HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-29 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB SAM Daper Dri\'e. 'S funny how r difficult it is to make peo- ple realize the need for waste paper-its impo11a nce to the war effort. Men and women will respond without hesita- tion t o a request to buy bonds which finance the war, b11t when it comes to doing something personal -that quires a little effort on-their pat't. they just freeze up. You''f'e heard o f the go\'ern· ment L f t'e<'Zing wages a nd p1ici>s-but that is n 't any- thing to the way some of my friends freeze up over a s im- ple little request that they bring io t heir waste paper, and have the kindness a lso to bundle up their old n ews- 'papers and magazines, so they can be handled without too much expense and trou-: ble. but think for a m om ent how much easier it is for each individuar to dig up h is own string, and to tie up his own bundles than it is for the waste paper comm1ttee to do it-what with twine being orr the mar'ket, and labor ditto. for 36 yean the beat advertisinl medium in ~ newport harbor district Buy Bonds to End War Quicker • • • .the / newspaper that goes home IEEP POllED I 1 year • • • • $2.50 Make (*-Ia ...,.... te "'"•n·n,_, N....,.n ._.. Meet Thursday to Map PoSt Wa~_ Growth . . . .._ --. . ·W ·t p· · BJ·~t. f Heip!TwoPeople l b . D .·!County Pe~ce I( 0-----. as e aper . I z or In Ocean; Coast a or ay Officers to Dance orne ·. ut Give your tT e 5 n D1 ays Min PohrtSAt r~ka :~~~::r~~.~~;..~~~;.~!= YE acht~lans :~~:;.~:~.~~;,~~:.::·:::: _$Ideas on S~ending . o a vage uc J oc 1 S£:~:~i~~~::~.~~:~~.:;~~.!: xtens1ve :~,~~::<~:.::~:~·=~:0::·~~::~n:.":;;~ 415,400in Street Plan I Vnrtou:< r('sidf'ntl> n!'ar tile foot t:. n•l••7v• 11e bftllnlOUl. Hall•"' Committee Meets at Call of Chairman Kins-of 40th s tn-ct saw th(. objf'ct and Plan. fuo lht• l.tlkll lla~ ....... k A .:nuut lim .... pn>mt ... t fur f h W k 0 D "I . f D . t t·ull<'d th•· <"oas t g-uanl nnd·the po-1-.1 Balh .... lt•·.:.<tlll hn,:,. ,,..,.1, "'""'' "'"' d,., ..... 'lfl!hll .. rh • .,... """" 1\tost Vitall\lt't'tin • ~~ bo J)i tri t HI..__, at er to or ut etal 8 0 rive 0 II('(', fo1rt', Chit'( (..'Tit<'kf'r and a l-.cl.• by ''"' Jlalho.~ x:u·hr (')ulo nnly walo•h and lhltf'fl will f'lljol\' ' If In .. ar r I c ..... I Start September First l pCttrol car w('nt tu th<' Pnd of 411t and 11""0\1""'" hy " <. llr•·"··r, '' '""·fur n .. n tth·anl~• jln,t h;•l Called for Thia Thurld,ay ·Nia'ht to D-- 1 stn•('i und display<'<! lights, ror the e.Jrman or t lw '·"''' ·~•mrnrtt ... · r ... · .. rttlnJt on'h"•lra will boo ""I J•ost-War J•ro-am obj('ct had ~n "lghtro just at Couumwlur ,. :'>lurk llt•HI) v. til ht' hand tu J>n>vldr the mtull<' l'ro a• At a meeting Monday noon at \Vhit.c's Cafe. Balboa. the dusk, whill.' thl.' roa~>t cuard crul.wd lilalt 111 a hMh•·•·uo· luncht'<lfl to IX' i:<"'l• from · the a f ra i r will I Paper Salvage committee worked out plan~ for a blitz to be thf.' art'a until 9:30 p. m., wMn 1...-v<'d Suuda~. S.·tllf'mbo:·r J . f roM ~" lntn Uwo hwu~,. fund, whh'h KN'n lnfl"n"Sf hns cievt'lopl'd c1ur1n~ tht-Wt!lek In the meet- put on September 1, to gather thousands of pounds of waste thl'y found a 55·gallon oil drum. a p. m. to 5 I' m to ull ;.ktppo•t!~ Ia now duwn t,, bfod·rork bf><·aull• lng L'aiiM for thlH Thurtklay I.'VC'fthlK nt the dt)t baJI at 7:3() paper in the harbor district. The session was called by Chair-&>hind It was a .buoy flac. which Uld crt•ws ol hoots ra(·tn.& in th•· "' '"" ~""''~ ,.,..re elnt·tt lhr tut lo'dock, wh<>n th.-Newport .&nch Plnnnlna Caaunlll6on wUI man Sam Kinsfather and Assisfant Director A . B. Rousselle had .riven the 61llprt>ulon that Labor Day sc.•rh•s. · I ""~11 p~t for th.-ruunctl the ~ram for h:J! ......__ · · · IIOITICOnf.' wu waving .. • 'nle boall Tht• S('hf.'dul•· fur th<' thrf't' day I• antJ bf'ln1 •nt nut In t t 11 h 1...-. traY _.,.v.w-and lt was dectded to have central places of deJX)Sit. R. L . llf'nt up tlaru and conun\Md ..-atta IS u roiiO\lS; . pm•J'<'•' IVf' buy .. re and Ulry may nlt'n •• " J'elflt K t .... and ~aut ncauon ot dllltrtd .. - Patterson will have c hM"ge of llt'archlnc for AO~M Umf' but coWd f Sa rda _ . . j at .... .,. pun-ha_, from local otrl· outlAy lnvolvtn" tbe expendJ. + + + that end of the campaign. ~r wt.ll thl.'n IX' haulf'd to the pe· find nothinc f'lw. . tu y. St•tMmbfor ~. 1 ·30 ~ non.. 'lure 0( $415,400. tlw a...ctJnc RaUolalD«-What a furore Harry Welch and Franlt Crockl'r ~r-mllls. . ~start flr-.t rll<'f' In l't'rM"II aU Tom Murptllne flit lh<' rmanty Pmvlalon o1 a po.l w11r prc:wram Uon Ol'ftler. )'achU.. _. ._... over the Wroolie report on ~ntf'd the following prorram" Coll~tionll Win ~ made by th~ ' 11 5 nunut~ intf'n.•ull<. IW'' ahf'rlfra '"""• Ia pruktent ot lhe whJC'h wUJ ht>lp JJrovlde "mJJioy· p • rationing----"'r Jack of it in . . ldty on ~gular days as foll9ws: Fred Shand Clllnd raet>s start Ill :1 ::.0.'). rn !lin · .......... _'"'" n. ancl ottMrr otflcere arf' m<'nt for l't'tumlna urvil't• Jtl('n, ~a' • I ...... ........, ~ Salvace Is VItal. Ev~ry advance Ba.lboa aa4 Newport-from the Mr. 6:30 p. m nun<"tng, wtth Of"· w R ..__ onf' ol thfo vital 'f'dll o1 thfo • .,,.., .... Canada But the ro>nnrt a made by our annoo fo~s in Eur-a~-"' h Sa A --.. S:JO I Ry ... ..,..,.,, llhf'rtfi'I otflr ... 1 nr rom The Importanc-e o1 Majar .u.ta · · -r-. . . . • vu-water to t t' nta na ...-tra. · P m . jllnlnr peat pno .. dfont . T L. Wlld munllv. 11nd thr m .. #ttn~r rail ad tor In thf' •tf'ftt .... .._. aMI --•v few days ago in the L. A. o~ or'" th<' Pa<"lftcalbn~gs grcrrr rivl.'r-~nda7.. Sunday, St'ptf'ml>f'r :\.thin! rnC"''. vwr -pno,.ldmt Anah<'t~ r hirf ";; 7 :.0 Thul"!!da> ••wnlna '' • pubUr ...,-_........, Times from their Honolulu :~ mo~ ~f~~~tki~~. or ~v ll,le U.O lal4l. Balboa bluM~, Banor w II G r=·ao p.m. ,.~ourth raN'. 3.30 11 m.l pollr"; <" w.' ,._lherly, lhrritf'• orw. anlt will nfff'r •lf)f)l~tunlly for !:.,,'::::~;ru~-::~a~ COrrespondent escaped Wl• p8pt' . I ....... Coroaa del JIIU" aa4 e t r. 6.30 p m ufflrf', W('r'f'tary·ll"f'AeUrH }'rf't· 1111 intrn't<lf'd d t bt'llli IO ('I"C''Wnl QUII'-wtfW\. ,.,.. l'ilttt1(....., noticed: A newsPilper re-! If the~ was t'Ver .a llme wht>n I N-lJO~ Jlelclt&a-Wedae.· I Q 0 Mond!ly, Si>Jltl'mhf'r 4. firth rnn•, ''11'1 Tun1.-r, attnmry, dl•trlrt ••· fth .. ir vlrwa on thf' aubjo'f't . m11111 he 11t1tfldent, llued CM the porter said that no~hmg was ;~r .he.l~ wa.~ ~eeded.,Jt Is now. The la)'ll. ~ m. Sixth· rrH'•'. 3 ·:\0 I' m.[rum..y·e offk'f', llunler l.r••·h . .,.,. fo'nlluwlnr llf l'"rt of thr n·pnrt volumf' n1 lretnc uiUmatf'ly to..,. rationed in the Islands ";th crisis IS bl'rt . lnvaston ml'ans lht' ' If In nero of furth<'r informa·l I . 6 :30 p m • ~rant "'·"nNI· Ranta Ana pnlkr Jl"'llfll'l'd hy City F.nalntf'r n. I. ftt'f'HI'1lrnodatf'(f tlln ex""ptt'on of gasolt'.ne and vse of trem('ndously tncr~a!'