HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-11 - Newport Balboa News Times( Legion WHI Be Ho8t Plan_, Observers Rl•atrlt'h.'d ' moUon plclu,_ of uc·~ptlonal lntt~I"Nt will btt abown by an ntrll'er of Lht' Army'a ,.ourth Air tro~ at a meettnc or New. purt Karbor Amertc:an ~lion poet ~l for aut ~y. May lt. . ~ fM'<' I aJ CUNt.a nt t.be Lelion "''1}1'~ membt'rs of uae AJrcratt Wami~Ben>toe of Newport Har- bor .,.... ~II ano requeete-d to at· tlj!ld Jty th~ dl .. f obeervrr. R. Boyes. 1\t'~ent.a wtll be lt'rv~ All IACionna.Jrea ~ ,.quNt•d to aUend an lnltlatl~~r World War D vet.,.._ wtlldl ,._ to be held lomorTCM" nl(ht at LeJ1011 hall. Dinner will be I'd at t :30 o'clock. Church Committ Approve$ Plans for $66,000 Addition Detailed n oor plana for a 000 addlllon to the prNenl· edl· flee hoUalnc Chrtat Church by the !ka wue approved tha. WNk by tht' bulldtnc committee of that lnaUtullon. · BALI.OA ()Aft ~ I INDQ NKW OWJIMS Wt Alter utanalve pnpe..raUoAa and .-.omplete N>deeonllna, It wu announ<*l today that U.. formn Ida 8r1nknlan cate .a\ 1511 IDul Central .av~nue, Balboa, wiU re. open for bwltn-Mat aatW'diJ under t.be ·m~t ot Mra. r va IAe John.aoD. Mra. Johuoft, -~ ............ C. R. Joboaoe. a. a c:tvtlJ&ft lleW• ard at Santa Ana Army Air ..... a. Wf'll upertenc:ed In t.be flale line, haytnc opentMI a .......,... ant• In Loe A .. '-tor It ,..,._ l''or th,. put two aftd 1 lliU Y""l"'l thfoy ha,. ...aded at ·INI Nt wport boulevU'CI, Colla M.., Twu ~IJitandl"-• wom•n c:Mt. h11vt bo-«'n t'nr&C1'd to man tl(e kll t'hl'n aucJ u an openl"-IM· ture, ·~·lal attantlon will be paaca f '-.mothrra on Mother'e ~. M., U . -~. Jobnaon Mid. Mre .. Ida Rrlnk' , fonner owner w1ll 111e t~n hand Q! the ltrat MV~ral da)'e to I(TWt olit r1enda and ...a.t In hn~~tt"u duU• .. •• - X -* Fishing Fleet Association Organized own.,.. ot comm.ra.l ~ bMt.a plyl"-wt ot N-...t Har- bor UU. week b&nlhd ~ Ia a nfW urrantutlon to be aow. u the OommerelaJ ,_... ~ Uwnel"tt ~tlon. Wee~ lut FrkiQ ·NPl at t:J\41 A. C. Hottman olftae, lltl IAtayette avt'nue, memben crt U.. l'f'O'IP elected Jt.. A. ,._ u pnoai!Wnt, R. 11:. Rider, rioe ,...... dent. and W 0 l.olllbu-4, t.... urer. ta addt\Min, tile .....,.. o1 dtft'C:ton wtll -be compoeed o1 a H. Ma,o, H. R. Bnltbaupt. J A ,.lll't'ow, A • Robtuon, H • ~ kiN. uad H D ....... ,. Annouaoed purpoee o1 tale or-. ,_ ... Uoft ... todlk)' ........,. -- man.d' by ......... , ~ • foU-: • ''To -~ • ooapentt,. ... fort for u.. C!CIII\mc. rooca ... That there a. WTMl nMd for ot oom~ f'IIIIIIIW l()('al Pf'taOM to mal.taan a \'tjr• ... ..e ........ llant attltudf and to bold them· ......... , ..., tall-• ~ ~wtua .... ; ~•n• In r .... dtneea for ...,....... • ualtAHI ,..u. a • iO • SA • -, '19 j . :o ~ th d'• ftlt- lion . ... ,,. rl .... to .aervl! u anythtnr buL recrea Uon hall. but due tn the dt'preulon. followed by lbe out· hrra.k of wu. ronatrul·llon of th~ W.U emphyteed --~~~Z..fGMI~f-li.U:~18--Qa...a. ........... _._ W Crocker, h-ly nen Uld ___ _...._ tn •·hurch proptor went by lllt' 'bMro. Office·rs· Elected to Fill Vacaocies · on Chamber Board A• a conMquence, Ule rec,...Uon h.all hu for Ole put Nvera.l years lllao aerved u sanctuary. chapel. Sunctay achOC?I quartel"tt, 11nd for IIOCial pthertn&'l and board meel- lnp . .,._ .......... Plana for compleUon of th• rJwr.ch, u aubaal'&.ed ~ ~ Plerile. Loe A. .. lN archltech. provide for a anctuar, -unc 27t per110rw on the cround nvor aftd N U\ UM baleoa1. lD addl· Uolt. U..re wou14 h a --u· C$&.- nrdlnator ot dvtllan do b\181-; th" C1ty of NeWport praetlee and llletW'1(1MIIi,..uM ... on al!vtee ._, ua. cdll•~•r1.....,... ou,..l..._ ~reneral of U.. W...,_ ala w1U. locaJ dvto ...... lUI. Command, Ill. Croelltr elKland and I'OWftUI'Ml to that all ptf'80M llllcNkl tall• .o-n.tl'"• n..t aftd ttce that U.. W..t.m .o.t.n. -:-· ~ Uon. Zone I• •UU INbjeclt to and uaa.&e "We belle" It ... can ....... tn ,.aperience n.-or aw.utoe at· In..,&. ertort;we w111 ... ,. ... t ar ka from e,_.m; planee 01' • .,.,_ than JuUnMI ·U.. orpeWU.," mar1nee. .-r.••t ,..._ .ad. "Wblle t.bMe It~ .... ,_. A meet1ne 0t ~ ......... o1 •· -'W.. ......... IWit ........ ,..... .....,. lj ..t lw taME oew 1111111& ahould k..,p atert Uld rMod7 to at Uut ·Rotrman otnoa. prot~t lhemMI,.. .....,. tiM r.lvlllan clefenae · CIIGI'pl. UMI ..._ ~ ...a4J to mMt UJ ... ,.-., 4\HI to ........... ""· ....... Dllclaarp.t vete._. Ellllble. for Help -Seve!'~ ~ Ia ottloeN were effected M.,.,., I& • illeeUQI 0( the board of a.tt1• et N..,..t a.,_. ·w c --. ..._,.. .. _..., ~ ..... ., ............ .,. "' ~~~~~::~~~~~:t:!·~·~~~·~.~ .. ~:3e~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~::::::----~-l~ •tate offlcJ&la In order to MCUre ~ t and a. m., aD4 ~plete qu.art-. for a *Put-,..,... te 'lli.e .. 2 5 z• • .· canfi.al ConaideraUon of U.e prob-the nr. depe.rtmeftt .flteluld· be no. 'rl~ntallaed Sunday ecbool pro-Ina out ot ... , dMtrtet ... ., .......... -s" 'PI .., .... n.at. ,.ou·n admit. ....Uy wu lem an_!S not have It overlooked In Ufletl AU n..... llboul4 be kept cept a tnt on the c:tt1 coundl. pi'OfT&m are lpc'lucted In the plan. lime ~rueh orc»r Ia ~Ind. aua. llNI to be In ..... Ill a a¢ .. L Js"""'eap. But the DIW' ~ tbe ruah and ~erainble wtaJc1s wiD a wa1 from bulldlnp. Dr. Oo~ K. Gnaady, lleCOftd On lhe flrtt noor woUld b. apace I "n<l N>plaUOfl8 • pyemm. lllfMtr• lkL o-w-~ •·=n el llt&rtM n,11t In aeUq Ulle a undodbtt'dly follow th~ wan end. vJce prHident. wu elnat.M to lJMt crad~ roll and ~f1nnen· outa an etlll 1ft.,_.._. ~-U.. Aid 0... liloel ....._ .. · laWIWI MiDc~dl nwSe him all o-unltt.ee to ~ Ex-bland y acbtsmJUJ the office of nrat vtce I cifpartmt'nt.a. and a-m!'IY room• al of dim-out I'MtftetloM h&Yifte ,...u. Ideal ,tuqe, n,11t tram the atart. The committee on lnMporta· Walton Hubbard wu eJeeted Me; I and ct ... rooma ror Ult' primary 11n nu way affected blaek-out Ja. wa. In aP,lan&Uon, Mra. ...,. ~ of betac accompliabed In tJon wu aceonllncly lrwtnlcted Dlstlngulsbe8 Self ond vice prraleknt and Stuart ckpartment. The llt'C~ noor I Re.oraanlaallon of tJwJ c:tvtll6 polnt~d otiL that 't...._ 18 ........_ trytq' to Mnd people to Jall, he to confer with both U.e In1M tn. In Euroi'WI!an Theatre Dunlap wu elec&.ed u tbe MW would bt' Kh'rn uvn to ..... mbly l 'l"'"n~ COI'1JII of the d ty 11 now ery and tunc-.-botll 10•• •* .... aeoomptjabed ID an upecla tl're•ta and ~ Orance County I r...,_. member or the board. roGrl'la..and claurooma rvr JUillurl. undf'r Way and all eo.,. memb.re aniJ Rf'd c~ to -the ~ • ot tbe law and thu learned to 'Harbor Commtulon on t.be pro1l Lt. Paul Pe.nberthy. Jr., a v~t· In &Numlnlt lila MW . dull-. junior h lfh. and IH'nlonl Thl' rtrat w111 boo fully ac!Yi•d of the eh~ 1"rna of •~m.n Ud ~ U..W vtew a caN obj.ectJvely tnatead of ect. eran of the fll"'lt blc·K&le ral!l Pl'aldenl Finch ln'Vtt.M the belp floor wouiA! al110 lni'JuJ.: a com-,"" to be madto In It• operation. Op-tamll'" In a!rno.t MY IU..U. penoa.aJJy. ftlt'• .. l"f1at'• tenneo ' Appeala w1H be dlrected to the on Berlin u well u numeroUI of ever}' dJ~t&f'-11\d me1nbet In modiOUI church parlur ,.ration will be almpllned &ft4 ef· whlrh may an. lnc:ldeftt to tile .. juclldaJ temperllftept," which U S Senate committee, which a. other roaJor enrqement.a, wtll maklrv: ~ r urrent year an out· . Thf' plan Ia 110 arrangr>tl that l.lr•ll'nry lnrrl'ued thereby. w1Ut war and bot!! t.be ,.,.,...._t Iota of folu I mtpt mention don't now c?nalder1ng the RJvel"'l and thia wedl ronclude a 20.day fur· s~dl,g Onl' rnr accompU..ahment. lh4t charJt•l will be .. nuro·ly l<'par· l1h,. "•penal' nf .aame cnnafdforably •n•l ftf'd C"m. partlaalatly .._ ,..,., Ha rbors Bill, to ruah approval, touch wllch haa been apent with ate rrom thl' rt'malnd~r or thf' I rr•lur· .. d "1r" that ltliN'ha,.,_. wt.arau...,. 'l'lllt. however, " only part leaving the Army Board or ,. hla parnu. Mr. and Mra. Paul meruency Landing building .and thull RHIY 1M' llpt'n Th.. n•w IYitl'm nf nr-rattnn :.h,.~=t~~~:.ow Wllltna1y .... , .., o1 Judl'e Tbompeon. Tbla depart· ginN!ra to detennl.,. tr any t 1 Penberthy of &42 South Bay Front, " rfrr prayt>r ""'I nH•flltAIIon 11'1 All w11l bf' nrt lh,. 81'C'tnr bule anlt IiNDt -een .,..,._.._ w...,.~· the projecta 11pproved shall be un-, Balbo. Uland. Made By Seaplane . t1n1u n••t 'I"P""d,.nt upon tl'lephnnlc h Yn.' ,.ample, It wu potlltAHI out ally. I've known Ray for more'n dHtalcen now or later .. Uttfl"' OJ\ L t. Penberthy. who wu fo""· t Be Ba . Cot~l of thr proJrrllm, wllhrtut 1' ""'fnunlr llll<'n. ~ya~m •. a~011e ; 1 " IW'al Ritl1 ~ home Nrvkle • JO yeara, whlcb J.a a ton• Ume. the matter will ~ CO to lkna· ;-erly active In toeat yachtJn• af-I a aeon Y _ rurmablnp. will l>t-ruu"hJy $60.-lll''llilt'O&'('r ll~'rVII'I'I and tl!(llo will bu,..au a. ~1 wtl& .. &114 ., to Sh ld Do d HI ., I h ... I .. t, ftartdle .,....... • ........., -,.. We went to achool topther tn-~~~ er an wney an ram I taJ'll, wu for ~lcht montha •ta· R.:aldenta nf uJet BeacOfl Ba 000. arC'nrflln~t In lldvanrl! ratl· h•• ala(l u•rfl, I "• nf',)N coordinator l'llilftla, nrllt of 'lltn ~laiiNI, .......... JI'Uilerton We've known each oth· Jnhnl!On lVld to CongrtNman ·tloned Jn ll:ncland with ttie Eighth ld !.,1 Y 1 mat"•-Tbe bulldlnl{ f'lll!lmltt••r ••xpiAinrcJ ~ --.. er and e~eh other'a famlllea ever Jwhn P.hllllpl. . ' Air Force In Which he aerved. ~we':~ d con~l "~ y b ~ph-rl d ,,, lhr• •·hurc·h I• c·rrmtll>lll'd or I hi' cumfl"rlaaUnn• for wlctow.,, daU· lllnce. I've never eeen a man more ChRtlf•l! R Pl'yton, cnalnnan of navt .. ator aboard a 8 ·17 P'lylnr Y~· ,' ay • ('f :nd y ... te arhiVh· Rr v. E D. c .. ,.;, .. u, Mr~ R ll \Vf'Htlrn ~Auto Mto. r~ cJrrn ,, parf'nt,a of •rvteemen, lp- J'IIpected, bQth In and out of hla l the chambtr committee on avta· FortrMa. Dun.nr thoee montha he " o lln unupr e cuea w c Wt·alhc'rfhrll, Mr• , ... ,, II Mr'(:•w-Jlllr'athrna frrr arrrut~d beneftt.a, d!t- proteMton I Uon.. Ia making • atudy ol iocal made • ncc:e•ful bomblnf mta-drnp~d In , both CU\I&lly and lit· ren. Ml•• F:lltlf' li'I'WII""I. Rl; .... to o.,..n Saturday I•Y"d ..... diVI'rtfld. allotment!i, .. J --•d, d.tA-'t I ... at I wu cllm.. cnndttlnna In relation to avtatlon aloA• ov• en•my •--•-ry •Ad l•'r&lly. Th_,. guHt, 'I Grumman 0 n J h ... ""II'' It t1 I T ' -lluranc•. 1'l4'. Th4i home MrYkle ""'~ ..,, • "' .,. 1 bit' d lal tl ·-~r ~ ""'' """' -· Widgeon Cout Guard amphlb· w,. · " " " r. 1'' "" • t £" t M ' hur,.au may ahio bold a pow.r ot tnc on • •tump ,.r JucSce Thomp· pro ms. an • ·~c mee nc parttclpated In eome of the moat • . F'flllom'. 1 a , .os a esa eon T There be II, folka, and If I tg ronald,.r hla report will be c:all· --ctacular ra.ld.a yet maA-on , .. e II an p~tl rfll plan~ .uttered , .. .,,._.,. ftuntln• RJ&-nart• anA ""'"n"Y for a Mrvt<lflnj.n or llt. , ~-~d In the nt'a future -.. ~ . ""' "' mortal damagra In ny1nc over the ,., ·-• Mooroy ""l"'nt10''" ,. " family an(J art for U..m in all 10U don t .YQ&e tor him n~t Tu~ r · l;urollean eontinellt. l u arbor, llfJmf report.a belnc that Up t11 J!l nurnlhll lll(o•'th" •·hrm•h hunR••hrrl•l Rt1 1•1"11, pr .. vlrJualy un-matlr·ra. Kra Howard aaJ4. •r· Oil. weU, JIUit don t. that • B P'or out.atandlng achle••ement 1t hnd. <'ullid••d with the mUfa of I wu m••rlK~tg•••l '" lh•· r·xl,.nt ."' '" oulnlrl•• fto lhla r•rnununlty. will ('ompllratt,.n11 art•lna frotn all. alboa Island Flyer and meritoriOUI conduct ln lin• I ll IKhiW.n•'r &nfhOred Immediately $1.:1,3:11 ThMUI(h " , ...... nlly ( n.n-h• lll llf kif) trv thl' ni'W w ...... m rhanl{l' .. r ••ldr..... mmpletlnc • • • Missing In Action ot duty, he hu ~ awarded north or rhrlatlan'• Rut. IC'Iu(l"d rummw11t'V w,.,,. •len·" lh•· ''"'" at••r•• WIJ"') II p~n• l'latur· ""'' '"""'"' fnrma fur ...utanc:.. ADDDfO TO JUf , the Da.Uncullhed F'I)'U}g Croe.a,l l'n&ble t11 ronttnue tn nt~tht. dl'bt hiUI bt·<'n rtlmplf'l,.Jy ll•tul· "·' v at 11111• ~"""''l"•rt hr.ul,.vard. •net. lnr,.rmattnn of aJI klnda oa OLD 'I'IIADITION In European Zone the Air Medal and thtee Olk Leaf th,. plan,. land••d.on the bay, tu·l•la\t•tl nnrl " m•ort~: •I:" tnHntn~: 11 ..,,.,,. """"II"''"'' l rll1•y by n avld lhr~r aubj,.f'ta Ia rl'actlly avalla!»>t --'lie IW~OWII are going to com~ Cluatera, and II pc;lvlleged to , io>d pMt thf' ("nu t Guard atatlon rrr""'""Y 111 plllnrwol r,r Jun,. 11 . It 1\ra•lhurv whn hu .. rur"'' 11tHI I hi' hnm" ~I"V11le r b&lrman back to Caplatrano more'n e~r. Sef'Ond Lt. Everett L. K-; ~ar three etara on h1a European and ram,. tn r,.at at the we.t end It wu11 announr,.,l t ut114V by th,. ' •I hnrl7.nll••n t" ..,.II w .. at,.rn Atltn ulc,.d lhl\t hl!f WfOJI.traiMd etatt now, If Papa and Moma Roul husbllTid o{ Mra. Catherine C. Kee· 'nleatre ribbon. The YOUJlC 1 .. 1 or Bt'ar nn "RRY R1·v Mr C:n<••h•ll Th" ,,.,..m,nv '" •rr·h,.nrll••· In lhla J,..·allly. t;.. f lv,.n an nppnrtunlty to help haYe anythlnc to aay about lt. see or 121 Ma.r1ne avenue. 8&1· !f:der Ia acheduwd to re~rt thia In rt>t'ord Mme, Lieut. ll:uc~ne 1 will h<• (llntlurtNI 111 lh• 11 ,,·, l•r k IIHVI DI( htwn i>nl(af"'l In 0\r '" any ''' th, ma ny waya whlc:h Papa and Mama, who everyone boa lslllTid. wu on Sun'day re. eek at a reclueltlcatlon center Toln . or thr c~ Ouard aub-~rvlc·••.· fttr v.hlt h 1111 ,rrul•ltlr I" lr••l""'" nn•l aut••mr,uv,. hu•l· may artll' remembera 110 Roe.al'•· at Corooa ported ml .. hig In action follow· ahd will then learn whether he Ia pRtml bu•·. dlapatebed a boat and llp••llko•' I• ht·rn~ ,..., urrd ~ r :1011 In ~JIIr..,l• rur ltw-pu t 14 del Mar until a few montha &«'0· In,; a nt~ht over tht' lluropean tO remain In ~Ia country for a new of mrn tn u.. ecene. A Jeep tn a•J•ht1nn I•• hll vln.: ll r1ui•IA>l-,. w111, Mr llrJulhury hu ha•l h&•e purcha.led a drtnkery In Ule e,rf'A, March 29. Ml"'l. K~ had time or wbeth~r he will return "PJWIIrt'd rr<rm nowhere and wltb t•rl llll drbl thr rhurr h hll" r~uoh 11• 111 y ,,, r ~p••rl""''" not only In mt.ton town-and thua probably hel'n not(Jic!'d ot her: hu.lband'e j lmm~lately to llficlan~. the aid or _ lh" combtned ciUse.n-•nd plr•llr•'ll 't"t""lllnrc Sfl{)()() t~•-•I• "linK ' w11 It I h,. JlHbllr hut In will add to the IW&Uowa there ltalu!l In a War departmebt ul.. I ry. t hr mllll~try, and 1 atout m•· Wllr•l , mu•lrll' ll"n -41f lh•• n•·w "'lfl(rlylniC lhr """'Ill ''' mut•m•t• dur1nc bual'l,eu hours. gram rect'lved Aprtl 13 but hla1 Ex-Balboa Resident nlll" llno'. Mit' pat~l plane wu btll lrllnrc. 11 w"" '''l"trffltl •• • llrnrlhtlf v nh•n11 '" lf!LUI•t· tlkrr It any A·cardt'ra ever cet 'null name wu not publicly releue4 Killed -!:1 pll\11'11 out or the water over the I · ''1"''"1111K lh•· ~t,.r,. ••tn p.aollne. It'd be a good Idea untJI thl•. Wfl!k. at Muuesto I ~&nil niH) unll) the ro~d. The.... )A)Cal Scouts ('ollf'('t I" ll•ldo!llln "' W··•t .. rn'• ram II· to pop In and eee 'em, woucln't 'Lt. Kee.eeo who took hla eactet In Hotel Blaze , un1lrr thf' motherly protec:Unn ot . . • • . ,,. ' lin•· "r "111 """'11v" Jl•rta and It' I training at Santa Ana A"")' Air I lin armf•ol jt'U&r«t and red ll(hla It 3000 Coffpf' ,farM ~·I ''"""' 1•••. ·h·· ni'W RIIJfl' will If nQ't, watch around Corona del Baae, had been In the Anny Alt Floyd q~e. 1M9 Miramar dr .. '-wruo """ll"<l ror the ntaht' .... Ide ' '1 ry " ""'111'1''1'' llnr· ••• turnllur,. ~ar preUy aoon. l)(ot Mama Ia Cnrpa for two ye.,... and over-w~ notified Saturday of the .Ja~<l'tt:~ ll•·lr~t.7.' tennla w urt. Muro• lhnn '111/11) ~otiAII~ ~'''"'''' r .. , -..vr·rv r"""' '". lhr hiluM, all ,olnc to be plantl'ng her vtctory lieU •lnce January of thla Jell'. death of hla brother, Gerald Gag e. nnm"J!'". It Ia Mid, conaleted "ot Jill'• wr•t•• ''''1"'''[•·•l hy Nr·wrnrt I 1''''" w•·ll within th,. btHifl'l of pr4en pf-etty aoon! ' HI•· pal'4nla, Jlr. and Jlre. 1:. L ez, Of Loe Anr•lea, who loat hl.l h•rlrfl tnm In the hull and a brok· llllrtrnr llttV ~l'otlll' llllrlrtl( lh,. lr'· ''""rY""''· •ton<l will llkllwiiN.I ltorlc • • • Keraet', make their home at 0o-lite lut Thuhday In the dlau-t>n winK pontoon.' Anhal of a l'l'rttlv ''"nr•lrlfl"rl •lrlv .. , 11 w"" r••· """"-;,hohl llr1,11'1,.11, kltrhf'T'! Jtf'TT'Ia. lumbUI, _Ohio, wher. 1M wu .....,.. t.erou nre which swept the 13_ tru<'k lln•l IIIIIV"&'e crew Ia momen· rwrrl"d tnday bv Thr<odor,. R<1bln• , I"""'"IC •upplh·ll, rtlnn,.rwar ... ~t r ed and attend~ achoola. ~ .... ltory-Hotel ModNt4 at )(CidMt.O. tllrlly PXJll'l'l#d, 'wher.,.,pon the ,nr th,. tr•r•11'. r <unmiHr•" Th•• 1111-W··•frrn Olant work rloUM,e a liON rumol"'l mrn Balboa I.e- land t11at the political pooh-b&h. w1tll accent on the "~." ... t. llott.eE. water than "er · becauee of Ilia unwrltten-Jaw-tnuktnr . . Or mebbe we'~better ~t the ac- cent on -tile ''b&h!'.' .. fvt Jum- ed that aomeone '-'keeping a Hat •fll-w1lat he totm.a t" ttcMM" UUnP clone by the city counciL ftey Include tblnp like macker· , tl nrdJnanc:u which the eourU apeet. .mtnr In eoro~ del Mar .... bttnp 011 li...Sta an4 ac· rteony, ete. . . Would .,_ lnter- IIIIIIC ,......., woaldal't ttr·. P-, 1'~1%11Uy awarda4 the A.1J' K.-a Mr. a.,.e wae 1 tanner I'Ntdent WlllJt• will be remcrted and the ll'r llun """"tl tl;lr trO<'rp 11ppmx1-f"' •·11-knrrwn ant! pnpular llrll' ,r for rneritoriOIUI acb.leve-L . of Balboa and from 1to7 to 1911 •plane ta~Pn to. a rep.~, RAtion. ma.tc:Jy $7~ . • . • 1\rR,.vy IJIIIY ~·m·~nta. will be fl'~· " wu tmplo,.ed at Balboa Pavtl· Ui-ut Tnln. acoorcunr to ob-Taklnlf rtr11t pl"rt wu Rnhf'rt lurl'tlln thr M"r" • nt~tnalve men • roaME.a &UIDENTS VI8IT •on. Durtnc ialer yura he had r l'rY!'rtl, tll•l • fut and n .. t job H!'nl .. )t. 2'011 o40lh_ ••r-l . who per .. ··ror rlf'Jljlrtm,.nl. lhe m,'n~r Mid Mra J . Jl. Ohl and cS~UPt.er, worked u aaJeaman for a com·~ .. , IIUJ>"n·IAinlf the "~a·• work "''ni'IIY rnJI,., I I'll mt~r"-thllfl ._Ill lrl ,,,.J,.r t•• "' 'lHalnl the bll)'-P~Ill• Ann. of Ellcondldo, ..,.nt pany .manulactunnr mall urriera' "!ld grratlv "lfPedlted matte\-. for jllrs, r~.h R••hln• ·.1!4 M••n iNn, lr•lt pohllr wllh w .. •llm Aut:' the Wi"t'k end u hou.aerueeta of unlfonna and wu on Ofle of h1a ttw! aah••~t" c~. rtlll,.r trtl mnr" lhlln ,1)1), nn•l t... r "r• hanr1111". many ~perlal valuH Mr. 1111d )r(l"tt. Marvtn Moore, ll'f quart.erly ~ tr1pa wbln be 1 . ll••Y Rr•tWn, 1#29 w,.., Ray av"· " Ill hf' .. u .. rr~l t1ur1n1 the opfln· Tustin avenut'. On SundaJ the chanced to atop at the 111-fat~d l.ICT.N~F. IM1JD """• al.., morl' than 11)0 1 •K ""'"· hra•lhury 1tated, addlna MOOI'H Wt',.. hoet.8 a& a cltaMr hoet.alry ~ to pbrt I m II Th .. r .. will bl' "" rurthrr ,.,,,, ,..,.,, w .. ~trm AUtl'l'a -II ..known party honor1nl' the Vllltora; oUter b T . U tl al.IUto:u re h -A "!• a~~:e th ~ w;u a..u~ to colrN•t. jau ·dur:ln,r th" aumm,.r I nllf'v of "Ratt.ra.ctlon. or JOUr Y n,..t ~ ~! bu h-A"..., e l l'l l'!nnth" Ana d le w~k to Robt but lorkl hnu••·wlv"• •r" ""k"'l t ro "'"""Y b•"k " ant! "lr'J&r~ntf'ed ~·te bl'lng Mr. Moore'e pannt.a, wu no .... rn""' t ... """"'n c· fl• Pr an Mllared LouiN h -' Mr and .Mra. WUIIam Moore who amot.bered tO death whlle aeeklnctOIIr k. htlth promlne t raetct. f N V" t ,. t'nnlaln,.,. anll •t"r" """ltlKI" will bl' tht~ policy ()t tlwt rt>c~ntly moy~ to ~ M ... t h ft M M'-n nt.a 0 thl'm In annwo rnnv .. nJ,.nt pl11cr • ~l•hllllhm•nt rrom Val ley Center; M. 11. Jlooroe, 11 z.:':.S.~ ret.d ~~er herf ~":;mbl'~~~r U.. f=~· a~n~ W~t'r"f th"Y wlll 'bl' ,,. .. ,lily III V•Il-Mr Bra•lbury, who. owna hla l(n. Nannte Brubaker and Ml.M M a. eum•MI by Ilia w1dow M. 'be h hi)OI re"-4 eaJ • e or JJot,. nut IJrl\'" whl.l.h 11 hurnl' al Coats ,.,....,, Ia a metnber a.lt NewiaDd. ONOt ~ ot t.oe AApla,. re. th;rlnte~df'd 'cs.t.a ol Ute to f:!_ ect..duled tor ... r ly fall, Mr. 'Rob-,,, the M .. onti' lodp uw1 ·ol tile • . 1 • w._ 1M -.14. I!X&I CIWn~ J of ODiltetnl. . ' . .. • t I Aleal IIMpltal Ht!ad N ahtwd on Charge~~ of Mai-Pr.Ct.l~e r.,.,ll., A. Wlll,.y. R N., ..,_,. "l ·nlllllAJII'r o~ N"wpnrt fndu.tr1al htlaJliiMI. 214:tn w ... t l'rntral ave· nu,. 111 tof ~ltwrl y ''" fl'IOO hall ,,, •• llrWIIog tLle. arr .. , •• M•m•l~t)'• on 'fliur l'l•lllrl• f'har11ln~t 'vl,.)l'q,n ''ht Uw 141111•• Mrdl•·al l'r~<lr Thfl &rTMt Wl\10 llffl'l'lt•tl tl)' tlrf(l't•ra Of fhfO fl int,. M"•Mral flll111rlt: artlnJ In rooJ)f'ra tlon with lor'al J)(.tll<:t of· flt'IMIII . ' A rrall(ll~'•l• hf'tttrl' Juctr~ 0 . A. J ,n,.11, Mnnllay the date ot pre- llrrU~Jary h~tarln« tlta.a Nt u May l8 and the ct.tt~ndant wu llber- atl'd on I'Uh ball . It II unortlrlally reporlfod Utat thf' Jnduatrta.l hOIIpltal hu been purch..,.d by a Ran C1~tmente phy- •lrlan but all llffhrta to cOr.t.ac:t Mr Wlll,.y, either yMtardaJ 01 toda~. pmnd f.tUIUua. eonn""a. u,n of Ule aal4!, thenrlore, ClOUid not be obtained. John Chart•. 1011 nf Jir. · llf\d Mra. Dtck Rlchardl. It C!ttl~t-1"-..... nnt -~, .... ..,. ..,., &od&J. f . .we .. Jidate lor lllflnrt tat .. a .-..t CD ... tiiUrf' of rlant, wY elation. • .,lure t'Oulcl 1ll"r plAnt .. thC! llfl"l'l:t\ If fii!Pllrrl~ o thfO ·m,...t.