HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-27 - Newport Balboa News Times..... ~"·A. .... •• Sl1 Jl PBISS VOLUMEV · =-u a:: :&::1! 8tJcl. ~ud Judge to Get Many aomee Sold Launchingof~rash Clear Costa Mesan eou* ouan~ to Aid :J Darbag Put Week Boat N 40 t E d f R .b.l ' In Snowbird FH1bt ~ T. N . ("WCK") Confii.C"" of : -.......... -0. 0 n 0 esponsl llty Allh~ .................... Ban -By Navy SnagsT a king of Albacore =~:r:!:~~ . l' .. ~~:oba~ Hatbor'sBigOrder in Hawkins' Death ~~::i~:~ rt,.. a penoD-aven ODe u per-c •ty d D t A~ tbMe wu t.be c. DouN alJ.Ion bu been ~wei u4 loc&J d&Md .. thJ.a dept.-the I an an Jon•' ,...dance at 1211 w. Oceu A ...... I I ·-wtll mark Waltw Wta.oa, JTI.t ll&rdl •.• .,. ......... ~ Lt. ....... Idea tJa&t, •mo.t Jl"ront, wtLldla wu ~by J . UM la•w+'•• .... oeat month, C'oata M-. wu ,...,.,_, aon. Tulll, are 1-.ttutc ~ lD ...... ovel'lliJbt., N--A.rtJnar o,...,...,,'--ol Ole IMl ,..... 111 • .. rtea ot <'rat.d ot all ~111a&Da1 NapCiftiiAIIU. and ataUona.....,.... to De &arra port Hutlor bu buln man 'nM itWelltlll' wu ._ 11-toot ..._.... ,...... .~ tty Ia ....U. wttla UM da&Ul n~~mNr o1. ODMt o.r.t .anft developed trom With orvm. W . D&nt.. operator buUt aevenJ ,..,. -.o by Mr. &ad wtudll tile ..._. Caul Oo. bu of ICdward llantM, louUiem whidl wiU patrol t.baa 7M1'1 ..,._, N.wport Hutlor ~ ~ happy • J0 • of a marine repaJt plant, at JIJP· Mn. J-wt.o .... ,. aaoe 1U1ft-llullt f« tM u.-.. 8!--t.ea Navy, COWiliM Qu oompaay ...,...U.. Trophl• added ~ ,_, ... and aport tlatwlnnen toda.J ..,.. lucky r e 1 o r t v.•a y 101 and Newport boulnanl. t&Jned lt u a .umaer ...e. It wu an,...•• .~ lftOC"'llna by tencSenl for Ole 'I'Uft1ll area. W..O tu a U:.t&l ol D tM aumhr o1. julnlnt wit.h .--.11\11 ......,. u4 w ._I o It ..,.. dtJmandlnc a perm&~M~al -*-· WW&aln u.luCI. wlilo Ia ooa-llventt"C • ......, ar.t.or ot JIUb· <ned lalllrd&J ftiltat ~ an ~&war• o'ffel'lld. 1"'IM w bt ,..._. nald"-tntltrNU In ocw lleut.lt· money In the aion of hia writ ot problbtUOil, aad neet.cl with t.be 11an.o. oa1ce lk rdw 1 aJI.-ct ..,_.,, at u.. wu.an bome. Uon to t.be nwnber o1 _..._ en C&lllomla GOMt&l CJIU. to INmmer and re. the city enclDMr. U.. dl7 ...,._ t.be 11out.bem ao.u. OU Oom· Wltll Ole OOM~ ot W. ....._ AcUna" on '-UmolaJ ,.._w wllldl Jaava In t.b• put nlfte ,..,. protMt cloal"-ot ~ albacore lu:ed In the muter and the city attomay ar. pany, pW"C!U.Md IU... Oeorp IC. ••• an AJUI ~on ecbed. yoatertAa,....-,nonuq .at an~taquelt rNched .. hiP .. ' ua ......... , wat.n ott u-. llouU.land ClOUt bJ wttnt.er, to. vlrtll· rayed apll'llt b.1m '" NIClrt and Wea. dupla at 101 W. O.tnl ule lD\'VIIW..~ _. owr P.OOO.ooo t10ftftrtecl Ia llanta AM. memNn • ntry ltat wu tor u.. ftnt mpt, u.e Untt.ed 8tat.e H&Yy, ~J.y a met.ropo. acekln&' a nUl 011 D.Dt'a ·adt.S· avenue and ba and MrL Umlaad wiU N OOIICIIt..., Ute -.ta rep. or a co,_..a JUIJ taun4 llllal hflld 1n INt. wa..n 61 ~ eM Navy orden clold.._ wMt fWII· Ill. jtiea on hla parcel of ba,_tcle land plan to occupy one unit.·....,_ .......,t.ed 1!1 tiJIII JIGPU1 b&~ Hawk1na U. ~ to a... da&Ul llll4' at U.. upulftJ I"D· ermen olaJm .,.. U.. ollloMa ne. T b Ia place nat oppoalte the Arcllea; U.. two mov1nc to N-.oft BMcb ....-. been. deli, ... Ill .. rata ol -. u NllllJt ot' ..,_... ...,..,.. .... tn• apota tor aJMc!oh _. na.cle.n. bu be-parti61 1Q a cue of ooutclenllle aJ yean ap. u.., ._._made~ every ...,.. ..... .,._ fte an......,. -....r.• Nll1n'Oift MAJf m1-'l'laNday jUol\ u a ...,.U. .... coma 'a ruJ atp1t1eance to local lnt.rwu, wW home at DU w. OcMn rr.rt. Jut ...._. to lie h•riMd wm be A.ool y • to·~ De .a. w.aJif CAll ...,.. ~ -IQ for 1._ NJI per • filii OA.DOII city, a ad It a, dvs~~ toward a Mt~rm~uon 'nle 1"bomaa IC. aouc.ey property two -a ...._. ., ~. Mr. terc:aUoa 'cllwlllopM at De wu.oa Cart Oh&l A--U. 1'' 11U.. 1\., llad re\'MJH U..m In pfonta»> WOft't ....-1'0 back to t.be old n ar.ta Ana wpenor court on at 1n1 Ptaa ell! Sllr, Balbo&. Morna -'4. home where Mr. and Jllb9. Hawklna ·--quantiUel. daya. Monday, • wu 80ld to QedrP T. ~ til 'nM llauU. OMit Co. M a wWe and •nral ~ ... llad ~topped N-port. cited SatW'daJ alte,..,.. 8corM ot eo~~~ma.relal ,.....,_ In the plOd old da,........_ bad Dant•a"'ple& fOr &etiOII to rettra1n UplaDcl . can. w.eD N ,..... . ., Ulla.....,. for a r-dttalul followjq a fun· at 8an\a AAa AnnJ Air au.~ men In Ole MewpNt Hart.or At-~ days, wblcbever way you look vartoue city offtctala of Newport t..t. ucS Boward Tlwet. bro. rate u It • • II •II bJ UJ u, P'ealc at a au\& ARA ,.,t~. u riMIIt ol. lftJI&"-' _,.,._ tnct and tn ottwr ooutal atu. at lt-thl.a reporter Wled to pop &ach from lnterfertn, with tua ~ baw pwclaUed Ole Barry builder ot tM ... due Yeald Dun"-t.be coww ol Ole .,... lo.t. ~Ool ~ bla ~: ~~~ have apent mofttU pra ..... for lnCO U. pollee alation, ... ·-there acllv1Uea at. tbe moor1np be bu Jftuw ... --at liT .. ..,.U. on the Paettle eo.t. "'"-· Rawlllna Md WU.. ·'lftll. t . OM np.eted ~ IWL &.Me wu only one dnank report, ana eatabltahed. (ollow up to a tem· av_..., llillbDa blu4. .....,.. ·In t.be ,.. U.J ~ Ia to U.. Mck ,_,.. wMN a ._t.ed ~ Ink» a trM at Mnrport boWe-lut w .. ll u.e nib ...,.. _._ u.n apen4 tlle real ot the time porary vmt wbScb be obt&tned readlattal ~ on .... .-.~a. c:aanecUoft wttll. tM laudllnp of .,.,~l eniNecl anct blowa. _,.. vard and. Pau1&rtao road. Jt a. Into N.wport c.....,.._ ~ llhoottni' the breese. Now, we b&Ye • arller. thJ.a •-..Jt. IIU.Ia ,.,... UIO ,1014 ....... ~ Ole a1rcnft .. .,_ ._ta laave ~•cbancM. wt~ HawldM NpOI't. beu.v.cl tlliat 1M fell ...._., at-t.be tr.d n.ll marketa Ia ...-uu.. Iota of drunka, wblcb Ia ample Oant • -recourae to wpertor aowt week by Mr. ..-.r. been ot we -~ ~ ... edly falltaa to UM ~ on ·~· wbeel. ' • proof that we've poown up, tan't followed •vera! lltepa \&keD tbe bo&ta .......... to tiM water en1 aocutDM Rawkt:M and Mr A"-ell, who wu II 1Mr1ol •t&: ... .....-a..t It, · ag&JMt '•hla u.e of the property Co ._ Co--•:.a-..a-wt.~ a •••-fill futare. ftAa wife thea tooll UMV ..-. wu • reUred llteam~t ~ Ctllet ~ ol loclaJ .,... Speaklnc 0( auch ~. the to which the plaintiff clal"':' a UD .. .., · IIIIRR'ruag u. ,_. .. W'T...._ o1. t.e c. route ......, tala and bad tM aoaM t.liDe ..._ mom a. tile .,.. tMl .._ ,._._ wont DMd we han rtlbt now, v&Ud tiUe, but which city otnc:tall A.Jr Foree ~ ,.,_ Ole M"J" ,._ _. U.. noU<*I U..t W bUibuld wu IU u a' .,.,..s-.t--....., "tt.mlle ..._ .. Of' U·fti&MM ...,. ru bit, I.a. a -.r1r pollee depart-hav~ 10111' reprdecl u pnlpeftJ con.ttnaetSoa ... l'tl'llartty ol • and eo atopped-at the re.fdence ol Marine MM. u U 1e k_.,. Ia dtreot.ly ta tM ment. nat ctoe.n't ,mean, elthn, mimed by th~ city of N~. for Wbalf Leaee livery ol ~ ._.,Y etftdet her bro~, Matt Truran, wt1o A::Slel~":r, r.nowct to a Loa center of one .,... c'-' by U.. that wllat we b&ve now, J,Jm't an lAM Title Qaertlntl vea.ela. aaCI. M Gllr ~..,. 1leea admln~ nr.t ald. Hawtllna. · MayY ~· n a. In U.. lo-.llt.J •'-cant force, beeauae It Ia. ,. A.ppllcatJon by U.. 'Army All' bUilt on • pra,.ltllc line ....._ recowoarlq, MJ4 to baw l.apecl Hao-......., -..----· U..t IDiwt ol U.. ~ ._. poUca de .... ..tment tunctlona wen "I am arudoua to «et the wbole Fore. for a ..._ 011 U.. COWlt) theft bM ..._-.... or apace from tJM ear, attacktnc Tnaran. ...~ .., .... .,..,"._ -f b& ...._ oa"-t. and hu ~;a fine name for· the matter Into court, and ret lt ct.. dock •t liM ArdM.. u ....U u aY'al1ab&e f« _.. tllu a ""'1 Durtnr tiM ecutn~ Hawktiia fell wnw .n (l&t,...,...... .. .,.: H";,. ~,q; offtol&l elty elaewhere, tn the way crtme ctded whether I am, or am not. upon a& UIICIIacl-.cl amount ol lnformaJ ........... uneon.c:to.. ArQie Horvat.b. 10. -ol Mr. ~ I&Jd U.t De ora., ...._ Ia controlled. But there juat aren't the leK&I owner of, the property be)' &obtap Ia tJaat bnJn,adlate Rubb&rd ..... ,....._t aad W'-be felled to I"MPPftd to and Mra. AJ Han&tal ot • Allee IIW ,..,... uW wu ,_ a .... enoup men to cover Newport. c'n1 taueaftlllon1•1• D&nht atah ~ ....... ~'· Ykinlty, .. ......_ o-.ldlncl ~ 1'-ral -uqwtll loaOI Oout arttnelal ....,.ralklll, I" uabalaDclt avenue. w -'4 to be AD a ...._ _... ,.... ._ lfO'st-M ..., B&Jboe, Balboa l.aland, Corona chi ty ('I eta a, w o • ......,.. ln-county autbortU.. It wu ~ Co.. bad Udll _. .., allout the wu IWilJftCIM4 . IMit upon amnl C:ritlcaJ oondiUon ..,_ ~.... IJM OI'CIItr. ,....._.7 .,.... M ...._ Mar, Newport He!pta. and all the lllrumental In aervtfl6 the boat today. aauncblnJ': ~ ,...a. Ia t1aJ1 at CommaltJ lilollptt&l, U. IIWI wounclad llltnMU at 1~10 oa&ocll l~.-.· tor .,. addlt.to.laJ .._, rMt of cNr Wtdely-eeparat.d oom. r:palr man wtt.t; wve::! lepl 'n~ 'nle Army, wtucla a. ~y area haft 5 ••• a -.. .. to wu .,..._Deed clea4 lhle alt.ernooa wl~ a .II...,.. UMW Mat. Oout o.ar. ...._ munJtiea. It cea tot mov. r-om .... .-..~ ~ .. ~~! -~ t.be dock u a ~ wtt-• , t t 5 ol .. ol ·, nne. ,.. boy wu niiiPIIed to • ~ "' ~ ._. ~ .,... ... S.tcb.&Hodee~ou.r at}'liab pollee n oon roveny, -...... -..-~~~ ,_. Anny NKUa .,...._ -thMe tut ... _.. .U • V.O idliWi'IJfO CAU,D Poet.a "-,..,...._ •• ol.ftel ._ p~a~a~t Ul&t u..,.,... ...,. .... d!Aef, would be happy It wddenly ~~~ ~=::~ an~:.S~ • .._ ..... ~ craft. Ia llld &auftciLlal' ef .., -AU wtD tn order to re.WW U80 artl.t. l,...,.,.,. ..-ta Oldy • _,.,.. _. .. I be were banded a halt-doan neY( 41110 would -learn~ a court ct.. !~;;;. ac::s tmpro~ u..-!lar7..!:" !~~. ~ ~~~ .. ~~ uea tn thil "-and to pta • At,_ Ume lJtU. bel r ... u. Havy'a ...._ • otftoen! r------...... com,,......... .,... ~ ftlture wa.& av~ C011C1e1'111111 ~-,.. dO.tnt .... ..-.re ,_., • • • termination of tbe I-.e. ftta tuc:Jud1ac fadnr. 'l1)oa .,..,..,, wfU M ..... ._ to a.old aa U.0 wor'll atanoee ~ Ullt ~ ll w .. ~ ............. et' _. .DOII:I.LmHT lraOIIrtnotdeta em""atltn•arl~-totc~ U~ Uoll o.r.~~ .1~ ~ .~JM'O'ft-tn¥1t&Uoft&l o , J . We -.ope to ==-~ C:::..~ ...... OtJJ.4 but Jt ta llftcle~~ tM ln&t. t""'" tnlft~ .._ ADVICE DSPI'. ·~ u.. -· -.... -...--~ -.-~ be .... tie ..... tl ..._ wM a..ar.u P lea. II W.,. ,...-.,._,..· · ~arr1t!d on elf tile ooMl. NaYJ' c:lded In next MondaJ't IMaNip. ty, ~ to UK Af'lll7'a fll· would ISSie liD~ ,_ ••· 1 ~ _ .._:.._ ,_..l[b!le worrying about thlnp however. fer. _ ...aa..r. ~ ......_ ·-, _ _... apok-.ad t11at .. ...._. o1 .,..mdpal. It mtpt be weU to n-t Mel.,_..._....~·...,. fte ~ ~..... ~ ..-. iM ......., .,... ..,._ ~ vllt..,. tclea tMt,.......,. IID.-·I ... Urt"afR$ ....... Ill•', -a,'~ ......, ...... v..-. tile~ u;aaa~t. ~ pot:sm.-• ........... ._ fll.-..,., ot •lll•nr'-• •-..a..•. ,.. • ~ 7 0 1 'L="-twtUnl' ...... ....... _, .;;c. .. JJ-otCOII.~-t-!_t~~,-~"~ ~~= :-.. ~~~:-: ~=--:,.a:-:.~ Honor:ed 'or Rescue IIMell Man lomla ........ ,..,.... ...... IUHI ..,... UMf~. -_,,..,_,_ -.... _. --·-· authorltlee ebn!end, be .... -en,. I' 11 It wu leemed 1061J. Mr ........... ~ ar c:wrt:M- ptpe. bt&' .wtf. lett over trom our rtcbt .to u.. .. f D . y . th FIDdA New Britain •un'• llnowlectp ot ......_ ,.... ·PI' tAU 1 ....._ recent ...,er IDitallaUon. thla k -~ ... _ 0 r:ownrng ou l•ma mall• b1m a nl_... ....,.. Why not. bt won4era. u.e that oant -....,..... tn.c .. Shark Isle 'la~ed' I' Werlor to Home twor nt tJaat lmportant rroup. ac. A,...., 1'1.-ct tn n-.nnen ..._ ptpe to plAce alon« the beach tor of hla bmartU n,,e dr&ISta·~ after a ._ _ _._ ~ ... ,:•r•lln« lo a lettu tl'onl. 0.0,.. 'nt lh" ••trnalv., nperal6oM uae u lndneratonT They could surveltyd Yl n ue toll ...,.1 ~~t,_,,.. By lQ.IU"IDe ForcM 'I"1W! llerof~ reecue ot a 16-,..,. Tech. Brt. LOula ul~..-n .. amp. LAr ... n. ae<"ralary of tiM ~~~tore .• ,. u tollotn: be Katter't'd all along the ocean nf.'IUh l• n, ~ ee J tUm .,._ one old Colt& Men J"l~Ut.b. ..Jatln lA Jr., who enllat•d In thr Army thr~d lin•· A~laUon. -c-atalina l•lanrt A 10-mll• ftorlt. and then prnumably JTI-.nch. 0 11 rat • wu u · .,. enter a WIUt one Of ~ NayY'1 new Oabom, jr., or 210 Dnd lltl'eet, yeara and tour mn11tha a«'1 an IMfu•r~ ra,...a qn 'u1"' wl.!lt 1lde; an en of bot· dop would' carT)' the rroperty line. cement YO lblpe ancbored off Ute wu publ~ly n!vealed 'for tile ftnt. hu apent U,e 1'1'atf'r portion or ,l.ht:mu~ • aquaitt ar.a mldwaJ ~pe-r. tome lnclneiitora, In· Faile Arftlilt ~ Balboa--jetty, t.ba bay twit til y~rday when It wu learn-that time ov~~u much nr tt Street Borne· Traffic bfolw~ .. n Catalina and Lacuna _. __ .. f I ttl ....... bl I t landlq .,.,..._, and 8barlr bland ed ... at R"~ll Covt·--· -. In combat hal .,.,.n all of the T d 1'-•·h. a JO·mll• ....... ~~, .. art'a mid. ·~ 0 e 1\1' ...... m ow n ° Dant In applvin• for Ute tem· .... _.. ... -.. •• T k Nautical reo ..... ~ .... ol .. _. --..... , .. _ -IU'IIlJftJ wiUt u. .. llartnaa, Coaat Ouartf boat.waln'a -·te. world that h• wl•h~• t<l, arrord. a eH WIY lwotween Catalina antt llan f ... uvut yar.... porary wnt of problbltlon .,..ana "-th 1 a •-r th e-.. •-Ra.rborttea y..tnday fOUJid Utem-had been awardl!d the Na-a 811· lnf to word N'<>PivPil by ht• mo · Onoth. ~. aome o e m ..... an .... thr harbor muter, the etty en-•:~ f """ Ht1eh ttdn of Tu....tay afternoon -·'d de ....... 't th I .. -...~ In I .elvea wtt.ael!tlq aome blPIY ef· ver Uf-Yln•. Medal In ~·· er, Mn R~ Ot ... enkamp 0 ""'1 San Ml'"'"' Jalanrt A nv"·""" ....... ....-e r .._... paper glnMr, the city attorney and otb-. .., ·-·0& runlrlbull'd a ... acnlnl{ touch to ,.. 'em. and ave COMlderable traah rr nfficlala. ad forth ,that he had 'ec;~ve lnvaala taetJc:a. Uon Ot hla prnmpt and COI'Ilme4s Santa Ana av~nu4' '• ''"'" and htlcl' t rav .. t alon« C4'n· ta\IIWI •urnttlnttln.: Wll.,n R~k. lnlcll ehutnc. around, lle con. bel'Ji wrontriY ~ 1Ut .Juu-~ ll:geDe ;ro1!'1, of U.. local c.bla aetioa. ln a leU.u m&Jied July 4 ~nm ltai' vfltlu~t. brt~ lltlclef'rtth r>llillt. Dum~ An IHl'A Jn. IN ll Cout Guard nb-patrol -.. atat-'"'-ntallon ot the medal wu NeW Britain, whrN" hr hu .,..,.n .~'11111r•. 10 mil~• llff th,. pntn In nuea. · ary upon a technical .......... of · ha ~l rf'..t and H~venlh •tr••t. U ... _ It ............. __ t .... .......... ed that It wu Ilia IUider'ltandl.,. made by Capt w. r. TOW'le, dl8-.~uoned for a numbl'r of ml)ll\ . II INIUII'rrlv t1trrl'llton. uoc C: Y """"'...,.. 0 '"" eome. mnorlnlf In a prolllblt.ed .,.. rtll w111,.r •plallhf'd tn 110 • t.htnc'lbout It, otnclala ml(ht ap. wlthnut the harbor muter'• per. thh at the ~uverfp~y would be tr1ct Cout Gu•rd ofncer, at an S«t. Ol,.wnkamp WTotf'' Ilk ;, .. m th•· tl>l'"an that It IIJled R11n n .. mllnt" Jalant1 All ltlfl point Johnnie hf'ad . or a new de· mlallon, and had been ~ed ere the --an~ o ~ week. The tmpn-utve Cf' at. the Oo&lt Thla certainly (11dn'l •••I'm -11 ro•11 11\ mtJ,.• nm1h. 40 mil•• w,..t -.aftMIIIIt tiG teed• -ople-bow on a. 111m-tlar -'-•••• -a f-wee .. -RumkP-ef~llel eon•pl'ttltnr ore 1"'Urttt of Jul)' 1......,..._ ~t~w"" l11.recl J:.IU.b .JlJJth..iO...,IUtiiiJL 1 n m Ti'iliOUnl hf Ulf 111~-r-,... ""-.. ~ "'-... ot ~'--" 0 1 ""'' rltt~tlty found a rr Ulf" n be Udy and clump their traah Into , lotAr VOUP waa·n ...,.,.,_, At th~ tlmt ot U.. rMC:Ue, Qo\t. juat anothl'r da y. nr mu · an .,...,. 20 mil"• ~~qoare midway ' _. t U ed ...., __ d •'--hona, cloeer to th.t t111y wh,.n I will "'"1 ''r~ "' th" bay t)l•• talnn .. ·IUld llan Dt. the receptae~. and IIIlO to teach 1 "J wu Arr,.atf'd three Umn In tn ... on wu 1 a on a.....,., W>C ... ~ b 11 """" lh" rtral tlmf' ln. lwu hMw,.,.n ~ '' the wavea not to carry truh and 11hrcc daya and notified I muat 'Pedro Purse Seiners Cout Ouard tnapecUon barp at be coming ba~k J hllvf' 1111r,. · •·•·n h .. 1n. •tuff on the beach. Then we'd rut ur I50 ball each day," the Balboa when-hi' wu ln c:llarS'e away r. long tim,. A• ynu knnw. I ''"llr• lhat thta mlnnr P t ";:,mr. Mft nla "'"h•ra lal•ntt An arf'a hav• no litter at all on our aandll. "'-a t "'ork•r --•ct, .. a__... I __ _. Turning to Na..rnnrt or checkln1 tllhtnr ..._ta •ter· wu ne_l!er • I'UY, tn roam u .. un•l ""11' ''' hl«h wat,.r had wth(' ~~ tO by 2:l rnJI,.. un lhr ,nnrlh and "' "'' -~ ..., AnV '"'•-.. ~ .... "" tnr and leavlnr tile ~. much. Writ, J'Vf' ha•l "'" tilt "' "" th .. wul(hly aloo~r " ~ m .. n 1 10 "'"" ""Ill"" ar:"• llfluthwNt &tella the Job of teachlnK the I that u harr&Min•·. partlcularlv 88 Repair Rue 1 " .... ,... n "'l'wnnrt and Bal ~. .. " While awaltln• tum at t.be aeeln• th,. world &Jld I'm rf'A.ilv 1 rill!' '"' _,.. "' ,.... • 11( l .. _ taJan4. wavea would be the eul..t! In. Vltw of ~ .. -tact that .... onl• • ., ... tl 1 vtllf'<l a •tlOd dell! nr ""' -- U"" .,,~ I C'ht<:kln• IUtiOn, tJ\e Oltloftl .._ tO .n homl'. any tlmf' \\-'hat I• '"'11• lOll Jlf I R • -· ~ "' .. '""UIC e ... ape "np come In fell from a flahtnr 'boat and wu Butch doln«• fa h~ bt'lnl( a K,,.,J 111''1111""" ' -'""~!" • ·• • • l luu• T w·-t to ~ttl•, •-w .. -• .. -r Tb -'-of t .. J to ., ...," .. -l,.nr• to ~ .. __ .__d trattlr IID&"N ' haVI' lepl rf(ht to \We the I r r .... m .. Mura Watf'r Safety Coune 1'IIDR ~ JlrtlJ'If'rty which I boul'lt In rood Newport Hubor'a poet-war lblp. Mint: earned to aea by a Ulna-oor . or ta he 111111 ~roln~ ar,.un• "N """"" nf •lama«" Wl'rf' ,.... , , !law Dad Workmlln the other rolth, or whdher I lack a le-' yardli lnduatry loomed tall above knot current Unable to aw1m lle the nelpborhood rt~hl ing wtth '' n-:clar-A SU"'"'-• ·-th •-•UI U r oln• dOWn for 0.. third lh• Othl'r 'do...,! IMII !f'll al'7 r\1 ~"'"' day. He IIVII ht 'a havln~ m•tt IItle." l' wa,. at .,.... Oo&lt oompanJ w ., " ~ .. - troubl,. and can't get hll copy of l Dlln,t bought hlr. claim to the Tueaday when Steve Oarcu' ao. time Whf'n lhr )IOW!r Cout You'll h.IVI' to Jlllttlnn lht> 1111"1· Planning -(,,ommiMion aH 70 Graduate_ k ,_._ toot ..,, .... -•--, ft..tcle of a--.... Guardliman dove Into tile waw u thl'rr 11r" " rnupl,. nf 'l1le ~ .except a WM ,__ 1 pro~rty aome time aa"O from ... ..--~ ..-n ....... .,., tl _ .. h dl, 150 net tona,· of s'an Pedro, In full uniform and etfec:ted the rata runntn.r b11·k """ tnrlh 11rrn"~ ~··Vrt11 v rl'rtlrtr lll"• of a~ II ., Tch! ... Rave you no c.,.. aw M11ynr McKee of Compton. Calif. \' •~ p t ment + th~ atreet alpll h.ave been n-Dnnt 11atd he had obt&Jned a quit-noeed up the Cr.dla for dry dock-boy'a rt>acut. my t••t snrt I'm trylnl( tl• ~rlli'IJ Ou:H OH pone "'"r•• RWIIr•l'"'t H11turday u thfl o. p&Jnied' Good Idea ... Saw Bam clAim to the property from Jamea lnr att~r an extended queat for Covln.,tnn •• now aklpper of a thl'm with a rMk J WM In ~wlm . of R~oraanlzatlon I t\1 W"'"' ~ .. (f'!y l'ampaii{Jl c • Kl~ther'l name prominently Irvine of the Irvine ranc:b. Part coinm~relal deniiiiNI or the bnny O>ut Ouard pAt.tol v.Mil. min« Lhr nth1•r t111y juJtt ~wlm-l't I•• " ,.,,,.,. "''~r " two w••k• f;r. ment.loned the other .day ... Bert ot the property D&nt claJ"" wu In Oulf of C&Jifomla. mini{ alon«. mtnt1tn~ my nwn In••· "111111111 rl·nr.:•nlzatlnn ... uton ''''' ••t tntrn111v" lralntna lne ult· 8tevenaon, wllo uaed to run that once ullf>d u a atrteet leadlnJ to-Prtd• of America, operaUn, for JIIAII'f' AIJ .... In-when I hru d " 1'11\lfll" "1 .. r th,. •tl v rt .. nnlnlt rnmmtaalnn ,.,1 11mnn~e ,.,,. If"""''"'~• w,.r 1T taeklelahop In Balboa, wu atttln~t wArd Highway 101. BePore that Van Camp Ilea Food company, hu •-··~--ahota ~d lookrt1 arnunt1 1" ,.,.,. "',~ f'""'fl"""'l fur <1nr mnnlh. t...a-Jnn,.ra. 21 lnt,.rml'dlat~ ,wtm. In hla booth at the peony arcade 11 wu an orll'lnal portion of the ranpd u far eouth u Cedroe -• • -~ what Jaappen•d Tvt•" "u"lrlllllln wh•·n th,. rt•nn,.111 m,.t In rlty ntf'fll, 2fl •wtmm,.ra and alx Jun. the oUIV day, and protNaed be Jrvlne holdJ:nca, llland, to Panama and to the ()&). One hundrrd and 011e d--. 110ldlera w•re ranyln,; t<ut " rtv~> 1.,,11 111•1 ...,,.,.k, lh" al'ttnn boolnt tnr llfuav,.,. wun't a bit lnter uted Jn nlhtng A num~r of compi&Jnta 1a1n1ec1 apacoa, and bean wtth her. wtler. ned Ida, tllllnr alrnoat t.be en. toot crocodile lti .. y h~il ~h••t "''1 1 .~ ''" 111 1...,m ilt rurth•r Mnattl. Vanl'l! Clym•r. Rl'd Cr,_ neld until eome J)ILINrbY mentioned be acall'llt Dant by City Attorney enr abe ,oee. eome ~tort. of an tire Mck Pll~' 9f t.be Newport· 50 )'arda downatr,..m' If v"u think , , A' 1,,0 nf thr rf'lll.-nlltt<lo wlrt'•l r .. Jtrr ., nl ~ttlv,. who wu IJl charr• k11ew a J'OOd anrlln« apot. Then I Roland Thompeon tn the put. b&4 excltt.,. rec.nt put. <>n. of tbMe Balboa PTUI. Mt a l'lleOf'd Ia I didn't «et out or I hat wat...r. 1,.,.. rr11m hla Nortt)l'm r.allt11mta tlf tnal1'1trtton, w&1 lltiChly eom. be llad to be reatralned forcibly! r hargf'd him with erecUnr moor, ooneerna a now told -tOr,. of a today'a l•u" of t.bla . ,.P.r. you'rt> cruy •nnrh hy r· Har~tlil "'•Jlklna, l'om. pltrnrnl11rv ,.,.nr .. mln« th~· ltll'f'PM . .-. QuMt.loned Nell Wllllamaon lng~ and bulldlnp without per. mlllllon In whlcll ~I the bul· which. 'u far u can be lt.araecl You nev•r mch • plar,. u thl• "'"'1,,11 ,.hatrman. ..r th~ unl,,.rt Alllnf an•t d•I'Jarntt about P'onner Mayor RaM")'. 15M 'miSlllon. u•tnr a moonnc place un. wartu o1 ber llta111oard II.._ '"" wu nevt'1' f!<!Ualled by a .... ~~,.. It lt'a nnt rata nr antk"11• 11:. 11,.r .. r1• th,. ,.11trll month "'•r~· th11t h,. rnnatrt"r"'' th,. rampal«n .. ,. he'a bullt>r'n eve, ... Bill l•wfully In waten oontrobed by ci'UIIIeCI, but not IUtf'letenU1 to ly paptr of paid ctrmalaUon In aomf'thlnr till' Th,. mn•tt1•11'"'11 ··~ t'fw r lly ~nunrll wilt hav,. t&k. An r•r"l'''"""' .,,,.~ ...... Jolln'a, the pollee rtepa.rt~nt'a or. lh" rlty, obltructtnr a· channel, pre..,.t t.be .turdy aeiMr fr'om Orange county. are only about • tllo!'t lopr . lh,. , 11 ttt•llun ,.I IJirr arr,.rtln~ Mr W1th 22~ l'"rllfmll •nrullrtl. tht netal yachtaman. reporlll 1ll1 ~\e. hnd tn~~talllng a marlne railway llmptn. to U.. doclu bt Newport "Pulllnlf''. pnwer of the ada bu«• a•t Into your foort tind lh~' 111,1:a.11111• r•·lllltn11ttnn. "' ur«lnl( I''""" """" !~<r~erf'hy '"" lh11n 1oy ,ant cntt .-ot muddled up when without the necMU.ry pennlt tor . a preYiclul r:eP&~r trip tlaat In thla P"P"'''" c~ned eoJ. awHt lltU• btrda. u hi« ., "111• hill' V• ,,.,.,1,..•ttt,.r. It w•• alat,.d h,.Jd h,.r~ tn Jlr,.vlmaa Y"""· ac• the wavea took a abort cut aero~~ The cue Ia Mt before Pnlt&. hu now 1M to 1lw .c.ter ...-1. umna. h•''" brouctlt ...,_ted turH. ~~Hr llnJlHlnr •1 111 1111 Mr H•'f'ktn11 wtr""d h., rut~•· •·nrttlna: t•t •·· w. \r,rorku, R,.d tiM penJnw~ tJte other day .. ln'g Judfe JPranklln 0 . Weat tn W.um Prtcle, llrtppend by Bro. romf!ltmrnt• r r o tft de~t.bed uy u much aa to MY, ·'Tht~ 1• . •••n Jut wH-k · l'r'-rhatrman oT wa.t•"' aaf.,ty MU~h'l former Bamboo Room'• Sllnta Ana at tO a . m. M~. ther Joe Ouwu. mak~ uaa. bar· UMn my Juo«l~" If,. '"'" h" wu 0111 nf tht "''Y Whfl,. lh .. numbl'r nf «raduat ..... . ~rinlnr to look ltvtly acaJn . . bor Iter Npalr MM allo. Tl bl'rom,.. n-.. not adftr-. W•nt to a r lrtur, ah •l\4' tunll,fhl •••• ,,,, .. n II nil ,,.., ~r1ntta ltvl "'"• I .. , ••• , .. ,...d. aatlaflll'f()ry, ttw-,. .. . Wby~t Ute m~rcllanta ~~:et bUiy IN.rt71U'!D IN IIDioo TIM WaatAtm Pilot. .o.ta Rica llalnlf for tnatanoe, ..,._ tile You know, 1-or lh'-nu<dnnr 1,, J•N·m tt uf hla ltf'votln« th• tim,. '"" would "-"" .,_n tar hlth•r and a pl'Ue for Ute nrat an4 ltlute .J01111 are otPMr Mr Pn-11' r laultlf'd "!INICW w aMe tlllllp, but th4' plrtur" waa It'""' '\•hl•h II'IC',. a ruhllf' ... rYtce •· h•11 tor th,. unu.ual rt~lltni'M nt lilu1 ~ c:aupt? Then wr.. T. B. Talbert. wife of the wtMiw now ~ """" tlletr to report. In nne WMk'a u--. a.nd ,..,. ,.nYI~ II rt wu HlnJt lltllll•la th" w•l"r whlrh Ia \bill aumm,.r J"rank UMell would come dOwn. mll}•or of Hunttf\rton IIMdl. ta r.onwr llan ..-o fUU.. and ,... that. want •"" aotct tour lwNMa. Croaby In "Onln« ,.y Way•" t.hvttr f1yan H&Jl anrt nth,.,. •~ul tlv,. llrllr,_• be),. nflrm&l, ._,145 r .. t ..,.m . . . rrco~nnc In a Me:&Jeo City lloa-petr ,..,... 'to U. ~ ot twn bMta. plact!d lour ,.,...._ 1 am atlll tr')'in~t to lt"l th....,. .,., .. ..,.,1 r•lu!'tanr.. to &rl'flpt f1'11"t (':Mrku aattl, Pilat ·from lnjur1M IIUat.a.lnecl Ill ~ .. y la a .o• tUtltt fn exactly th,. •mpto,......t UWJ'• two rata and 1 will «"\ th"111: lh,. ,,.1tl"'allon wtth•1Ut turt~w~r Oraduatlon l'flrtlttf'alH we,., • railroad wrec:k behtMII Ouaao. Wliatdll w.n. ...... ... ..,., wtahPd, found ..... ~ to too. r Uttn)l It ,..nutrt .,.. mnrr ··n•tdflratidft . .., prt~ .. nted lllatur&ty . at Balhntt !lEW ~CI.