HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-13 - Newport Balboa News Times{l. . -· cl kt -t~ th ~1 N 1>'-~ ·be ~: "Ina ·~ In fie ')'o ey lh dr or th an ""' 'ae Dl. 1 \ YOLUME V. I ~- .BESS. .. AH INDIPDIDIMT LOCAL IIIWIPAPD ....... Till-Dmlt! NIWPORT ~· DISTRICT I • = Citts Water -Supply Given Serious Corisideratiorf - By Chamber Directors .. . - -.- ...._ lit· Ull • ... -.tESA 41 ...... :>n ~ - 6 d~· ~itlea wa. . l'dlbl • ftm,.. l'dol (~ ~I. .. !--,.,___ ..... ..... ~':--~ 1:- 114 •• .. ··--y .... ...... ,.. .. .• ...,.. ...... ....... ... ZS· ,. .. '~ .a. ~d ... .... \. ... ..... ..... .... oa-.... ....... .. ,.. .. • ~. ...... --I &alii 1M wfU. NnL E ... I ·~ , .,. , . L / .. ' . - Qeny Crocker A lf--~~~nlen_!_at I A btrtWII.y puty _... lato a IIUI'pi1M -..... ~me11t party WU · Betty Crooker ot He.lllo father: nre" Cblef Croci~: a.trlc: OrUI Monday 1111 ftlte M:n;IIJe &AJIOW!ocfti ... ...aniqa ol Ulc :ut .llllcsl J-Pb J . 8 Pennti)'IV&I hU •t~etr ATTEND Mh:Tifl F. Kl'nny of U&lbot mMUna .X the 01-.mbtr or Com t.r.. Ancel .. , •ttrnr In 1 tlloD oa blshw•y•. Ot • · .... w.-re Wa:.er F'n.a ~tb O:lUt COinpuy, t.dfld •••on• on indw -l!'tnc'h, Jl"'ll<lent f>t port Harbor •Chamt:oo.r ~•. E&J'I 'w Stanle)l' . .an: an• Cbar~• Pe)'!a J MORTIMER SC! J02 Coral. ••lbo• 1 . RJ•JI!It;a K:H""ir o,;.e,. .IIIIJ 6; 0......._: (Aflep • .. t .... , .......... '"·A. lotodlo;ner, M:. A,. f"ri_I,Uil Pill ANN CAROL ~w;fl--op•e~e.n..-. - CUT FLOW .... . ·POT -~-·"" BEFORE. YOU .. .. ·. 1M-· •-••~tto --- "PAl DRI 'OI'EN , r~i Mi. l..ft' Jay, SteW· Ch Foun _...,.--.. ... ,11114 Newport '· PhOI co. __ D.Rl .; ' WOMI ' . PRESS Luce. . ~----. ' In the IU)alysia coVering 1943 fil)aneftl of tht• 285."'t_ti<.-s and 5S cu\mliet~.-in CaJifomia, State Controller: Hurry 'B. fi1lcy thtH Wt'CIJ reveala that the com~ined gl'neral pay· .mcnl$. (or cost of ·government in thiH state. ,for 'the filil'lil yeur.ending June 30, ~u ~.2M,897. Thill fisurc h; a tlt"<'n"ue· of $24 ,075,136, or ·4.15 per· cent uilder the year. The Major'decreues PI county t>ORI,K occurred in the fotlowing lindJ: 'edUcation, $.1.1292,218: highways. briJJ:CS. d'c. $6,123,182; Cbarlt(ea and corrections $5,674..725 ; dt'bt interest, ~tnd' recjemptioM -$1,162,865. The in(Jucntc of. war conJitiorw t. cl!a rly villible throughout the Mtatc)o ~o\'ernmental ~lance aheet.-· •• . _...\ \, • NEWi'ORT-BAI.flOA PRESS THE PRICE OF KNOWLEDGE By W. KZI: MAxWEu,. Ct·n~us C011t _. :\' ewnort Beach .Estimated $!l65_ V11-;ffl1l" ~111\t• I ;;:"',,:,~:":~:.:::~~:1 1 1il.'1.1r~R. 11n•l l" ""' \hf' bell tho' rtt~{l P"rutntton growth furr.nal·llnJ offlctal flgu""' ~-~- Pier PLttitions A walt Deflnit~ Deelsiqn .. on ProJ")srd J'ark Fnrt ,-.nn~ r~,l:i.'l!rante or • ,.,, s",n-li-~ Bolli)! 111. •"''"'• I '"r m•ltU('IInn tntn lM ilrm41~ ~-" M the Unlti!-li,SIIItu, ltft (l"rl n .. arh· dl'p:~t !od11~' Sewport rl Ll'g1on poet ..... In d.Pparturt l'f!remont .. . .......... 194< 5 H 5 L L MOVHTIU NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND GIFT - 2102 o-.,. ~t, N.,.....t a.ech • •••£ON&' .PU_,. Rings, Neclclaces, Bracelets' and Pil}S s_ouyENIRS AND GIFTS OF ALL KINDS OP&N SUNDAYS PHONE 2148-W ''Th• Store ol a Wlllioo Article•" Yes! We ~rap G!fts Elecbtc Woldla9 • &c:elyleao Woldla9 Ba1te17 Sei'Vlce -.,.. O...oralor hntce -We c-take cce ol your trouble without delay- RALPH'S GARAGE ' ' ' • •••••• .,_t ....... Colla .... ' RADIO HOME • AlfrO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN • -BUB 'I' B. NORTON Pborfe 24f7 ARt: NOW ELIOillLE t'O& NEW•TI&I'.8! COME IN AND St:~ US! IF YOU CAN QUAUFY WE "WILL HELP 'I'OU MAKE OUT, .'fOUR APPUCA' .. TION FOR A 'nRJ::'CERrtflCATE- • LYLE POPE Aa.'IOCIA'd.D 8DVJ~ . Garpets, Rugs and Upllolstering' CLB&IIBD - A COMPLETE UNI OF FLOOR COVERINGS ' FOR TOUR R!OUIR!MENTS ~ . . . . . LUDLOK·CABPJ;'l' WOBBs··.· . ' . . · SANTA ANA . · J.622 S. Maln St. .' ' ' . CONRAD. SHOOK CDNT·R"ACTOR AND BUILDER co'Mi:o._'iTI£ 8Ut LDINO S£RVIC:£ ., For Buildiilg and Repairing Information ----._J District bu.~ber CQ. ·WALTER 5. SPICER, Ch.ner .EWPOBT BEACH 'It Sl•t. Mi1t. .. ._, •l T~. A.nrhl"' Elegant Gifts . ' Diamonds • Jewelry p ...... II .SO Pearls• Watches • Clocks Silverware • Dresser Sets ;.0. At H. R. Trott's • / Syca1pore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Phone S618 BUY 1). 8. WAR BONDS! • .. • ' • '. \ Tbul'llday, July 13, 1944 .Televl•loa Caa Wall ................... Gooa Radio .PJ .. r••• •••- S.. ua for expert rep&ira ud prompt .. ~ Tbureday, Friday aDd Saturd•y -bom 12 DOOD to 5 p.m. K B C BADIO IBIIVICB OOITA IIUA ·uPBOLin:BIIIG Furniture Upholstered and Repailed. ~ All Work Guuanteed CLAUDB·L JQIIJIIO., COI'I'A MW8A • The Gr .. Der VeDeti&D BliDd Bldc;r. ....__ 167,W ' • 1761 IUWM)IT ILVD. I • Hi!Wi'Oift'&A1.80l PftiJBS . I f{OM ..J 1(oH4 N~ !~::?:.::-$. ~ .,. 11r and lin. Lcr1d '-m 3111 pukf'\.1 nr at Coi'OI\a ctet· Mar. R•Ul B. Ptereon Ia ~ 111 Ma.rtioN a.,... an ....,. ...... .:._ !'Iunday, .toubU... n.Ver 8\lllpKl· outaide ltaliWaJ at Iller I"'OOD at ~ a ··d Ule \'aluable ~~.at\U'f' ot uw VI& JCtoa. Lldo !ale. new rum,.. . r bon)• ~'""'-they were tp nnd within. Balboa weoa .. to ..... , .at 1. a. ~ "' -., con. n... c.~r. which ..... ownf'd -.y I . Wdleeday at tJM bome ot Jilin ... ..,...... ,_.a f ....., • the l.n. ,. .. ..,.,.. ;(}'l~r ol-1041 IWm& 1 John K. J:lUott, 100 Kut ewf, t•rtor ol lUI Mee at no& Be&. t.. .. AnpiN. wu lootf'd of doth-~ llboN .drtW. '"« valuf'd at S380 and a ~d ,.. lAOD& IInCk Mine at Ul U •tur watt"h \•alued Jll 1800. Ao. Arat. aYen\111 Ia W.. ~ tl•L Qraoa ~ Udr Ball, 111 r<~rdtn.r to tN ownn th• watch by rel'lnlabinC tbl estenor wltb l8'th •treet. ~ ~ • .. n. w Aa rnrn,'\'d ~~ Norlhw«-•1 '-4• t "'nle 8&Jidptper" and. Ia look. ~1 .. ,.1 <'orr .. ' U . ._ __ I~ forward ~ .-,..._,.t .. u. ~try. wu ptnf'd-by Mtttlnc Jl'redertcll JINWW, a we .....,_.. In• tbla ......... d lA local cJrcl-. .. -~ s.r.•un the rfar wtndow of the ~= ~~~-blrtll-Utue U¥& Walta., dauctlt•r '"ln\'rrtlble roup.. day annJftf'8&1'Y. of Mr. uclfi .. ICmllt Walt.. ot ~ tasq_.oc:-n ~ wu flow. SKW REIO..,. a&AIDII:NT.- J . T. Powen, formerly 01, Slt ~ a1r1 at ~ w~cba ot _,... R•·l.,.nUy a ~ntra.-lor In Rcol)o, Diamond aWftll8, baa mo•el M.,.....r.t • · Sella and <"lar. N •. , .• 'AlU'I Nordlltrom . .lflt.ti Mr~~. A nabelm where tae Ia AXI ~ took pia~ 11 ~ •n& 2 1·2 y~ar old 9_ary, boupt 840 ClementiM a-ue.. St. Jolul'• W'CIIl Ill 0fu1ce lhr .1, J Huf'than homi at Ul Mr. aDd. )ln. Stanley )IUoft ~~~ Zdward .. II...SOr baa' _.__.rt. Snn Rf'm•rttlno annue, N•wpurt tal& U a N Yl! n"" IIN~thll, on Monday of t.bll WHk, Lo1 AAPl• ate ;~dl~ .:;! .at tiM t ~a. nt'!:t!Jnlnr lllld movf'd In OR ~y Nord . week wiUa Mr. llll · ra.. -,nt•r. "-,. "'' ''"'· torn1etly bnUI a liJIIn.bull•t: GoNntlo, 101 ITtb atnet. h• wiJ1o IICIIoOied u a ,. ,. t~hntci&L Hit wit. 1114 ··r '""' houee.bulldcor In hll n.ajh•t' Pvt. aa4 Mn. Jam• M.eQuane, chl,)dMa ,..acttnc Wltlt but an Amrrlcan d tllll'n .UUI Welt Ocean Front. .,... Ole par.nta, . aac~·Mrw, r. E mort-. than )0 ytara, Ia locat. pareDt. of a claul1lt.er. bom. J'rt • ..u 0 ' atth lt.rMt. Ne,wpor{. 'Jif'ntlant>ntly In the Harbbr (I P • · s • 'b K•tch cia at at. J~ ~nat -tlln, And \anlli ttw t>nd of thl' ara ·s~· 0 paniS I en ~y • . Me!vfft..,.., ~·a "'-If llfta pr1or1llf'a, will b4' t'OII· '• t. -~~~u: = f~e~f 18U:,:.=~ ~:;~~~!.~lth onr o( the 101'~1 ahlp. RAY SANDOVAL, P • Alia eorn,munJtr ho.,Pit.&l by un-u a radar Op.ra._·leliOrdJn«"' roprietor bulance ~te MoncSa, atpt. ~ ~lud ·b7 ·llll-IT'Uidpar'. 1\~I.F.D AT "'IIF.J:L , (Formerly with Y .. bd OonzaiN at 6anta Ala&} • cnt. Mr and~ F;!:t ~-,..._ -/of 1.9' Anp-• · _.._ ' Ill of l>fc Willi•-~urnhy of thM McFADDEN PLACE AT COURT STREET ~ ~r-~-.-· 11()4 N--.11 11ou " -•· "' ... n In Y1aited ror tw;r;. UUa wee• ~-,..... · ,.,., ~twal "-lr. Station at ... ft D•·•·• Good, hurty Am~ncan bl'"aktuta that ofkr you :JPur . · Rou wbo Ia. • t.le~-t ...., o-· .... ,.. V · ·• •tbe ""-me''.d. lilotlMr, )(N. ' ' · · -..-.ra or, lllllt•rtf'dlv• f~)l ••l••p at th• ..,h-1 pick ; from hnm and, Iowa; to huL c11kt a, ermonL _, ''!"" "'' • • rufdel at 1• UU\ t N " -n ' ., ·~ 8 . 1 h th t 1 ·•· h 1n •-.. ,....._ Hannoa.·ll· ITlh 8Ueel.. • · • (' ' --••f hla La.S.allt-w"--w ..... ,. p•••. avory unc t'ons WI your r en... w o are . up~n • • ..., port · / .,...., ...... -Newport on bu~m·•s. • ·. .. · ,. · ' •ni lhrouah <'~rona del Mar, · Dinner dl11hea lhal prutnt the aplee and tally ~ .Mn. 1-'1Jilll .llllnl ~d da~ _ Mr. &net, Jilin, W. R. Hunt Who Runtla}' .. Aftrr atrtkll'l« a lll'!t of Old Mtjlcn. ~at you•· dlnm·r-llrne palate to one. of ·llay'l · ~ · ~ ~t& Ana., . .,-:-~nUy~ ~ UM OIHf'n. sl•ndrml lhr rar t"onUnUf'd on encb1ladu Sandoval, 11 t•umi>IJ•at.Jun who~~e p•rtecUy blended eatabl~e4 1Uft\D1~r · reektence ln kfPIP I'Cillldlnce at 600 Santa Ana 1111<1 cruht>d Int., a 1 mall ho-a t . proportion.~ of vt'al, .-~•··· onlona and ht rba.ddlu.mere 1!'f9rd.L ~r ~~.at' 10 Bea~ ave11ue. an .~ a~nwnt.-1:121 <'CIUt boulf'va rd, owned by Tacoa. T.bone lll'ak.a Mextcan style,' f¥1~d -bean• that me)l Bay. •,.' -. . '' • ·. . · to ~~ pc••llon tQday. 1t Ia J.tllrk filoaly of, 1304 8 Bay Jo~ront. on the tongue. cajoling ch11i con carne .. , COJile and * what. · tb \ -•·• ... lllu11d 11 II:Kl our new Spanllh Kltchf'n (we juat op.ned It lut week) baa John V~. jr:. hu bHn l~ e 11 ...-• .... • :an adcUUonaJ " a laland. The machine wu 1n atore for your uUng el1joyment. . · t•r~ tO Uaa . Na.vy'a ndio t~-~ment Ia ~ ,_, of Uw •WI•Idf'rablr d!Una,red.· ·And Ol)~ thing more ..our prlcea don't add on part of the old&JJ ,cbool\at Def Mont •• !Ja•-.ucl ,..U.Inal1 work of ----- War ~bt. lng reoenfly complllted the ba.itk 1M'{ root a. tht-main f'AMH. L08T AT llA.L80A 1...-----------------------..J cocrM at CbJeaco. · • · " Ia al....t)o. "'*t way. ' Mr~~. VIol& Oray of r...o. Arf~. " ,.. . · Mra. A. •J. aCMnn ,of Corona It·•. 11 ataytnr at. the Cbare Ytl- .· -. \ ~--;_._ ......... io .................. "•" ...... ,,.. . . ..., ............. ..,_ ............ ,.., ............ ~ ..... .......... ...., ........... ill•··· ... fl(r. ~cl· •Jib. Clayton Ttlom~ low Cbt~a tn Balboa, r•nn .... ,.,1 --... ., a.:.-·~ --~ del Mar attaftdeel Uae 'weddln• ot r, ... .. 661\, ..,6 "' """f'J •w ..... , --' tMr l"''lJJclclaaiPtii. MIM R.na lo pollc~ -'onday 'tha~on . ·th,. IMI ~ AftACI-M-.. -tn'&tlftl' Utelr •th ..-etta& ann!· _. prevtou.a day· ahf' ,La ... •-t' .1 ... 7 · Baba '._i World Order Program · · StatiiA ~FOX (Long Beach) ·12100 Klo~~J . SUNDAY EVENINGS TO. iDLY 1& ·, 714St08P ... SA<?~r8d by the Baha' ia of city Lo. hgelea. J~y 16:--Tiae Baha'i T-ple,Symbol of Toaonow . . ( .. ruth., 'lDJoqutiOD play be obtaiud .&o• • •. . '. }4rs. · Q. T. JOhnson x.....,d...- ....... b .. -tdlft Stelnberpr, and .... 1~11am C. Mid. " .. """ " · ~:~c ~~ ~e":' 1 c. c1~eton, wttJc;~i tool! ptac«-tat ~h~~~;::. ~~~n~~ ~~n1~: ·. IOUTMDN CALffOaNIA TILIPII~-COIIiAWf · . / .-.-. en4 at Outcle " • fl£ ~ 'xna. UU1u ·o~t?tn w. BaJ ell~ . II\ 1u FTanclrM•o. urrurred In B&Jboa. Mn.. Oray 'ill ............ - T I ''"o IMI .. v ... ue. ,m ·-.., · vtdcllet.on; wt.O •r;ve<~ w1til the ••c1 · 'nlurlld&JJ '• at a tneettnc s:-roroea . 'nllmble club. NaUn · ~,. medlc:al ~ u ,...Wt• Qf th• Ool-w.-. .,. . . Wou.ftcla ...,.,.. 'Ulere and botb • • . 10\1"1' p.opae. are-pafr ah.eMin« Mt;. -..4 Mn ..• rUnJr ~ Ole UniM,..~ 'Of .Callfomla. -c1 Mucbt., ~. o( 011~ . . • . &J*•t tba .,.. ....-at tbe ~er-ClltJIIPI.D · ..m,_.. . "t~ llnpk~ ~tap., J:102 we.t Only PrOPertY~.,. mul~ <>e.a ,..,..,.. N~ : • from. a tratlk: m"l&Up. wltlcb ·• oe- OoMI .. .....U Npatrtftc J•. under ~. ~,. ·• att.emoon· rM&r ~1 at Ole P.. c. lllaltb boma, tbeatn. · 011.!'1 JnYOind In UM ~ Welt o.tra1. awmae. ~ to.)'9Uce.. "lt:e. the t.ntel1oo' llbd UM extertbr ol Qpera\ad by Jllrtaa Delano, ··1107 Uaa muob&N .;. ~ .au.. e. eenu.~.·· aYa~». ·Balboi.:· Mel tJoll. "' .n. A.UIIa 11M WIUe&a, 111 au lira. Janie H...;., ~ ... ~ U41· '*· ·. -' $Wif ·-r;,J, _gr;,J, I Gaiety and Ezilieement have ~ J • • • .. cirr! ved .w1tli ·w~ · abipment .of . ' Midsummer - ,. IIYIIIa' • • .....W.,. ...,.n.. u...,.n. ·to· i:aiiQIIIIIH., me3lttl at 111 UUa R,Jeet. .faM · ne fJrlll CN.neM to fie ·acllftl.t'-1 ;:::::::~::::~:;::::::;::::::::::::::::;t::::::.::::::::~ mewed to 1M A.Jtce.lM WheN, ..,. to tfnlt'td 8tatee dttaJJTJ 'Cfftclltr mESA . II I I u· I ·a s•p· .. located at tOH TorJc HUJ place. ~ nfiW J•w: penn.IWJI6 auCil ~- .. . PlOt Dresses LIQU5URS .... QorUa ~rtcot ~ a.r-u. . (lreaMide ..... o.-e .. o.n- Oittt..,..... .• .,.... . Ol•pr ftaftf'eCI .... 8we41M "'"' .....,.. 8wuiee f"rtcce--\lto proof 1J'rf.ple. - WorW'-/ tt.«ia• 8t. llolllca BEEII8 lllxw:a8 CANDY OUM TOBA0008 CIOA&S-NO LIMIT tm ~~ !'iewpt. BmL.~ .._ PltoaeN~w • MUll A \"'lll&WWi ftla ~ .. 4-lltha Quart& ....... .. II&AJOJY 4:51ha Quarfa ... -............. &ell 4-MM QUAi& v -" ~ !::!:• ~~~·-:~ Plnta.~1-~IUI Pinta.~· ..... ' 1\nd A R-.I ............. OLD IIDIOO . TMI&pli 'HABANJ.:IIO ~ ..... u·. MnMoU~-Tr7 n ( Old fMillou - JUp...U. -e-ra ' . . AL~l FINEST IMI'Oiri'ICD 4-ll tb• Q..n-Pert, __...,, M._.w ~ I mpoi1A'CI Uld bo-.,.e OR.UIPAON'J: ' --------------------~ -----. . -D.ANCING .. . . -- llaaerl~ ~oa Poet 455 pw ........ GLENDElLA'S ORCHE~SI.RA:· • • • • t : • 0 EvelY lahll'day_lf,e . -.. , . ' . 't[ -costa Mesa · Legion Ban Half Block off Newpol't·Blvd. OD w .. t 1-8th St. ~. ~ ....... _ ~4 M .....,_ .. at te of. terfln«' to Ctlto~. ta · J:dwarct __ .. ~ rL v-u Kan. 9t -chlearo. a deaeon San Oen:!en~ ,..ere Saturday eve-In Ult> CMI'Iiflle Ctln.tlan Union nine rueata at Uw h~me or ·suctce church of that elty. He hu been o.nc1 Mn. 0 . A. Jo!'-. ... 111 DWnpn4 Ute Unlt.f'4-Slat.H ,_ Gl yeuw, avenue, Balboa .lllud. and for moat of that P,rtocl bu Stute: ~ put ·tn t.:o yean In beei, an tnurpl'f'tet oJt tile u. 8. t.M Aleutian. wl~ the U. 8. NaYJ lmm.l.,.tlon ~- expect. ;t.o return to dut~ u u i ' · eahy ~. • . IIOA &AKAOED BY ~ Mr. and ..liN. 11:. • 0 . Walker. · · e.ved t• ha.e liND · .urt.ed 11e :nth •t.rftt. had &t aeoent b a t~ae~nre from tt.e· aq1JW. cUMt llfQ.·Martfta·Kir""..-.ell of re · on · 8un.day 41~ a lnOdltrat. Suit& Aft&, M.n. IUrkp.tnck: u arMarlt o1 c:tem,ap to, UM' ftalb1ll6 'old.Ume N81dent of Newport, boat, Serfa JJ. owned b7 Oeocya lhl• week c:allf'd to Sail Jrranc1a-Manda of Hollydak. Part. ot• the eo by the IIIJ)t!M of ber. aonf Wll-nre wall ,011 lhe clock W.. al8o It• wbo h&d IU*t returned from by Olt blalll ftklb • .o)'ale ~th by U.. bOat' ~ne. byatand .. ra prtor to nre Mpa.rtment. Mr ~d M·,... Al ·8t&rlct~y, Wlw> Mn. ~rtd Ball, Jr., lert lut 'lJl"rllt,. th,. w,.JI ~ Momart~ "nlund&y foi·hd bome In Tex~ r rt.tl' In -H••IIY"\'~ 'eloeed thf11.r after .pelldl"f a ~k wtUI her ,..tabllehml'nl · oft'~' t.ba bciua)l moOler•ln.law, V tl rd a Bar'ber. and r a.rne tlnwn to Ole Hlll'tlor u .recetlt ~ at \_M ~ KIJetill of .Jud(l' ·aDd X,.. 0. A. ber hoana ~ ~ ~. llfn. Jnnea Ttll')' wl're &coolaputecl b7 M~ LoY• Ooon ot Pu&daba. and Mr: ""~" Mt-a 1-H O&unt, .-. .of her eouana, Mr. Mel. Kn. •oey Hollywood 'J?Ie .. • an ,..._. de D...-.. tlf AI~ fte ct..! ot many Y~'•,... ·~ bat _..,.. .lldll ,._II ..aw UMtr be.etr Ullfbll' 'tn Pf ~. ~foot .aobp, ~. lNrii llbnut 10\W ,_,_ t.IWI It .. ~-c.W'liUI-a.imt•doa SOc Fe4. 'l'ax IOC •• & Peclro to 1laltlcMl aD4 ftOWt ba.,.. nut nylnlf thai ~J ol &...:.---------------~-------_.lber ~ IIOUUa ol kJ lalaD4. aatlon wu enJoY-'~ tM ' . ·Su.n Suits .Catalina, Jantzen .and Gantner . . . Two-Piece _and· One· Piece . . . 11; SUITS-and. TRUNKS . SUit~-i;y: c;le 6/ Cali!o~ilia, too Wf''<l ~1111 1/UU m•m· ul•'!'' ,,,_,. if tlrt>rr Wf'rr morf! of tllrm ftl .It'll al~tml, Cpckfuii~ajcimas by'Fay Foste~ THESE ARE FOU/r-STAR ·ITEMS * * * *' Backless Play Dresses ., ~u rf, pul if1, ,,f-·ttlf• lt·ak rl1•c·k <1f )'IJUr .fltVCirilc cabin rrulac~ WIJI fit theM ~o~un..h:tpJ•Y nl<~d•·H u~< If (·\·r·r y lldtin~. of Nature had bclc!n contrived to ilt'rv~ .a~ I h•· ~J•J•ruprullt• )Jicc;kKrtJUnd fc,r the numbt-,r yuu Hele<:'t to wear. . . There are other Joyous Arrivals -. that y1111 wrll want '" c·tt~l an •·yc• ur~tm.: Tf'nni~t 0t'8MCII ... Warjorle'~t ThlllK!! .. · ,\d•_lw ~~at~lo-rt~' ( ;ltrtnc·nl" wit h jUJ4l lh•• lmttnuallcJn of fo nnul· !ty,. h~t. oc•l tung h<~l h•·rt~••mc• tr, 11lap Into, If you chucHic to Apend a balmy «;\•en inK in dnndng to. 1111 i11lancl tunc .. -. Rut. Jt.'C'.JWrM, KttiH, .''lllll{' and ~ fnr youn.elvee ... at ... Cmma V. -J/~' ~s-utf& S'arid ·Apparel Shop . •. , ~ TELEPHONE. -139 . · 701 East Central Ave~ue~ Balboa -. ·AND .'DON'T FORGET: 'Fifth Wv lc>OarL Bl.ndM Fit Every Figare, Enchant. 'Every Eye FUJ Out £very H11li1•W, Srr.1••oth r-:v£'ry Bump: betlldefl ,Pylng\,more paea;.ure than anything cl,__.. in U i1· W.•tld w FrankUn~ Dwight. and 0Gu11u and Mark &r~d • Che~~ter-and Oaire and Mitcll and Wild Bill H., and their pnr\ .... _ ......... . ' \ ... · . .. • i. ., "'· I . • .. -----------------~---- -. . -. I .. • .. -£SA ... ( -. ~, •n. -~ ~~ tlee NM *• R.fn.' dol ~. .... ..... •' ~ .... .lha ·l% ~= ... .._. ... ..._ ..... ) -... ' :a , ... ~ .. .. .... ...... ..... ... ~ ... ZS · . ,. ... • ... . ... .... ...... ... ... . -·· ~ ..... .( ....... a-. ... ••• ~ . .... a-.. ~ cl w. L. u.. ~. .~ 'k! ...... uD&C.if ' Jtp' . ,. ·. .. --- ., Betty Crocker A at I ~puty....W..­ IDto a -.arprt. _,... ~C!IIIl party WU Brtty Crocllef o1 u..lk lalber, Ftn Chid ,Crocla &Metri~ OrUI Monday •J ftlt. -=~ Ulflou.Dc-ed ... IIW-rlqe of th. -,. .aca! SF. J~pb J . B ol. Ho&W&A. P1!zmay1YIL ...sdtna dat.:o 11... bNI ATTI:ND MIE£T .. H. F. Kenny of UalllQI ..... uaa a1. lbe aate GhiUDbtr of Com Loa,Afiii!IH, mttmc In '" 8kJa oa blahway•. Ot ., ._. wue wa: ... r !-'TaD 6Ur. ())ut Compally', t.nded ••ion• on lnd~ . a.. nnCh. pn-al<knt oi port Hutklr •ctaUlbt-r -ftl!,· 1-;ul W . !itanle) ~; and ChAri~ 302 co ... r .. aalbo• ~---acaMD IICIIO-o,.u l•ly ~~ . o...-..: o.~~ep • .. '*-"'-._..I u . A: ..to•tl""r, M.A.., ...... Ph• ANN CAROL will open CUT FLOW POT -~-..... \ . . Bt;FoRE YOU AI oR1 OPEJ'i Mr. Lee Jay, 8~-Ch 1 ·Fouit Oui \\ Mr ... i184 Newpor1 Ph01 ---CO .DR I . . WOMI CHI Both ...... .· • ·-- srinom! Simon in··· Curae of. the . Cat People . ,__ . C'OWIIOY '€ANI'EEN -OI..ry C..,.._ -8pef1 !"tartlnl' nw ..... oiDIJ U 1-i10.1' ~l lllll!Ht . R uth Hl.aMy In The Uninvited\ • ·Balboa T'Juan. . l .. ft. -8eL \\"ru Pmvt>ll __ H l'd)' L&mu In The Heave nly Rocly -11110--- ftT."ClTin'l, IIVT IUIO.I: ' (.,._. Nf!WII • l.aJ M COibt-rt and Mac:MurT11.)' In for Love ·-· • • Ala dlnnu...,... lif'l". the rtumort.t. ·wu to •lW:K h. M ·rt.t..nid paUen.Uy ·wJUkl ~~:rn~r'al '-nd ·.. .-thl. wbo hlm. ~-.poke .tOr an ~--liltfo41M1e4 and a&Jd : ..,.-.,.. 1 kDow they· mtan by \1M .Army and ftirorver:• Thfll'l ¥ aat. ~. I . T. .... .· .. ' Thuraday, July 13, 1944 . ·cf/-mwuncement ..... . ' - ,_.Neva ~nd -Larry Beaula-c ./ wish to announce that they are disposing of their interest in the .. • and will no longer. be .con- nected 'With the husin'~ss . . . . t #' .................. .. They take -this oCca.sion to express · their thanks and deep appreciation to friends and patrons for the loyal: and generous support given thcln. NEVAA!Iol.ARRY BEA~AC • Ft.l&LOUOB . ·Wb~Uwr yoU.· r-et a "V&eatlon ot an oe. culonal -k~. play your way to recupei"&Uon and come back to work~ w101 ren~d ·vtcnr·. And," c~t your ,poru. ptcnlc and· loatlnc equlpm~nt here--even In wartlm~. we )lave a nice \"ar:lety~Come In ·today! SEE ' OUR UNE CiF , lledt!N' Peasant . . . CoOkfng ··wiue . 't • I IIIII PIIU IOOr- Plar•sc-QL •uo $6.95. . ---,-------------~· '"·::_ __ ' •·-·n., ••••I'IIMd Sawpsoa Cant Tables ~~ .. ort.d Pattern•) $3.50 Shower Curtains Beautiful Pastel Shades • Set Fast' . $3.9 5 ap -----~---=--~ ' · . • .. . I • • • ' I Tbwiday, July 13, 19« -~~~l~ 'M[~'~ ~[~~ ·~~l[~ an:''::-.. :::,~~·m:y·0:f ~ .. ~\:.~·~~~=ND":= Iiiia~-u,. WAT-•noli'l' ~.-:~'7o:~.::~· Avocado atreet, baa been ~~ ... 1 ~plte nl&ftMI'OWI Prut~t•. the ~ u boDorU&e mecllc&l. dt.t-harp Or&net' COWil'/ board ot •uJif'rvta. 81 •~ HITCHM.A.N unt.k·r lhe \op platform. He ... a In SnO\\'bl-..11 Races hom tJM NaY)'. Be &a aUII Wider pra baa rel\alll4 to "\'(Wet tbe u.. 0.'1plt4' IC'<'IUIIton provl.w-1 by '" alt '"'''' an atle)'Way llnf4 \be ~" tr-eatment at ~r Naval pe~t .,anted to Ooe&a M.t'NI Lho• hlp Ja.,rrd f<'n<-"4'. you may "apor a toot abow UM water. 