HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-10 - Newport Balboa News Times' I IlL~. '· ·'-KilL •• Nl BOA PRESS VOLUKE V AN JNI)UIJCNirr LOCAL NniPAI'II -·-'nil Dmlll NIWPOIT HAIUIOI DIBTIUCT NEWPORT BEACH. c.u.m>JtNIA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 19U = Writs of Injunction Served on Officials In ~t-City Cue Anaheim Girl Takes First Award in 9tb Almual Snowbird Flight Formf'r Bank Clerk at Newport BM.eh, Killed Ia Fraace 8'1ld. ~ud Water Survey .,na~· to"· ~ .. BRito s~t·a) Ao~ IS Q k 'e d 8 Y .. av -·-....... ~ ~ ..... on wlfll'l of antphtbluu. ll····ka. aalllna ln ..... ~n:nnaal c: ... of Ole ctty youtJa an 1Mt .....,., r.eord 8ef' KlrtM l)wiJrht J>hJlllna lt, Many toe&J .-tck"t. .-~ otbeof :.~Yv~oryha~ta vclaili'~~IUI·ith. onJ~ -• __, f ... _ I ,_. ~ ~ _. ......, ~ of Newport Beac:h VI. Orville 8. ~ ua-·-o ._. cat-~ IU'..S f1•urth •nd !\Janey Duckett. lah plt'uant memon.a ot . eci.- D&nt took on a new upeet UlAa r1cJM 1~ _...,, and wbu wu fifth 010 tl(ht and Nan<"y we,.. "'aN Brt.tow, form« .-p~ Seek. wbo Ia my ilk'a of • p<>r· c 'ty c 'I WN'k u Oant, on Monday, ca~ UM ,..tW'M ....,. .. a l1r1 .,-~d two mor,. ••f tho• t~ San Martno ttf the Nt"wport lk6ctll llaall nl Harbor Picks Autumn for Nazis' End -Newport Harbor llhould haY" I ou ncl ed three clly offtcla.la lo be ·"-J7, .... nnt: ... _,.. of lT l'lltranlJI In Uh' ht'ld or 113 atart.. Amt'rl~·a. wlll be ,-; .... \.o '"m ~ ot. lf you -what 1 mean. ed wltb wr1ta ol lnJuncUOil aDd placed ..,._. _. u.&rd; a 1t· era. that two .-.nUy ~ ot wwncll J M. looking ordt'ra t o abow cau.e ft7 1M y..,...o&cl ~~~ 1D J ..., fourth; Althoup Uwr" once had been IIUtfenod JUM 1• w~l'-ft8ttUna real elecant ln On ft'c:ommendaUon of the wa-lh9Wd not be permitted to mow-aDd a wtrt Ia ..,. ... wu ntUL • lar.rt'r fh•ld or atartn 111-wiU. the Amet1can .....,.. ln flfortut~~~y .. r>~n• to c-apUIIlate b 1• unllorm, lt'r rommltt~ or Newport Ha.r-boata on what he ._rta Ia !aU W1t.la 101 ._.. II J Stftr, It wu lut 8unday'a flnlahlnlf llat nt 101 F'ranc-e. to lh01 Allh•a 801tle .Ume on Of' ~ w a a atanding bur t"h11mbt'r of Commerce, bead-own property. the ~ ....... fti!MMra In bolita uutdld tht• JWior tf'OONI of Lt llriatow, who entend the on Uw alc:ko"'·alll "d by Walt.-r s . Spleer, ebairman, Offlda.la aerved were llayor UM DIM-,.r ......., ol N-port M. rmploy c.t a I.a. Anc•'-~<"h tw....,.. Arm'-lloe O.y, No.. ll. Uld w a 1 t 1 n r for Uw ctly councll on Monday au. Clyan H. Hall, u the dty'• Bay'• ua..a ~. aad In Vltr~ ....,..... nf thf' Baak of Am.nca Ia ltl&. Th.utlll.,lvtna O.y, Nov. 10, "' U.f! -'>m~n~. ancl thuriz.tod a. full lnveaU-•Ioa of chief u ecuUve; Pollee Chlet R. ....... t.e of wa.r caa ltlel. It attnc:t.. tranaff'rT'f'd tn the N-lleadl nptnk\n nl Ne••pc•rt Hartlor. waa acting U •-...... -....... Twenly .... vrn lrophiH We r f! --..-• -,. f 11 ·"" .__t • ._ .. _t lht• city'a preHnt wa~ wpplv R. Hodc~ and lla.rbonnuter ...., UM •·--fit -areel. "rant·h In April. lNI. [)u.Oa• hla '" "' '"' .,... w"n ... --.. tl J ,... -•-won In all. tho' llat of vlctora be· •N• r ""'tr10UC' at tt'-~ ~-""""" c u ua. a nd an 1mpa.rUa1 aurvey ot p~ R. L. Palteraoll. newa wnt.er ... W •sr~r action ... rvt«" hr,.. he wu atat~ at " ,.... P .._ .... ,....._ .... ual. Seeing him ablt' tutuf'l' nl"eda. __..__ .... .-11 earners-wM .,...S the rec:. lnjt th.-lmnt window u • _..,,.. lh" avn .... J~nt ot ........, all d t h --.. __ •• ._ 1 Janl!'l Pnwrr, Analll'lm _, •• _ 1'111... -. latt ......t-.o ....... r\-c ,. e A. L. Son..terercer, COI\IIUIUnr · ord ol tiM ..-t a.th far and tl'll,.r. and. aN:"ordtnc to M....,.r na •n• .. , ....,._.. .-r good old daya •·ngint·er of Loa Angelee, hu been Tbe order to llbow cauM wu wide, ln prtnt ... flebare. 2 ::~~~~ n Orandln. jr ' San Rc•l•nd W riiCM. ~u pai'Uaalarly rrrdl<'llona today fnr 'nle ""'-. when l'Veryone employt·d tfl ma.kt' the wrvey t..ued by Bupenor J~ Keanetll &m'ztr Gill...._ 3 Joa Alllln "''el• llkt'd by all ,-rwona wllh In an eatrem"IJ lnt.....tlfttr .... wu fuming a.nd whlr h will ~ulre approx.unately &. Mom.on wbo Mt the be&rtnC Jaland Ot•f'k, Jr.. Balboa whom hf' c-am• ln ('(lftl&ct. mlniC·UP of lntall..-nt A.IMf10ea ru.llhlng ove r :IO tJayll· for completion and will for 10 L m. Auruat 15. UnUI llcuddlll&' ~ ., everyt)Waf A ~eraduat• of 1\i.un hll'h nplnlon on the war'a encl. e of .. nt~tll a coat of •uoo, accord.•R• Uurt lime the city and lt. YU10UI for alJ porUoM ol U.. atx.mll• 4 Owi.:ht rhtlltpa, 8 "" Marino K houl and B.anta Ana Jwalur c.ol. Loo.-t llln4' allnwt4 tM Naau I~-... wb'le J t ba k I I • N.. p1o J !I Nanry nuj'kf'll~ San Va.rlno t k n-tl ... _t .._.. • • IX' aa c cam Y tu Ctty Englnt'er R. L. Pattenon. rm yeea are enjolned from course wu ..,,. .. tt• aaet Pewwr, '"""· Lt Hrtatow wu a 8all or o eep Oft ... ftC, wu - and handed out orders and saw "pn~MCuUnc. arruUftl, mo&.tlnl 17, cS&uctltar ot ~ J. Pown, t Wnt Jug.,r, ollywond Mr and Mn. T P llrtat.w nr whldl r..&~~t . Ja. 881& wu wllbajr to It that everyone waa happy and ••uu l•vatt,.._ ......_. or lnterferln~" with Oant for any AnaiMtm dtrw -. an4 a _... 7 Ba•bara Cun•llff. R1vt'ralde TuiiUn, hill rather bf'lq new for.· 'hut n •ht••lantly t tu I.'On<.,.. UMM. tlLat the event wu a 14CCt'll t>aCh Tht! wat••r committee, throop ._rted vlolaUODa of Neowport lor at ,lntri_.. .._. for Olrta. 8 Hal Tallmada ... Loe AnceiH man fur thr JI'Tanf'ft Ctt,. AMn ~~«'h•'14•l Prtn<·lpal Horace ~ UDw. tWI chll1m1an, exprieaed the opln· Beach city ordlnancae Naa. 110 It wun't tile ftnt ..... U.. wtnd. 8 Tumnly Cl'lrlatlan...n, Upland of A~lna. lhou,chl lh• wtnter wouW 1014 • lt'a ..,.. cood to bave him wn that the city coundl abould and at1. blowll •··M• ,_. Mttn had 10 Mu Klnr: Jr · Loe AnceiH thf'm Ill' In fi""hn.ary. OnlJ ,_., botne aDd I bet that moat of S<'I'Urt> an lm..., .. ,_, ln ........ ndeat Meanwhile, Dartt Ia ~oln& ahH4 llltad ...... ott ... Nrfac. ot .......... A..,. Jll'rat\IUI '"''-..''.,....., that UM T.u-N-.. ..-~--...-.. nAaY oovaaucoa llftAAA 1 ~-..-· n&rtlor will be glad •'nKlnt'('nng report to Include rec:· wiUl lUll-~ operatJOfta at las. Newport .. ,. ......... had bMft P'lrat rtrl to tintah, Ja~Wt Powera, Iowa. wnu d •till btl ,........ ...._ wlwn be aettlea bat'k hn .. aga1n umnwndatmna .covert.,. tJM prob-marta. replt.lr thop tuclled IIDCier cr-at tiM IMt ~t of Anaheim. ynun ... t &1rl to nnlllh. Jobn P. 0.1118. dUtltet W0Vf'r· tht ,....r ~tnda. and we caa at&rt havi ng more ct>l-I· m nf an adequatelt and perma-the Arcbee ove.,... at Oout LJctlta ID 1NL &a.ndra Bfoantal ..... '"· Puacirna: nor ot Rotary. "" hla UUMAILI via. M••t •JPCimlatlt' .,_.. ... ..,.._~ and mnrt> fun! nent "''ater aupply fol the cUy. h1Cbway and Dult.ral avenae. M1ae ,._..., .,.. wu OM tiC· )'Oun6Nt bc'oy to ftnlah.. Rruoe B It 10 the lnc:a1 C'lulll, told -.lllera the 1\n , 1: D Ooo<k'll ot a..tlt • 1 1 Engm~..-r Pattenon alated that ........ ..,_.. ond few a ttrt Ia ... ....._,...,. bla-Brown, 8. Udo. l•lt'; oldetrt lllllp-•l l'alk Avenue cafe lut ""--nu.af'l'b.by.t)Mo.8ra lh WllM an AJifontr.a hi' COIU!iderl'd lbe •ubject a very tory ol U.. --:::• eftftt. Her per to flnlah. ~A-Roy Unnard. 12, nay r vrnlna that lheJ "laA not toftklal .,...,.. app,...._ .... M . MW!IIC'hNO lm p<)rta.nt one and believed that In t.he faee ol •tronr op~Uon time fw tM cow-. w u Paaadrna: fiBt ... rviN-man to .. , ... f'd,, l~ Importance of ~1"1 a mtlltt' 11t10n .tl,.r IIIU"r ..t. IWt ap-kln« of bumpin~~: Into rollts. :~11 infc-rmattnn poulble abould be from lbt' city t'~neer·a otnce., one boW' uw1 • ..uau.t... flat flnlatl. M w NrKt"nzie, Balboa 'I'•Yin«' Rotar1an .. " l'nd. and thla. tht' c-le,..-yman ..._ UlAa dept. wu WlllklnK AIOnK thr prow·urt•d In order lhat It may be the War de~rtment on '1'\aMday Tll1a ,. .. J...t WMt .... an-lalan.l. flBt NcNa.lfy boal t.o nn-"Tuo many c,..... UM ,.te," ... u ....... will rm~N~bly be ,nor to ~ u.e ot.lwr day WMn the~ I ,lrt,.nnfnl'd whether the dty can f'l'fuaed lo crant approval ol nou.need .. a ~ lall. L. H Bnc.4'. \I 8. Navy; tiBt ....... "WIUWut paJlnc. Ukt One-()cot 10 ,.ollowlllj( .,.. tbol ,..._ wu a loud bellow. Aoundet! lltom<'-th·rlw a aufflc.'lent aupply lnllll Dant'a plana for a martne raU.. Vallrly boat to rtnlah, ~t R. ll:yl'd ('onaoUy 'nwy ra.t "" •II•·Uona uf Newport 'a IN4lftl dU• wre liM a papa ... II lion whiCh I J-rellf'nl 80Urcea. or whf'tMr an way. In a atateme.nt prepared by 0..... ..... ..... H .. nlry. Balboa Jalanc1 aomf'thln,( of Uwlr ---'10' una. an•l ,,.., rf'aMIM liM1 ........ hu JU8t •t on a tack. but It outllh~ aupply aeuld be eoupt. the Harbonnut.er. p,_nt.d by JUit a...,.. ltleMDd IIlii. Pow. ~ W...... and f<~r thr cood of ot!wra." Mr tor tlllem: wun•t. It wu Joe Dixon. lnllt.,ad. Al'tJon to .. mploy the aervlcta of Aui.alant Hartlorm&ater RUII er'a Pow.Wow ftM6ad Henry B. llavla wu lntroct~ tty Marlon Mayor Clyan .. all-Dee. 1. Joe whoopt-d ao lnud that I Mr Sont!t·regger wu taken on mo. Cralr. the city offtcla.la contend-Grandin. Jr .• IT, tiM lNJ w1nner 1 tth Bnb Yardley, Balboa Jaland I ""-Ill. loC'al p~t. ''TMy'r~ l oiJ'a tn ftlht ...,... lllopped. and w e atartl'd a con. linn or Councilman ll&rl Stanley, ed lhat conatrucUon ol eucb a T1lla Ume R....,.l Mat U.. Cber 21•t Donald Nutttn, .__ An,rf'IM Oov .. mor ·Daria ~ \laf' when w• ••t tn th• ft.lch. We _,_Uon-?ot about flablng. but 1 s.-crmt!t'd by Councilman Allen. railway would act .to block the Ami rot a llGWW ~taft, and that 311t Morr'la )(Irk, 8aJ1 MIU1nC) N..-.·rort.Dalbua d ub for ''belnr muatn't bf' nv .. r-orUmteUo, Mt allout com on the cob. _ preeent •O-foot channel. fact alone ~ De race be. 41at Wf'ldon ()Qrna, Rtv.,ralde ~upertur w all pla.c• I t.ne vlalt. with all Ul• bnolbln,r U..y M" It .-na that Joe Ia fond of H k" , D-i ti Aa a rHUit. Cra1J aa1d. ap-twMn Ole No. 1 .... Jfo .. 1 boata. 611t M. W. McKen&.lt-, Ba1bna "d. In two rtoepecta· ,-ood fellow· bNon -ub~t4'11 ln. It Ia ltard to that food. and thlnka that all of 0p 108 ne8 goa On pro1dmately 70 boata, lncludlAa He •t..-.cl ,.._ ... llal1no aJ. laland llhlr•. and «oud mMI8." -'"-'w they lut,.d U lona U u.e ·-who work with him on Unanimously Refused 40 flahlnr boata, would not enjoy Uaouctl R..,Y1 ... 11 an otneer llat Dick P att•·r•on. Loe Anrl'· Many oat-of-town v!Mton wer. thta." the rood fillip Maud.. llkewile . tree acceaa to their moo....-. area. of Newport ...,._ Y~t Club. a.. pr.,..-nt. lncludtna Clint Ievana. C.pl. Jn••rh A 8f'ook, AniiY llboWd preff'r it . But h t''a ha\·lng By Council Memberw whlclt 1a located beyond the potnt -VOlt ot u.. tiNt so tlallibera Ttat Richard J on•••. Ar\'adla lootball <"~h .. t tJnlve,..ty of T~t lkrvtr-.. AII'1Wa o.r. trouble with Don Furry. who he occupted by the propoeed raUw&J. were fW'Om lfii1"', aJu.ou,tl OM llllt Bob Whit,., Glrndale C'altromla at Bert&et.y. manv ••• ntt111lll" "l.lk,. n•r)'tMMiy •JW II -'> ladcadalalcal that he C. Harold Hopk1na, who re-wtADer, 11Ja. ...... wu a B&J. llat Cr&« Yn"'•ll'r, Lacuna Bt-arh •'-. I l'an -O..rmany'a efMI AP;--·t bother with ~nawln~ corn ( t>ntly attempted to reetcn .. South Coast to Get boe Y. c. fa..... tOlat R. -ward. Balboa. rroa•·hlnr; Oy thf' way. ~ ,_ u.e cob, but makN hla wife t"halnnan of the dty planntac 'nUrd .... la .. I'SCle w.nt to LMt boat to nntab-Oan sk Sewer ·System , ...... uC'\Ifln I will mllkl' .•• \Aat w. cut It ott for lllm! commlulon, hu been prenUed Joeepll A.a.,. ..._ Jr~ IT, o1 tiM naN. Puackna. .._It be In Manila by Ctln.trBM.'' J-. IDddaatally, _,. that tJ.IIb. upon to conUaue to ..,.... tn t111at F rther Contracts • p • • FiW Ju ... fl J. 0.-ttp, NfWliOI't ..... -~ and be lhoukt know. capacity, It wu reveaJed at )(-u <"' "' ett•U'\1\s ...... o.n Ill Olill&a ... ac ... ~ ot hla atoriN ahnut h\IKt' dlly's m~llng of the city COUft.. . , Boya, I Dutil. Balboa Home Owner 1.liUII (.-}ucfr ~ ............ o- c:atdll.-Aft a Jlttl~ hard tn swal. 1 <"II. p 'd t R I 8 c o M C't' mana will h••'" tht'lr ba.r ka " ,_ evftl for thll ~pt .. which Ill Mayor Clyan H Wlall alated resl en evea s Throw Aeld Bottle Protests P~nM . y . . . I IZens lilt ... '"" ..... u hv !lrlnv .. mbo>r t.Mt arccuatomed to hl'artng tall nnMI. th:~t l'mrl" Mr. Hnplrf/na' t~learam Into Packed Cafe f Old S ill wt•ttnm wtll lft•'U" an ~"nd to tiM but Joe can be truatl'd not to stray I"' r~>st,ltnatlon wu received. ..,. Special ceremony aurround.lnc 0 ' P "·ay 1><-• '""'K th11t Cornna 11<'1 Mar 1',..,,..,11,. netll ll>.t lh "1 too fa.r from tJwo truth. ''''"" when •·r11l mf'mbera of the council, and Lhe launchln~ of th!' tOth, and Two Lonr ~ch juveaU•; who Ptclll'n<'t' nt 11 l"'•t.: lllrl•t'"n an. I ,~''""' ''"fl llnu,. t •l adnnl',. with· l"'lll_.,. Jud«" fl A J,n,.., N--Lalllln&' about angling: I olho>r <'itlz.ena u -u. had talked lut. of South Cout com....,"y'a <•ut lnlllallllllun or nrr ..... rv .,.,.. ,..,,, Rr•r h liN' Ill Wlnt"r will r-• on MOIMS.ay admittedly t.hrww a r ll'nt brtc·k IIJIIIIw.l\ w h u h ••Jrt·lo•d , • • • wtth him and that It wu quite $3,000,000 contra.ct tor airplane ,., 'l""•· i !\ ,...ahlrnlJI nl thai COfft-hf' l'hlfll•·r ~h•u ""'"r In (l"nn•nJ , AJif EIIIMENT c:•·nrr1llfy Celt lbat Xr. HopkiNI tNCue boat. lut Saturday wu bottle of add Into tbe Doll RCK»e llJI Wlll,.ry fr••r.:hl '"1'' II} luwar•1 1.,11,.11 y I"'' 111,,0 ,.,1 lht~ •lty C'hUn· I hi• Y"•r: Ju•ll(r Jnn•·• thlnh , anti \"181'10& j hRd more tralnlnr and knowled«e ctw.en by Hubbard Howe, the cale at Jl&l~ u a prank anc1 "te thl' '"untlltltun ''I t1111 c· .. nrr,.l•· , ,1 ,,, , .. , .. ,.11.,11 ,,, 8 -nltary 1 11"' hulk "' t)f'ruu~t•v'• l"'trula.tlnn Jlft&line that 'J11e 8o!la<'ll hi\'C' n( planning than anyone eiJN' ahlpyard'a prtaldl'nt, for announce• cauae -'>mtt excitement," were-thii «J'IIIn, WIUI t.lta"l\ ''1 "I b\' #'Ufll ,11.t1 to 1 "llf fl n•l lhlnj(a ln11UrJiflrtat11f' _,et111ng about F.<l Aln~~worlh nvallable. The mayor therefore ment of conalderable more gov. momlq eertlfted to junnlle court Albrrt Snll,.rtol of 11:!•1 \\'••Ill II•~· I '" "' "' ,,,., l'"lltt .. na WI' II' ill ''""" .w ll.rlln ... Jlrr•l•lrnt C'ne vlaiUng aomewh••re f'lae in the llllkPd for a motion that the rea. ,.mment work to be done. .alter belnc appr,.henclld lut nlllflt awnt .... IIA 1111 "'1' 1 1111'111 "1 th•·····l. ''"'' ~ktttjt t11r """'''r ln•lalla.l 1• M··•ll ''"""''"'' .. r r· .. n.ru .. rl'e paper. but rd like to put In my llgflntlun be reject eel. Hll worda contributed a double In Puadena by polloe ol that d ty rrr,.nt h•Jrth lt•k It"'' tn lh•· •11•1 "'I huun•l••l hy 1'-·•· Ill "H th•• ll··• ttttul• Wf'rr plug. too. Thl" L.. A TimNt mRn, Sur h a motion wu a('C:ONlln&'-lntt'reaf to thl' occu lon In which and Oflleera Allen and Applebury lflfnnn"tl"" .'" th•• <'ff••C'I WU I 11•·11"1 '"I''' ""'' A,.,,. .• ,,., 11\'f'nu .. a, ~m•rt.•r, tftrV'II J,tiYn "I' rvrn hr one of the mOfll hlghly.r"Jrnrt!ed ly made by Councilman Allen, Mra. Jt'remlah Murphy c:hrtaten-of the Newport U.dl force. ~tlven lh•· •·tl ,. '""'" ol "" M•.n '" 110'•·•., 1 '"K•t htiChw~ty and llav. 1 fun •" newapap<>rmen r·,.,. ,..,.,,r l"'•·n~ i~ n .. !•nn<lrd by Councilman l1bell. ed the boat. Summoneclto Lha cata at U :S7 day by l"llpl S"11"'"1. "1"' u ko•t1 ""I•· •lt H•· ""'' lh•· oolhr r ,.,v,.rtnl(l ·'" .,... •:t"K 1'• ''" ,_.,,,.,. alnrtt one of N .. wport's blggt•sl ant! •md carried una.nlmoualy. "\\'e havt' new dutrna before p. m .. Monday, pollee we,. In· that lh" I'II V lhk• •L••p• to lt~J\'f' Ill•· t•·lntr.rv b~'IW""" M"rJCII"rtl" • Wtt•'r ,,,., ~~~ "'-"" nil ,..."1"m· beat boolltera. I n offt'ring his re1lgnatlon. Mr. the Bun-au," he aald, "and w• .,.. fo,m·d by Gav H•.. w·u-. thl' •pllfw"y ru "f" tl\' '"""I' •I lor 1 1. 11 1111 1 ('c•~tsl b••r huw '""' ,,.,,.,.,. '"-''"'' In I ~ ~ ~ 1 ..,..,. .. ~ r tt I t t·uvt~r·•••l ""' ''f'1'' ,,.~ 1 ''"'" ( f If Ed hadn't slipfl('•l In qul~>t. lopktnll had cnntt>nded that dutiM aware ot nrw IIChedulea to come, that only • few mlnutM bttfor. a or,. "R'"" '''''"111''11 fltj.ltwwy """ H•·tovlt·w drlv,. 1 "'""" It•• • '"''"" If"' ruiiiiiiC Nllw like. we might hrtvt" arrang••d n at h is Woodland. Calif.. randl wblch lnvol\'1!' other type. of boata cr~ ,eedan had pul.led up to the with und all<l ''" 1.:"11''11 ~i•l•" """'" lh•· ••ptnlo•n thai lh"l '1'• II• ""'"'"'" '''1' 111v th1•1 Ill rntl . band to meet him! mat!" it ""ceasary for him to mlu and equlpml'nl ., But he aald. ''The curb In front. A JOWIC man tlad l'ro•tlf'rl.~ lh.naa~e....-1 '·,,, """ '"'' ~4ttr """• '"'""'"''' I"'· I nil(. ""'I ll'a '~"'"'""v IIIII I knnwa • • • ' "'"Y m"••ltnga of the comm iMion anticipated NaY)' rt'palr work may jumped out. da.ahf'd to tlM -front r tll""'"l.: ht "" "lrt1Jlr""""'""t"l II • 1111'1 ""' · PAT ON THE nn•l th:tl he rould not. therefore, uae our whole facility." door, threw In IJII' bottle ot a.ciCI. Durln~ot lh•· r"•' "1 1'""1 ••\'<•r. •lt•ftt• 1, '"'"~' 1h"" a "ll•ntt .. rv"J 1'""''"''"1' 1 \\'ru II A•l"11111• .. a,_ o•-d U L ,.__ J b now,. ('apt ~~~llllu•l i"""'''•l (o\11 In .., t II h "I I th "" • ~ • • v JWI ce o ... ~ o · NaY)' ahlna a,.. JUI't ~Mtn• and hurrlad back to ltt. wiLl""• olt~lt r I 1 'tl v Y.natn,...r It I. I' a I· •"'Wt•·• '"' IC "'' " ··-·-· l h Fl hi f th r--· • -.. a Wrtltcn f'f)lfiiiOIIIII• ...... n I lin. ~· It .. fl I r th .. A.l ........ " IJ:: 0 ,. --------to come In from the South Paclllc, car, which 1ped away. '''"'"" ;.;..... trtth•·•'"'" that th•· .,.~"7111 " 1"'' ''! '' " Y"a r Snowblrdll went 0\'f'r '" a bi~ l.f)T Pl~A~t; !WUJORT for renalra" he .. ld. "Boon ... e ne-ue the PJIC'Itemant. Mt.. aldl'rablr '""'' ~"l'f'l•· ~ "' Ill~> ,., .. ,~. t hit•l IliA full "'"'"I •unJl'•rt , . .,,.,, ''""'" 1! I I It•·• '' ,,, Nrw. d. . 1 "'I d R R .. ~ f .--.. , ~... homt-Wf'l" •l•·lllt•···· 1 "" 1 "~1111 nf ,. I N I '. .. I •·ay all(aln. An 311 UJiua . "" onl' r.• war . o._.n, owner o la.rreet ve-l evt'r to come Into Hart wu w c«uful In obllt.lnln• II• fl•t•· tllllklrtK '"'Y •lrflnllr I"'' "' " . ',, rt .. ~hY" "'"• t d h If ,,.,.1 .. _ t If f I •-t C t ....... ,£ _ _. d • nh"•tltn• Jn " t•• ',,._,.,. .,, ... ,n .,w t II II aaJ m uc ""-' ~· ".It a ..... u Ar· "'" n..., 8 ou ..........,.v .. ,. an Newport Harbor will be IMN for the llt'enae numbt'r of tbe machine " • .,,.,,.,.,,,.,., h••" ''" 1• tho• 1 II V '"" 11 10 1 '.,,,., 11" "'"'" "" 11 ry Wt'lch In r nnno•rtlnn "'ith th•· '!'lr•l s_lrf'l'l. thla week requeeted I repalra We vc-ct addJUonal re-and It wu thla fact. alone, wh1c:h lh•· pr••r•"rty "" '''' '1"1""· lh•· . ,.1•111.,, ~>I MI"•I I hill h,. """"''' llkr "'''' 1" lll •n•l .. l " th t t II hl t ali i r'-Rul1sn•t h,.,,.,.,,., 1 t ' '"' t tl• ~1 "'"1 l •t I I f J.t k I th famoua racl' " 1'1 Y o ae m our am pair work which will tax our fa-enabled poll« tn br'Mk Uwt c:e.ee ,,, ,. "'''1 •·• • "" k • ..,,n, lh.-\\'111 J•ru<lu..tl"" '"'"'"'" .,,, 1' 1 "" .,y 11 " But, if H llrrv ,..,.r,.n'l :u nunrl parr,. Is of land adjotnlnr bJa prrea.l rllllll'a to the limit; both hel't! at In the re<»rd time ot 1-than tw .. K"" """ ol• ot "' II• I •••I ' • "' t• """'' tr ••ldt '"" • fC •I .... , '""" •I T il•" I· ••·h IIIJC lt•y ru 'lll'llj!f'r th.l'rP Whlllolr.'l ho• a • nl •holdtnp . AcUon on the re. the City do<:ka. and &Jonc the 48 houn. • hut ........ , .:•'l•• '·'''I ,,,,, •.:·" ..... I• '" ......... I h·· ~~··"'"'" •• lhn ··tl ll~llttlh ....... '"'' •or lh,..J' nt~t ''"'1' long Hr'l' u!'ually lh" ftll•·st Willi withheld by the <'lty highway.. lwo?'.~h";.1,1"'1 f1.~1:.,.,,.,.,, , ,. , ,,,,. ~~ 1,1, .. 1,a ''"" ,.,.,, '"''' h .. w<o1tl•l '"'•"1"" '"' • • "'"1•1•1• l.r• Rk•l .. wtt ~y whn r!Oo'!! lh•' j:l rmntt\\'nrk r··nlltr.R' further prom-on Cout c.ata-....... "' .. •Ill ~· I I ht' "'''',,I " f. ,, .u .. v • ,, • I Ill• \ 1(••1 t~o· .. t r•ll 11 .. _ I d I I liM' ........ hdUU.. •••I b_v !"tlv ~;"1:1'" t I! f. ~·· ~. 1'1' 1" 1 1 If I t Rnd mak_.!' th•· rtnnl! nn•l l•· II ..,..u •'\':tr mprrl\'ement P ana. The thrown arid bottle 1truck 1 1 , •. "' y ''" Fnoltoy ••f tht11 "1 11"' '''"' '"" "'' ••·r • " Mr. Howe aald that Sou1~ t"-'" lht\1 l h· '"'"" tl 'A til 1tu1·• "'" ·~· I J)('flph• "''hat tn do m a c-ualomer. Mn Jamea C. Knour. ·-1< "' ''"11'11'1' \''1 " N t h II nff~'r UF:\RT A .... Acu .. tr--o Cout tacllltlta Wl're beln( ·In-t o Ink•' •·nr•· ••I lh• ••'"·''''"' • ' c· .. ,,,,,,,,,,. 1. 1. 1•1~·11 f)v , t'X ~ar Mmronr" "'" ·1 •• "',.., rr.....,.. ek. HM Lambrrt etreet, Pua. Ettl Stlftl•v 1~•1111~·1 ••Ill lhRI J • trophy to Harry·. as '' "" "" lh•• II V An•lri'I!On, 82. of Loe An. c rt'ued at the 18th Street yard. denL Jnnlctlnlt aeriCNII burna on ('uunt tlntllll 1,,,,.11 "''I" "d """' '"' rll ul ' • .,,.,,.,. •I•· I ,..,., WIU> '"' -:..... \, '" • I• •' .. , "'"' t "" "'*'Y other winners! c !•ll. WBJ! r,.tumt'd to Newpnrt and t ht' Conner city Camp Orounda her face a nd hair Bee.lnc the ria. •llullll"n "''' \'"" '' I• ''".: I•· . •· •I 1,, 'h•· I~ ttl••"'" •n•l 1111•' ,, .. II"""'""• """ ''"r ,,,,,.,.. a.rr• • • I l.u hnr htlll Sl\lurday mom Ina' Thf're Ia rvery expectation that • w • de lhr "''••an '"'"'''~ • • • I""'"''" 11 .. "' l•t• .til "''"'•· th"Y d thle t'ompany will ma1ntaln a c·on. lnt fume•. thl' •• bart#n r. f'll All Tl 1 I I"~'"" ''"''1'"1" 111 11"' '"'""'" ~r.s mr.ar. .. ,,,., hP hlld IUCCert' II heart at. Hugo Codebo. helleved that Mra y otrfl• \' 1' ", ......... " ' ,. •' .... "' IU'Nfl ....... ,,., "'"" """'' hll\'1• lhl' •lt•lll:lh '" If" DIAC""o\' .. rt'd lhP oth,.r day thA.t •nc-k "'hfl~ f fAhing on th., chart~r •tdt'rable volume of covernment Knourtk'l hatr wu on tl~ and ~tt t h•• '''" h .• .t r • J' • '' '' -eJ"11' 11 1 .,, , ... IH•I•~•I ,,. th•· tit•', ,, t t h1 ""6Ch 1 fl•· .. ,,_, t 1.r Hfll,t h,.r v,.,., ·• lotJt of Pfftple m lu th,. Alrrrs.fl boat. Crei!Cent, out of Scott'• wnrk for tlle duration, he aald. attempted tn exUnplall the t!lbllity fnr ''""'""' ~ ''"'" 'It• ' ' I "• '" '''' '' "t ''" tt• t ot.' I '-''••••·' I·'• "'7 ••I ,. pr•••l•l .. nl , Warnln~e 114'rYk4' ~'''~'"yet. It'd J.<~nlllng He Willi tr_.ll.tl'd by Or "Thill Ia a current eaaenUal, for "nunee" with hla bare hands thco """rflnw. '''"'· IP ,.,. 1,,., .. , lh• ·• I•,, "" ··~'·"~'"" •• rIll" •ltv ~'~"""' , ..... ~1 , ... , •. .,,," ''"'' ''"Y" be ttnrta ~tond to It'll oUJ on Wllt~h Ctn·'&ad Richter and sent home. prlorltlell for private work are ' reault beln thai he llk-1114', auf. m"ttrr w"" ,,.,, tr"l '·• lit• 'II I ' '' ~ •v•l•·rn ''"I" I"' "II II• I totl~o:ht llllf'flll at 3 a: m a•aln on a c-old night. I not available In any quantity at 1 _ _. b g M ,.h k •·nl(ln .. ,.r. nn<,th• r rntll t••n ru•·n '" h•;lol •on " 1111 .. er"'!. um11 ra ""''oure wu wouldn't It? .. Sef! thnt Judge Balboa Island Homes . brou~M·, to thl' pollee •taUon '''""'"' If h·· w··· .. t~ll•,w•••l l<t .. Doc¥e I• "'Ill nlcktna-thr Sllf'l'd· Mra. Murphy, wife of a lead wht're llh,. wu treated by Or o Al.l.r.V •·A H!"t, I'I,F:<\ Sf•huul A!rikH Jwmoval fl··ltt ' I<J•I••.-r •uf•· '""" Nov I era at Cost" MPIIA. It'd tw-h<>ttt'r Looted By Thieves mll.n In South Cou t,'• carpentry E. T Nll Rf:tTMF.IJ RV f 'ITV lltnol•" 1·11•1 h pr• ~•·••·Ill. N,.w fOr hill hUatnf'N, bOWC\'f'r, If lhf'M" rJepartm•nt, WU aulated al the O • uf \\'ut~r ~~~~~~~n.. f"'" Jlllfl"•l ('hntrtllo I llf ('f)ll). h '" T-.........a to I -............. A lth<oUJ:h ft ••• 1•: odr rtf "II' 1111' a•• were a few mnrf' l'nn11 amund t o ('onsiderable llimllar1ty ealetrd r amplljt'Tie cnrlatenlng by Mra. ~ -r --I I M rru•rt·o· N••V II .,. H ld c _. nN·•I .,,, ~~~· h 111 f .. I,,. I • • •• ''""· at (/c•r(•JlU ( f' • ar .,.,.t him ""me mnr.. l'ul!tnmenr '" '" ····n twn b\IT'Irlllries rommltted aro ow a .. , of lAKUna Beaeh. With th• llc,.nae number of th• ' ' ,.., "''k I 'nu l<r·r. "'" • hlr( 11n<l .. D w-· H 'I(; ,.;) r ll hn M,udov •I•• .,, I •• ,.,.. nt I Jim• SJamoiUI. the-bl"' 1'1\rrnt and rn Balbt-•11. lslancl'• South Bay r. · ... ton ubbard founder of th 1 ly cl·~ .o. 1 •··t I!•·•••••' nl ,,r ,. •·£ fll·r nt.-lln,. ll••nrl ••f A"'""''"' L••..:t•lll N"t • .. th car u e r un , -· ,.. ...... ~~·r,.••·nl , .. """"" til '•• 1'""•11•1·· • ~ • ,. ,~ rf'Jary mlln. hu lC'II.htrt1 up with Frnnt Jut Thurad.ay and Batur-e South Coaat enterprtaea, wu ,..,I f K lh Oo .. -·Ad om .,,,, .... 1 In b<of•·r" ,,, I 'Ill ~ """ e enne ,...,.. .. , • to prt vr· "" .,r lh• · 1 • ·•II• VI< 1 ,,,,.,.,, .. Ill•~ lc.o ~.1 1 " .,,, La....., ,._llulllt'. who knflw11 110m,.-•lay. lntroduct'd u "thl' man who made A 1 b ..-.. w•nt to wo k ,,;,.,,.. r 1 'rrt lltrt•'" w• II """w" •• , D". Cf'r pp e U-i 'Ill;; r on runA•'t'fU• ,,,I\ 'HI I 1 •l , •• ,u.d f'••r•tPitt dd Mr.r \A.'M• ll"tfU•·•t··•J ,,, 'hlng ahnul ,._...t•bl,.,. hlm!Oelf. Th,. morr lmportllnt of the two, llhlpbulldlnlf • million dollar ln. th T In ... _ .._,_, t C'•tal " Mr~>n "''''., 1''"1'' I• t••r . .,. ·• e caae. rar I ...., ve ...... e o It nf'rt'"'""'' 111 ,.,,,,, th•· '''I''""' lh,. "'V lhl• 10 .. 1c hy N-port c"rt11ln projt"('t this "'""k .'" f'Otnl nf too•. took place at thP c1uatry on the ahore of Newport a Lonr U..ach IIW!)er the ·ofttcera ut Wlnlft•"l 1• \\ ,1 ... 1 ,.,, 1 -'"'· l\o .. ,.11 t:r"""""' ., h•o~•l rllal rll't ~··1•1 Ill r.n a ··h lt'h Judg't' lat. I• ml~t hP lnt',.rratlng .. -hnm .. "''Dr ~ P Andenon, 6H Bay, while ma.klnr South Cout queried nel.hbora<and a...rn.d that 'vta R W ll•l"r'"h•• ,,.,.., 1 r •• , thn thro•II JCil Ma.rl•on r 1""'''· •·h•lr. J nnett. th,. rorm,.r Jnum•l-l' Ba,.v F mnt. between 8 and 8 what It la " a -'>n of the owner'a family ana. har<l.~urfnttfll.: c•f 1 h ,1 ,.,.,, ,.,,11., '""" ··r 1 h•• ,.,,11r<l 1,, 1 11181,.... n ... 14HU • .o\~U IS\ tTr.tt TfJ In on It, too . . r m on Saturday. Accordlna' to wered Mlu Hart'• claacr1pUon and IO.fnt•l ""' \' 1 "'' '· 1 , 11 .. ,, , 1 '"''"·'' .•tt thr fin ... ,., , hrtlln• tro f 'Kt'IMr:K I.AI SC111NU ------Dr Andei'W(In'l report to poltet'. KI:ZO~'TNO &fJQUE8TI:D wu a 1tud~nt at Callfon\Ja lnall. t mm M•ont• 1,, 1,, "' ~ 1, '"' .,11,. In Mr l uotl•l. ,.,,.., h--'""'PI"t"d t,... 11 •~'1).\0F. ~AKISC. ~IATF.P tha,.\'Pl' ~nt,.r<'d tht Unlocked. Arthur H PI'IUif' of Balboa Ia. tu•· of T~hnol,_ In ....__....._na I Ralboa t 1 " \AC' ~ .,., r-~ 1 ''·t• Wttrk t "" ~~ uu ,., w•y f)n Mf'mbo>ra nf S r'U-pnrt HPl ii!hll hli!htr<t hnu"" and look 152 trnm la.nd. acting on behalf of a client. Officer-a All ton and Applebury 1 In r~'qtH'"'"'II 11111 •1,, Hll•" t>o , ,,.,,1n•• tl••n ••f I h .. n .. w auJIIlta.r)' Circle \\·scs wt11 nrxt Thu"d"y n fl"H"k,.tbnok lytnc on a davf'n. thl• w~k peUtloned the city took over at Ulat polnt, and a.c. 1111.,.,...1 th .. 1,~1 11 .,, , , ,1,, '"'~11 "' h,.,,1 butl•ltniC ,.t !'orr.na del torero their uauat mnnthly mf"t· Jl"rt. • St'hlrk <'IKtric ruor. pair c:nuncll to rt'ZOne two Iota at "the companied by Puadena pollc.e,11hat 11 wu urW\''. • 1111 ,. 111 ,1 , " 1 ~hr I d Ill n"t"'"t f'"""""" at ••f tnn sla_.ka. and nlnl' bottlH of romf'r of Park •Rd Apt ft t d , .. _ ·--ot both na' an w 1 · -· e ave. aoon e ec ,. """ -·-• trf'mrlv •lu141v Th·, ''"'""' f"•lfll I r·1ty .-~n~eln,.•·r R L f'&ttn·a(ln eo.ta M .. ,.. R,.d C'rnl'.• pr0<1urUnn !'rntrh, bourbon, rum and brandy nuea for bual,_ purpoeea .. 'nM the youth wh•l threw the a.cld and •d out lh,.y htt'l 1,,.1,1 1 ftll ''" ,.,.,,1 lnf••~""'"'' I h.. vhr,.,J t.r.ard that room wh,.r,. th" rill\' will two .te-ThP olhtr bur~elary wu com· lou had bH11 lOfted for' baltn IIV ~mpaiii<M •bo opetat.ct the IIMI'Umrnfll tn '"" ,.11 v .,, ~--'"" w .. rk ...,111 coat approlllmatrly Vot•d tn lh,. -lltnn nf !1\Jr.,.._.al mlltt>c1 about I o'rlock Ttlurlday until th,. n-· •-nlnr or'"'n·R-a.r ~ •·• "' ... ~-..... w -·~ c . fl'"' H••:u h •wr . 1'•'•'1 nMI hllll 11111, ,,, w1t11 h S4:lO Will hf' tf'lttm· d--'n--for \111<' bv thP annPd .. \·.