HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-04 - Newport Balboa News Timesa fe!l, of their 'ftlrblll'ft wu cut ud .. •ho but re- Aiukan ter· atatloned for bride plan to at Suaanvllle • \ = ----========~======~==========~--~ Jl'lld..~IUi Purcha~e of ., T. N. ("81UCK") OA.IND C D M La n d 1'\IMd&y ILICbt a lot of other folka ud UU. dept. learned a lot ot thJDp-61\d I'U IMt the • ~l~e: :-~~t ~ Co·n· Sl.dered TIM RotartaM didn't bave a ~pUller and ao they lnvUe4 Nel-, , 8011 (Doc) Btattord to talk to 'em l'oulbllltt that the City . ot C&PI'. acOIQroll. I& Capt and Mre Rod O'Oannor, 101 llmenld awnue, B'lboa le- land. an Uae parenta o{ a lOP born 1\lalda.y at ll.' Joetpb be»- 80A'I' OWJ!fDa '1'0 .-r Newport a..ch Boat OWnep' ~allon wtU meet tomorrow evenJ.nc at 7:30 o'clock for the PIUPQe8 of electlQC etttcen &Ad tranaacUnc other bualneu. The meelJ.nc will 1M Mid at the Hoff- man otnce, 3101 Lalayette ave. Pot.eJJt1&1 memtiere are tnvtted. and u a reeult ~elved 80me In-N~wport He&ch may acquire formation th&l wu elecant &a 3uhn s~ .. rrod Harrta bluff prop- well u educaUonal. Nela really , r·t~t•• at Corona 0e1 Mar"'ta rore- broGitlt. dOwD the bo~Me wtth bta aoon u reault of action t&Un IIIAJW,SM lNftAU.IID Impromptu ent.ert.arnmint!, Monday by the city coUDcll ln Ira • 80ft OJ apotO&'etk W&)', be. .&ppoUly_llC CowlcUrneD l:arl W . apla.lned at ftrat t.bat be wu Stanley &Jid L. L. t.IMU to con- born In 'santa Ana, and u a re-duct 4)ef otlatlona with Prope..U. .Wt k.Do*e quite a btt about ear-Inc., ownt'r of the tract . ly btatory hereabout&. And then · Propoaal that the city offer the be went to town. development company fa per tront 8out.b COut CO, ta taldnC etepe to equip Ita plaat with .,..., ~­ en ~ t.bat ,...... oool air m&J broqpt to bot uctfte rooma tMt an made turiller uncomfortable by pa!At turn. and ..aden NJM)ke. WJMa Newport waa a lltUe, toot tor the 3000-odd t.et ot My 11Pf.D41y joint of a few tiabiDc 11nd ocea n frontap wu made by 810 8&.\ BAM CAVORT lbacb and not much elM, folk.& St&l)lfy who characterised the ll\ llanta .Ana and other tnlana t ract u one of the · cornmunl(t• place. would plan for a month or thurna." He &180 alated 80 betOlle rnaJdnc a tr'lp to the he un<lentood ,Propens., be&eb, be NJ4. Then they'd J~W . wu Kotnc-to ~ autt ~'D wacon of ~ a~RI,!lllt the cl~ beeauae of thla way, atabJtnc their be.uta ln. set-hack ordinance "ani! while the a corn.l wbere Roland Wrlfbt'a company would probably loee, bank, Theo Robina' (&rqe ana Hlll'h action would entail conald- the South Cout plant are loeateo ,., a hit< c<lllt to the city." now. It coet two blu tor the t It wu a ~ ldea-:-"U' -----31l&l..JII&~a..wJ-~~-tlilft'IM1"1molr:1f;~,~1• fW\Uibly ralee the m~11ey you couldn't Ilk the ocea.n, be-lt." Mayor Hall atated tlaat lw would t uvor taklnc the money eauae a huce railroad rlcht-ot-out ot thr property tund, Iabell • way, bu1Jl hJrta In the air. ob-11111 <·ling a~talnat... ou. eou.-.. ecured the vtew. Evt>ntually the Councilman Retod al80 ta'l'Ond the hlch roadbed wu 'tom down and · l'lun but •wid he tboupt the pnce u,Md to ftU IJl the &pot When! MhOUJd b(> neJOtl&ted. Ccuncllman can no., park out ln that open 11 place ln ~ront df the~ pier. A ~>n a~ef'd the propoeal wu Two wblte eea bau wetplnc •o pound& 2·ouncee .,-.d..-., pounct. 8 ounce. were -lrfted In at Bal- boa by 'Laue Smlth &Ad Eldon Zanog, both of Glendale, and 'both membere of the BouthwMt Anc- llnar Club. Frank Crocur, eecn- t&.rJ of Balboa AnctlnC aub, wu ofnctal wqber-tnner. Only property dama.ac'e ~t­ ed Sunday from a oorn.6on lD· vohrlnc cant opented by Jamee Van Fleet, .e. ~ 120.10th 1treet.. NI!WJ'Ort, and lit. Clara Ebna BerT)'. 18, of kond1d0. Jl'ollow-· lftC the acetclent, wbleb occurred at Fifth anoil Ma.ln In Santa Ana. M._ S.ny •u ctted for dr1vtl\a Without a Yalld ~r&tor'l lleenee. In tha.e daya. without ''A" JOound. "It WI' bad the money:• earcla, ronii'Cr<liive dOWn, -l\a ve ., ~t>tu'--t.,n, R Yl) rGII Pn r&~ea.~t - one bour lOp .wtmmtni . one tor th .. Srnni"Y motion and the ~te Leavtnl' Newport Bueb depot eaUnc, and t,llen havro. to leave-Wft~ four to tl* wltb Allen cut-thla momtn&' f9r Pn!·lnducUon .qulckJ7 to pt home before 'dark. lnfr lhf' •lll!lll'nt~ng !?allot. COunc:ll· P.hyaleala . at ~ AftCe)ea wen! U ·~ dedded· to .tay down men Slani.L!y a~~d l11bell wen! nam-112 men, ac!eordtq to the repo.rt JwTe, there'd be no place-to atay •· I hv Mnvor Rail ta confer with of A. J. Hayman, dratt . board but Ill a tent, It you bad a .ten t M r HnrrJ• and report b&ck at the I clerk Fl1teen ot.hera left 1ut Howt'ftr, ·the MlHed day. had IW"tt ml'eting. ' {Saturday, -Kr. Rayman 1&14. ~ compeuatlona. b1 thOIIe Ar r roxlmately $\6.000 woul4 8c~ to , with today'a UIIMe the N~ pter wu much b6> lm·olv~ If the propert' wm ~ tlut dO 10, wen thaD It .. -· ~&ttee llt'flUir'f'd at 18 per front l«<t, tide "'--t' 8. lolul· • I ·p.aass -NUMBJ:R 10 ot .... e. II I ... lit 1 ... ft..... ft Newport-~ ara. N..._ ~~.,. ~CIGft to -..1 Ufle ...... .a. Proprrty ,.,_. Ve...., are 10m-bat preml-. Mr and .. .,,. ftWl B \' (Qur-tlftha majority the PfEtV 1'1081'8 AMIGJIIED MOft than~ IC!Oft fill B"""""r have ,..Q.!.!.,.,, 11 ,·otcd 8•we..., H...., ,_..,..,_ fw r • tbat'"y belt.eJ'. where hom....tlady _.u-are IIW\fl ~ ~·a. ,.J Jl 0... po· 'll IJy ('quncilman Stanley, al· aull'fted new .duUM ln a -f'4!P· been ,teeel\'el$ u ~l not of thf' bMt., &Imply cannot ut an ·•mploy" ot SanCia AM -""' Nela ~d he u.ed to llllf clama thi'H~h \'lrt ua11y tbe aame auc-Inc reo,......,UUtlon af admln&.tra-uf 111 t queaUonaa&re .rna1Je4 lc"P up the pace, ....utunc In a Alo" avenue, baa betul awa~ Air Raee. Tt14' B.-en, bi tuna. wt.ere ~~a laland I• now, ann ~r·<.tlnn hnd on April 20 won rec· t lve letup ~ted Monday at tu I 7fi~bera of N-port Har-much bl«hel' pereenta,re et fall-th•· Air M.&ll ·and Oak Leaf lla•e ~ a porttod• J!ll· tM al8o told hta aucSJence that Iota nmnll'nil~ttlon from the city pl&D• Santa Ana Army Air Ba.w Qol I bn r Cham r of Commerce, It wu Uf'i'8 In «r&de adnocement. r ho•l,.r, aN-online to word ,.._ C'la.rk .tat• property • ...... ot Umea e aaw ~· 80 thick nr,.~ ('(fJTilll•a lon. A . G. 8J mp80ft of 1700 South Bay 1, .. vealed y~~lkcn\U7~ P'rom the point of t.r&Mporta-,.,.1..,,d tmm t be Pacln c theater ltrHt and wtli ·Me'N U...... wbere ~ del Mar oow Ia Th,. p~poe.al had to dO with Front became pail de.puty -l-or !~ r tbe reeotnlfteDdAUCIM tton, half _ day ..... on1 mean .,, War 'Mie awardl we,. In NC· Mr and Mra N C ~.em~: that the crnund wu white. • Ml'tlli~ltrnn by thct city of 10 Cen-admlnlatratton and lervtON: ~ ,,,,. to be tltbui.Jled and that Marly twice the miiPa«e ··~nttton rot Llrut Stattord'w wr· 1\avo• ~~nltl th•·lr b•Hne at 1110 OW ll'a a WO(l"'r he'l hot fat yet , l r·nl · aw mk Iota Ill Block.& 117 Olin C. Newell. 100 VIa Triefte, tn lndJ\'tduaJ• who U. ID 11\uat bt-treveled In pl~ktnc up "'"" wttb thr a.v.nt.b Air Jl'orc. l!lant" Ana "oad. to llifr and llif,. from eaUnc 11(1 thoee wild crit· 11nll 118. trontlnc an the ctty Lido Iale. air ln.pector: Major 1 tu Jtlve 1nrnm1 aUon and bel end retumtnc tbe dltldren. I'" thr rr,....nt rapturf' of the Mar-N••laon Hnn,_ood of ~ ten! \ r ar •r !;'round,\ and oW\led by the William D. Campbell, toe Cora! , Wt'lcb aald.. --. Un.ttata.etoTy-f(W Hm t.h,e Nllall l•landa. Rrach and pi'J.n to bUild on ~ T!te ~t&rlanaiJI do awell If they rat'\ tic EIN·trtc co. ,A, payment a\lenue, deputy tor aupply and 1 On!.' lmpdrtRllt •UCtrMUon .. t. brietelt penoCS. IUcb •COftdtUcm. -jiiN"nt erreqr. have &Ome mon! talk• like tha t. I '"r this lAnil, wh ich t).e P. J:. f11alntenance, and Major Robert ttfl''" a hJghw11y alone UM P • would be abaolutely unthlllkable P4"1AU. na1: ~ fn a rrtvJtrly. nejfOtl&tf'd ..S.. If they can keep · Wayn,. 101.8-·:11.htl's a t 113.2!()0 Staaley reeom-B. Honeyman, 302 VIa U do Nord, tra•·ll• on the Old Soutlaena Pa.ctno and untoln ab\l! u a permanent I Mr and Mn tharl8 a ,._ ot cord) Harper awu-.trom the. ph !•n"n~ thst die ctty Gfhrr t!\e deput' for tralnlnc. · rtN9T-M·way !rom 1001 ~ to te•ture. Yt!t, Uft~ .. Ute Corona 1 C'bu anblr ttrr 1018 In the f'lty IAjl'ltna ,hfoarb l•u~•·btulf'd th« R·A ano ! ., , r·nlll\'ny t'C?mpanyt the ~alllder Hltt..r· Pnlut Dam. lJI 0111er t. del Mar arhool''bontl.a u~ ap~rov·' tnr ~.h: nottnth M Mardi amnunted I'J•r~U bnm• at 177 ltaat ttu. • • nf lt1t <:orona dft Ma< ~ Iota, WILLIAM EDWAaD BAU.t"'F f'tud)' thll 'big undertakJJic, an .. I ed by the voten on May '11( 1'' s.a.,~. wllh M n-dl&"fe&ble '-111rf'f't and r lan to ta"f' ~ ITJ-OQ 1 \'1\lot•••f at Sll.~ ,NQ b~ke~ RV1010JIQ:D BY OI!ATB t I mate of th•• coe~ lnY4)&Yed will then• eHme to bf' no othrr eolu· 1'1"' '''1 at S3"'. It wu rwportii'l .1lnfl tboo l11llrr r•l1 of thla month -"'--o-' t ... • .. _ . 1 hu• Wf'r k tsv P'trr Cblel 1'. W.. · ~u....,n· " . . ,,.,. wt•ul•l hi' chargPd, he. n ld, and Funeral aervlcl'l! werP htolil h• ronde ami compared wt... ...., tll~n to th•· Pl11blrm • ot tryln« to • 'k 1 t"'-tb ... _ Wbat local polltl I bt b t t · · · • 1 rqf' r r •unntr ,,. mon WM'I •r.r.ar.•-IT •Ja _,_ ca 1-11 o , or, '' •nld nt th" 11111 ·ptl~ the Cen-Monday a.nem oon at Jlaroltl :•t.t•laltcd coat: ot Wlden&nc COut educa te 1022 <;JIIIdrl'n In • build-s ,.w •rt llr·ar h tlrr ~, rtmrnt "· ·•r· • ,...,._ a mere meaa 'Of pottage. brokl" an 1 rnl n\'"11111' propt"rty would coet 0 ,..uel chapel tor William i:dwanl h~tllll'\'llrd, \lo:hlcb baa been~ ,._ Inc dll!etlfllatl'd for ~. Mr J>od<l • P',...... r btl 1 pa nd Rurror uotraruluu• •tortee MY• unwtttten Balboa t.land law the tbl' r itv unly about 1750 per lot. Ballut 51 who died FrlcSay f \le-44UlUs .a~ ~lart'd.-• ·-,~."~" 1111 tv,~ l'U b" a ann.ald ~ •• '"'"" nut ro( lt\r w11 r. 'innra -but other du • F 11 Ito lf:th ~ • -·' -' •11'" 11 " uma e • · uur II r,;m,.ln"il ft•r Ml• Vlra-tnlll , ~ Hta -pottu; probably II rrnJn•' n OWtn,r:-e • n y ... ~I nine •t hla home, 4!H SantA A n~ • . I'll' Ft•hruBry thl't~ wu no c:harp. ltnlflrlil •ot ••nl• •n• tA tall ,... ...,, · • ...~ ... ''" f••M•hllttv of thr matter . .,...., a venU!l, ~ 28 State G--......_meD 1 PETITION wrniDIIAWN 11 1 d 1 Sl2f'l " " " " '"'' to cet m~ler and .meuler, u ''"" •tdi-ratr~ twoln'g given the fact I Mr '8.Jiut who wu a native • ~ . J ohn A. and lr.•ll th lfuv,.y wh" "1' ,. ,.,~~ ,"" on Y non· ,,.,.t· nvl'r • (:W'I'JI"OtUr ul•r rlifr at Ume COM on, If what a.n~ Is-l hnt th~> f'Am p Jti"'Und may laterl or Santa Mo~lca had been a rea-at Santiago Bivouac aevrral mnnthl aco J)l"tlt'"""'' th .. ''"'lr"" " '~~'" · 1''''""" '1"1 M•f •nil llvr to eHmb Ianden aay .. troe' tw c1 1 ""'d a aporttlahlnc · h11r k up thr rlltf with only cJNet • • ; C'\'1' ~',.~ u , rdent of the Harbor &n!a for 30 , city plannlnr t·ommluton lt• r••· f."( RP:MIOJiNT IUIMMONU anA _ .. ~·.1,1,.r .brulara. -., ·-· PLuit ONJ: '"'"'"r th" ronrrnaua wu that • yean and had lone been empiQ¥-T'wenty-.,.gh! memben~ of Coe. lllnr Lota t7-18. Ulurk J. ~N·fl•on ., -•vu '" -~· I I ht• C'n runa del Mar Iota would red at Hormen'l tlah market and H 1111•1 I' t'Ahfo.mla State Guard, I•. Balboe h lantl. frum a r"•l•l•·n· M r' MrorlfiH"I H•yrwe. fnr "i •l•·rol wu r.r J>tlrfrll yretl'rday atl· MOIII! QUEWnON • ),.• mnrr ''"-"t•lr hlm l'd than would , at rwwport fee an<t Cold Stor~e m ou lt• a 24·h!lur week l!f'!d blvpuac tla l to I<~--"} l>u•lnrM a.on•. thiJI '"~"~ " '"•ltl••nt nt lHI Anahfol"\ ••rntll)n hy lh" J'lfa v•l Lon~ nut tn~dentally, baw'a the "unpoJI. 1 h<' rl'nt ml ·ll \'l'nUI' property. 1 wan!hi>uae. Jte Ia aurvtvf'd , by hi• 11 t ~ttnllul'(n ranee. · Ttle bivouac w...-k aakNI t n wllhtlr•w th,. 1 , • .,,,,. ('ntlt a Mru, dl~ 0\la ,,. .. t at C"oron•· •If-I • M.r "ret Ucal plannln«" commlulon com-t~hnlll•l lhf' contemrlated develop-widow Mn. Anna Ballut· a I IJt-,, "·' un:~<·rLth•· a~plcea of eoeta prtltlon. atdtn~e thAI 1111,. '" ,...,n or.nrnllll: 111 At .1•-r•h fKMrpltaJ, 11ld wu r't'nt1"r"'l by th• Navy In& nOW'? ·Do membl'rl atJII h&\'1' 1 1, nt r,... to takt· rla.ce. M R t Ln A g«>lt'11 M••:CA C•1 ~. N>mmanded-by Act· dltlon• hryoni! th,.tr ,,01,.,1 11 •tJ:• tl H v•·U " Jo'ur the put y~ar •n•l turth,.,. """'"lnd lon by Dr 0 the nerv• to tell _,.pi• h--to d ll'r, a ry yan ° • " ' c t Cl .. _ •t all th •'1 looo•l I"'"" • -•l .. rnt of •anta ... T hill 1 .. , t .. 1 b .. .. ...--~ u -In l'•lnclulllon. All~n qree to and th~ atepiOn& and three atep· \ng 8Jl y..,., .. ov • WI wu lno.J>"'ratlvr lt, "''' pur•ll•· th•· I f ,. •• .,. ... " "'' ra "" "' ro .. en plan the elty, or. will they kee~ l!l'ron•l th, Stanley motion, almp-' daughten. '="• ~''T'"n H"r~bor Co. B. under matter further a t thl• ""'" II "" hrtnr• on letUnr C. Herold dictate bo~ 1\• In hr lng t.hr mA itl'r to a vote. 'J'be Rev. G. Willard Stt>arna ,. 11,, W t1118 F lelda. 1 . !'111rvl vttr,o Ill' 111111' l)r r hullband. • folk.& &n! to .vote 1 • Th .. r mrnnf'nt voted In tavor of ' officiated at lhl' •l'rv1ct, Inter-VRhoAhlt· IUl!ll•tanee wu ren-H bo p t J ()a ••trr. R ll•vnrll, RIUita Ana, a WUKI.I~I" llf'A'(U~n ftlllllli:N • • I thl' prnf\0111\l , whlrh wu there-ment belnc at Falrbavm ceme-tl•·n··· th •• l(f ttUp by. the Army' a ar. r a ro n.cP ., ... ~··n l"rlilnklln '·. tl R Navy: f;lnrf 14 R t ·'"''k l'tJWI'II, m IIOW'VICI'08a!Oo~ ... --llj'\00 vrtOI'd . by the other tourl tery. 12ftth Mrt·hn~lled cavalry .,....., At•-nded nv Many. I •••tl'r Mrll MII Y f,'lt•ntar•n. Port · ,,,,,, 11 \lt•IIUt', '""' Raluril•y oom- • .._..,.,...., t'flllnl'llm••n I • nnntll~"'""''' ( orpe which placed li«l l~or•l (lr t>. An•l ~wn hml hrrJ, pt"to<t'l f11r lt}" 'l•tart~'r·mll• walk· Everyone;. plantln~t VIctory . · lh lll'•' JM'r • at the ~ ot the 11\lrt _ tx Jl"rl'••n• 1111 lu•llnl'( II• r•rv "'"' """'r• Rnwrll, bt1th ot rn~ , h'""l""""htp 11t r_.,~,. Anlf"IM ~rdena-;-or ahould be-but I'll \U'IiF.I'"t OIFF1c'!l•J,TIY:R I Rachel Twist Called 1 ;,1npl!•m<'n t<nd alao aided In nln" ,:,.:,,., It"•'"'"· "'•'••· In ,., t •r•·~e .. n -lo'un•·r•l ... rvl,...• will hr ''""""'"" ""'' hr•tk" thr world'• ..... t that n of J im LemmOf'la on F.St'OI'STF.JCI':O AT c .n .M. I Lo OJ ••lh•·• """~'" M••al• were provtded t••ndlliul<l F rll1a y night "' n din h··l•l H~<f•tnltoV "''"r""''" •t 2 .,.,.,,ril ''" tt v,. "''f"O'I" M~et nnw· the t aland 11 ~le~tanter thAn moat. Th ~ nnh·· oW~ttnrlp lltandlnjt ~--After ng De8A h\' 'A Rr•tl Cri)N me• kltehen. n I I . l II lbt Yru .. ht •.. ··~ k. HI ltllr•llil K llrlllll'l r·h•· • II whtt ""('IO(IV httl•tJI t h .. Jkn hauled ln thr••a or fo11r fnpf . · ' · ' , •• h ... _ er 1 •nr r K \<'n a " '" I 1 1 1 1 tb fff dirt and hla tl~t radlllh ' if I ~'"" rnmnn dl'l Ma rl t.ntl d a WttUd ' Hund~ of Harbc>rltu wf'r" :nl liO:Vt hl*l k,., ••r, ... were mauo:t ~ n uh by ""'' '"' "''''fl~r~~ .. r th,. rr "'"r •I'•' hn t root ,. r,.,.,,.,. II a • d , \\··~I DliiMI'IIm I• a It e ma ~r J I "'""eved thll week to leam ' ur: " ar o lp&Ce mua .,., Orangr County Haroor: l'ntrnl a l .. t I• '""'' u• lnr "' th,. ""'•' Army an when It cornu up, I• going f • "" d 11 At 1 ut • rl'p Y I!" thh •ld 1 1 t Mil • • · II \KROll nr.rr1 AI"TJVF. Air H•• t t n .,),,.., per ay rl'nM.. e ot lhl' df'&lh of Mn Rachel Twl,lt "' ' un I nell w , unit nr thr 8h••rttf'• Emo·r~eo•nry . { . ,. ° COl 1 lta!ge~~ flgurf'! , 1 th&t "'""', th,. rulln« of City .At-1307 Seaview avenu~. Corona del ~"nmp11rlll'lll R and C of the Cal· ReeerVe. Ill KINO rAwr M DAYfll lll:llrN torn"r Roland Tbom peon wtlen-Mar, who p.-d away Saturday lt•lllllf\ ~'"'" r:uard are -eom.1 Our1t1 or hnnnr 1nrt111t,.11 Rhl'r-''"'""lot lhr munth of April· th,. f"U.If'F. UP:f'T AfTIVJTIFJI -· R C1 Blal<f' of 817 Hellotropel mom ln• at her h ome following pll'tf•ly r. I ~tnd <JllportunJU• for 11tr and Mn1 J r•"" P:lllntt, llnilrr-""'""' ,,,.1111rtml'nt •nawtrril Ill\ '''"'"" lh•• I'""' month lhOJ J)O;' • ......_ II d 1--' t " "''" hlp I all b'-~ t.... ·• It•·" •l••r•111 t '''''Ill 11n11w•~ed 800 . . 11vrnu,. a r p e for perm -·on o j 8" u tended llln ... ' I"''"' mrrnoJO"rl' a now av a .. ahentr Ro~rt l'l•n•'lon J•t1Ur e , •II • ""'' """'lall'd at ,,..,. acr.,-~·· Add to our Nice GUYJI Dept .. , JChlbll rcll.c.L..ot ~he old Wut ln Mra Tw11t who wu TO ytan I C"omml u lonrr •n•l Mr• I. L I• , , '' •n•l ,,,,.. flrr r llll al'l'nrdlni' ''""" '" ,.,,,llnl( 'tu l'hlrf R. R , LouJe Balta. 0\e Coron.a del Mart ~~' ln'"UJl 0 ( drop-llde wa«ONI nt ac~ ~ ... ·• naUve of Bt Hel-~rr.CTAm'LAa ~ 1 bl'll: Chll'f of f>,n1,.,. 110,1 Mrl' R 1,1 1, ,...1~,r\o hy llar'bnrmutrr R lltt•lt.:k rn"''" F'trt y.,,.,. aM'Hta ., mortJclan, even If b e • on the I whlrh hf' propoaed to locate tona, E'nt-tand. eomln~ to A"J.erl· I ;-Jo lnjurlra ....Wc.d from .a R Hoocktneo,n and Mr 11.1111 M,.. r. t••tl••l'1lfln Fr•rty·,.lrht Ia~~ w,.,,. rttA •I•· '"' .,,,.,,,.,.,. •Jth,.r plannlnr commiiiiiOn. P leu,.nt ' , lnng thr ('ou t hiJrhway between ('a at the a_«e of '4~. 8he and ~r. I'' N·tacular craah wbldl . occur· 8 111 811tht>rh:n '·• '"'" '"H1 22 •mall ht)at:a werr t rro ftll', "''" It II t' "fi'+t--rn.-tltr:='-=--.:::-- lf'UY, I'~ bualnr111man, and a I r:nl!l••nro~ an<!....!!!!.!2~Pt' a~ea. 11'wlat ~· tNlf'l'te6 ·» YMN ...ro r:cd Lhla int.rnlq. -At. C.... 4111_ ~•pt IMtlfort i:J fteytl 1r JIT""""'n:li•"""Mt;-. thT'I"' 'ftltbr18U; "Urtl#od TW1'i l~<·rouli• "'"' •• ~ttv"n l<wlclnlf • ttu~ ~nent to"'thr ~1'-mt-r11v AttnmPy 1iiompe6n ln· lind ttnmedtately moved to N--IMu when Ule dr1Yer ot a ptpe •ld,.tl u m u t,.r nf rrr~mnniU. ft t S1M w,.r,. fount! and rrtumed '"''' atnl .. n 111 ~1"''1 V '" • value of trlct-Rtporta Ulat 86b ~Hen la ''" "'"'' Mr Rla.kt that the f&A!t port Harbor whet'~' they had alnce tl'll"k ~arne eontuMd by the QW r m~mbf'r~ •nd mrnobl'r+ '" tt~>-hc ltWTif'MI and ope aallboat, 1'14 wu ,.,;,.,v,.rr•l a cJrar·•~ealer ar'f' untruP7"Rl' 'f r"l\•1·".' ln g tn ...,ffi'Ona woul4 made. their ·borne. Aa loa« u hh tl• n!tf' fOJr And OVMJUmect ~ U · wive' prellf'Tll bf'tnc M•ynr amt $100, waa found and porta that hla wtte, 81111~. I• ~~ riiiC'" hill hulllnr .. fn the c.te-: hralth ·permrtted· Mre. Twllt wu "lfl¥1 \'<'h_lo'le. ·ne conYe)'ance Mn. Cly•n Jl Hall. ~11:1 'B (l "''' r•• m,.,, IMI"HIITA:'YT Nfm('f:! ~~ to f rlte thl• column, re&lly H,., \ "' n rllm lvl\1, thu• necea-&!'live II\ local elubfltork and _,_ "'"" ~ln~t operated by Hyoid Atubba, UAMr.. Mr• Q:•Y<I. and s .. n m whoata, valued a t SUO. ''II" ,,, , •mn l• t "' •lll t.re, th~ are true. It abe ever r eta a round llltn tmc the prohibitive llcenae.j C'llll atfaln~ ~d hf'r friend& were \\' Rral1fr,rtl of COV1na. \ Meean lind Mf'llt1am~• C11~n An· ,.,. , l•rlll an•l nrlt recoverf'd: 47 Wftk•·I"Y nwt•tln~ot Jllftnrl"'ll for to- to It-How; about ''olin~ for "" lh• olh,.r hand, If hi'-cou)d I~ on • nabel, Mar~ H•al). H. R n rlnk-,, ''rl'. valu••il Ill SHO, wt~re frmnd mttrrllw •·Vo·ntnl( nt 1'\Alhna Tarht )ud«e ttaymond "ryy,om.ptKm tor h""q" the NJh lblt In II bulldlnr. ~n addtllnn to bf'r huaband, A sr:w t:LP:t'TIIIC 'aUII..DIJifo rrbotr, Ja"' Or•""'· 0 H Mr "'''' rrt urn,.d ant1 nlM , vai\Md at C"luh hr~• })o•rn l'llnrt!llrl\, it II Buperlor court JUrtjtl', J ve kn0';'-'11' '' "·.ould bl' conaldeJed In t he f Twtllt COT'On& del Mar ftaltor V A .Tripp. owner of the Alarv, J(al Will Aml tPI A Stfltr w,.,~ round and not ,.tum -h"'"'" th•t arriU'I&,.mr nu can be blm tor lO )"'!&n and «an ~ran· • ·ht nt ,. mUMum , . . _ .. _ ... b . ""'"" l':l•·•'trll' Oo., bU . .__, .. ao..man'. H W a t hn) J • •I Jo'tve rromplalnl• an<! U warn-noll•tr r .. r Mr W•lce~y to apeak t bJ t k p rl«ht on doing · Mrll 1'wlat Ia 1\ln-•v,.... Y one -•-· · •r • 1 · h 1 I tfl il•h• ee m 0 b Mr Bl11ke Indicated that f\e r.latl'r Mill J:'llu.,.th Bramwell "'•ONlru,.tlnn nt a -:Dne-atory •orlc· 'Miomj,enn 11nil W•ltl\r Mtllrr ,,, ... ~ ...,,.,,. tu ur<t for lpr•dlntr on "r" • •a 11 r an elepllt Jo · 'fi'JIIIt'l attempt to prepare a of Wembley. Efte1and. 'J'be ~. ~h··r 11n•l ~"·r.,r;oom at 1001 W. Fnllnwln~ dlnTif'r tb,. c roup •h·· h11y, thPrP -r" nine aJTeeta - -.,.. -ht~tlrtl nft akf'tch arrtptable to the W J Hatter otnd ated at tht tun· ~rntral ""' nue. ~ bu1141nc. wu Joln,.d by o·th.,r mf'mben~ of tru t rup&a~tnc: thr .. ar'I"MU tor INNTAU.A110N "I:T ZNI.AaGilJb BAD:'RY ~n~ .Bo;ero Ia bulltllnr a • UOO addltlon t. h.. .bakery at !08 ~te HPJ .. Oot'or\a del Kar. r l " pl•nnln~t comml•lon and, lt •ral nt• which were oondud.ed v. hrr h 11 tr, aa. ol frame &Del Bal~ Yllcht Club and thP ,.,.. I"'"Y tt1•tt onr ar"l"f'tt for 1ru:hor· ~anta Ana Opt~.omt•ta club "'111 .• ld d •-"' __ .. ·-t bold Ita annval lnlt &Jiatlon of of· -,t~ aome material and ,e&rpen• tu.ary: Pl1nt. lnt.enn.tlt follow· dl'r'' IUpervtakln Oil OoMnoator danC'lftC to the m (' ot '1: c t•.r •V"t'<'flnJ , .. ettllbore moor· tlrPn nf!xt TueediY e••ntnc at ""r"'"u wou t n M vor to .,...,. Monday afternoon at Balta mor-~turco. clln•rrucUoD, • bWit ua-mallldet of t:tle '""?nl wa• apent tn.r ln,U\I .. falrway tuiU one-·- tl'rs 141. Gorcton a, nadi&J. •alf;wl' ore.\ ln.. wen &MtiiW llaiM& Yacht . Club, • ..,. ' I ............ "Dl.ounoe Ena .. Home Making ,...._...._t. ... fl6 Ms. Allee lila ,..,. • .-_,....,_.-.... U. (j.f .) ·IAII Dll!l tJ.II.N.R , - ~ momlfl« at • ~liven by .... ot lbe N•wpo ~ RAP lkhool uc1 ODMt ban. IAI'Una. 'ft AI 1loa ot cudy wu 1 ., a. earl~ card aono -.fdbii data aa June ~"' MMa UeMoa baa b4MII ...adac t.eecher at the e. U.. put two )'MN . pacluate ot Lonr Beac • Rlr,J lk:bool and t1ata 8tau Collere. Lt poadwlted trom Locc I t.cbnk Hl(h School 1.1 ..-.•ty ot California. •tan~ aervlce be wu ~tatlv• fur Lhe f'HoJ LAbor and persoond t.be United Stat•• M ar lllllalon, WubhiRlfm. prewnt he Ia atali(ln~~l C.tallna 181and. AttendJDI t.he bru~ lira. Joh n F'edey. ~lm ~.. Hre:nu and ~I Miss Muriel Da Wins Sorority : ~tl\da of M18 Mu ..n, daiJfhUr ot Prl lin. 8l<!ney H. Dnlda Uartu.d to ....... t.bat Ill -*tl'd a INm~r ol 'l'bata. t oaorary • wbm, tiDnt" tororft)' at the el CalUOI'Illa, Berkel~. .ed~Da. wtio wu u bo1 ....... a& J . c .. bu te wbl ... pra1a for II& tba. UIMIW!ty. &be ..._. tor ~ a&IIIJDW ' ~ c ·Sfarti · Until..' Pap2 -----·------ AUI:Uit 8 . 'Ciftrk, former dty .. :,,..!ru tan, has hmu~:ht action tor .,,,.,,.,. o~ts•nal Lnrdta Clark. . •1arging mo•nlal Cl uelty. Tbe pe- l 111111 slu lt'll !h•·y wert marrt~d 1 , ChtCiiJ>'I•·· J1,11y 26, )930 1 and ~··pllrltll'd Aprll 1'1. 1~4. JM uk· o•tl ( 4!st•Jdy nr lho·l r two minor , hll.tr•·n a.ttd 11 !lhllre In the eom- ,,~unlty nroperty. NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS PLANT A TREE " ., w. ltD KAXW'D.ol. Tbe primiti\ e Tasm&.niaiU:l bave a legend of the cr.- t ion. which say~ that in the beginning of Tb.inp aky and earth were one. Then one unhappy day the Father Sky and Mother EartJt*quarreJed and parted. In time the htber ._._ penitent and wept great tara wblela .feU upoa t he IIOrrowing bosom of Mother Earth. Wherever tbeee teara feU thN·~ arose tall, green trees, children of earth : nd ally, atl'('tching their-·~rms heavenward and binding Mother ~h and Fat her Sky in banda of eternal affection . Like many oiJ myths conceived in litcraliam, it· con:. la ina ~ beautiful ~d arresling:symbqliam. Wllat i.B there after all, that binds the soul uf man to the heart of God more cloeely than a tree? What suggeata more effective: ly t.be beneficence of nature and the beauty that baa been laviehed u~ creation·'! There is something lacking in the man wboee spirit ia not Ufted up at sight of a green fore.t or contact with a vener~ble old tree reaching forth benev- c,)eqt haqda in bJessing. · For a great manw-years earnest-persona have been warning ua of the economic menace involved in Uie ·lou of nn :~ltl'matl\'1' prayer to aet utde f uur oreata. We are truthfully told th~t th_e productivity of Th · ~~u1 aate of manpower !lnd gat«•ltne on 1 11.:' <·stat" r.,r hie widow, Kn. e re ta WUQ W !\f:.ry Su ttor". wu tll~d In .uper-our aoU is. threatened, our rainfall curtailed, our waterwaye the home front. but it ie difficult for government ae;Mcles , .. r ('<m rl lllllt "'••ck by a 80n, Nlek rfried up by the terrtfic"Joss of tree life. There ia no exag- to atop it. Every true patriot abould support the nation's ~utt,ra. geration in the statement that the denuding process, kept plana to wiD the war. .. rslt'RED IN ACCIDE!ft' up continuously with no adequate efforta at reforeatation, • . Jnst•ph Art"hull'ta. 23, of , 213 will eventually reduce our own fecund land to the aridity of c Thureday, May i, 1~ You should buy War Bonds right ~ong ... buy 'em first ... then come over and buy the ' finest .in town, our ME A .T S • .GEO. TAYLOR, Owner 2110 Ocean Front ~~833 • .. The preaidentiJL) boom of GeneraJ Douglu Mat•Arthur "lllth 1trect. Newport. IM&tfei'M China, where the luckless iRha~itanta burn weeds in Ue u wu ·punctured lA-+ Saturday by a alatement (rom the s~n<lu!l tnjurl,., at 4 :tO Saturday ()f ood f f 1 "'-· ;~E:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ . , r:.nrntnR' when he wu thrown W or ue · A.' ue as t hesc prophecies are and vital 8A .fighting 11\.Ul him""lf that be would not accept nommatwn frnm A C"ar whl'n It overt)lmed the subject ts to the welfar <' of our ·posterity, men and wo- for the presidency il it were offered. The actimr was prob-·•fl••r' .•trlkln~ A power J)ole. ac-men aa individuals f.ail to h.! impres.sed to the point of · ably brought on by the aaainine act of Congressman Miller 'rordlng tp r•·r,t of the CaJJfor-tion. lan't it time· that the people were ap-aled to in be-.