84-wral aptc'lal tropt\IH al'f' to "-ltat near o.kland s --u-'cllat.rkt for a lsunrpl11a '"'"" notl<M~d atwna uf lite and ae. With • nnat P"M ot ·~ M be awana.d wlnncm In UW>. nlnUt ·--~ ' • • .. u .. ry • l'llmbed . on the platlorm Mel _:,_ ____ ~-------.-------..:..·-------111"11. C r RM4 'fl'OW'd on W.M letA •t.n..l b.-11111~ •t lbe 0~" County .ata annual lo'11thl ·or thf' annwblrda 111"1. J . H. McOWre, 317 W•t Harry Eatua, Newport 8Ma ~~· u411tllJ•UUj ~ t..--n W1UWer an4 MOftrovla a\'1'. El<-.111\ bu4-on U\f' Cuut b'-"WllJ'· ll~~~ 011~~kboaC ataa4. ..t tOf' AUauat I. It waa announc. WIJ8on. &a rec:overtnc trom a Mf· hardw,_nmao, &a erec:tJ.nc a D1W :.v. e ftOin Newport 8lllcb nu•. fte ~ Wert flied. by A l'lr<l\'C'Ulun uf S<'a 8\'0IIt., Boy . N1 today by thf' "'"" t'Omml\t- lOUI litl'ep lbtecUon. t:arn on hi• Bay atreet "ranob.'' ~ wtl1 t'CIIIIdent.a of ULat vicinity. R<'ll\lla and httle C'uba ~mp by tng bl I"NCitf'd him. 8111-'Y In-A• In pMt )'Mra, l!"'PhiN will to ec.t& ~~~ ~ ...• ...!. o\t. the laat public hl"anna. mrm. tiw \\'l'f'k ''r wt•l'k rnd at. thf' baM!. jun•.t; 1\ta lunp btlln\mora,ctna, ba bf' award.otl to aklpJM'r• of the ~ J . MU'IIa. 1MO Newport Mr. and lira. Alcio BU...utnl. l!pelld U.. MIIIY'Mf' ., ......... -.1 b r11 of Ut• Military ~I'd lllf<•rrn· Rrtt•.-.·allon• '"" rnadf' In advanc. wu tra.1111ferted to a llff'boat In flrat 10 boala to finial\ lhf' ,....,, boule¥.,-d. made a bualn ... trtp to 231 E. llt.h 1\reet. .,.. tM JIU'· .-nd d&uPt., • .ta.law, Mr. an~=·l .,d protHtut.a Ut&t UMy did 11ot nnJ any tro.1p whoef' N'Jl•tratlon nu~ ... aa and _.....__ to • u,tlt wllh n1Pdat. rt'~~nl lo ~ nn. San a.mardlno Monday. ent.a of a dauctlt.er bona July I Robert • Hand of ta. r ulll'nd to UM U.. «TTUIIdl fur "' u• K"<,.l •t•ndlnlt' 111 J•rlvllllll!l'l "hlp and nnally taken by an Anny lahlnc lllb pla<'l' and each lotll •~t ·--'v·'· •• ......._._ ~-at 8t1 Joeepb ~tat. boule\'ai'll -mo~ t~o ... · two 'JM"• llatlliiC that to o•nr11e Thl' rollcy of W~"""l lllllbUIIlnl'e Ill a tlo.pllat In S\Jr. pla<lf! t ~lflcor up to 10111 place. • .-. ....... --..-... --....,..· ---t .... ... 1 •-·• l'ka HcoC'f' he wrote t.he t\all ltorf t .,.. J&; UHt Mn. L. w, PleJ'Ce Mr. and )ln. O. N. W.~ 111 Mr. and lift. w. 1. Donica. It would t.a -._t "'"' lQ "'"'uu of all &&NI "''u ln•t p..-u ••f ttw IDUDIO for • aa boat to tintah wlll aa.o wlao ba• located a~ st'J Ba lt. Broadwa , len Bunda Dilbt tor foim.rt} of W..t tlt.ll IIU'eM. ttll a f'lllJ CIIL&M 2 1-2·&(rt •ttl' """"' tlvr !'lllnllur q n ,.,. •mall ...,.t...,...Uttt' _..._,10aUoA wiUc!Ja waa rf'N'Ive a medal . 'I Mil cl M nt 1 y to ban moved to Ulelr newly.pur. The aupervtMn ln41cat~ that hoy• particularly 1cwr It and It __. Marl! He~aty w1H pt9Wftl • tN- }(r. __ ... ,.. __ ---·· ............. ee 'Y· 0 ·• n .J'tiiPOIIM ... A ....... t If .... ~·"t'/ bealth de ... rtml"nl cw a th n l'hlln(' t 1 work tor IIIIer rf'pnnted In Ute Eur.ka phy to the tlrill atrl nnlahlnc tbe ...... -·· .......... u.·-a lt'lernm t.hat Mra. Wella'• mo-c:haMd bome at 3... vOC' ...... 1 · ... e ....,.... ,... '' '' 1 " " 1 Humbvldt Tlmra and e'-"'Mr.. •· 111 WU.On atreet, ·~ the p&Hnta ther t. crtUcall Ill. ,._ property ~ o( two ,.,.er ftnJII U.. ciUniPI.nl rmund ar. th .. lr "war\18 anli actvanc_. tt>ward Rr lt•tult'd from tile a.o.,tt.al. r.r•: the youniJ[f'at rtrl ttrriA- of a 119" 119m JulJ t at. st. Joa. Y bouiiM, one of which Ia occupied tually WIAI'Ilt.arY and a m,.nlll'l' t n "''" ...-.. uu nr In• will rH'i!h'• • trophy from eph ~tat. -Mra. Jcule Revera of eo.ta by 0\•~ and dauptH--Itt-\aw, :r'lh, Uley 11\AJ' &faln ta~,. up Th•• wr .. k th<' 88R Marlin from M••ler Julned the Anny Alr Oor1le Brad4en nncb, antt-Uwt you~l Meaa •· mouml"• ..... dea' ... ot ~ ... d ~ ... _,___... ...._._ .. --•••• Snuth<>•l•• occunlra f)u. bAaf . ...,.\'lfiC aa nlcbt 411.,_~ at boy nnlal\1"• a ,_.,., from .I u-~ J:dl k &a to be JK»-.. ·-.... oa -r. -· -· "'""'""'" UUP-' ~· " •• '"" a .. quol& and Jater at the Tu-..... -"'r"', ,, ~-c her mother, Kra. 8elaa TrujWo ~Mtn \'at'atlon 0\0rf' than 100 a.a M W4'blltiM'. '"" oldMt akipper t.il at a meeUn&' of the nre. of San J.uan Cap&atrano, wlao cited Mra. a. W. MWT1ly, 1ISS Har. ,... •ND Nil& llmlo.QAULTN'r.V &·nut• «'~lpf'd lnaldlo thl' fCT'l'Y 1"""' r .. lda· but ht. lnjur.d 11""' ftnlal\lnl will at .. , f1'!'elve ~-me'a awdllary aet for ~pt at s r: •-• bor boulevard. baa aa hOUM(\IIIII&a ,.._ " ~ lo•IH''' JUit"" JnnNI 11ald Uley _,I' bru•klt'.S at Ole Job and 1M waa nltlon and a •--tat tro...,v h'om tbe ""..u. unday at a Santa Ana IMJjtpt .... for two __ .. _~...;._ c. L. Smoot ot I.F.AVINO roa OIU,AitnMA .. lr•nar .. rrf'd to the JIOntrol tow•r. ...... ......, • • , ---·· ,.,, 1 ruubl~> anti ntll r{oi•Y .. nouch J. Cnn.Son and U)ft nret ""'· Mr. ud J(J'a. WIDiam Damar-N. C. LAmberton waa re-4lec~ Beawnont, Tex.. an4 M&aa l:l.lle Arter ,...~ at Coata JAN~~ t•• .u,.turb "''ton IM «unrlalnlna 1 111" •11f;r whlw hi' waa on duly a nntahln•. a · lrnphy p.--· .u. an' Broadway, are t.be par-P~•ldent and c . II. Ne&aon ..c:--l(urray of New OrMan&. La:',. for the put tour ynrl, Mr. and type• llmnnJ Ull '"'"" had lhl'lr pliiiU•. C'fuhf'd Into t.he \oWer ... tf'd y l!arl w ~~·Y· enu ot a 10ft bom ~uly ~ at St. retaey of Ute board of tru.t-of we~~nen _,. u.e mother and ... ter Mra. 1:4 oault.MJ hav• IOid their ·•·.w~ •tatlrined at thr •atf' ,h•tlcrlnc the ,_ with Ita ...... In lh a.,.ctal cll~lnn for "'nt. Joeepll ~ltal. · eo.t.a Mea'& gTammar achool at a ot ltn. Murray• buaband wbo &a ruldenee at 1tT1 FulleTton ave. <lily anct nl«t11---9nd two -..out• Thr •hock of ttw lnclctent prov.4 ecl,<'ra c apt. J. A ~k will "'-'tlng 'of \he Jloard \ut Weda-. lA the JfaYJ. nut ud plan 0» lean lmmPdlatco. !.1·rar11\f: SP a rmb•nda .,_trolwd " arrlnua art back to Ule 11\jur.cl p,_lll. e' tphy tn the nret Daft Trwl.lck, ex-Newport bar. rtay nlpL '\ ly for their old IIIOme at Buffalo, th•' town From a 1ilatanrco Utelr '"'"01an and the doctor P~ribld McNally boat mpleUJW the RC'e . ber, l1u oPenec!·tor buat-In the ' Mt.a tty Reed.. dauctller ot Okla., wheN tlae7 llftd for n ,,nlforrn• lnokrd conouah Ilk I' Navy .flllllllrllf or flat\ Inc Ito MotH went and one ~ to u..r ffrit Val .. LAMar court. llhop form.erly oper. Mra. Leora ,cuater of Ooeta Mr. and ra. JUHUI Reed. ltll yeara prior to aomtnr to Cc*a short" patrnl to aervto u a ~-ba.:k to t\Jihlnjf IJU'M ~18 a ly .boa.l at.ecl bJ WtWam Lord Meoea and Mrw.. F. J:. Ru.MU. Kew-SUita AM .-ue. baa acoept.e4 w-. A. J. BuJ't,oll ol U4 New-n~ln(h'r 'to vl11lllna 11allol'll. ..,,., • ._'and Mvot.ea tM I"Ml ol W. nrat pla('l In all l\lvlaiOM wtll . ' {lbrt Bt.acll. rdu.me4 ,...t.rdaJ a ct¥11 .. m pc*Uon lD Wull· nnrt boulevard. W the !leW owner So· a Krout a arr mort' lntt'l"f'·8tf'll I I lilt' lo 8n 8Cout1A1, . l'f'<'t'IVe a t-o.v •--Caftl AI· liocera lboe abop, 1~ Newport' from ' Rtveral*. whet"e \bey bad lftl'tDD, D C and .ta report.ed.IJ ,~ 1 t1 ai'decl t.llrM .. .,-, ""'""" -r-~ • doeecl lMt . Betl.lrda31 attl'ndt'd a m\dleal eof\Yellt.loa at ' '• r ft•-"•' ll-of lhe GaultMJ property. In IMir actt••lllra \h~tn monkry Kl'<'l'nt Y e waa aw bolrt llotlan41 and wllf Ilk-1M M tor Yae&Uon and wUl rematn ln-the Jr{IMlon lftll, ttndtn& lite M ._,..._ uc rrtend8 and NIAll-ol U.. 1M-bmrtnf'M. An IW\('aal•mat kltr .. ·tur •'IIMttl•rur ttlll l'&ei!'C War &one l'f'M!llttl"d to hold Ute Ro41and per. -ttw unUI JaJJ 11. ' -' -~--Inc. 8be waa t et1y fll\plo)lled partlf\C eoupaa tendtftd thl"m a Ia. Ji\·rn ahn~ duty for " day nu , t~ Combat Bir wtlb a llllv-l>~'htal trophy tor on• tear. -r--·. .., .. Mlu Mary •p:l"8, 1111 New-at t.IM k)eU Al1ft Alr 8uL aui'pn.e farewell Ot!·lunday. lhr o.rrht,.d nf aw•mn1tna and oo.c .. ··r •tar and t.be ..MeKhant Mutne Entry-'bl&nlte may M .. ta1M4 111"11. Clyde Otto and aona, RJch. port boulevard, Ia apendlna a1x New Ooet.& 11 ... n.dclent.a U. affair t.aJdna paa.c. at tlll' Monroe tng h; 11 r<-qulrC'd \" work nn Jo:mblem whlctl &a awa.r4td ·~ •I Nl'wport Karbor Ta~tlt Club. ard and Donald, or GTl W. 1tth weeka u the bouael\*ll of .U. 11,... w. Lyle Peareon and aon. of NPttltoa' homl, ltT1 ·ruu .. rton. lh" bta~h and ,..ld{lm otf,.ndl ~·· vi<• .. b4fy,ond tl\oe Una of clutJ Ba.Jbna Yacht Club, J . A.. &Mk'a at.raet. ~ thla week for a moun, VIrginia Dulaney ot Cb!DD. M1aa Clllco. wllo ban aoeatect at 1t10 A.monc uM M pi'I"'ID8 lharlnc the twlcr ""'1 n·cocn...,_ !lt. bravery under otnl't', r,rry Iandin•, Har1M:w· t.aJn ao10Um at Idyllwild. DUIJU!ey wiU be reMembered aa a Anabetm avenue. 111"1. Pearaon. occaalon were tM followtna from ,.~Mlnk Mulf'r , Cotnmodnr" of ~ra ttr•· • ' mut•r'a oftk-•. Newport K~ rorm•r Meu. reatdent. w ... o on-.-.. t -n mont.lla at Coeta Meea: 111"1. Helen l!lpellraan, Sc'ootln .. f~>r Oren•• C'ountv.. and RIM'h 1' lht leadar ot our a-<'h•Mbllr nt Commefftl, ·or Mo. 111"11. Grant Fe.llbaum. 3M Avo. "' " -•r-• -·-__.. " "' R t.a I Newport. came. eouth for her Mra. Shirley -...... ercl ·and eon. ~ktpJWr ot mrr I04·nl RSS Ranc.-r. · •·nu · Nall1 and VaUelJ bnat lu\cll._... ~. left reoenUy for LltUe Dr. and Mra. H . 0 . Cooper ban "'·al•"" Tbe buaband and faUMr. Gary. Mr. aad Mra. C. C. At'tnctce ~"'' I, Ia """" now live In thl' low. --~ ICntry muat be ni.td ~ to I :10 Rock, Arlt., wllere abe ~~ Join 1 -·-... •--' rae .... ..., ~t"·· f 11 · IN.hlll&D IN APita.GAT moved to lllelr ,_ y ,.. ... .....--Capt. Pe.,.,.,,_ &a ltth ataUoned and the -oaroe ..,.. ana Y ~'rl't.l bulldlna at th,. -...,. a.nct a,.. p m., A.._. t , ~lfiC to Ule S..r huaba:llcS, Pte. J'eUbawn. realdence ~ 1&a. Fult.rton aye,. at Cblcio. . · 'nle OaulbwJJI w1U be t.Ct'Qm. t<nttl'•vur'lnlf to rrtrtnco It rmm a And•reon C. Oq, Jr., of ....... committee. 6llllra. Ray Brooa:n ~t Rlvtralde. nue. Their former bome at 1• . panlfw:s by tM &'ftl\ddall(hter, M&aa _,,.., ,,, n•alf'<"t For thf boya' U8f' l•l"nd and Puadtrna. autter.d an . ------ • former reatdent o( eo.ta Mesa. Ceetl place baa tieton rented bJ Lt. MaJor anci.KI"'. Sam P1anacan, Atllla NeUJM. .Mnlr.r hu obtalnrd. a I~Jont ~at Utjunod rttht arm ·~ an.. v, h6 1'91 b..._ v•-~t UM w-k end. wllb Mr. and and )(rl. r.e.lle SbutL Wbo baYI been UYina at 1&6 JI,'\OW· Guard 1Ur1 bnllt, " 30-tont While noun Whl'n lw wu Utrown ~ • ac .""'-Au .,..,n "' M 8 H L&dd., :1'7~ A ado \ • ' . · er at.Net, bave pW'Cb&ald tile ri bollt and I<'Verel amall All btoata " wlntlahlfld of a apHCiboat 0. 1 w J D---a-~-~ . . voe Mr. and Mra. Emil o~er, 1Ta'J proper1Y at ,1020 Newport boule. olood J)ooor Affair I HI' hu ~rmlulon to talc.. thr ;1/o•"'J'Oft nay. He waa takoen .. , . n -~ y ~ 01' ..... N\"wport• boulevard, went to Loa vard and wtU take ~on H Jd B S bnyl t o. wa on hla own ••nmm"r. ""'""lanne to Banta Ana Cola· Balbo& T~t OhMel"' 011 ~- Xr.-.:nd lira. CtMeter DlnkJll-1. A.ngclu Sunday wbue \MJ vUlt-aoon. ,.... dM1 .;.. handled by-tlM e . up Ucce88 I'ILI fllhlna boat, lhl' ~0-ftwtl munlty hoepltat and toUowtna daJ w1t.,..... UIOUIIer "' Ule ,.., •bo ban been living on Newport ~ Mr1. Greener'• molhef, 111"1 R. c . Parker otnee, tile place bav-·U ·Goal Topped . I!:LtZA.BJ:TH .JI!a<h IK'fllll talt" a • m••racrnl')' t,...tmeat wu ...-.. •riM ot amatl ~t ...0.. bouleYU"d, b&ve tnOftd q, Mra. R . Thl'rcu 8chwLipr, wbo baa been In&' (ormerty belA occupied by Mr. trl('k at thl' wt!rt) t~nd· lt~ama to •"~~• Ma...e..ll Orwn ,._.;.. ftret 1ft · W. ~·· property at ~-=~ t.be~ for tlM put ftft and 111"11. ftoJ almmona. AeelaJm..t u a complde 111M!-.o-..r a rompua rolmN'. twlma. the Balboll cllnCfly dUa, w\UI oado ltNet. OM IIWI ~ mtnor 11\jur-Cfll tn·enry _,, wu Newport'• ma.n •l«nale enJinHr rnr dutrh U ALBAn>~~& OAOF KarPn M~ nnlllltna ....,..,., 111"11. Jedward R&n1 ud dauctl· Paul Hunt, who unUl ~Uy lt>a aa reau.lt ot a eoDlalon w"hldl nnlt' -.,.._. eso.-4ay \ul or throUle and all '"•"' d~ .,.._ A. I C'\.,..t, of Torftnoa, wlao • K,._tn,.r, thtnt. and Drew ~ tan. eueana aNI Marllyn, tOO lived at 183~ Newport boul•vard. occurred early Sunday momln&' Monday. TIM mobil• learn went manahlp Monday trlt~d hla lucie alltlard UM •nd Olaon 8m1Ut. Jr .. tourt.s. u4 Bernard~ are apendl.n~ aev. Ia bulldln~ a new home at nee c.n Newport boulevard at Del Mar baek to 1M A.nrlft wlth m-fty nul fall th .. N,.wport lhlr l;tl'f'n-~ tto.t,·~ llfUL Pactnc U ·foot-cllnatd•; eral weeka wttll relatl-In the Old Santa Ana ro.d. TIM boule-, atrMt. Drtvera ot t.be cara lnvolv-pln\4, <'f blood and •n Ult.lr con. RSS R&n,-l'r wm ""'«' ltlllt ~~ ~( ,.,.nt, wu ~ In landlna a rat'lnlf ror tJHo BJr-r.,....u ,_. 8&n rrand.itco aftL vard property waa recently pur. ed we~ Orpha Wlnlfleld, Banner aratulatlona rinf1nf In Ole ean thrlr new· toA!nl'lf' R•m. Twn It (14)Und albaror.. which II M· pl'tual troplij, •w 81llp ClaUdM )( ... Audre,. Ony, 21!10 TuaUn chut'd by Mr. and )l{ra. J. A. of 2171 Santa An& avenue., eo.ta of lhe lpC&l R.ed Crl*. the don. tlavr alrf'"itf f'nlt'N'd th11 Ml'r· lr.-1'4'<1 to btl 1M flrat ot thla type flnlatl n,.t In ttl• tUt rae'~, wttl Mrdda\Jib. w-. and Tommy'l:.. Patte~ ora, and tiM c::tm~mWllty aa a 1h11nt M(nn,. With rat,.,.• Jack •••h tl'l bl' l'autfllt eo far tbla JMr nob R•nle7 -4 01"'-r.nton. aae. avenue, waa unon~ Ute 1t.ar COWJ1r&a who rode . at the Roy Rolkrt Jackaon baa ~n t,...,._ Jtocwra roclao, held Sunday at r~.r~d . from Alamrda ·Naval BUt 1..oe ~ Ool&aeum. to the. U. 8. Naval Air Station at l!la..nta Ana Army Air a.... tn-whole. Campbo-11 who hu a fiN'man'll "" any lncal ..,ortn.hlq -.t, 1 nd and thlnl Jured ·~ Hal A!perl. &lao of the Of the «I YOluntMI'II wllo ailr"· l'lrllfiC'al" 11111 Roy ll(hm•n Wtl(t ,.,.,. f"N>tccmt pll .. ~ ot leOtt'a A. L OriUII came ta ftNt 1a Air a.... cd up, SIO .-ported. ~erally. l'nl .. rl'd u """Ill"" flrwt 'nwl rr. lAndin«" thf' Yllclnc ,-. with 11nna OfiiW\aa. Ute mobll• team uptcla to l'llake malnln« 13 all hl\'f' 8ra -Ro'Out Or J r:. Wllllama and 'hd ~ Mr. and Mra. A. J'. MeKluM. t6 reJeeUona out ot 400 dolton ao ratH. .,_ ·~;oo p d 8---..lbW Nntltrln,r In ~ MIDe4. ,._. . Mr. an4 Mn. Harry Carrtku ,Fallon, Nev. Ml"'. Jackaon &a mak· of ~ Wub.. have arrtve.d lng htr home wtlh her parenta. to ••d tbe-~ ~,and Ml'll. Floyd ~ard, tliO --la-law and 4aue!lter, Mr. and M~_1·nolla. atreet • who ban beeft llvlq at 1tll with S3T pll\_ta trom tJw ItO ,..._ l"r.nk Moln ~u. a neat .... ., OUD ~ • KIA,, Jr , and _. WNte U.. fw Harbor boulevard. ban~ to porttnc. olir 'local aw,...e t. hiP am pit> ot 1!1 ... lk'outtn•. Rom~ y11ara Taken By FlaJlerm&D n"t p\aoe tn u.a lfttpe ,...., .... tMtr ._...., e....,... lilome at ...d a _.so. ttL aUif~eUon II!!:_ •JO PrHlon P'oaur aa1led hl171 to . ' TaU...... ~.. ftr'¢'r• ..... ; Bernard -...t. rnnk TrkkiJ, va._ u.. dtJ aa a r:,.wt.. b,....k -t tM SOA for a-wtlft 1M ~ &a ......_. .._ "' ~ ..,... Rd1 a...-. _. 1t1a ...._ I:J· ICiw. R-111'11 It~. 6M Bel"aard .,.. Wotll of remockbq bu' be.,.a at. u.. ~~ 1t.ed and WIIJte aton, lllll aAd Newport boUIIYI.I'd _... 11 to be convert~ Into u opt-.tJ1eaJ otnee for Dr. Mar. ,.,..t Q. Cl'awtord, now IOeat.ed Ill Louc:lu. jewelry atore. Mr. and Kl"'. l!:lllott Wood- ltlouae, ao w 1tth atreet. an Ole _. P!oud~~l!t.a of a baby K!tl, ~ AM. wbo waa bom July a (0 tbdr 80ft &Ad dauctlt.tr-ln- law, Mr. ariel Kra. Wealey Wood- boua of l1t Main atreet, Hunt. lq1on Badl.-. Karpret.. wbo wetrbad lbl pounda, 10 OW\~ at Wrt.h, made her arrival at,Santa 4ft& . CommunltJ boepttat. Ray ftoratme~r. 2Ta J:. ltl.' ,Bat'bo& t'Mltor, baa .-ted ~ lu~en Lo~t.aen. 1oea1 Red Cl'\ll.,., -Wll•n owner and .n-t.a !'41t broadbtU te .be eucttt lllare 1.; tw ·u.t,.., ... 1*11 ......... 1treet. t. ac-atn baek lD Qalltor-MeX.In»e place Oft llartJor •ud CmM c:ha.lnnan, waa on ctuty 1t amv!!d at Ulto altp. thr)' w•re •ur. 1n I'I<Jm~ Uft\e waa bi"'U,,tlt In lllle IIJUI ftft_.ntr ~; a. ~ PC nla . att.r _,..~ 1~ moat.lla lD wUl operate ~ eetatl oftlee lA Ute ·~mar aehool all ct,v. aa priM-ct lo -ala S..ll Bcnutl In ''"'t'lc by IArrJ J'Uiwr, pl'llllileftt ~ ftrllt ..... WM ..... ~ liar- the Boulh Paetnc whe"' 1M •f'N4 ODI porU011 of U.. butldlna w11Jle were Mra. VIctor ora ... u4 .,... white · uniform• ~ndtn.-Ill at. ,,, the CommnTial ,...DC Boat ,.., .,dDNteJ, ___. ~ a..p wtth the Nayy aa a motor "'~ the remainder ..-n be ~pMd bJ Norman CAJ11ah. ~ of lf'nllon alonrwl&o 811 1pJH'r Mnler 11~•n•ra ~laUon of NI'WpOr't atrom ... U.W 111J .H ... -...ell• c:hlnlat ma~ nrat claM.· 111"11. a MCOnd band .tore. Ole b16od donor day. 1'tleM n.ree. Wlll'n tt1• I'Om!Miny W•nt ,..aboa.r(l ll•ubor, whl) l'au,rtll Ula ~ aon. Hol'lltmeyer planned to Joln h1m moet reapoMlble trw Ute lpCOMI the tklppl'r IC"''" nrtll'nt r~ thl' wlulf' tlal\lnl aboard hla -.t. lut week end. ClaUde A. Joa..n.an baa opened of thf procram. are ~ Ia IICOUll to man lh~lr •l•ttnn~ •nt! \.'ll•lrl The b,...dblll, whJda ....,.. an upboa.tenna an4 repair ahop ttlelr praletl of every ~ mem-lhl" ylll'ht wu 11mnnlhly un~rw•y , I 600 pminde and drNied out In tiM GrMDer b&llldln& at 1181 ber of tht local R4ld c..-&'TOUP 111 •h.,rt ordrr Thmua-hmrt th,. ,..,,.,., than 300 .....,ndll, waa aoN N~.t boulevard. Mr. JobMon r ·-~-~"""' • who M'r\'fd durinC UM dllJ. wr~k t-nd rnriiK' \hr h<w11 WI'~ , n 1 h .. l.o~~ An•eiN market for Ita Ia aD experienced workman, bav-• A tull aCC'OUnt ot Ute ctaya ac-tnrrln!y wllh \hr IC''"~'• hut rnn. r,,., r and ~•l ••..-La..-.. ....... Coata Mtaa Girl ~l.lt.a bave Kht•<1u~ a mHtlnc for aeat Tul'ad:ly at lbl" Otto Docld tiome. 420 .&mal'd atreel. wber. . bome made lee cream la to be MrWCL All mem~ra and p....,.CU" mf'mbera are-u~ to attead. Tbr Jtlr'll a"' now bually •ncaced In & wut.t paper drtve which &a l•J rontlnlle for lhrt'e weeka. Pro- Cfl'dg will go toward t.be buUdtn&' tund, It ta undenlt.oo4. lA&' et\Caced ln Ute upbol.tery tlviUN will bt tound 1ft 111"1. 0 l't'nwd' with th,.lr dutl"ll rr,.irt''" Mr Flah,.~1 who ..... lciH at Ut bualftMI In Banta Ana and Lone L. Andnwt' R.td CI'OM oolwnn. roetrr wu P"'l"' •lf hi• 11mart :"<11rrt•ua avrnu•. Corona Otl ._ ..... • ..a • • tire .. , 8eedl <fof ·a quarter of a omtury. cri'W llntl thl'lr ~mllnllhip llnd I<> Mllr, bl'llUftll In '700 pnunda of at. Newport -PltoM .. tr.or the put two ~ he and h&a • . Wnil,y bave reetcied a t liOI w. tit. IUI'lJr1"" no rf't<nmll"'""" wu h11• <rn • tn thl' aam .. 101!4-~---Front, w-ow.rt Beach. PO& 8AI.K permltt•d l"or th,. hl'ly• ·th .. ""''"" ~· ·--.... m•ant' v•hrahr.. ln~lnln~t And ne Home Eoonomtea a«Uon %4-= ~WL ~nm,.thlna-rrt a l11r'k. 1 ,.hnult1n't of eo.ta )(.a o,.,.... beld Ita wond~. annual plcak on 'nluraday,_ the 1 Perfed o..dltloll • ~ • atfQr takJh&' pl&ee at Santtqol "..,._ ._.... ....... P'llANil ~QU!Il. f'f)MMODOilr; parte. r.o&lowtnc a 'pot-luck lu.neh-1 8 A I L 8 L I K E N E W mr HI':A JWnUTI~O . f'OI\ u.. "'..war bualn-meeunc ' ("ito 11101'011) Jl'nr 21 Y"""' llllll'f' hi• Rl•y Forty Acres CLOBE 'nf $200 per AJ re R C. PARK8 IWNI' Nrwport Blvd., Coeta KIM waa held ,.-tUt plana belnC made PJUCE: 1888 Rcout daya. F'rank M111rr hu "'""" for UM tall b&aa&r. Pre.Mnt we"' 1 1 ar t 11·e In aioullrl~ Jn 111:18 tl" ICaadaPDM lOnnie J:ddy. Allee .,_ It ..,__ ~>r••n tl~hlnJt rnmm,.rrlallv 11t er, ~rtnade SWA.I.D' N,.wport 11n•l wh"n IIi•· w11r hroll" w....,. Allee Rup•. Allee Kyle, nrrt-tont.-red ~ M,.r,.~L.M.&d.clt. -=A-~ .. Variety R-w B su J1 .. . PICTURE FRAMES Novelty wood. &'1-. leat.herelte framM. A •artety of cok>ra. Some wiUI· BWing 4ran1c1, double and •lnclea Slua txe to 10Xl2 29c to $2.49 MIRRORS 20-I NCH CIRCLE W AU. SHOCK MIRROR Good Quality otti.• ... Rimg1ng ~ Will fit Into your ho~ In a number of pia~ $1.98 Ni!w PAT'I'&RN ~:'>J WOOD NOVELTIES Mexican DeaiJfl•· Crackle Painted, Be!'uliful Colora, K~ of a good quality Tbrce.Piy WOQd Con"•liiJg of Trjp, Wute Buket.a. Naptcln Holdcl'll, Scrap Book•. Jtlc 49C to $1.98 ....;... ____ __, ·. PAINTS A Complt-te Line of Wanted Colol'll TN THE SMALL HOUSEHOI..ID 8lZE8 • F'lat.a or Enamet. ... Varni.lh 1 Oc and 2!k per c&n ---'-.... ~- wooD· TOYS., .. an a Variety of Typea ... Ranctnl' From OUfll to Tratna A®~ and PuaUH for Chlldre':' or orvwnape Prl~ Froll) 1 0c · to · .$2.98 · ·vute~y. B W 8 ....... • Clarabelle Paraona. Mary Klpp Bay Shore ~ ~IJntlng on u ullrr urf lhr tllnkl'r an4 111"11. ilmllh. OueiU Included OOAJII! IIIOIIWAY 8 8 P:Mtntn Th,. 111nk•·r wu M• Wa oa,e, Mra. Brown and l-------------.! .. h.,llrd and thrn tnrr.,.