HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-20 - Newport Balboa News TimesII SAN.B CRAB SAM • I I I 0.~. Mark Healy. who. won b1s battle for ~ as commoc:tore of the Balboa Yacht club, now has another problem before him-that of the kipd of dancing tech- nique he should provide for old and young. Ma'rk feel" that youth should be served and that dancing is for them , although the olds ters can still !tick a mean foot. but more ~atcly. He opines that thC' club can be o f great serviCC' by cate ring to and holding the young JX'Ople by giving th<'m the k ind of dances they haye learned in this:mociC'rn age. rathC'r than satisfying the oldC'r folks • with their v. a ltZ<'s and two- steps of oth<'r days. Tr~uc, us middiC'·a~t·t-s fed our kmcl or terpskhore is thr best. but all things arc t't'lat i\.'t'. And much of it a state ()( mmd. • • • llome Seni('f' Just got a little chapter on Homr Serv· ice from Red Cross Publicity Director Andt't'\\'~ that is apropos of many ~hings. Es- ecially oo the story of t~ private and his young WJfe with two bllhi<'s ami fP\\' cloth('!'. This hranch of th<' Red Cro!'s has a local Hom£' &1"\'ic<' huri':1u h1'1:1' :-~nrt ewry. soldier is furn•shro a Jist of wh:1 t ·it ha:-to ofh•r. 'In the prt'st'nl inst a~c1'. ~f the priwtte had s tudwcl ~Js litl"raturc. hl' "oulrt ha,·<' di~­ COV(>nxl 1 hat h<" 'l'ull hi ha \'£' m..'<.'i\'NI man~· arfiMI"s-~­ frw-from hi~ P.t'<1 tl'<~s. \\'hich ~~ 01~aniz('(l fnr t h:.1 t Ami manv ntlwr puqwN's 111 this ";11:. In nrrirr to HI'· quaint th<' puhli<' with llom<' Scrvic1'. Mrs. J\n,1rt'"~. ha:- kindl\· t'OilS~'niNI I<• \\Ill£' a setie~ nf aJ1 ides on thl" suh- je<'t. • • • "Monumf'ntal" Mlstakf". Jt, seems that n r'\'.'Hai n M~ .. A. Hitler not· only ha~ intUJ!Wn which h<" trots out <)('t':lStl')n- ally (and then quickly pu~" • away 1. but he also has skill as an · ar<'hitN't. Severn I years Ago he took . time. out from his· masterrr1mciing .t n ·design a rQonument for t'lim- ~ which would commcm· orate th<' "total defeAt of the Allies". It was not to be a small monum<'nt si~re .Mr. .Hitler goes in for thlnJ:tS m a big way. It was to be ~rly a mile tong. half a milt' w1rle, and one thouSilnd f('('t high. Hundftds of thotL..and-; of JtMlnlt<" biQ('kS werr orrit>mf 't I .. • for 36 yean the belt advertisinc medium in the n~wport_n_ar_bor_di_st_r_ic_t _. _._._lhe~ewspape._r _that goes home Buy Bonds to End .War Qukker • BALBOA -JA: c~ -IEEP POilU! ' 1 Year • • • • $2.51 tl.aa.OIItld ........ .. NeweT!a1 N ..... .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOll£ ) ~ . LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLlJIO XXXVI NKWPORT" HACH, CALIP'OfiNIA, THUfliOAY, JULY 201 1t44 :Navy Chief Sees Long 1War and Great Influx !Herei Kill Jap Millions !. I . . I Commandant at Seal BeKh Tells Cout Groap' at Costa Mesa That Safety Measures Are ~o·,.. Taken and Beach Erosion Will Be Avoid~ tt nwr..l .. •r,. .,f th!' F't•dN'Ill Homf' l.nn1• 11Jonk tof Lot! Angele11 ~g­ llltrr,..t 11n tnrrf'ILM nf 215 ()f'r rf'nt f ' l hf' tf'n·~·,.ar rrr•nd ()( 1934 '" 1!'4-4 M<'mbt-r a!'JI(•b no\\' am,.unt tt• •461.~,()(10 romp~tred ''d th $,141\.MO,flO!I In 1934 Lnr noUf' tn c :''""'AI H•·11rn:u l\lltl l 'ntli\'Jdcd Po·ooflll' (ror that I!Rr.'t> l.;.rt,.•l ro \'• .tl!' ... :14'-JW r '••nt tnt"r"3.1"-'" fr••Dl South Coast Will Launch First of 3 Training Ships -....... In ''"'"'"~>! "",. rH•IIu ••p<·ro•tur "'"' hnnu l '\'1 Orv&l U 10V1I '"" oo( 1-lr rou ol Mr11 I t S l ,lllv<i ••I ('oor.,nll <lt>J ~JAr, hR" 111'<'0 llltl"j.!OI'tl 6.6.W.ono to $29,7r.O.OOO f"'rst '" lhf' Arm\' Aor F~orr"" ·r·""""'~ mo~ll:t' loan11 J•orr.J)"•I r r '"" $~.-r 01mmRnot "'""" 111 h .. t ,., ~'""' • I'III I~Nt tn ""'''·:''") ()llfl, an tnt '""""' "'""" s n "· ::Y; ~r crnt ,'I 'J••rt •·nrnpll'tl••n ;,, t11•• :lCI· T'be Neport Balbna F'eder.al ~llY· ,..,., k o ""'~·· h .. 14111 tn,tn l<• luk • IDJI:Ir and Lotan AJ!Jo<"''"'' n. (ht> hL~ pt:u'·•· ~~~ :1 m•·mh•·r uf 1 ,. '"'')' ''"'"' m l'rntM'r tot lhl' fo'P<I<>r&l ~kllt•·•t h"'n h••r 'n·w ••f th•• IIAF .._ lAeD Bank Syllll'm . '"P'•rl.a,• II•· w:. .. 11 ~:rRtluul•· "' ;>;t•wr•·rl th f'f'lll!h ltll prral•lf'nt I' A l'al· H nrl)f•o I 'nl<on llij.!h ,., il•• I tn 11t:t•• "'' r. ltHH tltlltntt U ,. ~t·v••n, nntl v.·h,.tt-ht' piAv<·d fton thRII ''"" W•·hl un•···Mlf )'l"llrto 111nn• "'l!llnr7.1llun ''"' lttr t oo•·k A llt"r J:ratlruit r"Jl. Hu.-·. hAV~" ~r .. wn "'"':"ft t qt " .;ut"tt'll hP "-':t.!li n ,.,.ntlf'•· ,.tatl,•n rill• 1 I tr-•rn $:!.l llfllo ''' $!•::~. llf)(J Rr. 11111 lin• I • nlt·r•·•l til<> """ ll't AI' III Th,. flr.!ii!l 11! t hr••(• ,. ~ ~;t\\ \ , ,,.,. t\ .. , U\•• ''-••u ·&:"' n.nd :-."'n,~r 'J'r,,',,.n~ \'r!ll'rll' w ilt I" I•'IUJ a..unc;all..n.l ln Un~t lt·rnt• r v heun• h•••l ~nt u•f;,, J uh :!2 at • "'• tt '4•1 fi.!' llfttutJ ••r 1rr ~ ll llllhnr rt·~ !':outh r wv<l c·, Ill 4 :lit tt1rn nJ!t r fl'Jii"l'\'1' ..... ~ 11110 lhrtJI I.T. "'II.LIA~ A. f'fWfo't:\ """ ""-hH>n f'ftjtl' tnt~ hi-'! l ·day f11r· lmach with hJ, l••ro·nt-.· 1\tr •nd ""'· F..d ('uflt•L \lr-. ('""''' t- lhr nwnrr ttl "'" nt·\. ~lfl and , ... tt.-ry .-.. .,,, "1,.."''" ,..,.,.,,I~ •I ~Kl ('uaJOl I IlK It" tt>, 4 "'""" 1lt>l \tar. At thr ••nil u t ht-furiiiUI{h. IJf'tt'-aftl (.'ull,.~ "'Ill n •hlrtl lu \\ llltama t'trht. t\ rbun•, "111• r•• h,. lA an ln•truf'lnr. Jfr altt•Jtd•••l hl11rl vhool tn h h ldo•, T""'' ~ hJfotl I• 'nrar fit-•·all lr ran.-h ...,._, Thf' '.!~·vrar·uld llf'lllf'n ·ant laaa Ntjlt)'NI~ rldlnK hi" hur ... • R•rt.Pnclrr and I h,. '"'II' ttf .... , •·ra.l frirnd-\4 hit" un furlftiiJ: lwl'f'l, t'ap Hillyard Tells Lions of Histnri<·ctl Background Here A t "rn itul1• !ilttr y ''' ,,Jfl ~ ·,1, rrtiA lttletJJn J! Itt 1JH f••III•HI I'UI ,,f I t t-1 f"ttliflfV f f h11tl•'•• V.'ttl'l tt fttlfotl n "*'II ltfl• t•d•·~ uw• t t•l ••I lh• f ,.n,. • 'I ttl• it I tf"" 1' ~-ql , r "'' .. .,.,, \ • ld 11o~1 Ttlt•'C•l•t\ t•V• ' '' ' 1,\ t q+t \\ K 1flflv•trd •'••II' t · ~ Ht\• \·•• A '''""•'''''*' ,,, fht 'JIUil \ ,,,, ''" Vt'UIIIf 111• , • .,,,,,,' t r•tuar k t If; n,, •f H f 1, • 1 I' •f t h•• f''' I 'II n I nn;l ,,, , ,, • t· r • ,••• tt "' t h• "''h , • tt.. "'*' · ''~"n ,,.,. ,,, pUt•n ,,, '''" ,,,. ,,, "' •u•t,.,t-.ndlll~ ... tf iHtt w-Hn'~"L' H ,. ' •\trtl1• ·r "' I h• 101 rv ,.,,,, tot .. r•rHIW!tnnto '"' tto• . ...-.1 NUIIHIIM Jack Jones Back From· Sciipan In Graphic Tale of AttaCk and Capture ----~ Balboan, Who Took Firat Group of Marlnn to . Land on bland, ~ayH JapR Are Surrender- inK Hathl'r than Committing Hari-Kb.i ~ Frank Crocker· Elected C<;>m.mande~ OJ Legion Fr~t.nk \\1 f 't•ukf't , N•'"l'"rt an•l l lr I' A <,uunbc"''tln. 14 ol lt 1 ,. I' ~ t'ufl.lll •:ullr•t MtttiV l!ooa•h fl~•· l'hl•·f Wall ,.,,.,.,..,1 ''""' ,,,,. ftlo• IOIIItlt'lt l•tlll "'"'"' him. mllllllr'r j t Anlf'r11 ltll '"'II"'" l'r..rt '""' II•· \..,,. knuwn f rrtnt "KI,.I 111 N<o :till ul Ill•' llll••flltjl Tu• ••lily, Kl'l• hlk1t11, ~~~ un• frt .. nd vut It July l k 111 lh•· 1,. ~eltolt Jloil Itt• ' A II , r•• ltttplttJ.: h,. will ~ ha.4 t. ' t il' '""u • d I ttttt h•• Y.••uhl ~ppulut Hlrphl'lo l'l'f"t (I( llltiJ,.,., whr1 hu r '" .,nllv '"m" t rum A._, wu """'""ml'rl a.a a new mi!DIIwor tran• trrr1111C (ru m u ... ~·"''"· w:a.t.tr..r· t•on l'n11t , and "•m~ ). A. Vu l4onn , ''""""'•·c• ,., ttu• •••·x.t m,.•tUtff """It "111 loo• lloollltlltlt"" u( ootfl· D.W.King Expands . BoatAr~a l!oolh I•Nol 111111 JNOi k lnJ: (ndhl\t·~ lilt I" Ill<' '"'"""'t~l "' Kut~. l .tondlllj' lov I I f) Curly, yrwh! 1(1 "" 1 rlod ''" '"'r I • W Kor•1: 11t• ••••II• :u•··• nnttJntf lht• • uf• 111! ••II•• •' ;oi!Ooolfnlln~: Itt :t!t,IWIII '1''·•1 •• I··· 1 1• I• on~: JWoVI'II urtol "'1tl '•• II '•f ft~f f~·•l ""''!· HtUJ 'A 11\'-••f• lw ,,.,. ,,,,.p 111 t h•· tmy "' ltu· ''*''"' I ntf '" IIV ~ (,,._, tilth• tUrf fl tltf ft •'f ,ttflrtf" f tU fit• I •I I' I ' I ' fit• "'IIY' 14lu II ; !frtlfof f , •t \\Il l ·~-l'f.IIJIJifHtd Itt lit \'k \\ f 'ftllf IU.tt, '"'"'"" fir•• t hl1•f, \\hot Hill ploul l~·t;IIIU Ht,l!t .. "' lhl' ,,,. Ahl'"'• Navy f'<~lll ~u lnlrul1ur•IIC1, Cil•nn , IJcMM, Jl"'lihlf'nt ul 1 b" Htordotnt lludy a t N-pur1 Harbor UftW. Hlp .:IIMI, wllo waa liM ranoiJ<III~ -t. '-• llfty• Ht ate at ~ram .. nto, Juae 21 to H , pve an lnlA'r.<IUn«, NJWH1. of A«"ti\'IUu at UMt Bo)'JI lttal• r amp. AdJUIInt Haynonn rl,...dl<'lf'd that by nnt ,.., the po.t wuuld t.av,. " ~.o pen!f'nl tocno-In ffif'O\I'NHIOitlt'· wllb rt•lurnln• Yf'lf!f· an• ot lhf' pt"eMnt w1r. Uld that Jlhon• ~thtnrld boo bfoteUC\ tur a lal'l•r h•lt ' ....... '""'"''"11"11 anti f)p..,.... I• 11111 ••f t )rall~t" ''"""'>' will lr .. taU II•· l j0'\4 """'"'" AUI(UIII I. An•1 thl' I 1 •·Il l• ,.,, "' ""' l..rl(lttn A ua. llloot 1 will "'" '" ltllll lltlf'tl Ull' "t""' .. v .. tthtl( A f111lo tltnn .. r wtll I•'"' ,.,.,1 Itt .. ln~tlfolllottnn Hoard l'oHtponeM Liquor Ca~ Agnin l1 ,.,,lh ltf lou tf411 f •,.,.1\ ~It ~'!.,_~hr• •'ttlttlfllt \t•n r ___ • \\lfltlt•t lt\•tl fH •III ~ltllllflt'lfltt rlftW 1111' 11 'lltll II ttftlt'l' "' Ill•' ,.,.,, ; I t " .. I h.• \ '· ,, n• •w u( f 11 , Atr)(tu•t 1 'IPt,.. 1• ''''"" '" •I 11 , •• ,., . I li· ltnndl··• ,,,11, ,,,, .. , ... ,,,,,,... • ,. f ,, lftd ptt ""''' .,.,,. .... I , f '"'J ''" '' ,,,,. , •• ,,,.,. I,, • 1· t t 1' I '\ t tlfot t H I f • ., ' I t ·-,,I I••, .,.~ •••• p m "'lh ~''" \\'11la11m :-;,,1! th .. y aP· l••la'y ,,. t ··•I•·I'JII Jl.,al•· •lt....::.• n f)!hrr • ( v·~l,.r Null ~flll'h Loan Mllnk . o( U·~ Ar.~··IPII "' ·~ ~;• '" lh·· .. , t1 "' 11 t fl whu•h h11t • d # .. I ll I ,, .... I ·••d. '. pt• ~· -. I ft. • tl• • I tlt,tl Uu• '*"'' f.,~utl uJ Pq tlifll /ltl htfl ll.!dlfl l"l'fl"ttlt'tl fll t 11 1ft Ufl fti! tf1piH tltqfl ftt , • ._f.lh l1 ft ,, 1 ,,. ..,, •II 1-..u 4..l t • .. ,, •• J\1'''' \lo• I I !t ••Jilt.. l(o~·hllu• oiiHI ('Jill ltlltt.;h .tll• \\.hu •• kt•tl I t tl ltu• JN t • '"'' t.uvt• h••••fl ttftJJif•..,.ttl ltV tt~ltuy t• '''''''~' '" lr•"u tftu 1\ft•Jrtu 11n·n C<•tlllt 1 '"' trtf :~I ~urwrontt·nrlo·nt' ;L., u a C"rf'dlt ,...., rw Hr an•! rt·•ll,.. Rpnn~a.ur .. urH h.u k f••r tn-.t,tut •••fl~ iu ltH' llu1tt "ol h th•· "''m" hull a~ 11 ~, .. ,,.~ , r ,.,.,,,,.,rua ,\rl7.• na 11n•l tntn•· ll""'""fl"' an•l f11 1<l lllunr' "'' ~t'\.o•la a r,•l tht' T•·rnt ry "' ll:t· a ... a bt'\:~t M that I' Ia&'<, lhl! lnt•·r · \\1111 - ln r rlt•II•Jm WAll chan~"'' tn lhllt "'. llr l'alm•r .,7po •rtll •1~ IIIJiliiiJ· It ~~ n11r ound"r wnt••r IO'Mmrl r ~IJb-hun hu ~ .. ntly purr h&Jirt1 s'1 :~1 · r hn,.•·r It''" lhf' f<•Ur1h t-.ont In· 1tf'~1 ll't\,.rnu,,.r.l bnntl.ll With '•Yt'r • lurtrtl on nnr contrnrt of Wh l<'h $1 2~) OQP 11aJ,.8 tn tht-public •lur · twu wrrr .Uhcha•• nt on<' II mi{IP· on!{ Ut,. t rfth \\'ar l.nan t>rl\:" """''"I""'· and lhn"'' ~nn11r tnunin~o: Yl'llllf'lll, ~ rlf'll kt>r nf lhr f'IC'C'YOO WlU bP ft111r Lnnjt. Na•aJ t~t"r •·hu de101~t>d lhl' ttlr<'ntfl rN('IJf' bt>ltt" betn~t built at lhl' South Coolurt ~ s~~tzerland ~~r the too. st~ or the mastf't'Jlien-. A· tew da~ ago the nrdrr was ' suddenly and ~·-nt l~ canrellecl. Appornntly th4> plan · ~as a ''monument!'!" ·mi!'lta~. }'l'ar-o111 t1nu~;ht"r ,,. Mr 11n<1 Mr" \'aull Whit" 1()9 ~~ ,,,....,, 1'\ttlh<><r ~ QP'rlllr Whtl«>'• llltltlf1fl <':If•• h ,.,....tNrron~ nrr <'l) fnwn •11 '""''"' tlnn "'' h•·r M n -1<. ~tllnS:t) •h" f,.ll and broltc l'lofh ~. and 1\a~ liT c; J.. Tntnll !OI't thf'm llnri plltl'\"<i lht·m In r;.c-With l>r V <M·m.: "-''"' tfU: ' •. ,,. An r·•·t t ' I t • •;I ·' ·'" 'tu I•·! ,t l hr 1~ rt • 1\l hfr,.:• ,,f tdt tt • I• ,.,,., t ••·•• vttnndn 1\ •'•flftrH l*t"h ,,,,,, I '"' \Aitt•·r,. ,,.,, , •• runH•·v ••r ~" T •.\ ).:" d 1"·•·1~ ,., '-tl.trk '"' 1 ,.,,., A Jh ,,, ,,. .. ,. f fi•U H 1 fr-utn th•• ltM ttl v..•utrr,. 'unu 1t1f • •. ~p ,.,.u wtt 11 ·~,, r,. ,.,ft lttll+ ~~~A.•'• lhf' hsrt,Or I hill Wo•o•k 'f111 t-'k ' f • r 1/lllrtl qf <til • '11111•111 i1M I '•Ill I"Tk. wtth J~m u •. .,,.,, ~r·u , ""'" ''• 1:t:t ,_,~, '"' .