& OOP tuato and 8llao. Mn. Tai1Mrr .. .,., loutla OMit .,..,.. etftelaJI, a youn• 'lady Ul &IIOis.t ..... fun tort UN!m wUh my hayoll#t nr' HtJWat'11 ,.,.arr. tec:relar1. ttlnt,. Whflr• two eduutlnnal NewMt mentber of the Mew· \'latttn~r th~ eo.lthem ~blle 'u ttectarM t11e7 --•• "'12 1 her ldtl~• ....-eeQswt wtD Tiley II)' Ulll la Qcw!'a rnurltry nr,.~,.,~ at 01~ hr1•f mwtlnr rnma. "Oara and PaMI .... " anlt port Beecll pollee fora. Ia l:dwtn ron~ of 100 Bpanlall ~ It Ia aa *••u.il ttl wtll&l ..,. .._.,, • kMw ,... ao.t, ... w.n. u far u T'm con,.,.rn~. h~ whtrh waa h•ld twrorio , ... ptan. ''lf•fl41 17p." w""' w.,..n~4. Janl'N Bradley of Palm Bpnnrw ,,.arttra at~_.,. OM U. I. Da. be ... aM wt11et .,. ........ wtJ1 ~ empiOJIIIftt ,.., rna can -.. •• It baf'lc 1nv llt•llrd li1JnUm.-.1 ft>r • mfWIUt. Ar~tmat~ly 10 f>"AOn• Jaav~ w1ho U. been .-,lo,.. ln a tam. part~nent of Echic:aUon to~ '-doee • tMI .,. .,._ Ole to 80ffte ~~,...a a ...... ot a-. nlpt. mot,..., ~ar, •nt1 Mr Ht71>klna hu bHn at tlta '-n Pnroll~ In th,. ~Ajrufta poi'U7' -..eft7 •d .. -"" U ~I 11'1 U. . ....,....,_. .._.. war, lp a'MA • ..,.... p&anta. It)' !oe.U.. .. to ftt My IMDo to 8utdl fJw -Woodlan4. Calif r . rudl. ttw. eoma BMrfl aw1m l'aln,.S~ wtlleb Ia a IIO&we;• Clftlelt. t~. ... $'FPI zrG" u..tr ,....1111 t..IM. Jr. ........ Wtlf ~at-.&~ laud. / , - -II Ul .. ... -MESA ...... to )ri •res Would tSoke H ,. .... ..... It ... be J::'.:= ,,.. .. ~ h C!OUW-... ,...-. llllut .... • n.ld,.. .... ... he..,., .. In lM ..rvlot M' II D 7ft~'~ ~-:...--:t ~.::\-~· le pta m a her dlduc!l~ at 122 10ft to a to know II !!J: Crolla un hft J I al t Ull I lon. lit' -.r t. a c!Hf\ whoM)'II~,... all ,hl~ lit~ and . h "' al~ ~vlnl lhe IIVd ••rrntll. ..... 1lla t[RS I(:Uu ·31A .. .... 1betu )E$ ...... r ·TI-..... .... ...... II I I "" .. ~ ., .. . : --- Elsie Newland Ar Meeting o ..... Mn1and, cUlt ... IMt\q -.a!ttlt Jlewpcrt Circle., Npal ....... Of ~'follow -------~ .la2J 1, at ... meet~! a.de bead JUM 16. ,.u'dant Ia lin. JON ftle pr.rdent lln.. ' ........ ~....~~ .... Mel tr.a&NI' Mn. J Altar ~ UIIOUD< ...... ~· ..... Jllw. J . J . Atwood c.f an. A~ Hancoa Clt7· TIM "h.IUI J I I llllpt to aid wtlb CUrTe ... opened and yld '""-'11uU~II" ID ... CII*Md and fou . tMa A wtalda w'll be .... •pport of the 8 .. C'ID&. Ot.ber a.et.IYiliM LDc: -.t a tneadahlp can ......... _.,...,,. to a tonrer member, e&te~r.wiM to Rut.Na. Nebr. .....,..u.. ........ .......... , ,_t ....... lin. r ... 0onaer , ..,....,..:, c." DIY ... ~ • ''-1·" AN CAROl will ope CUT FLO' ·- Pace 2 NEWPORT-RAJ BOA .P.RPJSS • Tbunday, July 27, 1~ ••wpo--JIALBO& PJIESI But this Bill Halsey of 1592 filurecl that Hideyoah i Newport Man Elected to n• ••• would abandon that particular 8e& laDe and try another. Port Authority Boord AN~ a.ocAa. ,.,..,. .. ,..'\ Yi..SU.O Sin~Uoo aloAg 'U.. .. Ell• IIOUth..t of , Newport 11ee4. Calllenda K • Newa cllapaldtel rro. r.tt·M P\lbUMM .nn ~ evmln~ at JllycJ.. ttta ~ -ore Udii..,Mil C!U'f'lecr MWI . 01!\~ and..,........ Plut at~~ 1 COMt cl-'MePIIOM ---Sure eno~. on July I, US~~. n.a.. 8i.n sighted an an ··~ '*towed • _. l:htf'r'fll u _.. Ql•= IMt~ Ju-1& ~~ :: :-~ 0:: at imlneoae fQn;e.. Vukina hia dellpt 1IDder tactics which !<ZeWJI'rt Beaclll'a prom' at Newport ...., o.MfonJa. under UN '"'' --. . . una when the Pacltlc Oout ,.. LArple ,.... '* -,19 • 18 .,...,..t...,.., ..,. stmulated fear, the wily Korean retreat.cl aainat the wmd, IIOCiaUon of Port Autllorttt. at Ita 'l'opwlar 'l'aprr of w 'l'topk.. •n tine abreaat, under oara alone. Ria deck crews ran about annual meeUnl' and elecUon, nam. --~£Dr ...... -CR.A WFORD in apparent panic. But h1a oarsmen dJdD't row hard enough ed W~ttr s. Spicer u a d1Netor. OIDOROII: K. 8KA..JTJCR and ... ~ • · . . . th Mr. 8pleer Ia cll&lrmaa of the Or. Ownerw and Publl.herw tu Jtsstpate ~hetr at~ng . By the Ume the Japanese van ange County Harbor oommlanton . ~WJROr:. K. :!,"=·N~~o~dltor was close, wtth other purauera stnaDa out. Yi-Sun Sin sig· New Pl)!aldent .of the Paclfte Caa Wall --M1JRB,UtO ---4 naled biB tbipe to tum eimult&Deoualy, eet aail, and swoop Coaat group of !aatbor authoftU. The f>ree. bu beeJ1 n4Jiadeed a n.wapaper of IUieral circulation th J 1'11111 a. T. H. Banfield, PortlaDd ~ ... ----------------------6 decree o1 UN supenor eou,t et oranc~ o.uty and a. tully qualtneo upon e ar-. tnaUat, auoceedlnr .....,. o..r. -:;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:::;:;::;::;::::;;;;;::::::::::::::::;::::::::::~ to £UbU11b all ldnda oi lepl noUet~e and advert.Uitmen~ The first 'Japaneee lhipe were 1oba1 clown, or blUing town of Loa An&'e&ea. w. R. Mar-r ... BUB8CIUP'I'ION ~Ta: · from fire arrows before their crewa eou1c1 try to tum. lin of Loqo Beach Ia UM new Vloe Jn Orartp CoulltJ, suo ,.,. ,..,.. OUt.lde ot Oranr• County, ·~·oo As the others awerved ln ....... .:.._ th pruldent. Amoqo Important \0010--------. e compara· mltteea appointed by the COD~ A l.t~N THE 14PANE8t; FORGOT Live _freshness of the Korean O&l"aaDeel, coupled with the tion waa one to plan tor poat.war Since 1894, when the Jap&DeM created one of their tuvoring wind, the boldneu of the ~. and their •eatorallon of port faciUUea. prt:lexta, and launched a war oa China, all. tbo.e who care t·unfidepce .in .their du~ firchter'• leadership, herdied \'JCTORY IIIZnNO to tead, listen and be impl"eMed, have beard ru¥Jting excq»t them irlto .a maaa 0~ oollidiDg craft. Twenty • aeven ~- ~ .tory of Japan'• invtndbillty at war. The ktll waa gomg on when a I!ICODd JapaneSe convoy trom Newport Harbor aDd h . . . ht y · S Sin 1 It th .a,_ ___. . dro Meaa "''ere l.n attendance at True, the Jut fifty years have never found the emper-u\e m stg ·. t· un e e u4pe1Wi·ftrst aqua n "VlctQry" meet.tnr beld lD u.. Furni~ure Upholstered and· Repaired. • ~ Work GuarantMd a.aaa• L Jollll80•, CO.'I'a ..,. ,._ Gr...., VeaetiaD Iliad Bldv. ,.._ 1·7-W . 17.1 MlWH>IrT ILVD. or'a~ little ~n oo the lide that IUed for peace. and Bped among th~ &eeond. I home of Mr. and Mrw. L. K. AM- But othenri.e Jap&DMe in~bWty is a myth. When this double battl6 wu finlehed, Do Jap ahip re· b&llgb. 1~ Weat Bay avuue. a.::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'=! ' · · ed Ea h k drl ,...,__ 'Iba Aahbaugb home wu -..uu. -The predeceseon of Koieo and Tojo ~apWd for one m:un · .c ~as sun or ven ~ . tully ~orated In l'ladiolu uc1 :-------------------~~~ of the moat one-eided licldnp iD hiltory. It wu in 1592-96. Thus m su: abort weeb, Yi-&aa SiD broke Japan's cl.her rwnmer nowen Dl)d a aump-I r. .. " wm••:_ ,. ...... , They were trounet!d on land and eea. He& power. lioua dlnher wu aerved. Baluce ..... _ Th · tat ~-te to Y1 a..-...._, of the eventnr wu devoted to a The men who banded it out to the current promoters ere lS a er cu.p r •gya 0111 • •tory. aoelal hour and to revtewt.ar u.. SHiiLL NOV liLT 15 .-e---- of the Greater Eut A.ia Co-Prolperity Sphere were from In those daya, u now, poUUd&M tried to lake over mUeatonea pulled by tbe TowB- a nation who t,h.en u now: were outnumbered by their when the emergency wu gone. send or~anlzaUon lD arrtvm, at 1~ ' sed K jo' -.a 'th ...._&n--pruent at&tUII w1lb lbe plan attackers, and who then, u pow, found the eecret waa to Arou oreana tncu Wl "'~ land forces to schettuled to appe&l' 011 lbe ballot be amaiter· than -their adveraariel. besiege Hideyosbi's generala, and the Jape aued for peace. next Novemllar. Ueul Roy CampbeU Smith, m, USNR, delves into . It w~ ~ .peace of tre~c~ery, marked bf Fifth ColUmn-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MOme ·little known chapters of hlatory and co meat up with tsm and pohttcal deala wathm Korea that .erved the ends the prophetic etory ot \what Yi·Sun Sin;· the great Korean of factions envious of the creat admiral admiral, dJd. to the Jape in 1592-:JMS. Lt. Smith's account Meanwhile the Jape eecre~ly buUt another and greater appean in the current iMue 9f the United Statea Naval armada. · ' lnatitute Proceetlinp, publilbed at· Annapolis. . Witb it they launched a cyclonic new war in 1596. Won inventiveneu. He hit the Jap&DeM with "eecret weapoll8" had unHeated .Yi-Sun Sin, made a feeble etfort to fight, but which in actuality outdid Herr Goebbela' present claims. lost almeet every Korean ahip, and .wu . beheaded by tht> He .U the inventor of the lint iroD clad wantup. Yi-Jape. Sun Sin did with hil ironclad what the Confederacy's The cry went ou.t again for Yl-Sun S1n, whom the pc)li- Menimae a.tmo.t did to the Unlon Navy in 1862. YI-Sun Sin t1cians had fqrced to retire. .. Uttered the floor of the Japan Sea with buundreda of Japa· Korean soldiers, Chinese infantry, and embattled peaa· aneee wrecka. He a11o wu firlt to introduoe a flame tbrow· ants managedto make things slow for the Japanese anny. er qaiMt the Jape, a weapoa wbJcb the Yanka of 1944 em· and Yi Sun used the time to .aalvage what he could from ployed ~ them with auch deadllneea on Tarawa and Won KyiJ!l 's decimated fleet. Tbeir admlral's return in· Saipao. 1 fused the sailors with energy and more. A few new tor- . In three of hill cratat batta, be lett no ahlp nor tise bOats could be built. Ofte Japuae.e ._ concentration survivor at &JJ. 1n 1~2 Sbocun Hideyoebi wu the predes· of not too great size was met and battered by an inferior 10r of 'the Tojo ol 19U who brought things to a bloody force inspired with .their admiral's acdadty. climax after a d~de'e "wu ot nerve.." · Then another·sea battle was won, and thE' Japs showed Korea' wu thea under the friendly protec~on or China. indecision while Yi·Sun Sin ga.tned time to build more iron· ffideyoebi euddenly dem4Dded that Korea join him in an clads. · · onalaught upoo Cbidi. T,he rest ·or the war is too painful few the 8008 of the HJdeyoebt bad a..embled 200,000 men, ·who were to Sun Goddess to pu\ Into th'eir hiatory boob. ...,._. Newpert Ml o•T-... ..._,,Ollila.._ SJIOJ:S Shilled. Dyed, ~ 2-Toae 8ltoee a 8pedaltJ AMERICAN SHOE SIIINING PARLOR Cleve 81aJr , ........ O,.tnl ....... llud-II:IIIHn CUAMI... "tUSI~ Preu'int While Yeu Wait Hata Cleaned and Blocked t1i IAOADWAy COI,TA WUA land on Korea'• eouthera cout, •tabU.h a ba.ie, and aweep The Japanese finally decided to caU off their adventcre the )eqt:b of the Kor.o pen1Mu1a. while a eecond wav~ in conquest. In order to aaU home Mlely: tbey 8ellt 100 REAL ESTATE ot 100,000 men, bui.nc at Na,oya, wu to en. the Korean ounces of ailver and ..J5 jeweled aworda to Yl-Sun'e ueo-AND at.raJt aDd follow. . ciat.e, the ctitneee admiral, Chin UL-. . I N S U R A N C ~ ...t'~ inltJ.al as-went ott u the Shogun had plan· But Chin ur refu.led to be bribed. When the Jape got Listings Invited: aecr. Bu't the SbopD had not blown about Admiral Yi-Sun to ~~ea, thinlting tbey had Jlipped by Yi..Sun sm , there was • Sin. Kor.ea'a :hero with }lis fleet waiting. A. w. OIBIION That do~ln.ventive eea dog had gotten nav&l The Japs this time fought fiucely. 'But Yi·SUD Sin sat E. tltll SL o.ta ..._ . .._. tU1.W intellicence rta a t the muaiDg in Japan, Yi-Sun who. according to Korean. legend, k.new that. be had not ·::::::::====;:====~ Slit had .ec:retly delicDed and built a veael without a long to live. offered this prayer: ''Today I am to die. 'Givt> ,.. preoedent 'lll the Orient, me but one more yictory over the Japanese. I die content'' Acco~ to Lieut. !autb, "Ita huU wu faired for Two,. retn:a,ting convoy• we~ toni aaUDder. Yi-SUD great •peed UDder 1&11 aact oan, and a powerful ram wd gathered thOUADds or beia. u . trophies. Whit threw the built into the Item.· AI'Cbery port:l were pierced at every men from the ialanda into unutterable contuaioa, waa a vantap point, and the upper deck wu covered with a new inve.ntion of Yi-Sun'a. His inv~ntion was the "pun·t'ong" -turtleback of iroD plat:., etudded with aplkee. The ship or "spraying .tub..-." lt was the 1596 flame thrower. It set wu impervioua to either ~ from arrow• or boarding many J!lP vessels ablaze. Scores of others were rammed 1 parti~. It could outman~\ler any 11hlp .ent against her. . or collided and went down. Mack's ... Mala 8L. ..... e PORTRAITS Bilby Photographa . ALto Enlargement& and , Photoat&tlc Coplea e IIWPORT SIIJYENIR AND GIFT SHOP 2102 0..... Ft..t. Newpert leach . 4P«Ir0Jm 6fQWl. llitl,g., Neclclace•, Bracelet. and Pins SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS OF ALL KINDS OPiiN SUNDAYS ~.,. _ .•.• _ PHONi,..UY-W "The Store of a Nillloo Articlea" Yes/ We Wrap Gifts r---------------------------------~ AL'IGABAGB Now Open and Doctoring Indi1pol8d Can IU A,ate Aftftue, a.l .... lala~ We aleo hudle ud ure for ....... ~ .. • •• .AI'• Gu•v• ~IN ~OVlR . I • ... ~, llotlr T•·~ Cdlletor IIIII lgJition AdjiiSbalals , (J'onaerlt willa H. I . laata, lalbo.a) Factory Tralaed 'Caiburetor Speciallet ' Oec&r Norna( Auiatiaq IIIQUDR SIDP UQ"IiURS .u.a~ ....... ~----,A.-.... a... .... a-......... a.-.. Olft• Olnlcil• I -. Delaela OJa.-,....,... .... 8wMiall lJ'pe ,._,. ......... ......__ ... ,..., Trtple 8eo e 8WI Avnllable 'hilt W-* ........ ~ ..... _ Ba.UIDY 4-atlla Q..na ___ ,........ IWJI 4-661 Qnart.a ...... TIDQUILLA Wtlla q..,ta .............. VODilA 4-IU. QL lrapert.ed Daaalltn Ptnta, 'hqulla ..... .... • Pl•ta.. k.amcllallla -v ..... tiM" • .\ad A BMI T,.a ..._ Her odd appearance pve her the name of Tortolae The loss was appalling. ·first ironclad." lt~~~----~---t~--------~~_g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wd~4---~~~~~"-GL-~~t~~~~~Sun ~~~~rue~ ·~ WMr~ ~~ WorWa n..t liL ....._ OLD I!IEXJOO lllli ...... J 1.;ou YO A few of tbele tortolle boata had been completed ·· when Hideyoahi'e Jape made their move. f.• Jape swept through Korea, their rnuaketa mowed down the archers who oppoeed them. The Korean• gave-the Jape nome annoyance wi~h gueriUa tacticil, but deriYed u little aucceu aa the China- men of 1939, who tried to ltop Tokio artillery with spikes and acythea. · .At that point, Yl-Sun Sin ntepped in with his tortoise boat&. t1own a~d killed. But hf.' died happy. OO..UT OUA&D So great wa~:~ the influence of this one man, who taught and all other type the Japanese a lesson that they are now learninC all over IDENTIFICATION again. that Japan laid an embargo upon any cltisen's leav-P II 0 T 0 8 •.• ing his country for oversea& thereafter. Artd for m_Qre tliarf We Take 'IJ\em and 200 years. that Jap embrago ruled implit:itly. Oehver Them to You Americ;ans can offer a toas~ to Admiral YI·Sun Sin, u man of illustrious example. And Admiral Yi-Sun Sin, would raise a tout to Ad· mirals Nimjtz, Halsey, Spraunci Richardson and Mitach~r. In fO Minute. • Alao lnapect MACK'S GIFT SHOP Meettnr two -JapueR convoy. in one day, one off --Q!orge K. Sb&tter.t Okpo and the other at Na:Ryanc. the Ko~ana decima~ -;.·:;;:;;~~~-::...;=..;=;;::~;;;.;-::.:=.....:~---:;;;;::;;::=;;::;;::;. Some men after your own design. I 0~ Oltt 8llop a& _, N-a-.... , . IN Mala SL. ....... bu 11ou,·e111n, ~ olewelrf, .... their foe. Tbe1' let Done of the eerond convoy eecape Yi· SUD'• wrathtul -m·nebtp. 'nle KoN&DI eoatmued eutward. They ~ their sail to I'Mt the OU'IIDeD u much u po.lble. · Nat mol'llJDa'• bortaoa broua.ht the expected Jap fleet, ~ rellltorcementa for Oelll. Koniahi and Kato, u-dy cODtlderJtly bede\rtlfna th~' Ko~an fanners and Flo were for l•ery Ocouioa • We Teleqrapll Flower. IIDIRIIR'S "-•ud I .. ppU .. Iot Tou Qardea / · ·Aaw•r lllap and lun111 I Corou del Wu · artiaana a ta .NankiDr. But by now t'he Korean l&ilora had the upper band. By DJahtt&U the Japaneee fleet waa gone. ;=:;;;;;;:;:2t:===;::;;;;;::::;::;:::;:=:;:====; No ODe wu left to carry even the meeaage of defeat: · · Yf-Sun 'Sin then etationed bin lronclada aaosa•: the BBJlNJBS • IIIWD ._ routf U8ed by the Jap annadu, and on the ~frd Ilion' .. I&Pted a new eoavoy. Tb1l time be divided .even raa ...U ~ l:ilto t..-o divei'Jinlllnee which he described '1a bJ.· OWD &CCOUDt later u beiDc '"Uke a fish trap:•• ·-••• .A tnp tt wu. Japu'• flabtlDc 1htpe were in the van. ud tMJ ..U ftnt.. 'l'bell the panicky aupply •hipe and tralllpCII'ta .... Oftl'bMaled, one by ~· and 1\U\k by the ,..._. Jtanr• Tbe 'rietora Mat home 300 Japaneee heads eo a.h r ,_ .-. of the atrodt.lel committed 'by Kooilhi w1 .... .-tWr ttor.a COUDtJ'>'11*l. · . Be. ..-w foUond up bW Midway wtth bia Coral ._ _. lila ...a. ol 8&,-o. a. aa.w that the Jape on the _,., ........ •A 11111r -llflbt baM ..,_ coat.,," Ueut ~th NEW TWIN PIN OINKS" Wear '6m at Any Angle to,Suit Your Coiliure· • Spirit e Occasion V~,J .lltU44e IRMA MARPLES Phooe: Newport :200. 319 Marine Avenue 710 Eut.Celltral ............. ····~ VIVID :UfD DOTIO DISPLAY Gf EAa Ul'f08 CANDY OUJI TOBAOQOe CIOAU-NO LD11T lt'e ""'-'b-TrJ nt Old fi'MhJo~ -~ lllpbaUa -a... AL80 nNEST DIPO&TI:D '-IIU Quart.-l>ort, Sllen7, M-tel lmporW and DniDMtle OIIAifP AON'I: .. ~ ....... ~···· .. Pl'-ala GLENDELLA'S. ORCHESTRA Everr lalanlay Kite - Costa Mesa LegiOn Hall _ HaU Block off Newpc;rt Bl•d. OD w .. t 18th St. • .. TbUI'IIdaf, July 27, 1'" &USPmmiCD SENT'EMqf! Kart ''Buddy" :Starck, who aP- ~'before Judge 0 . A. Jonu Konclay on a charge of ..... ult and-battery, wu ~tenced to ""e 90 dllYI In lht! county jail. tM fUll t~nn ~ln1r lnurpended on condition of ~ behavior. Starck wu srr~11ted Runday att- omoon oLplolnt ftl•d by Nan Lewta. • DANCI: . NED , Balboa Yacht Club will bot.d lta next Satunt~Y dance o!' Aug. II tnltead of July 29. Since the _poet- J)Onecl data.' falla on the tJme of the rtfUlar board meettnr. U.• tatter ...Son wnt be dt!rerred en- ttl A\&1· 1.2. IIA08 UOOVI:III':D Ttro 0\"erniPt ba&1l and con. tenll. ~ were reported ltolen l&turda)' ntpt froom Mr11. K. IC. ~eel'1 ear tn the Balboa parklnr Jot were located Sunday momtnc where they had aJ)PaftftUY bMtt .. NllWPOitT-BALBOA PRESs t E·PB ·RTEI ··IIIIES oroua I ' BLOCJl %12: I..ota· 6 and 8--R.Mtricted reaidential Iota frontlnc 60-f~t on the Euterly .ade of Dahlia Place, betweeD Padfte Drift and ~ew Avenue. Purchuer a Puadeaa 1'8idellt, reP.· reaeated by Real F..tate Broker Earl Stanley; seller rep· resented by Trac~ Saleaman T. F. Rhoden. BLOCK !32: Lot 7-A restricted rMidential lot having a trontap of 30- !eet OD Jleraleaf Awaue,.. and 11.8-feet thi'CMIJb ~an· alley at rear. Purchued by a Loa Angeles reaideat, rep~nte<J by Real Eatate Broker Gerald W. Ritchie; Seller repreeent.ed ' by Tract Salesman T. F. Rhoden. a-.,oc.i A:-86: Lota 1 aad. 2-Bu.eineee.lo~ having a com\,ined frontage of · •--. 98.4e-feet on Shore Avenue, by a depth of ~~feet fronting on Jumine. Purcllued by a Newport Beach reeidelit, Both Purdwler and Seller repreeent.ed by Tract Sa.Jeunan T. F. Rhodell. BLOCK B-32: LotJI 4 and 12-R.Mideatial aand Iota fronting 31.42-feet on the NE aide of ·"A" Street and running through 120 feet to ''8''1 St~t frontqe of 31,42 feet ~flo. Purchuer ·a Soutli P&aOena reaident. Both ,Purchuer. fiid &Uer repraented by Tract Saleeman T. F. Rhoden. TRACT 1026: Lot 17 and the SEJyt,.<.! of Lot 16-Reaidential bluff &otl over- looking the Ocean fronting 89-feet on Ocean Boulevard jU.It South of end of MarJUerite Av«Ulu~. Purchued by a PUidena ..-ldent, ~ted by Real Eatat.e Broker ~ WMJ. ron; Seller .....-ted by Tract Saleunan T. J'. Rhoden. BLOCK %16: Lot 21 and the NEly 25-feet of Lot 19. A reatrieted. residential site.~ of the bl4ff,-tota.Jling M feet of front- age on the NWly Bide of Jumine Avenue in the .econd block between Pacific Drive and Seaview Avenue. Purchuer, a • Cororfa del Mar reaident, repreeented by Real Eirtate Brok- ·~ er Gerald W. Ritchie ; Seller represented by our 1lr. T. F. Rhoden. BLOCK 288: Lot 21-:-ADother reetricted residential lot back of the blutfa, fronting 30-feet on the NWly side of Marguerite Avenile, between Pacilic Drive and Seaview Avenue, with depth of • 118-f~t to an alley. Purchued by a Lynwood, California. ..,...... resident, repreeented by Real Estate Broker Earl W. Stan· ley; Seller repreaented by Tract Salesman T. F. Rhoden. Bl..OCK B-32: Lots 1 and 9-A reeidential site on the Bay aide, having BLOCK UZ: / RI.OCK 2M: BLOCK UH: "LOCK B-32: •. Lou 3 and 6-R.eatnct.ed f'e!lldentlal Iota tronUq eo-teet on the We.t.erly Aide of Femleal Avenue between Paciflc Orive and .Seaview Avenue. Purchued by an Altadena I"Mi· Ul•nt. repreaentcd by Real FAlate Broker H. C. Sloan; SeUer reprcaented by Tract Saleeman T .. F. Rhoden. f..t)l8 10 and 12-Reetricted rct~ldenti&l &ota.(ront.iD& 80-1~ 11n the "Eut~rty-.1& oT D&llTa&Pl&ce bet ween Pactllc! Drive nnd Seaview Avenu<'. Purchued by a ·eorona del Mar rt»l· dc.-nt, n>pre8ented by Real Eat ate Broker lARoy Harrod ; Seller repretlt'ntea by Track Sakoeman T . J'. Rhoden. r:Ot 17-A rNtricted realdenlial lot frOnting 30-feet on the WeRt aide of Marguerite Avenue, a abort dl.atance South .ot Pacitk: Drive-about 2 blllcb back from the Ocean . f1'0nt bluff. Purchued by a Newport &ach f'Mident, repreMDted by Real PAlate Broker W. J . Holcomb; Seller retlretlellt.d ~y Tract Saleaman T. "F. Rhoden. tP • • . ·Lots ~ and l~Another rMtricted re.identJal buildinl a1te in ~Ctt\!e on the Ray alde-havtng a f'rontqe of 31 .42 feet on "A" Street, through to ,'H" Street where It ablo bu a frnntage 9f 31.42-fret between lo".rmlu! and.DahU. Avenuee. A Bay aide II&Dd beach bulldlnft alte. Bou1ht by a Whittier, California ret~ldenL Both Purchuer ancJ Seller reprw~Mted by our Mr. T. F. Rhoden. IA t 3-A bwdne~~~~ lot on ·the aand bfach, fronUnr St .et-f..it on the Northe~ly Aide of Shore Avenue, ,between JumJM und hia A venuea, with a depth of 7&-fMl. • Purchuer, a l .oa Angel~ rt'8151ent, repre.entt'd by JteaJ FAtale Broker '-'V. J . Jfolcomb ;Sellrr rcpreeenlccl by Tract SaJet~man T. F. Rh.otlen. A rCHulcnti!,ll parcel with tOO-fed frontap on the Welterly Ride of Ocean Boulcvarll. and 76 ft>ct on alley at ~r. ap· proximately 160 feet Southerly, of 5·~n)lcal ~venue. Pur· ('ha.:~:r, Rn Arlin~ton, { ~alifornla rcaidl'nt. Ruth l'urC'hucr untl Sto ller ropn·Kt·ntcd.. by Tract HalcHman T. F . Rhooen.' 37 .25-feet on the NEly~B.i~· d!:!.!e~ofL-"o...."...o.;u~........_,IUUI"""~~ooo&U..w.ll~-~---------- -120 feet on the Ely aide of FernJeaf Avenue to 37.25 feet pa LIJlM 2. and 10, nnJ 3 und 11-Anulhet rt•Hiclt•nt in I unti huildtn~ RitC' un· thc· Bny Hiflf', hRving R combancd ttlu· c)f G2.M •fc·c·t oo Nt-:ly Hide of "A" Ht~'<'t, thrqugh 120 fl-et tc~ "I(" .!-ilrN·t, whc·n· it a)Ho haM a frontage' of 62.8-4-t'ce~. nought by R rt't'H'knt or l'uenhl, rliTIIU~fiJlf Pul'ctfl:tJtr nnd St•llcr n·pJCHCnlcd by c,ur .Tract :-;alcMmUa T: F. lthode~ BI.OCK 282: "H" Street &lao. Purchuer, a Los Angeles resident: Both Purcbuer and Seller repreeented by Tract Sale:aman T. J'. Rhoden. I Lot 14-A residential lot havint a 30-foot frontage on the Ely .aide of Dahlia Place, between Pacific Drive and Seaview Avenue. Purchuer, a reai~nt of Corona del War, repre- Sented by Real FAtale Broker LeRoy Ha'Tod : Seller re~ reaented· by Tract Salesman T. F. Rhodf!D. · .. : : .... ' • :-4 ..• : ,. . . JU M 'K 'lfi2: 1 ,~;t.x !1. 1 l u'nd por. of 13-lu•KIIh•n t 11tl Kite\ having 1\ front· :.g•· uf approxim~ttcly 60 fiM't on Fernlcaf Avt•ru.te, and 118 t• ,., th r1111~h t1• a 14 ·ftllll rdle·y· nt r<·ar. tl11ltop l(llH, about 1 wu hl•wkH from e'ilgl' of hluff;-overiCIIIkin~t thf' llay anct On·an. l'urdJaK(·r . a Olllboa IHIKnd rc·Hulc·nl, n.·pret~ented hy 1{ .. 111 J-~o;t ale· Hruktor II . Caruu1.u Sloan: H4·1k r rcpn·MCnt('(l lly Trn' I Sule~~mun T. F. Rhoden. P.OPBB,IBS, -Nc;. ~. ~-~·•;o-7211 . 736 loath Rill . i.o1 Aageles, Callfonda -- ,: . '., See Jll'. -r. r~ BhOtle~~r :'l'l'act Sale• M~agu Tl'ac:t Office oa the Blat& al Coroaa del ~ • abAndoned In a Balboa aJI~y. The w ~rwuH~~-~"'"C~EKX33aaDCI!~EKX3~DCEEEKX3~~-aa~EE~3aCD~~*~C~CJ~~flCer~«<lC«EECCCE. ~aae few...,._........ w / .. ~· . . • • I -.- f ...... to )n- tres Would •Solve H ntA the ~ ·~· rdolw.., t Bndlft ........... .... thl . ....... ....... ....... ··~ •••• .,._.. ...... ---...... ... -•'-• , ... • A .... . .... ....... .......... , ....... tD "-......,.... /ftted, ~ u.. ·,n.ac~, ..... .......... ..,.. all . In thfo.~ It' I• D yeerw nm&ere....,. ,..WaUonl. .. ·llnl f<*l .. • tr11il· .,. ""'' f1W • ftt•r drductlofW .. , 17.l 10«'11 to • I Ill know If 0. C'nJIIII c~n h4tlp • •lluatlon. lw "" r It ¥ c:IC'fll\ vhn AlfY'I hfo hM .u hi" ur .. anc1 h ' nf all~N» 41\VIna the Uwe NH .. niA. ... til a i£RS lt.'Ufa '311 '( • f . .... IJitat Elsie Newland At Meeting. of": e. Newland. ebait 11 Jut lac eGID.IIlltt.e Mewpcrt Clrcle. repoe ...._ 01 UM follow; ,_ tbe Coallq ,.., .ltilJ 1. at UM ~Met~~ Qrde bel4 J&ADe a . ,..tliddt &a Mn. Joee .a ,....adeftt Mn. \ .Uer. ~:retuy M_re. uc1 t..