HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-13 - Newport Balboa News Times., SAM Bay Bonda to End War Quicker fHMACING SAl II(JA PENINSULA. • • • the newapaper that pel bmne BALBOA MSS~ I Year ••• .-$211 ISLE. NEWPORT H~GHTS, 1•1 BOA ISLAND. 'COitONA OIL MAlt. COSTA ·MESA ' Clash Near on Prices Between Commercial Fishermen and Buyers ----------~.~ . Neptiatinc Committee of CIO an4l We ttlnP ' Seafood Inatitute at LouerheadaU4l~ swer Demanded by July 20th .......... _ . ••• na- FQLDERS II ..... 1: I f;.a. PM '311 1 .. News-n ... " . w I I .... ,.. NEWPORT-BALIIOA Nlt.WS.TTVI!:S • ··~~~! ~=ta ··:;~;;:;;;7..::.~ ·~~~~LICING THE MAINBRAC!_ .... -\Ship Wnion lnu ... FeRiir!te!r 1.114 --·····--· ... l!b,Mt . Barnell. :S46 NOI't AnD'\'{) Thll M'f'ITII to be JIUitt' • mOftlh.l cSown fOf' ... eou of WMka .. 'I • and Jewels .. -.. ·-R ··--I ~n Gabr'IPI, 3-room hoUR I r~ ...... ~ .. -t•~~. 'Cror .. blrt .. d \VI T<l'rftll and Ka tahl<l'r b&elll'roal gives 1--Ul , .. ~·· .. .. . 4-ST hmleaf a1·enue. $1500. and annlv_,..!! The Chart• lht'lr . t -U..y b.av• nothlq lilt -Ill -.•. 1 .•. li(l8,0110 1 Mr.. R .... Yllche'l. tepta!n Ill 1 1 k• J· 1 1 t' Hook 8Htl(lal-. but Ill' reJIOI'tll at !.be perleet 1-_ Ml .. .. 9U,UT I2401l Wut Ocean Front . --··>·~••o'm•n ())i'lnaall thoul(bt t•~lated t e ~m and llqu.ld N-1 ' Ch 1-·-WI f ............ _ III1.Tt!l U.Ut. C11ff«d, t:\2!1 P' ... t r .,n. that JW:y _. .. a lu('ky rn<>ntl't t '> 'Mae doctOI'"a and llUI'8tl urlly ap-to· est 1140 _ MJ-;-···-·· .. , .•...... 1.o.u.:-.;, tra1 •••-· per Gordon F\ndlay. ~~~ .. p·, b'.-•trr. or-~ blrthd•y t!mr they 'e.d at lbe P.hr PaD !'~~:"~;.~;;':;~"=:~~ .. ;r·~ I.M1 -4.n ....• . .1.238.41• build a lhi'M-tonm adrlltlnn and , . .,.,1!not•rrt 111 lf'd by Addle Haup.l r odne r>;uw Vlfl"lnla cutle, W'tr.o l · . 1MI -* .... : ... ~.... 3110 . .SO a.t.ior ~ 14000 whn hq -en'orlty e.ov•r the rut Ul l.altinl ~tUme mu~h m:t!'ded t1111e __ I Wfl..~ at l G.JI. 1 .......... ,.\In Warnrr. C\arrmont. Olhr,.. who aaw the J!d•t 0, d&\'oOf! fr~m Ule Rl'<l Ct~ dUUea, ill . , ,trt.l IIV_CQUt' dufinK' 01h0:·~~~~n,.: ~ . pu-Oor!!on ,natay, atorace n oom, 1,, tulv .. r. l''"rv J"v Ada Alford, I '"' •hr•rc ""if h her mother, ACSdll! I Nt:wport. Harbor a War Che.t Ia unloading-~onday r ,._,., · _.....,_ · U .2M I !lOll V\11 lldu ~nOO, $400 Bob and B«lly Ha•Un~ta l..oonn'"' HaUJ'b, &nd her two daucbt.er•. about .even biUiodred dollaroe rk:her ll1dv'll l'ltlt"!lt' m thl' ~ 4·1133 j Rutw,rt H Reed. 4tO.SOI.h •lret't, "'"~~"t Marv Yo:Callu~ and r.;~1rm11 11111.1 1'11illa . Every one 1 ~1• week, accordl"-" to H. P'.'anlll t,kf'tl lnJm il Ilardi · .... !:~!~ 1 per Gordon rtnrllay;J reln'orred Tommy WQOrley. 'n!ere a~ prob· Is at Ill ta.lki n~ a bout lba wonMr-Ke-nny, tre-.u-er of lbe local Wllr r~·-.-rnnt11inlnll' S4 in ·~:~;:~.~;d .a.r"ll ~ ........ _... u ·727 ("Of}Crtte rfl'rllfrr-aror and IIIQ~a&fc ~bH-manv mnrr that 1 ~tnn"t know fu l 11ur•·r~8 t~ Bl!X>d Bulk wu. Cl'eat. who Utet~ lbe late• d~na.. o~her purw eontainlnc a ..., • --·:--u:O&O p&ult.. ue SOI.h 11\I'P"t't , $10.000, at)(rut So to th~_mentloned and frPIIh rr.o·nb lh~y had. ai'ter lbey ll<~f! II a eontributiOII, from the !llf'Cf'. 115.75 In CH.~c";·, •?,~;;;;,;;;;;I I ,._. · --· ........... ' ! thoee not mtcnUonrd c · ngr11r. 1,, d·-·~•·•t \IJ' " up. at lht' Jw-ren Lor· luciJ Union ot Yartne a.nd f'hl.,. !IC"t with a ruby and'.' lul:7 -·-·-· 7,J9II PLUM.tNC PUI:MITI tl ' l'ntzton~ 1 thmk "everyone. rave buillllna Worker-. ot Wblcb Robert a goh1 chllln, ~ ........ -!1.760 lbt. you a · 1 1' · old Be~ I Anr'eraon '• ~~eerel.ary The tund• !ll'l with n ine '"''~-1' t'ad! and 8 ,._._ ................... %2.178 P'lumbtnlf p..rmltl J~ed I With the Army and N'IIV'" l.t. ~ ~•l ;·,,u '• Mr;;_~l an pima~ were bandied lbrou,b the· State '" W!-slon miUit('r ml't('; Oc:tMiw . ... .... ...... ue-tO m011th are: IJif l IJy Jl'ano"ell. whn n!<'rntlv rr· •I ~ ~" • <" urn rave a n ·I . 1 ·- ""-W 1o"o14 A. E . Gauthier. IW6 Day•llle I turnrd from the South Padftc, Ill 1 "J;:rtdh-~~ ut hov.· patntu.t It wu-~·I"P"dnu~rtt'MI and will co to lbe c.rue. A camera co ...... "" D , .. -··---·----·;:-·-·.-lllUIO drlv.,, two 1-u connH"tlona. U . """"at 8ea Teland. Gro~a Both •:uw lhat'a f'atrlotlam ~! rred~t. or the local ah.lpyard work-~the car was not dbturlled. -..-. . ' --142 ..,.,.I P. C. 8m'th. 72"0 WNt Central By'e wtte Vai't)'. and 1"ellJI.'I wtfr ' err 0 lbeh-recordJ. ·------.-.-~~-...... -· lavefiUI , .1.110. . . Pel""li• will be ben for mn.t ..,, I I d d C.D M P!u• .,.. fNIW belnr made fnr SuJ"t Ov·er n~at .... . I fl.. Plt'jft'f. TOO Avac&Uo avenue, U•e .ummer ... Charlotte Oollft· s an an . . . ::'~ 1111(:0:~ ·~ntn-wlde War Cheet s I f $35DUOOO . ··-~--. 1u .. ~ buabuld Doutt hllll tw~n R It M . . ' ! VP. w CT II tU:e place In the a e 0 ,......, .................. IJt.&U --In "th tloulh Pacltk • '"nil: ell("h· ea y OVIIlg ID fllll. P , A. mer. cen•ral chalr-j ' "*'-'7 .... ----··--:·!: . llLilCEIUCAL Plll'tMITa tP.en month .. i•looklnl fnrward tn Great Volume ·~: .. ~i ':..-:~ .. ~~"'m out-T)'H\1 up the court ol ·~~~'I ~ .................................... • Electrical pen:nlh tuul!d ar-a: hll cmotnr l'lomt' .......,n . f'-1 I boll'd and .-tU ll& ....... ne-eutive Supertor Jwtp, ll'ran.klin G. ' ' I to Cadets: Her c8r a.htoit. .. .... ...,. llallllda7, Ut.er .-.e P" ~ U.. ~y/ to tbll Ford ,!"''UP8 .0 Uta& ..,. .tpt I let UleU cap~~" --VII IL Whu Uwy did ... Ntan. .. ..at to Burkam ot' ll:r:.!S May· j Lb ,.,.._lq lot.. TM ca6tU -re wbu Ul •t.aylq at VlctQf'J 1 •-· aDd 110 wu U. c&r, .. r-. -w-.ywoo d. wu · 'ldltd~ paned acu. polkc JtatloD.. to rt~ two cadet. • riM . RubberUned Wineh Head -.,., ... ....... _____ ... ..._._........, -'-·· . .......,. ~ ---... ... .. ...... ... ......... 46•47" t..V..-ne Norton. aot Wllrine ave: ~ .. 1-r r Rndlt'V haJI len ftot Ma.. 1 . and adopt It to fit loca.l for over ia weell arcumenU were 1 ".,r:' -· 011., fOil" bla.uty ~: I!. L. tertal ~d Sdot•l. l•){"ll t•·•l Mt and Mre. Ma,tio Rkbardl "7'"r' ~IUona. Mr. Palmer rlwed Mondav 1~ lbe .ult bruup • ' ......... .,._... lllllaaed UWI J Hillman. Sl& OolcSearOd. for dW!ll· out.elde Wublqton, p C.-hla of Palo··• Vr rdea h&ve purebaMd &f~h ~UDCM that appointment by Roy Neiaon • acaiD&t Rollin AIIOUICE Ell • ' l I . \ ' ...U. -.......: . tna": 0 . H . HarJT0¥8. 2llil 3Uh wife Ia lellvin~t nut 10o"t'e)< f r h~r lh• Simon Juber&" property at 121 ° 111 :.. &4eeotm~tft and workt'rl Kr!owlee over Ute eondttlon of Lbe ll A. ~ 1144 N...,ort \ Jtnet. tor ~lin&: Jack Twlal. J homt In Hou.lon. Teua l.t. Eu( Hu a\·t'nur, Balboa bland, ~ m Jtt y. The fte<'U· I'Tlltllng OO.t Gray Dawn. Nel11011 t ,. Ld, C... a&-. P"" own«, 410 Ph:IIMet.Ua, for dwelllri(: J. H.l Bo ll Sawyrr hill reorelvrd h i~ C'11n· llml "'Ill make u~ .... rwpUn ve c~"" 1' at.o .tudylnlf ~he; alated that he boua"ht the boat • 1 ......... fta b'kw and &1\m'&Uoll l a..lth. nt On:hld a<,t"Due. faor ta.lncy-nke colnlf ... Majer ftn\llmpnwement.e. :W:ra. Rldiardl :;~: t ol a Commurrrty Nov. 23 fer a price of W ,OOO on to ._, ......... ._. at Ill "-lllo~t: H. 1. Johuon. 2111 VIlla I Jamr• Sire Ia now tn Wuhlnll'!rln b a d.Aut:hler of Mrs. Mary Ou.oA, t fh or~ area. Until ~e end Ute repre.eataUon of~~-that ... llb-f:. nNiant. 1000. WIQ', ffl/r ....s&M abop; Kana for a len d,I.J eonlt'f'fni'P wltb Cui. r mt lhP lllmlly e-.pecle to makf 0,111 ~war ~mualty Chell( tu!W.a It WQ in lood cond.JUon, wberuJ a W. -'W.nl. Itt On:hllll otclun&n, 11U Latay.tta. tor boat Dubo&que--aome eturf Franl th·IO thrlr future h<m~e. 'J'ba dul ~-1 .drtMI. through tbe W.u ..,..e,.l rlbll ~re ItO b&dl.y rotted a-.-. .. ~· '-lid ~,_ abop: Dona&d Nellaeft, Til t.ta.n- 1 Weblter &.ad Jounr To_mmiP hll•·~' , •. u "hanotled by Wra. o.rtrudr "11 ve. eta~a Mr. Pal111•r. that It wu uo-wortby . .... .._ --.., .,.._ttoe, 11.100. pld annue. fur dweUtna; Wr-. C . lett t or New Torlr: to l!e •·lth Lf W11 1dron Knowlu denied, knowled&"e of ...... I ........ UU .Harcourt l..otwi8, iiOO Ocean P'toril, tor dwell.l ( JJIP Tom .Weblot<'r Tum Ia n(),.. M11n~· l•lander:-are ~lnl Stanley Muon and f&n~ily of tbe dry rot. and •kl the purcblllll! --._ 1.-~ ..ad ,_,_ In&". · 1 dolnlf tlulJ al }o"'or1 St·huyltr , .. proprr1y In Cc.rooa del Mu u an !~IKhland ParJr an ependlnc lhe pri<:~ wu not out ot llne, .. lbe ........ t.. !m') ....UIIlC at Round About-NPII IWI"h• back tnvntment. Amona-th~ recent· ,..,..,Jr with lb<tir Plll"ftlla, llr. and IMlat wu o-t.berw&.e In J"ood ..... A......_ &....U.. •a!ua· Mr.aA Plllt .... Ta fn»11 santa. Ba,ba.r.. whrre shf' lv Uulnr ao ar. ~' end...llba,.-Hal lolr.. Yklor OopntJo, dltiOil. "tbe ·oourt , talle tbl: I ha4 tuo 1ut wHk-#lld G•rtrude Will SmLU!. w ho have pu.~ ~-::::::~"'-~t:ittt.. 101 OJral eo.ta Weeau f'loC~IVlnl bulldlllr weatwood and her · • al"t' ami ''rt' rrmoU~:linl a ectta.p; Wn.l dwellln&" pti'IDILII trOIO U.. C<X,~nty Include 1tayln.f at bu on O..n othy l!rw.lrur.rd of Paaa.dena . . -.alii&-=-Or:-.-:--D:-Oall'feN,a:a •a,. '"b the 1~-.-. ' l!!_~ kit and -., an• ("': etrMl., addiUon ot LD oftke In lba the cutttlt little f!par you ever 1 h , · P. _c.--... no ,W.C.\Oerntral .._ bulldlna at Newport boule-r &er-ta •lltUnc her family tnr • tracttv., wr. a.nd Mra Peter ..-• ..,.n. JM, n.r-d and llt.b at""'t. uq. '""'" d•y• Aft.n aeelnJt "Mr In her \ Dtn~:; or Avacad<;> atl'Ml, .no ha~, W', 1L _._ -Bal:tta Ana. r. &. Robln.aon, Nrwpor\ Beacb. unlrorm, I'm ('orr,vlored no Kll pureha.d a homtc; Mn. Oaln !!I'•• •••• • ••• •• ••• e • ••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: t •hould joln up It iltlt'. w•au lar~ter Grr•n. who h .. pu~ a cot-~ • · =1 than a else ten .. , Ada and Ray· tace. at 422 Be&onl.a. Ul4 Ia re-C JOR BUILDING JNFOR-MATJON • Al.fDI"U are tpeDdlnJ i:'fe•· day• I mbddhlj!:; while Mn. Kuy GU. : :l in Palm Sprinl{a tryiiiJr tn •"ake ann. t• remodeltnc a place a. An-• _ S.. _ • tht' eo~&~ U..t hl.ve bad them 1 rallo at.rert. ! Ba}' Oistritllu. mber Co. l i ~.:...':~":'w::::'!:"~~!::.__=.~l • P_O_L_I-CE_NEW_ S a "j UMO. •-: WAL T~Pt I. SI'IC, ... , o-w : D. R. Hannon. 23!16 Ne,.-por1 a '• N rt a..ch • ~levant. reahknce 011 'S&rita laa·l l'0t1altM Jloltn. lft&Ybt ".:~!~: : : ew~ ·:~1 •t.rHt. wt'et or Elden avenue, but ('erta;nly \oat. a TIJU: 1 : 1• ..... H....., ~ : U730. ta.j eol oo a wh~t.'l ., ... found -. • AI 'nle ....... 1150 •I H.-'lb..-11:.~. 2* San J•land I"T""da y and l&llftl 1tie.E. Bay A.a .. ..._ Genenl Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Eledrieiana t\ vailable Fender BOdy Work Ref"miahing I • Neva md Larry Beaulile Have Di sposed or Their Interest in ne IIIlEY BELL • and will no longer be associated with the 'business AITOur fri_e'nds a~d Former Patrons Cor Their Loyal Support Which We· Deeply Appreciate . . ' 8 • , • Ana road, butldlna on ·Oid Sllnta ·lire •tatlon. No 1 ulriM ·h;;;'l '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• Ana road IIOUIJI of ·W\1.., .tn'-el. po . __ , nq .... 