~ •• 1• ,.. , \o\'yl'r" Hn lt llumtollr•·Y• an• I .I I' • •h ~~~ f•,•ltMt • r ,.H rnf' In Til•.u•tH\' (,,, u l t,,.,1!f..,. .... , t , l ilf fr•"" 1 tt • momtng w tlb a I ton an1l A t1111t \'ar to 1" ''""~'"'' ;,, r ,,, II", ""rtt1 rof whitt 111 hnJl"•l will ,. hljth t•••l Drrp III'R tJIOI\111 ~: t• """' I•\' U•en, and 111110 With 7~.0 l"•tllul · rth""' It• rill" 11 "''·1•1.' II••••• 1111 ', lllllfll'ooro• wttlt h I hry pl!'k .. •l Ill' 1\dlll ~ ' •. ,. Ill ' I h· "'' w ~:l rotPr whtl,. "rf'lltln.r .. \lrllnlll IJrlln" \\ "'" '"'"' F;arlt,.r In th" ,.,,....k B,.r1 c;u•l · • hlrh to .. v,. tiJOh••tl ""'" Ito• "'ttntot atf.on brouJrb ln thf' Bonntlf' l ~tn ttvtloom tlll"n'l" All h nv• """" wttb 118 male IIOllpfin •harll , .. ,,, n•••'" • 'A'IJh '''l"'r'~ 'f't~mln« "''' ' l1 "' ••til• I r~m "))t)"l 2"'0 J>nun•loo m tr( ~e•wot1 rt.4ur•~ "'' hv Sttn I''"' of llvn and 2000 poundi ot 111,..1 c l.eo t tl<' m"at l'lrln..,n.r five ''"nt11 •t 1111ron~o: Mro y lO/lll Jun.. IIVf'r• pountl · v lth " v•lu ,. ltolltlonl. "'"'"' 17~t.· A 11hark'1t ltvl'r .-quab ~t,))t)ul 111 l,t)() hav" hl'••n IJf'"''l!ht lnl.rt l!J>O ~rnnt uf lh,. weltrtht , f th,. 'lilly' harbor. w ith •bt•ol 2~ ,,..~ f'l11 ••f uti II lhe III)UI"C:e ot the ot1 froth 1Jn1 t atr h ('om lui.' fr•~tn ''" 111 wtllC'h •ltamtn A lit ,,.,.,UIIf'd, A wat#r11 \\ a•l, 1 lu •••• '''"' fu r n " ,, I I ,,,, ..... , IMU ·, '"'''' ,,,, •• , ,,, ,, ,.,, .,,., ..... ,,,.,,..,d"l"'' "''~ If, HH \' tl• ,., •• '"' Ot'' 1-\tHr Ant¢1••• f,, •. ., .. ,t " '"'·•h~ ltrttl th••r•• ,., .... ,.,,,, 1•1• ""''' 1 '""" ill ll11• lrurrll111: f •1 f i l t tIt\ ~lttiU ff II All "'" ,,,,, •• .. ,,.,~ ,,,,~ nraf t u•ur,. w ta " mfllmtwr• "' v•r 1 ,,, l"·lllo• "' ,.,.rttrll witt ,. tn vtl• 1 ,,, •••l,lr• ,... 1h• nu-m ~r• .. , .. ,, p f .. I I I';~""' (I lilt II• . •• t .. 1 , II I 1 • '' • •• , 1 • hu J '""' '•''"" I ,, ph,. "'' '&.\' liftl u t llllt' lit J' 1\ •'fiHflllu•fltlf hi,. I I ,, \\ '"'" 1•'1• ..... 'ftl•···l "' II••· •IH\ f-' I t:.•fl·l• f ~•IJUiuut t ·"''" .,,.,.,, ,., u,, t ;,,,. T urnr·ht14 krttJ f \ tfllrJifj, Hrt•l "tl••l j(\tUtd l', t· I·,.,, ll~tn•t••l t tf'lt• I' a t • ,_ I '• t '•' '•, ""' \ ''t11Ut• I .! I .H'f '""''''I hfltl tlh· !,1ft /\t•·n tn•• ,• ln.c~t ,.,. lr\ht~ t; •. ~~r ..:•· ,;,,,.J,,,, , :J·" • '''" .. , ••' ·rh••UlJJ•"'' '-'h't' Ottl f'llllllr• ·h•lt•l(l\1• ~ It t• ~\lilt- • ~ 1••lol• I • llur ut .. t \o\' 'l'11n l" rlotkl', M•-l.11to"" l'a rfnf'1rr "' •~·· \ I•~' ,,., ~t,.nl I hi' WHI!,.ntl Ill :-:•·WJ• ·II h••ll• o, •• Uti' hMI.,.'ICU~·· ( I'• ,. Ito •I MMI IICd ~. ~;,,,,~, '•'"'"ltln,...r uf '1trd .. ,...t hit• '"" 11 lflltlr Ill 101 htll homr Ill'' ,,.;., ~ •• k ,,, ' ·~ •"''"''"''"~ ,., v .. -. rr••"' lol lort • IIIII tleUI(hll'r "'"' ,,, on•l·'lluttlll .. r , Wrw NllftA WOOf'e l\llol '""'' ''' t)l'ltarlll a rfl •"'""" .-v .. ,.l ""'It• 111 l .... r !limBe. '• l .. ,u•tn•·r ,.,.., tt K ,; •. ,.,,.,. ftr• lh" f'll~'lltlVr f'ltfiiDIIIt• • HN• !(trW ftr\ 111r11ll\p, •: t'r•ttl Po r:,.hnrty, V ,J11111 hrr 11.1\tl I) Unllnrr l 'r< r ..,.,IIIII( I I ,.. •·I~ t1rot1 o,( l'blll ''"'~""'· lh•· ... .,.lo.ll t ~"'"" ""''" hf'ltl Ut,.lr t•h•o l l•tl•. wllh Hr. wart IJtm "'' ,.,,.,.,,.,, Jtt•tolt"·nl tU..n f'rtoft Vl<'f'·J)f""'/11'11! 1111•l 1'"1 llllk 1 :,, .. k• r ,..., '"·'Ill v 1m lh~ h<tltrd "' •llrt'• '""' 11r,. I llu1 ry t:lft"" I lrtl l.olo•trr• HI 101 It hUll P I flfrl· !•~•I 1" lhut l•f•H••·r '''''''"''"'u hurt j,,, It• ld up •h• Uffftlt• .,,,.,. UANK AJ•J•t :AJ.'4 TO tilfU.~ FOR IU:J.J• ~ Olrl.,, w" mu"l hav" ...,lp ropt'ratf' tilt• hank, Whk-11 an ,._ntlal tndu .. lry , .,_. tthklt llw' nnanda.l "'" uf your t•ommunlty rflvulv""' W~ IMW'4I d r rk" 1111d al "'""' lwo •'-· ......... ,.. ... ,...., -.,.., "nrtlrn' r~a ... .,.,._. .,...._. ....... wtn ..., ....... . ........ ..,_,,..., ......... 4W "a" antil your _,.. AI .. .......... nt -urmuiHMIIP wtU. ...... pay ' • .._aU .... Balboa o,...:h. Ball ot A""'rk-a. IJ&Iboa 'I' • y~~ ANGLING A Ro·u N D By "BOB" • n .... Clll\lmn uo "'I h) ''J\nh" lhlll • 1°. • •. • , , \'. 1111 I,Onl:"flH.Or'll w.,~ 1111 thnl th81 11t•·ul~'" tJ ""II • 1rk II•·• 1 111 • 1•11 n~: Itt ""'' ~rmao and rxrwrt ~~ htd.l.l-••ul hrlng n~ ~~ .. ~• ,, .. ,,..,. a t P•·•• Th•· .><kyl:ork und h1•1 ' 1 rw llr•· .: .. ttmg up Al~mbn. v.·11y ""'' ,..,.mil t n 11,. ''""lrh 1:~1 tn.1 h .• ~v "" ~·t~t ' 11 " r··v• 1"'"" l l~trrtll ~lnJ!'" ""f lh· 111 mnN ll\t~n Ul ""u.t k t• •·n· •'•n1tt rnnklng It J,,r:u rr. ru~•\\....ll.'''•l-' I t t lnjt about lb., la~l-• 1 •'"' 1 1~ ur•·:. 1111., .. , l ho· 1. oln t.rulll" :anol Tother ctllty II • '' • ~ "11.t ~·•· 1• ~,1 ,. 11,1, 1 h•· lu ,J.•;: at;• ,_ .,., ,. wa.• hUDJ:"r~ (, 1 I I t'UI 1" II•! Ill n oll~llllh•ol ,.,,rt u ( ''''~ IA'Iltl ;\II arnunt1 whert· A ,,., ., t •IUl•J hill 1 ,.,o 111 11111111, • .,, tlw ,.10,,.11 , ntl nl11n.• l•f I h•· IfNI t'• nl!(ll I. Jl••'lt 1:011111 II• lo:•·l II ro·ll) 1 lulllly eu 1n ~tfl,l 1\akt•d tllltl "-lll'l\.lllifll """'''· wh• 1 lh· , nrp•·nt•·r.,. psJnt· youn1 m"'' 1f he• h,,., ~tuy h~~ 111 ,., ,. ,,11• x• 1 11,,. 11 .,111 ,, thr th~ -.·ay uf ,...,.,,,.,, • ''· • ll ,-.,,,, ,1..,., abould& IIHn tbl' lnnk }'I' M'rlhf-'1 · cot a.mldahlp.l S , 1 11 ull<'d aflt·r 4 11 lh~ t•h:.rt,.r h Ill fulk r•·rw•rt AJ and he loatlt•tl nw tlnwn with I''"HI 1.'""''" llll•l m•wll lt~h. btl\ thn-1' or tour halloo on•l •. t l'r l'lt'm . 11uh(.tl)' ~··m" Itt hit\'t• ""\' ,.,.,,rd.~ wtndera. whk h ITI·IInl 1 had tl• ft r th .. hlg'I:I'Ht 1111 J talll'll tbuo dean thl' pnky: &har-p-fount'd wc>ek A" 11)/l#( "" •·\ •·r yono•'ll . thlllp But 1n nothlniC nat all hllJlpy. v l1al'11 t h•· oJtrr • the cat. In tb~ nl!ll:hbCirhOO<I <'a m11 Hope Hetty ltiJb'll ~ ,.. ... ,. "" meyowln« a round all of whll'b baa nothln~ ln llo with llnKIIng Rl'v anti Mn< .. :.1 (;f•• 'rll Ql! :•• aroun4 1U tltl'lr IWUIIi' ltltrllll lhl~ Wl·l'il, Albecore are rum tng IUl(f 80mt' Mr11 C..t0dt'll'1 111.ter , M r11. t;rtll'" nvordflab are Ulllnc the ~alt. Ht • u.:ll lln•l "''"· J tmmy ¥ac. ..... _.,._ .. _1_1_.:._·. ____ ._,._,~_r_··_·a. Thursday~ July 20, 1944 .. r-ljght of Snowbir~s :-n--:~ 1-: BuiJd:n ... Permits Forgery Suspect. I• POLICE NEWS l !=;~:===~~namt!! Honor. Military For~ e3 This ~· e~r Blames Trouble to I W. H. sfonntr. 118 S~tb lll"t'el ,l belrn&"ln~ to Alberta and WWiaaa F:lt"V"" buildin~; Pf""ftits -·"" i"· l"~v.·port. noport~ ~lng b:tten by 0 . Moort ot Sa.nta A.aa, wb.lle ·~I '" I he P."•t wt'd by ~ Beath Poker Game I a dog while Wa.UUJ\1 along t be I Elln •orth Knlcbt ot SteJiel'• 111 h••nr,. fl' thr A rm.-d r f•N:HI , raft ' •r A! M N~t..t. M f<HJowtJ: lltdewalk. He lllatl'd that lhe doc Cabins brought ID a W'allet belonc- lll u ... a•w·,..c thla )•••r·l' ~;r .. ~1 \\'th """r 301> Sno14bln:!a •'ttarlH C. ~PPJ. 700 Acar ia av~ Blamibc a N.wport poker p.mt 'wiU on leal'll. held "Y'owner. but Ulg to Don l:llcluuu ot tot Am· •. ht l'n· ,. fnr .omutll , 1 Jl(t th.. p· rt llarlo<>r a lon~t llat o1 1 I• :I· room dwt-JIInc at 609 Lark· for bla prec&lca.ment. Richard did not get the owner'a name or phlblan BaM at Oc:eanalde. t • ··~ ,., ,.,,,urt'•J 11nd a lruct). lh· 11 m·•·nul'. s.q()(); Clara M. Me-~"rTY Sht phtrd. 20. Rout~ t . 'add.reu. He wu advlad to Me Annt.l\1 "FII~;Ill nr II • Sli'•"'ll 1 <II•' r.r l.woniC r••t .. •vi'll It 18 beUotl ·~rwk••n. ~ No Uay 1-"'tont, rt>· Cblno, w a 1 &rTtat.ed 1'\JNday a doctor. o.nd to rt'port the na.m~ t•·1· b ·•·n 111 1o·d I " "I'"' 1f1 ' I: • • , · 1 r·, It' • y••;~r w1ll txt'Uid 1 , •oofmo;. $100: Bvb lloiulllf\)' 807 £. rrnm~ near Ooeta Meaa on a of tht owner. If he could obtain WallH L. Wade o! 4123 Jactnto Way . Long .Beach. r't'Cenr.d a Ucket tor doing ~ mile. ao bour In a 2~>-mlle wne. Thia Ia th• ninth "", •·f , •• • • I•' 11 "'"' on I!HI whea J ! ·nr 1~tl avc·nut•. Pf'r Santa Ana bed cbeck cbarp ll II • \\• ,. llt<l· •I "" tUrted •. ·.,. .. n C'o .. a rn"Qn llWia1 cJgn, $100., s. D. Crawford .. Colta !ofeaa Two "UI'WI reported {oUDd kmtl and th•· .-v .. nl I~ •I• t ' • ., 11u•.1 1F'lm •·vr·rv , Jut :ttt l 'I u !t \'lduiiJ~t with .. ut any rl'lfiH t 1"1 •tl .,p ••r I htlll t • ll'\ft n N r'JIJl I ,,., 1-:ntri<'ll arr nut • ••nllllt>ll 1 •" IIJ:t'. lhf' limit fl ~l' I In· Jlp· t 'on•. mill~ In rhar~r.-~ 101: fr•o:-• t~· nn.--hundrN antJ ••n•· \'f' '• In ordf'f· l 11 .,umululc· "•·1.. .,,. lrr .. 8t, lh•• flnot t<·n 111 f n••h 1t11 fo'lif('hl l'lll'h M'l'f'IVI'II 8 tr11phy HIHI In 1uldtt111n f'aclt nf thl' flrlll t••n I •> ('II " wtll r<-('I'IVt' 1\ l(lf l t1( 'l c•andlutlck made by a IH•)miJI~f.t • • ,., 11 (o the liar b. r ar«'ll 1111l ••I II&IY&jtl' from the tumbf>r l(lllniC :.., n•r•k1· mln"""'"'J>t'rll. l''r btllllll ""'' Air CriLI't Reac:ue bnallt. built un ~···Wport Harbor But th1tt II' not a.U. Spc><'llll ~war<S. ~trt' 1111111" • •1 '• l o'l 1 ·, .. •,. I the rtt' rd ra \lo'lantlo•r Kn*tn. chnnl:ln~: prt"<·!dru« •turt' proprlt'tor. r~ported '!l"---------------------------· nl ~arot&;t' to ·l·room d\\dlin10. 6 15 8b~rd bad attempted t.o caah "'L~arn to Swim" C:•mp:Jitrn to End 1 n The?. fer Meet \\' ,, ..... r uro tr. .. J uly "Learn ,. l-l\1 1111 t ,llnJIIt1f!ll IIJifiOIOf'ed t \ th• l'••tl I'·•·"" a SI,."IAI prc~1• will I~>• !!1\Pn S:lturday. July 12 ,,1 I p m 111 l ht> Ktl~ Thi'Ater, 8..1 b 1i II• '"''lin!( tu tho• IIDI\OUn• mt-nl oo( ... ,,.. ( 'tllf'f .. ~ \\' Crock··· 1 hooi , \\111 lo(' ;o llhttwl:.~; Of 1\1 • 11111/i' "llt•IHIF l'p " 1\llol "Oarw a•• I ·••td! ;,,,d It • ••nUt c '""r :litO haH· o.., n lak .nc I•" :cutJ:-f \\!au h h M\ • .,. tw•t•n free, an-J ,.. I 1 tr al( ••I I h••rn 11tart.ed '· ' n. ,~ :4\': *<Hl't"'"' Th4•1't• "'ho ba ' • '1'11111'1• ol "tll I'W prt'l!••nt .. d "''"'' ,., !l II 101( ~k ill t Krolll II\' lh~ If •It u· t••• \':on," ('lym.-r I •r•k,~Jur ll\',·nuo•, S500: Mrs Ada !• t•ht('k tor t40. and wu told that ' \I Pr1cl', fM'r 0 . W . Stewart. N>· thl' aiKJ~ature or the _.gnee. A. 1 .• .,,.>4•al of pc:•rmtt No. 5403. 515 Burtllll, Cceta Mea bu•lnt'es man. L:ork.,.pur 3\'o•ntw $400; Walh'r l-would bave to b. cbKk~d. S"~p­ l"nt' Corona do:-1 )tar. build 20x20 hen! •·andtr~d about the •tort-f or .:·"•'i;" and l!torus:f' room to prt~· a. f~w mlnutu and then departNI nt huildin~ a t 900 Short> avcnuo·. I Crawford ll&ld · · '-f~J(}. Earl JohnloOfl, PI\'Uldena. fX'r I Burtcn dtnl~ Wl'itiqg the check r .. t Rns:f'rs. coni rae tor. N-roofing and otflcn • from lh• Sh~rlfr~ 11 :!12 CniJin, avt>niK'. $100: oltlc~ IOC'ated lb~ youth walking . (' W urdo•man. Loh Ant:('lf'S. Jl('r near tbe Santa Aoa Army Air 1-.tl IUY.;""'· "nc·""'IO')I fr.mw and I Ba.w. He told th~ d~pullu he ,1 u~ garage a t :!11 Ruby lt\'('t'IU". tn the day aod bad loat all his "''10; Lo'OII G~'!'diOc·r. 507 Ll>mon 1 D'On~y. 130. in a pokl'r game at .• w nue Arcadua. alteration to in· f\'ewport t-tltr hhlklng t ·rough lo·llt.>r of dwc•lling. I 15 Can>"' :w ,... COIIla M..a. he had noticed a elgn · S<!OO; J . B. Cooken, 440 Bl-with A. J Burt n'• name. allll had s:on111 aveniN', 1tora~rt' bwJdlfo · lrlt'd cubing th~ check. H~ waa '~tMJ. C'ttarlt>S A. ,RobiNOft, 2714 booked at th,. county ja.ll on tor- \\ O•·••<Jn Front. garagt' and laun· eery cbarc~•· ,, I S.'.Oft. I -. '~:Int.· plumbin.: f)t•rmirs wert.• i.<~~· Le tJt'll 10 l.. Lul'bU~h. 5111 Ft'rn·l arns of Dama!!'e gfMI "Jfltrcy fCbri~~" tuitb Jour tlbotograpb TO THAT MAN OVERSEAS ~ ••••• N•wt All ovenea$ mailiog must be sear by Oct. 15 for Christow BJ\Y FISIUS<i IS (;OoU AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA r \ ,., v to·nth buat lu fm l10h Mt!i•lo ·~ ·• 1', lht• .. :rv .. n th. llwn tht· ::Is' :!I "l IUI\1 on to lhl' f'lltl, Anol I h• I· "' r furtbt'r truphiu lor t ll•• Ill,.; ('trl l f tr•l•h the ran •. llw )'tolllll:• ,I "'I l11 fml,h. th1• ym'•n~··,l '"" •· II ·••• . ~e t~lt.lto8l 8kll'l~·r I • filii 1>. lltr f1nrt aarv1c.-man t" f1111Mh •" v II ll8 pn ut ./_Oir ...-nlsl l"nt~wt •ll <l Boeta tor Rent •• nen~nht ... Pnr···· u ve n utt ·""'h•W·· Speed Boat D··ns NEWPORT BA \' INVt:."TMENT CO. ' 1)D =::::::;;;:·-~0;;,_;;~~·~· c.~.-~: ;; ... ;;·~~·;;· ... ~p~r ~~~~ For Upper Bay Th!' t'llillllr:t hav•· owl WJtb " poopul.ot t• 81' nse :ilnll If enou.:l m un· t'l'l•r t'll:< Uo .. tr "lllh to reg ,,. I• r f ' ttllll'r '1~•. ,. .ene• m ." I•; I.• lol 'II A 111:1181 ("ttlf'kt'r 81latt•ol l···rl 11\'\•nUI'. Alo·xnnder Krohn. 615 T H · 0 I.:II~·INr 0\'f'ft.uo•: w. K . Lewi~ I 0 ome from l.'lfi Oc·•'an Joront; Mn . A. :\1. 81 v· . H 1..-·v.•'· 900 <.>t-o·:m 1-"ront: Ivan V.J ast • JStJng ere stwur .. r. 1:.