-rer Mri. J After 'uu. umouoc ,..__,a were liN. J . J. Atwood 'f Ja. Alke HancoJI Clt7· Tbe '"hlth J&J IDipt to aJd wH b rum ... opened and· ytd 'fte "11arUU ,..,, .. Ill ... C11**f and lou .... p w1llcll w II be De IIUJ'POr\ ot the B Ia C'lDL Other adJYillu lDr Ml a ~P can .waaJ ~-wbl< to a . fwlrn -ber, e&t. 1"\anltbouar, wbc to liutJqe, Nebr. Jloltbf. the ~ .-c ..... J ,.....at . .,..... MN. Ina Ooneer • • '· .. .,_.,A -...... ~ ..... .,... ......... =c.=:.: ..... ttoltraJr -,_,. ··~~: ........... dWC:kvp. -.ao.cu CPI'OIO:'nl ........ _. Glllla .._ I ..._a,•ra - cat.t...:l e. .. DfV Jl Dla"" ,1'11·M AN CAROl will ope CUT FLO' PO ----'tali ...... I I 11EF0RE YO tu.t '"'" ..... ----.~---------- ; w•.O..LII!li Ill ~ ...... ... IIJ.w, ~.~A!!:!!~!!! _THE BAIT TANK I By SUE FIIONT aaltl L'-utenant IJC) Lewtl C. (ty CHAar El CRAWFORD ALQJICO .._ W'A'I'D Brynn USNR 1lllpper ot one . . lng <'xtraoa·dtnary," It belnr an- ttuunl'<·o.J lh•t he had 10ld Jt2,DOO \I orth ot Wa.r Loan Bondi over lhl' rwltomary tmploye ded~llOI\I, accu~tomed t.o the ' ' f:lt;.... ... Of rontentlon In You ...... 10 YMS. .;. .,._,_ k Ia OM t o1 IIII~NDerl .....n,.. "We plodded alofll" tn our eche-uahh\C --thll Wtf' 2811 Villa We.,, If-port .... ~ '':: tM ruee at t.be llouth ton undlltUrbed Willi our c:ourM Cart that We UnJtttl Sta te. Navy ::_: ... ,..,._ u.at for tlU"ee y.an 1 k WI betwHn 1 Britiah eruta. hu cloled ott a lot II! rhntce fl.ah· The PCS 1106 wu v-1 num- 0"1' 307 In the South Cout'a u.t ot ohlfll built. and U.. 21at ol l .. type ot hull to be laancbed at t.be Nrwport yard durifll" the war. BALBOA WIAS Slf ... ..-... ,eo.-.•• ...... MalUM UJO Htf1111 Ptlone JOT .... a.& M. Newpqrt .._.. Live BaH Boats I,F.A ~--DAILY .0. Dfofop sea "ftllllq ~ • • t:JS ~ , A. .. ~ Ulem u part of the ,.o; and lOme •ho••e bath•rie. duel-tnrr •J!OU In tht Mran jUJit In >;:.t -ne of Newnort famll. Jng with huvy aht'lta. ShraRnel llrr • that the ehohwtt or all ~~~~b, ~ .. , u t.hl Bal\11 of Am.utca. Thert , l~tth•.t!d on our u,.r k and boune-11bat ore, were llaotttn~: th ~' wu alwaya· • rf:7W of them. ranc-, d ,,ff the bulkbea<11 But we Mpt Th , c-t Ouaro tn< t.kntal~~= l"\1 In conatructlon from a akele-'·" llw<•eplnK. and finally got out the ,.nfordnc -cent and gell 11 t ked lhlo and a r .. un tu•t blame. ton to a tu Pan 1 ~other 11f line or . ~re. ,.,,,. Cout O.U.rJ rtport.a t hat lttUe farther on, WIU!Y waya-At tb t ume lime In U\e cbart.-ll"t'll lea ,......_ 1, still ~·rmltted "'aJt.ld on the laun ng hnWJe o( another aweeper, Kel. 111 mnny .,.... and P""'ll out that o!,....,e<l wtt.b bwiUnc. 11111n Garfinkel. yeoman nnt c~... athltltlcaUOe ear& I!IIU«'d elth· You h a v • wttn...ed thtlr I'SNR. and William F. Petrtne. ·•r t >' the Oout Gllllr•l. Na\':V or lt.uncblfll'l manv Umu May': qu:.u t.e•mut••r third d ua. USNR. A!, v muat 1M prt>~~>·ut.·d by thoee rou chriatened one with II lhrt' · .., , r~ br1n~:•n.: thclr craft alonl-, ~ out 011 boat. C'hlldren un. c .. t~ prayu that t.be bottt., brcak. 't•h· a lift' r aft ront.alntng nve cJ~r ' l2 •"" not aJ iowo·J on aport the •eweep noat and that lhf' Atrwrlran airmen wt\o.e plane ti!ChlnJr boat.l I'Oing oulllde the ml.rht 1Urvlve all dallier hnd been ahot down. .,. !-arbor. The part that 13A foot w&oden "A 11~11 frarm<'nt rIpPe d F"o,hlnl' bu beo'n ~:r.od during Mra. Nellie Olloo wu eo.apoe.- !16.· with Mrt Nott. ~ailing Craft Series 1'\ caring Conclusion "''" • ctaaaea of saltine eratt will nf·xt 8unday hold their ftn&J rae. MAIDEN WATt:&wrrcB mlne.weepen (TllBI pla)'NJ In lhruugh th•· 11t.arboanl aide and tht' put waek' bolh &long the OWL the lnvulon of France can now "hl,.ll••tl bd wt.-en 1111." Oarllnkel •·mu1t and ott Morc> G••urgt Hlm•r. be told. and \be following II an 1 ,.,·ounl••tl "Hut we w.ere too buay •lpcrator~ot U.. lin b~ttt conceP.-DINA LEJ; <.ftlcial releue bv lbe Navy Dt•-r.t the moment c cttlnl(' U10M ruen 11tons on t.be ~port and Balboa ut the July eeriee. ~ ....,.....n~ "<I to bt' P Ca. fl'alrona, 8nlpee, Bal • bna dlnJrhlr• and VUtf.Qp. Pacttte H ·fnot dlnghlt'l II\Jit 9 Wtday eon- l'luci•·•J tht'lr July aeriee for the Rvron Farwell perpetual trophy. ": The• 14-foo'tera wlft nut Sunday ••rwn thrlr August aeriee wtU\ a lll nJ:le rar~ In tht' tower bay, the "''""" l>4>1n~: In competition for the C'h11mber of Commerce perpetual troph)l. Bob Henley, vice com.mo- dur•· or the Pacific 14-foot A..-o- rlat IC•n lut Sunday tendered hill n•J<tl("n:.toon tr. that capacity IUld \\'til tx> I'IUI"et'l'd&d by Dick Fenton. Jt Ia unrt .. ret•>Od that Mr. Henley ptan11 tct jnln Cart. J . A. Seek I~ the Army Tr11n.port Service. pa.rt.ment. nbunrd, to pay much attenUon.~· fll .. l'll, 1a ja 'P'iabJng 11 tbt bftt It Mill)',....,._ ........ A,....._ A BRJTIBH PORT-I Ot>la~d! Thr c; .. nnnn gunno·rs continued hu bMn In 2IS yr!lr!l ' Proof of No lof!PT are they called ~l'n-lih•~t•llr.g R.l tb~ ltttlo· craft through. hill 11tatement 11 ~ .... ~ In gc)()d of.War. but wooden 1hlpt~ IUitl , ut th .. rl'IICU~ Oj)"rltt•on, but were catch• o1 baltbut. bll!ls anti while CWR 'IWO TACill..& 8"'''&U St."WPORT TACKLE 8TOU their Iron crew• •till play ~ lm-unabl~: to ecore more h ill. aea .,._ h-om tbe pltrs. portant part In Wlnnlnr batth!l Ttl~ IIWt'~ps comph·tt'd their tuk AI Foi'J'tt.ot tJle Balboa F11blng for · modfom Navlf'l. of clt·aring a channel for the Fleet _,.. 't.bat 11:1 p~>r cent of NEWI'OaT • Battte.acarred, dirty, aome 01 "UJ'flOI t1n1 cru114'r• and dHtroy. hta ~ p&~J~tngen riding Ulf'm tlmplnr. a U. 8. Navy 8Quad. <·rt, only a few minute• before Ule MaJdlta, OWl, Watrr Witch and ron of 136.J'oot wooden YM8 mine. the> men·O.~~>•IIr Opt'nt'd tbetr lbJ-Dina Lee are from Lol Angelea " 8T()D• aweepert noeed promllv Into Ulll llltl barrugt.> COUnty One dav thl~ w .. t"k h" CUFF'S TACKLE ...,. ha.rbor today. rut betwel'n Klt.!)t · w .. g11t out !If thr way then, c·nunted 1~ anclers !rom San n l. capital ahlpt, a~d droppo-d anrhnra .,11,J •'IIJ"Y''"' a bwc ,s~at view of t•go. two., h-om Vlt-torvlllf', two to cumplt'te one of Ult' moll hill .. tho· Hho•lltng" 1a1tJ Lh•ut. BryiUl. from ·San Bernardtnll, 47 """' LIDO .... ., Ia .. P&&·W.\& BAUIOA SPOilTFISBINO n.a.:T nrdoUII AMIJnmintll g lvf'n to any "That mntlc up f"r. all of our d -Gten<t&ie and 11 from Santa Mon· _ .•• ,... PartllJia Allled Naval unit fn the tnvu lon fort.a." tc;.a. The bo&t.l have bo.>en bringing ~·hrono: ~II• of r:urope. Mnst nf the YMS cr~en ~ 1n good eatchee of barraruda. cal-.,~:.-..,. at 'l:M Uld t :ll ~veral hour• before ... a, uti port••tl morl' llo rwus tllfficuttlea ICO bua, whJte tell ba.\1. bonita. ~ta41._ l'llll urda.)' ..,, 1 ;" t.rooJ» hit tht bfoach on 0 -Day. lhc. Ill th•• f<•W tl&yll (Oti()Yo'Jng 0 -Day haJJ but aM a few yellowla.lt. t 'unllntHICI" H ill\. t'rmn ~ :St TIIEJl'l'llZ .IWN Pe wrr~ cJoae lnabort'. Swt'ep. ~w:•·plng -aton~r U\e Chcrbourg Don Pattenon of Srott'• LR.nd- tng. r ear apluh!'d Into thl' B.-In" l'o•mnsut.a. tht' v"ul.'l• were under lng. wbere Capt. <korge McMillan Bay, and the YMS formation be· tho· muz.zl••• of ,.nc·my ehore bat-~l&k<'l the 1ooc1 boat Crrecent out can Ill run' back · and forth In to·rlo•s EMI&"n Harry Jerwen, d!!-IIY at t a. m.. aay• the boya J J;" b d Happy (Tille ,....._, front of thfl Iandini llrlpt~. I'SNR. gunnery officer aboard one and ·l'irla bave bftn making gnod S .. very 0 Y Tbu"' . •·n. . Kat. 'Ted LtWta ln PIMM N..,.n Ill l.be lbore. but he wu too· bWIY th."ll! hurst n••ar tj)r ~~quatlron f!V-uf the OeBuU and Charlie Cum11 Sl~l!: GIJl~with B..A L 8 0 A ''Tbe enemy could aee ua from 111111,.111wrr••r 8,.1•1 that about 30lC'"•·hea too. IUtlpper RUlli RJde. r a t.o - -:::.._:;::.;:=:=;::::...,,.:;.===::::::;;::::::;;;::==:::::::_.:::::::::=-t•ry Uml· tht y lrAI'C'led the lnahore of the ~ lea vinJP; from Ann ~rtllng -E1•etyn Keyu • wat•·ra . Scott'• Landin«. al10 renort gOO<! I.M.tonrr. <.'art-. -N-. AS "J•·rry·a atm wun't 10 good, !lahlng but dtclare that ground ~EWPDAT ~ND BAL(IDA f!IE . th•nk I(M•Inru." he declared. "A IW<'Ill have been he11vv Md bait ~un .. MOL e 1·.,uplc· n! 11h••lls lll"rt•amrd t.broup not too good cluring the put two k Maltnrl HUMI'II _ Brian AJ\erne • · GIORGI HlHIA 11ur rttl('lng. anot W I' awore wr •w day1. 'Miat II ju1t flahtrman'a ; -In- ''"'' o•lo ar QUr star k by lnchea. tuck: One day you catch 'em and Good FtahiDCJ at All TiaN. u •• BeJt AIWIJI A•eilable w,. ltiOk Ufl II new job •!?out the next ~, )'OU maybe don't ~t===~=::::::::::::==~~~=====~:=:::E::·:-+ !hott tlmt' 11pott1ng for the cruiJ-g~t 10 man)-. 'What A Woman' -----, n•: n•rortlng ntw pneitiol\l to. ca,t E. I. Wltttt' who operate~ th••m thl' batt bo&t Pearl ott U\e 19th "DEVIL BOATS• 65 ft. Di...J Powered ~.ea ... .soott'e IAadiaq ate A~ W. Daity . 1101 Cout H'ghway, Newport Beach -Pboae Newp. 348 ""· ... llcMII' •• , ....... lr . , ---· CAPT. CH/JlLIB CUBNS'. "BC:OOr£8" . -FOR CHARTER .:orr. UJmDitl 1101 Coa•t Hlgbway, Newport Beach __ j CAPT. RUSS RIDER'S ~ "••·•'11££" 11 FOR CHARTER .. _, .:orr• UIIIIDIII Sttmf' ot ~ lUUt velllt!la are StrHt landinc. 101 quite a thnll \'o•to•rara ()( Brlltah wat.en . ~-Tueaday wtMn he hault!f In a 30 "" ~<rn\'I'U In th•· United ~dom pound white -~· bl~~t nah Gt-<l l:lnn 1 t,•ra . V~rg~nla Bruce In lnst flf'ct·ntber and were ~onvert. caug-ht on the boat that day. c•tl Into towt)(U\ta Th••y law pten. tY of rcrtwn In that capacity. bt'· T._. We4. l~g Allll.rkl'd by E.boall while In Navy Trar·n·lng Boat -aJIO-ronwty throurh t!'e Stralll or T AAZAS's DESERT MYHTEaY ~;~~ o; ~u~;-~~r'*.': ': Launched Saturday -<'anoon -~n. • Action in Ara:~ia Enfllsh harbot uad •nt five Htarua1 Tllm, A•: I month.l bobbin&-about the po'rt. at Soufk Coa".. / Cary Grant -Janet Blalr ln Tht'M' lhlpe wen refitted u 11 ~ Tim mtnf'IIWN'J)t'rl. ahorUy before the On~ u von a e tnvJullon and aulgned to the tuk A:lrtndy ~111tnc ·a rc<'ord for -----"'"!'--~~-~~ (or<'l' venatlllty e\ten pnotdlng her <'>•mlnr: Ill~ aac1 Hl(he'; Splt-,..r•·l!h storu and fuel arc going leunchjng. Ule Na vy1 new PCS llrr: ('u\rr Olrl: Meet tlae People; 11hu&rol the lltt~ 1hlp1. Crewmen 180~ aTid down launc:hlnc waya at <\ndy Uardy'• Bao.de ~ .tr•• rn.-.nding w nm swt~ptnr rea_r Snuth cout a.htpbdttdtnc yardA ------ ,\11 h11ntb ulc only-for one ntgbt'• tut Saturda y to accompaniment Buy War Bond• and Stampa at 1•1><-r\y uhorl.'. and th41n lmmed. of ple_.d wordl from ber con· tb11 Theatre. 111t.e 1181llng nrdt rtl bar k to tht ,lructnra. whlstlee and r bt'ers rhmbtH zont PugnadoWI and r~um thl.' men wh'o built her,' aru1 J•rotftl. rn•wmen nt tht' ·Uny tu. 41 Joyou1, Juk y unack from the l h're all have Ul<' aamt ~~~· r hRmpQgnl.' bottle In tb(' gr-.p "BI~t llhlp. art \It r1Jrht. Uwy l of Mra. Wlllhlm Nott -of Newport ""Y "But who JP;t"tl :tln .where Harbor moUler f)f J:Jectrtea.J 8up. t hry'rr going. matf'! And we don't •·nntf'n;l<'nf Leater Nott of the Balboa "'-''t><'p rhlmrvya out Ulf're either." lllhl(lyard. · • • • ,.,. PCS 1605 rarr1ed an already ~ It til!4 MA.ITA'4T\"'M rutlv written career down the F:vPnlnlf• et 7 :00 .It 9.1~ ~SF.~Wf:F.l'F.R IRun,:hlnK tr11rk with her, h. avlng Lut Showing of a double feature LNc,t Wf''k w~ r••rf'lvNI a IPIIer bo'•·n oiNIIrntf'd 11.1 a aub-chaeer rroKr•m 1tart1 at 8 :50 Pho1it 3/,R 1101 Coa.t HiglnooJI, ~t!'ti'Pf_:!t /l~adl &-om ~f·llmnn Bill K~'yt ... written wh•·n hrr kerl wu · lald. and re------------~-~. ~ J~==;:::::::::;;:=:=~=;;~~;;;;~~~~ii~:::; llbnur-l H M. YMR 21!61 and po~t. rurt''' clc.d Into a. m~-~ee,pu by TIIUI'II .. f'rl. _ SaL "Tlrnitc'ti London Alii. mnnber thf' tim~> shf' Will Ktttlng plank-Eoldl<' Hrackt!n -Bett-y Hutton In Shell Marine PrOC:iucls ~ AT THE t· SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL •, ~ fw Caast 11~ G11~1tic C~art_s Wt.looa. Critteadea Sorippe Marin• Engine• Hardw.,. Jo~uop Outbou.U. '" ·- J'ltler T *'bt Ro~ CuehiDaD Soooten __./ Cohambla Propelleu Stalu~ ~otor Oil' .. II Lmwy ••rrw ft~Mij:nl'<l to on(' ()( 11\f. The M"aracle of thf' '.sw•·crs ttwo South Cnut Co bUill for thO' R0\'111 Nllvy under ~latl'd Ill Tralalac IJIIIp 1\lorgan's Creek lo-1\tl lrruc-, llliiY•'d hf'tl' llt'vrral t,11,.! Saturd~a.v. however, lbe II lilT 1•1\RADE Of' ntr; OAY to'l "Hk•. Allo>Ut " yrnr agQ, wal _ng wa11 ft•fm11lly l.llunchtd u a Unit- for hfs ship to bC' Cclmmlulonf'd. ,,,1 Stalt•s Nllvy'll .onar traJnln~ Hlr.ft4'y C'artooa · Newa fU writr• ,.,,~.s·l , Sonnr bi'IN the abbrevta. "I !l(ll'nl 110mr of thO' happl~'ll t ton fnr "Srmno1. NaVigation and tl AVII co! m1· llfr tn BAlboA How Rn·n~lnll'"t nnd now ftt.l a com-k l~cl ,.,.,.ry~n" wns In us Ltm,.ya mi~••on In lnkr :'llavy otflcf'ra out I hnr ft I 11haJI bf' lib~ tf) rPpay wh••rr th.•v lnm, ttnrt hand, by lhrm liOml' dAV.. oo'tl\ I'X~rimrnt Md practiCe, bOW Sun .• Moe.· Ida Luplno , Paul Henreld In In Our Time. "1SSER.<4 CIJlC'LE (~-Neww "Wo'll, w,. hll~'" hf'rn mllny thou. to use thclr undArwatar llet.enll\lf &anda of miiH ••~ we left 1he dr~>lf'''· othrr 11ub-detectlnc ap. ~IIIII's. WI' Are 11tlll many thou . flstrntu11• Md sume U\lftl'l too tun M<'rle t.llndlll f)f mllu from EngliUld. l or 811rprhoe tor Uncle 8am'1 - hol(lf' to gE't home In About ··~ golnjl' (01'1 to b<' meuUoned. Tt-.-Wed. Oberon · -Oeo. Sanden In The Lodger month•. all bf>ln~r well. to Me my Hubbard Howe, ,....adtnt of wlfr and chlldrl'n, mother and SouCh C011.1t. made a launchlng !Rthf'r, but you nrw r know when~ 8JX',.r h. durtng wtaJdl be read a the Roy~ Navy 111 gotn~: to tab wlrto rl'rf'lvrd from Under..&eere- you no>xt Our 11hlr 111 etlll going tu1· o( lhf' :-;1\VJ Ralph Bard, lilt rnng " ~tllllnl! thAt tht' Na,Ya produe- "1 ~hould like to vlelt Ba.lboa tlon (lrogram t• IUIJ l.11ereu1~. nj;"nln" . · · and that 10 p<'r oent mor. em- -&Ja()_ THF. OHOST 8RIP with Richard Dlx Cutone -,..... Mtartln1 Thun.., Aq. I J ean Oabln -Ellen Dnw 11'1 The Imposter Comlnr : 8 tudlac lloom 01117: The l 'ata,1W; TIM! Puple Jkowt: ~ '""' Major · If our bo)'ll fer I the aarn4l" way ptnyt11 worke-d nn Na.,. bottom• ''""Ill merry old England we don't In thr lut elx rnontlul ot ttu. nN'd fo worry about Axl• ll-l h&n lr tht' flnrt u montlw. Tbe lo•mfll!l tf) •pUt the Alllee ·~·lth flral lllhC monthe ot tNe w1D 1'0 f'ri'Pii11nda. 11hrr,.· fl<'r rrnt hlpe,. .,.Ull, Ole ltndrr.~f'rr.-tllry·s. t.elel'f'&ll\ pre-Buy W4r Stamp • and Boade dieted. at 'Ali• Th-tre According t~ lntormauon from T~rm lnlll bland, tht' tar~tnt ron• rl'ntrAtlon of ftahlnjt boall to If!'• th.-r lhr N> In a lonjt period. 1• t'h:.n~nnK nell and fltttn~r out ro t r~· fnr the aardlne catch wbtch 1:< · t.lkllhl,. In thE' Montrrty arid northw11rd llrl'll on AUJtU~t 1. I Sro1 1'8 of craft h•~ bHtl 1'~­ rtiAnl>!lng tht't r hr1vlrr tun, ""fll fnr t hr llghtrr !lllrlllnl' , 11rln ~ whl! h lhry h f'Jlf' to fill whrn t f' nrxt rlark or th.-monn mal!u t t' time. right. r ommf'rc-lal tfahtnnl'n at San Pf'clro rtgard the 1944 tuna wiUI ~P d111ppotnlment. ~·al A.W'&ftle .. --ftl ... !lll Ourln~r thf' r rocrarn preeedlnr lhc-ll'un<'htn~. South Cout be- atm•·t <t f.!nld mrrit awardl upon tmptnw'" who had beftl IIIJ\I1ed nut' by If IAhor-manacement eom- mllt~l' !or turni!JC In time aav- lnj.!' ""'I ln\'t•nth·e ~oaa. Thn11r honortd Wlf'l: CU' P'elcS-' nrr. 11~w tiler. 4ft -...t Almen t.tr!'rt Ornn~rr· Qeo~ Stone. mn•: r nrttnn rt"rartment. tS8 W . Myl'tlr 1\Wnu~. Santa Ana; IC1ll1 Sh11w, tumbtor deputmlllt. 151 23td llr('i't. C<>•t~ M-; ud ltGI'- ' r "'•·oc1, 3l:l Montero. ~ \\'ood'a ba~e wu Hfw 1MIDd MD- roa SALI: U-FQOT YAWL (aiNpa two) Perfect OoadltiM 8talftlNA Steel IUC&tac SAILS LIKE NEW (NO 110'1'0&) PRICE: 1900 e AH It at- SWAJ..E8' Bay Shore Allebonp COAST JDOIIW4'1' Thursday, July 27, 19« WriHefl fer ••• lcree• •r LAMAI 110n1 lOllNGIUS ..,_,Show IIGASUWIT ~ FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th -cr -cr ~ CARTHAY CIRCLE UNITED ARTISTS • .., ........ •e4 ..... ... ... ......, • • • twtce ••llr N4 ,.,., •• , c .. t1 ..... ,.,,.,.,,, .. a.._ •.....,. a.....,. ,.. * * ... ,, ,.. * • ALL SlATS IISEIVID NO SlATS IISE~VED for Building and Repairing lnfonnation . . . ... . •u Dlllrlctlluntlllr Ca. WAL TJA 5. SPICER, Owfter •z••oaT ·•••etr 511 ..... Hlthwe, .. ,....~. ...... , ...... . 1150 ..... .., ... Cdnforming to l:,os Angeles at}.d Long ~each POPULAR PRICES ,AL • SPORT • BAR (Theodore S. McElroy and Cyril M yera) ................ Something Novel and Distinctive is our CLOTHES BAR •• BLOUSE BAR: $2.93 and $3.95 ~HORTS BAR: $1.95 ~d up SLACK BAR: $5.95 8Jld Ull DRESS BAJ~: $5.95 and up SKIRT BAR: $3.95 and up I UNGER IE BAR: Gowna ... Slips ... Hose ... Panties ... SWEATER BAR: -All Types . : . Air Wool -$3.~~ ahd up (Please Note the Prict'8!) We are determined to fit your pocketbook with a line of quality' mercbandiae. BAL ··SPORT • BAR. 109 Main StrMt, Be.lboa .......... - • • ., Th ..... y. July 27, 1944 i¢2 ... Sw.j c. Suul7.11.p SHORTS Hit Ia cdond ahcnta .... chartreuM .... pwpla .... tuquot.e . . . . 9old .... black .... they have juat urlYed, &Dd tbey 9low wtth color ud Doticeabllity. • LONG SHORTS, a1.o .... ft... by Wujorie .... They're alao iD colon: pLDk, yellow, ...-., .tolet. 90ld. Th ... are u added abipmeDt ... ~ . Wu- jorie'a &!aorta diaappeu oH ow ahelYM ao f.ut . . . . '" ADotller apri(lhtly Dewcomer ia ow lLDe!Of Black Baao&liD• C'Ax:ktail Pajamas -iD two piece.. n ... d ... ". ellClamatioaa I' We hne eoae \ Sloppy Joe Sweaters -plaia, and. LD tweed• Jantzen Bathing Suits t;clh+...... • .SURF &t SAND SHOP· CIIUII4 v. J~+- TILIPHON!: 138 • 701 East Central Avenue, Balboa ........ Pap 4-A ... Llbi'U'J Clrclllatlon 8Mwa BIIID"reue Dlidlag Put Year Spar Reeraltlng Trio (~nauitla& Eapneer Slated for Balboa Sees G~t Future ,~ ........ .....,.. luly !8 to 80th for Newport Bay • For thr NI:WPOftW HA~lR 1JN10N HIOH I!ICHOOL PIN. TRit'T ·or Ofialllll "OitiJI'f, c.lf,., "'" tm I hi' IO('hOQI )'l'ar 'tmlllllt J~ 30, IN&. CtrNI&t.loll ot t.be N...,.C 8eadt public library lneNuMI 2141 c1w1nc U.. P!1' ,.ar. It wu cStac1.o.cl UU. week til LIM uuuaal report ot Kl8l Dorot.IMe WDaoa. Ubrartan. New booaca acgWrac~ c1u1tne u.. year tncluded HS DOn-llcUon. 611 flcUon, 1M juvan.Ue fteUon and non.nc:u-. and U mtacellaneoua ~ donated .. ,uta. l>urt"' tlle J'Par SN aentoa c&I'CII w.,. 1.-u.d. and nwneroua donaUona were made ot ~ oopl• and boo1r ttrt. to U.. llanta Ana ArmJ Atr .._ boapltal. and Ule Naval Air atauoa at '1'\aaUn. 111181 WU- tiOII ..ad. . ~ ~u. 1o·to JO boob ha" been loaned to each c:lua at the rnmmar ac:bool, and ao to tiM ~'~adtn&' c:lue -at Ute bJ&1l acbool. In January, the lbrary beo&me a. pvt ot U.. b&.naaUtAMW llltnd Alcove li"" by the Cam-.te J:D. aowment for IntemaUonal· Peace. "J)eft't M a ...... : bf a Sp&r." ftla recndU. motto of lh~ ..,ome·a ,....rw of the l'nlt~ StatM Cout Ouarl!, will be brouit't to .tYid attention hel'l tomorrow, Batunl&y and Sunday, 'bun tU plot~~ fl'nllnln. re. ·NJUn& detadunellt of Spara tor 1111 ara&. tn..atna ln an auto cavalcade f'rolll Lae Al\f1'lf'8 ~aci. quarten.. -.. up an open air nata. tiOD" to ''MD" 0out 0U&I'd ~n­ lt.t.menta from tM lot nut to Mal. lory' a J.ancl..lo.e-t •to" on, Main atreet. Bal1IOL Ttae reuutt.n. who proved quite 8.11 to look at. Whlll' v~ry bullt- ~lke tn tWr attractlvr bl~. made • preltmila&ry tr:tp h~re l'a.rl. ler tllla .... at to •t up their ... ta. Uon" on tM euac1 'ni~Y. ue head. ed by t..Mut. (JI') K&lpl'lt Ander. aon from Pll• to=· wtloee ~tacll. met~t aa.o a.-.... a.uy o.t~. Uwer, J'IOIUft tc.-: and Billy Bouck, ,..,..... lc. "We wUl talk to all «1rla be. tw-JO alld Jl, Wl\o arr Inter. After 11 YKrW or ..r..c:. u f'lted tn al~ the war wn1ce city Ubrart&n, durtnc wtllcll um. throucfs u.e pout OIW'd ttranch," abe did a •endtd Job In bullclln& Lieut. An.,_. .-plalned. I. Plt0 1>o81:U ltXPi:NDITURES. t~U-4~ ll•mlaa.cen~ of the dal' .ot lliUC'I\ moNt~ e .. MraU• aco, 10'1\tn 8<)Uthem C'alttornla'a beet known hetbon wert only a pat • tem of mud nate. t~ed by • 1.11 .. lml(tnauon or men wllo ~ t'J Into Uw,t\lture. w•re exc:llanc- ~d durtnr a trip paid lut Batur. .say attem~ to lMwport Har- bor by m4av JileK... former pow"' on the Loe Anpl• Har- bor Board. Mr. lllc:Kee. now a coMUJIInc harbor ena1n .. r, helped lay out and brtnr lato belftC the l'"at rommercl&l buln at aan Pt'dm And Wllmtncton. • A. (.."Urrr"' ~1\M I Admtniatrat1oft .. 2 lnatrvt'tlon 3. OJ>t>rathm <~f 8c-hool l'la11t •· WAint•nancll! ot ~11 I'IAnt II. AUXIliAry 8erYic.'ftl t . Jl'txNI Chart'ee TOTAL C\JJtRII:NT I:.XI'II:NSK B. Capital Uutlaya c. Oolnnuwl)' •moee D. Und&atr1buted. a-rve JC. Total Pror-d ll:xp.ndltu..,.e for tt4._4& IJ. TRANBFICR ro OTitlll\ DIITRICT8 FOR TUITION. ltU • .a 01. DI8T1UCT TAX-RIDQUIRI:O FOR 8PIICIAL ACCUMULATIVE HUILDINO FUND . H~ wu ~ on a water. bomt tour or all anna of New. port a.y by A. B. ~u. and Lf'w WaJlac.-e, ploneen wbo Mlp-<'d do for Oran&'e county' pmud IV. OICNJ:RAL RI:811:RVI: FOR ICXI'IlNOmJRJI plt'UW!e lla.rtlor what lllr. lllc:K.. DURING tt4& ... aroompllahed 48 mllea to the nortltWU'd. lllr lllcKH bMtowed compll- mtnu on the Newpor1 wtup, and laned ~ predlcUona about • (UtUI'I for tbla ha.rtlor nlted w1t.h , V. ~lTAL BUDGET RJ)QUIIlDIENTS VI. NI!:T 'roTAL AVAILABLE BALANCJI: A NO J:STIMA'TJI:D CURRmNT RII:CJ:II'T8 OTHICR THAN <'liRRilHT U18TRU.111 TAXJ:8 ~r wat.r, wider c:banrwla. VII TOTAL ClJRRpn' DJBTRlC'T tnOI'I nuect moortnp, and eaten. TAXE8 RlrlQUIRitD I 1100. 'P1tOS. ao..-. 641&. '1110 . taOO. - • 111140. ·~· 10000. 11000. 2li3M I t TMt. alve other ~veloprnat~u that have bHn awa.tUnc a favorinc word tor many yeera at Wuhl~on, D. c. i. public hrannr will b4' hf'ld on thf' aNve buqrt on AUI'\Nit T. lf44, at ~ :00 p. m , at th~ NewJK>rt Harbor Union Hl•h lk'l\ool Bo&rd rooma. Up the library, lira, Clu1.ltine 11M U.8.C.~. olft r'l youJI( WI). 0ouclu rettted to printa Ufe men wbQ haYt Iliad at 11' .. 1 two -ven.l montha &CO· 1111• Doro-yeuw of bJfll achOQI, and who th .. Wllt10n, for Mveral :yM.ra ·u-have no cblloilrlft Wider 18, an op- liatant librarian aDd wbo bu -'-portunlty to traln at llll' Cnut contributed much to the aucee8l Guard 'n'&Jnl. atatlon at Palm INI V&I:D IN FALL of the tutStuu-. wu appointed Be6cll. J'la.-tonaerly the famed 1\AY ADKINRON Clowlty llup't. of 114'hoola llbrartan upoa Ute rNipatson ot BUtman lllot& ~ Boero, lr.. U . TOI Oout htpwa)'. Oof'OII& dal 111&1', ...... July 2'7, 1f44 her au_perio,r. --n.. ...,. ~ enl'-t. ,_ -------------------------'"'-library bo&rd. wtllcb &a here," Ueut. A.lldereon explained. •••••••••~•••••••••••••• .. hMded by L. R. Norman u ,....._ ''Wtll be t.ralned to nu the many weat aeveral .Ut.c*N for ,...._ r-------------------..,;;;;.. ___ , In hla ~t knee after lie fall tn •ADIO laiVIC. Beginning Next Monday ." JULY 31 Heinz Kaiser's Will be cloaed.each Non~y and Tueaday • until further notice. ,.. • I em tbe other five days of eqcb w..k: ... ,wilJ COIJODue to .. TVfl you izJ our U6IIO} ~ie,nt manner. !dent. Ia · turth.r compoeecl ot pc*UONI 'CII*' to womet~ In the llln. C. Ill. DMk1na, lira. C . L. Cout CJu&rd. from yeomen and ~ lllrw. J'" JC. Retnllold and atorea.per'a wortr to muter ma. a boat lut 8Widav. ~pt aur. ~w at t.t \.loa wtll I"Mt.oolt t'll1l \1M of Ule member. t.he tad wu tol._ Councilman 0 . B. R.-cl cbltu.t and pal"&ddute rtcpre. ROllE lii1II.DofG ~ OONTINUU Df IIILU.L WAY Oona~too lOt under WAJ th1a ... k 011 .. vera~ ama11 bonlee and .......... addttJorw~ .,.. betnC erected 1n • .,.. p&rW ot tAe Ha.lilor &nL MOrt tla6ll • raunp Me opea ~ ~ - to women..._ ~ wtll be uaiJMd 8rt Robert ltupne Ooreon hu t.o Oout OU&rG ataUoN UII"'\\Ita-notumed to C¥1P Hmne Td out U.. Unttad 8tatea. wb.ert 1M Ia at.aiaoned wtth' an .,.:: ""-tnc-Sooldlla' I'ICrulterw, Ia-tant:ry battalton. after a 12-day .u.d an wor-t oaU to all fOW\C 1\inou,tl ..,.nt wtt.h Ilia pannta W9'ftM ol U.. lft1rpe>rt Ha.rtlor Mr. &tid lllrw. Kenneth l... eor-: arM and eo.t& Ill .... tD ClOm~ 21111 <>ranee aftllue, eo.t.a 111-. to t.hetr ~n at any tlml HOME • AUTO • MARINE ~19S __ RI_P_AIRI:;:::;:D:::.. _ __, MARDa KLECTRICIAN .. aua-r& •oa-ro• l'tl"oae 2417 1111 Cout Hit .. .,., NIWPOIT a&ACH Lt. CUrtord, lUI a C.tral annue, Ia npendtq · f4000 011 • tJuoM.rqom adcllt.loa aDd .. ~a~tan­ ·Ual rf1Je.!rw at aa&a bome. Claaiw C. ,.,,... TOO Aead& ....... II buU~ a oar-..1'00111 .. tioa a.t tOI lAr'ltapur at a oo.t ot .... t.omanvw ·~ Sunday, ~ r---r--------------------------------------------------------------~ leam dout U.. flemiJIIne 0~ m .. •• e~GCU: "'N-faeea, new placea, MW J*: no IOftCW a ..,.,.., but a llper." Alliuader 1bab, 118 Lutatpar HAIOII ..,.