•ll)l'<l hv ·" lira. Oon•r._ ------_ J ap 1u h ntr th,. rnu t uf Nrorth,.m Callroml• In -l)f'rrrnlll'r lllt2 lin d,.r rtrf' M11IPr ''ulttntJ>rr~i1 t., m11o th• rnJCln• .. .i'n•t w..A brluw · whrn lhr tor~Jr1 hit II•• wtu th•· l'lnly r r .. wmlln to l'ml'rjl•' •ltv•• r .. ,.,, thr ,.n~rtn,. ronm llt100EMrm. DAKCU Good attendaftce wu ~rted at eaeh of Ule tllM dancea w!llch haft bHn held ao tar. Utt. month at ~ Meea Leeton ball Wider t.he auapfeee at American Lefton poat .SO. At the ttrat 8a~urday nipt daDee aome dltOCUllJ _ waa experienced wtUt the ~ but after a 101111d tecbnlelu wu called ln. the matter '!'aa .. ua. factor1IJ conected. Ml»te for Ute aftatnr &a betnl' WpPIIed by OJen. della'• <>reb.tra. n.. daftcea wtll continue · eaeb Saturday nlpL ~WICD Belated DIW&: which due tn the promtnence of u.e prtnclp&ll t. tlU of more Ulan uau.aJ tntereet to Ra111orlt.M. conoerna tile mar. rtace of .u. Allee CUrley, ronn. e~J ot CorOlla a.• II~. and Chu ~. pi'OPI'l,t.or of a cuoune Mrvioe at.aUon at 1100 Newport boUlevard, Ooeta M-. ·'nM marnaae took place 11u 1ut moet.ll wttll Judce D· J 1>o4p otnct&una. 111"11. HunUton aa formn'tp ·...a.t.ant aecret.ary ot ~ Nftl port Beadl elty plan- nine eemmilillon Ul4 wu later £net at tM Amt'/ Air ~ +"tu ...-u.u boii'M at 'I court. lltll and· Newport ~ tror Your 81gu PHOn" ..._....._......_. _ ...... _ ... ______ ,. ____ ~ Mack's Photo 104 .... 7 .. : Belbo. Coaat Guard •ad P ... port for ldeati.Jicetloa, l ·hOQr Hnrlce Portraits at NDiihl• prtcee. Baby Photoa, la!Mqaaeata · ud Phot~ Copi" • WI llfVtTI TOU TO VIIJT Mack & Black · c.t If Frill fl .. A fiJ't a bllntfln~ nuh whrn thr 1nrfWHI11 hit. hr h11nl(rtf ,.ht,ul 111 lh" hlllrk nr•• ''' llw blll(r '''' All o•!Amlly lnt1 'U.Uc "'"' 111111 11lr In hl11 hmP 111111 hr flnlllh' f'm~'rK"'I I hri>UI(II li n "J>"nlnl( In Itt th,. ""RIO,. rn<•rn "" gut hi• h••Rrt Ah<ov•· w11t•·r unlv In rtn•l '' •I• ,.,.,. '"" l)r "'''II"' rr h•· • ttfl•t.•·d ,,,., h,. rlak<'tl -r llltllnjr It h,. r• "'"'""It hr woul\1 J{rt drown wltri lhl' "hlf• Hl' olfl"" ur~tl<'rwfll 1' nnll 'arn~ <•ril nr'JH II crroflll llrllttl whl• h Wl\JI • 20-ft. Cabin Sloop Ff)a kAI.J: l'hap.Jf.,.....r C,\RIN Rt~F:I'~PR TWO ·~ ~p. Rttumy' ('trfkpil Mllk<'ll C•Jmfflrtabl~ Ray ur Oftltl\t,,... 8alllna fl'lr HI• ,Nt;WLY rA 1NTF.J) l lnrludln't bt>tiiJm 1 ""1111 •ntl I lv,.rlll Rn111 rnv~r '" O<!Qd C(!'ntlltlun. PMUt'ularly Tll'hl •nd ()l'y IOOO.Ih K""l P:VINRf'()f: Out tyoard fnr J<tdrrr '''""I fnr w~ .. k l'nd tnr r•.url# Wtl h f'tlllt! Rtlnl'l!' Lara• r tJi•-'·' .,., 14<-IUn~r at Aarxatn $600 Cuh Mr ftr••h W tll 8!1<,.,, .at '51FT ·~ DuMIIY Acrro~~~ ... It__. ........ ii. ...., ... -· ~ .... --; . .:: :z.," ~1 .............. -~, L-------------------------------------~~--.. 1... . " ~ ~ ~,·-------- , p..r!-h•rdltt•n Y111 ht J.antllna V Ml••n" :14t .. J t ·- , \ AT THE SHELL DOCK MAiN CHANNEL ·Just reqeived for your . i~spection: A new ship- ment of Marine Hard- ... I ware for summer . ' outfitting. ••• Co•• ... _. •• Y . ..... •• 4 . k- ~ 1'1..- ~w I .. ( ... -, MESA ., . .41 ,. , ~ 1 I ::>n. n~ ·~ Cltlee lWM Jndlln .., Ren- -~ Cmmj _H. t.t • --\ .... ~~ ' .. ""'- ..J a. ... ~ ~ .... '--.. ~ ., -, ..... ::.-.... .. ::..-:r. ,_ .. ...... ..... ~-_., ; 7" --., ed!. • 1es-. " ... '-. ..... .. cUed ~ .... ,.. .... r:!': I& am-t:::. .... ,... I wtlt _./ ,:::1 ~. .. , • ........ •kl Ullll al .... -wtaL. ·~ ~ . , .. ') r .- Betty Crocker· A L Eoga~ement at 1 -. A btrtWay perty wM IDto•~......­ aouncemeat party wu lktt:y crocku o1 BaliK father, Fire Ctllel' CroU Slec:lrlc OrUJ Wonday 81 wtalt. 8CJ'OIIe &IU\OUD~~ ... ID&FYiqe ol tbe ~ Ideal ·act. Jowpb J. B fit" H~, hQUYIYW ...SdinJ · dat~ hu beet ATTlND .. E£TIP H . F. Kenny of ual~ 11M mHUnr • ot thto -.u Chamber of Com Lela Anceln. etttanr m ' llkla 011 hl&J!waya. Ot If ... WHe Wa..~r Frail 8out.b Cout Company. t.Mkd w •lona on inll~a­ Mn Ftnrb. pruHJ~nt of port Hnbor ·Chamber .. ru . Earl W Stanlt!) .an; and Oarlu ~)'to MORTIMER SC ~c..-••. aalboa RJII.-Ea IICIIO O,peM ., .. ,. &; 0,....: Col ... . .. ow H-.... . ~.A • ..eo, timer, M . A,. ~rlnclpal Phe ANI\ CAROL · · wili'.open· CUT FLOW POT DR OPEN DINND8 1 ForiDer Cbel Mr, Lee Jay, Steaks· Ch ·Foun IC&CU:&M A Our\\ Jlr.u liSt Newport Pho1 co ORE WOMI --CHI ... .. I Page. e OWfOkr-SALBO+ PRESS . Tbunday, July 13. 1944 bill Ex-Balboa ~iderit Prominent Engi~eer R. C. Parkf"r Elf"c~d "'t~t Coast Packers · Dr . U. E . To d B Dea h to puvstctAN and aURO.aM Baek From Orient Summone Y t Sta~ Committee to. Be 1\lanaged By 'II~~ HOI OeMt Btlll...... dt *"..::Jb 11 ... ~ ..J •.. ·b u ... Af•-r SJv Years D . IN& 08 ome R. c. Putcer COII!l Mesa · real-.L:ND_g neac l•.-P T ...... Ill I.e A t • 0 ',1-·. -W ... , .... L' 1 1 .,_14 ... ,_ <~r, WU 6&ect.,d n m .. mb<·r of the .. _. &ck lA tht ~acetul aurround-r unera ~rv cea were ,.., ...... <1alltonU& ata.._,. tlt'ulfl<"Mitit• Com- If IIO ......... _. ....... I ' ln«J~ of Or ange rounty ~ttlrr en. ~tt..tnt~on to, Carroll b. MeKJnley, treat J:Ommlttft at 1\n urj(a.nlzatlon ="••wport Beach today hu a t o•\\' Cl!onn.,r y h.,ad In ~ penon ~elusive Ladies' SportSwear g ,, Dr. , Obed . Lucu \DB.....:I • I'U! ~ "'· c.inl ...... l-SJ:W >OaT BUOB DR. C. J. CARTER .,..... R.-.on-Plat.M a ~ l'bone 1.Ut lMu N t!WPQrt. B1•4L. ()seta ..... Dl'. M. b. Crawford oPTOII8Tai8W . ICy• , Examtnecl a.... ~U.. PboNMIO 17117 Newport~ 0081'A liMA Zone Therapy COnic MfldkaJ __ _,,. e , len• marl••• Znnt' Tht'rapLlt a~ ~ IJI!II ..... olurin!f alx blt lu ynno of wRr-'1:.!. I\ h<l lllt'd autld..-nly Sunday mc·cUnc ot t.h" county Central far~ 10 China. I• MMI Harry. M ").:ht a t hi• home. 2124 EUt Ocean commltt.e held Twsolny artemoon w orley a formc>r Harbnr rc>aldrnt. IJ .. IIIo·,·ard • at tbe COUrt hnu.s.· 1n .Santa Ana. tlftd a' ala~r-ln-law of Roy M Mr MI.'KinlPy, who wu chief At the -.nt-IIIli•' <:urtla Bar- Wort.-y. 402 841vlllr av,.nuco. Bal-~1 • ~ ·tlf<'h "nglne<'r fpr OOu,r'laa row a W'U e. lec:tt<d c·hu lrmkot the .,.... Mr. w orlo>y t1 allll In N~'W ,O.ti''rRft "~ Long Beach. ha.d county coftunijt.-·· York Cl.lY· h · • n n N'llld!'nt of Balboa for the Mr. Pane.r wu j:tl\'f'n ht pow- Ttit Worll'ya. whn hatl ..-rv~d 1\J I• oF' l A mnntha, coming heN fi'OID ,., of appobJUng th~ r Or. ml•lor.artu In Chlnll !llnrl' IPIIV·II· ut'"rton. SurvlvnMI Include b1a anr.e eounty Oeln•w rnls to the tnr Balbo~ In 1937, l,.ttl'thrlr mls-"11 . Mn1 Beverly McKlnley and &tllte co.aatttee. H£· announced alnn alation on [)l'c 24, 104:\, Flvt 11\l·•o ""'all •laughtt ra. ~verly Ann today u-at Ollt of tt}NJt' would be montha later thry arrl\'rd at Bos-1 u:••l 8 Pcky Jon, all of the ~-N. E. W..t or Laguna &!"ch but ton thr lnl~rvrnlng tim~ bf'lngl•"hlrt'l'll, li nd hla mother, Mra. l!l1& that U.. Naa&lnlng two were at lll r('f'~t In aJo1oet f'C'Inlltant tr&Vl'l Th• llHt". t...1'1 Ang_.ll'a. v .., to be ~. throu~h 110 m,. of t~ most hi\Urll-1''117 mor;luary or Corona del ------ nus portluna of tht• war t:l<n~ .~>'"r WM In chargt' of the •rv-A('OOIIOIOH H'I'HLJ:S Their wRY tin t 1··•1 O\'••rland tn t• ··~ whlrh wf'rl' r()nducted thla 1'heft, of a s canth'lll accordion Wut China whl'rt th~y boar.t"d a •II• mn<m at the Little Cllurch of Vl\lued at 1160 wall rrported to plane for tndla Arlivlng t~n· th• F h•w••ra In ~ Ange •. ln.-pt>lice Pn41ay by w P. Stewart l hn cpupl~ e:orrwrltnc··d grr11t dtf· t•lln••nt wu at Foreal Lawn. or Ul llbort atreet fll'ulty In ~4'ur:n~P; pMIIIII:'~ b\tt ------ fi nally l'Ol a ahlp anl1 rami' ~&AI· ('onrr. John P.hlllipa ward through thP South f'ad flc "' rombat zon~ to the Panama ca-Plans Harbor VIsit Church .Directory ""I and thcnn. to Boston. wh~r(' I thPy landtd lut May A "H a\bnr Day" welcome tor ··.,..,.. ~ 01" CIIJU8T Soon aftl'r th••lr arrival In lhe1t·o, .l:l•'~'lllll11n Jt•hn phllllpa. and 8CIE.H'nS'r llnltrd Slall'll thr·y W\'TI' prlvll-~ f;riii!Rbly RIM for Congr~aaman ,.g1·d ttl "nJny A Tl'U"'"" wllh H•" ry R Sht·ppard, now ot the their t•ld•••t son, Lt •J).: 1 Jl.trr:; :!:.'n I r>u•trk t. bul forme.rly Rep- \\' Wl•rlo•y .• ~'"'' -...·:uo sll•tlllll• .J a." I •· ,, ninth·•· fnr thfa dlatrlct, wu a Helldlvrr (llln~ tcbonnl lht' air-1"11 11n lh•• prn.Jttam ot thlnp t.o r ratt r arrl,.r. Bun\c~r 11111-lt wtlJI1•nm•• M th111 'WI.'t•k'l mee Unc or thco tlr11t tim,. the par••rftl· and I' h,omtwr nt Comm,.rce dl...otora. l!(ln had m,.t In """''''" "' nr1 Aft· ,..,,,~r,.umllll Ph llllpe wrote. that ~>r• ,.,.turning tn rnllfnrnll\, MMI 1 t:• wnul<l bl' ,ht-r.r 11hort.ly, and Worley 111~1 hatl " hrh•f hut f'l••nll· "·~h···l tn m""' 11!1 hill t rtr nda. He .ent v111t wllh " ytounj:• r S<m, 'u•t h· r llt lll••d. thnt h.r wanted to llrnmy. wh•l Rtt••nll•••l :'l:o·wrnrt ,.; "'In"' fl~t-hAnJ talklnK about Jlarbol' l!nlnn ll ~h srlj•w•l nnol i-1 hil l;~ th11t hap("•nl'll In Wublnr- ntow In th,. aubm11rino• t-•n•lf'•• I'"" • -At thl' rt'(JUI'II OJ{ nllllli'IIIUII Jo. ---.-.. cal frlcond.a. Mr-1 Worl~y h:u .1 \f'K RllfD CVl!\1'\'Air..saNO llltT~d to t .. ll of t.hrlr C)llnll e•·j.\T SAVAL HOSPITAL A braacla ot Tbe Mother Cbu.rdl, .,.. Jl'lnt CtNrdl ol 'Chrlat. Seteau.t, ID Boeton, M .... Servia. Mid ln lht Lido th'eatre, N.wJ*t lleacl1. 8!plda)' ,.,-oot at 8:30 a. m. lJWM1&7 esniee at 11 a. m. ~ meeUng· each Wed- neaday at 1J o'clock noon. Roactlnc room .. 711 J!!aat Qent.ral avenue. apa dally 1 to & p. m. CJoeed 8aDdaya and boUda,- naUobaJly oMerved. • '"'-~ Ia cordially lnvtt.d t.o at'-41 tile 8erv1Cet and we Ule ,...... I'OCIIIl. • ,f Rt•Y Ro111h who haa, been ae.. f,.,•tr·t1 to succeed the late J- ('1 uu~:han aa manaaoer of W•t f•ua.'!l Pn1·klng CorporaUan, 3010 La(,.y,•tto• avenue: ' MT. Roulh, wbo COR* heN from Willow Brook, hu to b1a , ... ~ 219 Marine Avenue 710 Eut Central ............ . ...... o n·d1t more than 2lLyeara ~r-+-----------~---""""-----------• oo•nro,> ill the c.annery bullneas, •!urlng-20 ytoara of whtch he W&f runnE'('t('d with the Lonr Beach llrllnch ot the Wat Cout Pack- lriJ: Corporatl.on. Employed per.l li"TIIl<'l at the local cannery w111 rl'mnin unchanged, Manacer Rouah s:ud. ~ nl'w official, who ta mar- rl·'ll 11nii the rather ot three school HJ:t' children, bu pureh&ted the torm«r Art Allen realdence at -26-4 Victoria atreet, Coeta Meaa, ruHI the family will move there u "'~''n u poueaalon Is granted by lhco pr esent tenanta. M r. and Kn. (II ris. Funk. The transaction wu haJ1dled ~Y the F. E. Ry,pell real- ty otrlce: ( 'lfii.DJU:N BI'ITEN Jl'l' 000 .e. Judith Ann Bar11tead, 7, 309 l harnonll a vf'nUt', and Michael A.. ,p , 111r. 8, or Loa Angelea wt re lll'.t••n by a dog aaaertedly own· ol bv C H. J eftr lea. According tn (">her. the dog wu lt'ft Ued 1111 I unatl•·n<kd on the beach a t Btllh•.•n IAiund. 'l'ht-animal wu r111a1 Jtnt ul.t'd and a complaint filed n1::ten11t J t'ffrles for qunanUne \'loin tlon. WA .... BD (Di coao•a DB ... ) • •••••• Wbo wu It aald. "Wllat'1 ln a name?" I do not know. nor ca re. I only know, 1 want a na~ F or Women'a-Clllldren'a Wrar. I'm openlnr up a amall Clothes Shop, Cout Hl(hway, Elght 0 Three. So put your lhlnk lri ca)l In p~ace -And Mnd .«nne munett h) me. ; Five dollar11 worth or mtrchMdlae, I'll (ive th~ w.l.nnlng namt ; AddreM me-Mary J anaaen thr n; • From there, rn take thto blampc. f'm openlnr UtJ, J uly Fifteenth; I hope you'll come and buy, Remember , Sporta 1\nd Chlhlr('n'• Wear, And rarmenta for Small Fry. Now, ..... ferpt. MAaY .IANS.-.ES'I'I Uw ~. 803 Cout.Hitbww~Y. Corona del Mar. Is tht' place. Women'a and chlldren'a rarnl~nta arr the apedahlies. Wc'ro• juat opening our bu.m~u. and we're dflng to have you (lrop ln JM>riD~• at Chrllt Churr h by th~ ~==~~~=i~~~~=:;;~~~a. her talk bl'lnf IIChN.!ult'll tof J>trk Ruyd, youn~P;~r l6n ot Kr. Uu• 11 o'clocll. RM'tt:t-~Mrt Sun-Md Mra Robcort L. Boyd, jr .. ....... •• I .. .,. day. 1211 Cnaat boulr\'1lrd. Corona &1 OIDUIIT art711C11 liT TilE 8U ( ec.ua.sty Met.bodill().\ ~ D. OOODELL. MID.IatLo llliiit7 .-.lllp eeMce, 'I :10 a.m. ~ .elllool ...... 10:11. MondftC W'Cifthlp, 11 o'cloe.k. ~ wonblp. 7 30. W~J rNnlng. poUuck_f~': p .• R M A N IC If T 8 ---· _..:. ' Mpr. l1 <"MVAINirlnK at San Dlqo 8&ADDr'8 4'ALt'Alll.E8 STf)LJ'::N S11vy hn11pit11l whi'N' he hu been Bartler 1M ... ............ L..ule IM,_...II_..,......A.- el OIW.,..) TU(liiJ:II or ft.AllfO (),...., • Aol!et ...... "._..:liT~./&._. o.re,a~ ... ...,. . . PHHNE: NI:Wf()a'l' IMI ~..-.. ae.. It ~ ., Pvpa!l ~ l.icasll Yetnlrial • ..-c s' •uta . •• Qu • liiiiMI A-... •. 0 Mill • Over ao ,..... .....,..,., .. lre&U"-&arp ... ...a AHDIAL8 ftC)AJU)INO -M'I'IIDIO t4TIUJ'PINO -: CUPPDI~ Dr. 5. H. WAL.KUDIHi toot eout RIP__, Corona Del liar PhoN Nrtirparot StU Bra•d•ll Dla11r1 CUAHJNCi 'RUSIN8 Preu.int While Y-Walt Hat1 Cleaned and Blocked Ill IAOADWAY CORA ... UA --·--.--.- Ut~AL ·t~ST-ATE I ASU INS l ; RANCE Listings Invited • A. W. OIBBON llllt F.. 18tfi .Rt. O.ta M.- no-IU1-W • flnflrt•·•l tnr thP pll!ll tWo ,_ntba F&OM PAUI:D CA& ,.,. r• llllft hf a sl'ril'l of llln~ o i~no.:oJC•;II hy II mMtnld Infection. 1-ru~t Wt'l'k hr wu llttfflc&ently ,.,.,.m ·••tl•d In lf'av~ hla bed Oil a lowahlp d1aDer at e ,30. KldWeek servl~-at T:IO. Cu b and Vllluabl"~ vtthH·tl at III'Veral hundrt'd dollaf't ~ere ato "" Wonday from a rar parkPd "' 2111 E. ~ntral B\'o•nuo·. BalboA Ttl~ car, owned by AI Jo:<-rnpndtoz of lhr Cout Jnlluatrlal SuJljily Co of Loa Anj~t-11'1, wu bl'lnl( loAoJ••d wllh ~rennal .-ftcd.& by thr own. ,., antf wu tho•rrfon· unltwkl•d at thl' tim~ or the tMft whlrh on:ur. ft'd bc:t wMn ·e 30 and 8 a.. m. 1::-hnur ~crl'ntlonal pua. Ma.t GUS LAin' OF JIOUNT •f th" trm•' \I'M lptnt traveUn« CAJUID. OA'IBOIJC CBUIICII 1 .. nnd rrnm C'nrona d,.l Mar but R&V. P. i. BJCARY, Pr1Qt 1 .. · mnniiJ:!'d to hAve " few bourt aww~r~.r X... at a. 10 Uld 11 "' hr•me Hl1 brothtr and /1. U.· a. ._ l••r ln.taw. Ensl~m and Mr11. RDbt. L Anyd m. had arrived uneir. ·liT. ~ VUlfllrEY • (catWie) J'l'<"lf'clly fmm COFpUI CI\IUtl, 311 M&ltM Aft.. Balboa laland Ll.att'd u etoiMl wu a g11lcJ rin~ T••'ttUI, and tO~P;I'lh~r wlth \Jy R.I:Y. P. J. DART, Pr1..t aet wllh a IArK,t ruby •urroundl'd t)nvlf' plll'f'ntJI and J.aek 'a "lirl ....., IIIMI--'.1:30 a. nL by nlnt dlamon&; a KOld tol\r rin~: !1 lrntt.:· Milia' Elwanda John.~t.on. EPI8CIOPA.L ~ aDVICit Mt with a ruby and nine-amall ,, fllt•llllllnt dinnl'r hnur wu apent dlamondll; two fOld. t"arrinp u ch 11t C'orona dt'l Mar ealt' .•.• IM'l with nine ~mall dlamdnda; " F.n•IJm Boyd. wh o I.e on a liS- f old chain. 14 In poettlgt' 1l11mpe. ttn; r.rlnu,rh, ex~ta to ltaw for 11&.75 In cub, 12.1'10 t old I'Oln, and 'l'e:oru thla WMk . He &1\t'l hta wlta a Watoft MUter ll,lbt ~Mtar. OUl-have ~n ata~,.,.f wtth U.. .lat. •r vahJablea In w car wrr~ un-tl'r's motht'r. MMI. Lilyan Earel or diaturbt'd. P't"mandu a&J d. S.>nrnn Bay. --~--1 ~WT ftA!'E IMPilOVF.MENT Wr11. Flora Beatty y.·u N'-('lcoct . Olf«'l'!'f4F.D "'' nnu:~u t'd pre1ldl'nt of Nl'wport Beach WCTll at a mN'tlng hcold Wed-OffH'illl . rN'ommPndatlon from neaday In & .. homl' of Mr11 S tt'V-thr C'hamtit>r o( Comm~n:l' dl~ l'n \\'ea~tford. 309 Alvllraoo at .. l1'1,.. that l he city coun~ll ahould Balbo4a Othtr offlct'l'll name-d for nllk $2:\,000 of Orllnlrl' County Sea ~rout• tnwllrda thf' outflttln~P; of t he n.-w yrar. t.f'jl1nnlnK O<'t 1· th,.lr base on thl' Coaat hlchway are Mn Ella Oo4'ltl¥r, \'1('1' prut. bny front wu h,.ld In abeyance dt nt: MMI L illiAn Hill, rN·nrdlng ~~ Monda y'a noon· meellnr. ~~t'tary, lll'nd ~"" NoriP;1a Qood. Thr rrcommtndatlon had been e ~rn. _. '.~~ at a prior ~URI'· biK con.-Ot'vo~lon-.la W«4' ronduct c-d by r~renl'l'll with Sea Scouta lndlcat- Miu. Newland who 11""<l lUI h,.r , •I thAI thtv would n_.~d only 100 IIUbjcoct, ''The God W hn AnfW•'f!l ( t · · Prayer" MMI. J. C Btlllhj(ll lfAW ,;;:nt:~:.h:n:~~~:,';t':!t'~~~ !:! lin lnterutlng rt~pnrt from Uw l rut Intention to ullt' a boa t for part Soulhrrn California ronf('rrnrP on 11 r 1 11,.1, ln~tt rurtlon. llqu~ control and Japanf'ac r••-ln. l"cnut urtlcill,lll eaJd lhl\t c-•t n t at • tbc H;i.OOO flr11t aug~Peted u t.ht' IAX'AI. D~ Wll't8 BOND !'4ALE ('ONTJ:~T •••I v·~ lltipulA trtl ~.tam. ml~t"ht be .:trflrult lo ,1:'8thr r Sa~ nf Wa, Bondi durln~t th~ CliAMnr:R IIJ:Ail!'4 J:!lo'DO&."E Fifth Lna n rlrlv; wu materially lt.I.I'MINATf:ll MION"' lnl'ffll.llf'd In Ot'llnjl'l' rounlY 11.11 re-Tlw \'1\•111 ~:tow nf Nrwpor ... aua-. TIM ftn, Roellt.. II. Kop SL Pul'e .In tbe hl.m·'8prtnp. CA...._)' 1111 o.du A.w., Lillie Pbone : -.aa SuncJa,.. June 11 llepk 10· 8 a. m.-Ho1y eotmJt~ 11 a. m.-Mom.,_. p aennon; lflrwt 8Uftda,yw munlon). A.ll Welcome! (~). Th~ Rev. ·p~rY SdlrOck. Mlrtlaler Worlhlp ~oe ~ Sunday momitlfJ at BAlta ·~ By the Sc:a." •to Cout biiJnraJ. ('OMMl'NJ'IT OI17IICII REV. CARL JOBH80N, fiinlater Phone lll..J !Sunday, 11..45 a. a 7 Bunda>' hnol. 10~45 a. m MomlDC worthlp. fl 30 p. m. -Younc Peopt .. • f!p· worth lA!ngue• 7:30 p. m.-Ooefel -~. Wednf'adl\y, 7.30 p. ID.~IIJ•wM~ aH vlct or pn1yer and praiM. Thul"'lday, 7 45 p. m.~r re· htaMIIII. 111111 of a ronl.PJt spon~MrE'd 'by A r. tlt'n Farme to l.'nrnurAgP . bond '"It'll hy 111 rmplny••••ll. \ylnnrr nf thl' Nlnlf'l!t, 11rrortllng t o offil'll\1 nnnounrl'ffl'-'nt. 111 Jlmm,Y Dunn. drh'Pr nn Arol<'n'l Ralbna J"'nln- "ula milk rnuli•, who 11olrl btmolll to • totlll of ltfi,(}OO Tnt'AI bOn•l "'"I"• by Rll Ar(i(-n tl rh•rr11 In the ~arbor dllotrll't ~·rr" $1!1,300. a • nttnlv tot11l nr S6(UIT!\ lf11rhnr'1 hnllpllAllty will tl't\.e(:t tn I h•• ho':t\'C'nll rnmt fnur llluml. nl\1••<1 llign.'l At lhl' TI'IJW'Ctl\'f' f'niL•t Hlf>!hway Arrhes, Balboll f'JR.'4)' Fot'~.A&lm ClllJRCII l~lnn•l 11n•l r oronft d<'l Mllr city r.~\', A Wll •. LARD STJCARNS. - J TOW'SI"J:!\,lJTr:l'( AC,tr:m. U : '\1fTOR\'' MF.r:TISO Town•r nolltPll or ="~•'i-l"'•rt H ar. bnr a'I'HI Cn.oot.A M l'llll will . bold-a "Vil'tnry" n'ol'('t'tng Of'Xt 'T\I<'IIrlAy at the homl' o; Mr lind M n~ L. K A11hban.:h. 140:S W~"•t lliiY ftV('nur. 01\lboa At thllt tiTllP l'l'l••bratlnn ~·111 bP m11rlr "f thr fAI'I thAt Cal. ltnrnllt h1111 IJ111\lltl,.d a nol tt)f' Town. 11~nd piAn will III'<'Milin~ly nppNir on thr bAilnt Nn\' 7. at whlr h tlmj> tb<-\'O(I'MI 'will .... rih Oo'gNI tn d•·cltl,. tht' 1111111~' Rrt,.r n 1 t· ycoar •tna~t"lfl" tor 1111th 11rllnn • nl rnn•·r11, If &:<-l'nmm,.ndallorlll Put« nutoll' ~f,.ndAy by H , ,F . l(t'nny,! F'Tilday, 7 :10 p. 11\., T OIUIC Peo· o'h.:ll rmnn ,,, !hot• 'I'RnllpnrtAtltm plc'a Nle hL .·nmmoll•'~ nt •thr C'hllmb4or of !'lunt1ny. II :10 a. m. -Sud day r nmml'ro "· ""'' rnntlnntot1 hy lal .. r "rhoot. CIIIJllPa for a1l area. ••·t 1nn A 11 dlr•••·tnn, At .u, .. r ham. t t 00 "· m Momtnc wo~hlr. t>o•r.,. n>"O'\ lng ronrufl'tld In t.hf' 6 00 P m Cnaaade.n. ··llt:J:• :o11nn to f'xrl r•• finAncial i 00 p m EvenJ.nc •n•tce . f'!l rt lrulttr:o for ln~lllllf'l'll! th~ tour Tueac:tAy. 7 :JO p. m.-Mid·wt'elt l'ght f'•l city sl'!'"· 1 ,1' ll'rvtce. __,.. 1 Thuraday, 10 a. m. _ Prayer "'I'E FOR PO~~r.~•uoN ' meeUng. M11uriN' T. McGill ,.;.,d \ Mra. FT LL .OOSPD. AASEIIJb.l' ~~~~'" Mr OIII hAw "'"d an untaw tul Elden and Dn4 Street ·I· tnlnf'r 11111t llKiltnl't Mr. and Mn1 R EV M (' c'I\ONIC. Putdr \thr rl M DoAI\I.' who \a~ llvl.nK Phone S~tnla Ana ltM-MK •n 111•' MrGIIl'a prt)prrtT at 20217 Su:-adny al'h•tol, ll:.a a. m . ,\ pn1••nl' 11\'rnUI'. 11'h<' MrOIII• 111. Mnrn1nJ:' WQr ship, 11 o'clock. ''II•' thAt thry rc-nllorl thE' f'lllCe to E\·an~<'llsllc '•rvtce. 7 :30 . 'h•· flnrtn•'ll fnr Jl\0 p<>r 'month Mld·wr<'k prayer •mce, Weds. iu.!lt (kt • tlnrll'r lin A~m.-nt 7·45. I h;lt lh•· prP'nli~"" ynulil bf Vll, Yn'ung T't•opll''a eva.n:,.lt..tlc eer- QtlAJlA!II"TTNF. \1CH.AT10~~ • oto•d hv J un•• 24 ,.,.,, 11uert .Yicl', Friday, '7:61. &an~ro 1! ARJtE!i'T!' lh·•t lho' prPmlliPII 1\ft' wO'rth 1100 ll!lthr r B11lboA l11lanot ot.\gll nou11 l "' 1 • '"nnth for lh1• sum!TW'r 'And bt' kept lni'Arr,.rAII'•I nr lh~'l r own· 'l•l. l1lplr o1anugNI And ~-- C'I"I ma y ~ •tom Such l''U th~ t.hrt ,~._.,, .. f '"'l!\\" ..----- by Jud«"l' 0 A .II\Of'8 whi• IIIAI"d R.<\PTI~~AL ~f:R\'ICI: f4f.'T l}lat 12 W'llrriUIIII h111l hiV'n lOI'r\'o'\1 f'll tl,lro•n ~·Ill be 1 pft'&Pntrd f<\r on nf'Jll~P;I'nt O"''lH'rtl 110 fA r thil ron~N'rAtlon MXI Sunday morn. SF.\'F.!IITH DAY A.DVKNTI~ . 17~ N('1vport Blvd. G!l'nn L. c-.otfar, Klnlater Sllbbalh Sch_nol, Saturday, t :30 ru . Momln~t WC'Irahlp, aatu~. '1 nl. "'Hk and that WltTillltl woull'l •n~: Ill Comna dt'l Mar Commup!. l CRtT1ICR or c::BIIIft' oontlnu.o to bf' 14'rvfd ~ lo1nJ u t ~· <'<'DifT('Il'&tlonlll chnrcll: Itt fi• GJ~Ul"th llr.d Wllmrt at., taland do,.. ar+ f'l'rmlttt'd at Ub-announOtd today b~· thl' Rl'\'.ll'cor. L Du11n.o C'anb)', Mtntater n ty on •lthu thl' at~t Or thf' 1 r F' 8chnx'k. C'tlureh .cohqol 11 ~day, 10 L a . J!im11 ~. MAd!. mlnlmwn nN>e of tm ..,.. hPI•I llt t :SO nn Jumln~ a ........ t; Utda\' 1i • m 'Yon\~ wor- beln« ln'1ed. or In c~rtaln~t<'UN. tht Jl o'alock m omtnr w~Jp 'hi 11nd 'Communion. a jaU aenwace may ...Wt. be lt'rYI«'t ~lnr at M.lta'a ~~1. 8\l'ftda)', 7:10 p. ._ ~ ..... ily t.be hL \\'Of~. . I .. BLOUSES .... CHlPMAN SHE.Eil HOSIERY -· ..... ~xancu•-•• ... ,...,.;c·~•tt•a•a•a•~:•au:~~u:tuttuiiMilM'*I ....... I'*IIIIIlMII:"a•a~atlla~J•ttu••l•••te• .. ~a•ate .. IUJ): na TAKE HER 'rO ( • 1 ONCE A WEEK .. •, .- Wllataboat , .... . . travel eoadltloas 1 Trani coaditioas ..,. ' ... .,.., thaD chcy wue Ja .,..wu .. , .. Let' 1 look a1 rile facu: Throasboor rile laAd. ... ol dlouuoda ol.a aD4 ""'*• ol our srmed fore• are DO• en"" fag acroa che couuy br raiL Th~fsmiUa of oar ,, .. dot uoo a are caklD1 uipe to ..... the a" before they abcn-e ,. for o•e Encu i• .. ud wu woorkara ol .. acati iDdutri• ari U'aTaliaJ bee.... 'Oal plallte oa Japor- taGt mlu u. It all ad ap tb du.: More pu- ..a;era a sa ~•er before ate croWdiDJ S.aca 'el!'eia1. We are req 'Nd to" baDdJe cWa aaprecedcat .oluae of putea· ser tralic •i~ ncacally IH .... ~..,_, -1Mt1'-lHl. BWldi'ns aew ,..~.,.er aq•dp- ,IDeat haa DOC beeG permaiMCIIiace P.a.rl HarboJ'. Oar IOUrDIDftl ~ iNMCl iD· ltnlctiOCI.I tO tb. raiiJoMe ..., laruaure CoiiUIII!Cdl::.oqa•iuiCHt Semca Ordu No. 11 ), _..ecd .. U:01 am JU. 21, JO dilpa.c. or ...-ote •• , ,...... ta Uf .. co•mod•don apoa any train, ia order to pro•ide neccuary spac-. f« ak k. or wouoded 1erv1ce per· IODMI, aad their aneadaau, trana-~ned punaat to a medical cu - --... W• ~tope·._,, will b. Htde olcbia. We of rbe Santa Fe will do ow beat to (arty all the paueavtl •• c:ao, u qaickly aad comfottab ly u we aua. bat •e uk. rht~forc yoa fU a uip &bit saaadler: U•ln1 JNr ,.. U .,,U,I, Ctl•'l 1M 1111 II •I llrl/;1 1H ._. • IJuu Hllw ., •; ,.,., • un,,.. ;., ,._ ,~1 f-'4 Fe...,"' SANT~ FE ·sYSTEM tiNES .. AL~ TMI IOUTI TO TOKYO" \ -. .· / .. ·. . . , ~·1944 Pap7 . 11'1 ...... / . BE.RN ARD ~~_._}~ .. U and piHaure whe.n u-.y ~eh•t"1l m~ m•-.IMIIIMGHth• bond tn u.e ma11~ i Y N•L.L MUMAM•Il • • • Who drt\'n the borwM ot Ule IWI Don't let UJOQe teU )'OU Ul&t ~h11ll lord tt but a day; Newport mercbanta *>n't 1moW B ell ua. ...,_ .. put&eulatl,y lldd&e dtt>r lhC lowly deed were doni Moore ot "tee cream ·and oalllee. An<.l kept the humble W.J. .. lor LU8CIOVI lft&Q-· 11w happloat be~t ...,. beat tlonery fUM. fte ot.bar-clay, U · I \\'u ~an 80me qu breut dM't ~ ... COIItaaMci .a, That found the oo on dayltclat one boa whJda bad ctwtacGid 'to IWQt't atx c~ and a 8IC1a wbleJl read I .A'l.t l..tt to Heaven tJ1e I'Mt. "~tt-l to a cu.tclmer." Two o.f -HOLLYWOOD J cuatom.n bouPf ~ .......mtq O .... Yu#I'&D •a .. aaoaa -ohn Vance Cbeney. balt doun. Orawly, lld4le ,._ I • • • movH U.. ~ boa. lee.ytnc t.be M r I . M. 1. c:ue b&re except tor t.be atp. ftell (SINCE 1932) I • • 1135 H.IQilway lOl Jut lut of n. An:ll•• o •• ,~~ Daniell, w h o he pk:kecl up tile alp and tumM tor muy ,..,.. It about face. II ved at la& ~ 'ftle ..-nie aide read: : '"'nlta 17th 1M., eo.ta Space f(W fteat." MI!M, wu a wo. • • • • Mr. ud Mra. W. B. Van Dec&r of m lll'd au.et .,.,.. been -- tert&inlna aome I'OOd old triencll m&n wbo aot only at~ church but wbo practiced cbni-Uanlty u ...u, from Dlcondt4o, Mr. and Mn. Alt.houp abe. Cll&rlel 1. ........_ llr. J"rtencS- ba4 ber home, w1;10 loob lttr. a ,..,.,.,, or a pa'r. a huaband, and tteularly J004-nature!l lft"dta. four Uttle Cfr'-the~t a place at ~ I at Re11onahle Price. , ' Visit Our Portrait Gd.llery to cart> Cor ~ garden wu al• dtdo IOIIJ'eltme acv and aet out ''lf.Y• the ahow apot of the com. an °rana'e 1'1"0"· WJaJJ. tbe ~ve • rl)uq_rty. When canntnc ..-wu wu oomlq Into production, he •_.::::;;;;;;;;;.._..._._;;._ ___ .....,_~t n, Mn1. Daniela worked early and ran a tl)dt ltand u 4. ctu.rlnc that lute pl't~aervtnr f00C1 for winter Lime bec:ame tDterMted In utron. in the ... LOUCKS ~. -·~y Walda A Jewelry ~ • Onet~ ~ ror All Occuiou Wa~ and JC:na'aJemeat. JUqa on our Eaq Budpt Pl&a 17e7 N.wport Blv4. Pll. 1IHft OOSTA KUJL Machine \\" ork · BOAT IIRADIXO . Vlrg's Garage -.o..tnl ....._116&-W USI.', hundreda ot «4uart.1 for ber omy. \ · 1)\1/ll famtly and rjlore hundred~ ~ a n-tneh tele.oope f)( quarta fo, .... 1 forttlnate per. lth 1t-lnc)l reneetor, .... mount- son• '" the ;:-t.J:~rhood-per. ed It ow--a 20-toot ~ tn tbe Hone wh,o were~~ to do for 0,...,. ...-.. ~ that email lhenUit'l\'t!l , either t.hroup ad. ~~ ~ beeamt: d. m&l):: en Small DweUIDaa' D~palr Pro' gram No'w· \'&nct>d age or elckneu. Ji me mpo ee 1 u &"' IM" Last epring the Dan~ fOUDd nom1eal world. In lNt b! dtl· Sfa_.-A Tbla Week . Full S I I it "''Ce&lary to return to their covered UlNe-~-Uloereby I...,.. . an w ng n I rornwr home In Texu 110 IIOid ~::::...~ C:1Y t:: w .. t;.t in HarbDt' Area 1 Harbor A,ea thei r lltUe Meaa ranch to ICr. and e rr• "" ever • / BALBOA INN ARCADE B.alboa Balboa Island M rs. s. w. Kinney. AI they -re co'l'ere4 more ~ one cornet In Erection of IIDAII IUmmrr Nurn••roua tlatMr &r•!l real-I parktng to go. with her cuatom&ry a •1nc'• ,..,.. For tb1a feat he horne• contlnuee ~t lhco '" Ol'l'l """ bt'lntt aubjf'<"tt•d tn re-1 +~--------------------------+ ,l!ood nPigl\borllneu , Mra. n. told wu awardee~ a teiJow.b!p In the Harbor area, putic:alar .uuv~ty "'"''''lln~r •nd altl'rat.lon and.prac.11 tht' new owMr .to not buy any Royal ~f'ODOinleal llodU.y of betn& noted In tbe Corona ckl tr•'ttlly rvf'ry al rN't In town bean ,'+---------------------.,..-----, l"avlng ·a 1\.ure J&l'((ll that. U. n . n e -• e Moet preteiiUoua ol the •\•tu .l '''":\ , __ had paln•taJtJngly saved and knt!'f tel~ be deat..-cl .. a1¥J baa dw~U.nc• curnn,UJ under con. Mra Arthur 8#1t of Balboa la-1 W<'tl' t rom good atronr atock .. won diaUncbon u the ~t &m· at ruction Ia an ._t-room ~dl-lfln•l ta adtllng a lw-dmon1 I'! ""'I Montha . paue4. Ftnally came ~leur .. teleecope In Ula Unltect tlon to u,e ,p,....t. two.r~ly hum" at •. coat of $700 ltarl anti I plantfnR' ttme. Jl&n. Kinney wu Statel. dwelltng at ua.~ Avocado at , Mary T Banta . arr ••pendln~r1 ..:ard{'n -de becauae ahe wu ': .. ;:! ~ =~d· =~· ';._u Mar aec:Uon. . • ''hknr•· ltt tmprnvo•ml'nla undlor l l•rt'parlng to buy her .-rden llefdl • • • Ttl• addition, wllldl Ia belnr built $1200 on altt-rattnna "nd nopaln 1 ------------------~~---·---• ~~~~~==~=~~==: "'hen ahe happened to think ot Mre. John Simon lABianc of by Paul J . H~ ol Loa o\nct>lt'll, 111 thrtr ct.N•IItn(_ ~~ 1807 Wut Mrr!'. OanteJ'a jar tuU. Bhe ·took It SUI W. Bay avenue, Balboe, Ule Ia t.o c011t MOOG. \'"ntral avrnur. F'ranl'll MrOow- lrom lht• ahoelf and alarted remov-c;thel; day pw btrth to a baby Mr. and Mn.' J . W ~tl. ••II of Loa Anp lu Ia r utttn.-an 1ng \hr lttUe ~(lackafa , . A cS«uPter, Mary M~atet. 'nM Jr., of 8&n ~ .,. bullatnr rn•ld• ataJrway a nd makln« rr• tl\4> hnt "lltled" lbt found wu a lMw an1val Ia the cnat-&TUt-a three. room chNlltll( at 427 P~tlra at 7H · W . Of'•an P'Y'ont ; 1100 war bond evtdentl,y placed I"'M~Wr of • H~nry Fe~at at a oc.t ot 11500. and Waltrr T Wbttn('Y .. Claremont, t.a 1 1n t.he. jar for aat.keeptnc and ~rTY wbO' In 1119 )lew loped 100() C. st&h~. aet JMmlne even~». rnalltnr alt•nUnt~~ to th .. ~t.utor 1 rurgottl'n In tt)e ®n~oo of die. a.c:ne JLnoWn.-. UM Berry ~cho. II erecU"'J a ~m llUC'CO ••f hla home a t 300 8 Bay Jl'ront, CORONA DEL IAR CAFE F.,..~ ltOUf"S .... C...t ....... FIIIEFOODS :·coCKTAILS 1 ......... EIBE IOORE •iUs Bettir tee Cream ftiY I'll . 'lim's CllflctiiiiiJ 2100 OCIAN RONT ftoae ,3 g~- 8(-IMiS~ • .fOR·~Mf:N ·.~ and BOYS • ............. EARL W. STANLEY 1\eRitnr Notary fubllc Phone 177e Jla Marine BalM& latAf!tl _ _; __ s~·o.· s. Radio and ~ Electric Co. Radio Service --cLOSID ON MONDAYS Harold :L. Hamm Redio SoUDd Tecboiclao iowoiR,.. 215 Mariae,. BALBOA I SLANE> parture · 'nlla,anch '-/u,. p-nt l ite of rutdenee at' 101 ....r....uae at a 1 hr r <Wt to boo e bout 1100. W'hat tun· to haW~ been a \lttJe Ban Ana Atmy AJt Bue · · c~ of 11100. I . W . Bladlbeard, F. n Kyle, 123 Opal avf'nUf', 11 1 TI'XU moult' 10 one •could have ' • • ' 21f Ord\lcl .,._..., ._ npmdlnr ronverttn,r hla ,.,._.. t~;~to two wttni'JIICd the Daniel' II' aurpri'.le Rarlcl to t.hta. my lltUe mt.M', 11200 on UM ~CU011 of. a apartiJ'Irnta at a eoet of U OO: If he uu you for a kt.a dwelllJ\C to conaa.t.~of two ~ma CbU'1H c F'lppe. 701 ACAC'Ia aw.l ':"""_....;. __ -'!" _______ ": Tell hll)'l · "No," tbouP ..-uy. ~d b&tb, "u". Ia bulldtnr a atucco l(ar-.,;1' 1 . And eJoee UM door diKr'eeU,y. ~ 0 . Weet o1 Lquna ~ad\ at 8111 L&rlcapur at a roet of I3JMY, Jt he doM nOt ea.U acatn: II ~unc a ,tbi'M-room r.Wence 11nd E . G. Bul.tun nf lUI ~~ CBAPBL _by'fll• --·· \ \ \ e . .£emi4 ~·-BaJJ,- 410 Coaat Bl•cl. CORONA DJL MAR DAY AND NIQHT Juat remember, m~ .... men, at to3 N~ av~nue. and II npendtnr $800 on butldlo« a And tbat one ....,., anY plum-WJICOJl .B. Wild a one-Ito~ dw•ll· two-c•r ra.ra,lt'! and 1'9f\Yirtln« TIM on• wbo. uk are ft1"7 dumb! t~ at M4 H~ ctr1ve !l a coat lfla pi'Mmt rvap . lnf.o' a be4. • • • . or 1500. All .of abe • pNUdlq room. ...... Wapr, -'o u ... at· 161, homf'a.to-bl are lD the Corona del Dr. P . A.~ o1 Oollt& JI10'INI' atNet.. and Ia, _,.. than l(&r eec:tJoe. ..... .. ,..,..11q U.e r-a.Uon 80 ,..... old, 11M oee C'J/1 U.. eweU-R. R. Jonea, Balboa JM&Dd. II and m akin« aJt.orctlotul1 at t.hf' ,.t ........ tn eo.ta )(-.. buildlnc a tbref..room 'ctW'eDla( at M'dway apar1m•nt.. 111 I&UI at . ON&t ~ pO;Ie beaM, com ta&t 8 coet ot a1500 Joc:atJon 9' UM 1000 ~InK arhf'dUif'd tor thf' work w.-14 pat .Jowa ~ .ham. and 'all atrueture belnl( 1201 l'J 8&1 menn Hf'lma of Ute An .. f'INr II ~ root .wit Wl\tCb no one ~ ~t. 1'1 111. M!ldaer ·ol ........ butldtnJr a H00 •ad<Ulton to lhf', rauch about but wbJch .1.1 erawJ. drfta w. f'lrptl'ldfnc 11100 oe tb_e butltllnK at IM)7 •21Mh alr~>,.l Mr• In~ wltb vtt&mlftll. . cOMliW!Uon • of a three-~ R. P Mltch•ll wtn f'llpl'ntt 111M • Mr; Wanr ft&rted wtt.h 1101tcS houae at 60t :Mth a~t. ~ph' P . on alf•r•tlun~ arut r•·rRtl'll to th•·, Sfnnuda CJ'&M puture and In OlmmJtt, 301 Coral . aYiftiM, Ia dwf'llln« at 24011 W f>N.an Front ttl..-·montha ~m~c all t.be bulldtftC a j our-room dwe~llnc at Mrw carroll. 100 vl~o Wu-lrra. I• work bl~ll~ brou,rbt the 203 Ameth)'llt avenUf' at a ooet « malcl':lg rrpatn to " \'Jth~ uf 1400 pJot Into full producUon .. Whl~ 12100. Waltt"r L Kline, Newport 1 ..peau pret~y weD tor Meea 1011 hotel, " convf'ttln« tlM prtlll!lllt onu. Bn llfii TO I.T. C'KANil and Mel& men . . butldln• at 1100 Sbor" avenue 11Jto t • • · • two a;nmenta and a CCIIIliiMr'daJ Lt F'lllmotl' CrRnll. aon uf Mr 1 n.. other U J 1n Balbae a aaU. unit. .• ~ , a nd Mn . Chrt ('ranlc-nf 1.1111\ fill". 1 or · uked a 1'\lfJ\-chewt.q youn• ----. becaml! a ratht•r lul Thur'ruttoy. w lw'n 1" b&hy j!'lrl wo·ll(hlnl( 7 thine If U.ere wu ... Wee~ LFAliOl'f J:LECTIOS .n Union otnee In lOWJI. Loo'klnr be-' pounda. t:l nunc... WM horn "' Newport lhf'bllr · Poet ol U.. f'.nod AIUJua.rtlan. Ul• A n~~:•·l~'t, Ill w~Te~, ~· yo~ thin« replied, American Lejflon will 1DMt ft1lllt Pl&rw Crank, th•• funn,.r HArbArR " y, 1\1¥). •nen!'l a fllher. Tu-.. -y tv•ntnu (or tlM --•-t •-f .,. men'e union, a cannery work4!n " -~ " rr-r-.,,u.,. ....,,K•n ° .,.,nrtr~~• union an4 a ahlptltte'r'e union . . or eiN:Unr new ntfloers, l\ wu Lt. Crank 111 m•·t,.nr .. l•ll:l~t announoed today hy Oommancler with thl' Armv Air ,..,m., Rl but I nnoer beard of a '! .. t.em 8. T . Dunl&~~ At the arne Ume' Thermal Army A1r DA•" Prlur t" Union .. .'' · 1 be J.etecl -Ob, weU we ean·{ all be 'llf'W ofttoen wtl e .,, t'nf.er1ng. Ulr Army h,. lo\'U " . . the American v.-.. old!. topr1ntl'r And quaflf'r·lllll•·r· ... t tt\1' renlueea · · ~o..,...aUon. Th• lat•-_,__.._ l1 t ( f ~ .,._ ~ .... ,.._.....,., n w ralty " Koul...,.rn ('rUI nru111 wu or1,inally Al't for-Jwy I 1tut Thta 1a tbr lf'cond ~r~uHI f!"u~rh~ ~ ..-nla41 an read bJ ~ wou poetponed dUf' to uato......., tf'r of tho• f'hrt CrA.nlcll '-"-----------_..1 ancll *"17 ....at. develo11ment.1. ' -----·-----------+-------------------~-----.~·~------.~------------~·· I • ' . •..; . ,. ..... _.... ·-................ .a•••••• ll••illl ' ~ BALBOA --GIFT SHOP ••u.·r~L-·•·• . . UII.AIUl~l~ C.A.U'fll IJROWl'f IN ANNU.AJ. RTA TI!IIIEJif1' ~ Statrm,.nt of roru11tlon ot Bank of Arllertca l'J. T It 8 . A. u of Jut\P 30. 1941: rt'fl•rt. IU~tlaJ gain• durtnr thto hAlf ~ to all df'J)artm~ntll of npl'raUon, and a ma'rlcrd lnrri'U I' In capital tunde, whldl .now total $1 71,77t,OOO. a n4't tnc"a.e of flO,~ Mit a yfar llJ:O Total reaouroee wen U ,t'l'&, • 4V3;000, a (&Jn of fl4'f, .... ooo ovu a yur aco. and ~ta to- talled S3.'7e7.«J • .OOO, an ~ ...... of 1830,177,000. Loana and ctt.eounta ""t.t&ni!. lnr ••lr"·~·t.ed $8117,111:000. Ul lncr.eue of .'J8.741,000 ~ a yur aco and 148,715,000 durtq the hAlt ye&r. 'total MeUJ1tlee amou nted to $2,323.14t,OOO, or H18,115,00& mon• than a . year q o and an tncreue ol~PM,l14.­ooo alnce Dec.•mber 11. 'nlla . tn· creue. wu tarr,.IY 'In United Bt.ltH Oovemm,.nt aeeurtUee, whJch at June 30, ltu, totalled n .o.o.&ee.ooo Eamin,.. for the hal.t Je&r •ere 11&,118&.000. From lhla total Q ,. 1&8,000 WU tf'lf'J\'Pt1 for I.Jnortia&- tton of bond pri>TTIIUJNI, IU'T.OOO for deprl'<'l&tton nf bank premii.Me &nd $795.000 wA~· 11•t up In· re. aerv•• and appll"" to the ~­ lion of louu anrl Ute revaluall~n of .-eta. \ &JifVZL()Pa-~ But we ban pleft-.; el -... at U.. ~ Print .... ....._ .,.. f'eMCIMob&e. 1211 OIMiill .... I'WMMF.Il T(NlH ~RIU\'P:_fl Arnv"l nt " ru•w ~hlpm•·n• .. t MUillml'r piny 'l~tl h•·" "''"' 11n. nnunl'ed lhuo W•·•·k hv MIKI' ~~rn•uu Hu~rt\1'11 nf Rurr 11 nd ~"'"'· n,;t. hnil'11 IPatllnR' 4p.lrJ.wwo·tH 11hoop lnrlurl,.•t In t ho·· tnt "'' ~~~~ h d•- Air•bl,. Rn ll hnrol I•• ~:•·1 It• u • lVI f'AIA.IIn~t, .f~tnl7"''1 flh•t l;unltJo , hlllhlnJr IUJIIII, looull~IIIJ.! fOii JIIU II<_; 11nt1 ''o<'klall ,,,.a,.,.,,,. hv ,..,..., Foatl"r. mldtumrn••r I'Tnv •lr• "~''" IIUn aUi ta llnf! nlhr r h••rt• h IA'••nr 8om•· nf th" """" Hr•· tl\lrlv co"\Pff4,. In nth•·r ln•ll<rl' ,.,. 11i11•! Mt.-iluchP•. 11 w11t ""''"Jv 1~ " raae of "flrat Ntllr.f' rrut '"'" •·•t · ~OOL JIONflK PI'Rf11AMP'.IJ' Blyth llnt1 ('n Jnr nf '"''" ~ng,..l4-ll, WIIJI th" loow 11n•l .,,,,,.,.,., t'ul btdf!l'r fnr S •·Wf'"' t ll11 rho or'11 nt'W $100,()()1) I • hnt•l hf.n•J 1111111', '"•aled hlt1e h•vlnl{ tlo'-•n "l•"n"'l IAt Thurad.ty hy ti"' o·oounty btlard of IIUpr rVIII,rll. Ttl,.'"''" An. ~el"• firm htd twn P"r ·~L•l ton1l r.ttered a pr•lnlum of l40fo •m t h" bondl, thl' lll'lll I•JW"IIt hl•l twolnl( two and nn,...f,,orth prr r••nl with 1 ~ prt'l'nlum nf $11 ~. . 1 ('ATAI.fNA AKHP'.Mit"f'F.ST-. Ownl'rll nf r.rnrwr1 y ron r·nr .. llnn leland hav,. h<·•·n Krllnlt••l 11pr·• I til h•&rlnKil ' by thl• '"'" A hlo(• I• • r nunl y llllfl""''"'"" l'l ,,,.,,.rn.J11" tt .. ann h11w mur h. Uv·l r • ,,,.,..,, INWftr"'l W<•IIIIIW'n'• f••r th•· Ill· land "'" lo bf' r,.,lur,.ll Aa,...,.,. mf'ntA hllv" lll;rAtly ""'"" •tr•t~ltlt'~ ally cut bt·caulf' ,,f Ull' tnllhllll y ot ' property ownua t.o make Ullf ot thtlr ptac .. tbira . .. .. } • --..: . . . AT THE .REND_E .ZVDU81 .:~e·' e • e P''Y o rt% e • AND WITH lattl IIIII ... •a. 1111aka11 Vaal IIIII .. AT'THE ·BALLROOM BALBOA Friday.arid Saturda~ · 'J~y: '114-l5 . ,·;: .. •, _ .• , . SUI. I&A .. 1on. ell~ >nd~ 11 Cltiea oldWu r bola In ' the-Ren-l~qf ~~ ----........ Rallilll .... ~ ... ~ .. tehte. ...... I . ....-.&. 0 . t.. ... .. u• •••• , ....... . ., .... .. '!:;.'r".: .. - .at~ lo .a .... ,., --..,. ... ......... ~ ~­•ed ~ ... ,, ....... •t t,... .. all a .. ........ ........... ...... -. .. •ted.'. )ies. I.,_. H. II Tile ct. • , the ... .... llmttb dW tc A...._. .,......, Hf! ........... .. uft.s ... .;...... .. ,_.oa- f:t.:t· .... la .. ,.. " ..... =· -~. ., ......... . >tt .. ...... ..... kl u.a. II at ~· Meaa wttll •• olfldnt. ~Nitmrue..·. ~ .. ry. ... "· .. .,. , . t-I .. Betty~rocke -Eo_gagement .. Jt.. WrtbcMy pe.ltJ .. to·~--·-lllity CTOCker ~ • faUMr, P'l.rw Cblef C Slectt1e Grill w..a. WIM .crvU8 .....- -Pl&f'T1ap ot tiiM ...., .... ~- of Houat&D. Pe_, ...sd!nr dat.t ttu ATTEND ... H. F. Ket~.ny o f 1i ·.,. mMUn& o/. I -.te Chamber 'of Lc• Anaelea, •tUn& -011 b.ia11Way l, ... wne wa:.er aouJ.b cout Comp 't-6ed ••1011..1 on ..., F\lleh. prui~ pOrt Harbor~Ch._.l ~. EuiW. &t .aft: and ~riu I ' CARO will Of . BEFORE p .• _ D' OPI "•DtNN. F...-r.O .Mr.~J. Steaka-I F01 ICE CIIEAJI ~ Jlr, ·1184 Newp · PI • • DR wor. .. • ·' P;Lge 8 Uy MRS. 0. so m~y . PffiPie de~oerve much 1>'~-'-"'t-for t.be Perso'ns lfurt Freak Acciden.t Thl'ff P"'nll'"! wrr.. tnjurc<l u tf'IUit of a fr~>&k 1u;d tlent whtch oceutN'd Mon<llo'y abQ&fU the awnrdrJahtng b< ... t, Uobhy J, owl'). t>d by Mr. and Mn. lll>b ll!1\4'urth of 1\7 Uar l l.tl't'l. :-;'i•Wf'(!rt. 1 a '"'nrdfiah, thP thr plank wt;>nt fV'* ul oUr fl.-.t b'l' nu •• -..t Donor Day lut thllt lhc•n: l.n'l room to "~'"•·I Klwinians to· Visit . . do H a.dequattiJ. Marine _Air Station You all know by now ' tlay wu a ~ and th.t membc.,. W~N! Invited Mob1le Unit -be,.. •we~:~ of · Uie ordrr from £ongnlulaUona '·;•~•,. ... ;;.,,;·b;;-~;; ~~;t~~~: •n~ l..of An(e~ In -. rut co-operaUon , Day o~it hotae lor ln- kocal fWd ero-or tM El Toro M•rlne J.OST AND F9VND ,_..ST Army «arr1.on cap rf'<l ~Jtn<l ll!ld 1obrlne pin. On in-Ilk'" ot b .. nd oame am K~ m .. :-o•·r. •• burnt on. 112 • aou. ~~ , Sew110rt. JOe ~'•U:"'U Gold anklet of ~rl nRnlNl fo}--D--. Owner caD ~"IIIII". 'by Jdentltylnc, •It at ,'-;1•wpllrt-Bal00a p,..,. orttc.. mcyn re Sola. rut..d or ~Ired..'. Vas:•r-. 546 IIIII.1D 81.1~. and JOI lilanae B&lboe. ~·- bla.nket... 121 Hroadw•y. QU.IIIH,y Bundle ""' ··Dry CJ~anlng,. 3 to,.J ,·~._~ c; l~. Roy'a Blrbf_r Shop. 108 McF&d<.fen PIILCe, Open to e. Tou know lbt on ,July 2!, lfUri1••~·~ •• ~;~ I ,o;~~O.'i'oAiia-:;C<~~>;;'::: I th.e 'unit wu U.. wee"-IY \unch~n n ... pn Larent.aen, cbairmu . Eleetrtl'-Or111 -~~·Y-b&" p1aat.7 kftl ltr&Adl. and mat Mn. lttua.rt Dllnlap, ~mandel' P11.llt Dop. toi-o..Ue and Mn.·Jrforman the Amer1c-.rr LPft1on, ur_."!l "'uon&b'-. :1211 eout 11• hive 'W'OI'hd daoy <UMt::~::j';~:actJ_ve com.m(inlly demoratra for ~klo to ~~ 'all liM for ·drajl lndurt~ ... IPi.\·(nJ: aLrnrd up and Ute plan~ and othu lAlkJ! werr Contract _ -- NliWPORT-BALIIOA PRD8 W .\NTJi:D TO RENT W AHTI:D• _ .snu~ll hOIIM. Will "-l or bUy tor ~u~~.. Phone ~~n.·-"" nc..,.., .., motor. dl.uoa,· • .U. ll"• nrw. two. lzlipec:t at sW&~q· &bore .-to,..,.e. be' ._n -t .......,_ JloUI U0U. W~te · ,_, Ranc:ll. J:acondldo, >'OR f11hlng boat, Jlaf~ R., • 'II "'"""""-.,_ UfOOIO 1115.00 PER KO. Full Price $8500 -R. C. PARKI:I\ :"'::::::''~~a ~~~NN~-~po~rt~IBiv4., Coat& FOR SALE • ON IIA. y I'ROH'I' ~~;~I:;~~ ~ II&U..: (Ws-l.lbed. Oocu.puof 10 d&JII Lndu4111 two tot.. ,.... ud A OOOD BUT $22,500 W. L JORDAN Too ... O.tnl, ..... 13, 11H4 CORONA D:J:L KAR-Two be4- toOINI, two bli.ttw. _,-attno. uv~ly rurnlabed. ~an vtew. Coldllpot and ranee. 17000 lm- medlate ~on .• See lit. Mallan.t wtth 1:ar1 W, BlANey, Cout Hlpway and Mar,uertte, Ceruna del Mar. Phone: 1ne. lOll ........ furniahf'd. F1repl&ce. Irwplrlnl'· view. Built on two hllllide loU with &launch ret1lnlng wall. Lo- cated nur ,...,...A.n:h Bay, La- cuna. · 8H Mr. Mallard wtth -Earl W . St•nley, <;nut Hi&hway ud MarruerHt', corona ciel Mu. PhOOf': 1178.. IOtf FOR SAtE I~CLih. Mountain e&b!n. Within 40 ri)Uea. Fully turnlahed. Trout &ttf'am. Tlmbrred BrP!c Your Grub, a.nd Move In. Blvd., C011t1 Meaa FOR SALE AU In La.ncuter Subd\VV\on LotJI 28 a nd 29. Block 431 _- e~eh: 1600 for two. ~ %1. H . !3 . .Block ~aaG--­ $300 each: S800 tor three . LoU 13 llTid 14. Block. 329- $400 each; S7&0 tor two. Lot 4, Block ~29-$4&0. 1 Rr.uon•ble Ierma It dellre4) LEW H, WAU.ACE 2202 W. Crntrl.l Ave., Newport Phone 3 HIGH. LEVEL U ND-31,; ~rea. cloae ln. On ~orner. 11.11 uUiftJM, Full prl~ $2000. 57$0 down..- 6. c. Puker. 11108 Newport Blvd., Coata Meu. toe W• T .... pJa rto-n Pl&atol &ad Sapplt•• lor. Yoou G.oord•o ••• IR'S • ..,. o.-..&o• Ra•r .. ., .... lu~1111 day ('O(npleted.. ,• ~aid.-nt Wllllacr Many ~.,,... ctor.on ~ ,C''oiTH' ,.,.:, th.