HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-18 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SliD CRAB ., • for 36 yean the best adY~ ti&inf mectiam ia 8ui&nas to End War --Quieker • • • !!!!!!!!~!!iE:iil~.. ' ' • newspaper bome IEEP POStEll 1 Year •••• $1M LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA d>~L MAR, COST A fr!ESA SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOJt& p VOLU'fiD: laln'l 1-NllWPOflT 811ACH, C~LIP'OflNIA; ~UDA'V, JUlY 11, ,... ·~" NUM~ poLITICS. Whis perings r p I • Ub here and th ere uitimate I p s J ·1 I Soldier's Babies • t 8 5 ft Exams for Auto y h (I R :::e=~~ h:~:~ ! ·astor . ays uvenl e Have No Clothes atn s . .. Licenses Stopped I ac t . ·. etains· meeting of the city planning 1 C . D L k f. ._.... • .... .... Pol e. J·ust : 11 ntn September H 1 d U h ld ·· :~:~~~o;e:: I' ~~me ue· to ac 0 ~:=H;3: C1un1•"'11 Oarlaftd,IM~tortlt ea y an 1 p o. s I 5 I H I F F Motor Vrhlrlr•. U\DOUDCed tool"' H p , ~~-h ~ irre~~= Mora p.r.1t••a e p wt:!u ....... ('av-...ta ... -o ·: .. ~:.;.~~~·~~~~"::; ,·s· o· lt·cy of Decency _ ..... inc.t ~dent c . ~rold I I ~ tG ... UlNa. ..... f........ r un ('l·auflf'llra lkrnwo wblf'h han ---tlw)' lila\-e ... u.. ..., ... Hopkins for h is activity in.... t .. t .. w .... ._. ..._ . ,... h•''''"''"'" 1 ..... " ~wen •"•'>' T'tlu,.. ,, th :tes -• •h.v "' lhf' Nf'WJ'tlr1 U...•h Ctly e recent councilmanic elec-Rev. Perry F. c:!-hroc" t"n Sermon, Sti Mm· d I ,'Wed for u.. uwt~ ., ..,. .... .. ··•r"ll " ""'u,_.,. ..... 1 w"" h • • V ( tion and the charge tha t h e ~ ~ co•d •• dotiiM. ......... -.. ..ry '""' V.lll ''ilTO' '" f'll\1111\\f' wu hrlll ' lh· f'lnflhutu.t·that It l''U ott-0 t'onfidence Ten4ereCI Commodore by shouJ(j not ha.~e ~ken pert and Body of Child Built, While Soul Ne-.. :;:e:.,:. ~~ 11,,.,..... =~ ,:::;:;;~"!(':>' ,~1,..~"~~~ ~~~!~~~~t~~~'':r;~ ~::n~·~:~~~ 100 Per~nt mber At~ndantte.\Whld in that sortie. Because a per · glect Has Caused Present Youth Troubles ;.. ..... to ........ tlw .... .. ... t u LIA Anj(rh• phuu. who "'"1 "'"1111'""•1 llf'tniU'It\11 llUI ..... Ufl Gives Offit'ial 'ulleMt Support son is a mem ber o r t he offi. I tMocl wltlll .... , ...-.... Wipc\ndln.: hi• v ••.• u .. n In Ualbna thf' f'XIIIlllnf'ra at lhla ..... l() 4 ' . I ... r l~<••lnnln~ with lhf' WHk ot 1 cia) fa mily s hould n ot bar Tha t p~nt-day juvenile de linquency Is dut' to t he le t · I lhry ..... -~ ]Ill .. ..,.,.... -onnn "'C'C'fllt ·J,Itrk. h .. kt•pt hla Julv 24111 t•KamtnaUOIUI wtll br Ry unnnlmou~ vo t(' or the> full mt'Olhc-ndlln, -IVW\. him from taking up t he down of m oral and spiritual guidance, while th£' ph ysical a n d tohe have a llllcta e.._.r, a ...,.. Mod in by 111•UIIIng • ncow hill d ~nntlnur.l hut lh• uual T'tlu,... rht ~ ndl •· _,,.. -..... d ) f did • h f _, or aaJ of u.. ClOIJWI...._ ,eN and p."llnllng th• IJIIC tlar yn Kffit't1 • U ty. nt It mltt-..J Ol4'f'tiJliC, """*'d to ptm1(1 '--u ge s or can 8Le6 e a· mental processes of our child ren are cared. for , w as the st a te-I 110 .,., 10 mot ... r ... ......,.. ,.., uo thco frrry landln~ at Bal· ""Y ... rvlef' .. _."l*'lf'tt w br ,... ftl(-tr t'Omntodo n-. M Rrk JIMly. to"f'eii!UJ.'ll and pw hbn tiNtt vored; tha t 8eems to be a ment made by Rev. Perry F. Sch rock in a sennon S unday at 8o. u .. ,. of,_ ...... .....,... .,_ ltolanll •umett thr flrot w ... k of ~ph•m f'tltln> s urli'IOr1 In uflholctlnac hill Jlolltic'tll for~ and~ practice o f thOle in o ffice. ' ~he Corona de l Mar Commu n· fonn£'rly or CottA Meu but no"' : follu _... ..._ lllave aay e1 'l'b" poh· I• Mid 1., br th(' tailcoat btor cit'lt~. T1wlr <k-l·lslon "'"" unnnlnlOUII. 'Jlwo rfllllnaUon All one need d o is point to tty ch!Jrch. ,of San Pedro. An lnterntlne fN·I UN! artielea -u...a. ,._.. Ia Oranr.co I'Oitnty, ancJ I• a opllcecl Mr. llenly tuut rwultfld frnm an unflifoftM"nt lnctdent the present Democratic con-Mr. Schrock pointl.'d to th{' f&l'l tu re of the cert'mony WllS that ttw 1M .. touelll wiUI ..... ~.... ..... t16 frt't hiJh and 18 lnrheo I N ' u . W('('kM ~0 und whk h rPICUihtd ln II "u t ror damaPJ~ now llftldt vention and the P resident's that Corona !k-1 Mar was.tW.>CUrlng Baptllmal bowl rarM trom SarMA ..... at 1M......_,._.,... ~-It wu put up by thco BaJ. i ew n1t I~ Ia ttw SUprrtor Court. hall-hearted support of hls ' a $!00.000 school. He,dt'CI~n'<l thai and wa!' u~ for the first lim£' tD I ... 11M wtU -..... ..., .,.. ~and lmrrov .. mnl .Aaeocla-1 • In hU. k-ttrr of ...-&IJI'Nitk"' to ~ yr d ub aumoc t"Onttnue ..... . W Ua parpnta bad bet>n tauJ:ht to CIU'\' baptiM anyone In the United dell....... Jllll, A.. U«btpypr. ouper-thr• rlub Mr. HNI,)t atatf'd: ·t a.dtN tW s-tJ•• el ,.. nmrung mate. a ce. for th~ hNIIh or the dllld hy going Slatrs. Thr bowl bt'lonaf'd to Mrs. For ........ .._.._til@,_ nt "' I'Oft•ln.M'tloa for tbt IF uso ··w tth lnt"f"rf' N't(n't I lnfc.wm t'•l •n-. " ...-"CdaM .. ~ Mr. Hopkins had as much to a . ph)'l'lician. while the Sllltl' ~1'1~ E. I.A:-wla of Corona lk-11 Ur'• -.... , at-. lllllt ... them CalltOI"Dta !'AI~n rom· or I you that 1 IUI'I IIUbmtttl .. "'>' ,.... ctuc-... I hi' JIAM ol .............. Ia .. right to ...__t or ~ 1 comp~>Jif'd · attendanC'(' at school. Mar, who h&ll donatf'd It-to thl' ~ .. pt It • ~-IUila.lllnc lt. Van 81f'k~ cot I "IKf'at lun u Q wnmodorr o1 thl' WYI' b' pu.wwcl uc1 ..., 119 uuua ~ ... r--Nesfect of the moral and spiritual churc.h. add to IIIIa vacation ~UU~U ll.Y C. to Uw mPmtwn.hlp at chi' mad!-to rM.Uu ta.c c......-.,-th~ n.annJ.ne for the coun-tJ1Lihlng or tlt<' child by tbe part'nt. Tht' chlldren'J pan•n ts w~re rt'· • d wml·an,uaa.l nM!et:tnc July 16, ltM. aort ~•Wei ol wW • llle JPP ciJ as the mayor or the h06t resulted In a breakdown or that et>IYM tnto church ITH11lbe~p by Nemnnrt Grammar ..... ----soon rea Yl "llw ,.liOn fer Ulla ,...MUon mltltd of ""'•'----and Important part of a chtld's hf<>.l Mr. Schrock at Santa Ana. and 'f't' I"' ' UDita. callfomla TuJMtv. U. that a nNIJnr'f\1 ol u~ tx.N ~ .._. wU" ""'* o~aa l'lii!WIP8Jiers wbldl ~ ln-.. )'0Ulh.lal.l9 otfic;:i§!ed at thear marna..1•· }ftA'l AA Cl•-• .... A :..1 .., ~ lltaled Loclay, ID&k· • di(Wion b)' • ~ .. oil to 4 YOCflld CU.~-nwted _. "r lncfiiJiliii t&ii' ~ or straying inlo paths o( crime and Mrs. Fonnan '" the dauahter or ;pcfi}ecpf oun.e-ttJU ........ lc &be QI'IIC of.& l(r1M o.t.. .,.,..... ........ ....,. --·:~~:~=~~~~::=~=~:fi:---~ = ~~~= ~~~=· .. Moat Valllallle I ~~.% =rt A:,dJ~~t:'tn:"· Amounts to $42,%34 =-·:-~f~·.n.:= uf ~~0 ot \o~==a;':l~~ = ~ ~cit~~:~~ ..: . lion wilh to vote to unaeet . . · Neow ~ PIMe ... rh .. "'movaJ nt uw Ralt.o. paJnt •ltf'f' rnrn~ and mJWU, hlld ... him 11 thelr privi.. Even I 'Ttl«> t'ducauonaJ devrlopnwnt of 1 A sketch wu t'xhibltf'd of. thl' The otatr p&Jd UM N_,oot --A lla tb ~n IJ&ill)' ot C'Uftducl lMt •n· "'"'' to MMNI eWQ • ftP if tt.-. should ..a-...a..a.. ·t o elect thco child and Its physical car{' propolled church for Corona !k-1 Beac-'1 elementary IICJaool diltliet 'Itt. 01~ Torn.Dce of C&m.p 1 :::· !:t!:' -' ~.m;::, 0~ ·~b' ani'Mfld ttw> IQI)(I '*"" and ~. • .... a ; ~'::;:also up 1 have lx'en provi~d .. h<' sa11 dh. "You Mar to be. erected on lots owned $42.234 tor JIM5-4t. State aid tiD ~ and bl.a wtte opftlt ~un-Palm ond W Bay ,.. Yllcated w putatkln ol )'OUr orpnlut .. ,...._.,. unct..ntaftd &hat I .._ to them. WhU~ neither Mr. educatt' y~r chlldnon, but what ,on lll'llotrope street. Plana havf' oa an averace daily alt.nct.u.e ot ~ .:r.. r\on>nce Tr rn.nc.e. at ~ bulldln~t will be '-' durlnc WHII. m~Jdont, wttlaaut ....,_fill 81 ., wUJ hllvco a splendJ llehoo t'l"l' to by nw local d\w'ch OflliU'IUation the elementary dtartct wu luld -_... ~be Rf'IMJ't'• mother ' and Ita CCII'ItlnUf'd lfUCCfta. ,...,...,_ •1 ,......U••ll. Hopkins or Dr. Seager have art' Y~ domg to . hc-lp a nd gult I alrt"ady bet'n authOrized for the 670 rl~ntary ~ aad -n .. • JTUa llt.re4 1 ;:-:,: ·~;_"' W:1u: O::::tv'::; '"'lw' alf«ndlq nwcnlwr'• oon· lntr. and lim~ .-U. mentioned the subject t o the the garl and ~-anlo tha t deY~· erection or Sunda,y school rooms. • tor cnov~ta rmm UN! Naval tluet wu aa follows: At ttw ClfW'n· that "" otrkft' wt1o c:..-ot writer. I doubt If etthe r gives opm£'nt that till make g~ cit I· to cost aboot $4000. Pf'('!l('nt quar·' h . . f Nl ~ h a It al a t OJn.a ·and the lntc c••r..monlft ut I hi' d llb hi' ap-Uw> tult IIUpport ol hAl .. a tinker's dam whAther they I ~nl'l of thr rn . I. bcli~vt> t h~ moral Ill••-:-·wert' r<'ported. to ~ made-. M t ... . o p prared befoae:•IJw mcmbP"' and math•"' P""aJol.al to tlw ....._ k ed Th,... I and !IJitntual ~<It> "' wonh 81!0 quntc for th(• rRJlidly ~rowln& Sun· 0 er 0 ews !'lA AAR ht"'ffllal. • . I(Ut'tlllf In IUt' ltrtM it'lltcod ~tlnn nt thl' """''*" muat ....... " .are.-~ra. .... ""~~~:""ct" • eon .Y com-I mut·h as th{' mind and body 'P day I!Chool and It Is probable tl\al -I A'"" ot Ole ~,.m•aleucrnt mf'n 1111(1 tht>l't'Upun llwtu~· In lnsull· kf'oi'JI hltl •It ,.....,c, ... I -ment ne<:eSS8.fY at thiS time thl'ir growth to manhood." I WC:IIll (Uld educa tional units or the ! havco IM'f'ft MMnlftl down bill lhe"' ln~o~. vllt' and prot.,~ lanauqr dl· AUrn )'VU will not w.... -.., is . that both have done a Mr .. Schrock'~ sc-nnon. which l n('W churt'h will be bul~ rlrst, a c· r.· Ma I o· I•• nu pmprr pm vYIOII fOf' ba(ldlln•l l'rt'll'<i "' oltiotn r.r your rh.ab;.and hot wt.hll'll tD nmalft c .... mighty good job In the years Wil-l dt'CIIC'Uit'd to lht' \'IIIUt' of !cordln& lo Mr. Schrock. I""DIS n •~>s tbnn. ,. new bulldlN wtll M Yf rnmrnlttc-d a '.dllll(11el'l'fuf and~ of reur ............ the planning ,board h as been chlldhuod. l'am<' Ill' a r·esult or thl' j The Sunday ae,rvlct'\, held In the I ·" 1 1 ~. ~ \five ClbOIIr-:::= -:;!. ";!! ~ bloody •-uJt upon -ol ~ et1 cllnoetOft. """"'._ ~ fl ._. operating~ven In the years I Initial baptism in lh£' n<'w church mominp . wt iCOI1lt'd a choir qua.r-•. =llll~,...... u.a.o \ot~ ·-nw .,Ul\J ~. l'ftlUlftl 00111-....-tfttolle -•· 0 "*· when ita decisions we re as of two children. Marilyn Ruth and J tel In the penon• ol Mr. and Mrs. . I ..................... lha ......... Cit hla eel~ IUb-............ • dry IP"UU. ·before a flame Paul Lambert. son and daU&hl<'r tC. E. Vertm. Mn. Kalhleea Mrs. L)'clia Georp,.. ...~ ............ ,~10 .,..._._ .. _.. •WW.r ...,._._.._ . ...,. _..,..,. II&AI.,, C E" ~ are a --•r ot ...-t~ of Mr. and Mnl .• ~le c. Fonn&n, Cooken and Ueut, Ma.rvln Lruck-fJI rnaay ~11 lriiOWft bHdl ......... • ~ 8'<P: Mr.. 1~ ... r -• ... tt Ml ._ .._ Ia .. ~-...... t1 ... ... u.:r _. .,.._. tUed Monday Jliabt at·~r home, Snllb, Hftnf1; Mrot. IIIAI:If'l Otto)', vtco. ...... 'dudP V... 0 1 r•IF• • ~~ bavevt~ couragend. of L f c 407 Shon sll't'<·t Newport Helpta ~ewpon BeiK'tt; MN 11om Pow· Ofldlf'allon of De D-••tf'NII"-1 . ·-nw lh...-.• ctin-?tnr and ..,..,..... WNtt.W: ft4oar OW I ; -u~~ con .,;uons a not • • of a hra rt llilmc-nt. F\Jnrnlf M'rv· t•f"'. B&lt.o. Island: Mn. Gnll W1l· w111 tallr place • AQ~rUIIt 81b. tllry·lf'N.IIlH.,.r 111'W1 n\f .,..lf n&mrd 8l')'d cJI N_,.... ~ ... -- afra.Jd to e xpres.,<; thE'm. I eague 0 ltleS to ICE'S l'ill bfo hl'h1 Thur'llday at 2 llam&. Nrwport ~IIC'tl; Mal'.~ f'tlll· wblch \II lhr -wws annlnr.ry ...... MfNI"' fln-w .. r. KMnp. !Urtl· ...-t ary·"rr.-u ... r ..... , c --+ + + : . p. m from Grnur1'1 chaJ)f'l. eo.tta llpa ~"· ,....,.,111n1: 111, h<1nw 1\ of lllf' OJM'fllnlf nl U.. U R.O In ""'""' anti -· .. -vrutnn. tw>llt•Yf' that mann n( Hant• AN M£'~. JUatf'r U. Mn~. Jdn Nil> J,r ,,r I \ttl· 1 r'-lt)C)A. but tt le f'llJM'f'l"'t that 1 h", PWWIIlmeDt. A proper and 1M H J I 2' 7 l)f>e••a......-1 had tx..-.n 111 for M'Vf'ral boa l1land alld anotti,.r •••••·r. M" ""'"' mnm will tlf' ...-a.ly fnf' u,... d . d s eet ere U Y ~··;on. Among hc-r childn-n ar? Ina Wilts, llvl'lC nt S11hr"'·' 'n u· hv July 21 A M ' · · • most fitting pun M;hmen t for I Rurrrll Palmc>r. mi'Ch&nical 5Upl'r'-~urvlvlna husband IS t:mlo\ !:·~·•~:•· w .. n "" .. , lhf' W•C'tt Cllld tcr .. r. n y an ery ues . the Genna n Junker officers. , ''"'''nrlt•nt ot th£'Nr•wl'·Tinws. An· 'TlK-r? are tlix lor111 h,.,·, •• 11 .,, ""'"'' '"''"" :h"n•tlt'a rJI"'I by havln« · h !:lee ted It · t I whonl rt'tlktf> AI ( 1uotl•·' ( ·u~. "'' l•w lcrr •or 11huw.r fa.l'\1111 .... hut 1 as n suggcs .· IS 0 \'cnw o.r. YH O' prt>sldent of MllnioiJlBHI Ica In OranJCt rnunty v.·s,·t St ,· k n n Iowa. ~~ tx-int.( U\1 Fr.rnk 1:'".ntl m,.n hltTf' matt.-·-"1 u. .. w·fe F p rt , have one. o r a few or the m C'hrylll••r Mutt 1"8 "~ CaJifum la will Thl' Leagu;o mtll'tll rl'gularly l'&ch or r c e 0 Howard. lfprbf'rl llltd C'l!:tl J,., lltiOWt'rll <iurtnjf lhf' mflnth ,,, I or rope y confirx"d in Insane as ylums or II• dt f'll;< lh•· 'Iran:::,• ('nunty LC'ag111" month to dlll!'llllll rrobll'tr.l! ur City Eve of Departure "Smith. ,.,.,.,. Ul't· thn~· ,., IIIII Junl' . the different <:ountri<.>S w here 1 "r ~··''"" "t •t~< r··~ul:~r mnnahly govt'mml'nl anJ tu d•·YII't' way11 · <'hi~ And clfw 1-""'"'"l!l ·•nli• lnlot I m•·J1111;; nt l.:allooa Y.lc hi \..1ulJ. nud nw»nll lu 1mpmv" Ulr haru1·• On 111•· l'YP nf rrtumlng to IIIII [)(oa•ft)l('(l •'um1• to 1111 ••• , '"'" . they h ave• been taking dally Julv . ·.11 • HIP ~'t,JPI't wrll be!. llll" 111 "'"'' aHa tr11. h•• ,; ,,, Jnd~1~~·••1<'nl -. •tn . ·•t·r rrom I ... 1" '' 1 blood' baths sin ce the war · . • .. ~ " ·· " ·• ... , 0 -11 " w :.,.... "I:" "' 1 "' "-'l·f'r 11<'1un~: \ lrl<·r~· · ~ ·n•hnJ,t IIC'YPral wrcok• wttb hUJ>b4nd, IH·tn~o;lfl~ tlo• 11 l.m111\ "' stark'() .• Thus--Gene ra l v on t'nunnlm,,n l:<~t,..,•t "''"''\', uf 'lOST RATION aoo~a '"""" hN·•·. w p 1•11111 1111tr,.rf'tl ... -v,.n with thc·rn \\'•1" llo··, ,. ·I· rtet· Kra ut. w ith his m o nacJp T\\ 'r•p<>rll>uf l .... t rlllollll h"ukl!·~ pnrnlyll< lll rnk,. ~'rlllay ntcht. lion ol onP. llll luW•· l<"•lol•ol ll•l • In h is Cy(', a n d his m edals ...... ,,. r••f'l'l\'l'<l "' tll<' rr•ll~r ntAttnn. '{ 7\l t' l\nl1 Mrll 1'11111 hne ~ rv.r ainc». a nd iron CI"OSScs -would d in£' .\lr8 An•••l111 !'tun" ur :ltn 301h/vlllitlnf.: IIHir r<llllolnll, }fr a nd DN•pc·~t '}MI"'"'~ ~··' '" •h• a t tbe !;<\In(' ta,blc w ith lu na-11trP•·t 11tnl f'llJ: that h••r rnllnn hook Mr!! 1: W 1111111 117 2ftth ·'""'et , famJiy tn lhl',. lluur "' t .. r• ,,, .. '11••• txt h mmurtl lll1t1nl' S 11111 , .... , H•''"""" JIIMIII' "''II ••. h··l•l 1111 I Iii\ S:r11111t11\ .. 