-.ntn~~: at the home of Mn. C. F . wu •:r•d a year ... .., --""'-•.. " _ .. _m•-try t .. _ •-t ,....., .. --~. --n DQ ... wer~ ,....., • • u...,n ... """""r hf'f••r•• ''"k"l I••• At•VIhln£" 10hl,. In '~h·•ll:" '""viniC " ""t rrAJ force~~ \\'nrk will hP In f'MtrT"N Axrl110n. 518 S 811.y P"rnnt, W'Mre they w r.hanl'fld to a realcience and admlttf'd that they wer. '"'" ,.,un•ll •t~t.:.:• •1,.,1 11,111 .,, 14118 Th,. , ... "1 W"lll•l two t.r1m,. from 10 L m. tn 4 p m and wo.. thl"''"" rnten-d thf' unlocked boWie l.onf'. Mr. P eue uld The matter •••a.re of th,. poMl.,.. tei10Url con· abuttlniC Jlrlop•·rl v ,. .. ,,, r"\"'l.:ht 1 hy the .,....,...,,, ollatrt1 1 with lhr men taklnr: p11rt 11.re uked to l and took' IT from • purae lytnc on wu refel'rfod tl) the city planntnc ~equencee whl'n lM)' pip~ ned the 1,.t l•)(f'thl'r an<l Jl"v" lh alley "'''''k l/1 I><' • •.l<•M. un•l•·r aupervll· brlhc a ck lun~ • davenport. ~ "Jot»". at their own npeMI'. trm of l:fiCin~u Pattt raon. • r • 1'•1•1 Altlt'rt X••tlr•n•l I IR~H. h"" bt "" It•\ 11"1 1 .. Htl•·n•l '''" • 1 .. 1 laun,.hlniC ''' thr n•·W II I' ''"""''' I;•• A11.:•·l•·• "' f'hllal\oll· flhl• In th .. nr llr futuro·, ""I' "'''" arc,.pt lhr lnvllllll•m ~tnd mllkfl "'" lrtr It h•· ,.,n nht111n " lf'IIY" fMm the NIIV)' In till .,,, h01 aald today · '"'" rrulllt'r· I;•" A ""'"'''• wu bttllt wh•1lly rrnm wttr llfmil tlluda rru!Mrribed t r•om th,. rf'jrlftn about Lt111 An ... J,.a. and ,.a.r marked for Ul1a particular ve .. l. · , I -II ~ .. ... -MESA ..... • 1ng ., .. !r,.· • ,..... ...... .... ..... ....... 1ng I ne .. tallt ..... .... .. ,..,H .. ---.... .., ........ j ,... "' t M. I ,_. he- ed ... .. ... ....... ......, •• .. ...., ... ...... .·::a ...... ., ... Hav,.. .. ,. ' I ,, -~ _, .. IJII 5 anNIItr UX:AL N~W'SI'AI'I:R ,.. NEWPoRT-BALROA PRESS County Wide Shore line Plan Gets Attention of Important Groups I BITI'ES 8\' 000 Pw•to t ~ ftenclaJ ....u.c at N_,-1 Beach. C&llfomJa ora. ............ ftut at JSll Oout Blvcl.-Telepho~ 1113 ...... • _. c =,_ _.._ J-18. I No, ;l, t.h. poat otnoe at N..,..t ~ OIIU...._ andt>r thlo Atl ot Wareh 3, 18711 E H .. ,JtJJm, ~ Finley avt-nu.r, :-.: .. wport, waa l:lltt Friday bitten by a tf'rr1er UMrt~dJy owned by C. Polman.. rftllirnt of 'a boat moortd at 3ftb at.reet and JP\nley Twn lmpurtanl al(f'nclea, both atat.e dauD~r·a t;.~ An~releA of. avenue r•rhft·uln( kef'n lnt .. rt« In Ow ac., ;=;:;=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; --------~-------------' ·' ~ .... .. ' 5 .. Sr,.purt t&anor ane ~ ..,.., of rh, J•,,.t•k.. ______________ ._:. ____ .... ~ 1L 8lAWI:ll and CHA RI.ES ,.. (."RA WFORD OwMn aDd PubiUihent OIIX>ROI: 1C. aHAF"FF.R. E•htor Ma.L lllt1RBAJt08R. LII)I"AI Scow• Edllor ,,ruhh•m or con ... rv1nr 0~ ~ rw•llut•"'' IUld neglect I Cuunty's aborellat', and beltu1Qir .,. co.ttnc \1.1 h~~~ llv tn lnruada lh•· l>o t\l'h arru hav., made ten· llpclll our om ~ b<·aultful. sandy, latl\1• •t•·r,tuwllrd lhe plannl~ ......_,.. J:iaii•Y l\ltl•l "At the lhlll w11l P~•·do· vut po.t.war eomi.Qc mf'<'llng ""f •·•·mmfttee un pro1·ement wiU ~k blulr ta• 1, Ira or<k'r to "'" ljpNialtu •• c.n.t ... ...._.. ...,..... lllllll or.. ....._ .._ -... ~ a aewapaporr of r;rn,.ral cln.·ulaUon by 6lc:rM fll 11M........,.. ODwt ot ~,. c .. unty and 111 fully quallt1ed to J1U1ttU* aU IUD.S. ol 1eea1 nollr• a aml allvrrtiaemrnta A non f.-rl'nt•e on ahorellne devel. frame «JYer.01u 1 •. •.1 ,,.. ror the "pnwnt for all or Orance coun. (WcSuac. or cone~rt··•l work. ty, drt'W Dona.ld Or1trln, reJIN-Col. Cllarl<'s T l .. •,·da will dill-F r u 1 t I a 1 e e 8 a r ···ntlltiVI' or the Hllynl'a P'ounda-eu. beach ero~lnn, I.I<Jyd Aldrlrtl, til c:lDeM HJcMra7 T"a 0 PI C A L tl()n or Loe Anlfelf'a, to a m .. u._. eSty enctne"r ft•r L .. s Ancelea, (-t to Olarte-Craft) wll.h the N~wport Harbor Cham. wtU eet forth th•l •Jty'e proJect. ~==::::::::::::::::::::====~ IIUB8CIUPTJON RAT~!i' • b,.r nr Cnrnnwrc .. 'dlrecton. tbe ed plan for " un1:urmly parked Ia Oirwll'e O....lJ, •1..10 per ,_,, O.Lih.l~ <•f Or&n!:e County, $2.00 muvur. · r lty "''!JnCllmen, and of. aborellne leadm.: ~!I th" way from llc,.r• or th,• ctty plannlnc com-Redondo n .. rth t•• ~f,.llbu: and Ol:'ft'lllfG llEApY nHI TilE Fl'Tl'Rt: • mlulon. , Cutlale Lynton. .., the State AND With eveata movmc at ., bf'l'•·lt·ralt-d 118('1' towarrt M..Wr p ... p,_... L&n.S. cornmll81"" will erpraa I N s u R A N c E REAL ESTATE the iDeritable windup of the Euror14.·an war-alt ho ugh Mr Orlrtln explained that pr1n- ,._ from th~ mo-t qualified t11 say so vary btotw~n • 1pl•·• of thP John R. Ha:rn- •L:... .., ' •. . 1 F'olUndatlon, apply to non.poiiUcal ...,. autUIIUI aDd early next .umnwr ff~r .J thl' ftnal NUJ ··nt .. rpri!W'a , civic ec:ope and colla.-e---the time for the .-at coaMt t<J f1gun• uut its own N•mmunlty bo•tt,.rment In the ren· po.t-war iDduAria1 aDd buaineea future is leaping at ~. • 11•1 area about Loa An&'l'le.. -..._ , . . nn lhat bull he w.,. ur&"e4 by •u. COCDJDUDJty, of C:OW'IIe._ ha.'l a kt'(•n mt~rcst m the un that bula h,. ..,. .. urced by abip-huildtnc proeped.a of the years tu come, and it ac· ;-.t,...,..l""rt's IIJ'Qk~amt'n t.a br1nc 01'- ~ly wu plee••nt to bear the reassuring words of an~:•' C"nunty'a coutalaltuatlon be- Hubbard Howe, preaadent of South Coast l"ompa ny, em thf' ~r .. " ~~~~~-;~ur:~~~onb:~rc:~~~: occuion of the launchiDg of that con<'t•rn's last airS~IUnt< ····ntr&l authority toward co.ordf· re.cue boat of a lone coatrac:t, JaBt ~atur~y. nnlln~e the t·rrorla or many clllea .. _ ~-· , .... __ ( th . onol "l:~nrlt·ll .-T. ~ • -o ~ west c·oa!':t tndustnal futur•·· 1111pc,rtant'l' whl•·h will Involve U i1 appUe. t.o abipbuilding work, and to Nt'WpcJrt Harbor mnny mllllona nf ollrllant. ill particular, bleftct. into a picture of pc1tNtltUI optimism Mr Griffin ,.,.ltl•·ncPd that be •--... _ ho'-. . rami• to tho• lfH'III met>llnc partly MK ~ w IIC eoa.t--provided thl' t:uastal f't•mmunatiC~ lnt••rl'&l•·tl arul partly prepared. llt&ke their plaAa. now, and ~t Btartelll t oward their post· fur h·· bl'flllf.:hl with him a copy war J'O&Iit. oof thr mwot••r rlan of Lloyd Ald- J'roaa "-.,.. · Shi build' · T . I rlt·h, Ln1 A nl(o•lu c:tty engineer, '-&U&OI'IU& p ang corporatwn at crnuna which ahowa lfn all.,.mbractnr lalaDd, which ill ~ of the war-born multi-million .dollar l!kftrh nr parkwaya, wide lhore. flnDa of the bect.lc recent three yearR, coml'S r et>t>nt In· lin•• roadwnva, parklnr u~aa. tree the atat.wJJI' \'I• w Fifteen Harbor Men Leave for S.•rvict" Listings .... Invited •' A. W. OIIIBOJif .. E. Ill. 8t. 0... -- 1111-W in Annt"d Forces P'orty...ur r"lfl"'"'"ts. lnrludang 1 ~~~;;~~~~~~~~~ 15 local ~n lrfl :'\,.,,I" •rt Beal'h I lut 8alurdul' ho•UI ,J f~or ll Lna,j Ancelea lndu• t1ron <1.1\l"n wht>rt• they wtU bo• lV'"·>:'" oJ to sumP branch or th•· '"" o1 f•rru-s. LIDO fona.atioo ol Calah.ip'• lone range planning ''' continue ~;:!~!~ ~;~~~;~~ewa~~~ ~;;;:~': abiphulldtnc· alter tbe wa,. and, )'ll('ht moorlnli( areu . that mldweatf'rn "'~''!rr.•··~ Included w•r•o Cl o\'tun n N(lr. man, Lawr•·n•.. \' TaJ•·hman. Charlea H. ~t .. rtn,.: Hnd l'aul W SundJn, aJI .. r :-. · ,; ,. • ., t.: William E. BJackbeaa•l \\' •'' •·r c" Brnwn. and Harold (; l ' •. -.• Curnna dd Mar; Robert ll·•l• • Ballw•t• Ia. land; Wll.ITI'~ P 1 ·, unl'r. IJ1\Ibo11: {)(,nald D. Shull. lt:qfiiJI E Mlllrr, Alfred M. C"rnn• llnrry Htb<•rt. Wealey V. Punr.uJ 1t1•l I~RII•llo• W. Woody, kll <•! Cn~l.l ~1<·~11 A num. ber of 101,'111 .l.rf' HI•·~·· ro·!;t8lranta were aleo 1n• l11d•·•l f.,r intluclliln from their I"''" o'toon c.-ntc'rs or Tbe now of Victory abjpe and l..ibt.·rty flhips whkh ('1•\'l'rt l..olt Anl('t•IPa rounty'a mllea fAaSoa ~ .. , .. l)fopai'UII'f' moYed 11"0111 ... ,_ --m· ,.. 1_ 1 J··' d h . or l>l!a('h frhm Malibu aouth to l 'llllilll! !lit ~ --r-""' • .~rmuoa ... an s tpways smce Palrw~ Vent .. , l'lltatta. Charlea H ~· .. ,,,,g r.rnntr mall F'" Parflla& the aaiddle ol UNl, will of courae tltf' ofr wht>n the war "A mut•·r rl11n or thiJt uma earner with th,•· :o\•·ll'pnrt 84>1lch Ev ' .. .a 7:11 _. t:l• emerpoey eDda, but Calah.ip bu planH fur a brisk future naturf' Ia whllt w,. hope to evolve poatofflce, " ·~ 'I•I••Jnl<·tl tudf'.r Mau-Salllf'My at 1:46 r th If d t ot of the conllr co· 1 1 whlj'h lo·rt by C'MIIa-8aa. From %:M iDYOhiac eoD8tlud1oD and operation of lankel"!''. Cargu ~fan",:· ~~u1';~y·,'mt!:;:~n Dr. Paotnc El•·•tn• hu~ rn:am tbe ------------- Mi .. wW .., be built. I ffiJWRrtl S••agrr, city plann~ Newport do·r"'l lllrbor Ll'lflon. nun. . Frt .. Sat. -r.o or Ul.ree of the otMr buay San Pruro-Wilmington· rnmml181on ..-creta.ry, told the natret~ welr'f' 1" 'hug. nf thr de· H1ta Ha)""'ut lh • Gene Kelly 111 1 __ D......-L _._, _ _._ 'U . , I Harn~11 f"nundatlon delt.ra te. parture CI!N'J~our1 tho~~<> lakin~ --. ~ _.pyan. Wl a&.o conllnut• to funrt1un after 1 n n,. Inn~ burtutlde atrelch.. part beln« 1'••1"''• •nol•·r F" W U.. war u pennaDellt indu.trial bulwarks·o f the far west'r~ plartt"d to tn-u. IUtdacaped and Crocker, au.~ T11r rll~. S T Dun· DeW aDd thmbbiDc dlipping bwJint>SS. 'r~k,.d with rN'n'llllonal and pie· lap and A. J H n·ma.n ~ r IIIII t t d f d Followlng Mil • Ill bv Mr Hay· Cover Girl f'V1-• ~-'cal • N-• s-.. ,. ... J'r'OID the 1'n&man Conimitlt"e't~ United ~tales Senate ~ •. "I"'H' ·~un·~~·tapr:or"c -~f-"'bamthlan,;, man, the m• n ..... ,,. addt,._.d by __._ -, "' l.u• Ill•· Ball • Dick Powell In ..,reoocJIIIftl~n.~ ... ~ a reminder that things are the same still • anJ atrl'trhlng th,. ll'ngth ar lhe S . T. Dunlap. ~· • n•tary of Sl'l•"t'· fart..ber DOri.b.. Of the 2158.Liberty ships deliverru by last county, wu thla lmal(1naUn pro.-uve lkrvtel' n .. :or·t 171, who wu _Mee. t tbe People ' • .... I •L.-I h d po•rt ror thf' futurl' aided by Crii!IIIIIIO•II"I' Dawllllfl or •UDe. uow per ·eeDt o UM: tota a taken to the water from DtN'rtont ot tht Chamb('r were the Lacuna R· '" h Lt'~on ~t. c·an-· P* KaiiUt Nf'W• .... ~ wpyant.. and Qne Calirnrnia ~hipyard-the told that lhPir nut mM'Ung would Major Rlchanl II Schwrndh·r or I Pena&DeDte Meta~~~ Corporation yards of Richmond (Kaiser) tllkt plac .. n .. xt Monday, Au~r. 14, the Anny Air r .. ,ps at.,~ offerf'd . t-...... L~ -w.-r -t 'of all th• L '"-rt.' with Con~trr8fman John PhiiUpa a few worda or "'h 'l('e, to the de. T-. WM. Ann Miller In ----~ r-~ "' 1"'"" l('f!. of B&nnlnc u apeaker an4 l:lonor rart.Jn~r eelf'Cltf''1· \ ,._ ue faeta aad filurtS that reflect the ~~ ru~•t. Cotf.. .... dounnutl w~~ Hey Rookie ---., of· a -t iDduat.rial area. The co-on.>ration o f llltalae Bod'f AM Aetl.-e Mrvtd by Jlta. Mllttrrd Stani~Y·j at.o -_,_...,. •·-,.. charnnJ\11 .ot tbe ft<·J Crou Em~r-......,. .tat. aDd tbeir F'eprefK'nlatives in industry and Protection 11nd d~vl'lopment of ~ttn•·v rant~n unit, ald•·d by Mnt IU:Tl'&S Ot' THE V A.'IPIIlE poiHb ean DOt be takea for grantt'd in permitting the far th.. 1hnrellnr or OrJnce u well Heh-n Hlllld~l. and pack.oi ot cJ,;ar. With fMa Lucoal ~-___ ._ CODcii•'--· u othf'r cnunth'a, wu directed to • tt"~ \\'rto• dlatr1but••d by Com. ('...._ . MportA W'8llt t.o -... -UU&IIt ahve. Only in the degnoe in ntte-ntlnn nr thl' Rtatt• Chamber of mnmlo•r na"-. which tbe eoaununitiea of California and neighbor states, C"omm .. rct from 111111 another quar. ;\th•th•·J .:UI men ol••parted on I ' work bard t.o retaiD their industnal ue\'elopment. wi)J tbe tf"r yratndlly whrn Paul Ballty Moon•l,l\' momlng for th,.lr pre. 1 ... _ .......,11• • of Santa Anll, dtrlll~ that It •n•hu twn ph)'lllcal rxamannttnn~. caat:raeta. ~ 1*.1•.,... and lh(' <'mploynll'nt remain with will be a major ltf'm for the th•· • "' '"'o:•·nt .rolng under lhf" Andy ·Hardy'~ Blonde Troubie u. ID IIOIDet.biac like the ~grN· tu whtl'h an inspiring war Statr Olambc-r'l SQuthtm NAtur. 1''"""1"'"" ,f 'Ibomu L Allt'n nf record •UU. ua. Ill ReaouN'u rommlltte at a 1 h•· :o\, "r• •I I Beach pollee depart. mN>tln.r tomoTTOw, Au« 11, al the nwnt I"IIUWIIOAT !!IEIIENADE ----------•·-------I &o.e of t.boar movie acton sure do a Jot of fighting r-----------------------------_-_-_-_-:_-_-:_-_-:_-:_----~~('CNniDI: Arou.d tile 1\'ortd; I ---wttb ..ell other, 011 the b orne front. ~-l• Wt.Jte; Up la ........,.. ---------· MOM AND TOT Room aad T1wl Kcutet aa ... Ad- ODe boad '-ue that bu a rcuonable ring' t o it, is the . -::'::,..:: .. :-::.• ..:..-: :.::•: $30.000,000 Ca.lilomia .tate bontl iMu<' for usiating rc· t1111111d war~ iri purc~aaing ho mes and farms. · l Wbo w1l1 be the fint to l'rt.'<'t a ~odern. de luxe hotel lD Balboa alter th~ war? From th £'nd of ronver· atM. come U'OUDd, mlea and plans 3rt' .ing COnSidered I lD man thaD ODe quarter for hostdrW-s o n the scale o r thoae qWet but comlortab~ staying places at Paaadena. or at Palm Sprillp. -------·------------ ADyoae wondering what has happenNi to all tht' po- Utical cancUdatea. can quit worrying. This is C'nly the ulm before the .torm. Ewerytbmg·will b£' in full \'O<'al blast in I three IDOft weeb; the lint of St-ptt·mber st'L'~ all the radio ' .Ubinden tree. and th~ carfdidatl's "'ho rely m ore upon their penonaJ appeal than the \'ibrations o\·er the air wavoea, dart their auto and raHroad swings around t heir 1 territcme. Oil Sept. 1 .-. ------··------- ,.. war w going to pro,;de a IC't of people with n ew t'etiD&' baWta. ED(liab ho~wi\'t~s have been learning to coolr American diahea, and rt'portll Pay that they like sorae ol them quite well. The e&m<' is true ~ Australia. In this eountry, .tatilltk:a ahow the publi<' ia finally dev~loping an ' appetite for flab. Tbe market for !K'afood ia at an all-time peak richt now, taken oa a national bui8, and no particu· Jar elump 18 coaaidered Unmine nL · -----·------ 'nle Jape"ew cuualty that burt the Nipe mo.t , back • tWr WaDel wu the JapanHe t~ilk commerce with the 1.hdt.ed Stat-. Tbe $400.000.000 a year silk indu.try • ttte-J .wdde wbeD the war ~an. ju.t q aurely u tM eflredo'• 8&Uon dJd, m tb~ir two-man aubmariDea. ~ tM war, ~ aDd China probably will inherit tb~ • tndl t11at Japan ooee carried oil' with ita fut ".Uir -." lltlr t.o appear u aircraft carrien--acroea the ....,._ Jllllr, t~~t~n· an half a doun communities in the tW .... a' ' ' are illtrodurin&' aJk worma -ta n""Y ·....,. • • IJ a-, and maybe ..-e'U hav~ natural .ulr --tM IIW .._. ill United State&." ~. there ... ....,..,.... --Georp ·it. Shatter. /'r·~ drnim pi111J .~ltnrl;~, rln . .:.~ .'WII Rlfit.R, Wh i I •' ./n·:ct'JI rl i r11d I t'k u·t.' JriVI 1~1/kn dot~< V.t!. !II'• • 11. lorooJ.I'II, 11/ur) Sp()rf T"!lll wl/1'11 "/It 1 J'• rl.•. /' 1'1' '""fJ 11/l'l'l'l'ti 11111/t•h 1111/ '''"''·" .• fitr Smn r1 11ki rfx ·~t',tl .. rll I /"'', t. · • /' 1'1' )II"' Jlt'1".~ J;•l' 1/tr• ,\f,.lll.•'·f• 1,., A nd tlli'r~·" n ,,.,,r/1, ,.J,d,. /1111. /' ,.,. ,,,,.,, rvat.~: Tit• fJtll,dttt' /: .. !1• A wl , f11o, ~tomr Sl"l'l"l ·"", A 1111 Su•rnft'rl< II'< H./, 11ll "'""'· ""' part- A ml C11 rtiltJflll.~. _y,,:, ,.,,,,J,.,. · 803 Cout ....... y -------------T~ TO OUR FRIENDS ... Mary's Beauty Salon ~,aqd Jim~s Barber Shop · Wis h to Thank Our Many Fri<'nds and Patrons f or Yo ur Patronage and the Pleasant ~ elations of the Past Four Years .... We H ope You Will Feel Just as Pleued in the Future .to Co1ltinue With Your Patrooace of Thw a..ut)' 8a1oa and Bam.r Shof under tht operation of 'Mr. Keith Le-t•. • flM and M!\RY MOORE 101 • ....._ A\'eeGe BaJboa ....... Buy War Booda aod Stampa at tbl.a Theatre. BalbOa TIIUftK.' 1>'-eH F.vtnln'{~ Ill 7:00 A 11:15 Lut · Shnwlnc of a double fea&W'e program •tarta at I :SO Tlturtl .. Frt. • Sat. The Purple Heart 'f1w. \'w• 'l1tat TlutlW lhe World t'artooB • Sporta • s-. . Sua..~-­ Pat O'Bnm In The Iron Major 1 &180 IIF.SR\' Al.D&I("If, BOY 8COL'T (.,.._a . N~~' T-.. Wfd.1 0..-o. Sandl'nt • Vlrgtnla Bruce 1t1 Action in Arabia --&lao- TilE 7'111 VICI1JI o.rt-a ....... 8lart.lar ftiii'L, .&q. 17 Bel.ttaln Lady, Let's Dance ----WI:DID WOMAN c--.:......__,......,_:,..,... ..... DNut~---~­ Mf'ftlplah ..... le: Oft·f'r Olrt; 1Aeee ('_,..._, 8tlttan.: o... c,_ . ""- Buy Wu St.mpe ud BoDcb •• -.s. TMatn . Thursday, Auguat 10, 19« To Fit the Frock or M.!tch the Occaaion Flowers are always best. 222~ Mario• Ave., Balboa Iafand Pbooe 2509-J We Deliver. Open Saturday Night. Those Who Browse Before they Buy will be interested in severo/ items: ....... 1bomu Cravt>n's "Cartoon Cavolrad," provides the humor-o~ and 1at1rlcal r·rconl from M<·K1nl••y'a Athnlmatrallon to the th1rd year of World War rl. I $3 00 I . "OuJdt>po11la or tht• St>a," by Irving Conklin. Proruae cam- era lllua~rai10n11 or ftunuug l'nlted Statu hghlhouaea, ~~~~· lnter1ont, u wtll u seaward gllnapa£•s of thek blltoric auuc. lurea both in sunlit waters. and grim gray aeu. Boat Owner's Sh£•t•t Anl·hur, by Carl D. Lane. A pract.lcal (Ulde to Fitting Out, Upk<·rp. and Alteration or Small Yachta. ... . Fo ad.late~ llae Wali•-- Art aketchea. Outdoor 8tudl,·s 1n colored crayon and black and wbJte, by 1belma Patld•.,.k H<lJto> ..• Th.-a,.; are the artiat'a onganal llk ... tchea ror lh~ Kath :11'111•· lh-pbum moUon plc:ture.' "Dnacoo Seed." fTIUIIarl.a Jldornment-- Terra Cutl11 , Hunll Mod1• by Eurene White. Plattr•n~ "1 ('ulll"rnlll, Earh plec:e alped iJ/I Iad 111~ho•s . mup-eandy tlaJa. THE ISLANDERS I H F.. ''< 't11 1'" l'hll~tl~r} !14 ~IARJSt: A \ t: .. n,\I.IIOA ISI.AND TF.Lt:J•IIU:'\ t:: I ~n !J~ RecDIUJ Sl.op !OS Martnco AH'nu ..... Ralboa lalaad RECOMMENDED .HJGHL Y IS OUR ALBUM OF TSCHAIKOWSKY'S CONCERTO No.1 IN 8-FLAT MIM~R, BY RUBINSTEIN AND THE LONDON >. SYMPHONY. • •NEEDLES WI' hll\'t< [tll'fl<ly !If ll•'t•UI• >I r·ao'lll,,, p,•rmaru•nts, floalln&' Jewel, f1delltvne. r••culun. cw .... tay OJw•n Sunda)"•: ('lhllf'd ~londay11) Written for tha Scr••n .. yo. lAMA• TlOlTI LOS ANGIUS Rood Show INGAGIMINT s~ FRI.DAY, AUGUST 11th . {X {X {X C~~!~~!.~~.~.~~~ f U~~~D ARTISTS '•h• ··"· •114 hhr4e r ...... , ......... I a.., S.•4• 1 M.ll4 r Cntluau '"'•r••atll " •TS * o o e.u, • • • All UATS RESERVED NO SEATS llSEIVID IISUVIO SUfi POl CAITHAY CIICll T HIATII ON IA&I AT AU MUTUAl AtiNCIII .; Thunday, Augu,.;t 10, 10« Paps fl ' -··· g(jg Tubes ... ~ Whatever your radio nl'<•dll In the way of tu~ we e&n prob- ably provtde, aa we haw thr lar~e.t aupply and ueortment ut tubea In Oraftit Count y &EI'LA('E.'It:ST I'AllT~ .... w~ , . .,.,) ... tandan.l ~ ...... n ... at , .. rt.a fur RCA Zenith Phil co.- General Electric Packard Bell Westinghouse AND l'llA<TIC'AJ.LV ALL 011tt& MA~ S. 0. S: Radio and Electric Co. HAROLD L. HAMM · Te~a•hoiM' 180 • NO GAS? WBY ROT DANCE? in Costa ·Mesa Alaedcaa Lepoa Post 455 OD W. 18111 ·~ ~ block off •awpolt ..... GLENDELLfS ORCHESTRA GIVD YOU "JIUI Good Daace Made" aad a FaD EYealag of Faa • DUCDIG ~ r.. ...... ADMIUIO. SOc pl .. JOe t'aa ~ .. '",•:t.. 4 • ' ~, . "" . . . ,.. .... ~ ~ ........ •UT THE COST OF IS STILL LOW EvnvO!'cl'knowtthuJ i.,ing <OSU h:a,•c risen sharply due to the war. But JiJ )'OU know that mot~ prius arc much higher now th211 duriaa 1914? <.lmhin11, for u.amplc::. is :about -'9'1 higher 111 cote. Nnsly l~--~~\ e'er) thing h.u gnne up in pricc-u r•Pf t futr Utl)'. San,c '\X'orld War I, EdiiOCI c!Jec. tric r:at<~ ha\C b«n .,J,.uJ aboUt S0%1 That as the rc~ton why. :ahhouth you .,. usinJ many more tl«rrical appliancn than )OU did then, your dearie billa an linle higher. l'o~~r tloU•·h11 •or• E.tliiOff-'- ·, .. ;c;,, toJ•J th"" t11 _,, tiJN i• ,..torJI I Balboa Group SeekB City Cancellation of BuUdlaK Permit I Full 'flme Eaclnt't'r for Poet-War Plans Okelaed By Vouncll .. -----------------------.llllllll!lllli!IIOO,_III!Iltlllli!III!IIWU~-~ ~ .... -OtiJI Se'~raJ of t.he C"'Undlmen e'll· pf'C'tlllf'd con~m that · numft'OQI bulldlnp or th._ slzr. and · nen amaller. ue IM-Iq .-reeled In ..,._ loU. raru of u... city. 1"'w city at- tom.-y wntunod a IIQCI8llon Uaat BuUdln« lru.pec:tor Nes-mtpt delC'r 111.1ch conat.ructlon b)' ,.....,.. ln~r a War Production Bo&rd Pft'- mlt kfono t.~U.tnc a city pennJt. ~ ooun.-11 wu dl'ricled -tiM ucnnra ... CII coat'& 1f:U• Exclusive Ladies' Sportswear CONRAD SHOOK CONT~ACTO~ ANO BUILDI[R CDM~LKTE BUILOINO IIEAVICf. :111:11 ............. . ,., 0 . liD• 301 W~sh Dresses .... Sizes 9 to 52 Blouses . . or • Sizes 32 to 44 Chipman Hoaiery 45 Gauge Co.Uo...UDQ to Loe AaQel• ADd LoaQ Beacb POPULAR PRICES BAL • SPORT • BAR (Theodore S. McEirny anli Cyril Myera) 101 ..... Street Ba1boe ............... Something Novel and Di$tinctive is our CLOTHES BAR • ff'uiblllty of MKII acUon, It kiJIC ~~;;:;;;;::;::;::;::;:::~;::=========~=:;=~ polntf'd out that m&lly buJJdftw ol r thf'tle .mall homftl al~ CN'II • BLOUSF:S and SKiltTS SLACKS . . . DRESSto::i . SIIOR'rn • Jo;tc·. all tM mat.-ria.l8 ~·and --....... ~. arf' thf'rf'fono not aub~ to ec:nrt· --1IIW ... lny of ~ W'PB. In condu.lon, eow.cu-n .ADea movf'd that ~ Balboa pftJUon- f'ra be lnlormf'd that tbeft .. &b- aoluiC'I)· nothfllc U... ctty ~ndl can do about Uw matter. •• • ............. ww .... Steaks .... Chops.:. Chicken Dinners Fish Dinners HOMZ COO~ID • HOW! ATWOSPH.RI Year Around €oane lOlSCoutltivllwa., ,: RAWSON'S CAfl in Water Safety PJaoee C:JnauasoAn is ~mnmnea~ ~~:::;:;:;;;~::::::::::::::'A:rt::•:ad::~:ttr::R:·:·:~:·:'::~ lmportanu of a full --....... '!' lt>r u ff'ty nl.mpaip fnr N-.-t Jhrbnr wu .~ b)' Vance CIY"'"'. ~ Cro. .wtmm1nc ln... at.rurtnr. at a IIW'etlft& of tJM bnU'd ol IMncton ., Newp!lt Rai'Mr R,.l'l ("rnu lUI WHir.· A "t-orkln" J'"f'f'C"nta.rf' of wv I'IUfllllltiHI. tO dl'tt'. haVf' bfoen ell. IN"tly lltlrrhutAbl,. tn the unlor. tun11t~ far ! thmt m11ny wrv~­ mf'n f'Annnt IIWIIff, Mr CI)'Jnef' u td. It .... furthf'r pointed out I . t-hAt nf · ~ whrt dn .wtm. U... mnJurit )' Are f:amaltar only wlt.ll tho• .-ra .. ·l 11trnkl'. whirh Ia lmpoa. 8 &·C BOOK HtUEIS AU 'JCOW IIUO.... --~~~-...... , ~-~-•••roo . GAif ll'''lft Jhl WIU. IIIII WOO MAQ Olm :lotJa AI'PU()A· I'IOK 108 A 'D8E OD'I'IFIOATE. • ) LYLE POPE AK"'CK1ATI:Il 8EaVICS lltablf' to U."' """"" und<·r full «"ar. A• proof "' I hi• fsct. the ...un. mln~t ln11t ru('tor <"ilf'd .rnvf'rr\Jnent fii(Uro·• to .tlow that 80 ~r ~nt '-:=~=~=--=~~~~:-------------:---1 o)( thf' lantlln« r~aJUee at C... bll''l ·a "''f'rc-duf' tn faulty ..tat mlng tPchnlq~W. · Mr Clymf'r ~u,. p1iduat.ed 11 r11111.~ nr ':'!'~ JM'imm .. ,.. and Jun· I '"' lat .. ~n''"r" fnlll?"'·ing a twn "'''.,k" ,.,,u,..,... h•·r.-H~ Ia nnw In·\ ~>l rurt an~: "' a•IJUIJI from La«una 0•·11• h a nal Arl'nrdmg to prflW'nt 1 / ... We are determl.ned tu nt your pocketbook wtth ·a line of quality merchandile .. .. • • • EYA a.RSON and lii.ADYS WILSON · bft .... ~ I -fir ALTERATIONS AND FITTINGS AND WILL 9£ PLEASED TO ORE£\ PAT~ONS AND F'~IENDS AT THEIR N£:W S HOr> IN BALBOA INN ARCADE \ur/ .\trC'tl ,\rJ,• .){,·\1 111 tilt' lnra '}Jrollol) .\,al,.., I pl11 nll, it '" hopoo•d to conduct An-I .thrr lwo-•·~"<·k ('OU~ for Ha.-. hnral•·ll, b<-jtinnin~t AUj{. %1. ·I Cou11ty . Passes Law 1 to Protect Gardens V1ctory jtardf'nN11. and prot-. alonaJ farm«-ra u welt are e:n- thu.eiutinlly applaudlnc ~ ae- .. OPED All ton tl!k~n thta w.-ek by Oranp county hnart! flf IIUJ'f'n1aon In p!uuln~t lln .-m"rJ:"n"y ordinance fiN"htrin~t It a mled~mcoanor to p4'rmtt fann anlnl~tla to run at IArl:',. , t 'ndt-r t~rm• nf ttw-nrdlnance.l 11namaf11 may nllt 1M-plr keted or 1 p<'nn1tt,.d to lf'f'IIJlllAII on th~ pr~m .• I"'" tJf another without •'TittC'n I ~rml.,.lnn from thf' ov.,nrr of tbe 1 lano1. nnr may they b.-J"!rmlttr d 1 In ""'It" <on public Iandi! •1thout p<'mlll•l'artn nf t h•• pmp<'r authort. tlt-1! Vtnlattun of th.. ordinance 111 punlatlab~ by " flnr of not muro• lhllft S500 or alit mllnth• in Jllil ur by both aurh flnf' and 'tm. !JrlaQnm~nt. In paaetnc ~ law, tbe ~~~~per­ vtaorw polnt..d out that production of food Ia on,. of the cJalet rae. t ora In the aucee.tu~ proeeeuUon ot lhr war and that en~ mal" P"rindlcally Haeaplnc trvm BAmBoo ao·om I DANCING . EVERY NIGHT AT IAIIBOA \ • mf'nt hu .,_n (1v~n to dty clwdl- ",.. til' piiUlt vac:a11t lou and ~ry ., .• ,.,,..... .p.c.. W\tll farm ut- ;=====:;;~-_;,~_;:;::;;;====::::;::;::;:=~;;.:,ofl.tM!r Ml\flftM &lid 'l'ani'IIIC at w1D 'Utroucta UM community. a ~ 1 quenttty of pot~nUal fooct.tuff lltanda to be deft.royed, It ... aa.ld_ SAME HISTORIC LOCATION J. B. ElftJI • Geaeral Decide UNOI8 'e a&niOI:ILU'~ e w•....- ..... u. _a.~ .... • T11e ordlnanoe .,._.ct foar 't.e OM, 8upet.W. WIDia ....... .., RantJnCtoft a..c:ll · ~ Ulllt CIIU7 ...._~ ..U. Otl'Dft •rr ~ .... w... Oeorp Cr7 .... 0 .... ~. ., ...... w-.. ..... ...... ~t ..-.-.a tile a-.. ~-------------~-------...-II.~~ ta. M ., -, • .. ' , .,.._ -II ue • ... -&I £SA ..... - .n·g • wilD = h tina ,~ 0 . A. '-::: .. ., ........ .......... ng . ne ....... --"' '--........ "· .. IIIJ," ... ..... Mdlllf ..... ... ., .... I per- ~au-.~ ld till • till 1M ... ,_ur, l I t.lleJ •v•nl .. II .... -~ ~ ...... ., .... ... ,,. I • ' Pap' NEWPORT-BALBOA ~RESS • Tbunday, ~upat 10, 1~ .. ,., •• a MIS .. ...... ~ ........ ..... "'' 21 ... ............... . ,_ ... Uve Bait Boats • LMVII DAiu roa .,.., .. PthR ~ .................. IU.IDI2f OWL W WWIICII DINA LIZ _,d!Mtlr ............ on rwo or~ II'I'OIIU N&WIMI 'r&CA.BITOa& JOnnOIII' • ........... ....... .& • WAUIOA IIOWiiW&INO n..D'I' ,..,. .. ,_, a..a.a.ao..a. .............. ~·. I.J/tJw; fJ. WJla-fB ... R••r--aOift B SUE HITCHMAN m ... n.wr plcturn ol tM very pret- y ty brun<"tl~ abuard H. E. Kea. U It hadn't W<"n for the bdp ~~ <tall'a JACKJLYN, wbo prnlded Meredith IAmlap. Jar"'t Pvw .. r 1 otV•·r UM Toum.---.t of Upta IJI ho~ gut>al. th._. ac:ouunt vf U. ·u . wtnfter of U.. .uni.JI annual .,.._.., Janet .. ~ .. Ana.belm, but ot liM Sau\Rircla. wouW be COfl• w lla. tiiJII'nt ..U of ber 17 liUJD.. a1dtrably ahOrtf'l'. M~tb nnf'd ,._ on Balboa lal&lld. abe be- In what h••r 111''~~'1 • mod<>aty 1"'" I( an hrr racsnc car~-er thr )'e&l'l out. AN'<lro.Jinl( tu Jan .. t. lhf' Cf-t a¥0 ... a lllell\ller 0( U.. Balboa Ouard k•·J•l tho• rnura .. •·l,.ar and fllland Yadtt Club. crewtnc f« tb~ ro·"t wu lurk hr r brotbu Jim, and later jotned "I hau 1t lu• ky st•rt." llht' .ald. tht Balboa Yacht Club neet. Nezt "and tht' •t•rt otf a .FII((ht meant fall. a.tonr wltb Mt'redltb, abe wW nerylhlng. ~&UN once you Af"* be a wnlor at l'ltntri~e School pockett>oJ by ntbt'r b .. ata, It 11 dlf. fur ~rlrla. "and p~ldent of t.be ncult to brt'llk away and ~rain the attstlo•nl body," addf'd MeredHh. lead I thlnk rl\1'101( ta mo.tly luck with trreprua•blr loyalty. anyway. Jt WllJI lucky for me therr Attn the rac,., tn .. Power hou8e wu a K•K>ll wlnll. rnoeauae my on Opal A \'t'nuo• unrnowed wttll 8--· ... •rtl. lht> row wnw. hu "it. avwu vlallOrl conrratulallntr Janet. IUM TID.E TABLE (1101 dUfr.-... ~tM lo ..... ~ f'W) Paclll \\'~&r Time Uaed a. Bula ol Colllpt~t&Uoe FrWS.y ~ua.u Sat.unlay AU.12 8UAd&y Auc.13 Monday Aua.u TuNday Aua.ta Wectne.d&y ~ua.11 Tburaday Aua.n KlGI:l LOW 4 34 a.m. 3.5 10:01 L m. • 41 p. m 5.3 ............... . 6 22 a.m. 3.5 0:0. L m. ~.H p.m . 5.4 11:14 L m. i t2 a.m . 3.7 1 :011 Lm. e:u ll· m. 5.e 12:23 p. m ··IS.:l4 L m. 3.8 2 :03 L m. i .:Sl p.m. 5.8 1 :22 p.m . IU4 L m. 4.1 2:46 L m &.13 p. m. e.o 1 :06 p ... 11:46 L m 4.2 3:21 L m. l.j .411 p. m e.o 2:" p.m. 10 13 a.m. 4.3 3:&3 a.m. 9.23 p.m . e.o 3:22 p. m I THE BAIT TANK 2.0 O.J 0.6 0.4 u 0.0 2.4 ~.2 u OA 1.1 .0.4 2.0 nat aall &ntl ulla t,..at buttnr to 18 tht> IM'Cond girl ever to win t.be windward. anti With lhr wind In FH~hl. and will be awarded boUI tM W< •I. lhc cou,.. .. wu moMJy C'aptaln Bolland'• wlnnlnc trophy, By CHA.RLl':S C'RA WFORD beaUni: and running. and Commodc.rr Uealy'a trophy for Den.e ntpt foe-whScla annual. Local Filddng Craft Totally Destroyed Sunday Morning "It wu wunll<·rrul." •h•· rtnlah~d jth .. rlrat (irl to tintah the race. We don't kn<>w "hy .Out It .eema ly <Se.cend upon the Harbor an-. with l'nlhuslum, 'tht' way th,. ~h1• won ovl'r two fonner cham· that &'UYII who r111'1" from placet~ with the approach of mJ<IMunme.r, Coaat Guard anti Awclll ary k.-pt I plun1. Henry Grandin m , aad Ilk~ J:aa1e R•"-k. r,,, lmt.ancf', are on Sunday ctaJmed tllelr ftnt nau. the roui'IN' d r-ar of all traffic Hal Talmadfl', and two brotlsen amon&' Ul.e bo ~t anglera In the Ileal victim of tM ..