any lime altf'r Apl'll 23 at 1&41 d iatrict 0c<'a.n 81\·d .. n.lboa. Phone 1197. ---~---......:=-=-====- HOUSEHOtb OOOD8 -8-piH C' tw-<1:no1, 11111~ Mll'lllran rock Bt'SU.~M 1'110f'Sin'Y-Pw m a plf'. tn t tu"ly Amer1ean. tiki' ---.• · r.Pw . fl.K!Z Axmln8IU rue: oe· BUSDl£8S CORNal Ill Newport culona.l <"hair a.nd end table; lkach, 'J"'.·o bouMI. both fUr. Wardrobe trunk : two-bu.mer nlllhfd. P'tont ·bouM reated. lm· C o I• m 1 n 'lantem: Ooleman ratd.latc po Mlaelol:l of rear taM. ~'"mf' attw• Dl•h~. cook. utm · P'\111 pr1c-e ..... 1'91"11\8. R. C. ... LACUNA BEAC .. COSTA MESA Butcher-Linen ~ Suits i f . J. $8.95 • Smartty tailored, wuhable, Butcher Linen Suib. , Three and four button effect Jack~ and eipt 10Nd Skirt to match • ''TRIMFIT'' Celanese Hosiery 94c Le' gJamour HoM you'll prize for dreaa-~p. · • FINE SEAMED QUICit DRYING 5izet 8Yz tQ 10. Putel Colora. Siz• 12 to 18 BLOUSES FOR EVERY OCCASION S~ our extenaive line of blouaee in all atylea -Fuaay Celaneae -Hi1b Neck Jenera -Shirtmd:~ -All-Over Prinb -Cinrhama -Seer- auckera and ma.ny othen. 2.50. to 4.98 , Pricea from O.putiaent. StoN Cotta ..... ~ ella. etc 301 34th •trwt. N-· Parkt~r. lllot N.wport Bl•d.. ~ aM~. .. ~ MML .-, .......... ~ .... ~ .. ~--~ ...... ~~ .. ~~ .. ~ ............ ~ .......... .. . I ,,- ' l ' I f• . ·-. . ·~ THE ·A-ND CRA'B { ... ---' for 36 years the best ~vertising medi~ Ia -~newport harbor district -t1 _it _*_t_h_e _n_ewspa~ that '::::::: l goes home Buy~~n~~ to End War Quicker BALBOA .• ,.e.s ·.~ J·1.~-~ r. ... ~ ·~ ....... ..... .. EEi POSJED! $2.50 BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA' .~.1 Missing AtBataanT wo Y earsSoldierReturns to Corona del Mar F artliJy-~~ school ties are for the duration only, directly rurthel'ing vic-, -tory;-"1lnd1t the same tim~ teachhtg 'pupil~ .lasting les-sons \n citUefl.'\hip. Other ac tivittes wilJ become .a last· ~~ ing par•t of the ~PriCUlum, r For· example. the conception !, of w ocld citizenship, Itnd tht' inCI'E>asing awat'Ct.ess o f thE' g lobal J'Clalions of pcople- th£>Se hav('' profoundly rnflu. enccd the scope and oujet- tives o f social studies. Particular attention 1S giVen In all. grad es to-a stud~ .~~Jhc_ -ottrl'r Palf-Amcncan repUO-li~. Under the p1·e~~r·C' ofl the acTderatro war pro- gram. sch ools lii.1vt' organ -lzfd 'i:ommit t('t's t o prf'J'li.tfl' mat('rials in the field o f l'an- Amel'it:an. I'CiatJons. Thi~ work will no t ·end with, the comip~ of vi<'t't>ry: t h r schl)ols w ill continuP to tl•:wh ,the ll·sson" of dtiz('nship lcamNI in thP l'OUJ~ of the war. and in this t•onnN·- tio n the llig h M'lluul has ;Jf'· • it colorful pro~ram thC' people hert' on nex t Friday evening. April 2X in the HIICiitorium. + + + I •·ar Jlll(,;ific. \\'cslcy Fowl· er. doing government work In the rar Pacific.' write~ his wife. Billie. that a batch of rrn,tgazines received at his base had the Newport uso if(lprint on their covers. and that they were enjoyed greatly. The thrill he go t was in picking up a periodical with a breath or hom e. And speaking o f Seabees. which h a'S nothing to do with.maga- zines. Society Editor Kathy Easto n of the News-Times. is having a four-day vacation "ith hrr· &-aiX"<' huuby. h~o on furlough. to say not n~ o f th(' kirls and mot et. + •. • Ia."-" Jars. Com('.<: C hair: m ThC'odor e ·H ouins of f hC' Sea &o uts commi fll'<' w ith a ·pJca to house\\'1\'t•s. t n save ~heir gl<lss tV'tfft'1' j:1 rs I nr tlw ~Couts. 'l hC'y soh•mn1~ prum· ise that the l~t...\'!oo will g:.tiH'r them in. if ~·tttl "ill gl'l together thr nnl'-:tnd "' o- pounrl ja t'l'. Tlw~ mn~J IX' th(' coffl'" om•s. liP !'o:tY" thnt at Burbank tlw Snarl:> s!'- curetl soJne tOo .ouo o f t lwn} anrl w{'l\' p aid 11 noat sum rot· their erro rls. The (('W cents they n •(.:<'iVe l will go !nto l o- cal Scout activities. D1g t h.('m out fo r the l>oy!':, ladws. CAPT. JOS . .\, B EEt<. who .hn left on unknown dc~:lno~tlon fo,. duty on the h1gh· Roll. a job he dcolrly tov~•. · WA:8 "u n\'1'1 t' d ·nth ·~~( '1•H~I n( nn\'· ljtRiion IU'Ilrlv s( \ll'llt R):o :>rld 11PH· man~· n( uf;. ~·~•~ ,. 81 ~H11• ' "hn w•• <I IC1 p1l\•l Ill•• Tuut'fl'llll•·nr w Llgbta around ~l'wp ,rt llart'"' rr· pan·ti tlrcti'J9(•h···~-'"I -"' ..... 0\'t•l !lh'fUt Tlw ••lrct11 ltJ:hts '1 l'•·r• uno·. 1 nnd dpr·nrnlt• o· 11al••rinl~ l ll:ol ~~~··ol I loi IPllflll'<' T• urnan ••nt 111 Li~ltt8 ~\·re reptnrl'tl hy /lf•xt:tntr< 1 h~triiO. I o omJU;,t(o•s. glnbr!l 'lulcl nt hl'r navi· 1 J:OUonRI "'luipmt nl. The cla~eet <·mhrnt'••ll a thorough rnurll(> In Cl'· lt'~lfnl navlgat1 n .undPr the din r- llon of Hubert K tdctrr. In r harge of thr ll/l'wport Harbor Union High Schnol l!'vening' rour11e to nllvlga. lion_ Mr. K1dcter't atudenl• b&ve madt> a.n rxrellcot 11howlng In all hrnnchc10 of lbe Be& forcca. Retcnlly a government veseel lx1Und fr• m ·Newport Harbor to BreoeB uf action a.t 11ea ldt the Th .. , .. ,, d •f A r1t! :.!4 fn 2fl I~ 11 . hnll l•··••n !'(•·t fHHth• It~ Pnh'H ~·,,,.,,I~ \\',,, . ., rn l 'al•f.,rnla und th" Jlalltr~l' Jtf rtr t. 1'htl0 mnrk10 ·.h•• 2 ... •t h "'''qf'r,·:\n'" 4t•( an (M f :t · ~"'n ""lrdrltlllll•l jURI nrtr•r lhr: fur<t \\'nr ld "''nr 1110 Jlllrro"'' 110 trr k••rp .'1• htHol r!nl ron~ Ill lnurh v.•lth lhP V.l rk 'll I r p11piL-anot tr:o• h••t~t 1o1· • • ''" o·tll rn: tn,.: :lttl'n: inn upon 'Htr· wnrk nf thl' !Of hnol10 fur .. n, ", i'k "' th~> yl'nr A~ :1 ftlltnl( l'llll"II'IC tu f'u'llltr ~rh'l<rl" \\'t•rk. :-;_.y.·p<,rl IIJ1rh1rr t''nt n l ll~h ~rh11nl will Jtr!'IW'nl a rn'urful l'an-Am••r wan pr~tJ:rnm. r rlday ('\'t"OIDJ! Apnl 211. '" t,hr ll11t.l tortum t+flol thr ruhllo I~ In- "Tnm ~IOW~"t " Thltt~rlny n1~ "Wll 2it.tr Thr pr,J:''rnm will :otnrt Jlr .. m ptly nl i ·ntt u'dr>~, k nf11 r llu• l>f·rfnrmano •• lito· nrt r•J'•rn ~tn•t :<~.h~·P "'d l t••• "l••·n r' r \'••ur lt'·"'l'''t' t '"'4 v,·,. ~tlnr·~>r••l) hoi"' ll111t l;~rcn110 "'IIJ Vl!'ll HI hnr•l \.llrtn~ I hill Wf'f•k lo••tr•rn11 !O<rtttRfrtll<l V.l'h . )'IIIII •·hlld'!t trr .. h<•r nncl !IN· how thr 1· 11rr J(PIIIIlj: Ill• fit.: in ~··h•tl•l~t t 1.1;. tr n<hl'r" url' al\\nyto ~o:latl tot hR\o you Vtlltl and to dt10c ttH!I y ur t luld'" wr•rk 1n l!l'l,ftOt, Harbor Seeks First ArmiStice D~y Event • F••• lho• ftrtol I rlt• 1'1 •·f "rtni!OI , .... I'" I ••• f IUtr ;,!I' t IIUrt' \ ,, If I 4tf•J , 1\ f ll' t•jt I 1 It • • ' • I " ~' " '111' fptndu f "' • ntltfi,Jat•"' • II ,,. ~· r t t•• :· •• r~trth•t.f•• \ r fl t t , t t' f IV I l',fJffttlfl t ft .lf • I I I ,, I ,. , 'I ., ·~ :I II••V ,. 1~:¥ ,., "' ,, •. t•t ''••· \\•'''"' M l··ul·l;• f u.n (orp. l\lic·hnt"'-1 Amrirh, Aftl'r Harrowing Ex- IK"ritlnC:·t•M on Mindanao, Comee Bark to Find lit•'" Fathl'r of 2-year-old S~n C'l yan .,.,, w ..... ,,, .... ,..._,,lf. ''" ......... ,, • •''""'' In tlw """'"" •·o·•mt • 1 II 1<--• •I \\ "" Ot\ • I ,f; ,}Ill ~1\(llt•fl II\ II 1111' \ 01''' (rtd \.\ ""'" "'""'" '"'""' tu .tl••tU \\flh All··11. lttrwlwr t llt•l 1,,,,1 n.. ..,.1\ • h:tuar.,:•· .,, .,,,. ',~,,.. II lull "I' \o\ ~•"" I,.,. 11drl1t 1•111 ftf \11 ~I:•1•J•·\ \4 tul•• liiJ'h• t In''' .,,. Itt• t .. lool "' ('II\ l 'l11 il lluoolo.ttf ~h·· ,,.,,,., .r ·r, .. ,,~,,.., •, ''" ,,, ''"" " t• \A, \ltfl I'"' ,,, '"' f II ... .,,,., \ '''""I " •U • tlut ''"' 11 til 1•11• .d Ht• u , ,,.,,,,,.,, "'''""' \\h•n fJ'•••· ,,f tl • fi• '" ,., d• , •• ttl lit• '"""' ,·,J.pjtl lt" tit• If I I H ,.,,,,,," "'~ ,, ,, \\. I' •• ''11 11 ftfl Ill''' ·n ... lntul ,.ftlt•lnl vcolr• ftollt.w,. ltniH'I I A If,. II K:\4 Wru II l<u k !)~).., I I II l(o•,.d I~ I 1111.,., 1 .I I t""''" :11~ I •Of tl l'lt.t' M Fw•llt•l ~~~ t\ttlh•>lll "Ill Jlmvuth Ill 1' A•lol,., 1,\lttowll~tu :,/olti l~olut I S11•ll••l r f.7'J. f h•l·· '"· "!-\th '"' ..... I •• I \~ "" '"'' ~ I r ""' J .. fttJwh.u t I ' I."'' Lt.·Srn. Thet 1-4. l<uchel M r J<w 1••1 t• 1•11•·• r Jl!tltllllhrr ir.t• ,,, ... ,,.,,.1 r;u;· .. ,,,. h,,.._ ·1••1 ,tl•d t h Itt n a• II• • u-.1 •' t urr rl'\lft•. '' t '' ~·f· 4 "' ~o111y night In• •·' I I ,, '• f • , .. ,,,j I • p 'I flrt • f ",. , , .... , ~,,j ~ ''J'II•I f 'l~• f k r :tr to t 'll,fl tt.tlh tu.t ,,., • Pl• d f h· \ "'.It I ''"' If Hit \I •··••• I I '" .t#ltl¥ I .,. ',, A~sut·ic•tt· Uir-t•t·tor Af t S() lla~·H n I nh•n•sf in'-! Citrrer ) f• hlJ~ rllt•tt fiJT t •• ••'f't I t••tt ftU t ,I \ tf11 f !•J.tld•l ·t HU rt nd lh•fH" rrRIH t lo k<·tK ~'' I h:tl hill ft I• I loll' nrut lh" '"''''-", t loq ltl pr.rH••" ntt•v ('l\~l JL !tAll I f <11 htm In 1/,.. l'f I I ,,. fl·•·~t .,, • ., ';,." "l,urn pli.. J h II w II 1 •••• , ••. , ,,. ,.,..,,.,\' f fiUrt•'l ,,,,,. Ct n canct,X, . (! \tlhllt' "'"'''"'''•r '""' Ut•\Jt 1'''' ",, h I'll\' lllftllltl ,, • A I J I '.If 1 ,,,.,, •••• A .. .,.,., ,.,,,,k K II Jj• ... ·•·"' I••· ,,., "' n,.u,.,. 't·U, ,,. rl'w dO k .. •ll I I ,. ~ ~ nc U J n ar .... l ·~ ,,, , .r '"'"' an•l ,., .. , ll•·n~ "'til • " ~ L•, ' S r l,.r. ~~ " 'llf.l '' • "' I'V·I•••I••. flht ... " '"-•', ,., l ht rottntv I • • • l · '"I , lhr rno•f'lllll( "'"' .• ~.,., ,, ,,. n··~· rnro•ltll·~ M n,~· In l••wa, A•red 62 ,., r•l'fll'• • 1 ... ~ ..... " ···11••1(1' ,., 1 ,.0 rn,.ntJrt" ... M"kt•d aL l.l_, • • 1 'I•, f ~lf "'•' '"" ,,..,. ''' fh•• • hnp ,... I· I• ,.,, I I t rn• r t"~'•" P'tttCtl tl'ftl h mar ~ •l•tftr.n ''" ~1H)' Ht S••"purt J·Wt~th" _,hi ~' 1 , , tt 1 pttdltlfrt"'"'"'''", ••· t ,,ll~llf tP•IIfttt I AntJ ''-' Mesa and Beach " ,., (hr.ttv HUU!t \' "' 'I t '·II• ··: ·''' ,, ''rl"l r••v ,.,rv., ..... MflV .1UUi ,~,.,,,, ""''"'" w t'''~' t4114ft•r ttlrd I 11111•1 f q t ltJ dt U "'"'~ lrt (· .. r.hultt• .. ft t M t 1 1 • ., Jl ,,, lt/t•'•·r It" •f•r•·• ttt•n ·~f '''" h•.,l4 _.., h•••l lu "f ~tl••'t .. a l WfUt a C:r()r~•"\ •"••·ur" Mu n ,, t ar11 !'#•\•·Hl)f4r •J) t·,,,,,,,,,,,,, '~ t t 1 ""' • Mourn Death of Mt!O .1· t n ,M(•tttl' <If t:IUit :'llo·ws T ll~tnlap hall htk•ll • ")'• .• I' ,, • I I "" ''"y llhok•'llfy Ml 1""1 ,, r 111" •I ,., .••. , 1" l'l'rtl ,...... ... "'"'' "''"'''II""' Ito lh Tank • • \'II Pit Ill -enoltn" hi~ furt•.u•h "' I hi• r•llln a.ncl w ill ·-k q ,, • '\ "" I, ...... I 1'11}1"1 tnrrut...r·a •rf ""' '""' ... h•o "'"'~'It ~, .. ,., ~· Y•'lltl I ···rl'~ Ill '"" t nllo•ol At•tr Anny ' , '"t Co•t• M••• Ch J f -·· .. ~ II II I r II I I ... ~-aprnan n f f I t .••• , I lnrlc II ·· hit" I, t , t ,. L. ,. Ito '''"' 1'••1 Nu I:\ I '"'" """''"''1". ,,,., •. '"'"I ~tllld•·lll '.' ... II IIIII 1''0 I'll y rt· rl'< rum lk' vr Y tel )\' an H ffil \' l II.P ·•~ • 1 ' -ofUO leT 0 {.'trrnm••t< • 1111 ' •'' .~ '' r · 1 Fishln~. OU can · l'uhltt !'c•hnnl,. \\'l'rk wl ll tlf' f 1 1;111, ,1, t 'torurtll•ol tltll'lrto·t 1(111'"' hi• 1,,,,~, lrt Alllorltto I•>Wto 11 .,,.1 tltof y lrr lltr Army a.ftl!'r almollt please! \th e reel of tl\:\,we~thf'l' and l't'll'llrRirol ot thl' ('olll.n ~I(J'III fo:ll'· Jl ~~ '~''''n Jlf''"l'•~l'd '" technl(fl I hti)!l to cli8CUIIII "" , ... ~ ,, ,, ' II II I .. "' f I v .. ra r ~· I"Vfl'f' brratu~e or · ""'I(~Mnl 111111 lo·nv·,.,. M•mday '"' Nr"J><If't Ha1n.,1 I'•·•' ~ .. ..:·•t II • I•• 11 1"'"1 "'' 11''"~ 1 , ., ,: Ill 1, t hrr M 11 v I'' ''1 r '' " th" \\'8Y sea a d stream r€'-lnl'lltJH~' Ill' hi" ·I h~-f'1'1•1!f llffi'l At thf' J'rrmlll urr· dt~ath ,,f lhr lnr .. nt ,.-'I • ' • II I' I" &lto•m , hl•lrrnlorl ffiHk• . V • y•" ,. I • • I • • "'""l.llllt••fl "'''"""II whUf' ~ tbf '-· lot,. Jlf•"t 1 • f 1 h ... Amertcau 1.1'1:1'•" It• ·• 1 I • 01 '' f 1 ~ that. fishino .is On u s·. !'da!n 1t1 hool . Thr kln•lf'rj;tartl'n• rtllu'-ht,.r r1( Mr And M r• F'rllnk 10 , ,,.,1• ,1 thr Nf"WJ)oort 'llarh"r wh" 110 lftlfl,"l"''' Ill· ll10 ••K•' II\ Army. "l' 'K -hr -m,nt.hly b'll!l!'ttnl( ''" At•ll1 '""' en juSt to make a bad mat· i will rut rrn a.n 'lfW'r••'l a \\'l'ftnr~dav ( ~apm11n Jr Ill lh,. l'i"nt11 An11 ~lt11 r,,.,,, ~· llllrry. oliiUJI'hh 1 0,1 "t lit•' lAf!on flu I 1'• t"n Ill~ ~h•><ol ICh•lhl( tn•·•llllll Y"'Hll, l11 " w•"lL._I.!,!!I'I"!' ...'..!Jell '" I• t II•· .,...,,. f1111.'~tl ly In tHIO dab r \\.0...,." thC' m""!'.. R l't' m• rnln~:. Apt'll :lflth At J() <t'rlfW'k ('o,mm\tnll~ ho ... rtt.Jtl, will ....... ., I •t J A J•-·j h I r •I I•.. rr ..... man "'"'~" "n•l lln•l lf'llhl•••t to I Ill'• T" ··nl v ntlllll "''' k Ill K •·v Wo·-. Jo1•ona. ..,. , •"'-n,., ,,.. " r ,on• ,. r11 ,.. .. , rnan, w n 1 T h•· htin. of t hr 11 r. !'I.• r ru11 11 pmnting pictures o f . ~;uni>O\\ •n th~ 8\ttllt,.,rtum Bntl th•• mllln m .. uno•,l b Uw m•ny rn .. nd" or hull ·•""" ,.,~•ltna hPr ptarl'nta,, bu ,.,.~..~~,. •Ioria ted II , "''"'''' "' '"' , '''"' • t '•"I'"" I' '""''•'• at I two Nf'WJI'·r1 "' ,.,.,,, ~I'WI•" \ ~to·· wro• "' llv•· • "'"'' ,,, l llolt '"' t t~o ~tflrr atlrrtjf. t~t bcauti~. Marhn. har-~r h•>Ot will P''' " 11 sn °1'4'~11• lh•· family living at Cotta Mua It'll 11r \'lll'a\'tlli>, Callf~ornla, ,,,1 11'11" l•ho~ph ,. ,.,11 1, 1, 1,., .. "'"Ill"'"' Ko•hr.nl 111 !'Jtrl~t l 'lotull! 1.\ ''"'· :-!•·" "''•tk. In~: llu· 1'~0 ln,.lltull all"tltlmbt. racurla b l ue fin, etc .. until, -.----:: . . llnll HaltYII lflantl O..ath llCI'Urr~ol Jllln.I•O'I ltuMI')flflff wherl' lhf'y Wtll "'''"" ~letl '"••-&~~. d \t ... ,,, •• '"" •'l·fiiii'RIItiiUI fllf tho• Wwlot \\':u IUf .WIIJo fllf' rlttttj(ht•·r; 'M tll• Alt• .. I'IIIVI't•lly Ill Nf'W York ('tty. "" h· all OVer . BtJt a )Ot ,,th~lj!S W(' al"(' (JI~hUn~ fOr·-J\prtl 19 a.nd provatl' ,.,.rvtl'f'' """'" l'lt'klrt ,,. lilf'lt lt•1ht••' m~tnolo r'•loid b&dl,.\ If vrll'nln• Vlf'r~ ~IIVO'fjl f111 ·n.. .. -~~··or H"'n••nr w"" a n.,t,..t ~o~o otll lllr:" putt In lhf> pl~annlnc and Oyfout.hac l:ds ~are 0\'t'r.;('RS an!'! W<IIIIOC: for th•·. !Pll~"'. to ho'ld Thur~d .. v .. t the r.raurl MIIJ• r Oordoo • .,ooll:ll ~o~o .o. top (IY rtt-!,yn ..• ~ ... Jamre ""'"' ro,v.ot .,,.,h, .. lt.llt mlnt ... •·r ltnll tlll'lf "'•lk w ttlt tho• lllltltntJt from Ulll the Of •t-a""' tr~·1·nu t6 fnn.l come back anrl Jorn.u.o; 10 thm !'ha~l. Tbe body wu rr~mal.eti of th•· M#~~ anti fJtr ntt•tnrr.ta t.b~ !l t "llo y 11 11,,,.,.,, Waller'IC Tlnabwl&kt Jr .. tw .. y•ar• lliC'• w htl1• th•· llfin w.L. At my n·htthlllt•U•~n r•nt,.r at th( .. kt, ,..., '"' r-...... Th tlf' l 1 h 1 olauohto•t 1,( Mr and .Mr11, ,. W, p<> nt•· cbairman f••r hr 1 ua-1n ' W UnMIII-•r. JoWt It ~ rt .... ptv lnlf'fl'lllf'•l au< "n •1tfl•·l10l 11.( nr·w ll.t•lllfMt 1180 l'f'tll« to k -t"--y ~-h avt·n a 'fun, hnt 1t. ~.reatf'!i\t . of · A!!!"nr:-tn 0:1.<:· ., rt'll\'f'l' at er " ''l" .fO" .. , Atatt'•· anc1 wtJI contart thr vu tuu• •1 • • -, , • ·~ .... ,., f -~jnn r I Iff Mr lind Mr., ""'"k Chapman Rt raln nr f\ltlbo ... I.e and -'rf' __ .__,.....__ ~ -·' irrvtf't t" Gr«h ri ........ War I "thr I hlU'f h ' l flhll•h .. fl on th~ O.y l"rQnt. ~\ thaJ Is onr of th.-t1m~ IN•· .. -· .. ·.-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ................ .-L. ...... ~~·.·~ .. -.. ·.----~-------~----~--· ...................... ~----------~----~~------------------------------------~~ •' { ., • E D I T 0 R I A,L 5 N~wport Balboa New~·Tillu~s~. F E' A T U ~ E 5 Thursday. April 20, 1944 ~.~:-,~--.:-~-s-,~-;,-~ T-•• :_.J_)-... :-:-~-us-·,-~~-~--N-.-E-.-,v s . "-• L~ W~~~~'~!! J:!Jj:.ss ~·· ~~.~-.~-11-?.-~-~~~-~-~-hto_r_t'- .. -' of· the turue4! Jrq~ l "huol Ht> J1 only ~llttlle' eft E vtry ... ,. • ny "~" T tlure"•y .&ftunoon• Vot.,,J iiiiv lb Cc"tru~man John "''"... how ma ny jobt 1tnce 193:> .• w' at ., Kht yeara old t1M1 ,~:rand• n or • Taktoh from the April 18, 1919. 8 ut.<-r flllf'r. I ,... .• -. I I I •• ' 1'1 ( lr.l! .• ,. c · .. unty (. I' [ R (, I f. F: s <: ~ ,., Ill•· '""wn• tn tbt dJa. do you con .. der yocu home town. minto. and a ltot tr from hill Dad' ll ediHc·n of the Newport New I . t: :·, p , , /" , 13 1111 I• "" 1 11 t . ,,, tr ·-n "\' ha•r p"'• k• <I tbla up u and "doe.a thll ne'f bborho<vl _have onto o• tbr jOye ot hll! jlfe whtle hto F'n~ Knl~rht . our g nlal 1trtoet .. ··1· ~·o1' tl "!II he ~tu .. llpe('taJ name ~" 11 l taylllf 't"t>H fe w month.l with "llperhttcn•tent. 18 nuw tht• J')roud • · •, .t..tlo I• tn th'" column 1"\l'n't ·l!t't tlrtod. that'll. l)nlv t"to u1. r ltoft them tugt·thtor. thelW} and h'irppy poe.w.uor ·or one of l'!nlt'rc •I Ull ~· 1 .. C11l r ... I Itt I ,. t' • ( •lr• • " : N',J•>rl l!t·llch J '. 4-.,, t-nttrtalned two "over ~ friencU thi• week. He al.IO eD,ten.ined hill' father· and m otber and 801'1 1 rom Rlver.tde. Mr Hermu ' dau(bter. Mra. M Hill and her hueband bave beeD guurta In the HermH hOaJe. The Wounded Live & A. MI:YI:Il Prinl n~ I 1.1. t 'o I • ,, I "' I I tl f I 1 It ,\ '. II I' It I. -.11 •I ' . tllh .. , l'tH l l,i•.t l1 ( '..~ • U6H KE\'10:~ Ttl II\\' \IHT.YfiMT~ ('••ruf'r \\ 11 ltt11C Ill),,'( hurt ti St.. ('o• .. t• 'tr•lt '~~·•'h • ~ ·••I ,tflll tl. r • r, I•", · .r tht silly II)'D! 111 •t PIIIW Churcll mc>mb~>rshlp and h 8 te-tltor an•l w.·nt lntu th&. thus~ fami\ue "OveriiUltl Slllu': . t' ' r.~.: m bureaucrat\! 1 r II'" h .. nt>. where ln<·att>d, how kltrhffi :o p~p·rr, 11ur t'\'fnlng that ,V0\1 ht>a; C ty F:nginNlr Pa1:H. Thto wounc!t'd A.a:erjcan .,.dler 1· ~-· ... 1• 1• """'Ill: t.o take .,. .. ·t~n I'll "''" attend do vou belnnR. rntal Kn·ssly rave 30 much about h·•s twice 81 rood a cbance or IUr~ 1' · t • • 1 Ji tv ,. a a liven It ., ·I hR\'" vou rhanJ:I'ot ('hUI'('hu Su<!olFnly tw ~arrc runntnJ! to l\lr and l\1 rs J l\1 !llcCatn I'll· vi val In thla war u be h&41 tn tht' t , ,, 1 • ·.~ • • ' rad t eomiDen \l ••n tiRlJr" .tl' .. "j)f'rco•'lta~:e" nf "'" "l:runcJr> uthrr. f:rantlm.,thcr. '1 rtaltwcl the ·~" Club at thtoJr lAIIt one, a War 'Dfpartment IUl'· Official Pafer of the City of Newport Beach 'I ~t f I I 1 I k ' ' h, · 1 I, r• f \ ,, A .Depend.llb!e Lou11 tnat•t utton F'or Ov~r )~ Ye•r.l 0~11 1,.\11\ of 'ICII 'T C .