10 · yt'l bern rt'€t!lvn.o concern . • 2000. ' Mllri\)'ro McGarry o1 601 Cliff I-DOl B FIIDLAY Quality Lqm~ Coronll dt'l Mar, raported gaaollne cuu=ol•n Get Your Olliee Supplies, Today --. --··--a:love eomP,. • fol ~ and . whlcb wu Hn I Beach. .1. _ . . . AND ....... R Buildi.nc (" •ateriat. attempt ..... mfl4e rnday MAJ!fi'BNANCE ~.-J\1 .. \ t'•.-nJo~: to rt~b II:J' Bill Ireland cate · C)Oa.IPI!lCIALTY • r"m Md·'R<Idrn Plac-, a wln~ow be- ---' • 1 tn~-: brokPn tro an rffnrt to unlock C.blnet Shop Sen·.•ce COSTA MESA I thr dour m•m the lneldt'. · Ofllet. Ot.bblet,Bhep LU_MBER CO. ! t"utl!nft IITO\tnd thi-. ~ar window MJI ('-it 8lftl. fA'1 lftfh 8t. ot hlR I' m·rrt ltM l"ru pe. "rome one .._ CU ft. ,.,. A. IE . HOSTETL~Pt· 1 1!tnl~ $:1:\0 ,.. n r t b ot !b=======·~·;·~·;-;;T~R;•~ ... ~~O~AUI'~;· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~·;•;•·~·~ .. ;~~~~ :\!11111 ltr Ollvh·r ot 8049 Selrna ,....., Anno•lrll, rr portrl!l. . 1 I'HIIc.· wnt' l'nJlrd to lhe Coroaa HI111RS HOM I • -··.-· .... ~ .................... , .. '-PI•• -....... ol ~.~ ••••••• ~. -· ................... . olo•l Mar l~'"lnfflc-f' T\Jr.'ldlly to 'ln-'""!il •J:•f" " pn~\bl e · r.bld wi1lch ""All frnUunr; l!.t" the 1,,.,.,. do~: w &.ll fmmr.l tu have· j' hiiJJt~l bv r hlhln•n. &.nd 'was 1 m llhl. llr WRJO to:•v~n Into lh!! h>dy nf hill 1">1\"n!r, F"red M . <of 116 Plo,...ttoa lllreet. BARBECUED ·SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! 2100 0cUI1 Fr"O<"It • Phone 7l -.,-awpol't ••aell FAST SERVICE! PRICES!· j Wf' arc mainthining as {.'Omplete a line as possible of all the thing.<ii ~·ou nt't'(l to hl'lp you in you[ busincs..-rig:ht herr: in town so as to sa\"c yCXJ ti~'Jlnd tra\"el. &-sure to as k us if we have what you OC('([. Some of these are closeout items; no dealehl; we reserve the right to limit quantifies; sales tai !iiilineludeil. Add. Machine Rolls, asstd. sizes 15-:\0c Availability C<"rtificates B!Uheads, Ruled-plain or printed 8t/.. x 7 to 14 .Binder. 3-rirg 8 11~ x 11 sheets $1.25 ~ ·• Cash Register Rolls, all makes · Celudex %-inch clear index tabs Oip and Arch Boards, aU siz¢:; 90c and up __ Olps, Bulldog and paper, BS.'Itd sizes Columnar a~ Accounting Pads. aU sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Daily Analysis Sheets, "500 tor $5.50 Dally Cash Sheets, 500 for $4.25 Daters, 75c · ~ Files~ letters or legal size Dtvf'lopes Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, whlte. all Sizes, plain Or printed Erue~Ar1 Gum, t~ter, Klen:zo Pendl-type- typewriter erasers . "Estimating Sh("('ts flle Folders, manila, all cuts. lette-r And legal ' sizes. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 Note Books. memo, etc .• asst sizd., plain or ruled 1)aper. bon_~ thin papers, cok>rs or White, all sizes, typewriter. riqrneograph Paper cltP'i Payroll Records Paste Penctls, lead, colored, china nark:ing, indl"ftble, automa.Uc, stenographk PeTlcit leacb Pen points., all kinds Price-Book-Flllers, 81h x 1 r P~ Stamp Moistener, china Rfady Master carbon foimr RecepUon Cards printed to onler Rooolpts • Ribboru;, a ll makes I)'JJl'Writen Roll Memo Pads Rule"rs · Sales Books Saies Tax Exemption Cards. Fonn No. 103· Signs, For Rent. For Sall", "c. 1-...:J,..---fL---~•;•;•;,•,:•:···:•;,:"' ••• •• -..... ,. .... -~· A 11EART\' rimntr, or rnid- Flle Guides, pre!!tboard. letter siui. $2.25 fllJE'rs. notebook, punched, ruled or ptaln . Gllis.o;ine Bags Stamp Pads Stationery of nil kinds ' Stat~mcnts. SH. x 5' :. sUpen-tt'" non i.aht>ts- Thumb Tacks · • • IHif·:·KEEIL'EM RDLLINGu -IAilll&fii'AII TIIIIA&KIIIII II I"E/111 .. _ ..... ~ .. ,_,. .......... .,a ... _. ............ ~~--- '" , n\;:ht iunch , • little too , murh smokbig,.perhap• a coo,·kt.:l\1 llr tw-.>-Rrut run to· nlt'hl 3 miser~h\e letdown, 1:.-~.l.u·h~)' ftrlm~t tomorrow .. m••rn ln~: . """ I'' , 1~ ,.·hn ,.. , •• ,;,,...1\y ol· ~ • .,,t • ~ •.•'' •"'"l •!lll'Y 1<>Gd frl tr"''~'" opd , ... -.1 f,,,t ~!io•n I"'J n~:• ""' 1,' lllr r,.n )"" l••ol w ~, •k'll ''" '''" "''"·' • •'"" fN 1:" \\ ., ''I ,\lo,,, j, !tt,l '" II ·• ~ , •• , ,, """ • nt'. "~· h i ·H 'I • r ~· , ( t • ,,,. ~""''-'' • o ,.,., I•• ' ,,. ~ '"·. Sr \•,ro or> o• I 'I I o •' A > •' il'''i( /'"on• r• •. ., "• h l .f~··~J ·•1 ~• uorr .. ,,. Try II ,. h,.~••••t 'n" h-•·r Ht •d ••lw . .Arld ''"''"'"·•n, l ~l<:l S)nlp· ''""'· 'lv''"'" I ~'''""· ~rut~lllll :'1\w .. wi&J '"""" Atlto-!'r':r•r '" •··'"''"'"''•'' """"'•''' ., .. ,.~. 10 lit ..,:~. !'.• I>Pr ho• l<lJ o '"'·"'" ., 'i ::::~2r.:~·~ vrnl"\1 I>•• ,,.,r• v• Wh) t·ol .. , • U.. Mil """" )'OW ••• 1n • <'h "l • ''0"' Bo~ W i<R . T' y .\Jk.l . "it•llll'f" Gummed Lnlx'ls Indexes. a ll !'ilcs Index C<~rds, n.tll'ri. dll sizes lndrx Sign~Jis Inks \Vriti~, hoLlies Or qtmrls ~J Stl'ncil . inrldible, I ncl i.1, !,'(;un,pin~. · ln\'rntory ShN"I.<: Lctdgl'T' Binrlers. St'dion.-.1 pcr.:;t type I...<'gn l Forms. ·nnt:1 ry, PIC. I.Rtterhracl..:;, rt !'Sfd. stocks :mrf rolor-s print('(\ ns pcor your instl-tlctions !..oosc-i..e:"t f Fillf'r.:: Ml'rchni1dlsc Tr~~ :O..Ii~rnph Stencil!=:. tnke S ll:: .'( "J4·shN't ~fuc11age_ ) T_vpcwri.lcr PaflC'r. whit£' or canal"}' 1)~,-riler Ribbop~. bll mnkt"'S ~-ronds DESK CALENDAR 1944 -5 X~ SALE Compkle will{ h nlrler: " room ror. Pach cby of the ye;;~r. G<'t orl~today. Only $1.49 NewporJ Balboa News-Times-. . •n w. Ooatnl. N....,.n ....., -11 ... 11 \ ,_ • I! "" "" "' .m " " ~ ,, "' " " .. ' I BAY n8RING 18 GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boat' for,~t at Reuonabl~ Pi!Cft-Uve Bait Available NEWPORT BAY·INVE8TH!:NT CO. f. a-Orftle)' • o-ral M...,..er NEWPORTBiBADnJA-PIERS • ·ONCE A. WEEK ., ' BALBOA'S RENDEZVOUS ·- ' BALLROOM , Preoent.s • and His Orchestra BETI'Y LYNN GEORGE KELLOGG Soloists July ·M 1nd 15 BUY '-c.o»cU;cv'---·-· c>i,"o,_,.Rcr.e._ ."'"-'"c' '"·cD="'----'-"cO,_,R0·--,. 1 c T u a .v • 0 0•1•0 •0"0 O•l 1''1 •1 •1•1 t •l •·l I I O•O I 0 I I 0•0 t 0 I I I o 0 0 0 o o o o I o o o o o I o 0 ' L-EGAL FORMS FOR E.VERY TRANSACTIO .N Weo haveo m,,fie It convenient tor you to lmurr romrllano!' with al( rt!quirt"fnent~ ol the law by carrytng a complete-!rtock or an-rorm~ 11nd pafJ!en I'M!'l"ded tor w compk>tion of t"Yfry tranaction. ,._~,, tee. ~ We ""'"' ... '"" .. . ,..ady to· h•lt41e any and all ef ,. ... , pnntlng p•obl4o~ t.._ a co..,plete fOI.Ir- eolor compi•C.IM pr'ntlflg probll"" to II•• Pl•nn)ng ai'WII fk!blllllllnt In th4 Ne,.,.. Timet ol ,...,., _..._,. .. ,"1· Ne Hlleatton will .,. altaci'IM to )',011,. ........ fw lnfoll"allon M &II)' kltMI. NEWS-TIMES • 1 :~. I ~··I.J Uirl.. l'rary •• \\ o:o\n.-.dll,-0..11 ,.u......... "'"""" ... ··~'I 'K~I': Ill' Till': f '..\T l'r.f)PI.r. .. Ill..., "l'UWftUV f 'ANTF.F.N ... IM•IIf'¥ ('art-• "'-art . "''••11 ... .. , . .. Anr-..MM~.at '-· .u. Ot u. marn~ In tM HIC"ibd J'arlr N"ttwMtiM rlliuf'l:ll fJ/1 III'L Mn, W. ColliN! of ODet• ..... aDd J . v. ltf Hlplud . PUtt. Ill'. "-JIPI*d A. J ... ttl -···law-...... . ......... -•'~•••'-~ .................... c, d11 not 11.. Dr. Mn. 1 r~~·:.:·•l'~;·,,.,u nir.'t know wl1•& 't* l '""' roll. It C"llm" ill a nol t:tf~noro•cttnt Tal!l.t li<.lth ,., .... n, t M thlllw to .,,, Cl''"'"''"''""ll'''' ""'" ... W)~'T YI'IU Tltf IT f AND WOMEN / .. ' Needed for . Vital Defense Work BOYS 16 TO 18 Requirement•: .. • • • B11 ys must have wor.k permits A vailability C.c rtificatcs l:l irtli -Ccrtificatc o r proof of citizenship -APPLY- -. _.;.. N.wpQRT-aA~OA NEWS-TIMES ., ... •-=•,ua. .-.,...,til b•-Actwanee:----=J2.1NJ'tM'r-yea:rtD Ora.nfc: Cuunt) 12.1& par,_.. t., 4UI toiW; P .OO per )'eu to 8th" wnt'. a. lti.. liiEYER · EDITOR AND J>Rt.:SIDE.."\T ~·-• .... -'.~10;;-'c':...w:...·..:""":;:ctnJ:cc:,~4:'~·o"c':"~·..:':":":.:""=:rt.:.:~:::•~·:··~·_::"~··~·~·':··~·~":::'" Offici.,! Paper of the CitJ of Newport Beach ., D4• labia Leoal ll\.lt;lutktft ,..., o ... r J4 'ru•• NATl (DIJ'ORIAL 1944~~ -- .. @) ·- NEWPORT-BAUBOA NEWS-TIMES. Nowport Beoch, California. Thunday, July 13, 1944 'Wilh .E~nic Pyle_at tl1e Front ' • I I NEWS a-lMa lalla Doc Qur1atiae Britp·MnJ Str•JI to ~osfi.t~ • 25 YEARS AGO r Nazj Snip-ers Cat!~ed Real Trou hlt· to Y a"nk Invaders fl f'lll II j II lr/wn s,. i /'''" s,·)· r('lll J ,., in Hiding; A,nmu.nition Gone I --+ of the CHu-RCHES 11J. ~r NeYWI t. a p.t at i'l• KiAc' cottqw oa ApohMa -'ltNe ---- .H• .UII h.&4 a friendly coati· known u Kid McCoy, formtr )lr. Tobin of lbe hamtnno IIlio IL--::-::-::-::-::-------J! ~011 In human belDp, but the~ welter-weiJ!'ht chempton ot the' Willi looktnr out for the U.tei"Mb (llaiiiT CBtJJICH Bl' Till: IlEA. .._ bel"lonlnl" to be a IUipldon cf world. Mike wu on., of a lltttr! of tile clJAit9merw Jut Tue.U.y. Ca••..tc:J Ma~~ -~ I bll btvwn of 13 bon! In Pl.lm Sprill.p. Ht K l• ~Of"l1a Zlmmft"lll.an. R...y ae.. E. D. o..o.ll, Paoaa..i n •YIN-III,.tle , wea~ hla lllky forelock a.nd teatn.' Adama and FA Jl'lnnepn. of ~ 1 Dirty momln& won.hlp. 9:30; Thby, black coeker wpanWI, one '01 era •lth a ktndly. patient dlsntty.!Angl'l,.. were pnt.ll ot Kr-.. t :)lurch Sd!ooJ clau, 10:15 a.m.; flYt do~a found WIUidtrin& IOQH i a.ll.(l ~ bia muter"• ronaLant rom-Anna M . Tamm lut .,..Hck·t!ld. Mornin& wonhlp, 11 o"dock.• In the &Jbca Ialand quarantine panlon. Ht attend• dinner p&n.lu, Mr. 11.nd Mra. Norn"'an Hvwrood ; o"cr::.ay e-YtnlnJ aervlct, 7:30 ana S..turd"ay mom in,.. I wearinr a ~aullfli{ ribbon bow o1 Holly...ood. -re ptaltJI ot ·~ Mld·wtork pnty•r ~rvi~.Wfdne-s· All a prot«llon to both d<lg•j around hl1 neck . I Claribel'" 1-..t week. ~fi\H '.\"IH t!f; !'. 1 I' V..Cf: -s1111, 'lJI:, •• hr u I know. ta' tKOC· 41.)': roverftl dbh dinner. 8:30p.m. &IJ.d t~t JP.ntral public. p·lh:t of' I-But or all t~t J~malt11 of tbe The Ort'WII art ht~ for the .um- ,, ·" ,, ~• ~ Ire ,,. ,,1,, ,u\ 1.1 ..,;,,.f.,rC' And yet there 11 a11mathln1 -----('trll are rlcldly tn•orclll3" the quar-ho.apttal. the moat fam< u11i11 Dam-mrr In the Tudor ,home houllt on (~)· Ernie Pyle ,, ~. 1 " .,,.1 ,• 11 •1 ""t' ~r• 1., .. lin,., ~~art seoul or f;,trnen. FULL OOIIPI:L CHUI&CH anUne.. Every effort Is made to mit. 1l:at •he Ia 1\ real cltisen of the Oct'an Front. 1 1 ·' 1 "' "'' .,.,.~r1 lhJo '""'"'" ~<,·e la nrle.:l 1n f'nnce •nd Mean !tnd ..,. Eldea, eo.'-,._ contact owne~ of the doga and the world .,. ... attu't~d t11 'f''ht'n 11. Mra. J . H . UI"Qnhartl of Rlver- l•"' tt ,. ,. 1 ;~,, ~··· ; n • we h:~1·.-h11d sruptn before-in Blut1e ~und•)' I.C:hool. 9:4~; momtna four ot lht' doge ,.."'"" return~ to I .oldler, brinf{iD~t In hia dog. All.,... aide Is at th~ Bal~ apartment& ,.,11 1 ·•' , , ~~ ,1 "'" 01 , •ho, ()lao'll u .. 