HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-06 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SA.ND CRAB SAM UOVING. Did you ever m try to m ove in the mid- dle of sununer? Try it some time, folks,.fclld get the thrill of your life.· The house we are moving into needed cleaning, ,painting, repairing. plumbing, sanding, recover- ing. gas, electricity and a few other irrcidentals. All those items require an artisan. Did you ever try t o get one in these war times? Sure. I know: you all get promises and "tomon-ows'', but n o workmen. Well. I want to sat tha t we we nt t o w ork on tha t subject a month or more before we were ready for the fray, and the men we got to help us, every one kept hjs w o rd. •. Such fine fellows as George Gordon, whQ did the carpen- tering; C lem Deakins. who did the palntlng: Harry ~­ tus. who d id'the plumbing- all a ppeared on schedule . as did the Southern Counties G as, with the others t.o keep their w ord later in the wt'ek. Tried to get a sander for the floors, o n th e theory th a t ye ecribe· was to do the job. but thank i:06h, no sander was ava ilable. In between time, the car battery w e nt dead. and Bobby . Robins t ook part' of his Fourth to fix and in- stall a no the r in his dad's F or:d garage. 'Course we ex· pect to m ove this week e nd. whe n the real fun will start. but isn 't it nice to find tha t ):OUr fiiends will help when the h c lp1ng-ts r.('('rlcd '! + • • Madam l ..aHue. · Manv of you o ld timrr:; know l\ladam LaRue of Bnlboa fame, w h o used to mn llw first m ovit• theater h ouse h e r-e Hnd w h o inauguq 1tcrl the b a t h i n g • girls' ·J>;Drade. Sudtie nly s h e -ttro~ out of the lllrture and an of us wondert'd where ahe had g o ne. until George N ol£lnd, a nothe r old t imer . no w w orking ot A ckcrrmm's, c.afne in a nd.sairl the Mudam was living at \\'illinmsport , Pa .. was Nu"'ing foP the cos- tunlcs of some ~mo acto rs w ho plny l.'rl thc. so I d i e r carpps in the ea.<\ I . and d{)- ing rig ht well fo r every-body concerm·cl. With a h<'a t·t big a s all uutdom-s. I hn t lath ·. n ow in hf'r 7U1S, pla,ycd ·a .Jead ing role in the early tluys of BaJboa. • + + llarry Tudor. S he d iscov- ered 1 larry 'I\Jdor a n d bro ught h im h e r l'. ' J lc in- trodu <.'Cd a r.umbc.•t· of innO- vations: persuaded Ray Bur- lingame to build the Ren- dc.tvou.S; d is<.'Overcd Phi I H arris and a number o f other band leaders, n ow fam- 1 ous; popula rized the plac:e ' with "lialboa Blues''. Mrs. L aHue had a m ovie h ouse at Newport ami ne.xt door to Gunners u n Drug, later rounded The Hitz, "ilhJCh was then turr.l'<i into the HaJI>oa theater. She knew and s till knows hw1dreds of sh ow !X'Ople and the '' o r·k ~he is domg now is hu I w s he djd years ago in Hollywovd. • • •• • for 36 yearw-tbe best advertising medium in tile newport harbor district • • • the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker BALBOA I MESc~ .EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOKl:: COLONY. LIDO ISLE. Nl:WPORT HEIGHTS. BALBQA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME XXXVI NEWPORT .EACH, CALIFORNIA, THURIDAV, JULY I , 1t44 .--.~ 7 NUMaatt U R T . . 8 IQ B -'L A 1-Cpl. Hugh M~Millan H bb d H d escue ·ra1n1ng asetq ~_u•.N .~!?__ oan ssn.luomeon_Furaough 1 u ar ·owe vote B E bl h-d 8 --u s •'1•1 lluah tt. MrMIIIu a rri\'C'ol p d s h · t · ·"~~;t:~~~~ ~c:~:=t::: repays ~~:::::· ... l7)n-~~~"t~~~ Ju~;~~~ res1· ent out Coast e s a Is e on a y Ia lltlll eomewh~r~ In t.be SOUUl • • lit• Ia ., ... n.unc hill furtouah al . ~ • Off the· Coast HighwayJ,~~~~-:·~:~:;o.~M~ $45 000 :·:.: ... ~"~;~ ... :r:~~· :~.IUl~M~:I c F v· p I . "';~::~~ .. :,':!~n In O~«"n tor o.; . r anz -ICe res. I • I ho• JU••t !\ rr unlha whotrt" h.-wu I ""'I 1'.-J from 1 'amr HanlJl Anita, City Arranges Lease With Military for Use of Wltb II' '''1111"11111111111 Jl;t~ntrnl '··· ud "· l""'"'' 11" Ia uaiOI( hi• I New .. ~xe<-utive Announces J4'ew Chan~e~ In D ks d Fr ta to 8 •td st• d ol dlvidt•tl(l. tlln•rtun. "' lh·· "''" I ..... ,. I rr from lhr amly tu \llalt ., I • oc an on g~ Ul apa an ,..n Balhi0/\0 }'('(i.·rl\1 Slnril~' 111111 I'll• numrr Ill ffiallvea and rrh~l\lla.l er80nne ; nta.tinaly on Board of D~ Structures for Cadet Use. I t.a.n A. ....... lauon w.'(tn.,...lll) tt•· I tors· Ur Hubbard Vl·ce Pr-id•nt I let.~Jed to lt'ftlt~ II 111'\~111(11 lrl'lltl· t • ~ ~ a.donloan(mmthf'll ttl.l".thu" (•t D . . -------· After cons iderable planning an d working oOt of details be-w&Pna tt ~ •IHtt: d o•un Ill II II );10\o'l n I y urn p I hthhl)l'tl llowc•, wtm. hull hc't•n with lhf' South eo..t CG tween the cit y, the army a nd thl' various h o lders or leaSl'd "*'1aJ '"d"'•t•'dl"'"'-"· ,,, .. "111"111'1 1 · 1 sinN• Mnv l 'IT\ wn~ f'h"t'tNI 1 'I k• 1 1 •ral • repaid h In ,.,.~ ..... s ur 54~ (lUll I . . . ' . . . In'S f n 1\nl l{t.'fl(' I1'UU\a8t'l' piers. the council Wednesday n oon arranged t o lease docks , L _ or the-('OOIJllt lly. o l tltc• I'C)fliClmllon 'H nnnunl O'M.'t"tlrll held 1ut and land off the Coast hig hway and nc_ar the H a rbor Cham --~~.d·,·nt P. ,,A. I ,11,1"''''• \\ ... 1. e' as 0 rs . Ftitln~·. 1'\lt'\'\'t'fliiiJ.: tlw lul l' Willi on lluhhfln1 Jr• -~ ---~ l"i l"lllll"<" lnl: ,,. oH'II;III'I In . I IIIIC' '"""""' "'" ber of Commerce s ign, for the t t·aining of cadcLc; in the army, lou! o1 $.'>I.~. ~, .. ,,.,1 '""' , . .,;,. 1 '":~allvt: nnn•~tn<'I'C1 ft>W <'~ll~lo.'{'ll In Jlt'ntOflnt•l. but ltated that navy and marines fo r rescue work. Sllps will be dredged a nd '-> 10 publlsh;od 11,1worh. 1111• ~~~-1 \\ .tltl't C:. Jo ranz. w h o "ILs t•lt'\"h:'ti Yh '(' pr'C'Iddt>nt, would be an area 140 feet fide. from t})e wate r's edge to the highway, ~ rwvcr had n•cl"ivL'\.1 u •11,,. D • ff• I as.-.t~lunl ~c·tlt'ml lnllnL\J{t'r. 1 --- will be utilized fqr build ings. 1 • •-from I hi.' ~:ovenmwnt nm1 thut I I C U ty flr. w.att n Jlubbctrd. wbo baa ttnw.-u ctllc-f ""~ at-ttMo ear- Under the arran~~mt•nts the 1 ins;: 11n1:l<'~ wtth thf' rrsult UJat It 4 JIll the y .... ,_. thfo l l s. 1u1vurw.-1 1 1 •'•11 ''11rt ~·1111: no Ill t 1M '''lflllll&ll• Jlolf'Utlun govcmm~>nt &<'CUres P1cr 1 and 3 Wili'i turned ov .. r to the clly pl11n· ,_.. to ~•nn th•• n-..~·lnlt•n• .~. • · 1111" llin•·" lhl' llcoath "' ht• •"'· · Wht.'fl Mr. llubbal"d, Jr., Oun. , for the durlitlon ut a ro•ntol or l nt>N fnr n rl'port. .,. n'f'Nvc•(l tl~t• ~<llltw dt\'td•••"l' .lu•t \\'"" •• rlcht or wrun~r an•t ~ ~~~ '' I•· ,. I '''' to ... -.. In 111!1:1 to ~. o.w U. $2'L5 JX'r IJlOOII\. Pi<'r 1 hod \)e(•n 1 Jtobl•rt Hoyt ~ ho h ad spphl'd that lftdlvuJu11h1 ~~·ut.'ll. ~ •., 1u,t what.. wu 0 1 ro~rn "' u \'In· · 1""""1 ,...,., l'l'llurany. It wu a ...0 ll'a~d to OonaJd W . Dou~::tal' uf for 11 rranctl<l' for a boal tltxJ Rt'port In~: a l'f•nl lltUIIIJ.: ~~"~lit l'w , 11 ''· whrn 11 Ism I'd Ulal d •' n I T u Ill I•IIUtl 'ljli'C'Iallttlnll' Ia .,....... 1the Aircral! Co., ~t S_apta Monte:'· around lht' bay m Ft•bruory of tht~ lD ~"' ul thf' flirt I hal t lw•~· " 1, ""''r" ,, 0 ,., <"lly duaop tor thl' Mulllncl) w"" • ,._., llul •v•n tu ~-,. * but h<' WI\. I~M . hL~ rtghtl', 1\S did Yl'Ur, wa~ laid on th<' tnbl!' when Pfc. 8TANLF.Y DIXOilf .. litO•· n .. w 1"01\SII'\JCIIUI\ ,., lin t•urr~·ttt )'1'&1' ha.J 1»4'11 t.n • dl•s•ut rnutlt• II 1111'1\1 I plan. l'IOIIrtl r(~· ca.,... ........ the Vandl'rb1lt mterests, whlcft ~("t h!' rt'cnnside r<'d h ts t't'IJUt'l>t and 11nlt4!d 8 taW. ..... _ Oorpl aDOt, Ow ns..,.X'Iutlon u.~u.'(l tl~o•u 111 1 11 e , hf'r nr th.a IWW~nl 1 ,;,..,.,,.,.,.. ..~ • ...._ -~ ••-( P. .., 2 Th · S h ....-----·-• dl uvvr ,. •u v•ar nn• •<'•'UA~ntt h' ( ... , "' "' •....-• -..... purl o 1rr "o. ·· £' out a.~kNI only for o tu·•·n~ to run I . • _.._ ..._. vhll·(ld ~IRII·rm•nt .,111~r .. r talun '11 1 11 tlln'l"ll'l'l Mn•l 1•l•11•l ••~" arr'Md to u.. ,... ,. !Coa.c:t Co. hod P~ 3. 4 Mnd ~ un·,!<l~hl"'!<('('tng trlflh ~mund tAc ba)'~ a venu.-. B&lboa laland. He •·-l ~ter p!l~'llh'nl of th•• dlvlil• 111!1 & hlw l~"'ll ltlf\ ""''h" httot•k tn whlrh tt.,.. 0 dcr lellSl' ant1 under t.h<' nPW plan Jluyt h;ts a Pl••r nt•ar thP t-PrT)' uat~d from Ra~T ~ wtUl U. lM repo1 t !ohowl'll ,. .... ,.,, "' lui· Mr• W. H.. Fer(UaOR, .•,.,_rtna j ....... ,. t n r y ntl· nnlly l••·•tr<l .,.._ get Dock No. 6. The city w11l rx· la~ .. mg at &I boa And h•~ boat <'III,~J,~ ur 1!142 11nd wu enrolled lA ~· 1-'u ,1 1111111,.1,..1, 1,.,11~ f,.f' l"'r hu•l>&n<l. ""hu had aar~~..t I I \•· h t · l ·~· ' ~ J , 11 b . . ., " • l Vfllll.,.,l to ,...,.. 'It • ...,., tfutM!r ......... pend $600 In lmprdvrmt•nts to rest . Will a ccommorlnll'' 50 Jllll'lwng!'~· • lt.llll\ Ann untur to l'ge w en ... 021314 . 101111• '"' 1'1''" l•••lk' " .. ,,..,..te Ule dumr but ba.J nut • •w .... )tl'r n•ntrat·ltl room and oth<'r fadlitll's, 11 wa.~ 11,. wus ~~~k<·d 10 sort Jl('dlil a 1 h..-•·nlll!t•·<l 1n thr Manne•. l• .ctrtltwo.t.·"· $1 .11'-ti:l, 1111.,.,1 11••· •I llh• h• ..... tul<t u, .. <'oun•ll n•ltol Y 11r111 flY\ ~tth ln<M'II lh~ ns:-=·.,.. s:wl. work 1~ I'XJ)('('tro to start at mc~:ophon!' !11\nOUnt.,•mt·nt or lh<' A _,.,II h'."''r• In hie aenlot" y-r rneot1 and ,_..,.111.11 "''· t,:i.t.IMMIIU. Utili J Y llrdrt,·k. wh ' wu wv1 k· 111 ··r ltJtltth 0 , •·ha-l 1,1 undll!r' 1_. ~ unl'l' l>~:null••s or hi" t rtp... thll' H• fnmwr at llll(h so II ul, ~ttu1ley will be c:&llf on hand ond 111 hHilk'. _•1, mg lh~r.-, t.ad oot tr .. all't1 lhl' l"er 1 :O:w'"'"''), Attnr~ l hr r otll'•'m which ..._ ~t 1trJ Approve Lfocioa l!lllra cornplamt.s nf otlwr ("t•nr •'''tnntStl'. ,.,.m••n•t .. ,r ... ~ hy It Ia miUly f rl4enc1a 560~. ,,.IUipllWnt. $115 71. J, .. I J.:••~~~~~• f,.tr ly an. I had lndun•d 1~1' n••y •>f lllf• \'filii· I Ilk• n ''" lh~ t.-.11 ol n ,q RNJut"~l of tho· :-.:.·~port Jla rh<-11 a10 t ' l••ll• ~ \\ll<1 wu never fei'1"4P<< <"h.u •·•·' 1<nd ut h1·1• h~•··t' I • .,, th•·v ha.t '" • hftr.:•· tu tum 111 ""'"-•·•-• ' 1, > u '·. ,..,.a I"C. .. • •• •-~"' _,..., "'"'"' unu•• atul nMvy r r.ft, ~ b-P0!\1 of thr Amo'IIC'Illl L<·J:I(on r.... "''l•llr>•lt.... trllm "'" \'t•ll ll'&tllnc $245.00 ..... r •umr ttf thf' Mlvllyf' tu ·hlltl " .u......... ~ hll'h \\ tth II II I, . -· I f • f I\ r'l s f ·t . ~ t I J k Vale Ua . • II ... Ill'" ,.... ttiHIIIIttllhiC b~ the IOYt,.. ~II'' Ill I""' fl lh r.y pltlpt.• y Water a ety 1'111 Ill r Ulltl .,., rH·n· 1\r • lull qo•' ...... lll•·mll••!' ·lint •·, !'ll v .. :n~tnl'rr l'1ttlt•r101Hl Ilion ultlt···· ... IIIMo\'" lllt"llllttllt·tl. t•un•tt·l lllrllt I I• I t r l(.ftiJi . hu olf 15th 'In"'' \\,,,. rm.tlly nw """"Is a llh1 \ltolv····~ty ur t:a&ll· aceounu , $77:.!:!11:-tt .• 11hun .. •1n k .. tlf tllr •1t\• hn•lnnvttlln" 1, 1111•·, lit•· llltntd 111114 11 .. 1 l 'llllt 1 1 •. 1•111 Y ., panl. '· __ .. • 1 th•• 1 f' 1 t f Lb. " • .. ,.,. ' "" ' "IC purw • n.re -• rr<IV•• Rll• 'gmn Xt\"1'1 t"X-c • Be .. ltiDU&. II I! • ~~ ~JW.:,CIUll, l.k·-lrol:a t t"i'lt·rltl llol!.!!,!.' '"''·'II h.wk,,tloo w Jih thAI an1t llhf' l lllll •·11., .. V.',IJI III•J••tntt~l I:•"IWflll Olljo"llll "\ltrr fl•hl!l UoJil~ po•c·t h) fll'\i'''''' I hl•lr pros·····~ (ttl ampatgn gtns Jll•l•·:o !>.· llj: )1\'11 l••tu.J•·•. S IIU\Iey $90.2!l5UO, lullll' Ill Ill••·· ..... ~I.' .. I ~II ''""'""'"n Ul"ll ,;.lnt~ll-""' l••ntlo'rll • .. • .. l••t~l ll'l'ill llrl'''"· 11 \\.1~ ,,,ul pl.t~•·•l II h.nJ c· I<Nol hall all 338..82; ntllt'r h.llllhlll""· $.:'.:.'i 'l4i lhul t h,. 1-'rt.:u .. •n• hn•l nttl 11.,nr l 1 1, 1 1t111H1 for rlltu,.. l " flll'l' (ur ' Ou··k ,lt Ill n rtlltoo• Monday July 10 II ~ "I I I •I I ..•. ··--......... 1 . '. c• r•·• ··u . .. ' Malt6d llrtnllth ,.,..... .... ....,. Mid tloday that • ' · ' " '"""I Ill( l K ""' allu -...u ~....,....._ lt.:.IIO r"llt, •.• , .. au .... · •1•c· '-~, .. ""'',...IJ'<IIfl{ •n•J I' at lh~v hfl•1 •• "l'b,. ~-~o ... ,,, c •,..,.,. '"''"'-h h • I nn~ •Uif' wa,. ill pl"'l\ ''" • ---played cJa.riDt'l Lll UlC orchcttra. c:ltiQ rtiiHVCll, $:\tl 1100 110. In ,.. ,, It •• .._.,f'MI'IS-uw-"" tl . .!... '1 .d. ', .. plltry nr '"" C'ftftlpany WUQid G S..hlwll Land --. ' ,, ~· ,... . , .. r-mfl•tr "''" • rt II' "'' rapt nllow lh.-ltn"• lai{t dOWll by U. I ,..mmar · Th,. v.·~tl'r s 8fety <"IUTI•..._I.,.., lnttntt no•• u ( U\1' v.•urk lUI •'u•l••· lll·~tha .. r Ruy attl1,.;.,,.1 10 1\outh• tar ... .,, 11 .. 111,., .• M , ... ~a-. A rt~Uf"ot rrom .E . I. Moorr, u • ..-.... I I ~ " --..--pro·••dcnl or thl' 1"••\l.l)Ort Beac-h u~er lhe Jurilldict•oo ut .,,re Chid D d 1 . ~~ '""" 11,. l".-n IW<"ontmeft41.<1 •'&11· • 111 ,.,.1 •· m lu oh,., In l.krae part. "'bl.a tt .. "•• tnaUf'lrat.ecl. a ,._ l;rammar school boanl. for vaca· Flank Croc;k~r will M under full re gang ewport .-..talTun or Ul• Tt>ri'\A*)n Cton~t tn v.ar n mtrart•. and~-ti'Mtl)'lrtf ttiVWIIII t.be ~~ ... l tion of alleys and other dt.y around 1.-tnc Monday, J uly 10. w~n rea-•nd •lrn.lq one w1th ltlr. HMrkk.lol Ita abllt ~ pl'ftident. In ',. ... -. au u. ..... ,; ... at the site of thf• n!'w gmmma.r• l11tratl0f1 wiU begin at 10 o clock at wht~"h 01" coun<'l1 dltt. lll'('ltrintr thl' nrwt ,til amty 11n1t" ('l'ft•rtwtlnn and ~-a..,_ j!'oChuol in Corona riel Mnr, wa!'< n •· t Olh •treet and Uay a v .. nue for c I v p bl Jl')l,•rkk alron llPf'""" lhl' ctlt,.ll navy •htrw to '"' bUilt oo lhf' ,., , .. ,.,,. Mlf'll, ,.._...., ...... I fl'rrNi to t'ht-plannm.: C"Qmffil"'-''~~''" N~wport ~ach and Balb • rut· n' • -tl l"tiiOIIO ... •a 'T"tlr !ll•po Ill linn "' \\ ,.., ,,..,., fulluwtna lhf' t~llbN'il\ hu ahtJul 1100 --... .., rol A IJlll'!ltion ~~~Ill "-hu bOOUICI pay drnltt l\lltl Rl I u'cloclc.·OI) the £Or· a as • exlng ro em lowlt.l lll:ll whlr h lh~ .. -l'rlrll.,..ll• ,( llh• V.IOI 1••-1.:11• a n.J lll','f' IUI\-f 1Jo tn n.,.d vi 8tclre. wi~ a f11r m•wm..: 1\'lt h·r nuun'-unfl otlwr m•r ur Onyx /OI..r••el anti Seuth !:Jay . -I "1~11"'1 ,.,. ""11 fur '2:"10, wa• lf'fl 1''1"t ... '" "" 111"11Y "11 ''' """"" 11•ayroll ur m-Lb&D ~ t'<lq~ raisrtl 11 numhr r .llf pt'fJtlc·~ Fr01nl lo r HuiiJoa lala.nd real!len~. 1 ' tu lht• "'""I""' ltv,. r&rtl,.. lnvolvt•tl '' ..,,.J,. \\1'1,. ,. .. ,.. lltt·tl hy Mr. ,..,.eiiiJ. 1 ---· ---" --1'n o..I I"('W1J"" t•r lll•l ltt tiN'djtf' that lltuck In lhe muol •trttl I hut t ho• A•l"l" lun "' lhto <"1\y huol~o:rl lty Is lh!' 'lUt'l'tl• n' l .... w,.r aand ""8 tlllllll"" tutu t • _Ill•· '""h•·JI ., . ...,. •f'l""v"'t anti ht I'D ·· K Th· • :City Over ToP. -on Bonds; says Report I b II I I th•• flur u•lfln ttv•r fttUnwln• ltw 1 ho· tlty n•lln• 11 .,. w ill "If lo <'ILtll'l. WhiCh ruu.: 1 u •I• n 11 • I"'" , . . ,. learn fro~ I'll fK'rltt what to uo and lht · «"lty t>nguu••·r t" t h,. ••II••• 1 r 1 "' 1"1"11 1 roun• llm1111 111..-11 llJOk• d I 1 . t . I I Utili 111" trf'll .. lr"r aot\11111' Ulf' VIII h•l\• '" olrttl~;•· lht• 1 14nnl 1_1.11d \111 IJlr ••v.••• "·'" ,., '~1 oro V • t'IHIIIII••I!< 111 lht· \\'1'>41 :'\• wpnrt r<'lfJIOnllblP lx'<·nu~•· ll111 hhltk; •ol lull~ olf'pltrtm~rllll t" •t11 y Wit hilt the l'tln-l w·-~,(t """ .,,.1v 11 tho'lt ·••u .. ulltiO 101111 nut "'"'"'' m .. ro· 1\rt'lt llffll: 1\ \ f')Cifll! pr11hlt'f11 ¥ H" ~· n ,,:" bulkhelitl!l h• 111 11 ha• k II uti 1 hll 11 "'"1 111' "" ,...,, h llf'tto. whitt. Tlw I'll \' ''"'"!:'" .... , ~ In ntvo " .... ,Ill Ml11rol Altu hut 11 1,. 111111 lx>• au"'' \ht" l>'•lh IJankallh"ul l lw· httlkll· u • 1 11 m\·n ~•r•· nt·.,.~h ll ••ltc• .. \\ tu~rt" ··lut ~ng ·' ~t.Ud ~~ b "':t~ to ht• ti••IH' ) . o~ t now ere s War Oii"1 Says Sgt. , t 'norficiat rl.'port~ tod:l) inrli- {'all'd thl" City lnut S::•Vlf' ov••r the' tup l)fl il:-l.rond.. fllllll.l or $:t51'11ltl0 Wtlh a tnt at uf mllrf' I han , 't!f.l.· 000. l 'l1bllcit) Chnirmnn An cl r I' w " '!;tuff ~he h:u1 no orfkial qtntl'mt'nt to make on thr qunta hnvm~; bt·o•n (lbt runed 11nt1 reported total 1t11lr~o of S33S.~I mndl' up a~ rollu~!< from !'tH'JY•rt•l wn~. $1!'11.500. I rt •m lndiVIII·•·" '· Sll:t ~- '111•"• . r nunl .. rtid nnt tnkc mto · ac<'oun• · h· SbU,OOO subscrihtd by t.he Ctl~ touncil Monday, ns no of· CiCIO) \'t'll fiCO I IIIII had hrrn m;HI!' to l.'ith(•r Chatnnlln Spicl.'r or < 11111rma n llllrfl('r. CertHIC8tion or thr 1\ITloun l!'< no &Jul.rt ~•II I~· mndl' shortly hy C'lty 1'r"a"ll• 1 Liant. • I M r<. Anrlrcws ~tatl.'d that tndt· . vulual :-uh~cnptJOns wPrl.' still j$.57.000 short Of lhPir ~Unta, wh!l'h wno, (IXI'd ut -~:.?()(1 0001 nw hond tho· llllmnlt'r. ltl1d ~ht•fp •1111 Y•·•· It wu n •vf•ool··l lhl<l t ,. ""''"' I r(Jperty Owners Tho• 11ofllrl1~1 •t ""' llllrljllth\' .. r , ;·rn lllf' put .. In lh• .v .. ntnc; '"'"' curnmlllt·•• wtll mf'l'l m•xt .:•·l•m•·••· no:n ·• lu lll•' m•••nl lmc:J•plh llhoulol •• :\11 f•••l ut I"" M F"• ~ Ill• '" "''' lolll•d ,-ll ui••A "" '"'" ~•vh•ll V"ll J(" Ill"" Mtttf'l u lh•J \\t•f"k (ICittt.tl t•nrl or Hll' bond Jtohn f"allnha..n (" ,, K•N.Jt .... anll lo·l• uno 1111'1111 ~'" .. ,. 1'" "" :11111 ay IX ,~treets •..... ,, ~11 11 Hut! .. , v·nr 1"111 l':n.: "I"'"· Y''" tnlly l(f'l f tlr lnk Ill <Inn· 1~ J uh ~. hut 11 i« lto•ht•\ Nt nth••t" "11111 1 ht• l rul'll 1 11n111 81 r•·«'l 1"ho· ••Ul h I< do• "' 11 ' 1' ~ A •d 1"' •I '' "" 1 h loll~ •I< •1 111" tl In lwo wltlakfl)l • .. ,. drink •ntl lh10l a. thiS t lffi(' "will b<> r'Xtc-ndt'll as •lr•·dl:"l ,.. h<wtb< '"" Ott\'l~hl• ""'' • IIIII I wn• IOUII Ulll •~•Ill 1''"1" lloor~ ,. ,-,top CCI ents I• t••_t . ,,..... 1'\j"l • III II)' Hutn t<ll ....... rythllll( •• ratlrn.,, all:f- Snutht•m ("a lifurnil1 is ~1111 mnl'ly ,,., ••t llwm otft•r•••J 1.1,. II• rvlcea k 1 kt•d 11 11111 ''hit 11 '"11"''" •• 11 II 111' '" 1" 1"" '"' w,., <lrt 1' ··• ·'"' k lltlnl( "'"' Y'"• CIU\ niUne. mtllll!ns shm t nf it~ J..OO."ll. It ,wns tu th~: pty Ill RIIIJtUnn t•l !trifling •·! th{' tr•·ullol•· "''"ldllll-' I • Uu• ''""'' , ... ,,l .. nt • "' th,. """"'' "' :-t'"""''•" "' "''" N•••q···•' lit-Holt .,.,.,. l(lrl• ..,,... IIM'7 nice but ,.;:&.10 today. ··lht•lll lQ h('lp • r'"l:lllf"("r f,l:t\'ll tlull ~ul.t llo·· llllnru<lll lllltl ,.,.,,,,.1 hr"UI(ht lilt 1"'1''' "'''"'""''"' ·"'''"'''' u ... ,;, w•nl to CCIDI. tot.be I 1 1w• IIUrtR Blum ~J Cll P.niPI· v.urk ...tJ<xlll1 ,,. "'-"• .. 1\lloJ II "10" ~'"'''' •I t n ''"Ill .I M Mlll,.r "'"' 'lltol '""' .,.,Jo:•:ultl, ""11•~'" • ., tuol tt tt A aflrr thr war. W•ll, IM4, Q • 4 w• h · I ) 'I tl•• ld!'tl tn hrll L: 111 'I r"l""l ttl IIIII• II I • till ~10 \' 1110 I• v. ttl 1 Mil 1 Ulet th' It n•'•• l'all,.nr •n who "'tldflotn•'UIInlt tl •• nul 0 1,.,.1111., U.liloh '"Ill ,,.. r••"J"">' ••v.n"r" In th11t '""t'tl••ll ' 1 w ill tl•*" llll<t •1 lond n l1 b&. nt II m· I k h t .. .. -..... hill~ •n•1 ""''' rrfrflv ,..,)t·n·· 10 ,, ....... 1"'1 I IOm v••r v ...... v Tit•·•·· II•W'. IIIII t• R I 1\M alol .. " "'' ~n w 11o nt'lw ow " ()p· 11 t 7 ~ 11 1 t•rllh• A dn·tl~~>r, but 111 11ny rate Olgua · Ito f"ltor; thf' atrf'l'f In avfti.J fulur•• 1" .. ,.,. 11"K '1111 •·•y ,..,,, that t~ "I''" hrrtt h•v• wbat It tal!