• ~1"1 *" PAINTI .N'G to iO. 8\a..r. Its motor -""'·'· nt· ut dltfrrt'nt UmM of UM It Ill Important to dplain WIIIIJ t:nn"' wfrr •• ti'IC!y wan IU\d m-.1 bP 110. • • • 'nlr mobil.-telm II ~ " ,. .... up of doc:to,.. IDd 11'1\ln••tl t" work ~~:·;;:::;::;:;! f"'Cho\1y tn.tnecl ~ ktnd nf work. \h .. <lonnr~. Alao. th:..~. ~::~ •• :~:1 ~<·t•rk )...-.-. •hlr<. and ca.n t&ke l ol<•od to ' p~ .-arlJ In t.\'11. mnrninJ or tn thr early evenln& but th"Y do not run a Pveyar-4 Jhifl .., unnat take blood late tn the ~vrnlng That 11 why we t:IU\. r,~l hl\'e ll mobl~ tram fa,-11.\fo ~~.n.rnoon or •v.-ntnc !Ionon and 1J ____!l!!!lrthlnJ mllTiy h•ve WllTited In know Th~ merh,i"nlu or the unit -re moat lntrrr&ttnr. n. .. ,... wu Very lltitr wa!llnK nn 1M part of don. ""' 1nd evr.ryon.-111tU ealm and rrnrt,nt. '"'' donor'• eud wu rn11.de nUt u h~ ent~rt'd. b)' ·~ HOUR. 0 ARAGI:, PJER, E'TC. Bu x B, Newporl·B&Iboit. PreN N.,wport lkach FOR SALE 2(~ WHITE LEGHORN hrn11 for ~1<11'. L•ylng $1 .:10· f&Ch. :.!206 Harbor BIYd., Co•\• M··u . 11-21c WANTED W omllTI tor hOUAC'II'k. r'A r KJ:-;"G HOOSE llnd loading Ont> day 11 wl!ck Phnnr N't>w . pl11trMm~ for 8111<' Brt 20th port 1:180. 2Qtr nn1l 2J.o.t ~tre-l!.t~ ?n lrv\n(' A''"· WANTED --, M &t10<' mN·hank:, l m"'-'"EJ·C·>i~<h~~;;;;; J\Jch&J:IJ.Io;ln Yat·ht Anchorllgt'. I Ph. Nrwpnrt J89. I lk 'f!rm.-n· ITTIIho~ny.--Qooool •lttulfl M11k~ nrte·"' 707 ""t"nmt 8:~1.,.,..,_ WANTit0---8hlp'l c:.rpentlllr, &110 man for g~nl'rlll II'Orll . Bo• 284-A. Balboa tal•nd. ·nu WA!'."TE;O-Cnup~ f••r h••UII\'-wn1k .nd aome gllt!lr ning G01"l "'"lr'~ Ph N.·wp.ot·t li•·Rrh ~ '"" WAI'\"TED ~~.-rt)"mlln wtlh mo- tor \xull "J'il'r11tnr'e \lc,•nll~ Strad.t j"b. St>e Mr. Jon<'l. 1&- lllTid Ferry. J8tt L I\'J!'W "nJ>urt 11F:AirrU'UL IAI'j:'l' 'lllll l r.-.,ut 11l:&e "F'rrnrh pattt>rli" Clll b.-... ~n at :1202 •1 81\'d .. N~"·port , 20p IJA!'=.!IINETT'F. wtth r•tt. D•th\. n•·ltr ll.lld bllby 8raK:s. Pr-.etl('. 11.1\r new: 001\lf warn1er _i18 :t.2nd Nrwport Brach. Ph Npw. port 12~.5-W. 20c 1.-nt condi.UO.. ,m.-nt 111d tMJt '-k,. Radio Shop, J,UI~ Blvd.: Colla X... Listings Wanted hi"'" r uh bu1'"! •. "'1.' J'~!'."''l in thr Newport ~d CMA • Rt"ft !lllllatantJI_ He wu. Ulen p.-d alonl' for a mec!fcaJ h~ to'ry to· the d()('_tdtl, who ~xanUn· .-d eRch donflot to be IUra ~l It w-. •at~ for him to donalol. 'l'henee:... to the nuNetl IJdH and. the docto.-. and nu,_ wbo pt>r. formed qutcldy and patnlc.IJ Ute! 1clUIJ clonatJon tKhn~. and flnaJIJ to tll4' ~teen cO~ ""-tell hlrnt.bad ~uti and c-of'fM. 'n,a ,.,.,.. ladS.· _,.. n•rJWban t.lq' IMII>f\ll In a .,__ ...,.. One fMture 'wblch ~ ~ on& wu ~ oran.. twea a' tiM door .. dofton c.nM ln. WANTED----Mill or womllTI f or part-Urne work to Mlp wtlh ho- •fef dfllliOI' •nd duk tf'ltd. Balboa Inh. Pbon~ MO. -=-~=-===~-:--:---IBA'n'ER.Y for 12 Jaytn& George Fello_'I?S . pA-INTERS ! b!lttrry for tryr" Will"~:~ II ~~~,~~~-po~rt~al~•~d.~~eoo;::~ta~M~-:;1 :1~ nwnth-old chlckl . ':t7 C \\'lth or Without F'..xpt'rto'l'lct> lll!lb!l~. good tlrC'I. rad.lo. WAR COl'I.IRACT. WORK t'ondltlon. le:M!I Nr,.,-port The. Peyt?n Co. c"&t• "'"""·. .. -nt. ~ f1H' ~ IIUM&n.· . Ulll amollnt. of julca .,._ dana.t- ad b7 Kr. llaUay lllf tlM BHdll CIU. PKidltl' -.,.ay, aeeqid-lrt«; to ..... ..,.. 'atanky wtto beMHI up tM outeea work ~ \Kll ~OUI H IWI)' N~·pnrl D .... r h l •v•llabl_l_lty <"rrtltlcalt nrrdt>d) Shores · Rabbitry -tM ..;-. onto ... lllllpl)' Could not ·be -.14 .a..t dW work or WANTED Ui.-CUt... Oii,. .... T undfl'. A.Dto znechanlt.. .atand tiMJ' ,..,..... 8 · .apertar .but ot worktnl- luacb ta...&llii_~Catt..!'~ f'!ll!•l'll -.ntlal War ln'duatr y. tor UMI ... meftt cHU.U hfre qr at 'ftle moe-...,., ... a .-.Iter ton 'aMell ~N. 210 . 16th S~t c0.ta 16th and Oranc~ R AB~ W'·r RVER s of orohanlMr ....... ,. , 0 1 r 'JHilOOORJ: ROBIJ(II VEG!:TA8t.a mucb ~tloll ... ... Ford !Wee 6 ,8ervtoa 'I)•H•••••"• ~ .... ., ..... ...,.. 6 c.atnl N~ ...... _Monday, 'l'hurftd;&y ot .. ...., ~ ._.-.._.IIi llatur""y . ~ tU • . . • • • P0681C8810N . IIDt*, excallent c:onditJon ON 'PENINBULA TOr ' aiM. fl~l&ce, b&rbe-eua Untu~ $8750 . Bee: . sa4leLr, 302 Main ,st., B&lbo•l · Pbone U.S SWELL Tht• t\'lree-btdfwm ~ 011 Ooean Froni and. t~ Iota will make you. an Ideal .__ Th.-re -.. a em&n. ~t 1., ,...;, o.np. Full Price $65()0 -1L C. PA!Ut8 1101 NI'WJI(Irt 81~. eo.ta II ... FOR IIA.LZ View 9cean 8\.lt Unlta, comp~J Elkt~ref'rl .. raUon, noor . oclern tn n ·ery waJ. !nco e $250. per . ATED ON KUA.. 'ce_ $19,000 '"""""' WtU!.-.Xtra &ere or ~n~ ~:. r, DON R ' LL •, FOR FUN IN • THE SUN -· PLAY SUITS A wide variety of mpdels 'in just the styles I catch all eyes and plenty of sun too! "SWEATERS AND SKIRTS -For w_ee.r anytime and anywhere .. -YARDAGE Begin·now to figure on that fall sewing. Look Our excitifig seleCtion· of new .materials and deaigno. . ' :r 1 n.s DEPARTM E ITO A I COSTA I\IESA I " I ' ' •. I ., SA ' ., sAM 'iJ for 36 ;ean·the ~t. advertising mediwn ·m•.; i\ewport harbor dlstrid Buy Bonds to End War 'Qiiicker VOLUJO: XXXVI NEWPORT 8EACH, CALIFORNIA, TUiaOAV, JUNE 13. ,,.. , ••• r • the -newspaper that goes ho ... ........... , ptJBUCITY. Got a bit 1 r------------,1 • . ~1~~r~~:g~r:r~~he~~:~ .!'New Curfew Statute I List of Missing, Policemen II 200200 tDoGwn; Liquor Auction M. On. once a week w as sufficient I W d d So ght I · ' O 0 I ~~~ngo;ht~ere~flh"~ ·No't to Be Hardsh'lp oun e_. u g'et Rab'leS Witt! alletf uakMplng tuned At Rend. ezvous Sell~. · W td 't h ' -An Honor Rnll for lllll Bar • I t o the litHt -rd of the In· ~ .patgn. . . . ou n a\'e bor clleUtcl ., boye l&1lW. ..... ., ..... lon, *• •.• ... ... lng n-m~g~~:.~~ a~t ~~~~ ' y •th. h B 'h ~: o~~~n.:,;-~-~Uoa a:.:. T t . t Wl)'e '0 do our .... ,.. at home $400 000 w· Bb d practically C#}rnM_ all the on OU. s w o· e ave rMirman of ttwo t1tt• w... rea men The 81004f Bank Unit whloh I ar n C, publicity of tHe first four Loaa drtwo. I will make Ita flret vltlt ~"""'' drives a n d at m u ch t ime anci A ~mt*w llttl Ia ......, _ __ port H~trbor 0 " July tO, ht1111 1 bo 'led 1 ait 1t01qrht and mall"" or r~ •..ave 400 dctf'o,.. to makto the a I. r comfpl ·co.uml n S er i PoUce Chief HOdgkin~n Explains . that. Pro-are •f1"!41 .... _.... 1M N""· Tblll I" II• , ... rr .... r. tuk•· th4'1r , trip down from Loa Aogete CO Umn 0 matenn · Oml' Tt,_, tJMl ('luunfM'r of c-· l:twa 10 lh"lr han.t• ntAny Umu, '(,. hive QU .. J'i\l't"d tl).at IliA")', .people !'.('em to think thn t posed Law Is Result of Caref\11 ' Study on ;, ... ~ or ~r. Ha.,.r; of aay· ... lh• wn 1:••• \lf'l'lt wh~n I hi' tW'I 10 '("• muat produce I What II<' I pnper aq1 tha t i'\U one had to , mt..aal' or wou_.... q on I~KII'<m l11lnull. w.,r,. jUvru .. e are doing our r'omr loont .<luoqaa Win Ut' Apportioned to V arioua· Citla or t•mdoffit't'a; ~~~et Setturley Sold Wu One for $17,000: :1500 AUt•nd type.just·leaps into a news-, Part of ~w EnfQrcing Ag~ricies I OfMI whO h .. '-n ...,.,..wa otrktor• "''" rtUt olfl \'11 ,, ... nlllll .,. or more tAngible w•, to fl'f'l d o. is· tum on a spigot nnd . . . . A partial .... le Oft ..... ... Pultur 1rt'f0hll<lll Tlll'"f' \\t•f't' part th•n to apfn!l•. hAlf hour the l'e vuu h a\'(' & ni('~lv . That the propost>d City o nim;m t't' to regula te the actions ot It '" kno""' that' m.aay .... JMk ~UJ1HI1•'1" ••not llturll• l' .. ltlt•. .>f our tlnte giving .... pint of .(hit' u( ·~ lltaw-£t .llln~lc· \.~·, &l~ ul r bole .. printed· newspaper: Just ~-1 childri'n· on thr s iiWL" a t ni~hl: will n?t "ork a .hard~l~ip on ,...,. 1M-IWid.d to uw Ho-r ....,. ·~ ha.t 111 l~<lc .. Uti' olll"'tt"~'' 1uu blcod to •• .,. a eoldler't ll~e. ( l'rlltli.:P I'Hunty wns t•utfsummn tl'l'l Munday nl.cht. ut cause a fellow d()(>sn't sav th ose who bdr.'t\'e 01' an:' "mmchng tht•ar own lntsmc~s IS the ,.,_ 'art u• kHw prom,UJ· a4ll I•• Uw • •n111ly h•·ullh •"'I'~~• I· tt ,, neceuary to ••en "P' ,., d('/VtKts-\\ l11•n ~1~61(NIC I wnrth o f IJS)fltbl \\,..,,. d~ o1 anything and tx-<-aliS(' ..some . ~lit'f.of •R. R. Hod.kktJ:tson, ch ief o r pol.ice of Newport Beach, nu ta and mall: -.t.. aoon u pottlblel Although 200 lhmu~o:h do~nr salc~ llltillilllllll' 11t1t'tlnn lly the.• onu~ c:!. guys· liste n t o m ealy -moull'l· who. an a J.:Q.fl}01Unll'at wn to t ht• l\('\\'S-1 tmt-s, sta.l>O t.hat tue 'nt~ ""1 k "' l'lwd+ln~ot 1 hv h.av~ ••eno:d up, we nnd 200 \\'hoh>s:tlt• l.lquw· I ~·1111'1,.. IIIUI()('inllnn. ne·c'Onfl,. to H . ·ed spie iC"rs w h o talk without proposM la w w. as the resu.lt o.r many confert'nt~ wtth -:Ja .. w ' N.-' · •-· hn.a bto••n c-ornpt .. trd but "or~. lklnkt•rliulf. In t'hllflt .. nl the-itfrnlr. ··t'h·• In--bond Hod k Add,_ .. quarllntlnr 111 •lilt In f'tre< t v • " ..... perlonning, one wquld imag-r·enlo r ciDg a nd othe r agt•n t:leS tn thE' county. Mr. g m -, ... w ll 'lw lur ninety llaya. Uw Put )'-n.ame down on the \\'liS r .. r ~ 17,1NICt IIIII I 1'111111'1""', . ~. • ine that ci\ric-minded l~adert; son's' lette r follows : ------W...n~ P*e df'rutment anoounrc-d In riat NOW by calllna: . lth' l'll!it' or 1111110 1'. . I Wu.ld , w H. Hlld unu; ... w 0 u 1 d have discernment 1 Junto 9th. 11}44 supen·lae juveniles wh08e parenta • ad41t 1111 llll('t' YRI'ht ttnt•h .. rllll"" 111 Mn. VIctor GrKe, ctlalrman 1 We r" ·than ~IWlO JM"'lple pa;'ll4flf t.1•yrr, tlal;li¥_}Yeh~ ......... .._. enough to separate the Chaff Dear Editor: are not 11Urflclenlly lnterutf'd to . lhat , 11 IIIII)' haw• lot•en uuan· of the Amerlun Reel Cr ... War the H•n•Jnvoue f11r, thl.', danr• and ka)', IJob Murphy, Hob tl.ilftlt. ..... t th he t I Tr e comment In thl' News-Times do the job Ult'I}"MI•·n Anol nl , .. "I p ,. orr· UMII. q Fund Drive, pheffte..... 1 ""' u. II ...... It ..... aniiOU!W'.cf that lw•J t 'Kenn 'Y, tile¥• r>u.lla .. rom e w a · . on the propouc! curt~w ordinance : t at line, you would be ~ 0 ICe ICer , M,... NMman C•llllfl, oo· n"ry dealn wowo conU.• Uw Ooutll'r, ll•ra1t1 RJtataM, 1lf'& That people are runny 1S IDdJcated that tht paa&"e of thl .. ' bow frequently the otrlet•re . t.... Off D 4, St.ll . • Qllllr&nllnf' \ll'Cer. Wf'rl' ,,. ~h•l•"'•n. "'"'· "'· ~ ., .. •II bond8. ...'!', nt the boola ,.._""'' ... ,, .. la, Jarll ....,__ a. evide nced by the fact that meuurc might work • b;rd..tllp ( n I department art' totd by ~ or 16· uty. I .... lut. Wtl.'k aftC'r; IDVf'ltll[atlon Mra. "· c. NHIIy •t aala.o• ... II Wumi"Y w .. r.. In '100 IUiol1 PtrlfliNNon, and Mra. G. I. i Aaa you Can write reams o f eome law-abiding pa~ent.. and y('ar olds "You can do notblng to I 0 h AJ dJIIdoillrtl tho· 111111 which hlttJ htllt'n -e•nk every .,,,., A"!"'...,. ,__.. UOO drnomlnaUon•. AJioratloe fiJI ....... praise -about a person or a do'llldren, ant! lnum.u~h U ' thl!ll me. 1 know my right.." Tltle, WhPD n t e ert t.be l8·month-Oitl clau(hl .. r o( Mr. Croat,,._. tiM. the bl>n<la fo \'ltlee wiU be d~r.l R_, t. .... • project and the whoJ~ thing ~partment Ia quite lnteru led In the offlcto ... knowt ~~~t ttcbeaeb d jut· 1 --::.:: J-.,::· :::;;:~ ~;:~~ ntln~ on aCWi-9-a. ul run:..._,. All fM!OII&e M" sa• Jfic' is taken fior granted but if Ill puMge 1 lhougbt lbal a few ven}lu .tlould be! ..... pa e o Hama Ont' a.. · otficer on ll•• ,..,._ • .. T d. by c ltl•• Y~d p ••toN.Irre, a 1 UM IMaM& J:.clt -.. ....... a t btt h ' about ytorda of eaplaD.aUon might be In then•· homee becauoe the hour Ia Newport Beach poll« forcto, u d · 'nJ., ·anlm•l Ia k.oown lo .:. -. 1 amowat alfol•tl tu N-port U..cb. _.linn nt1 U. C'ltJ. OfteJ ... -. eh ~ a the h~l!iascen~ order. • . late and a COn~rffgatiOD Of young 1 til pretty yo1in1t wife were rtdln• :::-bitten at IO'UI nnr othto r clutt. • owns en Will not M known UIIU1 a c:hdnrp Vflt....,.. lct-4t~ U..., 0cttr g ~hlghenh ,-~ ·a Several Meetlnga people Invariably dlaturbll th~ I from b~ to lhtore tl)e lj)lher eve· 1 etlorta arto belor mac If' 110 I Ia made lalltr b)' lbf' OODUDttt... 1 H.,..r u,... .. ,_. Wltto .. • eaven an}A you Atler averal con!erencu . com·_ nelg borbood . nlnr. Now Hsrrl• wq no't on e&nl If n~ .. ,.. wf're attacked 1 · ~ · Wp to· ~ ......,. Ill ~ thmk that untold h a r:m had posed of educato111. Scout ex...eu· Thl• are• hae beton long-aulfer· duty nor w.•u he.Jit bla uniform but Owaera wur warnrd ag~aln hy PI 0 I Leoal 0rt¥e 0~ and uka Yalunt.enr to ..i a. been done apd the artrcJe as~ tiVI'3 'and v3rlowr leadtra of Or· I lng u a ruult of parenla lo othel' I tbl' old ""gle f'Yt wu alway. on the afhd alt lhal-all dop mull br an n y . L11nlly. lhe clrtve (t~r thf' 1l"llUU l21amt.r trf ~ -w.i s umes an un~~~ that ·"anre County wlto ue concerned ,l~alltlu allowing thl.'lr cblld~ the alert tor ..;mrthlnJ \rT'f'I'Jiar. ::::.,'" • nf• t'nrluMU(' anti. when 1 , Wu LOan OPftt«'' ¥NlerdaJ wtu. Baed ~ .t ...... ._. the one of praLSC never w1th juvenlll.' welf&re. It ·wu d~· to come her .. without IUfM!rv.tiJion.l The coup!(' P"tlllrd ~o can "" "'" .tr .. P~Ir mullt br k"l''l a lunr htoon mrt~llna attendf'<t by a a.J'1 orne.. Oft, Belbna lalaftd, • rated. This blnst is not in· I ~loll'd tor the sake of uniformity and the paaaage Qf the. t1rt.llnance l cVIIbl«' park I'd a long the aldl.' of 00 lluh In tht' hau.tt uf a '>~m· ~ c • ,. · 't d /l'NM'P nf ~a melt C'tUune •hn plaa any mttnM of UW ~ tended as a g ripe against the:> to IUbmil the m&IIC'r of a .:ur f'W I would give ua the power t., compel thr IJtrl'l'l. an\! Harrill •potted a ~t P"notl lrcu a e ,,, fal'lltt.1• u,.. ~lfll'tlnn ot .... I ~b ~-bf'r '" u.. ~·~- currt'nt w a r loan driveJ 1 ordlnanr ,. to tht' Or~nre County the parf nlll lo _ .eul)c'rvlae thtl~ hoee runn10g from tht tank nf one ~ll of t ht ,.:lrl Wl"rr In· I appUC!aUo-. ..U a .,.. ... t. ,.alltlilhed ~ .. which the N ews-Thnes in· Peace Otrlcera A~soclatton. Tl.la. children. Tbe a...etlon of lhe or:dln· I ur to that of thf' othu. ~The job I fonled In I'Wu~ J uadrna thal , •. Walt•r .,ftJ14cer. local w., .,_ tlnltf'tl fU~ • ~ry • ...,,._. tends t o boost to' the utmost 'MUI !lone. and a cm:unlltft a p· anc• \\'hlch b3JI to do with ehlld~n nf 11~-phpntn~~: wu belog done by Ulf' anlm~tl htttt rflhlrll, ••rul hn --_1 •nciiiJ _!:_hltlrmal\, for the dur· IDI ln dfl...at t~ ctlrt•r.t t,... f11 I BOTH . k l . 1 P"\nted within that nflt'&JllzaUon I under, U 19\lpervlaln,c otter chlld·J t"'rcr .tu"enllu and u adult wbo mto41alt'ly trf'atment wa• ord,.red I • allun, OJM'Md the mNUna u4 buntla ln .,. _.lit, aad all ...,.. b~ t th' Its fJec ~~~ssues. whu enntacted every a:;enry to the rton while tht' adl'llll are 11way .,•err all takton to ttl"' local polla! • 1 for w . ...._ . 1' 1 Thr fullowlnlt ~ullh'lllhlfl l.,..•d f!aJ*:Ia.lly lhal MVIAI• ac· lb.._. bonda f'1lllt~ ... ~ u 15. usua. Y rn ,-man~ • county to .UCl'rlala the 1ype oC lhoult1 not work a hardllnlp on •ny IIIla linn. ~hA~ IM"'n n~·lv~ ,..t.vf' to thl' ruunliJ ba ._,.,y cCIIIYtrtH to U.. lll'ld the H~ ~taooe .....,. ne~ roltor WIShes t!' servt> I juvenile problem l.'ach ~fliU"{.ment l parent.-wbo leave their child ln In City Judjtf' 0 . A. J o.-·,Balboa Island IU'11dt' printed laJI, w .... k aho.":lt t!l•: IN~"-of boncle. .... payroll Leaa ~···no...,.--· n otice to S?"Jle to avotd ~teflv I enco\J~te·J"'!d. . , i capable~anda, nor wiU aoy yoUDJ·• routt. lb~ Juvenllu •·ut cerUn.d , ::.~~lion ·"" an l~ltlatlvo 1•11 •. ,buDd.'*"-'~~~., and all ~ ...... .....,. ping on hlS t oes, espec1a ly 1 ~· or:dJnance p~~~ented 1a the 1,.ter be molutecl Dy a pollee officer to the JuVf'n.llto Home .. to w. amiDI nl'icet AWarded · lCaWIII --.. utl<io 1n .... - - - ---~ @· ;:=• ., =-~._..=·:.:~~~~b~ when he knows dam well re11uJt of Lhat elfort.. 'l'be P~l'e \'' he Ia I'Olnl' about bla IJ\lalnft&. tbem ot tiM diN •rtou.ne. "" ~I ,..... ., ,_..___.....,Mid --= ...... • • this paper haa d.~ ~ 1n 1 of the ordla&nee wOuld ctve the 1 41oe't -.n "..W.y ~.tt ._ .. r act. the ~ at.Med u..t tt qll'..-ft Stat hi-Italy :W"""""" c!lradtlhlft 1ad -~J '.... • ,_ Ww I.-a , ... ....., __ _ aellln~ bonds than any num· ~ otf6e.,-a YJ:TY much o~f'd 1 Toun YV7 tnaly, be bad wm fit to call In Ute F.B.I: -~ them. ,..... ._..i. tile IIIDOit dlal,._.., ,,... Ute ~· ..., 1W ".., lao a ' ,_ ·ber of fellows he won't men-levu with wblcb to ·C<OOlrol and R. R. HOOOKJNSON. a.nd lbey tutd been charred 1n r.s .. '-_11 1 --.-• 1 10 •My • r-_ ....... --~~-~ IC'al ........._ fit u.s· c:tl)' t• U.te DrtM, .... *-&, ....._ ..... ~-_--------------1---------,,L_.....:· •-or .... aan ry 1•1 1c1 nn on thf' --··•-""'• drt---"' ..._,__..., __ ...... _-....__, •-,~ ..a--tlon · e,... court. thfoy 14·ould be! faclJltr a : J<arnr ••-_........,_....., ........ ea ...... ,_ ~~ ,......_,....,.. ......_ ... . + + + . ' /~ fine ot StO,OOO or fin yea,. tn I Plfth AnnJ • An&lo ~"rhhl'ad In • ot bla ~••m•illl• .. In tar lt«flf'd .,, lnf! IIOicl and llouy ~ ..... ~ • c . ' d s Ch h th Fed t I It tl ftlaly, ,nrt Ll~t .. nllflt J,.~k ·J I hftv• '-" pautnc .,.. lnllln t• r wnrll flubbltr.t Hll'A'• f«•"' eoiiC'Ilatlon . ·bvuloa. H earts are sad ·row ee .·~. f f'" pen t'n ary. I Boylan n.t.Jbntl ••anrt. tiu bf-f'n tlvr TIIW'ftlil'nd IIWtr ~llllllltlnnlll . --~~~r:~::n~~~i~~~ ~~ . . . s urc Island Boy Is .::~:'lbt~:"'h,:~~hltl~~:'h .... t.:;l=':!!' r~ ·=~~IIV:~':"J c h N d fig hting OR t he s ho i'Ps of Jy1 B A h Tbe dUUon r'I'IU1 ..... Foe thrt'f' f'Hnlot•lo-.1 IOMo'l'raJ hundnod p!'lopll' • ess roug an ote I France. Ita ly a nd the far,Pa-.•• ·ortgage . u-rn "to s In _Pilot School nl~o"ht• during lhf' hf'Kvlrrn fl lt'hflnlt nmt ' hiiVI' p,...,....,ted It .. hf•'<t I .. I .. · _ "" fhf' Anno tlrllllo'""""'l I.I<'Ut,.n· knm,.. hm•• I am proud In ~It\ thr· . cific . Some o r these ladS wiU Kill Boylan III.IJH'rvlltrtl IU1tl 1'110 • , ... ~ .. tlo· ""h Vt•ry ·-I'JIC .. 'Jtl h ll)~ c . . . . . D .give their .a ll fo'r thNr' COUn-. ' .; . ' A\'lalinn l"Adrt .IIUn"ll !'= Hrnt•k" rluflf'tl the-11111pply J•all\ t .. r llor h1~•· tr•·nll'd mr With !lJI t11u· ,.,.. -anne ' 1 try and we will never see<' Mr. Joril K. Elliott, prul<lent of,ICI.'. Tbe c.holr lht'n brouJ;'ht lht!I IP. nf"'213 Olll.mund IIV••nut. 1~11"" JII'I'Ond ~tttlllun Tht· ruulr fur·~~·~·· nn•! I wlah IO M )' '""' I . ry manager les. the!Jl among us a[@ in; others thl' Boa.r\J PI TrUI!leca of "(;. rt8t braullful a plhem b): lvl. lppolltof. 1111"~11' holl com,.ll'lt'd '0 Wf'~ll~· t>f wA~f1 wu thruujth 8 henvlly Jlt\f'llf'd thuok II ... j u C) K. to pOt Ull)'lhlltl: • I will rt'tum. as some h ave a t-. Church by the SPA." heltl I be ('80·' lvanhl'fl trnm lht' null!!llln lltur~~:y I bai!ll: pllut t mii)IOI( "1 the {I"'"· 1\lf'. til "II -'Ivane'!' ll'llnt f r(lm UJO '" lh" l!f.-lllr IO tM• VOif'(t ..,n . • l"{'ady, weak, s haken, crip-celled "''nud De~ and Nnte 10 the' "Biefllt thl' Lltrd n My !'uut ·• Thill ~lit••. I<Rnllll~ Ann~ Air F'u·lol ltlld "'hlch partll'll no-el lottO Vlu d .. ut Alii I l li(hl ur .Wfl"'it-' '"'' fo)Jn••r•l M'IVIt t'IO wrr" bt lcl T\1-'8lrunlf. Clrl11 IAJiflr, J.-• N ... pled. Our prayers .are goi'hg fl.ame ahd •• It bu~t'd he held 1t 114'aa aung a capt'lla • "" ~on£• "" 1'' nn allva.nc"'1 1'"10-I• rr·"111 unclt·r tCID.,IInl r~niJ••n.: ttr•· "'oNtll), .1 w11l tl~tn •nythm.: 1" •t•v "ff""''••n at thr r:nru"' •"' •n•l ~lllfoc t N,.,.,, Tbe ct. out to them , ,hopeful in 'th e up before lhr authcnc'e wh.-re ·Dr .O~Il Lui'M, ·chairman or ··~J> ne JOC'lrlf•l nf the AAF' Tralnlni( 1,1 thl' t-omn111m1 I"'"' .,, 111" 11111 ''"1"'' 1•·1•'''" lht• votPn for 11"'11 <'l:l"l"'l. C't"'t" ,..,.,.., turc John , """"'' wa• • m .. mt~oor ,, ~D. I f h h . 'II be heed evt'ryone could .lk'4! II . 8!! ll was IJie f'iO/Ul('(' Cnmm olt~f' thiVI prl'· ( Hmma.nol 111 F"rl"d ... rlrk, Oklal'l .. mll lh(')D •uflr n~;·· Am I f'161ht nr WtHn.:• I IJf'U I ("f<•lllth•n. nnf' "' th; ,..,.. lo!fljll' Kltntll Ana be ie t at t ey WI • trun&.c•rtpcd Into the lncen~e 0( ~l'nted t•l' · olcl tnJ.ll dl!t'11 \I) •tr. t 'p<'n 1 h•• 'omt'l:•tlun nf 1111" Ill "U,.ut o•nl'nl ll<oyllt n ""' h·~ nr W J IIOLT'l.C 'l.t\ ~, llkt•ol 1111•l ft,v,.,l 111•·1\ 10 lhr N,.w ed--and s pared: h.oping, h op-• h · · ~ wrrlt~ •·nu r11•· l 'uolf'l Ur•o<•k• '"II 1 h . • J . th t h t f ' ht pr·ayer and I ank.ltlvlog. A 1arge J':11iott anrl IU(hted. ~~ flll'nal'r fur )>.· ', I. I . ·I , , tlc.-r• fnr and r;avr lrn jtutltolll 111 110 .......,., y·nlnl ~I , jtUrl'llarl~or llrf'" Ito• wu IIIIU\a.c•r .lantee a. atftltft mg a w a we.are lg • crnwd atJ'!nded the aervlcee.