- antl .fflmHr r t he llunt,. \ tvrnlnlt wu ........... ,. u. e lr'ltlr )NU rttta ,., lNr .. tlnec wurt In .. "'· IQINIA ·,, ~nocl•••llll entl'ln JUM the niUTII' nf •ry wu ,,mil· nnty Ollf! ,. tbo•,. n1 ur f( Yl'f'M that ,. mf!f'lt ani .,.. " .. on- vi Jf•.Uywond w•tl C1l .... 111r, lUI ..,.. ' , ' I '• • .. . ,, Ma..._..wed lfuT• .... ~ IJfU c.bt -.:Ia. ~ •• ~ Patriet& N• ~-of III"L J'lo -. • MaqMnt. .-dlil liar, beeaiDC ... ,..... lhn1al1 De U. '1. IIU1ne 0< ~ llr\de, wlto ... .... ot, N.-port H .. edlocli. IPOke b ......, iYor7 ta• fe&a ..... trtal ~ bodJl" ... ......, aquare 1 fall *111 elldlnr tn 1 11qwap ..W waa c utlq\le eap of Duct ... earned a white! wtUa a whtte orchld t '11M R.ft. Heo.ry V ta. 1181'Vi~ for wtuc ~&Mw. Lt. Ou)' H. A froiD bt. po.t at } ~ento, to J1ve aarrtap. U~t HennJogt wu liM brick'a onJy a 110ft pl.nk taffeta lnl' a bouquet of pll'l and blue clelpblnlu.m dn-.oa, t te bride'a D played tbe wecld!oj fOWIIed. In blue p o wore prdettlu In hr , Pvt. Smllb, U\e 10r Ur1L Patl1ck Harrla • o.: ... ~ed by O'Bryan, who Ia 1 ·Perry-Davis ~ Set for May 2 I 'IDYttatlou ba" bet tl!t &llfi'OHil~ w~ .... Peny, daqtltel 'llrL · Oronr Perry , ...... aD4 B.IIP D&.u· -11ft ftoJ DaY&., .......... ODMaM- T Page 2 Give credit where credit is due. Cun~n'!« iH abCJut to paM p aimpli!.ted income tax law that· will free l:lpmc 30 mtll ion taxpayer~:~ from the necessity of filing a r~port and make it easier tor other milliona to compute the1r tax. UA LBOA J~LA. '\ V li.A...'i ,t.i£\J,,lt IS H ALV ~,...t u, .,. .. .,.1, t-f•i\u..a;, r46~r ,,.,ju,,d..W Wo(ll a I.S·17. F lyiJ,l& 1 0 1 U ..a.( lw. liuo. S<n ifli Ul t.be tto1h~n war .wuo: awce !>'~ !Iii\ lfl~ Ol.lWll to that Md.Or ria ... ut.h AJt •• tu;~ a.ml NorUl Ab1c&. 1J1 a. 1 ~n·nt tetter to au. JIM';" , • t:-, ~It .>.loJ )trs. mtL .lo"re..J.ae : _.!,., JJiulllvliJ n , .. euul. 1;M 'J'IK lllcl" r• fl'•ll• J that h1l OUt.· •,. li\Cl.l 1/1 1<'111-> WltJ\ f~ , t· r. · \\ c t.ry,.. h;; aa.hl, "&o ; , 1 1, tho: wut.t;r rwu•inl IU'OUIUS 1lo•· lent :l on11teaJ or thro~b ·~" • ;; t F s;•olllg a18u at~~oted Ul.&t Ule , ·" •ol tlo.: o.fi.sstpauon ot Army ..._ 1,111 ''" J ut lhbl po11t wu lo Jet 'b Uh I L I .:1 y 1:'\'<olllllg lor fqad , ",, 'tih· l !;Kif Ill t)UcSlJOO .be1Jla , "'"I 11 viii IL.oluiu tnrmera at , .. ,t o1 J5 ~nu each. Ill• 1 «t•·"t l<'ll.-r wntten by n I I· I U lllb lu lua pare nUl WU .•• •I•·J n •• ,., 1'1 Uo<o r-.-cord Ume : 111c uays. ~ \II S~t:l...'; ~l'AKA.'\TINED ----• L,.,.,J lclll•l•"ts.. "'"rc warned of ·Governor Dewey, evidently slatt><l to be tht' Republican ..... w lJUd, ... nLmc oruer forbid· nominee for president, stated hia position on inl.•'mu.l ilo nal , ••.: ah" ~, .. thclllll: ul muuelJI u· (•t lUI U:.<' liS I L!:lh baiL Tbe bul co-opt>ration in thia teree eente~ce: "To organl?.e 1'! c:o-, .. , , 1:~ all mUlls. I:~ aJonr lbe cal· operation With other nation& a Structure Of pt•nce baC'k ttJ by ,(.,J lUI\ o.:u u.:ll ltnU cxh:nda from adequate force to prevent ~uture. wal11 ." ,,t..v 1 until o :r .. I, tl Urllll wbidl • 11,.,;.ths th..-mussels becbll'\P tm• ----1'1• t:ll•<t..·u Wllh Lhe moat deadly Philip Bancroft. G.O.P. Renatorial aspirant, says "1 am l"l·"'u kn<JWII l'llre llhould .-, d bel' t h h II bt• In· t.o~,. 11 111 [II • J•flnng clarna du.r· (opposed to war-time strikes an -te\'C . <'y .. ~ ou 1 . ·1-111, M 1,.,,11th:~. The meat pm hibited by law. Many say the smart thmg ,IS to s~dl'· '·" ui<J ,,,. clc.~t.•·ol thurourbly an~ "fllep the labor issue--like S&}.:ing to a <li>Ct !1~., 'the pallenl .tf' •lu1 k pa•lll removed, u lt has cancer but it is distasteful to men"~'" tt fur fear uf .t 1) ,, .. ,:;~on 1s IJrl's,·nt lt Would be , h' f .1 , ,, 1 •• r,,, nlt uh·J 111 Lht· uark porUoo. bccomjng unpopular with _the patient or JA· ami Y· ,1 , •ml1ng to stulc health author-- . • . Hll•ll. . Though Germany may ~ beaten this....Yt'ar, the war 1 uJU.:CL() .1 Rt: SUIT FILED with Japan has only begun. As Admiral Nrmitz say~. ~ ,,01t to 1ooro olus.-a chaftel have barely pierced the outward pt>rimcter ,.f Japanesl' ,,,,., t~-:.1g•• uu pl'rsonaJ property dt:fenses and have not .yet encountered Japan's maitl Jand .... ,,,.;,,..t,,~: ur f1xturo:a and equtp- h Ph T · 11,,,, n t at Lhc R• nJezvoua ballroom and naval forcea, We must recapture t e . 1 tppmes an( , h;•s bc,n £il•·tl m aupertor co~trt NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS The NotiJers of Men otiy W. KEE MAXWII:LL ID the course of a htUe r ead anthology of euaye one come. upoa this quaint little story: . · "A 100c1 woman, who had reared a larp fUDily, ud led a loQc tu. of devotion and selt-aae~wom out by care uii~tJIIIIlaO' of ht:r burtlen~rrte at len,th "lo what ~lUI 8uppo.ed to bt.' ht'r dt>ath-bed. A clergyman in. the neighborhood thou~ht 1t tn be_ his'duty to call upon her. He 16sked 1ft tl)e u11ual language, if she had .made her peace with her llarlre: to which she replied, that •be "was not aware that there hac1 been any trouble." MotMtaood is' not fallible; the frailties of the .ne.lb beset 'WGibiii as well as men. But the highest conception (If divinity pc.ible to man is that whicl\ comes from con· te!t.tplatmc tbe-charal'ter of .a true mother; a "God ot love" at beat II u abstrart ion ~only~ and mother love 1a ita near- f :>t co~erete manifl'st:ltio'n. Mothers are fellowa with the Creator, briacinr f~trth men in their own image; they are ~eiatera iD IIJIIrlt with tht' Christ whose life wu sacrittce and unaelfiah-e• incarnate. Ah no, there isn't "any trouble" between true motht·rhood and the All Loving God; the rea1 troublee of mntherhood come from the ignorance, the ·~lflahne. aoc1 the inapprociation of earth. .. Tbureday, May U , 1M4 We're i.Jr LINE I In line I with 0 P A pqcea, in line .~ ~, in line with choice cuts. Now we invite YOU to line up_ for o,ur fine f • GEO .. TAYLOR, OwneJ: . ~ 2110 Ocean Front ~~833 TbeoreticatJ('. thl' world bows in reverence before the f-hrine of moth~rhoorl . Millions exalt the sacred office in Ute ch\tfthe.; gen•·rations have celebrated motherhood in poetry ud ~nj:t'. until languages have-been exhausted of Lhcir tribu&.; thP grNttcst nntion· of earth today pays ita ~=======:::====~======:;::=:;:;;~ unanim.9ua bomagt• thr1ough press an d pulpit: greenhouses !\nd gardena baH' bt'f'll ran!'larked of their flora1 symbols to provide a votive nff\·ring. Society brands as less than a brute the man cor boy who fails in devotiol} "to his mother. ADd yet, frt•rn thl' pradieal side of things, there ling· ers in the attitwle nf wha( we acll "civilization" a large remnant of that nnrient concept-ion wbich listed woman u :. mere chattel nf thr ":;uperior sex:'• along with his ox and his ~. which rr engni7.t'd the wife elf the elder brother as I he legitimate ).egar~ of the younger. We have open~ the door to woman in business and industry-no~ because of !:ientimental justil't. but because we needed her. We have RADIO SBBVIC- t~oME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS llEPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN -~ BU*'T B-; NOJITON Pboae 2417 llil Coaat Hl9bway · NEWPORT BEACH , ~inga.pore and drive the enemy out of Chrna -'hefore the 1 uy n .. b., t A .\lur{lhy, present op. ...r:----:;;;P:-a~c~a· ..;1c~wa.r aa won. --~ ---?Ornl~tn.--hl~~fl. '"'- • " ·•·hu h nan" s Lhc Dalbo& A.mtJ¥· t:ven admitted ht'r to political ('Quality and made her the: ~~-4r,;J.ilJ;l~J4j.r;;si "peer", o man· iO-tllej:lrYOox:-Bu we arc yt'( :nile1J ,; ..._ Pen7. a forme ._t., Ia a ,.,.uuate Ranor Unioa IQp a ... ftuce, aad botA al ~~~. 17 le ei80 a ITMU&t. CDIIIp f(l If ...... la ..,... llr. DaYle ... Le&lteed . .. 'Eftii Ua . . L£01 fO . .TRA Wt haven lnsure com ol t~ law ot all ro nn compleUon fttmembe,., Nldy lo I prtntlnt pr• .F4'lor c:ompt pl&flftlfll • Timet of y· will be att lflf4HmatlCH'I \ • • ----••.•. ,l c .. •unu l>lh<'rl u cse~nd- The ouU.tanding feature of next T ucKtlay's p~ima ry 111.•. ""'",; _ JUJ)tirwnt Cor •1e110 I t' on in California is the race · (or Unit~ Stall's ~t·n:l.-· '1 h 111!' "'3l at the rate ot t• e ec I . •• 1, 1 , , r.t 1~ r .Y. ar until Urfle ot the _ t or: It lB conet'ded that Senator .Sheridan Downey \\111 . b<> 1 1..-111., 1 un<l i .rcr cent ~r year renominated by the Democrats. Under our silly dectton ... 1 h• •• o11 h r, m a..Jtlrt.Jon to sea . .o )~WB Mr Downey has crou·(iled on the Republican ticket. .1 llu I! llh· fllalntiCr alhogu he p&l~ • . ~ r • 11 I•· ,,,,n,.t 111 upt'rty taxea on the JUst a.s sev~ral of the Republican cand1datcs ha\'e rrt1S."· l"'"'"dlt. · (ited on the Democratic tid<et. With ten. candidates f~r 1 • • this office on tile Republican ballot there ~~ a bare p<t~!!l· Rt.Tl "-"s Tf) ALASKA bTt that Downev mav capture the Rl'publican nomina· .;\rt,r· u l:)-l!Ry furlough apent ! l Y. -· _ ~ ~ . . , ..l • . • -= • 1,., ilh Ius P•" o•nts7' lfi', and Kn. tton; as well as that of h1s own pany; whtch wol.lfd m£'nn l:··rt U~trtMionll'''' or 200 Ame- from that trUe f r(-.o(lom for womanhood which alone can bring motherhood into it~ pcrfe<'l (lo\Ver. Motherhood ran ncn•r reach its highest destiny until ·women have frt·\:rlom of choice in marriage: until~ they have freedom of r hoice m rhild.-l:)f'aring; until law and s~ ciety demand the same strict integ~ity in fatlierhood that they now demand \n m.otherhood. · Ttiere ia onl' tragedy f!lOre t>oignant thAn that of the woman we fiippantly ·ra~l thhe "old maid," denied the ful· fillment-of her nttrmal f-tHleMAf\ a~ a ·wtfC" ~nd mother. that is the tragedy nf the woman who h aR married beloY< her s tandards and suffered lht' humiliation of mismating In NOW ELIGIBLE. • FOB NEW 'I'I&ESI C9ME IN , AND SEE U.S! IF YOU CAN~ QUAUFY \VE wiLL HELP Y.OU MAkE OUT YOUR APPUCA- TION FOR A TIRE CERTIFICATE. . . • YLE POP,E - ht-would have little opposition. in t he November clection.,ttitvst ,,,.,.nu•:. F~r.s~ Lt. 1\rank On the other hand it Ia barelv ·possible that one of the Re-1 ll;u th .. lom.-w ldt "nday by plane ' ~ . · . f•·r S•·alllc ai)J • from lhere wW publican candidate. may wtn nominatiOn by hath partiCR.I 1 nuunu" by boat to A.nchorap, order to avoid the opprobrium of that reckless e pithet. ~:;j~:;:~;,::=;::~~~;:::==:=::=:;;=::::==~ There Ia one tragedy more poignant than the empty • All of which iUu.tratea the incompatibility or our so-call~! AloL.'<I\01. Lt. Har·Lholqmew, wbo · ht\11· b•~n st.ali<~nctl In tbe North· ;~nna of the 'fri!e who ~as never kno"\Vn motherhood: that is KllSI!lt8Jlt deft'nle quart.ermutar haJTU~teCI' woman who has hro ught into the wocld too many ----• r .. , Alaska and te In cllarp ol children to be reared in the face of J)Overty and-dieease, • Th'e · ~--' Reeenre Board in "a recent bulfetin said lhl.' <l!stnbutlon 9 o!J a.od tua1 f.,_.. .. ._, a "10.-'-batt1-·~·n ht>r efforts to give her own • r euor::.-.. , j .. ~ .. r Lh" "ntu~ tO!nlt.ory of .A,lu. 6"..... ~ ~e t the threat ~t inflation Ia a. mere ~yma.n that abould nnt l k., ;mr1· thr AIMJtrana.' --nte ..utt their chaDCle tn a -world of "handicap. · · frighten anybody. Since it ta generally expected that the I , ... I k•·u ~.'~. fa rat Curloueb bocDa There U. oa~ tragedy more poignant than that of the hrads o( a great banking ayatem should be ultra-conser\':t· 111 1"" )•~s. "old maid," the childless wife -or the overburdened mother A COMPJ:IT! Lin OF FLOOR. CDVEilJNGS FOR YOt,JR REQUIREMENTS tl\·e in dealing with such a pa.ramount question . many cnm· 1ut:R "tss JOGH AWAIID ground into the dust of an early grave: that is the t ragedy mcntators acc~pt ttie board's lrtatement a.s a cheap poltti-1 ~~ 'J"r.Charlt'll H. S{X'ncer ot 328 ot the pure wqman who fincis herself bound to th~ man Pboae 2806 1622 S.'MaJa St. cal pronouncement intended to excuse the p~nt atlmin-'1"1 1•·r" st~ol't, Balboe., wbo bu tainted by Joatbeome disease, whose progeny must bear """------------------------+ ·s ANTA ANA !stration's policy of debt and deficits. With the 1\mount _of I ~:·.,: \~~li.S~'·~n '." 8:.:~:;d 11~': ~: the mark. of h1a tainting unto -the third and fourth gener- moriey in circulation ten timea What it WU a few years ago, tut~UishM l-'ly1ng Crou , accord· ationa. and the n•tional debt equal to the entTre valuation nf th<' 1 ~· ~ t•• nronounc·•'ntt·nt by the War What thia weary old world· needs mo~t of all today for countrv there IS a real and nn&litive dangt'r of Inflation '1' "11 1111' nt. MaJ"r Spencer wu the redemption of 'the home ami the weeding out of th_e. • ~' -• Y-~ , . I' I • 1 l"''~ly 1111 nr.Jt'(l the Sliver ltlat would bankrupt mnety-odd per cent of the Anwm·an ,..1 11 1 .. r ,.;au11ntry 1n acUon o~r .divorce CUJ"'e wtych ia making a tnv~ty or mar.riage ia a people. The Government's policy of price control WH!-. in-: II 1..,. Th·· lltr r. 11h11 hllll been tn !'eat sex equality: ·not. the equality which would dr ag wo- \'Oked to prevent inflation and h u hlld a good cffN'l. It • '·11' ~· '' 1,.,. r .. r th ree year~, •• a "'en' do ... -by ..1t...-v them the "n....rornatives" of indulgence . ~ . . ''" pf Mr and l\lrs S C Spencer ,.. """ l!!i'"UJP , .. -,., •• s hould be continued •. along Wtth. other preventi\'C' mt:>:\Httrt·s , ··f B:<luna. . claimed by men, but the equality which will bind men ci('signed to save the nation from disaster. I -. · 1 hrough a higher 11tandard of h onor to deny themselves th~ ----• u sm:RJ.t: OHSA~ION • immunities which tbey refuS(' to women. I. (' .l.·s~····, 120 24th etrcet. I ._.~ON~AD _SHOOK_ CONTRACTO R ANO BUILD ER CCMPL£T~ BUI LOII>LG 5£R..iu:.£ . P~O~t: N•.Y.P'?~, 103 4&.J 2r2 M•••N• ""' BALBO A 191.A ND', CALl,., ... The forcible eeizure of the Montgomery Wnrd mai l , .. 1 t,u .. w 1r Ill' w11s Lhe vic-Mother's QaY-ia a time to t hink on these thin~a ol"d('r store under ordera of the Prt'8idcnt ipvolvcs a \'ita 1 ' · ' " l'l ·u t 1• .•I Juk·· "ur whet.het t imc t l> bring home to conscience our own responsib1htaes .._ _______________________ ..,~; ronRtitutional question that will dovbtless be rulrol up~.n ' "'' ,',' ~1'1 '1"111' ~·,x,,~nnatl<tn .~.holulnld for things as they· stand today. And all the red and white ---------------------------·----~ • '· • 1 " ,., \\'un1en • h. h 1 da by th<' S upreme court. Defenders of the t'X<'('IIliw'!' •lirtn-, 1111 .. 1111 1111,. his yard sat -carnations that load the nir wi\h fragrance t IS o 'Y y, torial action are now pointing to th(' fact that Mr. Rl'lll~('· •' It\ I .... hi. lf'lw onystcraoua do· 1111 the t ributes that Sound from the pulpits and n ash from V<'ll i~ submitting the re!uB&l of Wal"'lfl to o})(>y ortl!'r!' (If ., •· · 1''1 H u pair of pant· ~>rlitorial ni'OS, all tbe tender letters of devotion from lov- For Build.ing and · Repairing Information •• • I '\" lot.~.~~ .. 1 s and two al r·-;find 11 the Labor Relations Boant to th~ coun !'!. That iR whrn· , 1,, ~-1 .. , ~11 Ji:'s.'\~e·a report ing sons and daughters scattered over this broad I -:-a the quel'tion helonJted in the fint placC'. but it Rliouhl.n11l ' 1 ~ 111•· .. r the arllclea these will count as ndthing if tomorrow S('CS no newer, high - be forgotten that t he President did not tako.~ the mattrr t.-. ·~· ,. .. ,~. '1• hi' laid. E.>r ~ealty to the holy cause of true freedom for the Mothers court until A~ federal tr.oo~ uncier hiR nrder!< hn1l T\'l't,·r "\t:t:Uf:Q of M~n. W.ALTEn S. SPICER, Owner ~Wi7.t'-O t he property and forcibly ejE'cted its mannJ!<'r In n r~, \\' ,. I'm• sulCI RAtioning _ ___._ JIEWPOBT BEACH ~t al£'mC'nl on the controven y Attorney G.•nE>rnl Rirlrlll' !'lli1! 1: · 1' I •I .Hflll•.•.l Is to urgent need \RF. \VF. JlOINO OUR BEST! Sll St••• Hi,t.way _ "th<' rourts ouvht to '"'ield to the Pn-RidC'nt" in t"e disputf'. '' I 1 ''l'''~ '1 "a!' ro•ported today -...... In""uatr1a1 Ne.,. Renew. fL.... t. --·-Bag District bumber Ga. .... , ...... .. J 1' t., :Ills llunothv Sut.n.ri&Ad, JJ!· '1VI" ute u •t -"'" •• It is Clf ar t hat Mr. Roosevelt still holds to th\' illt:'n rhnt till' I,. 1•;:1~ l~or T.h,. .lfipllcant . Two mort' .tates have joined in lhf> movement to put ----------~---~----------- executive sho,ld control t he courts. thnuJ!h thf' r;)n!'1i111-'· ,,, """"'1·••1.:,. of shorthand, 3 t•eiling on the· peacetime taxing power of the ~eral -~----------------------,-~ HJO tion definitely divided tt)e .,JlOWf'MI of th<' r.~df'rnl J::O\'I'rn-hill or "1"' C.ln lrlkl' dictation "0\'ern .... nnt. Tn addition, propoRals arc before Congresa to I • t ''""l~t \\II h f1 hn)!' and JX'I'IOn· ,., n 1.. 1 ment into three distinrt and indeJlf'n•knt br:tnrhrR thf' r1 , ,.nt.11 ts, a .. n,u.·h the better. ~implify the tnx laW. .. -Both are const.nu;tive and necessary · . Elega· ~· t -Gl• fts legislative, executive and judicial. ' : :"J,f"~ ~ut h.•riMd s:~ld. The poal. ~ --.......,..-• II l•n i~. lla•t"r "_'_''II ~rrvlre. s tcpajn the n~<'antime, ·the Fedl'r~~ debt is rising so rapidly OnE.' of the popular questions 0f disruRRion i.n hich-m:tt •·•·~·~mR:sT that other th\111 a few fiscal experts, no one knows t~e debt brow <·irc~heseo days is, What shall we d0 wilh thl' ·rrt•r· P "'"h•· r · :O.I n'""· did tntal unless they read a Treasury ,report each morning. mana, nfte We Wt'n the wa'r "· The anSW",... r11n :t, Jl a (' \'".1~' ' 1 flo: I "1'1• 11 ~·,,u 1\ 1•rr ~·oung ?' 'f " aw.-t.s the rise in debl tO halt for yeal'8 n 'L I~ t n " \1 1'1 I. 'I Ill llft :llol l uld. dear.'• .•• nrt'over. no I me ....-....--. from the sublime t o the ridiculous. Some S<'ntimrntnl th.-r r-t•:tll~:"htl'r~ "An•t w•·rt you ,\'rr to come. TH('Rt' are fac~. . . , k f lata would slap the offending Nuia on the wriRt~. th••n r<'·. •·a,h,·J. Cor It ?" • It is alRo a fa..ct that the country Ill enjoymg 8 pea 0 build their cities and .loan ( !) them arhple cApital tn ~-1 1,~1,"~'~\ht>~~·:·s. •lr~~r. 1 marrt<'a rr0~pel1ty without preced~nt .• A visitor from Mara A=~~ sume a peflceful, productive lite, Othei'R not innuenrr•i b\' . not be blamffi for oonclu4ffi$ that as far as mhollth. • 1 • " • till tc p rase BeDtimentality would· dWnember the Cknnan emp\r(' nn<i , :\II Orangt> CQUnty l':tns are conrrmecf. ''t?tal war ts. s a _ca h wln parcel out its Ianda and people te various nelghbnrin~ . 'Statistirl'. rompil~ by peacet1me standards 8 0 g statea which have_been living undt>r the Nazi 'l'oK(' fnr thl' ~Ia~ m·s for Craemer .wh,~ the FC'dl·~tl debt cannot be brought uader clo~r con· J • • • • t th lion ot p..f tour yeal11!,..ferha.ps the sen11iblC' rnu~ JirR ~om~'· T h·· pr.,m.~. m ,,,,, .lly ~uf'port· tr'i1J. nn.' an 111~ufficient answer . now o e ques where betWeen thetW two ext~mE'S. One thinJ: il'l a•rrt:un: '" ''' liHue F. t'rolo'nwr of Or-wh.-thl'r th£' pm ple are doing t~eir..tax be11t and the govem- 1! t.be .tatealen., of tht United NlltinM permit c,~, many t t1 .;.~~ ~~ ,' 1 ',',~t"'~.'.'r 1 :;;::,~~~·~'·1~~~ 111,.11t its thtifl ~ to nve t fte nation from· ~ankruptcy. continue her diabolical plot to e0nqU<'r the wor hl an.J ann 1 ;<lo I' .•• ,II• I ,, •hMihtn IIU!t --- for another war they will be as guilty as t~ arch ron!'pir -"''~·I< "'th lh 'llmnun crmrnt R<'m m·aJ .,f certain food producl8 from rationing put I -.... ti . h Th tll •l lht• " 11 •'1 .. nt 1111 t.h(' Clllt'll I ,.r·,~n 'tn bl.'ll k market operatior'ls .• lt also cut down the atora theJDII.:! vee .... wv mel! Ill f'nou~ . e peace S<'ttle· sn lhl'. ,..,,11nt~· ""',.. f'Uhllrly an-.. ..., ment muat provide for thf' prompt execution of the men 1wunc••d lht'lt ~Uf'f'Mt or t.ht da•manl for ""me of the prodtl£~ affected. Human ~ture who have broulbt uutold mleery, loa of life and destitu· hl'lltlr rounl~"''·ont" In hit race l>dng what it IS. folb don't want what they are told they •, Diamon~s • Jewelry ·Pearls , Watches • Clocks· Silverware· • Dresser ·Sets "-()4i.. AtH. R. Trott's , . Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Phone ssH~ BUY U" 8. WAR BONDS! -A to Cl\f'lurc the nomlnauon tor tion to • war~ ~ I UnltPd 8tatea Senator,' can bave. ~----....:.--~-:-----.----------: ..... ... ' \ ' .'• Exceptloul Seona Made.By Loeai)Jea on Rifle Baap. COMt Gaud &Dd P ... port for OompanLM B &D4 C. calllaniAa ldeaUfloatioa, 1-bOQ.( ~lee State ouUd, CODtala .._. _.. Portraits at Muible price~. cepUODally .,ad ~ eo. c:ord1DC \0 npoN ~ ..... from the NCMl 14-~ ..,...., at Sant.lap rUle ....,..... -ln the cJu. for .JI caUbn rttiM Bab7 Pbotoe, IDlarvemeDta four men macle a econ of • ell· ADd Pllotoatattc Copiea l't'Ct htta out ot a poMCble 10. The ebanape wer. R~ll QCb. lOOn, Lance Vlrwon. 1!. ~~'reach ucl Georg~ Spink; Jr. Otber· I'UiaDeN- up, none or wbam .,.,.. far ...._ hind. Included ~~~ Mak .. J, 48; ·c. LloJd Mwwon. 47; a.o.w- Barb.r, 47; Harold Benedll:t, 47 ; R . A. J~. ttt-W. W. 1114- dldon. te: W A Hatdl, tt; P'iulll Temple, t1 and "Bueter" ~ey, 41. • WIIJIVJTI YOU TO VISIT ·Mack & Bl~ck c.t If frilndslip CjfFT SHO' '==========' ln u.e .30 ea1f1ln dMIIoD tap . • -.xquma place wu taJ&• _, c. Lloyd MD· eon wtth U lllta out of 10. OtJMn In the Mover 40'' ~ ._.. Mar- vin Brown, tt; W. A .. Ratda, .. ; Lance v~ .a; a J'nadla. •: R A J~. U ; lltuart l*lal, 43; ft~ll Makely, U; W. W. Mtd41~ton, 41 ; Harold BeMdlet, 41, and Ru.eD .Oibeoft, tO. The men a1ao had eome ~ expertenoe. plt.cbJat lbelter ~ and through 090JienaUon of u.e Armf'a 1Mth Mecha.Jt~Rd Canl· ry ~na.t.anee ~ all memMra of the two pa.rtlciRJtN In flr1111' .ao calibn carbln•. the n-OU'an4 ritlel and 'Miompeon ~mMtatne ~ 11nd were lflftrueted In a. ot UM eo .millimeter mortara. 