___.. ~0 aftllue, bu adMduJed an ~ I'OJI Plla'ITY aAIIY tiiiiOWI:a tur. ol 1100 to con...-t aa&a ,...... A dellflltftll Mby ahower y u ent cu-.. lnto • foor.room lven 'nlurectay afternoon for Mra. clweiJtac ancl C. V. Wurcklnan &a Howard Ooe, tM affair ~ ~ a trune and .t~ ~ pl&ee at LIM lll:ae ot Mn. Jobn ct.ee at ru R•by a...,.. at a o. H&JP. m ColliN a.-, co.t ot 1100. with lllra. Jolut Hutl!!ln ancf lira . TAKE HER TO . . • • ONGEA~EK Clautee A. Roti&MCIIl, l'flt W. William · llleK.en.lde ualaUft& LIM Oelu no.t. &a lllaOdlac a ,..,.... MatMe. j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;; ud .._.,. ,_ at a .-t ot Jau. &lid peak ...,.. ilb new 1100 _. Ro. R.. Ball. llt Jtulry, In tiM ~ ~ U.. RaJP ~ '-apeeO.C · 1100 011 tM eon-led UM ~t IIKitMr &o • ~ ol'T two.raanl addl-hidden ~·"'her. a haadtiOme ...._ Hana ......... or ........._. ~ c:balr .-Jted "her. 'nle afler- hu been &awed a city permit to noon wu devotrd to court whlat, demolt.b a portion or a bulldtnl at •PriRe be6Jlc ~a·on bJ llln. IDd ~-GOOD IIBIGBBOBII TOOl W. ~ rfont aDd make en and JiliN· Alma Andei'IIOII or aMUONI and rwp&lra to a wlue Lomita. .............. ~.................................. ot ll.O. · Rc~m~nu w~ ~ t.o W. H. Kalla.rd. TJ-3 Jumtne M~edamea Howard Ooe. IDd ~-·' Helpin9 to make it • QAY IUmmer on Newport Bay are the · friendly artiaan• from nei9bbor Republica who contribute the imported numbers We have qathered fQr your fnterHt. Tb .. ·, include: .,._._-'!"----------------------.. a-IHJ, Ia bulk~&¥ a ~01'7 en, Wm McKeMie, J~ Harf--frame and ~ I"Nidenee at • lern, Arthur ~at, HaroiiJ Under • coat of MOO and Richard Bt.wut hill and John S. H&JP, and U.. A ·Mere Man · Did. It w111 e.-pend' S400 on IMl&Jlblc • 111'-I~oe Blaonetu. Allee bat.ll and maltlnc alteratJOM to S.t. Alma Andenon and Bette the Interior or t.be ctwen1n1 at 1.91 ftocera. Abalone ••en~ae. • roTIJNTIAL VACA'IION'Da 8&1:11 QV~TEU ~- Pollee and ft.Nmen are on UM Calla tor ar>utmenta 1114 boua. Gaale•ala Jackets . . ha12d woNn .. tf/vld colora Reptile Compacfs from Jl,.ealbJa ' ''-. ' . .......... .. -I! I J2.ll .. ..... -MESA Ma•R • to )n ,res Would •S~Ive tel M'IJrAthe undlmaft t aequAli- park and I done bJ rt BndiB ........ :-:JJ:: . ,.. ...... .. ..... '.,.,.. ..... .fll._. ........... ......... tW ... ..... I I• I t.la• • ~A-. . --_ .... , ... .. whll ... ..,. ...... liD ........ tt ,..ua. • a.::--... ..~ . ,_.., ,,..,.. ... .... ~. ... TM prUf I offt:red fur a nam' ForJat~ tnttall lJtf.lP its rron; _· __ Thanbfcrr your M1lnr11, all of'IPJJ;. lookout tor four youtM.-repbrte4-ee conUn~ to n~ the N~ ly drivtnc a 1tU ll"of'd eoape. .willa Harbor Chambtor of Colnmerce w~tted 1u1 AUD4a7 omce. . -Ba~ro~Jrald.~~~~~~~~~----~~~==~ It' • ~f'fl .• a lot of fun. TM fMT'chandiM. five dtJlln r• worth, Gou t.o a man So 1t·hat? From Jamu e'. Morris rame the name: Hllre 'tu: "The Mo1t1 and rot." TM, lt'a true; Mr. Morrie of 1404 Seaview aYeDue, Corou del Y&l, woP the $5.QO ~erob•adiM ordeJ which we poetic-ally offered for the beat au99"tloD of a aam• to 9lve our childreD'a and 9rowaup'a wear ahop. ... MOM AND TOT TOGS .. (Mary Jan11en) I • . aoa eout ••wllwayw eo..-..... ._ . noon wtiUe mallcloualy 6etUnc 0.1r1nc t.he put";Mi, accord- .,.... tin. In the eoron. del Mar Inc to aecn-tary Hany Welch. area. Accordtnr t.Q JMre Chief r. lnqulriea have arrlved by tele. W. Croc:lc.er the youtU lt&rt.ed ~apb, phon!!, air Dial) and md- tlru In at Jeut four different 1o-aenrer. Ttle family or a htcb- eaUona, · t.helr method belft& to ranklnr Chlneae otrlc.-lal clealred a throw bUmtnc matdMe trom their hou.e with aeve:n bec:ta for one ear willie IJJ' motklll. month: a prominent lOde• ottlc:lal nt Loti Anr••• Mlled ro,. a home 8UBMAJLI'NI: &Ulloa DICJIOICD for Ulrw peraona for 10 d&ya, 'Newport Hart»or'a pria nunor and a wire from Beaumont, Tex., of Ule week. whlc:b. wu empbat-uked It the~ wu any PQMibtllty teeliJ denied by otndalll of tJie 0~ rtnUnc a boJa8l au.U.abl& for local Cout ,Guard aub-oatrol but!, alx pereorla for 1 mont.h. 'niHe con~med a Newport Beach flab. are only t.hr-M of the may ln. ln.r boat whlc:h •u reported to qulrlta. have had Ita bow ahot off by an ''Thla 1• • time for tpec.'lal effort an thl' part of nerYon. to win enemy aubmartne while en~d '!lore frtend8 for the Harbor _........, In ftahlnc off...tiON. ..-. ·" 'nlere &a U.OI'ut.ely no tnrth and all mu.t do t.helr btl to belp to the atory," a ODut Guard In aoh1nl the h~nc problem:~ ~ deelare4. Mr. Welch pofnled out. Penona . . an wtU. a houae ()r aputment aYaJI. 18L.&lfD OAUOJC JI&.OPPJ:D abl!! are urred to l&at u.e aecom- ft.e modaUona w1th thett faYOrlte ~ ot the C.....,. at 111 I'Hltor, u Ul!! Chamber pnten '------------------------...11Apte aYetlue, Balboa laland. b1 to do buatn1!81 UII'O\IP llrekera. AI GI'M'w, wfUt equlpmtnt to the al'l'retaey aald. ---------------....,...----------work on marine motora u ...0 u ... -----------------------... I automotive en~nea. t~~nlr place NJ:W. OFP1CEIIA II:LIDCI'W:D thla weelr. Glover Ia ua&ated by 8 . T. Dunlap hu beell elected El Paraiso _$panish Kitchen RAY SANDOVAL, ~,_..,;~ 1 Formerly with Yaabel O<'lnulea ·at Banta AJI&) McFADDEN PLAGE AT COURT ~ Oood. hearty American breakfuta. Bavory lurrchMna witll your friend8 1tbo .,.. ta ap&pw1l Newport on bu.lncaa. DIMet d!ahu that preA~~>nt tht' aplce and t.uty ::s of Old )lejlco. Treat your dinner-lime. palate to Ofte ot a enc:lllladu Sandoval, a combination whoea perfecUJ proporUon.a ot wal, c:h~al!, onlona and herba defiN ....-. worda. Taeoa, T-bone ateaka Mt•xlc:an atyle, fried beana tMt IIMlt on t.IM t.oftiVe, caJoltnc chill con c:ame · .•.. co.e an4 ... wt.at ow new Bp&lliall Kltcllen flu lD atore !« JOW e&U.. eaJoJ· IIMIIt. And' 0.. thlq more ow pr1cee don't ~ on put ot U.. W:a,Dellt. Oecal' Morna. Ttle D-,.,..,.. pl'laldent of the Newport Harbor Ol)traton announced they were American v«1on In taldg a po4IJ' WilDlY of auto. whiM ~t.y ........ _..,_.~ peN l'ltO t!tttl' MW reJ~&tr pl&llt Dr. P. A. Cham~rlln. Ot.ber otft. for their openlnc. 'nle eetalllllll.-cera named at the recent annual ment had fonnerly been ,In c:harwe meeting wtrto 111enn· Croft:. vte'll' of L. B. lldena. preel~nt, and Frank C.OC:ker, aec- UA\'YJIIfO roa ~-... l'lt&ry. J#" I!'Atua l.nd Dr. atam. ... ... _...... btorlln complct~ the board or dlr 'Ool. W, A. Robertaon, c:om. rertorw mandlnf ornc:er or Banta Ana -' Aney Air But atnce U.. 1n11e PIIONF. P&IOIUTY O&AJIITICi) pre.ntl'ht ac:h011l wu built. 'wtU . After elrt'tt monU.. nepttaU• rellnqulall command of that po~~t w1th the &"'ulhtom Callfomta Te~ on A.Jl«U8t 1 to 10 ·overaeu . phon" rompany. the Jolln &. 8&4- Col. Robertaon. wbo flu . for lrlr rnl eautr otftee at 11aJboa mont. t.h&n two ftara reetded at hu at Jut bHn ,ranted a ' tele- 204 VIa Quito. Udo lale, ta tile phone priority. an ~ fa~r of a eon. Capt. W. A. Rob-wblcb Ia dennltelJ .. ,...... UDder trtaan, Jr., ,_,.. ...,. a1Nac17 ciW. prtMnt wartime ~. ~ biiUelt ~ Ilia ulden-nwnber, a.oeordtnc to Kr • .....,., mlllta Ia tlal ---.... .. ... co/Ors and ~hapes (Bags to Bang Around in) . . ---... Other Bags from the We•l lafll••·. in rope tight, ·twisted sisal dre .. y bags/or more formal wear Unrationed play shoes ... thick rope soles ... lined with tender kid. . . These· come from the moun lain plantations of Cealral Jlmerlc. Alligator Cigaret and Key Cases fro~ CaiHI , ____ , .We hat•e that nPII' /kttOII l'•"!t•IJI ... }ll'r(u:mt frl)m Jnn,"um .... _____ , Sweaters All 100 1 ; Wool SUITS In summer moods and Iabrie• Sox All 100 r·; Wool ·sHORTS Shark•kin ... Linen _ At.o ifL Plaid uit~~~llam CLOTHES FOR FUN 2 .09 MA~INE AVE .• BALBOA ISLAND 'ail "couW ...... ,..u,d, llut .... • Reid,., .... 'f', hit.,... aD ... the IIPfVb ,.. '-D JMfW nCJt.,. ......... ~ulatJoea. Ill- ''"' f«** .. -•rtnc. \1' ((IIIlA S'l8 • ftf'r dlrdud loM 111t S7l IOC. to I IO krwrw If U,. c~ t·11n twfp a 1IIU1tlon. lw " :1\C'r I• ,.. doan., ~M MY" tW' hie 1111 hi~ lift' and tn nt .u~~ IUIYinl( the IIW'I "lltrcnl"- liMriA! •• 1lla --tERS I (:o.. ~. i3"' .... I bet )[5 . ...... 2" , ... .......... .. ........ ARO will op FLC P< ......... • . t .. 1- Collon P ....... ICKift Time ' Midaummer'e ~~- •t cotton dre ........ All c.harmen • • iDa Yaritlty of colon • • • • Warm w•ther wuh· •bla-eacb atyle • triumpbl ,., - SWIM AND PLAY .SUITS Look your Mit at the b.da . . . • Whether awimmiq or Juinl under aun-umbrellu • • r rn ·s . DEPARTMENT ITOAI COSTA MESA 1..,/ y NiiWPORT-BALBOA PRESS .e..J tMMl p .... ,.,J fltweU Drea Shop Franklin warner 18 bWldtac a Bought By blander larce atora,p room at hl8 born•. Mn. Irma ~ea. wh~ Jut eotna:'~~hn.eo~ home at 212 Aprtl enter.d the ladlu' rl'ady- E!olllna a~. Balboa blaJI4. ta t.o-wur a.&d "sr eetabllllftln~ V114J- belnJ Improved by the laytq of bboncl Ro.ae oe Balboa (sland and " new lhl~le roof. in June expanded hrr ecope by Mr 1111d Xn w L Jord&D have openlne V~d Jtou~~e No. 2 returned to their BaJa,o. home aft. 'lt IJ&Jbo&, 1ut 'nlund11Y announc- er ~tpendlnJ thl' put eeveral ~ that ~ bad purchued Flt- mQntha at Lu Vegu. well ._. llbop on the laland 8..,_ from Krt. Aluaa Ro)ud. Mr. and Krt. F-red W. • .... In ... -.._ the latter utabllah-have mo•ed trom Udo clubbouM -~ .... to tht'lr home propt'rty at an w. ment, lin. Marplae al.o acquired Central avenue, Balboa. the aehalllYe IC'DCY for Ann Foe- Mn. Marvin Moore, 53T 'l'laiUn ter, DoftJI& Oonlon and Slmplll:lty avenue. hM returned followtllir froc:u. 'nM 8t.oft will be cloeed and lt.l ~ .tock moved t~ llt'nral weelu vllalt with ber par-Vteabond R~. the new owner •·nu at M.aryvllle. Mo. tated .. Mrw. William Sykte, 42t Beron-i · -re. Marplee turther an- I& avl'nue, had u week end cu-t.t ~uneed that .... Ppt'CIJI to •tart hl'r niece 1111d hU8band, 'Mr. and •ped.u.a.a. lD IIR• for larger )(n. Will Bfotrv of ~v,.r1y HUla. wom•. Mr. Beery Ia a brother of ~ Star Wallace Beerv. II&.Urr A'ftAal 8UFFE&ED MIM Rae Shrpard, wbo 18 It&-lin. Jolul ll.altl. 113 29th. at .• ttoned In Wuhlnl'ton n . C. wtth Ia reportedlJ out of d1111ger fol- tbe WAVJ!:8. left Tueeclay after lowtfta a..,... lle&rt attack auf. an enjoyablr vlalt with her moth· fered ....._,. 1110mlng at her er. Mrw. Jack Boylan of aJ ~ home. ,.._ wom&a'e condition ·w~ con Bay. dl8coverecl bJ .lin. H. W. Gerrllh · Ml'rnbert or Orance County 111bo ~ J>!· Conrad Rich. O.lta Gatma Alumna• Aa.ocl~-ter t.6 &UeDd ._, Mr. Srnoltz, who tton wtll me# I at one o'doclc ~ n.ble Oil the ~rock, "hu been morrow att.ernoon at the ~ o1 a PI'OiftlMDt ....qaber of the local Mrw. Lucille Chrtetle, llT Apolena flehlJlC lratenaJtj .tor the put S6 avenue. Picnic luncheon will be Ye&l'8. eerved. . . SHAMaoc& OO<Jil,"''AIL BAa provement.l prior to lt.l f'&EPAAE8 ·POa OP'&JifiXQ wtucla 18 elated f« UM DeU' ~ After "rnar11.lq Ume" f« mon baN. than two montha wiLlie UM ttatua 1be. Mttb"*mmt. w!Uda 61 to of iu alcoholic beverqe Uoa8e be opented bJ Cb&dM Qlgnnl"C· hut~ In the ll~e. the &bam. aD4 ._...Ia&-. OWMN e1 tM rock oooktaJI bar at 1114 N.... Ja Toto e&le at llult& AA&, wtD pnrt boulevard, Ooeta M-. 18 UUI be ltr1ctly ''JnatropoUt&n" tD week under rolne exten.tw bD-ery lllMMl', wtth a J"'CUl&r' LAGUIIA ... dl I Tbunday, July 27, 1M4 ce r ot the aberlff'a etatf on dut,. at all ttme.. Mr. Cunni.,.U. 8&14. A BON 18 BOD ~ and Jlh'l. Albert nomp. • 800, UT &. Zctcwwater, ~ are the parent.l of a 10ft boJD ll&t.. urday at at. J~ ......,ataL COft'A Jn8A Exclusive Styles • Reasonable Prices BLOUSES .... CHIPMAN. SHEER HOSIERY W~k l'nd vlaltorw at the Gene P,... waatacll an read by thoUII· Bot'ro homr, 70!1 Cout hlrhway, andl ~ w.ll.' WIJH£11llE!l!l!llllll!llillliliiiiEBIII•••••-••••••------~~~IIlllll-llllll!llllll!•lllll• .. w~rt' Mr. Boero'a brother-In-law, Frank Dt Str fano. foreman wtth the Bauech.Lamb flf'ld KIUI and optical worlu at Rochl'etu, ~. Y., a nd Frank Dl Jllrfano, Jr. Otof'WI' Hll)l'r: Jt., boeli'i mate In the Uni~Btatu Navy. 'hu n. tumetl to acttv~ duty In Uie South Pacific after apt'ndlnr a 3G-da)' fu'l"lou,h with hie parentll. Riner h .. M'f!n l'!VO Y~'~ acttve eervt~ In tht South Pacific with NaY)' al~ratt unltll. • • lank of Alnetlco oH.n ,- a prO!ttpf ond efflcMftt etcrow MtYlce. hoi •tote w-. Elegant Gifts Diam6nda • Jewelry Pearls • Watches • Clocks ---A marn1&J:e llcenee wu t.uecl In Santa Ana to Gall Bettl8 Humphrey, of N-port Beacll, and Martha A. Steven.. Balboa Ielan4. .. -------------------~~~.. Mr. and Mrw. Brav~n Dyer ud two eon• are lpt'ndlnr the eummer ,IMft oftd otfw• flftd thlt Mlghbothood Nrfke ·silverware • Dresser Sets ..0. At H .. R. Trott's * 1iiaelel8p .. one · wcd .... llst .ls GI_W8 II * -Ill J11 ft's -~~~ wrlb! War bu not enly stopped-the man· ufacture of t~lepbone equipment for civilians, but bU .made ~y more people want telephones. · Since the National Defense pro-gram. in 1~, we have been Dardatwonc supplying ihe needs· of the Anny, Navy, war producers and the public. There has been a net increase of IY2 million in the ~umbe~ of Bell System telephones m semce. This has used up our normal re· serves, so there. may be a delay in moving service and there prob- ably will be a-delay in establish· ing neW service. · Switchboards are carrying more lin~ and calls than . they . were de- signed for. Every telephone facility we ~ave baa been preaeed into _tervice. OIW G •anda 7ei•••••'C•m ... , ' ...... a. &b11 N.t lMI at 133 Opal avenur. Balboa laland. Kr. Dyer Ia eporttnr rdltor o( TIM Loe AI:~~· Tlmu. S~ndlnjt a week'e vac:aUqn from hla dutll'l u the cout pub. lie rrlallone ehl•f for National Broedru~lnK corporation. Ia Hal Bock. who with Mrw .. Bock cboee tl!~' yacht SlrOC'<'O. of their tnend. Mulle.r of Hollywood, PUI their pleUJJre week. 'nile Sirocco 11 11t Hutnlard'e LandiJlC. ' Suddf'n lllnue of Baby Bobby etpeclolly convenient. ............. , ""''' .......... ....... ,..... . ·····-· ,, .... , ............ .. Sycamore at Fifth Str~t SANTA .ANA Phone 5618 BUY U.S. WAR BONDS!. Mc~ybrokeup thev~oo~ --~--------------------------------------------~~--------------~--~--------~--------------­hla parenta. Mr. and Mn. T. 8. McElroy, 104 Eaat Cent.ral avenue, at La JoUa lut Saturday and . hutene4 the famlly'e re~ to hi• home. 'l'lle McElroy. vt.at.ed Mr. MeJCiroy"e etatfor. Mrw. AI Hook. wlte of Ute fonnerly w.U kndwn vaudeville ent.erta.lner, lD La JoiiL Mn. Amy 'Mendenhall and daurhtrr. Betty of Placerville!, are a~ndlnJ lwo wHiu with Ul«" fonnerw parenu, Mr. and Mn. Samuf'l E . Lane. llT 23rd etreet. Otber Sunday KIJUt.l at the Lanr homl' Wt're Jackw Snow. Placn - ''tll•; Mr. and Mr-., Jack' JiiJ.llu and MIN Grou. Santa Ana, and Mr. and Mre. John M. Wlnr. TUII- ttn. ----.- Local Young Couple Married Saturday Thr gar~n . of Caplll• d~ 81111 1 A ntnnln .on • S•turday 1'\'l'nln« 1 • - fonnf'd a ~IIKhtrul IN'ttlnc for I lhl' wi"dddn~t: nf 'MI1011 A\'001'11,. Spllth, dau,Chli'r of Mr. and Mrw.l C'harlu Rohr,..r of Emrrald Ray, and Cla,ln-St<'VI'nll. eon of Mr.! And Mrw Harry W Rtf!\'l'nl of 1818 Vlll'l)f' phl<'f', NI'WJ'(>rt B<'ll<'h I Thl' brtdr. who wort.' an all.whllt' 1 fiQOr·ll'njtth rm.o.·n ~·tth .ttnrr rtlp \'<'II, WILli atl,.ndrd by thP ~m'l slatrr. Mn. Marjorie Routcllr. 1111 matron of honor. :\nd Brldi'IJmaltJJI P<'tly Lcr MI'Kenz!P ..nd ~tty Nl'lton Mr Boutl'lll' aulstrd 1111 h<-11! man. Ullhl'rl! ~!.:1.: Ev,.N'tt MonN\4'. Carl M<'lnll'l' 11nd Jnllnny Bayl<'ll, all of thr U S. Navy ~ I FollnwlnJt lhl" <'t'rrmony a larjti' p11rty of guHt• partook of a hand. somi'IY d~oratrd wt'ddlnc cake. Tht' young couple lt'ft tmmrdlate. ly on t .hontymooa to an unan. nounced dutlnallon. Mr. Stnen.. who hold8 the rank ot bocl'e mate flnt clUI In tht' Navy, Ia borne on turloup follow lnr eervtce In the Sl'uth Pacific. Thl' new Mrw 1 Slt"v,.ne le tmployrd at the South Cout Co. ·1 F.NV&LOPD Ml& 80AaCIJ But we have plet~ty ol UMm at the Pre. 1 Print· Sbop. PrieM 1 .,. ,_nahl~ 12: ~ :: ~ -For ~our Signs PBOllm If ·~f~rm~r '11m UGM IUJif ........,, ..... Lfti'DDf9 --------,~----------~~~---~ I VITAl ri~AIUAIIS 0, SIIYU _ ...... ., ........ .,..~ ...... --. ...... ~·#f ,..., I .. ~· .-.............. , ..... .,., -. -....... ,.,.... .. ..,.._., -.............. . . fMI MAGIC fi,AMI THAT WILL llleMTIN Y0Ua JUTUI .. : .. fill HILP IN CANNeNO AI 1 praaicat ttrvice 10 home CIUUIIIn, dUa -..oo yout ps com- p.oy ~rl! 1. free i111trucdon manual A 2. Flft J&U&e tnt. (1Wh j( ~ 011 JlfftoiUrt caan« 1.11 O.K.) 1 1.# free CIJUlinJ' infOrmarioa. (telqlhoM, recipn, daiMt,I«Nra), -. ,\ I -'•• .. ThUJ"8day, July %7, 1944 Mw All~ Wtnt••rbnurnl' of "hlttk r avrnu., .. a lt«ndlllj( lbot '""'""'r -'oft al U<."LA. Hal Harpolt, 1:11 V1r.:-1n111 piB•···· Ia addll\&' A &'1\T~,-ii.not lltlltliJI>' room to hla hon}l' at a •·1111t ur 11000. Mr!!. <Hor~co Morl.'lllnil. 22!\ :!:!rrl 1treet, wu to bl' hOII!'IIJJ tnd(ly 111 a mf'f'ttng of Nrwport Hi'l~htll ctrcl.t' WSC8. Mr a iiLI M rs. J. 0 . Cartl.'r, 2131. "it'lo'p<ort Boulevarl.l, were Sunday •lin '''r J:'Ur ltl at the Ben~n home ., r:nr<ltn Gro\'e. . •, '~" Jt•,lfl \\'alsh, aaa11tant 11., • • •:-~•1 r •r rh.• Lc1.~ A ngv14•• Dally :-;, '-'"· Is \'lslllng ht>r •later, Mluj If• I n \\'al:ih ur 263 Broadway. lt••r b•·rt Dunlap, Uiet Orance j • ''''"""· u1 ••mployed on conatruc-. '••11 Wlll'k at thr Navy'• new am. Mlu Betty Burgu a Cit Run Dl-ourrrtlllnn dt•pot • near Sf'al BeaC't\. rgo Ia 1~ndlng tht• llllntnll•r with Mlu J~>llnnll' Lou Orontl. 2:12 l.l r nnd Mr'!l. AntonJo Martine&. Flowr r •tre~t. ''hos.• h•,m'" was recenUy cte.troy. D. E Coll.'man hu 1tut..ed work •1 bv fir••, have ~n luued a on • new $2()()() r,..ldl'nCI.' to lw rount y burt.hn~: permit lo erect a located on Flower 1treet we~~t of !20.)() tlwl'llin~e on Plac.-nUa ave. Weatmtrwter avenue. ''11" tHlWh or 17th •t~et. MN. P. V. Parkt>ll, 1777 Or&nlft' Rr.·ham Da.,chnt•r, c~ntt'r'l avenue. wu hoatt'aa yuterday at '"~•·· f11st rlt\11!1, Ia now located a m~Urt&' of tbe Friday After-wrth 11 11hlp n·palr unit at Far- noon club brtdge .ectlon. ' rR#:'ut. Idaho, 1\ecctrdtnr; to word Frank P. Bycuk. 2~1 Orange rl.'c,•rved by hta moU\er. M111. Anna &Yen~. Ia adding a carage and DUC"hner ot 187 Flower •t.reet. bat.broom to hl1 home at an ap. Wllll&m 8rnalley, ·who ttu lite. prostmate ~ or 11000. ly bt-f'n contlned to a naval bOa. AS IT MIOHT11AVIC BICJCN AND AS IT W.._BIU P, Smi.UI and tilil ~rtde, t.be formcor J.-. I''""'' A n~··lnvt<· ut l'oela Mua, pla nn.ed a hum,. wed.lln1 but at thi 'tut mJnute the bndaJ party dlacovned thf' marrt~ hr•·nsf' ha.l bC'·"n IHIIUt•\1 In Lunr BC'aC'h ami th•t " C'nllta M ..... weddt~ would bto au...-1. ao u., bad a ''bMc!l wecSdlq'' lnatead. At left Ia weddtnl' bower M'ltinl' at lM Ct.H \'on K ... nn.-~ hnntC' tn c-o.ta 'Vf'll , With p11r ty h rt tn rrjfllt • M1'11 f"1lartca 8mtth, bridfwnatd; MN ._....,. ~~~. maid of honor ; Janice Focht, n ower &1rl; Mlaa J oa<o!Jhr nc-AngC"loVtt', bndt-;· Bill P . 8mltll, br1d4'(room. C'tuul,.• Sm.lth, bMt man, and Carl Milner who pv.'t.be bride ln mant'&'e. Rl&'ht Ia eeene of weddlnl' on ~da at Long Beach unlkr • Cout Guard weather tower, wllh Rey. adward IC. ~. Nedlntr weddl~ "11C... Kembe111 of the aru and cratla pltal In the San Franclkc> ·&I'll&. 8ec:Uon ot Frtday Atlemoqn club wa.s a Wet'k end vialtor at t.be mel Tueeday at the home of MN. home ot hla puente. llr. and J. B .. Dattu, 318 llut 18th at. Mrti "Hap" Smalley, MO AYO-Commtitee to. ·study P()St-War Problems -------------------~~----~~------------~-------- <'IIdo atreet. Randy Plc;kertnr. 10n of Kr. and M111. LaUe Plckertnr of 576 Dt>nnt• Hogland, C9«& Meaa H 1 1 t\ ~raragrman, and J oel Dele county rri amJ ton ltreet. ce ebrated Ia C'ounSl'l, Ued 'tor Mcond place In Problema of e ployment and aeeond birthday annlveraary on Slllurday'l War Bond &'01iln& man$1'ement artal~ In Callfomla J'rtdAy. ~oweeflllt6el at Santa A Cowl from U\e t4rmlnatJon ol war con- lrll'. and Mra. Philip Bernet~. try rlub. P int pla.ce wunawon ..,; Jn.ct. beld by thle ltate'• Jn.ctu.. 2'71 lelb 'treet, are U\e proud J . Rllf')' Huber. tr:lu, &I'll to be atudled out In ,_,..Dte of a baby &1rl bom· lut Wet'k end guut. at t.be ~d advanc;e by_,. new atatew1de com. Tlaurada)' a t Barceant Matemlty Grauf'l home, 110 Broadway, we"' mlttee ot the .California State boeptt.al: M.-.. Proctor Wetr of Otendale Chamber of Qommerc., &eeordln6 Set. CUiford Llonbarpr, _,n ot 111111 Mlu La Noma Grauel, • atu: to announcement today. Kr. and 111'11. J. C. Llonbaryer, oJrn t a t Mount St. Mary'• coUep. The committee ttu been eet up 140 Broadway, waa recently trana. On Sunda under ~~W. fund from Ardmore. ~ to. by -wr. Wetr and bt. .on. 1 fr ... elbef1r, ot t.be Nom. St.a.mp. LlnC:~ ~~ · Gratll'e will W. Mr. and M.-.. Joe Jonea, 237 IC. rng Company ln ~ A~Jea, and ~ lpONIOr anoU\er of lt. 19th 8\reet; are u.e parent. of a wUI tuncllon ill two eeettona, one popular oid.tlme dancu at the Le-aon, bom Friday pat Santa Ana for Northern C4lltomla, and U\e &1oft hall. Muatc will be wpplled Community holrpltal. The clll.ld'• other .for t.be Sout.bem portJon of matl.'maJ .-randparent. are llr. the •late. _by the 0r&nl'~ orc.butra. 11nd Mr11. Herbert C'hun:lunaa e1 The n ... t meeUnr of t.he Sou- llr. and MN. J . C. Click and 273 Ma.,.nolla alreel. · U\em California HC:Uon will lake cblJdren, Oeraldlne, J immy and Gordon Shot'maker. 288 Coela up pre.poat war plana nut Wed. Joyce, 2840 Acacia atreet, wei'C! Mesa atrrrt, 11 moum.lng lbel neaday. Au,.. 2. at the alate eham- reont gu.U at Ule.Frank 1!'ree-dl'ath· or hla alatrr. M . .-.. Libby J . ber ortiCetl In Loe ~lea. man bome ln Wlnti l'llbUfJ. M"11ll. whoee funeral waa held Peter· P'. Buechner, 1845 Oranp hut Thu.-.day In Oranp. M111. MPAN18R WAll VIITDAl'f avenue, II bUIIdlnl a new re~rt. Meata, who lA~ 83' ye&1'11 of qe, cSenca on litll 1trtoet eaat ot Full. IIX'ate<l In Olive 82 yean &CO· AN8WE&8 LA.8T CALL erton avenue. He pla na to expend r vt . Robert Gobn of JoJua.. Wllll&m Henry M6ore. a ,.. •• about 11700 on the p,roject. tnwn. Pa., lpent the ·week end at de[tt of, Coata Meaa for t.be put ClydP 1!:. Stovall, 22~4 Harbor lh~ hom!' of his 'Un<'le and aunt. yrar, died Monday moml~ at ht. boulevard; Jut Saturday attend. Mot; anti Mrt~. W. E. Gohn of s.,;ta ltoml.', 585 Pallaadee road. AI. ed t.bf' fUneral of hll alater, M1'11. "nil 0\'Mf\J(' Pvt. Oohn. Who ... I thourb ea yean of .... Mr. Lalla Avo Prather or Sarita Ana, IIIIIOr.NI lit Long !leach, Ia at. I Moore flad been In food bealt.b wb.o dled Thu.-.day at St. Joaeph trnt.lloK llchool at Do\JI'lu air. until .lhorUy before bla death, hoepltal. craft · which wu uer1bed to a ~ at. Mr. and M111. Amel Bol!lman, Prll'nda or Mra. An~rellne Allen. tack.' . 22M Oranre •~nue. have been z477 Orange a-v611w, wm~ .wry A n&11ve of BHIIMn. In~. and &.\Jed a county buJidJng permit ... , .,.,, t•: .. t l.bo h.u reportetlly for many yean a realdf'nt of Wy. to emc:t a dweUJ.oa on W8trntn-,urferlld ·a rei&J-folio.. I~ a omln~t. llr. MooN cam. to Calltor- ater avenue nort.b of 18U\ ab'Mt 'W'rlt•:J . f · mlatort.u• ~ WJUc!l h3.ve nla a he yean &J'O. He wu a ve~ at &D approxl_mate coet of 122M. c-unflm••l her to hC'r tr.t and toleran · of .the Span.lala A.mertcan' -Z-n "'h, t•lr t.alr ror thr put ··verall' War and a member of Culver mont.ba. . C&mp USWV at San o"ro· sur. Dr. Conrad Richter Mra. Lynn R. Pollina, 24i Ogle '·fvo.-. Include hta wtle, MN. str• el, yes terday a ttended the I Pll'lla Moore; two aona. Harold, Pbyalcia DvSurqeon 1 .. nrral of htr mother. Mra. Lydia-' or Palml.'r. Aluka, and Kl.'nnetll. )07 . 22ad St., Newport 8Hob F.. Walt1t, or Bf'll. w ho ·Paued. 2820 Acacia l l,.tt. Coeta Me .. ; ,x-Building Foreman Lt. Holtby•A8slgned Awarded Silver Star to Overseas Service for High Gallantry LL Jack J. Boylan, formerly c:onatruc;,Uon .uperlnll'ndcnl for R. Donald Hall. local burldlnc con- tractor, 11&1 bee.n awarlled uta SUver Star for fall&ntry In ~ Uoo, accordiDC to lnformauoo fron1 t.ba War dc!partment. Lt . t'lavloJ Holt by I• now on the :hr·•·•h•lld of to::uroJ)t'an &<'Uon, hav. 111g land,lld In North l~land on JUly • accordln• to word receiY. t•ll by hl1 patt'nll, Mr.