-· · ~-rt.b r' al let . h' h th tdn·llkhway Pulrol. Tbe aeeldent r -in gJVmg-out -.cA _u • penon t.ers tn · w tc l' lwi~onl'd wMn thl' dr1ver, J:mll half ot ~ as a ma'lter of sentiment? . pr.ent adminiatration waa severely criticised, r·An rtJnln, 2ts, .nr 1778 Anaheim The deaert baa stood (or ages as the typifkation of -----• "''''0111', Cn8ta Meaa, auertedly d 1 HL,lNnpted tn make a lett tum cso ation. Its tragedy is that it .boasts no trees. All it& N ~th of Secretary ol ihe Navy Frank Kn"ox. wh1rh ontn the ,.,.st ramp ot the over· bcauti~ of color, changing constant1y with the shiftlng of oceurted at hie home in W.hington Jut Friday, marks.tht· rns! 11t tl\!' Arrhea. clouda and sun, c"annot atone for this Wl\nt; ~~ mirages, flint bre&k in the Rooeevelt war cabinet. Secreta'ry' Knox, . beckoning the thirst-crazed ttaveter. are places of sp.rings appoint.ed largety bec'aWie of his c~or stronger na-57~ CITIZE NM QllALIFIJ!Df and trees. Small wonder that the Biblical poets of Israel, tiona! ..a-f. · ti I kter aruf h h · ed h I Tn \'OTf: ~ T PRIMAJl f:8 ~ enae, waa a re eu W?,r er . ~ ac IC\' IS ""'"1 ('lll7.•·11.11 10 the number of dwelling in a bleak hwild of stunted foliage, sang rapt\JroUB ambition to 11ee the Unit.ed S~tea Navy ~ome the n\ost :,;~,n will h·· rllgtbll' to cut th~lr sonp about the "cedars of Lebanon." Small wonder that powerful sea foree_in the hiatory of the world. h••llnts._tn the May 11 pr1martea. ~nesia dwelle upon the Tree of Knowledge and Revela-• "''('<~n.linJr t•• County Clerk B. J . -----g 11111h or lhls nufllbet: 3G02 are tiona upon the Tree of Life. Sma ll wonder that devout na- Th.ia editor ie one who still believes it pottsible to matn-r:·.cr• .. t•·r"'' '" th .. City of New}M)rt Live. of, Ihc:ua.,still cherish, after more than two thouaand t&in WQ.rld oeace through a Congreu of Nationl; tha t) ll•·n· h Bn.t 2'1118 at Cnata lofeaa. years, the aacred Bo Tree ·un~ which their great _prophet . T-. . olt • :'\ .. ,,'J>Orl J110rhor aCcordlnc to . Ia ~ no power to dommate the &nternal affaJl"':l of 1ts ~1,. gm,,h, 1, still predomtnenUy Lll re ted to have seen the VISion. membera. Rep~tatlon in such • group should be appor-1 R•·ruhhc-an thll! party havt~ Plant a garden and satisfy y our hunger. Plant flowers tioned on a baaia of population and Wealth !Uld its deciSion~ ,··hal k··d ~r 1\ tlllltl of 1782 NC· and satisfy your sense of beauty. Plant a tree and the lhould be . enforced~ by nayaJ. air (ill~cJ.r ~:::: .. :;, c-~.1~'::n;!' tM• work of your bands wm live to bless other men long affer foreea a.tped, by the sev-eral membera in proportiOn t o I r .. urto>e-n'. ,...~llttred u Prohtbl-your own fleannas crumlJTe<t" ti&cK'1o QUB . their repre.entat.ioll. llonost11 llllfl 82 df'Cilnrd to ati\e. "He that planteth a tree is the servant of God, -. •. 1 At .Coata )fua there are 1881 He providefh a k7il<lness for many generations, • . __ _. ~ 0 "ml)4rllt!t r~glltl'rf'd &plnlt If everybody did as weU tow~ boosting vroduction 1•2:1 R<'puhlirl\ns. 2:1 Prohibition-And faces that he hath not seen shall•bless him." u the good old American hen h ... done, •hPrc would ~ lilts ~"11 61 who dccllntd to at&tt . Me n have two intuitive yearnings. One is to create-io ,_. ~ Tnl11h. r.·~lstratlon for the two ·'d b · . . . h . IIADIO ·sBBVJCE HOME •· AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BURT B. rioB ... OK · . 1111 Coaet Hl9bway NEWPORT, BEACH MORTICIAN ~nrolb ~· (firaurl ai~n,pel • • We Qunch't' .lJu__ Bett.r SerVe brl • s.,tfiQ OIJtwe· But." ··• .c PliON£ NEWPORT 561 • 110 BROADWAY, COSTA M£•A DO ~ger of food-shortage. A year ago Uncle •Sam urgetl r'l'unnnrnltlt•l! Iii ~870 but t.hOIM' ,au to t e IUm total of thmgs. The other Ul to hve m we poultiyinen to step up egg_ production and. they responded who refu.,_,. to 11tate pru1y atftlta-!l~inda and· hearts of others after ~y hav~ gon.e. He who 1-...---~~----------~-l;o;:-o;;;;;;:;;r.~-;;-the needs of the Jtmed forces, the pomc llnns nr~" ln••llglble to vote In Pr1· plants and rears a_ tree meets t]liS'..doutile yearning. He be-~ M 'h] lllllry eledlnna . .. ...,.. a lie froot and our &Wee~ and now tM!re ls a os of <:omea a leaves a monument more worthy, mote beautiful . r-nduring thun a granite shaft. Moreover, he CLEJIK,BD . V-uJ· . . . I'B.OMOTION TO MA108 A1 ing, but abe neftr goes on strike . Alter all, laying an egg is F'rl!•nd.oo nr thr Ruru11 L Me- a Uy'a WOtk for • ·, • j f'rllCkl'nll, _J2.Q__ --+-"'-------------ComnB del Ma~. will ~ hllppy tn ____ • .......______ lftnm of hl11 r~C"~nt promotion tn rat~ up-a no~e~c~o=m~p~a~n~·o~n~~~~~~r--,r-~-----U-N __ E_O~,------~----------------~ of 11M solitude and retrospectiol\. Commone1· th~tn we know, BAY He in • .. 1'D daecb.lar s~..__. You oeed keer to ccmn 'th. oJ .,. • real faYOif M who haft • llmit.d ... obckiq·aco Tbe law which ·created the Offi~ of Price Admini~tra· th•· rsnk of m11jnr. Whtil' Major tioD (OPAl will exnire by limitat'lon o n Jun"' 30 unless re-Mo·Crac-krn thf'n cAptain -wlla perhaps, is.the.expeJience of the man who. as a boy,· set a FLOOR ~DVERINGS . !'prig of willow in the ground near the.-old homestead well, ' FOR YOUR R.EQUIRIMEt;rS r· .., r-tnlfnnC"d at S11nta Ana Army Air newed by acf'o{ Con~. A bill now pending for c'lrtend-RA111', hi' Ano1 Mra. MrCrarktn f~ll ing the life..of the OPA will doubtless be passed, but therE' In ln\'1• ":ll h thf' Harbor aru. · ~' · ' · '11 f · As resttlt. thl'y pur1"huec:t prop-are mweationa lt Wl carry a ew Important .amcnt.lments , , 1 v il t C'orY1na ft<'l Mar and ~- of the preeent aet-up, one of which would ·oboUtill thc.lht'lu~h ln~··r tranaft rrtd . to El · ''kangaroO courta" in •hich administraton~ act as prn~-l'o~o, ·T rx · t.bi'h re bQt.h lookln~t 'ud d · · • fnni'11rd In th<' tlmP wh~n th•Y returning in the su.n.set days of life to find his willow a mighty tre<'. with . .bi~ nesting in its branches , chit~ hanging th<'i r awinp from its limbs and 'the weary workers of the farm fields enelterlng, them.selvei:J' in its k'indly stiade. What of ~t't life's ~vestmentsr tould 9all for so littte·.&J1d ;:::::::::::::..::;..:.:;,::..._..:;;:::::::;;:::._:::..:.::..=:::::::.=:::=::J cutor, J ge aft J\lry. ~nerally sP_Cnktng, the OPA ha~ ,.,10 ·mnl~ft N"wpnrt Harbor til!' done good work in holding doWn the cost of thi ng and pro-p1•rmanenl born&. In a rtCIJI~ lat. venting profiteering. ,,,., 1•1 !'h•' Pr,.ss, Mra. McCrack· bring back so much? Spring urgee us to clasp hands with th~ soil. The 'age- old impulses to do, to create. to build , comes back 'Mth the wa rm throbbing of the maternal earth. ~rtior Day, with. o•n ~~A t rft • thaI Jr ftcr l!uaband It· l'l·h·"o1 O\'l'r!'li'IUI orders It wu her 1 tts call to con-structive service. is only a litU~ distance away. ______ ., _____ _ ~ IC:dl~opic of diacuMion this past week, whi_ch ~:', ·;·~'~"';..,.~~:mmedJ_a_t~ly retum Most o f the, friendly trees which bring you consciowi or even oo p ence over. newR from the wnr (ron b.!, wa:s ·· , .. ·---·-unconscious pleasure were· planted by men and women the Govemment•a· seizure of the Montgomery Ward-mail F.tcarn:r.s· Jr,(Rho1tJT!:I'J . order ·bouse and offices in Chicago and 'the forcible c'vt~-.\~s\\'r.:K Rl.()()l) OAU. who delighted to erect living altars to beauty and who -· • · cared for those t1iat came after .. If you care for the th'rill 'lion of ~~ '"Chainnap ·Avery. This drastic i'lliran waR t-:·.:llt•·•'n BIU'boritell lut Tbut•· taken under dir'ect orders from Presid<·.nt RI>OS(.>vclt for at-r1 "' 1\II!J\\'o·r•d th" riiJ I ror 'blOOd nf f~llow~hip with O~niscience. if you have a thought for 1 • · · ''""""~ :oo:·l ,,.,.r,. lr&nap~rted to t.hose whv are ye't to · c,om~ when Y?U a~ gone, plant a eged re.fuaal of the Ward concern t o ob('y a mandalr of :: 1n!H ''"·' bv 11,..111ben ) of the ·tbll War lAbor Relatione Board a.nd was' carriN1 out t)y \\'••1111," ~ ~,,,;,r C'""'~'" tree. ' Atto")~Y-General Biddle, an assistant secretary of rom-.\'••hln~P••rs_ were Stevtn and "Poerha are made by fools ltke me, merce &;nd U~t.ed Stata Army troops. Th~ record o r-'tile {;~~'ln\."n~';,~~h G':o~~~P'~iu!:; --~~only GOO can make a tree.'' dispute shows that the' compapy had compli<.'O wtth pr{w •. :s•ulllt ·nil .. r rwooa'; count Geo "" ;... \ • -• 0\11\ orders of the War Labor Board in recognizing the II n.uRon ry F:lsto• Ji11r~no. r..e, ,1vDuE THOMPSON WORTHY QF SUPPORT C.I.O. union aa the ·official bargaininrr a••cnt of its cninto~·-""~~' l(,.u,., nor 1, Hill. "" of New-JudJ!e Raymond Thompson, who· was appointed cby ., ,.. ' ~· .J 1'"11. Mo>~ ~Rro-•1 Hlllfck~r And ,.. • • _......, h 1 J d S 11 l'ea and a contract waa entered into upon that ba.~is. This "' ln7. Kal•••• .., .n8v Shnr" Cam~ ~·•l\ t'r.nur Warren to s_ucc'='-'.._ l e at~ u ~e . ~ove on our contract 'expired Jut December a.nJ th~ Con •r nmcn t order, F ,,., uw. k .C"$1a Mesa; Ellene • upenor court bench, l8 mak.mg a qu1et, dagntfted campaign eel tbe company to continue ita relations with employees• J:?tC"Ilnr.l!11'" ""'' VIQI• BriJ'Int>n. for t'lt'rt1nn to ttre office in the May election. Opposed to C"HroonR <lo•l Mar. and Lulu Sell· I • L . D · h ) ted dia on· the B&me baata. The company declined on the ground J:<'r, F.I11:Rh.-th .\frKibben and H~l-~~~ on th(' ballo! ta James . &VIS, w o wu e ec - that the C.I.O.' no longer representa a majority of the em· ••n raurkrP, BA.lboa Jaland. ln r t nttorn('y leu than two years ago for a four-year ployeee and ~iata that a new election be held .. Unjon offi· : •. Trnn~pnrlatlon wu tumlah~d term. Mnnr of Mr. DaviE( friends, who rejoiced in hie . '' ~frl! ~11th, Mra Hall Seely 1 · · ......., • ff' aft h h 'd d ciala claim-to be willing to hold such an <'lertion, but for Mnr.c11._,1 l'lrhll.!'lr. ·Mra. Louts~ t' cct10n to the .. ~tric~ ~ttuu~ey .s o ICe . er e a ma e tK>me reason it has not been held. The Prcsi111,nt's ordcr , '''-'"'" Mr~ l'\11~ Hitchman. 11nd Hnsurrt'Ssful attempts m prevtous elections. are of the for aeisure of the property is said to be b!UK'd upun po~rs ~fr~ ~nlh· ~nw\'l'r. c-hlltnnan. Tbr ••pini(m hl• ~hould go ahead and. complete hie contract t o . . '"'"~' hloorl fl nnk will 'ljl' hrld on . · h' h h ·~ J d granted. under the War La.bor Diaputt•s Act , which, thl'· ""' nrt.•mnf.t. nr MR:V 23. '~Cr\'c an lht' P?l'ltJon for w lC e was ..,._,osen. u ge Ward c.ompany contends, does not apply· to thctr busincs!> · --Thompsun is ,P'Iing a good account of. himself u a tatr beca.ase they are in no way engaged in wa r production.·' PR_.\\'T.R F·oR ror.t~8T8 a,nd rapnbl<' jnd~ ~nd the people will make no mistake in Government attorneys &saert _that the dirUI.torial p OW('rs I ~~~,.~~-Tl\o>e nll\ke my ·c?_lumn mtin~-: fnr him 'in thia-month's election . gr.,.nted by this law ttpply to any and all forms of pro-I.\ n ' . ·~,,.,. m.. thu& my dally : •------ duction and dlatribution-includlng fa rming. l't'tailin){ and' .t>r:·nd Co\'Prnnr Dewey· follow~ the lead of Go\lem'or Brick- :::7P ct-.:r.;:. -=-"\:" .1_ th .--f-· ,.~,.1<>\v n1.. 1f Th<>u 1fY'&nt me wtt.· ,. manwa Uu•'6·, •ne .compaoy urMua e lK'IZUre 'P 1ts 1 t,1~;1 wii-·• ,~·l!h .!!r1lst-111 m~llow tt' t'T' tn t:r1tlng a 'finn ltBmf toT-intl'Tnational co-opetatioft for pro~rty and the forcible ~otion of ita mana.gers by sot-g""" me rn•m .teeung ao . lhe maintenance of peace. by force if necesaary. With PN.- dJera a grou viol~tion of ita rtghta under the ccms titution. hflt~ id<'nt Roosevt>~already commjtted to participation in ~ The matter La now in the Fedtral courts and will doubtlt"ss ~~>" tood "111 not ualmJJate. world or<>araJ·zation e ven stronger than Woodrow WUJon·.t . • . '1"''1 my C"\'"8 thai I mllv lf'f' ,.. be carried to the United States SupremC' court. ~tn('(' it Th·· wnrlo1 \\"llh mor-p of . ch1J1ty L<'ague llf Na tions. there ia not now an outstandQlg "iaola- inwlvee the fundamental princlplt> of th<' PrC'sidcnt·~ right '"•I I~'!!Mrr ml' tn Jrood tntm~ tionist" cnndidate.for the pre.~!idency. And yet tbere :re -' tb enforce the "closed shop" rule upon qn ,arm·illin~ <'m· "',''~n.~:.k" me rnenda of tnno-l<'ns "f milltons of cifaens who thini< our nation would ployef. Tbere ~ 0\"dicatJons of bitter political diff<'r<'nc<'~ 'l.•k·· ITli' '~om('timu at ll'u tl l'ndangf'r its sovereignty. ita safety 'and its future proe- b&ck of the dispu~. aince Chairman Avery is outspok<'n in •1' · , .... ~_ rk'r ity by g-oing further into the European mea. c:rttidllll of the New Deal and Presi~t>nt Rool'e\'<'11 is s:tid 11 ' lp 111" tn hhlf' my lltlt-ront'flt: •------.\nl j.!l\t• m .. r11ura«:e now and to ba-.e J*alliaed to·make an example of the W<'althy mail 1h··n l'ncl<' Zrb 'says if a woman pula it on her head, Jt'1 a Ol'dlr CdK'Iftl. Coocreea ·is .barply divided on the l<'Jrlllit~· Tl• hr "-" dull &a are oUtu men. hat, ~Qd L'oc.le. Zeke aaya .some women just naturally look ... II Ill• of the Preaideot'a drutie move and wiU ln-''"11 ~t1 "~ m~ I"PIId~ra qult'1f to aee X !..._ ... __..._ ·• 1 \\'hpn r am .nttrtzin.t Ka good under atly kind of a bat, while with othen Jt'a rice • Y ....... -cue.-.......,-. • ' -Doa a.u,~1 VWIL ~ ... . . . -. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND 8UILDEP COMI1,-LET£ BU IL~INO SEAVIC?£ P'MONE Nt;WP'O"T •o••J -2 •• M., .. ,,.. Avr, •. o . eo~~t 201 e ALe OA te LANO, CALl •• • For Boiling and lepairing lnfoimation ... . .. -~-Diattictllumbe~ ca .. WALTER S! SPICER, Owner •zWPOa'l'. 8EACB Sla ..... Hithwe, .. n.. •• : .... , ..... IIJO --...-......-....---.-------..... --~---------....;. Elegant'-Gifts .· Di~o~ds. •. Jew~lry Pearls • Watches • Clocks _ _:_ Silv~ • Dresser ~ --·- .0. At H. R. ·Trott's ~ ·sycamore at Fifth Street -. .. ·sANTA ANA Phone 5618 BV'Y U. 8. WAB BONDS! • ~ ~. ftunday, May 4. 1944 I Portraits at ae'naible pricet. Baby Pbotoa, !nl•l9•menta a.nd Pbotoetatic Copie• • Q IKVITI YOU TO VISIT l':E1VPOlt!'.aAI.B0A PIUCSS I IJ~ · ~~~ AJ • I _ J J . U.Ue Skffeo~n 1 ~xpt-rt \\"IU Diecua• 7014 ~ 7CJM4 ,.,,,~ i..a~~ Cbai~h of Topic of RHrt"af:ion )ln. Dorothy MMDone'd at Mr. ud Mra. RMert erawtord. Scout Committee · Wllat 111 lh• pr1nd 11al nwor • .-hiUl· Rl\oenlcSe · ta .._...... ...,. ------..... .,.. u.. -Nnla 0 . ollllt' Nt'WJ-.>rt Hartx1r h.U fo.r -..----.,--..--. r-Aftf'r 1 )'~&1'11 "L auc.·r .. Citl 1 • 1 b ..-...... 1 ....... ~huH, bome-aL ~ _, _.. ot a I aP s ..... ......, at at. -~-'" H . l lldr, " l ~ -r--" o mat~y, _... 1_,.. bollpttal work -..-• 111 ~r a S.•o)ut aniWN '" "ft..t;cr•••thm .. nue. , · committe. b&ll bt•.-n .-.or11anla••J > How Uu11 typco v f m .. n-han\11•1"- Mr. and Mra. o.orr-Ooetdaer, aatl ~ ADd lira. A.rtbur A.. With &II ali·IWW ~<·t uf ufflct•r-., naay bNt bl. <"a rrh'<l ''" will b\o 1 217 J:Src~ et.net. apent part ot OlrnaU, lUO VU.U. piAN. are lncludlnl NpreM'ntall(ln ft>uln ~v-ouUin•d b)' Ferrta M. Wakeley. l lut Wetok w1tb t.belr dal&lllt.,._al tiM ,.,...... at & 80D 11om 8at~ eraJ CIVIC ~pe On thl' bouol of n'pl't'lt'ntstl\'(' 11f till' l'nh'HIIty Ontario. day at et. Joeepll ballpU.al. <II ~ctore. · M l'llllfurniA l.lcoJl&rt mcont uf codu· Pvt. ~ ,__, all .. ~uon. "'.., '"''""lplah· .cau.on. wlllu Ia ~ulf'd to apt"11k Tb• MflcMIY club wS1l meet au. 0 CoW't ,, at a m~~ h..t.t Munday, lf\mOfTOW ,., . .,nllljl' t.-llowlnjl a Saturday at UM ,Qerald IUtdde ,a,....., wrttwa b1l motb•• .• ·"' Dr. Qordou M. urunlly, 6 3(1 ,,.,..,,..k dlnm•r at Balboa homl', 14111 First aYeJIU., OoioDa t.h&t M &a DOW at.aUOIMd ln mw ..:baJrman tor tbt' pil.llt 10 yc..-.. \'ac-bt Cluh Ad\'allo¥ ....... r \'allomo ........................ _ ......... YOUB_K&VY". OVIR ~I C A IVERY rRlDAY AT g P. N. Thla prOCJr•• le P¥t oa by Kall lro.., aaken ot the la•e..a UWAIUC .. ' .... ..,.Day ea... .... -..... y YOUR DIALIR Jl'l Mar. . a..... At Um• .ot Wl'ltinc, bt' pa "••'"•ft• lor W lu 1 tl 1o1• ..,.b .. ' aaid, U!en wu "plellty ot ac:Uon" ~-• • 1\t~ roqulro•d Lt. and~n. Harold w. •Jolul· but .,.. ... oou1d t.eU about. -c:baJ.rm&lr w J Leaht• tH .. t· H F K··nny. chRinlllln of l h.. NEWPORT t'ftiiVrUID . aun ~ - ' .on, \11 Bappblre ue tM ,.,...._ 1-en.en. T. We&~11 Jay lklUM "lw t-m411olbf'r .. ur ,.,,mmttt .... nf Nl'w· .JWitntft MU aft'·t • ot a d&Uifbt.er bom Aprll 11 at DcMclu a.y, Vtler&ll of lk'Vs t'll ~rel&r1. and ~· E4&¥r Hill, pc•r1 Harhor Chan1b!'r of ('om· ' , Mack& Black C-.1 If FrillldsiQ GIFT SHOP I Sl Joeepb aw.ptt&l. eral aouua ~c: batU.., hu t.-.•uurer. 1\l('r~. will ~·If\ l'h•raco or thr 2102 Oc .... F ....... M ....... ...ca. OOGip&eUcl a ~ •peAt wltb u ll!e, mem-.n ul Ult board ur m~tlnJr, "A'hh'h Ia t" bf' ,np•·n to I ~::;:::::::~::;:::::~;;::::;:::::========~ I Mra. M. J 'l'w1cPr of Vllelle hi8 mo&Mr, lira. TryJ'W lleu uf •• w~tol.On are Tbcu Kubma anol J . Ill,•• pwblll'. r pln• ,.·returned rec:enlly from o.k· la27 W•t B&y, and returned tCl L...·allc 8teffenM'II, rt·pr .. a.mUn& ''Ttlf' auhjl'<"t of I'C'i'noatlon. Ita o laml wherto abe bad ..,..nt two a.. ~ UU. w' .. k. lila mother doe uona, Jw¥t' u A. Junu anoJ rn •rchandlalna an11 tmaln<'u ~· ·''<'t•l<a will! re1aUve.. accom~ b1m to U.. 8outhena ~v. 11:. D Qoodd l, 1eprt·aenlln& lllhlllttN h• of lntl'~at to co\'ery Db.otly Acroee tba Stre!l r-----l• 1: A a.--~ PHILIP BANCROn Caadldate I. 8. SENATE MONDAY NITES 9 :45 K H J elty. I • • • "-· u"~ani.a Cl\lb. llubb~U'' u.~t' lllf'rcl\&nt llnd IMI&II\4)jljl ,...,..._n In lltarvtn Samuel Sbllmi&D ol 8la-.. .., ......,.. " n v-1 ,... sun\'lllt' and Zelma Power J:d· Many local per80na wW a, 111-.u.ll Cb&rl .. t>eyton, kotuy l'lub; th,. tfartM>r niatrll't and· It I• bl'· warda of Balboa laland haw .,._ lcre.\ed to Mo&m tlaat Mn. RobL Mra J. W. P-eyton llll<l Mra .:~1u· llf'Vt'd that thf' vi~·• of llll a u· l•asu:d a licel\lk' to wed. l''labnty of J.Acun• lk&cb, \the IIIII to act for lbl' P.·T. A, H .: lhnnty on thP IUbji'l't ahn\IM .... 1ormer Jea.nne <!ab&nne ·of Ba.l· l...'hrtoeUe.r anil _{ikop C.:lllku111, the wnrOiwhllf'," Mr. t<l'nny aald Ooal Ia the mother ot a baby Cub 8coul.l, Mn llubbu.t Huwe A rnurrtag• ll~enM wu IMued .ot' Santa Ana to Paul Armand l~t 1111bat'k of th..-El Toro Marine I .. IJliiOn' IUld Ju.n R .. ~ Balboa. I Mr and Mra Fred J C&Uln. :!Ia Via Cordova, are enjo)'ln& ~l'\'rral weeka vac'auon at tbelr '"'untam cottage In Silverado Ja\.ll'blft', ~na Aprtl 2t at 8L and Mn Lonnie \'ano•cnt. · U\,• Oort l J OHpb boeplt&l. Tbe 'cluld'e t.· Scout., Dr.-'()ordon M Urunoly1 L.ber, Majdr Ft~uty, Ia aervlnc actln&' fOf' the Anocric ll.lt lA•t~JUtl.. Wllb Ole U. 8 . Marine Corpe In r. Wuton Jay t't'prt·k nUn& the U!e 8oulb Pacttlc:. N~'J)Ort H&rbor Ch1U11ber uf Cummcn:e, Tom Allrn-l't'pn·.,.nt· 111g Boy Scout. &nil 1-'rank Mob· ,.,.,, thf' Sea lko~ n . "f:nt rECEipt~ '--------------.: ranyon~ R.ed Cross Lap Robes Completed By Group It wu unanlmowaly i1t;l't'cd Ul.•t ,.,·cry effort I• t9 ~ lllll~ lo In· providf nc Sf (urity lor thf futurt, but a ho mE o~ RDBSI CAFE C.Cidalb J>r('. a nd Mn. William Ward ~bt Red c~· lap robu tOJ' ('A'&Ik' all Seoul lld ll'llll'l Ill lhe :'llllblt', 607 North Bay, Front. tJonvaleecent Mrvlc:cmen we,.. •r~a, lllcludJ{l6 Ulc J.Wy l:koul.l. C~lbo.... Jaland. are tbe parent. completed Tbureday by membe,.. .:ub Scoul.l, Sea Scvur. a n.t 01.rl , II! tL aoll born Aprtl 2t at St. "' Newport liel6bl.l Circle WBCS Scoul.l. • _ , 'JUiwph. l!o"-"al. : who met at . t.be ~orne ot Jo(,.., M r•. Hubbard H.,,,.,. pouot•·ll tu B. Kin&. 211 VIa Mentont', wllb lbe need tor a ~\raJ nH."Ctln• J ucll Bo)'d. who Ia enroUt'd at M,.. c u... • yrw .uuer actJ.nc aa co-pia« tor Qlrl Seour. an\1 lbc thl' .:'lla\'y quar1e_nnulf'r echoo1 J;u.teu. Jo'ollO\Win& a&ck lil.ndl at n•atler w u dlkuakd at· lt!n¥Ul. In San Diego, !~pent tbe week etul nooh, .lolno. L. H li'e.rlfU.IOn pre• Tile Importance of .lhr S..•a tkout-' your own will . ·•Ell lai.QIDR IIUP 1812~ He~~ ~. COSTA W5$~ ,._.. Me.,ert ._ STUJ.·AVAILAILI THIS W~~: ' . 4·Sth Ota. . ... BRANDY 4·Sth 0\a., · . . . . . .. IUN 4 ·5th Ota ' TEOUILLA 4·5tb Ot•. . VODI.A 4-Sth Ott . · INPORftD DQUBLOON And a R .. t Treet From Old N .. loo: I t'• Smoot be . Tenape KABANIRO Supr•••-Jvat Try ltl . Old f asllions • Cocktails • HIPWI • S.S l'lnt~•t l111pott.d'PORT, SHERRY, NUSCATIL 4·Sth Ote. DONESTJC aDd .lNPORT'D CHAWPAGNI AJeo: '-"• Ml••n. Ce~i••· G ... , Clian. T....._ 't"r"' ___ , __ woth hla parent:a,. Mr. &llcl lira. •ldc!d at ll!e b!&8111e .. meetJ.nc and a-l alr So liM: ~ 1 r 1 '-------------1--.--------~~~~~ 'll~a~~==BAN~~Q=V~~~~~~R~o~~~rt~L~.~Bo7:~~~J:r~.,~o:f=:~~~7.n~a~w:n::·~H=. ~0~--~~--ii~~~de~-t!~~·~o~~~:u~~rtro~c~·~~~~~~·~iiJ::::::::-~::::~:::--r~----~~ ,. I wu Su Scout H La I Lt. and Mn. John ~ox: jr., "Pr&)'er~-·-tJklpper Frank.Mohh•r A vote ut i' am• ans · SJ4~RVICED AND 'RVAIBED .. :. \ -·;: .. .. . ' .. M Stol('kton were recent ~ ).ln. ~ wu. named chair· Uuullta wu «!ven to l>r 0 M. 1:' >~t 1 ho• homr of t.he the fonner'a man ot • nomln&UJ16 oornmJttee, Grundy for t.M work Joneo over 1 To Buy or Refiri• .. ,_ pnr• nts. Mr. and Mra. John further c:ozpoMC! o!·M,.. J C a 10;)'e&r pcortoll during whll'h --• l<uoll(, 223 Narcluua anaU., •n•• and 11,.. Kin&. and wiH re-IIIN' he l!u directed thr tal•lne Cot·•na del Mar. port back _at •lbe nvit. meettnc. uf runda each ·year tu carry on It wu l"t'ported that clrtie Mt'J1l· the local scout pro~tram. 1 llt r'W W.ry A.ndel'80n of m.h hf'r-bad turned In 87 1s2 work Chalnnan Stf'ffN\I•·n outllned1 lllrt'r t, who hN been. eerloU&l)' dwiftl Ule put month Pic! th•• tjnanc lal alatua or tht• Scout • oil With th~ flu (nr IORit' time, U\e Af'Crelary ff'pGrtt'd 1Ja.t _fuD4a ..-d • ~f'd ~~~ the tlome of ~ ila-ct-11ft){ pirn o n tha( deb 8cout unit Ol.ltllnf' ill! h•·r (Jthil!'htr r. Mra. Robert FoOtt' chun:b Pled&'•· Rf'<'da tor con.a1deratfon at anoU!- •)f :'l:l'wpnrt Hl'lgl!u. At conc:lualon illere wu eerved e~ mt'etlnc of the rroup In two ho a bakt'd pucldlnc provided by Mn Wl'f'ka. It wu •'"'e<'<l tt• 1nvttr Lt. Lloyd 0 . Howard, w N-M U · ..,. sldeol at 123 Abalont' avenue-ctur-I u and a .U~r offutnc wu ~ new COilnt)' Scout t'll~Ull\'e .. take". P':reMDt were MMdamea 0 . to meet will! U!e local '""'Un In 1ng Lh•· St'veral mont.ha U!at ne 0 "'" •· waR 11tnt•4n .. d here u Naval In· · Barnard, J C BUIIJIC'&, L H thc.o ~llr future. ' , lt•ll1,::1•nce officer, hu b.n traNs Jo'ercu-on, Henry H&fl'la, The mt't'llnl wu hrld at the od w n 1 Hart, Mayn&rd Lobell, Oeorr Klectrtc ortu e.t balboa. 1 fl'rrt .to ate 00• owa. 1 Moreland, W H Tr\lllty, ED Oood- l )1r-.. Bryan S1e4p ucl ~ ell, rr.d Wooctwort.b and Mn 11on ~f Europla, Ktaa., an llt&J• Kiq. · -• , . -=-----.-- The Pre.a I• only 1}.00 pel' year. Island Church Scene J'lhll I -St. J ob n Vaanney Call!ollc PROFESSIONAL CAlm s -·-Ch1d \\ arr~.J... Octloer ~arry c hwn:l! on Balboa laland wu Jut' 1 \\'JIIotu uscn pf San Diego apenl Saturday afternoon the acent' of ,...----------~-----1 tw w~ck t'nd with M,... Wllllam· s char:mlnc cf'remony wi!Jicll unit· Dr. G. E. Tohi11 :ovn 7o:s Elull Cenu.l a venue. He ed In marrt-.e MIM Jeealc:a Ro. PHTSICIAN and SURGEON "" c-& llouleftnl Teletllaoee&: omee: ... w a.: ta.-a u .;. ....... c.a Newport I 1 hd.!l .r,·c-enlly bf'en makm.r pertod-DonaJdaoo. cSaucl!ter of Mr. and I "' !lights .tu Texu on Naval bu. Mn. Arll!ur Donaldaon or 110 s. 1uws:t. · Bay Front, and John N. Scelaa, I M 11. LedJa Strother, Mt JCI MOe Jr.. eon of John N. Scelaa 'ot .:~n .. a..\•enue, told 'of ber aper-Brooklyn, N. Y .. 1 11•11 ••• 8 aa & younc e irl In Siberia Oftlctallnl at the t :30 o'clock =====:.....:::==.. __ _;:;,__1 "~.~ ahe •poke yutrrday before ceremony w.. Falhl'r Jamu R. D Obed Luc., a P h<' woml'n'l awullary of tbe Ban· Mulcahy. Tbe brtde, who wore [. cw:J tb White marqul&t"tt.e With Veil and 0·~1:111 It I Aua Eplacoal Church of • carried • bouqud of white or-.:.~·~--• :\h•II:IIHb. chlda, carctenlu and oran~ ~loe· I \\'Oham t<1rk, Jr., who recently 110ma, wu attended by the brtde· ~~~~~ W. O.tTU ~on<> 1488 ._IIHauuh'd from pre·fillht traln· groom'a at.ter, Mn. Syl~lte NEWPOaT BEACH •l "'~ ,,t S.L. Mary·a c:olle1e, ta aptneSs Oleorl!o. u matron' of honor and . ---· DR. e. J." CARtER Deatbt • · 111g u Wt"l('nme furlo~b witb !'!a by Brtdumalda Barbara Mat.on 1 J•.f11o11s... M't ·and Ma.: W. A. and Kay Ball~ (>ete-r B&rrett of q K 11l< uT 1208 Eul' Central &Vt's Newport Beach act.ed u bNt' man If"'"' It 11 Ilia flnt. vlalt borne Ill and Capt. Wallace ualated u 1\ooQMe P&etea a Spec~l¥ -• ~ Jl'ollowiftl UJ~ ceremony, 100 I ll tolonlha. uaher . M s11 E mma Hughea, 701 Eut gueata were entertained af.. a re- J"hone lll:lll t It·. ·nl ral uv.,hue, had u w.-f'Dd O!ptlon In U!e bHde'a home whe~ 1-N'-port Bh·d., CoCl!Ota)Mr"* •11 M'l·' d B ·~non. of ......... -.:u··>;lK .,. 111 ° ure r-. s punch ..and· wfddlnl' cake wu I •• •· no anagrr ol Ule Hartlor Bo&t-Hrved.. Mr. B<:etaa, an avlaUon IJ1111 •• 1ng t:o. at Wllmlftl1pn) Kra. cadet, ta at j)ret~ent_ at£1oned Dr .. M. D. Crawford ~1on :r Bouc:tu~y i>f Sut.a and upon hi• tran•fer .. ml Hub~>rt Cf Oay, Loa AJ!Ce1ea. to anolber ~t. will be accompa· :\IISII Hugllt'l and Mt.r. Bral\nOJl nled by hJa brtcSe. OPTOMETai 8T Ey• lbtamlned. o-..... Fltt.ed Phone 2430 1711 Newport Boulevard • V08T A lm8A I W<'l"l.' srhoolday friencll. Newport· Balboa -Federal Savings .·and Loan .. Association 3333 Via Lido Telephone 1500- .. ,iru•o•fl•. ...,.,,., .. • Zone Therapy Clinic. Medical MAAII&lf'IJ . s~·l'dto•h M»'"llt4t"· R,..tro ·Tb•rap:t New Harbor rulcSenl.l are Mr. an<l Mr11 WiiiiiUTJ BmiUI! and dau~hlcrtl, PaUy and Tanya, tors n11·rly ot W!'lllncton, To., wbo orf.' building a ~ hom~ on 8&n B··rnnrdrno avenu.t'. Th• &Vla an· 11•o•••l .:'llrwport Beach vammar t<('h<)(ll Monday. The Smlt.ha are '\' ,.,, , ly "Ill ranger• In a atrance lund' IU th<•y aJready have n~· ,., 1111!1 n •h•toVl'& here. Tbt'y are ttl•• p; rt'lllll e>t Leo Smith, em- C>f Beach Cit~• Produce d of K<ee Smith ot Hu.nt- ·CBAPE.L by file ·SEA I Th~'rt fialwina 10 prttttft )I•Jt ~ and 1~'"' 1nd all thAt thco, Mand (Qr . B.i k thcom liP' To hurry thco aol~M "'htn rhey c•n Comt'borM •;n--., /14ert ...... -. v ..... Ball!