('<l ton· I liOn call Nl.'wport 82. A . H . (' \\' I .... IIArtnlf'llt '' r l'allt•n<on whlr h will bfo fonnallv 1"' ·-u I -- liquor. How come? Here we which ~lv~tg~ mRif.'rial« piny l'O All mu.«l help. According to thl' n na 0 IS • malrman nr lht• hutt~(' ('llllllllll ·I ..... ("aft rom Ill Roard nt P',quallr.a· "7"'~"'' t' ,~,. Nlmln, lnf'f'lln.r . ._..II)' ror thr u. ., u.·.....,."" " '-"' nag<'S of ann!l and suppli<'S in I AU Ml»t ae.p p enry li'V'mnnn v. til ~··rv•• · l'rman a u... I n••· # ,.., ro.. w mportanot _ ,... arc told a ll the time that l tm rtant a rt Lora! Salva 1.' Drivl' CommittN' t.e until ht' OIJlJ"""'nwnt '' r .. , m · lion . c-•~ Nf'Urhwllllllf'r, tn1et,... nn 1 " P unn ng •-omm Ntlon anol JIUhllr •ti'H'UI Is u foUows: some of our rationing is po pa · 1 R L i~ 11 g. s Kl r h ' ally confol'llwd Tiw cluh houw Sllntn Ana ,,.,,k,. df'l'ttrtm""' m••mh••ra ~ thf' <'OIJrwll ur~ow 11 I 1111 Thr avallebiU\)' ot tJw cau.c;ed by Jac k of transporta-I Need •• Gre•t ·a~d A.,:. ~~~lle.8~!'~ ~u~~:; Fr•'<l Shand, 109 ~th sl~l. son will be OJM•n 1ilnl~ until funtwr no-, ,1"'1C'' "11 '':1fl8ncoe "'that rlmf' ., .. ,..,. trw nlOYI"' tratftc ia o1 t' th b I short \VI,' mUS\ have incr('as<'d qunn· Ia libcrul supply of WtiSit• pap('r or Alf'C S. nnd Mllry n. Shand, re· ticP. With lhlllll'r Sf'I"Vt"<l 1-'rldu~ s <lty. UntwU. A_,.,. . -flrat llfljiOrlanClr. . JOn--<> ers Y rea • tlli<'s of ~aste ~J?f.'r-for thous· turnro in now. Mor!' •supplil's cetVI'<I th<' :o.'l'ond hit.:hf'st mark In Saturday un(r Sunol~y ''''''""'1:".1 df• h Tho• ~:mv.•rh nf N••wpott 1\f'•wh l hi .,,..,. avall•blllt)' ol tratr'le ~~·of t~=~~~:r~ lnnds of direct mtiUJlry US('S 'llfld must go out from the PacifiC coast the• July <'XaminRIIflnS ror l.'ntrance with Mr. anlt :o.t,-.. 1-. n lhllnuon \ wor IS ,, ll~)ollf'l'(l Alllntllrlltloona point to ,nut Olti'VIng Ia of lei'Ond.lmport· -~ for packaging food. mf.'dlctn!' and and I!OI'Tlf.' supplil.'s are bl'lng h<'ld to thf• U s. !';nval A<-ademy at Ia dlaTlW of ltll' gnll•·y and bnr " rrq•llt ~otTowth artrr thr wnr llnf'r the islands must be shipped 1 muniUon&. up waitina propt'r proti.'Cfion which Anna polls. according 10 a telf'IT'8m . ----Many prooplf' In thr nm1<'d IW'n.•k•• ,.., Any availelale llrwi •· there from the mainland. I lt Is our tum now. We at home I comes from t.M materials made 1 from Cong~sm11n John PhUIIpa. \ 8 • • 1 fmm •II parh ot thf' rountry h11vr• parity, aftf'r all the rftO!rinllNI'fte Possibly a Jot of mutton must put on a wast~ pept'r blitz . out of waste paper aalvagcd by you land will tht'rt>Core ~ clllible for lf: Marmoset, eg•nnang lrlthf'r ,....,w hf'l't' nr vltdted tht! Ill '!'*" ce,... Gl, ............ ~es (rom Australia, but to block the Axil and Japa. Every I and tumtd Ia to btlp &he boyl at appointment to one ol two VIIC!M-t"tt)' arid ~ U. JUlltancl· ~: " ...,_ -wfiat about butter, canned ICrap ot paper, particularly news· the tlctadnc fronll ao they may do clee In 1~. t. • 4 O M k S · Inc Y••ohJ.Ioc "~ ·~tlnMI hllr-.,,..t: to p~~rkilt« rrl prlyat~> \'<>C7Ctables. ham and bacon papers and m&gazlnl'S. is nf.'cded to their job mo~ quickly and with I Youn .. Shand ~~ 17 "<'arll old. Hc • z., a e ' c ·. hor "' Am••rlf fl II hnlda nn VPhlrlf"' In ft~I'K'f' With • -c. k k " # H ) 't llr>l•t'l" 1"""''1"" 11n1l ''"" oftt•r nt · ""' 1.,.1 •I flnlltll'l o1 ... _ l-and fresh m eats o f all kinds, rna (' p8(' ages to proii.'CI ann~ IX'ttl.'r SllfNy. Thf'rl.' mUlti IX' no "'as bom in Los Angclea and has I d 0 orne In .,,...,, .. ,, ""' ''"'"'' '''"'"''"'"' '"I o:Jll:rkilll/ t ' ... ~ ~"' w hich cost a lot o f ration and a':"'\"unlltOn food and SUpflhl's, ,l<'l:u_p in the now of guns and am· l>f't>n a T't'sidl'nl or N<'wport &ach ome on s an I SoCIIII>•III ('ullllltnht pol.nts here t'n the good old ,medlctn(' and wur matf.'nals. mumtlon rood and stoT't's -ml'di· rnr thro•f' "<'nr«. "rnltu~ttin .. from ln•~·'""'lflll · To t•ummM'C'IIIIJMI'k· .r ,.. • •tltl' ,,,.,,. h u' •• ,, ... ,,,.n,·~l n IJrio. U. S . A. O r don't we con-I \\'a~hin~;ton urg<'s tha t gri'Ht<'r cinl' unci mal<'rials n('('dcd to carry tht> N I' w Jl o r t Jtar~r J]nion A vll!ltor t .. th .. s .... ttt n .u,.t 1 ... 1:" '"''I• ""' '" r'••l'ulutt•ul "'"'"1: '11ut~l Tu '"'"utlflNttlon. emphasis bt• pu.t o.n colll'<"lin~ o. ur.bo)s to nn l.'arl>· victory. Mok1• ll.i~o:h school this !>pring wi.th lh<' rom"•ny ~alttr·'ay ..,1,..u,, 1.,.,..,111 Madtn ,..,.m,frlAh sort• '"'l:llllun.: 1 1 11 1 1 ~ider Hawaii as part of the 1 1 1 ..-· " u ~ '" h11 u ... Jlff'r" nt Ualhun. flv•· 1 •·· "111 '"" 11 Jm" 1•'11"11~ 111'' I'"' kllll( bo ,.,,,. of' tht• main tnal· • < < • hmwn paJl('r. whtch mc:lurll'l-l'tll • It ) our >Us nl'ss to jon m th<" hrghNct !t<'hola~llt' n'<'orct m th(' nitty ,.,811 In in\'rrr"' rntl .. 1 , 11 .. 1t1,11 Ill•· \\',.,1 1 ·"'"' "Ill h""' "1 11,. t•n.t•l•·m• In Nrw1_.,,.1 .,.1 U nited States any m ore. and ru~;atro und oth<'r hoxl'•. wrnpptn;; Wast.<' l'aJ')('r Blitz whwh •~ now clas.tt. ; 111u . wu Micu. " ttn\ 11,". 1o n :~~~~~~;~~~ r.:~~."'':?'..;!, ... ~,·;;~· ~.•tt::~' '·"K'' ..:1"" 111 In ''"' 1.,.,1 "'·" 1 •. 1 n1111 • .,. 11 i" n l'rr-.~lnl( ltnJbWnl not bound by governmental paJ')('r. ba~"· <'I<' It •• ht!l~tf'r and ~Ia:' Ill~ nnct rf'm<'mbt•r ~·" mu~t ill• wns c:Jnss t•rt•,ul<'nl. and win· 1 manno11rt. whu twl .. nc~ 1.. • ,, k r 1 1 hn: "•I 1 '• """"', .. r No·w1wwt 1 \.·n• h t n 11 h• ,.1111 n••v••r hr cirp.-nllrd N'gUiatiOnS WhiCh the rest Of hardf.'r tO handle than nl'\o\!<op;IJX'I'S ha\C' the W8St(.' p3Jl('r IIOW &nd In nl'r<tf lhC'lot'I'\'ICf•OJ"IIrd fOr('XIrll' Jrvnr, WP"'WIItod Wrtt.-r lllo'c ol t••;:,: ;::,~;--;'IC ,.;•·;;;:, Murillo l11 ""''"l••lll.m J ~" 1\llt.:•·f,, t• II UJWIII for lho• M>luriun nfiJw J)ft tk· the nation is compelled t o Ob· and ma~OJ7tnl',, llml 1!-I'•JIC'<'tall~ ront.tnuou .. flow as long 11" thf' WRr currll'ular art i\•ttH·~. :tmon.: which l iM Turquuh•r. llHII••a '"'"'"' II'"" 1111l•••• ,., , ""' 11111,~1 •I-'"'"'' , '"" 111111 mntur V•·l•irl-tr~ln•l n<'<'df.'d R 1 11 1 lasts · 111111•·d a• tho• tror.t1y t.# An·hi·· "' •· • .,, serve? This w hole rationing · · 11 •11 ~as c• Jllcfll'r Is • • wns htl' work ~~~ ••<l11nr of lht'• Thf' llttlr frlluw "'"~I" '·'" · "'•"' An ""'"'""' "' r••r••llurlon .,,,..~,,,.,,11, hf'f·n11.,. lltt•lr ''"JMclry 111 pr~ram h as lx-cn S('I'('\\'Y . ' , .... ~• t• poun< " ull on t h(• tn\'OJ!'oion front' of t ho• sr no nnnw~ "'. <;II ltvm Thl~ fuur ounrf'tt ~nil i~ '"'I" '1•·1 ~' ,. ,. "h•, lnmltotl • 14!• l""'flf\t•r urt 1-:d· "' I ., ·•!•~·· ( ·.,,. .. ,' "" "'~" "' :-.;~...,.' rt .. l(lrl(thlr; anrt ~~~ ltrf' vnr llnt .,.,. ... wanted ('\'1'1"'' nns hi 1 r \Vhtlo• our hoys an• .:1\'tnl: lhl'ir h 1 1 'J'I 1 I :\1.""· llnllyw1Hifl movlr ctlro~·lor . fl·om t~e start-and ~ms to ,oft'tt~r<' •~ th~ pm~;rnm fnr :-.;, • ..,. Atlantl<' a n(J Padfic. k t ~~~ ~Ntrl'h sumnwr he "' nllllnt.: the Alumni ••nlor. "'·tt h tufi.JI M '" 1111\' ·' ft ,,,.. tJ(f,.,J,.'