HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-02 - Newport Balboa News Times.. Ill SAND CRAB SAM ... -- for 36 Buy Bon'ils to End W,r Quicker ~ . .. J .the best advertising medium ill , BRACING SAJ..BOA PENINSULA. WEST NE\VP()RT, SEA SHORE • ' - harbor district -tr -tt -tt the that home BALBOA . es ~ --. --.:t;;lf;;:. t:: •. ' .·; " . .. ... .,. IEEP POITEII · 1 Year •••• $2.51 ~==================~, VOLUME XXXvf . 1 l ET TOGETHER. An hiter- est lngllant on ironing out controver*s ~wern this . d.ty and individuals. came up at th e council meeting Mon- day, when the board a~ pc>int.ed-a committee to Inter- view the Citizens Ban k of Los Angeles over t-he Corona 1 del .Mar beeeh and st-t~btlck dispute. As In evecy issue • there were two sides, it would seem that amicable conclusions can be reached a nd settled. just as is done In diffcrt'nces ~tween _priv!lte parties. WhtJe the pnce of SS.OO a front foot for bench frontage, se<>ms quite low. stUI it is a basis on which 'the two factions can start., ·thus 1 a~ in g l h e founda tion against a long.drawn and ex- pensive lawsuit. wh ich could ··easily go to the U. S.,Su- prem e court. · . + + + In th~ ~pect there is an- other issue thatcouJd also be settled --that is t he argtl- ment between James Irvine and the city over sewer a nd water matters. It qllt'Stion has arisen in th e minds o f the publi~ a.s to whether Presl<fcnt'ROOsevelt ilt-a s1drman o r not. Mrs. Roosc\lc.lt 'ki~ h~ was res ting we ll an~ 'would be back on the jol.l in a ~week or two; that news men found h im to 1(. R · . p h ·1u Stafford Given l . ~ T · Cadet Chapman 111 ( ·1 5 A . tt_y ejects urc ase . oak LeJ!f ct~st~r· ~·IV\rs. wast wins Army -Air ounc1 · tarts on l . f c I A . L . . I For Jap Attaeks. . :Force CAJmmission t s 'I o~ . h 0 . entra. ..ve. ots '!.-.tbenc•-~L.A8t!_.t~~(lont~.t.h::e.~.l asses at . "';ntlntl('nrtc-tf'.dwnnl1i 111111•· 0 . ett e -IS e wat S F h C ... .. .... ....... ~ .... A f "»'"·Ill "''" llf Mr~ti "'"' ~'d B k M s·· . h" t t 7 0 "tm l T ~lltlfnlln .. 1... 1:-.~ 1 tt•w1n . · as : por IS ang e·n er i .A::irnt~ .. M .. ]a.tln~~d~v_"',.~.:~~= • .;~· ge 0 . ' :~:~·'~.~;~·~~~~,~.~~~~:::. 1,:"1:~.,.,.1,·,:1 an over eac . I .,.. ~ -:_ ......,. .._ lt••ttl•'nllnl tn the• AnTI)' Air ..... 1,.,., "!.'/',. •·umpt.•tmt: ,,.,.,t>nntlf•r trutt\ Council Votes Down Earl Stanley's Initial Pro-nullftr tor put1t-tiaUon ta a..·, 'nle nt~tn~ rr"'"'"' "' Lh" rnmlly 1n.: 111 th•· C11rt~hn•f. N M """'~ y and Isbell Named Com- h • p 'th f'nlh Air F'ord aerl41 bloW• cllrtet· -att• ·k ' I 1 I • lh I ~~ A A I I t • posal 4 to 1 on· Exc angmg roperty WI ! rd at J anelle lluJtaJJaUoll• In th _, I e·· II ••m ... r-. II' ••• f mlttt•t• to fe r Pron~rties, In~. S5.00 front I> E 'f F 'tu U of C G d ,l ...... b•.,ll 1•'--... -. --.. .._..!&'l'·h•t ""'' I""'!Of'd aw•y ·~u.t.t.•n '·'""'''"'"'' (,IJII'Illttn ''"" I•• .., ... Or U re ~~~~ amp roun 8 -.....~-. ......'--..... ~ t1r '"'--'11 .. '~t•HH'' u( ...... AnT\V Ah" r.... ..... ~trand ... ('orona d•l Mar --~· • ' ""' • • ll n wu made by ila-General 11111 !'htur•hl\• m• m tn11 "' u.... r •• a " ,.. '"'"' "trlpl ... lhll·at" nwn '"""'" ____ ---- • Wllli.11 H. Kale. romm.,...e ,... 1ltt of TO )'"-au •. all!!t a wna 111 ""'' hnw '"'"'"'''''"' h\l<lnwr1.,11 111 Following a n e xtended argumt"nt lasting about 30 minutes. enat ot the &ewnth Air ~. 1-. ~"~••rv11 ... ,,',.1,. "'''" r-~ .. 11,1,". ,,, .. .,1-fwk••""'~ nflvl~ent t011 "'"' nuinlwtr nf ··~rt"· thiim~~ thAt CoundiinAft EUf i.n \~hich Councilm an Earl Stanl~y. sitting a t his first. ~usiness Thl' 28 y•r old . nw. •"-' • 1 p m t•nm ttw 1'-ll~ (' ,.1~1 II~'''"" Runne•ry In Rl1i11ttn" ,,, '"'' I 10hnuld I•• d ••nJl('(t up, thnt ol t.he controvw.,. session. presented a plan to acqUire lots from t he JltU'IfiC' E leE:•I wife, ...... Anne l.. 8taftCif'd, ~ a O:Ironll olt•l Mill, With Jnt'k lint 11'1:111111 IMtttthnntlf'rln~ot ...... r ... • )pt 'l'tll''i, Inc .. OVI'f' fh(' pnK~on· ol Uw a.dl at tric on Ccntr·al uvenut". for futu re usc ns a n adjunct to thc ll!dn at 1201 ra Va~ Roed. 1.-• ot the t-:"'""''""' ~hun h n fl "' nn """"'r In th•· flln" dt•l Mnr. ,,·ns hrut~ht to n twm1 Monday wbln ~ • camp grounds for: a sport fi shing <'E.'nter. the council, by a vott• Callat.i&, Callt,...-•ttendl'd P.-dfnal ~t n~: 'Ill•· l••tu.u .. ,. "'''''' • ,,. l••1••·· n·ruh fur '"'''''' thll; t'IJ~dl hy a Vtlh • nf oltu I , nnnlt'd Stnnlc-y and eounc:ea.,.t. of 4 to l, rejected the plan I I Jttnlor Collere whe~ he Pia1ed .. ,M "'''1'""1""1 •1, '"'' lll.w·t ... .,,., . J••II Jf) C·'IIOft•r \\1lth llutl t'Cmt ... m ond oCff"'' lt 1&.00 a front'- Monday afternoon already bN'n !!Old. Mr R<'('d stated 1notooll and baskrtba'l. and &at.r No m .. , ~ "'''""''I ,.,.11pt ... , ""''I II•· 1, u t .. rmf'r •'"''''"' • 11 f•l l' 1h t• s tt·nhd. . White the procC'<'dJ~g w as 8 1111 that thc COM lots hal1. bM>n M>hi waa employed by the Soutb OPull '-frun tt tllr.n thP Tw1~111 t•rv , lllltlla l '~tlyll~'htm• ln~tll !'1111 wr l"tant11y 'll•'!'•l I.<"''Y thlltJ An•1u,.,r .. ..,,. Uunalt" ..... lTt'guJar from a parlilt1TT('fll ary f«" eMh'. I Beat ElomPAAY .,, Ne'Npon ~ tlwlr rl'..,lil•nr# on f'"l\f'on~~ Mt t..ut~ Obt .. IJU • .4AIIf. • lin -lOintml'nl had 1\l'flr mllffrfCW """"' out a ctfftntte ,....... .. standpoint , in that the discu. .. ·Mon ., ... w..rt Ide& Good - -K&r, llw T ... lllh 11 ..... ,, nn IAIIlDtl I" f'ttnff'l't'n•• with tl .. pre•etrnt "' O.ntrat avenuoo ... to .... --- started tx-fore the Stanley motJon Councilman Allen behevt>d that M IWIIu•. 1-:Aat N"wl'urt U..llut ... th" ""' t'UI1e11• ll•flk "' Lne An••'"• ...of thf! et"'"'· ....,......_, •• tf received a "second", this was rem•· the fLVI wharf Ide-a was a i:ood ont'' . · ' Rtckeu hll»hend thll II•••'"'""''' u' I l 1'<11'11day t•r··t,.