HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-20 - Newport Balboa News Times' ' ' . ' I .. ------- • • • the newspaper that 1oea ·home • BALBOA THE S·AND C'RAB •, 8)' Buy BOnds to J nd War :.. ticker -==f. M.ES(~ IEEP POSTEl! l Year • • • • · $2.50 SAM EMBF ~ :lNG BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST Nf;WPORT, SEA' SHORE CQI..ONY. UOO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA .MESA I ._• ~====~============~! VOLUM ar:~<:!! ayJ::rt:~: I'( ~ J B k st· I OldSchedule JRebe{S In about t ht> ways o f the Alba· apt OS ee IPS core. non«.> of whic h h as ron-A • • A t c:tescendoo to vtsu th€'~e , e • . e • 1 gatn tn ugus NE~PQ"T 8EACH, CALif'O .. HIA, TUIS0 4 Y. JUNE 20. 1t44 .XXVI · 285 DOwn; 115 to Go shores. Some experts claim 0 I I F D s I f It i.s too cold; others say that 1 u· 1et y n . rom uty "81ood Oonor'o Oay," te . a e 0 -1s a bunc h of h ooev: m OJ-e wlcll Newport ... ell ,...._ • Wtth all or ..,. keeping tuned cJaim the y Jlke cold water, denta -_.._ .. to l anb Ana eft 8 to the latut wont of the In and yet the. real old Salts I s p ' e f.. s e • I the fourth Thul'4ay of ..... k vaelon. -a,.. -king new charge that nobody h as yet I n 0.. a c I I c e rv Ice . ~~0~~~· J~~l! ':~~ul';".c:l= a e ry "-•;! .. ··.1~:. ou~.:ar:,,.~: :o~~o0h ·~·7 NUM81lR •• Hish Medical 1 Official ·~n Interview ere, V.aJue of Blood Plasma discove red • the ways and .. ,.. conCI!ntratlnt all __, "111 make •t• flrwt vlelt to wiles J>f that Tuna-fisti. Last j effort• c:" the big ttnve on - ' N~wport Harbor on J uly 10, • year the l~rgest catcfles N t~..a V t '' h'"" Wh J • ted . July to:· announced MNo <In• mu1t 'have 400 .,..... to 11,.... : A' '• were made from Santa &u·-I 0 lt:U e eran 1 3C Ulman, 0 nSIS On Dorothy Miller In ch.,. .. of "1 •h• nltl• '1 , ... , ohll•lt t1 e trtp' d-n from L• An u bara to S.'ln Francisco, where I Going to war, Is Doing a Splendid Job for Fled Cro .. Pf'odUCtlon ... Our r.tnt• In 1'·'"""' duut.:•'' "·'""' ,,.. g~ln-w.. I ave quarante~d co lde r thnn do wn t~is w_ ay. His-Country and His Peace of' Mind In Augu8t," M ..... Miller fur-~ '''" ,.,, ... l''ln)rtu~ •. 11 ....... \ duce! WhAt better or rHOI'C' f orpac ()ffit"f"r, HKk f..Om Two Yean ID - Australia. Says Ameriran Method -t. One of Arhie\·cm·enbt of War~ . ' . th e wate~ are·. dum sight I old clc:hedule will bo -me~~ ~ \\ h••ll '" IHICI 1\lo ' Fu~o·rw ttl AI nl.llly. 10 ..,.. muat pro As it lays the re a re no Slgr\S Iller dated. ~ ;\l.otrt •• ,, ... , "' 1-AI\\olf ll h i tangible way to f"l 'w• .,... (• dth ds · ...,k ''''11 "11''"" h.tkc•t o~nd "h'1 doing our hof"e,-front ' po~rt Brfnldn.:thefl••htlnu(ront~b·.-..~~'-a .. ........_ o .em a roun ese groun . , Sti.ppir.~ q uiE'tly into his h omE' port of Balboa I sl.n ncl . just ~~ •• 1 :u~t1 •. ~afn ,,,..,.r " ,. "'''"' ~WifW' • ..,.. ... whiCh caust'S most of thE' • as S£'t:retl\' as h<' ste-am('( I a w av into tht' fa r Pad fic-O tpl. J<X' w B d Th·· 'I!· IM I• "·'' ,. '""'" """'"' ~~~~"ll~~f ~:':g ~ :~~: :,o~~ rnn klrl)( mt'rlknl orflc'(•r In th.-A1 .. ron-. orne ,rQID mont an~lers to look m o urnful. as ~ · • "-. IJ k S d eld:tt•n• , 1 111" 111.eo11 1,., "'"'"1 11 thnn twu ~'4'lll'llln ttw A~tntiiA-~ GuinN U..tlr,.hla .... the befOrt'-ceilin" pr;cc mvcs Beek of tht' Army 1'ranspor1 ~:f\'l('t.', came at• un a y to ar on to ......... eoldler'a life. -· ~·..:·· tct th ... htMOC front Nohlk•rsla to ...net mor9 blood pi .. ., ,.. '( h ' .... _1 _, I 'II h "~ t r th St ·~ .. rl•·• u f II l'f'fi i iH') ''"11 111"'' <l•c•n Anyone thinking of algnlng I "Thf' vltltlt' "' bluo"1 nll"l"n\11 ··~ .... aroun d S350-$500 a to n for se<' 1 IS <Jt: ov~-u my w :L<; st1 ere. ~~re n ry o e .'lox • ct..'""lt•m•·nt or Nf'wp .. r·t 11,.,~ ~ ,. ~ the de.lectable ~.a f.ood. 1 Sena te, fath~ of th e T ourna m en t of Lig hts. The Is la nd Ferry c . e • . ._ frntn 11 11m111t '''htn.: , ,u ..... .,. up ehou(d dO eo Immediately ttw murak•. 114'1ulll *'C'Ur11 y, and lnctlvktual ·c.,. dO. ,.. fir, II + • .. + 1 and a ("'\\' o th"'r h""'bor nnte rpn'"""'·. Capt. n~k bring s h ia h-• .. l'f'IIC'IM town, to • OOt' nf tlh' ~u .. of tt.. clerical wMk 1"'-"lrUn<'t• of II ,..,, ..... tum humr ,... cllnodb' I I ' C'r ... IIIIP "' "" <" " ~·• U<."' " am patgn IMdln 0 ilnd tlroi limit Involved. AI. nl lhr I~ hi th(o jllnlllf' fllhllnl(, 1ftc fllthllftc '*"'a ltw. .. .... CoutliDe Fhuttlft. To~ <'St praise fo r the boys ~f NE'wport Harbor on duty "down un-wtUI ~~····~ 1':, .:.~u·· .:~ 1 houg'> n~·havo atenod up,-and avoryw)o"' caanot tjl O¥ft'" t.h~ blood doMUollll,.. •· p Talbert, who appens t o lA" der" with the service .---• t: !lfn ~ " lln4 I ""d 11& .... -. ••tlrru.tfd." oft'lrlllr laid e1 ,.. I •rnu tit' mayor o r Huntington Beach . ''Thr•'re rPa lly ddiv~nn.: lhf' clny by plant' artrr a trip of mur('. 'A -p aM " population lhlll rnnkJ. Put y«~r name ._"' tho Y--,._ .... _r .... ___ , ,f-..... ~ .... lot hla4 ...... , ... --....... bu th L. ' J h th d lh h _._ t t I t 20 t M.J~ '"'t'Ond cl\1' In KIZ<' In lhf' -.,...."'~ ,..,_,,..., ··-· ..,,_ .,. --w-t is e county coast lt\e S 'goods," h<' said . "lind lhHt C'Oml'~ I an N'f' ay~ <' aruel' pAr c · er-f)• _ • • 1 lie& •.JtfOW b1 oaiiU11: mt'dlc.J olfklfr, w~~Qba• ~II rlaht cSa.mapd plllntt CWW a ftlll .._. most ardent booster . 1;5 go(ng from thr•r comma ndmc orriro·r~ al of lh<' t rip for him, ht' ad<h Iff' . . ~ • I M,... VIctor Ore~; cllal""•" up In thfo adyan«'f'd fhcht lna unl'-and '¥Oct llpJt In t.hrt .... a.... to town on its development. the ma ny island hasf's l vr~ltf'<i.l t"lad dt>li venod 10 an advancf'd Pn· • 'nlftr n'll~on for ,..lltn~; I• 111 ~f tho American ,..,. C,_ In nur Padtk front . IIOnM" col thr ,.......: tt. .,.. .._. ... ..._ His committee is working Not ont' boy from I hi~< •a ro·n hils cUte ba~r a convoy of llmall ~hips ..... ~f'hrr• • lon.: dt'lll>t'Yfod War f'uftd Drive, ptteM 4M. df.talla ol·the UM t~ hhxlt1 plll~ma. Co Uwtr ~ liJ ,...,__ ,. .. ~ oul 8 plan fo r comme.rce. in-~n In troubl!!: and all ~how an I ~0 ~:w1~~ ~ytatkhe anny 1~1 su~ply-At a m<'l'tlng '1'\w!lday noon at = ' ·. ratrd •• ont of thr Mre. NormaA C.ll._, oe-that It _,. 1w paNcliJol•'ft to k;..;, ~~~ Ml word e.r.,. fill t.hrt -· .· d d t . 'th unu.~ual gTaS~br-thrtr work NPW• lni ,.. ..._ t'n l"f'N'" Y N'ln Kal~r·s Bay ~rt' Calc:, thto ~ ~ II) thf' Southlanl1, has ;halnnaft., .,__ ~-ovor lone Pf'l1odl, that It 1'81) t. naJ ~t.-r. we.o ......... ,. •- ustry a n ~rea tOn "'1. port llar~r was l hrlr truln ing th(o ;Japs. He lheon YliJ~ • num-~I war bond commltt"' ma~ rr .... worktna ni&IU aAd da)• to "•IMrt .tadwtft, N.W"rt ~ 1n 11"11alt untt. NtiNb' ~""'tNt t.hrt ~--.. Newport Harbor as th e fa-plaet' •met' l'hildhood thf'y know jl?t'r of Islands 1'1. line of duty be· port~ of mort' than· $!10.000 aub-~,. "~;:.;;;.t ~ ·~~~:w,~·. ..aofl f'l,.. It at'-, ,.._ 11. carr14'd Into thfo moat "'"'utr c.Ut · I a • •..SO.,. <"'ftCtttlnft. ... a .... vo red spot for the ~att~r. N<? all about pllotlfl3' In and around , r~ his ~tum. .. 'sen~. whlle ~ 0\&J.nnan 1.oata. that ,.wry ,mall unit n r-plt~nl' out C'llnw & ....._. ..._. brtf!r worker knows his fie)~ 1 little IslAndS.'' · j Wont \\'Mther Here Wa)nt' HallX'r announced that .. Mn Rrbf'r' hu car<'d for l f rl,.,. It and • nur...." ~ th T . h ... " If d .. •llln.: •·nti In am I'QUAII)' f'HI· Assoct·ated c c . I an om, W 0 as supe, .. -!»......-ulh !00 "flavin& gont' ha -way aroun ~ of the-clty'1 5375.000 QUOta cSetlt miiM•·r • • ..... lloJo Aftvt. , With ttlf' u*" tll .~ uNtil fll Sor, bwiib.ess man a nd pub-, Ha\'t~l: n:.'I'\JIH-.J mor" than :.'00 1thc: world for advf'ntuN', l 11m had bt't'n rc11chrd. -..... R-' ... t 1.. , N • · -bi iOd p1 thft IIJ!Uot' ..... Uc orficfa[ has follo wed the I y~ng mrn (or thl' Anny 1'r~~-,,,n:-ed to'l"l'port ~he worst we~thf'r Ont' of th(' outslandlnc ~ .. 1lt09 .·.::.;:;:~·~~·;:....~";an~:·~~: f ames Harborttes l 'h:~';!:''r,:(,~~::·;~;~~-~~~~::.~ w~ lm~"": and hr .:.e ....... ., progrt"SS of tht> county h<' port lll'rvlC'f' from thl~ u.nl1 .nf'•t::h ·l WC' hit wa~. n gh• off the up ot ~~ County Chainnon G4-or'1(f' Du ler tM 1!1!11 f•~ Vo'l\r!'> llnrl hnpl· Ito 0 Jln ~~ •tte many ~uldlt•Mi af\> lct•(lt alive: and n~ ~ ln thl' MUw _,.. Joves with a faithful and burin.; lll'f'll~. ('apt H··•1$. pn mts Catalina ib a nd on our way ou.l DArry of Wt·!'l No·Wport a nd ol ~ • Val'lltllln . 0~ fi.II~Jn tht• th&·y .n 1.3 \..AJmml es In ........ lri\Nt' 1'<11\ttlit .. n until modi. Wt,t lt • ,,..""""" plane eauld .... . a biding interest. WI)R-JU~IIfmlolt• ,.rut.• '" tlwor no-, Thai W8!1 a t"f'a l ~;oil'. thf)Uf;!h "h" lonll'l fume, who has bt'l.'ft cam· ~Up lho•lr bu•lnt"'ll ufla lf"'i. I . . lc:nl h••IJJ t'll/1 ,.., II'IWhf'd, 'Jlwwo In to lak,. h!m had& to .. ~ ...... . c•Jrtl rnn Into m mt' b:ltf wrathC'r lll t q poarntng mnm lng noon and m&f\L 1 for IIU'lr,.,. n.r. .,.. • .... + + + I n ut t h"Y no'l'(! lo•ll•·r~. moro· lind Coral Sen," the vct't•t·nn yucht~m.on TI)u!l for ht~ total hruc f'Xeftded ' MAny Har;hnr •·ltlrA'no apl"'"' I~')• "ll~t .. th(>J""!kodlutco h • 1ft In thi• c-a.:.. IMI ttw ~ -Pho~c. Like man y mtor4' ll•ttrr-. Capt lk>l·k •·mphn-rt•i:~r«t.. SJOOO nnrl llitlph MasJu·)'· rt!pqrted h I"" th .. •lAndtn~r rnmmltltl'll nf I'"""'/' ;:J rl ,' t,..n DOt IIVl' tu1""\'C'd and 81'11• to bit put IIi' ,_. . good ~hings tha t fina lly come '"''' Th··~ nut put tip "llh th•·" (U$:1\lil:ht oi·rru~.ny f"l'\lntOO!' .""'tlh . lhnt \\'.-,.1 :'llrw'pnn. hAd Pa~.tfw' t lltr A~tiiOC'Iatod C'Mm~n of 'Com· ~=l~ ~~~u:· br In •ll<•h ~r fcocl ~ c:oft41llon ......... t o he \\•ho wa its . so is the ad-hlirtl-htp• ·'"" tuko• t: "'" til ···~ '· •frt nd."' and llCfJUaUrtiiOCI'S camt' at ~(I mark P OS111)1.,'t\('J' llerben c es ". ,...,. "' ()ranro f'OUnty. amona t I bto ~ otnc:.ra.~·uao ol the u. ol....... . vent of u to p-flig h t phot~-tl th•'.\ ~"' 111·••1 ·n,,' '"~"' • t'l<r. :~ hn!<(' wh('J'(' a C'Mta Mt?Sil h<~t·nn,.y 111Ud his ri'CC.'Ipltl ~x~ · lbem bel!!l : . till wou f1 too &41. : • • • • 11 - rophe r to this area. Sfm a rd mu(l. Jhl' \nf~u,.nt l~tolhhlio:. the a.n1.wcrcd his hhnkl'l't'd rt'QUf'SI f ur $18.000. w ·I Uoue n~t. Aal,tl P. lrulu•)'. A.nol~r .IMfttqw"_.,. 'YOUr 'of, JlollywooJ is filling 8 n>a larto ,,uqullOH. tbe ~Mqer a pUQt Into th<' hnrbor. Ct>nllC>r-Ont' 1 1 1 'ot hto bond • c:halrma.n, ~ K. f'. MIt Ill Nttt .ut to ew .vmr end li5S:S~~:=~~l'!~!~ long-felt want 'n Balboa. giv-I cntt•nntnnVnt· In man)! IIO'"'..d &hlp f •rt)tda t~Hing _ who or j drl . ~I )':n" ~na ~ l hlldreft ar Henny, Balboa. wblle Mr. Kanrw.y ~ u.t .............. l ' • whe~. but when that boy C8mt' V<' " "'lfY n w " ~ 1• .a.o • tbe ......,_ Md It, in& the commuru1y a portrait &board the Oqship to find that are brlnaln~ In th<•lr savlnr-.awnp · c alt Mfaln ~~ rnan who knows all the an· • hta lathtor uc1 ~t.aiD Seek an I boo« to J-.y bondl., ~ ~ ., • • -'. t aac ·~ UJd caD take~ old friootftdl, lie.,.. eo rJad to AW ~~)' Otai"":'" Mary• All r1soners ' ~ A. Me)'t'r ; AYI.UO., ~ o( boats and water U elo-t ~ from ~ ·lhst ~if' took . . rl Pl'yton, AlfTiruttu,.., lAw tl. quently as he can of men and· ~ Captlll~ on a pt>rsona.Jiy ron-• OnP pu•tma"'l•·r snys hf' hu aiS(•I. Wallot'l'; NaUottal ~:me,.etiCJ, A. women. His serie$ of :po~ I duct('(! lour of th(' island f'llhlbil -• tu~ lood or mrklr a and dimes to . --II Rn"""""· lltalth and "•nlla traits that will' stllrt . 