• "'"'' f)nJphln nfh•t 1~• 1"'1' ll<ll•h \\Ill '''"'It ''""' ''"' IH~""''' ltulll "''· llwy will br u-1 he ~cttmg m Ol"(' comph cat<>d, ,port Harbor : our !'OUI!-and ask our~c...J\'('" ,r Wf' Nl'""· n ~nntltly Jl.'tJlf'r which ,ha ln abovr hi• "~I " ,. "''', '" ''"'llmt: mlnulo"< Thi~ w"' Mu''" ''""''',1"1"11 .. r ''" '""' ,\llc•·l··, '"' "'" •nnv,.,,l..,, ... "' luc•l reel· d . <'lim!' out wrth thl' ftn~l l'dltlon Jut a dark ahtlf' h<ox, tw "·'~ , ·. '"·" :uuf he• ,w.,. Hll jtllt•ry "" :o Su111,, Ar111 Fr•~·\Ouv 111111 1.,.., v.nr tlt•nt• ('\'Cry ay. + + + Harbor PrOftTam art' ma tl'htng th('ir d fort hy tiotn~ W!'l'k. :tnKry at hill lmJirl''"""•''"' l'o•l nt<l\'1<' , ..... lrM .... ,.r ,,,., .•. , .. ptn••nl Ill ll.on•r••rlntlnn \\'lth lh·· '"''' ,., r•nrltin~r n ·r••· all "'<' <':tn hf'r•• on rlw hnmr front ' ••• • G A . -Sort of had l'ut all pa Jlf'n. a nd ma~a,o:rnc·' tn SJ)Ort,. Wf'lf' tnduci•'<l in hill rhatlert'd •hrllly 111 " '"''. hk·· 1111 Aur.u~t :l-t Wnltt•r Bs,n, 111 I'·""""""' "' :o11plootw ,,,,,., II Jutto111• ttu• 1,.1111Jrutl molur llnlb· •M ga.tn hundll's of rou~:hly 50 pounlt~ or Mr1< 1;, 111.1:•· K n<uN~ n'ntl little sC'hool nrlt\'tllt'~ unci h•· hns thr('(' " younlf 1-lrd '·"' ,\rwd··~ 1,.,.,~,.1 in 1111,. w.:,1:h 1, 11111'"1'1"1' '""' u,, . .,. ''"'"lulol•· J,.11, ,.11111111r '"' IIOIVcod until "tlf•· an irlea that when \\'(' u SN'! nbout. om· foot hi"h lit'tl with II'I L••rlt, fur fontbHII, hiUikl'tball and ~leUt'd from ""' .... '( "' 1'1":, •. , ,, I• lolly lllldo•l•l•••l '11H·y '111111•• trff·Mitt'f'l , .. ~lilt'---a.-··· h f. t r ... !'110 ll;ovtd. who hll\'f' ht>l'n with 1111: 1 ~'7 I•Oitnlt!t, ('ftllj;hl In ~'\ 111111 ' ........ "" up t ose trs gas r a lOll l-tring or wirf', nnything that w1JJ ,1 •.. trork For amu,f'mf'nt. hi' ravon vi-ed bvl!tanrt .. rro " "' uti• ,. ,11,, ,.~1 th•· l)ol..hJ• <>n 1 .. _ •11111,. ,.,,.,,,,,.,,,. tttnSJit• ju~tlflr·ttll"" 1111 vi•lt~t book · ht d " n• n.rauM' parcnt11. Mr. and · " t"' ·~ ,,.. • s. we mlj.! see-an en . k<'<'p bundl<'l' tnlact. Thf'n tllkt' sailin~; and SWitni'QI(Ijt. I but etlll IICOidf'<l AI hum· h·· I • ''" It W. ~ brn.tli(flt ""' .ott lh·· llllf')l'fiVf'ln••nl• v.hirh ""' Uutlhtl' of Major .............. of the progrnm. But the for~ lh(' bundii'S to your nl'llrt'SI gi\Jlo· ~:;~j.:h:;. fr~ lheH~:':r~'wo ~=-~ Tht'l ran ht' intl'nr11' to attl'nd," Cllf<'. but at tlmr~ Ill 1(1\ n ' ' ' ~;:off .... \.ibba' bn.1t, C')·J)f'rltslll' ,.,,, '"'' •mt1t·1-1Ukt•n Ill lll'\l'lt!J•IIII: A ''"''r of t•Jiir<tlnc condltlona tunes of war dC'C'n>ed oth e r· lint' station ':''h<·l'(' 11 wtll bl' ptckl'tl rPtumt'tl to thPtr hom~' tn f'hoenb school to l-IUd)· for tn." <'ntran«'f run of lhf' houflt> Thr t.lll· 11 "'"'•r.h•'ff 140 pountts lind tuok ~~~ :o '·'"''""lot 1111•1 r····"•ntuonnl 111 ,., ttntl 1111trlr prohlmuc In the Nrw- wise. and the urgent need fo r up by th<' city truck or pluC'I' thl.' All:r. Monthly. · l'llllmtnations. thl' C'hOicl.' of a 1 "fNluru are inqulr~lllvr nn.t ,. ""'"'''"' 10 l•nd. Jnhntwlfl 111 ''"'" '""' '"' urlwr' "lul'lt 11111•1 ,.,. •~·rt '"'" llnllw111 ctl~trtctA hale J,..l high octane by the armed bundll's near tra~h·contmn('r" ancl 1 __ • _ school depl.'nlting on thf' rt'Com· t.eiUrf'nt. •net In Anulh A ll ,, 1 , 11,,,1111~11Jfl Par11. '''"""''" II""' rm rl,.. ~"'"'' wnr 1• 1 In o·o·1tttln lt<'tlf'ntl •'<ll'lduaJoftja rr· forces precludes any letup 'the C'ity truck will pick up th<' hun· Th<' F.wr<'tl Nunan~ or 36th nwndation or Cons;rf'l•-"mlln Phil· llre m~d~" Ultf ot by thl .. v··• t• • r 111 Au~tW~t z-1 Mn. fo'rn111.,., 1'"' 1:111<1111~: thf' nu1jor at !"Mil, wtllrh until both the Huns and the dl<'s ancl takl' thl'm to .thl' city ~trl'l't Hrl' f'njoying a vbil from lip~. UJlOn entran~ to thl' aC'ad· thetr tiny •lu f'nllblr~ th•·m 1 · l'uiA'o•ll 11f Loa Anl:rw l•ndr·•l ,, •:•t•llnr l':trN't f'OfldltJun• uro· "' f.,IJ .. wll: J r ked Gl d t •dump where thl'y will bl' storro Mn:. Bruet:• Parso~~ lind hl·r l'my hf't'XJlf'('t!ltOIIpr<'illli7.f'lnma· ~nter a room lhroujt'h a l nlldl "I' t:oiJ•MJnllrr In onr hour llnlt "' ,,, ,, ..... , IJIIII•·t-n rnny hf' I• "'' Tlutl ('oflat IJout.-vlll'd, thr aps are IC · a 0 stC . . thr('(' l-nnll, Don. PhlhJl. 11nd Gor· rinl.' <'r~Jtint'f'ring pcorturf' and lff't ure va luat,t. ,.,. · •' mn111.,.~ from 11. s. r.rahmn , .:·•• "'" ... fix•"' I 11111t rlt.:ltl . Th•· I""" II•"' I(III<'Wa)' from the Wf'llt more common sense injected I until a good supply I~ on hend. Re· I don. from SAn Gabril'l Thl' two ,of jewelry. SoU'IIt), tlw· tint brntJ«hl In ··~ .• 'I"' "' .o hllllltll( lnnrl ""'' I l'~tllltCIII '<htH tlti.Jt<• lmproYClCI a a a four·lnno' though, with opportunity to ml'mbl'r-til' Rll bundl<"s. Tht> pa-l girls ar<' sistl'rs. Hlol nam... Mlco. m•·Mn• · t•' 11 .,.omun t~ ..,_, ,1". ,.1 ,1 ~~~·••. ho" ,.v<'r. 11r•· , "" ltl.:hwnv with pllrllll•·l s-ri& Inc 11n1l npply for new books at num-~-------I Body of Boatman 'monkey." Tt .. · lnf'ti'IOI r .. h Wall t'ltlllo:h' ~'"""\' 'hnnl(lnl(. 'lltr JII'Uhlr•lll ,,, lh•· ···llllllnr·ntlon nr II Ol'ftter ptuk-. e rous places all over the har-I G B k R I • • ""'l'l.ov h)' v. Wayrw Krrttt-11111 .. r ,,,, ,., pl.onnlnJl 1-'" llo·lt•nmn·· ,, Wit\' bor . Still can 't help wonder-i as 00 'equests ·Who Fell Into Sea, Mn. R. H. TIIghmun an<l "·'''''" S:ou III<'J!" .. •rictlf'd ll.1 Jl'"lll"· l•"'lhl·· lho· ultlrnalr 013lllnlltt ll '"' 111111 Ct•ntral AVf•nue frtlfn ing though where all the gas tera Coni and Sunny of I'·'"" a11•! ''••k nv .. hoQn and 1:1 "'"' 11 ;ollt< r.~ofl \lhh'h rh•· •trr•·t ,,, 1-'illl•·v rtvf'flul', N••wport to ·rr comes from that motors I ' S prtnp, and Mn~. Slt>lla T:ot '"" .. r .,, ' '" lot "'I: to J~ W~ttklnll' '"'"' ''"' r1111} ,,. n-.(ulro'fl '" <'lit I, ,,, ,, '1''"' lhtlhon. t~hti4Jict be wldrrto .. 1 thousands o f visitors t o the N L I s ·Washed AQhore Hlrley, Ariz, wr~ g\1''''' ,, I \1t·ll ..... ·~ . ,,, lllllllt.;llf ,olo• lli'Ntt .. l 1111111••\• "''" '" provlt1t· ftltar trall'lc lant•lf beach es-to the m ountains-t t ~ wll'ek at thl' home n( \It ,, f l\!:nl11o ,.,. l"l"r lhlro yrnr th.oto '"''"" 111 ''"'~~'IJ•IIIIoro nl '"''"'' "1111 1"111111t·l I"Jikinl( In rl'lll•l<·n· and to "\'""'.' oth"r pla·f'VI of ow a oca ores . \fn. D. T. lll'rtH·rt. :o:G \\'••I J.," "'"''II'"''""" h~t~l '""'" IC""''" '''""'''""' tlul '"''"' ttrtd rtln~o:orttcl Jlllrklnl( ht "''' • ' '" Tho· h••ly "1 Lt>"nnrd S. Klap mlnater 1111'<'('1 , Nt•wpon II•••' • "' ''"' ''""' ('•'loltttl "'''1111<' 1.-1"''''" \'11o 1''1'1'"''" dt,lli<'l~ wlto•tt• fl'"~thlo amusement right along. Mo-', .•. , :lro r; lr n d R lr, \A•hn WIO' l.od• 111111 "'""''"" ''r• It "' "'•W '"'" '"'•lllllflq llillll ,,, II I''"''''' tors getting worn -cars tlr""""'' sun·~"~ Au~o: t:1 ... h,.n h• L """1,.,,1 1,, .. .,111,., 1 .. , ,111\ ,,,,. '""k"""' "' n·,l•l•·"'"'' .. ,,.,,,. breaking <iown. hut tho!'<' FIJr the ('(\fl\'f'ntrnrl.' of th(' r•''-1' port houlf'\'ard; Cuunlr")' Cluh f•·ll fnom lilt' F.