1111\ ".!'J Ill 1\1~11\ I''" k I "'"1: ,,.., ....... IIIIJ<k••t '·'"'"''' "' "'"'" l·~••t1·rn Stu1 lii•IJ•·~ v.lil "'"'' tu•lllt' •·•••k1•t folf'WI ''"""I p.ll h;t~HI····u··••t t HUtf 1•"''"''1• I"'' ...:• .uu .d 1.' ·~~ tics foun d in a ll _big insane ;'\:fl 4. nod uls • I he un(' •~~~u•'•l rf'1 and had l"xr•·f'l,.,l In lrllvo ~unday mmt. asylu m !\, Wh O im agint> thetn· l••nllv In A Inn Mr rj:an. had ~crj I'Vt•nm~ot tu rl'lllrn hllrrt• llfter a ;-----.J----------------------; selves to be a Julius Caesar, lnlll whitt' J••hn llllggt>tl nf 411 •arall~<n frr.m thPit wnrll. Th• PORTRAIT ( lh l~r k Alexander thC' GI"C'at. Napol-I'll kl••nl llllf'f•l, LA>!' An;::<'ll'l'. r llltrnkt' ltfl Mr Paul p11 ralyzt>d on 0 e ,... ee eon. t he Q ueen of S hC'ba, B is-portl'tl thr '"'J,. ,,f ht,. No 4 bon on .. 111cl,. and lhr•r lll&y will be ..,. m arck . a nd ot ht'l' fa m o u.c; MOIIIIIlt\" m•.rnan~: rr••lt•ngtd lndrflnltcoly nr.k'\AIUl o4 llnllyl'end historical ch arac te 1-s. Th£' Queen of S heba mig h t have only feath ers from a f£'athcr duste r . w ith whiC'h to decor· a te hcr!'('lf-J ulius Caesar mig ht misrnl<e hi~ fork for a la11ce a nd go t o war on Na- poleon-b ut lh£' keepers ar such plal'CS haw no t roubl<' in qucllin~ th~ o u tlu't'aks o f "super m an" imagining . that al't' a fC'atUI'C o f a ll in· ~we asylu m s. · · AI th e .,nd o f s.ty. 10 yC':11~. G<•nt·ral vo n Krnu t. would l"(';ali:w t hu t "sUJ)('I'" nwn <'~i~l. only in I heir uwn imag- in~~~nu-w.....LaJl..Y__m;m_ \Ulll hdll'n·-. 111 ;1 ..;/1111 '1' r:ll'<' Ill" a SUJtt'l' m a n, 1!-. lln ltt·1h•r -i!IH I mud1 k-.s h:•rmh•ss t han lilt' poor llllli1111'!-. l'llllltr.l·tl Itt <ls\·lum:-.. )J,.rhltps 4l lun:ll 11· c1·i1z\· e nough h l •·•·a II~· I'P· g:mi (;(•ll(•ral K l-:aut a:. o n(' nf a sliJil'r r;H't' might tx• fnuntl in the asylum-hut ll)•s. is douhlful. i'\ o l 1 h £' INt~l mrti torious o f .this Jrlt'a is that fh£' bulk of th<' Cft"r man propl£'. w ho haw IX'<'n led by th£' Jun ker o ffi('('r.--would realiZ<' th At they would not be-t reated as harshly· as thl" lunatics w ho led th{'m. + + + Dectnry. It is warming flt'\\'S to lcam tha t th£' Bal- boa Y llcht d ub vo ted for la w and order when they l"('fused to a <'N'Pt Com. Mark Heoly'!li resignation the o ther nisht. . l)ecency among rtght-thlnk· hi~ 'fnt'on wtll ~tlwayw-Pft'Y&II. \ t.H:\ t: ()Kit. ·,orlnri11RI ~pPIIkt•r 11 1 ( l.t I•·~ l .. ·a..:u•• lllf't'llnr.: hc-rt• n •• ,, ~ ... ·k . ,\1\Hh••il. \\hn Hlr!t'1:' •I ~~~ hn\t' ~ ·.~ t J! r W! •••a ~ !'-L ! H 1 w. lJlc' I ..... ,. ., (I' : ·ol "· I 'I • I<· I' I I· I • "''''t lifoii1 •~ I hr I••• t tllr~t \'rrnr 32 Registr nts Leave For Milita y Services li•m lrf'lm thror vurlou~ r•I•H'RII•,• r rntrr,. and rl'lllllrm .. ,. In 1 hi' m1t1-• AI nn t•nlrn onmf'nt rrrrmhnv fr• •m 1 hr Pn• 1fl1· El•••·t r tr dt por Wf'll\ ;'\:r•wt"•rl II;IIIY •r l'111<1 ,.;'t· 2Pl l '•rii••WII1;.: ll' lh" ll11l Qf m• n ~"·runnJ .:.01••n '""I" f,,.,,..., 1r 1 rrpof'l lll~ ::: 1'1:~"''"1!/f 11"rn lt ri nl l••:11·d Hu••hurn A l'l<'r"''" Tu~t111 :-,·,. lit .•.·•"t"•rl lh•:ll'h. ~lo~t••d Gt••,rlo(l' It , :\1•1\llll•·v J.ll)<lll t 1011 1111 1\ru•••l F• r• •''I , I'•• "'~"11'1: B•·•Hh . H••h•'rl L :\l lllinl'· Hnn1 1 th" rnll •·nil t-v I 111••( f1••1 A .t 1\' r l-'1•1:•'11'" <; 1 I' I 'nnlt"' :-:1111 I f:J~fllllll r· .. mmnn•lv'r H I run · Ill• I!'• I :ullu \\' '1 ·, 1 '1~"11?11 :-.;. , l·q o\1;-;ro •· <·:·r·tury •~f I " lnra l ptJrt ~lll'lt F:rl"'•rtl .I Kol•l,,, I ,.,lf'd, !!':'"" 11 hrl••f 11'1"" tng lalk 1,• 11;.: 1.•·11• 11 . \'., I• 1 It "~"""~ '" th1• ~·d.,ttt t.t A •l'flj.{ a~ ••d r •:.dt••h ... J•:•:-\'' I. I '·~IPr, .J "''• .' rt \'''Q I• l1tru 1'"' ~\ '' '·"11' l .. ·n•t"" wtt··· Fran.k \\' t'rhlk•r htlu\: f•:d\\,•rrl \\' l 'allur ~~'~'~• "'I "·• I ' \1 t•• l•llt-Jo••"\ .... 'u d• f f;u• 'I .n1 pl1 " ,.,.,, r ~-:unr•l~ Ana. F:rnl~"' A. lhwhh••a1m S·u1', ' ,, ... \..·'''~ "' •t,1l'• r'"'H1f11•r ,., r. T•n H_;,tHn~ .I A1 Attn f·lnn·n•·•· J.: 'Tft\'J,} 1\iUht• t'!'\ n~ ...... Jv ,q, 1:111 1 11•·h ~'lo<lrnrk J . H11IU". l.nt:ljn,. ,r.,,. Tho• t_.>H."IIv ' (<'Il l''" 1c ~~~ a~<~•~.l l.ol•hrr Th•• ln"ll \\'1•1 I III I\ II Fr•v l ~il,t"~'l l!••it• lfll ' •·! II\• "'' flnl:t~ •·f nil I hi' flnai,Aillu\r In the .. ,.1 l :<.~vnt 11d ,.; Hun'"'.-1'(,11tn ;\lr ., Sea N eUie Stings Need First Aid r 1111 1.1'1!1' """'r"~ l.un• "''" J.:IV"n Et11~ar I• Am•·\' r·,,~\.1~ M•~n . t" :ell ••f th•· r••t.:illtru t!ll wh•• ""· ~ rrtnkltn l ll~on Tol"<\ln , lt••Y \\' s1n••l I'• rnl h>•f••r" t'nlraanm,.nl L••\'Hlfoi SAn 1''"1:''· Alrt·l C"a11tr•• c· .,~ .. n Jill l•·ntl••r ,,, C' It I "" W all !o'anta Ana JH• k II ""''' n R"' ~-l'1••r11 ''' Tu:olln Jrvtn,. Wartt:n J. J.1tnt, !';11ula Th•to WIIJII ~,,. t•nntlns:l'nl .,f """· l.o~nrht (" Hu•h•,r•. Hrruth c;nlr T~t> HAiht•A Ill~' tlf'JlRr1tr.t'nl mrn nrl1f'!'f'l1 f<•r 1nt U"tl<'ln rntn lhr• C:.OnrJ!f' (•Arlll'lf'. ~11n111 Anll U "vd modr 11. run Stan•lay mumm..: '" Armr•l .,.,.,,.,.,. v.·hrr,. lh" a1111 ~rn· Hul!.l~rman, SantA Ana; Marvin th,. Anny Air Cnfl Kf'N'II" 1<t.Aia n 1111o: l•• Utf' partlrular branrh f•' tAwr,.n.r... Tt.u.ttn; r~ortco w .,.h,.rt' Olf'rf' WR!O R 11mllll ftr,. In ""rvh,. wnut.l br tll'tf'rmtne<t by v .... h. Ranta Ana. 4&mc>a B. J01ynn \h(' lllnrlljt(' bull• ling th,. l'<•mm&n•llng offii'C'r of lh,. L..aguna lwarh. JQral 0 ButU. ..lrr ('hir-t C"rr1<krtt ll'pnrt.oe Jntlut·Unn 11laUon to fill lhf' rl'· LAguna '~:W&eh : 1 H-arrell ........ ,, hanolllniZ j,..,·,.ral Cllllf'll M firM &J•I quirl'ol ntrds whlrh would malnt&ln Sant.& Ana ; Arthur Chrtltr•n, t"'ntmcml fnr !Ilea nrtUe l'tlftlfll. Ul,. hAI11n1't "f 1111pply AA rf'qu lrw r..llfltJI U c>aa; Nonaan u . y,., 11. 1 th,. flr"t on ffi'YI.'nll y.-at!O. AI by lh,. Annl'<l f'fll"f'I'JI 4 11 rutur>~ ~Alita Ane : ,t....ate.~r ~linch. Ball~ lullf a dozen J>"")f\lf' have llf'f'l\ order11 r,.,, lndurtton wtll he worl1·• lal~end; Ha ymond •Rboada, tAauna l · 111 un~t. and ·h.e '"&n'lll t hat flr11t alrl "d "caJIIIl)t rl'(lllt rantJI for ~~ervl~ IW~h. ·I cw mf'(llc&l treatment 11houl•l bC' In lh• 4nned Jl'orcl'tt," not lltlpu-1 Th~ next call jlrder11 for Indue· 1111!16 ........, h M 1......u p ~ ., ~ JIVI'n. 8J!I they rr.ay pr•w•• painful lall~ lhe particular branch u lion lnln the Al/lned l"orc:H wiD' R::f.i: .. ":;a • .;:;... ......,.....~,.,._;. Mr .,,..... ..-.r 0\'rr n ~rlud nf llml' btrt'W ore. lncluded In tht. lttduc-1 ~e place Baturiiay, ~ 6 .. 1 rl• .,.--::._. -· M,.. fHd e .. ..-.... • wWt. ,_ 1 With the watn t~rature. be·' Uan call were U. noa.ett of a ftllm· 6 t6 a.m. 111e,,.btlc a. oodl.al11 a 2: pettJ .,.,., .,.. 41ut, • U.. ._.. .....,.._ ,., lo..· nonnra.l, fe .. ·er •roe II'Wtm.mlnlf I brr t1t Japaat'N' reci.tt'Ulla of tb .. 1 lnyltt'd lo attf'Tld thn,. depvturw ~ .............. U.llh _. ._·lq IMif'fl 'wtllc 1wtr .WIA wttlt 'lttl:. YMII' hr .tAt•~ :Will bou4 who. repnrt. fnr lAd ue· .-.r.ml>fMH . ·a.&-_. ..,.., Clade 8eAaeellua~.rr of ~-.... ~ANTI\ IlN/I At~rl"·" J :\1"" th••lr ,. .. ,. f•tt $.1 t••t •tc.y,. he a) tl••l') ,,.,,. ... , :\• wp•ut lt.·ut ,; , ..... I•'"''"' Ill ) • t••1 k '""' , ... ,.,.., ••11•1 11 1'111 In t\dtlltklfl, hr 1181•1. bfo ti'IUIII· '' 11 ul C ·,,.;I•< :\lt••n, \Oo h" lilt. hurl fr rTt"l ,,.,..I t•ICIIIII' Nlt'\fltlllnac of "'''"PII lllhtlllil '""'''"''IIi till' 111~1 four IHI.. l&llcl r .. kt hft' IUD (,...,. '""I' ,,,)._ hi• I>~ """'' tlmr ·mtlt'\lhly fnr ftw montt. Gntll .. 111111hl\ •h•lllll,lllll,_l 1111•! 1111••111'11 tlfoc•jtif~ thlll 'liM' WC141lftn't ntiUfn '""''"'' llw '"I~'''"' ''"'"' '" II'"'' 111 him • '""' 1•1" k hi• '''"I"'"'" "'""'h h'"l 'll"' n"JJJict rn11 ,.t1f'd In Y~ •nul ho• • 'lll"''''"l Lu h" wll•· fff l•·r AM1. ''" Jnnuary. 3, 1141, and 11,. lo:"l 11 dlv••r<, f111111 hi'J , fllct-tr-d J un.-14 tlf tho-,...,.. )'r at I 1\tund••l\ ''-'~l.llru·•l lhut h•· r•• ·n lt•)l rti'Uk• " pt'OIJI•rty .-.tt.lftnfonl ••'1\•••1 '"' '"'''I t•• u1u1 v rt ... I"'' ,,f "*n"'""'"' .. "'lhn1ary :t4, 1M3, anti rl""''"'' '""" Mr• Mul\ r; Mun lhr nl'"t flit)' hf' tllt-d •uH fM ,.. tl• , , lout •h•· ,,((,.,, .. 1 1" ro•tum vorr•· It.--nld ah.· nlfel't)d t.o ..- '" h;tn 11 lu· ~o.<•llrl • """''Y tw. r,-.,1 tum lfl him, In f'IIC'tiAnF f« II"' • urul t••I•••Wtl J•l"l• rl.) Ullt .. •t j11i111 u# hi" Pf"'llf'~)', lUI 8rp~. \ I•""'"", ~o.ltll h• 1 II•· ltlo(t<"t•tl, Ill' tnrl .,, "•r tu1.on't ciunr 1111 •• '-UHI ltltll \tolttt• •l f••r h••t In IPt Utn "' hU· wet• ,,,,. • uuu ,,,., k "''tlh n 1 nu"'' ,,.,,,, ,.,,, tl •••' ., ,., 1tntt t .. •l'UI ' h:ua lettr \1\Ut "'"'k•·•-lu Supplies Arrive at Prison War Camps Fur Hoy~ in .Japan P A l'ttl!l,, r • leu if L 111 .,, Hw ~· ..... 1 "' t H· , t. Htt ~h•HI \\''" • .,.,.,.r /''"'"'lflt•+ll•-til \ lftltf ~1 7 •ttf•·" u ' lo• '' ft•,r d 1 I • Itt' '''''•filii tull t•i •--·' LL.• ,._ph••l ,j,'""'''U '" I 'I II f ' , ·'• ' tHII '' It• '·'•, ,, , • ,,,,, • rtHrq 11 • dt~t ''If ,,,,, h ,,f '·'·'dot~ punw .. uthl•t 1 I 11 fllltt • 1\t lfl.t It, 'I t d I tp 11p1t1f f)t 1 tfll'' t,, tfu ''' 1r tt (ltl (p Ut.,. \\Ill ,., ~rJ• 1• AI•~ ttn• ,,, lit \A.UI ,. ll•·f h fl•l ••• ,,.,,. •tJ.:fft•l•'" \\htfh t• 'H • .. ftr :nu L•l ttltJ!Iw•rt f~'•fll lth• I I "' ,,,.,, J'tl qf .. ,.. I u,.." "',.,.,. ,.,_. f••fl'•\" ,.-Itt•, \4••UI ''' rtu• 1•t1l1 I''''"" l•lhll•llf 111:1 ''' l•rll•m••r• tn .fl•t••••; f<••r• h ren l ,..,,""' "" Mn•t I IIIII• ••. ""'W K""" ,. .... ll lllllfl•""' Ill• lwlrol t.ouo• hlull• ttn<l hill•. "''" lmliM t-1l\1n1: ~;I••Y• • f•~•IIAIIII, •nil I v .. ll,•v lrll.lll rh•rnOf(rllphll with '"' ,,, ''" and :s; ,l,()(t no .... n... I~· !''"'"'!"•· owl """'' mur~l• "' lnr~ln•· lllf•lll• fliA)'Inf! I R I •I A, l'h ..... • lu•• lu'r" llntl drmdn" r >t• a n•l l~tl.lr I• nnla f''JUipm .. nt anti mr>N~ ""'" 1 1),000 l)ooll.a, ' I I I I I Shell Operator Greiwe Buys Home ... I••V·I < :r .. nv•• uf llrr•l'• ~lll"'-' K .. rvl•·• ~~~·II lflalh•n un I 'Mtl ttl 11\"'lllt•• fliUI JIIIM flll-•1 " ""'rall .... rr .. ol.llol ........... , ... Ill 171 l~lh l•l•t• ,. f •,,,.., , Mt tin lltN pnr,.nLt, Mr ''"'I M1' l•,olrll••lll II. Or~l"• ••1 I,J•u•11 v Ill S "''II I•'"'"" Ill lilt· ft Iii .. ' 'fltu . I II lilt ,,, I '"Jtftlnthl '""' fhll ""' ~~''"' I•• •. ,. llvtnK wllh ""''"'' , • I I '"'' • I I "' t ·,,,.,,, , •• •II ' ,. , I ~·II I I lllll'th. lll'ltl I •l,t I 't, f ~~~ f flltlf hr• l'••ft t' ···n •I., '"'' lu ,.,,,,,, M,.,.,,, /Uiil ll1• I• •H• .,p •·I I hll•ll• II 111\IJ llo I J,.. l•:r uol t ... tt .. r ,..,,,. Manila FOLDERS tl l'ulnl: I f"l.tC.. .... , '3t3 ' ... ...... .., ..... ~ I Alphabet I ' GUIDES _/} I : .............. ..... '216 . ...,. AI Jf11cc , flK111cr publkt\y !.lirf'C· t•IT r•~r 1'.''""~ Dr<Jthna, •tv• hu Ult• JICUm"'m mac!hlnl'll at thl' I l - News • nmes .t run ~~~ m._u. .U• Jrf'lu •'riday wllh • n .. w (."hry•· l~r . .-u "· v...... . ....., • ......... Ill N..,.rt •• . . .. :..: ... :::.:..__Twv_.:._ ___________ ..:...__---;--;::::::.._N_t."WPP--RT=-=B=A=LBO:=A==NEWS-:=::::::;TIM===FS=,=N=ew=lpoft=:B:._:cb.:I""...:C~aJ~i.:.:fo:.:.m:.:.;i:;::a.:.._, Tuesaay, July 18, 1944 ·lllrl~ l•rica• l1iNs T~iti !L£. Jay Hardiman!-_PIACli:AI. ___ CGIIIJRO __ Y_It_A_NPIW~-mtl-~,I Brin'-Service of 51-Foal ras~ill Boats a-.-;....;;;_;_;~-~----.;,_,;;;~ Reserve Graduate . _ I Mens Pictures to Urllvt'""fl ~umli1) .lui~ ~lh th•· "NMII lfonw ·. ot\\lU•tl loy ~II k ,\fur· dfo«ic'h ol Sttn 1',·•11 ••. I' th11"l 1n 11 IW'ri4'!1 of ~1·1!'1•1 t'Onllllt'l< l:tl ftl'h· •na hoet.~ lt• ho• 1-utlt l•y tho· :o\or1h Anlt•n ran Shtphutloltll.l( <"• •I I' 'l'A•n CflhN '"~"t' th .. 'llh·lttut Kuy. 1k· ~hut·k lt~htn~: Brvl tt f.:.!·f•••l tunll huat f11r ·''"' ~l.tltl;llllilln•· IIIHi 1\ Hltll~t ..... ,. • .,( ~1111 I>IO'I:J) Lt. Jay H. Hardiman, ltOI1 of I News-Times Office llr. and Mra. Fra.nk J. Hard1man of U4o lale, wtU ~ on~ ot && AnyonE' dfosirinr t<l have thelr- 8otltbem Callfoml~ who wm st.-rvice man's picwre with a wrlte- 1l w· { '•'<'••hu '-" 11 purse· ••'11\1'1 •>~tlllllfll-11 '" ''"""' '-.0 tnn~ 111 ttw h• ltJ a n1l :?71 Ad•llllunlll "" r!f'Ck II "til hiiV•' rhlltl c·unl rnl. "l"'tulo-.1 l1um tho t'lihln 111111 lttotn 11 ~ lnrl· hto•.olo. ,.,,,.,,,.,,.. "" lop of tho• lolloor Jr&duate from the Na v•l ReMrv .. i up 111 01. Thurlld•y ~diUon. of the om en Indoctrination SChool at 1 NE>ws·Times may bring a picturt'. ac.~. Arizona.. durln3 July 11. 1 any silt>, to thl' N•-ws·TimE's office, &I Dl•trlct ~>lllctal• anncWlCt:t.i 13011 WI"'SI Ct•ntral avenuE'. N-..w· 4 Uvi"F'f'd .htn•' :.1< Ill Ed"'llnl I' •'L--cht"' nf Mont••t'••j .m(l lh•· M)nll R.iJiw, ~ot~•htf'h hn~o '"'"" ~II ft•htn~ fur IW'Vf'ral "'·~·k .. AIM> tmrl••r nlfl· lltl'\l('llon llN' 114 0 nlhf•r ho.otll of thUI cJu.:. th•• Norman II., for l)l•bnar H&l.ltnl of S1tol11 R:.rham. Mnd onE' for Jt~~•·llt\ l.;uurwh. Ill~•• Uf Santa 8artJarU IJ11li~ 01( lht•M• vl':<v>l.)o an• thf' o.~tntt•. hut tht') nrr fJOWN'f'd 14'tlh tllffo•n•nt IOIItOr'o . I.XII't Dt•ach. It will be printed In hiiU"'' hlllt "'" ""'' ntt'lllf\111••»• l>ealrnated to acq uaint newly th~· front page column entitle<\, oommla loned officers wit-. e-vny Our Boys in S..rvict' and all con' ''""' '"' mn•· mo·n pllfl-'flble element ln N~tvy life, the tributwns ~·ill be ~ralt>fully rt'" Th•• tunrt lw~"ll \\Ill '"' l•utll ulcon..: ~~ehool lp«Lallue In vteual train-C<'iVt'<l. Thl' boAt~ an~ hlltlt rur fl''""'' lh•• "-lff11' ltiH'' 1'\1'1'1•1 lhht II "Ill ('ftfT\ r"'f•frtce'r.tllt•n uud .. t•llot ho'lll,i;. Will ,,.. flllllltfl•tf Cth llljt or( lh•• 1111110 t'loltll\ un•t oolll•ltlo· "''"' l101i" \o lll 1,.• nll•tHII•·ot "n rh. hotl1~·· !IMnln~:. llll\rk•·• ,l,.htn~:._ ""'I ~·"'··D . I W Head f!M A.lha<'On> dunn~; t~ ,.umnlt'r anJe • Ttw-y an> ~1 f•'f•t ion~:. w1th n p A moulded tw-am ol 14 fl.'<• I 7"' asses way ·r~ A cabin itl provirtf'11 fnr • • lnl!. Sturtrnt fllflc~n are taught n.val 8Ubject• by actC!al practlt ... Ill addition tu atutlying pr lmat y 1111va1 text huok11. Trafnlng ln- tlud~e cour.,.,. In eea.man•hlp. n&\'· !J illion. ordnnnre. antl commurilca· lk M , l llppll'mentf't.l by a rtgurou11 phylllcal f'duc·atlfon program. • POLICE NEWS . cllht mm and l'qUIJ1fK'C1 wllh corn· I!J·~r•lt•nt 111 llr:orr~·· ,.,,.,,.,) '"' '('\"' pur-.,·~ "·c·n• rt'fM rrt•·d stnl••n • plete living a<'C'Oftlmtodat lun~. 1:11l · t>M )~'"''· p~o,w•l \\ 11•·.111 ltolll Munll"'. t 111tn• C"rfltl( of th•• 1 fa··· It'). atov~>. in> box dnlwt>,.... nnd oc .. •nn Frunl tlu~l Mootuh•> 1111~ 11 bo.11 ~lfL•I••r'• r>Utct• rc-portNI ttw • OJ~ 1'hf> v~ll! C'8rT)' fl. 17 .'