>4 Agah' av""Uf': "II· I ' · ham L. Sbulds, 613 Acacia 8\t", Mrs. Anhur Jo,int. who i~ ~ltl)" nw•. Arthur P NLW. 20.1 A~ll' ll\('-lnJ;: "1th hl'r paN>nls, Mr. nnd M•~· 11,11 •. ,\ll,•n Grubb... 2 10 Walnut Erwin II Spi!•t•r. 208 Dahlia nw-\'ht~rffr Boat News ... 1,···1. and a.arl • ., ~ a.1dan>5, "·Ut' Corona d£'1 Mar. lh'l'S·al Mn~- NEWPORT&· BALBOA PI~RS GEORGE lONER 6ood Fishinc-at-AII t'imea_ • UVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE CLIFF'S TACkLE STORE CUFF VON KENNELL FJshing Tackle Specialist ttJ t to Pari1Jon -f"Tftttt and Salt Wat~r Tackl•· ..... lit BALBOA. CALlY. JOI Mala 8L n~. l~uh} a\'t•nue l tmn . only 10 m1lt'S fmm Por1 Clu· 1-:'f.oe t n caJ po•nnlti were b»U('<I ca~o. which wa..<~ I hf' .scl'nt• elf 1 ht• Hub Huyt of l b.-1~•11••·• l-ou 1 • ·~ • 111" ·' 1 1ill!i t h .. truU bt·•l •, 1'. (' Sm ith. 7'.l0 W. C'mlla l n11yy dl<:asll'r this WN'k \\hN1 lv.'n ::<·n• !Ul•r, who haa Uw n•·" 111(111· ~:, .. ·'""" an '"• v.at~r after .•• t\'t•OUt•, lloward l.. l't>tT). a14 San 1ammumtion !ht[ls blt'W up A mc~- 1 •·•·lng b<lllllo 8cf,ur and Arrow ha,. nr·,. (I<Ctnl J• h ":ool rt'l"•rtt:d t h.:t l~·rnan1ino . M r.o.. Arthur Bt'st. 41-1 ""'..:•· from ht'r bushand l'l'llClr!f•rl 11 olol•1l a nrw atlnlctloo tu hh• pro.-.. ~·i,. In 11•nv tnr·~l h tt·:on• '111111~ F•·rnh•af an•nul'; Lt Clifford 1:\25 tha t windows •n lh<'ir hotm• h.1!i .,........., aotl be&1Jlnmg 1~ Saturday •t.av " hrt~llflt.tl\ I •• I I " w ed II'.• 1-: C't'fll ral nYI•nu••. 11 M Bnx>k•'2>, lx•t•n bm krn hut other-...·•-..· Iiiii!' v. 111 havr llpH'd boa I runA "hi t~ ~'hrl H · tA.,. ~.: tune t ....... .:Jl:l 'WI h ~· ~ •. ,., · lia~e was don('. hal k bay H~ a. ~n~ lht' JO·f'U· fon til\·,,,., ""'·lr:•"'' • ~ -, , ·...-MT!r. f'tint 11nd-twr d:Jughl'('n..~ .,.11g,·r GIU' Wand •1"""11 boat be. l'llt t<f'Ml.-r ••( U •rrx Bf>acb h~<• C t J • 8 k • Su~ a nd P atricia. haw• bt•c..n l<~ngjtl~ tn flariiUI (:Oov con of I.Jdtt the E\'tc Jant-l'harll'rt'd t'Yrry 8.4Jl ap • 08. ee m hf'n• IWO W('('kli. and Mr. Flint IS hit' and PaMdena . .10n 11t T, m •lay (rnm .lulv 16 lo OCt. 16 an<l T lk t R t • arnvtng Sundoy (or 8 two·Wf't'k~ t~~oWt'fl, fHrawr · mayor o ( F'\JII~r-hlllf :tJ.,,. t llltrlt•rt'o,) thf' boat ~'ftn• a 0 0 anans vacation. purl O( Which Will Jxo ,,., Thf' boat tau • "Pf'f'<l ot 38 Sunday t r nt•d ~··~r Hle brotb.-r • ~tx·nt ~en:• nnd fJIIrt with his par- rnll"!t pcor bouT', F'Nink t< .. JL•It·r hall It charUr<'<l ~·,.ptam Jfl\' U....k. "'ht> 1\u no-t'nls in l...olc Ang<'l<'li. Upon thfoir On nnl' oft~ •l~t-~lllle' 1n 1"' 1"\•·ry l'Atuttlay f vr tbe a mr , ·nil¥ n•tum~ fr um convoy duty n.'tum little Pa triCia will r('m;un .,., thP ~'kout 11urt w~k \4'IUI a pl'rJUd ,.f lotr• Th.-Keu~ra bl'· on th•· S• uth ,...t'l(lc &a capta1n "''llh her t,'l'&ndparcnts for a month ~:n•ndmnth~r and hf'r ~and c;hllfl· J,:o;:: r, llw ''"~I· r/4' Oub ot'Lonll rt(. u ,.,,,.1 -"" rommodore of tbe or two. ,...n, wttom ..,,. wu t~llln~ of t~ ~~a<· h. 11nd !~g>~n· • hartl'rlnl' t•e u on""Y wrur "JW&kf'r at th~ 'l'ut'• j ------------BALBOA SPORTFI·SHING FLEET OOK.Vl1'181DNO BALBOA, CAIJF. The M()w)", "Maiden" and "l>ina Lee" JIW ..,.,_u.. ..ct.,..,...,...,. CaU ~rwport "' •r a-A•~'-t•nr mtl NEWPORT TACKLE STORE •lay,. wht•n .lbe rknlck ttl on R!il· Jo.Yia .lao •. '"'• '"!'r. after th<"lr. olay t>w•nlng mt'C>Un~e •f th~ R()-' hua Jllland. wh~n th~rt' wu unly 111st•T •llu~ht ·• m:.rllo t r•.m It tarv dul> at Whitt''• Cat~. BaJboll "'ll' ht•uiN' \bi'Tf' and a t11: hotunbon · J•~l na.. nt'wly coleo(te.l pr~lt-~nove WC"doNday lhf' J91h th.;. c I I r u tl<-n l ~Jartl» lH>tltl. "''IU prealdlnjt ... 11\, u. rhlll1•rf'd by • Joftrtv from 0 o.ne ~ ane a •·ffkrr. II\ I A I .,. w· F" t Ro d C'llJII , .... k ',..'.-t\'t' •• \Utly a L.I'OUUl ,. .... OK~ I'll r'~'U111l1•:r lOS Irs un ·• ... " t , r: 'I' aut! .u.1d tl.al the boy a Fac"'S New Sul•t . nil \\.1111 lfJ ((('I l.m('k r ome. A ller t • RICH RONZE PO liT RAITS SJ25 . I A C M -. . ........ ·--· * SIZE 6 x 8 INCHES ED 8LO(X)IJIB ·MANAGER 1944 TIDE TABLES HI«" Low f" 21 t1:37 6:12 Bait-Taekle ~ Ywhin1lnfonnation ~'POilT B&ACII 4.0 0.5 R 22 12:10 5•44 4.0 11 3 :0:11 'l:\ 12:~ 6 16 NEW 85-rl'. 8PoRTnSHING BOAT ."CRESCENT" Gall{•y -~~~~ Romm 4.0 0 0 SCOTT'S LANDING .. o.Mt lll&tl.-.., OPEIIIGS II . HUIITIICTOII -EACH MEN AND WOMtN Needed for .. Vital Defense Work Requirements: e Availahtlity'Certificates e Pi-em f ol Cit;/L'IIship e Soda! Security Card -APPLY- ·~ CONSOLIDATED. VULTEE AIRCRAA , CORPORATION t:: tl •I lho•y \\~IJI't ll.oltt'MI, and <Uit'y I .. , I)' Mll'll ,·.,rtlun lllllKII luJiuO.a. , A New Sun Harbor Service For Albacore Fisb~rmen Cainina two fully equtfiped bartiH .. .... yoo time In' deliv~rina your ~ Clift. Otw illoated on the 1ft C!l Pw.t l.oma aod the otbts o4 Avalo&. ... Pedro barbora. fOil caa del• .. J'OW ca~ ~ ritlw:r of th-~ , .. will .. paid lap c:riliQC prka ,. ,._ alt.con .. the bu.-~­ will ba Oarriechhera.ll.,,end lut tao ... trill ba a..Oable for 1111 a., ~ • --un.~ will 8nd that ~ will aav-e you tima. Wbn the albac:ore are lllllninc that -mme pra6t lbc you, ud _.. ..... .... ...,..U.teodmt Or,i( you ~fer. ,.._Mal at J'raUJ111 Tl4L ~ 1M · ...... .. ,_.the cara- JACX CIUVELLO ..P.Mckat A·Gawat. Nanlpr lun Harbor PKIIItW Com~Jt~QJ -Ba,rn...s..DIIcoJ,CaL I. ~ 1 1 t f 1 f f f f 1 f f t f ' f t f I t t t I rt I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I t/t I I I I ' ; -ALBACORE FISHERMEN . : 11 ·~ 11(\ "CI'\:CJI h. 1 ,\1! COl"(' will lX' with us :u::ain thic; • : ·' •' 11·. hut ",. lw"" tt ... 1 , tnch you will lX' rt•ach · and so • " \\ til \\ t' . . , • I • IAII'tttlnn .. uf nu~ ins: ~tnt ina : : "•·•t•nrt ~Ia. r11 •. \.\1 ,f l('ataH-Wand"'·""'" ~!0: • !'11n Ulf'cn. I'll 't"ln -:191 A...._ C'.allf I'lL 1 ~ t • : """ 1ollllf'<•n I'll C Mttohrla z~ \ 14 M-tf'"'Y· (';.ttf •: •. \totnrla. .,,..._ l'h :fNI "'•Cport, \\'a"" • 1 ': Maln Offic'f' -T",.._. Wud, CaUl. • .. VAN CAI\IP SEA FOOD COMPAN) .• Inc ... . .. ,.,..,n,.,. Harlilonr :ta7-~ SMI •-I -Bt'\' M O RJ: ilos·Da FO'& 'VIrToar :1 ......... ~~ .................. ~ .......................................... ~,, ---. --........ ., ....... ~It f I I I I ... ,. 1 ............ , •• )I •1'1 It f )fl l It I ... .: t .. . PROOFS SJWWN l'Oll'Jl EYF..8 ARE TilE I.JG.IIT 01'' .o\MF.fUC t\· .•• thL" tint to f'nli!tt Ill al, linN of duty to win lh<· \4 ar Th<"rc•tor" \OIIr e,ov•" 0"1 ""''' d~rv(' l',;'<'J:tl Coll!-11l••t:111• ... thry dt'~I'I'\-'C tn lw ,.:1\ • lh<' CXI)t•r l t'Xitmin lllll•n :o11•1 fittilfl{ extt•udt.•d to :Jil Udl ~Iron<. 1\liSTIN· STUDIOS · BRING THIS AD :;ux •: ~-~luin ~•-l'honc-1-163 DR. M. ll.CRA\\"Jo~l:ll OPTO~tETRIST Santa Ana n \IL ~ uon~s: H a . m. tn fi. 1, .• m. ltJt? ~-"POrt• Boal~nr•~ S:lt. Ill a. m. to X Jl, m. SuncJa~·s h~ ''I'Jl<tinlinent.. C'o.ta Mt'1<A Pbon" '!'~ Crt>dit Tt-rms · Broken Un~c: Durlic-n l,c<i l o ......... Tom, Tom, the piper's son Srole a pig and away he run It's wrong (and most unwise) to steal Especially a pig who'll squw . MOaAI. · W""! s~~unps tlrt gont an~~pboard's bart Dtnl'l siMI,. pig; tkn'l lear JO'l' IMir; CMUok yo~m~lf with this, "'1 tlur, "'N9 s14mps required'' fot Easlsitk B«r. ' -I&I'I'IIDI • •••• .. ._.. ..... S .T. 'HO·U t -- •. • t •. . . ' ~~~--- rr N_i~~tFfous f Willa Ernie Pylemlhe Frorrr NEWS ,e U"'!:'!!!..~~ ,!R..,!.SS I ~ T a .... ft& 0 4 AftM I ".._. mv~l A 1 A k c D a Good I of the The R•publkaa a-ventinG la IJ..... fur _1, tllb.r O.mll<'lalh' .~~~ t~. ~4> .;,. ~ ~ a ~r -~~ IDto~-u •••• ~!: L-:.~~--Oouaty; I Cl'. c re~s 0 I cHuRcHEs C.Wf'r ; th• O.!lloeral OonwontiM .C'aDtlhlltl# Wllloll&aali'J'I,I'outh ("'art>· will! So nul to nur loew"'"'"" .FRUIT r-.,-.. _ ---..-,_ --woll be atnapllnw with lh• '"'-It or llna, anti otb..r Aoutbfm •tat"• trw I Wftlt, and, IUrl' M\GU~ft. the a-oa -a... u ~ · J hC • y · kLandi·ngs l Cbteacu. _ .. ttw problema,,."" ""v" -~~• th•t th .. :v .... ,,..., , .. a1v .. ,c:twrne. wr.l'l! npao. 1 bel•n pick· ~'Ito-•-, uo~r ~~-at .. ~bet ot~~·. ~1:.--. ......_..... 0 0\Tet•mg an I -·u. "O .. PF.L C'ttt•••·at lid I __ .. It I U J t I I I f I nl ·' b dl ....., ,..... ..., ....... -.: _..,. .., ... , --r-• -~ .,... '" ., ·-•·am • r• ..... • Jl • orm. 11a 111., In• n~t·llt•na t.) tllflr oh•h•ata · na ,,.. t "'' ~·· "n" y nn•r G:;;---:---::-:------~==:=-:~::=:;:~-----.... .,.. t:W.., t • .. aa .__ •bt>Ut tt"• tim• IIIIa ··olumn ~-t.ioaa. tltn4• lh••l'f' It wu b11k•'l1 brown and • •· • • EDITOR AND PRESIDENT C S/ f F • 1 0 N • 1 Sunde) W'hcl(>l 9 ·4~. morrunat Into prtnt \\"h11t em tnt...,....lna a1tua11.1n ('(l(>lf'd. ~ for that man 0.· JOU w. Central Avenue, Newport Be&c.U. OllllomJa .rPit'S L eftP ess, . ag ., II If{ It w.onhlp, ll , F;vttnJC•Ii~flc wrviC'f', Th .. p&J)f'ra hnl' N'JK>111'\l ,tht' thAI """""' .,.. Th• ltf'l•llhlh·an llclnua! M·m lm! ;-;;;--....... -:;-::---=:-:--=-:-~~:.:..:-===-====:I 7·30 P m · MlthH>t•k lllll~t·r tlltoc•t · I'N'~tltltnt u ••Yin« thllt he• elrl't•~ra "''''"''' Vt>tf tnr .,r ''"" Aa I 111C'kf'd ttw frull and INidf' of the Cit, of Newport a-da After 1\iiglrt Clearing Air of Axis ·'"' 00 \\',t.rwsctay. 7 ...... m ' .,. l'f'tl • Millrt rlatrnrm. to .,. t\' th .. llf'm••·r.tlc' ··~·tc•na, ••tllJ'I l hb; jiW. l arlf'Vf'dtiVC'r IM .... or L...a ,_.._..._;._ .,_ ......__ ..... ... • 7 '~-PfuP • 11 t'Vanll••li,.tk M'I"VIC'f' , .. __ _. __ ., _.__ -r-~ ... ., • ..,.., I By Enu'• Pyle ,on Jl"nddyCO,.·· 70·Nt5Ap.DmEL MA" aupfl' rtf'd hy • Hllerat .. <tnt-umrnt. than th-'"~m th•w ~<11tlhrln ,.,. ._,-our -.,_,. or-,.. lnd.-ud an to aJH'all ~Jalnal I hi' l .tatN. wuul•l vntf' t~>r Mr flooa4'· duu·d . C"llu~f by an l<'f' ftorm a t•lattorm. a-tvma auch f\Jrthf'r d•· 1 """ Th,.,.. W<Htld boo a .... ""' '""" )?ar" al(ll Thl• onf' aturd)t ~~~~~~~~~ .NORl\tANDY -On• 111 th~ moat vit al reapun•lblllllrt durlnl theN COIIM11NIT\' t 'HlfiK'H 1•11• 11a mlttht b4' nKt-ry Thla l lna ut , .... ,,.. l••r Renalur Uyrct, ''' IIW. lho' ~~Cttmod. aurvl\'f'd, and ~r•·-.-a 'I ~inc v.et'lta ot our w.r -u._ Conllnent o1 Eun•ve hu ~n tM (' .......... Uoaal Ia r!IAI'IIy wnat I WantM fht dr&tt-IKIIItP nlll•• l~mow·ral It Mt now lNI'f' Will ~I I'M' many of .-IJI~~!ill:~~!.!~~ prolf'cllon of our unload1n1 bnrh~a an:t porta. I "-4ay, laly 1, IM4 In< c-ommltlH Lo do at lhf' lt.pub· 1 llew•y ~lv...S a ••.lority nf tlw t.nc-t»l~ piH Uftlll IM ...., ~~i;aa .. 'll(a.t!Rilii!IL.. For 0,·•r and throuan them mun pau. ••thoul lntf'rrupllon. and Ia Mwtlll( AI th•• ('1\llp.+ny·lht•· lh an I. "unv•ntllln u <tt.t ntnrr 1 vnl.-. hr IA'Illlhl t., th• lllf'al.l,.nl )'\lUI~ I~ lfTVW a lllllf' and pro- . 1nat muau, our buildup o1 men and matulal m aumclent maiHI te SM. 410 COital lllahway. C'orona ml'mbf'ra 111 that I'OfnP\Itlr. U1no· If h• •h•l n1>1. •n•t It )otr lt•~.,.,,, . .,11 due-.• tt..ir fruit. roll Us. Ceri;Tlana ~l•ar back out ot France df'l Mar. f'Vtr. Wf' ml'l th• .me prohl•ma clltl hul, I hi' ~tul,...ttufOflt Y••lt•• fall•••l S.t · • · t-------------------------Noth1n1 mu11 ~ allow.ct to lnurt•re with tl'at unlo•dlnl. Eve1'7-Owrdl IM'ht.lOI at 9 iJ a 01 lhotl thr l)rmocrat.. will mHt anti lu , hanat thl' alluatHWI, th•D lh• ~lnnlll• t·umr an<l lt•ar down. and Harbor to Sal.pBO , U:l!na w~ ran lay our hand• on Ia thrown tnto tht 1uardlnl of ~ School II'W't'ta on JIUUT\IM "'~'~"'t I ha&fl.l'd a 11"\lf'M that th• l)rnlu· '"I" ~a•uul.t I " Into lht llnu•" ,,, lhtl&t' who Ill\' ~""· tho' betlf''nod ••l'tlea incl port• • Alh.ct ~round troop• pollc~ thtm from OM l•ncl aWe. MCJn\1111( Wor'!lhtll IM'Nil'f' at 11 ••r•tl•· ('Qnvtn~""' ~·m WT'It• • fl•JlrNn~t-.ttv-an.t ICIIm-oct. mual t'arry on W'IW ~ Our two naviea prol~ct th"" from o'dodt 1'tl!}ir of s.-•m"H>n. ""l'ht• pl11ttorm Vt'ry lltllco llht>rttr 11\an '"'" Hnu_. would vue .. un "'" lht' y~nlf •n: ~t"WII •nd able to evening or December 7, 1941, a Japeneee VIce-Ad-anuk 1ti8C'kl by .. u Our arnl air low d oudl utrh th• t'r.Ck· of th"• G'"tf'St Evt'fll '" lh•• Wp rld .. I hi' Ht'pUhlh'll.O platform. Whll·h· t¥1'(1 n•mt'• l'fl('•lvtna thr hiJhf'llt lllkf' UJ) th•• hunt.