\'IH \\htlr nn II • G t v· ·d T I '"''' "' flll tfto Il l ' "" .,,.;., ''"" •.. ,, 'l1 tn l '"' .... ""l''"'''lll• ,,. "A1 ' C'C\rOS r an lx' m ad(' t o 111'nt~ of th(' harhor dil-triC't, lh(' &r'\'1('(' Statton, A II 1\o"m;mn ft~hln,; t rip With a .:1"111' "' l•l IOns e lVI a e """'' ,, ""'""'} .......... l.ol• , .. , 111'' '"''1'111'' ,,, '"' ,,,. I rn·~l lo stretch tran~portntion 0 \'('r IC)(·;rl rOJtton llf'l.1rti 'ha~ fll·~h:nOJto•d r.rni'f'T·y. Hout<' 4. B••x ~ll/1. 1"" 'tn)'ln\·o•,.,. from lh•· t' S I~' ,.,," 1,,, . .,,.nt 1 •. 11k 11 "'" "' th1H ""'·' "'''' '"' "'" long rli,tanN'" still O r somfi · th••'-'' "~'''1•rnl rt'ntraltv IOf'ntl'tl A t.:t l'ltt d••;ol "' ttm•· r·a n h•· l~·r "'1111""':>'· 1.•·~ Alii:•'•,., """11' · 1· ... t Jl.,qJ,, .. ,,d "'" , .r '"1 '11•• "''''"''"''''' ••f '""I'' thing .. ' . . . • -ro•~a,:ti,~trtbiii111J:a,::l'~l~fnr lho• MIVI'U l ••r••\'I'I'~Oill'lf•rh•·-r· form .. lll<hHr<• HI'"" 1'"'1 "' 41!<1 ,.,,,,.of Boy's .FI"eld M ·es's "·'· · .. 1"11'"'~"·, .. ,, 1::, .... :" ·~:11' ...... , ........ """"''·I ·I """''n + + + "A" Rnrf .. 1)'' rntJnn n ·nt•\\'ttl npplt-ar~ oht:dntld :tt placrt ... thrnu~llfHJ1 ~:i It'• 'l·, :-o::tt•n lay tJJ "'.!!!.~ ,.,;. .. ''''' trad 1r.th ,,,, ,· '"" '"J ,,,., l"'••k•n•· "' ,., ' ,,., .... "'·''. H('l.C' · carinn<:· thl' :trt•a . t't•fl1pl•·tPd ,.J h~tnl•• a nd rr•t•nl f,,, ·• tv..olttu lt••·t•"'·'' "''" '•' 11•·•' 1'11 11'' J•tt•··~ '11"''1tl No Foolishn~li. II I~~ f 'nrona df'l "ar-llt'nnOJn'-"~tOJr· ma.IIPd 111 lhf' r;111,.11 h•.,.fll ll• • ''"""" '" aau k ••.nn"' '\II• • J1 "' II• I '"" k1n1• ·n,, " th• 11,. , 1" " ••'· "1 11" 1'' • 11 '""'·'1'"" \\·h,"t onnntthlisht'rtl'S ll' k 11 \1 k J> k 1 tl 1 1 1 1 t 1''"1·1•11 ,,,,,, ·,,,,.,ll .o~tolll.tl " '-I ' h .f't. ~An '. n.t r t .. .,roo 101.:" n.•(',~ll'" tht' "A" anli 'JJ' to · 1'1\llii.: l •· 1~1 ,,r 1t !:,, Jenrt~ t Jlfl)"'''' trll ,·.ti•V .t\ 1,, •.•VJ,.•f' "'1~. tom" ..... ,;tnd tn:lke"' I l"m \ ~ S <' <:>< " • " II I ( II II t I J I' I I . 1''" 1• 1 111' do 1111 1 ,,~ .. -,,'"\ ;an•~ty ."'lun· .• TO\\t'l ... ., ... ~f'r'\'l('l',ni'V.'311' J.:Oing toplfl(t• It trtrnf'n• lt' ,.,, •• fl H· ,. 0 lOtl~t·. f rt•r· IC'IW thP m•·n ,., n•u till• I \" •I f ff1rl•• ,, d fh•· trnp .. rtsUHt< ,,, ,. tf I ·•rl• I Jfl,td••rt••'· ,,,.,, .t Jik(• it : SIOJiton, P rdwl and<~";'" ho.:h· ltou• \\cork lo:orl on'"",,.,,, nnd ""''" 11•·1·11 It•· , ......... : ,., ...... f<li'Ct"lll.'llt out Jn lh•· r ... t<l f ol I .. ,, 111'111"1 "' ,,,.. q •r-\'11'1'. lrolll• '"'""'"'";' "' \\•ll .o• '""' c Thl' husinf'S!' :anrl roitori::~l way. voluntf'<'l '1\'nrkf'r< uf tho• ratt<lll tao,. ••lllv "11' ,. a nd " f•JI••w t•• tht' mohilc• kltch•·n' """'"''.I " I' ·=·· fi•·IO "" and 'l'otn All·,, .• \• I\ "'"''' ''"''' I'""'"'. lo, llo• h•"ld Evangeii.SI t~ms of fhr S ii\'CI' Cr~ck Balboa bland -Allf'n'" J>hnnn· • '"'lll:•'r "'"'' \.\ •·Ill '" hi~ 'nod ' •• I ,. •'I ,. ·•' 'v'"'''" llu· honnr "' lwtiiL: ( .,. \ Nl'\\'S will he clo~d ('\'l'l'Y nry. ~1 · A l ox t 'mon Otl Stallnn. lxtOJr;t"1(~PI1'11c~nt~ arr· ;,d~'''"" 1" n .. t I•• ,.,,. hun Th• '"' td••.t . "IU de,;cril>f'd In II v•·•~ '"'' 1' '1 •' ,1 1 ~<-f•·d ·•• ""' ru~• '"''"''"" ,,. 1 · .. , , 1 . 11t , , 1 " ,,r 1 \\'ronNiC!~\' :1ft e rn oon nt ftAit.oa.--('hamhf'• or \nmtnt'l('f', ~aN' IJ ~ l(')f'(' IJ<•tr II JlJ)IC'allfln• ''"'"'I,,,, :111111 Nlr•·•·t and "' -rory told hy ("llpl 'otn .1• (' ·~· •••• "' •• .,,. lll lr·mul tt.nat 111 ", 1\ """;,· .:, ·~\!-· ,:.,·;-' .. ~:·:·.~·Mesa Church · ·jA ••n A'-oc:tatl'd Sl'l"\'1~1'. EOJ'-1 ;\:r wport or romjt c·t• "''"'· alla<"h lh•• hOJr k ·~~~~• ,;u .. rrt nntl othf'r ,,.,,,, 1\alew. pubhr N'lntt11n' <rl:1• • r •' ,.r 'k ' ft,,,.,., ... :o iPr'" ""' n • ftlo "' • t ,,,.., Jlot , ,,,. t I•"• ahout 1:00 f)'C'IO<'k untt .,;..... ('f)Vt'r or l ht•rr raltnn l>ftOk and . ~·.'t llho•(l In , .. ~.n f ror th-""-··· h Mj Lo O'clock. Durin~ this pt'riod GrOf'!'"'· 500 "'· \t>nlrRI: :\k;\:td lh!'lr llf'f' tn<po'C'tton "ri"('Wd OJnd ~ .. .. ,,.,. ~ ' e ra m11 Quart•·rrn.o• '" I • ·•''•·· ''""'1tutuo~: "K · n tttnn• '"' "''' • ,,,, """ ,.,,. 1;111, ,,, t1,1tt1 .. .. nnrl Tll'nnl'lt'. 500 \\'t'~l Ct'ntml It•· '" AIH\IV•·•I llv hi• nar, ,, .• ;.ot at thl' J'('j;,'\Jistr mo•r IIIII.! ,,, ·lo· ,,,. ····:•JI.or r. ..... ~ f1mrwr. ('ll ftlllln '" ,.,,. lo ""''' 11••11 Our P hon ... \VI'll a lso. be. dead. lh!'n, mntl to lhl'lr ratton hft:trd n .... • .. M " I Sf'\O'port ftflaC'h-Ooyd'l-Gtlmort' \tr" • n 1 ~1 s 1 ~ Kl ( <lll.,.. ('IIII·Nr•wpllrt 11:111"•1 I·''''' llo~l•·' 111'"''"''.,.' ••:wh with 1c "II' .,,,, 1111•·1"'''''1"'' "' r ·,,'"' fl-•otl• This Wednesday The renson for thiS IS that l!'l'l"\'iC'l' Station. 1500 \\' C'o'nlrnl If lhc•y hKVI'IO!<I thl' htiOk ('Q\'I'r'. r:n ·"s' . ·~, .IUliCif' • ltJlf••• olub IMt Thurs<lny f'\'<nuo:· ··' llo•· :tloly ''llj.!tfiVC'(t ltnfl t1uly t')(M'111t•tl vard \o\litr¥·,.,,,,111 "'''1111 .. •I' \1· , \Vedncsday nfte1110on i~ the 1 1 lu,::h F~•tus Standard Stnllon. lhC' "Whit<' Shp" fur the car mu.~ot • l 1 '• · ""~" lnynt ton Jfl r"<·t . 1 ;I•·• ~~ Camp rrwrnl•·r.,IHJI rMifl. Huth nwmt,..,, 1-'"''"'" f'l.u '. ,,, ,,, '" ''" ,,,,.,,. """' ,,, ,,. . .,11,. "' ltlf' nw .. t time allotted fQr print in~ th€' Thl'flciol'(' Rnhtn< Forrl G01rn~:l'. be prt'!'('ntro with thl' IIJlJllirRtion 'I• "'· "'It whnm hr rr"'d"'t. an·• ~pta!n flalf'll, a l'hitnrur•• , .• 11 _,,.,,,r ,,~t tu th .. rxrrllt'fll """"" ,.,,."'' ,, tr:oll u pr""" 111 d•1n111• II IIIIWJttl' r h11d , vunl(••l"h In lhf' newspaper anit ('\'<'~' m<-m· ,South coa~t Do/It Co .. Al-llO('tR tN! th:-.:o ~811011..._~rd "'A'11111 hf' t!-1-ur'<lat ~ .... ~.';t~;~rli~~~.,; ~~~.~::r~.:_ ::;.' •lrrnan from '""''lC'". nntl "" ·•·· •. r '''' r nll•ll'l~ ,.,.rv.tcJ th•·m rh•· r~ ttk ''~""' t '". ,,, ,,,,,,,, .~ .. 111,, l:t Y• 111 .,1(1 J..nul.lk' Jc•n · ~..o. f • staff hns work to &rvkr. Ol'~tcon Sf'I"\'ICI' ~I litton. ~' I'll ton ~"'"' 11PP t<'lltton~ gel,.• · •tueont ~Pf'&kf'r, hr1111.;hr '" ,,,,. 1.-·f(J,, Anctoo"""' waa IIN"nn lr'<l so • h1111n• ,,,,. und lrufll• "1:''' "111 k.n• "' J111ko·r,fu·l•l wtll 11111.,.11r on•· IA'r 0 our h 1' ·I d rt 1101 HighwAy and Co.'\:;1 lxJUIC'vllrd . will bl' <'hf'Ckf'd by voluntf'<'~ and Th~ m«>tlnc a numh<•r (If rh•· lo•th tf l;olo "ll(rHJI """"' ~ br was 1,., .. lo•· •·~J'I"''<i ,,.,,. "") •·nly, w .. .rn•·"lny, 111 .th~> FuJf do in them('(' a n en epn • I "Arrhl's" l'nion Oil. W?>st CoR~I lhl' bookll i~uf'd stnd mllilrd to tlw b<wly "'"" lJ\krn In t har~· l:l'Mrl ranK ol f'I)O('<•nlr:ol•" f··~' "''"''"'with II ... nn<'r ttln (\f'nrtt lu~o: ,,,. l••ltlllrll "' ''"',., .. If !I' 1·:1·'. c;. ... , •. , r hurrh, ~:111ft lind F.ltlon, m e nt, which Is, too far !'('· jf'tlck<'n:. California Manne Pnrk· return llddr!'ll~ ~hawn on thf' ap· hy tht> llnllolo.J c;r,.twl cbapeJ, Coflt .• <hoek full of vlt11mln' "• ''"'' ,, ol '"" 111r•l n hltlf y .... ,.. artlvity "~ In• ('~r~n,.smy tn wl< "'""II ll1•· r•••r· c· • ..,t .