'Mio.e p.rlletpaUn~ wer. Capt Willi a. Jl'lelda. Firat Lt. Robert R. "rat aiot. Harold ~ srt ~n on.on. lilt ~ a Glbilon; Cpt.., KAlWa • BNwft, Stu~ Diehl, Ru...U. ucl C. ~ ... _,::::.:=.!:!!~~~ .... 'Munaon: TIS Howard RaD; Pfe. .. Oeo~ Barber, w • ll'reftell. w. PBORSSJOHAL CAIU>S • J . "BaPr'" Oooebey, ~Jr .. Jlt-.11 -----------------:-----.~~;:=:~~~~~~~~~~u~~f'·~.B 111~: Dr G E W . .lfatdl, R. A ~ tme-, ' l r ' I ': • • • Ill Oqw.t, .:m.t c. ..... na- PB'I"mCIAJf ... ~ -·- - "'---6 li IIIII .. W. Spink, Jr., W'. W ,._,.., a L ..-Ill SL VlNon, Jl'ierey W'Diaa. • , at •• --:-Tli4! fwo 1oc:a1 oam,...S. .,. ~~ -.w a.a -.a now comple~J 01 aad oppoatua- • M --· .a ....... I IU. for enU...._t ue .aD available · Dr. Obed Lucu I1Tnder 20' Clubbers WIWI ' Name New Officers ..... s.-.·. ................. o..ea .... ---...................... ........ . . Former Realtor Here ============== Married at PasadeQ.a Zona .. ~PJ· CliniC• Many loCal btenda wU1 be .ur-I IlliG prteed and pleued to team of tM marri of Frank L. AndreW~, a...a ii•iiiii .. .-.--ll?ormel;fy a · promTnm t Corona dti ......... ......... Mar r~al .tate )l_roker, Wbo 1ut 11J*e 'l'llenpJ week claimed .._ ht. .bride lira. v..-~ GertnJde' Plcltatt of San 'Martno. Followtnl' tbe, w~. wbleb took place at tbe Firat Prdbyter• tan cllurch of Pa.eadena. Mi : oancl • •••• ---..1-TW .. A~ lett· by "'ptane for Meltlco City where they wfll qe1HI their hon~ymoon. fii~~~~~~~~~· Mr. A.Ntrewa, \l'ho formerly,._ 11lded at sot Jumlne annue and • _. L. • .-~~... _ _._ opt'ratec1 a real e~tau omee ·UIU.. ~ 819 Cout hiJ'bway wu later eon-(.._.. ..... --, p I A.-I n~ted wit.b tbe ;..._.,_ Coun._ ...::.;.-~~~~~~~~ Title Co.· At p.._;;tb; 18 ~ 01 z01 • 1 1 rtrt the rent control cll.,_.on or the ..... $ 111 8 11 .. ' A-Otnee of Price A~rauon at I .. I~ ..._ Paaaden&-o.-...... I'IIONK: !Q:WPOaT .... fi§ 1.-Ql..a at 11arne o1 AWAIIDED AD& AL ~;;;~~p~-~~~~~o.trad~~~;;;~ Lt. Hup E. Dwlla aon ot Kr. Mra. 8 T Dunl,ap I 1JO .A..,_ lone avenue, Balboa lllaDd, bu ~n awarded the A1r Meclal tD ~Uon of b.l8 ..me. wtua the P'frteenth Anny Air ·J'oroe ID Italy. A citation accoin~ UM m.rdal atated In ·part that 4lt wu awarded for "mft'ltoriOUI adltft. mf'nt In aertal ntpt W1l1Je partle- lpaUn~ In w.talned operational actlyiUea qatflft t.be eDemJ." Lt. Dunlap. wtf> 18 a bqmbv- ,. dfet. ente.red t.be Nrv1ee Oc:t. II, ,.... Jlfewpen 111 1942; u an aV1&Uon cadet. 0.."-a .,...,..,., o..ta.' M-DINORY IIQII:8 '10 n.- ... .- ~ . _.~ . -• ..... .... -.: . ··:. • A'l· '·AIT 232 . . -14 ··•··BLOC:ic .. I . • • Bave Jldced, .. Benlaafte .. let 0.1: Lot--Price 1 ....................................................................... $l,M,OO S ............ -........................................................... M.OO 5 ......................................................................... '750.00 ·. Lot z 4 (j .,.. ....................... : .................... : ..••••. oo . -·oo ................................................................. ~ . '100.00 otoooooootoooohoouooooooo•oooooo .. ooooooooooooooooooo-•-•-••--- "' ............................ .............................................. '750.00 9 ........................................................................ • '750.00 R ............... , ..... ····································· I 0 ...................... ~ .................................... -... .. 100.00 . 880.00 ·, 8ll0.00: . 11 ............... !:....................................................... '750.00 J 2 "' , "'A""" """"'"'"'"'"'"'"-"'"""""••-"''" IS & Por. 15 : ........... : ....................... : .. -...... 1,000.00 14 & Por. 18 ................................... -...... : :: \.' I ZONE R-3, Permitting either Single or Multiple Resident,ial Uee. . RESTRICTIONS ~Single-Family Residence to cost not leu· than. $3,000. 0 ~ Residential-Income: ----~-----w~~~~ Each Unit to coat not leu . PoRTION -·oF BLoil( J) . . r r r 5EAVIEW ' r Av~ ' r ~ REME~Ttiese. ~re-HILLTOP LOTS-Cement st'teetJ, ~urbs . --.-.------.ari'd sidew,alks in· and paid_ for .except on Dahlia ; Pi ace·, ··which is a private street. · REMEMBE~Only a · SHORT TWO.·BLOCKS from the bluff ~ _ over.looking Newport, Balba Is.Iand, Newport Bay and the ocean. · · · -. . REMEMBER-These. lOts are "TOPS" in Location, Price, Terms -and --Resfrictions. For: years we have had many, many prospective buyers "beg us'' to selJ individ- ual lots in this Block, but all such inquiries were dec'lined This i8 our. last block of Jots above the bluff, an<J at the sales prices hereinabove set out .:;/ they no doubt will sell quickly. . REMEMBER-THERE ARE ONLY 14-INDIVIDUAL PARCELS REMEMBER-·Each parc~l is restricted t o ·single Pamily Rcsi- . . deneee to cost at least' ,$3;000 or Residential ... In- .. . ' com~ with each unit cpstin·g at least-$2,000. See Our Tract Salesman, Mtl E Rhoden · .. ~ . .,._-.... Jaffa a'l COBONA Dal. .... t I ... . REIIEMB~We ,aJso have Bt·autiful . Building Site. and Sand IAts on the BlutfH and on: the SaNJ Beaeh on· both fh~ . Bay anil Ocean· Sid~ of C10roU del Mar. BUSINf_;ss IA>TS, Rf;8IDENTIAL IN~II£ ·and SINGLE--.FAMII~V -~ESIDENCE LOT8. Ask Mr. Rhoden .. ~ He wJII Hhow. theJ;n to you ud tell you about them. .. I .. _, .. r • . ' ., 1,100.00 . . ' BOPBRTI£8,_·1· C.~ 7a••• e ..... le. . I I ,., .. ~ • '. -I 10 • ---lSA .. --· •• - ·~g_ ·to th id'• edt- .ton ~-- ....... ....... ..... .. ....... .u .... c-:.~- .• Oear .. ......... '-~~ . &A......_. . ,.,....., t.M ..... ..,... ..... '-... nMrt tal. • ulllld tD ...IIIUre oil plant,...., ellltlon.-. Jclu"' c.'OUld 1lrr planllfo .,. .. ...-~ ., "'"'"'''* · e th~ m"'"' an•l .l11mrt1 . r ·~fl llunt-- t Y• Ill lilt w-.ll ll)f' II Hf u.- t IHJIIf' wu "''. ,, -u. .lrf)( WUII ffl ....... tGINIA •' Of JCMIIIH&trll .. ,. In Jww 1M ""rn~ ,. ry wu umtt - CII'IIy oa, . ., ... ,.. .rrl bon 1 ve,... the& • mflrtl .,.-....... ~. II tf• Uywood .. at lfr • ,_, IOJ-- : .. .u.-... .. ...,.. ••ca,al"''l ...... ~. ....... Patneta to ........ ., 11ft.., ............ ,.~ .......... 11hr ...... ... J .... Harrf.al ... U. a. MUine C ,.....,... ...., ... .._ of Jllewpart l .... --... -.ole• ......,. ..., ta'feta ..... wttll Joae bodl ............. *IU&N M llldlt eD41q' tn a.-up .. u .... ~ eap of Due' ..... ...can'l.ecl a whit( .,et1a a' white ordl~ ,.. Rw. Heoo ._ .-vice tor wbl< tlftthtr, Lt. Guy H. ,.._ Itt. po.t at 8acftmenlo, t.o ~In ........... llarfvet Hennlnt wu lbe bride'a on.ly , a 80ft pUIIl Wleta tnt' • bouquet ot' pi and blue delpblnlux du-.. tl'e bdde'a : .• ~Y~ tbe weddiaa f"''WW'ed In blue ~~ wore pnt.Giu In he . Pvt. 8m.ttb, tbe ao Mra. Patncll HarTle o ...... uat.led b) o·~-. who Ia 1ft.. Pert)'. a fOriD4 .................. ~-I •nuc.. ... boUt •. ..... ,... O:IUep. ,., Ia .a.o a.,..._, CDIIIp ot Jf ....... ..... Mr. DaNIa &..";2 , ... Tl Ev"" Ut J !EGj . . FO TRA We haven insure com ol tM law ot all ·fonn completion Remember, read)' t~ • ~tntlne , . cefor comp .ttanntng _ 1 TlrYMt ef ) will be at1 .,,~ IE.J ' , - ~ .. ..,., .. .L .. • ,. ~ ~ • --. .._ ...... -- • .- I • ") I I . PRESS .. Page i c. ,., ~ 18 .......,. a ~---------------------·--~-. RATORS 'Jttu~. a-J 'Jttu~~~. N~ ~:::.~ ..:-=. -:-...: TELEPHONE OPE .--:::~: •. ~ .. ~·::~: •.. ~~~~:: · ..... :".'::: :-"~·:,.:·~~: ·:-: ::. -... """"' b t. l 14 av~nue, wu h--. ,-..,_, at NEEDED (••l l .B•·Ilth clly It rary. ~ _ DOW baprovlng. • a meetl~ of CapUla C1rde o1 )fls:s L illi u .. nry ot 8eubore D. L. ~JIS .Dtamond ave-~orona del Mar . ollll'e "l"'nt thr week eDd wiD r.u~. llu ft1taraec1 rrom a buli· l trlo·wJs 1\t SRn f'~mando. C..ta tnp t. ...... Ore.gon. Mrw. M. B. 1>-oberc, 1101 ...,_ S&rvicemen and War Worke!! '7'e all depending upon our girls at the switchboards. Good pay while learning and regular tncreasP.s sima CAI.IFR TELEPHONE CO. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., ·Balboa · OR 514~ N.· Main St., Santa Ana. ' . --4J"tt'w, ... t,o. be ..... to- :-;, 1~ \J <\\'~ro·l··n Is. bulldi~ a Mrw. lt.oMrt u cknOn ur 27th r:Sa~ at a meettnc ol the 11be1J ,1· 1:: ''"K'' nt htll home, 301 l lt "el u~ on sumJay t or club book MC:Uclll. 1 ,•,nhtJ! 11\'cntw._eorona del lh:r· Mr. &Del Mn. Bllengcr of Comp tOll. . .... Apee .., .......... re- t&amed to Iller worll .t tiM P. A. Pabaer oftlce after .,.....,.. U.. put mc.aUa at 111u11. ,.. J). rnarr111ge llct'nle wu l..uect t Sltnt.! AnA to Albert Kirk R\ltb- ' r ford an<.J Ruth Emma Bel~, lilolh o! Balboa .. 1:<1" nrd li Burns Ia maJdq U· • 1 •II• l•l'"fr~ tu both the mt· '"''oJr and 111t•·rlor• or hill bome at • :to{l UC<'BI1 Front. ' M1s Elhl'l Guu~rd of t.be Oceall 1-'1 nfil huto·l, hall" been apendbl&' t ,,.,, w .... ks "·1th !rh•ud.e and rela- •:~t 11 •• RIH 't side. K R. .._ le butll.llng a ama1l ato~e ....... on h11 properly ct 1400 ._Yiew avenue, Coroaa de.l Mar. 11ra. PauJ lhnD. no baa .,... wttll bu' buabancl Ia New York . Mra. nc..c. K. Torrence, lU for tl)e put 41& ..--. Ia ..-.n ~7Uio· alJteet.--aa a Sunday rueet located at the' faaally home, Ji1 her -~ llr& B. t:. An•Ciera0111·1Conl a....ue. • - vf Lee .......... , Col. w. A. Batlllteon 106' VI& Leo Lllada ot Loll ~eJee QWtD ............. ~ ev.- lpcnt a--., With hl~ brother nl~ at a cliftaer puty beld lD a und **• 10llan.t ~d i:d.lth Balboa eate, mon • tlllaa 50 J'UMU Letertt., Ul ITtll atreet. • bel~ preeent tor tile atta1r. \1111 J •ohn Huk1..r, 112 21th It, L-..:...------------------=-----~· · , :t.• w•·••k .·nd . .:u~llll, Mrw Ma-Mr. and Mia. B. F Avo:ry have I,• I l~tll·,.rty uf H1w rst<le and M1M' mo~ fraa 1110 Ocean J:o'ront t.o ELECT JUSTUS F .. CRAEMER · U. S. SENATOR 1I 'A rD fo'Oit BY FRIF.Nl>S Of.' JUSTUS fo'. <.:R,\ ~!fo:H I 1 Pohttcal Adnrll~~ementl .. HERE'S ONE BIG RWOI w·ay TELEPHONES ARE SCARCE., lt'8 tfH. new 45,000.ton U.S. S. Mi.Nouri. m01t powt'nul fi Ahtinl! ship aftoat. It will I" any about J 200 tiolt'pllttn•·,., 350 milet of teh-pbone wire_ md e ahip-wide L:lltJe annound n8 ay1tfln. 1\ 1111tl.t :11.11 t>h. ~h·lru8e, W11c:. L.oa ~ Wbert thcy will be located at Ut7 6th avenue. 1 'hu r Warrant Offleer md \II' ·""'"" n .. ,., ... ,. (if Eul ceD· · ,1 "'''II•, ,,. ttl!' ()llft'!'ltl of a ., • ""'" ~~ •) :1 at St J oeepb :-;;.w liar hor 1 ··~•d,.nlll •ue lilr I""'' Mra 13111 EJ1' lll.dl! who ba!e 11\0Vt'd from Srm Prdro to Ill ~ n:J\'n (nurt 1111 \\'••st. Central "ve. 1 M;)" .. dworrls Is lln aviation me1al· ""''th In lh•• l'\AI'Y wlth the rat· lttj; or so·nman fll'lll clau. R f' Stark••y, boatawalna mate rtt ~I l'h t8A ~J)vnl •Sunday wlth his lll"lh• f· Mrs F o•nt Pl'llt'tl, S24 \\'o st Nrlqtl 11\'o•nut>. A (Tadu· u l o· l•f ll.trbnr II1J:h •chool, bofo•.., st "' k•' h:o~< bo···n stationed at S.111 l•;•j.:" io•r t1\11 yPars nnd f.'X· I" • 14 '" •h J• ••Ill ~,,.,n for over- ,, ... ,. a..•r'\A~ .... M •~ l loor o•lhV :lt. F11 rlnnd ot .\1"'''' •·' .J.j.,.;t.L..r or the' ~te I 1 • t• • h f 1 ·II .. ' ... unft ,,r thP f.,om•l• "' "' '\• "i•"rl f·lo•iu'h· r ity 1•1 "\' ., .. "'' ~· '''"'' d:'y" hUll , '' " 'h ;\I r ,,,,, :lin• J nhn Vo- ..t r: •'"''" Th· l r~ltor'll bus· • • I 1.1 ''"'""' ,\!, Fnrland, Jl <~• "•·'"!..~ ,.ffl•'t•l 1;l Monterey ·: I\\ I: .... " few daya an U.. 4 . c. Duc:lletta of .11<1 Cqllqw nenue, II&J~ la· land Tba Ducatta. were former1y prominenJ ~ or' B&lboa dati IIBd t.be .one of the family took ~ acUve 'part In lo· cal boat ~ Mr. and ·Mra. A:· C Penberthy, I U Ruby, heve been enjoying a welcome l'lalt 'trocn their, aon-ln- la\. and dauc'ttr, Pvt. and Mn. Helmut Foreater, w)o are Jlome brl~ny from OOiorwdo where PYt. 1-"oruter Is atiUoned with t.be Ski T roopa. '?.n a. Lynn Kepper, 708 Park fll'epue, Is w d· tD .be reooftr'l.nc s.aU.sCactvrUy follo.dnc a maJor nreralion performed Friday a t Sa~ta Fe\ hoepll.al In Lee Ang~­ lu Hl'r 4(m, Ronnie, II lltaylng with Mr nnd Mra. Harol<l Fink , 203 Dlafhnd ann~ae, durlnc her mlllhrr's absence. · Pl't Onn McXUlan 1au from Ft>rt ~ N.4'.-: for a nve-- tlay furi"IIKh tua p&rt'nll. Mr an<l :lfra. D McMillan, jr .. annue. He bu been for Hmont.ba. Corp. a ntpbew o( the Me- concluded' a ·10· bere and hu """ t n h11 poet a t Love Field. pt 'R,v Statford. eon of Mr Mr~ :-<e»on &Wiord of .e6 CARILADINE Y ~CRT 80LP Mlchat l O'Shea. magazine writ· ~>r, .hu purchaaed the 14-foot acbooner Bali from Film Star Jotm Carnadtne and tr havtng It rebuilt • by the Peyton eo. Tba craft.· which w~ built In lt1t by Mulloer Boat Co. of ' Loll&' Beach u a cutter rig, wu rebuUt u a achooner ln 192• by WllmiJict.on 8bJpyard. It Ia underat.oocl that Mr .. O'Shea wW uWise It u a carl-o boat for the lmport.&Uoll c& complttlon of the preMDt ·over- haul job the Ball will haft a ~ paclty ot 36 &one w ith a !tOO- mile c.rutatnc ~· . .~~~ .. y· l{t!w Spring Styles..,. ·Now Arriving Daily COle of California Sarong Swim .Suits OlJd New Play Clothes . OPI:N-OPBK ~---- JohDsoa's Caf8 BALBO_ A Under New Mana9ement 71; ftJitllll s;;;, 1111i~ll"f111 E11d w/1/; Iii H'nr Remember that Uncle Sam laun<'ht'd 568 war~hipt Jatt year--that land forc:a lt'nJlht!n thl'ir c:ommuui··a· tiont "ery mile tb.-y adun~n,J y~m wilJ rl'.ol i£(1 why th~ telephont' set• deeper into tltc_ war day Ly •lay. REnt rECEipts providE no SEcuri*y for thE luturfj but a homE o! . . . y~ut.~n uu1/ nta t\nu avenue, recently tele- phnned fr"lll Honolulu that be ex- prrts to I>· home aoon. Cap~ Sta f· f,rtl, wh .. •!! p&Jot of a B·2• Ub- •·• a l•lr h• .nber, Ia tbe father of 11 n 8·m"11ll\a.old baby daugflter whnm h~ 1\&1 not ~ atnce ahe wn~~ a W"•·k old Ria wife reatde. at Pasnol. :1&. Promontory Paint • • • ' A..toa aJwa,. U. oa.r.cl aehW opport.-The Arm• ancl Nan nN-d nery1hin! thf' n rll ~' -tr'rr f'an make--n ot jsut telepb~ eq\lfpmcn t, Lut mau' lr.irule or l'«n't electrical weapona 'a• welL Normally, we· haft l"fliierYe laci.litif'-. Out ~inr<' the•• National ~feoae pro«fam 1tarted in 1940. tht' numhr r of Drll Syatf'm telf'pbooet in ee"i~ baa lnrN-a~tl hy m ort' tbm ·~million: The rt»e"ett are about \L"C'olur. There'• a wa.itiq tut· now-.nd we'ft dolaA,eTt'!J:• thiq poeabJe to _lu~p that lilt from pttiot long<-r. · For ~pie, we'rt' crowdin~ twitc:h.board. beyond eormal eapacity. R('noYatintr eqa.i'P.meat tlaat caa·t he nplaeecl. Pvttiaa eftl')' r.cility i.Mo ~~enicle. U yoa la.nm't beea ab~ to p1 a telephoae. we're .-rJ• We'D AD yov order u aooa .. .,. c-. . .. ..,.., ... ,.,~ -~ IOtfnllaM CAllfOINIA YILIPMONI COMPANY IU ......... ~rlt&l '. ·Home· Loans T o b uy u! Reiinance Nf!Jwp ort Balboa Fe<;ieral Savings and boan Association 3333 V1a Lido Telephone 1500 Buy Wu-lloafl• . ..,.,~,, \\"h 11 11 .. 1 rna. who II wn·tnr "' Shn('mwker u a mOtor macbln· llll mar.-ttrwt c.l... recently 1'/lllll' h;•nw on a br1tf turlou,tl :r11ol h.-11n.t )Ira. Behne ctlebrat· ··d t.hPir •Hftl' ~~ annlver· Jlnry tn~:~taar .. ~ lila vt.it ln'T'\' t'hr f&mft7 Meo .-oved from ll)l'lr fntmt'1' laolne al 206 39th 11t r~et to t.beJJ' MWiy-purc:hued 1 ••l!ldc'no r at 1110 Oce.n · P'r!:lnt. ~ . ~omnHindef' ·and oKra. Mar~ lf,•aly nf B&J-. Taebt Club. who r<'~ntl\· ltsd .. tlliMr cliJmft' ~ rommnn.ll'r a o. ltoueb ol ad- l"l l Oj hlll't ,......,.. word \Mt tiM :-.;RI'Y fllftl\ '-...... eaiUftaM ol 11n Arm\' T~ .-1 aDd II , •. , 1·rn.· .. , ',....... At con~luelon of ('",,m,• .,_oudl'a 'llltt beft. tbt l!<'nh• ,,,.,......_at u....,. Ill' ("•• \\'fJl fM':r .,... .. Ma honor . · llltJ ud aaple rewanlu aa ......... b Mid ·-': a.d t.dtriduleUerp1aa. ftal'1 ••1 It' a IIIC. a qJMt CIO .. tr,.ft'l 0U jolt to keep It tll.at .... ,. • • • r11 ,.O •• I$SI~I UMlOM PACI.FIC llAI LkOAD • ·, ·' - --- '• .. . ,. • .. -.... ad "Xn. IAaeard e.taw.t: 3•8 Mont. VIAe ~ .,.. UN parent. ot a 8011 taom' ..-y at Bt. JOMpll Mllpttal. lk Ul( .,. ~~ 11-.u PA_IDNT U1RD - lt3t TWtaa ...... .,.. ..-n~tlnw --A~ __.u __ the ...-a& LM V"PL t"tt art lnJ \hat aht' worlll"d u f"'f.~ • ft#M 1 "'-an.S I\0\I~Hpcor tor Ule la\111 Mp. ...,....... Lon~. ltl Mac· flarry -M Grlrtith n-om Aprtt I. 8y 8\m IIJ'I'CIIJlAH Rottman alllo ectr-u ft!!U), Jam. R. Y.cOonDldt. ..a Vlo-noUa ......_ .. -..._ nut IIIU . u\11 ~ Ume ot Yr. Or1f· Uh.l you over Me an omce on lwl~~e raiN a loan rnr , MW ~ lor1a 8tnet. bu MeD l.....t a W'~ al • ~t~~~~ t1 C'11eta ttlh • lk-aUI lut Janl.llll'y H . Mn. a flab buat! All a pnera.l Uatnc !lr f'n~nf', pttyw bllle, wrtt.. let· -------------;;-------------JbuUct&.na permJt to enel a PliO lfN&. WRC. ~ ~ will JrMif' M. L.owe hu ·~t ault Ulr"' arto nu facUlUM aboan.l for ten requHUfiC drat\ 4et.l"ftMftt lin ... Tlaata. 111 JCut 1IUa M.L. YcOonnick, QO V~ dW.W... -TIIW1D a.... 1M .-& ..... ''" ll.ed Cro.a "~alna\ 'C'oroMr l:&rl ll. Abbey, tb4! laf"le an10unt. ot ltookk .. plftl and t'I>UNif'la In bualn ... and ft. lti'Mt, wW be .__.. '-on"•IW "t~ hu atarted erwttoe ~at • of V1etort&. &ep ....._ rublll' admlnllltrat()f, tor 11011.61. the tla!Unc ~ ae\AI.Ia, nan('IJI matt...._ at • --tt .. -o.f Ooeta )1 ... WO-$"""" ..... -... ' ' Mra Low•. who .,...... bet' ela&m Uoata • _ .. __ .. -•-'I'U. -.. ..vuv uwelltnc near the ·comer Oeori'a Onape. ar., JOIIt 'N.wpaft u. ... -JlJ~ Barwa vn a .w ... ot 1110 ~t.ll, • u~ra.e on • _.., .,.._,.., One of lila moat vaJualtle ..,.. of ThUTtn &ftmM' IIDd Vlctorta. ~artl, Ia aUU &a a crttk:al left~~ .... U.. A.._, rnan'a 1-"o·b 24 blllf'.S the wmlftlatralot bua. and reco.r4ll mtat be llep\ IN'il Ia the maU Of'4ep ·~· Kill R W B&.rUne Ia ~ Mra R H Hawley 3M 2lat • ~dlUon followlAI & ltNb _,.. ~~~ ......._ ultt~ 4rlL Jvr ttwt t\&.11 amount to lNt ~ ~\!ul~:~f 0::~ ~ It a n.h•rman pula Into M · tbrfe ....U at tbe bome ot ber il maktnc an exte~oea etay at fered• 10 daya IC'O-He II nceJY· \Ira. ...,_ • _., ,,.,_ Bcoulab ••d •aaln.t Mr. OrtrtiU\'a Mtate wdl .N Ul" buat llban an~ t.be nthf-r port, he \'aft l'ftall "'-.,.. IDO&Mr, lin W 0 WU'd ot, )lar. Oneida, N Y, wbere U. II traD-In& trealment at liD c;>ranc-...., •1-ndoa, .....,..._or lb. an.J Wra '"J wu two da)'ll tater reru..ct llt'l abaft. WttAboldl"• taa llort of U\r trtp l<' Knrtrnan wt.o lllii&Utoowa, ICIIWL u ctl"• buahi-__ .. ... ..... __ llama. JoiLD a.m... fill Dt& ~ &V'l'· b<'r t'lalm, alw alated. .,. "''Ill f'ntf'r II Oft ta.. tlooU aad -. ll&•a•ltn•Nn.a .... , .... M..ct .... •o.w.. ......... ~ ........................ ................ c..w. ..... ,.,.. .......... .. ......... ttrN ..... .,.eltr.., ..... eN~~-.. .,_ ctLIMIA Ill ... .... ., ... ave ... _ __ .. __ -lal MCUrtly deducUou muat han\tl\' ariy other bu.len... tn ~ fri~da. • au. AJm IOddar 1ut week eDCI e-. be Nnlpulect' ud U.. p&¥1"'l.. eya. abaf'nt"e. -uAmbe-of .......... ~ .... -~ enJoy.d two daya ... -.-fi'08I lin. lllaDdlla Wallaet and .. _ "'U•EK'll <"Ltr8 '1'0 ....:T lrm· Ia further oomplJC&Ud bv u.. •"' •• ......... -~-......... ·---•·• "-I , A flwrman avalllntr hlm~~tlf m~n·• aUXJIIary have llclledulecl a her duU• u nurae at Oraii&W Iva Ooe .... ODeta Kfta delr· ....... ut.• to lbe Ancel ol ~ace" lal't Ulat Ule .nod-ot Umt Ill· of lh• cnntplete Hothnan ..,.._ meeting for thla eventnc at taM COWl~y bolpll&l,. TIM ~ wu l'&tea at Ule Mllual Calltomla· will lie tM lbem• of UN )"MY• \'4lh>el1 Ia n<~ver U.. aame. Money paya y overall \'harp baNd "" home of Mn Harry Anaenon 1M lpent with her pue11ta, lfr. aDd N ... vada ~• t tt., o1 ua. We.-final m~ttnc a\ Coeta M-ll'rt· JMUd out for operauq ~ a ,..H'Oft&bl• ~~ntac"e flue. or Eut lSUI atreet. . • Mra. Hubert KldcMr, 1110 WbltU. ntM'a Re;Uef o.rp.. lldd rl'C'ently •Ill)' Aftt~l'ftOOI'I dub, to w bead fiH'I, oil, ball. ke, ,...,. re_p_laoe··-···"" ni4y pay a nomlrl&l cUrwt fw avee~aa. In Loa ~ra. Wa!IAI'• wu May 11 at U1e clu~. It WM men\, e\r., mut alao be -111_.1•1 .. rvtt'M. Wra Grow 8 Brown o1 Gardena. M!U LucUe lnat&lt.d u a _,bu ot lh .. .tat.-allJ\\IUne'~ today by Mra. J . C wparatr ly for aacla trtp. 1r 1111 out-at-town tMa.t.-.,... former Coata MeA reatdent. wu Chrlatenaen ol O.l· board ot cMna&eft. . l l'a)'ne, publicity dl&lrm~. Lunch· Souu lblnc elM tw U.. ftaMr. to be '"•eat ....,uer at.J ........... ric.ha, 8 · D&kota, arrived 1'11.-, .-Qn ..-n·auona ~ld be mack man to worrv about 11 uaat be tln~H tn rmw .ft~ plana •--..--,.--~ at Use bo--Of bet" ----·•• D-. ,__._. 1 ., nf'at •ummrr to open bt'anala ol· meetln .. ·ot Ule Women'• ........ lety ~r :;:_ Petertl'bomae•·---1.,. ·---......... -,, onnl'r Cqlt& wtth Mlaa Allee P1wner, pllone may be In San Pedro or-.... "' ....... -~ n M -~~ ........... .._. __.._ .. __ 1 ~... tlcf'a In Ban Pf'dro &1111 Ban rw-of ChriiUan Servtce · · • -..__ ...... .... &tf'lJ '!c.1 JJ' c:nllrd y ~cl.d ~ "ater ~ ... v · atnet. and OD KODday been maJdnC.., lloiM at~~ "'"alurinl the .-lon will be wh,•n hl1 Income tax ~·diia wl h N~r\ remalnlnf the IMta4 'Wold Wrifbt. jr, eon of Yr reported for work u a ~· 8e&dl. WM In a-n 'I'Ue.da7 VIa· lh•• !nal&llaUon of new nttkien hill llcenae .