HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-22 - Newport Balboa News TimesRy SAM 45 DA VS! The boys in the USO kitchen at Nt-w- port were diSC"US.'\ing whf'n it would all be over. Said ont': "Well. I heard thf' Intc-lli- gence say that the war witlf Gennanv woulct end in 45 days arid that nine months later Japan would fold." They sec>m to have som<'- thing. judging from the way the Allies are moving into Paris and on toward th£' Rhine. But thf' youngl'tc-rs who com£' in anct like t o make thc>ir own sanctwich~. "just likr we do ~t homr." don't want the armi<'S to stop at the Rhine but go on into Bf>rlin ~trrl w inct up a better job than in World War I. wheN" wc-all \H 'rt> too nire on the invnsion of GE-tmany. As to Japan. thry wnnt to wipe th~ sn('aks off the fare of th(• m<~p. push t11crrl back into thf'ir own little island and ('(>rtainly kt"t'p them out of California. They don't like the tn-atmc-nt our niers get ancJ thc-srot't' is a long one to l1E' wiped out in death \O the enemy. They also hope the old ladies who sit around the tea tahles ";11 not clamor for a nice. lovely peace and say we shoulrl not hurt the littlt> brown men. who mak£' such pretty china and bric-a-brnc. Bah! Som e of them want to com£' back and enter the nt>wspaper ~ and scores of the lads like California and would like to locate here. if th(•y couJd find somNhing to cto. niey hope ·the post-war planning will cto that and so do we. '+ + + .Junior ·coa~e. The Jun- ior coUege idea for the coe.st seems to be gaining momentum. W h e t h e r it should be located at the Mna end ol the Air Base, ls im- material. but certainly such a ~hool to care for t.fle. gt'0\\1h from Hunting1on Beach to Laguna Beach. should be established in thf' neighborhood of the shore- lin('. If Santa Ana ix tos.'\- lng out a trial baiJoon in tnf' hope that the coast boys will favor joining up with tlwm. believe they are wnsting their time a." most or t ht~ shoreline towns at't' in fU\'Ot' of t hl'i r own C'Oll('gl' that will tPl;l<'h stuff the peopl<' who af'(' sea-minded t•an assimi- lat<'. T im <' anrl things t·hangt' and population shifts. all of whk h is quite e\·ident from thl· happemngs of th<' last (('\\' years. + • + Canada. The letter from the Wroolies on Canacta's parti- cipation in the war. scoems to have creat.e<l. guite a furore. Haven 't been in the Uomift- ion lately. so can't tell how authentic the article could be. but do know the \\'tit<'rs are not given to snap judg- menL'\ on anything. but are a pair of aggressive. forthright folks. If rationing is IE'S." there then here anrl food is plt'nt iful minus poinL". then some sort of a statl:'m ent should be forthromin~. The critics writ<' from pt't'\'ious knowledg<' anrl shQulrl give pt~nt-da;\' facts in n•lnttt.-.1. • • • R.a.dn~. AI Sparkt~s ~~·s the radnt.: at ~m CINtlC'nte is dr:i\\:in~ ~ood nowds. hut as AI climll(.fi into 1-:arl ll:tll'~ bnriX'r <'h:1ir , lw ~lid lw w oulrt IX' dog-gum•d if hl' could ffn.:w-e out "hy t lw crowd was mu<'h largt•r th;m th<' pairt ;;~dmi~-.ions: I 'N · haps theN' ar<' tr,..~ many gatt•s at Ham Cott on ~ t-nnr h ·anrl a~-.:ain the ral'l'!-m1ghl 114.' so rtam c:>cl all!;orbing thnt everybody got so . h u ~)· w a t c h i n g th<' pont£'S fhl' around th<' track that th<'Y fol").!ot ahout th4' faN'S and the customers. + + • Dfolh-atf'.• This is a hilrrl one to J(et ac~s t'l('(:all!"<' one's personal appearance should have nothing to do with the ethiC'S of food and t'COI'lomy. Seem.,.·Nnval ancl Coost Guard offtcial11 are tossed a bit off Ct'ntPr hy having represc'ntativ£'S of thr fishermen barge in unshaved anct unkempt and df'manc1 riott I'Jft '"trirtld n ~~!ll 1n ... -.iiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiii.ifiiior~36~yean::=..::.........=th=e:._:be===.st=-=ad::....:v~ert:...:::is~in~g~med==-=·=-ium::-=--in-th_e_ae_wpo~rt~har-=-=-=bo-=-:r=-=dis=· -=trk~· :...:...t _. _·_·_.._. _.:::th=e=---=n=-:.:ewspaper I that home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker VOLUME XXXVI NE.W~O"T 8E.ACH, CALttr9,"NIA, TU·I~Y. AUGUaT 22. 114-' IJUDGE DODGE SAYS 'POPULATION TREND IS TOWARD ·COAST LINE Opinion of Harborites Generally Is That Santa Ana Is Sending Up Trial Balloon on lAK'a- tion of Ru~h Propef't for the County ~eat • ''' ~'" f ~i t ... t\:• nn•·t h \\"la• .. ,.J .. r •+I \\'• .,., L· !'f 1\fl1!• I•" art• ~Jw•rHI 1n.: t"" ,.,.,.k,. 111 :'llo•w1•orl B••aclo Boys Who Damage Yachts Are Caught Th<' pmr~al whirh has he<>n p~nlt'(f tn .Jurlg<' Oonalct .1 . Oodge, f'h~itman (If th£' Orange Countv Co:esl A -.;,c;oc-iatinn's CnmmitiN' nn Junior Coll<'J::PS. th:rt a rx)rtifm or thr prr>prr1y nnw CX'C'IIfliM hy thr S:tnf;:~ Ana Ait· BnS(' hr u-..'ff for a .Junior C'nllcgc HfiC'r the war . is hcing-given thoughtful ronsidt'rntion h~·th~ in Costa M<'S.1 and the h:1rhor towns who h-.vr thr 1• .. mpllm n• th.or. hn" , ..... ..,.m.l "n<l "'"' "v"' 1" ·"''1 1'' "·' '• tnl; In rho h:orlol•nna•to·l ' ''''l'lln · man<t. .. t '" rho· Ill\ • •od• "'""'t 11 h ' <'fhwa t inn:rl int('rt'Sl.'\ of the youth in theS!' r'flmmunitif"' at mo•nl anrt rh• p<ollt't• h:l\1' 1':0 11'-t'fl, On<·,, th•· \"Ill .. I I o•l "I ,, .,.('art. :l('cnrrling tn Jurtgr l~•ns1dr-rnhl•· >onno~ an•··· '" 1\""'r-1 pnn«l In rr .. lllol• 1 .. 1 .. 1 .onol h•· Dort~r. bftiiOonR 1-lhP J:o>nrrnl 1'10n•o•n~Cu~ .onl Jlnrl.mm1"t'·l Hu-...JI ('rnig, "'''L' 1:ivc•n 11 fl.,.,,, • '"'' ••I '""" C~U M't&:J's Own -nf nf"nl•on-in Ula. Harbor "'r.!'" .as In 00.)' r tamhm..: un .~;,r•hl• :onrl "'i th 1nstn•rt1ron .. t .. 1, '"''' , . ., \\'1th thr fro ntl of fl''f"''"'l"n \\lll'n pr• po·rly n t 1'\ak!'r lind 17th t'IIU~Ing mu!'h r1nmag• • ·111 tl'll~ 11 )"rllr or~•oll• o .. LuJ ~1-JJ "'"'''nil In ,.,,. 111rt•rtl•·n. anti thl> qfr····t \lit!> llf"l···~···· Alt l hf' ~~~.. (,,.,., W;olrh hll• tw o•n k•·l·l nnd to n<·r I( rnuntl "''II .,, •• ILIII••I ,.~~·!'~"' , .. ,louo11"n whll'h wai'T'InlA •·f :o nr -. !":.nrn Amt Junt .. r f'nl-~r~t ••nll•Y thrr·" larl• ,.,,.... ·'1'1"'''· rt .. pannwnt ""'"' 11 1 "'" '•I• • r It .IUIIIIOI c· .. uo•gr lhlll Wftllf~l I··~· '"'" """ forthwit h tumf'd ho·nd.-'<1 ""'' h:tll'rf h..ton Cit) t h·· ri<-11trurll\• I ,. 'I' I I , .. ,, ""r"" tho• ('<oftl'l o·nmmunltii'IO rir ol""" H• llllrl!•IOirllhlf' by lh .. Pllln-.lmlgo• () A ·'"~"' Th··~ ..... ~ \\hn like to d lmh ol\1 I I • ,. hi l'nlllll ~l··sA :-=•wJ"'lrl B~'<t•h. n1nc l'••mmol'l<"l••n J'RIII\' l)o on ooM f'llllght lllrnJl<'flng y,llh thr· 7~·f••or A,.,1,t11nt l':o lr .. ln•·"' \\ H unt ln~nn BrH• h anl1 l ..stf,!l 111R pnr•••l11 Rl thAt location. wblch 1.1 crnft. c· .. mron . nwn•·d h~ 11 (" \'••rR•· or tht· hnr1,111111_.,,, 1 11111 .. I Rfo~trh. aU hsvlng." unity ~tf on· rl•h • 1tn111 1:\nd. 11.rr ""' Rvallllhl•· :\lrrnt t nntl rlool'lnl( '"•n•• tl:on11•~:•· ""ll" r"Cfontly ,.111111 . ,,. t o I • lo•ro·~U•. ""''""' ""''(' lhf' rlnf'l!lt t .. ·o rr.r IP!\11 thAn S3000 Hn "' rr "''hilr Unrlo·r t·th tol--iln:rn•··· ;-..,. !l2'7 nil plllll from nn "I····"' ., II I• .. ,. I Vf'Af l'•lllrl<" thA t rnulol ~ founol, H•••r•• :oro• rolt1f'fll m"rt'. •trtvan· i'''I'On nut): l'lomh in 11r ••n ·""' h• ),...t prtrt ,,, h•~ IIi• "h I ool 'I•• Air Ba~ Has L•mltat lon' tnl!''"""'v llitrutff'ol that •8n bt-hll:rl on th•• hnrloror tt111r 1,. m·~·l••ll '""'"rtllnl' '" I!•· 1·•·•·1 "I ' • 1·· Thr All' BR!W' In• Rl rt•n lor o pun h"""'' (flr Sfilll) tn $1000 pt:'r or lu'fi llr :rno hr'rt"l -.orh11111 rh• lo•uk,. a ftnt.:••r ,.n 1, I 1 ,, ' 1•\lilr•·. If •rho•r .l11n1••r Cullrj:l' 111 '"I'' A lnq:rr •h11trll'l Ill bo-ln~t •·un-.•nl .,( th• ""'n••l '"-'' .. r •h• ulul·· nirtmt.: 111 ..... nn1 1\f' ••pft•d nr~atUf1,uu~h· ,,~ '11•' un 1t•·d h\' ~nnttt AnA ht)~' t.:H\'t• 1h••tr u~· :1 .. ur1,1,, 11 ,,.,Jtt HI• al It, :tt ltln Jt-. a~h ar.~ac • co (',.•t ,. ~f· ~• ••ttcln~t1h t.r1''' c• •I I• ·q t••'''"'' th•• t ntn~~~··rtnt l''" '" 111,. ~·.nt.1 ,\n,1 Hu~h ~~ h•t~•l d•'- •11 lo 1n t h•ot l ·~ nil\\ IH111 w1ll II •I wt., h 111, lu•l•·ol thP .111111,.1 1. • ,.,., t• 11 \"'' n(tPf th• \\,tf ('oll• s:.~ davtn r t st),., hut "'''h· '''II "lt •,,d •I tit ·n n.r"n .1rt• ,. "" 1\0!d\ fi•• II • \\l1•l "''H Jt.,. .u L' I 'I .,..... I ... , ., I ·d (\ t..; f ! I r·~ chtl l ,t .. t ' t \f , ,,,.,rt t•tll ol 1• ~· II• .ol •. f• II tha i •hntll•t l h• , •r I '• 11 I\ \\ • I l 1 .. 'H• 11 • Ill.... I I it'~ unr:n •rtltl• f••r It •"' '"'t~· ., th. :"'• \'I''''' lf,.rh••r If I ' 1 "'' """' <JI~t rl• I ,_ li~ •••I lip, H •I U I I'~ t1W't\'IIIC '"'': 1ht•.h••p• P t.tl a lur ,,, f 'ull• 2• , ttlal•t tw ttl Child Prodigy E~tertains U. S. Army Cadets at Balboa USO \ l#t O t "-•·\ tta• IH \I ,, 1 • "'' I• •;.. ••I ., . '"'' •tuld l·•nn .., ••,f •·rlu tl •tl tht , ,,,, t• rn• rjt '· •' • lhr 1 ~o!l• .'• 'l't ••tt .,, • ••! hilL' I •• .ltldJ,!, .. 1 uat.:r~ "hn :c 1h• t~nh ,.,, •r·l m,.n,hl'r n( .,,, • ro.:m ol ll1t.:h S• h'"'' •h"tr1t'l Wl\f lip '" ,.~f· Vt h .. 114 "''W "'''*''IU~ ·~r1 th•· t .. ,f)v "" ,., th• , : one 'by t hl-~·· .·· , .. Voc .1t on,ll Erluco~tocn Sl•~s~d ~ .. , .. q ''' ~ IJHh ,, tnr h "I '•"I ••tn• ... ,,, n Ht--I+''''''' tto4lt• r •. , ,, J'•h :tt• 'l"\' m11k 1n~ t\\tt ,.,.,,. '1' ''•ti•·J,:r n•· I ll'l.'t(\' ,,, tn hPt·b· itnl cla t " .Juolc•• Po•IJ.:o• \\ hn, In hi.•'• 01pAr1ty ,_.,th lhr· r,.a•t A~N,.. 1:111•>11 k• ''J'lll 'h"'lld t t, t bu-t~·• , •-.rnrr ur ''''<iii )•1111 -.·1th ~11ntn Ana 1n l h o11 pro• "• 1 II \\ 1111lol hR\'~ In llhaTI' Ule 110· 1 't ,,.,. 11 f, tlot' ,,, I II It· I !··' \I •' '' Jturvn• ••a•• ,,,., J'-, A lt.• I I o ,I I I lh· ., .. , l ' I ~ I : .. ,,. '' ' • I' " . ,, I • • • • • 1'-" KEEP POSTED! I Year •••• $2.50 ...... ~...., ....... N-.· ......... N-pa,t ..... ~UM8ER II Traffi~ ('op ( ;t-tM l~in~hNI ( h't•r "'iMhina-! !) ..... Q M' .. , II If'-If ~ou don't ':'' •• h ...... . l>'' '*'f tf ..... , ·~·"'" nttlf' of t h .. Nt '"'l"""' 8r Arh Polk c-df'p,.rt """''' wwho•(• jub h.ee bft-rn tf"' t ,.,,, ••n t• ,.u,, on Cf'nt r•t .1v f":Mtu tn(f w.hn hAa aucc«"drd •1u1Cr-r ffh •~'nil-. h.la .1 dUfr rf"'nt I tlr 'tt ',, m~e, JI Pianner;(all Heafing to Present $415,400 Street Improvements. 11 .,..,...,. t h .ot ottlt lil•r• to "" 1,. l .oo t th .. ·~ cop •• •In"~' ... ~ at c.atchlng the t •n n • htbr ... .,.,.. •~ At nAhh•n o Puhlit· ..\"kt•d tu ..\Ut•nd St'MMinn Au~uMt :n on \\'idt•nin.c •md Bt•uutifyinK Traffit· Lan_.,. to ( 'art• fur lhtiJid (;ruwth of ( 'ity .. utht••• ft• m .tk.r ttu· 4 tlt\• , , t , I ''~' Utft't 'A .. ''''" nt f ·,.,,,, lwutl· \hrll with lh•• htt.:lowny ·• 1-" • t t .,, k l··l"ru•lfu• lu c "nl .Shtp •It 1\ • " I•• Fo .~1 '\111n ,,,,,. I_,,. Anr•o·f· Are Ddys of Honest People Coming Back? • ,,,.,. .. ,, uotoo" l""lm '""'·" "'''' l.or oo f,!l ol :Oliff lin ,.:tflowtn l'f0f11flfln\ 1•••· ot Hlh ''""'' . .,,.. l••lo· ""''" """''"" In I'"'" ,,.,,,,, , t htt•f •tf ttw~ .-·u ~ 'II• ·•O•f ft.•d ,., I•· ••·r•1;u·•""' t•,.,, hru&c,,., ''' I• lolllot""' II) lhr oiM\1!'1 '"' IJo• .. , ... ul•·nf \\'inh.•r Vacanry \\'un ·~ Qualify Fur •:xt'mptions r.,.,, '"'' .,..,.,~ "•· .• ,.,.,~ ~·• N• \ttf••rt ft.. .u·t, "'-•'''' h•tt t• "'' ·,,..,, ,... ~ t • .,. , •• ,, uu•t t ru,,,.,, th•·lt ,.., ........ , .. I I ,,, • f, I I IIIII•• k •~l ft tf ffh ffttf ._ fof l I fttl "''' ftt l ft lt 0 \ f •·v• r . "'''' "· n• '' t ..... , rt '"'''' f H k lt If!\ f•l '-1tfl•tll''"l41 '\ ~ooild t. It It h t"' Ut •.tllt1f "''''' l it• of • II 11 t l •tt•' I t Iiiii I •. ,, f 1111 "' fettfJ '"''' ,, Y••tU t 'UI y. t1 , •••• ..,, wu~ th• l'••"'••luw 1H •' f ' ,, q . , ... .,, ,,,, ...... tl• l'lffl• ntr r'rff7r-n" ,.,.. ·••~• ••"·•~·.-..• ,,._. II•· II·•• I I• u 1 f ,1,1 ' ·f '' \•til I n t J,. tH tt ,,J f 1lt•llfl. '~'_!If t II ,,,.fl'",...'" wU1 "'" t1,,,.urv '"' "'h u t \.,., P••• k• tl n • t "'''' ,.r ' .. ., ' ·~,,. ,.,.,..m,.tt·tn .. r ..,. ... ,,, tf own hvu'"· Wllh th•· "'"'""u k·. I ttt. ,. .. ,,.,"1: V M• ""' ., • ,, .. I " ,, I ' •• ,, fll• I !ltftt ttf ,, ... 4 4', fttt\'111 f : il l , \r tl t f fttlff \o\ I f• I "I' .. ,..,,.,' r-·rtl ,,,,,I-· t • ,,,, ,,, .. l•ll "'' , Ill I'''~. ·I Iff' •ttl ' ""'tv ; tttfttiiiHHl• ,,,. ... u·~· Jt• ,J f'' lf.~f P Jlloltfftt I t 1J I I ' I I • 1 r I•, ~ , ... ,, • t"' 11 t 'tt, ,, , ... • II• lu '"' 'lol ••ft •l ,tl d t I 11 .. f .. ,,, •I• I \1 .. II h i\ t ft d ft ''1'"'''••1 '· t '' I nJ 1\· • I ' 'I ' ,. ".,. .. If ''' f f t I ~ I .. ,, ' ... f ' I• It II• • t •• I· I Itt I I " I lou 111 ' l l • 1• 1t II \ • • . I' .... ' f I tl f l ' '• ·il''''••l•"'' f, ,f H .. ,.,, •f fl lt' I ,, , .. ~.,., .,, I I • I ' .. ,,,, •.. ,, "" If t l II V· I "' 11,, . , 'I' 10 II .... , t l ' ftn t t ,, AI• tf f , •I I j t ••• , •• ''".I 141111" •• t .,, rt' • f ~ I'll , .. I I '1'1·.