1ri 'In~ hirn "likC' " prizr p.'1ck:ot'J%c." . J..ro to the IJank thr~ brou.:ht In t::',-nll'l••n of th•' , .... , k· "' Wnr tlnn. Or '; N Onandy, Thursda. y '• Ne"•S-TI·m~. '\'l'IJ I . Cnptllrn lll'ek, ~~." yncht!UTlltn fmtn J.HI.: hsmk.!' and olht'r lypet of Priaon•,.. Aid of lhr \'.\It',\ t••t•\' , " " "'" • ll h' 1 r h '--1 th Army sm11ll lll\fing!' hanks. · t't ct • tt t 'on o ~r a ll• of I 11 ts 1 "· a~ u..Tn n <' bf -'"'"""tf'ft a• thr ,,., .. 11 •·f tlw tho· uulhrrttk .,,·.,u a ra a en I V.: l'rlln!oport !Wrvlrc llhollt a )f!~r. II·· HCI) s. ••U I' .mel nth.-r C'htldrc:on -... .-- 20 mrn they.,.. YWffd..., ......... aM· •W Jlf'rMI.ili not ,.,... ollftf tlwt ortC'•• n mnnth Sudt a lf'OUP • 1111, \\'Ill httvo• It• pl01flll NWt .. I r nln.-1 r•nll•t•'il m/Ul whn I'"" lfko,. It Or liOIIt lnj;! hie 11<'1111( abl,. tn Southern-Califo rnia a ri ct 1 ,....t tn .,1,1 in thl' nil\"' fino I. hut "'"' 11111 ,,.tt111,. t>tonrb tu 01 hf'l'~ ,, , !\tate bepe•tmt•l)l "'"'"""' ••uu•ut 1 .,,.,,., 111" tw w f•lllll ''' pruvlolo• I C • fh t "' J " ~~ J 1 ""fl i•llr• ''nlu"tt at J 21'i.OOO m urtlhlv ~•v•• Prove a popu ar <>at u re a ,,, ,,,,., I Wo•ll •• ~ loti)'"" th.,m for tht•m · ucllt apan "'"' lit: I"''" .... '' '''.' II I .., .. I•• l'lltllt•t•tru• lqtrml'"•. •• I 11111 '" rt. ln•IIU.'II<Kl• '"'' "" 4 l•·nr \!VI' II a ttt·ac·t hund~s lo it ~ "Th·, .• Jnld nlo' tho•,\ hrul nn hill• so•h ··-In tho· ""!IliOn of tho• ('nm · rtiRN or r ... ,,., ... ,,,,., •• lt>lo•l' n~.; ' ''"'' ""' .. ,. lutu l~ '"' fh,. l'""'ha,...ll hll\'r 'I"' S:..,.,,., t'n the p,rt""r: O f COUI'SC'. t l•··h•l• ut ran·11·r loll ~·· ••nt>ll,;:h to rmltc •· th•' ,. n fr nf' •·xa mnlp of $2:>.000 11 m nth '"' ""' ''' •~ 11 t" '" 1~ 1' ..... I" I II llllo•fl' IVot.llable by lfu• """t'na I.S ...._lt'C\'<-o. J IU''I'Ontmnt1all' II II m~ hlr1 htl:l\'"" r a t nut IMJl flll4J i;\'(111 '('lf l7o'n!ohlfl eiJI ..... clvlllftn 10\f'rfiN'IC It\ \Iff' .,..,_~-• .,., ~ n •,.. Ill I t '11 l•·d ~tltt••ll }:u\'t"rrun•·t•l + • + o.-M ln \\ utll~tt~lnn 'Ow-..· r htlclrf'n "til nnl only huvo• l'h rpnt'l , ar• .. rdrn~ '" """ rr d • I I I "'"' k uf I • II linK MIIJ>J!II 11 I"" • n...t)()nai.;," The _ c h.a't'rtT\a n I!•• ~r•·nt s.mw trmo• ut n (l('~k In un tnv•·-tm••nt m tlw vtctnry tc•.•tlve .toe ay hy · '' '" 111''1 PI M F ~ '-. r ' .. I ... I I I JUt u.: ..... "'ftJ: ,.,, , .. t r1t1Ufhtft • \\'a,h'in~tun. tlw n 1)11 ..... PHl'l lr 1'0~· hut ~;"'"'1:' lllrt II'W IIY for f'nll Fmafl or Ill•' ,,r \\jl(orl lc'llt ,, .anners ap· u~ure· oJ lh<:'. War Bonri t'<t m p;:tig-n ,., .. ,~r 'nn~l hn• ''""" t>t••·n al N'H tht'm."Cives unfl wtll h/IV4' lt•ar "'"I l'ulhooa "'or l "h• tit rr .. m '''·" v "It I· lito ""rr1NI 4 ~t ,wor l'rJ i!; t1 ~"\J()('r di"t's..c:;cr. liP l'illn<' A nhll\'i' ,,, M.ouw h•• h:~~ ltVf'll tn '""~>I th·· '''"')0' ''' l:llfwi Am<'rl-~•~one. •rn '"'' ···rotun• "' "" to 11}<:' Moncla y m eeting in n \'.oltfHmr:• fur yo ·:"·'· "" Oulboa 'r·ani~om, h1y11ll y untl thrlfl. ''MC'A War I' linn•••• ,,,,, blue suit o ( tile la test cut. H is 1 ... 1anrt 'tnrr 1\117 :t nt1 hn' ~~~·~··'I r nc u.t.-l!f' ... ~~~~ r•·lr• r n•··l "'''' '''"' ""n' "' ""'""' "t th,. "I:""' f ( t ( tl • soft blue Shirt .. h L'\ nc<'ker· ll ''"'"'~·r· ... p.cr1 '"thl' lk\'o•lnp· rf-d I M tnrrorl(lUl•»flulul ""'"'" , •.••. ,, •.• rn•nl I tltlnJt ltrnlloHI rrlll'( fur 0 oun y oas tne chief: his faultless breast mt•n l nf tho• •·nmmunil) ~rona e ar '"'PPI rt (rtim lit•· I • ol '"''" '""' Ill,. •u••n,.rll ~'"'"'' lhl\t tlor . pock~t 'ke rchie f \\'€'re sym-twforc> ht" nt'xt ass iJ:nm,.nt. h (• Ch h p h 1n1t or«~tnlzatll•n. \\'111 • ''""""''rt• ,.,, ,.,, 1'41"'''" """'~mml'nJ '" ,.,.,. 1 • phonies in 3ZUf"t', alJ m a tCh -. hop<•~ tu !'pt'nd II lllllo• timC' With ore urc ases f\1(1 rt'l'f-l)lf y Willi l(rfll\l••tl f'•'Mtllll· ll!llloll r fo) flf'f'llll ltll' Jl\flllll• •••' • • 'Ill•• S•·•'"'" thul '"' .. ,,,. llvn..: , .e!fe:c A hi~ Wtff'. and their two )oun~:t'r Th Lot s·t "Inn by th• Jllpllnl'll """"rllmt'nl l:;.,,.n m ""I ... JtriUlt run ,.....,.,,.... 1\ f'lllttlJP'f\m ,iv•· f'l:on '"' lh••i ll.tO p•r rton l •ftrr IIW> war. ing w+th hi~~~~m se~~ orr CAJ"T; 108. "· BJ;fiK -·~ AlWI. 17. a sophomort' at ! ree-I e '" provld~ bookll. l lhl .. th "4JUip l r 'tv Ill lhla ,....pof't In lhr I"V"nf •'"'""'~Yf'ltlflfllt'nl .. r tho• llrnnl(•'l flt•lll'h hotc•IJI, ......... .,...... maroon m g ~0 . I .Ox_,Qf s ... port lforhor' .. "'""' j Ca i·Tf'Ch .• and IQ-yl'ltr-old &oy·l • ---• m~nt. IUid •• thrr rcrro•Htl .. nlll ""I"' ""'' w!111-r nrr--rtunllifoa IM -w•'"' _c~ CIIWll, Whk.ll IIJUVJcJ, ... II II' • IJIIrka"land aut•• ~ wtU be~ the pocket·, 'ke~il'f and ' promlMftl rltbA'O" JIOn1f' ~ -mour. ~ ~ 110ft. Barton.t-Aftnounee~Mol ,.. .. .-ado awa.l,,u .. to. mUit.ary lnl,.rneu In t.blo V.IUI lnlf'm,.ee IN' ntford.-d by (....-lltlclllltl luuhur fur iolo•V.I"J/1 flr'llt t•onlltclf'!'Uon aJonl iJW. Qr- whilC" he may shoot me fo r ' duJI~ In Mnuthw~t Plldflt'. :lO. i11 n m•dshtpman now at An-I day by ~v. P.~rry F Rchrcx:k.' t•tilippln~• Th,. Mtanh:alt•>n no· JKJ'Iflf; ., • ., f"Tt~Mn.-nr Aid 14t.j.0,.1wtt lind lfl'vrlonpmf'nt uf th,. an~r Clkanly couUlne, wtU. n.. less, Wayne Harper was tops !~pots. if nnl) thry dun '! h 'C'I lh1·y napolls nnd wtll receive his com · fl:llltor of th~ Corolla del Jolar • pe,..ted edur l\tlonat '""I r"r r•••·l pr,.,.,..,,, to ""P"I'f1 Ita ""~"1"· l"l~t••r . hlly, ~~~~~ hN·n IIN't!Mlll'ff fJ)' "1\1 n1 plar.eo. "lwlllfinlr iiieafiil .... as to ga rb . an: fot"11;0tl<'n Ld IPI ~ from r:un· miS.'IIOn 10 lhf' navy this 5UmJT)f'r Community Cbun:b. eonrreca· \loaaJ pro,rame In prhuon 'AmJt!l ....... rdlnJ to lhl' lnfonnallnrifno~ Mllyur Tum l IIIIH•rt ,, llunllnJIIflll lllf~·ratlon. +. + + tly, fnt'nd~. f6nni'J cm ployo•nc. nc-I All thrf't' of hi' son~ have n:· 1cnal. that thf' bo&rd or truoteeo ot otbor belltcerent nat tun• 11ln• ~ 1 ~lv,.d from l'ltmol l'-•••·h llntl f'hl!ln nlln rtf 11"' 1'"0 "1Y 1 lllf' 1.&~~~~~ ~rt~~lf~ Laxltv. · Indignant work-qu(lmtant.'t'~. C'\'1'1') one f,. n Pt"IZI'. ri'IVM'I a rart>ful M'lucat ton In New · I hllfl t>un:hewd thre. klta oo Hell-1~"1 IIJI»>CIMi tun . lt•at..fl wl te -.01-~ C the caplain J<lu trs. • 1 por1 Httrbor'!'i lloatlna he •tnrtf'd tmJ,. •tr~l. u a •t•. for' a ll••· ro·Jlforl: whldt *"• tor•·•w•n-.1 un: craft with thr tlt!¥f'loplllllt ., ~minththeet'r Redshaftsrossat ~ I \a ' Btotok arnvrd home Sun· thf'm IU!illng Ill the age: of SIX.. chun-h an!! S Wida echocll Scout Organlezatleon· . h) Wtlllltm l,allll'ltn•· .... 'f·n ·l.llry llf llllf' .l!I'Jit'r M)' All an llddl4 ... cu uru ... t P _"___ • '1 ttw lluntl,llun llrl\rh Cllttml,..r nf l raM~"' and Ow-pn!pOMCI ..... WhO fail to res pond to the 1 • f Mr. 8f'hrcx:k ltat~ that thf' C'uwmrn 'f', pruvln..,. fur an onuh·llrlnl h11 rbotr will br planiWd .... pleas for help ir) prepariJlg N Ph · (f F nln,.ly fHI of "f•AA:e wu •cured lll nwt~'<l ""'( w••ll u11hto•fl vlo•w uf twrcon S.••l n..dl and llunl...._ tiring line. 1 do not know of I Capllla Cln:le. H~ aW lald that ' •. me"'"' ,,, ~••u•'""''' ,.,,\4' ··~''''""I ·o,.. rummrrd aJ lnduatria.l ~ d ressings for the boys on the I ew oto eature throurh '"'" fOAailbt of UM p··l M Th lh•· ill mllr~ II(, ....... ltnf' with l'f" lll•ftch lllld lhr Sa. nf• AMI,.."""· a family in thi!l wide atea -'!hi' room ueed fur a-Silnday echool ' ans any ' lngs_ I""'' th•• lll f'Vt•ulhtll .. r lou th•·r , IJ(If 1111' lnchUitrtAIIIf'ltiiM , u.,. raU- ha s · B B d ... u full tf2."1l 1 cap~Kity hulltlln~t mcub1 Anti 11 l~t•n•• hulldlna cam-who does not ve .a aon or t rt ..!.. • ' 1 TuJbt:rt J,Jiunt nuw ,,, ,.,,.,,,,. "1,,.,,1tn will br't'fW.nfln~~lloc.l to brb~~~r fa the r . or relative In this a s y ernar w L. b I I N Ti _. " wt"' __ __:__________ Harry tb y I An orRantzlttlon mt'f'lln.: .. r tho• "'"''''•·n~ nntlal "mf'f'tln~e ol lh•• "'"fl •h•.w•n~t 1111 '"'"'' 1.!11'n• "' "Hout I "' 'tl r~ ~.IJI uo a ' • N•·~""" 1 lf•rbnr Srout rnmmlt ll'f' •t<•vo•lt~torn•·n!. Jflltrtt• •thuly "" ""''' '"''"'" tlo·v.·k~tlfllf•nt ttllln that ~. To the People of thla Community 11-n t-1"'11 b~:. frrlr •11 ••I sham~ In th" t'nmmurllv tf wr• nn<1 our-~~lv•,. •hlf't "' lh~ m~rk whf'n lhc l oflh War l.t~an rn''"'' In an •·n<l Jutv II W(' Woll r~ot pt'rmtl tl,al ''' h,,,... II' n h•· rl'. l'frr·r .,u,. if ' I' I• •1k a rt•uncl •n tt\1r hnn ~• a " rl u u r PI 1\ (' P 8 n f r m rlny · • m f\n t nnd 11'1' the <hndnW~ nf rt'faloVI'~ :111d frtrn<l• y,hn l~o h\' arr on lh~ 01111<1 or blno<h• b.ol'l••fllr 1/. .w~ rn nnnt r·m vh:~so z~"tno 1tronl['ly tha t rl'u•dlr <t of lhe 1luo of the u\'trsubscrrpl ron nf OUT c:ommunuv qunta. lhl' f'•t\h War Lonn woll bt' • n.t failure for 11011 tf liOII dn nut PICCt'fd anY· thinl you havt dttnf '" lhc pu t In War Bnnd bu~inl In this mvasron hnur our nahttnl mm hne • nl(ht to demand that fOU mak~ JOUr, rrrord contribu-tion tD lht' •ucr~lt of a .,., loan. 'ne 1locan. e..-• rlw AH.,.fr- 1 .. • w-T"-' ~-. It fiOt '.Wrel)' 1 celth pt!raat. ll U · e • 1ht cold facta abou\ in· . "Un~u -melle the IU· • Mton \.o do . tverylhinl nly poulbl4! eiV!er •' our btndle1 or In. our homet our swnl 0\U' blood •ltd our -hand o<rtr our ebaro fill buldf'fl to our flatltlftl .-. THE t:orro". ' . "P~tt·trall l'f thl' \\'!'"k" !)y B!'t thr brl'1 11r~n et lt'alll lhe •t.an nartl ••f 11 IIYwnocl, 'will .. ·ror1 '" llppr•·cta~ the work by writ (nR E li • M • !llt"WpOrt llnrhnr S N>tll run!lntll•"' or 'I 1 1 , 1 1 II 1 t '--'"t'-"'l'-n Sts In annes lflf1 ffl ntf Wit.' Af)lo,rtlnnto(l 11!1 fr.f· lh J• 1111 Ill 1•"'1 Will lumu• lHUIIIilfl! 1111 1' 1111~ 1111)1 I Jll( lltl ,,.. " ..., oo: t>rld Ju t Thut Mla} ,., ""'"f.: ''"" '"", th/ol wtll 111• ,.,.,.,._.,.,, wlwrt ,11.1.,, • •w"r '""' llu• fllrtttolllf Jtrn,.. I~ "'''' lh&nk mto: h tm 111\rTV Wnrri-n L1b1Jv of ~~~~ W pn>llldf>d rwf'r hy ('h1oimt or1 I •·' trv •filth ""'""~ ''' 1 ,.,,,,,.,. "·''"'•lt•hrn••nt "' lifri(UllNI ala· .Stl'fff'ne.~. nlllnn•·•l '' noor~t .. r· ,,f I'•• '" ollllllln So'lllll ln~tl ln ""''"I ••ountv II"'" ut.tllll tlw l'ltllrc• lllntw •rnent 1h!' 1'\f'w•Tlm"l Thur .. J ay. Ancl Ill r ,.nt rai 1\\'o·nur Ua l.,;.>ll, hlltt I'll• ""~' ,. " ••r-r1 ""'"1:" •·••mty 1111' "''""'' 1 fl I f II "' k 1 '" •·t l(,ulr11:od~ '"'" filii\ "" ""I " t '""'' lu•ll••r ~h n.: ar Lt .... Oft ImportAnt llnnc·rtll Inc• toni n• ........... ,, Y'M .... ttw ""' s. ... ,,, '"'' '~''' '" .... n ......... ,.1•·1·• . ,,, '"' """"''I"'' Jlit•r with Uyj' tall l'l•llMIIh•r•·(1 • nl n' lh(' nou~t J'flf)lllllr • F v· t 'rllflt'tl In Ul~ Man n .. ( ... ,... IV · f•'nturl'!l Ill h•• W\f•ll •n ""'' "' Wl'· ormer IC ory 8t•rv•· If•· Ill •• l•rl'llf•nt r•'''"" lnjt I (f'ncrAI tltqf'll"l"ll un•fllllt<uw fiJI t'uh ~"'''· $11111 Ioiii l"''l'll!lll 111111 llo•• ui•J ""'''''"" l'u l•~•l~ Jo~ttln..; Ill flllhlnl( bar&f'll tJ1t ,,lnnnln~e nnrt IH'Ilvtll••s S•·••ll'' "IIlii, ~ ... S···"'' ~ '"I •. ,,,. '""' '""'""' I'"'" "''"''''I'''"' ''"" •. IIIII I)' Ill• twolull• c·nff', n.-·c flf O 0 "'"'•: ':unp trnlnml( "' th,. ~IU'In" paprr 3 it: wner pens Hfllll· tn. ~"" f llc rcu. C:aUfcomiJl Q~rnanl hrll> ju111 Ll\kl'n .,,.,.r £'.,.. t ) C f Mr l.lhhv 111 a nllllv,. r1r Ortnn· How MNtuh• Ujorral•· ~1 :••, ..;,.,, S•'•~•t • 11" '1:!"• ·~· llo .... 