· and M111~ D. W. Holtby o1 1618 W. Oeean ~·ront. Leavlnr; Newfoundland 1no " ~-17 Flyln« P'Qrtre• will\ lllm- •••lf aa 1\a\•l~rator. thf' youn1 lieu-The hlcb bonor wu conternd 't,.nant wrote that the plane ar- upoa .the local man tor hll achieve-rrved at thf' ac.bcoduled 1 d1 ment.. betwwll Feb. 111 antl n bf 1Jiarl' w ttllout the allptHt ~V~ t.bla ~· Du.rtnc lntell.k fllhU~ llun. "mU<'h to th,. aurprac! of he aupervl8ed an Infantry •upply buth my.elt and thf crew.'! party Uaroucta a ~vuy.-.led Th~ Holt,by'1 oU\er 10n, Lt Ken. area to an advanee ~nt from rlt'th Hollby, arrived SUnday from will~ ~ c,_d 800 yarda of thr tut ooaat, whei'C! he won hla l<"rr&Jn under COI\IItant •nlptn• r nmrulaaton earlier thll month. rrre to t.be command po.t of U\e. He-h .. bf'f'n uall"led to a nytnr blttlallon. OD IUa retwn lrtp h e fl,.ld n•ar s.~ Bemardloo and h,. l'V&euated a Dumber of walk.lnc •n•t hi• w1ft havl.' t.bla WHk been wounded and Utter cuc:a. • hontlng llvlnr; arcommodattona In Lt. ~ylan. WhOle wHe resldtoa that city Hla moUirr, who attend. at ~2 .,Beacon Bey, Balboa aJand. I'll hl1· (raduatton. Ia upectl'd wu employed by Mr. Hall for hf•ml' P'nday from the • Atlantic approximately two Yl!&rll ~fore IM'aboard. WILuin. the MlVlce: .&Dd e4joyed lUI u ceptJonaUy ~flne reput.aUon cliKL JiW"(WT PAPal DRIVE here, .bot.b u a loocl bu.Uder and DKA\\1NO TO A Cli..08I; a man ot aaoeUeot c.baracter. H USBAND or IDIIA WOIIA.N Itt \'JCI'DI or wu Mra. Walter D1;Mll, 364 J:ut 18t.b atn;et, on 'Thlll'aday received t.be ll&d word ~t boer buaMnd l'lact died In hit aleep at b1s ala.. Lion In the Hawa.llan lalazJdl on July 12. Mr. ~Mia. wbo \vu a mall clerk wpa·clallat fi111t c1 ... wrth t.hf' Na,•y; IS btllev~d to have auccumbcd tu a htart at k. A gradu:.~ of t..be ve.-.lty C011ta Mt'.. Olrl Scout. wtll MXt ~•turday make thC'Ir final pick-up In t.be current drtve tor IW'rap papcor, accordtna to an. n(•uncLmf'nt by their leader, Nan. cy Card. 1'11. paper drtve bu been In p~ fM the put U\'" W•·4'k.l .,rd thf' l'lrla b.ve acc:um- ulatf"d nrany hund,.da pounda dur. In« that Ume. 'J'.wo n4'W ml'mboo.-., JoiUinl' Rhat4'r ant1 Ooh.,.n Glbllon, w,.r,. Wl'lrum••d at lu t Wf'l'k'l m••••llnK and thl.' pr1u ~1r III'I'Urln~t thl' moat nt~ rntmbl'ra W•·nt In ().>vrn nof1o1 '1111· Rirh• cwru,, •. ,, thrlr 1 tlffil' In maklnK Kf"l' book• I•Jr l .·Variety R·w 8 Store . • .......... " ........ ascBacla S..uU.Nl, pert llua, towel.; floral petterD; elae "1 7a34. C ta be uaed loi dlata or haad towela. Lace SctoiScp•yd. ·Very a lee ueort•••t of •al laoae. la aanow, wide or mediuiD width; tM.utihal tri••l•9 for c1 ..... or UQ90fie lall C.i•• tLSO· t3.75 For that 1uaa••r •.oaUoa; ao••ltJ tweed petteraa Ia two waaated llael. · ...... IOc lo 2Sc Bacia . A fila• aaaort•nt of HouHSold P&lala. A lat9• Yariet, . -o l colora 1• fJat, eaeael aad Y&ralslr. ----Jat•a••• No•~lt)' floral patteraa Ia beautiful eol~re. 27a44 aad 27a72 1lua, ao iDe wltb frta9•. --------------------.:... Caxpeta, Ruga and U~ring · CLJ:A·J:---I• A CONPLITI UHI Or r FLDQA CDVIEAING8 FOR YOU'll RIQUIRi~l ----- LUDLUII C&-.n' WORK& 'Hov.n: 10-12 •. m.; 3 ·5 p . ID. IIWIIY Sunday nlght following anJa ltro five rrandc.blld- "'-.. : Office 133; Home 74rJ ' •llltP.ndl'd llln!'U . Mr11. Walt& wu Funt>ral .ervku were ~ld lbla ... fllr 30 yea111 a realdent of oar. a rtemoon at dmlth and TuthJU'a tll'n Orove. · In Santa Ana, Interment balntr uf North Oal!,ota and a formt'r .. mplo}"" ot the Bank of Nort.b lJakota, M r Lk•nnl.a enllated In lhl• Na ,·y con :>;o v. 11, 1940, and rouuwlns htlf bOOt eamp tralnlnt tt t San lJr.·~o. lA"'-.ent lmmed- l&lety to Hawaii. M.-.. Dennie Ia a daughter ·or K r. and M111. R'. Nt'uman of Ct1ata Mcaa IUI<I Ia em- ployl'd at the Conaoiadated Vul. Lt>e plant rn Laguna. · tm~arll winning' thl'lr hoal•· .. '~-------------------------.... ~~ lh•· R1·d Cm111 11nd alll'l wnrkN1 Jihane 2B08 SAHTA ANA 1822.!_Na.ia 8!. badgt'a h·,. c;rt &Ql and c!onklt•11 rll. Dr. G. E. Tohill 1 Mia. Minnie Hoffman, 431 1'\Ja. .made at Fairha ven cemetery. Pli'Y8IC1AN and SUJtOIION I n a venue. Ill ahowln~ con.lderable . -OeMt .........,., . lmprm•l'ml.'nt followtnl' an extend. ro~TA MESA PE&..~NAL8· l!ll lllnr~ which wu compllcat_ed Tlllef'•••t by 11 broken right wrtat'. Ourtnr A dnurhter wu born Banday at ~~ IM-W -~ IM-'a hrr convaiC'IICCnce ahl.' apent nve St J oeeph hoapltaJ to Mr. and M.-.. If .. ....,..., ciall N..,.n I w•·eks Ill thto homl.' ol her brother Ht>rman Pieper, 2411 'Uit.b alreeL In Santa Ana. Corp. and M111. Hiram Kelly, 108 Dr. Obed Lucas .,., .. Mr!'l. R11 y Olcker~n. 28oo Aca.. Rnrl)r!!ll•r atrect, arr lht> parel)tJI e-tA 11!1 Pet. wall holtl.'u at a recent of 11 @On bom Sunday at Com- bridge_... luncheon planned tor a rnunlt y h011pltat. g roup of. rrtconds. Ouelt.l Included I Cnlltn Melll Chamber of Com - • M•·lld&mf'll J . c. Bac.b, Veme mc-rrr l11 K hr duled tn mrf'l r,ext a.y, w. O.tnl ~ 1'11 Wt'ntwort h . Lealie Paris, Marte MllndPy I'V~nlng at the tlrehall, NZWPOST a&AOII Moorr, Richard Hall Glenn era-I arcord•ng to Pruldent Ruu Bar. ~=============~~ rnl'r 11nd W. L. CoPeland. I tine. • . Mra Lee Andei'IOn, 2077 An&-Sprndrng the week at the An-hf'im avenul', lett Tuesday even-~R C J CARTER ton WacPk home, 281 . ~acnolla lng tor • ahort vlalt will\ her • • • rtrPrl. are Mr11. Wacek a broth-dau~thll.'r, Mr1. M. W. Barton of ........ "~-In-law and 1l1t~r. Mr. and M.N. Orflvl lle. &~"-PlaC.. a Spec:WtJ I· Pho Btlnzl and children, Paddy, Mr and M.-.. Herbert L." B I rd. .-..-l.ur v, J lmmlt and Judy, and Kn. • PboM 1111 Wtr~l'k'• rnoU\er; MMI.' Aimee 1903 Santa Ana &.\oenue, have been 1.111 N_,... ....... OMta lleM BPrkt ley, all of Puadena. ent,.rtalnln~t u hou.w,.ue~ll. Mr. and M.-.. ~orge P itney of Lin-Lola M Pl.'rry, who died Ju.ly 5. C'oln. Nl.'br. I· ft ht>r entire e1tate to a friend. w. A. l!!ll tl, 2742 Acac ia etreet. Dr. M. D. Crawford HRrold B. Thompi!On ~r Lot An-hu been luued a permit to buJid r,I'IPa Mr11. P~rry'a will. which wu a 1mall realdence on Church atreet 111.81 Wl'ck fllpd for probate In IU· south or 20th. The co1t will be pl'rlor roul't. ll1ted 12300 In per. about 11280. OPTOMST&J'8T _,.. lll:lta.al1lled 0 ._ Fitted ~onAI proptorly and real e1late at Mlu Helen WaJaJL .,.,, ,.~nt: 1611 2:1rd alr!'el, Coat&_ MI.'SL ly purchued the Oeortrt Small· Pbona U30 lTiT Newport Boulevard 008'1'& MJ:e.\ ---- Zooe Therapy Clinic • •••• 118itllh•m Zone ,..,...,._ ~ .............. .... &t.L.wa .. PERMAK.MT8 ~ ldlrlll·a.ty Sl-. ................. .,.... .... I ..._. Bob Sk llr'a' or~•tra. Corta boM ruldence at 283 Broadway Ml'llll'l! fWipular dance band, hu l11 now occupyln~t thr prl'mltM!a. R. ,;ont on thl' air over Radio Sta.. C. Parker. the tonner tenan~, h tlnn KF'OX 11t Long Beach aii1J mov4'd to ~ NtWl)Ort houleva w•ll hf'rMi ftrr ~ hl'llrd r ach P'r1· F red Fln~;h, 510 BaltJo. t , oiny frnm 10 :4:1 to 11 :UI p.m. The hu 1tarted the con1trucUon of a JlroJrrn m w ill be broaq~.,t from $2300 dwenlnK. t~ atruc:ture'a lo. th,.. P11v11lon at Huntington Beach. cation being on Harbor boulevard Mr and M111. Dsrrell King are north of Balboa 1treet where Mr. ••ntrrtalnln~t fr1en~ from Nevada Ploch aJreuy OWI\I eneral ren~ 11t thrl; hOme 11t 2tnd .u..t &lid Ill Jn·o~rUs. · Tustin R\'enue. Hou.t J'U'Sle ln.. Mr. and M111. David Oyrr, 211 c-ludr Mr. and M111. Elmer Hupea Rro11dway, M Vf' returned trom a or MI.'Bqulte. and Wayne Klrc.b JO.day ~joum at San Antonio. rond Lf'land Beatty of Lou' Veru. Tex.. where they Ylslt.ed their Tile enUre party hu apent the .on. 8Wf 8rt. Davtd Oyer, Jr., na11t aeveral daya deeP Ita& flah. who Ia al&Uoned at Kell)' "'-ld 1111'-With the Army '11\lr J'oroe. Tf'n nwmber11 of Troop I, Coal& R C. Parker an~ t\la mother. Mrn Boy Scoull, are aeheduled Mre N. L. Parker of 2100 N-- t o rl.'tum today alter a week'• tun port bo\lleyard, · haYe u tbetr nnd frolic at Camp RokiU. The hoUIIf',.Uf'aUI another 1 0 n and £rOUJ'I. whlcll wu accompanied by d.!lu~thll'r of M111, Parker, Rubert Arou\insutt'r Howard Harper, In· Park.er of Wlnnlboro. L&., anct cludl.'d ftlchard Dodd. Riley Q&y. Mno Vlytan Jonea, Clara, L&. nor. DllVId Gardner, John Pohl. Thr vtalton .olan to NUnaln unUI man, Har,old Heater!), Ch&r1 the middle of .• next mont.b and Sitton, Jack Croft. Bobby OW pon' thetr return to ~ Karlan JOMI 11M .U · W II • bf aaoompanJed bJ tMir .... rn.o&W. ... maxeod thr ·ah..moon ----------------------.----..., r.x.U:HIPF.NT "'''MMrisr.u ! •.-· WIOD'I 110«J if;.J. Mr11 Lrnna 0 !'lpJtt,.r. 11 Inn.:· 1 Aa. 'f' tlmr rf'lll•lrnt of C• .. tn M•·•"· •llt·rl l ....... ....,_,...,.,..,_._,.. l;-riday at hr r hnnw Wf•Mt uf An. s· t k Ch ME~A IIOMF.~ PUKCIIA8E.D nhf'rm Althou~rh 11tl.-h111l ltw•.t at ea S .' • • Op$ • • • ~y UUT-OF-TOWNI:&8 o numbl'r: of loc11llun11 on Ull' F h D Cnl tB M•'81\ teal utate tran-M•·lla, Mrll Spltltor'• liUit R<ldro•~tll I Chicken Dinners is . inners Bat·ttonll repur t•·tl dunnc U\e put h•·n· waA a t 2:129 F.l•l••n ""'''" .... Wl'l'k lnrlull~ll sale of ·lbe A. H . Shl' wu 72 y~>ar11 M Ill(•' ""'' h"•l, Gr•·•·nbcrg n •IJtt.l•·nce property at bel'n In tallln~ot, hralt h fur "'''~~''I HOME COOKID ··HOW! ATMOSPHERE 2;176 Eldt•n 11v••nue which wu lime. . RAWSON'S CAFE I 0 1 "i C~ut Hlqhway Phnne 208 4·1 • Cl.OSID THURSDA Y1 purchaaed by th•• T. H. Millen, of Survlvnra ln•·lu•lt• hn hruohnn•l. 1 tht• L 0 . ('(lffrng ~ of Santa A E RpiUrr. R daul(hl•·r. Mrs Arrll llnd· Mrs. Mllll.'n. Mr. and I.A'na Adama. Anah••rn•. nlltt• "IL..-------------------------...1 Mrs Grt'en!)j>rg plan to move to gT&nddau~~:htrr and a ~er••nt ~rr;uul LtmK Beach. 1nn Funrrlll ll'rvll'"ll W"rt' • "n Tht• tlNtl waa handled by M.-.. ducti.'J In Anahl'lm with tnt•·rm••lll ("rl anrl BeHy .JI .. waoD) E\11' Rhodoon. who abo r~ported a t Palrh•""" I'Pmrt.-\-y lhat Mr and Mr1. Kenfleth K110111 ~ hav•· 110hl thrlr place at 2814 Aca. .uutr.aT r.. MTF.IS l:Au.r.u ria to Mr and M.-.. Raymond O~n-Rnb<-rt F.Atrln 07r. W•·11t Vt< .1 I ry of Santa Ana. llfl· Gentry hu t•lrl• 1t,.,.,.f.--"dtr•l "rhur11tl11y at bern with th~ Kl'rr Gt ... <.ompany LtM1 Alamtto1 llanitRrlum. IlK"'' lfl l fur th•• J>ILoll right Yf'&1'11 and ex. yl'ar1 Mr Rtt·ln, whn wn11 a nn. p•·•·lJI tn contlnul.' with that or. tlv,. ot R11xony. f;t'rfll"'':>' rr~rw•l gahl:r.atton Mr and M111. Kllo111 tu Am.-rl•·a at th•· ""'' fit 17 will movl' to Anaheim to be near. yrar~ an•l hA<l ht•rn " r"•l•l••lll <or Pr hla pl~trc or employment. Cllllfom la tor 18 y••11r11 Jl~ "'1111 Mmohlll .Pu,--... R~ 9 rl'llrf'd barbl'r Rurvlvnr11 lnrlud,. t hr,.,. dllugh-Mt. '&,!~d Mrll .. B. L. Wella have t l'rll, Mr• Joflly fl••v•·r, rhlc·t•J.:", IIIJid their prnprrty at 2483 Tua. Mtll W w Mltllll..ton .. ('ur•ollllol" lin RVo·nur tr1 thrlr .on.ln.law and 1111,1 Mr• NinA Rllllahur~·. fiRn IJI tliUII(hll'r, Mr and M111. C. L. "Jen.. A 11'0 """' n Krnn•l• hll•lr"nj Smohl or 117 Plower atreet. who li nd leV~n grrllt-Krnn•khiltlr•·n Ill m<~'H' It th~·lr homr. Mr. and r r.lvRtP fun••ral IY't VI• •·M w••r•• hrlol . Mnt .. W••lh1. In turn. have purchu. Raturd•y aft••rnrlim 11t Jlrlr,ld )( Nl lhr rcollldl>nt·t~ property at 20t8 'OriiUt•l •'hllpt•l,. tho· R••\' Y. I 1 Onn~o:•· IIVt·nue M<hl<:h waa form-Qrw,()foll ntrlo-latlnK •·rly nc<'UJ>INt hy Albert R.eevea. Thr traruracllon wu handled by thto R90. C'h11mhf:1'11 olnce. A. W. Bini"'· 7715 ~ tAlli htl't'et. hu purcha.Md two lola on F:u t 18th """r Oranre avenue from . R. · W McClellan. Jt la hla lntf'ntlon to 1tart bu.Udl~ ope,._ lion• lmmedlatl.'ly. Hlp•')' Frc.~ 8eW1 :'ll•l110n Holmwood ot ~ haa purchued 100-feet frontace on thr Cout hl~thW&)' near Oor. dnn'a pharm•cY from· W. H. Allen of \\'llmlnK\Iln The deal wu h~<ndl"'d by t-ho!-P IC. R~~Mell o f. fire whl're It wu aJao reported that John 8 1tgPI of 1'ua!tn had 10ht a 'hoWl(. and acre at 421 VIc. tiJrla •t,_t to Lula MUovtc.b of Ban Pedro. Mr Ml&cmc.b '-an apertenc.d IIOat ~ • TEWINIU.J: liAI&DWARJ; ('f), lifi'AHF..H A-Nl't1Air f'I('~U!. Tf'Winkll' Har•twar,. rnmruony nn Mnnday I'Vf'nln~t lllajtl'll II~ ,,.,._ ond anm~al plenlr for "'"fllroy,.,.fl and membeN of th,.lr relfl"Ctlv" famlll,.., apJ>rollllmatf'ly 20 J)"r · 1110n1 be1n1t pr,..~>nt tnr thf' "'fair whlrh took pliar,. at Anahl'lm c-Ity park Arlln~t u hnall Wf'rl' Mr and M111. c. B. Lyon•. own,.,.. nf the •tnre: Mana~,.r J C Llonbaf. lt"t and Mr Lyrtn•' pr1 val,. .,.r- rrtll~. Mra Ruth Mr TndOI' l)t t.h,. Hollywood orne,.. Steak• WI'N' cookl'ct ov"r lh" outdoor 'aT1ll1 and I~ r r,.am and eolfw Hrvl'd P'ollowlnlf dlnn,.r. U\e balance of thf' l'venlnl( · wu devot..d to lfiJft.., numM'Iml prta. .__, .......... ·Jewelry· . Is Always a Popular Gift Whether for a oo•ver .. rl••· h lrtb'd a y• or a remembraac e, you wtll hod men," nice Uem1 In our •lore AT-REASONABLE PRICES • ·Charm Biace/et•, •1.2 .. •11 Co•tume Jewelry, '1.00 •11 · Silver Charm•, .ao •11 Locket•, 3. 75 ap Dt•mond weddlaq rlnq ea .. a blea end lad lei ••d ••n'o olone rleqo • LOUCKS 17~ NIWPORT tLV'D. COSTA MilA .. ... •: . . -I! J2.50 .. .... -MESA ....... to )n -" ,r-es . .would · e8olve tel mol the undlrnaft •• cq ..... peril and a done bJ •t Bndllft lion • dud -:: ... . ..... ......... ......... '.,.,.. ...... .. ,._.. ....... ........ ........ .. -........ 'A ... ..... .... ... Itt .......... ,.,.. .... ........ It ,.ulllt I 06ellt ... -mile.,. .. ,.. far --==-· r:.~: ........ Jorwe. Mr .. ..,,. A• •• vtturot• •tu ,,. !Jt6e • U..ml~ "'"' tO w~D· ely'"",... ~I.WI . ...... ..,., UM .. l~ rrillc!al. .,. water~ M bJ U.. r.t- tW.8.~, .... ,.. ....... W. II. a..o.- >me fail dl~~ ---liiUt u. v n.ld for 1-* "· two .. ,.. .. r lj)AM ..,W,. two Ia 32 ,..,. \Mtbe N~ ,..W.Uoaa, .. IYlnl fa.l .. -wr1~. hf' ...... '"' • tft.-r clrductlona tlat IZ.l 108 to a to kMW It~ Cma~~ n n hrtP 111 altuatlon. .,_ hJier 111 u c:t.-an_ who llliYII h# hal 1 all hi~ llfc.ancl rth uf all~lanct! IIIIVfnl( ~~ Jlwtl Jll•rt•nlll. "-INUI 1lla )ERS 1 I C~ta '313 .. ,.. I bet DES ....... '2" ·11-__.A.._ • ...... u ... o I . Dlat~ CARO wllfos: CUT FLC pC -~-&a • ... CO~RAO SH.OOK CON'rRA&l'SA AND BUILD~R : CO ... ~LCT& 8UILDI"NII 8CAV~ ~MDMCHCW~D•••a••~ .................... ~.a. eo• 201 aAI..DA oeU~~HO, CAI.Ir, j ------,~ N&Wh)JtT.JLU.BOA PRJ!ISS Rr.Ttf&NED TO AD BAM 81Addenly "'~ b&ck to Banta Ana Army Air ...... ltaft S,.t. luy Cantor thta Weft rejo\n. MIM Aim• Andenon ol Loall-,._ D6Scl J . McCracken rt'al-ed Mra C&rllor a.nd 10.~ ta bu wen a recent ~t <JeftQe at G H. Bay, Front. ~ old C&I'OI Ann. at lbe C&Aton' of MIM Betty Ropn of Balboe boa z.laad, Ia .,.lnl Improved by home, 408 Dahlia ann~&e, 0orona J.aland. UN IQbw ol a new ~&e root. del Mar. s.t. Cant«, pb,_.. tn- Mr. and Mra. Davtd ~ 211 Staff· ap. aad Mra. Bill J~ atructor for alr cadeta at Santa w. c~ntral av~nue, ve' tba ·par • .on. • llut c.ntr&l avenue, are Ana In tbe put. had obtaiMd • rnu of a daupter bom Jllly 11 Uae ,.,_... ot a daupter, bom lr&Mfer w IAa Vecu, ~ev., for at Community boepltal. lut 'riiiMI14&7 at Sl Joeepll hoe· "vlatlon runnery eebool, but wu A ma.rrl~ lleeDN wu 1-a p6UL reauAped bec&uN of new empb&- ln Banta Ana to LJ&. ~t.Gn w.a&. ~ Dne of Corona d'el ail placed upon tha p!t,..scal barit- Tburaday, July 27, 1SK4 .......... ....... . --I'F·-· .... ,;. ~~~~ ........ ......_ ...... .._...,.ce -We.~ tU. e&re of you.r trollble withollt delay~ B•LPB'I OABAOB ................ ~!:!•• PoUy . Apparel Mont,omery and Lola ra,., lieD-libw ........... a larwe l&raee enloe Procram for alnome tlpt- myer, boUI of Balboa Illlul4.1 &ad ....... room which will be en . fte ee~eant wu one of tha ... -------~---------------_. ~na o ardlner Ia maldJW a. at~ '* .... preM.nl dwelllnc aii.Ume foot~l ~ata at ~ver- Dresses • Suits ···Coats· Slacks, Shorts, Sun Suits, Sportswear CONSERVATIVEl. Y PRI~D . PARTIAL VIEW OF THE Harbor Area's Most ·Complete Shop FOR W9M!N, CHILDREN, IN:f ANTS POLLY APPAREL POSTOmC& IUlLDUIG 1811••·•· .. ~ -. ' I eo.ta .... A payment of SOc per week win assure you of l,.nalvi! repalra and &lter&UciM. Oft at ....... •nnue. ally or C&llfoml& at Loa Aqe- lhe Interior of her home a& 111 I Capt. .JGIIia lllancone, who for. IH . OIU'Tlel avenue, Balboa IalaD4. nMI't7 ....,.. at Ull~ Bayahon C'llrpqnal and Mra. R..._ drt"W, ...... lalanct, Ia now ata. · rre. want ad~ bJ1nc ,....Ita. woltt>. M lO Seuhore drtw, are, tloMd ta lliqland, according to ;.=~=========~ th" part'nt. of twin eone laorn word reoei'Nd here. While ata. ~unday at St Joeepll boaPital.. I tl~ at U... local Army Air Lnuls Vllelle of Loe Aap)fe Ia Hue. capt. Bl&nrone beadt>d lhe mll\•ln~: t o Nl'wport Beech to at.blette ~ent and &lao fRINCH aad ITALIAN milk" hill ruturl' home In the old hetpecl GOelll Makt'tbaJI and foot. 1__. -..1 Pvflv "-•. Vrlrlle bouae At ISH vtlelle P\eee.j baU .._ at Uae pol!t. 1 v.1 -au 1 .JIIUp r apt and Mrtl. Jrwtn Beechen. llr. &Dd Kra. Ray KlmbaY have 112 C'ryllAI ftv,.nue. Balboa JalancS. ~ U.. Suttora ·property Rolle • Briodae • B~c:bticb G1Dm80DO 11r,. the p1u~nb of a daultlter 1at 1111 VU.U. Place from Nick ~·rn sunt111y at St. Joaepb ~ and· 'PI'w\lr luttora and have pi tAl. I mO¥M to the Harbor dlatrlct rrom 706 Cout Hlway, Coroaedel Wu M11jnr &nd Mrt1 Joe Harper of Santa An&. KJmball operate• the' \ mrthvAt IIV~nul' Balboa Ialand, live .. It boeta Flyl'r, Scout, Big-' ,. · · · . · nal &ad lf&Jbe from Ole 18th hal1 AA hnUIII'R'\IHla Ulta -k street tancll,... Ttu~y plan ex~n­ Mn; C'rrll A J)<'Milll'. VN. Har-alve lmproYemenu to Ulelr new (Fo~aerly at L. A. Aabuudor 13 yean; at AUaatlo Cit,.'• ne CUie- toa, a Uatoa Clab, Cl"e&.acl, 0 .) o•~ll mnthrr. nnd t.frt1. Rlellard home f"'~'Millr. hr r ~tlat~'r-ln-law, boUI of,. ' Hnlh'\l.·ont1 · Mrll KRI" Qrul'ntilkf> of· Lon!r (;IRJJICII WC*EN MEET f'!lonrh lOJW'nl r11rt nt lut weelc atl Newport Cll'cle WSCS held lt. 'h" Flnrrnrr K Torrf'nre home, July m..unc at the home of Ul" 114 211 h "' rl'l't On 'fl'r1dav the I newly-eleet.cl. prnldent, Mra. J. c-rnuo wiLio tnlnrd bv Mr11. W . W, I A. Bodmu. 101' 1301 alreet. Foi- Orlltil• v. Alii/\ nf Lonl' Beech. low~ ~ luncbeon, Mra, ~l•'llh"n p .... t. who ~nUy l iJodmaa M~ •her new eom- mnwd tn BaJbon from AZUU. a. mlttee e.la&l.nDen wbo Include Mr,. lh;. n_,.llt l'{lf'mber or Newport ~,. Ooeldlaer. welfare and de-H~<rbnu A ml'rlrftn U«ion ~. v~llona; Mra. W. 8. Hunuker, pro-htwln~: traMff"rrl'd hll member-IT&Jn; Mn .. A. I ,ThomJ*>n, n ow. ~hlo from Sl'fttlle, Wuh .. poet. era, and II._ Elaie Newland, pub- Th,. Wftlt~r TAn~mana of Po-llclty. DeTOUona were conducted mon11 'hAvr romoletl'd a vat-atlon by Mre. Ooelcbler whoee IUbject •nlnum Ill lhl' Tan~rrman cotta«e. wu '"''be llecret Stren&"th." 11:1 27th 11trrot, and Mr. and )(re. 'fl'oUowtnc Ole bualneu meetlng Ar1hur TanKI'man. abo of POD)O-the atternooo wu devC?led· to aew- na, are nnw Q4:Cupytnc Ole pN>-in&' for the cbllctnn'• home. ml81'a. MMI. l(nnR Moor.,. and dau;tl· li !f•t. Jran. of Ontsrio. arl' .peneS. A•lll Vet.iaariM lng IM'Vf'rlll wHkl vacation wtth thl' fonnr r'a pllrl'nt.a, Xr. and, ...... 0 S p 'eiJ Fe 'Si It Mr11 C.Nir&:P GMidner of 21.7 23rd • .... ~" Stbrl ~lrN•t. Mr (';lll'ldn,.r Ia •lowly tm. Ower • ,_.. di*·Uaar ill l'f'nvlnll:' followln~r" recent ee.r1oua ~~ ....U lllnriUI. • Mr11 .TPnnll' t.f<''fi'Jrlln of Ar-..,.,.... -MTIIIJfO r11t1ta and Mr lllld Mn. J. H. WaJ· ~ -~0 kl'r, Monrnvla. "werl' Wftlc ind DP. I. M. WALk5ADIHE lfU••at. at. th .. home or .lhe tor. ~ OIMt B l&llw..J • m1'r'11 snn And dauthtf'r-ln-law. c.-Del llu B & C· BOOK HOLDERS A&J: NOW lllLIGIBLID FOa NEW '~'mal OOMII llf. AIID ..... 1l81 II' YOU· CWf A1JAUft 1m WILL IIELP YOU MAQ OW Y01J8 AI'PI.,10A· DON na A ftU VEB'I'Di()A'J'E. • LYLJ:·POPB • Dice blanket on ow Mr. and Mn~. Gerald U. X e'hr-,..... lhwport 1411 lin of Sapphire avenue, Balboa ========:;:===~-..:=======~~~~=~~~======~==~~~~=~~====~ Til and. ! ~ ! We carry many popular National' Branda: Punor, ............ ~-~······ Ce··--........... i ·Barrows Department Store · I . 1116 Ne.,.-t IMI., Casta Mesa ll1CIClCMMMX ........ Q.~ttiUIIC:CKNICMMX~KKKK!~MM 0 . D. Partler, 2111 J:ut Ocean bouln'ard. hu left fOr an atfftcl. ,.d. trfp thi"'UUb ·the northw.t l!tat.N of WublnrtDft, OreiOft and fdaho. Hla trip Ia tn eonnectton with oMra, Parker'a aupenotaton of thl' territory tqr, 't~ rumltu,. linea. ~ · Mt"mllen~ or Ull' evenll\a' eoC:tal ~-tlon nf 8 &Jita Ana Women'• c-lub WI',. .. nt.rtalned one \ky thla Wl'l'k at the home of xr. and Mra. Loul11 M~en, 1112 W . Qrran P"ront. Jl'ollowln~r a covel"t!d t1l11'11 dlnn.r. the balance of the .. v,.nlnl' wiUI apent playtnll' brf~e. Mr11 Etwnnd Partllnaon of Loe .(njt'f'lee Ia a hnu.et(UMt at the hnm1' nf Mra, Jn'lln ,b. Hat~. 2%2 1 C'"olltna avenue., '1"111' v:11ttor, wtlo Ia ft 110lol1t at St. VlnC'ent'a church In Loll Anll:'ell'l .. on 8unct.y Jr&Ve , ~"""'I l'njoyabll' vocal Ml!'etloN Rt ~t. John , Vlanney ct)ur_eh fln Ralboft Tlllftnd. ·· · T'llt' C'll~ttlf'a 0 . Rud 'llnf)'le at 2~4 PopJ)V !lvemle, Comna del M11r. hu bl'l'n puN'h&Md by W. J Jfallry, Monrnvla fActory own- Ar. 'Mr. BAIII'y hu all!lll a<'qUirt'd a lot on _,rllcla sv,.nul' and' hu l'nl'al'l'd an an'hltect tn build a M M • ""w homl' fnr h ill family &!..liMn · '1-.lf'lr-._..¥_.•-.•¥•••--••"•_.,.. • ..,. .... ,,-,_. ... ....,.lf'l•...., .. lll-l'lz•.-•11' u mat.-ria.lll bfoC'om l' a vanatl'rl'. LONG AGO waa England' a moet noted place to dine. Excellent viand•, and a genial atmos- phere have again been gathered under -' the -raftered ceiling a of AT 135 Cout Highway : Corona del Mar Phone 2426-M Open ~_p,m. Dinner 6:30to 9 p.m. (ClOMd TllM<iaya) WilliAm MrKI'nzt.,, 220 Conlnl' nvrnul'. waJII rompllml'nttct Sstu r- 11Ay ~vt'nln~r at ft pllrty Jlven In hnnnr of T'lr and Mrs L. R. Uf', AltAd!'na; H. R Undl'rtl01. Al- bAmbn : Mr ftnd Mrs. Jl'..d Ro~MI. Mr. IUit1 Mrt~.. Howard COt'. Mnr. P:lwnnc1 PArkln,.nn, U.. An~lr11: MMI. J ohn S HAIJh. PIUI&dtna!"and Mr11. Jn'lln B HaiJ!I. Balboa Tlland 1 AbMnt for thl' Wl'l'k trmn Ull'lr R11lboa bland hnme wne Mr. and MI"JI. Roy 11' MiiUier, ,ett1n1r ""· qualnted tn Olt ndall' wtth t.htlr n~ ll'T1'nd-daul{'htl'r Ch&rlHn Mftry MaUif'r. Thl' latter'• broUI- ,.r . R. 11'. Math<Pr m. ·and faUitr. Roy. jr.. llrfl'd aa 'llnet. wll111' C"hRrl,.rn'll ,mt~t)lrr llt&yl't1 In Olf'n. t1nl"'" Mlyllll'lftnll ftnt'l Snrgl'<'lnl hOlll\11111 J:;llrl< V')J!'PI , whn 111 ahtlonl't! nt. th-.o n~<'lll' ~n,.l'rlnl' IIC'hnnl In Monti'N'V. ~nt lhl' Wl'f'k l'n<'l wtth hl1 .rltl' IUid IIC'W\ IUid wtUI twa Jlart'nla.. Mr. and Mn. John V~l'l or Balb4&. V r. Volrl't 1•'"1511- ll'tMI at Ole Del Monti' hotel. wtllr h hu ~n takf'ft .nvtr by Ult Navy. And ~J'()rtedly Uv1n,r "In atylt" with thl' ftn"t of food and aer- vi<'f' at all tlmM. It hu bMn MaN party WMk fnr Dr. Or1MUI Pll~. tl Rarbor laland. the jrVNla lncludln« Mr. 11n<'l MN. !tanlty OordMI and 1 voun,atenr. Bobby and J11an nf Rrf'ntwnnd: Mr IUid Mnr Waltrr Onrbln of a...-rly Hln•: IUid ~r.l an4 Xre. Jolin ~ ttf Loe An. ~ttl .... ~. '""" ~·toml ... ~1- lf"«f' matM at UCLA 'Mr. Ont'dnn ..... 111.111H .. II··-J1111111·----·4fi'WII.-~··--·.,.··-~;IIIR._-'I¥..-s nn ... WW ~~ ~tor tor '1..opi!N .• .We want · you to ,, . bi forewarned As you may have read .In the M1Np&~ the Ot!ce of Dcfc~ Tran.portation hM livm ~ nilroed8 authority to tab train apece from dvilian P"_.. ..... d .._, *'-'.to mab room Cor wounded eervb meo. w. lincerwly hope --~'people ~ .,.... DOt --ew to 'the •ar effort will cauoel their pW. to-tba.t PICift room will Le left on traina, and ao make it un,..., •·joy to tab o- .. dlllJdc .tepa. We ""' 10inl to take ct.n1 ol u-wodDded mea first. 'They come 6rat with ua. aud we Wine they come 8nt "'·it.h you. But .. and ott.~ woa(d clWlb ._, muc:li tiD C&DOil .-vatioM at tM laa miDute. • to make people ~-tnfa. ,; .. \Q» tJ.ir ..... 'nleiDftlllioD ol Europe bM .un.d, aDd bow ,._t d. WI or WOUDded will be 1110body bowL W• ,be" oar WOUDdecl .rrom &be P8d8c oomiar iD too. ADd IDCIN aDd min oua .. be taa.a farr ...... trc.a tf• awtalee.d .....,.. t!l-a • .... Wlaftlrtt.npl.u'~Nqcdi ..... _._ w • ....ol ........... thAt It,.,. lt.ut. trip,J'IN .... able .. -.-.....,.. • .,_ ....... diet &d. u,.· ... awq e.o. ._.. on & ......... tap 'aDd · USW1 .,._ eanae~a.-. --be .... ,_ ... lane ..... ......_. .......... Par-............ ._ ...................... ... .... -tie' t I ... w •• ,...,.,.... .... tbla.; rur .... ,... ........... ..,... .. ,......,......__. lt ............... _.... .............. , ....... ...., .... ..... ,.wq._ ........................ ..... .. ·~ .· . • . ·1 . ' . . ID&a .. tbe ~of the traftl .UU.tion. AD&!' the oaw ODT ...._ Mlph.ui-tbM lrtill more. Wh.i doo't we )lo~ more ears, more traine? V1rtuaUy no _.. ~ cua be built duriot war time. Matmale are .caro., aDd ear builden ~" been makint rww and tanka and dth~ war.~t. With the biu-t army and navy in our hie- _,., about 63% or all Pullman aleepinr cars hav. to be uaed aclUiiftb' Cor military aervioe. Travel by men iwmiform on furtoqp. CW traveJ.inc OD Orden, plue the I!'Mfly iDcreued wtaa. of t.wDeN travel due to the war prodUcti&l effort, .._.d-. -...city oldie nmaininr equipment wad &n reru· lar P .-~'nln..are n.O more puaenpr care - anlahiL We IDUit _.t aJO,.. with what w. ba..., W• a. .. DOW ....a.1 the point where there juet iMl't room • ... tnbMI b people who don't 1ttwe &o trawL .._..pie ..... • rica don • other DOD 1 ntlal.tzfp mq tldDk -n--'• al'wa7iroam boa.--."!. w............. .. . U J'OU are planDJnc a t:nJa trtp .l -.,daJ to the .._ ~ .. ........., ad.{. J'OU to ehaDf8 JOUr pia-. DOW. S•P · n.. frle•dly S.1t~en Pacific C) .. .. .. , .. -. I I ... ••.•• lor .....:IOU .......... OWDn1Jrl'lm •• .. uaa- • 1135 Hlglnray 101 J_. &Mt of fte Arcbee Overpua WORK BASKET Bel.a N. o.nap.r fts 111 G..-ud Yana • lfwt' wwtr Jatneta•• OnMI .,... ... 'nei"IS,_.. ....... &11 .... ~· ........ - ""T-.- U~ U 2!},"' cmlft&' with th~ Army ... Kf'n. Hf~ Hf .......... ~~~lu•Ua Crane Uv• at 1110 IIi_,. atJWt wtUa b1l wtre ADd two dill. .,.ot ... &.&. MU....,.&A (lre~ &Ad Ja a weldu &l Uaa To tu Ut~.,. Uw~ souua eout ... That'a my phtlaeoplty. 11M ra.ter a. tt~complete. ,...,.. No ~ to boUIIr. mope Qr w.--.,.. auu etpt ot u.-M7a o6 If they wu ~ they mapt wlaoln no tnce oou1c1 lie fouD4. be WUM! Howe..,, It ..._ ..,. to MMUIM I never -n a ll.lpt tbal they an IIOIIMWIMre•la tWa ~ dark t..IMft waa't Upt baniecl old world, ~ ....,_. Somewherea about, 1f I took care, alllle poettiolla, aDd putUAc to To ahi ke a matdl ud find QUt t'OOd Wit the !..ana they Je&med where! At the'UtUe Club but OD 1Tth at .. --Jolla Kendrick Ba11p. • • • • • • "nlere an rt.rta wbo .can lm.lle tn Sixteen yean the ewnh,., a. not a partie-'MMre an rtru wbo+Z"e at ul&rly loq-ume Uae clawa, . . . 1ft. clwlC-But tM rtrt wortll • tb&.t bave J• the ,VI W'bo can ml.lle bee n wroucbt When two or ur h'ont teeth alllce 1t21 are are I'OIM· a1mo.t ullebev-• • • able. "nlfl lOftier I Uve, tiM mon lror ODe WI\&' flnaly I become oonrinc.cl U.,t a wbole n e • tomato. bave a ...un.. tor ,-eneraUon of beaeh aand. Nowbere bave I eeen men anct women ll'IOre bounUfUl.ly.l&deft viDa than bu t.ak~n Ita thoee at U.. W. 8. R\U\Mker ltome, place Ill tlul world. 128 lttla .uMt. In the 1umm~r ot ltll. Oollt& · fte KunaakerW bave two YV- Me• Cub Bcouta dedicated tbetr AtU• of tomato., Ptei'WOft and n~w hut ~ 1 Tth atneL 'nael'lt KU,.. 'nte Pte...ou an DOW 11p. the oceaalon and Xre. or. tr,. u mucb u • pouDc1, aDd tiM LD U C KS Morrtaon preHnted to tlle • vtn..-.,.. thrifty and tall. 'nte of HOLLYWOOD at Reaaonable Price. Visit Our Portrait Gctllery in th• . BALBOA INN ARCADE --- were ceremonla app~ ·~· eome ot U.. fruita •etP· rtere a new Amencan In rarden'• CJ'OW'DSq f\ory, boW'rMI', ,........., • ftA~Y memory of her father who • a are ua. Ktnp .. nJa.u a deet4. :.....---------------------.......,--~ Watela A J..-.lry Repalrtq drummer boy In the Ctvtl War. edly n.., and different vartet; Onettna" ~ For All Sharing the occulon .. .,. 22 of tomato In •llJch tbe trutt N. ewport Bank A-·-Mesa Recommended OoauJoaa Cube, none ot them more than 10 &'l'OWW tn cluat.en, amtlar to .,.._,ut Wat.cMe and Dl&'acemut or u yeant ot age. They were: Cr&pM, wttb JUne or 10 tomato. Gain. 4200 Percent as· Subsidiary Bue RIDp 011 our 1:uy Harold Boyd, George ~remu, jr., In a buoch. (One vtne, Mlected at ...._. Plaa Jack Pilklnton. X"areua. De3y, random ~d counted, .... ~ut Jl'l1: In '7-Year Period for "Air Service "Ralph Myrehn, Robert AUeman, day found to be laden wtth 11 w; · ·~ . -~~JI:~·.J.-:~--IV,Hi4,e 4, ( SINCI 1832) ... . ., Balboa Balboa Island lm N.wpcwt Blvd. Pb. WtJt John Carruthera, William Hatch, mau-wbUe more are atJU 11t-Ji'ollc.wlft&' upon thl• WC'I'k"• an. qNt1 Me~a Ia one ol ~ Or--'.----008T--A.--Mma-~J..-----•Wa)"he Jon.e8, Floyd Jonee, Jr., tJnc on). Tba matured .tnaJta. .W noupc~ment of a 215 J)C'r c:ent In· 1\ngf' county communiUee 11rbJch 1 .., ________________________ .,.. 7 .... .... r . MESA , ...... to )n )res . Would lo Solve hea • a ~~the Olft!llmd ~·CQUII6-a park and .. done., ·nta..- •ttonwUIIIII :-:=:·-" ... • tall ...... ........... -Roy G11vee; Jack Truabetm, Don-appa.renUy be about t.hree lncbee creue tn cro-&Melli ot· mem~r. Wf'n• lhl• wHk recommended ~Y ----------- aid Stevena, Cheater HaMOn, John In cllameter. of Y1tt Fedenl H~-~~ Loll Ana-e..:_:I!!";•~Ch~~am~be~~r ,!ofYn~~~===:::::::::::::=::;==::=:=::=::~~=::!!!~:::z==~!::::=~r----.-....-~ii!N;Ni----~ Friend, Raymond Revera, ~delle Tbe Hunuken iueo M.ve 110me ot Loa ~. hi thf' 10 ytar.. rnf'rce n uon Merrick, Glen·n Johnaton, or;itt euper.dupet Kentucky Woncte'r ltS4 to '4~. the Newport-Balboa Qropoeed et!&bllablq ot an a.lr- Howe,'' K~nneth Craiw, J o h n bt-ana. The vtnu are u much u Jrederal Bavlllp and Loan .-;. 11ne feede,..-pl~-up Mrvlce which Daughenbaup and Kenneth K8. 11 fftt tall, 110me of the leavee claUon, only 'locaJ member of the wol'ld hav~ Loll Anct'lf'l u Ill ter.l Maeblne .. Work -~-~~etD-... AIIIDfo Vlrg's . Gara2e at • ~ 01a11a1 ..._ liM-W CORONA DEL MAR CAFE Fe,..rty ltOISI'S .... C..at 11..-4. FIEF~~$ • COCKTAILS ~-lllkes .· Better Ice Cream 'ftiY ftl ' ftoae 73 - JOR MEN and BOYS • EARL W. STAHI...EY Realtor Notary Public Pbone 1171 121 Xaa1.De Bal~ Ialanc1 ., Sl 01 S. Radio and · . Electric Co .. ---·- Radio Service -cLOSID ON MONDAYS -. - Harold L Hamm a.dio 1oouc1 Teou~ • ..,.,. aia Wafae, ULlOA ISLAND el. nearly a toot a.croee and the other F.H.L.B. .,..m; today throuch .mlnel. . You'd have a h&J,s Ume "cettln&' de.y lbe.y picked two diM(>N!ol of lt.l pl"elldent, Paul A. Palmer. ta-' ln &dclttlon to that ume bunch together, toda.y. beana Nom a .10-foot row .. ~ aued a clow~ r.port of Ita own wPilcll wu Placed Harold Boyd.. whe»e W'lfe and ~n Ita eeven and one.half y..-na, Chamber·• lilt of recommen4a- baby Jive at 111 Slat ltreet. NeW'-Mr. Palmer report.. total .-ta Ilona to the ctvU AeronautJa I port.\ hu been awarded Uwi In-Mn. Mattie Rplling to v-here from 122.000 to lf2!! .. Board. other Ora.np county town. fantrj Combat Bad&'e and ~ Head Auziliary 000. a..erv.. and ~d.lvtckd prof-Included Santa Ana. Anabetm. Putple Heart u ruult ot woundl "" In tbe aame period lhot up Fullertofl, Garden 9r0ve, Runttnc-1 r;urt~red In the llaUan campa.lp Mtmben of Newport' trom ecratch to H8,817.1T. l'tntt ton Beach. Lacuna Bea.cb. 0r.1 on F~b. 2. He II aUU hoepltallMd Amertcan Le&ion aWdllary put ln rri~ Joana now total. over anc•. 8an Juan Cap&lt.rafto an.cs fn ltaly . . Muter Set.· Oeorce a buay year, aceordtft&' to the re-SNO.OOO. Ban. Clemc.nt.e, hi order ~namecl. I Bremer, Jr .. hu been alaUoned In port ot ReUrtr,. Seeret.ary Helen A tOtal of UI.OOO rovernment Dlr~tore of t.k Oamber fur. Enghmd tor ttte. put year wt.ere Randel Uat.ed on;olhe orcanta&-bondl wu recenUy boufbt by th• lhf'r r.commen4M that a.cUOn on 1 ht> Ia l!f'tvlng u i photocnpb In-tloa'a Mrv1ce record are 1.420 Nt'Wport-Balboa Federal, wtth fe,.der atriiiM!I be limited to,:; I tPrprPter In lbe 1Dtdllcence Dl-boun or duty at the uao: 2'74 ov~r-flJI,OOO eaJee to tiM i>Ubllc petimt.otal devel~'!'·nt ~· ,·lsion of the 392nd Bombardier 'Canteen hount, 410 Mwlnc boure, duri~ the J'ttus War Loan dl1ve. l .. u•nce of certlf~ca 1 tor alrllnf' r.roufl. · 150 hour. at Ttu'ltt lbop, 1&0 -• •ration In tilt. t o1 ~I Ja<'k Pilkinton, now a nrem&n knlttlnr houre: Tet "houre were ~ on a · tempo bull, valid ftrat cl;,.s, Is 1latlonecl at Ketcll.l-devoted to the man. uta.cture of · DODfGS ·o~ THI tor a period of~. t re than nv• knn, Aluka. with the Coaat Guard •urf11cal d,_lnp., elpt pinta of yeare. P'ollowtnc. th . apel1mental . . .Ralph Myrehn, chid motor blood were donated to. the .Red REI a•aa ven.tur.a. the blr decla~ machin!et '• mate, Ia In ·the South-C~ by member., and· pO •-. the Civil Aemna.uJica Board ehou~ wr11t Pacific .... Robert Alleman. raJaecl toward ua. Reel era. club-• IN .,._ u a ~a". a • _. · det.erm!De If ~uauec1 operaUoM radio technician nnt eJu. a. an mobile. &na-~ -woW4 ~ ..,._teaMI. , lnatruclor · In the odto n:.t-11a1 lnatatlatt.oa of "newly-Uicted of-· •chool at ~ lltand. San ncere wtD take pla.cie next Tues.. By liRa. 0 . L. .AMDtO:Wa Franclaoo ... Ja.ck ~etm wu day evenlnc at U.e Le&ion hut. at Have you noUced 1n Uat.enln&' to killed by. a hlt.run dnver at the which time Mre. Xaue RotUnc the broedcuu about the Port RICI' ot 14 yean.. . . will be Hated u prulcknt. Xrl. Chlcqo expl.ton. uaat ua. Jte4 Donald Stevena fa mamed and Rolltnr II juat compteUnc a one. ero. ~ut.er Relief wu called th.-fathu of two chlldren, ltvee year term u president of the 21at upon &l'&ln and rupooded u ua- at 1112 22nd 1treet, Cotta Meaa... dlatnct Amel1can Lecion Auxll· ual, with •peed and eftklency. 11no1 I• Pmployed by Stull Boet. 1ary, and Ia a put.pruldt'nt of Our own Nf'wport chapter dl.e- butldin~ <'ompany at Newport . . the Nt'wport Harbor auxiliary, :.uter relief procrarn 11 under the Chest4.'r Hanaon Is llkewt.e mar. ha~rw .aerved tn that ·capacity In chatrmanahlp of RAy Alford wtth rl•d. haa two children, and workl IHO_ and 'U . illfM ftut11 Stmpeon • ~r- Balboa Girl Honored At Birthday Party I I MoN than ordinary llll'1'r1.,.1 w.u arcorded Mlal Lutll' .William. !ll>n at the blrthd•y part y arrantc· f'd ftK hrr by hf'r mothf'r at their hom(, 703 Eut Ct>ntral avrnu,., Balboa, whrn the hono~·· fathf'r, I Ch1tt Ph&rma.cllt HAfry William. i et Conaolldated Bt«l In Lone Other offtcere to be lnat&Ued man. And lln't It a comfort to eon, USN. torm,.r mayor, or N-- Beach . . . Corp. KtllJitth K-1 are Mr.. Julia J:crert, vice pre.t. know that the Red Croel IJ.ande port Buch, walllt'd In on a hur-l Is with an Air CommunJeaUona dent; Mr.. Eileen lnna, eecret.ary ready wtth thta Hrv1ce of mercy riedly arranred liberty from t.be I Squadron In England ... WUUam •nd publicity chairman; Mre. Bert everywhere thro~t the coun. Navy hoepltal at Ban Dlero. ~atch, Jr .. llyea at 170 22nd itreet Hatchl'r, tr.u11rer: Mre. )ltldred try. T.bll 11 one of ~ re&IIOAI the Oth<r. who helped make It a 1 I" married, the father of a 110n, Stanley, Hrreant at anna: Mre', Red Crou mtrlta our cout.&Dt atarry.eyt'd occulon tOJ dark-hair· nnd drivu a bua for Doqlu Air. Helen Ranckl, chaplain: Mr.. ZeJ. aupporl. · ed Lutlf' wur Mr1 0f'or~re "Hiner., craft. ma HoeteUer, htatorian; Mn. Allee Speaking ot Mile Sltnpeon .J Mr.. William Murphy, MIN l:m. John Daughenbaugh Ia married Stafford.. marehal. The execuUve t hink you lho~ld know Oaar tn 'ad. rna Hutche•. Commander· LoM Pol-l 11nd " tuche~ In the. hliff IChool committee will be compoeed of dltlon to h~.r two attemoona a ter, tJ8NR. LII'Ula, Jack ~~•n I nt Bar stow. During the aummer Mr.. !Jeorcette Gordon and Mnt. week uatatlng with the aufi1ea1 and C. Bau. USNR .• G. 0 larJcr' ht• Is emplt>yed In defenae work Lillian Ormla~. dreNinp gTilUp In Corona del Mar and Chulu Holt. In Loll Angelu ... ~d Memck Mr.. Randel aleo announced anll her many otlltr J* for the l!x.Mayor Wlll!amJtOn rt"turnr~l , I~ married ,and the father' of a that the Newport Harbor unit Red Crou auch u chairman lor to 8an D~go Jut Monrtay. j ft>ur.yt>ar.ojd 110n. For the put· wu one of only 14 unlta In the lM drive, ahe Hrved all' ctay f'-1 lhree yeant he haa been connKt. ~l1t dl1trict lOrance and RJwr. at Blood Dtlnor Unit lMre In lMr \'ALIJABLE "'AT<"H MTOI.F.N 1 rei with the Mercury-Herald at l lde counllea) Which rec!elved the capacity u a repterecl nurM, Tb"tt of a v•luablr •llvl•r and !>an J oaP ... Sgt. Grant Howl! citation for memberablp. during a. a vpiWiteer. platinum wr1lt watrh ~A•u rrpt>r1· I& married and alaUoned In Wy-the put J!IU', Another ot our out..t.&ndtnc )0. Pd to fl"lllr,. Thure•lay by Mr11 • -----==:::-- ~/· ·~~~~~~· I BALBOA· GIFlliiOP / I ..... r •• ,Le••· • cal volunt.een wh<t u 'hlraJ,J bUaJ Ruth p; Mnll nf 9 Hay l•lantl Hrvlfl« In 10me way, a. 111• Ka ,. WJtt'(-h. whlrh wiUI an 111-JPW.: McCann. W;hen the ~· wu rl r.t,.k-l'hllllpJ!", "-'lUI "'u•ltll'•l , . juat --brj1!UiTn«-n:. tremendoul with brtlllant.a llnd ""I'Jlhlr•·"· th•· new w~ job, Kate W'U eecnt.ary OWI\f'r laid. or the N~wport Harbor branch and hoiA;ng down the eWt ..-.. anta Jf;b all alone. She volun-~-----------~ t~red on Blood Donor day an4 work all day, moet ettecUvely, with ur 1taft uallta.Dta and the eec.retal1ea. v-dotlen A8llet • 1oca1 Red era.. a. ,-,..uy pi ued with the way ln W'blch aummer people an .-olut.eer- 1 to carry on here. .AJIOtber one that II , Mr.. ClU'Il IOlllkan ot Puaclea, Motor c:orp. ftc» a. aenllnr wtthfthe lOCal Xotor Corpe and had herMif an aetU,. day ,_terday wtth a rut emercanc7 11de to 8t. Joeeph boqtt.al, ar- n·vtnr jult In tlnie ., tb&t ller puMncer'a baby eoulct be .s.t.tv- erecl at ·tht.h<JIPL~ ~-of tn the Red Croll Illation ....-. One •tory ~m the blood cloftor !lay lbol&ld be puMd Oft to JOU .. A boy In civilian cl~ I'MCbed the and ot the dO"nor'1 Neefvtnl' cSeek and u -:,;; wu banded llu card .th...' '"1taff uellt.ant thanked him ...t6r comlft&' to be a daaor Hit nmark wu "Don't Utloouall tne. 1 am jUit paJtn• beck to tiM Red era.. the ptnt of blood tiM A.nDJ rave me tn Atrtea." • Don't to~ to ro to ...,.-~cal ~ and urr• aD Joa bow to help, too. Allo ~ for UM nat nurMI lUCie OOIIfte lnAJ -.. ..... aay time aqw. CB·APEL byllle lEA · 410 Cout Blvd.· COAONA OIL MAR J ~I.M..JJ2 DAY AMD -NIQHT .. Oooct prtnt!Qr dorM at u.. ..,_ ... _________ _. . , ., ~ AT _T H E R E N D E Z V a U 81 u • • .. $ 4 •• • • I AND WITH ·IIETTI .. nn · •• 1111. 1111 ... , ....... ~TTHE HALLROOM " BALBOA .Friday and Satur~ay July 28-2.9- .. ""' PO • • .. .. ., ...... ....... ......... , ...... ...... ..... , .. D. A .... ...... ... , ... .......... ........ ltD . trf .. • ... ··~ r. ..... .= •• ,_,., t •=-•• a ,_ .... let\ eouW ..... I'WIJlld, IIIUt ..... he netd , ...... !r"e, tW' .. ,., ... • In the .nlol tW' II S2 ,..,. aDIIIl ... ,.. 0 ,.., • ,...uletioM, ... avlftl Joecf W • l•rtnc. r tw pt •' J7l ·a at t .. r deduct.Jonl l.ha \ S2'.l 10ft to , b to knnw If ~.-? ere-t'lln ,..,,..... • Ul 11\U8llon. Jlto •ldltor Ia a dMI\ who UYt hi' hal , all hl11 IUf and 11th n( all~r~GP llllYiniC 'the Uw. ,,.,r,.nlll.. , ....... ·nlla )£15- I IC:.a. '3SA ... ... •bet DES ....... 'r·. ., 111 AND RAB ., SAM 'rHA.NK8. wo.IJ8! One of I the p~ouant thlnp beo.rd· at the County Coast asso- (:'ia.tion meetlng, were the re-- marks Ot Chainnan Willis Warrier of the Board of Su- pervisors. in giving Newport Harbor credit for easing his _appro8ch to top officials ~t the erOsion conference m Chicago. His Slatezpent jus- tines all the time and effort ot the Charnber of Com· men-e and brings to fulfill-' ment the years of wOrk o( Harry Welch. That higti ran~ing personages are fa- miliar with Newport Harbor is d~ to the Ceaseless cor· re;pondence malntaint'd and to the extra efforts given to entertaining dig nIt arIes when they visit here ... , J>e9ple have been in\Jined . to Criticise thOI'Ie ·efforts, dai'ming It was an unneces- .lary eXpenditure, but Mr. Wamer'a remarks happily· disprove aU such statements. When a 'county ofticial says Newport Harbor's work_ brought recognition · to thf' county, It la of wst import . and a ~of deep satisfac-_ Uon to local boolters. It also implies that N~ Harbor baa borne the brunt ot the .._ In on its campaign ot and u long as it the gooc:t· or the .its ui>bullding, the m here· are pl~,­ lng tbat from here on out. requests for coqnty coop. eration will not receive a deaf ear. , JloOlng all theooi supplleo equlpmeht "' the -th&y are 1UJlP!IlUY and doing It ott.n · atlvftw drcum· of the greet .-, for 36 Buy Bonds to Ervf War Quieker EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. . - media in ' NEWPORT SEA ~---------------------------------------- harbor district • • • the that BALBOA home IW:PIST0!- 1 Year • • • • $1110 ..... m-Il f'NM'I .. N...-""-ee, Na•.-. .._..., COSTA MESA VOLmot XXXVI NIIWPO!'T .IIACH, CALif'ORNIA. TUUDAV, JUN~ 27, 1M4 Chairman .Warner Tells Coast (~roup Newport eads County'~ Fame , I Supervi110r on· Report of Erosion Meeting in , Chicago Gives Harbor Chamber Credit fot Easing Way to National Officials Down; to Go .·' ..... ~-. -., W;~•·• Ia· flo our •h•,.. • T"-•lood ••nk Unit will mlkl lh flrtt ,.. .. It 11 .• P~O~R~T~R~A~IT~of~the.,~W.~ee~lc l C. of C. Hears Plan · to 1 ~-:-,__,.. Create State Park On. Corona del Mar Shores Earl Stanley Report• That CommiMion Would He Jntereated In Makhlntr Projed 18 Solve l'erplexlng l'roblrm of More Beachel ....... r-.... .Manila ~; ·FOLDERS '', -~ ... ... , .. I I t .. .. .... ' . NEWPORT-BALBOA NF,WS-TIMES, Newport Beach. California, Tuesday, June 27, 1944 12-Year ·Tribute To N---.. 11H b n I ewport · ar or (B)' TIM' Wat4-rfrona.,r ) ~ , ... .._ artac:le wu •'111 a-b)' It• Metfor'll; oM of tM bf-•1 ~ ........... ,.....,... .. 11\ortt'M -tiM! -..& eou&. Mfldf"" ... • ..._._...., ~ ... fWI&aa ....., • ._. .. lMeaal.aad fur ,_,. f ... I f4!l -of tlw! I....Uaa ft...aq 18ACaUDM 011 the w ... l ..... I IUNJI: 21. 1 .. 4-Tv•elv• yearw bllll,.r. lhl' I'Ommunttv u,tt'r•lll " ......_~ 1 bec:lune acquamted 1~1' l:-io W1'1:1 boun • tn bear fnt1t ..,0 _,, 1 Thla wea becauu It tak•" vlllll'lfl wall II& ...,t "'Ms..-or." The year aDd "Work" to &<'<.'Ofllplillh w ul o1 tbe Olymplca. 1\ wu. Out o1 nat~ baa beJWL 8s.a PI ¥t8oc tnr therll' on a --. ~ ,......~ Mrt. J .~ever went\ l ln<".erltv In a ""'Vlf'P&P"' Ut. bM1L rare. AnJ a new1p11per 111 only a H~ "Harbor," t.beb, wu '"nf'Ctloo of II• f'd ttor NPwf'(lrl , -.on c., le8 o1 a e&8 py IIIJmmer "Har*'' wu fortiUI&tt' In th\1 ~-1 ~ .ea.m. .U.• al Ule ...s o1 aped. It H A 0 an ~ltorlal ?'tnd u. ...... -..... ...a Into .1 that wu aln&le In thl' lwollef o. lhf' ~ wheo tbe klct. an-~ cornmufllty'a ~lb'lltlu. Ancl .....s tbe e.U of Ule .eboal ball. U.t mJDd wu unatraltt to pralae. a-..,_ ,_.llut It.,.... Jull j___.. pT'&l .. wu dut': but It ~ ._.h ~ could cr)Uclw ,.nlll a kindly 10plrlt lt'l dtnctloo --Ita atmo-I that ~ • rtrt. ft'W pol!ltt'M ...... --uuna no one bu beenl Th~ lll'('nnd mt'mbl'r·w~ a'" " ............. 'YOU ret UM publ1e-m!Dde4 man. Rack of tll f' your 1\nt. vialt to front \hat Le. ceneraUv accq>t~"<l •• Warf-t•e o.lden I ••• a Chamber of C·~mm,.,.,.,. .• -OU.. ...... -Utp .....,. caUed 1 perop.Uvs lrU a td.QI'r.re m uJ tb.t for aaolber. 'l'bere wu aa In· "Actutlly" ~llnr.<l In th~ propR· ~ about thlll cem ot1 pnd& It put oot. And It ""'Ill ........ ......, tM beach liM ( Ju.lltlflt In t.bla b<'lltt ll wu -.... a ~cl \rip MQMai'J~ echtally teD'lll the trulb but · to ... .... ..,...... ol UIIM eocM;-1 mJidly. Jmactne llwt In a C llm· ~ WM Juist blaeaUa UM bw of C'omlneTre! R\tt It wu eo lfllsl"*r U...l Nd ., 1 Jl"or onc:a. the Chamber. bad a ml'· 1 ._ Ule Hrtll coaiM1.. \~_aaa.&aalla11o .11 tiM world. ~ ..-Le tl'le "-bt It didn't have to enlarcr. '"'"' aC ...... ..-~ .,.. trutb wu eu'lkl•~l. 8o It couldn't ..... · ~ "•'*~ at low loee. If. and· w'bat an "If." t.be aur·l '* .... ...a. _. uie ~·.ad round',. 0""6e JTOWel"' could ~ 4 .... • IMit -.u.e wtua·tbaU bn>U&bt l l aa: -lblllc bdldu -....... _... 'ftaft ... a their own pn>dvct and protlta. • ..,,., _.... wbeel ._.,. They did.. becaua, laraely at .~ ,• --~~-~ tat twomm... . , -- ._.... .De craft'• ~. • Bu' Tbe third weft. wbat'1 a lllory ...._.. ..... -6 ,._._ tMt lilt wt~t • 'lctun! s.. we add a .• t11a ..., ·~ • .... of tM pbOtc,....ptler. ~ot tbe run of t.be- .. JD tilt* .., ... ,_ tdtl~tely rniiL Not tbll onf'. HI• mark ._. .....W • a f"'wttl ~t I wu an attribute that wu equal .... ......, tM iratAqtbW pro-to a ~·1 wfedoai-UNSAT- ..... • 118nY.D ALW A T8. He never -...&& Ana. at t"e tlrM wu In )rlpJif'd a ahulur on a lltlot that .... 1111t11er Hu.._rd .t.ac• of be· he didn't 'In '\he aame breath 11v . .......... tllat ~tul"' wu Ita "I could )have donf' bf'ttf'r " lfla ....... n. . ,o.'blliU• that I u celleat dMrseut product h.,. ,... ·a IMl'l,ne ltanltpoiDt ~' been publlltM!d with rt'llllh In every oouJd t!llut bet pl~ amoric t.be worth-while poumal In Amf'r1 a ,.._ ........ Ud nenr aiteredl T l'at famll~r lone. lanky f rm ·~ ,..._ -slralt It wu tbe wtth tu br1ll1&nt and cou,..._,. e••-•• tlft'arb O'· tbree ~11Wl1 blue •Y• llelleftd In hla a~Oj'l\f'd · -· .. U. •llaiWd ~ltJI home. And he told tbe. w orld I · t1t1t ......, br'ouiftt tbe Inland In-Tro. be bf'a-an rrom acra tc:b . .I ....... Gilt 'to .. wbat God and1 recgy wu a lot of help toretller' ... .._. WTa~qtt. I ~ •·rot place.. ~a. It~ to merilm.u And eo. today. wlth.the bariJM t. ....,. .--* a ~ u New· ttnpd with lnduatrlea tb&t flaunt ~ .....,..... 8lll doWD In l\e, t.be Nip, t.be~·• tha m•a:ury of a ..._ .,_ ~ au. M'ft .,..t. former flablnr aDd ree....uon vtJ. ..._ .. -=::a• vt .wQ .. '-ell u..t ~' u.. _.....,.. or • -'---1 alllh• ·""""--u.at would ..... , . '*· -:: ..... _. ._ .. • W'ftr. linen ot Ita a!mpilclty and .... .. .............. paa\DN& aDd beauty It .lt bad DOt IICIL. ae -·•tty ol MewpXt· beea for ~ adltor-~ Mexer; a 1 · --... te ...,..... Oil tJt.r. Chamber or Commerce arcret.ary '-to .. U..t. t.bouP liM OOU.\J Harry Wrlcb : and a lt'nw houncl. ..U. .... llldiff•....t to it. ~-puamoon~. Kent Hltr,hcock. War Bond Quotas By Districts ,._.,_ ..... ~ ............... Ia .. _ ... ai"P .. tonow.: Cap&ala A. B. Rouut-1~ H. F. Kr nny, ~ Bob. Murphy S. EMt Newport ..... _ , .. 1 No Appolnl.rrl('nt 4 Ne•pon au.trw. s.e. 1 No Appointmrnt I. 'w• NeeilpDirt •• ____ ,~, .ftalph Ma~kl•y, I • Sid Boc-rst h.·r . . I. . U.. .... -·-·-·----............ F. J . Park• , I. ~ ~· .. ·-·-... . J., Lt-siJr Stl'ffrn!IGO. Hubba.rd Howe. Roger Wood. R. L. Calli•. . Nelson Stafford I. • ;a\ Jlllllhta ............ Mia BrtJcc» ................. -... t. ·iin1 ...... ............ Mn.. J. ll~ua ... · . JA. • 8&1 -·-·-· .......... W. Jl Hltdlrnan ........ . 1L . 1-..s : __ .............. S. T. ~.~ ...... .. ........ . d. ~ ·-~·-··'"". Cle~d ~ ... cftlr ......... .. .. fa) ... .. .. --........... A. .. ~~~· ' ,Jb~· A Oauat7 -.................. Wal~ S. SpiCtT Qeeta • t5.ooo 50.000 • 20,000 :. u .ooo 10.000 30.000 eo.ooo -~0110 10.000 5 GOO 30.000 ~.GOO 100.000 10.000 '1e) a.lle A~. Uons ....... VI.,_ H~ ... . .. .. . m !U ....... ~ .......... l"tf4 Cfolkor ..... . ·:· .... . . --..... .... ... .. . . . .. .. f'tetlf Qoasle<r . . .. .. . . .. . · ~... ................. . .. r. 11. 111111 . .. 5.ooo f., I '-'t: •• • . -=----.1 • .. ,. 290 .Dowp 110 Still ~To · Go 1 . WITH ALL OF US KEEPING TUNED TO THE LATEST WORD OF THE INVASION, WE ~RE ' I '• sEEKING NEW WAYS TO DO OUR SHARE AT HOME. Blood-Bank Unit WHICH WILL MAKE ItS .FIRST VISIT TO NEwPORT· BALBOA ' ON .MOIDAY, JULY ll MUST I-lA VE . 400 ·DON_ORS. ' I + ,_ WE HIVJ IUAIIITEED TIIAT MAIY, SO WE CAIIOT FIIU· + What Better or llore Tangible Way to. Feel We are ·Doing-otir Home-Front Part Than to Spend a ·Halt Hour of Our Time Giving a Pint of Blood to Sav-e a Soldier's Life7 SOON AS POSSftlLE~ Ufesaving Plasma ••• Ia made (rom blood . , . bloorl donated hy Americans who take this means or · putting th<'mSt>lves : in the fight with tl\elr fighting men. ... 'It's· the kind of blood that hu buUt America -the klnd • of blood that h:lS kept her· frw -. FlchtlDK t Biood! As t~ war rontinucs - to grow in intcn!;ity, we must giv('s more and m ore. WE DARE Nal' FAIL! . I • -Pluma Sav~ Ll\:es. On lnnd and 8!81 t hl· lives of American ftghHnJ:: ~~nen are tx-ing saved by Rro Cross .. blood pl~a.. The upper ptcture show" Navy phar- maci.st mates l~ming the ·proper teebnlque or g1vtng transfusions. Below. pre, cious· blood is being shipped :to a p~g l!lbortltory in a ~pecially built relriger- atPd Container. Theodore Robins . Fard Sals A Se~ ' P~ne Npt. Bch. 28 Gerald Rausa, M. D. Boulevard Feed Store 2240 Newport Blvd. , Costa Mesa . . I \. . · Channeloftoat ~· 1215 Cout Highway '. Ph. Npt·. Bch .. 16R6 . , · Bal~a Canvu Shop 224'h 211t St. · Newport Beach Kay. Finch Ceramics Corona .. deJ Ma,f Santa Ana Exce~ior Crnmety Floren~ Bakery Edward. Flrbank . Scottie's California :\05 Mnin l"flltW to Eat.. . 