·· ~ the conO...,.t.ion. • · ' R\\ 1111 '' hL~ '"nJ:ro ""'1 '"'"' '"rm•tlon tci tit .. '"''"'""'' ·, ,.,11 ' No·wpm·t ..U..dl, ('nUt !"' lh" Wnt (;, aal l'a1'111n11 l '<t J•mo-• U...W"'•UIIrd 141ftlUI dW ing for is I not in vain· that Th · .......:.· 1 • ~ m1J1111"n tw-rnrf' ho•mg uall(n"d to 1 · ,.. rt~ a. t lrt-ly • 1 ' • • e I}IOr\gage bur r11ng C'IITJJt' as The Mntee cl d wttb the 1 h m.,.,cf pt>et On hJII r•lurn lr lv h.. • :-> •" I • r " ...ntl •hA• hornt1r•·d• "'• frl• n•'• ,.,.,.,. al hilt hltmf' rm J'aoltlc A......- freedom of speech , the green • I the climax at a ·«Tur Kf'\"tce Cn hymn "Tba Chur 8 One ~u11.t ;';r ~'1 t " ~·1:""/' big boml,..r "Y.i.-uatl'f1 a num~r · .. , w•tlkm~: T•,.,.n.((•nd l'lan •<fMI and h&A. no rlt· wh•l mCtum tb• InfO" •rf an~ .. i""'•!<'~•t" M..,.. t•r1<1ay alt.fnloaft. HP fie~ the old, ·N\ppy days of the Corumun1ty ..l<lethot.luJt Church, dallo~ Ia Jea~l Ch 1t Ht"r Lord"l 1 :anal 1l ontherl "0 11'1 . rotr htlhf ;omhka 1 -.·OUDtJ. t.d and Utl.f'r I'IUM'a ,1.,,.r lhf' In I! 111 do whl\ lfl1' otfWr prtltl(1nt> 1 \U..._... VIU tM ynn old a"" wu liOn Ia tb th tt b · ht s · • • I • ru n ng " w 1 m ,o 111 ~ • -· , r • .6 __ •-_ 1 .. _ . you • e ~ y , ng ~ unday morning at aleveD o·~ and· the ~dlotlan 'llamt terraon. Urult!riAnl R<.·YII\11'" nt llftijN..,. •tr .. WIW'il": ""' . '"' 111(' a-ct """ .. f>:t ... ~n •••• , Roodan. KanN.a. &1\d h .. Uwd Ia eyed girl 1n the ne-xf blocR, · Tne lf.'Miite rnclUdi'O vrry b~~· A~ nry ~l "*'" ~tMudl en-~~ ~ clourt "' lnv~llion o'ftf' l(aliMtry and cleytlll••n to •hit v re ~ ht1ll•t1 rw>lr't Nuwt!IJ._,, · II.M ,Md '-" W Wl a -..t ... L11fomia fcw ttw pUll • ..,... A Wul .. ~• Tb n IU"'' " r•v'"f'l' or 'l'njo • attrtnk· I • I ---\.. . --the sodas at the COnlE'r m .... e. e vut«t cbolr·aa& joyed lbl.' floe •rvl<'~ In M ia · nrct high •·r•dlt on th11 Armf'fl . ~"' Ill. J(ljl)ophe notllpll•l. '''a''"·". ni'J!"o..-c at ttw 8uuUt o.ut 0.. drug store, the job 'on f84Jll Ceea&r Frank'• "0 Lord Mo-'\ , : ~ onlc · 1 Ul actn f 11 nd ... o~" Mahle ar. llcJyaa., u ... tit :12 .,... Meet .,.._ Ae.tu1£1ay !lllhl II• [ICl"l · 8 MIIh lind In Cllilll.a a.- or store. t ..... Sunday hour in Holy'' wllb Mn. Ralph Hc*'d s· hP .... r J ·,, ~ ,..: 0 8 ~:-. Lleutf'ftant Htlyl•n·· wtt .. M•• "'" ll•y. Halt.. ......... .... ., 111M w •• ,, ... ..,."''"' '-r'ilkNt ii ~",.. ....... ~. ·~ 1 lb . · .. ra. 11 an ..... e11nty rno... of · 1 1 church Mom Dad the kids • """'· e eoprano IKIIo and obU· • s Ualbna 111land I ----- --. -allllliiiUrviVf'ff by lhf' wtii•JW. H•r hrr •tf t " Wa-le',....,..._ ta ... ,.. • h ' • • A . galo and Mr. c. Donker· wtUl the eac res c F h . 8 rtlttt otlla.lboe, wt, .. r .. lhl' twu tuul c:w, ~. -these t m gsf ~~ meraca violin ana Mlu ~na ~alker al. ' T I .L Afte t .·. f . . t ~ few "'"" y .... ,. "" wul H.a •• aunlwe4 lit)' .... ..... and our wa! o. lll!· the plano. Mrl. A. J . Rutter, Ute b s I 0 .JOO.a r I· ap aln 0 IS lng oa btiPft Ill HNiy, Kanaa ~ •• •("'"' J>atl~nt••. two anna, O...• ..... luder of the choir alao Mil(' • t d Fathtr'B Property '. . AWn •Ht••. Clllt,.. aft .. n ... ;; In .. , ... hnu . ('allf ' and SUi ...... Quarattae. The fact that I aolo. Mre. Joeepb Knapp·· "Open 0 e 0 I D l~IJI· Navy, -&nil .U.tlttnf'd at N-·1• (1tlfl( In tlNt Ha'fy; a .,.... two police officers were or~ the Galee of the Temple." • · In • .,..uuan riled In 8 upenot 1 Sl• 0 ff P>Tf, R.. 1.; J ...... Jr. ln ttu-N ... -y. ll'rtrG 1'1t1Ub, In u. Ha., wt•" t dered to ~~ Pasteur treat.-~v. E<fward D. Ooodel1. mia~ J hi -Court, Walter Ulrtlt'lfthor. ot Weet·l Ips to. rown .. tAuon.tt ~ IIOIIII•tn, T .. " ... · thrl'l' I'" ,.~ .... llJld • llatttr Oil ....... ment for ~~e lnjwy I later ot \be cburcb :ave Ute Hr-'19 em Cllnnerll. l~r .. ulle. guardlaJ:I-; • ""'-'twr-. DaJI• and Jf''"', <!I~ or Tn.u.. . 1l'om a-mad dOK'S bite.-r&ises ~011 "Tba. ~en 1-WY••" -un:n t -~hlp ,., tbf' prof>!rtlf!l an!! •rta.ln I • ~ . fll,.-., ~d Hamey at ._tU. _. J'\'n""'"l """"' ... ..,,,., lllekl Lila. FoUowlng the l l'nnon' lbe• con· · ~ r h1:l' f11th~. Rf>ben 8-l..oac:moor., ,. -• & ...... · MT• Ann11 M•lr h,.tt. m••miDif at II o'r lol')l at tM ' th P · 1 · ! tregallon Joined with the MlnUitet I • !fl. of Or•nae Morn. L. o.u .. y. 53, t"tJmmN,·I•t-_,... .,.,'"..._ ....._..~a..._ b1 ~or;-tl111tftTtf'T "'"' .J• ~ ~Itt .,._ ..0 0 • eop. lo a bu.u('ful litany of pratw and . I T!w rlolrr l..nn\mour'Jt prnf>t!rl iH tlllberman wa• thl' vk'llm , ,. tt.,• ... ul , •• .,, "' s:w. Mareua Aft I ,.,.,., JialbiiiL ''"" II Wlll.rd Rt .. m a ottiaent of this Community J dedlcatlolt prepared for tllla •"·"I P Nnllt'P n~lnjot"."~~ ;:'1"w"f t'J:' r oruo-<Oi•nr ':101) nr .... at 215 Nod l"'trk ~ldmt •A rlv Raturrt11y r-:""~1111" "-'Ill., R4!V 'c'ttJUI It""'' ""'''"'"'' with II• wu 11\lrl .. tt lit tl)" W..,tlnl~ Thl• Is • home front ctommunl· ' f '"""· own . '" Y Y m IIRe;:woo.l ~t • ()rnngf', and MJOO · All "' . 11"'"'Y • rloUUnlf end IM•rm,.nt In w .... lrttlne~c ,..,.,., .. ,. w .. mloru1t' 1•10rk ('l'mf'tt.ry. que o.n'lt!e mn~l Yllal war ac\lon th ti f d f MaXWI'II And w II llllrtlmnn. "" Wf•rlh nr prflot)nrtl prnf>t!rty. I when he apparently frll thrl'iltJ:II "'"''' , •• "'"""I etto .... wn· .. liiJIIltr<l ..... I'IH;. Th.. tllwarfl~ All era. • nnw 10 prn.:rt-u In rv,ry t'Offi· e ques on 0 an~er or .Jun .. 19111. hA~ ht···n puhh~h·'ff '" I thl' ,..lllnlt' or hill flllhln,; boel l'folll 1111•1 .. ()tallt 0u&f11 v .. ~..... I II II ,.,. I i).. w mwtll)l ot \ht' lantl,-;;tht-, !.:rflh· cops in gene raJ. The .public I h•• \l•~tA !\lt•l.fl (;lr.h" I lrralll I •r An• I Mr~ ~.,., lrrland and """"ral mlh•~t utt ~th• ,.,. !••II• ,. '""' "'"" lo•·•• thr .rtoa !Jut .,,.r .. un•t•l•· ~. ""::'," ') '", I'"","''' yk. w ... ~ t JL';I~ho lrwct ~:Yt,orfo•rdvl~~~~·•,lna f ,. .nr ....... n: seem s to f~l it is thn dUI'' . .,_, Jr .. _ r~. . . I r n '"'1 ,. II l"Y ... , .. , '"~""'"• "", ,.... .._. Wr ;Jrl'll~· . : . ' . :' • nO """ pwnc::r WI ,,.. V"~r~o:•· """ .Jt•hn n( Uti! An ~tel"" Wf'l"(' l~puty ('ornn••r l llr k ('"""''" ,.. • .. I Ill ' ••I IV I,., .. ul ltlfl rrl111•1111( vnnc1ntt n n of a ro.p to takr has hff' tn htl': K. Shnrr,.r nf St•11hn C'11y 1\:•or:l h rllnn••r ,::11..,,(11 fnnrl11 y uf H.<•v ttnd ported. ""'l•l··, II•~ '~"'" wu ''"'"'l.ln ln"l t1llr OUJ t'C· h ands on ev€'ry occasion. llullywflOd. who h:" t; ... n "'"·1••rn ~.lr!O t-:•IWIII tl i;.,..,,.j, nr ,,.:llln.. lla.llev:ll ~.lit "'"'' '"''I"' trr.lltttl' , ........... Ill th•• • .., .... Ji•·ll•'llll 1 vr H .. w. T u ~ f' \' c r . .,.. t' Wh('t he r lf s il mad dog Cit' ro•pri'Sf•nlflll\'l' u( 1 h•• t;':hll'iti:O n · Ill 10Uprrlnl !'nd~>nl 'lf th.. Old ,ttbout tour 11llh•IO ,,(( Hhoro· f I"''' ..rr1< lt)' Her! lt!oltln-..n ••I I, •IIW rnu~t mnlt l' frisking A h oucilum nf a J:,'ltn. hun•· anrl latr·l~ '" lh•• lfl•<\ ms.: 111~'· f'roplt•s "'•Ill" tt•n•· , .. «Una fW10 r h ''"'' pror,.~•llnl( 1•· H•·a • 11 ''" llu• IJOttt Wal"r W ll• h. ;:'~' • ~. ;·~·~ These m en an:' s upposc.'fl 111 111n· '"'"•"'"~ n•·•'"llhnJ.: 111 • t'l" •r' • .. 1 ,., ••''•l ,1 1., ,,,. "" ILl c • .. ,t~~t , ::t"/r·~· 1• ~~ do th~ things fo!· $1.no or 111~;;~h, ... c;~;~ ~~~~~;~.,; ""~1 •. ~;·;~~~ A MOTHER'S paAYER 1;";-,r:' :~~':'"~ .... ~.a11 .. , 1.. 11,.. -''"'. r. n ~ $200 a month, w hlr h IS t hr hr:onr h nt th•· Rank ,,f Anw rwa . II I ' I I M I , c.!li b Pdt•ll•' nonnnJ pa~ (QJ~ most (X'Oplf' ~ . t h f!,,,l/ ~~ .. l~tltlt j . ltrUtUl tf'" #U,I ''"'''r~um·•' l<plll<<u'11"'"t.,2 . ' f I .· \\h '-fill•'' 1111' rnn•t•lt•l'(lfl"n, '"11f I' "11•••·1 7.,uolrn<.rtll'tl~j llll lllv•'roll "''r.• •I •··•r • ,,.,., oniQ th t> tl1<11 IQ pencr ll pursuats. . Y 0111 s::•wn *•11 h" m~ttlr• "'''1 :O.I•m · As th€' nrws of thr inva sitan came• lr) m •·. I ''''"' :d,,,.,s ~~~~·· ,, ~un•·••l ••rv,.. ... wrr,. r.;"''"'j"~"' 1 ·ro·nuM ~··.,•Ih:ot (X'Oplc fih oufd e xpN·t m ore of 111\y '' ., RISt) n•J.or••l•'l'l ehol ;o.t r thf' rlny·~ work wlfh my hr;u1 how~l in pr.i)or•a' l'r:1y1•1 1,.,,1 ,, I;! ·111 11. m L•>~lay, r· .. ,.,.;1•tY • II " :m .'1 t•rnt on lr:ul I • jln 1'110 t hose men ,than they (10 Of Jllll'ltman wilhh rt'llrt' (Him IIW \\ "'" Kirk f 1• lbr tf,:ltllt"f ~ q'''"' w•l'l · • S":>l on ~~~h• h · h 1 th 1 Mr 1\tn"'" 11 for m y nirhournr <;on ;mrl y(ollrs. fo r m ,9 l.x.1,v in l ht· t\1111\' 1'1 1"· Wr . <, tn'IA-' 1'1" I"' h J li'H' IZ Of ers. is OUO Of COUI'S(", t O ni'W~flllfW'r U a 1 :· A · C d ( th o h • lo•t•• 11 .,1' Jo't~ro•et l .. wn r ,.rr,.•t• I y -'" u 1 h 111 r 111 1 "'r ,o"'!" an yours. or every mo ers !'A" w rrrvr·r Ret•or\< tn I "' rr) 1'&1\ :wd lnwn the feeling tha t an offi(.'('r Is 141 ."'mil n 11' ,. I rt • ,. !ll" • ,... •"'l" /1 ..... t •nvL W•rllh&ll Jo:. Ha.l•·y ' lnAmt•r~t'O\·trllu•lhnt lht'num· ........,......-~ t d th't kid f ctmmrnl dcpartnwnr l"t·ll :O.t~<r· hf'mayf'x>: 1 ,.,,,~1,.,,1 .,111,,., Ktl~ t..lult ,l1,,1 hu nf lndlvid,l:tl bU.Vt!rl nr extra SUPt.IV"'-~• 0 0 .J n 0 marnhr, I hi• ..,,.....,,·~ ••lfU'II•nl r•-I d ... h h..... k y t th th ht .. ~ ·-·-r ld t k ..... I f to h~ I . Army A'lr flrld. Oulf l'ort, ..... ·I WnrBon $~u:l~ U Tf'3t' .... an W'Or . C e . ~UJ;t fl')r1 f'r,l4'lll r••m;un w\lh thr•,J'lllftll·, WOU n O f\S .Sp('t'·IA l1VOI"S tf my 1'10f\S1 pray ~~t~~"~~':t1;fe~~··~1~· wr i,~~n~~ arises t hat the comJ"K'n~t•on ,.111ion it Y.;Qll ~mirl they m ay I)(' given I'OUrAI{f' a nd ~oilrw•ng1h in ) )(ly 1111d ij"1"' '1 Y ·•1"'""Y t.y air ''" 111'' nt~d Orf po~l'r YIIU utra War s hould be a bit m oN" in a<'· ' I • · s pirit to m ('('f w h a t life hrin~s to thrm Anfll)l• J'1"lnqlll'ror"'. tun•·ral •rvlc-. l!rond Is a~nlutrly f'l t•tHIAI. Thf' cord wlt'h tht> danger in-CL EVER REBUKE Nl')\\', AS ncv('r tx>rort', t h•·r need Thy hc1n May tlwy 'M•·rrl• BAlky r ... ·l'nlly r .. t urn••l f rf'lt('r chc Jlo<:lcJ:i'r of WK I ,... • '"'tftl~ U.O·)'('U' ~ lo ttt. lt1t J!kmds. lhf eaosl~?r It w.ll be tor us volved. l.)t~r~n~t Sarah S.mhart'a tlnll l'l('VPr I()!;(' t h(' t hOUJ,!h't tha thclr 'caul'(' Is just , a nti nwy Willian lalaA<Ja wben~ ht! *'" k•··l to~t lhis -r O¥.-r. t+ + + Arnl!rlcatt tnur. a rl"rll)'Tnan .,r I hi' thi'Y W'-,<·tlron of"th"'m."'"''',.... Hnd th""l·r ~·trf•nrrlh In d ri"• ,..,.tnfl...tt bo ne '' '" "' .-..:~ ,., "" ~ .., f•tr lhr• f•arltle llrk14te C:trmt>IIIIY npry rYIOII'MII Otlr ,.. •r• l'1a« Da..... w.....a--..1-v ;., P."ri'"l puhltrly anti thr•oll jth lbl' th II d h OQd I t h k . II I -1f1n1 • ~t· .. nd "'ea'"' ~tru••lto ,, 'CUI~ ~ • nut e f'V a n p~rvf' t •' I{ . .A' t ('m nu\\ HI Y.lool•· '" U•• l•t...,. lw m'rt ,..,,, .. ~ ~ • "' ~ .... · · pre•. rttlacltNl f'tr,. IMIIt.cf""nof' ' Enr" lid ttlnnnl Wu Bond )IOU States Fla.g DB~ in thM;(' our love and prnyrr'S' ~"' wilh ,Uwom <til all~ the f'llffii'Uit ~I lOll . lru•n•l• wttn I""' Hlmrnunll liUy Win ~J:r, 11' pan In 1M out-Uhlttid States and that Lo; t:hc and ht r!Lflltll ,rvprrt lrt• ''' play,. way, and so n-1\t"W their w('ary_ aplrits and lift tht•m up, ,,, ik:t~. tlllarfU• A••u l.ona·1J'.ant ~ ~It month'• War ...._ Mr. bbey. fll'r rral"t•lt~""T, l hf'rr· ._ .....-·._~ar Bend. ,.ster· ooc;asion. for flyi~ the em· h 1 ·~ "'h wiUJ wh"u' bfl went. lDtD partp .. r· •• , War ~d l rf' •lr,..ti.J lA blem. It Is the .67 th annuAl upon nt t I" 'tin "n rnev«'r If it Is Thy will, spAn> Lheln. but U it m w.t he tha t '-hlp In buylniC u. W·falM n~tt'llnlf ... tmbatUed loWt'llf't. Tod., It • ob8ervance and this is a re-I v~l y•tUr rlly, Nlth my ('OUI•: tht?IMI i!ii to be the !rupretTif> !iAC"'"ltlce. let thf'ITI hr uur litl If• ...... 1 ""' "WIM ... I) .. Hlmmlotlll • .,~er llif7 to* ~~~ hoi'M front pante , 1 am accuatomed t.o 11pcnd """'"" for 8 moment, and RCJ'OM ........ -1a.-,,..., the m other "t.rwat j.e1 1 • ~y Ia ._olhK claw for I mlnder tha t we should n y tour uodred . c!ollare In advtorHI · UJJJ" -lnuatt -~ allll"•l 0 '"1 HaJitry wu . U. bo7t an tht lattl~. hand holdlng t heirs, 8 mothr r'l kiM on thl'ir b~. wurtJI)'. IQlc! a (liM M!pUt.allon an•l l , Tat: EDI'n)R. I Old Gtory at a time likf' this lng. ~ u you have done the ln the nalll(' of Thy Son. WP. ulc thiA .. Amm. Ji>.,. ., trl-.:la ln .... Harbor .. ,.. I L--·----------I and for the sake of thP boys I adve I for m•. I ~M y~l· • ~ Wh•o will miM .... -•." ~~ 1200 f~r your pot~r " · • .. ,LUCRETI.A MA • ... ~ ·" 1. ' . .. .. . • ) Sportland Bowling Center Mah• St rt~•l ~~&!boa Phone: NC"\\•port. Beach 240:.! Dr. M. D. Crawford Optometrist l'n(r Ne-Wport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone: Nrwport Reach :!430 Conra,t.J~irhter, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Office 107 22nd St. , Residenre--717. W. Ccntr;1l A \'C. F't\, Off. 133-Res. 74. Newport ~ach Bayside Fish Market 28th A Lafayette Newport Beach Ph. Ne\\J)Q.11 Beach 6~5 _ · Excelsior Creamery Santa ~ · California Rawson's Cafe 1015 Coast 1-ijghway, Newport Beach Ph. ·Newport Beach ~J Croft and Neville 1201 Cout Highway,. Newport Beach RleharclfJon Tooling Products 210 Marine , Balboa Phone Newport Beach 131 ·"' Reed's Super Service , ~A~ lee 2930 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach Phone N~ Beach 826 Boyd's Gilmore Service - Station 1500 W.rst Cdltntl A venue Phone Newport Beach 985 Lowman Boat)luilden 485 NewPort BNd. · -Co&t.a Mesa Phone Newport 501 Cuino Cafe -Main Street Balboa. Calif, Phone Newport Beach 779-M .. Dr. G. & Tohill . • ~ASUr&eon D)8 Cout Blvd. Ptt. Newport Beach 286-W Richard Seeley . . Photographer 218 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Eugene Elliott Real FAtale. Ph. Newport Beach 38 501 E. Central. ~lboa. E.c;tab. 1924 McNally's Boa( Livery 705 Bay Front Ph~ Newport Beach 406 Market Spot --Anton Henhey ~Marine Ave.. Balboa lsland Phone Newport Bea.ch 1000 ·.w anda'e Beauty Salon Toni Blanton. Manager 21.5~ llartne Ave.\ · Ptt. Newj)ort Beach 368 Q-Rio Shoppe Jewelry and Glfts -llaln St. . Balboa "Trickey's Real Estate -Palm Balboa Phone Newport Beach 158 A. B. McCollum Lido Isle ·s.m•e Sea Food Cafe ..,1 O»ut Hlahway Seal Beach leland Realty Co. · Reel E.tate -Insuranoe -NotarY 2n ~te Ave. , Balboa Island . ' .. .. Beach, California, Tuesday, June 13, 1944 Buy . MOre;.Bontt.£ Than Before Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W~ Ourselves the Better Serve · •. By Serving Others Best~. Pho}le Newport 561 Costa Mesa, California Balboa Theatre Balboa. Calif. Lido Theatre • Central Ave., Newport Beacn Van Camp's Sea Food Co., Inc. Tenninal Island California • H. cat ale ol • ft'Oilt &JI Hurieoa • Ht. Ill ~Mel Jumln . ILl Newp< allcht ea • iDC lut ao ~anu PuaL NOTICI . • F(J Sealec: chast> of ol SlOC Beoach ~ County, ceiveod l Or'S ol ( up·to 11 day or • • Each date-d ~ ·w ;ty's Market Phone 85 ~ .•• · bear inr 301 Main. Balboa Stag Cafe & Bar . 21st Place and Coast Blvd. Newport Beach California The Doll House Newport -Bal~ Palm Springs •• NEVER MIND THE SYMPATHY-HE DOESN'T WANT IT! .IN HIS MiND, HE DID ltiS D~Y, AND PART OF HIS DUTY WAS STOPPI~ ~N .ENEMY BULLET. / y 1 . ••••• . .. .- 0 --. FULL SHARE OF ·\V AR, BONDS IN THE' FIFTH WAR L01N~ .DO~'T EXPECT CREDIT -YOU CAN~ MATCH HIS SACRIFICE BY MERELY LENDING' YOUR' MONEY. BU't DON'T BE ·ASH AM~ EITHER: -IF YOU'V.& DON~· YOUR nUTY, YOU'V.E SHOWN YOUR .. ~ ·GRATITUDE THE WAY HE· WANTS . . . , . . ., ... Ocean Front Markef Geo. Peterson Geo. Taylor Groceries Meats Culbert8on Chevrolet Co. Otto Culbertson. Owner _ Balboa Yacht Basin 0 . A. Haley . Pall.sadK Road Ph. Newport Beach 500 Bay Shore Camp & Cafe Helm Kaiser Phone NeWJ)ort Beach 112& Coast Highway · .. Newport Beach Sawyer Sport Shop Phone Newport Beach 576 2fY1 Marine Ave. Balboa Island .. · ·· . :Gus's Sea Shell Cafe -~ 601 E. Centr,al Balbc;Ml. . ·.Jo~t ~. StaatS Co. 1• •• Shipbuilders · · · -~ PhOhe Newport Beach 254f 625 Coast Highway Newport ·Beach YOU HAVE A DUTY, -TOO, IN Tll)S WAR. ~ART OF YOUR IJtfTY IS_T9 BUY WAR BONDS WITR EVERY DIME AND DOL- LAR YOU CAN. SO SIMPLY SAY wfH AN K S~O -A YOU TO. , ... ,SAY WfHANKS" .TO EV,ERY . AMERICA~ · ~-s. B¥i'ett c:;onstfuetion Co ••. -. SOLDIER -DOUBLE THE BONDS \'OU ·. . ~. Cccernt contrnc:tors -. ' WOUNDED SOLDIER, BY BUYING YOUR . . :. 1.'300 State Highway Ph. Npt. Bch. 2464 BOUGHT BEFORE · :. . ~· -·. . . ... .,. \, ·• . Food Basket M7 Fellow Aurtcan.: .. Ia Ulla polp .. t llloar, I aak you 'to )oln mt> In .,..,..,,..: AI .... Jity Ood: O.r _., prtdf' of our naUon, Ulla ~ bave wt u~ a mll'atl' ••••awot~J •t ru~r· .... &o....,_rVf' _oar NPUblle. oar rrtllf1on, and our cfttltu&toa, lllld to ~~et free. a euffertn1 humanity. ..,_. t.km atralctlt ... tnlf': ''"" "trrnaih to ...., .,_, •tou•-to t.klr ..... , ••• ouadfutn ...... ·. . . The President's Prayer 111foy ·fhtht t~ "'d "onqiiM&. ·Tille,-ftpt to' liberate. Tbfl)' n~rht to let. juaUcle .,-. and toleruce and c-d wtll-1 .... Tlly ....... 1:lleJ ,. ..... bUt for, I hi'_. l'nd of batlll', fnr tWr ..,Wra to Ole· Mn" of homf'. · MorM will •1'\'f'r r'l'tu,.. Enab'-u.-. Fatber • aftd f'N'I'h·~ ttMm\. 'nly llera6e •~ta. blto Tit)' " klnlfdom . ... ' -. • I • •• • • l... •••• ,; AM lf't oar heart.. be atoat,.to walt out tbe IOJIC tran.U, ~ bfoar. o~r 110rro'" that ma1 c-ome, to lm· part our ~ uto o•r 110u wiM!..-•er they rna,-be. · · __ .. thejr faltlt. · And for ua at home--fatllen. motJMon. cNWree. •1''""· "l•te" and brothers ., brave men ovor.e... •"-thoucflt• •n4 pra,..,n are ever wttll ,...,..._ IM-Ip Uli.'Aiml~tlltY Ood, to n•etfmte oo...-t.•ln re-'"'"'l'd faith In TlMoe In tMa lloV., ~t aaertfkoe. And. 0 Lord, lfve ua faith. Give Ull faith In Thee; faiU. IJI oQ.r -•: faith I• ellol'h ot~r: faiU. bl our uaiW ,.,_..., Let not tbe k--of our ... rtt e~r be duiiM, Let not ""' Impact• of wm· JIOrar,Y evf'ftta, of t.elllporal -u.en of bUt• neeua, mol!'"'~t not Uleee •cer 1111 a. our UDC'JOnqyer· ..... parpoee. .· · WIU. TlllJ w...&ac. we allall Pf'"all oYer the -· llloiJ fCH"Ca of O.r eaMnJ. Help u to conqaer the ...-u. of cnM ... radal a.nopaees. Lead Ill to ~tile Mvtq •f oar CCHIIItry,• _. wtU. oar •ter -· tto.. lato a world ult,-Uaat will spell a Min .,.,_ -ne,. ~· n-s n,. w..~..-. TWt ~ wlllbfo a... ... '-"· 'l1lle _,. Ia atroe~r. 'llr may 'hurl Mdl "r for-eM. l!klclceea _, DOt rome. with ru.h· ... c..-. llot -....U rehlnl ac&Jn an.d ac-Jn : Md -... _ Uaat ~ TlllJ l'ftiNoo ... by thf' rtchtf'o-· Muy s-plfl Ita"" ...... tllet I eall tile _..._ -ot .., ea.e. "' -wtu trtuml'l'-,.,..,. wfll .., 110ft ....... It)' ~ ........... ~ • .,.. In lo a ..aftc1fo day of llpl'dal ,...,._. Bat becaiiMJ tiMl road la lOIII Md tfle dt!lli,_ .. .,_t-1 aak tlaat oar Pf'Opltt df'vote U..m.l"" .. .-u.--of prayer. -"'-__..... to e.cll a.rw *"-7, M!!l ~lien ead• .. )' b •~~ent. lf't worda oi praTer 1M-oa 001'-lrpa. •· •oktnr 'nly IM!lp to oar f'rrwtiL -,..ee la..tMnllle to the .ehemlllp .of -· -·~--. AM a peMe.l.laal...WUI let aU_rneallft la fftlllldom. ,...,OC tile Jaat rewarda of tllelr llloa· ... , ton. wftaloat ,_1-UU the Yletory b 'WOft. The dark- wtll .. ,.., ~ •ot~ ... ftanle,. M'en'a 110uJa will bf' ....... wttlt the \1ole~ of '"'· • •(ih·e u• .t"'"~"""· 109 -·~ 1a. ~ dally lallk"· to nodoublf' ttw-contrllletlolt,tl we make ... (be - phyalf'al and mat;ertal auppet"t of oar ~-,4!,..._ ..,._ ~re nM!II lately ,,...,. h'om the "•Y• of .-ee· 'nlf'y ftcllt ilot. for the lu.t ot C'Onq~L ,I ..• . Newport Ice and Cold ~ . Storage Co~ · • 410 Thirt.icth St., , NC\\'}'>Ort 'Bt> ch Phone . Ne~-port Bt-ach 1 ~7 Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing · Oo:tl Sal~-1\~arint" \\'n\'s R17 Coo~t lli~hwa~' ~t'\\:pnrt IJf'ach Phone t\cwpo JkacT1 !).I!' Will You Be a VictorY, VoiW.teer? . ~ Man)· patTiotif m.-n and werae .. llave alnad)~~ed up ~o at>t a." \'lrtor)· \'oluntN<n~ bat more Q-e ·.reeded. AA a \'ldor~· \'olunt.-.-r, )'OU Willtei"V~ Yo'¥: i6:untry ln. one of th.-mo<~t lm~rta~t·~~ ever 1(1\'en to ehillan11 _ fn :"·artlm.-. SIM'nct an hour ot two a day ht..)'O~r own nf'IJ:hhorhooc1. Thf' ta.<~k l~ lmportan~tll~ ·re"·ards J.:rf'at. for ~·o11 will ha\·t: th.--.U.f~tlon ol hrfpln~ Am-f'~it·!• tcnmrd \'ic'tor~·. For•haiJ detalh ftO -today to tbf' ( hambc-r nf ('omnwn't' .. ~0 pbllptiQa •. of rou~. . . . . n ,. wUt 11e .-o-. AJIIIIPt,-a.. . AMEN. Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Craft Chrysler Marine Engines Runabout~. Utility Boat8, Crul!'<'rs, Motor Yachts 925 Coast Highway Ph. Newport Beach 584 .. . Orkin's Department Store . 