1, ,,, 1'" ,.,,,., f, ')'"' , "''" '"I! '"''kl•· l.tt;r,.,., 1••rm11nmt M!llla. • Thf' fnllnwmsc 1111mmu~ ' I"' '' '' "' •"tr• "'""' lfut. l ~lfl St "' 1~·,.,1. ,,.,.,1 "'" 1,, tit•· ,, 111, d ·'"'' n ••l "'"'"'"· fur ttw f"'nVett- Ill•• lllllolllo o•l 1-:<1 f 'h!lJ'fT''!Il In I hi' \..Jt:n ra a e J \'Ill•· MIIIII;'""IA lind ll tlt'nclt'/1 · .. ,., "'ntNI hy tl'w r,.,.,.ntl\ '"'"'!.:'"' '\'• ,.,,..,1 II·· "'h J llll'l , Cr l h••ld '"' 1 1 fi ._ __ fl'lllll ul • ••ntw ' It t• wol)r'l'f""'' ... ,.,.,. '' l<lllf llllli llnf ••wTn oo:n 1/l'd !'W0411 r •.mmillc•o• '"'' .... ····\' f••n•l s:•!'.tl. l•tllll ,1 -~fl l . t ,. ed tm' Hnlt>nn Inn htntllln" ·nn•l ju•l~r.ng 1 l lrtJ•n\lllo· l l t~;h "' h•o~•J th .. ro• lfr frnm "'•m•• of hll' wnrk II HWn tn .I IIIli''" !-'mtth \. hu r .. r ""m" Umr jlllnrtt I ht· :O.Inrrnl' ('• r,. .• h•·· HUao· Th••rr " 1,,1 nlolf•lf• of !II tlu f I 'A I If I•· 11,.1,,.1 !IWrft /Il l' I y 11 I to,• I low• f lllJ' II "•; lu•c•lf 1o••fd WII h /Ill' IIIIHIIII( I II' f"'lflll'mf at · · ~·,••d•• tu f•,u ,,,. I.,.,,.._,,. "'''1 t'.1 prtNf'rnt•n la. a pro'\'ll'w. lw >l f'll Rn tou\Jitand· nl'••rutrtl thc> VI•·•· ry Cat~ l)n "he wanl~•l to hl'lp" anl'l bN RUIIf' tnJ,: Joolo !'.l!un 11lrf'o I, 1\allwoll h1t11 opt'nl'll ho " \\ lln lt'll Ill l l•m " "IUihl'm hulf pf 01 ''"'''' ''''"''> ll,.m• ll~t r-.1 fur S('to Sr•~••• ... ,,,.,, ,11 11, 1.1,.,.111, "''"•·•l ,,11,1 11,,1 ~1,; With , hf'At)fl!lllf11'1 ~ In S.onllo 1\111!, lht• ufllo ('" II( l lof' S.•n N'fi!ll~ 'fill 0 llft•~t•l fllo• l 'llllolf!,: 1,.,1 tit llrtof ,, County SroH&I C'otllnt of 1""''''" •I II' ol hfil•:otl-4 otlf llf"MHI I 11f Ill• •ulfh lfl llriHIJ;' ''o'!ll f\ \\IIlio• f•ll l ('"" thl~ C'otllnf'ol untl I•'"'''''' llo•• ""'"t" r !,!•IIIII} th""'l:h lh•• r io•"·• 11,1,, ·•• 11, •• .,.,. "'""" ,, Y''"' 1,,,111 proprr "'I'HJmw nt tiii•Ho~h ""'' lo '"lfl•' ,., ! rll funo111 "''"P' nto.·•· •rn'\ ""'"'' ,,, 111 1111; '"''''"', v 1., 1 '·"" Th~ Jl!lrtrallll to ht• prlnlr•! In tt,. r ,.nlral Cit(~> ,,,. 1\tPtl a\ 700.... Ubhy'e 9o'lll' Mr11 t-:vt• I.11Jbv. the• :\'t•\\'1"-Tlmr~. wtll bt> "' lr)('al t-;14,., 1 't•niNI tn llalhcoa. Hill lh·••~< al ho• ('o•nl rBI Av••nu,. a•l· folk~ on Jl"~f'l' .OIIII.,.II In lhf' IIIII>· f•ttnll'r ft.rafl•on Willi hnuj;hl hy rl r••1111 In• RIIJI,.,A, with l hf'~ thr••f' JN'I An41 olnn• •n II lltyl,. tha t Bnb Murphy IW'\'r ral mnnth11 ago. •·' rlolrr n. Kathryn I I f:rrlll•llne, only Berna rd 111 nllter! for •1111 Mrll A<l('f•n,. ~· hnu:,. will hf' 13. anti IJti\Jir, It phnl<•ll uf m<l\'lt' sit11r1< 1\tt• ~ •m" of Ul'lltelatl'd ,..1th Mr. ~mUll In the I• upt•r ..... , lh•· St'41111 c· ..... ,. "' fl u ,. • ; ,, ............ lll(ll'f•tl lov •h•· kill, a llplr ntlrd "''' ''"' ..... II\ '" • • • I•••' I rnrt ... r ··•.rmmltt•... 4 U •hie to nil S•<C•UI!o. '"''' :ontl 11111 11110k•· tlw ttiiiiWfl n•·,. Sl:r.'t hn•r '" ·nd othPr fo·h lllll'• '"' h " '"'~ ··•Ill :on .--trn SI:J:'I , .. ,. ., ....... .. County Tax Levy •nnwtt s,.,. s.-..ut ltt·n.t• tv•~~•-vt1." ,...ulfliTI""t. • A $33 $1()( 0 •nr Sfoa &>out JIJ&M', &•If T'ltf' t;trl Srnltl artlvjtlMo will lo•• verage per ) The: pMnclplo•" nl St·'"''"'l! II•· I •• ,, ........ ,,.,.,., .. lh•.ou uhr, f'llrl• "'"' American Legion To Elect Officers • "'" pNwl.t.• fm· <lllrvtlrn..: I ouvl~ 1111 •·n !Iron that •II hnrrh"" • ,.f Pmf)f'rt y tu lf'Vif'• In ()r,.n&f' ll•r unlt11 F..11rh unit " m:.t1•· St·•·••• '"II ,...,.,.jvr• t.v II ,. N•owp•oll Nl\lnty av•rAl(l'd 133.20 f••r ~er:, •ll rat'l)' lll'lf·!lll~lnlntnll ''"'" th•· lt"rtJ••r Si•fJUt nrmmiiiN• Th•• ~111 1 mt'(lflnj! l'lf rhr Nrw· · $1 ,000 Ot IUIJOI>.-1 valuatlun Ill lh' ..;I"'UIA th,.m.uolvr"' ~~,. ur~t•·•l '" t11il•·nN will 1,. lnl,.,.,,,.,,.,l tn ltff11t ,., "'••ttt tl "-t h•• WHf 'rtd• ·n~ .... ,,,, •. ,I""' I•''""'' .. ~ t•l·•"'""~ thc,"l lntrtS.:~" J 'ttUII \ , .... "l lllw \4 tlt f .... H f•'~'tftlf' f•f l•flll.tt \ h lt.:f.Yw !l.)l -1 "''"' lo Will ,,.., 1''"""'"1 •·• ••· In With tlu• fotiOf>'"'''" HUfo&>oll llll l&o•ft llr ... """ r" 1 I" Mool •~ '"""''"""' ·n,.. IH•Iu.,u·~ hlunl( I Ill· t'lllufl llnt• Will '''""'' Ill fur If 1(11'111 rlt•ul c.t '' w ly 111111 Jllulonrn.:, I'" rllt'Uill rly llf"f'llf)IU' tlu• ''"'"'' tr11rtf• 1100 lt1·11t'h \ I~Hun. Will .CIOln at lf'alll cruel w a r , y et !'Cores of thr w o m<:'n cto n o t lift a hand I o help. That bandJtg<'. o r blood pla sma or medic;tl unit may be the one your h oy gctc; to save h is ttfe. Comt' you la- dle,;. who have attained your m iddle age and~ pfea.<ru~ or llfe. plea.~ l(ive some of your valuable hands fo r our !Oidters. The &Jboe ct.~ ing room of the Red Croes is at 111 Palm st.n.>et. off Oen· tral toward thl' ~. There port Harbor p ,,.., '19) ;\mrrlrHn ruunty tnr 1114:1-H , HU~f'\J win wtrl to f'IU1) I hr rund' n .... ,,,.., ''I l<nnwtnll Who .,... """" .... ,.,.. •.t Lcstion WL~ hC'Irt t0fl11y Thrsdo), 1:'14 00 fnr 1942·43. C'aHfOf'llll • "rTY on tlletr tmlt.e P't"•r uamplr. t~ N-prlf1 lfartww !V•Illl l't•m· I Itt II p m. It wa,o th•· 111111 call Tupayl"ra' a.oci_.{R)n reportd 'hf' Hoy ~ttl' at N4'wpor1 ,.. .. ~"•'"'• ttn4 It• N'llf'""""t.wtlnn Tht•y for furthrr nonunatton" of Pn~~t tftday Cit¥• county, ecbool cUat-rmtly ra.IIM!d 1110 fOt tho. ·lr 1 rnnp llr•• · 1 ~"'-· J W ltrytnrr, f'.T .A : ~kl}1 olfl~n. for 1~ rial, a n!! apec:lal 1n1ee tn Ulp hy pkklfta up JUMI ..,.ll!ntr t-oft,..,. Tht'fldoJf'f' -~. ~nul\1 (;,.Jiun•. C'uh_!'ti iJUb. If E. C"hrl•t· I Thf' nnt n-cula r mf'etinc. which county ~ IDduded In the ... ,.,.... 11w Olt. .-f'lu• a~ Jfo6 Uuna rlull, J. U..Jito 8tf'ffl'ftiW'Irl.11,... ,.('\1~ Scout.e: ~"' Jlubbenl jounwd and f'lf'oc:lton of rifflcen whlrll. applied to th« I202,7M.7S\ ,....,. far ......... Wllnnt dub: "-·E. 0 Gnr.II.•KI· Vif1Cf'111. plrl .&•JtJL•. w.-too. J uy., , wu to ~ herd on July 4 ill ad -7MI,t3J h:vy tor the cuntnt .,..,. to Oab r.cs. b)' l(lllht'Mnl old IUona t;tuh. ,J.._ 0 . A. Jont"l, Kl· ll•IW\•, (,lrl Scout II. Mnt l..onnll• '"'""'r·Kt• Manila FOLDERS .l...tvr·....,. 1'1t.l Alphabet GUIDES News-TI ... ...... VNatnl .-.... 1'111 ;t n1 N-.wt II 'abo is one '1lt Corona del 1Mar. _ !will ~ on July 18. · I tnt.a.l ._UPd \'ahM ot tho cCJW~tr.j 1ft cM.u111utln1 thft Sl!"o()n ,..... 'Wanb dub;........., C.~· Jtli-c:"amhrt nl (..on'\IJI"f'\"f'; Dr. G M 1 . -V-1 prodllcea UM •••,..._ t.cry ... 1oetwd frara OW 1oea.1 War t:twttt, ta,. dub; a..taa R. ~. Ro-Gnmtty, AITIMYilll lA·K1on. 1lwlfllllll 8UY WA" .oto~Da ··fl,OOO ot YaluatJc.a. aD,...... ol leout ~>' wrre tary r'lub; Jlrlrll.ilbpr HIU. P.T.A..; Alleft, Scout Matrr. .._ __________ ......; .. .,..- • t ,. . .. ., Allied Invaders . ' . I List of Missing, Wounded Souglit An Hoaor &oil I• tile ~~ar­ bor dlltrtrt el .,_,. k1lW. ...... I•«· wouaM41 18 Mtloa, or prte· one,.,. of wu, II bela1(110u,rllt ~ lhf' ebal,... of tM I'Uttt Wu .............. \ I'Omplet.e Uet lll belq ..ou~tbt aDd relatlvea or frle!Mh aN' urced to .. vtae tile News· TlmH or Ute Clluaber of <lom· """rce. ol ..,_ wlloo 11M beea rrvortH I:DIMiq er w__.,., A partlaJ lilt lll -llilaM Mt II I" kaowa thai. IIIIUI)' .... N c·a11 be added t4 the. Honor Koll. flf'ue. let u kaow promptiJ. t'ill Ia and mall: 70 Bua Firma Seek Local Air Service I W ASHINCTON Tb&t more 1 than ~~ev..,ty bu1 companiea have appUcaU,onlit'before t be et.vll Aer. 011auUca board for perm .... on to eat&biYb local air aervlce. uaally 1 wltb helicopter-a, Ia IIHn by Ar" 1 tbur M. Hill. preeldent of tbf' Na- tional Auociallon of Motor Bua Operalora. aa an indication of the advanced p<M~twar planning within the lndu1try. I '"nnere are l 'lme who conlftder theae plana vialonary," Mr. Hull · aaJd. ''They forget that ln.J.erclty bu1 llnu are pioneera In • com- tarwpOrt&tloo, ecar~ely older than , lhe alrlinee u an lndue:ry. When 1 the tint buw• Jorged over the WHAT IS DYING?· . I am standing en the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze, and starts for the blue ott he ocean. She is an otiject ot beauty, and r wat~h her until at length she hangs like a ltleCk ot white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at mv side says, "1ltere. She's gaoe!"· Gone whero! Gone from my sight-·· that is all. She is just as large in mast ~nd hull and spar, as when she left my side. and just as able to bear her load o' human freight·to the place ot-her-destination. Her d.i.ril.lnillhe size is in me ---not in her. And just at that Ytfoment when someone at my side says, "1'here. She's gone!" there are other eyes that are watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the gla<t shout, ''There she comes!" . · -and that is dying. • Anoll. rutted roada leu tban three dec .. ,. 1 1 , , 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 ,1 •~• ~• ,, .. , , , • "'' ... ,,."'''~~•••••·•·•••.11 ......... .,,.,,~ ~~~1~.::~:~~=:.:.~;: :: 1 ALBACORE FISHERMEN ! ·. ~======:# falship Error Over ,# . · ; Sea Scout Base I 10-Pay Hours I! It's no "CINCH" that Albacore will be with us atatn this ! Year, but we know it's a cinGh you will be ~ady and so • rl I I ill i To Be veveloped I An unintentional error In ·I! w we. . . . ~ 1 California lblpbuPdtnc corpora-l i Locatloas of Buylft1 Statioas: ~ lion advertl.lement wblcb ap-• . ~ Rl'pre.ent&l*VN of all ScoutiDc pt'ared on June lit ln the Nuv-1 r Newport 8Mdl. ..... 5M·I "I Catallaa lai&Dd ft. A-a.. no: Commlttlu met Friday, June 11. port. Balboa New•Timea •tated ! Baa Dlero. Pll. Malo ZliJ A.U.. Callt.. ft. II t !! ..... 1th the Harbor Plannlllc Colli· that m~llllala for ebockiDJ. ; 8&D 8&I:Deea Pia. Cambria ZlYlt 11-terey, Callt·. " I m•~t~~lon to dlacuu pl:uu for the would work 60 houn and ret piJd • Aatorta. Ore. Ph. 1M . We~tport, Waall. i d~•·t.'loprmft1t of tile &a ·8coul tor 72. w!lereu It lbould bave ; Malo Office -TermiMIJalaDd. Calli. : Bu c located oh the Coa.lt HJp. read: 1• Phoaee Harbor Ml1 _ H..rbor lltl way. T~e meetlnft ree\llt.ed lo , week." I ; I unanlmou11 agreel':lent that the Tbe Calltorota Shlpbuu~ i VAN C~M~ SEA FOOD COMPANY, Inc. ; b8AI' ebould be retaJned and He Corpiratlon regnta the appear· ~· • I rl•·v<l' pin~t continued. Their roc·~· ance of the 72-bou~ fli\lre, IDU· ~-BUy M·O R E B 0 N D 8 • F. 0 R VIC !,_0 a _Y -!!. ommen<Satloaa wiU be pla<.ed ~-I mucb N It may•,bave mlaltd cer·1 t · • t• ··• tbe city C·ounell at* tbelr next I '-....,"' ... .,. .. J • 11 •· •• , ... ,._,,,, • 11 • • • • • • • • aJ • •~~•~•· • • • • •• • • • .. • • ,,J,t HtHt.t t llt l!t • • •·~• ' · lain appll~:lJ'IIt for wora.. met.'tlog. • 1 . -~ --- Thurllday night a meelinc of D b Ill th•• NI'Wport Harbor a rea aeouttng OU )e fleSS at • ommtttira w~ beld and ruu re-Kinsfather Home I ron• we>re made of .u ch troop and the ~lp'11 ullv1tlu for lhe . 'nll're 1 u been douf.le trouble I year Act•viUu lor the com1nc at the nam Klnafa Utel' home 0o 1 Y1111.r wert' dlecullllt'd. • • 1 1101 Wut B.ly avenue Newport C•1l Welling-ton, p!Ut preaident !.Beach . in lhf' form of Mna. Kin•· :nf the Orangr CouQtY Cot.ocll, falhe>r'• mother'• illnei. and the , and Mr. Hugh W~lco&, pn~at lllne• o( her 10n. Mre. Erma rhief executive. pr~fded. I Steme-, the m cther. 1• rl'ported to -' · be doing exceptionally well at BALBOA .. M.OTOR ·co . 