HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-27 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl SAND GRAB -SAM for 3& J!UI the belt ..tvertW"' JMCiiaJa ill the newport harbor district Buy Bonds (_to_:_--!_:_rar_. ~ 4(> R - EMBRACING BAI.aoA Pf.NIN~ULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA NEW~RT 8EACH, CALII'ORNIA. n4URIOAY, JULY 2'7, tN4 ... , .. L • • • ·newspaper that home IEEP POITEII I Year .••• $211 ..... ca.. ....... .. ,. .... ~ ........ .... fl • 7 NUIIHR.2' . ' ~ . Attorney Generara Optnion DeleAte. De(laltl Authority to ComJPiaion, Whleh WIU Call Meeting on Subj«t Sh~ly : IOe per box of 100 ... News-nmes TB .. , .... ,...,.,.,, •11 W. O.tnl Aft . .. .. N£WPORT-BALBOA NEWS-nMES, Nrwport Beech. Califomia. Th_unday, July 27, JN4 't ·' ' THEATER 1'88&'!Ea County Lea•rs Get Postwar Place at ~ssociate~ Meetinc ..._ lilt l'rH Partdq ~ •• 1:• a t :la ....... tloatur-..y al I :U 0. ....... ._..y Item !:M ThurL · Fri .. S~t. TN l-la In "II £V£,.VBODY HAPPY" A ... : .,NINI! GIRLS" with Aftft Ha,..ng • Evelyn Keye. .,...., CartOOfl A Ne- IUft. • MOft. Roullnd ,.uaaen-Bri~n Aherne Ia "'W&A'I' A "'OMA,_,. •o.v" eoate" Cartoon A Newa T-·Wed. Gle.. .. ...._. -Vlreln4a Bruce I• •ACTION IN A"ABIA" A ... : .. TAIUAN'S · DESE"T MVITE,.Y" ......... ~ ltMt"'t TfturL, Aug J Cwy Gnnt -Janet Blair In "'NCII UPON A TIM£" lEw ...... 1; ..• t ;l& ..... 8llowtaer ., • Do.w. ..... tare .-....rn-Starta at 1 :30 ThurL • Fri .• Sat. Eddie Bracken -Betty HuttOft ~ MTHE MI,.ACLE .OF MO,.GAN'S C"Et!\<" "Hit Parade of the Gay tO'a" Dl~ney Cartoon A Newa l un. -Mon. ld~ Luplno • Paul Henreld In "IN OUR TIME" "Winnera Circle" Cartoon A Nr- Merle Obcr0r1 . Geo. tanctera In "THE LODGER" .alao "THE GHOST SHIP" W ltfl ,.leflard Dla CartOOfl A Mu-'c~l ltartong Tflura., Aug. 3 Jean Galtln • Ellen D,._ In "THE IM .. OSTOA" C-lnt: 'Standing ,._ Only,' "The UnlftvltM," ''The ,.urpla H .. rt." " The INft Major." raill loat laflains ~ tJ.ft. a IO.ft.. l--la. ..._; 9-to. lee hole ....... a--:-~ 0....... c~ ellarter. "...,...._ ... a..... ...... ~...,.._·~-·~ . . . IIAJirY or.Ea8 TO ~ ROM 1111'S LAIIIII Mel Yadtt Brokeraae ........... Rubber Lined Win~h Head AIM Jl"'llaemaaa 's tFrirDd llawM Wear ... ,._,. 011 r_.. .. ,.. _ .... , ; ~rftJ •laH! b d. • I u ... r per-nal •penialon of a.rt. M. Mernll., Pr8. Pa...ecl '1SU TAKE HER TO A • • ONCE A WEEK l t :a\' ltunrlt third d~~~ f~tly l' i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~rlor~ In l hr Srn ~~who hu l•o•o•n u\'o·l••'l\~ nino• rn"nlhs 111 Ap· ,,rnnmr• In IJl•' t:llh<'rt l~tlanol~ and I on llomoll\1111. !'am•· In hy '"':o l'lant', • OPEIIIGS~ II IUITIIGTOI BEACH MEN AN·D WOME·N Needed for Vital Defense Work R-equirements: e Avai labil ity Ccrttficat<;s e Proo f of Ctt i1.cnship e Social Securtty Card -APPLY- . ' CONSOLIDATED . VULTEE AIRCRAn CORPORATION, urrtvln~: humr· ~l••rhlll\' nl 1!110 :O.:o•" t•••rt ho ooolr\ 1\rol ru~ta ~IP.tla. Artrr r. ::!co·<lll\''" lo•,ivo•. ht• "oil 1M.' I •lultnn('ol Ill I 'lltnp l'~:roollo•lon. ( -nklanol. C"allf ' &ecb ·ooe·A·Day" bran• IYI-..Ia A and D Tablet le 1 ..-J•al•llf Ill Vitam/a A uJ D ,_, •• , to oa• u4 oM-ial/ ,._,ooafal• ol Cod Linr OU •••tlac iaiaimum United 1 ltatee Pbarmacopeial Stao- l._cla. A eufficlent ••pply of these two Important vitamins ia u aec .... ry for you u it ia for tiM ~hildren. YOU CAN INSURE ade- .-te Intake for you and your f-.nily byaeeing to it that uch ll'lember takes a "One-A-Day" fablet every day. l ·UBltT A DAY'IS All YOU TAU c-.,;.,,~ Econt>mJu.l, Pt.._.,. tllllfr,. )hde by the CKoaonaton arwl .Uen of Alloe·S•IU«. Bu Wi41l -Try ,.\lka · Seltz'e r You Can NOW Get GOOD WHISKE .Y nC Ute • NEWPORT BEACI PHARMACY .lnhn J••·llt-ti.-r, Prop. ~---'-------t....,...IIL .... ..,... 84. 2108 Ot·ean }'ront Ph. Nwpt. Bch. 5 laity Sales Still Brisk 1.1. c. ladio &., SERVICE Tbai ww Pleue You. Prompt Repairs Reasonable Prices Thurs., Fri., Sat., 12:00-6:00 1836•/2 Newport Blv. Costa Mesa Greeting Carde •nd • Great Varlet)' of Unuaual Qlfta "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and STATIONERY Diamond• -Watchea -Fine Rep•lr lng Phone Newport 16S9·R 1797·99 Newport Blvd .. "cotb Meaa. Clllif. RADIO ·. SERV I CE Homf', .%uto, ~Iarine Radl0t1 lkpalred ~larlnf' f:lf"('trlrlan Burt R. Norton Phone un -SF.WPORT BEACH BALBOA'S REN·D.EZVOUS BALLROO .. M Presents and His Orchestra l BETTY LYNN, Soloist July 28 and 29 'BUY WAR BONDS • '• • • Unreported Sales BLOCK 232 BLOCK 232 BLOCK 232 BLOCK 232 BLOCK A-36 ·BLOCK 238 BLOCK B-32 of I Lots 6 and g......:.Restricted res.idential 1ots fronting 60' on the Easterly side of Dahlia Place, between Pacific Drive and Seaview Avenue. Purchaser a Pasadena ~nt. represented by Rt.-al Estate Broker--Earl Stanley-Seller represented by Tract Salesman T. F . Rhoden. Lots 3 and 5----Restricted residential lolS fronting 60' on the Westerly Side of Ff"mleaf Avenue betwet>n.P.a· - aific Drive and Seaview Avenue. Purchased by an Altadena residen t, repl"l"Sffitl'd by Real Estate Broker. .H. C. Sloe.n..:......&lll.'r repf'{'S('nted by .Tract Salesma T. F . Rhoden. Lot 7--a restricted residentiaJ lot having a frontage of 30' on FC'mJeaf AVenue, and 118' through to anal- k>y at rear-Purchased by a Los Angeles resident, rPpn"SPflted by Real E.•.tat~ Broker Gerald W . Ritchie --SPIIE"r repl"f'SS(>nled by Tract Salesm an T. F .. Rho- <len. Lots 10 and )2-Rcstric:h_-d residential lots fronting 60' on the Easterly side of Dahlia P lace between Pa- cific-Drive and Seavi('w Ave-nue. Purchased by a Corona del Mar resident. repn."SCnted by Real Estate Broker LeRoy Harrod-Seller represented by Tract Salesman T. F. Rhochm. Lot" 1 and 2-Business IOU h avin& a combined front- :tgt.' of 9R.49' on Shoie AV1'1'1ue. by a depth of 75' fronting on JaSI}linC'. Pu~hased by a New!X>rt Bt•;tdl t'\-sidml. Both Ptm:::hast•r and .S...Jier-Jiopl~ l'f'nled by, Tract· Salesman T. F .. Rhoden. ...._ Lot 17-A rt"Si ti eterl n.·sid,•nt ii.J lot fmnting-:10' un _th£' Wl"!'! side or Mat",.."l ll't·it~ An:mu£', a short distant'l' South of Padfil:' Drin:--."'bout '2 blocks bn,Sk. from t he Ocean front bluff. 'Purchased by a Newpor t rt"Si- dent.. nopl'l"Sl'nted by Rf'al Btate BmkC'r W. J. Hol- comb---.St"ll<'r rep~nled by TraM Salesman T .. F. Rhoden. Lots 4 and 12~ResidentiaJ sand lots frontjng 31.42" on NE side of "A" Street and running through 120' to "H" Strept frontage of 31.42' also.. Purchaser a South Puadt"na l"l'Sidenl -Both Purchaser 'and ~Urr rrpre .. nted by T ract SalC'Slruln T .. F. Rhoden .. BLOCK l...ob 5 and 13--Another restricted residential build- • inc sit~ ln the Cove on the Bay side--having a front-B-32 ~ ol31..42' on "A" Stl"l'et through to "H", where it also hu a front.aee of 31..42', between Femleaf and Dahlia Avenues-A Bay Side AAnd beach building site.. Bought by a Whittier, California resident. Both Purchaser and Seller represented by our Mr.' T. F. Rhoden. TRACT 1026 Lot 17 and the SEiy 11'.! or Lot 16--ResidenllaJ bluff Jots overlooking "the 'Ocean. fronting 89' on Ocl'an Boulevard just South of end of MarguC'rite Avenue. Purch&Sf'rl by a Pa..~dena resident. repri-sented b)' Real Estate Broker Gertrude Waldron-Seller rep. resented by Tract Salesman T .. F . Rhoden. our BLOCK A-36 BLOCK 236 . BLOCK 238 BLOCK 0-33 '' Lot :\..-:-A busines..<> lot on. the-sund t..•;~t.·h h'Ofltil'llo: :H.6 1 fel"t on thP Northerly sidt• of Shon• Avt•nUt.•. between Jasmine and his AvenUt-s. w1th a ~·J•th of 75'. Purcha.wr, a l..o5 Angeles n-sidt•nt , t'{'(II'\"Simt ('d by Real E.'itatc Broker W. J . Hok"'Oilh-,'-'clll'r repn_ ... ~n lf>d by Tract Sak-smttn T . F. Rh .. dt·n. •• Lot 21 and thl" NEiy ~5· of l..ut !!L-A n"itrit.1t'd residential sitl" back of the bluff. tntalling ~"> ff'l•l of frontage on ttil' N\\1y side ol Jasmini' AvmUl' in ltw Sl"'Cond bloc·k b£>t Wt."('n Pacific Driv,. antl S...avk•w Aw·- nue. Purchaser, a Corona dcl Mar n>Sitk>nt , f"(>pr'\'- st'llted by lkai ,.E..>il8tl' Broker Gi'rnlrl W. Hitc-hi('-- ~ll'r repl"t'SCnted b~ our Mr. T. F. lthodt>n. Lot 21-Another restricted residential lot bo.t·k of the bluffs. frontln~: 30' on tM NWiy s1c:k-of Marguer- itl' Avenue, between Pacl!lc Driv(' and St'nVil'\4' Avf!