-• -. .. ma"eghlm Zone ;J:b_erapt.t_l~clalla.t_ ...... ~ Bldf. Buch, whJI~ Mr. • 8mltb rotht'r of Mra. A. 15 T110ft)p- f 312 Santa Ana &VeJI}M .• IRMA MARPLES r ; 2ti Man a• 4 ... ·wboe l•a-d .. .t •o~rr~cu• 410.Cout Blwd. •CORONA OIL NAR ~I.M.IJ.2 DAT A.ND NIGHT IOUYMIIM CMM"II ·eat CO.f'AtiY • 2119 Coast Blvd., ·Newport ·Beach Master -Oven whiah.will enable ..a to ""• you better. Watcb lor. opening date . lUI N-.ell't ... .._. ... r oyr PilON'S U1. \ .c.---· ,, in "nrihilr, yoa line ltMI ,.., •• , le buy Will' .r~. '"I''' l••trlnJit and l.oth lfH»d 1 to ftnla1t the . - f , ,, -, .. ,, tu I'"Y fur tbe.drea• ~ J:otl want lo . ~ . II',. In '-lu·n l•.,.te II woh, )'ou~ m941thl al1·p• ., ' I ·' lwuu• i• '1\.rth P"'parinl for JIOW I •• 2 V , . '•""''" nv .. "''I' ~lp '" I • t • • WI\,ILitl n•t •fh.tJ t'fUflUfllJ 1 ,, I ur ;,,w -wht'"' )ohnn' ' 1 ,,.., !hMt Jufl~ h•tW.t' ~~ tJI J111 fu • o • • I r••·:> l•m1lr'• fururt - liNt \I • .,IJ.,J,, • An fll•m••~ 1,(100,000 M'W t h ,,,,. • 1r•1 -tJut vJ.onl M eod· c "' " "c -1.1 t I<> pl•r an 1111 ponuoe r•Jr on w r Jln(t'tllllt KO.O.J. r .,, )•~" ar-h<lfnt o1 • ,.. '"'' •n all·aaa IIIO<lcr• a.o..-IJ•) ,\f~ a-Jt. ., .If. ... J To ~rrr an flt)ft()ft'll' t<lllonl' tloal 1 Atotrd 10 $1 )0 1>,11 ..... on pr01lu•11nn • yur. 17 rwr <tnt _, 1<•ht art ,.,...,fr<l •l:rr rlo11 wir than 1n l 'J'I() Anol t~ ~ry 10 pctir!IIM p h"'"'"en end l'll>t 11 puut .. ''"l J'f••tr S.•t fw Tumvrrow-tJ., /14wt ~~~ •. .. ~ fw IIIRIMJ, .... s II tl ... ~ lfll .. '"' IUOic RAMI NAT WIU. ......... YOUI ..... - . .. , • \ ,_• I ..,. _, -j ~••En• ·.1 I I I llbeMa.ktng ' _ .............. .......... Allee ... (j,a.) tAle .... • ~ _,ina at • ~.rue .,. .... by --~~,_pol VIlla ... lkb.ool Ul.d Ollllt IU, tl.q'uD&. Th .. ...... ol eeadi ... ' .. er'MM card unc ....._ ....... Jun. MM.._bubeet ..... t.cber at the ..... put two ,..,.. an*=t• "' ~.oaq Beac: ' .. Blc'b eeltool and • ... Mate ODUec-· Lt ..... ted from ~~ E tlclllllc: lllcb 8dlool ar .,..!ty of CallforoiL -.rtq ee"lce hew .. r-t.aUn f~ the \)eft I.AIIor and pereoood tiM Unlt.ed statu Mar ll&aaioa. 'wubln&Wn. pn.nt he Ia 8latlonetl ~tallna lll&nd. ".AUendill~ the bHaJI MIL Jobn Feeley, Zelm e.dle Hce:oer ud lil Miss Muriel Da Wins Serority : rrte11f1a ol Ml.a Mu -. cl&uPter ot Prl lira .,.., H. Da'rida ~ to ...,. tMt at ~a---of 'IWa. t......., WC8I ...... ..-tty lit &be "'·~~. ............. IMII ........ et ~:c.. ... . ......... -....... ... ......... ,. ... ...... u.. ....... , .... W' t .BAY ·. Hein ,. '0 -.. . .. 0 \ •• -.. / ·. .. '. -. \ . . . •' c,.,.a. •• y. • New Spnng Styles Now Arriving Daily Cole ol California Sarong Swim Suits ~ OlJd New Play Clothes · BALBOA. ~.Beqc/, 'k/~ I NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Gerleral Clean-Up, Salvage and Fire ProtectiOn Drive · ~~.:,·eory clt,1zen o r r-: .. wport Har· "·'0 to ~ Ul·· righ~ kind of hnr 111 tn tonsld••r hlmaelf a.n ac~ "l'IIXtUJII for a.w m~rat. tt\t t•ntl ag.jl'rt'uiw member of a W ute ~per lt'c.l<'l> into mtklng / ·ardboard and f1bre cartona to , 1t\'·\\'u.L "C'lt·un·up, Sal\'age a.nd 1 rry munltiona, NJUipment, food fo'or·· Prul• d t•u• l:<JIIIIluttee," ac-md &11 aorta ot materlalt n~todcd , .. 1 .t1n~ lfl un •·lltl'l laa~d by u carry on the war on the fight· l :.1 ''·'tor t 'lyan t1 Hall In con nee:-ng fronla of the world. w 111 "1th l:tty t.:lt>an·Up . W.ek In aptt. 0t ahorutge of belp . I t tty depart.aaenta wtll handle all wh•• h Ill to "I"'" May 14 and :uatert.alt Jet\ for aalvage u well 'oo!liiiiU{! OtrOU!;h unit! May 21. .~.~ .all lraab l«tt to bt' deatroyed. ( A•to~tllng to Mayor H&JI, tuob The deputmanta will help to l<eep 'l .. dll\ t ~~ W ll' fit ~he tx:at pouible -> !eye clean of waste matu~~ala, [ " '·'" to hl'lp th,•. nation'l lead-.but every c:ltiMn mu.at at.o help ( , ,. V·•• 1 y •m th,. biggeat job of by ha~ wute male rial and / 1dl w1nn1~ the war. In ad.diUon. snh ·aa-e material aort ed and put in 1 h • l~•ln t .... J I1Ul, on" of the ~t el.ay to baD4Je contalllen and r.~t•thm.l.!l uC kc•'plng up home tront pupen tied a bundle• with at.out .•·••null' ts to k.:.:p the comm~ty 1trtnp. 1 1 ·:•n. lh111 ulstJ acting u an l.m· rnrlimt factor Ill aldin~ .fire pre-• ,.,... ,.... ~ I t•nllun IJIId lhe tJ rlve for lalv.... ' At 1.he aame :um~ the city-wide 1111\\' so vital to t.M war effort. cvrumJtt.ee WWM that VIctory nty tQ AJd Drt.. l.iiU'dena be DOt forgotten. 1 '"lbe Rut of the Clean-Up 1 n, encourage ~e drive _ every Drive wW 'be May 14 and It will • lll'lp po~11l be lfYeD to c~ OQ UDW May 31 by wtl.lch I hum.: owner•. l h•· mayor taleS. Sal· t1me lt ta . hoped that a record 'a~;.: nutl••ru•IJJ. wute paper, old collection of mat.enaia for Salv&&'e • rn\.'lala, etc., will all be plekad up will have been made, Mayor Hall nnd tWill be tfl.ken tq the city anid, at tbe aame ume polnUng tlurup, where paper Ia lltored to out that there must be no· let up b•· haul.:d aw11y when a bll' on &1\)' ot ~ acUvi!.le,t u long K~p on Buying 'u.S. War Bond~ I nuugh supply 11 ready tor th.e u tbe war conUnuu. · .. 111111~. Old ll)etal Ia ·.u.o held unW "TheM duU• of clean-up, aal· It h1 callcil fo(. by the Southern vaae, an4 tire prutecUon tre · all t'.ohfomla Steel MiU at Fontana part of tbe war effort and ahould wh,.re acrap, n1etal goea wtUl tbe be ao OO'*dered." he 'declared. ·-~----~--~----~~------..... -7 . ..- Gifta of Sentiment for MOther's. DaY Mother;• o.1 quite frukly c.U. for GUtt of Sentiment b appe&llD;~plchue, loYely pottery, jewelry, boa of etaUooe~ • See our attractive 11electit;>n6 tod~y ........... ..,~ r." I.OUCBS. 0 , 'Jewehy and Stationery Sto~•· l'N7 NewPort. BIYCI.. _, CO'STA..M~$A ~1orley, l'r Earl ~lckeU,. Elinor Noble, Hen1ietta N0011an, Carl Robert Ogle,' Henry Oliver, Leah Belle Opp, June Elizabeth Ormia· to, Betty Aim O.born, Leater Er· n~1t Owen, J~llne F. O.bome, Mary l.ynna Overman, Betty Lout• P.at.ch, l'tlyllla Ellen Pe· ten, Mary Allee Pollard, Robert Itt "'' Jo.:lhot t. \\'llli am Cqvl.ngton Jo'l.•naJ::H D. Arthur B. AmunCS.on, , :M•IIIr•nt M. F'llflk, Sam roca. OveRSTUFFED . StT) N~Y · UPH~TE~. ~~ a~J.~~n~a':c:~=·· RJ~ ,79 50 lr'16'fn Cartll'r, Eleanor)(.' Oravea, Theodore Schult., Donald Keith Sevier, Frederick Evana Shand, Wilda l!(arte ~lriey, June J.-. t-tl~ Shook , Albert Oratlpt Simp- liOn, jr., Hal Will Smith, Jr., ~-~ trtcla Jeraldine Span,rler, Oeo'lje Wll11am ·Spink, Jr., Jamet E., Sprague, Glenna Marraret 8\.ark. Marton )(. Strain, Clarence Eu· t;"ne Taylor, Stanley Lee Taylor.1 llobert Lane. Upaon, VIvian J . Vaughn, Carol J. Woi<Senb\1rl'. ,,• . • . . • .. P\"ulmi-Lou111t' Hafner, . Robert . . . , · ·;. • .,~Hnlo•~·· Carol .Lcf'· Rall, .Shirley s. D:tNING ROOM SET. 'WITH • f"IVE CHAIRS --~ : 111"!"·· ~.turir·f Hate~ Wanda ' • . · · .. • .rtlli'S,•. Sally P."rfella HlguerL '1 .. 50 ,. Mnrllyn . L. Hill, GeOrge • Bryan . · · Jl.,ff}llan, \'irg1nla El.ther Hunt· ~I~E .BOX., so .. LB. CAP., IN NATURAL OAK . .. $15.00 A gocxi supply .o-r Carden Toq;ls > Garden ·. Hose, Cl'fioken li·re; Insecticides Snar~l, ·and Ant Syrup . · KNOX . HARDWARE· ••• .. aos-• IHMa•1iort-~ . : .. \ •f CLOSBDI , May 7th ~o May 23r,d. I o .Mer that, we'll open up!. But don't all come at one~ .. , ( BAY ·-BOBB.CAFE ~-~M~ . . ... ~., . ' - .... _Varie~· ·R W .. B· Store (~gR!-'.Ll1tlE BOTTJ..Ef; AII!MlrtT-"•·--;.i~ fatge gtua botUl"', n'?''"~~,. llhiiJit'l! nnd ''l'I'Y attractt,·c •t.oprl're "arlety of tope, bit'l.l~. f•tnl! nnd nowere. M•>tlwJ would b\' plf'uc•d to ha\'e & pat r of thue . -~h,98e . t.,. , • .... ")... ----~ &IA<t ·tfccs ANf>- 4 J3ATHROOMSETS · -s'everal at.ua In pa~tl'l sllatJ•·~. . '* t · : · :~ ..,;· t3.·79 to t3.29 TURKT~I . TOW,Ei.S 22x24 lnt'IH'!I, 69c:. , •: . ('()OJ<JF: .JARS .~ort~d CI)IO.tl!. trims anti llseL T~-ot ~hort. SoJillt' "l'iltJ:'i•'" ~lyle. F,our or ftl'i<' quart al..wl, Sl.l9 aad SLC9 ·----PA~TEL PqrrTERY ~!O:plcl'e ut. ltrvlce>~f~ tour. A ,..a nl.l S3.98 . '• :l~·PIF.CF: •·St Dr,nnl11 In .fine white a<'ml·porcelaln; complete s,•n 'l<'t' fnv s ix, With "~grtRble, dl11h '!nd plattt~r, , S3.98 'FiRr. )( ~G·. PYREX.and ,t>uNBAR 1\Akii')~C.lllia. )(otbe~·Ukea lh•·B•' I'M·•plnlt'll·, ('1\lll!l'rolt'S. tmall,ahd larg,·. routits. tound nr Jlt'nl ; lc>Rf f'l\11!<, utiU~y pane, pertolatora. eauoe pa.na. CUI· tnn) ru~s. .• R-dlo on · a ·· aan we-can;utlf Iii to Y(o,_at 100 % (ffiCiency -All Work Guarantftd.- I'UO)IM' ~t:~\l('t: .. RE..\SO~ ABLE PRICES ·allDIO 110ft a SOUND LABOU!'9BY s t:R\'I<'.E .\\'AIIABLE )IOSDA\' ·~ DlllMD.YS -at- ~~YSFOODBA•BBT ' ll'U ~\;Sf'\\l)Ort Bh·d. . -o.&a .._ .. -· -· .. Is to · Elect Public ·Officials . ' When a 'vaeancy occurs in the orrice or Judge or the Supe rior Court', .a temporary ,Ju.dg.e .:is appointed until the next election, and ·b~ ~his ~~thod the orftoe. is- so filled until the peopla can ~CT their .Judge.· JAMES L•. DA·VIS YOU D .. ftln' Aft0b8Y . I • is a candidate ror Superior· Court Judge, Orange Count~. a~d wi l l appreciate your support at the ~lectio~ on Muy 16tp. The American way is ror t he peqPl ~ t o ELECT their public orricials. ... ~Politr,cal Adverti•ement) <THIS AD PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF DA~IS) T~KE ~ER TO .. • 0 •• 'kJJuteJ · • I Announcing ---J . I • --------------~·-----~~------ ON THE ISL~ND .. I is now uri.der n~w management; with a full and. complete line of the best _, . Popular and Clas~iCQ! Records 'V We will alsp continue to ca}ry the FAMous· STURDITOY LINE OF ,Jroodea. f'.oy• aad . : .. Ballal w., • . . . ... . ... ,. .. · 203 Marine Ave.; Balboa Island •" . .. 1 s~ ' .. ' 'I . -· YIS>:__ ___ I----__ ·. -J 'r _.,... .. _., ...... ...... .. oil ............ .. ........... ,..._... .... ~ ... ~ ........ .... ... ~ ...... .. IJII!city ...... ..,-..................... , .. _.... ....... _ ................... ,.. ..... ......., ef c:..e-w. 4'-4 ,...._ ..... _ ...... . ._ IUDOIT 'AJMUUI If •11111e ;OTHD C01.UM~IA DIAMOND IIH~S UP tO tHO'· -t Mn. Chart.. Smltb en-at on~ ~. acoordinJ to tn honor or tb~ nnt l~ owner, Tony W¥1*-)(r. '"Wa- tft'J&IIMG . • cWr •IM polnte4 OU' •verel~ot.b--~+HiolftllullrY -•tnl •erary-vr--1ter • d&IJCtll.er. Jacq~lyn. 1~ cream, •·r notlble .fU\Ilf'M aiMIUt U.. OY· ~~~~~~~~~=====~=:;~;=:=;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:; 4 .... d t ... tot 1•n. Jncludlra-Uae .a.csrtcaUy-• an ........ e were .erve 0 uae -r • • Jowtna-J'Ufjltl: Mn. ~tty Malt-lil{hu l.l ~t~_r1or .. ~ ~ JDO-lnl iac. and aptn her way Njean .,nd eon. Ronnie; Mn. Loll ton , lntuv,·al r1t~'!'~-~t __ .. lilt wu c:ha.nt"- JitcDonald ahd' dati~ttlt~r. Mary sJlrllya, ~ cct c ouw• ........ ~ · • • • Jo: ~ ~n. Art Lawrence and lhomnometer, etc. ' CAPI'.UX wa.L8 AND da pt ·Nancy· the The Wact-ka ba" .,._ eftl'&l'· OVLI' ~0. ~nm:~~r. wf.. Tounc. and .. d ln the b&klnc ~ lien fill' Wben the Peyton Company h~r . uflcle and. aunt. Stanley and alx and · • hall )'~an, ~ hauled ber out 'for a bottom paint Pbyilll Younc. which lime Lhry ban turDed out Jo' and w'-qu.nt repluktar twndre(,lll of UlouaDdl of plecee forward, abe waa no · •trancer to , --"' bakery eoo48. WI~ tbe '....., o.Mnl Superintendent BtU. P II v A I ··qulpmt'Dt. the llbop. cap.dt.J IDOIIot w..O. bad ovettlauled her I' 0 Y·: ppare w ill be Jn•terlally. tncr.u.cl. . :e~ ,-:::J,t ~~:::,.,an.t. ·= .1oit OwnetS' _.Assn. will ai..t for th• election of-officer• ••·•u<T c·o M o a·ass M • N -' JO~lf .PHIL.LIPS H.. Ill" wa•l•lf• ....... Yte :WhO . Is· JustUi .• . . . V Al"IIT8ME!Ii A_~ ... ~ Jawached and tleclrleaJ 11JOr~ I• .COSTA MESA . _wr ahd Mn. ~~ JOMa ~ under waJ. Later 11be wtll · . . I -were Clown rrorn l!lou~ .....-.. ue ~ at' t.W . v...-I1Mit doelr Poteattal , ; -F • ·Craemer? Thi• qu,,.non wu 'uked tha other day when a amall ,qroup of men wer• diacuuinQ tba c.ominq elr:tiona. ' Th~ man who asked the queation wa~ a workino man • -the type of fellow who worka wi th. bia banda, aa well u with hi• head. He .. rna hie lrvinQ by tha aweat of hie brow. S.cauae be ia tha qanetal type of voter who will elect the nut United State• Senator froiD Caltforn.ia, he 1a enti- tled to kaow aomethinq-ln (act, a LOT-about the maD (or whoa he .'ot .. for thla vitally lmportcant office. JUSTUS CRAEMER ha• partlcul&t intera~t for u in Oranoe county ~auaa ha I.e an Oranoe' couaty ma~. He 1a a HU-mada man-came up the hard way. ~er.9raduat1Do frOID hiob achooi,Craamar and hia,pal, the late BUl Hart, e&bl.4o Oali(ornia and enrolled in • .C. atate uniTefllty. A - few yean la,er the bo,yhood paiJI. b~ame co·publiahera of the Dally New• at Orano•. _where Craemer hu rHided for 30 yeaie., The home town follta are atrollo for Craemet. ti.urtllQ hie lon9 ra~idence ·in Oruoe coullty he b.aa takea u acti•e alld' practicallntereet lD th• oitnaa lDdutry. -oa-.m~Y bt--.~.d-•• prnntnt o~emte ud utioul ne~paP.r -..ociationa-ruka hi!Jh wttH the pr .... ' · In P,Q"lic affaire Cra.emer ha• a fine record for llltecJ· • rtty .Dd capability. He baa ••rved aa' member of the •tate board -of.a9ftcuUure, ·at aecretary to .~he vo•ernor, u atate bulldUi9 ud foan cemmiaaioner, and Ia now • me~r ol the 1tate raUroaa comml .. ion. He k.oowt hia_.CalifonUA. He ~ a cJUdrctat~ for Senator on both the Republi~u 'ud the Democr'atlC: ticket• in lh• prim~ •\ect.lon ~y 16 Lit's lain Jlstus in Wasllin&ton· ·Cralier fir Slutlr (Political Advertlaemant) (tu.llol by frl~llda of Cr .. mer in Newport Hcbor Dl.trMt) -. ove~ tM week eel, 'a& w.lci to awaJt,.., ......_ iime they announced tMt ~)' "tn cMIP o1 UM MART ·I"R&NI: hlld rf'llnqutsh"~. Uaatr dannatDry 1a C&pt&Jn Welle who for 28 ,..,.. room at Bslboa Tulat c:::lalt tD piloted 101\C ranee tuna cUp~,.. VIc:~ Commodore and Knl. Don tor ··van ~P Company. WlM!!'l K«"mp. The J on .. • eon. J..:ll WbO the COYetnment be/ole CD4 aftf't I" with thf' Ml'r~t K&rtna. hal J1Mrt Jl&iJior cominandel!l"''d W Rlready aeen eervtca Ill_ Ula tUn& ellppen aJ!(t their younal'r rtca-lt.aly cam,.acn; a aacood cftWa wtt.b tbern for forelp .erv· 110n Dick. Ia LakiftC Ha.y V-12 Ice. We~. wtJo ll appi"'&clltnc -,o, training at ~rkeley aDd tbe .No. found twn.lf without a ahlp and 3 110n. ~or,;e Jr., W01 ..,a.ctuate at tlit 1n a poettlon to re&JI•· a In J unr from 9&D KartDo 1111'1 ~ cbar1Jihed ambition; be wu arhool. All or lh4 bo7w are well (rM to leave Lona ~.ell and known tn local bo.Unc atrclee. w1th Ilia wt1e 11M daupwr . .et- tle clown on Ulelr r•ndl on the r--:--iieiin-i;;'",K;;iii;;;;---. =· n~ ~-PU1l u4 NJM PII:RKAK8Jf1'8 ........ .... ..... ... ~ ..... c.&&.._ ..._. w-.• ~ 2t 011 tN S.y -Phone UO IAI.IIA WVAS .-SHOP s. fJ. · s~ R.tll. tWl Ci.Jt~c eo. JA,ntl _ ~ _ · ~~ lallle ... teo.-aaA ........ ,....,.. u,e.o~~Mnna ..... ., .,.~ n.t lt. K..,.rt ..... SHIRTM~KER . Radio-Sexvice ~~ •ty!ed by . in Cahfor· nia ... a cucumber-coo! .•• ca.auaJiy-comfort~bJe Mer· .~C1er,J,.rfect for a~o~mmer wea.r. Size• are 12 to 20 RADIO AND-~QHT Batteries - .CLOSID ON MONDAYS- PoDy· App~ Harold L. Hamm 1811 Newport Bl•d. .......... hlWl•t COITA WUA bibo Sowad , ....... 318 Madae, IAJ.IOA IILAJID ·For Your Slgqs · PIIOJU ~ ~.f~(~l_~l ......... IIAJif .. ,._, .oAt'~·- . Shell Marine Products AT THE ·S·H E -L -L ~Do-cK - . . MAIN CHANNEL ' . ' - Just receiv~ for your mspectio~: A new Ship-· ment of Marine ·Hard- ware for'summer ~ ou tfi ttirig. . I 911 Co•d Blgbway ·' ........ ._ t f). . ... ~ ........ t -_-._ fll ._ Alloe • --.. U..(J. •. ) a. ..,. ~Inc at .,.... __ _., ..,.. awn 1IT -Of tbe Ne"' ,... ..... llchool• O.liua, ~., ... ol eucty ... .. -· •• card .. .,...... ....... J\8 .............. ----~altltt .... ..-two y.e P'hn*\ ol Loq a. :• ~ 8cbool and ..... Mate OoiJece. I ...... ted fr'oiD Loa. ..._le Hap 15chool .... ty ol CallforDIL ...._ .. ,..lc:e be w., .-tat.lve fOf' the D J.AW and periiOOD .. .-.. uBJtN etate• ..., ~ Waalllo«ton. ,....n_t he Ia lllatloo4 oataJIDa lllan4. Attandlal lbe bnl Mh. JabD I'Mley. Zd IIMie Hc;e;DU ud a Mise Muriel D Wtna Sorority ,.,..._ ollla. II -. ~--ol P · l(ra aid~ H. .,. ... ............. u.at . -...ra....,re~ -ftiU. ~ ..JI!a ..._. .... 7 rt 0. .,.,.. ....... ~ .............. .... ... II& l , c. ... ............... , ........ flttT ... ............. ... II . . . , ·. J -F-01 t'•' \ .. lrlduunt l'*tRecl• r...t.cl Stripe ... 6NM .ww..· A Graicl AII-OccasiH G.ift ~\ ...... .. Phyaically Dlaabled BelngAtded In lobe Pysk:ally draab&ed dvlllana ud dtaeh&r&ed veter&JUI &re.. now ba- mg 1-'wen aid In trana!el"r'lq hom to euentlal Joba. ;rbe ~ure.au ot VouUODal a. tbOitt'tlon, Whll'tl Will or'fMIAd tv meet ~he ne.da ot the ,..,.._ ,, !h' tllsablt'd can b<· of V&JruaDte atrllo-a grea~t IIIUIIY OftheM ,:, \ hluaJa. The ftmdamental •rv· t~il proflded by thla Hureau ar-.: E"r•·rt t•ocattonul _coun.HIIn&' or gu rlance. compl..t.l' tratnln• to fll't•pare for employment, and atd tn pla«•ml'nt on a aultable Job . • •t h••r rwn'!Ct'll wblch m•y .,_- p .. wi.led If nrceu nry a re : Correc· th·., surgery or medical treat· n.• nt If rcquJred for employment, ou•tfflcial aP,pllance J or h~ a o. malnt.enancl! t llvln• expeni. • :• 1 during perlud of tralnin«, ttnnsportaUon to place ot traln- u ~: or-to place of empi<!YJneraL _r.a n ce and guidanoe a roe 11ven ••· Ll\oee who do not want or do ""' need further tralnln«. u well n • thosA. who df•slre tralntnc. Any- '·"'' ovt·r 1& yrara of a&'l! IW'bo 1 h ·~ a rhysrcd condition wb.leb n.us" b.-oonaldf>~ when c:t.oo.- "·~· a 'job. 4-' enUtled to u.ee Ul1a I s··n •lce. • The oftlcea or the Bur-.au ot Lieut. Amel Boldmaa ,.---------------~ AVOCJ4Do fiiiOVE IOLD J. H.~ whu malntaiD.I a lliU.UIDa' ...... a t ~ lut w..-dt-~ ot .-11..1 avoc:ado poove at Fullerton, lOa· a report,N conarder&Uon ol uo.~. &Dd lau moved. to the 8t1tmor. ...,._.111,11 at Anabelm. MladaD I'IMn'ESTED Mra. II. Qui1Ut, 300 3&lh at.Net, 11&1 ~ to pollee coneem -ino~ Use ,.,..vW .. or chlldren wbo hale ~U)' ehoaen her yatc! oa UMI&r JIUt1oWar "theatr-. of war. A~ to her r-.port the mi.KrNA~ \ear apart her fenoe fln •t )'ani hwy lime ake home and .-, ._I tarew~ U4 lu.mMr. MieelDc Ia Acttoa Mr. and II"'-4mel Bolclaa.u, %2M Oraq. avea\le, Oil ~J re<:ei'Nd a telepam troaa War depart.nMnt ~ ~ that their -..Lieul A1Ml Bold- man, Jr., Ia ~ Ia -.eUoa Oftr Bu~. The ,ouq 1na11 bad been ,. fttPt OCIIIUDAiWW. NF.W MANAOamNT· Uodd"l Malt llhop at 211 Mar· lne avenue, wbleh hu been op- t'rated unlit recently by '· L. Stamp, will llllOpen th1a week end under the mana.emerat of the ownl'r, Marton C. Dodd, wbo wu formerly c:onnected wtth the pur· dlutJI6' department o1 tbe Peyton Co. Tbe ahop hu been e~ Rveral ~ thta week wb114r "freaheflln• upR PI"'C:Me der way. ON HONOR IIOLL Ro&ert Edward Lee Bradley DOAIID IW DlaEcroU Ne~rt Beach 1.1 one of 836 •tu· eti'bt local P...,na are now In· dent. .ln an enrollment of SNl eluded on the board of direc:ton who made the winter Mmut.er of 8outhera o...n.e· county chap-honor roll at the Colle&'fJ of Art. ter of ~ ero._ They are: J . H. and Sclenc:ee, Univenlty of T .. x. Lorent.en, x.... ~rce Howard, aa. Both lbe quality and quanti- MI._ Robert w. Mlller, Kra. su-:y of work accompllahed by each and )Ira. Sheldon stuc'~iat wu Included In makln~ TELEPHE OPERA . . . w-IEEDED ~' Servii:e~~o.rftnr ant-all iletoenrdiJJid upon our girl. at the •wz~bboard•. Good pay wAile learning and regular '", • .,...,..,.,...,. .nofCAUFaiA HLEPHONE CO. .&ppl~ 1 ·100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa #" .. , OR 514~ N. Main St., Santa Ana Availability Certificate R!!J!!.ired . ' --------J....t!!£!!!.!£!!!!!.!..~~2.W.WJI.9ll~171lt:..J Colllle:I'..-.U.:.-4#~-:Halrtw.r---o._,rf-Ju.p....lJ1e-~ llat. an~rr county have been R~ILECT : TE WINKLE HARDWARE T.a.,.J.-Me.port 132!1 COSTA WISA oAuooaud HARDWAAE AND HOUSEHOLD DEI'T ST0~ES -) ('Titinki1ru of: -0 'J your uew lw11ze?" "'Your home can be u ~feet u your dreams, R!adam. if you plao·it tiJbr! In it, e iciry will ~tve you in ~Mny new ways ... will ai-ve . more liYin& comfort and leisure rime than ever before! you Yfish, the Edison Compjlly will help you plan oew'home so that you can. be surt' it will be prop;rly wired-adequate wiring is cs.c;enrial to every truly mo.J"" hom/ Ask Ill yoM net~rur EJiJotJ offi•e for "'or• M/omwliofl 11bo111 lllhtMIII• u•iring.'' • llBDDY ICn.OWATT, Yc>W E/,clnra/ Strz'"'' - QllfGIIIA ·BIJON .. (OMp-llff-l l-f J. B. BI!'US (hael'lil Elecldc . r • UPUOEb1'0U • · w.uamu W • --A'P"I • L\DIOe ' ~ . . ,....__ . ... • ........ ~ IMio...taw. mnvl'd to ·Bungalow J on the Saft. t a. Ana .J unlor colle.ge campua, tiT :'1."'1 t h M11ln •t rN-t Anyone lnt.er- ,.,;tt·ll In further Information or I 1111 inlt>rvii'W a.hould contact Wm. IJohr at thl11 addre..-.•;·t.Telephone I Santa Ana 4446). • ....._ I RAf'K t'BOM KAN8A8 cnY • Mr•a. LeVtltia Thacker hu· ;... turned att~r lllr .. ._. week• at Ka.n· F ilS Crty, Mo .. +·hl're 11he had been l'ltlll·tl by th~ l n .. u and de'lth of h~:r mother. he and ber two all 1'1\JJdr(' have apent thtf pa.( ~veral rontha with her unt'le anti aunt, thf Ben Aliena of 2ith st rt•et. bu plan to 1100n ,... tum to K City when they wiU Uve with l'r father for tbe duration. Mr. ac:ker Ia In tbt South Pacific. MJI!ETINO AT rmben of the \t'IN.8 CCV' ~& HON0&8 S~:ll'lllUI atwarda, a Jftduate of Newport Rubor Union school, baa" been aw&rded bla bachelor ot arta degree at Pomo- na collere .aDd ln addiUo'\, cited for "dl.aUAc:Uon In courae." A m-ember of tbe Phi Beta KapJ~a, h.la m~r ac:boluUc work wu \n dwmlatry and be lntenda to work aa a chemUlt unw called for mill; 11\ry Mrvlc:e.' Ilia mother, Mrs. Lu- cille D. l:ctw&ntl, now raldd at f:zt.a.lan, ~exico. -'----- NATAL DAY8.BON08ED Nr. aDd Krs. · Hfln% Kaiaer of Bay 8~ Cafe -re hoet. Mon- day e\lenmc at a ciUuler party bon- orlq the ~ annlversariee ot C. F. Watt., former Balboa real dent w bo N Ua lly IAGVe4 le 0 "Chmue ~-l nglew.ood; lin. 1:. I Moore and ice, comprlalng dell'gatn from M -Sam Kt----· 11evrral Southl'm ciallfomla cOun• nl --r. trrs, met rel"ently at Xu Cua Jn adcUUon to" lhe honoree. the I'ATROLI,.INO IIIA&8HALL8 Claire W. Stevena, boatr.v&i~a "late R~nd clue, Ia now Mrvt"'' ~·board a patrol boat In the Mar- shall Jalanda, former Jap&neee stronghold, ac:oordl"'' to word re- ceived by ~Ia par·enta, Mr. and Mra. H.,-ry W. Stevena of 1818 Vllelle plac:e, Newpc)rt. He had former ly aer'ved with a Navy run crew aboard a taaker . OOl'JM)SIONJ:D LJ:J:UT. At gradaatlon cer-.monlcia oon- •ucted Saturday al the Army AJr Force• bombardier ec:bool. Carla- 'latl, N. M .. Edward Cbapman m ,,f Corona del Mar wu cornmiJ. ·!oned aec:ond lieutenant In the Air Corpe. Granted a two-week turlO\.II'h. he arrl\'ed Monday evening at the home of hla ·pennu, Mr. and Mn. Edward Chapman, jr .. 1308 Ocean ~ulev rd ~ ))eJn&' hla tJ.rat trip home rrtnce Cllrtatmaa. It la hta plan to apend the wpek end at San Franclaoo and will leave sometime next week for Lincoln, Nl'br .. where he Ia to report tor duty May 12. I I CLYDE A. WATSON l' qur All~t'~ftl,-....,. 1411& m.trla ----1 EXPERIENC-E ' . EFFICiENCY ECONOMY "HI. Rt'cord R,.cnmmend1. Rim" , on Balboa fsllnnd. Ml'll Charlea nfful~• at~ by Mra. Watta Roblnaori of 2700 Ocean l'ront, and -on, .JI~r, "llr. Klnatatber Newport. 11 Southern California and Nr. Mpon. Mr. and Mn PJ'IOfUIOr nf the organltatlon.·Loeal F.lu«ene J'enelon. Nr. and Xn. ----------------------=--- g-Irls atte.ndlng the H aaloo were HArry H~, Mlaa Welamann EloiaG Ownn. Barbara Hand. Dew· or Hollywood, .Qt,ol amtth ADd 11 Blllltrg1, ·.Charlene Wail, Della the boet.. Holbrook and ~nevt glance In Judge Ray. B. flonl'ym&n, euc:ut.lve rn<mcl Thomp!<nn·" coutt alr<S rf1i<'er at the local Army AJr ~ lho·r•'Upon b!'c:amt-n full·.fl.tdg:ed who ruldea wlth Mn. Honeyman A r.l<'rlrRn clt lu_n Sjtt. Bergrl. who r.t 302 v'la Lido Nqrd. lJdo Isle. 1.." :It y<'lll"ll of ng ... ,J• a native The major lut wHk neroUated "' n.-rmn.ny who l'&mp to the Orange county's lar(eat real ea- .l,nttrc! StKt~ in 1927 u ~· tate tranaacUon ol .U....yeu and I'Mw un " .shl After 10 yean In lht>reupon became ollmer of the th;s ,.,.untry h w<'nl to Cuba and '106·1lcre Clarence Brown ranCh r•··qntt•r,·ol thP ~IPs IPgal(y. He HI San Juan caplatrano, the jnlrlrd t h" Armv two ynn ago 1 prop<'rty hav1n~ nporte,ny apld 11n11Ar a mllib\r~· ACt whlrh g1vea I r~>r $402.~. The ranch lnclutlea mPmhl'!"ll of th<' 1\MTl{'d fnrcta t~ 1 1r.0 &l'n'll or oraftl'l!8. Mvm .of tiJ;ht tQ nppl~' ror and rf'ctlve l••mona. ,tfvt' of llmee, lU ac:~ the rt!_!hls ano l p rlt'llt (!• of clU· o.t grazing hand and a .handaom_e 7.1'0!1hlp. ~·nnch houu. I I ' 1 Political Advertleement) RE-ELECT" Thomas[· KUCHEL STATE SENATOR Oranre County needa tn experltnred Jetialator in the S t a t e Senate. OUR ,MAN FOR THE JOB Is .the fntoumbent. SENATOR THOMAS R. KU\HF.L. He has been a ftghter for farm welfare. Be b~ been fair '.-nd impartial to lll..bQr. He has been a real tnenct of our ·~ublic srhooJs.LHe h as foug)ll for thl'. protection of the small busine11sman and the small hop1eowner. He has favored legislation to make. ~he future eecure for our elder citizens. He has also fQught for etrleiency in our atate government. . ,. • SE.NATOR KUCHEL ia now .~er\'ing as a Ueutenant in the Ur.i ted States Navy, and if re-elf!Ct..t, he .nD !erVe ua in Sacrame11to wh en t~e lerislatuN convenes next year. THOMAS~ H. KUCHEL WII.L ,AITB Rto;I'RI!:SENT ALL, THE ·PEOPI.E OP THIS DISTJUCT, HONESTLY AND FAIRLY, Vote ~n May 16th ~ o\ f<e~p SENATOR THOMAS 'H.\KUCHEr · ) -··at Sacramento. · l'nlta etfftt'fl~t bU bten donat.d br tn.dl fJI e.atar 1"'loaMil J1. &u!:t* , . • .... '• * r. ,. .. 11H ""li"t •I '::S [": ••r ,.,;., e~~••INI r•ilf"HHI • ~ ,,., "'"'"'-' ;,tU ,. .