706 E. Bay Ave., Balboa ' General Automobile and Marine Repairing. ~. Marine Electricians A villilable Fender . Body W ~k .. Refinishing Pictures from Ger~non sourcet show h~w tfle No1is hove tried to moh good their bo1ast of turning the continent of Europe into-a fOi· .treu. Huge ~s. cctostol .redoubts ond pitlboxn like theM, built by pritoner·wwlten · from. the occu. pied countriel.. face U. ~· oncl &WM4 ......... .,.... ~,.,.,. · now desperately relying en '-"" flcations themMives. Top ~ .shows o big coast defenM gun a.. in--.1owerwd-into place lty • CNM.. • a.loW, left, hwced labor ..... • defense works: ligh!, Mnt~l•• stond on a concrete pillbox ...... caption pratniMI German rn .. rt "ea~not ~ penetre~ .... ~ Nozi ~ llanch pord . Your Friends and Minel sC :JO!Ieph'e hospital in Orange. · Uttle ft ur·)'f'Dr.old Jerry Ia go- Miu Agne• Craig lert ·$uoday l ing to be tak11n to the Huntington for be>r home In Me>aa. Arizona. Memorial bo.pltal next Wf't!k for apend th• vac;atlon · nbeervatloo. J ,· TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH 225 Get Your Olliee Supplies Today • • -L_ FAST SERVICE! REASONABLE P~ICES! lhlty an lanclint ~ H~• lura... peon FortrML The Nodi. whet louehecl ot the Maginot Line, .. ,. a great ""' oncl canCNte. ~ aome~•r• on the coati af froncet . e MRS. AMERICA . MEETS DEFENSE ply i.o hf'r locAl OPA bt111r•l for A l'l)('t'i&l nlh>tm••nl 1 r fl<'lnl,. If th18 111 ,son I' llktf' will lw ,., ,.,., lt•d loo r•·· p<>r; on the> numV.r .. r o·xtra wo.rk· (lr" 10hf' «'X JX'l't .. ~ tu h •• 11 lllltl l.hr Summu problema I r Mra. lr .tJ,:Ih II! limP It~')• Will l>t' With Ame>rtca tutvr .~ ~ f'IVIfllt thr :,, r !'ht• 'un Al11<1 &l'k 1 At ••IU'h attention of the "1'8 . an•l lhl'rr "••lkt•r brtn..: h 11 "' ho•r mlr.n art-&anclble tncr11....-1 In ~~;ht on 1. r•k. au· I· u~•· \'Ufrl'nt 10ttvnpa fro11n M'Yeral COIIauTtr ill'Dlll lcr re· ttiC'8r b ukA AI thf' rah• of 30 rrd trlpraton w'tll tM: "'a table lhla and 00 blu• .:amps ~r munth year to the number or 821.000 ~ 'flllll ect.uth.J Dlt'th• ..J 1Jt a ~rll<>nnl modelL 'Bt,ck Ill lt41 the n&ll• '11'1 arT~ngt'm1'nl betWt'<'n. lhf' workn out.put of u, .. WN only 200.000. and fannf'r. aA4 requlru no bo&l'd Evaporative -tcr cool.n f• r tb• acUoh IR!iiiMI ot-Tucbllf'll Md· .._ WMk-"" -.-- en In .,.... wbeh utrem~ beat • · .,..,...., Net lfef11otten Ia UM rw. are t~elqc made In lara· M" Amtrka'a Juntor.la not Jtn· ,. 'UUIUU... Tbe country'a alloe '"It I.A'I run 8hnrt of 11hlrt11 nr ..outadalnn bave ptteo to-blc ,_ Clothinlt makf'rll havt• pUler w:tUI ClQD8UY&lJOD ofttclall. bHn JtriDted llp('('ial prtot-ltie>ll oo .-M p1ua unlftnal oU tn&tmeot ol e-nttal clothtnr. itft1UI for rhll· lealber U8ed In malcln& ai\Of' 1tJI~. 1 ttr.n and tnfanu o1urtng the> lt • aUd l)Ue trill pt"'Oona lh• life mnnlh11 nf Junf', July and Auru•t e1 ~ .,._ t.7 a minimum nf ~ ln!'lml<'d an boyrl' ""'Uh 11u illl and per caat. llr. A.mertta lhould do alltrtlt rh\Jd"'"'•, und•rwrar and .U r1llll Oil ruor blade&. loliUIU· paJamrUt. tnfiUI!I rowu U\d faclunn ban bMD allottf'd clrnwa IUid Jirlll' t?.lnu-an.l ~~I f!!! T3 per c•nt ol 1 tlr•'a.,...ll __ _ tM1r output la 1t41. · ---~ ·-·- ARMY MOTOR VEHICLEI Thf' tlnllf'd Stat,.~ Army fm•t u~•l mulnr \'rhidf'.ll In active cam- Jiftljm In 1111.6. • Acc;ortllQC to the fiah Price• Lowered (I .j ' A tn· 1 ••• t u1 ch't"''~ a·nut t"IL ,,·t.tc· rt.-iJUf .. t lo•n uf 1 •, 111 n I' uiuJ In th•• u·1l Ina: vn ,..,,,.,. 1 n •latl<''" hy pn· n;uc'\' ~<hiJ•i"'l .• .. r rush 1ui.1 by ma11y •'t>t'l'\ , t ·:u!ol •lt>hvrry' w:u1leaalent ' rf <'111 1\'1' J IIIW I';' Thr prkf' Of shrimp "'"~ rt•dur•'<l nlsn Thi' l'llh rnn~:•· from I·~ ·rc-nll' tn :t r••uts '• pound. j_ T£ST PRESSURE COOKERI c~. ut t ~ • n \ ·,u:nl '' :t ( :Rr. C. '"nr, ~ ,~ :111\\ 111•·pnn·~t t~r tt.ol'4l · pn·148W'e J ,.,,..,k.~, ~ ,, J.:•' ,,,_._u!ila~mc-r " f'tee 1 u( -. 11·, ~· tl \\ .... ~ 1\0I't•Unt•t-.ll todily hy 1-''rr.t 1; !\1••• ko•r I!''~'I'""Y ._ 111•t IH1111 11(•'1 ,I \\:11.111 nt• (>"'*1 lo• I nv" ttl" C' o•lot•lll I rnu~hl teto I!·'"·, ;,.,,p.tny .. rru ··• hy tht>lr 01to· ~f"~ h•~ M11 tt H:-4 tran~i"'rlall .. n fd manr<•W"r llhurtl\1:1'" proohlh.l a 1 "lt11p a nol •l•·l·v .. ry lto'l'\11 t' g ,,m,.llmr:< "''"'' lollco\\L-d h), DWIII) c·<'n•l<;r.; nttt Jl1 !~' ...... 111-.'(1• h.~J'l('tlk ,,l lho· '-mtplo• l:l ••n· ''"I! llunor-. ~Ill !!' tho• 1 "ll•('lfllll• rtMar of mf\rt. n,.,. a.hut '"' d•·"·n• lh··m 11.\RRY E 1\l'RR<>n;Hs ,\JlfSTlrru ·:r SQv«: 1\loracy-Yet Dress Smartly qnd Put Profit~ Iut() lf(ir nonds · • A ulomc>bll• ('tub of SouUtun <.:all· fomla'tr Information. mtotor nbl· rll'll Anol trRIIf'ra "rt> n ,,... U!'II'U fnr , rvt'rythlnc from troop mov1m1nt. tn laboratortn. laUDdrtu . hottpltal units. lllrrrall rf'J'l\lr " .ope purtahlr rnd•n atAii•>na TELEPHONE OPERATORS -NEEDED suvtee mea ud war work~"' arf' all df'pt"ndln~ upon our. ,trts at the swttchboardA. Good pay \\'hlle l~arn- . 1n1 aad ~lar IDC'reasc!S * * * ···sOuTHERN CALIFORNIA " . -.TELEPHONE CO. Awf1: tOO E. Ba:y A\-e., Belboa .• 11~ No. Mabl St.; Su~ AD Anti _____ -!..---;------- I ~ l«f'-41fl arl ef ftf'f'~-r• ~~1n• """' •1~10<~""" " ,., ''" te .... 1hr ... ,. '" rrnrtw-tln~ ro•r e\\n ~'' ,. ..... (',,r, 'nn ' ., .. j "'""' ·olor Ia a laal )'f'at'• t'HIWmf', af\41 11111 lhr mllrt'' lhu. , ,,, 1 tnle · 4'1r ...... Onl' ef It~~' ........... unarlr•t M"IJl I• II) I• , "" '" te-d "hlte .. .. • \\'e a rc maintaining as complete a line as pc;si?~~·?f all the things y.ou nN'd to help you in your husint'ss--right ht'rt' in town so ns to save you ''me and tr:l\'cl. Be sure to ask us if we have what you n(.'('(i. Some of these are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve the rigllt to limit quantities; sales tax not included. ·Add. Machine Rolls. asstd. siu•s 15~0c -Availability Certificates Billheads, Ruled-plain or printed 8Vz x 7 to 1/ Binder, 3-ring 8~1:! x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls, all makes Celooex %-ff!Ch clear In~ tabs Clip and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up Oips, Bulldog and paper, asstd sizes Columnar and Accounting Pads. all·sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Dally Analysis Sheets, 500 for $5.50 DaUy Cash Sheets. 500 for S4.25 Daters, 75c - Desk Files, letters or legal size Envelopes eotumbia Clasp. all-si7.es to 10 x 15 Manila. white. all sizes, plain or printed Era~rs-Art GUJ!l. t~ter. Klenzo Pencil-type ·typewriter erasers EstlmatJn~ Sht>(.ts ""' File Foldt'rs. manila. all cuts, letter and legal sizes. ~·too to $4.00 per 100 File Guld~. prestboard, letter size, $2.25 Fillers. notebook, punched, ruled or plain GII\Sslne Bags Gummed L., lx>ls Indexes, .n 11 s izes Index Cards. ruled. all sizes In,d~x Sig~nlc; Inks \\'J;ting. bottlcs or quarts Stcncll. inrirlihlc. lnriia. stnmpin~. ·Jnvcntot·y Shl'C'ts IA'<1cer Rinck>r.;:. ~ctinn:-~1 post t;.-J'l(' ~at' Fom1s. not:wy. <'I c. UHCrl:cnds. ru-std. $lOCKS (IJ'I() color.;: printro as pc-r your in. truc-Hons L,oac;e J .e:-~ f F\1 kr.;: .If' M<'rchandi~ T1•gs l'ttlmt•ogl.lph Stt-ndlco. takf> ~':: x 14 ~heet Mu~ilal.?<' . ( · I Note Books. memo. etc., asst sizes. plain or ruled Paper. bonds, thin papers. colors or white, all sizes. typewriter, mimeograph Paper clips Payroll Records .~--. · Paste ~ Pencils. lead. colored. china marking, indelible, automatic, stenographic Pencil leads Pen points. all kinds Price Book Fillers, 8 V:! x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener. china Ready Mast"r carbon forms Reception Cards printed to o rder Receipts · Ribbon.o;;, rrll makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads Rulers Sales Books Sales Tax Ex(!mption 'Cards. Form No. 1();\ Signs, For Rent. For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stationery of all kinds Statement s. 81 ~ x 5' ~· Superdex RoU L.'lbcl~ Thumb Tacks TnlCwrit<'r P:-~pC'r. whit!' or canary seconds Ty}X'writ t'r Ribbons. a ll makes . DESK .CALENDAR _SALE J94.t -5 X 8 \nmpll'h~ \''ilh hot.1rr; room for Nsrh cl:l\' or the_yc~r. \.r.t on(' t ~<lay. Only $1A9 • , Newport J)alboa -~ews-Tinles · .. ......,ltudlJ -j •It• lila& to~ ~, a ,... fultl~. a .. ,II<' a lin~• <1'8Uf h ba« • 1\h a ,.....,H .. ,.... ltll"''<'tleih fer e>rerillf'tlrl« u. .. or a •f•llar h.at aM hal • . ... liay -................. ~-....... ...... ...C"tt ........ ~----irr;••<·••••--•~ .... -... 11!11 ..... -... ·-·-·---·-·····••••••••••••·~ I-----------------------------.......... .,_ ·-~-., _, I -----... . , _ _. ~ ' . ' . .. ... • f Sportlan• Bo~Hn1 Center Main Street Sa.lboe Phone: N~ Beach 2402 Bayside· Fish Market 28th A: Lafayette Newport Beach · Ph. Newport Beach 615 -Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana • Califomla ..... · RaWIIGn's Cafe 1015 Coast Hl&hway, Ne-wport Beach Ph: rfewport Beach 2084-J Croft and NeviQe .. 1.201 Coast Highway, NewpOrt Beach I Riehardson Tooling Produd8 210 Marine Balboa Phone NewPort Beach 131 Reed's Super Service , ~Acceuorie&-Ice 2920 W. Central Ave. N"ewport Beech Phone Newport Beach 826 Boyd's Gilmore Service .. · · Station lSOO West Central Aven~ Phone Newport Beach 98S Lowman Boat Builders .a5 Nf'Wport Blw. ' Costa Mesa Phone Newport 501 Casino Cafe 202 Main Street . Balboa, CaUl. ~ Newport Beach ~M IJr. G. & Tohill . . Phyadan A: Surgeon 23l9 Coast Blvd. Ph. Newport Beach 28&-W ·Richard Seeley Photographer ' 218 Marine Aven ue. Balboa Island Eugene Elliott Real Estate. Ph. NewpOrt Beach 38 501 E. Central. Balboa. Estab. 1924 ~cNaUy's Boat ~ivery 705 Bay Front Balboa Phone Newix>rt Beach 406 ' . Market Spot .. Anton Hershey 300 Manne A V<'.. Balboa Island Phone Newport Beach 1000 Wanda's Beauty Salon I . ·Toni ~I anton, Manager •. · 21.5'1:.: Ma~ Ave.· Ph. Newport Beach ~· Q-Rio Shoppe JC'wch-y and Gifts 205 Main St. -, Balboa . . Ur. l\1. D. Crawford dptomctrist 1797 Newport Ulvd, Costa Melia Phon!:': Nl.'wport &nt'h 2-t:~O • Trickey's Real Estate 305 Palm Balboa Phonr .:'\:cwrkn·t 13<'ar h 138 A. B. McCollum Lido Isle Sam's Sea Food Cafe 2501 Coast H!ghway SCat ~ach Island Realty. Co.- Real E.o;tate-Insurayce. Notary: 201 Agate Ave. ~lboa b la nd Li'ndy's Pool. Hall Orkin's Department Store 1793 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Balboa Marine Hardware 911 Coast J lighw<~y Ph. Ne\\:p()rt Beach 184 R. W. McClellan & Soris Rocks and Trucking 2617 \V~t C<'nf ral A venue Phone N£>wport Beach 123 Conrad Richter, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Offic-e' 107 22nct St. R~idrn('('-7 1 7 \\'. Ct-ntral A\'e. Ph. Off. t:n-Res. 7-1. N('wport Bench 5 MORE Reasons for . buyin~ EXTRA Bonds . ~ ~ J. W ar Rund" an-l iM' t-1. \ht• Wf"l ln\'t''"- ,., • .,, In u,., \H>rl d: :!. \\ ur Unnlt" rrlurn. ~''''" .... fnr t'\'r ry S:\ In s. \\a r llond' ht-ijf llN"p rrtr-~n. 1. "1u nRnd' ""' hriJ• \\In thr r•,.....-hy In· f'f'''"'"K JIUf<'hA~~ pn\\f'r attn lhfo \\=ar. ~.' \\ ar Rotnd' !lW'an l'docallnn fnr )OUr r hlld· rrn. _.urll) fnr )'nil, f1)ftcl• fnr "'""'~nt. ' . ' ~RT-BA-LBOA. NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach. C'aliforflia. Tuesday, Jun~ 30. 1944 · -A . . mert-c·a~~ " . . He's Doiac lis Pari • • • ... For him~ the terrifyin• crand dims of the war II at han~ . . :..J ' 'l;he supreme military risk -b!oodY, cost~y in Ameri- can llY~ _ Our boys know this. 'they don't have to read the heart-rending headlines or cuuaiV lists to know what is expeded of them. They are IN it. - But they ire not flinching . : . not holdina back. .. They will see the trim venture through to the bitter, Yid:orious end. And if, for yopr boy, or IOnte bo~ou know, the priee of VicJery is death, you can be a lutely certain t~t he did hiw part· COUfMeously • • • for the ca~ of Freedom. his Is It! We Must Do Oir Part! J.'or U.. too, the terrifyina arand climax of the war Ia at hand. This supreme, dnperate ~all Jor Ameri~an dolJan.-... 16 BILLIONS OF TlmM-iA to .enable out ft.htin•/ men . td carry thmurh the grim, bloody ~ult to a suceessful conclusion and Victory. Not juat Ameriean dollar&-but the doiiU'I In your pocket-in YOUR savini's account.