-- nue, wtth d('pth of 118 feet to an alley.. Pun·hnSl'd by Jl~ ~_ynwood, Callfomia, ~nt, rt>prt"!fented by Real E:<rtate Broker Earl W. Slan~-&>Uer repre- sented by Tract Salennan T. F . Rhorlt"'. A Residential parc-el \ol.ith 100' frontagf.' on the Wt.-st- erly side of Ocean Bou~ard. with 76' on all£')' In rear. approximately 160' Southerly of 1-"emiC'af Ave- nue. Purchaaer, an Arllnaton. California, resideot. -Both Purchaae'r and SeDer ~r'eaentcd hy Tnrlrt Snlesman T . fo~. Rhoden. -BLQCK Lots I and ~~A rt"Sidential site on the Bay side'. h;w- ---.._i_n~ .17,25' on lh£' NE!y sirl~ or "A'"Sti"'.X'I , nmnin~o: B-32 '"!!':":!J.;h ~,:zo.'. on Nly sl<k> of Ft"m lt•af Awnut• tn :\1 .:l:> nn H Stn~.·t nl.ooo. PurchaSl'r a l.ns An~-:rlt-s rrs irll'ni -Both !>urehaser and Seller N'JU"l"S.:·ntNi hy Trael Sai("Sman T . Y Hhodt•n. /BLOCK B-32 BLOCK 232 BLOCK 232 Lots 2 lmd 10, ;md :\ and 11 . Anotht•r rrsidentinl sand buildi ng site on the Bit)' side havinl( 11 ~~mhinM si7..(' of 62 .. M ' on NE!y si&• ot "A" Stl"('(>t , throu~h 120' to "H" S treet , whc>re It aiM ha~ a frontngC' of 62 .. R4 ' .. ~Bought by a ~idf'nt ol Puent(', CallrOmht. -Both Purcha~r and Selk>r repretlt"nted by our Mr. T .. F .. Rhoden. Loto; 9, 11 a nd por. of ·l:~Resldentlnl ,;ite hnvlng a fronlage of apprOximately 60' orf Femlt"flf AvenUe and 11R' throu~h to a 14' .. aJI~y at rear .. -HIIll op lot~. about two block." from ed~ or bluff, overlooking thr Bay and (}aoan.. Purchasro by a Balboa hdand n'Si- dcnt. reprt'Senlt..od by Rt>nl K<~taiC' Broker B .. Carctm .. n Sloan.-Seller represented by Tract Salestr'18n T . F. Rhoden .. Lot 14-A resldt'!ntia l In! havil)g 11. :10' rrontnr.:e nn the Ely sld!' of Dahlia l'lace, between Padfi,· I Jrlw• and Seaview AvC'nUC'. t'urchatter, a ,.,.idf'n t or ('~ POna del Mar. represen1('fj by Real E.ortatf' Offikrr u_.. Roy Han'Od .. -Seller reprt>Sented, by T rnct S:JICSJlUlll T . F. Rhoden. ' REMEMBER We still have Business Lots •.. A FEW ONLY ... on Shore Avenue, .opposite the big sand beach on the Ocean side, Corona del!VIar. REMEMBER We have a few ideal Residential • In come Sites on the sand ht•al'h , Ocean sid e, too. Y.HEN TO ·O, REM--EMBER And ask Mr. l{hoden to show you th e unsold lot s We have in the Ray ('ovr:-to- rona del Mar. · · · PROPER TIE~, INC. 736 South Hill Sl, Loo Angeie• See MR. T. F. RllODEN, Tract Sale• ~hinager Tract Office on the nluff• at CORO NA liE I. MAn -·-·-'--..:) ,_ .. ,.,. ,..,,. ...... ,,.. odar11111' M••·· I t1ay, July lll al ttw IUilmo:lrO! n...1 , L<• Aa~t•"'•-'"""'"on U..· 1 b<of'1Pr wtl1 P"""W"' lh<lo -·•• •lntmlll l•' hll. "Tunll..,..,.. ll!lf' w .,fl,l " hv J<Urr • ,;.,..,.. and Ar- nao .. t •I'll-"" f ull""' '"X ••• 11!'>111)111 !IL l "h i•IOf •• llfl•l •WO'f I '""' •II :-;,.,.. \"••t k "'"' h •alurlnll: I'Mul M •·•:r~lh 1-:.\<l.h Al"''alrr alo•l , .... \\'• .,,,,., t.:l•h .. J lllr' 11'111[0' l >idll.-T \'l•·r •11•! ·'""" ~n.-,,..,,, .. .. ,..,,.,,.;,,..,.: 1ft,. \\'vtlol" 111 '""''" . ·~ . \ ... NEWPORT a &AI BOA ~ ..... NEWPORT TACKLE STORE t'.D 81.oct*a . II.UI.WD lbit-T~ldr-•·iahin11nformallon llllttlt.'PfJII'I' ....... lh!ln '"' ""~r .... \111: J•l•y . II Ia . NEW •n. ~0 mAT filii I" ,.,.,.rn1ro1: ,,.,., ••lui_ ''"""!'fi r-.., c R [ 5 c [NT". '""'' , h;ollrn~:ln,; T" ~~:rt tho-tull- •••1 .-tf~ 1 ,,, , ""!nut Ill# auth•,.. c;...t....,. Rrft tt-_ t.J.w> tt.tf hMVr •hrr"'·,nv "''' ti>ror f•lay In I u,•~ _...., 1 ANDING · "'''' '"'"""""' ""'~"r•IIY t•-n, tn ~' • • ~ ~ lhr _h .. inr "' • ~··~ml' 1""·;-;•~•::::~~~~-~·~· ~~~~~;;:;;;:;;:;~::~;;:::'-::-::·:-:::"'-:: .. : • hrml~1t-y rniC•t:r-tl In •om• J~·rlllnl ,..,., n·,...~...-h "''""' olr-1 \<Ill~ !llpi•""'•Br •~Ill N(JW' (WKN ,,...,. ~ .. ,.~"11:"'' , .. , ..... ··h~r.... I R VI N E LAKE .... ., ...... , , ....... -~. ".~ ... :.~l e~~~~~~~~~ • ·,;..rman r.,,.,~..,. lln•J.., lh-oo TIIOIJt aAM CAiiW• CIIAJ'Ill R.IJE OD..L II1 II'T v~oulh IMIIII II•Il lh" bny hu ... ~-.... ... ........ ,., ... ,.y ,l,.•r nl 11vman "'"'"1.-.n. r• ..._ ........ PAIIII IU I•l. lflr llto{h"n · '"'llm llll' IJo "''"'II Ifill~ '1• do•nr ,.,,. thr-n- 1..-l'.',fl(lh ••11• ~"' h "'""'a lly dla 1 l<•l1"d , toU•ltrn on f~rmany t•or '"'' ..... 1·1 '" <] ... , ... ,,, , ... , .......... r.:oo..u m i ... u ... , 111 .. ""'"" ""' ~-------.' I RIGHT AT BOHEI I A New San H•rbor Senice For AU.eo~F'aabermea ._....., ....... c e ,.,_.. Trr~_.._,.__..,T• ...._ ... .._ ........ ..._~ .......... , •• _,_u-. _,.. ........................... _,..... .. -. ....................... _ ............ ,... .. _ ...... ....... ,.... ........... ..._ ........... "''·-...... ......._.,.._..... .... Or,.,,..,..... .... _... ~--.. -...... ..._ ... ,....,. 77U. "* .. y ........... .._ ...................... ...... ................. ...-.. ......................... ................. _ ..... _ ............ """' aJVaJ.O .. 5' sac-.t ....... ........ ,..._~ .. ........... O..J.CII. : o o , o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o o o I o o o o o o ' o o o o o.O o 0 0 o o .. o '"' ''"'"""- ALBACORE It"~ nt) "f 1;-.;-f 'II" th;•f AJI,;,.~orr will tot• wtlh us n~ain thll ~·•o:•r·, h1 1t .,.,.,. kn•M' it's a ''lflf'h you will Ill• ready 11nd so will ""''- ; I - ... II&WPOIIT-u• _,... ~EWS-'TIMES C'l ·-............. .. """e Pyle al the Front Gen. Eddy Conlm~ds One Of Best Combat Divisions Commander Dare$ Enemy Fire Be W ida ·His · Fighting Troops .. NEWS of the CHURCHES • UWMIIEIS II ~C)OJfCIP JY &If IOIIJif 1'1111.L11W 'na. War M .. JWer Ornmt. c1oee a. to put hl.a 1a&nd OD Ul ap-Delbert Ward &.Dd utw. Grace, •loA ~ now joUed \.he !J'GUP ot pl1cant tor a job ud -.e lt be, motond dowD from Loe AApa.. " ----T--------'I'ov"mantnt bu...ua wtllcl1, walb or ..,_ ii.JJ,ll1 WanD. ~ Saturday for a week,ocl ria1t .W. ur.l1.~c 11tklaal bamor, Ht.. O'lt to 1.1 Jiilt .. nec:-.ry u a eeeot __ ... n_d.,....,~ rlllft 1"0'=-tJ.taa CIIUIICII ~rulate the obvloua. to c· nfu~e taU oa oae o1 my Scotti•. but Tbomu V. Lonpore ~pent a or A ...aA tht JimJ.·Ie, t.nd Ill tbt w.:rdJt ur It did allow the WVC to eet up a couple week• va.lt~ with trieadf C~ el ........... t) t he c-ol u•ell llllAWter, to . tln8C:rew new department called the "Divl-In Whittier . .... .:;_~~tar. tho• tn!K'rut&ble." •on ot Occ:upaUon&J Analy.la aod A Newport mea& cltlaen 8&ld .._. 1~ r 1 I have lletore me l"vnal Ia· )(annJnc Tablee." All In all, 17,-that he·d bel hl.a ahlrt that lie-~. 7 :30 Jl· m; wonhlp serv-~ormaUve lltUa ~~let.. of tht 462 occupaUona have been Hated tore the winter anow rue. cn.lde By Eraie Pyle ,I I tlf:E'. ~. MM st..,. iD cbarJe. Job Famtly 8er1ee. One I• r"T under 21,744 Job UUee, w lt.b cod• I oil wowd bertn to equirt. . I) Sunday lldlool, t :30 L m. people wbo want to ltDnw what numbenr for aU the job& Ed JP'tnch baa been lA Loe ~ 'IN NO RMANDY .-One of th~ favorit~ g e ne r a ls amon1 the 1. Momlna wonhlp, 11 L m. ~~pee-occupatlona are ~lat;ect. ID the The olh. er booklet re~ly ceta I relea for the p&Ail two week&. wa r corr<'spondPn ts is Ma). Gen. Manton S. Eddy, command· 11al mu.ic, putor'e lennOn. manufactUM or ammunition An· down to ca.a If for uample Mr. aDd Mn. Jack BW ud u t1f thP Ntnth div isiOn . . I other one .wlllcb rtv• m.~ lbe you have bftn a lea·le&! reader family of• Ltw An&dee haYe been WI' ltkf• htm b('csus~ h~ Is a bsolute ly h o nest wtth d, be-coe'I'A ~IIII11NITI' ~-e~~t, ~~ d occ:u-up to now, or a palmtat. lbODeet 1apendlnc a r-dAye at the beM:b c aus t• hf' ts so rt of old-s h oe and usy to talk with, and becauae 1 re...~.re ealu aod =~c: ~;:~ follu, I'm oot maktnc up one l u the cum ot t.helr trleAdll. Mr. we thank hl' is a m1ghty good ge neral. We have inowu him patiou." word ot thAlli the WVC au(I'Mta and Mra. J . 8. Bo"*a. m Tunisia a n d Sicily. and n ow here in. Franc e . I The one OD ~ dlanu-that you eoold be a tAc ma.c:hlne I M.IN Leora Unct.( Ia apeo~ I ra.cturtn occ:u 1.1' 1 1 ~rator, or a aorter. or In one a fnv dAya tn N~ vWtq Llh tala biC ~hlef Lteut Get\. and doci. aact Ul6 ~ ... ~ Ia-rtDIIId ~ 0 •.JM ce4~ ot t3.~ther jobe. I!Jou've ~~with brr brot!wr. K*laetb L&Dd- Omar Bradlf'y Gf'nrral Edc!J Jook• deep ill muct.'nwtet .... ~ :.Cu•"ib~r ~ becu • a pmbler. the Wlf '•ya J"'U IIQ'. '!'