*" ••1.1 rich '"' tlilt•"' r,;..s •till le .irltllh• c.,.,,.,,_. 1., •ilit•q ..tl .tiHr ,,_ &NT ,;J,. •I tiH lrMI ,. 111 r•l/ruA tvilh uri.;,·,,.;,,,· •ll•chNI, itttl lhu• tr•"'s wni.J ;, J~~th •1 le '"""' .u, .. TIH ""' ud~ ,,,;,.-J,.th• ,.,,., tiiW, 1., IH . ..u 1M~ SIIJ ,. IIIII,., "" • Ul,,,,,,;,, ;, r. IIH IIX>'s..J 1160;., , ,__ "'"" ;, !'ict. •t• r•ilrNIU " i-J, 1Mr w.U.-TIH lA.tl c;,_, ,.li9 t~~tU •"1 ;, 11H •uw.l.t.J 1,.;,ry, C..,_ i lllf•l i• t•lli•t th1 r•ilrut/1 6feii'II"'NIIIHN161KiiMIM 111ch •tntrtl ;,,,_, urJ, tUJI. BVT .•. bll't h oat ol date toda,.t le retu.ra for their Laod Grant., cbe railroad• oriJiaalty were re- quired, anti an acill ,.-eclw red c'o "d6 10, io rupecc of mili.car'y 1ad n1nl property. t,nd per1onnel, co haul so•eromeot puuoset•. freiJhl, aod mail ic rata lar below choN appliclble to ordioary t.ralic. Sioct tbJ Land •Graau were mada. railroacb ba'ft paid OaT fa Hducfll ratn oo ao.,..raaeot traf. 6c maoytimettheamoalll theyb .. e recei•fll from 'thetel.aod Gnou. Jo the CfM o( the Sa.ota fe~-;re are dw 6pre1: I• _, IS.. .0 .,..,., e~~/Hcj '--•14-1 '*' IIH SANTA JE ' . SYSTEM li"NES -Of ..aKA1 UUOA·- lll •1111 fOI YICTOIT _. -~ I L.tfl! Gr-b '"" ~'• S•"'• PI'.• "'' rMii~lfliM Jre-lhn• £.wi1 11M ,, ,.,, 123,000,000. ,, JUf •IM1, lh.f ,_.,,.,,,, r.:C,;wNIJre• s.,,. F1, ;, th1 j.,., •J '""'' """~ ti.f)l. ,,,..x~ •• ,,, 140.000,000. Maoy go•crameotel •1eocie• well u pri•ate thipper 1roup1 are coa•inced that the time bu arri•~ for tbe eadre repeal of tb ... bv.r· deuome Laad Gnat nq.Uremuu. /jl • (Santa Fe~ \111 II'/ -------------- .· / ... • / J IIOOUYI Au-su •• Reca~ yow tlr•• wit bout certiJi"t• roa·INs~CE u::a BOward \V. Gerrish ... , w. o-lnl .Aft. ,.._,_. ... a.IU. ...... &V'I'OIIOBILE AOOIDENT •· FIRE ·-LIF& Oreelln,( Carda For AU ~)!,. lnot~. "cOil" 18 COUponll; Oc:cutoM nulllll. 23. and dJ•htowtla, two. WatehM and Engng...Tnent Furthennore It II a criminal of· lUngs on dUr Easy ·· ro'nM" to ullllu any non-raUoned Budcet P1u malt'pal tor c:onvereton l~tD ~- l7t1 N__..rt. Blvd. Ph. u~38R tlclrs which would be rartlofted --..-f r~'ady-made tfor ell&mple, u. ~..,...;;.. __ co .. _ ... __ BT ___ A_~_ ............ ~ .... -~-·-..... lng • moequlto netUn• for cur- ...,. ll\lnsl. Macbtne \\'o.rk · BOAT D:PADINO ·virg's Garage ... C.tnl n.e'tl~W -~-~ :.All eolumn bJ to the lut clua.ned advertJeement on p..,_ 8 ... ~NotJI1nc," he nfd. "could have clone u muds towa.rd brtnctnc baelt Newport and Balboa fQ me u tllat '-Ue of the PRIC88. t for- Kot It wu et.orm!n«; that there any tllunder. or IJptnln• or .or mud . . . For aU tbe Ume too1r me to ~&d the paper T wu back' on the bay and the IIW1 wu 11\Jnlni and the world wu rood." Ell£ -.aut ~ Better Ice Cream ~ niY ITI ·t ' ...... $ Calleclianely ! 2100 OC&AN FRONT ~ / Phoae 73 \ ' .,.., __ -;-4_ g~ ~ ...... gfP FOR .~£N _8111[8_ IS_ • ...... --.--------~-- ZARLW.ST~ Realtor Pbone 1778 -llla.rtDe ll . ... '· .,. .... Dlnli .. I ·-· MalAn 111111~11 . · . ..... ~ --Iaiii II I ~ l'BAbBOA ·GIFT SHOP I ·AI the Feny, .... ~ag t •• .. • may maintenance, operation or ·~ pain; The rt'palrin.. NllOr1ftK, or re- bulldlJII' of &DY ..-chool buUdinc dama&ed. lnju..Nd or dutmyf4 by flrt' or other public eelt.mlty;_ The .uppiJtnc of IC.bool build· lnp with fumtture or n.cNAry apparatua 'of a ~rmanf'nt na· tur.: • , The peml&nent lmprovtmenl of lht ldlool fi'OUI'dl. All of the tore~rotn« purpoeea cnumeratc-d hemn &1'1' hf'rt'by united and lhall bf' votfd upon u one etn«le propneltlon. 'n\4! e&ld bondl tM'I'elll\cJer Jo 1M! J••~d and eold 1h&JI be of tile de'nomlnatlon of One Thouaand Oollara 111.000.~) 11ch, and &hall t>e«r lntereet a,.t tM hte or not tD exeo-Pd five peroent 1~%) per an· num, ·payable annlllly for tiM tln~t year ·the bona h;ave to I"W\ P\IUntlrt, Yl. J. 0 . HORMAN, et al., Deftndanta l!nder and by \'lrtu.-of an Or· der and Decree ot Fort'<'loeure and Writ of Jl:nforot'nlrnt -of Juctcment Requlrtn« Sale 0( P~rty tuuf'd out of thf' llu·l perier Court of the State of C*l· lfomla, 1n and fOf' the County ot 1 ~. on the 26th Jay Df April, 11144, In the abovf' entitled action, whert'ln the above nanu~d platn. ' UU obhiMCI • ._~t and dP- cl'flt' of forN'Io.u"' on l~ Uth day of ApriJ. 11144, whlrh Jllda'· mt'nl and ~"'t' wu, on th .. 17th d•Y of Aprtl, . 11144, f'nterrd and 1 recorded In Judlment ~ 41,1 of lllld Court at P&ee. 421 n ll'q., • t to ,whk h Judjl'mt'nt. IU\d' OC'C'rN! 1 rt'fert>nt'r Ia mlt(St~ \, t .,.., ( SINCI 1832 ) ::. Balboa ·Balboa leland . \ I I I ! I ( j ' . AT THIE . -AND • BAllROOM ~_ • ighl 1111 1111 . ·~ 1111 11111· ... ~ ..,.. - _, Thill .~ --.1 -· .· .. ........... a.lil ~ lOla AJ -... u.u.a ~ ,U.I.N.R., -.nlrlf ....... .Of VllllaiiiP _.., o-t ... LAI'W ..... ol feAdY .......... Cfl ...... ate .. ..... ....,. .. ....... taedMr e. • put twc ...... e ot Loa . -Blr.a 8daool ...... 8tat.a Colt-. ....... ted from ~ Hla'blk ._.!ty of CaJifo •t.rtac .ervlce t ~taUve fort ·-LQor and pen ... UB6ted Stat,; -'-ion, Wublo ~nt be 'ta ah catalina laland. At.tendlof the Mn. Jobn Feele) e.dM Hce :ner 1 Miss Muri~ Wins Soro1 • Ff - BA f r c • \ ,-_- . ... ... Paces NOIBIQUB ~ MDII' "UIIrec:lo:n or Balboa Yacht Club r mpnUtly bu.tlneal S"turl.lay rught at ( NEWfoilT-BALBOA PREIS WANTED TO RENT \\' A:O.'T •u RENT ·Prom. ~t \V•-2 t 1 •• ' -..~ ·~ 1 ur va.can o .. on ,1·uuld lcuc nice borne ~w.., . 111ow.r u r ll'lh atreet,. eo.ta ~ulbua Hnd Lone. Beacll. Want• ial\l __ t L._. Meear Will I'••Y cub. Write Box REAL ESTATE (l'or Sale) . . Jo'URN18HED BOUU:, two ..... room In N~ ·s.eb. ·..., ocean. Full prtce Pl50. R. C. UNFURNISHD> two • bedroom etucco bouN, uu Ooeta ~ibM atom. Lot &OxlJI t .. L 11100. Tenn. .... M~ Buntt. ltlO l'fewport lltYd., ea.ta K-. Ttlur.day, Kay 4, 1M4 · A GOOD BUY u4 1m'M!N1te ,.._ ...,.._ ot UU. ._,_ .._, I Thrlma Jone• bu applied I« a city llct'rute to o,.nta a DC!Me- 1-ahootl~ pn.ry at 1~ Main atNet, B&lbo&. 11M appli- cation wu nfured to tM ~ ckputment fOr tD,..upt.k& ; •·tl tu buy: W nc ~ N, car. Prt'~s .• 2211 Coulri'lv<l, Phont> 1265-J. Newport Su ch. -ep THREE APTS. located I.A..oae (tu~u; W Af'I'TEV --..woW4 Wl• the tineal cUalrict.a u._ U.. Parker, Coata K-. 1c NEWPORT bedroom&. OIM acN ol .,.... out buUdl.llp. Nt prtot ~ R. c. Pubr, 1101 lfw,.-t Blvd, Ooeta llee&. Itt NJ:W CITY JCIIPLQYD . On rt'COm.mendaUOn ol Treuurer J. A. O&Dt, Mn. May· ..bella' Weile le t.e lllle ._,..,_. ta Gordon B HoS~~Ie ld two • room tlah "ear b'ouw at t!I'T 91et l'l~l. port. at a coat of $800. .. - the city tu deputmeDt at a OONcai:TE llt'lLDlNO aaJ&ry ot UaG per -~ tile Harry 0 . PI'~ Of B11lhua Ia· council baviftlr approwd ber em-land Ia building a 12 hv 1'1-tout pluymtnt on llondii,J. eonc:me eomrnercllll bulh.tJng •l :_.;.... ___________ 1m Marine annue . LIDO n---At.~ 1M W~TEil C'ONTRA(~ UN&~ The clly council artPJ ~r.rlllay to rencow ex.llllni' wal~r con· trada with thf> In ln.· J;;o.. Heuu K&laer and c ucoy "B lue . W AA HE EMIIAJUlA~I'4ED! A ruadt>na ' h1gh ac-hu<~l bo\' atenclled lilt• ltutlula, "P W .... em the. back ot hi• Jrtl'k••t. wh· I• upnn a carloaiJ of pnlire awoop4•1l flown on him and h<' wa.. nltstnk~'nly arreated u an CIIC8fk'•l prl&llll\'r of war. t.t plllce 'In private boma u ANTED I Ocean Front ln Balboa. l.Qcame dderly, Mnll-.illv.alld la4y NIIIIUII,_tT.tll:l'l"rv.";,.· u l-' PROPilRTIES IN . Jl:rt PC!.r. monPt,. Prtoe-IIDOO. ft. little care. Harbor.,_ p,.._ CO ...... -.... L u•ll DISTIUCT _.,c. Parker, Utoe Newport Blvd, h • ~~ .... --1U -.....'A DE -~ CosLa Wcaa. ltl P ont> ............. ftone \\' H . Mallard. 1 1~h•·<l ur un uNmu"'u. ,,.ar·s h·tuH:, up pe.r mo. i ·l~n~·· writ I' or phone 'Qeo. Ball, 111 E. 108lh St., Loa ·A.ftcelee t:lt. Calif.; phone PLeuant 17879. lOp IIA' IIA ' \\'nntt'd to rent! nw 1 •~ olll htoUJie 1n Coal a lleaa or :: .. wport ~aclf. Ptl711&1lent ,... 1 l•·•tlll R,•a..mable rent, not war ·'h•••lll" 1 n·nu•mber, then'• a t·••!l!<llulity ot 11 ''butt'' attar lt'l , ,.,., t' ~ox OKM.-P~. H.-port Mcoacb 872-W WE WANT REAL ESTATE LISTINGS -In the-- NI:WPORT HARBOR 008TA MESA DISTRICT -Pbaae for Salce Service- Earl W. Stanley 226 llartDe B&lboa leland Newport 1 TTt ' li&B EXCIIANOE 1M MEDIATE .POSSESS( ON. New lWO • bedroom boUM .. GI.J'o u.ce 18x20. Land U ~dOO ~eel. Full price $4600 12000 C&lb, HI pt>r month. R. c. Parker, 1801 ='lewport Blvd.. Collta M-. Costa Mesa Bargains We now haw ee'veral C<)()O BUTS IN HOKa Woul\1 like to have your u.tinp. F. F.. RUSSELL I iOO Newport Blvd., Coeta llea R··al E.elalc • Fire Inaurance --------------------ON OCEAN EOl[LEV ARD Balboa ·Peninsula • ~ MOVE LoYeJy Rome, 1~. ~ UN J'OUB4, nioe &ar1'e .--.ce treee, Iota ot nne dU.ckeJI equipment, ~anca and out'ilulld. lnp. Better bWT)' u UU. will not ~ loncl Full Price: $6000 (Tenne) R.c . PA..IllaiR \. Real J:atat.e 1808 Newport Blvd. J3EAUTIFUL SITE FOR HOME! FOUR AND ONE-HALF ACRES OF LAND . . • ON THJ: BLUFF AT I:.ND OF VICTORIA STft.I:I:T Unobstructed View of the Ocean $1000 Down Balance Monthly FULL PRICE: 1!100 PER ACRIC R. C. Parker 1808 Newport Blvd. ----------~----------------~------ A FINE SITE FOR A RANCH OVER.LCOltrNO UPPER ~PORT .BAY · 10 Acres of Land Good Soil DYn Anleehco • ll'ralloee DM Harry Carey • Ann RuU.ertord til ENVELOP£(\ A&E S('ARC'E 1 >1 tl•:s:s·T SOM 1-iONE KNOW of " IIlli•· c·11t lltlt.t that I mtpt 1 ,·nt ? I 1101 86 yeal'll old ud hu\o' b<-•·n a ~••dent of H4w· i~·• I t...-27 yc&rll. My f'ome h ill! bo•('n s<Jicl and L ~ no 1•1<~<'··-to ~ ,-don't want a bt~. fAncy plnce • bur It I'I1U8t t.. 1-"'R i:XCHANoi"'=" Modern 3- beclroom !\,orne In K&IUiu City, clear. \VUJ achanfe for · houae and 2 aeree ln Coeta ·loft'&&. R. C. Parker, 1~ Newport Blvd., Cc1eta Meaa. lOc THREE · BEDROOM HO WE COMPLETELY FURNISHED WILL MAKE A SPLENDID LOCATION FOR A RANCH HOJOI Hap~Land HI, GOOD LOOilDf" a.n-... w..... -..~w.._ Annl' B&Jttu • 'nloe llltclleU lll Tbe Solllvana . "" ....,....., a. ~ Wa -~lalldl•oo• ~ -ha " .... ~taruq ,..._, Ma7 II The Gang's AU Here J .-AIIf: TIM Jrae NaJw; Up Ia A..-; Jfe ,.,..._, t.r Le"; ~ ......... ; fte ........ ; .. 4W Olr- ...... : Jfentl St.r; ...... Hlp; ......... to''~; 'fte t:t_..... ~: PIM -...,._ wee-..._; W'M ...,..._., aM7: ........ , ... ,.... Buy Wu Bond• aDd Stampe at tlua ThNtre. Balltoa ........... ....... ltvenln~a at 7 00 6 t :l& Lut 8Aowt.nc of • double fMt\lft PI'O(rant ltarU •t 1 :10 ...... 11o-llu , ............ ..... kle .... Jle.llu .. .,.... .. OWIIII.-...... ~ lie , M&t'JVt't O'B111tn &n Lost.Aqgel ----- But WI' Pla\'e plentY. ut Uwm at the Preu Print Shop l'rlct·e are reuonablt. 2211 CotuJL Ulv.t CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED WA~-rw.:-wom&Ji. w....clc~ on Tbuntlaya. !'!,loot· J.{l'll. Hub· bUd, 81!1. Jlt WANTED Lady p .. rt II nil' mak· In• C!Uldy \))'lh· Uvx 4H, New· port Beach. lip WANTED-Janitor. part 'thnco wk U.nlc ot A nlt'I1CIIo, Ne,. !)01 t B. . JOe W ASTI:D-L111ly ma1 kct h<-lp.·r. Apply Alpha Bela ~eat M'ark· et. Coela Meaa. 8c WANTED HQwwk•'•'Pt'r for \'hl· erly penon on Balboa lalanJ' Retcore'!ct'•. Phone ll?t ·W WANTEU Walln:..._.a, long CH abort houl'll. Aleo dlahwuhere, men. women or high acohool boy1, ~II 1111 E. Centr~ A vt . Balbo.. 19tl WANTED-Lady· to ht'lj! In gift· 'polt.eTY ahop. No ll«p<>nence n~ ceaaa.ry. Bt-t• mr a~rou fmm poetotflce at Cort~na dc•l M11r. Prefer eomeone ·Iavin&' Mllr~ For Ptrman<'nl f'bsltlun 8! KAY F1NCH CF.RAMICS. 1~p r·l'>!!o• 1n. Mra E.etelle Jetfrtea ====;....-=-=------- :.!633 W ,. Central Ave., Newport • lOll lWAL laTATE (For Sale) FOil 1.41.&-Du ie; 'on ••OATS FOR SAL.., 8'6Witv.ni.L.ouli. ricga, ph. • • . -=--.o, Tl• E. Central Ave. B&lboa. s l•t IHT-F ISHERMAN, 21-foot 'l Olf t !139 Ackc-rman built, rnUocan7 :::-::-:=--------------1-'IVI: ACREs' near Pomona and pl.!Ulke. COJ!IX'r rlvelt.d, all -.o-w. 1IUL Full priu •"""'. ,_r .~ .. Sl!l.lrh••. 1*6 h .p. Ctrrla Cratt. ...,... r- . All JUil l)Vfrhauled. See JOUl &CN. ll.. C. Parlcu, 180t New- "roker or 203 Marine Ave .• Bal-port Blvd., Coeta M..-. nt boa lllaJ'Ill. OWNJ:R OCCUPU!:D. S·bedroom HIH SAL": llulr lnl~reat In u. bouM Oft Ocean Front ln New- port-Beacll. Small apartment ft. fanlaH flllhlng boat. ~ 1~ .J:Iar. Carafe. R c Parker, f, r ( 'ruwn motor ju.at lnat.&lled, ~ a •, !u 1 ••·II . lnrludt'l bLit tank -.port Blvd., Coal& Keaa n•·t nntJ Jl!;ll Boat at VIr~··· IMMED. POSSESSlON 2.2 acrea \ot.•raj;. .. •. ~·wpor\. or call A.D. ot cround l·bedroom. house, ~lllr1h1111l 6123 Uth Ave.; L.A., • doubJ~ iara.r•·. aume treet. clae. ph .. nl:> .rL I :198.4. lOp ·ln. hll pncc $41100 $2000 1939 CRUISER 2 1-(l u\'t·mll, 9·t'l ~&rn ,.2 t'llry .. lo•r mvttor . Cwnplt'lt•ly rt'tlnlahed • ~tnml•••~<·Slo•f•l C all,•y; Toilet. Uunk'll. Dln•·ltt>. Bl~e f'late 1:'13811 In Fl,\lln.: Rrldfe. n wn!'r ~u"t St>ll Tb11 WHk ·! $15.{)0 VIlla MllrtnR, Balboa laland -i>r-. snR RAOI\1 &! F.LECTRIC :tl:'l M nnn•• A\'r . Balboa leland FOR SAI.F. ·. i-:I~~C'TRIC SPwlog Maclllne, ' t•ondltlol).· Phon~ 2ft. I II.X IXU ROOM (3ET and walnut dn•l!St"f'. 351 E 18th St:, Coeta MrSL 10e caah. sao ~r month R C Parker, 1808 N~wport Blvd., CGeta ~Ilea . 10c TWO HOUSES on one acre One 3-becbloom, owner occupied. One 3-room • ~h·•J 3-car 1arate, l&rfe chlcken hou&e, 30 or 40 orance treea. See P' E RUuell or J C Paynt', 17i0 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mna lOll CloCli:J:DI.A Tl: POS. Nice comeT In Hun~ &a.ch. Good loca-- llon. C)Oae ln. Two boueea. 8· room-aDd l ·room. Both furn.iab. ed. , TWo ,.,..._. tr.ull price ~-.-o cull. ll. C. Parker, '1808 Newtert blvd., Coeta Me .. Coton~t dd M ar St-1'. Mr. Ftnch )f em~d .In -nt1al 1ndu"trv, I'Jll~..,. FRYERS-Rudy tor t1o .not apply., tOU lh•· f'Rn 1988 Nl'wport Bl'fd., ('<ISII\ Mo•sa. -ta dHind; iood aoll; dbl. f&ragt , tool room, laundry room. hlth bO\l.R; larp pac.ldn1 bouae, 5- ."\.om dwel11nc wtth b&Mmcnt : fllenty aluubbuy; permanent pulure. Prtce au.ooo. Temla. -&te pwnl!r on premt.ea. 2063 lnine St .. Coeta llea. _tp ,._ . .._.T..,. 8~ncrr T.raey -lrefle Dunne lD A Guy Named .Joe outoo. ... ,._.. WAN'r~D •. ......,Oall MyJttery of the .13th Guest Auto mt'cllanlca. Top wagn. beat of worklnr condition,., an .-entllll War lndllttry. Employ· I 1\wnl l'lthl'r. -.~te or at Hunting· -------------ton Beach aJ,ore. ~ niF.OOOR!t ROBINS Ford Balea 6 Ser,\rtce 6 C•ntral Newpo"rt Beach P!w)M 28 .:"~:W H AMI'!'\HIRE baby chtcka -----_ "'"I h11t\·h1nj:t •·.:gs. 431 VR:toria 11MMEOJATE P08SE88ION - Rt . C'u.•tn .M•·sa lOp I Then• 1s no finer JocaUon for 7 I H •t-:l'i :wol 0:-JP. BUCK. N. Z. a bomr In eo.t. lihea than A 1""' hut•lt•,. 11.11 or part." 521 thl_-pr!•pcl'ty for aaJe on cor- H"t"" r hnn\,' 1499·R. • , n1•r of Oroadway. The bouee contains two bedroom• and I• I'< lfl SALE . ,.II,~ pl&ntlc Kt>y rurnish..:.t. Now vacant. Double Ml"lll. CiliiT: -•1!1 ... JIIP19'1f .. tr-IIOUri'I:IU o.-re ,...,.,_.. ... eue- 8WU.C .......... ..., .ll \\'••st nntJ Puo•rto Rica. 100 to I garage l'rtce 1&000-ll C Park· I I)(),POO Phone•.' a. A 3281-W. 1· er, 18ll6 Newport Blvd., '_qoeta 1-'t •H SALJ-;' ThrN• Angora Kll· ----------~ "'ANTED t n.• \\'h ll• 6 wt•l.'kl old, 1:1 ea. I HOUSE BARGAINS WANTED Walch do~ W ill pro-:1 14 Urand ('anal. Balboa leiand 1 • THE SOli. Of RUSSIA ~ -· --I G-Ru<>m ••I• I bouae, 2 acrea. Coeta ltJe lfO<Kl hom~: J>hno .. 1880 lln•l \ll•I•~:Rl'ISTI( · :r.'plt>rc CIWtlc>r-1 M•·!llt · . . . .. . f2600 avt-nwuace. lOp fl•lol Ttuquol,.,. rolor. 319.Ruby. r,.n'""" ,.,11cco, Coeta l(eu. 1:1300 l'Ol'f'LJ-; want• puy·llhitr•· rlolt' 1 llalho:t lsl.trt•l or phonr ~99-W I I rtrN•nt uu flnlahed h'buae, C<!rona 8enoocl ... N-a to Sth·,·rado Csnyun nntJ r..tum. • _ 10tr J. •H .\t at w. ~· .. _._ ..... ·12100 _C~ DeMrl 8eaf; ....... Sunrtay1 Wrtt~ Box !t. t ilt<· ot FI,J ;('THI~' STJ-;BL t:t'ITAR With •.I B:·•h'<N>MI bouae, <Xean Front , ntrt ... Da-oe UiMl GNM ~ , l'rua Jtp .• ·' .• . S . • 'MZ. -' INIOo-Awn~ • :'\ "' I lOll Beach . . $8850 · .,._. A• x-'""" 1-----~ +-...................... "' y • _. ~a.. • ...., AeeN& WANTED Cub pnh l for aman ''"111'·r IJUt "tr.•f't r. Newport \V. J . Holcomb, 8enw; .._.., ....,; TIM .... ~d ,..dloa s 0 8 . Rlldlo and II• ·~h•~ l'hun·· 1371-W. IOt r ~17 Oout HIC'lway ,._.: J._ K)'n; TIM~· Eltetrtc 8bop. 2l6 Mart"" B.\nY C Rill. lll!iplt>, steel coll l C'IJRONA DEL liAR ...._ · --. Ralboa lllan.t 62tf (o. I ,., lirl):l! ·•( 1 llllll'f·&pnng IIIRL· For Buy War Stamp• and Bonda at Thle Theatre WANTEb • Lnta or f ood clean la('l.l W.!Jl pay top pr1e.-, TJIF.OOORF. R0 nt:SS . Ford Slllu & S<'nice CRrl 22nd A Ceutrnl :So•\\ purl 0<>1\<'h · Phone 28 II··~-('1111 ~linda\' 918 0CI'Rn • Bh·tJ . t· .. ,.,nn d··l ·Mar IOl-Immc(.jiate Possession ~f \HKF:T I I ~TI'RES t:;ah'IUll:t· --,,.,~ \L"J''VV: TWO·STOilY . " ,·.·c··tnhl·· ~<Ink .2 •x•&,tnch,.~. Furnished House F l\•· ••I""" ·h~t•LH· ~tnncls; on••. 1:1\1\&nl:t••l t••>l1111: low<'r l..ouh• \\' 11111:1:~ r h"l"' !10, 714 EA~t (",•nt1 r1l Rulhnrt 10tr I • 1 .. •, on Oet.an Boulev&rd $12,000 -. Baha ' i World Order Program --------------:---.\',\:O.tS nn'l ~\\'F;ET POTAT(') AllTOS nm ~.\J.t: Ln l'I.S W . BRIOOS, StltiiiiFOI (lH& lacll) t210o KILOCYCLES SUNDAY EYENJNGs 1937 f'dRU Rt:DA:S. no\\' mvto•r good t 1N'I P hnno• 1!124 J 1<'4r 19:1:1 C.tEV t•c),\CJ~. ~:••••I ow- chiUll<'l\1 <'t•nl.ltlloh $Z:!:o ~~. t•t· t~r .!S p m 'and Sun•lny 111 &18 Poppy a~·rmll', C'ornnA olt'l Mar. t Oe 1837 FORO V-8 Cour-dnor MdRn Nt-w motnr. ·~ nrbb<'r f'riCI' -, ... te 8 P. .. ~c&o. ~ Sat s nd Swn. at 1 'o!,! • 1.;. v \\'•·>t. ru~rto R lr- ou l ,., ll .. w .l•·r~~\', Y~llnw :'\atl• • I "n I riOt! \Vhllf' 19!50 :-.;,." 1"•11 llh·•t l'ol9!" Mrsa. l'r ~~~ :l:ol h Sl :-.; •. ,(rort Bench lti:'I:FTIE !'~:T Al~o ~~~~I h•'O:.onv nnll•iu•• '"lflg · bar.k ro. ko•r . •'"llll•lo•tr ~!S-1·o1ume •rt j "' :O.tark T\\'llln with tdltor'e l'l~f'lnturl'. ~pl,.r1dtl! <'Ondltlon I ,J,•,t)o,,. M IP\\'1' :l(JOI't \\'rllt 1 \\'1lllnn St ('OI'In M~sa. lOp Phone 80 7 I I ~: c '•'fltral Ave., Balboa lOtf Income .Pr.operty l'tu .. l'nJta. COod LoeaUon n :,\RLY INCOME $1310 (Fiarll1ebtd) '$7500 \V: L. JO~DAN _ ·,"I ~: Central, Balboa $7000 Balboa LOTS! LOTS! 4PTS! s~vtrlll wdl located loti In NEWPORT HEJOHTS $500 per acre ___ R-C. PAftJ<'11:1r,Realtor 1808 Newport Blvd Coeta Mea ----BUY 'nUB INCOME PROPERTT! MONTHLY RENTAL $115.00 In 090d reG• ~'(~'lhm ()t ...C.I1Y ol Newport ._,....,.r WlT» SEWER IN ALLEY Five Rentala ... 2 big Iota on comer. Cloee ~~nUal di.lllicl-. 1800$ . .Term.. R. C. PARKER aotl priced at only .. $200 per lot Thl~ lx 110 unusunlly _good \'lllue! R C PARKER. Realtor ''-HO ::-....,..._.. •Bt.d.: ·coeta Meaa $2500 down .. REAL ESTATE I Sot Newport'· Blvd. liOVE 1:-J ! ! ! Beautiful Home on Balbm(.Peninsula Living and Dining Room. Two Baths Fireplace. Heating Syst~m. Two Lots .. COMPLETELY FURNISHED $13,000. Terms R·. C. PARKER And balanl'" monthly wiU buy a TJIRF.r.:-BEDROOM HOUSE on uno• llCr\' rancl\ nt ar SA='ITA A~.A. COUNTRY Full Price $4500 1808 Newport Blvd .• Coeta Maa ~~----~----------~ R. c. pARKER I .... N,;~~d;~;· .. _I Walchr Fine Beach Home ON BAY f'RONT Six bt·droorta. thr~ bath•; fum. b hl•d Oc:curnnf'y 30 daya rrlr,e lnclulll'l two loti. pttr uad float. A GOOD BUY • --: · W. L. Jordan · iOO E Cc-ntraJ, Balboa I nnusf'~"'4S 1•aorERTT-ror SUe ~ .t;I.'I/Jo~:-iS CORNP.:Rin Ncowport fl•'l"'h Two huu111•i. both fur. ru,.ht>tl Front houl'lc rent~d. I~ rn••ll1a I•• r-•ss•·!uuun or rt-ar lUte. 1-'1111 'Jll'll't' $~~ T<"f'TlUU. R. C. Ptlr k•·r, 1806 :S11wport Blvd., C'fltln M t>sa. 2ctl p ' ~Don't Forset Mother .on· HER DAY .. SLIPS You will find Orkin'• an Excellent Shoppin1 Mart FO~. MOTHERS both OLD a!"d YOUNG : Recldy To W~ar : DRESSES COATS ..... SUITS SKIRTS HOUSE COATS BRUNCH CPATS of Seersucker and Broadcloth .LINGERIE GOWNS PAJAMAS SWEATERS •• ' Mraa. tra1in Court :o.;,.,.·pw t April 23 to July 16 -Blvd. -· lOT' A GIFT! ----.::::::::;. n. ,,·,··r111 Ocean Front Home ~ I VI: BmDROOMS rwd by~....._......___ M ~nus_ . --Spo~ , "'• UCUI~ 111 meiCt.) ...... aoaa. rent.<~ or l'l'- . of the cifY of l.p•·Anqelea. palr-.d. Vo,el'a. 304 Ms ln St . • \\" .. uld ~"lll•l<•ne tnkl' my 1 R l~H ~!'M'fl:ltiJOU "'"'' 4 munlhll\ :\nd .In'''' h••1 1\, J:-0<\il home. · si.)\\·n byappolntment anly)-PLAy-CLOTHES $5000 A Complete Line. • U.lbotl, and 208 Marlnt Avf' 11&7 7U.-Wqrld ~ World . Balbo~. Ulan4. 2tl 81rtb. ' • M&J 1•u. -a.up. and Wo~d Orda!: • M -'ftee ClWt I l.il el Kan- XQ' _ ..... .,.,._ ... --\-. LAWN .. 0 \YDS SHAf'ESED a.nd • .k~'Rt aharp one yr~tr. It Jamea !'.\. Oallazber. 2003 Bar· bor• Blvd., .coeta MI'M. 12p P ADfTINO • n d paper1iJU1Ctftl. ~ eeUmateia. Inepr-anoe' car- ried. A. J . Burton. 434 N.wpot"t Bml. o.ta X... PbaiM ... w • We 1\r•· •movln6r. B11l\' llnnui1 ngl' 12 lnl}ll'l'f> "' !'()!' R11lllo Shop. .'I!\ M~<nn•' A"r . Balbo& llland, \V. L~ JORDAN central. Balboa . 'ifPioTHER ia the Seamatreu type, 1ive her aomethin1 in yarda,e. Ork.iD' s Deparbne~t Store COSTA MF.SA .. ( • • .. .. ;, II SAND £1lB -~ .. , laENT OONTROL It you • want to find out w heth- er you have a right tQ live. the p10per UUng to do ls to ask pennisSion of the lofty Rent Control as enacted by its distinguished direcior. one David Barry, Jr .. of the Los Angeles area. And if you feel that you Can get any s~ out of the m, why the .thing to do is to use "pull " or m- fluence or personal atter\d- ance on the glorified powers tha t be. 1\vo cases in point: A ·loeal man early in March filled out the lengt.by papers and mailed them iA. seeking to secure possession of his own h ouse. At the end of two. weeks he apf>Ued' in per-· goo and the snippy girl said: "0, my, you can't geL any orders for at leas t a month!" At the end of another two weeks, a lette r was sent. No answer. After another two weeks an epiJtle was again forwarded A vast silence: for 36 Buy Boqds to End War Quirker .. , . the belt adverlisinc medium ill the harbor JDt. Wtor Grace. who m••lc-IUCIIII.~Itu• rf'COnJ In the-~ c..t 1\tf O'ON driVf' WIU "lt't't~ 1 ..... «<Ilii )l:or,·port llooKt'h )o:briJ aua ~ (TI urlldlly l WN! C. M .. .... -. that goes home IEEP PIITEII Yeiar! ••• Q. ....... ~ ......... N,...,...., ,..,... ..... Fishermen, Writen and Othen Favor Idea to Conform to Government's Title and to Unite All S~tlone of Community II) San "!-"e'-;o for.dneloplDJ. pend• oo and me &qf! the relit OUt ol two hubdrecf aDd Wl't..J· u.at would 10011 be 8111t ....,....... • ~"-~'"----Pntnll'• t.p ,_ • ...._.. _,.. • + 1 •lnrwt u... .., ~11 -o..-wa-·-.. Goocl Jle()ord. Justus Cra~ Ttle "firiter'• e.J1perienee wu of the milllou of A.mertc~a. Olle lllrb ecbool c:adate, only twea. local ~ · 1 Juaklr COl ..... lllck-tn.cldaa. be, ..a ....... h .............. 1 I mer has a. good record in unique beeauee u • ~pr-ntatlve, The elogan of the Eaiiy Dlarn~ ty -re 00 the llat of At OM ....,... meetlnJ he,. of wu trwlllen.d te ~ TaafCif'an l N•• you·,..._..._ ......... U.OUp -..., ~ Call_ fomla, ac:conling ID AI. of "" N-~Tlm... ho -tho i~ Campalp . now uodoi -•· lo wlnom . Tbo..toN It lo • -~ :!"J::'""" laa.rim ,_ .... ..., ot ~••• ,...., ._ ...,. 8uODMf, -•thl,.; -.._ -.., ... ,_., wr--I ol\lJ clvUiae JlftotOI••pb«t Wfto-"Get .._put .X·.zay.-IA ..War. ·~~to conr-atulat~ you tor~ -.r 11!'-'lllr.-Wat~~nn. '"" NN Mf'll'leo, ... IMU1 •Kfii.J. •oft....,.. Will hP ---. ........ ._ ~....._ ..,.,., ,. .... ...__ t--tlr~~.Jfil!ietle.-wh&-says Justwt wu not an •mpluye of th~ so:uth. Patrtotlc t>uty In Peace. P1a1n eon'• flne accompllabmenL l'al anrlen compl&IM<I ... ver the 1-'lrht, Tfoxu, bPfon 1'0 ... to l:ftr:· be-lla. the tw~lwa .,.. a dt.. 11 ~ deeler, ~ ,._. has been working han(to ac-I Qlut co. . . I Comroon Sena." Cadet Wraolle ..... awarded tM maaoer Ill Wbk:lr -.~. ll;tlll'd n.tl \atMl. ,,, Pf'D per1 ,., wllkil ..... ,.,..... r;e-·,Ahu 1111 reality, u.. -.... complish results ·as a 1nem-i A \'e.ar1y' Affair • F'rM mlnlatu~ X·nY• may be Whit~ Rlbbno for alt.alntq th'-1 ,. ... lolli.J ~royed nl't. and ~~ llruorno·. wtx-"" .. Ill r iO· Jilin Tfi.,"''• • bPac-11 all ~• or .. mpro.-nt ... •,...,.. ber of the state railroad com-Each. year at thl~ eeaaon the hail t he flnrt and third Friday aft. honor oow~· hampered flllhlfl«. . J•l<tvr•t '" u, .. H&Jboa 1-.,..d .pulll rvr ry , ...... n . vr la.llf'. tiUt wh .. ,... .beauty of N.wport ....._ m,isslon. He says Craemcr is n~latkn ll'tl~~s • {IPedal ~p-rm()(tns ·of each month betwMn 4 Yn~r• ma.l tallhfully tn hla '"'lowlnc out lhf' r .. .-·ommrnda-.,,j,.,. htll a brnltw-r who I• !•'In· lu h lltlr,. will VIlli "'"I •nc•lhf'r ~~~ ar. .•11 ·~ u.oup - much IT\Ore fra nk tllan the \\ hy 'hill l!lrpng apf>"''l ? and 0:30 o'rlork, .._, thf' Orailge l!t•rvlcl' t1,..., of ~ b'eartnl( lhl' f110h •nit 1111( ,.,, an air rad4'l at Murim••utl\' NI-:Wt'(IJCT "lfAIUtfllt"• n .. 1.,. '1"" 1 knuw 11 e -..cte a.. Thto .rt'&.-oOI an clear. We must ('()unty Hl'altb ~pa.rtmenl Court' • JOHN E BROWN 'lfdle COIII.IDiallloo b~ dlrw-tlon uf t 'oll~'~ot•· lll.tnula ' ., m "ll,.rbur" nflUtlnJ•. whrn It -wuuld l..t t. ~v~ra::siraor~~~1i.r·L-~~~~ ·l"Vt'r rtocl!on with the ta;t that tu-Hfl~ae Annex. Sallta Ana.' Your' rTf'ltlflt•ot Rmwn •itUtuy A~-~lta p...,...nt Na~ WUoer, aiAU!ur----'""_. re••••la . lt•lhrr.ln '"" rtr:ht ,,..,.,. ot ..... ~ • ~at to IJS lo~el our cllut X-ray• .. pUTChaar or Cllrietmu ~ale pr<>-eriiy . ll"d the ~l'r ,,.. f"'rmll.!l tu lt••v ).: ll 0~ .. ""11 wa• In .l..o.o JIM WP:JI,.-y)ltll w" c·r rt•lnly rnuld make ~tft a frank person has a cha!'lce tiercuiOI!III «'an l')e lo an advanced vld!!cl tbl' !!qu1prr.l'nt u..n. · __ • uot t~ eeala. All K rr•ull tlu·~r ''"!!""'" ::V.turda)' whe~ hf. , ... n. fi t fJ~rr• Why 11nl ClOIIIDienae DoW to lear·n ar1d be of service. I -----.