· You MUST buy War Bonds-now! At leaat TWICE u much u you boqht last time. If you are already buying Bonde on a pay-ro.11 uvinp plan, bay EXTRA BondB during this Drive. . . Your Cw9vernment is counttnc on you. Your boy- and your neighbor'• boy -Million• of'tH~M -are· rounting on you. Just u deaa)erately u you are ~nt­ ing on ·them in this fateful hour. ~.• > Balhoe Theatre Balboa. Oailt. Lido Theatre Central Ave., NN-port Beeeh w ar• Market Phone~ 301 Maln, Balbaa-• I -Stq Cafe & Bar ,) 21st Pl.-. and Cout BlYd. N~wport DeRen ~ ... ttrona ' The Doll HOUle ~rt . Balboa ' . Jlalm ~ O~an Front Market Geo. .,.... Olo. 'flo4ar Groantll ....U C.lbea .... Chet?Oiet Co. Otto~Owner Balboa Yamt 8Mbt O.A.~ ......... Raad Ph. Newpart .... - Bay Shore ea.. .. A Cafe . HIIMICalllr · . Phone ~ a.dtltJI_ ........___ CoMt lftlbtraf Nwpll(-.. - . Sawyer Sport ._ · . PhoN Neapwt .._. ftl :Mrr Maline Ave. ..,_ .._. G•• Sea SheD Cafe eot E. Olntnl . r .. • ~ e DON'T LETT EM D()WN! Do y~art ., they are cleiRr their& Dig down, America-~li• don ~~--=--~KoDei~WIIalata..Ol.__ __ _J , • A Contributio n by the Patriotic Ci tizens and Firms Li sted on Th is Page .W:IT~ /-Buy MoreB~~ -• ---C' ----' • I . ' PhoN Mewport 62S Cout Hllhway Nn)Q't .._. J. S. Barrett Con.trudlon Co.. General Contractori ·· · 1300 Stall' Hlchway Ph. Npt. Bdl. Met -. Food Buket 1812 Newport Blvd. Colt&.,_ . · S. & F. Sale. Company 2139 South Main St. Santa· Ana . . Sherwin-Will lama l,alnt Co. O.lbola l'"alnt Atl'n . f~ Nf'Wpott-Beach tOt --~ 700 E. Bay Ave. . ....,_ GOrdon M. G111Dd7, M. D •. • .. Ph~-..... "'~ .... ,.,.....,...,... .., ...... ~ . ~ Frank Show .... Santa Ana CaltCII'IIIa Wftlttor S. Spln-r. DoAn8 a-u-u Ray UiRtrict Lumber Co. · . ~1M Sta tc•lllghwuy ' at th(l Arc~ Costa Mt'sa. Lumher Co. < 'usln Mf'I'Jt, Cnllr. ('orona dl'l Mar Cafe • Fmnw-rly H()fqll'lll · . lli 11 < ·,,lt!il "'"hwny l'h. Nwpt. Oench 196'7 .. "The Arch~s"' "Jwct n Lltt le Uettrr" C't~t·kt ull l ..oungc 11ncl Csa!t? On C't>MI J fl~o:hwny til Nc•wport Rlvd. Nrwporf fll>twh l •h. Nwpt. Bch. 361 Van Camp'" -sea Food Co., Ine.· Tr rmlnnt lstlnM - Routh Coast Go. Yacht and ShlpbuUdera Newport Ice and Cold Storage Co. 41 () Thlr1 1toth St.. N~rt Beach l'h•~·. Nt>Wpnrt Brach 1 ;,7 Kenneth E. Wilson Co. • 011"1"4-f'rflrt -C1lryi!Utr Marthe Ji;ncl,..._ Jt•mttiJ<>IItll, ·lit lilly Jlt·Ntu, f'tulllf'n , Motor Ylld\ta !'l;t~, C'o11-.1 1111-{hway l'h. NC>Wport ~ch 584 w. T.lerrerson :ll:! ( kv•11n lllvd Coronu <~I Mar Vallely Hoat Jlentals Jo:d,.,." ;tl,•r 111 I 'ulm Avt· .. Jlalhoa flp;tl ~ ~.ulh Bny Bulbou lllland H'l)omeH Atldw If, < :C·ur~t· I~'Citlom{• :?:?()(1 ( ln•o~n 1-,,,nt Nr•wport Beach Port of Sev(•n Heas Boat Landinar Jlr,p l S:tlt•-. M:1rlrtc• \Va y~ Hl7 ( 'o11 :-t I lwlrw:1v ,N,.,,~por1 Beo<;h ~ l 'h""' .. :"t•\\'J>Itl1 ll4•:wh ~11!1 ( 'hannd Boat ( 'o. I.:LJ :1 (·,,;,,I 1 lt};t'tw:,y l'h. Npt. fkh.1686 Harold K. (;rauel C'haJ,el "W•· ( ""·-.l'lv•·-; th .. lw•flt•r S.•rvt! fly St-rvinl.! ( llh«'NI Ac.>Rt " I 'hnnf' l':•·wy~twl ~,.;I CO!oita MeN~, <..:n1Vom1a --+4-1 Than Before NKWPORT-aALaOA N EWS-T,I MES NO-a~ttau ---~-"""':":':::":"':":'':":' P 0 "g ... .....,. ~ ..... --nturMay Aftl,._..l ~UlM XJtJUV .-· ._._ ~IIII..ID AdYanc:e:-U.50 per year lD Oranae County; . we per,_,. to 4Ul mat; sa.oo per )'e&l' ~ atb 101\1. ,...__. u 8econd.CSU. matter at lbe Po.totflce Ui Newport Be&ch. • • Calltoi"Q.Ia, UDder •the Act of March S, li'JI. & A. MEYER • • • • • EDITOR AND PRESJD~ ........ HaDl. ,IOU W. O.traf Avenue, "ewport ~u. Calllurnlil .-,_.,: Official Pa.,., of tbe City of Newport Beach A 01.111 .. _.., Ucal •...titllt'-~-Ovw 14 Veaf'l I'.\TI'i:t:1::J :\IAI_ f) 1944 S.S<?CIATION . · . ~ .. . -. NEWPORT-BALB(JA NEWS-TDIBS. Newoort Beac:h, California, Tuesday, June 20, 1944 With Em·ie Pyle·at the Front · Here's How It Feels to Ride On a 8~26 Bombing Ibm WHICH ISSUE SHALL I BUY? There ,, a-Pifda r .. ~ACD~ Seeurlly fo MHt £Hry lni'ac-ment Need ' 'KOhl Exoneration Report Is Lacking Washington Says Crews Know Their Business; Morale Is Good Among British.-Buscd Fliers W ASHINGTON-Tbe War De- J'Oa MAXIMUM IAPft'l' CW PUJfCIPAL-AD laues. 'nlen are 110 Mfer lDveetmenta In the world. partmeDl noUfted the HOUM Mill· I'Oa MAXIMUM YU:LD--Serlee E Sawln11 Bondi <2.t .. •); Serle1 F S.vln11 Bood1 11.53 .. •}; ~rln Q S.vlnll tary O>mmlltee that It had DOt &nd• '2'!'17o•). •u beld to maturu1• received a "Richant.on ~port" -a ctJdlRENT INcell&-aerle. G Snln-Bondi. Treuurw ~~··of 1te5-TO, Treuu..., r1 ot 11152-M. whlcl1 Han• Wltbelm Robl, Ger-•v •· ., ., man·born contractor claimed J'Oa Dl:t'Edl&ED DfCOME-Serlea E and F S.vln11 Bondi (tor &ax p1.1rpopa &ac:ome may be deferred or man-born cp~~tractor, formu Com- ec~~dl rr.adore ct the Newport Harbor By Ernie Pyle. J'Oa IUIOKT TE&II-111 .. Certltleatn of lnd~btednua CellehUy over 11 montlu); Truaury H'•~ Notn of Yacht club, claimed "completely knt• B·li47 l about 2~ yean) and Seriea C Savine• Nolea (8 month• &o I JUri). exonerate. me" of reepone'bUity A U. 11 BOMBER STATION IN ENGLAND -Then are 10m1 ot the J'Oa MEDIUM TE&II.:....S.rle1 E. 10 yean; Treaaury 2'a ot 185~ (10 Yllfl); Serle• F and 0 (12 yean). for delay11 In cqnarucllcn 'ot ck- boyl who han bHn b~aUnc out our IJlVUion paUl on, the conUnt:Dt 0 J'O LO~O ..... E .. -'l'rn1Ur7 ·~·-· of ..... ,. (le )'eam. • !e.nse project• ar Pearl Harbor. Europe For nnrly 1 ynr tll~Y have be~n hammer~nc at Ole· waU ' · The commlt ie« requuted the ddenn tht G~rman• han thrown up. How weU they have blut4!& ....,,_._..-rua ~URKETABJLITY-T:-euury Z'l and 21,1 '• rol.lpon or rellatered fonn; 1\lt,. Note• and 11o'!fo Certlftcatn dl'parlrr.t:nt to provide it with, a - wiU know before tht aumm~r Ia ov~r. ol IT J••btt•dneaa, coupon form only. copy o: a fll!pOrt pUrportedly pre- They are • 1quadron of B·JII Maraud~r bombeu. They ue repre:-POa 8.\:IK LOAN COLLATEilAl-TreuW')' ly.'a. Z'a, and 21,1'1, 1!o ... Certlllnte1 of lndebtcdneu. and Se pa d last month by~ Lt~ Gen. Ro-•~ntative of th~ entlr~ mighty wei&ht of th~ tactical bombUI of the . c 5;1\ .ng) Notes. • -bert C. Rlchardaon; command In( Ninth elr force I tuov~ CQme t.o tp4Pnd a f~w daya wl1h them becauu DI'£('1.\I.LV FO& 'PAYINC.. TI\X£8-Seriee C S•vln&a Notea (1cceptat1~ durtn1 and, a rter 1econd calendar general in the Hawaiian Ialan.da. I wanlt'd to 11<'1 a tute of the pre·lnvuslon aauult from the elr atand· month ~fll•r month of purchue at par and accru~d lriter~st for Federa1·1neome, estate or eitt tax~a). Robl. who with Col. TheOdore point bef(lr~ we lll'l a · mouthful of the tnvaaion prover fro~ the around. I'OB Ml' ES'I'.\TE-Series G (redeemabl~ at par on death of owner), Treuury 21,1'~ l{ed~emable at pnr tor Wyr,nan , Jr.. former U.S. Army Ttl~ way 1 llap{lcnf'd to {lQme to• estat~ taxt>a only on death of owner). I en~;ineer .at Loa Angelea, waa cen- thla certain <quadrnn 1s nn~ of those they have b~~n n~)tt to nonexlatent J'OB GltTS Series E lor 1n1 oOier luue deptn4in& 00 needs ol the recipient>. · · sureu by the committee ,In a re- thilll:l On~ nteht h~r~ -a .,, .... C,\?ION OF t:HILD&EN-Serlel E. 1 wrt cc.mplalnl.ng of pre-war con- In Luudun I was 'l1le MJI M ~a•tace4 •e el •v "''"" . structton ctelaya in Hawall, re· ~11111111 11 1 tt~bie the a-u•e lnnlnerabllltJ &hat I · J'OB sa::I.F Rf.TIREMENT PLAN8-Serle.a E. !erred to tbe Richuru110n rePQrt In ""1th "''me "trlenda &Mil "'' cnraae. ta "'' llaa• J'OB 1~\'I·:..;T~IEST OF BUStNES8 aESERV£8 A"!IID OTHER T'Eifi'OtA&Y rtmDS. ~ .. CntillcaW. et 1 lltatement at Loa Angeles. The In a pullllc house ••• went '•• a"tdp wl&h &hem. lnd..IMohtcss, Treasury 1'4 ~ Note• and ,SI.'rti'»,C S:o vmgs NotN. The Jut named arf' r NI• rmabie 111 par and ommitte.e cla imet.l Wyntan had when t',\O uuys tn • • • 1 teen,, ·I uoterest durlne •.nd after alxth calendar. rnt•nlh af~er month at purcbaae, ~XC•4Jt ,.J~•r• •-ie " favored Rebl'e t:11(1lp&n)'; 'lo award· untform lcanrd TheJ aetas ap a& t a. &he merataa. m-•1" •. ~ ol bank. In whtcb caae red~mptiOD wtU lie made at par. ~ .. lng contracU In Hawaii.' over (r,.m the ·Red Dot, cave n'le, an extra pair ol I I I next Jablr • n d Irma drawera tQ put on Chief cave • --------- - M,Jtt'll If I "''~ren't m~ hla ~L•mbat pante ... r had N E w s· Capt. Ashley of Press Brought New . How to . Pronounce 'Sn-and Sl) a tven m ine away In ltllly •Also I T •·~ to H E ·I ! aId yes. put on extra swenft>rs and a rTliCkl· of the Coron' a del Mar 88AB uman yes .Invasion Points wherrup•~n we IIOI naw: 1 d Invasion pr nuntiatlon guide: w~ IIIII ~0 b~alk~:~ •• :n~ m'!::,7gh~eun::~·k~:l' ~~;:~g~o ~= c H u R c H E s At PQst in Eng an Invention o1 pt'IDting by mOV· S( lne l rlveri-S~hn. t ventually ..,e adwurned frum une mell hall 11 wn~ unly 2 30 a m., able type In Ole fitteenth century Chl'tbourg Shalr·boor'. Place tn another. u Damon· Run)lon but w• at• br ... ~··r•st before the kN EIGHTH AAF UBERATOR broOgbt about a treml'ndoue Caen Kahn (nuall. ~ ~ " ~ FIAIT CHURCH OF CHRIST, .,__ •-th 1 al h bit f • ~ H Lc H · .-.. uJd uy. 8 nd k<'PI on adjournlne taki~J'I' Anr1 wr had two real rrl~d STATION, ENGLAND.-captain-e ...... ge... e v au a a o peo-...., avre-r avt. thr•;u~:hout tht evcnlne , and a aood eu•• too 11 ,..,01 aimosl worth SCIENTIST JamE':t F. Ashley 11!1 one · t>f the l pll'. Al!l books bega9 to be pub-Calaifi-Ka.b-tay'. tim~ "'u had by all. e~ttlnr op tor t.ldo 'flleater, Central Avenue ("(lmhal Intelligence Officers a t ltahed in "lar(e qu&Dtltlea, people. St. Vaaat lll Hou~:Ue Thta~ boya wt·r~ B·~ bom· We "druve vut to th~ tl~ld in a and Voa Lido th1!1 station whose talk Ia to _.t' learned to n>a d, a viaual taak 1m-Vahet lah Oog'. bardlera. a11d in tile courae. ot the J~ep. Snm~ of the boys rode their A bt1LD('Ii of The ).1other Chur ch. that tte combat crewa are prop-puStng a great burden upon tbe Rouen ~'Roo·ahn' (Dual). Sebn evenlnc'• ~vents they uk~d It I btcycl~• Thrr~ ,.rre a touple of :'he Flrst Churc·h of Chrlat. Sci· erly onstructed before Ule)J leav~' hum&!\ eye. WiU\ln !>0 yean after -.----- wouldn'J come and live wrUI their hunclred ~rrv. m;uo ~llollf'lher At the enUat. VI Uoston. Mouachuaet.lai.. on operational mlaaiona or bomb-tbe invenUoll' of modem prmun, t Ttle Negro SOldier waa defend· aquadron a~hile Beona .not.hlne It flrld we ,..,·nl into a big room. I 8t:nday Schnol at 9:30 a . m. '"S Gt•rmany antJ in occupied 1~.000.000 booM were being read IDe the mulrical ability of b.ie not accornmodalln&, I aald aura. brtehtly 'hlth1~1. and sal on benchea 1sunday SE'rvtcc at 11' m. Wed· F.urope. jtn Europe. 1 There are now twice I company' I bu(ler. ~ •ily not. Aod here we are. for th~ br~t•flull · n.Uy Teatimonlr.l .Meeting at 12 HLI Wife, Mril. Ruth c. ~ley, a• many coplea o! newspapers "Man,~ when Sw~tn te J onu Ttle tWo boJ• -re t.ieu&a. Ltnctwy Ttle llnetlnr luttd almost an I o'clock noon. and their twn children live a t publi.lhed every day In tbe United wraps hte lipe firoun; dat ~ ugle an' Green tUID Cheatnut atrwtl, Sen hour. Every thin~ wn explained In Reading Room l~at.ed at 711 Corona del Mar. The Captain t Statea.) r laya 'Meu ~1.' Ah looka at mah Franel~eo, and J•cll Arnold 1803 N detall-h"w we wuuld tak~ orr. how a:..t Central Avenue. Balbo&, Ia '"""duated from the Unlveralty of bellne, and Ah eez. 'Straberriea. y t e th t ~ u Eul St Louie h d ... ,.. -"Before the dev!