•• Wonderful FI.Shl•n· hie ctUmate that It wouttt rnat "" '"'"'" 1" 111"1 11'~ I"' Jll•· 111 "''"11"" oJu "'•'' ~.:' 11111. whu wu rw'-4 u a ., ~ t.:o~HI lt• t.Jo I hal <lrt"<.ll(tnl: lllliU It wn• IIAI•I that ~ ~trrh1,.nt.. ha.l ~11""' •111''"" 110 11 w .. r 1111 • .. !v,.ry I liNt tl"r '"""' A•n~e&n boy, r&UMr Pl·ers· and 8oats rC'\I'lU('•I thlll fun<!lt Wf'r" IIIMOI'. M. Sontag .. •fll •·ol fit thlll lnt,.,...rllnn ••. .,,,,.,, , .... '''"k IIV"I ,,..,,. Y"U •an i h10•1 IIlii ,,,_ Uta l UlfO ICn,.. .... I I ... I • . • .. .... \\II Ill '"" IAII\1 '"'''Jill' llr .. lllllf', ni• .. Uv •. ,, un•t·l ... l d··----~ ... _ IJUal .. Ill d o lhl' Job •• ,. lllil ., r.r I R I 'n•lrrwo-•1, Whll , op o --- _, th ("111,11\han ll&lot that hi~ '"'*t •nl•l ""'' " •1ntnk•·n Ml•ll'"' ·~: '!:",... '""'" lu Ill•· WM)' lh~<y I ttln," arrnrdlna to hte faU.. . .ad Hnllona I'X!"'rlenrl'd onf' '" !' 1 II "rl'l'kl'fl til• , ... , •t that l"•lnl .,,,1' ' I• now flll(lln« tNt dllf.,_Uy. ljUI<'ltlll F'ourlha In h!'r hltltory h that thr ""'rt Itt.., n•rr•>w. !hal Aa a mi'RIIlt'r rrl th4t U .8 . armed T llt'I'Utly, With n•> <lmwnlnga. DO Soldl·er GraL-a s.e s orne •fntnk "' ,.1,1<1 ",,,.,,,., .... a '""'' R I f '""""· lUll I• lt.&lmrtq ID u. rlrt•ft Rnd few arrNrta Whtle lh,.re R "rn" m11kln.:-ttl" 111m lfiH"• ,..,.,.r11tt11 ''"''"''"t,.' •.t 1•1• father, wbo bM Wll.ft 11 nurmlll h(lltday cr<Jwd. • I 'II • lllolt••r WAll r .. r .. rrf'ft , .. Ill•· esa e 0 IIH· 11111<111'" tll•Untlton til b&vbll' "hI h heltJ 11\'t'r \ro .Mnndny, m&ny Car Has Swell It c . ''"· •'Ill''"""' • • ,..,., ... tn u ... II R anny before .. lrrt Ullll PVenln F:. Pft.!JJ<Ibl,. wnn<il'r. • ' • • • • • I 0 . arson 'I"" nll .. y "" :l711t •t'""' "''''"'". H .' lllld """' ........ tn U\e United ln.: 1( U1rrl' "''uld hr A • t rt·k T H " F •• ··•••I In 11ruo•l l'tuft " 10111.1:""''"" '::' t 1-llnl,.•' Aft"' ••rvlf14r for •• up ''" f'IM!!urP tlnving lme I lng IVe . ,,;,.,,J,. ""'' "'" •··· ,.,.·,l.,r .. ,t ouse ne 5 '\0ioloa In ., ... llrtflllh nary lolr F•"'""J: off til" IW·r hiiJ' tw-en ' • .\1r flntl ~~~-, ....... ~·111 1 ·•• 1111 <111 1• .. 1 It "'""' ft l•·• r .. r.·rr•··l l-ltllltlll"fll ...... , r·rum Auai(IJita.,. ~nnd•rful Ull!l WI'Pk, ~•th.IM'" 11) t1:.Vt• "'llcl th•·ll ''""" 111 1"1.1:,, • .. 111• •lly ,.,1.,.,,...r "" l "lo~llt•r••n•ot 1tn1l jlolnf'tl th.-II Why Not"! Thct'tWlas been a grL•at ot•a l ot dJs~s. .... ion as to tile pums hnll'nt tha t shoul<l tx• !;I\ l'll l he war cnmmab "tll1n \'tctut·y is wun. Atll'l' S\\ ~·ating llll'ultg h • man) llliJI111ls in ttll' :::it.>lll h i"Hl'llll', fill' Cl s ha \ l' t lle pcrtcc t au:-\\ t•r: :\lai<l' I III- ler a n d ·, UJU ~pend tilL' I'L':>t ol Ulclr u;.y~ u 11 ullt' ul the South t'<KIIIt· isla n us. Any- w ay, they l>tlould Lt..'Cl ill h ome muong tile \\'Ide van- e ly ol suuJ\c:. und UlS4.'d.s. • + • 50 to Go 150 Down )llllllrl h:lllltUI l)r ttl( hi In I hili ~lnll~hln'g ll liii."Oihl' lhltiiiJ!h (1\'~ t o H'~ Ill II r••plll lo•d polo, .,f $'1 1 $ s· 5 00 • H A lillY 1.111!1111"'1• lie WIUI !HI nurnlngun•l ntwl n\ypountl nn(' l"liT/Of'arkPdon('rntrnla\'1•""''"'" 11 ttfl0111 '1ttotll ":ll "lllll .. ll•••h•·l w·t f B k . ' '• gain'"· 1':-1 11 l lllll•JI•Irl ltunull~. W•th ;all ot us keeptng tuntd ""''•""" V.lfl h )lun ThttmllJ! lWII'fl \1\nrot•loo Rll•l )l'llll•l "'' II Strt~ .... i .. ,. .... 'lh• ............ I e 0 an I ,. . .......... Wh " llo•·n 11\j ln< the f'l lllfl- to tile lattst ~ord of the .•n· o.,nol••d 1·.., ,,· yt~un.: hoy l'roUtl 1111• ~ :-illllllay ~'''111111' an 1111• I=' ol "'"' ar" lnt•·•· ,,,.1 "' llo• '"·"" "I "''" tttloh· "'" II rat •••ble laltt by v;uton. WC' ,,re> seeking nt"-Cllfllhi:Vt•r "' nnl' ,,, Itt•• hi~( "'X·' ~1 .. 11•11 • ll r •lrlv••n "·" 1"\1 ("Ill 1.• \\ .. ··~ 111111 .. II[ II ,, II· !Ill' I "" Exeoull·ve Dlres ·n, .. ,.... .. . I ' ..... Ill "" ''"" llo· I' • 1"''""'11111 .. 11\ ""·')llo cooursl1are.lthome ll•"ll l•ll>llldo ts~ll/1 ~'rnn k h utz••n lt1•,•'••(1 '~tllfo l l<lllll 1 lllll<•d•••l"l'l • l)htlll 1tl1111•1••111t\ lo"jlll••l ,,.,,ditto I 11• ,,f ''""'•: \\lllo "AII•r l w" v••ur•ln lhft f'hlllp The Blcod 8oank Unit which ,,, IJHr••l l. ~!Hh, v.h • ·~ t.lnwn •,ntl.to-rlnmn~,. ol .. "'')Inn 1\•oi l "'"f•""· •Ill H s 1!1•·11 1 1t.ld• ...... 1•\• ollll I•·"·· I'""" Mt :~ .......... r .. Ulnon lo tll\lt .... u mllke ttl rtrst vl'lt to """' f••r a 1•'\\ tiRy!< ~ hl!r "" II T ,. lltlf'l hnd ,_., lflk•·ll ,, ..... , ••ll•t l:u~.:h~l ... 1111•1 Ill•' """ '" '"·' ere uddenfy . Ill lilt I • dt ,,, .• 111' ''· Ill , .... ,. l''l'lllll'y ..... , llll•·r wr•lfl Ln HIO•ltJe Newport Hoarbor on July 10. \ •••t '" h.:< 10" n. , .. hn II' 1!111llunNI tllr )l~trk.ng lnl nt I h<· HI' II' I• \' 111 • • l.llt;Hna II• 1. 11 t 11, 111 1 . " ,,, 1 •I• 1 \1 ,1 ·' ,,,Jd 111 v. ,,.., ,. lo•• "I! IIIII ~tNI Ule IJu..- r.ust h;~vC' 400_donors to mak, at llot• ~1\n ll<rn;trdonn atr loarw f'nllr•,.•m. ""''~·Il l' own•ol hv c· 111hi-r ~1.t,., •n•l•td•· 1,11 , nl .,, 11,.••11•~• II I ·"""'·~ Sl"'l' ' ,.,,,,. 1111 u "''lilor ,.n"'''f"llelped lay thP lr e !rip down from LOI An: II ~:, t nldl on th!' f.~tl hlll wrek \\' \\:!"•"· ·1!2~ Vollt•y ho•ltl~'\11101 '.''" 19·G·IIJ, ,, 1,,..,, "' 1.11111 11j tlo• \to \1111 ;.111,. T JvJ1mvm ,.11,. t •• 1 '" ••·'·· 1 !'-I•• ott ••Ill S to•r..: AIIUiklt r ultlf! • gele-We l';ave quoar.anteed wru~ 11 3:! 'pound wlulr ""a IJaM, I< flt•rn,.I\JI lln,.,.· •l,.lllrd thl· llw l l:.onnlnt.: ttrwl. ltlttl '"'' hl•• '" Ill ,,, ''" ,,,.,. pn•••d•·ut ef th•• llllllk Jl.oot ... o lltllt • ·~· ''" 1'.•,111• '''"I• ;-------------- thoat moany, 10 we must pro· v.h,lt• t.lw MutoJt·n brtlll~ht. In t hree ••f l ht· l'ttr, slthough ,.,.,,.,,, 11! hi, U M•1r11 t r11.., 1,1 ·~11 111111 ~t 1 I• •·I ,..,.,,,,., .••. "'"'' ,,.,,,,· ,.11tl•l•·ulv ""'"''" l11 1\1•·· :~'"'" 1.11(''1' ,1., 4ucc! What better 0,. mOh yellu\Yt.all.-e&<'h welghln~ 1:, .t .. thtng wnil flollntl 111 tl. hnd "1' "• ~:ltlot ,,, ,,,.. •··•till) .,, '" ,,,., luh :• 111 ,,. .• h11rn,. 11n Allln thy•,i. I"•IJII r, •. .,,l:• \1.-.d••••• ,,j 1l11· tangible v..ay to feel we ar~ f'UUIIIIII. and lOIII 'If r altl'l) hl\lllt Mrt llPII ... "Il """"him fall' ln.m "'" •ar :-.; .. tiiiJ M IIIII• I "' "ftl;ro ·' '~'"" ... , .. ~nt •• 1•1!•"'1 ;,·t >'"'""'· "'"" eu..,.. Ca.ttll luL -1JGj.CI .,, .... Wt<•k dOing 0.1'' 11ome-front part otlwr (.,;h Jo:\llllt• Ofil'rlt ADol Jtay 1111 II lllt)ftJ~<I l'rf'YI"""'' t '""'' ~lllllh. II htom•· Ill :-.; •. v. , •••• t llllfl l•r ro·~· \Vt•tln•·vlrty '"'"' st ........ ..,,,,, lh•· ,, .............. ,,..,,, ... IA"tt.,r·JIUM Manila FOLDERS Fine Ohol~. Appoint- m ent of H ub Ho w e as presi· d e nt of oSuth Coast, ~tves a h ard-working y oung man deserved credit for a job well done. Aside from·bel.ng uni- venally liked by everyone; Howe has a capedty for work that ls apparently ac·., eompUahed ~a 1 Ll y and quk:kly. H1l frienda wW wtth him. but ~ ~t ll ~fact that he wiD carry On an en,tei'Pf'IW that needl • cool bead and ~- th;an to apend a half hour of ("nil, rach lnntii'(J a hlul' fin t11nn •n~t lnt'l lh" p~trkr•l ttlrft hr hall ll•'tl(hl'. ll!tllt mlortwu y. ('••r•.nn t!l'l Mtu , II·~·'''''' ••I \'1'1" ltto $14flfWI '11thl our tim~ giving a pint of blood I whtle lntlllnJ( from lh~ I.Julphln. nNtrly nm t)Vt•r ()fftr~>r thnmru. lrln May\\ 111,11111 1., \.\ fo. v.11. 1\ll h tnl•·rm••nt tn lfollyw1,.,11 l:''llll•·tll·lll luu l .. wru•tl ""'" "' lltt• to ••v~ a acldler'a llfe7 At Sroll'll Lluldlng, the W11trr AIIPn. lht>. IB\I,;r rt"f"•rtrll •"'· lWu 1,~1 , .uod 11 h110.,. 10 c•,, ,,.nl•·h·tv l•.n~: '''''In ~"'.:1 No·WtM•II m ·ur llor• I W1t1 h "' taklrtJ( the place of I be C.t 11 flA.m•.ltf'd 1nclut.IN1 " f'hl'v· rnna .. _1 M'"r. '!11•· ltllhlflonno,•hllv~ """'d"" h••r•· Y•'•• 111 'lulo 111111 wlowh t•xl'·1•1.1'11 Anyo11e thinking of algnlng u.. o .._ { •• 1 1 1 1 r . rruc.ef'l. whtch 111 tltll"ked for a rolet erdan, own-ed by T M TIDtt• Mr. and M~ L." M ........ ~h•·•~1· 1,. rur ul,.•ul a )'Nir anc1 thfo drctoa!INI llf•vc•rt• •unf n ·• •·•·I tp lhr my up ahould do 10 Immediately ' • ' r II u .. Jl I I r h t becauM 'of the clerical wcwk frw day~ for f"I'PIIif'll. Don P'td· l~y. 2223 ·South Malo .t.I'Hl, HIUllll .\lief' M Colr hoU!If' 10 C"O'II:I hllfl 1-n In app~~,.nt trflOd 1\f'lllth •• "'' • " Jtflrtlon n t r m ntlll(f' ~n repontd auch bll catch('lt Ana. u Ol~ob1t~ aetl&n own~tl M-•. · unt1l 11 '"..,., tU,YII bf!for.t' twr f1toath . for n,.,,rly l'nouab t o buy th.-I .. w •nd time limit Involved. Evt""· ~-t l't t 1 ·" IU. 1 ·' lhal the fllfhtrmen h&4 to make by "'eber W. ~ker ot 904 North In Nf'Wpor1 l11•l£hlll Mr 11ntl !Y-rvkf'll .,.,,.,... In rll•"'t' ot 1\rv CaA 1'm~··· WIIJI 11 11 '"'· at .-av· one 11 Mlllt ••t9ned a time two t ripe to the dock to brtll.• Ztoyn .treet, Anal:elm; a Ponti•' Mra. Hulh E WIIMHl h•v~ 110lrl Harry W Whll,. al Ralboll l•l•nc1. Ina h im hi• hom.-on lht' lui. •nd hour' te M pre.11t. AI· • •-lh I .....-..... ._. M fiack t.helr ttah. ooupe owned by Ueut. Edward n 11 hou8f and lot In tht' Firat Addl· In r~rlrllt lnn ~o Ow brftevf'd hua-1 "''0 ~'' Aa C' r.-r..,. "''" '" r. =•:o 1::::"• 8llf'N u,. ~ The SUeno of Port Ofu&'8 Ia ,.._ Mulally of 114 Jr:ut Central an: t1on to Mr Md Mra G T h11nd 0\ari'll C., Who 18 elan man· Sloan wu th11t .ol lhf C W. Har· ~rted under cba.rter every IIWI· nue. Cia~. np r nr t.M Wnll •t 7U. and 11111, riiiOf'l howP et Narctaau~ and l'llt yeur flame .._ • the day durtnl' July ud Aul\lft to 'rvt. ~ wae n'--d to mtU-l.da May Wllll•m• hu purchiUM'd l .1t1 An&f'lftll, ~ Ia al100 Oa-lln, tor l l.'\,OOO to Mtu ,F,(b,a "".!0~..:. :'!!.': crtlal........ Mr. a'lld Mra. WeDdell 8e&baam etary pol~ abet tak• to Camp I from Uw dt)'-lotl a and Jtln block 1111\IT'VIVf'd ., .. -. O.t. Derpt .. n of Oranp. She wtll oc- • --ol t.be BeJa.o. Inn..' · Hu..o for t~pe~CI&I courtmart.&al 440. Corona df>l Mar. ------cupy the plac:.. _. tN A_..,. ~'• ~ j Oa BaJboil I IUIMI, · ArtJnar W . Lt. &ftCI llr& K. C. .. n•• of ---w:;,:)MIIII..= =:--._, .._... Mrs. UUI.all H-blft7, ot Mr. sad Mra. DlctiJ' nur-eeon. from JUt.ctwy o." N~. 1110 M~ e.-'-' M ,_.. llAJitlaAa IT Aft llaT II f'alnt: I (:ute ;.. '3u ... lAtter-....... Alphabet GUIDES ~trmM., _ Ill. Loe ~ .,....t tbe wee11 tad of Loll Anplee .,..t u.a r.itJ1 In Tnct 234. loU 2 and • In • for ten ..,... Ide ..._ ~ Dl.aen llM' J<Ainau Stat. eodttty wtU .,..__ wtU. t.r ...._, Mn ...... ....,._ wtUltlf!f' JIU'Wita. Mr. Get Mn. H s UO..,.. .ad b1 lla'* N·t.Gilm~. or ... ':" set-, ud hold tJwtr umuaJ ht1 iwiun.r bu· •n W. VaMNf Aw.. ~ _,,._...• NuMI4 diet ,. .. J1u11t614 a..-... CO. -A_ 8taDda. of 101 ..._....._... ...... to_ 1M PMUk ~ ~L .. ._ Hea.. R • ·-1111 8M I.e pkNc In Bb1by park, Lcln« 'I'll et Jtf-II ,.._ I'IN etat'-. ,.._. 11. -•-I....... ~&wMIII At lttt. -r-• ..-a del M&r. ODrofta ..del Mar. e 0 ). • '/. ,. •----------....--!. f ... \ ( ., ~-..._ ________________ ""7"" __ NEWPO ___ RT_·BALBO ___ A_NEW-:-_s._+o.m __ Nft'PO __ rt_a.et. __ .-:-=-C-aJ_if_orn_ia.;.:.,_Th.:..:...:W'Id=-::...::.:a~y.!.., _:J:..::;ul::y~6:!.., _:1::9..:.44.:._ _____________ "---------- N-£W5--Tt'MIIOEA 5.. • MRS. AMERICA l ::;~e4au,;:-:;un:.=: Phone (A). Installs • 25 YEARS AGO !· MEETS-DEF~SE1 ... u &Ad tata 4urtn&. Jm._ U •t ... ~a.-• PIIONDI NKWPOIIT 11 • II I And now for blue polnt.. fte m Ornt.:;u ~mce 8&1........ '-'--d ~ote.. J··•.r 4th • an • I ..., ,. a .... ..,.,..., ~-Vohm..-XX.% VI In the ~ old •ummer Ume July quota 60 blur polnt.-Ja,.,.. F H .tals IMu.-....... ... ... .. IJ'l 8t membuw ol ,JIIIB. A.mu1ca'e1 vldt•tJ Ulrou&h t:e V!lld&Uaa ol or ospJ ~ Racbel l.Uen&a and ber a.IIIIM:ripUoa Payable In Advance:-S2.&0 per year In Oranre County; farolly enjoy :!4.~1 water· WI. XI, n. Z8 anJ A3 ll£ ntscm ...... ·-t-........ "'--'" I----·· ... f& ~r yar ,., tua .._; U .OO--·to 8th_._ 1 ·'I ' ........ ~•. -.....,..v ... y ,_,_, r-• ,_. n f'lun AJid Nlllmrr they hoo>k four. Prevll:.,az Y ... ~~~~~ .. 'l'uned u It 1• to &e apirtt entert.ained over lael week-eod ~ u 8econd-claM matter at lhe Pa.totrtce In Newport Heach, llhould like wate • ~tter ~-bt-arrnc lbe numeral roght Oft ~I of M'rvlce," PreMdent Powley of Mill JUll.t Gucmhellil. wboH en· CalltLreJa, uDder lbe Act of r.tarcb 3, 187g. ra11ll~ ncow cell.n.r prlc• eatab-ftlo·& fr<1m A to W -have ~ The Paclllc Telephone a~~d Tela-l'all'menl to Lawrence Frank of a. A. MEYER • • • • EDITOR AND PRESIDENT llahed bJ the 0 rice of Price Ad· validate<! and remain cood lDdifl· ~raph company emphulzea, In bla Ule firm 01 Harrta It Frank haa ,... __ U.C t'&uL._ao_u w. C.nual Avenut, '"""'Port Uea~u. t.:HI.f 11 nla m'rnt~tr11tlon w111 mean •ut.tan-nrttly The n\lln1 ral on tbe ~P • statement aceorr panying dividend' been annouoced lin I rt<Jur·tlona over I he prlcea of ld for ulrnt flral lon only &114 baa 1 1'11rcka mailed today to common I · Official Paper of the CitJ of Newport Beach lut year. · no runni'Cllon with the value. All ' shu reholtlt'ra ··lbat the telephooe ' Saturday evening on thf ~--~and A D-.:1 II•We LAcat IMtltutteft ,..,. Over J4 Yurt i Hnueewlvea wtlo h.an prohlrma hlul' 111amp1 hll\.1' a unt:orm ~~-r~rg&nlz:allon' realizing not ooly I wu oae loog ~0 be remember.-.., u __ o~ "n-trhlnJ: lhf' hOIW>hnld bud~~:et I t• n uf tt n pnlnllt a nd all are I'OOd u1~ pro.ound lmportanrt but aliiO our bonfire acked ncthlnc to 1 •11n a~lale. the War PrWuc·l •nttertm~ly tar Ule purchue of t c full aiJtllllicance ot lbe Euro-, make It a beautllul name. Tbe &U'PI~LDrTQ"fAL' tlom &>llrd'a alluatlnn In allneat · •r·tttionNI pr~>l'Mttt'd fi\M•. I'''"" lnv&.JII n. hu been perform. I ~wd wu vuy apprec;latlvt' and ""'11 ~ n lnJ: 11l'&ref' matfriah•. f''ll"llt ml'lal Whllt on the •ubjt'ct of pro· 1:: v.lth lie characlerlatlc eam-e IYPAY fort~me teller wu ao 1944 SSQCIATIQN ! \\'liM &11 IK'arr ,. thrn-wu n·t <'OIJ\IKh , ISIIf'o' follllt< anti vcogetabl! .. bere.·• ~t nl'lil!, eftk irncy and . courte.y clever ln ru dlngUpalme and .~"1V· · ~ r•vrn for c-lnthee hllllf.l'rl !'lo Ulr 11 \\ unl In tht' wfllt'. The rett.lnl of v. hld1 acrord with the flneat tradl· ~Dg ea~h one a ll~i e meuage froaa • -DIIUIUfiii'IUrt'l"ll uiH"d car!lbOu ol I ""l""tl upar,gJII, peu and to ttoout ol 4!e aervlct'." er oo llnR bubb og lce.Uie, all or And n' w ~aUk of the l'rltk al maloe11 to ratlonln~: en the July .. u11r cumpany:· PrrMdent Pow them recelvlr.g l ootl meaaagee of ------------------_:·:__ _______ fli'Jl"r llhnrtll~t' thf Wf'A hu rt· r••llll 1 h&rt IJI a Jtlgn.al for· In· l•·v further 1tatetl. ··baa lake;l cheer. Her prophecies for th!Jt D.-Wh leuetl aufflcient matertal f<.r tht' , r~""'·tl vu·tnry gardenlnc and rt·cently additional .tepa In m 11• place were eveo u hopeful U we uunor ere Honor Is Due · . I nuUiufartun-or OM·thlrd lht' l'rt' hrtmt' canning. National OPA tnry hospitals tc. provide .the v··' have dreamed of, glvlng u,l mucb1 , I war rruductlon of metal Clot hr!! I "•"f ('I e.~tt'r Rnw•l!'s dec land-t 1'1118 with every poulble CODve· t look fort'wartl to. Sbe wu a the war, 922 000 men h8V(' been honomhly d is<'h argf'rl rro m . ·"''ff' llrf' July J!Oin';r. for JairL. how IJflJall, and Ule I' an• you put ., .. !1 • ( t••lephonl! ~rv .ce, wttb the I a ll right. . RADIO. SERVICE Home, Auto, Marine R.adlc» ftepairec1 Marine E1ectridan Burt R. Norton 1111 CoMet Hlpway NJ:WPOft BEACH ....... ., o .... tlng Cal"da and a GNat Vartety ef Un-.1 Glfta "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND .. C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and ITATIONERY Dlamonda -watchea,. Fino Repairing rt.oae Newport 1111·& 1791-H Newport •!vet .. Co1b Meu, Callf. l• Oellclou• Sea F'oode Ur COO'\pltte equlpml'nt wht<n you want to eaten your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON C£1\ITRAL AVENUE, NEW.PORT BEACH ~ War ~rtmfmt Announces 1hn.L sln tt I he' s lar1 of ! Allgera I "your vlctc1ry garden, no matter r~u·ncl' and comfort In thl' rend I-h3 ndeon:r and bewltchlog gyp.ty I ' . , , 'Ar-rr•r11 Th• ftunlly • July hud· up, w111 J:H a lnng way b ward lllnO\Dtlcn of telephone attend. Mra. E. P. Futuele, Mre .M. E. h Anny. In their MVIIIRn clotht"S, m .tf\.Y n f th~ \ €'trnln!-l get of polnla to conr pun:-hllMe or k· o·p•nf.! ll<>lnl valu~ of CINIC'tl 10111, m uniform or ott erwlae ap-1 Gockley and Atlaa ~usan P. Tur· L~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .tMJIIN no outwl\rd !rign or war fierviet'. nnrl th•'Y V('l')' prof)('rly rail f't'•l mula and feb WIUI l'n· v••J:f!t ftblo•s at a low leve l thla rro.>prtattly ldtntlrled. 10 that nf'r are enjoying t.he H&rvt'y cot-, Eaent beta& Q~rled !\\1.-.piclou.~y on th('lr ~atu.l\, I rl••ht•d bv \he vaM atlon r f x~. year." o•\er>: auiatance will tie reo4end:" tage for lhe month ot J~Jy. r----------------------...,...--- . y8 and 1118 In ration honk fou r ~in Amt'rlca'a J unior can atlll ,,..11nttng out that In and near mill-I Newa N'otea of Balboa. 1 'Ibis editorial lA to en II to the attt'ntl~n of n>nrlf'rs t.h(' r.=arh nf th .. e "~'lltiUI'Jlll. g0011 'fnr f'•Y hf• wfty In ration po'Dt. for t·•ry and naval utabllahmenta, Mra.,G. P. McNally hU hu •um- lii!IVtOP ~0 ~lgnaWd for honorably dsschaf'J,!t'(l S('tVH'I' t•·n po1 nu . will bt V.llll lntlrfl· nt't'<IJI ot contlt'nM'd and evaporated It'! phone centua ataffed by per· "'' r !lome on the Island open for tnen and ~n insignia which should IX' rec·~ni.t.t•<l ar t+-ntt .. ly If th•·rf' are any red "t"mJl~ n Ilk '""'T"t" lnr reaaro valu-. Dur-•onul'l upt:clally tralnNS to handle 1 th• sea.IIOn. . _ _..by r S O.•~trln£! t.hco rouml"f'al l"ll(hl l'l, rfl• 1n1: July th~ ration vnlue of cannPd thco ralla cf .ervlc.'e men aDd wom-1 , Matlam Schuman·Helnk 8 eol· ·~~ f'VCry 00(' 0 U. · tlun hook four lrtt Ovf'r tl1ey at II milk 1,. tw<H hlrde or a red point •'11. a ud tull-tlme teltptiooe m'"a.. < ler • n 111 In Balboa worktng a t 1 'ftle bodge of honor, wom on th(' lapel hy m f'n trnns-' ran ~ urwd. The'!P thirty , m l" per p< und '""lead of one-halt ~!I grr• have ~en provided Uti'OUWh-t the carpenter t~t'. _ ferred fo lnactJve status u well as th()S(' honornbly dl"<'hargf'd • 1 •>ut the duration at the variou• c The t:'h,.~on ~ ~ot~!e In . from lei'Vlce, la a golden ~agle, wtngs spn>ad, .. t in ft -rirclf>l History's' Lon•·est Battle Line Clllrpll ... "Nolhinc 11 being lett .::..•cen ow 0 or e .... , , ..tu.-.&-. . "\ uodone, be at.ated "to aula1 the. ........... .,. thirteen vertical stripes. 1be vt"tei'I\M who Wl'ar It l . . . . . arreed forcu , In ~·very plaqe and • 0 . Batn w ~ln back an the job I ·_,. entltJt!d to tM lftllle reCognition ror h aving !iit'rv('(t thie r Though , many Jon~ :md pUntShtng SUrface miles still }h~ In every way, ln telephoo!niJ t.bdr at Way It Qrlggerl . . com'ltry U men still 1n uniform The lnsl""ia ldJoul.d ~ ·~· • lx-twi'Cn our fort'l'S nnfi th<'ir major Ohj('('tiVt>S Of Berlin anci hatnea and ttelr loved onn·· I Chu Pollartl ~ hn e for a two . ~.. IT k Air .....a t t • t b ·~t th ........ oof • W<ek's Vllllt wiUI hie brother, nbed and Ita wearen accorded the respl"ct which Is right lly 11 yo, h." roops ron tnUt' 0 ':._, t'n e news w•u• ,,('. · pol~t p;r "'pound. Tille meana., 6eoe&e l"c'l...a, -- theirs. u hOoe.t .vidence o1 the public gratltuck-"'" nil fi'Cl tory aftt>r victory OVf'r 1ht' t'ncmy tn both the European and , three 14ftlo ounce ~ana with two Newport Ntwe: for their lei"Vice. i Asiatic th(>Qtres. red pointe, a rate wblch wtU &llow l4lae Mlnnle Butterfield of Re.no, El Paraiso CAFE A~D SPANISH KITCHEN Court Street ~ McFaddeD P~ NOW OPEN UDde r the penoul su~t!rvl<Uoo of RA\'SANOOVAL Formerly of S..ta AD& ~<;:lALlZING IN SPANISH DISHES Ench•ladas Chili Concarne • • • • • • •• TaCOs Chill Ralleno I The dlspatchl'S from front lint' <'Orrespondt>nts, powin~ 1dt'quatce cannLd milk tor tn~ant Nevad.a. t.. .he~ for a vla1t with • , . ft-edlng on etamp• from the baby:1 her father, C, C Butterfield. Chin , Se Y hQUrly over the censors dt•sks. concern s trange Cities, towns , •wn ration b ok Howtver If Ju~t Join: Tbomu Bradley, who hu .. -------------------------. . a 8 ven ear& m ou ntnin peaks, rivt'rs, valiPys and beaches which the atlas "•nt' can of milk •• b-lu«f't, a h&IJ been Sj)&Ddlng a ~eek vlaiUDg I T JUlv 7 1944 Ia the "triplr !evm"~or C hinn-th£' ~·f'nlh I a s....,-ures us are thous:ul<t-. o f mii<'S apart. Th()S(' dispatches S('t m .l point will be l't'qulrod. w ttl Mrs. M. 0. Arm.trong, New· ' 0 I AY'S BEST . BUY•. , • · • · , . --_ ~ port Helghte, rl'tumed Saturday day at tt..·III!WPth month or ~he year markin~ the ('nri of many a ho mt' front ph1IOO<>pht'r wondt'nng a t the tremendous y f . d · d . to her home a t Ofkland 1 1iPW!J1 yNft. of her struggle for f'UrvivaJ a~ainqt Jt~JXtn. S<'Op('. Of this m ociem w arf;:y-e that ga thers the bpys from OUr r1e~ ~ an mme Mr& C.orge P. Wll~n waa a. Badlln 1937 ttle Jnnc picked up wht>re th('y hnct ll•ft off Main S tret't to tl>st ttwir itrength and valor in scores of ~· Ana.helm p3 rk ....... , tht-place vlAttc r In Loa Angele• on Monday. · ,_, .... • Gaylor Hflm• le working at t .e S '1875 tanporarily In their rarller attack on Chinn, and ~t out to nt!rtllnt pla~ at Onl't'. ."h<'&:!n ror a eurpriM' blnttday O'Mera Bakery during lhe aum· port Fishing Cruiser • (j .. WOO" ~·Chinese Into the greater A.'>in "c•o-pf'Of\JI('ritv Some el1terprlsing ge nius with a n t'ye ror military maps (!Inner' In hnnor al R•llv ,...vtnn mer M'UDn. !8 X 8'z . ' II . • . "" ~·-... h .... I f. ld . . . . lint! Rt>v Wnrtl . ....,,,., 30 fTitnda in • I / lpbere". •l:l!\ m, .. n,.wnJ t t' • .att t' I(' s on wh1ch Alhed nrmses are now ·-tt~nth n,.,. Th.-~"~• Joy Rob. ___ --:Ailde from ltmtted RtJS.<~~hm rtirl and llw hdp of a rc'" (•ngagNI. and ri~re<l thf' e no rmous mlleagt' lihking the fight-•~ltf'n a nti Jt nnnlt> 1.-ou Crund PORT OF SEVEN SEAS American n""'"' Chiang Kal S ht'k a nc1 his Jl<'Oplt• Wl"l'l" IC'ft in~ lint'S IH'ro~s the wnrlrt. Tht' front~ E'nromp:Wied are well "<'rt' hnst,...,..s Mr nntl !\fnt J tl~I!(Je,/lttid! • ::;.,-' .-· , h · •·~• · . W l"r\'fon Jr.'lndMr 11.11d Wra_ l2J!Iol' to ftght not Only a l()l'l(', but vlrtunJiy 1~1n>hnfl<INI. Th•'Y hact "urt tmcmg on any UU\Jy S wall map. They md ud<': 1.. f'\w "I~~'' utt"nll"'' y ORE ... to n~t dt.rectly a s:nlnst J npnn und inctih·dly :l).!Hitl'\1 1111' 1. Thf' whole Atla ntic front facing Euro!)C, stretc:hin~' Mrl!. n .. n c-.. ,.,,. ,., .... ~-··"· BU M world, since 'w(', nnd othrr nnlions, t h ou L:h it "gtorl(! hllsin,,-;·· _:\,;)()() miws from Not'th C:t[X' to Spain. Currently its fOO:tS ts. ~rrr••t rntt•rtaln~ltln booor ~ t.be . THA~ "•fQl1f narry ti~trUer-UM-niM'd Yac-ht ftmtno H17 Coa,<~t lligh•·ay • l'hone, Newport 8«-ach 949 ~1.\RI"': W.o\l'~ ... :\1.\RISE 14.~1.\'r\(;t: •o -u war-.... nnl'-to Tot.v0 tlw (;(10-mth• l.)(':H'hlwa el oll t'l'i.'t lv acros.-; tht' Channel from Jhir thotav '1'' h· ~ '""' 1'"" < ha• '' :4 ~t u ~ -=: .... ,...,. ~ "·' • • • • r r f'1 t•nt •· I,,,,,~ 101 luoll'll l'nt ~ith ~lblr ~~~and ctrtr~lruel h m thr Clt in~ ~ngl;tnd. ~t r·~h·r Jur•••••·l~~ ~~·mmnn~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ have fGU~t on pgRinst the lnvadf'rs anti n~<tirlsl f:ornim~. :!. Thl~ M<-.litt'rranl'an f1·o nt. 2,000 miles Jon~.:, with a.cr I' ''"••I r-:.u. k. l'ntrh 11 an·l H•lnna Oooda and ..lam-. When w~ finallv_J"nte rcd the' war in 1 !_)-11 I in• <1'ntt•r.< in ltltlv and t lw Ba lka ns. l 'u IHinto-.:h 1" ''" (k ll'. K••nntth .,-,.-~ ~· .., : . . Oyr B:lrh~ra ftnol lllllv Conley, It wu too late to get effective nid to them. .•. The Hu.o;stan front. PXtt'ndang-2.000 mil~ north and anol l"nul Rlrickln . . Now Oft the seventh annJversazy of h('r lefl· nno "l':lth south. . I Frank L. EMtOl3n o' ~a.nlll An& ... •'r.:aw. .,.. never In a ;mol'? rl~mtr pllf~ht. 4, From thE' Kurll('l; tn 1ht> Marshalls , :\,200 miles.. • Willi h<m rPd wllh A blrt.hday din· • ··•~ • · • · · nrr at till' homf' rtf his son &nd• ~Vftled by w nr : wt>ak~ by hun).:('l'. hnm1"."f'rl. h~· \\'ilcf irt· 5. 1:-rom tht•· Ma rshalls wt•s twurd to S umatra. 5;200 daught.-r-ln-lnw Mr 1.\1\d Mra. flatlOn. ChlnR star~ on thr brln f< of doom. And till' .Jn p" ot t'(> mth•o:;. K•wkond K F:nlllman of N.-wpott . drivtn~ hnrd for l'Omp!('tr colla J'R' o f Chin(>S(f n.·~,h:t un~,. -li. 11w Indian (kt'itn :md Burma f ront. :l,<IS() m ilt'S. boulf'vtml. ( ·u~tn ~ll'llll Admiral Nimitz ha s pmmist"<.1 to ~tr:ikt' tht•ou~h 111 tho• 7. In C hina. winding Jiqrs thilt m ny t o tal ano lht'r :.'.tlOO China ~ llt the carHcst possil>le momt'nt. Hu t e·rm tlw m itl'S . . ChiJ~ hold out lmtil ht>'gets th~·rx•? And if lht•y dtt, will All th~-r fi~hting fronts <'Ombincd, totitl apprm:ima tely they have .the strengtl\ to fight toward thl• l'<ms t to suppo rt :.!ll.IKX> mil~lht' longt'st ha ttlr lint' thf' wo rld has C\<lr St.:en . IUCh i\ tandinK! Anti it has h•n!;thf'nt><l t'n'n whil(• yo u have IK'\'0 rcadmg this. 1be acCuinuJation of sevt'n unsJX'aknl>M ... y Pa rs of d t'alh II mus t ll'ng thcn ~till-and then <'omp~ a round its rinal ob- and destruction art' bearing down rel<'f1tlcssly on Chinn. 1 le t· jt~·tivl'S, ti~htt'ning an inf'xorable slrel grip on tht• focal reslstance this fa r has been a miradt>. W«> n tn o nly hopE' by points, 13<-rlin and Tokyu'. from whence thr world·('~'Uifing ~ further miracle she wUJ yt>t survlvt>. ~tr·ugglo ·first lx-gan. ... 1'••••• ( Double-a~ed) NEWS of the CHURCHES ' OUR LADY OF MOUNT ('ARMEL CHURCH UU W. Cewtrat, Newport ftetwoll Sunday mauea al 8, JO .tr 11 ll. m. 8T • .lORN VIAS'Irl:Y CH1JRCII 11• MartN AYe~ Balboe hland Sunday mue at 8 :10 and 10 a m. CHRIST CIIUil,CH BY THl: SEA l)otnm ... ty Met!Mdl•t Rn. r:. D. n~n. Putor ' Early monilnc wo~hlp. 9 30· :'hurch &hool claM, 10·15 a. m.; 1 l\lornin~: wonlhlp. 11 o'clock. Sunrlny rvenlng servit'r. 7 30 I o· c-lnck • • EPISCOPAL-, SUMMER SERVICES Ebell Clubhouee, Newport Buch Sunday•: Jun~ 18 through Se p· tt'm~r 10. 1944. I 8:00 a. m H<1ly Communion. 11 :00 a. m. Atomlng Prayer and Sermon. 1 Fln t Sundaye; Holy Communion.) The Rev ,.Robert M. Horarth. M.A.,· St Paura 1_11 the Oeaert, Palm 8pr1Dit~ All Welcome! FIRIT CHU .. CH OF CH .. IIT, ICIIENTIIT Llde TlMater, Centr•l Avenue and Vie Ll4o A briUICh of The Mother Chun:b. ':'he ,rat Church ·of Cbrtat, Scl- tonUat. Ill a:soaton, Mu•chuaetu. 8\0nday Scbool at i :30 a. m. Sunday Servlct at 11 a m. Wed- n«*lay Teatl,noolal Meellnr at 12 o'clock noon. Reading Room located at 711 j E ... t Central Avenue, Balboa. t.. opeD dally from 1 p.' n1. •o 5 p. m. except Sundaya aod holiday• na- Uonally <>*rved. . ------· 1940 hick Sedan, 4 door. Excellent tires. a lrfoam cushions. always covered; radio. For tht> ma n who de- mands comfort. 1939 Pontiac 1938. Austin Four-door Phaeton. • Good tirt"S, motor. 1942 Ford Fordor. Super DeLuxe Sedan. Brown lt>at~el\ upholstery.. Radio_. __ 1941 Oldsmo~ile Tw<Htoor. Six cylinder. Beautiful pre-war rub- bt'r, tadio, spotless inside ~nd out. 1935 Ford · r Mld·wf't'k prl!yrr ~rvle(',Wrllno-s· dl\y; roverrd d1sh dmnrr, 6 :lO p.m. The puLUc Ia cordially Invited to attend the church aerv~cn and UM I the Rtadlnr Room. 8Evt;NTR DAY \D\'r;STI8TS ~ C lub CoupE>. Wonderful condition. 1941 -Chevrolet Tudor. Not the best in the world. but will make a gooq work car. 4\ ..... .IIITID STAT J BONDS AND , STAMPS •·Ill' t ~~~IIDB lk&aglal Baal' . -• - Ft•I.L OO~Pr:L CHt1R('It Und aftd P:lden, c·n,.~!\1""' Sundr1y M"hnnl !I ·15 . nwrn10g wor-:hqt. II ; F.vnn~;rli~l lr ~I'I'VIC'(', 7 10 11 m : 1t11d·wrl'k rmwrr m<'Pt· ln.: nn \\'rdnMlrlll)'. 7 4l\ p rn · ,·nunc '"'·~r~ .. ·~ c, nne•·•'''"' ,,.,...·ice on Frul.•y. 7 •15 I' m COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CORONA DEL MAR Cong ~g~t 10n~t Rrv Prrry F. Shroc l.,. Mm•ster :-'"'· t1 .ll:h !I II .o • :01 r.t: \\101 •I '1' ~o·n '' • ho 1·1 111 tbe I 'I I·: II t' :-' ' II' I ' '·'~'~ I! •h,, ' ~. rrn •. u t i ",\ ,,,\-+ I ' I I t ·1 ,. ~ • ~ ,n.l t~· ~, h·~"l. !' :l~t n n1. nRsT .-cn·u,.m· \In· t nnt< 11 <U: ('O~T \ ~It:!"., l<'llurrh or lhf' lli&:hlln, 1 ~'·· t:. \\ Ul"r<l lOtrnrn'. e•;,,,,.,- l'lae !''lf'ftrn,, ( •• l'l'lolor · l"honf' 1 ~~II·J Fm l,1v, 7 ~~ p m wor:hip <o•r.··1 liN• Pl•'V Mnr ~tl'nln• in rhn r.:l' ~unrl:~y ~l'h•'C•I. ~ ~~ 11 m · . Momm~ wnr.o;}up, II n. m. ~1'«"-1111 mu11k . Pft~tor'11 1'4'rmnn . I C08'1'A MF.SA co~,.,. f Clft'RCH ~cart a. "~ .,,.._.., 114 a. ttt .. Bt Pit. tna-a .Qturdl School. 1 :45 a. m. ·~~------------------------------MOI"ftbbc Wantdp, 11 o'clodt. Coraer Walnut and C hurch 8ta. Coat&,.. ... Sab'bath school, :aturday mom·~ ing. 9:30 o'clock. Preaching serv1,. .. , 1 Is. m. \'01 R EYt:S ARF. TilE . LIGIIT OF A.'IF.IUC.\ ... the fi rst to enli~t In at. lint'S or duty to win tho "(tr . Thcrf'fore vour c-v··~ nt \\nl k ~rve ~~lnl ~n~lclrr:ltlon ... they deserve to bc ~;ivcn tM exprrt r xnminntlon ann fit tin&' extended to all our ·patrons. DR.M. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST Jm N...,.,. .._....... o.ea•-......... ~ OBIL Tfnna .,. ... LenNI Dupllto.tf'd 1939 Ford DcL U:'I:<' Busin<'ss Co u(X'. Blul' uphols tN-y. Good condition . · 1939 Pontiac Slat inn wm::m1. ('om pit• I I' I y ,., •fin i,..,I1Pcl. 1939 Ford ~'1b11. f~p..:i Jn(l(lrl 1-rlr. H:Hiio. 1-="!"1 t11hll('r. f.:C'· tory fit:1'h shinl'" Jil.a• · flP\\./ . -- 1938 Chevrolet 1\n~ctoor ·sroa n. A ni<:f. lll!tomopilP Specl~l DeLuxt> Business ~Ufl!: light gre~ paint. '1941 Hudson SMan . Ex~llt'nt tire'S. 1 tW\\ pnint. • \·<'ry (ito- nu mil·a l. Low milt'ag('. 1941 Willys SNI:tn. o ,·r rctriv('. ~'('l'J11 io~111l milmt:c. 1938 Buick ~10<iC'I "~ 1" .J.ffoor tour- ·tn~-seda n . 1937 Plymouth Coupe. Good paint and tit'l"s. sm ooth m o tor piC'nty of spa(.'(' in th<' t'('ar. woulrl m nkt' swt'U pickup. Ford Tudor I !'1:10 ~TO<icl A. 1928 Buick fou r-door S<'da n . _ Transportation . Cu1bertson Chevrolet Co. CIIEVROLf:I'-OLD8MOBILE sALf'.8 AND 8ERVJ6E JIUa. _. W•& ~aJIJII • Newport ,. .· .. .. • .. CliRISTIAN'S HUT Balboa, Callfontla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS Leonard Marsha ll, Manager . EXPECTANT MOTHER'S STIIPEB CH4MBRAY ~-.,... ...... 1 , ... ,1-it _., ....... it't ..,, .. _,,, .. • ........ rfullt -'· Mftly ........ .......... , ....... e,! f11lly e4jut.elolel so ... 10,. 11. Mlllti-'•-' ttri,.a. •BeDS . ~.,.,. ..... yfllh4.(0nl• ,_ ,..., .. , tiae.) rt.ete ..-4 ..Meo4eftlele...tyMIIht ..... BALBOA~S • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'I'IIIIS. Ncwf011 Bllch, California, Th\lnday, July 8, 1944 .1 John Tennenl Goee r I' 1With Ernie Pyle at alre Front • • • Into Marine Service J ohn 1t-onent. 2t. ot Ul ,....... w k Le B ) ty-1"}1tb •• l~l. N~rt ~ rec aue Itters (~ac 1 '• I RISE I TOREMARK ., HON. JOHN PHILLIPI b.. enter.d tbe \hUted ~ ~ ~~.~"·m::~~ u. •Who c:ame :~.~':m:e:"~-=-.. n:; But It was ExTlP.ndahle to lhla convention, came wltb the I Warlot< Corpa ~-, r'. . Idea that the MCond IPOl oo lhat I He waa a commercl&l f.._.. t Ckt't would 1'0 to Calltoml&. and fnr the Baya.dt' .. 'Uib Market al certainly tbat would have been' thr time of enterlnC t he ~· Lbe caae or the Oovem~ bad notj He Ia a forn-er letterman al blmwlf• aaid no. 1 riM to remark Lonc Beach Htl'h School where ba ' that 1 roNpeCt a m&D wbo •>'• atart•d 1!1 fo tball that be <a•u elected to do a Job 1 Hta wife, Mary Wlut, and their I and that be Intend& to flntab lt. 1 )'OWll dau&hler. Dorl lh)' June, ll will be a good. ticket. and a ''' ~ at tbe 11&11\e addrau. good rae•. The laa~e1 are drawn., __ The objeeUve• are dear. Thla 1 Mta. Jac:quelyM s.edkt. UT Ia not t~e place to dlac:U81 them. Na"' uu11 ... ., ltot v .... "'" l!..•·· I wu lotueated In the plaltorm. bu retumed''from a vlalt with ""r 1 m tgbl •• well make up my 1 aunt Mrl. Paul Holmea, ot 1M mmd n ow, after thirty yeara of An1elea. conventlona. Ulat I 'm the one wbo ----I lwlll be put on the cOIJl mlttee that d lum hOlds •b(lut2:~,ooo. It wu rttirea.to the "amoke tUied room" I fil'"d er rt'VIII t l~"·· uaually the 1 toow fortunately a.lr <'Oiled and uprtr hiii<"NW w111 partly empty. venlllatedl and pu.'\b9 p encil• l&rlltly br<'aullf' of tb• beat. It at'rc• abeet.ll of paper wbllt the ~• nice worklnr weather; the olhera ret about and bave u roocJ thl'r""nrrrtrr 11t11ved above to m-1 Ia ume u anyone <'aD bave ln eo of the time. The p~or ' apeallf.tl"ll I bl~ a c rowd and ao big a burry. mrl'•••l u•Hirr tht llgbta. It'"' wu tn terutfng t() be on the · The Oemocrata <'OIIlt oo the I "<!rafting committee." 19th. Their offlc-ta are now beiDI 1 The convention ball wu a alght cpoNI. Thle Ia Oemocrary. Bricker l never to be forgotten. Tbe ata· fnul!'hl flewrv 1nr t"r nomlnaUoo; oow jolne blm to tJ~:ht tor the 1 t!U'II"" Ml'n Hnd w r men of lh• German PrisonM"! See Rt»pln~(·menl$ Pour At'ross S('u 1'1rey Guarded So Lo11g By t:rnie Pyle NOJl~IANDV UF.ACIIHF.AD t Oy w1r~lu .. drlaJf'dl -1 took a walk alon~ tilt' hHt••flt' c:oaal of Norrna,nd,-1.n Ow ~oW\lrJ l)f rrence. It ,,.., • lovrly day tor atr<~lllnl alona Ule wuhore. M.n -le •~1 1111 "" lht' nnd, aomr of llwm alt ... IJIIII fort"ver M.n _,. lloatlnl In lh~ .. ollrr. bul lhty dadn'l know \heJ were tn the •awl, , .. they V.t rt• d t'H'"I 1'11t' v. nter "''01 filii of t<111lthy lillie )llb!Uh ebout 1111 eln of )'c>ur hand ~I oil lone uf lilt' Ill In lh~ t•tnln eat'b of thrm had a arHn deal1n n ull,-lakt a t.•ur h-11f dovC'r 1'h• lood·lut'k emblr ll\. Sure. HriJ JU I v. .alkrd fur a Ill lit' a nd a half •lilnll lht• Y.ill••r'• r <h:r "' tKlr IIIAII)'· rn tlc·d "" ·"""'" be.•r1t You •·unt~d to w.ollt ~'"'"" l••r tlh· lh'l.1ol "" that bea~h ".1> lflllhllr Tl.t '" r rc k.o~•· v.aa 'a> I and ~l.or· Ulnl( The-"" tul V.lh lf' a1uf dc.-•trul' I ton ''' v. nr, t'\'f'H ua,.lt tr.•m thr 1 .. ~. Of huin.ttl Itt,• h.o> to IV. II} t lt~C'IUII<,e ot Ita uul>l.ultllllll IC'allllt'> In lh"'" v.ho ar~ an 11 t\nythtnll ami C'\1'1 ) thln'g l• t'lq•t'nri:tblr 1\IHI "t' '"'' eXIh'lllf "" ••ur hra('hht•:lll In Nor mandy d ilrllljl lh"•" n,., lew· hull fa . .• . n. .cr..... _,,,... ..... ., Uile Ner•a•tl' .. ._....._. ~" u.. re•t .. ,. el IIW .... , Maf'll ae lllry .,.,. Ia aa4 .. L ~J t'&t· rJ Mhllrn' lletl;,.. Ml te wa. aM lllf'f t~J rrlllr• ....... nw, I'UC'f IM ur,..,.a el lltcor-ffllll aantl. aM lllf'" I• Lllf'lr •lillm• lhrj ••rewr lltrm. Zone Thenpy, Medic-al Musagr, Swedish Mas- sage, llydro Therapy I m041t d1vergrnt vlrv.·a exprt-aa them to the plaltorm t'ommlttee; tben Fer a rnll<' e111 fre;.,. lhr burh mill•· In ftiiJ'f'<lrt lhl' flnh•bed job. \here Y.l'lt' A• I 'lewrtl HI e•rr tllr wrl •end .. tllr warll ea .. al .,.., day lallerr, I walllrd arelllttl Willi wrmrtl .. lite. a r ... ,&r ef · ,,,...... ef drlnwee4 atlrllllla ... ef Uw ur~d. Bet 111 .. , w~r .. 'l tlrlll• .... ~ 5J)C.'Cial Tr~alm~nts for Overweight It Underwel&ht Gene Morleghem ZoM '1-Mnapbt. Spedelt.t ...... We lea•·e ; the Democrat. follow I ua to go through the aame p~ c~. Theo the two group• tlcbt each olbrr for a ftw montha; one wino: bot ,·un t~tn flnl1b tbe war an$1 to pnltKt and build the nation. acurra of tllnkt •11\1 I l rut ka -.ud *"•.lh. that )OU cnuht "" lon.:t•r au . h•r I lhey ""crt' 11 the tlotlom ul Ltac-"'a lt'f-IWanll)l'd Loy overloldlna. or hit by ahtlla. ur tu.n.ll bJ manu Moat of lh~1 r ~r-a were lo•U Tlof')' Wf'rr a eeltllrr'e IWe ff'f'l, tlr •a• o:ent,lr CriJ .... ~rrtl liiJ lhr alllfll•c oa•d• ,. ..... ,. fer Ill• lf'f'l. T~ a-ef We 0 .1. alit- pel•&rd .. wart! , ... laad IW llatl rem• .. far ta u•: ... wlitldl lie uw ee litrlra,.' ~Otlple , dOuchhnya lelaureiJ ruard· lfil' lh~m waU. TommJ .-una. ~ pri...,.rl ... _, ....... . .. , .. _ ....... ~· ., .. . &litlt fer ......... , • .,. Uti '"-• aal~ly .. ,..1 !Mfere ... ., ...... Nowa..,-...e&ar· ................ au-. ,..., ..... , .. , ...... rae~~ IIIIer. ~ ,.._,, .... te . .n. e ........ , .... ,,, __ REND .. EZVOUS You could..- trucka ltpvtd hall over and IWamprd. You ~ould IH parll7 lunken bara~•. and the analtd up t'o5m~n uf J~pa, •nd amall Iandini t'nn llalf autlmrq;ed. AM at low tide you cuuld 11111 u•r Inuit' var1ou• alx·r>TOnR~d aron anar•• l.hat hl'lt>ed anaa IVld wrN'k lhl'm On the Lo•·:u·h lt ... u, h•llh a nd dr)'. wtrf' •II kllttb of Y.fl't'k<'li vt•hulea. Tht'rt• v.o•1 ,. 1.111k • thai. hnd unly Just made !hc-Lo•··" lt brlurr · bt'llrl knUC'kcn uul Tltt•t c ... ,., c jrcp1 thai had ,burni'O to n du!t .:r .. -y Thn • -·Uil ... fel'f'\lf'f ..,., ... ,., ....... lalllrUIIIea.al ... n..,..._ w,.._ el Uilrlr ..... . U eely aU Gr""aaJ eMW .. .......... rlrll .. ,.,..._., a&o•llllaa .. IIW bl .. aM IMIIIaa eel • ..., ........ Wlln ... _ .. , ·aALL·ROOM I Presents and His Orchestra . ~ BETTY LYNN GEORGE KELLOGG Soloists JULY 7th and 8th BUY WAR B·oN o s More MEN AND ·WOMEN ·-I' Needed for Vital Defense Work BOYS 16. TO 18 . This is .a . battery Like with your purse, it's what's imide a battery that counta. •• It costs Iota r~ of electricity • ,• to run your car. ~ .. ~ \~ • \ And th~ battery . e P.8Y• the check. Until one .day, (the day you're in a terrible ... , ........... trteu ••. -.. ,.. b111 dr r ru ,.. on cattrpiltOAr • • • l.l'nda tlt~l d hln'l qulle mai<e ll. Ale•a IM NMrna•tiJ warllee el· Thne· ..-err hn lf.tracka carry1111' uf. lemh 1 .thin hili• line, )UII lake 1 ftt't rqulpmcr.t tltat had bt'en m•d• hlch water mark. fol lt'IIP'W ei-a l lnlo a ahamblea b)' •. al111:l! alw ll Ow beac:b. Tllla Ia, ~ 11rewn per·1 bat. lht'lr 10\t•rt .. rl 01111 hnldllll lht'tr • lllnll a•er. aear thai Will nf'v•r be uu.leu ~IUIP·il!~ ot •muhcd type-neMf'4 aaatn, of thOle· whCJ fnucht • t~~r11c-n. leltph•"•n . unlcr II In a1'116 itlrd w alve u1 our C"ntu .. ce ' There werr I.CT'a tumid-rom-Into Ew'OC)e I pl~ltl)' upa,1dr down. end IJina 01\ Hrr• in • Jumbled ro• for mit. oe \heir backa. end how th•J 1p1 Ul•l mile an eoldl•ra' padla. Hera are! wa7 I dun't know, Throrr wti«' bolla eocka end atl~ poiUh. eowlfta IIIla, lUcked un top ol t och ~lh~r their d l1r1ra. Blbln and hand arenade1. aadea ~•v•·d an, \hpar eu•prnelon. Hf're ere \he lalt-11 lrllt'ra from doon lln<X'ked ,,u huntr, ~~>tUI lite ad•trraa nn u ch ona In thl1 shurrlw r OHt~Pum ol r ar· ltf'ally ratorrd out-•.