-on; t.be M- 'nl.ere wun t a thinK tn l~ way or Champlona Allan Seek aad world. Never 111 111any yeara have root ftahinc boat, Betty AJU1, at any tuu~ 1 tton't bt'llt've ttl<" I Whitey Pbllllpa. we aeen an "lk·· Walton" from havlnr been pounded to total ct.. traff1«: hu evtr bt·~<n .!"anactd 10 For many. l t wu tb.e ftnal Eac-le RocJc Lhtol W•·nt home with. atrucllon after rolntr on the beKta -n durin( a F11«ht F1ljtht Allan Beek. who tlnlabed out a fatwly K•~.J rateh. The boya off 17tb at.reet. Mf'redlth hall ~n qultt u lon~ lhJtd. worka lhla 1\111\mer at Har--up tileR mu.t ro•a.lly atudy the The craft, wi!Jch wu owne4 by u ahe rould "lJid you know, old Hamm'a 908 RadJo Shop, ex. IIUbject. David Reed of Runti.JI&'loa Park, abe uld. ''that Janet -won ttl<" JX'Cll to enter a branch of tile Wllat we ar .. IPII.thng up to II wltb HilT)' l'aro and Joe Pb.lfer Balboe Yac·bt Club food aport.l; .,.r\'ICe In the fall. Hla 10 year old the cue of Cl~tyl••n G. '!farktrt of of Bal\10& u crewmen. wu laden manahlp tmphy two yean a~eo · hrothl'r, S..ymuur, wltJ\ a mapl· £ac-le Rock Mark•·rt Ia a pollee. with two Lou of alba.eore and You 1\&Vt-t•1 be an awfully good fwf'nl f:l'ature or ltl'nero~~lty, loan. man wbo Ilk··" th flllh and llku wu m route home tr-om t.be vt. •port t o win It .~alte a lol of rib. Nl blm hll anowbtrd, 1M> that Al-to do hla l.,.hlniC down around d nlty of Catalina la1a.nd when blnr from th,. othf'rl Jllnet look 1-Mn" might hll.\'<" onl' more race. Nt'Wport Hulw•r Ho· 111, nrcordlnc 11he •truck the beach at 3:30 a.m. pll'nly. bt'cau•" ah,. "''" thf' only Jo'nr Jan<"t too, It ·may be a to Capt. ~or..:·· M•·'-llllan of the J:n.ra-y Crew ....,. ...... ~rl aklpJW>r In ~ BYC enowblrd flnlll F'llt~ht, and eh<" Ia happy .trood ablp Cr··~· •·nl. ont' or the Upon recf'lvlnc nottncauo\1 of racea. Ht r brolh,.r Jim won lt. llhl' won II on that account. To bl' moet conalal•fll Rn•l faithful of the accident trom the local eo..t thf' Y<"ar b<·forf' •he tlld." alnnr wllh nothing but clear water dt'ep aea anglo·r~ Mark!'rt aptnlla Guard aub.patrol bale, SmJth Bro- M<"I"!'dlt h. whoM homP 11 San ahl'ad. lea ding a field of 100 lltUe several daye 8 wt•«k 'Jut on tht therw boat woru tmmedtateiJ FranciiK'•), but who hu •f"'nt white nlla which atretc.h 1M> tar briny deep. atarted tbe eean:h for an emer- enouch va1•atlon• on Balboa bland aft snme atf' Joat In the thin foe. Tueaday Murko•rt had 11 nry, gency crew to man the aalYIIC<" t o be • nauve, n·rnl'rnbf'rf'll aom<"· wuuld ~ a thrilling hour for anJ v..ry rood day He brou.:ht In a boat, a difficult teat t4 accom· lhln« <"lk Janet w .. qul'en of Klrl to ff'mrmber. catch of .Jm,. lilA pounde or vtory pllab at tbat hour on Sunday lhf' Toum•mo•nt of LIKhlJI lht la.tt • • • choice barnru1IR, yrllowtall and rnornlnJ'. tummer It wu hthl l(·you don't THr; t'Ot'NOEHT A.a.a. auch. Someon,.. ll.~kNJ h1m what he The craft, whlcla wu buJ.It ap- know Janet Powrr you may ,... Hubbard Howe addf'd aomethlnr wu rome to do wllh all the nab. proximately 20 yean 1,10. wu &I· ____ :.....---:------------n..w to launch In« ceremonlea ~t-''Oil I'll do what 1 alwaya do 1 ·ready breaklnc up wh~ the a&l.. ur day altl'monn, when he pve rue.. take th .. m up for ~ kl~ \'ace boat reacbed the ecene and aomP facta about the boat ~~ at tbe orpbana home." Markert In an am&&lnc abort time wu NEWPORT AND BALBOA PIERS to be chrtatf'ned. replied. acattered the lenrtJl of Ule beaciL Orctlnarlly the warcraft that rl'ala on thr waya Ia a m111tery ahlp ll'a rrally hf'r O..but. hu blr momf'nt, but no one ea.y11 much GIORGI HINIR . .. about hn. · ~:::::================-:=====-:==~ Navy otticlala concntulate tile : --------C'ompany on thf'lr nne record; ... -------------------------..,company otflclala concratulate Qeod PWUa9 at All Tt.•. -U.-e Bait Alweya AYailable &5 fl. Dt .. l Powered Lea•• Soott'• l.aDdtA; at 6 A. N. Daily Our hat la nrt to M arkrrt and · ~-:.::::::;:::;:::;:::;;;:::;::::;;:;;.:::;:;;:;:;;:;:::;: to a lot of oth1·r ftllowe jUtt Hke hlm who Uke '" fi"h and then like to aee that aomf'one (f'la the tlah wbo realJy apprpo·mte lt. For Your Sips PBOQft ~f~fm~I I HOY! SAILORS AND FISHERMEN Jasl • m ••• .AU Newl • ~ead it-and come in and see us Running Lights Sea Anchors Brass and Bronze Cleats Stuffing Boxes, thru Hulls Deck Plates Small Braaa Winches and V entilator1 All Sizes Sisal and Cotton Line Sisal Bumpers Marine Enamels Jeep and 10-qal. Galv. Can. for Gu and Oil We promise it will pay you to compare our price~ 1101 c...t Jli9laway, Newport S..Ch -l'hou Newp. 348 tht' workmrn on their nne prod. uct and aoml'body alwaYII rf'marke how lh<" cnmp&lly hu &TOWn and how much our country ~ thl.e nl'w rt(htln« ahlp. all of whrcll Ia pnfecUy true and cf'rtaJnly · a.p.. p'ropriate. but meanwhile Ulere altA number eo.and.ao, ver::!!aJl)' nrl{lect..d. walttn.r unUI IIOmeone bata ,..~ -with a bottle and a "FialllnJ' h:111 bf'.-n 110 darned Kood that we a.r•• alm011t uhamed lo tell about 1t." say1 AI Forgit of lh<" Balboa t·•~hsng Fll'l't St><"ma like tbe llaJ<I••n Owl, Dina Lee and Water W1tr h ha\'t' M f'n bnnr. Inc In aome nit<· Nllrhl'a One day thf're wu a r.,J><•rt llbuut 190 hall- but ~~ frnrn tux to 20 pound8 w .. lala ..._up jW!t· a patt of the daiiJ eatciL St•a trout, yellowtaJI, yellowll.n, barracuda and baM and wtdt~ ..-._. were aliO C&U&'ht ... Cout ...... y, ··-.......... can . ..o. llcM'I' ••. •~~~ppe .. . -· whlatle, blow• and llhe feela Jwr • -;====::::::::::==========-=-----...:~~;· aelt lllpplnc ruter and futer tnto t the water. Barracuda ran •mall over the 'Mien at lut ehto 11 lhe ~nt« put week t'nd but hy midweek the I In abundance. CAPr. CHARU6 CURNS'• "•cooDB'' FOR CHARTER 8COJ J • UIIIIDIO 1101 Cocut Highway, Newport Beacb CAPT. RUSS RIDER'S . .. •••• UZ.Z." FOR CHARTER ~I' .:orr• UIIDDIG 1101 Co<utt Hiohu:aJI, NnriJf>rf Urat'h ·shell Marine Products • AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL ... --------=----------...... ...---..- -· lllllllltatllunab1r Ga. WALTial. SPIC&A, ~ ••••oa., uac• ............... .......... ••••• 1110 of attf'nUon and feela very proud bl( onet~ W t're back Ball hu be•·n I and fl'&Ct'ful, althou.{h eh<" knew good, m'»lly la.rp anchov1n wtth all atonr that one .. ah<" were anoat. pl.-nty ot lite. aht' would know jllft how to act. A lnt of flahermen u. havlni But Jut Saturday, Mr. Howe ltood luC'k with tile little red and ntade SOUth Cout'e 40th and l&lt whll<" •lrlk<"rw. ~rdtnr tA> Don ARB. a principal at her own Patt.-noon of acott'a Landlnr on launchlnr. H.. IA>Id how ht'r bril· thf' Cout Hlpway. Don a110 re. llant youn~r dealcrwT. Dalr Long. ports thRt s nnr type plutlc rf'd had teamed to .all at Balboa; and anrt whitt noet Ia provln( very how Tom Dittmar of N..wport popular wu choeen to IIUPf'rv1w the ori«f· Charl~s Pann of .J345 Linda nal conatruf tJOn at Miami. R""" ,.1 n·t·t. Loe Angels. who H,. expl••nrd that h.-r rlaas l&ko•s I•> "" hla angling from thf' althou«t~ mrrC'y ahlpe had lo be :-:1·wrw•IL •111.., hookt'd hJmaelt a 11nn1'd In Mlf df'fl'nllf'. and uld nw,. n -p .. und halibut Wl'dnHday. wa~ of thl'lr apcf'd and tlu. It wR.~ r.n•• ut tAe blggut fiiJt of thty W~n' llfll'n Ulf'd U t&XIII bt'· tht• Wt'••k 1 AUI'ht from the wharf twr.-n ahlpl u well fU rrat•ut• 1,..,.,r.lln~: ln. BC'tty Hlnl'r, who tn· boata. f1•lo·ntnlly 11 the prrttlr1t baJt He dHCrrbc'd ht'r Kirdf'r ty(ll' pun···yo11 WI' know. PIUln Ia a bottom, built t(l ttand poun,lin~t t>J•r•tho•r 11r .Judgl' Chrle Pann of / at hlp apo·<"d. Particularly lntl"r. ffunllnj:I••JI' Bearh who probably t'aUnjt wu hie account of prr fab· ha8 11., t 11 lot of angler~ from rlcatlon ml'lho.Ja and ~ulpmt'nl. 1 hi• t\1'•' 1 boxf'd, labl'lt'd. and rudy to bl' I lnatallf'd with II.Mt'mbly lint" •l"'••d 1 !';urf f1~h•n~e 111 gslnlng In popu· Wben tbe ARR alld lnlA> lh,. wa. lant,\' '"" accordln~t to Ed Slo. ter. aht' waa no longer a com. c-nmb. rpnnll.lif'r nf the Nrwport pll'tl' ltflnJer Ta•\(f,. ~t .. ,.. Ed aayt that l'pot • Soon llhf''ll 1)1' off on hPr trial•. fin """ Y••llowtin tlahlnjt hu AlJoard will bt' f'njtinl'f'no IUld IN'\'. bt-,.n ,.,.., •J•llonally good ffCt'ntly tral workmf'n who heiPf'd build hut th•H r••rblna ,havt not yet put her. She hu INCh J)t'rfect lll~rlnf In an 11ppurance In num~rw. <"QUipment that aht''ll pradlrally eteer herwlt, and ttl.-pilot on the BAD WJ;A'JWEII POaTI!SDS brld«t'. althou~rh hla hnd 11 e.x. LATE ~wuunM li'EAMN ro-t<~. w ill be proti'Ctf'd by a Wit~ lld\'l!fte wt'athl'r condl. Vtnturi IM'rl'l'n \\'h lch 1111Cict In the !Inns r <>rt<'n<ftn( a latt' llt'&aon. ~·lnd and rf'lu .... • It lleVI'ral teet nppm"tlmsto•ly 30 \'U~~tl• Are now llb<IV<" hie hat Hr 'll tt'II'J:Til'(lh el~. !<••1\rrhlnl:" ~J•Ulht'm Cll llfnmla Wll· nala to the f"n~nl' mom ~·hlch lt.·rs fnr l!Wordflah . 'Mif' 1943 • "· rt«flll'r In ~rre,.n. rrd and while sun. whtrh wu ont' of tbe lhcnl. llpll, mf'anln.r abt'ad. atop, and <"II( un ro·rnrd. ytt'ldf'd a catch uf reverwe. 11.round 12~.000 pounda. Optlmll:. It thf' .,.a Ia choppy ttl"' day ·or rieh.-rmt'n h~ to &uble that ht'r trtale. ah,. won't pound bf'. qu11.nt1t\' lhte year. I cauee ot hl'r· lt'n«th. 8h<"'ll takt a At thr hrlpt of the ee-..on. ht'avy .. a hardrr but a followlnK, mor" thAn 100 bo&ta w111 dOu~t. ... will ne\'er c-atcli up with her lua b,. putll'lpatlnr In the IIWO~ rat• of travtl. Jd on a calm day fleh •hu";•t. Practtcally all are IIIM'll ~tide alon«· u amootNy u m.•mber-8 of the Bwordnalwnnen'a J'OU' ear. &lid probebly u fut. AUO<'Is!l(ln h<"aded by Roy 81'0011.1 8be'U talle a HIO de~TW tWJ! In nf Cflsta Mrea. active membf'r of ber Rr14e, wttb ·no loft mo\Jjpl, lhl' x"~'JlOrt Beecll local I.P'AWA . .,..,. __________________________ .... _ .. ancl tiM "U" of her ·~· MD -....--........ ,.. ........ ...., " u hll,.-t h11 frpln proporttona. ReT IIQr. '""" l>··t-.·N'n kwl and chlnf r. ao TAD HER TO • • ~'rll""lhly tiiPf'~ and her lQr- "''"'' rhlnr wmcttntly hSp ~n"llj:t' nut of tht' water. ao that "ht' If b11.nk l'UIIy without allp- r!n.- Punn~: thl' triala one of tM fft· l<!fnt'<'r~ \\Ill 11ct u obeerver and rh,.l'k 'th,. h<lat lot' any ml8.lnr 1lCIJ:11.....1''b.Ue two..oUNn wUl-wMell i thf' dlaJI or lhf' roartnc Hall Scott Dtf<"nd .. ,.. no11nc apeec1. t.m,...... ONCE A WEE!{ • Hu lrlala o..-, 8outJl Cout'l _______ ,,.....,,..., To the Commercial Fishermen of Newport Harbor .... Ele~bi~ Serviee • ., ftD DI8POIAJ. or Co••ercl•l rtdaenaea aad Boat Owaen A trained Organization, with the Tools and ilie "Know How," is in readiness to really give you Service that will soften your problems at a Reasonable Price If you have a War Production Board Problem I We are prepared to give you lull a••i•t· once ... Aid witb priority lonu ~ .. Help in worldng up your ccue lor a hearing, ~fc. Experienced and Cllllll(llt Specialists for liD API GDaa&YOU ~Oft- IGIIftlo• LIGIIft ..... 1 .... Me•ber: lleatncal ............ ...__,.biD rl•oe ud Natl.... • ·• m,ctnca1 Coat~ a 1 ... Marine ~lectrical Construction Headquarter; 3102 LAlAYilll AVIHUE-:PHONI 1216-W Newport Beach, Calif. I tul"'!. JltteiUno L ___ .._ _ __;. __________________ .: )'OUn&'Nt ~RB will IOOil catda ap W1~ ~ u ~ ~----------~--------------------------------------------.......... .1 - ... J Tbunday, August 10, 194-i h.y~uloe 111.10'8 :::;:~:: ................... 1307 Cout lfi91aw•, Plume s~ Corou del Mar Carpets, Rugs an~ Upholstering C.LB&.ED A COMPL&ft UNI or FLOOR COVERINGS JOB YOUR UQUIWINDn'S ------ 1e22 s ...... St. IJ • 008Ptl. Tlt_AM Hal& OW TO IIONTA.JifA I tHJJII>l\uol, "lit' fa lor of a ...:, D~MIIC \A• a~ of UM R-1 Will\ .-n11 of a.JYIC'• and rount. • ouwh 1'n., J)\lpular ~'Oll"' W'OIIlaa. and Mna. Carl B. Jubnaon. w ho lr.. warmnp n,...ll'l 111 lh4•tr "ho• lut Satm olay ,..elfllf'd u.etr art' f'f1J0)'11\1: a monUI'I \•ac&Uon ,.au. Wra. Jo..•plllnf' K_.l 1011J Jlo .. IIJ·•n• a. "l"'•ator. at 11rac147 at l.tyllwtld and f'~h•re. C'oeta In"'"'"' •h"l'· 11r" maldn• tl'le trip Mr .. ('()mmunlty church haa had W~ O.phynt' ~ 011 Moll<tay ""h llw blo·••ln•r ur lh• ru ,... • vari•tY of puto" At Jut t!J'W\· haolr farrw,,ll ~thPir f'i'AIIfl('tln lloHtln..: bo•••·•l. nJr mbfl,.. of wktcll day ntomlnl'l WI"YIN'. a r&dtf'd fa1UIIIC'8 and hf'a~Mod Ol4'1r anrlo•ltt "1'1'"""1111} o•unehl<lrt'\J that IIO'-• Coata 111 .. W'CTt1 1a ~eel llr. and Mn. Emtl Mo.llll&ll of Nllltl'ptlon .,...tad a lO..man Jalopy ttl'tllard Montana whrto· tlal '""''I' 11,.1"(14-r• a,.. ~ to meet tomonvw at tM tllome ol AnaMUII wen 8un.t&y I'W•u at ~~ tMm trum UM au .... uan tbt'y plan to jo&n M,... K-1'• '" thl' war effort. M,... Anck1'110ft an J"'ower lltnet. Ule C. C. A~ home, 112 E 8t'rVk t' Of'I'II\IU Uon of Santa - A marrt~e Ucf'l\8l' wu A--s ltt.ll •u,.t. Ana. tilt" ~p bel"' a«ompe.. r---:---------------.=;;;;;..,:::;. tn Santa Ana to Harold II. V~ lllra. J . D. carter. tJUI N--nlf'd by M-rw Mor,an and Wor- quea, Collta Meta, and Olor1& Laal. ~ ~ ~nt OlftliJale, ahan1 of tl'l• board of epon80NhJp. t-o. Anpl• 8W\day, ,.,...... ehe ltt'd h., Thf' Rt'v ("hu F Hand o1 Har- JIIIM Helen Wallll., HS B'roa4. broU..r w1to AI In Ul hultb, bnr boul.-vard will <'Oflduet the way, apent Ole weell eocl wtth 111.1'. &D4 )ln. 1... J Dutton, own-nu•nlln& .,.rvt•·• n•xt Sunday, tl'le Commodore anct Jlln. lhco Low-era of Dutton'• fruit market on •·v•nln• ... n •l<'• to be In char,.. of t'nburc of Hemet. N~ boule.ard. ar.. now uv. tllf' Rtv A. Jl' u ... of aanta Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Rippe. lnC at 111 II. lTlh atrf'f't 'nlty Ana. • form•r mlnlltu a-.r.. l<M', 1~ Albert pi&Q' . .,. OM par. .,. former .......,u ot lln s.r. enta of a 1011 bom Jut 'nnanday nardlllo. Mr and Mna noyd Olbllon are at Community boepltal. Jllr. and )[n. Sam KapJW'r, dolfll eome «'Xte!Ytve nnnodeU"' Jllr. and llra. Olln A. ChachnU wbo waW reeeaUy ruldt'd at t8H at Ol•lr hom•. 120 Vl,.tala ~· ot Coeta Mua are U\e panata ot <>rancw annue. have moved to --""'7'---------a da~bter bom Sunday at aar. Newpon BMdll Wbert' they are Ct'ant'• Maurnlty boepttal. located at t.ot W. ~ntral av•nue ~=======::::::::::========::~ llt'mben of tl'le P'tremen'• aa,. JlotN>rt• H...-ol the U. s. t lll&ry are to be entertatned tJatl Navy 11 ..,.,... a SO-day fur. POLLY ]!o APPABBL 'f: 1fJ 61 MAiliiJI It's Not Too ~ly IIIQIIR SliP LIQUEURS .£.-Glltla ........ A 9 II a. .. a' .,..... Olltpr ........ ..... ........ .,..,... ...... ....._ ... ,...., Yltfle ... ..................... AIJIO-.. aaaa llllDia8 ()AJO)Y OUII 'I'OBA0008 OIOA.U-JifO LDIIT • 8UD A......_ on.-.. t-6tM Qua.r\1 ........ :. II&.UfDY t-61111 q.n. ···········---IR7II t-5&111 Quart. -~-· ftlqt71LL& f·5tlll ~ .. ·-···-·· VODKA t -6Ua Qt. .......,... D ..... Ptata, a-'ttb v ... Ptata, ,......_ .._.. A .. A a-1 T..a .,._ OLD~ T_,. IIABA!fii:IIO 8q - U'• 8' l&lt-'l'rJ "' Old.,......_-~9 nt tuplleDa-.... ..ventn• a t a wetner bake Ia UM ICJUCil wtUa laMI par.nu , Mr. and Emil Oreene, patio, lT&T Nt'W-Mn. Jea~ ~-201 E lith port boulevard. llti"Mt. He JLa,d liMn In the South '!'be uta and eratta MCtJoa ol Pactl'k war ~ lor u,. put Co.ta Me~~ J'r1day A.ttenooa II manU... Club wtll bold Ita next meet.~~~& at 11.1'. &ad llra. AI OP.,.n and the Sbennan t!J&Jter bome ta '1'\a.. dauct&ten. Jo AU and J em, ISJ Un. next '1'\Miday. Auc. 11. w. wu.oa ltrMt. wer. amonc the Kra. Once Keeel ntumed to p..u at a llh'tlllday party livtn her Oollt& Jlleea home on 'l'lnar~-SUnday f« O&r7 Ounlhn. younJ day alter apendl,... ... vera~ weeu -ot Lt. and lin. Dick Gunther w1tl'l her eon-In-law and dauct&ter. Tbe f•UriU. took pl&e• at San- Mr. and Ill,.. K orril f>te1'110ft ol U..O p.rtL Drain. <>rea. Pvt. Robert B&me• Ia n-port- Wayne A. Howard. eon of Ill,.. edly conftned to • holpll&J In Nellie Howard ol Ul 11. 11Ul Ena'l&nd u ,..Wt of Injun~ ,..._ ltnet, bu been promoted to tbe eelved tn France. Thto Mr.. man rank of captain In the Army Air wu amonc U.O. who took part Forca Capt. Howard .. llt&Uoo-In '\Jae D-Day tnvulon and a1ao f'd at 8altnu. •w uUon at Cberbourr and Bl. Jllr. and Jllra. Uarry K1 •• Ill Lo. .SPORTY STREETWEAR FOR Women, Children and Infants W. 1tt.h •treet. have been enJoJ· a.t. and Jllra. Ht'bt'r Jvana, uo 1111 a fOW"-day vtltt IJ'OID UMtr W. 1ttll 1t.net. .,... the pventa "laclu•tn but ·Mot lapeeel .. " nepb-. Dan Folter. wbo Ia Ita· of a duebter bom Sunday at Come Ia aod look around. Uoned at Ban Dle,o .. a madlla-at. Jllflllb ~t&J. Mrw. Ivana 1.at 111•t• Wl'd dul. Ia U.. former VtrstnJa Woodboule, H~ard W. Ha.rpe.r, 4.11 Ber. cllaqlater ot 11.1'. and Mrw. ll:lmer p U • nard •treet. II moul'llinl U.. da&U& WooclbouM ot w. 1tth IU'eet. let· 0 W ppuel .of h .. fatl'ler. Walter B. Harper, lftDII .. ltaUoold at 1M iocal ' who dJed Jut week at Ilia bDIM. A.rmy A.lr a... 1811 Newport Blvd. to •tart that Chrt.tmaa Shoppbu~ for ow Service Mu ud Women o-..er ..... Gilts may be mailed Sept. 15th We h .. e ~ alee HlectloD of ..... Wat..,.eof Watcll• Sterling Silver ldentilicatiolJ Tag Cbairu Pipe•. Pouch••· Wallet• Our •• ,,_.,,and --..c.nr... .,..,.,. c..nb for Service Men Ue DOW OD diaplay. lllr. Harper wu a well "-a. Haro&4 '-Kan1a. 10n of Har-~===~~=====:=:::::::::;:::::::::::;::;:::::::::~ Oraq• county pWIDIItr, ba~ re-old Rania o1 Oolta Meea. baa i •lcled at ~ OroYe f« mon beeD ~ u a MC:Oftcl Po.toHio. l ulldla9 COSTA WESA L c ·u c K s 1797 IRWPOIT ILV'D. COITA MilA .... lc ••••••• • Acetyl-· ....... Ulan 00 ~ lleuteaut tn U.. Army Air P'oree, h1te17 S.ntce ......_. ... Geaewatow ....,.ce -We caa take c:~• of your (rouble without delay- Jlln. Vlrrtl Pbebaa. Jr., and accordJ• to word rfC!elved by btl c!au,tlter. Donna. 1.. TUitiD 4&4. T!w J'OUI'C ID&II WOfl·llil ()OY. avenue, bave retUlfted froom UttJe eted "Wtft&W" toUowtq compa.. Rock. Ark., wber. tl'leJ .,_t two t.tan of tralaJ .. a t u.e twtn ea. weelu wttl'l Uwlr bl&llbaad aD4 ~ne pUot IICbool. WIIUama. AriL A ~eml·n Jer father, Pvt. Pbebul of U.. lafan. 'l"bett of laJI llkJcle, wtlkb wu • ' Ul • • • try. Mr.. Pbebul reporucllJ found parked at Banta ADa Army Air Ark&n~&~ eoNdderably warmer Bue, wu reportH to N.wport than tl'le Hartlor area. ~acb pollee rrtday by a.artM Home trom a weell'a vacation LaBel• ot Jill. Banta' Ana ave. Blli·PB'S GAIUlGB . c ........ In thf' Ban Bernardino mountain~ nue. 'l'lw IItke, w'ldc:b wu dMcrib- are elcht Colla MN& ~r11 wbo e4. u Wack tn oolor wiUI balloon made the trip under 8pOMOI'IIl.lp u,... and beadla.llit. wu llolen be-~:;::;:::::::::::::~s;:::::::::::=:=:========i of the eommunJty c:hurcll. ,_ tw-1 ... 11 p. •·· • I~P llacludect 111........-IDpp. A poap o1 ~ty 20 Ann PoUina. Carolp 8duntclt. men and WOIIIel\ trom' eo.ta M- .. DON'T throw yobr old mattnM a"•ay .. 9 -.J 'It b Valuable! • Cotton never weare out 9 Have it rebuilt and aave the difference . . . · All kinds of beddin1t re-built. Any Size M E 8 A M A T T R E 8 8 0 0. hll N--,.n lloalevanl . Ceeta .._ El Paraiso Spanish Kitchen SPANISH AND AMERICAN (}()()JUNO CRJU RELLANOS •.• TA008 ••• ENCHILADAS ..• TAMALES CJIOPS, ROAST BEEF, ROAST PORK SHORT ORDERS 9 •• HOT MEAT SANDWICHES AJI.ERICAN' BREAKFASTS A SPECIALTY RAY $ANOOVAL, r~etor II~ P11oee a& Ooert Mtreel (NMI' Newport Pier) _ ........ SUIIj g SGHJ Slu,p • $$ ••• ft ft r_.. .......... ....,. ~,.:'"~... ..,._,...,.'I!Jw ¥ $ .. "¢ Load.s of Lovely Things IN / / SMALL SIZES FROM MARJORIE ... FROM ADDIE MASTERS FROM· ZUKIN'S 9 • • FROM FAY FOSTF;It . ... Good Selection of Si.Ja 10 and 1211 Dresses -Play Dresses Esqulaite F~lt Jewtiq and HMd Banda by Deba T&LIPHOD: 131 701 East Central Avenue, Balboa Norma Opp. Kelma O&ce. a-. an Jlloa4&7 bad c~Yrc• of Ull' m&ry Wooct. Bar1aara Klnl uct Cbrilt1an a.r.1ee Orpftt&a&n on Bar1aara MUm. South Jlla1ft atrMt. Santa Ana 1 llull••••••••n CUAMINe NSIIIMe P,..ai,.. While YM Welt Hall Cle&Ded aad Blocked Ill IIIIOADWAY, OOfJTA IIDA nw Me~a crouP acu .. bnet • t the eervteernen'a club on tl'le nm Mandly tn u c.h month and bu hall ~ment ol U.. lMUtuUon from 10 L m . to 1 L Ill. on that day. More t..han 100 men · were eerved durtnc the 11-boar per1od. For Summer ••• and Fall NEW PRINTS Thin, Cool, Desirable For now and thrd\lgh the warm September days. LINGERIE You'll revel in the sheer black nighties. QUILTED ROBES Exquisitely soft. Fas- hioned skiiUully in hea- venly pastels. SUN SUITS Th~re are still a Jot of summer days lett when a sun suit will be your best suit. May styles to choose from. • 1ns DEPARTM!IT ITOa I COITA -SA ~------~~~~--~--_.~~----~~~--~~~~~-.................. ::==~~====~ ............ ... '• • - . COACH SPACE MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE on long distance S. P. trains latelJ, people ha" b-. ooml,q to OW' ltatloM at the 1ut .. tDut.e without a coaeb AMnatlon, e•pectiq to 1et a Mat on a train. ... FNQuentq thl:r baft be. dlaappoiac.d u DO IJ*)e wu av&Uabl. for them. A YMI' qo we ..tabUabed a ooech nnnadon plan for aU 8outh.ra Padfto traina. a.c.pt loo&J tnJoa on abaft na01. We dJd t.hil In the l.nt.e....ta of our puaq•'aa our tnm. bad been bedly ~ The plu bu worked ...U. bat we &.b.bak It it timely to remind ~uple &bat oo-ab natnadoa. ue .till l*llllary on Southern Pad ftc:. If roe plu to triYel In a ooub on a· loq d.iltanee 8. P. train. I' a... II what JOU aboQJd clo : Ivy your coodt tld&et well In tMhwnce flf the tlay the train ~ Y eu wtll then 1M elven o frM reMrvatlon check. 'lttit -.dl .._ net entitle pv .. e ,.ftlcvlar Mat In a ,.....,lot cat, lt,tlt It • penntt ... 1Mef4 the train. Yeu w!ll nMrfy olwoya lft4 a Mat, ltut there May 1M tl....-wt..rt ,.., .. wtn IMrwe .. •nt~ it.cewe ., ..,..,..,.ca ... Vn cu flit,._ tkUl ucl.-...rYadonlat.U7 8. P. doUt oesc~. C:ach .,. rftllloM ouaot be made br tea.pbooe bec:aUM te&epno~~e 1'-DM.,. .. ...tufd _... ..._ oaUa. 8t1,..,.. ._ .... _. "''""Uoae. too. but tber anli\ ...... ,.. ... kt;., .... .. MOlT IMIOIYANT Of AU.-,..._ doll\ tr7 to tnnl b, ta.Jr _._. ,._.,II.....-, ... "the wv .-.rt.. ,_.. juat ,_., ftiOia .... ..-. ... , r ......... 11uMII.._., ·~· TH triMly. IIden hclflc • " .. • -II ue • -..._ USA .... - ng 15 ... PJO. • g .... "'~ ..,.~ ~ cr. •w..a • ~ / ~:I ....... .. , ... 'Nev,. I ' ' ~ . I • • ! • 1!i ' ' "' I _., ~ '-. .. ... ·. ..... NE'WPORT-BA I. BOA PRESS Tbunday, Auptt 10, 11M ~~ . ~ p •• A .. J The J oe Banntnp. Jr .• of PaM-Corp.. U4 Mn-l 'j •r ... J OWJt.r. v .. Jma fwb<>r. 610 w. ~I ~ 011t111 -• ... ~ deoa. are ep«'/1~ eia w..U at 017 Bri'JIIlla a ·. , t'orona lk'l t"tnnt. I• tt thl:o w.W! ffK a-u •••10 IRRw ..... ....... 2•• tl\etr Bay lal&nd home. liar. an 1M 1 .... , ...... IJt a .on , an • ..d ,_tielft at Paaa4en&, 8aft I -----.,._ Mr. amJ Mra J . K. _..._ ._. 1 Coand Rieht.n, N . D. Pla,..Adu-SWQeOD 107 ·12MIL. ~--­....... 10.12 a. a . .; 3-S p. a . ~ a.-1S3; "-· , ... , OOILDOH M. GAUlfDY. II. D. ftudd ....... -• toJ W. O.tral A ••· l'laODe: 17 I h .. r and Mra w. c. T.bott uc1 bam llcJDclav a t 111W11Iv ~-Ma n '" anJ S..n •·~ I ltu\ •tr .. ..r . hD\C' tu lbr r OWM'· ,.. 1 " .,aeetll tor two w to .. k• Mra. B. wn. BlUy, ot Monrovia. wtr. wwk P'tal. lolr and Mra. Harold wu.an. Kl&bbanJ ""LI '"" uau,btt•ra ot t.nd ,ue.ta at \be boawl of lin. lb. UMt Mn 1 •'' • tff'mmcor of fllrm,.r ly of 208 Yemk&f a.--. Rockloru. Ill TaJbott'• W1cle and aW\t. Mr. uad El Moate llave 1 • r ,.. •I tht· W m tr• n•ow 101 ~I· t1 In t.boolr-bome )(n E !';o·hc,..nd<~rf o r SaCra· Wr•. J H . Redlltone, 3oo JUaU.o, Umlaocl re.&dtono , 1' .t~•l2 Wf'll ••II t'k • ~~~ bo·ul• v•n l 1t Pol1111etUa.l D'\etlto l.s •v-·nl11nl( Ule aummer Rfoln« l"'f'led by u..tr IDU7 Ooeall Front &J 1 , ""' t ro make l~mg «f""'rll'd bv 1-k fumly'•l wtUa bo•r .!1011-tn-law and daUXhler, loca l frienda are Mr. uw1 lllra. 0 . Uua Uaeir J)t'.ml3' t home 1 •IU•Y ln f'n•ll ar .. Mra. James v .1 Dr . aru1 Mr" S H WaJk .. rdinot, Z Rubert.on wbo have retWDed Tech. Set. .. , 1 \'1" R.a)'IOOfld ~ul.bn ... 1113 w. Hay a¥mlk'. and loot Curult .tu~hway, from many rnontba r~ ill Fletcher , 121 -:,· -:r.~t. !11.-w. ho:r n•·w ww~;1ltC'r, Pall1da Ann. Mrs F•···<l H•nk1n. 1820 Welt Loa Anat"lea and arc now located port. are ~ 1.. ·~ uf a aon wlw wa.a bom July It at HunUac- HOME • AUTO • MARINI RADIOS RIPAIUD MA1llNE EUC'l11J.CIAN aua~a.•oa-ro• ftoee 2417 1111 Cout HJP••7 IIKWPORT BACH Oeean t-·runt. w ... " r..c~nt he»-al Ufi Htollolropco aven~. Corula born llatlll'day ,. :-· J~ph bc6-t•~• .WemoraaJ tw.p1ta1 te ,.__ j ~ tn m~mbt'MI uf Circle Th~ ckl Mar. ptt.al. •J••na. Both mot.tkr and babe U'l! '::::=::::;;=:::=:~=:;;:;:;:;i;;::;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of t.be .,.,.n .. wahlp ltf)('tl'ty or San-Prenll• I:. Moore, wt.o uaW _ MrL Ann J>n,.,. t.• ··njoytn,r two dol.fi&' nJctoly. I; -- ta.,.na t-'1nol vr .. Jbytenan cburcll.l ncenUJ r-.ldecl at Ut Vla Quito, weeks vacation 11 •n h.-r Llutlu Corp. Woodrow Wllaoo Menitt , HOW'I: II .. 11 A. II. I .. I P. M. Dr. Obed L110U A beach out1ng wu tnJ•>yed. Lido Jale, baa ~n promoted to wiUa the city "' ,. r d t partmornt. nutdt· it a happy week for Ida )(r. ~anJ Mr• H ugh S. Rawllnp the poaiUon of ma.)or In t.be Army Dw-tnc her abo-· • l.IMI. Mary tt<l•Jpll'tl par.-nll!. lfr. and lira. I and family uf Rt\'t:rslde, who art Air Ji'orce. Major. and Mn. Moore ~rIa "'"'k 'J.: in that de-r.<'Orf:t 1\iooland, 118 23rd a~t. IJiendlnl{ lhl' Mummer at their now rnlde at 4406 Ancelea Vllta ~aL wh.n he drupJWd In by Newport lkt<<'h ('Olt14;t. have u boultvard. Loe Anc-ela. Bob G&rtler. -'' .,f Mr. and l r"m lilt enut Artm.,ry Radar I ~ru··•t•. Mrs t-'1 11.nk. Shannon 1 Cue•ta of Jud&'t Harry Areb-lira. llan7 Gartl• r ,,( the Port urut wub whll'h n .. t. .t.aUoned Rawlin"• '""' l(tltntlLiauJhtt~r, bald of Loe Anc-elu. at tba ~ ol Bevel\ ..... 1· !1 ltu<t Saturuay n• ar th .. lia.n Olf'p:o borlk'r. for a MiN Sh8111l''" tt~<wl•nll•· of Fort bald Balboa home, tht. -~~ were tor ....-.tee w1lh l h<" :-:avy and \"l.ill. Corp, Merritt t. a fornwr Worth. T•·X. l)(r and Mn. J:d A1JwWOrtll of wW reeeift lab tust ttainln« at .H:u-bor U lgb acbool boy wbo ~~ Edwin IJ Rt~~~e. 312 Maripe ave. t...u-An,elea, and daupt.en, 8beUe tM Ulllwnlty ''' Idaho At Mo.-, ·•Ill•· a wooctv.·ork and rnedaan.l· lliK', Bal~a b land. hal bel'n pro--and Cynthia Mr AIMWorth ia ed-cow . .,._, wbo ia JU"t tt. ~ r.U IIJM'('iaJ&at and 11q1t 1-k biJoa'i,. mot~d \o the' rsnk of captain l.n at or of the ~ltori&l ~ ol tM .d fr-.a llutMir 111gb 8Cbool tD Inc alleya in abapt' at u.e .._ Al's Gange 111 ..................... • w. butdle ud care lor ....... 01'0 .. ALLEN GLOV!Jl -Oiltn 711 .... , __ _ c.•• Ill lpitill ~-·· f&dory !nlaecl Carbw.ntor Spadall• the A rmy Air ,..,,,. •.•. a~~ording· UJe A~IH Tlmea. JUM. I pavtJJon... toan~rt fn~ ~&~~rttra~ --------------~------------------------~ t.be AAFWTC at Sanla Ana. • -.... a...-1 ..... , .. ·-wc.r-..m Capt Rott Ia aaslgno:d to tbl' pro-~===========; cunment dJvholon ; Mr. and Mr~ Malcolm Arch - bald and lbd r ti4'U rhtldrl'n h&Yf' niO\'f•tJ fr••m Lm• A n~l'l•·• to Undo av .. nur. &lbnl\, ...-ho·r.-thry will oc~upy thl' prutwrty ,....l"lllly ac· qlllr<'d by Sup.•nor Jud~t Harry Archbeltl of Loa Ango•lf·l county . thr chlldrl'n'l Kran<lfathf'r, DR. C. J. CARTER ...... • a ....... lllrfJ~ ....... ............. a... .... Dr. II. D. Crawford .......... , ---b. Gill.-.... ........ ,,.,, ... ,.., .......... CJQIIR&~ ........... .......... ..... ft:u ... ........ •••• Jamu Edwin K••nnrll, liOn of Mr and Mn R H Ko·nn,.ll of · Balboa talan•l. wu on.. of 244 Na\'y V-12 1ludt:nt• at the tJnl- ver.lty of Texu who wne com- ml'ndl'd In 11 •Jl'"Cflll honor roll for U1r •prlng .. ·ml'atl'f by the Dean of th~ Collt•ge of l!:n(1neerinl" Nt'W ruld•·nu of lbr Ji.trbor area arl' Mr. and M111. Mark Tay. lor. parenta of W A Kirk, 1208 11:. C.,nt n l avrnur . Thr Taylo.,. rfl'rntly 11ultl th••ir n ·thknce prop. erty at SantA M•onlra and haw loct.tt"d at 1301 \V Bay whel'f' they I'XJ"I""t to m"k" Uaelr future hom.. .., Corp and Mrs E Damon Skin· nu. IA4av hav,. bo•f'n llvln« at 701 Mar~nJPritl' a\•,.nur, • COrona lk'l Mar. on Sunday t ook P' eecfon of tht'lr n••w h11nw at 218 Orchid avo•nu.. C'urp Sklnn!'r I• ln~lrtK· tor . of ~n~nn•·ry for bombardle,. and navll(aton~ at Sanla Ana A-rmy Air BUt'. Many trl<'nda of John F. W&l· lht·n . fit thr &!uth Cout Co. painting dep~trtmrnt. and fonn- f'rly bu~ln~"M a~!'nt for tbto can. n ecry worlu:u loca&, CIO, will re. I _gret l<J hl'llr O( hi• m,... .. at bia home, 33:1 Orchard dnve, eo.ta Iii I'M. Mr. W aJthera contracted m .. wnauc fever. Mra. Lc-dla ~tnJlhl'r of Nt"WJ))rt ,·=-=:--!f!