•! ttl~ l't•·•l•~ ,,.,,.,n "'"I'""'· loo-' oot " hh11• Jll~•kin pu~c· coon· Inch maau 26 ff'fl hi,tl anti a 6-llnll)~"nt IT•• "''"'' "•'' fo•nn tatntn>: <;;;!5 .ontl l"*lll'N from rho• ind\ boom. The-hwl capacny ill t•tl) tn ll.o•l•·• Iii•· ~uanl •lilnll :ml1 Rubrrt .1 I 1600 ~. and wa ter t•nk• Sur. Win~; "''' '' •l.ool.:lll•·•. Mt' M··ll• nm. 31r.!7 I il•nt'll'l 111 OVl'nw•. carry :10() gn.Jfo.,, of rro~h Wltl ••r F.thh 1> l >lwkw .. nh .. 1 ll••ll\'>~o•>l l Lit ,.,,.,.1.{'rtla n :purtl'tl th•• lo".c: ,,r f'urty toni ol I&I'IUnes can M ear-11 "'lfl. II••> R ll••htl ••I I •·llol• h a· hru"'" ttlll!:ill•)r wallo•t C'Onl&ln· ried ln thfo huld, """ l~ mw•• "" c;,. .. , .. nno• '-t•l••t . llfr' Mltl:l:l" 1111: "I .md tolo•t)ltftC'Hiton IIIIJ>o~l"' dedL t.kh•·h•·• uf ~ • .,, ''"'1.:"· ""'' :o '""" ht• rur, parko•d nt•nr Adam" Olt\t'r-boeu bo>tn.: built ot tht· hmth•·r.\ W~ollo·r llo·r•tl rot l'u"~"" 'al r•·•·t Rulht>it 1 North Am<·ncan ~~~· a 6H11ut S••l" ,;.,., wtll ho· h··ifl Th"'"'''"~ :O.Iar) lfHII. 6:.!0 w. c-.. ntrnl uv••· bollt, the Cec:ttlia. for AJbt-rt c•tt'l· nt 'J no 1• m , lrum Smtih und Tut· nu•'. rt>pon•od that u lxty'" hic)«'l<• t~ ol Santa S.rtla_nt. Ill bo· hlll't~ ·rhupo•l In Santu Antt, "'•lth t ltr ~ L&T 0U1t MO ... fV ltUH WIU> IN THE had ho'f•n Moh•n. ~ Boy Stole Jewels From Fernandez Car 1 1 Thrt~ugh a new11paper •lory par· "nla t)f a 13-yca.r-old boy dl-. coven·tl hu wa11 lmpli<'ated In the 1 r. bh<>cy of AI Femandez' car lut wf'ek wh.,n a Cflnlllderable qu-"tlty o( jfwelry and cash wu lltOien: Ftluni.J In h111 poueaa!on waa aD eur ring act with nine dlamon.da and a few otber thing!!. Artlcla mlsalnft, which 110 far he r.efu- t o 1pt>ak about. lnt·lut.le other f'ar rtngll 11et with tublce and diJ.- montla. a diamond and ruby ring H.lld 11~.75 In ca.sh. He waa t&ken to JuvenJle Hall BACK THE A1TACK BUY MORE THAN BEFORE '-' In ~ dnla·n•·l lind r h (I ~lit Mct"nrhtnd nUit•IJOt•\ SN.HOIN6 STIIlEAM IT CAN K ... ~ ~ltOU$ J,,.,.,lt) E 1\urrt"h vt San Pt•• I ----111M. lnt<•ITnf'tll 14'111 ho• 1[1 Fttlr· Na jltt, TOR.Jtat/r Ofl WA'T,Jt.l~ W( IWIU> jltt, t!J'(> w;t-. pwk!'d UJ.> for 11\Vt.,;tiga·l City'• Valuation "*w·n '"'"'"'..,·>· I ..,_,.. ~ -n> HOU> IT ay KTTtNG .-.-.o~ ''"" ,,, h•s 11mn ~~~~tus Dro D . . I OUR. lEARNt,..... JH-WAll 1101\H)S,SAVINGS. ACCOUNTa, 1'•·11~ Phlr'l:•''' nf San Jo'mnt'i);('o. 1 1'"'0RDUROY, tYtr·practlcal anll t Ytr·popular, ero" ., apia Ia • '"""'• •pr-aation E d8 I • -· ............ ~. WI ~ .... -,_.CTl"""' .... ..,_ ... ,N"T ~ aklr\ an4 Jerkin or cntltrutlric color., wora onr a ._cl·tlatt 1 .,., ~ ..,.. Island Man n ........ • ... _.._ .. -,_,,. ........ .......~. • ....h .. ·~ ,.,s,l•n~: on Bay tsll'. '"... of _ __, SELL I H Ca · _.,_ ........ ~,. .. 'T~• WAlt · · aweattr. FOC' mort color and lntereat. try 4eeoratioea _.,.I.-e a Mllfa, WJe bat Fl • ~----.. ., ... ~---.-I'IOWIUt 10 '!,_......_.. ...... ,-j)I)Mo~f Tu··~rtn~ mnm•ng the los.~ niDbllna up tbt Jerkin fronL Trimmed or pl&ln, U.la cotta .. t. Th Com yang '-JUUTBC flU~SIHCi fiOWEit trOll nc ~UTUU. Oil Jul} II "' (0 IIUnit' C'tmtainln;.t deltlntd for lone wur. OlrectiOI\1 ror appliQUe& IDQ ... obtained .., 'I ose 4 ,..,n ,,_ t tw ottiN• "' ---LET$ $'TtJI/tE 'TN£ $lti i:'t 1~t1 1tll ht•r tdrntificatum I ttndlnc a atamped ttlt·.addrelltd tiiYtlope to tbe NMCI&e'werk Dt..,. Oralll'l O.nty TU ~r Jim Cl>l. Ktftnetb E . Steele, armor't'r· pap.•,..., Tho• purs•· had bN>n round l atilt of U.la paper, epeclf1IAI 4MIIIl • D IUt. 0 o· D S-....,... ..,_. a ~ (I!_Jtt,OOO lD ~n. of Hood River. Ol"f' .. wlll b) Hill Fr•·nch of the Anny Alr- ___ ""llir..;~.t ltitacit Y&luatiGG u 8lt bJ 1 -comPMG an lftunelve courw 1 cii!l lf~u.· ,.t:nfOn. ·llnd was "'" ---------------....... --.,.....-----=-----~ , -~· .. .... caunty ........ ,..,... ftlu-Ia --t nytq at tb• Alftllldna I y Frl· ends and lv.{. tuml'd to hl'r 11\IBCl. 1 ...... A.naJ Air P'lekt. A.le.....Srta.. lA.. our Ine Ttcketa for •Pt't'dinK wen ctven l ... -._.. Y&luaUoe oi and l.n the nl'ar tuturr he wlll 10 I Roy DtoriJO of Hunllnaton Beach: I I o· T I c E pt, tiT Tl& tor Jt4S-4•. UNo fliiCal O'NI'MN to a Mmb&t ......_ I doillr fO mUet~ ln a 2rl-mue -•, ' cpe &te.le ll tM eon o1 Mr Mnd Ull~r Car lyle> of 502 Wut Bay ,..,. 1..._.. ....,... a vaJuaUtlft ttl Mn. · R. P.! St.tle tl7 r:u,ene 1 Art Hamburt:er. motion plctun~ 1 bHn a ruut for two weeka at the ,annue, Balboa. and Ora J. Haney. PUIT.III. ' trftt H lOCI ru . .H.ll II .. I diJ"('('lOr W1lb ~publiC'. b-.... bome ot ~r daugt.tu. Mn. Stuart 1646 Perklne drive. Arcadia do· J . A.. Olult. dt)' &udttcw, •· ~ 1 H s':!ie 11.,: :c 0: , t:v ... l • nrtirtr atr of apprvval MacAiny, MJO Seaabon drive. lDC 38 mllea In lbe 2~mUe z~e of ...... ~ tiM drop ...... clue to ... Bal"t.,.· lallll(),• Oallt. HI' .. fn>m t lw c08M ru.rtl fnr cha.rter I Cu-. WI'~ Set. and Mn . Arthur Lido lllle. • , llle .....-.r &-7f!U' rf!dud.lae -.de 1 a ;.,...su.t.e ot Santa Ana Jl&l\lor tlab~l wlt.h bll ~fou~ yaeht . N~wt.oo ot Balboa leland, Corpor&l N EW TRAFFJC OF,.CER I • tM ..-t1on ot ~ 111M to _,1 tt _,._"1 th tJ 1 1':1 ( ••mn '()toe, whl(h dt~<:k• net~r ,and Mr•. M.cAJI'vy and Mn.l A 0 ddltl h .__ d ............ ftla ~. 8ft u.. ~ and a ....... r nlver-1 th!' Lulo t•l~ briq~. PuJu. t'W a on u ........,. nla I' ., a. -.t1 ..,.,.... lo a,prod 1•ty of a..,-. 1 , -kl Ole leeaJ pottce ofoTCe tn the I -If. you .You can can't GO COME across across ' • • Vls tttnc AI And«I'IIOO of the Wr and Wn . Pucy Beyer. ol JM'1'110n ot Edwin Jamu Bfadley ....., .ll per eeM.. aacS ta tbe put fo'un g,,.,. and J nhn Carrney t''ri· Long Reach. werf' (Uuta bf t.ht' former officer of u1~ P&lm Sp. rtnp 7eett .... nat .... oft.-t by tbe 2QO Take Life ohty """'" .t.t r and Mn Elmf't . R. L RoM' 011 their yacbt, "Elc bt pollee dep&rtment who will be ....... ot -....,_, · 1 ll~tn&('om of Lo11 Angel .. ,., who lklle," over the holiday, lo<'al m 11tor<'ylole ~ftker In chur~ .. BU Y AT LEAST A $25.00 Hewanl W. Cenieh N11 W. C...tral Ave. Na 911'( ~~&eft\, C.aJtt. ....... Aut.mobile Acci.-...t • • Fin Life Saving Training t'ftl r.t' ' IIWII ((or " lft~ak •llnnrr at Sgl: .Merel Cot' hu a.mved from Of lraft,k With apeedlten lak- e ,lrutluw '• Jlu.t and a b<•.t rid•· Orrson oo a 10-day furloup. HI!! 1111! up 1 ltOOd .t~are of lbe pellet' 1 The -1m mini' aDd nt.-Nvln,J /al>uul lht' bay Ia VliiUn1 hla W1fe 011 J!!lp~ntb t bllltiPr, It fxohoov~a all of WI to elaMN ~by tbt> ~d er01111 J lro Dolan. l.Ae Antt•ln •ulb-alrfft. •~:t h out In the lulu~. bave prov~ tmmenaly p<)I)Uiar. .mublt~ deftl.-r, Ia v•catlontng In and tDON t ~an 200 an In Jttlelld· \Balboa. I anct, .wl\.b ba)f o1 th-~-Mr. and Mra. AI Anderaon mera. · -mov~d mto Uwlr ~utlful nf'w '11» cl.-e. wblc.lt bec'M July apanmmt OYt'r the l"tm Zoet I 10 and an brld both at a.Jboe of•lcfo. Friday and on Balbna laland Mnd an !oHM' Jun 1~11. duughter of dlrectfllt by V~ Oymer All 1 .t.fr• W11lton UuhbArtl Jr. of Lttlo , p~wnt c~ al"f' cloaed, but hit• ""'' Mllll' Sh .. lla "''"'" nt Ll""'w a~ Cont~t nwlnl' lh the rnponaf' accnn.led l•nt"ttnn •'rl ~:1\r wo·nt t • l. 11 ..(n. ·WAR BON ·D Bondi WriUt'n ~~tllrm. other clruwa may lw o..,ened l:f'II'Jt 1'\tt'l'tln~ "nl1 "Ill ~"rw-n.t " 1-------------latl'r. . W<•• k 111 tht' ~"" ,. ... M\(Jnll•• vnllt'y I #Ant'h "' .l;:~tn·-{"ltlt'r. F,.Jward aLBACo. ·aERSiiERMil'l J~:E::;.:;£::::··~~:,:~2; I I • ('cnt r111. Ncowpn~t l.t.•a,·h. Mlll.l It'• no ''CINCH" that Alba~ *ttJ·be with us again tbll • l)(.nlt\n ... membC•r M lhr (acuity ,...,., but 1ft know it's • dnch you wiD be> ready and so t I of thi ()xnar.t High Srh•>4ll and ,. -• t pliulntnr to ~nd ht•r )'"ar·a leav~ WUI W.. • .•. • ; o{ abeoronr' In San Fttlnl'l~tv 1 let~~tlfW' el..,... ataaa-: · . . :t Dr. Marr;ILJ"f't Cra~·fM.r h11s had tl u h Ullf' guut lht' put week her Me .......... ft. IN~ IV.....,. ...... ft. AY'&Iee 1M;;; mothf'-r. Mn. Mabe-l Dorr ot Pua- ._ ~ ft.---: 1111 A.tta. Cabf;• ft. 1 I t 41 d~na A alater. Mn1 1Awl11 Mr lWe ... -ft.On • tan\'1• :••41N7·~=--: ano.J a frlt'l\d, ~~ .. Ruth Ven!f'n, ...._.. ~ ~-.....,.. • n .me t.Juy,·n for the tllo't''k fnd. Mnd .... otfiGe -Tel t I lllaed, Calf. :1 Mn Oorr rr tUt'IJcd h••m.e wltb ,.._......,. •• , _ ....,._ .,.1 : • th•m •I Dr Wllf"(&"'t Crawford f'Otrr. VAN CAMP SEA FOOD COMPANY, Inc. • taint'~.~ wltb a. dlnnf'r Wf'dnf'ed.ay --------------------...::...----= "''rnlna-honortnr; )ira Adrllne 8 U 1' M 0 a & a 0 N D 8 F 0 a VI() T 0 a 1' : l'uttt' of !'lao Ftam hw>u. who hAl ····---.. -·-·.:.: ........ • .. '~.-: 1 Ci~il Flight lna~ctor Freala Darly }tr Mol M". Cheatt'r L. Kn~. Oellclowr Sea P'oocs. I furmt'r ruldente of Balboa. l•land. Or. t'omplete equipment 1 hav .. 'lf'&al'd · th~ mut mukt't In ·•••••• • ,. • --~ Opens Meat Market whm ynu want to catch I Cnttle'a IliOn' on 20th Mn'f't ILlld HORMEN FiSH. MARKET ~. ~~£:~:,.N~:r:,rthf'~: ... :u':: ' ~n dvlllan Army night lnlltnJC'· ON·CENTRAL AVENUE. NEW .. O"T BEACH t~ In buic training at ~ Af'rn. .............. __________________ _ -----~- A ~ew Sun Harbor Service For Albacore Fishe rn1 ep Onta.riP. and bt':ore that wu In· lftrurtnr In thf' Army ~I tll'r 8l'hO<ll at n Pal me H~ hu betn n ytng I l or 23 year11 , "nnry-e~~t~~rilff'e from But btml11 whf'n' thry 1'~r11tMI a mJlrkrt l art~r leavlnrt Ontario. !'iO Dynamit~ Caps J F~~~~~.,~~~~~~~~ ~~~~sr:arr.l .. l .. rwPaddJW CompaQ,bmaln· Trythl•otrvk r on)·nurllt'li'IIMJ'.Y!'u • 1"11"'1 :.tl•h t"tr.ll•• •"I'~ lln•lor hi~, IWIISt• 1\ lulo· ro•pn rill): ltw r. 1\llh ln-I tllloinc two tuUr equipped bur• to ...,. 101 time ln dellverina )'Olll' alba· will find th3t it voill 53\'e )Oil l•me. ···•II Tl'l' 'nr,. \\'O'I'!' ! tl<··n I thr \\'hen lhe.alh.o->re! ~re running thi\t r"il••r 1'1 "II !'I) '' ""'" I hf'\' 1\'f'ro• •••• , •••• ·I ' ( I\ II I' i I L: f( II ~ 01w Ia located oo the lee of Point L-.a ud tbe ocbc o4 Anloa. ~'"\' tnCif~ ~UuUl fllf rou. and ~ !all lor u-. I···~ 1•1 I' I I' t ll \' \ \.''1'1!'\ Ot tl : 1 t t t!'t' t 1 nn 111 tc'h \\:,t•'r ''" ilh• • ''fll' I \\ o>Uiol """'" I <'Oolt·r ....... of nPDJilnllAto Su 0\ep ar Plea.. .. wtit~ Andrew S!onfili{,'P"· our .. Pedro 11art1oft. JOU cu drli.._ ( plaot eupvin•cndenL Or, if )'OU prefer, ,_'CIIIdl .. tftW ~ batJa ~him I t Frankl)'11 T.4L Atlr. \M Y• d Ill peW_, ceilllll priCjlll far, ..,..._ • ~ the ch.,.._ UlnsL 11 1 .. 1 11n\l~ , 'lonthl)· Clean-l"p in ~o. Pacific Terrific ,.....,. ............... ~ .................... ,.. ... .................. _., ..... _. .......... JACXCIUVSl.LO "'"''' th11n J.OOOOCXI ' tt'('ntc: or ......... · ....... dnthmt: nrr t-.•tnt:: h 1\ n ,Il l• ol · a~ rru•nthl> h~ Ch•'li nnol nlnhll,. lnun· .. ...._. ~ ~ c1ttt'' ''Jlt'ratt'd by lh•• Ann)· QuRr· _..,......, .. o..I.CIL lt•mlll'•tt•r rot·r:-lind ~f'l"\'i<'r !'<'fit• J lr~ l~land" in th ... StJulh PBdflr 1 , In an nc'f'lln twtC'f' t hr !<llr of thf' ···--------------•-••••• 1 UNled Stat~ I We want you to . be foreWarned .· A!' you t"'"~Y hwt> rr'lrl in the new1p11pen. the Office of n r '!Ill(' T .' Ill h.lll (iven the rnilrol:ula au(hor ity &o t~k. k .Wn..oap.wo .frum...;wi'ian peiM'nvrw at anLWru to tn:tke room f·•r \\tHtndtod 11\'t vica men. We l'inc'e"•h· hup.-lh;t ~Itt planninlt tri~ not eMential t . .o I he w.•r cfTo>rt "til c•.tnq! their p lans 110 that more room wiU he lt•fl on tt:111\•. und so ;,,.Jte it unnC«'t'S~~ary to tJike the;oe rlml'tw t-lCP-"· \\,. 1rl"' r.t••llll! tn take care of tJl(';lQ wounded men fir~t. 'flwv ''"lilt' lir.-t "11 h '""· and we l~lit·vc they, fOmt' fin:t with yuu. Uut "'' .uaf,llt. r r.tilroads would diclikc \'<'rv 111111 h t(l ,·.111ccl ~ .... ·n .11 • ,., .. ot t w 1ut minute. or to make. JX'tlple aln!:Jdy on tnin" I!'"' 1111 th. ir ~L'e. - ThL' in\'.l<.i••n t•f l·:ur I'W' '' ~started. anrt how lll'I':H thl' to ll or {,1'\IIICit•d "ill I~· •• ·I ' kno'K'l'. \\'t' h:t\'t' Ol lt \\ ...... 1,..-) frnm t ht' l'.H'illo.: ···•tllll • rn t .,. And m ol'\' 1111d Jnnr,• <':tr" mu<t LlC' t:tkcn f,,. thrm lr•ml t' ,, rcatricted nrnnu nt of cquipml'nt lt•ft nft~·r the n-~:ubr mtltt •rv requirem<'nts nn:> mL't. \\'(' C.'lnnnt ru:~r.mtt'f' th1t It you 111!\rt tl trip you will ht> •hie to lll<'l sp:u-e rclurninl! You an~t frtcc that f:t1 t. If you're awoy from home on a pi1'3$UI'e trip and emer~nt':V fi'Jl:ICC c:am-ellatiot\11 muat be rnad,•, ,.,.a may lulve in-at d 1tfi.-uJty ~ttin1 back. For aome tUM we ha,\'t! bNa 111'(in1 peoople not to tnvel u~pt on e~Rt~t.W busineM. We baYM't enjoyed doinc UU.. f'~ 11\any )"e&n we bava been trJiD1 to promote traWl, .~ k ",ae~.,.u.& tbe p-ain" to ...... that people atq off the --,.. ~ t.d th.t ~ ......... *'-~ lboald indicate thP lll'riou~P•'! of the tr:wl'! llitu:-~tion. And the new ODT orcirr <'mphnsizcs thi.s still rnurc. Wb.x...d.an:u·~® mote cnr.o, more tr:tin;? V-irtually no new cart1 can be huilt during war t ime. M:tt~rial<~ nrc IICM<:e, and car bujld<'~ hnvc hrt'n m:lking j.!Un.." !lnd t:\Jlb .and other •• war equipm.<'nt.. With t :1c hii:J:~"t army nnu' Mvy in our his- to rv, ilhout G:l"~ or nlll'ul:•n:tll . k·q >in,: (',Irs fvt\'C t.o he u:;cd t'Xl'lusi\'cly fur military l>"n ·it:c. T r.1\·cl lw men in uniform on furlou;:h. or tr,C\·C'!iri'l! on corclt•r.e. p; '" the 1'~<'.1tlv illrrt':-~rtf \'nlu:~••· uf llll•l:h'''' trl\•·1 cl u.· I•> t h.• 11 •r pro.Jtwii1n ~IT.1rt , t ·•xo'f' tht• •·'P ••·tiV of thl! rt'l1l.!inin~ t'qllinnpnt used in rt'$!-U· l.lr Jl:lS."<'Il !l'r t r·u n l'Cn iw. T lwl'(• nrt' no more p:tl'<~cnscr e<t rs u 1 .cil:llclt•. \\'t• mu-t ~· l n!nnj: "11 h \\ h:tl we h,l\'('. \\'p h.o\•' lltl" r• .t It• I t h .. pnint wh••n• th<'rc ju~t i:m'L room on nur t r.llll!'l r .. r p ·pll' \l h11 lH;,.·t lrnt'l: tu trn,·t'l. 1'•-op!o pltnmnr: a \',1ntimt or Mhl'r nnn·t•s.••ential t.rip may think "TI:.