-• I •' ~i'· , • .. , .......... I I f f t I tt t ~ t I l ' .,.,," ot • I "II .. I .. .. , .. ,, ., ..... , t'l•ll ,, ·I ~, t•u 1r 1''''1' t ,,, f ,, . ' o I .... * 1 I 'lo \I • 11 • · I' ,, •• 1• I I Report· Scho'l Of Albacore Headed Here t I ,. t :-r f I q' • fJ, I ' 1 I ~ I ,, , .. , ,,.,.,., I ~ I f ·' .~,. I Iff f t.' +ft )plllft 0 I I ,111 .11 '' "" ""'" Jn-t ,, 11 ~1• ,,~ur---. ...,.. tfH it \lt • 11.11 "''' lit"""· I IIi I 'loA I ,,, • 1111• It" II"~' "'"1111. r•·tourt.'fl lh· tho (I "' Hl~rnllun• ur ll"' frnrn t .. r t ill \\ 111 ... tl I '1 •••k 1'1•· ''" 1111 Amu I!• 1 tw '"'"'1, Wll' l'lollrl{•·•t wlrh lhf' rto. It .,( $'Ill f """1 M,. I :riiN• ~h 0'1' •IIIII t llfn<•tt IIVI'f f11 llnf'\)1 ..... uotlh'lll th·~ r ... '''""t"ll'"""l I d-.urtl IIH)II'f, Sl111t A Ana, .... ''"'' •1•••1 "" ,, rh~trJ:•· r!l drunk driY- IfiJ" nTt-rt nl..-n n1 ntnn111'1( Into allill "·"" oe.:ln1: 11 •·rr r l••l•lfl~t:ln~; lu t-: 1 • W> 11oa11, llnrry·,. c·,.r, .. llltfl.,wo '1111• "I' w ..... ,,,... '''"' ( "lf'lllll "• •· • ""'"t ru 1111· lllolh"" l'hur· I"·''\ I n ""'~I I,.,,. ... Vtot• • nt In '"'"t'u"-' ltrt·luu•l l'rrm111 l'"'• IAJa ""II'''''' ""'"' wn~ l'turr~.t'"' wlttl rlo•totr foorojl 1111' llf'III'W' 'J\-. ft h h i'f t•tu•r h t',l"'' Wt•f I' t-tt 1••11 .. 1 1\1 1" It F l'ull .. r ""'Twin ,....... '1,"1 ( .. o~l I I< I\ I IIIII e.: I~ I h i• I ,,., k ,. • I . .. I "'" h} I lo!IFD- II,.,'If ,,, I" -.loll• I JI ""'•Ill I"''""' I ,.,,., 'I •I 1\t•Htt• ,,. /\f•h II ......... lf• h· , r , .. ,.,1 ''' of H.t)t •• u, Jtrt.luud, ..,_,. r•·• 1111: I ho • "" • lo'lll•ol loy Mn. Akf. .,. " LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS '•••w Slto< lc .11.,1 Jt,.,.,.,,.,,.rt fur I I t M I ~ -ff • 8 HhNta ·,' ( , , 1.~1 ant 1\' n (11111 h \\ ot h 1 1111' • I >111Pfll.' th•·mo•lf 111 '"'"'!II'"" A .tuna••t ('·•11• J:'' 1'1'"'•'•1 •••ntraJ'\ t••' t h· A•h •A.n\ttJ!" .. r th" ni.O\'t n11mrd 111mmunlt1o 11 wnul•J m•·<·l th" ,.,~ rAIInnaJ .n,.N1~ In tinA 11r"" rl• llhtr·dlv t,,, tr_. nl•·•l 10 :'Rntr. Ann w th th!· llllljoortt\' nr lhf• l•llllfl n•mhr-•~ '"mln~ ffr•m thnt '"- ' nlol \' ~·h ,.. .....• t ,• ''' • anc lutl1 I • ',o I \ ,. I•' ,· I . ,., '"'' tl , "'lftt• t ... , 'I I .... ' •t•·•f I ·-···· -1 II iJ• •••1 1 I II•' A I "~~ ~ '(,rnpl .. tr• INhcer ,.,., In f'Ompnrt lliZt>, sutt- 11111•· rnr ""'"11 hwllllf'NOI or ttf .. hom,.. Troal Saloon& Thnt l h,. Sant n Ana .lttnt••r n ,f. IPI!t' 1'1•tru r o• """'""~ "I' tr al rhe ()('('an. As. we know the military demands orderliness in a ppe&I"'BnCl' and the Ut "- tiou.<; rli.c;claimf:!r is put forth that 1f a slicker appearancw ~re made the ca~ of 11 ~ tl<"' •~ould gt'4 fnrther! H.arbor Achle,em~nts \\ II• 1"1 ''"'' r••\'11'"' ~ tht "It fit'· •h•·n~ v ,., l I h••r••u sth nr lfll "' thr •·~!Jtb.llllhmt•n\ nl th~ NPwport' "'" bo r lflft!h ~ h<><>l, It Ill ""-">' 1.1'1 om81(111r A lo lcP IOUCI'f'flll 1""11011 101( rrnm th•· f••rmlttlrm •of " .lotnl"r Collette. "One 'If 1 hr Au\'Anlllttlllt "' a Junlror l 'ull~tt" 1~ thllt thr 1\11(1rnl m~ty llvr 1\t hrnn" "'"" n trr:v ,.., po.rt 11m,. "''''lc •hll" r·~• IYinl! hi• tWO·)'tllr <:'Ill~~~" ~dll( aU"n." 1'11· 1 plaln .. d Judgco [)o.O(C" • w.. need 1 Jlllll MKh 11.11 lnlltJtulhm 1~ "'''"" "'m••l r,r,,.• .t lt.f' BaJt~ta ~-~1 1 Ill ... ,.11Mial C<>llllllllfttiiH 1 lt•l'l flal•rMI'I\' •""'"'" f" 1 • --.. • " 4 1'till•t "''' ,, I f ... , 'lVrtS a ~ · • IIIII I'Htr1• •••·wtt I • o~~t11 ft \ '"' ~~ r ' ,,, ... ,, • ~-1r f 'I lit t• rltrt I" t f•·l' I, •' II' ,, . lt •• ,, ..... ,tt,. '" th•• , "•• ~... , •• , r trh Yfl'tf>r l'tn • .... •• 1 ,,. ..... '"h a u•ll• \'u•n" ''' ., .. f11' 1 ·•, ,,.,.. J..', t·• 1\#tlr t 1t·• t 1 I' '' '''n"' . ,I ,~.~" r· ·" , . , 1 H '''0 ttl ti•J h•, ,,.t. "' tt• tJ'IfiJ , ', ,, .t ·~··n lh• ffl~~"'tllt,.,. , ,,,, u rn..-t ,,, ·~~ 1 • u ... lt~·, t "', , •,, '' ~ •rtunat• ~r••S "l•r,r•~ d.u ..... ,,, hN \ ~ u. h•·U•tr •nf1 r•l"""""tr I 'rf :tr"" ~ ... t hra v-v arti•l 1 ,,., .... r ",. :t 'q''~ r , • 1 ,,, • ' •••• , , ., •• ,, •• , .,. , lltf f •Iliff •t"fll!l• tl•l• '" t• ,.,, 1 • 1 t 'r• "'-.~ • t f J(ttf 'hot I d l..u ••I • A t'ti tt 1 • ..,, •• ,,. -.dl f •* u••l" '•• 1. I• ••'.\••1 ••11 "•n•''"'l' ,_.,•tlt•rtt A lt"f ' t~to~ t•••tj1t p t, 11 r l,f1 •f • l fttl •t •r• otlf l1t "'' Hh ''"'' tH•fll 'A'tt•IM It 1 1 1 li, I •If f 't ldtl t ., •• ,, , .,,., # P' ,,.r.:t ' ,, ,.,,r'\ ltf ···~ I I " , If) I ". • lotO•I 1/1' A •~tlr'l 1~1 A IIIOL H CO M II\I!, tlfi Ml •,,, .. ,,..h,•wt·'l1 "'''1•tlh,.,v.,. ~·.~··'·' r,,,, •. ,. li ..,,~·!••UrlN ,,,,,.,,\ '"' .,,. J ....... , .•• ,.., •. , , ••• \h .. 'fll~<~tl•·•,. '•f , •• u, ,.C r....,... ttunn• ,,.,,. 1\t •• I A 1t .. , •• , •• ,., .. f.atl,l• I r lun• .... ""' In ~k.._ w•U bl• M"h'' l ,111t cUII• td lt•• f ~~ •• l '•tlt••l ~IHf••t-"'""'' lll•.,lal .__..... Ky 1. l1 t o • 1· I • "'"' .. lhormH lroolo,. • .• • .. "· 1 .. ,. An~erl•• t, I'~"'' ht1 1 .,, .,,... '"''"" •h .. ,,.. ttP ·~ ,,.,. tt ·">""'"! a ni M • S'••ll", hll• •· · 'It or ., ,,,,. Wltl• til• ' ._,I •..• ,. gr.t A f"' ~ A • ·,,,,. All klntl!l flf ltuiNI ,.;p,...., Hht"''" "'nd r "Nt". ·~·, N~~~~ES NMJport a-da • ~, t \.. OUTSTANDING GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS far the ~oys Overseers Your Portrait o. Professl011al s1.00 Portrait, Only NO ArPOINTIIENT NWlOEMAaY Roberts Portraits M1 NOB'I'll IIAIN -NEXT TO WARDS 8ANTA ANA. CALIF. .....-o ........ ,,_ It -&e • p. 1ft. daliJ DON'T'Throw Your Old l\lattrrss Away •.. It Is Valuahlt•! Cotton nl'\'f'r \\l':t r-.. ''' Ll I I an• it rt'hllllt ;md "" ,. diffl'rt'nt'(' ... till· All ktnch of lw>dolln& "'·buill. All~' ~llr.l' \ NEWPORT -RALROA NEW~-TTMF.~. Newt>ort Rf'ach. California, Tuesday. August 22, 1944 .Boat Owner Dant Again Ask~ Permit t 1" 111,· t J.tnl "'"'' "·•· t.····n . ' 1" '"'J'I "" I,.,,., ''~'ltft would 1~ H .. d••tf I•'IM :tlt•(lf,\ (t it VluJ:11 'l, !I t I ll• tt '''' · .. •H tltrtdllr1• o\1 1 '"' .. ~~ tL-.' r J Hlt•d \.'•'' •·• td •ha t th•• l httutt"" , ... '''" "·'' I • lll.tllllo o1 1••1' I lo <to• lnl ooltd Ill 1hi11 it giYt'll the htor- 11 , ,,11u t ft\ ~II)~• I 1 I ttl ,\ I loHf llt.t h l i t llhllt:t r·y" re.:tu , J1 • 1 •. "1nwd tu' t,11• H• , ·, ... ' "'' d•,. t '""'' " f" • rrul }!..haJJ t'M• '"'ttl :'J•"'P"'' h•.ath I·\ ''' ''· •t••f ·' II•·• '''" ••qu,re lh ut ",, ,11.,,,11 , .,,1,.,,........ 1 ·,, ,,. ,,.,t, t ~~ ,·n•n•··•t upon appu.·u· 1 , llh ' the· 11tttu1 1111, t I· q t ,, '' '"'' ' • d'l _,, ••n ts tht• h 1 , ....... hdlll l' Judt.:· I . o\llooll I jl ""•' l•l tl ,,~·ht lo lopt)f'P\• (1 111111"1111 thtiiiii;IJ loo olio II ~ I I I• Ill I JtoOII :l•k••d ror J)('f'l! I ,\' IUul!h••·tt ,,. rt ,,,. ) ' • •,dt ••n h &,S 0\IVn Pft•l lh• 1,1111.,1.,1'\ "'"' 1111 " 111 ,,p, ·•''lo•l"' l•ul l'nttei"'IIn h · 1 • If•'' ,ellh uu._ h .I '''·' \\• ' I .. ' II tf tt '~ ., '' 'llt(•t<'d l.One lP ' 1 ,), tl fi L.!·•tn'l J•.u tl I ~ J, r \ I , .. lflt.tftt n t "Itt ,.1 l•h·t t 11 t t 11 · o·•~lll lot th• looo• olo-o \• I It tl 1 lt''f t1f If·* • tl I 11••·• Jfl 't I• I •II Jflllh.tf•l\ f11 t J.t I·• It •!• lou' I•\ 111• IU ' ,,r tt Ut •at '4• 11 • It• II •I ol \\Ill u l h tin ' "'li ''j~ ,\ttt•tltt') ftJ,,.h••f •h•• •tt I,,. tf• lhtt1Ul;h lht Hlfllll• 11 I tt 1 llf' 111111 Ito• 1 lo.lll• 11~··•1 lito '' \\ I""' llo·,OI'lt t•lliln .orwo• 1'1\llo~ II·•' IHtlfl ltl''' I H I, ····"· , ... .,,. lh·· t t~·ht 1•• dt-f'ttle• "twth; I '' 1,.111111 , o .. ·I 1•" '' th. <·ornpl~oln.ot · I I •.tlol '(1 o • 1 I ol '' I• dlll'('l('(f 8J:Illl 11 , ,, 1, 1 • " "' h • III(IIOys Putt. f tlf·•l fft,t~t.r ll.' ~ 1 • ·' ",, \\ .... • 1:.. ~~~ h u nrt •• au . ·-,,, ' I ···I• I "' ....... ,. n R. llo•l ~.,., ..... • • .. "r••ll l k'uch and I'· r~•. I+&•' • • \ J""'~'· Oat'lt "'1\ tlo 1 h• " • I lor •·lllt•m-d with ,, It t t•\ • I \ 'lith' ht• fT\()()f"fd hr~ •• ••• \\ r-. .. ~., t,.·rnut und Jn t " \\,t• otl l • ~ltll thtt'\' t lO)l•J!. MESA DUMP GROUNDS GETS STATE Go-AHEAD I"'' Sl.tf• I ~·I··'''''"'"' I 1'1111111 1 •, · •• tu•... ..: ".~u t h• Jr.:. • ·••1••ad ',.,.._, d • ' "J..-rttttht, ••f til• ill"'puln l olunat•&fh• .:r••Ufi•IP' uf th• ,.,~!lltl ~'"'•• s,,, tlarv •I ~tl rh t It• • "'7fut..:- l " '"I'"'' '~"'"'":' • Ua \1&. •·•••l.u\ tn- u.. \I( lllll~ l':o•o """"' 11ol ••l that Ule duntp .: o•·•lllol t.. k• 1 I oop•·n. lo care '"' It ... r.:••rl•ht.:" "'"' trub from tht 11 •t ty -t~o1111• II Sanitary ot.\r u t I "' ,. L ·•" 1111 J{fo altp\&l I oor f, r 1 •h• burn tn.: u f rubblab, JH" \ loi• I Ill• I • h I ' fll I' h&l'.&l'tJ ------------------------------------------ >r·~~ ANGLING AROUND ., o·rtn 1 "tU< ro~ugh H:! nn- 1.. 1 l·u~lnNIIf uti .ta~· Sunday 1 • t' ·nil··~~ ull lht· :opurtrt:<hm~o: • ,, • r• t•orl•·d ht~o; cat\'lt<'ll ••! fish 1 ll v liar ranulA Ttw \'ul· By "BOB" fnrnia,, Whn I~ quilt· an angl•·r. parol 11 VIRit to Newport ani! went CiH"IIIJ.: With hi" I ru·nd, J tm ~ttr· '' q. ''" J rm ·a boat lh t' !otta.•a"'llt. , !"··" A u.:t•·r. t 'r•·:•"•·nt. !lolls,.. "A" Gas Book tllol uti o>( At f. oorJ.:It's hoal>· 11 • II\\ I 111nu Lo.••• l larth·n un•l A 1• • B \\ 1. I" 11 ., .,,.,. •••• ,. "'"") , ha• h ·t pp Icat1ons to t I~ ,,, \\•'fL• uul i-:VP,.y bclat R d N w k ol;hl Ill ft'< unJ I llt'ht'S f'Yt'll ea y ext ee '' ·Ill It t I,. I.Ktat..'l I ullo ol Knot 1111• A ppllt atl •n hlanks fur Ul'o• 10 • • • "~~~ rnUJ.:h l"llllt'd "l'np" applyln~e ft•r rl'nrwfll of bRSII' .. A" • •., I• \ I ol '' und Ito· l••ll!< nl•' tloal ~:::oqnJlne raltoon!l will bo· twaii .. IJI~ ENJOY THE THRILL or a YACHT CRUISE o• tlwl A·R·R-0-W u ;A \'ES FUN ZONE Plt;K 1-;Vt;R\' IIOUR ON THE 110l1R For Rest>rvaUon" or e hartf'r PartiH Phone Capt. Doh lloyt, 2'740 B.\\' FISIIING IS GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boats .for Ri'nt at Rt•a-.onoblt> Pri''"' Liv<• Ra i t Available NEWPORT BA \' ll''VESTMENT CO. tw. (;rHI~y · Gent'ral ~laaacer 1,,,,,,. t•f Ill•· Hn,ti~•R '"'("'''' (llr Ruuth~l'll Cuhf1llnla rnotur•l!l" NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS · I ol L tl••<l >II •· "'It It>• hi\· "llh m·xt w~··k. J U Ed" .. rd >< d t!!l ru t loo ool 111111 ll•o.~t ftshtl11: h ru• , h f n( lto~RI O P A bo)ardll lllld GEORGE JUNF..R •,. 11 '" •ll .. nl all thl:o Wt't'k l o ol.oy \\ "' n ·u ..... \\'(f'r 18 ba{·k un the Tho· , .... m .. Will liE' lllU•h· 11\'1111·1 Good Fishing at All Times •"' ·"" '"' tutd m .. Sunday that rtbtt-to c·nr ow n.·rs. thr• u~h o.~ll 1 LIVE BAIT AI.\\' A YS AVAILABLE "' \\U~ lt'ji:lnnrng t o ubso-rvt' t ht> ~".!lulinl' III'IVI<'(' atntlons. K"rBI(I'tl l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:: '"''' l ... th•nl! h• aulto•s ·•I U .. I!IJ<o[t, ond ptnnt tr .. IIH'j)Hr tat lroo •·ommlt· (r ---1 • ,,, ·'·' yo no Will ltV)' \Vor r('n, It l lt·•·t~ • BALBOA SPORTFISHING FLEET \ "". hnvt> ,· .. rrf' '"' k '!11tl ~~>II I Jn mrtlllng tht' f1ll<-d ""' '•ol'llll' I ;\;"!•· r••t•rntl~ thut ': ,,,.,, t•• tho,:•r loq•l OPA l~otorot~ motoor· o<;;E~N FISID~Ci BAI..BOA, CAJB. \\' ' 'II 'I IIIII I' I .. 'It•· ,,, Call· ·~~~ 'rnust 111'1 .. mpany lht•rn WtUo The "Owl", ''Maiden" and "Dina Lee" - --l tht' lou<'k "'•V•·r "' t h•· t urr .. nt .. A' I t•or lafonnatlon 'and !iW·e.Hul~• ('all ltif'" port Ul or 1944 I """k Lota Anp~·entury !8118 t-:.rwun •s llllid thut un~ IIJ>I•lr· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIDE TABLES , ant whu ha11 1""' .,,. t hruwn .......... ,.1,. I the bat·k ('(1\·('r uf his "A " book • NEWPORT TACKLE STORE JIIU.~t J)fll\'l" to hill OO&r<.J th&t he ~ HIJ:I1 !J,w Hl~h U>w hns n cnr run·••ntlv ,.,.,.;~•··•··rl l ED SLOCOMB • MANAGER W .J 13 12:4S 6'22 12:40 I:~S and lD uee and that be baa DOt •.s 1.3 4.o u 1 twt-n '""u"d or hall app I•·· I ''' " Bait-Tackle -Fishing Information T h 1 1 tJ 49 1:20 7:!>6 ! "''" "A.. t.ook Cur that vf'l\l!'lt• SE"'PORT BEA<'H -1.7 4.S 2.0 Th!' n~·w "A" book will provldt• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INn • da)'lhrhl euln& 11.,..1 I lh·· ~r.~n ,. rroont h ly rutlon as the ' li t.o o:hl ft~<u•-• • '" dark flcurM p m. old-e ig ht gallo ns or aprr<~xlmttl·, NEW ~Fr. SPORTFISIRNG BOAT Tl·l-• ....... pla<'MI In ooroler of O<'('UrTenre ly 120 mllea a month. Howrvc r. "CRESCENT" the new num l>l-'ro•tl t'OUJI(>ntl will be' I n •. '"'I ...... "' lilt• new tU.tru I \\'h'~l" I It llool ·II l,'Uiwl"llatoorlltl I .... rth t rour .:allttnl! lntllead of •• all• ~t···l h\ tho• ~ntb~ "' hall•. but ... ,. ·•I u ... so-····u-lcnn .... t h n't' tht' va.lut' or the prt>l't•nt , 1 f I Ul l flt"' dtlJit.f1lt\t Ut \\1\H tf, U.Vt'IIUt:ttlh It I''H n•-Galley -..Rest Room, -Uve Ball 1\ l •'lo'"l 1H f (\Ukt tho• P•'l o1 tit •IIIOlf• .