_.= .... • • ~!!'-H .. l~th!JI cnnttnu,.a to mret w "' rood reapnna.• m hrr drivt t o p.. L H. W~NI ooJIPr t clvthln.r fo•r Ruaalan nt-edJ . ... Gilllll& -4 Durin~t lhl' prut Wt"t'k anot.ber o.-DII-lrudcload of j:Armtnta wu pre- ~==~~~~~~~~~-~=~ parNI lnrslly for shipml'nt to lht' S•Wt!'l llnuon. Inr ludt'd wen a hu_st> nurnb<•r of baby carmmt.a. •••• c-nnt rthutr.J by varinua ffaldulta ........ x,.. M lh,. oommuntl¥. Prior to paclit. .......... <" InK. tl\rll' wl!'n' c-lnnl'd. mf'ndecl 11nd p.--d by Jdra. Leonard ThumJ>81•n of Balbc•l. who oon. • -.... I lrtbull'•l Jtt"nl'rou•IY of htr time -•••pa•ltlt --snd d1•l lh(• work In her own ........ ., '-o.l!a-----------..... -----...J I hnml', Mnt Strother .. 1<1. They are patient about waiting • I " & •••= lliM tD 11M up for a lot of thlat-......... , .. to .. hia wait too ... ....... DI ... n-.U. W..W_,__... Mlp«ng alitfle by •Ying ...... ._ ........ lortheMrY• .. ..... , ftM'• ..._till a•e-da ai -"lien naall to ........... at .............. w. .......... iUI~Df*--.., ............. ... • ... 'iro..ro LIKES BRIDGER .. AIR81c:AJII 8aJDC&-t~~atl...-. ••• ..... ..,..Tejo•ef_.J..,4' ,.._ ..... A••riaa.,... .. elt~aa,.. 8111 1 Teje"• ...._Be botla .... tile ,., .ur ............. p willa • ...,... ........ A-'caw...aaJKtdablla.._. ..... ._._a ...... laMcl No ..... ~r ._ a.w,. ,.,..r n.e, p.e w. ....._ ................................. ... price.,..., ........ ,_ ....... - •scdea Teje ........ 11 Pearl &.---Mil .. ..... Be Mid A.eriea'Jtl ......... , ..,._..,......,, ....... BEA ~..., Teje ....._ .t-Ie• ......_ .. C!OIIleM .. bid ........... ..... --... _ ... -He'D -.. ...... ,.. eaa leedl laia. by eelie«a. ill d. ..,_._ Anay C.,. • • Air W-. T1ae Anay Air Pona .N ........ .I -~ .. INck ...... .at ... ., •e.. ~o.ee who all ... --lisei ,.. fttal .. tory •• _ ................. . qai..t a ccrtaia Nip ...... ~ . . ........ ..., ..... , ... .," ""~~· ... to lilt ........ w.. y.. WOIDetl J .bleriee, ...w. ... .. T •• ,....,_..,._.._ ..... s-... .Ab w-. .. ....... _ ..... _, _____ .... ~ ....... », .. ....... .............. .. .... I .... _ ... ,......__UI_...Air r-~· . , ... ..,., ~. ....,,__,... ... ,_ .. A-rc..-_. .... .., ... ... Anlr ~ r-. s.-....._ ____ _, ... r-•Airr-•,__...._._. .......... I ........... "_._ ... ... , ............... ......,.,.. ..... ,. ..... Air,_ ............... ,.w. r • .._,. ..,... .. ......, ......... -.. .. ••• E..,... ........ ............ ~ ...._.: 111.n ... MJ.:~c I .. ....._. lite ... _, !e ... 41. PlraAe w ..... ..., .....___ -· _.. --·-·-----------~-·-·--·--- ESUNTIAL ~AR wa.as . . . $t., WI ~ jM./ Clt.r--------· _________ ....... ........ •• , ..•••. A 'flU····· co•••n This Ad. Sponsored by west Coast Packing Co., Long· Beach, Calif. 111 ............ .. ' 11'1 IRBP'I lor LUM:IOW n.au ... OWWI'uri'&D •• .. uaa•a• • 1135 HJvlawe, 101 Jut a... of n.. Arata-O.•rpaM M~M~ •• NaLL •UAU ... A On llfl''a palbway man)' a mile Ia ma~W-mort' (tad and dtHry, BKaUk' for JIMI a UtU. wtuae Tboe WD)' -mecf dark and ~ -Nllloe WateraU • • • .a. Ill 8anla A • ..._ tla ~ .,.nwt.a tur tb. m•·fllh fit .haty amountf'd to 140.~!12 I n t-. CltJ of Nf'W)IIfrt ....,._ .,......, - rout~ ..... ~ Mo •• ~tile ..... ~ ..... bodJd1nc ,....te tw t11a -ua ~ Ju~¥ ~ ..... . Youftpna-. ........ . • • • W1llal • ... VlrwtJ ~ ol 11M x-pc.t hu four .,.. IIMdl ~ ~t. 1a IUD P'nc-. in tile at ~ ~ war UUIP armed fOftlM. Roell. ArtL H~ ftada tUt at Ia wmnc • n ,. muda boeter til ,. "'-.... ,. where fro • Newport Ba)'; tile tnlftbiC pro- Iceland to Inn. cram Ia ftry .,_._, ... U.. It &.a't an. on. llh1~ .... t -* .... .. ~t be ILM 1M lJko aniYal o1 Ida M.....,n..a.ao. pk-ubN of .... rr-. on TUeaclay . . • tnc UleiD to-• • • pUler. If -Dl can't Uft • BUrt 8c1-Jad1 PVwell ol Opal a.Yftlue. Balboa blaad, tM w b o I • ao.t. flret man la U.. worW to waDI a N&WIOM.' • .,.r\4 PREss ~~~,,~ P~lu • BER -NARD of HOLLYWOOD howl'\'t'r, one can at tea.t ftn4 a ba.lf ml~ uadrr Ulna • ._.. WORK BASKET lot of nUafactlcm ln ba.lf a *' · · hu bf.ftl -•uted u a ~ Wlllcb Ia by W11J of •Jblc u.at date f lJko At.laW~-tM-~ &elM M. ~ Frank Temp~ of ltO Oedl place. _ _.or_,.__, _ .._ ...._.. hu beot-n l'n.Joyinc a ~-ckfenect aw-.............. ~ _, 'f= re4 Geed~ ... y.,_ AWetk P'oundatlon. cc..-. oiPw a.ality Photovrapl.a for raaou People) • • reunion wtth ba.lf of h1a quartet let-PVwd1. wlto Ia .. .,......, 811 Jlf .... a&tl ..... !" I an.. of 80M . . . lJko loQI Anny Air a-. Ia ,..._ Portrait Studio in wt .. P& • e1 Mr' ..., Fl ... t to c-oml' home wu ~ CI'Wftti)' _. · ...,..,.... ~ - .._-ll'. who bad bl'en MrYIDC ~ • baf1dinc to a.aotJIIw at a ~ ., BALBOA INN ARCADE . •u M ... .......,. .,... ._ 11ubmannl' In onrai'M .ntce ffw 8llftd ot 11 m.llftl-~aGar . ...,. ·------------14 monthJL Durl~ tbat time, J'W OM '.-t IIP"'d lbalt Ia ta ..... -----·-------t•an bl't. Ill' aaw plenty ol aeUoa. 1 lile p6dul • a ..... -------------~ Soon alter hi. arrtYal at o.ta .. _~ tMa , Mua. ••bo aboWd blow Ia • a ~ • · · · LOUCKS Prioee are Reuoaable For Appomtmenta C.U Newport S..ch 2216 ~EWa..SW' • n•~ Walda II J"'*' ~ Orwtu.c Cudr J'or All <>ocw+wa Wat.cMP ut4 ....._.., R111p OD our J:uy Blldpt ..,.. tm Mewport BIYCI. PIL. ,._ COIITA IDaA Machine \\. ork IIOAT ... .uaofG Vlrg's Garage -o.ena ..._. liM-W COROU DEL lUI CAFE ,.,_.., ltOSst'S 1611 c-. aJ.L fiiU.S • COCKTAILS 0. IOORE lllkls Better Ice Cream 2100 OCUN raoNT l'taoae 73 FOR MEN ·and BOYS • ..... A ... BALTZ MORTUARY LADY AffiNDANT 410 Coeat Bl•d. CORONA DEL MAR. ~.~.pw-. ~:z DAT AND NJGHT fi\'I'~Y turloueh but Ilia brot~Mor, Cedi Da,.;,.; ; ~-Wert-!-------------------------....: Ru.ell. of lhl' U. 8. NaY'f, wtao had not bfi..n borne for Uaree miNill'r a-. a.ta =-. ._ Added Ponalatioa yl'&rll and four mont.ha.. Ardlle Ia ~ry riebt to bl'lieft tA illlledo& -r-IWk Cruiae Marked By Raaaau, Bomba and Buxom Bellea ~olat~ for advanced t.ra1AiJ1C at Wbl'n be wu a-..,....a. lilt..,_ lo Heap C.tiallf'd the aubmariM bue In N-t.... tmcled 8C.Itool la Baa .,.._., _. lion. Conn .. and RI.IMI'll Ia bl'tnc formH a yery c.._ -trraS$ .. 8traiD OD aoas~a, tranaff'rnod to a alation In V1rKtD-with a' CPrtalll boy. LaW tA I* Ia. Th(' boya plan to 10 aut~ be too~~ a Jolt In a._~... a-. l4ra ol U.. luttn« na-Bananu, bomtaa U14 ...._ .... chiJie llbop . . . aadl ,_. lilA ~ o1 t111e p....._ C&lt fomta • brauu ... playf'd an tmportaDt role f:l'uoer . . . ~ Wtll -on t 1 Not ao lone qo, tbetr elder frit>Dd worldllc tlleft. ,t IU. w 0 au In an lntf'n'lrw wtUt Capt. J-.plil eanw-Ute war Ofodl ealliUd lA f• ..... u-la rtnan.,. bouoamc brothi'J. Pf'rkll'. or the Arm)'. wu ... _ Na-. wu ·.-au f at ... aad --.. .... uUIItJ acrommoctauona A Bfo.cok, of Balboa IJiaJl4. w111o homf' on ful1ougb. and UMir ,_, • 1 - "baby' brothe.r, Robert. ot uae Pedro for a tone u-. ..._. a wu COli~ la dlapah:h ... ,..~ •• Mw rrl&llln~r tn ~per&Uft Navy Ia UpKted honw any daJ. mac:bln~ mate tlllnl ~ aad m•t'd e..r.r',toer frunt 8arra..lqul .. t at h la llanor bonae an... Ju.t to makl' t.be ftC.lOrd com-wu ftn&.UJ ... pped out to tllle llal--to. wllddl ~ rc.tb till' Jhtr'a ho•arltnK a ~<unvoy of rnerda.ult pll'tC', thl' boy'a-faUtu &a a priY-omqna. '11M! llnt claJ aft.er Ida •-lH4 popular.._ n,.re. for ofn. •htptt tu tt\to South Paetnc.. atf' land acoordlnc to 8c1-Harold rfve.J In Ute lalandll.. lw -t tato d&l ,..,..._,., at 1.~.000 U..nl'diCL "a darned «'GGd -.") a -Mil and aat clowll M A ~ elate ~lt)fl anti n.. lnt .. rvN-w, ~ In co. B. Jat Batt.alioll, CaUfor. ta.b&l' fOI' c:Mw. Qle d z M De ~..,...._ -~ ,... · ('unvuy." olfidaJ ,..a:Nratloft nla Stall' Guard . . . • .. _. ~ln ~~~-~ diM,. on etUtu _. ot .._ · · · ae-d t1i1e new-. and =tl'd ttw-U. Af\C".,._ Pcwt ot Dallluil.- • e • 1M' d&acoYUM .e ot ~ to '-a 1 .. FGF ah'* -a. at loon at Wllrnlalrtnn. fC~UCJW~~: Hen '• one to, t.be book • . . Uaat --Baa Dkzo ft'te.d · · · ed to k 1.100.-or men. C'apt Joe "-11 ot ~ ~ The WPB. or aocne other alplaa· • • • 'nile ,._.... If ..,.._ out bJ land traclad a p.Jr ot _...., to a bi'Ucal combination, loGe &CO de-111.rs R c. IDler -Died .t., later eftldal ~ POlla.. w11f nauv.. 8out.ll Sra lalaadl llf1 ffw rlarl'd S.n(a Ana a crftk&l ...,..._ • · 'Uy ............. pat Califonda M tlllrd 6t.at,. In a w hole twoat"'-d of "a•eaar aad tng al"''a and thl'nfon l'nUped to ~ .:.~:::wid& wwtp. t111e .moa. n-rte..Uy. "* bf.. ~·n bet Uw ~r1 wllafta...,. I'Ot pnonUeli for wartime buJidinC. t'd =.,.~de aad ..,... Nd,. IIU8d N-Y.tl.., PeMeylnnta. t~ bortkr ot tJwo ...,....._ ~ A l the &ami' Ume, Newpwt Bar• lndiH Ill ctnumf~ . . . Ia lk ordtr ....... and ahf'a4. IN b&nanu WI'IUI"t lllltn Ul)'- bor waa excluded ... Which madr f« tlile ant U.. Ia bU!tory. ot way Us fN•I rather b&dJy at t.be t1a:w . • • • • llltnG6a aM c:a6D. tloldrr of a rnulft'e ~ And now, wlt.b new ClOIWlnle-Coeta )(-.-ad to 1le JiftUJ ~ .-IJ, &ad In partku-c-apt ~~~ tu.. aala.d tM ,... f« tion on a pufecUy lecitlmate ba· much of a ~ '-" wttla 1ar ~ -lJ routal arru ~ Ulan 30 ye.,. an4 it-. f'\'l'r)' lltoft aad c:ale ..._ a wen -*rate........,. In Uw poop: the cout ot CaJifonda like Wrtc-.===========~ tlouriahlftC bo•--all clay ..._ ulatJoD ,..... wtiD.. a«orddn~r to koy llnow11 Catalina. day aad unW tar lnto U.. ld&M-uae -Mate n.--. '"~"~' ron. • "" a. a ataff mrnmedore o1 U.. '11M! war laar cJaa.aeed aD ol tMt ~ to II zr-t dPpft tn llout.llen Callromla Ylldlt -.. and lodiiJ J'W'd looll • ...._ U.. Loa ~ aadl .., DII'«< ~ dation and a J'-t..,naat ~ kfore JQU ftland a ,,a-_.. u., lA ,...uadar, and In tlile ... .., 1a UM ...._ -Yal .-u., Ia Mack's Photos ................. • PORTKAI'I'S Baby Pbotocrapbr Alao EniJUTementa &Ad Pbotoetauc ~ • • Hl'rl''a Wbl're You Get Tour COAST GUAIID and all otbn type IDENTIFICAftON PHOTOS ... We Take 'naem aad Dl'llv~ TlwrD to You In 40 Jal.lnut.- • MA.CK'S GIFr SHOP .. 0., Gift ... a& .. N-1-.... : ................ bu Setn...a,., Ovow __ ~ ..... \'1\'ID AND DOI'IO DISPLAY ------ comJ*UIJ dNd ~ 811br-..........,.. -....... , .. ,.. -a CftW1MII • a. day and Jloaclay. yacllt ll"rtot!ncWtlp In a nace to It .....calla a ......,. ~ Ia ~ ~ AD ea.L8 .OAT Honolulu. A~n )'&dat WOII U.. wrtedly rotnc the rouadr ta Lar-After lr7'tltc ~ for r~ don . . . A pUo( wia fGfted ·to IIIX -a. to .0 1111 U.r.at Cilllln·l b&U nut ov~r Walftl 01t tlile ~ -aa1 t'IIIIUelc boat. ~. H . Rrd· bat.ll. Hla pan~~ faDed to --. -IUaJto. laat nuanclaJ 1 W1th aJI thla .... r:tnn« bac~ fu.ncUon and. ot ~ 1i1e ._ '-'ted a 2$.c1'11t c:lueln.d ad «ruunol. Capt ~~~ placed blm- llllll'd. An lnv~I~Uon -..._ Ia Uw Jllli!BS On ,._....,.~-.,.., at till' dt..,_l nt Wat.u dl- fiM'dlatl'ly Ofdl'f-.d to ~ nfiiC allortJy art,.r U., ....... ap-l \'talron anol rf'IUI'lll'd 1"\'CenUJ. from why tiM' parachute bad faDed .. ~ • Uw .tr....t. Jllr. Red-' • m•••••n In ltw-~.uthwdt Pa. It w. aa not unUI ...,l'ral cia,.. lat.ef' lllofte I1IC Ilia ,,,..t rorpiJ aadl tM I r lftr . It wu on .thla tr;!p t.llat be that aorYM'OIII' nnM'IIlberf'd tlaat lnltl.al &IIIJlkant pardtAPed u. ""' ttw-e1rt nallvl' rolh lnc opena In Walee 01t ...._ crai'L --we bad oUwr A'pbe8 an.. "S.... wu a bll ron tho> bullom day · · · Pr IJtat. = aatd tbe ..u.ned aodwr. •tdf', but NOt bad looklftC," ~ \*~' "ttut t111e boat -a&r.dy aaJd. "LIIIfo aJI th~ people alllit Oood p111lUalz ._ M tllllt .._ 8014:. wun't ""'-d from the wa&at up." Oiill£'1 RDCHUMIITAUU lnll-hslry- Rolle • Brioche • BreacJ.ticb ......... 705 c-... Hi••Y. c.-clal Wu ~o-IJ .. LA. bb dw 13 yean; et Atl-ticCU'J'• n..c..t. '-· a Uaioe Cloab, CS..•Ind 0 .) •••1111 ~. .... q II ..... laa•r••• . . ltlllll ltllb•l •••••• Hf' 1 old htwo• "" «ot the bananu. aoD 11M-rnow or h•• a ma.IJ craft w&At-•' 1, .,. ... a I f'd fnJII badly n..y rouldn't car· 1-'1'-..... a a, a dtltJ ry a wl•,. nn,.ty nt provi8tona bKaww-rtf a1r.r "' the ablp and A"DM"AN 180£ I C'nunll•l oon atopplnl( at Ialande IIIIINING P~ alr.n« -th,. ,-.. ut.. to aet not only ~Ye Blair fnJil 'and rnun• ••lid t•IOd. '-1 -111 ..,. OeMnl ..... Ur -------1 A• II# Wf'nl uhur,. on a loYal)' .......,..... but lntwly lalo•. hr met the &irl, , wbo promptly t•.,~lc a fancy to t.be ... I ~·· MHTI ... CMDI 0 aaJ\•1•1• ~ "'''~"" Rtw-had bef'n t'dw·at,.d at a mi .. inn ac:hool and "P'*" a lilt 1.. En~tiiAI'I. ...... ,_ l'trll ... "I •·ant ban11nu," hf' aald. "I .:,.t yo.u many," ah,. rrpllf'd, and bH'IIunrd h im to follo.w 8hf"j a.d him to th" ••land ... ~,. .. many banana tn-··· ...... ,.. crrowlnjt, ap. pannlly 'Mlltl Thf' f'J"''W lAtPr haua,.;j •"'•ay all th"Y I'O\Ild carry. It tumM't "lit that !h,.y w,.r,.n t lh"l' banll11u too «" •· •w•y. but by U••t tlmr lhr llalloor• hat! <••t· tl'n th,.lr frPah fruit I Only ... ru .. m .. nt nn the trip •·u raUMol by a toromb droppln« I nut rot ltw-rl•otJOI8 an•l ralaln« • lf"Y...' 100 Y'"''• Aw" v whll,. IJ\ry 1 wrre an• hurrtl "' "" Aml'r11'an I bul' N•> tlam&l(" "tuo dnn,. Thr c-Mm)' pl•n" aJIJ••r••nlly dmpJ)"d I ~ bomb I•Htd lht••ul(h u, .. over. I l'ut anti ·~~··ak,.il •w•y .. , .. S.HELL MOVELTUI IOPIIT SIIIDIII All l1IT - .. BALBOA GIFl SHOP llhxp, SOUVENIRS AND GITI'S OF AI.L KJNDS OMM SUMDAYS PHOME lt.a.w AlllaeFeaatL-.. Iw9 ·-n.. a. .. ol • WiWoa Artlcl•" .. Y .. l We Wrap Gi~ (SINCE 1932 > l Balboa Balboa Island ---------- I I I 'I • ' I I I AT T H IE A 1: N D E Z V D U 81 AND Wl.TH *Ill IIIII •nd lEG. 1111111811 u.-11111 AT THE BALLROOM BALBOA Friday and Saturday ·-·August 11-12 ......... co•••a• uSweethearts of Rhythm" ...... 25-2&-27 ...a.7-~~ay-laaday • l • ;Jill .a• .... .. .. .... • • • )rtn rt ;t 15 1 Har._. ..'lie p,. ldioa ~= d ':fet........,. wh tllat ., n t y orc1- udp 0 . 4. , .. ...,.... ........... ..... ftat .. -. .......... lung one ........ .~ "· .. lilt ........... ........ t "ftre," lie tllllt ....... ... liNd " ... _... . .., .. ., ........ and I ,_. ,.... lleocauat '"' !Mod u. t&ai• till etlr', &Dit ... q kleftUIJ ....... .... tbeJ h,. JU¥11111 .. '0 •IZ'r , Tuwn~ Ia)' rwn.._ ,. •rf Mr ..... aaw ... ... I Willi a.._ Ia heft..,._., IUnc:ll, wfllle Ide,.. ... , .... "' .... N8YJ. ol ~oil atucty. nr r •·our..' . ''""' ,..,..w -_.vfllll, tOr lOr "" wu Pf'&-'a~tt• 31 l ...... NEWJIIoRT·BALBOA PRI:88 I m'UATION8 w tUri'ED lma s.uz -I~~~ SALE U&L ~ tW. IWI) HAL Drl'AB (Ww 8111) f' ...... 1 M.,.,._ .. , fttllle..,Uc ............. 4 ...... .. ..... ....-&17 ....... ,__ ._.,.,........,_.,.... .. ., ............ ..,. ...... ....... n, .... ~ .......... DIM& --........ ..,....., Ill, ... H--...... , ............... ..... .... ., ..... ~ .... .... ....... ¥ ............ -. .... ., ............. .. .... ~...a, ............ ,... ................ ....,.. ..... ., . ,........., --.. -...... ,.....,..,, ...... -., .. lllut.., wt~ -........ ., ........... Q. ....................... .. --........ '., ... OltW'tl -......., -..... .. n. ................ ... lllf 'b.. II bltp I rt..t .. flller"f ........... ......,..-r .. )If .......... ........ ..., • CLASSIFIED WAlf'IWD-TWo women for add. .... ..-In• and cler1cal work. Jlfo _,.n.nce neceM&rY: we tra.ta. call at Newport Bank of A..nc&. -•. WAN"'''ID-Middle-aced woman tw care ot .mall boWie. JJcbt ~u4.-.twtUI•IIIQI. ....,. u.. lD my bome. Pllone Newport lJlO.Itl. . 23c: W~pelent penon to ...., wtUl can of Infant. Ll«hl btOUM••tL. No ~. Live 1A. A. J . WIUte, 80Jt U , or call at Ill Apoleea avenue, BaJOO. Ia- ..._ 2Uf IQ:L.P W~Woman to do ow faa&JJ laundry. We wtU ....... laMdry Lo W\IU' houM aad pk:ll up. WUI PAY pner · ~1· PIMiae Newvort ICN·W. 0000 JO-WITH A I'OWJ'. WAft FUTURE JSU M. .,_,.-Old Bo&t.buJJdl"-Firm NEEDS: ..,~ I 1beet Metal Men 10 )leehlnleta 5 Weldin SlTl' ,, TJ\JS \\ .\ :"Tt:I.J II) Att~lt ounn oon bnttl, ltllhlt.fo: 11r ! ~ Carl. 2814 W l,.',.n\r"l AW l'h !11.-... JK•r\ 192 2J p FuR ~ALE 81l¥htly wuna m~ ::•-rr. Twt.AI·t.~:K. frtw toon.UUOO ·•rrnr.•l. ••z..• 12 IUld u. Ptl.. 114116. r. E Ku~o.~oll, 1100 Nrw· 2014. lie pon BIYcl., ('08ta Mna. 2•c :'IIEW (.'RIB &nd Ma\trea. l1f.T5. 1131 V1..B Harlt'y Oa•·idllon ~ 10 ACRU Santa Ana ~la­ Ctlf'ap, aott water C. N. W•U.. llalHm&n wltll F . E. Ruaell. 17110 Newport Blvd., eo.ta ....._ Me PAINTING an 4 paper~. rrw e•tJmai.H. IIVUI'a.DOe car- ried-A. J . Burton. 4U H..,_. Blvd.. co.ta MNa. PlwiM JNIW Minkler P'IJmrturl", 1211 8. lfa.ln 0ooc1 condJtJon Saddle ~ !it . 8&nta Ana. 2tc and eatru lnqlllrr toe., W..t ~ROOM HOUSE on bouWrard. JlOil&DlA 1'1: P0881:8810H OWD· U •18 reduce pdce OD Ua'- nlcely fw1llabed J..bedrooe ..._ on boulenrd, eloee Ia. o.nce. Owner baa left &Del ,. eom.. pe.Ued to aell.-r . ll a-u, 17110 Newport Blvcl., eo.ta ar- O.t.ral, BaJb<•a. alter & p. IlL turtu.bed, two ~-ac.. GET YOlTR CANNING TOIIA.. 21...2k ln. UOOO. G. N. W.U.. Mla'"'IA• EXPJ<:RI£."1;(:~ll fURL would like cano or I hlloJr"'n full Ume. Live In tt... hutnt•. 3111 E 18\11 St .. CCIIotll M~•••· f'hun•· t2:J7·M TilES NOW &oc and 11.00 per -----------wltll F . E. R-'l 1'710 N.w • Itt.: BrtnK r<~ntainl'rt. %62 • 22nd OUR Sl'f:c·I.\LTY port Blvd., eo.ta M-. 24oe 21-2«: 8PF£1AI. NOTICY.S HELP~. TR-Jo:l·: s~;H \'I< 'E, tuppln.:-, alit•• lllnuo.rn~: o11od "ro·cklnK. !U:l ~-:1tsl ('t•nt•·r. >\llll.lwlm Ph Ant<h.-lnl 44:l:l 27p LAW:" MO\n:RS SIIARPE~ and k•·rt ahllrp one year, 11. Jamra M. Gollr•~;ho•r, 2003 Har- bor Blvd., 4 ·,,,.11, Mo·sa 28p FOH -:'.\L~: 4 :.,~ h":tto·oJ. halt· a.h•·•·t I'IZ• Th11r atunfir El~f·. trHotll y uJ•• r tt• I Mtrtklo•r 1-'urn- Jtuto• _,,,,,, 12tl S Mt\111, !'M· ta Anu. 2k ---PAINTI:'I:t:. I'"Ji' th.on.:an~. Kraln- ln~-Ll M I '• 1111 ('&.II Elllu. H&r"" .ore Sl"'', lo•a\o• nnJt·rl , and uil•lro ,.s :OWi :l:tntl llr·~t. NewpurL ~p 8lr .. oot, Coeta Mraa %3-Uc :'111-:W BABY CRIBS at 18.116 l'rlb -.nd mattreaa for lli.T&. Mtnkler Fumllur~. 1211 a. Ma111. Santa Ana. 11c: Jo'IIR S ALE-Dk ycle, pre-war, .... 'l•rtdlllon, II rea excellenL 110. S•·•· It a\ Gtone·a, 706 Cout Highway. 24oe l! IIF.IF'ERS ·fur •al.-One 22 mOL 1 h•• ut!M!r 24 mua Juat rlpt for hrt•t•dlnl\' Alao tint Wea~m M4. •ll• rh No•wport 8111-J. Uc FIR.t;PLACE AND KINDLING \\'I w )OS Wright'a Lwnber Yard. l i84 :-.o.-wport Blvd., C... ta M··aa l'h N .. wport tM.J. 24-Jic fo'OR SALE 8-Stool Lunchroom FulJy~uipped IN BALBOA --Ro·&aonable prlc;o Ru.eon for .n. ON ANil Alo~l'EH Til lS f)ATE I rng. tuove to leave city. will not b. I•'Hfl•1118tblo· (r.r ~olt•bll Boll 272, Balboa Jn('llfl ··t.l t>y llll) ool)o• !ilh• r lhllll ruye•·lr M ,.,, ha J:t ady LaVa, 1116 t'lllf drl\ ,., :"t•wpc•rl Beach. LOMT ANn·•·oliND LC 1ST lll!u·k ru<;kt•o· 8pnnlt•l. fl'c· mll.lo• Rlvo•nit.lt• lt~CIIIk! lag. Tt:l· t•rbnm• I :t6!l. W 23p RANGES and STOVES CAS lllld KEROSENE COOU SELECTION • FOUND Man's wrt~t Wlo\ch. MI!IIKLER F'URNTTURE STORE I (I "~x 1211 S ~hrn Santa Ana Write-dt·IM rlptlttn tc.. • ov 3M. N<•wport Btar.b . ;mp LA \v:-J MOWER and catcber, 110; LOST Blarll-rln ~teal wallet con· St·hir k El•••·trlc ruor, 112; Gl'ftn I'UI\'. 8'1o ll JO.tt . $10; Orie,nt.aJ talnlng II' o·.lhl.t!. gu raUon runnrr l b<lu\ 10 tt lon&'. 112; buok.ll, t•t•· J{o>lurn In Mnl. l:a.rl Floor lantp, $1 60; Leather u~ Stunh >'· :l:l~ Ml\nnr, Ha.lbo& Ja. holalt•rf'd (oltuman, 11. Battery land. Rloward. 22c c•harger~ $2 50 &nd llli. Call at ~42 Allan A \'e . N«"wpof1 fl&'tlla. Comt>r ~\11 SL Fri. e.nd SaL aCt.-moon•. only. 23\f C a n n i n g Fr u i t s Get Your Peaches NOW! -~t- Dutton's Fruit Market 17M Newport Blvol . C< .. ta Men IIO,&WI I'OR SALE . W ANTI:O-Snu.,.·bll oJ , wrt \c 1tat. Inc condittun .. nJ pru··· to Boll 171, Balboa J•lnnoJ 2Uf CHJUa CRAfo,. I:J'• foot run- about. Built 1940 27-G-308 "'Chum". Phunt' 2~-W New. port lleacb. 2•p 32·JI'OOT Al'XILIARY aloop, Al- den ~ Sh•••r• 4: galley. A- 1 CODdJllon. 11 11 W. Bay ave. nue, Newport &arh. ~2k FOR SALE 14 -root ma.bo(.ny •~t w1th John.eon "Sea Hone" outbu11rd motor Cju.l ove.rbauJedr and tra.11er. 8ft boat at BaJOO. \' 11rh\ Baaln. Hp FOR SALE 311-rt. Lowman, Cbryrller Crown; 1• puaencer; 1-lon eapac1ty. GootJ chute.r boat. Now hauling c:harUr par. tJa. A bargaln ~ Kin&"• L&ndlnr &nd Yacllt Broker.,-. 31at and fUllne. Pboroc 1934. 22tl A REAL BUY 8Nlf'J:; l:IAILBOAT Very g uuJ condition $175 t~ bt~; bargain) • 208 8. Bl)y 'l-'toont BILiboa Leland h onr 2003-W 24c l-AIST H•t)'ll. lllllrmo• blUI' tum. bo•r JIH k•·t. JIIJ.oo 16 On No•wport rr11huo.,.-Jllf'r, HurhiAY RI'IUm to l'rt•ss (lrftc ,. nnol r•·•·•·lvr rl'ward. 2•p FURNrrURE FOR SALE 28-ft. Ashbridge ------------LC )ST f'AJ r purple ~la~lla. ~- wl\rd t.o.t lut Munll&y fono· n'"'" ttn Central avt•nu~ between Adams tu~d Nrn ala. Ph. 20M·R J4c ----------- $50 REWARD LOST Tut•lllltty. AUK 1 DllliTlond 11tud!lrrJ platinum brtr. pin. 81\ap- Pd "Ann." Rrport to Newport pnllct' nr Balboa Inn. Mp L(I!'IT Ruhh••r r·ovt'nod heavy oluty ~-~·· tll<llllf ~urd bctwl'en nh un•l A \'1•·•11lo nnd 2ntl and Be- .:~onla. (',•ro•nll dc•l Mar. A. C. --BLEEPS F'OUR ICE BOX Simmon• cot, double Galley a nd Head bo-d. alnglP bed. 811 W. Central Dual controla Ave. Up 130 b.p. Gray Jotarine Motor F'OR SALE White enameled Ice 0 . A. HALEY'S box. 60 Jt.. J80t w. Bay Ave.., Balboa Yacht Basin , Newport. 14p See Bob or Ernlt•, or phone 1100. Jo"'R 8Aut ·Gull No. 10 cat mar-Z2cU coni riaed aloop like ntw. poo. Phone 2047. J4U Fishing Boats ..... FOlJR.BURNE'Il hlrh oven u.ed pa rangf'. $15. 123 • 24\11 SL, •••• For Sale Newport Ruch. Call Sat_ ao.nd SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM Sunday. • 24U Havr two, U.foot. lraluom at~m.a FrVE-ROOM tuml.lhed bou8e 011 Old County Road ln eo.ta M-. two bedrooma. prqe. non:DJ.A.TE POIUI-.>N ID UIIOO. G. N. Wella, -...mu Newport Beach. TWo .....,_ wltll F. J:. R.-U, 1'710 H-· bou8e partly tlanltabed, lltard. port Blvd., eo.t.a M-. 24oe wood • tloon. About ftye ~ 6-ROOM HOUSE. tJie ln b&tb a.ad old. TWo.car ranp. 415 f .. t alnk. Garqe, lawn. fn&.lt tree~, frontace. Lawn and ftowen. gardto_n, c111cken equipment. J'Ully Nice ~ldentlal dlatncL Qeo. feneed. Good locaUoft, ~ Fellowa. lao.& Newport Blvd., caab. By owner. U3 8an Ber-C.O.ta Mee&. lie nardino Ave., Hf!'W{IOrt Hd&'bta. Ptl. Newport 1181..J. Me TWO HOUSICS on % .ere, nke la.wn, n owera. prden. H-ID rt'ar vacant. P. rr •Jon a1 cJc.e of uc:row. Full priU $1000. 0 . N. Well&. aaleunan wttll F . E. Ru.uell, 17110 Newport Blvd.. Coet.a Men. Me COST A MESA c:omn. Reeda~Ual lot. cloee ln. MOO. Hot far trvm Sa.feway atore.-Hertt ADem.a.a. raltor. Pbone Santa Ana IMII6, 201 OU. Bldc. over Owl Dna&'. Santa Ana, or caU at 123 • 24Ul St., Newport Beach, Saturday and Sunday. Mtf GOOD BUYS IN OOROHA DEL K.A.R Two beclrooma, larJ'e· Uviq room, two flreplaeH. PRJCJ: , fiTIO. • DtJPLI:x ln Newport ana.. Beaut1fUD7 tumtalaed; larJ'e lot. IIICOCDI 1100 per -tiL PRJCICD TO aa.L at f7IIOO Wl'TH . . . f.oGO down. • AT 0081' A KI'.8A 3-be4room ~. doul.a. pr- &Ce· l..&lye Jot. OD Newport Blvd. ... 11000. Bee Kr. lth1lard wttll J:a.rt W . TWO LOTS StanJu, comer Oout Htpwa:r and ll.,.uerite, Corona del Mar. NOS. 4 AND 5. BLOCK 1J1 PbOfte 1171. 22tt Lakl' 'l'r&c:t. Und St., one lot dlalant from Cout BIYd.; UNOOIIPlZI'J:[) DUPLI:X &Del curt. and walkl ln. quarter acrw at ea.ta 11-. MRS. MAUDE WUl.IAitlll 111100. P!tofte UT1 « caU liU& Hox 623 Corcoran. Calif Santa Ana ·a.... Oolta ltl-. -.. 15U -------------------~-----------------------FOR SALE !117 ACRI!S IN C08TA MDA • F"actnr 2 Main Street&) Sultabll' for country Mtate « subdlvldmg Some bulldfnp. All utJUUH a vallal»>e CEO. FELLOWS ISO. Nl'wport Blvd. Coeta ltleA 11000. Modem vu:ellent l'l~ ln. Two 1ota. home. SW.OOO Home &nd one acno In busont u dlltr1cl. Bat buy In F n Tbree~. A Broadway lot at MOO. D. C. MacKJ:NZIE 1808 Newport Blvd., eo.ta ltiNa BALBOA ISLAND Attractive two.elt flliTllly hae., ~tood location. Nklely tum.labecL PRICE 111,000 Two.bedroom ~ In Newport Hl'lghll area. Nicely tuml.tled. Jmmf'tllate poaealon . _ 17*. DOCEOIA Tl: P088J:8SION -2- bedroom houR, fU.miabed. Bal. boa laland. .-cl. See Doa RaD wlt.b Earl lltanle7, 23 Ma.rtne, Balbo& lal&nd. 2Jtl NICE PROPERTY on J:lden ave. nue. bait acn, 4-nn. bouM, acrMn porda and beth. Walaut and oran~ tne. Full pnce · $2700 cub. By owner, 24151 1:1· den Ave., eo.ta Kea.. llU POS81:88ION at etc.e of '*IVW. 3/4 acre, beautJI'ul vi"', 1 bed.. room aw-e. K.nott1 ptne tln.lab.. hardwood noon, cbJcken equl~ ment. all tn ('U'Cien. ruu price 13000. 111100 down. PboDe ne. lnp , Banta Ana 1316-W. 20U FOR BAUD Income Property ONE and ONJ:..HALI" ACRJ:II F'RUJT 'I'It.l:l:8, S-BEDROOM HOUSE. P'IREPLACE. HIIIC. IN REAR. RJCH'I"a). F. J:. ftUSU:U. 3 liO-roc:ir' thra IN H EWI'()ft'l' HEIGHTS. cloee to bJP 8dllool Sev.'f'r Unt In alley. Priced to aell. <ko. Jl\etlowa, Ulot N-· port Blvd., eo.t.a x.... 24oe R. C. PARKER 1801 NEWPORT BLVD • COSTA J0:8A $6000 buya b&1f -.en. • • hlrblJ culthat- ed. &'&'den and nowen. TWo u... I four-room. 1 thfte.room.. a.r houae vacant. can ctn IJDmed.. late ~lon. Don't fall to let u. &bow you thla bUpm. $10,000 . ~~ ~ ~ tlf\11 homa In eo.ta Mea. LArJ'e lot 100x1%6. Very hJCbly culttnt. I'd. ~lx-room h~. two bedrtaL ~lb. double prace. AU ldDdl of l!htubbe.ry and fruit U..; dlkk.. •·n MtUtpmmt. Tbe abow pr1ce w lumiahrd BUT WILL SICLL lJM FURN1SKED FOR $81100. $3800 caabfora._ • • t w 0 beclrQca home, &lao Jarce wo~ IW· &l'f', chicken equlpiDfDl. OW'IIer leavlnr be.re and can it•• I.IDJDed.. tale po .. ?'ll1NL $1500 .. = ~=! Jot 50xl32. See lhil one for & Mr· galn. $7000 Term., .._.,. • • • be&uutul 1-~ room home on 0~ An. IMp corner lot, lovely fl'OUDd8, Gowww and •hrubbe:ry. Owrser oc:euple4. A noal buy for the IDOfteJ. $4950 . . . ~rma.,.,!., = la rge lot. fruit treel, ~ to boulevard. $8000 Larp modena I ···~ ...... large level corner Jot. c:loee Ill., tin.-ahade trea, all ldncle of tlcrw- enl and producln&' &'U'deL $3500 Tel"llll, 1 ..._ • • • room tra.m., car. ner lot. Crull tree., nice lawa, IV- age. $7900 Modem I bed.. • • • room ,_..., lup lot on BrO&dwav. ' $8500 5 untt.a, cloee bL • • • sua.oo per ... Income. Large corner lot.. • R. C. Parker, Realtor 180e NEWPoRT BLVD. COSTA KESA 2 SblpOtten • Doc:lrme • Pit'K"'· till:! . 2rttl Avt . Boll 12 CUBIC F'OOT, double door .. ~ rltctrtc nofrl~f'r&lor to trade ExceUat Shape . . .• Rl'ady for Ftahlng Now NEWPORT HARBOR AREA. Attractive llx.unlt court. Ocean M-HOUSE and LOT, cl~ ln. PliOO . Term• F. E.. RIIINU. 1'710 17110 Newport Blvd., Coata FINE Two-Story Home 115 IWpen (over 17) HA.A1101t BOA TBUU..OINO 00. 'l'enD1aal W.Ud, Calif. Pliloee Har. u II • P..-a.J otnc. open dally until ;_18.'1, Corona del Mar ..... c tor amalltr 'ra. or elfetrlc ~ ,., .. .,.. Good Income . U)RT Alllt 7 nc•11r Ncowport fr1«erator. PaUNda Tawm., King's Landing &Del PRICE 118.000 s,.,.: Don Hall with l!!arl W. Stan· I•'Y. phone 1771. %3U Ha rhoor Yuc h\ Club RPd pahml Corona del Mar. 22tl Yacht Bro~erage h•,.tt'••r f>•ll k••lb.,t•k ronlalnlnl' "allo•l, :1 ~"''"lint• 1'4111J\On bo wtkl 11nol cit I\'•' Ill IIJ ••nil" RE\V ARD ftfft'ro•cl Tt•lo•J>hllrt(' Nrwpoft 3!16-R 24c CHIN A CABINETS :>1st and RblDe Pbo!W a834 BALBOA lSLAND DINETTE ~ -for aale-- and . ~ 4 BEDROOMS • 3 BA 'I'R8 Newport Blvd., Coeta ltlea. Grand VIew of Bv and Ocean 3 BEDROOMS ONLY $7500 • WANTED ... CASH BUYERS W. J. HOLCOMB 1:00 P. M.; ltlondaya until 1 :00 P.M. (A. c. Required) REWARD DINING ROOM SIZJ: REAL ESTATE WANTED I l.&r&'t Lot Near Sou\11 Bay • I --------' Complt>tely P'Um18hed lncludln~: MINKLER FURNtTURE STORE WANTED! "Snowbird" WE HA VIC MANY BARGAIH8 . . . world'• of u.ttDp F. E. RU881CLL 1617 Coaat Hlway Corona del Mar ''Wbe.re the Flap Fly" 24c 1790 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta ~~-PAJtT '!'11m WOIU( FOR ... 10 ICLJ!)C'l'IUClANS • HoW'II Per Night 5 Nla'bta Per Week IUJUIOR BOA TBUU..OJNG 00. Tem1Jnal llland, Calif. Pftwonne1 office open until 1:00 P . ltl. Mondayrr until 8 :00 • Mite: Under &JdatJnl" Stablll&aU!•n a.,.latloM no 8tatament of A vall. •WlUJ ,. nec••ary for UU. wortc LOST M&n'l walltt, wi\11 lden· t 1rtr11tlon pa(W'r!l, ~ran card, 111111 monl'\' Po!l•lbly lost on ~l~&lbna l8ll):n,l, probably un wa· t.