•n• of the ... n•1• Iller• "'~'' f ltl;,nliuJll'd rutlt ut l'Urlty pn·C'I'>II••n• f'llfort·rd befure barbed wh t and '"'"•"'"'I bulll1to1 lh,. boJ• rmbarllf'd t'U and b l& sl:ot k• of Uoru"" '"''' •ll're arr tdoothbruohra e nd nrora. hf~bdll and I'''"' "' shr li> •t1ll ,.,.11• anct"•n~J)~hnlf nf f•un1hr1 bacll horn• lnll &o be m:>,td etArlll lf up at J ••u from lh• aand. In \he Y.:lll"r no,•t• <I •""'l~ly lilt' llr•• .,,. Plll'l\r•lb<onke. mrtal mar· ralla and 1uiJo f•' l ·"ks a1 1t t.•l•••n ruro. r xtla ,,..,1..,1, '•nd t.lood)', boX<"I. and n.y~fPI Itlll" "' ••t•~· •'•••Hd•w,,.d &ticK·• lf4•rft' arf" hrukf'n .. .' Oa ~ .... at11 lat' •n~rlrd roll, hHtdlf'd ahovrb, anrt Jl<•IIJOhif' ,.. ef ulr•h•o,. •·lrr and bta roll~ 'd'"" •mn•hrd a l"""' l~t·y .. nd rt'ror· ef a14'rl mallln1 and alao k• ~~ nlll•ill, and nunr do'lf't"IJ•I• l'fUial"d litrelte•. ru•llna rlnr•. Pllll ruanrod 0. lhr bt'a• b Ia ). r~prnrlrd, "'''" ,.·,"torn I'"'"' brllo aud r•n- hUrty) YOJI!i1!:P. on the-i ata.rter~a happena. addeat "'"" and mrLhanh an vaa ,.wl,., bu• kola lltal a id 11.111 a11d fer a lmall •ar. Thr·y ,.,.,,. JUIIllllt•d hru111 Ill ltft'hrlla I vlck•·d So this ad is to scare you into keeping up your battery. Becau.e ODCe it'• out or ~ curnnt-cy • • - your car ia a dead pii(eon. Scared? Well, turn the problem over to expertl. Shell people know all about battery upkeep. (They even have new batteriee to aell to people who refu.ae to be acared into keepiq up their old onea .. ) l'"e ferr•rr noff. And )'"I ,.,. "" e pnckrl Otbl• wath a eoldlrr'a ceeltl 1ftllrd II. 11 olllr In 11. aud pul II In lliJ jlck;l. 1 We reo" a"erd II bt'• au•r •e 1 ~arn,.d u hall a mil• or •o and were ea. and we had eur lOr· "'"" pul 11 barlr. down on thr ~ach., lleld, aatl bt'hlad M lllerr wr'tr I dun'l kno.,. v.hy I p1rkl!d II up, 01 eec:ll •••men re,lacemrate,er ··,..hy 1 puC 11 'borlt duwn. ..._ •rrrkafe ea dar bear b &hal • • • '" coeoltl litartl., ~lt<'«'l¥e ef llwtr --ietal. Mu IDtl ~··~ • -~~ were lowlaa fre• E•a· laM lll aoC'Iit a l'iiiDIIr a&rum ._, K made Lllf' waalr •• Ute Madl!Watl Kel8 llllr .. 1111•1' at all. ruu, eotlllaa •' aU. • • • O•n a_. _. Ul.la lone thin line Of jlf'fiOOII IOI'IIIIh, freab met~ .. day are ruatllnl Yilt euppUe1 te I lttl'p our 1rml~a puJhlnl oo lniO t'ranc:e. 0\her equede of mea pi~ •nudal Ow on•ckace w u lv•1• am· m\m1t1011 1nd equipment that are aUII .auble. Mea _....,. end alt'1)C on Ute bHc:t1 for d•r• Mlon &he taa1 D-dar Yl .. um ••• tlill• •••J for buri1L A fow hundred yarda beck on \he beach Ia e ha&b b lurT Up \htr~ w• bad • &enl hoapllal. lnd • barhf'd. l''*lre ent'loaur~ ~or prleunen uf wu I l'r~m up thu~ you could 1ft' far up I atr~ ever &he form ot oee 1 and down the beach. In a aprclaru 10<.tn,a&er •bon! I Ulouthl dud 8\l'l l 1 '-r crow'1 nut vltw. and far ~~ w when I k>ollf'd. d,._ I aaw he ••• MI. unl.1 llf'PplnC lie WU Vt'f7 J ()unl. I And 1tandm~t uut thrre on "'" , ant.l v•ry lur<l He la7 on one •I· 1 water be)UIItd all Ill•• .,.,,., k•~r ,.,,, bow. hta ha.nd 'ua~ndrd jn the elr And they know all about · Shellubrication, too. That's a service to protect all your car's expen1t1ve gears, shackles and things. th1 ar•ol~al arrne<la 11 an hai f'Vf'r ali<•UI at• IIIChf'• trnm the around l t'en. You atlltply r 1 uhl 11111 t1rlu''" And Ill lhe palm u f hll hand be beW \he Cil~ll\il t't>ilr· '"'" ,,r "'''' I nat a Ia I r•. amou\h '''""· Ill)' out lh<•ll• v.~11 1111 Ill unl~o•tl I aleatl a•d 1-llrtl 11 atlm • Loukanu f,.,.,, IIi" 1.1 ,, It la7 II ··• ~ lun1 llmr. fie ., ........ ,., tala ln~r I<• 11 1 f 1 '·"•""" nf l•c •I• rp ~held lhll r..-lt le\'lniiJ, eea •nd 011 1 • • o •f at rl 11 •1 " • I •• lboa&h II .,.,., bl• lael llnat ' out to lhf' • tt!Ha n• •I "' ·• 11o1l•·• '1</l•l•· wllh a "ent•hh>l ••rltl. I ba•e 'lla utlN ~· · 11• ty "'''"''I "' ',. ! ,,. ao lrlf'a •t all •"' hf' wrnl le FLOWER SlOP ., •• -== n.OW~R.S .. 'OR EVERY OCCASION -lORMAN'S l~t7 ('out lllchwa)'--<Jnrou chol liar l'taata_.A ...... twY._...._ -• 1laao btliAa to wear ott wrlac-r rolla and th•J loao thelr 1r1p, rubblna ll&ht- lJ wlU' ooarsa tend- paper wUl ~elp. Uao aandpapor wl\h dla- oreUon, \llouth. AIMS \hen wlpo off wl\h a ' 4allp cloth. ,..., ' c-., la&Atl 10• lritad ... _ oarrota "o. oho · "o • ••hid ,....... .oaJt.,.., ~---.. ta. ohop d INI llllttlllrs to 0 ~· f1ae •lth ••lact dro..!t thor &ad .. la\ee tuoe 0u .. 1 1 ftl. lorve .. 1-~ -• .,.., •• (our. ··- Are Eligible for Full Time Jobs ·Important? Well. rather! 5000 cars are being acrapped every day by War- time Stop and Go driving. hordt•bl ""'" aii'I'P wllh thro r..-11 1ft hla h•nd, As 1 •1•~<••1 ,,,, 11 • rr I ••••l•rf<l a I er whal llrpl ltlrn rrnrn drt•pplna-..r,::.'============================" Requirements: • • Boys must have work permits • Availability Certificates • Birth Certificate or proof of citizenship -APPLY- COISOLIDATED WLTEE "AIR~RAFT I WfiSI A fill iOOIUT AUu ,_ M.-.MaJ telleul,_ ...... laiiOW ebewtlaeep- .., cW laelly eor lelee'-cde.Aell lor,_, •" ot _, .. u ..... a roup ''' tt• ' ly 1.ok• '' '·' r """' 1 1 II en• r .,.. ••• aalt'r,. II wa1 onera ''~"'·•"II .,,.,,,t,y n ,ry ~ ••I ju•l on• af Ill-. lillie lblftce not yel lwi'H I toll ill lit,. pr H ••n I ~~~~ .wllheut f'&planalletl, thai a, ,.r. "'I' Th~7 werr 1"•1 •'Aitdllill lltr·u, a Mn rf'tnt',.....,. fer 1 leea Uml.\ "lie• 1 Wt'DI uhere e1 \he enll of Y,aral ol aU •• t'hocll.-d wjth u~h 1 Fnoc:e lhe llr•t 1111n1 I wanlrd to otller on wh1t we tuuS heard a oout do wu hurol uiJ the othar ct,rr~· nthl'r ~ou raponden~. Moat of th"m apondenta 1 ltad u1d 1ood·b1 \.o a were o 1L One had bto«1 llllled, 1nd fnr da71 prrv1ou•l7 In £n1la11d onf wa1 eup~ to have "'"" loet rt wu ear11 an \he momtnc. be on • aimll.a ablp. ~ -«111411'1 ton "'-boJ• h•d 1111Vd out on luwlw ~· 0.. • '-hpd lletft tbetr da7'1 round of t'OY«'flnl th~ I wounded. ·n.,... fll-N.c ,....... .,., I found lh•m In foahol~• dul l had 110& ..._ llea#d fr-at Ill. ... lrJte \he rur alo~ nl a 1r111J hill II loolll>d ...._ ltNe...,. ... ft .... •bout 1 h•ll-mU• from the beach. tumetl ........ lint w o Pullen· ot w-. 1 u . wm... a. Olfte?.. or ~-~ aw.t~ ~ ,-a ....._1....,. ....._ AttL. ..... iltnc .... , CALIFOIIIIA STATE GUHD . Co. U. lMt Rn., 49th Regt. \_ 109 ....... 8~ Ralbr>a.,. ( ... ., _______ ,,._ -~-- C4(!11Jifl Wll Llll M •fii'Uil\ Pl'l•~nr 1M-M flf\1 1.1CIIt~n4fll R IIIII.II.T II Rf'F.I! f'honf' M9 Nemt:IJ bOil<lrinl tile at-fer wed·! t•• ............. at tile bnmfl IIIIU Oil COM,AM; -. ..,u...-uy et ber panmta."' hte ,__... llr. _, Mn. Jr.d l ----..-------------~ Jru.,-.,._.~ 'Mr. aDd M.ra. Knnth•C. Brown of I f".<Jtt_,, fill ....... ~ baule· '-==-=-==-==-~11:111!'------------11111111!~ ------------Roebelter .a-t, eo.t.a MeM · vard. o--.. ....... · CORPORATIOI .. · I aft,q Ill Wei& ftlnl 'lt.. I .. . - l t { t •• ' ' . _ ... .<-.. J NEWPORT-BALH(JA NEWS-TIMES, Ne-.ort Heach, California, Thuriday, July 6, 1944 _ Mt~ Muriel Davidson Weds High School I-I b '~weetheart, Ensign Christen, U.S.N. R. . ar 0 r A. ......... wtakh bad Ill UM:t.p-l lt'r coll•l• WHN .... won the ~ tiOft .._.. ~ "Cere ltucknu at bfort Brown bonor award, the brtde ' Fe1ninine A t • •t• Harbor Girl Scouts Return from Week's c I v 1 1 es I Mountain ~uting; Had Wonderful Ti!ne I Twmty-ttn Olrt Scout. .hom the rn• opportUD.lty tD work - ~ewport Harbor'• two troop8 ,... variolll b&dpl .Wted to t.be loca- • \ Reaidence Phone 1220-W ' I turned Monday atter' a mo.t auc-Uon. A clrclt tour of Lake Anow-N.wpcllt Harbor UDlon H~h ·gTaduated rrom th~ Untveralty ot ·~ eclaool culmiDat..t In the Dl&TT\&Ce I C&UfomJa at lkrkrh.•y, whrrt' s'te Virginia Barnett. Society Reporter • Pbar:es 12 and 13 ~. Jwae •. at a p.m. of lr afnllated wllh PI l..ambda F ., Reunion lllea llurtral Davi~. daughter 1 h,.ta, bnnnra1-y rduratto n~ 110-ami Y fill ..... DaVVIIOn. •us.r!nlend· c~. At Cooper Home -fill De blltl IICbool, and 'lrlra. F.n.al~ Chrlll"n r«-re lvrd hilt A Da'f'ldeoll, 1713 Banta Alia av«-nue. 11. d• K"'" at <'>til ~rrtla f'ulvt,.c"nlc A family , ... un1on ht'ltl In lhr W'eU Known Summer Residents Staying This Week ....S ~ Amold A. Chrllft~n. rotlegt , ~3.11 Lut11 Ob111po. and hl11 ":!t•lt•n .,. Mr nnol Mre J11l111 U.a -.a ~· ,.. Jt•nlwtlo· an. I ~lrtrl'te 'Tbomeon ~ • 80ft of -r. and Wra. r umrrlulon In lh~ Navy at Nurth· c ·, 1 ... , uf lf>!'IO (JrlLIIJ:I' av«-nue, .a .-6... ,..,._,,.,._ '• r r: ' r \ It( :-.; .. ut h I 'tl.Sadena_ w hu ~Jir '-US .. ...,.. of 1717 Tu.Un "eat em unlv•·• Mlty, C'hlo Ill:" lie 1 ·, ~Ia Mf'lln, 1Jn1u~:lrt tll~<•·lllf'r ai'V· •--· 81 U It ··'":1 1 .. 1 tl lh nlway11 l!JH'nt tit•• r summera do\\1 ·--· mp c y ..,.. e< to t e n.-r .. nt y r«-lumt•tl from uty on ~ , 111 1, , 1 ,.1 s .. t th•· t '("''' r film· -.___ ~ .... _ · 1 -• •I• ;~nd rot I ,. ll;tlhr"' Yacht club _..,._,..._ .,. .. _ rtluaJ• · r.ad A l'ltl lan lmMflll almarot " mini'· • ·I~· 'I hruw 1·nJ"Y'"I! llw Fnurlb ..,. R.eY. IUcbard 'R.llley Moraan at I'IWI't l'"r anti """ nqw lw·••n t\11· •·f .lift\· "''t•· ~I I lllld .\trH llllt trl•l at•· '''•"'11 l rurn sun 1-'rancleco fot · ... _ N'"'_......... a "''''k 'l'ht•\ 1111\e n •ntrd a "'•<·• ... --uvn~ood Church nt La· ~ -·•1 t., Muof" W'llrla.r .. ~ f......_ JHnt..,..!N'I ~""' .. n.l J .. lllliiY .-----. .... "-... _ y k'-v 1 ·~·,-' .. ·1 1 .,u~.a 1111nnt1 t11r their •acu IUM --.. ........ p,._DCe of tbe or w wn. lr~ n1a 'T11<· n"" lv· 1 l.l•tl" l~·fll'' .\Jr nno._,Mn ~ f 1 :de ,.. tlt•n '"" "·" • "ttlt them Conn·· t. am I)' ooly WI! , whn hnnt>)'fllOt•n•·•l 1\t ('h: a. 1 1 n• ~l ~~~~ 1•·11nn >tnd 'hrltlr,..n .. ,,, 1 , .,1 On the ann r f hN tstlu~r tht' ltna llolantl IPrt lhl• "'""k for 1,.:11011 and Kay, Mr. and Mra. W . lo¥eiy Utlan·h:aJred brklf' llll-Y rkiiJWn ' A ,J,rllf :<loot• t ( Srwl,o An.o, ~ r ~bed the ealldle-llt altar. 811• ... •I Mrs J t:: ~h c ·l,.tlan. Mr alltl Allllll ll l Picnl~ IllUde a beauttrul picture prbed Stangler Home :.: ... I. 11 '1"'·'" ·II illltl ~l··,ld 'Held at Poirier's · Barbecue Held At Park Home } ' t ceuful week of camp.lnc at Alplot head -. OD the Pf'OCNID ooe ot Unl·que Ha'llbl'lly I.D the San ~m.an!lno mouotai.w. the day•. • • He&diJ:Ic Ute caep weN Wra. Hub-Flnt Local Camp Party Wins Acclaim bard H owe and Wra. Lonnie Vtn· lD p~vicue yeara. t e local Girl A F h C cent uallted by a croup of other Scout.a have joined poupe from An .. tht•r Fourth of July pther-, t inC eramiCS le&dtra Including• Mn. Walter other communltlu for their camp- n;.: tn the furm ~~a barbecue held --Cr le. Mra. Evt>rell Nunan. Mn. lng e:IQ)erience. Thla year, all I.•· ,. J•Ul lo wu bdu by Mr. and With Oklahoma aa the theme. w H. Tr11.1ty and• Mre. Robert I'IUIIJ)Il arc full of g irls from their ~:r s J.'. J Parke. 104 Via YeUa I a prdeo party and buffet supper Easton. ltra. Eve'r«-tt Nunan own locallt·u . and·ao waa llartl'd hell' ut' tll('tr duught«-r . .ldn r: wu hel~ Fnday «-venmg at lht' so•rved ably u camp cbalnnan. tl\ .. be:;lnnlng of a camp orgaol-1 .~1 111.1 l'llrke of Rlveraide. Uraueu Hnl'11 studlu In Corona dod A program ot Scout actlv1t ifa ' 7.at19'1 wh1cb. In futurt..,yeara will ·,.h '~~' ull'llllled on the (\lest ll•t Mar. Th(· Jl&rly. which It l11 hoped waa enjoyed by the campere hlg1. E:'rr w to pr \'Ide a Girl Scout camp ·, 11 • .\lr and Mr11 Harvey Lynn will bt.x ume lUI annual altair. WIUI ll;;htetl hy I.'Venlng 11tunt.l and ell-f11r all Newport H arbor Girl 1 i!lv<rt de. Mr. and Mra. Burt attemlro by 100 employee. of th«: mued• by Scouts' Own, an lm-~ Scouta who may wl11h to go. l.ul>un • 1.1nd sun• Butldle uf P<>-stucl t 8.1\d thetr frit'nda. pre.!lllt,·e Ct'l't'mony whlcb took T!le li11t of campere lncludt>d '"''· Mrs Marlon.Setz.er. Mr. and 1-:verynnr t•a me In hill billy co• J>lar" the hut mg ht In ct.mp. J oan Zube, Dorothy Fowler. Lo- " • ~; ward He101,.1t. and Mr. lume ano.J tttler the •upper and !'r:lfl!l ant.J hikes wt>re 1 n the nita VlnN•nt, Shetla H0\\1l'. Peggy ouol ,\; I.J Jt•hll M. w od• and l'rogram, cno.Je•J. l htc .. venm~t wtth morTling IIChr <lltlt> with I!Wimmlng Abbl tt. Sunan Fowlt•r. Mary Rob- J..ro·n, .\lu·hat-1 and Mary Unda. dancing . and ic$'-skatlng shar1ng ~!qual hon· In~ Marilyn Cook. Lealyn Evtr- Ea.:h dt>partm .. nt of the studio ms m populanty f or the a 'ter· ett•·· Gracp CrO<'ker. ~nevleve Ia a ltwlnlntr --foam ltleer W :llol'l•·l'un t o( Lfl8 AnKI'It.s trock. 8ID&D bat w•t 'l face vetl elcomes Guests \/ I B b put on a pla y with the akits inter· n """· The mountalnll afforded ~tt C"om b. Di~ Dlck eraon. Wary and NaY)' blue . acc-rte.. AD ardlld eonce completed ber tm• e.mble. Happy !rood wlllhf':J were .,_re4 on the JWJ>Uiar vuung couple at a ••..cidlng tlrnnt•r bell! Laroe Crow·~ at )" .... , .. •tv t PIII'III'It and friend e rna ar er spercl'd w.th mulricaJ numbera. Ann Mort'y. Lura May lAnfleld, a.tr and t.tr" Jt'''"''' ~tan~el..r ,., ~~~ 111 .. l•ul t·l , ... ,,..f!l guth«-.-,d ut l-Ia s House Guest .M rs. William Farrand"ot Loa A.n· Pho.;ent·x p l Mary c atherine Craig. Joan Lelt· at Mot.!~ IA«'Jn&_ After attendlnr Santa Anti Jun- Mrs. R . C. Owen Honors Guest n ( 16:.'2 ()(nn 1-'r Ill "'""" h• .. h Dinller Dance "'I'll """ ,. ·~·~ Alht rt P1art• geles aat:l,.tlng at ltit• plan--eop e hold, Margaret Jobn!Kin. Aldora s,1turd~<y nt,;hl 111 a-:l(rnup nf c:tu... < 'tiHta .\1• \II J ulv 4 fur thelr an· ~·rs Volma Barbt>r. West Ocean Pat Cbapman and Dolly-Fowler Spend Summer Here onvls. Mary Karlta Rlcb .. rdaon . frt~n·fs A tll'lrt·•mi~ m idnight 'Tht n • ""~a "'K 11 wd .,11 ''";"'"'"' ,,.,.mt. Balboa, t,a<l aa her gueat supervllle\J the rnakt'·UIJ of thel _ 1111rbara 'J'n.tsty. Lynt>tte Drown, 11"l"P' r. l't'r\t'rt fllf <'I fll' lt-. ron· •I nnrr ~Airtnhav nl~·ht at tilt' n.ll 11 ~ 11'~1"111 Wlo~ b<>gun In th .. !or a \''eek her daugbter·ln.law, town pa(l('r the Coortll Galt>l\·a Mrs George Krauss and .little Joan !l:unsn. Elizabeth Eastnn and 1 hlllttl tAn t'Vf'nlng ilpt'lll playing boa Yacht rlub a.ftt·r whtt h '""" •" 11>' "1""11 thl~t' (I Vt' yeara ~~~ 1 rl'l C'onrud Ru!antl UaJI Jr. Th.La r.nteltt', Wtllcb featured nrw., 1 n Davld or Phoenix arrivtd this Nancy Cole. brlt'Kt' llnd pok~r m.; "'II' Pnjco\'otl In tho• 11111•• ••I a hv ~1'·' l \~trlrr R f!tlher. lolr: W 1!1 MI'S Uall'a flr11t vlall here ln !Jt•rsunllil, a queaU .. n box, cull!l of Wt>~k to 11p~nt.l the auJnmer with T t>tlfl" prr..,nl w .. r.. Mr ILI\0 •••111 onJwmra nhl .,,.nn•'<t J"'' · ' 1: 1 ·, "''11 "' lltverlltd~. He ht.a <~n·r a year. She Ia the wift• or .. Paw" ano },law": acl ivltll's of the hrr fathl'r a nll motht>r, Mr. and G G 1 Jl Mr:o IUt bard Dittmar Mr ant.! t•·r rt•••, un" of lht· nu•mlx·t~ I"''"· l11·n lof'nhl•• !11 ~nt rrtuln the ITOUf',.'J:t Bull whtl was In the SaJpan !-'·nch alud.lo and product. In the .\f~. D. T . Ht>rbert of ~3:1 West. e0r~e rupe Mta fo-;ame.wt .Mrn .. nan 1\ntJ Mra •·ut Mttny r run •n•·ul m•·rnt .. ·•~ 1 r· 11 ' i•Jt~<l ~··v••ral ~Para, JrJ th~ 11\0I!r.un and walt allo In the European lnv~on. complt>te w.t 1 mmster avenue. Newport Helghll. R.ecetves Wt.ngs ,John C.•ldl'n Mr G•lttl••n wu un· " •. ,,. ''"'"t'nt I' ·It 1' 1 (nmlly n.-.n~: "entniJly lo· ll"lli<IIIIIYllle lnvaalon last winter. "'Pps; Mll a pre gram or tbt' eve-!11 r. Kraulll!. who Ia connectt!'d with1 • ahlr In bl l>f"N·nt IUt h~ ...,...,. ' • ·• • d "' •·tdt•t! teo "" the hoara. I · nine. A JunebMn In t on"r nf Mr8. · llc,.ta fnr thl' ••vo•nlng ~~oo·l,. ('•Hrl· thP Jl(>Sinffic'e In PhOl>nlx will Gehrj;r G. Grupe Ill hu been T --·-... I • "'-.cnll1'11 In flail&.~. Tl'l<IIJI, on b\JJOI· II ····n· tuhl t.lrfl :llark llo·ah• lo:C· 0 H s I Comm)ttt'i·s w h k h matlt' the• aJ. come latf'r Ill spentl hill var utlon. l'OJrr.mi•ioned ll St'COnd Ueut.en-. ra r .......... ,..vf'n aat r rlday nf'M• v H I f pen ouse un by 11,._ R c. ()a•en at 123 Ma· ~ "'"1~.1 lty Vto·,.. c· .. rnm•"'"'' """ isi tor it s dea 0 1 • faJr aurh a hugt> w rct>n were ---111111 in the Army Air Corp• tol- ,._ a~. Balboa lalantt Mra Mr,. lltonaltl li:o•rrtJ• r.ntl ~ ... r··tun-All N h Th D d s ··r I luv H iner and Virginia Wright. Ch be s Ha e lowing complt'tl n nf pilot train - ... ball ltlea W7W. Owffl'a petit • C,()MJNG EVENTS Tr~unrr .. r ~r _nn•l )tr>o "''"f)' lg t eaters. e·eme uccess u atage dccorattons. Jane Holmea. am r v lng at Brooke Field, Texu. He fbr the put wwek. Wh•Hflla~n. 1.• --. I ~-I other decoruUon";, Mr·ureen Kll-.. H9useruu on I Ia the liOn of Mr. and Mrlt. Georjr ,. H rta · Pa.nrl$ I•~ tw lwl•l .. v•·~~ l'<alur· Mr . nn.t Mt:o L 11 J obn110n, ol Ht1Wt1•·n 300 and 400 people at-hard. po~~tera: Do. rotby Taft. gueat 4th july Weekend Grupe Jr .. ot 2080 N_,ort boule-~· t'& wu pla:vf!i1 rDto• ". JUL" 7-<• t h ...... _ -'-1 I' Ski G tl d I an. luncb at wbk h Mra J t all r" .. • • tl.•y nl~ht 1.ro· h4' nR plnnnrd ~•u·rom~n "· w." IH 't' """"D ... I· 1 ntl••tl OP"n Hou~~e at the Con· •st: • p ruver, eea nf' ·-an . vard, Costa Mesa McDonald. ll.rs. Blllt• ~r. an.. Hf'<'l Cn••" wurkroom Ill Palm tng hilt lltlllf'r. Mrt1 S. A. Weyer, M•lhlatNI Vullee Aircraft Corpora· servmg. Lola Payne. coordln .. tor : d --1 St 1 After spend•ng a three-day rur· " "" A .,, Ibn 10 1 , -t 1 tt h •• , dn-..o-....._ d "'-F1n b Week en guests at t It' an ey llr& Allee &a.t.man were w1n· ''t'nue, u.'l "· am ., .. p m .. MESA W.C.T.U. REELECTS n•ump nmr "" .,. .... y. r -• llonSunday,July2.-•1avor Clvan nf prcgran:. an r rancra c. be on-11 t.d S rd Iough at home, he left for Fort 1\CWint:. Ail <•ffh•• rt• nt tllr 1'"·1"' M•·M .I 111\lllln' wh11 '" at·tlvt' In Lta1on !Inti anti 9C'Vt'ral offic:tals. I rom ·thr who aponaor«-d ttit beaut y contut I "ham r's hume 44 1 "· 0 ' Worth. Texu. accompanied by Mr& -. "' k t aJ l.ltiO ll!lt-, Wt'ft' Mr. and Mrl! Cllf· AJD.onc th~ ~t were the MOND.AV. JUL 't' 10-\\' <: T \ wt•n· rr·l'lt·c lt•t 111 I ht• II ur In he• Rill It' •·uplt fDd thr ~an nto·~:u plant Wl'rt' welcomf'. d 1 which wa.a w~n. by Jant' Holme~, ht9 w1ft'. Ht' wtll ~>~: J>r•·pllred to 11-s&lr• Luetlle Mullf'l'to, Alkt H.l'tl f 'r<IM Wl'rkru m. Ill l'alrn '""' tC"g11l1u ntl'l'llnJ: Mra. ~l1nn1" juvt'nllo prohl•·m. llt!itf'd that ob-by H. B Clark. for«"mJo n( the who wn tber«-by crow nell Queen ':;rtl, Hit~;~~ 0~1d son~Bu~ton H~d join his comrade' or the air In ---··-.· ._.._ ---·. J··-Avf'nw· Balboll. 10 "m to 4 r m . \' l:•·t•l tlpcm tAk n" e>#fllf'. 11r· I"' t1"n Willi I~ n~: made to Saca· Coruna del M'Br pl11nt Amn or ~auty. C of.c•rtl r., rom ver Y a. amublng the AAII. --· ........... -r~ .. -~. ~~ .. IIR I Alau home for tbe wet>k end wu I(~ ~ Nowlton and ••"'•lnR 1,., nt• •I the followin~ <.Jin•c tu'ra: tnt'nto thratl·n• n·mulntng open a ll thrm w .. r,. ~tr Hert>ert Bowlmg,l Van Chambt>r& who 111 at U.S.C ~ Fowler. , R ed 001111 w orkroom. ~Ma. t 'tlrultum-•'t'ttttf'fltthlp. Mr~ ~ra..-.nu:.hL • produclluo worke ma~er and MORTIMER _ SCHOOL rtn.. Avenue, U&IIXHI bland. 10 llurn... I'VMKI'III'Ptir . Mr1 Allee Thf' rt'IUW)n KIV~"I\, that It Wll!l lwa<l or aJI 'Consolidated Vuftee . Plano lnstn.aC'tlon ""'lh the ~vy, v...l2 program_ lb~ L Srharlf' ( •• ._ .. ,._ 11..-TMrtlen' A.- ., OaiUwala) ftACIRII OP' PIA'IIO OtpeW • ·--............... ". ...... : _, Gal•••_. A ..... ·c.n. ..... ., f I f (~uests lnvltl'd l ~ n utnncr un a.m. t() 4 p.m .. aewtt1~ 1 To·am•y : t·Jtb1htt,., Mn1. Lw.y ~nu•l· 'nr 111,. '••·n• 11 o• c I' "nee worllera. r•·Ptll'r r '"nts in R uthf'm c al !lor· . Gustave Lt·nsenbard • ~unuay bcslole11 t' c week o•nll TUESDAY, JULY 11_ t.