\R ~11~1. c Ill tiC " t, t , I ···t • "h1o ~re~l&ll&el lr • htll• h~"' re Out you rhange dt'-II··~· HT" !" mlttJC I'IITI)' In May••· hi' ,., zy l'tlllllgt> Mrs. R. !II. Durke<' '· vcy ha• dll!cloeed. Despite thto ua ; I' ' •I ·. · -·'"" d1 .... a (rea· ., ntluaWOns whom you ramo• trt s n anh 11 and : thn•" n~o: >ti'I:I!Cif :•p'ttt •• I tht' lady's pdze an.! Uar-10 rr.odt'f'T'I 'fl'ar f&ft or the m Olt ~--·......:·· .... -..,. .. '"'" -. ll!fhONAL EDITORIAl.--,~~ It ~:i \\ ('c·fllral, • ..... ·lw•rC De tiC'h \." .I I•' I ' ..,,.... ' '-• ! I r, i ... 1 I'· ..... .t .. ll•tter tron .,,~ t wn? Do vou 11ttend morto t'1t•• my urns ht· b•u st lttt•r lt'IHII ry Jump~:r a 'rlxed to bla <•n'IN•t ton deadlv wea pons ~ver made by man. t · · '''1" t't>l of Agl"'cut 'oo'•lut>nlly llinl'e tht' chan~e? Thf'n r was stunnt>d for hi' had ~t'n iw vr lor.t, thl' mt!n's rlr11t prize , nly 3 7 per cent of tbe Amuic&rta ,, . I(IWS'-'f• ' ..li£....ASSSSCOCIATION I ) ~~.. l 1944~ 7JtA.#.,J.,_ ~ ~ .--... ··•r IIIII' \'1 '''I \ C IU 1:1 tl :ttl .. htrhuo \\1'. 1\tllun I .. I.,H&f 1 '. l ;,,, , "' -'1!' l' •1llura1 l!:c<' •II d ub nymberllhips. anti frt>-· uppy ht'rt', 1-thought He Inn !! + + + WQUIIdt'd In action have died. u ·• I"'.,. han Ill" BUil.dlnJ; '"'' "' v of a1tf'ndan<'e and wherto t ,. rarm "Yuu want ll.l'm, J,.n'l J. H l'lurnnwr or San Fel'naod{l rompared with 6.1 per Cl4nl 1J1 •t '•' It .,.,. s.-nt tu a youn,: • I"•'" mort V••rv1 murh In de ,\'ull?" .• f asktod, antJ hr .urnell hts r as d<'l'idtd ttr makl' Bulbi'Jrt hill WorldWar f.U!e•urvey abowa. r , • ,., rohjat•· uf tbe Unlwrwtt~ ta11; I'm cuttinr It l htJrl. That'll t .,.,. up I!• r:u . lellra slrt>amtng pe}'lDantonl homr and le nnw hav- ' 1 l '.o!l r111 1~ 11"--loJ: In 1 ne Of 0 111 t1 ,, na~;rs ~uwn. 1t11d ln•~,;hed. "Oh. yu"' hi' tng h 11 rott.a~:e • n Uay Front and c ,,1,,111111111\ \lo·lh•·•'"' 1 , • , "' 110'8 Jt offered 1 ;, .• Next: 'Mlto actlvltlel! nf eAch llnliWt>ro·ll, "f'q1 11•• huppv s11 ll81J· U:•y \' .. w rr.uveu OVI'r on tht• <'liT· ,,,., t. 11 ....... 1. 11 I'"'"' q ,,, •• ~~ "" k nrnk rng a aurv ... 'l'l'm~r of tht' family: ll('hool. <'ard py'" Lot·ked In eac·h thtr's urms. ner ol 1· • ·• ,. ··.' • '.~ " 1 ,.,, 111.: I'"· tjuo•lft•ona on a qurs· JllltlJ~'•· p1cnlr1. dancea. mnviea, IQY tear8 n.lngle.l with h.a. I tun All the flsttermt•n art> happy •' ·•· t 'l.o •' 1 I"Rn •• ., ~ w H'h wna t'n!'t()jlf)d wlllt communit y affair•. how oltt>n t!IJ Wllll "llu hllppy " n~aln now t1tiil the tit•-up Is over n~ •', r CC " , ·~,_. ....!-I ~• ,., ~·aa;-'$' .. ~1 ('IJHI~'r I Ill II( 11 11\ T ilt: -.r.\ Union. P11It!l and Honor ..... fl I \ tl " ... I J'l ~ I PAUL NORMAN VACHT IAIL ... AKEAI · Salla. Awnlng1, 8ciat Covers WhPn Tho rn :'I:-1':' lllf' fim"h~rl "(', mHllllll ~ •n..;f'.. hf' 1'\',td some o f it nloucl tp Tlv•tn:t!';'.lc'ffJ'f";on. Onl' day tw ,.,.,,d•h1m '' s hcu1 pn r:u::r ·o p'' ,,, 1 •·nnl.llnt'(l t ht" lilt It> Sl'ntc•nC'f': "Thh ,:. '1 1 '' " ' 1 •: 11 ' •'' · 1• 7 . tIt, I• '''' Tho· 11no (lt'TII on thl!! vou go ! Do vcw hR\'t' r los• Tt ar11 , r j<•Y 11on't la1t long and und thr bt~ta nrt> all out a~: a In ~" j ,· ' ''""' "'''' ~ 1 ., • 1 d vt•\J "lll ahortlv ..,_ frll'nflll" tP.R ~Q.l afttor ea rn ·-:<'•l:l 'At' llt'rt••te.prn our plana fi>T mal<ln.: (;•til} haula. ~ fo It f ~ • I :.!24 4r 2111 St. Ntowport Beach ·.: o1 ,, •• 1, 1 ,1 ,., •• 0 1 " , \' -. o!n• 1 • 1 , I ' ·o11 1 h••r:l t h t o ~~ to ~trt lng on~. ot tht:ae qUeltlonnR.Irca thi4. furlough. 'He mu1t ahow Ma.m- d ,1 , ·1 , d lt .ll rloll • 1 t• ·" 1• ''' s •.,_: 7•1 ,.,., n••,nlh. plus JS.80 e• I• .around. I wouldn't have! I \\'htore ii1a ant.! Daddy lh 1; mUll tell a timP fur ttr.i•lll. fa ith ant hnn or·." Phone 207 HuJ:h Mc·!IJIIIun hu o~nf'it hU. TIII'N' ·matt 1 !\ ••• J, o 11•1' "OJ'Ib. ttntpn, fa11l1. h••nJ.Itl: ,\lr- ~tro.~r1 woN1". thP l;ind th.1f r.:••an difkl't'nl thing ... tn ,,.r,·n·lll flf'Oplt•, nml y.•l :tf I''"·. ·1mc• liml' wort!!" that h:l\'<' a l'ttlllfnt>ll 1 · , .. r • "''I'•JIII<'" plilll ~IC per m:lo tin thf'V Hve? Wbat do they cto ! them thnt. Ill' will return to t'l 'l .l. COO-V EL CJJURCH ·r 1 rn. , ••· "' a r ur and thto lett~• Then "lllrl thto fat"DU~a voo v11 tffi T,·nrwel!ec with lht'm when thl1 IJtnl'h ro: m anti tackle stand out on thto F:spee wharf nnll Is (;flUng reauy to ov~ hla !ounlaln and ron· fel t ltln~ry on the O•·•an F'tcil'lt MORTIMER SeHOOL :·!nd "'"' t:t.h·n, c u•tu ""''''" prontiR d that a rr11ng.ement. 11nlUlot ~ruJarly In 1943 and 1940" l&bout f"rlough and his lll!hOOI cfote. ..; "'"·" ""'"" ,\' l~o 111''111111>'' bt-n uuiP 'thr"ttJ:h your local boar•l a half paf~ of ap&ce. with dto'llil.. I ~ad to plan F.vcrythlllK mu!'lt meaning for t'\l'f'hody. '' ' "" -II "·' "'I!' '1'11r :--"'tee. r 1 11 , ).!tll"•llll•·" Tht> letter Wll.<l of eacb family. and lht> numbPr • f b\' 11plc and ap.o n, fur ~h 1 wnnta , • 1 I' c. \l1d ''" k p r u)t'l nt•• .. , 1 · -• • .. 11!'tllf:' L , -I' 1, 111 !flA:Ilo•ol toy "\\'altPr rt Go cblcbmhtt. v1111101 and ·~~~ vou dn m11re vrs·t-111 worlt when the li;ovA comr J think I hi -momc•nt )S t hP tharc11'rittt·al urh· in .\n~r•m·;r~~ hist ory wheN' llwo.;c> \\etnl!.-·ttriun. faith. _h nn"r h.rq • .1 commo n m !•:.ning . nw fil:-.1 lim(• "il' \\ lot•n 't'r•lll l'ainc• \'.J"tJ: t' thC'm in U1e hl~ak 11 nd di~·(tllradng d :r.\S of tt11• i\ni1·q•·an 1:•·- volu l'io n . 111f' ~"·oml ltnw ".r·: "h•·n A he• l.itlf·ofn. lin•d :rncl !rid<. rlcspair~.'<i o f IH;f.Jing t !.e• n:tltnn l o~<'fhl"l" 111 tt~r• ltlm l\t''-' 10•• .,, • '( 1"'-'·'"' ,, 1 •·-• lh I 1"~0~" D 't h • '\\ h ·•'t .h t ! ,,. ... ·J··· .. ,,,,.,.,.,.h ... tu "':\it'• A,.,.,"'11t•· :O:o•ul Sc·ten<·~ ft..&.l&ly•t " iDfC no"' An n ~... orsn r •. ,. av~nl.OVflu ut e a r m '" 1 o 1. 7 ,-, I' ,. :-; .. .,.. lo-t 11 100'.-1 he quHltonnttr.-~r Gol1..:h midt know therto'l & arnce ht> wu herto last, and 11 l·'t• 1r 1 ull pa,:•·><. name, acldresA ··war on! mu.11t lu~ k likt> home to them. Rea· t 'llt'IT I tH 'It:o.Cll \Itt . ( III'IU II n l < CI'•T \ \It:'~ \• C C hu o h uf I"" lltt:h•\:1\ , ft4o\ Co \\ lftnr•f "t•·urn•,.l'<l•IIIP. \J~u· S lf•ttr n-.. ( u l't•tr.tl••r rtltutf' I 7711-.l • , '""'" '" l " farr liY. aex. mar Havto patltonce, onlv two mor<' • lu' e y "'r rr.ulit n t tlunk uf what rit>t1 11r '"''!!"' ag1• or eacb, acbOI·I ~ea: Where did you buy y ur t ·~ IPIIVP may IT"'rttn. but-wpl!lld . . . , 1. t•l•·t , . ., ""uri' I! of the ear~1• gToc-erit·ll. dot he/1. ~118 11n·t oil tvery mlnute In happy vi1ll1ng. 1.. J' . .:~ 1 , .. 1, h , no· name of emplu) lwhllt. on an A card'l raf\1;1 rna-n 11!1t .e .. ,p • h m all h111 fa<'ontt: days of th(> c'ti\'il \\'a r. Th• f\urd lin at• I!. r·ow. · · I ••d I 7 Ut p ... \\(•f""h I' ... t \ lu·•• Jt,., 'lltr• ~f••:t;,.._ 111 t'h:11 ~·· ~lttlol.l\ •dtutol .0 '\ft ,, Ill ~urnrn~ w~rr~hiJI II a 111 ·t• • t •I IIHP~r~h'. fiU"tur·, .._,...'""'" , 1 1,11 t h plate uf hu'et.nd a'n<l chlnery, 1~. •~ed also·y .. ,r bani<-rood: He' mullt reel at h11me and w I•· "''" .. 1 lho• husband'a fathi'T, tor, ·doctor, ·favorlt!' rrcwle, nnd fl·d .our joy in havmg him lwre. The s lrabge ttn'n:; a iKltll our c·n :--1s i:. thnt il Is math• 11'1 Amt>rtca. It is no t a rl't'atur'\' ol th(' t•nc,my. ur ,., f•n n f fttn 'll.:ll agcmtA. "A liiiiP band of wiOful mm." a:-1 °n"''~··nl \\il:--w1 e~tlled IJlt'm in '!Is c1a1·k h ours. Sl.'l·n~:-tu l~t• lt~·ning &.ht• \\huh· country away' f rom th e meaning_ of lltt• \\,1{, aw:.~,v fn•m tlw de-sire for a lasting rx•at't'. away fn .rn llu• r l't.'li ·fill' 1 dn:-1{111' iUtol ··llillto i:ruup." how lont 10 uew~~r•. H oneat. tolka. l1n Attu t. ey are ~JOt' .&nd 1 lim h •· , ,.1110111ntty. and where did you not mak ing this up. l 'nt c pylng alont> again I will ftnd h~arueaae ""'' l!<'fool f' h<•W many Calltom ui' the queetlonnalrl'' Where do you tn wurk I wtll duw r·.·~:ry c~rnu ,,..,. 11.., huv .. vuu lived ln. and bow hlrto labor ? V.'h••rf' tlo ~ou ItO to "· th:s 'h .. usl' jtust t • bt' liu11y unlll 11 ,11,, '1n ; tiwr statea 1lnct 1835. worlc! Vtol(t-labll' ~ardf'n ~ ,Chll•k.-lh<' a « he 111 ~aa1Pr .I am ~ratefu a• t o•llgr·r. In all o·r p11• alu of .farm. ~ f Cow! Jl'amrly mcome I" I hnvt• lwen AIVen !Ill r"ngth. t o C'UATA MF.l'4A C'CUI)t''~IT\' C'ltt'R('H t '•rl U .luhn .. on. ~""'''~'' 1941? In 1943 ~ work . Work may wtdl be the sal· t,ive planning ro r t ile fttltlf'(' l'!l t: '!lith ~1. Ph. :!I':~·R 1 nt1st '" ,.,.,,,.n .\la .. chuaettl And thf'n tho ,,..,., page o• all '~t.<...t ,,r tl.tl! .,.a r·!ut n ·worlll :-:"'"""' ;:, h ••I a t 8:30 L m filled In by n,~ .. '"'" -t ,•r. all a~o1t -'Lucrt>tia Mn y. I 'hut••h S. hnul !l t;) il. Ill A do:llen m e n In <'nn~n:·..;s. n half dot.f'n rn1·n '' lw em 11 11o" paper.~ a nd ntdio stn l ion};. a d111.1'n ltil.!-bw;im'ss nw~1 whul~:dl' our J>m:;idcnt nnfl yt•:arri fo r :1 fin:u wial ana~d1~· t ht·~ <.til "f~ ffilc r-priSE>'!. i tl'l' de atn!! t hi..; to I h ' ; ·u unt "'· '1111'~ lw \ •' many s..tt~lllte'· Anrl. hilt' lin:.!. ~ond t>ppo r tttnis lw ' \'amp f1tl lo\~rs. but. in t h e mnin. thl'.'l' r •. ,,. ;u·t• thf' fHist> ,irop!wl~-o.\\lu' ~l .. rntrl).! \\'m·,hlft, I I t~'doll·k 'Yout h t.;roups, 1111-h Sl'lw<ll, In· l•'ll'l(~fl.lto• Adult, 6 30 p Ill 'un.tllv ~t'r" •·o• Rl t 1 a m. Wt•d-the "SOC'Io-F:c-nnorntc Status:" All -,,,.'·tv T• ~~ rmnnlal MH tJnc at 12 about thto hou~ and lht> wtlll'r and J.,,, nm.: .... I'VI('t', 1 :\0 •••·lu<'k . ~I ldwr•,·k fi'IIV" 'lllp ;wd pruy••r, \\'nJrw~d:~y, 7<l0 p m • , IJAk rwon. llrhtll, 11 ncJ •I() yuu hu \'to. a rarti11 l t•~tol•n~: J.unm loc:ated at 111 and retrig•·•·at••r an•l phnnp and l':l.!lt ('r>nt rAI Av_enue. Balboa, 1! auto. and then t,ho !Inn prr markq .. ,~,.. .)atlv troom 1 p m. •o ~ p. m. what•klnd nt n r-nu~tekeeprr ygu '"' . • '''t•t ·"''Ill...._ and hoi Ida-.--I &re. rou knuw ...... ell kl•pt h .. mP .. IIIJ:,~IIt\ •l it \'Ct. til t 111 'It:" .~ ""T" J-·-1 11 to•· trnn.1tJ\' , '11'\•rv ... t "lilltortorl and •.!.•rt ,. f'rl'm'~~'"·" would lc.v.td Am('Jik ;l to w:es h' it.o; \\ill'. :end s hattl'r It:-hOJlP' . I ' .. ' ., • I '"If , 1 , •• 0 Thc ·~ uL.lc Is c·o rdially tnvU.CS to "~Jlt and ~ .. u l>fltnt!'d." "All ut •' f t\ •f t " I h 0 , l ' t 1 for·peuce... . , f t•lll ,,. rl •• ~" '" .. " II '' ' •· -.llo•nrl t ,. 'hurd• el'rvlrel atld Ule food nnkr .. "untlll\' ln'o•ronr .. The:--<> 1H Is o. \\ '!!' c)ltstru t•lion 01r1cl tlllfnl-giv;!l!lc• ltht.•l-.. to ':.•1' • I· • " .,,,, -·' •I U,.t l It •I •' .. 'II•· l .••.oo!.nt-: Rr~~•m ..... -furthcr polit h ..a I :ru lltit inn s and Jll'I"S(mal c1t~in.•s t>huulcl IIC' In a't .1,. 1,, , .. ,, ... \l n •H•I rADIO CHAPEL BROADCAIT CaJJed What l hl')' .tl'l'-lt'\':tSllll. 'fltl•at;un ilgilltiSI tht• JHII JIOSI 't.· 11 1 1 • I .,. ~ 1. I I t It~' ''• ... ' ''I oft.be-wat. tre:t~n a~:amst U1c mt•n nncl woml•n ·-.':h o fi~hl 11 in~ faith. a;~ain..;t the futun• o r th is nnt ion . Legnl t re:e:-·un j,; n \\',11'1. :\lon11 t l't'H!"tlll j.., :1 t':r r.~~·r. Ttw faihm' o~ pie to n••·y,g!'lji'J' tiH."S(' <lklinclJo'n.sJS tl.c l.aJt:: esTIIngl,· 1:1<·:or in tlw , ....... i~. . . Till' J.w1.: lt.tllu•nlh'll t~lllll'-. tln·~-.c-.1111 tfw c-c~tlllllt' ul .1 , 11, -•• • •·· ...... t .... J l" t + h· -''· lt•lf .... .patn ot, w'i :h tl ;(' rc•ll:tlH.' t'1.rt tilt• P•'~'Jllt• :tn• t "' :r\\:11r• th:tt • ,. ,., , , , .•. , , , 1,, 11 ••• ,J1 • JU.ILEE liNGERS pu tt'lll'l•l'l I• (oflt•ll t ill' 1!...,1 t'l'!ll:.!t' 111' :-t ttlltldn·l~. 1' ·:• ·: :1" .'.;',1: 1 .'o '.:,,;, Tlw ":'wr•·l l'harto 1 Hoorr Jubl l nHlll, Lilt 11 :end h ullllt' 1\'lll.tln 0111 l>:t:-1:-rllr Ill •J>I'. I . '.. ,, ,., " '" " ,,, 1o. :O:IIIj:l~l.. •·I """" (llfnt I~. II b• 1.r.tcll f••r ••Ill' \\<II' ;i u:t~. ,lflll 111111111 it~:llll"l lllt•~•· \\Itt/ 1 'I,' "''tl•ol • "11"1 vm.: I~ tal thP !'nt:tmuntty \1 1 \ •-····f u ... '·'I·· ,\iJ Jt or ittnt li'r,t) ~·"port v.·ould dt",l t'C ·~ t h t•ll\. 1 • • 1 t H .e, l t • I ·' ' •• t-!, t. ,.,, ~1 .... a . ~un.ta\ •'ve.- l•',c.th 111 III II' ('• \tlilt'\'. ;..:,, dc'.lll r:ttllt. IJltl \ tl >l'.lll l tl.'. ~ "1 'I. I " ' '"1' ·'11 '·'' "1'111 :.!:l Tho·. puhltt • 111- 0 • I I I \ t f, I I 1! It! ~ ntttlli( [.lll ~~t h:.t tl.t· • \tltlltr·:. h \\•.t Ill l1 •. h1111.; ••11' ••ll tlw l1:tl · , 1 , 1 , •' ,, ,, "'•" "' • "'"' .rn.t l'nt••• t•telr tlcftl'l l. .• at llu~-h~ l ~t" Ill lo•tt"ry , fh•itl olllci·lll.Jt'k t•l &Jl~ll'~. ~• ,, " •· ' . •r ,I I •~ "''""'c nPJ:ru ~pttttual! nnd ,,,. '' · '' ~ 111' "••H\11• t rl u:•·~ut h•·:-. I ,.·1111 i \'", to • r'aith Ill till· ltllltl'o' 11 .. 11 \.t 1\JII 1'1,o j• .II' l1.t' oHII"'''"I'• 1• "'" •I ,, to• ,.,, 1,o, , I' • • f• n1 llttll(ll' '.' I 'ctstl" o ·I~. 1'1 11' I, 111d ttl '• II " tl hu th ot I he· llt•· '' 1\ I ' '1 ' 0 ~ "'1 • "00' • Th••n· '" P r1•ut t:•e•n mr•n.btr• uf I I r I I ,. 1 11' ,u ll ' ... ·' '' • \ t\ 1 ' ''' 1 111~ ttt•,.:rt~ S Ul)ltftJ.: ~tnUJ' Thou· _cl_nrdtlo.n uf l n!lc•ltt'11dt•l}t t' Ia 1\r•.l a l~t\11. lonor 11111 ~tan( ... ,, I''"\' "''' 11,,, 1 .. , ,, ,. ... I I I """''• ha\'C' t>n"W•·.t lho·1r llpltndid fo r our inh-<'l'lt .\·nsindi\tdu.d .... Jlolhtr~'hr.·hJtl<':tt l'o"t'\\ll,'"'1 "1 '·· "'' ••-I • '''"' ··• " " """ ,., · "rnhm o ( tht' rotk !"'"!:~' Brln~ IIV(' a s ON'('Itlly a s ttlll' ·''JIII.IIt•ITlS th-~·l~l' tho· rnn11ly an,l o·nmo• JUHI a httlto Our citire.ns. nwn a nd wnnwn. an· f1g hting and clytl>g. lion-FIRST CHURCH Oft CH,UIT. •·Jt rh fur a gn<>d 11eat. orablc men a nd wonwn \\Ill ~tanrt hy them a nfl JUflgl' all LX' S€IE NTIST "'"'"'""'"It t ht' llln~:m~:-t-:vanrel· Lido Theater, Central Aven.,. 1~1 t: .. rfnr will ttpra k un lhf tNb· ""'-h~ylo~ in this t-risi~ un lhf' ha::.is of \\ lwtll<'r Ot' not it is hvn-andy,., Lido jr c 1 ·•£ttJah \hi> r>ropho•t 11 He • 'q~. . ' \ hJnnrh .. r Tl,.. !\1 .. Uwr ('hun h. llrrl' In CN~IR Ml'fla ~ Would Tou N obody knows Whf'I'C' T n m I': tint• IS ltur it'fl , rtnhody Jl(>t(.'(Js :'hi' Ji"''r,.t !"hurt'h "' t 1lrl"t. Sl'l-Hero~enl:te H im~.. Maine-I i 4:~. to.know. H is f l"('{'(iom -lu\ m,.; !--pu·it j.., t'\ •• ,.:-"Ill'!\'. It stand s for -wha t Amenra ~houlcl fil·rt'\'ly ... t:r hC1 for today -union. fa ith anct ho nor . ..-l ..c'<> A. IA·rnPr io I.!!H'rtln·l k hllttnt Boc)stN. Tomorrow's Job .ttw a"·u a-;tlo(t0 (~t'AAn ;.wt hwnant"'l~· tow-ard the m('mh(-r:: ct the a n imal kin~-:cfom. But thl' :tllntl!ll dC'sign Cif io n o f stwh a week -this war from April :!:1 In :.!~1 .. ~·n·<'~ to rt'mind u,.; not only nr Uw iwogrcss ~adr in protN 'I in~ animals from c·nll'lty a nd alJU~'. but a lso that animal~ do Ollll'h to mak• o ur "'"s mo":' intcrosttllj! anri romplrtf'. , There t~_growing t•onc·f'm lll'rt' pn th•· !'.w 1tic· Cflast thn t t)o ~n, not ~uttPa'" pmyf'r of thankfulness ~or ttw dl'\:o\lon slhce the P acific.\\'lfr p.-obOthly \\Ill Oltllrl:<f n~.,, )11 Eumf)('. thl' of :-.~·in~-f'Yl' dti).!S \\ h('ll \\1' ~"' \lnt' ~'tlidin~ hi!" m.l ... lt•r along Eastem wa r plants will Ill' I"C'h•aSt'\l lll~IJtl'' llll'N' he I"('. ~mt t hl' ·~ti'N't ~ Man has no Ill' liN ftwnds than th<-:tntmals h~ East em lndust r y \\ill g('t . tht• jumt.• o n t h1 \\'1•-..1 ill <'On\'c•r ing has dnnw:-t i1·att•J ;-t h<' hnrst~ tl~a t Sot' I''~ him. tlw f'I'IS that to peace uses. l delight d>ildr't'n. t ht' ltirfls I hnt ~1\'t' mu,.JC. It Is not a r.arJkulnrl~ g1::cttfying 1,'1'111".l'c.'c'l: Inti Ci::difo ta 1 Kintln••ss ft.~~·t"\'J.'S a pl:wt' 111 ~~~~ "",. acti\'itif•..... 1\111 most 1s stridi.n& m anfully -<~ht•ad wtll~ ~h" rlouhlv c;hlc., 1•,·<· b.~ llll~t~· of all it sh ould ~ mamflos lr'fl in Pur tn~at nwnt nl .rll~ls .. urin& up to its s\utus as Pae~t ftc ar~-~.·nctl and l01l'l);llltlL: J,,r Mn y !his \\'t't'k rc•min rlus t hnt :tn imals a~ ••f-11 a~ h wtlafl be-- what ('()fTlCS art£'r. Todn;· it is \\'t-Il along lh(' n ).!h l C\i:ttl. tl :ljl-Ill~~ a re madt• happit•r ~~~ k indQt'"" "Hircn f'l\ ""'' untl tho n 111r - ----- ~o)dier AI-. Irwin Has a Baby ~rl · \\"r rd \HI!' ti.ro•vtJ tn.l:ly that AI· lrwm'' w hh !! 111 ttl •Uo•(1 111 ,SI'llt>n~ct aoly. :'>' Y .. ts U o fl'"'" papa uf a 6 )b. 10 .nr.. •bal.J_v·.J.!ll· <'hristt'tlPcj Clallttlf\ Lynn ~~· U.•• .u 11t t .. th,• a.i"" 't.·n.c.:. nu t.""IY At I" till-~'"" f i M r~<, snolto I rn·tn, ..-1 "· :"l'WI~ .. rt ':<,~ rl.v.1.i•11te•r: ·an• • nlo'rl!ol t h.. ""! \ l"t' ~'" l'ral ) t .,,. ua:u -,. . . . :\Its D. 0 Driggt•rs anol little n "''P \:tt ginta Hug g. ~~o·~nt. to Lo1 Angt>lt·ll to sprud sev.:ral C:aye ~~>'tlh frlendl. ). f'~d.t ,.,. llunz ""'' \\'llllaJTA a~ _.,ending tht> Euler vacation In lht' r (Ot.u~:e. "Sauta Paula," on Centra l annuto liJld "B" strtot>t. T.tll' Balboa Chamb4!r or Com- merce Ill flrtlng up !)t'rma·nt!nt quart• rs In thto Balb.ra f'avtllon near lht poet offlct'. "J;toly" !>dll~ ot.r gcnlul barber, I Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWI,CHES Are Delicious! Moore' a Confection_, 2100 Ocean Front Phone 73 -Newport Beach The Wo rld's Ne\\'s ~a Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIEfiCE MONITOR Au l.llc'HtaiH»tttl IJarl y N.<'w~('dJ'(T Publ1~l1td b) • ·'TilE CIIIW;TI."\'\ ."CIE"\,CE PUHUSHI';\(0 ·SOCIE'TY (lrt~•. =""""·'~ Stn·o·t. Tlttl.oton Mas,achuseux I• Trnthfui--Cun!OtruC'th·f'--t'nbllloof"d-t'~ from 8enutlollfll.- t.:dllor1al" A re nmrly ancl ln .. tru«'th·e and Ita Da.lly t'eat~H'fti, To- J:'t'lher "1th the \\ttkly M•~nt' ~tton, Make t.he Moollor aa l.to·.al ;\''"'"l"•l"'r fu r 1111• Uunw. l'ri~ 't;!.llO \'f'&rl). or S I.GO-&..,."oniiL S!llltrolll,\' r .... ul'. lro..tucllnt: :\l•.:a:r.lnC' St'-c-tlon, 12.80 a l'r u . lnlrtMIUf•f.or) ()ffer, 6 ~Kiunlay h~U1'11 23 ~ala ••• • .+. + _ .... . ' ''+ ... . -~· + : -~ +. : • ·pears, t o a('('OfTfJ:>Iish·ho th. and stull('n~nu:-tllHh·rtakHU.: .... ~t"(' _ -.----- In ~=~:iti('So \\'OI'thy o f l'alif\~11llan!"" \:~,.he dt• .. a:n:>l tv~Wh~t! No :Conversation?. a~, by w riter J.{OIII.'I't. C'. Elliott to th·· im~c·n~l' Jll li\.!1.11 ( ·a.n ;.