---. . L. . . Ch ' Th . I J>"lmlla wtn be at•nl (rum lh••r ''"' ,, ... t tu• 'funrral 81!nr1f'f" ,, •• "" with • 11"rm0fty m~•mmt. b)' .. He PIAUi"'f)rin_ciples. above ex-I . B d-s . 8 Ions ange etr I orrlre lD Baa Fr&llt'llll" ~ ••• 1 frh·i·~ . c •n•· "' lilt lo•..-lhiJC ,....,,,...,.,.,., •. l'llfll'f'mf!CI '" ll'!l41r 111'18 word .. pcdjcncy a nd can be trusted $100 ..t:\r.\Q • , uve.. u1 u ... •fl•urn .. r••llll flllht>nnflft PUr Mt)"a tttl• .. &ad ed .n ,. __ lo. d o everyihiilg. he can lo . -. I vv on t 0 e: MeebngPiate to -LT IIISI a· UDDY OF-IOBT w •• •Ea· . ~~~ ~~~·~~~:.~~:·.~~. f·~.~·v~',::'',.!~,·~~ ~:,.~~arbnr. lnlltead at Newport ~g ·~boutk \ gove~~nt j • • The Electric Grill . • ' ' • IILft ' hill v........ t. A Kn ...... ltron. well . "'"" pl-.. "'member_ "'-na- WI ma. e I ~I e o,r. F c D M s h I I . . • . so knuwn varhl bm'krr. •Y• I r rmf'n &rf' Juat .. an•.._. to ~ every deservmg t:lttzen to get I 0 r . ~ TEW OF LIFE II "EIMII Pll I I ' Thl' I Ill eo·"' l'llf'AI'h" undiHJbt#d· I our rlty and har11or Uti fiiMitt ... a square deal. "Send Justus • • 8 c 00 s~-crf'lary H•twara Gf'rri•b atat-· Q . ly allnt<"l• bathrr• llut th" llllr.l tlltrt 11r II• 'kind Oft 1J1e ~ M to W ashington and we will · 1'<1 today that for Uv nut few . &t "Jiarbor" attraetj y•c1ht• anft 1'&rf' sh.. uwnen 0, OM ...,._ h ave justice in · cong~" · I WMka the Lhma Oub w~ bavr HOlD• f'tolrl a Gt-nnan prl,.,.'l I hat IH• ''"'" In ~r•tOCt !lplr1te •nd thf'lr owner~ il/l<l balh•r• u .,,.,. I yachte that .,..ebor -... says Al ' At " meeting o f •the> Newport l and a favortble votl' cut. ar-to cbanc~ IU pl~e of.~ u t::tUDP. ~ )YitlDr: tbe Harl or. "''riL -mu•f' of tlw>m .. ,.,,..-to• tlwon! t.' c. A. KlfOWJJi.ol.. ··-'+ · + Bead'l Grammar .chool board tllla ran«emen~ will be made to ae.U .the Bay Rho~ Cafe wu cloelftC O.rr OM wHkeod. wu Lt. AI Afl• r Julnln« ttl,. Amf'r1ran Air . --·--. Ward Seisure, That Ward 11reek. a n\Jmber of Important thr bnnl!• at once and blda w ilL be down for repetnr and to enable Jrtab 1f1tb aome lntrreetlnJ thln~te F'o"'e fr0111 Oleodale. CaJif, · t.t ,.411apmf'nl · ., .. turru.hed M ~·~. V. _; pol te d I aaked and contract. .,....rded for Mr. and ·; H't'tnz ltai.Nr a moeb to ~ about bla f'll~rWnt'l'-Jrlllb --~ mt(&ftCI In ~-· lnr Hf'1r'T"Tou aroc) •IIIII by IJJI' y M I wo Have narrow seizure-is ~till the talk of the n were ~reeente n connee-,lhe Job to J>roceed. I nf'fldeti rca Lt. I,...., an -A-m.-i1("1tn fr-2!rUI• Afrk an tbNll-r and ballt•<l ''"' 'r A Thr buy• hukl lr&l'. rn•••• • · · town:'"Best'l"efle-8 OJFlJie sn:' • On ' with the 1100,000 bood eJec~ All reglaterw voteu wllhln th The Uon•. erefore, ,..-111 meet pilot, wu a unl\ m~ttr In !U&lA«. • r hill •••m•~e.,.t .pt.-~rr R&r· , "mJif'lltiVf' •am"•· hllVflll,h,..tru ' FMcape m 'l'ruck uation was by Harry Welch lion called tor May lt and Pral-"contloea of lhe IChOOl dllllr1c .. a t lhe Eleetr1 Orlll, Balboa. IUid Lurt No. a. German prhoon f'amp. IHIIIR "'' lllJftf'l"f'ft a •••re llf'lllfll •ln~elnll &1\11 l••umamrnt, .,.,.,,., rf-..__1.. C.D ... WhO said he Was for the d~t ~· I. Moore anBWered a ler1ul Whk h embracea all of the cUy of a 8,..-lu atealt er le In prw· for airmee, of Robert Walkf'f. *"" InJury Bnd h..-d tnjuriel u Wf'll, "l"" tlrt lhelr "'"' ('MIIIn. •Jn wood \JrBBII at e.DJ. Ward seizure ~UR lt ol quutlona pruented by the Newport Bf'&ch. are rllgible to re .. followed by movie uDIIotr or Mr. &ncl Mn. Robq1 \Valkrr t•f ••hl'n h r lanM<I lft eountAiftO\Ia ,...,v,.11 anti ••• In thf'lr o.m wood. • would give the small business I NeHWI·Titmued. .._ vote. Thl• locludea thoee voter• :: d~~.;::. raJil-Olalr-~do tala and broucht m~"""l~'• •,uuntrv If .. ln.-d to hldl-. hnplnlr '"'" mm u ... toc..U,.r In unlf• anti Two youft( •• are Nl!OftrtiiiJ man a chance to seU some e a at t .... t lhe 1100.000 who re,at.ere& alter lhe city elec·' n Y ompeoo. •rtOe to Walker'a family, •ytnr· n ~'et:•P"· ,.,., h urtlt hno .. IIPCpa tur ll.ellf. do-l•lday tr;om a truelll-e...-.. n "'"111111 would be "'Pf'nt hr constructing a 1 lion and for the .tate p~mary I "'"' '" •·-nf blncwt """ thf' 1111r llluntlry anti 1earraJfY .,..,.,. ~ na,..,.ly ucaped claaUl at merchandise instead Of hav-. building on approximately four j •lec:tloo May l&. ~· 1wr•l f111 fnr"l and ~tn tM' rnlf'r thtntc t10 do with rna.tnla.lliJ.Dc thtlr the •lnterwc:tton at MeArt.lnlr . ing it come by mail order. In l •c~• at Corona del Mar: that lhe The kl.nd of lllruc:lu~· to be . pI 0 e11 MIT I 0 I .. ,, . !'IIH<fln_!an vm-. .. ancl llllk•·fl tiAII,v "'" boulnartt and Q-..t Hll'ltway, 0. some sections of the country, work 'would be done u eoon u buill will be lhoee tllat conform to " ,. I"' "I , .... ,,,,. tnr ht~lp. tl~l w... t.l I r111h ,... ld .., .. , I h"l tt• .. 11••1 rona ,,.,, War. ""Y Tlaunclia,J the mail o rder catalog is the po88lbl~ and by ned year If pr1or1-lhf' lltrirt ~gulatlon• of the atat CLEAN -UP A. N FIRE PR~CTION tun.•·ol IIVI'r In ~ <knnanll •n•t ("t·-n\1'-I(NI, thnl\l""' lhf' ln· '-wtmntftr fanne r 's bible, and you can 't 1 Uu could be lll'cured trom the gov-bo ·d _.. . e v 1 ~ wll·lo· .. sorl•nn<'r nt war "" "P"nt 1.,,.1111ti•on•l tt .. l '""''""' jn o-n emml'nt ageoclu , &r of or:uueatlon. whrch were r. ""'"''" tlmr In a """""h hOfl•llal 1 ...1 ·· t / • 'nil' comblnaUotl of tile haa~ see a nything at the depot but I Aa IIOQn &II th~ election mat.! .. mnre .strlnRt'nt followtng the WEEK AND A t.JALL FOR SALV A(;E v.hf" II•· ulti lor wu Vf'? wt•ll "" ,,m,. . hp>Ujllo a":.a. Ulat ·thr to~e ant1 hrok,.n a.Jr-11"" on the supplies from the b ig mail or-__._ Ia ht-ld 1&33 r~trthquake, " 11 1\ll 1" r .. _..,.,,"•1•1Y 1..,-t. eonlllllflr· ~tn.l·lnwk r•u••d tbt~ ~tdent at de So 'f th 11 k lr rhll ol '"'t Wit• 1"lf'r """t In 11'" ·tnl( lh11t rvo•rvthllll( 11.r.,. '" lw ••rn-" . , ' r m an . I ey WCI'(' a A tax of 70 cenb per u .ooo of . wu·ID' EA"' N tl-1-. 1•1 / .... ,, I ~'"I' 'n ':··nna•ly Wlll'fJ•. I ( I • I r' rtv .. II m . "'I .. rtllniC tn the drl.er. 1 __ ... d I __ , thn E t t r M I I tl •Ill ... _ r. ~.our ........ now __ __. In an AII -Uul ' \ • • ....... r "'''" t•O• II I ,. ' w n f ... se LA."\..1 -:m .c o~:u '1r "' s a e 0 rs. 1111"1'!111'• Vllll8 nn y, ""'&IIMIIM'd 01 .... w ttl h ~ ~th ,.;;...,..,.-~ "' 11'1~ , ..... ,. ""'" "" ..... fo•ltllnf'#l ~ .II ,,..,..,, tl r'luJ nrd. In, 122 Wfllll il'llall town m erchant woulct w1th the hond" to run tor 20 yura C 0 ar, ". 11r ma ~ ClOO~Wr&tiQJI of C'\'"r) h .. m~ ,11 t!J,,C;rtplltlolm'" 111,,..l ,... MKr1 1"'v11 1:'" IC~ 1111K ""'"'' .. ,, r .. u"~ot" ,.,r,..,t, c•,vtna. _antt AIYin be able to com !.' up for air. ,.,__···st Ha . Be t anl'l rot rc>oJ at tllr rate nf $&.0QQ lfiuon en thf' Omf' ··ron In Mlppot"t of our Arnwd ... "'' ... "'"'" '" '"' I ,, I' Tltrtr .. , .. G ltlllr'kurtl. 1111. :1:141 P:ut flab • .. • •-"' S, QUeS S P"' Ann•tm. For«lr1'l oo th,.~t"l,:htln& F , a.Dd 1 • 1 •: '''"'''k'l I''""'""'' '"''' u ... "'"" u.·mHrdln .. ,.,,.,,, r•uvlnti, tn4'harp Bonelli \'LO\It. c h a r I(' y For Several People - . Wfi.:Rt:"~· in addition maar,.:th .. r dutlf"!( lllf'.ff' A llfllllfl(h hi' , .• n It"' "'""'' nn•l ~~~~~ •• I '" , ...... ,.~ lo .... lilly, ''""" •• , ,,,.. trw k ""'' Ill! ll'lkrl ,,.,,. tw.e, I f tl l . I I r a-•. tbrt>f' Wa'"!! h,v whl.-h tbO!W• ...... Hn.nn ··r,·nt ("'" I ..... 1 ·~· "' ltVt• ,,. ... lltlll In , ... In l•'llll: 1"'1 1!Y .,,.,, '''l'"'h"~ "'"" 11"" ,,,.JlluYl·~ "' l•: .. r;t llur1 "' ('fl'tifna, g~~~g~n~~~nty~"w~~ tn 10t;\\0 n ~A :'-IT,, A~A . l<t•ul l'lllRie ami Old Age ~ension .iii In th~ll AU-Out t;rror1, aamei;" by vo•.. • •. ;·,:y~ ': 1.'.' ~~:.'.::. ,:;: ... ~.'.~:'::;:;. ~;~~.~ ::·.~:~ .~··;:·: .• :'·;.::'i:r:.~:::::~ 11~ .. :::: :tr:::ut4·.·~~,. ~.~h(~~::.~· .. :~~·t.:. today a nd s.lid he \\';!!-\\lll'k-prr81.nA I pn>prrty Vl\hltd In t'XC<'lll! Group Meets Sun . . (:l.t;AN . 1 r . FIRttia}l; I ... ' ........ '""' ... "!"'"'' •f ..... .,. " ·~ • '1''"' '" ........ "'" ,.,.,, .. """"· '" ..... .. ing fo r Wm. G. Bont•lli. \\ ho .,. $1(}.000 wall' ll'ft by M~" Har hrl · _ • ., ANU I!(~~.VAGE· PK Ull8; ,,. 1 I , 1 .. ,... ' ... ut ,,,,. etuolv lh•v •u·f' car .,,., .. '"'' k 1111 .,.,. ,.,,., at lh i~ seck in~ the job o f L'. s. ('rosa TwuJt. wbo dlt d ll\!!t Satur-Walsh to Preslde Wllt;Rt:As, ... ('IUUD!I II N-r.;rt ntt h .. , ... ..J-1\IOk • 1, •. ,.. J\lll"rl• 1111 r• I•""' '. , ~·~~~ ,,,. ·r, .. ,,. Ill '"""" '""'""'" IIIJ• '"' j 11••11, ,,..,, Wfljf hurll'cl tu u: ~nator. <:;hnrlf"y !'ays a s d nv. •t WAll dllldo~Pd "'lth thr fll-• ---• .. .. 1· ,1.,,.,,,,. lh .. rn•lv"' t" prll•· "'"''v . · 111,1,. ,'h,. M•·"''""'"· who Wt'"' Soon as.· he "ClS a U lHOl'e In!:' ••f h,.r will t r prf•ltnlt• tn rm· ;:~.-·:.:. ~prum to ht!lp . .!~. ~U'tiMir, ...,t f'll·ror~~·Jt allliftl l'trhu· .. ,. "'"' lo" 1.1 1111011 lii•l•l .. ~. 1n 1 • ." 1-. M" Y. •.•lk••1. II•KI '"'' •hlCkrn but ilhlnJi•rf'd,_ltlllrd th~' "' I " • I •" _. R a Tll· Old I. VA' P PA::!.,Mf'-~"--"-! . ' ' 'I ' II It '-11 I ll I IJI bl 'I I ~ h. 'd ,. . I he statO f.'4'. AP fl»l"< q' N<dhHlJ . Z . ~ " r "' ~ flf•• • 1111; Vf'l V 'WI' , ,. II Ill • ..-m ~ I_! I II iL II OWil-'1(01" Ill-flit• ,,,.11 Wfl• tully I'IIVI'rfle.l hv ln. from IS U I!.'S on . . ~fl'l<lnnry Alrxanoltor Jnhn Twl11t, fnrnln will. h~tld'· llll o JX:II ml'r llng ~·!' t() tftf' uJI;_an~fl¥1.,)'{r~t. ..: · " "\ ,.,.,.. <•f mtftVIITTl~l liii!JUlltlrif'fi{" qrnr "n•l wh•olr•omr nuU•~t•k . I.L •uranr r. "' u;, tJo:ird nf cqualiw~ion, Uo-'of 367 Sf'avlt>~Avto . Corona d-;1 !fl fhp pullTir 'n ~un•Jay afumoon NOW Tilt RE (' { · 11 •• nl•>r nfflt·rrt ••monK pn,.m 1r110h rlll>l lh .. l m•nv. rv,.n "''"''· · • nelli wiU ag ain visit N ewport I Mar. hrr widnw•r. wu named ex· at twn o'd oc.·k In thl' Rrnun(t tl ur ' ; ~ RE, • CI~'U 'Hall, "&)'Or ••f llu,. , ,. ,,1 •• ,. '''"'"' • '""" will• th,. ,,, It•• ,,.,y,. •I•• .. ·,.n•l h•w·, • It'~"' w .. ·,,,, ~''' tru•t Qed, ~t·t.:m- ' H ... ~r. ''You havn to know at '''" · t th J hi h City of Nf'wport h; k.Dowf-evf"r"· rltlwn "" 1 r r th 1 l 1 ._ ... cu vv ~ f'<'Ulor And prlnrlp11l bt'nenctary '' rum a r unsor R th II F t h4'll't d --' l: 1 ;. , '"""" 11n•l ''"""' wllh lhi'TTI ,,.. >1•·1• "' nn "'"""" .. m,... """ 1111 111m. wh.r.!!.-S*f' .,11~ttMa lllariii- J the rna n to apprecia te' him." A 10!;)('1'1(1(: bf-qUI'8t r f l 2!'i0 wy ll('huql In Sant& Ana f'llrth Mt.!n ~ Omf' ron "' to 0 ~Vei'JUala~ P.OI'If'lhlf' In l h 111\'1111' •!);,,.,. to lh·f'· nthrr mf'n In ... ,,,. .• , ........ "'•VII '"'t•UI(J hti'l' Itt I l'r\ ttUr 1\llrrtlitfiA, M. lien'1r . I said Mr. Groh. who h as bc'<'n lrrt ln It hnlf·llll!ter, Ml"" Annlt lllrtrt. Il l Trntb. l•> whlf'h the pul>-\\'u Effort, . I ' Ill• "'"'" •n•l thr prtannP.rl! havr ""'"" • • his frien~ years . "and F:H7Al>foth Bramwell nf MrrJdl-11, lk Ill !'~tally lnvltr<J to be prC'II· DO HERf~BV dec-lare-,thf' ll8'lod a..ctftnlng Suhd \, , . 1 t•l .,,, ,,, ''" with thf! C:rnm•n11 It ,...,.mrtl, ltlil".pln~e l11 tht. flyl'r, B L OTT. E RS"!! when you . then ~ou will F:n~rland, with s rf'quut thAt IItle ent. and all nld agr penalontn a~ May 14th, 1944, up to and lnrf~ 8cuictay, May 21 ·,, "Tilr l' lf'Uf: u11 "'">' IDUCh alunr:' r:"'"'""'l rr••m lllll'h " I""K '"'"' &et his mens and hnd that al•n bf' ~nt • yearly &IIOW!lnce of urred to be pruenl. Tbl• will ~I • \lme to Cleaa li~Help Fire PraCeetloa and ··arn ~tfl1 Mill 1.1' lrlllh, Ill•• etattnr: "~ hll "IIP"rl,.n•,. thai ltl'cl ('ro ... I"" f- he ito the timber o r whtctrr 100. • -,.a ~pr:tma.ry eleeUoG InUit IDfft• ~ planA Ill tldtt City, --. ' . • . I "f"'l' " ''VI' th ...... "'""'""" tw1y1l trttrrr11nnl l1t rnmll'V •wd"'fl'l'l1'1r or .Jdlllt Rec.Jivfld · Anotl'er apeclflc tw!queBt <>f $.~ lng and Allt mey Burr A. Brown ~ .... ,..111 11 11 ,.,..,.nlnl'.lly ~rrt hnmf' frcom 1111 kind•. ''"' l"ll"'" 1n11Tl hum,. l.arp .... ,..... 111 United States senator~ ar(' waa m~~ct" ~ M,... JI'Mil' Knt~bt ,..-111 be the guu t apea.ller, and J . \._ .... ~ND 1 F tJ · ER c.a·a.,.-.. ~ t .. •nit .. ~n rh .. , .. mJlll. . "'" "'vll•l '"'t"r,ln t{l .. "w·ntual l made." of Silverdale. England. PeniOIIal, H. Wallh Of Coeta M-. 11t&tl' 'fiiOIIIK,.the Wu 011 tile·~ Front by dohu~ f . In '~"J>Ofllf' to • quelltl(ltl ,.... '"'"fTI hOmf' ,,, nnrrn•l mrn tnlm D~K RI~M .. • • • t'ffect11. 11tock• and .-harell IUid prc:11ldent, will be In charre '11\'lth ~verytbln~ . to .... ~~~~ .. flre Protee-• l(•r•hn~~: thf' """*""' uudt.r'o& en-. prl•on &llpe.rii!JlC~ In emphUiain•\ No~ that we can b~y three bowte• aDd on• lnt In B&Jbo"l lb..ua!at.anc. of UM ~~~hapt.e.r ~" aocl ~ .. ~. p«MMble In our 111 thr •11mp friltt 'laid "Wt. uwa lhat rN-h men mqll( m~ flla own ,._"fftli=1• meats ~· the crowd 4 ~letM &A ~ eA&t . . mtmbV'a. 'l'b.e doora wiJI be opeD· e~~ ..... -~ ... ~· ............ an f1U'~Wr ""' 11vr• to OR R.flll ~. 'rhf' KfiJu•lm .. nl It wu .... otbvh•u• "'-.... .,__,. front of the-shOW ~se!' Wit A tter the demtae of Mr. TwUt, j at 1 :30. . · ""'""" .7', 1 ----._ lur.-1 pac krtil t~)' jftft u• ~llrh that hnmf' frolll l'ffurt. ar" Yf'r/ ,_. ...... iw lllaal .. diminish and the cnear ~t-abe ~ated that cert&!n penon~ Ttme ...UI be rt•en for que.Uooa DaUid th .. Srd day of May, 1ttt. ....... k .w .. live Oft. IC•eJY man lh• r .. lrnpurt&nt. ef ,..,.. .......... ...... ters ww probably be as nice a1 artlclea be amt to Enrtand and and p.rutlonerw bav1nc any dtftl· , CLY•-B. a a• • ... "-,,.,.,.·IIIIi' hie bMIU•· and eomf•;rt u Jrlllh •>'• lhJ\t thll priiiOMr• ,N.,....Tt..-~ BB of · yore and C\.lt your that moet at her plc:turee be liMit culty with Uletr preaent .tate pen-nt. -an ~ .-J-l ar" dlr .. ctt1 !NtJ to OM R.acl "-""'-·" •10' h•v~ aome lllf<JhDauon abnut N..,..n ,_.,.--.. rteaks and c hops the way to lhe Old People. Home for Eft«· aton lllouJd {Jt~ tbetr troubl• to .. ""( fl •• ;at &.eh. I Poo'ka,· ai\IIIICal ....,.._te,• ra. lhr pror:ru-ul the war and an o.tnl, _ ... llah pe()p.~ at Loe Anrel•. • Ulla meetJ~~~:. I dine and ..a., llliMiil at rec~atllftJ all l!ptlm!MW' .-' -.-you want them. \ • .. . . . . -··7 ... I •. I ' . I E D I T 0 R I A L S J Newport Balboa New Times F E A T li R E 5 . Thursday, May 4. 194_4 ~~~~~------~.===========~·;;; ---------------~-=~~~~~~~------------------- N&WPoRT-BAL80A N E ... W S SPECIAL OF LEIIILIJUIE Balboa Island Madam Chi&nc ia a verj lnter•t·I Newport Property N 'E W S T I ME S Inc pereoo. Bbe Ia a1ao very P~t·; rao~: st:-"'POIITn a as TO TAlE •. MIIY 'P-LEMI · Schqol News !:ilh1 ~ b~:!.: :~e~~"'ru~~ Listed in Eatate . of the . ) all ta!xr..d up wllh lt. ~ l""hlne• ) . .._. •• ,.. Every TutiCiay and ThurUay Aftamoon• Volume XXXIV C H U R r. H E S . . ~ .tortea about Cblna. by money will, buy muc!l mo;;~an ..SA:'H'A ANA. lAtten oT ..S.. Illblcrtpt.loe Payabl .. ln A dV41lU. $2.6(1 per year ill Ora.n1e Clwlly, I \_j 8 1. Clem~~ OOielY..ad city olflclale on tlletr -·~ 0. fourth lftde c'ljldJ"!!ll oura. Y..uu._c.an.Jiuy &. wtu:Je_ pack. I miJllltratlon Of tile .-..&e ol &M f2.7~ per year I·• 4tb eon~: ~,06 per year tQ 8th ,..... ralt(omta.!e __.."!!laJ it,W. attitude toward thla propoeal. In MIM Merryweather'• room. 1 ace of rtce for abo~Jt a penny. , tate Mre. ~yr'a Ha.tton Blracla&D · ~ I • 1attvt' JI'Ainon or INC. wlllch t. Otlltr -propceata w!!lctl Oo\>eraor Aft Orftlnat ltery 1 When._ you 10 tQ '& at9re to buy, have-~>«n filed In auperlor cowot Ftltend u 8econd·C'I~~a~~ mlltbr at I he P•..toftke In Newport BM.ch. ONK l.ADV of !\IOI'ST CAK."t:L •• h•·du'•·•l to coljv.a. ~taM on tbe Warnn may Include tn tbe epeclal CblDa Ia a larce country, CtliDa aometblllc. the clerk wUJ briDI by Charlet B. Strachan. of Covina, Callflr'lla, un~r Ule. Ac:t Of March 3. 1879 • l . C'tlt'RC II -hrP'l! nt th.-Ma.y .,..., eltt'tii'D, .... (oo call are u followa: 1a liJ Uta.. OtM-fourtll of the ~ out ble abacu aNI count the her huaband The peUUon -.at. & A. MEYJo'R · · · -· EDITOR AND PRF;siDENT H '!S \\'. ('f'nlral. '\e\l'fWtrt ~104'h "·'II 1 kdy tace a docket eta doMn Re•rr:anlatlon a1 the Stale pic In the world Uve Ia Ohlna. money· 00 tt . Tbey u.H tbelr a tie-l Mre. Strachan died Juoe ao, lest, l'rllallq Pi&nt. JOll W. t,;entral Avenue. Nl'wp.trt ll4>at'lt, t.'llllf(omiA Sunday ma5..~·s "1 11 111'11 1 11 1" 1· ~"'·~ 'T'~"rhenr ' Rfllrement Bvetem. There .,.. dlftennt l&ftCUAI'H ID cu tQ add, aubtract. dlvtde a.nd rtn Knux ~ounty. Tenn.. and lett , • • b . KT . .IOHN \'lAS '\El' Cttl'll< II Tfllun;: shape u Cllal 01 Ult ma· 8tl\te experta have eatlmated aome China. 8 banpal, Pelplll1, CaD-mUltiply 00. It'e a UtUe wood real rl'ta\e conlriltLDI of a bouae Offaeaal Paper of t e Cat)' of Newport Beach 311 !\I anne An .• Ralhoa hlaml 101 ~llbjerts. elated rw .... ..,.,,Mion . or . the .u,~eated revlalona would ton .... three larce ciUea In CbLDa.l frame wltb tqme atrlnc• of btada and lot al Ne~~o•port Beach. Other " Oependabte L~al ln•tltlltl• P'• ~ · ~ .. M v .. ,. Suntlay rruuu1 at 8 .30 u. m to t •· I'Xtraordlll&r)' a.eet1nlol o1 col't the et.ete from IJ3&,9()0,000 to Ever u c:e the Jape attacked rome acroire lt. eun rtvonr ar~ llated u ber moU..r • , ~ • th•• II' AI,. ll•~falatun, .. a ·popo,aJ •1110.000.000 over a 12·year period. China. tbe CblneH. tourht hard. 1 wlll have to cloee now. anct fat.her, Mr. and Mra. WUll&m 'ft~~-'""""RiaL {'IIRIM't CH URC'll Bl' Tttt: !'4t:A tu •ll•.>eate 140,000, .. elcfltlt'ln&l New ftnanc. tor fo.r the State Tbq bavt a very rood leader. He Your loving dau.hter. J . Hutt•n ot 2822 Griffin Ave .. Loa N~u "'''""' "" (~lrimunlty Mrlhttdl•t h•m \hP preaent ...,._ In Ute Food Production Coujlcll dpr1D1 and bla wlte· are loyal Cblneae. SALLY. Anlll'lea. 1.944 £8S IATIO~ . . K .... E. D. ~)oodcolo, l'a-tor .-ut Cl'l'lf'rlll f.unt.l tQ ~r con. I the 1944 barveet aeur-n._ Tbt•l Tbey are Generallutmo Chl&ne -... -~ l .11rly m9mlng worl'h•JI. ,)-'P' • ~fl'ul t •on, • · • --.. n~v. whtcb bh carried much of Kal-ebak &Del Madam Cblan1 Kal· ·-· -,urch &hool dasl<. ~0 l ~k . "'·· Thll lerJelaUon. 1f m· wfU tbe burden ot recrult!na ...,-tcul-abek I Tbe World'• News SeeD Tlu'ou&b Mornln~e worship. 11 0 doc · I thu 000 bor . I TH. E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR · ~ · · Sunda . ('Vl'nl n& Jel'\'ice. 7.30 h•~Vst 0 more .000. tural Ia durtn~r the war ~lod, Tbt Cblneae are a queer race · 'i't>"clnck y t t•~ n•sN·ve funda ....... ye beea wu l l\'en an orlctaaJ appr.oprt&-of people. Tbey worahlp their an· '-A ·" ..... Uoll.,.r'a Day-1944 day; cow dllh dbuwr. ~:30 p.m. llulldinr prc:lftiD, to pro-! A r>lau for eenfral claarlD~r and 'l'aleJ belleve '-Mel aod lood aptr-1 'TH~ CHIUS'Tl . .&').r SCI~~CiuahtPdUbByLlSH"''G SOCII!Tl J!' Jol1~r-q _ • . I vldP th~ atate wt ott)ee IUidance otnc• for veterau. lD Ita. We tt lnk.the thlnp they do ' "' rv' ._., "' "' Mld·w~!Jra)'t'rMrvice.WPdnl'<· earrrarked for ana:e-..,. Uon cf l l.MIO.OOO. ceaton. Tbty read backwarde. 1 An lncrmauoMI Dorly N.twsruper 'l'he pcJit:maft, this wet-k and nen, will have an extra load , Fl1LL OCMII'EL CJil!IICB !>ulldln«•· IChoola, . and each county and Jarre city. wbeo an queer. but they would think One, Norway Street, Bolton. Muuctruwtta • · olo.-JA h t k 11M ... t:Wea. C.._ 11~ Institution• and to ~ a tMy return f,.om the war deatrn.. wbat we do Ia qu~r. Ia Tnlt.Wui-CoMtnaeU-U•'II6 rf Free from ._ .... a._ allettera. frqm hoinesick boys aU OYer U IC' wor ~. w 0 00 Sunday loChool "9·45; f mornlnl: •·work·plle .. ,_ the ...... 'when I ad to .... lht tn takln. adv:;-SPENCER. ~Uortala Ale Tl-tJ ... ~ ...... rta Dati{.!-..... 'h-.. ca,t to wrtte a ~pedal Mother's Day note to "Mom", de-l w.orshlp. ~~; ~;~us~ ·e~=~: ra<'to~u are belq .....ws to tqe ut I O•em:eot work~ ald and • • • • r;..u.r wtlla tile Weeldt Mapa!M lecUora, llalle ll..a&.w • .,. ... .a.tl·fltt and high water. Tbef'e'U be thouaands or let· r~:' ~~ m\v~~~Y. ~ 4~ p 'T' : put'r·llme proctuctaea. I eduf'atl(lftll protraJI!a. . Original lt•ry N ....... ~-:.:.:. ~=,. or ..... a ..... ·~from A••-"ters too who are in lar off plaoes, ~~ervlpg )OUn~ lX'OIIIt>'J ~·.n~ellstic SI'IVICf' Special ... 011 .......... uorwl ftnteloa ot tbe election• coca Lonc-g o CbiDa ... Ul• ......... ___ _. __ • ...__ ·----... ----:..-8ectiM. tz.tt. Yeu • ..._.... ' • , on Friday: 1·e p.m.· probably will bt Y'CitN ... l~DJ~M-to avotd a con'llct 1n .atat.e and eat coaatry In ·the eutlml hem•.. --------11 O..ta tbelr ootmtry ~tMr In th e anned forces or ln wa r production ---~--rttRII'. work by ~aDd •·' natJonaJ CC~~ventlona of the Demo-phere. Tben It abut lt.lt up ltke latnd•&orJ Offer, • .. hlrM7 ._ ~tqa. And there'll be letters from husbands, written to nuT rouaaQUAJU: cttt:IU 'H gtn,u• tn the p _ plu-.]1 cntk RII1J. a clam. only a 1ar1e !"M· n ilpen-oa,&alaabte at~SdeDoe a.41a~ aoo. lhe lftOthen of ~ir chUdren--letters of kwe and aratltude to OF COtl'tA MESA· , "nil •peclfleaUona. .-o actu.l Lerfa1alloalo coatroi b1aek mal'-...-oiiJ Uoul 40 )'taN a1o. When 711 111aa1 Olalnl A.._ I . (OMII'd el IW 1111•••YI · ronMtructlon work cu wiU.. ket r peraUona · lt put lt. bud out ot lt.e endoeun ...-.a ol America,, who are keep!ne the borne fire~ bum-a..-. 0 . "111ant lka ..... ra .. tor. cut dl'lav once tt t --..::;It '--~~--.. --· -• •~-• ._ _ _._ to look uoua4, it fouad 4tlol U.. L-~=:;:::.__==~~~~~~~========:f-Ji -. • · II• .._,_, C'o·hator 1 ' • · • A&UI~ - -c~ • · • · ..... ll'JI·.I Thtr<' Ia aJao a pc that amendment. which may. ~ voted world bad adv&l)ced without them. Pllt\apt there won't be so many Mothers Day presents Friday. 7:30p.m. worship llt'rY< thl' lrJl"clat lertaJattYe ...._wiD I at u.. May 18 election. Tbey Nt to ~ork to cate) up. _.-.,. __ ....;;::;_ _______ .:...... ___________ ~· ...._..._: ' • ~· .. 1..., -""-f But the 'II II('(', R~. Mae Stt'llma In char&e. r,.eton! the State S.S. ~ tQ .a ln all, Nveral ec:ore propoeala u• of tbe CbiMM people Col· ~ ~· ~Uie of the eA>6e1~ o war. !f'O 1'1 WI Sunday echool, 1:30 a. m. . r11t" or 3 per cent, wta. ,..enuea lla.ve bNn aubmlt\ecl to. ao.enaor low • t~e Buddhlat reltatila. otbera undentaDd that. 11lere's one preeent above all price tha t Moml111 worship. t1 a. m. lipt'C' fr<Jm the added ~ ,_. e..t tQ be Warren, wtth requeeta t~at they the Taot.:o and Contuclanl•m re. • WE HAVE_.. Delb, Chain, /~ mothen WB(lt-tM only one Uiat reeJly counf.s.:....-and that's lal musk. putor'a ~· _ : ellll<:ated to ctUe1 aacl ~. 011 • be llldu~ ID the ej)ec~ ~oa U~rloo. .~ eiW o/Jk• ae-. 14• ... ~~~ y011 ~ 6'..U., tt.a. -=r: of their loved ones wtkm the war ls done. By COSTA JIQA c·oMMt:SITV." 1 a balris of .populatJoa1, ~ t~ l caJI. Tbe Governor, bowev•r. wtn Rice ta Oltna'e moat lmportant .... -· o/l'--ui--• •I' ,,., •IH~ •. ,.,..... .. s ' . cuvacH . . P<'II ·W~ ccratrucU.. JNJM!Ia. undoubt~dly Umlt UM IPeu&l ... food. Tbey aJao drtnk tea quite -~--"'f• ..... ---":'p -, ,.at I J?aY • .!"Bytx-Mr. ~ Mrs. Amenca: and thelr Cart B. olotu.aoa. MIM&C!r Sl'nalor· Je-11 . ..., « ca•a· conaldfncJ tSurlf\C the-._11 ••• otten. • ........ wW be toeet~r &garn. That. we art" sure, I!! what 114 &. IOU. 8t. Pll. %t15·1l ve_ru County. chal..._ ~a .-.1 to propoaala whkb require eme~-Tbt CblDue pqodu or .temple~ DUPUCAnNG .....,..__ wfll rww.v fOI' on Mother's Day of 1944 Olurdl Sdtool 9 45 a,. m. I ate pMt-war coiiUDIU,., 11 ponaa. ,.eocy acUoa. · are really ,.ood Judi aymbole. "''bey MACHINES Now r--, ,......., . ~c::'~n~~:fi6\~1Sc~f'ln·l -LAWMIIEIS• • COl -:;.:~'.,::::;:;.;tO:~.~: ~ Avap.blel floa&bll Bridge to To~o ·~~~~·.:~~·. ~:~ ~.:rMk. i •· II I lESS . do '!'v~:~e .. ~:·~:·~ ;~r:~~~~:~ MJdwl't' fellowshrp and prayer. 87 oo• IIAJf tlbi!Dt f'IIILI..IPa a few "cub" a day. One cub Ia , ~·· lack of adequate bues in the Pacific. it ia now Weodnellday, 7:30 p. m. I worth 1·10 of our penny. . ) ~ qrwd by mWta.ry· expe!U, wu the major farto r 1111:1,·•c '' ,.., !t \1 t. 1'111 111 11r.~ Thl!l roh,rpm r'Kftltly oelebrated 't>n are causlne ~~ structure to The O,_t Wall of Cbloa wu ' .... ~ Japan to•make lts.treacherous attack On "\" ol.•· I lou lit~ }t••••Jw~l. and lb t>lf'VI'nlh anniW~., ft dQn CNm~. de tQ pro(«t CblDa from tbelr -.--. • ~118 pm 6ft Uae:a~ t--we C •hnll .:tor .. Ill•·•· lll'hl .. Thl• ,,unra said "Our II~ II a wry lhadow eral!Ues; It has giveon namt'!l, ad· taeted on tbe other aldu by · -== bled · 1o. f, the Ia &w!od ~rt •· If'' • '}'" ,, .. •I ""'' t'hrl~r I not seem poulble. KJ.,_ 1f1amon ~column has not talked eeon• nonhern eoemlea. 'nley are pro- ~atones to bring our bombin& pla.Res within 1tnn fro•n 1-:l•ho .. fnu• •ttl llo-~h .. rhat pa.<.<~elh away." _ d~. aalarlt>~, ob,leoctlvt>~, back· rta and the eea. 1 nlllteafToldoand ~l"l"confldent they.could sink our lew air :o:~r.·n 'It-~. 111 '11" s1'"'.1~.> I..-. 0~. Thf' column hu t&lW about I"'Undl. IOmeUWMS'~E'n•elt'phone DICJ(.. ~I . • .. rmnn un ,\d:l•tt n•ttl ~ 1 '"" \11\o hi Cert•'-ik. .-.. ab-~ It h ~-" • • • 1 eraft ~1'1 ~fore they could ever be brought Into action. In all brvn..t~o•" 111 'rh·· ~"""'I many t ngs:. --_, c Rum . . as ~ com -""-J ...._ ---~~~ -•--k In tbt>l caJrulaUona •·11urrh. Th,. t'lrPt t'hlll t'h or ('hrt,r fba~t>s and ktnp; U. ~et ol rnunlsm, fuclsm. nazl-ltm, dicta· ·st., Canton. Cblll&. ...... • .. mauo: Clae ~ UwtUI e f . ' ~rl••tttl~l. 11! fkl•1n11 ("alifom ia, and lM •lf·appolnted JOI'IhJp, centralized 10\/f!MUIIent. o.d~ bowwver, ']bey disCounted American tnaenulty--and Amen-" ••1'8•11'1 ''PIIIIOil J•lo.&:U:P 11<)111 rkrn~s of the WashJnct.on apncln and aU "Isms" with or without by· lt-v'ery much here . =uc:tJon•capedty. Ct-rtaW.v they never visua11zed a I"" flrllf rhnpt o•r <If tl••ll•''l~ lt•flfl•' ~~~ ha$ talkf'd of lhlpa, ud It mU.~f ......... eXCt!pt one. It ~ for AJneri· . · aJ.n:ratt ·,\n•l Oo•l ~ntd. l.