-r. •umrwh••n• nc•1u Mr Nillly'a, nntl llko•l\' lo rtnat ouoh urt> nn I•- lnnol nr 'ntlllnlnnrl Nttnw· ("arl Sto·rf.,n_ K..turn trr RllY R-.n. ol;olph. ntouou~··r BILl boA \' IlCht Club 24c Jt'OR RENT 1211 8 . Main Santa Ana LJStJ~cs or PROPERTU:I IH I $15,000 COR~ DC. IIA.ft DIS'I'IUCT I Bee: FOR SALE Phone W. H. ltlallanl GERTRUDE A. WALDRON Bed Divan 110 N<'WJIOI't Beac:h t'TI·W :\08 Marine Ave. Balbo& taland Cheat of DraWf'nl $12 2S-2•c Crib and lnntraprtnr matlren R<"tektr WaJnut Olnetll' 316 Lindo St. - 110 • 1\ Set . $20 Phone: 1193-J MJSCEi ... LANEOUS Listings Wanted I hA\'<' r Mh buyen1 for property 111 th" Ntowport Harbor ana ~&nd Coeta Mtaa George Fellows 18114 :-.:~wport BIYd. Coet& ltleaa 1 Am Looktn&' For 3 .• -.\CRE 1 n. Y r -Old Beannr A voea.doa and ~-mom ,_,bite atucco hUJ.ide home that I• dlfferenL Knolllop view that owrlooka whol.-ot Oranre County. reached by well «"faded. euily dr1ven road. Buutltul paUo. $7000 BEST BUY -In- TOWN Comtr • two lots FumlsMd hoUIIr lk"\'en yran1 old Evcory modem convrnlrnct Two mlrrutea to thl' pot~t· otflcr SubstanUal and wor\11 t11e mont'y. D. C. MacKENZIE Crestline Village K OUNTAIN LODOJ: ''" llilr<l road. Small cabin ln rear. Close in, large tree.. One mile from LAke On-gory. • GWI • Electricity • Soft Water Largl' Fireplace Price: $5500 . tTenn.1) • • A. L. MARKS HOc)M .t'OR RENT by \II•.• Jay 918 occ-&n Blvd... Corona del Mu . 24U Fe •R su::-..1 1;,.,1r,.,,m wtth cook· 11111 prl\'llt•jr•'!! Mttrrlt•tl rouplt ur tOin~th' woom.u> \\' IPth and Anllhl'lm, Colllll Mt'•a, BICY Cl.EI 8otQ. I'Wftted or ,... pa.JNd. Voef'l'a. so. Matn IL. Balboa, and 201 llattne A••·· BaJbo4a lltan•. Jtt MORE LISTINGS 11ofMEDIATE POSSESSION Watf'r aharett Included PANORAMA HEIGHTS 1808 Newport Blvd . Coata MHA 2•c 221 • :l!ith St. Newport .. :-t!l~ Newport Blvd, eo.ta•llll& ~-----------WAJC'IWD TO BUY -Vacuum ct.Mr. wrtte Boa 306, New- JIOI't 8MdL 21 p R~::"TA I. 1-:X<"HA:-.'OE .\tlrac· SIX tr&n.~parl'n\. aunpronr win. dow curtalM tor 1ale Six fN't Jon«. Minkler F'urnlture. 121 1 S. Maln St , Sao.nta Ana. 24c W A.H'I'ED--()ood bomH for t ~·c) -.rt feetlale puppiM. Call at .. O.y&. Bal.,_ llland. 2•r tl\ ,. Hrt>utwutlll holU~· c;ompwte. h· furntllbrd Thn •f' tx·dNtOnu, I ouhl • 4 bAths S I 00 }'f'r mon\11. Cll••nt w~tnt. to t•xrhllnge l111• ro·nllll f••r \'rll.rl\' rt'ntal at New. 1~•rt Hill bo;r. l';ll Eul Stanley, :-.o•wport &-ach 17i8. 22tl W .urT1a> TO BUY -8maU radlu. a.o.a. BM~o abop. ua Maril)l'. -1- ..a. 1111&D4. PbtoDe TIO. 24 tf 1 . F••q Boast Bans .... ., fol' the ovea 'r:OCel ~ ......... Rabbits • ) CNlDDA. \ ILUl .-.L. •••• , IWIII ._.. J JACk 7117 ecr fe-ouComeciBeef AJ)AOUAft IUII'I.1' J0a ALL TOUR NEIDS IS LAJIII VEAL ALPHA BETA MARKET -RADIOS R<'patn>d to your sat. lllfartlon. All "'nrk ~n~aranll'f'd Prompt l<'n'tt't• N B.C Radio s .. rvlcf', 18.18 •., Newport Blvd., Coata ltleaa. WANTED TO RF.NT WANTED Housr with :l or 4 tw-droom• from Stpt. 1~ to June 1. Call N!'wport Burtt 1277-~f or •Tite to 8.11 Udn Soud. Nf'w. port Jkach. 28p WANTED TO RENT~Bf'ach hit. Sle.p five. RNpoMible flliTll.y. $350 to Sept. II. Syc. 0-1718, Or wnte 0 . D. Kilmer, 8o.J: 40. Route 1. Puadena. Calif. 2•p WANTI:D TO 1\J:NT-by New· port liNda Bdlool Dllttr1cL 4 l"t99ttW aY&.IIablt for cr..._ be- &'lnnt"-'In Sf'pt. Contact £. I. Moore. phone 7S. 1att WASTEn 1\) RENT Sntall lu<>. tor wlntf'r ntonlh• onlr On <'r nr. Balboa l• No peta. ~·o In family Bo>at carf' of pro(lf'rty ...ured. Call Frank Rich, :-.tl'\l:. ~rt ... 24c, REAL f:STATE fFor Ex.) TO TRADE Lot 40.80 Coaat Royal on Cout btp,_y tor BalOO. Taland property. Ptlone -.w N...., ii.Mil. hp Costa M••s~t Homa and Ac,..,.,.e lnortheut of Santa Ana) A Speclalty $5950 ~: & ----------- MRS EVA F. RHODEN MRS EVA F. RHODEN Qttk:e: ~11nta Ana 2113 or Evea.: 5314-W Snnta Ana Jlll; &vel.: 5311-W 1928 S Bro.ctway Santa Ana !•:.?8 ~ B~J Banta Ana 24c Wanted I 719 ACRES 0 1 1 ~lllng at about half Ill real From Owner n y ., \'llhll' A honey to INbdlvfde. Half. HOMF. 1:-.t 008TA lti'DA II mile on food paved htrhW'&Y :-.tEWPORT IIJ:IGHT8 or 1 Harbor bouleY&rdl. &orne alfalfa F'OR SALE Beautiful I story born.-on doubl,. lot on exclua. lvr. ratr1cted Lido llle. 2 bed· room•. den. knotty pine penel· led Uvlnl' room wi\11 fireplace LJYinr room and den newly car- peted wall to wan wi\11 all wool broadloom. au ate.am radiator hrated. 'Mlll charming home with I~ 2 ranch pol'dtN, all tJie roofa. Ita 2 pavtd walled patloe with larr;e t~ and luxuriant tropical nowl'nl, mu.t be -n to be appreciated. ldtally locat. t-d ·~ block from \111' Lido llle Clubhouae and bal111nr bf'aeh. Ownl!r O<'Cupted. nl'ver ~n rtonttd Full price $12.500. For appointment. ph: Owner. NwpL Beach 1792. 24·28c: CORO:'OA DI:L liAR 1 .ontl bf>an land. About 100 acra A round $5500 ·v tn t~eana. • Fiq~. View of Ocean On•• l'r two.bedroom, newt"r l)'f'<'· rlr11n home. La~ lot r•··f•·rrt•d. lred. fr&rden lgiCf', \\'nto' C E. Mlije.r, Route 1, Box 7S6.G, L11 C&na4a. Calif. lip --~ -= ·-In- MANY PLACT.B ON 'l1II8 RANCH About 2~ miiH from Newport &ach. Some &'nod bwl'l"l prop- trty on thta bJfbway. An aeel... l,.nt location for nne 1tome1, a.en REAl~ ESTATE (Por ~) utatee. Nev enoup to tb.e bMcb Fut'R.ROOMii"'iJ8E. nodecor1t-to ~tt the eool b.--. rd Comrr tot. N~ yard. Lola T'rS HTGH LA."l'D-Some r1nr <>f fruit. Doul* prap. tmmed-bottom Mallee It Ideal tor a tlelt-'"t" pnii-8<'Mton. Full prlrf'. 131100 •upportln~ at~KII or dairy nndl. E"-••· tl'mw. Cllll Mrtt. Rlloden, 011 m,f'n uy l11e next ott fteld ~.Int i\ Ana 1113. or f'\'l'nlnp. will bo dl~o,•er.d on t.bt. ranch. Santa Ana 1314-W. 24<! 'Mill ranoh .. aelllnr at tbe ri· rt1ru1ouaty low price of POO per :"E\\:p()RT BEACH COTTAGE •~r-1143.100. ~ r···m~ tumt.ll.ci. ttnlahed lD ~ own..,.. wtn conatlder put knrot:,· pine ancf celotex. ~ trade_ lluat be ..... ~ P"I'P" _.,.,~,..;" quiCII. Full price 13000 C'11n r-..nt IJ& a WHk nov.· and J.1!> " monUI tn wlr'll#r Hnb All<'ml\n. ra&Jtor. pbonf' Santa A n11 :..-,~. ,.,, OU• 81~ over Owl Oruc. Santa Ana. Call at 123 • 2ttll at.. Newport Be_. laturciq _. ..-.,.. Mtt rrty. See: R G. CHAMBERS 2100 N•wport Blvd 0o1ta ltlea tor appointment phone NI'Wpt. .00 Courtesy to Realtors .., $5600 FULLY P'URN18REO . . . TWO-STORY ROME -In- Co ron~ del Mar Lh1nr room and dinette comblna- tJon. kitchen, d,_lnl' room down. ltali"L UPSTAIRS -One bedroom wtth bunk be~; on" bedroom wttll double bed pi'Ovided wttll boll 11J1r1np and &'nod matt.rMa. eom. fortaba. cloett.a. Largt aundf'ck ... ltlaplt tumltuno Doublt «&race wltll o\•erhead dnl Unot.tructtd ocean view For nata BJ.r~Mt $5600 VALUE· Wnte aO. • ~ cW Mar. "\ ... Possession at close of escrow 2-BEnR.M HOUSE In HEIGRTB Ftn>plac-e .. Excell.-nt condftJon OX~)QM ~S~ TN REAR S3800 • 2-BF.flRM. HOUSE FUR.NI8HJCD 1 Six yeara old ) AJ>prolllmately 'i·A~ Half block from Newport Blvd. 14750 EVA RHODEN Call: Santa Ana 2113 F.vl'nlnp. Santa Ana 5318-W uu 2-Bedroom Home ON BALBOA I8LAND t lrumt.bed) $7500 llO(J!!DJATE OCCUPA.Ncr W. L. JORDAN 'iOO E . Central FOR SALE • Fine Beach Home ON BAT ~!ft' Six ~"' ou-t.U..: ..... labl'd. Occupucy 10 -.,. P'r1oe lnclucte. two &ot.a, ,._ _. no.L A GOOD BUY ~ w. L. JON).AJif ,. .. o-t"ll, .... .. I Tl AN CIA -!AM This COI'111JTUlU to have its list or cit Upon here, course in~. it is Nf'wport I Rin£'hart, tN~on. Pol llodgkin~on t1£'!'k ~t-gra And rit'(' \nX'kPr llt'f' joh. < In 1 hP ft•n•n i t·a pa \\Tilt.•r \\'II~ n<'<'l Nl wi I h is II a 1'1 Crni_c. • • • Whlle actively with this paper co~ of the future . report- nnottl.rilons of 6\any leaders. It t o no te in con- with business men connected with of endeavor in y that there is a confidftla> Jn the h and develop- N .,..unnrt Harbor and Coast area, lmn¥nr'tslllv and from its varied fadlitia . ~ . Sule. While there changes to be L'On'Uilunlty over two years, the re tha t remains the t to the bene fit That factor th at are be- ma~h o f progress be the m o rP a fte r the w a r. round of New- . Balboa lslanrt. M a r a nd Costa fin~ the same 11le only 18d in this sa>ne is 1 absen ce or a and there. rt'SUlt- t h e inevitablt> <Je.-nme. • • • for 36 yean the belt adYertiliDI media• •· fbe aewport harbor district • • • the newspaper that coes home Bay Ronda to End War · Qakker BALBOA ·1\\ES ·c~ ~a.., IEEP POITDI 1 Year •••• tl.ll ..... ~ ... " .. N.-·......._N..,..._.. EMBRACING BALBOA P£NIN5UL.A. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHoa& """"11oo\1" LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHT~ BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA ~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~-7.-------------------­ VOL111D JDClVI NEW..O"T aEACH, CALif'ORNIA. TMU"IDAV, AUGUIT 10, 1M4 ...... 7 Lido Realty Sales Hit a New High . iWith $7 5,000 Total Home of World Famed Magician Alexander Conlin Reportedly Brings $40.000; $15,000 Record Price for Bay lt'ront Lot 1 F Congressman John D t f D t M . • amous Phillips to Bf a e or an OQr1ng Ch h 1c.ofC.Guest T · 1 urc man 1 Thr unnnnthlfo Jobn t't\1111.,-, r1a ln . Local Court Be Set August 1.5 T k • d t•t>ml.-r uf t '•tnll,_ frtom lhl• 1 T • a,... 'oll'lll bt· MD<•r.d I""* at lh4' 1 a esBrl e m .... i111.,: ••f lh•· b<lllnl of dl~ton l Q uf lhr Newa••l I tla,_.. Cha mtwr u( l'.,mmf'n 'l", t.• lw hf'ld MHI~ay.l l>r C.rahnm ('I lunl•'l, for mAll) JWel'll fWill'l"l "' lht• 1'1~·~1•) '•'1'11111 dwrth 111 Full•·t '""· ~tml "••II Jlmown tn ~''"111.>1'1 l~·lll'h 'oll h••n• ht' 1.._, m:IIIIIIUIW<J 11 •umm•·r h<Jnw < for ll\l<n)' ) ,.,.,..., wall married IlL'' ..... ht Mt-. MtH'I'II\ Kt'rr, for Hw Ault It >II l2 1:1 I'm Al•lw•inl•··l u ··nmmltt.... In N r h•l ll• "' lh•• tun•ltf'<~ by l'rr111 () drnt Ill"''"" .. '1m It arf' \\'11llrr flplrtr, I' A t'almer and ttuht.-r•l l tfuw., llt'Ciaion Yet on U. S. Hearin1 In Harbor IUspute in Whit'h IMallnteftlta Ftle Pr. test on Boat Moorina. AAb lnjundJoa . 0 -lty sales which a re bel'-....a to h a ve esta blished some 1 fi" :.•'"" aMI!!<tant ";'('to•tul') L •) Ill I"' t ....... k t ~-ru:u n:-n.'-1 .... Ll-' hlslonul") r•·n•unn.•t ol lh<' 46 . rv .. ,.,n • mannr w or f'l', Clf••n ttor 1\f\C new records w e re reported t oday to h ave occur rt'--on uO or t'nl•'lj,!n Ml~lon!i of Ill•·' e ve Ill '"''ll4'nt u. lnvolvt'd In n (tlacpuh• wllh the> O t)' ot Isle . including the sale of sucfl n'Sid ena-s as the bea utiful 'lt'rllln ··hun'tl. ll s A.. 'oll'llh a Ht-nt•h OVf'r hllrbur m m rlna f'C't(UlRUonllll M!hfctuled to ...... hom es of Alexa11der Conlin a nd Norma n B. A bmms wit h th(' ~•n•·M< 111 Nt•w York In tlw d ty <'Otll1 ut !l u. m. '1\K>!tday, AlU(llllt t!\, at whk:h ttnw reported purchase of a bay front lo t by Gordon L. Modi(', set-""-r•n•ru .. ny ..... , ... rtt>rulf'ol Ill H F fi:t h• ur hi!' t rll-on dwt ~ of •llf'M'odlnll'at.-uc..a of n t)' OI"CC- tlng a new mark fo r suc h property at Newport Ha rbor. Modie I •• John<; Pn••ll)lt·ri•n church. ere or I n a nn> Nn. 2HI will lJeo lwld. It Willi IHmtod from J\~ 0 . A. is reported to h av e paid $15.000 for the attractive bay front 8tril&y "11h R··' ~IIUII(•) Am•· J onc-. today . I - --- property . ----------I 1,._, llunlf'r. pulor nl tho· 1 .. Arllrr thla wwk thfo t'lly won llr ru.ko'ft rtw t'IIIUI1 for a ~ Paul A. Palmf'r. In rharl:f' of In block 238 nf ('Mnna ~I Mar; ~~ hi~ hrottwr, R.f>V All,•n Th A Jtho• rt1'!11 round o1 a t'OUM bAIIIt' '"'"' In junction ....-.. ~ Lido saiMI for th<' Griffith rom· Nell A. Slttelh•y t.o I.Aiand l... IIIII'IGT nEI!MAN p, &IN'NR =i ·pat1or of Mt Hollywund e rmy In t~ moun na dlapulf' In a dt'(·b•· m•·nl .II thto ~~ .. .. pany could not bf> 1"1'8cht'd Hlclay I Jooq and Wit e. lot a ln block . Ult(lf'tftl ··hutt•h nf IJnll)-I ''~ h)' !hi' llUpl'ti\•r court In !\ani I\ rtattt I() moor. .... ~ ., ...... for addl1ional dfota.lls ron<'f'mlng 337 , r t:urona llel Mar; ~uetl't'a 8Wf B,t. ...,._man P. KlaMJ, ..... and Rr\• L. n t liiH• ''' llrr·l An• ""'' 11~ a ..,..111r. lhl' rlty nvw ~)' and~ a..,...., to the t ransaction~. of E•tate of Edwin Pler('e, df'-nepb.,w of Mn. William Uhnl ..... 1~. lin lnllmatl' fam ily fril•nd. 46 "'trt.tnat. ~ tn an pll•n• 10 pn:JC"f'('d wtth ttw tnal o1 do -. I The btollutlful AJt'xander Cnnlln I C'(ut<i, to Stanlf'y w 81nllh and 3312 ~ND Froot. hu reneu,latndaunc ln41U4'tton ran ,.. Loc'a1 Bnarct Onnt nn C'tlancH ot '"" urctlnano.-1 ~ wa s purch&..wd b)' Harry S. wlf~ tnt 3 In blodc 34. Nnt~port bten awa rded butll ~h. OIM.Ia-n. brid" 1• n dau~lrr .II UM• No 111 ffnrport a..c:a. and ea-vlnlllll•"' ll11n1 hal ~ fllcod a l Rothctlild at 11 n'portt'd ronllidt'ra·l Beach , lpl8ttlecl .,Ylnl Croh and hl8 ..c-lat. Rrv. John C. Kf'rr ol Dc•rk·1 trainrd ;.. Auc-l IM.b tor u-. a..a. ~lfnlllalnt a11klnac • M W lnju.U.. A •d R . lion oi~OOO.il wa!l lf'llmcd. Thr Fred Hammer to HoUle A.~ "" Oak Lt·af Cluater. He ...... Jlf'r brolhtor, R.rv. WIIUamt An&4'1foll lad8CU. lhaUoa. ,._ 11.:1\ln•l lho' C'lty to ll"'"''m l .n· Cl ung 1 propH1Y is lorlltt'd 11r 751 \'ia 1 ter and wtt~. lot 0 to block 62 of baa an Air M~l awarded -C. ~. for ma ny )Nlnl a mlwton· m~n ..,1n no U.. c.U. few .,eiMit'al run•f'fm'nl nt th,. ontln.nt'!P by 1 Udo I O!'un F'mnt Tract, Ne"'1'0rt Ume aao. tr7 ~ Korea, wa• a clatwnalf' a t military .Vt, lD , ... AnHd For-(, •••• , Ill l'olh'O' ll. ft ll•ldcklf*Jn I I Mr. Conlin Is ramou." In f'WI')' Bf'ach <..,1eeter Bickel to A. J .l Rgt Klnn"y wu a Bu•na Park ~on of DT Jluntf'r. TI\t• r f'• A nua..., (Jf J.,..._ ,....... 11nol (,ty EJ\aino-..r ll. I~ t•at~.~ c f Cf'N1 city throughout ''"' world Twf.lot. Iota e. 8 and 10 tn block .,.,y IUid hu• molhl"r now ru'd .......... oom and hla l'oii'O bn'ota..·n lr•nlll Wf'l"f' aa.n lnrludood fnr In · It. W"JI lt•amf'd. I n a e u Ale-xander the Gn>af. whO!<C' 443 ••f t·urona del Ma r ; W UJlam J .11n Stlvt"rado Ca nyon. He h~u• hMa twho .. r11dpatf'd In \hc.o "'"'mon)' 4Uc!tl• no.. their rea.:-.Uon 'l'hr '"'"'plaint ht llftld lu al~ magical feats haVP thnlled millions Hud.nn ~tnlt wlft to J o'hn M. Pell~-Pntc:ortomcod at N••wport IW.Ch .,.. • the Jl(lf\JJ ol • minlat~r. thr ~ntn. • ....,...._ ~·• th111 lhe d ly onil~ 18 not..,..... of ~non~ durinl his Jon~ caJ"C't>r. tier , lot 12 In hlnrk t or trart 6U. numeroua UmH wbUe on f'urloucb. late ltv. Wlllla. m llunh'r ol fUvtr-l C'brt•e K. Mortntr o1 Nf'W'1'0'1 f'rl) WOI'drf1 and Itt. I Uw d \J ... I • I Purcha~r of t hf' Norman B Newport BHch; 8. L. Burceu 1.o1 tb~ ltu1t one being a bowllnf party •· lktaeb ••• ·~ 1_,_ ot u,. not havl' authority Oft'r thto mat· s Abraml! rl'!lidence ., 101 VIII R..t· H &rl)h.l Spurgeon GraMm IUid I at Balboa, Another party w• Dr.lfuntr r and his brick-l'~· I tl t wltk'tl t.ft """' lhf' lf'r nJure I vrnna wa.~ Mr Waltf'r Sht•arer, wile, lnt 3 In block 333 or Canal l lvt'n ovr r tu reconllnc a uf h'-to U.. In F\dl..r10f1 hut Mnl. Hun· ~ 11~ ctnc Ra&twaJ O.pot at ........ ~ who wus n-pont'<l to havf' p11id Ml'l•on. Nco'oii'Jl0r1 Burh: Kathryn vnral anll JtU IIar mualc. I ~ 111M flf'1111 to return to Nt'W T. 1"3 8 81 e ~~-Hutlor PnM l l<'lll"!niC "' lhf' ulflnott of 1 _ $19.500 for thf> ~·ell knoWn Udo N. HUI &nd hullband to Irvin C He Ia lllUI la Encha.ad, and .. 1 Yortl IOm4' lltn•· lhl~t mon,\h tnl N 111 ·A~...,._. w .. 111 tJ S l >! .. trk't Enct~ al ,,. f\n· "JIIIIt. llytn• tD ..._.. a IIUit propt'rty. 'Jlw.o trarvcacrion in-1 C'hiiJlman anlt "'. ·lfe, I(Jt 14 In block with OW! 390 BQmb<'r Group. 581 ~work llht' had In hand (01' I c.::a • · (Jf Ule ..,_,.,.. N'"'· IC'l'll'tl waa hf>ld .... , n.t•Jiday In eacl'-'-l" ... u. ~~ clu<k-<1 two lots a~ W<'ll as thf' 5 ,, "'11ubdi\'I8IOO or a«:tlon I uf Bnmb Squad H. Uw ~of F"urel~~:n Mu.,Jona. _ 1 !linn~•. wiUa "'0 ...... r. w . whtd'l Jl"l'tftll to O..t'• ~. Lont: .... ..,. residt'ntl11l lltuetu rc-. Balboa llland. , CrM.ker Qua .,._pba. 8. T. Dun· a~ to , .. up ......,.,. lralfl• 1 c ....... ~ .._..,.. .. Mr. Abram~ hall hN'n II f'i'Si· Martha J . Aflm tn J"hilhJl Rnl>·. St rt I rporat·... tf ll\l' and' A J Ha,... .. atr-t· w..no rllfld hy IGNII lnh•l"'''tlll. I add law "'-Dol - drnt of Ltoo l~lf' for a nu~bcr or ~11 and wilt', lot 2 in block 7. of , I ACO anc4'. P'oll~ uae ftlll c:all by · An!Uf\& thoM-~ fUint ....... ..,.... a P'l•trn yc:oar;-and prommmt In ~ ac· tract J:l.l, Coronn di-1 Mar; l.Auti· a ..._ Qllt'f ctertl ~. a. T. Dull-l""•ll'tl11 Wrl"f' RaiJit.' P • ....,...)', .. ...,.. ta. _., · tiviUMI. He cam<' to Uull com· <'liB V Wroolie to J. F.flfktnt' llrLar eo ..... ft a.p ~ et ...a ...... No. F M. 81~, UW ~of N... .... -.,..· .._ ; mun!'Y from StoattWo-Abrtm." is Johnson and w1ft>, lui 996 ot tract .U ••J' n i. eU t& • ...... ~. pnt1 ~ ud ....,... fttltw""'"'. orala lilt*• e1 l pretridmt or OW! Udo Isle Colft-.907 Nt>wport Beach · Mmnle Mat' I ..... .,. 0 • .,._~,, .... a.ei"'MCl. e&.. 1 ·~ .... munity ~iatlon whidl has don<' :F~Ie to Nelson Holmwood and Plana for 1he lf1C'OI'P)f'8Uon ot ~'*'lAW to CWI') Oft Uw lfMo lACUM .,.... .... 0.... two,...,.. ... O.t. a_. -Ill .. .._ .... lmuch to al!Sist in tht' dew1~~wU•. ~rt o1 lot 1 of tract 46(, ttw Nf'WpOrt Harbor ~ =·-..........., ....,_ ..._. a. ......... 11M.,......,.,...... ... ....,.. 1'111!'11&._---._,....2"""~~ of that famous ~t al ......-Nfowport~u; J"anuun and Olftt wen~ ••~ ~ .•• ~01-Ja• -IIWI~._~_.. MM.·ftt.d....,. ,_._. ., .. -.. ~.....,_- •trtct. ' Mt>rdtanll NatJonal Bank of Loa lnr held lhls w~k In 'lly e4r· ~ ot ltw War ...,.,.... 111 lk& • ,._ __.. hlhCtJm and lOt • lftftPO"'II)' ordtPr et • ...,_ ....,. tile .w. ·~ ! ._,.. Prk!e Aneeles to Jue E. M andle-ster, port R8fhor C'tlam!M'r ,4 · Vl8of'oull ac-th~n on I nt adY~. •''"" 1M' .,. .. ~ fhat hP wu be-..... Md ._ a. .......... 1 :-i{'Wptlr1 Jlartlnr 00) front Pf'OP"Ipan of IOI!' t•4 and 145 of subdl·lmen"C• offiCNC a.nd Ot At...,_.,, .... ......., .t tM ... t C'flmm ltt"' Mn If(.._., ........ ,. -t:Mir·j•nc .. ,..,_.._. .. by ..... rtt)', dallr & IIID8II ..... .... , t>r1y has lona tw>en considt'n'd the 1viaion of bloc'k A of El\111 New-Rola nd ThnmJlO<nn Is (NI prepar wfU ~ ~lrd'" lht> wry n•'1"[man o1 u.. ftH a-JlrD :;elk')' thn"•.:h ·lto d ly f'nllncot•r, ft.. l. •rvea. MN . .,.._ 0. PC 1 -. I mO!'t valuable' in thto dty anti ttw port; inj;t thf' "''"''"~81')' rs. II WIU ,....., '· • CantHft \Tnlt aldld.., .. ,. lf~lfon """'''""" II·· olnlnUI ho• tuull-n 2tS6 I.Am~UI on ... Pp .... - !!ale of a he~ fmnt lot h) 'lw: • CHium National Tru~l and leartlf•(t toda~ frum ambfor See-p A. P11~••hn 1-onduo 1•"1 1111' 1 H"n'l•t. llf't"YN the IDM f!Oif• an•l tit·nlf'fi n achh '" rnooorr• hi~ ,.,.,.,,, thr •h•,.•ltlrra Griffith <"Om~ny. ownrrs anti ~-Savin~~< Bank of Ln. Anl(&•lc•l' 111 1 n>lary Harry. W••lr .XO'II!If\.11 ca I~'Tl ''' 11 .~ ••u r lll:tl, diiUifhnutJo, nn IWIII&Ir nt u-e lA· h1ul '""'" n•ru ... ~l P•'11l 11""1"0 1" tlu•u l'ofdtobt1, watur, •• S)Et w·lopel'l' or Lu1o b lr . to. Mr W,.t· ()urothr•ll R. Earl. lot~ :\ and 5 '" For lt\4' ( <~mm di·l!l""ldtd an Huj;th \\ rl•· .. x ·•f lf'IIUI &.&C'h A..Wu ~ r-•""'101''1 " 1"'10111n•·nl 1111 8 '11"~; rumre f rum fbe at'M ..,.. llleai'El trr Shearer fnr $15.<ro L~ bo•lw,·('(j hlcl<'k ~:\2 nf Corona lif'l Mar and rl'<'lon.. II, \'In~ 1flt'(j that all SAnta Ana . nl)' -.nr d1•••t ,.,,. t•1101t r·~•mn•an(!,.r JMWWift dl.trth· •111 tt'r• """ tn•ot~·rl) 1111'1 hud 1"'''11 "'" wumiU'I'I hair w .. • fiN, ta In l'f'l a twW prirf' l"('('(lf't1 JlOrt nf llllf')' RdJan>nl : Gf•QI'J:t' v. rivk or~;ant7ullon ho• t'nlllled to •rdlnator' .atlrnrt••t1 '" •II••""" "'"'' Pl'' ka~t•• o1 cl«<ll'f'll#a lu lhr ,.,,,.,,,.,, I WI•·•· 111"' ""''111 ''111~1 trylrllf lo INt nut the ''ttre,'' tw Tht•rf' hall lw-f'n ron!!ld4-rablr nf Rlat·k und Wlf•' 10 t-'rank t:. Barr~ on!' nwmhc•r nn •• l~•arol nf 01· tnallf'r"' of ~nl)' tnl!;'r'1'"' 1n ••rtn· rotl11-.1ntr m.n· With .,..,._, ''""V IJ" 1¥1"11 ht• alan wu b•J~I. oa u.. ........_ ' ..... one I • • I 1reall)' actrvily throu~:houl lh•· r n· and WJ(r•, loll> 179 and 20 •n block l't'('ln~ ~tnt1 until I\I'CIIOO witt.1hr plnn Olht '" I"'""' fllratan n R A....,., l'kn Pl.,.o, 1"••1•• m wluol l'nll•·"'"" llr•ld 'wa • Mn Kflu(ll•k wu aUIDIDed bJ tin-rlty a~ w••ll all Of1 I.Jt1n h i ... 9 10 lrnr t 'l7 11ouii'\'IIM t!ldcil tion hav<' nn "f'IIOrtu fnt wrno ,_,1:1' 0 1\ .r .. n .. ~ f1)•1r• IJIIo·ll•· w Wnody, ())ala MNII. 11 tr•trwtc~l ur~·~~ t1r ltllr hn and w• _. _.... j lncal n'tlltor!'; rt>porl Amon~; lh•• tn :-;c•wpnrt 1·1,,1~hls; A J . Twl.~l lhe1r I'Y'Spt'\'llw A-41••n, -hnrd C' "''"'' If ~ Etl\lltn A l(wanll, O•llA1n, Alfrr(! Wtw·n t •n ... l•llnlt J111111C' .. 'r11nklln ly lnJI~r•d 'nte acl4. ...,._.,.., I 0111n~ !>illr!< r•'f'••ntl~ u •p•rl•"1 an• 10 llorothy K l)(•P\Iycll. 11,1 f; tn the pN'llid<•nl of Krnny, 1rvin Goocort;•• I ;.,.,1•111 ,I J (;uiiH,...a. f'arll a •-· Warrrn '· W•·~r tit·rh••l ''"' '"''' I~<· '"' A l'rfl~tlflr, w .. ,_.. ,\e be • th•· follnwll'll: hlock fi4 :.! of C'nnma •1••1 Mar. R. A wtll tM-ron,;iflpn'f t-t"'IW St••ff••nsun a11<1 llun ~ .,. fltrf'boo, t..na Anct~IM: J,_ II ~··•'V•>ft th111 f•ltlfilhtl 1"" "''11"" ...... 1'N"•nt murtaUc add and 1 ,.r- Listlnc• •If rl'81 ••8lal l' MIM ( lrmi<Wn ll nfl wlfr 10 Frnnk E. of lh" dtr~·f'Hors " lht' C'ummun· \\llfr h • K lllltr Jr , ltunlln~ n..rh . I roo ,. .. 1 I h•• r•r"t~·• I •~ '''""'' 111 lnw ••-.nl tlllda l lhh• "'eek anuws Uw rollnw lnJOt t-'mst••r. lot 1 in hlock '1:2 of ~ .. w. lty Ch«'sl Out of I h~tarcl 'II •It·(' Wh llf' the· fl••f1n1••· II""'"' rnr K. Alltn, ~uta A.na, Clayton 11 1'"'"""'n11n.: ''"'' ''"' \ulhhty "' Th~ bf•Y• wer" ~~ ..,...,. flit«'•'" or r rnPf'r1Y chan~lng pnr1 Bfolt«'t'l! f-:A111ll M. T>ll\'t'nf)Or1 reetonr. whn1'1 mil~ ~am· n rnnge counl) nnrt cho· hurlti•r Nunnom. H•WJIOft fla4arh ; lAw tlu· N••wp11 ll•·u• h I••" ~h•>~•ld lw• 111,. wall I«•. Oay Hart. bad u. handl!: S ph M 1 d ·c 1 pot'lln" tota l or 35 nwm ·r~. 1111 1 t•·•l••tl ullt.,,.l.., 1,.... .. ,.~ of mln«t to take '* Palml'r f"onnf'r and w t' lo 2J rn block (' nf tntr l 5114, Bnlboa, I'Xn.u vr om ,, "' -' -" " ' • ltr••t!M numb.r ol Uact car, ..,., .,_ If '" tr rn a rm nt'nn WI <'. ol ~·r i · c mlrr~o..~~vnn•••tll l (O..U. ... ..,I.~tl f C'ronunurdnnr-.p ~l 11•••"1''" •u .. rr•···l•·• IUI'IIl""'· ~ Ltn•·•l T F uii'()O and wtfl'. north· .. k L. R d f 1•"1'1 Jllt••l 111~ 11''"' "' 1 1"11 111 ""1'1''11 ••• a hi• tu ...,..Uy..il• ldenUtJ , S hlluf'nc urg•''-" an WI<' to T f h 1.1, L • red • , ... "'"'k' '" kn•• k .,111 tho· .. ,... r-. _, :~:~~~~;"t!~~:r;~ ;;:t 1:~: lo 1 t 1 l:r:: ~:k· .. :~~n~ :~~~. ""1:;..10~0~1 ::; PORTRAI 0 t e "ee~e Pair lriJU In Oltllfl' '" tu lul rlll\ """ •mlu .. tul t~ .. ':~ ~ y= ::-::: tbcrJ ~ tlh~k 1:\c; Cnrorul drl Mar. Clll-R 1t1 1 A •d t D-ad "'''1' 1"' "' IJO>lh·•• 1"'"''1 1111'1 111 ,.,,.,,. 1111 I I fh J 1 .. 1 71'n" :'l:allllnAI Tru.sl anct Savlnp :~~~~~ !i;:.chi;G ·~.~~~kE fW ur~ 8EilNA&D .. Hotlpeed CCl en ne y . \'111111 Ill IIIII I II •I···· ..... 1•~11111 •· 1'11Ur1 • H ... II 4' U't'l'ft -~ Ranlt u f Lt•R Anpleto t.o Ctla rle• IF Se A • l hr hall« mluolo·o lu '""'' " p •t ~ H l'n<·ty K~!tkin(! and wtfe. lot 21 (C..UII ... -p~ t) Of a gain 1,,.,. Hllllf'l lll'fllll'lt llllft hut II'II V•'• t•r.N .. IUN C'I.IJII 'I'O Ml:i:T __ _ ___ -----I tl1•• niult••r •·nllll'l)' I•• tlw til..,.,.. <::S :40 Years Tide Line , Dispute to be Ended A meand~r line aJung U1r nc~an ~.car h <lnwn by lh•• Jrtll~ll. Mnl'{' 1 r hangNJ whPn lhr •hnrr hnl" wu \\1•1rnt·ll, h1111 hrrn hntlwrm~ at· tnrn ... y,. •·Ol!IOP•·r~ prnrwrty U\.\'n· rr• ~tnd th• C'll ~' I'<IIIOt ll fur rr.any mnnlhll \'• :11 !1 Ill!" 11 bl.: !:""'" hnup•• ~rt'<'l Pll hy :'11 rll It I, l'tla .. hi' \\oil' l•u•lt In lit•· 1711!1 l•lurk h<•l ',\ l•c•n Gr<'g (;or·hy ~~st ill a lt•ading lil!ht in t ht' fishing indtt't r~· . • • • th" •<tco~tn and C'<'nl r~tl avenu~. !'~orr.•· sny lhf' plar• wall con8lruct· •'" tn 1 hf' :.!011 . <ot h•·rR rl\rllf'r, but tlw 11"111"' "1111 u~•·•l "" 1\ land m111k Still lnl• r a lw••·lllmy 1 ~lt iii i<Ht' \"'~put "I' at 17:.!:, C'rn-1 tral. wh11 h nt nn•· limP l1111111~•1 11 u .. tph ........ r. hnllhM'·IwiiiW ... II'"' .. r I tlf' lltfiMnl 1lw N-fJ'If't .... h T"w"""" I Ant• lfnwunh, wh .. .,,.,. ln,lun '<1 ' lt. ... lll••, Ctl \ ... l<l(u w•·• l'ul l••t rlut• will ntf'f't ~)' f'W'ni'Wt y,!fwn 1111• rnH~I ""'' ~CWill'firt•h '""· ltn111 1111' 11111•• 111111u·• ( 11c..r t\111(11•1 1~. u1 11\f! honwo ul Mr d I plonk ~., tht· llnhby J Wf'l"'' lftrT> "' ''••Ill~· It It ll·•ll{kln"'•ll ~ •I·· Ml ~ I. I( AlohheiJIPI, ae w..a 1••11 .,., •·1 ttl w ... -tu. "~n In 11 r>ouah l•·n•l•"'' IIH\ """'"I" t "'II '''I~·• h I •• ,.111r1 work Rl{ltlll lhl• Wf'f"k ~-,..,..,.,. w1111 nn 1~ ,_, wlt•·n tl lT,.,h,otf. lind hJI lhr .....,.... Wll ft Ill• After 44 Yean Ph1rm. Willi•••• .,. ••• 11, rr"'·1 .. ,.,,. "•' ·•~~~~~ "'' "'•' Looks lw., n In t .. 'ft ''" twu '""'''k" ,.-'1 81ck on l1vy Thrillen f"11JM'I •II IIt~ l\l ol h 1\lt '""' M h lluW•ulh 'I II II I lo\ ,''11,.1· ' . J h• r•• ••v. tntt "' • • n "''' lfllllll 'f' '" tht• ,,,,.~ ....... ', •• _.,," ,,,.,,. '" .,.,, ,....... , •• """ '"'' ~ J••"•"l' MI ... IJ,,Y..otth un th• ,,. ", ,,, t h•· •· )'( Nuvv fu••t•ltAI 1111tt•l v. lltl• lo• 1 ''''"IJIIII•I wue 11n 1 1 Jo' M '"' .t tu\ ""'"" •• "'''"' ttrtt1••r . ""'' "' , •n I ... ._ "" •• .,,., ~. ••vur I 1 l lnn v tt v.·,u, •• , ... , •I ••• ._.,. • .,, "", tn t'••••l ''" tfu .~,· .\rt Uirt•dor Lot·aleM In Yorha Linda l 'f l' tl t!lt\A If. II h Ill ''II ,..,,\''I y. ttl IJP ,, •"t • II h u l 1 ttUif' t ,~. t.,, ••• ., ,, , t r •• '' 1. I•• , • II y "" t I f)()N Ill U'> I' I :\t•\ t•r ( 'hH n~f'. Like• I hl' l"'tnst:llll surr whil'h is ri~ht outside' 1 he ir hu!'incs..-ric" 11....,, Jo::.ddi•· ;mrl l\tr~. :O.lool't' t·rrn- tinue tn ~1'\'C' a lar·gp publk on their i':t•wpor t C'om<•r. Then-arP' m01 n\' mon• lhat coulcl he menti;ml"ci bul fo r la('k o f spaL'e. 1 ~'!'pil<' our w ar rhan~cs a mi industry. the H arbor cit y tm s nt•v(•r chan~cd from serving lh t>Us· • ands o f inla nrl fo lk a s a n ideal plan-to n-lax. Tht' in - landers may net br a ble to drive here as f rt'Q\M"fl tl y as in the put. but they lll'l' sliiJ to ~ round enjoying th(' ex· •t'ellent beaches, aiHng on Ne"''J)Ort Bey and tht m a ny othe r a dvantages this rom - ' muNt>· otfen to u.o..e fortu- nate-~ ltt-altdt-1t" ,.... hour.., or rtay-: fo r n ~. ' ~ -· -- .. NEWPORT-RAJ.RfJA NF.WS-TTMES. Newoort a..ch, California, Thursday, Auguat 10, 1944 ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------- Real Estate Sales MY iWN.Q. OOOD AT THE PAVII.JON AT hi.BOA Boec. f« 1\fttt at ~tift Ban .A~ y INVD'IIIENT ln. ·~ ··-..- & BALBOA PIEis GEORGE IIIN'D ~Fishing at All Times UVE ft'IT ALWAYS AVAILABLE -20A ~ORTFIS~,!!!.t.~l§.f l The .. Ow , .. Maiden" and .. Dina Lee" 'en .. a.. ... .,.. . ....,. ..... Call s_,.,. Ul er A .. ,.~·-aary _,. ~S'e::r%~ Airman Tells of His ~~n~ cu.. ...... ,,... racr II WI(!' to Hugh L K~lly and wile, Area Homes Capture,-) and Escape ... ~--~ ... ,.-. a-.. Wlff', northNI•Io 11, 1111 lllort of loll!! 1:.!. and 14 In blodJ ~ ,, ot ~ Pktftc '' "' ••• ' 1~. Conmu dc·l Mar; 1\J\d 1 patio ~ ,,..., o1 lot 277 rn Nn• port c-Uff to lbe ,...UC~ llt<iahlJI: Gritr~th company to E. 1. Aid-1 t.ru•1•hnr etUI r ontlnuea IB tbe ; ,am:. fo;::e June...._ fko~tln<'f' llotll<4'(f'ltl I<• tr.m o·-~~t'h, Jot Mel tract 907. N.-,.r1 citY 1 ••lh In th~ II!)~ or ~true-To be abot dP~ belllnd lk and a promotion to a lwut~·, k Uld 00 &.day 1 htnl••n KntJ .,,,,., lot 16 111 lt~lc 1 t 1 n,•,lr h . M ltn<' ~lgley to Gust c Uon 1\1 new bomu. and addltlona ~nemy liDM ln Arika., captured by eky. :;" • from 0000 UlltD • p..a. 11r 1 rllt'l 1:\4 1J1Jr1 11( ~,..1,,1 , 'fnnn•' nnrt "'1fl', part ol lot 124. tu Jtl..-~f'nt dwt>lllngw Arabe a.nd ltripped of b .. clotbee 1 Mn. Sblpman and tk lNiby., bad It that U.. dlalac J\.• 1r h r.rltrllb \nmrw•nt 1u I • 1 :"'•·"'l>(>rt I h•Jt.:hl•. HPm.tn Lftnkp P~r mi!Jo tol&lang 19.:w)() were and valu&blt'a and then manage t,o Keith, llave ~ .. n •Uillllg lbe room d~ to:;.5 but ·•1•1 h. \\'••ll\ll•r ,or\11 "I ' I••' kl. >~:t•\ w r. I•• Fl .. m~ S. C<d and 18~u•••l "' the pa.t wt>ek •• tot-eacape, .. the u:perlenc~ ot UeuL Grer.a.teda, old rnewta. and 1a.at I t~ er atatH ADd Mid lfi o~f 1r11,.1 ~•(/ ="•'"' I"'" ... r.. l-1 ~ ,,.....biO<;l 26 ot N.w-Ju,..