• M•·,H. Sh•· w 11J prrn<'h In m oved from the ""sinDCC of-in~t. Wf'!ltem \11nnt-r!<. Nf'w«·Timrll plication. All applicnnt .. stn• rt·· ~~'~"· with l!ll'rvh "" at 2 P" to thfo IIUllt('flancr .. r rh• ",,.,,. 1 , '"""'"'"'"' d rlvilian drf_. '" Ul,.rly Mid•· .,f 1.:08111 "''"'"v•r•l ll-'·, thr , v .. nlnliC. uu; -.-.... t-' to --'t 1 1 th Mr.nday Jtt Jo'nr f'at Lawn MemoriAl o.~ " · tX' 1 otriet> .,uf.'l' ,,, "'" ,. c l'&r Y A<> l'rt' wtwn ..,... 1.11 far anrJd or l'l'' '" t• r · hi11 ""'" "n... pin rr.,...,.nt• thr' rw • ..-n :1 hr St ,.,,.., """ :O.tr fo'Mifl•·n ·n,.. t.tlrl ha11 tw..•n pn>achln..: flee for the phone ring to c-ia ~ G. Ramard. 74~ v.ill br no Unl\f'Cf>Mary drl11y 111 J'luk. Glf'n~l~-n tory wht>T't' no food rfln b< twl ht~thr·rtl "ward It ._ ~lblf' ''' PJ.,,.,. '' " trnffw hn/.stul "'tho· .. rat<• rnr ~.~,1 yl'al'll and aho audible. j :-.:rwpon boulevard. Dfonni11 HOI[· :mallinc. . n.e various combat rJttlfon' "' '" mnk .. ffJI" thht wnril Mr f\f'n !.1•·· c ·,.,,.., l \tt4.tl•·v:o nl frtl' ''' , niiH' •ln1:, nnriJtlay, tlw n('('()f"dlon. Rrv This arran~ment iS made llilnd.. )(yrtotut Bros. ~Met:' ata·1 As In tht' paM. thc IOCIU rauon ' Dr. Mark Li~ whn. wrth h1• npeneci for lhr mcmhf'111. '" I• "' .ol l,.rmnn Ora"«" C.nunty C:O.mll· l•:llglh. :mel Co·nt r:tl ~vc·nw· f1 '"" M C' ('n-ll'li1·. J,,..11J paator, liiCYII tho• ~"ry by shorta2'e of 11on. TeWitlkle Ha,_'""'· CMta boA.rd will be glad tn mall a ny , wife 11nd youn~f dAu«htf•r, hav• the many dlfff'trnt IYJ'M"' ,,f f1•~• n'ltflr of Ovillan Orlf'NI4' pn'!W'fltNI 1-tn l<'y Aw·rHH• '" ·n -•r• ... t. nr•· ddltl hrin~t~ a I tnt• rnt•!IIJfl~W worth '""-~' ' • . M~ Supt'r S<'rvlce. GIU aeach. fonn upon l't'QU<'llt I5rop a post I bt'«t llprndln& thl' month of Au~:· ""**' tM quartrnnlllltl'r tl•····· I .l<'lllf'Mnt .......... wtto rn.owt.. thr• not ••nh tnnlt .. ,uo.~tr fllr fulun• h~tlDI(. He WIUIIf'ol to ,cet ber to help, due to war conditions. j20th end Ncwport bou~ard; Frt'd card '" thf' mall. f'Xpllllnlng rour Ullt In Nf"WJ))rt. trif.'d. 'hi• luck at pt'CMdN and t.M captaln'11 1ll'M n rr awltl'd to A~ n.r llrt.itrn· trnffll', IJ11I do not ~t a g11w · rt llly longf'r hut flht> rt'ui.t .,tM' and will probably contin\14' Opp. 2148 Nf'WJ)Ort boui("VI\I'd; ~ and thfo proper fonn will hf' I fiAhinr In th~ JIJ&fl Slforru no•Rr tlCift ol u. ...,.... ol dllltrib\Jtlllfl lint pw hltlft ,....... to A~ WilY wf'h II pi•'RII Inrc 8Jtpt'llrnnr·· w·hnul n<·xt Wl'f•k 'Tl\f' publll' Ill for tbt> .. dunttion". ~ld'Jn t:ra"ey Cancc. 2358 r->-·· ma.1~ bad! in\nwdiatcl)' !Bastlop <"Wr the Wftk ftM1 't:l the ,retloM throu~.JUt till' w lone ... tatthlld ~ 11<1 u rt,mmunll'> v.hk h l'lalm.tt t o hr rm.ftf'fl · .... i J ."-" ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach, California, Tuesday, August 29, 1944,;....._ __ ..._ ________ -:---------- 'Schedule of Buses -for Higk School Good F~ Neighboo 8 j S h 0 p Confirms Motor Overhaullnc Motor Tune-Upe Carburetor and lpition Adjutme.nta ara llr•ce AlLEN GLOVER lft~Aveaae .. llllud (f'annerl,y wtt.b H. B. Banta. Balboel o..r ........ P'nllll ..... ENJOY THE THRILL .,. YACHT CRUISE A·R·R-O:.W IZA VES n N ZONE MER E\'.:R\' IIUI 'R ON TUE 110\'R For RMervat.loall or Chart .. r Parti.-,. Plaoee ()apt. Bob Hort. 24 '70 - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES / I'IIOSt:!-4: SF.WI'ORT 12 t. l :t \'ulu""' XXX\'1 Suh!>erlpti•ln Pnyn"l" In A<lv;1nr o' ~~ f.O l)f'r ;•rnr 1n ''' ·1n~:r County $:.!.7!1 l"'r Y•'i\r In 4th zonr , $.100 po•r )•'•lr '" "''h fltnt•. Ent rn'd nA &•f'IIOII·clll'~ multl'r Ill thr l'n<lllfrt('f' In ="•'\\fiCII'I n(.'aCh., C.lltlumln. undrr th(' Ar t or M»td• :1. 1"7!1 I C: A. MEYER 1-:lltT<'llt ,\'\:1\I 'H~.!'IPJ.~ OFnCIAJ. PAPf:R OF Tilt: CITY OF ~t:WI'ORT BEACit I ~ A ~ndabiP l ..oc'&l ln•lltullna for Ovn lU \'ra,.,. and FENDER WORK One Day Service \Ve Also STRAIGHTEN FRAMES, UALA~CE WHEELS, UEBORE 1\IOTOR~ -and do anything you nred! I • ANY MAKE CAR NOTIII~G DOW:S -I~ ~IO:STIIS TO 1',\ \'! ISON PONTIAC CO. r• ~r s trs u ·a on [li RADIO SERVICE Ho-. -"tlo, MartH a.dtoe Bepalred Martee Electrtdaa Burt R. Norton ...._ un ,-~~ 1111 Cou& HlclaW&J N'EWPO~ - UPHOLSTEIIIII •• .Furniture Upholstered and Repaired ... ... all wor!< guaranteed .. CLAUDE A. JOHNSON ~ Greeaer v-u.a BUM II4IIAI "•""-""ta Me. I l'tloH 111·W ' 11ft Newport BJ .... Get Your Olliee Supplies Today FAST S£RVICE! REASONABLE PRICES! We nre mainta ining as complete a line a<> possible or all th(' thing.;; you nero to h<>lp you in your busin<>s~right here' in to\\ n . o as to s;l\'e yuu time nnrl travel. Be sure to ask us if Wl' h;l\·c \\hat you need. Sopte of these are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve th·e right to limit quantities; sales tax not included. Add. Machine Rolls, asstct. sizes 15-30c Availability Certificates Blllheads, Ruled-plain or printed 81 ':! x 7 to 14. Binder, 3-ring 8 11:? x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls. all makes Celudex ~~-Inch clear index tabs Clip and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up Clips, Bulldog and paper. asstd sizes Columnar a nd Accounting Pads, all sizes Counter Olecks Credit and Debit Pads Dally Analysis Sheets. 500 for S5.50 Daily Cash Sheets, 500 for $4.25 Daters, 75c Desk Files. letters or legal size Envelopes Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, white, all sizes, plain or printed Erasers-Art Gum. typewriter, Klenzo Pencil-type typewrit~r erasers Estimating Sheets File Folders, manlla. all cuts, letter and legal sizes: $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 Ftle Guides. prestboard. Jetter ~lze, $2.25 Fillers. notebook, punched. ruled or plal.n Glassine Bags • Gummed Labels ..... Indexes. all sites Index Cnrds. ruled,. aU sizes Index Signals Inks Writing. bottles or quarts Stencil. indelible. India. stamping. Inventory Sheets Ledger Binders. SN"tional post type Legal Fonns. notary. f't c. Letterheads. asstd. stocks and colors printro as p<'r your Instructions I...o<Y.:;c Leaf Fillers M<>rchandlsc Tn~ Mimrogrnph Stencils. take 81:: x 14 sheet Mucilage l"ote Books. memo. etc., asst sizes. plain or ruled Paper. bonds, thin papers, colors or white, all sizes. ty~writer, mimeograph Paper dip; Payroll Records Paste Pencils. lead. colored, china marking, Indelible, automatic, stenographiC.· Pencil leads Pen points. all kinds Price Book Fillers, 8'/z x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener, china Ready Master carbon fonns Reception Cards printed to order Receipts Ribbons. all makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads Rulers Sales Books Sales Tax .Exemption Cards, Form No. 103 Signs. For Rent, For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stationery of all kinds Statements. 