~ft•·• J''"l • r• \ •, t •,.,. .,, t he-n••a,;ht'-4)rh,,..._f pr.•· t• t d t • ..:r~tnlan.:, u ( u ••••· Jl<t'l I mit u" "' ..• t hn.,t. I I I •UJ.:h to ~•P ., .... !<•1\ :ooot.•.:··~ itu ••t olrntr to Ru_.ll l .111 II• l•t • ~l·lo Ill v tbe C Nito\ ~ ....... Cbsw.I.>Lr u! Coaunuu. "hats th~ last ont' left lD the roupon•. Six of thu~ four-gal· · . lon coupon• w ilt be-come \'ah<l 4ount\. \\,, .. 1 .. •1, t 1r1 ,il~ 4. ''"'·'I I I of th~ An , "' wh•·• ,. lhoo!<o• who hall evf'ry thre~ m onths. w t h (ul ~~er· f>llld th .. ,r ,, .. ,.,,,.. wtth rnn o1 19 of "A·13'' to A ·l1" rouponll m . rl l'lll'ht pr•" ('•••h ·.t 1., •h'l'"''' tt-~•r I the buu k lu Bllp(lly bush' .:asulln o• nlcklet. It was there Saturday ra(hmll for l :'i m nnt htc SCO'IT'S LANDING oa C..& Blrlt••1 '-•• t:te A. II. NOW OPEN IRVINE LAKE ft1t\ I"" r••JW•r\t•,( ht• l t•UI1f f111d Ott m t tn!o ~lot run Dl I hi' l' It• ool ""' ollllll l' "r •·n A.Jjolntn.: ll\llol, n11d lh rol 1"''\'tttlln~ \O,IIIilll llloo\< _."'"k" Urld 1wlut" U'A'A.,Y f rtHI\ rt/~llh'Ot t'M lp Top Notch Boys Of Entertainment Now in Uniform ru t;n t· It '-''1\..i S( •• l tt.•r, ~-· du ..... • l ntg ht. \\'h••. whe"' lind WhY V.•f' do not knoW. We only know Mr. and Mrs. A. L' l~nklty, 1M IJroot.lway. havt' bt>en hn1t.a to Dt. ond Mrs. V. M . l'lnk tey or San TROUT-BASS-CATFISH-CRAPPIE-BLUE GD.L Row Boat. -~totor Roat-Bait AvaJlahle DeWitt Coe, 77, Of Costa Mesa, is Laid to Rest l"what"-It went. 1~. roart'lnrl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~~------------------· for RMervaUoas f>ttone Oranp 111nJ·ol·4, or IAl\11 Anplea rA 1141 S~;r ll11lo nnnrh nnd Set. PHul l "E!i(Jrt•" M r M n h u n, !lt'~nwn l "'hu \\ o•r•· fornwrl~· top-110tclwrs 111 tlu· ~>nl•·ll:nnm••nt w o rld \ll•ere 1101011~ t hl' I:THIIII 11f 42 Who "'t'll' 1-i tfll'nll •rr\ tC'r• Wt'fl' lwlr1 S ·ot nn I h i' muhotl:hl H•lfTIIH\N' ~~~ unta~ Itt :!·:'10 v. m. fnr l lo•\\'ilr on lhl' yadll ,\rrmv F'rld8y fV('·I ll11 r1 Cno•. 77 \\hoo ~·~••'tl 111\ll~ :of nmt: h" hnm·· :\~·· EJ"I s,., .... lll•' n th Thoo~ ........... ..,,, •I ~r Urlal I ,,,...,,.,, ("O<OtJI :'-to•!ooll , Tiu)r,<lay "lth (' .. t ~l.trt l 'r:w.:• o 1nd Ill m""""l: M ill I. whu n• • q J!"arln.: 11 Mlr-norn In Gc'no'<4'(\, Jll lw h;ut I h\ 'F llnr• •··· I' ,,,, ~1!1 Boll:h '" nt• J• ... h••flh Ill ('n,t;l ;\1•1"'-;t fur ).~ tn th~ ,,,. ,, t, \\ 10).!0C (1\t r At'\ ! th 1., ... , ,,.,,.11 •··;u" '"'·' \\lu • th• n 1kns:: n• II•••' ... ~11\1\•tl '''h ... \\II• ,\nna ••· ~i\\\1 ' ••·f"t ••lror•a..: c•,,. ''' ~·~n n.,,c·,"·•·f!'.an.l.•· ''·• ~·r\h • ,., ,, •.;~,.,. '"lHtf s ''"' .. ''"I ,,,.,,,. t ' ~··t.f· ,,r 1-.tll 11 ).;.ran ~ 1 t '' H11' 1 \loll C tlof .o ~t·•• I \It• I ~l \' •' I •I• lbt.' ,, I\• "', •h 1 ,, ••·tl \\ , ... huu: .. :-· \ \;\H "'-' 1 " ,,. •I ' nn' '' n t I•H•q, \no•' 1""' (',r.. ~Ht '' It, ... ,, t ''' "''' d thr n. II) •• tltnn ltHIJ l:l anch·h•hh t•n • I ' I •• d I I L· I "' ..... ulght .111d till• •• rt• 11 l!l oon<lo'hrldro" 1 loth' St'l \tt•' \\t i t 11\ lh" (;t, .. h) ,,It :00:.t11U1.H t \t''ilt~ lh' 10 d••'f" 1 \\tlh th• 11••\.. \\'all.u·d t; 1 .t. .. h lt •I .,. tlh• ,,, •·-' , .. ~tV· Get Your Olliee Supplies Today FAST SERVICE! REASONABLE PRICES! \\'t> a rc maintaimng :1s l'Ompletc a line as po"stblc of :rll th1 • thin~" ~nu nf"'•d to ltt>l p ~your httsinc~..;-right h'-'t'<' in to\\n so a.-to ':t\l' ~ott ttnll' and tr:wel. l3c sure to a...:;k us if \\l' h :t\'C \\hat yott 11<'•'<1. Some of these are doseout items; no dealers; we resern• the right to limit quantities: sales tax not included. COS TA M F.SA MATTRt;SS ('(), St•·.ltn•ooll rnlllllo':tlni L.,IIt•l'llll · ,,, ''''' '"'"'' t ~'"'' rnrn . .... N Bouh' rei c ·~·· M.---.a t.·tn'·'" ,,, .... u1nl'•·,f ,., .: o'\t l \ .: •• , .tl 7 I • I k thPrf' '-====-~po~"==="=·===:========~=~====:====~ lrtlo•rm•'llf "·'' 111 \\l'•llllln•l••r '' " Soou~· I • n11•• l lloll • '"''om· ---· --• Mrmorinl ()llrk otor.: "'" l"'l'ulut " th ''" •I Jl"nple. • 1824 NEWPORT BLVD. Smartest • --NeLt~ FEATURJN(; . . -- • FOOD that witl plrasr thr mo!'\t discriminating and TilE Flr\EST :\IIX ED IHU~KS -Proprietors- COSTA MESA Ca/e, Add. Mnchine Rolls. as.c;td. sizes 15-.10c Availability Certlficales Billhcads. Ruled-plain or printed 8lf.! x 7 to 14 Binder. ~-ring fW~ x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls. all makes Celudex 31!-inch clear index tabs Clip and Arch Boords. all sizes 90c .and up Clips, Build~ and paper, a.o:;.c;td sizes Columnar and A~ounting Padc;. all sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Daily Analysis Sheets. 500 for ~.50 Daily Ca!'h Sheets. 500 for $4.25 Daters. 75c Desk 'File!'. lt>tters or legal size En\'elopes Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, white. all siz~. plain or printed Erasers-Art Gum. typewriter, Klenzo Pencil-type typewriter era~rs Estimating Sheets Flit-Folders. manila. all cuts. letter and legal sizes. $3.00 to ~.00 per 100 F1lt> Guides. prestboam. letter size. $2.25 FiJlt'rs. nott>book. punchcrl. ruled or plain Glassinl' Bags Gummed Lah<-ls Indt>:<l's. a·n siz~ Index Cards, ruiNi. all ~iz~ Index Signals Inks Writing. hottJcc; or· fltl:tr1s St<'ncil. imlelibk. India. stnmpin~r. Jnwntor~· ShN'tS I.Rrl~cr Binders. scr t lnnnl post I Yr<' L<'cnl Fnrms. not:try. rtr. 1 .<'ltt'rht>Rrls. nss:t-d. stocks <\nd color.:: printed :ts per ~·our inst ruct ions Loo!'e Lf':t f Filler.:: 1\t<'r<'ha nrlisc Ta cs Mlmrogr-:1 ph !'tf'ncils. t:tl\1' ~~ ~· " 1·1 c:h('('t Mucilage Note Books. memo. etc .. nsst size-s. plain or ruled Paper. bonds. thin papers, colors or white, · all s izes, t ypewriter, mimeograph Paper clip:; PayroH Records Paste-.. Pencils. lead, colored. china marking, lndelibll'. automatic. stenographic Pt>ncil leads Pen points. all kinds Price Book Fillers. 81h x 11 Postage Sta mp Moistener. china Ready Master carbon forms Receptjon Cards printed to order Receipts Ribbons. all makes typewriters Roll Mt>mo Pads Rulers Sales Books , 4 Sales Tax Exemption Cardc;, Form No. 103 Signs, F or Rent. For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stntion~ry of all kfnds Stnternents. 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'"d~<e Ar111y Ar• 'I \>1~1!'\, I I I I I I I I N.,.,, ____ _ ~--~-- .ilddrtJJ'-------- Cil7------St~:r ------ L---------------~---------·--·--- t 1,., l ''".u'" Hr. Mil .. • Arot i-1'•• 1'•11~~ If n 1 why •••·t ~ YoTJ ra n ~·' J•r . ~~~·t~ Anti-l'•in 1"1111 a\ )'' ur o!rul!' '''·•~ in l ht tl'l"ul&r r~~o··~al(e fur onlr • f".'lln;,.· •P•~• a nrl 1n 111 ........ ,....~,, pac.l.&a:e r v•• (h"'llf"'r. w n, Tl'-'t c~t • H&rkan Th i's-Spacc (_r,·tfJ •io u t e d h~ to-Jay ~ y ,,u r -.11'1J CI\'oJ t ha& tllr111., n .. r\01 oliro r tlfon • •hd UN onlt .. \\'L',S"I' ('():\~T P Af'l\1 7\(; ('0)(1'. dirrftP-1. Yuu r mone1 Mc.k tf ,.. r '· '. ' •• ' " .. . ' "' .. '. " .. " ' " ,. ,., , .. "" ·~ ......... . 0 1 .. .. . ' ··"" .,. ofl lo '-· o\ ',I • I '' '"'" ..... " '"' T!o• . 11 " I' " •. ,. ''"I'' •" •I I·· ,,_,, ·I ... ' "' '. I f.,()v(,HI 'i()U """A ~r -"OAC .. ( -((; ...... vov Hrl \0 C.A'>'? I•' '••I ........ ., :·' A LK A . !-oi.I.TZt:tt atf,r•b ""'"; .. :ly pl••mr,t •n•l tf· r .. , '·"' ,.,J,.-1 m u ... ,J ... r h.e w .,._,., 11 .1 ,, c..m ,_,l .. t_t 1.-,lu- Uon, , .. M•l~ I•• I" '" .,.,.,,,k u .. ..-.n H y•·to a·~,.J!.,,.. II Itt po :rlf~l .-·,,o ~ ~'''''" !1 m ••le n1 •• J..o ,, · ; .: ,:.nt !,uf- f111 ,.,, It ;-:'"'' It fl .,,.; br••~ : • N!'o In !toto \\<oil.~· h .......... ,.,, r l.r u I( • ' .. .,.\ ..... ll•" of , ... ,,~: ... ,.,,~ ,,,.J •·"•· ll1.r1 u .,,~.:, .. ,,., l.:o• I '!" .-d •t•h ., -~ .,,,, 1->"IJ'l:a l ~~ 1ft ~ 11. •'! ,.j,•, '•' • ·••I"~,~.I J ,,.:•., f, rn · A ,,, r.,,J,.,,,, ..... C ?!d -'>.··q r,•·• ~:.J oo-"'"' A':r--'' .. , u •11, .'·l .tn.!ar 1'4- ll:;rut ~~~·t M~''"'"' r a 1"' A.~ •• s ... l,•·r I• J..o l••••nt '" tak•. ,,.,,·.: ... ~!tvt , promJ..-1 end •f!ec:lo'' In ~· lt••n Y<>•or ~I" U \I I " A'•o.or,..:•- 11\ ),a <o~1 0"•• I •' '''"'"' 1or:a1 w,,, • ..,.., • •.. , r ... ,,.,,... -<If Ito .,.,). ,.., ,: ... 1 I-ll ••-r···· • •·•" et Alko S.!t•~• .. "'" •• <I • ...... !Ala.--• 811 Wu11-T 'Y Alk.~ ·.~f'ltrf'r .,.. not u trdi.... T Lung Heach, ;\t.•W J)nrt Bfa(·h _______ .__~~~=-==- ' •----~nMtt-ftFUL t:HIHli\EN'S • II I I• 1'01\TI\AITS b~ 1/uJtilf ' t 1 .... ,..,. 'l,l ' . --· • !;ptcittl 1111' II 111111 ~1E I' IIIII II !\ 11' S * ••• IP4C HIS • ' ., '"' Tilt' l>c ~~·1 t lii·U I' ANNO I!P'I;Lf.S • ~J • I -· -~- All 1'-'' 1--..r~--:-,·~ 11111\1 IK· ~cnf hy Ot tu hcr 1\ lu tho 1"-')' '".l''"·'• fu r: C'lu i:..una1 ddin·ry . .. ,, .. f NOTr: "Mutlc•l I'Wtr•fh" -tiMe " 1 1 :1.5 f'· '"· ett SviiMfay -1 ... N.-rw..-•• leahrr i~g Ho..ff•a• a~tfl Oarretlea. AUSTIN STUIJIIIS 8 K I N Ci T II I ~ "" , ... ,. .. l'hctftfo 1481 IJ,\If.\' IIUIIP : I ._ •-\ ••. -. "'-1-1e .._ jll ....... ,. "' -'w>'••-·• ·-, .... -" ·~~·N 'r Your Friend s and Mine I•·" .... ... ' . ' "I.' .. '" ,. " ,. ' ,, ~,,,, "' . ... • ,;, I I' I' '.1. \•' ,, '',I ' " '" "' j •• ~ ,.,,,, '" . fo ,, ' ,, ... ,. ... ~ . ,,., .ol "'' \ .. ,,, ' '" "' !~ .• " j !••. '" " . . . I• ••·~I\ ""'"''' .,., '•' '"'. ~ \lo-o"l" I '" ... ' ''• . ,. ,,, "' .. I'"' , ... ,. 0 "' llu I II """"I< 17:n ... I ,, ol ''" .... , ' I' II ' \ '" \ o 'hint• "1 \oolM<I<O ''·" ,,, ... "' ''""" ,. '""''"" .. . '' ,. •f ff ., . .. "1•~ " "" od«•t ••t lhf> l•t ~ 1\••lll•tt·!"y •II• • ol • r,• . t• • I o •Ill , ; '"' I ,,. I'" -.. t ... o • '• u• • • I•, ,..,, '""'''' '"'oto A1111t1 11, l••<'t I • ~~~t••l lhl•" -..o•o·ktt Willi ''' 1 I""',.,,. uo .. l w ill r·rtum '"' I ll,., ,,, \h kt• .. ,, ho•r •h<ll~• .. d l- ,,,,,.0 .. r '"""'' •l th" t-t-llleacllt •• 1•·~-1 '" '. .. ... ' ... " , .. r ,.~. '' I '' .,.,, ., . , .. ., ,., o•. I'••' It\ '" .. '" l 'to I '" ., "' ,,, ,,.1 .. , \l oo J:.,._ """·II 11"1'""' ·~1 0011•1 ., .. '""I ... "' • "''""ll•t.: '" .. )'< .. ,, lh·o tU<f <llrur f, •• ... ....... .. ~, ,, . .,. ''"" '''"'' l o o I " '" ... ...t. ,,,.,.,1".1:''' 1"'"1 ,,, 1•'!'•1 M .. ,,.t•y frnm ...... ~o. •I-ll "' th" hOme ot .,,., .. .. 1\ ' "' ••• '' >jllll J" 'f'O•mo.p '''I ~.llrlt iiJIII I'"~ ,,u,.uJtl put u:aq J'' '·"""'•~ II! oln 'llllrlt 11 ''l\UI~ ~uur.>jj 1"~'11:.\ l'\ol ll ap1w ~II'"P)<]' 'P'" )(,,~ •rd •I 1"''" '':1"!'!~1:)',' nr•~~~ .(,1 U0!1!puro I ""'~ '" ""''' ,j • .-, u rN -1 1!>11\ l"_rp urtl) Jon( 1-I"'J . "'" lJ '"'' t•• ''''·'II''"~ ,,._,.!f'.(rou •.:fuu~-"1 j~Jij"" p.au !nll -· ~· r ,. • ' ' ' •·, Pap Four NF:\\'I'ORT·BALBOA ~EWS·TIMF-c;. !"<'wport Beach. C:ll ifornia. Tue~day, August 22, 1944 L-[ ___ J_a....:.p_a_n_e_se_· -~-· e_s_s_e_ls_T_ra....:p:...:p:_e_d_OU: Saipan I LIVED IN HONOLULU By IANANCY IITK'IUI. IACK80S &dJtnr'a S t lf' n l•e •• th* fourth ttf • ,.. ,.,.... uf lr11• tr • • rttt,.n f, r I th,. N4 11.Ba•lboa Ne••·T)~• bv Mr• J.c .. ~·n ,. li .. hu JU"I t•<~turn,.t.l r• "' ,.••l'O d ball'• 111a) W htiP Vll n~hu WN J afl< ... n ...... ..=l!!..~~~~~!~'f ::1\h ~tlf> Olftrf' ul lhP Wtlilarv r,..,.mr.r "'" ll••noolulo: Clt~OUDl)' Rf"t ,...,_\tf\1 r "mm t"1110n ,,,. d tr-.... 11•1 Of il nttlllt illnd 11Ut•ltr It\ •111 Ow l'nlw ,.nv of II••·''' Ul th• U#l•t ,,, "pH'rh arut IP.n~h,.h ln .-.~~~ ~l•ta~ ,."' ,..ip lll• J'H'""e,.nt wurt. In urder th at c<eJlC ... pr .. tf,.rf"d ••r• f,. _ _..,,,n&. 'hn menl ) "04'ar l"'ll 1 a m "'rtlhtl! '" ""~ 11 ,..... tl(>ln~: m a1l•od frt•m ll"nolultt that J gnt m .. rr, .. !1 >• ""'r•h) I "".... olan r ll·· :d~o\'f' Ul th•· to a Jap&nHCJ 1(1rl I h., ... )'•···j··l•lllOI: "' tl IP1 \o•r nd llllliV , ... w1ll UDderwt.ao4 . • • .. • •'1\'1'•1 a ro·w dJ.o\'S Hi:" hy "" '". H (tW would >''"' likl' t o ,...1.flv••1 quainta nrl' or muw on Lnn~: ll••,w h thla l~tter from a br<•lh"r "' " :-;.·no '"'" "I!" IIlii• '"'I""" • aon Hundn•ol" of julll I!UC'h lttlen ~ l1roo1 h• r lrfl t" ~:;o 11 '" llw "''1'\'1•' Jf,. WH>t "'t h t .••f •·d IU tt .. n•tl!i111 In Quality Lumber and Buildina Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. "· £, HOSTETL£" Phone 41 ... ,1 hi~ 11 ~l··r·" I••\' 11~ ,.,,.,. h• I• II lot< l'h tt1t• (1\'•·v•ar-•.ld •luu.:h••r u.t • land 1""' lu , • "'" ~~~·111• r .•lo•·•'l\ tttt•r •urth T··~lt\ th d l1t'l• ,.lf 1 ·~ :t .Ju pHn•·~· 't' ,. L1••th•,' rtl " 11Uf1 . than.,: I I•·UI· I. •1·1 I ,,, \Htl ••t tu lt.H~UI" \\1111 ttJ\t 1\ ' .. un..: n\• n "'t •'•••Ut·.J ul. ltl• 1,_1 •• r .