-'lovm~nt of the be our~ n • r ~ . . ' we would rJ>nd•'7VIHJI In t e ., ... opea dally .from 1 p.m. •o ~ p. m . ('aJifornia Ln 1937 and received hla modem Prln. tl.ng preu, l"""taclea ·ave' Yl uth Ia kicking de whip- Ill. BelnJ redhuded. Ll~ulenant whue we would mal<~ th~ tum •uept Sundaya., and holiday• na-....,A In Zoology In 1940. He attend-.---ped cream out of mall plate!" ·Arnold 1oe1 by the nam~ of "Red 1 rd' 1 1 ~ -were '*d almost exc:l ullively by owa our urgt' Uoaally <'blerved. ~d Army lntelli .. ence S<:bool at Dor" They are both v~ry nice Then we wrnl to the locker room ., the clergy anct t ·e nobility. But people l.ndl'f!d •nd t ot our aear Red O.tll got me Ttle pu~Jac Ia cordially Invited to Harrillburg. Pennaylvallla. ae the printed word became ava•l· ' . . . 11le lloya ~ay thla ta tk 1»Ht squadron In Eh4tl;111d Nine uut of t~n I(IUtodr..,os. or onfantry com· 'l p.ai\Jl'l, ur qua rlt'rmnst~r battalion•. will aAy the umf' thine about the-m· atiV<'t It Ia i cuod 'om~n when th~J · -• ..., S 1 &.ails I ill~ ··that • • ...._ , .... , ,.,.._~ ...... ~-~ . .-.cd lbe U ~uhmar 114 Thia i iAti6irYelma to mt to have 1 pair or fiYinll boots. 1 Mae Weat attend t .e church urvlcee·and U.M 1-1~ wa~ c rlginally an Infantry Ule to the maaePs, the need for Ufe pr~('rver. 8 parochDte and e Ull Rndlnc Room. R.£~rv~ OCflcer and since bt'in6 apectaclu apread to hwnblr 1~1 nf enrphonr,-We 11nt in. the jeep -on ac-tive duly with tl)e Air Corp~~ __ _ 1gnin nnd rod .. 11111 tn the pian~. II:VESTH DAY \0\'ENTJSTS haJI. served In California. Texu, We atood arnt~nd talkulll with the ~r ·Wil!nul an4i etuireb 8ta. Wyomln_g. 'Florida, Utah and ovrr· eround crl'w Fonally, 10 minutes be.. Co.ta M-a~u 11lnce February 1944. At the tore l!'kl'uiT 11m~. ~~o•e 11ot lntb' U.. Sab~ath ."chool. :at11rday morn; Unive~aity he wa.. a fencing Ln· plan~ On!-' o1 ttl! bOY I boost!4f m.. • 9 :30 ° cl~ -l 1 I struct<>r and coach. Before war up lhrnu11h a-h11tch In th~ bottom ol _ ___ •· mr-1 Olpt iifn A\nrPy wn nnployed bnmes throughout Europe. By 11100 wpectarle ll'ns grind~r.J could be faund tn nearly noery lmpor· t.ant European town. ..,...,..,~~ ............. .&merJcanpaintetGeorerJ S~hrtlber, about, .. _ fti!C'II t plrlt f'n run onto ... ••• the 1ct.IGn d'uriftl tbe ftl'7 ....,.. moment befon the pa•ainl ...., ... .......... u friend or toe. ln our -arrny II 11 d4,e. f think, ,.. .. ...._tic_ 111 "WI7 4ktlll rar 1tte '"''' ,... • .,. actuall7 lare~l7 ·~ the fact that the whot~ ,, ... Be 1ta and 1lept wida tt.e crew, u~ woftltd oraaoiu Uq,l hu be'n made Into a _. Wilda.,. .e •c.cn. A abon Ume after l.a~lnl r.al teem. , • ... ~ 2 , . :-• tel& .,. al ~· · ' ~ eommander of thla IJ'OUP II .. A black button on a ....Ut~ colth .... ...Uy ....... ~u,tlt ot. caDdie • a black buttOrl on doth Ulum&natf'd by • Ulltt. c.l .. Wllfoll ll. Wood.·Cblc:o. Tnaa. W't'N 11ara a10 be wa1 aa enliated aan. Today, at· IS, be II • till I e.ot-a. He 11 a atudy. h.uman p4Pr· · iOe and tt. llu lot wtitt lt &allea &o blend Ulouaanda of men to&ether 1nto 1 dtlvlnl unJL the plan~. for. It waa high, 1nd wltll ONa.LADY of MOUNT CAR.'If:f.l t he State of Caltrom la with ~the ao many clnthu I c.ould ha.,U, CHUJlCH I Diviaion of F'i.rt and Gam~ .. moJve IGI W , Oeat.nl. Ne~rt Beaeh r - 1 aat back in the radio rom· llwlday ~ ~ 10 IL 11 a.m. Yacht Club Fi•gLt portment on emne paraehutea ·fOf' • .. H the tatc~-orr Red Do& waa the onlJ ft. IOIIX V'IAJif1lili:Y CII'UIICII D S •t one -el thC' crew who put on hl•l .......... -\ft.t .....,.. ..... amage Ul chuu. He aatd I didn't need ;,u.e. s...-, -at I :IO ud 10 a. m. 1 Se d Ch t . . . c.....-mnTIICII Ill' no: IJU ~ con ' . ap er "• were ,__... Urll&. ... ll · ~.1.. ~ ~-- did"'' tab lone to l(el off &he 0 PtJ Me.-t SANTA AN A.-A d.iepute which 1 eround. I had n~ver been tn a B·• Ea~ ~~~;.s~tog;J(); led to fl1tlcufCa. marring opentngl bet off' Tht en ainu •eem~d to make :tlu.rdl School' clau, l0:l5 a. rn.; ot tlle yac!"ttlng ~euoo Jut ~a,tur· I i~mftc clatt~r Th~r~ wer~ runwiJ Morm..a.wonhlp, 11 o'clock. day night ()0 occaalon of a graud mark~rs. and I could see them whl& Sundi)o noeninr ~rvice. 7:30 t;.flll at Balbnfl Vach~ Club, reached. past tht window u w~ roared dowu o'clock. · · ~uperlor Court today by way of a th~ runwaJ A nnme abnut a foot Ml~~~yer ~rvic~.Wedn~s· damage actJoo. · lone' allot out of th~ Pxh:lltSI.J and it day; dtsh dinner. 6~30 p.m. F'rrderick c. Brewi!T, a retired wort~l't1 rnr at ftr~t. hut finally I naval architect of w orld-wide re· decid~d thnt wu lh~ way 11 wat I'I.IP., P'I7LL 008PF.L CRUaCII put~. now a re.wldent of the' club, ~X»rd to be I U ..... Ektea, Coctta 'Milaa brought the acUon a&alnat Jack • • • Sunday .chool. 9:45: mornin~t At 1! .... fef't ap It brains te r~t • wc>r...hlp, 1 I ; Evangeli~tlc ~rviet>; H. Green, • HollY'fiood motion dayllllht hf'fore 1t dO»I on the 7:30 p. m.; Mid-week pray~r meet-pkture executive, w~o allegedly ·rround. and wh1lr. ,.,c <'nuld now ue lng an Wed.nesday, 7:45 p. m .; if!IU!ted hlm,.uee<f foul language ~ad• other plnlnlv '"our a:28 lhlnra )OUni people 1 ev!lJigl'll.stlc service to him and tben pummeUed blm. were atill darkl; indlstmct in En&· on f"r*)', 7 :45 P· m . . For the attack. Brewer demande tand, tar down there below ua only 16 compenatory damaae•- No.w and then a llc~t. would ftadl l'1a8T FOUR8QUABE CIIUR(;H but flO,OOO ., aemplary dam· on thaaround-aome kind of marker OF C08TA ~8A aaea. Tbe 16. be explained. wu betic<>!' for Ul. We paased over 1ome R!!_~~~~ lllcll-1') tor medical treat.m.cmt lmmedlate· .w•-.w~~l• NRaat tt.nta----llteu.. Co·PN&or artit\1Je-.nir1r.!'l'WpoM aUll on. fa~ In the dittan~ we could · ...._ 1111·.1 pollee ' reported .that. oo Jut aee one lone whlW-UI~Y a -f'ridQ-, 1:30-p. :...n. wonhtp 'J'Iwnda7 tJaq wen. •trnmnned to window .orne utly.rialnl farmer IIC't', JW¥. Mae St•ama In charte. the yacht club lo adml.n'.ter tint bad for1otten to bl•cll ouL Sundlly echool, 9:30 &. m. aid to Brewer, who had .uttered a "Red Dol" Arnold, the bombard. . MomJnc wonhlp, 11 a. m . lpl'e aa..r attack. It wu Dot explaiDed ler. wu alttinl tn ~he copllot'a ,•at mwdc, putor'* tennon. tf thla a(tack 1ftW out o! the aJ. Mit. 1lnce 'We weren't carrytnr 1 leced beaUn(. ropfloL Ttle boya cot me a tfn box C08'1'A IIDA COMJIUNITY &o aft on rtabt behind Red Dot 10 CBUIICII I eould 1•1 • better vl~w Celt L la,uall.,.......... 1944 TIDE TABLES We elmtlfl4 lllcller .... at a \.M &. Mtll 8t. ft. lt'JI·a eenalll ... ce &lie ttbele ,. • ., "' M~-Schoolw _.:, 9 :4511 •; lockm. ...._ ....... a lara ... ~tu•M . ... ·-• enonlp, 0 C • JUNE , Youth IJ'OUIJa. HJ&h School, In· lw 1M &ar,et. Tllla •a• ' a trl'lnl'Ctiate, Adult, 8 :30 p. m. High Low Hlgtl Low ....... net> nemJ terrl&ery, E.'vmJna wrvl~. 7 :30 o'clock . Wd .. 21 11:28 4:34S 10~40 4:03 ... Ulere ... 1e hllc.u.. .. U.. • M~-fellowMip and prayer, 3'..i -O.i l.t U A. we nened th~ taraet Red Doa 1 \\'~, 7 :30 P. m. Tb. 22 121JO ~:~ 10:41 4:34 frawled forward throuah a Uttle -" 3.7 -0.8 1.1 2.4 ope.nin& Into the no~e ... ,her~ th~ cc;.Mo~: TeE~ MA~ F. 23 12:66 6:1~ 11 :2i 5:2t I bombardier usuahy 11ts Th r enllrp CO l HUA M 3.7 -0.11 u 2.1 note Ia pltxlp.fa~. and you ran Fee co,tgNgetlonal . 8. 24 1:41 ,6:34S 12:07 5;13 alnleht down and all an'und H~ 1 'hapel by the Sea. '\ 10 Cout 3.7 -0.2 4.t 2.1 motinnf!d for mp In joon him li.t;ll~•·.,-, Sunday Serv1Cel 11 a. m~ S.u. 2~ 2 :40 7 :3.7 12:~2 7:11, I aqu~ered Into the ttny rompar\-:-lunday School 9:30 a. m . 3.7 0.1 4 4 2.1 m~nt Thtre waa b.uc-ly rnom for ~ Mlm.C.r In Charge. Rev. Perry ·M. 28 11~1 S·U 1•41 th~ t"·o of us Ttle motor• marlt !' &brock. ' 'o" 3. .2 I .... .t · .• Jc-u ntllu up tht're Dy now dnyli1ht' • l'~n·ioe QleD .-peclally ID.tted. Tu · 27 1:48 9:07 ~42 10:18 hnd ~om~ and ~v~ryth1111 below wu · 2 I · d 1 . . 3.1 0.8 4. t .7 c ~nr en l f'IC.l'tacu ar E~I8COPAt. (New deyiiiCllt 11Y1n1 time) I stay~d in the noae unUl w~ wert SUMMIEft 11EftVICIE8 Till .. are pla«d In ord~r of ocrurrenc:e. Wl'll on tM way .11om~. and lhf'n Ebeli Clubflou .. , Newport •each Ltcht flr uru L m.: dar'k /11\lreti p. m. crawled back and tat In the co.· !=iuncJa,-• June 18 \hrough Sep· _ __.__~---~ pllnt.'• aut butclr Cht.•r ,Collm•. The lt>mber tO, 1M4. CommuniQO.) aun ctm«-out, the air "'.o11 Bmooth. 1!:00 .a. m.-Holy Communion. The Rev·.~ Robert II. Hoga rth. and it •u .. ont1~rtul ftylne alonr 11 :00 \"&. m . -Morning Pta.yer w: A., St. Paul' I In •the Desert. Ulrre over En&iand 10 ~arl7 In IJ\e nn,J s ( 11'1 ... , Sundaya, I:Joly Palm Spring•. All We!come! mornl{ll-enDOD. • ..:~ . .._ "~ eat tD ·the plane tot a eoupla el~ tnbtuta wtll~ Ollel 111M u eome repone, end thee ~ .. llltcll In tiM ttocw .............. 1 "• • t1w llra\.. ar 11M .,..., .. .._ tiM INWICl. . The World'a News Seen 'l'hroulh THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lntenwtioMI Dllt1y N~wsp4pn­ -------'Pu:bliiJied l,y 'TH! CHRls<TIMl SCIEJ!.(Cf PUBUSHI'NG SOCIErr ' One. Norway Stl'ftt. Boeton. MauachUtettl Ia T1wiMWI OIIIMtl•tlu.,__UaMerf ,.,_ fNIII II tloe1""a IAII_..... AN 'n-17 .... ._.,_....,. .... ,Ita Dall7 ,._._,.., Te-e=-; ........ .....,. ......... a-u.. .................. -,_._,... e r:-rwu.a-. . ....,. IJJ .• l'eutJ, ..,·al.M a M•~ ._. ............................... y..,, ..... 1 .. '7 onw. •.....,.... a-u v.ate nw-eaa · OlrWiu Wa•e~e R•-IIOOID . \ m .... o.~n~ A.- r ed electric cords? _.,~NOT lift MY_ItO.JISE! ·~1 KNOW that wom electric rords can cause blown fwa and other inconvmicnccs, 10 I repe.it ~1 applii.Jl(% and lamp cords u 1000 u the insulacio~ frays. lt'i ~ to do! U the cord is fra~ ~ the pUddle, etCh wire should be wrapped ~tp&t~tely with clectrician'a tape, with no bare wiftllcft ..._ exposed. ~n tape the rwo w~ together. Por repairing cords frayed near the plug, foJIOUIIhtst simpu ms~:"' IMPO.TANTI llra dhc01111ect tlte corfl-#rom th ollffet ~~ ·1. Unl~ JCmVS and puU wires from· plug. '3i! 2. Cot olf frayed Put oE wltes. cr a. Smpe insuletlon olf endt . oi wire~. 'reconnea piUa. ate1n WA1'-Wiret •r•••• ,_... Wbea ·cord ia pulled; • strAin is put oo proop ia.aa.a olCUlOilCliOD. ' WIOMe WA1'-Wir11 ••t . ·wreppelll •r•••• pr••••· A quklt pull mifbt tar da&m looa ..... HARDWARE J.H.ESTUS PLUIIBING GENERAL ELECTRIC L\NOII!S • Uf'UOI:IIATOU e WA"BEU DI8RW.~&8 e JJ,\1)108 , . t . -;-I ... • ··~ ,.. . NE~R~BALHOANEW~TIMES, Ne~ ~~.r~al~if~nr~n~ia~·~T~~~s=d=Q~·~J~u=n~e~2=0~,~~~~l4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~-~~ Lt. Dunlap Wins First -O ·ak Leaf A Wbolt Frffdom lr CtOII,O£ $. IDfSOH ,._.., of Hoadlfl9 Colla9e '~=~~--NoT•-::~~ .... IE -WS-TIM·ES CLASSiFIED OPPOITUIITIES roa W'IIOOL BONN· , . . " ~~~.::-.:.~In'~ :m. -· IE A DL FOI p IOf.l T •• liE 01 IESI.LTI •• of SlOQ.OOO.OO ol the Nf!W'pOrt ___ __:_::_::...:,.:....:::__...:...__:__:: _ _: __ ..:_.....,""":""' _______________ __;;;..,__.;.....,;.._. ____ _ l~TH ARMY AIR FORCE Se«Dd Ueut~n&tlt Hugh E . Dun· 1 r&p. 20, eon of Mr. and Wn, Stwart T. Ounl•ll· of 110 Abal .. etred. Balboa bland, h.u been awarded th~ tlrat O&k wat clueter to the Air Medal, It wu announced by the Flflftotb Army ACr Force. wutenant Dunlap, a bombar· dler en a 8 ·24 Uberator bomber, r~c~lv~d the awar.a!-accordln~ to tbe clt.aUon. "tor m erltortoua &eblevemet In ae~lal filgbt while partlctpallnr In euet.ained opera · llo~J.· actlvtUu• aplnat the enemy." ~- Ueuteoant Dunlap entered th~ 1 'ae.rvlc~ October 22. 1l42. and ~t·1 teD4.cl the A.lr Force ~., acbool at Cblldreu. Telt&l. He 1 received bla wlnp ancl commla • • ion AUCUAL ~. 