•11re, Inc•. "' whtrh dn with 1.1• ••.nt.r, uw1 ·tile ..... dit>d at the t>nd of the controvcn.y but the purchase of lht• lots w us useum ...... II h,df ''''''I t-;lt fllh••lh p Jjjhn ~rrOO llltrrle I• ft~talr--1 Uon AI'Oaf' •• to wbeUMr tt ...W• when Councilman Allt'n offl'rt•d I not such a atood lnv('Siment and Blwnwf'll, lt.,.ltltn.,; "' \\'•••nhl··~ -• I riian, I• • 11Ublllltt1rv of th• Mnk. l>e p AI war or now. ... ~ the "l!e'Cond" in order to clean up' on a . qu~tJon a~ to the valuto of Ellllan<t II wu •late.l I wu lakfta. _ the mAttt'r at this Ume .. On the CDM lots Treasurer Gant state-d • PI I Mr Sl&f•l•y tul<l ttw> bou'd --.r ••••• vote Mr. Stanley regiSh'rt>d a that the lots h'l that IC'Ction had ---...,.-.:~J-II--I-¥·e e·...::~~ . ~·mlwre WnnWiy tba'. h• twh•ved l An n t•ntriqn· ~ Uallt, ....... :'g I'". <'wtltuv~tnay C O\IIu Ill' IM'ttlfif ..,VO.n tbe ll. A. Watt.. 0t. Ill B Ma •h• nn •luubl lb• e•OmJ141n)' wnullt ; ... , roeO.l, wtt•o at .:... 111\lf .UII •••ln•t UIP clly, that that dllfk-vlt lft -.. .a.-.__ · lbr IIC'IU'b y.·•• ldral fnr perk J,HCr-•till meter1al, )had ._.a;:-; Y Yor 1" ,.... an•l lh•l 1111 uff•r nf fl\ I'"'~' l.llun O l .. rta .. r p.:l frc"'' ''·'"' ...... ,111 be madP If ••·· 1 :.1,.1· that )'t.h• • ...,. •-1 ~'"I''"'' II,,. •ctJIII•IIIt•n w••uhl f'elllt 1\m I I d Ul.. II aatd ........ t-;v,.ry •·ltlun of N-·pur1 l!"'" tho• ollv •'"'"' Jlrt,INN):JI'W•• •lal -~thll~ •:Hik ·'Ill: e. ~-= l10r Ill "" aciiYt' anct a•ar,...n r•J • I Ow riMnln :o" · mMt!lf! u( • o a,..., .... I 1nA liP ~.. 1 lt , 'r:i~iiii;;u-;;rlii;---:--::::2 t'llh AI P anlt ,.,,., J>n rt,...tlnn ~·nm. f 'u111WIIInr11 Jebo-11 tl,....l 8od t' ~*'t ·'I t • •-•m•u u .C r1r hlltlM, an-o"llnlt • t..o an •rJM"al llo• \1" v• • 11•11 booll11v ... 1 II wa~ • 1und 1 hi' N'••lutlnn of Int...._, t• Ollll'fl by M1ynr c,y•n fl tlnll on "'''" Inti who·n lilr ln•)'vr •u•••••t· 1 th-·-t. tw~ .. tr rt th, I'll'}' and to ntlp tllr ·,,,, tlw IUll,-Wll coulot l!ool•fo-..., rrc;m -IIPr\'ltf""l,~t b_..., ~ .VIlla-• 1 an-a uofJWtW )' ~-.1 .. ntttl"ll 1 nilt ra • arry on ttw> hl l -1th<' l'f"J~«r1y ·11111<1, Mr I•IM'II aalft and lbe n!euttaet ~ fill ._. ltf'llt Jnb nf all, th• wlnntn« f'f th• h,. wu aa •lnllt the t. whll• Mr ethrtrkta. · r- wu . "''"'' !M>IIO'v .. t that • dotfllll\<' ot(•r A A 10111 lttllpult Oftt Ute• .... l't'onful« to Mtl)'elf' ~t1111 t~ •1t11uhl IJr quoted. \o wblt h Mr uf ....act.nU.J loU Ia n.t 1 ... A. 1\UII'Ir frnnt .. lmpOrtant •nd qcw I Ht11n1ey lllild tw did not lwtwve 1n tJf the .... -.lhoda t.o JI"P \Ill, 'll1&.k.ID& • dei\Atle ~•It t-o H&r-nJ IMII&ed WM .. It I • ~....,.aft& IDUM ., ......... home rront ..,..,. .. t.o ~~~ tiM hut that 1M ctty llbould au• Ole Pu1l be a ll nghl. Twe tw :yt-at'S or G I d hard battling in the grt!alt':il run y nat ion tn ~he wol'ld and sev- eral year-s uf wa r, do many safter10 out Chief tbings tu a strong ma n , both y mc n,aUy and physkaJly, and . ears· it is huped tile P resident will, be h is old self soon. But the 1 people are beginning to won ·y aooa t him and wlu>tb· er it is wise for a sick man to continue bU. tremendous task. . . .. .. tuo 11••t thlltll th11t Dolhln« Ill h"r•t"'nlnlf bet'au..-)'ttll all) not we >''''!riW'If Jerllw ••r hflar thr wh!Tr t>l lhll marhlnnf. All ~erut thlnltll jtrtlw nul•l••ty Drumn:10nft . l wll Received I ..... fl ........ I ••. ., llESK'.IIWITaR aa-•~·-­ea-Udl I IMt aa... ...... lw .... ... .,,-............ ...... N_..TtlbM J11c1c. N_,.rt._. Cetllnll,..., .... i r NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport BeeeJa, California, Tuesday, May -2, 1944 , Anton Suttora EMtJlte ; Petition. in Court I'ANTA 11.':'-:A A p~tiiiC,n ft~r 1 lf'llrno nf •dmlnlslratlun with an •lll'mAt•vot prtiYI'r tn aet uldl' th" I f'llbtr ut ~hi' I at" Anton 8ultora ql Nt>wport S.Oac-h# for bla widow. l Mr:•· *•;y' 8uttnra .. to, wu fill'tl Ill 11Uperlnr cnurt laJit wef!k by Tbt' petlll<>n alated Mr. Suttora I Nk k Suttora.. eon. of Newport. W ••• .......... ,...... dlf'd lntutate Jut Feb. I~ a.nd llkl tt 1 11 I!IKII aa ...... ~ llt'la forth that the Mlate I'Of\JIIat.a , · Cn•hh•' ~f. I ot an undivided ball tnterNt In • sf ' at( -.n-MeMadltl I ....... eift.at.a at N~ Bt'&<!h, , •• ,. tlllsrt.n ~ .,.,ar weft •.,... u«S at approxtmat;ty 12.500 ,.. .... _....,sa .... lanl• G.a.-w w lllan-*" T&bl.u) X•,.. T..._ eu aab ,.. Jnieallla.N..-. .. --JC.,.... ,. ...... ~ IDDa ...... ,.. ... . -.~ ...... . 1944 TJDE TABLES "'d. 3 7:11 4.0 4 7 :63 MAY J•37 I ll 2 : Ill 7:SI ••• 1:11 e ALONG COAST I HIGHWAY'S . I WATERFRONT ~~~ A~GLING .'AR .OUND NOW QPEN I R·VI N £·~. L.A KE 'l'BOIJT-BAB8' CATJ1.8Jt--CRAPPIUE GILL _ Jlow.ll.oeiM ._,..._.'1Mb ._,,""""'It For a..enoau... ...._ 'br.ace ., .. ..., . ._ or ..._ Aaplea I'll IIU BALBOA -5POirrFISHtifG' FLEET --ooEAN F18111l!fG • liALliOA. C.u.JII'. · J'he "Owl", "Maiden" and "Dirta.Lee" f'~r lnformaUon· aad SciM!dulea Call Newport UJ• or r.o. Aqea--..<:eatury !3118 • ,.--nt Ill IJne wttc.e rur• "-wbecrtberw, JUIIt wW Aa ,._. aul~t In Italy and declara mud! alt"'IIOQ to t>lect LlLLIAN I. REAGER. ED SLOOOIIB • 0 -=;:::;;;;::::::::::::::::::;;~v~e~ry~·~-~·~1~1·~-~-Ptl~t~lU~p!I~BrooU~~~-=~~·~f'll~P~la~M~t~~.;;!:;.;,_...:,_~--.=~50~1~dl~r;rs~h:•:rd~l~y~t~alk~~a~bou~t~~~~vote~~ and lltOI fHI It IS all a way ,J OHN [)()f: and JANE ·DOE, .: .. BliY- . . IOtmmiM CMMYIII eM COMIAMY BON.DS TOD.AY for your clream home TOMORROW · ... Boad .. ~ petriotle aad botll pods to finJah the ~ fipt-and to P•r· for the dreua hoin~ yoa want to -.. U•e Ia whm pNCe Ia woa. Yoar modena .u.,.. home Ia wordl p,..,....m, for ao!'! J Your ••i~ 110• wilt ~lp 10 IIUU~ a 1011nd nation.! «onomy ,for 'Tomorrow -whrn Johnny cor"MS marchinJ h<~~N. for hi• fu. iu~ and your famal_y'~ NN~ -' IJ., /Ill-s-J.. 0 /~ ~ \-0 I To ~«p •n m>nomt. r~li~ that' l!t'IINo ro $1 )0 ~·Ilion in rri>ductoon • \ '""' .-17 rcr ctnt _, '''"' r.rt n~trJ afrtf thts war than an J9~() An.l•he lrr 10 pracntrm produnoon aoJ rr!-J ,, rurchiJtiiJ l"'·wrr Savr (M Tom or row -IJ, M.,..IJMI•.· ·. away. But four month~ nf talk in DeCrndants . Bait-"fa~kle; Fishing lnfo01lation I. . . on .lhd t'_ THP. PPOP~~F-"'I'Mi~tTlll'n*fll-• . ----wt;WPORT BJ;A.CH • matter. Th~rl' '" nn .a .,, r· (IF CAUFORNIA SE~D GR ~======:::;:::====================1J sprMd dillpost11on qwrh11 · th111 '" tNr.~ TO· LTLUAN t REIICF.R, r too mild " word 1 10 b••h••Vf' lhnt .11111:'11 O()F: and JANE DOE. ~-"' RAY KIMBALL lor ~1\.~n~ not full) un•1••r.-IHMt<1, f•·ndnnt!