(Ill itmlgilll' whant \\llllltl be hke t f' \\,tl!_ ( ... a bnr-• of the s • R ('{'()nstrv(;tton, )IIH1 ~kc·m~Jo~ mt'i\J ( "l "''"~"'tolll hc.•r "h ••lo •111ct ).!t•t a h att't'l!t nr a sll.l\'<'--~·thout 'o 'f' ..... ,titm? I Astronoi'Hrs ~ren't _t.he ·;only ~nes. ... working o stim u latt• Jlt';lw !lllU\Jill ~. !Hghr·r}'"".: "'~·~'ul.1r~ ·l'tll!Cr t::Ul .U..l'---_ • _ • _ and n ew m m N'('t.' hen.:, .,Bilh n~.:,,f.'<lu!l;1 ,.~_.''''"1h "'"""I 1:111 11 111.1~ aomlt'll) tha t. I~J L1ct. t ho•J:.r t l ··t • 1 '>ion,r ness. a nd hs tor lJllJU'V'(ttn:J..Ic:' :l·lmllu_ll .... •h'" ':1111•'""'· :11 1' "'""''"G"'o lt.; .... T,t.1-..t~•d 1w.~'t'dt•nf I~~ .1~, ''"~ .. , ~,, !::~1 its thf lm . goals St't by pl:l IH'd l!t'llj\'ll!i (til' "''"ldo•n lt.d 11\o'lltlk•l' ... I .ttinul \.!!'~'tiP,\\ ith tlwt'r C'll,.ll 0i1H'I' I' ti~· .. ·".. bnllrnng a >nn.'J maClttfa N ut; .. "" n-.1 I r:1do• .111d 111 • •• hi• I" •II 1,,) •t o ., 1.111 t •1w 111:-,1:.,:0 11~-.. h·,m P••·l, lilt.: Ill' ~~~: 1 1,, of ~coriunoditil'S r:l ll)..:l~)g .ft\>1 "'1 ~-.·t.ri i:O :\,;1'1\'UII IIi :d ''''I' · It lt'lll.tlll" l•lli<'~o ~'ll. 1111\\t'\t'l . tf l•.11l •o'!'' t 11 •', \\'!th.-1 to cint•:<;. fut~ and .01'\\'l,\' Jlt'l'lt'('tt I ,,~ -pmdttl I!>-oll null-... ,l ,o\\ •Ill I .II-. Ill~ j' 1 oU and lumber. • \ Jt as mcs..:.apablc tha t the.• <'Oilt' IU:'Ih 't' of I It' .l:!f•·'n' ... o• "... It alt e r the EUl'Opca.n fight ln~ i!'o "'-:,. '' tlllt.,J\1' It•· llto~ut l •tll :o MODERN MAR. IN£ SERVICE on Pt..·~fic Coast states. 13ut it ne~l noll '"' \j.llift'l'tll.l ... lilt'\ orablc fat~ to la.nbl.Jblt unn.'q ttill'<i l n1 1'' ,., :.I o't'. 'II:•· tot.lo 11 ....... .._, • , • cal pmjt"ct~ that nrc t a k in g' sh<~J1C' uAdt·r tlh' \.llfld.lllt~· ool l•n•r s H E L l D 0 c K ness leaders w ho dart' to <'n \'is ion an\J pl.tn lltt·ln "dl .11.! ""· measurably in aet..'Oillpli~hir'g t h1• t. sk .It ho~11tl , ... 1.1' ·' I l't'a d yin g the see~ fo r tom o r row's j<ll a .. \\ •'" 1 Be Kind to Anjmals It doesn't requln: a "Be ~lnd to ~nihlals" BALBOI1 ISLA:N.D .. \ ' .. wi~prohlems --ol fi~Hiftd·,~P,~~ .. ~. _ _ __.,.. . . . ~eftmel .. think We prot.J t !M facrrl hya~troMm!'ft are fairly l!il!lete after all. . , : • Tboup they, l~ke our ticket ·~en~~. clu l ... ith time ,.nJ !fat'e. tb.::y d on't bn c to u plali to tT;n·•lere "hy it'e t~ftc·n impo!lsible to get I rain accommo~lation~ (ur a rt'rtain time. S. P. ticket agcnl!! lh·c ,.;.b ~urb proll\r m! cwry da~·· 1l1e plain fact is •• thl'rc j u:lt i~n't.room QD our trains to take care of all ch ·ilians who wa9f to tr:~,·cl tla('•c war Jay&. And often we must a~k wonld-~trnelcrs topuHpnuc \ril" · they'd like to n1ako at o n cr. . N ot o nly aro ,~·e abort!"£ c-quipmnt and •ae J'!"Wei'-Bot only ia our travel load th e bcavic~t in m~tory -hut lotlay aoch of our anilable spare u n1retlC'tl hy ef'n io·.-m t·n an" war iodi111t.ry travclen . Dec-ou~ many p<-nplt• mu.••:a.~,·~l -cluri.Jlllhi• war. man~ o thel\. u-ru t ~~·· "'!-•1'1'" ~ai'J bur tick.et agC'Dla m!'e\ the publie~very day aDd Oft lhela ... ,a11s the t'horc of.c~~laining why train &pace ilaome~ ~ot availal1lc as and 'tJH~n _rcqun.l(~. Pcol'lc gcn.r rally are un•ler~l:111cling ·and" patienL ADd froni kio.Jiy l~:ttcrs ancl comnwnts we rccci"l!· ,..e bcliev• our tid~t·t a~··ut..! arc b:auJllu:; their-difficult aaaignmul ~fficicul~y auJ well. ~\ I s~P The friendly Southera Pacifi~ I I .. • .. . -. ~·-~- ' NF:WPORT-BALBOA N~VS-TIMES. N~ se.eh. CallfCWNa, C:tliftJrnia, Tliurstfay. Apl'il 20, 1!'14-t HARBOR WillERS• II COUITY BOWUIG ~ITEST HER~ APRIL 21, 22, ~ . Top womt>n l)owler• from 01'1tllflt' COunty will comp!'h Jl"rMay. Sat- ur(lay And Sundar neat, April 21 - 22-23. In the 'l'hl~b Aruaual OranKf' County Woml"l'l'a &wUng-Tourna- mr-nt. Jo or~er In h11.ndlt' lh<' rapacity crowd two n .. w t~li<'ys h8\'t' bt"t'"' adefd 111 Balbol!.'a• Spoo·tland bnnj;:lng lh<' total numt.o:r of llllen to 10. All wtU tw in full ,;,nf.g '"'ht"n •t.yor ClyiUl 111111 w1U npt>n lht t'\'f'Dl at 7 p m on F'thlll\' Twl'nty-ll<'nn tramil lift' ~-heJ­ ~o~ltd tu appuc w ith 109 girl11 in lht alnglt'll IUhl It t At>pt>aru~g In double cnnt<'l!.ta. -rtu• te",.fua ,,,;u t'"Otra>• !rum Santa Ana FUIII'rton, Q.ality Lumber and . Building" Material• • 0 COST'! MESA LUMBt:R CO. P.hone 48 Anlh•tm &Iii!, lht'r nnonto· <'nun\\' cltiN.. • Ttlt Balbo& I.A.a81,1;" I)&" ~h .. pr..,wl ~f't'<>rd of ~in1 lh<' ooly •~11 m whorn h~~ 11 !flo) I'<'T <'o•nt ~n­ lry. Evei-)• nwmb<'r of th• tlall~•,. ' Thrrf" srr '"''' •l•n.•lqn~ ••t h."• I· ~rli. tho• Junlnr Dll >~lnu w•t 'l ,.,.,•t· •l:f" ~.-ur.:,_u,, '" 1411 And thf" ~,.n .' tor Qtv1!11no with a "("Tttg,. ~n.>rr~ ,.f IMJ or mort'. Thr msJnrlly i!f ltu• ('• -t<•4t rwt" fr•offt ltoanc•· 1"••11'1 "1' <'\tie>< l>lllf'T !han ni\Jhu~. IH<• Ill n ... !':<'nlnr 1*11\"l~\l•n Tho· ~it :v "' NI'Wf>llrt BNh'h hll>< uff••rrol H tr ... ph,l' II> lh,. ,~:ltl o•f ltw HIIH"•II '"'UKlJ•• wh1• bo"l~ th,. m•IM o>lll · ~I "Hld!l)~ llld"'I•'UIII I'"""' Pn•-n' l'f((,.,T!t nf tlw I<'H j:U•• llf•• 1'1"< "'' drnt. !'ot :or,V l·hrt>u\;1 of llunlinj:l n llO'IIo'h , "\•ifr I'T<',Iol<'lll. l.ai!Mlt' Ar· I!I'•IJ··•, ~"' n ·>nry It nth Wlllto·rll !J r: .. n1r·n (;.,,,,., tn•a1n·r._ Hazrl /"•ICI'T~ nf ~llttiA Arm. '!n•l t!E'T,i:O'PIIll fll IHI'"'J.. ('oih,Jiiit' P1mle. ttnd ,l hl')' dr~~···•· 11 ~r<•Jot do·,. I uf 1 n·•l1l ''" rlt<llllinJ: t' ~~ ~rf'llt btt-: ·~unt,y t~·,•n!.. T hr 11<·h•••l•lio·...._1or tl'h· \hrr •· >illy~ 1~ 11.'1 fulluws Apd! 2ht-Frld41)' 1 7 00 ,, IJI. 1'<'Pinl pill}' • hlr11. • , Ap-~il 2211d-laturday ~ I ·OO '1•, m. Uvu~lf'f ;I .qo p. 1!1. 8lncleoo ~:00 p. m Ooubl ... !I '"' J>-Ol 1" .. 1111\A ..,r.,.11 2lrd-5u...,,. -Ji\;00 11. m. Sln11)r11 11_(01) II IJI TO'IlnW. I :30 I' m Pnubt..•s .1:0.1 I•· 111 ·~tng tre. i ·1~ H nl l.luuhle& R:OO 1' m. Sin~o:t ... ~ ,RED .CROSS L • Activiti~s :Balboa Island School News e.anl~ Day• In C•tlfo"'l.i By P•trk la l..'ll.mpbt-11 £lll\'ll tn Spllnlloh ('allf~rnla ""' .. t .... • ... y• ~~~~-· o nrn thPN> wert- hlllnl n!n~ and th•• o·rop• dll'd. 0 '1- ~] r-n thl'tt' ,...,..,. ''"'~" wht• thf' far- rrf'r ,rmodt J(~>tl mot~ry Thf' lndl· an11. artt'r lo·llmll!« 11\ lhf' m 11111km11 ll<lf•n otid part o r talunl( l'&N' "' Utf' >'HIIIr anol ' Wlll~rln,~: lht' on-hard. Tht'n J uan Rail\ IIIlA An.r.a and a .. ,.... G. l. And rew• -.rompanv 'o f mrn found a 't~ <>11 r · '\l)l hu~iii!Orll !nr tt11 thlnl!•.'a<'f"OIIII !M·>If'_.l1 • '''"•'U fl<'f'lllq•" "'" wnrk. 111 tn rhu- t•<.l r ''"' '" w11•·.,,. Thr hiJ.: "''""" 1•11 th .. 11,.,,, ""''"'" ll' n•r In tw lh~ wonqrri'ul •li·v .. tonn In r• utinl' J• ···~ A tpanlllh Eapro"' In c~'Jiforttla · lly '"''IIIII<' U"nry t'•hrtlln "'""" ll :-:i•nnl11h I'Xplor'f'r, H" •~•m" "''"r w (.'11\lfnm\& Ill WNk 11'\<·r wo•o·k wnrkint-: nn n 1~4 ~ Ul' mal'r frll'rHht ""'h lhfl l! ~j! ,, m -r.·ap! play 111\r ''"u •............................................ ~. 1";.ul11r "''''''''"'''· unr-l!o·,t C'r<oM fn,li~tnM Hn<l tau,~:ht tl:t'rn to apeall .'\'q""' .• .o\J•1•'<' j.(n ju 111•· h"IOI'itnf~ !'J>i<ll!Jill, H" WBM 1111' II Til\ white I•• "''IIi ;!:,.,._,. J.n•lt<·~. ''~ rlw -'" 'm><n tv .,., fnnt un thr C'lll/lfornla All!!<' ho -"1111111 . !'.1•<\ur.,.l'<otpll lflPTn-ahurt. H .. Wl'nl Into tbo• S11n D~lfO ho·r~. •lr!vint>: all hnu l'~ thl\• <on.t n.ay ""'' hi' tlllflt<'d it 'Mu~ Baj uf lll)!h! :-'ll1ff ""'"IR\_IHII~. fK<tl:lfull)' •.tw :-<rrnl<t-1' \il' ..,., • .,\ "" to """'t' l'l ll l on~ '" th•·•r h••Uill 111 tho •. <If· 1 111 ···•·1~ 11~ sl••!'l'f'•l at a bay !'lan"l· fk o· ''~nt~·t::h Mculh~r•. <loon~ 1/l<'lr -.:.t _n , .. H,._,. nf thr l'lnrll, 1\ut It '"'1<111.1.: 1111d ~•·rvmj:l ln lhr plll.("t'M WH '"l"" Hlnrm\' t<> {:" tntu lhf' )iltlf' Wh•·n· l 'ry ,,.,. n.-.••h·1l ll lld llllrt-:1· h11rt~•r. Ttw IU•l 111n11 thou~thi tbat rf•l drt'A~Ing!l "'·ork~!]'. t 'lll"t)'[llj,'" 0111, C'IIIIT llo"a IM.JOI"' w o•rl' IOCR blpta '!'"' "!' lht• fl)Rny" h,.r l"'"!'lc• wh" '"'"\.th b;r, whit.• w ir>J:!I l'nm lntt: f.tO Ill"•' ~··n'"IJ.: llw ll<·t·vu·,. nwn. · 1' •·lr hat·hnr '"'" ln•lll\1111 thoutt:ht • • • Bay ·············-·······························~··· GORDON B. FINDLAY C~STRA(:TOK and Hl!lLDt:K MAINTENANCE ANI> REI'AlR OIIR,SI'fo;(;I AI .• T\' Cabinet Shop Servire Offl('f' , •. f'a,bin"f'f Shop 3410 Coasl Dh·d. .JO'i 3uth #iiL Ph. 402 l'h. 23AA-.I .st:\\"J'OH;T Rf:AC'H , ('~l.ll'. . ' \' llr TI'''"J:IIIIt"n N<hl lll'l'tl'dll-that C'abrJ\1" """~ J.("lntt: t o fiiJhl ·I PI\ • J tlor~,. ~ ·rvor,;.~ ""'' Y"!lr ,.;. with thrm Thl' ln<ll11na did oot •'!"''HIIo-•11 ,'''"!•-llwm 1111 lwlpJilllko• kn"w t: ....... · tn ~pt'llk l'ipH n l•h .,, they II•• \' l">lt• ..,.,., h1111101'~'" run mflrt' ,.,...,,.., II ""' Thr\' told C.brtilo -"""~>tilly ""'' rmo~o:h ~\"''" fm· R!tnt<' that ttl .. ..,. wrro· ~•me mt'n .who !· • lllllll\' t'h•plo• IN'" ,r~u,~~:h r·~·•· '""'"" '"'"' "",}""· Tho:v •toht1 (In J~t!.ltJ!•.~ J~i;ln•! Uw 'llur~o:u.al 1: -~ th11t lh•y h~<1 .. ,mr kind of a 1 .lr•·~int-:_llt-:n•nt• hn•·~ fnun.r 11 h•_,,.1,.-thunrl"r!ll f•·k otn•l th<')' lrir:.,oltn kr_n_,l ""'' arl' now ~<~inj;! ftlll bllllll 111 l ~l' lnol!otn/11 nn """ or I abr\11" • \\'hi"'!.-",. ('t<fl' ''""'JU<'I rnom F:\'l't}' lrl r•~ hO' !I'll llnd,hurl hla .arm . • "fhnr,.•lll.\' ft"m t~n t11 ·f,ur lltltl 111111 wnn·on hill J"urnry whtlt! :It" I' nrr<\ nm, T · ('\' foldrrl 101.10 t'lrm.wall ~:••I lin,.: \II'IITII'' U<"fOrl' ''"~~ltt~o:ll ,;,_., Thut~:ru v: "''huh "' dt~d. II,. llllhl, ··f:n on' on·, .. rlno· ;w.J if m•>r',. r f yn;·J h<"ip tllf')" .·un <lnuhll' thnt r:-. • ., ""'tot t1uh ,..,,r,,,. ~· '.• Th<'Tt' l!m.'l '' W<•r•k Wil h/Otol O.on I f~trj.(d In ~J'.tl'lld t he .,..:ord 1 l'lllolt<'r r .. [>Ill >11 a wor<l !tl~uot 11. .nl,•nl ~1.-... H••mklnj:'~ VJJ<IllnK • ~-:•w•.l •I<-•·• I l"l lhl' 't{l'•l t'nlt.~ ,..-r .. Nnrl"!· • Ill.~"'·~ r .. r t•r~"',.'(CIIV''j' " f>•l :!<'ol I•~· ~··•·t''"ll<' II ~><.nJO!II mvl.llt'r~. 111 \hr. It•·•! (..,.l"'ll. o\f f!<>r 1•,. •I ""''" m~-: :'\"" 11 r.~·N,·ot · ).1 11.\' ~-tit Thn~ ,,-,h,•k_:_ Crlo!k UJ:i!.\'.CJ:. Lll"UIIl:UI • I Ill<' 'rltr"r t-:>1\!n~ r,•l{ilr fur !l1~ Uloond •••TII0/1;\'•'•·'al tlw.llltll••ll \';o.-11( tlni\ •>n .JlrJ .1· tu. lu 11>1'. (1ui> Wh'f <'Uiill' Ill \to J•T•• .... •nl liP ll\1 •• I f•••l !lt•n ~~ /ll;l,l" •·nt""•· pr· .. ~··l.~ f~""' Ilk t·illry ~h•• ,.,,.,1 ,,,,,..,.'""I t.;" f ,.,. ,,,. ttw · ~:,.,.,,., 1 :•·~:""" l'n·~~ ,.,., I• Uw :-: .. n •u 1" ;H t)l .\lr UJ,·wr r. ~"d tlw Hal-l-'""'-'1-l:Jul Or:r lhr holhl~<)'' II!•· :-<l'"'l> . ..f> '""' ln<luon I"' 111<· •Jo•IH ,•I•··I f,,, ,,!),. ••1 lwu nl,i:hl.• Til!•\' •IIIII• o•o! '""! .'olllllo: ~d· ale tor 1"'' ,..,, ... , ;,.,.,,,~ Thrn th~J 'A'OUI•I f.:'; l>ttr k I•• ilwlr work an..t w. ok, 1111 ""'''"', 1•• ~'" The flllllll'fl" ""tllo.._l,a~ ~·<•tr 1<~ I["' !':Jmnrlltl. T h• to1olu1n., tl\n11~llt I hilt" f\•rry Fr:mchiRe l(t•qut•s t Tabl!'d ~y ('ity Cuum·il -,,, ·t•t•\n '''"" r.,• • · n I ' " ,, , 'J'I• ....,.,. FOR SALE . •·•r't'•n.and .•tr •·l t •~·l•"''''' ,,,., 1., ·'· 1,,,1 1,.,.,,11.,,. "' "'"' ,,,,, .... -J-----'•-'00'-101a. ,tow~rkwrth ThOI ~I .;no~t,-nu·llfl 1,,,1,,, ", •• 1.,1.r .. 1 r,,..,.·11 v ,,1• 'lo• ' AWD 1!0 BATUlll JiOOO'~ lUll 11141 UlllOil. fll( 11!1 ~ ' . PJ.n: rib be-ef. Special low prtce 1hi1 •·«k. ( 7) II.EG OF .AMB Poptdar ro.sr of fanq Spring lamb. (6) GROI.!ND BEEF •... ~ ...... ·-~~· ...... •••"•' ill \look•~• •••loot. (0) SPARE RIBS ,.,, .,. .... -··· ·-....... woth .. ~ .. •·•~•. ....... 3s~ .. ,.... ... ... ~~ .,,"3SCI .. ~ .. (4) LAMB ROAST 33- '·•• ........ "" ...... c; ..... AI<., A, H .. N•to t.w ,,,., • lllll'"'>'!l'"'',..~ ·~~·v""""""'".!'!'9"'..-"-"'WB ~f•••••• ... a•izi•M••·••• POrt·Ht '"" BLUE STAMP ITEMS . {2) Kidn ey 'Beans '~~;;· ;~:· 11• ,,_,, ·"-1. o:;o :!c.~••••• • •' ~TYPICAl SAFIWAY VAIUIS Edwards Coffee.';:.;,:; ~-~~••lvo• .. -r<><'l "·•~" • ,._,~ FIG JAM no~~':u.'& ,_ 1211 ...... ..toty.J ....... .. PLUM JAM ,;~:~ I -.... ,..., .......... -.... -~-• Pictsweet Peas ~;:;: Jo .... 11• -Spry Shortening ~--... R I Sat. v~••a""-oya m _ .. , • ., •;:eo- Crisco =~:::~.:: ·~~-... ILOIIR & C£RWS Kitchen Craft flour ko l··<~~-~It> t>og 1o•. :~-11> t..c~ \ • ' ·Gold Mei!al Flqur ... Kix , ... ... (I) Pre.Cooked Beans ;;;~·ID• -~~ '""'" l f.•<>'~; ·~ ~.,~. 1..9~ 17• Kellogg's Pep Nob Hill <Joffe~·~.~.-:. ;~.: 23' ~parkies 0:~·:.;·,~·.::" Busy Baker Crackers.;. J7• -Cr<>ml\ of Rice ;l It> "U 1~• lJOI • • , 'Airway Coffee "·;:;,;" ... • ... gc ... f',\· .. llc .... u .•• 21' _ ........ .Marmalade c-:~~~·,~·cvj ., .... 1&• Cream pf Wheat , D·-ver.Iy Po~~~~.&~·•o• zs• It-·· 13•· '" Dt: 1111> '"'· -.!><. ~-Shredded Wheat ·~'1.:,o 11 ... 12- ' ·,:_:,=~ .'0 ol fl'>oOog.o .'lt QO..d "'''">"IO• ,·,lo I GBEEI .PEAS Swnt, .... , ,..,, ;. wtl·fiW,Mt lit ..... ! POTATOES Cf'HM ~ ., ,...,. tiM ................ le!" trittt ,.. •. SAFEWAV •I'"" [~t:flplo•t•• ulrllt·•l C••l ,,.,,,.,),,.,., !'lj•l\11\ or Nf'V. !'j•lwr T il>'\ 1 .. 1 1\h•· l•lflht fro ,,, lht• j (""-~'·'"~ Th• 1\u . .-,ona ~~~· ,.,, 1 vi~ •!''d I ,, "'I ·•. r; •• t ' • Th•• ml•i•·ll~< l•'tt ,·,,,, '"·"~ ,,, • """'' uf "''' '"''"lo: In k• 11 • "'. • ,r . ' . . . I. )8 .,. ... n '•·n~p l-'~J•I•·mhr·r •I" I' 'noiii(R had l•...n l<ll<'\'"nl l o•l (Of' Ill~ r )>;,,, i >lf'&'1-ftul•'lt1'1· Nuw lk:n ·n•l ··\~·~\an m•n we'ro• lfllklnM· IIIHl j,:;fll;· '"~ Q\l( 'to .. a Smlth·ul)l " .whll<· ""'' '"'"tJt:f:d f r<~rn ov~r 111" ru.n- "'" ~'"'" lh" wh••l" ...,,fl .,RII· In RIJ(hl h ...... htf[ f"r th,. enltiiiiL'~ IV ~1•n J'lfelt"n II11V A 11 hul llorH' of th~ lntiiiUUI rl~<l "fn l•·rrro~ 011<'"- ~n• hnr'P.'d ln•J<Ie thr b•u-1•••. 11 ho•al "''"" \ro-re<l fnom t.h r llhll• 1'111~ h· ,n •ppr.,.ort .... t ..,,.. In lh« •!•·m ••f lhl~ l>~>st ~111 J ull.ll l'ln>l· t"t"'~ C&btlll ... '""' "''""" lllll ll '" .••I f•••l on l'lllff.,rnu. ~ .-!'"'~" .,,.. o\llll' wu ~'V!JI""'h"' -~~ 1 ~2 f',t!·rlllu mo,: •. ,r ''" +lr• til•' .'''"~1 .:•• t .-.. JtJilt.; :-, ... , t nq.. t;•ol I ,\• ht' v.·~ loli<'•l•l: lh• ~1111 111 ''·•rl ora b l>oli.IJO lol" I·•• ~· r,,. '"1" I '·''"' 'he •h••lll•l••• f .,,, • ,,,. •I••., ·•II · ~,.. lh"! ,..,.,,.. o(}flll•l.• l<'lo o 111111 ,---.1. ___ _ f'O A I~SU R"'Nt.I: <,r E Howard W. Gerri•h N<!.YIIp., U""'"· I,,,,,, Pt.one::4~T Automobile ··• Fire Ac.cident • Life ~~~~~~~··· '"''' 1 '.,•.t f••• I u .. ,,t~ ·: .... n." Fresh , II \ • "unr1! "''111'11 \h<' ''!!"\• • 01 "'\ • • I '• f·"l • •I tlo.ol M1 lin\! hll•l llttt•i•• lito I 11r\l" 1 •·I (, •r I un I r,., 11 111 ! , -"It•• 'r oJ.,,~ '"~ lll•J<I""II••n rt .. \. " , • r•·• • ,-.1 '" , ... "I~'!"'"' .. r "t •··•~ltt 11 >'-'' '•·'"''''" ~h·•" ,,,..r lh• l 'mlo:•t .~t:ot<~ tl1<1 •. \" <;Ill. I lo•o I ''"II: I"'•\ II" <'Ill' I ll~• < .• I 1 ,. ~ •. ,, ~. ""\ ''""'" "'' llw ,,.,,. i11J,:I11 .. ·uy lltullhl'',,,i"l\ Ill' •I'' ,,,,.,, H >' M"hlo•1 I•• lllr 1""'1 :n,, ,,.,r,;l,. /,of,,,.. o·oty ··tr<to-u·t"" \li M• tlll...-d lr"ui $111!. f., S ~t!/ " '"''""' ·-Aii'tll't frm1'1 thr ti,I'A ,."' Ill• '"11'11./'~!-Untla tl'n lll.l ••lrr~oth•n "'"" fill'•\ W)lf'fl the 1'1\)' '"l""'rt"d thiC Juo lla'J lh:ol II "''"uld" ff'V"rt ,.,,I ~\h\11 •• u ... ~~ ..... ~ " ,.,,,,,,, '"".!' pt .. ; hf If 1'. 11<,\h on ''-•11\ 1111<1• ut 111111~,. l11l~nd Will lllb\.-4 .\pp!trloll<~n '"' 11 t•i•IUIUUI J>lf'f In' !,.....! )IA.t_t., J ,. •••tw··~-k """ .crAIIt .. •l ~l•rrvv•l ""• •'•· f>:l'"" '" J 't cu .t.-tly '" '"""'n•• 1 ,.., • ., n,,.,,ll 1 11•1 ,!74 I Jllu hlr • • tl ; l•ll l lu t up u ,., • •tilfl ,\ tol<\o• whllP 1111 1 . t:r nr)<·Uh" ,.,,,,, .• J 111~ !'.1~•!1111 !f:,._ll•·•m tnt•• l •r:ol<" ~ IIIII' "WhU•• ';Ill !!',.1 '" .... '"" " "'''"" ''""" ,,,, lllld \Jp ".,.,,ol ' ~·>•II"•" .,,,. ..,,,., k"•l ,., ·~• .. ,,,,;, ,,, .I ho ~ """ um•l•· " ~ ... ~,, >l hol !:'•'· I "',,. tl' if• l'· to• '" • I '•' ~<·ltlollltllll Vl11 '" ,,., • I • <• •I M 111••1• I' 1\a " 1'. •111 tr,o• •• ''" roil ~111 [•1' IIIIo! :;>tit ... I " "".:C~~~' ~,,. ,' ';',','",~';', .;;'',~·,·:,•c-c;";-lt "'' ';•d· ·~ •! or "'nr-11 ~~· '"1'1'·\T i' 'h l<ll( •• , ... ,,,,.,! ~<II If"' · \j•l•·n ·r" l•"~"'-<1 hy ~"\> l•taor•..-••• t.<>y Hnrl ,., . .,,., 1111\1/ 11' t.•'·' ,.,.,,•,.,n ,:~•l'"' •I~ 1'"<1"1" o• I , I <II i"' )) ""l•l"·f ~. ~~·UI In , .. n 111•1 .. •1•~~ :''"' '''"'~' ;.on,,. hull• an ·! '"'"''~ ~'~·"''" thf'!r wny ''''"' 111•1 ,.,r,r. rnl~ 1•· No-... f 'allj""''" Dai(v ~·· ' ,. ·····I ~ ,,, '"' , .. '• _ .. , ... , .. , ... ' · I t • I l J. '"'' ' " • II I • '• I ''\" ' ""'" HORMEN .FISH MARKET • U11 J,,ut.., 1-1 THE BIG • An~.-:, l!ri v:il r• S i r<"'' lt"t<'k :,,-( Plt'll.-.~rf"r T:r\·t·nr II ' . ' UIMJI:NNIUNM "" t 'UI.I ,UWS: ' ''l"'n ~tu..-1 ., .. l r n"lh ~J(J' r;" Wirflh 1~'. , ll•;h:hl nl !.!r'tl 11i' lt i'J•I">J\ ':..ott" llt·h.:ht ;ol ~lo lt 'S 111' 1;" C'nrn tl(lllf'fl I ron Hoof , "'fll!l h ;,()• li" Widlh IW ( 'onHiderable nf'H<•avy TimherH and Oth.-r l.umlwr Aloo ,. INSI't~·T Till"< llt 'II ,Jll~f; 4:~i'n ~1 '1\Mil'\ \ C II H Wmn·t-:.'0 UFH:IC It ,.If,• I .1.•~ "il'o·d 111 n,.. "1;11111•11 •.J t!,.• ••1\tlf·r ~ 1., 1.-'ow II t\·tiJ t~· ow"·t•!•·d I' ott, ,,.,.,,.,.,l.•r 'l,,lld lil'/ r'tt:11 !lu·. pror - ,.,,,,.,,.1 :q'fl't'~ orr 1>1>11111' i,, 1<'1'•'•1•· Ill" •:I•!IJ'I' loi!rld llll' ..r.ul .. IJ!.:•.l {J'• •It I Ill•. I •I. 'l!ll'of" ..0ru..i.-LII"-f•41-'"..;.>.l l'rl;ry ... r n.rn . d "" • !\, • •·to1.otr!.'' ~o! 1<1Jo •r • ,, 'I I, I ----·· _,_~_j __ _ l.niH in Blm·k l:l~ (;oinK (n lk orr .. red fdr ;-;,.f., ,\lay li;l --'---~----1 JOHN SHERROD HA8RIS PROPERTIES, INC~ l3fl Suulh IIIII Sln-1'1 '"" .\u~•·l··~. ('tdlfurnla ' I -· .. j . I •• .. \ \ I ~·Four Youth Center of Seal Beach Is Copied By Many Other Clubs Sforvl<ie C'luba all ... _.,.r tbt' • ouh- t.ry .ba•e bet"n tht-ln. uhntor f11r ...