-n• n( life. on the deck of his flagllh.ip ~rein t~ Pa-aupremac.r makea dayhm~ •lr U· many 1un• ani! atrambl• lhrm aU Baptismal Sc•rviC'f' Olll:t"'';11 rvrt party h11hla lhl' JN('(Inti cun· v .. t ... Ill lh,. rl"·tnral I'""""" 11 I 1lwo 111onn now rqlna ~r the ~ of the Ha allan lslands H h All aaulta rar~ •nd co•tly Into Olll' ai&antlt roar whtrh rolla ltw pn~tl'd f~X" C'Or\ll('('l'llt In 1 v•nllnn hu Lh" aame advanlqt'l would bavr n11 nlht'r chn••'• 1111' "''Orid Ia the-n-t dt•vutatlna ol W ' ~was very appy. It II only at n11ht thai the On· and thundua hkt th• blood·curdllnl baptism ••vn lhl' t..,_. ~'f>fiVf'ntton that th• l <l<'lttra\lona w"ut1t v11tr hy allil• "· nil !hnt' 'nwo bf'autlt\11, the c reports bad been 'coming ln 'ot the havoc and die-.m•n• han-chance. Th~J do kHP I' a pproach or. hurncane. ' 'Jlwo Atv Pc•rry F SchnJc Ill\;. -·und tt.••erman haa OYtr the I ('allrnrniA I V!ltr . Arlanll~ I V••h• ,·runty ... •II· J)I'Oplf'tl .,.. bfolna .. wrought on the A.nwri~.fleet _in Pearl Harbor by pt"cllm& away •t ua with ntcht bomb-• U you'n tll'tplnl tn a fmthoJe.' tor-at·l~_· of tht: Cona.:n-eotn_ ·loncll tint. In tf'lllntt the rea1tC'C'tiVt •l•a l Rhntll' lallln•l 1 v•o4 ... N .. w York 1· llll'\lt'k dt-,wn, Aftf'r' thr wind and f his kf · na. but th~lr mam l~cceu In lhll l!:tl• tloucll ot dirt com• rollinl Confft'\'W't' of Souttwm Ctdifomut•ofthc flail cauaht vutr At th•' &•.-nl tlmr tll"'llahtnlnc and thundPr a..cl raUl _ f; rom tas OI"'CCe in their infamOUS sneak attack. 10 far hae ~n lte~Pinl US a 'Ink~ d••wn upon ,-nu rand t}t.• SouthWt"tl Is lht• . inish•r In thr lui hlllhiN'ti yf't.nl thr t'allhomhl tltlrjCallnu In lhf' 11.111_., haYr JIIUUN'II, and I I'M' aun ol ~ Admlml was satisfied that the A:merialn battle fleet and makin1 us dlt our foxhol .. ' WhH> the p!10n~• ar• really claM In c:h&rgt ol l.hia ,_ chu ~ L~mtH'r•tlr 1'11rty hill h•ld Ita ,..,..,. ot llf'J'I"'WI1talln_a. ~''"""'-" .. t ahlrva •••In, Ow y-ouna lf!Uil n. "'ciflc had been knodced out for keeps. It would take detpt"r. • •nd t~ &un• ·~ pouudlnt out a I venUnn only ""''" ~ure ttw! tl• tlllrt•rn Pffitl•·rata and lrn ltl!l'"'"l lilt In •lrt'ntrth and producle the Hen oo &be ~•rhhud the falllna mania of 10und. you put oo 1ovi _ POtJaiiQI • . publlr&l1 l .. rt)' hl'lti Ita ''"""""" IIC'a.NI, Wl>~tltl thrrl't11r.. c·UI a fmlt uf tkomOCnt<')' for the world. JliJUY months, or even yean;, for the UnJted States to ftak -becomH a tf'al menac~on• a: I''""' h~lm•t In ~d aNI •om•tlm" ..--·OF 00flt"J..AII6. t,JU.;H linn. and that tim• t(,t'V~Iand'a O.mOC'ralk VIII II I Mil)' the Lord lMHa ttwm .u and I its fighting strength. Before that time, Japanese lM few lime you drop oiY to IIHp wllh It on •-4 0... I I'AmfMllp ror rf'·•lrdlunt prov....t Tllrw 11,.. .l'••t ., '""'' t1111uaht•l mdow them with the cou,..... and ~have taken Hawaii and moved on to attack the l'v: knowr; ~~ w•k• up Wllh II on In the momt.nl ...,c 0 ww::.::...:::."P~ ltl M unlurlly •• 11\a l t vrr alnt't' lu rnl'!llll .. ICf' Y'"" lnlrl...t In lb. t•lWf'l' lo ~lld ·ttw fM'W cS.mctcrwy Coast. Amenca' was •soft. It would q··'ckly -•. to ·~n n llhl I and fHI very foollah. ' ...... ·...;_ ....,_ V.· ...... r r. thf' Hl'fl\lblh·""" ht~vr hl't'n I'.Ar\'-•·•u•v•nii•H•• tutti In thr t'omlnal II bftllf'r drmu('f'llt')' than fi'IW UJ n11 war. very n Amu•ran antiaircraft runn«n -· ,.._ lnl·l tully mantuvl!notl lnl•• lhl' tlnat elec"\lol\8 ft>IICM"'' f'llllllf'd. :: wcdr'd~h:; 1an playin1 th•lr lmport..nt part In F'rt41a1, 7 :30 p.m. wonhlp l'f'I'V· poeiUoo _ _ LUC'RI:T1A MAY. . he happy Admiral had been told on that December ct just 31 months later he would be kUied by American iandlng on Salpan Island, It is qw~ likely that his nat ouJd have cracked into a broad, toothy grin and he lave said in the Japanese equivalent, "Quit kiddmg." December 7, 1~1. the thought ol an American fleet enougtt to attack and capture Sa.ipen within the next tears or the next 10 ~ ~ on the tdnge of np&ocSe th~ Ratti~ ot Normancb rlabt • l.lee, 1\ft. lila. StNrM In chartrl'. On• thlnc yuu wa nt to think I ... • have com• whill· [).Day and lhortly after H-Hour. a.:...t.u achool 9·30 I Burldtn• Expert ... _--&Ina \o earth with· Ordinarily you wouldn't think ot M~ 'Minhl · 11 a~ "'m " about. whitt )'fill are ltate'\lrla tn e l ~--• -~ ID 10 Jard• of mJ the 1 1 f ln . h tUt 1 I __ .., __. p, · · · JlN" thr n•nvrnll"'l nrwa, Ia th• mf'C·h-~ T T II Co t I R.-pnrt1 ~wei at OW Fwt !Ant. Ont"• an _. th• ~~;~,;;~~~1 r:'::,u! :,~ :,r::,.l a "._ put.,.. 8 wnnon. anlr• nt th4' vot .. In the elfcl.t.-.1 0 e 00 Y IJuualu, Utah, twedqual1f'l"' tl ttw uptoct.d ack .. ell thlnl came uhnrt on that m•m· ~A KaA COIIllllJNITY I'OIIec• F.at"h l'•!flvtonllnn nom ln. (, f C f "Ch 0 " I NlntJI S«vk.'e ODmmand "'-' Yar- aheU burled llMII orabl• dav fr~rn riflemen to pt"ftl 1 C111111CJ1 IIIH Ita nntilllalf'a a M the naflt '• 0 • • 0 8 8 lt!UI IWf',_l !hf'A~f'JW ol CIP"'R' ' 1 '-' lxo 1 Th a ra&ll 1 tall I&Gw haJif' eapiOdld Ua. myth '1Mit half • atone a ten10n. from combat en1l~n to Qui B. ,......, ......._,,. ~ na ., n "" •r "" 11 t 1ay K1lh.,l pl'f' .. chnt nf m l WMII.ll d.¥•..._ -....a.1,;.: throw from mJ chaplain-and n ·•rybodJ had 1 , lM a. IIUa 8t, I'lL .. ,... t or mated, wlt,houl lhlnlltna. thai I 01 ' be ot Com >' np ...,. __,.,._ tent. 1 . 1 OIUrdl School 9·~ he 1a votlpr for thai ca nd14al# In 'i thf' A_,.·talf'd &Ill ,.. • dlat~. acr ... ol a ,..ua A 10011 .,Ortion •ot our •rmJ oa ba~ ':.~:_... -.-._ a plan tn 1 MCI!f'ldlll Wort~hlp, 'tt !'c~. NOY~mber · H• Ia actuaiiJ •ottoa m,.,..., Of Ontl\tr• OJunty comptt"t•ct rattwr lhaft a WMIIMM cit ~ __ &nla .., .. o..·a.ecbhelld new .-p. aU lliaht ta. ..._,--earlJ wun. H(.-\1!8-.-!b.! I Youth lf'OUIIa, HJah School. In· tor thr memhena nt an •lectDral l arr~Lntrem•nta tndaJ tor lbe •I" •lily Ia the baala, announcwd ~ In fo-xhoiH, and 10me q/. me Voop8 a-ral In comm•nd felt that tiM h ellili!Ciatt,-AdWt, ~30 p.m. 4>1414p 'a'llldl_wJU J!L"t lalar anti ' JW&ruu·• ot .. r. J . r. ODMolly anny nvd&cal ~ :rate has a way of doing preposteroua things. In mid-*'· the capture ol Sa.ipan ~history. So was the of one Vloe-Admira.l Chuichl Nagumo .. commander of ~ak attack on Pearl Harbor, who died fbi' Hirohito and feme ol Salpan. ban aWWII OYe.r \o tilt AnDo beaeh-Cermana would throw wtlat~ elr I ~ HI'VII'e, 7:30 o'dock. the memlxora tft Which han thf maniQft'r nf the ·fluutbwnl C~l· · ~ad t'UIIom of build ln. duaouu ID .,....,;ath &bi!J had ooto OM beac:Ma I w------"-f.;~~~llp and prayer. rt .. hl to vntr r.-rr u y c-aad.lclal@a l fOf'nla chaptf'r nt the A.aeta:,:ct ~OM M~ ~~· _..._ order to ~ IAfe frorn faUJ.nt ftak. that d17 •ncl hf w•nt.ct til• men .....--y, · p. m. lh<'Y dn lrt' In lht ear1y tkya ot I 04!n~ OuntriW'lent ~ apMit • ----ton U.. Onnat Q)unt;r _,, Mat • • • th•n \o r~J:el II, EfttiCOftAL lhf' 1\f'publlc>, lho• man who ant the .. -- For • loo& lime I have intmded Aa It tume.d out. l.he Gumaftl IUMMlft .... VtCEt II moat vut ... In lh• Pll'd.Oral coli!&• \1\'"·'·.:v u:·~ln!._~Y.~· ~~b., Viitaml·n· s A and 0 cloml • a~rlt's -.bout the antia1rcraft didn't uw thf'~r 11lanea al all aad tbl' EIMit ~-. New.-rt .. ach bf<'a~ prrt~lo.IMt, 11nd th• man P r;,: IDOIIUil "dlnoer ID~ ~ill 1imnera. i•m clad 1 a.ver cot ack·ack waan I nHdt'd to prot.«t &lw 8\IDdll,e: J u.n• 18 thruuJ{11 Rfop-who a ul lh" lti'C!OOd hll(hr.t num-f >' 1 h ndNd Ont..na YM ._. .._.,. V 1....,_,., A Jld It be, however, that the Admlral was not k.llJed by can guns but died of fl1ght~when he saw the "ghost" Pearl Harbor fleet rise out of the Pacific and stalk the around to It ~for•. tor iier• on the tanclm1• from atr attack So, Ukt temberlO. ltU. '~r bP.-am" thr 111c·~ ~I"HI<Mnl 1 ~":~~ =:..! ft.-rt ,.._~ • • ..... ~«!t~ •c••nttt NormandJ beachhrad our ack·a~ll: man7 oth~r umu. lh•J lucntd them· a·oo L m Holy Communion I Votu arr """'' llllltn ...-rauly I ..__,a _.._...____ I It in, rtlu --" · · HcM'IIattay of-·-A ... --,,.fecU•••-w-lleca. ere·.,.,nrt .. ~m• to have reach.ct lu pea&. •~ vu n o ""'' y or • ery ...... 11 .00 a m .,omlnr Prayu 1 tm· 1 hc-tt,. o11t1era •ho "destroyed" it! Fllwn .,.. aet _..r • ._.W. but 1 Mlped win the balll~ ot the lwaches · · ; Fl 1 Bunda H 1 It I• p ulhll' 1 hat • vrry lnltr· ot Uwt A.Mnelat.ld ctaa...,. "1 1 ~"•'1 •• el!l" ·.,. •h• ~•·· can aay that rtrttt now -uv• rbe.J look 1nl11ntryloll• naualtl••j =· ra ya. v Y 1 mlln~t altua tlun ~a•lll tlrvf'lllp tlllllfc• mm~"·" l'!c•nnomlcal O..•lop-thiM\, .,.... ..,. efut 91'"""'• manJ, many ack-ack aoldlera on the loo. On• unll 1"•' halt of Ita m.., ..... .,_ .I R ..._ ., 11 rth .,.,.II T hr !'lvc·t••u uf U.. Rtal• u( l -t c.ommlltH will be W&lt•r wtMe ........ a.._l•c~u.p ul . nd 'ue .....-v. o....-rt llf'& . I ol Cerftllnnl• beachhud and thai by th~ Umt e•· • IUD•· M.A .. St Paul'a In thl' lll'lll'rt, -:·, . ..,." hH Vo· "lr•·~··Y ~~Pen tnah •llt· 11M! aubJ-c•t uf Mr O)aftolly'a 1111•• ........... . ·ld of Plenty ~rythtnl h .. arnv.ct UM number Wh•n I alarll'd roundln1 up -ma-Palm l prlD ... All 'WelcOII\f'! r11 nol '" "'''" '"' l,h_ • •·andklllt ... l l&JII wtU btl "Individual Op rt .. n. :V" ~.VI,.,.Ift 0 It• ""'fl Will be m ueb tara•r. u n at for lhll .tck·•ck H fiU I ran t"' tho t>o-m1•r•t·t: <•liWrnll<lf' nn· it "Polltkal _Oaa.oa" a~ thf'l tiM_," ...... prftC)~ u•e •·I And that 1a 1peak1n1 onl1 ot uk-ooto t.IM 1l.ory o( One cr•w 91 ac11· I'•'" lhlll 1""""n''"" ma.IIN M'rtain q\&Mly ~ t .... -....__ --•-o-_,. ,.....-.... ;., ··"'th t )'\¥ •t..'-t if the orid is to rt __ _...__ .. h h d _ .. _.. ,.._ ~I fliT CHUIIICH Oft CH .. IIT, •-.. e 1. La --- -....-·-roes WI 0U sa uaa W aVe GJIIUUR:'r _ .. man ......._ do nothlnl •lo-IO &Caen W 0 • ~'-""''"' OUt a ......,... 1 1 I'-·I-0 ... ~,.,, , b ..,.., a • -• " .,. ' ... ,... ~-ICIENTIIT '11 anl[l'• n .. 11 ~-. ..._) '1 _.__t'"-r w-....__,1 -"-·~ ,.._ -~ rophic war in the next generation, the specter of want addltloa t.IMre .,. thouuoda ot l\lft" man'. dHply .rn cOIIftd an..a tbldl I r.-turnlnJ th• two-thlrda VoL• , .. r --.... ~ ....... ,_,_ -.... r" ' . has baWlted many na. u_ mo_. ..._ ...__,_.._~ nera 1tt..t'becl to dlvtaMina and otber -rele empiMI'emen.._.... 41d It ~We Theatar, c.Mret AveniMI I MmlnaUona, and ,.ertaln r vmtolt· road ot hl(h-lenl -pao,w•t. II r•• ••• ••• · 1•" "I UUI• , ..-UtC" uanaa~~ ..au ~ ...-.. tN.-...... •Hit a tlQ.r J7.mm. ,__ wtudl Ia aM VYI U.. m.-t.. ref1U'dlnlf l""--bl~llla ........ , ............... _, Ule Clea• __,. .. -~ ... .._..fit b ln ltaelf would. not guarantee peace, but it WO\IId planea eOf!le onr and aboot., &QJ· -.1eWbat ak1n \o David alaylq C. A tln.Dcb ot Tbe .,oUMr Cbureb,I.Kouthem prnbl~tm~~. It tn-thl.np ltl'uatlnn ul th~ a)' .. Pm ol,.oter .............. I ~N&.AoDAY ~\.e one ol tM underlying ca~ of war. thtn1 ~·t P11'" low. U.th. ':"he F1rwt Cbu.rcb ot Cbrtal. Bt'l· .,. nul ''"""· thl' ,...,. .. •lrC'ton ,_ ~ OMIO'tuat\.1. or wMUMr ~ ¥6...._ A· liNt D .Tebs . . . I Our ack·ack Is commanded br • So J huf!t«'d "l.lp thl• crf'w lO w• ~uliat. '\A~. J.IUollt.t.hwaett.. 1, ••ntr •tn , .... ..._toral col . ..,,. ah.all t11'aund adruptiJ tn OM 1,! ..-,.., •• '"-"'• )'Owr. I!' Atlantic ~r Includes. ln Its four freedOfl'\S, free-&eneral omrrr. wh•ch lndlcaiH bow how thi'J did I! ny that 1111}1! lbe1' 8cnday 8cbool ll 9 ~0 •• m. ~.,.. . ,, .. tlllr AI """ t i'IIMmtt· l'bAilll wtllrh ~MtWt ....... , ......... rom want. ~~rs recognize that ~ who are' lmportanllt I• lfl• hWl:!rMs ot 1un hod moved. sr\n~l n.ilu Inland. I Suouay Service a t 11 a aa. Wf'd· I ma y hr lh~ •ll•rnallll• to .ouad , , . Iru tt~ly fed and clothed are not so c-o~ible to the ideol-batt~rJtJ tnn tnt•rcept pi•,_.• be-l found them al thl' t'dge ol a amaU n..tay TnllmoDial ...... line at 12 25 YEARS AGO I pl&nnlfla no~W . . .............. ~ · fore th•y nn.r OM belle~•. The o~n fteld far out In lhe l'nuntry. o'l'lock ooon. Mr Kr llna a\attt<1 th~ ~"~'•TV1t·1 -Q N & A DAY vhlch. lead to war and destructiOn as those-who "re hun-cun polltlnna ue plollt'd on • bll Thrtr '"" h:id bren dUI Into the Rradlnc ·Room ltl('alt'll at 711 -F" R 0;.... au R F"l L £ 9 I":"· IIIII \' 1... lilA• I.. •·II h ll•rry . . . ,. dragged. , waU map 10 nis commend IHII, jull. c.rnund Tv. .. tnrn &at ron•l•ntiJ Eaat Ce-ntral Avl'nu~. Uall>otl. Ia -\\dt h ,,r tht• N"w&w•r-t lfarbur ~=~~~~~~~~~;==-• ...... ......,...,.. ~d '-bo . _.a.. ~h ..___ . u ttw bailie hnr• ar• plotttd b7 I 10 lhf'lf buckt'l '"Ills b<.