-v n""""r ml11111un, Mr10. Minnie n-ve&led that frw attended but nit.. ac••omp&nled hy h 11 wife. t.tr , Gnuhltlll' Lelp.~!(' Cnn~<'rvatory "u<'Slll mfntlnned Wf're Mr . and l •. lf )".' • .::. "'.v-lnr 6 30. ·H•In• J ~eakln. lot•·ratur+. Mr11 Lt.·~ l'urt-ll.at till' olarkrnf'd houeea wert' £1. n Ot·~l,.ru~. who Ia rhlef ln· p 11• A ... ·• r. ~· . .., ,~ • up.., cr nptt·u .\Its ITt' nt is l''ulm r, 1\llol .\lr aorl 1~.1 ,., 1 If' man: publu:lty. Mno F:\'o>lyn t ·I'· uPP I by lt"rn-ng .. qoungatera of 1~ .Sfl<'t'ltor to( uti ConlKlliolstoc! plants. 1 I'Wglnners n S~lalty t.irs Varr RPs l'ndhl from l'tedmont. R.•)1 • ••y 6 ~0. Whl'-·a. n-rk dok••. "'lrnttfll' lr mperan1 I' tn· tlrtl.l Ill for rt'ndt'tv Ull, He 1t&ted "I!.JI al11 tlwre wtth his wift'. 90 ' """' .. ~ .~. l 1 1 Phone Newnnrt 1 S-\\' "h .. wf'rf' tho• guem11 ut the F\JI· Avrnul' Dalbon llllnnd. atrtwtlnn, · .t.l r1. lllary Hennrtt; t ''' h~u pofll wuA f ghUnJ IUCh Vlllolttrll were lntert'sted In p·p "" llll.r·s. 302 Cor~l. BaltR!a lalanct SU!'IMf:R RCHOOL OJM"n" Jury 1\: C. radt'•: ('ollf'tre II Prt'p. F.ntrlea. Sow Belntr ~rved G. A. Mortimer, M. A .. O•ford Prtnc•n'll Phone 6S2 H.l'lt Croaa wr1rkr1ium, 111 Palm IH'I'I'It .' unlf·~l M r11 Lui' Ill•• Clark: U81l. tl.splny llhnwln~,; cqu•pment and I Avrnu~ 1 ~3.m t • 4 pm , ~~~~-Unlt n Sl~al anrl Y uo~ Cr~e~ malrMnl~ 11~~ In lht' plant and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '"' •l•uwlnJ:II ~tr~ Nrlllt· llt>w11rt1, ~!r IUltl l\lr11 \'1• lllr GoRnn •• 'hi' tlt~JIItl\ :<htlwtn.: sampl~" vr * * * * * * ~-~ !:! 1'f -{'::{ -(:{ fr ~ -(:{ * "{:{ * llo.J t:ro::~~ "'·• 1 krooa: • ..:JlJ M()· "I" nt svn ny 10 ~'\lllrrtoo wbert· l"nrh rlf'o It h aJ UMemhly mn.tP at lint' AYt'nue, Balboa u land. open BACK TilT. ATT'AC'K lhf"\• ntt .. nolrti t .. Jo;u04la.y .aclloul tho• ptonl 10 a.m .. IIC!Wlnl(. Ill .,. MUlCt~ Til AN nt:FOnt: Jlft·nlr II( their rhllt'('h. If you are having rrouble thl'~ \\'arm days, in getting your f~ily to eat. try some of these "peppcr·ttppers1': Cold Meau, iced drinks, refreshing salads, and frozen dcs~cru ;dd intl·rt:st .and stimulate appetites. Depend upon your Saf~ way for th~ <1u.1 Fty fuoJs rhat )'OU need lor awactive, warm~wearhcr meals. I ~Irs. Ida R. Fuller Pic~ at .\ge o(R.j I I It t··ullo•r \\ "''"·· "' I lt• I !.,,, f.~lllll·r tllf'll llln•• 1.·, 111 ho•r • nw 111 I "" A nt:l'i• ~ .1fto•r· 1\ lull~ 11n• '• Sh•' \\ Ju• ""' Vt!n r.s nld. I • Hn -.um mf'r huntl' ... Ish· Rt>t~t on Ralb<>a IJOinntl, Is 111 •w "" n• t bv ',.r . .,,n ·l't IIPIIt \\' .. ~ullrr llt•l 1 tlllut::hter. :\!r~ H<~bv Stanlo•y. ltlil r WnlC h1 V fr·cHII J"I'HJII•rty 110 l ;lt~II~<>R Jfilllnd I . Your Friends and Mine .\>11''1'1 At1r·l·· \'an 1-,f't'l. whr) hn11 bt't>n empl"""" nt thP NeWp rl Beao h T"??Arlll:ll',\'. lf'ft ttllll wet'k f or ~rontn• Rarh&n\ ttl br Y.1th her lllr11. Aeatrir «" <.:"hnpnilm rnler· -. CANTERBURY BLACK TEA Enjoy tall glasses of kod cu regularly. ( Vl·lb. pkg., '43d --par•·nt&. I lalnrd with n ttlnner Sunday. at btr home Lri Nrv.-port Hf'ltthll . . .. ' -, " ... ~ ' ' ~~:-. ...... f .... • -~ ... EDWARDS COFFEE :~~ Iced ~cc: Make at double suen~. pout bot ovu ice. IEM LUNCHEON MEAT ·.-coder, ¥e-lawnd mat product. Slice fonandwiches. SAFEWAY CUAHAHTEED MEATS IIEIIS Du.z SoaP ,!:~ Swan: Soap ~~;: Ivory Soap 21 '.\-·23• ,. .. 3 '""29' ...... White Magic c.~"· IJ·••"••J&• p,.,... .... I Qvot I twQ>. 9< I RATIONED FOODS -at4u .... ,_ (2) Dtdewood c-:::~.:~~- (2) P k ~,.,,, 6f00"\d ar ay c-, .., •. gc ..... _,, .. ,, ,..,._ , .. c. 11ALUt '"22• ••• '''24• ... (6) TomatQ Juice ~::-: ".:·a• • 46..01 con : c. "'"" 15 r'\)lntu · (6) Tomato Juice L•rt'y ...... 1"-p ....,,, ... v-"' •t4l-oa c-on. 2Jc. plu t ll p< ""' (2)·V.S Cnrktail v•ootoblt •• .. •·14• ..,..y JWtc• •• (10) Pork and Beans n • ..... I.,. . -v .. ,_. ht glte.U lprluded Mlu Edna W alk«-r. ldn. Myrtle Hycke, Mra. Louise Clark!lon and amall daugb- ~r. ud Ruth Pamham. : A runt at th,. home of !r.lr and Mr8. E . 'R. Wlllker ;-umar wu1 Mr11. Martha Klrkpat~ck of Santa Ana. who I• now In the ot!Jce of 1 thf' Santa An!l Regl•t-er. -· ~ Mra. 8. H Walkerdlne, 1001 South Oout boulevard. won 160 for ht'T queetion.a which we~ un- anBwe~ by cooteatanll on the Dr. I. Q. program broadcast, •n K.F.I .. July 3. . . . . JrfarUaine Momll. da ughter of Wr. and Mra. Edward Memll, 218 11:ut ElghtHnth atreet, eo.ta Mesa ,has bt'en conllned with lnlluenu. ldr. and Mra. W . H. Reed of 1 San Dleco. vlalted Mr. and ldra. · Sherman Nugent of 307 M&rlgold I avenue, · Corona del Mar. .,,.., Reed and ldr. Nurent are · the d&urhter and 110n or Mr. and Mre. I J. R. Nu3'ent of S.ILDta Ana. ldra. A fl a Chri11ttnaen a n d daurbttr M'111 Else bad u wHk end gueat• Mnt. Bertha Klrfwot. or Lo8 Angrlee. anti Mr. and Mr•. E. Snyder. of ln,IPWood. llnd Ml11 Ell~n Snyder or La canada • A.F.L. Metal Trades Seelts Boat Yard Vote Advir t'lt rt"<'<'lYed from t he Nl\· t1on'a1 Ll\bor Relations BOI\rd bv • the Ne'A1><Jrt Metal rt'R'd•·s 11f th~ I A. F. or L .. lnoJirnlt'll lhal Mj:l\nl. I tlon11 to Jl<'rmlt ht)lo.Jing nn tlh•r tl n r~t thC" AC'k erman Unat Yard, ar· rorthnj: tn llnh G;bb11 .. l'lo't r't•lnry •Jf the local llnlOA. , I Mrs. G1bba ~ttntrtt lhnt the Ackfrmnn· Cc>ulp.'ln~· 1•'<1!'<'11 11 fnr· maJ prot. lllld askrd n full ho•ar- rn« bl'(ore Ute &ard PanPl, which sill ln Los Angt-lc-s I In di«ttssing t "e flllt"!ltt ·n r>! tht rtrht to vot«-on 11uch qut'llllnn!l. Ml"'l. Glbbe del.'lart'd that under 1 11Ur dtmo<'ratoc Pf'OC«'II-"l'S, t'Vf"ry HS ZrM MJUR" Qll THI HOMI FROIII. TOOl ' TIOI n rTI 'Ila&a &a cbe b'-pub INy II eo .-cit -~ ... yo• h~Ye beea wsitlo1 fori IliAd tiM bi1 podia ... die palh thet 111&1 la the "aero boar"l Ollr 6Jbt· . willlllld Hitter Md Tojo i.aao-.. f.Aa mto are ready-r.-d, to •trike U•~Oo. ~ &D)'Wiure ... anytime · • • aayboW Gee, bell lad the ID'fU!oe drl.al • •• BAR NOTHING! Ia~ MOR.B thaD ....., beforet What .boac 70., Are.,. • .-, o-bt. .. , uipt.." what,_ . ._ 110 ml«h chiJ tplrir with your War dooe In My P....,ioua dri"' 1M 5"'W'AR I AAN 80Dd ~ Enzy bood )'Oil job il biJ-yw'•t I<K to ili1l ft a.vft &«the ~/-liUY MORE THAN BEFORE I~ NEWPORT DREDGING. CO. 6S 1 S bt' Str~H Tf'lrphone Npt. Bc>h. 27'7 , mpiOye llbo uld be JT&Dled tbe . t•rl\'ilt'ge t f rxpre~~ting b l!t Clr her Tius I> 110 r)CitCIIII ttplnlon on the lilfht to vote a nd I · · · Jll'l'fW"''" 11nder thl· nu.:.pic.-,. or Th·lt~UI') IX-pannwnt I that Clppollltlon to .uc~ a vrtn- ~e would tend t o, aolldlfy r r'a!ll· and \Vnr Adwrti~ln~; Council. meir to atand tDrther tor •uc:.h t * * "'f:1 'f:l * * "({ * _* * * * * * 'tl 'tl * J... a1o EMt 0e • ......_ Jl&lttoalnitata. I ________ · ------·-------------}-{- -"· •' - T alllert Tells Co1nty P111nen to leep lewpo.rt l1ltor for Plea1re 'KeeJIIDC Newport Hartlor u a Udel&n48 &Jid flatlanda wtlbout pleuure cl'&tl b&l'bor waa adY~ dlttlc:ulty . ' eated by Mayor Tom ~.U.rt of "Why. It would be lib .:ooptnr HU1l1inatoo Beach, ~I.Dr be-flour out ot a barrel," ba malD- fore pemben of th~ Oranc~ Couo-, t&lned. ty P!arullnr Oommlalon. when he Tb~ ITOUnd at both place. le preaent~d an ~labort.te plan r·r an .oft. with no underlying rocka or IDdWittlal ~It lying betweeo 81\al~: yet atrong foundation• for Huntlnrtoo'Wotach and Seal Bf'ach. future building of huce lnduattlal The belt would lncludr twr r.tl-._ plants would be provld~. , I ly comm~rclal harbors anoJ a Ill'''· A pl&nned lnduatrlal belt, he 1.. ond.ary cout highway. u ht. would give lnduatrlea a Mayor Talbert ukl!d th" plan-1·hanc.-tn locate In this" rount.:v nine commlalloo to make prelim-! ~~lder planne~t lll'vci<;'Pment ; tt !nary atud'~• alter uktng the •.nuld forever , ~1arant~ public , board of aupl!rvlaora h provide U8!' 1 f bea.1:hea an~ general tundlt wllb which · to make eng•-w .. uw provide the ""ireatut alngle ncerlng lft.ll"Veya to aaslet In the !pur til lnduettlal growth of Or- detailed planning. ange County. I He propoeed that Orange Coun- ty orrtclata apon110r the plan. and wggeated that the county l'lhould acquire lnduatriat ~t~tea, highway Mack and Blflck Gift Shop Moves . rlghta Qf way. and t~arbor devel·l -- that If public funde were tnvnt· .Th<' Mnck and Bluck. gift sho1>. ed In thla way, dl'\'elopment would Which has t>c:en locat<.lf m ~h1• Bat· be 11peeded 'and the county's In-holl Inn bUIIdlnr::. ha:~ tl)ts W('t>k v .. tment would be llquJdated with-1W:n rnO\'<'d ~<"ross th.•• ~<tr<'<'l and 1 In a few yean. wtll be <'On."<~!•dat~ with lh<· \ou~t j Gunrd ldl'nllf•cntlon nnd Photor::· The ''Industrial Bt-llline" plan raphl<' r::alll'ry, ut 104 Main S t .. calla for a halC-mlle wide .trip Ballltla acroaa 110uthweatem Or;antre Coun-ThNldnr<• M<'Eimy ~~ tho• O"'nl'l ly aomr two mUea Inland. 8klrtlng of thl' J::•ft !<hop. ha\;mr:: hour::ht 0111 the propoal'd harbc.r. on~ of :0.1 r. Black's lnll.'n•l<l , a nd :O.Ino 1 which would bfo. dredged from Eulu Hart nl'r will l'(lOt mue 10 I Bot• Bay and the other from the chargt" of the giri de pan ment natlanda betwee n Huntington Beach and Santa Ana River chan-· · • net. Three two barbora would have I George Holstein Hparatr entrances to the .ea. and . • • would be link('d by • channel two. Gets CommiSSIOn or two and ooe-halr mtlea loog. I • Ocean-r olng craft putt'"' Into the As U. S. Ensign harbors could enter one port. luve, __ _ by another. &\'Oidlng maneuver-Nrw Yurk, N y George Hol- Ing within the harbore. Talbert stein . .On of Mr. Ct" rger Meade explaJned. · Hol~trln. of Newt>ort l.ka.rh. Calif.. Jndustnes woulJ be located re.cel\'ed his commlst lon aa an en. within the harbr r areaa. and facll· a ll('ll In the l'nll£•<.1 ~'Hates Naval W.. wout,J ~ rep1d wlthm l ftelll:'"'e tdd:iy a:tl'r curnpletrng tbe . "lndu.Atrllll beiULne" where a lhl' fltl<¥n·w~rk uf .lcer's tra lnlnJr IIUpu h ghway and rail tranait. rvur'llc at the Nt•w York ti.R.N R Talbert. proposed that all. In-:\tiolllbiprrrn's t~el'uol. 1 duatrie!t be cnnrine<.l :v thew zonee In tmpOAbR ('~remnn!rs "' n- planned • lnllu~trlal-commerclal tiUCl<'d Ill the Cathedral or St. growt h of tht t m.nty which he John tJ!e Dlvm" thl' largest gothic Mid W3!t·<luc to folluw ttw war t'llllll'drat In thto wflrld. Uw r::rad- "whether we want It or nllt." uates t11ok U1e nAval <lffll'er's, uath hoof1•r~ f'apla•n .ll.tln K r:u·harols, 1' S:\' l'OIOIIIanoluo~ OffiCl'r or the 9!'h00l lie predtl l11 unmrns .. tmannal returns fr m llUl'h nn irWt'.'ltrnel')t. with ruplc t~··lnrreaJ< n~ land valur:t rcauiUnl{. · • Th:s "~ lhc IM't d~t.s:s t.1 be . . ~ r»tlll:tl•·i.l fr••m th•• :\'o•w York lncllli.l!•d In lho• l"'~t~·"r p!nn~ ,.)J&edlopm .. 11•11 ,.. h•-ll """~ 1t,.. ln- hr rn\•lslnn•'d t wo atrpor~ one , , 11 on t~lm ~• t<•ur \'t•.orll ago lot'ttlell j::o'no·mlly lot oil l\'ontt·r~-tlllllard lhl' t • K S rr~trl<' ~tAll' burjt l htl 11tlw1 no•a1 thl' :>.'••wpurt furrn••rly l h<'· rlll·~shtt• I' s s I 'll· H11 1 bt.ll uro•:o urul n"l far frnm lh<· 11, h n( llh 1;1,.;~1 \\'till<" F it , 1 Thl' tltwl.n~o;l ••II I !<'ru h lfarboor Wh<'rt• >od l""' nuw t•ornpr11 ... 8 1 hrt'!' ( · _ ln<lu~rtal ctl'\'l'lnrmrn1 Wl)uld be "liln\hla· 1 novt'1'lllt ·ncJrmltm1eiJ-3..!1 "enlt•rt•d. • '' rli liH thl' tralnt'ng ship. and hu Al•mg w tlh Ius plan, ti .. al.lvt>-1>1'1 om~ tht• t'uunt ry·s • largr At • nlo•tl 1 t\rull.\ ·jtl.Jl•· "' <tU•s•t •o n or · ur•,. uf "''" "t\':J.I , f: 11 r rs r.•arly nil lwnr•h I ronllll-!•'"· I" lcco•p llto·m (,,r .r•mh11l till!\ llflo:>t \\'11 h lht• from 1•1dustrtlll tl• \'••ll•p:no•nl a11d t. r:u,lun' ,.,, .. 1 th•• F::g l••t•.>lh ~llll<H, t n cron\t'lt tho·m for ull-tomf' puh-the.-num b<'r • f rt•l'•'n o~tts trnmo·J lie uso· 1-:flo.•ll IOJ brlnt; l h111 ph:\Jl•' at. tho• 111 huul t'Xtt't'dll 1:,.000 . nf U11· plnn t n l unt•lloon hiLS btot·n 'linc!t r way 'I r KOmt• Y<'aFa. Taltwrt c·btrrc<l that both bar-ij RED CROSS tx~rs could be cant'd out or the """"~ ... ~ . • Activiti~s Mr,. G. L. Andrewa ' - , I I Plnns f• r tl-1' arrival or the .. T!~d C'mu Blood [)(lnor Unit at the N<'Wp<>rt lkach Grammar j 8C'hool next Mnday have bef'D com. plrtrd.. Mra VIctor Grace, r halr- man of the Blood Donor Day, Ia ~ry much KT&tltltd at the · way the community Ia supportlnl' tbe project. Donon are uked t o turnlah ~elr own transportation tr at all , poutbTe. but It not. are eeked to W ll EN ~ call . the Jtrd ern. oltlce, phone I b~&turiNance. aaeh u &a-pe 18&:1. an(! leave their names. ........ Craakln-, EUitabllltr, Motor Corpe membera and a num-a.tJ--ar Neneu BHdKhe ber or additional volunteer drlvera iDterf.ere with f OU1' work cw apoU I will take care o1 u much trana- J'OIU' rood timu, take port&Uon u ~ble. Dr Ill-•.....rH Donon wtll ba noUfled or tile • ... ....... Lime or donatlona. and lltlould plan O.W w u ... -..a Tableta) to &1ve at teut an hour or more 1 N...._ Teuloo ca~~ mab 1" or time at the ec:t:ool. f # f • I NEWPORT-BALBOA Beach, California, Thursday, 6, 1944 ' 350 Down 50 Still To GO I WITH ALL OF US KEEPIN(; TUNE D TO THE LATEST WORD Of"~ THE INVASION, WE ARE SEEKING NEW W A \"S TO no OllR SHARE AT HOME. Blood .Bank .lJnit WHICH ·WILL MAKE ITS FIRST · VfSIT TO NEWPORT ·BALBOA 01 · ~OfiDAY, JULY 10 ~ .. . .p ' MUST .HAVE 400 DONORS ·- I WE RAVE IUARAfiTEED THAT MANY,. SO ·w~E ·CAIIIOT FAIL! • I What Better or Mare Tangible Way to Feel \\' e are Doing our Home-.'ront Part Than to Spend a Half Hour of Our Ti"'e (;iving a l>int.of IDoOCtnr-Save a Soldier•s l..ife? .. Lifesaving Plasma ••• .. is madE> from ·blood . blood ctOOotro by Americans who taka-this means of putti~ them~lvc~. in the ri~ht with · ~heir righting men. It's the k·ind of blood thai has built Am<'riCA-~h<' kintl of blood that Ita!> kept h(•r frre F ighting Blood! As the war . rontinU<'!' to grow in int<'n!'ity, \VC mus t give more and more. ·WE DARE NOT FAIL! Casino Cafe PI.A8MA AT ENIWETOK play• a lif•·uYinr part on 01~ lnva- aloa Medt whh c-t G1ard 111d Marin~ inntlrr... ""'"· a rounra•l,. 11hot dowa ta the terrlllc l lfhllnl( that •li111inaled the eM•J ucr•na blood pluaa donat.l b7 fello• Aeuicana at ho111e. Puf Y·our lame Down -on · the List ~ow '' Calling: MR.'\. VICI'OR GKACF49 Phoae 4M ~.'NORMAN CALLISII, Phoee 883 . MM. R. C. N~F.I.Ir.Y, Balboa .Bank nuy day. Phon. IM6.~. ROBERT oiADWIN, ~ewpor1· S.ach f1N" HtaUon. t•honfl 16 - Sicn. Up lOW! e · Anyon.e thi nkjng of sig ning up should do so im med iately because or the clerical work a nd t ima limit involved. •-Although 350 ha ve signed up, we need 50 more. \ 111.000 PLAIIfA AIIOAaD AN UT at Ca,. , . ........_., lf .. .. tala. ...... te die ..... ., ........... ,.... . ... w c,.... •11Ht .. •lu•• II a4etai1Wr .... tile •t~ ...... ,..., ... .,... lata aa ••"'lrftiCJ ~tal. ..._,. a <AM& Q..,. .W, ,.,ud,.U.. .. ........... + 202 Main Strftt Balboa, Calif. Norman f4'1o~er Shop . 1307 Coast J liway · Cqrona ~·I Ma r Gus' If Sea Shell Cafe fill E. C'.Rntntl Balboa Theodore Robins Ford Sale. & Servt~ · Phone Npt. Bch. :lH Hormen Fish Market Wholt"Salt> It Rclltil 2:l20 W. ~ntntl Nf"WJ))rt-Ba.Jh<Mt Red Crou Wabfal, Jltt~r. Irritable. Ne,.. ~al Motor Corp• memben are • .-oa~ Teneioa call a-. Nenoll(l pleued with the I'Ood Red' era. B...&adla aDd NenM& 1-.41,... eplrlt, which prompte two eum- U... la u-like u.-. ._.. atf, I mer vta!ton to votunte.r to drive I Boulev.rd Feed· Store r Jt'oundry Dtvt.lon Newport Industries, Inc. aora llkelr thaa uMJ ta beco1111 -... n uoqht aDd DenOU aDd 'ID for the local Motor ~rp. during I wtah for a wood MClati•e. r1r. their vacatlone hrJ'!. They are llllae Hen._ Ill a rood MClatm Mra. McDowell ol Rlveralde and --tlliJd bat ..rerliYe. Mn . Jamu Slmonde of Redlende I Jt 7011 do DOt 11M Dr. flO• ~th faithful l\iotor Corpa mem: 2240 Newport Blvd. Costa M('1o..• Channel Boat Co. 1215 Coast Highway P h . Npt. &h. lfV<I; Balboa Canvas Shop 224 'h 21st St. . . Newport Dt-a1 h Nemna JOG ean' lmow wha& it ~"' In their own communities wtU do f or 1011. It comet ill Tbtre wilt be a new Flrt. Aid Liquid &fld ElrerTe&eent Tablet dasa for Motor Corp11 merr.bere form, both equally aoothlnr to &nd proepl!ctlve mt mbi.rs unltr the tenaa and o•er-1n'ourht nenea. llbll' instrurtlnn of RAlph nand. Kay Finch Ceramics WHY DON'T Y.OU TRT IT 1 1'hllllt> who wlah t'l enroll ,.~.vutcf Corona del Ma r Cet it at r dur cfriir afOre,' ciiT theR«! Croas o'tl~ --it--_;_-·--------...::..:..:...::: ---Eft'er:ve~cent tal•letl 35t and 7$t, I A new membPr or the Volunteer Liquid 1St and. Sl.OO. Read dlrec-Uona and UN only M ifir«ted.) Hnmr SPrvlc<' l'll\/f lA Mn1. Hubert _ Cay. BEFORE YOU BUILD 0~ REMODEL • VIsit our lnterntlng u mple and diaplay rooma. Color guldu planning a ida, cOm· prehenalve atock of r uga. carpeta, linoleum and Vene-· tla n bll nda. Aug• and Cupetl Cleaned '"paired LUDLUM C8rpet Works Santa Ana Excelsior Creamery Florence Bakery· Edward Firbank Scottie's ('alifw 'll, o :10~··:'\t. Ill "Timttr to Eat" :'>0 1 E ·na~ J· 1 • 111 .Fun Zone Volney L. Hay, ~.Jiquors C. W. TeWinkle C<>st.a' Mesa Balboa Pharmacy F~aturtng Exce!Mor Ice Cream Culberbon Chevrolet Co. O ltn ("UIIX'rt.son, Ownt'r Gunderson Drug Co. FNIIIlrin~ Arrlf'n h-.• c~am I 'Cnr11na rfl'l Mar ltrd Cr:oHR .J:'itzpatrk k'R Sfort·~ .. - Stag ('afr :lJ.;t l'l:w•· ;,nd C 'o:1'\l Bo11l1•\:11d Va-n Camtl'H Sea Food ('( •.• lnt·. 2'n 20t h ~ . .:1'\\jlllrl il4•:wh ·• S<·ott'~ Landing Ch :•rl•·r Bo:•l s Yad11 Hr'IJk•·r'< !': P' 1 kh :w< :o!R:W \\' O ·ntral , l'h Nwr•f FWh. JO~ rCmtta Mesa Pharmacy A . L. llmkh·y Newport Ice & Cold Stora.ce Co. <\10 Thlrtlt>th St. N('wport H4:-lwh M·r. and Mrs. S. L. Hoke 1000 Oa>nn Ave. ftt'!ltaurnnt Corona dei.Mar Richardson Tooling Produda ~1 0 Mnrlnf' Phonf' Nrwport Beur h 1:11 Balboa Palm-Palm I ,,.iVI'-fnn C11r•· Mr. unrl Mn4. M. C. Mc:Kay, Props. ~tarck'H Cafe 114'1'1 ()(ltlis_l . Ea rl'~t~ Landing 711 C 'uast l li dl\•::•.\, N f•WJ11)11 Uea<"h. l'h. Npt. Dch. 711 Vagabond liouse "'"' to no! S••to C 'I hi h•·~ lltolt,o.u ,llitll,.,,, 1\lnncl II arry's Cafe "Jw;t 11 f'rflf.od I 'lat'f' to l·~•t" Balboa 1122 leutll Mllft lt. IAN:fA ANA A Contribution by the Patriot·ic C itizens a nd F irms Listed on T his Page • ·-, . NEWPORT-BALBOA NF.WS-TJM~. Newport Be•• California, Thunday, July 6, 1944 ••• Folow 80f. to C~iuco ' .iea&~ll w•m,en ?.::::;:='?. :E: ay CLEM WHITAKII" ulldoubUdly co-atar R~valt 6 ay Mu•" "· M•M•&........ tobew are mor. favorite mcmt.UI Wallace in a claufc jouat WUil t 1 for lheai' In lh-wate.n. ~ we!MM • a»n~ Dew«y It 811ck•r-nd wllo wl&t "lof•l! aniwed ill Newport .. 1\Ar-, atfr Vca Kennel couldn't be left I Cllla~to. wblob t&A..1o pubOanUJ mal the abow under aucb c~.rct~~-.~touth from CluDp Whlta... Qrec011, out ot tbe ttltllng plctur., 80, a Republican one w~ek. and wtldly atanc~• you are at liberty t.o COD• Monday morning at two a.m ., but vlalt to hla atore wu next. Ctltf g••• S ..... , I{_ On '· [)ormocratlr a r,.w wtt>ka later. jtt• turt' 'That'a what maku pob• th.