~~ref clecades hav. flown down thr ~ corridor of morr hk• a a~JIInchrr than a at ay In and Ole pup wma Ji_, diD-tiona retl\ect tO" · 00 m!:. could be an "lnformaftOD Oerll·· Mr. aod Mre. Paul ~. Kre8aly -lllatt» thoR frantic days d 18t~ July iSH, when Eurqxo I M>ldler He II a bl« tall man but lnJ down. ~veryt,ody ••• l'~t _. --~aaupple •'--... __ klyt wh~cb I pe.f'IOD&lly t.Jdnk Ia appto-Dl~ up to Banta Barbara re- hiJltl.f-1944 . I he wran JlatHI •-•-1 _,.., ......_ In(. rv • ...., 1100 ~ rlate ol 27 ...-._ -....__ _,_._ Into ,..._ _..,,.........~ ol war _ __. disaster. rnl.rreb.... ...,, ate at ·~t -aav• oa t~-!f~7,;' hav• p • or ODe uuoorr accupa-eeetly for a brier~' I atopplnc --. -UK" _, ... .....-..... end Ilia ryea llave 1 Nd out root 6 OUIIIA ,_ .~-~ ~ tlorw -"'?-Ilea 11tt1r l'4!!ll1tzed then that most £1 tbr nations of tht-• aort at aqu1nt Jf'nrra •t• on r been a. " h " you · at tbe ~ Hotel . Hr talkl hkr a thl' eru. lust beceUH he felt eo could be a btDch 4 l.at In an II you -re ao actor. you've wtllle In the IIO.Iton . ty. WGitd would be ...-eptlnto thr mwlstrom 508ft after. and then Moddlr Wr&tcom· sorry for aU the ltlda 01!' th'r• Ebell Clultiou•, Newport ... ch ammunition plant,. wh ch must r ot l'ftat opportunltte& You can Thomp A. Robin..:~. with the .... a.amd timr within a gftM!'nltion. 1 f'f. which hi' 11 A• ht' v.alked be paaaed • eoldlor Sundayo: June •18 throu&b Sep-have taken mme heavy thinking, Ieven be a telephone operator. auapiclon of a t~ar iD bla eye. 011 J~ 28, 1914. thr ~ of Austria. Franci~ Ff'r· He auU chum• lr) '"' to redm·r the atake lbat held tenlber 10. ftU. but It alao !lata 63 other jobe the I Shalteepeare M id, "There'• g ood bade Newport and .the Pacific Choca-l!'l u home. do'Kn the front or hla pup tent. 1'be 8 :00 a. m.-Holy Communion. WMC conaiCIH!I related, lnclut11ng I luck In .odd numbera,~ and tbe Ocean goodbye Jut week, FridAy . ...... l_.t falll!n on thr stooy stret"t.s of Sarajevo. the victim elthou~h he hu ,,.t<!1rr was u•rn« hie ateel helmet ll:OO a. m . _ Morning Prayer "watchmakera," which nplalne 8 WMC ev1dent1y thlnlu be meant and left 011 an utended biAIIU!eu f1l a Serb dn. 'ntis was not thr basic ca\a" of. W o rld bnn an army of· as ~ bammer. and he wu havilla • and Sermon. 1 nrot SundAy., Holy lot td me, u I now au.epect the wrong numbera. lrlp to Klngaton. New Mexico, War I. but It WP thr e'XCUR fQ/1' which thr ~nnan militafl<rt.s flct-r fur 28 yean. bad time of II Every now end t.llen ~Communion I I man who fixed my watch In I can DE'e t he po .. lblUUes of a where he expect• to awelter Hf' wu woun<!ed hP would mlu I he a take with &he The JUv . Robert M H ogarth Washington wu a "bench ma-m&.~~~eur as a balter'e helper, to I!Wt-at anct bllllt&r In tbe beat r~ llltlt t.alooldn£ to start that war. (t was the spark that Sl"t Enle Pya. In the lu i .,.,r . hl'lmf't and would squuh mud all M.A., St. ·Paul'• 10 the Oeeert' cblnl.at." mix dough. whlc.b the WMC liMA the nut couple nf moJ1the. off tbP ~..,.,..... ban'et ol Europe. . He ·te no I • &lib ~;:.nhlmaell He wu cuulnl oDd I Palm SprlDf$. All Welcome! . Tbere'e little In the book t.h&t I quite eer~~uely. I am not eo ~re . The G&rrlaonl&n wu a buey After a month of ~ with diplomatic notes and Ullaer. but Ill' talltt well end lau111h1 1 1 a good per10nnel man doe.-l't a bout a ru t roqm attendant u place over the lut weekend, u -.n.. ul""'--A . ...__. _ ___. c.--.:-,.-I eu oly The «eneral waa uslnt hlt lila._ FlftiT CHU,.CH OF CHftiiT, kllow already, a nd It completely a "eantltary man" In a dairy. I 'there were gue.lAI from Loe An· __ ., ~ ....... turn. Ul'lria ~ • .., on .;:JIIC"Iut«<-n In aplte of belnc • profPIIInnal lt a:ht, and wh!'n the aolc!Jer ••• \be : ICIENTIIT overlook• llle fad that under pre•·j agrl!t' that a "cuatom ta ilor .. re. lea In every ap&.rtmeot. H. L. quick ~~nation after another jumped in on ~ther auldler he dupl .. • war. and like llcht he C'a lltd out· ent conditione all & pi!1'1101U1el man might be able to rtm a .ewing ma-Pembroke and famJiy aod Mr. and llldlt. •111 ordinary anul le appalled by thr ••H t .' Bud c;,ml' end hold that Lido Th .. llr, central Avenue ---chine. Therr are apparently no Mra. W. A. Cutbr1e repre.nted . wute and tracrcty of 1t Hr wentl ltght fnr m)o. lA III yuu•" ancl VIa Ll4e S • J S (lpe11lqa for polltlclana. but I the Perelval I ron Com · J11 '!'be 30 )'liUS whJdl ha~ pa.wd haw k'll'l'l thr ciOSP ol ao win It and'"' home jwt •• badl,. • So Grnr ral t::lldy ~lently equn A braoch ot Tbe Wolber Church. peCI3 tunts tO find lbat "wnt.era" I which I hope Georce w . Acla.mll re~ied ~ that war fallowed by a 2l·)'al' armistice, and tbrn a ~raJ a• anybodJ f'h r trd du•n and held the Ucllt wbllr :lre F'lrat Cbun:b of Cbrl.at. Bel-S S b•nJ ' lnclud~ column!Mft c~ be "coo-law firm ol Btnford, Adame aDd ol thP lllnGtP Oil ....... 8Calr than bel~. Now we are t thl' soldier pounded and lpatwred tnllet, tn bOIIlon, M--.cbu.oetta. pur now I 8 Unui~y lwrit.e .... '}ov .. •rvt.ce : edi· Blnford; alao the Wbole Adame Wbm the cn~eral •• In thr field mud. and they ftnalty cot tiM pee St:ndAy School at t :SO L Ill. F.li h • A -t t?"'. llewa; acr1pt wnt.ee; acenario famU, wltb Mnl. C. N•'-and &0 lie -.....1 h na.Jr' of liars' ~,blood)' ~XIrava-I he livu In a tni<-ll that uaed to be dmrn. Thrn, aa they lOt up, 1M Sun~y Servoce at 11 a m. Wed· g t Jn ugus . v.r1tera; edJtorial wr1tenr; rq>ort· daui'bter. MIN Nea.on. wbo en-..... ol t1w 2)tb Ol!!lltury. I • madli!W ahotl They llavr fbrd arneral u 1d · oMC!ay TeetlmonlaJ Meettnc at 12 era. copy readen~; tea.cbenr; ab-joyed the 1 r nrc lrlp to th1a Ia Jvl7 1914. befCJft war WU clrdaftd. a1mPat ewryone I tt up nk ely for him wiUI • b«-d. "Sold1er what' a your neme?" 1 o'd ock noon. 'Mill yean~ "F11r bt of the Snow· etractora; Job analyat.a~ cenaora; beach. · a dnk. u blnru. and ruc1. Ria or-__ · 1_, ldi __. Readinc Room located at 711 blrda," Auc . 6,.. wW Include proof readera; or library &Hiat---------------. ill wd CXJilftdellt that ~ ...... bP a~ In July ••-•tart ..,. 10 er P·-! •-... "-ntral Avenue, Bal.._ i-.... anta." ;; ~rly 11 an obllctnllt, dartl·elrlnned lf'anrd fc•rward and looked c:•~•-_. • ...,.. -. .. many aped al awarde In addition Edd , ·1M4. ftll!ll willa. World War 0 ,...,._ .wo ~ a1reac;b' con-~rc,.ent who Ia a nallvr of E<'vldor \heon blurted nut ......,, 'open dally rrom 1 p.m. •o 6 p. m. to the ueual ~n place prlua uaual· 1 .till cao't f~ure t.h&t tbla ie I c.ned ..... tbe ..... _ ol World War, m ._ ......... ,.. tlnp In fos · G ... • u cept Suodaye &Dd holiday• D&-ly -'ven. took & gne.t deal of bratnwork t::> 8 ... D D£CUED ~· .. hudr lml&htyl' t.loo111y C>t.l!rved. &• compile, but It did .rive eome-ftnD lluda ~ .... a-a _ _. bJto tbr )'eln ~ 1914, tl-<•1••· but thP l l!lll"r:tl ~~e~ In 1111 Ttle added T rophlu are to c o "'' _...,. trv~k One n1111ht. howeve(. wtlllr • • •. The put.Uc I.e cordially tnv1te<l to l() the flrat glrl to flnl.ah the race, bocty, or eeveral ~ebodJea. ttame· SANDWICHES 1lilt If tlw WtDI'Id ... leuntcl tbr te.anl ol tholtP )'&1"!11.. it can I .... with hu dlvl'"'"· It 101 t.oo Durtnc lh~ Chl'rbnurc P.,IMula ,attend tbe cbu rcb oervlc• and UM ao award by Mark Healy. Commo-tbtng to do In Waabtngton. I Are Delicioua! loak fGrwatc1 to a bf«er life ba-s on a lasiJnc peece. tint even for h1m 'racmente from n mpa 1Jn 1 tpent nlnr da:re wt\b the ReadJnc Room. dore ol the Balboa Yacht club; rlee to remark t.h&t tbe aentence ahf'lla buratlnc nearby ela rtrd htt! the NlllUI lnfautrv dlvmon-the dj. youngeat ~tlrl to flnlah the race, I like beet IMI't In· the bookleta, tltur tile 101' of UN tr\Kk, ao he cot VIsion that cut the penlnaul., aDd IEVZNTB D.\Y \DV.ENTIAT8 praented by Braden F'tnch. prul-but ln tlle pe1'110naJ letter ~om out onr or thr three \hat overwhelmed c.-_. ... ._, ... Oudl 8&a. deal of the Newport Harbo; PBul McNutt Whldl came w ltb """,........., ... a -•a •HOt th~ ·crut purt of Chrrllpura. c-u ~~~-ctuunber of Commerc~. to the them It ald, "Tbll Job FamUy .. • ... , .,.,.,..._ ,,_ die rr.. Thr Chrrbour.: camp~fTI U oW I Sabbath edlool, latunSay mom· younjteflt boy to finish the race, wu Intended to ee.rve a eJ)eclaJ A W .......... report l'l!'ft!lala that effQI'b an' now be-ing e1 ..,.. ... ....._ eta•. 