• r.. Tt, ,, ·••· mun~~ If ,.,. t•• P\'tt)' ..,n)!lt &,;.I tt l11•r • Ul• a(nrf's ,., J .q .;tn• .. ,. ~''I~ "'·"' tltl• f r 'tuft hJ.' ur \o\ I ,t t l~l\ ,. \ 111t T h,.lr , •••••tul 1nuk• u1 II• ..... tit tUletWd It• t ,tlt h 1h•• Ottuc.t u lan• i'Yf' arc-all KJli'Arrnll) 11 I'•• ro "' 200,000 Treasure Maps of Harbor Have Been Issued A 1 •'"I:• d• u '"'' ror ~,tt ~ ~l •P"' ~ ••I tH U•,. 'I t ••rti'DI to f ~·o~t<ii ,C( .. ~~·•1 t \ r •·n hrt"tt o• •, ~;, ~\ ,.,.,1' I' tJI"•r .,\~~n~tatt-1 '' 1 'IP •·n~ omf•·•l "'\: !he Chamt~·r , • , ·,11n., ,.,, , . ·\· \t•nr• 14:••,, 1,, ,, ,, th•· Tr~e "" 11 :"• "1. tl II •r·l••r lftll O!lll I OJ'I~.. air~ ,,t\' "'~" .... · r ''"'' ·t lh~ A .... ''''"' .,. ,,r•,\ ' '· ... 1ns,c r npy • 1 " .. nnuther •·! 11 • '"ry pop• 1. r , .q 11 • k · ..: a total 1.. .• ., , ,, , ,,, , r11•llonn ropl~~ rf It '' lHh1HJ\llOn . t•• tltf\ ''·· \!""~ru•lat~• I• .r :'\• 'I rt Ha1• r • 1 o ,,,. • •· le Hublrll I .• • r .. r th~ Rt.·.rtl JA,NANCV ,STICKLE JACKSON I ;'" I•' Au thOr of S!'rtrs of Fort h • •gh t • • 11 I • w:: th~ I '·••'!u:! ,,, .. .,, ... 11 \\Hh lh~ A n•cl~• on Honolulu ;ond Ha""""" ,,l.•nch II I HI ..., • ff I \, t I I l l I I\ i I k f ,.t. t \o\ •llf l II~ • tl I I .' ,,. t .... t tl •• •I t. I ••• I • ' I .• I • •I •• , N~WI .. . I I'll • .. .., klfllt "' 1/i l!ra•lt-n F tt •• .\ B Rotal-11<' "' , .. 11 \i 1.· t . ' ,, I' A. Paln"r 1' I' on C'Rpt. J \ , , • , 1 "'" la nd, all " · 1 i AT LA$T! i • ST IPLES for your Haad Mlldll-lun-e arrt,·ed! \\ 'E RA \'E- Tot Presto Arrow Bostitrh Hotchkiss ..\('(' Staple8 " " Sln~ele l,ooo·,. :1.004.1 t o a box ,, Whllr Tht') l . .a•t , " " SOi l \\'. ('l'ntral, .Sr" port Rch. Newport NE\VS Balboa Tll\IES '1111 1:00 \\elh \\ llOf'l ... ll GtRD~!JLI~!DLAY I . ,, .. I "'"' ... It .... 'I '•I' • .... lit~' 1hl' I•• ... ul ltlt I 'tltk• \ttU q 'I'' ! '• I 1 • • "' lhe grt• ,, ..1 11.•• nrra. 1 • \ h ',,,~ Rgr,_ ... ,, 1 ,, "" .,,, onc 1 hi' re·lelut of 'U. F. :\tarlnet ilan~ a rnna.tancJ 'fff'w 11 :u11T'rro-mrn sh~ll J·HI1n••t ,.t~~tiJ In Tan2p:a.h hubor. Flfor inr Japs tried (o l'~ape from "•':.an In a •. ~ ~h:O:< t h.v J\l :rnc' .,~rd in thr h::ri•or ba\. thl'1 ~l•n·t qlllte m:tlle lt. The pafftcl oU dnnM In lbe fo~rround art p:art of an tnl'mJ dump 'II hicb .. ., • lfl'ed cllnd bJ1.1 from Amtrlran anal pn.ftre. :•4('-'" •al• hlht n• ,.,., ,:tv(\ your " •II! par ) •u y.nu \ttfllath·n,·e _ to tho~ ,., h.,,.,. ~'""I pronr lpl£ll you arr ""' suro' l!p <'olerld~c MAINTENANCE AND REPAJI{ 01TR SPECIAI.T\' Cabinet Shop Serviee Offlee CaiM.nf't Shop 14 tn 0out Rh•d. 40'7 30th St PbOM 41! Ph. !SM-.1 J'RwroaT BEACH. CALD'. .. \ ff '' •• tl Ul,. 1•• ttl'"' f iJ•Irl•'•u \Itt t l 'h~ll t "'•I" l Ull\ •• I "'1 r u; tl" 1 1 ·.' r ut 1 t1•· 11••1 tdlilq f t "'' Ill.' J 'i ,.,. ~·· • l~o~•kH+'i Ill• lh• ,., \•1t•i\\ \\1.~1• 1 mu rr ur~:··~ It ... "''" h h Hh• ·• k' I•• I ' I ""'1n1• 1, , ,, ,. •I " I Wl'l we111 .~·It•'', ,, 1 1 .... "' \' hi• h may be ~ nt ! I q I \ """''lftfel , C&rf' r ,. , ,1 • :• r' It ,,h11r l':'hambt"'t •·r ,. f1 I•• • •• u ••• I It• , 1 .. ' 1 • thl' ~allurr- Costa Mesa Brothers Meet at Home; First Time Since 1939 Former Newport Girl Has Close Call As Babe Dies '' ,.-,,, , ,. 1 o··~···lve perw• !'1«1 ; IJ.!'-"'7"1 ,,,..,. '" tH '"' •~':t.put.•r, ' .. ,, ' ''' ''l• rlhPd and J'Htl · Lt •Jt:!' F:ug-t'n c tt (,,ittendt•n ~~~~· Ill ... ,, .... ..r lh• h t···n···· II' • ·"'I olecnr911 ,. ~·,. \\'111urot Hillin' un !'Iron-ami hl3 b rother Moltun. Choef ,., d ttwu r•1•1tn t •• 1tl• ,,,,,• ._.,I fo rti f't rf·•t fo:ttnt n A u,, th•· (l•ttll• r· :-;1)-:'nuln.an hot h 11( th~· :"U\'Y untl • 'FOR MEl t ., .. \." tlolllk Ill• ~'~I'·" " '" ''" Vtol<'t Mt lnl!'l'. I~ 111 lht· ('om · IIIP !<Hil,. o( :.lr ·'"" ~In• B L ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t f'•·f1••'111 1 \'''' 1• .. k···l Uf' '~ d) M N m untt v h••!itplt:U. rt'C"Vt fiUJ! (rorn t 'hlt l•ntltn 137 l"+t h Hlrl"'·t)t. h::t\'t' • '''"'' ,... r• ,, ,. "''II \\ll"m I lo 1\"•' ('nron:t (' ar e\\'8 1 1 • · 1 , •r , . .,.. •f a n t'ni"'JI"OC'Y ApJWndN'Iomy h.••·n n.l81!tll~ t•>H h ul h·r '' l•·n I'•"'• :-.;.,, I• ng a (loTwanls Lt C hlttl'ndt>n bi·ga n hi11 rr•"''"J: 1 rum llblp to ship and acrou and up anti d own lh~ l'an foo: Bre<~ G r,l dU.lll' ~1alr:•n ('h lt.·nd•·' \\h" •~ ~2 and BOYS • olo-. '" •I •II· ''1 '' 1 ~~~ .. wa!' rullhf'•l 1" the hn!lpltal h .. nw un lo·ll\t• f01r tho• 111:11 11\t' • 1 h• 1 ... ,.. "11' • '11' •' •I '"'I ' ' 1 •• ,., 1 ·' • q :0: J Alden . l•lllfl Tu1 Jllltl\· ,.,.,.n•n~ wlll'n 1t ·w~ ,., ar,. llul fum ll\' mnrm~:o·tl tu land : '"' "ln••n lll\ I h,,, •• ""1 k• t1 "" h ,. . 1 ,•. ,, hav e h i• cou~on . ,,.11 r• .,.,, h:o<l 11 n 1pt01r ... t: "l'""n ;,, 111,. !lamP tlm4' f 'ollt>ctlvrl~. • 111• "' Ill .1 hu,atH• ..... I a pru ll\ fu r ~1 1-.!' n. \t , ... ..\ldrn. S.an Martr\ll th "< :o-:h.· \\I'~ upPt '\l• tl un anti tt thPy hll\'#' I~~· a r:4 ;\;Hv~· •Utlv rnr :" \•·;..r ~,r.t" l:.tll --~~"" "·' ··~ cu•'"'' f••• 1\\n \\'t•cka. Mra. AI· ,00 ,,.:."" IHk•n ·.,hu \\11\11•1 huve t h ..-tA.m11V n ·tuHt-. ftiJ•ht f••t • un1\ •·r<lltt• • htl')ft " "' '' '••OIJ·I ~· ' ,1., ~ 1· t .,. , ~1 rll Mary T t .... n t, t u tr , 1t • t)f•r Ft.'-!'•~n•· a:'\·d f ,., .. t••r ~ttUun ::.·otorol\' .r 1"1'"""' •tul•·n'' 1:•. 1 1 r v~d Frill\ 1 • t n. 1 II.• :-;,.,,, •:,..:o• • •·' nr ' ' T ho· hfl' w lou \l.ttl< nnn,r•l l•otntl l-:11!;1'110' II 1'11 \t<'n .• n , . ._,. • n : lh• "'") I "n"" '0 ''1'' ttl t·· u ... un ru•r \':trRtlon.. "1ut, ... : .t, .t L•l•t ;ultt ~lt."C J•t•rn ut•d t • h•'UIPn,ent •JJ.:' (ru m • I ·~·· ..... n . nt.ta.:•· o f I '"·". ... Il l ,, r ,, ·I . I r<~~ l:uhl k Callt.. i 1'\ HRI It•\ llf•· ., ..... ,. :-.t•·• 'I .I ttf h ut ,., !'t~n JtJld m~ttll· cnrnmanthng FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See- Bay District Lumber Co. WAL TE .. a. a~IC£,., Owner Newport Beach ........ HleJtW8¥ At The A rc:IMa : t•Utltne •• l h•t•· In t11 ••f ,:~:~, ,t 1..,.1 ,n1 tlt••l •l,,l th~ f'e~Uit\r Jilht t t l•d ;.H'•' ~~ n••\ .. •''\}•t"4 l ttt Itt ut(lt t'r n t a n f_..,(, bual Th~ 25 Phone • • 1 .. ,. ...... Jlu" " "' tl ""1 1 h IJn '~:· , j,,,. 1t th<' h om e of :'-II r('• .... , r ....... ·uld U1 ...n~c LuUulonn l'lU 1150 : h\t~ut\ "'' lq·~ ''' •n•l .\lr .. lt.ttt \ ,,,, ••• r . Ranta Anu , l't \f'''' ~.,, ........ ,, •. ,. lw1ol f••r' J.:•a•tll'th••l front Tu~Un lf1~h ''·''" r•r ... lll.tlt'tl from llr..-H o,:ll ~\h•·• I t .. I• ,,. ht• ··nt.:-:t•·d an tht! ;'~; "Y ft\'• · • '"' :11:0 Tht•IJ fulh•·r •~ Jt '' l• ... ,h , : \V-.rltl \\':tr I antl ·. ~~ g.r><.~··d "'"' shl'll·shocked In .,, '" h tho• R~tcm,. t!pot In Frazlce "hPrt .u·l "" •~ ~f h,·a \'\, n•I'W. The olllt r C~nttt'ndt>n s 1 omman- .aer ot Jack F\aher chaplt>r, DA \' RA 010 • .. ftALBOA 18LASD P1toiM' 571 SERVICE • C.,un•,.•· n f,.,, ''h&t•-t 111 ' ~1tur tl•' tlH• t)at.v ;t l t h•• ~r.\11 11 t~n! T tlt'•ll "t ltt.,.t r.n.t y•ln•••l th•• :-.:nv~· '';::'1t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •••••• 'I''Jt.." o f " IJt t l• .~,. 1 tJUtf \ Tt, t t.ut·· c ·u ~ ,,. 1405 c::>r· ,., t·h:·qwliiiJtv llh H •. ,. \\'••nl .. , t•nl\"ttv ~··nt~ u~o:u 111." \\lfr t h •· f•·rnt•· ~ .... nl rllf'l••'•l \\f•r•· lh••· '•1!11!.! I"""'' ot •l •lllo llrllnrd Kr. 'r:t'l d oun·h offlcla!lng. Bnrl intr rmrnt n .. l utll\' \\'tl>l n \\1111 lil•·lr I . llu111o•, Autu, \larirw RacUoe Kepalred ~1:1 rl nr t: I t'C' t riel- ., ·HORSE RACING Qlarter lo.-. Match laces liM COnOI IIICI (0.. .. s-tll of 8u ae--te) TEN EVENTS SUIDAY; AUGUST 27, lacinc Starts at 2:08 P. M. AdmhWoa (Ia~ tu) $1.10 &-n·IC"f' l"f'noonnrl :'I!Oc- Refreshments •·ree ltariUnK $,.,. ., 13Lue-00lk ~u,,~,J, 3£,pp" 3tuui OYeJJinf ~lfl • w·,,, LArrnt )'"~fur • 17 St"r" to !iuw 1·• ... w. Cor. 4~ & Sycamore SANTA ANA VISION IS YITAU @IT&~~J!~ ON CIIDIYI 6 MONTHS ~o0tN;,~~ · N 0 I I f I •. I CAll IN ANO ~ TOUI !YES EXA~.NEDI •Yow lrolcen lens DUPUCA TEO I Prompt Service I •Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GlASSES With Yout •Glasses Made to Your OWN Prescriptionl Your Credit Is GOODI Open an Accountl ,.., .,_ .. v .. ~~ro~~,..... ., . •00:. ..... ~ ... t.y ........ ~ • ...., .,.., ...... vw. .. ~ DR. HORACE ·cADEH OP.JOMETBIST a •· Cer. 4111 & Syca••r• MNra .,. efftCII COI'YfMtefftf lOCAfle .. ,.h lllt·nt,-JiCt•t~nnnl.!h \\•tt• n •. \t'· t',)~t'l (',wlfl"' a nd eon. PnMa· WU't h1 \\"t·Jor•n•t , ... t . r 7\1• Totlltl:t1 ffi••nt h ·-·ld ;;un, ~1 h·h;u·l. u rt• st 1\- ....... n! •· .. uttnuen,: th•• ,~.-,., 1·•1'11 • I ,•, ·::t ~~·, r It, •• ''r-f'k·end ~lr I''"" II!! \\tt h ll• r l•tu ents. ~tr tu uJ ••f t h••tr "J.att I•· Tuk '·• • I h• ... ,., · t • .. , n~o~ '"' 1 ·,, I • d f'r•'"" rt'pr·ttH··n' .,. 1 \1• M ''h:.t t~ ~ \\'ll~on, Tu~ 1n. VIC'' "'''" ~' nant•· '"' H •111 I 1IU1 11,, '"' th•· lrl'udl~~~ So th c t• 1.1 t•'"''' p1fr--n·~ \\a r ,.,p,tlt•U<'""' lhut lh•·,· ••d•l<•n .. ·d "" "'"""''" ~,, awl \1 •• !'\ H . Lund 11111t 0 .ern ,oun JeS 11·•·,. to.rn 1:111111 ll••t;llt«•• lit' hfl8 "'"'"' ttu• 111111nlnml I "''""'· .1au1:hl• r l'••ccv ol Lot8 An~tr•lt·ll. G c 0 • IICI"Vt>d on mnny tYJ'll'~' of 11hlp11 I•'• t•'tl lot ~'""'"•·r 'l'"""•••n• ThP\' .•j , · • I''• '"''It o·nol •nth Mr. lllld 3S ;(). 0p0SJng f r,m ulrnu(t t arrlt•nt to lhr Cllr · atok• o1 I""' l u·n 11y nnnt•. ThPY ~~... 11 T :-.1. \ l'r ... 'I 1r, Lartlapur.l Rat R d t• , 111 l;o u.httJ.. , ru 1 mfnn lr·y. II•· 1 I\',.,,. !llto•ro•llt•·•l In . Jtlpa.n ~~~~~ l'••p:v ''·'" ~ ..... Ill In"' lhl' e e uc JOn hull ro vr n ·ol thl' l ':od flr ,, rntorv. l .. n•l ttwor 01' n •"1~111 h• T nk yn y.,,. """''"~ r••t. ntlv ,,.1 "111 II'IIW for -j<•q "''" !-•' !a k m,:: him All rnr ~ I thl' Jropanr-!<4• 1 "" h uy l'rf'l" rty ·anol Hu 11L,:r 'l0 ('o•Hir r N••w Ynr k , DI'Xl l LOR A ;'Ill'; F. I r.~ f. ;~.:urr-4 r·nn. Jnd·n T h<• :nol<t bo lttr lml tit t'X· do VH. th•• Kura$htg<'l' :ontl '·""''II wllt'r" •h•• ,. oil r•·• r ive hl'r cemlng th~ finAncial op~rattona pl'rlc>nl'f• hf' has ~,.,.rf WAll flo thr , llu lukc" !llld ~lurllk,.p11~11•1 lh•· o·u loal !rumtn~: , nf lht S•llllhPrn ('.,tthl" < r.n1 C'o tluv "' tlo•• .J11p •n•·fl k 1111 • k n r••l't • 1"'1,11•• lll•·tr Mlo n" und nr•• :,no l:c-o•rll•' \\',.,..,. ,.,,,. 11111 Pill ·1 wPrp pr•~I'OINI h\' T hNtfillrc St~ln. l'o•:ul ll111luor rl'lllf•· ··,-,oiC'tnc on lhr ''""l!h'. frnm ~""'-~ apartm ,nt.. h.J\• .,,,.,.com· 11r rmmlnnt foor thr ~!:dP Hnh-IN 1S BATTLES • 1111r h.,,.,. ""'' "I'H'Itol "'''•''' lot• pll'h'I:V 11'\'Rnlfll'ol nnol madf' lbto mlltl ('• rnn:ll'~loor "' 'I h•'arun: T hfll oiA \' :'-1111• 11 l 'h1t'••nolt l1. t htt•. th t r t ·-till lt• ....... •·· dH IU n•·" ilf't\l tmrnt" rr .. l-n lh•· well-n n" proph~·d rt•thwlu•u in ,::.:t:'t tht•f ·:~r'd.,.-ttl \\"'"' 1\h ht.c .. hlJ' llunululu kno~:n ·~t hAAth• .. T:H•,n :O:t'"&Vilf'-'• coat. h~ld '" th•• t•omnu:-:~ ... n ·c. tl•,ll t tCt .... n .. n 01-~lt ,,.,~hut y .. ,, hu,.• h,.,,,..t th• '""'''' ol \.\'f"nur tlf' •~ fnrlunKit' h•' N YI .1 oftlcr" 10 t htt ~t:ll• l'~t.l•l·nc ,., ., \\:lrH•·•I 10 ltnl .. ttt krrr out ••·tar~·· ah••lll lht t•t 1• r .lnp-t .. hn\'t• th e·m Hll rf'nt••! :=;tf"•n ,ff"t•1nr• ct t't.•t t P•n l 11'~ tt' J'•1,tt1 ft.tthnr f••t \\'hit h 1t \\R~ ''"'J~u \\h• h•·t'l•t•tt f"r ll~t .s.4!t•l\· )1r un'l ~~~" Cl .J l:u'"'ineon 3tlhtv nf t hf" J!H~, ""'1.---,nv~ tlt,.,k~ h •·:ltf•••t H t t . n .~ •. tat r"r t n• ·( tlu h1ltt ,.n th• •It\' nf fl••••·•n· t\:H·•• n h•\•t•ct h:tt k tn th•ar hume-atr tntRI "l'~l~ A.fl t•f 1••·• :{1 lflt:{ ( r \\11t k "-~· n11"-"'••l .. , '''''f iT' n t •• , •·th th•• .f11p ••lwtatf\r~ of 1'1f• Jt,J .. t r••p•· ;1\'t•nu. trnnl Leu• \\'(If f' S41 !lr,:,:_t~,1 tl , ..... , .. ~ .... t h• ,, • d •~··~~t \\rid \\,n 11 lu• ha~ , ··•u• I· ' "h• • ooct:\1l•~d · nt h:u t 1\.tt \ nc• I· :t F ur tll••r l\' t t • \ In ··d on r nm pnny'11 rnt 1t ·•I "a~ c 'f7 u;.~. t. • u •'l 1:. fii.IP•r t .1' t t,.... n• uti · c • ,, , ''" • • h o • " "" Ill• llall•··• '""'"" wh"rl' 1,.. "I" ratt d 144.1111 "'' '""I!•·~• h:o lll• an :oil ;'~;:" •I • '• IH I • ttl 11.: '' t' a fftr hi~ ~t .. n · H"''" ~lurk• t II~ '"• Thr ht·urin ~ "u~ t~t tt~·ht hv Jt Z't •r\ th ,, ttf l\tt ~~ ~tldHI"'klt l l••k•••• .• t t •'' ·•' t f11• ' J "'"" l"'re.nn~t nltttu~y .. , u ( c~rlL· th~ ••umnlhWeit'fl un tlf; ••V.It rnnll••U lh·• A1•·111iit,.. ,\1 th.•t tuue I,• t,-4 •• t ,,,,. •tl••rv hh.uat th•• I"Utllng lu·•l \\hnt~t1t• t•,. l.lll' \ntt lea. tn .. , attr•rrJ'' I•· ... 1 •• , tit. ''"!~,~ .tttd •·tl tt nl•n,h•·l~ ,,( t h~ f ft'\'' ,,, '"""-'"Ill· It• I •• u.1 lh ~1 1 •• n.t :>.lr" \ I. 1·'• •ltr ¥.!111 ,..,,v·• "''"~ ~h,.ollol I• ,, ·'''' • .• an 1"" ... ,,, llw lllll p :• .. 