• Colonel Mark Shipman. bere oo Friday Mra. 8hlpn::uJ -t twr 1 wlab~ It ., • .,..;... t. llo .wh 1:r1rf1th ('cuo.,,,,,, ••· 1 . '' l•lf I 1\•·adt \\ tllrum~ llaun and I<• 1 "''' H Jt'nlu mr Ul8 Vic· o visit with bla wtfe and lNiby at buebaDd at lbe Orangt> County 'J(. ~. Slttrto·r, 1111 j;!t:l •I It ,,•1 ••17 '" ,(, '" I I• '"' A. Mi •r and wtfe 1,1 '" ~''"nue. I.e'" Angele,e, build tilt' home of Mr. and Mre Jtubert Auport for a nyinc vllllt to bla we oa._. ______ _ :"\t'"l••" ll<·rll'h , <11frl•" 11 H••" 1 11rt .,r I 1 !1 In l.lloc S2 ot N--, n• 1 ••m Add'tlnn to pn:nnt r.r .. nated, 914 Weal Central av-1 Jovt>d otwa. 1 y._ AJIDeUa ....__aDd !ky- l •• ntl• 11nrt v. 1t1• It ltoo11;l:•• \\ l"rt B•·111 It W A r l'anud d", I IIIli': at' 300 Hazel <Jrtve, Fred "nut'. For that feat Shipman re-H~ b.. returned to Glt'ndale 1 mtJre He)'DUUI were married 1aa bhn•m•b an•l "'1f' lnt 1~ ''''" "'" "1 t·~ '" Jo:t•rl . Totr~U~atd Fin••·,,· contrr"'tllr, ,,..,.1.1800: c~lvt>d tht' O .. tinl'ollaht'~ ~rv1c~ Tf'rmanal wht're he Ia baad and wedl b lk KeY GoockU at t.be ,,.111 h..,,.,,,,, 1\ 10 ._., ••I 1,,, 1 ,;1 ''"" "1t· 1 .. 1 t7 In .. ock 641 or "linn A Rltt,.r, 20:! Garn~t BY· <.roea and In addition li8J! 6 oak bt now coordJnatanr diff~rent al.r HJt~ ~. 307 Mootero.. Bal· 11 ,,,.. 'Ill? "~•""'l••l't 1:. ,,, I• c ·11, • · .. r••o u ol•·l ~l ui llallh K1rcll IUid ,,1111,. n atho& leland. build ont>· I~ an• and I• et111 only 24 ye.r. fitlda on mt"lboda of nytac. HJa boa Attn the c~y t.be uf ='-•'"' I"~~"' 1\..rod t '" VI oonl. l.tol "'I I~ It • l;,.,,t.lt" K. Shafter &Dtl ''""' frame and at u• co 4-room old. home .. In f'rt'ano and be Ia a ~la cat~red aro&md to eejoy l llnk loot 4 on loiQtl. _.,.. "' ~ "•1 "•I•• 1••l 1 10 bloo'k 432 of O,n~~~a ol\\~!llng, 713 Poppy liYt'nUt', 'valut' Col Shlpmun 'a'U piloting a Jtr&duat~ of Frooesno etau co~Hc•· t.be beautiiWJy aJTUICfld buffet. Atlllll u•n '" No•WJ-f.' I It ti:.hl· l.tl •It I M.or Ada ,.OwnMnd til S2 ::00. P-38 bt' ""'U a major at lbf' lime I "'.on I I' TruJtll nrilt "ol•· t•• l '•· ' • ' '"""'10 It !""nun ~~ IM 00 .ub-c l~wll• Baltz, 4 10 CotUt boull'· wb~n hla plan~ wu shot oJG"'·n J 0,000 Mouae Traps "'"·' S unitary I''""" I 11111 I ul loot '1"'111'"11 ••I 1 ·'" k A Of Eqt N--, ,.rd ("oroma dt>l Mar, per Donald by the Genn&Ae H~ ma.n.&«ed to v IIIII "' No•v., .. •rt \lr ,, IJ,IJ'I I'"''· ('lut ti•A K. S •mon to Hu· lllu' build two-room apartment lan•l on the bt'.ach rtcht aid~ up ror I Tow, ~wy kle-Fishin~ lnformatioa ( ·.oJito• llllmllltlrt t'\ I .... l•h (.,,, 1" ,, II Aol.t~ and Witt', lot u r. '\1'1 prt"IM'nt ltlll"&gt' att.&ched to with care IUI\1 w .. luvinc w~n HEWW'OIIT aF--'l'B hlllto.•n•l ""''"· lnl ~ .. t ~IJI•II\ o • f ""l•t ''""'• 01 block A of 1:&11\ 1.r111,.nt owrilln;: and martuary. clvlh&n naltvt'e toaplf'\J hlm. They l'ou all k-t.be old .tory ~=====~=~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;:;;~ '1"11 ttl t.l<oc'lc I ' ool ~"' 1• r l II, I\ :-It"' 1•11 1 llfl•lrl't.l lr~nt' CrtfltD f1• n ••l 12.000. rwo7.t:f1 bt. plan~ and took all tl .. about llvlq In tbe mi~ ot a "" 1 •·••'I t'arl A l'olun .. h~ .on• I '"''' J \\ '") r.111Y and witt', lot S6 In J Wra:v Gr ay, 222 Pt-arl av-belt nctncw. but ldt him hla troua-forea &Dd tr you build a better n~ 1oPCMl'17'18111G BOAT ... r t:lll I,., lftOIIIn ;,,.,, •u·· ... , :l hloot k « ,., r .... ubdh talon of lee ~nil!' Balboa bland, alt~raUona ~111 Hf' tlad a Catholic e,_ aua-mnuwt.rap the world WIU make a RES CENT" I'" l.lt .. ·k j; II( Ralhnlo 1ta1.,.,. ~lo·lo·n t~ I .. r Ba lbo.'\ land: Shepard-&nd r.-palra to dwelllnc. $:WO. rended IU"'und b .. neck and alter path to your door. 1 \\' J••n•·, '" (;uri Cui\ l:~n<l Jnf .,. ~.,.., Hl'lll'r.'r <nmpany to J . 8 n L. Alijpon. 2047 Baldwin • taking bla watch. tb~y were Coin& W~U. it you do It you may be Rat.._-~llan 1n ltl•• k A Ill tr.oct 51 H 11.111•~• ~~~~pocr.t:~~•n ll'lt 8 tn blo..k 11 ut Park. build fhl"ft·room dwt>lllnr ' to yank off but be told tbt'JD it • -n CUJ. But be~ &a a CUJ l"'<bl ....... c lANDING lt i)OIIIOII (' M('('ulllllll otrttl \\Ill' lrad 2:11 part of Nt'Wport Baaeb, " ,., rn•-<"•r ~·rae• attacbt'd, at wu a l&ltaman ano woul<l brlns lb~·· Ull&Nr. I 111 11 K St ntront JI(JIJthw••,l••rl} Jt.n~ Fotzgc·r•ld to Htld& lrenr 604 Coa8t bow.,ard. 12.500. 1 bad luck to wbOt'v~r tonk ot. 0.~ Wbftl the ordfT clntl In a Loa • ~.........., .__ :el A.M. 1h.tll .,f 1•11 ':..! of trac-t 171) C't•''" 1'~:tmrr • ..t,l ltol 3 In blocJl 215 r,f The Turquollle Foundation of log wpentUoue t.ky let the ea-Anr•l~ cooct'l"'l II wonder tt the. ::=======:;:~~=~~~~;;:;;~~~;;;;:;;~~~~~~I ~I· ,11 1 ,,~,,.,. Lc-<on:trol \ld;111 ouul ="•'"' 1w1rt Brach Am,.rlca. ln<'. 314 Cal"'l&tlon av·l blt>m alon•. 1n1t1ala would bt'. 8 Uld Rt ~ 1 !'nul'. to convert r;arace l.nto H t> wu then tW"Ded ovft' to t..be celved an order for 10,000 -... Tool Desl.gnors 46 Leave Here ltm'l'·room dwtollln!'. 11200. Nu l and wben they aw tht' ern. trapa from l"'..enu .,. woode.red '-P. E. Bla.nv~lt. :wo H&ael drlv~. ac«pted tlta atory tbat lle wu an 1 " u ~t a n-aKret weapoll, or EnJ.oy FIS. ht.ng For the Army l"ttmna del Mar addition of porch Italian Calboltc. 'nlen nwy wnt what . I t·h1nonev and flr~pla«. POQ. to be&dquart.ton for lnfonr-atloo II ju.t didn't 8HID poaalb&e that 1 L k T • 1\onllnuo·d from Pall' l) Plwnblllc permlta &.ued WP~ on bJ• atory and In the afctlt be lbt>re could be eDOUgh m ice In Ut on rtp In Allan A. Rltt~r. 713 Poppy av· IIUIIIac-d to lel away from camv.l the wbok ClODUDUDity of ......... r .. nl'e •r Monruy, Tuattn: Everett t nur , ('nmna dt>l Mar: Mn. Mary 'nl~n be&'&D a lon«. b&&antoua to load lb&t m.&Dy t.rape nee I II Ba«re. lAKuna Beach: Walter Rl•ll. 616 Narco..ua avenue, Cor-marcb a.erc.a a&lld lltretc hH and vnce. ' n Lmkrr, Tut~tln ; G lenn H. a.tn, una del Mar· H w Laraen 7002 broken urraJn. HJa pa.uu came lnvnUcallon twoucbt the fact .. --------------------------, Arme.,~ With rod anll n••'1 varlt><l Santa Ana , t.1 1fford..etaJwtn. llanta Wnt Ocean ' Front. 'Seubo~ Col· In (lood etead. r~r bto had to cut lb&l lbia ma.n tt.be one lhat'a -a elclo rf'medlew &Jid •·o.nfldt'n ~ """ Wulf'y V Oui'ICall. eo.ta om y; and G. L. Kopp. 506 Lark· lbem up a.nd blnd lbem arouDd .marten ,. ... a toy maker oo Announcement • • • I ofNew~H...._. ,., 1.,.,,.... .... AHOY! .. SAILORS & FISHERMEI .... Just tn .. All /NeW! a-d It--Come in .J. aee us llaiUU.ta' Li•hta • Sa A~ ue.• and Broue Clea" t fiq Boxea, thra Ha. Deek Plates ~ ... WlactNs .... v ........ All f~zee Siaal and Cotton ~ine . ~ Sisal Bumpers I ~ Marine EnamC'ls -...-4•0-pl Gah·. c ... ,.j..,. ud Oil ' r omise it wi~~y you mpare oy pnces .._Newpertllt In their ability, !)7 toni •lr•ifll~"" Mo·aa, AIIW'J"t A Spr1ni1DeJtt Jr.. biJt bleoe<tlllc &Dd tom f~t. du~ tot Valley boulnard. He Ia IIIAkiDC 'l rum Ofop&l'1mftlt 664 yt th .. Lt.•n~t !'!Anla Ana·, r"·lnUn J . w• .. -•-~ur avenue. the rno••b ClOUIIlry. Antor aiiJ'I, .. ,a ,_top lb&l ma.lwa a DOiae like Db ,.u --~ Only Ont' t'l~ctrlcal permit wu ·--, O.Oac'h plant ttl the u.:lu Air· jClJna Deacb, Oanlel R. Ciordt'll I~IUf'd, tu Tom Canwm. 110 22nd daya of b&rdatlipe. durlnc Wblc.b a CUD and the IDOI&aelrap ~ o ratl f'u rn.)uyed a day'" tt•hln~t Santa Ana·, Sabino E He---.. -· be wbaiatfld for a ., __ -berriea the ..__..! ;_......;.;;..;,..;;;;;;;.;;;._;=.;.;..;.-__;;.__.;._--...: ,._6 ~''""t Nt>wpo•t H#ach. ......., -_,. 1 n11..,. "" Newport Hlltbt•r '""' LaKun Beacb , Harold ea.., Cor· and a lltUe food from natlv-. be l'unllay 'n1:t <h·l Mar; fWO.rt Hal~y. Balboa M"hlona<lo R11nt a Ana: Alfred M. rea.ched allied llDea. I LayiDI( .,... llllda ruiH anti 1m-h oi&Dd; William P. TutU., 1'\liiUn. \'rane. Coala Mf'8a, Sllipman bad four plane. and plf'meDt. ot lbdr tndt>, t.be Dou~r· 1 Warnn P. Cr"amer, Balboa: Qaudt' Harlan F: Miller, Co.ta M-; three ~b)q to bla cl"'ldit and INOea prowed .. pt With m t.l and S . Karlta. l.a,luna a..ell; Law-J uhn W Dlytbt'. Bellnowu; Mllle baa beeD ill t.be aenl« for two 1 ""''· t!Y"7 ..-naer •n.Joyln&' rf'nct' v TajcruDa.n. Newport J YorlNI, San Juan C&pl.trano; yean, dw1J11 wbkb Ume be ~I B~oJO\ SERVICE / -. .ue.. ir.a.. •-=-· a a .. I ....... ~ ~·•>d ft.abU.. tuck witb lb~ net'~ &ach. Pt1U1p E. Braunca. ..,.ta Waltl'r C Rmwn. Corona del Mar: celved hla ~ for varioua tton ot co. lacly. Ana: Jamra w. Ra.maey, 8outh ~orll:'t' w Crawfonl. Santa Ana; feat.. Hla dla1ncuiabed c,_ I Bari~R. N...._ .._ un llll c-at........ ~ II&AC8 1be boat, ~mt, opt'ratmg Laruna: AJlen W . "'W;rnn, Wllll&m Jo: Blackbeard. ())rona e&llle for ~ e«aPf' acb~vtomeDt , ________________ ....._ _________ _ out ot kotl'a landlnc. crulaed ~ta Ana; Charlea R. 8lorlnr ,1,.1 Mar, Orland P'. Haynea. L&- alon« the 8ouUI Cout u thf' w~ • Nnvport Beach; W~ 1.. Man-•una 1\foar h , Paul W. Sundin, workue qUU!ted for buoll, lNI,.... ntn,c.· Lacuna Bea.eb, Rolllrt H. I s~""'l>fiM 1\t'ar h ; DonaJd 0 . Sbull. I cuda, halibut. 'nNo only dlaap-("1111ta Mt'tlll Gran! )of I.Ambe.rt poUllment wu Uw lack of alba-1 Bt'ach plant t'&rly 81111~1 -.om· Tualln. 'I l'Oh'. 1 lng and In a 12-car cara,.. pru-Anoth«'r 36 mt'n <ll'partt'd for I Ttl. ptlrty. arranc~t.l by K. M_ ('t'f'<lfd to Nf'Wport Harbor. Th~y I tht' Loa Anll:'f'ln Induction Station I 1 N•laun In oooperallon wllb l.be rto turnf'd with vary1ng _.,.. ot for preinduction phy11ic'al examlna-1 l>olUJtlu Wtlfar. •lt'IHHtment, l't'• &unburn. a jitood MJ!>ply ofl nllh tlf)fl 1•n Monda y, AUK. 7th, at 6 '46 PQrtt'd the .Sialrl'?Utlon of many 1 tit.Dd a dt'lermlnatlon tn trJ their a.m.. undt'r the J,.adtnblp of priutc lltnOn( the pe.Nt'D&'I'ra for \lUrk &«a-ln. · Tlwlmu L. AJJen. lht"lr "t·atctltoa." Awarda were ----------__. Ia .,..,.. el.-tlra llon-. ren· , · • fl'lll, men IUid wom .. n·" olvt.~on.l Start Incorporation ,Proceedangs of R. w . f'tMolpe dlno<'lf'(l lilt' ~f'O· N rt H bo c •t Ch r ral &warda and announced lbe ewpo ar r ommum y est •lnnen u Mr Oarrt'l~~<m u: \\'hll· I ltt'r f hr (I Mit tiah C&UJthl and ~.;-l ('ontlnUf'CI fMrn p&C'fl 1) J)(•r l>t•U"It•l Jo;mt•t!;t•nt'\ (unt1, IAII!~•t ""'lh •1u,. K t:11rr .. rtl ~ ,1, 1.-.~4 13-~)0 F:fforl!< wtll be' ma•l" tel lll\'•· n• •I ) , 1 ,....... ,..__ 11 ur bt-l.onl( H<'ath rf'ttriVIn~ • lllf\AI IIII· 111•\'t•tl lht' J/ft:fft•' Will u,.,-oedl kf't'l' \lollhlll ~.;,_, ~l';lf '" fii:UI•'• tonne"'""' t ur lb(' •nalh·lll Car-ln ... t '•'nr'll .anonoml ' t Whtr h ltlt• l'llmnlllltof' IH•Itt''"" :or• I I ~ ~ Amlll•· ((lr lh•' fotlrn.,..,;.~ ,,. ...wt a .. , wun pnrr,. fur lh•' All m.:fjtllrulllln' 1 •'t'•'l\'lnt: hc!l' · ,- ltrpt anol lhr m,.n'11 •llvtlllf•n with fr,.111 lhf' po:-~1 1 ,onorol~ "'''to bf r--------------; ~""" \'1111 ••I \\lull "r tnkln~t lh•• '"' 11,.,, 10 ,11hmll 11•1~1r1, fA how \\'E SI"EClALIZE •••rJ t .. r Wntl\llt l't 1'to.. mo>n'" I ho run• I ... "''~"' '''l•·n·l·~· '*' whe-n I tb """1"" "''"' hau"11 ... 1 hv •• J :~II rf'po•r• .orr• ro .. ,.,,,.,l. the· com· CA.~NG ·n--c-8-5 Sturtr""" """' ... \\II lllt~·l oii:IIID nn•l t1o'Ckle' 'l'h .. """'"" uphrltl Ulrlr fll'h· "" CJIIOill'l r .. r tho• ~II t'.lntiiAicn I C)lbning Peadhes IDI: bon"'" u wf'll u lhr mrn 11n<l \loh11·h \Ioiii ~ 4'\rnht'r !lth and \ Now lD SeMon .,,1111 fola ry Jf'en •1• Kl't' KllllttUOct'tl l'llrl'\ nn tu :-.m t'l'nl~ r llrh thr wtnnt'r. u MI.-Ht>lrn u onJt· A )t'otr nj:11 lh•• IJIIIII;I• rnl'luded I OET THEM AT "'''" "' Lt.•nK lwar h. wlnnrr ,,, tht 111 ttw w8 r o,.-.,.,, lntnl wtno Na· { !t\tgf'tll ftah with • t .. n puund hall-''""''I War 1-~nrt $7'200: Nf'W•I DUTION'S 1 ut Mn . .,.arth& lrby ur the pnn Harbor Scm•t Mmmittee, Fru•t M k • a&mt' city ""'OD tbe prlr~ for tht' JI!KIO. Local Rt'I\Pf fund SIOOO; I I ar e ... I flnt tteh caucht by tbe ladlee and Sal\•allon Anny, $1100: C"111hoUct .. 1lS4 Newport Jllvd. WI• C arton! fm-tbt' amaiiHt. Wrlfarf', 1600: Commumty \hurcb 1 .eo.ta IIIIa '"'" party met at th~ Lon~t Welfare. $600, und Nt•\O.port Har-IL-------------...J OPEl AIR BAMBOO .n·oQM . I .. DAN(CING NIGHTt Y ' Col. 'anny Prager and His Orchestr~ ' . ' .... Right on Mail Street in the ·HeaJ ei· lalha . . -· MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE on long disttnce · S. P. trains , . . lately, people have lwlen.,., II a to oar .tatioM lit the Jut 1DiqJstl without a coach reeen ·ation. upectinc to pt. a ... ton a b'ala. Frequently they have ~D ~ted u ~~· ... afti1able for them. \. A year qo we e.~tabliabed a~"'' watiou · for aD Boat..._ Paci6c tnina, except local ~ oa abort 1'WltL We c:tid taU. iD the iDtereeta ol our ~ra, • • tram. Ud t-bedly Oftlaowdecl. -The plan bu worked well. fPut we think it ia timeJ7 to remiDd people that coech Ntlei'Vatioa..,. 8till N< I Pry Oil Sout.ben Pacik If you plan to travel in a ~ on a loq cl.i8taace 8. P. ~ here ia what JOU ehouJd do: ' luy your coact. tktlet ,..u in odvanw of the-, ... tra111 leaves. You will theft a,. givett o free,....""-chM. This ched& ... not ~ you to 0 poftkvlor ........ particular cor, but it is e pennit to board the flai& Y• wll nearly always find o ,...., but there may be '""-we.. people will have to ~t~Ptcl because of emergendea. ' You can get your ticket and ...-.,ervatione at any S. P. ticket oflie& Coach retK'rvations cannot be *de liy telephone becau.e telephone lines are overloaded with other calla. ~ervice men make coach r~rvatione, too. but they an aivea preference, of COUI"'Ie. MOST IMPORTANT OF AU • plea8e don't try to travel by tram unles~ ynur trip is important to the war effort. 10ere iuEtt ian't room now on trains fo~ vacation or c$ber notHUential trip&.. 4 L •···· T~• frl••~ly Jolt~.,. Pacific .._ ______________ __, -----------------------~...1 , ... ·:~-----.;._ r I • t • ' ~ / I • I • ..... NEWPORT-841.8()4 NEWS-'111B& lflapWt a.da. California. Th~ay, Augu& Hl, 1944 Phann. W:ll:-----'1'-LuQ D-11hut '•--.&.1. I:.& ., Wil.... jc-.-.1.1 f"'lf'T'Wt, 14, s.n MArino. WIIIIIIIIUII .aua., IJI1 Ill ........ .... .... 91, <'rae Fowlfor. \'allf'l)··t4. La· LooL .. Ba-Lon A-!-Sah n#.f I Flic' pna DHril. 8:1. Jo Jlf'lfflll, m 'all "a ~UIIDIII 'VI 1 I If ILl •--....L:~ /Jia~r fal•nc1. 93 230, '"'''nn"· Navy Thrills i So CaJif 1"-.A • ... ... ,. 1tklfl ln<'On1lllo•tf', !}4 Mimi Marble-. • • ~ • 1~. Alt111tf'na, ~. ('"·"'~" lt11rtm11n, tContJ Uf'd f Pa . ll Rqlon-....._ fl/1 .. """t"tl f oolltM'lftC .. a ftlmJlll't,. lur.t oi l Jr . :l-11'. Udn lalo•. ~-. R G &-· Mr Nalb-·3. San Manno: M . Douar n ram £t' .._..ctl'-1 .,.,.-,._ *'*" ... "-" "nt n~ and'"-' l.n Uw Nlllth j lus. ().:Z, Wllmln,tnn · ~. (M'f'n ,Smll .. y, Vallcol)··~. ~lin Mann~•: ~T. I moted to Hn.pttal 8t.wanl. equtv· clay en.-.r .,_~ ~ Annual -·~· ol ttwo Snowhtn1s," Mol'lCan, ~1 I'IIM~ct.-na. ~7. Roht Ool. .,,.,.., T Rln.:. ~10. 1\4\lho>A fal· alftlt to ltw prNUlt Ch~ Pbar· ~ Wa!Ur f't.-Ul a.tt non~ ho•&d ._., Sundlt) Stub Millikan. 1!\.K, PaMdf'nA, anot, f*. lln~ ll Bmwn. !'JO, JJdQ -.ca.t war. rat.iQ« l•rwt ,..._.., Ia 0. ~ • ......_ ~. A.nnco lA'fllt 1:\7, SAn Marhw .j b.lco, 99. l..o•R..ty Lln n11n1. Vallf'l)'-t., len.M wlttl NI'"IU ~cic'&at J ""'' ....,._ n 1 1 s 1919 A • ~. Pun A} n •• Jr . ().9, 1 ...... An· I'll~'"'"" 100, Jlulh Sunl~>n. ~·•:1. Nam .. of otflcna that fll.r. WU· J. 'Tbe lllDIY· .. .. • u. llh-·t·' ....... ;. n ,~,.;.,;.,~n. i~: ~.I Jre'lf"!!, 60. Jllhn l.'··n•lh:'·"'· I <19, Slln : , ..... Anac••··~. I Uuuoo bu t~nYed undt'r rwuo ' Anpte. ~ lut ... to 'l:c• : ... San 1\lanoo J,.,.•ph AI· l\tartno fll, ~~.··k 1 ""'''"'"' !tJ 101. R W11nl. n·.: 1111lhc111 IIYJ. Ulle a "wbo'a who'' or the Naval thf' f'ff«J U.t Olfl. A. '"" I ' ·k ... :\-" ... · 1''"' .. _,.... '"""' Anco•lr~. ti..!. 1 ~·11~ N•·•·l•"'· t:.·"'l)r•• l)ftv,•na.w•rt M.·NIIII) 14 1 ..... ~ lilt "' " · . "'· "'' "'" •-.,,,. ''41'l f' ':\ I 1'r ' ' .ervl« n wu aboanl tbe Adami! F.vaoa. IP'P"' crt CIIU r 1,1., 1 •••a:ht l'hrl ht"' 4th N.~ • · ••ntAnll "· · ""'II h"'· An.:t'l•·•. 103. Valll"ly·l lnr••nn~t· that h.. eerved unot.r Admiral ' ~'"'P""· .. t o1 Baa •119 .'II n M""""· s:an.·) flil.;k,•tt t 'SS . 1\t.'NIIII~ ·~·. l\alhciA l~hmol. ll1•n '"'"•ne•'"'"· 104. l'olll'huo•l Murftn a._ __ ..., .... 'Ale rt' that br otlftl --,_ to .. ,.._ '•th ' I"""' .,._ ~, .. ,.Ill fH. 19M tnf,•nnllthwl tn'""11l'l••tf', S l"'""'"""n :110 lnron""""" In· • .,....u ... · ---' '' """ """" ·• :tn rw:• "1 ""' 6.~ l'hll II I ·••7 S I ' • MHk's Plloto ....... -.;....., ... ~~n.caac~• ~ PhoNe eerved un~r capt. s. 8. Roclmaa ,. .... n.h ~ -.. ,t!•• t:• r 6th :-.;,. ~'7:\. tlvllp••u,,.l : ,.~ ') n. -• • 1111 r. llrl!'"· '''""l'lf'IC'; 1M . E 8. f 'rtOII"'Inlt• and ••bUe at bla Ho.plt.al that be and and ~-~~ 2! 1\.ll rt• ... ,, t 'Undtlf. 7th s .. t\.15 Rlv~ fit\ J"""'' \\ '''1 U.n.:hntn, 1~: S~tn 1 MI'NIIII) .l l .tw Anllt'lt·a. 1M. ll•n I'-------------- •rved under Adm . Ro. T. llc·~•·hf'n a • ._,..._ -· •'"'' !• II.• I T•lmaol"" lith · ;'l:u I :II••£•• l.lnnAnt, Vll111'1)•·9. J>audl'na IDU.... C!apl. 11. D. WUicutt.a aod farf'd b... ~ :S7 t ... Ana:•·~. TclfTIOI\ ( 'l\rt~· t\7 tt"h•·tl It Ho•ul••)'. VAl· lll&liY otht'r biKb rankine na•al H. Ia to ~ ta.cn... ~h.. No :.~ '''''"."'' Mil' lr l}·l4 1\Ait~Cw. hl11ntl. t\14 IIIII l..otw· oltlcen. It wu abou'd t.be old naval M -h tnr.; 11 l Oth Nu 119. l...,.. An· hotm, \'llllf'ly·ll. '"''"'""' · &I, .l .. hn L I D 0 barlcrntlne ·R&.ocer.' on a rouDd· 'famUiar ........_ .:..a. 1'1-r r, "S", tnronnnllon tn('(W1l• ~Wclrld C'n.IIW. t.b&t he eervect I rlnf' clallp. _... ........ ......... A•... '*''". 70, J im o ·n rt..n, t.tr NAit)'-t;, undrr a deek otfk er: who today U S . .,.,_.,....,._ Ia 1M ,... • • S:ut .. \Jnrmo, 11 , RtC"ha rd J~WW'II M IHdJnc tbe wortd'• mlchUMl l 1be Tokyo ,.......t ...... ta. ,..,...., lotrl to f'\."L•b J"""! f>o-· l~. Arnullrt. 7'J, Rl<'han1 t:rlh'lf'n, aa..a neet onr Ulr thre•hhold t.. •toey aa twtnc-AP dll .. ,,. ~·' ~\n.;;;·am \oun.:f"t ~.trl Ju V~tllf'ly··· '""'It O.•IH'h . T:l. Alfn-d Japan. Adm. CbHtft' Nimitz.. -·-----1--~· ndra Hranb14'1'. Pa ... · Smtth Jt . M<'N~tlly·ll 11Ait.1n11 ~ rowad·~world ""''-wu L OOr Board · 7. YOUftC"I Bor 10 flnllih b land, 74. IU. lnrnn na tlon lrl<'ilnl· one or Uw hichl'-bta o1 llr. Wll· 1l .n.ao .. U llar1un . Udu bk• · O ldo-t.t plo•tr. T.\. tlowant ('l\a,tAin. Mt~ ~·a &onr naval e&rHr Our· ~~~~-"m.-.-6:-SlltPlJf'l t.• F\nat.h u •ft-1<)• I.Jn· Na11)·2. LaMUna lk-IM'h , '76, Ok-k ... -::JI\.~:;11!1' ...-.. tiW U.. tour. the ~r put lD ~ ~LIUII 1\.tnl t•n._t."NN ~'\ret ~ Man Paul. r~. Jlf'vf'rl)' llllb , Tf. f:.d _. .. a..W .,.. --:--~ at F\mcba.l •a.a&llera. worhl r-.uue At A-L 1"-::... ~~~ ":-\,." ,:.~rnz;;_n•l· ·Ruttt'r. l:rl, Santa MoniC'a , TR. w.... _. ~._. •.w for Ita wtrws BfofOft Ow ship ~~:aermaD ~. , · t IY t 10 Stanford K Jurv1c, USN, MC"' .............. .._ C:......·l put to -..... Ita Ut.tnty..uon w..-n ~·hv.'.;_!l ~· U~.:_._Navy, NaUy-4, Tf'nnlnAI bland; 1'1, Mr-!;:~;~ ...._ .._, -It ..... bad U8fd all UMtr IDOIM'J Ulld were I A ~dl ,.._ • t --v 1 10 r -flo-Nall) ·~. tnronn~~tlofl 11'1('(1fnplf'tco , s' ;-._. f'Wt'l tradiftc t.twU-clottwll for~ tof'ay lllatee tMt 1M JC V 11 be-n R llrelr) ~ blarML flO ftnrr Wrk h . "Pufff'ft", Cw __. ._ _,. ......_ of ~ t&mH taat.al..iaq .n-. tailor ftetat.._ ....,.. 11M edat ..._ ~ rona df-1 Mar: 81, Rob Whitt. ~.l. ORE SERVICE Upon Ole~ o1 W. enai8e. :.. -::-:."'t-:::::-· ~ rw, Ya..,., .11th O.lboll tal· ClrncWr, R2, J IM ~rd. )Ot, . llr wuu.a.-wu n1eUecS rr-• a-t 0..: ._ '-8ftd 1-onald N~U6n nst. u. An·jSan Marino, M-1, f:.d. M MrDaln. •frW'I!Mtlot ae.da. Phoae 986 tiM NaYy Ia Boaon. lllut. u 1M at U.. Ac... .....,.. ,. ...... Mnnt . .c• Kbta lbt San M . llcNall)··3. l"'lboll bland, IM, .... ...,. .. ele'-1~ ............. 0 I 0 ..... _ .... ,.. • ......... 1-thlaW.••AIII' 8e. r....._ ._. ••ra. .Miaaaldlr a~yw. _.II · ................. '"' aq• ..-.c a tnae ..-e-a Mid about tM •lddle fll ., tilt n~("w .. lcbt Doni.. 41·,,, JUv;. 1 •. , .. llowe, 7'.l. C'un-. •• Mar, ..uor, It onl)' tDc* him tour I A"'; 11:-ai..~ ~ rtz'Mtt6dr. 11 w ~. ~lat. O.J· ~ E."Van l'l\omaa, VaUely·l , Paaa· ..U. to ..-,4 all II¥ -ey · .. • Clft ._ 1-Jand. Dkit Pllttf'non, lbt. draa; •· Mr Nall)'-4, lnlonnaOon Ulld be ~ on UM U88 rtcllt. at -::.,.,.. tw ...... lt..o. MpiM flit-bard J~ list lnc.'lllnplf'tf'; lf7. l\olf'r Und. MS· Pbtladelphla. t.atn be •FWd on to wtdcll -':.a a ...:. Arr.adu1 Ant. Whitt'. llbt · ct..n: UO, Balboa bland: •. I&T, In· tiM cndMr et. Lout. alt.r wbkb fonaaJ ...,..._ UICI ....,. dall-. C"ht.: Fowlrr. 9bt. Lacwaa formation IIK'om,Wtt: Ill. Sally be eerwd four )'..,.. abuud cSaa. tnc. 'Tbe ,....._ ~ ......,. ___ ,~ R Ward. lOht Ra'~--Staat•. ll, NtwpOrt n..dl. 90. the ................. a---. -troyen. aDd tta fbic1D4» .,_. ~ to I."' I"•• tn flnatoh Dan Un· wtae. U.. worl4 wu pl-ct'd w~ ""''' t".\..ctrna ~ M __ • 4 Ill ·I.Dto a total war ID Ita nnt faa.. __ • -l'tac? """"'· numbH antt act-... ,_.., ..... tW atNccte. Mr. ww~ ... ptta( ~-...., -... I._ i:Wf'ft '" onflaor ~ to tht' -·)' caplureclj ra«:ked .. the ....... -..... 1. Jant•l ""-~ 199, Anatwolm.l Vi ..... -. A and D Cermaa llh.lp Rhein, wbkb ~-,.,_., bJ the -~ ~~2. ""'f) R GrancMn. Jr .. ~ San la.IHIU . refltlf'd and Ndlrt.t-.d -~ Wontq uadft' W. at u.t U.. IIIIJ"VVI J, ~ Alla11 8ft«. jr. Y• -.... Vt-t• A banD&." "She wu a •-.. .-" •=-' Mr. wwaam-~ -::-.;d;. ~ =-~ '-U:· u-&;j 121· ~:-~la';;~~;ct~~f'tul· •• • 1M Ia ,..._.. ....... , made 13 round trl-t.ala'"• our .----..., 4 ~ ,..... .,_ .. · · · 6 aneyw l••f••••••• ••A cia ere ••,. ..--~· ..--·-· ~..,, "'""· .... n -annn. . II· ~~~ .. tM boya onr aDd brla«lnc them black. llr. WWtam... .......,. Ulw ._. J~ zn. lloii)'WOOd T 1. _, • ..cw .... W~ lll&de U11t futut trip up to Na.-.J ,_ ta Jn2 _. ....... aut.ra ~ ~ Riv~: ....._..,.., _.. ... elau...., that u-betwf'ftl PnDce aDd t.belto rivtl lifr at NfWPD11 Bled\. 1. HaJ Ta~~ ?>l Loa An: .._ II I 4~ I lbrJ•cJ ot Ua.tted Statee •· . cattf. r.:wa ben 1M r~ .. ...r-~trtrs. 9. Tommy Omst1aN'Ilfl, 2110, ..._ .. , ~ Alter th• war llr WUI'-let for tat. aaJ&adted cue.-. He tlpiMd, 10. Jlu Kiclc. jr., 119. a... Y• Y'-'-D tlelp wu a.!cned to duty at thla Ho.· MI'W'd two t«ma u CltJ ~ ..,..,..., 11. 8nb Ya ntWy. 1~ S.l· ... .... ,... o( plt.al ln lt20-2l wheD It wu .UU ma11 aDd wu .-uct ...,.r .,,._ blalld 12 0\ar...,. 1 f.-ywr .. -_. U. In Ita brctJUIInr at.ac-at Balboa N_,ort u-rte. He f~ ...... , ... Or\-"rl> lhlb . 1:\, Rill p,,.. .. n: ,._ annu . He bad ~ ot ~ tuatty to fallow. tale Jan crt tale ;as. Loa An&:f'W . 14. nark. Kine. 1 r•• ere ••~tt l n 1 1 -aa a leader at a ._ !b1ut e &... Ant;rk'll. IS Ted Mrrtl . • .. ~ .._. · 11.,, troop. whlc:b tw worttt'd wtUI ... 82. Up&antt. 16. INk Dwtlap. Je. -. • 0 ·DAY !:! ~~ ::" .,..._~ ~,:: = !r~:IIM~!=::'.;.,.:~. ~:.~,,~;"~· Vl_. ~ ... , 0 Tab- ~;....;;;~~~,......;;;...::::.J~~=='I ' broker. He wu caDed a.dl to~. jr. 151 -Riw•I"IIIP, 19, .. ..,. J,OUI d uty In liNt aDd wu apia .., ..._,Lou er..dm, Z58, San Ma· ...._ al~ tn dQt)' at t.be ........_ l'lno; :10, Jf'aft Hahn, 125. t•..... J!l ........ , ... ~ llr. Wll.1 ... ; 2l. o..ad Nuttln. 90. u• DNE A ft&" u.a.a-.. ,....._ wttla -..a ....... 1 If.: Zl. Jllor6t Y~. M.. • UA • _ pet~nta allk~. He Ia -.nte4. ._ ~ . TBKAT&a BALBOA TBSAT88 ............ , ... ,, .. ._. ......... .,..... ... ......................... .,.._. r.t ..... "'TTIIt C't71IPL8 .sAar -n.v.._..,..,...... ........ ... ,_ ..... ,.... ......... w.--, Arat~ e--.,._. ....... AM.ACFw .T ... II..._ l OIW aun wbo M -a u..t-lt 23. Nant") N-1JOM. o-:ll. ..,.., · In the Army Air f<..~. and c-..._,., 24. Jnhn John ......... I!«)."'"" ~----~....;.--~..-------~~--~~~~ I daupten. He u-. In Baa '*"' drna. 2S S..n<lrll ll··nnt-1···. :'71 I---------------------····=-Air,..,,_ ... ,"'"' ..... ._ .... II I 'tJJ: II Ill ' . A HEARTY.._, ..... ~ Tunda, •..,.W. too much ..oiUnc. ,-_,. a cocktaU or ~t,. to- .u,ht; • IDIMnble ~ 1 H la C'bWf ..,....,..... aft ~ .-......:.... :.'6, J ;wok ~tr1'oll. ;.;1 -------------------- and d~p eea rlahlpc. but tw u. Colnndo Sflnn.r~. 'fi. l loft.cl•l l lur· liltlf' lime for f tabfuc -aM w prr, 12 1. S..n llclnrtn" _?I 1\nrw r lalm• that he 1a r:•Wac -.o --. Slaudo-nna11. l'll6 tnl<otmll'''"' m·1 TAKE HER TO 1 in y•ant I hat It Ia ra.wte t• a ~·tr. :.'9 l talh All••n :.'t; \ ""' 1 <'<'l<'braUoa II be ~a 11~ adl1\a. 30. Art l..,m tw•rth' llll 1 ____ 4!!1_1-JI~-~!-~EI_, ~'"line .......... Ia coif. But <me feda lb.al bJJO An-adla . :u . :\lurr" Knk :.'Xl. S.•n cb~f hobby Ia Uaat ol ~ Man"". :r.!. Alln'li llunn.·lf Jr . and talklnc ,...,th ~ . ., bM 113. ~"''"·•· :1.1. c· ... ,. r I~ I•·. Uaat pric~ ab6Uty tn maJ&.r ud 174. C ......... :W. ('arlt""' Bllb· keep ft1IM& eodl. IT.l. ~. ~ Roc1fty Enttln1 Eapet._ Edcar. 1119. l'n~lit·n11 ·~~; K•·n· • • ONCI A WEEK Loa« BNdt. Calif. 667-%% or 867-98 AIR WAC. 114 E. ::f.Bivd. 1-'*-dw .. ol ... 49. PlealflalelawJ"GV a' •• ._.. ol Air Wf iDfonucioa. ~ Quae-. _. .1Aa • ...._ W• .,. A,., Air Fore-. N .. , , 1 ~~~•·~----------.---P4•• t .. --------------~----~------~----··-~.-- This Space Contri;ed by-. · WEST COA T PACKING CORP. Long Be h, Newport Beach BALBOA'S • ,.., ...... ,~ ..... ..-.w.r a e...= ...A::· .... -"' ......... a-eo: .. -;; ......... A .. ..::_,-:.~ •.: ~--;:~ .................. ._ .· __ .._ ... _ ........ ......... ,.. ' -.. a *"' --. B12 w;~. _ T ~'I .. \I k&' · 'PIt 1 • • r R EN,~ Z V:OUS BALLROOM ... Present!~ lli[ll and His Orche.&a BE'ITY L YNM, Soloist , 't•c•lfl1 •• ~ 12 Conalq: ·-s .... tbearta of Rhyt.~~wt", ~)'. Aup~& 2.~; S.tvday, Aapt %6: .__y, Aup.t r7 . BUY BONOS .. ~ II¥ IDOtll &1t.1ac ~· IW'th Snula}. ~1ft. S:~n :\l1mnn 17 leDc:e ID baa JoGc oa..a caft!f'r, Urwt'IIJft O vf'rtlolt. Jr , 'rrl , Ll» Mr WIUia.maon aauled .........,, -•' ~-:.H Ralph l'ult•·r. :llc6 ~my btgNt umb out Of ..... Lea Allptn, ~. Jotm Mut.-tllrr. al~ 1ft t.aJLtnc petktlta to 1a. Pulldf'nA 40 ll••n r) f' Kr tl, Fort WorUt Uld Wuhlfll1oa. D. OJ, 114. ~vrntdt•, 41. \\'"ldon C., .. be •YL ""'bat Ia U»e neanal Dorns 2RM. Rtvi'T'IItr. 4:! J c:nr· thine I bave found yel t .. n41111 lith. 191. ,.,... Ana:• ,,.,. 4:\. R•"\'· 1 a cs.troyer." &and Lohman. :x .. llull>"''1181. «.1 He hu made w•erat uf ~ I.JIIIan R.K'krnhfou.:h. ~1 Pau· tripe. aDd ua-whn ban pne l.._, alone w iU» blm find 1Wn ... ~-~ e . Pilla)' Wna;ht 141 SAn Ma· ariJtkJua to -k out -lllllwnl· rin<>, 46 Jnhn I. t'all', 1!17. Jhol· tun, ftDcl t.bat be Ia -n ceamt '1~. 47. (;l.,na Stc-rth<-nMJfl, f•llcM' t.raftleor J1'rocD lhr o&d 147. San Mannu 4ll &...oUt' M W~ llhlpe of lone &«'• to UW Ho,'.... jr • :!90. C ))at 4!t. llo~WI'II b.._. ~k ainhl,. ot tll'lay Mr ~. 46 l 'iit'ltlto·rv• YJ r;. .. ,,~, \\'Wiamaon'a carn r baa t.fttl aa Cftarnbrn 'JHi, Bo•v .. rh llrll... ;,1, rrerrtluJ CIIM uad ~bolk •If the II \\' Mr K• n7tf'. 157 lt.tlll'>~t l~l lranaUon of a -..11 lllruatlne and. 52. ,..,.,., ll••anl.l' '.!X7. San BaYy to tbe _...ty toKe u...t ~,Manno. ~1 Rtll Ul;,t"kl>~un "tt-f today.• · I«". Lonr Ro·~ :,.1. John t•ark•· ... O'EIIIGS II RITIIITOI BEACH MEl AND WOMEN . I . Needed for Vital Defenstt Work Requirernrnht: ~ Ava tl ah tl 1ty Cc rtl fJ<:atc~ .... -Proof o f C1 t IICil'>h ip .. _, e Soci al Sccunty Card ·-APPLY .. . N&Wf()ltT·IIA'.BOA ~ Newpwt ... Calttorma. Thunday, Auaua te, tN4 ----............ -~ NEWS-?-IMI;S '1ri&h Em~ Pyu at ~ Fr01at NEWS· ... il:i I N-f'C*1 aJ • 18 rss· ,_,..,k , ... -. 11 ••a ; v...._.uaYJ : i 7 ,. ....., 7 7 rw Aftt==:r-JI.M ,_ ~ a. ONap CCIUIIlj; ._,._,_,.. ..... _, .... ,.,~to--· " Ordnanre Keeps Army in Trim by Repairing Parts LST Pennnnel From All Pnrl$ ol '> Country Prove Tlt ey Can 1'alre It of tJae CHURCHES By Eraie Pyle IN NORMANDY -On~ of th• thin~• the layma n doeu't hu r much a bour 1s th~ ordnanC'f'• dE'partment. In fact It &8 on~ of the brant'ht>lo t hat ~vt'n the av•rae• soldi~r ia Uttle aware nf "XC~pt 10 a vague way. And vet the war couldn't kef'p going Wlthout it. Por ordnan~~ repair' all the veh1cles of a n army and furnish" aU th e ammunit11m for ita guns. .. -ry," the lenat. OammlU. ftndl ••• to rKOK-. ---&poi tar• at Mth btl heefnee and UttJ. busU-. y -.. •-. .... ud Jt a a ClOI5IItr «m _..,.error to IJ'lia. ...... . ... ,.,., ... 