-re·~ alway:; N Oll\ ror OliO ruurc.'' Wc-11. t lwrc •~n·t . lf \ oiU 8rt' pl•·f•l' :llf 8 tr"lin tnr> not 1"-nti:tl to the War effort, w1· ~tr•lllgly at!l il'C you t..l 1 :l.t:tfi" your plru18~ uow. S·P Tile frie1dly .Sout~en Pacific • ·. and ENDS for CASH Through a NEWS-TBfES · Classified Ad Many articles no longer ust'd by their owners. ran. be turned into cash, ·, quickly and at a trlfilng ·cost. Look around you and make a (lote of thing! you no longer use. WeD, someone e}S(> can uae those very thinp and NOW is the time to ~~eU them. Readers of tr.e News- Times provide a ready market for every type ol used article in good con· dltion. You may have a wash- ing machine, ironer, Ice box, carpet sweeper,~ niture, baby buggy, hoee, boat. tools or any one ot a dozen other Items which can be sold profit- ably and quickly. NOW. The cost of a Clullfted Ad in the News...1bnea is as low as 40c Telephone NEWP.ORT ~ 12 OR 13 . And t et a NEWS-Ti l\l ES Classified Ad Start Sel1 ing for YOU Our Ad-Visors will help you to prepare yow-ad' : ,; Frictiol lelw .. lv1lo• YHhll•• 1 Ia~ I.Ocal Fis~ermea l~atetl By ft .. o\. IIOBI"S The pre-war friction between• have rotted and chain• ruated ud tile yachtmen of A \'alon ud Ule decayed. E~v .. ral boata bave bHD 1 'flabermen ot the local watera aut-aet adrift becauae of the brittle-~ fered a bit of a minor ,atorm neu ot the cbahUI .which broke which abattd Into a tt>mp;rary like thin J:lllllll. Onf' OO.t luckily I calm In tbe atlll., un.atlafactory ~IM.'Ii.JK-d the ml1furtune of ~acb· Settlement of the prolbltm of lng by a barf' few yarda It wu ucborag~ at Avalon Harbor, one towf'd to l&fety In t ·e proverbial or Ule few untutrlctetl area• nlrk O! tune. The aklpper had where boaiJI may ftnd a haven. It t hla boat In the not·so-bllllllful· AtMuldoned by the )'&Cht rlub JgTloran('t• that it wu aecurrly fur the war'e duration, the o•om -flllltened. The pou.billty of t.ot.al merclal fiabermen availed them-wt might havf' happen~ In thla aelvu or Ita lacllltle.a. Suddenly.· ca.ee worrln the flahermen. 1 the naval lieutenant In t:harge, Ia-Lover'• Cove which the boatll , 11\ltd a dl~tlve forbldd1ng ocm· wl're ht•lplnaly compelled to uw 1 mercia! tlablng bQjtta rrcm mQOr· d.vr\ng the ordf'r. c( forbladance ing in A valon Harbor. However. of t he uae of Avalon Harbor Ia a the lieutenant, who wa.c n~ In trap, and hopeleu u an anchor· the dlatrict.and not fully ecqualnt-1 ag1'. It Ia Iitle rally cal'p(!tttd wit 'l ed wltb the altuatlon, quickly re-kelp beda. abounda to rock1, and eclnded h18 directive wben ap· llu In the direct palh of wln•l and prlsed of the facta by the (Iaber-I'Vo'ella. F,1hermen want no part men.· And what seemed to ~ a or Lover's Cove. aplteful "dog:jn·the-manger" act. Commercral fiaher:men. no lt•li in1plrro by (whom do you .U--Important than the farmer In tht' pelt! 1 Mayor Bombard and C\ty hllrvl.'llling c.f fond, p&rtkuhuly In Manager Smith re'-ued ·the order the face ot the fact "that the na· ot forbiddance. u a civic m eLIUre lion'• total tonnage of tlah cau~:bt AI a matter of cold fact. the 1-..t ynr wu ont third untler quutlon of· authority In tbla area normal; demand condemna tion' of Ia Involved and not ch•ar. The the •'ld gl'ar at the bottom. vir-, fillhermen "are 1trongty of the tually junk whtch foula anchors. opinion tbat the Bureau or Flfh· and clrarance .of defective mnor. rrlu Coordination have juriedlc· Inc•-It Ia no more than a fair lion. and look to It for a .olutlpn. re-qut•llt. And It Ia 10mewbat I The Bureau of Fiaherlea Coordlna· IUtc)D!MIIng that routine ln.api'C· 1 lion corre1ponda to the War La. Uana ~eem to bavr vanl1hed, a bor Board In lt.e tuncUon u a war urioua wartime over11lght. lo aay economy arbitrator. , tht> leut. • _ 1 NF\VPORT-BA LHOA NF.\V~-TTM~-Nf>wt·•·rt R<':tr h. Ca lifornia. IS THIS A CARBUR£TOR? -~ Corona del Mar ·-_ . Man Promoted At Army Base Tuesday . .Jul\' I X. 1944 'Bank of Am~rica In N f'W Adviaory s~tup 1 1 C"n ... tlon ol an lntllut t11n1 '"'" adv~·~ to;t\1\tll "tlhtn tht• :.troll .. J •h•· 1\.111\k .. r ''"._.,,,.n ,,, ,,, I known '"' tht' Juntor Arlvl«•'fl l''t'llllll'lll•'-n n( \not'~•· W \\'n,.:hl f'nltnC'II I~ nnm,un~'Ci h) l'n• II' I ht I:I:Lltlc ~ t 'lt ..t I ol~lh'llaJH 1-M <~!IUUllrk' Wft>o llflllt>lln"•tl to•ltl\ II\ l'tlh•ll•'l Tilt' pl:w "ttl ht tilt.: tltt• ttlo '" \\' A Hnho·t'l>t•ll. o•tttilflt.;n,lin.: uf· 111111 n•a,·th•n" .. r ''~''''""''"'" hlllll flt•o•r ol( ~1111111 i\1111 ''''"' "'' I•""' nwml~l"1< '""' 111111\llt.:t 1111'111 tlo•hh , Whi't'o• l.~o•ulo'l\11111 \\'1'1~111 I> o'llt'· t'l'llltnn~ 'Mw j;l'\1111' t• • ••1111"''•'•1 · ,-."'" ''''''""'-.1 .. r n "'""'"'"""'''"'"''"""'I' .. 1 tlllt•· llo j,,,,. t'llto'liltl; tho• '•'1'11'1' \\tilt F ll-,..1 llh'IIIIW't -< t>f till' lh \\ o'ot\111" tho \1 111~ ,\u "'''-'''' I.Jo'flh•tt.wl \'II II"' Jlllllt'• Mrttl'llllll, !'1111 \\'11, h• t•·•ttlo~l \\llh "'' ,.,,,. Ft.tnt't••··• '"''' •l•'l'~"''"'''"' .I II II. h n \I \\ t tt.:hl tn t ·,., '"'·' 111·1 Skrnth'l S:tll F r :tlll't"" l~o .ulq\lnt ~It l lo I• 11 l'lllllltllfo• ool tho• ,,.,, It I. T:tllow ll l\\\<11'1 l'n''''"'' "' Cntllho•tn ('lt ltlo•t lltll ltt .lltt h II ll.tth.<lll \\'•••• (luk· lt11ol ,, '•'·"'"''" 111 ll<l\•'1'1~ l ltlb lllthl "'"'"'"· .lnhn 111111111 "i•ll•. llt••lt 'I'll \ I, llo•\o•tl\ lltll' '~lt h .ll ltl llt~lttll hl'lllh'll, !'o~lll l.to·ll'•'~""''·• \\ 1 tt.:h.l •• a•·••:" o1 Frutlt't••'•' \'11'1• ,. lttlo• Sun I\! lit'" Ill ohtl\ \\'1th tho• .\o'llllo'l\loll' olo•p.o: 1 hl'llllo'h H l\,11\tl\.tll, S .111 Ftlll\ nh'nt ''' "·lltl.t \na 1\rrn\ .\11 """' ,., .. , ... •'•'lllt.ll •'""'\' 'I ~h t 'ttl '1\h oh I .t l'to• l 'lr~hl '1'1.11111111; lott ll'lt \1.11 ko'1 :'\o•\\ ~IIIIIII:Pitll'l \ &h'"'t fP I .t\ a:tfltlf\ t•u•l•·t 41 lu.uu h !"\.tu F IHtt•••,••tt lltttl I.• .,,~ 8~t. Karc.·hf'r Hmtier Than Knife at ·Clam Bakt·· ~rt t ~··· t ..:,. P K n r' h~'r rrnmrr m.-ml)f'r .. , thl' Nrwr •rt·llt<ll<o'll I I :-\o•\\r~T•·t·o•li lltuff "nu hn• l),•r n • In'""' .·u:u;.;l 1 '"rl'n t11r n Y""r and Itt •lnt hui.~it Ht fht 1'""'" ~··r\'h'•• Crnll'r \\ rtt••ll l .. rnlluwlnt.: tttlt•t I HllnJt ll'tll'f to thr Nt•w•·T IIII('II "l"mm UIY e·ttplr• ,,, t h,. Nrw"· TlmN 1',.,. o·•·rl.llinl,v ""' u 1 Itt f iling un 81 lhf' tiMhtot l"hun..:•· I• In lh•• a lr. •ntl It loH•kl llkr you'rl' ko•rJIIng rtght uul 111 t r nt of it I I'll I'"' ll'1l In lilhlp oul u f hl'r<• 111me Urrt-aro hut a C(>mpl•teo Httolttll h S un llnlrwl l•t 11111 II ~ Ht~gislt•r Now. If Y ot~'d V ott" in N o\"J !l(..m l••'r" "' lh1' 111'" dl't'lllrt mrnt Ill •' ltt>kl1111 Hll 1' 1171'11~ Who• ht<ll' tttol 1•1'1"\••f• •I. IUhl llhtl wtllll lu \u''l nt th~· 1·•• llt•h•tiiiNl rlt 4 t lun. t .. • u•n•• ttl • '"" ""'' e•~l:h•lf•r "' '"" ur I .... ,,,.. "'""''""· ""' Willi. lllj; 111)1 II ""' ...... I "\' !{,.,,, ~" II. '"'"' H•alolt•ttl "'""' hll\'f' ''""'' 411 oln~'" •II t ,. pro•o•lth I ~~ <Ill VII In t ho• t'"ltnl~' IUlll II Vf'l\f II\ thr ~t tlo I I•· •'ltt.:tl•lt· f,.r tt'l(llllrll• twn Sardine Season to Open Aurust 1 Trrmlm1J laland The lar--' lllack In Mealeaa wate,., all fill •·uncentraU11n ot flat tq boat...., Ole 10-boat ,....,. •••• 011 111 .. h.-r" to wvenll mnnlh8 t. c·hana-tlvt> fteet but a&JI on.1t aUJI ..._... ....-~ and mun, out t;!r the r lih "*" Ia tlouU..nt r.etne - op>ntq Aul\lat 1 of tM M.nttne t'lt-onw of cr,tt ot theft~_... --"' ..... MeAt-,.· Baa ........ ""' nflt' .... ~~a._... .....,. ~a... l'le«> ar•a. 1 n•t.e fat" Ole lll'htu ardlne ......., UT\>pf'l"• f'ffl•rt. to cat•·h lo.'al ! ar• "" JM'('ted t11 l•ave hne late ULII ll&ft&. wt\leb have been ... at-e• tb .. , hlonth. Tbey flllh for ........_ ~··11r nnt1 ftn<lin& tun" ttllhl"-only In the darla ot the IIIOOil. BALBOA MOTOR CO. 708 t:. ~Y Ave., Balboa (;f'neral Autnmobil~ and Marine R~palrinl'. Marine Eledrldans. Available Fttnder Body Work Refinlahinl' TEI.EJ'IIONE.. NEWPORT 11&.\08 116 1'lw Wortd'a Nt~wa S.. ............. TH ~ CH IU~TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR .•\tt f t;ltrtt.liii1114JI 1>4tly N,t~&~lpd~ l',.hlejltteJ bv 'Tiff CHRIS'TI1\N .":.Cll!NCI! I'UBLI5H"'lG SOCI!'Tl' tln#. Norway St""'•l, ll\)llton. MUN<'h~tl I• Trutllthll-('oll•tnartt-tr•........._..._ "-.._ .... M r.ttllnrtal• A"' ,_.,. aM l ... nwttw ... Ita DIIIIJ .... ,.,.. ~ pta.r wtta. U.. W..tliJ .................. ..-. ........ ._ M ,.._, :-.; ....... ,., ,., ... "-· ........ • ., ......... ,. w , ......... ... ..... ....,..-.............................. , ... . ... ,... ... ry Offw, ••• ....., ...... o. .. ~~at; . · Chrtaatu 8dMerl •••• ._ .r Again the order wu revoked I F.11peclally_ during' the Alb&cone,t when Mayor Bombard ud Ule City 1 run. ~ree hundred boata may ' · · ~•r z:ecal¥ed a "vnll•1" from l,a)tjl.ll lA.em..,lyl'•...oLAvLI~a ,tiD!' the atoulled flahermen. And U)ere harbor with a three hour dally ,. the matttr reata, but not to Ule •vln« of lime. In what It would 11atlllfactloo of the fi1bennen. 8\'ttld nf'edlf'llll wute ot fuel In Drom.tlalnt the wlllrllnt wlloela, piiHitlnt platon1 and •thor mocha~ loa I myatrl .. of the family cor In terma of ovory-Goy hovHhollll utonolla. 11 the job of "Allee In Motorloncl"-tlle now book lot of I lie II 011 C."lp&ll)'. lnco,.,oratecl. The lnlrloaciH of tho cortlurotor, fof' e~U~~t~plo, ore ~ ,.reel le the mlalna aotlon of the .. peotor. H4YMwhtM wtM've --~ 1M rod obo11t the thin .. that mako a car "tick" will flft41 them lla « 11)' e. vniMmond ao on•two-tllree, wllon tlloy ... that tllo "'•chonlczl prl~ c lpl" of Jhelr lcltcllon lllovlcu and their cor~ llalto many thingl In COin· mon. Cotlll tf "AI!a.lii..MAlttllnfl" •ra now •vallUII at local lhell CS .. f1re and lheh .. Nice ltatlona. ___ , I PL~f.JE TALI: II • \'hllngr •n 1111r r~tar( ICilltf' mf' my ~·,. r:rl\nt ·~ ltrlpt'll and .kll pt mr nn l '4n' ln thf' nrv •'r~"' S•\ no\\' I'm tttp man 1n thf' f'hy•l• "' 1 n'itl· llll: llrrartment. anll l111att'r thau a knlft• al " dam b"lc~" • llut It • a full·tllltf' jub buildiDI( lhr bully• bfoautltul fttr th• army, lllltl "" tt rt'tlult I'm fH,IIna ltkl' IU nllllh n f>udu m)-lf. 111 ~ o.etN1 A.- llal~ Calthntla Avalon Har~r I" an ~deal har-Ul~ round trip to lbe mainland; borage, <"apable of moorage for tht ee hours whicb·could be uUJl&ed · three hundred boata: but In lbl tn ('a tchlng morr /iah for the na- pl'ftenr modi~ -triply ~•~eA'a Vo!&dJ.In.e. ..economy_ I • 'teroue. · Tbe · atalionary,moonngs 'Jlh,. Bureau or Fillht>riu Coor-·I Y I havt• bee n ao long neglet . ropell dlnatt n may well do Ita country a 11e rvke by an Immediate rect1fh'a~ lion of the aituat ion at A val9n Ration Coupon ()ates and D.ata RA TlOI': (' ALF:NOA R for pe-r· Rowl..ad :urnttan 6;.. Due. to certain' nlmo,.plll'ril' r11n· 'ditions, lee w1ll nrMJmul.or.• .. n 1Hr · craft in niJrht at tc•tnftt>r:Ot Uti'• Ill or near frf'I'Zing. The •llu•trnti"n' •how how rlrnr nnd rlttll' ·~·· r ... "' on the ludinr edgo·a Qf th{· wu•g• or airfoila • ~(·,·~·>(·( .. .._1 • lud bc~.;innin~o: .July 2. 1944: ' W~r Ration Boo'< Ill Aar ... -cr ~IArr.p l':tt. I on "11lrpl1tnP" [I ~<brc·l 11 J'rrTr ~~ ~n<'ld now; <'Xptrltium tllltt' nflt set ~t •mr "'"· :.! r n "Airplane" ~hr•t·l 1 I p:1 ir sh.ra l gclOd now. • 'plrntwn •':olt' nul !I~L 1 !'\OTJ.: Toke t o.•k Along. to tnll.ltt' purl'lt~IW'.I ;; I Wu Ratoon Book IV J ALi. SET for a !rOOd full day'1 •·ork when a no.:ginc hl"ad· a rr c 1ncoaka up on )'OU. You Jlul! er a, .. j so doc111 your 'ti'Or k. !';l;tmp No. 30 II'> lha. augar l 1(1'1< l nnw: exrlmtion 1latr not "'"' !''arrp 1'\ol :11 I !I ·,b, su~ar • J! '"' ""\': t'>t11ir:<t!n;, ol~lt' nltl !lf't !".h111p :'\•o 1'! I r, 1'1~ ~IIJ;Ilrt l;fiOCI nnw, c•,ptralwn rla ll' n••l •• t ~l'l mp , ·,. 40 •."• lbll. (till Ill~ .~u~t•r l $-!f'HHt nn\\', l~:\('in~llun llat.\ F•"IH ll.tr y ~" 1~1~. To protect the plane (rom ftc· eumulatin11: IC'e whtrh will chanr.:e the contour of .the winK surflt'•·• l'nd <"onsiquently aft'cct thco plane'! flight <"harutenst k !, dr • kera are used. Then are 1imilar to rubtitor inner tubea. The de-icer• are fa1, . tened olonr: the lt'adintr Nlfl.'ll of the wing and atablli~er ~ectiona. A1 · the \ceo forms thf' de·lren• art' pneumati<"ally intlatect a nd dl'tlntcod crt-:tting a pul<ntinst or tion, rrn~tk­ ing t ht' ice whtrh then blows ll~a)'. ' ,, Jlt'at1j fur an eventll" of re~­ attun nnd f'n jnymt"nt -• peaky ho·neln he inlt'rft>ru with }'oour fun. rest., enjoyn•••nL or relruation. DIL )fU.t:S Anti-Pain Pills U>tt!.tlly reli .. tf' nnt only lhad- adlf', liul !'imple !\••uralri•. ~u.­ rular l'arn.-and ··unct1onal Monthly l'•in'l. Do you u~e Ur. )tiln Anti·PaW 1'ills ! If n••l ••hy n<>t! You can get Dr. 1-J it.-s Anti-Pnin r .tla, at your .lnt~: sture In the rtgular pnckaae for only a pt'nny apii'Ce and In the K onomy park:ure even rbt"apl'r. Why not $:'el a Jladta~ tttdny 1 Y nur rlrugjC18L has thf'tll. J: .. nJ uir• o•linna anJ U8e only U dirC'Ctl'd. Your money back if JOG are not satisfle.l. T ( lhtaln npplu HI"'" fur n•lollltnnu • : nn n,.: l'llj:>tt :o l•x•tll OJ' A h":trtl:< Applll':lli n. """n ftll••ol IIIII ll-lt~·t "" , ...... "I '11111'<1 ·~\' ~I'·"' S t:r111p :r;. F1rMI r•·rintl nP-- i 1 I : tJ~t :, II .a\• t~•· f\lr'•f tr• 01 ~i•l\' 1.• t•' .luh· J[, ~toronol l"'ri!WI :I J;. plit·lltll>n~< nHty I.Ho fllcll frc,m J uly 1r, tu Ot lobt•r :w. kl•d l'turnp~t l Itt r••lllll!l (or m4'.11l.!l, tr.•I!Ol Ptlihlt• l•ll~. t hCI.'A<'l! anti Lannen mtlk, Ab, Ulf. l..~. 08. F.M. 1-'H. C.". Ill<, J ... J.;« L.R. M8, ~so.. T'l' Q'-1:14. S'<, T~. U8. V . W8. X8. YR and U gnnd now, r•x· 1 piraUon dale not ~<rt c.JH:ASF. UOS U:-. llutchera ".'9rll J;l\'(' '.! ri't.l t .. k .. nl! for every L E G A L~ F 0 R M S· . . FOR EVERY T he illuatration ·above •how• 'tl'bere the de·i<'er' are applied to •inc tip1, borlz.ontal 1tabiliz.en and en •. I •An .ntf;f<on h a pvmp 'lrith pfpe eonnet'tlon• 1upplyinc on alcohol I or rly«rl.ne aolution . to pro~lfu llladn and pllor-.. •indahield &o ~~It ~e form~ of b. , [ l""'nd " ·''''''"J:"•I kilo ho'n tnt~ r~· ····IV• rl ' I ULCt-: !t1un1p11 (to potnUI I'R<'h t I '" 'annr•l !t "''II and olt'h,YIIf'Rl1'11 r ... ~l~. A'. Hll, Cll. 1111, E8. F8. 08, .... ·'"'· ""· l.k ~~--:~ .... 1'1\ 4" fU\ S~. T$1, l'R. VI( \\ R. Xfl. YR. i'.S ancl .\~1. r••oll n1111 <''-l•ll:tltnn rl.tlt• un l "'''' CA ~OI.l~l : Coupon :'\u 1:.! It\· Otwtk I till,.,. ~;allon~: i;'"~rl now, r•:o<pll·rs Srpt :.!1. 1\llt "t'l'""" 11 ust lie •ncll>rKetl ''" f:lfP \\tllt cut l!trnl!l' number 1111t1 1 8lnto· nf r~'i;tJ<I raUun . Sa vt' your lire tn:tl"'' tiHII r,.,..ords. They mu•t I TRANSACTION • ~ prr l!l·nl • d "hrn applying for a r l':l• ""I ,,, J:UH ratl11n!l. I. We have made It convenient for you to insure compliance with aU requirements • of the law by carrying a complete stock· of all fonns and papers needed for the completion of every transaction. I ,.emember, too. tNt tltla orwattlutlen Ia I ,..dy to handle any and all of your • printing ptoblema from a oompleta fouf'- celor oomplleoted prlntlttt ~em to ttle plttnnlng and JM.Ibllafllng 1ft tl'le N~ ) Tl'"" ef your actwrtlalne. Na obllgatlen will be attached to your ,...._ oall for lnformaUOft ef any klft~ NEWS-T.IMES. t: TIH~: I ="~Pr:(aiON Sa vr y .. ur tr rc lf9V"Ctl•m rf'<'on111 Any rt·qul'Ht to replace any pau· engPr r ar tire mu11t bt> IH't'l'lmp&n· ~ tt•tl h:V Rll in.