-pl,._ Or Ilia draft otnc·e .. The all-ln·one temoa .. .. and Mra H~ld Wrifb\, 11110 A..ll· rapher at lbe Anny Air ..... lllJlC JU. ~. 0 . R. Crawwy, Hualf'Mea wUI be YMdam•• J:. 11umbf'r Ia call.cl. nfff'rl ftahermen Ia unJque In lkN· &helm avenue, hu ~ported ror Alter • moaUa'a ak!lr '•" and n&11D81'0Ua ~ He pl&ft.-SJHluldlftC, J. r. CooJ"'r, C H Rid· 1'!\e &\'t'rNw .n.benn&D Ia a lhrrn Callfomla 110 lar u I llftOW'. auty at the NavaJ ~ Ita--Capt. A.. C. A.Dc~e..-. lt1 i'Sow· nrd to leaw U... wwk on a , ••• !o•y and L 0 Bement. ...rt of ,~e1·upatlbnal lnjll.tdua.ltat. ae:':t ~ttiTI-=-=~ Uon ,Farracut. Idaho. er a\., reported tor duty ~ at caUon trip &o lleldco Clt.J. • · HI' arrow a Independent rollfnlr their attain h-om now M . J- Mr and lin Roy D J>urcbo, .-o t.be A.nny .Air a... He aDd lin. Week .... ...-. lllhto 1aocne oc PAIUl •·oaa t iNDU WAY aro•tnd on the OCMll day at\er C'n llll'flan, head nf WMl Oout tor the put aeveral yeuw bave ~deraoo receAt.l7 ~Wnaad b..-Mr. U4 MrL OUI Nlfta~r1. 1886 Jo'<•llowtnc • landacaplna plan da>' oonflnl"d only by 0\e lllort8oe. Pat'kf'n, -.,. "Hottman a. an u- been realdent. at MI.! Vletorta at. a waeka aojourD a\ fi&1m Sprtnc-<>ranc-a--, were (."r)'at.al 01· prepal'f'd by atudenta of Newport Hie -naUve reaow"'!<ttulneM ud N'l tn Ule ~IIIUnlty." Jut week moved to Lone Ba¥11 wbere t.JIIe7 tOUDd it a.cepUoa&lly 1100 ot Ol••*,. ud Mr. an4 Kra. Htr-bo, Union H(l'b actaool, five Go.l'l men·y arw wllat count ID • e e • wbere they a>eeeaUJ ptU'Cbued a bot. ' Glen 11.a..-~ .S.U,bltr, voluntMr workera on Monday ~-1101 m and hill ability to eatdt ft1111 MAIU.Df ·~ new home Gweaclol7a ot Hyaea. In ~ r an Ule taak of plantlnar taarared Ia lhf' l't'llult of Ilia own MnS. ·• Yr &lid Kn aeo,... Roet.Dal', uf Kille aw-dai)'ll'l lOth btrth·l t~t&ku lndlcaUnc "''hel't' eacll tree ~arned l'XJI:C'rienc.. Uke any lndl· Pvc. lilarpiM wt.o ,_,.nUy C V Backea, dl 11aort au... 307 A..nada aWD&III, bave ~ day &IIIIi..,_,.· a bowlucw cbkk· Ill to be located tn Coata Mt'M'a vhluaJiat hn a. aJief'l1c to ru., aold. lila rt>C!Of'd,.._. • ..._ t. lett yeaten!Jy to Ys.l~ ..., 10-eel a lot at ·16th atnat aDd JlecS. o:n dlnMr WM -.rvect wtlh a bUI'• new oommunlty park. .u.tatlnl' ruka and ,...,Watlona. tan.S Ia Pf'rft>Ctly laappy .._... year-old muher, lira Kary KeOtA· Ianda avenue from lira J . R. La-btrtbda c:Me ~bU the 1n thf-wurk wu J . c . Llonb&rl'rr, Wllrn lbe ttab .,. nannl,.. ... lwt Ia ..,.... n.la!tW-..Un. He Ia nla of Blue SprinP, Nebr., whom ~r ... l6U na.t&a aYaJl!M. It Ia ace..! ~ chairman of the park commJtt~; .-rythJn« l'lae -INI unimportant bually •f\l'&ll'l'd In ROIIIIWW UM he hu nbt ae«~ In 18 yean. TIM their ID'-'Uon &o move • bouM . "Slim" I(IJpatnck; Frt'd ll'lnch. And all the tedtoua little I'MpOft· IClA aM d&Unc 'her "P f« U.. vialt Ill pl&Med ... Jlot.Jilil'a Da7 Lo u.. P"'""1"8 aA4 IIIIUAP 1t .12' -Jlr. ud lin. Cillo. c.,..pe Jr, Judge D. J. Doell• and D . c. ·Al· albltl\1.. that ~umulat• wttJa ...... • e e aurpn.e. qu&l1en. 2010 ~varcs; '1nft • I ~vf'r)' puWI& hour for h.l.l lu4- _._ boata .... ..-.. at a pn•·MOU\er'a Ar lual planllnc will l'ttl under r oln« ltrotltej.-aft Ml~ftar:ul"-Gtr&..-Bft.-.II_GI __ _ A flcr many ~an rHlden~ at _,. .and Kn Bert era. ol lllD· .._,....., Cual& Meaa, Mr and ..,.. ·c H nt!apolia bave concluded a vtatt at Day family NWllon. · AutmiJbn& "''ay u ~ u the bolee may be .,,. Jl'tatwonn.,n have beooma • a.art.. c-an, OM o1 11o0ft Me Alary have moved· trom Ule home ot tbe latter'• parenta, for &JMI eYeDt were their aon·ln· dug and It Ia boped tn oomplde r naroeeed Ill tollowtftc a acbool ot MuUtna' <''"' Wlllo ....,.. .0 u.. y taw and 'claultllcr. Mr. and Kra. lhr work by tM t'nd of lhf' wHll. rtah that Uy>y have unwltUJII!y rtiABII!R V1 to MuaUu IMt home at ~ B~y to Lon& r aad Kre WaJtu 1'18c1Mr, ol .. _,pia Tayl aDd bab da....... l'"u de -•1 bl • hi th t•nt••r.d a rMtrle•.-.~~ ---••. d ~ I t t II I •-t I ... Bekch where Yr MeA.Iary hu 110 Eut 1tul .trMt. Yr era. Ia ....., or . Y _ .. tera. n are av ... • r .o re e ..,.. _.,. -·· ..... • n er, • n """" no M 1 wt ... purchucd an electrical contract· the )nventor ot Bcotda tape ud Patrld a AJIDe &11<1 Barbara Lee, nf'f't'Mary"labor. but •In~ labol"t'ra rf'l\'f'd a rew bullet bole& In UMt• nur .-d M\Pbor, ,...k!o, but lng bualneaa. hu 'aJao developed a lwnlnoua Kr. ~·· mol.kr, lira. ft r<r appal"t'nUy nnt to ~ hac1, It I• hull to llluatral& Ule tr1p. ""'-one ot bet' da&ctlt.ra. ~ I.M palnt to be uaed OD road llii'D&-Anna Taylor, all or Ontario; and t'ont.rmptatl"d that tM bulk of Olt' hr becomea eo aa.ort.c1 aa ftllll. olh•n rat\mMCI a.. ram&Jnecl ln Ulelr eldMt aaa. Tun& Grupto, d ud work wlll ha''" to be handh•c1 by ln~t that he to,..U ~l.lt&r7 re-MIJdclo. 1111rnec1 • M e~rt,... ot ~~~~.;KIM Yurtel Hat.eb. · ....... pbarmadlit mate at Hollvll~ Nav· volunteera. tolrlrtlona, )'nU eaa Na4Uy ... JIOQA, a ~ ,.........., Ell -... ...... "''ESA ....... • 11n9 'to wtk !hi ted'• :o ... mlt- pan·~ I c.'lllllltl 8 -i =.. ~ , .. _. - LOUCKS :-'llr 1lild lll'r10-1•-cHa:tdlrl•foa'_.MpltAIL hnw he miCbt forpt 4elmq.nt .anted a )1..._.. .-rt. · bu beell awanlecl a ---· 011'1'1~ .--. cno~tN-~Itr-.y-wre~lf-.11-1••"''7-"1,._...,._.~ .... ..,..1110. ---- (' 1797 Newport BlYCi. uf \Orllllge avenue, and anolber nao ~. 'Muak&l ~ DEAftl OF FAnta Mn Artllur LIP V-. lilt "'' llceua the perl&lUea for~ uti Scbola.rabJp by Redlanda un.tverwl· ,., .. LWl&D C. MeC'It'tland of drift, Ia 11v• but. .aupt cba.bef' not nearly eo deleterloua to COSTA WISA CHOOSI YOUR GIFTS AT OUR .. PYII.X WARE COUNTER IOUIU DUn CASSIIOU . ,.,-......... '""......,sa.... ....... Milly • ,..,.,.4 a....-.....n.. .... ~ .... ..__... ....... . ............ n... 65" .. -u•-.,at~r ,. · .. llAVOI-SAVErPII PlAR i.,;y pie ill till. ..-. Pyre. Pse PIMe IIMI ._. We fot 45 ...... Ja • 400. -· Fl.-d .. ~ .. ill , .. wet "-· H.d.,tl-'-l..t 45~ • Si .. , tO ltd . o.ly PYJU CAll DISH Not1ce. cOIMMM ..... haft. . .._, e.u. pM.a ~eye. ca. tot~ fer ......... ...... llrtJ either ~int-., ........ .,. A peir INht elowet, 3 $' ' gift. Ucla .' • • .., . . T E· WINKLE HARDWARE \. COSTA MUA . ~ ~d HARDWARE AND HOUS£HOtD DEPT. STOR1-5 ty. K!U Hateb. wbo wW p-ad\1· CQita Meaa Ia moummc the death for rt"COvery tollowW~ ~mer· lleaJua.. ate at Harbor Hlp nut -~ of her tatbar, Burtt. M. 'l'bom· C"ncy, operaUon perf~ed Batur· • • • · to auoU at &edla.Ddl ~n, 78, who ~ 8unda7 at at. day nlpt at St. TOiMpil boapU.S. IN Jn:J:D next fl'lt · Joaepla bcJapltal. J'lmeral Mn'tU.a ,.._ ~ 'WOI'ftaft ..-.. ~ ~t...._eUua~ ., were be.ld ~J at Ofana'e, the band bad nceelly purcbuecl a ml'n wttltout ~r Uma, p1aoe or Rev. ,B&mual ..-., otftdat.ID&. l't'a&dana and five ac.:rea In Ul• lncllnaUon for protnctec1 '-*· weet pert Of Coata u-and due k~pln«. · atl'pa A. c. Holtln&n Qt."AunJID. PAL\'!1WOI'D to the lmpc.eibUlty of blrtnc labor wllh a aervlce deaqnecl to nc1uoa Pvt. Manual Alvares, -ot abe bad been awlat.lllc IWIA &A ,._ or, l"t'move th-dltfteUlU.. ~··- Bet Vemon YatAewa, 11103 An- aheim avenu,, Ia already aervtq tn the European theatre of war atur bavine been tranatured O'OIIl YM local .Anny AJr B&M to Gn!ell.llboi"'~, North .carolina, &It) a month aco. Hla wife and two deuchten, Nadine and SonJa. wt11 eontlnue to ft\&lte Uaetr bome Emanuel R. A.Jvare.& of e-ta dec::oraUnc the ~ 'and ptUna Hortman wu formerly wttll Meaa, h&l wciil ~ r1pt to ,......,... to -nnt. -Wh.at woclU.II,f ~ Sbdl Marl"-Dock wtMra a.. the wtnp and )OoU of UN U. I Frtdey abe .uttered .. vera abdon\· hoot'ame famlllar with U.. ftllllln& ...._ M u1 •-.a 1lltl- A.nny Patatroopa. the bCJ.Dor baY· Ina! paine ~IUdt a Pf\ywid an dl· 0('f't and Utatr proWeme. A.,_tr~=~~~~~~~-~~i bere. • Inc been CCIIIfWftoct ~ IIAa ~-ac-d u "palftkt'a ~" Aft· a y.., qo -... aat up an o1noa ceMful, compleUon of tour weeu er Ule paJ.n• bad faJJecl to aubel4e .,n Lata)'eCt. Aft. Newport. .. a Paul Yyrebn. 8011 ot llln ll:lln 1(7Nbll, ua 11ut nu. ....._ re- eenuy. ~ted ....... .-0111- Jump t.r'a1JWIC at P'ort B lac. In a r-uontble 1acUa ~ tinie 1•ubUe account.ut, nOtary &1111 ta.a !J! M! •alllia• .. a.. Durin& U.. t.ra1JU.nc lila aMI .... WM ntiMd Lo U.. hoaplt&l raJ*'l. Durtna U.. year 1M deft&-........ ....,.,,.. "" ,._.,. ,._. a ..... • ~ ll WM f I diM a ._... 01M"4 11Ua .,.-Jt.J' .......... .. 11a1111 e 111iM 0.... a A ...... Ule 1ut taet.tc.J.. ,_. at IIIIM a. Iliad -... OWMt'l e1 .-a ... 'ipllt.-..,._ 9¥1 ,.... .... ~.,.~ tba Brady W~. promlnf'nt California set. Bobby· 0 . 'rileant, 21·,..,.. •u. W1al.ul 8. IEHIUN" old 8011 or Yr .. a8d lira. 11aJT7 \'JCIUI OF IIJ:AIIT A1TAClll -,--t'l'lMI,illl-el.. Ut ~-lltnat. bU , J'uneral WrvlC'f' Wnft bl'ld )'H· 8tatf 8,t Dona&cl Stearne,, -been &W&~ a aaca.d Otlt al-,r.rolti -Gl"&Uf'l ctl&pt'l or W A. 8t.eama ol PaJ1aadta rd.. C!uater for ment.arioaa adUne-tur Mra Miriam 8. Jf'nklna. 18th llu been awarded two Oak Laat .,ent on 15 ........._ Oftr enam7 •nd Whllt•~r aw nul'. who dl•d clutera In adctlUob to the .Air EufQIIt'. The dl&Uca accompu~y-Saturday mnm1n1 ,at Santa Ana c:onterred aome Ume qo. 1 t.M rd ,....,.. 111 _ .. "11M He aJreedy ... to bla erecllt mon "'' &WII .-.: Community huepiiAI u fi'IU it 01 c:ourace. r~ ad a1dU ella-a •udden hurt attark. Ulan 1200 houra l.n the ~r. In· play~ by lhla enUIIted man upon Mrl. Jt'nklna, whn wu a na. cl~ more t.ban tOO bclun ol u.e.e OC<"UIM& reflect mat c:ftd; Uve nf SaJt La.kt' C'lty, h'd been combat an duty ln the 8oulb Pa-It upon hlnuelr an4 the ..,ed a rHident or coi't~ M•·N for tht ctfte, w~Mft be Ia now atatlonecl u fore~ or l~ nJ~ 8tatM." pul 10 y~ara Nh"!' wu 1\9 yn.ra Wedctble ~~e~a. wtn nac • Sundey, Yay 21, for 11taa Oeral· dine ~rry. daqtltn-of ilr tM lira Grover PerT7 ol Lon& Beach and HuctJ B O.vta, eon of )(r and lfn Roy L O.vta or 1843 •· Harbor bouli'Y&I'd. ~ eeremoay wiH take place at oo.ta u- CommunJty dturdL Kl.ta ~IT7. wbo ,...cl.d at · eo.ta K- lb~t ber acbpol daya, -..~ formerl;t acUve In JOWl& people'• cburclt 'attain laen. SJl.' 'J1wouret . &a • ~t.e ot or qe. In addiUqp w h~r huaband Ra~ Rl~tll aellool aad prtor to Wlnard ouy J~nlalna. .a.. ~ aur- enterin« the aemce In January, vlvf'd by tW<I "''"" and thrf'e 1 HIJ, wu a lllliietmetaJ dau(btf'ra. A nUwn :r. Mllrtan' aM at Dol&«lu .Alreratt. J~ or Coal& Mua, Charlfla, U. 8 Martnf' C'orpa, •n•l 'Mra MarthA ROME ...... 80. P~ PriWI'rl, Lon~e Bcoa.-h; alao two Aftf'r ,...,.,.,.. ln. lite llou~ allltl'ra, Mra ~lar• l'ttla and Mr• ciflc for HI motJU., lfaabr TK1L Wary Rld••r. bt,th M F.urf'ka, ~· John Ntaun~ Oil Ute U. 11. lTlah. and IIIII' ~tran11rhtld. Kart~ C'nf1lt uri...S at 11&11 Dt· Dr. Robert 'nurttll Mr Aulay nf · eJt'l') lui 1l11Jrecla)" ~ lte ... Ule Firat rrcllbytl'rllln dlllff'h ,, ml't by hill wtfe., 111"1. Et!lel 0 111 ~" C'Ondud•••l lh•• ~r\'I!'R, In· Su:ruin "r eo.ta ...... Bet· Nu· tennt nt bl'lnjt al ~-Airhav .. n rrm· BtU Keltb. aon ol Yr and lira zum. wh., parUdpated In Ute "tf'ry. Charlea A X.IUa o1 Coata u ... hlll llrs .. r Guadalcanal, Bou«an· -----wu l'eeently lllduetN mto Out villi' An<i M\8tdl aanect wtUt aucll I'W'IF.SCT. IIIIOAIK'N!n Army and after 10 daya at Fort diat1nrt1"n that 1te Nedved lbe M~A.rtllur wu Milt to Vlrltnl• lA"j!'fnn nr Merit award and tndr· where be. II now lt&Uooed. Hla \'ldual r1talJaft. A lecturl' •m lht' IJUhjl't'l ''C1\rl•· ti&A Sci••n,.,. 11W' fl•·v,.latlon <If Divine f'nP.,·tpl•·" w ill bl• r•llln· ll~...u.n. ..... now &I'OUftCI .. rv~oe. ~ .. Jl«"f'nt tor Ule ....... OarM nnmmlaaloft tat '-• _......,. ... ___________ _ IIN'n-, AVID« lbe flaiMnnan e trip to .San i'.dro ]fft lrNpll Ute ahlp'a recorda and IJIPM oUt•pa,. rnlla. - tlr hu df'rtM'd a prtnted form r ailed ','Ji'lahf'rman llban R11port" whlrh. Whflft filled out. Ia a com· plo•tf' rl'oord of an lndiY1dual trip II •hiJW• In conc-t.,. rorm, tnoom" r,.nm fltoh aalf'e, bnal renla.l. r.har· t,.r p&rth•a, f'tl', operatlh .. rxperu.· •·• nt the trip and paym .. nla tu thr rri'W, l"tth IN!f'Urtty and tax dottlu('tlflrw. 'the form Ia 110 almptt~ that t COUld atrno.t ID'Icter.t.tiWI 1&. ~ ftD liON IIAJif ........,, IM.A 7 t.I'JrTCIIIJifO .. Shell Marine Products ATTHI SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL wife, the former Peru Storey HI~ '"""~ In Ute 8tatee nn And eon. ~1 • .,.. ,_~ W1tb M11 v 4 proY1ded an lnlei'Htln~t Mn Keith'• pannta, Mr ud Yn l'ninrhll'no •. In the OIII·N\dUm Jamea & 8~y. 2788 fAmily Mra. Muaam'a moU\er, ~t. Ptt Ketth hu a brotlaer, .Mn~ .ll'lhn 0111, poatmuin I'U t ov"r •tAIIon K fo'WH 1Q.80 k"'j--------------------------. Friday C'vt1nlnK. M~ty 12, 111 8 p 111 rrom Nlnlh C'hurr h nr I 'hrlal, Pfe Ray KflUI •• wbo Ia aervlnr C'ototA ,..,... weleamecl lfr. 0111 OY...... wtth the Army lnfart· hl'lml" from Jrrance and tJM ftrat lrJ. Worlll \\'u on Ka)" t , ltlt, .... St"l~nttat. .....,_ Anlf~l"• '"'" l•·r·l IOr,.r. MarKJlN!l M11rrlrv•n. C 8 , ,, f'hl<'llli(ll, Ia A nll'rnll-•r nr """' Chrialii!Jl Sl'lo•ncr BOard nr Lrl'· tuN!ahltl. Mn. Ray P. Barrett. 1810 !Ww· u Uy 21\ yeuw before, t. lbe day. · IM>rt boulevard. wu hoateaa Wed· neaday at a luncheon party which ROIIF.•T ~ CAu.r.D g All g /) ~ jolnUy' t&Ciftc)ftd U\e birthday an· Rnhf>rt Whaley Puree, a ' II ff'· . • t:l' • • KGaiiJ nlverartea of Yn. Raymond K. tim" r~<aldent ot CaJifOnda. died Eutman of Ooata MeA and Mra. Tur·l!llny moml~ at bla bome, 370 ~ __ ~ o.car Moe, Balboa. The &fUr· A,.,.,..,,., •treet. Mr. Peuee, who QMa, noon WM ·apent. ptayl"'' "Rook" w M 87 y('&n of ace. had for ,18 wtth ftrlt priM 1'010« to Mn y~':H1! ~n C-.IIJer at Ute Santa CIM:ttic, eo. I Fred Woodwort!a and conaolatJon A n~t nfflt'e ~ Sovthem au. . , I ' to Mrl. Moe. lnv1\ed rueata were 'fnrnlll .Edlaen Oo .• and pr1or t<~ Radl'o Se' rvl' ce Yeadamea Roel c . Owen. Leon R. lhllt IA'IIA ror 'lllan7 yeua wtth, fl'e~. Ji'red Woodwofth. W R th•· F:<iiMn Co. 1lrandl at WllJt- . ~ler, W H TruRJ, H~ Pllll· ll•·r H•• wu a member o1 W.e llpa, Bertie Kinnaman, Wm .. H. B11JI• r Nite Clnardl anct Banta Mc.Dona.ld. Bennan B&n\ea, Mary An11 M.-tc Loclre No. 141 r. It· Stanley and the bononM. A M ' Run11•orw lnducte hJa wtte. Mn. RADIO AND FLASHUGHT Batteries '\ CLOSIO ON 1MONDAYS I Just' received for your inspection: A new ship- . ment of Marine Hard- · ware for summer outfitting. ... ..... ~·••.a.w•r."• ........... ............ ,. ......... -.&. Annl,. ~; two daupun, M n F:l~anor IIUct.. oa.ta K-. &nd Mn. t.oat. Bamatt 8anta · ~:, .. .:~~~~ Harold l. Hilmffi I · Mr• Effte Patta. Lon& a.dt· a • bet So d T 91-Co•d Highway . .......... o.e..... ~-broi.Mr. J. &. ~ • .....,._ ~ Jo ua eebeJclan • two rrtNMeup-.. :ns Wartee, BAL8oA ISLAND • ' . .. I .. ~pte: Ud .... ot u..·-... .., .. ~ .,.,. .... . .......,. ..-..a..-.. tllllt ...... =--.,., ~ : ...... ... .. ,, .. ... .... ..... .... ua It,.... .t ........ . a.. .... . tor. a.w -· ~u.. ..... .......... I» al ···-h tie,...._ • of u.. ..... ... _ fl&ftdldate .. ~ a *trt taJ• •h~n .,.Ill tD the W IIUn of Ard plut, wu 11<1nd1tlon, ct. ru•••'(l~r" •·ould ,m,.llf'r pl11nf• m !hi! ~l'tr n<l •• r 111•1•1111~ "' lu flu• m,.,.._ '" lln•l lnm"" , ••• ,,,,. lfllllt.. h• rv1 ntn~r wu l••fnlltt' II Hf U. "''"" ''I!Jit' .... l"illi(htl rrf U. l••l'lllliC wn..-m l&i•lr~r. "' •1f JtM~duall-tt hmenta In J~ h. 11\e D&mi! nf lflwry WM umlt-· n•1t on~ oae ., lemberw or ~ r "' ve,.. aM • .,. .. merit ani nm .. l! huon. ttl ctf fi•,U~ hie waett ·at .... 4ft«er, 101 _.. I ) . . ' ... ~ 11..,.,.,.. HennJ W.U tlile bride" on a eoft piAk Wfo IDa' a bouquet ot ud Wue "delpbiD.I dcnoe. •tt:e bride't Jll~ the weddlt jOwaed Ill blue 1 ............. tft Pvt. l.mltb, t.be I Mra. Patrkk Ham o ..... ...a.ted 0'~. who 1e J lfG~ FO - TRA W• ha~·m lnsu~ comr ol th~ law I of all form: completJon fttmember, Natly te h ~rlntlnt '" celor c:~ , ....... "' 17:• .. " ... att.a lnfeml .. M Ill '· \ . . . ---I .. ; .... ' . · · ted Local Girl Married IN -. &oaT SD\'ICE SEW &UPII:IIIN'l'I:HIICift' ooA.n ~ ~ ~ ,....Aa~MC~ ... ~ Island Girl Wedded Recen.t Brtde Fe , , . t Laguna Ceremony H'-7 c.. vau.r1u1. u21 w..t eorp. ~...ane Ham•eCII. ,_._ ~ eo.at,. OoMt a 1ttr ...._ a•~•·. 11 .. ~ .. In H nywood Bites By 'Llght Keepers I a -.. , .._, ... enlllled .In Use ly of 'T.uu, baa beOil appc~Ulted Uoa WID--... Wtt a, at patloa ..... ..,. lt ....... 0 . . Millan the fonn- 1 St. M~ry·e EpUICopal c:bwocll at U. a, .._ Traupart Service 81111day , 8Ca.ool ~t lAplla ...... a. --....._ Hewpo1t ......._ YMM c::1t1a 11 ~. and Kn. Ban7 ~ L&Dd-J4ra. HU6h '"•n w~ feted by L:tgunu "9each wu lut lla~ a.nd .. ~ u ttrat ...wtant Chrlat ChW"Cb by tboe .... lt ... ·--tboe A..-&.. ~ wGl ._ ~ -.1 of P U'k awaue. II&IP IIIUI4. "' IEl.moN! Hayek 'c:Jue of Chrlat , wnin& the 11c:ene of a quiet ~ c:r~ • Olle of the A T8 VM-:(nnoUhced todaJ by tM ...... a lnC MW lllaYIIW .._ ~ ~ Ia .a Ule J11P ... ...... have ~ tM IUll1aa'f .of tb.e U p t Keeper: which m~t Fri-.. muny which unllti! lll marnac-...... ll ._ learned today. Kr. D. OoodeU. OQry. Rt••"* II from ~ ,.. U. ant ~ ~ 'fte anft. _.... ... 01'- t.Mtr dltqttt.er, II'-Don''"' Churc:t: by th:ts~. hom• of )ln. ~l!U Patricia Nell An--. V~ ..-. torn.erly operated staUon~t pre-nt at lluata AliA la 1T ,..... g.,. .. lila ..,_ lciMDY ..-ot tor J.-aD DJIItM. <;ame.ron ~y. wtao oa May da y •~en~ t lUI nat 1u cet. .lnughtf'r of Mra. Florance ~ the -8eniee St&Uoa ben Amay .Air 8ue uad 1M tad lira. .. t BoUI I..-at t_:IO .... -ol J'DI\, • ~ Ia ~ 3 be<'~me the bride ol Charlea ,..: e,:;u preMnled wtth '" rson of 428 M&TJ'\Mrtt.e aw.ue, and la&w' ..._ employed by U1e Hammacll are ID&Il1q tWr IWIIDe e.,.t aD wllo aN lac..tad Ia U. ~ B. C. Dtdlilaa. ,... ...._.. Kerrl1l • WooHen. '11M ..-..~ ~ honor t Q1 Yo-t.orfa e~.-" 'ororta del IIU', &Rei ,..... J&uo a. ..,.ried · &D4 Jau in tbe U OO blodl Oil W..t CJiceu Onap ~ ..a IIIII ... lla ~ ,....... II ..._ ..., -' took place 011 tbe b&dl'ntntOIS coort a 30-pl~l aeArnerlcan path•m . l llrtpon Smrth, prfVate ftnt eta. ...._ [M. . P'ront. • hrtun·an ........ aa..l; ' Dldn Dodr, ~ OIUit ~ at Ute home of Dr. and )In, H al'• In an ear Y meet-,n the U. s. Marine Corpe. • ay o. Harrli of H ollywood. D-llrlni a abort bWtlneM bel I Th<! bride, who wu &1Yut ID l;ai:JI~:II:IIX:J!I:EI£EI:EEEEEEEEEI£1£11:1£1:1:11:11:1:11:1:1Elii:~~ICICill:liCICICI:liCI:I~Ig T'he bi"WWe, w!lo wu &1•• lll lnl clua mem~~ ~o~;s p:Ochrla~ I marriage by her brotlaer, U.. Qa)' rnaniaae by ber taUaer, WU al· qSon.or the Olr oc e re rted H. Ander110n of Mather J'tel4. I • t.Dded by lit. Qlort& Qnee uan Bervlc:e and It wuh :urc:h t SM·ramento, wu attended by Beverly HUla aDd I08a OaMtanoe that work of rn~dng.,:gl~ aoon.l Margaret Jennlnp of ~UD, Pfe Jotuwon of 8out.b PIIMMM J'nd eervlee flaC wou t the e\·enlng I lnrry O'Bryan of Camp Peadle- •. Lowey of Holl~ acted u The eocila~ portion ° rlle"tt be-•ton acting a• bellt man. beet mall, t.be ~ '""" lie-wu devoted to garn!'a, ~endrlck· I P vt. Smith, who le a -of Jilt, InC' N!ad by Dr. F rankllll L. Olb-lnlt won ~y Mrll. L<'R~II!ul Bybee , 11d Mrs. Patrick Harrta of X.... 110ft of san G&brtel. lldn {Norma Kelaey I ' en I ll••hJ, Ohio, Ia atatloned at ~. .. Mr. ao~ lfn. WooUen are now aJ,ld El•le Newlll~l R;~':t:~ w~ l'endleton and he and Krl. 1IIEt.ltll honeymoonlllr on Balbo& bland were aerved by ra. lh ' Mn will make their home at lACUD& and plan to make t.belr )lome ID wu uaalated by her fllO er, . Ueach. the BaD Fernando nile)'. fta Wlnlrr.d Bartlt'e. bride wu T6HMrty·,em~ at Preaent, In addition Jo thOH \fAIUUAOE ANNOUM~ Kay rtnch'• etudio In ()orOfta del previously named. were Mra. E. Mar. Her pa.renu are prGIII.IJMDt D. GoodelL Jofra. Oll('ar Moe. Mra membera of Balbo& Yadlt Club J H Milia, Mlaa Lorna lolllla and and abe, too. bU taken an ~" Ml88 Edna Walkl!r. llltel"f'at In local yadltllll affalrL Ht taP.8E L UNCHEON WEDDING AT CIIAPEL Mra. Wilham McKenzl<' and ChApel by the 84 at Co~ Mra. John D. Hatgh were co-boa- del Ma.r wu tbl8 -'-at tM -v · t -·-·-· nt.ee uni"~• 1,eaaea ye1tenJny aJtemoon a a tlnl' for ........ _~ ..... h ld t -220 Mlu £ather. Jtidlertq anct WJl• IUrprlae IUn!'heon e a Anuouneemenl hu been m..s. flf the marriage or Mal Dona&da Cameron Lln~y. daqtlt.w o1 I 1r. and Mra. HCL I..J.Ddl&y ol Balboa Island, ~nd Richard W.. rrll Woolen of Mlnneapolla. '!'be w:ddlng vowa were aald at ~ ct.-ua on May 3 and OM JOUDI' ,.,tuple Is now honeymOOII.lq Oil lh!' Island. IIAm Wallace Van ·Hom both of Collln.l avenue, Balboa Island. the 1 1'tM j. wbo affair beiDit tn honor of the blrth·hl ·m 'NO WOMEN '1'0 OO!Q'D Loe ~!;delin 11'1~ by tiM day annlvt'rsary of Mrs. Jo~n M. Membtra of Santa Anav YWCA ;ere J JC D Goodell of Cbrlet HJrUeln, 209 -'KAle avenue. ManY. hrld a week end. eoni•NDCe at C:~~h by ih. lea. bad u a~ tovrly gifta were rectllved by the Mllr Ca.sa on Balboa ~ tendanu Mr. and Mra. JC. H. ore-honoree. Ory Of r -A .. -1-and a -.-Invited gueata were Meedame• n sm so M-AJUNE HM .-·---•-.. d J ttn S t 'I!'OIIINO EXPEIII&NC& -.f-Rar ftsmu o1 aen•• II.Gill* Ed Ro&4'rll. Howl\r Coc. o · FoUowlq Uae ceremo~~y tile party Haigh, "Dud Thll!mltn, ATt~BeK.