•htnd lh4' IUft. , , OlaJI'Iber ot. UOCDmtHTf' r== nng t.,.::: ......... ~ e. ld ratory reseal '\;II . as ~n Ul 11\lantry until. A dally ICOff II kept . kf'f'plna .. •lrn nn lht sky I!Verl tn open dally from l fl "' (l ;) p m T h,. ., I\ .. r .. VHitlll: I toll I'"' --------------- 'SS i nthis cdUn(ry that promises IOhg strides In tf;k'. di-or the planu ahol clo••n-<"onllrm~ 'lh• daylm •.. Thr olht'rs al•pt In uc~pt Suodaya anti holhJaya na· •·l·•r•lnK nt•t~ .. r,~l lot thr .July '"·I I of greater abundance for a ll peoples. Tbis research _ones and probllbl••• ~ust .. aro f'X• lhetr ptf,, IPntl' \hlrll'r tht' bushea. or tlon311)' nbRrvf'd II• I!• ·~~~~· ul 11..-~'···· Tllllf'll I ,. . • ample or th~ .. nrrltvencou of our just lollhd a"'"'41 and brew.ct an T)ll' put.llc Ia l"•rtll&lly tnvl!l'd 111 \lilt. 1'\ wru tll,.n ktt•t\1\11 "" •rtuo ('(I cheinu~. Already It h as shoWn ren)a rllable n"-ack·ack. on• fuur-l!tm ball•ry a ton• ocr:u.,.nal l'u1 .,f rntY.-.. att.rnrl tlle r hur. h -rrvh'r, 1111ol 111,. :-;.WI""' -.: •. " • Til·· ,.,,,'l•lo· w .. r,. 'l SUCh thing& as the deveJopmmt of pJcrstiCS and syn.l 1hut down IS planf's tn the On• Tilt' remnu ndl'r ef tllla ... II lh!' H•'ntilnc f\porr. 1:• 1tha llartull •l1 "' N••wp .. rl lf<o•• n bbc th rod . f r' b . f :\x n I ,..,, tl't'<'k$ • Scrjiil liyrnun lll•llf• of nrookiJn. ""'' I;"'""'" "'""' "' llunlln~~:t .. o I ru . r .. e P Ochon ° a ncs rom ~Y •an Ill"<', Up 10 .the t•m<' Uus 1s wnlll'n th~ Sl'rwi•:mt w,,,, ,, an «'nlhusuutlc ~~tE\'t:NTB DAl' \U\ r:STIMT:-1 ll•··•' 11 """ l!lltol'•·<l 11w11 v '" ~"'' tractton of sugar fl'Ofll.sawdust, and-tfie ··~prt>verneril Gf'rmans don't...,.~, .. !O havr made •na ft8111 IIIII' , .. ·1'11: man ••ho wu ('urnrr WaiiiUl and C'hUN'It "''-H··· I!III •IIIIH "'"' W('lt• tnnrTirol l dehydration proccsscs. ·. . up ·lh<'tr nw ld• <'ll~<riiY •·hlft tht!',. pral'llrnll~ h•· tole hlmlf'U with df'-c:o.ta Mrea Tl" "' ·"""'' '""k '''"'" ,.n J.,,,.. . . . I . ·. . . art' lr)'tnl! tu do 1n lhr etr Tht'y ll&:ht """~' I Jh·•wcd up •t lhl'or r~-Snhhath Jl('hOCJI o~~ltJnli•Y m""' :_., """ !' ,. 111 w M1 11nol M111 I'' 11 7.1 pnrurgy"' typtca or Amenca. It expresses. the paonrer ~ander llllllllld all on~hl ltollll U>ual·' nl••lf' I,KlSI!IHII, fur hi! nAd read lhoa 1111:, !! .1() o'clock. t'l"""' ol '" l•••tol•· With '"" l•rlot.··· :h~~ C(!nstantly searche:s fer be_tter_ ". ·ays to·produce and ly m aln&l~s bul 5!1111t'tlll!('S'" num· l C••tUIII? hnrk In Nr•· York bill hadn't I l'n•.uch.ina ICI"\-1r~. I 111. "'· Ill• ""'' Jltr·~ Htlln ltnrriAun ••• , utr rflote things at lower <'OSt. This pioneer spirit led tk'tl, t1u1 thl'y rlt•n 1 do a ~:r .. at deal aO,.proJ«'d our trr:•l~ -.l'ouLd evrr ~roJJ ~111, ""~'"I · . · · of bomblnC. Moll of them turn ln a11 armv thts b111. When I told ( HHI<4'fU!\ M 'lt \1 t. I nt KI"IJP.~ ~t r nnol Mr" 1;•\1\nl'• Nw r"l development of m ass produf1ton. It also broug ht about a WilY •• -the nrsl near bursl from him I v.anl~d to Wfltl' a 111111' •boul I II uU. II ...... 1 ... I ,, t ..... lull "' 1111( Ill ,, ...... .. ... 1.... ''"'"'rulhll••. ti,:;tribution by which food from our ranns and civilian one of our II() mm guns Our ack-his C'fi'W hf' bram .. d and u ld romp .• ~alon, lllld 1;111' IIIli•. )11111; .. 111 ........ , .. tnvll :ts from our factories 'move in huge quantities directly ack m~n u1y I!J•Y lhmk lhe Gn-m•n "Oh boy! Wall 1111 -~lnlhusli _,.vi'· f•·rl11r and 111•·111•·u•1• '" uo•·1ry ~nrl lit o "''" Mrro 1-'r•·o A IJt•ll{r •• r . . . . . ptlola ue yl!lluw, but h;I\"II>R s•rn nuf' hraro abuul 1hl5! lrullo ·· Tlol• ''"''IHr"ll"t' "' lh" r1,., 1,..,111 111,. "I" n.tiu~o~ " W•·•·k "r Jsands of ~latl outlet.'\ over I he na_tton, eluntnating the the quality uf German Oghlrnl for 'Tht'lr slur)' .. Hill -, ......... , 'II III ........ l; .. ,,, .• n 'l .. t l "" 10 1111 ht• lutollu I 1-'mnk J. d delay of the middleman and J..rivin~ C'onSUmers the ad-1 nrarlJ t"'/O years nov. thai 11 hard They c:,mr n~horr ~hind lhf' tlrll 111 llo•· Xund:tv 1.•·••"11 ~. 111111n nn 11,,,11., ••n 111, II• I.: hi• . . . I tor ~ to bellevco.• wav .. or mfentry A n•rruw Vllll'y '"Trur•.-In a ll '""''' ••• I "' 1"1 ... res of IO\\e r pnccs. . ou~· ..... ,. wiU ., ... larH that leadlna ···ay from lhe bf'RCh al lhal Mull .. r Chuc.-lt, 'I,,,. Fit"' t'lllllr h I 'npl .1 .. 1111 \'llo·llo·, wlllo ll~tltly e5e deveJoments empha£ize thC' fact that the weU being w1ll IJ"hl up the •ltolr ~acb ar•a. polntwa1 biOC'ltl'1 b7 lh~ Ct'rrn an 88. of t 1"1"'-Hrlo•nll•l In II••· IIIII IJu• k• 1 1111'1 V 1111~ 1"111' M• Mlllrlo • J•·· ,4, ar·,urtUn~ tft "" ,.,,.,,,,,, 1u H,. " • t••u. hn.•l '' J••IIV 111\rty nt ktion depends not a lo ne on it.<; natural resources, but on and then 1:111 l.o follow lhroullb and wttlrh •tnp~ ~""rylhln& In front t,ltlt• • Oo~l..-1, .. ,. •·nt "•'!' 'It•· •> ,.. '""' \\ ··du• "'I"' "" 11..-1:••~1 ~hlf' ,. .. k th . t ff ti f h t •t h 1 bomb b7 th• hlhl of lhelr ftaru. of lt. So Dr~vrr Dill H•ndr~• from !:"''"" on 111,. ~11 1,1,.," ,1,,,_ ""'' 1 11 .tty to rna ·e e mQS e ec ve use 0 w a I as. The.ack·U k men IIY thai nol more Shrf'Vf'port, La . turn~ thtlr hall-"I"'''' l"·fur lu rt·.oll •u•l ""It' .. ~· , I k ledg I •'-~ 1. r " " , •• ,.,,,l(.llnll "'"' .. , 1.1r nnw Mr• givin g all nations m Orl' nOW e a Oflg U~ Jne9, than tv.o oul of t~n planee that ap. lr•cll around lind drpve'lhrfron~ dooll\• •('() 111110 ltlou llo•· h•ll•l 111 •l1" I \I 11,11 I• ""' k tr .. rn UVt'I IW'IiM rgy may bl .. :. ... the n ·ay to the long .t>~U•ght world of . prnach the btoaC'hhr~td .•v~r m•ke •nd blrk lntp th~ walf'r ao lhf' cun JII (IJ I. I t.<wlltl' . ''"'' I•• r••:.•l ...• ,,,. 1 the•r bomb run• ov•r our s.htpJ!tnl wnuld be point me In th<' rtahl dJr~C· I' I•" •If u, .. I Aor•l •• ''I"'" ""' II•~ " ~ " ~.lUI. I ,., r \ • • utu flnH f,. • r1 \ t~~ttt utu tlll' You •r~ Uablt! lo c~t a bcmb any· Uon f':l" •• bl!l hltllo ""''"''''' "'" to ''"''' '• "' ~··v.l••r• ~~''"' h where alonR lhP CIIU!al 'area, for Th•n the bOYI pourrd 23 round' t•r• •I• llw ... , 1·•·1 In llo• '~''" \II' ~,,. WllllrHn l''•lllnll llrill I hllol· • many of lhe Crrman• t!PPMrcnUy lnlo' the Plllbux Some or thelf lt:OII ·~nl 1"'' ,,, "'··I "" ""'1··" ••·n r••tu rnt·•l 1.\'•••III""'"'Y r ... m. n I P t W PI · lh net lu '' · I. Ill 1•1 •~·· 11 •I• lll•'•·11'' • '1 rl'w •l"v'•. Vllllt Ill l;o• ·Ang.-1•·~ IOna OS • ar annmg JUII aalvo eir bc•mbl and bJChUill Jhell .. hit the 1m111 CUn tlrl• d 111, 1 toll \I'' lll"l I< 1 loV•'IIIII: nf m~. ~~ e ~ ~n o "r t lllh' " llr•• """" Ill "I ·" ltl..-rt ) I ho a r , • .,nt insld AI lh d f lh 1 ~''" t •t,lh rtN rn1• t l• lfut f 1• "A'n • o • • * ~rna tat ~r 1 rt v•·• \ Y.'h f O I h a ,,,.. 'll\ lh additions made to: the fund at th~ re<'{'J'lt SJ)e('lal leg· . . 1 · w 1 m ana'"'""'' r.,n• ''' r • 1111'1 11'' "11'1 ''1 ""'' "" Mr,. ,1 ~~· ,.,.11 , "" '" lll•• .. ~111111 . . . · . It Ia mdrl'd a spf'rtacl to wulrh out Wllh th•lr hlnch up ,,.., .. " ro ""> ""'" lit• "' 1111 •lhy ~.&'SSIOn. the s tate ~ovemmrnt. at H'lr C'nd of the pres· the anl1a~rc-r .. ft fir~ wh lh• Ger· TM hey• were nrr proal nt lhtlr 1• ·• •1'1111t .. l•· fqll,fl• ·I 111 t lou,r """'''' · 11 ,, ..... "''"~ "''" v.• "II tnnium. will have built U{> a post-war e mployment nt· ~mans utulolly 11•1 over, the txoat h l uh••v•m.rnl;. but I waa kind of • ,, l•·l"' ~ •• ;,,,,. ht•• ""' 1111' """" f 'h"n ~1-:>~nl\r..OOO. Tha t fund is oar-markerl aru. All the marloonefns on th1'_1 •mu~td •• th•~r mtld,.Jty on~ or " ' n .• ~., l.rlh ... 1r1 :-ool "'' ""''~I '''"'" f•·r ""'•"''"'' ) more .. . •-" ··""' . '-. ahlps lyma otT \hi' 0(''1Ch CUI l•··~tl th•m Ul lrl 'II' '..l>•l Hl•lllllo " " "' \ Ill llo•· ·'" r ... ' IIi• . I '. I "'' ... ,, .. '" I• l structicm work after the war. des1gnl'd to ph:w1de as w1th their rrd ,,A~t'r ullf't~. ~nd "The credi~ •hould 11n tu t.1r111rn· '1" "'11••· '111''"'" Rt•· •111,,.," ,, .... ,. .. , .• _ 'Ito• "'''k '" " • h • G ,. , ~~'f•'•' fhu h,,,. "' t ,, •• to t 1 'HI .,1,.,, ,,n t h•• iniJS a~ pos.c;ibl~ dunng thC' transitiOn from wRr to a lhost on • ''" dn H••• hco~r bull"u nut IITba bf>CMW" hi' 1~v,. u• tne 1 , . •:,,.1,. .,,.,1,.,.,,.,,.1 .,.,., • ., ,uy, "'I">' • ''"' ···• 1 ~.~ •rch In all ll•rerllon• a~ fUSf' tnlo I ornt•r t:l nr.. •• I ,,, ..••• I l•-1• hm£' @COnomv • . 1 1 ,,. • t;y ffu"4 ''"''', , ,,~~•uu· f ,,. M 1 , 1, •1 , " ,,,1 ,,. .,.. . · . • ~ky.nt lna p:att!'rn hr lnr • of The llf'utrnanf t> W:ollhr" r.1bhlt of 11 ,,, ~ 1::.tlt• ,, • 'lr 1~ '"'~ •t•llll· ' '"' " "''' tfMN<ll ~ovcmm~nt •. too.Willhave a_ schl'dtJieo(sto~l .l~accn b<'url a~d "'"" anct ftrem Clonrl•tte N c Thr ''''""' mrm-uot: •. ,,1,1,.,., of ~.1 ,11111 11-. ""1,•1 'J•'""''" • ··· 1 • 1 , •• ~~,. "''" o_j(>cts,' inf£'ndro fO C\JSh ibfl the Sh OCk Of posf-War ad· IJke Sl f('ilrm of fl'cl '811'r frum b;n IJf lh~ «'ffW nr~ •C'(.Irp John Ill• <fllllllll)' "'" 111 •1•"1 """ 11114 ~I I•• I Ill • • j(ulfo• I . . . Call . "ll host'S. Thf' v.·hnl~ !.luna bt'«'<•O•"' a Jourdno u tof Nl'\\ (Jrlrac" r rov•le ll• ,; l nd \t••tlh I .. f>lll lt . hiS .. And a mc~r every commumty '" fo mla WI . l ll!llni!C'. lfllmal~ f,.un aw nf rf'd f'rllnll B:orl I• n .... nf Ill~• I r. . c IIKI~·r ( Ill f(( It II\ Tltr: .... \ t; local projc.-cts. d('SiJ.:ned to t:~ke up some of the slack Ill lhl'_ blac~ •ky And abo\~ all ,, ... ,, JIISI'J"' !'ihArl}f' ,,, Cl<r\'tr. s '" fl 1.\Dl' ot· MOl 'T c· .uc~tr.l. c "'""'""'h \lrlh1NIIol ,. . I t •:h,"flut clo\\'n t lh" ar• thC' !tllll ·s~cond I!OidM C . J>ft' f'rank Furl')' ,.f Rrrl'lklyn; ('II\;R('It fir~. r; U. lot>Ctllrll. l'ulfrr ar p ~n · . . . . . ' · Jll£~hea of b11t ~o~un !htlla u Ulry tx Corar Auston l.•tnrnl Jr of N"" Or· I ·Ill\ "''•1111111.: "''""'L'· '1 ·•,o \.1e bustnt'S.". fo r.tunate ly,•IS alS? bUJldm~ a.great 1\tock-1 plod! hilh UJ' "·•·ard the 1tara l•:.n• W)d l'rl\•a .. Ravm•md Bu. lt'!l \\. f'4ontral, "'""''"'" tll'af'h 1''"' 1o "' '""'' •·ln.-, Ill 1.) I• m I • t ' .... ,,.,' . m .... ,.,.,,. .. 1 "· l't lv J I a 111 \I · 1 •I 1 II rl • k u •or\, .to 1-mn ·socm after ,_,.(.'(' cotUes-and w h ile ex· '11te ....... &.rr~. Somellm•• lnck or .... u, •. ru -.. '11 111111' "" I I• ,, • n I\ ~f,' ,_...-~IHI•I.n t•\:t•n trt.! '''r\lf t• i V I tres'"are not avail~ble. this rest> I've e mployment ool is • · . _..l<4T . ,JoHN VIA.'Ii~r:\· ( llt"ll( u ,, ,1 ... k · ' lthtlill' fd II · t •'I 1• · Ch · • J N J N !II J.\tartMAve.,Ralh<lll l"l"'"' ~,.,..,,.,.k /"nyo•r ... •rvw••\\.o•IJ••·• ndous ifTlportan <Y. w tons o o ars m pot; -war . ·' a ,.111e ,.r1e -8 o" .a ,.rp an ormantly )-:111,:. ·ma.u ·~ 11 311 ~on•t 10" Hl ,111> 1 .. vl·tt~ ,.'"" lhnto•·•. 11 ·w1 11 '" ' ..already scheduled. I • j~ an impres.<tive !'lart toward meeting the great. emer-If II the tu;tum throu1hout our t 1 mulortyclr roam ed ''Char de M••rt. ~hich will· confront us ~·hen C?Ur war ~omy I army. u you doubllu• ,know. for which mean• "Charlot ot Outll .. f ds anld•f'ra to paint n•mel on ltelr .... I Pri'IIJ ,,.,., we will be IU'Inf 0 an abrupt l'fld_. vBut·with all thele combined ~ hltleJ TheJ have namu on air· ~ nam .. d "Yv,.,n~·· •ncl "M• te business and gove~tal agencies, econornists pl•ne•. tank•. JHpl. truck•. IUN • PrUI• Chertt .. at we will still be In' for rough sledding ~ the av-l •nd pracUcally f'Vf'rythlnl thal Tht' n•m.• or • l<!lt Ill tn. f'ret~ctt normal IOO¥H. town• In our art'a a~ tnt'l..,. twl•t· tlzen. who is now ea.Mng better than wages, w.u. th• boya ha\•t' alread, Jt..rt· l era fnr our trnnpa. 10 ~ tnwna h is owri penonaJ post-war ~~nlng-and building hill I .. pal.nUnJ fren<"h nam•• ae Us.lr qulrlriJ ~come known bJ lOme -war erne....-vov reserve. • 9Mk.... I ••• • )HP lllmH I ~nJmOUI appllntlan of Amenc .. are alert to the future. can supplement tht> pre-over-eriod can bE> fairly weU e-liminated. But without that ol priva~ &ulines and ~t to such an ex· family beckJOR. economist.!