1 11 twayt on a emaU ante. ~:JOhrp. 1.1~1~an~llatle atrvict. th~lr ~llllt~ra. but Toby wa• tak~ I the cat. Sad ht", '"Why. I know frn her .ummer v...:atlon. LlrH" (0\ " ,, .,,;oo d~ H•r (;,.,\ ..... h~l .. ..:one In lnr ~nlplna In a who ... 1.;.: ~~ mwtd~. ~~~t'rp~~; I to Dr. s . ~1 . Walkerdlne'• Cal and II hat ca·t~ Thal"a Dammtt ... tr'om ~It Bt-aU:v and farnUy &rt h""' •~lr m ~nn~.-Th•·tr oort tn•pc u rYtr)"-hfrt There ere •nlpera·l,. U"tft. l )·oun~: pi'Oplto'a I'VI.lletllnk atrvl Dol[ Hoaptal at Cnrona dtl Mar. lht' South Pal'itlc, but where"a tor a two week'a ·alay trom the ,11 btul(tou~~. '" r ii•J ot oo•rerkllce. 1n 1/.e crau. Bul melnly they oua • on Friday. 7:45p.m . . Cl' Wht'rt further ettort. will be made, Hell'!" . 1 tmll:"r1•1 Va'lev. Tbt'y mAde the 11,., hiJ:h. 1,,.,~> 1,..,,~1'r G.,.1 that l<+rm ,the lencct nf •Utile Norman &.lib I t o !orate h .. awnera. · j It waa report•d that Dammit trip In th~tr auto and n~t lo ' · MWI ''"" e••·n '"" l't'le nnd L~n•· · cO,.ONA D[L MA" Sl_net the quarantine went Into 1 w .. the only thin( le.ft alive on I{O u far n·rth .. Euno:ka before 'l'be bW giving the OPA 8 nl:ow lettse on lift> for ltnOI~W~1 It 11 ptr!c<"t ~· .. um; c~.oun~r, A ,..,a,. can hide hlm•elf ln tha Ulldt . COJIJIVNITl' CHIJaCB dfl!ft l boul ~ dog• have ':"'en ·tne Ei land wt en the m,arine»ll\nd-rt'tln;tln~ >-orne. New Lease on Life year had a stonny voyage through th«r l<'_gis i<J I iV(' \\'a IN"S, IJul I lv ,..,. ''"" ~hrull • • 1 Coltf""'CaUou.l captu~ ninnlnJC" I o 9 • e and 1 !'d. but.: the aol!iltr nld th .. re wr r,_ I p,.~ 'M!f"lan ln. hi• taune"b Ray kallna.l enactment hall mt>l ~ilh wici(':o;pl'(';td pulllk npprrl\'al. l···ry ·A·•·h ~l've•JI We mu't hav'" •lood and talllecl Sonda .,.. II, ...,.brr ufht to th,. hoepltal. which Ia two of lt<f" uu. and they Wf're 11. tO>Ok J ohn Nor-ion and a load 1 +P " ral•u•·• ~'"' '''' an hour and a h.alf. (t 111u 8 ~k ti ~· th 1 Ch ~~ 1 Anl'!'Jn~t the clly by car;lng fr:rr named ·""'"· and Oammlt, for the ffl' ut" In Qltallna on lht' th1rd ol "~be-efforts" of Amtorican nPW!ip.1fiC't"S to bring ti hnul ,·~ Lr~ .. "•"'''"~ a ktnd of hoUd11<7 ,,.,, tM-loe•l people-. 'So;.·~ ~~~'c!....t ~i h.:Pt ·Dy·thl'"'1 the doga . Many owntrtl, fa('td by remark made by the a: Idler whu the morth for the Fox Ftlrn CO . .... practices in the OPA hll\'1' n ot bc<>n ~o~.·ithoul ('(f('(;l. l <~eedlr "' • h"1" Tl •t·~ wrre rtlttvtd but atlll.not qull• dd ·M "" g ay, Corona the pro.p«t oC payln~ 1 $2:1 flrlt, f l rat elghted them-"Da.mmlt. • p""''" returned on the fifth and' The new law embodiet a nun:'bt•r or lhl'_.changf'S whit·h thP ~ '';~:·r:~ ~~:1,;•;_ ~.•;•~"e/':e~:':';,~~au~:!d~t !:.~::i l Sc~~~~ee~h:l J:;.,,t30 a. m, ;~~-e an:/[;o~ ~n~'":: ~"1 ~0~: t ~~i' th: ... ~:;:·~rlls~.:o:;~e;'t;;_7_ re~~; ~~~~~~st..~Phu tnat•lled ·--...-a Ma polnted out from Ume to Uml'· ns n l'"C"('ssary 10 a · •th "ll>M lho•ro• 11Tal wourj.,·t let them open 1111 rklt·! ~lonlln -worshl se~atl'fl!t. to take I ~ em, they are put to but Dammll, len htre by the ma-1auxi'IAry enJtlnf on the Ruth for IDOI'e Ja-t 8dmlnistratlon o{ this agC'n•·y . J Mr .. dut rnl <>f <)U ly Bul you could aen.ae rrom o"dock ~lc ot se . •.~1 alerp. Th"'re were a number of r nr ('OT"Jlll .::aptaln. who I• now tn purr ping and othl'r purpoeea:. ~ now have l.he li~,;ht IO tlt' l"£'prescntcd by ·~~~~···~~ :.;·ft Tl:~.,. ~~-~! ~~.'ni• that they we,.. ll•d IG \ Grt'lllt•st Event In ~"World ~: them lh<l'rt Saturday momlnl[.'..... J>Pn•rola. hae bl'tn In the newa-H-D. K ... nne .. apoTtl.plt' a Yord · t J trk .,11 our ,,.1. 1 Bllpti<mal ~rvlee. Childrtn wi.IJ I llnotht'r blar k cocker like Toby, paper11 and t e newaree\1. 1nd 1.11 tourinJI: car and thull far hu m11.de COUMfl aJ14..to hav~ a I'E'O:wd made of the-Ir test~ony ~-l('n EnO p 1 dlt'r• Mit hY line A !lUte Freneb ahopketPft car tx-t>r~'!lt'nled fOI"' COf\!ltCration In 1 big doga, Jlltle dog• and pupplt11. 1 Yt'ry cl'lebraled l11dy Indeed. tn no effort to dlmb t.elepbone poltll they are called by the OPA to testify about thctr btL<>tn<'SS. t '.,. •• l h~Y ,..1 Jk al•·"~ "''In 4 ,........,, ol rt4, wtll1a and baptl."fn. ~mf! ~ell bred and 1010e tu• eontrael to th"' terrifttc bombard· M ~urrp dltchn. But "Kemp•• 'lbey may aJ8o makto rebuttal Bll,,'Utnenl<o again.r;t the"" ('Vidl'nl'C' down lht ru;,d• 00 11.crou th" nr•ldl blue ribbon from hla 1tore. Ha M 1lw JWv. Ptn-y F. Sd"ITock ( dawg, but 111 of them alike In rnent or lh.-laland. l.hf1 udtement ke-tPl' hfa tote. flnl[tfll ant\ lt>P . . n/Y piC'ttl •bout ·al• Inch" '-"1 for t-t-l·••• olt"· r--.·,;,~ol one ~frPeC. t-they h4d all hem o,f her jnumeya. whlcb ('hllkt<l _up 1crQI!I!Jfd,al! t~t tlm•,h~ 11 drlYI.IIC". -·~·-~ by ••· OPA. admo.nlstrnto•. ~-new 1>oW further · II I••'& ••I• '-m••• Into a ne., 11 ., •• , bot• Am I< .,.. .... p ""' • ..,. .....,.,.,.,.. ....... , ...... ~uo.-.. u~~~: • ''"" • " .. u . " tr •• ""--<<·---_, Sout"·m ~'tl•-lo IIQmeont • pet, l.llu u•tY wua a.o. or ht.r cl~ to 100 boura nYlll&:, Mr. IUld Mr•. Fnnk L. Dod"'e ..._ ~'"-· II' could'·· deb b"·llo~r u ra'\mlol lhr •ruptfl na vt" F'rrnch In' lew mlnut" eftt"ll· ......,., ·~·-".,. '"" ..__. "'" dt~~trftcl. U 1 th .. 1 " ,.....,_ u .. t ·violation or pne(• l.."'C' lllgS ..., ma y bt•('U <"lunf'd uu! n,.., ftril bovO(JaC' and the Southwe-st Is the minister n:e, I t Cnarrning p cture nf I drove t c: !'t"'n Juan ,Hot Snrin~~:a ....., and narmiU proof to I:.Jt" offelt'd that thC' \'io lation was l mon d "'lo t>~d •hoi• t ltll lnil bod7 .,..a• I O'"I around with • In l'hargC! ot.thia new church. In conlrt~lt to the~~e walfa were j her po.ed wfth a bowl or llowe,... I •nd epent the Fourth It that love--f'n•nch trir .. lor In hi I bullm..bo&.. the beaftlefll. The bt•uUful white Sfie Ia a frlt'ndly. rr arte-. ordlto• .... • ly pO••• -"th tlo ma-·e•-·-hot DDt •~--• · 1\hnHtlh 11 for • lull day btfor• all ·-~I "' '" "-•• UIUI!IIIUO..,.._._ • • u,., hoddtn ~un mrn \ll'r rt roundt'd up Th.,n • ro~d)··fa eed mao ol rnld4k German ahtphtrd who refueed to gray t11bby cat. who lovta vlflton, water and fine bl~~~: aharle treta. -An-important c::banp 1n thP law,., .... the elimination of the 11 11,_,-,,-,,11 lh~ u"'t lfo'>III<Y rnlln& 1ge, .,.h, lu«ked like • cenlleman YIAST YOVaeQV.UU: CHJTB(;H ln'fer h\.11 d tgnlt)' by joining In thei iUid ber cllt "p.-ritt"" ..111eane the , They camped..-bellldt. .lruf ienjoyed ~u-~-'tail This d ' I 0 farlllt r. drolft up In on• el lheM O.f'" COSTA )1&&4 yappfn• c~ whkh ltel.ed vta.-I ~~Ame _.ta.,u.,.~-~· .. •-J• ... -M •"o· --•y of· Ju"-ood M-.· ............. ~--limit.llion Oncr to re CMI. tspost:.'S th•l you It'! on movinr ln\(1 • p a_Ct' onr-horoe. hlt h--,.•hetltd 111orll cana (Dvdi-· .... Ina' ... ...,.) llorll; The tiny Ptkinellt,. _,alii Amerie&.D--"It-::-........... nice to I ;!'_,.:;:",_~w··, •.•• ~~:. ··-,·:.. "' ·~ -~~ -·~ which p..,..,_. _ _. .!1011}(' m•~an•·s from -""" •u•Jll'rl of ~ln6 JoWJI. "'~ ,. h a-G \UUard 8tM--·•-, ........... .,... " .,. ...., ..,..,,.., .... ._..,._ ... _ ... ._...1'1 o.uo;-, .... c-o.u:u ,... ~-.... ~, '-' o "''"~'"· th•tth• rene u1e. ·H.;.Stea,...r;a-~-· enouJ!:h for a real l!!lteve dog; -ee you. folk11,·l do like to be-ebo\ltamoatb. ~~-;--=-~!~:~~~~~~'iji,;io~~~fJ~I~ but penniltl'd otht>n> to • • • He n•oJ • German prl-'-WU· P1llo.a ll'71·rl boney an,d black ('0Ckt'fll. Boetoa petted. and come aga.tn, pleue."'l · ----------Jileft.. .......... ~ li'l pall nmp~~lrM:---Hidlel'•· form ll.!_nd i.!!l bthlnd.hlrn _, p. .E:I:i.d.u,_LJO p,.Jn. wonhlp..¥r.v· .terrier_!. ~~ t)Jtr~ getting prtt· Not btailtlfol, kindly. friandly, g:_:b•~--: Tr' ..,Guld taUt aboul the ocCuu•n•l ' oUrer one. who wu aldr, Inc M I Utf, RrV. Mnr Sttlltfll Ill char&~· tiel!. up, ~lite ~\tty-do(, "X!ke. "'"'" tnvelt'd;-...... thft·-CIIIIT a ... CJ.I5: ~ng lp8 ~ta been IJh,aJ1) OYt'r t~ details 0 •nlptTI wltn t(K)Itmpt an4 dl•cu•t. atr•feher. The farmer bad ca,......, Sunday IChool, 9 :30a.m . , Mlkt Ia the large atandard white fancied rtlltmblanee to aaotber l Aro d Ba A tt. OPA bW. tbrre wu • llrlkl.ng unanimity of thought on But hen IOipin• hU bttomt' mor• U!ut .... ,. himltU. and ha....... Momina wOJ"'"Ahlp, JJ a.m. SPI"C' French poodle nwntd by Ja.ck F\lr· tamoua lady'! How about calii.IIJ" un y re · ••-OPA I 11 A. rl , .111 t •miJOrl~~o"t. and taki".J prt'ta<>tlon• plc3•td with him1eff thatleqoectec~ Ia! mwic. putor'a -.ennon. lonl" of Laguna Bta.ch. bdttT her "Dammtt. Eleanor!" I Agat'n (}peratt'ng the need for~ ulll:" Lte . me C8" mt ons 0 him to lake a buw 11 11ny momaM • .,. U ~raJ of!J~··· nd •L.-1~11nU It t• JOmt'lhlnll. .., .•. ~I Wit had --___ _,.., U We' U f.....,. l.:IIHII ll U K' I f'rtnrh IHiiJnlit ktp' <omloo ... -... COfiTA MEliA COIIOIVNITY 0 A > --~ -·-·-'" L•~rn •nd ll'3rn.aH ,. _ .. , CH•---ld p 0 • I ~ ol d\a1n and independent retaUen. aU want to pre-•. ;:;,fvJ~~~tt•./,r~~;r~ o:;r~~~"~e::~t :.~~n~~~:t~. ,.~··::-':~~ :. ~n C..t a ~-...... ce . 8111011 vs. nsarance . I ln&Uftllr&ling •a n~ slth!M<tlng Wilt *>TOCkedfta prict!s.: . lnwn "a a> or ask-' wOol >o .. , -IU E. Hill 81. J"h. z.na·a O IW'rvie"' about tht" bav, lhr bn'lt '"ll'tf·WIIO" bt'!Uir, but """" "'ere v u "'v Ch h •·•-1 9 •& J CLI:. WHJTAKI':K <>---· .. __. • .._. -11-~ ..... ··-OPA. whll• rar rrom ..... rf«t. Is " • I • ''" urc """'.......... ;...,. •. m. • ".;xvul" ha.• been opn-atinc t.hle AI., ... ~T r-..-..... u~~~: -an•l•t'r·fon•rl••u• u ""hole un1h ·· .P se.., 0 uo "'' prltontn . Mominc Won.hlp. ll o'clock. • (ftt o1 the best meu1a o( accom~ing tJUa ftld, lll!.laor,. 11111 u maar o\mt'rl· w~ 1o\d htm lo brlua tham ~ &til. Youth rroopa. HiKh School, lrl· The trmpHIII~ to work ll rood ~ion!l and unemplo}'ment lx>nf'fil-~ ~~l't'~ f":,mJ l~f' ~~~ pif•r_; ~ • , C'lla~ 11 111.-l na, and lht'll whr tru.~~. 1nd nk,.d how m•ny M bad termtdilllt, Adult, 6 :30 p. om. thii'IJI: I? dt'ath diiPJINI.J'!; In be t for rn1l workt•l"!l . .,.ould n.m 11p-1~ 1nn th 0 n n, ney n.re,h "Don'~ ~. lhrlr , .... ud amonaalllaa na Ttl nur 111oms:,.,.,.,nt he p ld·h.-llad E~•nr 11t"f'Ykot. 7:30 o'el«k. r-!IJirr In lh~ fll.'l of ~ocial St'C!J r · 1proxlm.11cl} ~.OOCI.OCIO a }'fl:lt at ~· :0 ~en~ WI md M Support fo "-booJs "' IMy •• ,,.,JNt,.r. T• aa 7D m the wooda • r-uupl• ot m(lf:• Midwl'<l'k ft"UoWVilp and Pl')ltr, ty t'ti~latlon today than in any ft"Sf!nt rmplo)'"n'lt'rll lt'vt'l!( 11mount • . • w as . am• t. \ f ~ Amf'rk'aa thai l•n"l 4all.f' rth· •w:~~. 120 in a nr -r't,ttown, and «t Wtdnetoday, 7;30 p. m. Olhf'r phn.~1· nt Th(.' m11ny·prongf'(f pt('!ljl.nt f! m p 1 o y m e n 1 I e ve 1 ~. 