< · . certutn ('lt•mt'n\~ In Am•·nw '1" nnt · · · 1 SPORT fiSHING B'OATS want soldlrt"S -to-• voff', "'What an· Yuu arl' fllff'("~•'fl ln. apJX•ar m ~ · I they tryln.: to do IO'P us !"' mi~ht Jtn 3 ''111111 hllt)ughl a~mst }:oCI b},, START. SEASON SATURDAY APRa iST c:haractefuc thl' rt'actinn. Any sol· th .. nhov .. n:unfld plamttff 1"' lhl' I • 19TH STREET BAY.LANDINO dlt'no who ml.:ht nol U!'f' llw prt\,;., Sul"·l'tor C4Jun of thr StAll' o~ S.wport 8e-.cll • Telephone 1'!1 1 If elven may harbClr Jtft•·long C'Hllfomm, tn nncl for thl' Count) ''i~~~~~~§§~§§~i§l§g§§§§§§~§E§§~~ ~ntment lf they fail ttl ~o;l'l tht'•ot Ornn~~to an~-wr tM-c'4llll·4t'l "ght wtllle-making ~ncriftce. u\"l'r plomt 11"'N'm w.lthm t~n da~s , CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE ' ~ after the '''"''~'" on you or tht~ ;,!! ft"~ellnJ is ap(. to ,row as the !lummon~. If scYrvl'd ~it ~in I hi' cun•· VON KENNELL ectlon pro(n>tt,ll('1l. Th.-choosmg Count.Y of Orance. or Wlthin thlrt)' ~ Fishiflg Tackle .SJ)ee!ialist of tM two candidate~ ~•II finully dnyll tf sc:vl'd f'l~ewhl'rl'. and you . Adjacel'lt""to Pavilion --Frrsh and Salt Water Tackle. dran\atlzr the-,affair. t pN'Chcl f nrl' nottftMi that unle;;s )'OU loO Pltoae Ill BALBO"-CALIF. SOl Ma.la 8l. thrre or four rrlon\hs tionJ now tho• IIPJlt'nr and an~wpr as above n;·, bz::===================;:========~ ia thetlc inteN'st of many ~Clldlt'n< qulr'-d the• plaintiff will takl' jud~t·· iF-======-==:=::::=::::=:===::==:::=::~:==:==:==:==?:::=:::===~===~ ~'be Sharply en)dndlf'd. I ml'nl for n~y money or damageli . B~Y FISIUNG IS GOOD .,T lf BOidlt'fl fall to cet the vole. dt>n'mndt"d m thc• Com'plaint, a~ · thf! harin won't I..'Oftl«' now ~o much arising upon contract. or wll.~ ap I .THE PAV.ILION AT BALBOA lu alter the war. What 11 point ply to tht' ('nurt tor any othE.r reo for poatwar cynical disllluslonmr'nt I~C demandl'd In thl' complaint.. I Boats for Rent at ReuonnbiP. Prices-Uve Bait Available rot 12 or 1~ million U-st>l"\'lceml'n 1 Clven under my hand and seal · NEWPORT BAy INVES'I'IIENT CO. <to have de-mar~es hal'lJ on the ' of th~ Su(>f'rior Court of tht> I ._ ONeleJ • at.eral llluilllcer fact that the-y weN' !lent to be Count) ol Oranlt(', Stat~ ol Call; "==========================::::::~:z::/1 •klijf'd but not to vote. 1 h~tve 1 ~~1a, this 30th _day ol March,,•dfl!J-==================::;Ci;:::=======~ hMrd somr nasty commi'nt of thKt (S~a)l B. J Smith. NEWPORT & BALBOA ' PIER$ I aort alN'Bdy. I County . Cll'rk . o1 the Supt'rior GEORGE IIIN'ER t p N -Court of tht-Sta~ ot California, UBLIC OTICES __ ,In and for thf' County of OrangE>. . Good Fishing atAll Times No. A 111111 • By ·A. L. ~~~k, ~puty. I LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE !lfOTICE. OF TIME SET t"ORI APPEARANCE: "A defendant~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~§§§§~~ PIWVJNO WfLL AND J:R;A&· apprars ln an action when he an· NEW ~Fr. SPORTFISIIING BOAT . I INO APPLICAT10N FOR LET· swers. <k>murs, or J{lves tht' plain· "C R E S·C E'N T" · ftU TUTAMI'JNTARY. tiff wl'itten noti~ of his appear· Calley -Rnt Rooms -Uvt" Batt 1a Ute • ..,...., Coart of the Staw,ance. or when an. attorney glvf's ! e1 CaUforitla •• 81111 ,,_ the no~ of appearan~ for flim."' CoQaty of Oran,e (Sec. 1014, c.c.P.) I \ In the-Matter of the Estate nf I Answers or demurTers must tko I ~=olf==Cout===RIP==-="===========._==""'=='=:M==A=· ="'=·==tl RACHEL CROSS TWIST. al~to .n writini. and .flied with the · SCO'IT'S LANDING known a.~ RACHEL C. 'J'WIST. I Cle-rk. deceii!Wd. Pub.: _AtJP. 11, 18, 25: May 2, 9. ,16, 1 Notice i!! heN'by givf'n, that a 23, 30, June 5, 1~. 1944. I ~tltlon for thl' problltP of a docu-, ,============:.--1 l"IWI1t now on file in thl' otrkf' of 1 the Clt"rk of thl' Cnun purportln~ 1 to 'be the Ia.<~ I will of the above na!TK'd d('C('drnt and fur thl' i~~tu· 1 r~nce to A . .1. TWIST. whO!'t> Cull , M mt-is ALF.'XANDE"R JOliN a.cb •one-A-Day" bran4 l TWIST. 1'\f Ll'tcrrs Tr~ttamrntary. 1 \'lt.miD A and D Tablet ia NEWPORT BARBOU NEW, OOMPu:i'f; .. BOAT ·SER·VI.CE. Overhaullnr; -Palntlar;· -RemodeUar; MOTOR SERVICE , KENDALL BOAT SERVICE hAs ~n flll'd in thll' C~urt. ~tnrl u. vTtamin A and D I -:-::--+~=~~~llb~~i-:!~~~~ifiiifi;:~~~iiii:~~"JTtit--:;~~~~~~_..h"'!!!!.'lnd""'trlet'\ Bide. "<:"liOOnS':' . -----rt' 1111_ h ' ~· mimared 1,600,000 ,_ •mt'la J'ftl'-plua plans for mod· l'itin&-·~"to play an •mporrant 'r in our pncn1mr «onomr. • rour drftlll homt of ~ fu· r. •n llll-pa rbodtro 1\oc:M-• •vM.,..s-JI. · I ~'hen i~•tr lOMICS, you'll -~·nt nont hut th~ finMr: •· (~ttohed Pf'rform•nc~ Gu !Un,rrr ""'h all o!J IU{'<I•n1o.1trn IUl Uihllll •rrru-ancr, ('l'dorm1ncr ,..J «OnCimyl So to bt rr-sdtl •hen 1~ t•mr , rotnn-B,, M•t B..Jr. U~~lletl for economy, heatoeontrol eftcl speed THI MAGIC RAMI THAT WILL.BIIGHTIN YOUI fUTUU c-ourt . room of J)(ol~o'lnmrnt :l or te~pooa/ula o/ Cofl L•v~~ Oil e\\"Jl() oc:ac thl~ CNrrt in thl' t'nurt llnu~.-in meetlnc minimum. United thP Cttv Clf S:ontn Ann, Ce>~mry of ltaua Pbarmacopetal Stan• flr&nj:l': Slntr M C,alif•"'min li:o\·r 1 darda. , '. hl't'n ,,., n'"''' rt·: Hw I i~•· ond A eurficlent auppiy of these ftlnce fN' lht• hf:'lll"lnJ: of !':lid (X'Ij·! two iJnportant Vltamir : .~ ~5 lion whl'l1 11 nrl wlll'r!' n 1J D<'f"nno; f · · I { 1 inte~~lrd mtl\ npprnr nnrl cnnl•·-t eece~r)', or yoo •.• at I br tht' saml'. nn1l ~how c;ttt<f'. tf nn:· tbe chtldren. • n1ey h:w!'. "hY s.1ic1 (X't ition shClulrl YOU CAN Ifi$URE. adt· n•'t tK' ~rllnt•·rl For hlrthl'r p."lr-r.:ate intake for you and your I ticulars l't'fer('ll('l' is hl.'ro•tw rwl·· amily by u._;nc to it that each to"l uld po•tltion on fill' m m) .,,. ~embH talrH a .. One·A-Oay"' •ft~. . .. ,, fablet nary day. -· j Detro MA\ 1. 1944. • B. J. Si\; t111. Count~ Clrl k A TAIL£T ~ lAY .IS -All YOU TAKE 8. Z. McKmn«.'Y. · 1 t-eNen~, a-.iut, l't .. •nt· 1 k)() Fl~t Nat'l Hnnk Dlcl1~, ...,.... .,.... b1 U.. oraci-ton •n.J S:lnta Ann. C.IIComls. ~ fll ~- Pub.: May 2. 4, 9. 1. 1~. •• I • -· .. BALB.OA MOTOR CO. .. 706 E. Bay Ave .• Balboa General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Electricians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing .·· -\ ...., -. ,. .. • -.. ' . . • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TiME.S, ~fewpolt lta~h. California, Tu~day, May 2, 19.C4 ,.... ~ ~-----------------------------------~~-----------------------~-------------------~~~~~~~-~To Av.nae .. aat••n R'EAD CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BA .RGAIIS! COSTA. MESA IEWS A program feline elchth enact. Queoen Estht'r Hall filM' Qhot• IOATS. StTPPUU • t:Mt•LO\'MENT -~ R~~ rJn'ATE. PfTRNJTlTJl& studt'rtts ma rkt'd tht> final rnt't'tlng San Dit'fO. , • of ttw year tJf • thfo Collta Mf'SII j Mr~~. Paul Vinttnt Pal'kt-8 P.-T.A· ~Y at 2 p. m. In the contlnut> f9r a S('('Ond term h~t' 1 auditorium or tht> Main school. dut ll'S as president of the l''rlday Mothers presen\('<1 flvf> acts of Aftt>moon club. it wu k>amt'<l Col· I vaudeville. lowln& report ol Mn . IWuben Day. POA'fS-Thlt. Hold end_"""'_<_led-WANTEf' Woman to l'IMft oe FOR 8AJ:E-• ____ J'OR. ~AI~ Mann~ F.n~lnl'a an11 l'lrU Ttm r!'\11\Y 1'hOIII' 'Nttwport 813. I LOT llAU041N!' Oc•an P'rollt RtMt.h lNS .Otl tll't'--;;. an~.,..... Mr~ \\'all••n lluhbarll. Jr. 211·trl' 'ot, 40.11(\, Ualhoa · P•nlntull ""' trv matll't'IIH uwt ._ MARlNto. SA!.'.'Ad r: ANO I TT'S<'L ,110.'\Cl ('.-ah nr t enD& •t•r lnp , blankrt• .•. ~· MW. l"(l 1 • W ANT~O Alao t•••• bu•tnr., nr reeld<'ntlal llf'ti rltlnwa. Nllnfurt•N. Bold c.n ltoo \\' l't'nlra l A\'1' l 'h ":\ .... W 1 Mrs. Claude Andt•J'IIort. nt'wly nommaunli· committt't' l'hauman. 1 elected. presJdt'nt. prt'Stclt'<l ThoSt> to aid M ~. Parki.'s are O~!$erving the birthday of thelr M~. C1aud•· Anden;on. fa~t \'t<.'t' dauahter, Mn. Jack J llingwort h, pl't'llident: ~iss FrHnet>s C ordner:. Mr. 4nd Mno. Herman !Ia r rison rl'<'l>rdlng secretary; MT'l!~ ~-H.· entertainf.'d with a sur:pri;w ft>tP. Dldl<•y, trt'ltsurer; M~. J . .0. Tall· · Mr. and Mtll-Magnull Tan of man. ~tudltor: Mrs. J. M. Shral't'r,' Harbor Blvd., ""t'n> hosts at din· Mr~ C. F' l:illnd and Mrs. J C., ner to Mt>ssrs. and M~sdamt's liar· Payn£'. dtl't'<'tot;~. , · old Kyle, H*o(d Kntpp, J MJX>r l't•W mt>mbe~ Wl'lromtod Wt't'£' wa,..-, Hu~o Btolau, Roy Jtzen Mt>ll<iiUTit'S Thomas Hopj;ood 0 . D. Frank PhllliPII. W. J: Holtzt:law. King, Bliss M_cCt1rkell und l_lattie Myron Tait: and M~es Vemort 1 Glblon. Announ~ment ·was .mad<' Dawnes and Lois Marsing. ,,t hat tht• club has pur~hn11!d S125 •· ...,. Aut•• mr•'hiUih'll 1'op w•~en 1\f'llt • h•t• nn 1!'\lh St . 11000 t 'aeh. F:III'IV ~nna. Mc Maban II'UJfta· N.-"pnrt llNII'h. ('alu' f kl 1111 A ' l6-tfl' :•1111\\ ';,./'l:t~•t;~~tr/"• •:ulp~ .. :::~; ~~~~~~;·,.~;~~~:"·. !\lll 1<: ('~:~;;'.~ ~;;,:·,a~.; •. :tnd an~ Dr.\&lf;.~~ ~ --~ I'll ~·l'r lwrr ..r 11 thtnlln&'"" -1 • ll 8AI~ n, ...... hual, ,.'ll•ft. llf'A< ,, -tul't' . , I lo'tllt ~At.!'; ....... nn llf'OIIIII\1111, ti'fllt 14ALJC lllnln. labt~hiiri flc·ll•unnbll'. Mlln tn ~trn·ter Call , •11 u :tlPOitl': HlliiiN~ wrll l•w'lll•'ll ••nly $:1:-.Q l'lhlnf'l huffl't an.t •mall .artlriH CaD ,,.. """Jl nt t'tuUinrl ll"llt f'n.,' 1'\•r•l Hair• An•l Rl'rvh·r Nf'~'l'flt1 ~:14 W :l:\-41•· 'lllu,._ Mra Mf'AI11ry, Brnact-1 ~1'1 '('uut Hll(hway. Nf'WJI<•t1 -'---~--1 lt.IIV and --..... • .,," .. · (..._ ... lie' 111 h ,. Jt~'('. Z:!oll ancl C"'f'ntral A 'Ill' lo'H il >:A t.F ll 1 •''"' hr u•r It II· ~ • nh ~,. W-•r. · .....,_ N<'\1 I"'" "''""'' 1't!N'II' :!IC 1"111!1' ;,;,n\f' furullurr l~!\f\11 :IO:t ... tr•• • nn« ..... . M ·lk POt! "AI.f: 1!1-H J nhna •n#row--~ Wllllf'O Rl . t\>Ma Mr"" ~~HIJI l"'llH ~AUc Merk~t fllllUrt'll. 1 bout \\ tth J nhn••n olllhu&rd fnn-• 1 1 1 d l 1 t ·•-1 -'-111-:U • WA ,STWII «'"'k. duwn 1"fflt RAI.Jt ~·f'an ,.-~ont :t-~dr 1111111 1P 1Y 1 an.... .. ........ t .. r I'' •rtlcally ntw, t :Z71'1. <'an 1 1 1 l'f·~'lna to-r 1 t ... al alra '111'111'". Twu aliU.11 l'lr lll· home, hardw~"'(! fJo,\ra Vf'nf'.l ••• "" .... : P 'I( an br "''"n a t 20<!1 IC Hay fl"rntlt. "' v •f't.lhiiJ •nit :a• tn • •• .. ""--1 ani nw•m •n•l •urrountllnJ• il7f• bllf\•h•. ro•<"t>ntl_v rcHit•• uratf!d I " · · -""l'·• ""h1111 Phunl' NI'Wpnrt :'19!l. " 1 .., &-< 1&4 .,. ro.. t-• , ... r "'''· 1'h,mr,Nr-;pc>rt UJII. lt~tal tn ,_, va•·ant nuw, 1•· • -•• '•U•. "'· "~n ._ Coven~ at a luncheon ~;iven by more war bonct... Mr. and M.n. R· Mrs. Otif Weathe rwax Jl e r e I G. Skile11 entertained with musi-· · ' marked for MesdamN N'" e 11 i ~ cal numbers. . "' 11\~ltl' &S·U c t~tt. lath hnu ..... f>&tlro, 60 ft. I Ave . Balboa. I'IIIIC\fl Nf'wpal't POR SALF. l . h. p. Jo~lc-o 'sv4•rJ . • frontaa•. f•nu1L ()Wnf'r S:'ll:! 1'0 a.\'1 t""'" outboard motor lnqutt-.. llt-:1•1' \\'~TJo~l) Woman to walt o.· .. an 1-'r••nt, Nf'WJl<orl llra<•h I n 1Nr.rMC 8 11:1'8 -:..Maple. -a. wal• .. Thompson, Wal!er Jloon, JC?IJI\ ~::.he.7.:.e;rct Mr and M l'll-Wakeley to Tell Mr. and Mn . William Commons. Recreatt·on Plans Sr.. had u luncheon &ut>Stll Mears. and ~arnft · W alter F H bo ., .. ,. ·-Cope. JOIIf'ph Davis, Long &ach; Or ar r RCOND Lntrr.l!t.JOBNIO A. ZAPRA. 21, F~ .._ willl t.M U. I. Roy Clink. Lagun.a Beach; Wil· I A,., Air c.,., .,-... ...,,.,.&.tiMe .,... a.ia .,.._, .. ,,.. ~ U&m Commons. J r .. arid' Mn~. Wal· What is the principal mrrchan·l c-4i4all ,._. lrwe Maj. Gee. .... lie J. V.W.., nil.,_. Al•r QW ter HuefnN, Co!otta Mesa. dise Newport Harbor ha.oc fbr sale· el leal ~ s.n.cwt el N.U...I Del-ill P,...._. w.-1 L o--'1 · Vioctory &&rde_ na. food conserva·1 Recreation is thl.' answer, a_ c-1 Ww C.~ ~., ... fell ._ ,.." .... A.,.tt t. _. l.t. Z.fN. .._ _ _, t.lan and continut'd porchase or war cordin& to ma ny How best this tlt•••••fe el ••• -*'Y-.-:e-~ .. W1M4 !-., .._ ~-~ 11 ..., bonds and stamp.<c. Wt'rf' outlint'd\ kmd of merchandising n n 1M.> car-l lw ....... , •• M-,.n.~• .. LIM ua.. .... ., ... ~- for ~ year's projects of lht> Ho~ rled dh will be outlinrd In the ad· I · -,-'"'T'""' ------- Economics club, Costa M e 11 a 'dl"l'll." by Fl'rris· M. Wakt'WY at tht• j ·Le ·n t ' • T La h T k Granae. when thl' oreanizatloo met Balboa Yacht Club Friday nigh t aVeS 0C Or 8 0 UnC · aD er wi~~~ ~~~~~nun· I ne~. t,lsM~y,;:hthird ol 1 1 ht' ~ries oi l Office After Period In Honor of' San ·_ in& children's clothin& WI'~ pilt'd talks by Wakeley who represents Of s· y 'J Ca • t hi&h in a be.uiMt decoratt'd lh I the University of California 0.