11lh le ..,... etulf by now. and ynu are nn tonpr Ulg, 9:30 o'clock. • pruenl~d by J M Webetcr chair · purpoae and ehould be' used cau- . Moore• a Confectionery Saper.J,andlord! > 2100 Ocean Front Newport aeaeh ...... to maR tbr FfoderaJ guwi,DIWflt a ~-landlord ra-t.. ... a • , ... •&aJ •I• partorularly tntrrt sto•d In it. But Preaching ttervl,_, 1 la. m. m&n of tht ·R~e Committe~. New·\ uo.~aly." . . Phone 13 aftlr tlw War. Salator!:t'v o1 Montana. cbainnan of tht-tuac ,-.rale, ... el~tee llwJ the Nmth diVIIIon has bf'tn In &hie port Harbor Yacbt club: to tbe I ~=v~e~, ry~~c~au~Uoo~~81~y,~J'~cl~aa~y~.;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . " . I ...................... , eat v.•ar for a 1·-o I m· and wiU .. _ tn oua IADYOf'MOUNTCA&KEL I ---. -• ... ....1~-u.... ' ' .,.. oldeat ~aklpper to flnleh the race, --UIIIIIARW tfto, .. expec1ed to draft .,.....,. ..,..,. ..... un -,rlnt'J'. It r~~r a lun1 t1me to come. So I CHV&CH Co d far ._..__ .... .,...._ thr v..t t would ll lre to tcoll you lOme thtnc•, 16!1 w. O.tral, Ne~n ae.dl preoented by J. w. n 00. SWf· _. ._.,... u.P ~ -~ UeualiJ 114' ataye et hia lktk dur· about it. Munday m.-. at 8. 10 • 11 a.. m. Commodore, · Nf!Wl)Ort Harbor .... _. ...... iD tlw ~ period. A plant would ~ In& the mom1n1 and mallet • tour fte N .. U. le -11 .., ~ dlvl·( __ Yacht club: to the tlret ~ervlce • 'IJIJIIit--wQ$ ,-ll 4 l $ ...,... a ~~!dian. ol reclmental and batUI1on eom· •lona. Jt landed In Alrlea &lid It ft. 1011N VJAN1111EY CB1J11C11 man to flnlat) t he n ee, preROted -.... II _.... _ ...... ....._ ol .._ ,._, tnlnd poata tturin1 the aflfl'noon fouJhl lhroul h Tunisie and Sielly IU MariM .\ .... ..,._ ....... by • F.arl W. Stanley, member of ._ .... IWG ..,. 1 1--.._..,.ear. f,., ...._..,.. Utually he &oet t.o the front In an Then ll went to Encland lut fall, 8uod4y m._ at s·so and 10 a. m., tbe City Council For rented _... ... X 'W ft F Jlart which~ a gnoat ra.unbft' of <'On-unarmed )"f'P. w1tl! enolher J~ep and trained all n lniPr for lhe UIU· craft: One troph1 to flrat of Me· _.calli., ID tbr C2llclco 11ar1... boaewr, thP indtvidual <'Onr rtttlt bPhlnd h1m urry1n1 • 1.,• 1100 ~ FranriP It -• nne of the Olllli8T CB1711C11 BY THE SEA Nally boatJI an Dnf' t rophy to --'-.-...a-___._ .. __. _. ehlrw cunno•r and rlnr 11\an on the Amtrl~an di\•lslons 10 the lnvulon c.matUIIJty MeUtocllat I flnlt of Vallely boat'!! preeente'\1 by ..--&l'e not ~ any UCHUliUUCU contn~~. a'ht>A'BJI' then.-alf'r1 Cor lno""rl. Hil drlv•re aey •-• D .n..........o..o Puto ""pt J A Seek I "' ' that had prt'VInUt baltlt f'l!perJenee. _,, -• ..,__, r '-"' ' II a -~ that Senator llurnya prognun is anotht-r at-wtii'Tl they atart out Thl!' Nonth dod aomcotnmg In tbla Ear ly mqll\tng ~ won.htp, 9 :30; The f1rst piau wlnnu will r~-~ • ....: A~ _ _.__. ---t &-.n.-hu ...n~tt'no "Hold nn for the 11eneral doetn't h h • 1 :hurch School class, 10 :15 a. m.; ce1Vf' a trophy Crnm Comml'dore _,....., ,_ ... .,.. II:A~ •-·-,_...., uutun~ "'T ., .. ~·-·· • .,. ~ampaogn 1 al v.•e aven 1 • weya Momms: WOI'!!hlp, 11 o'clock. Al'--rt Soiland and v.·tll hold lbe -• ~~ •r •r? the h•I<M"t ""ht'n he'a (rav..r\·. done 111 thr pas I It k C'pl rrn:~cioueb. 5 _ _._ nJ rvi 7 30 I "" --.,._ '-lr.. on the enemy' a nrrk When thr Cer• o'ct~k."y eve ni tte ce, : Albert Solland Perpetual Trophy '11111 •...,ar.tan pins wdgbt when one fa.mi.li.ariz.es him-Hr n mr• a portable lel"phnne'ln mana woultt v.othdr:~w a illite the Mld·wH k prayer st>rviet>,Wednes· for one ytar • All lrnphln wtll be 8llf wtth a bW ftiO!J1tly ~by q.e Montana ~tor. on his Jprp, and tr hiP auddenly want• Nonth ... a~ rtiChl "" 1n11 of lhf'm. It cky; covered·di!lh dinner. 6.30 p.m. Pt:"~ntt'rl to w lnnt rfl rm Sunday, wtdch ~ will hold be8.rincs in San Francisco. ~ Aov•P&N. to llllll woth an7 or hit unli t hr )Ust nrvrr lt"VP thf'm a C'h3nc~ to r.. ----A lo~u~t 13. st ll11' N!'wport Har· "''"' alnpa alnn« thf' mad and plult into aSJt'mblC' or ~"' I"Pir halllnce FULL GOSPEL CHURCH bor-Yacht d ub at 12 n'd<>t'k llharp. Uld s.n Dielo in early AQ~Wt. nus bill cal~ for thP ..stab-onr of the •lrl'l that art' lylnJ -On Thr Ninth "'"''I'd '0 fa st II cot HIMI ... Elden Coeta M-Those hi l'htlrf;l' ,, thl' race thll! IWijwWMI( of a ~t Small BusineM corporation w ith thr I Mund to br runn.v I wu bns!'d 1t the SundRy M:hool, '-9:45; morning 1 year arl' W11ltcr K. Lcwl!l. chalr- 1-.at.. and 'th ..Joll...-and . n ("-rat F.~, ... ,.f'I•IIJ hku to dtVh ii•O cumm .. nd 1\0SI. and •• won hlp, 11 ; Evangelistic tterviet',J man; RPIIr C 'mmodnrc H!'nry Fl • ... .,.... tiiUii1C powt"r, •1 uu-=-r powrrs ln U· allow up 1n plarn ,. 1\Prt hot toldll'rt ·•tnork our wut' anrl mo~rd forward 7 :30 p. m.; Mid·week pro~er mee1·1 Grsnclln, JIUTI~ M. Webster, Coni· ·uatil Furtur lotice ·a a Y SHORE CAFE · WILL. IE CLOSED Every Mond•r and Tuesday Heinz Kaiser r-. could be dln!ctly or ildt'ectty controlled by it . knowt thr t tt .h<'lp• lh• 1,.td1r n ' Th:.t wnrk~ If,!' dill l11:ht 0111 nf the young J::.ple's evangeli~tlc servil-e Kennf'th Morgan. ~mm(ldorc AI . ~~~-~~~~~-~· ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~-~~~~~-~ eDCel 80 YUt that.probably 95 PI'" cent of AITM-rican busj. wnuldn't ,..~ct tu aer him lie so~ 111n"s on 5l'\ ''" 11 •• ) s tna on W~nesday, 7 :45· p . m .: modore Ma rk Healy P'rcd Brt'wrr . 1 .... IPtrlla '" sr• th_.l, ~ .. , .. ,,,,ln'rrln" ~ .. n. b.•ys who l;ok., dnwn .. nd JlU I tin ih on ~l -oy, 7:45 p.m. ---I bnt• Soilo.nd. Staff·Corrunodor~ J . r &mator -urra.y'a ..a ... to m.akt> the Federal "0\'f'mrnf'nt ' ' ,. .. •· t-'' ., rr~l n ahl up al lhr fr01nt v.htr!' 11 I•·I•U 1 .. ~.-rh··~rt1 nn(' •of tht boy1 1 \V ("undon. Capt J. A . Bt'<Jk. H eY81 more ol a aJper·lendrr. aa ~as a !illper-lnndlo nt. im-It ht~t !'o hf' .... ntk• ,.,,.11nd ,.,~ ,,.,,t • .,y,ng ·I'd ratll<'r ur w11h n,111tane CIIICISTU:'It Sflt:~rr. f Hl'KCIIE8 B. !"twart. S ta.!f·Commodorr Leon plea tt.&t .....u ~ cannoc ob4ain cn!dit th~h With hiJ IOintr •triM. nrvtr llurkrng Orothrrt." Tht-Oold~n 'I'Pl t In lhl' Sunday s. Heu man. Howan1 \'uungtove.l or apl)('nllnll In hp CI"IWI·rnt'<f ~t all • • • W 80D·Sermon nn "1.0\'e" In all F.\'l'rcll Mur nll IU'Id Commodore C. D0nDaJ c.haDnm.. 'and that they must depend on t.he ~OYt'rn· U . II d ~ranc:hl'w of Tho• Mottwr' Church, co Ba•tr r 1-lonnrary m•m .. -r• n' 0nf' day I rodf' arnund ,. llh lllln sua Y • 1\'ISion ht:~dquaNrra Ia Fl h f I r ~~ ~ '"' " ' ment for lt. 11\i&. ol OOUI"R, .. C'OI'It""""' to fact. c-stabli..-h<-d f Tbe rat ,. urch 0 C'hrt~t. Sc en· th• commltt~ are FA! A ln..~orth, ·--~ &::..:! .... on l'l'lP of '"' IOIIrt AI """ l'llm• a aorly Ili ff' flln('IP But .. llh lhe ·•-t I n -ton I r n JArPtnlah · ~ " 'L-.&1-... • n ""~ · ~ r m •· · Mlnllr•l F a·-tt. F~yrP Powt ll, W. 1111:11a.111115 lnst:ltutions haft advanced I'TWUlY millions of dollar,;; \O "'and P'"l """ ,.,.,,. Jllllnl! •ln the Nlnlil It wu dltTf'rl'nt. Sumrthmc "Let him that .:lorlelh .:lory In • ' o~ anany u.c..anda of ~h la~c and SIT\311-for tlx> 1ran undpr a trrr l•nk1n11 .1 1 mOip•. wa~ •'"")'s hal l"'nonl!. tble. that he ur111 .. rstaoll,.lb a nd M C'rf'nkbaum a nd W R . Schroe-I wo\h a &rOIJp of nlflr t>r. aroJund us Thty had a 1.1. .. 1 \h('llln« •me m~:ht knowelh "'"· thut I em tbe Lord der. 1 ftnandnc olwar contracts and for o ther ~tirnatl' JlU~. Our own arlllll'rJ '"" ban111n1 and lnst •omf' P"r~ •nnl'l F:'·"rv now w b 1 c b eJPrl'i~,. IO\·In~tklndnesa. -~Senator's \.~~'gent desire to help SQlaU business S('t'fi\S nu rby, but Mlhon« ""' comtnr our and lht'n an•l'"" Wl'lllll p1r k off JQdl[m enl. and rl.:htroui!D""~· In lba A doc-lor wltl! c•.m ered by a lady to bav. tnCift polltka.l than~ ~~ifiiCaiiCt". way ntf'f'l, J1kf' • "'"h nr llt htoonc 1 •omebod1 I !I all thl' t11r,r 1 was eu tll : ror In llu•tP thlnQ I d"llllbl. at 11 !'O('IAI .-:athrrlng whu o. c-upi~ "'"5" llr rr camr a ,h~ll JUM n\'tr our wr\h tiiPm wr ""' f'r h~d ~n un1nter· .. lth the l.or•l " o.n hour nf hill t1mf! in A dracrlp· lind•. aft '"" 11 oarnt r•~eht throu&tt ruph d nJI[hl's •lrrp Our CW.'Tl bll lo. Leu on·St•rmon erlec:tlon l'rom j lion of {he pAin ~the OCC~Uionally the tref'tntw. It tetmed It didn't cuna werr ;til olr"llnd us and they :,a~~h~~o'~!