+--Heft'IHI'~~h 1tory to eftcl all adjourned to Hurley Bell for UM F rank Horn, Louise Han.110n, Mra. rlsh atoftee. wecldlll&' "'pper. Amoe, and MJu Jr;one Bluonett.e. Pfc. John OroM of Ill 'l'oro ' . . -· .... -.. Marine Corpe Atr et&Uon, Wlllo otigtnally hall• from ClndnD&U. Ohio. tCMntly 'went on b1a ftnt flthlng expedition In cautonaJa wafera. Crout cut hll lllle oft tboe N.,... a 25-pound -a-lblgtoalliaeh · , Pav·a·l•• While l('paratln« U.. -.a1l from hla tackle, Oro. l'aaoed Into the water and UaouPt ._ uw a doC .wtrnmlnC &boat. (~ member. Orou Ia from Oldo). Be dew• lA att.r Uae "doe" ADd ... out with a tially Mal After havin&' b1a picture tMa with the H al to proYe bl8 ~. Crou ba.lted ~ book apia Utd made a nltlftty eut lllto ~ .... You gu~ It ! The .tnker lilt a sea gull, kJIUnr the blrd tnatutly. , ..... •--ru.a Ana Rett.t.r. ' ... NEW IUJlY PAJOIL ~ perwon11 lndude4 ·Oil a panel · ot so prc.pec:U•e jvol'l drawn to •z:ve. lll <>raap COIIbll7 auperlor court from Jky ...II throup July, l.nclucled J'reCIIItcll BOB SKILES' MUSIC ,·1 Tiley AN llol lllaagen To U• \ .. OWDed by Padlc: Electrli::. fbare GN 11 Iteam locomom• tea..d by ua eac:h day to prcMde .uffic:ieDt llliDth'e power to baD- ~ the tboU8Cmda of ean of hlvbt wblda we moTe do.ily. ' Pacific Dec:tric Ill DOt a big raih:oacl. aa ro.ilroada go, but OUr tract. form em ... cieot. UMfulliDk ID America'• ro.ilroad .,.. tem-a.nd a Tery .ttal qDd atrategic UDk .. the preMDt war-lillie emerv..cy. Our multiple aad.-•t-moriDt war freight f« our COUDtry~ aamag home JD. duatri .. witb &eight cmd ...... cmd trciM- ~ ~TAY Oil TIH JOC ~¥;."' p;riag --tbcua 11.500.000 ~,. ...... _ ... _ .. (~~ ,, .~·. -. AND JINt<;H THE JOD .~ ov Pcirt Ia ...taaiDv .. war. lt'a a Job daat Depa ua ba~~~~po iDg 2~ -.... a day. A Job ,.. ~ at JII'OUdly. ' I . , GBAIID· 'OPBifiiiG DAVID ·B •. BRADBURY AUTHORIZ&D DUL&R 1289 •••pod ... .., eo... ..... Celli. , . . . _,, _,·~ . . I r Folks of the N9wport HarbOr Area: . • • -o;l • We take pleasure in ~offering evezy- one a cordial invitation to visit this· . new store and look over the hun- dreds of fine items. There are lines of merchandise for a~l the family and priced to suit-·the- individual . lt would be impossible to s~ow cuts of all the items in this advertisement . I ~ ~therefore we again ~k you one. and an to visit this .fine new store. "· . COrdially yours, ... Mr. a11d Mrs~ David . B. Bradbury . ' . .- •. Tbanday, Kay 11, 1Mf. PHILIP -ROFT ea • ., .... a. 1._ IEIIR J MONDAY NITES 9 :45 K H J •OOUYI 11'1 ···~·l lor !t • 1135 H iqbway 101 juaa laat of Tbe Arcbea 0Yerpau _____ .......... __ _ .... WORK BASKET HeJa N. O&ll.per Stamped Goods ud Varu . . Keedlewo111 l•tracao.a O..all ............ ., ......... ......... Ul }'f.a.-.twa~ Buta--a. ____ _.._ -LOUCKS -lr.\\'I!L&Y • 8TA110N&al' Watcll A Jewelry R,epairtng Oreet~J~« Carda l'or AJJ. Ooc&alona Watdlea and l:nc~ment R.1ap on OW' Euy BudJit PlaD Machine \\·ork BOAT aao.&iiuJio Vlrg's Gara2e ,_. O.tnl ,..._ l i6&-W ROSSI CAFE o.-Dill- FIDe Food ~·"· EDDIE M.E lUkas Better Ice Cream ftlYI'ft M .. 's Confectio'*Y :noo OCUN rBONT Pbooe 73 J..... g~ SptJ'Ii SI.Dp • • FOR MEN and BOYS • KARL W. STANLEY Rri\Jtor PlloM 177t ... · .. ( SJNCI 193~ ) Balboa Balboa leland IN ntt: Ml'PI!lUoa oouaT or 1 THI: I'CT A TIC OF OALIP'Oa.NIA. I N AND FOa THE OOUNTY '+---------------------~------._~._--~ ________ _, (), .()LUIQ& Ne. CICII NOTICE OF {'HMMJ~)N0'8 . SALE loRIF'I-'ITH COMPA'NY, a l:!Jf'J>tlrat I on, PlatnUff, l'nd;•r and by vlrtuco of &II Or· ttrr and Oc-cn"t' lbt 'JI'orecloeure AnoJ Writ of' ll:nforcrmt'nt Ju,tgm .. nt Rt"qulrtnr :Bale ot ' l'ruP.'•rty IN~ out of the 8U· l"'''"r L'ourt or Oleo St•t• of Cal- Ifornia. In and fl1r U'le County of 0"'1\~. on Ult! ~th day of Apr11, 1944, In tht! above t!riUUed a.cUon, Wht!N"In lhe abovt' named platn-~ tttt obtained a Juctrment ~d de· en~ of fon'cloauno on the tcth day of April, 1844, 'w hich' Jude· rn1•nt ftnd dcoc n"e w ... on the .i7Ul l day of April, 1~. e~tter.d UHI rtcord,.d ln Juctcment Book C2, nt a~tld Court at P~ C22 et eeq.,. 1 It) whlrh Jud(ment and Decree rdtrenc.-Ia hereby made), I am commanded to •11 at public auc- tion In lbe maaner p.-rlbtd by taw, aU that eert.aln I'Ml P"'PU· •t-te, ly\nlf and Ill UM Superior Jud,re Raymond Tbom~ from UWI man Bontla Noa. 1 to .a. 110n, who atraya dOwn In · u--Who will not Jet tbe wail dlaturtl One 'J'!\ouaand ·Dollan ....., Oran«e. of California. part.ll from Ume 'to time, w a col-hlil w-run 1 year and c1Mc:r1twod u follgwa. t&-wtt: J111Utr CAUSE OP"" ACTION , Lot ~2. Tract No lOT, Map~ Book 2s. • Pacs ..sa Incl.; Ae<-ordll of Orangr Coun- lector of. old automobtlee. 01 WJao rtcUcuJ• Use acrtnea mad, Bon•'-Noe. I to 10. IDdUIIW. •·our..-, moat of ua have ~ By lltUe folk to qvldtly end tbta One Thousand Doi!U8 Mda. to t-d In collecUng at 1eut one ve-atrlte1 • run 2 yf'ara hic:1ie In thla cat··~-.-~-..... ,.......--u .,... Ronda N01. 11 to 18, tnc:hamve, ty, CalltornJa; ' '•"'" .,... ... .. ",. ..,,.. ... pay •·A' .. ~ _no man -On!' ~ ~tan ..-, to JUdi:'<' hM donf' bettern'n that . . can know, I run 3 y•·Ara . SECOND CAUSE O F Ar.nON His p<'t · Is a br1ght red fiJIJi 1be acorn of frtendl. aceuain« Rnn•IA Noa. 1t to 20, tncha.tn , ''J~tciJ Bt'nny" Maxwen. 'l'be bu.l . eyee ot ma Oru• Thouund Dollnra ea.ch,.. to nm Lot 71H, TraC'l No 1107, alr!'ady haa 14 Ita c.red.lt 270,000 Wounded. crippled. dented the 4 yran miJ•·a. 'apPf'a.r.w g'OOd tor m&nJ' Ulhlp b e atole Ronrl.s Nn11. ~1 In 25, btl~a.ll•e. more: and runa on pra.cUcally .no Jl'rom ttitrttnc men wbo wtD not Onr T!lnuund J)nn an ..ell, to gaa at all .. He aJao owna a 1eot w-alk __ ,_ nm II Y<'ftra --· Ron<ls !\J()JI. 26 ''' 30, tnetu.tw , Yale motorrycle-Ule flrat pollee -V.C.B. In So Cout Newa Onr ThouRantl f)l'ollan ·e&ch, to motorcycle In the city of Ban run 6 Y"""'' Mape Book 28, P~ea 25-34 lncl . Rf'<'orda <lf Orang!' Coun· ty, Ca11lornla; , ~ tocf'ther wtlh the \.-n!'ml'nta, hereClltamrnte and purt.rnancn thel"''tunto booiM«ifl«. or In any·! Wlae apJ)t'rtftlnlng. Public Nr1t1r.-Ia hrrrby jflven that on the 27th d~ty or May, 1944, at 10~00 o'clork A M ur nl(l dAy.! at tllo! s outh fX>or or the Court HOWle nt hid ~rnty ot Onl.nJC't'. t In the City of 811nta Anft OrftnK,.I County, California, In · ..;1>1-dwm~ I to aald Ordrr of Sftlt and Dec,.,. .. ot Forecloaur.-and Writ tor thl' I l!:ntore,.mrnt oi JUdJCml!nt. 1 will ! Nil lht' ftbove df'IICrlbfod proJ)t'rty, or ao much thC'rN>f 11.11 mA,.Y h<' n~ to sallsfy !lfti(J .lud~t­ m•·nt wtlh lnllrf'lltll anll rn11l11 11n•l f'.(>runrdino . . t:ST.&--na•-flnnriJI No!! l\1 tn M , lnch&81n \. e e e •• • ~a_,. 1 lin•• ThniiiiiRnol f'<ollara eacb, tO Lite among t.be youn,rer Ktn.er-Chu1ea B. l!ltrachan of Cov1n11 Min 7 yran~ atlon Ia never dull , , 'nle otllet hU petitioned' f~?r JetteD Of a.d-1 J3rrn<l11 '!\lnM :16 II\ CO, fl\etQatn, 111\y thr N~rt pollee dl!p&rt-mlnlatratlon of the eltate or the j Onr Thflu,.;orlrt 1"1.-rlla n udl, to ment waa toued Into a turmoil tall Mra. Hatfield Strachan wbo ''1111 R, Y""r" by n hurry-up call to 3pt.h atreet died June 30, tNt, tn ~ae.Mf'P.I IlnnolM !llt•ll 41 t•;1 411, {nclualve, 1'w '""'t-Id bo h-:. ..._____ I The· utate eorwtata of a hoy: n,,. Thrnrsand D" .,.. t6Cb, to o "'6" year-n ya ..... .,..,...n run 9 V"" r11 playing. One of 'em, lt. Nel'l\8, and lot at Newport Beacb, I Ronrt~ bfn11 46 lfl 110. lnelu.tw, ti}IXf'd a conc:.ocllon ,anct._t.h6 other pf'tltloner alated. nnl' Thi'IIJMIHHI n nllara each, to took a anllf of , It and promptly run 10 yrara out. ·unconl<!loua. He wu. Honrl11 Nn~ !'il In 118, tnclu.lve, lliTI@. rf'Vtve4 .. tt mtpt not andlr EhllY . d • [)ollarw be a bad lde:a to offer u.e youn.a INlta. run 1 1 ~"'Rrll ......... C.nll Brmrill !llm• r,g I" to, Onr Thnuaan1l l)nllara run 12 ''"""' Rnnrt,.· NM Ill In a . 0nl' ThnUIIPnll l lnll&ra mn 1:1 y .. a rs Bonrill Nn11 ~~~ In 70, lncha.tve, Onl' Tbrnlllftn•1 l'loollara eedl, to ron 14 Y~'",. Ilnn•l11 !\JM it ''' 715, lnclualve, ()n,. 'J'!\nuARnrl f'<•llan e&dl. to run 15 yeara Ronf111 Nns 76 In 10, lnelu.tn, On,. Tbn1111an•l Dollan eacll, to Min HI Yf'IU'II Bonrl11 N,.,.. Ill tn IG, lndu.tve, 0111' ThOilARn•l f'<ollarll each, to run 17 Yl'll nr to In lswful mont>y nt thr Unll•••l 8tatca. I Dat.-d: April 211, 1944 GEOROJI: E . RRA JILJ-:Y, f'f'tm miMlont>r Appotnvrl hy 1111lrl 1 CilUrt. May •-~. 1944 Bonrla No11 Ill\ tn 80, 0nr TbnUIIAnll J)nllllrll N<YI'ICE OP r;LF.CTIOS . rna HIGH MC',IOOL TJU'H'IT.F.H NoUce t. hf'rrby ~tlv,.n tn thr qualified ~IHtora nr N~>Wf"lrl B#arh P!lemf'ntary SC'hool DJIItrl•·t of Oranlte County, Stat,. nr Call· tqmls, that, In al'rtlrt1a nrll with the' provllflOnJI fJf thr Sr bnol ('ut11' of th~ Stall' nr f'lllltnrniA lhr an· nual el~rtlon tf!r hl~h ~rhnfll lncluatve, fruati'PII tor NEWPORT II A RRIIrt ~. to UNlON HIGH SCHOOf, niB· BALBOA GIFJ-SHO.P ·41 dae Feny L*•li•v run 18 """"' Ronr1,.· Nn11 fll to 18, lneh»lvtt, h rw-Th•JUIIIInrl J)ollara eaeh, to Mill HI VI' A rll flrrniiA. !1:••11 ftll In 100, lncluatve, Onr 'T'hm11111nd PrriJ ftra each, to 11111 21') Y~'tl nt ThAt ror h•·• long said election, lh•• 1111111 Nr•WJI"rt Beach Behool J)ll!ttlrl nt C•r:~nJ(•' Couaty, CalJ- tnmiA. shall h~ •llvlded Into three 131 elt>r tlnn prl'rtnr ta, U toUowa: Prl'rl nrt No 1, l'llmpt11it"-Or• an~tr c, u n t v Vfltlnr prectnc:U, N~>wport 9P111 h ~~ 1, 1, It 41 !'i. R 11nd !1, In whlrh preetnct tile pnlllnf[ pl11r~ -hull ~ 1M ,..,.... un•l"r thr f'nr• l.,k,.r'll eotlaee to- r nt,.rt nn Thlrl• ,.nth at.r.l on IIAirl ~h,.,J £r••untl In .ad ot.. lrlrt ; p ,.,.rlnrt N•• 2 rnmPf'Wnr Or· Rq:n ('rrunl \' \ rrtln( prednd.a, N wport """' h !'I'll t &(ld JO, In wiJJ••h rr••• Ill' I thP polltnr pJ&ce ~h'l II bi-F'lrr• ~~~~ ttnn l'fo. C. 323 Marin,. A''"""' B11l~ lllaftci. In &llltl Dlstrlrt T'RICT w ill ilr hl'lrl Ill thl' N.-w· port 81'1\l'h Ml'm4'n!Ary a('hl)l)l ltllrllgf' rot t 1\Jo llf'h'lfrl hllUIIf' In 11al•l N c w p n r t Or•ll<'h J-::f,.ml'nta-ry Srhool Ohotrlrt nn M~ty Ill, 1944, 111 whlrh clt•rtlon It will boo r"r'1Uir- ed to l'll'rt (W<l IMJII'bt-1'11 fM Sllld NY.WPORT IIAROOR IJNlON HIGH fWHOOli OIRTRJf"t' tr1r the t.-.rm of lhl'f'<' y~ant: that thto polt. Ill u Jt1 t>lrl'tlon will he> open- ,.d at lhl' hnur of 8 ·00 o'rl(ll'k A M., ana kt'pl OJ>"n unlll the hour nt 7 :00 o',.IOI:'k P M an thr day U..r.JOI; and that tll~ following named qualified t iH'tora h11ve ~en appolntld -U offl~ tn ronr!1Jf'l aald .-Jectlon. via: Inapeelor : Mra Nelllf' Sb~k Jutt«,. · Mn . v alle Frl't!mllll JU(Jaf': Mra. IAidllf' Hnlt% Datf'd thla tenth a&y of Apr11. 19U. D. J . ~1', Pruldl'nl A. H. Flt.apalr1ck, Clerk J . A. s.<ek Bra~n Jl'lnch W. B. Mellott J>rrclnrt No 1 l'nm~ Or- an,:e county votlq pftllact.a. Ne'Wp(lrt Bnch. No. T, Ia wtd* Tnaa'-of the N~rt Harbrlr Union HJa11 kbool Olautct. ..... 11·Matll ·- ' AT ,. AN AT THE BALLROOM BALBOA Saturday ighl m1111111 ....... ~,.. ...........-. .. rEI! .P. ..... ...... -. A MESA u ....... • . n1ng \ n to- ,wth rehlted'• Commlt- c-panllon ~\i · tfll ..... .. vy -- 1iles· 11&1 ....... -ld th M"' r-.r. a..,.. , ....... .. 'IJIIPt .... . ub at A .. l ... l'b "·· ~~ It nl tM ... ~·"'" . ,,andlelate few Vf' A llbnft tal~ whaa .-.-~ tD I \hf! N II!Urf' fll .Y11rd plant, w• •• trrounC'Iatlon . ._ Jlr•rr•••lurf! 1•uuld ' •m"llt'r plant .. 1 rrn . I h 11 lfJl'ef' "" "'"' "' npfllt\1-, ltorl lu till' ,_.,_ .r l11• ~u•l .fnm.-. ,., ,,, I ho llull~ '" If o• PV•IIIIIIC WIUI. J'h•IIIIJIW n llf t.hP Whll!W' luftlr WU l•l,.fl«hls nf U. r rn•·•·tlntc """" 11'1 Hpt•·,.r. Vt .. QINIA ll•t nt .r-radua~s "'h'"""'' In .furw l(h, the name ol Mrrwry WM ~mll- nt~l only ooe al membera nl bol'r .. , ,,, .. e,.. Ulal •r11bl•· mf't1t &nil t•'Ttm"" ~ nita ·~tl of UllU~ thJII WM'". Cif Mr. ~a,rer, 801 ...,.. • j - .Perry-Da• Set forM . ......._..,_ ..... *'' ,J ..... ...., .. IIIN. CllwNr I .......... ..... ,..,: ......... 0111 .. ~· ~~~~J - m~t:--·F . Tl·:. We hll\ lnaure ( of t.MJ. ot aU r. com pill ·~ : .. " ..... R~ W..urn:D -Would Wle to ..... ln private ·balM &D ....... -.J-Jnvalld la4J reqalr-... iia; oare. }lart)or .,.. pn- fWI'I& ~ 16116-W. ttl ;f ---SAl .,.._W~ to rent! l'lw ~ M.e In · O»ta 11-or ~ s...ch· Permanent rea. ,....._ .....,~ble rent, not war ....._.. (remember, there'• . P R 'MQ ot a "bU8l" alter It'• -)"'"'-OICM,-P,..... ' DOIII:DIA Til POW' E ~. M11w lwo • bedroom ~ ~ ace ·lb20. Lud ll\6dGO lilt. Full prtce ueoo. ... --... per JDODth. a 0. ~. ~ Newport JJlvcS.. o.ta "-- '~'Baa API'II. ~ Ia -A~ ud 1M s•tte .... tile ...._ Alts.., ..-on ~ Wa ..,._ .._. I ~ r.-t .. ..... bed:rooma. .. ~ Oil ,_.. ailt .-, _.._ Pr1oe .... a. · Out llul.lcttnp.. hJ1 p1to1 -. C ........ ~ N...-t ..... a C. ...,._, 1101 N...,ort o.ta ....._ .. BI...S., o.ta lha IU NIMI'OA'I" BOULEY AN> ftQN'I'40& MOVE·. IN Loftl7 BoaM. lll•droael. ~ ................. la.r'P ..... tnee, Iota of n.. elalcbD equlpmeat;' ,.,.... aDd -budd· _,lap. Better burr7 u .W. wUl DOt Jut._, Full Price: $6000 (Tw'iu) a c. PA"-- BEAUTIFUL SITE FOR HOME~ .OuB AND OJI(E-JLU.J' ACIUI:II!I Or Ulm . . . ON 'nU B1PJT .AT'J:NI> or VICI'OIUA ....-r Unobstructed View of the Ocean $1000 Down a · c. Parker Blluoe lloathlJ niu. PRlCII: S600 PJ:R Aca. 1101 Newport Blvd, OWNER OOOUPDIID. J'\11J7 ._. proved turkey ranch wttll -. A FINE SITE 'FOR A RANCH k •. About two au.. All feao-OV.U.OO, KINO UPPal NIIWPOitT BA. y eel. 8mall bome, MW aDd JD06. em . ~ price 18&00. wtua .u 10 Acres of Land Good Soil eqwpmeat. a C Pubr, 1101 ~ KAKJ: A BPLqn)ID_ LOCATION J'Oit If. 1\ANCB BOlO WANTED-Matna&ll &D4 jUieaO ........... u .. N .•• Newport BJvcS.; oa.ta 11-. W • ~· -dy to help In Jilt· ""-P' JJCP wo~ . q ... et. .... llo ~Jtl\1\ per acre An .. ...,-----for tnlpe boat. TrUmpet, •ua--......, uld Ilk •-t ~ OLD --D"'v~ pot•--• ..._,No ex-rtence ne--•-wo e ..., Nn • ...., ......, -·, -r .-Conn, Martin or Bock. PIMIDe -"" ..... ~ f -• In s-• Tlfl'" ... ., .. ,,__.., ...__ . a C. PARKE, Realtor •-• _....,.. wlao uw a.,.. ....-... ...... •--me acrOII from -ram room or ... eep I ...... ... p ..uo.u •U> ..... -011 __. r-~-, ...., Newport Beach 17M-a llc: -•• _, t 't rtvU o ....__ _ _.. ... 1-1101 Newport BJv" eo.ta 11 .. c:tal Uklal' for e14-Ume ~ pMtotnce at Corona del Mar. -,. ..., .. no ex pee P • ranee avenue . ....,. ... r ....... _. -. wtU be clad to lean that .... Prefer 10meone llv1~ nearby. V·8 MARINE ENOIN& wttll Pv-.... ol bomt. C&llnot pay ex· foot frontqe. J'l.,._room bouM, BUT 'I'HII INOOKJ: PROPJ:RT1'1 ft1W ~ ta . ap.ln p&aJ· ~ 1.2p agon a to' 1 r.ciuet.lqft ........ ~ OltiAtallt rent. Conlact Mlu lovely JTOUn~ _... flowen &114 . ~ at Hunon,toa Bladl PaY•&-boa MartDe Hdwe. eo., 111 KiiJ ltirMam, care of Kn. T. U.ru~{)wnerocwpled. Y'IID MONTHLY-RENTAL $115.00 lon everJ fttclaJ DJalat. -011 IUD· TYPIST WANTED. ¥OUnJ woman Cout Hiway, Newport s.ctt.. W. Cllaltl. 31~ Coral Ave., Bal· prtce S7000: ~ down. a C J'IW Reftta»> .. : 2 btl lote Oil comer. C1oee ln Q90d ltllll- daJ UM bunc:b plaJ8 at llarmODJ 'atenorraphCiy ldel :~bile ~'Unot llf!IO M&-lliiM • 1 ~~~_!~ Newport Jlmll'lo' dentlal cUW1c:t ..• aGOG. Teriu.. -Pu11 a A••W• aad ..-lat· ,.qu1rec1 v -rv ce ...-on. . ~ .. __ .,.7 at PlaceDU&. ua• proYtd-See Mr•. Sutherland, War HALL SCO'M' Flabermmt juldal' ~MEONE KNOW of R. C. PARKER .... ua.... COUDt7 po&at.i ....... Price and RaUonlnf Board. marine enctne wttb .a to 1 ,... :..,~I oott-ae that Iol~! Costa Mesa Bargains -JtLU. ID8TATII IN8Uit.AHC. ...._ ___ ............ .._ _,.; _..., ,_ Balbo&. lltt 'ducUon r ear; 80 bp at 1100 u '_;:am M yean &D J-.. --rt --.. ..._...._ .. _ --""-_,----•1-'--t of ~-We --... --.-• -n..wpcll" _..._ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~·~ ~ ~· ~boa M~ R~. ~. ·~ a·-~· ~---aa •• ~ ~~~~~~----~~-------------------------- and troUc t1; u-· rttJtllal ~ MAN WANTED 911 eout Riway, Newport a port 27 Je..,... MJ bome GOOD Bq,T8 IN amaa x ov. IN ! ! 1 ' . I lltM ..... --101d and I have no Would like to·b&Ye J"CCUU' u.tillp. Beautiful. Home .. on Balboa Penma· ula ror J"enU,Dent ~Uon at plaee to 10· I don't want a bl&', P'. J:. RlJ'BIJELL KAT riNal CDAII1C8, ~. •eo.t tuq Jla.oe but It mut be l'TtO Newport BJvcl., o.ta Ill-. -Living and Dining Room. I Two Baths ... : 11r. W'IDda :;;: :: ~~ ~ettrtea ke&l B:atate • ~ Fireplace. Heating .Spt.em. _ Tw.o Lots It eal~ (n ....,.ual )ndultry, lOtf • J'or ~'I' rtJ1Ufi8RI::I> .. aot appl)t. 1ou a&&L ~A._ ~ANTED=-Immediate Possession $13,000. Tel"Dll' --=====~~~~~~~~ ~ ·~ ATTRA.CTTVE TW04n0a'l' a c . PARKER W ~. ~=======----~u;;;;~;-:; -, -. -~ot.--Fum. IS.: bed· House 1101 Newport mvcS., Ooeta' ~~o~a ...._ .lllt ,.._...,... Auto mecUD.Ica Top • ....-. or Y&c:81lt oe .:....;..:.~·~·t.i~;;i~u_; 111e1t ot woddll&' conciiUoM. &D roa SALE ....._ or lPtb •tnet. eo.ta + • 0 • • t• _. .I&U ..-u..a w~ lltd\IW7· llmploJ-11-. Ww pay cub. Wrtte Box ...._......._,Ill '141 IMftt .,llUMr here or at H\lllt!Dc· CBICKEN P'R~ fw N, ~ ....... 2211 ea-t amt, Cell ....... ~ ~ ..... toft s-da *"· the pan. 1MI Newport ....._ N.wpr( BUch. tp 'l'IIJDODOU ROBINS eo.ta lleM. IU ----.....,....----------- J '-i Iota on OCean Boulevard $12,000 · . • LOUIS W. BIU008, ~ ........ ..., WANTED' -Allee~~ • · J"aa'd BalM Ia Senioe RAYON tu:crRJC CORD, 110 • ' JamM llil.._ · ......_, Ooa ren ~ Ia 08Dtnl NtwpOit s-da feel. brand new. All or put. ~ OJ' PROPJ:RTI:I'.8 IN 71~ ...._. . lltt OOIWXA Z.Z. KA.R DI.BTIUcr Phone 80 IC. Central A. ve., Balbo& . lOU Tbe GaD«'• AD . ._e.,. ~ 11' .N·B PrJ•. ,.... w. H. 11a11arc1, · ~-.... llft1At'B)lq W.ur,f& 1 DOllS and ONB .BUCK, N. S. ~port Beach ITS-":_. • • A~ hutc:hM, all or pa.rt. Ul WOIIA.N W ANTI WORK bJ the BolaL Atone Hte-a lllour. Leave ~ at 1131 W. u.tings Wanted!'· u.t ,_ JII'Oper1,J wttb Ul for W A.NTEI>-f>art Ume work bJ frye.re. Phone 2t71·11. lltt ~....., Brown'• Co\lrl, · ' We ba" -..srt• ....,. da7 tor 1D We.t Centr.l Ave., Ne'ti-· VOlt ~ Yam panta: lte7 H~ ··~-AJUDA.! port. ._.. . Up WMt and Puerto 1\k:&. 100 to · a. 'C. f'UUio --------------------·-100,000. ~'twine 8. A.. Ull·W. 1101 N.wpolt Jh'cl. . oa.ta Ilea POemoN wANTED -Retinta -• 'Ja47 o(.. aoelknt Cook, Want. ~ s..pec. CbMter· ,._,.AM'J'_ JIGIIIUOD .. a.ou.tkM per or car~ fle.ld. Turquolllill color. SlJ RubJ, R E A L E s T. A T E taker. Wrtte Box o . Newport· Balboa b land or phone ... w. 8eJbo& p,...., or pbone 1eJa and 10U L I S T I N 'G S cow, etc:., If dMired. Immed- 1 ~on .... lldlth H. Barrett. 1110 Newport ·1119d.. ~ KfA. UP ON OCEAN 'BOUI.ZV AJm Balboa lien-insula • WE WILL BE OPElL fOR BUSINESS rBIDAY, ... Y 12 Wlth the 1utallatiOD o' CMlJ Dew ~·D we are pow able to ..ne you better. ' NO'n_.:AU our breach IIUde with white Oour ue e:Wtc:hed ·_to GoYemaeDt ·~Uic:aHou. QUALI'rY..._Y ' 1-N..,.n ...... .ftiOIQ 111 --..--_,:=-_... __ _ *'" •-1"· llp UP RIGHT PlANO, ex~Uent con· • --t»- dlUon. 188 • 23rcl St., COlla NJ:WPOaT B.ARBOR THREE • BEDROOM HOIOC COMl"LETEL Y FUR.Nl8HIID . $7000· I· I / .. ~ ............ _ Maa. Phone 747'-W after I p. C08TA ~ DUTRicr ....... ·~--11 WANi'I:D--"':leclrlc lleWl~ ma-m lltt -Phone for laJ.e aemc.- c:btrw, JOOCI condlUon. MAN'S BIKE-A beauty. Balloon Earl W. Stanley . IlL • .up UMe, larre .._ket on front. 225 Manne Balbo& Ialand ~~ Jlfe ~ llr a...a ftle ' l N U_p Ia .&riDa 0.. ............ ~, , 1 COUPLE wutA PQ"Mare · rtck $60. SlOG Channel P ~. .,._ 'N..,.ort lTTI .. ....;.1 Ia OM Mb' r I _to SIJ\'era~ Canyon and tetum, port. 1.2p ===:;;;:::::=======·! Jretea tnar: ...._ 111111_ a~ya. Wrtte Boa a. ure 3. YE.ut-OLD btactc •d4M bone. tcJ.o;AL J!;¥UJ'& (•ot &.ie) · ...._ Up long mane and ta11. 18 a dandy. . . , luy WuloDda aM ltuape at WANTIIID _Cub peJd for amall f>28 W. WIIJKJn, .C011ta Mea&. Ph. tw. TMibe-. -.cl ra.dloe. '8.0 :a. Radio and Npt. 2079-M Uc .a.c:trkl llbop, 116 Marine Ava., Balboa t.l&Dcl. 62tf OOUBLE BARRELED lf.rauce Jo'OR SALE-Dupiu on Boulevard. Lout• W. Brlrp. ph. 80, 714 E1 Cefttnl _Ave, Balboaiou' • W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central Ave. FOR SALE F ine Beach Home ON BAY FR9 NT S ix bed roorna, thrft betM; 1\in- l•hed. Occupancy ao -,.. P rice lncludel two lot., pier aacl flbat. WANTED • ahotgun with recoil pad and 1M) -F-:IVE---A-C-RES--!Sear---,11'omona-=-----an-d ahell•. New. $60. Boll R , New· port-Balboa J>rea. lltf W. l8th. J'd: priOe NOO per acre. R. c. Puller, 1toe New· · A GOOD BUT $22,500 w: L . Jordan ~ ..... ...... Eveftln~ at T:OO Ia 1:11 Lut 8bowlnC of a clouWe re.t1IN procraa .tarW at 1:10 ........ -1"4 ..... Lota ot J00C1 c:lean UMd care. ww p&J top price . '11t110DORI: ROBINS rons 8alM • ee.moe· llacl Ia Central Newport ae.cb __ • ~ ~ Ptlone ~ Robt. TaJior •....... ~ m ~mus Soag of ltuaala ~ . .,_.. .. ,..., OMtMa.· ,. ... o.utill llorpa • lnM lla••w r..AWN IIOWJ:I\8 .......m-:-aa\4 kept .tl&rll one JW.r, Th .,.___rt So lunae II. Oallqher, 200J H~ e ~ . q WBlYcl.,'~liiiiL ' lip -ea. Grandfather's FoWM PAIM'I'INO • n (I paperbanctnc. rr.e Mttmat• IMUranoe car- ELECTRIC STEEL GUITAR wtth port Bl vd., oa.ta 11-. •tt ampll~ter. $3!S. M 2 AIIIO A.Yenue OWN""o ~nw.n ........... __ 1 comer 15th •t.reetl, Newport ... ~ ""'"""~· 1-.......