\ fear a debftclf" that will far IIUr· MODEll MARINE .SERVICE SHELL · DOCK BALBOA .ISLAND planni;·~ personal savinp. if the majority of ..,.,,..,tot," wttlrh mun• ".o<lft," and ""' • J tM threat oC want and privation during t~--changp--J'U8 tM ~war~ =------------~~----·--• - I o'- llank.of Amtrita ............................. ........... , ...... " ............... ... ltubber J.ined Winch Head AI~Mt t'bhrrman'" Frl .. ncl """'"" \\'l'lar and TMr 11n t";IJIIIJI' totrnl .. , . l'rlnrtty Mlahll~l ue-•••-•·• '"'' t•H•"•••• •••••• ---··--1 ...... , ~""""•I ... , ... "''"'"" .. r ('harlf'!l M Mf'rralla, l'rM. t•Kf,..JIN't 'JUII .. --------------------- 'flw \\'uri1l'' Nrwtt ~n Throulh TilE ('IIIUSTIAN ~('JJ4~N('Jt.: MONITOil '" ,,.,,.,,l.,.,.,,,j, ''""·' •; .. '1'•'/'f ' l'tohh \ll~tf h) I ll/: t.IIIC/ 1/t\ \ .t II "I /1 Pl/1111 Ill"{<, .'lO<:IP.'n I ltu• 'I"' way Sl ""'1. l~fllllon Mil' oJJC'hUII"IIJI I• Trulllful-('""~tr-u..tt .... -.1 nt.lawd-1',_ frnm ,.,._.....,..,. rA•ll,,.aJ, .\r .. ..,..,..,., ••MI f11etn.M't111-. •nlf Ita l)laiJJ ..-.... ,.., Te· W"tlter •lilt U1,. \\,..lily Ma1ul11-. ........ .,,, Ma.ke ,tit<' ._ ... '-' ae ..... , ,.. ........ ,., .. '"' , .... "'''"'' l'n •,.. an.no v .. arly, nr ta.oo a NoaUa. ,._,.,.. • ., ,_,., ""'".HM•a ._....._ ,.,...,...... ft.M • ,.. ... ,. • .. l, ... ...,.,_,, ,,, .. ,, ........... , ....... Ill ,._ .. Ctbt~tl-btf' at : • · ChrW~an Fktrnf'l' Rudl•• ICoom ..., 'II K..a~A.-. lUI Estate i1 latter Area Still Mov• With Many Sales Twfnty-ont' rt'al Pll11lte tnlnl'llft'ra llafld to •Ia~ in• luolt' t " (f>llnw- lntr:. Lut'IB J M1 !'\ s!t \0 t-1o\'<J Mt n tn Gn>t\'.. .. uru.l Wife, lot 4 or tract 2!1 1, CuatA !'.I<•MI. 0 A M•••ll' and wlft' to Harry tl 1'\Jiver. lul 14 In biO('k o. trnrt 5tb, Halb.•n : Cillllo'ntl N11t1 n nl Tr1U1l And S>t\'1 mg• P•nk t>fll'tAIII A nRrlroJ< to Hat · old .. ~ \\'N"ka IUlol "l(o· lool 2~ 1111<1 10 ( «-t u( I I 'l7 111 blu k :':!'-C'ur- Oflfl th~l ~Itt._:", fo~tntnu ·' "t .,., ... k 1.0 P. V lltlb &lid WI r ),t Ill t•h I lio f<'tl ''' 1<•1 l :l 1n blmk :J:!II. r.ormw <I• I Mat. J I' Ynuu~: rtnol \11(1' t SIA'(O A lirobm lHrt :::w (H I tol Jot 1 Hi ~f tra~t 31.10, 0>1111 M ttr..J U ('. \\'11-.•n nnol V>1fr lu U u1111 E \\'till ., <ln•l wit<•, I'Jirt ••f l"t 112' (Jf Nl'wpnrt ll••ll(hla; Cora I. Hn$111111•1 \ro (h r rl'lll K. !\lnxw,.ll alk . lAIII'. lo•l 3 Ill blv•k C u ( llU< I 37:' C' 1111 lln 11 l'nrk . J \\ ~1<'1 · r alf to ( 'ur1r~ 1;""'""' 1111 ~ ur tract to.2'1. · ('o.ooln ~.! <'SH . W 1/llu n1 Ht'rH v C'TOl'kl'r nnd w lfr to ,.., .. 11 Han·i.,.,n and wlft', t)il!\ ft t't N loll 92. !llt•wp<Ht Ht'.j.,h la: w r•l"'·' H~nty Ocx k••r In .. 'h>tl Harn1ro1 and 111 lft> part ut tnt 92. N""' pw I Hel~thtJI: I.Jonald F. ( • lt>miUl ttnd will' to )l S Sutp~ #'ld wilt•. ''lot 24 an11 hlllf of lr•t 23 jn blo ·k C of triU·t ~94. En11t C toatu ~1~1 . t'43. Coruoa 1.1.,_1 .Ma.r. Curd n r Alk llll'un I•• !\IKt l(utlll A ('hri,....o·n· II( n llol 7 Ill hloo k 4 u! r• lllll~hYI· Ill n •'l,ll<'< tiotll I 1'~<11><~<• l"lhJI•l .Mnr~o:\.u•t I ~ldmwss lll '""''!II' T. T afrnny t1i~• '"'I ••f loot I I: u( I rtu t 311(1, t t!lll .\lo•~tl A J Jlur tun nfl;f "a(•• t•• f ;,•ut J,:•· f. ~1n11 h lot tl In ttud ;':rJ C ul!.o ~h·n• \\' A ni ur Fnrrua .<nd '"!•· I•• ll<'ftnr I. I :thhtml' M t•l I< lit> I• t ~. Ill f,Jo,. k :.1 oof ll·•t t !1:::1. r· '"'n olo•l .'olhl The Holy Shadow Tt nnslnl•·ol t rnnt 1 !w ~'t··n• h Huth ('tuft o l.••n~o:. J .1•n~: u~o:n tll•·r·· 111 • •I 11 •0 1.,1 ~o-;;••hol \hR"' tile. a.ilU!lll o•ol "''5'' he ('Omf' (IO\\'H ft II tb·J•V•'f1 \d ·(·o hoo~· II III~Ht l\1 rooulol 1)1• ,., (; .. ,,.* H•· II rnl .. l\' \lo•nt alwout hi;, ''"'" hr ... lilrfu,m,; \lrt•t• 1• •I ,. tl.ll oltf:u•c•a 11~:11\ Knol 1111' flot\lo•r J'' r lim•• \\ llhoolll o•\('ft f)(' Ill~ I&WII fo• oof 11 T\\ n " .. rol:• ~urn1no •I up hll< •'nv lh• j.!U\'o'. he h•II:DI'•' Y<•t ltlt'llt' w uri IF n••Yt 1 (c•tl fr"m hr~ ltpN. th• v \".'f '' ,,\l•rPR~u d in hl~ r• ,u fv ~u.jl•· I 't b1 hl'h "' (o e I. u .tnt •· •f'•1 h.t• 1\ 'ft .• ,. :•"l't.lll l'nhl ''' t:ud ··o I. r•l · r•r ;Hlf 1 1 1 ""' 1.:111 "' m lr· Ill I;"'" F'lnt •• n•llt anti ~·A\'ID~Jt31Jank .. r ': 'I , 0 pit•" 0 I , oow .. ·nl jlllk Pa101•'~ A I F:n•r.•tt f) Ivy, Jut 11 h:.t , ";.,.,, " 16 In II ···k n nr trlll1 ~.Ill, BaJh .. r•. s .. '" ,. , , .. 1 t , •t:, . .ow11t. Ftrat Tn!At and Se~vlnga Blink nt "\\'<•u)t! 11111 Irk•· tl•·• '""' h nt Paaac't'r" tc H nrn.-on 1: I!Akl'r \''''" h:rnrl' 111 It• ,tl tit•· '" k • and Wlrl. lol 14 •n bl <"k 0 or I rat< I • • •:tl," 1 111111 f'ro t1 1 " 10'11nt. "I · t'llll. l'fllbo&: J. rNI tl Srhlak!' ln """'' l"'alht>r r ;,,,, ,. "' ld dn thnl ·· Robtort ,Cnlha ansJ w•l.~. lnt 16 In "\\'t;ul!l 1 '"' Irk<: lu ''""''"rt I hlo k ;~7' flf ·c t •. nn'l oil• I !\far. Bur · 1 111 1, ,.,,.,,:<· nnol tor hl' luu k w:\n· thol rru~( e i)rporntlf>n tu )·taty .,,., n:.; hf'lllll' 1 tlo•• r•·ht pall>'" Enl)'ll Rider part o( ltota l!J flJltl ··:-.,,. th .tl " th•· m'""'" "' :on· 20 In ~}. I ' t f'IIIIIXII\ l .. hn llf 1!•'1' I pr .,~. I tit• nut 1'<111\ o'l t ' -.cU6n i, Balboa l11larul, J P !olt • "\\ ltttl<l )'It' hka• '" l><•t·nslll' ;1 NF.\\'S-TIMES, :• .. W• mutt all do our part to win the wor quickly. We m utt conserv• oflk• equipment, keep them In firtt clo\1 working condition for the -duration. Tiernan's factory trained tec:hnlciont, backed up with authentic, original foe• tory lfltade ports, can do this for you aotisfactorily, q uickly a nd economical· ly. TOMORROW-. Tiernan's will serve you with typ•· writen that wm ~ Juperior in •e••d, simplicity ond durability • • • affic• equipment, the "lost-whisper" in m9d· ern ideas and ideals in keeping 'with the new world oheod. See Tiernan's today for complet• Duration Upk"p Service, tomorrow for all that Is n•w, modern and lasting In office equip- , Craemer Supports Houser for Senator I can nominee tor \Tn \All Stat& • ~\~.or. hA-t 12e.-n ar.nou:-;~~1.1 a Hnt~f'r'a hi'Bdltllllrttn . "'r;::-'----C.~WuL.US._j_kJ "'l'wU!l. lol 14 "''"' I o l pllll ""'· nllmd1111: nt('n lut 16"lrl"bioc .. ,,y-r:,, 1i:Jiit'R -r.ryr-or ~ and.,. JuJ!tua F . Craemer'a <.l~rlamtlon of •upport for Ueutenant C:o•:£-r· nnr J. 1 £'flrlt'k F . Hou~~er fl('publi· Tht' Orangt' County nu blla:.er him"''" a contt'ntl~r fur the .ena torlal" nommntton, ha11 sndlcatec by p..rsonal lettu to H us~r an< by publlshPd ~.lltrorlt I i<' h!IJ newa pA per ss •·on\'(t'taon that Houaer'1 t•l n l • n Jr ~"0\'l:mbc!L ~lll...giv• 1,(. C'allfnrnfa the Ylgon"'" r, prt'sen· I -r . I CouiJ(Jn No. 12 <A·Bookl thrl'(' -g;U~oos. &ood now .. c~ll'<'s Sept. 21. ' A II r ut: P•lna a: u•t bt' toilonted c n '~erY~ce ••• With Cl amilel ' ....................... 3?> 1J tae1 hum 1 ,naao.-. ...... fr .... .._dloorn fl._ • ...... "'llmce ••. widtt • ..,. ... ,.....,..,. o( dw _, . • .... ....._ .. ,•a•n-• ... ,.. ..... ....... .. ~ ,_ &ID CIIOSJ UOOD ·- 4t .................... ee.. farr "''tit rar ltrenae uumbt'r and tatsou Dt't•ded In tht' t "nlt "d Slatet ~ "t1lchl ,., lht> ~ .. ,,t.lrd•" fkolt.,.tA"d ,...,.,. In· • fo"tH!r f'w•t. 1'IIP arc ... r to IN' lwld '"'"' "'""' motltll IIA• llfol'n ral~ ~a•:~colfl4' ~" In ~~~o-r I !ltate ot rcg,.tratton. Save "your &>n8LP I t uw lilt 1 :Ire •nllr,t'<'ll"n recorda. They muat l ' o m ary orr,.,.. ~ ---------'..,..-:;;....--------------------. bt' pretlt'ntcod when applyloc tor a A "blockbusll'r" ""'mh wright l hu>< glonrysn~o; Goll ~·· (> t" (' • " 1 . .. :••, .. nts t'llt'hl renewal of J:AII r&Uo na. 4000 pounds a nt1 <:'0"1!1 $778 II waa I "No," rqallt'd th•· "•"''' 0 "II \.U ton oupon <'. -: "' r1ehydrated TII<Jo: 1!'1/SPF:CTION learned today today at thl.' head· men •h""''-' b<' attr.11 t.·ol '" ,.,, .• 0 ·'teS •-.nd 06\ta Wtl. xs. Y R ancl i'.X lo:< ... 1 n• .• , , . 1 : . 1 ' 1-.... ·~'l. Sav• your u,... ~t1m1 recorda. qunrtrrs or MaJOr C<•nrrat David t il<'Y wnul.l bet'(JII ,. ••n:;tranJ\1'<1 u ~ C! 14 psr.•tum ,r,1•1• n••' ,, t '• • " 1 '· Q'l. A c)' r•'<t""''t to replace any p&as• McCooch, jr.. rommanrlm~; .:<'n· !rnm G<<d. The Lurd \IRll nt hcr 1 1 : 1 RR. SR. ~. til<, \'1-o, \','!( XR. Y~. 7JC "nt.:l'r • Ar tlrr must bt' accompan-eral of th<' Nlnth St'l'Vt<:<' Com• m""~" <•f t;luro,yln~ lflm>tl'lf" HATlO:" I'AU·::"OAJt fOT P''•· n. , • ·! 1 "1 .. '" •'·<'L:, :1nd A.'l. ,;uud n11" 1 'l'"·'""" tt.w· '"''Lyall 1Mpection recorl!a &nd a mund. "\Vhnl fin )Oil d<'~ll'o• tlw n !'' ""'' l.t<'l"lnnlna.; July 2. 19-H: l'"· 11 , ',,. I : , 11•'11 1 ,t , r 1101 "t. """' ""'""''" frolnt au aulhnll~ed r r1e<t '\he 11n1;•·l~ War Ration Book Ill 1 "\\'hat can I "''h r.., •" :t"k••tl !'I '",. :"•o t on ''eJrplan•· tho• ~asnt -malsn~; "l11.ot t;.wt ""''' ltleet 1 I pair •hoeal-rood nuw m~ HI" ~· "''". wtth tho\. 11h1 ultl t ,. i• , al ... •!:sl .. '"'t P-<.1 • nnl havt' ••v<'ry•hln~; ;" :-:t ou r• i'\n " , n "alrplunt'" Rut t o: nntel~< ll\llu•l••ol "Y1•ll ahet't t 1 pair 11h.ee 1 good now. mUJJt aak for f• m lradl!. nr "lit' will , · l 11 1t 1n!l htt· ""' ~~~~ ~ rorc'ed upon !>"'"-" 1 ~rrrt: T nkf' I><Mok nton-; '-m okf' "V~ry Wl'll," Mit! thl' f!n •nt "I r urc·hn*' 1 • 1110k lhMI I may "" a ~:n·al llo·al war R.at1on Book tV ot Jt(IOII Without knnv.jnst •1 · · Sl!lmJt • ·, .... 30 Hr lh~ ~.agar, T ht• :.·1~ ··'~ ,. t'f\' ~··\ltv p·r· 'n I nn I';·~:-. t un .t.._,tt• "not Jti'. pt .. ~ ... l T ho.\ l ••k tt~Un~··l •I t• •· 11•J1 :-•• '.t o ~, "" •vgar 1· '~··Uit r nr•' rt•H.I h ·•'tl llf)t\n tht• r., •• a.:. • jl ,, •• •• '.'I. , .•• , •• .lut\ t ... t !'flt ln\\Ul\.! tt1U1 F\t''\ t tn ttt th•• ..,.'Hrtmp !":n ~~ ,-, ltll S11J,!fU t ... un•', •h '''"" 1\oollltl l.tll lk hmol ~;owwl "''", '''Jllf:tllooJl•ol.o!o 11111 !«•I h un o1 •·n , 1th••r ... ,,.,.. • th.•1 _ h•·. :'uu.~p ~ • !It , -, 'h~ t .lnnint.. o'o111lol nnt ",. 11 '' 1\oolllol "·'' .. Ow ·u :II t • , , •1 1 ·,. :1 1.1:\t\' 1"'"•'1 t•• t'Ul•' d,,,,,,:"'t. ,,MqJ,. )'dtll l•'1 • tu.r· .. :' 1"~• nn.t ''"n•fn1 ' '"'• o \\ Ubi tlrt a• pl , ul,un .... , n :tliliona: ArH1 ~·' t '~tun•"' lu ''"~A. \\)h tl , Jf"t111•n..:. ~u)...,t h ' :u• .ll Of'A t it .. ;ontnt ".tlk·•d n'•tnl( h i:< Mhnollow· ,I , ,i,•s .\PI''•' nh 11, , •• t,.. n fsltetl Lhrn\\n "" lh·• ~o:ruun.t. un <'llho•r l 11 ,.,,. ho n1•1 ""'l'an1,.cf' 'by • • !lulr ur lwhm1l ham. 111.1111• til I I S(lllf o' Sl UIIIJl ,;; F u ... Jl••n ood a p- plllhll ~o:r"•'n .. t·au&t"l wlthcre•l pl•cat,on~ rrA\' lw Ill·· 1 rom :.tay plnnl" loo hl11nm, J:tl\'t• •l••11r ·wntf'l 1:1 \It .Jut)' l!j ~;,., .,1.,J }ll'rlud ap. I'" olrs••ol 111• hrudk>~. fr•·~h ·n•l r phl'UtlnnM may be fs lt•tl from July ••• ' .. t •.• . , lnl'J'~<lur .h:\t r. nc•w t ne 1!1 nt t•det' Clessiflcd Ads ~t R ·E·S·U·L·T ·S Evtty stc2k, chop and roast that you get at Safeway is unconditionally guaranteed to be tender and fine-eating. Buy your meats wh«rc satisfaction is .~ured-at your Safcway . •OUD ... I In polo• Itt: I•' c·h1ldrl'n. 111111 Jl•y It• I!') tO tkjlnhfor :zo. unhappy mel there • . · .Jt f')l ~tAmps t If' Jl•llnta 1 for I ...,. .. Aaa. Calli. Hut th~ ARinl s1mpt' \lt'nt a bout mt'ai.J! mna: t'\libft• ••llll. rbHan -:----------------------------hi" •Ialiy ltft' chrtfl.olnK ,.lrtu~ Aa and cnnncd m ilk• A<; B.'\. C'8, 08, H. R. Brlilkerlloff 1M E. ........ 8L TAKE HER · TO. • ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S -R E·N.D E Z v·ous BAL'LROOM Presents Wfll · and His Orchestra t Bm'TY LYNN GEORGE KELLOGG Soloists J1ly 21 and 22 .. BUY · -W...A R _BcON.D S • • 0 0 I lhe atat dl.fTu.u ll~tht. ln4-the nower pt'rfuml'. Wllh<lul •ver be. I iniC AWare of It, 1 An• I tht' J)l'opleo, rt'"'X'I tln1 bla humrllty. tollov.·•d t tm ••lenUy. 1 _, tr spcitkmg to him about bla .mlrariM. Lttlte hy Itt u~ they 1 cam• t'VI'n to h rget hit' nam•. and ·ralla•d him only "Tli,. ltftly 6ha-j dow... From Th• C'hra~t1an Sc:tence S!!nttnel ----------------------------' (Wi4(it·MOtiiNGAflt.R I .... ,"'""· .Ait.\1 I OOH'r WASTE~ nl-4£ A WHIIItltiG. I' l ur .-ucA·S£LTntt l.rfT Tf«IOG. I . '«lUlL!~~ ._!f4£~~_! T~l l_ 5+'~ 1 I. ( '\ ~~ I II · 4r~\gf ~I ~~·~k~~ .. , MO'U: !.~ AofiCQt.;i,~l-'D A HEARTY d>nntr. or mid· ~ r11ght iun. h. a 1•111~ too murh !>lll<'kmg. r~rhaps • C'•'rl..ta.l fir two · -... ~, fun t.•· " 1 1\.!.:, a m~<•'n•l It : .. ttlown, ho·' I , !11•)' {,.,,; • )' \• ,n~trO','/ l'l.WI '11111' ~r,,l4 J'•\ ; ,. Y.ho t.-n,t ~ p,a1•v "'"it ,.. 1~-.,"oop a n I • ,..,( I • n~'' day lh• 'l.e !· 1 oily ••· '<I trl- '· pa) • ~hy don'l ,.,.,, '" ' , :~ l(lr \het "Mn11ur•~ I · , .oncT Alka·S.hr•r ft "o" ' us<!· ful' tn th~ r~lu~t ''" rttn'--tt a1lmt nll ~-·~u·• \ •. SriJur C'O,b•n•• • rv!.$"1,. ~ '". • rwtn-,.,h .. v•r '''h b'1"· • .