-, llltd van~ t~e.or orpnl- u uona dMI(IIC'ct lt• mef't 11n11 rr treat the rt... In JU\'cnllc olt·lln quucy brousht about h~ ''"" 'm11t eondtllona nl """'' ~ o•\t'f'"rt II or· hctr IU>t ,ry Ch.b Is t '• • "I'""""' fur lhf' "Undr r 20 (1111• l :twtuu~o I" bal'k ng t~r 8~• ~t-out I''"J"' 1 M•l U o na Ia advt.aor Aod l!P ""cor flf tbe Newpo~ &ach "I .,, So·uut l.n)Op. !"eat Beeeb. air oflll :•.,. ,.,.,.r IIJ:fl laitl tb~ f"''UOII'A r k .1. .. Hun Club un~r thf' ctlrf'• t to,t .. r I 'r I'l l· A o·t•,..tltlll\ I" .of ~t11ullolln( wu ~'"" n, ~·nw "Hr~>t ot t4S per mont u'lol l't" "'''' •• "'"" ollvldf'd lntu Ill.•• r••ll/1 • Athlf'l ..-:111 p· mo·nl .. r .u.l' k1n•U. ,,. ke1•t In th~ I t'll! I tom, .l''hl<'h I" ... _, t"*'c1 (I)T •'•tn • ~ an•t •~t.,N f'n1• t ln•nm•·nt ._.,., \0 r ll II~ II l•hoy,v' 1101 (lor I)H• VIIIIOI{· •· 'hi I rPn In tht• 'runt row om a ro· 1: • ·•." ·.,.,u~h "" 1"'"1. p.n~·pon~:. r o·~~tl'"" !lll,lo·ll outJ a c·tount .. r .(r!lm whwh 1\11 '-qutpnwnt Ia IMuc•.t "\\'" •·hu!N' ''"' tllr,.r·tur Crt•m ""r 1,,.., I ~<t.llo I for "''verul rt'lll*•nll " , ·=---. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TI~ES. Newport lleach, '"'·•lifornia, J'h.ursday, ~pril 20~ 1944 Store Employes Run 20-Acre Farm ·J , I MMn \• a J>o.s11\'l"lill t••nl'~rrtl h"• I '11•••1 llll'lol an1 liJr nt'U ll U tJ lU ~rr-rl 'Y""'" t• r VI :"or\' 1 :'ur ol• 11• S.. ft&r 11• ll"'ktfnwn hl'r" llot'l f olll (,. r lO lo~tiV it !IHOl (ut tftt "fthf ' ~ 1 "1 d '' • f, I I' .-. J•h r•tUX •~•·ruu tm•'UC ~lurr. •' .,. ··11-uni·r•Jv:.ct :!H nr·ro•11, II\' I' ' \• Htll p' lh• I\ \ 'A I' f-I ~~~ Iaiii flllt Jlllll llf"f•olo• tho• ,.., It • prt'~tldt nt lf'rt rnr ... , ll\" " 1 '1 • '' S orth Afrlra . "Jt'a yo.ur~t.' h •• 1181•1 to the ttnn··a f'mt•l"''"'·a; t. st u-f' nt lt,.>'nu ran wblle tbe war'a c.n. I.Ah•t we .I t un. •' 1ntu " rtc•r.-atiCJn rrnll'r wotll "" 111. / -MAKE TIIS .. FOR SPJII AJII. I . All·--WEAR r- bu11t and thto. most practlral for M . s.•rvi<"tt in this capacity is lht' u-a rl n e • bt'rt) .. ~~lp nnd ri~:hl now tha t flnt' 1 / • Vt>,.sl'l 1:-. bdng damne-d trom the hou,;,' tupll' ull OVt'f the country. Sh• 2 Ev€'ry t't>port one•?it"aril' or rvacb S about t ht'St-ships is ck>l<liflf'd a nd · • ~ · prr~nh•d to thE' pJblic In a man· nt-r mtt'ndt"l.l to ronVtn('(' tht> pco- -pit> tflat tht•sc !<hiJ)l'l'"atl' worth I<'~ . '• As un PxamJll•• IN m l' quote a • ({'onUniM'd I , front rmgP t 'IHflinl' in 8 Los An· ftc-wrtt.-r fll tbllt .eriN of arUcle-o n thf' :\lt:rebant .:\lartu" tu1a .,;l'lo>s J>ltJ)I'r April I. ··utwrty ship ~n In tbfo ~~erv1~ for •o yl'ar. u a •t«'am. IJiuto r and AI IIIII: ~thlp mu · s pltlj....i>ff:-.hOI't•; 6:.' IJ('rish in muun· tt'r. He hold" the flnt Panama ('anal pUcJl llrrn ... In addition to a r mnou~ so•:~," It d id nothing Of t~ Ptullpp04' t'Oaal P.'lo\Jk'fllw. ""' c•ommandf'd a 'JO,OOO·t.on Sa\'Y lrantt· kind. Th(' ~ip was strandNI on a ~turt In World \\ar I and I• no"· rf'lll"''d .,. a m&i~r al IUs home. 22:! r't>l'f 11nd tlf" accldt"nt was un· ~an-t ... UA Avf'., Corona d.-1 ~tar·) · doubtt'dl-)' dut• co faulty !WIImlln· (By Et:CiESE ('. !'IIT<'IIt:J..L) :-hlp r11thPr thon u faulty ship. hul _.; I h1• inft•rr ncc• is jllllntl'd in lh~ IJUh· ln diSCu~>Smg oet'an comm<'r~·,. .:n1wth c•f l'l.lnl:rt•s.,tuna l b~oraath''· Itt: m o!\11 JU~I thP saml•. 11.e wtll havt> to divirlt> lht• "h'JI" In nur alr .:ommt·rce totln) Wf• o•n · ~ tTu bt• contin ut•d) ln'to two groups. th<' first und onl~ ,joy nbour the :-~~mt• wurltt supr<'m·l --~ dent Jim R1ttler, wh Wll.4 "ill"""t · ed by the U on" Cluh11 ut J)L~tnrt t-K U c:l aim 8n ut ll c tm.rnll tt'l• to coma.t • ju~lh dellnquenr~ r~ ~. R~~{lldf', 8an 1lf'martltno. Jmperl&l ILI)Il Ran Oh'J:" l'ountlu, throu.rh the orr;arft&ottu·• "' IIU< h youth" l'entera Thtou.:h It ts l'1111ed a b y11' club. It wrvu lx•lh buya and atria. r&nJiria In a#(t'll frum tl to 18. . r t<'A Laon t->reah~nl Jim llutler. n lng"" 1>011" u.ud I nn,. •"" • ·"''' "mainly ~rause he ·a trf'lliiY k n""" wLIIt<•v .. r '""" vou need to have a pracUcally every youth In t " • 1ty Jto"'t lim<' "'""" ••f rlr. ' an•l a '*ar hf'r 111 wo•ll ·qllllll fll•ot for T •· flltr•t 1!1 "l"'rJ<I •·If ""''''' " thuc 11.ork lie 111 paid $1 3:'1 per • I • lhrrl ,,.. hulh llnl<tll" ilnll !ll'ffill· hDur. Th• club Ia OJM'n Mnnday, aatk'. Tbere Ia nu t><•mpuhn n \\'l'dnf'llc1ny, ~·r••lll•. nnd ~~~tur<lay I ' . '··II ;•I ,, " h• " "' th· '" from 8 111 \1 p m "ot h thr •·XI"t'p lo:t'llr7~1loo, rrum Gt-n~ral ldanaJwr lion uf rlanrf' n l~ht.l 1 ~'rlllll);' Jat·k Thornton down tu t ho• ~11 111 wh rh 111 l~tlcout Olll'f' ~vrrv ' ,.lx rrum tht rlhb<Jn . t.:vuntt'r. "I"'"" V.t't'k8 \\'e Art' on• '1>ural•·•l havP thf'll JllllL"" t tmf' tlwrt• In ""'' 11h !1.\~ li\II.M IJ<'fltllllf: 11 I'Jnll u( !hill Ill\• 1\1\tl IIIII kll I llll't• flw' J<l ••l •· \t'a~ lure. nntl br11••l• ~ uur arlull dlrf't . 11 •'" nn rx'.r" <1:1\' r: "I •· th11 t' unl':o w11h •wtorch.. we have had lin) ary I hat .,...,. onc(• ht'ld tn U('••u n (M k• S Jt CIA I'X pt'l'lt'IIC:t' Ill SUI.isid1zin~; IS lht• Ctlfllllll'I"CI'. LJ'I US dt•d un• bo'l'o' a 1ng a ~en ra~t pusSt·ng<'r lln~n• wh1eh al~ and nnw that it :-hall not ~ufft•r ] I' ..... J d So dQ> l'~rry freight OVI.'r rl•gUll:ll'ly t•Sia b· th(' samt: fat<•. . 1 n ~ or, an un l!,ht'i1 rouks 'This <·In~· Is thl.' Thr oth1·r cia,.~ c•f ship:<, a hc.tul l ---· Ita orls tnal o'ftrer.11 At'l~• t•'•l lura thl' buytt 11nll j;:tr~ hll\',: thn••• )(T<•tl 'llt n lt:ht t,.· J•r•·l•·•ro·cl 1"' tlr~ fnom the J..lnn11 r 1ub, lllr'C'•·t;,l an 11fih {If th~lr uwn otflt',.ra whu ···•no· "'''til~ l'torolo•ll • only OIJ<' that lht' vubhc knuw:-which thl' publtt· kuuws l'lr· >'~'I'm~ Snit. with known uau In mo!'-anythrn~: a~ut bPca~·' t,ht•>' an', 10 bl' litllt• cor:t•t•rn•·d . 1,. rtw ,lt1w. thnn a huntlrrd Bt'paratf' functione thv unly 11"!':-'tha t. do uny_ advef't.lh· <'fflclent lind 't'f"oinomit.:al frPiJ:hlt·r. ut mduatr~, ag'T•culture. m f'dlc:lae, tng, notwrth!.tandmg th1• fa<'l that 1 commonly J known as the 1 r·uFQp and thr htlmt. is the aub~\ or a tb~y art' ~he IP&at lmport•nt In steamN' Thb:-~r ·,.t'!'o~t'ls c·nrrt tht• 16 m m culor and 1 und film. In-• !'"oving tht-Wt!r.lcl',. OC<'IIn f!'l'lght. bulk of ho· worltl',. uet•an ft~·•~h t vuluable lngredll'n~. diatrlbutl.'d l'lll'y arr rhP :JW()I; tha t po·opll' n•· Tht•y ar(• not subsldi~ed untl liaw , thrdugh tht' Unlvenlly or Canfor- lt>r ro_~hen thc•y talk 14hfiut a ll1 m,oko• J hl'ir nwn tl\·on.: und 1 1 fila .Exll•nlrion Dlviaion. Mo·rt'hanl 1\turinl.' m1gh1 add tha t, wt• h:..\o• h('<'n ~·om·J The :.!2-minutl.' tllm wu taken lnvltaUon to t'\f•ry Cl\'k orgiUIIU · pll'tely manlll:l' lhl"lt A'falt ll Wt• -:'ho· pr<"li.1r~ Ill, clw ldetl amoft( Uun In the city to attend a m~et-nnw 11aw• :.!00 mc·noiX'III, nn<i "1'''1 · lhr \!o m I'""'"''' 111 " 'ruola n '' "' 11 tng. "Muo ~It 11.•u 'that ~l'h or-'nil' "'' lln <'IIJ"'I':llll' t•f 1\lluut ,,11,. huur'to "' <'ffllrt but In lin" \qth laDIUUon placed...a ~pri'Mntallvt' olullar l"'r mf'mi'N•r J>t'r m nth " t>tmtlv· n"r t111 ~urp'"" Ill <'l~trt ll \\'<· havr' slli.J~ulhwd · o.;o'Rw sh ip .. pll'lo·l)' ••xclucll'fl from thi · r at a largt Califor nia plant and of tht~ cia:;< under th.-;:u1o,c of •• g"n••• J\l•ms ant1 I t·.op ••· no t. tho• IC'IIs t ht story or aalt·maklng from ma tt .eon t ract with thr provisn "'lt~llll'"' l'huncr• of · r ,:t'ft 1111: ·the time ll 1s stored In evaporating • thai 1\Ul'll ::hip.'< h11d tu f i}[ry all ·' l~to II afll•r tilt• ·war pontls In San Franc·aco Bay unt1l , on the lldvlltory board. anti agrt'l'd T ' l' l,t~on11 havl' had nv..r 11.0 In utt'll amung othH employ•·•·• wh<•, lo c tve f lnanctal .11Uppor1 In var~d IJIII'if'J 1'>0 how 'tu ~•tllblllltl IIUI h .. .,.., 1111~·· •• : ..... ~ "' • r h.tll•li•'U I•~ Amt•r•eur l'tPWS Tho~ 1~hr lllll' ,,w l;t·>l ,hips "' W•• havt· It 1a rc>fin<'d and pAckAged .. I hill li>Wttn•d lhl' fho.: uf tl1t• fam· ·' IUJifiUDt.l from $1 to 110 jll'r month. yuuth l't'lltC'r, and rf'IJIII'lllll' (ur.lt-•Bro• ltnltl•l<· In tll'lp ous Pacifk Mall Lmo· und two uf P"'!!"----------------------------. The rtt)' rtvea 1:10 per month. I•\ l.o\1 II lllld bavr ur.:anl7.<•<1 fiVf' Nf'at.n letter v·u direct~>' to t'vtry -r .hoi ·, .uh• 1n ulht•r 1 nmmuni· nn,. or U·~-3.~ rlllz"n" • f NMI t.• !1. Noted .Musi~·ians Buy Higby Home lhelr firy~l "hip .. w .. nr un~1·r tht• nag ot Nippon. Thi1-arra nJwm ent pr'OVl<d to bt• un-.<tl "fac:t ory for. rt•a,.ons IU<• nume rou.!'> .t,o uut luw ' ht•rr. .So W(• tho ·n """"' fn t all out l~u· h tonrf'mlng thf' p'an• T .lta reaulll'd lD dooaUc 1111 !rom a lar BUY ~A BONDS ·. NEWPORT HARBOR'S NEW, OOMPI.t;TJt: rltlllllllllll -Rt-modrllnl MO'I'OR SERVICE KENDALL' BOAT · SERViCE Ia. P'onnrr CtiJior.ala lnchJ"t"" BldJt. It l\118 Jlolll IJ1•(''l :\Ill loll Of I •I !1141 l1 r 111111 M ra. H ar)l Waltl•r \\'op· t•lo•r huve juat purctm.uod thf' ltiJC· by home .at 1023 '~:aat Bay A v•n ~. !;"' .. n ... Wearable Ia tha -1"4 , ............... For-"' aiHI lllay, far......... guvr:mmPnl o wno'fl !-hrp., UfX•fall'd Sundaya 111 the parte, nothl"' ukta the plaoa of a .varaatlla jum..-r. hy'prlvull• CQrporotion' unlltr1cqn· Thla uey til ,..aile cl"''" 1e at,tod 111 ,~:ria, .,.un rayan Uoat launclere trar ls on which lh<' <tnnual lo~:<es , .Mriectlp. It le trimmed wttlt a ••Y or cotton flower allpllqu" that are to IX' mad!.' up by congn •:-,.wnal a)1· ,outfit Nady to aew on, 8M -broidered with faat-e~ol' propl'lations . ,..__ ng· a fl n.t oarma a nooclad by the cou..~ln to the wur rll'ht. and <'Vo·n trr. Joycf'. wtll arrlv~ hert' a bout ltad Croaalqr dlaJrlbutlon he,.. a11d 'broad. Dlrcctlona for coordinating at that Wt' had only a handful uf lh;· n ldtlh• or May ~tr. w1p11 er ,atttrllt a11d fabrlce a11d a flacl Cr"t tu flet ,...,,, be' obtal11td by -d-"h'""· insiuniflcant amon u tho"• I l"t a atamptd, aelf-addrea~d t!)vctope to the 'Needlework ~rtMeM ,... .. .. ,, • ""'"1 1• t 11.rt h tht' rn•1"" ',. ••n•at fll't'l ~ o f olh"r natr'on.~. I , of thla paper. apaclfyl110 deal'" No. M•101. .. ' partull'nf "' \\'arnt'l Urottlrno I I• · Stnct' this clas.~ -of llhi~ ,, what '"''" 11111 sun, Hu'r Itt. 11.hu will · Ch.JI:.l-D.-.....1...--1-;. ft have known as 11 M<'rt>hnnt Mu·• ,ntn. the family ln J unt>,-'111 "''"' s ~~~ M U .()UUJ\ Lip n m• w'hat is thl'ir· futun' ourlook '!1 jtf utl~ hit llntlf'r Zlmballat . tho• IIIII· uper lf an ay No.thmg"tn lht' hilltory or lht• ll.orld ,.,,. \'lpllniAt, 1n t'hllaoll·lvh•a . ~·)we .... fn. v.·ta""J·n,. Issued by U, c.-Cllll rompart' With the dl'Vt'lopml'lll "====-===========================' Til .. h,2.''"t' la now beong on·t<pord \ ,. Jol · l"FHI<f'LJ'V, • 11 '·I' rit ,11 !r.? of the trans·Oc<'anic air dip1w•o "' :by th~ C'torge "t. Butlua. • I ll~ ,,:-,;(;f:l ... ::-.' r oealbllll) ~lnce th<' beoonnin" of th•~·~~.·,·11 M5!·Vla Oprrto . s~wporl Rfoac•h ,I Ji'uf ure of Coast lndustry.-Discussed At Garden Grove 11111 S<•ry IU'hto<\1 1 l'llolrt·n hus ju¥t " ., I 11111 'ho· r n!ll•·r rn"P m \ th mav b<' 1 ,.,.1\ 18,.111,,1 bv. 1 ~· ln>t' , "t•· of unly y t>Strrday w .. wen · payon..: II••• 1•1• olllf'l f l•lt•··· n·-t•o~:> d .-t II!Jtl' man.,ubsicli;~ lo j:;C'I lht• rna1l '"h 1<1 Walt ,,,, ur t h•• r Pri<,·I"Y V.MJO ''""~-~~ ..,, to "" ttlldl~...-nn .... ~ ,,, I ,. l't •"l'l!<tly i f l."aai· <ICT'Ol:!: thP Allantlc in -rour u:t~' Ow L•·~ .'\n~;o·lr:o ''lllltlll'll .Df t'4t • ~·. · a nd now wtth .lhe enotmou .. rf,.;.,. t·, .. ,.,., .. ilv ·"' "C'11I '•1rn•n t''hf'n Dr 1. 11 1 1, 1 1 <" lhl'rliw Lan-o f hl(:hly efiiCIIInl ntr tran~purb, Agnl's F'll~' M• q :nn ~rn'c aaor d( rlr,..lll r!tto••l'•l 11, I ,, lll'llltlllt''" rll•rf,•<'lt•rl h~)l'>rtd 1111 im:tl!lnll llnn . 11111 ,,, o•romomu11 'un t.ot· Berkelf'y nur,.. rv ,. hnul. ""tl (.;ln•h!i C artl-Ill tho• la'l twu ur lhll't' ).I'LU ,, """ l'llnlJllll'l •l•ll••·•· t,.t'"!' ·r !' ~ ,,. r ·· ~anh &,..,.t .. tRnl . lh<' pam-•~ 1;otn{; to ~l.ll'nd four rlay~ er••~'· """ ltu• t>8lnhlt!'l"m"nt .. r t h•• rl< 8 or ttfrec lc~..,_,. 11• l41lng wit• ,n ' Ul • a. tn,; thr• Atlantrc or rf'ln•t• "''''k' • •'l<'d . .Wl.:u..ort·~-lJl..SuuUlt>rll l lllifr r-t:llr"'"' ,., tl ' t·· r •..! ·l 'I•·~Rt'on p! J, I llat•. l t'lll t;t ,.v:•rllt·s In lltHy c rol<.'llll: th•' Puf·ir•~ . '1, II ( I thP rt •Vf'lnnmo•nt .1 •I ~ Ill t a "• I<•CI ·J..•I l:!!te.ll.._ Ul·-,. , 'w• n 1•' ·11' ,·· tt "Ju.t u the dedlnl' ao~ol fa'l ~·· 1 ,1 ,,. ,.,,., •.•• , • ..,. •·•l'tclto~ uo nnt nwttn tu 1-<t~ lhut ~urh and ~renera prO&J"V' Y o 1 • 1111t111 .. ,. w av t>•• lr'l''"'' 1n p'rt at • . sb.rJl!l wrll pa:<~ ·•II .L dl . d b \A•h 1 • • • ' pi• lure bouks and antllolnl(ln n r\-.. " , ... "' .. ...,,. Y on" ., l•·o~ tu unnot u f'll t•h&.nJC"" In t he do e la1m I hal -18 In ~..flflllrtlon to know, wh~n ' Coplu Of thf' hOokiPt. prlcttl at ll<ll'r J'lllltol<'' 1 .. I I' ''II phil "' • ,.11.1· nn•l PI'"'"'' "~·, ,,,. ···~Art Duncan 17 0 nln" l1•ol' ., ·d 1 t 4•.f•H)(III'\, ''"''*! • )-.' 9 !'lulo•r '" 8UUilant \\01 11 1"'111· ''"'' ''"' T l' l 'n ltlf'nl vf :-o:ulrt· ~·tarlne En JStee, :H·• f •• t I tit' K nuv•r p'nnt nnd hu~ t II•H • '".II _,. ""''' ~~~ Ill ,.,..;.' ( .. , I l'ht• I :t•rmanll ar't.' r~ttllahc Home on Orders 2120 . ('('nt. ··O n t~s po1nt I 'hOHid ke 1 to dlgr<'Sl' for <t moml.!nt nnci ,.II}' le thmoe mt"n'wnn :TM'"l'llnnln~o: u tr 'hip; lhar I t'Un "('I' 11 'mall d utH1 Oil lht• hUI'IZOQ Cha t )o~l'SI~ t'ltlt· non . .und unl•.,.~ I hr•y rtn' prrp:ll'l•<t ··y 0 u. CAN HELP WIN THE BATI'LE OF PRODUCfiON • 1pace: Yes-. ever more bombt>rs. 'cargo and ·trdnsport aircraft 'must be bujlt befo)'(' final · Victory wiU be achieved-AND MORE; MEN AND WOMEN must be recn1ited to help build tt\(>S(> airplanes: DOuglas aJ Long St-ach needs additiona l workers to help \-.:in the Battle of Productiqn. Thjs me~""o; ybu -\)"pu -and YOU arc urgently need(.'(! in a productio,n job at f>ouglas Aircraft . Long Beach. Don't let inexpeiienee s'top you. Jotn the rarrks of Douglas WQrkers today-and share with· thNn-thf' Vk.tot·y to. come through all-.oul effort in a ircrllft prodw·tian. . .. . . Douglas -reeder Sliqi> / U1 s~ menL Servic~. TW..d 6 8purpon, 8at1ta Aaa · 3CH •. SUI St., S'iftta ADa t •. m.. -~ p. m. ~ • ~lon., \\ ~-· a ··rt.., . - Dallt', E'lil!'pl Sunday 8:10 a. m. • .&:00 p. ra. A~AILA!lll;l~ ("E TIF'ICATE I N£CF.SSARY .. ·Itt l1.,:ht 11~1. from ltw ~wr·t., II' W!)$hm_glo n · thP> :11 ,. 1.:11111 • 1o ltn Am{'n tan ;u r !-hiJ" ~· ot.nll. d 111 ,, fo•W ) 1'11 1" h) lfll' S/111\1' P•'I'IHflll)llo.; •:a1 '•·'• '''" • n 1.,., nr: "' II ''" 11~h In m11k111.: .,,.., o r t ht n•·W· •·· :,,,,., rtPt'n \'t'ltr 111~ -"rthur F!lmo -~-~~~~:,,,II ~ · "''",' • ~·· t• ·I 1•1···• , , 1, .~,11·1~~ ··• "'''' t 1111 t·~ lh~l~ r·11,. 'an .~ ;x~ Vilflle at~L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~ •t.·••· 'r ' ···WI<'' """ 1·1• I' ·• :· .~._~--·rv:r .. rt n···~ntlv <'nllmrd In the -voa~re1riJht, mister, a yard u '"" ...-h~n you hav~ a hat-· becue ... , li&hccd _gard~n .. ,. provision for ping pong anJ Qd.... ...,.. ... perhaps a ;,in.ton roun.ot '1'immina JIOOL Why not plan your ' ~· N rd now? R~membcr, JOU"II DeN pl~nty of light a you'll wanr co usc clecu-ical ' cooking aprlianccs when you ha~ me-als our~'f-<l~rs. so inch~ prope! outdoor wiring in your plans! Th~ Edison Company will gladly help you pllan rhc wiring fo~ you. yard,~ or garage: As~ ".boMJ JhJS jre1 uf~''" 111 )O• . ,.U,1J1E.iUJon office.,. REDDY KnOw Ai-r, Yo.r l!lmrirM St'f'r'~"' '. . . ..._ • SOUTIIIIN C/.~IFOINIA EDISON COMPANY LTD.· :'"" ~ HARD\\' ARt: J. _H. ~s-us 1'1.1 ~IRISO · GE~EfL\L ELEfTRI(' &..\~OES e llt:l iura:R.\Tutt~ e W \)411f:K:"' f)~\'.\:o.llt:tU~ a I> \IUO~ Pltoae 116 l'tolll" ,.·, ; 1111ol1olnl••" •' •· I "'''I; 11 Itt. 1 ,. • 1 111 •' \'• -t ul !< • :o •.,t •Unlt~d Statra M~rlnf' C'orp11 •"l"'•t·•llv 111\11•·•1 1" lh• "'"'IlL! 111111 "''""" 111 • •Ill''"' • •·rill•·.< l{<•,lllll (nrmf'r ln~:h•wn<>d Hl~h T il.!'\ "Ill b.· furmallv '"'"'"h,..Mi ""' h ,.,. Pn':tnd illhl tlw :'\d'l•·• · ::1,-, d ,.1111:.·nl At thr t11no• of h .. l>lol \\'II 11"1 I•• lllit•\1'"1 I" IIH•k•• llllld!< "'" lllk• II err-P • ;''"II•· ' ~'"''lt~lmt'nt ht• ~"' ftl!!"llll lnJ; hi~ f a. IIJtlo.,·li••l' ;'l;o•olhf'r \\Ill tho•\ 1 ... t' ,. Ho h h. 1<•,1\1111: t~o 11.1 """' t't1• r ,11 th•· (jllblnk inllustry .1"11 .t ·•'" '"' 1111' ll•JII\1: Hill 1'0"''"'~' ~I t and ~lr• \\' W. 1 J\ t • 1 rt \\Ill h·• lllt.atl•• h\ \\ al t l•• •: •11•· n ' 1 IJ "'' 11,. 11 \\'nmt'l ··hAII Ill'\!1' "' ,11,, t.:,\ 1111,, .. '"" ~~, ,,, , 1 ,,;,, tl Rt•hh, ""'' 111 llw same a•'olr<'All. ·• ' J>rl<"atr nunc-a n Is no•• at hnmp h~tAt•l•or ""P'I\'11!111~ 1 11 tho' f'l'1'll· l:.••u o·:, ><lr•·••t '''"''' •·.'·' ·II" k~ on art lnadbu· •tatu:< 1 atllnt.t 11 •• ··h t ,..tntull tl( • '11\:y tl.-.\'t•lttr nH·nta iln llh n·' ttH···· ,., , • .., I l ~ uf··h~ . at. Anllh•••n• liny · r11u '' d ''n'""'l r .. ,,,., tn ~;ard~n Tho· 1111'<'11111>: writ Ito• _.------~--~----------~ ~E-EL~CT 1homas[ KUCHEL 'STATE SENATOR Oranp County nHda an u~rff'nC'~d I~Jri11hitor In thi Stat~ ~""''· OOR MAN F.OR Tti! .lOR f11 th~ lnf"um~nt. SF.N ATOR THOM/AS R. KUCHF.I.. . · , H~ hu bt>t>n a fighter for farm welfare. He hu bfto rair and im pn rtial to lnbor. He hes been a real friPnd nt >ur puhlil' ~c~noll'. lie has fought for th~ protf'<'tinn of th~ l'niRII bu:~ine1t1tman and th~ !'mall hnm~wner. Ht na~ (11\'llrcrl lcJ:I:;Intion to mak~ the future llN.'Ur~ (nr ·tur ~ltlrr t-it in·n~. He .hn11 al!!o fought for efYidency lD •ur llfl\l<' vm ,•rnmrnt. , ~to:~ A'l (It{ J\l.'t"flET. i11(\ow !l£'r \'ing All ._,ueutPnllnt n 1 hi-I nill'•t '-'tnt I'!! ro;n,·v. nnd it' ft·f'lt-rtf"ff. hP-\C'iO rn e U!t in Satr:~mcn tn whrn t he lrgL~Iatu'rt> ronvenes . l'llwtA:o; li. t\l't'IIEI. \\'11.1. t ,\ITHf'l'l.l.t HEI'Ifi-:~E 'T Atl. TIIF. Pt-:OPI.f. OF TillS IH ~TH H 'T. 110:'\ESTI.