501 1::. Bay Front Casino Cafe 202 Main Strwt Hall~o\t. Calif. }4\az Zont Volney L. Hay. ·LiquQrs C. \\·. Te\Vinkle \~tn MOlCI\ Balboa Pharm•cy Ft>aturtng Exa-lsior IN" \ream 2830 W. Central Ph. Nwpt. Bch. 1028 Costa Mesa Pharmaey A. L. Pinkley Newport Ice & Cold Storage Co. 410 ~·• , , '1" • Nttwl*"t'Beem e::aen Filh Market . .Wholrsale & 1 r• I ' '. ·I · 'Jido W. Central Culbert8on Chevrolet Co. ~~~ > • 1\ Gunde111on Drua-Co. lfeatw6w AnW aTc#Mm , . Corona del Mar Retrcrc.:-· • Fitzpatrick's Stores . Stag Cafe 21st Place and Coast Boulevard Norman Flower Shop 1307 Coast HJway ' Corona del Mar Van Camp's Sea FCMMI Co.. In<-. 'l27 20tll N'I'"Jl011 13<-lkh . ' Charter Boat!' Scott's Landi~g Ya~ BrokM Npt,. Bch. ~ ' .. SJgn tJp Now! Anyone thinking of . signing up should do so immediately be- cause of the clerical work and time Umll involved. Although 290 have signed up, we need 110 more . Put Your Name DoWll OD the lht NOW by Callln~: ~"· Vk-tor Or~. ··~ 484. MMI. Sorman <:allllh, Phone Us """ a. C. Nf't'lry, laalboa Bank ever')' day rhoiM' 1~ Robt'rt ladwtn. !lip&.. Bell. F1re 8tatsoo, no-ll Newport-Balboo lied Crou FOWldry Division NewpOrt Industries, Inc. Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. ·central • . · Balboa Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hoke 1000 OcMn Aw. ~ ~t COrona del Mar Richar-n Tooling Product. 210 Mart.· ....._N~rt'Beach 131 . I Balboa . • . 1 Palm • Palm ., Drive-Inn Cafe Mr. ~ MJ!S. M. C. McKay, .Props. •starck's Cafe •ct Oquist Earl's Landing 711 Coast ~ghway, Newport ~ach. Ph. Npt. Bch. 711 Vagabond Houae 9un and Se11 ClothM Ralboa --Balboa I~land Harry's Cafe "Just a Good Place to Eat" BaJooa ~-Contdhution,by the Patrio.tic Citizens .and Firms Listed on T-Ai& Page . ' -· .. , "t .·· ··. .. ,. :· -..---j -~ . ' ' ' • · Sportland ·Bo~w· . g Cen~ MainS t . Wboa . P~: N Beech 2102 Bayaide iN.J Market~ 18th A Lata~ a 7 • N~ Bach Excelllor Creamery lanta ~ c.tlfornia Rawion'a Cafe D15 Coast ft11trNay, Newport Beech • Ptl. ~ Beach 2(84-J • Croft and NeYille .201 Cout HJibway, Newport Beach B'Domea . Addle A <:ieorle 8eddoow rlOO Ooeen Fron( Ne-wport Beach Riehardaon TooJing Produda' :10 Mai'IM . Balboa Ph~ N~rt Beach 131 ·... ~'I Super Service · .--ea...:..-ous-Aca!uories-Ice : ~ W. Centrat-Av,r. • Newport'Beach Boyd's GUmore Service Station '1500 West Central Avenue Lowman Boat Builders 85 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • Phone Newport 501 Cuino Cafe 02 Main S~t Balboa, Calif. , Phone N~rt Beech 779-M · • ~EWPORT-BALBOA NBWS-TIMES. N@wport Bet<'h, California, Tueaday, June 27, 1944 . . .. ..... ,.__ Jll. Contribution by the Patriotic Ctizena and Flnna l.Jated on This Page Richard Seeley Photoerapher 218 Mar-1M Avenue, Balboa l.lland • Eul'ene Elliott Reel Elta~. Ph. Newport Beach 38 50.1 E. Central. Balboa. Eatab. 1924 MeN ally' a Boat Livery . 7o5 Bay Front BiJboa Phont Newport Beach 406 (' Market Spot Anton Henhey ~Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand W -..da's Beauty Salon TonL Blanton, ~r • 215~ ~Ave, Ph. Newport Beech 368 . Q-Rio· Shoppe . .I. Jewelry and Gifts 205 Main .:5t. . Balboa ·Dr. ·M. D. Crawford . . optomelflst 179'{., Newport Blvd. • Colta Mesa Channel Boat &a.._ , _ 1215·~ Highway Ph. Npt. Bch. 1686 .A. B. McCollum Lido Isle ' ·Sam's Sea Food Cafe , 2501 Coast Highway Seal aetlch Undy's Pool Hall For Amu.ment 6 Relaxation • • -Play Pool -. Ork).l)•• ne-rtment Store 1793 Newport Afvr-eo.ta M~ Balboa Marine Hardw.,~ 9H Cout Hiahway Ph. Nf!WPC)rt Beech 184 R. W. McClellan & Sona Rocks and 1'rucldn& . 2617 West Central Avenw Conrad Richter, M. D. Physician and Surgcon-107 22nd St. # Ral~717 W. ·Central Aw. Ph. orr. 133--Res.. 1". Newport ~ch . Trieby'a Real E.tate . 30S PaJm ' · Balboa Phone Newport BNch 158 Balboa Theatre Balboa. eaur. .. .• -Lido Theatl'e . Central· Ave., Newport Beach 301 Main, Way's Market Phon(' R5 Stag Cafe & Bar 21Rt P lace and Coast Blvd . Ralboe .. -· Open . your •or ' and your heart to .thelil · . W .. • ~ ~ HO IS THE VICTORY VOLUNTEER1 ._He • (or ahe) laiOIIIeOile Ia your kN;allb'-m&Jhe • · V cloee neirbbor or a triend-whe hu volunteered to work for the 5tb War Loaii'Drive. " · One of theee volunteen may call at your home or place of work-100n ON THE MOST IMPORTANT· MISSION OF THE HOUR! . . . America hu asked you before to do SOMETHING ~XTRA to sm~sh Hitler and Tojo. In thl& 5th War LOan Drive~ you're asked t~ go ALL-OUT with every doUar you can ~Crape u~for war expe11ditures are «J"eater now than al any _time 11lnee Pearl -HarbQr. · UOlJBLE your extra War Bond mvfStmerita, Bui at least one extra Bbnd NOW. ln·vett $100, $200, $300, $400-more'. if you can. ., ' · . . Y'es, it's that· important. Thi .. war 11· mountlnrln tUI'J f!'erJ minute-u our flrht;inR men pluqe intO·the blnwt aad bJood.. · . . ieet-battle of hiatoi'J. The men who f..Pt udltW .... ·dW for yoy hben't hesitated. Only .by.an.Werfn« .. yet" to the VIe- tory Volunteer-only by inveHtina-to the limit -.eGt .you come at all dose to mak-hi'ng 'their JJpirit. ~ . . Here's · What Uncle Sam Offers Y01r·' in the 5th ·War Loan: . The "baSkf't" or liN"UrUW. lo be **~ ~r the t'ectlon or the Stntc-Wnr Flnsn('(' t'OOUniUees during lh~ Jo•lrth llr t..o,n OOf'l" .;ists ol <'ll(ht lndlvlrtuaJ lll.onJ<>S. · 'llww-l~ nn-dt•td~ to fit-tht> lnvN~fm t nt"C'dA o( l"Vt'r)' rw-n•on wtth mo!lf'y lo lnvl'St. The Offering lndud ?i Ren.. E. P-.fO ~Yiap 'tl '" .-.... '(:( ·~"' '(:( .,.._ C llavtap Not. 'tf %~ '(:( ~~~ a.. of·JBM-'JO Culbertllon 'Ghenolet Co. k Showalter , Otto Ollbft1110n, Owner Santa Ana . -Calltanla Balboa Yacht Balin O.A. Hale.)' Walt« S. Splctr, Qolnl ~ • 'Bay Dt.trld LUIWt Ce. · ' .. PaUadN Roed Ph. Nf'WIJ0'1 S.ach SOO 518 State Jlllhway j at tt. Ant. · Bay Shore Camp & Cafe H~nz Kaller Cout Highway • Newport BNc:h Sawyer Sport Shop Ph~ Newport Beech ~,6 2C17 Marine 'Aw. Balboa 1lla.nd GitB'a Sea Shell Cafe 601 ~. ~ntral Balboa Robert V. Staata Co . Shipbuilder~ 625 Cout Hlghwsy 'Newport Bfach J. S. Barrett Construction Co. (i(>neraJ Contractona 1300 Stat~ ftl$!hwoy Ph. N pt. B<:h. 2464 Harold K. Grauel Chapel ~ "Wf' ()un(eiVCR fht> ~t~r ~~ H~· Sf'rvlng Oth~rl' Aeort" Phone Nt>Wport 5fi 1 CO!'tn Mf'M , Csllfomla Food Ruket 1R1 2 N~'JIOrt nlvct. r ........... eo. ·Van Camp' a a Food Co., ln.e. TennJ·ftal IAlapd ·. CAiltondl ~. . . Souttt Co•~,. . _Yadlt ShJ • ' • . J Newport' lc & Co ld StoraRe Co. 410 Thirtieth .. • Nt·wpo~ch Kenneth E. Wihwm Co. Chrts-Crftrt -Ch~lc-r Marine Dllllna/ Runaboula, Utility Boet11, C'mlwl'tl, Metor Yadlta 925 Cout HighwAy Ph: Nt'wport ANch 584 Island .RealtJ Co. Newport Beach Callrom lll Real Estate -Insurance-Notary S. & F. Sales Company 201 Agate Ave. . Balboa Island The Doll Houae 2139'-South Malr1 st.. Santa A.ne -w-. T:-Jefter&on - ~ Newport -BaJboa Palm Sprinp 212 ~ Dlvd. Corona del Mar Port of Seven SeU Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. Dr. G. E. Tohill Boat Landing· Oceah Front Market · RaJ~ r.lnt s,,,. Physldan & SUrgeon . . Boat Sa,._Martne Wa,s Gro. Peterwon Geo. Taylor · Phone Newport Beerh tot Vallely Boat Rental" EdstPWatl'r at Palm · Ave .. Balboa PCout Blv_d-Ph. N~ Beach 286;-W 117 Cout Highway Newport Beech r.roce~ .. . .. ~ata · 700 E. Bay Ave. a.Jboa "tiiS Is an· Offtcial~l:J-. S. Treasury ·A-dvertiSement .Pttpared Under"J\lJsptceS'uf _T_reasuryDepirtme~ and W~r Ad~.erti$ing Council ~·South Bay Balboa~ . . I, \ .. . . } NEWPORT .;ALBOA ~EW~TIMES, Newp! Beach, C.;;.;a~~l;;;.·fo.;;.:m..;;.;;.;;,;;;ia~, ..:;.Tueed.:;;.;:;.:;;,;ay~;.:.' ..:;.J.::;un~e:....:2:..:7.!., ..:.19;...«:.:.._..,_--=-------~---------:----......... ~THE riAINBRA" \Pu•uc NoTtcu Pu•uc NoT_tc_u _ ____;; .-e-• -.--.ID'I*r-.;r-e.n-.. r \JIIfoncz Dlvn'IHO PII()P'()8.U8. Bondi N~. 98 to-100. ,. One Thousand Oollan Nd\. • 11ft. Dlpr roa 11CB09L BOND8 ""'20yt'ars. e • IE II FOI P~Of IT • • I SE fOI IESJ LTS ......... fti,'IIM& aftldlll ...a-1 11ar0'4 ~ · · · -I Th bond& will bt' 10ld for cufl 11M ol ~ •• *;~-::: !!!._ ~ 4=-~ .. "':~·. ·: Sealed propoul~ ror the-por· only,t'and at not leu than par .... -----------------,-i--------------------:-------------...-0...,. v--v• ,_.,.... -nee ''~ chue otiChool l:lon«k. In tl\4> sum uccrued lnternt. Each b6d IIMIIt t .,.. 1Mid &l a. Newport ....-, Wt R.ocw-wttll •..,. balr do ot S100,000.00 ol ttw> Newportlstate that t~ blddt'r otr.n puo BOATS. 1R11'PL1D III:LP WANTED I UAL lrBTAB ftJBNJ'n1U Tw:M ~. a..•eo. wu q\&ita a · · · Bltt7 W\nkler, wbo will .oon Beach School District ol Oran&t'land aa-ruf'd intert>l t to the claw WANT!!O-Ex..-anced ~ JIOR SAL&-JIOR tiAL&-. \ --.... ..,_. looUd •WJ ._.,.our fa.lr tDw1l · · • Mrw.. Sou· Count)'. Calltomla, will bt' n.>-of dt'UvPry and Jtate ~ratd)' OOATS-Bot, Sold &ad Tnded .,...-~----------- ... Ia thlr ~ detbal. claDat • · • ""· Paul Palmer ·~ e»tved by the Boerd of SOpl'tvi.~· the pn>mlum If any, and the rata =~~:;n~~~~ ~ ~~.r ::::. t~u~::k~~:; FOR SAI..E-In Corona del Mar. WID AU 8PilCIA.LI81'8 JNI ...,.... OMide pr•~ ~ tbe ll&rJ A.ddw Abbott bad 00 on nl Oranp County, Callrornla. of lntert>St orftred for said bonda. · r completely lurtl'-bed S-bectJ'OOm 'I'HRa AND FOUR ROOM ......... Wl"' Mat Ia IMtr "-' cut.-wlllte bat ... Helen PariU up to 11 o'clock A· M., on thl' 5th I Each bid shall tlf' at a alncl~ rate MFG. CO. room, bate u d r~lo. No lauo. bou.. I.Ar•e la.tn~e room, nre· O~Ha.,. an attractl.,. 0... ..u-. ~ ..,. lmltunc u UMI,&I · · • Vt~ day ol July, 1944. of lntert>SI. Any bid for two or 1090 w. Central A.,.. ,PIL 2381-W dry. For July &Del Au •. Refer· place, dinette. klteben, 2 bat.M. t.Uee-room outnt •t up be,.. In ..... ~ tM ...... fll 1M.,.,._. KWka · · · aa.ie Rulllertord ulr· £Adl ot lAid bonds> shall b<·'mono ratts of lntt'rt>St wiU be re-Newport Be&cb, CaW .• ttc ene•. 8&1&ry '123 P'r -mo. elec. retrt •.. atOYe, 2-ear ..,..-, our llton for you to -·JUit _......._ ~ o.tal Qlaic ,_,. for more wamen to make dated July lat. 1944, and shall I jPctt'd. Tht' ~J'lX*'S for wtUdJ Phone Newport lSU·W betweea WlldeciL P~ July 16. like It would 1ook lD your bome ....._. '-......,_ h'cla tM .._.. · · • Gene lkaith and ber bHr tntereat at a rate of not to u ld bonds wt'rt' voted w~re aad EOATS FOR BALE-JI ft. • 0~ 10 fUll. and 1 p.m. ••2te Prtee 11,000. Terma. eap New· ~twenty~ pl.ecell"'for .t2Tt.60. lWJ~JIH-S CLASS-IFIED OPI.ORTUIIIIES "' • • ...-ar edlooL 'l'lluiLI wu IDOtiMtr. lllra ., ... tn. · · · Ill .... ~ nw perwnt 15'1.1 llt'r!_.tt for ..the. I>IL~ of· ·--•~1· n. center·bou'd -'1 tto.t bW!t HELP WKN'TEI>-Boy or aau pe>rt 172-W or lDqulre Cor. Mar-Low-' ..,.., J'ne 1dellve.ry. 1..:....~--.,._ te.IIN. ~~~ '-ftM ~ at UdiLnteedl"• an annum. pa,Yabl• annwiTiy for thr , mont'Y for tht" J'Urchulnt by TQm DltlJilar, u.ct ODe ... lntereated ln worldnc ln a nun-~er1te &D.d Cout ffii'bway, Cor-McMahu'a Furniture Co., laic! IllS rr.U. Dill IMt ,..,. la9ttatk!JI to all tM met~~berw few flnt year the bond~ havt' to run ~hool lots; the bulldln& or pur-1100_ 12 tt. Welctwoo4 ceow-ery. Norman kuraertM, lSOT ona del Mar. •T·ltc I and Broadway, Sa.Dta Ana. Call· ,.._ U'-'7 Olamlftel, beMed • party &IMt ...uaatq membeR and aftfti·annually t h • rea f t t' r. chuina ol schoOl bulldinp; t1w board. tl60. 1M2 Snipe. m.i.-Cout Hlpway, Corona del fomla. St-tte -lilAr7 ~ ~ ..,rte.s are it..,. . · . lllrw.. W. P. Dul'lwl whktl rat• ot intel'ftt lhaU bt> dt'· making of alterations or add!tlon1 bogeny bull. 8&1la for all Ia Mar. •t-uc FOR SA..LJC-In Conlr\a del Mar. FOR 8A.LtS2\Jaed wldler baby ar& De ...,_ Md _. a _. · · · lira. DMk.lu ln blA9 ~ t~rpnintd upon lM sale of u ld to t~ school bulldl"i or buJidinp, JOOd condltiOQ. Inquln VUla new attractive 2-bedroom -11 11ee fll u..t ftft7 MW ydkw · · · aDd Mra. Ntuoe b'I:D banda. at the otflee of lM Tf'l'a:;· other than such u may~ neeea-Wartna. u -ttc WANT&D bouee, completely tumlahed, lm· bua:Y. SlO. • Edct'Water • ..... tilt a.,11a 8I7Mt. to M ~ } ~ o1 Orar\lf' County. California IAI'Y for cutTent maintmanc:e, CIP" Auto mecbaDiea. Top ~ Balll mediate ~on, 10.760. call Balbo&. •tc ,._-a 1M 'W•e4 II•'•· ~ RouDd about--8,.,_ aDd Marty Said banda a,. OM hundrt-d e ratlon or .rt>piiMI; l~e rt>pairtnc, BA.RGAJNB-Ou &Dd bait t&DD; Of wortctnc condiUOM. AD ~-IT2·W. or l.aqulre Cor. Mar· FOR S.A.LE-Uprt.ht plano. <;:all Ct ..... .,._ • lllaUr.-1 · Ia ..,.,... ... ..wtu.n. t.be 'Lyman (lOO) in number. or One Thcxaand rt'StOrini .. or rt>buildtn& ol 07 rod and reela; braa and cal· ual wa.r lndu.try. J:mploymeat perite an4 Cout Highway. ..,eo.Jnla. 23o Goldenrod An., .. A..., ......... ..ucud .....,.... IUt weeii-&Dd oaqT&t 'a DoUan lli,OOO.OOI each. peyable I!Chool building damaced InjUred nnlzed p'pe and plpa fttUJIC. elt t:w bere or at HI&Dtiqtoa ClorOD& del W.,. o-ttc ODrou del JIJu'. •t-2tp 11•1• b. willa& .............. to Ly•aa-h 'a ..W.CS aa«JMr u f~. OC: dntrQYt'(l by flrt' or other pub-Cen~ral Martne equtpmeot. 1101 11eac1a .tore . .. -... ..-.. tM --. ~ ,.. cudJe 1.o tu. btrlWI) c:ab . . . Bonda Nc.. 1 to 5. Inclusive, lie calamlt~1 thl' supplyiftl ol ())ut Hl.bway . Newport 'nOX>DORJ: ROBINS 117 W'U ... ..._aDdU.._. Dr. &Dd Mrw.. OniDdJ •-aac up10ne Tbouaand Dollars each. 10 ltchQOI bulld~ngs with furniture oc Bu ch. •tc Ford 8aJaa and a...tce ..,. .... ....,.., 11o, betatr u 11ow to 1. A. 8uaday for lftdu&Uon 1 ..,.. nt'CeUI!ry apparatus of a ~rma-SALE-:l•·tL ''DonltltJ." I2Dd &Dd CeDtral Aft. .. .....,. .... taMa --1M u. ~ -der bow HaleD run aorJ. Ne& e to 10. lncluslw .,M nt nature: the ,penl1&l'lt!Ot lm-·~d cOIK IUOQ. ,. tnc or Newport Beacb. PbOQe ·21. llnr7. &l 1M 8.A.A.A.B. a.o.pttal. A.Ail )oobd IJI ber cap and .-n! One llwuland. Dollars t'ICh, to lprovement of thf' school grounda. pleaaW't'. •700. 2U6 S&Ata AD& Molt. a.. pia clllddad to IIIDd • to Pntty ah&rp )'QU can bet ... Mary run 2 ye~ The pf'OO('t-dines for t~ ~~~ An doet& llee&. 50-2tA: ==--=-=-===---:-::----:--~--:---::--.._ ...,. ~ a -ua to tiM Ja7 repcllrb tbt Rod &Dd Gail . 8onda Noa 11 tn ~ lnchaivt'. o( sald bond.~ will bc'submitted for _ ··_ WAN'I'ED-Man tor clerical po- G.I. I'IP 1.a 1M .U.UU&Da. How· 1 BwtlbaiD and W• .,. rnlly p OM ~ Dollan eech. to approval to O'Mclveny and Myen, BACK '1'111: Aft'ACK attJoo. Inquire P~r. N-· ..... r. Ulll ftnt U... \M aiGn tnc to tOWD dowD Mes1co 'tBJ-Nn 3 yNn; atto!'"eys of Los ~gt'lt'l, Call· IVY IIOU THAN BEPOBE port Ba&ch. C&Uf. IW)-2tc .... aft7 '-b ... -t to Jilt -·t be baell for anoUMr week-8onda Noa. 18 to 20 lnclusiVt', forn1a, and the opln1on of aaJd at· _ --·-------81TVA'DON W AMTED-( tMrp ....... · Some 1\m . . . One Thousand Do~ each, to tomers will IX' furnished to the ftANtJPOBTA'DON a ... .._ ...,.,.ud that \M Tile Newport Harbor Taeht bad Nn 4 Yt'llnl; •IJC('t'lsful bidde r without charp. 81cYCLI'8 Bold, r.lled or ,.._ : ...... .a.t .,. ••u.S &l u.a ta. tint ot UM .-mer...._ lD-Bondi Noa. 21 to 25, lnclualvP, All bids must tw unconditional. pa1nld. Vocet·a. JOt Mala a.. WORK W ANTED-.Job c:&rlD~ for cbUdna 4(u1nc July and Auc. . Balboa or Ba.lboa lai&Dd. ao. FOR SA.LIC-A.ttracUve watar troat bome. lmmecllate ,a. .--.on. tO-ft. _pr1nt.e beech. wltll pier and ellp. S..bedrooma and Dl&Jd'a ~. a balba, ,roD· dertul locaUOn. Prtce tli.OOO . unfurulabed. EARL W . STANLEY 220 llartDe A.~ -Balboa lllancl Pboae Newport 1171 •tc FOR BALE-Lovely maboi'any ocaalonal table. amall CSeM. auitable for dreaaln• table. 1102 , Bea'onl& ~e., CoroDa del Mar. 0()-ttt: FOR BALE-'36 Ford COUpt'. DeW motor, paint. bralttf, •ocid"tt,.._ . Pt6. 328-Montero, Balbo&. Phone UIS du.dn. 4ay. •t·2tp FOR SA.u;-lMO OMTrolet ..,.._,._ __.-) zM~ -a _.. .,. fonul d&Dcea a.t.uray .apt ud 0. 1bouiand Dollan f'Kh ,to A certified or c:~ dMdl Ballloto ud ..ol lllartne A.,..ua. ~ t 1 rl 'i .. .._....,._ bad qu.lt.e a ~lllr &Dd Mre Nn ~ y..n; foe. a sum not lt'5s Jhan thrH per-Balboa Lalucl. 11-tft WHAT WILL YOU OITER tor Ulla r&Dcb lD Coat& w .. ! 0 au. o1 l1dl aou. ten~ ln wtth hoC wire, cood wa ter a.ad plenty· of P"MQre. bouaa baa 2 bediOCIIW and Ia tumtaMcl UW, lllontabeUo, Oaut. ••2te .. Coupe. ll:ltcelleot condlt.ldb, low mile&Ce. wolll&ll dr1nr. Good u.r., radio. Price ~· 2TS CaJOD, Lacuna 8eadl. 60-l.tc --80N fll a_.. tMa ... ~ cru7 -.,._.· baUo to Bonda Noa. ~ to JO, lnchalvt'. Ct'nt t 3~) of tht' par val~ o1 the · 1 11 1 tWr ..ala7 171 1 Jollra Robia· One 1'houland Dollars t'ach. to bonds bid for. poyablt' to the ordet MOTORCYCL& I"'R aA.L&-~ .08 U • • ,... .,...,. r.-7W .._.. 110ft ..... trouW. pW ... t bna run 8 yeen; of lM Trt'aAUrt>r of the County oL ley Oav~. ao.te. 1N2 model, IIII!ICI2.IANJX • ....._ 'nMII .,. u ........ die ctOwd Wr and Mra. 'Jtm· Bondi Noa. 31 to 35, lllc:IUSIVt', Orlh~. must aC'complll'ly ••ch bid, 10 d l ru, 1160. 116"Mth Bl., J'OR (\ALE-L C: 81111-th--t-ype-- O , ..... _ I••· ,._ ...: R bal · kdun · lalp • ble u Ont' Thouland Dollan. eacb. to u .,..l\JAl'IUlt~ that the bktd!rr'. It ti•wport Be&ch. _ cau betWMn wrtt.er. Call &l Bahlo& Pa.WC. _;--, _,. •1 U ~ "4ll 7 yNn; IUCCft<lful, will aCCt'pl and pa)' far IO LID. and 2 p.ai. .. tp -. •-· • on.-; ~· .....,_ ... Ad aDd IIBdnd Our· 8onda Noa.. 31 to 40. lndua.lve. said bonds In accordanct' with the otnce or wrtt.e P. 0 . 8os 2M, ..._ ... II . -• .... 1eJ coolllll' off out Oft tiMt cledl M OM ~ Dol1an Ndl, to tt'rms ol u ld bonds. and ~ a.Jboa. ~ •* tR Nl, WUTd O.dir ... llr aDd Mrw.. run I years; ch«k shlaH remaln In tht' handa ol WANTBD TO • BAQ • ••'--~ Will'-* .U: :.:-...:-,?..,. ~.,.,...::. llpt Bondi N~. 41 to 45, lnc:lualve, said 'J'r'f<uurt>r until all o( aaJd ..., _u •• u tS for lnftllmatloD a..d- : -.. 0... · 'nlouMnd Dollan Nch, t~ bonds are paid for. ~ Board ol _..to rental of 2-bedroom fur- _,. • . . . up Ud about ...... · · · lllr. &Dd run t )'H.n; Supervlsono~ rt'SCrYH the rtcht to · alabed tlouaa Wlthi.D 20 Dill• of "'-••·•• Mft *"-a IAit&l llra llof ,.,_ ,..ttiq back 8onda Naa: 46 to 50, inclu.lvt'. rt>ject uy and all bkla. Santa Ana. AnDy Alr OU. be· fll M .... fll "' .... 1•-* for _.. \M ~ down for One Thousand Oollan P&dl. to 1lle total valuation ot taxable tor June So. Will pay up to·tlOO .. -,.. ~ ~ ....... 1M -...r NW • · • rna .w .. run 10 )'Mft; propt'rty within ~ N"ewpart monthly. Pboae N-pe>rt ~J. -41PMY ......... Ill tM •• ~ can ol • ""Y alee ~ Nc.. 51 to 55, lnduaiVt', Beech School District, tn aakl 50-2tp WI: 8PECIALfZJ: tn Royal A.prl· coa. Jor bome C&DAl!IC· WUl IJt&rt; plcJdnc JUDe 2'7. 8etwMD . -22Dd &Dd 2Srd 'ltreete 00 TuaUD . A'le., O::•ta M-., • •• 2tp lncludlnc elee. · refrl.erator and ran.-. AU llveatocll co with FORD SA.LE-193'7 lJnc:oln Zephyr deal. Immediate ~a.toa. · Sedan Black with aut coven PbODe Newport ITJ-W. •t-ttc and ~to ud acellet rociiD7 FOR 8A.LIC-Corona del ¥ar ID· come property, four · complete and •parat.e houaea · on three lot& ODe unU tui'IIJabed, all bave wall and noor furnace. IC&cb unit baa t~o ba4rooma. IDCOme 1182.00 per mo. Prtce 120,000. Tenua. call Newport IT2·W. •t·tfc. car. and priced to ..U . au,-wiLil•p can: ratJoD· 1ftl may not be far aw~ . FuJI price __ ···--·.---....... ...11~.00 • THEODORIC ROBINS Ford Salu • Serrice 22d A <Anral Newport Beac:.b PhOM 21 Tu..ttc --• at De ._ aa. work Ont' Thousand Oolla"' ~h. to Count)' ol Oranrt', Statt' ol CaH· DOGS, CA'l'8 a Pl:'l'8 ~a, at U. '--., ....... ud run 11 yeers; fomla. is Elt>vPn M41Uon. Nine FOR SALE-I nave ell'ht lot.e. • ......_ ... ....... 8andl Noa.. 56 to 60, lnclus.lvt>, Hundred St>venty·Sht 'Thouland. F"UIT frD" CANNING OOCK!:R SPANIEL p~ acattet'ed l . 2, and 3, ln lAD· FOR SALE-1831 Cbe'lrolet Be- 4aD. Good coDd1Uon throucb· out. IDqUire .00 18Ut St., New- port Bea.ch. befo,. 110011 or phone 1027-R ~tp llell ol .. ~ au.d-Ont' 'l'hoUiand ~Uan n ch, to Thrt!t' Hund....t. Flftt'ftl DoUan ., •-al _.,1 bl b _ _., Rubber balla. crylnc dolla. teeth· cuter•a 8ubd.lvlaioa. Ownar u1ra ... ...,_ o.re..r ....._. ~ nan 12 y..n; 1lll,976.315.00.i:'and that iJM: total ,.ew ,.._ c ... np, w c wlU ln~ rlnp. med!e&ted tionea, cat-for rt>uon&ble otter .• Lew H. ... a a ,...., ... wllllie prtat Bonds Noa. 81 to 65, lntluslvt>. amount of t~ autstandlnl bonded brtac frub apric:»U, plu.ma, -eet nip p'ay toya. reectiDI' d.l.abea, WaU&ce, 2202 W. Central Ave .. . • •• Cllllta w.tte ....._ we'l bJ One 1bOuaand OoUa.n t'ach. to lndebtt'dnt'u of ..aid School Dla· I'M1Ttu aod Itallan p~ under ~e Dl.nettea. ~ n e_w Newpo~ Such. Ptaoae S. 60-2\c ~thou...lh It wu known for em· Lu.riea that objec.t. could be mq- nifled with lt'lllft, It wu not until the thlrtt'<eftth century that the knowltdct' wu uaed to correct via· » ,_...,......_, .. ....._. Obilw .... tlaU...w leU nm !Synn; • tric• Ui One Hundred s.w.i ~~erlca'•-.wdf-·•t··~:-celn."' cua:.lou. ,_ pOWder, Maci· t ----- • ...,. .. , .. _ ...... w .. _..,-............... ,.,._.... N ,.... t 70 '--I 1 .: --. IU&I ,... ....-~ •· •-Bubbl• bath, Whee abampoo. II·ROOM UNnN S HICD HOUSE - - ----•-Gene Mor)q'hem PUll.... oa. -o • """'us wo. Thousand Dollan tSl07,000.00). __ OPA. 1 te t .. ·t .... ........ ~ 2 -••• ._ _. __. ,..__ ..._ ______ .. DoU ch t ·-••· ma • ... re..... Sulfadene -'cr .tun-'tcb, No.-00 larce lot I 600. --a ..ry •-"'""' ,....,........ an H • 0 By order ot the'Boa.rd of SUper--... .-iliA• o( • ._ __ trw•· --'" ,. 8 ' W J WOLCOMB ........ _, at. .... ~ Zaele ---'-~u.t run 14 yt'al'l; viiOfl of o ..-nge County, Cali· _ ......... _ u-.. WIU laJt, On the NOM, Verma. Cedar .. , . ....... willa&' & .....,..... t-. ..... _. __.. Ronda N~. 11 to 75, lndualvc. fomla Jllnt'.6 1944 . a.ou.nl to rech.c~a. ct trom ~ ~· Frub horN meat. (TOWid l!HT COUll Hlgbway uaJ lhortcoml... · . ... Ia --., tMt:. • -v u.t ..._ ._ --..._ One 'nKiuaand DoUan each, to <Sllil · · B. J . SMml. '-33 perceot OYer Jut yura or cbtmk, Nutro KJbbled q Corona dd Mar. Callt. • • .II .. ~ .. • ~ -nm 15 years; County Clerk and ex-olf)do ...._ o.plu~ pric• Cor freab foo4. Old -rru.ty. Ken·L-Wort.h, "Wbere the J'lac• ny" oo-ue "-· AH,_ ...._ ~....._ ._ ... .._._ .... a.., _ lloftdl N~. 11 to 10, lnclullw. Oerk ot the Bo&fd at Su~ ~~~ .. __ ..... ., .:IW~.:_ .. cJ~crTW C'b&IDpiOD, Acme, ~·Ken· . • 1~'': ~=-,...._ Ml .... .._till . , . ....._ ~ W 2 on -0¥-'l'bouiUid OoUan Mdl. to o1 <>ranp County. Callfom,la. _. ...._ pnmee ..._, bave 4all'• and 8pratt'a. Special food M01n advanced a nation to thf' N D -' • -. e M 11 • • • -. ,_ y ,.anr: Publlah N.wport·Balboa I'J..,... .,.. Into eftec:t at all lewW but for . ._.tty. eom• and bniaha. won:hip -.ot God tn ·Spbit lnatNd • • CASH .' ..... Noa. 11 to e . tnc:Juatw. nmes Jun. 13. 15, 20, 22. n IIIII retail. 8ooa rou'U ... lladlq t.ba Hual SbepiW'd'• Pet hop. DC ol mat~. and W..trated the • DOG ert4 °cJ.T ~I TAL OPEUTOIS IEEDED ' • ~ •-tf * SOUTHERN:. CALIFORNIA ::TELEPHONE CO. AfiJir. •• &. .., Aw., •a • . ~-···~!f ....... a. ..... Aa \. &YA~ ... ,..., CWIDMJA'I'II ... OIIID OIW ~ DoUan NCb. to 21 1964 . ret.a_!l. c:eWDpa iD the famW&r to 1-•• P Mlrt.. l...quDa Be&c:b, crud buman capec:ltles of twin& • .. ,.... AM .. run 17 y..n;-, • • . aarktt MalLet pnce lilt for tnata. ·we .,.. cloeed both 'nlunday• bestow~ by ~ M.lnd. I .. , .......... lit. . ._.. AM, Calif. 8oncll N~. 81 to 90, lncluaiYt", aad v~.etab&ea. and SuDdaya, all -e.y. ~1-~ -MARY BAKER EDD\'. Orw 1bouund Oollan Heh, to NO'nCZ INVITING ame ------------~.------------------------. run 18 y..n: PUBLIC NoTICU FOR SALE-A pe(lig-reed Sealy· R A D I 0 S E R V I C E Bonda Noa. 91 to 90. Inclusive Sealf'CI propoaala or bldll will be b p ~~·---... "" Ia h t "-·ndl of ,.,_ ~ am puppy.. bone Laguna H-. Auto, Ma.'"'--a .... _ a __ ,__. ~-.... --El__. ..... _. __ One • ............ ..-..1 rs eac . o n!<eelvt'd by t~ City """ u"' da nt' 5, 1944. . Be h TUn IW)-2te ......... '""" ._....,. not'_....-... .... IIJC ""''..-"' ..... run 11 yNn; C1ty of Nt'WJ)Ort Bt'ach. Calif~. _ N~ L. RINEHART, • ac · 1 Burt R. Norton ---· at or bt'fdre lhl' hour of 4 o clock City Clt'rk ol the City of I The first n~le of education, In Ill I "-t -.--.1 NEWPO&T BEACH but very ·youn• ,-!lor and b~ P. M. on July Jrd 1944. f~?r a con· Newport Bt'ach all lands, ia MVer to say anithin& ~rl . . . tract CO¥ertn& tht> publ•catlon and r -Ji).ne aa.cs uc1 ttttt. 1-.t. otttntlve to anyont'. _ Voltilrt>. Kay St.a&t, &bby Janr Boland printing of all lt'(ll ~otltt'l rt>-• Professional J)irectory ..... 