114!. Ueutmant Ouhlap la etatklnad I .omewbere In Italy wltb a Ubera· tor bomber &roup. commanded by Colonel Thomu · W. S~ed ot Etc.. BHd\ School Ollltr1ct of Onln..,. j -I Coontv. C.llfoml4. wtll ......... BOATS. sn•PIJilJ IIF.LP WANTKD R&AJ .. DTA ..... criwd by t~ Board of Supenoloc· iJ{)ATS II t ~""'and ~adfo(1 WANT&O I FOR 8AL&-WH£H PATRICK HENR'I' aal .. Oud Ia Jllal what a.4 a lar .. ahare Ot"!!, of 0rl'n~t' C"oonlv, Cllllfom)ll, lf&lin~ En~'lnre llnli Pa"ta A \llo mf'<'hanlta Tnl' waau 8Mt ''OIYO •• ··~)' ~ ......... dMlb." ot ollr forbe&n lo '"'• C'OIInlry. up to )1 o'clock A. "f., on the 5th .. > I ron 6ALJ: Oc'eao ~unt S·Md· tao wu not 100 aaaly11eal If •• The)' P4'14 for ,..u,lolla IIbert)' wiU1 dav of Juf\ 1944 lltAilll"l'. S.a ::."'"F. AND ot workhl• r• ndlt1ona All f'.wt\·1 ruom bouae, Hlll"d\'IOOCI noon. have tile etor)' etrai!JIIt. And •• a b ...... Olll,!a)' 0( blood, •w••• an4 E ch i . id bonds sh II be )lt"'. ro. tlaJ "tVar lnduatry r Jtnlploymollt I Vfnetlan blloda. rMr "'n\&l, ,.. 11,.o.,.bly llawo, ~~eca16 .. hla Allllfth tHre per family than an)' a~tbM· ,_ 0 IUl 1 11 ~ W <'••n\ral AH• Pb. 2SAA·W oil "' hf'rf' or al Huntlnrtfln I til>, bar't>Kue and 1.,.... '1'lro waa too allort fur ntet~al•e .-.vlaloa. Cluant Amnl~an viC"Iory •••r C'oe\. datf'd July hi, ls.4. and l'ha 1 !"~"'rc•rt nr11rh. C'aJfl U4-ac-h ~ton-1, 111 fM111·--•. t•ll.m" 11\17 , r .,.. M bear lnttn'11t at • ratf' of not to ...... I ·· "' r,::.ry.::: :::. ':!:4~ ·;ro~~7. Ll"rtl_ .... Rt.:EDOM or apaot"h elJct'E'd fivf' pt'I"C'f'nt 15~' .,er Jt.ttc l n~O[)(lltF. HO lliNS IIWIII'r 'at lltll2 w' Ol-oan Jl"roat, H• aid he •·ant..t llt..rtY. whlt'h leo .. ,. ~n~'!'~11 :':', -~-annum. pa,_btf' annualt,.._ror OW BoATs ~n1~ ~AL~ Je tt. a&.,. ~~~~ :':"c::~,~~~ Nr"Tllrt fkoacll. 4&·4l<' IUII•t• .aom•thlnl alive and lrll In luna. Ev•'l a lhlnklnl a11,d powM• flrNt )'ear thE' hor\ds have to run ft. •·••nl•·r t•.,lr•l lUll I b at built N~WJ~<•J I llfoal'h l'hnru• '!Il l' ""'O..,...I\__,li,..A,..Lit,.-,.,~--.,....-rm-.-m-od":'•-m--7bouat-:-:'':":'", ,na pl-. not • <'Ut•up c:arc .. from rut rat'e C'ali.,. ~ne\a\'414 without ll. and llf't11i·annualty I h f' rf' • f t f' r. II)' T1•n• lllltn ar. Ulf'l.l Mf' lf'A· M-llc' •h>Uble h•l . lllt'e IOI'aUon In C'or· e butcher •bop. •• Germany ••aa. Of ~ur-. wh•a Which 1'1111' ol intl'n>sl shalt bf' dfo· ~n 12 ft \\'C'IdwOO.S c~at.r· una dfol Mar. Wre• May Ji'nl.u"', \\'Mflover •• eata101 Uslnp., we a V4'acetul nallun 1.• fllhllnl r ... lie tf'nnlnf'd upon thf' !Ullf' of uid ton . ..,, fo •:·o· H14Z 8nl~. tna· I.U~T AND POUND I 700 Hrllutn)l?"· ~ 47~111. detlt&o tbrm: and when •• d•flno life Ia no lima lu ~uabblo onr .•a.o bonds, at ctwo ofriet> of thf' Trf'lll · ~rany bull Balla for all In • --•-...... P clllnce. •• limit U.•lr appHcatloe. will ta« the ~lrropho11a1 •· bill .!..,....1 Ul'f'r o1 Orange> Coun ty, <'allfomla. l vll<l , ••n•hllnn. lnqulr. VIlla U"~"' "'rr>nt l'ar llrC'n. plate E:aprrlmrntal d I. I. C' II 0 n Ia nlco dum of IP"('q I• ., • ca ... na· Sll d bond& hund.rfod wlUl Oftker'•. 1\t'eoee l ilaC' ec\,1-a• aND vn:w LOT .. ork. In IIOIIM tlrld• b~tl u·. bard lllwrt)'. \\'hrNYM mfll ••• amat'kwc" 1 I a l"t" :?"" nd I Mar Ill 42·tll' .,. M A A lJ I N II'W' an tile vlcll ... Our IIMrt)' •• don't down for ·~alllna liP tho !*Jpla 11001 in numbtor, of v nt' Thouu -~ • •lWfC'II A · · an, -· l"'lr apa.rtmant•. T6alHI n .. on "'ant butchelllfd. I believe lhe wont are In oonclai•, ' Dollars C$1 .000.®) (IBCh, payablto I"'f\ SI.U~ ~nmvbtr<l. Boat and JIOrt Calt!om la llnnN. Ptlooa Afartruerlte AVI, Ollrona del Mar. thln1 that nar ~1114.. .happen to · · u fotiOII'Ia: a 111 In •'X• ••llo•nt rondlllon. 12t Nnrport 1640·R· H ·Str 12 000 .__ ,. Amari~•·• chart•._.,. llbe11y Ia al· _._ N 1 c 'I 1 1 G t · 1 .. ""-• 1 1 ·• -• --~ ' ' Ua11'11'k Hrnry'a llelo••d u ... rtr r .. d,. b0up~ .. 14 ftw. We qu Bon.... oa. to ... nc Ul VI', . ."'"' 1 11na . nal ...... ean.. TRAN8PORTAnON . · e.. Ttl .. at Onn . •could be hawln• It draw" aJH1 t~U.r· kHp 11 u lont •• we lln'clenlaM One-Thoo-.nd Dollars rach, to 4&-4tc • I w J. HOLCOM8 to~ lnt0ytour traadoma. .. PftlaUy ll\d aN~re<-late ll. Alol\l wiUI Nil• run 1 yt'ar: SI''IIIT ...... ~R"' •u • 8JCYC1.Jl'8 So&d; ""'W '" .!P' 1017 L'Ubt Hla· way "'"•• Oftl)' two ot lllem Uvf value. lio~~a liberty an4 tr-Hdom of,,....... ~d.'l 'NOfl. 6 to 10. 1nclua.l ' r •an ... -...... p.!no4. V~'l, *'Malta ~I C 1"011£ lkl Mar. ~lf. T-Are CON81DER IVA,....· ,)Ur Coaelltu\1-IliA r. n ... •• •• One ThOWI&IId Dollan Net\, to A'tJ'RAC'TIYl: u-n . eu.toca' illalboa Utd ~-Marta• Aveou.. I "Wllora u .. ,... "Y" lte teed Mf.....S-rrom man) lhlnp. One product of frH· run 2 year~: EUt 8JH•rt Jl'tatlernan Built llaJboe WaAct ll·tl• -o-.,.. want" for nample. clom you rarely hear menllon.ct Bonds• Noa. 11 to IS, lnclusivC', 937 fO''<l coadltlon, 12·l')'l _ • . . . l l''tltt AAL& In (~rona ct.J Mar, Jt'a a l)'piC"al .,_.,.,moon: worth'-t~ daya Ia ,-,. f>rhprrl)' Rhrlll. Onf' Thouxl\nd• Dollars -Nch, to yC'omtna motor, I••• b&lt siiiJAftON WANTED-1 ,•.,mplrt•1Y, f\lr11111had 3-bed~ a nil out of rMI'II. Nothllll ean .-var Thal I Ot• ll_,.rty to ra"' IO .. et~llll 3 \ank" 2 fl'hlnf l'halra. aJ .. pl · . ' ~-~ bo\Mot .. U,.. Jlytn. room, n ..... ,,.. a Pf'Opla of w1nl bul th•lr own and own A(!metlllna: to hav• Chon .. ru~l1~('~~. ·1,6 to 20, lnclusl\lt', four l~rl!'C!· UICIO. Thla .. 'a W'CRK WANTib=•.,.tt;ftCedO pf~. dlnttt•. kltr hen, 2 beUW.. wortL and wii.JI. 1 .._rned when.,.,.,. and man••• thrm. No malin wllo , OnC' Thouu nd Dollan f'ach. to t:oo.:t buy Jo r turtber lnfonaa· r.llable ltrl woll rare ·'" ~on.Ju . rl.c-N~frtl ltuve l ·l'ar ...,.... )'Ollnl to ... u .... the alatemf'ftt of 'b.llttlea tll,la. II .. a ,.,. and ..,... n -,. ... rt ... ···-•·v J•--ff'll part , .. y and ..vrn(n ... at.o l"nd4't'L. r~--.ion Jub ,,· J•~t•: Y• have lh• poor wllh you <'loll• prl\11 f1(e. I run 4 )'f'ars: • -r. ... .-.~,. ..,. 1 h k {' 'I N .... • 1 • at•·•"•· I Bonds Noa. :Jl to 25, lnt'lual\lf', );annP Av• Ba.lbM laJIUifi. dn fhl 'UHWur •r rw-l'rk•• ... Ja, '1'enna, call Mttr• , The Unll..t .Stat• llu bfoc'Oma I~ --3t-•l Jtn 1 • U.t Ill I Ato4 auaranlwel Mfr....Som t..-rtrhHt and moet tnnu4'ntlal natloft 0nf' Thouund Dollar-. toa<'h ,to P ll<loP !llrwpurt IT14. Jtr ,....... ... r v-•rt aT~~ ., ~Ira Cur. ar· fNr'' Ia a'"".,.r n camv·lhoat; a on eerlll, and the b4'•1 placa In lbo runS yf'ars: ~~ ~r(t4',U4 U:lut HtaliWa)'.,CW· Native Of 10 ... 8 'I wlll·o'·t~e-wl•p. U )·ou p,..rer. Feu wo,.kl co live. by u•Jn1 lbe -~ Bonet~ Noa. 26 to"30 lnclusiw , t<"YL. Rt:11 WING ~ttmiR .__,.US ooa dfol Mar, •T·llo wah. Tenn. "" will .. v ... ba traPI*I or jalla4. Tbo llb4'r1 )', 1 uenntl'f'd unclar lin Con· Ont> 'll\oueand DoU.rs f'ldl, to ~tlrly llf'W With a('c~rkl&. .::AI I · _ _ Pa.aes Thursday "'liN we dllell .. rAedom ,,..,. .... ltltlltiOII, We w.ll~ .... tar ..... u .. run 6 Yf'lll'll; Chu. Wallar ... Kf'ndal'a lloat ron SALE Two lr old ........ Jo'OH t4AL.I! Attr • .,u.... walar _.:._ aonal tralu tha ,_It 1n .. na. whol,. Howanr. It wa mual llava N 3 35 lnclualvf'. Yerd """' Al'l'hn, t1r 10~ ¥1' • p. 1 ..,v troclt bam.. bQm.dJ&le ,... I But ''n!llalo~~a liberty" Ia 4Ufft'· a lot of llltlo tread-. 1'1 Ilk• te Bond! m . 1 to ' Cftltn:l "'". Nl!WJI<JII twa ·t• 'ad~ P r llnn, 1 11-blond ,oar ANelun. 40oft. prlval• budl, Oeatb came to Mra. Nancy f'!lt. It ~>•• ••al~o~e. It II til• rovllda· '"""' ona. It woul4 M "trNd-Ont' Thoound Dollan ~ach. to 21p 1 'ull11r fur f'll'th <'ua\ l'huo•l With Jll•r and 11111 3-b..a,_ HIUcl Huty, ~1. of 1008 . CUff t~oa at.l•l'-rtlnl tM pUI"ra ot all tru• PIU'.M Plt7 4•troyll h~tmaa run 7 )'t"&M!; Nr•'JMtrt f\112 a lflr II I' ITI 44·4\o• llllll w ah.l'e mom s batba ,_. urlve, Newport Hel-;ut... Tbun· 1. uc·"' r,e.-..!ont .. In fa~t. tbo .... la4o,....._ Mlf·"'llanN ancl Mlf· Bonds NOll 36 to 40, tncluelvf', BARGAINS Qu -;-ad ball t.&DU; __ __ _ · • • <lay -nlgbl. Mn Hasty 1JI a n•·, ·~• ot rellclon .. llb«ty aad fr"· reapen. aM '11v• M aubfl4>' . .,.. Onf' 1lloUII&nd Dollanr f'ach, to r Oll anll rffl•. brua and aal· APRICOTS FOR SALE I .. trrf\11 lotatk:n 1 rtl'e llii,IMXI 1u Cc.l:\. Jf •e 1oM tllal, wa •-••Vl'· tronaaa and PWA'a lMt•4; a rwr7 run 8 Yf'ers· vantud Jl'.,. al1<1 pipr flltlnJ: t unharolahed tiv~ of Lou County, Iowa and Ul~na. A eolll'l rllht te •ana&tp ,,_.., . Bond.~ N~. 41 10 45, lncJujjiVt', Cft~l'lll War1nr equtrm~nl U Ol \\'T, Srl:CJALJZE ~ Royal Apt'· CAKL W 8TA.NUtY ha.a lived In CAIIIILrna dunnJ the I Onto Thou.ll•nd DollaN each. t tr Cua.t HIJ:hway, N•w"""'l , uta r1or hi)'!'" l'annlnet Will pick 22& lllartft. A.,., Sal.._ ~ put Jwenty y ear•. Sbe ha:: 'been ----run 9 )'l'&n<; Burh r4~, 11 al\uut 10 duya IH twn WHlu 1 l'hOflf' .N•wport 1171 tt.C a reakf:ont of l'l:~wrart for the ALONG co' A' ST Bank of Amerl.CA ~d~ ,No.!'. 46 to 50. lnciUIIIVco, l.t•l "''"f'll 2:Z!Id llnol l~r.t Rti"Ht. . . put five yeare hav.ng formerly • • I '"? 0~ Thoul'nnd l~>lhu'l' euch, to ,,11 l'l•• 1, Av•• ,~. •I• M•·an t JNnNJ8HI!:D HOOSE tlv~ti In Hunttn~tton Bucb. She HIGHWAY'S Order.& 'Dividends · n 10 )'('an~. PUBLIC NoTICES 4r.z11',uo tar_-,. lo' 7aaua rt. rHI:!e wu • m~:nber of th~ Bapllat 1 , .. , A I'I'VRER.r\lllo.l . ry Bon<M N08 51 to 55, lnclu..~lvt", JJ&OO ' - (hurch ot Huntlnton Beaell. • ·-~& ua ~tur• ~ Bank ot.Amtdca One Thoo..a Dollan t•~toh, to JIChool bU1Irt1n~ d•m•11rd lnjlltt'(' PuBLIC NoTICE I w. 1· HOLeoMa Ftmeral ii~rvlt-ea w~re conduct· l 6 l7 eo..t Hlrtrwaw • N T 6 8 A havt' drt lar~J rt"g-run II yra · or dratro)t'f1 ''> fir. ul' ••lhf'r 1111h· , •.1 ·l1onde.y at 2 p.m. from lhe A 61 ·h _ f"'U"'t' ~lnt'r t1uilt 1)\ I uiJir dwldl'nd• for the . Nrrt'nt Uonds 0.:. !Wi 111 60 lndUJIVC', lk atlam1ty , 111 .. ~ur~t•lyms: ul htlt\1" .,.,. peld lor 1'tlf> Hoard of (~•!'\& df'l War, c.llt Grauel mo•IWU'Y. wltb tbe Rev. thl', North Aml"pc-nn Sh1phuildin~ aeml-annuaJ pt'rt t1 on buth thf' UU'Anrl Oolla~ .. ach. to ~Chota~ bulhhna' With fum ltur'f' fot ~"'"'~"'""'"" """''"''~ '"" ll&;ht tu "Wtw"' th,. P1a2• "Y'' lk l..uther Art.hur uf Huntm~o"lon Compan~·. "''1l..~ lllUIJI'Iw!l nff lh,. l'ommon 1\nd tnr U cwnulatlv~ run yl•a rs,; lnet'ftUry lt!JIIIIrrllu• ur 11 JJt•m111· "'.IN-I any and all bide. lo'l)lt tJALIC N-.. ,_ "'~;;;., Hcafu o.llu.ttln& lnterml'nt 1 • Earl'' l..anllfn,.; Wl\)l' "llh Ill/ {'t·r··· )Jrl'ferr•'<l atO<'k . a·ayment to ~ I lf'lds N•,.. 6.1 "' 65. ln<'IUIIiVf', n~"' fttlhJ'•·: lht• r••nnnmont lm · 1l w lnl/11 VllhiiiiiC•II "' ''""""' ·~ 4th m ~., J.t.ach Jn· &t tb~ Wuttnll]llter Memrorlftl m.my Till" hM1 "'"~ loutlr (or 1lw 1110,J~ 1,n Junl' 30 to rhnn·h.,l~lrra On't• "nloiiJo,un<l DollaN ••ttch. to ~n1 uf lh1• ~holhl w,ound.. ur-nrl('rl \llo ll h ln ~1\111 Nowpnrt 11 ; 1 ,,... Mre l~""•lby Mai'lJUf!akl "'md&ry. Castagnola Bruth('f'S of S~t_nlil Bar· of t f'<'<mJ u of J une ltl run 1:\ Yl'UN, I 'Jlwo pnH,~~Iin.:~ for lh•• '"~'Uftn<'<' ftf'ac11 Schoo•l Ol•tnrt, In •kt 11113 w hay · ll.vr . N•wport Mrs. Hn.o\ly h•avn 8 IJauahlrt. hnra. TIH' honl whl<'h "''Ill bl• Dlvldl'ml dC'cl:utiJ on the cum· Bond~ N~ 66 ro 70, induliiVt' ot Mid llf'lfl(IN will I..-~uhmllftod !ul l"ounl) ut llrl\n~o:••. ~IIIII' nf <'111!· U.O.t'tl l ip .<Ire< J l'8n Hnmb of Nt•wporl lf"d for comr.t.rcu•l fl~ "'It otr m nn stociJ w._ 11.20 to. Uu alii Ono• Thoultllnt1 Voll:.r·s <'ftl'h, ~a 10 O'M11IY1•n) tmc1 -lt1\i'l' Iumia b t-:t.'""' Mllllnn. Nlnf' .UO'&I!bUi-U.too....flii.Ull, Mi-a. E••• Snnt ~nrbara. will lw ro•""•'l't'tl hy munmw at tht' regular anuuaJ rate nJn l.f YN'"'· Oftlt'Y' uf Ll>!