1·•~1 hut 11 '"1'•11 • ., '"• ~ '')I I h1''' "' ,.41,.,. lt•f1 Au~ 14 (f'u IL·••tr vaca·, thr Mmnunt n:, '·' ••N '"'''lt~ t •"·' .. r• ,,,, n.:.••d I•· • ,., .. tl •·••ut•h ••·• ~··. "''''''' 1 '·t•u·kfut ••r .l:\11n1H"'t" t l"n 111 ~·~dtl• \\*n~h ~r11:,, '~· tt •• F•·•'··••' .,.,,,,,.,.til 1·tlt.r••tf ""'''"" ,... I'"''''·'' ·' r 1. ~~ ;(!' ..,.,,uH '·" ~ .. rt••n Yakima. "huh tht t • "'l':•,r · ,, 'I•·'· • th-,.... Th. ~'''', ••r tt. J .a tt l•• :.nd ,., til• 11 ,,,,, r,.,: ••t th·· ~·,,.nth \•, 1 ~o.h ;,,,,,.•tl F1 •dH\ l••r tt t\\·u·· ,,1,(\'rnt1n c t-xJwt-u~~lfi ~1l 1 ••n ... ..,"'•P \\H.,. tldt 'lu~.,:h •·· \•tu \'f' twnrd ul11tUl t h• .lnp-''~·~·k"' "'~'' \\tlh h-·• ~···r. Mt,., l n .1~ u\\*1\ df'ff·n~~· ''11\ • orn J•any tt•ll111••! JU •O altt• J.o \\h • !1 Hf' ·"••'!•W , ... ,, l•:t tiHf """'' ''"" \\"Btt••n .. 1•·l•ltt•t ~1\ ••n·h1it a"'"'l ('t'Hlh'n•f~ th.el .,,,,, ,.,.tu,fl~tn f"'Ht•·d '" Ill• ~~d •l •l.tv t-:\•'' ,~. h ttlt·d Hit ,.:, ...... , ~h\' ''" I ll" ,., .•• 1 ruw \.\'tHIId jf'ttpa n :l1•' 1l~ atn111\ l•1 tu r 1 "·•~1 l.th'•·t Ill·· ltllt· ·~I\' :--:1·~··•1 J .. •·f t tw "'''h I• I .I It• Hnk \lr~ c·ariHIII\' '!•·~ t(,•Hnt r u,,.. nt~th •. 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I lt•lfllll 111k~ "'''' 0,.,.,,,,,,,,. oflrry nn tho wa r •\•'1\\\hl'ro' lh r gl!lJI n f frlen<U. ,,,,., rU1J':o-tO•I Ul..\•r:-rd·. ,,1 ... 11 :\tr .Htl :\1r"' \ H :'•hHltt 31P r•:,•ll•l"i •1~+1' :ortlt IO II'L: I 1 l••lar•l lh•""' ... , .. ,, .... ·~t:r. l 'hn .... tlt.t ··t·•t-t •l \1r 8Jlt.l Rnll ·ri•·ndhu.·~ .. r ttlt· •r"~"' I ,,anh '" '11 '1 ""'''''' th•n• ·'"''' I ~=··· •. , ....... ~........ rrnm Y r.. loolll ""• \'·Ill···· A \\hll h all• "'" ol \II•' •·f'•IH!ll' • r \ "' 'I ."· Ill· k ,I om-t••••l•·nl• ,onol I ltlhl l h•·r.. ,.,,, ,.,. "' l ho'tr ruark•l "' 1111!1 (',:1:>1 Ho~:h-:'-11" lltlklu••rnrr a n•l ~on •• l:o-\ 1• I lit'\• l • .. n t \••U. ~It ar! ~~'-"' tf•tn I :'(thrnldt \\U\' ThUnhlt\ :\1r ~ .. hnlt U tl.td ' ' Uld fl•••• ,:uHn AI•' ~p..-n•hn~ •T•• H•· ,·,,nt IHI••I ''''' h.q1 •h .,, 'I'' ... tl thf' sf~ to .Jef•l f"'CtrA ru~At lu "'11Pr h 1hr tt ~' \,,,,k \\lth ht'r r .ut•tl, ~l r MA 'U LING rtl A P L E S the II· (lh \'F. I. R11lUY.ft'\l \'I l l••lloo :~:..:. '" r• ,.1\ tl ,, I ·. 11 •1 p '\ I I 111•.. I\. ,., ' • L d t.:: II'! I I u ... • ' ~ l '11 \' I .. d 1. ! 11'•11'"'" oii)U \ I' 1 .. '\I I h o t o.; 1 1 f t*;lfH ~~-• U "' I lfl \\tlh I .,,,, t ~ '"" 1 •IJI t I ,If t •I \\ 1 I I I "'":1 1 .... :.: I ,t ~~\t " I <hi '"·'·· • f:fl \'I'll· '~. tif \'AL.. ·'lf-==~=M.='ud.=.:=_=o~~,==~ Vitamins A and D \i p\ fl •p po l \'lu-·l-..1 t f1 t 111•f . 111, 1, ·"" . , " ' ,,. . 1 11 You molt h•v• V 1 taJllltl /1 '"'' "''' k• r11n n•".· ",_ u D aid l.o protection ICllns• 1."1 "'"r" 1,.,,,,,. 1 .r I' '' onfectionl which e r ,mo r c I• I• 111 111•11111 I;,," hn).: !'•"' likel1 tO OCCW II\ th' 1105, ,.. • .. ""' 1 •• ·It·· · o1 • • I ~· throet. ey-. •• ,.. and 1inu: , .• ... ,, at rtf' ... tu .,.. 1'1't' • t wbee tber• la a defacatn(J C ' i' ,., .. .:, ll · I• • • k. • "' thla Yiumia. 1 '"'1 "· " ~,, \,,, c '': J:,.th oa need Vlt8nin 0 to b .. 1 '' er\ et 1 1·. t.: ,r, "' 11 J.., •. ,! ~~ . 1 tiM bod1 mah proper lilt r . &••~ot"l ,. "', t • ._ •"' I "'i' \\ ... ,,,.,1 l''·'"l "'"··II I"'"' pi,. •' •• , ~. ' '"""'''\'·-~· l h!~ Y.l"f"k \\llh lhn o •11h pltl~··~ Arn••n~ ''ht•n. \\•1• I;" Ma,~ a ~'"'"'' I o\\ i• 1 rtflol .111 IPIIOtl Dh <' j.."ll\' II \If\ 11\.k "''II k!l \\1> 11ro•11n.t 11 ..... ,: ,;ur"Ls an.! .\l.i 1 $:1' :'l .. ma u \'I I "'Afll!t'l•'• :'\1 lr J:f• II\ th o• "'"Y ''"' '"''" "lh•·s.l 1111'•1' prrlttr:o( tlr · ll\'t\rv t ,.,.. ,.,.,,n f, 'r ,_ ,.,,,. · • lllld 1 hJ<\'1' ~n 110m~ gO<XI bowl· ,.,...,.. n rH.! 1 m' nn ~ '"'' "'"' 1, • ..... ~~~rnUy. '~··· r.t ... ,, Ilk~ ,,. kn· \1 "1111 tiM c.al cuma aad pboaphorlll 11· yow dirt. ' If ,o •• ,. •ot c•ttin f' i ... o,~·of theM two ""Po,.1. I Yiumine., take a ONl::·A·tll\ \ brand VltanaU. A and 0 T-•, I ~ ... , c~e, and 1n•ure 7~ .1 MRD&I req'"'-noeo~ DN·Em·OAY ' L &omlllll'l Lovrly now4'r~ \\ t>rf' 11'11 \lo• !" ll .. kr. 1-:<IJ:f"WRirr • Before You Build .or Remo~el LUDLUM \1'11 nur lntPr·l'!ltlnJo: Nlllllllh• a n'd r:li'IIIA~' rnnlll'· ('o,lur ~o,•uldrs. l'lannlu.: llllf,, r-"111 prf'lorn'l"' '''"'k "' rll>:'· , . .,q,.·t ~ anrl llnlllrum Rllt:' and C :orp••l' ('lo•anl'fl. t( I'Jllll n•d Carpet Works 111'!2 ~oul h :\1:\Jn ~I. f'hflnf' Sant11 \n11 '!~ Rubber l.in('d \\"ineh H('ad Al-o Ft'ihf'rmsn'!l t'rirncl Sa 'ff'll \\ t-ar and Tf'iar 011 r.c.wt~· mf'•t· . 1•nnrlt) H ll!hll"h""' . t'nrt .. r JW'~ tall~,..-of ( barlr' M. Mrrnll4, ... "'"'. f>Rotlpto('t !~ \ .· Burt R. Norton Phn'"' un N F.\\' PORT BEACH UPHOLSTERING Furniture Upholstered and Repaired ... ... all work guaranteed CLAUDE A. JOHNSON The c;f'H'nrr \'rn .. tllln RIID!L_~IIdJfltt-C«MMla !'lr,.. Phon!! U17·\\' I-1781 Sewport Bhod· AHOY' SAILORS & FISHERMEN Just in •• All New! Read it---and Come in and see us Running Lights Sea An(·hors Brass and Rronze ('Ieath Stuffing Roxe~. thru Hulls Deck Plates Srnull Uras .. \\ in..tu ... :uul \'r nl ilator .. All Siz£'s :-\isal .and Cotton Line ·. Shml IJumpers 'Iarine Enamels .IHp an1l IU·J:al. ( ;ah . ('an" for (ia.., and Oil ~·e prom1 se 1t will pay you to-compare our prices !H 1 <'Alut llllh~y \ MESA MAl'S BROTHER VIRGIL PIIILEY.z FliRTS WITH ROBOT DtATH United Press Manager, Frequent fisitor Here, Writes Vivid Tale of Robot Bomb That Roared Merciless Hymn of Hate NEWPORT-RAT.ROA N~W~-TTMI!;~. N~wt'Ort Jkaach. Calif,·mia. Tue:-:da\', Aui.!Usl 2:!. 1H4·& r:~:~f~~~:~sp :_.:..:::u•:.=.:...:...L;o~;;;_-T·C:-~ -liEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES ~;.~:~~~~~;.~~~~~~:;.~; N~~c~'~ ~~~~.N . :.~ ... ~,! .. ~ D F oi~A~.~~~ .. ~.~·! • :AI~ !~Tr. F 0 I ~~~!~R~ T s • • Men took part 1n 1lnt' 11f lh•• r r:.t l th~t the Newprrl BeAch Cltv iiii:P\, ''\ 1•;,, ~1.... 1 ,,,.1,,111 IU 1 \T:O: 11, 1 •;,.1,1 ,..,.1 Tfl\olf'ol •·uu SAI.F..-J FOR HAI.F,..-, ''K't>1Jth·rhllnj(' 11-Ultll matlo• bv Pl~nnlnG commllllon will t~old a fat l.•'•t.ll ""'"' ,. 1k ''"'''"'' ~~"'''"' ,..111'""'" '"''' l 'a'110 "'\Ht :-1111.1<: j•,.rt h• ''"'"'"h,..t ;l •1,,,11 :-IAI.I•' 11 11,.11 I''"""· tt•loOd t!w Thlrtl "Mtlrlw " n"·'slnn whtlo• I'IUbllo hearing upon the matter of lao 1·1 .. •1~<· -.;,.,, 1 •••I ,;,,,, oil II• ~~\H I :-;!<.~,. 1 ·,A· IE A I'l l' '"''"''""' hPll~·· ''''""'" 1:1111111'' 1 ·• 1 ,.. .., II F'flh A 1 l c ., .... 1111111 ST:'I II~ 1'1 II .... sl'l'\'101( un 1e 1 rmy ron the propo.ed Improvement of en-HPlJ> .... , . !ll .. 't : 1'0 111 1•· ,., ... 1 •·•II. $4 111111 :-;.... 2 l1• ltalv ro·<·••IIII:V. Tht• &ctlllll wlpt'd tral ~venue McF~dden PlAce and \\ '"' 11' 1 I'.•"•' • 11'11'''' 'ltlHII \\ t'•'"''"l AH· l'h :!~'Ill \\' l•.llth """"" 1111•1 Nt•t 111,·•1 N~"l'"11 ll•'ll• h c-..n aner 1 a 1 1 th ,, 1 • I ' lllttrll ··• "k 1•\,.., "', ll.d.•·" I' 111 101111 •'"'nlc•IC• 64·2tp out a .corman • ronl!fl"lfl tw '"' co~at aoutev~rd. Th(• proro,..•• J«< ~ ., :"• "J•••r1 ll1'tt• h C'altl t'••"l" !II•"'" rl~·~l. mflllllry battalion , , 1 I' • 1 th~ In 1•1,. 1 1 l·'••tt' l'l •\I.Jo! "'""'''"'I ·~ l>t••'r•••nl ~ALii: Alllht 111 ' ~t'n clt'tllln•n!! the fiiiVUIIt't' nf un lmp r<•\'t•n·Pntll tr1 rnnallfl of whtcon·~-"t_ · 1 1'11 !'. 11"111"" I\ I i l• 1ft lrt 1•'111( Orlrnl&l I . . .n~ I'R\ong, r Rn ·n~ ""' .~ • IL \\\I I 1 :~ 1:'\ 'I II \'\;1'1' rllll 11~'1 J:'IU \\1•1111 111'\j), l'ttune . To.:l'lhf'r vo'llh llo'Vl'lfnlht'r "'"" "lalhlllun of l•mAmPnt lll IIJ.!hl• In Gf\01 I' I '""""''' ''I I ' '"' lloo II 1'1'1 -.; '·"'';o-.:('11. <lo'\t t:n l\ 11••11~• hoHIIW•~·~I (I""'" '''"''I 14114\\1 tel~'!\\' llc'C'IUI l"ront. Virgil Pinkley. European mann~er o f the U ntteod Press ~nd t'quepp• d "' 1 I h l)lu.ooko" l\nd ""r '""" "~'~ t1omll of tht' ablwt' mcon· -.bit 1"' 11 111, , 1\ll• 1 1 "" ,.1 '' "Ill•' ,,.,., .. , .11 •1·· '•'I' '111''1 11"" 1'""·1• lilt• • ""· ' 111 •I '"'" N,.,..1,..,1 11, 101 ., U ·"P brother o f A. L . Pinkley, W<'ll known Costa M~ dru~gtst. ttaml'-throw.-rs In sdd lttun tn t heir tlnrwll ~tn ••h ,.r hra<'lnJr ('•·ntral l P'rt I ' , :'\ .. Ill:• 'II"' , .. , ''"'-"" "'l''"'"'l••n•••l I''"'" '" ""'''I, ''''" ··•1. II'" lu··~to· ''' ~'"' ----~ t the fo llowing g r;·\phic a Ct'Ount of buzz-bombs that <ie--.. wn wrapons. Shltl,..y crc,uc•twll '" 11\'l'nu" to ~tt·F'altltrn P l&r•· and ceu.-,' ' •I " " I'"""",,,' II ,... \\Ill "' '"""''' ''"' '-'~' ~···· ~·.Ill" It l tnl .,.,,. 1\ltn r>:t•l, I' II\ :-l A t.tr. "'""I"'""• c abhlet ;:-"n~~ o n the London Sabbath a nd created ha\'oc, a t tnt> t~t' Inn~:-llte•el hu~l':""~ 't U~t• "1":' from Mrf'Btld .. n f'lar,. tn th,. ~:rao.Jfl I will I ' I ,,, ~~~. ,,. •• ,,,. Ill \ •·Ill tin I·~ :'\nl'l••• I'll ''" •1 I .... ," M•·"" 114 :It• """"' ''' .. "" 1"'1 f•···• , ... million. . . 1 'k'll' p· k \lohhh 18 IIPI "" -oAiho.rl! an.t drB\Ion -•·unrnllnn ami C'nlllll n .. utcovard <lttrto ' ,, t:11•.-1,,, p,., ~1 1)1 , 1 1' ''11 -;:1 • fi:-!·411' 'l'\\'(l ltt•:IIICPIIM """'" ,,.111 ... 1 at 1"1\ll "' 41:! 1o:11al c..,.ntral Aw .. same ttmE' n ear y I m g tn •.1 t~od lhAir ton of I'XIIIIIII'\'t' tilt'\' by R t unk. A to lhr t.ank rumbl~lf frnm· ~h'F'athl<'n l'lal'e \o thl' !'lt.a~ I 3CIT • .. •• I I\\ I' .:. I t I \II I I r II II ....... , I ~· ' 1 ~'11'1 \\ lll1 .. 1 \\lll o•ut tran~r Sl\c'Wl4t r.-.. l\lr<1 \\'111<1>\\hn.,,li. 11 ""' • ..., ... ... t>y: I lid I'OUjtht'd like a ('nlrt out board up 1'' lilt tnt .:••l, I hi' mt•n n thP llt.:llwuv r..IJI I "' "' olll.l r\;\ fil • 11,.111 LONDO:-.:. f:NGI..ANfl ttiPI m1ot••r '--In". •tBrthd . ••nd ottd•d sl.u lil t' •'llmi•UOaJ;:<'<l bv tho· .tu!ll ,<:ut•l h·r an'n r .. 111 1,., hf'l·' In thl' _ 1 ~"'"1 '"'" 1111 " 11 Vtkllll(•l l'ltltt 'l\• Ill'''" f,,r lllttllfl In , --•• I I • .,. ... D r .. • I .. " u .... ,, '1\i l'nn ~l llll(h\\1\y, Nt·\\ '''"'" Mt'llll , ... 11 Nt•wmark .. ·ott :-IAI.a.. ~·-· n&J, • .....,., "Lord. t ••ulh u~ ''' lt.' •rf.:>\tn. hfofort' C'XJ'Iu.tin~; . l thnl IS th~llllh,•d u p b'' lhr· lllllk 1•11 ,. ('nunl'lll'hamh••r!l ('ICY llll11,1 11~l..P \\ ''I'll• c:,, .. ,,t """'' 1, ~~~ 111 H lu111,. • .,,lhl o•uloor aJmoet n.w • .,f uur t rlt'rnlel< AI thr olonr . rPad h•fl hv t•rollll· trnl kll \\hf•n lht' ta nk 1\l<'l'" lhl' N•wpurt HNIIh, ('sir nrnlll. 7 3 14'llfli '' ••· I •h lolt ••• lt•••tlo 1"''1 11'"' 11 h • • 1'1 l:'ltlt!\ ,,,. N,.,..,,,.rt :lll:.! Ill If•• U 7 'Mia A N;.,..t.trom. til Tht racllu vnlr•· RBI·:~ ~«',....''"'~ ln~r a r rust of J!lru!~. tht' la <ly at· men daah out an.J ,.,,.,.,., . .J t .. llwtr 1• !II. Thur•J!Iy, AuJ.!usl 3 1. I!IH Ud •· •' 1 t '·•·• • '\I'' :et.'i J.J• fe ·JtaftS"' lo'l ,11 ~A 1_.. 11,.,..,1.,1~1 1 almY Nan llf'IIIOll •""" Avt Ntwport Wll!l mtonmJ( tho· \\'11,..18 Whl'll r; ton·'& Ill "'a!' bloB·' In" ..... ,·or .. l:v. a nti uh••·· 1111.'8 I ,.,. ()-'•r Af lhr N •• ,., •. l'"rl ll<•a r h ,;:. II• • II I It M llp h ' v " ~~u ,.. ' •, "" " • h1•ll\l' "" .tuuhlr l1•l 111\ l'lll'lllaiVI' f' II I 1' • Oylng bnmh hit \'o'I Y nt•ur " rtn 1\RP ftrstRII1 ""rkPr ru!lht'd l"lhlrlt•y nnt! l ho• utht'rs l•·•t tht• l'oly l'lllnnlnll C'on•miM II•n HWo \\ \ :'\T~:t • """ W<•lllol L' ~ ... ~ l'f'lftrt• lrtt 1.1•1" lah• 'l l••·•lr<w•m• The bla~t h fh•ll rnt• fl"'ln' on .. ··nd Ul' wUh It hilnllangt• alrd ll. .. It """·~· "I• '" frunt 0( " ,. H AROI.I'l II< ti'KINS, )'IJU I k· I•. II II. till • ,, ......... r t)r .... l' olo•n """'' v l•lnr f'A"""""tl llv· I .. '{)It !'At ... : l lran•l n ..... un\MIPd. 11f tht"' nwom and I l!uflft'll ov rr ll ,lltl'h. 11nd (Hf'll Into " p1llbux at I ("halrman, 1_,1 1, 1,,,1,,11111,, ll •l••llr 1,_11, 1,1,.,,1 , .. , 1 ,l'htuu """'" 111., -.,.,n1 with •tr•t•la•·r l 'utna '"'' lll.r h"' 1111rlnl( and mal· :tf'lh 't' tu l'ume up .t~ort against I ;'\\'hal 8 tm·f'I:V !"un118Y mom · JXllnt-blllnk ran~r. \VhOe un•• CIC ... • ~ " ' " " ' ' ' ... I M r1 N lhl' wall lng pal'kl'l," llhP "''' . them m nrlcC'd t• ' rrlflt'8, t ho· """'' ~ H ()\\' A HI• ,... St-:Aia :H. Jlft''• I• I • I Ill• Ill I ..... "' ··' l)aJL··a M ar•'n(' '"'"" Milo I ''"" nrwlv ··arl"''"' II..... S41 VI Ia .~~ ...... , ... ,. "' 1 ·• d th l etl 8r•n•tllry ~ l I" ,.,.11 , ...... II wllh all "''"'llu·••~t l"''t ll•·tooh l'hun r """ "'" o )ly hNid roared. ~11111;11 sermt'.J ..,,.,.,.r .. uOOr!l own I' II r attar kt•d ml\r hlnt'jtllll nt'IIIJI and • rtoo rt'lllllrtolllll '11 "·'•·• II d (' to} ring In my eanl. thr·r .. was an apartmt'nt hulllll'.l rnul eol mortar 11Qll81~1! Ill lh•· rettr I Puh AIIJ.!~ :n. 1944 '·1 • "'11 .\ , ...... :'1:··"1'"" ar \\'8-:'t". o. 1'"'11' II'IA " 1""1'1 r••""1"."""t"'~ 1 .. ''Uit I'C AI¥. 