1 WQtld fQI{!" times In his 18 YtiU"S, · . IC'al. TIM" l\"f'Ute Amrrk a• in •nother' town ----~riYt' by pn-S-~Utf' groo,..... fnr puh· 1am()O.ml ing 10 15', J){'t cent tu on Ill mill~; .. . ~. · Of~ than paaine signlticance is the< action of tht' Call· Mtdtf"r lu.• 1111"' feellnc' atat .. t A• f•r .. 1 euuld n,ure 11 out 1M EPI&COPAL he umbrl'ltll~ to prott--ct th<·m"" from IIO!III rllili"OIId p.1ymll~. 0 Thf' Scout Mil bf." rf'plllcood In · 8UMME .. SERVICEI life"ll rains.-d11y• Th I "· 1. n f••w dnvll hv th(' '"AtrQ~·."" .,..hlch fornla ~tlon o( County Tn!o&SU~I"8--C''ff1po;.ed of the tilt-..... ,.It Gf'nnn ael4ltr wile h•.:l ca jlturtd 1ht m all hlmHif. I! 1 Clubh "N 1 . · · c nsuran.-..• .... •nr lis pr()· 1 tMo p . ltate'a ·ow.~....._ of the treflsurv"-lfi unanimou&ly endon;.. ... a f•gchl •• .,... fll•••M loal. Ane~er warrlttl-~n~tr.•a ,..,_. bt I oute, ewport Beach Thc wnr IS still fll1" from l.'ndl'd. ~ undl'r lht• Railroad Social • now on t way~ at l')'ton 5 ....,.~. ·~ aai11JttfHIIeo••M•IIIilea8f"&ll· H -8u~6aya: June "IS through Sep·,for the boy~ wtlo aft. fighting 11 Jn~uranet" a·n I' ' .1 l)l)fll yard. The .. A rrow"', built llS ._ ..._ -1 .. ..a.1--·"' ........ N •-boll t tO rna• n me up • waa 1 · ttmber 10, 1&44." l h>>l no .tho hom<· l-ot tho: · '__, 1 ' 1",~~ mg .:_-·1 ll a priv11te yacht a"d taken over by ..,. u.-.,._. ..-.uu, ww appear on u..:-ovemu.:-1 o •• -..,..,. .... ;. ""'Y wen w u td h h d 21 • ., -·~ su ......... ,en woo 1v ra · ~ ~· · "13 e a vll.,y ''00 a. tn.-Holy Com~~~unlon. 1~ramblf' for ""'"'!·War ._-~r,···-..._•·.-, h' ... .: _.. •,.'"' PE'f theCofutGuardUIUl ~rtcraft, iDc:n • aiate -onnowt for public ell!rrieatary IChoola. ,.. lat. "hi. lit k "''""'•• ·Crrm11n1 down at IN rallr..,_ ala· ,...... ...,.,~ .., .. ~n '1"•·•. a, .. , wou run 10 a hoi"· 1 ~ 1 ""'-.....,-· by t:be ot thelr otr\o! and .. w te •m t,M •lfitt'll IM!Iwe tlon 11nd duPP.nltly needed ft'lefbl 11;00 a. Jll,-.,omtng Prayer 11" blggt-r J){'nalona and incrt'A!W'd maxlmum of 40· per ct'nt hi her 1 ""' our s, ... .....,. rf.'C;Qrd~ -or -v tniiiiUrei'S. wry natuft &Iiiii U•t -aa f•r uw .. loa..,. IUpptlt'l. "' wanttd ehlor'Cif,_.,.. and .Strmon.. t Firat Bundayl,-Holy 1 ttnP.mploymenl l"'unr.n« .11!1~" thJI.n thoM available to !the; I Catalina b land, Snn Dl('ft(l, San -tt. oe1h they tab to ..iecuard ,pubUc:' fundi. uaually aft, ....... , ·· tulra druc•. w~· \Qld 111m -....., eomn:.,..~ .. Jon.J .,_:__ anth«s-all"'"~dy hall. startM. workcn and th ... ir fnml!it'S untk-r ~~t:::' ~~lilt .. Wl\ht he~ ~-!--~ · ~---pr(jMc-W'Ufttilthetr AI a mllttr of r1et t.ht. pert o1 l)He 10mt 1ent. v .......... rt M. Hogarth,., e ID<ll'l liberal old l gc P'-'nl'ion the ~tenefl!l Social j';~curil Ac-t .' · crui~S a ·~· _...,.-i1iJWWiDC ~ • I K. A., St. Paul'• In the Dt~~ert, '')"l4trm In thl' no tion. will .... •-·I ~ 1 h . ,, .·. Y knots and hu a top lijleed ol 35 ___ ~ ...._ ~ -~~~ But· U county of;.~.•-••·y .~~~ ,.,.nee b ~try dlmrult rnr any thin~ • · ""' ~· , '"" 0 1 d ·-• 1 • waa uu.--. • ..._ u-r ....., Plk!. Spctnoo. All Wel~ome'. frontM ~ the··""-·~'--, "·OOol ." a va_n,, .. , eal_nrrs 0J<;nnf~ , I but ftlhltnl bt'\lll't"'n •mall ltOUpl. I "'" ,_..,-,,...._. ....., f lhf' I ~ llalp 8 ~~on pl'1)blrrnl of)~ tDnOrnJ; .and can often Jt II 1 eoun\ry of iJI\Je ftt'ldl. "very tnfn We a..lly lt.fi"' 1-7 --.....----1 Wllh 3 n("'W pmpoo.nl 10 providt' O ~I' lnl ln~Ur.ln("o• I' IO .At pn•~t•nt thr bo:J<ol makt><; rv,.- 1 ,,,;,. th~ rewd. • IIIUe fi• Fe~ ••AtT' CHU~H OF CH'AtST, = -• m••·<l> f•c ·,oiO 1~~··o•.• ttu'tt-~ llfll\'1. dl.'d fnr · ck.nc~s-and nc-ni_nt:: trips for moonlight ~il:hi"N-._an....__..,. CI"'IU before It becomela~t to the. lay nne bordrritd by • thick htdt r •nd '<'V'-' ·~ ~· " ~ • ~ .... tt.-.rt , l'f1 ::._ ......,...., . a hil!h ftflt'f' of trl'tl . There IJ h•rd · I•"' I• fadd htue ••trail• ,.. act TI&T 1101: work at 60 ,..,;,-,. nf lll:t'. 1c' tn no ~·n)" cuu~ b}. nor in~:. with trl~ rlurlfll.; Hw d.1~· It me ...,...._ • -. 1~ an)r pl~rt w'httc ~11.., ran •n bC' •• u• ••ll"d .... II< ~tp ,_ Lido Thutr~. Cefltr•I·A,...f!ue ' Who•lhl·r · th•• ·;1a l\' r.an nfford rf':'-ulllflJ.: ft(>!Tl n rndroMI_~·olkl'r"s on Sundnys nnd h'olitla)~. Th~ r'n· In N-t of this t:...a.--. ....t Ca.l"r t t 'II d 11 ft · · ru•rt'. ta e•mr I• hh• c:ar., '•' ! lht• ··60-lll-f'"!l")"' Inn ~~ ~mploynwnl , C"nmplo<tr m,•ur:tn~"(.' rln.• hnrl)or c11n br f't<l\"t•rr'fl In ..... ~ • ......., ... , I Om aVO ~f'S WI 0 \\"(' l)'und 4ft t\d ahl•lld .ol )'uu M<••l 1 lllrlnll . "IDrr Wt dWII'I•dare lind VI• l..ldo fl<'n~ltlfl p ('o;>\"r•r~JCI' ...,·ould h\.• .providt>d in th -1~-· 1 lrl h · h tD tonilder caretully thia v.ram"-" ~ued by, thE-CountV nf_ the tlmr t ... !dtrr d<,.sn't •n A brfltlch 0 1 ·rh~ !olvUttr Ct>urch hq.;hly drhnl.thlt•. nn. ma!to•r h«"' ' , . . ·. · · n '<' · mmu c . rtS. ~ owm~;; I .e • • , ...... ... mort lh~o 1 hun•hcd yard• 1n any "'•laW UN •plrlc .I lla.-. ':"M n Ch h f Ch _ · d1·sirabh: ll nlii) II<' 10 pml t(k J.:•·n· rludonJ.: non·oc<'"Upa llonnl 1\ln{'!';); hn•akwnt.:-r and Com); I Gu11rri ~Ia· ~~-ldiOCI.atlon: "Caltro min's puhlic eleml.'nlary dorP{I•OI1 · a o·rn••·th,.._.,, that •u lhfn # rtlt ure 0 rlet. Sri· <''<•t•~h ror uhlrr t'il i~o·n• \lut"ln~ llnt1 n~·•·ltlo·nt~ nntl llft}"mt'nl!l for UQn. l:lnd thr yllchl ilnrl f<~h har· I • waftln& about th,. t•"'"· wr lla• enuat, Ul tJoalun. Mu•chut~tlta. h .. •1 • lln·~.::n;wc, ;,nd ma1Pm1h ·. hor. ~ ayztern ts Confronted with a Sl"'rious crisis. ~IUl' to In o\1""' P'·"""• Ill«·· """"" IJ<)<ot\ .&;nd "' 1 rtr an•·r wru-.. 1-ur 1111wh nf · · · ---•~ cl 1 ck f t h' I t h ••11 aud .... ~mt'Y ,..,,1> a ~''"'~'' t" •arrHi.-r •"•~~I.,P• •nd ,,l<'· . I)' -ch<.o<ll 1!.1 9:::10 • a. m.J tlt<· bul"l"l••n ro.( m:tin1:oinlnt:: ~nt"h n II ''' hi~.; umhrl'11.1, lout can.th•• u-vwut.-u assroorns, II 0 L'UP 1ng jlf'NiQnllP , rtn l I l' h•~h . lu~>llit• II<.•· ~'"" In IC t< k<n<t r .. pt0 Sund11y St'rvtt:e·,at I I a ·nr. Wrd~ ·~'-km "'"ulll ln•·•·tl lll<k. /all ,.11 P.".'•lw .~_UI't~"_•rt •.1 7 Anti.· If_ 011t' l'\o•1'o•r t'~H'<'m :.n.\"tlun~o: ~~~ uf 1111· • 'd .•• I I II w r I kd . • ' ' I .. D~ay 1'ntlmfrllil;.; !>le.ling At I. ,,(Ill • ' ., 'I ' .tate s rnpl gf'O\vu• n popu {I . o n. t' JH1' n Jrt'a · O"'ll tn "' ~turr·u h 11hnu•t 'l'""''" "'·'" "'"' "" "e ~" "" '""'' '"" btnr""' at .:_y .. un~.; nwn anti 1'-onu•il n.,11· m th•: ' ' ~ " "'_'" P11 1 If ;w . ,rr .\"1111!.1~•· 111 ,,.,..,. lh~t •h.1ll m,,kP our l"ducaUonal systl'm, with do~-. .. -d .c:ch ools in m a"ny d islrk ls f:tr r t h1.-,m, ... , "n" 11~• •rr1r•rt" • '''"': t. ''" 1•1 1-"lui .. I he 11111. ll'clotk noon. '1,'"''1 t .. n···-. ar ., 1m"' "h•'n m ... •unt.:: •1 ~ ltf(· 'n~•mm"' nnd ~•1:k· q,,.,, hrt·l+k 111y """HI •>r '""' thy . ,,,,11 t1,,,. In lh~ f.\fllk <:oVs I'"~ 1-'o ,.fwl"• ~" 1,.,,,,,,..,1 ""r1 •pull .. rrd I Headtn£ liuum l<l(':>li'd U ':LJ IIH•) WI]L lo• "<·<•km~o: 1, •'~lrohli ·h no· •-.~ntl ·:t<"l'l''i<-nl 111'-Ur:rn!•,-. tii •"Jn· "•lf-11''tM·r·t during lh<' coming year, unlt:>SS in~.:n·a~'il s late SUPIMJI"I-is fol:hl Ill: ,5 '"" 11,.,.1,.q 'l"''~ 1,. nr<'uwt 11 .. ltl 1"" 1 . .,1 1t·•·m~n ~Ill"! Eaat Central A \·~nu~-. U..l!>OQ, .Ill lh••tn ... ·h ··' ln cwrli~n llh'. lum~. shOutrtn:t nil ~rOll!~~ :\1,\H\1 "~ A\"HEI.II "S. made ovnllable (O the schools." c:u"J :,Jr~"·''.n 1 "" , ..• , ~.-~, •n r~ 111~ ""'' t .... •h " ;. ... 1 rn .. , 1....,~ the ' opeo da11y from 1 ll "·· "~. r. "'· r ',.n.;ro .. ~. "''"" 11 1,., ... ,.1 . ..,n··~. . (n n!C()C~Unendi{,g SUpport, O( i'ropositiOil.!l llll !IIi' l"fl\"{'lfl: Wr "'""' In th+· f11o ~out ••I '"~ h <<'Ill!• ''"\ ••! tit~ !r+:tt' '''"'' S+• n<>-1 exceJtl S +mt!:t)"l awJ t:OIIJay!l Till · Jol lo•t lh·· l••ltlol':tl Ntlllo•nll•ln~, \\oil ••lt.,tn• Mll<'l" 111ro·r '""·'' ~-,, .. .,.,. •, oh "!'" ... otlol ~,., <n 'jllllolU.lly t'~.!Ol'nnl 1<~• <"<>1111••1,)1•~! "lih .ltH>IIwr tl•'· ber ballot. which wm,._ld incJ~a~ th<" annu~l Sl:-t h• :q•.l ~•rl it~n-!"'''~~"~"'~'' ... ~ ... ''·'".!' ~ "' ''· "' •I Thr 1; .. .,, .. ,. ~~~·• d•nn~ up ~\Ill\~ The pul..!t' I~ c• rdlally ln•·ltt'U tu llll•t"! h•~ •• <•""ild '•'t"\11 11\ l<'r.:;l •lll· ment t O el~mentory ~~\s fi'Oill $1'o!J per pu,,pil IO ~SI.I, lht< th•· ,,,,,.,..-. t•fll+"•· T ,., '"''''' ~,.,,~ ,.,,.,I I fur .,, .• ,, 1\l<<r •n<f •Ut'F!d I e t'hurl"lt H<'f\'1<+"~ 11ml u~c. tor<rt •t•·<1"J.o~.·ol to~' tho· r.u\rn;u! 1.,. County Trensu_ rcr's as..,).,(." tli_on l'tllllh asized that tlw :'lllhh·n ~l'lf1', ..... ~· .. .:lo-h 111'1 !I ,., ., •• , ··•"t rA ,, ~~~ ···~ In ..... '''" dun'l lht 1\~ao.Jing u..,..m. ho•l 1ol\h•{,; \l hll'lt "'"'''" lfl:OII ,.;<ll · I'' re "·•' ,..,,,,. " '' '"' '" I"" • ·i ••· " ' 11 1 d ·1 · 1 · "TI'" '''"' ,,.,,.,, .. ,,,~,. ><!111 :u•·~t •lhhlh '"'"'•l•l •'''n>!•tt)~l"lo inflUX or thOUSands Of Ill' '£'Sit t•JII S lniO 11\:tny Hl"t ':J~ lliS oil•. ,.,.,, ~ 1t!rlr '"" 11 "' '!'"1 ••I'' n •,te 1"" !··• In ~ 1 ~ 81::\'F.:<OTII U,\l' \11\ t.STII'\T... I 1 • '""a!•n lt~r t:o.o >·~oll ,,,,, •T <oo l• '" "'~!'-•.;t ·•1tll 1<1 l"•l <dlll<! th, f.ot l made the school bunh·n he.1 vicr-tlwn lo(:alla.'\(1-:IYCfS t•.rn llt'oi l' "•'•'' " ·•· I .. •1 tent Comer \\•ltout aott t 'hu,.,·.tt !oih. 1\hlk•·•~ ''Jih '"'lh ,,,,. trl•tno~rh '•' ' r < •'l ~·hi f"o+tl •< I • 1 • 1 '' I l\ " .....:...and that a mo~ llll('l'id p~t·am..pl slah.' Itt<.! will h<>lp l~•tlt .,1,,."" .,.,1,; 11, , , •. 1.. ,, .. , 1'...:•' ' ~ It+''•' 1'' '""' < u~t" \It·~" '""' •~+·kll• "" 11<•1·.!<' +<I• !\1 tn•tll " ' "-. ·,• ~~ nl \ht"" f•, ::," 1, , , I 1' '~ M '• ""'' ,.t ''I>.:,,.~,, r for Sahbl\lh 'l"i lr"1l. .;1\tU"l!,+y lll•llll· !HI<,. 9 thf.> schools and over-IJm'dcnyd commruJ p!"nJit . .'t1y ti\.'I:Jlll~·~·t':-' '· · ,, " •ng, 9.:\0 •ff·ll~ k. 1111• J>l"i""'''' t1 "''"'' h 11 . II H. 'ea'iUOmia t.'Crtainh.• canr.ut !IHo rd the dt. ... as\('1' II( t•(r >!=:(.,.J ...... n :--•• ,,,, 1'"1, ~· .• •' ""r Pn•at:lllll!,; ><"l\"lf ~. !·Ia. m. li'>l•o 1\<l<ll<l !1«1 •\1•••·1 ,,,,, 1 ... ,, .. F·,. .• ,ll.• II• ,.., .. '' n tol o .,., .. ,,. sChools. Nor can till" lo<·al t a.,J~<.~Yt 't'!-> nHorrl l•> ~·<~tTY a th:-· .,~,~ ~··" ,., "•t , "' ·' •'' ,,.,. ''1 '1'"n. uva LAO\'uf-~tli1 '.~T C\K:\It:l. ' '' .,. II ,, ··". ~"o.l proportionate~re of.thc slalc's hw,len . •~<•··.,·, • ·' 1 ~ •• 11'"' ,,,. , 1 ·. <T .;o. •• , 1,~1 ,~P. tHtiHII l•o.~l-<•"1 11 " Ti l"' ·''' •··j > ,, " II".• l\'. ("f'toltnl .. '\"o""l""trlllf-ou:h I• " ''" '·" ·• "I" Hitler Guesses Wrong Again ~M • If l11•1 tl !• •"• > • to· •'' I 1. t :-',101\1\)' ma""<":!l ll.o" f<. hi & II ;t. n). '' • ! < 1 tr '• • r ·~ t!t•Wn " ' .. , " ,. c " .. •• ! • ' :---;..., "'II < ' • ' -.:...·· l ' In " .. t • , ..... l-.,1. 