-tnwn hadn't gone to lleep yet muat be t·t' Dean of tlahlnr tackle a a 10 W a e • 1 w1t.hnut Ult all,htHl atraln on Ita tlca lnttrt:lttnr, • • sot·nt ~unday abc».rd tbe S.P. at ere opera lora here In number of Gill* at._._... MnM of b~.~o~pi\Jlllty, Ia now buall~ t Calltornuo'a Govttrnor wa,...., San Jn11quln Daylight. a ~In v.•e 1 yean •rvice. Ted Pontlng lllUit ..._.. ............ • • • • • I -..lt.ltr• """rplng up the n~wty an by dc:.:hnlnl{ to accept the Repu~ can be proud Ul!a country C'an bt' next Walter Racker and ._... ..... • ••••• • • • • •· • IIIA&t.ll&:ll Brlrker pl~ard11 lett ln the wakl~ 11 can nomination tor Vire Pres!. ·pro.ture. The valley Ole train l•l Hugh McMillan will be remem-1 tor& C:... • • • • I fti.IM.Iti.M o1 Tbe Great GOP lnvu lnn. aa drnt even when ht' wu v1rtl.l&ll)' nan f!<i after. the Tehachapi h'lla. bared by man y SouUlem California • r .............. Gon -.. ..... -... It prepartlll to liOn R •u,vell a~d LtiiiUrt'd of UJIIInlmtola Jll"lt'CUQD-and Ulf' Mojave Ouert were really tlallermen. It l.a hoped that they ..._.. II d • • • • • • • • • • : ~ ll?,niAUAI Wallace button• for the openl g t4Nrprtee<l evc:n hill clmwet frieoda, w~>lt r.m11 sig! ta, and beauWul t.o g~l along better 10 heaven than :::: w ·:: 17 ~\It ~ : : : : 0 11.1., .... 1& nt the Ot-morratlc Nattnn&l ron-many t1 whom went to the COD· ar t" frnm the t,_in, tht'V did on eartb. Mac and Baldy ...... ~.......... . . . . • . . -.u..-... veot1011 on JuJy 19 vrnt1on dt>tennlntd to <11art IUia. r-:ewp•rt•Ba lboa'a flahlng wu a re:1ily gave the tiaberman the beat ._ _. • • • • • • • • • • • 117.11UII.M Ther•·• very little myatl'ry In -w ttlher personal "r puhllc&l coo-euh)t'<'l that qu.lcllly receiVed In flahlnr tackre and the beat In I .__. ...... _. a-I h.._ • • • ILIIIIM 11 vot'Nd In wbat v.•lll harpen ln the a1dnatlona weJ~tbc.l moat beavllJ .,11,.·1 ntt.enUon. He vl.altcd the aarvic.e.. Thelr effort. made our .... r · r h ......., _... la.IM.Ut.ll aprawtlnr Chlra~ro Stll.' tum whrn In hl11 d•·•· "'"n 111 tl<'batabla. but N t'wport Ftllhing Tackle Store f iahlng known everywhere. · : ...... ,_.. • • • • • • • • • • • • HIMlAI lhl' Democrat~ !ore~~:aUltr. any , n,; lnr t11r, undouht••tlly, waa Go.-whf'rr th'e Flying Sc~teman uMd Atlttr being away for ' time ~~:,~~.;.;..;.,.;.~ avre thanthnewuwh.rnthefle-tmur Wnrnn's f•'••hng that C&Ji. to write tlehtng newa for thr it'a nice t.o ·get ~ck and notice , 0 _. ......,. .. • • • • • ll.llO.OU.Il publtclln• maJir thf' raft"r11 ring fvr1ua v•lc-ra w&nttd him to RaJ N t•wa'-Timta. Ftah lor gear Ia be-the c~ an(N. but better to ~ old 1 ._ I -• • • • • • • • • • . ____ ._,_1·_11_ 7 ..M wtth t.hl'ir ml~~:t t V pre.arran'fed on the job 111 SN•rarnento and ftD. coming a precioua Item theN daya. famlllar fa.cea. Mac talked to ... BALBO~ TBBAT&8 s.-.....at=•••~u IAat llllowlllc of a ~ P'ea· tu.re Procram St.rt.a at 1:10 Tllun. -FJ1. -Bat. AJUr 811ertd-· Deanle Mo,...a "8HJNE ON HA&VEST MOON" c-rt-a .t Newa 8wr.-Jloa. Mary MarUa · F..-cbot Tone VIctor Moore Ia "TRUE TO LD''E" • "'l'uk Forq~~" Muakal olamhoree Cartooa .t N-• .,.._. • Wed. "IIESRY ALDRICH HAUNTS A HOUSE" .._,,.,..,,,..._,. drmorultrallone a wf'ek ago. l l•h hie tenn · That. -too, hap~ but tl.ah lll}ri~ are. ju.t u plenU-Tony Roy, r etling rttady for a ,... •• •• • • • • • • In the <"aM of lhf' GOP. there t o l'Uint ldf' v.~th hla own dealna. ful 811 f'ver. Mac decided. be'd flahlnl trip to Catalina and Santa • 1.1 & II L If Ill wu , at leur. aorr" doubt u to 1 'Pit-f;ovunor o•nJoye being Coot-like to try halibut tlablng 'from the I Barbara. He told o.f Jl'rankle.\ 8t&rttllg Tllun., oluly IS ..... en.M who would lw ll#~'ond man .~n the ernl'lr. p iPr witb llvtt baJt. after a atroM Vlncrnt. and J~ Lazartch, and Hedy Lamarr Ia .._... •• • • ' • • -~ lt.ftTAU.III:ll ticket, u Oonm<>r Warren could I The only r.t.her ripple or axclt.-9ut to the end. • I the_lr fJther. wbo have llltled the., "THE IIEAV,:NLY BOD\'" ....... _. ftlle • • • • I.III.:IU.J 1 UI havl' had thf' nomtnatl'>11 by juat mPnt who~h 11trrrrd the biC Re. Tht> Ol't'l of live bait boata op-l watera for many yean . Now they. abo alao "TORN ADO" (,'artooa ~Ill "--n • ~ _. • ~ niXidlnK b•a hf'&d Rut unleu publlc11n rnnrlavr• an Chicago wu ernt•n11: from the bay wu a real I are operattng out of Santa Bar-1 "BEAUTIFUL BUT BROKE" :. a ~ ~.~ ~ _ 01 : ~". • • IUti.IU.n I Prrllldl'nt IUKla'Yelt apringa the 1('8UIM'<J by Wf"ndl'll Wlllk le'a cr!U-ilT'pl't'Baion. He aaw t.he P1yer bara, but frcnjuenUy put Into Comtar: "Tender Comrade", .....,. 111 ...._. ....... • ...__ • a.uuu.a veatut eenutlon In thf' hiatory 1 cal apllf'lllanl .. r t.ht! party'• plaDJl dOLk at the 1eth 11trret landing Newport Harbor. r trbt now on "1'11ey Got Me Covered"'. 1•so ....... 11r .......... .,_-. • • • • t llAat.lM.lJ of AmrrlciUI polltlu by drdin-on uJtcrrtllliunAI relatlona. ADd wit" b6rracuda, halibut, and white the alert fr r thoae albacore. Baked ·Tl.-for Love", "IUdtalf Wch", c.w. I '"~ to run again Ulere'a little !\1 r WJllkw wtll doulDUeaa COG· .,.,.,1 blliJB ru the catch. At the Bal. I albacot•, yum. yum. VIncent and "Tile Phaotom JAdy", '"file e-.._._, • I 11== rhanc·c r r any UJIII"I In Ulf' Ortr~>· t1oou• a p llt•ull quratlonmvk lq boA Pavillion he aaw eucb boata J~ are having a new boat llulll Mlrade of Morea''• Creek." ......•. , • • • • • •' ?I -· I M ' LIDO T8BATEB ...._ 1116 Free Parldq ~ at , • .t t :l l Matlllee Satanta;, at 1 :•a Co•lta&aOua Suoclay from Z:JO .,..,..., • f"rt, -Sat. mMM ......_ • Betty Botton -Ia "'TTiE MI&ACLE OF MOIWAN'8 CREEK" "OUr Froatier Ia J&aly" Cartooe · Muaklal • Newa 8ua. ·MOIL Kay K1•r Ia ... WINO lr'ZVI!B .. AJao "GANGWAY FOR TOMO-OW" Canooa a Newa ,._.,·Wed. "HENRY ALDRICH. BOY' SCOUT' alao "TUJ1ii81AN VICTORY" Cartoon .t Mualc&l 8 ta rtillr TIIW"L, ol uly IS 'da Lupblo .t Paul Hellft!Ad Ia "IN OUR TIME" Comlnr: "See Here, Privat.e Kvpove", "Cune or the Cat People... "'Coll'hoy <'aateea'', 'The UnJnvtted", •'JAd1t Let'a D&G<'e" • ...._.. C .....,._,. • • .... ·.-·.. crntk'alnle at Chlrago And no I<• t•ulJIIc nn :.ff1ur:t fur some Ume a11 th .. Owl. Malden. and St. here. Tony tlllld. J ~······ ._....., ,._. • • • • • • ll.MI.l7l.l1 ""'' In h II rig' 1 mln.d I'!IJ>f'C" 11 r. I•· 1 mne. ciP~>J'It" tl e f1u:t that be Agnea. Ecldif' MI.Kire· 11 ConfecUonary .,_.. 111 ...._ .. c:-Rn III'Vf'll t" r'ntlgr •hi' tlraft. IUI V , , IPt<lulntc•<.l IJvyemor Dewey oa All thue-well·eq\llpped bnaLI was another apot Mac had to vlalt, c.-. . . . . . . . . ::::.~: mure than lhry 'Xpt.-l'led Mr hill ntomlniiiiOII. ma.dt' Mac think bark lo tht' tlrat lor a root btoer n oat. Eddie" cer-:. •.•• ,, ......................... , ........................ ! , ••••• '""""'""""''"''i oe.. ...._ •• • · • • • lOUIUI Dr wt>v to rl•• IJO \\'hnt Mr Wlllkle f1uea ln. the "''e hlllt boat to.·operate from tamly kettpa buay with that good • . 1 .......,. llallll •• 1 , ,._. November'• ahow·of·llhowll will r 11111 analys ts will llkt>ly depend hPI"t', the ~unshlne, better known i cream ht' maku. ALBACORE FISHERMEN ~~-IOIAI. c:AJII.II. fVIIIll •• • • • • • · l?l.m .tn.M . • mttl'l' on what Governor Dewl)' u the "Little Sunny." 1'tle ca tchee l Mra. Aguu Ell_.orth now hu • ; .i...... . . . . ···".,.;.,...... Bank of America 1111YII ft nd d~a. u the c&Dlpalp ,.,, yt-llowtall, barracuda, and bUa thtt newa lhal her eon, Walter : teiM~ • • • • • · G • tll'vrloPfi. thlll) on what the plat-t'-al UNd to come In otf tbat Kelly, 1.a now a Captain in Ole Air : ~ • . ·,~u ~ Makes Great atn I (c>l'm 13}'11 whrt•h W81 adopted .._ l><>lltoom.ade • rood buclneutfor th.t I Force. A-1 Irwin ia now an En.. • It's flO."CINCH" that-Albacore will be with us again this ; • .._..,::J:f,.••~~.::::;' • .,,... · · <'lu1·agn. If ht lx-comu cODvtnoed klda with wagon. who lfted 'to go 1atrn 1tauonetl at Prtncetoo Unl-• year, but we know it 's a cinch you will be ready and 50 i ::-..:::... ....... .: ........ ~.................. In Capital Funds that Drwey aha rea at leut ltOIIM O<lt on the end~ pf t he Newport. ver.;ty. Tate H.aiN made a Ser-1: will we ! •••-• ., uf his at'ntlmtnla on the lllt.ma-r •er when the "Little Sunny" geant'a rattng alter :;olD~ back to -. . ' • • • : ... -•nro ••~or ........ _-_ 1 hi • --fB .. _ Sta... · ..,.. .. _ •-&II _ S r ... 1 n of nnn k tlonaJ •lt uallon. Mr . WUlkle un· wc>uld come In wiUl t1 w at t' Oallu Texu from hLe furlou(b • Loeat.Joas o u~au• woas: • • ... ~ -~ tatement 0 ron"1 1 n "" 11 rt hJ.m f bl ri t'"-t It b-.. good catch • ' I' H.a • J a i ~---~~!~:!~~~::!~!111!!~ ..... ~~~~:.:...:'~.-~:04':::..,:=~-•t•'•lw~~~===:;•~.. liO. 1944. ren~t.a •ub!ltantl•' galna the 11HO alandattl-bearer Ia wboU)' nf flab. rr:t'e klde would load up 1 muat be nearly . a native by now.J ! ~o:!co~ .._:Main !lin AvUa. Calif.. ft.l o1! ! 1 -!..... or Amt>ri<'n. N.T & S A liS o f Jun,. doubt.fdly wl auppo • or a ng ,,.. .., a hert-. Cpl. Ben Hilt. n waJI. ~ Ph ~·ol I CataiJJia JAiaDd Pit. Avaloe 5%0 i •-... 1'!"'~-1 dt-during tht> half Vl'llr in all "Ill nf aympalhy with the ~ their wa.gona wllb ack• of tlab 1 gueu wtt hadn t better otter hJm f 8ul 81-. Pit. Cambria !H 'It Moeterey, Calif. i _ _ _ :;,.nm.Atll ol opcra.tion. -1\n!i 11 "ell dorr.eat1c JM;~llclea and..!ul.a aid t. .... haW ln ott thr. pier. Gua \be ~any piM&ppk ju~ ~ben he get. I! Aat.orta. On.. n ... WMtport, Warrlr. ! -~-. IYd Mr& t.. T . Fol80m. att Mn. Georte Lewla or S04 Marl· mark~ lncl"t'a~ of <'Rpitnl r~nd.~. ao wlt.b hie cuatoii\&ry v1pr. Gardener• boy wu one or tne back. Bye, for now. , ~ --t--• •·•--OaU.f i _,. Mar r old av,uue, Ccrona del Mar, had which now tnt a I $171.776.000. a nf't hard-working :iah haulen. Mu ---_ 1 : ll.&la Offlclfl -Te.---. ! =:;:::.:.~==~weak her 800. Lt. Commander Boyct Inert>&~ or $10.251.0oo OVI"r II year 1944 recalta. Mre. Bllu McCorkle, chairman, " Plao-llanor Mll-HartMtr 5801 '! •. _. ud llalidQ, ltlr. and Mn. K. Lewla. ot Wub.lnrtOD, D. c .. u aro. and $5391,000 •inct' Dt-ct'm· TIDE TABLES Tuna anti nlbacort eeem to be l&l'lnouncea tha t ·the claaa for u:· _!• • VAN CAMP SEA FOOD COMPANY, Inc. ~ MrL 1 L. ,ue.at for a few daya. Lt. Com-her 31; 1943. I tht-flah rf'celvlng careful COiald· pcnctant m• tl e,., aporurored by f A. ,...__ ltlr. I:.Dd ~ ~Bander Lewta. formerly ot 8&1· Total rt'!IOIJrc<'s Wl're $3.975.49.1,-High Low HI~ • Low rratlcn at thia p&l't of the eeuon. 'Ole Rt-d o-o.. Vlaltlng Nur• ~ _ · i ~M:· =..~;,all !; boa Uland, 1a ber. 011 otndal 000 a ~ralri of $R47.R56.000 ovt>r a I'' 7 11'46 ~:17 10:!'»4 4:• ln!ormatlnn !rom jullt one trolling eervtce Of Costa Mt>aa will be held : . Buy M 0 R. E B 0 N D 8 F 0 R. VI CTORY ! ......,....; ... Mr. aDd Mn. J. r. buelnua for the .IOftnuDeDt. He ~ar· ago and sm.5Rt.OOO overl 4.1 1.2 1.5 1.1 boa! nperntor, Capt. Bert Milia. T hur.day at 3 p.m .. at 1816 ..................................... , ............................... •••••·•·••·••• .................... 11'' ...... I aa-t ol R.U•nde and Mn. Ia heAd ct uie packing and pack-~mtw-r 31. 1 ~1:1. Dt-poslt!! to· S. 8 12:36 6':02 11 :32 1:11 of the Lorna-Pat Ia that• all the 1 Newport boulevard. 1 LadUe ~ • Bo6a. Idallo. agtq fer the U.S . Na.y. taJIPd $3.767.443 000. an ln<'n'll~ I 4.2 1.1 6.1 U trolling bo&ta &rf' buay tltt'~ c\aya -:::r====.:~=:..:;:;;;;;.;._;;_;.;;;_ _____ JII!!III ____ , of 830.177.000 ovl'r a )'l'Br 111:0 and1 Su. 9 1 28 6:48 12:26 1:10 with partie~~ of flsbermt'n,...._ with f J • $269,290.000 •lnr f' n('(;~mbl'r 31. I 4.3 0 8 5.6 u barracuda 8 favorite ('8leh Mar ------REMEMBER DECEMBER 7th l Loans and d.t~<.VU.J'il~ ~~~t ~tandi.n~ a,s_ 10 .,.. 7:.36. 2:24 7:_~ rt •ll thinks that bQrracuda egR» or 1 ... ---•----• • llltltl"\'lft\lt'd ~7.:195,000, liD In· T ~.f 4.S .1.3 fruh-fried h&rTaruda Is tflt' twst C A . ('J"('Ill!t' .of $79.74~.000 owor • year • Tu 11 1:29 8:2g. 3:22 1:11 ttah t.o eat.• ' AM E I I HIS Is 1,1 alto and '-tt;.7:\5000 during lh<'; · 4 9 0.1 4.7 J.1 \'l!!ited ·nernft on th~ Mr Nally 1 ·· • • • T • hRif yc11r. Totnl "'<"uritu"s nmount· Wd 12 2.48 9:24 4:1t 10:10 Pic-r Tl;i ret• 111\llors. o.l11ne. hnd Nl to U .323.M6.000 or $616,116.-· 4 2 0.7 ~0 1.1 rt'ntt'd on tht' ~lcNally rteet of · /, , 000 more lllnn 11 Y•':tr n..:n nnd on 4 30 10:24 S:13 12~10 smAll p """' bolllll and werr l&k---. ()n tN flght!ng,(ront-· ' incrt'OI'(• nf $11:.!6.114.000 :.!nee D<·· 'f11 13 l 7 I 2 5.3 Ll log 'Off fbr a cruiN around the a.tuea. cenfber 31. Tiw• rnd·ea!«• wns t!'< 'cia Jll ht • .,101 u-) nurbor. Eecllon VIII. rpaterlat,lt ~ bti~Mt lllr~tely tn ·yn11~'<1 ~totes gov(•m · Tide• ~.:•rl..;, In order of ~n-. ther~ rver wu any. Mac thougbt, TAKE HER TO • • On .the home front- -oar....._.warlqu, . ind ~ ..... In Ammca'l ~War Loan- men! SC'Curllll's. whtch at Jun<> 30, 1 _ . 4 11 n • ., ..... llW, .Jl aatlora do lt. He r' /~~~~~~~ ~~~L~;u~-~~~~~~.-~~~------~--------------~~-------~------ Rubber Lined Winch Head ONCE A WEEK , -Bay MORE Boedl U... · ·ever before! • 'lbere .:n ..-e Joocl reuOM for buytaK War BollcJII u.. for biiYt-1 -.. ,. tt.p thJq ever offend to tbr A rlcaa people. *'* * BUY BOND8 • --AND R9LD TREMl * * * lonaaa F11~ Market I'll.. N pt. 111c11a. ll I 18000DAT THE PAVIUON AT JIALB~A Boeta ~~ Rnl at ReuaNbW Pricfe U v• Bal\ Avata.bt. ~·"':~~~00. NDiPORT & BALBOA PIERS O~IIIND Good Fiahlnl at All Times LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE . CLIJI"P' VON IL&NNELL • Fishing Tackle Specialist .AQJH!IIIt to PaYtllon -F"reah and Salt Watl!r Tarkle 1101 Main ~t. NEWPORT TACKLE :STORE . · ED SL()(X)MB • MANAGER ' Bait. Tackle -: fishing In~ ormation !Q;WPOB'I' .BEACB !mW g. . 8PORTn81DNO BOAT "C R E 5 C E N T·" ~ _ ,._. RDomJ -Uv• Batt . scon'8 LANDING . . t..._ 1=-A. Ill . .. 011111... ... . .. Aleo i'11herman 's Friend 8aYM Wear and TNr 011 l:llulp- ~t.. • • • Prinrtty n~hfld. Pn~r ~""'-' -u~rvWoe of C hart,... M. l\ll'rrall"' Pr8. PRollpe<'\ 7 ass MODEll MAlliE SERVICE SHE·LL DOCK B ALB 0 A. 'ISLAND -,--_.,._ --.---·-... Your ~~ will fill tha' gap I ... , ................... . H. R. BrlllkeltoH .&. .......... .. -...~-ani a . helphtg hand-. , on y.our Wactime _.. •• 11 -. ·~ CANNING P~OGRAM? ·., -_J •• •• Your Gas Company offers theM proctlcol ol4• te help yeu .. ,. wltoll~, neellecl food reMrYea fee4 , ...... fw ,,..._ -and che Gonrammt uraend~ ~una our too~racion in home cannina aurplua food• now an kaJon. r, you •ani TO provode (or lM ICir~ry mon1h1 ah"cl, y~r ,JU C'Ompenr may be ol help io ,-r.caanana proaram. You are aavned to call Oft yout pa C'Ompeny't Homll! Service Oe~ru:nenc for any ol rbe helpful inf'orma1ion liaced below; or 10 bllnJ an )'OW' P,.. liTre cooUr lot a (Re pu ... cao tepon. Wll\11 G1l t. 1i111.,, ••• II fswf-.... W.MMIC.U.IIIAYWU..IIIii .. YOUa ~ .... - r r ! ·-.... 1944 • .... - r l STATEMENT OF CONDITIO.N • AA tf ] .. ,.. so. 1944 . . ' lA....,,. ~ ......... •• a ......... . ASSETS rnurr MORTGAGE ~ANS 186().021.38 For Your Information ,... ~ _ .. ,,. Tr..-Dade. ~·' .. ~ aa U. N._. ~ -._ ........ '.-d.IJ !*1'-;;a;-.::Z, .... .,. Ue -ro•-...UI lM ._....,. LOANS Ofi PASSBOOKS AND CER'IU1CATES • 1,118.62 Lioue" .. ....,. .-,.,..,. by ~ .. .,... ef U..lr DN 1'1'1111 DATI: . ..IUNI :IOl'M, , ..... • ~ ,.._._..__,_..,.._....,ofU.-1 oiU..J•-'.01"1~ • WI Altt: ~AVI ... II aUit r1iM'C&NTN CON• llt:CUT!VI: IICMI•ANNUAI,.. 0 !V101NQ,• WNICN CUitltiNTI..T Ill Al' TNC ltATil Dr l'NitllC ,_lllt Ct:NT 1:11,.. ,_lilt AN,.UM, INVES'I1IENTS AND .SilCtJIIITIES 34,000.00 At.l,, Nt: ... lll:lt IINAitC ACCDU"'TII ltl:· CI:!VI DIVIDC"'DII TWICI[ I:ACH VI:Ait, ..IUNI[ :IDl'N AND QI:CINIII:It :Ill liT • CASH ON HAND AND .lN BANKS 29~.20 • nJIINl'nl1IF;, FtXTURES,. EJQIJII'MEm' n5.74 ACCDU"'TII ......... Ill: 0,_&"111:0 I:ITHI[It '"" IO'I:ItiiDN Dlt liT NAil,... U!O'ON ltt:.QUiliiT. WC Wll.l,.. IIC llt..AD TO .. UitNIIIM AOO>TIDNAI.. ,INraaMA· TION lti:IIAIIIQI"'D l:ll'l'!l[lt !NVI:IITMI:NT IN TMI: AIIIIOCIATION Olt MOMC P"I - "'ANCIHCII, , l'Ht: 114P"t:T"'', lli ... ,_I..ICIT"'' 4H0 r..OW• COIIT '"'""I:AI,.. 0,-OUit I,..OAH "\.AN ill III:IIT IIIIOI"'CI:O IIY 0Uit IIT~OY AND CO"'TII'IUI:O CllltOWT .... c:'>t"•••••o •~ U"'11'1l0 IITAtr.ll DllVI .... MI:"'T Go.don M.Crundy, M.D. Pfl,-.lcll" 1nd h!11Hn Nl"lfl and Cant,..: AY!I. Offloa H,...; 10.12a.m.; S·5p.m. T1l•,.._ S7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOfii:NIEY AT LAW eo.tl MIM Bank BuUdl"• p~-421 MaM. Clllfoi"l'lla ·BUY NOW City T ai< Sale Lola A. J. TWIST t111 Co .. t Hl.hway .,.,.,.. Mil COftONA DU MAfll Conrad Richter, M.D. Ph)'llcla" l"d l~o~"'"" Offloe 101 22"d lt.....t N-pOrt a .. ch 10.12 ...... & :S-5 , ..... 1l3J ..... 7~.1 DR. C. E. TOHILL I'HYIICIAN 1M IUfii~IEON .. c.-........ -... ., had'~ ~·....:...~ Offklll •·W ..... IM·fll II Nit A~-r C:..ll ..........., I B<\,LTZ·MORTU~Y CHAPEL ~y THE lEA 410 Ceut BIYIII. e.. ..... a .. l Mar · _.,.... Phona N-,.,-t 42 Dlt._QJ!ED LUCAS Dentiiit- • • He!I!J w. fJelltnl, ft. .... N'E\\'PO&T IIEAat WHO'S WHO II HARBOR 0:1STRICT FIREPLACE ANO KINDLING WOOD- H. W. Wr1 1 ht. 1784 Npt. Blvd., eo.t.a WI!-. URCI Lumber. Pb. 1&5-J GENERAL CONTRACTOIII:-"-• Cordon B. P'tndlay. SUO Cout 81 ... 4. Ph. S02. P1&nll aiWS ~lea LUMBER COMPAN ~E:I-Ct~~~l• J.fnA Lbr. Co.-'·Lrt Ul bl!lp you plul JOII' h0m~e." PboDI! 41 Bay :oliltrtd I.A.Imbrer Co. ~ t.HIO. Cout Hlc'hwa)' .t Art~ : OFF,IC( IUPPLIE:I-Ne-a•port H~bor PubUillbiC 01. -Pbon•: 12 11. N~wport a.eh PIII:INTING--Ne-a·porl Harbor Pubtilllllnl Ot. nont:1: 1.2 11. NI!'Wpnft a-1:1 t~l.-:\.. IITATI:, INIUfiiANCE & .. OTAfii:Y ,UBLif:- Lnr H. w....a.ca. 2202 W. O.tnl A-•· '""-" I . 11\J •• ltt ITAM~ N_,.,t ~ PullllMIIIC OD. ,.._, lJ .... 1_1. N..,..-t ....._1 eM&lT METAL WOfiK- V .. M PIUIIIIttaf 6 .... IIIUI ....... 0Mta 11-. ...... 1M. VAfiiETY 8TOf'&-......... ~......_le,llll,-.cud ... "--llll•W '-o.p...n.u-. rorAL 1925,111!1.16 , [?.:.'.[.·,.-T ~. \11<.1 "'•·It ,.. r • UABIUTIES ' MEMBERS' SHARE ACCOUNTS ·nuo Nr .-••• tho •••~1• on<l ••·--• ... o1 , .. ,., •• ...... ~ .. .,... ......... ~....:111 .. a•-· ·-_a .... t,.tornol orwui&&tlu,.. .,.. tnaoot hl..&o O'rnER UABILITIES · A<"<'<<loolll .. JIIolol, !IIM'<*Iol .. --............. •~d ~<~••-PAr .... ••• ~or bo""Wil':' '"" w- UNDIVID!;D PROFITS • roTAL · ·-' ... Jm.241.51 90,22:5.00 I, 12.3311.92 2.227.86 • U!!6.39 38,1!00.00 1,381.41 1925,11111.16 orr1cE"• "· ... ~ .......... ~···--_,,. .... ·~··· .., .•.. ~····-· .. ........... .......... --.. ·-·· "· ....... .............. w. " ............ . ~ .... ~ .. ~.. .. . ....... :n ••. ·~···· ............. ~... w. A. W11.eua I ' Association · •••• ....... 1,..100 />lilt, J i ~,ll WE .ELL WA •• DNQ. AND eTAM ... aad luildhai Mae.rialo -Sea- • COSTA MESA LUMBEa CO. Bay District lumber Co. 1.,,,.. :!!+ Mr·• f 'rur10il, l"'f r;.,.. •I•••• IS t'.u•lllf v '" llll•k~ ltllrtfl• N rt Bea h : II""~ 11n•l ,,., .. ,,,~ I •• ml••rl•" · t•••' ewpo C • Vht W"to:', "" Jii~' !Ill ~1 ·1• _H igh,..l)' ~ Pho"' : J ll/11' :\11 l..,•rn• t:rlr"k .. ·!HI At T~• Arr.h.. • JJSO : AJ:n ~•· IO Yo•rn•~ I""' """'"'' I<; , ,,,.,.r 0 -a , ' • \~I Lut "r ~ I w••ll ill~ w II h ''''~~I i":.;';'.:.;;.;,;;.:.;•;•~•~•;.;,• ~-~·~·~·~·:.:·~·~·~·~·:.:·~·~·~·~·:.:·~·~·~·~·~·:.:·~·~·~·~·~·:.:·~·~·~·~·~·:.:·~·;· Eddie"i BARBECUED SANDWICHES Arc Delido~•! Moore'• ConfKtionery 2100 Oo:.1111 Fr OIIt ..... port ...... GORDON B FINDLAY CO!'I(ftAOT'()K .... IIUil.or..i: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR • ·otrR MrF.