~!~·~·~~~:. ~~~~~~:,. ~';! autrerfd ln twr knPP "WhAt do .,hlnr, 11 s•o•hNI f:H rybody, In· would llrP all noght l'•ut lly Ger· •lfe'a motht>r laid. and llfck or a 1 ynu think I ahould do about It, 8daool Crisis ~Real Local educators yeoan·ago began warning against an im- ........... drift away from the field of ~tJon because or bet- eludlnc full rnfotrf'l• flnpJW'(! ovrr man plants v.rre ovrr too, dronon1 fner. And he toucl'i .. d her band. doctor ?" end beran cubbtnr v •u ,,. ehell around ill th!' d:arltnus and makuaa ucl' the fever lf'rt her: and 11be ··r woultl advlsr you t o g1ve up n ol•>ded tn thiP nut orC'hard ua lrnae and nl'n·oua ar«Me, and mlnl~tPi t>d utllo them. drinking and ~tn to bed early. And Genrral Etld1 d1dn't movr llr 0111' nl1hl I wu altll111 111 a Whf'n thl' P\ o·n )"lUI rome. the, wherever you gn be IIUr!' to kt>ep tier reward~~ oft'ert!d young people In industry and trade. To-)Uit n ld : Wilt w1UI Capt l.lndlf'J' St'IMe brour ht unto him tntln:r Jha( ... ,.. your knl'es warrT) .. clay 1M!~ rean.tic conftnnation oft~ predictions. U M · "Why. IIIII was one nf our •llella " fl1l ll .. 'llvlllf'. wllrn lhrr,. waa • ~I!PUed oa lth dHils : lind hf' eut ''Since thla 18 a ll li'l&l OC'C'M iton ' j And 1 .... f' pi I lh out the wplrl ts ••llh hi~ word. and ' I M -1 by the f~ newSpiper Item: . • nrP I had kno'kn Gf'neral ' n• on, f'll • al1rlll Ileal-" 111 lhftl "'"'" flt r k .. t dAre aay t hat 1 cannot llf'nd ynu Eddy for \lUIIr a ,.,luiP 1 wu bold w~hw '""'IIIII thf' lrt'l'htflll ot•tr '"" ~ 1 OROVILLE. J••lu 16.-(AP)-r•-t rural Built-ettouJII tu ,ay • ear IIPedso Rat .... clldn'l Jam,, lhry DekPr Jo~oldy wrll"ll. tn the. R t'ht•t k for your prl,reulnnat acrv·J ~ ....,_,. Chrl8t lan Rrl•nrl' tn tbnok. "Sci· l lree." ~ achoola cannot open this fall because ol t('achcr ··cfl'lrral. or thai .. u 011• of our• ~.r ~It u.e-•lrt. ln•lnd 1 ut•: I t~ocr anti HI'AIIh ""1111 1\t>y ro the 1 "No. the advlre r give-at partlu all I can any I• that tlll~ 11 a hrll I kn•'" wh.H that 11 Th~r·• the ........_ __ County Superint-..L.-t or Schools Jay Par1 . I I t I .. . Scrii'IUrP~:·· ··oml 18 not the Alll hor I nevf'r C'Mtll anything," He pAIII'Cd -._..., niUCil -of ... a, to run • ··Ar w-·r~ n~"t · •" n IIIII '·'ilt .... •lnf' of ('ur ~h-Ila. f I dl I 'I' I f t • ... , ' o ruorta fl<'nn ~. wrr ore we ancl. thl'n ncldNl, "Aut It 11t'Vt'r · ~aid today." 101 lov.ard the north. •nd thAI ahf'll A~ ·•n ul<! arllll<'r\'rl1•'" , ... , twJrd acc••rt t he condu1111n 1hnt die: curt'!! anylhln.: <'lthtr .. wn• •••In• duf' tt1uth " I"''' ('If rrolnllnc: h~nrb """lrt,ml'a cortl~ havf' onl.v " f:oloulnus PXIRI· . 1 ODly 8 fe'fN lines In a pn"S6 dispatch-but they lai'T)' nt~WS Thf' ft'nl'fnJ JU~t 111111:1\l'd lilt'\ >•>Un<l lfk1• ~ doljt h"" flnf , PbCo•, llrl' fllllri:IJ ho•tld~ wh ich dl· , fretgbted Mf:h orn1nous significance for California. 11\4' m a n -• • • 1'h<•t t• • nlllhlrlO: lo bC' ;ofr,n(( ,,f • vlnl! Trutli nnd l.m•o> lil'~lro)•" l3fo your~l'tr. Apt! no grNttlll'tiiJ. o _..lack whid1 is _~....1...,. school <loor.; and fo ""'"'' l'\'e n tht', · ""rr:· sat!l c,.1 t:w• Nrl<"n. 1 81' wllltn~r to\ pa1111 ftlr wh11l yt•u I ----~ "~ ,....,,., Thf' JrntrAI als•1 llltra to Jf'l Ill? 'th,ot'• what 11 "·'' ·' r•t.HinC _ ---arr A.jtOOKl rarthln~ Ill bt'tlcr wealthiest dist.rk1s to timploy su~standard t(>8Chl'n;. s tartt'd at fo>ur o "'""~ 1, thf' m••rnlntt on•·e b.,..d ·• • CORONA DIE\.. M.,R 1 than a b8d I!OV<'N'II;Tl Stunurll .two )ftJ'II bef~ tJw war. advtst-s thr St.ate Counril of Edu-In • While anll t " I)Oklnl( u "uud Olll l'llt ' h;•rr· In;< ... 1..11'~ t·~nd, COMMl.TNITV CHhRCH Coley. , Into meua.:co rrolrrt anr1 mo•.u lit' f,,111 <1 ., '"' n11r 1,1.,. l.)l o•o "''" Congregational I...-------------...-, c:adon. Its C8U9e8 8J'P plain, since our hindsight ~·is a lit tit' hlllt. «iVInJ lhf' hoys ~ l lllrl It ··u " Ja ll~\·d n •d \ f ... I "til Ill' , •• ,. ~rry F !'Ghmck. mlnleler In I better than oUr foresight when t.hf' problem was in t}x> mak-ooe or these n11thl ml'~nd'""!'«• that mrnt of ~"'"' It 111 " '~'' mm r.~r ch..-ltl'. 1 PAUL NORMAN 1 .... J)roducf'd h11 favnplt-oa'l!r ,,tory I man ahtl~ 11 I' 1 1-h;ad l"ndrll 0 hun. t :liO A.m .. Sund&:V SchooL YACHT SAll MAKERS It waa .. Utk'e . They were 1n •I dr~ ,ards '"''" frnm'u• h 'a ,.00• 11 •. 00 a.m . MAmln• \\'orahlp. 1'-..---t _._._ ~t to ek-rnf'n''"""' -..A.-' a...,...-rrus '"' b 'It . 1 . .... .. Selle, AwJ'Inoa. Boat Covera I • ._ --· •-u: ~:~ :!l<.:liVUI ..,...... ., 1\'0\Jar-•U ra1n n~ ratJ dl'rful to br .t ,. •• ,. ~·1)' Meetinc In the ··Cha ptol, By t~ far ..a..rt8 and tiChool operation. was ftxed in 1 920-ju.<~l 20 SeL" 410 eout Htgbw•y. sermoo I 224 ~ 2lat St. Nr'lr."J))rt Beacb I ,_,. belOft h pnwnt sharp upturn began either in indus-R h topic ; "Living w1th God-How Phone 207 • 1 a.t.l .... or In tJw a.t of living. Thirteen yt.>arS later. fn i~ Staff Offir~rs Gi\·~n ~f'crf't l'rntf'rtio n MAy One Live with God!" 1• to ~-~ that an educational bn>ak-' ;;:;.,..;~~.;_----------~-----: •--.. . • • lD the rarl7 day a or the anva11on hl&h·ranlune 11'neral nt\•t r durk• or ........ tlt.netened by low salary~ the LegislatUI'l' 1 a whole bev:r of hocli·ra nktnc Allied bat$ ~n ,., ~ ,. hrn .. shr U hill nrar fill ta7 fbDed $1.320 u the minimum ~ for e&etneniary oftl~rre u me to vh lt ue-Cfl'lertla The m1latary rohrl" rharct ll Wl\h *,. Manl\aU. Eltenhower end Amokl, condurtallc . th1s ilion rorfl arra.• or paw. , lo.dnurab KIIIC end Ramary-lh~rr Jl'neult around our l>u rhhu11trted ~ a..t ,_r t3lat miDbnum was ~ to $1500 "for waa eo m ueb bra•• yov Juat bumped to crt lhf'm to rod<' In ermorf'd rara * &llli5iJE!DC)"'. Jl wiD ~J1 I:Jack tO $132() 01'\ J~ JO, ~ltar ~WMrall Without,"" bel· But. bl'ln,l lol~llf'ral~. lheJ aald DO, -n .... --... d that ---nwn and WQftll>O ..... ........ ~ertaml,. nf'l. "" armored rars for -· ,..,.. • -.-115 .;or~~ 8eu'll ,_rata: they know the, ue. w•'ll Just 10 1n OPftl C'"mln nd .... 111f1bt ......... Jdkl tducatonl l'ftiUlin unimpn!saed. .., .. a,.,.ar t~ be brn~ 1ft ord!Pr : tau like· 6nybody Pl ae Mlf \h:,., ,.., e.a ......... -...,.In lndustry with but a frac-110 ftt In 'nllmpiP C"ffJf"Q ... n'~-. a lhr 1\IJ tbf>, dut co. .,_ 01 .,_ t1 2 2 1......,. Gl • grammar ai)ool. te-acher. .,....._....... • , .. ft *CJIIPE'd of16.l P"' cent! state aliotmeflt. by local taxes~ are strongly ·a[f(.'CIA'<I . b) ~ ~ aatet~. . ...t~~t to grNdy ~ ...... the ~~ I .. -Ell MilliE SEIVICE .. . SHELL .DOCK . I j B.A L B 0 A I S LA N D . -. --. I . . . Sll CLEMEITE MATCHED RACES .. . and · Horse Show . . - Stock Show Class r SUNDAY, JULY 30. • . . ••• Quarter Horse Match Races Start 1:30 p.m. 8 Events ., ••• Prizes in War Bonds .. i;OTTOI IIICI S~n Clemente, Calif . • . . .f r i f I ,. . ._. • SEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Ne~ Bearh. California, Thunday, July 27. 1944 Pueue Ncmca Puauc Noncu (m 7 'u., .... -...p) Noted Authority On Plallllinc to Speak Monday ........ ~ .................................... c...~J. c.ll· ................ ,__ ..... ~ ..... .. Plans for ~liM dl-ve'opmrnt will be ~ At !_lPf'dal ~-l . lng o( tht-dil"((("tors ol the N""· port Harbor Ownbft' ol Com- mt"t'C'f'. to be h.eld at noon. Monct.y, JulY 31. at tht-NtwpOrt Harbor \'acht club. PR.OPOSED EXP~DJT\.IRES. 19M-45 A. C\anftlt ~ 1 Adminas1 ralQI 2. last run._ 3-Oprnhon ol School Plant 4 M.aintf'ftant't" ol St-hool Plant 5 AusiUary· Srninos 6 F'b.fod ~ $ 6.000.00 81\\119000 12.000.00 8000.00 8.34100 3.920.00 President Braden Finm has calll'd tM ~tine. and tJ)to s!J('aker will be Donald E Gnff1h.l planning tfdutician of tiW:' HaY"(., Foundation, who Is a notl'd au-1 t·unity on coast and ~lirw TOTAL C'l1RRENT EXPENSE 8. Capital Outla)-s $117,65100 12,000.00 <' ("ommuruty ~ I) Uncllstnbuttd Rlw1W 5.000.00 planninJ!! and is int('f'Htcd in thfo turure drv('lopmeont ol thr harbor ~vclopment from N I' w por 1 1 tl:lrbor in Onmlt"' county co To-, ~go can~c.n in Los An~t''" I rnonty will bt• consider'f'd in tJvo 1 d•,russlon 1 E. Total~ Expmdilurn Cor l9M-.45 .$134,651.00 n. l'RA."SFER to <YnfER DISTIUCTS FOR T\Jl· TION.