1\ ,,. "• ,, "' . "' -I oulfnl •, The ('XIIt't mtml.lt'l" or HriJish lin•s l~t:-1 0\llJl ll w hot :d tb· •. ···I ' .; ..... ;, ,. .t.ruclion-innil'h"t.l hy 11~1' bli"rn,l l"lltlllhard nwnt l.)f :'\;11.i t"•/o.'kt"t '' "··1"" 1' ·' 1 •'' ·'' 1 t . · • I< ''' 'I r· un•o• lh n ~ . ' ,, . .... "n 'loi'~' "IR A\ Il l Ill All· bombs i~ wide!y pn-.s("ll't'lt>c\-hut s lill UJlutnfit11ll'<l. Tu !t•ll ,.,, ·'' . .:1 ,, .. • •• -~ j., ·o~t, I i• ... ' ' 'I I < " ' < oo a th(' WOrld !I\(' t•Xfton( Of ,tJi~ i\ll\llllb:c"-Wl)tl]d t.tt• liJ lt"IIJJi lh•~ l(h' ~·,,. oilr 1"' I' + "' ~·t' I '• . """ . \;'\f' fl t'\1•1 •. ,. , .• , ,., "" ext.eftt of Ius S.tlt"t."I'":'S \~·,th Ins tww "'"llJ•.m . ~~·· ,, ... Slnc..-c th•• m iddll'.tJf ,lttn1' wlwn till' rin•l nr llw ,.,plnsiH•· !«h,. ,_,~o~ th ·ro· .. ,.,,. n"'"' "" laden unrflannt'11 nwl•'fli'S hi! l.kilish ~cot!. lht• j"o\'t•[olt• h;i\'t• •'' '"""w<t. In ,.,.. "" •"-""' ' ' 1 nnnr <l h~t~l<f 1~.1 j., Hwl""" _.:u<;U l "'•l tlu·n ~ 1. < '" dt •" ~ ''" •--~ to live~· h ll~>·nt. ~·· n.._·t,z_ niJ:r• llwir il!"lo·s;l l\ ;':fllln_< • _q approud1. lwir ll.tllltllb l1';ol inlhe n i!;lil !«k~'":.~r t;:rllt;t' l•r~d ,,,., "' • ,, .• ,, .. !": .... .-~ · the time lapi'C t..•IWL'1'!1 Ill•' motnr"fad('·Ottt .mtl tlw fin:1 h"!;;;b~t' '' '" ""'''"" '""""1""" ''" , . . . fohn. ~no/ •n \n,. "' "' •~l+l<r•t and to tak:c 1.1 1\"1.'1" a (•"l'l\ltnt..:ly. l >nn!IJ..: l h••..:t• \\t"l'k:-, tltt• 11_1 1-k.... ~-~ • .,1.r.tl•tt ,, In~,., •,,, tary, too, has b .... m ll'llrlll!lJ.: 11·lmt llwrt• b 1<• 1\HP II ahq!ll th \~ ~"'-t.'..:' 1 •' · '1 ' •'• · ,. r. ae(t\est-and .pn.'!'1tttn;cl•ly'tlw last ~l( llil lt•r''~ "~'1'11'1 \IP;'t-,..,. .... """"" '1"" ,. "· '' h)'f"\l ('••!o 1 •,1 .... , '"'' p:wta ... w.hill' th(' t'nl'my J:'>lli.Jiilll).:" ~'1)Ually :;ll't'f\\11)1/." c1ffnrl,; to ,. ,,,, 1 n•r ,,, . ·•• II<' "' ·· .-:."I ,6cuVer what the 1-:l:t..:li..:h :uv d"1ng-10 d~:>ft•a! ·!Itt' ltf'\1" bli!J: untl·"'' '"·"·''""" '''"'' w•, .. , ~··~ · H~m \ollt<\l t> o'> lor I' f I' I ,, I t' , .. .,, '..xl what luc k they a n· ha1 lftJ.:. ""' ""'"h ,,,.,~' '"' '" •PJ•rtl' ~·~ ,.,/ ·• .9orM' military l(o:Jd~·t'..; ,tt\' 1.'\"ltll"im't.>cl thaf lht' robol bomb c.ur ~r·><l ...... ,.. "' , ... , I I\' II ' r: l l,,fl~t " I• 1>1 '' " I <I ' ,, ' ' "I I < • "' • ~ I 1•<' t to·'l~l ~1 ~.;.-•nf ~ 1 " l'u• r tr hlt/1• f!r''"""' ~~~~­ '' I ' I ' "n _ __.._., "' '"""' '• "t• IIIII\:. I •" I"• ,. hr.ud 1• n/ ~n ,fll'•r "I'""'" 'hn1 rl.,,..,t l' lh,. '·" ,. 1/o· 1t2ot triJ llll'U\h ".,,,. "~''"" "-I tlw l nor t . • o•ll ut ~ \ol '"'""l<"lh l ito' hullrl "~"I <n "" • • h~· ~ .rnd rl1ht lhr«u~h h" "'""Ch Ol\lhnu\ \n"N""' " tlo<u~ on\ ~t"rn trl• lrNh. I<UI '"" lh~< at!u·r ~ht'til. attacks constitutes one of 111\il'r"s gn •aii:'St hlupdHs of lh(' war; that the bomb;Jnlllll'nl Wol~ inh•n<k'ct !O.hf•"littllll'IH'd jUS~ litl6:lre the Allies Wt'n> 1"£'adr to crus..; th~· l':ts·(k.•-Cal:tis an•:t -•'"-Nazi'i wt't'"' ~h'(ln"ly ,•ntt, .. nc hro :\nd thoroughly ~..-un: '-' '"" Thf mo•ol "r~.-krd "'"'" I haYe \hit lt<.,.·n \"" l>o mb t'a l ·n ~rt .o .....,..., for battlt". ~Hn .., flr 11 Sa u>l !'""'·r ur It tmmelto r U1a1 }ou t >lu\J put .,..hole It is poaai~le, now th<tt tl;,.l:;(' plans ha \"E' gone so far awry, ,\'lronn ... ~nn ... n ,.n\pJ-" u ··S•n h<ll'•'"• •n ll•r •" Seh-Vu•e " I~• butiJtnJ:"t •r' ruutd A •·f"lt::.n ot lh~ lh 1 ...,.., patty tMt Hitler expects Uu.• W<'il[JOn to win him either a tleG'Otiatcd •nd lt'<~hmw,, ::. 11rret. rhllkrd w1th .. ru '"1"mfd up '"" ~~~· .... " Ure 1 :o;T. oiOit:<O \1.-\S,t:\· I'll nil II ~H Marlnr ,\oc .• ltoolh"ll f,l:~uol n on,lay 1 .. n><.~ al ":tn:tnd 111 n. m ~ IUt iSTI.\:\ fit lt.,tl: lilt ttl ill.'" "1..11~"" W·i\1 I)" l it" ~<!Ill• <I «I !It• St .. n<fiJ l.t'B •OU .'-l o•C)ll <lll •ll ,,II l·r:•nrll,.~ or n ... ,\!n"l•' 1::• "'" p,.. Flnol l"lnnPLt nl t'll l< ' . ..:, • u h I.ID IIn~ltlll -Ll"'':nlol,!l 1••\1 t• !. u.l .lohu · II•' • <.+I ''"'" ''"' ~ .... I·< h IJ/••. 8 tH! Ito• lltltT l+ollh to<ll ' rtw :-~, oJ U<~tl t•at:• nn1 Ill•' 1"1 a ...... ~t lnu1 <ol'h .lul<h ' tl''"l""' J• :i'tffiiiT7iHNT '''" iltll lt•Ti·-< "tth r · " ..... urtl• '"\\'Itt:!< :•,·· ~pll<J .,; 'Ulh. I~ t'IIIJIP. h" \\Ill >'111•1" }"'I t ·I ,, all I rtll It ; ,1'1 !\Ill" "'!n 1". :,, 1 1·•• •lrt•tl t'nl ~··•· "'''· I"' "1 '"'"to Uw 1·., lt• • . I r,.,., •. lot •, from 1h~ ~·"'""'· '""'·'"" t"\"11"· "", lh'" ""'""' aJ~+Ilt. 1 l<"f\I P lh" '"' 1!. •nd JO In '"" f'at h"~ (",• or. -. clMI(y llo}" ~mo. thllf Ill) ··•111 al~o ""'~· 1~lnrlfy I'll''' Al.,l hiM Ia fllo• Pt..,nM. I hill lh!!'J 11 '·" llnow tho'<' 111'" onll t ru•' 1;;111. !ltl<! .I••JUI (.;hrl~l. fi i<Oirl 111011 !11111 J.~nl , . . \l.ttY RaiiP.r F.+ldy "'trtr~ ln···s.-:t· '"'" •nd !1"'1111> oo•llh f\o•y In th• ~'""l·'ur•:·• "'Thl1 I~ !!If! el .. ru&l. ~R•• •(•tu•.-11, not dulll '••·; •nrl 111•·11 h" tlt'flne• nerlultn,.;llfP. 11<1 • rro•'••·:l ltrtowltdge or hi~ "F'at hf!r 1 •nd nf hlmoelf,-tb• ltno•ledp ol I l .ol ~. Truth, •114 Llfr"" or a bom~lng truce. Again, he miscaJculates badly. rubble. •nd •·rhlrlu drt\·t o•·.,r thr othrr day ~~o hen t><r '·"" 1 fi"'O1l the ot.>rva.tlons o( BritiRh people interviewed u.. "f lt. ··n,, -~~ ,,,.t llkr I he ·lnt war. 1:'\H~ TO ·~ ' 8omb1n1 ar~d 1hrllllra fro"! bolb .only thf' hr•leJ ~~~ lo!~K··r.···. A t:;ff'Up o1 Induct""-all under I I ll• '" lh • i•''"J r"• ,,, .o llhnl,·. h ill ••1•11 l<t 1.1111 • .1 '"'"''''"'' • •o tl01 • ••'1\1 < h.o nd lilt ;otohli! ,o t l.<l t.:'' · t•+l ~t~\d:"!) I ""•''" :.,n<l •lllp· I"''• .tn•l ''lill•"ld I"'''' nt.:• r. 11 '"lid "I''' tit• I 1, 1.:111 " 1"1 h. oi l lht• •'•"' "I lloo I'"' llti+lllh "" lho · Ill•· l'l"'il·<!H I ,.,., • ,,, .,. I••· lh•• trul \\<o lkt•t, "'"ilol h" ~lt.ll t.:••l Ill>''' th<· l"illho•nrh .uod lh•· \\lit )\.~;· (",,.\ •<I llh' •u ""' '"' dtlol•owo •tolo·nl J ' ,:,..,,. · " «Ill <I I"" lullo•<! 1" o,, • t ;t 11 Ito··~ Tho· o"H•( <I! 1111• II<\\" j<l n ..;l":+lh. Wl"h Ill• to..;UI.o\ by ~11can correspondentJ. the lndocriminate lict.o dod it Thr plare loolll uutl.r The tttlt11 ro•d• are D)IUdam and · 25 )'t'a,.;. ot ..-. wtU 1e•w tht' P.E. Iii canceUlnl: tlwk ellfYer dlatul~ t.award the Rus· lib World War I piclurff !If t~•eh lht' .,d• "''"' 1r1vel wtndlnr . Mf· ~ll!.tfon nt N.-.por\ 'nlunday at Tllfa w•r WOrku Ia etllc:hl~a up a for -·-•x-•tiono In ~ ... 1.0 Gonnany and 1 _ ... _~_•_•_• \'rrdun .'\1 thr t'd1• ol 1 r~"· 3nd dtlrlrt~\1 foJ. u-1me 111 ·30 a. ta. 11w American Lr "''"· •ut PlOI on 1 wonutn • a own. ,._ ~.. 1.11:'1 · . ' --'U L -re_..ntath•e. ..,, It joLPll"l the gorff or fla"''' "' labor ~-·• •-N--' .....1-J1orr flll!'l •• n-Vt' .-~-laf a flu• •uachllte ..,•d• or ilylon GH1nan U ~utJI'I....,. a&.~ u.u•""'"· ItO wnd 1Jwm oft, aYCI Sluart Owl· wtllefl "'"' aave a ltr .. !En .. Pll l.-1 1~ ,.........:..:Allied Wounded Flown From Franc~ MODERI MARIIE SERVICE SHELL o·ocK BALBOA ISLAND . . ' .._ "woet weapon" • ~ng. apparently, eountt>d on:::....lht' tta<1itional Am<"fi can and Irritlsh gaDant -~p, c<~lu1•1dn' ftl lilt t..ckJn .. h.U j tt~e ""'""' ... ""' ., .... ,.. ... u. ,,, ... for h1m the ~ rup ot gnur tK> might. have to 8 drfeeted (Cle'. •· ry kl'd that ltlt4'ftltt'd ptmJOnS bt Ia ,:,. "hu"'"'a ua~Pd ht aalv•••d ,,. ·------------------------..! ' ~I to tell tht-bo)'s I(!Odb)"t. k o1e1 lh,_lfl ... t tha ''"d. - _ .. . .., _ ---···n.--... !IIF.WPORT-BALBOA NEW~ TIMER N•WJ>Oft' tloo<h . California, Thursday, ·July 13, 1944 AlphaBeta !~;,;.~~~'r. ... ~i.;::!S•••er •••& Preli•c 1£WS .. TIMES CLASSIFI .ED. OPPORTU·•tTIES -1 ~:!-~ M-"· aolada ~· nrilliiiC ..... Y•c•t Cl•• n ---d t· , ... '"'"'"""'' .. m ...... ~l · · • • READ F·OI PROFIT • • USE FOR IESULT• • • re mo e tng e:o:tellllon wUI be rtven Ot't'r to l The nculu _. .. lwllt.J I'"•'....S-rtvUII PaU)' """t.er ---• • ~ro·arehoua. I~C:e for the Alpha .. -rlu nf rat'n for cl•-lhc:lud-ond pla.l::e. -,.. --------------------------------------------------------- . Beta .. a&ld Jim llltnrw•orlb. man·' lnlf PC"•. J"alNIIII. V+llltt«l-Pacltk An in'orlnal dane• w\\1 be beld I I nTRNmiRIC • t • •~r~r. 'nit. v.·lll Jivto a t oUJ wate-u .n . Dln«hY•. SniP.•. snowblr41 at the o:Ju.b \hll. con~m,-saturda,J WANTED 'fo Bl'l' .._ -~RO.o\TS, fiU't'rUa RF.AL ~!'nATE · Is ex ensl ue bDUH lp&CI ot 2000 llquare fetot..l ~nrt Balboa Dln(bye becu at tAl n~nlnl(. WANT 1 0 IJt'V Lara:r rlr<'lrlr li(;~l -,~, .... tt---;::;;;1..1/'t+'OR MA.I.I:--mR 14..\I.E--. ---• I ''Y wit · 1000 IqUiri t«:t IIIOU added Balboa Yacht Club 8ut'lday. wltll At the Newport Harbor Yacbt nut ('a ll N•wl'"rt 4~. fl2-4tr l Mllrln• t~nlllll'~ ~nrt ~ ! _ WJI: ARJ:• fi1'1CCIALIIITII tH Ito lbe ,-rocery aide '111-tlen lbe par-) wlnMr. up lo date .. folio.-.: Club the~ w•r. 12 et.artu• In tiM --.____-,., -'llll"t ~~ 1 •. -' 1-" NU JI"'R f'AI.JI: In ("or,.na d•l War. THFUCJI: AND PUUR ROOM ---t 1tio"n Ia ~moved betwem lbe ( Balbo-a 0 \nrftya, winner. ill llU-F'alron d ... wtth the ftn&le lhcw· WANT Tt.l flt 1'V Aut.>mobll•. 1 · ' · ·' '1 · A rr n•r lth'iv !llf.,lllll••t ll-t .... ln>Om C'IIITP"ITA .ua.,. an attNe""" ~;xtenah·t' remod•llntl' LA being 1 11~1. There will be n•w tbturea l fourth race. on poinlll. nr.t. lolar·, Ln& Cnnver-.e WuryM111an ftNt, mall'"~ U\'"'' 1;' m I•·~ '" «"RI· ~011(1 W (-,.n~!.~A ~::'· hnu.,.. I.Atll"f' llvlnK mom. flrt~-thr.o.-r.,.nm n-utllt eet up MN bl' .June on the Grnn bul\<111•~ Ill 1"'n t h r n c et1ble dtp•rtmEnt, lltlall Gr1m : ..-conrt. MOf'IO' MOf'· Sonny Mol'l'&n ~d. ll!.d H.arTY loa t:o rl 1'•'-'" ,.,.. L!Kht r ar 'l'h '2:\-'11\·W fll•r•. tllnetle, klt•·h•n. 2 h1!11A, (.'Oeta 14n.a which I• occup!t•d ~:-' which will ~ operated u 1 ~rvt'-«'"n; third, K,..m .. r; fourth.. Ori!W ! C rendlotl Jr. third. , tracn r .. hllhlf o"'rwr ('aah., Nrwport 11""''11· Calor 28 If" rl.r. r.triJ .. 11tvr. 2·\·ar l'lfll'e. ;;~: ~~tcr: .... ,r;r: ..:o,:;-;: Lhe Alph. Beta, g-rocery ltore. Thll your.t"lt market, and thue will be iCrlm. and ttnb, Smith. I Bob IN!«: W"Cf'' with St. polll\.1 P\'Kin,. N .. wr.,•rt z:•:•7 ~1 -Hr •undf!o<!\t, 1"•-•lon J u\)' IJ\, -• o< "-t th •• It h 1 IWf'l>ly nnt> f'l-1 fOf' 12ft.IO. mn .. • orr UO'It.'f!4'11 ~ ... 1"0P1thrt'r rhecklnc c.ountef1 h1.trad l In Ulf'II\XIh ra•·e ot the Pao:Ltlc In lh• Dytor 0111,-hy ran. w'th ,tf. WANT T ) ll\JY 1 l ~..,_,H :'I AIJo~ 24·fOo•t "Llc•n•l h)l''i l"rtrr IT,OOO Tt'miA C".ll Nf'W· l.<1w"'t t .. nn. ,..... ,_.,.,.,, A•"l the grocu y hi IM!mg redKOr·lof the p~itnt two. It ia eapKtt'd H ·n . Dinghy• tor thll't Byron ll'ar-JWr'K'I ~Ofld and IClhott third, 1~ 1 'W 1 ;t 0" U•lbol-1 tO•u;l <OihlULnn ... ...,. Ln~~; or pl..... port l\1:l·W nr tnqulr .. C'rr . Mer-Mt·Nahlln'a ll'umUur. OIL 1M ated, and will be uceupied by thf! that tbt remodeling Wm be eorn-l w•\1 Pupetual Tt"Ophy. lint wu1whlle Roda'erw took nnt plac.• In •"• r ill' n urnult L.