1 i93 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 4 · B~lboa Marine Hardware 911 Coast Highway Ph. Ne\\-port Beach 1R4 This Is an Official U. S. Treasury Advertisement Prepared Un.dcf Au spices of Treasury L){~part~ent and War Advertising Cou~cil . ---..;-··~ • Ill • ., • _A Contrlbu twn by the ~atriottc Citizens a·nd Firms 1 Listed, on This Page , . ---.,.· .... 1812 ·Newport Blvd. C~ta Mesa . ' l -S. & F. Sales Company . 2139 South lytain St. Santa Ana. Sher~in-Williams Paint Co. Rnlboa Pnlnt Store · • Phone Newport Beach 101 700 E . Bay Ave. . Balboa Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. Physician arid Surgeon Ninth and Central Ave. Ph. Nwpt. Bch. 37 · Frank Showalter Santa Ana California Walter S. Spicer, ~in~ Business as Bay -Distriet Lumber Co. 51S State Highway at the Arches r Costa Mesa Lum~r Co. Costa Mesa, Calif . \ Corona del Mar Cafe Formerly Rossi's 1611 Coast Highway Ph. Nwpt Beach 1967 " "The Arches" "Just a Little Better" Cockt<lil Loung~ and Cafe On Const llighway a l Nt'wport Blvd. ' Newport Beach Ph. Nwpt. Bch. 361 South Coast Co. Yacht and Shipbuilders exceed annum, first _ye and sen . which r tennioe bonds.~ urer of Said t100 ) h Dollars as folic Bond .-One T ..... liS Nt <:oro 1614 I Enun s.A.l OFFI ~'~'.I -~·--.. It' ; ·ye ~ wi -~ Lc 'i l • Ne• i 8al ~saa i A.at • ·~ 0 ~ ( ....... ·. 37 361 •' .·· NEWPORT·BALHOA NEWS .. TJ){ES, Newport Beach, California, 1)Je~day, .June Hi. 1944 ~~~2~~~H; r::u,·y: NoTICES l ~.u.:~: .. ~OTICES __ • I p:~;: o~~;:::LD.R . -~-E-.--s----,--1-M--E--S--C--L--.-=a=---s=-s-:r--=-1 FIE D 0 p r 0 RT u II TIEs ·.:;;::;::=r~:e~; ~e 2~(~~~?~6 ~u:~ ~~yt~:~:;~?:/'~~· ;:~~s·~~ On June ... ·:4~ at to:Oc>a.ILfe • it E I D F 0·1 . p 1.0 FIT •.•. usE F 0 I IE s' L' s·-• • Jumln, Corona del War at IISt:lOO, I Bond!! Nos. 11 t o 15. lnclu!livl'.l Bon~ NM 96 to 100. lnduslve, at !1001 W. Centra) An .• Nnrpalt tOne ThouSI\nd Dol laM~ ea<'h, to Ono> Thou51\nd Doll aMI t•ach to De&C'h Callfomla. I lntaD4 to ..0 run years; I t u-ru .," r· ro• MAl.&--. ILIGHT EARTHQUAKE 3 run 20 year!~. t<' th~ hlaheal bMder at publk..~l IOt\TS, 8Jll•rtJF.8 j F.MPUlVMI!NT ~RA.Lu F!"fL .. A.D FtfRNmTRIJ Newport Harbor dlalrlct telt a Bonds Nos. 16 to 20. ancluslv<'. Thl' bonds will b4-!'old for <'liM •uctton. a lt!l4 Chevroe c:o r·• --SIT\IA'I'IUN \~ANTEll C'•:111k • -~ allcbt earth •hock Monday even-One Thousand Dollars t•ach to only, ~at not l~s than nnr and U C'enw Nu 6t R 837. l!:nJ'Ine No. HOAT!' n. t. ~ulll •nd Ttadf'd -~· and butll'r. ""l~l'lf'O•'""· •IN\rr I ---FOR SAl c rf'R "ALl!! l..ar ... white "'"""' • ••• tu••-bout d ' _ _. 1 t E ch b1'd mu•t •""!IP!I• Tony Miller ~ Marhlf' En~""' 111"t ra-t. "-• r. 11 t --""tt•-.... .....C a a eecon •• but run 4 yrar.c; at'Cnl....., n t'rt'S a •1 ~ ~.,, .. • • MA HINI-. ~,. ._ ... A,iF: AN\) f'll'J'IO)'m"nt ln be-ach '"•••l•n•'"l f ' R l H P• nn1~ 11:11.-. en <'"""' -: DO ~am.re wu reported. I Bonds Nos. 21 to 25, incluslw. stat(' that th<' hlddl'r offt•r.c Pl\r owner. ot . t.tFC ro ft'( .ummf'r ilr J"'rniiUif'nt !'hone lllC eac l orne -:I m•tal armv tn-bfoda. I mat· • One Thousand Dolllu~ t'actl ,to aftd a«l"\\ed &nwrrst to thf! <&AlP Thla a&lt t. for the pui"JJC* let() w t'fontral ·A .... Pt. U&I•W I ~an\a Ana M~lt. A•k ftor (IN flAY I"RONT tl'f'-. 2\8 ova•. DaJ .... P uBLIC NOTICES run 5 yean<: of dt'livrry and ~tau• IWJlllroll•l) .. uafylnr; my 1f'ln on car. UE. ' Nr~ port Bn<'h. c.Jif I llarnf'y •:t-•tp Al'l ~~trevtma. thrn betha: luf'-l .. and. p~ 1106-W-.u-.tc NOTICE IN\'lTINO PRO.PO• •u' Bonds Nos. 26 to 30. lnc;luslve. th«-prt'mlum if •an~·. and thr r·lltl' D. K. BL ~ . 2t-tfr . . ''"'h"•' (l('rupanl'y !\0 c1ava I -- . ' I"'R SCHOOL BOsos""" One Thousand Dollar!l c>ach to of lntl'rt'SI offc>r<'d for said boftdA. P\lb.: Jun~ 1. 8. 8 and 13. lth. i WtlHI\ \v ANTF.P l •llll'k" atu-f'rt•'l' lnl'ludn two lot,, &•lt•r llntl I ron AAUC RunJalow tvpe. p&· Sealed run 6 vt"a rs· I Ea~h bid !>hall b<' at it !llngiP ratr NOTICE OF 80ARO OP' II() AT!" H IH l';A 1.·~ 16 f\ x ~~ tlf'nt Wti\IIJ Ilk co II<'• lion : fh\llt, ann l'Th,. 112~. rtMme N~rt chase of '~:;o:at!~~ thh• por-Bonds N~. 31 to 35, lnC'luslw,lof Interest. Any hid for two or EQUALIZATION ME.TINO t t ,·,.nt••r b~>ar•l P ll bat built mothn 'a l f'l~r Wh..-" ··an A r.no n mry tUtT·M. .. .. · ·• n t " sum One Thou:;a nd ·Dollars t'ach. to mol'\' rat<''-of lntr n•st will· b<' 1"1" bv Tnm llltttr ar u.N-,1 on.-aeft· nn• nr family -~~~· Uo• II. '~ $ ~ of SlOO.OOO.OO of the NC'\&fnnrt ...,. .... Th f whlrh --I N t Uf'll111 22 ~00 . I u I .. , -BN h Sch -..... run 7 )t'a rll ; ,.~tt" ._. JMJ I"J))"l'S or Notlc• Ia b•reby J1vm that tbl ... n. 12 tt Wrhlwf>o ld C'f'ntf'r-Nf'w•-Timl'a, rwl'ur -•• .. von "At.IC CloCM pr In · .. -""· c ool Dlstnct ot Orungl' Bond'l N-. 36 to 40, 4nclosivt•, said bond'l Wt'rt' votl'd wrn> lind Cl f N w ...__ __ , lt."' 1"'4'1 ~.nit~. ma-, 43·411· W. L .. Jordan •too soe Apolena, Balboa 1• Co.unty, 'California, will be rt'--f th f lsln, City Co\lncll of the ty 0 e • ...,.,. '"' " -~ ed Ont.< Thousand Dollan <'ach, to an> or t' flUfP051'!1 ° rn !: port .Dcach will mr et aa a BoaN holl""" hull ~I• fnr all In I TOO It <'fntral. 1\all:k• lanrt lt.l ct'tV by tht' Boerd ~f Suprrvir-run 8 y~>aM~·. mon<'y'\ for tht' pui"C'ha~<lne of I at ......... ,.,ln•lltl••n tnq11lr• \'IIIII . NEED lWO BOYS ••, 4tA -Ol"'!l of Orangt> Coun ty, Ca llfurnia, h 1 1 h b Udi por-01 EcJuall&aUon coa1m~nc •r " ""' ~ '" '"'' ' W tr. A RIC IU'ICC1 AL1trr8 1H 11 • 1 Bond" Nos. 41 to 4~. incluslv<'. sc 00 ot•: t t' u nt or ~ ·.oo P .... on Monday t.be 3ld daY t.tar•na U ·tk I'"'R CLICAN-tJJ>' WORK U<>od up to 0 cock A. M.; on •h(' 5th h I f h I b ildinl'"' thr .. -I Tlilt1r.1r. ANO roUR ROOM day of July, 1944. "1 Onl' Thousand Dollars ea<'h, to c IL~ ng 0 sc 00 u · of July, 1844, and will C"ootinue la --<'hanrt; to learn mf'C'h811cal ...... ~ ' Each of said .t)onds shall tKo run 9 yean; makhlng ohf arltbt>ralltdl~s or ~~~~~lo;: adjourned •u•oa• lrom 10 A. aL FOil ~AL•: Snmv"tr.l J'\(\llt anrtl work. R•e Mr. lw"t-e at ~"ttev-CORONA nr.'t. MAH" :~·~or::!:-;;.~ :,~·u·p''t:~ datNI July 1st, '1'944. and shall Bonds Nos. 46 to 50, lndusiV<', toht t' sch oo uh InK or b4-m., .. to 12 Nooll ellcb da y thereafter to .ath, In rJu'l'llrnt N\ndl\llln 1:!4 1 rol•t Gar••"· !1001 W l'rntraJ ri , t._ 1 Ont' Th01tsand Dolla r!l each, to ot l'r t a n SUC' as may nl'C't's-Saturday. July 1. 1N4, tDclu.l", Crand C"anal. Ralboa l•land Av., New""rt Ura l·h. 4ft-2tc BEA lJTJFtJL WIDE LOT-"'" •tnno f• you 10 -j4Ail uear nterest at a rat~.> of not to run 10 YI'Drs: sary for currl'n! maintenanC<'. o,S-4!1-4h• .... • llllr It would look Ia your ~ exce«J five PCI"C'ent C57~1 per Bonds Nos. ~ to 55 lnclusivr <'ration or repall'!l; tht> rt-palrln.:. ~~~!e ::C~';: O:r~~ HELl' WANTED Rt"nn..,arhn-Ov<'rlook~ Ocean tw•ntv-one plf'C'H for 121ea ll:"num. payable annually for tht> Onr Thou!<a nd Dollars' each -t~r~toring, o~; n>bulldlng of any lily order of tbe Cltv Q>UftCU 111 fOR SAUO.: "Pblll:pe·· EnJtlah lyplat·<l•rll. f'cormanrnt n ... t. O '"'"'"t t•rm•. "'-dttllve'7. firSt Y<'a.r the bonds have lo ntn run 11 yt·o~· ' ' 1 srhool bullcling ctnmaged lnjurt'd ' madfo tour1n« blcyrl• U1~t dfont Harb<>r a,...a. \I_ s C'lvll $2025.0 · MC'Mahoft'• J'\lmltur-. Qt., IINI an~ 5<'ml·annually th e r" aft r r, 1 Bonds ·N~. 56 to 60, lnrlu!IIY<',I ot: ~eatroyl'd by flrt' or otht>r poh· the Cttv of Newport Beacb.· wetr;ht , fnd br11ke. !1-•f'Nd P:"ar, l Servtl'~ l'hnn~·n4, 11J1k rnr tlay· • 'MCIUUI and n~rtway, l'lallta Ana. caM- which rat<' of lntert.'llt sha ll be de-On<' Thow..and Dollars ench to lie <'alam lty; tho l'uppl)'lng of FRANK L-RINEHART, ry1 lom•11·r. IM>. or will trade In man. ' 48-:zt.; fl\rnl11.' •tte terml,oed upon ~hf! salr of said I rwi 12 yt>nrs: .'-' l school building,; w1th fornltu~ or Clerk of ~· Board part payment rar w tb.1nrJ m()---I A W Jd -..J bonds, .at the office of I~(' .'J'rt>~<;-, Bonds Nos. 61 to 65, lnrlu~lve. ni'Cl'SS8ry appantkl" 'o{ a plrma-Pub. June 8-13. 1H4. tor 311i'1 Undtl Av•' RaltiO&. I WANT~O (;t•rtnu (' . n ron WANTED TO a.ENT U~t of Qrange County, Cahrornla: One n lou.sand DoHars ('aCh to nl'nt natul'\'; thl' pt'rmanmt lm-8UMMONI!I • lllo.' ·Auto Olf'<'h~nh·• Top waJrfA. Oellt RICA!. ltATAT1C WAN'IT.n TO ttiCNTJil.'-~i;;t;;;;;. Said. bonds a l'f! on• hundred 'run 13 }'l'ars: ' 1 provpment of the sdlool arwnd... No. Utll . I of worllln« l.'nniiiUIIIUI An f',&Wil• !1M t.t.rtn .. Av•, flalb(la leland hmiH In Balboa llland or .La· 11001 In numtK-r, ol One Thousand Bond" 1\:os. 66 to 70. lnclusivt>, Tht' pm<"''<'dine~ ror th<' l~.suRnC'l' JIOR R"I.P'-1uaJ ... a,... tndl,.try , Jl:mflloymentl l'h!lllr 234 1\ Dollnrs (~1,000.001 l'ach, payahll'' One 'fllousaoo Dollar'l! t'aCh, to of t<ald hond' will' b<' submlttNI. for IN THE l!ltrPI:RIOR ('01J1l'l' or MISCF.LLA.NJIX)ll8 •II' f'r hrre Qlf" at Jtuntln(ton 41\-2t•' ~~;.:ar:ac, 2 == ~0:~. as follows. . run 14 Y<'ars· I approval to O'MI•Ivt>ny and Myer!l, TID: STATE or CA-UFORNIA P'O ~ I ld b Beach •tor.. Bonds N'os. 1 to 5. int'IUsi\'t'·l Bond'l No-'1'. 71 to 75. inclusiVe, a ttorneys of Los Ancell'S. Cali-IN AND FOR THE COUNTY H ~A I.E Two pa r 1 0 ro-. THEOll()RE 1\0IUNf' miOtlnn or. lea f1tn• to rental. •11 .-One ThOUJand Dollars <'ach, to 1 On<' Thousand Dollan rach. to fomia . and th': opmJon of said at-OF ORANGE • cadr r• f tl•r..•. 1 n~ blond wolf •"ul'd ftal"• and Benin Immediate Poueaaion Willi lilt · U!a · An_.,... ..,_. run 15 years: · 1 torn<')S will. be fu':"lshNI to th<' Ac!Uoa ..,_..., Ia Ute 11.,._.., r6llar fl•r clutb l:nal Phooe . 22nd and Central Ave • 18·n•um hnu ... ral'l'H~nt t nfWIItlm. TTini\J lDOI. -.... -. 1,:~~~f!:! .. A..,., "''· ~,_.. Bonds Nos. 76 to 81, ~inclusive. sUC'Cf'liSful b1ddt'r Without Ch8J1tl'. Coal1 of U.. Ceaaty •I o,..... Jllrwf"•rt 11112 a 'tu ~ P m .. 44"41<' 1 Nfwport u ... rh. !'hone 2A. . til" •Ink, flrepi!U'•. barbecue. WILl. pay year·• ""'' -ln-....._.-- Corona ttel Mar ,__.-rt Ma3 1 One Thou!land Dollars f!IICh, to I All bids mull I be unconditl?"al. ... c.mplaJat llk!d ta U.. Of-FOR RA I.E Nf'w cblcktn wire, -H -llc unfuml•hf'd. On yentneula. for prace n~_ar Marine ... .N D C run 16 years; · A certified or cashlr r 5 ch~k n.,. ef tile elertl elUte ...,_rtor til 1 I) 12 n 2 I H I · ~ ' p ' ••71R111 00 Park. a.Jbca 1.. ""--• • ASH I Bonds. Nos. 81 to 85. bdU51ve.t for a sum ~t I~ than ~hrecr~; c-rt of_.. C.U.t)'. m;~~ •. ';t.~ •• wt~. a:~:·~~ Q~ W-\NTED race .v uv. lk'h, IJfti-W . .. u:a; DOG andDcZT -:;OS~ITAL. One Thousand Dollars f!ach, to Ct'nt 13%) t e pari va Of'h o ~e A. J . 1W1ST clfanf'd ~·g~l palllt b\JC'ket. tfltb J>AINTEH8 WANTED See Mr.r 8-. W .. .._ _.. .. ........_ -.,;:--._. --..;;;, a. run 17 )'ears· t bonds bid for, payab f! to t f!-o r Plaintiff, vs. lldJI 11 00 h Ball lb D4 JOHN A. IADlKIR ""'", ,.., n.n, ... .., 1tl4 ao. Mal~"'st":.!:' ..._, ea11·,, I Bonds Nos: 86 to 90, lnclusiv(',; of1h<' Trf'a.sul"t'r of the County 01 LILLIAN I. REAGER. ' · "a" : Y cr a I l'ooi"Y· 1:1~..,. AJIOirna, Balboa Broiler ..Ue Uld ._., ....,_ t.o .... ,__ ____ _,;. ____ .;....;;.;_,;..: On• Thousand Dol.l·-AD~h to Oran"'•· mUllt accompany N Ch bid. aprlnJ:I ~7 In by Ill Ln .. 18 00. ~and. 44·4\c I .. _,....__ two M thi'M ...._..____ f\1-.........--~ ~· ~--. " blddt> If JOHN OOt:•anct JANE OOE. Call ••••II day• anet e p, m.. __ 302 Main lit ,....._ .,.. . ._ .- -----u a guarantee that thf! r. ~frndants. Sat or Run. mnmtnc. Fred Me-' I .u• WANTJt:l> -M-~ wo1111111 l"bon• 14& . 46-lk houee b)' JuJJ •l it. P'y ·~ .. 1successf'4,1 , w111 aCCl'Rt. and pay for ntE PEOPLE OF THE STATE lotH, 228 30th St.. Newport 1 for part·•lme worll. for hotel 1.00. a.Jbea lalalld ,....,.,..._ said bond.• In accordance with thr OF CALIFORNIA SEND CREET-· I 1 a® deak re1W Ua1baa .. D-~_:__ S._IICCO !HM '""'-. N-)'Cirt UTI-li_ · • .... _ .. I t•rms of saJd bonds. and such Jtsach 46-11p •• Mn 1\tf -• --.. __.._ ~ .,._ C.h-k sha. II l"'f'fnain In thf' hand~! of INGS TO: Lll.LJAN I. REAGEJl Inn Ph•me N•wport 660. 4S-4tc Tantte Caah _ N-v ... "t --- NEWII'ORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES· NEWPORT 11 a 11 ~ JOHN OOE and JANE OOE, 1»-FOR 8AU: 2-way R. C. A. Port--------w · J HOLCOM. WAHT TO IUIIMT~ ......_ _ • · said Tl"'f'asurer until all of said ff!ndants. ablr rat.lto. Nn batt erie•. 201 WliSICIAN" W ANTICO Vloll.ft, · · ama~i ead,..a or ·~t. JW:I p.iii'¥ .. z!!lj 1'ueiiAy ... ~Afte,..... v..._, XXXVI bond.• en paid for. Tht> Board of You al'f!' dll'f!<.'tNI to appear In We.tmluet"r Av-.. -'tpt. S. New. baa fiddle. auophonf'. a~·cordlm l&g,:cW~':,~~ay 11th \o Allf.\lolt Ita..._.. 1'f.w. Suhecrlption Pay•ble In .\dvance:-12.50 per yf!ar In ~County; s~ l"'f'!!er'VH the nrht to an action brouitlt acalatst you by port Hf'lctrtr: llc and IIIHI cult.ar Jllayer• fiW "Wbere the ,... IQJ" port IIMGh ~~. It· -$2.75 per Yf!&r to 4th zone; $3.~ pea' yf!ar_to 8th zone. --"'~~ ~ia~n!t~!t~: of tuable ~':Pt'~~e c:';:Nio,P'~~tlf~t~~. 0:, WANTED TO BUY ~":~:~ :--;: r t·~·H~~~n~v: 46-lk Entered u Sf!c:ond~ matter at lhf! Pa.tolficf! if' N~ Bnch, ~Y wtthln said Nl'Wport CaUfornla In ami for th<' ~· ty WAJiT TO B\IV <"ttnrulet, .,'ord Br.ch •tn t4-4t.: WANT 'ro lUCHT-"a"' .,..... would like bol ... or apt. t.o ,..._ -~ Caillomta, u~r thf! Act ol Mardi 3, 1879 I &oach School District, ln sauj of Oran~e: and to ~nlwf!r thf! com; or. Ptymoutb .. ~nnJ prrfrmd . -- S. A. MEYER ----· EDITO D PRESIDENT Couhty of Or!lne~>. St~t...-.of•·Cah-pfamt· thf'rf'i" within tf!n days W1111t )>f' tn ,;r1011 . •·•1nd ltlon DOGS. CATS A P~ OFnCIAL PAPER OF---CITY OF ~RT a•aca'-fornla. is Eleven Mlll~::.. .• !:ln;,arter the 114'1"\f!Cf!. on you oJ. thiJ l'tlone Nf'~pQr1 ·694 bo:;nr •. nl'l'ln -('{)("f(EH .Hl'ANII':L. 1'\Jl'f>IJI;K .a~ ~ .. .,...,.-v r.A Hundi'Pd St>vmty·Six ··~n • !Wnunor\J if lk'rved within thfo -4!\.-trd 't • A DepeabWe 1.-1 ._dhltloa for o..r M l'ean 'Th""' Hunctrt'd F\flH'n DOllars1Count oi Oran or wiUda ~ ----~ Hubt»r.J;wlll•, 1'1')'11\1 oJolla,.tMth- !'' • '"' '"~"' 1 •• • '"' • • ''''""'''''"'''"''"'''11•1"'''''.._...,,,, ... '·" '''''"'"'-"'" 1s1I976.3}5.6oJ a ncllhat the total 1 P 5-. h , WANTtO in~ riDI(a1 r••<h•ated··~u. ~!-~ · · 11 • · · daY* If l't'I'Vt'd <'l!eW crt',-·nl'l you . • ···•ocJI ab : . ~ amount ~ th<'. out s~anWng·bon~ an~ notifiNI that uniNI.~ J flU ,.o Lou of Jr&Od C'lran uaed ~ara ~tip play tnyt, ' · IIIC crt .... :. ALBACORE FISHERMEN ; ~':.Jd~'bte:":SSOn~ ~~nd~hooiSe~~.=rn!J. ~~~dpl::;r;,r"~ :a~~: ' T:~~~~~op.:;~~~ ~~n•l>l~~..':\0::':. ::: ! . . . ' ~~Th~d Doll~~ IS107,0Q0.001. l menl for·any mont'y or dama;es Ford 8aJH a.eemce W. Bubble blrttt. Whee llha.,_wo, • · i By order of the Bean! of Supe,.. dftnanded In t~ 'Complaint u 22nd 6 Oentnl Ave. lultalkne fOC"-fUQC1tc~. Noea- : lt'~no "CINCH" that Albacore will be with us agaln this ! ":'son or Oranec County, C&J.I• artslne upon ~t.ract. or wm' ap-. N~WJPrt l!leadl. Ptao• a Lu. OD tM Na., VonM&. o.ct.i P'OR I!JAI..I: Onan n-. ... t 1-t.ct- ""'"' huti¥ Hardwnod 11-. V•n..Uan bltada, r.ar rantal, pa- tio. bartM'C-ye and p rae•.. 'rjlro ~t.e frnti!Cl 1"hniW' IMT «Jr .. e nwnn at 3fl12 W Oc-een n-t, Nf'W1MJI'1 Bf'at'h 4~Uc- 1C11c:eUttnt refereneee. oaJJ ..... port O..Ch ltTi.W. ........ rQR ftAL& 'ft a...roe.t coa,a.. Bad lllape .tao. Ill .ua a , N•wport &Mcb. 1 .. ~ year. but we kn'ow it's a cinctl you will be--ready and so i I fomla. June 6, 1944. . . 1 ply to the Court for an.y othf!r ~ ~,. Je-tte eoap. n..h h<>net' mHf, pvwwt !" will we .. :~ • _ · • ·-! tSEALl B. J , SMITH. lief df!inanded In thf! complaint. or chunk. ·l"'utro Kibbled doc ~ . . . ~ County Clerk and e~t·of.ticlo Glvm undf!r my hand and 'IM'al L08T AND POlJl'ID fn{•l. C11d 'rru.ty, K•n-1,-Woru-, JI'OR ~~~~ '4-rm. modem 'baU81, ·~ 1 l.ocatlons of Quyblg Stations: ' _ , . : LCI~>rk 'of the Board of .• ~upervWirs of thf! Supt"riqr Court of thf' LOST l)()q-, Monday .In COr~• t;'tlapmlfm Armr, 6elnee, Kf!ll· r1nubtAJ 1•11· 'nke location lA Q>r-P'OR BALl: ·• l"re-war ..... W. ~ • . .. .. • ..,~or q ranJ:t> Count)'. California: I County of Or~~:e.. Slate qf Cal!·!· del Mar, Fell.x M~ndf',llflhn <.r~a-dall'• anol ~pratt'• HJ'f'f'I&J food~ . una Ml-Mar Mra, May fl'ruura, t 'j1:1•. Riddell 1 about • ~aU.. : ptqo, Ph. Main ,.,1 . Avila, Gallf., ft. I .I ~ I • ~I TimeS Junr 13. 15. :.00. 2'2. 27 a nd -iS«. I old AI .. ) a.tiiWPr. t .. "Hr puJ· ltaul Ahr'pllrn f'o l'rt Sbup, De&t ' -· ~·41P Newport. Uaaa.la aa.:J Up i ::.wpol1 s.dt, Ph. M4-.l I Catallaa lalaa4 ft. A-Jialoe. 5%t: Publish NI'"'PO"-Balboa Nc•w:--fornra . thlll 30th day of March. I ham, Jflncer Duehun11. P mne. · f11r Kill y < •r~ml•• anol l~r uabuJ. · 700 .'"'11!" rupr ,Phone 470-M tlu bHft lit at{')fqe, J'lt- ii San 81.-~ -.Pb .. C..mbrta 21\ 14 Moaterey. Calli. ... • I . .. ~ r-----------...;;..· ____ :...._ _ __.__.,::.,_ ___ ...;.._. i :Aat.orta, Ore. P~.S46 .. -u ;e.tpnrt,Waab. '. . .. ,. 29,1944. __ • -----tSt•al l-B. J Smith. I. atve. Rrwant. J'le~ C'all l lot A .. ,. Mkt 1.111(\Jna llfoiiC'h ·~ · _ • ·.: ~ ·NOTICE OF TRANSFEI't County <J1•rk of thr Supt~CIOf Pf!ter c;rahllm, phone •2!l.-R. 1 Wr ar .. •1•..,'11 ,,.,u, Thuuuay• )(A () J O S E R V J C E t Main Office -Tf'rm.J~al~laod,~Ca.UI, :J · s:ro'cK IN Tf'AOE Court of th<' Slnti' · o( Cuh!Omr<t 4~•-•tc An•I~UIItl~tya, all clay Jti' Jlonw-, Auto, Marine Radle» ~pell't'd. Marine Elfoctrklan ; Phon6 Harbor Mt7 _ llarbor 1101 :1 ,. in 11nd for thl' County·ur OraOJ.:•' _· Burt R.. No·r.ton I VAN"CAMP'SEA FOOD COMPANY, Inc. ·' NOTI{.;.E ,lS HF:Ii EiiV Gl.VF.N'l . R) !' L ·~:~~=-k. Dl·pul ) TO I AY'S a· EST BUYS:. 1111 c-ata .. way \ NZWPOIITliEACH i! . • • -Ural ~pY E. CH\J HCHII..L. ~ahJ-APP E A11ANCE "A <k'~· cl I •-· •! I t 2'160 N~wport twuleva rd, \ · 'n an .r 8 U y M 0 R J; IJ 0 N D 8 t• O'R V I 'C TO B t''.. : ~J! ~ • Or e State or Call-.-lJIJIC'Ilnl I!J nn ftc'l lfln whr n he• :ow p f • ) ·n· f , . --' .-,--• -... oun y Of ~g ' • !IWI'r); demu n., ·or "IV(',~ the• JIIA II:· ro ess1ona . lractory ........ ., ot•••t o<l>tl .... l It •t I Itt O•'t It I I I I I I J tI t I I I II tol I It "..1 t t 1°1 t I J (um la \II~D.JG to 8eJI tr1utwf~ and· '(( 'rr • " f h' • V ~ .' . ... u oy B ·FlNNEY t.l t1 ~· ltrn noll!'(' o I' npr,.·:u -s llAIIIgu·t•• lA~ · · ·an anct• or wh<•n :m 11ttorn1•) I:'"''' 2950 j 3'HE~Jo{A A . .-IN NEY. rt!lll<ling l not l~~ of apfl<'~ranct> for 111111 . 16-~ IIRII)(IF. UF.CK MC'tltxi.~F.K t at 2:'>150 Nrwport Bnult>vard. Couo-(~. 1014 • .C C.P .l Bu&lt a I til · I ty 'M ~anl{t. S~e of CaJiforn!a. 1 Am'w~n~ or' dcmurrt't\1 mi}li br· · I \tj, fiiiiOWII14{ dtiiCrlbed property, in' Writing, lind fiJffi Wllh fhr .,s3· 000 .t;o.wl~: • 1\ll'rk. •·t"'OT YA:<C-TAII. BALBOA _.MOTOR· Co~· '708 E. ~y A. ve.. Balboe Gordon M.Crundy, M .D. ""y•\c'•" .. "., ..,,...... Nlftlll ~~~ C.fltr•: Ave. Office Hr.,: .t0.t2a.m.; a-••·'"· T .. ,,.,_,.e J1 . CoDrad Rlcbter, M.D. ~llyalol•" .,.. ..,,._... Off... ,, 11M ....... ..~ .. ~ -~ General Automobile and Marine Repainng: I 111c ioud·na,mc and Cood-wtll of Pub.: AVf. 11, 18, ~:May '2, 9 ltl n8HINO BOAT that certal~ 'bwtlnea known u 2:\, 30: June 5, 12. 1~. SUNSF.T CAFE . anll 'located at I '-------------' 1 2~0 NPWport Boulevard. Orange I Anil. ,Couoty of, ~ st;t;Or PORT-OF SEV~SEA· s Haura1 tG-tl a. m. 6 i·l .... M, ~..-()fflea tHJ R• ? .. J Marine EJ~tricians Available Fender Body Work County, california : ~nther wttb J California. all aloclL and.JUppllu on hand, ~t.l l 11le coMlderaUon or pl"'ce Ia to II!Uf' OTI nld dHCrtbf!d prem·l hr ,&rd al t~ tlll\e &IWf plue or h!u . rm Monday thf' 19th day of .. le. • TELEPHONE NEWPORT BKAal = I June, 1944, at the hour or ten Dated June ttb. '"·· • ~ o'clock A. M. at the law offlcu 9f 1 HARRY. B. YI~NEY _ 1 BACK ntE A.TrAC I~ ~ .... , IINIIN • Phoee; N••port ~h 949 . MAJtiNr. PtAI.\'AUr. BtiY MOKY. BONUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w·l~lo~l~and~-~~ThompiiOn, Butte 210 THELKA A. FlNNEY : I Spurge()~\ QuiWinc . aty of Santa ; J>ub June 13, 1844. (7 out or 10 people read Newa--n... Clu.allec1.'7\dA.) Ry Cy Hun,;..ford ---~~ r--~~~-1 . ~ , t\ 1 ~"~·"" ,.\. I .JiJS T' 1 v f "'dJ- 11,...1... A~ Hl.IJQ I A,(.() c .. t. Mo .. ··anll •uUilftt ~h-ut .ltAROLD K. GRAUEL -CHAPEL "We Ourwtv .. the Bett.._.,e 8y Rervlll• OUJen Beat" ""en' Ne...,;.rt Itt c .... Meaa C•tlf84'ftla BUY NOW CitJ r •• s.1. Lote ~· J. lWIST !..TORIU. •wveJCIA!-..__.UM&O,. -~-~ .................... -~--Of(lea --W • R• ..._R ,, ... ,._c. ........... .Dr. M.D. Craw.fcwd O~TOII.TRIIT Jl:y.. EJI&&a.ed aa..... rm.ed 1111 Jlf-.ort• Bau ..... Ud BALTZ MORTUARY I CHA~I:_l., •v THa II:A 4t0 C ... •81vd. C..ene .. , Mer • "'-<1 ..... 