8 '1~ x 5)}z Superdex Roll Labels Thumb Tacks . Typewriter Paper, white or canary secorlds Typewriter Ribbons, alJ makes IA>ttt'r-Slu Flit' Alpha~et GUIDES Let1t-r-Siu Manila FOLDERS 11 Point; S Cuts r~ _ $32l NeWPOrt BalbOa N~ws-Times JOll W. c.tnL Nwwpori 1leaelt ""-l!MdlS ., --- I I I . ... ,. r. -' •• Why Far'mers Should Buy & l{eep· War_ ... u .... ua- : by R. R. Renne Pr~sidt>nt Montana State Collep :> UlLDINO llnancial reserve•. ..> paying otr debts, ht'lpinl to l~t dane.erous inflation, and P•· rlotlsm, are all good rt'asons wby Hmers fhould buy and bold War loncil. l A cood financial rt'serve is an Tlportant part of sound farm ~anagt'ment. War Bonds are aa!e westments and are almost . as tquld as cash. Thus. they coru· r ise an excellent · llnanclal re- ervf! ~r unexpected 'needs lind mergencies. After the last war rices fell rapidly, as they have • fler every major war. and thou· ands of Amencan f3rmers lost 1eir farms becnuse tllcy could not /Cather tbe economic storm. No ther factor is more e>stmtial for <111tinucd satisfactory farm opern· ions, through good years and bad, )~n adequate financial r eserves. In addition to unexpected needs .tJ. Jayeatmeat Ia War ..... aow makea It Jten lble fer tbe farmer te belp Aaaace &be war ud at the aame t.lme &«'<'Dm• late ~ fuads wblclt wJJl ea- able bJm te Uqal4ate hls debt Ia a IDm• •am alter the war. SJ•tematlc purcbaae ef War Bonds harnlsbc's a Tl'ry erderly and •ure •·ay of accumulatillc the aeceu ar,. lunda lor llqaJ •. , datloa of debt that requires larce lamp • llfllll for eetul;. meat. · · The extremely h<'a ,.,. expendl· lures required to carry on mod<"rn total war crc<~tes high purchasmc power, "hrch com b1r.rd with short· agt's of m;.:.-n:tls ond labor, cause l <'rious i111l:lt•onMy threats. Molt farmers can remember the very h1gb prices which occurred during the: last., w~er and •the very low prices and dc.>prcssion which fol· lowed. \\'1th the present scale o! opera lions much ereater than dur· lng the flrst war, It II imperative that Wldesprtoad inftation in gener- al prices and in land ~ prevent- ed. Using surplus fund a to pur·· chas~ War Bonds helps reduce ln- tlationary pressure in commodity markets and, at the same time helps llnance the war.' ' _ .... .} N • ..... 'lb.Ne NEWPORT~ALBOA~W~TIMES, ~ort DPach, Califurnia, Tu~d=a~y~·~A~t~1~~~=~~~~·~1~9~4~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- leal Estate C~anps Brisk Ralph B. Dimmitt and wife t o 1 block 14 of tract 2St, Henry K Detl'ter abd wtfe. lot lJeacb.-· ·- 21 fn bl~k t ot aectlon S or 8&1· Edna r&ye Bonham to 8aaJUl boa I~and. Boyd Ritner and wife. lot 28 u4 . Thomu J. Ph\llpa to John B. wut one halt of lot 28 In blocll Davia and wife. Iota 10 and 12 E of tract 518. Balboa. I and t'Ut'm~nt OVI'r part of Iota 2, • Loulee F. Horton t o W. J . Hoi· 4, 6. H and 16 In block 232 or comb, Jot 2 In block ~9 of Cor· Corona del Ma r. ona del )dar. Eleanor K . Vallely to J amN w. J . Hokomb·to Raymond Hat- Chalml'rl Wright and "~Ao1fl'. lot 6 tlln, lot 2 In block ~9 ot Cor- In block 5 of East Newport. ona del Mar. · Julia V. Parkt'r to J . B. Shep· Hllwartl Miller and wife to T . art.110n. lot 8 In block . 11 of tract Lyell Puckl'tt, lot 11 In ·block tSO 234. Newport Bt'ach. of Corona dt'l Mar. · La11ra Cif'ck to J ohn T Tatter-Lydia A. Crou to Fred Ham· rei' Sr .. and wife. 1ot 4 and aouth· mer, part ot Iota 3, 4 and 5 and I'&Stl'rly 30 fN"t or lot 3 ln block part of lot 2 In block 9. S<>aahore N of tract 323, Cor.tiU\ dt'l Mar. .Colony tract . J ohn F. Hogan and wife t.o 1· Jud Ovlat~ a.nd wlft' to A. 0 . Ht•len E . McAllllllt'r. westPrly 45 1 ('cl()n and wlff', lot 10 In block ~­ ft'<'t of lola I and 2 in · )>lock 71 of C'llnal section of Nt'wporl llf section 2 of Balboa hland. B<'ach . Harriet N . Yount to t.tary 1... Jamtlll 1'. Durke~ and wife to Kanagy. southwe~terly 100 feet of Hi<"hard c . Rush and ~·He, lot 9 northwestt'rly 378 fet't or lot 253 and northt'rly 10 f<·~t o1 lot 8 In or Nt'wport Ht'ights. block 21 of section 3 of BalOO. Dan O'Hanlon and wift• lo The Island. Roma.n C'llthollc. An:hblahop of ~tt>r J . \\'t'illl'l and wife to Lcll! Angell's. lots 17 snd 18 ln 1 Vera Hiffel Nyman a nd hullband. block H or tract 234. Nn.•port lot 27 of• tract 802, Newport Beach. Btoach and part or bay front ad- M. G. Wagner and wlft' to The jacent. Roman Catholic Achblahop of ~~ .... ____ """:' _____ _ LoA Angelu. lot• 17 and 18 In War Chest Fund In Important Role For Invasion . Malntalnlng 24·hour 11 e r vIc e. with the dr ivers 81t'eplng In thl' cara read)( for · emergency. Am· erlcan-made and donated ambu- lancea have taken an Important part In the D·Day lnvaalon a nd aubllt'quent robot bombing o! F.n· gland, according: to Information N'celvt>d by P. A. Palmer, chair· man of the Nt'wport Beach-Bal· C.pt:ai" George Franck Rescued I LIVED ·iN HONOLULU By .IANANCY snCKL& JACKSON Corona del Mar News U . 1 lluvt"v Oft vi~. IMln of lllll'nld M. l)twl". ~>09 1-'t'mlt'·af nw•mll'. liU TIDE TABLES I Wl\a -m:ulr 11 11111j.•r lit• ls.tlln cluty Hll'h Low Hleta In t.,\lnn. In tht• Al:tl\Y Air Ft>t"\'t'. Wd. SO 8 :lt t :4t 7:11 Ll W1llmm G. C'o•ff••v. Wllllnm., 4.1--0.2 I.J 11-,t'hl. Ariz. SIM'nl lht• tiny with hi~ Ttl. 31 8:1'11 2:21 1 :10 lAw \:14 1.1 1 :01 1 .. 11111'\'llt s. 1\11" n1ul Mr-s. Eel t 'urft•y. 4.0 -0.8 1.1 f,()(l c.,.t$1 hi~:hwn~ · IN.•w darllalll •"na It-) I P.!l~ llt>WIII~I Hotl>t•rtJs. ~ Ao•n · t.e,hl f~,\1,.. •· 11\.: 4ar• ftf'&,_ •· a. cin 11\"t'llUt' h:" ho•1· ~l•h•r·. M r·s 1 I Thl.., are placoed 1• or4er of-~ .ln~··ph l.~···n~. ,,r I A" An~<t'l••~<. with ,he••· thl• ""•"<'k. "'" tho•)' niny huth l,.,,,t thl·lr mollll'r. M1..-. l'thry I Wlutt•. wl111 IS ill In Still In ~ An11 ""'f'ltnl l\11,. l.yuns lh't'tl tunn· t•rl~ '"' llnll><>~t l'ln1ul M n. 1\!o•l llo•ncl nnel dnu~:hlt•r, uf :4ru\l 1\ A lit\ "1'<'111 I ht' 1lll)' wllh M1-.. <'"'· llltw lit\\''"'· Lnrk~llilr. ALL.'I TATI.I MI.I.TINQ ' Thl' A II·~IAII'I aoclely 18 tnvlt· In~: tlu• l""'l'lr frnm All the atat-. nnw In l'nulhrrn California. to nn All·d"Y plt'ntr In Bixby park, Lc>nl{ II""" h nn ~Itt urday, 8ept. 8. b t•lrld All••rnl'y 1-'n'tl N. Ho w•r wiii.IM' r•~?l.f'nt . Thr Loq Beadl Municipal band w\11 play. I Mr·• 1:1 tt•··· ~ .. lt~hlll')'. Pnl'<nrlt'nR, i• n ~;th·•t "' M,... t-'rnnct~, Co•. 16!1:\ P nc·1fh· llrh· .. , thl" "'e'f•k -------- 1 '11w ''"'•·rnwlon ~upprr nr th" 11nd Mnt. \V .••. Ott and hla Aunt :c.,mmunl t~ ("hiii'C'h, C"n.:n·lla· l.ols Ott, 1105 Hickory Santa AN. th•ntll, Cu111nn •lt•l Mu. hd ll 1\t I H h< Cftlht'r, Lt. A. J. Hkty reant· tht• honw "' Mr nnd M r~. G 1 tC'd hi' C.MIId not .tM' preRnt on < ;rnp••. 70:.' l\1n1 l..:ultl. Tllrselny t•vt•· thbt IIUMtlirluu s t'IC'C'IIaion u tw la nlnr:. J\11~ n . wns a ~atl~fyln11 with the Aml)' Air Foree In suc't't'l<s ( "11"tonwrs stnrtN.I <"mnln~ot India. 111 'thN't• In lhr• nflrrnonn llrttl 1111 hnncl' wt·r~· kr•pt hu~y until IIIII' In 1tht• o•vt•nirll: Fo>twl nnel nrtklo•' do· nntrd wt•n• l'nld 11111 t•nrlv nnd ln~o:~rlnr: hll) l'I"S w,,,.,. tlls<'tlll~<nlnlt•. ·n,.. Mill I nf $."14 wn~ rwt h"<l Cur 1 h•• hwltlin.: fund. An t'XI'nlttvr hoard mt-.