-•n on • ure ~7\lCI 2421\SII nla An• Av•. •u•rlt .. and t" ... ' tiLJhwa.v.t"ttr· and llrnalway Ra~:~ta A-·cau nu!ll markd, which ~ ill char1~ l pleted In three weeki. I Skip C•lltlna: .econd. Bob Henley,, thf' Albatroe d.lvtelon ud Joye. pr111ol•:~ ~"'1 1 1 l-•1"111,1'1'1 I•• 11. • l\1, (\.,·Ia ,.,,... :-.:.-~'t<l Ma d!!l MAr, tT-Ut·l tnml~ ' · lO-tto. ot Ralph Brandt. __ _ a nd third Dick ~o--..nton. . l ... cotld. 1 .... ll • "'"' ~~~-4tp j --I ' W•th bu.med ctilln¥ .. 44 fl't't ol Sh B ITur l ln t.be fcurth race In thr July ---------W.\:N-Tt'O 1-"'{11! ~AI.J-~ ~"""''lllr•'. 111:'> ~-.t""1R IIAI..K Cnmna tl•L Mar 'ln-ii!NIN(i niW1w u t;;,;;;;--.;w; dllplay caaea &ntl a new •tora1e arp, 08 h Vik lnj( aer1ea. AJ Gram placed ! n_. Wllhl~ mRI~I nr y••rt•hl~ I l f'\10'111 ron!IL\L(>fl ("all afhor-1 <'nlllf' l'nliM'rty, f<>ur l'ompiO't• l'lll'l!llt>nt walnut. ftailb;'-~..; cu-oler at 187 aquart' feet capacity. cu•· Arm In Bone fil'lt, E-· Cowlu aecond, Dr J . 1 ~4 E .. _, g hIll'. ::~!1 I ... ,. IH ' IU UIUI m rvrnlllll•-N 1.1 l lill<'I·W I "'"' .. , .. ,..t .. tou•u .oil thr.e and ,,,_ ... , LO I ·--TIDE TABJ to .,....,._,. l•l•nd. ·f'tl Npt n,h '''I . I ... .., _, ..... . It '11.111 be one ot the fillut ma.rktlll · • WllliiLiila third, and Ttd Kuehel . ;:'I 2il'h ·\\" · · • • P .. t.. Oil• unit t\lm ... 1 , .. L AI.UMIN\!M. w1t11"-eooll_,.. In the co_!.llliY. 'l,'hne will 1110 bo: Ander.on C. Ong, buMe• man fourth. M·21~' h•v"' "''~II an<i Oour t\lm••.. ..,, ...-4 IIJ .. ,.Wine-at Ruby and Ualboa.l Mu KiD< Jr. and Bob White Hlrh lAw Hl":h Low ·..-a.-.N•J · 1-'t'lt I-I A\.1-: •••t rlllf Hll.o, n aall v.~~rh unit 111,~ two t.<edntooma: tl.",.;::;:i aBal..-v•~ -~--... ,.,..· F U 11 ·111 U ·2t 1 ·04 11"-.o "• I tw"lal In ~'<I l'nn<ILUOI'I. Apply )I • ---fltn-"l•. Balboa l•'a.nd, wu take.!! Ut"d In '!lr-.t placr tor the Snlpu · ·• · · lnr .. nlr 11112 00 r-r mo. Prln 1ot2 U 4\cl to tht b<Hipllf-l Swuky alter re-.-eond rae•. wtth Hal Talmadre 3.!1 1.1\ !1.1 111:1: R~:v RA il..iER-mf'dL um:fo-r 111 :II!0-6 I{Lvn l-It · Nf'Wa-1 atlf'r IW,OOtl Tf'MI~ ('all Nawport • celvilll flrat ald a.t the Balboa nre 1 Jr IKOnd Bill Lawborn and Jim S . 15 'i ;HJ 1:12 1:., t2;10 prlvatr rNdinll• aos w. tth P.t ·I 4 :~ f'·nl !l<lo-ltJI fiU·W tt-tf•', I'Ylt\ RAU!:-IUnal• bad ~ -... St-ation. WbUt drtvlnl bl.a moto'r u ,'w t1 tyi~C tor third, and Dkk 3.1\ 0 II S.t tAL ll.nta An• Ph<'nt H aft to malte I I-'AI..a1N late nlfld~l. reiiiA'te-~1 CORT• . ..-.. .. ---· ..-ln .. and ltll\lr...,..-tnc .U.. I w .. \_i rown a.pln•t the wind-Harry MeKinney plae«l f ll"'f!! Ln 3.T -0.1 1.1 1 . .0 -1 h 11 d boi t 1 17eo I . 0 aeNa al 1100 ,.r acre an 1"1' labia Mod ~. n .. ht ...._: bol.t, b• ~ a abarp tu,... a4d Blatltrma.n tQW"th. ISU. HI 1!1:22 2:04 T:s:J 1:11 a.pp4 OS·3tp .umn:>f'r IOU, f'l'rf...:l tJondltonn, 1 I'll -I'll tn&l. n;wll•nl «<ftdltloll; ..._. abLeld. HI• rtcht •rm wq cut to tbt' rourUI l'&l'e ot thfo PC'•. M. 17 9:12 7:fol!l 1:12 2:00 IF YOU "'·ant t" ~~:rt married. w 1 ..,. • an '""' rn ' ·, N•wp<trl ltv•. WeUo.llll •••l•;._ ta~ h&v•t&-t.cJp.: prioe .... NOT til ... ,. t011et1Mr ..,. lollal>t• .. , lA ftlletr!tC"O"i lotllt rllhl. filii ..... Pll!lr\. ChM IMilllle-L• ... _..,,,.. • I "'""R ~~ TW''T 11o)' rt.~o A .SA:T'f4. I Hl 'S' tlu bone,lbe anery betnc aevered. George Strom .ecnnd. 111-d Heber! 3,1!1 -O.fo 1.2 1.1 wrltr 11-u~< 2!1, \'&no·nu•·er. w .. h Ph. N .. wpwt IINI-3 attn 111W~I~>· fr.m lual""' ·Olatrh::L P'•rfMt l'b. N-port a..c111 tt-J. 11-Rot .~,"-" th•nl. Tu. Jl!l t:~ S:28 l :to 1 :11 M·l 'r I l.e•U•n far flltu,.. tuD-•h,lalan.j r;:~~~ciuc:-;i'l..:i<~j;;;i;;. r_., ..-... -·--·---niMSD 04lt PIANO, &I 'ut The "Norwalk Psy<hopathlo l ll.t -01 1-l 1-l WANT TO OliY am•ll maf'ln• fiiALP'H P'. MAIKay TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED-- Ull"l fo <lo•t urto, ~, f~~.Ct••r lfolnHI \ec~"!Ciane. Lei Till· ... ,.. ...P'"!" tiM!• "'•"'"'r C~Kio.·IIP S&IIIJ' Pion. PHONE 743 PILLS. ~--: uUque ....,.: oM. ! S peelkl" race forth~ 8111 Bane• Wd. ta t0 :S0o •·0o•7 ','", ',''_.''Shirley Lon"ffiOOr rnmpa-Writ.. lkl:w. III.MC.~<" '''O '' .. I<JH.-.J1 I•N" h M&ttet: ~tell .a.r.trte f'Ulll'i Ptrpetual Trophy Wll won t .. t 4 -· · t: Mr N " P . . WI. VI • fWO'I•rt I*'-: ll.l~~~:tm 'tte.t•r·, --·- ~.2 OJftS .o ~·. to lm AT 1-"'R fUI..T.-ll·ft Mklm· r ut ••. Ill F. -...rf, ...... lt.'l'ek by'B&rba.ra W:etCMlfo. •llln'l 'nl. 20 t\:00 fo :3t 10:00 154 J • C f C l'ht>fll' fo02 fii·Uo a. mo.r. difficult l.'(lurar &nd tlnUih· 4.0 o.e 1.1 A I m .... 19:\!! L"'lllm(' on 0-oQd cton-t'OR MALE Lot In c.n....-.,.1 I_ .... tn~~: .t•m tlral. Bob Henly. will· IN•• <iArU•tu ••";• 11-1 ttend We·JJesJey ll;llon. :: •uLlll ral'tnr .. u •• UM; uar, ..,.~. by .,..,n•r. t' o . Boa ••r 0\' the trop>y lui year. 1nd T'ldM.,.. J<l•....,. In ..,..door ol .......,.,.,.__ h rott RAJ...I:-Hllh oont1 ... -· -•--<""" boat traL\flr wit '10 '"·-~-dol ~,, -.. . Dlclr. ,.._nton. w~o would M•a t..t ct<t tL.-..-.• e.. m.; darla lip.-p. a • I ._.. · '-UO""-.. • .......... "lmmona OD&oni&l ..... -.a N-port H1rbor Will 1 0 to l'j>lr• 1-l'f'; ISO. 4\1\ H .. l Dr.. -61-tte ple£ed •nmd 11114 .third, ~-,. ,_1" 1 __ ........... l!MI; oa.ll r~r. ,...__N.....,. l.ebool. Thi• tlmr to We'lt~~.ll'y, or-ona .... If. ,. .... e ,._., --•-" lanc-ed each other and Wt>rt etlm· ,., __ _. AssocJ"atJ"on ~ throu.-bout lht> l\ltlon u II~4T -It. ,... ' ll<l P"'ft ltA.LE· ele11t-room ,._ • ..,.....,, M-.Jte '-A.NIIJ' b r•ll•nl loeatkoft, On• full H. S. Lads on ' Fishing Trip to Waters l'tle of tilt ••ounfr)r'a hlf:hut nnlt· ...., 1101f •-•---TO Meet Tuesday r ~nr ~du.-.unn•l Ln-tnuuou . .,.,. TRANRI"OnaA two halt t.u.a. r--.. __,. I'II-A., .. ..,..,.,.., ~Shlrlr)' Aon Loncmoor will be UICYCu:'~>kt~ni.d~ N!. lat. MI. Nt...-pot1 let~W. LOfr'T--:-;;JN-. __ W.c_-c:.::...:. ... ------At C.OSia Mesa Newport Herbrr nrl'l'•nt.aun at patted. vcc•l'•. 10-1 M.•tn a.. ttl.IIOO. 1._._ a.twMn &lr ._ ... WeDnl..y 1nd will lUI' with Mr Balllu. .. d 401 Wutn" AL.,I», I"'R IIALI: Balbo& I;"M~ ......._ ft. Orana"e Cowtly CO..t "->ell.· lltW ot tbr Tru-..rt' mape "lta.bly Dill..,. Lllaft4, ' li·Ut 1-~ro..-~m hnm•, hMI'IJ t06T-J , ..... "" -. . • Uori membt'r. w ill h•ar .ome ot ln.DIItd tor dlap\ay l.o lbl olb•r 14100. QN Hope hiCr~-blif"!OOd--th't detail a Of'l.ll~ne• ~a..etl ~~ at_ ~~~ tamou• rlrl• HI:LP WANTED . _ \lntumiiMII boo•. very hopei tultllir-d t.h.t• wMk Naval Depot when ttey ~ .ebOO( Ylai ~ncmoor, Ill ~-tY.Ll' wx~w--._at IIIlO. he: ul\t'd on the ac.hoonu TuHtl.a • t Jui' lith t lhll to ... fully &l'<'l'fllltN1 lo npr-.t 1 1 · · . · Bat ·-w :--J . H0\.~8 ~· 1 ;:~~~;':;~·:~ v.·llb C..pt&l.n Wet.lln, y nr~< . y ' a \be Rubor bu t&.lttn out ht'r tot' repair. And alteratl~. -IIIIT Oout. HIP . bound for w~alcan waten Wornln'e Club b ou. at Coal& •-btnhlp' In tht' NewPQtl Uu-I boa ·Otanoor., 606 11:. Caatral .a <'Vmna .S.I .,.;ay a CUI!IIIet"Cial nMllD< i a-'ltlOI!., lfeaa. bor ~brr of CQrnmare•. I Ave., aatboa. ~-ttc "Who-lbo M •• , ,.,, .. ,...v P,..lne\()&1 1pulr.er wiD be C. pl. • ~ r-"~h .. \eamed to be quilt a A. 8 WI'C'reery, U . a, Navy, wbo Cbaln111111 A. 8 . ftnu-u .. ·or the HI-~U· WANTI:I) E.l.per&•ac.d •llor on hl.a OO.l In 'the t.y, bul l.a CqmmandLnJ Ortk:er at the IMID~\p eocnmltljlle of the 1 •·uolt and h~worker. No up-WANTED '1'0 8&N'I' ytamed to _tncreu• hi• kn' wledll::u Naval ut.abLI•hment. a.ccordlna to Newport Harbor Chamber I'>' Conl-•taln wvrli I"Y"Ivet• mona. 11&1-W AN1'1tl> TO KICNT-t or l - ot l&lllnc-," a&kl Itt. aunt, Kn. L. A. l"alch, prra\dtJ!.l of th~ O:Ja.tt tat'ftt', rYport• an lneft'tal' ol •ry IIOU P"r mn. • Wr+t• 8t>J1 t.dmom tumlahed Ritt llJ!el'. ot 400 o.bll& aveoue. group m~tmbenhlp In! treat an.:l added ftf·J u y 1100 (M'r m•• 1'hollf N.-w· apar1m•nt. Hy Coron1 dfll War. An "oumne ot tht rfftnt nlftflpt· t-MW member• dur1n11 J une 1 J>Urt Unch 1241\. fl2·lk I "''lh and baby, Thia Oflportunlty cam• wh.cn lion tor C:O..l dev.rlopznent prb'. lfiM Loncmoor Ia the tLr.t ot an· ---~ n..a.•h 2412.w, F"nd. Url&o H1n.11PI and ~ Crort.l T>"Wd by th" Commltt«: on croa.t ou.r-.M ... -mbr.ra which Mr I CHD.DREN''8 CARE .a ll of tht• IIHrbot. v.·ert' IIIVIII.'d by Jl'lannloj( will be 11:•ven by T. B. ~-Pf"'•mi.af'l tv a.h l 4urln& I C-. ntllim~ tlrood mlnl•tllr. pr.a.:bt~ at U\e C11 pt.a.ln M~t tlrt to join tht crt'W I T otlbl'rt. m<yor , nt Hunt\n-'oa. J~J. WIU. AH~; I-'\ lit ~ m••mtn1 ..,,.,k .,. dt1Mn1 July al "h·llPI'rl'n ICt> M&men on e · ,.,.,..,,h, whl•·h •l•n uvluo'N C'lyan . .... ..... 11 11 '~'~1"""'1 •:~<J'"'r11'nrl'd. -1 th 90-IJ •• ..._ _ alt--r1M.I'..n• "~ rv<:~/Un~~:• Tran~-, .... 1 '" .c .~nerr· t lb I lhla ah L h 1111111. m~y\>1' of NI'Wp< rt nu t.h and Carl Johneons Lead I 3700 C11&nllel I,..... NCW jol'•l t ------~ ac 1 P lUI R W llii.O't lh nf CollA lotr11. • )J 2t MilA flli:O CfiiOII rot•ntlrot the h<>m i• an Hd<led lhrill f'r ..• t I' t h h 1 Jod YMCA Camp Work IWM-h. · P, Mra H. H, Wr.Murt .... , -·.-.1--• lo tbdr advt'1'1lure," remarktd Mn '"1""" 11 e u appo D ., --·.,... 11 11~\A I rerf'('ll~;<n romii'IIIH to \\"ll.L t'AitV. f••r l'hli<h·,.n n •nlnP-IIIO•I pr<>durtlnn rtt•lrman (If the R ltt1nger. , met•l 11.n<1 welcom1 tho-att.-nd-Th R'l!v. Cul JohnMm <Jf th .. , l'h. N. 8 , 1023-J fl-4 -2tr 1 C<lllt& w .... ltt'd ~ Ia UkLnc lnf. Thry ar~ R. w. nartlne, I:!:r. Colih Mu11. c .;mmunLty ehureh · tnr mur. volunt.Mr wvrk•r• on 'QW M' UCH.IS [NQUGH'P r r. Hu.'<t n. ,.,_ n . Owtn11. at and Mr-.. J r.hn.,>n wiii"IM:' amnn11: of Coeta Mea& booy~ •ttaa.diDC •urckal 11,.,..1"-a. wn.,. ...,. h · . ,-,,.1,. l>l,.~a ; e 1 McDonlld or llu· 11'1<\rr. &I lh• Y.M.C'.A. !'amp <'A"'t' will lnc\udo-ft.alpb 1\a.l. wa.e .._. a114 ..... lllol&r _. ..., • ._." •'""'-.. v.o.nw •,. .,...~ !":Hlta Ana. ~:lnwr Hull:'e~ Of Seal r.t 011f'f!r.lll ll urtnc the weelr. July Fr·~nk ),1 .-t "uloltLru•. Man·m JuM·,..;;J-..re. nu>y m ... t from 10 a ,m. 0, ,.,._,,,&It .. ...., •• ·-....... , J:..•ar h, !'llr" ,_ ,.. f-:tm mell of L.A·'2lln 28, ''""· .ln••k \\'o~Mt~ !'\Mr\t ~1'11 11"•· lo . r m.On TuM:iay, Wfl'dtw .. lly 1-.'lll\ll llo'll<'!l :mo.l 11 f:. Ktnny ot l lotr. John110n wiLl bt In •hll!r~f' 11llltLI'II 1"•"1''"" "1"1 J•rn"'• lllld 'l:hU'*JI)', ~IIIII! hOI .. IqU~rt••n i 1\ul.l~·n "' -·lmmlaiC And aqu1tw Mf""tll, ..-,~,., · !11'\1 '" 1 .. ~,, It• Jo·w•lry •I• t f' .-plo "'" "'""' ... "-4•~• • ..,.. .... , ·-"""' ow'" '•""'' ~., • ...._,...,...., "1"!''• ...... _ --·· ........... . ,, ·-· ..... DN'E~D:.Y •ntt* a·•niRIJvn 1-:<to.:::.o· s 11,..,.r, "'llh I IIi' Hp on C"n. 1 ,,r t•nft w. rk ~ud1 "~ L•·>~llu·r 11 "''"tlh'" \'II'~'''"'; .,.1111 I ~ IV'v .l . 