1•'11• eolld .,.. I felt my eyl's nnd fmmd my The nyin~e bnmb dhad Rpl••wedlcml•'' In lh•· t•arlv 1111\J.:<I! uf t ht· battle. NOTICE OF SAJ..E I Btarh :'.. M ' llull 1·•·'"1• 7 I'll c '•IIIII I ll11o:I1\•'II Y 'nil• '"'" mlnte . ht'l'"' with II• 'J llhtarv talol,. •'""' 1'<11\tllllon, I fr b I 1 ·'ttl l It nf'!lt' lht top an A P wur t'rll, · l 1 f l Llll , .. , .ollo't .1 1,111 111 "1111 :'\•'"I"''' Ito 141'11 rl' 411' '""' h I'"''"""· 1111 tilt' ruufa. 11•1 •1,1 •"""' .. ,.~ ..... ,,_ Ur .... ......-11: rt811Pto wo r<' ll , u u 011 . , Ill• ~ 1.,,1.' wh1•n the mur Ars Wt•n • IIlii r-OF PERSONAL PROPERTV • ' """' ,.. ,..., •r ,, -...... • !U'Pm cut. poilu• and 1\mt>r 1 rtn ~ r 1nJ: tlw Germar111 lc 1lh•d M•vcral of I 1100 \\' A 11""''1111 l••llt.: ll•·111 h ---I ~ 1'"""''1· "''1\lt ... l l•att • .., with \ II•••• h &~·It AII "O"l ulltpmaltcRIIy I r<'lll'hl•tl dlt'rll .. n.t Rt'll L'rOII~ w~rkt'rll .... ,.re l 'ha.l r l""n ml'l\ . N<n"IC'F. 1~ lfll:r~F.T'Y r.IVl-:!'1 ,;:. 41 t• I .• .,; ~A 1 .~: "''"11 '' 11 • .lnhn8IJn I 1111 I(•• I r ...... atwl hlllllrlanl lrt"'· p u Q Q • '" 1 11 I 'll11ko•1 ~h\11 11 H II ""II hollll Ill fo r th.-lt'lrphont. mnv111g b:v the arrlvln~. Shlrlt'y, u•lng a Uruwnln~t aUI<l· thltt N C Murrl~on 1'1" me " t'n 1''"1 11""...-. 0111111 til' ... t'fl to boo olllt A UIIIJHT CLICAJ\ANCII .. habit of manv weo>k~ ftlandtng. '" AmericiAn boyA elnmmt'd thetr1 matte riOC!, h•cl Jual cum .. rrd 11 1'"r IRbur anrt r copulrft •·mplnycod MIK:'t:I.I.ANI"A)l 'S 11"' 1111111 lllll '""'"" ... v.•r I "1'1''''''1"1"'1 1•1 """Y ll~t'at.MI 4. no.w nn Mun.y ••Ill& red~· ch eck the London United P~;e11 Jl'epa over plies or gi!UIII Bnd brlcka German tn a machlnl'lt"" nit. wh•·11 ror tht• protl'rl lnn u.rul lmpmvf'• POl 8-'l.t~ ;<:t:.ll (i t:• 1'"1" 1-•Ill I i'•'Wtwll l 111•" k fr,.m tlif' l..l•ln <1nh Hon• tlfln• In ""'"ry 11..,_11,.fftt. Odd d tr ,. ment n ( tht rrrl!lln 23 ( 101 f111tl Rearh l'h "11:1 .I tH 41•' otnl 1 t hin .,_ r h own r bur .. a u to male!' 1111rt' f'\'t•rynnt' walt lni<J the bull lnr;'s en ance u 1 he nu1 nut of ammunition. [J(ofort' 1 ... ~ ' 1 N ' .. TP'7l: e~:iJNC; "lt••rAIIOnll. llnullf'holol . -' 1 1" I ... ~ '1• :1• Jllf'l'l'l IUIII I of a Iliad lt.ma all. r fghl w hl'll thr• IJ11mb11 Wtn' PmhulflnC't'll and fire englnu began I U1t< Gt'rman cuuld takt' advanla"'" nj:" ''""' ri'J;1ftl f rC'! • n #o "· FOR I' A 1.1-• L.ttt•••• lltl""" lit '' 11 1' 11 '' • """"' urf'n r"' 11 "' r • 1 1 nrlr"'l In c·l•ar ., I irt I I .J I tt f ... 1111: 1111>1 1111'11•1~. lllhlrl <'nl· " .... 1 •t:z "'Ill "" I lm 1 ,. tblck. to arrive. .-.. nf •ll. lwwever. Shlri«'Y lllllhed out "• ,.,~, r rl' n 1" nl\mt' 0 1u1 tu111,,11 1.,,.1• IW'·IInrd, ,.1,. ~~'""'"nil ,.,,.lr•l "'"'"I r11t h I"'" • ·'" r or IIJ'Jl<ln t~n But the telephon~.-. Ilk I' the radio, 1 Then a man cam I' throu~h Uti' with th., butt of his ren t' and s\anii'V llor'llo·ll~. H !'lnrth l.hdl· •w "' •lur l..r '" '" t'"l t •, a lui ~ 1 1• 11 """ nwnrr. Ntwl"'"' n.uh 21 .... IIA YP:NI'ORT •1CT8 u ...., wa.~ tJpn,l. 1 ttoorwll)' In bill anns "'"" hla l k.riuclced the Nll.ZI """"" As hf'l llt)n S trr'f'l. Pll!lft'1"""'· "n•l n F.. l\lt· 1 0t\' h1• l'rtr•••l 1'1111111111' ''"111llll"n 1 1711 :: 62 ·MI' u Jt'lt~. t.o•• eprtnp. 11•.• Glaa.ll w&a !lhnwerlng down and .Jau~htr;, 4 or ~ Y<'anl olol. ,. .. fell ho: Willi bit and killed by A Rnblnllnn, 64!'1 Nnrth ~·n •r ~ . .'I f.U:I.I"!>; mEr. SF.RVlC'Y. S'l:'l '"" '""'""' """' ....... 1 l-'1 11( now tt21N\. bed~ ., ... lht're Wl'rt' ~·rr11m1 and gTOIUUI ""'Ire r ight side nf hl'r fare wu t;ullf't flrt'd by annlht•r rlllt' mBn PR•ItJt'na, C"ollfnml:l, "'hh 1' I. ' •r T• pptn~ lll•h· tr ''"'I'"G ""'I fl•h o·111111a ''"lllflll'lf' with I' A I.}~ 1 " ••n fo'rnnl. 4 hr·l I• ow 111 •~• lA.' You wW _, I "'Ol tn my ft"t'l. 11wayln .... and I 1111-•ra·• off .tdorl' thAn 70 pr l-nt'rll Wf'rl' I a nrl r epAirs art' In lht' 111' oulll of I "'r~klnr I 1,..1 I t fk I •I"''" r•w••u ' 1 '""" h•ou.,. tlulll '' 11 rll " ., ~ .u I -· S'':'l 00 h .. I " ,.. ''""'" ' '""" " Mn• ro • IIIIo!• II• ""' :1 \'''"'" •.til 51\,:WlO 1111011' of ta.-......... lt ,.U look~ from a wln.Jow at a gre11d Sht' wa11 m <'rrlfully ash~l'p f11r· captun'd. and lhf' Infantry balta· •• · ltntl ""1"'" 11 C'r"••V It ''"n ~12 •:n.•t l'r•nte·r :-<t Anahtrm """"'" ""'I ""1""'""1•• I"' •1np bar. dur1"1 A~. We funn .. t 111 s rrokf' and debrla rlalng • e"t'r lion ronttnued ll11 advan<'t' TN> that on thf' Zn.J dfty "' :;~,.pl••mher.l l'h Annlwlm H :!:l 1\ l·lltp 11"11:111 h t l'"' '"' Ill" pntr l(,.nt 1 111 " l'l•·"-""1 ' 1 ' 1 tv" l'h""" Nf•l anttf'IJlllt• your •l•tt. •cJ~aMA ~&bout~ yan!11 nway. Tht!n I • .,:bow d1rty thllllt' d1rty l el::ht mo:n pro mptly df'<'llh-11 l<~l l!lH . at th .. ~·•ur nf ll'n l)'f'IOC'k --llll•h•·•k tll!t l.1•.t .. """" 1.1o111 :1!4?1< o•·•lr 1"\Jmlhcre (,.,,2nd a!Wt ~ !IBW my glllBMI.• lht' right lt'nel ... the falhl'r wall lObbing. call lht'mlll'h 'l'll ''Luc1ft>r'11 ~lriJ:h 11,111 at th .. \\pst !'lo•w1.ort Yacht PIU.RC'F: IIAIIIIIT HY un~lnally l.olo I'"""" Spl 'll\7 1\4·'..'1• FOR RENT IICralrtiC'd. Tht'Y werf' Clth~rwlllt' I CIVI'r and over · I t'ra." 1 Club. un \anal ~\rt'l'l, near ot All>o•rt 1'111• ,, 111 """ at 2J:lll way. "-nla _!n&. CaJlt. ll·tle all light Tw•• ...,.(lmf'n bll't'diDg ho>rnbly l ('ounty Htgh-.·a y. In N .. wport NfWpnrl 111\'.l , l'u"l" Mf'•A ~'\11< l'l J\I.F ~"'"l'lr ,.,.II "'"'I ~'1 •11 H":l'IT MoH!f'tll :t 81~·rv llav TRA.,.PORT.&ftON A wmolnw waft Lr1 kt'll A tl<ll\1 anJ hlllf carrtl'd by t"o ARP N Tr •1 t E 1 Bt'nr h. C)r~gl' \'nuuty, C'allfomla. l'ttaty ••I frv lnJt r .. htnla nn lH fl '""~ s:•t•:. 1<•1'1 al nurlh .. 'l"'•nl ll .. rn,. 11 hf'<ln,.•m• J"'n ft "'Ill! o!f th•· hm~tr 11 nol annthf'r hall worker!! and an RAF scorgf'ant pi· eW al erS O ase l tltP undE"r&•~nt'tl will !It'll at publlr ~r l'h !'ll't lh h 12lll "1"1 "1 A 1"11''"" llnll•.,. l•lnllll 1 hnth• a va iiMiolr f11r lf'nl ;,~~ HIC'YC'l¥14 ftclld, ,_._. Ill' ,. 'tht' lnelc ripJWd nul 'lot r am.-out next. -Housing Shortage ttUt'tlnn lht' "1>1?-''1.' tlncrlht'l'l boat ~7-l()..tr 1."'1"'''' II: l'••lnl ,,,,. 1'"11"'11 ~ ..... ••IIIII I h i l:\1111 )if'f' Juhu pal,..., v ......... 104 ...... ... T oey all ha,t h..t>n Allut bt'fot'f' Then rullowt'\.1 a llh•a«lv l!lrt'llnl That mnrl' .thAn h•n <llly!l "havr 1"'""'1 ~· 11' 1-: ~a;'JIIrl Jll:.' t.hln !'r n11thnll ttalbnoe altd 101' .. .,... A.--. .,_,_ ' • 1 I rllll'l"'d 11inrt' tht' amount du~ u FOR RAI.t: C'!nnro1111: l"m"''",. th l' bomb htl. I t"'<'alTI'ol 11a I uf v1rt1m11. Sunday m nm ng ff· S•lml' rPIII'f fr urn th" htiUI!Ino ll r 1 .. ~ .. 7!k 1 lu•· llrln•· ,,,,11r ''" 11 1•1• 1 ,111 ~ ,1 L ' 1, 11 11,.1.. 1 I 1\4· II• Ralboa leland 11-tft grabbt'd my raln•· .. at anJ SundRY c 1plrnte of G•·nnany's IAteAt lt'r-~ abo rtage In "'·lUlhl""'' .... r pr-·'u•~ I coml pena 1°n °1r "h'"'' an .. tlr,.. ---._, .. ,1 .• ,11 ... " r • '' .r. ' ,.. '"" '"~ -------. 1 • '" ~·u"~ "",. par• ;ompow.••l n t, proter on .-....... '" 1\'l·4t• "'"' l 'tllll, 1•••1 t 1"Y"'''' II WA.,.....IlTOR~ WANTJo:ll J111y11 :H.,IN'h b6e1c .. "~'"' ?BP"NI RIIC wrnt oUl ro r Wt'aP<)I'L . tlon arf'l\11 \1o8M f'rnvltJ•·•I today by and lmJirov~mt.-nt of •ttl boat !1:, hI' • Ill' I II• f\ 1 • .. n.uu .. n I 1 , 1 .:. .,. ... 1 c ~ t Uti l'h N --- \\ Blttng fnr an eii'\'Rtor. which A yuunj: \IoOman had lltd ll makln" thou!lan11~ 11r ... 01.k• I 1 F'OR SALE ~I 11111 tr llttlf" 1 c ;, •• , "" ••urw "" .._ •-.,...... • I " ~ " ·r~ In lN':tmo• <hlP 1:""' ~,,,, nl VIII• M11rlna, \\'ANT TO 1t~NT 'I'W11 n,-thll'r· llea<l1 :lel. l'ul\f'l't ~2tC' .tldo't. I'Om<', t all'' n•mt'mtlf.or,.ll nljo!hlgown &l uunll 1\"' nrm to h11 I t'llll'nll&l inlluetrv Pll ••tLI t h ,. ~lr·•n l '11ll till\ ""' 1.,.,.,.,.,.,. "' 1 I' 1 1'1 1 "I t• •t that 1 had n•tt ht'Ur thll n ylng til. (luw O( ..... 011\l rrnm a bu.d h J ., f' ,, uy I .,.attl aur tlun RrHI ll&le will be 2 11\tl • ,. nl 1\1"1 \V t 'o•ttlfhl o•f'"l"" ...... I I " 1 " I •• ' I I '"'""""'' '"'111 .. 1'"'1 hooUIN' "" ' • 1 new nutk' tratlo>r• II•· d 1 b • 11 r "'' '' 1 ata..,.....n TO • •.a•• hurnb r .. a r 1n, nor heard lt.ll motor JOt>tsh. T'wu 1\tnl'l'll'lln Ml''s l'&rned s t.,ni<'Y Mark \\'ar PrCiducllon mtt ut;l. tr ar;1 Y " "" n · .,. Aft . H11lbna c\:, :lip l•'lllt HIII.Y. t:. 11 "''' 1:"'"" 1 " 11"* l•ltonll ~'~" •·hll•h ••ll "' ..,...,."' ,.,.., ._. •• ut uff M hAd other!! whiCh pa~d t111l All PIIJI'II\' mu n IIIII h<'ud wall llf ,, 1 . . tlorll ::\O.,I, 3(.)0Ji a an,t 30!'12, of lbe !'4l•••t• 1 :u"" 11''1:• <1 """ llllllf\ 1 .... 1• (lo'l llflAill Y at .,,..,..,., •• ''"'"W ,,.,.., .. ..,..,.,-T""'"'""T""O,--U:-A _______ a_r_a---.--.. • . •Rru JlllOr t11·11 r hll'f. Mltl that Civil Cude of the• Sl'llf' u' CAl · BA-1 I .. 'R II -' 11 I ~ I 1•~ "~T ,. I .. ...., ...,. ,-,_..,. 1\'t'r ftllll(' freque ntly today, \\I'IIJlpPd In a atnrt. btultllnJt o! trallc•r!l hftltNI In 1!143 I I ~ d • . • r .... l ... a ........ •• ... 111111 \l'hl I IIIV $11HI 'm:t N IIII V I Vf'fl rlll'f' .... . '.... ...... hfH ..... II minute• walk of Mala J uflt before tht• others hit and Any on ... uf them might have w8 ,. rt•!fUm,•d Ju t' Ahr<'h at · th ' rnr~ 3 • lln Ct•r11 ltw f!urpollt' n Dtal•·r. AI"" haltnlt'" "' ""''"' I· 1 .. n1 1!1111~.1~ ll1lll111l l\1 1 Fr.1111t 111 l'h•oC'Ifl 1'1 1•1 l!lllll·l\ '"''"' r. 141 . .,,.1,.nre llakery, ll&lbo&. ----------- ·" ~ ~ e I!AIISf:VIDJ:' thP en u r th•• under-'"' Aulot l•rlr•·" """J"" !\lot• '"· l'h .. n•· I773-W, ~-:It~\ anol t1 66-4t.a tall• ••f 1,000 tralltre t nationally) l!lln\l'tl on lh•• abovf' ducrlbt'd 101} 11:. Hay. l~lboa. Phone 2211 f'l\. 32 l4-4tc per monllh . W ith ·lht' wldent'd JW'riiOnHI propPriV. ~~·ltr ----HAC 'IUf.U)I\ A~·ARTMitNT f•w ('llgiblllly tultll. thhl prndtH'tllln. In nutrtJ thll• :!1111 dRy t)( AUI\&•t. FOR ~\I.F,--.\1~ ........ r l\011 ""'"luyr•l rilt'll In PERIONAL Fishing Boat Bargains whh'h llf'\'t'r al f.luutiOf'l'fl ('!lllf'lrnh lfl14 f~1 lion 31t~ol 3U:.t.o ~tll•l :111~•; fol lll ~ \1,1 1114,1 lll>l•ll :.! oi•••J tdl!lr1l h101l.lt', Wtolf'r fr•llll lo Itt plnnl ~< llrt' 11hnrlnj!. mi1y 1JP lurth('l' N. (' ~J()Hf<ISON rf \ttl' t't\111 c· ... ; •. •' II• ~1a11 "' , 1,11, 1;,, 1 , , dll 1 It• 11~,111 """1111.: II ,.,,_,,..,, llrwn~ Dll•l IF YO" wanl to pt marrt.cl WT1te lloll te. Vant<ouver, w .... s;,r)4JO ~<l ••fllll•ol 11 ~ (1nmolln l f ultfllmlll nn•l l••r Ill• I''" I'.,., .. : 111, 11w, 1.111,1 "'' 111111~111 1111•• "' "l'l lfu•hullld, ttr. week l'lllo \ut.: "• t!144 ,,u .tyll•" ""''"''" til• 111 •l· 1 r .. 1. t wu •111. f.,r unr W 1111t flt'' ~~nt•tt -.r. ,,, :""''' I·'....... n:.Jtp ,,,.,..n, ''"''''"' :\:-... , Ft'll•\ N ·Ue SPECIAL: -12-rt:x tO-ft., 9-ln. bum; 9-ton iCf' hole t•rtl()!llll f111•1'1tl\' I • f( • \II 1:'1 I ' I \ ,,,, ...... loll• k (111111 1.1•1 .. '111• I .... "'········ lltiiC'll """ .:1 .. 1 ""' .. , A lll:ll~l Ill""' ... """ '1 1111' •Ill '''""""t ... I II', IIJI 71~ ,., ......... ,..,. h•<ll rr • loa •h:t: l~•:roiJ .J1J111 ha ve. u v Jtdtlr • ,a,. un at S6·fl. Lowman: ncow Ch ry"l"r Crown. Carrylntt t'har~r. A Barpla. NOTICE OF-SALE S6·fl. t'a ntall, 13000 ,,lA~\· OTttt:RS TO C H OOSE FR0!\1 KING'S LAJIDIJIG and Yacht Bro~erage Sbt ~ Rblltco .... ~pt. BelL ""' --------------------- NEWPORT-BAL80A NEWS-TIMES I \\Hik•·•l ·'""' nnd 1•11 t h• '11.•1 OF PE RSONAL PROPERTV ll11tt n•t ••·•l t1nv ,.JtiUH•·r !f ••t 1!111><"' 111 ,.,., ftnJ;:1·r~> th:e1 ~ (. \1•·•' I"' H 'I 'lltiH !t 11• T l· ,,.._ t I Itt\ t \\ tl• ,, ''''"' t I fill f• ·• "'' "' • f • .tnol I d • '' ••fl 1 lu\"• .I PoU I (ulU tll jU\ h~1l u.:t,c puut h•·•l f,.t Hu· pt••l ••• fltt•• tH •d -.Hf•· k"l lUll .. ( ll\1'!11 111111 (hi y M111iol hl.l\'t' IMJ.: "' IIIII I \1 I I ol!l !II f.,.,• 11 ji\J l "''" k '" my r,njo!•t~< ""' 11 I rr ''"lunc,. 1••.•1 1 .L!I•I••I•·•I ;o.. .. :!';'~)!'' mc~\'tttl rny hal h..,t r··~t .... t • '',._J 1n t il• nurtl•' t•l \\ 1lharu F lfl(•·l "hi• h ~t .. ra;:• n1111 Late Class. .Ads 'a" , I· " "'·· ''""""' •• , $~.r. Oo• ---__ outd n••l•• •· t~ h··•· l.y t.:•\•·r• thul ••f• FOil !'A L~: ,.,,.,., :!•i·ft c '11luu Ill•' ~~~ r '"'' ••I ~. ,.,, ... ,l~o·r IIH~ t .. n .uwr <:rny 01ttl••r. ,.Ill• PR Jl't'C: ul l h•· h••~ar ur l•·n ·~·· lot.k tt rn. nt l 'lo-u n "'"' q1111 k ""'"· $17a0 1111' \\'t•MI 11:•·"1""' ''""' Clul), "" llo•n •11'rl<>•ll. l'ht•lll' :>1••\lo l'"rt 2761 ('nmd ~~ ,..,., n••lll t '1111111 \' lll~o:h · I'IIOSES: NEWPORT 12 a lS .. , :!:!40·K. ~~~l·ll •· "'"Y Ill !'l••w p .. rl ll••n• h (lran"e T '111 nc1a Afte \'ol XXXVI l'ounly f"ullforniu Ill•· 11~111t•r· Publlahed Every ueaday and u Y rttOOaa u-I MAN WANTED "lr.:nN I "til ~t••ll "' l"lhll• aiH'll•m Sub!ICriptiOJl Payabl~ in Advllnce:-$2.50 per year In Oran~t~ County; til•· ali .. v•· l.l•·llo'l'lh•·•l ''''"I Th11l $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zone. t11r I(~· d1'11vc·r-y ruu11· f~wxl yoh, 1 "·"''' thnn lt·n """" """'' ••IMplied EnteN'd 811 Second-clas." matter at the POI!tofflce ln Newport Beach, ~tood pay W1• w1 n ll•nch ~uu an ~"'' •· t h•· ~tmnunt ollh' IUt ''"m prn· CaliComla. under the Act of March 3. 