-vuuo H~lghll. Phone J371·W. 10tf hoUk on 0oeaD J'J'OGt ID New· port Beach. 8mall apartment i.ADIES DINNER RING, Mon- tana mou agate In •terllng fill. gree mounting, $6. Man'• pocket watch, "Biltmore" make. Runt ~ood. I2.M . Box M, N·B Preu In . rear a.,..,._ It C Park~, 1808 Ntwport ~. OOIIla 11- IMMEDIATE P08. Nlce comer ln Huntington BeedL ao0cs loCa· tlon. Cloee IL Two IIOUM. 1- room and 3-room. Both ~ fd. Twa ,.,..... J'Ul1 p rtce ~ooo. SJliOO culL a c. Parker, 1808 Newport 81Yc1, oo.til 1141a& LOTS -LOTS ._ LOTS nni' blowk from baJ ln beauutul COROI:'fA D& liAR $650 and $750 a.rte.-• Jlf... rtec1 A. J. Burton.' 434 Newpott ll)ycS.. OOIIt& M-. P hone JMIW YAlC.S and SWEET POTATO w. J. JJOLCOKB 1~11 cout RtcbwaY Corona clll Mar "W here UM ·J'Iap Fly" 700 E. -Central. Balboa Income Property Thr~ UnJll • Good LocaUon YEARLy IN COKE $U10 (Fumllbed) $7500 W . L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balbo& Ocean Front Rome ' FIVE BEDROOKB (Shown by appotntmeD\ ._,, $5000 W. L. JORDAN 7oo E. Central, Balbo& , I NeRr Newport Harbor Yacht C1ub Two Hou.8ea on Three l.ot.a N~tary ;Public For Yout Convenience planll. Key We•t. Puerto Ric- an, Yellow Jereey, )'ellow Nancemund and White. Newport Blvd., Coeta lieu. or 221 "th Bt., Newport Beac:b. IMMEDIATE 'p088•&10N tone, tumlahed) , , Tht•r,• 11 no "'I.Der lOcation for I.MJolEDIATil OOCUPA.NCY We h•w• two Notariea in CM&I ollioe. a hOIOf In oaa.t6 --thaD $10. 000 LOOK AT 'l1U8! this propert7 fw aale on cor-' craraeil· TrOwell .. . · .015 11er of Btwlw17· fte' -.. W. L. JORDAN R'. C. PARKER Cookie C\lt~r ......... ...... ... ..... .015 contall\l t~ lleclr'OOIU &Del a. 700 z. Central. · ....,_ a..J !Mate aaci lae~araace Flf Ribbon, t ft. .................. .26 furnlahf'd. Nqw ..caat. Dqvble ~='==~:=;;;;:;;;;:::~== ._. . GalvanlMd P alll .......... ......... .48 garage Prloe tiOOO A C l'utl· BC • ...,....n..,..._ .... M..,.n 111M. O.ta ~~-Cl:othet Su!Jet.a ..................... 1a tr, 1801 N...,.t -~ eo-ta __ ..~..-.,.........,,------- Brooi'M ...................................... Meaa. Call f. lOc BU8JNU8 ·CORND In Newport Shores Rabbitry 210 • 18th Street Costa Mesa . 16th ahd OJ'Ulge ('NMr tile blf watertank) RABBIT F~YERS JUit a few of our hard·t•·r tt · Beach. Two hOUMe. botll ,..... ttei'M. IU> HOUSE BARGAINS =::t. ~.f= c:"~.:: ~X ~ WARE CO. 6.·Room old ~ I aci-. ec.t& FuU •prioe 81100· ~ a. Q. 17 Newpoprt Blvd., Coeta Meea M!'n ..... -.................. , peGO Partt•. 1101 Newpollt ......: --r, R<llom atucco' e-ta 11--. f6300 eo.ta 11-. Wt 4.Roi;m unfln~ bQua, Corona th•l Mar .... ~................... PlOO GOOD BUSJNilU CORNI:R Tta ANcE -iicxtern 3· :l·B••dro<Jm hoWie, OceU nont. to-tt .. CoUt IUWQ aDd ~ ,bedl"9om home In Kanau City,' :-o;,•wport Beedl ................ Ave.. Seullon. eoloaHJ tnloe_!: clear. Wilt exchanre for hoUM 'Newport Beach. GUlli un and 2 &c:rft In COIIta M.eu.. R. \V. J. Holcomb, property would make· pod I From Mother~s . . Favorite Store!. Crisp, fresh accesso~sure to delight Mother on her day! Choose them at her favorite store--everything from lovely blouses, neckwear, gloves and bags--to brilliant c~tume scarfs. J -r FrUia fer Mothw Ia IW'f'icWMI', ........ dltlda ~ falwtf ......... JiovM • I• wWte. tolora. • llr11llant· .,..,.,... .... .... PrtMa. ....... ....... DEPART_MENT STOR I COSTA MESA C: .Parker, liiOt Newport Blvd., 1:117 OOMit ~ aandwt~ ebop. InQ. on P~· Colt& M.._ lOc CORpN.A' D1L IIAB ltf ·----~---------------;_..) • ... r ' ~ the ~eWer at Newport were moved. much of it was 4 &lmDed near the shores of the ltlvo AJto and a lot of ~ in; N~ tpe s~f must be dredged and no bet. • ter place for the material could be found· than in the swale or djp atong uno~n('(f 31st street. · While all the area.ls r;wt in the st~t. !>tiU eno\.lgh of it can be utiliZ('d to flll the ~eclion and put it on ~el ground. It alscYis not a bad Idea to consider the busi- ness of opening that thor- oitghfal'e' and-~ ouUet ro West Newport trom Central avenue. + + + Food Wute. Dumping of 2700 ]ars of peanut butter In Idaho beeau.se it was an ounce untler weight, ls one of the many Usinine ·things our ·open-handed government is . always doing. R e c e n t I y talked to a lad back from the wars ln Alaska and he told ol the thousands ·of bam!ts ot high oct.ane g a 's o 1 rn e dumped ln the ll:.BStes of that land. The-5pottrs cover it in winter and ·in summer the underbrush does. the -same, With the result that the vatu• able fluid ls.; · sOon lost to mankind. Ks Walter 'Win- chell says, why. doesn't some- body (especially his <'I"'Wd) do aomething about it ? ~ + + Cussing the Cook-There ain't rio JU~tice! After ·s tav· lng over a hot stove all day now what does the cook get? Nothing . but C"ritid!'rn. But in thl' Army it's diff('r· cnt-only worse. A reN'nt re- port from th<' SS>u_th Pndfic' told of an offic1al order nt one ndvanccd · Army ba-;e that prohib.._s any further curslng of the cook eitt}cr.on or off duty. But ~;toppmg Ufe boys from thinking wh~t they think about the cook lS the best . Buy .Bonds to .Eud War ~tker '\ '··-·-- EMBRACING BAt¥,A P£NINSUi..A. WEST NEWPORT, ·sEA ~.;.....;.....;..;...:...-----:--.;..:;..~ whk$ foUows: . . • ......... c......._. ·~ . . . IEEP .POIIQ I .... . 1 Y~ar .••• $158 llelle a.....,..... .. N .... .,.._,...._.~ ~ach Church "Planning $60,000 Addttien 'to Care For F asi G~owth . Pastor Edward Goodell Announeea Aftlitteet'l nrawiq Hu Been AtUpted by Coalmlt- tee for Badly Needed Room for ......... Beach aft-Sut. Sllt'r hid dt>m· Subjfet: Camrnencktlon 11~-tllle retu.l to ,... ,..... .._.-~ ~ ·-Newport Hanor ~-fll AJNn. OfUIIntt('(!hj,r ;,cw. Mvk't' Mfort' Thru: Opt-rations and Traintnc mit ~llll....,_t of a · ·eoelltail !GnU~. 't d'X • 'C'tD ~..e~rt-t. ~ fw;aw4 tr,.... ......... iltatt flllf "on(' four'1"tar g<'nl'ral. A thN.'e' I . Ofri~r I bar at Co«& Mua h .. .._ po«-lwr •• a '7 upoa t.b~ denial o( n-day ~~· ..t ... at tile Clelllt ru.~ fll ..... ... .... ~tar. n two!"~tar. a ont"-<;tar .. M'V' I Jft>a.AnullJ1.Crs u y ap;ll ..... ,__._~ the Lqt..-Kut. wt..n mftllbe,. Will ""*' dr.ltinc to mab ... tl1bu· ~ 1 ,poncd unt.ll TbUNday. Mav 18, at d .....-" _ _.II ........ 11 t ,..-· era! col~s. lit'Utenant L'Olon<'J:... Atxordet>n Provlnlf Ground, Md. ' ..,_, --1 ~ app c~ bt. boeU w •U.. _.... el--. majors lind n'lf'rofc cnplmn .. 'To : Tt>e. 5 Mason E Siler. 10 a . m .. W. P. Monn of Santa UMft()f .. W1'1Uq. Within 10 <Uy,a Aln ran Watnlnol S.rvlre 0( the E T . h ·. I N . . 'l1le WSIJ~r Cllate•• ASN 395JOOlij Ana. 11quor coni I I • fflc~r. an· attn ID&1IIq the noUC'e th~ ap-N-purt tta ri:M>r al'9&. • · . Trtm~f('rr~ to lht'. Alx'rrl····n Drl. n. Provtng Ground Oc.-tnch· nounCE'tl lhurlldly pllrant ID&J preetnt hi. written AI thllr mf't"IIOI{, wt for 7 3H r X-e·ar. er n avy Proving Ground at hi~ own rt•· m,·nt. Or lgar,nlly IIC't ror 1-.'rlday ar· pellllon for a lireniM' tu thf' bOard. m .. Dlret·tur ll,.n ~.te~rman , r "" '-" · • qui's!. ·hi~ wo• k quickly. drt•w thr· Alx'rd<'cn Ptovmg Ground. l\td. cordjug to S<'ctlon 39 uf the Alco-t:poo receipt by U)r boerd "' a ·orrk •· n1 < ·.v11111n ~fenw. •n•l •n G · ~ · . llltl'nlion or hi~ SUJX'rinr (lffi<'•'~"' 1 h has lx'cn brf•U~ht to my a t· h ollo· BPvt•ragf' Control Act. u pel11 on for a llr f'niM' In proper amay uftl• •·r from the 1-'ourth 1\tr· 17 5 000 M•l · ' Annlh<'r nf lu,. "·'Vt'lllllln• ,,, 1111' lt•pliun that you httVl' hl'<'n ln,lnJ• t•naltcd by the l!lt3tc lfKlalalun'. form It .. 1 be rf'ff'rro'tl In" r•·r · ..... ,., •• Will "'"'llk Roml' •!"· htl oes I es "Si11•r Chute','; ju~t m is.wd b<'ing m ••nlAI rn do•v,•loprnl'lll \lttllk in whach •P<'•'Jflf'll u IO.'•I•y tim,. limit re•nt&tln of t ~e I:Mtur.t for hf'lll· '""'I " l<•tl "'''""" J'll'tllrf'• uf In· • / 1 1 d<'mon~trated on the ~am•• dny al' i.'Onn<'ctaon w11h' J n-..· mounl:, r0 , fo lo,.·ang .notlt)cttl,. n • t rr.uNI ol me trrr~l "HI 11l10t• llf' 11t1own, .•n•l ,.,. t h<' ~un·mnunts. b4:>Cnu.'<' des pi I<' Cat .. 50 mach me ,.;un:... 'ioua l'IIJ.:-a perm at. thf' h•·annc .,... po:Nit-="'• Uon 3t of 1 hr c 'II II urn•:. At. frf'llhmf'nl• ... 111 ,,.. •rv"tJ t '(Ill! W .. _1 • ..,. II proba~ a n-cord for bat J.:t',IIOn has ll<'o•n found to U.• J)n1c· paned a t tt-r rt•(tllr..t u. bot 1 lli<!f'a. rohullc Beven,;~ ComtrtJI A•·• ful· '"''" Hnlwrt ll"v•l •·htrt uh .. •rvrl 1 .E II ucphlc • .and .at lhc J.U"ew!IV tun~· l.i , Wilham CunntnJbam IWd Cor· lt.'o\J. • urau a lu,,. ~t wnd&.r~<·o: · natfy trllvelllna In Ul~ pr~t war 1 0..,, wtao loolled ... W -~-·~ WJm II" ""C'W or ... RIIMm. -•unr to t~rr • Sec. .. A wrfnm rt fJ<Irl of a ,,, hll'lol hy .r.t ftlfhard 0Hr. a ,; ... ~ 'llllt~cmll. taiiOl Cllj ns1gn e s adot>tion as ~Hmtiur·d t'(IUIJlmt•nl lke~'prem1et fnNII IMaJ .Beeda nl•illber4t ~ booVd or u; an tm· THREt NEW M£M8[ .. 1 rnrr _hl&h .. hool t•MI!er, wl\o ,._ ln. 0( P~~---... ·- 2. 1 dt>Sirt-10 commt•nd )OU for to Coeta lJ,. .. tu a locatk.n fLr· ployu! at the &olrd ~ngagelf In ,.,..,.n 2<._ year• 111 Ute ~ervlc.-and and of the br.a.laa-... .._, • C C f D ~ · your Initiative .al1d th(• t'X.ct'll<'nt .. alerly occ'-pled by the Glnl'~ tbe _,_t o1 t' Ia llo('t tJIJt. Thr•"' n_. nt<'mbf'ra wf'rr .1•d· ''"""ll~"d 1711.000 mllr.a durlna that hla lt!IJ>, wtllcb _..a ...... ,,... ·work you have accomph~twd. . Cafl'. w.-r,. r.-ru~ tn~ ~rmlt on cloalD1 Lb&t an applk ant for a u.1 mlll<'<1 tn lhr llalboa ·v•r ht C'luh llmr 'Mila lnfohnatiOD ~u liD· •I and had ,_. _..... a. ...... O lfel 3. A copy or this lr tt('r will be the JrounW. that th~ new loc:&tlola c.n.ae or t.be preml1u tor which a 1At tr r munthly rn• .. ttn1 hf'ltl Klat·IPilrtrct by Oeer to the Rotar)' Club bor the ~lftlr fll u.t ..,, ... • • 1 placed in your personal rrcord tile. I~ too .our a military baN. llce.n• Ia applied •rr not quallfl~11 urday nljthl Thf')' ""' Uarlou Tuf'lday n taht. wh•n he can ,.QYerlo&laed .,. the ..... ,.._ h II k C. T. HA'RRJS. Jr. 'l'be'boud ot equallaatton '--tid tcw a lao.. under thle ac·t &bali llf'nol111rnn ... t llalh"• llll•nd. Wtl·l vivid IVI'Uunt' uf hie Ha·fatilla~~ OD ~~ .. , .. ~~ Sc 00 Major ·~neral, U.S. A. II the refual anu eooree of ciUaeu cONUtute IJ'OWI<ill tor ll\e denial 1111 llunt "' Jlrf'ntwund aDd C. H. th•· 11,. ad l'arttlc from p.,,. ~ '"We at&y .. U... _. ~· ·ac I Commandina-alped peUUo .. and ot!Mra ap-0( an applk:aUon fe r a llc:et\111'. l lo4trftrn. of lht An«•.. I bnT and to all ouaer·potnta o( --and .• lor-..... -~· .... 1 • PROPOSED $100,000 GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR CORONA DEL MAR · ~or:;~.!.t ~ ":! =':: Pr1netp&J Hor.c~ Enalgn of the a the Jape dtcla'l .. -Jl ,... a Newport Beacb Grammar 8cbool l harrowlaa ~ tM1 ,..... • told au lnten'.ted Chamber of wllf!fl ..,. alfM.ed 111e ~ Commerce rrouP of the urcent ne-Wraut'ttt In the ..,._, a.. - ce•ty tor a ~~ehool butld•ntr to ,...1 a ,.,..,., ..-mw f/6 ._. ....... lll'v~ the conre.uon of UM ~ tary C!lultt ncl ~ '-Ia achool. .Hie tdeu were f'nd.I"Md I t""r~l lf-ctma the club at A •• ..: by the Chamber. 1 ~ N-ZMland. wldc!h tie. row ,.., Mr. En1lgn .lila ted tha\ the 1 • Jll'f'~ntl'd nn behalf ot U. Alllt· $100.000 In bonds to be votl'd M&y ! • • _·· ~-_ tiUkl .. roup." 19, will ~ Ull<d for A• IIChOOI It ~ C'orona del War to hou~e tome 3~1 ' Ct'Mme,. Hlte leiNN l'hlldrf'n. He •·<1 that lor• linn a,. 1. I Ju"'"" r rar mf'r. candldllt. ta. \1.'A.I! the }OCicaJ place due t.o U. II " Hr1111ltor, I[AVf' ·a mort tal~ fact thl\t It Wtl" •I '"'"'' ''' 1 •·n thr t .. uf'a anl'l Whl'ft ... ..t r. r h•ldren f rom that Jocallt7 and It vr hla vi-• nn ttM! ·~elilure fill Bslbna Island. llor .\fnnt.:r•m•·ry WArd plaot. ,.,.. Ill' srud lh11t at the preae.nt Ume ~·h"l'!"" l11 ltl11 11f'nunrlaUon. ct.- fuur rnoiT's nre an 111 0:1 t ot• ;.,It • I~""'' 11•111 llrr prurf'dure could M111111nlr Hom11· ~rroun•l11 A.rn1 tha~ l•·ll••w •" ''"""" t•• am~llf'r planflf, lhf',.slnartiJN•l! hav<' lx'••n .-nld and ':''"'" loumr nr fllrm. the ~~ I hi' m••n<'rll !'r" <lr manrlinc lh••'r '""''' 1111; ·,..,.,, · 11 IV~t)n•l nf llflflllltl* rr Pl'll.loll. H e l!aid ~~ .. vglon al·. If•· WIIH ..... Oll)f'lRIII',.;I to tllll mll!f! ... /1'1 Wllnli'CI 11!1 hut bar k nf'Xt yr•r , ln~t ltV AI """-'Iff' and .J11m8 nnd that the ll('hool rnu11t dlvlltl' "'·"''"''4''· r ''''""h"r .. r the fltin ... 1111 ,::rn:l('l" Rnd ;.n'Rtl' three more.: l ln.-t•.n I!••M to Nt•w• , (ue to I hi" lar~f' amount of atu. Titt• "I'"""' o ••f ttw .. v.,nlntif wu tlrnl11 In lh0/11.' grad I'll .lu•IJ•• ll11 v1n""'' Thump• n ltf U. F.wn It the school """"r" ablr to ~ 14.,1 ... , ,., .. 1 ·,.,., t.. ,.,, .. _ lopk: - rent another .bulldln~t, It waa not .. , illtn ,,., . ., nnil Xhlrllllflt.J o( U. lllti.II(Rr tory• frmr an rdurlltlr nsl 1 : r ·, ltrl rl)fon .. Thr m,.,.tlnllf wu · tn I lll&ndprlnt. hr lllatl'd IUid p1ana , hura;• "' Erwin fiJolrrr. aomethlng else. . . + + +. 1 had bf't"n co!llplrted.before the war.1 I 1> In f'rtr t •nothf'r ll<'hool. • The lot~ lt'hool hu an attend· I •nrl' todsy n( ovf'r 1.000, It w•• ~t&tf'd, and. the pn.ent •tructun' 011 Central av,.nue hll'~ a capacity ' M 600. w~ lrh w~ overflowtnr 1 even a year a,ro. thu• pre.enttn~r an uutr ~bl~·m~ In houelne, It• 80 !lORRY •. YI .. QINIA • Slmpllfi~ Tax. Out of the bog of.complex and bewilder- ing tax laws has come a mlr- lcle 1n tax simplicity which' II now before Congress for approVal.· This 'new meas- tvu re'Vf'aled • 111 "'"' ,., .. f'lc'• l1•t of cnduaw w t'u 'will IC•·I roar·r bmeate In Jua. i frum· liarh<•r lll~trh, \he nam.e of · Vtr~~rlnla IIIIUit h• Mowry WM umfl. t1·d. Vlro~tnl• Ia nnt,. -))' .ooe fl .th .. ou~dln• membe,. ot 111orr whidl appears certain to without imporl:ont wtD entirelY reUew t lion oth~r oeoole who mll8t 0111 ... ~. miWOn taxpayers I continue reportinR. It wU1 • '""" bot a writer .t•f Yf"e tbcl runt31nl rnnaldftrattt.. mertt ... whlrh lhf' Nr-'nmell bae Clfta · under $5000 of greatly simplify their task. lnOoml~ for filing an in· Thus an lncalculable num-return TheiF f\111 her or man h()llrs wtU be wUl be ~ from saved for both t~yen and • alar)'. To ~ IJ'll-diJ!udea. I prtnlt•d • . I Mrw. Jobn Adot~ rA HoDJWOOCI Alle¥a Ia a ._tell or Ule en•• MW ,,_.., ...._ t.e ._Wit .... ,_ .,...... _. ,Je,...._ •u-t"' Jual ...,.,..._..·.,'faN! -'• ......,., Ia blwa ...... .._ a t.a~' le a ~ tliM '"* fill liP.: ..tae .. ~ Ia tile........ eleeUH ... fer •aJ II. Tale ._..,.... wUI ...,.. • ldMfl,.....W. room.. ae ,...ular c-1_..,._, ad~we em.., & ,. , Mil ,.,...,.. ..,jud· Mna. W. R. 8Mc~r, 101 JIW': .• cafta lll4 ...... _,.,_ Ia II 1 w•a .................... Ia-. ~ 1'1$jU • fill .. ,rntr ... , la'e ............ --wMI _,,.... ... ........ , e&c!'J dt1ve . , ' ' l I I • ' • • -; • • " • • I ' • • ..; .. • :: .. ... I .... o .. en .Pc Se ---.. : . . ' EDITORIALS . ' .• NllWPO!In'-8A~OA EWS ~TUoi-ES . .t.uty. Eventually ~· subdulnc tM hatreds and ciiPJor for place and power, hanis"h- war. ' 't,itllrr red stllrs nor gokt Wu's tn ol hope and faith. of "peare oo mea"-thf star·or Bethlehem. .. ,, Newport Balboa 11•1 , ••• nn•ro••· "A• ~-,.. 'IJ~ •9'~''"· of rho• ,.~!!h )". Ill«• ""n th,. hn~i:••-:-.w ,.,,. .,,,,_.. :. • Arf'unll•r• lo~~ ... ~=:::''';;,~;•;;,: • • 1N4 TIDE TABLES F.E AT U RES Thlln!< RECE IPTS AND DIS BURSEME1'1TS - atJ. of Newport a....-Jro April ht. IN-I, .. Mn)' ht.·IM4 • 6 "'"' 'ro.OO 500 97.SO 151 00 30.00 125.00 . ... 36.77 2572 4.3..64- 13.55 "'" -:Jt5.49 .. .. 477.4R 20.00 .,:w-- 2500 25.00 199.50 3.00 94.00 1.211.50 114.00 118.50 •23.40 1200 '·"' ,..!.50 196-50 6.70 3,763.49 ~ (o. 2.613.16 !:l.6:ll.:,O I .... ... "'····-·'· rrvcnue watt>r department '· ~-- • $24 ,6fll.ll ~-:If-· ·~:. 722.60 3151 .~ l.m93 2 226.58 2.*.00 .u~.oo lund. ~.00 '42.736 ~:l 444.119.:qJ 14.:19 ~BARBECUED SANDWICHES_ Are Del icious! RE-ELECT ... ,... . Jf:hl r\ltiU Wer Eddy . ·. CLYDE · A. TS·O ·. TO THE STATE'" and IM•IIigont Hrvlce. krs KHp. Him an .lh• Jobl * ' ., • ' ' y Exp«n..e. In ..,_ fteld aad a cii&Die to try anq all t,.. new U"'IIJ WMPGNI wu ,._ a 1~,.. fT'OUP f1t memben ot OW CalltonUa etate Ou&rd. oe tiM ,.._ """t f'>Yemll' &I W•ouac at the Bu. tl"•n ra"n near lrviM • hrtl. Olmlpany C of eo.ta Mea. u,,. der the leadenblp of Capt. Civet-! 1 P:. llltc-•all. wu · bo.t to meml».n o• CoaiHJIY l!t of Newport Har· "<>r. w't!l .C.p(. w•n•e w. ne* headlll~ the Harboftt•. Tbroul(!l '"~ ••llt.ancf ot the .Arrry'e lteth .. erb•n•·• CaJva.rv R.ecoane•e l&net.. Corp., lbree jeepe -re Pl the ctt.poeal of lbe ~ aad t-aeb ll'an wu tfven tbe opportu· n'tv to trv otJt nl-w -•p·M. ~· f'&JI "''ere eerved from a ~ • .T .·LAST . -.. , . ~COR"ONA DEL MAil . . . . PRICED-AS_ HEREIIAfTEI lET OUT .~ ~f'-~~~~~~~1-------------~~L-~-+------------~ 1 A.. numller ot eace'ltllt ecorea -..-fJI ............... F en •• ,.._.·, ... .. ....... ~a.... ........ +.,, . .., .......... ... .~ .......................................... ... -·-·'-tlt•t. 1"11;..._ Tw-to•.....a .... 1MW ... Am• I "' Ia _,.. •-.. t1. IM4. _.._ ,.._ ..,._ fll 'm' , ....._ fll ............... .,. 5.. . "'""" ... ~ .. ~bY ll'llarct.Tetl. ()D tbe ft"··"•ll"~• 11-,.IJ.tv.l"" """"· Clll of a .,o.tble econ of 110. tbe foUow- IDII' were recNded · 8t&tf Set. Ru-11 Glt.ln. 4A; I"'· t I" J: VI neon 49 : P 'c. W . E . -... __ .,. ,.,.. · ""'"'' ,... • '4•·9\~..,n . .1q : ~'Jl· ftu-11 Maldey, 48: Pte. I O<orc• Barber. 47: l.t 1",-t H P. . .. ,._,,. "' A7 : P.-t. " A. Jnhneon, 48; ptr R. L. Mlrlc11f'tnn ...... : O.-t. • W :A. Hatrh, 4!1 : C'rl. ~tuart Olell'. 43; PYt. F . W. Temple. 41; and Pte. W. J . ..oo·chey. • tn tte 50-calibre, at 200 verde. ~bt· follr wlnllf ecore• were recorded': <;pl. C. L. Mun.a. 48: Cpl ~•r· via BrOwn, 48: Pvt. Yf. A. Hatch, 48; Pvt. s. L. Vlnaon. 4~: Pte. W . E. French. 46: Pvt. H. ,A. John.10n. •a: Cpl. s tuart OMibl, .a: Pvt. r . W. Tea:ple. U ; Owp. Ru~~e'l Kak. ley. 42; Pfc. B. 'L. Klctcr.t~D, U '; 'at 8at H. E. Benet' Act. U : and Sfl. R~U Olblon, 40. Fll. td, In adcftUoo to C.pt. P1eld.8, IJ. :STIIE _·-C,AI"H· TOUHEY .. 1 ~~~~-u·::::t~~~~ :~ UA81E AJ· AIJREIM~~S,~;~~::E.· ~:E · 1 .,!uneoo. T /~ Hnw&ld Hall Pte. callfomla'l lint Olfld al 8tau of. ~~,-ling and. Castln~ c.tut·,. Geor~e Bartwr. Pte. w. E. irrez.ch, ~Ill Tou~eot wUJ be .beld l Tbla :.tatf' Caatlnft T ouri'Qlmeot Pfc. w. J . Coocbey, Jr., who wu at La f>alrra Park ID Anaheim, 'A'JII be t he main feature ot the butclf'l', Ccwp. Ru-u Kallky, May 21. JJ44, under the aueplcel Anahelq~ Waltnn Leagu!. Fteld B L. MJc.'dlelaf\ Pv~. C. A. A.'P-. . I r ay and Barbecue a nd wlll be an pte bury ~raid Davis RotKrt of tbe AnabeiVIf Cbapter of lbf 1 . 1 · t h t · ... ~ 1 1 ' ' • annua e\ ~!' a t e c-. Y a ""aut · Oyer. W. A. Hah:h, H . A.. John8011, luak Walton Leafue. Tht• tour· I rut La Palma Park cutlng pot I. Bt'rt Oqulaot, F:mrllt c. Sine. ~orre n~UJ~ent. te t~e flret of the Caltfor·1 J • t·ording to Roy Mabeto. chalrmao w . Rplnk , Jr .. F. w Trmpie. s. L. ala Stale Fly and Bail CuUnl I n! the fl~!d dl\y. · y111ioun and Percy Wlleon Tournament• under t" e direction , Dick ~llllt'r . ...-b .. will of li'l.ttto.' t-:nllatment.i In 'c(•mpanl~a B and I ot tbe Nat'onal A.uoctatlon Of!·~ :h ... only •l))an ever to hold rrore r · al'f' nnw oJ)('b, and orrer .nraey j Anrling and CuUng C1uba. ll wW1t 'tttn . ""' wolld rf><.·onl In a 11 ngle rppnrtunlttn for excellent train· ' be rerularly cu t each yrar to con· ~·· .r m thl11 CieiJ nf. and be lng. • of Anrltnc and Cutlnr Club Tour· il•lm'a Olyn pic C1uunploaNIP mnn fly. &Dd mrf cuUDr. all ID aamenll and National A•od etlon j • ·•'•'sl uf 1943. u well u the cov. A B and c dlvlaton• of ftrwt, eec· or A...nrlilir and c.iUitr Clube.--· .• 1 Lo.• An;:tc'\l'a Timra Trnphy ond third clllu. Many fa.moue Qy end b&lt cut· I for tht',outsta.ndin& athlete In ny Ofru-•al plug;. and lll#e will be ~r-tJe-wt" ~tria ~ -t... to~ "'lla!t: caattn-;--H~ ·-rtlmnce· anita~ ·~ the ret~t.tretloft dHk. pertJCtJWilf! In bolb ncuruy ~·:,.,om •nr the ' ~·lug 11 U 2 feet .. Tht• bar;becue will be at 12 noon. diJ!tancc C&ltlnJ tn lhto ~au .A! u.tth.a 404 2·3".Pot 8\f'rage an t. e --r---_ ~on. 'l'h~ wtll ~lao bt Clau1 fhrl'e ciUillJ Af1 diY-n·y l"t'cr r•l Ia-C:nd nftf'n codlforu ua. not by _ B aod Clue C entrtu for the le•1 1'13 fHt. and 176 213 for tht avtor thangln& lb.-ctrcum.Unc;ee ct our ak.lled. watb fll"lt.llf'Cond and lhlrd llJ!" HI" !lletanrl! l''lth thr 1almon 11\·,.,, but by rhangin« our attitude· rr.>r~• _award.: .. Some filly c:bamplonltl.lpe fl~· L!l-209. ~ct. andj 2071..r foot av· toward lhem. S. H. B. Muter-~ WW-w eatabl 1hed In t bla t.ouma.l , r • .;te. \ 1 ' man. • ment which will be open to all p&r· 111~ achedule of 8\l•ntAI tinnuun• • - tl<!ipanta, and al~ recorda wUI be «'d tv date art d tly ·accuracy, TtM annual N!dde rate In t.be recO«nlud aa official by both lbe w<'t l)y accuracy. · nunf'e accu-Unlti<l 8tatee 1& U .4 penon. per NaU~nal and Weatem A.~I&Uon racy, ~ dlat&Dc~ atance n y, eal· 100,000 popui&Uoll. I 'fh•l Awe Not lb'aagen .'