~ 19-«...S , lll. DIS11UCI TA.X£S REQlJJRED t'lR SPECIAL AC· et:~l\.'LATI\"1: BCJLDIWG tTSl> IV CEN£RAL ftE.<;F:RVI: FOR EXPDIVITl'RE DUR· I:-.1G 191-r ~ ON TAX COMMITTEE • Befortt Yo. Blllld or Re•odel .................. ... ...... -Ollaor ......, s' , • .....__ ,., he.._..,.,.... _,.... ......... ,_~ • • 7 .. LUDLUM . c.,et Works am._. ••t~t. •coffee and ••• • in Canteens! ~ stc-1min& coffee fWX .•• ~~ pwc ol doughnun ... and tht ~ul s.nuk ol dw .Untm\ worker it· bringin& bore tnd inspi.tatioa to m.uiJ a iD..aA ~ our Amled forca. hi"'" IHwrl;. 1lw ;._,;., Chi If J''" ltD CROSS BLOOD IJA.~ ~ME .. the beer with the high I.Q ... Q_.iiS.hni )-~ Wdtct'1 Your - Kidn s / Pu111..rc NoTtCES IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTI.ITIES ~ Board of Tnl.t-nt .... N~ Hartlcw ''"*' Hld ""Mol .... n r.ret?e bit'• -011e • .. • lEAD latf' Modf'l Rfodan autonooblle. .. m :I.P \\'ANTED ~"""' ,.._h&ftk&l c0ft41Uoll. wt~ _ lt<>n<1 tlrn '-WANT t-:P A •·~• mftllber f<>r Bld.w will No DP!'M'd at f ·SO P. t• ~n .on <'"ml1lf'f'l'tal flehtn• m , Aunllt T. 1 .. 4 In tbco Board tlo'!lt f vlh •'qu•r1 .... 1 an.s l"f'a•ty '" room of the Hltttl Ac'hnol I " It II Wrhott•·r liM 11:1. 'nlf' BNard rf'IM',f'a ttw n,11t to C'u•t" tot.•.,. ~ ..... lp r.)foc-t any and aJl bleb A H nTZPA'ntiCK. Cl.rlt_ NOTIC~ OF' aALE UNDl" a£CTION ~ CIVIL COOl Kll:l.l' \\ A S TE t> to:s~rl .. nced ~c-.·k •:•4' h•h•'"'"'•u kf'r N•• UP" .t111r,. "vii. l'rwat~ nl<•m ~I· IJ" $Ifill I", m .•. l'hone Nf'W· por1 1~,.. h 1:!46 !)~·Ur ::. 1.18 b ~ 21 \\ I 2 9 Ill .: .• 1 · I :11 2 06 • J 0 •• 6.6 j,,l PIOFIT • = I telA T!' "-'t, ~ and ~ wa.nn. F.natnu and t>a'U W,\RINto. tVl.'.' A"~p; AND • ISE FOI IEIILTS • • -.u. mrAnc nl ilH'ITvaa roa 8A:I£- 1 ma ~·'I • __ ()08'1'A IIJ:SA .-<m a..AU: ,.._..~,.... .._.. 1.10 """ at t100 per ac~re ..-an.l f\Jrnltu", aleo OCif'Mf' lclt wrn. t~ ~ \\' C'ent n t A..,. Ml 2SIUI·W New~Mrt atv~. Wall•lne •••••-In <'..-.la M-. OMII. Pb. Hft. S••rort ·~h. C'ahl fr9m au•lfteM Oletrlct. ~rlect hc'h 216-M II«""" I ucl I Zl ttc-e.cat..,. for future •uiHIIvl•left. P m. BT·It.e t-'tlH !'<ALt.: '''" 711 II f' 4·••yl· "AlPHH:,I~rAIKIV ·,·~m RAil. otnl"-room ..... 1ndcoor hf'A\'\ •h•ty All .. lmpoorlal 3410 <\>AJ~t Rh·•f Nn• rt tw.rh ll~lv J.U f1111jl: ... f ..._, NlrU• "'"""' .·n,:m.. llh Pn>t»ll .. l' , Of' I latl1on IWf'b, Alnllff\Mitu ..... ~n•l 11/l•tl Wrllf' IWnt'Jf' V I 1 hun,. 4112 l'll·tf•· ~I Man•u. AJt•. M"'lJCIIIIt ... 1 'Ut •~n"Lt •""~"h ('u . 131 AnA· I 1 lan•l 61·1tp , •• , •• !'It ~1\nta 'llarl,.ra. { "allf ' f.'<IR RA u : I A_. In (''""'""' d•l ----- . 1\6-tl•·l ,...,.. ... ,er.. h)· .... ""'· .. •> 1" .. 1•1Wn' AND roUND :uo n .,.. .... •1<'1 •t•r. l'a hf ----- 1\l·ltC' l..tl~T flr.,wn and wblt• feiDale IIALIIOA WAND MJJdotm. • lwdmuaw. 2 batha. _, "'' Bay, l\mi ...... J. IJ6.000, UJI fumlltlooit. llS,IWlO. lm-Uat.e 1"-r•ll•n Q~"T"UOt A. WALD .. ON ~ Mar11W A.,. . H&tbo,. laland, ('alii IWI·ll(' 1 \\'ANT To L•:AH•; J.'11r11lah,.•l : lllllurllllllll'<l :1 lw•h •••m hutne. 1.1 Hall""' or fi&Jboe l..S lkotlle'._ I 601 ... ~ .... , ~~L ~ ......... \ 1\.VI' T • I 1!1 '\' .. , .... :A:-<•: .... I!Aif•tA ,.,,.,,,, 1-'r,.lll "•'TII'I ~" • hlloh•·O l'h 1"1•1 I~< it 11111:, M M ·U•• \\II '\:T ·r• I Ill '\ ,.,, 1111111 , 1"1"' .., ..:· ... •• I f'll•lllllll\ '"'"" !\U4 f'prlna"r 8panl•l. 18 ] ... 4. from Coroq ... lhr. 1\ wud )Ira Harold 0... t)('tl&ft m•tt. ~ Npl. I f'KA tU:i: llABBn'ft'f-~)' ffl An.rt "*'•· S. _.at 1111 llif-port Blvd., 0a11ta ...._ Plloaty of ......... NWU c. ont.r. Pb NJil Rl'h. 1•1. lf·J~c.e rott 8AI,.IC 811ftr toa 1\!n lD vny aooct coadtU••· ,..._. »u.w. ~-lte P'OR 8ALE ll:uC.au Nov' e, Am111 , a1eo Jlf'O~; lloUt UPI• ""'. 0.. roll~ ..... Owa· •r HfH ..... ._ A"•··. OOraaoa dco-1 Mar M-l tp PI"OR RAI....E 2U-iauae dOuble bar· r.l ahrot lf1UI. atftc1• Willie ~ ·~ •r•rtn11. Aamtnlat.r nac. ,._12 f:h. Nftl. lkh. llT. 01.2\c .. 'f)R RALI: tl•m .. l'ton poNWe ,~,_,._, •• o. 414 .. ... .......... "•....-t ..... ft. IWJ.J. ...lt.o "•• 1!4~11, ... '" ._, .. ._.,,.,, Ave C•t•n• det Met . -.. .. ~..._ ................. N.D. CASH 0 V M DOQ .... CA T HOti~·TAL ~.w., Lr~~ Tab~J ~Trt .. 3 ... t .. :~ .... ~.~.' .... '.Ob .... 2 •.• ~.J .............. ~ .... ~ .... ., N.n-T.,..loa c:aa ..U y.e Wakd•l. l itt«J. lrritaW... Nfl'o -TeM'-caa caDM N•n._ 8 ... .0. and N-~Mia-, ~~"" ,. ... ' ., •.• ,, h .'t" !ltp Professional Directory &.loeL Ia t1.a lib UMM. -an,, _..llhl, u.. • .-! .. a..ro.. .................. _ &ad ,.. ..w. t.w • ._. aedaU.., rw. •n-N.n._ ...... ~ -uc~ "' .. ecti... I WE SELL BOATS Let Us Know Your WantA Marine Ways • • • Marine Salva~e Gordop M.Grundy, M.D. Phy•lcl.e" •"d lur .. .,. Nl,th • .,. C."tra: Ave. Off~ Hr •. : 10.12 a.m.; 1·1 fll·"'· T•l•p._,t f1 1 ·-----------------~ Conrad Richter, M.D. , fthy•lol..-aft-4 lv.._.... Off ... 101 12M ., ..... N_,_rt-_.... Heura: 10.11 a. "'· & l ·t fll· m. PftM ... Olf~JI -.-. 1~J u,.. ..... Dr .... 1 N.....UW,..~"t".._.wW 'II .w.,.,~ ,,_ .. r UqeW -.1 Ues uwsw& T.W.. f-, ...0. .,._u, eeedd .... I I .._ eacl ..,....~ -.... PORT· OF SEVEI SEAS . LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOI'Itli£Y AT lAW . DR. G. £. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN _. au-.oaON H. R; BRINKERHOFF -E.~IIL I SNOOD~ I>OROTHY DARXIT 'T~ IS ,._, -.-,IH S. "1"1 IW' PAT l'ATnR~ WBT DOrM' YOU TaT IT ' I a. tt .. ~·--.... ...... uen-~ taba.t. ..... ,... J..iqtaWIIf ............... ..... "-..... ~ -tl1redel. I , . ( .\ ~lanN-prnv~ t(,,. k·:ult:r,hip nf th,. :'\t'"'·Tim•·'l (3R•"--C. tl-1'( COCOA 1"'-J ~ tC'1T A.wA."( [--~~,:3 \ 'W .. IAT ·~ T .. [ M"T T [R f-...... p "' ") ...,..,. ("'-flrr-1~ t'ar•c l'l"*f'r 811 v..t mpwa)· ~ Newport ......,... fM!t BACK THE A1T ACK Bl'l' IIORt: IIONUH V \., "Y f)O NT '1 (,<.) ~I\ .. 'J O t: t f OR E v By Cy Hun~terfnrd Coeta M~u a • .,., avl .. '"l PhiHI• 42t Callf~l• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ··w. ()Ut'MivMtbe Better Ben• I By &.mer 0\bna RHt" Ph!HM N•W~Mrt Mt I co.ta ..... Callfaf'ftla 1 ....__------~ ; BUY NOW City Ta• Sale Lott A. J . TWIST to7 cont Hlghw•y Ptlo"• :H22 CORONA O£L MAR (;{\raid HauHa. M. 1>. ~IJ:Jft w.... f '""''"' " ... !\~~ ,...... ''-' ... h ,.,. """ '""' n .. ,.." '""" If fl" '""''" ' ' .... Iiiii ,, ... c.-...... ~ .... -~-01rloe 2H·W -.-. ..... If ~· ..,.._ Call ~ • Dr. M. D. CnwfMd O~TOMaT .. IIT P:yu b.a.mloed at.... Pttt.cl ITt'T N_,.,n Bou"'-d COaTA MalA ----------------------- BALTZ MORTUARY CHAP~L av THa lEA ••o c...e at~. C.oron• tt•l M•• ,._ ... , ...... PhOfte N_,.rt 42 • t~fnl '1 W, t; .. ntral. rtt. 14110 'sr.\\ t•oJt'l nt' ,,., WHO'S WHO ·IN HARBOR DIS,-RICT I • . j J • ~- • ( NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS.TO(ES. NewDCJ~t a-h. California, Thunclay, July 27, 194. Grey Ladiea Arts and Crafts Group -Views Mineralogist's Collection Harbor ,Feminine Activities Family Gathering Welcomes Home Lt. Bob Gardner on Naval Leave , 1 Tbe welcome mat wu out at A.~ ...., ot c.u'Wd let'lll cpectmena VI ere &1m In· I ,_,../'II. SPLICING THE MAINBRACE I Assistance League Set the Roland Hod&'k"'-m-.. a,w. ot ..,,.prectou. ltOIIe~ duc»d. ..... .... e-t• Mrs Holtby Attends e..tAcM F D A •to hBUonoboar ••lalalld. Ro~~~-~~-~kt aDd -·--ol uacut ...... ,. mee_... a moauuy nu • • I H or ance g st 10 &A .__...._. -,.n -;;-~ cobec:Uon ot Hone• ot Ule Grey Ladle. dealped tD eo-GraduatiOn; Dad Has Dl.o:! ILUMN u u from bW duU• Ia val Air 111· A. 8cott. tutnact« o1 ~l ordlnat. Uletr acUviU.a at the L f S At SAAAB Hospital teutcence at Quooeet oint In the at Baat.a Au JUDior CoUeae, 8aDta Ana Army Air bue boa. ettef rom On Tbere WU mudl arn-.t • a .. lcbt q~~ to Hode-Eut. lalPU&ttt.d u.. -un. pt u.. plt.al, ope.o.ed w•th lundleoD. and -To-s&y atumooa U'OUDd Ear~ Wbat'a all tAt. about your belnc Plana w~ oompl~ted Thunday A family dinner wu In onter to ~ an4 cra.n. llecUoll o1 the wu followed by lh«" dWplay and M,., D. W. Holtby, IMS O:fl&ll d Ceotral Balboa. wtlea tAr an brir'!'/ alteomoon fM the ~ for con· at.art bt. leave off ~NCCe..tully. Major Robert Ransom Weds Finland Lady ... a._ 0..., lAdMe. beld the esebanae of hl~u "'f«'t open "'ont, will be bnm«' Friday rom an ' . With the Army-captaln and valetcent paUenta at th~ Santa Lt. Gard1Der expect& to be hen WAllin' 1 a& ~ ~ ol llr. work·boxeL Amon& UIOM.