· IX ears uan · piS rano bl~» and pink wtwn Mrw. Ray· I partmellt of Education. 'J}tt' meet- mond IC Eastman o1 Newport lng will follow a dlnner at 8 :30 Mrw. Hlowa rd Gerrtab, wbo ~ • Jll tbl' pr-nce ot 11\. antld~t­ boulevard wu holteu to Circle for which reservations mta\ be been In t'harr;~ of or. C. f\lchttr'• til 1!'1.000 Marln8t\tp worllep and No. 1 ol tlw Comtnunlt)' Church made In adv~. offlQe tor more than ax yea.re. baa their lamlllee. the tanker 8. 8. WSCS. ~ cttt• are b4ejn& !lt'n t 1 ~. subject. of ~r:nuon and I .:U.rned. to take a· mut<h oHded • lrltNioe Caplatrano wtn be launclt- to the ~r ,MlssJon at Calexico. Ita ~rchandiatnc and tts bulllnt·~ rut. A4r•. • J~an C'1llrk I• laltinc ed sunda y ~ cMay 71 at Ma· After a deuert COUI"'Il' rnt'mben, PouJbllltl~ Is or interest t~ t'Very ·bu plat't' u receptloolat. rlnablp ablpyard at ,Sauaallto oe worked on a luncht'on lf't for the 1 merchant and buliMU man and Mta. GtiTllh._ wbo 11 1 outlt',l San Jl'renclaco ~-, .Yes. )'OU are needed now to h~lp buUd t,he u~t.Jy needed cargo, combat and .trlmsport plafle\ 'bl;lr arined forces'ask.us to·keep rolling from t'he pry- liuction ~lne.-· ·· ' · · . · · , · • At the. modem, air-conditioned Douglas Plant"or at one of the'convenient ~~ . ....., . the peaee row cloeer. You're paid you leain--and we·~ sute you'U like the folks you work with. Join the ~t Pougla~ction .aa:ny today ' In Piane'-'· YTalk ·vou.'"re Needeil and hu H f'n thoC!aanda of patient. Tbe launcblnl ot tl\11 lhl~ ~ tbrour;h h~r otflce for ell&llll• named fOf' t.be ralu6on fudo.» for 1 nation by Dr. Richter . •Y th• Job ll• -a1Jow1 wUI bt th• prlDcl~ Ill ohe of the m911t difficult 81\e .vent or War1n.ahlp Family _Oay, baa .ver held, owlna to t.be con-an opan ho\181 ucs plcDlc for all st.ant stream pi pt'Ople '"-~k tn.: employee:~ of the ahlpyard and for 1 raedlcel attenuoe. (hrlr famlllu. • Spa= 1,1L 1m: ...lO.QQO borH II Willi. ·am.. E. Balluf er tutbo·elec:trJc l.IDIIA!r will Mr•. Jamn (do<n·J~. wile ot 1 m&• Dl.es at·· Newport . ,.chloery ,na.,..,uon official or ~· U. S. Martttm~ Cbminl•lon re- • , -gional nttlc~ at Oekland .Matron I Wllli11m Edward Balluf. 51. dll'd of h11nor will bt' Mra. H. ~~ j at ·h.ls home, ~7 Sa.nta Ana ave· Frank• ur Urrkr lt•y ' • nue. Newport Heights. fo"'rtday The ~~lp I• namrd fur nn~ -:Tr the inlaht: k resl!kont of the N~wport molfl ec?\orful and bell pruerYf'd ldtatrtC1 30 >'""'· he .had ~n •·m-1 of thr calltornle mllllona Mla- ployed by i!'fe Bay View lc.-Com· 1 alon San Jua n lu• t~walluwA. who arrive reg\llar· ly ""'"h y .. ,:.r tu• ).far,·h 17. r&!.M lht'lr youn~t. anoJ lho•n leave ju-t R!! ~·ldenly 111 l ld uht-r. Thf mye. , . l••ry ut tht•tl' '""trr bomC' and ~-. ----,lh<'tr rnh•n<tl\f·hkr N'I';Uiartty 1\&8 womun tn the> liar!)or l>•~tnrt ""'' "' "~'r b«'r·n· B"l'lll'il thl' \'tCW'< of nn a ulhf)l lly 1m tilt· 1nvllation• ha\'e btf>n ~ed to l'Uhjo·ct ~hnuldlX· \\urth• wt{tlt• ' F~ttJ't .. ~ A J. Hotl'htnaon, prle.t ot I In rhhl'j.:f' nr thr• ml'•'fllll! ~til lot• the mi118IOO, And . tu clvtc leader. . "I.e A . 11. F Kt'•n ny, chlut·m:lll 1•t 'hr to att('nd thr launching, • I mt•mllrr,hap cnmm'•tt•••• nf the ;... _ · Nc\\ llflt1 lfurhor C'h':rmho•r nl t 'n111· : uet. Full Inronnation Today .at ml·rr•· Olhc'l"!o. or thl' mr mtr.·,....h•r YIII&Mir.!'loi'M BAI.I. Douglas u s Employment commtllo~· Will IIJd. Thr ffil't'ltnl: I I • • i:o. ovrn to lhc> public TI11" onl) I l'lt)n~ ><ro• now undc•r way fur ttw Feeder Shop Service· rt'QUt!llll' 1s to ,.:('{'ur .. a ttt'kc>t lur annu111 Costa Mr•,.a Ftl't'm•·n·,. ball · the dinner In advance. to be held Ma> 6 111 the. Amrrican ..,..... a lp•aww. a-ta .u.· Ml W. ~ IlL. ..... ~ I Thl!> 1s .nt·~sary .bl.'cawse of til· LI-J;tton Hall ProcM"<<ll from •the ta.-..·lp.a ...... w .... a-: ~ I :• • l:el .,..~ tlonin~. N 11IC lhi' dale : rl'ldll) affair will ~ U~d to purrha~ = !at 6:30. , depah men t. at ;!18 21nd St . t'VIrt• Mua "" tah1r'Ratur<lay nllihl• In prt· Phnue 11117 !t2·1t•• n ut. mlh~~ ~ ~-Ill> valf' h• mr Np l'110kln1 Pboa• -.. ._ · 11 .. __ W4NTEO TO l fl-rr. Sterltt. Call N-pcitt ,. r Nrv.t"'" !'IIIli ' !6-lltr 11'\lH SAI.Y. "" tmm•dlat• 1-· ulr. t\nla~ -UWI IItTY Rail bolt, IO',!II'Iun. attracllv'• l ·ltory f\lr· lltyl.., Bclld on JI:&IIJ 'h,_, tn KOO.I ronclltlon HF.I.P_ W -', N-TIIlP -lA•Iy, llpt 1 "'-nlahf'd houw . 1 \t h•tl . 1111 ae-. MrMihan 1'\imltu,. r .. , ... "'t>rk 1 art t ime Wrltr r 0 W 1 · llld Oroactwav, Banta AnL I·'"" Hu r h 2327-M. · · '" . JIJ.OOO. : • , -.., M-2tc: 114'll 444· ~ .. ...,.,~ ~~ll&·•~ 1 l._!"··.utw:os Ul8T AHD JOVND . ---• IIF.I:l' W ANTJI:f\ Janitor. put l 'ht~nl' Nl'wptlt1 rJcoacb IKI tim• wurk B&lfk of Amertra I 714 lC C'l'ntrll Aw .. Oalboa Nttwport Fl..ach, ('a lit. ~t.-2\~ I&·Ur J'OR ~AU: Appmalma~lv-,-;oo FO 8 -V'l'08---P'OR 8 ALI: Duplu on ~·•n fH I. 4-lncb redwoud •ldlnir. n•w. . ~ ALl:.--~--_ toTont l., W ltrt11•. Vbctne <:all NfWport 1278 11\er 10 a. ra. fJJC""YC'I.P'IJ Sold, rw~t.c! or ·,... 1• Nt'III'IJ<•rt 110.. 714 IC. C"'>ntral -~•k -~o_r Gl'ort • Rft!d a&-2k rall't'd V••lel'l, 304 .Malo at., t Av•. llalbua, 16·ttc .PLA!IITS FOR SAU: Onion ' Ralbo~&_ IIDd 208 Matln• Av~ue. HOUR 8A .. GA'.fM--- plaJ\tJI, IW"t 8pUllh. f'Mdy to ll&lboa leland. _ ta-ttf !•·room, t)ld huu•. ~2 ICr• land, •t out, 30c: p.r huDdred 218 ( WANTlO Colt& ...... 11000. · -tb? St .. Collta M-._ S!Htp II Loll ot t <lOd • cleaa u.d l'l,.. &-room IUU«<, CCIIIt.a M-. NIOO. •·roca unflnlabf'd, t:u~ • 411 FOR SAI.l: Ocld pl.cn new lum· W tu ~y lop prtt'e -.r. ll'~n door. lavatory, toilet THi:OOORE RODJNe . s-.!s~l~n l"rrult, Ne'irpun .at. taU rq, lllleulon tab1•. Ford Bale. A Bervtl'e . J&nt bench, ._. tt. bamboo J2nd • ~ntral AYe. Death, fMOO. .... Ne111•port Bfoarh. l'bon• Jl. W. J , HOLCOMB ..,1\.o'""· yac:uum clf'lllt'r, paiDled 1b11 COUll H .. hway ..._,... W'U'drobe, window lt .1tc Corona del Mar U>RT Blrtb o.t.lfkata, W1'ftlle • Cknlaan. .. ......., 01 ...... &o.t Oo .• Newpal't a-u ...... ,._.ard, WrtJe a.t Neu-.., 1~ .•. lloa Ill. Avvta. 011&. 