~'• V• Theae ~olling~laitora ba .. long been frieoda=Pa · 'c Elec:1ric. For mcihy y~ (while you llave been lbinJQng of Pa~ · aa-'only a "atroetcar ODd .. 'bUI .. com y) .e baYe been quietly go- lag abou buaineu of hauliog a large part of them Calilornia'a c:o~rce- . the foocl ou ecal. the cloth" you wear, die mac:hin you UN, th.e fQW matertala ODd lia.iMe producta of induatry. ' lfow tbtte ~ im9ht ~ cOm. from Y41fY comer of the United Statea. load with ~ar aiateriala. UDloaclecl tly 'Ia••· they 90 back . tao.. tiDed with SoutiMm Call- lamia Jl"odUd&. ID additioD to 44 electric. I dieeel-.a.c:tric:. 1 goa-electric aatl 5 •team loc:omotlYe• • . / I ... : 3 ... ........ 4 ............ . 5 ..... ,., ....... . 6 ............ . ..; -9 . .__.__._. .. . ...__ . ~ . . .._ II ......... • . . . . I 12'.' ........... . 13 APOR. 15 1 ~-·14 a POR. 18 .. ZONE-R3 -Perrftitting either .. Sinlle er Mtdtiple. Residential Uie IESTRI.-.rtONlS• Si.nK~hmlly Re161i!noe &o COIIt not a than $3,000. · -~ I ~ __ _ • ftesldrntiaJ.Jnmme eKb walt~ c:aM DOt ._than 12,10\ L-~----' .__I _ _._..., B40 ·'C-K ~23f. SoLD r .REMEMB.EI~THESE ARE HD~LTOP I..OTtl -CEMENt· STREET~. CURBS .AND SIDEWkLKS IN AND. PAID FOR, EXCEPT ON DAHLIA PLACE, WHICH ·IS A PRI· . V-A T~'ST'REEt .. · ' . ·: REM.EMBER~N l;Y A SHORT TWO BLOCKS FROM t HE LUFF OVERLOOKING NEWPORT, BALBOA ISLAND. NEWPORT BAY AND THE ~~··""N." REMEMBER-THESE LOTS AR E "TOI»S."IN LOCATION, PRICE, TERMS AND RE- STRICTIONS. FOR YEARS WE HAVE HAD MANY , MAN JiROSPECf1\IE.·8UYERS. "BEG US" TO SELL INDIVID UAL LOTS IN THIS BLOCK . TALL SUCH INQUfRI£S WERE DECLINED. THIS IS OUR LAST BLOCK OF LOT VE Tt-lE BLUI'f, ANO AT THE SALES PRICES HERINA BOVE SET OUT THE NO DOUB1' WILL SELl,. Q~ICKLY. REMEMBER ..... THERE ARE ONLY 14 INDIVIDUAL PA . . - REMEMBER-EACH PAR CE L IS RESTRICTED TO s TO COST AT LEAST $3,000 OR RE SIDENTIAL -INCOME GLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES ITH 'f:ACH UNIT COST ING AT LEAST $2,000. ' ona del Mar. BUSINESS LOTS RESI FAMILY RES IDENCE LOT S. Ask Mr. you and tell you ahout them. lA IN COME and SINGLE: hodefl-He will show them to , P R 0 P E R·T 1· E S .INC. 736 SOUTH HlLL STREET IA>S AN<i'EL~ CAui~ORNIA Telephone M~d'-' 7~~ . I 1 ..: \ .. .. .. _I_OAT SERVICE Ow•t nn"'« -Paatllll -Relllodelbt~ ,IIOrOa. s~VICE .-- .. Watch Your ~ ~idrH~vs. .~ tre. Ran FrancJeoo. • Me Keehn Wednesd..,• • • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~·P!·:A~-P=·:~:-':n~.n~"~~P-~~\~-\FrtendsSurprtse M~.~ ~-_...::.·-· I. ~ra. Georse J4cKMhn wu .... -or.~ r--t. .. ·•-. I ~ W~y __.y~ wlloeD -a...,. .• -----~.-..... CALIF -ORN.JA · NE_E_ OS~ -~~~~~7:~h~:;::;y~:~~E:~~~ ·sERVE oN v~ua NA·~tON's ·RoME .· - _ . . ~~~~~~~~-~~.:;;:··\~:·i~·r .. ~~K::: FIOJtT tN YOUR NEIGIIIOIHOOD AT I "''hu 111 the wife .or the manager at thr OnlMa ,nrnn('h of the Bank en A-. FIGHT. IN' . G_SENA" T-o··R· ·.. An:l'rlra. .. :-__._ .,. elecdoD of Gotetaot luiW.,. : ... ia 1942 ~-that Calif~raia ................. -poUdcal cpw.freryl Now,._.,.,..._ dae. job. Le(s-elea ~-.~~~6~~~~,-~---­ .... Qlifoaail..a ill roll' -,. "' .... odler ... dO; - 11dt flala.tiaa l~der •• Justus Co r . He IIIII.,., cr'•li6c:adoe .... oAct ol Uail!d SeMel -.. MOr. ~ ilanDdlera.d.......,.per- ...., .... for .... ,,... ... tened (".aUfOraa u • inuced p..Nk ofi., ala. He hat...,., ..... , ..... ~, .... agreama, • IMaJ ~ ·. -...v.-.. _. ThotW whn werl' pr.-sent were Mr. ant1 M r11.-S~uart Ou_nlap and !\lr. unu Mr!! Robert H•lll inl!he!ld a11 V.·.,ll u . Mr. MY' Keehn ' I Paul Fuller Mark s Firs~ Birthday.a-. Party 1---.-4--TIIP !list bfrtlul~ &Mi¥enary or llttlf!'f P!ul Fuller. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gr&nt FUller. wu ap- 1 propriately a • futlvt" oc~on Tuesday, with a •party. lce-c~am ~nt· ~t the event were Kn. F.Aiward McNeil and little I Stephen. Mrs. Howard and tlny daught~r Janlcf, IJid Paul'"' two grandmothers. Mrs. J . M. Fuller of Balboa and Mr!!. L. 1 C. Button nf CoRia Meaa. I Mrs. Wheat .Speaks At Huntington Beach l\11'1! l.f'M(o!'<' Wheat. 390fi Olan· -nrl .Place. :"\ewvnrt Hc-a(h, w811 .speaker ot the Mt.-rnoon at the m~llng of lhf' \V,mlrn'~t Club of Hunlln~ton n ca rh Tur!>!lay after- noon Ml"l!. \\'heal talkt"tl on "IIOilrJrtJ LauJ:hlcr ." lht> piau of hurr.or ln Amer;can lift>. At our modem tftiniag school you cau become auply skilled iD u iDtetneiJig well-peid poet· waruade. · lt.eil aid_oD ttusponadOD problems ud bout· iDa iDformatioD are oB'ered • Clleoil ,_. ........ tlallolt now,_ ...... .., ...... pajlllg crafts, ...... .......... daaiflcatloM... ~ Electr1clam> and Helpers Pipe Welders and Helpers Pipefitter!'l and Hel~rs -; I 8pM.k the truth by ~ -t+-WileD ..... vta& .... '" do DOt • be bc-ld and teart~ 'ln rwr ,., bear tbe nYtle Of t bulle ol enor, aDd ID your kMDer j W1llla. DOr feel ...WU ot ~ dolDC; but be bu. the feathery toucb ot the !nut ot I'~· and lovlnc. and centle. ud a dove; but we know theli pre. _ b_roUierly the wblle.-W . M . Pun· eDCe bJ tb. love :. cnate bl -MOD. ~ our llftrU---IIU'1 ~.+- Candor wtll loee )IW eome Io ')Jsll!ld U. per capita fneoda. but oot N mpy u deceit. weekly eon.urnpt.1m fll butter is -TOUII&'. ·• two...-. TH .E ARCHES .. CA ·FE Will Close Every Sunday· and Monday Until Further Notice 9 ~JOHN VILELLE, Prop~tor 1 The untimely poulng of the brilliant and ..,._. toved Judge'G. K. Scovel caused a vacancY an the Superior l:iench of Orange Cou."'¥· · •. 2 After great deliberatlon and. careful tonst~.,. atlon of the quoliflcatlont of ..;.rv available oft9'"ey In Oron~• County, Governor Earl Warren np,,lnted Raymond T-hompson of Fullerton to the bench until the next General Election. ... 3 Now ot the May 16th Prtmory Judge Thom!Jscm • is nsldn~ the voters of thlt county to el~ hlm for a fuU· term ; . . to approve qov•rnor Worrett't 4 'There Ia no place In the entjre .-.olm of g"ov• • • r n m • n t , w h • r • humanneu. '""''"n~, '-ltlftdf;,._,_loirn••' a~ .knAwledae Qf the _lpw It morlt l(nportont than on the Suoerio'r cour1 beneh. 'GO'Yf'rror orrefl'i aoDlf lo.:l,."'"""'~c""~~ .. rated hv the ,performance of Supf'rior-C:"''urt Ju::!;e ./ Raymond Thompson s'nce he has lill8cf this office. 5 Except for •the offic~t of F_uller1on city oHorflrl, • Ju..l-e Rovmonri Thomosc-n never hot tou-~t oublic off•e. Me i• d~finitelv N 0 T t h " oert'"'',t ~Jitlcion tvpe. A' Governor Warren sold:. "In mo\clnf1 the non-ool:r:#el oonoin'tment of Pavmoncf Tt..-...,~·~n, ' I hove c~rf'fullv' Re!e~te~ o man wt.o•e nuol'f'~otl,.,.t, hoc\c,.rl""nd ontf O"'• olve ,.reot promlM 'of o,lono .. ;,d 'brllllont fudlctaf career... • . 6 Judge Raymond Thompson hot bHn a resl• • dent of Orofi!Je Countv for 33 years. oHen~ed Futlerton Public Schools and the University of ~uthem Collfomla, where he receive~ f,lt low dearH In 1~77 • Hli poretttl, Mr. ciii"i! "Mfr.o:-~ti&m~ &am- M1ddle West fttrm families, and hove .t;nld.-t In fuf.- lerton since 1911 . He Ia morrle.-f ond tfii't a dou.,,,., · .....__.___,~-aon. He it on Orange and Avoeodo grower. 7 J u d g • Raymond Thomosan hofdt t h • onfy .., elective office In Oron .. e r. ... untv (exceot for ttl• four IUftervl•or•l wh'ch 1_, NOT filled bY a resldel"t of Sor to Arn. Ju~ .. e Th"'m"''""'' ooOOI'I!nt Is n re,i,J .. .,t ' of ~ .. nto Ana. Surel" N"'rth OronfJe C,. .. ,tv Is efltltte-d to Ot-'J:-•l!"'resentntive In the countv offices. Judf'le T.,._m, .... , 1-!at rtv-rV ,.u,.l'fl·-ti,..., n ~·•rf'._ •• f.,l,· Honf'•.t, fnir. r .. lm, '••die'~""'· Kindly Superior 'Court Ju~ge should hove. Ploy UJfe: • ·. * W• ... .W ef ...... , Ylll•-fY,. ....... tMretlc ................................... , __ ,,. J-en.-it f•dea He dUDbaDd aas b_ooesdy. He has enttgy I :II rs. \\'hPat wns Ill! l ll.~tallcd 1"" llt'l'tllld \'l~•t>-prc !'·qcmt Of the , <'lub. mrmhl'r!l "' whirh blrrned Plumbers and Helpers . ·- ; pel juclpeac IDCI aperleDce. . . • Calilomia.~ ~ft.·~ repraen"utioa in Was"- lrapoa. Juttut Cnemer caD 611 this oeed befta chan uy othu candidate for dae o&ce 9,f United Sc:at!J Sf:oator. He baa cbe support of public- .,mt.d CalifomitDt iD nuy walJt of life. . · ~- • JUIIOII Cnemer. is the Rtpublkaa '~didace who knoWs. bat the ~ o( <;alif9rnia and tbil Q)uDty and ca~ ~~ .ttp~~nt US . m Watbi.Dpo. He-is for gOYe.tnmeDt by the people aqd will· fight ...,.. apeea.e, wasttful bueaucracy .. . ~ - VOTE FOR _I.,.STUS C:RAfYER RNI U .. IRD ~Alii IINAtOR rBIIIUY.IUCIIOiiiMA Y •• ' • • l 1 • t • h (;>• JU STUS 1n W o 'M1nqt on · .t t * .. thf' inortgBg«> on tiH• Tt>nlh blreet , 1 • 'tJ.hh•lllllt' at lhr in9tlillaliun l'llce t- l'ing ' ~· ' I 1 _'oNEillDAY ... ,.. .,, ..• ,, Jtach "'One-A·D•y'' IJrand Vitamin-A •nd. D Tablet i.J · ..,u("'/ent iD Vir~nin A and D \ p6ten<1 to one and on•-half t•as~onfub.o~ Cod Livtr Oil ' meettnc mtntmum United . 1 S ta t.t• Phannacopeio.l Stan- darda. A ~uffiden' ~u.pply o"thcse two t.mportant Vltami;·; .:1 as neceaaaty fo r you as it is tor the chaldren. _ YO f!' C AN' INSURF: ade, L. -.uate antake for ou and, your ~amtly ~)Lteti.n g t it t ;lat each 1 e\em~r taket a w nt·A·l>ay" I fablet every day. • l TABLET l DAY. IS Lr YLU HKf ! c-.-.,._,, ~CI>I'\0 ·,,.,, "'"''"'"'. i 1 ••'II· P.bde by the ~&.n.Lon. •n-l 1 . : .a-. el AJb.Sel\fw. I Sheet Metal Mechanics and - Tra.inees· Wa-rehousemen Helpers , . Tabulating Operators and Set-Up Men Marine Machinists and He1pers APPLY TODAY IMPORTANT·}. BrinssOcial~riryCard, P100f ofCitizeoabip and Availability Ccrtificare . • ·cALIF'ORNIA I <. s ti I pI u ll D. NG c 0 R p 0 RAT I 0 N' 110W .... A,.. ....... IMiev.fll w-.otoN .. I , 1)4p '" . ~ F.f.~ -~ ~ lOUR SUPERIOR- ·coURT .JUDGE ( RAYMOND · .. ~ THOMPSON .. at the_ May 16th Primary_ Raym~nd Thompson 8tJPDIGa OOtJJn' ~VDUII ·r x HEAR JUDGE THOMPSOI SPEll OVER ~ . KVOE MON,AY ,. MAY 15,. P. I • .. .. _ . . Hugh Dhnit Charlie Miller * * * Are ~ow Extending Their Usual FriendJYl Service at \. * * *· COTT,LE'S MAR:KET . . 2000 W. Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH .. Pboee 606 MAY 16th REPUBLICAN _ VOTERS!~ Rally 'to the support of liey.tenant Governor FREDERICK F. HOUSER forJthe U. 5. SJNATI -the-ONLY candidate endC?rsed by. • REPUBL~ organiiCiliC)ns:~ • Ther' is th' I''"'' J.,.,, .tif N•w D••l•r sh,~UL., Dou.·,,1 ,ui•g th'. R'J"'"'"• '"'.;. ___ _........._._ ~.IUIIOII '"•~'I• ~.., U~ft~ ,., ••• ,, -.-. . • I· Concentra"te-your effortlln behalf. of the IUT and STRONGIS11epublkan Candidate. PO" UNITEO STATK8 8KNATO" · FREDERICK F. HOUSER Unc~nani'G~·~r1\0r o( Callfo,.la · BALBOA'S ,. Socnelbi.Dc new for N~wpnrt out llleala," • pe.cPd ln ~ llal'tMir to be proud ~f &a UM ck!.L· llliDt.4 c:oet.a.taen IUMablol ,_ 19-~of Harold 8c:bwarta. u •aunt beeUnr by H e· -..u.,.n . ~ produrUon q,anacer ot Paramount ''pack-.ed IM&l" pl&a a. ~­~lurea' Welt Cout aludl:., to to wtn favor wllb buay 1 ....... • foraake t.be movtea and r o Into f.ll the COCDmunlly u ...U .. wD t •e reataurant t~u:n-on Balb.>a boat owaera. • Jal&Ad. !khwarta pia» lo n&Jra h&a ~ Scbwarta. a vt'ttran ot 28 1""' "Ha.lto'• K1&cMA." Tille .... In the movie bualneu, hu ju'.t a combtii&Uon of bta owa Lite cqmp'ete(l "The R~ to ut.,pla:· rwune and t.bal ot bla )G-YM~ llblrrtn,. Bob Hope; BlDJ Croeby, d&Nbtar. ~. w~q b!" Hey. Folks! Next Week Is Week to Buy Lotta Eggs "' Orup CCNDty .,r11t ant ..,..., ~011ll• .u... llloet a enerally JTOWft tnalt of thf' nation hen fruit. Lara• a1u·Jilu ... of eaa• a.t ;tM P"'....t -tUDe aN ee-tnc ~­ eldrrable to. to poullrymra ol t.be natloo and ~rdlatnc the auppl,. fo.r nrll:l y.-r. It Ia Indicated fmm and Dorothy Lam<iur, but be bu I f'DU bu bMD vacaUaDla&' ia tit <Melded tbat hla · Utopla c~ be Harbor dlatric:t tor yMn. . found on BaJboa Ial&ac1. ln t.be oOMr b&lt o1 tbe 111 .,. N-port Harbor wUD't be tor· He bu Jeued tw.o of tbe atorea purebaMcl build Dl'· 'Hall .. .... r otten 80011 by one Warlnt'. who In a four·atore buildlDC rec,otly nln& to make a ebowrooiD ,_.... l"'t'porU t he t\ab atory to n d all boua'bt by, ... yor Clyaa HaU. and 8tui"Clltoy., formerly made al 0.. ttah atorlae! p&an. to open a rutaurant at Jll· roaa del Mar an tM ~ ... 'pte, Jobn.on-ot t:l Toro wa . llS Apte avenue, oear OM hrry lakeo over by UM OOMt.._., rtna eo,_ Air 8\.aUon, a native dock, about way 26. Aircraft ot ... ~ ~-ert ertec:oe, MM 1 c.. U.I .N. ot Clnctnutl, 0 ., batooll bl-lt h'hral n-~deaf wW ba hlcor · to OM Newport Harbor Jelly to ponted ln lbe ~ent. He M • ) H •:..h Rilb<-rt ol:ob t l'!rt"''''t'. 801l of Hnd out a bout tbta aalt-watrr flab· plana a completely modem flnt· Ufle 8-...:; Mr. and ~tra, R. J. Brtacoe. Ia the m. ba bad beard 80 aiuch about cla.a bualnue open trom s' p m I G. p lr<'Ontl a,n of lbe faally .... .,... back lD the Wlddla Wut. OD throup the dinner hOur ·.bd tves rogram let. H .. voted to join the "•·Y·I Ht cut hla llaa off to , ... a rrom noon on 8UDdaye. H~ will --3nd 1• nuw • Na\:81 Air Cadet ala· l ti'OIIJ tua . aad I'Mlf'd tn a 16-'eatu~ aelf-•rvlce, Alao avail· Coata Mea prouC:Jy ...,_... tM :::'"d at ~fonmouth. Ill Hll pound Mnd 81\ark. Plaued ·wtlb able from 1111 ca fe will be. "t..Xe· rr1ldenc:e of ooe of Boutllena ca-. tht'r, S"t. 0 . H. Hrll<'oe, 'ta ID t.ta INCC .. , bt wu Wlboc*lDJ hla Pub)• fomla 'a brilliant youq ut~at~~,l Enrland 11.ll a' mf'rhiUII<' with a • pri•. when be "oUced In t.bt' -ter 1 )( warned · Mllrlfl Hatc'h, dal.ll'blar ot Mr. ud 1 11'0\lnd rrew. j a email dOf awtmmlnr around. He Ci •Jian Defe ltra. D. E. Hatch or 20t ..,.... a.ro,... bnnJ rallf'd to cadet dove In to ••e·UM dOf, and came VI JlSe., _ way. training. Hob had att11lnett a rat-J c.ut with a babJ. M&t. I Still N d ...:. a 'MI.IrttJ ·wu the wtnnft""· ot 1M· !P..& It mo\9L..D)!K h•nl.t .1; ~ prrv-Proof or aucb a tale betnJ nte· 8 • ee cg Specltl AbiHty Bcholwabtp ...... Inc that the mf'Cbanlcal taleot nary, ~--~ Md ....._~ ' by Redlaocle Unlveralty &ad .-run11 throuab tbe tamUy. He wu taken with hie latMt ''Caleb," "'-' All pentOM ~araect tbat the IJ'f"C'-1 recopiUoa OD tM ree.t fDrmrrly atatlonf'd · at Sao Ptclro contJDued bl1 fllbln&. wlt.b a Weetena [)efeoae zOoeta aUJl aab-KFI Youoc Artlat.a OampetiUGL Hut~Qr. u a cumbrr at lh~ anti «ll'bl,y cut toto tb4 -Imaa· ject to and liable to rJuh or oul· She wu MlacJ,ed to play lD u.. IUbmatlne net. dflal!. ln.• bla am&•lllent whea bla elnJI. u.nce attacka from enemy pJan• tlnat. by thf' judree. · Mn. Leu.M Bob attendN,. Hll"rbor Union f'r r u a -~u and kllltcl t.be bUd or aubm.ar1Dra. accordlnc to F. w. Athertcn lrlab, aecuuve· "*'j Hlp ~etool. whrrf' he Ia remem· lnlllantly! O'ocll!ir• Clvtllan Def-Oo-ordJ· Jll"'lldent ot tha Loll ~ Plall• bared u a football player ol pr\ m· -_..:..~- AMoclatlon, ataDded lae. but tranatNTed to Roeebufl. .a baby ~'llep ,•he got .to thot «•').. "--ieao ...... ~ Ve~ 111-or pua.._W. "Y a jail c.rry atorc ~cr W81lrt WIU F>"·· of P'orel(ll Wara a.dd u 'ttre yaJ1. Hl'ltane. or bot-. Ia . OM d Ytl •ml It Y"U compute carefHIIy pn I ou. Muonoc bodlea. courta, while. ~Ill potnt. wl ntc~tton •Y•tf',m a.lonr; mr••n~eer tl.r bal1111 nf a Marlnr·a pay, you .. He ~ ~n ••n .,,.,.,.,, I v t!ro the boArd Ia •mpnwerf'd to r~ok~ I at rvlc.ea ana "r..l\dlo a lao )Po'lll b(o' "'•II khow juat how aerlnu• · the ~ Cttlaen • .. C mtono~tl• ~ 1 1 • 11o1 A.:·~ ur au11pend ttcanMa u additional • --1 4•~'· uf· St 7.'«·ouW bt . l ~.. I.Jil~IIJ_.y 11 J>WLrut t.._pJl.D.l.lbDlenL -I be IJt>llno>ra have lived haN tor __,..e. lie pled~tu ~--...,..,..._._.,---===~ , 'f. t.m &Del fta'\u"M-.,..... _, Ule poultry laduetry. Wblle IMd prtc!M an In ~ ol laat ,._r at tbta U•e Ole prtc. ot eal'l tuoua'bout the Dalloe le CONIAdtrably below UM INS level for tb&a per1od or th• year, Gene Morlqhem Zoot 'lbe ..... t ............ ' ........... ...-: Bualn .. lntarut.a bl. U.. eoua\J u ,...-nttd by the -raJ Cbamben or 'commrl'\~e and ttt•tr cocaunltt-ha~ rombUiacl · wttb tbe poultr)'1Dan of OM ~· hnn Bure&u under t~ 1ea.lfot .. 1olp ot A.. H. HrlrtUD&nn. o,.._.e, to aponaror Oraoce County ~r We•k atarliDI Mal M~day. jiiiiiiiiiiiil LIDO ............. ...... •••• ...... f'utdac ~II& t:et a t :JI Matt-...... ,.at .. .. V..t ....... ....., '""' .. .. at BALBO.A 'I'& a& 'ilia II• I .... ,.. •• , .. &.-. ......... a..,..... ... · ......................... ftllln.•f"'t,· .... ...... ...., ............... ~et or arrtsA• ~., ..... , ... c..n... ... ... ................ ....... _ ... _ ... ..................... .... • oa&JifDFA•t'W-•'•1 -~ o.r....••c .oR~a•a·E HIGH. SCHOOl STADIUM ··SA~~A_Y ~JIAY ll PARADE 10ft. ·M.-SHOW .l:OI·Jti~~; High SchooT Mu sicians a bo Ul IIX mnnlha and hii\'C fount II f'r~ an•l llbillly ,,, 011 lltllvo ,...... " you lo!W' HO h~lr f n the mom· . A p . . · i} " frlrnill>' r ummunllv V I 1 n~n~1'"" lu Ill• ~1 •••· '""'II If' •nr you will bt looklnJ for It OM .· ~aat ~nual ICn JC J P~vf' It~~ h••n~~~ onr .1'"' thcr nun11n1 '"'"" n 1,11 ,11,, ~u~ IHII ~n=~~~ :n~r~·~~:d:"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The annual -mua~c· d..:partmt'nt I H · h S h I G. I I lots:•• c·~• I picnic will be l'f'ld Tbur~d* Ma 1 1g C 00 If S • l"'t'lary , II• rlwllu .J.oltn"''" 19 Th band ' h y, YINom· t orr· Willi nom lna.•.t I .. .•rol•u t.!<tr· • It . • ore eatra ani! ··~ Ina e Jeers I It' sn. and U!l ., ..... " .... ., roor-~u~· are collaboraUng to mAke ! At a mct•tl •. l: o. l .,,. t;orl:l ' lher nnmlnallmu. " ~11111ntrnuu• ~ r petty a 11\JCC:eu. Al~arlt' Lti\~UC' laat MnnoJay the lo'lowlna tm lnt w1u 1 ~~~~ ;!:~~h.::~.,:'~· t Al:;n :re lh(' 11.-~~i wf.re nominated 19r o8loeec · 'l'Nuurt'r .. VIrJ:Ifllll Bachman lng t~ eTf!l'lt o c aperon-rukent "' wa.a nc.nuna(rll IJ)' .Iaiii• llunab' Gam~-'or .i. kl nnmlnatrd b7. ,_ en~ .. IIDd Miu-I(IP l'riU' WIUI nominal~ buebaJJ\ . Dda. ftJJ'ItCial~ It E\'el)'fl Ke!a Willi 11 .o •• uu,,~.., .,1 by Dolore11 Rlnl( Food con~~ an to be plAyed. Mary Aller Pollard. , _' Rrport,·r· Jr~tn llall....-her wu l r ot evn-ytbtnr a Vlcf' l~ruidf'nl Jf'non~ ~rrt"h nomJMlf'd by Jun•• Whiteman anll penon would want 'llrill ba on b&ncl wa, aocn!ut.ect .... VI-•• N · TAKE HER TO . . --. • 'k/luieJ. ONCE A WEEK • . (' to ba eate --t5e 'atu v1 • •-P'er--ancy Tnwtl ,.,.,.. numlnall'd by j n v1 «<aala who ~f'a and aa t.bere were DO fur-· Jllarxl Love. up_the awaic ~nt< 7 i I ;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___________ ;;_;;iiiiiiii~"iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.iiiiiii-; RE-ELECT • l'homasiL KUCHEL STATE SENATOR o...... C'AMI•tJ ..... • R .E· N D .. E~z-v·ous · -·~~etta~a·• .. the 8 t • t • ... .... OUR IIAN POll THI lOB t. the lntamhnt. SENATOR THOMAS II. l KUCHEL. . PUB.LIC OFF.ICE·S ARE FIL• ED I BY ·T:HE· P£0P .LE _, BALLROOM Presents .. .(No . HIS 0RCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 13 -. Ht baa bHD a ftlbw f•,.,.. nlfaN. Rt hal ..._ fair aDd lmpartlaJ-to labor. He hu been a...., fridd crt JUr public achoola. Ht'11u foatllt for the protwtlon ot the amall butllnesaman aad <he 1malf homtoWMr. He ftU favored leclalatlon to mallt the future t~«ure f• ,qr tld•r eith;eos. He hu U.O foarht for efrleltaq 18 •ur atat~ rovernmeot. · St:NA'tCIR KUCHf:t la'MW tervlnr u a l.l~tenant n. t~' Unlt~ Sta te11~1':a , ud If ,..tlfC'ted. he trf1l .. ~me a a ln~Sacramt the le,talature coa"nee k '"ltt 1ear. · · . . . . rHUMAS H. KUfll •L WII.L PAITH•·uu ,y Rt.:I'Kt:s•:~T Aq •. TH.E PEOJ'I.F. OF TillS • OIKTRI<i. HO~F.S_TI.Y AND FAIRI.Y.· Vote on May 16th To Keep SENATOR THOMAS H. KUCHEL ·at s~cramento. . t l'bla advenii'('Oif'nt n;.a r ._ donated b' rrt.nda of llenatot l'hom81 is. Kucnrll. • 11w Constllij_tjpn of th4> S"!_t~·~r Collfomh• n'M.'rvt"S, to thr J)("'f)l~ t~ right to ex- (li"(.'S.'I thcir will' ln. thr !WI(!(11on of n Superior Court •h trlj.:l'. Tt'mponH)' appointment. ror Superior Court Jufl~o:..,. are marlc by th(; t'hl<•r cx~>c.Ut lvc. ..A'~~o flrion &K the people can f:'Xprei:~ their MloiC'f• th~h thfa ballot OOX the offiOO ~ riJJt.fl (Of B dcflnlte '"""· . J A M E S. L{ DA-VIS "' I • .. ·yoUR DIS.TRICT AlTORNEY ~ · . ' . Is n ~nnrllrtatc tor thl' orr~· nf ~ufl('rior Cnurt .filii~"· Ornn~:tf' C.ounty, nt. lJ!e romlng cll'(..1ion. Mn.y H:th. \\"(;• ta~J<. .. you to t·nst y11ur Ulrllot for .hunt·s L. O~otViK, Uk! num. we hf'llcvc-. tX'1\t quullfled for that ortlre. ' I : -·- 1 '" ' •• ""tf t• u.s. Seaa&or \. _.____. • • I .... • II: :~ 1 liD' -:.~ t'•~h·cr (GncleB41U~tf,JI,.JOc1. Ub.-. . SLICID lACON ,~A...., ............. PUll LAID ....., ................... ....... IACON-iGUAIIS .......... _ ............. ._ LUNCHION MIAT -...................... . ' SKINLISS WIINDS ,.... .. ._ .................. . LAMIIO~ST .... ~.-............ _ lllfsHANa c... ....... a ... -...4, ... RANK SRAICS ..., ................. ..... .a- .ll- .D- • a- ... 33- .33- .. It .31- MOnt ......... .....,-.. • .,...., ,.,.t.,..". s... ser ... ,, • .,. MnY •.,... ~ .. . . ,. .. -'-,.. . . . . -. . Ah "Cif COffee ,.. .• :::r .. Nob Hill Coif.. AoCfl .. 21--...... ~Coffee o..,w ••D-. . ...... .. IDitailt PoMum ...... ._ 11-.......... '::' RED STAMP fTEMS ~':a (2) Dalewood 0::::~.. ~· 22- (2) Troco . == ~ 21- (1) Kraft Dinner · :_l .. •. ... '· ':c~ BLUE STAMP ITEMS .:!': (2Q)FiqsS...::::,':'!;.