1879 • l'Stabhs h<'ll ruutc•. H nul lnt•·r· ~ot.J••n '"' "'"rll~>;•· '"'ll l11h .. r •·m· _ -----r~tNl In h unt wo rk do nM opply. plo vt•J '" th•· pr(ll•·• llvn anti e~~~f• . A. MEYER ~ __ ~rroif'AND PRESIDENT Ne\\·por1 Ice ll Cold Sto~e k ... : .. ~,.~ •}f 111uot 1"'"' 1,..,.1Ul\, ••u~ ;-,; I' .\lllltltl~t t:'\ t 'lllllllllll J ' ••••• , II ' I\ r 1 • I I -;u I I' ~ ; .. .. , .... . t I i'hf ~1 I .tit •··• "" \ '• I ,.,lt .. ·~• 1h .\u~ :li , 11•1 I l'htlftt• .:.! • SCRAPE AND PAINT YOUR BOAT , 01 OUR COIVEJIIENT WAYS w(' FurniHh the El1Ui1Jmt•nt You l)o Your Own Wnrk PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Harry (iariiN -JJN"n""" , . .,.ht Rrutuer 811 Cout HlKhWa}' l•hcrn ... Nrwpc1rt IJfoa.·h MU IU'\' MOitt: IIONUS OFnCIAL PAPER OF THE crfv OF NE\VPOR1'BEACU j 410 30th St. . Nt·Wpnr·l k~l'fi ' Sllli1 lllldl'iill alfll Ull'-wtll "be A ~oerwt.hle lAt'al JA•Ututlott for Q\ter S4 Yean Phone 15 7 6."l·:ltr mttdl' un•lrr nnol hy virtue of .. ~~~~~:' ______________________ ...;; ---~ODLES ------(7 out of 10 people read New!I-Tl~MA ClaMUiedA~.;.-,--· By ('y llungerford ...----·-------.--.----------1 L -Hf\\lL ft. • -. I' I c .. (l1\o( I'• r .... :Siv:'f \ ,,r ........ • J \,__ ___ ..--~-.::, -....:___.I 0 1,~ .. -~) v 1.~.--. ~ ' .. . I .. .f .r ...... I B _ .... I I\ l "· • I • I vJE OV I T I Jf•II'T TC. tlf.A '' • . , T y r, ,[( - IUH)M t\SU UHAICU f • Itt H I I • tt •t ''I \\ \'I I I II 1h4 I t ''I fo t t \•1 ftto\ fit ,.._, '· . I ., f Ut!tf I ,., I dl '\;f'\ ~ ..... , \\ ll••fltf" n:-. :••" J»rof essional Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. P hyalc.lan and 8urgeen Ninth and C•ntra. Ave. Offl'r Hre. · 10. 11a.m .; l ·!l p m. T,lephone J1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOANLV AT LAW .Ctt!l~ Mllfl_aank aulhtlnJ Phone 421 HA~OLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEl . w .. (111 ra•tv" 1ht U..tler Sene lly K•rvlnr: flt.hera O.lfl" P ho,. Newpo rt &II COlt a Meu Callforflla BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lots A. J . TWIST 1 607 Coni Hlghwey Phone 2422 CORO NA Dli:L MAR ~"so "'""' c .. ntnl An S rWJMort 1\#.-•h l'h ~"'"I'"'' Rr~tdl In'!" It 1111 """w"r •·•II 1161 !\t (,a• ttt\• .t•• M•• N.D. CASH I n v "" I UOt_# ., .. t t AT uo-P) f AL '•"'• Afi• JMI 1.1. '"' ....... 'I . , ..... ~ .... C:..llf. Hi rectory Conrad Richter, M.D. Phyalcl•n •"" lu,..... Ofttoe t07 22"41 lt'"t Ne~ .. liCit\ Hou,.•: IO·U a . m. & J·l ,. "'· Ptten-on~oe 1 n 1 ,.... 74-J DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAN end IUROil~N --c.-.1 ............ rt ...... -Pftt iM - Office JIM W llllea. 2M·R II Ne ~,.,_, Coli New .. ~l t Or. M. D. Crawfnrd OPTOMETIIIIIIT l':yra ll':allmlnf'l1 lltua,.. P'IUelt 11tT ..,_pori nnultvard Phone 2410 CO&TA MiliA BALTZ MOR1UARY l CHAPfL a V THE lilA 410 Co .. t alvd. C:nro,• ch i Mar Newpntt ...... l Phont Ntwport 42 ~ Ult. OBEB Lt J('AS I h·ntiHt • not1 1 W . ('tnlral, f'l\, JtM SI':WI'ORT ftP:Af 'JI ,NHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT r 1111 r1 ,., 1 .A Nn ~tNOI t "4 r. w n nn ( If \\ \\ • •" • 17"4 •:,.· lit. 1. 1·.,,. , ~l•·•u I'•• •I f,lr n.h,.r. I'll 1\:'lfl .I ,1 ,..,11•11 1 1'1"1 11',1\fTf•fl t,..,,,.,.,, 11 I ;,,.fl • ._ 1 t I'J f"t• • I Hlvd , l'h 41 ~ l111on • nn•l ('ftn,lnrr•l lnn- t ,.,. ... ~.·." I I , t r,•t .... h• lp \1tl'\j r•lnn '''"' ... ,,,.,.. .• l'hnnfl 4A IJMIII It f )MI'ANI [fi I'••·· l • ., • l I w.l• r t'" l'l"'"" 11:10 r•,,nl'l lltl!h""Y 'll ll r• """ >r • 1r_r '\tJPI'>l I[S • .• • 1• '' lf nrto~,r l'11hll•I\Jn« I'•• l'h••ll"• IJ 11 -.: .... , •• 1'1 li"IU'h IHII I,T I N ( '\( ~'"'"1"1'' "'"'"'' t·uhll•hln.: 1;., l'h""'" 11 'Ill-~'~"•ll'•rt f·--.ch REAL E.1H ~1£. INSU ~ANC.£ & NOTAIIIIV PUBLIC- II " It 'V"tlu• ,. 2:•h:t W C',HII ral AVt"OI~ f'111'1f11' 3 RUBBER ITAMPI-. N.,..,.,,m~ tla.rbcn l'ubllllbllll (;11. l'bonu. l:l • 13, ="•~·rt IJMdl. ~~LET• METAL WOAt<-VIf'lf' l 'lumhtnlfC A Rh~t M.ud Worlu. Cnat.A ...... P hou 210. I VAAI(-TV tTORE-1 Bal.._ 1.1Wa4 Vai\w\J a\aft-Oc, lOt, 3IIC ..n4 up. l"taolle 21U•W , ; I \ I • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. NeWDOrt Beach. California, Tuesday, August 22, 1944 Wedding Luncheon Given by Newport Beach Couple Kay McClellan Feted On 6th Anniversary 1of Her Birthday !I-Iafbor Fe1ninine Activities F~r News-Times Girl, Esther Nielsen, Writes from Alaska 1 Arts an<t Crafts 'Group or FAC Guesu 1Qf Tustin Members 1 M 1 • .. :1 nNII Mil ,rll~tn Clf ~27 Wr. &nil Mr"!' Hou11t on I ' Stur· \-V•I\1 u.anatl'r, I( lt V~ h~r ynun~ pll Weh' bo.t.. t o lhf' bridal • •illpll' tlaught• r K~ty " r•·ll'hra t•nn ''" Ud peala ln lhelr b<lm~. 1612 h• r 11~th bir1htlllv thlll ~the w11t W...t Ocean Fror.t. f<>110'-' tnlt lhl' ""' '"~" fnrJtl't · rec.-mt man111"f' or IP I• flmnrt "' Th~ tluun Iiiii•· fn••n<111 ~'-"''' Anardku, OkiiLh••mH, nn•1 Hu h&r<l hldt.l~n tur II'" rream and cake IJtur&ell. Pf'lt,V t ,fflft'r 2 l uf l h<' ~Krl\' In th•· o.tt,.m•"'" llflf'r whlrh Navy. brolhf'r nr th.. hill\ whl< h I .... I .. t••hmnt ''I"'""'' hl'r ma.ny wu IIOiemnlvd In thr l 'hKpd·IJ_V· r•r..tty j:"IA T hl' j!lll'lllJo Wf'~l! ltll'n thf'·S.a tn Cnn.na dl'l Mar lflkrn In l hl' 1.1oln Th••lll••r f••r 11 'T'bf' lum·heon v. "~ hlghlt l:hl,.•l m il lint'" by a t,..o-tler~d •·t·d•hnJt 1'111'" ~<'<'· ThiHh' y,•llfhii)Jt K11v "m ,. n y orat.-d wllb pink a nd .. t.. •' '"'"' •• mnrP" .,..,.r•• lt"""m11 rv Jtn•l .t ..... and topre<S with llnv t•~:urr11 nt 'lu,.lln,. H anlli"um )i/triKtiiP ~Jnr a Navy gt'OOm and li141 bnd,. r•ll. J•• Ann 0 <11:• n l!ltlllllrl< loll ' 'T'bf' pretty hr dt• Wll!'i 11\unnllll: Hilly r ttnh-v. ( '"t h•'l'in•· Sha' f••r l11 a ~111 cuatum1· 11111l an o·nlr<l T• mrrv Plttmu1 I "m • 'hlorl" ~:o1 wtt.b tO\.\Cb~a nt I"'"" tl••• hlu.,, a.. ttl •he ancl J~rrv Sh,..-f(••r """ h• r wf'artnr a cor.lgl' ,,f r ardelll.. hrnthc-r. !Tf'nnlll !\lr<1rll"n She 141 Ulf' dau~thl "r nf Mr 11nol lin W A Sm .. rl off,, 11;.1a I .. J B 'd CJ b born• C"'ty whllt• thr jtruloi'n V.hll ' nltla fl g e uj:\ bu bfoton mutng hi~ hr>·l , .. r·• M . Ch I boalf' hla htadquartn .. hu JUI<I eets In ar e ' o rne ro.tum~ from 13 munth~ .,.rvw~: ID Ulf',Snttlh Pttl'lftt· ,.,. thr Otolll•· \-\'tt h IIH·I<h·n I)( r .. rn •rtt: .• '"'" I'\IJlnn nf a R.:l4 I.J hl'rlll <tr bnmh· lortolt.:" rluh, 11 1:'""1' .. r ''" .11 er. H~ Ia lhf' l(ln of ~l r 11n•l Mr• frt .. nt1• mrl r,.r,•nllv "' th•• ''"", 0 . F.. Stur~eell. nh • of A"a rolku nr Mr• llf'll\• l 'h:11 l• =""", •I '' Sturgf'll and hh• w tf,. luoV<' ,. n(tlr ,. In lltf• n• w l\'·"1 ~·torti1• o1 • h olt Wetlmf' n-mlntlt>r lhnl th•''"" WIUI l.)l'rr•· Mr11 Ill"'' h•· ~\ >ll1.11u a war·Ume l'f'rt'miiO) 1111 lhl! "'"'"''" r halrman ""'' Mr~ l'h u l• bad fuhlonf>d h iA uwn Wt·dtlln~ to'lllr\' 11 ,.,.,..,ro•1 band from lUI Allalntlllln •Ill'"' 1 l'm'11prt~lllj( 111•· m •·rulo .. rt hl(• a t•• COin «le&llf'd frnm hi• 1111\'PI• In Mr• ,..lli'·MIIIt:Kit•l Alnll\\.,tl h the Navy. Tltf' couplf' will m&kt• ~fn1 1 1p11 l Stilton ~II • ltln1oo II•· th«''r home In No•wp .. rt Ut18t h W lllttm~ ~1 1 • \\'•llifr•·ll t 'h.o rl•· Stur(tll ll 11latlune'd at t hf' Nav•I I Mra Fay Trauwrm. t.frlt 'fo':lh••l BaM ln 8a.n IJlel(o. lnatrut•liniC t ollln•. and •1 r• .l rlllllt• =""~ [' ununcr Porch Party C' r H \'I'; I; ·1~••1' r\ • n ' ,., ,, ,I ';'\ I ., \ f'\ I ' !Will)' ••• It 11 ~ (,n th, tlwy 1<1l I•• 1•l • •f• I'·' r • r,. f' ''"' t l11 t.J4. f 'I·· v ,. 1 '" •• ~· .. .., •• n, lilted that v " tl l u~ it mort r. \\ I I' •• dt-lic:ioaa all ' . ( ,.1 o '"'" rMnh1 ne It with r • 1 ror .• rh,... Htore Ia ,, , •• ~n I 11'a t~sled. of CCMU'M. t 1n~ ''' •lun n~ tt~·•u• ,.r ~ ' 1" ',, It \ nu havf' l(ll•·~t~. tlio') '' .I "' 1 Co .. o WW. t iate the nr)\~~H )' :tn,l \4t•! ,. ' ' • '• ·~•·· P\ ., •._ f''JI' e-ui'W n1-•• of nut•ltwtr ··nt• tl:a n r • t-ur n '• ,,. ... ~n ..a rtfreahin~t rltm:t:r hl p our r rch '• . ' r ....... , ...... party aervco <AfTt'l' WI" I' ""' •~ell ~ < • • """"' "''' _._ eoiTt'f' u ,.h,.,wn in lh" ol.uvr r>hot..o-'""'• K a thleel1 Sadleir- Atte nds National Aquatic School ( 'h.,!'rn IJV thr local cnaptr r, ~~ ,.,. li:at hlt'"" Sadl~lr lett Satur· tlay h\' train for the annual Red f'ro11~ ="a tlnnal Aquatic School at r·,,.,l d' Alt ne, 111aho, where 1he "Ill t.1kr lhe ln1tr uctor'a Ll'(• SKI tn..: <'f>Urllf'. She will return ~··pt • rr·bto r flral. ~ltl!s S&•llelr wh•J hu -..rved mllril pfflcltnlly .. city ~~~~ guard at tOUt and the Ba y In Nt wport Br arb tlll• .ummer, 1.1 the daugh· ll'r uf Mr. and M rs. John Sart· IPII "hu hnv~ ju11t recently m oved rr .. n.l ="llwport to fht>lr nl'wly·pur-' • hflh•·tl homt· at :I I& Na rl'IIIIIUI., ('••rona dcot .Mar ~he wa1 gnadu· alo·.t frl•nt lhe local high ecbool Ja11t J unl.'. I Y o•• Can Make It I Emp[Qyt(L Q! the> Nrwp<>r1 Bat· hoa Nl!w•Tlmtll IM'f'm to roam all '--------------· 1 over th~ world and lhe htteat hi 1 a ll'l ter frnm F.llthtr L. Nl~lsen. Ia fOrml'r \'&IUt'd tmplnytot' uf thl' Newti·Tlmf'll, who In a letll'r frt•m I Fairbank•. Aluka. wrltta: "~'ve bt·t'n having a wont.IPrful 1 time herr a ot.l enjoymg the slj:!hlll and sctnt'ry. bt.llh uf whll'h an· plf'f'lllful. II'• not at all llkt t httd Ima gined In 110m,. rupt•rt!l lll'tler and oth~r a ltltlt· IIJU~ho•r t 'rn looktn~t f;,rv.·a nl to th•· wtnt•'•· Whtch frnm roll lnoll('lillons ...-t·n't bt-trWl rar m thP future ll ~ h<·· 1-Jtlnnlnjl to jCf't n·11lly cold 111 mg-11 1 1 now lhl' ntght11 a re gettln~ mut•h lshnrtrr gf'ts dark about 11 :00 not real lla t k. but """ul{h '" 1ttll I fhr llghtll In hnn·•·ll· WI' hAVi' ln "'''a r ht avy coata durlnc tbe day tim~ w hen we aN! oulsi\Jt' us lh•·t< Ia u.ually a brlak. dtlll.' "1r1 ' blnwtng The town~l'''"l''' 11.-•·fl' , to l blnk It'll ~oln~e t" bo• o tun~: • ('OMJNG EVENTS '•·ul.t ~111\et su I tmat.:tno· lly I II !'!prtng I'll h M 't' httrl my fill ••f ... ,. St•rvtce Wlvf's club. USO room~. I ''"'' ~n"w and will bo.· ro•a•l\' It> Balboa. 7 :45. Any wrvtl'l' wtft• I ht•lloJ ba• k In sunny ('aJt f.,rnm' 1 ~ 1 Wo•ll'omf', l HNir y• u'vt> hf'rn havtn.: u Ill lit· •WI':DSY.~DA Y-11 chilly Wl'alher, t oo Vt•ry 1111 · Jt.'rl rro .. ~ Workroom , 111 Palm. . I lUIUU.I ~'t'llt~r. n•l deubt .. Bnlhoa 10 11. m 10 4 p. m .. ,ur1..'l:l _ ... ~ _ ('Ill firt•SSI"j.!S. FOR late IUmmet' and early ran.1' 1110 ltulf'.t '" II 1:1'0•111> •·l I ... ,, .. Rt·d Crolilo Wor kroom. 313 Ma·, :rou'U want a clark drtaa r.hat'a , .\!,·au """''!.! 1wnplo· wl ... "'''Ill 1" n nl' IIVI'ftUl', Halhoa Island . 10 II ahftl' and cool T11ia one, which )'Oil '·"' Ant.:rlo·,. n ·•••ntly '" ultt•nt.l 11 m IO 4 p. m., su~ical drcs.'ling!' ~ce~ ~kt :rouraelf, fut11re. the low . 1 it•. Ito br<>litll ll.lll lnJ: prog rnm ~ •·re 1 Rt'<l Crll!l!' Workroom . t:\00 11.1atline elftct and • toh, n~w IJnb and Barbara F1ory und Lte Mrs. S hl'rman E Saltt r and btr mother Mra Th••mu Wright of Tustrn 't•nt••rlluno·J ffii'Jt'.bertl and I(Ut'~~ <•( th~ artll ttnt.l craft ~­ tton of t ill' F'riday afternoon club. Th .. atrutr v. a~ u Juno h• un ••·I'Vt"tl put·lu~k faehlon. Pro• so• Ill "••ro· ~I nw~ 1-: 10: l-11nn. l-1<oli'nl t' ThR\••r Anolro w J Lup· ton. l.m )' Smr.llt'~ l!,•h•n 1-\t'elPr. l'IH I' ,. S n.l\h t-: A ~puuhltng, J. P. l'onpt'r, f' II HtJh:\' J M. !'-h t--art 1 Cf•nr~·· Leo'-' ts. H H . l.u·niiU, \Y. f:. l':IC k••ll. 0 C !\tal'· Kl.'nZIP, Norman Smith, Martha ="ut'lllliD. Op11l f1etcher, Conrad L<lt'i'l h . :\11~~··,; Ly.la t'unant and .lan.· ..-'"'" )Ira J I ' ('nnpo·r wtll entr·rtatn tb~ R<tlon un Sept.•mbo•1 :'1 BACK THE A1TACK BUY ~ORE THAN BEFORE Say It With Flowers from CAROLYN'S FLOWERS 222~ Mari.Df' An. Balboa 141laod Ph. 2.509-,J and n-cetvlnl mort I nalnlntr I ~ "" hy 'Mio.e blddtn wllh thl' hrtdal MrM ('hAr lt· I!IIHijl'ltrl\l!'ol u ... couple wen-Mn Yvonnr Hlum ('USiom of tho· d ull h\ "'r. tnl: ·• aDd Wn Vlrg1nla w r..-arlantl I th••• rt '''"'"'' ll lltl '.,.,,.,. M·- Jack Turlt y Jr .. Ma•ltrs Kf'nnt•lh Aln~wn1 th will ht•l'fl•••u• ltH' I lull Blum and ltoo&rld. Ulum. .lo a mi un A 111111•1 :l4 rar>h ... thf'y are Lot.h V>pa 10 cool S,,ft.•n r•l11tin In ~old .. taor, aM •ttafa~ll<•ll. oli••.,lvr .... tn hnl .