\' ASO fAIRI.T. Vote on. May 16th To Keep SENATOR THOMAS H. KUCHEl at Sacramento. . . . 4 • I l'hll ati \'C'M 'C'Ilh 111 '1;u I ro·n dnntlllfd b) trl.-nct. Of ~~. ,. " l'tlllnou h Koocllell. c:etpt or order111 to rr po1' fo1· ·" IIYf' duty 'T'rh ••"r Ntll'l':"·~ 11( ~rum. J"•lnl•···~ 1.nd lt jfllmM !'nmr nil~• r\'cr" hR .,. w e n'' "'"'"'''r ·rliTT·"~·· In l'us '" ''Ht ~ .. 1 ... ,:, ~t~.. pt••)p'•· v.·h· laek \• ,en tnn. nn•t •·n• 1 a..::v r tu\' h·· n1url• !'·~I\' lf'"ntut~t·,t h\' th• •• • tln4.(\.J''r· "" Tlt<' II.' I• ·" l11,. td I til a Fo ~m·h l,a left tn thrm. noi <1o11h1 •'\'eta hOUilh t ht w llll' m~ty ha'''' hf'l'n •xpotll'd to G<"rmRny f'lnbably the conqu,.rorJJ have r•ara •r•l uff •II'<• th<• 'brAn and Jlt'rlij f• .. m the wheat rem0\'!'.1 w "•·n tht• wl11tr .!lour . WM inllletl I • ~ uddl'll to lhl'lr own llllpply or l ht• ll-vltamin.'' :\·••t J!Btl ~nld JO M£1 PH ILL I,..P S co;· ~GRESS~H PIIMA~Y ELECTION' MAY'' " f ·!loon tra.nll.'rswill M seeing plots o( Mecs, beans, tomatoel, corn and o rht r oe~Jed. vegetables "coming along" on both sides of our «racks. For once ag.tio Santa Fe: has made its right·of· way n ailable co irs employtes for Victory Gu- deo sp.ace. This railroad· is hean· and soul behind Amen• · ca's Victory Gvdt n project. 1'\ot only hu "land Ml'n made: au ilable. but we art olfl•rin~ S2000 in War Bonds to our but Vietory Gardt'ntrs .. aq added incc:ntil·e IO'II•ard hc:IJ)ing "Food Fight • for Freedom." LOCllttl as "'ear~" Alon~o: tbe J!outc 10 T ol..)o.'-" !aota Fe people rhrou~hout our 13, HH mile~ o( crack can "frcl" this ".u. They are ,.,orkin~ full hours to mo'c: :lion~ thr ne,cr-endins loads of guns, tanks. men and municions. Pt'rhaps that's anorher~r.c.t,on "·by thcy"re ool - oolr ~·hrk ing harder on rht'ir railroad jobs, but ate prrtty fine \\-ar Bood buycn aod Viccorf Gardt'nt'n as ,.·ell. /l's s.,,,~ F~ ~lllht ur~, /tiP ib. U.S. A.! SANTA cE SYST.EM LINES OHI Of AMIIIC" • &A iliOaOI-ALL UM1U ~ WICTGaY - • I ' ·. . . . '· I .~ • ' I I . . .. .. • NEWPORT-BALBOA ·N'EWS-'J'IMES. NewpOrt a-da. Calf-.. ,...,,t;~''r'"iR, ~hursd~y. April 20, 1 ~-44 P..-flw ~ --~--~------~----~~--~--~----------~~~~======~~~~~~--~-------------------I --~----------------------------------------- CustomS, Sport Fishing ::~J§~;z~; Hlo· ·h SehooiNelVS 1~:;d~~ooa·s · j Aged Caretaker 1 Found Dead, to · Ceriter, Port Needs llotaJtlr l"harlu ll ~ .... llt'f'r, 1-l~ I """ Martha n .. fll'l(ll. l'lln't&ker Calif. School i Be Durie~ _Friday con. Louls Evt>rdln.r. s. A: Mf')l'r. ------===----------___ . ._ __ .. · MISSina Ma)qr , A. B. Rou&Nil•. l...t>~-. H. Wallll<'t' -!'It bpt. EUgl'nc Mll<'ht-11 . Hubbard HOWl'. Mayor ayan Hall. a. L Pan· Am erie& to Be A ht a nch cu ... tum ... IHIII~•· ,, "~'''~'' lbhi.ng ccnt('r, a tr•l'l')' 11 uunct t h•• tuu·bor·. u plaN' for fi~IWtlllt'(l tu n•p;u,· lht•tr no·t:l t)WM' Wt•n· a t\>W of tht• prohlc·tn.-dbl:u.~d lit I ht• orgam zallon OWI'lln~ of tht• hurbt>r l'ommll k t• or t ht> Chamlx•r uf Cum.rrwt'('(', pr;•s•ll•-d tiVt·r by W alton Bubb~trd of lfw South Ul<l>l (\l. and hu.'t tu tht• ~mup , IS Wartime Stop Ill Go · Jlo•nding Your Car .fa Junk P JIIIU .. IICAJIOI CAl IIIII 1J ourusr '"' JUIAJIOI -, I Mt•ntf'rH ~lrfl'l ' lllllh. ... who ha• fur •n "''·lt't'UJllf'•l hi>UIIf' Ill ('oron. ~( ,hildren l..ead In Shtnlp ~ales Pattt'rson and Harry Wt'l('t\. . Hono--.1 a· t H. s. Mr. Path•non ...«plalnt'd the rt'' £t:U qu!'st madt• for add.-.d tmpro\'('· •1 28 m.·n•!S ttl the hl·llr'"" bt·'·""' th(' Assembly Apn l>t:<lrit'l Engint't'r In &•ptl'mlwr. _ 19-1\. I 0 t" DID"' f &prtJ .. til at • .. k>r ~l't'llknt tc f\11\'1' t~t'll !\>1r. H ubbun:l told alx1u1 tilt• r\·· el~h~ ~.~;.:• In~: N';.wpo;; Har-~ 'fm· !-!~''""~"""" 11 1~ 1 ,;,,rn '"'''" ll•tf'ol u mlll"'"ll .. nrr Jan· ,1,., t.t.r. "''hn wa1 fftlllltl !lf'aot bv a ,,,...,. :u\ wlwn h•• f'llrlh'lplllf'tl In •1 nf'llfhh.•r. wilt t>.• '"''' '" r ... t Fr1· f\\'ltiJtt '"'•'"'' ••Yf'r Italy, ha• ~w .. n •htV Ill 1() a "'· ••llh ..,rv"'"• at l'"''""''"'' lht• ~"''"r~to.r 'llt't'"''lln.: t._"t~r. !lhuhuu·y lnto•rlllf'OI wtll be t'ul•f••r~·· h••••l • ll •l•h••n -11'•1 ,,, .. rr .. ·tul "'"'" Ju•l rro'f'h'""' privlllf'. , • , r .. rl\· f·•nr _,,.,,.,. 1"1 tho• llllllt•n '1'111" ml,..lnll mt~J"' whu Ill th"l 1 tliii'SI llllhi' Navy'to drt'<I.IW at I his bor Union High School audltort\liD a llllup ,,, lllllt' ''•>lll••l!l nlll~ T h•'ll•· timt• lht' 1!\ foot t•ha nm•l fmm • bo ~ lludo•nll' ttrt• 1 , r~.l•n·lll-nt tl,,. lhl· County Chunnt•l north of l\11) the reeldent• In tht' har r a,.. o1a11 of-'H A lrt••t ,,. 111 •lo•r•• "ll<'t\ lh•'' h,•u.:hl \\'t\1' ~tWhllo:~;. h ,,, Mr#111111 Mno ~ t' R1,..11,.,.,. 'ntf''tlf'l'f'IUON Willi 114 •vr•r• uld :-;11111'1"' 1;, 111,. ,.,1,.111 ,11 ,77 :'1':'1 "' ~hr llh<l\'r lliltlr•·•. Ia " 1'·:\1' •uol haot IIV<'Il al l'l1ron11 del Mar hlund lu tlw industrial lll~·a. l k art lnvtt«-d hl wltntoal a..f'akmer-t.r laao!t~ "'"' "'"''' n:·, hNit,l lol••'"'' I ~t 1 ·t 11 tit . lrl'in uaembl'l· ., ''"I'•'<' h an t•ar y r"'.IOt o • Th«-purpow of .the procram II ltllelet• ~l'''flk '" put•lt~· Th,•8•' ,.,.,llll'"' 10 h8V(' 1h(' work doni' ~ ~ tt rc• ,_.,,,1 ~11111111 ... ,.,1 •.• 11r :'IIIII tr Ill Mill' 111·11 I•• h •hfllllf\' t•ll"l In tltt' ":.'nol tljothl••r 1(11'-11' •II,! I (nr lllllrf)' JMrA. I'OO\Inl t O l~at I!• It 1 'Ill\ :o\ ''" \' ,., k.. 1 'c•muo\ 1\· ~·; 111 h·l "'' 1 ,, hla '""It""' nona" 111,. :""''th•n b\•f<IN' 1t. at rt!t't. wero laid '"" ,.,.,\ 111111111~ ''" ,.,.,lo•J th~ ·l .•ll tUllttl• dllll'lllln w'•••·h·llrr•v•'•' 111111 '14''· Mhe had .. ar-e.t ft•r many f••rnh• ,.., ,.,,1 "''''"· l••th prlll,..• 110,1 '""""""''" ••h\hlff'n nt•w "r .. wn tu "''""' A'D ~ l'h•• .1 '""'l'l ~· 1 ~H. \\'" 1 l"aVIII~otl • ",.,.,. ,., I'll'~"'·• I ,.,1 11o1 II)"' ~I"''"'''' lnqu.-at by l "t•rnrwr lo:arl A bbry l.lll I' • "''" lOll•'"' I 'llltCtu'nlll "''" 1111· rule· j••h ,. .. ltiU ·~II ''"'"II fultlltl tiC"Aih \4 .... """ lu o.atural nuw. 11 V.'Rl' lht• bt'hr C that a l!•'n· l1• bring to lhl' community a ~· l , ,. r ... "'•u ter undef'lltandlnf of our neiJrbbora OW, lllrll••v IA•no~:'llll•rt', 1111•1 t '11n>l r rul de~lh o( 1~ ft't't over t • .., -., w~ht-r" ~hould 1x> amplt· to <'liver all nrl'<l-' to the •o\lth. 1f the pubUe I• bet· .. A dfscu~~oslon on the advisability ttor uqualnted ll''llh tbe SoUth -\ 1:1\tnph•t•• hill • r lho\11•· ""'' ~.h .. I •tuot.•nll' lh!tl '''''" '1 r '''I' In"'" nil""""' ••vrr 4'1ttonly trarl '1111-· of rt'QU€'SI.ing a branch Customs Amt>l'lcen people. II will beCOdlt ~ ~I II' 1111 tl'l'f'" • l..llrn• Jlou!l4.• brou&ht forth tnt1•n•stlnj> mor. tmf.r.~red and wlllln~ to belp ~liM. "lmlf'\' l Aml':lll"r'" ~.it ~·llh pur.·h••• ••f J:.! lllll,lllllt Nrw I l•lr)'. t ' ''' k I• .1 '' 1\ h $1\ ~"I 11\111 lUI\\ l'l'lln· 1'h•· , ttnll·'n f••r "t l11ihn•h )' Ill ft~tblt'f'll <'llttllnJC In ltl ""''' It the ay h '&t\11\ "Mil 10ro't>ntl "II h s:t,\iiCO • A• t 11•11 ~'""" I hr fliiii•WIIIIC II<'• t>lllll II' AI ot a nltfht uf bt1111brra. h~ un· ltH' .. t thr ~'r""r 'Ri•r wt nru·r·• (f'IIUI hf'•IIAI\IIICIY tu11wol to the altat'k "'rw~o and the sU,\Utt'l\tlon that Jll'r· aolve lntewllonal probleata. ......,.,, !'ar.•l \\'ultl,nbtor~. f'ttd haP.-" Ci'rtain condltioru. r\'gardlng Thl' plot ol the .Cory revolv a... Jrnnrtt.-l'h""" t;ltm•r-han~ling..of garba~e ml.:ht not bt· "round a n American lamtly travel· ,_.b"Jt, Mnn Alu ,. l'ullarol a nd liL'l't'ptable to all Mr. Lon.:mour In& tl:rough the twtonty-one ropub-~a.-Ow"' 8 IL. \J~I) t statt'd hi' had talkt"d to C'ollt'<.'tor Ilea whtr h mak• Up Soutb Amer· J"i.tm lbl11 Iilli \\C'rt' U.IJk• '"'''"'II a I.Jt)8 ~ · 0 Ill') an o1 tht• Port of Los. An~:clcs. lc,. Dancing. alnaln6. d£~. the •akru fur t'" nljtht ••f Har· fib . J h•J who had promiSt-d to ~·Ill if local comedy, and aerlouant'U wUl " ln· -H'a!l'a tt nnnal _ ... r\'ll't bunqul't '\, serve tl I e4;1' nt-.tds Wl'r \' s.•rtou:-. Mr Lon.:· dwled 1n the thr~ acenl'a. An w -'Mit •n ·t··,. hanqnl't I• ,,.,. '"'"'" At R Tod ntl~Un~ stah'<l th,lll lht• prl)blt•ll\.' uf ~ll'ntlc dupllca.te of South Amerl• lt\141nt. wit•• han t'amt'd at ir ottll ooms . ay hnnrllt•IJ. · pN t-le.' 1etkl. f¥'UVI\Y • In • n1f11••••. 1;111· 0n A pill' .~I llw 'Ia""'" t '~~~ 1'-lnh "Ill ri-lf'flrAir 1hr thlr~ aMI· t <'fl<IH\ ,,, ttw Nt\tiHtW.'I. 1 ulltull•• th!' fi~h<'rm('n In t-cllitwn to a nt!Yd t'an cu .. orra will be" pr•aented aa t• IIOin~• '" lt'r\lnl( th .. "''h•••l for 11 cust oms IIIQll!-t' hnd bt'('ll wdl Ill! t ypical cOIItumu of the Ka11 (\llnmllt r.-11\nlarahll'. 11th· Thl' qi.II.'~CiOII of fndlifatin;~ 11oe ~'f'ri!Ona ,<"ollaboratlnl ln leon Work, ..to· 1 runsft•r of hollis . wu~ rnl'ttUPnt•d m~tlllng rlllll' prvgram a auce.. B,.llf'r~ • hotlll'n f••··''"'8 11f'a.1r l'umnlltnll, ~· ,,.11•,. wlllo•h "'"''. nnrl It """'finally mll\''•d \hot tlw art': '1111 Terf'aa Pal"t'd•. Spao ........... M"rv ~"'" I'•JiaroJ "'"I "'"~" 1''"1!""" "' 'ttu• 1·~·"1 ll!'ltl t•hait· RPIII'lln! u ~~pt'('tnl :!Ub·<'t~lll· lith t~cher~ Ml• Marie Helt.:ll. l:a1111e (1\r;n, frum ltll' 8""'"r lr v· t1t~h t'lvoh• A..t'""· I••'RI N..('t'~ mit h•t• lo mak<• u furtht'r Sill d) muak l~achtor ; lotlaa Allee Bel\80n, out a. and \'tr::lniM Smith llrOII\1."· '""'''"'' "'''' A 1 t h111 \\'intrrh111t•r. and rc•por1. t·oa1ume•. Mra. 7.~1ma Edwarda, Ina; taltnt r'''"' tlw 1tl\'ti••r l'lll,.. _ Till' qU<'liiiOn 'of bny sllnttaiion dancmg; Mr. 'William Frink and ·. brou~:hl 0111 thC' informution that ~fr Arthur W ordton, aeta. I. COMING EV.~NTS th<· ~tnit• was kt'<'pln~: c:frt>ful This I.IJ thto flr.t nlrht prorram • . t'J'\tf"\•' H\t ,. tHft'4'' ,,,. hi\\',~ t'\"n''"''' IU\ P t,.n If """ I''.':Jfrllm fur tlw ub· "''r"""''" ••f lhho lhlrol hlrl holll\' o•( I t• N I' l' ~. truck nC <·(lnditions and lht• ht'lp or to be gtven by lltudt>nta of Harbor P'RI~Y. APRIL 21-• 1'ht• o•olf'ht ntlnu \\til lw.:l~ "'"' all bout HWn't•rs and Opj'I'II~Jr.< nf High auwe tiHl wh«-n t~e "H.M.S, n .... (',,1,.,. ,,.,,,· kr'"''''· 111 I'•''''' ;,,,, "''"' 1 n .,,.. 1 w "0 1 f •<V 0 ', K. I ,.t R \" ·' I m )'111'111 anrhora~:cs had })('('n in· P lnatl'rto" wu pr .. scnt•d. T he,.. Belbaa. upen 10' a. ru. to 4 p. m . with 'fi!UII<' rurnl•hf'll by th" Air 'Vitl'd. will~ nn admlaa:nn <'harge. and eewtnc C'o!"f\1' oro·l~t•alra Th• lrll•'ltl• ""' Aftt>r PXI(Ind<'d dlll('ussion OR l·hf"' tovervon .. • 11 urtted to attend. "Salutl' lo thr Mar111~11" bu'ff't <·utUn.: nf tin' bitt hot11v \ llltf' will matter or a ft•rry arounct thl• bay I ----IUDcbeoc a nd mr•tlnl( Will I'll' I he .,. nh~tf'n•rd An•l rrrrnhmf'nl• will !ll"l••r ~I'""''"' '"" 11111r w r11'"'"'' an vtr lfmaly \1\a\ """ em•my hallttor '""" lltf' m11111 fonn•llun llrt"r t•ro-t'XI•I•"I"'I anol th,.. n•ntalncler wert' i,' I 11111 '""ll""t• ")'"' lt11ly No-o.ll•l"'1'11f'd · AIAj Rl"'nc·f'r w11• Jut l u !"~ "l'l"""'"'"trh' HI ~tt,.my llf't'n In lht' Cltlllllln.: t'IIIC"II'"'"""'" f~liTIJAL AD"JIIITti·M·NTI RETAIN ·. • • • Your Superior Court J ... 1 RAYMOND T·HOMPSON -'WUl yov cv iota tiM Nit care •olec io juQ. 7_. ..- and mention of thl' orf('r of J . A T R Jd. f.J -"-r h • )o'-.. ..._ -~--· • ' t 8 O•vd 0 t f' •Ill\' at \ r dullY,,..-··"" -SN-k mllde SOO'W tim<' ago !,!. wa~ 1 OOAA'i.e tnMl<•n <'luh rco~:ular Hnlon, at Onto or th" Army r hAillaln• frf•m .... ft d r& applhlt 8 lijrt'tll'll rom· On w ~ -r 2 30 * 4ay baal-of Metectl Wvt....-stop-iiiGCola hard oe- you, C.. Uaa-.,oG pud IC&Iaat DqWcJ DOW, IMonMd oet MartJica, Kored .. tODA. a ruiMCI tn-IMIOD « differeD• ..,. eaa 1M tiM e:apeaelye reeult. ' SH&LLUBIUCATION Mn'lce offen 7_, cv Protedioe • 'all •• •ltal potac.e. And J'OCI ••t a cllacram·fteetpr elliow· . · • -..cdy WMI'a IMea cl-to IMip It OIIIWt tiN ,_.i~o,_ ... IlL 011. C9.PAIIY, J_,.,-.,J ~ ... to fr""· •-'•· f;oldnl s•Mi •Mttor Oil bt/or1it'1 IH '"''' [OI' ,th£' C\lll11~y ·and l'OnrldC'O('(' dispJayro in .r,('. <tnd th;mk you Tor' thP \'Oft'~ (·a s t rol' . ~l'( in the rn·•·:•t Cmtnd l Elt•clion • •• • .. Balboa. TAKE HER TO mtlh'4' to Jtudy thi,; ml\t\t>r nls.l ater ~ .ety 1 : . Jl· m Thl' arrakf'r will bt \hto S11nta An• Army Air 1'-tt will Mr Hubbard bellt>vt'd ond oth· hom thf' F.l T11r~ Marine 0.... br lhr KUf'al or hnno•r ltnol th,. 1•r1n l'r'l< u~:rN'rl that some ff'IT)' S('fV• Next Week End P ilot 1'181!8 will mfft at'8 p m. rtro~l 1rl'f'Akf'r nr thf' . .Vf'nlnl( d hfo-ba ld bt at liM horbto of Mrrt Wu'r v Fow· Tbe puhltr I• lnvllf'<l lot attrnrl let' a roun 1 Y wou · ' n ---', ler, 2Ul F;ut ()fun Front , Balba.. Chi• blrlh•l•v ••f'lrbratlon ut c~f' • wr~ dt!\lmt'l ~~~..,rt. ' C'halrtrlln F'r~k Crocku of lbe wUb Lt and Yn t"r«'C.I Wuoowoii'Ui ..... l'Alhntl Nt'l~ ''~fl run, 'Nt~ A gl'nl'ral clt~('U~!'I~III on thr mnt: Water Safety Committee of co-tw.t.. . < II onto nf the •'-mem~r .... nrln to•r or u sport fl.shtng cl'nlf'r fpr Rtot.l C'rfln announeed today · · h td All • MONDAY, APR IL 24-• o' II•" \1Sf'l. lltt•l In till'! ''"''"' ''" thl' (•~lt.rl' arro: was .<' · mt•m· <'I&IIMII In wattor aaf.-ly will be held ht'r" JOIOfod In th<' diH'U~SIOn nnrl l her• next s•turday and "undav, Red ('ruM workroom. Ill raltn. OJlt'fll ll"l mnrr than 1\()0 l'lutwt an•l h I I f ' ~ 0 J Balboa 1\,_n \II tt m to 4 r • !"' , ~ r-r~•nna rnr ""I'Vh'f'ml'n .... rv\rP• t <' ever Ot'rt'as ng ~mportunr<' l> Aprll.29 and 30. t r •wlmmert and · .~. -thi' ~port flJoo}lin~t mtlu~t • > v... . dl · 11 lbl . ~ aur~: cal tlr<'llsln~rt wnmPn and wa; Wllrkf'rll, ffi(Ard: V< rt1 w.,o '"~ I' K to I R . 1 1 pomtro out lt wa~ finally m ov,·d •·· 1 td < roe wurkr<)(>m poo """ ur "'"" . l'u "' • r •·rf'l'tl thnt o Stx'CIIll ('Ommillc<• lw np-¥iaa 9alno Crai« .will be the In·/ ()ct'on llhd .. {'~truna .trl !11.-r, 'JW'" llnr -,.t lhr tml"'''""'· "l'f'r llll pwrllf'cl to milk'•• u study nncl 1)1'1" ;;;urtnr anl'l will ahl Junto~ and 1 to 4 r m flltr~tl• nl tlro·tutlnjt~ ""~""'''''" ""''''''' '"' thr I" 111 I I !'tO M'lll 11 noporl llS f'arly ~~~ t'IIIIYl'fl· "' nlor life lla\'l'rtl. tr lft.lfr clttnt 1 TUESDAY, APRIL ?~ C1uh I• thf' "l"'rlltlon n( a floom it·nt. thts nn motaon or 1\lr ftou,.· lntl'rewt 1~ "hnwn h.-da-a wUi i Rf'dl'r""" Wttrkmom. Ill Palm. II•'Jti"'''" i'•·r•l••· ,;,, ''" fl• • .:" • st•llr•, s••t·ondl'<l by 1\lr S tnnlt•y. ln· •1)<0 coq~lnued i,!'tu May . I Blltlf'l~t . .,,..,,. 10 " m t .. 4 p 'm . • ""'' tl.nhti· livln~t 'l""rtn" Cur formtllmn on the ~oport Ci:;hinh ct•n· . . IUrl(lntl drt'""lnga. -1hn"f' ><lroiiHtlo.' ltl'rvlt'''"'''" un•l tl'l"< om· th1• Atluntlt• s~uhoaril "'"" 0\\'no·rs mll•rf'.~l•~l II~ 4lha4f'man I --· · -. wnm~:n """ thrlr fl\mllll'll to tl\1" ~ubmh trd : r w;~ .. :wt'hM·i~"'' to '14llKHn1 11 com-; R d' -& E · CJr~a. :.1nnt mrl(lrin~t focohlll·~ fur t'Om · mille•(' to .c1111 nn l\11· ll'\'lnt• and Oun 01 VentS lrl m "<'"erll ~Ugl(l'~IIOII!> for im(li'QVIn~ the eltuatlon were made. In ad· clition It wail llf,!l'('(>(ithat a nrl dr·y· lng grdttnd could bt' provu:lt'IJ WJth Rdvaht~;tl 10 1'\'l·r~ hody .l'h" :-ull· yoc t t ), v.·lll lx• •~'""'dl'h·•! hy n "1~'<'111 C'l'lfllmlltt•t• Wharh Will lw• itppoinl<'d IJy C'h;llt1'11an llul.ln•·l 111 nwkt• ton •·nrl~ rt•polt ' II \\11..,. J~tllnl•·tl IIII I lh:tl • tlw t'lltllmllllll \ CciUirl IIIII 1:1 "" tn 1111\' dlll'i'\lttll ·,."''')11 l('ltlt tlto ·····1;. ,.,,,·wn nt Jamc•.-Jl\tnr "h" ""n' 111 ;1('\ll':tlly ,, II of llw lantl n '"" <.ut · 1nunilmg th1• o'lly, ;m d II v.a<. -.ug· t.:•"lt·fl that thf'n • Johuulti lw rl•...:•· t'tJOpt•tt~lllln and r(lmpt.•to· haamun~ ht•IWf..:'n tho• nty anll tlw ll'\'111•' m· IC'rt.'lol~. In 01d1'1 tn IJnn~: nhuu.t a rlow•· t·untact WII h tllf' land ' 11'11'1 !lilt' I inlt• 'l'h·· .. , • .,.,,.,. lao.fl.~ unltl :\ :10 ami ~r Jluhh:u<l m "'''''"!.: tf11 · m•···t 10~ ,.:ud lw "••ultl hk·· tu h.,,.,. •·t•l'lt t'•lnllllltt••\' pt•''• n l ••' r•·pnt l In \o\'rltiUJ.: il' '•w:•n ''' t'flflVe·n tnn t :.nd that th••n tlw ~··n••~;ol ''"mmtttt·•· would rm:t•l ~ntl lukl• up l'tlf'h -r•1• IIIII I a' ~oon as II "II.<. I'('Ucly. empef t<•r•·m In (''!VI£1a nn '1'utad&¥, • 'kJ~· L ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S -~ RENDEZ-VOUS. B ·AtBOA BALLROOM Prsenta .. .. AND HIS ·ORCHESTRA SATURDAY liGHT APRIL 22nd \ THEATER t')vf'TIInc" at '7:00 .t .11:1:\ IA11l Sllnwtnc of a Oouhlt· ,.,.,.. t~rf' Prncrarrt. !'4Jart... "' M::tn Adult>~ nr, ta" 'Jco-Tnt"l II•· ~n·lcf' 29f'. 111'11: fk·-Tuhll :t.'oH l'hlld~:n llk-.·IA'II fk·-T ttllll l'!c· !fhuf'·, · t'rt. · ~.t. Hunct....m. of foliar F.rttf'rht.lnf'r" In "TIU"K \'IH'K .J•I'4'Kf .... ~.\ltK~ ,." •''"'n .t sr~ • !'lun. · ''""· · 4"1;'" . flr<'f'r 't'l\""1·-\\ alt•·r ,, ... , ... " In ' '11 \II \\It: I I Hit." (nrt•un'& '"'" ... ",.cin•·"tro \ Unh "Tilt: I 'K 'f'l\\' ,;, t:'4T" nnd "Till: ,,,,., nr:n,~• 111F. '-'" .. ('a rluun "ltufl """ (oo" !'41•111nl' Thu". April '!7• "Ot.'<TI·' A T1CI'Ii TCIK \'Cir. ,.....,nlntr: "\\ "'"'' un '""' Khlnr", "I}Vkf' "' "Pill Pnf•t", ......... \ntrf'l", ";\ fouy S.....,.. .Jr,..", .. ,..,.,. of .......... ..,,.._rt ...... If ... "Uf .... l". \' ' • I ,.,;,.. · Pnklnl( E Vf'fllnc "' ·,.,,.., A tt•t :; MatiOI'f' ~rtlttr<l"\' 111 I ·\"t I '"'lnucm•• l'tlttlllll\ fruttl '!::Ill i\tfalta 4tfo, Ia\ lk-l ulnl :'ollf• .,, rvk-f' :!lk, ''" rw·-'FntJof ~:..· Chtldnon t'Uc•, (,., fjo·-l ul!tl•l':•· '"'"_.• :G.· a t'!•· , Tht•,...,. P'rt "'"' tllru:•·r Jt .. ~;•·•• '" "''T.'>iUt.tt I n\111 \Uf:" ••·(·•\:tlt-,tllt• u f U~ttt• •. '('rutll~tn .\ '''" • -=~--~ "'"" \l .. ,. ""''' Tallnl:oh 1\ • ~~~ h ••I \\ m II• ••II• '" "I .11 I 1\t ' \ I \I !Iii ('All 'I ''''' .I I ""'~'"' ( •r'''"" \ • , ., .,. =.__~ '' ........ ·' ., ( .. . ...WJS(iTI\If, .Ill~,,. .. and "TTft: •·111•'1 '7 II \V "Al.fl._ \1 '''I ... I 'al1-If "Ill"' k '"',..I'" MtarU•tr Th•or• \t••ll '!7 ".J,\,t, t \ IU ·• ( .. ,.., "Ill• ''""''' ..,,,,,., ... ..,., .. """'"· "1 h·· ..... 