1 ~IIBfta Ntwpel1 U J ~---------------------~ UR. OREJJ IJlJCAS · llfntiAt .. • '!!MY, W. C:..W.tntl, n . 1 ... • NF.WPORT BF.AOl WHO'S WHO .-IN HARBOR DISTRiCT F'IAt'PlA'C£ ~ND IONOI INO WOOD.:_ It W \\'r•ttltl J 711.4 Nr' lllvtl , ,.,,.,.. Mr~tft. IIIM'r1 l .. umbl'r. MI. 81\1\-J . GI!N£flAl f()NTRA(:TOA • ( ;,,,,,,n II Ftror11u v :14 II) ( '•o~~•t 111v1t J>h :'11)2 \,'llln• ~anli Con11tnwtlon. 'LUM,.£R COMPANIE&--. OrrtCE: 8UPPI I I ' / / f'•.-111 MrJia l .k.r~l··· .. ,,.t u• hriJl )'IJII pl11n your hom.,," f'hrm• 48. llnv lll~rl•l 1.'1~ '"'' rn. f'hnn• 11!\0 ('roa_llt Jllch way at Anohes. N,....,,,,,., ll11rti l•uhll•hln« CO. Mlon•a: 12 . IS, N•~ a..dl.· PAINTINC--1 ' ' ' N....,J<~Irl 11~,.,,. J'ubll•hln,;"o,, Ptlonu: 12 -11. N•wport Reech- IU•L EITAT . INIU,.AN~Il & NOT~RV PUBLIC- "-1'"-' ff W11 larr 22fl"'l W. Central AV.D\M Phone 3. AUII1U" ATAMP&- N,....ronrt lfariiOf I'Uht""ll'llf 0.. Pltloa .. : l:.t -11. Newpurt ....._ IH£[T ,_llTAl WORK._ . Vl•lt P1umblnJ 6 ~ ....aa WerU, C... Miltaa. ....._. ... .- ..... _ VARIE'fV ITO·-. . ..,._..._..~ ....... ltll, .................... . ' ~ I. • • ' . • •• -· . I I I ' • • • ' ' • •I I , ..... 1 I • 1 .... Four NEWPC)RT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, NeW'J)Oit Beach, California, Tuesday, June 13, 1944 Harbor Gray' Ladies Active in Helping -' BuofMorale dJ SAAAB Hospital -Boys .fiarbor SPLICING THE MAINBRACE £~ O tANI! HtLL.WAN .. Fem"inine ActiVities ~~~ II..U.C. llelen "G~. Vlrgtn1a 1 tS ~ry ~PPY ebeut lt ... -LL Cal Killion, M rs. C. H. Hopkin~, ·Miu Palmer Bradley 1.1 IJ)tt\ding hls Marcia Coombs. and others met lea~e at hls home In HOUI!ton. ..._ J c K 1 lit U be back soon .... Major Og· <nn . } c• and Mrs. Anne dt'll Budd was visiting Duke and ~~ ·,.....u0n and • mul· 'women wrap, add~• and ma t! I. tltude o( fn.dl:J ..nteee few the packaJu fnr lhe boyL Virginia Barnett. Society Reporter • • Residence Phone 1220-W AnDed f'OI'Cle& Ora)' IAdlea o! lbt 1 No nne know• blot ter thlln 11 ~ <:::roM do mucb w buny the h('"''"ltnt' pal lent that boola a1 e ....U. ot Mrriceme In ~ h,,.. f elllal trtr-n<Le &nd wben llUere.t ,..... -by an untlt•rlllanrlln~r lfrl>tll• nr hrYI.n&' at U\e S&nta An• Army Gray Udl•·~ wh•· are able HI 11'!1· .A.lr a.. rec1ooal etaUon hoerltal. cu., the c-urrent atl•htl'\nR '" t •' a pooup ot Ha'!>Or Gr11_y Latll1'.1 "rollin( library" broul(hl IWt•'•· /1 •-bertnc Cl'ftr Ullrty. t~r•wtde week lo the warda. lhe bo·, ~ ar• wutoua k '.Dda of N'ertatlon lnclutl·l •ble \O chooet lhear rN~<I.PJt ... ba.ndlcralt lo OCC!!J>)' • I ht wlkl)' 1 .-a-t'• head. aDd mind. m.a\rltll .,, A mone~Gray J..at.llra fr••m :o<··w· a ODIIlpl~te m opping bure1111 anu j J" rt tlar bur who an ..:rvln:: I ht>lr U.e char.-ot the "rolll'lJ IJ. tlrnc· ftnd underatan•hn~o: '" lhl~ .....-,, .. alW11.11'1l welcome all(lll nn w<•rk are: tor rtcrt•allon Alr.t4:1' ..-y ward. By meana ot th~• · Jau k B llrran. !Jon Mo !'a ~um_ 1"0~ lA&Jly houn are p1U111<'l l .r.,rk l'hrkl' c l.. 111nm. Arthu· ta ple811Uf(' by,thc ~ CQnVair!l~l' It;. r l\fenr.lell. )1Rrly Phtllljlll. A 'I hill' .;-_,.r tD be On the mend and hJock. TwrM, Juanita F.IHott ltenry t..ou· ato t t e ttca.L Mr1. Everett S t•m J I. Hen .. r ll<·lo•n llann'•·J . a.rdlner .. cbaJrman. j Ha rold• Wl\n l. lla rmnn U••O a ;,ot W1tll a minimum of 00 ht>· r .. H~tlph Sl;t.,·llall ,... ,...,. tM HaC'-worket> v .. ••lly • l rtl'lucled In ~ "rullln" llt,·•r•r~ • ~ by lbe Rtd <.:ron h r , at&ff .... l\f m"!l M A .Alit ·•• . Qray L&tlu ~ pta<'t ·tlme, the1e .:_ T. Cbaprnlln, w urard J.;au;,,.,, 1 ~t -• at the Santa An•l l •lx n Srr 11 11: t;,.,r~l' .1-:u• .. ·t • Air 0.. tw.pitaJ, lt tllng thP III· 1-Yt\O•I a MI'J.rll'h, AntlN'W U11ll pat Qeed for lbelr type r t work,j' f31untlt•ll. Lar&h anti W II . lilt•' .oted lor a m.lnlmum ot 300 homtl m11n Mre t:c•nrf(l' H \'.or•ll• 1 111 a ~r-\b .. mean• one full. •tgtat. 1 1111 r u·rm ,.. thP ~o:rr.up · 111our day eacb week. Thrah"r>l'l9~o: "'"'''" ,. ,,,,,,.,, 'l"he receraUon (TOur •rr,n~: by ~'"' r.. !Itt Hnn••,· u ... , h ••r••• •·• thetr many dutlu eerve In the ami 11 m1•n..: thcl~<' ,.,.,.~''': 111th 1 .• 1 Red Cr~ ·erart Sho p for a m twill· are !tfmMI 1 ;, ... rj.!o• 't•· 1, u.~l •. 1.1'· t«y a-tlenta. have cha r.:,. of th·· ~n·tt s l.nrtlriwr. ~ 111: H ll·.ktt ., nowera and ward enlertarnml'l'l. Athun l.ur~''"· w ~~ Ll\•'•••' yYrtt .tlM WarcU IWlce a WN~ wl:h )f :-oJ f'llt•ll't, llo•nry .\!1111 I '•''• ' eraft prej«ta f ur boy• ronnnt'sl moum. f'c,>rtrr n urk•'" It 1< • too tbelr be<la, and evt'n r.1a t.U.Itl W&.lk,.r. George llollatt'ln. Arthur • _.!ln • .a'Y1ce. &.to tlo~rt J>owell, fT . Anolrf'W Orange County Pro- America in Fourth· Year, T~a in Hono~ 1 O'Brlt>n at thr Nl'wpon Harbo1·. Gladys Gardiner this last wr o•k· Yacht club la.-.t wef'k Mrs. Kylr I t.'!ld, and by now .Ill back at Ft. is Southt•rn Counties charnnun I Sum ner. N. M .... Mrs. Trenholm and Mrs. O'Bril'n is Omng~> cnur\ly Meyer. wh~ h usbtnd. Col. Mt')f'r . • Orange County Pro· America '-chainnan of thE> CotmJ«>I ot Rc-1 bJI!' ~:ont> ovenlC4S, ha~ lt>ft r~r Sa n gtvl!lg a teu which wUt he open lo publica n Womrn. PolitiC!< wc•r.· Malt.'<> to join hor ra_mtty .. · the l'ut:llc Thurlld.ly a fternoon at diSC'ussed as you have nlrl'aclyl I'J:I'tiY .Powell ort to VrciOrVtJic to 3 o'tlock<'in tLe Pe&cock Room at gues.'\ed and Mrs.~ K yll> srres'sl'<l l prr k up Capt. Bob-_then ~LaB the Ebel In Santa Ana. The tea .. 1he rx>lnt thlll th(' wom~>n's vorr• Vl'f:as to spend . h'* 14'avc · · to be r.Jven t.o pelebr&te the organ. would ~rry lhe electivn one wa) M>Crnds like a whrrl from wh~rt> I wllo'.l'a tourtb year in Orange or the other-whlch rather chl'('k~ sit Co~::1ty. it to us. Vl'ry int cr""ling It w11... Ra.lllnll. Th•' Albatross w<·~ out r sperrally at thilo trnw S undar. makrng with the race1 The guest . ~pcaker w;ll ~e the 1 Round About. Kny St~ll( Vt•r"\ . • • J ust to keep thin~;s t>qual M-O·M acreen writer How&rd Em· pleiuwd-about C1arv·~ I('I\Pr.. 11~. no on<' won t'wicP. Humphrey Bo-~·ett Hoger• .whoet: l,ll(l ;; will be riving so rasl . ·~<;t~·s hP i11.1, 8 gun. Tom Wobster. nnd Bill _Tile Oanc era ot tne ~~ion PoilU-· ohnnr r• to ~ hom" for· Olri~tmas.l JO)C"I' a ll Wort a r~t.'l' Rod. ~'!' Action Ccmwittee. l llert•'s hopin~ hi' ~:rls lhnt l'hani'C'. Rurnham did all n ght with t wo Tea will t:e aen •"d after the 1 ••• Ask Sonny Kr<'~~~' · uboul lst"COndS and a third. meetrnc. l lhO!C(' beautiful corbina ~I' ~ot rhr - ---- c ' .---:--nrhernrght. Bvth uwut r\\v l.. Child-renEnjoy aptlla Ctrcle Met ~ long or was u lon~-:rr!!? . . M k' R d At "Ch T .. '1 ~thy Ynrdtry Jryrng '" lt!'t nrt a lOg ecor s arm erraCe of 11 "strrv" throat .... M nry Ad· - • ...:.__., dis Abbot 1 dc:>••'rt••d thl' J..lnnd ror I M ak In 1; r~onhng11, J.lh•ymg Capllla C rr le met Thursr&.f "'· a few day~. Jlnving fun m Virtnr· gamPs. und <'111m~ cake, rce cre&m, tem oon at "CtllfT'm Tr1T11~e:' l'•" viii<•. 1 near .... Col. Don and peanut., and candy and drmk lng I Joq~ly hnme of Mrs. John Kno:~~: Charlnt ,,. Stevnrn~: rt'UII) ~nv<' out punc-h at a tabll' 11cl ~·tt ' !ltory- Sr .. ~rl.1s~s anl.l •seaview in with a barbf><'ul' Saturdnr ni~.;ht b<•tJk <ICJIIR were• t he ht~:hhghls of ~~1..na del Mar.· nothin~ lf'.s,; lhlln lamb rhops unli u brrthtlay party j(l\'en t•> Linda ~votlone wert led by Mr.,. L. J onron rin1.ox • • ·m·rn·m M<~k<•" Jaegt·r by h~·r r.1•1thel Mrs 1-::. C. Ful110me whose· l oplc was "Hnvln~ mr drool to Jhwk alx1ut if ~ Chnr· Jaeger last Wcdn"11day Linda wu Ftritt~; Alway•." lotte's Sl~lt'r; Snrah n arbaru llul· JIC.'Ven )•l'ars Hid vn llrol day and Mrs. f '. H. Bates. gtalrmlln o! ,man. Ho~co and l\1~tr•rha ~ur-n~. sht' '"'''II at ~00 L1.lo. Non:. RMlLsin• t.b&t "doUt(" wHh unea K tr1c, Arthur Wc Le111!J ltnt.l -1-' IIIII' MDdtt p&ata & VItal part In te· .f'T,•• n181t ·-HAUO& OIL\ Y L\DIE8 . JIARBOR URAl' {.AUI£H-TIIn-e Gray Ledtea of the Red 0.....,. alw!M'D M-r.~ brtnctaJ ,_.Inc -t· 1.-r In a '-.tk eart to path-ala Ia a reh&bfiJtaUoa want M eM ..... A-Army Air a-lloapl&aJ. TJwy are, left to rtcllt: MI'L Dts.oa 8miU. aDCI Mr.~ Y..,..., Jr .. of Balboa lalaDCI, aDd ... ,.. &o· ,...rt Snrlhn~ of 8aata A-. p,., C'r 1111 work ror the . Circle. Mary and WPslon J n). MrU1P 11':'11 Uer gu\•st11 W\ll' t;arl K easwn. preeented her yearly nport h.1 \he Bud Guthne, Pal an1l Ev Morn~. C(ora J'Pterll. B~vHiy S mmeMI. group. Uur ing the put ytiH t~c Nell a nd Jrm Ro~:<'n•. Nr ll l' J ran Musgrav<'. f'atrrcla Rltcble. organlzallo)l bu ma de lwenty-!lve m other, Mrs. Brough. <~nd li.lS!cr. f'al£y Clark. Judy East man and kr.ttt rc.be1, .uc baby qualw, and Sidnl'y Sea l. and Tom nnd Fran 1 F:r.lwln Juger. twenty-four fracture piiiQWI Mu Wl"bstcr werf .the lucky proplt> :--------...------. 'at!WM.atloe work. ~-Art.l IUid _. _ ~ Batu urred member• to · com~ panaking. . . Bill and Mildr<'d' ne,t Wedneaday, J une 14, ror thto l Hc rvt>y down . for the wN•k •·n<t all·day meet ing to do Red Crou ITh"Y cxrx.oct 10 be down for l h<' work. summr:'r about the:> 23rd or th1s ~o lnstrurtlon Gustave Linsenbard ~ cllvil6ao ot nc~u.lf1, r..~e« f COMING EVENTS ~Uy UDOIIJ t.bematiVM lD I . _.heap all4 develop ld@~ that -......-. t.be ~ope ot 1. urk uf· ,.... to tiN _,. ID UW warda. • .,,.,_.,.. r.naiiMd bY l"~ Red 0.. tiN ~ pvom ua.Ju De diiMCioe fJI Ona,-lAdtee. ~ 81wJWIIll' Bureau d o e a ~ lew t.be pectent.a (roc ...,_.a tit ot f&IM·t.eet.h l1 ptck· ... out M ..... IIMIIt Mq for a. fb1 wllo .. tope Ia Ule lAd'• llf&rt. (:a~ OD fw1.ber, lheac ... ftenn, lleclbJ ·-~~~ ........ ...... ~ )'Ciro ' 'l'llerap)' . ~ .Tratrnmta ror • ~ 6 u'nct.rwelctlt / . 'Geite ~orlechem z-e ,.......... lpec\A)Wt ..... • .tY'IIRIIIJjet._ • ._ WEON£10AV- All·ct.y Red Croa m~t eng fc.r Capllla Circle memi:H'rs al h••ulr M Mra. F' H. B&tea on Orc bll1 A••e I Dixidf Ann Smith' Entertains Guests Children's Day (;rand Success Graduates Held Last Get-Together month. . . . Gwe n and Nom ran Tbe meetln.c waa .ciOifd Wtth & NorTia opening lbelr home In pre· prayer tor lbe boyj Jn lbe aervlce. paration for their boy's vacation. Tbe nut meetmg will be llPid . . . Spencer . 'f.'racy and Jimmy. I Graduate Leipsic Conw rvatory Pup& AC.'lC'f1)tecl ~inners a Speclalt)' Phoae Newpo1119C6.W Rf'd Croae workroom, Ill Palm • BaiOO., opeo 10 a. m. to f p. m.. "Children·,. Day wu • ~ F.rJht.h ~de lltu<kou of lbe at Ule bom4' ~or Mre. ~anco::t S . Cagn<'y stacg1n~ it at the Yacht I 'iii~A;Dijf:;iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii~iiii' Cox at 169~ l'>aclllc Drive, Corona ~~htb for Sunt111y dinner. . .. ~ d el .Mar. at two o'eloct<. Thla will and H olman Coffin and their son bl' Oil J une 21 and Will be ' rt· George will amve In OUr fair town ctp\ion for new membera IUid a 110· Tuesday for lh<' ~ummcr. , . clal meeting. All women lntero?sttd Tht~ are starting lo buzz .... aur.-Jeal dHMinc• Ol~le Ann Smtth held an alter IIUCcru:· sa Jd !.t ra. Francta Call ut Nl'wport &acb gramp1a r achool Red c rou workroom. 313 Ma-gn.dcaUon ratty· Thurlldl4y nl~otht the event wbJch wu held a t the hlltl t~etr hu t ge\·logether Wed· rlne Avf .• Balboa lala.od. 10 L m.l t~er httrr" at 127 Abalone ave·, ( 'nmmumty Chu rch of ~rona drl nt!l'day 1\ftt-rnoon when they held to 4. p. m .. II\II'J1cal \lrealng11• n ue. Balboll 111111\d. GNTlea. punch . M11r lllst Rundl\y. ,..co~a ~or tile a r a.rty In thr achopl audit orium. Red ero.. workroom, 1~ •andwlcbu 1..11<1 dancang w~U~ f'n· girls ~nl.l boutonnre ra for the boya Home-made calce and puncb wu Ocean Blvd .. Coron~ del M&r'. 1 to J y~<l tut the gue!ita. were. pr .. ~~rntrtl .t o the chll~n. 11rrved tn tho-· young ~ople who are urged to come and joto the WIU. lobe Am•y. Ma jor Bob 1 group. Hastings is• ISack from Randofvh A p. m ., IIUrrlc•l~lnoulnca. I T lotH' lten~lng wi'Te Oorl• Btll· Ver11n and 11onga <>f l'hlldrea made f'oj•'Y"•I garnt'" and oancrng dur- THU,.IOAV-lnr;11, An'li'~ Rlllc r.-<:o.nllt&no..r up tbe pm gr am m..: thl' afteroooo . Community Chul;'f'h of Corona ~h<l<lll, Anne • F'ro.'t'nlll.n, l'11trl•·lll Aftrr !iuno'IIY Sr hool plcturea The lltfaJr w~a In <'harte of df'l Mar holdll Sunday Srbool pic· Wc-tsh, Mary · Ann Stahnke. Pt~.ul· wen· takt'n ot thr ~troup by l ln. M,... Sti'tten.lf'n anrJ wu glven to SJJ_nday School To Hold Picnic I Ilk' al plcn.k JtTO\tndl. t>nt' W tiiii!I. t.'lltharfr;~e Andrt'WII. Harry ~l tiU<'h Tht y .,..Ill be &Y&ll· lh•• 11tLuJenta by a largP group of Red et-o. wnrkiO<.>m. Ill Pltrn.l Jo l~l' Mr lu:hrm. l':llno~ Athtm· • alllt• t ' thr •·htltltc>n ~tnd their p&r· •rghth grsde muthers. A ~unday S<'hool picnic fur th<' BaJboa. o~n 10 a . m. to 4 p m . c-hak. Lai\Oc-111' Gray. !Uid Jane l"ntl! lalt'l f'hfldren ll.l,tendlng t he Sunday eewtng. · Rube¥. John Whitt!, Rttlx'rl Kill•· \ • Th Ala C • School clu11u al the Ct>rpmunlty R~ Cf1JM worllr~. ua )tla. IU. RonA.II.l Otn~"f,. A rmll?r.l" James Smi tb e n ratgs Chu~h ot Cor una del Mar Will be r1ne Ave.. B&:tM. Jal&nd, opeo 10 lt~cmaro, Oonntd ldcCalluru, J~ea Ho~e from Arizona hdd at the p1cnie $oun<SA~ on OM to t p. m .. aurp:al dre .. lnJI. Aahen, Robert D:Ruf(, w.uea Wet· Holds Small Party beach juat e.a.at of the Balboa !Wbor Klwuue 0 \01 wW meet IMJOI. J obn hdltlr, Rebert Hut•1l ---. . n.. JD&Ay friend• oi Kr. and Yacht Buln on Tbu,-.day, June 1ft a\ Bal.._ .• tl:leetnc Grill. 12:11 laC&. Dooald Dickey, Bill' Brotmle, Jo.mew St.:ltth or 1%7 A~ Mre. Alall Crai~ wUl be' glad to f rom 18 unUI 2 o'clock. Racea wtll DOOD. .ra.mu Crobln. Ja.mee Strffenaen, avenue, BalboA bland, pn a ... m that they an home acatn be b.tld aod camea wUI be plAyed. Fr-ank WaJtr;, Dick W inckler and amalt '*'·ty for a !!roup of a.s. at\~r m&Dy monlba In Arl~ena and n.. _children wm bTtnw ·theh ~rald Tripp. l rrlcn<!s FridAy nlg'bt. tla&t. Kr. cnj-a btalth kM ded ded· lunctJ" and tee c~am will be ierv. Among lhoat prdeot wer~ Mar-IJ eb&ne'ed fM the better. Mr. ed. Mra. P'ranctll tax '-tn ehargt' J ~artt Verhl. Curol SmiUi, Norm& er.q wu ldenutled with the ~1 ·the atfalr and Ml• Marjorie Returned ·veterans .. f-1c:>ld ahd net'<flt'SS ,10 ~)' flrt·ky· Crwetlng Card1 and a Great Var~e\y of u nu.ual Clfta uwe INVITE YOU TO llROWSE AROU:"O" "C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY a nd. STATIONERV Ol,monda · "\vatchea • F•ne Rep• Ir ing ·-P1lloae lliewpart IMt·R 1717-H N.e,wport Blvd .. Coah Meu, ~tlf. ------------------~------------~~ .. . . ,. ·Attention\ ALBACORE FISHERMEN' Attell .tion· Men 26 and over .. Men in· draft class 4~~ ("ude. OMbttm F:ll,.rhroek, [);Qn-lbdl 01.1 Cc. and lt 111 hOped lbat t.Yard will Ullillt with tbe ga.me11. laid Str pbeRaon. J o b " Parlta, -wtU be able to reaur:1e bla work. --- Hl'my H1ll. anti thr h•1et Jamn Mre. Craie wu In charc-e of the Birthday Dinner Sr:1rth Mtwe-Time.a 80Ciet y page up to I . ' 1 · .· · · the Ume ot ber departure. The G1ven for Husbands I \7ou. r friencbs an.d m,ine cr.Jp r?alde at Cerone df'l Mar. -- 1 I A birthday tllnnr r fttr l 'nrpnral Thll JftC we '"II havt • fully equlpptd barp uchored OD the lee ot PoUlt Loma to receive albaccn caurbt Ia local U4 Mexican ••ten. You 'lrill be peW! Immediately at the barae u4 will ,. ... top ctiliQ, prica oaa. We .,. dolar thle to llllft ,.,. tim&. When the. albecort In runnitll that ll'll'l.bl IliOn IDOQr)' 101' you .... IDOft&abfor UL L. 1'sle Lloyd Named Arthur Newton ot llal'6oa tat.and ~t•rr:t f•M MrR M <'fn lt W · f) h r'lff wa11 ~lven h im hy h1s wife ~atur. "'""It'll nn•l P•hy 8111\. Van F'A· ig t '01 icet day nls-ht. A bufff't d inner and I w~onf. 'tl'l'l\'N I 1-'nrl:t), fm m 'Liltlr•· · --cal"d11 wert' enjo•y~>rl by lhf' guesta rann. In '~'nd S·•r~o:•·.m1 C.ciodc:'lr.~ u.ae U oyd, ~om •Jf ~l r . anot I Tboae attend lnt wei'<' Corp. a nti • We 'lrill carry aupplla for you at the Men in essential industry not now " t-:--+---=--:Jl-H-JCt-A-...:..--.l s_ A F IN_·E_ -_P A Y I N G J 0 B ------ rtwo·w .. "k' f11rluu~:h "''1.h his par Mra. 0 . S. Lloyd, Corona del Mar, !o1rll Pat MacCAie''Y of Newpoh1 -.,uvtaryouatripllltothebmer r nt<. .• l't••'' nnol -~.n.... ~.dward 1>/ hall bHn appointed night .ottl<:er I Beat"h, S~. and Mr11. Sidney Kat:~: harbor. AJao the company bu jllllt Gocwir II. 1U(MI <_II• "" . ~ r•).n\, Nl'"~ In tile Army Air torcu accortllng ()( Santa Ana. Rltt Jo11eph Boron I · fM•rl Bo•uch ~··r.;••rtlll (,..IOdt•ll "' ID word received from the Air ~Louisrana, Or. Marg&rt't CrrJ.w.l ~purchaatd 1 t-illecnw teDdef, wblcb O()I.:J'flt"r-"' a ''t'l•"-1 anY navl~ta· Tr~rt command at .Naabv1lle, rord of Costa "Mua. and M l~ I wlll be avail•ble to aU oar albeclore ,._write ADdrew Sanfilippo, ow plant auperin~odent. Or, if you pre: ftr, pbone him at Ftuklyu77U AM daa operator to rev~ the dwpe.' JACK CRIVELLQ Pralde.nt 6 G;entnl MIMIU' Sun~-.l'a:kl.JW Cornpanf lSIISBa)' Froat.S.. DiecoZ.CaL FO~ YO -U AT ·C A L ·s HIP On' t 'J'a 1-Mar ehlft ~~~-you * llore Maltlltal ...... UIDe ...... ~lloan CabhJp'a .modena tniA1a& ~ offen you aa opportualty to be- rome hJchly aldlled Ia aa later- t..-U.Io well-paid po~tww tncle. * eo. • .-, thoppla& hoan ) . o.walp'a a. workin1 (')OftdiUon." wUI be youn to- ~ther wtth.added advan~ ••• "uc-h u rnJ aid on tnllAportaUoa problems ud ho\L•dnl Information. URGENTLY. NEEDED NOW .•.. 1U.J11N11J &LI'£l'RICIANS aDd Helpers PIPE nrn;&S ucl Helpen PLVJIIII!R8 &Del Belpera -MACilL~Ts and 11~11"'~ \\'F.l .. PER..'\ and llf',lpt'nl DRAFTSMEN ...; IIIIUl' Jll:'l'AL WORK.ER8 aDd Helpers Abo a fe"· O&M"nlnp for otn('f' workf'f'!i AND liEN IN .. VIR'ftJALLY AU. CKAFI'S APPLY T-ODAY ~ ....... l·CatJFORIIA SII.P.BUilDIIG , . ~coRPORATtOI Itt W ANA ... IIOVLin; A.RD • WIUIINOTON .... AT tron m uno•r ltl lr.irk,milc:> P"t,rlrt T~ltewoii fila WTn~"'j~;r~.:: r Alidu,_,.., e wHit~ llbenl:lu.Dllhtor4a.Lill...-oratta. D~8t. M11~1·rp rt. 1-9. IIIII wlft-. • c:-• - d -11 1 ,. ~ compte. tlon of the ort•cer'lj gueet ot Or. CrAwford tr'l.m Long 1 an !'•Ill "1 ro·mtun tt'fl' or 11 ean.dl~le unit COilrM. -• Betiebr We urp 10'1 to U) ~ IUvb juat fortnlght'l\ (lrOIOft Rl'd VI/Ill, a/lr r SJi:l (;,Ho<lrll rt'turna td (futy Mra. \\'rlllam (' M cCom!MI a.nd JtrvvttvP and 13111 U P m nl>lng bar k to th<'lr homt In Ont.an o aft. er living hero In Ncowpon ,RMch tor th(' p11111 t our yea r• ' Mr. and· Mn Lew Wllllu e an aojoum lng on the-<!uert thla •MIL W ord hu bffn rectlvC'd froiD Mr. V . 0 . Wroolle wht•. wllb bta family. hllll be~n apmdln~ atYeral m ontl'8 rn LA J olla. He Wrllta l hllt th-t entire A(am llj wm ltaYf el\rly In June' for Seatllf' for the three 1ummer ruonlh8. Noel Wroollr le p l\l.luatfd Int .. hla jun· lnr year at the Brl'>wn Milltnry Al'llUI'nlY !Uid will tl\kl' ll 1umm~r , city . BEFORE. YOU BUIJ.J> OR REMODEL Vlatt our lntl,..tlng .ample and dl.,lay NICI'"'-Color guldea planning ale?•. eom- preltenalve stock of rut' c•rpet' llno'-tlm ..anct VeM· ... ,.uga and ~ c.-.1\M . "•paired LUDLUM Carpet Works IJOb '-'llh th<' 1-'0118 Til~ 11nd T nw-1 In); l'•·mpany In lh{' W11~hll\gt<'l1 Phone lant• Ana 210e • ·SANTA f.NA I "~h•u•. :-..-rw ll4n•l \\llll ''"1. n{ lnwn tiZI'Ioutl\ Main It tn>CI W•'l'ltl'ntf :0:111' I llll\t•tf Wtlh I hl'r.l!gt('J lm.t llwr rl'ltllfl•t• ond &.-----------------... !""'"---------1 fl'l<'ntl~ in ~~~~ A n.J.:I'i• !!. I I HOW MUCK IS ENOUGH! I _......, ..._-,. VItamiN A ...., 0, 'Ef'WOUOH .. _,,. 0\ee 11\an' I ~ _._.u, .-"'•"• ... ,.. th.t 1 -a-.1 pour le..utr 1.t • .-..,., ... pply al u.... ___., •"---.. ,~ .... aN~ruDAY .. ,.. ' • TELEPHONE . ·. OPERATORS ft.EEDED. Semee mea aad war workers an all dependtn1 upoD _.. prla at the :t':boardA. ~~ pay while learn- ~ J . ,.W.r lacreun . * * * -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. ----------------- • ' ·------~------- "*''· 1\ey buy the stuff .that helps us win ftte Vidories. And they poy you bo~ $4 for every $3 when they moture. 5o dig dHp, pol I Buy d~ble during th ;5th Wor ·loon Or1ve: And d~n 't fotget ~or Stomp• Hove y,u a po,ly lillu o/b-.mf llema"'btr thot yo u con etl chonge t when fillacl for on inteceat .bearing War 8ond: Jvlf bring it to 8on~ of Am•rica Stll War t.oan Drive JuH 12 to July I • TotAl ~oar 16 BiiUan Dollan * l&unlt .of .America· tfATIO,..A l. i~~~~~-: .\asoccATf()M Jtkm .... r F~•r.l De,_;. l,.,.., .. co \. c ... ,., .. _ '"· N•"''-r...l.roJ a_.,. s,._ ,......... . eu . ' '---·-..::. ·'' _.,...'ca.. -, ..