1411 ~~n~~~=r ~~::n~~~~h~:,u:~~~! :~;! rto :;. ~~~~~R~ .. ~r!u= TO I AY' 'S· BEST BUY an4 blue au.n aulla the Boland't. printed and published 10 lht.' Clt1 • are now antrencbed fnr the enm· ol Newport Bt'ach, for t~ f~al . . • . mer &Ad a welcome ad41UOQ they YNr t'nding J unt> 30th. 1945. Bids . ~the liD• fom·,. t n the lt'rt' shall bt' subm1Ut'd (or ~ight 181 , fellow• . Dick Arl~n nnt at all point (~f't'Yler) type publications. ·s.port Flshln& Cru' lser ., 875 · · · • All bull! must lX' cnciOit'd In t..._d with the rtd numben on ~aled •nvl'lopea, markC<d "Bida for Ia n-,., .. · · Marton Ale~-pubHcaUon of lqal no~ ·· and U • I~ • ... -....... : ... _. ___ ............. ···---............... ' der &Dd Carol Bnnlalt'e baYin• a ~ to the City Cou~il of · · bot ~e of Gin Rummy P'ee the City of Newport Bt'ach Call· PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Joyce apcrtlnc a vP,.Y atunntnc fomla. · black jeraey aunault With the moet 'nit' fo~olni noti~ shaiJ bf.' • ' . delle!~ &hade of brttht cenee publlabed ID the Newport Balboa ~~hoe. ... Bill and ~ O..ter NPio'•s·TIJnt'S and Nt'wport~boa balD~ "11' otnc:lal about the race Prns. once a Wt'<ek for two 'con·' at&rtln• bualneae . . And WhO II«UtiYt' wceu prtor to July Jrd ~ · ' ~ o.rt1ar I hwaat Y.Ut Bnller 81' OoM& .._.._, I'll-. Newport Beaeb M9 • · 'MAIII!U WAD •.. IIA.aiJitrE LU.VAOII: Cordon M.Cruna,., M.D. ~hyalclaft aftd lu,.._ Nlftth aftd Cefttr-a: Ave, Office Hra.: 10.12 a.m.; 3·5 p.m. Telephone 37 LEROY P. ANDERSON 6TTO .. NEY AT LAW C..U Mesa Bafttc authll"t ........ 411 Coeta M-. C..llfM'ftla Conrad Richter, M.D. ~hyelcl!'" aftd lur-teOfl omoe 107' 221\d ltreet Newport a.actt Houn: 10.11 a. m. & 3·1 ,. m. Phon-office 1U: ft-. 74-J DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN aiMI IU,.GI:ON _.c...e••w .. ......,..,. ...... -~-Dffloe 211-W .. -. 111-R If N• ~ Call ,...._ I waa ~ 11-oPOUa c,..w Ulat Bar· 1944. by order of t~Cit)' CouncJi 1 BA,_ TIIIC A'I'I'ACK BUY MORE IIOND8 ._-------------------------! ney lAiuDall bad wtth btm!! of thf' City of Nl'Wp0r1t~Bt'~ac~h~' ·~~~~~'-i~-~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &NOODLES <7 "* ot 10 people .._ Newa-nm;. -~ A ck.> By Cy Hungerford HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL Dr. r.t. D. Crawford 0~ T D M • T R I IT' - !'t .-• "We Ounelv .. tiMt Better.....,. By ·~ otbe ... But''- ~--N-..nM1 COIU M... CallfM'ftla BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota . -A. J. TWIST . . tm C...t Hlthway ,.hone MZ2 CO,.ONA DI:L MA" Ey• J::umtaad ~ .,tted '17Wf Newport ~ COITA MalA SALT! MORTUARY CHA~I:L BY THa ICA 410 Coaat Blvd. COref\a ·~ Mar • ,._,.,. ....,_ Pflo"e Newport 41 J DR. OBED LUCAS/ Dentist • ftft!,i "· O.tral, ft. 1 ... - NEWPO&T B&Aal WHO'S WIO II -IAIBOI DISTIICT FI,.RPLACK AND KINDLING WOOD- H. W. Wr1pt. lTM Npt. 81¥41., CoCa MML Uetd Lumber, Ptl. 186-J. GENK .. A,L CONT .. ACTD"-· Gordoa ~· P'trlcllaJ. suo Ooul BlYcl ...... 102. Plana aDd OoNitruetJcla. ~ LUMBE" COM~AN-IKa- COIIla Meea Lbr. Co.-''lAt tall belp JOU pia JOU' llome." PboDe tl. Bay Dtltr1ct Lumber. Co. P"-a 11110. ODut H.IP-.y at Arebe& OI'~ICE IU~~Lt•a-• _ . _ . Nt'WpOrt Harbor l"u~ Co. Pbonee: 1J • 11. Newpoet a.cb. PfiiiNTING- N-.ort Hartlor ,.,........_ CD. Plloaea: 12 • 11. N~ ...._ "EAL. KIT ATE. INIU .. ANC& & NOTA"Y .. UBLJC- .Lew H. Wallaee, bOt W. OiwltiW A._. ft-. 1. "uaaa" tTAM~ N....,..t. Haltler Put!? 0 I • 0., ...... : It . ... • • t ..... \H.aT ... ~ .... R 'Vteleft '1·6-.................... ... "A"tft'V aTORtl-' ..._~~ ........ , ........... ,.._.IUI·W. ... # SchooLChildren -hleed Work Premits Here Wltb vaeaUooa •tutinc for .,td. t.bouaanda or ecbool eblldl'en 'Tb~ under 18 wtll be required Ul~hout lbe Wttet. Welley 0 . to oblalo a aatt" work 'penn•t lty A.lh. rel1onaJ dlrec:t·r of t.ht-eJnPioye..._ To obtain lhle pennlt Wace·Hour and Public Cvntracta ll will bt' nece•ary to pl"f'eent dlvleton• ot tbe U.S. Departmtnt rroor ot al{e. · prdt"rably a copy of of Labor, advlaed t'mployl'rl! of "trth ce.rtJtlcale. School o!flctw j Ca.lllornla to check o, . .,,. tederaJ luue eucll work permill, IUld aate child ll1bor la.wa ··a~-Tho WA'ge-Uour law prohlbllJI tully to protect then"•"lvn a~:lllfll!t ahlpment In lntt"ratat{' commerce unwitting VIr lallone. ut ~ro de r:-oduced In an r•abl ah· The Falr Labor Standards Act maDt l.n or about wblcb there bu appllea to all chlldrrn under 18 bt'• n "opp"'aalve child labor" yeara of age employed In or a.bout within 30 days Oppreulve child 1 elltabllahment1 wnch produre labor Ia t!etlntd generally -. tm· gooca for ehlpment In lnterat.ate r 'oyment of boye &nd &1rlli under commeree, Aah polntt'd out. Tbe 16. but children betwt't n U and Wallh-Healey Public Cont~ta 16 reay be emp'oyt'd ln ..,.,c'tied Act-~u to thee~ empfoyrd bj non-ma.nufacturlnr a.nd non-pro- tlnna bo'dl,nt 1ovemment eupply r t'u!nr occupa.tlt'}• wbi<'h do not • contrute In exceaa of t tO,OOO. lntH ere wltb their ecbooll.or. Uhder t.bla a.ct violation of child ~alth or well bt'tnc. under the labor provlliona mav br n~ •--following cvndiUon•· ment of Jlquldatlon d.i.mal'ee 111 Uulmum 8-t our day and I ~unc to Jtb per (ay f r each 40..hour wHk when Khool !. not day each pereon bu ~ Ultp.lly I'" -lon; . • I emp'pyt'd. · 121 All work rruat ~perf nned Work In ca.nn.ent1 a.nd 'dry ahfd.l betwet"n 7 a.m. and 7 p,m. (except 1 hh bt'en ruled non·agrlcultur&l ruetrobut po O! newapa.per ... and therefore wbjeet to pr1vleloo. •· 131 Children u and 1~ em· of the Act.. A•h· wam·~. Cblld-j p'oyt"d In cu ttmg peara. pea.cb .. reo emplo~d lo acrt~ultu.re a.re , and aprtcota 1.n fruit dry yarda exempt from t1'le F;alr Labor Stan· I mu•t not work more than ax day1 • .. '·~tli fornia. Tuesday, June 27, 1944 State Guard Gets 1 ...w~AUtO_A __ A.,ed ~nmenta f --NEWS-T1~ E S '4U I r: ' PIIOH'Mt' ~ " • II War De t. Atd ....,...., !!wz........, ... 11W!4N !fti!!,_...n'"" .. ---!.v=-..-314!1 • Sut.crlptlon Paya~ ln Actv.Me:-IUO,.,. )'MI' 1ft Or__.~~ Jo',,lluwtn.: conf•·"'"~'''' •n ~"'' ~.~ a--r )'Mr to •tb aone; 13.00 per ~r to 101 -. rllmMlto \\·tth lltll:lltllo•t I :.·n•·l"tll __ 1'tll\' w l111y~ 11ctjut11nl r.••m•rnl ••f t;ntl'l"'l'd aa ~"<'Ia• matter It t~ PultCI!tnCf' ln,i;ewpatt ..._, \nllr11n1111 111 i,•ncl••cl hy .,.1:11mnl C.lllomla, unc»r the Art ol Mardf ~ 1 sn-tr·'"'""' ftnm tho• Ill.''''!:'""',''' S A. MEYf.R -·_ ·_. ~-· · _,_ -tOJ'f'Olr-~ tho• Ctdtloll"tlla Sltllo• (otl(ll'll, ( ••I 'John (' Fr..•ru•h llll'llo'lll , "'" 1 OFnOIAJ, PAPER OF niB CITY OF NEWPORT BBACII mnnd.'r for tho• Ninth l'l'l:h•n, tl.m. A Dep n'1Ne IANI IMUtll ..... ~ 0.., My..,. An~ro:c•IC'" und tlrllnt:•' 1'1\tltll h'' I '' ns - I• ., ht'< lwl•tlqlllll'tt•t ... ''"'") Ratt•on Coun;:n bel p.-nt .. ,t when appl)'lllf for & outlinlnR to bAitulhon i'l)lllflllllllh•r!o l"f'rtrwal of trU raUona. t i••no•rul llll)'lo0 pllln~ (M l'l\)IIU\4k'C1 Dates and ata TIICJo~ IN141'JI:(!TIQN ~; iot.· (;lla•cl urtlvlllt·~ •nrt lntl'na· Bave your Ure t.plcllon recotda. lvt' l"('('ruitlng. Any noqunt tp replaca an)' ,._.. "l"'lu1nl: the' n•'"' tht"N' muntha ICA1,0N CA LJI:No~n ,fUr per· enter c.,. tire mu.t be aocoa,... .:untd unlta "'Ill ~· ~l"'t'lllll)• ll'ld bl:•lllnnln1 Ju.w .JA 19U ~ led b)' all lupectloe recorda ~ •• I War AatoOft ..... Ill new o<IYUCIII h'oa aa &~ ~t amp Nn. 1 rcn "alrJ\Iaae" loap«tor tbal a new tire &e......._ •hrf't 'I pair ehc-1· food now; Truda lire CT ·Booll clri"Nl..- f'),plrathul date not ~1. ~ lla lftOnlN • __, - Htamp Nc-. J ,.., ''alrplaee" ....._ •tiHI 11 pair eh•••l l ood •nuw; rxptraUon !!ate aot Nl. · I NC>TIC Tall!' bonll alon1 to 'make rurch-...) Wer .... ,,.,. B"k IV 1944 TIDE ·TABLES l'l t&mp No. 30 Jl lba ~arl JuN• ICond nuw. n.plratlon data DOt .. t. Hlth Low Hlell lAW Allur p No 31 1& lba euaa.r1 Wd 11 1:01 t 1.. •• Hill 1• nd """'': nplrallon date no\.ltt u l.l t.a U fltamp No. 31 til lbe. ~arl 'ft. • •:M 10:.. .... llr• 10ftd Junt' II; nptratlon d&tt not . a.t l.t . ... u a.t r. 10 a:.. tl:ll l .at4 Stamp No •o II\ lbe. caanlq 1.1 Lt U .,...,, 8VOCI now; exptntlon clat.e JUt..t. hkvary II, ,.... a.1 l f :ot l :lt l t41 1l1tl a.&a1n .,.,&w:.uoo, for a4dllloaal u Jj "U q ~aantq IIUfU at local • OPA ... 1 1 :01 I:IT 'PIIf '11 .. .~Ad (tbe f~r.J W~Hpur l • we.k; mu.t have a me&l period law; I w~ en not &erally requ lred to, of •6 mlnutea: a 16·mlnute r .. t •~tend .cb~. I ptr1od ln ea.ch halt ct.y: provlalo.:t Err p'oye~ who. b've IUJY double for aea ta. pure drinlllnl wa.ter, &bout Whether clJIJdreo lhey t!m · WNhlng a.nd :to Jet fatllllJu ; ADd ploy are covert'd by lbt' Act., or mWit • net t. t!Jtpoee4 to wlpbur· a~t lo.~rprttatlon• of Ule law, dloxlo.le fumu. boan.la. AppllcaUOII, w•.a .~ ··~ O.t ... U out. mu.t ~ aoea.IIIIIUM b)' (Haw MJ'IIPI ..... tl••t DISASTER.: TIIEAtEIS. · SCHOO~$ · Hooks Barracuda ·:~::,o':wlala.:.y'~ ~ =:, :; ~ :.~ =.":': U d 11 P d I~ to Jul)' 1a ~OIId pltlod ap. 1-By LEO~E B~T,ERI Vnunll' m~ a.nd • w~-.;. .ft er . '()Un _ ~= pll\'aUoaa ~ ~.JUed fna J.ulJ • ahol.dd vWt or -..•rlte to tht" nt"ar· eat ~t-Hour otflce, Aeb aetd. Lette (· ,;.,f Red W~·Hoar lnepeclorf wUI be r1ad r ~ t at to n pla.ln the law 8Ad 'heip to ptt· J'\___ f Mi · "In lh .. hnur of crtaa.. t.be fmdJnr lillie lnccn'fve ~ ,.ter Catth .(}( the week ".!:s 01= .. -110 potntal ffW _____ ,.. I .c~ool -Ule only ·~DC)'. pot•· lht' tu<'blne prof<' .. loft. Notnr-tralnf'd In """ mnt1c•mlln•hlr•. IU .. le. ·-ediW. .... ca... ttaJI., adonled to d.illnl' wlt.b ttM IOU81)' low alarled, Uae eclu9-' · , , · _ cbcmklaJ wa.rf&n', ba,yunet dd11. probk-m ~ t.bt' y.unc t. belnr tiOII&J field '-10 far outbid b)'. Ia· ftwlncn~t hlm~r.r on lhr •url:tr,. 11nd IIUClh IJ*'Ial oporallona u ... CMDtcl an•: A&, ... 01. Da, • I ... d b I •"-t ... c..., an unw~~r-v i>l!rrJCrud• mal1,. K I' m'"lll br 'n--'_. In •. ,._ of -·· ll:l. Ji'l, 0., Ha. Jl. JC.I, ~ MI. llttraJiy a.nd fii!Urath't'l)' t'm~-'u~rv an u• nrq .,._ woe •-r u 1'.. 't 2 u r u r1 .,t '" '~'"" ' -.,_ n. na 81 Tl Ul -. ll I h I •-•" .,, u•""'" " 42 " .. a en,. " · "'r d1•-•1 ( ~"~I t'-· I I NK, ·~· ,.., R.l, • • • •-. latet.l " In thr~~e "ona an emiMnt of pc;.oten r. tt>ac e re nvw n __ ,. •unO\C' h t 'lilt! "', -~r, '""' .• ,.., ... , ,..,, and w---.IXMI . -; ..,.,.U.. educator W1lla•d Walll"t or ~' lng i" tar t t.o low t ·meet elttt« o( ·1h~ "~.:..; ~:•;• bl ··~:· Th•• \\ar '-"'IHillm••ut 1~ 1n• •1&te liCit ..._ YACHT IAIL -.AK••a A l•t•·r add--__. to OL6•----r. lumbl• l 'niV!'rtl•t)', h-. ~lnled 1 wnr M ' poet-war req'lllruD~\.4. 1 P ' ~~ f'Qulpnwnl for au•nl ul04• 1 • .," ~ ..., ,..,_. -rou ,~ r.1 -C,hlnjl In ttl IW11 uun1 ,.. und"f' d Ill , __ 1 h ' OREAU ltONU• 11\atctMra • t•nct . O&n.lele wu t"eet'lved by lbe out Lht dallKf'r ot lhe .lmprndlnc The rt-<'Orda lbow unlve l)' at· pound• ,...1 ,. N!t·ord which ~n 1"\wl mono_;.._., a.l'1 It an l'VIf'r I will 11n I red toii.Me f• -lalla, Awftlflga. Boat Coven oaUr n·wll.lt f'o.lu.:atlnnal bnoall· tra._lrtl'd t'du! at on. r«lllvlnlt •• ~ul"' ,... IU•tu r n na n· -·-, ::tw pcrt ~acb R4'd Croea recent-ol othn an~tlrn "''''' tln.d hM•J too bf'at <'rt'll"'tl •llntm••nb .. f ""'mllll4tlun. 1- 1 ...'.!Of Ml,...ad klu~• fata N· 22•~ 2Jit 8t. N~ Beaeb 1 1y Aa tnetn~re o! tbe Or,.aniza-down lhat th~at.t"na to twlat and Ulan mo.t ate~pbera and • t .. v _.. ..... --.. r fk bo fte,ah \11 f Kho·l' 'J'ta or •N'I'o ll11'e 31aUht''IU Will a ms••htnc• ll\111" pl~ .)I'C'pc, -~HII ._. V .. ....,. m tlon .are Dot familiar wtt-b lbe mnr lllr 11\fol It tcxlay'a boy• and ,e )'a 0 0 • rrmbct ur It \ rtruwn·· Rllnday ('lln., ('r;mman;l ...... trucluo •1\ft tn,.UJ: Mampe 110 polnla Metl) ijiiiiiiiiiiiillll,.~i.,.l"i··lhey ~lli app.-eclaii ~l Ir glr&.. , ,!~!v:~o~~ ''f~::-:.:~40.:: party "'' "u¥ lty•'"r'a ~ull. mbchlrw l Ull n ortll '"'' ''' bo• ·~,, tor canned, frc.-IID4 dettl)'dratH Wht>n Ill 194:.1 m ~c ll:tlfn 39.000 than $IOO a muf\th ~ whlr h fl"h•··l uff Ca.lalltuo lalanol. nvnllohlt• lu llw l!tutrd ,.1 an rarly 1 fn•lll• All, hi, Qt P-f~ D. ~,Qt. young mrn lt'ft tuchln& poalt lu' • with """rlv • Vf'ry unt• brlntrlnlt rtalt'.. · 1111, J ll, • KJJ, U . MS. N~. PI, Qll, •larry g11n1 tor Unclt Sam. ltle 1ft a country wber"' ~duration " tit I'OOd cllt4'hf'a. • . _ ltll, AA. 'nl, US. and VI f'OOf now; rorct>ol e~todua. rrom the tcachln~t ' llh ~111ghtybl ~~ ll '-h almoet "''""'" ·· ru m1 ,.,, T'h, Rrootn Approalmat~ly '16 ~ 'lla caad1 1••plra1.loo dat.e .wt •· YeDt vfolaUona • of the Acll.'-be' ~russ' Of 88 ... Florence Daniels PAUL NORMAN proft·a lun hull lx'~n lo lhe un""' t'Va e l at Oet'l w 0 ~-Npot1ed a•>Od cah·hu 111 •·allr•o nnd \'l.llh w-. al~ol•n ;r, entlv rroln UA~IUN&-· ,. f 19 3 1~ 000 vld~ It are 1:1 poor y ~ar.._.. · · , • N ., ... -L oumml'r 0 4 • • mon d C llf 1 1 JIOMtl bau,, Un11 bo1111 IUld t,-racuda., tbe Palm·f'alm n.t .. c.;.-.. M-. Coupon o. 1. CA·.....,._) lhrt~ a ll'arlkotorll ••xcha.n,bed tlellxtt bookU a for I IAoQ. ... ,.=t' omH:;.IIlh~ a':rare ::..", , .. .;'1• A I ~ 11t•llntl halibut l••ok tbe Mra Rut.b McCay, 'ma.nartr. A · &~tllona, fOOd ~. ••p6rfe Sqlt. 21., -~-a BAlBOA :. MOTOR co·. 708 E. Bay An., Balboa This olul! r •· and y a · m. an "'-· ~ ~ 1 1:;;t jllellpot on QC!(lffrt' !oOio·!'\tlll&n~a · w llh.rlfre depuU... All cou,... 111u.t be ftldoNid on 1-dcltiOnW 01.000 had left b iu e raplla lnrnme lut yeaotr dnc 1 ., cn.ctnt 1 evea lailled antr~e .... -faa. wllh car lk'-aumller and ' .. jo. ba T~•-. 1 t.e tnr tbe lowUea Con!la ay .. · "' r,· • t' . war . vuoy, a year a '·I b • .: blr"· than l .. • molnl-OYer a. ton ot 1\ah w-. broul' lnf ope.n tba 4oor I.Dd ,_.,..,_ 1'-l.e ol re ...... U..-8&" )'4NI' 1' ' · with Ule eoJUCIItion from cunttnued I .. r w-;;;,r ~·~ twx I'" bv lhto Wt.awlt ~ Port\ u.. lock. • ' '-tire lllapec~ re&lCif'6l. --'P. . a . o·. '·-n .. General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Electricians Available Fender Body W.Ork Refinishh1f teacher louee, t.be ech~• f!Lco an I mum ware . our put lc ec: 11 QrUI,I'e wtltell f1ahad off Dana jliltliliiiill•~-------------------~~ even ~..-IJnmer l.breat. . t.eeetwn~ Tt~ ~o dt ucle them· ,..,..t . A 10 pound bnft'la aM a _ Hive• tbat all • !I'.U &n Ule 31 ...:...... White -.,.,_. were TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH 225 ~ ·l o 1 1 _ _. 1 &..bftola a,.. ov•rlook&nc ..ud ..---. !l:")'(lot .. nov. D,f Mt• _art e a .. ,J .. _ rt rl ~munu th,. 'lJrlua (;'In)( ""' nn ·PAII ·TER .S contact thC' Ked C'rr•lll clvlng lhtrn ptouf '"''1 t'duca.'ton 11 au :...~ the &-a Zt'phn "''"' Sw••ln · Will a.ny (nfo nrunlon· they may havt-. now-."nd will wtfer IDOft -._ ...... t ·1~ r .,~ HI cU · Retumed ~Veterau . AHention: Men 26 and over ~ -· Men. in drQft clc.•• 4-F Men riOI ~0¥1 lifeUinti·a~ iftclu.t.y ~ ··URGENTLY NEEDED MOW .... ..MARINE BLECI'RICIAN8 ud llefpen MAOfiiNJsft ad ..- PIPE n 1"1&88 ud Helpers • WELDERS ud R11"1r' PJ.,UMBEBS ud Belpen . DRAri'8IIEN 8HEET HIITAL WORKERS and..BeJpen OOMPTOJIETER OPERAroR8 SENIOR KEY PiJNCR OPERA TORS AIM a few • .._. f~ of'fkott ..... e"' AND HEN IN VIBT11ALLY -AIL CR.UT8 APPLY TODAY ...,All ••• BrinJ Social ~curity Card. Proof of Ci~izea.ship aod A •ailabiliq Ctnificar. CALiFORIIIA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATIOII 110 Wllf ANaHIIM IOULIVAID • WILMINeTON . - I from tnablllly to •fra.r. lntu "'"~ ,_., 0 rom ux • u 0· • I '·' 1• tb r anablt hi• .. , ty:U. I nofonnly 1tood catrhu ...... r ... n "II t' ...-• ... ..--rtAld ..., boau fr•om Kin 'I ,.,.., ,..,,n .. l 'u.., f'IMilrv to P.ntrt" out ~ VT , • fl yi,uth towar.J lo·llr~tnl, lu .Javel~ lAndini anrt I ••rt uf :St.''"•' ._ .,.. p .lrana• lf'l I!Jf Wt-11 U IUI'loJ IUl.! ~ f Robbe e tal•·nt. \,a e MeS A I ID\'c•\•r l hcn o·1• a llt rtolojt 1111· • "..,.,,.;,'" ncrr t ,....t,fVt ~f(\"' tt ; Keep Police Akr.t • -· I ' ' ·' ,,,, ""'""'"'''" . '''-"':;;::'] -! ;)~,-~e r •STf~TP-41.\WWWG. 'n.. F:l«lnc C.rlll 111 Ba1bolA L!T Al.ltA·SfLTn1tLIH TttfiD( w-. ent_•rco.l J~<llt F'rlclfl , •• mcttme ~ll fiND Tut SUN 1{1 L!Wtftkll. bttWHD 12 40 ant1 7 10 a.m. a.n<l --:·'-'-~ .1126' wu. tallf'n rrom lhf' •"'" · WITH 01 WITHOUT EIPEIIEICE . ·War Conlr1ct Work Avnllablllty CcrtJtk:at.-~ull"fd I UD<kor lht front C•IUDlt'r, Elltnllct 1 WU .&1111'(1 thrtMlj(h lh• flr.t wtncsow orr l'alm un thr ~0\.llh ~de nt lhr l)lllloUn~e Th~ aalt wu opaeed by wurklng th•· tnmblna-1•••••11111!!1111•••••••••••••••••• .. ~-r ~======~==~-=-=======--===--. Tbe pollct 11111peet' lh,.. youU..I ~ W.re liMn ptaylnf( nit kel ma· e....._ Ju.t befflrl' lhr rale • h.,.d 'Tbey rectlved C'hartl!' tnt lar, .. bWa ud had an upportuntly tu w&teh the llalt-being "l,..""o.l f11t 1 t.be _cftaqe, I llf too late. Oo tllr Non mt>c•o loa! j lnt wfll be a prnJ>Ofllllt?f\ u"'JC""'I t1 W8rd lhf' rPhabllltaltnn Of U1~ Callfom~ lnto.lt' .,.!1,••1 ":1~1· m 11 v.•lll -~ tJw ftt&le'• t •ltdrlbot· <lllltlftiU &ea tAt prewat $110 P"' I pupil .., ,..., Lo JIG . ........, ... btad t.be pr••rn-l •• 1 the ........ Ud prutlce r f lea.dl"'' I -~ orpn~na lncJvdUlf lht ....._ ~u.. flf Wo~Nm Vot-. ..-.• ,..,. and Prot-f ~: ... ~ ... !'"*J!II~.... ----,..._ ___..._ ,._.,... •lo"fl.W~.IIJWI U. a...,... fil l ..._ • ~ .. ,_.._ Pa,.-. .,.._....,.., "'~ ·-111 1 • ....., • llle ....._,......_,ntUw~~ Ulll .... W ........... aM le.rtac acil...,e ..... eC IICtlnuiiiUU\4· CIUFOIIII STATE GUilD -------------------_ _,c o. o.tst Bn., .ttth IU~t.-- lof ..... ""-' -....................... C.f'141tn W tLLII M Puu~ PhQew TII·M ::~·~~= ~~*":.-. . _,. "-l dt ..-nuat educ~touaJ ,. .... 1ft .,., .. . 1 faciUU•. and CCJUequenUr ol• _...,. ...-....~-·~· yoiin1 It••. LeadeN~ tboll \======"7"~=-=--:::z::=::::::o::::::oc:::=C~::::&::=-=:==-:::---../I 1 :;:· 1ft~..:' ... a ....... -.:rau.,. h""" ttetetl tra11kly ltlat I I 1,. ":" 1 ~eu . · . thl· choke le wlw'U1er lu ptty n••w I ttare. -ror edue&tlonal ne<'cla, 111 IAtu fur • • 1 I•IKKflr welfa.re llJenr lr.ot luv~n~'• 1 A I ~ rorrectlon faclllll,. And ,,,,..,,,, ttenti• on· ·\' ~ 1 lnf'¥1table allf'maUvel! tn !.h• • I ' • I lJ"I'.,. Of tf1e ~~rl nniA .llnol lhf' '"" ~ •••• I •• •· ••• , '" ... ifHI tl • I • I • II •• I ..... I .,.,, ••••• ' ••• ' • I 'I • ' •: I I Ul" ot the f'duratlnnal l!Y•tr n . . . ALBACORE FISIIERMEN' !1 ALBACORE FISHERMEI1 1 ': . . ' • It's no "CINCH" that AlbAron.· wtU ~with u!\ agAin thiA :I ' : year , but w~ know It'" a cin,·h you will tx-N'ady nnd 1-10 • t:. wiU we.... : ,. . . • ~ofBu)'lac8taUon!~o: : . ' -: !If~.._. Jill. &N·I l ('atallaa loolllfld f>tl. AvaJ-51o: c • .... Dleco. P\. M .. a 'Jtt Awtla, (' .. 1(., PIL I I '! : ,: ,... 81-.a Pll:c ....,...tnlc ~ .. ee ... r. CaHr. • • AM.erla. On. PIL 1M w..-...,., "'..at • ' 11th par'" wfTI hnt a funy equlpptd ..,... aedlorell oa the lae ol Point • t...a to rectfft llbecore ~IICI'tt tn leal aad Maba wa*'L Yon will a. palotl ~tel; at the balp aad ... ,...... ... Cllq pr1ca • •• 1! · ~ Ottlae-Tennlul ........ CaUf. t wildie l'f'llkbla -...a-...__. We wSU ewry lllppllta fOf rvu at the ._.., an-Uw ro-• trip Into the ln~~~r .. bar. Aleo tha compan, hea lUll ,..c.haed a twin ~ ...._, whldtt • : ..._ ...,...r Mn -~~utter 1111 '1 llbetllllflaiptOf .. ,,lf!ponout-. • . ----- -r----, . • VAN CAMP SEA-FOOD COMPANY, Inc. :. •• ... JW tD W7 tw. .mo. twe 'l-! I BIJY MOa& aoND" POa VI C_!~a _t' -. -· i tt 8111 .. 111 lllllllei._......_.JI•.Pi e1.ft•l onor.,We ara dofril tJiia to .... ,.. tllfle. Wllee the albac.ore an n1 nn!• !hit 1neana "-• ~ JW ... Jll•nt eu,erlntndeoL Or,.,,_.,.. •~. phoae ,.,. at ,..,....,. nn A* the oparaw tD .....,. dlle ~ IACX CIITILLO .......... ~ ........... luii RirW hcld.w Ca f "' ~~~t~a.,r~o...a.~ Jnaide your en,tne are t•ylinderw. ... like ao m_, upe1de-down ~ ... ; ........ 1\Qd ..... cll Q)'lidcW .. a •nq·ltt.Jn• platoD \hat altdcla up anti down Ub your dlab mop in " •'•••· But plltou mu"t do It olw ut 1800 tl,.tl t~Nry mina;t• your en1lne ia runntn1. And thal'a traveljn1l Without oonatant lubri. cation. piatona would beat f&p and aw.ell-pt ltuck Urbt In MCOnct.. Faet 1a. I• b~ttoala all that kH,. vour ear from jolnlnr the r1000 Amerioan aut.otnobU• that are junked eve17 clq. That'i whY it' a ·& ritual with sttear ~·• to a .. allline the oU leW! iD yOifli .. ,. Becau~ if k l•"'' ap. there at nannlnr leve~ you an headin1 for trouble. And Shell doesn't want you in trquble. If your car abou.ld.tic.lta...piat.un you wouldn't ~ · romin~e ln for aqy of our(,,.;. fltl rvit"M. Nor -for our Jlltttolinf•, oil, tirf'a, ll'f'aae joba, butt..!rit:i, etc. . IIYWIII US ~ll'- Sll .. lt b•• • r .. eiMiia4 4 Ht tffi looolo l•l lor '" ... Allu I• /ll..,r~ h toll• llow u&·•l'•• no .. 'nur .. ;, .. u,. l11 ltoow In .... , .o•etiii•C i a .. eel•e fra• 11•.-,..l•• to lt. Atll far a ... ,..., ............. liJ .... OIL COIIMIIr. I is '· • • I I f i • • I •• .I I ,. -· ---------.-NEWP.PRT-BALBO~ NEWs-TIM>S. Nowi'OI1 -. California; Tueada~c.' _Jun-'e_Z_7...:,_1_9..;c4+_;_ _____ -;------~-----------:--l Fe. lTII·m· ·n·e Acti• VI.ti!eS PamoncFamuy.Sends.AnottterMembetl Ic11!'QJ!ll'!·•3· Ho-Davidson Becomes Bride Sunday of Ensi&n Christen -~llarbor .. Newport Beach Girl Scouts Leave Today for Camp GERALD RAUSA, IM. D. ·- Is-oocupylne the'Modl¢otnc. kl\0\m u the .Nowport E1nert<on<Y Hotpltal. , _.. For the pR<tlcr Q( 2830 WstCentral Ave. I'lL NWJIL llldL una BEFORE YOU BUILD OR _REMODEL ' 1111 .............. t. ·'f'lfll . ,. '- Vlalt' eur lntarHt ln• .. mple and di•PI•r room&. Co,l ... 9Uidlla "'•""'"• aide. com· p ... l'llftll"l dOck of N9&. urpetl, llnolau'" a"d v-.. tla"' bll"d~ A~\ ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works. I A.NTA ANA ~en kea~p SCIENCE MONITOR l>.t1l) Ncw.•lp..i/'tr bj PUIH.JSHI)I(G .SCX:IE'TY . M.A.muw1u · LESSONS :~ i..;_~ -· ·t;, ~ •• ~· ,. • -12 011111.3 • ' AT HOME .• •• . " ---.. Into Armed Forces, Hear from uaugruer I Consolidated V ultee I Feeder Shop Ho'ding Open Houae Sunday Vr. and, Mr. H. Tll~uM. ol 184 \Guard . .and Ule iut boJ ,GWet' 1treet. Colla YeP . hav" young BIUy will 80Cin ju.t beard from lbdt cl.aughler , enough lo join up, Jw.nlt a Bond who p a WAAC. Q lft.oo waa 'n lbe lJn. Eolld hu U'rivec:l l&tel y \n rteelvlld lWI taedlcal E nlf,&nd. • aboul four moaua. Ailothar rne=~r or lbe Theurel 'Jb.euret kee5M1 the '~rT"il,. F1oyd 'nleuret. lett YOR, tJumlDC for tb._ 1aJ'p; I t::o~80'1datrd-Vultee "f • e de r 1'1op" In C :-rona dd · ·,.,, !' ho'tl· •-.. "or-t hou.e" 8undav. Julv 2. --publ'c La tr.,lted W Cll._'l'.e llnd brl111 lhdr tMend• ,,.,,. ~n INI!'f' day for the Anny . 1 Th'l patrlo- Ue f&JX~tly bu aevet~ member• In · hr anned fon:u 1nd one "'ady to ~o In a rew montha. They are a e-:n Robf:rt .,..tH> ill 11'1 the Army' Air Corpa-. Forni, who ill at Camp Rob<erta in lleld ar1Uiary. and a "''"·In hw-. Jack Huddle.ton In the Navy .Utlone.:' at S11n Diego and a-.other .on-ln-•aw, George Bood. In the Army .taUoned In Eog'and. ~r' H. Thur(t It In the State ... · f a v'ta• wrr p''ant. , Corona del Mar '" ~ war pro- -· -r·o"' ('enter. l''n+ n"'e o· the • ' -. •. &l n . Ceorge Wheat. 3900 Ch.~.n­ n..-1 Pl[l.ce. Newport Jleanh, '' pl•n- nlllg !<' attend a dinller Thurl'.'day f<lr the wember. of t he Orange County alumnae of the Kappa D1 it-. 1t0rorlty whiCh will be held at the Dinner u.e:\ Rt~.ncfl •t Whlttltr. The a'fa'r wl'l be "hu.tloanda n ight." Mr1. Wheat hi-ll ~n p!ta!dent Of' the ..-rgll.l'll:taUon C:ur - li'lc tile p.,.t three yt-art. A ·new eel of officer• wlll bco ln..tal!'ed the dlilner. in L. A. . , lb addition co ~«ing chat train movcrncnu " .iife.'othl co •Vk torv comC: {tnt-• ' 'I ' ':/. J-14 Fe n.p/#yn ;,. ,., ,.,a_Jtt/IKtiotu llhtu M!t J,ry;,g t~~tll ot'f" l l,OOO,OOO of 'IJ":r Bflfllh ft1lr] _,., Wt" -koow the~ is no better M Y for ue: fO '/ traCk up thote--_ho tftYt'the tO\Igbff"(job ij(r- tll in this dirty war-ch~sc millions 0( men and ...omen in our 6ghtiE?g (orct:t. 10.000 o( dxm ll'e (onnu Santa Fe e~ploycs. · By buying War Bonds sod kcc}Mg ''Lotckd lot Wu'' tni• rolling. we lmow we are help- lag co b·rial our 'f iccorious forcf'l boll'lc' . quicker:_ and proWI&aa ow~et.·a wicb ••- .... "' ....... ,. ol _. ....... No ...., when: roa won ln'• .JJ diJ •· -dcot*uolbay-.W..-- wh .... yoy kMa,.. ot _.,i, ~ you eY!'Y conlidMotion froftl wlto wollf to o,.onge tM ~foryoM • rnortgoga, lirsl ''" ArM rica. Thi• boft~,.noke1 estoh looM ·p~i"'' ii'IMnd-\y FHA) Oft ol ofiftl prov.d P'•IP""Y-1~ flats; oportmet~~, ' d Ullriatl ond other lfOTI: 1'0 AI 1h:• bd~· ~"" .,...,;.,., -p!era 1o~• ol lt.JMrica .... oppoft\1 .. ;, r....;~"ll ..,..;c. flO "" .. !let' o!ld tt.. twy.r, SANTA Fl lYSTEM liNES ............ -........ --------'