~Jli'l'lt<m ri'Curdl 1\11\l a flr•w notal Inn from 11n authoriFA"<I' ln~pu tor lhllt a new tlr~ l~t nM!tll'd. Each "One·A-Day" l.Jr~.~~ Yiumin A and D Tablet u ' «<Di".al~tJt i11 Viumin A •nd U ,ot•D~Y to on~ •nd on~·h•lf tH6poonlul• ol Cod Liv.r Oil meulnc minimum U.n ite d ltat.. Pbatmacapeial St.Jn· I .. d .. A auffident aupply of thl's.e two important vitamin ,. ;; t I aec•••ry for you u it ia for I 8M children. YOU CAN INSURE adr · ... M intake for you •nd' you= c.mn, a, ... int to it th~t each ...._ tak" a ·•one-A-Day" : 1'.Wet· ... .., day·. I TAILlT A lAY IS AU YOU TAll --. ... ~ ........... -.i c '! t .... I ', ,......, I ;•;,::·~~~·===:=~;:h; .. ~·========~l / . Drive-but th'-'Y ha~c done thc~n in many a grim, bl oody hattie and \ 5 MORE REASONS T H·E Fifth War Bond Drive i5 over-but tht lnvasifJn is II()/! Actualry, the war ri ht now is at its most critical stage-which is just .why .our men need your support as never before? why they need you to hdp pay for the mass of materials of all kinds ·that will 15ting crushing d~f~t to our cnc· mies that much_ sooner! thry aren't csting on what the 'vc __ _ . ,,, •.. ,;., , Your s,nd . Buyinr Of coune, you· have' just done your part U1 the Fifth War Loan done befo re! They arc carrying the fight the) can to the enemy wherever reach him, every day- a'nd you(' dollars arc needed every day, too! Surely yo.u won't 5top buying- won't let ~P now-when the chipt are dowbl. KEEP ON BACKING . THE AtTACK I f. War Bonda are the beat, the ufett invnunt'nt in the: wnrldl . 2. War lkmdt nturn you $.( for evtry J3 in 10 yean. J. War Bonds help keep prlc• dow D. .4. War Booda wiU balp win ~ P..ce by i.ocraalo1 pu~ iaa powv aEt. eM war. 1. War, Bootb _.. eduauiollfae J'OIII chUd .... IK1Irity-,... ,._.for..d. • r .. \ ~·il an otnda1 U. S.Treuury.advertllement-;>repan'rl unc:kor auapl<n of 1'i-euury [)eopartment and War Advm!sing Council , * ,. ·-l~ I' tl ~ . ~ 1 .. _J .... ....., N~WP0RT-BALROA NF.WS.TJM~S. Newport Beaeh, California, Tuesday, July 18, 1944 e__;.TO_I RI-R-s:-MA_R_K ______ Flying -oft th.58Y8D_5ea•:-r=-:..---.:._~::...:.._.:..:7M..:.:I:!...:~~p-~-~~~--rl}-_ C-~~-~~~~-.-.,-lu ____ Ti»_wnse-L,__ndi_te_s_t_o- woN. 10":1 ""'LL,... In lew110r1 lafHr District Celebrate Victory ~-Norna Paul!•o•• '" X.O. An~lN ~pre.nt.a tl}e 13th O.Ufomla dlltrlrt In the CoD· ~-H, h&• tw-en dolnj.! a 11nlen· .S job. u you would ex lX'\ t K fl e r ltla r«ord 1.a tile !'!tate A~mbly 1 Be t. an aceountanl, -.·blth u· p1a1u 1\t. lnteii'Pal Ill t.J& matten 1 &Dd a ll!(> the followln~t little an- W~~'• he ..ent l<> the I'"I""'Td vr hUt css.trlct aome tlrr.e agu. I "t S!1 meroben make up tht' I 1lou8e ctt Repr.-~nt.ath· .. ,.: 234 .,... ~awJen. 30 tann••rs. ~i t .. nrllt'rtt .. buainea.u-en .. :.tl v.--rllf'NI anol celumnt..t.. t l:"'rmfll\•nt wu1k· .., J1 lhow n•• t•lll!IJ!oflcatwn .• 4 1 .,.. medical dOCt'n . one of them 1 a medical miMk>nary. 1 Vl'tt rtnar· a.n. 2 deot11ta. l drurl(lat. 1 pro· teM6oD&J football pl&yt'r, II lneur· aace &eff'IIJI. 2 en&inl'l'ra. I miD· liter, 2 ~rt1fled publiC' &t'<'OUOl· uta. 1 lD tbe mDitary w~e. 1 Ill tile -•aJ aervlc-e." Tbe Hou.w l• co~Uy chllng· ... mo~ ao Ulan nne ml.rht ~k. untu you eonalder the alu, t)e ..... t.be ltraln of the job De&tba avf'r&(t' .moro than one A •oatb. The lllnl"'• mran Ia I!IUIY ~• tbl' occupation• when 1 electl'd. u thf'y abow In the t'on··~ ,_..Oftal Otre<'torr. Odn~Mman Poul80n pnlnta out ~t tbe Southern ltatn . the "Oitl 1 8Dutb'' u we aay to lhf' COI'IKTUa,l 8ft ~p~aoted prtnclpaUy by al· torDeya. Tbe moat "fo.nnerw'' ar(' from Dlino'a. a ct tbem; the moat ''buailau men" ·are from Nrw TOft!. 11. Ttw ·w..tem and mlct. • ltatee han the ~·teat diver-~ lfty IJ! da.lltlitkaUooa In tbelr dele· ~-~·· comment on lbA! eouuaena ltatn 1a tn~. "'<lr--~--af-.IM ~tnp a '!.._ew man In tiM ,...... eqn~• D0Uc~ li!f· _...lal .. 7 t. tbat ao many ot tbe -..JU.. eb&lr-~D&Mtup. an Mid ~ ... bent fl"'m the South. n.t .. '*-'-tiM South electa a ._ to '*'.,..... and aepe bJm .,. IDclefi.Ditely. He acqul,.., .-pert..o.e. aDCI be advaft<'t'a at.ep ~ ~P In lnftueace ~ t.la tOIIl· ...U.. ucl 1.1\ IDUIJ IMt&nca ~I tM cllaln:o&DabJp Wider tba •-1 aklrtty rula. 'Mila Ia to the peat ~ ot UM Soutb. Tile j = t!::':..:-.: .:o:~! r BRITI5H NAVY'S AIR ARM ~ actiaa-a Gr.m ... a. UMtr NP taU.. Oit"e 1 l llrhter riMa froiD below dKk of •• aacort carrierr at . ....-tt7. l~be eoaa.,:Uon :;:: QuonMt Point,, Rhode laland, .Britiah air mechaniu train-'::=i~iir:; fK Ill eOmpeUUona lnr for Pacific warfare, atart up a CorNU.. Center photoa ... lnchiduala. The oaw man· ahow SeaM-ea o•• HMS lndomitahle and on flirht deck, 111Uta llpla at the bottom. to be· readJ with a taak for~ to co•• Allied landinra. liD~ pattat ebmb to tollueuce. HMS Vtctorieu (hottoailaft) Ia eew~at ud lifoet pow..,. lftola tile W..t Clolllplala6 that It II 1111t .......,. .,.. •Y~ u••t It 'I lui ef Britaill'a 'a m alt cana... She haa alraa4J ..._ in II 1111t . Sent ee 11 "''be Iouth -.,. · ac:tio. wldt U. S. "aYJ .. s..tll....t 'Paclie.. Lut~te jlllt ala.... j ahewa the ........ Craf Spaa. whk!. waa aJfOHN the ~-.Rt·_.. -oa•• ,.iad. me Alr An.. hall~ act~ttlad off MoateYi-cleo. (n.... a fll a. ....... ")ltlMapMtb eo.r.j .,.. ,..._ ..._ 11oM. "'1M .Bri!iah Na.,~a Air Ana." l.r IF . ~r Wtdc~rsbam nt 1 • 0waa R•tter-lafa•trr Jovaai-P•~) A hard-workia•• little ... llcl•ed foree, Britiah Na.-y fty. • en-ha'" tak .. off ~ a.ir6alcb Ia NorwaJ, deaert Iandin• atripa ia Uh~a, ... laa•e lat~ly joined U. S. air-· men in the Far Eaat. Wlda ... ir Alliea, theJ co•·•ed land· . inr• at Oren ·and Alc'en. -•OJ*l acroaa tba Atla.ntio, and to RUMia'a .. __. .. I ' ·' Moet apac:tacalar of dtelr '-b waa crlpplm• half of the ltaliaa ... Hie laet at T....to. • ""· 11, '40. It waa ~ NaYJ a,_. .... ......_.,.. .. c1 crlpplacl tlta Nad ._ttlaeWp B'-rclr. wa... ...... 1M ·a. .._. .. £...- and tha Ma4i.........., tM, will jola the fall Jon» al their battle .....,;...c. to 1M A..icaa .. c1 Allied -.laid f• the ...... , • Japaa. . . ltoluc:b N_,on and Colita Mesa Town· property '-ehanJinc Tru.t aDd Savillr • Aaaoctat.ioll, lot and C'f'OUPII. and frlenda met a t banda In tbel Ha.rbor .,... t.b1.a P lh block 8 of tract 626. Newport lb" h me of Mr. and !dn. L. J(. ,aummer and real l'atate lranefera Beach. Aahbaua-h 1405 WH t Bay avenue. I to lbe number of U wue reported R~al rs-totl' trnn!:t<'rl' llstrd Fri· Nt"Wport Bt>ach, 'I'uesclll,)' <'vening. 1 by realtor• lut Friday. 'lboae day from thl10 Sf'Ctlon includt> th(' Jui.Y 1~. 111 7 ::!0 o'd()('k o owing · WillJam II. Mizt• noel A potluck dinner wu fol· llt.ted Included: r 11 l':dlth Schweltxer to Jamn M. Wife to Clarrnc•• A. Fnlvf'y nnd lowt'd by a cell-bratlon of lhl' Tl'· \row ncr anti wife. lot 6 lo. bloc-.. .. .. f 1 10 i bl k • • n·• e •. ot n O<' .. :1.'3 of C"o· cent vic-tory scor·ed by Townsend· Ill 'f Ocean 1-'root tract . Newpwt rona del ~1ar; Clan•m'l• A. )":ol· II··~ 111 j.!fJin~; ovt••· th<• top in thP Bea.cll; Glady• E. Heugb&o \9 vcy and Will' to Wolll11m II. M111•l p<'lition rlrivf'. California has "-'tel Nordl!trom and wlfr. lot 21 In n d "' I ., . .., I un v.,..t·. n1 ., 1n u <~t'k ll or quahfrf'ft 11nd w11t po..rtl\·dy \'Olt' 1 block 13 of F 1rat Addition to New· St·a.•hor:e Colony tra<'t ; 1::. C o n the T<>"'n>o<'nd plan nl'xl No· I port Hefghl.i; J ewell W Dargon Mitchell 11nd wllo· tu :\t1lrln•d t w mht•r 7 \\'onl to thJs ..CfN't has 1 to Herbert B. Baetz and wife, lot Cn)!o.it•r. lot 20 rn b loc·k :.!4:! of Co· bN.•n T('Ct•iv<'d ofrlcially a l Los An· t In block 8. trac-t 626. Newport rona d€'1 Mar. MildrL-d 1. Crosier itl'l<'s headquartPI'l' rrom Sa ern· Bcat'h : L. G. Goodman and wife IO W oy':"f>r E. Stillings. lot :.'0 in m(•nto thut suflicio•nt signaturl'S tn T Cara· n, part of IM 72 Cft bl{l('k :.!41 or C"oronu del Mar; C'lty On 11 fl4.'tltinn rE'ct•ntly cit'Culated Newport Heighl.ll; Albert E . 1'otar-o~ Nt'WpOrt ~uch to Gt>ruhJ w. :~,.,.11r,• a plnel' on th(• bAllot. Aftl'r ' •hail to Eva Puada. 66 rut or lot Rilc·hiP and w1fP, lots 17 a nd 19 11 y1·an< of str-uggh· th<' people 11 • or ,Newport Hell(htl! and part m bl~·k 530 of Corona de l Mur; thl'mselvt"' will hav<' a chance to , of Slu\t.a Ana avenue adjoining; Walll•r N Aohunnon and wifr to "te Uf>ttn a P<lst war program I J . J . Httugan llnd wife to J. J . Crac£' F:v1•lyn Callahan , part or lol 10 Cahrornia. H eugan and wlltt. pa~ of lot i7J 191 of N!'~·porl Ht-ights: Ralri~h of Newport Hel~tht..s: Cbarlra F' Clnnton 11nd wif!' to Grill'•• f:\'d\ n ,.,•phinr Bovun. lot :.!3 In block 19 ~Sctlllltz and wlft' to <-.,•&rlu F. C"ttllahnn part or lot 20 in bl~k of S('("tion 3. Balboa b land; L.m· ~l'hult~ and wife. lot 7 In block f! or I met 18 .. !larpc:•r 's F'irst Acldi· t'oln 11. Nnnnan and wifl', to 30 of Canal 1<e<-tlo;;, NewPort lion. Costa Ml•sa: -• • Hrnry Paul Nonnan, two thirds BE>ach. William R. Harriman and Lonzo l;u_v Callahan lUid wife to inH•rc•st In lots 17 und 19 in l.)lock lfe ·to Hattie Rlegfrted. lot 237 Lon;r.o Guy Cnllahun untl wif<'. purl :.14 1 of Curonu dt·l Mur: (.ir'()f1:(' w.' f ~Nt-wport Heights; Charlea F . or lot :.!0 rn bloc·k. B or tract 18.' lllaosut> I anti w1fe lu 1-'lrsl 1-.,d,ral f'hultz and w1re to 1-"'irst Feder111 Hnrp.·r··,.. f1 r><t Add1tir>n. Crn<la SQVtnJ;S nnd Loan A."socwt1on of St1ving11 and Loan A.l!llnclatlno o r MI'S<J , Flnyu L. J amu•on ancl Will' Suntll Ana . p.'ort of lot' xw of Nl•W· Sfontn Ana, lot 7 In bll)('k 439 or to l lltrl&nd I' IIO:Jk und wifC'. lot port M""a u•acl. 1 have been murc and more con- vmct>d. lhl' more 1 U1ink of it: t hat. in J;:l'nt>ral. pridl' Is ut lht' Lnllom nr all j;.'TPnt mlstakt'~. Ruskin. I Canal 11ecUon or Newport Beach: l:l 10 block 4:10 nf Coronn dt•l Mar· ' A:ul Nqi'Oill..tQill and wltr to J. J . W1IH11m 0 . Chrbman und wif<· 1~ llo·u~hnn and wift> lot 2 1 m block W1lh11m II Rolph and wilt\ on.• l:l n ( F'lret a t.!dlunn to Nt>wport half of lot' -14. 45 :-tnd -16. in hlock Hc•tghtll; Alvin L. T'rttklna and , B nf lrat•t 67:1, Comn:-t dt'l Mar: v. 1fr In H11rold 8 \\'OO<b and wife. 1 \\'illlltD1 A Sil·bt·rf and wif•· ro Jo· part of lnt 3!1 In tract 9. f'alrvlew r-""'!!r--~=:-------.;..------------.. 1-'llmlll, Herbfort B. Battz and wlfl' to HnJik nt Amt'rltll National This • 1s a j I 1 c.arbureto :r ~ I Rubber Lined Winch Head Al110 Flsherman's Friend Save. w-r and Tear on f:4uJp· meat. •.• Priortt7 ea&abUIIbecl. Under penoaaJ aupen1alon of Cltarle!l M. Merralla, Pra . PRoapeet 1SS8 '*"tent .Ill !Ide fteo called 011 at I ' .,_.... dlluwn ctunn. t.be riait C ta M N KAnaaa. II! apc-ndlog the 10ummer f/1 U.. ~Je lnVHtJcatlBI" CoeD· • 08 esa eW8 With hla uncle IUid aunt. lo1r. and Democracy 'Father of Grocer Mixing 10,000 .ga11<"'1'i of air inte every ~a! I on of gasoline your c·ni(inc uses! That's the carburet- or's job. am... to C&lltomta eome wHu ' &I'D. "-would a y : "Coorr-1 :\l r ttotf Mrs B 1, '<:·hlttt•ndf'n . 111 I. " lt:UldAII "' ~l'wpnrt boulevard. ~ ia It t Polea,!.. P'rJrncbmen, 3 1 of F.ut I Mit 111r.-et enjuyt·d 1t .... And whal '"II .... rl•·nm• '" \ our 'Barnard Dies at ~aiUIIDa. 2 nnn.. 1 Ct l't villi! r1.,01 their twn • 8, 1111. Huwentl l'phnr uf t ,. Ma n n•• 8c8.,._Yian, 1 aw.c7ee, J Norwe-LJ1 ull'n&nt , J.l(.l •;ugcne 11. Chll· \uri'" hAS lwt'u pA:tlfinK a lt•n day ~taD. l Dutcbmao, 20 lrlabmea, J '"' ·!l'n. and ~ 'loll'f ~l!'n.tlmnn ··!\Ill· fu,.lo~~th ill C-<>MB lol~ H er mlll-lleJUca.n. J Necru. · T women, 71 tun t'h ltlt'nd..-n. •,lu. ·· ... ,. at Lhr Marini' Jewa, 4 In ·W~I cllaira. 4 dead. 1'ht'lr VOf{ltton 1011·n •nl hr1•1111: 1 '"1 1'~ 0' 1'~•1 nf ~UI'I'1"'"· :';wo and 110 J~ like you and me'" to a cloee. Rl'v. and Mra. GharJra ~ rur• 1"'' • chlhln-n art' flghlinJ: '" (•rO'St'I'V<' .. IAge of 83 Years I 'lf_your engi ne flutt ~r~. 1 .. •• •' tt 111 1·'Y '0''''" 11 1r<' on · I bucks, or go('s phfft a t tbl11 10W8 fArm. your h<Jml' by tbtt , , ,. n .. 1,1 .,.,. """'' ,, .. r .• ,,, .. 11n. I Ctlnrlt":< w. Rf1rnilrrl, X.1. rh1'fl l traffic stop~ your. cru U;J· taln. t>r whl'r,.,.,.,. 11 mn' 1..-l)ur I'Brb illlll'"''~ "'"n11no: al lht• ret.or is haywire. hume11 m a fr.•t• lltnol · honw ol ht' hr·nthf'l', (;t'<tr~;o · 1\ar·- l>em .... nu v I tt mf' nw11n~ Jolla. nard. :"N'fltlrl llt'lf.!hl< ,.:l·~·~·r' ~·• tbe b~art of the .tory: t-'. Han11 ;,c l~<34 llrtr.; r 1~>•11'"· Ml~ Alma ).truing 111 1\llf'n(llng You dtHnf,! tilt' kHhl uf \\ I k \tl\1 447 :-;,•wpor·t hnuh-\'ant. ~ t. julrt like you and me. vard. tf'tumrd horrP Wt-.lnt·!l>l":· It ''l'• t.o• r on L••-" Anll<'IOJll, who•Tf' ~ t. the croa eectlon ot from L1111 Angclt'8. II' toh1 l!t nlt••nol1ng U :-< C' with thl' ~-<:31fford Randall of Tnpc-ka. nhj • 1'1 n t ohlulntnjl. hn M.A. \\'1~11 to tl•• 1 h1• ""' k y .. u l'nJ•JY A r •'' t~l'fl l.nn.: 1-\o•:wh s.:rr>r~·t d<>in~. nnol 1 mmr 1' ,. l"''"•'m Mr 1\lti'II,U'd hat! rt''11l1·tl In C'tt!<lll .. OPEIIIGS Ill HUITIIGTON BEACH -MEN AND .WOMEN Needed for· Vital Defense Work · Requirement!~:· Avai lability Certificates -•• • • Birth Certificate or proof o f ci tizenshi p \ Social Security Card . . tu rho,,,.,, rny Y.'f\rk . 'l lw 1Wiol Itt m••f'l \\1111 trt"ll'l .. In lhP lltllr t h111 h .11 t•llllol llw • ,.rn,•r T,\ '" ·I ~tup an a h 1: , huH h ur u l'rnuJI ttllf' fUt I t"h• "•:-• ·r·hr. 18 "'hnt •l••nH•t~nH'Y tiH ltrl!'ot t-. u t' ThP rnn ~ ur uncJ t .-1u1·, tl ut 11u f" t'IIY th•• 1..4''-!,l'lnhut• 11t n~,·· ~!att, our l'ttnj:ll'l'" nnrt lit• "' 111 hr~l· • o rllt'f" l t"':-&1• arl' .,:••nl•tt""rn• v t . t!h•. or , ... u u;u! I h rt.Vt' pdl t!H m 1ht•a .~ by "Ur \'ott'~ and f,, ''lU "''1111 -.c ·mny r~m••\t' lh··•" Mt''" lnr •'IJ.!hl monlh~. nnd in CaiJin• 11i.• (nr HI '""r~ .111• "a-a nath·o· 11f ·Lolwr ,,· Ill. ~.II'\ 1\ ing an' lu-lonu lwr. G•1li'S.:<'. r1nrl ;1 n•" pho•w . · \\'1llf:nn 1-'. Bam :orr! nr ~~ Low-~ttl 1-'uno•ral '''""'"' wr·r·i-h<•ltl ;linn· day ftl :! p m 'II lhr• JI.JI Oid K CraUI·I rh:opr•l. C:n,ln M••ou1, wiih lhl' R••\ E. D. c;utiClPII. J)ol"lnr or C'hn-t C'hu"·h·n\·lh• .. ~•·a. offo· daltn<; .. Jnlrnn•·~l wu ... m F'\llr· hltvf'n <'<'mf'll'l')', S11 n111 Ann. ~ly hnrnr• n .•. J••lt 111~· 11111111. I my j:oo\'l'rnml'lll, all I'UhJt'l I In Veterans Seeking l<!lffit• !lllllAJI W3\' It• Ill<' ootl.f lu \'ull I \\'(' tht'n llr•· !h·~ r('al J~m .. l'rar)·. -.