011 .... ,..... at ............ ~ committee dec:lars: -n. e¢1 u-t ~fUll~ In the s-t-wu en ... 14f2tq'taptl the apanllan at _lllli.ny ..... ~ which -......... 011 • a.. at ....... retuma. u the · w aad iDdultry are not to ltqaate In the _.,...,,...... tMI -=dan at our economy mull be ~ ........ -~-,.,..tm. ~a1 ther• ar" mure vdllcl"• In 1M Amenc..., '«lOr of <lUI beac.h· lind lban In lhf' ""~ra&r-soz . .ct Aml'ricaa ell)" Aud uur bl• ,una on an .,,.ra&t' htaV)' da1 are shuollnl ut IIIUrlt than SIO (l()() 000 ... orlb uf •mmu· nlt.on So vou aee qrdnaoc• haa a man·11zed job OrdnJinCt' ~r­ a .. nMI Ia uouall1 a bout t or T per r"'t ol the total m•n ot an ann)', That meana we have man1 tbouaands of ord~tance· mm Ill Normand)' TMir lnJII!W Ia a flame C'omlnl out ol a r~tlor1- alt'lr.named In lhiP arm, '"nw Ylam· .,.. Onion .. OntnaMe ()pl't'llitl the ammun'- tlon "-PI we have tcatt..f'H about Uw bnt'~ad But m~Kh blacu thu Ita ammuniUoD m latloa 11 ord· nann '• Job ot repair. OtdtlaMe haa )'1.000 l&ema Ia IU u uloa ol peru. and t11a mere cauJot &IMU CtWue a JO.fooc lklt Ia • -«r•l llaadquarttn ~~~~ on the '-~bllea· a 11n0C1en1 IIIQC tJI· tonn '--4 111 1t11 t..nu ~~:..,. rec- orda on lhiP number and cendlllon ol 100 major ltcme In aC1uaJ UH on U.. wubb«acl, from ullh to pia· .. b • We .... -.,.,.,.. .. .........,.,_, ....... --.. ... ~.._., ..... a _.._ .............. ... .. re .. lr IIUIJW.C eM .,., --.,....._e t iiUI WI a ...._ taM ........ , .. le e&ll • -.:re~c. • c.-....... r a ... _.. ....., .. ., lllkk:aW .._. ef a ...... ......... I 0 1 lome of IU hiChiJ IPKIIIIU!CI r• patr ~panln arc ma4a up tar,.., rJI -wbo Wft'e ~nftjnnea Ill the -. ~ .. W tJma await a.dt. .._ Col ... eea U It Mme liM In ciYil JUe. 111 dieM --"9 -nwn ...... JOU wiU ...._ lila av ••• ~----to II)' tbt ~ for quick reconvenkJn and .,. Ia mud! abo¥e U.. army a • • ' 0 M p] z'b1a t:ranlltJan from war tO pea~. lap. You wiU find ~raftlmeft 1 •. th~lr Ialit 40s. 1ou'U find lnftl with Ia ... tlun to clllpalttlun of ~t owned war plants th~lr own utabllah•d buaonNaea ..a at ...... ClClllllftOCIIt plana (Of' lD'1elllployment ln..-rur-wbo were malltnc 130.000 to 140.000 ' -bada far war worbn and for l't"tUm1ng soldiers •1U ~t • '"' bet ll home and who ar• now •~arlnc •erc•ant'a atnpea You'll a ..po ....... at attention at the CUITl'ltt Congretsional ~ lind cr•at aobem•11 and alnnrlly, ..... Varb.. plana are undef ~. but not at all typi-piUI lh• normal lllllflt'tlan that ..a a1 tbelr pnera1 cbaractft' Ia that pi'OPORd by one groui)-(orne• from maklna thtnaa whol~ •l•ln tnatud of dulro)'lnl lh~m tM raan.d brotherhoods. who haw a blU befo~ committee "" will ... •• IQ far above the IWJ ,rtll aowmment-IPQIWOI'fti Jlfe, ~ and ncd<k>nt ~:~1raa• for tth"" arm11, 11 1111d • 1.o be ~ for aD WOI'tcers. but for thMJ\.<;t>)Ves eXdU· ;;:. way or I' wor ••nu not. I PI ..... Yw•IJ ltnd ntt>Chllll~lll 'WOrll bfo1n1 Jioaw c.u~~aeanen ~the bUI maintain it wood vio-done und•r a tr•,. lh.ot ... ·uuld bC' hnuaf'rl In • J-'10.000 allup b•tk on ldt.U. c:aniDal talt Utat le&illation should be for the bene-J Am~nra You'U 1\nd "'~" .,.,,rkon1 ftt ~aD. not for a favored f~. Under the lern'\S or the nwas-18 houra • da,.. ih .. n ···~I''"• on tht' UN tbry poUlt aut, ....uro.d worken n d usively would br ar~d. •·llo bltcau•~ of thm •IP • • doe I .,... have lo be ht'r~t at all pnwtded wt1h IDri*ldnenl·t.cked llfe. lilc:knels and arodent ~ II Dnl' of th~ undr .. mallt ~ IaUer a~ eithel' on or off the job. Ex· wancbea of* ar-my Th"" are the -~ IUCh •---for tba •led .....,.1p -·J.rl be borne med1aaks and the cnltsm..-n. th• --......--"""! ---.-., ben and Ole suprll~ro Bu1 th"tr .,. pa.yroiJ tax ..,..ctto net approximately 16Q0.9()0.000 a ~ y <rttal. Otdon:H oly th~y ... not ,_r. Ul a l"lt cluJ of dan&t'r Tht're -· -•-o1 ..... _t ln oi'Wr 10 -""-,..__ rna-an llmfl on ,.,.., "'on and cunce11. •--.... COUJ'W. u• 1'""".--; wao:: H ~adllileadt •h•n IMir raaualtJ jor ll1lue at the llx h~ ipiAIUon dollar ~ ~ rail· rate Ia """· but nn(" the w.r H l· 1'011111 would-..-. .......... to..,nlllt their rats~ &hat much. On dOWD and thrrlt •• room lnr ~ --""e'e'l"!"....,. • . movement and dUIJ<'t>lll tt " not 'Jbe CDIIt wouid•lleiiJI"eelilJIIDig all who may _haw ()(."C8Sl011 nKf t lllf7 or dt-m~blt' lor tht'm lo toUR tbe tra1n1, compeUlna. U.,. by law to foot the bill for I do tht'lr bam '"'"k .... ,lho" IUD ae railroad wodcer•· ln:lurancitJbich other worker'!' pay for I r•n·e • Our ordn~n« bn nrh In Normandy ... -*vee! • haa had cu uaiU•• It hat ,,..,. ema il 'l'be prindple at stak~ he~, it appeers, i.s Whether govern· braMMI whl~:h •til •·onllnut' lo have .-t llball tJr Uled (Of' the benefit of IID8IJ ~xdusi~ ss 1 cu ualtlu -H• bomb diJJ)I)aal 1qu1da • allld .._ r~tn•v•r rumpanln lhlll 111 ....... with thf rest of the country paying the <.Ut. or up t.o pull aut mpplt'd tank• und.r wllaCber It lha1l operate to the advan~ ol all. Stri of I 4riP I .. , ..uldt' If Utew t• • a..-llona 111111 and letPalatiw phra.ology, that is the question, and if 1f yuur aoo or t ... ,llanrt 11 on ord OIIICit!eS haa any trouble finding the answ~r. the h()rtl(' folk nanct In t·r .. ncl' )011 r Ail lc~l lalriJ ~ will atadJy obllp. 1'111 about hoa rt'tlomlnc t.o •nu 1 don"l H )' that tu ~hltlp ordn,.nre .. In)' ... , but IU Pal .. VOUI WUr· r.._ II you htvt , .. m,.•lnlt '" th11 ·· G I Joe Discovers America I branch of thl" $t'r\ 1C1 "\ l"fSI'.O>' 'lbere are noW more theft atX million Americans Sl'rving I an land and aea outaide at the Unitt'd Sta~es. Undoubtro.ly. the pat majority o( them had never been out of the country 1 blfoft, and many probably had never tn>n more than a ft-w buDdred miJel from home. ~ ... C" Ia .... ., Ia I Yilt ..,_,.,.. at araanhatlea liN- -~ a a aay a.Jif'r a rm, c-am· ...... 'l1llt fa...--r Mr~ '" 1• ........ ~ .._ . ._ ··""· ... .... ... ,. ,, . ..., ..... , .......... ... .. ..., C'&J18lllf-., ..... ..._YJ . ._....er., -r~. II:""J litlfaall'~ er arwr•r-H 6 ............. ......._ ... .,.., _. .. It all Ule II"'"· 't:'la -...., ·-...... ~ ,..... ..... ................ ,,, __ ~ ,_ ... a ..... a ... -~ .. , ... wd MIN-lea hi &lie rear. The diVIIIIln ordnanc• compaftl.a hit the bfoach on O·Day n. .-a ec-ht'lnn badl1 b.-can tom~a& • D- Da plua four ~ lftat hea11r7 0111llta arr1v~ Jom~,.·bat lat..r. Tnda1 th wru lla,. of ..._ .,.,, .... of war 11 all In hand, and Ia Ollt' arut di'JXIt after another It .. b""'l workl'd out-r~palr..s 01' ,. buoll or at'nl bac-k fot aaiYip ...a ~v~rythlna p<>u tble Ia ma .. a..a. abl• aaaln to our mm wbe .... flctlupc In latu tOiulnftll J•D tMe )'ou 6ttonc to aom~ of tilt-. ,.,.. companl~• that do the YltaJ ~ . . . ft. IOKN YIAN~ CBOIICII ............................ llutlday m .. at 8:SO and 10 a. m. naft P017111QOAII& CIRJIK:H or 0081' A ll.l:aA .~., ........... ,, 'I1IIP "-' .. UIT life. •. _........ .... O . .....,.. ....,_ ...... . C~rist•a Mail for Memlten of T~e 1111111 Forces Ovenus . I tam• to P'rance, wu a .._,, .... •• .... a.-...... &t>nd·natur~ f~llow named l:d .. M .._ 1ne-1 TtH foUowt"'t' &eneral rulH ol liM-.rnd«, Ole name, raaJr, or Wl8 -., Strucb r of Bar~. ObJo, _.... Friday, ?:30 P.m. w onblp M'MI· hav~ bHn '-ued for your ruJcS-1 ratln& of t.be addreeRe and the _ _.ria ..... 11 ~er ... _ Ucr. Rnt. MM St..,. In~-ance In buytn&. wrapplnc. aDd naval unJt to w bi, ......... •-,__,..... ---::::_:_. 11t ·-""'·-· Sunday IChool. 1 :30 .. m. mall1D Clu1atJD&a I ..... _. --·~ ..... .. • r I ,_ DL Cooluna an th~M tlllft81101't ...... Mominc wonhip. 11 a. m. IIPf'C" I &1fta O'IWIIU: with the Navy Dumber aMtped -._.... 11 •... , , .. b • terrlbl~ lob. for JOU IUUMIJ lal muak, putor'J aermon. 1. All parcet. and all earda therdo. or name of the atUp and -4IIW .. .._.., • have to tum out twke u ....._. mu.t be ID&Ued Oft._ -j:fc; .. wbk h ~ parcet. --• _,_ .. _--.., .... food aa nonnally. k t &IWie Ia Mt ll~IICO~AL bel' l&Ut and October l8lio k routed. ...... : -._ Ule worO'Inf t~pe. U14 M &aha • IUMMII" IE"VICIII a rtier the better. • · -~or the OJut Guant d .. c;; ~.:a: aU In tlta atr•d• -Ebcll Clua.tlow., N..,..t ..,_.. 2. laduded In .. tum AnDed la -~ u for N&Yal ~ W -p 'l'aWII Eddie llu a brother ........ Sundaya: Jun~ 18 throulh llep-~ -~raeu .,... ~nd ot pe~ eu the wordll "U.8. ..... ... ....-l!f" g .. Charwa In tht' arm, 1!11_._.. ... t~m~r 10, 1tU. tht> AnDy, :t:• , MartH Corpa. Co&R Guard·· I r.~ .. U.S. , ._ _. cow~ ... _.... ~nouch l.o run lnt.o blm four ·~ 11 :00 a. m. -· Momin& Prayer work Inc un Jur1aclk:t.loa of the 18. Mall for Merchant Ka· Get a e& ~t= .. ~ ann In Alrlu , mu Ia Sldb, aM and SenDDIL ( "Ff'l 8UD4ay._ Holy aboft. r1nlt llboWd al8o maUed between •• u 1 111 -.., ,.... Ill the put ,.~ar haa bee lludiiJ 8 .00 a. m. Holy Oommunloa. Muchant M . aDd ciYW&Da NaYJ.'' ~ 1m'!' DOrr YOU ~ II' t, twlr~ In lti iJ . Commun.lael.). a. ~ t'arda llb&ll be September 16tb October 1Mb. u..w .................. • • 1 •• The ReY. ftAiMrt K. H ocartb. •nt oaly • flnt ea.. ma1J and 1t . PoMace: OIUCe muat ~ .._ _. -_., • • 1el Oaa o1 thoae small-world ..,..... M.A.. SL P11al'• 111 tbe Dtaert, Cll1aD beu the retum actctr-of fully pr~paad. rate OD. parcela J ;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;::;;:;;E:;s enra happened 1.> me. too, ~ • Palm 8 JII1Dia, All Welcome! th~ IN'n•Mf' lncludlnc aone num-or 40! clau r I that ta. f)U- thal ehlp. We Ia,. at anchor a 1 bet". cela ucHdlng~ncea) beinc the I nrtlln hatb<Jr 1 coupl~ ot ~~~ ._. F I"ST CHU"CH OF CH"IIT. 4. No f't'que.ta from Ole ad· ~ rate AP ble froaa the po.t fore aalllnJ for f'ranu <r the ..., ICIIINTiaT ~ required 10 COIDDeCUon ortlc~ wh~re ed to tb~ po.t ! and da1 lwu In the wuhroom •• with ,... t tl 1n lf ... ,, LOOo .,_,,, CoM<al A_,. ~· u ............... to o " ~o w,_b ... ,......., lnl wtwn • aallor urn~ In an!~ all ,..., v•-, ...._ 1 AnDy 1 dw1ac uu. ...... are addrr E . G.: A two th~re wet • Co;,mander Gr-.. - -~ r-I • b-~b of ...... , ...,0 1 ............ ~... riod ON pound p.c .. e mailed trom Loa Wlftt.cl lo ll'e m" In the ~-ata~ n ·-.... ---........... '"'"-5 ~ I u btn ~-r;;--':be J'lnt Churcb ot Chrilll. lid· . ·~" care or a.n APO, N.Y., Tile _., Ore-1 MeW..._.. enua. !II ttOaton. M~la. dorwd: N .T . w require poGace for l ., ......... w a _...._ fkad&y 8cbool at t :IO L a II. 01 ~ ~rate appllca.ble between ex:ceecs the ......., Ia and New Yock fOf' '-eM aaey wu UftL Twe7 ._., ~Ice at 11 L Ill. Wed-..... 0 ......__ 1 ...,.. poun-In anll o PQUDd packq~. I -· --...... • ~ ,... ......... , w..un. at 12 leDctJt or 18 •1 Oru••k• Vlllap .. ,._ ..... ..docll DOCID. ctJ'tb COlli •*'•" ...., I "" ... a1t7 JtMdlnc Room locsted a t 711 7. ·Not m or. Or-etc• Yltla .... ,., ..... r.ut CutraJ Avenue. Balboa, &a ma. parcti or 1*~ .. 1fi ,_., 1ft ewriW , We-a-IMJ -.a-•1 f 1 • .. -r-.-. Y rom P· 01•• o .. p. Ill. acc~ted for mailln• In anv oa• -n't •ery 1•r" •• ,.... -S d d b II·', • 1 "' ·-r· IIJl aye a.n ° uaya na· "·e~k when wnt by or on be .. _,. At.., ra&lt I_.. .. eM~ u--" ..._ ,.: uau --.uJ c>,_rv,.,... ot the aame ""'..On or conurn to ...... f'lllla. aMI Mra ~ • -.... I Us rdlall In• ... -' Y'-·-pu ...... Ia co )' ... t .... to or for U!e arne a ddreu waa 1M aa-T""J OrHee .. att.d tbe dlun:b aenlca and uae S. _ PoAal :Voney Orden , .. ~·ld riallt. 87 M"'e a&raaJe ~ .... _ ••we •• .... IINtll aat 11 yean UM Readln& Room. ~ ulted I(J tntnamlt ltitt. or money ..,er • u.e "'"uU"'e. -----to m•rn~ra or 01,. armro rorcf'a Or•~ne held a very lmporlant po-c.ai8T CBURCB BY Till!: SEA I OlltJriM U!e contln~nt&l Unlt,.d altuln in the convn)' He wu llcld«< ~t)' Me.._...t Stalt'lt TilL'! l!l'rvWt' I• not a\'1111· to dnth with h•' ~•~••rnftlrnt, -tor he .... 1!. D. o.ootell. rut.r a hit' to mem~rs lt! lh• Merchant bf' t: Early mom lna worsh1p, 9:JO; ~·rtn~ , had ~n In t ·~' Stall'l almoat 1th~ ::llurch School claM. 10:~ a. m .; 1'\ It _ .. dr 1 "'hole ,. .• , :~nd ..... , ahnut to co nuts Mornlnc worshl 11 o'ciOC'k . 1 o ma ,.,. ... .._,, to mem- lor aomr a~thm Sunday ~~~ aen~ice, 7 .30 b.•ra nf lh~ Anny nr nth~r per- 1 hnrn"l tt't'n him on thts 11d~ of o'clock. Jl(>na n'('f'lvln~t m aJI U!rough APO·a the Olarut~l to d1scuu U. but l"m IIJd·week pr,ayer service,Wedncs·l '''"t'r114'&1! &holl be accepl.f'd u ln- afraod our tr1p nv~r wasn·t 11 1':1· ckJ; ~red diltl dinner, 6 :30 p.m . I Urt'd ur C.O.D. ma'l. Letleu o.-1 rollnc as h~ 'A ould have lok~ But paclcajZ,.. f"Hnlalnln~ moaey or )OU ran•t PI I'US(' 1'\•rryb<od)'. lnd ,, c•a~sn.t.N St.'ll~tl t:•VI t:Bil' 18rttd ra of \'lliU,. !!hall be rdUJif'd w~s Jlltl lam,. r notll!h tn sull me "JIJ aoul, 1>'aU thou oaiJ upoe ~gtatratlon. but lett~"' contaln- llnf" Ood; ror my U JM'Ctatlon ta tro111 lng vaJuabl~ or Important papen 0 nf' of I hi' &un crew ta Suman blm.* Thla amrmallotl or tile t'ulm· mav ~ n"giatered. ,Juhn lA-I'J"'td of Hrrshey, r a. He let II tbe Ooldrn Tnt to the Sun-I 10. Mall for perlltonuel ot U!e Ia about th .. uld,.st on~n In th~ cr~w aJ l.Paaon·Sf'rmnn on "8oul" to all Na vy. M11rtnr Corpa. 0.. eo..t "" Ia 34. and has thrr• dau~IIIC'rt-.,_.. .. of The Mother Cburcb, 'Guanl may ~ atcepted for r.p 17 I~ and 13-11nd ) ,.I hi' rn1 dratlltd fte l'lrat Churcb of Cbrilt, Sden· tratton or tnauranot> lf It .I U.. la &o.tton. con lui Nuvtmll4-r and llere he " 11ll-A llll»>e cllattoo from Man ,.. fnnra to e1ti.Un~ requlrement.a In& annn thr En~~:lt~h <"hannel aftd ..U Cllat tbe pt!Ople llfouc'llt 10 u t o wel~hl. alu. and ao torU! helpln& shoot do ... -n G•rrro•n pl11ne1 ~-*one that .-u c1-.r U4 ba<1 11. Armed per.onnel are amply II •1111 u~ms a lot til' odd In him It I u lmpedlmf'Dt to bla a~h ; aDd pr<•vldf'd with food and clotbtnc Ia QUite • runtrul l•t th~ b~tllcllllf 0.., beeHcb 111m to put ~le haolt and U!~ public 111 Ufl:l'd not to In - lAme. ,.hoch hr hncl brPn In ,-blm .... And loollloa Of to elude auch m atlff In ~tift parcela. • • • MaY-. •4'1 al~:he4. 1114 aaiUa ••to 12. Pniaba.ble matter wtU not AI• ea &lila '"i' I ••• lllte nne ol IIIIa. Fl:thpbatloa. that Ia, Be opened. be .accepted. and t.be aendln& of-... atralabtwaJ bte eua • .,.. "'" hom• '"" ••crs fr.," o\lbu. .,..eel u d th• llr1DJI or ble too· u y ~· article, even though qurrque, Flrrtro, m11 • ~I.H~ Harold ,_ wu '-H. and lie apalle. w~ll wrapped, Ia dlacou,....ed. Soft 1 l.ompton li11 h••me at tuallr 11 111 ......_ • , caodlee do not t'a ny w~ll and Farmtnctnn, N M . but ht' workM 11UJ ~-llddJ wrU.ea Ia tll.,,llhould not be s~nt. BACK THE ATUCK I BUY KOBE 'IHA.N BDDU. ....., .. ., ......... --.,;;A. .. ~ ...... ,.,... ., __ ... .,_ .. -----~·--· .. -· ...._,. _ _. Eddie'•, .,..,. ~ Are Delic:ioua! M+e'• Confecti.-ry '"1100 Ocqft F,... P hena ~ lteadl for the t~lephon,. romrAny at Alb.-c:arWtall adeaee teatllooll, "ilq· 13. lntoa lcanta, lnnamablt ma - quuque. lnstaUtnl nt-w Jlhnn~s Now -... R..-wltll Kt7 to tbe ter1ala i Including all t ypee of h• It the ~l•ctnctan for thttt •hlp ~;" "Neitller .... _, aed· , mRlch,.a and ll~tbter Ouldl and I Hr h .. blten tn th• ""'Y for IW9 ,_. --·t.tHfen wl~ tM --~poi!<On~. or rompo!'lllonl' whi('h , JUra and o'·ernu lor 1r••re than 1 el ..... ud lhl're are • otbef real mav kill or lnjurt' annUler or J n r He II • tall. dark 1111o~l feJ.. ::-::t1!!, ~.:·~of'11:.!!:~1c!:e .r:'t!. ~&If' the mat Ill. 11rl' unmall.abl,. I low "'ho knowa • 1'<":>1 <IP"I more ..., ... UMre 111 .. otiii.Y1oll for 14. Cn"al car~ must bit Ullf'tl f R 0 M liMut tht' S·•uthwt'ol lhM> I dq Ra 8RI ... 1._ fat'UIIIM. • 10 I hi' prl'p&ratlon and •-npplnJ aatd h" hA• dro vtn 11·1•1 •ur hflute -------_ r•f ull O\"!'I"JI'Cil~ plu·c~l~ Ow ing to 1 many limn and .,c had tnl1)f n-CO"ONA DEL MAlt th,. ji:trat dtl't.llnce lhla mall muat I talam tall•• atx>u1 th• d~••rt artf be trllllaported 11nd the h11ndllng Indian J~Wt'lry and ''""'"I~ Wt' are 00-=t~H lnvolvrd, It Is a bl!ohtlt'IV nN"P3l!llrv KECA both lorrd nl· b""'l IA I•~rr ~ r .orr and perry F 8chi'O('k mlnbter In 1 that a ll ar11rles tlf' ·Jmr krd 1n 'AP '"'h '''~ .,,rr~ ba1'~ •h~ RIO · · ho~..,. or metAl, wmld. 110lld fil)('r· Grllnd,. cJI&JTe. · I t :30 a.m . Sunda y SC'honl Ttl~ b<'\nrrt. t1r ~trnn~: dlluhl,.(ll("t'd m r· .\mona lhf. ••ldl,.ro 1 lal .. f'd 1e -*-L"T •,.r• CttrJt. I •y~ Gll""l ef lif rlnl IIIII, La . Pte. Oenr 01\ Is ef Trt'. l'o , ..... hi. Fle)'.J "'M4vlllf-If ••IU- llt'bool mHla In U!l" little building rugatf'd fl~rbotlrd relnfort·ed w ith TO fOU ... 1 on J8811lln~ ~t. a t Fourth. lllr-.•nJ: ~mrr t'd-PILJlt'r ta(W' 11nd 11 :00 am , Olun:h Won hlp and tlf'd With !ltrong tvdne . I ~. The RfVI~ Is held In 1 11 •Each pa.rc-~1 •• llllbjKt to ..,._ Olapel 8)' Ult sra:· 4 tO 1 <"E'nll<lr!Ohlp, lUI• I d~lay In handling OJUt H lchw&)'. 1 may 1M! mlnlmlud by weurtn~t th~ A eburch hom~ for a ll lh~ 1'"0\'rrlnr of lhr parcel ao u to N £TWO Now continents and oceans lie between lh<>m and t he p11111a tbey know and low. Now they are "aeeing the world': I --nlch ot Jt through the ~t.l of t.hetr gUns. Now they are tkl'hc llll'anp and bewildertnc placs. Now they ~I .... -trc.n cround near the Arrtlc a~: plod through ! I Q 2 s1ll ~; sail the 8PWI1 INS. I ,.,.-. Our platform: ln EMea· ~rmlt ~•dy INIJ!«l•on of ron· It« P~ 1~ Find• Gen~ral Pf'nhio~·8 Son \laking (;nod ~~~~Yiu I.DTbi=-~~~·· t.e~~ Add,.._, mwtt "" com •• -==~======::2= !S::;:::::':":OH::roua:::IN.U::_ 'I pine . . ~ ahOuld be on boUI ~ Amonl lhiP •rm> peri!OnMI aboard I ubd If thf' General wu .. OompetiUon In comm•rce, d.ceil an tnatd,. anb tht' oulalde •·raJJiler 1111117 of our ll&btinc men are "teeln&" for the first time -eat ,.... ~ America. Havq Uw opportunity tD 211 rtr r-ftnt band the a.toma and Uvtng conditions ol .. fs ~ to mentkln the weather-GUr Gl Jot'S -~ .tllu ever befOft the laDd they left bfhiDd our llllp waa CaP' Warr.n ParabU.., at Walter RHCS lloapolal H• .... lD oouacU.. dlaboaor In naUoaa, I Thf'y ahould ah"·ay• ~ elt.hn aon a6 Grneral Perallln1 n.. u~ '"' and that hie father _.11 "ftJ ,...._..1 In trullt.a. ~n with t )'Jled nr wrlttf'fl In Ink P&re~la u iA. •·ho Ia 11101 a prolen1anal 801· .-cJt..tt b«auM the, hid )~oat ~ 1..,..., aball be pMtJLilit !"'-Mary add~llll'd to 0\·erwu Army per· -.r at all. startH out aa a prtYa.. bla a ,anthooN on th~JIJNtl'•t•l r01t ...,_ IDddy. 1101\nt'l l'houJd abe>•· •. In addllloD. Ill Uala war. He w au llM tllliMerJ. r IM•e 1111<1n \old ucAt dup11e 11111 • j to th• nam.. and ac1dreee or tiM! lie Ia • taU. W*. ....-r r.Do• ,,. aillld JIO« n.altll ~raJ ,..... .rndf>r. tlw namf'. rank. Army _. ... ,he~ Uha ...... lie ..._ ... Ia "'7 elaae to lhlt war, ... l w rial num~r. branch of Sen1~. eYes' ._.....,.,. net to tnda oe I* tMt 110mt1 o1 our cen•ral •w• ... or,wai.Dtlon. APO num~ of the faUier'a ume. He ~·t .U ol • lila allY'oat dilly for ao•loe .. 'add,.._ and tht' J>oet Office 1 MilliE SERICE tp Oeftftal uflleN 1nu alii biiB. eounMI. • tbroul'l ~ hh h lh,. p&rc-~1" I N-to be routed , 11. f'ar'cW ror t ile navaJ prr-L B 0 A 1..$ L A N D 8CIQDti, and u4LQC the Ma.rtae 0.,. ,. an..! Olul Guard. aho•11ld allow, tn • • _../ ---..:=--•j.WttJM\ to th,. T\llm• M t1 addt'Na -~-------~;.;;.;·.·--------------..: .. . . • I .. ·. SEWPORT·BALBOA NEW~-TJMES. Ne~ Bearh. California, Thtnday, AuguJt 10. 194-' Ration Board Prepares for Issuing of New A-Books Red Cr088 Aids i PuBLIC NoTICn Vets to Solve , Nonn: or nuNn' un (W ._, T R E ('ON8ftVC"'''ON (W IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED .OPPORTUIITIES Many Problem. S 1!S PAID Al!U'D"NF."'iT8 roll July repot'U llbow a &natly ID·I '-u&Dce or ~ eoupou and 8A~.tRY ~'ZU IN ClrN· cl"dMd wont lOAd. at U.. olfke , ra-ollne lor aummer •rr•cultunl • TllAL Avr.StTI: AND O'I'IIEII ------------------------------------------------------ IESIL TS • • • REID FOI PROFIT • • ISE FOI • c:l U.. local rallcwi boerd, at'f·ord-1arttvitlea and comme~tal flahlna. One of lhl! mua(l lr:1portant !lfTRF.r.T!I ASD ALI.I!Y8 ~0 DLr W.\1\'TED BOATS. 81'PPU1'.:8 I RJPAL D'I'ATE I,IRNITUU IRC to RaJpb Mullf'y. l'halrmanl llqar, tn the amount ot eo.•to ph&af'a of t.hto Wl'rll t•f th" H·omt' OF TRit TIME AND PIA~ ----------:-=--:-·:--~'JI the boant. pounda wu I.Mue-d to 3,172 •ppll· ~ervlce department uf the Red OF HEA&INO AS TO a.uD liEU' \\'AI'\Tio:ll li:•s•r1,.rw-ed BOATS ll.•t . Snld aad Tta.t.d t'08 8At£-l t"'R M.\I.E--. _ 1n 1.1w month or July». 13'T i i'anta 2.6:l8a.." boolc.a were ... Ctou .. aal•tln~ In the .olutlon U8T, COnk aud ho'·"''"'"'~ N o up-1 Martnr r.n•lnq~ J•art. l n)lt t'IAI.Jo: '"" 111 t·,~-•a J'OR JIA~ tlad&n, la'lf• c·~.a.. more C'OUpoa. ot aD J11ncb were .ued _._ ..,-of Uu~ problema .trtsln~ tor t'tt lltAII"'I "'"'" l'rl~t• 1'10111 ~al· MARINa.. RA(.'.'Auf. ANl\ Mar J.,~~ hy ,,_91,., 1• ,, lloa It tubr doubl• ..,.aker. z.ntta. LMu«'d than in the ~th of Juo..' G ·a , counted In ,..UOILI,I returned aervlce m!ln. Pu lin! to !!lAIII'" l"l'"~ arv 5Hl0 I'• 1 """ l'bone Nf'"''· r.IP'n l'O :tiO, <'••·•n• tlrl t.&Ar. l'ahf "'"-'•'ll,.nl roncuUon. 111\.: n... Ttl~. lllch&de ~ tor focd wu t•u«'la u tollowa: Farmere I In <'&af'a wher• tlwar mo•tt arto · l""tl. .. Dlvtaion P"rl B•••l• h 1 ~411 !)Z·tr•· 3<WO W (...,n,,.l Av• l'h 231U'·W ~~ If•• m•lw~any a'-81• t~ bee~, J:la• poutt.. abom, ew., u well u f•lr and <'Omme~ti~ermen l~f.· now In army and navy hotapllala mrnt Ru~d Art of l915 • ,. Nr"''JlOrt U.<'h C'altt "'"' •tylol, tiHp h•• ~rprlnJa. __ ,.__ F 1, ..... t ·k o· th • bel"• treat.d l or eltltl'l' mtllllll nr 10 "' tho St"N'I ~ tnd Hi hw")~ MONE\• TO J.OAN ,..tfc 'r\\'l•·tt•:llttl~'•t ,,,,,,,_ •••lu--• at 1 ,, .... .. &".-n.UIC. • ..... rue •. . 0 f'r non ... ('-.1 , ,.. St t f c llf lal • r • ..... , ............. ,., ... -"'· IIIJ\Ift C'C!Ver, Decautlf of -tbe tncreulng load. highway ~ 41.412. In "0" phyalcal diabllltle•. the Rrd Croa """ 0 "" " f' 0 " om · -IIWtt-1 l~to'lll•·cl Willowbrook, 111'1 c'loU ll•·•\ brl«'ll hou• nul appl.k-U~ W"fed to Wlf'. lbe book• tfor. mot.cycle41J 246· inl l.rr nftf'n &akf'.J tu ·.·tlrttlltt'1 "" t•t· notlr<' ll'. hPI"f'hy jtiYf'fl l~llt. thf' WlU kltL11 1 11~1(1 l1• flll,Oiltl "" IH-rt f'll't-:1'\ IJ\tlN\11. •·(')'I Gray I l'lohf 1'1 l1a4P hll tlllmfl la l hl :-l•tv Towrr l\ana PotnL mail u m u poealb!e. Apph· I ... E" buolc.a, 4.42~ lu "B" ~a v•UpUon u to the man'a p...t WIII'TI'nt II!I.'W$><mf'nt nnd IIIRTI'm buat!M'Wo • r ,, . ..,hlrnttal pnll'f'tly l\111nt"' ro•n1m•:ohlo; l<~tt ,.,., c '••t• t.l,... • 'all Nrwmarll 1 l'h. r'l•n• t•11tnl 71\1. 11-lto l _ ... by ... _ ...._ _ _. .,., .. 70· 1 •·c· ~ 7C1"'""· k-~ hlatory, hla hom,. •nu ,,.,.. ltv NHI· t'N'Ordfod on I he-3rd day ot July, Ill Batl••n ,. ,.,, lniW PUI:hh ""'""'"'~ ro••ul) '" 1:\4tl;l "' ,..:,. ... .-.... 30~ ill tic •• 10na rec y....., .._ _.u lA ~... • n 5, ·""""· rna . . 1944 for thl" w ork don<' Rnd lm· 1 • tht-mall lve the -.e careful In~ a tot&! 01 3 .669 ealloa.a. dlttona, and to cather lnfonnaUoa ~wmf'nt mlll1f-b R A Watt· lUCEN E. £\,AI OTT 1e1• \\'ttl !l""l'"'"'t lll•· $.1K"' t'lllt 14At.t: ''"" apnn••: rt.aut7 aDd..-p&;,au-Uonu dolho.e l From tht' av.ablr aupply 11f for Ule medlr al of11r..ro~ P Yd -h ~11 ~;~~~~A-. Ill \'•·n•·•tn ltr, N .•pl•·• 1'11 1 .. \llt 1-tAI.t' l~aullful latoory RMt mattr-e.IIIW n-. f'.all broupt to~ oft•c•. and mucb &"&aOIIne. mllltarj nerda mulll .,.., 'Mila l~ro ...,.,~ •. "ftl!•t t~llin. ;:nnt~",'~,A~f'rint'o "~n t'f't::_ lla ~~.. ('I\ I lurnla L ll lltl-71\ 6~·ftl' h<otnr •tfl '""'t'l" ll>l ''" ell•'"'"'"• I •t l'•lnl I "aae, --.u~a.oa A Ilk tor d ri t d f•-lb. •" '~ n o • •~• ,,... l'lt• II• 1\ rt •w ~u 'I ---•t•·t-1 1 '•I•• lal• 'J .__ ,,-,.,n .. '. I Kall•• l 2•1tp umr could •ve-d ror ll\e oltlct<l anawere ra, an -a w:r •.t wtt.h th_ e AKTI~ .,.. trntmr nt ......... _ .. _ of ~t-....... r. 1 .... :\, for ttM' .. ~ I'\\,... .... ...... ,. L• ,_ Aahbnd-or-.. . ' .. .-... " --ultu !t I I d 1£, ---·' n .... _. v.· ... ,.. '"-.. ,.,. ,..AI.r. ........ ·-•lf'n, lln•JCtv l•lnr -iuwllf'ol IIV· ata.ff 1.1 more 91 the work cc.uhJ .,..,_ •• c re an e&RJltla n ualr) I and a frPquf'nUy ~0~11 lht' c't•nlllhJrtion of Sanlla"' St'~ TID: BA:'I:l\ ttlo' At.lltltlf'A •• •tr'r •mlmr r rutarre. 3 4. 30 and •-H•ll 1-Al,.: II• bull, t'lmnu- b&Ddled by 111fU. CIVilian lnll ry anu .-nllal df'Cial ..... lth l"f'jrard tn lhf' r ••n·, rn Ct>ntNII A\'l'nUr lind ut tM'r NI'"'Jllt' ,,, "'" hu opc~~lnl(ll fl•l' ~·!) ft ln-.\#~ ~unday, ~-· lnl n-lftl With flr..t•lal'r IJvtn• r•t•l. dnublr a-d, .-n.le brd au ··· Car o•'n•r• •boWd DOl Olrow I workt're d rt l muat J'ret'"'l". all retur to hla hom to !<ll"f'i'tl lind IIIII"\'• in thr C'lh· ol t'clro Clrt~' "' m••!Wl\ca,. (Or r ltorl· ' t•• IAit•l"'lr· "-ree A.. . \\'11·1 r'"'"' •n•l do-n ""''IV raf1Wt,..t W C'tontral M•. 82·1tp I away "A" book .. vere even II tb~ I ~r clv1~n ua. • Th r ondltlot\11 ot a ~Ice No'Wport Brnc:'h, · C'nl1fc1m 1R. lttivln~t rill 111,,, k ,111,1 ll•bMn~t mar h n.. rnm~:t••tt ••r wrttt! Pn-.'l Aab· • wa'l In w•lt ""'h •II •·nnt hnlalt coupoo. have all ""n ~ Ou \ olunl*r11 will ~ neetlrd Jur· man' borne m ay be one of the t~. .. ·n l"f'tumrd to I hi' SuJ"'I'rint.nd· Wt• wtll 1,, ., GJ-::tr hrt.IJI•. Wllmlftftoa, ~f ''"'"'· ...,. "'"m ,..,uat•1' hflatrd t MIM('F.I.IANICOVB oot -d or take the ._ere to Ulr • Inc )Jill "A" book renrwal pt·rrO<! decld n~ ta1·t~r• In tbe qii~OD f'nt of Sll'ftls ot said C'\1 y with _ :\t·4tp 'nita rhann1fta .,,..,. with It• 2 POR 8.\11-- boerd. Hoid tbem. u tr.. .. ~ anyon.-who ~·~~.n . do ao-ruratC' u tAl whtot.her I hi' man r an be rf'· 11 wrlltt>n stllto>lllf'nt of 1111 pay· 81T11ATIOS "'ANTED--nnl'h ~hM •II tU. rnnf•, Ita •ntt HAl.tC N . IC&« Roaetw ot U.. preMDl "A" booll.a. IUWI the work anll v.nuld bl' wllhng to hrlp tumef homf' or m uat bf' .,, to m•·nts l'f'<'1'1wd UflO" 'the> aatd ar SITt'ATII.l:'l: \\' \ -.:TF:P Nu,...., WA..~T 1'\) IH'Y ~wblrd tnlU· '1 r••·f'l1 ••l'f'Ct ,.,lnll wtth I wtth pill ~~ tall!~ electrte Ure lna~ction allpe will be nee-d· ahould ootlly M n1 llurothv Sut'l· a v4ran'a ho•pltal t St'!l!lll'lt>nt. and thirty t~l full daY$ p •ern..... , 'htl•tr•·tt •n• •«r • r. "Ill 1-.ay 1 .. UO call W•• 1.,.. .. t,..... anol luwurlaftt trnr-~ u part. t. Jonu Aurf ret <for U.. reMWal of "A " boolc.a. erlanll. n nl_nr drr~ at th.-nlflcc FUll th-. lovntlptlo~ l"h having t'xplnod from 1M date-ol A· I ,..,.,,, n• ,. 1~,, 1!: ,. 11 Nr ... •·l atn &ell I '"' telf'l ... t'Ura.on lral •1•-•ra mullt ._, .._ In tw A pta A lit; .. O.t...!, OaJboa. "A" ~ will be mewe-d at Of the Ration Board. muat ... ('&~fully and wt.efy e. tJwo llllld warrant. tht-!IBid Suprrtn· 'nrnea 111 •tl' AV<' I.N Anl•l• fW).3tc ·~•at" ldetllv kvatrd '-1 l l'hon~ ,1411·• IJ•lt &be locaJ board durlnc Uw f1rat ----thl' l~nln,; and nper11"D;r:f' the tt>ndPnl of St rt'f'ts duly mKdf', and t-"t,H ~ALt: SnotW'tlrd, ~apeS l'on· hlnr ll '""" the Udo• (1uh Hc:M-P two wedtl of September. Rotary DIS• tri•Ct ataffa p f the Home S•rv dt--1 on tht> :lrd of AU«UJI l 9H. filf'<l L08T Al\'ll FOliNO , dltlon J ohnann ttuiiL l.)'f~ UCM •n•l t .. thln• bala<'h uw-r nr-~· 8~'1NH 4ttenttlofl& H~lllldl 'nae lacrt...,. W'CIIt'~ .eenu : partm~ will bt' not o n<'f'ol· in my orti<'t' 11.8 C\ly nrrk or the •: ('contra! A\•r . UaJ~ &l -21p r up1111 n.,.,., tw.,. """'.ct P\111 _."1 aftd ~. lll&rt .... to havr -... caused panty by thr Gov J p DaVI•S ~ bot wry helpful. C'lt)· of N~·port &11ch. a C'Omplt'tt' rouND M1t11 , wf'\lll wavh ! _ · , 1 f'"<'r t n ooo 1'\•r appotntmllftt 1 lant tumt>d, ooat• ,._, ...... tttAI. • • • . 1 That '-'ea and ~munttlf'a list of all .-samt'nts unpaid •• Wn~ ""~' r 1''""1 ~ boll S36. ~Nir•; WIUI or wiU~t tnU•r., pho•n. t>wftrr, N-pnrt RPwh &86-W, ... \Ol.o ,AUL NORM.. v.·s···n Loc I Cl b throutrhout -~ry 0\UIIt h~ 8hOwn on uld IIS..WSsmPnt, whldl Newpurt ll.•ftt ll, I'IW£. 82·3tp I &th IJI aoud t'~illon Vllll"'• 172t U-4k -----•••VJ~ I.e a u " prepared to ~Cf'h•e and ••l•t tn list ls now on m .. In my o(fil'r. L.OIIT I J'(lrt, •n l. ... t ftlpwey, N-· --• ..--o a-D-'-IS::. VACHT IAIL MAKE"' thto care or tbf' returned eoldl«-n For a dC'Criptlnn of said work, Pall "' 1'"'111• alar "-. 00 1rt Bc'ach Pf1 MI. Sl·Uc ron f'MF. Tvpp41w. •I«» ......._,.. tMd ...... Awttlft ...... , ~ 124~ 21M 8t. Ncowpart ~~~ .. .