•tln~o: ""'"' twltl· Cullnwln& thc llllll!M'r, when 11l11ns wr r ... dl•· <'lll<Mod for the nt'w bulldlnl(. 1\w-.tlly, Au&u~t 'J'J, wa• 11n lm· portnnt day In th•• life• or Davitt llldy. 7 pounds, lO'Ito ounl.'ft, for he round h«' wu a w«'ll'OITit' addition In thf' home or hla mothl"r, Mra. J ohn 1ll<ty, hla Krandpen!nta, Mr . " QualitJ Lumber a ad BuUdiq· Mat-'ala •• CQSTA MESA LUMBER CO. lit ••• HOIT.TL&fl ~~ Jtdltor·a Nolf': Th·~ Ia tn" rourth of a ,...,..,. of .•rtldf'~ wrllt•n lur the Mawport·Balboa Ne• ... ·Timu bv ltlr•. Jat·k•tn whu hu N•l "''""''"I fn>m Hoeolulu after a yt>.ir and a h•tr"a •lay White "" Oahu M.-.. Jarll••n waa N-lnly ..,..,,..lae"l wllh lht> Olllo·f' uf the Military c;.ovf'rnnr. II•• llonolulu Clt,....County R•C"N'atlo, Cununl•tun •• dl,...•··tur uf llrama arHt ,,ubii•·Uy and tbe Unlvenolly of llaw.\11 In thf' ll~ld of sr.rh anfl •:n1llah In .ad! lnetanr• ..... Dina preeent •·ure. tn order 1u acr-ep • proff~r.d pruffl~lnnal adva~•· GORDOI B FIIDLAY ooJifftAOI'Oa ... aUD.DD MAINTENANCE AND. REPAIR -ftl.) OUR 8PDJIALTY ·:" . 'r emergencies. farmera need dequate reserves ·to finance re- airs, nplacements and improve- \ents around the farm. Dift\cul· .es in obtaining needed materials nd labor tor these expenditures euse tarm building• and equip- lent to wear out faster durlnl 1e war Period than In pea'\:etime. : farmers can walt .until some· me after the war end1 to malte 1ese repairs and Improvement., 1elr dollan should 10 farther than 1ey will immedia~l7 'followinl 1e war, and better quality rlla· !rials will probably be available. loreover. too rapid or forced uhlnl of War Bonds Immediate- . after the wnr could create a trfoua f ituation and contribute to ut·war inflation. Also, boldinl ondJ to m atur ity makes it p6ssl· le for the farmer to Increase bla .vestment by one-fourth throuch ~cumulated interest. Still anoth· : reason for havlnl a 10od re· :rve in the form ot War Bon<t• Ia .at funds wiU -be available for ce boys when they return. to 1.1· st them In gcttinc eatabllahed In ~acetime pursuits. Bullding llnancial reservea. pay. lng oft debts and ftghtini lnftatlon. comprlae adequate reason• for buyinl War Bonds. However there ia atill another major reaao~ why farmera should invest In War Bond• until it butts and thls Ia the patriotic reason. We are encaced in a very aerious struggle to pre- serve democracy and our way of life. The fooner we can win this war the fewer Jives of our •ons and daucbten wil~ be loat. Our youth are maklnc creat aacrlftcef on the b'lttlefronta aU over the world. and It Is up to each one of u• on the home.front to cive all we have, Lar&e sums of money are needed for win .... g the war and it we will all buy War Bonds to the limit of our resourcei voluntarily, Y;e can help ftniah the war at an I boa W a r Cheet. from the Brltllh War Relief Soclt'ly, a member agl'ncy of the National War Fund. J The re(?ort .to ChaJ.r:ma.n .Ea1mu This is a I quoit' In rts rntlrt>ly 11 1<-ttrr publllhed In nn" of lht• Jlonnlulu CabJnet Shop_setl!lct!------1- Jlluy farmer.-alm n •e leq.Wrm mertcace debt "*" staddlac acalest Ulelr tr•fer· early date. I stated that one of the veh lcl.ett con·. vt'ylng a woundt'd aoldler to a u.s. T•-•? 0,,.,1.,.1 l hoapltal was struck by ,. piece of -:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;::;:;:;;:;;::;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ llylng arteel from a robot plane = I which came dow n almoi'Jt In t hi' B.~ y FISHING IS GOOD AT ' path of t he ambulance and burst onl' of the tires. ny m11klng a THE PAVILION AT BALBOA 11ulck change or a whet>!, the driv· · · ·, f'r w11~ a blf' to proceed to the bnll· Boats for Rent at Reasonable Prices-Live Bait Available pital with hill charge. NEWPORT BAY INVESTMENT CO. '· Routine work or the ambulanct- ;~~~~~Ro~-~~O~rf'e~l~e~y~·~Ge~~ne~r~al~M~a~n~ac~e~r~~~~~~~~; corps. the rt>port 11tat<'d. Includes· ;,; I blood transfusion aervicc.>. t.listrl· NEWPORT & BALBOA. ·PIERS button or penicillin. evacuation of l hoapltala hit by tbe lndi!!Criml.._, ately-almed robota, and of courlic I GEORGE HINER • 1 convl'yinJ:" of wound<"d aoldlc.>r!l to Good Fishing at All Times hosptt .. ls. . · F'unds coni n hu!l•tl by re11idt>nt~<: LIVE BAiT ALWAYS AVAILABLE nf N!·wport Bt>ach and Ba lhcm to , lho· •:-\e•WJM•rt llt•:u h-Halhoa \\'ur 'ALBOA SPORTFISHING FLEET 1 ~:~::: ::~:.~:.1"(.~~;;;,. ::.'~~~~~::~~:~~~~-~~~! BAJ BOA: C !\LJF \\'ar Ht'\ro·~ In 11~ mtl':'!f•n~ •·f 1 OCEAN F1SUING · • ·, · · · n.e·rc ~-<'hau ""'" l'allr·•·1 ,.t:e1•··!. The "Owl", "Maiden" -and "Dina Lee" For ·laforma tlon and Srhf"dult'" CAll St'WJ)()rt SSt or :\ti~s J t'an l l:un mnn. flaughtl'r or · Lo" Anlfrl..-..(;entury 28761' . . Mr. nnd l\lr'!<. Alfrm~e· · !Iammon, 9 H \\'c~l OcPan Front. Will at· NEWPORT TACKLE STORE I ~~~~('~~~~~i/~-..n~t. C'at h•'•in<'·~~ ED SLOCOMB-. MANAGER Mi~s Mnrit• Barhrc or the rl'· I Bal•t-Tackle -FI.Shl·ng lnformat•'on cordl'r"s office. Los Angell'S, is ! Sp!'nfling a ft>w dllyl' with 1\trs. ;~~~~~~~~N~E~"~'P~O~R~T~B~E~A~C~H~~~~~~~~~~~ \\'mifrcd n a rbr<' and Mr. and M~ C. G: P ort ('r. 11s t s t rect. NEW 65:-FT. SPORTFISUINO BOAT ~~~~-"CRESCENT" d G•ll•Y -Root Room• -Li"' llait 0 N E PJ DAY SCOTI'S LANDING _ ~1 ~Co~u~t~H~I~~~hw~ay~~~~~~~~~~.._~~vee~e~:~OO~A.~M~~· ~, \fl~~n •2n:~:·g•?:b~:ni: NOW OPEN .,ui•a/eat b1 Vitamin A and D 1 I R V I N E L A K [ ,_teac1 to one and one-ball I t•upooa/uJa o/ Cod Liv•t Oil I lOUT-BASS-CATFISH-CRAPPIE-BLUE GILL ID .. tinc minimum United ~w Boat.-Motor Boat-Bait Avallahle ltat .. Pbarmacopeial St.an- r Re~~ervatlona Pttone Oran«e 8701·.1·4, or I.a. AnreiM PA 81~2 41arcla.. -------. distributor 0 Talk about dealing! More than 5000 times each minute your distrib- utor deal& -.....;:: the right amou.nt of electricity to the riRht spark plug at t h e right instanL . ) To keep your distrib- utor dealing sparks without a misa·-and pro- tect all the o ther important parts o f your car at the RB m e time -Is the job of Shellubricatio .n. Shellubrication is the e pa per a. Ttlf' A d v ... r t I " " r- "Since our I'XI"'rtt•nc-o• nf :V<'I!II'r· day, all lb111 talk nl loy nit y a mt deYotlon to A mf'rit'll 11n the pnrt of local Japan""~" youth. lrav"" us cokt W~ havt• llv<'ol In llonnlulu ornee 1410 Cout Blvd. PhoDe f12 ..... ...., NKWI'OaT B&Aela, CALD'. ............................•..... ~e············· for a good rr.any yl'nr" 11nd unll<'r· .t&nd lhf' J apant'IOI' quill' Wl'll Y.Mterday Wf' wrrr playin~o: tennl10 I • • on thP llnh·rrfllilv of ll11wa11 courts. wh\11' ~rm.du'ot lun f'XI'r<"lsl'• j were In . prCigr""" In lh•• ompl· 1 ·theater 11 f('W hundrt·•l fe('t away. I Wben thr ~tar·Spanglrd Banne r wu t)..Jn.r playt'd. 1 whifh by the w~ tUU 18 our Nallol\lll An· thtml, our fouraoml' RtopJ1f'd piRy· In' and 11tood at nttrntlon "There Wf're llonlt'll w hilt'll nnol Hawaiian" on th(' rwxt '""'t "'"" also I'Jt<.ppeot pluyln~ nnd >'lo>•wl al nlt<'nllon. Otltr r ,.