• D,.tlll~sage of Homes Now SheH is n't in the carburetor t inkering business, but we do help k~p'.em healthy by removing • goo from air cleaners. ynu llnd 1 \\I' • ar~ 'T•'!'lfl nslble.l C 'Gi:J · '''"" ...... \\'tll'thy I w .. udo•r. Ill lhl" And Farms Act This gadget traps dust, d<'l'p ~1\l'rtfii'I:Vf•llr ~011~ hft• ffiM · bugs et f: th lng, (or WI~ I I , c. ro~ ose • r , '\ ~ t !'oobl'tly Rnd lhllllghfull\ ,.,. mutt l commlttl'l'. ~tati.'Wiill' In 111\lllrl'. I~ Ions of air. \\'~ mu11t rwl raol til .. ••· 1~.,.. The Veto•ran'll Hon r 11n<1 Farm 1 ~ 10 000 gal- , nn·y nn h ·r•• nnol ko•• 1, hllllotonl' betng ft•rmr<l tn c&mpolgn for tbr _ • A d h urlll tho·y I• I urn. """ th• ,. und pAIIMJirf' 1 f'TttJIOIIIIIon No l nn --~ .. 1 . n w en lht 1r 1 htlol1, 11 nn• '''""" 1 takt• tbl' "'""emhl'r hnllnt Tht• prnp<•· J It geta clOjl· up 1 1• llltl-1 1,.1 •ll 1:·. " r11t •Ill n ! "rrlr~< n $-:ln.noo.noo hnnd · ..,.. ged up your I A 1"1 , f \\ .ork yt•JII, l>llt Ill!> 1 lh:ot l l•ur. lhr prnc•·•'d~ <>f Wh h·h w !ll • engine may ~o.·d for ,, • ...-llnw "":'1 ··t:oe bot' dP\OlNI to 1"1' r urc-h:tlll' nf breathe-in damaging grit ""I ·" hln~ hf'ou-ts " -1 t~nmt'" nnd l~rtn!l ro:r < 'llllfnrmn and abrasives. Expensive I Ll 1 10·: I'J i\ ~~ \' I Vett'n•n:o t•f \\ ttrlc' \\ KT II I Stewnrt T Ounlnp of Rnlh••a ,,.. llaod. Andrt'w Jac-k11on llaymnn ''' ' N t>wpnrl lWAr h 11nd Pr !' F. 1atambl'rlaln f'rf-~~~ M-"""" bten llPJ'"Intrd l •• llt'fVI' "" (hiJO 'Commllf•••· f flt Nl'\\ J~·rl Hnrtw>r 1-~rn .. r;tl "''' .. ,., '"' • 1·h cUatrtc~:<I'H'l-dlnJ; lu 1111 n.nnount !' lth hlll'd ~I t\111,1111. II• \1 l11r I '"11 mt'nl rt'<'('l\'f'<( hl.'rl' lO<IIl y . Shell people have a knack with air cleaners. And With Shellubrication ... a eervice designed to pre- ve nt your car from joining the 150,000 which are junked every month by Wezo. time Stop and Go driving. "r :\lr and ;\l r•-l:ltl·••-...;1 \no.mt Thill n• th lt_v w·ll ht· 1111mlm~­ "f )t\7 ~';'th ,11•'•'1 \\1'l' h, ltl ti'Tt'd h~ tht \',•trmn~· \\'rlfflrt' '11nor-..dny nt II till ll m '' \\"~I· BoArd l'f C11hfoml11. wh1rh was nlllt-l••r Mt'lll"ll.tl l'1•'-• l'"'tl\' Or(Bf!i7rrl in 1!)21 ft1r lll>'purpoo~l' Wit h tlw fl··~ 1-: Jl '··~~lo It 1~1;. at llt'rvlt'ln,:t. 1n n hkt' n111nnl'r lht> tor "' Chn~t l 'hun h ~~~ lh·· S.•.l, v~terana or \\'llrlrl War I I l 1tlt(l\'l 1\:t!' m <'h:lrlo:t' of ,~. 1n..;o•· Wfl('f', thr boArd hu pun·hRIIC'd • c..-·••,...."-• m••nt' IIWIII'P lhnn 1!1.000 pn'J"'rt•r~ rnr l 0 ••1LAMcrrla.V~. I l ~ l .. . I DOW~~ I • I ~OWN DOWU St w r. 'r hc '' .1r hc:-- ~.111. nurl~ ('\tf~r:rin.~. h.1~ .~llllC lJP in pritt The co:m of ft >tli.l. cloth ing. hou,in~ :1nd .o·l.,r wmmu,!ir:t \ h.l\t '0-!rrd 'k)''.ud ... some :~lrtJdy hJ\C intrt'l~rd :as mut h ·" IO'., .... 1nd l rt: goinb l'ttll t1iuhn! {;:) ,. Proluhlr rhc only living W't tint h," 1/fJI inc rca sed is den rit i1y. The roll of clrrtririt y haJ 11(/IIJ!/) s<mr dou II afHIIIt' '50'; Jinre IJ"or/d ll"ar 1.' R i,ght 'no\\·, deer ric r:ues .arc :u the lowest ~gure in hisrorr-Jn spite of stead- ily rising prices :and the g.tot demand 'for d ecrr.ic power to meet wJr producriqn needs, your dollu buys more EJison clcc;rricity today than C\'cr before. i -APPLY- ••ffH'I.IItn): Thl· ll.ttl'••ld • ;l·llut'l Du. rtnji! !ht 23 yrl\ra .,, 1111 PXIII·I ~tillS ••• A SICIITI II•· 1~ •1~n "'''<! hy h•" l"m·nl-'. ~ ~I'MUll' r n • t 1 n g SJii!I.OOO.OOI I .,.. ... it. Yoer PRBB 1· , brother, J::ldon. Jr .. o 'll'll·r, l'hYI· ·~" pl11n has nl'vrr coat tht' tax· . -.y •-*• • _.... i _____________ .._...;;.;;;.;;~;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;=== ~~~-h1s grttMpaTl'nb . l'tli'. 11nd Mrs. ,.,...,.. a J"'nny. •nd hu bt•n 110 II\ IMII ,.... ------- COISOLIDATED LTEE AIRCRAn TIDN . .. 't D Allt>n !)( Lon!: lknr\, :tntJ hos eucc-ful in C'allf<>rnla that f'lht>r Jloftlrmal' jtn\nrtmotl11'r, :\I I' ~lAne .... artt c-ontrmplatln~r 11lmrl11r Ia& oa CMPAft I St. An111nt. ~ a.,t&Jatwn for their l"t"tumln~ \'fl· · --~-' --. -enna," ll('f'Ordlng In HA\'m/111 e BACK FROM HOSPITAL ' Joe Vntl'. &Jboe r-•11~ .. ••ICk'e.-. BLAl 'KfttTR."'f Ot:N. ,,COT. I v.u t.c' In tov.n ~tur<by rnr v.e __ 1 fll'"'t t~lltf' ~~~ he .,.,nt I·• !;t. ~-E. Hl11rkburn hAl< 1!4'('n ap· ~ J(\(lll'(lh 11 hn~pltltl Sun•IJI\ July 9, ,...,(f'd Ct-nf.l'ftl A,.'Mit of lht> P A· r .. , 11mput11t1"n "' 11ls lhumh At dl'k Elt't'tric Railway C"<>m pany. AI lh• ftn•t JOint H.-(,'l\I:J:hl It on Lane &>arh, II. wa~ announ<"f'd. to· ......... ,. tho ,~""'' of lh•• ml'!r~ 'II"·I"'WW<l.., b)' W C. K!WX'Iw fn'tji:hl tr11f· In t'i'lc' 8a)f)o& F\ID '7.ont 1ftr lniiMfC'T. • RARDWA'RE J~ H. Esrus· . ' PLUMBING GENERAL ELECTRIC lllANOf:l.l e UrafOEIUTOU e WASR1r.ftfil Df8RW ARRlnt~ e RADIO~ • I • • • • • • • • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~p=~~R~T~-=B~A~L=B~~~A~N~E~~~S--T~J~~-tE_._s_. _N_e_~~~~~U_r:_lr_t,_. _l~'alifnrJtia, Tue~day, July 1M, 1944 Pqe nw Why I -ecame an Air Wac cue Ma!iter toun uso clubs .. · ~~ E_W_S_· T-~1 M_E_S_, C-L-A S-S-1 F-1 E_D_O_P-PO_R_T U-I____..IT~I E::::-::S By Cpl. AUNE .\. ANDRUS Air Wac l&cciOAAI Bra4qllllne" 1.-,\q'elea . . 1 am a memtll!r of thl!' Women•a•men~ 1 • READ FOR PROfiT • • USE FOR IESULTS • • Anny Corp~t ~n·lng w ith thl!' Air \\'ua. me~J:.bo,ra of the Wom · • Air Fon:ea 1111 Air Wac. en'a Army Corpa wrvtnc with tha Anny 1 #hmy Alr Forcu. llllppleml!'nt the FOR S:U .l;_At "f(lM I KEAI. ESTATE lie lA T~ II• t. R••l.t Mlh.l 'l'nld"'' l •'OK S Al.l'- n tKNmiRIC VOR HALF.-. Uke moet Air Waca. J Julneu gnund work of thl!' mm at Army the lll'rvicl!', not for a.ny one par-Air !iellla thr~ughout thia country 11c•ular reiUIOn, but fur a (•ombina-lllld owrll~ll8 Wearmg the lhou1· tlun of many rnJIOns. aum .. patri· dl'r llll¥ the' lape• lnalgniU ut th.e ron !SA '.~· !It··· I ur\' ..... , .•. ,811111 I AI '\J.:ttH 11 \ • n u• l'••rl••• t ''Hihh· \11•11 : II• I l lillt• 1'1111111' f'l:pl • ~~"rc"" 1-~n.:tn,.• an•t ''"""~" • CORTA MESA Army Air F ort ea. Air Wara ahaff "til' anll eoml' ~If lntt>rt<sl. In thl!' ghunour and the glory of Newt'idtd lntereeting expt•rlerH't'lf Uw Army Air COrp .. .M o\1 :11"1>. ~,. !.', A"lo' AS II 16.70 ac,.., at tTOO per aor• Ofl MFil. I '() Newpo~ 81v.t. Wal .. lng dlat.nce ~111111 \\ l'rulrMI A<t• I'll ~':1"'1! W lrom 8uai"Ma Dlttr6ct .. Pufad FOnJI S.._l.l ~~~17 l.uwuln i-'•'1'11~1 ":•'"1'"'1 11•'1\•'h, 1'"'" locat io" for futu,.. •ub·dlvlelon, 1.'1 I Hult;.,,. 1'101 tll"u :•~• 111• Wll: tfA \"E llf'Vf'r bad a mnf¥ rom· Jolelt> lloe ur Uli:D ROOW KICTII lhtUI """ .re now nft•~· Waf'l~t, .. onti'"'Y· Walnut, Ma- hu•""Y •nol~y ~ ndl' fta. l11hroa 111 bo•l tf'lwln and full •I .... . . . travtl throughout tbe UnJlell tEdltor'e Note : Corrpll!'te ln· ..;tnlel! anJ to any ut llozenll "' furmatum a bout Air \\'ru:fi ma y be (•,reign coutrii'S throughout the nblalnt>ll by 1,'1 ntartlnft captain ··nl1re world 8t'(> new places l'hariPs R. J hnson, Air Wu Rt'· . mf'Ct intl!'rulinJt J>t'Ople . . )(tunal H~a<.lquartera, 3047 Wll·, 8t' ••n lllu. h \\11 h •o'lil n •\'•'IIJ 'J 1 1 t a nol r.1•t ,. 11111 1'\•••11"111 t "UIY 1 c· • RALPH' P. MAIKEY t car. n•~ol 1'1 1\o•.t II' 11!'11 ""'It ~ .... ; ~·111\\lolrol, II':'~ ~" • RMit r I B ll\' n''" 1 h!l .. ••uco •1111. .1'1111\111· • ••ll••ool •urulllholl l"nll 1\fll'l'• :\41 0 ''"ut Uh•ol., Nf'"-lll•rt 1t...1·h ln.: I U\ ..... It<' 1101 II\\ it~ II• ••IUO •• ,.. t'\'0'1\111~~. N II )1<111 \\', l'liHnt• 411'1 :'11-UI' I '"'"''"81 l<'rm• A rriCC" to Ill ~mlc hihll(rt a.c~·WaJli&Q l"unnl- tlu¥ ( .,, . :.tnd ""'J u~. Ranta A"" 06-ttc fu~l'lnallng work . . \'8lu1Lblr 11hlrt· Blvd . Lo11 Angtln. :I. Calif. tltllnlnj;' · · JCC•W p11y Any job T(•lephont. F:Xpoeitlon 7936.1 Tllt·:ut •t ll>l-: Hnllt::>:~ M lllp Fut t ~;.II•·~ & ~··n ~o ,• Hilt ~ ... I.E l.ut cn \\or"n" df'l i ~Nt tNoOW-t·at•n•oa tallle. "'hu·b offers all ' thl!'se plllll many H•ldlt lona.l all1'8!'tli·ll.'l 111 a jc•b welt ' "''1tt\--ronliuer cng Alld to all tl:cs Ulo· leellng of patrlol111m. the cl~p ~llllsfartlon In knowing that you art• bt'lptng to win thl!' war. plu11 "t1ve 1 partll'lpatl'on liD--the war .. lid In the po11t-war world whlc•h f••llows. and yuu hav1• 11 joh mack fl•r me> Ttie Wumtn's Army Cnrp11 of· c'Hed me thia J•Jb, and r a.:cepted. That "''lUI llixll!'en n)onths ago. Am I !lorry~ "You bet I'm not ! It hall bt'en lbe most glorloua I!XJ>t'r· 1•·11n or my·ur.. AJt a mRtt~r n f tart. whl}e you are re•dlng lhis. I nm on my boneym non. Yu. 1 mel my hutband ln tht' Army Air Fnn·e11. · All or which provu that thi' ml!'n or tht• aervicu not nnty like thl!' women or the an~u•e : they marry them. F'lnally, I bec&ml!' an Air Wac becau~ the Women'• Army Corpa totii!'N a prt'tly goo.J deal rl&"bt nuw. QU&Iilll!'d women. oot l!'m· plbyed In e.entlaJ lndtlllrlea, now may enlist ln tbr 'Women'• Army O:lrpa ..and., fh0011e~ UL. Thdr branch of arvke the Army •Ground Forcra. tbe Army Sen~lce -i:Drru , or thl!' Army Air Forcea; 1 2t their job recommendaUon w1th 239 dlffl!'rent jobe avallablt': llnd 131 their 1nll1al 'ltwtlon a .. I(D· Hurley Bell to Reopen Wednes.; New Maiuigemefit t•'lll' ~"I I•' 1 ~ rc '""' lto11t~ am•ll M11r, $~111:1, lty .. wrwr I' 11 I loll 40110,.,11,.nl walll\11 ,n.u.t\, b .. 'fiJ It ( 'o'lllnl ::-;,.,,'"II I It'll\ h ' . . :1 y 1,111 ,. ::" 'l'ult1 J•h • "'''llrnt •'"lulitl"n l'ru·u '10. l 'tu""'"' llrl M•r, l '•hf ..,.r.1 durahlf' $::4 ~• l'h .. llf' ~"•'"'1'•·•1 :lc\1~1 ''"" 01 l1t• Al.ti.,INtiW watl!'rl-eooll..,.. !':tll\11••\' :'1~ ::1p 1 lo'OH !'4 AI.t-: f'IJ:hl I'IJ<IIII 11;,1.-e •l. t•N'·War, nf'var u.pd 1:12 8o, I .til c.:•· ,.,,.,I t 11 l 'lllt ~.\1 .... I IIlO' j(\ II I' 4 t yl, 1 ,.;,., r iiC'III tno·alcun ( lnr tull t.th, Hay f'roat. o.Jboa a.l&ndfs.,.""" ltul 1'1111 ::-;,." l~•rl •:• :'11·41• loooli'r 111'11\'Y <l11l )' 1\llt1". ltii)H'rllll twn hal( t .. tha. l'u ... •lllun .._UJ. 10147 C. lllf'llo•l r111~1ru· wllh pnot>t'llcor lat. I'll ·Nl'WJ>ort lG•b ·W . Urlce Itt' \'OU bave beftl wa!tJaa f• Ll•t 1111 H:olh"" ,.1,.t """' t \\'ctlu 1 ;, • .,,~,. V $:1 :'K)I.I M -ltr "f>lfiNO·nl..l.l!:l> I.IVIfoiO·RM \\ rtlr lnfiiiiiiKtlun un \'1\..•lc•~""l" ~'hoh 1.,,. t:ll An" A .. 7NI )'f>u n-.J walt no to..,...r. Th .. Hurlt'y Bell. Coruna del pr 1u• 1111•1 hl•llllt•n t o I\. x I'll , '""" ~1 . ~1u1111 1._ .. 11111.,., ,.,.11, ,., 11t ~ALto: a. •• r I'III>.:IOcl tt. Nlur''" M•·W•han'a hav• .,ompltote ltnt Mar Inn. whlr h haa bt'm cloaed Bcllb.•11 lsl11nd :-.::.~tp M 411 .:cu·n.:•• wllh ho..-k ''"'m tn lc.o In .. , •• 11. Var1f'd ~ Ill tM fur st'vt·n .. l day& !luring a llh&nge IIIC•\c••l \ ''"•J•It·l" J'lilmhiiiiC , 11_. •I alltal'tlv• "'""• ... Ul Mo. uf mona~t'm(•nt. \\ill open Wednea-l"''lt :-;At.F It"" l~t•HI I 'IHI """ ('rnno• ""l w •lt·r hoalt•r ClWIIO'r hair. v,.1.,0, and Ta.,........,. YeN •lay •'\'l'nlng with H. M. Kr.nholta m•·•llum, (l'r wllh '"'''"'•"" ,.., t11r llotakf' •co t•lrnu.... ltll ll llt, c•ccatn ••t!l flb{f ntOO.)' f.!!V&aa ,nee. ur L11s Angl!'lt'll In chru'il!' Chef provllt•· ro•utlllol(• llilll \\' 41 h ~t . ,.ff•·• I I It N" I lay 1-'r••nt. )h•-. ll.~·lk •n•l tuwut tenn• ~..._ Well&• Hill Urown will still pr .. slde \n the. "'"'" Anft l'hurl•· 44(Hi II• mako• I\J\II""' '•11111'1 M 21c l 111 :F:AN t-1t11NT o•uml'r t.•t. •lu·j han •'Umltu"" <to.: ·2nd and ktli h.·n, a nd all othl.'r •·mpluyeea Air r-aJ'pl ~.3.311, ll"".l .n WArn=D .!'It'll, tumlalu .. l l'"trrrta""· Ul• ttc.ntway, "-nt& Ana. 1&-ttc n 1,. r .. ta.lned, 1 r. •· WJLLI£ HOPPE. ••orld thrf'f'·tuahluu billiards t"-• ... ••· ••· .cnk and bath Nt•wly d('c'ftrnt· The Hurley Bell walt built by thO!' hi bib ticht ma.sw •hot for Raymond Runyon, or Monroe. l.a .. ••r· JF YOU "11111 1'' KO'I rnarr1"11· \\'A NTJo~l • A. c·r•w llll'mhn fur •••I tru•urrl,. yf'arty, renlaJ ttOO POR AAJ.IC,.- uwner, Mrs McC Lllock. All an inc thf' raml!'d billhardil>t'' 'lopovl!'r i~ thl!' ~lunr4r l'SO f'htb on .)la Wl'rll.-IJolt 211. \'anruuvn. Wuh twu-m~<n •'"ntmrr•:tal tlahtna pt'r munlb Moe. tn Owner un -· --• • uart ~plica •Jf an Engllah l.nn or 1 •xbibilion tour or tbr tlubhOilM't OIH'r:tlf'd bv l 'SO ror tlw ml'n and !\!I-tt.· boet r11uy f'l"'l'l"'•l cu•<l r•a4ly tu J•rnm'-" week endl. Uall or ron AALJC ,....._ Board. MaJ- ll-t' elevt'nth c:O!'ntury, and Ia f ur· womf'n of lhe armed fortf'l tr:alnlnc tn thl!' South and SOuthwell&. l(n H "' Wf'hooll'r, !loll 113, writr 1..,art J Hmlth. 820 IC. el tlc fWodjo; flcllnttnn pn.war ... . nlshe .. and decoratt>d w ith blany ,1 81'l'UAnON WANTED-1 1 21... .. n....--.... .... u ' l'l>~~l• M.-,. M ·41p 17tl) HL Phooe Upland 316-211. C')'t' 11 u ... ....._ _._, anUquu. lncludlng &n extl!'ralve I Corona del Mar News .. , lltl k hhl In th• c·ummunlt)', SITtiATION WANn:n F:lll'l!'r· I 06-2tn Dan.... 06-2\c collecUon of olll Engllah plate~ I 'l'bi!' ruom 11 ...St>rorat .. ct 111 p.t~~tel 1,..:1.,rd ''""ht .. r. l'honr N•wt,.•r1 tH:I.I' W AI'IITt-:ll Wum&n or strt · and plattera .... well &I plcturra -pink a nd ''"'am The aiii'IVf'IO ,, ti:IH·J 5.''Hio· fhr n~paii1JI lind llltr natlunl . Bal· W.o\NTED '110 IUI:NT . ., ma s.U..- &nd othl!'r object. d'art. The fur-~ Mr and Mre S. W. Black bt'arll thl• quaint lltlop. arr 'wl!'ll "'"·· td ---boa OeUI!'l"'', GOb K. c.ntraJ WA...,....D TO ...... T I nr I · -.--.n.o.e r ... -• .-v.-•-tn-IIIIW'MII--nUur. e 119 lll be aull(ml'nted by the Of 216. Orchld avenue. Corona dl!'l l ith ft Ill r .• I RAcrJt'AL NUHSF. W I e h" 1 Avf'. llalboa 112·4tc •~ ,.. ........., -v~~ an _ _,~-•• ---tn-·' u J • w • ne qua y n au•· ... a. I. t I I II I' t bf'droom 1\.tma.bec:l ~ or . ------allditlun Of wvrral rtne plecu ""'"· l'nte.... .,.. .. a or and Mra. Mra.. J•ft-~ aalll that a pur-pt.at '"· ew tnura I a Y ~,. rr-f'OR 8ALIII--.I • C .......... Y. · ut 1 1 d Rutua Parblman or Santa An. --. irtr u . \\'rolf' nox c· r ., Nf'w• · ltt-:I.J• W ANT .. :n •;xJ"'rii'O('f'd a.,&rtmenL Py, &nil¥ ottleer; . _. frorr. Th~ 'tndm · ong a an • ' · c·h.;., pme t'f ~~ wuukl t. JiveD Ttm~ t uuk a n\.1 hm,.,..,.·orllf'r N•• up-wtte and baby. OaJI 'Nnrport Ftabt ~ ~ ftllllll. a-.1 mark on ~boa penl~aular. • I:!.,!:. y.-~ta t.:::: .ac;o= ~.i.! .. " the un.-•ub.mlttlnll( the but ~"~-•tp 10lalra wl•rll l'rlvat,. noom. Aal· lleaA:h 2•12-W . &2·4k C'ODdiUon. M&M otter. ., .... • In the &ltem ooo w ith bri~. !Ui:iirt tortbt -.op -r --ou·y-t-10tt· JW'' mn W~ ~ --~--.,._ llaJ J"tP'~ ......_ ........ Speedsters Ctted I Mr an<J .Wra. H~·n gave a INr· I •tr. and ..... EU Coffey, or eoo BIRTHS .. r\' $100 IH'I IIIII l'hunr New-WANT TO IUCN't roun. lady, ...... prlae na.rty for their olaugbter Cout Highway. ~ron• del Mar. l"'~·t Uoo••·h 134& 1\2-tfc 1 wanla mom r8r Gef'an, at 0.1· -------:--------~ 0 Ce t I A .. -., I I t&l.ni J 0 rk of bola. Wl'flk ut Au~-• to ll. ma aDT n n ra venue J eannl!' on htor •lxtt!t'oth blrtb· &rl' en er ng &Ill!' a • llc't. and Mra Wilham Stt'lmt>l WANTJI:l> GIIU, fflr huu-•lt'k t'hoof' l liJPtn, N'~. IS. &6::2te I day, at tbeir home at 1~ Cout I Hollywood, and Lt. Hoot Dtlllon, of 208 P.mrrald avl!'nUf' Balbn&. thrH OOf'·hatr daya a week. I"'fl RJ!NT-r\lmiiiiMd .._. • I bnulevard. <::onma del Mar, Tuu• or Wllilllna nrld. AriL, fri~IU ol f'tl. Npt IJc-h l71l,W ~-ttc WANT 1'() RENT Wnonna tor Newport ·H.IItd&. .Y~~~riUil .... Cited for lpl!'e\JinJI,' WC're Emory \lay, July 11 Thl!' 1'\lt'ala prnent ,their """· Ll William G Cotfey, • ::;1\tnl.llt'a Mate and 'Mn Mor· ••·fl. IIAJI t>c•L HO Nortb o.Jt· lilt. 110 AI...:· N-..wt ....... ·Allen Bell of the Naval Air. Sta· wrre VIrginia Bar~an. Naney ~r t''llllamahnl!'td. Ar1.&,., rtwbo,b .. rlaOII cavanaugh of 4r,o Old c.,100 • HP:LI' \\'A NTF.I, ltlah achool land et . P...tena •. Caltf. or, ..... lion, doing 40 miles -.o hour on Hulllngahed. vIr ... j n j a Smith, llt:l't"' on • t ret·WHkl II 0\.lC . tclrt "r ••um•n IJO l'ar .. tor ~-~ Mtnn• "vr amhre ........... ....-.tp ro-;;-• ...._ ...... .._, " I T l th I I u---h ty Jllload.. f'!Wla MO'IIl , a 11011 I _.....,. •ov-.. ........, I - Quality Lumber and Central avenue; Irwin Clark. r,G8 Oeorce M~.:KI!'eban, s'rurt: McGav-hey v allt<d I!' "' nl!' ~ • capt and .,,. Alllo Sl'ult or v•·•r-1 hi ••hllol, ,,.., Alllllnal evl!'· Chapman building. Fullerton. &lao em . David cro ... all of Cor.ma ""rldll.)' Durlog thl!' wei!'k they I!MIO Ocnn oout .. var,l RaJbna. a ~In«• p 11v by th ur l"all In WANTICO TO •tUtN't RUP ior plato. -'~··A... f .. rlning 40 oo Cent ra l; .Kenneth Brit·! del Mar. and Tomm. y Rerd. of AI· toJVk a hund~·mll• rid!!' on the I daqtlt.er •rt~mfMon bo•tw"'n 1:.! and 3 Jl m. 21\·fl. .,._, l>tt-... Ul LAc"una 84ip( T. Prt .. c. ,._, NW• ..... tlngham. 264 Peck ilrivl!'. Bevl!'rly hambra._ During thl!' Wl!'ek follow-tl11hlng boat crucenl They caucht . . nr f'VNIIntc10 IH:I w (',.11traJ · fkll<'t,l or write Cart Amlth. ~de, e.d ...... ..,.._, .._,.. H illa. doing 40 mllu and no dr1v-~ lnJC. Mra ~an tuok .Je&Ane to barr•cuda, •~klr<J bulr and yd. 8,t. anu Mra ~·r.•>ld R•·hmlilt An 11111bo1Jl ~~ 2l•· t·~ Inn, l...a4runa U.ar h. M -2111 Ray Fmnt, 8aJboa ~.,_ Buildinc Materiala • -COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. er'1.1 li<'l'lll': Charles Mtnrr, SIU1ta llPt thl!' mullica! comedy "Salt)'" low tall. w.r.. Cvtt~y. a Cf w(irfj'l 01 1860 Vllflle t lac&. N(wpvrt j . J.OO, "-'•nee. ......,-. W.dle Ill on I c a Air sue. doln(t 40: a t Ull!' Philharmonic audltnrtum. and • neopbyle In flllhlng, caurht ,t:cadl, a tlaughtu WANl ED I TRAN8.POKTAftOH Boa 0 . e/o N ... ,__, ..... George L McF:nl!'ry "' 223 F'er· Mra G. S Hookha.m of 302 lhl!' blg!frat yellowtail llr and M"' Ralph ~~~:n ot Aulu mf'l'llllllh'• Tup """a•"•· ~ F'Oil 8ALE-ita. VLK ltarley ----·- n•ono atreet, Long !}each; Saul Larkllpur avenuf', Carnn.a del Mar, Mr11 A d a Cltru1knun an o1CII8 WHl ~urt av4'1lUI'. Ia , a 1nr wurklnJ: romdltt"n" An r-n· f)avt~on SO. Oood Cl08dSUoft. L08'I' AND J'O(JJtfD R. E. HOIT5-'U..ER N(•\Jel of the F.AAAAB and Oar· l!'nlerta1ned In bconor of her lliat.er. dRUI(hler F.lale, nr 3 \l Mari&old, dauJbln uat. WAr tDIIul try P:mployment Ra.cktle bltc'a and ntna. laqutre LOI!rl\-~ ... wltllla ....._ Phofle 41 J encl!' Stanyer of 202~ LeDroit In-law, Mra. Wary J anawn. recent· ll\'t nl~f. Cornna dtl Mat, ..,.mt • !'lthn ht're ur at Huntllll(tot~ ·f!Oel,.i w. Olot...r Ava,, a.J'-oa .,....., ......._ ·u --. ._ __ __, _________ _. drivt, Puadeoa, doing 45. ly of ~ona, KUaaa, with a card Sunday wit!' friend• at 8anl&l 1944 1 Beacb lto re. att&• 1 P•"'-..._. o14, ,.._ ""-~ -· -. . • party. Tue.day. July 11. Oueat. Ana. I TJQC TABLES I 'n-IY.ODORJI! ROlliNS ....,.. Mra Harald OM& .. :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11f the evenln,t' WO'rt' Mr .. Doria Mra Jull.nlla Fletcher. of 800 ~ .,,.,rd Half!l 111~<1 Rl'f'vke ~IC\'~8--8old, r:eoW or ,._ 1 ~ Bvd' ,.._. Npt. 1 ..._ • Otolhl. Marion Mc(,t'.!ln4'y. Bert R4'o~nnlll MVf'nUf', l"•cnma dl!'l .. ..,. 2j!nd and r .. ntral AVf' I pall't'd v r,el'l , 106 Mala ... . . • FOR BUILDING JNFOftMA TJON Sk M 1 t-• 1 d 11 s t rday N""'l"'"l U••nc•h l'llun• :.!A . Balbo. and 208 Martn• A~tuaa. INk • tnoer, . argart'l H11 gh. R.n.t a~· l'nlrrtu nP. Ill lnnl'r 8 U . a , Hl&h 'Low H h;h Low 7tl•tl•• Ualbn• IIIIUld. y •l·t'l? r-------·------- : -See -~;t,~~:~lc~da Ar kr oy..t .,, 1406 Sn· ~~..:~~~:d 1:~.~~~"~~~ta ~~:~.~ 1 \\'d.. 11 10!30 0 4 O!) 1~22~ 3:21.26 < 'cltlcr•· 1, 111• n ''"li~ 11., ,,,.. OFFI('F. Hllf-t•um r.:'e:a!::=-._ =.-...=•;. • 1 .r h Otllt'r "Ut•ltlll wt•rt• I 'RUI ),1ybrt~-e. ~. 0 7 "' 1 ' c..-e "' Mat • B [)"' • L b c v l'"' H\'o•lluo· ctnu •·r daughter, " . 20 11'01\ 4 :tl\ 10 00 3·!t4 -•·nl~t'l'l n .. l ~~~ h••' 1111: II' url~e,ltt N D . av IS tract urn er o. ~1r8 !v!Af'\' Janllllt>n II( 302 Lll,rk· ="•wy C'lld••t Ill , ...... flight traJnllll, 1 h. 4 ~ ~A ~.1 i 2 In l'lllhoo,lk ' h ut "' 1111\'1111( II\ ull· I"OH RAI.It; HnyAI rovrtat.t .. type· • • CASH : 1 llpur. n~nPtl lUI altrat'li\'P sh••P .and t.t \\'H\'11•· l'••t"r"""· f rleta · · ..:cn 10 tlco:·1.,\,. "' 1,..11 ,..11,.11 II •~r wrlt"r "1~""' ,., nllltlun J3ll ~2 ~ D. V M, : WALTER &. IPICE.R, Owner (or lnfllnll! tu\o t C'lul<tn•n'!l WI'Ar·,ng •·I M1 11 F'lt•tt·ho•l '~ nll'<'t'll. G • ~C:"pl=l::~,;;:~~ .~·~::.,.no·~ ,1 ~tlll'l) uf ~~·rJ,;•IIoro Huby Av•:. 1~11111& lelarul 1\1\·ltp 000 aNt CAT H~I?AL • apparel and llloliel!' "Jl0r1 Wl'ar vlev .. 1111d Bf'mii'P Wri.ht, he ;\lllllht•" Alii''''~' .,.,.., "'"• .... • Newpo~ Beach I and ltn~: .. n' ... Ill 803 C'Oil.'!t High•' mK k•· lht'lr l IJIIlt' "-tth lhrlr ailnl. ; .•• bt ,..11,... .. rn ...... ~ h.:unoo I• m auv WA .. •oNDI 1114 ...... " .......... -· C:.llf. : fl1 Pho"e wny. CnronA do•l Mar. l"i111 11rclay Lll1~r Mn• Rll'hllr•l F:. MJr ell, • 518 State Highway • 1150 l''rlrnch! IH'ftt rtowtr• lor t• .. •>C · 1102 Go•gnnla avenul!'. polned I'L BUY p r . 'I o· t : At The Archea l'lUIIOD Patmilll anl1 I ll!'llQ[It t'lt· .. ,.trho·r and ht•r IC\II!'rrl• ,at boa TODAY' BEST • ·ro .·f8810R~ tree ory =•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jlrt'lillt'\1 pleuurt' on hllvlng a l'lo\l'f' Yarhl oluh, t11r th" llnncf' I· • :-------------- • -'J Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Conn~· Rlcht•, M.D. GORD·ort B 'FINDLAY CONTilAcrGB _. BUILDD MAINTENAN~ AND REPAIR OUR SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Offlee Cabbtet Shop S41 0 Cout Blvd. 40'7 lOth St. Plume 41% . Pb. !188-.1 NEWPORT BEACH. OALU'. I>OROTHY UARNIT lH · LH c=-.' HAVE You C.OT COL-0 .~0L-L-'(~ You WI\ .... T To T A\ t<.E c.ooo c. .. RE OF IT . ·. By ('harlr~ ~1(·.\J'anu ... (.O L l "'/ I.M "------. T R'y' 1 N . T 0 LOSE t T' . i ~hyt6ola" aft4 ..,.....,. ttfly...._ _... ...._ Nl"tfl •"' Centra: Ave. Office H,.._: 10.12 a.m .: ,., '·'"· T ... phene " LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOIItNIY AT LAW Coeh Meu ••"" 8111146ftt lth-.- Coeta M ... C.llferttl• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We Our'Riv• the Betl•.....,. Oy Rl'~lnJ Olhel"' Belt" ~heM New,_{ M1 C-.ta Meaa CMif-la . BUY NOW City Ta:i Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 601 Coaet Highway l'hOfle 2422 CORONA DEL MA" (it-raid RauHa, M. U. . %H~ w .... t f rntral Av ... '""'"'rt ...... h l'h, ..,.,.,.,.,,,, n ,.,.,.h IO~It tr "" """" ,., """ "'" M Off ... ,.,....., ....... ... ... ,.. ........ Haunt t•u a. "" & 1-1 ._ "" ~....... om.. ta1 .._ .,...., DR. G. £. TOHILL ~HYitCIAH aM IUR .. ON _c._., .............. -... _,......_ Offloe .... w ...... .. ,, ..... ""-r C:.ll .......... . Dr. M. D. Crawfonl OltTOM.YRtiT I:)'• ~-.. oaa-........ ITtT Newport ~ COITA M.IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAit.L 8Y TH. laA 4t0 CeMt ....... Coren• 4el Ma• . _,..,.. ._.. ~herta Hewpert 42 UR. OREU I.IJCAS~ t l>t•ntiHt • ntn•tz w. ('f'"lral, "'· ... NF.\\'f'OfCT ftF.Af'U WHO'.S .\~fHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT I till PI /4.( f A Nn I' INOI IN I) WOOD II \\ \\I I I I 1•;•1 ' 1•' llh .. , t',.,.t11 -"''"" i'o,.'l 1.1111.1,...r l'h fi.!'):'J·J r,r "'' ""'' r '''H P/4.rtfl n 'I I·· .HI• II It I 111•ll .n I I 1111 ·, .• ~1 lllv•l l'lt <1 I :l l'l.tn tnt I (:'•on•l n.K't 1.- UMIII A LfJMPANitS I ,,,.~" 1\f• "'" 1.1,, t ' '•~·t u• ttf tr• you 1''"'' V'•1•t J.,.rn,. ·· t•h,•nr 4 IIIIV l lllflll•t l.11nll••r 1'•1 l 'htJII,.·t't tj~l ('••1\.-l 1li&:f>WilV 'IIt A rc~ 'JrJ 1(.£ 'UPPLi t l-~'>t""l"•tt ll•rl,.•r 1'\lhllahln~t (•,., l'tlna n 12 • 11 N•~t O.Cb. W>AINTIN G- !':• ,,..,,.,,, llarl" r f'l•hllllhlnr 01 ~r• IJ • U . J~r,_,..,, UMe.L .. £ Al liT ATE. INtU .. ANCI a HOTA"V I'U8LI~ 1,..,. H \'o al~, 330:1 W. 0.&1&1 A.,.taa. Ptaont S .. uaaa .. IYAM~~ ·. N,..,.,pmt KarlMtr ,......_. <:b ....._: 12 · II. Jof..,.t ........ tHIIY M.TAL WOftK- V .... M' .... Aaa.t....aW--OMIAM-.. ~"'UI. I "AIII•TY 8TNII-..._ ............................ ~~-. ·I .. ~ .. ... ..... Ni:;WYORT-BALHuA .NEWS.TIMES. NeWDGI't Beach, Califomia, Tueeday, July 18, 1944 ~'A SPLICING THE MAINBRACE ~" .. I>&AN~H ,prt8e Of ~ week p1 to tbe dance wu eoaclucled to ••ft'J· ·-..aw tJY'U. .... fill _. ....... AI I c:e ..S. .. tb&t 1-Iafbor .Feminine ·Activities ~ Mr. and Mrs. j . Sydney jackson Arrive in Newport Beach july 9, from Honolulu ..,....... Jftt ... _ ................ -~otlw....- ·~ 0'* 011 IAtunltJ al,tll. .poftl I kMw ell, .... canted lbe Virginia Ba.mett. Sodety Reporter ,.-. c:bu'aclera .,.. O.Orye aAd whole ~ ott bMuUIWly. , .-...._GMl evUe • Wlifo,.., ..__ ou..u u. &lid Wra Corona del Mar fte .eta&Uoa ...... tollowl: tM AWitla Foa were vtaltln&' OeorJ"~' c "II c· I etone&Ml c:ut.le In uniform wu and Dorothy Yardley. It wu &, ap1 a lrC e evt.tiq a NC with a llaiJor wbo nry lnt.e~lrtiDc vW.l tn .. much Meets J u I y 13 llaWw w: at to do willl ll.. tMt, u Lt. FOlK .. JUil back from the I _ &Ad clid ll. AAd very tocMI c:ullera lt;ande ot lbe Soulb Pacll\c wlUI Mn H. A. Stauch. o1 tH6 Mart-~ t.ot~a wen. aeoraw took • m~y a .tory to tall. u. ... a , rod. ""*" ~~ ... l,.,. , .. the eapma 1 ~ at tiN cude and t.bo&APl Naval n~ tn tbe lut W&l', &Dd la <..'lrclt' of thl' Corona dd Mu '-woWd like to do .-.UWtc ootlll'll&IW1lJI&' a ~ ol nte~-1 Olmmunny l'hurc:h lut 'fiiUr.cSay I aiMJut It, or maybe ll w.u jwlt tiM ~&nee ~uacSron ot plallft In thta Tbe openln&' prayer and tllk ....._ • o1 tiN eveiUIIf-wbo a& Kt'a 1L14 ~ a cloee call i wu J1ft11 by the Ctrrt~ pnlllldml, 1 ~f ~. cuUe .poU ~ Utou&b M l:e not In wbat Mn. Frenr le 8 Cox Thle wu a.or,., ~ .. 0eofC'~. wbo .ud· you d rall comt..t, llllar1n&' a fox followed by community •lngtnr c11a17 ftada blm~lf really (OlD& J h~'ll' with rata aDd b&ta. to dodg· and a pray~r for tb<•e In 1.,, Ice. te t.owla. eDCJrdttd by evrybody lD&' lheU. 1ft lbe ll,lr and on land. .:... n1 1.. A Nor rran led tlevoUoca left • the noor. Tbe crowd wu 1t all add1 up t o a very tnlerut· with the t 8 1 k cntltlt'tl ''The 11111 'letlft to ay tbe leut, fcx 1111 week-end for lbe Yardley•' 1 gevttnth l"'alm.Y l • Pldtea 12 and 13 S.lnc Wf'loomed home from 1 Jaduon acceptfd a I)Oitt ln the Honolulu ~ Januqo ltk:ldc famous Aloha Tower on the wa· Jackson Cdati(hter ot .Mrl. Z.U. terfront In t.he otnee ol the mill· E ~ M t j Bender) and her hu&band, J . Syd· tar)' JOW!mor. This tnteresttnc mergency a ern ay ney Jackson. Aftt't a few days' poat wu ~llnquiahed to acCept Care Ex~ained to stopover in Sea«l~ tM Jaekaonl the poliOon o1 director ot drama H b ' If 'd travelled by ra1l to Newport W. and pubUdty ,fnr the Honolulu ar Or Utse S 1'\l eS In&' fortuna~e enoQih to MCUre~ Cty-cotmt.y ~reatJon d~put- private compartment for m ment. ThJ1 wortt entallfd I"'HU"'Jr F;xplalnlJlc emiJ'I'Wncy maternity needed"rest on ~e lu t lap ot h~ tlon ot Mra. Jaduon's pursuJt ol cu., Mlal Iva Godachalk, DUrrd.DJ wart.imt> joumt>y. ,_, writing and rcruo broadcaat· dl~ctor of Oranre cou.nly, ad· Mn. Jackson, gOfl(o lllmost a in1 •• she appeared recuJ&rly over d~-d ·a meet~ ot t~ Harbor H()f'lolulu's KCU. Nur•'a Aid• beld tn lbe COlt& lo'e1a h o me of Mr1. Vern o n Mat.la~we. Mra. 8. L. HOIIf, preai- dent, pruldtd. St>ven months with the com· mwion wu followed by • reluct· an t ~gnatlon in order to accept the proferred poaltion on the fac- ulty of the-Unlvenlty of HawalJ In t he Sl)("t'Ch and En&lish depart· ments through the doal.ng of the l fall tenn in June. Mr. Jaclalon, ..., 1r19t e.. wtUI . -.ell dapo Bill and Mildred H~nry were 1 Rtd ero.. Ch&innan Mrl. F. H. • ~I' 4 ........... Of INt. ~ lbartn&' ~tr beadl Ud houR Balea.. rept.rted the fullowln& work IYout ntt.n mllwt.. &ad ~ with C.pt and Mrw. l"raalll J ··•.tmptt!ttll by mt<mbere lately: 36 ~ tile &Bwa_ Of tile ci&Dc&. Kockrlu, PJA, WTbomu St':'~dn ... ~~. tllltt.f ptlluwll, 2 kn<'t' rubee, and 6 AmOIII' lhoee atlend1D&' were Mra Harlan Wood, Mra. Fred Wll· aoo, Mra. Henry lAD&'•. all of Coet.a M~la; Mre. Elmer Patter- eoa, Mra. DeaD Holcombe, lollal Mary Lob Moaton, Mra. B. H . -~raon and MN.-Z.-B. W..t, chairman of the Oranre County ' Can'adian born ,wu with ,the Pa· clfk lllaval Air bases on Midway I k iAAd (rom 1940 until April 19&2 • ... EYel'fone Enjoys CAROLYN'S FLOWERS Cb&rllll · Of'lllop, _, '""... wuh d nt • • Luc1De l.)'le. Join George Lewl• gave a talk Mr. and Mra. Dan Goodbody hAd nn ht r trop to Arm•rican Samoa a Mr. and Mra. C'tlarlea Gordon few yf'ara ag-•, rlurtng wb.lch tWit' Boolb etaylnl' wlth them fM • f~w tulfl ,r attendlnK a chriatenJng day1. Mr. Rnoth II well kn~n 1•,.n-mony amon~r th~ natlvu. An tor ble book, '"nne 0f'neral Dtt•d lllllllln n\llrblf' chrlsttnln~ b<.Jwl at Dawn." w118 u~~~t•d whirh Mr• Lewta ad· ' J ohn anti Heltn C rtlfllh Wf'rt: mr~ 110 murh that tht ji(enl'mu" I AVE )'OU vi'Cn IOtl&inr for jjl ~.: .. Cehe c....... c-. entertlllnlng Mary Ann Allot Jack natina g&vl' tllo ht'r. She brought I 1 piec:e of rully .rood eakeT Ii !{ 1 .. "'''.~·"'u:' .. ~• '== ::1 Cbapplr tn apltl' of the beauUful tt home lllld rontrll.lu.ted tt to t' ,. tnke a look at the luac:ioue Cofft',. .,,..J r htorool•<• I <uP ........... b II at e r 1 t.bet we~ adomlnf Corona drl Mar C 1mmuntt y chui"C'h Choeolate C1ke a~wn in the aoov( t ~.~~ •ll~ow!rok• 'J6 ~:~w. H~lttn'a nOlle. . I rK~nlly phototTaph. Hen • l.ba llavor t.n. 1 1 ~1....,n <Arll&&e ol>orWolu Rouad A~t-lt wu (ood 10 The nc.xt meeting or the Circle I J OU'•e._ ~torn wai~"!_fo~:.~t'JI ~~~. :!~~o:~·r..,"!~cr o• <,6 ~.