£1AI.TY Cabinet Shop Service . Ollkoo Cahlnot 81top MIO c-t 111\'d.. 48'7 lOth 8L I'll-. 41Z ""· _, Ji&WI'08i' UAal. C.u.D'. ' 1 _ ... __ SEWPORT-BALBOA • .::tile~ /IJI!!IIIm tW tJdmlit'!) JP!!! / . Open Your boO,· and Your Hea.rt to Them ·•· l, wHO IS THE'VICT<iRY voluNTEER? He (or she) is someone in your locality~ ~ ~ maybe a close neighbor or a f~iendwho has volunteered to work for the 5th War Ulan V drive • • • One of these volunteers may call at your home or place of work lOOn ON . · THE.MOST IMPORTANT MISSION OF THE HOUit! - America .... aaked y.ou before to do SOMETHING EXTRA to ~mash , Hitler and Tojo. In FIFTH WAR WAN DRIVE, you're asked to go ALL • OUT wi.th every dollar you can acrape L...~•·--for war expendilureil are greater n..W than at ~ny time since Pearl Harbor.-DOUBLE your atra War' Bond investments. Buy at least one extra ·Bond NOW. Invest $100, $200, $300, $400 - ' . If -~ you CBJL'· ---' A Contribution by the Patriotic Citizems and Firms Listed on This Page Sportland Bowlin~Center . Q-Rio Shoppe Orkin'• Department Store Main St:rftt Jewelry and Gifts 1793 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone: N"'PO~ BNch. 2402 205 ~sin St. Balboa Culno Cafe JO:IIIoln Slreet Balboo, Calli. -Newpon Beoeh Tr9-M . . B~de FWvMarket -a Latayotw · Newpon Jloeeh ' . Eltcelaior creamery luta Ana "' ·' Calltomla Rawaon'a Cafe · . 1015 CoOit H~~~t>way, . Newport Bead\ -I'll. Ne-wport O..eh 2084-J 1100 0oNn Front BHCh . -l . · Rlc:hard8on Tooling Products 110-Balboa Pbono Newport ~eh 131 Reed'• Super Service Gla--OIIIo-Ac:ce-o~lcr .., W; Ooillnl Aw. Newport O..cll Bo1d'• Gilmore Service ' Station - 11100 -Ooillnl Avenue . ' ' Richard Seeley Photographer 218 Marine Aven~. Balboo Island - Eugene Elliott Real Estate, Ph. Newport Beach 38 501 E. Contnll, Balboa, E:.tab. 1924 McNally's boat Livery • -705 Bay Front Balboa Phone Newport Beach 406 · Market Spet Anton Her'shey 200 Marine A\·e., _ BaJboe .Island 'Wanda's BeaUty Salon Toni Blanton. M101Rger 215 tn Marlne Ave. Ph. Newport Beach 368 Dr, M. D. Crawford 0ptometrist 1797 Newport ~vd.. Costa Mesa Channel Boat Co. 1215 Coast HJghW.y I'll. Npt. Bch, 1686 • A. B. McCollum ,.-. IJ{Iolsle Sam'a SeaFood Cafe Balboa Marine Hardware 911 Coast Highway Ph. NNtpOrt Beadt 184 R. W. McClellan & So01 ' Rocks and 'l'rucJdng 2617 WeSJ. Central Aveliue Conrad Rirhter, M. D. Physician and S\lrg<'OII--107 Z2nd st: Resldence-7-17:' \V·. Central Ave. I'll. 011. 13-l-Res. -74 Newport Bead\ ' . Trickey's Re<tl Eltate ~Palm Phone NeY.,Xlrt Beach 158 _301 Main, Balboa Theatre BaJ~ .. c.uir. ' Stag Cafe & Bar Balboa Balboo ...,.. 21st Pia~ and Coast Blvd. Newport Bead\ -Calltom)a 2:501 eout Hll!hwai' SeoJ BHm Port of seven Seu 1.--s.t Bldlden c· ft d N 'II , Boat Landing • llowjiGit -. 0oota -ro. an ev1 e ...,. · Boot Saloo-Marint Wayo ·'Yes, Jt•s· Important Thia war is mounting in futy every minute-as our fighting men plunge into the bi~rgest and bloodiest battle of history. The men who fought and bled and died for you haven't hesitated. Only by 'ilnswering ''yes" to the Victory Volunteer-<>nly by investing to· the limit-can you-come atall_closeio.:rnatchinll' th~ir spirit. · Here's What Uncle Sam Offers You . . in the 5th War Loan: _ The "ha ~kC't" or sccurilil's to br !'Old undC'r thC' rli,re<'tion of the State War FinnnC'(' corTuniUccs durin~ 'the l'~ifth \Vnr Lorm con· sislo;; of eight indi\'idual is.~ues. · , These tssuc.s nrc d~tgnl'fl to ftt the mv<'!'tmcnt n('('{!s nf C'vcry person \\tlh .. m oncy to)nvest , · The Offering Includes: f:r Series E. f' aod' (i S:nlngs· U" "2% Uontls ~;~f 19!i2-!"',.& bonds rtf I ~'7t SoleH.. Se.riM B-HJ.17 1;r Serie.'l C Sa~inK'5-N~fH -{::( %.'7" Certlflrajf'S of -{;:r 2 !{!% Borul01 of :19fJ5-70 lnd~bt.ed nf'S.."I Lido Theatre Central Ave~. Newport Beech- The Doll House ;. Newport • Balboa Palm Sprinp Ocean Front 'Market Gtoo. Petf'non Geo. Taylor C.rooeries Meats . Culbertaon Chevrolet Co. • Otto CUlbertson, Owner Balboa Yacht Buin. -"O. A. Haley Pali>ades Road· Ph. Newport Beach 500 . ' Bay. Shore Camp & Cafe Holnz Kaioer Coast Hlahway~ · ~rwport Beach Sawyer Sport Shop Phone Newport I!Hdl 576 . '1m Marine Avo. · Balboa Island · Robert V. Staatl Co. Shli>bulklen 825 CoOit Highway Newport O..dl "The Arches" "J,i.Jst a Little Better" . Cocktail LoungP anrl Cafe Coast Highway af N_cwport Blvd. ' Food Basket 1812 Newport ·BlVd. Costa Mesa ,. . ... . S. & F. 'Sales Company 21 39 SouU"! !\fain S t. Sanla Ana ' Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. -RnlOOa Po iilt Store PhOne Newport BeaCh 101 700 E. Bay Ave. · Balboa Frank Showalter Santa'.Ane. · Callfomla -Walter S. Spicer, Dolna:. Bustnea u · Bay District Lumber. Co. 518· State Highway at the'~ Costa Mesa Lumber Co. . ·Coot& Meoa, Callt. Corona del Mar Cafe -Formeri,Y.·Rcai'• 1611 Coast Highway 'Ph: Nwpt O..d11967 V an·Camp'a Sea Food Co., Inc. Terminal Island California So!lth Coast Co. Yacht_and ,Shipbuilders Newpon Ice & Cold Storage Co. 410 Thirtieth St., Nowport Beocb " Kenneth E. Wilaon Co. · CJuot.Crart -··Chrysler Marine Enslr* .. Runabout.. UtWty Boata, CruDen, Motor Yadtla 925 Co01t Highway I'll. Newport a..d! :1114 W. T. Jefferaon 212 Ocoon Blvd. Corona del .... ·V aUely Boat Renllla Edaewater at Palm Aw., Balbo-. 0po1 a South Bay Balboa 1o1uo1 · ._ l'lawpmt 1101 . _ 1201 Coot· Hlllbway; Newport O..l!h 817 Coot ~way N--' -.. · · -Haold L Grauel Chapel Dr. G ... MID . Island Realty Co. l:.i'ndy' p I HaD ·we 0une1-u.o Bettor s.rvo . . J. s. Barrett Conatraction Co,. · .._,_ .._.._ Rool Elltate, "'"""-:Notary B 00 . ' By 5erv111e OU.. _ .. '-Oiillt-'f.ILI.n;J t-:iii&-W :m Apta Aft.. Balboo·J.oland F« -ta ll&xaU.O,. :.f'lo1Paal PbonoN<U:P!(tJi61 c.ota~Calltomlo . . . . .Tb ... 111n Official U. S. Treasury Advenisement Prep, red Under A~pic:es of Treasury De~rtmen1 and War Advertislng Counc:lb...-1 G<nenl Contncton 1300 State Hlllbway I'll. Npt. Bell. :1464 • •' ' i I ,• Pro~ests Tabled as Sewer Pay Ordered NEWPORT-BALHOA NF.WS-TIMES. Newport Beach, California, Thurst!:::aY~·~)~u=ly::...........:6:!., ......:1:..:9..:4...:.4 ----.......-----------PIP __ Niae_ l:u:~::o::c::.-~ J.l E W S-TIMES CLASS 1·F IE D 0 P P.OR T I II T I.ES Gustlin Here A«ain To Help Servicemen ---.--lawfUl for the parmt, -:uardl11n ot Paul Gustlin ol Santa Ana. v.'ho otht-r IU11111 fl('nof\ hAvtnJ( the ca.re • • I E I o· ·F 0 I p I 0 F I T . • • I s E F 0 I will ~ ~~rt'd a• • fonTM'r and <"n•tndv of 11 minor un~r thr · · ·· I N~ Bt>ach laCe ruard. baa <k'· k--·"' •~ -IEIIl-TI-• _. lcidt>d to hold d~ In awlmmlng 11~" of 1R """"' to """''"lfy ..... during tht' summt'r month~ on the-mit sU<'ft minor to loller.,ldle. Will"" 1 FOR 8AL&-AVTOS j n.~• WbUe -only a bandful of lot t.ary condiUona arliint. He -"'I' Balboa Blly front. rlr,. <troll !lr pin" in or upon tM ROATS, 8tiPPU1'21 REAL ESTATB ll't•..,...anJ-0~--prctuted payment of lbe th~ WPA h•d to know wby a --ruhlic slrN'I ~. hh:hWRY!<, f'OI"dll, POl( S ALF: 1936 t,IC~vroll'l s ... -; . --w ICR~ w I FOJ& s.u.r-FOR MALl"-. .. uu• 11lln", fMtrk,, playitl'()Uncb or ottwl' dftn GIICld c!lndlth•n lhmu~:h· Fl~IIINO Oll.AT 0 N ~-8 --------- recently OOGiplet.ed _..,. llne frola a~wer ~~.had to be lnllt&lled. He , An appllc:atloo b,l' PbUIIp H. """''(' f'rn<onlf~. puhllc rlaet'l and I Ctlt lnqulr~ 400 !\lith Sl . Ntw·1 I.,,.. a buaiMM pmpcwltlon I'IOR RALE In ('nrona lltl Mar, rtJRNt'M.UUC roR 8ALII-0.1i· Short 1treet. Newport to CeDtral a id It had been a miatake to put Ordman for two oonc:rt'le piling on poblk bulldln(otll plat'i'11 or am••IIP• p.>rt Bearh. btoton-01,. n or "h,.rl'h)' you can lncre__. your rumt•lf'lf'l)' turnlllt\t'ol S·~lmom t'Dport, love .-l. foUr ebal,. avenue. BalbO&. It required a MliD· In c:onc:rt'te but lbat tJ)e new bon ~· north ala~ ct utto lllle, wu nwn t Anc1 t'nlt'rtllln!lM'nl. vacant ""''"" 10:!7·1\ 110-4111 ••nrn1111;• "•uhetantlally, no addl. hoUH. I.Arltl' llvlntc rodln, flrf'.. laWft mcower, trWtac frame. tGOd mary of tb~ clty'l rwa«e hl.tory WU ot vitrified pipe and alloulll ·denled. lnt' 11,. n•ht•r un~lllll'IVI~tod pla<'t"', -_ lt.nu,l tnvutm~nt Dl\'e-ry, ptat>f' dlnl'ttl!. kltC'hl'n, 2 het.ha, UNCI lumbl>r, a 1&18 white out. by Enctneu R. L. Pattanoa to Jut f1/ty yeara. The city boug!'t 160.000 worth o r lri'SJ)IIliS on priv:~tP pr(lflf'rt" t-r· ~·nn ~At.Jo: '36 l'lymnuth llf'•IRn, h ''' 11o.•• "''' have to t... clea.r •·IK. 'reti'1JC . •'"''~'• :z.,·ar ~raraa• aide tl&lnt. by prhale p&rtJ, convlnce tbe prot.tanta lbat tJ)e J0ther Proceedtnge I r f war bonda. of whiC'h 13~.000 IWf'••n tlw hours of 10 p M., and 8 J4~t(l Cuh 1~00<.1 cu111l•llun 11111 !>04 11041 So IIIII ~~, t..o. •uml«'<'k 1.,,..euh•n .h~y 1r.' ""'''""· ~011 W-.nolta lit .• .-eaamenta aiuat be paid aJtd tne H. C. Rou. 1108 Soutb Bay, Wl'rt fl'om the Newport Bearh A l\1. p( llw followln~ dnr , !!llln' ~; .. ~1 rul•l"'r ti06 W t't!ntr"l An~rlt•tt H Jtc l'rll'f 17,000 Tf'rn~~t ('!Ill Nf'W· l~••ta t.t ... a. a2-tU council ao ord~red M nday att~r· Balboa bland, wu ctvm a modl· branch, ond $2~000 Crom th~ Hal· dnr•c1 1101,.: rmvic1<-.1, howl'\•rr, thAt A11·. llaltton. l 'lw nf' N•'"l' rt tlllAT:-l II. I. ~~~hi •nc'l 'l'ta..SI'<I ""'' 67:t·W 11r ""'"""cur, tolar· noon. 1 fled ~rmlt· to lnal.a11 a Cloat and boa bran1·h of thl' Dank of Am-th•• rruvl~lon~ of thl!< ~~lion Abal~ l ·.'~• :•:!·11•· !\l~~rlnl' ~II( In,.. 11011 I'•'"UI JUI'fllf' an1J t ,,.,1 u a11 hway. l'l•r· W it Alt .. : ~I'EC"IAI..IIIT8 Uf Tht' amount•of $119,000 can be p1~r Uecauae It waa bell~ved th~ erlca. ""' ;opplv wh••n tlw nwwr l!l nc FOt• s•l"' ~L~HtN.,, !V!.','A•;•: ANil I ona drl t.t•r. 47-tt•• paid lnalde;of tt e n~xt thirty days float would hav~ to extend too far On r~omrnPmlstlun of th«' •·•ty C'•lnll"'"l•'tl h~ ha~ .. r hc•r Jllln>nt. ' • " .r,-~t •'G. , "0 IU)d be'ore aame g ou to bond and CJUt and wuuh.l have a t~ndeo.cy to l en.:-lne~r It waa dec14ed to t~t lht> ,.;unrc1ian 1,r o tht>r nllult J'I'M!On Ml'S ICAI. INSTRtTMF.~'TS :ltlllll \\' l',.nlrlll A\'1' Ph 2~8.\\' f'Ou,..eE.O,.OOM HOM~ AND TIIHF.Ii: ANn .. ~UR RUQM t\\ tTI"ITH """' an attr•eU.. thN"f' n~m o11U1t .. , up h•N Ia mar ~tor. tor YoU to ... _ J\Uit IIIII' It W!IUitl look ID your bum• tntereat a.nd payable ln four an. "kall" lhe beach. gu tax tuniU ree.lved frrm lh•• havan~: lh•• ('llrr onci •·u~toc1y or ' Jo'OH C"aht I GUEIT HOUlE. llt&JIII vl.,w. n\1111 •natatrm-"L_lB. All lola within I C~urge.C'o"'"' wu grantt'd a noor. (l{att' acc-umulate. Ttl~ fund con· ~1 1 t mln!lr or .. ,hl'n "naci minor Ill SAI..Jo: l'nnn Trump,•\. N~"l'"''l li••••·h. ,,,1• I• a ri'al h•llllr n"ar '"'"&n ~-t'' r-~I I ~ ' 8 I):IJ!Iy 1181'11 I'XI't'Jif'lll I'Uihll· 26 ltC' ' the ar~ will rec~lv~ •latementa mit to operate a cal~ at M4 Weat ta.Jn.a $7,000. ufl()n an •·m1·r~:cnr}' !'l'rltnd or lt'Ji· ••n•t l)ay trom lbe city w1thln tht> ni'Xt f~w C~ntrut. Cecil Henal~y. war vet· Two rlaii'JlJI for tax ~~unda. !ln~ tlmatl' bu~ini"'S din><·11'4 by hll! or ~ .. :.;:~•·r~~~~·~!· .::~'1 ;:;:1 ~~:: I'CIATS ""H ~AL.JC t6 t1 x 11•~ \\1, .1. HOL()UMB twt'nty nn• pl«t~a for U'Tt DO. <laya, Indicating tlle amounts due. eran, and Ed. S. eo.den, a1ao & from J,h~ balboa branch for ht•r J)l\rrnt, a:uardann or other adult llrmllr.llnn 81 , N t' w 1,", 1 t1 ,· .. nt. r·lx'41r<l u ll b At butlt 11\17 <'•WUit ltl~ehway which may be paid at lb~ city 1 ,., lertln. mulrt have approval of $219 39 a.nd lht' other from the flt'I'SOI'I havin~: thr 1'8 1'1'· and cus· H~ltchla. hv Tuan lllttn at.r, Ult'tl lllll' ua· l\•nma llf'l M11r IAIWHl term11 ,.,... delivery, Ml't.lahan'a 11\Jmlture_ OD. liN anti Dmadway, 8&Dta Ana. C&U· h11ll befl re Auguat 3. the C:•114J!Iy aervlc~ ottlclll;i•· b~fore I N-p<>rt •8<-M'h branch ot t~~ tody or said minor. :•::·::tp ._.. 12 tt. w~lt.lwo.>d renin· ''Whn.-Uti' .,,..,, Jl'ly" b:l·2~ Among lboae who filed pmtuta they could aecure a permit to aell Bank of America ff>t $219.~9. we~ EAch vinhlllon of thr provll!lonl WANTED TO RENT l>otU'\I, 11:'1(1 1~2 Snlpto. ma· fornla a .. u.~ w~re Mr .. and Jofra. W. B. Eatea hoUMhold goodl and n OYI'Illu rejected. or thl• sl't'lion shnll rorutllut~ • I h••t:an:v hull. Malia to•r all In <>t Colton, Alexander Adama, Ml"8. from door to door. Tbla atao ap· Tht> Nt'Y.·a·Ttmu waa awarded Sc>parllll' offl'nSC' W~~~~~~~·~~ s,:,~ :~":7;::a•·h ~~:.!:: ll•""l •·nnolltlon. lnquiN" VIlla "'Oil RAI.J: 7·nlflm fumlahed huu,... Th!'H' btdnJOma, llvlna ,.,. . .,,. <llnlnlf rl'llm, •tudlo nlUCII llflt.l kltl'h"n. tltMl ~•nla Ana Avr N""l"'rt tjt'lt=hla. l 'llone IO~P ltc .. '(lit MAl.J: While pocul&ln 110- lb I••• boa, 2h31~11 !Mep. OOCMI POOIIIttun Pric. pa. ~ N41WI10rt 116t-R. 61-lt· Thoa. B. Palmt, T. L -r.4~nts. pli~d to Frank A. Gcto180t. the contract for publlllhlng city 1 h 11 1 111 1 fl('fl'nSC' . ~1 11r 118 4:Z·lfc C'lar~ O axton, N. A. Beal8,1 Mn.. Under Ordma.nce JHl ln.creaaea 1egftl!t. 19 c~nlll flrat lnMrtlon. and 1 " n no mn• 11 '' 8 ' ''" ••• • 1111 fruul :.! llo'olrnnnttt llf'· · bcrcto th.at !ouch parent. guardian 11111111' f11n II•· \\'HI 1~'." $!'1:'111. F'\llt 1 ,.. ""-rtn 1 1 t t Majan Bltl.z, Howard W. Dan~. wH e grant~d Oftlc~ra J ohna, Ger-13 cenh I!IUbllt'quPnt ln8f'rtlona, for h 1 · th care J ~A • • •" ,.,. 1 r In .. ,." Mary L. Rathe, who l)ell~ved tbat rt.b, Wall, and Mannlng 'of the the fiecal year. 1944-4:'1. Ill' c•l ••r llt'I'!'On IAVInf.': I' i 8''""''11 \. l l 1\lln'•·r 1\n~t 41\, 111 r.4 rt ~'ltthl llfo: ll11•t .luat out "'OH aALi'-BJon.ll .@!~ • .,... lett mu•J•m table, f'OW\d lop.~­ ln diameter: ~ occaalon&l l·halr. 7!0 ~Y Ave .. eonna del Mar. &l·lW nn1l ~'l"llld) of A minor ('(lnl n~t HI 1 I'IUrtdl'rut. f'~tllt :'ll·:llt> of 1a. Uoa 1 7 U&ll:k It 1tn ottlcllll ln"eatlptlt n ahoultl be pallet> dt>partrn~nt what~ almllar The council adjournt'd t o within the> provi1'tnns of thill ordl· < yar< 4 . Ja: ;: tnat!e: M. E. Parka and Harry acUon wu tak~n for emp1ayea ln W~dnuday DQOn and after routine> nRnc<'. did not hnvr knowll'dltf' ol WA ;-o;-r.,:u TO HJ.:N'I' fll' :1· )o \llt ~AI.t': l'am•" anti tt'n.lt'f. ---~ -----1-'C 1H SA t ..E l 'uru'lJl d•l War ID· Plt'rce. who •ld hf had llt'Ven Iota the .alr~~t and englnHrlng depart· bua•nt'l!l! wiJI a-It u a board of lhf' llf't"i..'ll<:l' of ...airl m inor in or IJO•Iruum rum latiN hnl18f' or 111 ""'•ll•·lll l'llfldltlnn. Mr.. In block 34. ment& ~quallullon for lhl" r~qulred upon uny sl ro>c>ll(, llllt•ys, high· 111,111 tmrnt Hy army urtlrer. \\'t·rll... 1 Ul Mama" Av~.. Hal· •·umr pr"l'"rty, t<~ur C'umplf'te . 11nt.l lf'l•aratf' 11oJUM8 on thl"fll h•lol On• unll turnlahed. all have wall anti n oor ru,mace. lo:&ch .unit hu twn lA'drooma. lncnmf 11112.00 ptor 11111 l•rtce Mr. Plerc~ wanted to know If a Curfew Ordinance pc'riod wny~ I'OIIIis, publk pl!lN'~. YIIC'Ilnt \\llo• atod b&bv t'"ll Nn \')"\1'1 1"'" IHhlntl t't:l·:ltc coqcret~ · ~tewer p pe line hadn't The c.u"fll adopt..ed the curfew !ut~ nr othl'r un~liPt'rviS4'<1 pla<'t"' lttnt h 2472-\\: ~•:! 411 !"'R KALil LovelJ aahopny oo- culnnal table: amaU deek, .uat.-•bl• tor ~· table BoUt been lnatalled y~are ago to whlcb ordinanc~~ ~blc:h Ia limUar to lbe PUBLIC NoTICES in violntaon of SN'tlon..J hc•rrof. ----TRAN!o41'0RTAnON Mr. Patt~raon state<! lbat It had I county .aatute and &lao an on11·1 1. Secuon 3. Evt•ry law ·mr~ FOR SALE----~uonable: ...._. Newpolt bwn put ln In 1922 but that Ita nance reatrlctlnc ~ntrance of any I mt>nt off1crr I!! hl'n>by authoriud MJ~('f!I.J.ANF..OII8 -1111"\T I.t '"' ~""'· rrntcod ur ,... biW eonditioft cauaed tae at&te l bu ldlng and J lvlng pollee more Ordl--Nn. 51ft land rmpowerl'd '" lfcmand from Jll\lr,.•l v .. g .. J'a. :.04 Matn M . $70.000 Tt'ma L.'llll Nf'wport e72·W. 411·Uc t201·W-K. tol BopoJ& AYe., OJroM del ...... 11·1&. board of hu.ltll to order a new authority In dealing with • aucll I ct1RJ"EW FOR JIIIINOK8 'any IX'~ wh&"l h<" hllll ..,._. Jo'(ll~ ~A t.Jo: I.',. ~mllh '"~'"''I 111\lbu .. 11nd :t08 Marin• Avenue. to'OR RALit 7-runm fum~ main, due to breall• and unaanl-1 penoaa. ---. 1 able cauM> t o btolieVt> rom~ within 1 ' 1' 1 Call at 11•11ttHt 1'11''1111V1 llalhna IIlla~ 'l!•th houM Ttl,.. '-lraoma. tf'f'tq AN ORDINANCE RF.GlJl..AnNG the provi!<lons of this nrdinnnN-'r ,,.,, nr wntr f' 0 IIHX :!Mtl. room. dbllna room, •tuiuo room ron uua -.au ....,... .._ OYt!ll; doull&e lied, ~· wt~ apr1np and lll&lt,...;-m&&dl ... GERALD J.!AUSA, M. D. Is now occupying the Medical Office known as the Newport Emergency Hospital. For the practice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY 2830 West Central Ave. I THE PRESf:NCE O F' MJN()R." and 'who Is found loltt'ring. ldlln.. I "IU.•~t 1'10·2t<' MOTOIIl'YC 'I ..F.: FOH SMZ liar· and llltdll'n. DOO 8anta A¥ UNDER TirE AGE OF 18 wundl'rin~;:. strolling or playinc 1n '"Y llavtd•un, •lnal ... llll\2 model. N•.,.·port HeiJhta. I~GOe YEARS N PUBLIC' STREETS or upon tM public s trPetll. hi(h· l"llll .SAI...F. Sl•vt•nll ya rd• ot ~u d t rta. $1M . 61:\ 30th Rl. Avf'. &:l·llc AND. O'T'H'ER PLACF.S RF.· ¥/A)'S, road!~: allt')'11. pttrk!!, play· 111'*•1 Ft'lt ull<'d l'llrJW'Hna Nr11 po1rl llrll<h Call hf'tw!W'n _1_638 __ ·---...... --....,...----- 'T"WF.EN TJfE HOUR." OF 10 ~:rounds or oth<•r public grounda. f1to•ttp ,l'tlonl' Nl'wpnrt lt~11rh Ill am nn<l 2 p m MI•4IJ• V08l'A MESA P. M AND 6 A . M.. DEFJNJ'NQ_ public placo~ public bulld1np, m17 w t•:Z· m l t .70 acrea •t t700 par aore et~ Dtmr.s OF • PARENTS OR [ phtN's of nmuSl•m('nt lind t>nt~ -Ut:I.P WANTED I Newport •llfd. Walklnt dleu- OTHERS TN CARE O F Ml· tAanmrna vacant lots or otht'r un· PUBLIC NoTICES 111-:J.J• WAN'I'Jo:l' Wnman nr l lrl t rrom 8Ualll ... Ot~c\. ........_. NORS, P~OVJl)ING FOR AR· &upervl~ plaCt's nr trt'ilpo!IS on . -1 ,.,,. rf'J'ftlr" 11n<l altrraUooa. FlaJ· '-catlen for future aulHflvtot ... , ~.......m, taW.: roeaa.. 110 At.- iltona A¥e., ... .._ llleW. II·IW roa&DT 11'01}-RCJ'IIT 'rlwo ........ I"'OOM. <~r aon~tnp at • 10ta. at... N..w,..n .........._ U ·l .. RF.ST AND PENALTIES FOR 1prl\·atl' propc·rty withoul hill or lhl' n~l' nC lH ~,.,.,.... •hnll IH'. hort C,l'llnrrtt .. 1\01'1 F:. Central lllAL~H ~. MAIKIY I VIOLATIONS TIIERF;O F. RE· hf•r Jlilrro.nts ~ardian or otMr rl .. •m•·tl ll minor lrN'>ollt-rt avt• uf tlw An . llalht>ll 1\~·411' Hraltllr WANT ITO BUT -&.ri'o aladrte WANTED '10 8111' PF.ALING OROINANC'F.S IN attult pc·r,on hnvlnc t~ cart' and I mnntlll ~tfllu>: of •nict aw>r•on 1 3410 <'o1111t lllv•l . Nf'WO(lrt O...t'h fan OaU Narwport 66. u-•w .,('0:-lFI.ICWT' .. THEREWIT H, ('U,IOO) ~~ ,IIC'h lll'n.ot'\, lwtWet>n S.•l'flllll 1 .. 1'1-:NAI:ni•:S Anv 11~:1.1' WA N n :tl llu; ur manJ l'hnnt~ 402 l'll·lfl' I AND DEC'LARTNG AN EMER· b , h , f IO I' M r1 6 A M mannr \lnlntnr~: nn\· ol ''"' pr"\'1'· llllt't••"l•··l In ""rkiJr. In "nurt WANT TO BUY Automobile, '---N-'e_w_.,o_rt __ Beach ___________ P_h_._N_w_p_t_._Bc_h_._I_0_28 __ --J GENC'Y. .