•·t u• m;•tt•· nHt~ 1 havt> talk~ about ...... but I eanlam. On thl~ sup;ect. lhel't' 11 lll1dltr"to1'c*fot compoaed,ollOO American •• ..,,. tm:---· atlu ollf: Jtk~nttu. lcaw't. rf't'illl eny-ooluiM .-a.al• .-.u ...... rnent. ~ peep~ ,_,. ._......_ 11 ... ~~ by a htt-battle fleet. But that &CC0-'1"''"' .. Atld Uod U W "1'-ry lltln~: lhl.t fnn WIIX. .· • deretand that th.fose imported lima -..--. --..pono _.. ' •uu'6 hft hall mad~. au1l. bo•ltolfl. II •·u I " . ....,_ · · to Jtar Adlftlraj RarnRy, ch1ef of ~ Navy Bureau of Aero-·~rt ~:ond .... llnl'l 11,. rP•t~JI ,., . Throu~th the-11 yt'&n then have Y••nl• 10\'Pmmenls to .the lame hi ilks a.. tbe ~-t Told that wUl be U8ed to spee.rheBd •he •ewenlh d11y frt1111 nil hi~ .•nrk 1 hN'n !!I'Vt'ral, !IUbjectl ~ ahn.d· ftkl. .national IOClall'fl\ and cpc, '-,. .,. ...... 0 0 •hleb h• hid mad•• " Th" rf'rord . ows fell over the culrnn .....,. oftl'n tator.dp. · • _. ~ Clll the Jap·homeland. tllkl'o trom thi t'h r If Do you A tt\lrd? · UJ . to or '"" .croun CO!It ot government. IJftl upon not . Md4 cxmtiau.d• •-nuoup the COfteentratlon ~~~~':fd111~r!~:r~~~~·:r,?:,~:.; 'j column hu 'l"t'prat~l) pollltlld upon theorlet. You may havr a C'al'itln In the large numbers now avallable ft can bring •nto h ..... ,,. .. I hi" b,.Aih of life;' ou. I that IOYemmeont can be I lovely ldra. but ~at may not be ... ' · . ' I uut m•n bec'11111e a ll•ln~; aoul " changed b)' taxes and by rialnc thf' bflf actually ~fol't' us. Tht• -"';acwt•'na air pcMIW-tq ~ aga1hst ~II but strategl- 1 Lo "ticit.•Jrc• ant.J .II .. ahh "''" K" I costs as ~ad.lly u by rcvolutian. p~t "~ubsldy .. •IJI and th~ "!'01· . __ caDy Jmpartanilaland objedlwtl where .Jlmltations of terrain •o th.. Sulpcurd ' Nuy Rakrr Tht> imrA4!'diate mc:onvenlc.>nl'ft are Ctler vote btU •rei·-«ooll mmplrs . ...,........._ -....ct ... ___ .._ ot land based ....1.:. that ca ~:ddt uh!'• "Tho• ~""'!"'' "'"'"' .. ' I,..;.<:; the ultlmat-: I'('SWI ~ are much • .. _ ..... IOIAJ' •~u·• u~ '!u""""'r , t'"Pnes n .• ,r o .. n•·•ll ronlllnll " " n• "IIIPnt of the snm.. When the fll"'l ~ · be operated." Tben. with respect to. our batUe fleet,,he <:om-I hit marn tat "w• nf Hn..l )\nd rh .. • mrnto U:tter'' was d i'Of'PI'd In the 25 YEAR$ AGO ...... ''Tbe .._ ....... ,~___ dra flgh unty,.,..e, a eratf'mt'nt "lott-h 111 the . 1933 .. 1 t · pW'D-..: IIOOilPr we get in a IIU~-a-uuwu, g-out t! ~uct Opt,JOSIII' or' •r'•"llolflc lrulb mtul Party In . 1ul' Iota COl .. wtth .the enemy'alurface navy the better for we qm afford to I u bl''fofto rf'rorllPd " "WITh a •lnde of ~ovf'rnment to thl;' prople !'f from N.tu•s·'T•mt.s Frits · · • • . , .. , oolf'llnaod, !M ind hall m"d" man, California, lncludln& federal. 1tate , ,plaY the~ of ~lp for ship M th tht>m--:and-1hey cannot. bolh 11111te ami r .. mitle. ltow then and local taxes. waa. $.''\11.6511.4U . Talcen !rom the Ma 2 1919 ~ we have our stepPing stones to Tokio--an d there . ooutd, a mllf'ltlll or«•n:.~llllllD be • Tod~) I Ol!Cal )'('lr 1942·43) the edition cr tbe Newport YN~.. . aft ptberlngdodlcatlons that the Japs now recogniu> ho"·l ~. lhe b&lll or man ,Iota! IS S2.226,925.l4~ Morr man Lumber for ten amall cottAgea &...-,. ,..._ -•--Jcul ed ' --four tlme!l 118 much. To the C&JJ-wt:lch· will bt buUt on Bay VIew UIIUIJ u~y nua:a at . FIRST CHU .. CH OF CHAtl't, fomtan~ of 19.'\3 ,thosl' tol;\l I aRt!., avenue, Balboa, by J. H . Plummu fCI E"tTIIT , rook 16 4 pcor crnt of thetr in-bu aauced aD4 the cQO.ItrucUoa -=uc-=--~·-J W,.ar Da~. -..-Lido Thuter, Central A11enue ,c~ml's; the Pd"'~~1r:'1111"k~ t~(' 213 of tbe buUdtnp wijl bectn at once. BJA d · l6o prr cl'nt, an w1 a c mo... Ml R th L&n t d · . an Vla L . The~ are tlmn whrn rve11 a • u c:u er, augbter 'Jb! earl)' da}'l of May lnd~ lt!Veral dates that a re of -A bnanr h ol Thr Motlier Church. politician Is threatened with ,.. or Mr. ~d Mrw. C. L. L&ncaater, mora &ban ordlftAPV '""--lftc:anoe in the hiJt"""' ot America's . he 'Firlt Cbun:b of Cbrtat. Sci· I COUI"'gt'nlfnt! On thai •IIUh,lt'CJ of wu married tq Clarenc~ E. Burke .~, ..,, oov•.J. en~let,ln Boeton, .s .... chuaetta. .:over~l costs 1 will rontlalW of Loe Ancel•. -l't Ia ur--.t ·war U. . S~:mtay School at 9:30 a. m. I to ri~ to rt'mark. "Taxr«." mu.t 'nlo tlablD!r launch "Florence.," r.:"W!· ;"1--:-r: ' • s d ...... , t 11 w d u ~ ).-t two )'eari ~y 2, l~t' the batt.lt> un ay """~ cr a a. m. e · not mun ~pnale tlrms to tM owned by J ohn SanUch of San Pe· ol ... ~ 8ee ~an. lhil wu oUr fintt w.. aee vletory o f n-.tay Tntlmontal M~tlnr at 12 people of the 22nd Dislrlct . but the dro. weat ubm between Newport ~ ""l!i o·elock noon. totiil bT all IUH. rt'<kfra1r ~ate. -..cb 11114 H~ ,a-e111 .n41 the·war, and It blun~ t.tae Jap lnvuton .dag&er pointed to-lttadlnl lloom located at 711 county. diltrlct. murrlclpal. QNy t.OGO pounde of n.a wblcb .wu ~ ~· It a)lo ~ ~ l)e .. on_ly'the beKfnning" of t u t Central Avenue, ~bo&,. Ia lhen can the dtrzen cht'('k thb ~ wu .Jo-t. · ftllllti ... the n--ut-,._._t .... , reed the J flee open dally from l P· m. 0 ~ P· aa. barometer of hi~ nation's stre~ 'J.ar. Edward B1&1r wbo owna tbe ... riCUI;t Ill rtaUAA; u. , ... ve •0 ap t Uctpl !lnndayl aod b'olldaya na.· and lnt......ltu. Taxes can buiWI • launch "J'rt4a" aD4 a number of Into hMirLwllaa-. ...... It , ~a· •v _.,. ~ ttonally "t.erved. nation : taxrs can c:kslm)' a nation. t.bt ..,. uoUDd Bal~ made up Rut:-adt.tlab over ttUa tJ1umpb wu beavily dampened The pul.!Jc-la col"dl&lty lnvtted tQ The secontl auhje~ v.ns undoullot· .. part.J to 1'0 to lh• Channel ~. -r attenll t be cbun:b etrvlce1 and I.IM t'dly an rHort to point out the l*Dda. · by tbe trqlc la1J o( Corregidor an May 6, 1942, martting tM lhe Ruc11nc Room. eradual Infiltration Into ~· 11M Clad. hand of atna.re wel· ... ef ....... l'llllktance in the Ptilll_ppi.nes. 11M! prriaon mt>nl of people, &Omo' nf them •· e0111e wu ateDded tQ two more t~ lqidkn bad held out~ a month follOWing U:VEN'I'II DAY \D\'ENTIITS t l'l'\' and.m1s~uuJM, '"ho thlnlt that ol Uncle Sam'a btroa wben ~ · :!.tt:IJIIi on a.lta&D. Wt dJdn't kDaw then just how tragic O.nMJr Watlntt ... C'hJda Ita. ~ommu.~r!U'll l"' pm~rr~~~~ or rena Ahlf and Carl ~elaon re-~ e-ta~"~-1 smart . or lhat faJ;cam lleeftl tiU'Iled bomo att.er recelvlnc t,llet ..... f# CoialiiPiar WU to t)R merl WhO became priaof1ef'S ·Sabbath IChooJ, :&turday mom· thr proti'CIIOn Of I hi' SIRIUS QUO ln l ~at Camp-'l<Mmy. r -Gf ... 1111i lnc. 9:30 o'clock. i&OVf'mment. <:'1>mmunr~m Ia ptOt Mr. and Mu. o. E. Oblaen of r..-u .... 7 the A-tt .... in' Afri virtuall II Prt'achln& ~ervt,..., 1 la. m. . fpra&rt'S!Iilll'. It I' tht• most .-.e-Loe Ani-lee apent the weekend lD ~ )"'Ol!' Oil ,.oaJ , ua••uaoa C8 Y came 1 • I tionary polillcal 11tx·t nnt' u\ U,C NewpoJ1 Beach u u.. ·cu-t. of to. -,tab the capture of 1\Jnis and B~rte by American I Mesan a Corporal In world today; f;UCI -.m protect• Mr. anct M~ Art Heard. IDd 8lttilh 80iclers. 'nds climaxed the drlv~ whlc;b ~d be-India War Theater ,np1h1n~. and 1h1s t'ulumn w111 kftll Attom•y Sherold B. Oabon and a -thl beforr with Montanm.-1"\l•s IINUih against I __ 1°" say~na 50· Jta~t 8~ t: will kftP famllJ of Loe ADitl• were enter· -,--o~· .. ~· .r · 1 • on cnllln;: Btt<'nlll)ll to th('. pr•· •-•--" .... 11 d M A B . In i".tD'Pt and the landing of our fon:P.~ In Moi'O<X'O Rrownln~t .M Rrrwl'r or lhr Atr gnnd" ml'lh~ nf tit.-hny• an4 _.. .. , r. an n . . . WI · . l Tn~n•{W'rt r omlmlntl heartqunrte111 ;rls nf lt\1' I'Omntllnl ·trr · ~11• ln Eaat Newport. Attor-. AJiiBrtL thin 60 days after the cleanup In Afnca, we Jn India I Rll l>etn promotl'd ttl the g . .... h ' llnr wt.o MY o.ISbn It Ole IOn of Coneress- llndld on Skily In our attack qainst the (not sol "soft un· ~tracte nr 11nrporat 'Brewer. 10n ~\'.:"n~~-'~n 1p~l~~~11'~;~.:;~·",n1~1~'fukl· ·man o.1 bon. ~·" of •lo.-...& ..,t-. ' ; )lot d M 0 A B · ·. t-. ' wOU Com Df down from El .. nore to -· •· Fire Life lR HAVIYOU SECUIID YOUI ADDING MACHINI Set 'nenlarl'l t ... t ror 'Information -. ...... ,.,., to ..., -a MW dine arad*w -llut .. U FlO ,.., eullelt atunt.Joa.. FIREftROOF CHESTS! s.. them today- ....... , ....... WI HAVI METAL 902 NO. ·MAIN ST. PHONE 743 • • • 7!; ft~ltl~ll s;,"J, 1111~i tA, E11l • WIYA tJ, ll'ld fiL .._ --~ wft:'.....-~ , • 'olO" .; "h~ I r:t . , rl''"tn o tRite a pow('rf,ll nHt~rHIYII'IIt lli&U male• arrangement. to apend tbe ID look'-back over thele events we find-that our Prv· " .~:~ • II f'r • .. Will an au omo-1p frnll .. I rae··. hut ·"Ito f'llnnot IH . . .,.,. · . , hilt' 'll"l'hnnll.: two on• h.-1•1hwd thr ""' 1,,.1111,1\l'(' or 1'1\n.r"Unl'liC ln-aummer ln NeWport ~ob. Mr. ...... In the EUro~ theater of operatiOfli has not tx>en so. '""'Y ''"" :~n. 11'4~ Ut 18 1"'w a n11·,·nco•, In l:"''rmm••nt "'"",... IPce aD4 Mn. F. H. Burton were the ~ U . we had expected. · Qn. tlM> Other h and, th~ headway ' nwdh Ill tlorhnlrlnn. Hr hr11 \ht' .. n lhl• lo'mlilo•, thry hf\IIJIL ~~~ 11:ork• ~ue~~n.'()f ldr. and Mra. George -bave'maclt In the Pacific hu ~n much f8$ler than "'" In tnc C~llut-Burmo-~o,u..-thhtf'r Con .. . .. ..-~ . 1•inn• .Au~. 10. 1\143 mer 1 ••,nnrth limn·' Hurhp .. ol The rlahlnr boat Florrncr ' ..... Ia UtM, wu Jk• -.. of a ~ry-aak1Dq ~at " War 10. 18118-U.. real!Utioa ot • VJMI A...rtoaa'•cbta.. h wu AbnhAa 1.111c:ola .~ .-.u.& tae .ual .... b-aalllav by rall. u.. ... Willa tlle radllo COlli •ad wllo a.athon.d 1M balldl&9 ot a IIUICQiati.D .. tal rallroecl. '.i...no. • .,. ... oiila:-•t.•• ....... alty &ad a .. ple,nwud .. ai ~.eoe .......... work Ud l.cliYichale..,_ ~~~, l"w ftell ~ vnat c:outr,.ll'• oar tolt te .... • tk&IWIJ • -would have thOUght po8Sible two years ago. Tht' lntlln l'htnl\ wtn~ n! thr th H111,1l:ryn m.·unt.11118 an IU' .. came ubore near t he Rtdlaoda Holreter. when May .ml.ls_ around in 1945_-tbe most im-j lur Tnuup<lrl ~otRJOlAnd ,,. Ult" v. Wht'rr t'm-my air tltf:lf'l( Ill no nov· Oolen)' end ~· "i'reda" Wltb Ca.Pt. portant tUsto of W orld WarD will undoubiroly. h ave been !-: A1mv Atr r.-rr~:.r' un1t whll-h ··lty Thi~ win~: "'" rt'~'•Dlly cit· Blair and a c_rew conalatlnr of ry · . . . . . haul mllttary freight from lnd1a r.t ,,,. l'r<'!'lrlrnt HI'. •rw !t tor ·•a.. M~ MliiN. fmtt mate, and j ~tteiL Let US,bope it wUJ tell Of a bnef, 'suCCl'SSf~l ln\';ISIOn 1., l'tnn,1 t, All .lytn~: 11\ll:<' un· ccptuonall}· ·1111L.,tn· J.n,; pcrrfnrm· Gerll!r Nol'n Harry Johnston • ol tbe continent. ilnd of a Pacific avnpaig:n tha t carril't1 right nrmr;l c;lr)o:ll (lanO'l! till,:.' snJ nlf!ht .olh• ,. . and 'Olen Goodykoonlz. able Sf ll· I -<t men (fl. went to the reec:ue and to tbe WI!')' beart oC Japan_. -· ·• • I fiMtly tn••t>d her into the ha.rbor.j '· MODERN MAR.IN.E SERVICE [rr!,.·. ~.:r'eawe~t:":~.:r":~~~~l friend• In Lankershtfn &lld san m r-mllt IDOft frequrnt 8ctJoo1 ~ 1bmk~n s that o r -Fernando. · l •··. • . Clrlle Goodykoontz hu gonl" to • 'Running at noon to get your lunch . n nd , ' · Co~ado on · 8 viJtt v.1Ul Bnb you t()Ok too lon_g ~o cat )'OUr lunch I · s H E L L D 0 c K .-· · 8tmpeon and wlfe. ' ....... _ ... ., ~hy stu<lent.s run at school. Thtll'l' sre c nly , two vacant __ ..," __ .,..,__ · • · . · . -·-• on tbe Helghta-no w lnatt'ad 1l to think that n.annJ.ng.Js dangt>rous? Not 1 · -..- to t»~rpenmn,"tt"you happcrncrron J ol tin. ____ ._,. · 1 ba~ to be Nt by a ~oor when II 8 A L 8 0 A I $ L ·A N· D lr you are • •ubec:rlbtr Co lhlal ~t ot a room!_ paper and baf~ not ~~ any • new aut.crtbet.. Jl.l.lt. wn.r 1a ~our --... ··RUN . · ap~Uat~GD ! r . - ·-~····~···---- • • • . . n. Uaiott Pac:ifiD lllnvvled throuqla leu ud Tla1a J•u a~rb tile 75111 Aaat"ra&.rJ-tb er-hW ,_. Hi. IAfle..IIMI ,..._., Jt W ~ J.wlee -ottlte' ~ ot tale Qew.. latUa .•• Amerlc:e I tutu.re t.dwud H H•rrlaft S~e, I be eoapletio8 ot ~ Sti&Jevto .llicWIII ~ aD.bouadecl ialth lA America. HU. Qlltd.tag ~ UDlOa ledlo oo-•-•• tut ..-. "\"ealu-aad the telth 01 tbe l .. den 'froa the torlc occ .. loa br coellaule9 to eaerte••rr rub' who lcllowecl .b.illl, que .lrengtll •ad eftOrlJ!IIhtrauporlalioaot .. lt.WI .. .ct~ 'riqor to the r~cl. 10 that Yic:tori I.DCi JIHce .. , eooe a.. ..,. ,LiMa to "TOUR AMERICA" oa NBC Cout·to Cout N-'"'k eYWf S.turd1y afteraooa Couuh'JC)w local aewwp&J* lor tUN ud ..... ~ ..... _____ --~- TNI.,.o~.ISS/VI UMIOM PACIFIC ltAILjfOAD . NEWPORT-BALBOA NEws-'JlMEs. ~~ BMdt. O.l!t•• California, Thursday, May 4, 1944 . _ , 1 HAIIOI HIOH .IEWS tif~-;E~~:_: HARBOR HIGIIIORTS =£·:.~~~~': ~~::,. ~:=:_~::~=-~ _ . Boise, M . arth, MiDer,-offr~·or H. S. Student Body -will take O¥er their variOWI dutift !l~· •-~--·-1.. _,. p&euaAUy -~ al .. wttb 110 vot• ~ate N..._1 tmm~ty followbl• u.e tawta~-!W $a~M~P ~~ WASKlNOTON. "A rf"U!I1UII , Slllib' (,.\•mllli\\H. callfll u.a.w. ..mnmt --~ A~ ._ wu runner-up ol tblt IJ'OUP wtUl laHGa ~btJ wbtdl wtll taU ~owfuiiJ -., Pllota for handllna aurptua foo.l Ia ln-1 to tiM> (ad t~t u.at e•1•mltt~ "J' '-lll - 106 votea. However, before aa pla.u Wedn'way, Way 11th. Lut ~J tiM Tv .... MD _ <'l"t'utn~ly-Ut"pftl.'' ~aft hu bNon .tu.Jylna lht' wra,lua ft'l.),l -k Ttl" erlr pieced "W7 office may be ftiJed., lbe oudkl&te lline c1t'opfe4 U..lr ftnt .....,_ ~ ~r hnrwhi.S..,. will Joat"ph W. Martin (R) Ma.-., ~d probl•m tor eome Umt', and aald: ~riot, v.·hk:h wu very luod altar ,JDUM baft a maJorll7 of vot• A. Former Harbor Pair ram• to the cx«••or Ptlotl. ftt., t.reJl te O...e "''"'r" lhf)' .wUI trday. "A rlan for .o&vtq ll ......... "Ollfii"'-IUI John PblllljW only one pracUce Wbk* ... a revote wu tb~-a 1111C411atty pme, alt.l\oUP a a...ue pme,~~:u.:: ~ly tuutt',t Orangt' not~ put ott IOfliW. P'oMt apdle 11R\ C'alltornla. a ml'mber ot bnth d11,Y twoto.-o the mMt. belWt't'tl Fernao<tea and Doui1&L To Graduate lttn ,Svtl tbe Tan a eaaace ror a . "'" l'to lllhl'rl a"' thC'' while ('\J illllrtlnl .. 4'1\("jH ot aov· tht', ltepubncan. '''III'NM1oaa.l ' Kathll'f'n Ma111f'lr wu hllb poblt Tut~y. May\ ueood. 1o tbe SECRETARY .--.-et amp'I'Oftehlp 1n IMI\M COIII.,.U· C!tll• •'-a ll'n1r In 1• .. u 11guf' t'mntt'nt hallc aboul wbo Ia In 1\a~-"•ml ,.tudy C\~mnllltH aad the lrl with a total of lS lllta. library oftl~. Ol)'nn Bolea deleal-Diana Marportb with 2111 Monday, A,prU ,I4, Mventy.tbrroe uon .. Oranp, tbe oaly t-~-~ O.ftaiiDI.Jan111 ,\nA G·tl ,In an 111f' lt. Wl\lle we, haft a IK'&rcl;.y Hn\IH ('Oftlll'llttf't' 1>t1 AJ11\'UitUrf', ~unh, Jt'AO Oallalhtr ~ ~ ed Dick Freeman. 2~. to 106 (or \'Olea defeated J~DI' Wlebtm&\\ j Bachelor ot Arta· del'f'ee• • ••tre 1 defeat~ twa 1..,-ue play, baa 1M errt'f'oladtl ~)·• 1'h .1 will 1:w: J bu bNn an active lea,ler and tn-man Sarah Helt tied tor eecnact t he ltudpt body pnaldency ot who bad 174 votea for the oltlc:e &'lvt'n by Pomona CoUep to the, tn meet ao~re atttt eom.,.UU.. ,..._....,a tlllr.l 1:"""'. .1. wlnnlna j 1 trudtu•t'd Hit 4271'1 whlrh Cl"t'alet • •l••·co huruo~, The l"fMMIt. ol tblt Newport Harbor t.Jb!oa Hl«b ot aecretary. eprtnr lrime.ter l'f'&duatln« aeulor ~ The Batten let off on lbe Pu· t~ au-....on ll••fl1•h' b\' • an •r.c-cmnml .. lnn to ba1HIIt' thla llf'ObJem [ l . 8chocl tor Ole achool year of 1944 TREASURER I clua. lh~re on tht' Paatben' home field ·o, ._,, anflc).,,1; lth· .,..r1~11J ..:am.· wllh ,....,r.. ... ntatloo by phldueeril,l _m•"-·w-• ...... ·.·-------- 1 """ , .. ._ • Junl" Don ><Wu. .. ,..... Ha.bo• Hl•h ""'""' <loimo ~-tonjpt "' doddo •"''"'' « .: IIII-I to -" p~.,..._.,,, ''""''"'"~ •~• ""'" : VJCI!:-PRESJDENT !Bopbomore Camtron Tbom, Sll to o&'ftlUon of two l'f'aduatu. Sh~f'-01~ Tara. art' atlll ID the l"'lftAlaa. 011 tb• a.un.t 1,.r th .. t>11nlht'ra'· j•unu•n ..-r"liUI on thf \'llOI&ialua., Eddie' a For the vice-pre1tdeney. J im 60 tor t:.e ottlce of atu~t body I men Edward• and Fr~cu K. ft-the ~"'defeat Oraqe ton&Pt wlU prolliii.J 1,.. 1 11.·,'11"""· "v«'ry I 'l'tlt' hu..:r tmri•luHa ol butter. BADBEC''ED Douglaa.led with 147 votea, ciOMly treaw.rer. Flneh. It wUI put Harbor, al~.....ttb • j'OOd rtiM h 1 1o •I pit, t ... r Thf «'1,•. drle•l Alfblco t¥n.e aod olht'r. no.! ...., followed by Vlrclnla P'erna.ndul ,.. the Beac~ bad rooe to) .f:dwarda waa • thrH-yur gr~d-. othn echoola, In a ltlll way tl• fori Pui&Mr1" .. ,,..,1,, ,1 with ha\'ln& t"'"'•· nntt'h "' whtl'h h11a apoil"<l, SANDWICHES ~ " · · uate of Pomona Coll~l'~. and a f flnt place. Tl\la would 1 .. ve a ~ -..oth v .. orklnJ! ln'l(h' i I hu madt' Ulla Jlr.tbhottl uc·•·••llnl(-DeiJ 1 J • member of Phi ~ta Kappa. He tfuntln_pqn ~ach u t~e n.~nner l Al8o 0.,.._ '~' Ill• lr llo•Nt hllt•·r ~~~ ur.:•·nt.ln , • ., ••• nt wc't'k• Tht' "" • Are •C•OUI I majored In ch~mlatry and plana up. AU Ill all Harbor llUl U. a aad pro-, lh·· 11,,.1 8 .. 1.,.11,1 baw-j 1mbllcan • ,..,,, d Ntu.ly ''ommttt.-.. to work aa a c~emlllt until h~ b , load.. ebaAce for a COCDJn_j ~ ... Ill ... ~.... r ..... la ""rJ""•tnm.,y In thla matlf'r -~ , ~,,..._/•~ t ' •1-~ called for military duty. He la champlonablp. j OIMieh lillie I and m tht' .:onltrhral d..t•)'• In ll.t• M , C f , l!-.. "' ... ,,'I ,,. ~~I'"' lhl' IliOn of Jdra. Lucille 0. Ed-, F.xc•lalnr'Jr ftr.l elrht rUI'\8 came bJ8 '* r ,,,.. Ill I )'• t mll•h• 1111\'t•mmcont a". ""' , ... Ill Wuhlnll· oore • on ec:taonery .. -· ' warda. nnw realdlng In MuaUan, al tM U""'DM of Bolea lD U\t nnt ~!-·-r"" "11" 11 1" stnrl dtt l l ton It 111 h.11,...1 that the-tlootw .. 100 Oeean ,,_t M I ,... l , ...... _,_ Pt ll~ttbur Tht' In-• ,. I .L.. " n I'O, lnolnf whllt' tht' rwrt were aea · fltild ..,.,1 -1 . 1 t ommltt.-.. 1111 Aarh·ulluno wul ~¥ ·11 ~ 1-J,. 1 ~lu Finch lfT&duall'd 'll{llb dta-tered 'tbroul'h the remalnlD• Ill-poallbk!' . 1 ' .,.,11111 With I h."' makt' an ""' h• ttl\•ur•lrlt' ,.....port t•n Phone n -N-,..-t ._... MN'•f'l linr tlon In course and Ia alao a ninga Harbor'• two ruDI came ia a..... ;.::flllh•n '1 ftrllt batlt' CONORESIMAN .JOHN PHil. ~~~~":.!l:·h~l~ll~ll:·•~b:l~ll~·~· -------=========::;;:::i I Phi ~ta Kappa She alao major-tbe thl.rd aDd fourth lDnlnp. twlna Bw ....... u-111 11 1,)1,1\' IRk•• ,,, ··r d 1 h l.t Slw th~ 1 ..--.. p II \ •HII(lrl,l ll PS, wh-houM food bllt ~ n c em ry. won IK'Ored by Oberto and -G .. e. urgra 11cvernment te take ac;tlon 1 Mar.:art't Burton Harwood acbol-Th~ batl(.ry for Elll~e·at ·r con-' _ • .... ~ Oame ..! "-· ·_ # Proo6 10 •lect 6om ' # • Jfca'• •. -.: •bert ,_:.m" .• hi~· . mmrials-6nest anists-apd bard ~ervicr, 'J cbeamouotJOUtpeod. A U..' "MIUkJP.,.,,.. ,......., Hd- -" G.rN--N-T;.. F~ 7:00 P..JIL I BI·N--· AUSTIN. STUDt S ,. Bring This Ad 508 V. N. Mala St. . . , SANTA ANA Phone 1463 DAILY HOURS: t a.m. to 'I p.m. SuDdaye bJ APS*Dtmeel N·T 5/4/4"4 nnhtp l'n htr mwnman year. 8\11' &lilted of Powell aD<J T1iruber wltb -R .-.a H sa A•• Ia taking up 4JJ110Uate work at Newport·1 ~x'Ing Botu pllclttD•' IIC'.Oife~'ll ~ •• " 1 ~ : ~ "' 1y11111y f,,. 1110, lhc•rr 11~ butct' a 11'• Santa . S.bara State (6 _weeka) ,_ a~f)late. -l ~·It -:: " .;: n 1 ~!'• • "'",. .;1 , tlu•n Tha l'btlllpa bUI, and &l""Unlveralty o urblllcton ---I·._,. u.w• • 1 .~ ,", _. 1 •1 HR 4270, ·t. an attempt lu •n •t~t ln admlnlatratlve dlt'tetlre. · 20. At ttnt ~veryone came to the ::,~ · ::-,', 11~ 'j •1 :;11 lhla Jll ollhm aqu•rt'ly." -.--part It'll. It wu fun. 1 ~ -~ :\ ''' 1 1 ·'" 111.1 'llhJUtu A Jc·•· I Cluba to Batt1e "O.K." aJd the Rotary Club. = '": = u ~ ~: ; : · l~~ kin .. ct< 1 llhln 1'hlllr•1'1"1 "' 1 'I" In May 11 Came "How about fOOit' decoration.. you na,::...-. ~ I• ·~ . Ill ~· :~~~.' HPIIUblk an Con...,...aonal rood -·--• atudenta ..... So th~> .prcotty decora-• o.w~· -~ " I " n tW•I ---I . Ill Pollanll I " u 0 '""' on May 11 the bat tit' oJ all bat-Ilona appeared Then we came ...... • 1 tara. Blatt G. G. ttu will be fought -r:tkht here at couJl.lu ... ·Tben hardly at all! l'jewport Harbor. The two partlee The &tartan• b«ame peeve!f -T-ilteta Taclile .l in Praclke .::>¥armiah wiU r...r,t chooae th~lr own weapon.. and Wbo wouldn't! Here,we aN. £acelaior Today If\" J'nll lk ,.·tllt pll•y .. \1 ,,, lltor-~ the::t will be r:tven ~ them by •r. crying for IICbool aplrit. Ia 8 ,..dll'f mttl ('lf with Uunt· ht•t . 1'tu'"llny thr Rall<lra ~>lay"tJ Ret'd aad lbu Aaiirta. Tbe we&~~-Poor children of the WIU' • • • ,. _ _._ -..cb lhr Harbor nftwmf"ri • atrU&ht \Moll tQ alap OardcoD dMve 1 ona will be b&Mball btal.e (IIOUD Let'a becom~ Und•r-20 corucloua. --1 k 1 ...ctJ walllfd n tf wl\h lht t.-nnl• tuur lwn 'ltw-!' mar ('I UJI waa rugred. doean't It ~ I Really the Summer School Claaa -.at•. a to 2 Tht' ncolm~n alaq th .. fnurth lhJa y~ar •l•ln•t l.,.•o fll'bt Will be held on the bUeball c~e~ .. w WOO\lmw Wll•m. 23 t .> lollllt'l dlamonda, -"d the partie• lovolved To S~rt July 5 a. ....... nt thr Huntlnjt1on r IIIII bor tlllht'll lhrH run• In the The HI·Y II In ehar•e of the 1t t hfre ·ar~ ~y .tudtnta, wbo r l41'f ltd (;raharn. 6·3. 6·1, Wnlkc•r Otw?'fo, " w11llc In !ole- ·Eieet JUSTUS CRAEMER U. S. Senator Oran&'e County'• Own Candid•te wUI be Ole Tri-Y aad HI,-Y. Beadt~ Itt •ln&Jn At\r _fir~ tnnjrJ6! , n _Ainll•• by VanPt'· Ic~ cream and eokee. They will han fcllt'd or rec~lve(l llll lncom-T'boa •ttd llrc>IK'M . 8·2. 6·0, <'nrktll ,fuii<I'WI'cl by ll IWI> baw I alao organlu lhe ~·eball teltmll. pl~t~. they •111 two rlad to hea'r H~ •tC';I Schuth, 9-7. 6 ·0 : knll< k utt lh•' hat '" Lllnlflladto • Primary Election, M*y .. I Thf Tri-Y wllltll fumf~the r,;£::-th~re Ia to be a eummer aebool. 4tb-W ~~~ lullt to Whlln~)'., f' SAIIuno' IOUritl and tiDal nanj "Let'• Have ·JUSTUS In w ntton" m~nla, con• • or o eo.~a. u · l-4, s-a. I at tluuhlu Raymond ,. .. 1n th" flnh lnnlna. M• <..'or- ealad, calcl' and all the lrlmmlnga. C'la81e8 will be undl'r the dine-aad Fow'-r dl'fnlt'<l Ca.a• and k«-dtf"'' a bue on balta an1lalcl.,. 1 P~ll> ·~}R llY F"RJF.foiDS pF JtltrnJ • IQIEIU I The batt I• of all battle. pr1>m -tlon of Mr11. Fcot'lty and Wlaa Pa· Hardin(, t-O. s-•: Znd l.lnd and aec .' He. ciUIW lm1D4! on LanK\ ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~==~=========! !au to be r ood. Stare _partlelpat-redu . Tlit' fee will be one doO&r 'Cudley 4tt .. Uod . Pa.-Jcard a'nd ma.de'a l!llr4 b"-f U.. 4&~. a ain-~- lng •r~: Johnnl~ Jolll<lton, Shlr·w.r hour and thni wl)l be ct ..... ~ l-4, 6-l tie.ull4 ur WOQd-lie t<? left nt1d, ley NJY1n, Claire Crall'; Jant~ coovt'raatlonal S.pant.ab, rMdlnl row Wllaon linclu, lat-Thom de-'. C:nrtlc•n Orove lll'utt'd twn rune II Grac~. Wilda Bl'llrley, Mary Allc:e and writing Spanl1h, GreK« ahort-o n 1 f Pollard, Jeann~ Ann Gerrtah,! hand F.ngllah, malhematlce, Latin, feated Ooech, 8-2, 6-, aymnnl II) thr ruurth lunlnl( of tt1anlliCAn. • • • ~.e&led FUU.y~ a.a • .6·3.!. F.\ZWI~r ... jc..,.-t.~aUq a ...._, ,.,.. balle fiiUII twn Marl lou Mar11hall, Pe~ N!llaon.: hlltory, ~~nelal eclence, an4 many ao.t to Colllnll, 1·fo, 3'6, 6-1 ; llj\lbe1 , um~ly _.n&'iea lnt.o cf'fttt~r tlt'ld. Dlanco Warporth. Peggy Mfckel-~oth~r ll,.de-IICbnnl lltbjecte. .....,,..~ , 1 ot walt, Marilyn Hill and VIvian Reglrrt,ratlon day It Jllly' tbe de.~R~bl.naon, t}-2· l ·l. •w-Coacb WIDer ued Ul arr-.y Vaul'bD. Lorry l...aA....,ade, Carl third •1 the ~11 Clubhouw. op~ .,._.: Ut ~tlrldre. ,od 0 •1•' dto-l plt;ch.ra In U.a l'(tntMt, 0.1• •tart. •-· .. ,._. Pric-e and WoK,lnner. 6 · lnl, followed by ObMto, n....._ Oberto, Lawrenc:e Johnet.on, Tom-.tte tbe library In Balbo&. Cl..... Yardley _.,. Rup. ud BoiM. my McCorkel~ OleM Bote• .. P'nd wm at.ar't 'off wttb a bull' July tiM aDd fT7 1-l Blliuld. Bob 'R.qmond, Bud Att· fltt!l tJUD .tpt a. a. UDtll t-'vt ' ' man. Bob Haley, Harold Dkk FrHman. and;Deorl'e Under-20 Cldh MaJ Not ContiDue . . • ~1'-·and have not ~ U1J clay L11e l'etJDea play thetr tbJrd ..., .ubel:rtbe,..., J6llt What' Ia your l•ue bat~ with P:xet~lor be~. aplautlo&i'T . Althuup_Uw Ptlol.e a"' favored tn ~-----ln~t ntra. CM'dib 1'1 ortl~r t'! be wlrl. H&l'bor wUI .a1vr th•m 11tr<N'C : ·u~ "'« t~·t--Nt•r hOun wwreDCL Tftt:on wtH -. ~tTIOjt~. ;;-;,....~come and go . rf'qulred for-JT1aduatlon. -laad the -Into tht' fray With FA c' r·-s· I t R~. mrmbC'r the bt-anlea with futh-Thl.ll •·IIJ be 'a IIWtd lime to 1 u ttnbt. emt.hed rco<"Hrd lllt rtr 111 1 l ,..rl! In 'em .. a.nd tht lrvl jack~ta.. makt' up crt'dlta or coo vert your I •~tiN. . 'I • · 1 ld blrtll.. and tlndl'r-20 11pare time Into worthwhile ttme. ~ _ . , 1 and P t 1 ~ So remember, If vou're behind r 1 __ E ' NOT IIJMOIS ... ' Club dancu on your aemHtn ho"ttrll. t·al<'h up Peaaut tweapen nter I . The only. oiOf JtOI(IIllt, Ull'm really th tbiA mrnu 'ft.!_.J Hated week '"Kanlud wu· 1 he Undl'r·20 Club: on em .u 1 aaru whlch..the Rotar y 11 allll tryln~t to · 1 11wlng ror the atlole.-f'nlll' freahmen Dance Tltt' Peanut IAaJtlll' I• allll ~:utn;.: 1 \1\l)ly 'llrt' thl'y 1!1111 trytn~: '" Ia Bie Su~ceta ""'"It at a faat t hp .,.1111 1"""'' urake the' II'.' partie It work 'r Wcoll. It~~ me .UU In I hi' runn111~ Ill tlr ~t 1 1~1·11 t1gurf' 11 ()Ut : Wheo lht Ro-Hon r e Rllv11·,. llojllll.ol hu t tary Qub tint conalckred ~fteu Th~ annual frrl!hman plenrc-and woo ' oui ot 1 wbue .u Gilium'a dan<'""• It Wll~t tht g~o~ral con.tM!n-•lllll<'t' WIU< hl'lcl ,YI'lllf'rday, May tt"lm ~ won 3 out uf 1 In r••'· 1 111111 of ortnlon that the high IIChonl 4th. An umtiiUDt puty 11 waa for rt•>d two Hofftna.n Ill h•ochll( With lltud~nt.a attendlnl{ would take th~ not nnly wptt fl)(ll ball I{Amu. baa-n 7 woo 1 klal n"Conl. whlt:h Ill' I U·20 to be their own an1l plan for ball A~amr~t. a.ntl othu outalde. ,try gpod. He 111 r .. lluwt'<f try u ch ,PartY. Thf' Rotary procur~ lt"m~ll plnyt'd hut lt.n outlllde danee <.iuarry 4 ~d 4,, Cram~r 3 out uf a IIW~II orcheltra. Re freehmenta. WM h Pid. F.Vf'rynn_r attl'ndlnlf ha4 r. and Hardy 2 llntl fl O.luJlhty ,.. WILLIAM 0. .BONELL:I ·• ' ....., •• s ......... ......................... ,_.,, ................. _... ... ·-ell ............. ...... ....... ..... le4 ................ ~ .... I too! A ch&rlr at th~ door ; to ~-f~n and rt'frl'lthmf'nlll IMda l.n period 3 wlth .. a 6 •nd 3 l~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~:~f=M~t=b~ebe:~:l~t~o~fi~the~U~n~d~e~~~ ~~~t mm~~ ~~~Th~~~~~~th ·----I madf' up nf thP follnwiDJ people: 15 ud 6. Connl'll Ia tonn«!n~t ur Brian Hanr.el. Bob Robttlna. Pe•· the rear with a., 2 and 7 avtrJ&ir. 1 ~y Trlnt', ChilrloCte f>tllnDe)', ,..... Period S 11 led by F.lll11' tqulld' 1 Hope, R_!_chartl Bra('t', Buddy Ala. ,..lnnJn• 7 ~d lOlling I. C:ru~v,. I* i an".tf'r and Rua1 Ollbert. Tb• fol-IIC'Cond wtlh 4 win• Anfl 3 1,.,.,.,., ........... ~ .. ... ~ .. '-....... c.-, ... ltiL .. _ ... _"' .. ...._ c. ..... A.l ........ ltl&. ·~C~ • ..._...,_ f(tTitinking of your new lunneP." ( The AMERICAN WAY' is to ELECT PUBLIC O·FFICIALS· . . . When a vacancy occurs· in the office o f J udge·.of the Superior Co~rt, a temporary Judge is appo~nted until the next eJection, af}d by this method t.h~ office is ·.so filled until the people can ELECT their judge. ·" J A .M E S L. DAVIS j htw1ng ..tudent• weno on the "'ter-f• llow~ by -r.chnl and Munh:. 1 ta1nm~nt commlttl't': Rat Jone., t.oth 2 Uld 3 I Sara Bl'.t. V•lma CUe. Jean Willer luda In tht fiV! p<·rlud I Trompeter. J oan wutlake, J ... 7 and 2 followf'd by Mllrl!ll&ll, 'l'hompeon and Rr,y Ward. F'&c'ult)' \'aurhaa: J oiner. 4 And 3 4 Kll•l 4. 1 IDt'lllben cha.,.ronlDr; wn. Mr.l 1 and 7 rHJlf'CtiVI'I)' Thrrr ""' r.ntwco and Mia11 Clark 7 ,.a; y~t tn pl11y Appnntlmately nne hundred ~ «:" _ fifty 11tudmt11 atten~ ~ d&Dee· • ' h I n>cord• we,... played, aOO<t nofreah-1 HunbD ... on Beac to ment11 w .. re fumlllhl'd and trood Malee Comebac k Tuetday ent•rlAinm~nt war dl11playf'd l•'!v-~ . erynne Atlf'ndlng ha11 fun. Pupplnr llfl wllll r• w•v .. ·•l •1'11 11 1 "'" horNobld•rll ••f tlwolrn.r•••ll 1 Nominationa ~en For G. l . Officer a l l<~ac:h Hlp;h fl nlllly Rl!l• •••: lu 1••111 •I'IWn to our llltvll!~un lt,.ld Ill Il l • fftort t o kn•" k n ... 1'.•1• """' "' r•·lAIIatl<m· for llr•'· 11 7 "' I,.,. I r ' ,.,1 thrm • f•·"-"t "',., k '4 • , ••• • f '·' • will coml' tu ,,,. 11111 • · '""' " I lei. •. _____ ........,_, ..... ......... ·-..... ~ ......... -. .............................. ...... ~-<=.-... .. ..... _ ...... w .. w .... ___.Jt. ... .... .... _..._ ... _ ..... ' W.L._ ............. .... _,,_ .. ,..., .... .. o. ..... -&.wy.. c.-.... . IONElli'S PUiliC SERVICE IECOID ltt7 ~P•..W.., &.. ....... Cilf c.w ... l ... _ ... _._ ...... _ .. '- A•t•l•· ,.,,_,_M.__ c........ • .... t..,.......... . ltJC ll -o........ Do .. .-.111 .. ,,., •••••••• ••41 v., ...... . 1•••411•••· ••••• •• c., .•• , ... . .. ow -......... ••••• ...... .. [,.,.......... .., ......... . $fltwfik!_•• Celdete ... Thill V!'flr I h~ r.lrl~· .I.A•Iljlllr 1 ab· mf't·. R.~tl thl' C A A r11blnrt llre comblnlnll In " mrrllnjZ t.r'i noml· nntr nlforrnt tor no·lll Yt'Ar'lf r.abl· n•·t membl'n • Tu~ay 081 uno! wrll 111 •1 • MtMBER Of I'"~ o'ciO<'k (In t lw I rlf I•·• "' •' • • • • I •ltcor outflt ~Ill I~· lit•· •I olok • I I II ,· ,. .. b, •• , .... c~ ....... M••••· A.l rHn M1 t•"-•" Stu,,.• lUte letl••· Jr:.n:h and r>Vf'ry lrl"'· who t • .~11J'if'tt. :rrnnny t:tll•• ., ... "• ~!fll , ... ,. .... , ..... ~....-. ll'rl'Jitl'tl In I.Akln,l( fill'rt m ncoJII 11 ma~ thl' ..:mn•l 1 •. t..t , . 1 a ..... Alph • Er.·••• Dolt• ,,., .. 1 1 h d In d ... .,.. att. · , .. , ••• a.,,.. ••· ~·rJtr'll rn., nrt IIJ IU'J!''< lo an lo·"'!'.'uco wlnll th l~ ..,. ... If t:.q·• ,..., ... <••~« ••••••••"• ..... 1\ppllr atlon, ,..Hiwr In Mrll Rhl't· I•• poor bac•klt1Jt ,.1, ,,, lh• 1 •" s.u·.t ._.,w••..l••••- ' II')OD • Mr11 F.•lwArclll\ ••r •tnr nl hia l«"am malt;" • lh <".llhiDtJ .memL.-rL Anreto' Ohrrto •~ l1k•·h .' · ~.~. ION(lll STANDS for Th"' f<olii'IWIOJ! pollll lona Ill'? \lit IDOOnd tur fhr '1'11r~ tollh ,,., ••-•• .-_, .. •• .. ,.._ opE-n. f•r:fllidf'nt. vtr.:~pr.atd~nt. -\wlvUball Oa~tf mlly 11:"1 l h\ • ell • .; •' ... -.. ~~~e. llf'f'N'tary and trruurrr, ~po!Vr. ' -l "",~:-::-.;:.c·:-~ _, wrlferl'l'hatnnan. Aortal r hlllrman. MORTIMER SCHOOL AM•-• .. .__....,_, _.- uniform c:h~rman, 11nd u.tlerette * C.al. &albo• i'bnd .. .--r.4erel -...... --chairman. ._/" IJtJJINF.K IW'UHUI. ,...._,. . .w :.r..-:-· _. •• Next ye«t t~ (lrla o,eM Jul) !'I; • .......,.. _ _,.,.....,. • YOUR DISTBICT ~.'ITO~ elt'ctecf will have a hard 0.....: a ,.,...,, a.-.=-a..-~ ..... ~ :::· , -~ ' . . ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_J~~~~JU--~~~~~~!!:~~----~~~~~~~ 1 " ,1 • Q C d year·a ca n,..l m~mbera e -iS' a candidate ror Super·ior.Court Judge, rar:tge ounty, an F..aefl year ftnda thf o1rt•' . will appreciite your support ~t the Election_ o.n May_ f8th . -The ~:_~an.~~,o~.~·~~ ~ PAUL NOR~AN -American 'way is for the people. to El,.J;.Cf ttietr p,ubltc offtctals. ~fi~:n:on~~~~!a:;~, T"cHT-.AIL MAt<~• _, So \n a1rla wbo are lnteruted m1 1 lei 8 t c era [81 ~ ' n•xt year' a· cabinet. •et applka·J e,. Awnlnt•. 0' ev •-....... .... ..., 'd f rt-~-,.1 DavUl .-; "' b ., •• ,... .. , i'Fhil nd :.-.or II'I'JU>'o "" .Uon.e ~ rtpt ~·_:-__ .' lit~ 2llt =~N~wport Aea.c ........... .. 80~ WA,_ 80NDI '-----------"""' 1 --- .. -. . ' I ·I '"Y oor home can lit' as JIC:'rfco u your drnma, madtm, 1f JO'I piau it n~lu! In''· dt·c tr_l, I!Y will ~rvc yuu in many If!" ""''Y' wdl wvc y<1U rn••n·ltviul( wrnfurr and lciaurc timt than CVf'l btforc! If yuu W ~~lt, fht: f:c.Jt~n Company Will help you plun )'IIIII ut·w hunll' ~· ~luk ·you can he lute ic • .will ~ pru~rly o...f(rt-cl' :uit'<JUa tc wtnng is oucmlal tO cvrry 1~uly modl'rn homt· lfJl· al 'Y'I"' "'"'I! II' I!JuQff ol/ut> /fir tiJOf' rnform;~lirm 11!JM1I adt qullle wifing:·· ' ' _.a.m..,.r...Ku.uwAn. YOMr fUclr~e.J s.,...., SOUTHIIN (illfO~NIA ID.ISOit-COMPANY lTD. J.l~ ESTUS M.tJriiNO ~..HARD WAR£.. -. I ,,l!~ERAL EJ£CTRIC &4NnKA ·e ...... fJDA'I'OU • WAI!INP:a.. Q-.AIIIIAA • !IAPIC)jll ~ -...... JJ. Hew,....._. '-Vout8hd. ~ . •, ol 1 • 1 .. ,.., How-Do You M••f• Two Gallou of G.. a w.-T.T-T 4 - Rod ~MIIIIan--"Doo't h .. e a car.M Jack Ri~ "We u.e Oio. rt&'a." Mary Allct' J'olhar•l "::'phon:· Dk:lt Qompton "I get ~on&." J11ne Wlabtman -"You'd~ aur· pfl.d or would you!" IAWI'e:De» Johnaton "G •oU, un- tO ~I'd&¥." 1111eqo, Overmu "I don't " N..t Mette-' "~ave It UIJ "!*1 rqbt." ~-~~lUcY C-Q N 8 a I S S M A N JO.HN PHI_L-LlPS v..,.~w ... w.r .. W e bave a bOat." Bob Chapttn '"! ~· ft&pblha J part cleanlna eolnnt, nder ...... Waoua HI.Dea "1 bavea't tot t ~~~e 7 a11 'a for not.hlitc." IA>rry Lan«made "I ..-cle&D- anc 80lvent ... llargl~ Nf'laon "I JUIII 1¢" out Wlllf a dlrfen;nt 'guy every nit(' • Hob Ounlap "I r ot a B c·ard" C11 rl Oberto "l'\'e gnt l'•mnec-. t iona." P.lll nanaran ... r ot • t•bar- roal b\lmer." Bob Cartier "We park. thal'a ! Kidn eys Must Work Well- What t• lhla w~ hl'ar 111loU.I two c·t'r:aln joomaH11m stllll~nls rook: lng up faiM Info! louk at Uw jtM&IJl dOIM'ly frll&.ll • I F•Y-T.FMIW.U ........ _,~L ..... ....., .... _......__....,....'-, ._ __ ..._ * ......_ I For' the Funn• (?) Bone lt_...,_ .... _ ..... U.. I ,.._ _ _.._ ... ,. ,._....,-.... .,.._..., -· Man hrn't • ., a mart aJI h~ thank~ :::=. ~ -.:"'L.:tl ~ !::: hi' Is. Thuuaandli • 'r · Y"'"" beturr _.. ..._ •••• ..... o1 ... tlio h~ I'Vrn thnujtht Of thl'm. tht' tur-...... .,... .. ._. .... ..w_.r.a ....... ... -.u. ,. · ... Jr. ., til\ 11portrd a lltl't'IIJTIJinl'd uvvY. a a--..-\Jo .. a..r-~~ l turrrt' top rel ractable landlntr d• --~~--.. M .. -11-. • It·-· v .. -.,.., •oale• .. ,~. f"ar, and a pqrt.&ble hotiiN' ~ho ............ 4lnl,._ ....,_u, 1 ... ~ .. Ill•• .. at ........ _....... • • • _..,,-,,., o-·· ,.,._, "• .. "Ah.'' a id lhr vicar, cenlally, llie wet ....... lt tM ............... . -'j"•·O....'•od•llle .. , ... , ..... "how pll'llllant to Mr you ag&Jn ! ~·:a, .._t~~:::;:.,.•:_~•,:.~; And I• lhl• your mnet charming bloecl. Tiler ..-.. 1. _,., .. llaralut wire!" ~-~~·~· V. •hJo -.w... "This." .. 1d hla forml't curate. rl'provtnc. "Ia my only wilt " • . . . It t. aaki that you can't cet the farmera toceth~r.-to' or1an1ae, aad It b al-o ~aitt that you··can't 1et the Old Are Pen.lonen1 t o1et.her. 1 But theft t. one place th.ey let t~ I f'l!ther-t the mail boa Qn. the flrat of the mooth. I L9t'.s lack ap the Governor . . Thf' untimely d•mb• oL the Honorable G. K. ScOvet ~ altwted the Go\·l'mor appoitltlng a IUC«'S&Or to that" brilliant and bl'lovf!d jurist. After ve'ry ca!"f'fully eX&minlDC the•qullJ. flc:atlona and barkground or f'Yfry available man In Oranp Coul)ty, Governor Warren ,tubmlttf!d tM name of ~nd ~ to the Boan! ot CoveM:!Oft ot the C.Ufomia State Bar ,,_·their approval. They a!J"Hd'.., fact that 1\aymond ~ wu the man for the Job, an6 Governor WaJnD. appointed hlm.· • Oran&e Count1 eit.iuna DOW have seen hhn ln action on the Su~rlor Court bl'ndl. actinl without fear or faVor. yet wtth ~ndnea, courtesy and undentand.fnl land wtth tun ~ledle ot oi-anre CountJ condftiOU: On Kay 16th at the polla. Oranre County Voters. will be ctwn an-.oPPQrtiii\Jty to redstu their Mllf14enc» In Governor WUTeD'a ~election b7 Votiq to- .. RETAIN Your Superi~. Court Judge RAYMOND THOJJiPSON · at the May 1 Mh Primary band plowa are •lao beinr made D N E. ua.ng ahsmlnum. Tbere'll be more:! ==~=~=~=~==~::::r too, of aever&l other met&la. I ron tutd -aHa,.-.teel are ac&in beln1 , ~-~~ domOUe· eootdng &nee• and d~me.llc healiQg and of courae .:..li:on in t bathtub• lo be added t o year·• production. By,Jul~rlt. Amerl· • S P E A K I N G 0 F " p L A N N I N G '' ca'• youngest C&JI be weJghell on • . . • ~ all-metal ac:alee ot pre-war l.fU&Irty. EVERYONE.speaks of "planning'' these days -planning for 'this, pl~nning fo.r that. on:~~: ~t~~t~t;:::~:::r:::e~~l planning fQr e\!erything ur_1der. the ~un -unti~ it see~s that. none w~ll. ~ecogn•!e th; ;!•r:!~~c::, ·~~:;: ~:\:~~!;~~ world of the future. But we know ~hat some thmgs wrll never ~hange. • ,,., rtlrtgerator• order sllead on par'•l for a buay aeuon. It '!Ork!. the 1be lun-of a M ay morn ani!. a a~dc:d str..:AmMJc or lake. 'llr!)lrhc~ '·""'"·~·rl• svul ~(/ tl(~l· _.1.)..!!!.. ''.S..''.l. lh<J urc of gumg f._...OUfl·-_.., other way ,Llo. The bouaewUe ----Lf·l S GOT .om.-l n nJ ~,· th.-m.any 1tcms now av;ul,tb!r · wllo bu ber'a overb&uled early -_____________ _: ____ :--_.:.,_ ___ -:-----=----------;---\"jd-..:·~f-:"i"=~·:----wlll not be the one to worry lf • f ' ' lit,_ NYLON fEvENSTRAND GUT LEADERS W~TH · HOOKS 20e--35e 'REELS there t. a la.ler ahoft&le or repalr TACilll:' BOXES parte. In SOuthern C&Jllomla, the · ·~ • price panel clerka ere now ready o~ ~~ Ut.d ' )j"ood to be' a genuine trtend or tbe wom-' ' . '2'' To 14'75' u who n~ to buy a ·uaed wub- DROP LINES ~ _ ~.n1 n.adlble, retrlpt"atOT, va.euum I cleaner, typewriter or other uad bOUMbold appliance. U abe wlll contact the price panel clerk of I her 10041 ration board and can ~ve the m&We and model abe t. conMd· er1Dr buyi:J1. ahe will be told the I~ c:elllD,I wbJch the .eller t. and SNAG GANGS 20c -2Sc -29c Pt;,;f;)S .. SALMON EJiGS allowed to ell&rge. I H 18 .ucK 39c .. ./ FOR THE ANGLERS SLEEPING B·AGS FOR THAT wEEK -END . $15.95 =============::::;:::=:====== FISHING TRIP! '- .• I unw"'1 j' I l L 8talaleu StHI CREELI ~· fiSH SPEAR .PLUG$ RAS.q -TROI'T LEADERS OCEAN. O...Type Pf'ach OrPno .. LINES .• WIUa.Hook Two 9 rf'no '311· 20c '1"9 Jl . '1'·~ . 95c To •7:o.o PM tiler BASS -· TROIJT FLAT FISH II a wall an SI(K1Rs-~-GS . ·FLIES WIGGLERS 20c 1S0 To2Sc '115 ••• ·~ JUSTUS -·cRAEMEil Is the . b•t quaHfied ciindidate for ~~!,~~'~'"'~.~~~~t SENA~OR · quainted with the problema of farm and •criculture throuchout the entire a tate. Junus Crat!mt!r knows from PfnOnal contact. California's problema of in- dustrial development and poat-war pouibilities. Justus Cia.mu ia thor ouchly ac- ( quainted with California'• tu prob- ....-J}ema, particularlj aa they diacrimi· nate acainat the weatem crowen and industria lie~ . Junus Crat!mer la acquainted by e:a:- perience u Railroad Cominiaaioner -and Public Worka Director with California'• tra~aportatioo ,_and h~~hwa)l ayatema.. Junus Cru~r knows our barbon, inland water way• and redamatloo problems. Junus Cr.aentt!r baa fuJl knowledce qf the extenaive natural "'ourcea of California ... cu. oil, hydro-electric power, forest land, minint, metalllc ancl-~...mtt&llic mineru, etc .••• Junus Crat!'mt!f haa an underatandinc and interest In the welf~e of our Mrvice men and women. · Justus ~raf!merknowa the need for post-war employment in ·California. Justus Crat!mt!r undentanda the need of co-operation between Federal and Stat'e acenciea. .· , ' 'ust'ils Crumer kno-. tl\e problemt of buaineaa aa ,tlMy aHec_t both tbe employer and employee . . VOTE FOR · JUSTUs~ ·CRAIMER _, P1111a•' aacnoil•y. .. T1.ts Aclvcrtisc~nt -It Sponsored by Fricnclt of.J.,..., Cr" .. ' . ... .. .. .,j ·* '.' h~· . A J I o-Complete ~r aet ln compact siu, IUlt- able for small buSinela or the home. All kind~ ol Ruled Forma, Sheeta and Cards. CHRISTIAN'S HUt:· ~ Balbot Callfonlla · DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTATL BAR DINNERS . ~. BANQUETS Leonard Marshall, Manager -----.- -f., '· -- I r. N£WPORT-BALBOk NDv&-11MES. Newport_ BMch._Callfomaa. "~Iff......,;,_ Th P~dav. May 4, 1944 anc1 ••f'ot to alf'l'p. Patrk111 Camp""ll --, .. - Ration_CouPQn_ · Dates and Data • of alv~ k ttt•t-l'TI fata r«"vell report. or rt'COIIlmm•laUoae Blue atamp. 1 10 p .. tnta eacbl f oe mAde, many m~ l1Jf'tt.• a n.t pro: <'anm-<1 f rt>J\• n ~tn1t ""l"t•ln •lehv· ~ wW bt l"t'('f'lvf'll and all d ratf'd. fooda • mf'mbera ·~! lh" t ''amtwr arco ur~­ AH. IV.. 01. I L'l fo:JI. fo"M, 08. ,H'I, ed to •nd In l"llllllt'JIIIIIn ~ orma Jl' and l<l!i. nuw tn llate Dot aet prom,PtJy. If fut m~ hav• hrl"tt l.X Mi( NJ>C I'll, lind Q8. ·Mav 1 rntai&Jd, arud In ltlll(jlelfl lun.e IJy tu tlfllt' not aet · l~lt.rr. 1u11 r llll\l'rl I• "'"'' Invited Ration r llll:_ndar for per:n.d l>t'· _ Gaaollne r to malcf' •u~ellr~ttlune by mall. ginninl{ April 10. 1944. l'uujMin 1'\o II 1,\ J(.••k 1 .I .:.11· aendlnc lhf'm In ''"rly tu "l'lui[KU· I War Aatlon BOOk 1 . Inn". nw· l oo Junf' 21 All coupona Uoa Commttt .. ,." ('ham boor nf I Stamp No. 18 11 pttlr ahoH I mu.11t l>t-l'ndnrllf'd on fat>" wttb car Qlmmerce, Ualbu" now to April 30. l ll't n~~o· numl>t"r and at ~tic Of ~II• Tb .. ~thud uf u1Jt1unon.c ldo·IUI .,..,., . l'ft .... . .,_~ ........... .,.. Harr, 0...,. Aaa .............. .. "'HAPPY LA.ND" I .... "'Il. OOOD LOOilPf-c.ne-a,.... ................. .4.-................. ....... la "''''llt MJLLIVANF ............... o., .... -~ .. ~ ........ ~ TAKE HER TO • • .. .·,. I Tbe atan coare "'-"Uy te tt.e .,, The,...,. waw. COIDN to U.. .... . . Nor ttna•. nor ~. nor Cleep. w atlp, Can· ..... ~ ••• ., •• I au ? .... , ....... ......................... ........................ Mlllta ..,.. ... ,. ,...... ... ............... ~ .. arc,_, ........ ....., 111 .......... ,..., . ....,...._.,....,., . .._._ .... 0111' ,.~ ,.,.. o..t.a.,.... 8tamp.lf11, 1 00 halrplanr" "''""' tr atwn ~ tNfell IIUC'Cl'll!lfully •'mi•I••YNI by 1 1 pair ah~a 1 now to t1ate not ~~ T ore tnapectlon l'hambl'ra of t · .. n.m•·• ~-'' In' nlhu &tamp No. 2 on "atrplllDf'" ahHt !'a\ I' ) HU1 111 ,. lll'flt'('t 10n ,... cltiee ln C&llfurnla an1l 1\lrf' .. ly ONCE A WEEK B. R. BBIINK.ERiiiOf'F -E. 'l1llrd Street. SIUita ADa BAL:BO.A'S l l ... pah' ·~•• w.)' l ..Lo da.tL .ool n•td' ~"> ll'<W•''' tv n·uJacc ~ wtt.b the rl'plh·• _!"·~ •·tvrol u ap· eet. 1 I"'L'~'·~··• cnr Ill•· ntu'l ~ n1· peara that tho• '''"'" 1'1111 '"' rml· w•r Aatlon lloolc IV <·ump;tnlf'"d h) ·,,II '"'l"~·1 f1m :,1 .. nenUy IIUC<'o'~tdul ho•••• In No•wpnl"t Stam n . No. 30 1 ~ lhtt eujtart , cord' 11nrl II n~·~ lllll"""'' r 1 ""' '"' Harbor. now 'to .&Ate Dot ad. outhOrlLtoff ln~~~·~·t or t h tol 11 nt''" Sla~~ No. 31-~~ lba ltlllfart lin' Is n•,..~~·rl . 1'Jk dlap.~t~lll"n '" 11•v•• 11 'up ur now dat.r Dot eeL 1'1·uck, t1r•·' • l ·ll'•nk <111\ ··n. 1 ~old water h> n '""""'" '" " far Stamp No. 40 ~~ lb• ,.annlug ll:v.~·~ ~'" "'""'"' Ill ,.,,,,.~ !iOIMI n blf'r l""'l "•ty lhl\11 lh· rlrt··~l ln- aupr) oow to February ~~~. 194~.11 m 11'''· t .. II4'!C't. 111•'"'''11~ ~ apare Stamp No. 37 with JppUc&tlon for _...Uoaa.l Cllllnin~t _____________ , .IIUg&r certlficatl'. /Stamp and ap· plication must be ~nt to local ra· ion boftrdl. Red ttampa 110 polnta n cb) for • ml"lll. raoned f lllh, ml'lflt "'lthl" nit~ I t'ht'UIN and C'antled mUk: 111 dlltf' not wt All, 8 8, C8, 08. E8. F8. 08, H8 . 'Jfl, K8, L8. and Mfl. now ,not ~~et. RE-B.ECT ThomasR KUCHEL STATE SENATOR • .. RE'N .DE -ZVOU ·S Ora...-CooatJ ..... ............ .ctlettllatar .. the 8 t • t • SeNta. OUR MAN roa m• This • th 108 II tiM Inc-umbent. 1$ e cap SENATOR _THOMAS R. a. bu beell .a' n.bt.~r for ~~:;,.._ 8, hu a.. that capped the bottle taJr aDd lmpartta.l to labor •. He hu ben a ,... fr1eDd et 8ALLROOrt1 Presents 'AND HIS ORCHESTRA. ,.., Pllbfle ~ehoolt. He bu faalllt tor tht protett1on .~-t-t:11at 61Jed the ~•'11•• the amall bualn .. maa and thf amall homeowner. He , ~ 1\U tavored ~lfatfOD to ..U the futu,_ Nt'UI"' far :>ur elder eitlul'la. He h ... aleo "foqbt for etrlc:leDCJ .. · th!t held the beer · 1ur alate .-overnment.. • St-;NATOR 'K\JCKEL Ia .,-.nrnr u a l.leurenant ; n the ~nited Statea Navy. ucl If ,..,eJ~ted. he wiD ~erve us In Saeramento wt-~ the i'i-tafature eoDYen.ft ·~>xt 'ear _ . . I'HUMAS H. KUCHF.L ~ILL FAITIIf'tTU.Y RtWHt-:s•:NT Al.l. THI PEOrl.E 01' Till~ IH~TRWT. HOT\f.S'fLY AND FAIRI.Y. that quenched th'e ~t that. Jack felt . ... ' ... " -. SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 6 Vo·te o" May 16th To Keep SENATOR 'THOMAS H. KUCHEL af Sacr.art.ento. n, ~ IINII tiljJI . IIH_ t~ tf Nw "'jopMI OOMlNG BOB CROSbY Saturday Night, May 20 I r rua adnrti'""!en/ nat b~n doniltedl by tril'nrt1 of ~tor r;•aa tt. K1ocnlll)1 ..,,{iNAJfGILU • : I, ...... CO •• I.OI ANGUli •• - .- ' ,.. .. .. -·-.J • NEWPOR_!·BA_LBOA NEWS-~ ~ ~~ CaUfomla, California, Thunday, May ~4, 1944 ---------------------------------------------~-----------------~--------------------------------------- AFRICA A "OOD PLACE TO BE 'FROM' =-w~~~~e:~:.!~: =-=-"~.,:;·=:to!'!'= Demurrer ~held g 11>,. "''"'"' we,... t>llf", -.a t did Tbe ...., llt&Uoe wu not b&4. I $100 000 • not r ick up anvth111J lllf 1111 Ia· Tbe • t.owD ther. WU laUC:b U.. ft ' t t.rut tbere. The CUIIP "'Ii ,_,. ~ aa AJ&iera. hU mode.-. Of M I"'-. Je 8ll Wlllllm. Alford Writes Interesting Tale ef W-anderinp earned paM lDto t.owD.. ,.. • -ltll'\"1 t'~tt1 anY..._.., to ~twu, a, • .., pa.ru &Dd ~ esa __ "'-N_ UD . Mockrll and Olsf want to r o lnto ~ J ot amuaement. Wh1le there, I took ~ ,. bwJ ~op wu In the c:enttr ~ucL more eotert&' ... at .... & l,rtp to~ aa4 wtat.ed..~ SANTA ANA._ WltUam and nf town Thtr~. wu a big ~quare .• ~ ,,,. ~~~ ... ,. h~d somtC~~t~Ma.,..--famout tuln.e of the LIOil'a-Den-ancs nr remnanh of " onrP bo!Aullful tPra, plentv o' rec....UO... -c'll· AmplthMter. 1'ben a. not much Orace Wrtpt of Coeta Keaa have 1 -20 daye to tile a new ameadment -Alford, wbe UM!d to naa the rieaca ll&ftclo am val oa the "Dark park. which ltf'tVHI ., K mel't ng t "" ""'ert•lnmtnt: .... about I left to taU about, Ju.l a c-CI'WII· to their complaint lo uklnJ $100,- Reclaim Normandie I bee,\ avail&bl.. Rec~ u. . ____ Normudie and ~ the IAtaJ· ette to tlle UD!t.ed stat• N&YJ wu The former etately liner ol ~.·I a trlump_!J..ol IIIUl1, tnreouity and 000 tona (tbe NDrmandle), apw detef'lDUI&Uoa t.bat Mttacta taJpa. rtdn b.icb and uprtrbt 011ce mOI'tl. • credit oo aU who had put In ll rutra.lAtci 9ftly by UM llyp a.w-t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; een that moor her to her pH{ 1"be I ~ Quality Lumber plac:e for the croWdll All arnuml ever-ythtnr; th•t could ... ::rtd.Jlllnc plllan &Ad tt at Ia aU, but --.abo& 'nleat.IT for Ule 8tlen, b&e Continent" over • ont year aro.j lhf' aqoar«. ""'rt nthrr at,trartlv" Thtr" wu a ~rand _,.... at MYert!MJ ... ao lot-.,.•--~-ht t<-000 damaae• tor the ~ath of their -t the N-•~ a vivid yam I 1 I -·--two-day.old eon, WIUiam Lulie, Job ot aaJvaa-e c:OIIl perbap. 14, • 500,000 to date. To baye replaced the lblp would have ca.rt pro~bly $~.000,000, even u m.aterlal bad and Buildin• Material• fll Atrk;a be calla "Atl1c ~ur· eOII!eHJile durlnr April 1143. hul'dlnr;a. moatly cd onlal aty e. """"' n.,l' Ilk" thoee ._ .. trop-.he tourl1t. My tour ot duty did ln an Oranp ha.pltal lut Octo-..,.... aw aa1d t.e wu Ju:t ma(\1' I Tht' day thl' boa I land~ Will an l looklnr like. tht' old IO(IUtThhernChmln-leal type motion Jllc:tWt& 'nit I .lot ~ I cor at thla et.&UaD, I &Dd ber 10 a earJeallt. but let, him tell btal f'llc•ttor one. A II of ua were_ ear;er 111ona o! day11 gonr b.v e ~ am-W"VI'fl hr· ke f11r out, .... a.r,e ::~~r~Uy 1 did not b&ve •• Preetdlnr Superior Judre J'ranll. .._.,: • 1 to pt our nl'llt rllmpM o' thlll her ot Commerce tth~y do have onM, and by the tlme "-"....,led .. hanc:e to ret around much: eo tht1 llh 0 Wut IUit&tned a demurrer Mcond cauee of action ~ltb lbe 20 daye to a Dieod. • COSTA MESA LU~BER CO. ''"""It" Jan,.. A'tf'r a rooalder~blf' I "urh thlnge In 1111m~ o! thf' l11rger lnt" 811M r , "''rre nothln• '-t Jlt(lP , 'e about all 1 know abQut t)M aaf.. 11 t~ th. nret caue. of action ., ..... Wlltlam "· Alford I delay we 'diaem~rkf'd, plied Into lnwna h<'reaboutl lin• I mn ll nf the rtrlllfl'l'll It IWIII!I a u..t • t•l' I"OUildl~ • I without l:.ve to amend. and aiiiO A~•nd ef MyU.ry,. t r•• "• pn,t w~r,. hllll'f'd off t11 -a nthf'r off r la.l bullrlln,;:a wert' l&at· a"rmoon off 'o'tN.-a .... and .t.alned de to the A.,..,.. •.. an• Vella I eamp Tbe tnlek mute wu a rll• ~d wlthm tht' ll'rruln. Ptrhapa on" b-..k In thf' 1111n. After .... .two All ~t'Jo-Yaltlt City -eu-~· • murrer u ~tto~t'YI fOr the Slate" of St. ft. &. KOSTETLEft A few ,_,.. qo If anyone h11d I app rntment. t n11tead n1 r olac nf thf' mnat 11trlklng feat urn wen' ,..nnl h11. my tropical ...._ eamc ~Uy I am located ln a very yond that door lay one a1 the m<llll tllld .. that wtthLn a U.Ort time 11 throul('b town. It wen t along a ve ry th .. 11fl~walk eafn With thrlr Ia· tn 11 d ree • f e~.J_athp clt~1 It la a clly of CCO· lovely courtyarcb 1 b&ve ever ~n. W'OUid nnd w-Jf • the A~lra" 1 un~~ef'nlc routf' All we ~t to aet biPa and rtuiln epreatl out un the Tht> ,nrxt tr11neter ......_.·DIP t.--. rc~ Y oue of the lar&'eal Pal lreu row, blahea and larre eaet'n.t. I woUld have uld t hey I Will 8 lnt nf barren covntry . .ev· .tf<lrwalk Wht•(l Wt' came upon :! •mcwhl'rt'l tn mmmm. -oc--ltJo• lD Nortb Afric:L People ot l ltybtecu• . plantl wen rrowtnrl Joeeph of Oranre. a corporation, and two nuraea, the ddendanta, •n their ckmu~Ter cba,...ed the eult did not conatltute a eau.at ot K·j tiaL • ..~ ................ ... ... Cft&)'. 1 wooder bo* many t'ral·ocSd tooklnr anlm1la (Camel• • onr of thOH j,IBI't'!l we UINBIIy ha•l , . ., Thl'rP IS 11 ronelderellla ..,,e "U oaUon11 an tx> be eeen here about the gorgeou• yard. A love· fit ua wbo are over here .at thl' gol.1ll ett·.t. and a rew .tr,nge 1 to _m• Yl' out ltlt<t t,h" lllro•t•r. a~ must r , th~> hl'lll'r bet-a 01111111 aDd The town boe.ta, a Vt'ry modernla j ly fountain lay ln the center. add· pnMa\ momeat had a ny Idea f lookln~; f't'' pie wearln~ aomethlng nf thrm ha<l 110 mnny tablt'll aho ul ~ .. rth Afril'll. North Afrteatl. on tie bualnea eect on, bnorrllor w1th lng juat the right flnlahlng touch . ... W.J',vatatt•tlann~ ratth~. ~~.t'-rl_oua·r~. 1 oJ 0 • 1 ~v'l"n~hlalntg :11mbedp•lwJr:adw! _ ur-po:.Vaf'rn-th~> walk, It wRII tllfflr ult to pa..,..1 ll ~ wllolr mur h o•leaner -aore ac~vttybi ~~ the o~etrh han1dd, jua1' ll wu euch • lllllrprlat to walk BALBOA .. MOTOR· CO. ,.. ., ~ ..... ~ • n ., , ~ ~ n ,... lhrnugh wiUwut <llllltng sevcra m•th•rnl~t k Thla new ..... wu a -oc .... away a eo anc • through a door and find such a Jl. IIJranre cOWJiry;-dltferent ·,than qullrtera and t<lld to 11tny C'lua.-at ·" .t:dt 111 AI! """· wllnr!Pred a wuy ~~ r -rrst 1 alf.wtty mocfem -.n 1 ent Medina eectlon with all ItA filth Carden of FAen, bul atranre lblnr• &ft)' other epot on the rl~be. ln hond until further nutit't' Who n fro1n I ~ mil Ill tmrt uf tuwrt t'h· \'1111•'•1 on thle conti.Dent. ftere , and crtme. Tt!e a.toree an· hav~ do happen over here. '706 E.-Bay Ave., 'Balboa ' . fact 110 dllferent, that at lim eAt It would Wf' g~>t to ~~ee the t(ov. n • 11 ,::lamnl r b••~-:on to~ fao.lr , 11nd fad~ "··ro· two ttlff,.rr nt aec:tlooa, 'nile oW very •ttractlve merchandiae. They "Curse of Allah" • I tun a rood bit of l~natlon to M'f'nu•\1 like agc-11, )u11t wllll lng fMI'. 1 noJ varl''"" punr:cnt •oo.lu1s 9..,1 inn w 1111 ·~I walled lD &Dd C&ll·' are Dow bertnnlnl' to rrt stock~ The American aoldier I•. usually ballne w .at one -•· \Jnfortu. t hrr" and wnndrn ng whkt Wl\8 lu. ~lrtrll'<l t 1 <l'<'~'fl up ton 1111 The ,., 'Thl' ~lc 1na''. ~ ~r up OD better ar:tlclea than when 1 followed by a tribe of Arab chll· u tety, a ~rlptlco al the \'&rioue I appcon nrxt 1-'lna.Jiy "nutir" · tn• dr rn blllhlln~-:~< lw,::ttn ''' <h~ap r-'I 1 nt v .. r 11111 eectlou ....... oa 1 flret came here oe"·eral moot he dren beg~ng for !'a ndy, rum and I General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Electricians Available to-e. u. d v~ Ia nut IIUffklent came ••• but not a ,-cry enjayablc f» ar, Allll h ti\C1r pl~ttc were tllniU'., • ..&.u'h'-1'\ol " vrry tayt~e_ llfO. fte native• are very talented clrnrettea There are literally -to I"UP llWtr -true colour: they· n-tlrf' .. "Finf' Art11" wert' at uur •llrty l•><ok111~ "lw'•·!l In tho· w!lll" ~'··•I uf tlw rrueturea ...,.. ftry wbcn It c:omH .to making leather thoue&nda. of aboe~hir:irti)ye wbo ...