111····-"· ,.... C....'• All , ... ,,. .. . I Let'~ look At J Juclge Th ..• ,.....,,M~ QaaR1ic;a~ ),.,.~•:'"•"'"'•"• Ttlo,..,._ ••• '''''"'''¥ well ,..,•llfl•4 te~ ltlt a'j,poJntmanl ·to lito lu,..ler Court ... -.... ( t\ He t\ •• t}••" • ,.,,.,.,, ~., o.,,o• c.;.•~w ,.,~ at .,, "•· •• , • '""'~ ,.ut!ortero 1)"11'1~ ......... ~ · .......... ,,,., ... ,. '"" c ,,.,., ... . n •• ,0. r o''"'Y Dtr At O(fl · . """ .......... ~ometr ., ..... e ... ,.,, .. ce ., • ., ..... .., ,... ••1• 1o , •. 1 1 "' a o1• d '' o .... ,,.t. •• u.e ••••• ••r et. C:otu .... ta Q .4\.P .J r 111-f'jt ,tf1 . t 'ptuJ ..,I ,.; •• JudlcJ•I -.weHfiC..el'-rtl eft41 ... .,. .... , I{"" f "'•t 'f!fHtJt;f,.;_.,.t •to tfle ••twft. • J !J•Io• lho•np•on'o ll•t~O••••"ol irtol ltlt •-• M ._ ..._.. '"""'"'• "''''' vev~ \OOI .. to t~aTAlft ::t4tM, . RAYMOND THOMPSON t lit· a ..... le aged-· ' . ' ,.. ·"'· ·'· ... • .. -.. • Jt#.' .... • -.. ' . ..... ---....-.-.-- 01101 TilES SUISET-LEAGUE TIICR. FIEU CIAMPIOISHIPS Great elalloo le a pparent a round U. P' rt&le of Harbor tilth today 1411~ Turner CHR1 Mal11ln tF':xl l r 1 ~li t Mart;rtl I S A I Timr 4:~2 7 • 8 rllad jurrp Paulir.zi ( F:x 1 F't .. ~~"U'Itn 1 N It t Hltunolv 'f:x 1 c;ol,. 1'1.• n a lan• •• ~h fl "t1 7 '"' • over t hl' ytctortee won Jut Fr. da" -trt~tk and ttdd. wtwn the le~ CI&PUlred lhll 8UDJ~et Le"J:Ilt> rhnt. pl.Oila.l.up _.n_ L~ 1-l~ l lll):fd •t I'Wl•rt< n • T hey llnllll'''''d ~n • polnt11 t u Hunllnghlfl fielll'h',. :l:l•~. wbUe Exctla.lor flnl.ahtll • ., r"unt . •\!f'· t ltn, ,~1"" ,, ....... 1\a f't·u .. lleblnd th~ ouerw • r 'IC 1 ""'J::t-1 11 rt , ~ tn T e c1a111 a. mr~t wllll t'XI !lln~ P •'"'' t NH • •IIHt t!", 1 , .. -~ liP 10 lhe fln&l •vent 'whtn :'anlJ 1 1• 1 Ana IIOllt'd nut fo'ullcrton hy win Polnl11· Nr.,..'J'ort :Ill•~ l'unt'nl! a.lng th~ Hrlay. l ">n llt-Rr'l '1Av., ~nniR An•• ·•'\1 tiunt ngt n Bt•ao'h annoxo•ol Itt, C: title. Ttu~ aummllrtf'll Cl ... "A" 1.20-M,sCnrkeU 1 ~11 1 l'null· (Ex o I uhn t F I ~~~~~llt'I!On1 ISAt ·' .... ~) • F'ullt·rtun. 101-_. "'rtlll):t•, 0. Clatl "8" 'fO 1111 -Nr~·~~lo 1V 1 flstrd t~A ' ·• 1 , 1!•·1' '!'\,~M tlif·r t N li t Tim~ ..... '100 ytl d llllniPIH ISA t .. . . - ·~RT-BAI.Bl>A L''E'WS-TTM'F.S. NNpatt &i<'h. Callfornla. r .. yf"rnia, Thursday, }\pril 20, 1944 -... ,.. .. .•ob va~-Aruelt 1 A 1 Uray· I t • '' 111 I u La t tiBt Ue. He· Deen iSAt. tlelrht. 1111 6 1M · GUO rl'loy o S A 1 An<h:rat•n. lmn II' IN SIK~f'l Krnnt'y, IN It t II'. I (71. Ttme. I 13 6. _, ~tnts Santa Ana, .'32•,.. I''ul· lt•r turq .:11t.,· An~<f•r""·· :tt• ·New· ' por' •. Ill . H~o~nlln~ttor\ n.., .. b. 14'1. Cf;ou "C" ~'" 11un•'V", Ill!• ""' ~ n • ~~~ I I \'I ~.0 I I I T ,,,. 11'141 "''""~ 11-IHiln n·,, ·~It t .\!••lin 1 ~111 \\'lott••f•lol Iff' Ttmo 10 !l. IIIII• '·"'" ·~·\ ... \'tl.d IIII o 'fto•• ~·3M, l '"lr' \uUII • •sl ~tt •••· I· n •tn t r:"' Huvnl:1\'11 ol ffl · \A."urol t ~lt • """'"· '"'' fA t 11,. llt'IJ:hl Ill It L!O 1.11 .\lf.'Hn 1 ~il l I I·'" f!t :tl • ':ar• •·• • tn <; \VIut• ft•''*' lfli • S'•' ktt"u". C~echoslovak , Flyers • • POSTWII ·SPElill.-101 BOATS . $151,.,., SAYS C~ Of · C. A nt•w bu llt•tln to ml'mber)_ol JCCL. T\lc n~>edl. o! -the wammar thl' Outmbt>r of ('omml'ft'l' 1n.l '<c-hool. lho· futuno ,,r lhP high dudM> !1~'<'1111 ltt>mll of rnll'f't'St to j ~c·hool ~t nd do somothlllg nhout a I'VN v dttzt•n of th~> commun11' 4 rral JUnwr t'OIIt·~·· pro" ram. A St.agg,..ring flg!m 's un agric·uJ·i n•·w c;c>mrnll h·c on "Cmi!-:t nnd !trrt'. futun• boat hurldlng t·~ll · C'tlunty Arfuh·s" hu~ h<'N ! cn•atl'd motrs a nd rt'port on harhor Jl'HII · S A Ml'yf'r •~ chHuman DrndPn to·r' a rr• all rnc)udo•d : -1 ... 1nch 1:. \'ll'l'"l'hrtirman. Tho•y will \\",. havP "'nd many rt'~X~rt:-on I ht• .:h11~ to hl'ur from you on any whar PI"<>Pl<' arl' gomg 10 buy aft,., 1 t'fl<rst r count} ·prohlt•m. This tht• wnr. One• ilt'm or ~>rwcwl lo· 'dtOj'll anrl c6ih·gr quo•st ron has .. ,, ;"'""~'~"I!! tn a t\.'('cnt surv<'Y I~Ct·n rt'ft'rrrd to the• romm ittrt' fr>r by "Fortunl'" magazln~ It atatu ,1 ucfy and rt'JIOrt it·•t ufto•r thr' \o\'al' 11\'I'T ~151-1.0()0,• \\' l\1 Ltrnt.;mnnr l'hlllrmlln Of 000 wtll ho• ~I"'"' for bout,. Thrs rt1mmrn:ial r.~htnJ; commrth't'. re· is three timet! Lhe total !lpPnl for ports the' vi~il or tht• intt'rim com · h•>"t h tn 19-11 Avt'ra,;t• p11~· rn m1tw1• on fr~h a nd ~orne of thr 1'•1J \\II~ ar'oltnrt f 1500. loliltl! ll'{:i~Juturl'. Wllh C1~rtl'. Wat· · -n.ne 16 I 100 \'tl'o!ll~th · IIBI;o'r 1 H B 1 llillh· ep (Nti I Yarbruu.:h I r I f\11 ha:ot -.• ti ll! I A l·•l~>rl"on ISA • ~evil'~ I F:JCt Tuut•. 1 ~, '! • .tii.'~LU\ A~. fLYI!RI ....._, ie 0. .......... .,o reyl-e4 ~ Lt. C.J. Aleua4er H..., D.P.C.. Caccho- • •l "'; 011 11 11 "''111181Yc1Att~M~te • V. allli_,:.., ee4 die Dulle ol Winci.O., pver-ololte it .. lld" Gnduetot ol oh a '•"""' P "' ave • .r•• Y Mlllr._.., to die llncloebta ef ~ Ger••• M.iuJty. L ... O...ller • C·4Ciaoalnu bumllet '"''"•• l t•IIC L.._. "··• , Nu; 11 .... 4.n · 1 ie :h loy e1 BiNor. Orange county 1•. living UJ~ to son' local mrmlwr nf th!' a.st•mb1y, "' rf'puta tion uf m:un1n1nrng hJ,:h n ml•mbfor Grr~ory porby had \a lue 1n ngl'itltltun• n w 1•rop 1n-,·harg1• of thr fml' pro"ram cnrril•d l'IIIIW tn 191:\ rl•uc·h!'d....._!h<' t•nor· 1 nill fnr thr , ''"' 11nd rf•port~ are 1111111" lotnl Ql m 482.JbU or $15.·, that th~ vlllll \\'88 valuable in OOU,()()() nton • thon thE' crop v11IUt' I'\'J'I')' way Tht• forum lllPt'l i!'l: _in Ill lht• 1'1'1'\'IOIIS ~t'llf and 8WIO'-I , th1• 1•vt•ninJ: WIIS OUI>-I!IntltnJ: 11\ II~ cfu~1~11r ~~~~-194l figurE' which wa:-1 1n'formnltnn ft'alltrt')> Thl' ft-lwr· $ Bt~tJ.!•·~t ttl•m wu~ I hi' nwn Wt'rl:' nbll' t o pl'l''-l'nt fiht I'll o·u~ nop '' hu·h was valurd 111 hand thl'lr mtlny prohll'lns to thl:> f!'"''• 660 W It t tr' 1 C '""'" 1 t\ 1 H•w eo~ ollll• T im•· 10 3 1 'no •, F:lC 1 A 1\ R rf'S I Ill~ I Tint" U O Heln 1 A t Shl\1111 I I'\: II I 310 Brcwnof't l:ll'••tlll:• Trnr :.•11 220 E:•-vtn •~II • fiiWI"I •~A i &80 ~tllirffl'r t ~At Rt~wart .. , ..... •SA• ;rr .. mlolo-t A t (A I T11 v'ur I NII I San•hf'7 1f'!r' Tlmr · 23.~1 . T lnr JrN;3 n-:r\ r:v M 1F • P"m•n~-:1""7 t l-'• High jump Nto•kt•v i ~A 1 J•au. I T"Jll'7. f A 1 Tu•hhltrl I A I Ttnll' ttu1 •I" 1 t:uwur•l:o • 11 111 c;.,o<i-·: '11 7 . w1n rt-•r t ,. Hl'li:hl 6 tt 1\.ln. l llll(h Ju•r Jl Ktnn•·v ~~--;,, /l.r 2.20 IIIIJ:o•r r iiO t lll'nrilir~ot IAI rtl'll l A • \\1'·•· till!• Ttllrtt•o ~~: .. , I>u!tr\ ,:-;,\o Clvr•ns t :-!A t 'flmt-• Lanro•atl'l 1SA 1 '<ktlo-Jo l(lo '"' %2.2 Hl'ltc hl ~ ft 1(\ In~ Rh11t put MO(Ir,. n:x 1 fo'oJtlt:-.s I put Rrayhro>MI \1111 • ~Ill D'\llll I ~ Ill Jnhnii'IO I Nil I f'1rvPr lrr I NH 1 lltt~ll' I t-:x I Jl, n~on I t:'IC I (SA I r.!niiUII'I'' 411 ft. 2 In i I:Kl llll• . 43 It .'1 1111' 220 LH !.1t'C rkt'll I NH I 01-'l· Jh Rd Jump . Ill tlt>rt ~ t ... ) S'ltiJ·:o .-p r,!';l1 1 Kunh lfo 1 Ma~tn.-eon. t Ot F: llll 11'1:11,1 llrr11:kl.ia.nk •!'At (IIA • 1'1me: M .O. Dti!Ulnce· 18 fl. 1 Ina. ~t111l put tJan~··rt 1 ~~~~ J:\a'• .. ,,.g. h·,.,,.,n t!"\11 • .l .. n·~ •1:\ I lt~funo·o• 4 I rt '1 II l!ruutl Jllnlf' I 'lu "' \' • It Ill llu\ l rlfll1 l'ttllotll 1:'\ll o lint.;hl .~, I •t~l l<llf'W 111 rt r.% lnll lu••h lllfi!J' 1111 "''"''' '·""' Mro""" t ill: ,,.. l'ull u t ill~• 1.;, • nwr 4 F • tH' f l••ta:t • ~~ ft -t n:c I!.A.•U.\' r )..'1.l.o·•l411t .~:~, •A • .\ ' \\ 1lla l~r ov•·n<.l••r an..S )4"- 1~ t .. q ol I ·l•ll ld Itt .ilullywood Wef'l l '. H 1·J''<i.l IJf Santa Ana. :',"esa c· ~o!»ke.rf! ~1 59~.fifl0 _in lfN':\, comp;m•d to '""''makrr<: und in turn ' th1• law~ B. ti.· King who wa.a rccenlly In· • 1 ~ I' u -S45.55:l!l05 rn 194:.! I mnkl'rl' wprr rn po~11111n to rnform ,, ••• 1 ~~~··~•' 111 tho: Emil Greener JUII<.I 111 an uul"···"" '" " .. " J Q 0 , A\•laUoa fi~Jw.rrnttn the ~nlt>nt 11nd· purpo~l" was l'llll'lcu by II \.~i( frorn it .. ., uUS"!er.~e ver ThE'r(' 'is rncrenstng lnlt•rt"ol In I nf <lUll' ft~hrng Ia"" h••rn•~ on -!v• \\ l•lr"l Ml\ t.l. • - ' ,iltl. '. !: :. l .nr, "' l .. '·' t:. I nl· -Jum . E t Ill<' C'lln•ll Ul'lll~n .. ,. landmg rwld-, Tran .. awrtatlon I •ll•·ol , .. J. .. n,.: llt•a.c'l· bocau .. ot na~din." l'tr~· Ut1l',dt..o•a:t •.} I • p l!l as Ill· mt'i'l aftpr·th•'·Wnr .t·ondrt w n' I Study now \\Ill hr·lp In solvt• 1 1'' ' 111'"*' "1 h•·r mt~tllt'r, M,... !.~;t IJt.m:t tl Phi Ia pH wl.u 111 ,, :. ~ Ch:u:i('" P c;yton IS charmJan or a huo•r many nf thl· r rohlt•ms whk h II• 1 t ( 'hwr 111.' ~ .,( Mtij:!nolia Ave . 1 ,,. Q\tnt·l•·r't:'lrs:o 1 1 urps haa t>-,.11 Fr ro ~henrr ht' '"sprang". no ~ll<'<'!al ;wmt.un C'olmmtlll'<' no" 1 n ovt'l l>Ptwr•t•n 1 h•· :\1a•l roJlOlititn l•lul.I'•H!•l' lh ""~ 10'1torn1•ol '" '"''I" II 1 1: ,.., \•·1 d d:oys t'll~ r:•narerret. 11. 111 .w I~H•tld 111 : .. • • n l·n:Twr.but "F"a!!h" roltfomla'a ma~rnlt n :•rudy of ,!';rwporl I lor· 1 an·a and lh!' llar}k)r nn•a now "" h••lll•· 111 ltr•'l:"ll :~ti·t n 1•l•:o'+-'" ''"•'ltt•tuh oily ~·l·ntrul PUl iH' 1,, ;:111 .:.,an rl· prlllf nnd h··re 11( t'tc fr•g family b11rs r .. Ja\log to lhl' problc.ro. Le_t..11!'t'~Mllll All rl'ahzr rhat QlltC'k. llltl ,o••lll• 111 t111· ll<t't o· 11( ht~ \, .. ,_,; ~"" lia r 1d _Fyrt.cb ·l> t·• wo.d r<LCIHO 1,,. 111 mo.n-, •. .,,. '" nnw on hi11 \\S:V IO· New hrm hav•· -}OUr view.. <'OP<''<'nicot. and frNJIH'f1l trnn!!por- 1• "''' tn'l·'"' ami lrl81f'r. Mr and . u"t h.l .•.'" J.rry Ann a.nd 14yr-• .•. r :.ar.c 1.'1•11'" "· i\l:.•rt York to <'nrr~tt' tn a natlonwtde F.clucatJoa · tntioo muot bt> mild<• a vailable u~ .\:•~ IO•hlllol f•u k•·tlf'll llj.:h, ~:n \\'. nn • f ~~''"!"Ill l'lvd , were 'dinner 1 :uc S,;t Phll.lt s rl'<'cntly l"n· • · r n~ ,. r tcllt. ml~ t ppos Illy Our"sC'hool:-Will bt' undt·r J;rt'at -""on II!' nmdllrons rfr r m l 1 1!•111 ~•n•PI ~~~~:~ 11 In Uw 1··1'"'' Mr. aad ~ ... •\'•olu.,·.:ntln Jlonult:lu" i .. 1, 'n\f' h~1i h s baid ond gogg'e·ey~ f•r"l>r<>s,..urt' than l'Vt'r. a ft('r lhl' ('rowr1t'd Vt'h iciP!I, slow travC'I and 1 J.r!Ul J.ullnl!un t l>ur{lthy JluJgo·• h• .. •ln••in~ 111rnn~ the reed• and Wllrl C'ro~·rird C'Ondillons whtch . be<'a..'donal tnps will not servl' 1 11 rr (.;.s tu :\1. n t, R.tlPnt nrahf's n: Bakt>r'11 bird -and trnf( ?'tl:"' toda} cunnQI i!f IIIIOWt•d to. Whl'n war nprd~ arl' suppli!'d. , ,. r1•J! .• 11 • •n theM ell& cnnt intw why n ma*"'ill); 11nd ltthor _ :._ · ·t J "t. t!.n:w r Jll'l'• coletl nn eve-•· ... ~k h 11 1 • t t fflr bllrlding arp avuilabit' Evc·ry· , ' I • I ~ "f I rl·l~~ at tho• b•>ml' uf lolr -"'r '": r w o '.'E'II ac J:l<'l'n . o ld ho· thrnktnl: on l~ts ~u~ih~-~-~-~~~~~~=~;:;~He I and Mr11. J ohn Hnun o: Sanh Ana lh•• ~>nP anol nn('·JlUArter B<'l't' hnrd ----::: A\Pntte when thl'y en e.ta~rd N'n ~~~~ thn• ~ fi1~dd~,~~~~l~h~~~~~t~r~r~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= 1 , 11 r1raJ"'' , hob. Pn·ae;1t wrn· h\• natlln' 1l'r'"tT!~In haa an-• . \Ia u1•rl :..r ~. Jli•IAA Ucni .. Mr an.J :'l,r. f'ak('r 111 th~ dry nmrnrrd !wo new C'oiiimltte .. corn tS . ,. ,.Ytl' Flny.• l!offut<l. '-1r!l. J.:dna n ,.,,h,.r 1•~,11 ».h·c-o~1e 1 a 1rrwo.ntt> ph n.:.nl ~< llPar Comir.O..Sor1~ Rob· • I .. G ' Junes ~nd C..liTI(O WP~f. r.-t"'" or n I I' "r• 11 lno IJ:~'IIColl!t r rt vtoyd ,who automat len ly be· TJt• 1 J .. ult•makt•r l'iub wlll m<'l'l I lhts •li!!trlrt with & larg~ ·flOJIU· l'llffiM rhairmRil •1f the member · • ~ .,, '"·'" 111 ttw 1-'ruJay "rtt'r· J•lnn r.f "rrnRkt rw". wh , lustily sttrp l'<>mm.ttel'. has appotnlt'<1 Or-LltT\:! TMIM. '"" 1 uhn• u11,. wtlh 11 pr ~ram (I( 1\dd thrlr l)Rss viol a rrrmrpnnlmt'nl s. n lluttlt•J', 'Jar·k Gr .. en~.' F C. •"l "•.tal "•l••rrst to yuune·'• olhl'rll tn 1 r r'horus nt e\t>nlhlt". llt• "''r and Slafford BMlkS tr. 1 1, n 1 1,. r akmg o r •·hlldrPo't> J;Br· T ht bip, f'ti>J:: JUmp to talrr p1rH'" Mrvo· wtUI him Jo' C Brt•Wt'r rnr11t>o'~·l1 1,1' <.lf'm•mslrsHel.l. 11nn., m th" \ootharn,.plly Is hPing ,;, ~A lv riJ'!l>•!ntc;:d rl\l'f' • chaonn.an .Ht•rl>o rl llnrrtl jr hrtl< n lumrll ~~~nnr r• d h\' lhf' "f'r i11 ratt'•l 0 )'It' f t I·.,. • ou b has 1 hll:.t'n Convt'r!!~· 1 ''"' 1 •""·" TPXII.ll, w rrr ht' v_111-nultll nf Nf'~· York nn<l r<'\'t\'1'~' · \\"uo • •·lllnnn unll Stetlmun flour· tt•l h.• l.tr~>th .. r· n-lllw and !ll!!ll'f. ll'"r ," ... I"•"( r.;~~:··rln>; ~'!••rt tl' f'h \\ ·orrant 1 Iff to o·r ll"'tl 191 rll I I>!' l !nlh••r l.<•oh• rnuntry. whH•h Larl ~~ 'f~' tC'hrtstlnr Bnrrd 1 nnr l' ""J"'~' a (:rrntr r p pulnrll.v ; I \'til( ,Y.Ir lt· H(lhl' Arm\' A or Ill (':r'•f I nr .•• tl·nn flt(ltball • hl'lri'P FCtr"· ~1 :'1\ll'no'u at F'rrMnll, W illi a ra.-ln~ Qr nny .nthrr rnorr J!'l'ntl'l'l ,, ,., I : lll'."t r :\lr nnd ~·r: FtiUlk l<(lflft "Fll•!lll' .. I liP #:fl'l'nbflt k r••p·. \'••I , • 307 llamrllon slrf't'~ rrsrnllng I he O.•rs' C'lub uf l l~>ll,\. 'llw I lay \'l.f'l\' l:rt t;o' f"uh mPt• \'" ol tn \hi' htJ! rr>nll'lll hn!'l 11 ,,llh ··~11 Vrmo> \\'cn'worth nf h'lcks:round rt<'h .JD • trB•ht111n. Lonl! p,.81 h. who 11~,.d rra~;rnnt nm•·n~ the rna'ny. yar·n11. 111Rt' ."f puf1'1ed IIWU t peal!. calli I. lin lln•l ,Mo rk N ·urn·s ~<tr I')' or a 1'11upie of ONE ill c ,:·; *' 8 9 Ph.,...... l Each MOne·A· D ay " tJra.:. Vitamin A and 0 T atlf!'t i ftl~lu/~nt in Vi rami rJ A ancl D /10f~nt:7 tO on~ ~nJ O.lt:·il.lit A. LL S.ET for a cood full day'a ·work ..,h~n a nar~tmlt ho•lld- a•ltc anl':lka up on you. You autru ""J ao d9n your work. -· · _R,•aJ y for an eveninc ot ntax.: a toun a 111ent -a peakJ anj:,>'ment or relautioe. • DR. M1U.S Thoae attending were Mro. Cnpelllnd and Mrs Ray D•ck neon. both prlzc wlnnrn~;,. ''rs Clt=ii Crnm,r. Mrii .Rkhard Hall. Mr!t J . C BRrh. Mrs . :\fllrrr 'MooN>. Mr11 JAoRIIr Pnrtll~and !ltrs Dt l Stein buckahot to a bigbly tc.u.Lrd Call· meet tnC m j n Mn U m t: nit.:_- !om Ia entry in a atmifar conlnt ltatee, Pbarmacore ial ~ :.:.: , aomr 80 year• Ago. Th.ort'a why d&rcb. . . . ' '-Anti Peht Pills A1 'Jmny or . Angela' c"amp~ Call.-A auflident aup.ply--;f·tl :"' --. .All outrnJo: "' Lfll:1rn'l n<'ao•h wa~t orr11ngrrl h" ~lr Rn•l \Irs f"'''lllrr F'ia~ ~ r 2fil) :!3rol ~<I rr·Pt In ho nor ( h • · t. ..... 1;, r-t>lievr not only. llr..S· umt..'l. '' o •II a <'rompanyinR -un' portant vitam1• F" h' 1 •-v arl11·, t. •• t S1 mple Nrunlaia. MU. .. al! · 'n thr tranll('onl ne.ntal •ec .... ry for you··as. it i1 ior f'nb r l';atnl and t'u nct1onal trip. a •d h,. plsn8 to ins,,.t on lbe dli&dren. ,• M""'"'" !'aiM. nUL.roacopin~t fnr a.lt ~-tn 'the' n .. ou u~r Dr. Miln Anii-Pala N<•w York w ntPI!t. YOU CAN INSURF> 11 I" · • ' £ I' • '~ If not ... hy not! LuU UD ' ~~te intake or you and Y0l<· ~ • l•r. i\ltlc• .Anl i-P11in P1JII at o' Onnnrc .lu N••l,..,~·{liirthtluy ' Youn~t,'t>rll m thr party wcrr ('ar· • ..._ olyn John11pr1. trl nrvln Joohn~<r n .fUDily byteeinc to it that e:~cl'-) .:r otrug !11\lre in the . re~ru!U •*'ber taku a "'One·A·D~y 1 'll .. ,~,. f··r only a panl'}"·at•i~e Tablet every, day. ._ I t'l t '··· ,.,.,,,, ony 1•ucka~e tven K~o ant! Jtmmle ,sh••r and n nna ~---------·l---tor-f<:'l'tlmn~ ---_._ -- -NOTES frotn 'the Balboa. Yacht· Club -a'- ,• ... I r. \\ hy n .. t g_..t n Dllcl-u. ..j..TAIUT A DAY IS All \'&-a TJ.r.r 1 i .... '~'·•u r <frul!.:-tH 1t:1 .. tl)~m. ' t.l 1 liOns anll u•c only u tl. • I •1. \'1\ur rt'"lney ~k a/ J OII :. • Ntllllifi, •• ;. ? C....e4tJMf, aconomle-.1, Pluo•m ... ~~ Mode by the or~1tat"'" .,..• ~en .t AJke-Selu.. ._ .... ,..., r• ... r. 1111111n111• 111111U411 -~~··· c ..... , .......... ......... ..... L .. ataluq'fTechA~ . ) Celtlnl ,..., Opetatot c.. ...... ,. •• ~ ,.,....., Speclolld Pleld Wlra Chief Photelnterprataf Weather 9IKI"'• " leportar "leht Surpen't ......... ~ AJrpleM Dltpotchef ......... tMecheft .. u.at ,,.,.._·o,. ... ., I . . . ,.,.... ... a..tr AlrplaM ........ '"' flledel .. Back up 0t1t indomitable men with wiap. You aa pert of our PlJant ft yinglegiop.a u they toar oawud Nan.i;!• aad Tokio. Join cbe WoQ\Cai'a AnDy Corps fo.t -"nna the AAF. Be aa Air ~· ~c ' You'll make pricelns cunt4l'() and new f~ds amo111 the hjgh· est type. of mea add women. You 'll lravel. You'll eam goodtpay while learning new slUlls !U'd cstabli~hing your career in th~ air age o( ton!prtow. You'll wear a ~~urt 'uniform with die proud 1'1o'ingc-d insignia of the Army A :r Fo rt·es. Life, advenru~. happi- ness awaio you in this new lik Gr.rs·r this opportuni~ nb w. Write w Air Wat·, Sant~ Ana,, Calif.£,,, further information, or ge to any ·u .S. _Army Recruiting S~ation ,lr A'rmy Air Field. GREYH"U.ND SERYES.THE ' WAC Whtrt'Yt'f tht' .Wan go in che u~ ~,-co uainiaa Unt~" ,ttr air 6dds-Gtty· bat~nd st'nott rhl'm wirh drpt'Dlfablr transport-cio n. This is part of OIU- imponanr war job of uanspo{tiDJ ~urn rial militarr and ci\•ilian prrsonoel to inry pan of the nation. ~e an &lad to perform. rhi1 ·~n·icc for the nation now, and we an look war per ·the ful6llmeat of our pluu for providio. lwnarioua .... busee ud a u•. broedcr highway rnnsrortation sen-ice for .... G .• ,Y,HOU". . . JlaY·INe' f~l NAfiON WlfH 81,1N.AIItl IIANIPOif·Afl~" - I ------·- ·1944 TIDE TABLES .A PAIL Wlgt) Low •• 11 9:00 3 :02 Aigh' 1 :20 s.a t :S3 6.0 10:21 6.0 11 :04 s.a 11 :40 s.o. 12:22 60 J ;08 Low 3:08 -0.3 1: .. 0.2 4 :11 0.1 4:S4 1.2 1:11 2.2 l :tO 2.2 7:04 5.1 0 2 •• 9::10 3.46 4.9 0.8 10:40 4 •31 4.R 0 9 J l :3 1 ~.17 4.2 0 9 1t:21 6 :06 3.7 0.7 Wd 26 1:37 ~ 1 :00 ... 0.4 ... 27 "02 Tid~.-•""' 1~1"' •·•I '" ~~r·l· .. , .. r .. , , ,, r"'",. l.taht ra;:ur ... " m •htrk rtiC\Jrt'. p, •• s--· ·en our ~.Back Hurts- Your Str...n.th 1nd I• llrlow Ptr -........... by ··~ ., .W-• .,. func-t ,oe tit a\ .,.,.,.,. ,..,-.,..we -..te ae •~-.•••• for tNIJ ... , _,. ,,.., ll,..j, -·~ ............ . wltn lbo ~ldnoyw loll te ,.