~,' ~~~~~'7o~l;•win~: d~~ anll.utt ~uch l inn• nf SN·tion I h••r••nl '"til '"' rry Nnrn Ill> ~"'"''"''"· 1!'1117. :z.t .... tr'"'m atu•..-o nlaklnl over 1T mil• to .-a-1~.~ .. ,, ••iv•• ha• ,.,. ,;.~ naml', ad· rrmnn•lo·!l Ill lh··· ·'"''''1111•· ( '•'"' t I "••tll<l 1111:1"' n\·. t '11'""" •h•l 11 . urNtiV .n•·w $4:w>o lon a·01 d pne. tor flpt cu \\llt'N'&•, nn rmo•r~:rnry ""''" ~ • ~ .. A ,\:nr 411 11 3 1 1 1 ltV rt·n~lln nC war·limP C'onctitinns cll'l'lo~. r~'ln•nll-' nanw~ nnd furnish . "·' 1'1111'111 • 1:""''111111 '11 llt lwt · 'I · "''' um .1.vuw . frnm r•llablll Owo.r. ~ Y ou m:l y hJ\'C noticed it yourself: wh ile the price of clothing, fooJ, ho us- . ing. entertainment :and m:an y other things has been going stc:~Jily highn. th~ pri<.c of elcetrit ity h:as been J.:Oi ll,~ ' l 11\\t:r :inJ lower. Throu;.:hm11 tltt: u 1untrr. 1/;r ar cru[;r r oJi of d ru ri, 111 is uc/u.dl)' 20~; lou cr 1h'.Ju it u·JJ 11:. I'll:!.' Etlisun dettrit /.lit~. ;d'' ·'~' :Hnnn~ the lmH 'I in the: emir<.· a1.11i• 1:1, r:IJ\' .. :u. lu\H r th~n cHr lKfurc. " HARDWARE ·J. H. ESTUS PLUMBING GENERAL ·ELECTRIC • &ANOE8 ftoM 118 e a&RIOE.IIATOU e "'AS~ DI811WA811EU e aADI08 Newport a-ell . . na•~•f ••f hi' 11r ll<·r,a ••t• or Jlroof ll!lllll 1"'1 '1111 h•tdn._: llo•• ,.,.,.,, arul '"'"l•.•rln~•• 0 ""rly nr•w . S71M)(), l"taune .~wovn:{ 2nT. at·4W now prrvailinr: "hwh hnvt• ovo·r· r· ~· ,. ( Jl( 1Y \\'A NT Ell f r ~ n ,. II ,~ lh·a h · 11r ,11 • 1._ UJifln nn f'ITK'r-('11'1•111~" a 0111101f •••mtrt.,; '"IIIIJl .1 ••UN ~n aw .. )ul'! . IIWWJO. ta xc>d lh·· );ow ··nlo•a r o•mt•ol n•:••nry ~l·~C)' '.:r:rami 'or lo·~ilu:natc bu.s1· th .. '"'" ''"'0' v ( alu ... (U ~UII,IIU •• 1'1111111• "',"' I II •h•'llklwurr •. II "1'..-.J llfMIMF.. n rRNIMIIF.J) W·ANT ro,.J111Y-,..0 pMdle nf •tht• C:ily-nf N"wl>nr l 0.•1wh, • ~,o.1 \'iolt 1 '~ 1 r 11 • 1•1 11 ""''J' I '"'" "',.. (.. "''a.l 11111." '" 1 11-,..1 1 1 ..... ._ .bQarlifa~ n.....t· bu• no4 .u-1'. · "",·111(. hr<'·,1uv • 1,( tht• 1nrr1•,·•·•· an n··-~1Jh~IC'II<tl hv hts or hl:'r f111rt'nt11 ~·• 1 '' 11 1 ' " "' 111 "' .... " ' • • 71· 1 ••' "' n:: • e< ru 11a, ........ tn.,; ~.,..-JO ....-' ' . ' h • f -.J ·II I f l n f "ll) r,. "''''1' tial 111 ~"1' :.! l.hlll• .... •! .., l'hllne Newport Jt11•7.-~. l~l'lll,·l lloln, 11\'t•r~rot'"flo•ll ll\·tn•• •'llllldl'ln or uthl•r ntlult JM'I"!!!n •H-<1 ·" •· Ill• • " " .... I I I • N ' . t"tt I I t.•n• II•', ,.rw 'l<JI ""'II" arul new nr. ~· ' " .. .. ' ' 11 ~1no ou· · t • 1 1 -tl . '"''', L•• v ..... • ""'I'"' c-r11 • r • ron!ltllnrh lh•• l"''''t·nr.•n(nunw r· hann,.; llw 1'111'1' a nd l'II.OOt ody of ,.1~11111 1,1 "1 '1"1~1111": 11 11 :.:, l'lo ...... I:IU l\' ~•:.!·IIJI 1\"nr"'""1 .. $~~WA NT TO RU Y.-wubln• .... nu' ""'"n•:•·r' ;m 1 n ln'-'''111'. 11 :on..-" d ..:.oiDt' In fOOd <vuultlon. Mr& c1 ~~···h , ...... on, :on• I lllllln lhf' fnllurt' I t fl ) '" , •• , flll to I '' 1·"' ... . " ur 11 • It'll n f>lllll', ••• _ ... arnn'l'"'''""""· in·••,.;ulnna~o·-. 'I"'' o( Mwh flo''"'" ao ~-::ave• or fumloOI ny,~•,•r J~l,nlslll'<l ~~~ loul h '"''" ltnc' Ill I I' \\'/\~Tit''' 1-:"l'"rlrl'i•••l 4 r•••m• J:lMOO, l'hlllltl~ 22110th 8\., Ntw)IOI't c-wl •'lfurls r•"llllrt•fl au pr!'v••nt a ny nr 1111 'u l ~aad anfnrrna tle'>n a ny 0 "' mJir ~llttnwnl l1rr ••ll•·h ul· • •••k 1111d 11111 "''"''lkrr N" Ufl-~ll nfumflltlr!l ~~~-·. Dr~~h. ·~·U· lh11·~tlt•n•·d ,. ~nhot a,.;l'. hlnckoua..., l'UCh offaccr Is lll'rcby .outhor1zl'd f«'now 111111no ., . .,,.k l'rlvat .. room. Ka l·. Yo·ry """t 11800, tl>tr kr•nr(\ ~t rr'f't'< a nr1 Jltihlir j'l)act"l', ant.l t•ntpc>Wt•r•'<l Itt tak~ Sll<'tl J)('r-h ,Srctlon 8. Rf:PF:AL (IF C"<)N·I NIY IIIICJ r•·r rnn' Wrl\r nmr TMia ...., .... ,.. V&Mnt. WA.NT TO BUY-Lot Oft ...-;; and lht• lik•· nnc1, "''" ini<J ''"''nrl> nnd Utkl' him or FLJc-n:-.;r. < 11l1 1l:'\ '' ·rr-:s A II :sw. 1 '••I "" ol•·l .\tnr 11r ··nil 111 W . .1. IIOI..C'OMB fill and. Wnte 1DforntaUoa • I 1,11,.,.,~ .... 1)11,. 111 111, . ..,. Wllr· ho ·r '" "'' oor h••r homco, t•r rop1· existing .,•tltn.llll'•'• nl Ill• !'111 ,f ':'111 ""'1111 llfl'ol f•:J ·tl•· 1!'1 17 r• .. a11t lfl~hwny J•rlo·,. aM Joc:atloo .to Boa 11, 111111, rllnohllllll• how 1,., ,·:ullllg munlc'ato• \< r:h ,,, nr h••r fllln'nl'. Nrwport ll••udl ("•tllf •"''' h•·••·lrl 1 '•unnlt 111'1 t.fltr llalbua faland. &2··~ llll'••ntlo· d.·hnqll•'lll'~ h~t'-''' an-a.:u;•n '•·•" fll ul hl'r ndull llf'I"!'Oil 'rt'pt'RII'r1 "''"l:n ·'' til• I '"" lu Fcm~l• .n:a:IX.I•o!!ri\,at~o·rT~:nld) tvpllt. "\\'ht•ro• It,. l'l"ll• )o1y" fi:Z·:Ih·l Ina -aND _,IJND -h.t1·1n•· thc• •·:11•· nnt.l ,.,,,tocly 1)1 lnl"on-.lst••na """ Ill•• !•I "' I '"n' nl " •. ~ • , ,.,"r,. ru •·n·:•,·d 111 11w Cal\ ,.r "'' "t'"' 1 "' ,. n.·.u•h. C".tltf . a -. Ill ,,.., .. rn·· ft nt••n· ...... I'Jr l"'l'tJII ••nil dt•mund ,,,. tn· lhJs , tn1in;,f1('o• Tilt: l•t :\'TON ('U . j II( ~A 1.1•: .... , Ill t • .. r.,n• ·lo•l . --- 1 h . I I ·-' I 1•111 , .. , I Ill •1 ' "Y T>l lll . $ ao;, t,y ''"''"'' I' c J Bux ,·~ 11'41" Man'a wrlll "'. atch. Mon-·"'" Ill I hi' 111•: .... 1\:tlltln "' fllllollt• 1111llollllln 'llna 1<1\'1' ro1'('.1 I h i II Sr'<'IIOn 'I s t;l',\lti\1\11 IT Y ltF ..... t.: I . da I I r bfotwetll Dalbo&,_, __ .. ll<':lf'l'. <:tfr l.\ h.·.nllh. -... r.·t.Ls a n .. Ill· 1.:1\'1'11 II ~IJI'h I"'IMil) so lllk•·n rflOVJSIC l:"!' It ,, ""' lu lon tllln Nt•WJ Hrl'l llo•tll lt ~·J. :!I•· :111), l '"'""" olrl M•r. ('alii '\ 1 na -" " 1 I'll 11,. •nd lA~tuna ~b. rt-ard.. w••lfan·. nu\\ ~h••to•f•H•'. lniD 1"'~1"' Y 1" '' flo'l•on ~·nman,.; of lht• '"' ,.,.lin• II '"·'1 ' 1' h '''' j l'h•me N_.port TH-M. l\2·ltAt AP 11 ,,11,11,,.11 b~ 11 ... C'll) c1,1111• w11h111 lh•· 1'''"\l·lon;. ••I thl~ oni1· nn''" """"""" .. t ""' 1 11t11to:1tw•· PuBLIC NoTIC ES 1 ral ol lh•· Caty nr Nl•Wp<trt B!•;och. nanr·•·. an} ''wh law • raf~•rc•·mc•nl !Chnll It~• d'"'"'''tl "'"''1~·nrl• nt "' n!l PUBLIC NoTICEa I Pua~IC NQTI . <':d ir : , nff1 c"r J, h••fl·lly 11111 huraz1'f1 on• I nthr r 111"' 1,1.,11, h··••·lu nn•l 11 ~~I CIRUIS A ~•·r. NU. Mil ,.. __ ella ___ S I L()I.........,ING O 1'1111Mt\\t'l'f'ii In rll•m11n1l u( lhl' 11.'\r· Jurtlwr lloo· tlll••nli1111 pf lh•• ('It\' ---NF.\\'POnT tlf:M•II 1 'Alit-' 1 ,, I •'d _._11 f'Ctmn • r,n , • F , · 1 h ..... 1 • . . ·, 1 • • Cuty o I•Y a., ..,. rtqiJftll a......-MINORS PH<>IIIJliTEI) I h•ll ~"'"' ;.:uar• tlln ur Ol l'f '"'" t P' r· \ounn l lltll ,, Ull\ ''''"'""'"' of ,,,,. (II\'"' N··"'"''" ll••m·la. hy. l'llr"Hnnt .. , !OtWh h>l t•ttllull, llu·1 nwnt t Uu!r lth " t h ' 1 ( 1 r -: 1 " 1'1 ,..on huvant; lht· ••art• and C'Uittod y "' thl01 Ordln .. n•··· h•· ol•·<'1111•~d tuvnlnl.t un•l IIH'IIIII!h "' ('lly C'ounr ll. ck••' lunlif',..ll(nr'ft •~ ·,.Jlfflylnl( 111 111,; "''nnl,ly GPO('..._ t rlw ..... , ...... v," 1~rcrn r un aw 11 or 11nv manor unc •'r h 1 h . k ·h . ,. . •-.,.,. o .., ... , o .,.. ror-th f lR · 1 1 . ldl ;.uc mmor. I m t I I')' ''' t• ~~~· all olho•r I•'"' 1""n' lh••l .. tll· ~hull ul'flllln ~~~ lullnw~ (''"tc• IJ<IItnJ nf t-o~1111111znllllrt fur I~· JJOrntlun w;.n~;; f~troll )~o:~lo 0 i~~~~~· 11 :· n)lnor to ht" or ht•r hnml' lll•' rt>mnln \.d1tl 11011 •·nfurt•Jtltlo· .I fYoortlon I. t-:v••ry prt'fln, otht•r '«Inn•,.. of •n ~tlrvthnlh• l~t•vo•rlll(t' l>A1:'EJ>: Jtlftf! 2l 1,... lh bl' 1 , ,1 h' .~ . ":ts" fmlun• of any such pan•nt, .euanJ·I Sf'CIIon Ill ..,1-'1 !'11 ti NC: c 11-1 thnn n l't~lll·•· C tlfw••r rlf thr f'lly 11k l'rtl't' lor lt~n!OMII for th••lt' A. W SPENCE ' • aile pu ac k!' rl 1 1 s. 'I: w .. ~Y~. roah ~. I An or othl'r arlult J>!'"•>n havin~: I EMF.RC:F:'\("Y Tha' t lnllnnnr •• 1 .. of N•'"'l""' 1\••:tl'h. nr Cit)' F.m· lll'rtrll~r~ u futlnw•: a" l•tant .;._... ~ ld. n... cy!l, par o;, p aygrounu.~ or ot t'r d ' od r . h 1 • • .M ' • " • .._-..., .. ry "' u ._y lpubli •rn nd'< ubll 1 d :thl'C'IIn'&n cust y o ~uc mnnr pulW'(j , ... :on ..rnf'rl:t'"'')' ml•:,..ur••. ph•YI'<'Ilf AJlhl CJ I). whn ~h .. .t •·n · UN SAL ... REitR ANit WINf-. blllnd Club at WI otnc:. Oa I bU~ ~ull~an . ~ p I~ p o:c:,:;.. 10 fumi!!h the> in format Inn hr ri>in· and I hi' ( .,,~ Cnunl"ll .trw ... lty l)u · h •r ll.fiY hou .. ·. rttttm, 11111\rtnwnl, Anyhnr clNrlrintc ... l'rt;>H·at thl• IIIIa mi. at • ., ..... ' B.ac: ~l'nl and en~t'·rt~lnmt'nl vac~nt abovl' l't'Qulr(ld or to toke> su ch ma· votf' hy whtrh-tht' C J~tllnnnec 1~ trnrmr•nt, ,_h••Jl. wran·hll\1"'· htorf', h•u••m··· ol IIUI'h lkr·niW' fill "'">' 1C'uunty ol ~ ;.; ot Call; lots or otht'r u u 1~ 1 nor homl' when l'O dt'mnndl'd and pu!K'd, h•·r.·hy d••c1ar•· thnt 11n mill. hnrn. JCIII'Raf', oothour, or (tiP • wrilw.d ,.....t..,l with thl• fnmla __ , t n.s 1X'1 rv . rtpa~~ any such law l'nforcMTwnt nffu•t•r •f'ITIPf'Jtl'n<", ··~•'I ' "htt h mak•·• 11 ntho•r hullr11n~:. t1·nt , vr·~~<•·l ur mo·· !'111111• I"N•nl of Equalllslltlfl at a 11114,.__1 N .. •t. · or respass on pnva ,. prope y ..,.,..-.. _1 .__ 'lid · 1 r s ~ -........ '" twt-en thC' houna of 10 P . M. a net I I!! ht'n•by '"'" ar('(! to "'' • mt ('• r lm peratlw lhnt. I "~ Clnllnllnf'•' ,... lor Yf'hll'l•· wllhnut 1111' ron'lf'nt 0 • •n •mrnto. C'llllfumllt, at all.,. I Nnt .. : ....... mak• dwoc:k• .,.,.. 6 A M of th f 11 · da ' t • 1 ml'anor and shall be> punillhl'd ~~~ .come rfff'I"IIY•' f11r1hwath. lht' nrt · I hi' u~·nrr .. h•• hll•·nl ur P"''"nn JCI'ItUndJ< fur cflonlul •• JINIVtrlo~ I~ •hiP to Uw ordtr ol lk)' blahd dard 11~ . p~v~:~g y, l!t:t hrrt>inAfter provldl'd. F\ir'thl'r pro-ti&rt> of -uucl ''"'"'·~··nc') b4'1nl: "" t lnwfully In 1'hnr11•'. ~hall llf• I{UIIty l11w Cluh 1 the ~ion :r thi ow~rPr, h~l ~ vid~ howrver. that the provl~ion' follow~ Wnr-1 1111•· t oonrhiJ"n' hnv•· "' 11 ml,fif·m•·nnnr N•1 ~76 l'ubllllh JIIJy edt, 1M4. l not ~ropp~y 10 ~ min 1 l!t'C orr !I 'C'd of thi!l SC'Ciion shall not awly to n ovtrtax•·tl lit•• law ~:n fun•rnlt'nl fYoot'Unn 2. Any vanlnt l•m ul s.~·· RAY n S ANDOVAL It lby hi r h r orac:.pam part>nt. gullrdl_an or Olht?r adult ACPn('lr~ 111 lh•· rtl\ ul :'\t•wrwul lion I lu•t•'ill •luoll Ulll>f1 1•rmv1r'· Jlt-:'NRY A fli.IVfi•:R Oth rs 0dultt' parrnh . lfU thJan, or pt•f'l!on whc·~e m inot' ill lf'J{&II) 84-ach ·C'nhf .,.n at,;,, 11 '' n .. r•·~ ''"" th•·•• .. •f IH·'.I•unl•hF•hlf· hy • l'uiJ July 6th, I!J44 "0111 INIUfltAf"C& II& e a person avms e ca rl' 'd 1 h · •·"10 00 h 81ld custody of said . h maniMt, hot !!81 m nur . nt•v••rt , .• ury to fl' '''-''lVI' tht• puhhc Jlt'llf'•·, I tnt• not to •·ocrroocl ..... . . or t ""' • • --Howarcl W ~ ~ -.~1h sald minor is upon r;:~n~'m~~g~n~:~ )('SS, ~hall rtlm&in "ubjc'<·f In lh•• safety, h1'1tll h, moral• 11n1l ~t'lfllrt' n1nnti\JI lm~Mfl~l In thr l'lty NOTIC'E OF ~118FA,.Mt'IJ'II.!' UIRTI or leeitlmatt' busineSll ditC'Ctl'd b proYallaons of t hi~ Sl'("tllln I by N'tlt rlrlln~t th•• r>r•·~c·nre of m i· 1 Jail of th• Oty ot Ncowpt•rl llA y IBLANP CLUB l..ooeetl hls or ht'r parent. ·cuardian 0~ .St't'laon 4. It shall tK' unlawful non In lh•• ,,rr.·t ~ Rnrl lllhrr puh· ~l<'h. or hy ~th 11ueh flnr •nd 1,, prlnciplll ntf~: N·o. !J, ~~~ oth~r adult pt'rson having tht' care Cor any parent, ru&rdinn or "' h••r lie placl'!< r .. r tht• pur J'Milo<' "' f'Ur tlmrrbonrTW"nt, Ill land bC!1n ttt. .......,N' ol 11 S 81ld cus tod of said minor arlult IX'M!On having the care and talllnc juyr•nalt• drllnclui'nc·y hy I IIN't.koft ':\, Thl~ Onfl.nll~ ~hall 11 ultl 11 ftt.o Cit nt Nrw · Each vlofation or the p~vlsions cul'tlxly of any manor und•;~ .th•· makln~r thi' O rtllnnnr•· rrtcoctlv• I~ prlnloofl 111ul 1111hl~•h•-d ''"~··· In a:ll<'tt. ~ty of &:r.nc.,, s::! ot this section shall constltutt> a lliiC' of fourtC'rn YC'arl< to lra\o Slltr1l i~latdy. ~,_prJrt Bull"'" N• wr<·Timc "· " ol C.llrom&a Nrmcr. IH HER&· separatt' otfrnst> • mmor nt home or any otht>r pfttl'f! S.C:tlon II Th•· Mll)'<lr .'h"ll •111:11 no•WilpttJWr 11rlntMI, puhllllhrd 11nr1 1 BF. CilVF.N. Thill at • MNII ol I ·Section 2. RESPONSIBIIJITY 1 Wlthn111 tht• IIUJ>!'IVI~Ion or a <'nm· thla Ordlnnnn • nne! th•• c "' n:·• k I rti'MIIAINI 111 lhr City nt Nf'W1111rt lhf' Boerd ol Dll"f!C!ton twld :-ttw po.•trnt and rl'spon..Ohlf• pencon hr·, ahaJI alll'sl th•· ~hln•·. anll It,..< II) ~~~·a<'h. un•l ~hall ·lft kl' rtft"rt •ntt j21lth &I nf Jtmr 1944 "" •-· I tw•-en thC' hour.oo of t O P. M . An d Clffk IChnll r:wJW· thr• 'nm•• an be• '"' in full lmr<· within thirty W.yt t uty Nl 1 ' nd ' /I("' n.....t ... " Addrtt.. .. ••. Piton• ' 6 M ( h f II d ' I al I ")f'n 1\f' y 11 M "'' ,...,.. 2l~ Narcoaouo A"•· N-port J4U A. o I C' o nwanl( B) lpobllshr;IJ,;wlthln ftflp•·n 1)!')1 I ll)'" lrr "1111""•11•· !li n rSOO()(II han-w hlvtfld ! Corona .... Mar St'f'IIOri 5 Pmvro;lnn~t of lhl .. lrr· alter 1111 llfll>"lll(l' at lr·u•t ""''''In 'flu· IIIHIYI' 111111 rr.n·~·llrttC Onll· I'll tH h l.lf'r ~ , th •"~ I N D CASH dannnc•• shall not apply 10 an) N_,...,.i-t lln hlltll ~ ........ 'flul• •. " nanf'•' WIIN uaa,. .. l .. ••·<l :ol " rt't(IJ.· UJlt~ 1' ' 11 nrl'9 1 ° · 1 1"1 ""'•· • • r --..... f ('I (. . 1 I num•·· ('OIII'rrul un flllYII I .. til I 0 v M manor in' lhf' malilary M'IVICI' '' nt>W11ruuv•r uf 11, n•·rul •·ll f'lllnl f~r~t lnr m•••·t•f\£" lh•· I) '""I' t " .. W • A • ,, 1 . . . . •-·r-' ,. ,.. ·I I II "· · <>lll·n••f• '"1"'''"' "'''''t't• nry OOQ and CAT HOSPITAL lh!' Unltl'd 511111''. no•bJI~hNI 411111 t'urUII•" d Ill lit/· tlw ( tl V 11f ·~•·WJttorl >t'l11 I, ll' I f I"' ' II If r """ "' 1 1''·1' 1 u ao " 1"11'1Jfllltllroll 111 ~~~ r ., .,.,. &ant• Ana Sl4l Set•ttnn 6 For lhr• 1111'1111'\' II City or l'r·Y.po:rrt llo '"' It C'nlll "" lh•• ;,,, •lny ,,, 'IIIII'. ~. Hill H I I J I. t .' I N' tet4 So Main &t., &anta Ana, C.llf. tht~ on:linnnrl', an} po•r,on uooS.•1 ' 'API'Rft\'FI't und .AIWII'TI-:I11iwnf flnnlly Jl"·'"'tl unr1 hd•tplo•ll 1tll ''11 l))'l '""' (~". 1 ,,. '1>' ',' .••w· · · • 1 1 11141 1 p~ort lc·twh • .unt y " • II unt(•' .', thu• :\nl ,,h, ••I .1111' l'tl I Ill•· llol It:•> .. t • 11 Y • • 11 " s 1 1 11 A h ,1 ____________ .;....;~.-------' ('i.Yt\:-1 J( IIA I,I.. r••g 11IHI ""''.'''"'' ltu '''"' lo\ lh•• · 11111 " 11 1 ''111111 nv ' 111 '" ,,,,,,, f•l , .... ( .,., ,,j 1··11""'"1' IHII t .d! , .... "'' ••.• ,, :J•;;n ";'""'',I':':~,;··."·;(;:;:··::\~:·,.! """~"''' II• ,,..., ('lid ,\YI " ('r ot ·.c 11.:.U.~. Alh.ll. ~''" '"::~ '11 '; l<"hni' ; , f, rn·~<;i' Sto~l11• \ t lodt 1( .... 11.o ll ,,.. •• t -...I ~ I ' ,,..,. Ftnnk f . l~tt·h •• ...... ~,, ""t 'f•l •• ,·rr 11".' :--•·n• ''t.d •ltd• ·. ''"'"''"' •"'-~ "*·••I• ,,. lh• c·,,.\ c •1, rf~ ,\I ~ f "-.. r 1 -, ,, ·.t ll.\11 ,,.,,, u h ··thttllu q ,, uti ''''' ••• "''' I I I I . 1' II ''I • ,h• '' l f t'l l•tfl '• II f hdJ fll lf l\ HI •••J h,tM t' "'''· tu ft• 'tJ' • ,, .. ft • ,.,,;, .. I .. , II• •I 't" ·'1'1•11 ~· rl It\ II' ••• ""'til t,, •old ,,, th·· tdft"' '"' II ' d •. r .t•.t•. Jill I ••I . • I \ •1 L'' '-'• • I' I "' .. n I II -TEI:EPHOitE ) ' . "'' w. OeMral ~-. Automo&lle • Fin Acciclnt • · Life LA U.N D.R Y and ·Dry Cleaning ~ to ~Day Mftrvt~ w .. arlnK Aa•pa"'l J.aun(fry Only llRIW IN V(WR IIACJIY.I.Ant RIJNUf,F.g Aarnry ltoy'R. Barber Shop · OPERATORS NEEDED '~latch Your . Kidn . sf~ ' I '"' . . . . 1 ~I ••I S•pl•ll l•·• !'ti l, :ol I I "" ·. IJ II ' I. r .. " ,.,, '10 ·~····"'"I ,,, ..... 1 .~ ' •'' 'I t flt I I\ ••t • I 011 M"'l'.ddrn 1'1111'•· '''WJHtrl lkh. U1rf'n ll;:.u tn 8 Sf.n·irr mt•n a mi war workr n. '"" all ciPJN:nrlinJt U(MIII our Jtirls at tlu· !!Witr hhoarcl'l. (iood 1.ay ·~·hilf• lrarn· ing and rf'gular (n<'fPa.'W'fl · * * * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE · CO. Apply: 100 E: Bay Av~:, Balboa or 514~ No. llaUI St.. S.ata A.aa • DOAN·s PILLS • I ',, 1\1 "II 11-wit " -----~"'------__:----. /\'1'11 "·'1 t I ,,,~. I. 11111• Ia:••' I C 'ol \ I 'I• •1 I • ol, I'll\ t', l't I I ·NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOL· IC BEVERAGES. .July ll, IDU. 1~ 1 \\'I fiJ~ IT MAY ('I JNfr:H!'o Th.-Wurlcl'~t ~"w" I'Wt•n Thruugh TilE ('IIIUSTIA~· S<'J.EN<'f4~ 1\fONITOR •A•I /111rr111111 "l•tf /J11 olv Nc "''/'"1'" • J•,,J,J .. r,,.,r hv 'T ill· C.JIIt/o..,'TiA'; <.,{'1/·'~C :I! 1'11111 1.~11/}'\f: SO<:IF.T'Y fmr•, :'\•uWII~' S l 1 •;c•t, IIJ.,.,Iun Mll•t~nr•hu~rllll '" Truthrul--('un .. trn•·lh·,._t ;nhlrt~'d-Yr.-from filf-n ... unnallalll Y.dttnrt•l• A"' TtJ'Tlf'IY alld ln•t"'"liVI'I and Ita l>ally Yt'aturN, To· «"""" with thf' \\'Holtly M111tadnto Ht'orU-. Jlllall" Ule .... lor .. ld-1 Nt'-papl'r fur U1e 11-. l'rtNo.tl%.11 v-rl)', or 11.11 a MnttliL Materday lrMur, IIM'Iudtac M....aM 8Mtl911, f!,ll a Vew. IntrOductory Offer. I llletardaj a-lll Veala (~ ..... ··: . . · • Ohrtltlu-8c'teant~. RMdhlc tcoo. flt &Me OaatNI A.- ... '-t()alltenla ~~~t ,,~, ., tu•1 t'h \ ..:tv•·n I h ;.t ftf 1 1,,.'.0 •I·"' "''"; 1~1•• nltt.v•• llal•· lh~' unllt•r\IWIW<I l'"·'lfl'"''~ I•• ,.,.11 Jal· lcuhlllw lt~•v••r h.:•·•.AI lh•"" Jll'f'm·l IIJI(>I.. r!f'Vnl~t·fl IIJ< (IJIII,w•. EL I)ARI.SO CAn~ I~McFADDENPLACE _ L-------~----------------~----------------- .. . ' • ,.. .. -. l ... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'J'IME9. ~ Beech. California, Tbureday, July 6, 1944 ---------------~--- • You know now whnt we 've h(':ml from him. We ·ve heard that Eis(·nhower and hie; Amerlc.1ns l~:tvc hurled th~mselvt>s like a thunderbolt agaimt the bristling de1'cnscs of Hitler's Wehnnach t! Wew heard that they_ are smashing at our foe-spari~g n~ither steel nor 1weat nor blood· in one final, furious assault that mad.! the supreme mni-" -t&ry e1Iort of this War I t.ant financial effort of this whole War! · Jr tlw 5th War Loan is to. succeed, ~ach one uf trs must do more than cHr bdorc-niust buy double ... n s. tn'rle ... \ .. . .. ·- .•• the Uowl~·e bougllt ln~t tiw~. -Ancl_,.,...._. .••• ..,.__..... Our mrn cxprrt to hear that we nrr ... ....., expect from wP buy in~ cloulolt·-tll:•t we nrc matc-hing . -... ;; . . . M~n •nd womcp or AmertC'a -"'hat t.h<'ir ~>acri fi<"<' us hc'~>l,wc can-that the invasion ii to-our fighJing men, . the Amc·rit'an Jf:LI i!fn, soldi<'r!\ and "{'·i- . the 6tb War Loan is to us at home! vilians t ogl'll~<·r. is makin~ o r1c gigan- ' .-· tic dTort to win this War! . For us, u well u for them, ·.this is the erisil-:tbe time for ~mendou., Th at'• the news our men expect to overw~elming effort! Make no mis· l!ear frum us. take!Tbe5tb War Loan w!ll undoubt-Will' you prmmnll't see that thc'y _edlybetbebi~t,most vitally impor-get it? Alt4...,. _. 5 more,....,.. lor &vying htra Bonds in the '5tl1f -------- 1. Wer londa oN tho ~Mit, tho aohat lnvea'"'ent In the wortdl 2. War londa ..tum you $4 for avery $3 In 10 years-. ... , '· War londa help kMp prtcea clown. 4. War Ianda will holp win tho PMco by lncNoslng pwrcho'ling •power · . .tterthoWar. · S. War leftda Mean a4ucothm for your chlldNn, aocurlty for you, fund• for "'"'""'· - . . L .1~ ·BU.Y MO.·RE THAN BEFORE SOiiTI COIIT CO. Y ICO ·& . illPIUILDEIS -ft ftll .. u oftlcW tJ. S. Treasu) ..,. .... , t ,.II..,....._ t ·,,. e1 !\ saza, .,.,.,..._. ud War .U.ertWIIc Coadl. • t