~ •hi-ira .. Ita Try It "''""" •• ' 1 • • •ll•a" arlw. Atl• lnl11uqlhn ( nlol ~)lnp· fo'llt, :\tuttulor t'ol:tu• ,,.111alfioL lltuttula't Pain\. Al).•·~hur •• '"'' r and plu .. nl to ~"* Y o dr ·all'., ••II• Alh-S.!Ir~r h) lht ' •• •t h11 ~ founta .... and 11 4"'' ., ••• • ••n1t nt perko1rs ! · ,~., '1 u• Why no1 ... ~~ • l'••••u I llw M lll tlmt ~ou •r• •n • dl,.l ..:, ~: ••o,. ~- ' ........ 812 WuJl _ r ..... ;\ I k ~'l . s t• I t I ~ •• - . . . Grapefruit Juice u.::-1r y_,_orTt..,-'.1(-af l4tont.$l9So Grapefruit J~ce *=· 21-r, ... _, ••and '.'2 ,...,., u •s• Grapefruit Juice ~:·» Town HoYM I• and •12 con•. $) SS 1 Diced Canots '~:~ .. '!:·Joe Del Monte Com ';,7:;' ~: It• ROUIS f. CDEAlS .. Com Breaa Mix ~;:: ~:.·11• Biskit Mix ~;:.,' ::·He Stoy Soy Flour ~~~" '!.';12- Clapp's Cereals 2 :;: r/• P•t "'"''d (oot<ll or Oot.,.,.ol roo 6ebv Grape-Nuts ,~:;:, '!;;.-· 1;1• Puffed Rice ~.':: ·~;· ID- Oven Cooked Wheat ~··11• POINn· IACM RATIONED FOODS (2} Dalewood 0..::::;-.... (2) Troco (2/3} Cherub Milk (2/3) Pet Milk NICI VA4UI 101Jt-·1D-Oakite Cleaner ,... Sunbrite Cleanser 1 :;· &• pctlmolive Soap 3 : zo- lllf9'1"" •• Swan Soap .... - camay Toilet Soap 3-. 20-1(,,..,,. 10·••·3 .. Su-purb Soap """"' ,... · Ou&doe< Jt ........ 23• Duz Soap .w"''"'no' ,.. . ,01 wothlf\9 ........ Peet' s So<ip ,_,..,.. ,. .. IT TilE LVC , .. Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delidoua! Moore'• Confectionery 2 100 Ocun· Front Phone 73 -Newport Buch ' -------~--------------- Fishing Boat Bar&ains H ·ft.. IA'Aman: Ill'" ( '1\r' "''"' Crnwn. C 'har1.fored for II!~ PII'T .. ,. '' Karca.tn. 4!·ft. Chari.er Boat. ('hartf'.-..d for tiM P"' ._,. ~A~\· OTIO:RS TO CHOOSE t'llOM IIIG'S LIIDIIG and Yacht· Brokerage lltol 6 Rhlnfl THffiE GOES MIS~ WHISPER I • . . , ' SFWPORT RA I ~lOA NF.W~-TtM~. Nf'WJM)ft lt··:wh . C':tlifr m ia, Thursday, July 2tl. 1944 Air Ia. Cllilf .II ,. 1Rn111 IEWS-TIMES CLAfSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES •.. • IEAD 1 FOI ,PIDFIT ·! ., • ~ Rt:LP \\'ANTI: I) "' ''\ fl-'1\ ll•>~l.t"k~·l"'' .,. 11 .. , "n '• • ,,,, • m~ , •"•ktn.:, ,,,r tatnUy RO.o\1~. 8t~PPIJt~ ._# .,l \ RADIO SERVICE --.~ .................... ........ ~ Burt R. Norton 1111 , ............. !' . .....-"_£ • •.. t1( l ft"... l"lr KJ-.~Ut tl'•IUt• f"lf "'' TFI• A ''"" llt•tttl'i't l••r too '"" an '""mm .. n "'' fl~lllttlt bo ol fu ll"' , .. lUll I" ol :utol I• I\• I\ I•• 0:• it II \\ ,,,,.,,., llu.ll II :1. ,·_...,.,' ~t. Wr' ;.~. Hp auv WAR BONDI . , ....... ,.. ... , ... Alplaabet GUIDES News-nme! ~II w . c -..nr~al ,,, .... Tf'lf'~~ Nr.,.aot~rl II TODAY'S . BEST BUY: . . Sport Fishing ~rulser . . .. , '--~ '1875 PORT OF SEVEN SEAS HarTJ' Uartl .. r-1~..,.. \'w .. t K,...krr 811 ~ H~hwa)' Phon,., Nf'wpor1 O.Oarh 949 ~ARI.SF. W ·\\'M , . Mi\RI.SP: MAI,\'At•P: ..._ • • I c. • FDI IESILTS • • I n tKNtTt)IUC FOR MAl.£-. WANT "IV. RF.NT Muo>rtn. fur h ·fl aaJI boaL U t'l North Oall· : ta.n<t m:. a•...a-. •· ca111 - l 'tlurl" lh"l AIJI<of'f' llltiM M-ttp \\"A NTt:l• Tfl HICNT HLIP fflf' 'J:, f l I•••' · l'hunoo Ill IAI~IIna llollf,l tot Will" l'10tl !'lmlth , \\ A':. 'II I• Ttl l r .. :NT , llr~t• h ,,......,,.... ,,. •'-' I• llu Jti iii••HIIIIth • 11111111\ Jl ."\(1 ••• ~ ••• tl ......... . :-:, .. 171101 1; 11 l<tlnl•'r. Una 411, II I l'tU"''''''"' I '1\ltf r.n !\lp lo'\ II( XAt.t: l'a.t1U" Hoard; Ya~ .. ..th' no•""· ~hwlnlf .,.._ • .,. b&· <')'•'I" :IUI'I •: l'le ... 81 ... ll&lh11a M ·IW tr YOU ;Mi U pt ...,....... wrtw 11aa •· v--.-.. w ..... flliee Add••ll 11~ N•• c •••• ,. •w c ... .,. llel Mal N.D. CASH D Y. 1111 • U.Ue 000 •"" (;AT HO.,.ITAL ........... - •••• ... 1111••" ......... -·· Calif Professienal Directory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Ninth aftd Ge"tra· A .... Offlc;e Hre.: 10.12 •·'"·; 1·1 P·"'· Tele,..._ 17 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO ANEY AT LAW C.t"h Mn• Bafttl Bull41ftt Phone 4:lt Callforftla HAROLD K. GRAUEl CHAPEl "W" Our.«IYN 11\f' l~tl«l!lerre lly Hrrvlnl{ ( ltll"r• l~llt" Phone Newpor1 M1 Coet• MeN C•llforftla 8UY NOW City Tax Sale lots A. J. TWIST I 607 co ... f' H lghwol,. Phone 2422 GORONA O[L' ftiiAA ( ;erakl Hami4a, !\1. I). '!ll:tO """' ( •·ntral i\vr 'r"l'"" ,._,..,,h l•h :'\•·" l"'rt l\o-10• h IIY~It lr "" an•~•·r """ MI·M Coand Richt«, M.D. I ~tt,eleiM alt4 ~ I Off ... 101. ~ .. ,.... N~ ...... H_.,re: 10..12 a. "'·A 1·1 p. "'· Office 1111 Rw. 14-1 DR. G. E. TOHILL ~~t~~t eo..•• ..................... -~- Offloe JM·W .__ J8t.R Dr. M.D. Crawf,..d OPTOMRTRIIT F:Y"• P:aamtnfld (Jl.-Pttted 11t1 Newport ltcMJI .. .,.d ~hon• ~10 COSTA M~IA BAlTZ MORTUARY CHAPlL av THR lEA 410 co .. t •• ,~. Corona d•t M•r • ,.. • .,.,.. .. _. Phone Newp4r1 4l j. JUt OREil J.trCAS llt•ntiHt • .. %'UI'!~'1 \\', ('f'nl,..l, Ptl. ,._ .S P:\\ l'tiRT JIP:Af 1J WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT l"ln£P t AC.£ ,-,0 I<INOI INr. W OOO 11 w \\, ''" 17~4 r:1•• 111, ., 1 '•"'" \1•., ,<,...,, """'"'' l'h 1\".:,..J f,f Nrn.-, c"n NTR AC.Tn n - (;.,,.1•·11 11 ""''II•·· ~II•• (',, ,. ' 1\lv•l ·,.,, ·II:.! l 'lhn~ """ nm,•n.wt lo.B- t.U M IHR CQMI•lt.NI[& f 'tolllll "'""' l.lr 1 1.<1 ua ''' 11, v•~l plnn ynur "'''"" '' t•hrtllf' 48 lllov l •ltfl rl•l '·'"'''"'"'''• l 'hoottf'.II!YI , • .,.,,.. llllth"'"Y Ill Arr h"' OJ'f'IC.E SUPPLiES N•'Wf~orl ll•rll••r l'tthltllhlnll( ('>o """""• 12 1:1. Nf'WJ)f•rt U..Cb PRtNTING-- N..WJllort llarl1t)r J'ul•lltohlnr; (;i, I'"""""· 12 1:1. N•wvort RMell. REAL EITATE, INIU .. ANCE & NOTARY PUaLIC- I,w II Wallate. 2200l W. Olntra.l A~ue. ~ !. RUBBER ITAMPI-, N-port Harlxw P\IW""'In« OD t-.on.-I~ -II, Newp8l't .......,.. IHRRT MKTAL WO~K-1 v .... .,._..._, a AMiot Metal W...W, eo.t& ~~~ ...._ JlO. VARinY aTORK.-' I .............. Vllltlty ...,._le, tic, lie a.lld ....... llU•W. .- f Home Nursing Program Starts NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS.TIMES. NewPOit Beach, _California, Thunday, July 20, 1944 Cl Conditions in Qlo' T~CSkby ~est Spea er ·fiarbor · Feminine ·Activities june Daily Married Thursday; flew to Meet llridegroom Stationed at Camp Phillips Tlwo )oclll WCIIIltn are "~ncfud~ , ---In t e cla• of «raduat.e reautered --~ IA&Y1Jte Wedlle.tay • a Traaa.j U.. o1 Jaer ~e. 8be bM ou.t 8pi!Uter a t Olrllt Ctlurcll l au,.... t&kUJc' the bome nuratn" Virginia Barnett, Society Reporter • fl'IJolk>s 12 iiJ1Q 13 • R~ Pborw 1220-W eaaUaeoW we 1 t era Airliaa ~n rtlldl.ol' wltb ber lUter, Mn. --~ llirt 1tuecla~ .... YJoe. N-,urw bel"' otterea In ~ I I pi &.De, ..... JWM DallJ Wtllt lo: D. Gifford. 52J aerollla. Coroaa HarTy Wo~ who lias ~ ..,... Bead!. 'MH!y are 11111 Katberln~ Lt'd o I s le I ~~~ I SPUCING THE MAINBRACE T d a b I t.lel ~.r. Ttdl. Bet. O.Ckla.oll .. t.un.d trum fl'oocotlew <"'tna wt.ft ~t or Corona del Mar alld .. ~ 0W05e0 U S meet her bridecrOUill to be, Ttcb.l the. liOn of Mra. Aim D6ekiuoe ot ...... b.u bf.en wllb bC'T hu-.ncl ..,,.. Pun ¥oUMe of JJ&Jboja boo C hildre n Invited DlAJf~ Iiiii ~"" Meet for Their !let-a.uiee E. o~: wbom Paadeoa !:t!:;. put •bt ytVII aa • ml•· la~~o nt;~ 1rla,trur tor contu -•T o Pic nic July 26 o ur '~'~ nn-um~~tanr" ~· .r.~ cUa down. aad the rutmu. 1 Joint ~lebration ::~::-:~::a~,~y.·J~~no~:n:~":u~f~·~~:::,.:: lin. WOiiey lold of experleneeal encu are be1Q6 btold In Oran.fe my crmtrol. J bad to t••~ a t.ot1, .• r .. Ju.lt a ~· • 2'0. to wear a navy blue lltleer wtt!l a. Clllna wltll t.be oomtnc of Ule l l·t>~tnty In eoojuetfon wttb a na· ("hlldren under twelve yearw on lntn Loll J.nariH Y"lllnday. 1 Here aDd ~Jt•1 l!;O ._.,· on.. ""'POrt ~h and Ootlta Tbe bride Ia tbe daughter otl 1 .,.hltt" acce.-oriM.-The weddint war uad of tbtlr ~l'tWJ out. Stle l1011wlde Amer1CJUJ Red Cr~ pro· U lln 1aland are Invited to a pk n!c hsdn t l!t-rn' thf'l"t! f<lf" ·~ two t hat the t~ bftwl:nc at die MHa TowswacJ ~ held their lint. Manon Kent ot 8&nt.a ROIL took place around,.-Ulur•tblrty Ul tAkl Of bow a C411Ain amount of ram to turtber home nurwln&. at the Lido C!ub rouw. w .. dnu-avmt s. but diftn't lh1nil tbat 1 HaiOO. 'radlt' Club bad to ~ Vldcry llleftllla' '"""-lay ewn.fD.& 'nd bu been t'n:ployed at the Bal-1 tM attemorn. lb. wbk'b l.n pre-war tUPM lOW I Mrw. Claudia WoAWidl. chairman lUI)'. July 28, There "''111 ~ game.. W' uld fin.-: anv drtr••rvoet '''nl• 1 t-Ho n-•· It'• OIW of thoea tbinp at the holne ol Mr. alld lira. L. 1 br a 1Qrw1 pollt office until lM Aha. Dickln110n Ia a ~duat.e ol I« M .. ~ for 11.500 a.ftf'r the , at Ule 8outbem Ora.Dge County IIW1mmlng and prl~• 11lt fun •n•f'llo th~ ~l ror~M. 111 .. nnt«e, .._.. thAt ahooJd have bNa .tUect with· K. A8Miauctl. 1406 WNt Bay Santa Roe& Hlgb ecbool. Tech. wv bt,.n and the s&mt' amount lh•l <..'roaa rbapter11 huml' nun,n.: "'II h"JC'" at "lt'ven ln tht' mom · lh• sam•• but th, rm w1t nt Jl't'IIIJfv '"the Dfrect.ol"'a me«~ac &ftd not aye,_. Yacht Club Serl·e ·s Set. Dlclll.n.lon atte11ded PaaadeDa bad cone up to 13.000 ID April .c:-unll aumounced today . · Inc mllltn~t ar• und utnundf"l me, &au ••lrt d to the publk:. ~ a:ajortty A -ptuoua dinner waa ~rved l ~~:bo91a and ~na Junior col· cordinr to a lett I'~ written a t that •• 'nle aeute lhortare of traJnl'll mu. n a.. II lA /U an U tt'mtly wum .. , people feet that Ooaunoclore to twenty--en people ln thco Of Dances for Youth r lep. • . UaM to Kra. Worley lly a friend 'nurwea hu made It lmpt'raUv.: C ,,., Th.-~'""'~~ brou«ht to ....,cJ llnly Ia npt ta bill lltaDd 00 tbe bNuttful di!Ung room overtooklng 1 The couple pla.D to bone)'lllooo _... ta OIJn&. The wr1enncl that a new ilOUrwe ID home nu,.. Newport irc)e th•· "("hrslmu IJhupptng" u..o. matter . but It I!Nvee a ll•Dd of a Uae .,..,. Ttle room• .... ~ dtcorat· C for wveral weella at an unknown AIIIIOIIC lhe Olla.r.N Ia IDtontrable. lt.nl be offered, ille 1&1<1. Meets J u Jy 1 z H .. -alll.I.ZUlJ;: l'• me that .,.. •·•tl•r t..u ID Y!'UT IDOUt.b.. Wbft1 ed-wttb buket. or gla.dlolta. pot· · mmqc~or .. Mark Healy ot tht' llH tlllatl n alter wblcb the bride Ill cooclu.ton tbe 8peal&er of-1 Mt.e Reba Edwarda, ... letanl ,.., ... > r"'"PI'" hat.l an mueb Uatt to a member ID a · family ...._ ovu. fed Panb. and Amfl"'t'u n.... . ~~~.,. ;~ht club ~ a fine I wUl ttlura to bt r f)Uiitlon iD the flll'ed wveral rea.aon& t.o be t.hallk-<Ill t< tor of nunlng lltrvlcu In tb!' Thf' Nrwpt•r1 1 'In' I•• m .. t J uly I:! bf> >'·alktn~ lh•' •tr'""'' and u,,. ~t,.pped bowlda. the family ia n -'nte ocx: .. cn waa tbe cdebrs-~ :.t , }'Otmg people att .. ~ poet nffict' an<t her groom will be N hue In our owu count")'. We ~ltlc Aft&, Amer1can FUd C'rQU. w1tb Mr• J A U. •lrrUlll at Jn';' .,,,.,..l' r...rtrd lo dNI .,.;t~ It drtUy but UOII ot tbe re«nt Yl!'tory ot the I b ~rcay ev•nlng d&net' at Ule atont uverMu ~. food clothlnc a nd ahelter will 1upervuw both conft'rencn tl 't •IIJI("ret<el'f. ta1lb aa Ut\W <'omment TOWD~endth•• in lt'<'tlnng a plaet c u • w 1 'l the ('I"OWd vottng thr r-----------.....__, ---·-·-""-·• ol• Cll'·--who In '-.. _ h _,, I . 13th ll t?rt r;,., tlllooninl>:' !'1m -.a t• 011 t ... -.._,lot t~ lh• Nov-.. -r on:ht'11111l •• "wondrrtul.'' aut! • -·· -· _.,...,.. "~ one .._runa ....,ac a ..... one n p .,JI,.,. tnK a ,,,.,.:..,. lunt h~-<•n de· hu,. ,. l'tlll•·d •lui' n thf' number t•f ·l• ~-•bW I~ the out.ide. It ~ _, "' • ·~..,.. h pc-ot tb j 1 ... _, .... Ye any ol th~ tbln-I o--.. -o-"c-~unty ,_ (tO• n( • --m• to --tb• .. _.......... Y•"bt eJ«u-""o-t'-.-n .... 000 nama• ,. II mort-e un or membt"~ -'"' •-·-·.,~· •-• ~ ~v .. ~ \(tllun .. w,.r,. l"•.ntltwtrd by Mr. '"' 11\111 ,.,.r,. lrrtng I(} ll(('l t.t•• -~ ·-· • .,....._ -~~ -'"' '"' .. ~. ' II 1 h ----lhf' flrt't rountl!'a In California tu Cf'• r.~:•· r.u~·ldnf'r u•"'.;.. her 8ub-,., r,rkm~; Inti! And tl .,.... • '1ut> affair c ould b&ve tw.m were aecurt'd on tb .. petition than t l tv~ t tt'rt:::Jvu of Ule QPJX•r. (ll_.r ... _. Teadle~~ ·· BIRTHS... h•Jid lbe ~onferencu )'' 1 · Tho• R••rr..t ,;y 1->tr .. nMtll · 1 1 \1 •I 1 ... ,....,,.,,.. who are 1111t0 handiNf that -y I'm Probably '"'~ Lbt' rt'QUtrNf numtter UOI )' ot a t~ mg_ of Calllorala) 1"he lAguna S..ach ronfcor•·t~L" ~l r11 llrwtmllll lhf' n•-..·lv •·I•-. I• •I 1 .. '" u.,: m , tii .. M ar,.