-.-.em-to11f!-.~te<l ... • d·~J . CT•artJ O(ily an•l .Jrl'.., fiiiii11• madiili" ur ~ho•~tp pln~ott>r -;;", 1,111 nntl odor~ ~-fancy ahoee and·ruge. They go around peaterlng yw. antl,shout Fender Body Work Refinishing TELi:PRONi NEWPoRT B.EAOH tU. . -' or 'ltee·vtra! T~ followtng e•-After. Mvt-rnl tlay1 ut •uch thlnl:" Tlu• l.l11y v. u :41111 'ay 11nol th•• Modern a.ctloft 1 alao make very aUracllve. bronze ~'Amlllc:an Pol lab". . If they ever ~ ara tram my ~~.e•pe· we Wt'r~ finally permitted a wf'll 1nwnl!prnplo' wo•rl' 'lilt. nil tln•f!~Wol Tho: rrntll'm IM'Ctlon -~ Ukt and allver eouvent,.._ret a 1 veey qw American polieh, It wu that _ up, In tho ~~~y , (tlt,rrtl ,clnthloS: rs~>rr" ~011 11 town at hom•~ .A tlroad attractive price for them too. You which remain• orr your ehoes! Ttaey Mto!ltlr c l nclj p1>1 J•lt·lnhllblt eol the . .itrecL with tall well coe ........ l would ~hlnk YO)J were deallDit' dl· ~·t 10 bot.heraome thaL you • ..a:ant. '?-wn. lit~ "''"l 1"·lng nwstlv IH.IIdlng~t nn earh aide, raa r. a I ~t witb 'l'ltf&llya! A llure.ewtm· to haul off aod knock them down. l-~ench. 1 hi' nul h ·t•ll wvc.-'""~"tl •poarto-r "' a mile or mora. Molt I miDI' pool .eanJt the waterfront for lf It len't klda It I• a native peddll'r .NEWro&T IIAUO&'S NEW,· COMPLETE Dt'llcloua ~a FOO<U O•. eomplefi equipment whf'n you wanr to catch your own. HOlMEN FISH MARKET 1 In_ brlj;h\ o·olotrt1 rtoiM'II. a nti pvl'rly , r tht storr• were laden wltll p y approlllmately one-quarte~ ot a trying t o sell you eom e wortbleaa I <h:f orah·tl wiJh 1 ht'llfl louklriK g(lld lrnthl'r good~ and other attf&dlve mUe. It le uld to be the aeeood gadcet at a fabuloue price. Aftt'r 1tn11 ailvt>ry ,,mamt'ntll It lookl'd """v,.nlr». The •ldewalll ~f 1 larpat lo the world. They have 1 • wblle you team how to handle til'llla purllde. Th<'~ wu 1~ tlf 1,_ Several _ _..l_ tall divtnr bcarde, aplral 1lldea and them. I -m to b&ve juat about I ".,. 1 h t dtl .... , w• "~r-""'" P 0 1 •••1 ,.."T -" ~_.-ot ••at•r .nnrtlng d•v'-•• no ' r v moo· n • uu ' .,·, ~ twt•l~ wl'rl' to be found there '!'tie ... T h -,;::._ 1~ .__: -r-lfi ~ f"'-· the right tactic• now. I just I(· lu·pt bu;y mrnot nl the day. JU8t b< ..._. an•l un~ of the moat ,.;._. t .. _e ..,...t .. rt oo ... t ~~ ~bunent hromf ilore them. If on.ce In a while one wand .. nnfC About •tarlnc at the · ~~~ wa e ron . ....-e a c: Q 1 bl rt Overhaallac -Palatlq -Kenaode''•« IIOI'OR SERVICE • In A frio-a wu Mt oft b)' tt.811t, -.r-whit. towel'tl nretc.bln u the b.W get1 very pentltut ju.t u q~~--~-1:.:=--.-'PII'WI'niTi.-,m...-;;:;-;-:;;-=:;;:::=;~;-:::-;-::::-......,_~~rtt~~~~~~::;:~~~~':.rl:~~tnl!~~r-. large adolle wall t __._ t .. -k ..... 1 Pia 1 t out eome Incantation In a lcud • ~ · owa,...., ""' 1 y. anere a o .. _ f 1 Ht-llutl/ul gardena wel'tl •t about more t.o tell, but It wtll havt' to voice, which een&l lncm ot mum· KENDALL BOAT SERVICE Ia Former Callfonala llld...._ Bllll· · RE-ELECT tlYDE.~~ ' . . .WATSON ffPERJ .ENC.E . ' EFFICIENCY- E.CONOM·Y t hl' c .. urtyard. S.voral attneU.e w&it UDtll a later date. 'bllDJ CUI'Ia ot IODle ~nd. I won• 345% VIa Opedo . ·· · N_.,ort a-da ··•nPmU werr to be found; ~'or I der ju.t bow many llmf'l! I baNe ltlltnk of ~nterfnc. f;<J, Juet alter two fair nigh\ clube and a tww l On one of my trtptt I tlad the lhad tbe "eurw of-Allah" t>eatowed ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••¥•• dark, w~ di"C'Hicod tht' l>e•t thlnr to ,,thn rntPrt.alnmt'nt Mtaii&Wa· privilege of bavlng tea wtth a upon me!!!! • : • tin wu tn return to ~ampa. Thull m .... ntH n w camp wu notlalq to! Puha. It la a rr•t boaor when By thla. tim e y(lu havt' a tall-• FOR BUILDING !~FORMATION I end.-d my flrat tour cot 1111 Afrt••an ' billg about. but there '"". 10 a t='uha aake anyone to te11. The picture uf the average African eel· : I 'OWI] .. " • mlUiy uther thln~t• to do that u~ Pub& ·COUld not lpe&k Fre~b <!r tkme.nt. AliiO ao Idea '!._f the pelllll : . --See - , lpecl•l Station 1 tun I' wa.ll 1!()f'nt th~rt'. The ~-Engllab, eo 1 had an_ Interpreter . . • . .... other than ntea and moequltoes. • , Nut ton~t llfler tb11t 1 ..... u -f ,.n Rl'd C'rt'lll!" Srrvlce Clutt ..,.. In fact ~o. One tranalated Arable Durlftr the put twelve montha t j• D -·y O #Slr # l l b. c l!lgncod to .. V()' "lpt'C'I&I" lltatloo. lhf' lllll!ft&ndlnje fea ture. '1'b4lj took to FreDc.b and tht' other tranalated l)lUH been tn llllffit' n!ne countriel : Ud' I .IC ~m er o. Su IIJ'k'<'l&l .. that unly a ff'W. were 1 ttYf'r a ver" 1wanky ;~>><nob loto l:)><l~h. A ol~ proo· OBd ,.,...,.. noiDble ,,.,., !<Om I"• J. ...,..auv but It k-" ...., WALTEft &. ·aPICER, Ownu lhf'rt' Thl'rt' Ia not mur h to t~ town and tumeo It IntO .a amDd ese wor ""'· • ne t_f!_ ~u ~ Cold Coaet to Tunl10 and all , , about ,that f'lat'l' .. or at Jeut n ptac; to epenrl Ul!' .ev•-... dellcloue.. lt wu bl!!n_ded with lover the pi are 1 wtah I could I' Newport Beach I mud• that <·an ~n print' It I ana.cJ&...bar. wrl!lnK . m lot _Ieaveii and ~_l~r&_e q~_tl,ty haYe ~l;ed n.amca 011to ~ tore· : , tay-rn me mi(!d~nN fWigiP.l room ami a t-ht'aler were an lD the of eupr. Wt' were a leo eerved de-going· dncr1plluna,. hut ph tnrtu-• 5tl State 111ghway· · Phone Tbe orar~•t town wu far dlatan~. 118mt' bulldlnfC.' I wu eorT7 to Uclcn» eoolde1, cake' and nu t t;an-. nately the cenaorllb1p rulea Corbld ! At :rhe Arc hea 1 I ISO and I untle~etand very IRilall and l l-av• thlll plac·-hlat time diu ... thl"l• wblch are not to be I their us(•. At a later date it may • · I •' ~ ~ ~. . l :···········--···························· unlntei"Ht(nj!': Thf' natlvee were 1 f:ame. · • lf!l<J e MWheJ:e at preeent. Hie p&l-1 be poulble to "fill-In lbe blanka" n ,ry frl~dly, and eom~ of them 1 Again 1 hlr the alrwaya. ftta ~ce "1.. attractive. Tbe noon 1· ... alao tell a little ~ about picked. up \,and 11poke very rood lime I tuul a ~It of a la5'ctv.-ta wera covtrW wtth tiDe Pera&an re1 uun placea. One c luslon 1 ~~~Jab. They would rome ~d Algter11• lt wu nu.rly dark rup. ..!~ -· 'have drawn 1,.. ,, "Afrlc&. a rood and do the laundry, lle..p tbo Ibn. our FOUP got to town. but atm Tapatrlea ~ pam~ were place to be •rrom· ... and Am~rio& aiUned. and bfo wry .-tUfled -tt llgllt enourl) to t&J!i in 11 few ot a11out lbe ID&1Il hall, and Ia a ·1.001 . MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR I two • wee~ for Uwtr etforta. t tOw1l. Tbt' bulldln«ll ar• very tall : ~ _IOC>Itlq ftlve~er-fiC d. w1th the curr~nt wagu and 1 wu. not there very lou«. than ill and nearly -all are t'qulppt.d with dlvana aD4 c~ra. In the tame boun In )oba at home, can take It -~ .. t~ aom... of ow bakonlel on each OoOI'' Jt ,, by ...... I h~ the "'"'lep ot mHt· I from me that they are dam well OUR SPECIALTY Junrle I• not for me. · far the cleanellt: and. m~t-at\!'aoe-1 ~ lbe BcotUab mta.lonary. Herj of .. ·The ~t .top .wu on· the Cold ~ tow!lJ-IIave aeen· In Afrt~ bame wu quite a eurprtae to me. Gueaa th1& w1od11 !1p thfHpl'ibdc • C-abinet Shgp Service .. Cout. Tb~ town ~ wu IIIUC:b 1t rt'mlnded mt: a lot of S&;n FriU). w. ~nt dowft,~ -darir ttl~;fu!rt one mon thing' tlle addT~uli ornee . ' CabiDd Shop tht' aame u-lbe one J deecrlbt'd be-t'llll'n. u It ·I,. built on .the ~Ide of Ud lnto a nry poor looking dia-~ SJtt Wllllar;n R. Alford. 39:i389~6 I MJO Coeat Blvd. 40'7 30th St. fore. 'Thr only dllrrrenc~ betwe~u· a m ount&tn ADd the lllr~ts kN p l trlet. Jh Juat about the worat lreC·l Station No.1, (tlql NAFW-~TCI P\1. 402 Ph. 2388-J tile two Ia that ther<' wu no "ellt<'" up ami down blll.. ::u of to:! .we were uaher-N APO 396, •; Poetmallter NEWPOKT II!:ACJR, CALIP. "«lion of. town It wu All rather Thf'y all!n h&vt> vo'rv ~wanky I ~;.;;~fh~a:..;;;IY:.__;;;;t~doo=r~.~Be=·~·~N~'e:w~P:o:r:k~, ~N~-.Y~. :=:=~===~===::;:;:~==;:===:::;:::;::::::::;::::::::: 11 mt>1111" Oft\' aoJviUlt~<g,. ot It ovt'r 1 mod.-.rn atreet t·a.r• tht rl'. A gT~at J th .. fnrmt•r t11wn c Anl.l any other, bit of bea uty Ill a<ji!N:! In thr eur: I where I hau•l' tw-.. n 1 Ia thet ltf'vrral m undlnga hy tilt' pruenc:e of epa-, 'f lh<' IM•tlf'r ~~~~~Is hlld g~ F.n~:· • <•rous parfc•at lntt'rva ll! throughout ll~h &ol<·h 11t Ulf' bar. Wine 1A t he rlty. We had .dinner at a very , ..... ~~~ R ,..,.,. ..... Atn ra '11 r hltf ~rink. and anything l att"'r tlve night rlub It wu built J~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~II~~~J~&~ft~!~Ch~·~~~~~b:~~~~~·~lo~m~~~~~.~~a~~~t~npM Thcrt' Wt'rt! -eral' rood Thl' WAlla haol lltll~ l)nlllh!l C'<)n- strurted to r·eeemble small h"tlllel. ' . :I ,· o•a·· SATUIIDAV,· MAY 13 At Higll $dlool Stadium -. PARADE· 10 . 1. PROGRAM Grnnd Entry \\'om<'il's Tum Stllkt• 1. Five Gaited Clas." :\. Sht•t land l'ony Rl'\'l'• 4. ~\rt'b.'lck· Saddl<' 'JlaCl' 5. Hoadstr r Cla~s li. ·l'alumirw ('las~ 7. ~-. !1, Ill. II. J'l ' I :~. 15. IIi. !shown in handl 1-:g~ H;W(' ~lt oi'K I Jni·.;~' ( '1:.:-:' I l:11~c'~" CJas..;• l\l1'11's T11r11 St:tkl• Haw Thrt'l' (;;llll'd l'Ja,.s ( lran~P H . .1C't' f l\\'1) 1f':ln15) Pint n "Cb~o::: (shown in hand 1 • Jumpf•r Clas,~ Kict'~ I'PIIY H::wt: (extra) Musical Chair ~age limit, lf; Yt':II'S or olcirrl A.M. -_SHOW 1:.00 P.M. AdndMion--AdultA !"J4k'; Sth~l Studf'rit8 15<- BENEFIT SERVICE MEU'S El\1ERGENCY -COME • • • BRING .. Orange renews its annual fE'Stlval (omit- tf'd. th<' ~t two )'NI'S) •1th this splen-· did Horse Show. The festlval ci>lebrates Ow opening of th<' \ralenda orange har· \'Sf ~nson .. THE FAMtll.Y \ . \ Thf' l ood wu ~enc1ou11. M01t • placla In Atr1~ haya Yer"'f poor food and we. were \•erv l•u• KY 1 • r I of~,. of the few .fOOd placaa. Aftw I dlDner we lt"&n:htd for 80me en- tertainment. 1t bfolnC a at range' tM.•n we dtl.ln't ~now juat wh~tre j t? 't~egln our eearell. We t·am .. uo- 1 on an opera houae &Ad juet 40 "' tlltferent. bo1UJ:It ~lrllrta and era: l te~. It really .,.,.. qUilt' a lUI'· priM! MCIU publle thealet'a are ' very cheap and 41rtJ, but hert' wu 1 a ver-Y q'lodern, attr&ctiYP audlto-· , rtum witi1 m olit comfortable aeata. · .. • • Tho~,., I • -~~~:,:':~,;;::;_ ~~·~a:~~~~yd::, .--w· -l .. l .ll a· m· . G m F:rt'fl('l\. but en)oy:\hh tvtn thotUth Y.e ,;ouldn't unden;ta.ritt , wll,,t 1111\S ~(lln~t on Wbf'n th.-• .,.,_ Wall •IYer, W•' found ""'' lit~~", \Net-, IE•••~ • Bonelli , "'ayl't1 th<' llrrt 11~11 . <~~M mlsaed 1 * ~ the last bull ba<'k In •·amr. so we ftr \\ I 01Io-rt-d nh ~~~ ~'" II.IRJ: lii•Ol•' tono I or trlln10Jlll!1ttl nn. .my llll' ':uup W ll!'l murh ton fnr nf( ln' Wlllk'' t ~pntt• <I thl' ~l<'l·~ tu lho• l'asbllb' II <l' olo·flm o·l~· ;t p1,.,., I •:.:~t•·<;l a~ 'nrf-lmtit!l. ' whu•h oonly 'lloal<e.w It ''II t I' n1• ~~· 111i r •i:ll"'!-1 r.aJ to J:• I '""' l11 k •u ,_ ''"1";1 .,1 '·~ th( l'II'J'" I 1o111 I !!'.I\' lnnr, rtl' 11 was f•·<> olnrk hut ll"w at lto&At na••e-tilt'--'1 • rllllfft\ t 111n n( ll11)'1njt "I Wile 111 ' When Your Back Hurts- -I I UIITED STATES ·sENATOR \ . . . IS THE P.EOPLE'S CHOICE TO REPRESEN'r THEM IN T.H·E HALLS OF CONGRESS, BECAUSfi~ BONELbl.. STANDS FOR! _ . • • .American Victory on the bcrttlefront and at the peace tale. .Preservation of per&onal liberty and free enjerprise in America.· e -Abatement of bureau~racy and·paternaljsm. Federal programs .for war veterans' welfare, old age reUef, post-war agriculture, indu~try' and labor. . e lnternational policing 'to. halt aggre880r nations, assuring all nations the right to govern and feed tllemselve& DON'T GAMBLE WITK YOUR V 0 T E WHEN YOUR NATION· IS ·A-T ..STAKE Elect Him at the PIIMIIIES TUESDAY, MAY 11 \ r .. ,. · for .... DOUGLAs Long Beach Ftant hundreds or additional MEN and NOW. to build ~ · C-47 SKYTRAINS ·~ 8-17 FLYINGFO~ to give oW- boys the WINGS FOR INVASION on the ' . YOUR bonds buy sulfa YOUR blood provides plasma ... YOVR HELP is needed NOW to build the C-47 Skytrain, ··workhorse and ambulance or the a.ir. ~cmned forces must have many EXTRA Skytrains. Do your part by bui}d.ing these WINGS ... WINGS FOR. iNVASION W1NGS OF MERCY. Get Full Inronnation Today at Douglu U. S. Enlployment Feeder ~hop ~·~ ........ , ........... ._ •IW.Ma.. ·~.taa IL~ .•• ,.... • ................. DIIIIF • ._... ...._ .,_ .. :-. • •• .p.. -. AVAILABILITY CERTD"'CATE • NIX:ESSAAT • ~ .... _ SNOODLES -.. 3 •• that Friday; May 1944, 10 Reu::»n. for Ute ban, which o'cl~k A. M . of ~~aid day; at \tM placed annuaur. ~ that -~ room of Dl>partrn«at 3 ol ~come toxic from liiJNUnr a thas Court. In the Cout1 Houw In minute or,anl.am, the (oayautu.lttw C'ily or Santa 'AnR. Cow\ty 'o( wblc.b 1.a preeent lA Pacotlc cout.. f..Oran~e. Stat~ (>r California , h!we &1 wat.era durlAr th• IIWDmer bt-l'D eel u ~· lime a~, month•. place r~ lhl' heanng of u.ld J)('li· Ilion. whom' and Wh!'rt' aU J)('I":''In• 1 ~-.uttt!TI'osli-d may apJl('ar and oontu•t the ~nmr. and ll'how c:au.'lt', If any thl'y han•, why aald prlltlon 11hould 1 nol l:w gran tNt. For further ,_,.. MAY J lrulars refer£'net> I~ h£'n>by I'I'UI•I4' F" • ~ 8;31 2:41 1 :40 2:26 to said pvtitlon on fjle In my nl· 4.1 • 0.8 5.1 0.7 fie··· s . e 8:08 3:12 t :03 1:51 Dated May 1. 1944. •·' • e.t ,,.. o.. ·s . .J-:-SMITH: CoUnty ottrtr Su. 1 8:47 3:U t :27 3:171 R. Z. McKfnnf!'y,. 4.0 ' -0.2 5.5 1:1 30t Firat Na('l Bank Bide".'. M. I 10:21 4:11 t :IS 1:44 Santa Ana, California. 3.1 -V.a s.t 1.41 Pub.~ May 2. •· •• 11, ltu. Tu. 8 n :us 4:M 1 :21 4:14 WANTED TO L&UE WANTED -3 ot.4 bed~boU.. . will lalie Y.t'• leu. up· to 121110 ·pet month: Geor_~e 8&11. Jal 11:. 108th 8t., Loa An(ele.. PIMJnt Willie. ~ere ~ "Na.o". t.o.t " .,. ace .. .,.,.._. BAibcNl. Reward. .a& ........ ..... BaJ--. .... roUND <:.:aM ancS ~ ------------d~k. ~ klnUfk:aU. re- qui...S. L. H . W.U.C., 1J0Z W. c-tral Av. .. rc-pon Bead. M-lk OPERATORS IEEDED ,, ~- ROOM W AJCTir:D w-,alone wuu~..-. J'W. ---l. 0..'1 ..... 8iii 'A.' ~-N_.~ What \'VU ... ...., • • • ,ut ot ,..,.,.. body; ... ,_ ....... c-a p&, ot ,_ ~r. L-;....;..;;;;.;_.;;..;.;..;..;;.;...;;.;~;..:..--...;.;.-.J · RADIO.: 8 E.R VICE . · ;ro;;:w, Auto. iiArirw R.claa ....,....._ ....,._ ~ Burt R. Norton· ....... ., PrOfessienaJ Directory Cordoa M.Cnn.dJ, M.D. ~, . .__,._...... ·.-:~~~~~~~~.J~~!.!_!!!__-1+--..:IM'Ii Mil ceiilrt1; A¥8 • Cowatl Rklater, M.D. "',... .... ..,..,..... ................ .............. Apply: 100 I;. Bay AYe., IWbaa ·., 814~ No. Mala St., 1ue.. Aa Office Hri:.10.11a.lft.; 1-l·.lft. r•.-...17 . LE;ROY P. ANDERSON . AnO .. Nn' AT LA,W • Cella ..... ._.. .... M.IRt' H..,.: , .. ,,.._ M. & 1-1 p.. M. ~1tl!. .... 74-l DR. C.!. TOHIU. ""'Y:IICIAN 8114 IU"OaON -c... ................... _...__ •.• -4.1 1.7 1.7 Wd. lb 11:04 ft:S8 10:57 4:441 u .• •.• 1.0 ,,_ .. ,., .. ," •••"• u-r· Tl4elo.,. p"-'*1 t. ordU or'~ Llcllt n.,.,.. L •·: ..n. n.u.-•· ,.. Pte&iant 17878-, M-4tP 1--------------------------.....J ~-c .... • ..... Offtle ... w ......... If ... ~ c. .. ~· ,·u . .SU~ t'f' OU1" foR ~~N1i41N' -~·s "!-. HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W" Ou,_.•• tM 8lltt.-..... -~OtMiw ...... PMMNewllfJJif'tllt ~ ..... ~ BUY NOW City -Tax Sale l..ot.- A. J. TWIST wr Ceelt Hleftwar ......... co••O•NA DIL MAa Dr. M. o. en.~..a O~'TOM ·'T" liT EJee -·t··· a.... ,... lftfJiew,_t ........... ....._.... cOtTA'•IfA IAL TZ MORTUARY CHAf'IL .y TH. alA , .,. c...a .. ,... ~· Mt Mw • ,._..,. ,...... ......... .......... -I ODED LUCAS Oentf•t ' ntl~ w. a:,,.,, ... 1 .. PfEWI'OilT BI!ACII WHO;S WIG IN 1111101 DISTIICT : f'U,EPLACE AIIIO t<IIIIDLIIIIG WOOD-· · . j · II \V Wn~thl. 17114 :-:JII' Rlvi1 , ("~ )f,. .. U.,.d l..umbn, Ph ........ CENFAAL CON~RACTOR~ I · . r-: •• rd•.n II Flni11Av. 3410 CIJ&tlt HIYd Pb. )1).2. Mana and C•mlltruc:Uoa. LUMBE " COMPANIE~ ' .• (''"''" ~l•·.u '·''' r·· "I~ WI hflp 'ou pla.n y~r home." r'h()lle tt. f.lftv rlliifrlrt l.um~r ro. I~ 110(). Onut Jflaln.,.y at Arclles. OFFICE 08UPPL1E a-• Nrwr"''' lfarl..or I.,Jbll.tltna 0'• 1~: 12 • ll, Newport ~­ PRINTINC.-Nrwr"•" lfarhof-f"ublt.}llna Ol Ptlo"": n · 13, Ne~ ~- 1 -..m UTATI:. UdOftANtl & liiofAAY f'U8Lic-' l~w '" Wall&~•t. :1202 W. Olnt.re.t AY•ue PM1M 3. \I "U88ER tTAMf'~ I ~~ H.,_. ~-... OD. ..._: ll ,· U , Newport ..... l,HA£T III'ETAL WOttl<-• vt.~e P'tumiMa A -.. ..,..... Wertu, c::ll* M-. ......_ tle. _____ ..;;•:;;;-~.:a> .... -= .... ::ar..----l_--~~--------------~------------L I YA"IITY ·TO"~ . '· --__;--~-..,.... ..._. ......._ • a II. Jill, .. _. •. ,._. plli·W, • .. .... .... ... I • l IDpiement of Ruth Ellen Plu~mer to Enalan Collins Is Announced NOW, .W.Y ..... ,_.. ..... -CAN An'OIID J11NDAL INSU&ANCS A 1~ yean a,o at wu un- commoo to fmd any famaly fully p~ to mea the financW burden. of ~ br· ravanmt'. But today, the f~ paymenr rlan thllt c:a.kc. cue of tht en~ QliC of 1 compleu funeral 11 nne of the m<llt r1p1dJy ~tnlWIIIjt forma of. faouly protect ann. . A ~unenl Sctvltt Plan a · mbluha ·,;. .dwnct jUit how much! tht funeral ih&ll C<JM p&)'I.Jhc e.&pcniiCI Y<'ath· out tlk"'' aw.ay from tht uv· tnp and in.lurancc UOO. ol choec who rqlatn. And there il added pace of mand an k.nowinc thlar no one will haw to paform · IQ&IIy in· wlwd bulinaa affair. It a time whm hearta art ~bled bY.IDnOW. . w c will br plcaled to cdl abuu&--a ~1&1* ~ that rmden ~broad ~ It low ~. 0 llotDiua: You'~ not fwly ptaCifCied ~ /~aY~n.J pro· --~,.___. .... ____ ~_ ~~11EL lU ......... 0 o.e. .... O'Ma .. ........ _ ........ .. .. I"¥M and a 11ft ., a reJDQII· brane. ot a ctellpttJil party wu prew~~ted to the .,_t ot bonor. PriM tOr. biC'II .core weat to t.ln. Kaauer a.nd low to Mn. fUdJ;,y. T'be IUHt alit I.Deluded M•· clam• Fred Haucll. Ira ~. 8. .. . N~WPORT-BAJ,BOA NF'W~ 'rl'1F,q -Lrt 84!Jleh, r.Aiffomla, Th~raday, Kay 5? Harbor · Fe • , Activities . •• I nine thrr.' · .. ••Mother" of Newport USQ Forced· To Resign Duties Owing to Health Newport Circle Meets With Mrs. Fuf'!khouser Mr11. C,ro. 8:f'urrhau• troas' leUtle Friday evening lor their annual mo.t enJoyable group of r.ng1 by 1 ~1r 'and !o!r11 Fred caw. 1Nft dinner dance at the 'Balboa Yacbt the Girlll' Cboru•. a.tn. King and tlfM'n T11~11dll\' m,~tht hom tMir a ub. . Mn. Mary 81e~ were ae-j M'n. E\'errlt FunkhouMr wall ('llbin In ,s1tv~rado C&Jgoe. "fttey <:apt. Robert .L. Boy~ acted u compa.niru lor tlle event. I -~ "' the N,fy.ol!2(t Cir~~ T~V· r\ thP ~un IN .llhlnln(r &Dd U..t muter or ceremoolel with the .. Ann AmOI and Di1lle Smith pre-or C'hri~~rch by UMo Sea. when· bo\h nf tt~m are l!nJo11111'-ule ll.ltOee Of • Commodon ... rlr I 11ded at U.~ tea table which wu , Jibe entertain. al her bOillt', 16~% rhange tremendou1ly. HealeJ w~ &a aecnt.ary of tbe pa-laid with lac~ and centered wllhl ~an Frc:wtt, w~--Y· f'rlen<ll of Wra Ella H--. trol 0 lltmr bowla ~~ -eetpeu. flanked I ,P'ollowlnJ' a 1 :aa_,p. m. MM~rt·l motbn of Or. c.' 0 . H~ ell GueiU ot bc.er llleluded 8berttr .by Ivory tapera. ~ Ct 0 S E-I )UDCb-. there wtU a bual.-C M Ill be lad t = and Mn. J .. J:Wott aDd Under· ._,. • ' , • _;-.::;u..1 and t= be/~~&(1" ~ -.rttt Robert IIADdoll ot iluta WILL HELP P!40N£ C~t.LI t thf' ~and whlle 1M 18 1D _, ADa UCI lillr. and KnL 801 8uth· N-cable COIUilructJ.aD between IIFF----1~------.:._------:-------,::;;:...... ___ _Jrl..UWm~~~lU.q~~---W~!L~..!tbe~,Jt~im~e~. lb~e~lltUI III&IL ertaad. PvUce Coaua .... onn a.nd Anallelm iuJd Jllveratde, which 11aa -· -;-C j t.alu hn sppy ., 'I ' w 0 w-E E I s ~n oy m&Mer 0 0 and Mrt. R. R. HodlldMOO, eral Coa!municatlona Comm'luion Niemeyer Gardens lolra. ~tald McCallum nu' ioae ~e~..=::· Harbor tn WMit.kt~·. will p~ 1.26 I' Stadia~ Sunday, May 7 Untn ~esday, May.·~rd For a Much Needed Rest and ~ Put Our. Equipment and Suppties , . In Order. I • SHO~E CAFE Heinz and Marie Kaiser \. • · • to Paaadma' to( a ,_ dayw' ¥Wt . . I voice circuit. for the lncrea.tng ·· • )Ira.' Karpret Niemeyer-· t'nt.er-with bt-r mothu. Mn. Myrtle =~ ~ ~ B. RC.L g~~· volume of Southern California war = wlth a twl_c!l_e lunl'beoll l Weft. • . . . d ...... 81lH r.h. I . B. i ky • r I'Rila, according to C. J. 'McDoqald,.ol ___ ~ .,.. . an -n. eriiC e _ I n et-. d~Ariel 16&A&~"er of ~ Souttem • y ~t"ber bome on e.. The •~gular monthly ~ ,lilolt. Mayor a'l'ld Mn. Ctya.n Hall.' Clf.Jitomia Tete ~ne Com t Mudl Oltereilt ceater~ ai"'\&D•I m~tlnlt of thf' Balboe Yacht Oub Kr. and Nn. .Jack Oreelle, Kr.. p pany. her garden ••hlch Ia at Ita lovt-llt>et l waa hehl laat Saturday """nlog at t.Dd Wra. c. H . We .Alary and l ln I at tble time fYl year. the club. · Uld wlte; Mr. and Mn. J . J. We· When ll('urt•JI W•·rl' nounted. ftrllt FriencU ol t.tr '"'I Ml'll Roland Alary. Mr. a.nd Mfl. Hal WUI award went to Mn lllbell, ~onu 1 • k f::itb 111 d M A L. CON • 1 1 Mr~~ Kina~ and r nn.olatiQn to Wrt~. t .will bf' ntrrut~l 10 now-. , r. lUI ra. . • '.: ~ d ' in,lt tMl lhf'y have purrh~ . Mr. and l(ra. H. W. Blltlop, rL•l· nf rr. l 1 tl 1 u , ll('W hvmt• at 646 Cll!! nrtvco New-Mr. and Wn. J. R. Thomp1on, Mr. ,.t ,, guNI " 1n«' 'J "'. ...ea. , 111 d w dAm L L ltttw-ll H S H ld port Hf'lghta and m'l""" In nn IUld Mn. Walter M er an r I J H. ~~~ w .. l~h. A ·J. ·CIU1t. 0 Ze~~~ TIH'IIday. Mr. Wright '" • uhlu I and ltln. w. H. Harper. 84'n~r 1• 1\ ltudt.l and Derrell l ur the Newport bl .•nt:h ur the 1 Later In tht-eventnr other mem· • I Kl , ---1 RAnk ul America... ; ..,ra oJ the club joined tn tbt-n~. -J>ltM l!:lhel C l•llllal J ... r thej dance to the mu•c of tt¥ 11:. c. l·R f-Bl d 1 ,Ocean ,Vttw ttotrl 111 llpt'ntl.ing two Andrt-wa orcbeatra ot Paaadena. .esponse 0 00 Wf'eka Wllb l"f'latiVI'II lln<l lriPI)dl Donors Gratifying •n Rtverwllk. j 100 Attend Mesa I 1 Attf'r· bf'ln« confined · to bu G· } ec. T l R t---;;,-all l bl..,... hnme for ~~eve~ ~ Onflta u tbe tr "COU t ea ~ t-apoDH o e c or vv-. .,...uti ot a fall, Mu. Vl<'tor Corea. .. -- donota tor Aprtl waa moet I'Rll· no .ot 2'7th At reel. ldt Sunday to Nearly 100 ru-te ttt.eDded a tytnc. ne n.nto clatt-will be Kay "J'"'"d a Wffk with her ann 111d 1 \ea l'f•in by \be board. wbm the 2tt-.nd will be_ h!llt ~ Ute -""'-j ramlly In' Hl(lltand "Psrk. Ooata. Mea Girl Scout. brl_d their noon. Lt. F"nu1ll Bartholnm""'· 80ft ot1 COwt of Honor. • Aprtl dooor. IDctuded: 8&Jboa •tr 11.nt1 Mr11. Bt-11 Barthnlomnl',, I'Vu.lfy membei"L were lnv1ted l lal&Dd Mrw Lu s~-cer. Mn. arnvf'd bomr froJD An<.b~~ to the party. Wlbicb wu held lD tbe -------""T"'-----------,.=....,_...,___.,=----1'-EIJHn Rf('hardaon. Mrw Ell&abet!ll AI k Frtd& I tl f1A-IIJDck...,. .. ea room. W Klbbr 1: H I D ~ u a. Y 0 llpt>n 11 .. ...,.,n • •-• .. ~1 .. _ nC. · lle ~Hn hu!',_., I dsv furlough at thf!'ir hnm" •.a BaJ., . Haiil! ta·ans RWB ia11m ~oiiE '() 0 8 T A 11_!_..8~ For MOTHER ·on HER DAY ' .,... u"" u• amp a, UK ovw• • Re c b • 4'fl. Mrll. Unda Carmlnf', St4!'\'f' btl• laland. Lt Barthnl••mew ,. X 811ter ury m C"armln~. •trll p WllhelJn. Ulllan ~tutltant •lf'fenllt' quart .. nnaate.r of I Rrnlth NI'Wjo<>rt O.ach Hf"'n& Aluka and lhl' Ah:,u.tla.J\JI, and Europe Promoted Kalwr. Mra. Margarrt Hilllc:ker, charg4' nr I~•· lli~tnhutlnn . of.,all J Mr~~. lAnnra Hf'ller. Mn. Dora oil llnd fuel 1111" l11 hi• ftl'llt fur- Hlll K R ith N H t hu lnu~oth t'omr In lwn Y•·nr~> Word wu received today that To Buy or Refinance NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ' • {1· • m f'Wp<lrt e I B1ll FAwar'li.a and "''lfe ..,.. -- 1 -Kra. Jl'ay Brack. Corona del Ra R. Canterbury bad been pro-ASSOCIATION Kar-)ln. Viola Brena.an. lng lhtJ' W~<-it from Ran Pf'<ln:l to ..-.d trom a ftr•t eta. prtvate -;~:a:t:a •• ;-:,.. L•oo .. · • , _ ,__ _ ..=:.::_ .I Ua ·o Cnurt. Edw&r<\• ia IlL la.n, Oth ~-H.1a '-. .. a .. ~ •sao Mra. Ulii&D Henry or Seubore man·. flrll c &Jill twa n m • ..,., ltii'L oftt.rude C&Dterbury.-I' 1>11,ve ~~ the weeltelld ln the M!'lilh. _Ht-rf'hlf'nf'd rN'l'nlly ~ ·.n.:•::~:_:•:t:.:J:U:_:SBa=y.::•:v~e:n:u~e,:_Bal=:.:boa=·:...::a:u:v=w:"':"=a:o:N=O:•="':E:O:U:I..:A:A:L:Y:: SAn· F•r.18nd., V'nll•·y With rrlend.r duty In lht' 11 ulh 8<'aJI For .,._ _ • f'l'l )'e&rl! h~ h•td ll\tl'd h;>r& .tth Q,.....lng Carda at.d a Great Varletr, of Unuau•l Glfta n~y·re P.rfdou ... So Gaud ~m Cardully ~ ~U And ~•ork \\'Oil by. bavtnr<t!'OUr eyes 8Cit>ntlflct1l· ()' 'rlcamlnt'd, pl"f'l!<'ri~, fOI" and flttf'd. You'U -your Job in • brlahter Uttht alter a vtstt to our co•wmlt>ntly locett'd crW~. DB. II. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST -J.m Nsu~ ........... Ocala.... ....Jill <;twodtt Tft1nl 11.n hunt.vn the oro·:tn f lt•IH "WI!: INVITJ.; YOU TO 8ROW$E AROUND" ~lr ll,;d ~lr" Hr<r .. l•l hrrn•lt oc C. E; LOUCKS lk ,.Rn lti\.J 1~11) ·1. rrlurn..cs JEWELRY and ITATIONERY T ll•'"'hl\' ''"'"'"~ IIIIer havl.lg Diarnonels • watc:nea • Fine Rep~l,.ltliJ lttWIII lh•• "''"'"r tn 1'11lm ~pnnp Plio-Newport tSD·R • ~ 111 11)! I h•·lr '"!J"'"" "" th~ d~.-1797·9'' Nawport Blvd., Coat a Meaa, Calif. !Of•rl ~11 ·"'" '11 • A h1 ""'" rp~nt (I .:r('lt l •'••.11 "I \lilt' •II ll&lnl!.g -·------------------------.-, I srn·h •· nh'll In t\\'•'~ -., , , ·•'l'' 'f'lflnrr ):ll<'~l:o "' Mr Wtn•l ~:"1 1 1_. ..L b l)t'll .11 I' •· \'~tl'lll ,~1~1? on I ~lunlu\' ,,,.,.tllnll lnclu.l~•l · Mayor a nd ~11 "' l'h ''" 11 .• 11 ""'' ~~~ jor An< I ~t I ~ . (' P · Sh.t"' ~llotor ShAw l11 ''•IUI!'I l••tl "l\h the "":t; . I Zooe ~py. M~cal· MaMa~". Sw~h MU-- liCaCe. Hydro ·'"'r""' SPf'('lal TT'l'at m<'nt~ lor Ov~~'t'iCht 1r Undd·v.•rlltflt. Gene Morleghem ~ Thrrapisr Spt'C'\allal . ........... . I ' BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL . . . . ~Main lt. Vl1ft ou~ interratlng _..and dlaplay .:..~oo~m;.;,•:-.·--==....._~~ guldea planning a prehen1lve atoc:k Of earpeta. llnoleu'm and tlan bllnde.. ~~ Clsane4 Repaired LUDLUM , Carpet Works · •' . ' • 0