-utT~. Add ....,. Thl• ta the llf'aiOn of the yur, ·'"'' ~alt. ~~~r unttl d1uoh·ed~ JtMr wh~11 the WiN wom,n J,.lll her r• I rn1:alorr ;nto ahallo, pall aaca diW lro,.~raV>r work oYerume. A Jco•wrtl '" nfri~rrat.or unltl. lfniP1· a.t ncb a.z: thla appet~•n.r CotJf'l! Whip wtlh rntAr)' 1>t r lectru: beater -eM caa be prwrared Ia the frf'llh, yoonc very ftotr)' and amooth. PoW a. lloara of the -mii'IC bf'fora the beaten l'fCif whlt.ea and beat ...U. J.eet ef Ole da7 Mte IL You'll loYI untilthorourh.IJ Milled. Pov lat. I • ..J .;"' a-.1 delkat.e tataro ••• tt aherbd r l•-and dlW a. ~ .-IU11.Nr _, .. Ia ,_, -u.. Cof· ..,..tor 11[1111 Mt. Gamlaal wtUa -. ()c'('nn avt'nUI'. Ct•mna dt>l :\tnr. kline. The fabric: ia ftavy blu~ 1 u uo·barrer. Opl'n 10 a m to ·1 p.m .. ~ur.:wal ra)'on ~r. ~h~n_yo11 b11y fabrtcs =~~~==::::::::::::::===:::::===========:::;:======~ dl't'l'~in~:s for aew•nr. 11 a ••ae to alk how ft TH.U&SDAY-th~)' ahould be cared for. M,,,l' DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH A.11n 8turr•ll. dau~thlf'nl nf lhf' lloet8, Five Blue Stamps Valicl September 1 Costa Mesa Grange Plans Busy ·week I t ,..._,,,.,lA)' t•vt-n•n~rt \\"" ltt•· 3•JlrCh ld I f••r l h•· bo·JCtnnlni: uf 11 huroy wN·k nvf' m Of'l' bluf' r<lAmJt• ~ .. rth fnr l h1• l'n.!lt~t Mt'"" IOr""lo!" M111 tea poiDt• c-acb 11. t .. tal uf :>41 1 ~'rank l'~t rr<on" ~IIJO 111'"'"~" f••r " polala ••Ill bf' va.llol fur buylnJ: hlll'nburjtr.t hllkr In hrr hom•· pt'OC-d tONllt bo·i:foni~ Srf\tl'm· ,_ Nnrt In lh,. ..,...,..,. ul ""~~I lAte Mr I, IIH4. the Ortlre of Pnce r.ranlf' olanre11 ""'" ,,.. hl'ltl Thurll· Aclllllnt.tratlon annount'l'd I<Jllay I •lay . Au~. :.14 In t ht• Lf'Jtl••n t lloll Tbe aampe Ot1, H~. J l\. Ktt, at 8 p m. • and 1.6-wUI re Cood lndt•tlnltely.' 1 hllowtnr the lntrodurUun of Mr •n•l Mr• \' l,'l l!utltl tol 10-potat fi.anlpe 1-..t F"t>hrullry , Ill l'IUIIa Ana IIVI'IIIU' fuiiVI' had U Ma beet~ the policy n1 OP A to lht·lr h•u•••· .:urst11. M111 J W ..UidMe nve blue •lampe on t he Gray an•l Mr11 Dooald F'ray of ftnt daJ ot aach ealf'ad&r monUI. 1 IJmtt BMc-h. MDJ.S & PARK FURNITURE CO. UIW.ttt.hk S..ta A- JACK'S BARBER SHOP low. Open Ladies' Hair Cutting a Specialty Appobltmeat.. by Photlf'. Nf'"·port tMOO S20 MaiUe A naae Balboa bland, Calif. --~------------------------~------------- LEGAL FO~·Ms FOR EVERY . . • rayon Jabnca u~ ac•~nllfiully ~~'"'' I Harbor Ktwams cluh wtll m,.••l for wuhinr or dry c lr.~mn~. ~.! at &lbtwt·.. Elt'<'lrlr Gnll 12 .15 bur l.tb~l• 11vfn « you ur~ ~nflruc- 1 nuon. tion• s~nd a •ump•·•l. adf ~d•lruHd ... • • •..uc II • ,_s ...,.. r'-• dMn'-Won ..n.. RMi Cm~~ Wor kroom . Il l Palm, envelop~ to tn~ W omen'• D•r>•t 1 &lllOO 10 11 m lit 4 p. m .. sc•,.·· mrnf of thoa 'l~wap~ptr for thr p1r· ing. u r. n11mbrr of the dru a ptCJUr<"d fwd Ct•lf,.;.. Wor kroom. 313 Ma· •bovc-and f~r your copy of a ~~~· 1 nne II\ enuo• Balboa Isla nd UJ 11 lu:t leaflet s~~~cuon auJ Cao c ol Childs-Moellcr Engagement Give n A unllttn• • IHt-t1f t"'' t" • 11 uu•il• ••f 1ft .. •"llt(iUtr.tlll"Dl ul ~It-l't)\1 I ,. I l ui• I• ''·"'"'"'' I • •I ~I t ""'' Mr • l .... •ll• tt•·nl \'ttl l 'nla'U t \ ••nu•· \u U.-t .. •t' 1\ .\1••• lh ' t1f lfiorkr lr\' Iowa Las s Added t o Mesa Family Ctrcle P _.J:J:y t-:v••r•tll \~.II•• 1~ II ,. :u ,. ••hi Ulh t ttw na.~ •· "' Mt.. ~t t-: I I ~•U• k~·tt hu,. • nOte• f rHOl I itotla.na, l ttt'-''U 1n u:.k•• ht l h•U1• "1h 1 h~· '~I• ~rt fRnnl) fthbbv l..A•1H k• :-.~, ..... , ht' II•J •Itlh •; •;•·••rtr:•· : J•'Hl Mr nn•t \f r.-. U uu k~~'Jt tn t h• tr \ nt hu-..tn~lu ''' hU\'IU~ .tn nf•l•r )41""t•t 'n th• I" m II" . I·· C~\ "t1l •tnt••r lh •· t ~,,:~,,. ~f· ~.t ~·pt•ml..,., Br id ~e S ectio n at 1 F A C Meets Wed. ' \!1 • I' A l"ll••m l•• till\ ·•n•t ~~·~ J ! · 1 ~''"' v.tll ~h"r" hn!f!t•"" •n.:-llru J:l' !ll("'f nnn ,., 1-rlollll ,\ fl••rno•"n ( 'lttb nf I'·. •L• ~~"~·• n • "'" on \\'f'dnl'llday """r"'"'" at 1:! JO I •··~,..·rl "ttl pt·r·•··~l,. r ar<l play 1 , t t • ..:u, • "'" .. , ~ •· ( ·luhh"u~· 1 Mesa D e ntis t I Ia~ Rrrn Ill S e r v 1c e M e n 's Wives Pla n 'X' o rk and Fun • • · • R.iYOn H o•;.-·•· m In ·l p m , SUflt'ICOJ d~inJ,::<. Pifot Class1Has Fun At Holtby Home Annual Art Carnival At Laguna Beach 'l'ht> ~una l1••a• h Arl Aliso- • !Ri ttln w1ll hold tit! Thrrd Annual Art l'tlrnlval on lhl" Art Gnlll·ry • 1 ~~<1 m• nih'• ln fl "'"" In Lee \m:rlr" w hrTt' :til lhr ""J!hl" ot· A wondt•rful lim•·, wa• h:~tl ~~~ '"' ~''" w•r•• ''")"Y!'ol. tro•nt ~hop-~VN')Onl' "'11'.'" :\1aJOr a nif :\ft .... Costa Mesa News- 1 11~ 11t l/H hit: 11.•\•••h· ho•ull'l'ard Sha~ I'Oif'f llltnN1 O\'o'l tlw ''''"'< ' 1,., 1,. "'""''•lt.~lll. ;110.,, r at a end nt t hf'lr homl', 17:..'.l l'l:t7;o rio I ,1 •t•··l •1.,1 untl f'hiuat"''n !'<ltD· Sur. ~11 ·'"'' Mr11 Hnroltl Grnuf'l of • '""" plunnl'ol 11,.,, 1,, 11,.. ~Ill·, .Vtstttn>i fur II (,.,, rluy• I• ~rl' 110 n rnlldWAV oro• "n lo·:ln~: a ,.,. . • 'I ,, :-: '" .IUKII l'ltlu•tr.ln. ~nd Vtclnr Thom~on nr 11wma-calion Ill Bl~ ~nr jhlll. \\' .... k . , 11 I lin ton~:l"n L•~•·"'' Okllt .. and with lw r nn lhl' v.·,•,.k· :\It nnd Mr11 FJlt' Morrill a.nd · I f'fld Wll~ h('r son. \'lr111r Th••mp· "'"":ht ~r ;\l arlntn<', w••rf' hnet11 for !<Of\. J r .. of Camp P~>nrn,•t t•n. " f~tmllv d111no>r In lh• 1r """"' 1•n B n d ge E l~htsome Otht>l'>o who !'Jli'OI lhr• ....... k··nrl l!l\tnday.' Gllf'ttl.l! Rhnrln~ lh••l r In Ande r s o n H o me al the Sh nw h<>ml' Wf'rt• Mr li nd hn~rttnllt y ,,.,.,.,. !llr ""'' Mrll F' Mr.<. Hnrnth R.nff, Hun t injlton I. .. ,,..,r :1111\t anct undr' nt lhl' Park. nnd Mr. and M r.-C.rnfiy hn"l ""'' hi~ ~rnndmuthPr, Mr~t '1'' !'I.,, ' ,,, . .,, 1""'1 "''hoe· Bawon of Midland Jl!nniP :O.f•,rrlll nil "' l.l>fl An~"'"" l • ...,. h 'u.:h· • l h··~ rrt,.nd~ •lUI ,_ F ellli\:.Uin _ror 111111 t;!P111p •n· Mr Jtn(l Mr~t 1-'r,.•f H arrl110n. '·' •···h• ""' J•l.•l'• 111 toiJ.:•' 1• 111"nthly. duded dlnnPr at thr T>nll HooM prnprf,.'f!'rto nf TtR IT1tmn'..T f'l11 \ , ...... , .... ,. 111'''1111:1"' r. wu S&turdfty f'Vf'nlng. whilf' ~uoday HOitHf'. 17th ""'' Ontnj.!t 11\'('liOf' ~· ""1 1'' '"' 11"·'1··~• "n~n Ulel ,.vl'nlnli! ...-lUI f'njnyf'tl a t thr ~haw havr JOlJi rtf'<l 1 on~trurll"n "" lh<'.l 1!"'''1" "'1'n ·•l Th• ro l!l'>:"ld~r of l hom .. w ith a bufff'l tll nnf'r bo·in~or nf'w hnm~ n•'ft r thco n•:<taurnnt 11 • •fl•·rn .... " "·•· •;•· I ' •" rard IM'rYI'II. A •r,.·da l JCIIelfl. for Sun· Mr~ \\'tlllnm F. ~irkrll .. r 1'1.•1 " lh J•ll/o ~ 1-•ln.: 1•• \!1JO Ed day wu Mr11: C. A Mlchaf'IIIOn . Rrr>a.lw .. v """ M r~ 1-loorf·nu• 1"' 1 •il 1"1 "1111"' ··.! '•·' • • l>lra. who Ia 1taylnJC tor a tlmt In Fill· ~rtr or 18th 1t~t. art among 1"1 ' .: .. tol•·'' 111t.:h .. "'' R. IJ.l lerton. whllt' f'nrvute to C'~uba tc:> the loe&l W<>m~n arrompA nytn~: I''' 1 """ ·•·• • '"" •" 1 '"· lttwt-join hPr husband. mrmh«'r11 t>f SAnta An& RethPl Nn. ' •• HI ~·lall .. , -·~. Orllf'r nr J.,h'!l DIIIIJ;htrrll lin •.• think of Quality First in choosing your FUR COAT! ~IX N. Broed"·a~· Phone 378 SANTA ANA ORANGE COIINT\''S BUY NOW AND SAVE in Our AUGUST SALE -or-·. FURS! \'ou •~ MIIUTM or'tbe ftnHt Pf'lta. Elll)li'H c·t'allllmanlOhlp and Authf'nlk ~lylln( . A 11maJI dPpo..lt .-111 hold ~·our llf'~Uon BlJ\' ON OUR LAWAWA\' PIAN FOREMOST FlTRRIER TRANSACTION I ll (• .1 ,,., ... t..t I ,,... 1t, I" .. , nhlt· f, ru -.,, ,,, .q ,l'.u tt1ttn1'1 ( f ltH I'R'l '• 11 •lh\ 41 •hh t .. 1ll n ... ,, 1•1 •"' Ill " ~In u . Firat swo,.dflah 1• V&t'atlon out mg 111 Rf',Jirmtl~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II I • \ H11rdt• k Vr·•·· ' \II r· el· Flr!f! Rwordfl.8h of thl' IM'IUinn Mr and ~fr11 Hnhfort I ... ~~ 11( • We ha w made it \.'Onvenient for yo\.1 to lnsui"'E' l'Orr.pllanre with all rt'QUirements of fht> law by carr)inJOt a complett> 'stock of aJI forms and papers ~ed for ~ complt>Uon or f'Very t.ramact.lon. R.-..Mr, tee. thltt W. wwa~tlaatt... .. ) ,....,. te "•~ .,., ·~ all ef ,._,,. l"'lntJnt ~lome '""" • complete fo11r· oefer -pltoetM lllf'intl~tt ,.._....,. t.e the plettnlnt e.W IIIUbiiMiftt Ill the New. T1.,... ef yeur Mwerttll,... Ne _.leatlott will llltl •ttAH~ttM te your ,._. cell fer ) lnf-•tt... ef aAJ II..._ NEWS-TIMES I ,.·'' ... ... I It •h. Uh ~hf H I ttl IIIC,.f•• h'> '-'''"t \\&to uu.t lh•• ht•,,l \\ 1•tlf''-f.,, t...,, ''" J 1, t• .tn' .. , .• , '" r.-•••''•'r' ,, ... -.. t · n •,. '\:.,,. : 1 tl ··~ Ho'*'l New Aide To Balboa Bank ~gr. MrK_e(lhan f' I. llt•hol h •~ '"" • ·•, I , ... ,, Han k •! \J:,o ..-, I '•kr··.: P \'•f th• .. 'u•''"" ,, 1: I• ,C•ntl'l"'11 "h•· h •' •••. , .~ ... , •. n •nt ,,., th. L··~ \'t:•·I·'-Uitt tt '' .,, ""'''' \P • ,.._, f,..,,.l, '" n .At\ ··~· 1 \' t\ .. h:o a II· •t trt, .t "111 t'·• llunk •'f Anlf't ii ,, ttl ~ ... , J'lto• Cl" ~~~ .1111\l•'f' • lo'r k in llt;t.; 1111d "tt'-Jr,,n,.,t r rt ·r,, 11ul Si\•tt:l •A nA 11:0'1 ,, lhrl't• , ..... ll\lo'r n . 1'1\'1 mn.t. ttn """ ,., "' thl' h•lnk In f J!q ·, lind IIIII< ml\,lr JI\I'Rol'l' pro- 1 J.l .,., lhrt"IJ:h \'ltr •'II" .to; ojri .,,, nl>' ••r \t nr hAnk Pnor '" 'f'm1h~ tc 1 111\lt~•a hr ~"" tn ··har,;r ,,, lhf' bank'11 military fartltty 111 lhc- ~itnla Ana Army Atr lialw> Tlw n ronzp Star f<>r h,.,..,,. 14H- ,,, f' tn It IllY luu t-t'rn tl...-11 n'-'1 '" t .. ··h·,. Army ;'I; uri'<' (',•rf'l' ••Itt. et:<O. lhr Ninth ~''"'~" ,.,,mmM .I ~ur· gc-nn, at F ort f'o•u~tlll.• l'luh hu I)H>n lnf""""'' ',. ~·1 ;\1"11 ' II tt .. ·• \:~11 •tt. waa brou~eht Into Newpurl Har· AlllKl st~t have rttumed froiD • ----------------::---------------..., I· ' .,. I• tl m • • I .of•h•n. hor f"rldav artr rnoon. Augu11t 'Wf'f'k'~t stay 11 1 RtJt H~>nr .\t , u h · 1 '" '' .;,, '' "' 11\d I I ~too-.' llllh. b}~ Archil! Jofa yo. f rt'f' lanc-f' p11nylnJ; thl'm ll •'r" lh••~r •llluj.!ht••l \ '' • ' IIi• :..1 "i ~un lly movtng ptdurf' dlrt'<'lor wllh Barhnm. nnol :O.tr.o. l'hnrll'll T lllot· 1 ' ' · '' " .,q,,., "• ' I lUI' to I M (; ;\I an<l 'Warner . Hroth<'rll. nf 1!011 <>f Long llrnt'h. m nt '1• r nf ~~ r• ·I • 1 ~ II '''"' 1 M r11 thr U.•vPrlv \~il~hire H<>lf'l. Hcolly· l..o•nJt I 1 I. I • • k•· t l'o•l '11 Iter Wl>c"l Fl~hlnjt (rum tht' IIJH1Tt· Cmqowntn lllllv Hlntolt'\' nf lh,. . T ,,_,,, ... 'h ·WI'o k lt~hlnjl crafl "ll••lphln." l 'apt:un ="nvv l!i!Op<'no'u{~r" :Jo.fiR\' '''"'' Sc.•ielstad Heirs ('ourt ~ek '" Portion Et.l Offl'rlr . tht' H ~ p•>~ln<l tt~h "ilh hl10 parrnl" ~tr ""'' ~l rll \\ I took only 3:> mlnutr~ to lnn.t .I Htn.~.·~· "' l~th ~lrl'rl 1 ()(fh tala at Nf'Wport Harbor Arro• r: "lhrr ="'" \' 1wro •nn••l lltatl' that lhr ,.wol-dti.8hmJ: ..-fts.\n whn ha.'r '"'''" l'n~ a :\I• "" ~ ll~'l'l ~ Is hill' thuo yt•nr nn.t th·~ ·'"'"•'• \\R!' \\', :0.1 1{. rr hnl!• r \\hn \\'tiS 1' • ., ' N fl ol I •,, tfe to RJI ktnol O( (111hltlj.: Lll~t ~··11r I hi' rt•t fill 1-:ll~'l'l uf ;\lr fino! :\!r~ "· I,., :lit~ ·~ 0 . 1, hl'n l~t\ 11w1trltsh WN'P o!Ctclally Hot> ~k tlo•s "' I'IRrf'ntla &veoue. •· or .• :1. Wt'lj[hl'.( 11n.l rProroll'<l nt ="rwpor t It• I'Jihlll!•·•. i~ •ll•"hl.lll: \ , .... , .o:t •·· 1"•" •rt b\' llnrbn.r, th1t (trill W RJO bmu~hl '"~l'l'h·~·l :ll l'II II I11•J.:••"h'l" lot.'f \\ll• '!I • • • 11 ' 1: J.t 111, Au (Wit h t an.J wl'l~h1•,t 1111 I •••tnnl~ln~; "' ·n 1 ht• ~kth'l' ' .• •· ·' : \l1 • ;:. l•l • • Jl(llllldS. •·au~ht ttf l.1nrk () ="ohlr ""''' """ •• " ••11.1• r .,• ~It '"' • l ' ' 11 'h• ' .r• ~ 11<'l :\fany Jar~l'r (1.-h "••rP /O.f'l ur td · kt!"" . • • • • •• '' :-;. 11 I'• 'l 11• ,. h And I durin~[ th•' toP1!loon. thr hl'a''IPst ,. "' "~''1 1~ 1: ~:'"''" ""''nu•• ~It •• I •'\. •! t .. •·11 lo• 1 •,1 Uwm bf'lnj( 34!1 pnunolll 10 '"''Jo!hl 1111.\ !\lrl'. l l '"'U!''' hn\'f' f'l'lllh· • · 1 'I • ltlo , •t 1 r 'h,.l c-autht by H. E. ('r(•v.·drr lt11h~ll lht lr no~ homl' on Cabrllla ".~.,, flh' •' "" "' .... lu• 8., ~lr<'f'l .... ='· ,..1,,,,, ·''' n c;. WE SPECIAUZE tr============="' ,. ... ·l. ,,. ',. ' ~· . . · ,. .. nd • a· otel Laguna \ I• l l'f'l I ... ~'tl. II illtll• • • 1 • ~t"IJ(II I ;,.,., 1.11 ()ljl HJ ;\' t'oe,•h , Jr C'\'fTI"II•n • hnj: '"'"''r.tl •f thr ~tnt h SN'\·u-.· rumm!ln•• haw ~t all• C.uartl CANNING FR(JJTS Canning Peaches Sunset Room Now Ia 8euoe oa TIIDI AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 11M Newpolt Bh·d. ()oet.a llflM 8aDday Dtanf'r Nooa uaW 8 p.m. ~~~ · IMIHM',.; • eoCIIIttalla ....... ar Pnc- Open to tht> Public HOLLYWOOD 'Distinctive ']Jiwtography at Reasonable Prices For Appointmt"nt Phone Npt,. Bch. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery in the· BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12 :30 to 9 :30p.m . Daily ------.-- .. • t