· mdrf' ~~ • •·mJ•I,tc-ly W7'm1&' and rar ltkiUJJC · 11te dinner •••• follotvt'd by a Tht• d:mr • 11 will be held ever y ltart-• .. on"-v -·'th ~1111 •-• 1 ..._ u 1 my 0_ .. out. -1 -t, ....... -··-r,..,r1 bo•amt'N aeur n a f •'h '-h twn w~ks. the nexl be!nv S&tur -~ ..... -• -uo•~ pN'ild .. nl 11f th" <•IJ:IintU.II•>n a n 11 •'' ••• hu ,., ,.~'\Omf', traJO ·~• ---""'·~ -"' " Bet. ud Kna. Frank Kletrer or Gt odrn.an, nur•.nt rlt'ld rt'prt·llool-"'•Ufl"l'•l l hr ••l•·•ll~on "' tlw f•·l "'' l.""l '" l>:'"l bade to Balbo•a U..t Jlrn.,.t.l It ~mreoae cuta It , rr pbm. wrr~ laid fur l uture ••ork day, July 29. '110 'hl·eoty-Second alreet, Coet.a aUve or s~uthtrn Callfom r• In· 1 -.e ......... ~ 011 ..... atr for .... _ and a IOCial hour cloeed Lbe eve-W1lllam H. "PinJly" Scott haa • Mea. a 1011 I · ••~'ln.: C11mmillo•• • htttnn .. n '''" I • .,,,J,J haw• II 3.'M'd the plare. W• • u ........ -u•~ ......, ~ 8tDcUo: JO'J Ooldf'll-AYeeae · •tnll'tlng Afn. Htnry C'~tmplll'll ~rftm. ~In• \\' ~ llunuk•l !I-.s .. rl l '""''Y". ,.h .. n Wf' IIYI' bert n•xl nourlr ol daya sill~ tb~·rUng. nttpp.,lnlt·d•·halrman ofth~t·X-Corooa tiel..., :Mr and :Mna Willie Ka.ufmann1 • hltlnna n of t om• nu,..lng In the • .,,,11""" M,. t;"" ~:•• t;,,, l•lfll'l .,.,.. .-, ~ ... 11 :11u,. piKe It la. .AJI l'\o•m<lf'ntllc OonveoUon. It atart-t>ru tlv,.. ~"•Jmmtllet' by the boar. I or til 242 Hfllotrr,... dJ1ve Corona 0 rangt' ebaptn t>f the Red Crou ~l ott ••stb a ........ --·• • .,.11 pp-" • COMING EVENTS •.llrc-~·ttJrs. a ncJ wfll .. _ In 1''---gw del Mar. a lOft. annourwt'd lh~l . M IMI :.Cary l,-tay l•un · t.t r,. (;•,.·lollh r ""'' lllthll! tl\ 111 '""" foot ynur!M'It. Ia to 'llllit a bly l'~d up ••jt1'1 a blr boom! AI Of tht> galley and lhe bar. ~ . I ·-. . flniA•JOr. t.l n• A ~ Th tnl'"''" \\•'I Y"" ll:0\1' I oln --·h·n Y'•U ~··I f~l ,, ........ ..... ,,..,.. ...... IIAJ' ~ r--------------. wtJI ~ the lo•trut·tcJr &I lhr 1 " 0 I 1-:1111,. Jllf'Wllln;l 110•:t • 1•l.tt ,, •·I-·~ X tnt' limn ottt ,.,,. ha,·e all NJalte to I'XPft't ot p&-f'RIOA Y Jt'LY 21 -===-:------------------------ f,renc" beJinnlnl( ln OrM ji(•• J uly 1 Du11nK lh•· afl•·m ••• n 1 hr ~~~·lw• •·f '' n , ... ,,.u be vrry Jtlad to p t hll<lll ('•mpalgna. tbe mud i• aJ-Rrd f'roM Wol'lcrn()m. 111 Palm ................. Portrait. ~ ............ .. --111 .. ftl' I ... a..r- Gift Shop i f. • • 11111 lli•wtng fnr " ~""llt1n·n " h"m~ tr•·ll 1\dM ........ ,...,.:! 1lua drtyrJ '""''>' ~~tartmc t.1 Jly I bad hoped n cnue. 8aJboa,. 1.0 a .m l(l 4 p:m .. I It "'"'" v11t•••l 1 .. fiiiiJ'II•II"'' "''h "'"'' ,,,.,,. '~"'" hrnu~ht on by tb• that tbia ~ •·6uld 'be dttfenDt ..,..in« . j rtf1•·11hlfl•·nt10 f••• lht• ., .. ,, t•f t h .. h•at ~au!W' of lM limn WelJ. any.l MOXDA\', JIILY 23 Chu..rch Members Shower Pr~ach er ~ yl'ar I'• , .. ., ,\l)f'"' ~:, ,.r-ybody -.m~ .-ay. I could bope, couldb't P But fUd C'rou Workroom. Ill P11lm AUI(UIIC 7 tl' lhl' •IKI.-oo( Ill" 1\t'~l loo t..-rw•lnttnj,! t••••trt1 ~~~ thia IDud alinchlc ia Gad buai-.. aYenlK'. Bai OOil, 10 G m . I ' • p.m .. m,.,.tln,r whkh ~~>'Ill bo> h,.l.t "' t tl•' linn,., , ,. ,.,1,11n~t 1•'• _.0~ ·t l>f'('a..-• it IIPI&tten 10 man) IUF'C'Cal dresaun~•. l''oilt'd (n • plan t o lay rlown homr ot Mr11 tl II 11111 "' AI ho ,11,11, "" :1et8rr 1,, aay u,. l""oplt' Red ('r(>u Workrr,..m. :us :Mar. I n•w Hnolrum In tht' bftthrof>m u~ btort I'I&Cf' 1, n.•t ~ .. ,.0,. , an 1,.11 rn,. It ~ lne av .. nue. 'Balboa llland. tO am. tht'lr h•>me while Rn< IUld Mr• h 1 1 1 h b ............... I to • p m . -w1n, ,.. ,,,, ,,.n "" ,. 'K w.._" .. -.. I F. Goodell wcor-e un Ul~tT vuatwn . '" H<tllMift ht'fllrf'. 1r t.bfl? bM 11 RNf er-o.. Wvrkroom ~UII!._o!_ lac~ 0( •!!lllcod labor, F ir~a n Is Au X iJ 18 r y ...... U\'f'l '"'t' .... u a~:o. for u.e-.. OcSD boulfo•·ant Comna tkl &far. :_:a:=~~n.~~u~ ~~~~; Meeting fuiy IJ :::" 1~h~~~~~·.·~~,:_._'-"' ~~~~: ~;·~<t~•lnc• a batbr\IOCD &bower atter the ~ Uon.. 6 :30. H'f'ln.t Kalefor W_.....__._y ~•·bt _. I ~11 JuJ J" 1'hf' Jo"',...man'• .. Ull'lltAMI m,.t'f. ,.,.. l•·n~ •lr,-• ba•e llllt'n --• ...., .--· u~ Y •· " ·; Rot&ry, &·so. Wlltrr·~. Park av D-,__.....__ •~'--~ __ ...... , .. _ 1 h I" J 1 1 • 1 h tu .. n •<t.tl of lh~ mQlh be.Jla _, • ncY. ........--.n..u ---na .. ... ,. ,, u y .. rn I If' ••mr f>DUf'. Balboe l8tand. ............ ~-~ ....... utf:h """ twin.: purta-d ........ n ··~· .-.. ~ or '-.c.nty towd aeta, baUI mala. ~<lr .. f'l N r'lll por1 .,._,., h Th" huAt· , avf'ft·-. Balboe 0,_0 10 am to -"' •--t b Tt.... m"" """ h&lll ln.: or looldltc ~ .... p~nlaliOII wbkh lndu!lt'd llftHn l"' 141'11 Wr iVIJl Klddlr •• :KM J:tnd ..... ...., '"''r l'llh • rntk&J ~I • D-o,__,_ Worlc~~m. lJI ---·- aDd , .. ,oua ll1ndl ot tDtlet art.k'.no. -.,... lnt wu f>rHI<Iffi ntr'f y • P ID'. •u--lt'aJ t.lrt-.11111\"'l ,.:---------------------------.., th -ltl• 1 •( u • 11 u (loN l\1 •1 t oo 11\I'&TinJl' tbrlr --., .,.. ,. 1 P·~• ~n • .. •• "1 uun -• · -~ ft.co.d Cr-<lllll \\'orlcrooom. 31• :Mar~ Ill ld .. , u-M m il •ull!t llt•'lll haw• .,....n put '-to " 1 Gfoeet~ Car-. Mel • G,..t Variot~~~ltu-··• Girt. ' I'"" · ,. r• "'111' f' •••n r ...__ il'le av.enue. Balbi:•• fltand. 10 a m -th ·• d .. ,. .... 7. "'-,.tf,., • '"' lh•• l);ttrl'll that ....,. -' INVJ'I'E YOU TO BftO OUND'· " "1"'~"1,.. P"""' •n -~ #• .u,,.• to 4 p.m . aur~kal tl~~ c. £. LOUCKS :· 1 ,.f 1 " rrellf'ntf'•l wllh thf' t>rrth•lav Jr"tt"n " huh· .... 1 .. , ahapf-. B '• " I'C'• lo • rtll~UW <Jitllo-t ruror U -~-J&WIUt\' aNI! ITATIONift\' ''Tr .. v .. hn,~;" •. .,. rlay"" .. n .. r """ •..n jll.J.wh ,...,. nut m~ o1 MCK THE A'ITACK Ol•~;.:v•toftel · Fin• "ep41lrlne thf· m••"\.J"~ Thr .:•m•• ,. . ..,. II , .. tho· nr~o.l lim•• aft• r t he !!bout-IJI'\' MOR.: THAN BEFORt': -. N-pecot l&a·a f'lla.)'t••l IWI•·c-an1l won huth um .. s - nt1-• New,.rt alvei .. Coeta Meu. Calif. by .,,." Rut.,.rt Ja,twtn "''"' ·""'· Spar Jean ~'orley MORTIMER SCHOOL ,.--------------------------.'nil won low "' , . .,.. h f:><rnl' . 392 Cor.tl. Balboa l1land FLOIEI SltP I Altt'llllln~.: thl' nt•'•'llng w .. r .. th•• Hnme 0 11 Fu rlou~h ' ~~·~urt:a HC'HOOL fU>WERS FOR EVERY ~ON ., . 101M AI'S • o.u .. ..... -- • .., c-. -.....,-eoro.. .. ..., rl tr..,li1m•·11 M• I ~"n'll<l 7.uho· Jatl· ()pl-.., ~-y 5; WHI. Kt·un .. th J oltns••n. ll•·ne Sw""n· \lr;'IJO I• .tn \\' r~~· ,,, a.Ato. G,...,..: f'etlep .t Prep. F.11tftN N-llriiiJr ._,_. I'Ufl, Ollv•• Rmith. C"ttarlf'l (',.nnf'll. "·:u. hum• h•.•l ,.,.,,k "" fu~ G. A. Mortimer, M.A., Oxford IUlll Lt\wla )ott-rrtll ffolm lh,. l'paN l'lhr •• •ta~ Principal Pttofte ~ S. \ lllo na'~ .1 "' • I •fl fhr ~ 111c-n••t m~tln~~: w ttl bi httld on In S..uth t'al"(>\lna Colluwlna .._, AUINit 10 a t thto hl•m~ ,,, Wr11 t rumtn" at f>ltlm ~d\, • 1 Olen J11hn8ton at ~I ~1•1 1t n-•·t, MU. \\'Of'I"Y If tht' dau~hlu G( 1 N,.wp.1r1 ~·~ h ' Mr and ~~ R l t Worlt'.) ul 402 I We Son David ___ .tu·, .. n Sur~-I ~---~ ..... , ..... y..,~ 4'8&ATEa TeJetrraph . I Q I S E I Y 1 Born to Vog Quarantine on ;;;;~.,~~O'A'ft'l~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;:;;;::j ~·:: ~~~~~ .. '" ... , ''"' ~~~:n~~f .. ~~u.:~: '" j M. F. {'1\\'M itlll(h Julv 12 ,.1 lhf' ·lin"" thAI thr quarriUlllnt" re 1-;t Jtlt't'ph ""''f"lal In nran~tt> Tt•· '•'!.:' ''"" tn ,.,., • .11 H'IH ... ,. I~ I IO(I\nl hi\S. ·~ ··n n""m"'' I'll\ lol An-l:onol "'•II t>C'. ""'"' Raturolll) Ju1)' ,..._. !IU f'f'M' Palil'-& ~.--jiiC at 1:01 a 8 :(.'\ .Mau-~.tuNia)' at 1 :~l'i ('ottll-!'luh4ay, fro~ !:30 Tile"· t·n. ~t .• a., Mll.._. a Kuth Hu_,. In "'TKt: l ':"IX\ITt:b " ... lllR-G D U C 1·1 G Loe Anceles and Long Beaeh POPULAR PRICES BAL SPORT-BAR '11H!od~ fl MrEiroy ud C)•rtn My .. n OPENING THIS WEEK BWUSE UAU .n $215 $]9!, .. SHORTS BAR 1-JI! • SLACK HAR $§9! up I. I>RESS BAR $§~~ .. , SKIIIT BAR $39!ap UNGERIE BAR SWEATER BAR All 1"/pN--Ait "'ool $39!. I'I.&AU NO'I'I: •nm raiCE8: WE AU DET£&· IIINII:D TO FIT 1'01111 I'OCIUCTBOOIL WITH OU& UNE or..quALn'Y ~as~; . . . . BAL -SPORT·-BAR·~ .. -JUJN ST. • I • • lh••r •hlhl ,.,.,.,1 nn 11,. u•~ h,' :::: Ill F:•l,.anl Kus•ll ,,,,,a1y ' "',. hr .. t· ,., .. ,. n:turn at hnmf' ""'"" •·ffh• 1 "'·•l•d lh!ll :tJO thrre v.hult I~ :~t t~.o Cll•l,l'nunrv k ""' ha ... ,,. ... n ·n .. """-l'"'"l t•llthr·~:A ('.,,.Ill !\I<'J<II •·I r ahh.'.l! ~tntl Hnr ~<f lhf' ,j.,~~ hold . 1 , .... OC' • • • 'I ho lttlh• r 18 1\ \\'nr·r,tl\1 •ll(u ,., unolo•r •·hlo.·l\•lll•un hal'•' •1••\,.looJ~'\1 1 ..,_...._ llfiOftS frodr~:..:: "'llaU' of M-t.-;r;urna" l,._y ('artoon .t """''• Man. • Mnn. 1 In Ill•• ~11\\' \\hl•·h hi' Jt>ll'l~•l l1•n th' dl,...ll:•,. t hr (jUI\Tr'BOitn" '"IU , '-~~ .... n,.,.. YOII'8Iille cbe ,,.,.,~ ...... Th·· I'HIIph• IIII o r .• :~·l ••. ltflo•tl -loolr ol the -aiaa]... .... "T1tP IIAnu1n1: 11~+:11 lll'h•••l '" \\'lfmm~: ;\ .. ,..,.t <p~rrantmt• .. 111 <ltll llf' ...__.the llitdwd f!IIMI *in .. "-'tUa .t Ia... F.III!Wln In "I..AU''· r.t:TM DA~(·r.­ ..... ":\TTA('Kio llaltfco for Xf'w Brtla.ln•• '"" 1 '11tlf•>m1:~ '" f· I•'•' Ill !"ttn~~<·t Urarlt wht~ 1 ~a u die illt~IJ' tutw'td Tho• 1.:1 IIU•II'nr.·nt,. ar>· ~~~ ''"'' • nr tl"l: 1\rtltollJC the hun.trPtl tn the ~ &,.. r;a,_ frodaa . .-c.h u Mr11 .It hll l'l:•'lllrhl "' ( .,.,.., "''"" • "'""V wns fflllntl In h,.,.,. r:.lnr• tllill .w.are ~eo-... ... inlw. ~a,..... Jlunt In · · but CIUib --. r-t. daat t1w takic ~sost: Hlt.\I.L t;SC'· .. u~r:- Goy • Young • Conct'oling • , "MOTB t:R ·TU-B, ... ,.., ..... , If ......... ,_., ... "'" ... dt I CHI. tv...,_ble, .............. -... .,; .. ~ .......... ; .. ...,.~ .... ,1111, etlj-blel s;, .. 10 ..... OIDII IY MJUl 01 UliPMOMU tier th' '•!wier P ltrl' O •o vt -·-~ f 1 hu .. ~ -..hitte tfttL LaM .. oa .,_,-"RookJ..,. In Burma" 1 .. ,_._ or 1Mric:a lboUI lift ,_ ... illlornutioe.. A _,., frw _,_ Carl-a ~·al Itt. ·H-To Cau for a.,.._ • _., ........... 117 ................. , • .,....,,~_..,._eo thew .. ,-··~-........ pa. I David H o hby 1 Heirs N ews of Sons· in Service I Word ba• ~t!H'f'll .. , •• \It I O.rld w. H nc hy :va to u ,,: "''" k'c:aUon ot 004' of hill """"" "" 1 1 h•· datr ol arn,·in.: m:~l"5f·aJO "' '"" I other -· KC'IUitth HoUb,·. " "-"' ~dualt(lO Ultll "''f'f'll rrnrr. 'al· l 11\l~·rn<•ly uo 1~101< v. ltnl",._ ·I lo'. hll tvlf' 'and m r.th• r -A ill ho· s!:t - tionf'\1 '" ~•n U.•rnnr<lln" f~ll· .. ,.Ill : a t• n .. l,v fill ·""IJ:I. \\1' h t \'" ol.t ~ travf'lu;~ Urn•• I tn\'1•! 11 .. 1: "-."· a I na\'tj.:'t\lor •n 111" o\n ny A1r (' q.~ an '' N l ,...,n • \' ~.,.,.., .,\.,.,,._.n.~ hJ~Y 13 h\· lltr. M,;. lf.,lfb~ 1'111 '""'' 1.•, l'4tarttnc ~""'·· 1•1)' U T ... ~la . •J"' F.\'t:K ''ftODl ' HAPPl'" aho .. NISE GUlLS" Th""· -t'rl.. Sat: · C'laudf'llf' ( ulf'Horf ,. ro•tl 'l~t<•llurrll\ In .. ,., Tt,u: •·on 1:ou·~" 0 ,.\ ... )' •• ~ " •(\> '. I ..,It ,,., c ,. .. ,,,' . Jul\' -:_... ~h• h•':-,f,'1.t\'• .t h• t: •, • / 1 r: t urrr ftt. :1 "''"'1k t .. '•~~t 1.\ a!"'4t "f , \'liti\\ \\ .fnr Tc.)"HKROW" '4 art'"'" .t :'\r., ~ I BEFORE vou BUILD oR: REMODEL ... ~622 South Main It \Its I ou• ',trrr\ll"q ~.\·nplt ~ret d•s:"l •. r• <' -• CC"Io• gu•nr , p lanrunq' .ltdJ . cOM prrhcn~•vr sto..J. of rugs C,.)r()("t•. ,,,oJe-um tl.tn bltnd&. Ruva .t"d c~rprta Clt-a~rd Arp~•"t'd Lt ·DLU~f (,arpet \\'orks IAPIITA ANA " - Wnt bf'r In ~~ Lmt l' Everyone Enjoys CAROLYN'S FLOW.ERS m·~..,._.A,· ... ........... ..... !5e-.1.· / ~un. · 1lun. O..roih~ l.amuiJJ' · Ukk l'u•·rll lfl "RIOI:\t. Hl.iH" .\1.,., "t:~ .\l't~ In U.\,tif:~" Carlnnn .t s,..,., ~ .. \\H. fniM' .. t T911f' · F.lla Ral-In "'.'Tm: PH,\STOM L\Dl'" al• "Ttlt: M \~ t 'ROM )U'!41(' !'ton • .,. .us~ -ltll Rq'/ Kopn a Trit(Pr c llTt-a ('ommu•Jt~ ~t•r11"c Tltu"-.1 uh '!7 · H11tt-.t ",_Ia,..· In '1111; !'llJL-\n.t: ot· "OKGA ~CU:E~" ' o\ a.-• • ·ii"-*1 BREAD-TI ·ME S11JR1ES II._ Nllf that ha:: :;pattered and bardeoed on floor:;. mois t en with oall polis h remove r. Rub orr •lt.h 8 cloth atter a te• mi nutes. then wash with wa rm soapy wa t er. I t dis- appears no ma tter how long i t has been there. 2 lbs. lea .._ CAIIAif 1 breast-n lWDb 2 t sp ~ed. slz ~ t s • Salt Cut L . e cabbage p . Pepper a~b 1n se Slice cabb rtr1ng Poru l lllllp llnd l;~8e. Alterna te fns . therl sea!;oning ca bbage in k a yer s ot to cover llnd enough bo i fttle. Add Skim otr • SliDIDer two h ins •nt er cabbage :xcess f a t .. Ad/ur s . t hen to4r. . Dd cook ~ ho re~a 1ntn8 ur. ~e r~res