~to 14~\-·13- (43) Peach• ~,:;-v ....:.-~ 21· (2)'Becms l .... _. ......... I .. ,w. ... ptol... ... ., ...................... 4 ..... ~ (4) Grape Jelly =: .,.: .. (18) Tomato-Juice ~ U•. .... 0...0......., IL .... a. 4141.-. lkl SAI'EWAY "PPONT-FIR" CAfiB MOTS & F1S11 Mackerel ·von C<lrnp ••ond " .. .: 1 .. 0t OolllelWk -.. - My-T-Good Oyster:s '~· 34• Salmon o.. Mot-•e 0< Mor,noro' ....... 3 .. , Flog Red AlcM.a. - Avalon Sardines N:.:O' '!:.•· • Sardines \t~Co"'PB•ond IS·••· 11• With lomo!o. .,.. ••~ Grated Tuna . Plat,.,. ,...,, 21• . ......, - NO POll!!! -_Mil FOODS Mazola OU .C: 21' = 11• Sugar Belle Peas . ~ 14• Highway Sweet Peas •.: '&2- SUced Beets ':;! *.:': 12-· Butter kernel Com '::· 14• Tomatoea --..::-~~ IZ. ------------------------------ Quality Lumber and ·Build in• Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ft. ~. HOITIITLilft Ph-41 WALT~ft I . I~IC:Eft, OwMr Newport Beach .. -• • • • •• • • • • • 1•1 ltate Hlghwa)' At The Archca .. Pt!OM • • Lut Friday Excelalor Hl~rh SChool •on ~ tennte 111ateh with ~ewpo?t Ha.rbot' 27,0. The ruult. wore u tollo .. : 1150 : • ·········~·-····································· llftglft Exu,alor Tilton · t 2-e. G-8 1 I Miller (l-6, 2-8l R.ackll'te 0 -6, 2-e) G011DOI -B FI.IDtAY AIR • . . .. ----· ' . Wl-lJam G. ~Bonelli f~r lilTED S~ i TES SENATOR ,. IS ToE PEOPLE'S ~J:'.tliCE TO REPRESENT THEM IN THE HALLS OF _CONG~, BECAUSE :BONELLI STANDS FOR: > . ~ · ~merlcan Vidory on the bt ttlefront and at the peace table. , e Pteaerv~tion of personal liberty and free enterprise • •• • in AmericL •• Abatement of bureaucracy and Pl\ternalism . , . . Federal programs f~r war. vt:teruts' welfare, old age relief, post-war agracult!Jre, tndustry, and labor. · .. I Intema~onal policing to halt ag&Tessor nation8,·188uring all nations the right to go~ and feed themselves. DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR V 0 T E WHEN Y6UR NATION IS AT STAKE Elect Him at the PIIMIIIES TIESDIY, MAY 16 \ \ • tlO E. Centra~ Balboa iL.--------~----.-.--.... ....-~.._...;. _______ ...1 • .. .. • .. { ..._ f\an.l. ·apt. 6r ~. N•· clrtakera Wrtte • &a. 1\' 'JC. N-.·ThDH, Newport Beedl. -IT-«• ........ ~wtllil_.. ......... _ D r n't for«et the Blood Doaor I . -nt&bU8bment. y UAit comln~ July IOlb. Have you Notice Ia hereby l1•en that UM Tbe date ~-and Ule plaoe. algn ed up? Remember we Deed N_,art Beach City , PlaD.D~~ wliere a id ea1e Ia \o be ~· and 400 of you and 110me lklldler boy I Comm!Mlon wW bold a pubijc__ the corwide.raUon or 2nc,. ~relor 18 co*nr tv 11eed your-_pf11l-~..beari,Qg UJ)Oil the m.att,u of t.ba 18 to be fN'!d an-on J~e )!. ltc4, _ b!ood. _ • ------· •pplk!a~ of .. ,.,~ p;;wea; at .10·00 ocpo.k A. )l.__. ~t :---:,:=-:c-~--_.,• ----.---for a Wrty percent Front Yard nee of Fred A. Wilbur. 608 ---'----------• 84!t Beck Variance, havlnc t.o do ·Natlooal !:Sank Bultdtnc. P'ou~ with Lola 18 and a portion of 11. and Main Streeta. S&nt.a Ana, Tract 884 Same belnc 806 and Calttomla. ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION I. itcse .. ud war A.Msmous FOR 809 Weet Bay Ave., Newport Dated: April 28. liH.. 1 PQPULAR ·Reub. California. . E. N. WORKMAN. 8ald lkwtDc inn be held ln ~ · Intended ·vendor. .. pta at thfl nrltdl...,.. 'a. ,.,_ ........... lqudreplulilerlliee STATE SENATOR CHARLES· HINDLEY I • • World War Veteru . CAPAB.LE • May 18 CANDIDATE OF THE PEOPLE HONEST •~----~----------------------- -SNOODLES .. i ' ""! .... '81 ~G ~H! ~~~·s"'o~ AC)t~ Wt1H DO~OTHY DARNIT 1 ~ ... .., ... J L.L Cc 1N ~0 PQE l'tND ·••HJRofCf ~ T"( Oo&S "'"'0 A~l( . .toM 'Tt) L.T ...,, bf'f' TO CO~ A PAW""~ 1 l L Ctl/l o41M ". """T 'TMT I M N0 1J G 11 T ••iC : (N~VC.M TO ) L.'i "'£. ON - City Council Chamben, City Ratl. Pub: May 11. 1M4. . Newport. Buch. ca.Jifornla, 7:30 TRANSPORTA'ftON P. M .. May Ill. 1144. _ _ _ _ By Order ol the Cbatrmaa. .RJDJ: W A.NTICD -Soldter. wife, C. HAROLD HOPKJN8. dntN ride to 0\leqo. ........ HOWARD W. 8EAOKR. _.,..._..__, drtve. Pborle H'-· S«nt.ary. port 12M·J . Jl.ltc * -tt· * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA . .. TELEPHONE CO .... · I I WA,_. T TO P~W H fiN INAT(H, So • L~ .. ~Yl ( ""OUC14 TO CtT ~R w l 'T" ......,: -l~ &. .. , ·~ ..... orl14~ Ne. ..... lt.. ~A:- --By Cy Ruqerford !rfill· -, ~-------..-----By Charles McManua . C:O "'14L4\,D· A114D TMl ·"'V , , • WATCH T OO• I H(l0 ' •0: ~uPPIA MoMr"'f-' • ''/. • ""~ ~ll.F • "'-• . -~~ .. R ·AD.IO · s•av,JCB Home, Auto. ....,._ ...... ~ ........ DIIIIIILII'' .. h•n Bart R. fi_. -.. 1111 CaMe ......., ...... -·~ ......... , ·Ptofealonal DiredorJ Gar•••llc.....ltt-II.D. ",. .... ..., . ..,.... . Na.u. M4 C...,:.: A"' Off ... Hra.t te.tl a.IR.I H ,..... Tlfe, ..... If LEROY P. ANDIUON ATTO"N•v AT LAW Cilli .... " .111 ....... ............ c....... ~ HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ··we OvntJ ... tM ...._..,. 8y8emq0U....8ell" ~--Ne-..n Mt c-. .... CallfwMII f BUY NOW Cit, T as Sal• Lata A. J. 1WIST DR. G. E. TOHJLL PHYitOIAN _. IUIIIMOM -a-. ................ -""'--..... ... w .......... . " ... ~ ........... . . Dr. M. D. CraWfor4 •• ,.0 •• ,.,. •• ,. .,.. ... _ .. ~ .... am ... ..,........,.. ~... OOITAMU IAL TZ r.lORTUAJtY CHANL rt TM ... A 4t0 CfeM'--· tcwce.tH..War ~Mil CORONA o•L MAR ~-... fllaiJ ............ ,....,../New,.,t 41 J DR. ~BED LU ~8. Dentlat · .. . IMI~ W. o.tnl. Pia. ... NEWPOilT BI:ACB WHO'S WHO II HARBOR DISTRICT ~lf·IE~LA Cil AND t<INDLINO WOOD- II W. Wrllfhl, 17'-4 Npl. fllvd., r.otta M•aa. UMd LumlM!r, Pb. llfoJ. CEN."AL CONT"ACTO"- t:l'"t"n II P'lnt1htv. :1410 CONI OIYd l'tt. 102. PlaN ud 0 11urtructloa. I UMBER COMPANtiEI- C'IIMa Mt~~• l .hr r , •·t..t u• ... 1p )'ou pia• )'OIIf home.•· ~ "-. l~•v Ot.trtrt C.um"" Co. Mione JliiO. 01ut HlrtJway at Art'ltaM. O''ICI: IU~PLIIll-, Nrwpnr1 Jlarbtw Publllltllnl C"o. l>ttnft•: 11 • 1~. N4l'Wp0r'l 8eML PRINTING-• ' N-.ort Harbcw Publlllllft~ Oo. Ptlonea: U • 11, N.....,.t .... R.AL &ITA'f<t, INtURANC. & NOTARVJttU•Lic-• Lew R. 'wanar•: "2202 w. Olntr&l 'A..-ue. ...._. a. Ru•••R iTAM~I-. . . l'ftwpoft HariMit,............. OD:" ~: lJ · 11. H..,att ..... IHII.T li.TAL WOfi,JC-' .. ..... ...... • --........... Ollila..... ...... ... t YARiaTY noll..... . ..... ~ ....... ~·· ..... ~~ ..... all~· . ~ . , $ t 1944 .. CapUta Ctrcte of Coron• del Mar , , / H b ' A t • • t • Echoe, of Harbor High Prom ·s~~:c::Th..:.nl~::a:~:~.w~ ... ·! a~~L-. ~-120Dd13 ·-. c lVl Ies R=~~~~~::f:.:.~:.:.J ...... J_ Jlllla CtreJe ot Ooroa& del Mar •oU-. aad Mn. Georp i.Aw1.11 Ca 'Relldlnot Pbane ~W beld at ta. blp acbool" ill what ~Y Waroner. \tOri• Myer, Vaa G -'t7 anardll for ber Ulbd P" tbe ftport oa U.. Ooeplp-J ,.~ thy an 8a11nr ot tbe JUDtor·SeD·I Noi"'DAA IWey, Riley O&yDor, ICarl ~~---;;;c=-: .. ....,.., !. " ... YOte4 at· UoDal ~urch -mC]WeiiMIIL ...... f~mist Event Held WSCS Lays p~ for Coming_ Months Naval Officer on tor Prom a1 ... .,,. Ju&<:n ot Mew· IWW•r. Jeuane Lou orunc~, )h.r-....._ MW at t.bt Iiiio .. o1 Cbartft Kytea. Ill Oreh1d aveaue, '-'P" C b · · ... .. · port• Harber Union Hlp .cbool t.o tha Muon, ll:l&lne Quarry, Jeu lila. ftoank H. ~ta u• o..ew1w1u "' bolt•• to u.. rrouP oa At Balboa Yacht Ju At Busy AII-Day Meeting Tuesday Leave After Duty in boaar c~tparUq .. lora. I Trompeter. vetma ca-. otortl .. 1 ....... w.-..say att.-.ooa. ·Kay 2f. '0 T sd Evening · So th p f A MYtrU facton CODtrtbut.ct t.o Mat.,.. Nancy KoUIJubead. Ver-. OtiMr oftleen tor t•e-com-. I I n ue ay I ~ . u aci ic rea t.be IIUceiM or the event. IToreT oa "'}ne'-, PeerY Orttftth. au- ,.... -.:..-lfn. J . H. Smlttl. 'riee-f EbeiJ Club to Meet . ' r annual -;;;;da~91rlY and At • bu.y ~7 • I I--~ the ,.., •• clc .... ~ar• ~ --UaaD 126 ~attended and Ute bara Stovall, Dot Wri(bt. Juett ....... t; Mra. 8. m. Haupea. re· Th d f L h I t~Uon of rl:t~n of tbe Op· wscs uf the cnm • ..._ llet O· ........... -tbe four C&UII pi Lt. Commander Merle J'lcbl {trwt appearance In eeveral-)'un ~apman, Beverly Grace ana Mar· ~ eecntary; ud Mn. L. A. UrS .ay Or UnC i ltml.t and Opti·Mra. etut. dreW. It st Churcb oo ,......., -len aatferillllr today-at~. mate-retumtd to bill -G&Val duUte Wed-of formal d!'MI at a .cbool party llyn Hunter. NonDAD, tr.aarer. Partlam•ta· Tbe Ebell a'ub will hold tt.a more than 7~ membt'n and tnend.. cl<JM'd Ute atudy of two.._, aod rial ID8ecurily, old aae. ADd cleat.b, need&y, followtnc a villtt w1tb Har-IIDAde the-. more colorful Ulan 1 Chaperone. were membera ol Nil wU1 ... Mrt. L. T. P'ollciiD. IMilt IIDt;ettnr on Tburaday. May '1 to the BaJboa Yac'bt Oub Tunday ; o •to<k plana tor ._ ~ and tbe bWD&D reactlona ta.u.to. bor trt~. He wu accomp&DW' UM&&l. QplUU.. of nowera and t e (acuity and their wlvee or bl»;, WilDe ccamttt. cbalrm• named 18 It 1. annount'ed today. Mem. evenillr '-r , Tte I"'UP plaDe nut to Maia try Mre. ncku wbo 111 now ID&k· a Dumber of po.tera carried out ~. lncludlnr ~r. aod ~rs. werw Mr& Batea. Red Cro:-: Mra.l be~t will pth•r for luncbeofl at Lem ·Holt%. Gl~dale: rovernrr nvmtta , the lludy of "J"or All ~ Ufe" by Inc ber home ~ San otero. t.be 10utllem theme, and a c'lever Jack Nolaa, Mr. and Mra. L)'Nl t 0 . S . ......_, IIUII4U\J'; Mr.. C. H. 1 o'clock at thr clubb~. with t of the Uth district ot Optimist ~tetr.~~ !' P~ al Ilia llomel Wmt.am o>&Jid Carlotte Wlller, for-Ctla!mander ndcu, wbo .,.., a noor ahow a1veo by freahmen and Hugllee, Mr. and Vra. Laureoce 8w'll'ert. --benblp; Mra. Jay 1 Mn. K . v . Dllt•.tn cbarJe ot ar· lotemat nnal, ,.... tbe IIJ.Cakt'~. ••t !\lnt 1:-. D. G::oddl • lfewport IDf'r millltcna~ to-lD&&. redlo tedustelan for ~· RCA lla-"!tomorea ~u preaented at In; Afayer1 Afr. and Mra. t .. l(. BrauU •• Dutter. Suo~NDe;· and llra. Harry 1 ranpmetlt.a. • l uf'lt1ng )llerobt•r• to adnPt tor tM IC. a.:ll at 10:30 o'docllt .. thit • June &Del July _..tinp of the tentnc po.t between he,_ and termu.loa. Mr. and Mra. Le811e MUiflr, Mr. Mauc*, ~ 1 Mr•. Larry ·Jobu' wtU review, comUifr vear ure "'"~""n "(r~n·l ''' ~ l •dy f'Lu , of wbidl ...._, Ivan W8CS w1U be held lD tbe cburcb Lone Bttlch before bll entry lnt I General cbalriDen for the event and Mra. Leonard Thompeon, and • ..'I'M_~ w ' u&~Mld re· the play "-H4_rriett." ~d ~ve a ·OM! boy;.. · • •• .;:..,r ,. ,.,....._ .,.,. a. put j parlon. It wu dtc:kled durtDJ' tbe .....tot te Mc:ll to the lt&tea 0 were PerrY NeUeon and Dick 3Jt·. and Mra. Joeeph Hamblett. ~ • tbe "*! Cr'OII wen doGe rtaume ot current t.beatrical· pro· ~r. ~tnd AJrx J~obt>rt W. Hey .. I f 'r tr.nnttt=.'~e bu -.. IIII4lnK ..,_nne meetlq. Kemblre plaza 'I leave ~r 30 mODt.ba' dut 1 :, P'reemaa. wbo were &.alated by A croup of Puadena ,.Junior .....ely b)' tbe l"f''UP featured the diM'tJGna, to ft rm the prorram of I wen~ lnlltllllui u prt>ll!l<'ntJI •·I the t! ,. •ltn Y or ~ .. Jil&yan·• to om I~ the Auauat meet.IDJ', and !i'outb PacUte ln eoau:nu:ka~tOO: June Wt&1J(mau, Ql)'llD Boltl,.l Co'lege •tudente provided lbe mu· -..tt-r. Mra Bate• pve the re-,reat toterillt. vrgMI&at• n at th4o ,,vo nt at whl< h .. , ;ood and the ~ ol -..an voted to aerve t.be annual fltlb dtn,. work Dawn Vauct n. Janice Hornby and ate. ,.-t; wlltda m.U. that membera ---Dun L. Antlrc-"'11 wa.o t...utmut"r ~~~ ferm~o:." 1'\le8da7'• ·.._ion ner to OraDp cowaty m.l.Dtaera In Co;.,m · Marylou Mantiall. Oalnty-refreab. :------------~ ot Oapp:lla C n:Jt bave t11roed In Roell Vollmer of the t'r. ~-Nav\· Tho· Awln Wml( S4-ctlno or th .. '• '1tt·n'<J on vicariou. 5 .. In June. wlt.b ,Kra R. B. RW beading IDdM aad Krw. ~ menta inn Mrved by tbe aopho- 1& pQ_Io~, r.,.. pt!lows, 26 knee bu rdurnf'd 111 !luty f<lllnwlnJiC :. 111,011: P:odull1,0 l n1t (I( th" I .. loght _or~ T_,ea!ll& '-cb· a coa:JID.It-ln charce. ~~OUR,.._ of Mr. and Mra. rr ore• wltb Ralph Frletag and BIU abrpret L 8elaarle (111.....;· .. _. 'haden' "-., 01111 .... , --.. 11 ... ,...., 20 pall"' ot month'• lea\·e with hi• wlf,. at Arrn) Air •·vn.••;t \\'o•lll•rn f1yw~,; •··: usm~ Jeremiall,. • aam·l A-orcantz,aUQa'of lnterme-Cotta :,rrDAD oiiU:S lloiM avanue. Peyton In ch&r(l', 111appera and two baby quUt.a. Orang~ avenue, Tralnlug l..)omtmond prco8t'O!Ytl ... ,.. "'"· aDd In tbe ~ o1 -stm cltate a1ril II to be lpCiiiWOI'ed by c:l.r'elled :--Tbe commander ad· Freahmen and eophomores who ~ tM CIPIII&nc prayer , ral ~·Itt t , ~~~ and. r•h""'l f••r :· ... .n:.l ,,... .ucla .. ~-·a. Uw WSCS. '!'be J"''Up, the Olrta' e\•eoln e ,U«w Club 1\.leaday cave t.be fio::r-ahow, featuring .Jandnt' ilttn lilt prn ·r&nl I •••• u .•. Dr. AlbHt ac• n and 8oc:lety of Cbn.tJ&n Service, ill t.o I tJnr on ~a ex~rtenc•. at t.be Southern IODJI and d&DCU. In· TEACIIEa OP' PIANO or.-w · A.aeaatpa•kt " .. 1, ""' ~ be lD cbarce of Mn. Charlee Rob-m• r at the Electric OrtU In clu<!ed T&Dya SHiy, Sarah Beat ---.1 h(' •upplemen••--~ tn.oa. Bal~a. He aDd Mr. Morman at-' 8 Ch I G F -~ -'" te ded bldlo: Itt ~-A-• UrC l rOUp et es t'IHurt anti HumaD ........... by lfembera dJncted t!:e UtUe n a meeting· of a mlnlatu,_ Kr. and Mra R. C. Oweo and 0..... ... Mar Bride at Shower , t: !:ii:Onky Joou_ Wblcl ....,. baa Keeper~' au. to eom,wt.e the tralo club. or whlciJ bot.b are mtm· fu:Uy of Balboa llland bave re-,,..,,n led by Mra a...t lODe. anice ~ for tbe cbureb. Mn. ben, In Orante on Moaday eve-tumM I rom a few daya ill Glen· . Stephen Weatberford. pnllldeot ol • ntnc. dale. A IIIII''Jlr1"" lfNI·nuf"llloi llbu1l'el -1 W8C8, CODCiuct.td the meet.lq. I ' ----+-----------.......... "' uorl'..t ~l r•. l!u~:h !.hYtuan •f:'l· e COMING EVENTS Dunac uae procram wb1C!t rot. Robt. Satler from War _.._..,.._ murf' llayd&nt •I the mecotm& of --)owed Mra. Ella Devin~ nmewed 7-' v . F . the Ll~ht·KHPf'nl.' n ... •1f the : FRIDAy. MAY 12-1 a ~ from the tat « thei.LAJne; iSitS OlkS . ~tth• '''"' dtu~h · , Am~ncan ~ ._,....._ Of • yar, '"Mw LDnt•1 Boac In a -- l:he. P l b.t'rln&.l«,.•.k ,,.,.,. at L:':! W.:.rld... War 11 wetcra• ~ GIMce .straAp Land." She dlecUIMd Unacathed aDd In f\Jle Jl~t.b 'hllme ll( MMI. (.'I1arlt'a Port«'r: ,f18t IA'&Klll hall: c1iaDer at a:Jt .. Ill. "''111l&ft'e part In niDak.lnc the' after ~telae acUon ID three major· c • ._.,. 0'-4 atn-t't. Nl'wport But h. Qn fo rut'ay Red ere-wortnooo.. Ul Palm wortd, brtna1nc out polnta on tbr.e I battle• In the .Pacific theatw ot ... o-1w ~ rvrnlnK Spr ing nowrra "'f'r. Ullf'd ut'flue, BaJboa. · _.., '"-10 toP.tca: the worllin« woman -aDd war, Robert L. &atuer, q\J&I'Ur • ...,.. -.. ._. u dt"('nratlon• .. and Mra. McMillan a m to 4 p. m. thr cbureh, tJw cSom..uc worller ...ter aecond e~. USN, bu ~.~::.= "'88 pri'IW'ntt~i ••lth • a1n ot Kl&aa· MONDAY. MAY 1~ and leaden6tp ol wom• lD tbt Jullt completed btl tJI'It vlait bome ::-::.~·.::-"..:: I ~·a~. ' . ' HewpLrt 1feacb a,.._ -..ooJ C'bUrt'tl. ID lllOI'e tt an a year . .._ ......... ., · Folluwing • brlrf bwsiD-mm· P.·T . A. At tbe -=Jaool. At,_ -.ell hiDcbH werw abar· He broupt with bJm a ablp- ,_.......... I In(, p&m• • Wf'l"l' pllty~. 'A'Ilh M!W· Ill 2:30 p. m. ' r u , f'd. Wit.b a a.ot driDJI ~ by the met~, Robert huctre., 11palman PIJONE: NEWI'OitT 1IMI AND ADMIRE!' -Ill•-vHoy t~rndrtrkaon I S unna Kt:l· Red ~ WOI1tn~ 1U ~m ~ Tbe next m~UIII' .. wt ~ODd c1ul, wboee .hom• to lnd.l· -~-J~=~~~~~~J~~~--~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~·~~·~W~il~~~a~U~y~~·~·~n;d~E;~~~~~~~~· lp~~~S~~cb~~W~wa.e~ ~~7~ Jol t frcn11 Ul ns; to 4 p: a _ lllrw: "'~Oifft'l'rd Uld Jlra @1Mie •eacb 1u tbelr bi1et time .,.._.,.,.... were Mra o.uu-Me., .Mn. .1-.--H,-Hecs ("roo• -~-UOO RAlr•r u hoetee.ea. j and they apart a welcome fl"e • . TE WIIKLE HA.RDWA.RE Milia .ldrt! F~ .. 0 Gut~"'t. Lana& <kt>&n bouJc.~ar.f. eon.. M Mar ---__ • d&y1 wltll 8attler'1 parente, Mr. MiliA ... ~.~ FAn& watt&u IUrflC&l dr~..mca. 1 to • P. ._ • Sophomore Assembly I and ¥n. H.erbert Sattler. u1 Yra. Purter wu ....-t.f'd b)'. llle.r l · Sappblre aweoue .. Balboa llland. I moUier, lln. W1.nltted Blrllft. Ill TU~Y. MAY ,..._ Set at Harbor High &auJeto, Wbo hu OGJy rteenUy tbe llftvlor of the dainty rdre.tl. 1 s-port IUJ-bor Poll of .._,.r· received biii,.PromoUon · • .., acUoo menta wblcb C'lc.ed th,. .. v~anr; I<U ~~I$ICI ••Ill be boll to .-.n. May 17 wtll be a (ft&t day at In t.be BatUe of Ta~wa In th~ botno 'f .tk Al«'ralt W~kr· Harbor. {or Ute atudeota .and lAc· I Cflbert.a and In two battlea ln the ''1<'*'' Of, N-port Harllor .._, In ulty will wttlw.M an ex.btblt of lllx· llirab.U., 'KwajalelD and I!:Dewe-l~g~on Hut. al 7:30 p. a. . I taet beatlt ful 110phomono girl• do. I Jok. He returned, with bill (Ue8t, ,'Hartlor ~ry C1.,b, Ill WII!Me'a lee' 110111e very .urprt&tnlf danclnc. t.o t.belr d~t aboard a mlne- '.•rll A\~nue Cat!· ...... at ,._ 11"'-prove to be a bll' treat IWeeper, on ay. ' 6 ·30 P: m. · lu ttey are under tbe w&tchtul Sattler e •ted In the Navy two . ~lart;or LutGa O ub. at ~ • ,_ of Mra JOan Peplto. who 11 year• aro. He t. 23 yeara old. (;r .II. ~lb a. at 6 :30 p. a. ' '-dallla them. Mra. Peptto Ia t.be Rf'tl Cn:-. .-orll~. Ul ,_... wlf• Of OM wend lamou. clOWJt1 l~l.oo:.!' IIUI'J:ICal druabtp ,... ..... to. 1be a1rla are maJdnlf t.bf!lr 1(1 ~ m. to 4 P· m. ...,. Ol'iJ'Ip&t &Dd colorful ec»- Pluo IMinetio. Gustave Linsenbard f.~.J <."'rosa t'laaa for dJ ....._ ·m••therl. ~ e-n-roome, ' .. _...Ucla to the daael -'rle 2 to 3 p. m. Mra. . "C •• • ·1_ Greduate ~lpajc .con.t>rvetory PupUe Aecrpted . Film Stars Relax At Newport Harbor Newpc.rt HarboE a charm• hav~ drnt~•fl )tr. and ~1'1. Humph"y Bogart of Holly.·ood and Mr. and I Mr1. t>at O'M•JOrt ol_ ~ AncdH for a muolb'a rtiil abOard. UMU boat.. bUe. • Tht Uocart.a a-re 8J1endi*'l tbeai ncaUon aboard '"'I'M 81ll0'7'' &ad the O'lh.oru on tbelr crut "Tbe Krecper." Both are moored at tbe VUia Marina wblle tbelr ~ fiD<I aun:eaee from t.be wblri oC maktnc movtea. • . . SewingCl~b -H-olds \ WIU.fAM O. May ~uncheon Me~t ·1 BON ELL I PUtel. Sprlnr flow•... a rn.nc•d around " Maypole weft · uaed u the lundif'On me.tln« or the Sel.r· U $ SEN .6, 'TOR 1n1 Club held at the borne of \eta • • ~ Ed•·ard Waltrr~-In C08t.a r.tn•. --...... ----- Mra. Thorn .. J•ko and )Ira \\'. C 0 N Ill T I NT 1 c r.~rDonald allltl'tl'4. DIp IN D A 1 L 1 · Mf'mbcor>! pn-Mnt mt:ludf'd loin C A p A I l I Ronald ltlac I.JuAAJd. Mr& John Mt')llllan. ~ln. F.d Zuhe. Mr11. ~ Waltt>r C'ole. Mr11 Lf'wls Yt•lrco.l. S.,11arf.N orwl lllno. t-:d ~hrk,vlhh. M.-.. JllmrK fii .. OtMcl.,r Fl"'••l In R•l•ltl111n ''' t.bt' huahJI.l!<•Jt ....... CeJManoie ....... • with Nra. fi., I. Walter• u 3 Me.'a a-Htiee 1:11•·111 Th,. ~r,,Uj?WiJt mrM ~ le•tllere Calilarela ..... I With Mr11 :\llrko\'llt'h ~-A-iatieoa I leetller~~ Ca lilarnia ..... Gnc.n A-o.t- S..tllens Ca~i• Hetel ... Meiatio• ' •· Sevtllern CaiU...,a llee~....., ' Auacoali~ aad II ...... orv•••••h-• , ... ...._ Aln•racaa CJ111l • H•U.alc Aaencae o..--. · C1ull --- llepabftcaa CAMWat.e for State Senator World War Veten• WUI appredat.e JODr 1ote ... -i"''tt a ~rWool ... efftdetlt admhalatd· tao.. -Pol. Adv. Grwtlftw Cenf1 antt ·• G.reat variety of unuaual Glfta "'.WE INVJ'TE YOU TO BROW~E AROUND" . C. E. LOUCKS . . JEWELftY anct. IT"ATIONER:'f Dlai'II4M'Cie • WefeltH · Fine Repairing .._..Newport IU.·a tm'" Newport 8tvtt., Cotta ·M ... , Calif, BEFORE YOU BUI~ OR REMODEL vi.lt CKir lntere1tlng aamplt and ciiiPtay rooma. Color gulclee planning alcll, com· prehtntlve etock Of rvg1, carpe~ llnole""' and Vtne· thin bllnda. Rugl and Carpet• CI,~necl. Rep• Ired LUDLUM Carp.et Works 1122 SCKith Main lt., Phone s~nta An~ 2806 SANTA ANA . TURKEY EGGS ............ . 25c each ata ... AaeroCGII Cilia-.. ~c;;:;~o:_.:;.:·~... .. BABY TURKEY POULTS ·:~r::·A~:~i:!!-.~ One week old .. : ........................ A ..... 75c each A Uttle FOftlll&lat WID · Prev•t Poor £yee~pt Your lit tJe drl •·ill """ her way ~ar throuch all stud;y Jnd volunJeoer war wcwll 1f 'he-r vWon Is dMr. w~ '"" fWiy Pft'lli&l'f'd to lldftltificDl· If nam.i.M, Pft'IICiibP and fit ctillctr-.n'• ..,_.. WlCUI dbc ~ Uwtr ~ nqWI'ftnl'rtU. D11. a D. ellA wroaD OPTOMETRlST O•la cl S.. Fraadaee 1 c.u-... "•11-' •• ....._ BABY TURKEY POULTS . Oelo. riiC... aad ·~ f k Jd $1.25 h ..,...,.~ .,. ... ; .. ..._ Three and our wee s o .. ...... .. eac C.Jileoaie A.etallly .. .,_., ' :;: i::_:h. o..-. OLDER POULTS ' .... ,. .... ~ a.. Six to tO weeks old at reasonable prices 0.. .......... ~ ~=-......_ 1L114 c..6 ALL nNE gu:c:rzo. aaoAD Ba&.UTED UONZK BTOC'& ~e:._ .. ~.... THORPE TURKEY FARM ... I I h•al~ .... ...:: ' ' tJ liN AVKNt1F. am_,...,.... ••• ,...... CCMITA MDA 8TIUZT AND T 8 ~ __ • C,.... .._ ftl-. Mil ~---._.,_ _._.. 008TA JO:IIA . C... .... Plr. Ne~ Beach. 1325 Brokle ~1\1~... I ~~ .!;~piu -rv1 '-Led tor Ow U&ht Grftn Bulldlnp" .... ~~~------~,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. .... ~ .... P------------------~: -~~~----~----~--------------~~~--------~ 'I - I /1 .. IIIOODS. lfOPf .. ht f1pt.--a.a.MAIR nurses art at t • oerie4 ..,.--5 000 eor• ar 108 tront • 6 • t ho•• thU year. a u s. Ca4tt ~ Join the • 1 'll Jurse corps. 0\& ll . be t.raine4. with a . eXpenses pai4 torn~ well-pai4 perm&n•at career. loquire anY hospital. ..