1 foml&. ..._ FOUND CMJ~_uwt ...... it...a~IL .a.ntlfk'a('-~UINII. .1.. H. Wall&~ not W. o.tnl ...... . Newpo-' lllllclll. .. 1 .. LOeT -Dot. balf .. .u... ... lllall t., toa. AU twr teet .,.. white .• ....,....,. ..... .,.._ .. , Lalit '1o .,.,.,..a. .... .... .... ..,., .......... ~~· = -water, lllllloa. lhdra, drapea and curtalna. VOR RALF. '37 ~o~urd 4·docw N · .... "Wu.-. t.be ~ ~ ~ uMI ~bot& Harpin dan N..,.. motnr. tOOd ruhtwr, .... WAN'I'I:D 10 •••• prn·•• ."rt. and &t., l10 21th St.. 1460 Ml'll Tfatl•r Camp,' New-, . --- Neowport Beach a&-2tc purt Blvd , Qlata ~~-CIUI bl WAlM"Kt> TO BUY .. I"Yic!e maa eeftl on Bat. M Sua. only, M-ltp will· buy r.lcllecl .bMclll DOGS, CATS A PETS · Cbron.a del Mar or ~ ftiR SALP.:-1'tlnoc> ~Utlf~I -Sl· WANTED TO aUY flt.arh. Wrtt• p o , aoa na. tJanta Ana .. ate lmfllt ~lltt'na, 2 moa. old. . R•· W ANTF.D TO Bt!Y ~IH' blc:y· IOIIbfe Pbon• Nl'wport ll~-J. l'lr. Phone Newpo'.!_ t 22. S4·1t -· ----·--!FOR SAU-POaMry, 1'«P Wttl~s .. and hOf'. •ln~t •• you ·10.! 1 -------- 8orten ,Ule rowe by lM anoaa Lbal o FOR SALE New Hams»hl,. Red you know.~-·I baby cblcke Hall·hlna •II•· U1 -Old IUiymi. Vkwna Bt., eoet• M--. U -t tp TORS NEED'ED Senw mea aad war wor-ken are aU ch>JW'ftdfal "poll our Jfrll' af fhr ~twff4'hboardlt. Good .-~· M'hlle IearD· fnl and ncuJar IDCN'UH * * * . . SOUJHHERN CALIFORNIA TElEPHONE ·co. Apply: 100 E. BAy Ave., Balboa or 6 14 ~ No. Mala St., Suta Aaa .. . AVAILABII.ITY OI:DTinf'4TI: &EQUliU:D ROOII W AHTI':f' Woaaao aJOM want• unfur'IIIIIM!d rootn ,.... manrnt l)(wlll't work. Wr1t. N-- JX111 IW•c·lt M-•tp !:::~~:;:!~~=~~~~~~~-- 'R A D I 0 S E a· V r C E I lOllY, Auto. MlrtM Radtoa Rl'palred. Mer1J.. Elt"Ctrtdan Burt R. Norton I Ill ()eM& ~ JtiEWI'OtaT a&Am ........... , . Professional Directory " Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. ~ ......... " lft4 .,,...,. Nlttttl lft4 Ceftt,.: Ave. Offloa H,.._! U).tla..m.> ~ ,.M . ~ Tlfe,-..ne I? ., LEROY P. ANDERSON tonra• Riche.. M.D. lltflyl ... afl 11M ......... Off ... tO?-.. ....... N..,_. ...... Heu,.l 10.11 L ..... & J·l ;. "'-...._.,--offlee tUJ Ree. 7W DR. G. E. TOHILL ~~~~;~~~~~:~C~ER~~I~1;f~IC~A~TE~~~~~~~~;~~ln~e~x~t~: ~M~11:y~~~~~h, Ralbo11 Yachf r lnh. roquit•mr nt vit nfl)• nt'f'Sil"d by t ht' SNOODLES (7 out-of lO_people ___ read __ Ne_wn-_. nmee---ClueU-led Ads.) By Cy H ungerJ ord -----"'"--;----:------r-::::r----Cf---V -L--, : -· AnO .. N&Y AT L~W · c~. ...... ..,." a .. u .. .,, .......... ' coeta ...... Cellferftla lltHYIICIAN eN IUUION -Celll al.-., ............ _,......._ otn.. -.w ..-.-. .. " .... ,._ Call ........... DOROTHY DARNIT ? • DON T ""f OV )(N OW IT 5 C Rv£L 'TO ~TIC.K T~T-eve. ON T,.AT-HOOK --·-- -.... ~- p __,. .. , ..,.,·· .;_.-----.. HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W*' Ou,..l'lv .. the Better IIana fly RerYinJ Qtherw &alit" ~hOfte Newpert Itt Coate M.... C811f-la BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A.). TWIST 107 Ceaat Hltflwly 'tleneiUI CO .. ONA O,JL MA" Dr. M. D. Crawfor4 OIII'TOMITIIliiT ~ but.... aa.-J'med nn M...,..t BoulnVd .,_. IUO COtTA Ma•~ BALTZ MORTUARY CHAIII'.L av TH. IIA 410 CMIIt 81v4. · c. ...... ~·· ... , • "'-'"11 ...... ~flet~e Nawpert 41 llR. ODED 14UCAS Dentist -. ttM y1 W. r..Mtral, Ptl. IW N F.WI'OIIT IIF.ACH WHO'S WHO ·11· HARBOR DISTRICT f'(REPLACE AND M.4NOLI NO W OOD- II W WrtJtht. 1711 .. Np' lilvtl , f'nllll\ "'""" p,...,, r.unobC'r l'h. ~!\r;-J CE~ER A t CONTRACTOR-, · '·•:r•l•on It Flru1hw. ::i tf\ r.oael lllv1l Pit !\112, l'lllull nu l l'••nMtrurtloD L UMBtR. COMPA NI~t-· "'•'" M••flrt l.l1r. ,., "l;t• 1111 hf'IJI y1111 pl11n vrnor hn1r1•·" l'hunf' •'~· lm'y l lllllrlr•l l.llrnh.-r C'o. l'hllnf' tlfll) ('onllt llrt:ltWIIV 11l Arrbt!,, Of'FICE I UP PL.t£8- :'l:rv.•t•••rl ll11r h(or I'Ubllllhtnr r:11 l'hon•1 : 12 • 13 Nt•Wp<•rl BMcb. PRINTING-' I !'i•'WJtl•rt ... ,,.,, .. ubll•hlnJ. 0 ) J'ttonu : J2 • 1:\ r'"W'pllf't a...dL REAL ESTATE, INSU .. ANCI: & NOTA .. Y PU8LIC- I ''"" II. Walla.te, l202 W. Olntra.l AY-. Pbort,. l RUBBEA tTA._.,._ • 1 ~port Harbor Pubi...U.C 01 ..._..: 12 • 11, N.w,.-t BIMII- aHEET MlTAU WORIC-._ .;· • c-' .., ....... ,.., I Y lele Mumiw!nl' • 8beet' Mlltal we-, o.&e M-. ...._. 310. L-~·~·--------~----------------------~--------------~~~~r-----------_JI~------~--~----------~--------JL------------------------~~~~~~~1 VA .. II:TY ITO"&-. \, ........... v .................................... . ·~- .l -' . ,!r ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Aoaoance ~ngagement of Miss ~lf.ce Benson,! "[_I • b' Home Making Teacher at Har!><>r High School r ar 0 r 'I'M -...ament ead weddler ... el ...... A.llce Ma.rpnt .... ~ .... Lt. (J.J •• IAiaa4 ~ Btoenr. Ruth r'roebllcb, I.K&~ Hacenbrueh, Helen Pifer. Ter~ t'&Ndu,_ Marl\. Hie~_. Barber.• Cla11r;""'Vaf1or1t A~atr •· lila,. Rtll, N H . h t .,.._ u .s.N.R.. wu annOUAc.cl llutA Duell. an4 Frieda weer• ewport e1g s e.da.y momtnc a t • May O.y, -· Circle Holds All-Day -.: ,..,. 11"'~" by the faculty 1 ----J · M · ..__ or tt.. Nl'wport Har~~or 1 Lonnie Vincei'l'ts Given . ntrestmg eetmg U... ~School ud btld at l"e 1 ''/" --- ODell Jan, r..a,una. 'Mit trarlltlon· Send-Off On Their n,,. ~,.v.•port IMr:ht$ C'ir!'l" nt al tloa Of C&Ddy WU pueeO Wllb l h w ·dd ' J b'l C"hr1~! C"hun·h hy lhr• Sl'•l, ml'l U.. IIIIC'oetd cud IUlnOWlc..lnl( ~; J4t C 1ng U I ee ·1"hut...O.t~ ut th•· homo• ul Mil>·· tNddtnc dat. aa June nlnlh. -;:, I l•·rlwrt n. J<iu~ on Lillo hlr· wtlh lll8l JMnaoa hal been tht home· On(• ot lit•• ntt·~~~ or ••nrly ~pnn1: :\tr-('yr\11' :\tdlt•r 11' l•o·hf>-1•''' _..lq t.cber a.t the h1Jb achool parth·~ in the bnrhor dlstrlrt wu' It ~as an nlhJ:1_1. m•·..tm.: ~·Jih ... tbe pAIIt two yeara. Shl' Ia • ~o.-!Vt>n Sundnv 1"\I('OIOJ: h~ thr .I;O<•I j!llt'''<; hriOI:'lOl: .. nrk lun('hi"IIO~ otnll pactuate of Lone Beach Polytecb· fnl'nd~ nf Mr nnd Mr" Lomnll' tho · ho-lf·'" ,,.,.,.,n~; It'll llftfl •·nil•··· ale Htc~ School and S&nta B&r· 1 Vtnt't•nt of thl" 11nlh(la l'hnnnury, ~:1~hl lnp H•i)(>",." hH'h lll'f' to ~;o '-'-State Colleee. Lt. Deck al.eo honortn~ thl·tr fotJtlt•,.nth Wl'ddtnJ: to cortl'il'"'~'''"'' ut lht' atr ha>•· ,.actuated trom Lone Beach Poly· annivl'~ry Wt'rr ltnt•ho•rt 1\!t-mhrr~ r•·pw l••<l .. tedullc Hl(h School and lbe tlnl· Aftt'r l'flC'k!all• tn th•· S lnhlo·r 87 ', lwut!