> An~: .. l•·'· t 'nil· llun•lnod ~'··nt)•·XIIC • 'Jl100 .. nd Irvin• "• .. ••h t.•ire Ha_yton of Iowa C.ty t7>wa. and r& 155·hm· .... ·,.-..•w .. r M1:h lifi~l •·n-: ,;, 12 ~ ~re ~ NO».. ll.. to 75. tndll.flv . 11rxl lb<' OJIInhlf'l of .nut nl 'l'tlr•'<• llumtrf'<l t "lft'"'" Tlt•llllno •~ D.-I" •tn . "~ L 't:u!fman 'I Wayland. J,;tn•· nnrl ~Ill lw clo•h\'l'r '" a))ouJ-.L -· . ...... ()n,. ,.. ..... und IJol1a.ni radl, .'' ut ,~, "'"II I~ f\1"~~,. cf\r l,lll ,fY~..,.II~ ool. llntflh-&1 rlw lc>f81 Near llere <Aihtrolled Iowa. ll b1ulh• r ~ir ,.. c . Gn.'t'oc :1() eta>~ , , Drivers Unhurt run 15 y••arN. ~~~lui bltkk•r w' 0111 t'hAJ'Rr nmnun ~tPifo ootAtertd~ tlfwwttod• __.c. • 01 Acld•'Y. luwa an..J one "'"and· ,..J' l ~nc1J> Nn~. 76 10 ~. lnc:tW>IVt•, All WI. mw.t \x• unctondlllflf'llll • lnMiolo<dn('<ll uf qJhi ~I flhr-Nu dam., I!. wu ~JAWt.cl - 1 tlaushter. J<~rk Lowry ?5'" l'orw rllng hi" 1 As Cars Collide Ont• Thouhllnd OoilllN icn. u>l A n•rtlfii'O or c-... ,hlf·r·,. rh•>c·k trlrt Ia On•• JluntJn-d St>vrt~l ..-1\ ol a ...u ,..... f&tw • u.. "nMtunte" for a cort> fishing a t ---run 16 >·•·&rll ; f()r • 11um not IHA than thn"' prr-l'"""-nd lloUa"' lll07.000.00I. J_. Trvlno p;;,.ftt Mar t:M Balboa Boy Leads thc-Port of S<'v s IIJ. Thl~' 1benr wue no lnJ~;rtu In a Bondw ·NOll. AI to ~., IPic:lul!tw, <'•'nf (3'l:.l of ttw pnr VllluC' uf thf' fly otdo-r nf ltw n..a.nl ttl !'ltll)l',.. tnrmu Mwta'e }uUtr;p care at Col Bo lly <'llnk••r type boo I 14' fh tntru.om I wo-car accl~ent SatunJay at 7 .Onl' "f'•>u'-llnd Dnllan~ t•ach, to bf•n•~ b4d Cor, ptl) nhlf• to ~·· onio•'r vl...-tt" !\f ll~nn~;l' t 'uunly, C'Ait· N•w rwwj fwat h a • 12•30 p m. lege nd Ra .ltll'm haA" IK'<-n In lhr ilt Gua rtl p m n n N~WJIOf'C b uff'vnrd JuA run 1 ~ .... ,...., • ~ th(' TtNlilunor or thf• ( IMtn!) .,, fniTI!II: Jun•· ,, IIM4 . I ynt•hl•y . &C'l'lttdlnc tu a ,..pnrt 'o(•n •kt• ;onrl 14'3S rcoh•fl"' r(l('o•nlh llortlt I)( <.'o.la MC'Ijl "' lllf'Uin£ flond, ;\ct.. ~ 10 90. lnciUIIIvt·, Or!ln~ muJ<t •c-('omrwmy o•nt•h lw l. I~~-i\1.1 It J ~~tm 1, .. ( lhr !"I al l' IIIYIIIflll nr .. jlff'111ry F:J waru StrJlho•nll. ~n ot ~rra. Jf,..r uwnl'r Jc In thi' mil I) hu; 1• t • 11 l .. f>Urt oJ t.l:le \A .. h1 om 1a (In•· n 1'"1"'1nll C"tllnrs Ntch, In u" s-ntntf'e lhnl lhl' hitlllm 11 ,.,.,1111' t 'l•1 k 1<11ol "' ''"" '" (lllr r 111 , 11 11.,10 111 ,. t'o .. la Mr • --.--11'0~ 8~l.&-elqle '*! Wltll "-.,nnp Mtl lluM,...II}Wtilr ~ tNM. aaoeU•t coa4itl0ft: ~ 1111 tabl• and 8\ool, nJabt t.a--. tab1• bava ctaa top& PbaiW N•wport Bctlch T .. J 4T·· WJt ARJ: 8PIDC1~t.I8TII 1M THh£1: AJifD rot1ft ROOM m TTnTS H .. • aa attnctne th,..._roo~~~ outnt ..t UJt Mre 411 out' -~ tor )"011 te ..._ ,... ll"e It weWd \ook .. ,_., ~ -tw•n\.roOM ...... ror ant.• Low•t term... rr. -~. M~Uall'l .J'\aillltUIW CD.. .. ud.Qfoedwey, ...... AM. c.l'- f011tla. •* WANT TO UNT-"•YJ ..... woul4 IUto .... M apt, lo ,... II:Jtoe'*-1 Nlwrwn tl 01111 If..,.. port Beet-11 ltTI-W. .._.. W Art'r 'fti itliif &iii' WQI turN8hed a.ou. or .,t. No_. dNifl Of' pet&. PttoM GOI'-t tf1111tlftrton &rlloCb 4(111, •T· ... FORI> IALF. tm Un.vin 7..,.,.,r ...... a.tk wlt.b .. , ~ and rlllllu a!KI d~ ,..,..,. cu , and Prtc.'ed lu ..U. • lltQ' ........... ,_ ftll:; .... lac may Mt be tar •••r. 1'\&11 prtc. _ ff•·• TlmOOOIUI JiOiaM ,..... ............ Jld A OMral Jlfewport -...a ......... "" .. FOR IIALit Its& Hupt'IW)b'l• .. dM, tl7tl. J>hJ n• N'wwpot1 lllf. Hel~n .M Sh·tu"n" ••f •Jo f:a.~t "'"' rn l.o-< An.~;••h•• 1 ...-11) I~·· l ll~:hwny 1,,.,1.,1 to..t!ty L\m lit ~··n". ltii'CC"S~Ul. Will n''I'I'JII lln•IJ~o~•) '"' t "l,.~lc ul lh•• lkw11cl "' SUJ•I\I•to•-,1., 1 ,., .. 11,111 1111-.,~ lllf' o.&ll j Bax.,A.vcnue. &Hfc•:l, W!U! ntaatf'r I o·a(l) f•lr fl ... hsn.,; ·'""'" 'ho• '" •I llt l\"!'r-"' I h.-, .... lh h•8 lnYulvt•d Hun,• I-:-.;," ~·I 1111 !il, lnl'lu•l\'l' ..aiel bnntt. In li(~'OI t.ltllll'' ~·II h I,.,. .,, c /IIIIIJ,;I' ( 'wlnl\. ( '.dllool IIIII m ·~r·n <;n,.!' .oc ow w .. ,-bond ,.,, lh•· ''""'h . \\o·rr , ... t or" Hrt>'\O.n. 't1 ,, tt.n ''"'' •. 1•10~·•1111 · t ><•lan~ .. nrh. to , .. ,.-maJOot )o./ID'•' ·~~ ... ,, ... ·,"srur '"~"'·.E,.S,"'','" .''"BU'"''' u,··""s".~ ::-J··."~ i'----------------------------·1 . • "'·-·-1\111 1\1 ·~·:tl • ,.,,·~k ·~IJ l ,. It 11 r 1'101·· fttnl• 1~ 1-!1 '!II '1."' n lltltl H A I) I() C! E' ·a vIcE rnlly I!')J nllon••l rt'l'l!ntly at Occl· •=" I llllhl llil 11!1•'•' ;\nlt/11"1111 ,.,,.,. 1\o I"..... • . l()O ' h. jloloo ro·ma ,, Ill flO' Ill •• " '-• • •.•• ~ ~.. . n .Jent nl ··oil•····' bv lu• (lllll·lnii,V. J lmJ Ull w I 1'1 •n l l ( l' I I L' •n• ... "11"' ~11• '" ' tnr lu'''''· ld Tl't'DliUI'l·r 1111111 "" ,,, .... ,., :..'!1, I!)<H ll·~rle', £1110, M .. rlnA .,_,.,,_ RAnal~t ....... ~ "'1--t ... -l.an .. " n (;. <11'1;1' ~Cuhh~ lt:l• orlllo•ol .II'.. ... • . . " •• I ,, Ono • 1'hi>U ... III'III ))ooJiar• ··;tt•h '" ;•-------~-----'!""-----------., "" " .. . """ ~ ··~ .. ~ ... .,,_ L ... '"' A1t>ha Tllll o ,,.,.;:n. ano~ ~amma ... worru~~h plunk II• hi ... ··t C'n~a· .J I,.,'' ,..r, ,., I .... t .• M• ~il """' run..:..>o. )~·ur.. Hurt fl. Norton Kappa Thl'ln >-ururlly , or.adolno ~ ,.,.,,. 1111\•1111.: ourth StephlOI I 'I II IO£•mbo"r of till' II T ' • I I I I"' tl'l·· I IIIIo .. r I ........ I ••Ill 1'1w lwlf'l<h "'Ill '"' -.olcl Cui ...... h 1111 0..1 Hllll•aJ .NI:WI'OaT 81:..\('Jt ...... ••n 1'\a,y V·l:t 4HJlt l!lOimncd a t Ocll· 1' "" '111''"' '' tnl! tUI 1 nnl~ 11n1l Hl·nm lo-...s lhlln flll r nnrl oJ.,n luJ und II> al~<• <haun:an uf ol l h· .Cn;lnnol H.•ul l't•mi.:IIH '' Jl • . ..;, Wedd' llt••·cuo-.1 11111'1<''' F~,<'h hut mu~t p· f • • J-D .. thl' &ngal BoArd and IU ft'pr1'· JU'I .ll~ttUI , •.• .,,) '" 1.:" '"'' .. '11' I rava s Jng to ... ,,, ... lhhl !he• hultJ··r ""'''' jlofl ro essaona -•rectory . •u·ntahw un w.., J\~!ll .. ll'ltc.J s tu-w nts·r , 1 Balboa Girf Annuled Mill aN'nwfl lnlron·~r tn ·'11'' dlllr $2.950 j 2ta d•'nls ;.,)Un'• ll I h• 18 Ill !I<• a m••m· II k Anuulml'nt (I( Ill• tltnrs 111~,. I ol olo•ll\'f'l) 1ln!l ~lA If• "'flll fllh'h I&·JI'OOT BIIIJ)HF; ut;f 'K l'W 'JIUH~t:K bt:r of Tlt:t>r l'laws, Hnnornry F l\lolo•r.' IJ•f••• ''' lh·· :-.; .. ,~ . .\lu!H .'lt•lll" ~fltllJih ;,( 1309 F. lhl' rm •m lwn If un~·. lllul lh•• 1111•• a.IJt Ia ltlt mt'n'll l!ervi~'l' l)r.:nn l:tatl n p .. r I ~hlp "!' S rt:mt.;•·l ,' h:•• lw•·n I '<·ntrul av .. nur. tstlb<>a w~ of~ mt<•n•,t .. rr,.rf'<l (or ''ud blontl•. A gra•Ju'ltr n ( Ntwpnrt HarbQr ("nnm••• ('<Jrnmll(ll"l'' In lho • Or:-tnr.:•· l:lllnl(••l ln l'rlYnt~ A-lll~on c' Eaclrl.lld ~hall bl• ul n sln..;lt• rnlr s ounly Cottnrl nf s •. , So•foul-L ur nr f)~UII"lllft .._, v J . -of t.nlt'~ t. Any hu:l for l\1\o ur 3000 higb •~hool. Sll'{ihl'no "''" 81udent ,J -13 ln.,"U"r•" . ~ •r1~ Ln 'r."" Uft~ mon' mf•'fo of into'l"f>l<l Will h.·,... M ·FOOT •. A.,·TAII. botly pt'lllolll'nt and wltur. ot the Tho• lhu•l h.llt•). "' kH~·n~ Jotllll • .. .. I' me ... u •Cfll'llf'O I .....:.. PIAHI!IOU BO..\T ll'lUl.IJl I k II 1 I N' y "('A -'I I d "tJ jt'I'IJ,:C • ,..._. PtJI'J>O!"'"" fnt \\JIIdl year >OO ~ wu II ao prom . to IVIC'I una. lhu \'l('lfll') S hlf,lhud<l· M .u.·u Ill; ., n"Or rf'('f'IVI'd <fild ...... _ .. _ -· -·· n~ I In r tbntr d t k ''"'"Y ftt)m l •nv·t·· I '"I I -'""''\L" Wf'n• V<Jiru Wl't'c 11"" n 00 " an r:Ll' • m~.: l'nrp•n:tlron·,_ ~111r m(lUS(' a ~~I an-fur 1h1• pui"J)O'o<'s uf rllh lnl: (';HI'ht·r .. •an<'c• fhr' wr11 rr' h··~nn monc-y for IJII' purcho;.1ng nt PORT OF SEVEN SEAS thrl> n•lumn, arl'l\'1'1:1 la)ol w.,ln••"· 1 '~•• ,todd.,.•• A••· Proor• . ~~thool Jot1 :· lhf> buili'Uf\i or pur· <In)' Th•· u((ll'ial male1nil)' )'\:lrd ~~~~ ~· ....,_~ 1411 d1~t.o!ln6: of ~lwi1l huildin~:•. 1h1• 1 .. lht• ~toc:k Nlflnl unrl lh" lllt••ncl· N D C makmK of ahernttoo!l or utl•lllt"n .. in~: physician WHJ> Mr. Mc-Drlnald. • • ASH In lhf.' !1Chool bulldlne nr hllllthn..;· h.•llo•r known n~ ju'l "M ar" tho• D. V. M. tollwt I han such n. "'n) "-· 11,., , . ..., OOQ end C,toT HOSPIT,tol.. ""' .. .., "" ' '"''' kllh·n~ anrl lht'lr molht;r All ..,,.u A"•.u.t ~ry for l'Uf'T'('nt matntl·nhnl•· .. 1, PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MA~ERS lalle, Awnlnga, BNt Co..,.rs 224 ~ 2let SL Newport Bea.cb Phone 107 Gordon M.Grundr, M.D. Phyelcla" and l"rtoefl OfUu H.-.. : 10.\"2 a.m .; l·t '·"'· · Tal~ t? LEROY P. ANDERSON c..to M... aenk a"ll41nt .. .._ .... Comed Richter, M.D. l'llreloleft lftf •~ Offlee 101...., ....... Nowpert .. ._ .. _,..! 10.11 •. "'· 6 •.• ,. "'· il'tt&ft-<)ffiM '"' ..... , •. J 0~~ G. E. TOHILL l't:fYIICfAH eft4 IUJIQKON .. c.-., .... ;~--­ -~-Offlee -·W 11 ... IN-" ~o:rn~ Wllh hlsu•k ''rlfl'l'~>, 8N' dOtnJ:t IIU 5o Mal" St .. &."'• A""· C:.llf. t'l"'ltk!n Qr n-pairs..o. lht-rl"f>.'lll/01: BACK TRF. ATrACK Btl\' MORE BONDM nl('f'l} ~torlnk. Of' ~bulldlnJl ,,, ""' 1.._..;;;.;;;;.;;.;.;.; ___________________ ...,. L-----------..._,,....-...1 ._ ___________ ":"""...., ('7 out of 10 ~pie read Netrs-11mM ~· A-4t~.) If ............. Call ......_., • e... ..... Callf~t• SNOODLES DOROTHY DARNIT YE.~­ I'M A.N Ho~o R PUPIL I I\) H I STORY t KNow SvN~.P1~· 1 "ioUT ~RDS • \ A(~~~ "BH:.N l.OAf-11'4' IN T~' 'toO r'R NVTtUN'! By Cy H uncerf ord HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W" ou,....lwea t he Bttler Sen• lfy fWrvlnr Otb•1'11 u..c" l'h.,, Newport M1 Coete .... Callforftla Dr. M. D. Crawford O~"OM.TIII.T r;y.a l!.umlnlld m .... ,u.cl 17tT Newport BQulnard COaTA MltA BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. JWIST SALTZ MORT'U ~RY l CHAPIL 8Y THI HA 4 10 CoaM 81vf. 607 Coaat Hlghwey l'hiH'a .1422 CO,.ONA 0£L MA" Coro"• dol M•• . N-port ...... ~'"•"• Nawpert 42 .I J(i UR. OBEU LUCAS O(•ntis.t • ttM''J W. C"rntrt~l, .rtt~ ~4111 1\'P:\\'I'OftT IIP:AMI ri ii(PI.AC:F A NO I<INOLINO WOOD- I I \.., \\1 1•111 17• I ~;I•' lllv•l , <'uMI\ Mr111. I IN'tl Lllmhl'r , Ph. &l)O..J.' GCNCRAL eoNrRA f,TO~-~ !;,,,,,,,,.,: ,.,n•lluv :l tllll'•'ftal JllvtJ J'l• 302 J'LIInaanOCun•trucUoa. l UMRCO C()MPA NI[S -- t '"''~ \l•.o1o 1.1 r r· "l .t'l 1111 h~lr you pl11n ynur homf'." Phon« ••· l:!•v I IJ04!rl• t '·""''"'t ,.,, l 'hun" li M c;,,...t Jllchway at Arc~. O FriC [. 8VPPL I['$- N• ..... •w•rt ""''"'r !•ut.llet.rnc Cn. ,..,,n .. : 12 • 13. Ne..,;.,rt Beeeb. PRINTINC • N•'WI~"' l111rh•w 1:ubllehl11« Cn. f'bonu: 12 • IJ. Newport BeMriL ·A£A'-5tT.ATl,, IN&U,.ANCI 6 NOTA-"Y .. UaLJC- I I,w II W101Ja, "· 2202 W. C.ntral Avenue. Ptaono J. hUII8£A ITAMI'....._, N..,.•pc.1rt Jlarftt•r l'uhlllllllfta 01. ~.'bonN: 12 . II. Newpott ~ IHEIT MITAL WOAK- VItle Mumblnr A 8h .. t Metal Woru, o.&a ..,._, Pbo~~e 210. • .. ~~~~:...._.:.::_.:..: . ~--· VAIIIITV ITOII&-.;: -----·--~-......_ __ _...... ___ ..___. ____ ----------... t:::..:::!~.=:.....;;;,._..::=,....-;:;;,__~-iooo:i=-:;-...;;::~ttoo~; ...._. ...._. v~ ,.,_ ..._ .., .. * »-.~~~!--- ~ 1 J • ' • " 8pfdal TT'Htmftlta for • . OWI"W''icht 6 Vnliri"WftP,t Gene Morleghem Zona n..r.p.t 5pfciaJUt. ----T I , • .... CAROLYN'S FLOWERS w{JI open soon with a fine line of CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DES IGNS ·~TTED PLANTS, etc. _ ......... "'--.......... .. IAN.TA ANA ' 0 'o .. P \a/, ,.,._L ........... ~ .... .tel_.. _ ....... tA·. • BERN.ARD ·-of ' H O LLYW OO D - SELL· Tltose ODDs~ and ENDS for H -Through a NEWS-TIMEs Classnied Ad 40c ·Telephone NEWPORT •' Our Ad-Visors ·Will ' he I p you to prepare Y~adL • '·