•••• ••- od<lo .... etW. •a.t• ••~W '"""' &M ... -. v .. l ,~ .. ~r.'91 ..... J:rt..MII'f \\l't'!l-'rtol t\IHU(Iht a h08t ~ mrmbertt an<l thPi r gul'ats to lh«t Unlhr rc Ynr hi ('lub 111 vi&lt and rPiax• Mtl w1tno·118 the Eaater lnvl. I • t11!1onal Rrgatlll Out' tn lh.-hlg'tl wtnll. naly tv.·u <'11\&'!t'S rar rd, but l hOIIf' p thrrl'd drd not alletW tho rl~rr l'nts .J '' blow away the COil· panlonllhip of tllc &pacioue JouO... aun room-anl.l the ahra)a popular F'll!htrman·,. Cove Gueat.11 "' ~r. anti II,... ftenry W11'811lann were CAptain and Mra. Day!2}'1 J on•. Captain Joou w hracf' or the houaiJl• edm ln iatra- tion a t SAAAB, ~ 'nte ~t.clman Hoa? ho.ated Mrw. · J . .A.. Her n of _Spokane on Sunday. l.fr fttm is a cadet at the Air. BaM Th~y all had a I t:rllllng aail in tbt •tiff wind a board lhe Sid WUkin11011'a PC "Kos1a" with Mr and Wra. HOAr. lhelr .,n Brooke and Jarnu Burke jr or 0&1 T~rh ns crew. Dr and ~ra. J.r. C. L. Undaay brought ·~ U.S.C. h'OuM> e:uuu to thc club for dinner. Plan•s wrrr latd r -r Paulina Pt'na. l'ctty Murphy and Qctty Jo Ku· hil,"t'he~ Th(' ln,llf'r '"'" art' hrftl· latt'd w ith Alpha" Gamma 110rnr lty T11 IHhl in lh!• Atrls' l"llalJUrf', Pft' Marlnt'll Jack S kinnrr and Bill\' tf•r:er jomrll the ~trNrp. · Lt anti• Mrs \\'rlltl' Hrtnt wi-n· oet'n at tht' clu17 rturin~ the "'rek· enol Lt. llunt 111 tn t .l' ~avail Air C'orp.~ .,_,.a. "8 nrJOowM!" Mtampa ' .. ·--_,..._ NJght-time ~~abOut tht best time a Mrvice mQn has to call home. That's a good point to remem·b.; when you f .. l. the urve to make • ...... Dkt•• call between 7 and 10 P.M. If It IM't lmpot'tont, we hope you won't mah ft. Let the IMft 1ft service hcive flrst call on the wires. -n~r-an· VNnWit n.trsa ....... ,.. l - ----~~--~~~----~--~--~~~ FltflHI Ht< \\llh rncilrllo:, fnr s lor· Int.: 11\o•;H• tn fjll:tnltl\ lA III lw ln:rn••rt :1d\Otnl'•' 'ro•d l't:Hilf" fnr lhr ptm•ha~· t•f hnlf nr who!(' c-ar· o·.l."•'' (rnm fannrr ktllo•t·, Th1~ ,.. :tn art' .m co•. not · :1 r.:rft~ 11nd will 111•1 rnl'l'l'il~r·lhl• lotnl numlwr ,,f ~1/cmp,. \\"h ll'h lhl' huyrr "i ll tl:l\'{' for tho· )t':lr • R<'d ~l11111p!1 Kl' lhmu~:h Zl' Rnrt A!'\ th'rn11,;h C'5 in War Rnllon Rook Four-mnv all hr u~rd rn !<IIC'h purrhnl'l'. ll.ou~l'· holrtl'r~ Who buv thi!< wnv all' o·lo;· ll<'<'h-d I 0 hlllif:!'j I hr ml'tl i I hC'y ,.t'. t llro' •w••r thr pc•rrod thr' '-lAmps • htch thl'~ ""Nl w ould normnll} h<' us<"<!, nnrt fnrnwr·ktllrrs 11rr r<'· nund•'<l that th~·) ~hllllltl .kl't'fl a rnp~ of thr 'lfl1olf>!<al1· JX'irrt v:rluc•s from tlwrr. "ar prto~' 10nt1 ration hnllni lL<m,: lhu~ 10 dt•ll'rmlnt• thl' lWnt>:"' ,. 1\ r}'l"rfle to II# cu1J('('t l~. IOftiiJIN ·CAllrOINIA tUiPMONi COMPAM~ I U Palm MI .. ftalboe e Tf'ttop~toot .. 1 U t . \ .. . . ·' .. ·. .. I • Sp~aker T ells5erioos Housing Problems here .. I - J ( NEWPORT-BAT..BOA NEWiTIME& Newp<!rtr Beach , ........... :., Tlll'r~cla\'. April ~11. 1!144 , " rap Sewn ~e~~~:n Yo~~tu:~~~ c::::~.::~ I LETS GO FISIII' I A D c LAss I F tr-8.---.A--D S-t-f o-·-B A I lG A I .N s ! _ ,wtolrh ~tt•·• an ntlmate ot •.000 • ,.H••••J H. WA AC& I ~ U Me. Wit8 a total of about tt.ooet • 1¥ _.. ~a_n.-• """".;.;..;:;~-=-+-~-lo~ W1lllln Uljt city llmlta. Re M id --• -· • , tbe dlrec:Uoll ot tratUc n ow hu Well. wdl. the electlcd ta h»-j81'ft,.\11()S \\'.;\!\lt:n-t:MI'Ul\'Mt;ST • J Kl':..\1. r..qTATE t"f'ftNmiRI': an lmporta.ol Clfft'ct on fulu~ tory. I nevt'r t"an lhlnk o( aD D-... • ~11. t'<lltftlilt•~• 111,11 ..... nl· ~ ~•r • """'K K•l •' bat ._.. .. "r• ' " , " " 1 11-~1.1' \\'~\.'-=TFP \\'""'"'' ("r r••ft ~"' .r-' r•• "·-IJ"'wth and ~lnted out lh~ Df't'd , "'"· tlon. upeclally the klnd l CIOmnlrotco mllll"""ll"'"' 't 1111 -,·'· - -• I I h I I I d • t t 1 noJ re ,. ,. ... 1'•'1'• rll' '''"'"'" tk t-'loll t une \\'l~<·n "''"Thin k ~~~ Ho•r.l· E•tllt• ~------r. • g va UP mprovt'mPnt.e n you on t wtn, a IUD ._, • •hll ~ ,1,,11 ,,, 1,..11,,1 11 1,, h,.,,,,. .."'It RAI ... Jr • b M _ .. -'• ~ W·" I ( t ' ~· ' I 11\o• Ill ,., ,.,,, .; ........... ,. T"lrlk Ar -• r~· • ·"" ~ .. ~. Vt'ry ·K"""' re .. ,.. -· -eey, repreaenta-•ntrN'ul'rd ht ~.Uer. o,..n te> C'llrry hfl~ ~ raln. Tht' m·n.t!ed o! anotht r vuy e&r y ..._... ('1,. 1t111111 .,,.,.1 ,.1.,1 •111 .. 1, .. 11, •. •.. " •· 111 l'h N •• f th Calif I "'· I I __ .., I ll " I • 'I, ldl •'l' •n lnlllll~• 1104 Vlll .IP IIN ~AI •1.1':111 1'00< I un. !Mit' f'WVQ\1 llt71 .1. uve o e oro a LJ"'Ip&rtment Calllo&' atlf'oUon to tbe need for proper re at o.._lp of water front-f,,mlll ~ <'t' on. .,.ar~•. Gnu: .. 1• ,,.1111,,, ... 11,.11 o of .,_. U ' t)•-......o" .... I ... I "'•· ~ •. , ol I I•'•• I,.Jr Nr"''t•••rl \'•"'"1 11111".' \ II ·Ue ........ v.ca on, ou u-. ..... ID&lD ··•r~ u 11118 • a. o' ••If Cl'''ft n ..... t). age 0 otnorr arru .tlould be It w.-tbt' flret ,eneral rled'rn ... Inn. &lh<.oll 3~·l!lo' ,. • ~ factora .wblob 1houJd lMt ·con81dered lema a nd tl'e need for clear un· •lu<.lled and the care which ahould act r r thl' Clvll war. A . ~~ · 1" "' 11 1 ~ lfl' IIAI.JIIIA TH"~t ftOOMt I"UftiiiiTUftll to t"t' lbc:atlon of Important civic bta.ed dec:taiOD, Mr. Wakela)' be extrc-IM«J In u•lng walt'r rrunt· l'o•nft'1•erate had w~recl CNt tiD u \\.\:0:'1'1 1• \\',.1,1111 1., olo•nn ,,11 tP£CIAL -Tw .. nly hArmonlalnJ, iNIUtutlona. t . .utt na pre~alllnC '):t' ''""' ll htn It ll'lt1'1ually n.-r d-tl'«' ~ 1~1 f\l"1tl• and hta frlendl bMi nions c of c I • ,., .t" l llootw ·~o'\\l'•'ll o\1'1 Allk \h 111 tlorr· ~"lt"IY '"~l'ntllll J'lt'o'o·• .,r •tlllol lv turni- At a meeting held at the Balboa at Newport Harbor were unique ed and for tht beneJit of larre penuaded bjm to run tor 'tl81\1',...., Bo ' • ., . ~It ~ \\'ll ll·•ll llloht111rd .tr :.''~ 111• l••·1••••tl 11•'"~''~ • tu~ to at art yuur "'""'' l.h·lnJ YaC'ht Club. Earl W. Stanley, pree-and re.qulred apeclal 1tudy and un-olimbera. Ht' atrtPf'd value of . 1,.11111. ••n ,·,,. l:>t-monatlc: Uotl· y Scouts Must 1 PT li\I 'I~AI:O.:~ "''""" t-'ro•nt r• .. un tnrhut,.,. ln r~• 1~ •ll·rn tlf!d ldent or the Newport Harbor ,,. •·11· P\1 th nkmg II• reac-b prop-•.aonlnar-In prcl.f<'tlng prop,.rty et. Nt'edleu to aay. he wu oter-R It• I\\' """'·I ' " II • lo• ""''" "" .• ,t. 411d lO. ltaltoc"' l'f'nlnll\tla l oi"''"D!rtl with mat. htrw r llib ~r of Commerce, pruenlf'd ·., aetUemeDt of Ita many prob-VI• lura "''hiC'h In turn maltea for v.•hell'nlnftiJl de! eat~. Alter .... eport on Inromes '' 'll•ll ,. lt•rr ''""' Jlllllo~hn.: 1 ''\ol SJol:l(l, """" 'r lf'tno•l • hlllr •I ... fM'o·s•lnnJII 'hl\tr .... r ...,. 10 '"....,w A'••• t\,.,, h,.,.,,,. .. ,... ,,, n·• .t.•nthll C. H11ro1d H opklna, cha.trman of lema auurt'd Income In the fo rm or •-·1 count wu •-. b•~-n..o b .. ~ • '' 1"'11 t•n" J'••••lll• ,... l '••rmll ,,... l11hl" r1ool lllhlco 11n•l allrar- &be City Pl&Dntn1 Commluloo who Ht' referred to futur~ ,rowUI taxo11 .or the t"lly, aupportera to,ether IU14 m ade ooe 11''111 ••~•·t~'oal .:n.•fl rtnllllll'ra-1.,1 .. ,,11 t:'lrh ~~ SII'IOO 1.,.,.11 tlv,.I)~U rul( Mool r hr,• •~··•••"'"' '~----------------...;.· _______ ....; __ , l'"ollow ln, the mMtln" It ....... las. ano>t~h. He •td. "Genttamea. IAbttr UDh)ll•. C'hKnolwn "' ...... lloot\ -Aolooht Molk l''arm, !\Oth ••·•Ill' lnl'llltlra rull .. 1 ... IH-oJ '"" r -L • ~'lit:• Ill' Flloo\11 :>ill 11:, t 'Nil\ nl • t.DJlounc·ed by P~eldent Stanley I'm gotn' b&c:k to Kalnturk.y. wbere ro"•rr.-blllhhntc l&nd h•An 1\Uoo;•l,. "''•I ,.,.,..., "' '•· N• "1'"'1 Avt', 111111\,,. _ ~~ ~4 tf• ltv with twourh anol mlrrror < llrat A'ITENTION --~ -MEN IN DIAn CLASSIFICATIOIJ _ 4-F Marine Shi~buil~ng Is a CR:IT-ICAL INDilS .TRY Cbooee Your Wu-EAtleatlaJ .lob NOW from Amoa1 ·.tile Mally lllsh·~~ Cralta-()pell at tbat tbe third o1 tM eer1ea ot t&JIUI 111., n~Rroca ra•ae your cropa for U.. .. an.t tht llooy ~"""'" 11,, llo· ... -to ~;,...~It llull ,,..,, rr -;" I ,; olrllwf'ra, ,_,m111""" ·~prln&: an•l WuU"' be t e ld F'Y'tday, lrlay Otb, )'OU anu lbr aherllf Mit. lt." amon.: tho• n•Hrt' t ton :!ROll ....... "' ... a tlo•t .I t~"' .... "Ill•· llliHI \\11~11 "''" Thtnk "' n ..... l':a\Aif' lf'rltlrf'al, """II( to...J '''""''• ""'' wben the eubject would be "Mt'r-Uut of thla campalp, U:leN proUt N rTI(>ratll>na In ~nutbern \\ '''"'"' 1111 :'I • J .,,._ '"""' h 1'hl!tJl ,,, 1 h'ankrl fi'o•r lh" •llnn•·ll•· "" r h&lldl%1oc aftt'r Ul~ War." Tbe atande one real man aad 1 doe't' Oalltomla whlt'h henrl'foono·ILril woll 29 41t• J • •11:0.: ~lll.lo~llt "lr•" "'''l.laltl,. 111111 roo•or n'""'" mt'f'tlnl wtll be beld at the salboa mean any of the cancUdat-. A-......: lf>tJulr• ol In fllt lnrornro Ia' Ill· \' .. .:,.1 l't.tw. IIIK • h11lre tff'r••'• rf'al 'ahu• at f . \\ A:\ 1':-; pu•i• h"h IUt '''"'l'l'"""' fir • YaC'ht C1ob DUUI wbo OUi bl to be the l,_.,. 1 01'111at10n n •turn• f11r "'". f•lroot ltAI.IIt'A thla a~o'Ull 1'1 lrr .-.r • nlv 517\1:\11 0 t h-...... n·"~rato(' National "'--. -t.tm .. t ·ou,., •• ,r or 1ttti'MH\I Rr\'rnu., • I ·I I t •I • \. Ul • • '1""' \1 " .•' \'r• '""'·n-, .. nt• .,..,. 41nh I 17 .:'\0 ~ ~ ...... ""UIU t·. '• rru ••• • ..... , •:1\ttln• t t• 1 Rati.OD Coupon mntee. 1 c:tO Dftan Earl aow.n. ~~ <' w .... t .. , . .,, 111hJ t•'Cla \ b<<e Inn llalh<,. 3l!·Jt·· A•k Ah "' our 'Rarro•v p.-r mont~·,. '">'"" yuur tn- wbo 1a trea~u~r of our oomm._. .._ln. ror f1lln~ lnroniiatl 1) r•· "·I"'''' ,,,,,,.;, •11"' tlun .... ~~ rDates and Data Ttte ODiy m&n. ·~ my ~1 ........... 1'~' th.-c;al~ciar ,....,. 1!14~ ,. I.OST :\SU nn'stl t'UK S.\1. Atl'I'OS ltot2nt'tltotllhada8 \lrl,llhlrf' t 'n wllb ever tuua6~ a ca.mpaip 111111' I.J "· ·~· t an rna• "''")' ·had any monty lett. u tbe ~-CU1or• ro '-1"""" ,,, rurn~~oh 81,... Ll ~T In fl.,nl uf t \oolh<Ja 'nl•alrt' 1!11 '\'t 'l t-'!'1 ~'"''' rf'ntl'•l ,., ,.. 1 .. nta Ana. f)illfoH 0111 P.atlon C'Ait'ndar r r .,..,,.'(! ..... <rate t'Vf'r hap~n to hear ot tllrll.. olrk "''''l'llllllrnn '··n····rnlnf;: KI'"!WI :<!Jrhlll l "'~ t ~~., ~ :<o h\\•lnn IJI pnllo•ol "'If"''• ~()· Mllln ~· 111-tlt' ginnlng April 10. 19-t4. t-:arl '!VIU have to •top IWI11Walllll ln<'oow re<'flptll 1\ool otu•t•urrofl'· '"''" '''' ''"' ''''"'" '' "' •~· 111111•"• '"''1,:111'1 Martn .. Av .. nu• J War ftlltlon Book 1 IW lu wurk for the Democ:ratk ,mt<nte 1\rt' "rKI'II'Itllur .. l l•r.:anl7.11· lnJ( acoftt , l<'\o•k lrt<;kt't1 on hAo'k "' llllll.ll,r" ll'll~<n•l l~·lt·l"'tllt MAlJC Mallo' Mll'l tahl!' t•rp . Stamp No. 111 1 I pAir ~ttu.e!l l party. Uun1 11,..,,.1hntc , . .,11111 \' 111111 ,;t .. to• , _, Hr\1\ arol Mra kullf'rt • • --.:u lltnvro f'ollt'-bUmrr, 11oubla now lu /> rr t ~1. l'l.uw t'O h e-mt:W ..,,... .w.,J t&!u. t&r~-~--..:.., ,.......,...._. H .. t<ltn~~ lrlllll :4. lilly tl'mnt, t-'1 lit l4A .1-: 111:17 ,.-,.,1 • .,,,., ·,,\'I'll, l>etff'ct con\.1 tlr•n 171\.00. l' S tarr p No .. 1 <!0 "airplane'' ahettt I ' h -• t --A ITA k 11 llalb.tu l~tlnll•l l'huno• !\!\I St -U<> Nrw ...,,..,., l(nnft"'ftnn.I'. -f4tlnnf' ~lrtrw-,....trtelk fl"'t~tpatrt«'ll. til •.ven I ou~lo our .. a te o <· ..... ~ • r ,. "K 111111 fturThll,ll;nc _orxanl-'N .. w purt 19:14-J . :.o-•tc•l Aaate, ltalo... ... l•land •t.ttr 11 ll~l r 8h< tal ~·w tn rlatt' not ~~et datl'l didn't gu IDto o.trc-e . we ctt4 .. lion~ a-M'Iahona o, o•mpi<>V•••·• t •· ,. ..... " I Anothrr .ahoe • atamp I•IUrr.be.: nu. h•ae. In lht fir at place. we ba4 benevplo•nt .. ,,. 11\llllrotno· .. or.:•~I7.Jl'· IISC,J:I.I.-'.NF..OI 'S F<}t"i""M A .... :-r, ... u(ivtnllr r, (h•r, -' annolffict'd 1~ter 1 May t tu ol:lte tu.Uung to luee au It l'an not rl1bt.-tiun•. bu11n.llo flf trade•, ••mployl't' C'IIN~'Ht-:TI-: t.IIXt-:1\ TO Hf:NT llf'lltl Wlolf', 10 (rl't l11R1f OoooMI MliA.T '8F.I..L AT ONI'JC We not M't ly be aal<.l that wt''luat ar'lythtnr:-~n .. ru u~<~•• l""''l'!!·~r·y l'um-·~·w t-:y t. k lillvl ''v ol IV "' 'Pll•tll .. n $1\:'o . Ml"'l. l'~lrlo-k lt•a vro As•r ll ~Oth. f\ev,.ral arU- War ftatlon Booll IV • On tht' uther hand, we , lfalD*t 'tin'" bulftnr8" lt'A'Itt'oo••. r""" wo•o•k S:'l prr day 1 '1la'nn .. t llnet Fll 7pst rldo • I ?II Aaalf', IJalbl.. d r• t•f tumlture lnrludlnl a ·s Ill p Sta{llp ·No. 30 1:1 'lba. 8u11arl muC'b. 1 tbtnk tbat we can cor-le&(\l('a C'(JtOI' .. r"l"·•: bank• rt'r1Ain <'u , t:.'IO c .... , ttt.:llway,.Ne•·· Jjtand. <'aUt. 1 Sl-tlr Maytac ,waa""'· nia pl• "*I mat- now to dale not ae\. recUy aay that &.be camp&.lrn bU · ttnanctnjt a not hulolln& ron~naniH. 1•urt U..ft•·h. t'ho•nr Ioiii& 30·4to· -' · · M · . t ....... a. Othn arlit' ... a:l at ·stamp No. 31 1:1 lb• 11,.a 1 1--'-,~ t-'\llt ~ALt-: ·~7 f H" ... '"-ii _..Ia; rt'Uonabh• hrh·•a "" •th-1 • r made the enUra community ~ ....,raJ f'rt'IJit union•. llt•ra't'y nr-, . •........ -~:==;;;;;;;==~~~...;;::;;_..;;;;..;;;......:::--=-------~1-Dow to da•· npt .... t. · •••TS. "'• t 't-•rt•..... • """' ttr••· A·l .... .:-. · ,.... __....and J-~ .. ·i.t-•t·r -v tl-'e • • With frieDdly co-workers, ')'ou will f'lljoy Jlae wor~1 eoadltioas_ • Rnl Ud oa trusportatloa ~blems _.,d bousin~ laformatloa are offered ·urg~ntly Ne~ded Now ... •. I . I · Welder~Studenb Welders Dtaftsmen StenographeN "" .... ac:IOUII -of _.Uie fi.IMrmen and U.. p nlu.th n11 mutual ln•urant'f' ,.,, .. 1. "''" ~ .4117Al! -"-¥" .... ~ •~--.. _ ~ -, "' " i'OR SA~ ('all a ('ter ~ :to 416011 Nf'u hor.. art .. r Ar11H "23nJ at 1tk1 <><.... B'tOTTE RS!! .IUAt n ...... h·c-t~ t.arp tUNa-• .. UESK BI,OTrt:M Kt. ..... lllol!t-lllr· MIU'Ot th~!llr· .r ... t lhfl thlna fur lhat ea.-..k • of youra . . . hn-or otnc-. _ ~ , Dr1••e. tiewj>nt't ~·t·h , :u -:Stp lllv<l.. &'!boa. f'ho~ llf'r. ROAT~ fl• I. ~rolot snft Tf11•lt'd -----l · at He · MartDf' ll:nr:tncoa aot1 1-'art. Ji'tllt ~AI.F. f)C'.;afll. Front 3-twdr ' I humco, h•r•lwuod noore, V-.ne II'Oit 8A 1--E l"oldtna Iron rot MA HIN~,~ \'~dlo: A:O.:I' hlln•" rl'•'•ntly r•olt'ioura,lf'd IB&Iitroe up Into double bed. ltental Itt ,_r vat"&nl Dow, aa alr.i"'t •prln1a, · haa, woodell 30PO "' ~~ .. nt ral A"" N"wpmt fiNr h l 'h :!.,'lMA-.\\1 f'alri ;::tcr1 t.th hou• II patio. 60 tt Jmn)' Unol tuotbu4lrd and be&d. lVI a(f', lefK'f'd. Owller 31\12 boattl lnt·hul"• t"ot alq laner- • 2e Itt 1 t~·nn fo'ront. 'l!!lewpo•'tt Bl'a'i-h ilprtna-· mallri'Y . both trw 116. IIAHII Ttl FINO Falcvu aa-n-=: &.!lumr HolT · l 2·ll · Jlitlldlt 810J-.J-8.. A4d,.._ -'201' bo>At. o•umpl,.l,.ly 'rrpaln.IN1, I[Ofod P'(). L&AII~---l"f'Aihurt' Orlv•,•N-purt, ll·ltp 11ootl11 H .. ,. It H tlt'nlo·v. 20:\ lku by A VI' 1111.IIK>&.I11Ia nd. cor c·all ,.,.,..,ort :.11107 It 3 l-2tp fo'\JH LJo:AHF. P ur 1 r l wor .,.,r,.. to'( H HAl.Y. Complat• dlnlnvoom hnr ,., •nalallnlt of lmlt &ad lac.kle, 11!111 , tahlf,· at" f'ha1nt. bufltt, '1'"' lnr !'"1'1'1"" 1u1d ~trnrrll.t flab f lllll,. l'l\uoe Newport .. T.J.· . "'II l'lfllll•m,.nt; thO' orthi'T lfllll · · 12-:nc· .. 11 I IIIIIHNII ol ltiPt"l l'holllt' nlolo• flor amorkeol 11ool fr,.•h flab. •• :->•'WI••II J if''l lh 11 )1 .1 :t!l !l!Jt 1:1111 c· .... t_llllh!Nay. Nrw""'' WAN'tEitTORENT • ~~---• ------J..,_ch 1 3l-2tp . 14 t\ h•t11 ;n,l' Jol1n· ' •·•Ill• nllron&l lnlrtlt utt~a 11\IC'b u tiM SIIVf' n 1 1lle ad .W ANTICIJ TO IUCN1' . Apartmnt , Typis.ts Y WI' A antl llllllll'nol"' lt l>ro\1 ,, . .,, 1 m.~ Ia ~ DHr. beach. Rew~ for lntur· ----~WUDL~~~~--------+-~~~~~~~~~rr.~---------- 1111111: SOt·a.o.J Sn-~1~ ( '.•lit Proof •II (l'llizt-nl{hlP anti Avntlah1lhy l'<'l'11flt'ah• Or ~~· Our Rrpt'~'"'ntnt IVr · nl 0 1w o! nw~·· llotfN1 Swtr~t F:mtrlo~ nll'nl S oT \ on • < 1rrr('o·~ -. I . <'. 1100 SOI'TII PI..OWE K ST., lpS,ANGELD 4J6 PINE .\.\'ENt'E, LO~G BEA.CII IF YOU CAN'T GET lN IT · ·Ht:LP WIN IT ..•. &T (; & l. 8 WI ··1 POROTHY DARNIT ·- ... B4.LBO ,.,,, 11/o•l\ '~''I"' lUI ,., ! •... ~ ..... "'I, . I I UU•IItft, tlf e•\.t I) .MOTOR CO. 106 ~· Bay A v~ .. Bal~ .Genera.l Aufomol)iJe and Mari'ne··Jtepairing. · · Mar'ine :Electricians Available Fender. lJody Work Refinishing TflLI'JPHONE NEWPORT BEACH 226 ------------· --- ( ,\ ~!!lOC'f' pt'ti\'MI tht• lt•:ukNhiJI of fill' ~f•\\.-.-'fllntr•") ~O"" "'""~ CA,..Yov 'H~A(E 'T'Ov~ A..NCt ~TRY? ~...---~·u. "•• ...... _ l l& ~·~e~ ........ . '-M OtU det ,_..., .N. D-CASH 0 v ... llf'l twar h frflftl. lit' .fl-l* ~bin, u• liq. 6 A. 8.( llqll., fi.A A A II • l'hon,. 8 A .~ . .A.II, ,.~~~~~~~~~--11-~p --~~~----~~~ \\ AN·n :t• T• J II~:NT llnrurntall· ~r\i•·•·tnrfl llnd M'ltr ·" urJwr~~ ;are all •1«-rlf'ndii\Jr upon ••ur ttirl .. ltl·lhf' '~Mikhh~ttt nl": f it"'NI I*'' Mitllfo lfoarn- lni: arul ic·..:ulur lac·r~ f:t fi ' 1 . . . SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE -CO. ,· . ., . . . Apply: 100 F..' Bay Ave., Balboa er bl4% No. Maaa St., Santa A• --------------- 4\'AII.Aftii.ITY f'RR'l1Y1f'4D a&QtiiQ. ·~------~------------~1 · By ('y. Hungerfurd --~ n~-< 'harlt\~ Mt·.\lanu~ \ \ .... ' <" \ ..: \ \' ,, ' \ \ I'IOS) anq ('AT HO'IPIT AL t • ' " "~ • " ••• r71 , .. , .. ,.,. • "' 1\ rnoaw. In n~ ''"' "' o•oo I'''""'" N,.w,,.,, t ':l7111 M r" I 'r"rl')" •· l'lmll h lll·lfc H A ·n I 0 S E I{ V I C ·E 11~1\lllTI ;qiiTTnt• TllitTI"' lto•ttall o·•l Mn1 lilt' t :'-'i'l 1 lo7iun Burt It Norton II t I ('naJtl lfiKh" •1 S t :\H'UICT RF.AC 'It I"'-U17 Professional Gordon' M.Grundy. M.D . lt"yt lc:lan and turgeon ltltntlr and Centra: Ava, Office Hoe, 10-12 a.~.; 3.'1 p.m . Directory . . " CoMad Rich~D. Phyelel~o and turgeon · . Offle~ 107 2:lrtf ttr"t ~ewport auoh · . . ' Telepho"• 31 Hou~a; '0· t2 a. m: & l ·l p. D'l. , Pho"e-Offlce .. 1J31 ·All. 74-:1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOftlltEY A'T LAW · Coeta .,.,.. ••"k 8ull41nt Phone 42t • Coeta ..... CallfOf'ftt~ HAROLD Jt. CRAt,JEL CHAPEL · "\\'" I tur,...lv,..IIH! U~tter Aenoe ''Y Muvtn« Olh .. ,.. n ... t .. fllt~>o"' Newport Mt Cone Meaa C•llfornl• BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lob A. J . TWIST ICJr Co11t Hlg~ay . Phone,%422 COAONA D£L -.Aft D_R. C. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAIII and IU .. OICON ... Coul Dl~ , Ne..,,;..., ••c" -PhetM - O«flee 2M·W · "~· Ht-ft If Ne "'"•-• t ell New~rt t Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOMET .. ItT ..:,... Jr.•amln.c1 m ..... Jl'ltt.c1 17.-F Newport 1\ouhtvard Pho"l 24JO COtTA MiliA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAP.I:L 8Y TH~ lEA 410 Co11t alvd . C.nrnna d~l Mar N•vwpo•t ... , .. · Pho"e Newport 42 _ I DR. OBt:U 1.1 lCAS I )(•nti ... t • '!'!at1} W, f'rniP"I, l"to. IWI SP:\\ t'OftT II~Af 'n '~HO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT -lfiFPI ACE ANO I<INOI l NG W()OO II \\ \\1 l'lot 1711-t :-.:,,. 111..1. l '••lrtll !>I• ~~~ 1 ·~ .. 1 "'"""' r l 'tl o;,ro-J . • f Pllr rtAI <:ONTRACTOA t!·•'·t•f ~ I ,,,IJ,t v.:(t1ft (•t.ual l:l• 1 f'h '\H:J f'l'lf• .. Hfl!l 'ul•llt,,.t,,,n IJM11t fl (.OMP.ANI[8 '\ I ('i-t'h ,., .. ,. I ., (' • '·"'" ~~~ h· 'I' :Jt•ll •·'•"· Vftlfl ,,,,,, >I J'hf '1•· f 't l',o•. I I'~ r I• I Ltrt>l••·• ,.,, l 'll"ll" 11:,0 I \ol\lfl ll,ll!hWN~ ttl ArrhP-• I'H'F'IC E SUPPLIES -· :O.:•o.p•.ol l lllrhtor l 'uloll~hlllll( l 'to l 'lorm i'Jt' \t:l Pfl tNliNC. I =-:••\\l••tl lfnrltoor J •ulitl~ltlnJr f'<r l'l.l.,lr•·~ ,12 . 1:1 Nt•w p .. rl ~ .. (~ ., REA L £STATE, INSURANCE & NOTARY PUBLIO- J.-·w II \\'rtlluoo•, 'i'l(''J W. l'.,.lllral AVI'IIUI! f•tronr ll RUBBE R 8TAMPI-_ .... Nt""'l"'rl ll11rbnr l'ubl.holrlnl( t •,, l'h<mH ' 12 · tll, Nt'..,.....wt llo&oh. I SHEET METAL WOftK- C f'lt'M. . . --~ Vl•l41 l'lvmbiDit .. 8htet Metal Werlw, C.U.ta M-. P~ae lit. -.,------------------~ VA .. IIlTY ITO"'~ AaJtlea IJIIAM v.--_.. le, 1 ... lie _, ... ,_... IIU·W• 'I J ..... .Miss Kathleen Sadleir Hostess to Friends At Gay Dancing Party in Her Home . , : ce · ·t • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TBfES. }Newport Beach, r ,_Jifomia, Thursday, April 20, 1944 I-Iarbor Fe1ninine Activities ... Principal H. 0 . Ensign Speaks in Be hal f. Of Corona d~l Mar School at PTA M~et ) • Tbe · plly decorated rumpua to, 9lll Grundy, Re&man 2/t USN, room In 1be bomt> of Mr. and Mre. Bnb Bl'ludlno.1. Pharm. Wate 3/r. Jat'k S.41elr, 1016 Weat Bay Ave. ·MC. ·nm Etntulett. Hare lit cu .... aue, wu the ~f'ne ot a lf'ltlve Bob Haley, Glen Dolu . Olck liar· da.nd ng, ~y lut Bat.umay nl,bt J'f'r, Waltl'r Brown. Fred Sha~d. Wben they e~tert.alntd In hono r of Ptttl'r Barrett anct Bob Up~on. .. Catherine Easton, Soci~ty Reporter • Phon~s 12 and 13 Balboa Circle's Spring Bazaar Is' Acclaimed Succesli Notables to Speak at Ch..urch AfJair • Residence Phone 690-W -;...... Two-Character Drama To Follow Church Potluck Supper · In keeplnr with 1tht> plan to rt>-the flov.•n ritual 'v.•lth l!&eb lncOD,J· lleve con.-eeted ~ool houelncr er n . lnr officer_. cor..,e ~llrnltyio.g her dltloneJn the Ha.rtlor U'M, Mr. Jl. duU• In tbe .~ion. Tba. 0 . JI:Mign annou.nct>d at t e Gram-aatld-.ut otflc:t~ were W~. m vt-· mar Schod PTA meeting Monday, 14Dd RCSf!l'W;' pHJIOe :·-m"e .. Lu· the propoee\1 echool bulldln& to tx-lie SteffenMn. vice prealdeot; M.rL Uaelr dllupter. Katbleen. Tbe I\INla wtre fr1eoda and de-·t.a. of the younc h01te11. Pretty open-face ~&ndwich!'ll and Mrs. Les Steffensen Vi~ited by Brother 1 erected In Cc rona del Mar and Hal H oll&. MCretary; l.lrL M . C. urgtd tbt> •upport of a ll voterw for Wulllne. tl'euurer; Wn. NelU. lhe bonds whf'n thf'y ('om~ up fnr Bryan, parliamentarian; Wre. Har-' FollowlnJt the wef'kly pot-luck tlec:UoD. ' r1ette Horet, auditor, and Mra puncb we~ Mrvf'd during tbt eve-• atnc. Mr Jllmta r l htlh•n llf \Vasn·, frprnln~; "1!11 " of•• It looiiS ( 1111 k· o•n , ••. lurwh .. n 8~1'\ •• , 10 "'"'"' 4\)· f,(lw•llll, thr ~1111111: l!ntJtllr ,.. l"c 111111"'" c ··~ "'h'•·h wu11 hcl•l W•·•l· 0•1'1•1111 ott l 'hl•ht ("'un n h\ tho• !'lea~ yl .. l•ll'll f••:l·r $•:•1 lu th .. I •1n•l11 nf lhl' gmup eup~r WE"dneeday, April 26. at 1 PreeenUng archttecta' sketches Murray Rabbitt. hl•torian •. Clhrlst Church by lhe.Sea. "For the of the propo.M'c1 school plant, M1. A!! t hE' I e W811 no guewl epellkl'r. Duratlcn," a two-character epoken Erullgn said' the building. wh11 h 1: gav~ nr. pit> t nn.· to he • '·utblt •lrama v.•lll be prueoted at 7:30 would coet abcut 1100,000. woultl ,.,,. rn;; the ,t'3 hol:r Whir!\ cluHd p. m . by Judre and Mre. M . c. a.ccornmodatf' 6. room11 and wo ul•! ,. · •:t .. rnt•O'I II 1lh :\h'll. Den Mr· Summf'ra ot La Verne . .California. ff'athre a cafeterla -aud•torium C&llum and Mre. Henry FrceOIIUI ThE' lilt Of 8Ub·dt:bl bidden In·' ln.:tnn, II c·. Wh01 IJI tllo' hrcit llo•t eluded Peggy Nte•een, ShlrlrX or A(r8 Ln Stf'ff•·n~n uf 1··1rvna tfaon, Janto GNE', VIvian v11ugho, ,f,.t Mar hal' bc.• .. n ll \•bt\<11 In tn•· C&rl"l Wolden~rg, Elv.•andn J uhna-~l•·ff• nun hllml' Ill'\ trnl rel·,.nt ton, C'&Jrt' C'rlliJt, M&rllyn Hill, Wt·Pkt•ncla. \Jeanette Fhook, ~Arraln,. l.fyf'rl ·As a n •·x~nun.·r ton lh,.' Lul,..r Mar"' Ahc.-f'olfar.J, Jean (;alia· Burtrtl. hr hll~ l.oc-rn lrv n~: ,.,.,, rul lrh•r. Jl'an TIIOfllJ•80n nnd l'hylllli I'll~"" '" l.nl' A nt.:l'll'~ """ Cln•ll'l hllll Petere. I l111rbur " jtHll'll8 vt·ry flo fl.:hUul Tht") l;,nt;: r thl• ,, ,, ••· t'tru tl\..-.,.h tff\• ntflfp~f \\1\h AV.I't ~ I''~,~ f1 t lf'lt•O tt1111 ,,.,n .,.,., L'"''' • ,r ·nul~ ... h.,Ut'\ "It~ kl•• 'h tt,l, h• •f \ufd•·r !J'' ~k·lllul h:.t 1. • 1 '.I • I , .. , I-• f ;,., Feelln( that m•ny humanE' ar-com~natlon found 110 acceptable In In ~h~~.rgt • ~'ISIItc\1 by n •otlwr" of tlvltlea tave been auepended "for the Newport plant. Altbou"h tt~t• t'l~h\h ~rtodl' i'UJllls. 1 thE' duration." anti that the w c. building would be complete ln It-.~-----------~ T. t ' must ne1•t'r fall Into 1 hat ael!. plarut and ~lflcaUona w o11ld Krnup, 'hi' Summetl pronounce be •urh thi( oU er umta rould IX' thl'lr'nl'W tlr~m.ll . whlrh fcolll)wa atltl•·•l al4' nr,•,J<:d. DIDI.'Inlt partnPra huhll'll tnrlu•l· ed ltalph' Fndll.:, ,,.,,.,.,. Ulnl('· ·madt>. Tl'd &hultz. T••n 1011 ~~ ... Ct rkeU, GeorjCI' Sp1nk. •.:.r'1 Ohl'r · Plano lnlitruc-tlon Gustave Linsen~d Cradunte. Ll•lp~k: ConM•rvntMY Pupils An·••1•1• rt · Reginner• a Spo..(.lalty P,boiNI N.-wpoit 1oos.w \u1:t 1hHI•I" t•• h iP' \\"t•tk 8(jdge""Sedmn of F AC to Be in Session ,, " ''"~' l1t r rt••u, • 1 h • Jp• t +f II , tit;; H,t I• 1 Ill \'M t~f fklf •'1' , f•l, ... Ut ahd, p't'-l •I (,.,,I lll. ~h·t.~"'•:f't ,,,,.. t It• I,, •• , t, ., lilt , .... ,If'\ " I ,,,. • ..:. ,,, ·'''' .I lo\ ~-.,. ... , ''"" .\11 ~ ,,,., Mr11. I ' I. Awlr···w~ """ r>tr~ t· t\ \'tu~;lon I••U'IIr•·•l h rthoiO• A t 'h•tmlwrlm will '"' In I 1111r1:• ul , tkN• , ·u II·, 1n,'l ,, ,. , r• .,m th,.. n~t "'"Mtftn ut t ... (' hnt1J,:f· ,._., .. 'I h,,,., ,,.,, •t \\ ,.,,. .\t r~ :'1, ptu·11 tlun . ..of thr l''rltlny Altrr;n"''" t 'lu t. \\'o•!tlho f'(,lol l'''''"'' rll ~lr• .1 K nf Cc ~la M~ Elllut 1 VI• ,. pro •tol•·r-t unol _.\It ~ ~:1 A 1:.! JO••'<'II81'rt hHHh•·"n 1n lh• !;llrlriH>nl nf {h(• liUbhfiiiMI' Will pnN f't'de tiW RflHn tttl 01 I'Rr<IH IHI rt ~''' J• lllif J'fi'"Hh1fll 'OH .. lu r~(' \ ;., a•·l y o• n rHt l··~ .. r fo•rt•tl In~ ~Ill•· Ill !Ill' hii'TIIilr whh h r \I r~. ul 'I .a \ """'· ("lit·, "'hn are faa· lur•·" ul l""l:rllm to br rtvela ~ f'"llill'k dlnnrr 11.1 ('hrl"l ~~~ "The Bnorr,.rang'' pr .. Mnte<l twn Mlth Mrs Sally Peyton prE'· yo•rs a~n lilt' lit run~""' • ,.,,flrt-111 IUIK :he )l•~hhght of thE' me~· ment l''f IIJP • rrani:;NI h')unr l18f· 111.1( wR" h1"tallatwn of " flct•n• for· fi•· :hal has corne ou.t of ~he war. the ruming sChC'ol yf'IU. Mr". Hugh Judge . Summere. who wall the c. ~arsl)all. outgd hg pree~dent of Loun.dtr ot th_e. Court of Ge.nual-Wa,:bor H111h So!boOl P-TA. ~ I' St'llllions ~~ St. Louis, Mo .. Ia 1tN • charge of the · rereawny. Using tlng aside a·x mvntl).'l of each yt·ll r from hill p4'rs nal ~ualneu and du· Mn. Edwin Lur11" nf Wl'l!twonol noting t.la time to'tl!e Dry cauw./ is thr h1 uM guest nf Mrs. Hubbard ttJ I~ ~ next WI!Cinellday Mrs F. J ean Glbson-Summer11 111 Huwt' In C• r'una d:•l Mar The two e~lt. ;\!lril t~lh. o nationallY a cknowledged author-WE're ec:hool frl~nda In Loe An- IIY on Child W~ltare and writer gelea. and director ••f rteligwus Pagt•an· 'lry.' · w!UJ In •·har!(r 1•f ~I r~ &hnm~ Greeting Card• and. Gre•• Vulety of Unueu.-1 G•ft• H!tkt•r """' ··.mnpll'tl'ly snlol 'ut Harbor Hostess DuovEntertain With ''WE INVITE YOU ' TO BROW~!': AROUNIY' 1 ofurlllt.: lhr· llfl,.rn•~·n I L d C · c. E. LOUCKS 1. -----. I uncheon an ard Party at the Yacht Club JEWELftY ancl nATIONEftY Loca l G. S. Leader~ The public ill rordlally invited ... to attend thlll prf'Aentatlo~. Dlamoftde • Wetcttn • F ine ,.,,.Iring . I · T •; :-;,." l"•l't HarbOr Yac~?t Club rived w ith 'their I.'Afntet'-4QQuquetll - " .,. tho• ""'"'' 'Wedneiday-after-u; palllt'l n"'w~re. each place ~lng IN ancy Ward Honored "'""of " , .... tty lunch'eoo and~ mark~tl by rarda with matchlnr ·on 13th Bjrthday I partv l(ll'••r> hy ~'"'· H. W. 8aac'er 'lalllea bt-arlnjt flowf'r-pot.a full tlf • • · ..._.Newport tut·lll j'Atteild Training _____ ,m __ ·"-"'_e_._~ __ ._,_ .. c~_ .• _c_•_•_•_..-._. _ea_,_.,_· _-_---':......,....: Cou·rse at Lag u n_a HERE'S THE CLEARANCEo S ·A ·LE Y ~u've ~ri Waiting for! • • DRESSES . s '95 Get"~m! 4 .I• tnt11~, wtU1 ,,,,, LnJi-11n11 fi•·a,.h' ;711o1 .\Irs lhtrry Welch. ro-ln appl~ue: In fell. •1 • R W--; · • , , • • mr. O&t-r JTu, 1:117 M n"&..mar t:" ~ out. r·111101.11. ll'ltlll'r~ r,.:nm Th• ~~•1•11 Lal>hoa at whlcll tbe W mnt"ra t rld&t' w~re )tim~. a'tenue. Balboa.' entertalnf'd a ' . rho. ~ •• .,. pnrt """'"'r trl• p, aUI'nJ· ""'""'" .,. .. ,1' ~Walf'd were colorful W. M. Len~emoor, tlnot; Sl.<t Black. l roup d glrla on Tuelday ln honor 1 ,.,1 th•• thl-rtl In " ~~t•rt.·a of rlaMt'll find ft~1ggntlve· \hat eprtnc bad ar-beard. ~l·••n•l. and F.. t .• .M.oore, of ber daughter, 'Nancy, In celebra. or ll L<•tuiNII' '!'raining. rourer un-• · . . --~-llllrd t:unaglallfll\, priua w~re lion 'of her thirteenth birthday. clf'r Lhr lhrf'<'UOO Ylf Mrir Harn)Jl Pa trtCia Anders~n-to a wardl'd to Mmea J . A. Gant. Dlx-A -tmJJ~Ing part wa .)o ~ I M-J:'tl'lvrr vr LH~unll. hl'lli tn th1'1W d M .. S 'th •·n SmitH nntl Harry W•etflver ot 'n "'-rt . f 11Y d•bendl Y -·-.-e anne ffi ' I \:rlf' a f'rOOOD 0 OWe y DOer ~··•. Ill tlmu.•• of lhRt bt-a•·h rlty. Lo• A ns:•"'el<. served at home and an · I l'rMI" llT'I' undr, ""Y r .. r fnrthf'r In Church May, 6th Pr17•·• .f· ' r••nnn:v werE' claimed a pent playin game• eyf'D OK t'nlla!Mor~ttum of thf' 1:\. ,, iruup• In hy Mmt•li. ~·, •·II l'atlln, fir11t: Sam Tho blddg -· 0 ... -• 1 11e en ware onna ... an. hrlngi~J: a l'OUrAe. nt•xl (a.ll with·· ~t r,. ,..1 .. ,, 111." w Ande,_ 418 :'vt~•)'o•r, · .,,.,,nll. 4\llh l''lll'-lllurum a lng. Lon Ita VIncent Gracltl som rttu,. from lh ·lo!'u•nal tl••aolqu11r· Mur6,'lh·ntr A vi'. 1 'oronA del '» ~:•.11nr,: "' ~lr, L E. L1111n'h' rr~ .1nd Crocker and JanicE' Ang.lema e IE'nl a. dlrertor ' ar, : •• n• 1; .. , •r)(f• l'onklln Y r. ' 1\111\UIIrWI'lC ll t' f'Oj!lljt':lnfftt ol h~r ' ,dllllf(ht-<'r t'ntrlrtn Nt'tt to .T&IQe" Am • n~r ttlr•lll· hlrhll'n In a<J'""''" Texas Visitor ·in. lhrrmgton Smith, l'nltt'd ltatett tu lh "" alr .. ady ml'nt•vned w~re Red Crass Sewing For lsla'nd Cfrcle Mn11n·· cmr~ H•·!tO'T'\'•· The wed. Mm··· IINm un l lllnwt ~:nr1 Mnr· Theo. R obins Home ., .J u~ \A'tll btkfl t•liH'f" ''" ttl~ e"V'e· rov.~. ~. h:. l.i.ouOinut •• c.;, M , Oru'n, 1~ •• • 1111\1: "~ ;\lay llth. Ill SL ~ dy, .I 1'. Cirn•lt'y. llvr11·r·1 llt•rpld. Mra. W. T' lldr m ·of Kl'rr't'llll' . F'ivt• flnnn .. l jnrkrt~ 11.011 thP Mlart 110 Mf'VNI\1 ht•(l hll.:l< .f~or p11~ ltl'ntll llf thP Rantn AnA Army Atr Hn~o· wo•rr fln •NIIrll fur thP . rtr<1 C'rns11 hy ml.'mbt•r,. "'' Jh<' J11land r•n·h· Whf'n It mrt Tuf'I!CiAy at M_!lr <'••· t-:p1101 ypul C'hurrt• 111 LacuDa Ter rt·ll Stahler .. L. L. 111~11. B. Z TelCall, l'n11 tw>Pn a .fue11t of t.tr. IU)d Jl,.ud i. T~r brull' wtp tw rt..a In "McKinnl'~ C. \~ tlarr1son. Ht'ln;· :'\hs. Tho·" Ruh1n11 IUlcl tamlly <>f. 111!11 riiiJ.(t; hy lli'r IHnlht'l' Lt 'Guy Kal~l'r, t F Wnlt8 or ln~I('WOfx.l; Monl<'l'OI !ltn·•·t. Ralboll . Mr ... H. Andcr11un. Army A.lrCor.,-,ao l SII.Dl k:tnlltllt.!;n . Allrt>d Sotland~ Utlcm nnd Mr11' Hoblns are •laten. \\111 ny (tl'lwn fram hll! lllAUoa at (' 1oi 0t-Rklna, '"'Bertha Tlllot#>':l· C'ttmiOJI' I<) the l'nast tn attend Mat ~Field.' Cllltf .. tn frrck IUrhards . .MIIIl ~·ranc""· Da· •he mllll11ry wet!dlrig of her daugh~ Zone Therapy, MedJt·al !Ua!Wlgt•, Swedl!4h ~ta.-.­ uge, ll~·dro 'fhtTaJI\' Sr)('('iat Trcatm<'nts for .Overwl'ight &: Undl'I'IH'ichr f'ene-Morleghent· :_ ~e Therapist Sp•·<'l:d•"' Ralboa Inn Rldlt Ralbm• tor .a Wf'fkly party In a c:IOHd I of thf'~f'ngag,.ment waa flrat ward nf tilt hoapltal clurlng lhf' by tht> yovng couple a few weeu 11 001 11 · 11t Ahty ago at the Recr~atil'ln Center. S1.1n Rafael, Mr•. Odem. wUI re- main tbta w~k with her •IIIIer. UKE MAGIC Thf' Rl'llt mr~tinjl 'will bt-• Msy 2 J-:1,..11 nubhou~. Wtl"rt' lbl'y flnrt It Mar CeiM 1 m"t !ntl wt~eu thr't'nrmanr~ fie- ' I vrlnJ)l'tl · J uolg<' -;,."d lli~~,.";.;,.lm·t·r l Patrida ~radualt'd from :-;1w-~E~ a' tlmt Ymfll ~net' ~;lt· b-;U;d· tn -~ -,-- i ron ~.ldllet will remove all burned J.!i.-~-· __ O_NE· IRD Off_ ~- a....u.a 8bM: ,... -Blat-k. ForJ..,.rly $29.9ll and " n Harry Jr. ,,1W'nrt1 lhrlr port Harhn1 Hl.:b In lhe JOummer 1\mmA ll'l Mru hMtw "IIIKh •,'•f' 11142. tln•l attrndt•<l San111 Ana 13luu.~· fnr ovtr thl' Wl'•·krn11 J~tn lnr Collf'Kt f r a ehort Jlf'~lod, r=.:-::::--==~~==---====,_..ll;;.,'~'·"' whl('h ~tbl' 10tarted lo. • ----At ~aniR Ana Anny·A•r Baae, WHO WIJ.I. IIA \'l'j T()_ whPrf' llhl' 110 nnw l'mploy••ol The WILL TREASURE .A ·GOOD AND RE.CENT PORTRAIT or bla~k svbts. It you use vlriegar also on your .brick tiles. · Notr Redueed to $19.97 . . -ri"--MAIY OTI£1. SUITS INCOMPLETE SIZE AND COLOR RANGE, 1-,rd OFI'-. . . 53 SLICK SUITS VALUES' TO ~12 .. 95 A.NP $14.95. NOW SR.9!1 ' 01e G IOU P .SLIC IS· .·NOW REDUCED TO $5.95 • FITTED . C·Ol TS ~D (i;HES'rERF.JELDS AT t~:~rd OFF REG. ~RJCE One ·a ROUP B.AGS NOW REDUCED t~rd IN PRICE One GROUP GOWIIS ... NOW REDUCED ':1rd IN' PRICE One GROUP: BLOUSES NOW REDUCED 1:1rrt IN 1PRICE . . . . I I LOUSES, One 1Dollar JUST ONE LOT TO CLEAR: BE1'TER IIURRY~. ' .. -tr NO REf1JNDS .(:_; N0 F.XCIIANGES ~ • ALL MERCHA•NDISF. AS IS • I IT'S 80TH SMART utd niRJFn: lo SIIOP at "' d - J814 Holih 1W11 8tJ'eet...r8uta Ana .~ ....... Putda~ . . . SIIOP tiLL 9, FRIDA l' ud ~ TVKDA l' !\TIES . ;-- DO TillS Kl~l) OF gr(tf'tln·l tt-1.... '" 1•1(-RII'ti at c a,;;p Tllll'liKISU f'.UIC \'Ot·~ ' .}'•·n•l't·t.•n 1t lllcrn'twr ,,r ttw '"h •11- SupflO!'(' somr•t hiri£ s h o uld h nppt•n to ~·ntl. \\'ho '''ill han• to dt'i 'irft• h m1 mttd\ . ~ha II J~t• pain for t ht• fu- nrral. what kir:cl of roskf't shall II(• l'4•1tTI•'<I. ;in11 go thr·uuKh 1111' onlf'al of ar- nm'-!in~ llw m .. any othl'f ctN ails? \\'ho will have to p<t~· thC' msts'? \\'ill fu- nc ritl bills havl' to 1,.. paid ont of sttvin~s or insur- -anN' .functs that nn-plan- ntoci for thC' ~·ul'il\' of ihl' Jivin~? · Thl're is only on<' way to SJXH't' thoS<' ci()S(' to you th<' bumr n of thl'SC prob- 1<'111s • . • and that is to have tht' pmtl'Ction of a r'lllii'lhl<' funC'ral pnymf'nt plan. In I he intt•n•st uf lx>tter S<'l'\'kt•. \\'(' will llt' pll'ascd to lt•ll you how you may ohtain thi!o. lm' -t'tiSI pro- l~l'lion. For informntion com(' in to S<'C us. mail a pn~t· t'ard. or telt"phonl'. Harold K. (~raueJ Chapel I 'htln~· ~<'''port :1fll R..mc•mht•r r-\ cm'rf' not tTI.I. \: prof4"'rff"d unlrs.lil tTSt:RAI. profNt4'd. v•,.ft•n Thl' yl111nj.: t:nupl" will 1 tnllke th,.tr hnmn In t.agul)a lll>~b. 1 Mr10 An.r, r.!IOn "all fnrrrt•rly p6st·l 1 1 tni\JIIt-~~~rona lit"l ~~~r.:.__ j 1 Rev. and Mrs. Goodell Sojourn in Pasad~na r TaklnK R ~ell flr~n~td rt'lllltel (fotm thMr pllstoratf' dull"• f1f , < 'hrl11t C'hurch by t hr !'i~R. 14-vel"-1 ~'"'' IUid M r" f:. n GI'IOOt>ll are I "fl"ndlng 11 ft>w day• ln PaPcsene. Hl'vertml Chart.•,. II&Jl1l will •oc- r upy tht• pulpit 1•f 'hr ~un·h nut 1 'l':un•IAy 'Farewell Courtesy 1 To Ida Naylor I I iiUnlt!<l'll.. \\'hill' ShrlllP "a;JU 1 hon•!r Mrs I. Ia :-;II),,,. ut RaJ boa l.•l•nl1 "" Ftlola.'· ~~~ Danl~err'a In I ~Rill I\ An11 ~,,.,, ="'Rylor. wbo 1111 thr worth~· h•J! 1 pnl'~<lt!t!O ot tht i'hrlnP. \\'Ill h•nvo ll"''" fnr Chtcago lot 111trn..t tlw ~Ujlfl'tn,l' i'hr•ne Capilla Circle To Hold_ Meeting I .\II• ,I II ~·,f',natol "Ill be. lu·>ol• ~!' II• 111•'1111 ' I" "f tilt• \.'Apfll a l ''It • lo• 1111 \\ t•dn1••il.l\ Aprrl .~. nfl :: I 1: HI llo·l h"ll" ·Ill ~ \r<'II!IIU~. I·,,, "" •I• I ~l.ar • -~EF.ORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL , . "• Vl11t ·our ontrrutln'll ' u mplt and d oeptay rooms Color guldu planning t •da.' com. prehenslv~ atoc. Of ruga, carpele. •linoleum .,d Vef!t. u.-n bllnde~ 4'~ ~ :~uQ• ~~ • Cupeta Clean" Aepal,... LUDLU~I Carpet Works IANTA ~'fA '\ • 4 " ·on Mother's Day-May 14 -·· ., -- ~l"ei~tl Offt,. · ~ ·. Beautiful. Bronze ·$,2·$. · PORTRAITS IACit Complete in 9 x 12 mounle · · ~· .!~ PROOfS SHOWI'f U,.. ,_ "M.-.J l'wtf.Jit" !,__1 H•l- -.1 Ortiw -N-T;.. Frw/17 7:0q. I!Af.-. 8/...N._. AUSTIN S DIOS·· ,• PhODf' 1.463 \ ~sin at 1M nJAt ked to Help Food 001'1 Wlll to be des Plan a Vi-~torT rtght (or. Fri~:;;e.n today. Accept '-1 !~~ • out giving up p·oints ,i f'1:~·· . norationgoodswith- \. • -and don't pay ~ore ~~!t!·iJ'·· than ceiling price: ~. ,·,, 0 ror the ta.od yo \ . ' need. PflfCfR·UPPiR !X;-i' fMU&r every lind nourishm . ~hitc ::~ ce or Weber?=~ comes 1~ ''i or ead._ lt hel . Enriched f IS __ a nd Vi tal it PS bUild Vi K 0 I"t1ried •1th8--y-.l beca.use ft~ ee~ th~ rBlll11 v tamins llnd 1 s w e 1 1 r Y rol). -ed b servtn.. .. Y er• .,.,.eb-s Brea(l · every mea1t._ ...