111nd M r~r. Juhiu•m "''Ill t.r 11, •ll •r~t:f' It•••• IU>•I Mr11 ,luhn••" "Ill hiiVf' ;o,:,.,.1,,,, l•ouL .. \o~nl '/ r S II I h i l "'fltkLn< •n•l lt.'r"\'ln' A I:""'\'~' rio•• ILhn<l "' '•>IIllO M ...... rfl· BACK nt~ •TJ'•cK ol • nn 1••~-:n. " "i>'"m m;.: -~ VII· "' " " 1'"allo\n w oth ho.,_ '"'"'"'~-Mr. nntl , 811\' MORE TIIA.N BF.FUitY. roa IIEif'l 111:lR ftltNT-2·Mdroora buulol, llalbr!a 1-ll&ad, lor a.,t A4wtt& ""'"''•nOf!e. AI.O a~rtaMnt July n to Jt u..1 lUI. U... "'"Ill In •pt. Aadta, ,..... H.-port JJIO.ft. ' M-I .. .... . ...._ • ::::.=·;.. ,,. .... ,.,_AIM, c..--... ,.. ... N.D. CASH D. v. M, . DOG '"" CAT HO&~I't'AL a ... ,. '"' ..... , ••••• "'"'" ~ ... "' ......... C:..ltf. ~:: l~m St""'' nJ """"' dd JlftDA. Y'S BEST BUY·. r' ... l'rofessional Diredory ll,.r h -<-A•O..,.-'"•"" y :, • ..,.,~ u r~-------------,1 0-----.,-...:.,.------A .n<1 0 T•W..O • -~-.~-.~ '") "• 1 :::~ ~.::::..-~~::.~-;; -~ -'-'":! -;;1 1 ~Therapy, Medlral Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. Conrad Richter,_ M.D. ... ~., .. ,, ............... u •• ,.d s ..... l ••-•P·~swedkh ,..,... .Spo· rt fi"Shl"ng Cruiser .'1875-.,",·~'·" •n• '"'' .. "" P'hyMt•• ••II ,.,,...... ~·-....-••! ~·•no.t••""' -_.ap, . HydrO ~erap)• Nlntll •nil ce•tra: A¥•. otu .. 101 22ft4 llr...t c--·•"'-v-....-. ""'' -5 I I T t N....,-t haefi <abi..C • .. ~ .. H••"..; "•••moo" c.-· Pf'C • T't'almf'nl• or 11 11 1,"1 . • _ . · ,. : Offl<:eHre..; '0-lla.m.: 1-lpo.m. ·-• £oort• 'd•* t!f>fttaiN woe u-0vl.'rwel&ht A \ln~rwl'iKhl • ' T•l•ph-• 37 He~~r•: IO.U •· "'· & 1·1 ,. M. :£t.;~_:=.:::~:: ~.,~ .. :: ~.~~~.r:!~:.~~~~~ PORt OF ·sEVEN SEAS ··~-o ... ~ ... I -_, .. , .-.:::::~:. e "'!'l.-,..,......._,,__ •~" .,..,, . LEROY P. ~DERSON DR. G. E. TOHIU --~=:-· ........ Ia•...... ....... 817 eo.,.t. HlKJitray Phone, Newport Brach ~9 G ATTOANI:Y AT LAW .,HYI.ICIAN a.ft4 IUitO.ON ··-.• -· MA.IUNJ: WA.'rlt . · . MARINI: "A.I.VAc;t: , .. Lotta Mr u1 Plftk •ull•l•l lftl C..Mt ''"'"·• _,..... ...... o..... ..... --.t.............. ... . ........ . -......... -. ·-~ .~o. u .. "--"-• _. .. , ••. s. ... -Te~ un -BACK THE A.'ITA.CK ,811\' MOHY. RON I~ Pr>ona 421 Cg•t.o Mil•• Calli 1 Offloa IM·W RH. ..... -~· HH•a--c..ri.........,_..l HAI;{OLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "Wr Ounteh .. !he Uetter &ern lly Ru•ln« otb•r. Ua.r." P'h-N•wpart Mt 1 Cofta Ma.. Calif•"''' Dr . .M. D. Crawford OP'TOM.'TittiT l!:y•• 11:-...nlnad ma-. ,-ttt.M 1711 'Newport Boulevard ,..._ 1410 COJTA MalA • ' . BUY NOW CiiJ Tax S1le 'lob A.'J. TWIST 801 Co .. ! Hlghw&)l P'hon• 2422 COAONA D£L MAflt BAL1'2; MORTUARY I CHAP'.L 8Y T~· ..... I 410 co .. t II••· (.•••"• dot Me• . ~ ... ., .... 1'1 P'h..-• N-,..rt U c;...,afd-ltausa, M. II. ~A:.II w .. ,,. c·,.otr•l i\v ... ·'r"'l"''' """'h JIR. ORim JJ.JCAS -. Dent18t --~--1--l . . llOROTUY IJARi\IT • l'h "''"f"'''' "''"'''' Ill":• If 11!• ~n ..... , t•Ml( IIIII \t • !!crt If, w. r.-nlnl. ""'· tw NP:WI'HfiiT RP:-'f-'11 · WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT '1111 f't ~o rr lo Nt'l i"!P<~fll ,....,,. w nno- l t. \', 1'. t I'' 10'•1 ::1•' l ~lul . ,.,,,., .. M r~~ .~·~··•I '·""'"'',.·I'll 11'.~-) r.1 'II <1111 f OJ~IRiof'rt on r ;.,, 1•,1o f'. I Lr.-\!1 \ 'llllof',,:"t l ~h·•l .l'h 41 2. J•f,lfl• '"''I r .,11 .,,, tluno I \!'.11 11 I! f:fJMI-'ANif..!l I "~'" \'• ~h Liot ; J,.•t u• h~Lt> Y'otl I'I<V '""''1'1 1.1!11 ,,,,. l 'q 1'1"'"'" II ~. "'"" y ..... ,,,.,,.. l'h• r)~ 48-e .. , ...... Jl il:hWot ~· "I Ar> l;a' t • ...... t I NEWI'OitT-BAUiuA NEWS..TIM..S . • ~ Newport lleaeh, California, Thilnoday, July 13, 1944 WSCS Held Last Meeting of Summer last Tuesday; Foreign Missions Topic of Day ~';~~ey gJ~~~~~riarbor Fetninine Activities -~ • lo.. br. J1l ~ Ow hn4 ol Ow TM N""J))f't 8Mdl W8CS I'Mt o1 tM cwrneu t,uk now and 1111- 11-~ !J ~ ~ ~ -lltthaiMtlt 1")', ~.tier 2A • Sod• et n-po-·r o · -Ph....,t'S 12 and 13 • ;,..._._.....____:_ a..-1 ~Mn W ..... --..~ •.. at -"·t'• -.~.81 •• l lowino thl> war. lo' -~ JI!IUft ........... "'""""' and •rnved In N-YOrk OIY Vif'Elnla Banlftt, Y 1'\.C' •"" ""' ~ 1 •--=: _.._ • ---z o..n<lll .._." ''"'' I A ---t~ work donf' .......... '-'.-• 2 5 . ' .,.. • K&)' 21. ----j ;F":;;=:;;;;;~~==~~~===c,l·=--~-:--::---:----t~SH.. Un&or Mn. Ivan Gon-the (;l;:b' 's:;!rty ol ~ ... I • cr.-.-... cc... .... 'I WCTU Holds Orange • COMIN~ EVENTS l RED' 'CROSS Costa Mesa Good ~· u '" ........ ""' ... .,. ....... s.~•~ ol whkh Mn. """'" 1 .... -.c---u -ctdal!ll•l'lb T t s h I t EbeJI ~ I Cheer Club and embarked upon th~ M'('(lnd.ln ~Robin~ il sponsor~ ..... ~ read..,. ._... .. sk ... ··ctt~••t'• u or c oo a County Executive ~-.uoAv. JULY 1.._ • a Actltftlel Rrtet ot atudln. TU~Y-• top~.::\M" Robinson a,_~~--,.·-·· .... F~!!: Proving Successful Me'etina. July 7 Red cro. work,__, 111 Pa.tm . . Other Groups wu "f'onJp Mlulotw." ~votlona ,;.,tft oonducted _, .... ~ "" · .. _,boa 10 to ~, 'Ibr aub)ecu ~tf'd had to fol'-1 r: RHUn'" who broucht a-_. tM trip bmnt. A.ydlue, ~ , a.aa. 4 R·111·• MrL Cl, L. AM_. -, l!knr•~ 10 pupn. a,... t&klnf ad· 1lle county f'JtecutiYt! mHtinc of eewlnc . Pl.noeble to~ ,the dh·e....,_ do with cliNe wrvi~._ln ami uut, ..... tloa&l tbouPI~ rrom thor oar - Dr • ..S '::'.l'orieyta•--&n'-~ll VUitaae of t"e tutor .::bont bei'!Jit th" WCTU of Orllnif' Coo.mty wu SUNDAY, J ULY 11-y,_ alllla"'-U..t U.. n,., w:bea W:r. -d Mr& Areh.&e 0. hoapital patienU., and tr&\"E'llng1k,,.,., .... an ...... _,..,.n! ..,. ,11,, J:>all Club houN. Bal· b Gu••t -••• ot 11 0·-•--• .,. blc ~ --<Ia tt.nder entartailled the Good cli.UC. In India, Alrica, Chile 11nd Mn . w •at .. _ _. _ _. al\d !4111 -- .... 1Hw (If b-ht ld July 7 "' n msl ~; Churct\· y· -......,. ~ ......... ~ "1 a.t Newport '111 ' ~·~· ...........!. I , • work wh!:h baa.. ..UCb op~aed July & wtth·!ttw S4-u with !'oh ~ Jllll..t Muyfh•ld vice at C. rl1t'a Olurc:b-by·l.b.r· .. .., -~ ---aDd Cb.er c:lub. l•eh•d•d ... ,... IU. IAuilialla. 1bry """"' P'"""I\IT. Ebir Nrwland broucht repofU = .,,_. 7,.. WOIWy ll W\orln« fiVIII 8:10 to U 30 "ntrrr lllkmc C:h Hr'l{l' of thr mM•Iing in Sea will be Yn Ka'TJ W. Wot1t-Y. 1 the ooarratulau-and PR'-ot &lid Mn. 0 . J . Steama, Mr .. a.ad by tbr MHdame'l R. H . Ill • froffl Womrn's o.y at tM confer , . ~ • & -an a,_ eecond., third and fou rth Uw l'lhso•ne<· of th•• wr~nlt•nt . Mrll IJUIIt return.<~ tro~ Cbla&, Wbo will the wbole ea.uaUJdty u., pouring Wr.. K. C. B1vwa, Y.-.. Ma1 Hrnry HalUJ, Ivan Gonsotr and !~· Mri J. A. Bodmal'l 'J'1)011f'd • ... • '"1 Ulllua.":i wUf .,-ado! and ~r (VIM ~boot t:,tell" Hai'Jlt'r. ta.l k on e:KperleDCH ~ a.ad on Ia u, aU ot tbe .. ~~~. .... ot t'H! Buckland. Mn. Little Beaudatte, Gtoor.ce GoeldMr. • on racial problem.~ u d&cu.-d .... JIPidN ~ ~I Pl!lpUa ,.....w.._. rrammar. rud· [)(oyot innals nn tht" ~uhjl'<-t . the w,ay homa. local ftad ~ .wM •ned du~ W:n. Catherllle GI'Ob.rlen, Frtld Mr.. LaM Hammaclc. told thE' \then>. · .,._~ 8::t..,.~-=-.::. Inc aDd m..._.,ttn and ma.klnJti .. ~~Mnttl'r \\11nl 11\#>hf''Y•·• · MONDAY, JULY 11-lila" U.. dii.J. • "nae.,.. c~ ·B«k, W. 11:. Sb&h:r .• N_., •tory of tM 20th century crusade A p111per on Mt"CCica.l 11'-ions Ill •• I~W:OOipl•t• or fa.l.l ut'l'•. but "'~'"' uctrd II}" County [)lnoc· Hed cro.. workroom, 111 Palm tloll o1 t.be dtft'ertlll unit. olthe Shaw, W&rTI!.I1 'C'bealer Jr., ·Ron· qalnlt lrpro~y In India. Bru.il North Afrka tt llblg ol thr woril IIW' -n.!'-~hanw t.h1s tbne wu a •• uf tht-pupl .. are of lll•h I !or of ~IIOI:I'II~m. M111. May I Avuue, JO a .m. to 4 p.a.., .urt1· local ~la&Uon wlt.b tbe ll!.ftl!.· nte Pl.lea and Georp O.~r. South Alrica alld · tht" &lgi&rl in outlyin~~: stations and amon( .. ,.. eehool aca . .-a talllnc ~tal Pllrkll. ca.l dr....,.C•· beFll ot tbe moWle lMDI rrom ~ He•~ to t.be Meet Olle An· Congo. M n;. J . A. BoclJnl.n re-villaKe and rural folk wu read b)' lit»d"tw ror W'bkh Uwy had no tim<! About 50 ofll<'i'rt and d.ir"t"Ctonl Red cr~ workl'OOOI, au lola· I Aftl"dea m&6e tbe day'• Procrcm ->lher club wu Wf"l. Gordoa. At· latrd the •tory ol tubr~~is con· Mn.. Lewlll Mlllfor. durinr' tM • ...I"'!pl&r aebnol Yf'&r . ol dE'f'l'lniTit'nb Ovt"r • the county rill" Annue, Balboa lal&lld, o)'f"D an. nut.ata..rwlln, eaaJDple or ~ootb mOQJ. Wb<*ll! cuatl _, ..... trol In KDftL Mrs. W . S. Hun· Thrn-will br no Augus't rnrr-t· -e P"PilrtnC far entran<'e n -1 wo:-n• !n 1,11,-.nrlllnt~' hrlnginl{ lh<'ir IO•to 4 p.m., _..lac. 1 ru1111tnc. eftectlve nrpnl•tlnn damee J ack Benndt, Hilda Youq, aakf'r told of rural work among I in~~:. Th(' n('xt onp will take plaoe amln.tlona to Jtutem univentuu j n·p.,rll nnd l"lllllmmf,: 1.tanll f(1r rh.. Rl'd C'ftl• wnrkrooca. 1SOO ,· JurceQ U,rea~. chalr;.tan. at E. 0 . Pollet, Bertren Smith, Tom fannet'll In variQks countrjcs. Mrs.\on s.ptembrr 12 at tM ctturdl .. nr prt•·ate .::booll. and ...,mfO t..k·l "''nrk llh4-nd, . Qc1•an boulev-.::1. Co~ daJ Mar., the N-port Harbor bnnch. wu Will ta, • fla.lph VIele an.d £J-y E. D. Goodell outlllled • procn.m - IDtlf "&CCI'I•nted" rolH-In pnp· c;.u..,., ~flt'&k,.r few-lhf' afu•moon I tv 4 p.m., .Ur)"k al ~a. <>n ban.d all day to kHp thinK• W !Uiama. -.-MORTIMER SCHOOL aratton tor tDit-rl!la' the arm~ ur-i«' ... ''"n w11 ~ ~lnl. Mary Olmjlho·ll TUto~SDA.Y. JULY 11-, 11)o••lnc ud It wu tbrou.p hta Mra. Glen..n Cramer ot BiTch Mn. Mary 8ta.nlt-y ~t tht' 302 Cor•l. •alboa l .. and vicn. · tf ~(h •>I r ....... Ant.:•• I•"" "''h•• hu.~ ~;<•r.·11l Ll~tn•. 11 :30. HeiDz ~. "ftnrta that the mobile team cam(' atreet entertained the Bay VIew "'"'k ·end wllh her d&UA"hter Uld SUJIII:&a 8CIIOOL J ohn fo'!=Hiy, hn.11 e mll n)• ~··nl'!< 1n JN'Ul'i!.h•m, IIN·1 t1otary. 6:30, Wblte'e, Park ••'·'here. He I• very mucb pleued Bridge club with a aaJad-uacbeol!.. .m·ln·law;, Mr. and :W.n . Burt o,-., .. ,. I ; "''''"' drfl"'rtm.,ot »I Nt--..·port ,m,·,:..~o.:•· l'onh·rn("-1 th•• lhtuor l,.nu •. Balboa laland. f wtth the work or the loca.l Kf"OUP .Pn-~nt wen M<P:.tdame• Verne Morr\1, In Loa Angele•. , Q,.._: o.n&tre a ....... Unlnrt Hia-tt . a.:hoo11 and protol<•m m lh•· ··~riftl.IS f'ounuw~ H•·ll C::ro• worll.room, Ul Palnt 1anrl t-xpree~~ed hta appreclaUon to Weutwortb, Del Ste111. Richaz:d Edward Frufh&ll and family at Dtrialf N' .. a.lllc •• lit .. Par~!'· 11i!!:'d nl th~ o1 llw "'""1"1•1 -A••rnur. rial boa. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .• f'very peraon who helped with the H.&ll, W. L. Copelud. Ra~ Dick• Balboa leland opt:nt the week end ''G. A.. Mortlmar, M. t·· O•ftlf1! IIUll(llel:e di'Jlllrlrn,.nt, ~,r" Aflo •tTH"Ifl rlo'\"OIIflr"UIIs "''·n · ('Url-IOl'"'"lng a&y, all of the "vnhlniHFll wltbln l'riOn. Marie Moore. Lealie Parla with triend.a Jn Loa Angelea. · .Principal p efte W •• ·~·;:;:: ~t.l lh~ tutor arhf\t•l M ""'1,tu.·lo'll lo.l' Ro ·v ~:. J) Good•·!! un . l:•·ol Cr..-"'"urkroo~. &13 M.a .l the aetlvt Red ~ uott.. u and J . C. Bach. I' alii<• IP&rht l an adult llh•• ''"''"'' ""M ,i) W•• NHI Go 1!1(' nnn Av .. nue. Balboa Jllaad, IO I"'"'"Ilat to many ntbt'Fll who vo!lm- ••• tn cnnv""'!uuna~ w1,.,. ,,1 n11b)'lon."' a.m t(, 4 p.m., •Will«· · trel"'!d to wurk all day. Birthday Party Succes on Mllll•l•y• frr;m ! 