~nt thr uat, wheN" IItie hu ~n vlall· ocean broke bouDcl. &Bd bad a Wl"'. Robert Heaery an prepar· Ana Anny Air Bue holpltal to I unUJ about the fl.ttb of A~L ..: lila. 8coU I.D ... t& Ana. wen llr& John Parke. lofl"'. ca.m- 1 • lnf relaUvu . anll wh..r«" ab«' at· flc'ld da¥ for itAPlf-ean had dll· •nr tD apeod their M&n In 8aD ~ held AlfiUit 10 under the ~ua· Gathertnc around were Mra. Gar· lin. 8coU ._ tbe daufbt.r of tt'OII Tbom.. ... ...: Doll McC.Uum. tended on July 13, 111" KT&lfuatJoo , tlcully CdUnc Uarouclt' Uae ~ F'ranciK-lbey're pl•nnJnc to .-ea of the Newport H.aJ'tlor di.Der, bt. bappy wife and thelr Major Robert RaoaoiD. wbo ror wbo wiUI lfn. Ml"'. o.orce AD6Jie. !41"1. Jol\n of hu 11011 K~t'lh fr•llll lh«' rent U)at. . wu ....._ ~ IN VI' the md o1 tbe -" ... branch ot the Auil~ uque. baby daucbter Nancy. and Capt. a period wu lD ehal'ce o1 publk ::.~-a:-· acted u .,__ R.tAhard, kra. Hubert Nall. lofra ' Army F.nllneertni"V'-h(«~ :t v.~e Central. ~ at t.be TeeM r olond W. A. Robe.n-, Com· Mrs. West~ Jay, chainnan, is' and Mn. F. L.. Wall n'-Uorlll ac. th~ Santa Ana AnD)' t6 ~ I"*P. ' Tb18 ~y lo·1 Genevlrvf' Yale. M.ra. R. L Uowen. Untvel"'lly K .. nnelb an .;.• "" e t.'1ub bad to de-Moe tt-'ww t1 rranclaDt of Santa Ana Army Air bftnl ualated by Mn. James Roc· ..,._ Wall t. lbe former Patty Air be.le, and De.Ua Montpmery . ..._. a poup o1 amall flluretl l JWI"'~ HH~I'I l.:""dllon. IUl4J Wra. ~:v:! ~ r:~~~::. ""h~re ~: rucue th«"lr ean-n.. llttle ay .. Bt-· '-leavlnc for a B-29 bue to ~rs and Mn. Jack Hillman, in ar-Wbltaon, and .bu been liviD( In were Dl&rried July 22 at lbe Utile .,... GUt o1 ehalcedony, ebeml· e.c. m wtll IJI' atAtloo .. tl ~~Avlnr trpck wu llua:aQc ~ Colorado-espec:ta to 10 oorer.u 1 rancementa for the event. Rtvenide wbere her bu.band t. Country dlurcb to HoUywood. Tbe .a ........ UOD o1 wiUcb 18 the --. -E . ••r Hd tby. wbn 111 !'J&Ciflc EJec. ltkf' a IJuaiy bl'oe-a tl'act« an1ve4 In at!Out three monthe · · ·_Major Tiw Leacue. mrm~n o1 which at&Uooed unW about the tlnt of II bride Ja from F\nland an. d tbe _ ....... aDd to the UD Mrs Vtele ntertatns -• .... to try to atem u.e u.s. &ad .,... Central CoultN, receo.Uy t..:k dispense with replar buslnt'IS September. couPle wW ID&Ile thrir bome lD ,... u ..--.; · tnt a,rl'nt. tau rrc '"'~'d a V·m&il of Ule cood d U... .._. u .. from t.be fllbttoc froa~ ad· nwoetlnp durtnc the aurnmer Everyone wu diaappolntrd that Palm Sprinp. JWMre MaJ. Ran- tft.IMd qe, ~ .!:,~ al!!:; :OILite With Steak Dinner ltoltrr fro~ bla ••ther 11100' David, oc1 an were calJaaUy ~ _,. di'PUt'd the cadet. at Bund&y re-months. JMt at the Red cro.. Jack Haddon, Mra. Hodckm-'r 10m t.ln thr real«"atate biJ.IlDua ~ r. wtM CCUectloo ot miD· Mn~. Ralpl) Vlt~le'a bume lll now tn Eo&fcllld Oluld relat~ be,J:a Ya.llly tbe ~u.at eo&-• v~ and lave bAa'b ~ to. Col· workroom at Balboa. M~bers ---' ' Major RaoiOal. due to tojury, Coat& Mua wu lbt' acene or a that on arn\'mg lJ\ tbc.-oortb " let'tt'd •·u watchllac u.e bur onel RoberUalt tor bW fu~ work held thelr informal meetlnc over MnJ. Herbert Ranklu anti 801\ wu forced to reUre from hie ,-----------..... 1 ' «klk&oua ateak dinner I be c•lh.r lrf'hond, h" loloM IUISignc>d l<> bar· ...-avea break and roll -Ulf at SAAAB · · · Mn. Palmer Brad· sandwiches, followed by auflical Danny bave op..ned their Wnt I army work and baa a(&ln ~ •--.L'I Dla-.60 n11bl GuMla rat.b...red tn the rar ka. and t .. un.l bll rOOJL·m•lA' long atrett b ol beaeh-Kidll -~ lt'y. who t. at.aylnc with the Noah dresslnp work. ~ pre~ent at 'ocean Front bomt.' foe a fnJ awned bt. work at lbe ~pular ... rlftl& LN tiO. were Mr, IU)d .. ,.... Bert "' ~ hll l'r.IUIIO, CUpt l.lut Boll· bavinc a fidd day .. tM ..,.. Dittrich• lD Loa AnceJea. wtU th~ m~tlnc w~re Mrs. Don Me-daya I cuert'\e.ort. ................ Identificatioa Photos i'ftlllr."'Mn. EUzabelb Benlow, Mr• by uf s..a.tllt'. ~o~o·hom b,. ba.l ni'VH th~tl fOI"'IIed and my ~ p Iran Ult. week for ber bome In Callum, Mn. Roland HodgkJI\liOI'I, · IG~orila F:lklnton Ol Wllmlngttlf\, aed•. ll.ltbo c;a ptatn HI llby ,.. .. """ Oh: . ~ell! I ...., juat .. Houaton. Tuaa ... Major and Mrs. Jay, Mrs. Everette Gardiner, iF=====~==;;_;;;=;;_;;;=~==~~=~=~===~ Mta11 <.;c-nrgla !.t(•Krnnr-y, Yr. anli •·ullllnJC in Nrwport· • y ... a r and • mw h tun u uy of lbe 'klda wad-Mra. Tremper Lliilaman Yia'ted Mn.' Walton HObbard, Jr.. Mn. latrodudq ~ AapiM 1111111 Loe& BMdl o..&~ ........... I 'pallee ........ ntce 'tr•. s H Wngbt, l'~rlyn Ander bait ~<.:u. in~C around "' the water and both Major and Mra. Harey Mlo· Susan M. Ruth~rford, Mn. Wll· POPULAR P K I C J; 8 aon and Mr•. Elmyrll U.1ro1 ut watchln(" the excitement. ton and Colonel and Mn. Mllle.r llam Whitt' and Mn. HJUman. I Lung lieacb. Burnhams Are H ost s f{tlund about Mra. Jim Wl'b-whlll' b~ .... bere on duty-they IlL -SPOil -Ill Portraits ......... ..:to- Droppmg In later Wl're Mr•. 1:' d c . sttl'r "'J)C)rtl that Franc:c8 aDd fl'l Unltcd to La• Vecu. Nevada, Social News of I J tnn!e Emerick. Mnl. Anna Snlfth, To l(r ien s on ru lSe~ "<•Un" Tommy bave bad wondtr· f'&rly t h Ia week ... M a J 0 r __ , ......... J .. 25 y A 101 Mala St. TIMiodore 8. MeElre)' ... t.")'riU llyen -- 1 Mr and Mn, U..rtn:n Smith and ll "''"-1 a gab '"' M fnn ~o~o•ben tul luck flndlftl u apartment jD Scrag~• and Wynn Singleton were earS go ll:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ u1e1r r lul.ln•n. J al'k and ltollanntt, r.tr llrlll )in Ho~l Uumham look New York and are b&vlnc a cood vlaltlng Lt. Colooel and Mn. John ' Mrtr. J~, G, Almund 11nd chtldrrn, th~>lr l!llllnd (11JIP"r "Gilk" out Vllftt with Lt. IJ.c.l Tom ... That Roberta of Udo-Wyoo t. about Mlae Dalay WcNalley ............ ~ .. ........... -o.,Ma Gift Shop C I ,....'7 ............ ao.. AJberl, Julia and Davltl tvr thl' flnJt t1me 8111<'«' boata bave •·u a very rood looldDc dftll lhe grindeal penOn u well u brother, Henry McNallt.'y, made a -I b4 ,.n nmftned lo the bay Tbf'y Nc-U Rogera wore to t.be weddiDC havta« beauty and ~a-what huty vt.lt to their mother. Kra. While canning fruit lut w ... ek. got out their aa.ft.. pullrd lbem I Monda>: nle'bt ... Pat IIGnil a rare combination! ... Major 1 J ean McNalley, wonday, and Mra. lofra. Volney L. Hay, 301 Palm up, ani! away they a&JII'd doWn I baviDc fun drtrinc IU"'UDd town Deb and Becky HaaUnp apent McNalley. returned to Altadena atreel. allpped wh~n reachlnC for i lh« bay to a t'OVe by t.be jl'tty.l ln bt'r c:uu little ear ... Holmaa S~nday out on tbe briny deep with thnn on Tue•y to ay a jars, and fi'U. bre&klnr ber arm. Uqu1d rrfrealunmta, lunc.h and and Gf'f' Coffin w"'t out' liahlnc trying their beat to lure tl)e flab, food farwell to ber 800 before bJ.a -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--===========:;:;~;,:•===========b 1 aun Wf'l'f' tollowt'd by a crular 1 the otMr day for a1-.eon bUt but to no avail-nary a atri«e nor leavln&' for CJD~p Lewt.. WUh. • around tbr bay. only got one they _,.. bopUI( a blu, 110 no flab ... Captaln and • o o ' JdltuJ P.et»>lf! Skip -*±&A-. Balboa lllud Complete Selection of Popular and Cla88ie Records Gifts • --Sturditoys OPEN SUNDAY PAllAS -BEllS •• .... ... ....... cw--... ....,_ ......... ., ..... ''250 ... .. .. World & Gund Staffed Animals To y·s Children'·s Books Litho Slate Blackboards Horseman Dolls Eff«nbee Sweetie Pie Dolls World Atlas -Self-Revising Globes Bill Folds for Men and Women Complet~ Selection , ~DING I..IBRARl'· E Selection or Popular Books . at All Times -------~ LOUCKS 1 ~ewell')' ud Stationf'ry Store 119'7 Newport Blvd. OOSTA MF.SA Th~ luc:ky pt'Ople lbat w~nt 1 tor a ml'• of lbem_.! wf'll. Mra Loula GrineU bave been re-I Wt.a Dorothy Durkee. who b.U alone tor thf' ride wf'rr Yr. and bettu luck oest u-. . . He~ turned to SAAAB alter more ll!&n I been vtaUoc for a WMk at the Mra Wuton Jay. Mr. and lfra. and Joh.n Griffith ~ out a year ol oUMr tlta~J bome of her aunt. Mra. Everett AddiiWI Gurley, Mn. Prent Ful· or the atore loeded wtUt ~! havfftftlrd Colooel ~·· A. Wblte, 1n 8aota Ana, returned more. Wr. and Mra. Jobn Woodlt lkiDII tD lut a wed! .•. 