__ 2117 Johll P . Davia of Lon&" Beacb, and ll&llctrll. 111 bf'comlriiC more evl· ~ft'~ncl' l" htonoby made' to Rfollo· Otlntr.l Av~ bf'tWf'ttjll A~ P' 1 • ' • ~ di«r1ct f th Ro l -d Pa.lnf ... ~n.lav IOliilltna. Re· roR S AU: kllboal. 20 n.. beltt .\T IIF.All'l'lnTI. &12 ll!ut c.Mar -.\naJMta ~ovunor o e tary dtnt t'&l'h day. Scoverely ln.Jure•J lutlon of Intmtl~ No. 2851, ward. 1'~l 1111'\G·I' •t-2\C' I mat-rtala, ,.~ .... ~·-•-r. "--~ OOIIONA DEL MA8 ...... A--~t•h 11.-. clube, paid bla annual vlall to the or diaabled men and men auftt'rln~ lldoplt'd by ~ty C'ounctl ol .. " • ~"' -..... '"' -• .....,. Newport club Tueaday evenlnr at I from war faUguto, lo nrtoua nt't'· said City on tl'ltf' 9th day ot .\u· --pln. f'h. Cbar f,. 8-H06. f'INI HOM&-ORAND Vt&W • th m U b ld t Whll • BaJ """3 LOST -M"!1~v IJinnecS ln whit. t-·raNI 8 l..uta. 1101 A. Vk·tury, 3 ..... mufti• J•ltARt'lt RAIIIII'J'RY ~7 .. -------------,. boe l.aland cafe. preaent a problem and " chaJ-1 NotiC"e I!! hch>hy gtv,•n !hAr In· " -• • • ....-....-.-~ -.. ----I e ee nc e a e I • 1 voua and mental l'Ondltlon. wll,i IUJil, lv. . cloth ln. "', '". vll'tnlty f11 &all'· ... url••n". ,.._,,,, ...._41.. ......._ ~ ._ ot '"l...._rt ~ _ •• - WAY &D•t Y. I )' • Mark ... Balboa W . .1. H LCOM8 N---, ~ ..,_ Hf' wu introduced by Pi'Mldent leng.-to the reaourcf'fuJnpa. and lll•reatt'd pri"!!Iflt m11y 111'1"'1<1 h t" 1 ,..,_ d ..... _, H th ....... ..-• -.. rl Dod.. -, """ntf'OI&a rrwa.r . .,...._. ~ . rot\. ItALIC uniY~ ..,.,.._ 11\17 ,_ Hla.._-Meaty ot ._._ __ ........... -.-.a on "• and gave an Inter· wl.c!om of all l'<)nc.erned. Thto war fort' ltw Cltr COUncil of tho· ,.,,) .. .... .. -,_. ··--., •• ,_ ·-- 1 eaUng and lllvigoratlng talk, In wtJJ not be over '4'hrn the ~:una of N("wpo" Beach In th•• Council l'Ot'.., 2021 Wlrtr.nuar. Ba•UUIO moCor. Mak• ~~ • 201 RubJ ('·~ ... , liar. ~llf or-door f"h MilL ....: 1•1. b'-h 82·2\.e A•r . Jlalboe I " •t·lk "W.._. 1M---,, .. U ·llC' .... ..._ .... 1 w K: tte advlal't! mt'mben not 1top flrlnjt', for the people of lhl' ChambE-r of tiN' City Hall tn I<Aid r -· --- to be ''gate-crubera, Jille 'One borne front Will then bfolt'lll t o 1 City at t~J\OUr Of four 14.()()) LQ8T 1\Ubbf'r C-;;Vl'l'e0 hraY)' Che f r c" PUft Eye-d' Conolly, but to pay their makt> nt>w klnda of war O!tfort.a. o'<'lock P . -on tht> ltth day ol duty-.Unaton l'~ont ·-.. •ta' le 0 .ODDly f'f:!t.:.A~:._ Oalutr ·r."'"",,"::~!-roeto. Tk :~:: ~~ ,"!r =•= _VI,_ I way by aervtcc-." Thf' t'ffort to fit our retul'll•d m-n 1 AU'"'It, 1 . which Is ttw tlmt' aed .\YOC&do d 2 d Be • --·~ _._. ~ ....... ~ ~ .. -_... s·-. . ~ .• ~, Mar·. Identt•f•t,.at~nn C)uan I ronm•. hath, aulnm ~ ~-. ll-4te .....a .. ..-..e ft.. Twnty ~ were In attend· I b&clt ID to bomea and conununltiPs and plaao h"rt'by fixt'd for . •uch •---, ., ..,. " ,., ---y line«'. bt'allk• Ole uaual member-... m be! witb ua f~K a l~'n,; time. 1 heftrin~t and s~ow caU.'i<' "il> bondll O.O.Oua l"f'Will'\.l (' PJetrer, B I s ak *'-t.r, aGt ud c-o&4 .,._.,_ lot P.c.iio_N_AL_ Prompt ~ ahlp, arronc them the football I Tbe Red Croaa Hom..-Servl('e !<hnuld not br iMut'd upon I hi' l'e· Boa w . ( 'Urona dl'l Mar, 18121 ureau 8, pe e., 301ll0, t'f'.mplct•l1 tum ~~~hoed. ----------- 1.1.0. ~- ~l>W Pri coach at the Un!venlty of call· de~rtmf'nta ... 111 bt' ,.1rrylnJC un I cunty of tiN' un~ld as.wssmenu 2Dd An •1·2t.c • ,._.ulatto, 11to0• t~ A '0 117 .,. YOU _.... ~ .-....,..... 11n ..... Fri .. , Sat., 12 :00 fomla at Berkeley_ Ttle local club 1 and the coon.ratttlfl ot all r tttuna !!hown on Aid Hat ---1 'nl~u Mo-(l.-ff. IM'ad vt ttt. aD·,..r ..._,. eiCn 1.)-.c Hiatt-wne. ......_ -...._ __ w-.-way a.l <ltnlnp M , Nrw.---· ..,_.._, -IQ'KI 1.. New=--+ BJv. leada In membt'n~hlp attendance. wm be n•edt'd In thl. pro1 riUJI. NuliC't' IS Also tK'I"f'by g1vt>n ~~~ R E W ,\ R 0 I o nnt.. ,. ,, u 0 1 y ldrnUfkaUna n...,.h ~1 .__7 .,':1.; -.u. ~ ;r~ .,_. • wtUI an attendance acore of 98.20. M'rial bonds to repN'!le'nt unplhu L08T-Man'a ••alltot n>nllllntnl( 1 Burea u •• ~anlto Ana. wu apeak· ---Costa v.... ; 0 . B. Reed w•ll .,.. cb&lrtnAJl for Loyd Wade of ~ts and bt'ann~: lnto•1"1'11t ldentJflullfln petle~ olrillt I ard. Hill thf' Tht-l•y """'' ....u.c TllANIIPOaTA'I!)N 1 __ ....::;;~~~~~~~~~-.1.!· tbe nat-meetuaa. &t 1~-l"a«-of •~ P" et'flt-!{)~} IDtwlolf. C'ilrt R~fn>q, Flnd .. r • rr _at (he Thunaday nQitn m.....ti'D1 WAN IW 10 aiiNT -f--;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:-!;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w N Staff I Jll'r annum, w1ll bt' i~u('(f ht-n'un· ~-ll<~llty Mr lta~t•t.•lt•ll• at F.1t'l"trt1 '~fiJI, Ralhna. wiUI J-WAN"IT.O TO BIC\'Cl.lr8 8al4. ,_._. or ,. I I ews s. d t•r In l h(' mannc•r provldt'd by thl' Balbe Ya• ht (,ub tl~·n llrt&rOf' Jll"fhhDII: fUI!HT lllaaU paJ...ct Vopre ............ New Grandfather "Jmpro\'o'fnl.'nl Bond Al't of 191~". l __ _ 'nl• ·~·r ,lf'.-rtboooJ varino.. IK>u• fo' wlntn -tu OftiJ, Hal.,_ aa4 3011 Yan.. • .,....._ - AL'S GARAGE 1%% .,. A--1!-Jboa lllland We also hund~imd cit~·for IIARJ¥t IIOTOR8 • Garace ll's I J\LLE." GLO\'F..R C FCII'Tn<'rly '"''tl h II. R 13nntu. Bnlboo) ,. .Motor Ol1rhauling Motor Tune-Ups Carbtsretor and Ignition Adjustments .• F:wtor~ 1'ratn••d Carhuro·t ur SJll'f'talb.t ~~~ Boat fitttins SPECIAL: 4,j.. a 10-f~ 9-la. beam;...9-toa -~~hole JI·R. a..--: ..,. Cllryaler Crow~~. ~ c'-arwr. t A Barp.lL u-n}C~~a~ter .._'-CarrJ11tc e~tarter • • • a •teal • KANT OT'BEIUI TO CR0081C .,.M , .1118'S LIIDifC . all( Yacht 'JIIOkerage .. _ .......... 11• a ..._ •--ft. Npt.. lldL liM SNOODLES DOROTHY VAR~IT .. . . I brtn.: Di.vl~ion 10 of thl' Stn't't!l 944 1 rrtmM In wtlll'h hi• ~rtJMat I on or _, BaJbaa l.taftd. Two RaJboe ......_ 11-"' and H1..:hwa)-. O odt· ol thr· State• TJDE T BLES In family ._ ~..._. <'&19 of r ,.._, r I .. _ I t I Jl t A h•<1 --··~·' ltl •·h·tn,;. LIN'"'""' , .... ,, ... 1'1y --~· ,.," P'Oit 84LI: C'ulaon 31·1n ,.....,ar U uyll Wilde or ttl& mf'l'hanlcal 0 ...... I om It, tn..-Ull tnll u Jll('n ... m,. .. ,.., ........... , I"""" In !hP ·~I ltt•·h ..... ... I ..... ,, t•-_.. r h h bo ru ~" II t th '<' "' ....., 81 .. •nt')'<' •. o~ ,,_ ......... "'7 •-d. l'partmrnt of alit> New~mu I• o w lc n s 0..·11. 0111 Urt' n HIICh t....w Hlr:h Lnw Antt•l"" .. r•ll •"•' t ua.t uf Uw • ,..,c 1111 1... Jt W N_...... 3) f h :1 Ia f .. -f'Oftl '"' "· ~-• --....... now a Prl.~ grandfll A ( .)'<'Ill'S rom t 1' Sl'('()fl( f y O P'. 11 4 :z. D'l'll 4:11 II :~, YAIUf' uf (IIIK"'1'~"1nta In pollrwo WANT ,... I ~NT Atlumfl)', wife Pr..-h. .. ... rllllll(hl l'r ~ ltom to Mra. Okl'r July, nt•xt t-UCCt~tn~ lf'n ~ lO) ~.1'1 2.0 l .l O.t \\ Mk J~rtlc•ullorfy In idenUftc&.j &lid twu bnya, 8 A 11 wutt tn ----~-__ _ F'. Ratht.De. Ill, Augu11l I 1, ~at mtlnth~ f rom thl'lr duto•. 8. U 6 :12 ll:CM I ::M 12 ~lt.,.tmn ancltnv~U... vat alltln "" tlatho .. leland dUr· FOKil&N'I the Sa.Qtt1 Ana Cc,mm'unlty lfoe·j Dnh'<l tht~ :lrd day 01 Aui{WII . 3 & 211 1.4 o.• t•n-..,ait t orr "'" nt~'f'tlna ._.r r"l tn1 Sept•mt.r 1 2 3 ur , ----------- pltal. "ra Ratbt.nne. wt1t or 1944. . s.. It ,,u u :ta ... .a, 1 ........ ""'-r_..,.._ aac1 oUNr ........ ,. Hoe,..n ~ ·~~ ,.,,ron lutNT 1Arlw lllu4'o .• ,... U ;out Hathbone who Ia now F1l A11tK L. RINEIIA.RT. 3 7 2 4 1.6 • , .. .,. N" '""''""I'll ,.,.,..,,.1., ~ naJif I wtth Prl•at• hath and •nlrall('e, somf'.hf'rt• In the South ~clllr l l :ll~ Clt•rk <if Hw_ C'tf~· or I :'>1 .. 8 24 I ~3 7:21 ,1:12 :0.:·~· ""'k tlll'tlllllt• "' lh.-dub l 'llnt• IIH"'' .62 :u rnr two,.,..._ Clan tlo lllbl .or< n j,. tlu• ·'lltt"ltlt•t otf ,Mr 1''u•'l' '' wpo:l Hl"l •lo 1 '.I rot ntll v n 0 0 ._ • 2 • II I 1 1 I ' I 1-' • I' 1'0011 .. -... ll Pill ITT .. U ~ , n a U I II 4 J ,. :> o ,,. '" • 1-' Ill • • II " II\ I IIIII 1 I ' • I "nll '-·Aiofl'll Willi hAr tnoth•r. l'1ll•lll<lt ,\ll~t "'II & Utlh, I 4 _ "'· t.• fl 0' " .... 01 rtl lrt I th ""I T •t·2te ,... .,_ oc '"" • 2 .. ,!\ • t .Y mn.n u.:••lf\fA ,.,.., ,,,..-"••A.,11,,. •• 'I. II J• hn ~··.r·l ~II ow c· .. unl\ 1.) \larlll• Jt,o "lh ll••v fo: II /1\ ,. ............ ,. ~:.. WANTED ro Ill"' ltAtfu.J (._·u~t t ~1t•fll:\ ~~~~tt ~fllltt ~tilt.' h,t..~ tJt • U lutl:lt• \\'•d ]f\ z·Je. t ,,.«,.tt11 lu ~ l,"q•t' ••f 1h• ptt~f'IUU. ( "'~"' d.-t a.4•r f • 1 •. Th, ~" falriV~ wd«:hc!tl 7•-, Ill "'llh u '"''' 111r ,.,.,,.,,11 "·'>'" 1 1 "'" n "''"'""''"• tnr lunl'h4HWI N. D. CASH \\'ANT 1 11 Ill ' """"'"• J)Oie, ,1"'"" .., ,,11~ "'"' bt·• n nnm<·ol ShP workl! at tlw 1-r•do•trol Uuti,J· Tn li l 12 '" •' t. 11" r .. "'"" ltlm o v .., rwJ and llnfl l'flun• N""''JHlri f ii>HIIl l..a••• 1111: ILnll l..otiiD Ill Laguna !&each 10 000 .. ,.., c.AT HOIIfOITA~ ••· dft)'lllu.-flit 2to NAGGING BACKACHE 1 1 1 ' " \, ! '\. I ... (A ~lanr.e pro\'f'" the leadt•nhlp of thl' s .. w .. ·1'iatte''l I '"• tJ•) U~h• ,. .. q,,c q,.._., r.tfhl ftaur-• .... '" llark " ... ",.... (l "' JIAC'K TilE A'IT.\('K 81 '\'MORt: TitAN Rt:t'ORt: SCIIPE liD PAitiT YOUR BOlT 01 OUR COUEIIEIT WAYS We •)lrnish the Equipnttnt You Ho Your Own W-*k POll OF SEVEI ~EAS ~ na..u.-,...._. • ._,,...w 8l'r ()out HJtlutaY .,.,...._ l'fewport IINdl Nt BACK 'i1IE ATf ACK Ill'\' MOR~ BONIJH , .. " ... ,.. , ... t&t4 'o -.. •. " "-• •·•,.•• "-a C.ttf Professittnal DirectOry Gordon M.Crundy, M.D. Pflye6ela" af\4 . ..,.....,. Nl"th &A4 c.tttre: Awe. Offloe H~: tO.tla."'·l 1-I,.M. T ... ~, LEROY P. ANJ)ERSON ATTO .. IIIEV fT LAW Co••• M~u aap awtl41ne .. .._ t2t , Coat • ..... C.llf-la HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ··w. ()urwl•• tba Batte..,.• I • Ry &t"tac OUwre ,..... I ..., .... Ne~ lit c-........ Caflf-la BUY NOW City T as Sale Lota A. J. TWIST eo7 G•••t Hl1hway ""-MD CO .. ONA OllL MAR Gerald RauRa, M. U. · !JIM "'"' f :.11tral AW~­s,.wport ....,.h ·)- '""· '10rwpnr1 ftf'arh ur.ll It "" •nu1•rr f'llll Ml ~ DR. G. E~ TOHIU PHVIICIAN .... IURQ80N -c.-............. .,.... ....... -~- om ..... w R-. •·" ,, ... ._.e. •• ......,..... Dr\,M. b . c,awfnrd" 0 ,.'Y D M a T R I I T ...... l!l&amleed me.-,.... 11., N~ llou......,. BALTZ MORTUARY CHA:-L •v TH. t•A 410 C••" •tv4. c.............. ...... ......... P'hone New,.rt U UR. OBEB Ll CAS l)cntiMt • '!'~II'! 1 1 W f ~nlral, '""· t•AO ~f'\\ l'fltiT nr:Af'lf ---------- WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT F'I RI'PI II C£ ANO Mll~f)t till~ W()()O It w \\''"'' ti ••··r•' 111 •1 ''·"'n \1·-" ••·1 f ..... l .. r I 'll ,,.,1\J r.r Nf RAt rr,,nnllr''''l-. f;.,,.,,.,. II ~ lr.•ll.ov 1 Ill),...,.. .. , nTv•l l'!t "'........_ nnd ('.,n•ll uoiiOf" lU"48( R O >MPANIU ,.,.,.,,.A,,.,.,. J.lr f!fJ l"t tu• t •IJ ynu 1 ttl •tMJt t11•1 "f'hnn~ 48. l!llv l •t ... rl• I l.•tr+r ('n l'h'•••~ I tr,tt t'"'"" }lll(hWII V ~I Ar(hft1. f1rrtc.t &UPPu•a \.. :"•-v.t,.,r1 lt1HI"~ l'ut.l!alttnw f\, I 'ft.,ll•' I~ 1:\ :-lt•w i"'1J ft..art, ~RINTIIIIO-f :-,._pt•r1 ll•rl11'11hU.tl1ntr ('., l'h"''~' 12 . 1!1, N"Wf\<1 .. ~b R£ At [IT ATE NIU .. ANCE A NOTA"\' ~U.LI C - 1-Jl W•llal 2202 W. c.tllraJ Al'enUO' f"t)Ofte 3 • .. U •• l .. ITAM......_ · ,i ~-.... Hu .... ~na <~ I ... ~M " • ... --IHEIT MII'TAL K-J 1 vt.te ,..._._ a ...., w~ o.ta Ill& .,.... 110. I VARI8TY ITCMII&--_ • '"' ..,.._ ....._ V-""'7 ._._ ...... ~ .....S IIJ. PMM JlU·W . . • f;t -· j - - . J \ California, Thursday, Augwt 10, 19•4 PalmeraHave Mrs.E.D.Goodell H b F • • A t• •t• HowRedero.BOIM=or~caaea:::_~ ~n~ ~'!. __ .. -~~~~: ~~r~:<fm~p ar or em1 nIne c 1 VI 1 es ~ ;,:: ..;. : ::= lilrtaiNd W~ ewnln1 at 'Jlwo Nt'Wp()rt O~lt' of Olrut ... aa. ......... .I .._t1 ~-C:.~~ .-..b~~ Olurt'h·Br-the·Sn m.t Wl'dlla·1 Bri~e and Luncheon 1"&, SPIJCINO THE MAJNBRACE ££1J.!New Motor Corpe A-:~R8Nu·~.~~~D1 ... ~181, .... ~ .... -.=.~u:.,': (If iood thlnp to Nt Wft"e to ~ E. D. Coodrll. I At rs. astman s ~t: HILu.tAN UIBII to pen lltarted ln the Bulla Ana If ...... ---u_, --• --day altemoon at IM t..n. of Mfll. E . I l c•---0 ,...,._ ·-_...,.. ~ ~ -__._. -............. -w. t ........ ..... In OM paUo. Dt-vouoru w..-. &rd by Mra.. I --~ room at lOT we« lth Palm A....., ,_ '-' a.lboa -" Enjoytnc thfo P&Jmt.r hoapltallty Gfooree Got'ld.nt'r. wno US4"d u her Mra. Sp.Jd!nc Eaat.man of U do Speaill.llf of mea lA t.be ~ Jane Bolaocl bad a banf-up one• Munbera ot the IWd en-atrHt. AUCUifl lt. 'l'tu. wiD be a wtll eoeta.... Lo ~ • rndar ,...."" Mr. and Mr11 . .lllllM'ti R~l. 1Uhjl'ct. '1'tle Kina.'ttom.~ of 'nib late. wu hMt-UU. weook to the Jad1 Ortftl dropped ln from Q.r(}o lht other nlftlt that went oa and 1 Motor Corpe who have juat com-1 mornln~t cl ... IIK'Iudtac &5 boura mol"'lJnc• at lO 0 dodl ...S ..._,. Mr. and Mn. Rowland Hod&kin· w ld." amall rroup that 1•ta totJf'lhu l nat1o th. MY l hat IN IliAd ~n on . Tbe F'arwella tbe Ootnna ! pleted a c:oune Ill mecbanlea ot l.nlltrUetlon lA the cl.__ are ....., maay -JUt. will -· C.pt. AIM! ....... R.ober1 Kenu-:". J . A Bodman. prt"!<tdmt. twtre a mGIIlh 10 ban lunch and trails err~• lu 8aa ~ro ... Will thr eaiden. and tbe ~. IUld . under the •uperYUIIGII ot R&lpb and t5 boura at St. J~·· ~ ,... ..... "-' ~-You will ._, Mr. &nd lira.. Oeorcc Holst~ln. gave a rt'port on activJU" of th+> play br1dce A lon ly lunr heun be bare r~ awbUe. ll w .. _.... w J'arklu acoured the \own tor po-1 Randel at tbe B&lboa lll&Dd P1re ,elal. 'J"M ~ I!Uittwtor t. w&rmiJ ~ !:i :'!_ -:.~~~!~: :~ Cu'('lt' In which she stated that II· 1 wu .rv•d .. utald• lollowt>d wllh •e btna f••r tbe tiNt U.. Ill tuto cblpa. ete., tor tbelra .. ~ Ada Station are ,really pleued With wlll be llr.. Gert.rutt. An.Jrtw. or lira. VIdor. Graft alld Mn.. •......-• nd nan<1bl assJ.~IIIn~ had hfot·n &JI{>· th .. main aUra• tic n br ld&• yra,.. He's now a Lt. &Dd we bad Alfnrd baa dea«!rtad B&lboa for the couree &nd U'l IOOkJ.n& t~-laMa AM. ao4 ee ta a rectatere-t ~-~ lllaw ....._ a.p-:ra. ~ ~~~· a~~· ,:,. vld•-d hy tlw four Cirel~ of lht' ,._ doln,; thr bllldlnli: ~nr.-a IChod uld gab rut about ... ry· . an Dleco to apead a weak . . . ward to the next oae. whlcb I. an nuree. .AJlyona wM will .... e polated ~t CCM:.bai,..... ol ~~J .;., d Mra Joba WSCS. a nd that a woolt•n QUilt Mra. Ji. R, Rlag. Mn Tllm Hen-on• we: knew an~ whe"' U..J w~rt )I ~t rion Hod.ktn-tak~ ott l a dviUlced flrat aid couree to lt&rt th .. courae may calJ the I<Jcal RM tht! ~ Blood o.c.or Unit f<W • ·an F. M. Jla . twt hPf>n JTUide by th•• 841bou tlt'raon, Mrw. Mary TUiotM>n, M~ 1 nf'lw J ,, pttra' art' th•)' ac~-!111 week'• real at Lbelr 8Uver.-1 Monday. Auc 21. Croea olllce. 1883. or lib. RaJ &be M-.ort ~ "-~ cr-. Rob~, ~ ~ M~. .. S ~~~ ("ln:le and waa rudy to aed'd tu J w. l 't-yt••n. l .ra R H Kenu-f'hurk C11tton Ia now a eapt&ln "'''' rabin ... Mary JMe and Jim 1 TbUI ala> wUI be held at the Alford or lira. z. B. Welt. both I and the ~ ol fUture blood :J· .,..;-· Ma Di ';;'· Ah•IXt~ckrmMr. IIW!' Indian Mission at Yuma. ton, Mra W Jo-: Matw" Mn and hu been ln ladla for owr a IAWUI have takea a bou~~e on the Balboa l1l~d nre Statloo with ot wbom ~ Ia B&lbo&. dc:mot-daya ._ .......S. and Mn.. ~ rMo ·r lUt Mr · an1l Ml"mhf>NI w~re IU<kt:'tl 1o ro•m••rrr P. Mr'()re. and Mrs Spalding Y<'ar with Air TraMport Cnm· hlty and are tbumbtnc their· nice Mr. Randel aa IMtructor. aod the Ttle auralnc 8bortace I• ..rery I liiMd ._.. ~ will 1'0 to til Smith 1 ;;;,. Shlrlr•y IM•r tlw Robincroft horrw lur ,.,... Eutm&n., 1 wnnd and llku ll nry much MMa at San Marino for a month' d ... Ia open to anyone who hu real aod wtll be much more ., 8eDta Aaa for "'-''--aboltJcl ~ IV ~ and M~ Markf \l~ mill'IIOflarit·s and lhl' Dllvld Sk11l 1tcf•t1Jbln 11 oft aCUn In a ... llary Jay atMmlnc around completed a atandard flrll aid sine(' the armed fnrce• have _.n~ call the loeal orne. &lid ~r HNty rvf"~ .. ~: and Mr. J im Bar-and Marca rt'l ·Hmne lor <lulltn·n A..... CrafbJ , BUll f<>r port• a.nd parta llllbown 11 y1n1e to get tha.t Aaatance couru. aa well u mem~r• of Uw out Dt'W calla for thouaandJ! of their nAIII«e. I when putt inc up tlwlr l'llnrll11 1 11-Bt -J ut-Md ver wu In all t.be ft~ebt· U>ape party arranged , , . Nell Motor Corp.. nurHa Nurws A Idea are tmpor- ntOut c1 town JUeiile Wl'rt' Col. fruit. attrtmx a few JH" to 1,.. J:IVI'n Section to Meet InK on Salpan and Ia IIWl out lto~ter• U Pf.'<'llnlf her mother IUld 1 The cl~t•• open• Ill 10 a.m., Won-tant people 00.., .• bUt they are co-Wlu J~ Tall ot 3000 Oc:eaft .ad Mrs Bt'I'Wite Palmcor ot San away. t here p1tt hlng and on aad on 1laler dowa for the week-end ... day. Aug 21. and lute for twr In( t.o 'tie evers more i.mportaot. ~t. C'owrin ot lin E D. Good-~. and Mr and Mn. Ed Mrs. Goocil-11 I'XJt.hunN1 lht• Ru"· )lo:mbu a uf the Art. and (.;K!I.Jt fWu.Dd About -Wiener baku \Ill' T~rlcella and the Taoaera are hour•. CIRIMI'II will ~ hetd on and herf' Ia certalllly a wondel'fu) ell, apent Wec~l~Mwday vt.tt ... WtdrkJnd of Loa~ ~lall War flt'h .. f ptOgnm fur •lul'h ~"'"'" ••I thr "'riday Afl•muon h.a•·,. ba n lh<' lhtal • Lo ban .:u.nc to have a crowd Ia FrtiJay Wedneeday aad Friday mom lnifa ...,.ay t o really aerve. I fri.-oda 111 t...oac Bead~. • hnu .. "f'holt1 iur~ rth llt'ln6C 11 111'11 •IUIJ ,,, 1 ,,,.l,t ~1"14lol w1ll t nnvl"nr aloc·e we cam bave fl,_ 011 tllo• night for coc:k t.Jtll• . l hl' Slt't ·s of that. wee k and on Monday and ~tart a.uurtaotJt. u n d .. r 't.be John R&Jpb Net... -ot Mr :-------::::::~ ..... IJIL:'-.....,IThl' "' an tnt•·r·fullh JM'u1'<'1 Wllh .\u~; 1r, 1"r 11 1,. t-lu<·k lunr heoHt br~b-Pop and l ue Killl. Kay have finally tak<•n ott for Wu h-W et1nt'8day of the followtn~ Wf't'k, , haul mnn&hlp 1 , 1 ~~ r s. C 1 au 8 aod Kra. A M. Net.oa >ot s~ pl"'O:H<• u( all (111111~ lllktnt.: l~orl ,.1 1h,. hnn\.. ,,, Mn• ~h•m:an Staff. Bill and P•gy Kirk. Ad •n~ttoo .. Ja.nt-Blaknty lltroppin« gh-lng a total of 1.!1 houra lnatruc· Sprtcklea, bav .. lw>en l'onducting a Heipta aa~ia pare~~ta n w kiiJ> l'lrf.' Jk'OVId.'<l und mAn) ~t··r In 1'ualtn and F..d Corbin &lid cla&cbltn! Ill u n~t Bt'ach . And t'Vf'rybody Uon. -lt"lt'phnne ··ampaign l.u enlwl mo.... W~y eYeaiD(f be ..... Rn<l 'anrou .. hoo ... ·h .. ll1 Hnrl ,,.,.. ~1,. · J w. ~h,.,.,,.r ,..._. hoatu .a J<.an and Katy, Hook aact Carol '~' lt.okln~ tr1rward to the week-Ht'g•atratlon may be' ma11t• IUrg-rcal ctrea.ing workera. Mra. rind home-from P'raJK't.oo lo(lf'lal ~trtld(~ ICO m lo llll'm 'Ill•· "' 1h,. 1,.31 ,_, .. n ••I th,. ~r0\11• B•ltrd!ll~ and their t hre. dau1b· ··nd ltac .. Week a.nd Hllo Hatty ellher Y.'lth !otr Randt'l or at thr S~t~•an Rutherfor..t chaJrmaa ., He ta macblnbt'a %ad daa C'lrrle hit. .. 111(1'1 .. "1'1 ... rill "ht•n I hr.-•ll•nll.ng Wf'rt' 111~•· terfi. BtU and Mil~ BolaDd and l()t)1! ~d Crou he&dquart .. ,..· -prot.ludhm. M )'lt Ow. teapi)!Ue ... &ad .. atatbwd ~ ..,_ 'anlt'" .. : A Sl••ultHn.:. I. H Hh.l· I j( td but that many are and.. M". k I I. ll1ll r••rul 1111 tnlt•n"-1 · lt•ttt•r (room MF' F.vr·r .. ll t\mk holl!l>'r. I•H mo•r nw JOIIf'r ul lht• circle>, "Ahtt, "i1h twr llu,t.and, " now n'llldtnl: 1n Sh•·lt.y, No'h ('nlt.'il :~.: .... '.~"111 J."111;:"1 c·~~~;· ~·~r:l· .. Corona del Mar News SPARS Honored PEACE I IH mo.,. !'-lnuth "''1111""' ..: .~1.-lc•ll. o un· By Mrs. Healey ran t• M~tc K"nJ:If', Thomas Wri~hl. II). !IIU. IIE881E IIENI:DICT think 110 muc~ of Pu<·e lately I I ho•r.· hy I hi' Jill\ oiOI:'t-tl lll(t• Ill lit' I fllthr•r-ln·Jaw. Mn. Jo'\tnkh1111M'r ,;rlt'Jt'd that !JK• m1~~ rh·· 1 ... , ... 11 11ncl '!"IS dd initl'ly h"mi'Sif'k M..,., 0 . W. Holtlo) rt'11rl n id ler :;... ______ ::lllllllr-ltrom Mf'l<. JNJf\4.'111' At'tldomf·, whc\ II• IIJt'nc.llnJ: U•". eumrr.er tr"v~lllng t hrou.:h C'anada and \'l~lltniC var- loul! 1nlt'rr11tin~e pll<'t'~> 1l!<-"P"allh J11r" W b <)tlf'n•"''l. and tlw $17.20 containe-d In II "'a~ a~ to tlk lrt>IUoUI") Dunng tht' !>OCinl huw 1tw hclo<l t -arrwd ,rt'frf.'l\hnwnu vf tf'a, lty li t1 I.Jrnau. W <: Walkf'f. ~Irs Shtrman E. Nurerst am.l Tht...,day I'Yt'nlng Mrs. Mark Thf' Pt'act' the whole llvillzel llt'lr•n K r • ll'r Sht-rman Sa.lto • .Jiwght•r Audrey Mae ot 30i 1 h•nll'y was h01\t€'SS 10 a dinrn:'r worl•l longs for and lt'Cma to feel 1 An•IN'W J L.upt .. n, Wilham flow-Jort~rll(old avenue, attenct.cl th• !:IVf'n for thl.' SPARS 111 l ht• Doll IJi almoat. In Bight. I lin, <'•nra•l 1.-llf'IIC'h,a n•l Ml,. Lydia Hllh blrth•lay party ol y uung lloiJS(' II\ Balboa. Lt. l jgl Helt>n I W.hat d<X's PNII'€' mt>an to ml'? I C'onant I Tommy Goold, -of Mr. ..,~ .lnnt'S. 1'\}m mandin& flffic·.-r or th(' r IIYf' on a farm. It .. quiet an.· ---:::;,_ -!'>fr~•. Howard Guuld of ~ta Ana. Wnman·~ rtivisinn (mm Lont: lovely and yt'•, ll Ia pea.cef\11 ht:rt' I rnoklo·~ 11n11 "t"'n ·fru:-..· sand~idws 1u~y Tbe p&rty wa• belli at llt'nch. wa~ rh•· honort'd guest. 1 yet I long for another kind ol Pn.,..-nl 111 lhl' f'n4.-..•ting W('rt' :';anUqo parll, Santa An&. After thl' rltnller an Important • peacf'. 1 M1~~ t:l"'" St>wland, Uw Mt,'f'" Mr. aod Mra. Edl&r a.-pun or m•"-'lln~ wa' held a1 the Balboa ,.1. want to b. able to tum on n1y I c:t.m. ... J A. Bodman. R. H. Hill, Sa n Dleco vlalted their dauchl~r Yul'hl d uh. R.N-rulltng was dis· radio and ll.ten to IIWeet mualc. J If MiliA.~(' Got>ldrwr, D.W 1 Mra. Stuart Diehl of IW)II Golden ,·u11S('Ci 11mon~: nlht't< things bf.'fore fine play11 and lnlltructlve lalka llullhy, llary Stanl••). •· E. Rus-rod.. Uld tbelr 8QD, w ut,.u Chap· lh .. m••••ltnR ~"" adjoumPd. Lt. Now I hear war aewa. W ith taut ~·II S. w ... tht'rlnnt. and Uw 00.1· 1 lin. fUt. 2, c. Sunday, wbo Ia ber r f Ji: 1 t:ui(Pn•· Twn aQIIII hi!< wire nervu I tum the dJala from oae l 1'""' on a f\lriouch. He retumed w1th w.·r(' fll'l'l-•'nl a1 rhc• mt>t>ting. 1 nporter to another. all tflllng nw rwxt · mt't'Una Wlll ~ hla parrnt.Jo fur a vtalt with lntm th e aame story In his way. P'aa- Wc"ln4.'MII). s.,c t:l. Ill thf' hom~' Mn. Harold B«nedi t ot 427 Your Fri•nds and Mme r lnaUnc . yea. but terrifytnr . too. ot MN J . If Mijb, 2'J I l91 h s~rl't't c " I v•ant tu aee newepape,.. carry- Nue'-ut avenue. eatt'rta\neJ lit : • --lng local ancJ na tional and worl mOlhfor. ldtll Lulu, eart.un. an 1 M ta \\ llhHm Mrlntt~• t11 b&<'k at oewa unmarred by atrife and dt. • COMING EVENTS brother. J~k. of Alhambra ....... lh•' T•·x~o ~Btt •tallon artt'r a I cord. aot headed b big war head-iter alatt'r, Mra. Paul NailL.,'" hnut wllh lhr nu. linflll y I and b~aaban<S. <If Maywood, ::IUD· lin. Mary Freer, mother ur 1 l ~·ant to walk along the city I 1 THUK8DAY, ANG 17 day. Mr. and Mr1 Matttao.l llav~ Mn . llob Ha.W<1rth' ut 41st Bt rl'4'l. atrt'C''-3 a nd set' calm at'"'De f~ea. J<.ed Cto.. Workr-oom-. 111 JUM l'f'IUrn.d frotm a IWt•·Weelu n turne•l '" Albamltra. Wednea<J_ay -1 w.&nt to -..my -n family 1 P•lm aft'ftUe, ltatbna. nperr10 &..Ill. .wt -': Uu lmmf ol hi I pai'I'IIU ant•r llptn,ffll~ "'" allmmf'r "101' with happy IIIDllta. not tbe hac . I to 4 p.m .. aurS1c:&J drellllint:8. of C'lunby, C.regfln h••r dllu~;hl••r anti fa~lly d looli• of thoae wom wear , R4'd era. Workroorn. 313 Ma· J amu T Joh.n~lt.'n !tUn ul Ur 1. J. Orlwn•y. brother of Jim ~ wo and ftar > rlrll' avconue. Ualbn• lal&llld, c.pea aad ,.,.. T J J uhns1u11 •of I~·' llo•wnl'y of 40th slrt!t l. lert Wed-, "M 7 eace 1 le&vl' unto ou." au a.m If• 4 p.m . aur.ck'al tl,...... CarnaUon. w rul,. h~t parent.... lhar .,,.,..ltty fnr h18 hurr,. In C8rthagt'. 1.8 th: prom!,.-., a.nd lht' P~ac/ that lop • be 1e now ~tnllt•~•"l at • n p.-• Mo.. 1\ltt'r apendJng nine weeka p.._th all undel"'ltanding will bf Ha.rbur Kn,•anur (..1uh m~ta atl ataUoo. wllh tltt• t """' Ouard. HI' with hltt brother a.nd family l oura when we are ready for lt. 1th,. Balboa J:l~lrl<' Grill at 12 16 t. Elec:lrtral Mall' Jrd U... ""'II WbUe here ht-ulfilltt'd hill brother 1 Wbea we are really ready. ~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;:~ p.m. ..., ... tralnt'd al Alameda. He hnal ln tht-mea t tlepartment at tht' 1 -Lucretia Ma I Mrnd at wver~t.l Cout Patrol B&feway ato .... Balboa. He expe<:ta ; Y FRIDAY. AUG I& et.atloaa. Juhnaton wu ~ated\to •tar the armed torcea aoon. \ Red et-n. WOf'k room . Ill from Harbor HIJb, In Jun•. 1~. Wra. Bert Morr111 of Loa An-' OUTITAND·ING GIFT· FOR CHRISTMAS for' till Bop Owerseas Your· Portrait Doa't n.-lay-AII ov--. ...0 mWit br f""fnf'>f! OdobM-15th--Clr*r N.,.· Palm av•nu ... BaJboa. OJ'f'n )0 a.m. Ht" had Jolnt'd lh<' Cout Ouaro 1 Jl'lea ll~nl Ure week·end at tht' . tu 4 p.m .. Wlo\'ln« aller Pearl Harbor In J1uL. 1#4:11: h{lmt' of hrr mother. Mra . .Wary IWONOAV, At G. 14 but he ...... rt'1 umet1 In aebO<>I Stanley, 1629 Wut c .. ntral 8V· l<.t-.J <"tOM • Work ruom. Ill un111 gn~duall"n He wu nul enu.e. .Wra. Sta.nley·a oth..r daugh- l'alm avfnue. BaJboa. opeu 10 a.m rllllf'<1 fur Jlt'n••rl! until J ll.l .. 1~. tf'r. Mra Uorla Arguda.a. I.Apcu -, to 4 p.m .. aurjfl('al dn> .. n~s llr_ Uld Mra. Whitt' of Loe All-tn . Rnd two l'hlldren. are coming I Red CrY• Workroom. 313 lla· celu are v&eatlonlnc at the b-lme t01tay for 8 vil•lt of sevt-ral daya nnr a vt'nur. Balboa lllland. 10 a.m. I"' Mr and ur,. Harry A 8t&uch duration. I•• • ll m . MY.1n~t ,,, 3111 Warl~told avenue, thlw week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ I R ... J rtoM Workroocn. 13001 A bou.-watTDiniJ p&rty WJI r I h ran boul•vard. C'nrona del Mar. rtvers Mn. J. S. W~yte ot 414 f'fW'o l p m to 4 p m 1111f'l1rlll 1 Hau l ()ra\'r, T1wsday. hy tr1ea<la •IN"•Inj!, •·he\ bmu~eht planta •or M.ra. BIRTHS I Whyte to pia•· .. In a lr1rndablp ~"nlt'n Lunch w 1<11 IN' I vrd ln tba beautiful p&lllt. ThOCie ,,.._, "'Jn •u born Wnntlay. AttiJ. "'l'rt', Mn! Dtolla Wllluurs. lin. 1 1 111 t 'nrJ• and Mnt ('11ff""ct Dun-l>a.nt~kln. Mr~. Thurur llrs. hl\r M7 ~~toala avc•nue. C•lmaa nianr h.. ~11-J;'~~riJII..I. ~1110 Don 1 r!r l )far. at thf' Santa Ana C'om· Sk1nn.r . .Wnt. J eAI!r ~··uu.~.·. Ura. J mwutr h• .. pttaL II '-H•·nt>dlcl. all of l'omna c1et . I Mr lnd lira. ~. Fraaer, 114 War a nd ltrs Nurv.al·l or s.J. lOth at.rwt are the p&rf'flta ar a boa ... n bom Woaday. Auc 7, at St ------j JMfpb'a ~1. l.osD DIAMOND PIN Mr and Wnt. Jam,. B. Outhrit'. Th I of . 1 I 1\13 "'dt Ba)' a\'t'nue, llalbo&. _.,.1 t' oatc a diamond and aap· ann11ull('iq t.bco amY&! o1 a k1111t·l ptun• ptn valu~d at $750, wu ~ t..r Pat ~da Ann. who wu 11om portt>d to local polict' b~ Ml"'l . .Anft Julv' ,. at ·~ Hunllnjtton Mem· I n w r, Routt' 1, Dol\ 258, Bt'aubont. nrt~l ~ 1 ov" thfo Wet•k end. ~ pin w• · l01<t 'J'uNday nit.:h1 in Balboa, and I was ~ pl11tlnum. ln~ri"M wttt1 11M nl\mt• .. Ann .. INVEST \'OtrR SAVUf08 IN BOND8 WILL HER RING DO HER JUSTICE? \\1rl'n .sht' ~hows hf'r ring to hr r frit'nd' ~hl' wunt~ In be' ,pruult of 11. A c·.•rtain a moont or cl~ f.'tlfllJHII'IsOn 1A alway!~ lnevlla blt'. Tha i·, whnr the f''CirA l)rilllan('f• of a ao..ld ~tone propt'rly mountf'd !dlows up to rt>ll l advanllll(f' • "'" fl.'f'rc-J~~e U. ~tfotat et ...,.. In tiM-~~election ttl eur dlamo~• .-1 rneunu..,. ....... I We Havl a Good Selection . I , f I Gay, Young, Con«-o EXfEfT,t 'T "ftTU .. .... ~···1-..1& of these Popular · ' Pendants. • S U G G E S T I O~S • ~----------~~ OM Professional s1.00 Portrait, On :y · NO APPOINTMENT :SF..('Uf'AIU' ... Roberts Port~~its ,., 1f0aft1 • .u:N-~t:XT TO WARDS 8~NTA ANA. CAUF . ..... ~,..~--.... ~ .. ...., ·~ CMI ..,,. •ero" ea4..,_.,,._,. ... , (trr.or"" .. ,(el o•••• '' • ., o• flli .. MONI o., ··--· ''f1"'0' ....... ,,....._.., .... H .. 'S IBirtll•ra,· . ......(:,_. ..... Mar _ .. ._fer Ynar ..,....._ Jor BlrU\days ILIId Annlv~ ~ e WRI~ \\'A'T\Jit-:.<; e D • '1-:R RI:"W;; e HRA .LF:'TS e !it.:'olt:T RI~G!' • 1 • LL F O LDS • t~\\· A 1.1 ~:ns Gl::. rl.l-~11·::-> S \\'ATEHI'ItQit'W \\',\'l'<'lf~:s LOUCKS .lt>wf'ln--nnd Station.-n· Stort> I '7!t7 ~ t'WJMitt IJh c1.' . COST,\ ~lt:S. \ ·• Before You Build or Remodel '"'"'' our h>l'f"'llnc Mmllll' and dbJ'Ia1 ~·m... ('olor ~ plann ald... ••om· prriM-n•h-.. •t nt rur. •·a~t· and llao"-na. the• appe~lslD&• SAW \BiiftiS. •liP lY as needed. Ap- BaY per1Sb8bllntbe •clean plate• Y t everY _.al. . le a dishes bY JOY n::e plentifUl -~ y106 Don't prepare ~: foods . too •ucb. ~r serv~ waY ., a v e e v e r Y .-of t'ga 1ns t \.be DaY \lictorY• J ,