> Jl,.tf l'r"" \\otk fflr 111-.1 ,.....·ty ot C*llfom la. Prevloua to honw on S<ov1lll' 1'1111'•·. lhr 1:1011p rnunth 111Ur1n( aervoct he wu 8 field rep-w,•nt 10 th~· ~cv. ~·rl l l:~rl.or Yud1t Cttclo• Pn•sttlo 111 Mr" L I I Flor· ,_,tatlve for the ~p&rtml'nt of cluh for dtnn••r. Rnrl hll .. r b11<'k "' s:tt•on pro·~idl"d ovl'r thr bu~fni'SS Laber •nd ""'"""DDt I of fir er for I ho• St llhl•:t' fnr. ('II("' nnrl 'ho· ~"~'\!.:!'' IOJit v.ltlr h ""' cunllucl , . ., S -AI 1 1 C I hnlltn~; •hnl\l·r 11f ~~~~' foor t1tt• soft•·• lttnt'h the United llln ar l mr .rnn· 11.,1'·•r Wt'<h Mr-11 11 l:n,1..:11. Mr• J c·. mt..lon. Wublni tnn. [). (' At t;u:.,,, c'fonlfthtilm~ '" tho ''"''' ,Ifill :'olr' llt•rhc•rt pl"''atnt hco 11 atat.lont"l a t Avalon. ~::w•ly 0 ,_,1"' ,,.,..,1"11n 111, fwl·~l Mr '"'ll' .,1t1111• 1, nurntno.~IIHI: ('<1m· Ca.llllna llllaml. . unrl "''" .l.wk lltlln~>ort \II ''"" mttr••• """ 11111 t•·l>~r.t ,,, tho· rto•xt Allendlnr the IJtt'alllut Wf're ftl~ J)umolol :\tr•Callunt :II ! •• not 1111'1'''''~ ()Oil ,jl 1\hll'h lJJlll.' an U....Jobn ~M~y. ~lma Edwarda. :ltr' \\'•·•Wit Jii\ Mt ••11! \11 ,.,., .. o "til J,,. ft• It! !ladle Hre.ner u d M'-" Ruth Itt~· .1\lrotrl. :ltr<o \'tr~-:1111,, I '• tlo :-.111,, ~~" 1\ltllo•r wn.s nul utJIC' nr· ~tntl Mr• St.•ht.•r ••llol h"'' ,,. 1 .. ,,,, .. nt ,ft, ,, nl a t.k•lto ·""'" Miss Muriel Davidson , .. r .. l j;lll'!.f•, Mr oonrl :\It-""" rl tt o l•llll loll,: 1\l,uih Yom !.l'l\'•·•1 ' nit• \'10/'t•OI f.tlo Ill lito ,,(to•lfttHtn bOll tl :,JfVd Wins Sorority Honor ,,,, '"'..: "·•s t:•'<•·n • S Ed M flit ''' ·'''" ••r :trut•ru!lt'l'd that P'rtt ndl ol MS.. Muriel David· OCiety itOr, rS. tho dturdt pltoil~l' hnol ""'"l"'lcl in eon, dlupter ot Pr•nclpat and Catherine Easton , Ill ·"" .lira. 8J<:ney H. O.vtdaon. will be Tlu llo'" m•'l'llnt.: \.\ill ttl• o lun· u.rmect t41 leU1I tAat lllbe hu ~n Mrs. C'\ltherlne F:utnn. "hn~" 1'11•·••11 ''' thl' hum•• 11f ftlr,.. R11y eWt!d ~t nwm~r ol Pt ~;-Bmbn ' work aa. &ur lo•ty eolltolr or 111" I' fl,ll to•!l J!lto N£.11'~rl fllvd. -'l'lwta, -l:oDOr'U')' woman·a tduca · NI'W8·Timl.'-hu won lllm'l't't' r«· ,111 :Y!,,, IH, v.tth :\Irs .1\.:n•·" \\'tl· Uoi!IJ 'aorortty at the Uolverl!lty u,-nltton In all par11 • t t " d •trlt t ",11 1wttnK n~ i·o·h11~ll'S.S . fit cautonUa. Betlleley. Mlu o.. 11 contlned to her hom~ wit h ftver 1 ;,, .. ,,, tndudt•\1 Mrs. hum·~ 0 G . ....,n, wtao .... Ul bonor l tmlent '. Wr art bappy tn rf'r>Ort thar hPt u .• m .orrl. J. c. lltllini:S. II 0 En· ...,. and a.t J. C .. hu continued temperature Ia t.lown l•MIIly frono ~•~:n .. 1. 11 Jo'l'rgwon. l h•nry Jlnr· to w1a ~ praile IM ber work ItA hl~oth <•! 104. and It •• ht•l"'f'rl 1 "· ~:rh\ nrol Uan •. !lola} nard Lobell,, 8& tale U\lve,.lty. 8ba II upect.ed 1 hat thl" youn.-: woman will blo t :.•<•11:00 1\lo r••lnnll, '\\'. II. Trus ty, ~ lP' U.. IWII.IDef' ~au~lpn' oo back at her poet the fiFil Of tho· Jo: 1J ( ;OOitl'lt, Fr.i'd Woodworth ~t. WH..k. a nd 11\1' h•ISICSS. 9 CLO.SED FDI -TWO IIIIS Starting Sunday, May 7 ' Until Tuesday, May -23rd Legionnaires Visit Harbor District California, Tueeday, 2, 1944 Three Birth.days Observed at Din Monc1:t)' rVt'nlnr: Mr. llc•mz Kut~l'r Pnt t1rt a i'nro 1nrr. I ht• O<'CllSIOfl • tx•in1: ('inlly ('()mplim1•nt Mr.v falhr r. :'llr,. t:. I. Moot'(' C. F Wnlt:< \\ho ul'f' ull tng · IJ'l'tr htr·thcl:lY' wi Wl'!'k.• Gut•<!~ 1nc·luclt·d Mr. S11m KinMuthcr. 1\tr, and I Balboa Inn Bldtr EQuipment and Supplies iD.Order. rt' Kirk Sp4•nce. who is hert• on " v. the party movlnr; at a lively pa~~ louvr foom· tm-duttt·~ Th . l t..brou~ehout thf' pOgTimagt', . antt-.lltrm(t hrnnr·h ,.f tJif' (',.,,.( --. e -B. allrAad ___ -,_·_· _:.· __ · 1 Alao lnr'ludt•IJ In lhl' grnup Willi Arttllt'l\ ----~--__u __ City f"ot.int~.lliru!_n F:art W . }l.;l.~ -Mt-. ·~ ~,...,.m--n1'-t~lt1n,.-+..,rHfBTnttv-111mW _;.;;;;,,....;.:~~;.r;~,_+-------- -- lrAY SHORE CAFE .. Heinz and Marie Kaiser .. ~lt'suslerto .,., .. wltll _ _-tlliP'·D ·CBECKII -------------------------------- l:ul.et ... an <I .metter. too I BecauH · cancelled n~ c:hecb are a valid reeeipt fo~ each bill you pay. B~ a RNPLAN c:hec:~boolt' containinQ io Chec:b for $1 at any branch of Bank of Am~rtc:a. ... -you. n"iicflt .. po.oniy enouolliifoney oii· de~ll to cover the cbeeb you write. nNPLA.N ch.C!:- are a real favorite with tbouaada ~~men and ~ IDft who hue oa.ly aliJIUted need for_a . cJa-'kiACJ acc:odl •nf&. o{ Amtrint NATIONAL rmt.11 ~TIOl'f ..._...._. .... ..._co ........ ...._._.._ \ former member an d exCCJJUve i "l:mc1 lrfJ la.c:t wrl'k tor :o.tount NeWport l{t'i&hts -hQnie i nto tht:'i• · · huant rrlem bl'r (If P.aEtltona Amer-\\'uo,htnl!fo)n. Ohtn \\hl'n · •ho Yottl,nt•wly acquirl'd ~c>me in the El L 4 N I . ,. a A N T ll'un IA>gt n 1'1"11<1 l:J bt•foott· <'Omtog Vl•tl h•·r .,,_;.trr·lfl·l:rw M r' \\~tl· Bayo dlslricl. to tlw llarl)orr d lltt r •o I 1 .,.,. C'rl>\\, 11. · "&hl' Thnft Shop will' be doo.1·~ • Ot •·r an l\1 (' I 'asn•h•na LPgtnn· :11 r .1nof '' r-Ft ank 11.11 .t11111 n en this Wl'e~ whtll' nt•w mat1•rw ' • • • • nalrf.e whto l'nJ"Y".J lilt' lrruhlllont.t.l nf l.trlfl l•lo· ano 1, J'llf'llt~ th 11 Wlrtr ,lll heine mark('(!. ,. • _ ".:rl ·tttl!•'tlH'r" Yo r·n' Harry L '''" and lotnHI). ~lt .,llnol \It, J.o~ Ml"!!, A. J . Gant sJ)C"nl !'f'\'t>l'fll Uto Itt' II. llun l.nu"h•·ry, I •r F I l.1t•hm;•n. :lrt' to wk "" 1 h•• •·land. dnys last wrck Ill l-<>" An~:t·lr,. Wl!ll -• Na1111. Fmnk l•n "· ~lrnvo•l l'nw-l-or lh•• p11:-.t 15 ntllnth-'"', hltlo• h••r mothl'r, M~. Mar)• Burgi'. • t'K. A'1 I 1-1>'11 11nh l.tr~omb. 0 1· I~N·n h11n1: in V "' 1\rtt:o•lo·• 'tort~ 111,. Mr. and M ~ f:U~I'n•• 1-o no·ltlr rnr \\'nl!to)O llank I :arv.;'""'· nr t:l.1ol ''' 1 ''"'" n '" t111•11 n11 11 h"rt!l' left Jo"'rtrlay for a "'''f'k a t Pnlrn 1-"t)l'ol I t.rrwM l'. l' ·r n h n.son. "!1 \''·' 1<:1\ o·nn:( Spring~t. ~'all T!•lonw. A I, .lr·n~· n. F'rank :IlL' lt.•tthn Ttllo~t •o•ll , • o\ ,1,1 .MI'!I. R. A. Onnr:<ton rrturrwd ll.olo• Thn;.,,.,. II llo•llo·r. Arl.HIIb. \1.