=.l':':.:k-:r'• · 1 h •· br _.... a ,_.~, ....,. Ulo "'· It ~D do.... tl 'up Mllerallk • -Dlclt ll:dwart1a ~ artf'r 1 will be a bar berue unc t'On "' Wnc to brine oat wtlea &hi _, ....... n t.akl.. ..,.., a ll\ auc:lt a loDe ltme . . I wooder ttl hrllt et lbe homt' of Mre. C. E. bt &M Ar.M ......_ U..la t. a po•Jrr r ...... -*- Uarion H""'.-..tnaon hu tound th"l Kytt' 312 Orchid avenue CorOn1 rieJL n.n•a-...'"'---uu a... Add the "ef7 llot eoft'ee to~ -..-· · -lata and ltir wstil weU ble.decl. wall papeto wtth ptne conee on It tiel M~tr. ThUTll.day. July 27. Rear-tel' U... a W. pieoe fill -.....u y_,-. lou ult. IOCla ll&kiac U.t •·• been .-ourlnc lbt' Ot)UJI-1 vaUon. ••ul6 be mad~ by Wednea. cake ud ,._tJ el ,........_ NS-powda' ud cr-w.t.ct nCv lato mu. •+a AWl. try ..... for! . . . Hden Ann day evenlnJr. July ~. and may bl' ~ .. ~~...!',..~·,.a lilt.er.. ~~-alt.orteninc lato ~ GnUidJ t.clll tn our t!M'D for thP d.ont' by r • Ill n g either Mn. ~ AM ,_6 Wit -.._, 1up ..._. ud ltir wiUI woodeD ..... ...... Ume be&q helfMD« her father out SlaUl'h, p'10n~ .1023 .,r Mn. Kyt~.l "'; :::-=:. -=-'l ....; W ::::--=~ ~:r"..: ~ -:'.:i ..... ....., ... A* Ada.AIIord 1\ow lhe akln-phone 1St ..._ ............ ...._ .. die~ •....., allk. Council. · Thanks From Ladies For Publicity Onap c-ty Federctao. otw-·.aua.. N~wport Beach, Calli. I July 5, 19«. Dear Editor: 1 The-~m~rs of tbl' Orance County FederatJon of W~n·s Cubs wllh we to exp~ their gratttut'~ lor lbe fine publicity you have (lven the orga.nizatkln during the pe..st club year. W e sincerely appreciate your ~ration and thank you for it. Cordially yours, ETI!EL B. WHEAT, Mrs. Ceoree J . Wheat CorTeSpondin& Secy. .. .. \ , -. • Mel Mr a" tJM other ni&'tlt . . . Thew m~tlnga lll't' op,en to all llawa'\ trW tllll..., .... ::.C ar-k ... • ... fill tWI. .U Jllll ijt--.--iiiiiii:::=u::;;;;;;:~~~l~bope~~'-; "'--" 1a I"&CCYftt.aa v.-..mt!l"' In tb4' rommunlty. In .. ..., w ........ _.. 11 .. ~ tc .U aM '-' 1 .Uat& .. ' t.4.-a&LMr pt..JI.b.tp ...... J .. ICM ......... _.AM, :11J=~.J ~~ottom ., ller eboppla• biaaket Bai-Sport -Bar Is N'ew ~.....,.. ,_ •-· · • • ..!..I.-... 1.ll filiiiiliiiC" Pleasure Club To &Orprured By Mesa Women B .. · . .1.-'1 · .. ·-T ~y \I k & • -" t. 1 t I •• ,. came out ud the bottle• In It .............. -.~ .... ._., ...... ,uo·r. ..... _. ..... broil• ... June Ledford lookLD• Balboa Dress Shop = .. ~ ..... ••; _.. u. a WID 11 • ...-......,. t-tacla ..art u .._. and .WJ w<>ftdnt ft'c 'f:: _. ... ~diM,::,:: ~ • a NiM ......_,.... WMa fbr Douctu Alrcratl, u le ,nr-Th .. BaJ.Sport·Bar. n4'W d~• It • ...,._ a....~ ...... ,_ ,_fRill .. ......_ . A croup ot younr ma.rrkd wom- .._ Petter . · .. -And .,-Jilll« o1 llhup In thl' Bal~ Inn buUdlnr.J Q.llll OeA'• a.-late 0a1a r.-. •=•t ,: •'Eij:=-~10: en 'Wbo b•ve been mHUnr at oae wattllll I .UU thlnk Wlftltl"f'd opened for bu.e.lneee Saturday • ...te4, .t _....._ ..,. ........ ' waov aUk. another' a bouRa for lbe put few T~ ~ a medal. or IOII'lt>-ntarbt with Cyril Meyu11 a1 man-monthl met r«t nlly at the bom~ tliQII':' l!lbe not onl.y bu been •<er. Anil Mr•. F.ul11 HArtner ot Kn. R. L. Baird to organl.ze a wontn,. at Dou«lu from tb,_ .-.unc. A tuu llne ot popular Vagabond HouseHead e COMING EVENTS utue pleuu~ c:lub. Mra. IWrd ·an ~~ p.m. fnr a lont; lime. priced d~a anrt apnrle,wear will BllyS 1'"'\ress Shop Stack w.u cboeen p,-ealdent; Mre. John bJ,I( aim wrape b&nd&&ee a couple be c:arrttd. ...._ U WEDNESDAY, JULY 11-JoaN, vl~e-prellldent; Mn. M.,-vln at cia~ a -~~ and liMp~~ up her Nrc. Hartner wu In charge of , ·' H~ cro .. Workroom. 111 Palm, Wilcox, aecretary. Membera ID· OaataiD wotk.-Now lhat'l eome. the Ma1·k and Black J1ft lhop tn ~.rs. lr"lTM 'Marplu of Ule va,a-l.!alboa, lO a.m. to 4 p.m .• 1Uf'W1· elude Mn. 0 . 1!:. HIJion, Mn. UllftJ' to llfw)ot at!! Mort JlOWer~ the McElroy photo pllery, and I bnnrt ~II!M! t-., purehued 'Ou• cal drualnra. I J onu. Mn. HarTI.eoD; Mn. Beard• to ller. I hl"r plac~' will be taken hy Mn .• a\O:.I'k nrlhl' Fit well Ore. Bbop. Red CrOu Workroom. 313 Ma· l~y. M.re. Berni~ Bailey, Mn . OD Deck Saturday niJ'bt wit· J . Blar k. Thf'Odnre MoElru-y Ia o\\lnt'it by Mrs. Anna Rowlan~. nne avenue. Balboa Jaland, 10 a.m. I Wilcox, Mre. Baird. Mr11. Abbott ne.ed. a bane up party at ttl~ tnll'rMt"' In thf' 8&1·8port·Bar Mra. Rowland. and ber bueben · In 4 p.m .. ~r&l d~uln«• j and Mn John Boyd. N.tJ.T .C. ''""-enjoytlaJ' tbe run I with Mltere. wbo bu th~ ~hoe .repa!r lbop I.D Red CrOll Workroom, 1300 w"" -,.a, and NeU ~era wiUt • I thf' ame building, plan lo "tin, ueean avenue, Corona del Mu, B ff L h Mary ud Wa.t.oa Jay ..... ,..... c M G' I and wtll lin .. their new IUDaldt Of«' 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. l}lrg1cal l u et unc eon ._ Hu....,.. taUtlnc t.o Dkll uc~ osta esa 1r 1 c:ottare at na N~INul etrM.• druain••· For H. E. Stahlers ~ TwrtteU .•. rat u4 mw On Summer Trip ; Corona del Mar. I THuRtDAV, JULY»-I 1 ~ ..... a.. Howard Youa,.· N r Oth I Mia• Bonnie st-ard, wbo bU Klwanll. 12:13. f:leetrt Grill. I Dr. &Dd ...... H. E . Stahler ton. lA A nddlt .. ' tbt Jim ' ews 0 ers been lo c:Urp at the. v .. aboed RecWar mHtln« fll Ntwport I bQnored Or. Stahler'• mother &Dd Rub&ee-:-~. Col. ~ and CbarlotiA -· 1 St\op at lt&Jboa ainef' lle opt~l· H,.l{:tl\3 C"llV'If' of Olr.eb f'll'lrch father. on their forty-fourth wed- lleventnc. Major and 11.ra. QuiD-' .,,,... Mny \lytra or ~n.p ort h~ been f~ to luv .. be.:au• tly'the Sea al home or Mr•. ~rl'e ding annlvenary Sunday with a lUI ~ and Mn LMil boldln& bnulf'vnrd Is ~JM'DIIIIIl( IIIli weeki o!' lllr~. and .Wia S.rbara Rlfte-~"ft'llntl 2?1'1 2~rll ~tr .. ,.t ("<Mila buffet luncheon In th~ patio of Q 'the military eDd . ftblrl~y In C'tllno viaitlng Yr a.nd Mra.1 o.rt ot lialboa l1land and ., ... Mua. t he Stahler hom~ at 399 Seville. M-rve looklDI' In . , Pop and 1 R~u~n Oulanf'y and daughtf'r VIr-Dorotby . P'abrey ot Puadena an Red Cro,.. Wt,tkroom, 111 Palm, , Balboa. Bue KJrtt _.. lbue-nnt time:; (ln..ta. The Dulanyn artt f•lnner I'" rharp. Balbf•a. OPft! 10 a .m. to 4 p m .. Tboato attend In( were Mr. and 1n a lOll( UaM . . . M"'" l'f'llltlt'nl.ll. Mrs R~mary Lar.on. who wu awing. · Mr• Robfrt Stahler and chJidren • lunda . wu a wondforf'ul rlay )fn lo:dwarol Ham a.nd cllu~h· a110 In Ule llllop, ~u left to be Red Crou Workroom. 313 Ma-Shl rnn and O.JD. from Santa .,Mon· Y ··-·-• , ... _ , trn. Sul"anA ""d Marilyn. ,,2tJ with h .. r hul\hAtllt, "'h> 1" hnmt> 1-. rtne avl'nue. BAtbnft 'la!land. optn ic11 And the honored couple :Mr tor ...Utnc. and u ........ U>ere wu • \\' .. t 1 n tl f r rt h · · · t BUI &Ad Jl'a1 J C>. l'lll 1nth .,,...,. · r rt'<'f'n Y or' u oug · 10 a.m. tD 4 p m .. 1urgtcal dru.. a.n•l M l"l! jo' W . StAhler of Yorbe • ~ tu1110tt · h • H?;!: "11 lltav with rrll\tiVf'e In Umo""· ~ tD U nda I were VI there pttco lftl . ' San Ju••· lind Santa C:ru7. p ) M h p . ' . Bn.rda&ee u•lnr thlnp In lltrldc I M IMr• lltt-Ji'sn a.nd . .Joyrl' A 1111 au yre n on I '• .. uauo:!a Dick ~~n :,::'"-Jlln•· ... _,21ll:o Orll nl'r A\'1'011(' '""''" Furlough Here IFr,ances Harvey Arts Section of {)of\ f lU akJpPfr . • tn l'f'lcorflrd from r'ul'b1o C'oln . Whf'f"'' -Co )' t d h Friday CJ u b Mee ts ate ~t. be rnuld make It go .. R It\(')' \'l,.ll t'o1 1 llwor h1<1lhl'r l'fr A\'IAIIOn t'Aol.t l'~tul. \h 1t>l\n, ffiP tmen de y Ll"ttman put~ bta oar In · K•r"nrd J•m~'~• ,..:, ,,( Mr~ ~:Hn ~t v•··hn il3 ~:a.t Many Frien S t>nn PNnOn ~lng chco.~d on .bv In the pnt1o of M188 ,.~ranre11 .__1 0 .....__rt h l'ilh l>trr•·l. ~trrW•·•I J colv I fmm Compliml'nllng Maea F'tftnr·•• r.arrtno>r'!l h.,mt " 11ata(}-lunchl'on l bill w .... e ram y .~ ... -""' . Seroca Fl fs Feted Sic• nOlo (~OIIt'!{f'. ftt ~.·w Loudon-Harvl'y. who Ill to ~ marrlt-•1 to Wl\!0 IW'r\"f'fl l-tht' tlrU Anti Crftfl8 bl« around .. •llh hair lltan;lliTit ••n ~ vtll••. N V , fnr n tw .. ·w••••kll \'l!llt.' •trxa.ncl~>r ''"rlton Sh!'rrlfs. Mofl· ettd but doln~t a~ joh of mft.k· At \V ",·ener Bake .. ,_. ~rrl lnn of thl' F'lttfay Afternoon ~ 1-1 "m ht·r•· h•· ~:·•·~ '" :"nrth ('aro-day evt'ntng a lll'rirll of 11howt•r11 cluh Mn• c fi Rtdrcy &Miste-d __________ ;;:.;:.....---oo-=:~----------flnu ·for tht• rwl<l 1',.,.,... of h .. liavt' ~n Jtivcn r~rPntly ~11!<!1 r.ar•ln~'r in huslt>M dllllf'll. S E R V J C E 1 C'umpllm••nl"ry h• th<.'l.' '"'""· ''"'"'"Jt I Befort• 8h«' ldt Stanror1l thle Pr~unt were Metldamea Thom-~1'1 ltuV.'I\rcl C'oc.-of the M1rtnc-I JUly, her .A'I•rnrlly su~ter MIIM Ill! Wroght r.t-•HI(I' J.A>wls, J: )1. 11-. A•te. ............. ae,.lrM ~ t•oorpll """ ~):1 ~ftrrt (·.,, •.. r llw Balhoa Man Leaves Lout.. f'lll('hl'r. ga.:e hf'r II m111C'el· Sbea~r. c 0 . Coopttr, J . I" Mari• ~Pee'~ Alii"\', Mr """ :\!no f!uy c .... olf d F taneou~ •hnwn Rt tht> Ot'lla Delta l..'vopo>r, F. A Spaulding. H. H Burt R.' Nor'on tl>lh .•tr•···t llrrllllJ.:t•ll A Wlt>nrr For A·rrn e orces Della hnu~~e which W8ll allf'nlll'U LIPIIIIU, J> v. PArkes. 'Shennan · 11 Pllloee l•n I hrt ko ln··tu•l•·•l Wl'rr )of,.,..,,. .. ""'' , \ • bv about thirty of hPr 11ornrlly ~ollt'r. w. G. Wftlker. A. J . Lup, 1111 C..& IBcllway 'IEWPOilT BI:A('H l' Mr~<dllml's' fl11n ('t IIJ!hl\n ('tau•· f.,,ymo n.t t:11n "''' •"" •· ;\(r. ai.te"' · t<>n. Grac~ &bertck. CllrriP Smith. ----------------------------nr\' 1'1\rkt•r. M~>~ttll'.m~" .I,.~~ t' o\llol )1no 1-: f( fill milt'\ oof :!Tt l A bAndkerrhld ll{ld linl'n 8h11Wl'T 0 . (' MI\CKt'nllll~. M II!UB Ht'len ----------------------------, ('ro.ul(hlln. ~:.P'Jilol'•'rfl lloowru•l '''"' """ ~lr••••t l~,,~h ''•'~'' lf'ft honoriDJr the br!d~ln·lw' wu glvt>n Kf'l•lt>r. Lyda C'11nant . Allc•c· f'l'um~r ~ Grwtt,.. Cerda 1ft-1 Great V~riety of u nueual Qlfte '\ ·,.,. ,,,.,...1 t•n•• On \lit P r••ntlrc• thl't "'''"k ftor onoltu ""n 111to the 18lll Ssturdav hy Mw :'olllllcy (10/1· 8J1r1 Grrtru<Je GartlnH ''WE ll'fVJTI.: YOU TO BROW~tr. AROUND" A llr,ool ~-'"''' ~ '' l!moi tlllt•• at toG fll Loe Angl'lt>S at thf' 134>1 Air ThP nrxt· mrt'llng will bf beld ""-£. LO. UCKS ·ln.: 11111 '"'"'' K*' Jano· l~oll\ll(t, ~. "t~·• I flnrloow t'nl• n th Cfi I Beach club In ~lUll.& MonicA. MIM J lv .,, w~th M " J ~t "'h \...... . l u . ~·J r. . . , ,, ear~>r. JEWEL"Y and ITATIONE"Y .,.,,h '' t 111" 1\hlf' I)Atl'bllll hal on. ~ "" 1 Hum~<•'Y hM• '"'''" •·mt•l,·ved 1 Pat J•almer or RaJhoo. l!!lan•l anti __ _ Dlamenda • W•tchee • triM "•~trine ,,nrttn~r lho• ~Wnall l'l.•nt.J< at fl••uj;!11\.0 A•r•·rl!ft "''"'' tt•·1rh.1 Mnl. wayn,. Katl.-y " summt'r Mesa Waf fie Supper ......_ N...,.art ,.... . • l reeldt'nl thrrf' l"f'Jln'lll'nlNI the Coffee Crumb Cake for Many OcUisions A r o<"ktau· party tnr'th .. w('dtlln~o: _-.- . . party will bt' gt\l'n l'lllntlay nfl•·r Mr!! l'••nnPth !';ll'wart nf Rma•t- RADIO rwhen he retumtod to CalifornJL Married in late April, Mr. and I Mrs. Jackm ~njoyed a brtP1 hon<'ymoon trip lhrough the P•- cific Northwl'!lt after which Mr. iackson renewed contract with PNAB at Ewa. Hawaii. On Mrs.. Jackson's arrival in Honolulu tn March of l~t year. Mr. Jackson eorf<'Cted transfer to the Pearl Har-. bor !"oval yard when!' he hu I n.omajned until his recen t transfe r I to Terminal Ulluntl 1--...ey 8Uc:lde oladlMB. who I The coupl~ piM to stay a few wttla ller huabaad, "· lydJtey wN•ks with Mn . Zf.'lla Bender, 110 laekaoa .... pf rdumei1 fi'Ofn ~h s tA-'t'l N~port Beach for a &M llawal&aa. blaada. 811e le nt•eded rest. Mr. Jack.o:on will l"f'- t.IMI daucllt.er of Mn. Zell• Ben-fsume work at '1\>nnlnal Island der of Newport a-cll. aftt'r that. • year an ~half,, wu on~ ot th~ Yt'rj Tb~ pride of clrcumet.a.n<:e or few who s~ In wcurlng pow~r le the prince of thle world pa.saage to Honolulu without com-I that hu nothlnr 1n Chrllll. AH rnJtment to work contract O'l' as power and. '?-&PPin~ a~ 1plrltual, a retumin& Island l"Hlden t. After I and proceed from &'OCldne-.-Mu, a few monO, as a "tourist" Mrs. Baker ~'1· ... l .. w .......... pe ....... For .. ,. •• a111op -lt'e ..ce, 1'11 tell ,_ wllat It la ••te -. Not one C!t JOU wtll ltooL ll rea11,. nte -jult W&e tile tidal" I carry tor ,.., _..., I have for Mle IOftMI cllrtalflldac eeta. t•or bablea of aU creed-. Lay"tte., wool.,_.. UNI eldrta aadiiOClb, And dtapera by Ute -re; A.Dd rallller ,.... tor 011 yoG.r lap. How coald ooe uk tor,-re! l'vt' biAAkl"tol, ll&llltary· tray•, ~IN! eltowf'r &'lfta UNI ~upa. l And Sauntu. aiiCI 1et1t ,._ torpt. Choice &porta Wear tor Growa Upa. I've loftty .Upe _. dalaty ro--. .... ......._.....ur-.rta. 1111eer lollreleeved ...--. eWMtlleart aeeb. ~tclled lldrta -wMa 0 .. ClDYOrta. 011! ;.,. I haW' .Nne wee toy lamba. Al110 110me frt!lky dop. Stop! El.rht 0 Tbree, Ceut IO(IIway for Eulualve "--" Top. .. Mary Janssen's ·Toyland and _ Fris.ky Dogs 80S Coat Jllsh"''ay, CorODa del Mar, Callforma 11t'I'·M Newport .I ...... c-.·-· c.lrf. r . loeal wnmen Is Delightful Affair 1 1 ~ ' lbe rth~arsal by Mr11 Mt•nlf 1d1·. l'111't11 Mo>!O;t, l'nt~rlaillM~h - 1 Tbeatt at hf'r hnmf' (In Nt•rth All\' a lhr('('·CUHQ<l' ..... 0 f rl I' !Uippl'r BERNARD' of HOLLYWOOD .· 'Distinctive crlwtography at Reasonable Prices .I Visit Ou~ Portrait Galle'ry IDtbf ' BALBOA INN ARCA~E .A· c:V.:~-...... · • .~c. ............ .......-..... ,.,:_ .................. ,...~ .............. ..... .......... --. ..... ,..., .................. ..... -.., .......... ._. ........... !!!: ............ .. ,. ........................ ..., ... _~ ........... . ..... --.................. c.-. c:... c.a. ......... . .......... ....... ---. F'T'ont. Ralb a, ll'tand Thfll ~olll)' •''"n•n~o:. "''h brl•igto !ol· I , t"" mg I Heights Circle to •:•~~'~'~~ lrwluot;·•t li!C's•tAmt·" Hom--o•r ~1"11"1. Horh:11 ol n tttmtlll J l'lhn Meet Thursday r. .. td•n llur\\Rr•t l'llrtn~o:ht. Hnr••· 1'1 h•· ro'~tJtar mr<'l n~ ••: IIH• :"••" • Rur.t11•k, t-;l'n•··l ~I• t'l••ll!tn anti port I!C't):ht~ C'ln h• ·•I I 'hri~t F rll\lartf ~1••1111 ~tr~ ~l o>ijoot w .. n Churrl. hy tiH• So·:t \\Ill ht' '"" IIi/•• f·•r hll:h " ,,. ~l t.< C!ltf.- durtrtl Thunul11~· nt lh•• •>lllO' of J"H! ' ,,., 1'1\'"ol t•<>'h o '"li'•)tlll to •n Ill) 'J.'J.,", :.':lot I f'll l",.tl ' .: J'll~•·~ II ntl ~t r:O f;.,)do'n hnd lin awnrd ft•r ,J!"Ill,: ,..,, BEFORE YOU BUILQ OR REMODEL 1111 Seutl'l Main It .. Vts•t our ofllernting umple and dosptay rooms. e ctor guldu planning aida, com-, preherralv~ &tDI.k of ruga. carpets, flnol~um and VC!Ie· tl•n bllnde. ~< ~J Ruga 1nd Carpete ClealtM "epaiNd LlfDLUM .Carpet Works - Ph~e l•ltt• An• 2iot SANTA ANA ..