'hllll'd bowie pe,nd1nc Ita eaJe ... And bome Jut week .. JI'Tiday. from Palm Sprlnc• who an v'-lt·1to ~ Earnshaw and u . (jgl bt're'• the tale ot Major Slee: Ka· • • • lng the BurnbalDa, and ''Dode"II"'!D --to ban ~ otJ few jor Jama N. Slee, eratwhUe com· w. 1. Jordan, Mr. and lofra. J . Crany. Wra. Burnham'• brot.ber. oort'T'RU duty a.bout tlarM wwu ID&IId&Dt of au.ule&Uoa at SA c. WtCaln, Mra. Art L.. Heard. who wu a h~ gueat at lbf' ago eo.b! am I belallld \Ill' AAB w awablllllc orden tD 10 H. Wallace and R. M. Durkee Bu.ahama' for a rr-: daya. ! Umea~! ... Jack and May Tar· to the Pmtacoa to WUbtncton. attended the Red ca-a.a dinner rant and clamour·.,_. dauebiAr ll1a departure looka Ulle a aure (1veo at the Elka' hall OD Monday Corona del Mar News ~&ekll' of San Brrnardtno b&Yt' thine uu. time at'Ur the n yt,nc In honor or the draft conUncent __ m-~ ~to 401 SnOle, a.lboa. .Wt be juA took to meet b .. ni'W whlcb. lett for Camp Lewle on B.y. IIU. BEMIE BENEDICT 1 and' are i'ittn~ thinga up Ulle mad C.O .. but yota never can tell. Lut. that day . . . G•~n .NorT'U had t\81 • ber December be wu aU Mt to be Ylaa Betty KlnK'h bu juat re· blrth<iay. wtfla' twr Uaree --u-.fernd-putjes pvm, g~· ...------------.., tumid from a wHk'lt -tion al • N<>tm'ilh aod hl'r two buce ._ ~ ~ ..-a hmldaoiiU! Yoaemlle to the hom«' of Yre. Jue . Bill Kir'k •~n town MondaJ to acroll pre~~entlrd -by bt. otlleera. M~c.-snf'y, 'of :>011 Golcknrod reP.,rt hatk to UvermO... . . · but at lbe lut CUP wl~ 10t evenue, wltb whltm llhe re•idu . I:Wtty F'u~rll t. •. _. .. Jte.....,. 111 e.,_ aDd be atayed rle'b~ here. Everyone Enjoys 1 I Ml• KlnK'h work" at the nta )lc.>sa. A'rlzt~oa. and IODp for 1 'l'bW Ume be ftfU.. to .. y good· Au Air B&M. J(nod cOl:. Jl •IC~I'\ b~ ... VIr· bye Tor fear of t.be righleoua pub-I o\ ftl'r a pleu&llt v1111t Ut• ,;111111 C'Utl«' bacll from bn"Y&Ca· bUc ~ It th.. prove• a moath with hf'r elater. M .Mar· '"'"··· feellnK -· .. 11 agato ~·, ftop ~· but be aDd Mra. SJee are 1 Ula Norman. of srr Ore a \'1'• baCk at hrr Red ere-~taJ .... c:oa8derable wtft1Dc and I 'I DIAl', Mn. F. II. Towne~ will re· •·Of'k DO'a' • • Juall by the _1: 1 .... ~ ! turn lo bt'r home Jn ; Ct.l1l · 1 Mrw. WUmer J4ieur dualb· ~!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~_!!!!-~ CAROLYN '·5 ! FLO'WERS t..-:~ M&rll)'11. f~rl of ca_p .... 1 F • ds d ~ ,{ e ~.:::= ::U!Onher r~::t .. :·Your · nen an ·J.v~1ne 1 ~h .. rman !';ug!nt dr 307 Wartco&d I · · 1 ~------------' a v('ftUt' lira. Kueker II a a:ember I of lhf' ruulty of ctlatfee Hig'b a~~d ~fr and Wra. Alberl RecldeD -' ~111&' Un-.4. WHO ~~~o1th bla J unior t:ollf'Be at On~rto , South <.;at .. bavf' mo¥1'4.:. to .~ iDoUMr. lllra. Alma Ralh of Acke Unnald Whytl'. Mill ot Mr. ancll lwuk at 40tH. Yarc~~~t aveeua. ~r. llrL Alma Ratb of f.ck· Mnl. J . S. Wbytf' of 416 Hazd 1 ~ ....... -purt· lalaolA. ~ 1 nU:nd t.o erman'• Boat company, .. return· I Drt t. ;o t. ru. furlo~b I make It t.bflr pe~mt ~ .. to -r.--u wbere be.-Uvea with Yt'. e-n Y7• ~ .a.&r ~n Ul pnnctpal• o( tM tu.: lf'&l'dpareo~ Mr. and Mn. I .a.&IIH .<'vt>nlk echoo& 10 HuntiJJC· 'J . E.· VahWtc. Jeano«" RaUl Ia I 111• prlu -=tf•ftd fM ;'too ('rtrk 0\twr w-a,cbere of U.. ~ three WMka with ber a name . ~·bo"l ~~~ hen-and Ulcoy ~ auat, Ml"'. Georye Franct., of San I .. ~ lh Ill "' to rorm • \:ar Pool - . . 1° :1 O.briel. . . . .. or my I op ·oa. llr. and J.ln Wtlll .. lll Aylea ol Mra. AdGX' tiGlltb of Sao Diego I Thaak.' fnrt·our f'ft~. . \mtano. tunr-rr . beKb. r ... u:tenU. ba8 retW'Ded Jli)mr after apending all of OU. I llptont u... ... ~k en.! u ;a JCUQ\ .a. two w • •IJ 1 with Mra, ~ae l l lt'!ll ~a a 1 t of f.Ua. Llll' '-'""" of t~bo:rt I.A'1U'Iy, 30Ut 8tarc:k, 1112 ,Court avuue, An· I "'"'"' . dt.her gue.t at· thl' bome of Mn. The nwrt't,.andi.w. Fin An ,.,..:bt anr. ,~,., hlf:lf puulllll 8tu'tk ~ 116, brotber. O.Car wu. lh)lla"' •·orth, "''" wu t..1rn ~lnnil .. y at ~ bur ot Puenu. who t. hc.>re for 'the I G()f"S to a ........ So "'hat! gl'nt's ~latt'HIIl) '. llvmt', San" aummer. • ' I A.nu. t" .a.&r lUid )J "'· lJarta :-.!e9'·1 ab., l:hllet• P.atteraoo and 110n From .laMe8 K Morri!l land. .:>lu sa:n 11.-manhno a..-n-. Dayid .ot NewP,1)rt J.tand pl&JI to aliDf' thf' aanM", 1 ht>)' haw anolh• r 101.10, H.u lldt. l~a ... IIOOII for lile1dco, and Will re· I'· llf'rt' 'tit~~. at;e (1\·e. , · 1 I tura trtth )Ira. Marie Story. who h . v HJ<.Ilar.•ttK•n anu fantuJj lft ..,.odloc .. wHo there w ith The MOM and TOT rl'IUmf'\J ,;, lht•lr hum~ Ul )·hoe--bf'r e&atb'·Y:r·law. nu. l.lvJ><I"Y ltfln" apoldiD& ~ C:.,t. aDd )(n. Walttr Krlly of <Ia~ s ,.,. 1 t 11 :\lr I{ I< nar J8o,a·a Tuc~. Arl&.. are llpl'ndlng a mothl'r. S.lra .Wary ~:n h'~IIOII, abort . lean with thr capt.atn·• lt!H Cc-l t.oul .. \'&1'\.1 aunt, Yn. S&dlto Irwin. OC«"an M&r)' 1.-. MS ("...,., Hl&hway C"oroea •• Mar, ('alllonda A Gay, Yount~ COrtCE.A~_ING SUI ,., IJJpectant Motltet_l ~r a nJ )>UJ> Jul) lt.lb..-w ol rr.t. '~~~~~~~~~~====~=~~====~~---------~---l1 ~ u~~ t·~~. ~~•• Y~aDdlfl"'.~~~~~~ ~1 .. p.ont t;ut v. •'«'k h~r .. ''lstU.ng •~ aad-;, c:bi.lclren Joe and ANI bav«' r .. bitl•~i! """'' l n .. n.r~ retu:med from a two week'a vlait ' ...... cara• • .......... cAn cAnnouncemen~ Usual LEY· BELL Tha iHU/R is Operating r · as I ;· Same Chef ...... Same C uisine Sarrte Excellent Service Same Sensible Prices . Tommy Cottonaro is Dispensing in Our '_l'ap Room tHE HURLEY BELL 135 Coast Hlgtaway J ld&-. (We 8Wf a--,.......,..., .. ., ..... , , . ~ha J '"" s n .. Htz ••I .!!Jth ·~ wtUt lin. Stur,eU'a mother or 1e a;l,.lol u .. lly ••~ "' ~tnn..: troul a AAavadllo. Te.u. llrlolt. ~\l.u 1< ""''" h l'lh ,ull~!'1fd Gerald 14 Me· =:illn\la\ no• ollllllo )Jr :'rn••ltZ ....-.. Mr. and .)11"1. h r-,_ · ..... FarUn ._.bOM' au111mer ome .. on 11111 llllblllh ,,, w~ ''"'' .u .. 1 "'...-bad K 11 Farlin'a n1•l I~· I• t1• h· <l l •r. It•• lob r \, . ., Balboa hii&Jid~• dr ... c J H • · .~o..~ mothf'r and .. r. an ... r•. , <1111••" oUI , J••ll«· bii•UI/ht ._ j th Wt't'K p1.111.H,.1 ,, ,, ,. 11 "'dll u,...J unlll u ,\VI'lkt"r of Monro'' B u !lr ""~ !-!• fl l• r.t :Iilli t..· .In ·1111>~'~· .' I t>nd l;uf'.-ll.; • c aocm:an ·'•~~" 1, ,,; ll••lli• 1 :1 1 Ol~ Mr" '&J\<1 ,Mra, raarv f y , , •l.11 \,, .• , • ,. N)' r•l•l fM an.~ duughtc-r D('lorcll'. w~ ha\'e v ... i o' I •1' I. r. I ' I ... l 1\ef' bc•c.>n In Huron. Snutll Valwta . ... , ... , ;, 1 ,,, ~· 11 .. ,116 Jlim·e Aprt\, r~>tllrll<'lf t-'riJI\y t1• .11 "''~ ",,. , ,,1: 1 1: .. 1 , , ,6 • tb~•r b<!Dlt' 1n El ~Jonlt'. ami 11pt>nt • •. _: .. 1 l , . , , , 1 ,,1 1.0 . !:)un~llly· w1th ~Jr_ nnd Mn•; J, "' 1• 1 ·"-to • Hc><IDlAJl. 1\)i 13th stJ•ect. I· IV1• 1.4 .11 '••1111 ~r. and )Ire. Hnwa.rd Hawkt[ll! a -anti ·rii 1t1rOJI ami · ~II'_ and ltoiu• ot' I ,, .' II• 1 • •, ~I•' er. JntJ _,w dlllolr~n <If e,:nvlnB. !!I'" nt \1 I, I 1, • ! \1la· lll'<l v. t'~k al tht' t'!IX ulltllj(<' on •t•1l·1 •· • o;1•• '"''.W i l•thllrc.-et. •• , ... ..;. • ..,..... .... !Wo ...... ,......, ....... ,.~--~--... .......... ...4e,.....a ....... "' ... ....... , ~ .............. -·· criop ........ wtl .... lit .. 10 ,. II. ,, .... , l•le•, u111e ,.,:r~c ''"•· ,_. o,., .... •1491 _.ltlllMnu,.., r 10• .... ,... uewle• .... , , • • • \ '' • "' 1 • II\ et. wra .. H.&y un.lrua.n of San c~a· '• ,., l' I ''I' : bftt'l apt"nt thl't't' dayll thlll v.'l't•k Ill E 8 "040WI'Y LONG DE4 Ct4 \I \1' !' n1rll ll.11l.naa, ••lth her pa.n:ntJI. 'lr. and ~118 3•1 No Aodoo O•on . 1 · '-t " , -1 ,, · I# )lr. J. A. Uu<JnlaJ\, IOi 13lb atreN IJ•! Mt,. t " • 1· 'i , r •"rr 101 W ith ber we~ M r t•·" da\JcbUI"'. I • ol! t.o a,·~nue Jurw and J&Mt ................. .~ MORTIMER SCHOOL 302 Cor,.l, B,llbO.a lal.a"cl ~··"f,.F.& !4C.'HfH)L t,..._ lalj l : .. ,....: , ................. FAlrWe ~-..._ ._,..... ~ A 1114o•111n«~. M. A~ Oo.f.r• Pnnc•pal ...,..,, 6~ . ·FLOW£1 SlOP n.<>WERS FOR ~R¥ OCCASH ll': ·~ .. IOR ·MAI'S IJI'J C...C ...... )"-CorollA d4ol Mar , · . I'IMe-, ... 84lpfUN J•r Yow g.,._ ~ IUISEIY .. rNA..-.o to strengthen glassware by putting it in a ve s sel with slightly salted wa- ter and alle• it to come to a boil slow- lY• The slower t he process, the more er- rective •i11 be the results. .. --. ~II!-=*-::. ·iJtl f t /. t :...