--.., 1• 11111 "'-=""' :1ft• r ,1 •to·.:• •if Monday from [)(>tJ'Oil. Michi.C-1'11 IMnn II 11 Itt h i\ 11 ~·rnnk Hnko·t, 1111 ""hl're shs' vllllted ht:'f mothl'r Mr~. l lr ~·r··ot 1:wrro·ll All~o•rt ~:nJ:"'a\1 .\ •tn :imo·rl kn;.,. ,, l(o·•'t•111,; lllllu• A. Elllo11. who has bt'l'n ill. Aft••• ~rill, llt•nry, Tih:o•ll 1\l,wklo,•:rr d on tlw tnr1c·t l\·1~ lt~t. &lx W('C ks .1}/ rain . Mn•. ,Onniston Jl,.c,·p huptn~ lw '1-..:uuU a' l'"'r aays 'California will alw.ays bt> Good Ebcll Me h U d ·""'" •nough for her .· .Her mother i· In CrS rge I. I Mtcf· Mr-... Brun• :'ll••l'tt:k..t ~ur· rreatly:lmproved.' To Attend Thursday .. rn•o•(l ht~ mullwr. Ai r!>,\\' u :'1-ll'r-Mrs. Elizabeth Weissman., Los ~ -l'''kf'l ,,, Hny J~lnnrt. Wl\o•n lhl'l ilr• Angtll'l fB euelt (or I ,_ <lays in 1 f:l)l"fl rn1•mt>.·~ arr ur.:••cl to .q · rrvc'fl hl'rfo Surytiry l'\ll'flul~; inr 8 thl' Et. I. Mool't' home. tl'nd . tlw n·~;ulnr rrwl'ttn~: · ""j '~nrt vi.-lt. Lt,.utPnttnt :\l•·nrkrJ . Pte. JamCI C. Newlin HI from Thun.rt'oy ll' tho• '""J.:t.•nt ~til hr ~'" l(rattulitNI from !\1:11 (;• T1•xa~ Clunp Jrwia a t Barlltow. S!;K'nt a In th,. nil I UN' of n (IJrpr.l't' :thtlul _Iilli WN>k!< n~;o '"'" 1 hr·> art "rff day )eave last w rclc with his 'f'ht, will l11• nc·~ tfl ''"' '""' on thl'tr wa~ 111 l.mrurn :-;,•htrt~ lpan'nt.l. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nt>w· mf'f'l tne of 1/w dub ~ .. nr .tnd II I TI1o·~ <lrnvr to PaJ•• Aht'l ""Tun· lin or Balboe. . . tll ho(X'd ll)ut .many '"II lltlffld da~ nnb t•ntl':tln••d tho•tt• (flr 1~. Having-flni!lht'd h1s prt'-ntght 114~ .Frrtnk J• Hardt man w 1fl txo l t'a''"rn ._'·tate. • • ~lnlnc two Y.NU aco a t 8. t. h&.!l«'ss"' ' Cu•'l'l:o nf I ho' Bnb Call1" 11( Co-' lrluy'a, A/C Wm. A. Kirk Jr .. la -__. ---mnu ~I Mu r m·•·r t h.. "•'t'krnd ' bome on two week .. leave befo~ IIC ht R t• d v.·rf't' Mr-11nrl Mrll Schu) lt·r &,11111. I'OlDI to l.Jvennore .wbere.. be en· ~·g a lOne W•·lt -ol t..t·~ An~:l'l··-..... mwrly tara p rimary achool-. . 1";.. . d v tabl I ff':-.Jdl'nll< nr Sun CI!'!Tlc·r:to•, tht Mr. and ¥n. c. H . Mc~lary \..tilftne . ege es1southYo't•lt<. hO\o• 'flt nt thO\ f\<1"1 101 have d'-poaed of lbelr lnlt~tl In T D-p " t F Yl'ltn' '" l-1nr tc1a nnd M.11 \ h•nd. Colt& Meaa and are le&vtQg with· . 0 De Oln -· ree until l't'<'l"nlly Who•n tht•y r.o~'urnrd Ill a few day• lor Long .Beach ''' ~::tltl .. nu.t wbere Uley wUI rul<t,e. I J.:l,.:ht r~to•OI'tl o·ann•·<1 H'jl'l'l8bles ~ '11""'~ 1!( Uu• (' n ltuotof, for Mrs. Ahhil' EdWards and da\Jgh· 1\,ll gn on l h•• point-In••· H!tt ~tart· I ~ndl!•' !"unc11f~ • '• ntnt; '"' lurll'd t~r. Mr.~. <f'ran<'t'!l McLeish SJX'nl 1n~o: ~lln•luy. '"'hl'n thr """'· r:l11fln •. t r lind :.tr ' .1 A G~~rtt, ;\lr nnd Jut wet>k In Lo8 Angeles. 11~1 • ,'( r• rt'""•'tl tllfld~ ~""!' Into 1 J ~'ffc·rl. Th ~ wriM annn)tll , .t l'"hiV Gn:ettng Card, ~r1d <11 c,..1t V•rlety of Unuai.tat Gifts • 1 h:. th, .. (\fftt • nf l'n•, ,\rtrn.ntsl l'u·-"\\'~: 1!\'\'ITt-; Yl11' TO BROWI!IE AROUND" !'"" C. E. LOUCKS . I Th••t<t• llt t l••nltll"l ·~ t't•r n.' :ljll•il•·. JEWELRY 11111 ITATI6NEA'i n~o:11~. '"''''" •··~r.'· ~:••'""~ ~p1n.11 ·.' Oi.u Honda · W,Jtcllta.: F ine Repairing , ('~"''"'II bln•·kn ,. pra!l and t1Qr\llln· 1'1111111' :'tiewpon 15st·R 70 b<'ltnll 1 79~ 99 Nr"'PIIrl lt.d., Coat• Meal, C•llf. At the >l:ltn• 111111', prl'\ I II" jlfltnl j -=----:---__,,__ __ ..;_ ______________ , I llht• .• II III ho• n· llro•(l \Ill I'J>rlJ:lWI· It ""'"'~' ~o11rll ~~ ,;I'•' nnd l<lflinl" ~JRntll .tlld prt'l'•'l \'t!< Hf'J'I<', ~:n~w rul11t 11nrt 1•1t1111 J••II IN• "j>n~ , .. _ Jo'nir" iinol (r.,lt hut'il'r!i ' I . Your Friends and Mine I . , . Mr.-:\1tltlro•ol T.orkhH t '' h•>tlll' n,e.nn nftt•r 11 t'hn'l'·ll•, k-\':trA!i!ln • tn Oklnhoma City. I A lt•ttf•r to nr 1111fl \1,.... ~t.1hlc•t fmn~ Capt J nc•k f)('11o•l tnlltc·,;,.~' tha t ht' wnulrl Jtkl' notHtn;: hrt!l'r than to l.._. bll<'k tn 1'\nthc,, ('"' ,. morr C'aplntn Dr""''" c1utll'lo ·•~ l111· · ll"lln Otft~r hAs IO do v.ilh thi• IV'· cntilin~: nf Air Wars nntl I nk··~ fum to mnn) ports: SEFORE. YOU BUILD OR REMODEL .. . . V11tt "o!;-'tntereat ng~TE and • dlaPI•)' rooma. Color tuld ... pt.nnlng •Ida, com· 1N"hen1lve 1tock of fUGI. oa,..,eU. linoleum •nd Vene· tlan bttn• ~ Ruge.-4 C•,..,eta Cla•necf' "•paired 1 1 Can·t ~:uml'l! 11nc1 a n1tcinl~ht "Ill,.. Jl('r ft'Riui'NI a ~alh(<rin~ ho~tcd 1 1,622'1outh Mal" at . by Mr. and M~. Gtl'nn CriUTll'r t'lf LUDLUM • Carpet Works . eAN:fA ANA fltrch ~trl't'l. . "\.)~,..-------~:.----~--------.. .. - * T• .,,u~,IH 1~t~li•x•J tiH rn~. .. , _,;., v-t~tl r.il~t p11shlt/ .m, 8f'ltll ..,dt/«1 .,,., ,. "~'­ "., rid '•' tlisutd rtti•,., •-" ,. iirft/ IIH c..,., i.tdhtr jtr ,;/iu'7 -" -''" ,,.,.ru. I If tiH 1110'•••11 1160'1, I• nrc.~ •1• r•iii"Nf!t ,. p111h tluir lr•clts. ;,,. tiH •rulnll.pttl lwritwy, C.. 8f'tU I'•"''" tht utlltcliMI-••ch .u/1 •/ tiH tr•d t• tbt r•if,..,u. vh/J c~•i• "llri•ts" ~t•cilttl, •ttUI tiHu 8f'..U "twiN/ ;, li'!th •P ,. '"""'"''k" TIH ,.,, I Kimu rtl4irfu/ " tiH J"trwWinll ,,,, '" '"! •• ,, ,;, •Ill ,. ltltltrl "' •.... , •• ,;., I. trr•u;, frict. TIH Lt•ll Gr,,t ,.licy .,,.., ""1 htlpf•l ;,. ,,,,;,, tht ,.,t .... tl, llPINI;, th.st t~IJ ""'" BUT ••• In return for their Land Granu. L111ul (;,.,_,.,, w.trt ,,J,, S411t"-Ft'l che railroads originally were re-"'' l'tlllit•tio• /,.., thru '""tl' hiU Cluired ... and are still rc.quired to ,,,.._,_~'!' $23,000,000. lit · 19U (I do so i,o respect of l'ntlitwry an<J •/4,,, tht go"'"''.""'' l'tetivrtlfroc . anal pro perry and personnel, to S""'" Ft, ;, tht 1-•I '"'' f'tt/Mc- baul govt'-"ment pasa.engus, tio..s, •ppro:ri,llltlfl~o.ooo.~. freight, and mail at r~u•s fal'below Many governmrnral 1~rnciu 11 tb.Qse applicable to ordinary trallic;. well 11 print& ehipper ~roup• are Since the Land Granra were convinced that the time hu arrived made, railroads have p&id out in for the entir!..rs pe•!.Pf rhue.bW'· nductd nrea on governmeoti'rar=--M I\some Land Gr..or requiremeota. ic maoytimutheamounltheyhne-' · ncei•ed from these Land Grants. Jo che case ol the Santa Fe, here an die 6gures: I• .,., ·tlu• 110 ~ fiM(h iuJ't tU,HII ii•u tlu 'SANTA FE \ SYSTE .M LINE .S -Of UIIKA1 UIIUADS- Ail ... fOI YK'IOIY