1" • To Yr. Lorenl&m, )Ira. Vlclor ' jWhat Y3chting and Dinner at China G"""' al1d Mn. Norman Ca.Jilab, Martin Frost's fifth p.~ S F lk A the three-moat ruponalble 'tor the Birthday Observed Corona del Mar News oc tety 0 s re House ; Bridge f plannlng ot lhe day and lt.. I UC· --IDoing&Thi s Summer c::-... attnuld co¥lhe JT&tltude ot A blrlhd&y~wuJ1v.afor Mn. Al•n IJollo .. n. of 2 1M Gold-~ • l linnr r 11.1 (.ba,ooChlna Hou.ee '" the rommuntty. (Martin t-"'ro.t on ht. 6t.b blrtbday en""' evenoe. a.ad her Jltl"atld· Many Jl:el -t<>tleltt#ru ur being IS&nt Art& followoM by an evdiLnji: Too much C&IIIIOt be aaJd lD Baturday July 8 by bUi mother' Rea.a S&alabUJI:"'"r. o1 lvld •m..,tt I !It-YA<"hllrtll: men al1d of btlrll:f' "''U an-aacN by Mn pralee of U... ..,.ork or the OUitaen u.-.. J~ E.. ~. Mn. l:mer2 Ntum.d Saturdav 1 .... ,1men durin« tht-• Jona: week· Richard l)tltnur and w,.. ~•ard cvrp... m-.ber. ol which dla· 4'0Cl. A. WanU.U ~. p•r·aad a"o, where lhf"Y rnd att~ ..After Ult' racu , MorTIII lUll 'niJ!.!""!Ibly. --r"nacd or&n~• juk:ot to tM &l1"1Y· Game• w-plaJad witb tM ~lit .,r Nariry-~ with old .tori.,. ,...tl!ld •nd n-1 Thf-.. ndinc Up at tbe Dltunar In,-dnnon. and .ervect eotfee &ad bdac woa by 8ue .a.kr 1\ena. I nnu to 1.,11 ~ ! l'lt1,.mr for brtdcr were Ute llln· rlonut.. to dr~rtLnc dclaOh, and a l:lmu Radford. · 1~~~-'---~r,~;~~~~~~~i~~l~~~.,..~ ..-.cldtnc ot Nan•y Y.llu.btU• Hill and f"'~•• JoyCe 11rr t"I<'Yt-r d11.mu Harry Bur::dlck, Oaucle AD· fine IWICb to 82 mem.,.,. Of lbe fUAtter t.be ~ ••u•~·"!'-"!::~•l-; llteblbe~r. daupter of Yr. and wr.atlt-n With ~lon potnta dt"r.on, Hom<P:r lhnott. John_ ~.L!_...!latf. .DI.a ~ •wtT"e eat. a.;.,mbted a Rober1 Stelobe,..-er, of lllanla After Raturday·a "'-~both _&U. Q2id«D-l:ar_..-lkOe'lba,-nQr. •lonal.f-.:1 by Mr. Baley ot 1M a....cb -.:entt"f'f!d wtth 0.. btrtllday and WWI&m C Mkldl!i"!J..,.., AI~Mllor. ,-,-,.,.,.. wCWKI C.rtrtJtbt aNI J<P:n-ald llt.anC-C'IU..a Produce A.aclaUon a.ad adorned .-tth c&~~dlea ud liT. Ud'll"n.. RGtii~~ I ~~&llln~: fril'nlh• <tmppffl In f~ t-ork· lt'r. ,.,.., 8t&~~lt-y, bted ol t.be Cantetm llowetL tee cream -d cake ll iii; ... ;,_ '"". Aan """"'lara, took ! lalla and aupprr. at their Udo Ia· lin Sp&n.lt-r won nnt IIIli O>rpe. WJLDtl!d YOU to know that. aened. .• 1~ ill the Mf!~ l~an,J pl•~r. G•tht-rf'd round tor .,,.._ Golclf'n ....::ond. 'nle -..ola· Stall ... t.t.ante puuac:ted typr· YW!Citerl bidden to th• party ·- A ,., . ·• : opi..Lr prial tl..t' 1 oool to lool. at • 1 • ,_,. ..... "SJ;tcLod ~ StyW .. c.w...u.· u.ol.o.I..-..~ ,,,1 .. sa ••• 12 .. 20. P'rancJKO. A 1 •·rrm,.,mbo!r whl'n•· """" John and Hort t•rl.&e wu won by, Yra. An. "'"ritt-Fll at Ole entra.ace deak alld """"": Dirk Callahan, Bobble Sbit· bri6a won-a Iicht ~ue 11.11r: Ht-l,.n GMfttth. "'""" In th•lr Bay ~r...-on an.J """'"' t ravelb:lc prtu b)" a.-lalt"d the medical a«r .. tariea of n H". Jackie JQbuton, 'Elmer R&d- a lllUe, IIPI bhM nvwer hat f'n11lt ,.,.Ia<!, ··HI)Ok "" knd Carol Mn. III<"Clellari. th" m obile uniL j ford, Franldt-~llwftber, Qt.a~a veU arut carrlrd .,hlte or· a..ardldt'l!. Cllerk and Helt-n Willi· Gra y ladlee were everywtt.._,., aDd B U!y ftutz. Shirley u4 O.r· II•'""'· IU!a _...· •ttf!ndfd bJ' her llatl, Sam and )olary H.aaktn•. Ott To Open Drea ShoP maklnc themwln a helpful. Nui'Jlt!l ! aid Parrott. and Johnn.y and Sue •ter ~na wbo worf a nevy bluel lULd wary Oavldr;e ol P&Mckna. •1 I B 'ldl A"lee workf'd hard and IOCIIf and \Pn.ntw•ln. ~It and hat IUid t:arri.M ~lu. thr. Don DrouJ"lau<!• Jr .. thl' Hurn· n On Ul 101 .._ttlcleally aa did Yntnr Corpt1 --- 'M!.e brklf'tr!'OOm'• brotht-r·IO· ptal't')' lJol"arl.a and Diane Htllman. 1 m .. mWr• Hoy Sc~t.. 11.nd many roo.om m Ba.lli<"w. How la"'· R~~ Buma, ol san Fra.n=t It pmvl!'d t n ~elliS-home "''tt!k 'T'ht-MfOr<' •rrr.lr(ly o1 t11o1 Pbotn"r>the r. who volunteered trown lhl' C&.n't we all lll!r that . WU belt man. l•t th• H.-nrv tJuqilt'll. plcnil' Juno.:h.j "l!_llr.ry llolld ~rtn •hop at llalboa Ia prnductJon uruta r>r the local RA-rt 1gram doo •sn't lng! of lw>th fernlllh •no:l .!ol"'·tmmlna:. · aunntil~: and a1na:tng H.ddlnlt anothu ~ to I'll• Ct ,.,. ~aat• Ana c:haptt-r Mnt I M"n Z B. w,.t, Oranp from, tbe Unl\"en lt,yr a t· inad.-• ml'rry rnmpa.~~y merri~r Hat of fnterprt•• 'f1)., 11ft allop 11talhon ...--..:una and motor (.'OflWI ty cb&Jrmu of Nu,.._· tttf -.dd.IIIC '"" KH.t .. t."ilndy j U Colsldr. W al· ""hlch waa lorated at JOt Watn 1 member• to help an.:l local vohm·[ maJrJtl&" her home 110W~~tn~1E~:~ I 'T1Iol' bf"l91 couple will honf'.¥· tcr(.."'an4.V !lin the South Pacatlc.ll ...tn·t-1, In the Balboa Inn -.ulldtnc.1teer drtYt-rw IUiolt-..d. All of lheee-thta wHk cathl!red at the HL rn.rtrl• h"ntel. lh and her ll.ll.t-r atld brother·ln·law .wa .. muvt-d to the Pboto p!llryl r-PI" and many morr. pr0'9"ed bl!r bolne all Oraap • j Polli:Y 11.nd Lt. Ken 8ooc01'k, John a<::rO&I tht-at~t u4 ~ ~ O.Ct-more that NewpoM Harbor NurH¥ Alllea ehalr:men. brldecronm baa Jr.duated lalld Hrleb Orirrtlb , lht-AI I""rni&H wtll be occupM!d by a can do~a tine jab. rwurw:e• that then are now ttw UniYei"Wity ot Ot.llfl"lmta, Writlhl •. the R.ol~and .......... tnt-Lt'<C., t.lr• .. ah.,p. Th.-.... u.t..:Uon whtch NLUWU' . Aldl!1o worktnc b:l "'"'''''': but ....Ul retum tul Wbi!Uf'nl. u.e Geora:• O'Brien&. · AUXtat.ed with Wr. Mcl:lroY In the etlre-community tololOly and 18 Ia t.ra1nlac. tw Muten DI!JT"".. Hla1the Gii,U Rurku, IN! "AI•Ir1ch t th• a ... ill ahOf) wUI be ,0f11 of 1Ut Mnoday"e ftforta, le ~!.bat mon enroll to;;:::~i wUI tlniatl ber eou..-.\ Pwoeka. tht-Hill Va.l.aU""-~ We.y•n. w~ !amity bq ~ ed by t ht-pral.., of thr:::":~·:~;\"":;,;;, creat N'ed for more ,.,,.,_ !llbe ~ a r-duala al l tt.Ue Qrttnth . ...,._ tmllba.ad. Ll.. • ltn>Aa .t>op In Wllmlnp>n kx U It-am, u lht'y h•rt ltlelr -'-"'"' -.ebnonl Md ., C'miD<tl'. Ben Gr1tflUI, Ia JIOftl.t"· yaare. 'TbP aew lllore npedl t.o l•Uoa• rincinK In thf' ur• 11~::;', fll OW. Sant.. Ana l,..." In 0\t' S.OUUI Paclflr. OPf'n ~'" llmf next·w'eflr. 'll'ttl'la local r;roup. Mls• s htrll'y Cramer of Balboa llltd». "' 1 Mr. aDd Mre. Dan Gooo.lbndy,l·"ornpl•le hn~ vf popular pr'c«'' Onr, of "'" lnte,_:Ua,r ""'"'"''"''""';; ta lpendlng two wt-t-ka woth Mn. J . II . .........,.. lt!•lr .,.hn hold up lht" ~an Dl"fCO ~ndl dn·-• I fllout l ht-day· a atmQephert' w ... r•lallvM In G!Pndale_ 'l'ftTlle. and -· fl.ll:1. of th" c"lony lrt Ul<!lr Bay t-'ront ihe e&&f m e• with "'"bleb tbe 3110 DoucLu Alt-xandf'r and .,tr ... · au hom,.. ltev~ had a CT>OUP bOUM"· Wurdingers' Niece llon<'ln cam" ..,d their pi-.J t"P·/0 ------------, a( Aall rn .. rad .::r>.·VYIIed Yr. Bar· t au .. ll.tna:. Ll .. nol Mu. Pollard . . I 11.<"1100& to lht" friendJy and f'ff~· AITENTIQliLif All H nt-~··· .tate_r. W:n. LT. l"otanm nr 1cauawa)' "'""''" apendlnJt part ot Gtven F1rst Party ~'"'t •• ,. In .,·tttcb . they wtre ,l"'• "'"' UP ~-. t •"""l,., OIJPortn* ~t-1 th<'lr ,,., .... tnMn l.o~~uohlln ~'lrld. tr e&tNI. 337 t•lnlll o1 bluod from 4:'~&J~n•n : ncfon~ you IX'~tn your 19H (':tn· Mar. 0.·1 Jtto. Tra . Ll 'opa.I-Jn fla~·t· .'{nm ll Can~! Jo'an Wunhnct-r t'X· 3110 r•portlnJt 'llonore '• •bu''" lhr llin&:. Good HouS('kr.e"pin.: Mli~;:.- W:ari<P: Lyorta ot lonnA" lleat:h U 1001 .. U.J'; N.R •. and Mr. 11nl1 Mr~ \lo<·rwor.t'l1 lwr fin<! blrlhtiH)' A\·eral("o: ,.xp....:·tt·d by lhfl mnbllf'l zuw advl.""" )C>U~ UJO(' th•• boll· II ;:~::!":~,:·~;·~· ••. ~•ottmr>th..r, 'Mnt. C'h••~<·• t1onlon K<l•··tha. he of ~~~·••11lly "' 11\0! hum(' ,.f h<'r It-am...,"'"'" mr>rt-th•n m••t rtur an ·~ llltr water hlllh method for to· ltt-n.. 11o11d aunt. Mr~ Jt.,. ''Th .. VrT1rr..J 111"'1 "' l ••"'·n"' f•m" nml nun!. ~l r. :n>rl ''"' Gu~ tlclpated quotA. ma1oo..,. und lruit~. only. C11.n bfrt Roll.nv, "' 408 f\ay ,,..,nut-. r<"lllxM. ;tln~rr. 41::0 n._~tlurul.• '"''r>ur, Don•>rll ... ·ho m1e.ecd all t'f'C"Iabh•• t'XC•'Pt tuml•ftlfo<; lllllhua Olrk Ha..th11m flnally hall 11 •••I· llr>11 Jh•IJ.:hl~. t· may Call th" by I hi' ('(II"J";t'l."l use ol a fii'!'S.~Uif" 'I ' • I ~ I cook\•r to tM.' surf' of ~illln~o: 110· Mro. J,,.. · I' •lt"ll.rtf'~' ,-, ·>vr bo ... , n11 mr•l !=io"IHI~U \\"iff· \'lr drun oftlct' srtd •lg"O" up •• 1 u hflinu~ ~~:rnn..s. In lh•• l11~t. l•·w ('.olden rnd •vtrtu~ rm····n" .,.. ..... r. •inlA 11n,t thn•,. •t.t.m:htu• with JK~~ Arta unit. Tht-nl'xt · ' 1 yl'ltl"S ca.\j'~ of botulinll1i food bad her &l&lf'l"·ln·law. Mn. \\'11\l&m ,Ult Harry Hi,lobf't.o 11.11 lt\1~•'" 11rr ~hr i~ llw rlaUJ.:IH<"r of tran11portatlon Ill fur· poisoning have cropf)l'd up in ~:';~;~;·-.:·~'" of U.. q .lt·1 [llrk"tr h"ll'lnJ him ~nJoy lt. ~I n< l.o'l.l Wutdmp•r nt by !ht Motor COI'pll, will ' "'"ldi'ly d iff•'n'nl plltU of thl' ~ u JitU~II. fl>f •nnlll I'"IM'O, whrt · .... ,.,.... •·1~1Un~ July 21 llnd pn>babt)' trlJMI will ;ountr') HU)', borrow. ~hare n 111t:kf'Y w ... fr>rmnl)' L Ph II bmth~·r Mr. Wunhn~; .. r b bot" madf' monthly thuOI'after. ptt:'!I..~Un' cookt•r-but doh'l Clm BIRTHS C ... I;TIU..O To Mr. 11nd 1111'11 Hroph"' C..HIIo. P. 0 . 8os 163. at . J.-ph hniiPllal. Junf' 2~•. • OUiSC j ipS Ro!.rot of EtltH'Iillnn on Snn Now that !hu t big j{J/1 i~ finish1-d low·n••ld vegctnhlu any Other Marri-ed July 4 d!<tJ. )l!t'a on with our nth"r work. Wll\ U you want furthrr In· Th•• hazmn· -..·hu·h '·' '" f::::":,~" druatnlt pr.ople are 1 forin.otlon, write Good "lloU$<:<· . np!"CtaUy on Ba.lboa ko•f'ping Magazlnl"!. 959 Eighth Avenue. New York 19, N. Y. •nil at tht PaJm ~~~·••nu(· ...-ork N., •• ,,---- In th•• j!AIIniJf llw Mu\llh hoow•oo P11rk 11\lf'nur . rtr>l til' h~ht ,...., POLLY APPAREL ............... -- /i BAt'K Tnt: A TT .-\CK 1111\' MOllE THAN BI':FORI': Everyone Enjoys CAROLYN'S FLOWE'RS -~ ......... .r\\'f', , ................. . ....... WJ9-.J Mack's Photo tf).t ~hln !'II .. Ralhn-11 ('jla.l ~~-rei lind l'1 .. •1111t! l"r kff'f'n ... uoll, l ·ho~mr "f'n "IN< l'ortrailll at IW'Moibl" 11ri,..... ... 11,· l"hal ... ,....,,.,JI: .. rttl'nl~ aad l'tmtotot.al k' ('"~ Gift Shop' C'OIIta-lnrt-t,.,. "'"""nir&. r.tr. ...... ~-- .. ,lZI...,... ...... at . We Or.llnw ... ~ 590 - Vl1il our lntue)tln; eampl~ 1nd diaplay rnom1. Color guldu planning a ida, eom· p~h&n1lve 1tock of ruge, carpet1, linoleum •nd Vene· tUon blirtda. Carpetl Rugl ilnd \, / C"•ned Rapelred • LUDLUM Carpet Works .......... ,... Afta,.. I AN.TA. ANI SHAitH If stalos, Y'O U een tru.!t stains rro• U r.c. .. :; a Utth pure llY'cerlne to ••>t .. ba- tore loundarlns. Re- •ove scorch s tolns on wh ite silk bY" apply- ing bicarbona te or soda mixed ton paste •lth cold •a\er. lfOPf