·,',.u t~ "' 1•· ... · r rtrpled by .ltiJliiiH'~•· ,.f ;Irati "1:'' .. nn<l not onr of lht•trl ~1;,1 ,1., d .\II JANANCV STICI<lE JACKSON of lhl'm rnntmuo'•l 1,1,.,1111; • """ A11thor of Surra of Forthright .\ . · Art•clta on Honolulu and H•wall n l:uklng, ml'nnwllllo·. ~lan• 1111: a t ~~~ hl;on<ll Hnd plllll!illJ( ilutud1blf' l , . .,.,., k~ ll lx'comt·ll •·vld••til t" uJ< lh11 1 tlrPir loyally ht trnlv ·~kr;e d•···t· l 'nd«.>meath "'" "' II 1 ·••d t 1,.. "Jap," and.,.,..., I)('J'(fn t .. e•·~<lr•• v.lo_,. It~ people of ('llllr"r""' e.r .. ,.,. too II .tf1o I • f hqo;lfll ..... I'"' kllit'14H Jlfl;l tluul\ \ • ,., .• ,., tJ ltiiiH·••>-11 \' A .Jup (!tlk \\1JJ ~;-'I t•U !u_·J J ap ll l.•·ntS.u (u-..1 A .l:q• hu~" •lln•·t \X11l ftu•t trulfl ~m." ft"":nr1 qunt.. Tt111'4 f••••tf1 f,.r ''"~ filliP I' u ( till' fl\\'fl t llf t• J,lter Wfla 81J,:n•·d. "Arrw r u uu " I"''' ~1111h '"" 1t lu· "" •• ,...,, l1k•· The a bove Jt'~·ter HaY!" ••v(·r.v· .,.,,,, 'I""' J• ,.,"' P'dut t h111 c•ut. • = -FOR BUILDING INFORMATION :_s.._ • • .. Bay District lum.ber ~o. • a • a • • e WALT&R I. lf'IC&fl. OwMr . !118 61.•1e Hlghw•y At The Archil• Newport Beach \ • e e Phone • 1150 : • . ·········•······• ••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••r LET t JS FtlUNISII YO tJ R HOM~: Cl I J A 1. J T \' t' 1 r It N I ~ II I N Ci R l'hun,. H•nla Ana '"" thing I have hl'f'n tr)lll)( t" loll you In my own word~ All th•· sr•venty-two weeka that J llv<'d In Honolulu I did not 'ft••·l "" t h .. u~:h J were Jiving In a pn rt .. r 1 II• 1'n1ted States at all. 1-:vl'rywh<'l ,. tlu•re were t oo ma.ny ,,.,. .. ~ 1 "IJ.. "' rt nimoatty and hatrl'd and thr rr wu a llbadow whtrh took """.""· .MILLS & PAitK FUilNJ,TUilE CO. :. ll•·ll .. trtltr:tJt \\rll ~"" l••ltrolarrl l\'., 410 "'f'tllt 4th filt. Hanta Au · '•·H 11 ~··1 u~· •1 \•• l1 \\'•· w nnt L_::.._ _________________________ ...l f" I rt·HI t I If• .flq~~H ,.., t ,,( w,.JI ,.,·f tlwy "''Il l lltuk•· ltn\' rn••r•· tr••uhl•• \\',. huvt• l•• Jlllllf u\•·r lltt•k th .. ,... t tnn~" · I Your friendR and mine, l ht (ladneN of dally IIVIIII( l..lt~ elle Oilman, a Honoluluan and a :\fi,~ l'nt Z:a rn l•wk, "'"'d rt•·r of I hriiii &Dt c olumn 11 t f••lt tltttl ~fr nn<l Mr~ <'nrl .t-: Zanrlu•·k. :11 r.::=~===~ fthftdow too. I quote tr"m ,,, . .,f A J ~•I•·n:r ,,,..,.,, ll:alh~>:a l~lt•n•l. I~ I hi~ article~~ (War L>lary. 11 rt·Kritn~ l•·:a vrrr~.; t h.-w•·rk '" r•·•um•• h.-·r·! f•·nture of thr H<mnll:lu prq wrt "'"'""' nl ltw \\',.ql:oko• Sr h••ol 1 best guarantee we I" Anybow. thanka to tlw mltllhl.\' ,,,,. (;II l• lk~··· lv 11•11' ., kno w that .:•·v·nor who ha.e k~>pt' ...... In """· Jn•·k M:"""· c 'hr.-f 1 '•·It y Ortl· If',,,, t...rr••t J.w•l•n. 17 St.r;-1,. S•rw Y• "· w. Cor. 4th & Syca1110re IAtnA ANA ---~~MM~WW~'R.;Qi~MWr;::::::----, I A sufficient auppt1 of these two important Yitamins it as •_ aec .... ry for you u it Ia for I tbe children. something ~~~ darlenee• for a n umlx'r of y•·ar,. <"•·r. t:S:'-1. h:" ht-•·rr h"""' wllh lil10 1 hard tore-I J have finally figured out 1111 """ v.rfo· ''"" thrc·<' dultl r<·n 1:!0 c 1y h I , •'C. trnrrdtnary t hing on l hf' rrllrn.: ''' l:rl 11\~'1111•'. l!:tll,,, J,lniHI, for 11 l;;::;;::;;:~~=~;!;!;;:;:;:;:=;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~ pace WOnt In\' IIVIbJ ronm ... Jt hrtH II l 'trtj.! ~hort lt·:rvo• flfllll !11• \l:tflon Ill r burn o ut., smooth ~out 1\0cl llort II( !OII'•In"" S:an I m·;:.. I"' '"" Ju-t r('(•t•flt ly ~ Fresh Dai(y YOU CAN INSURE ad• , 41Uate intake for you and your break. or l!ntll e, and Jap eyer~ ~tn1l " fl11t 1 .. lum•·d fr"rn tlw M"' "'Ill"' hi· juRt g e t r .. rchea d, and no eant to "l'"'tl< ,,, ,,,r~, 1 tired a nd quit. (And f',(Xl() It r ould probahly '•Jl"n It·,. Fl"" .---------------.1 Deliclou" Sea F oods Or. complete equipment when you want to catch your own. HORMEN · FISH MARKET I family by aeeinc to It that each tnember takes a .. Ont·A·Day" I I 1'ablet every day. ~ : A TAIUT A DAY IS AU YOU T~E d ·t t d and dl8clo.e either fangJO .. r n ~ I. car! ~I <1111. e_ve Y f 8 Y l I"''K forked tnnguc· ·• , :')I "' )Un p t c _v tcltm ll O nt•l( ec~ llybrldl•m 111 not •lCf'mr<l n•lvl,. • ~ a nd wart1me stop and go.) 1 al.l• In Umu llkr thr,... wh• rr tlo• ~ ~~.op IW·tttnr for that h ybrl<.lity IK " war c:>',-,.~J c:>~ \ nn• and the lnvnlvt•tl mnl ... lind f•· r--ON CENTR~L AVENUE, NEW_PORT BEACH I-c-.. tleftt. a-uc.~. ,.,_,_ lilt#.... Made by ..... qiaeton .... I ...,._. .. Alb-Wu.. -MACKEREL CAflfiiJIG SEASON "open.•• Monday, August 28th l>ACKERS CUTTERS .... ,1\IISCELLANEOUS HELP WAN .TED ·! A·vailabllity Certificate Required· or Clearance thru ', UN1TED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE · JSOI W. 5th St. . Santa Aaa lOOI, GillS I ~··~'•'· Alice lo ·····'••rl. " "'•"•' ····"··~· lttl et tiM~fe .. ....... h•!H,. •. m:tle are a red bln<>olrd A rr ... n, 1111 ,, a nd • femalf' lnl'm!)('r or lt n ··n•·rn y ·~·r. J~e~te or (.;rm111n Tl;,. rt•,,,.,"'• are apJlnr•··nt \t) a t.\'••r.•· fnrnlltar with plOyr·h<ol<.gy ·and "" rr an nature I 'fnUrlat.l! w ill rP< 11\1 1 hal rr.:tr,·. ,., nra •10. h-Ptwr,·n JH:!fJ :~r.'! lf'•fl ' v.) 'rt ln the :10'" th1· rn,,M, • ,,u,.,,. SHilLOILCOM,ANY,I•·•'''c amnt<>ur pld u r•· •··''1'1" ,· '"·'~·J•fi',41,J v.• rt• Japtlne~ n.nd, <;•·rthl\11 l •H 1 .r• ·•unta for thf' vrutl Mt"• k , ! ',.. nllable JC('ngrrtphl•· data In tit• 1 ..•. "" of flllr rn<'my. ., oday. fn llon<.lulu. wh•• '" •· '•:~ lo• ~<I· lnform~d on Arrl\'1<1 ••f .~t• 1 rrr harbor ~arlng wnnl• tl ,,,. 1 I ' 'I ·o111tl~~e? Tht' J~tprtii•·K•· c; ,,,. 1 j i~"J>Ie woul•l tell you y,,.,n~o: .l-•1• GASOliNf POWfiS THf AnACI '"·..e. bualnr"" trr\ln•·d '","I'" D.'f WWJfe. ~ : do !k& and J>'tlllti<Jnll <t( t111•t Ill _.,. I ''"~'"~• a.ll <.vrr IICin<>lultr ro------------... The A.J A 's. Japnn··~·· "'"'I I 'an aoldler-11. 11r1' .,,mo•tlm•·• gl\• rr Shell· Produda at l "'' much bell:,choo, J1UIJIIc1ty In thl· I<I(IIJ p.pera anfl ·dubtw<l "JIII• .. nll•. I E E D 9 s Own" that lnrlll'fiAnt m<.thr18 ""'I I rat hen of fl«htlng aoru. ,,f "' h•·r 1 r~<rre bave flied wrHI••n o bj••rt ... n• ~ 1 L1 F 0 II II MAR II E PIC Ill G C 0. ~ Super SeniCi =:;~~~:::;_;:~=:::1 • and ~·-BOYS • ':_OR IN SURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerriah 2618 W. C•ntral Ave. \ Phone 4S3 Automobile • "' Accident · a Fire Life Llcena• and r..ontract Booda Wrt~WI . , . N--t.._ Beadl !120 WMt C.tl'al JWSI .. and rtory from the prelll I 8tll·ud Lafayette St. ----, I N..,...t Tbere te too much of the hUAh l ~--------~_..__.;__._._._.~_._._._._._.._._.__._._.~~------~--------~-: .......................... 1 ~ ~t ·• H~wu a~t uu. ~--~--.--~-------------· r ~ If ~ ... ...., YISIOIIIS YITAU ~~~!!!~ ON CIID.IYI &MONTHS ~o0tH~~~ NO llfiAI CAl\ IN AHO M4VI. YOUI ·eve·s !XAMINEOI •Yow Br_of<en lens DUPLICATED I Prompt ~el •Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •Giaues Made to Your _OWN Prescripfionl -.Yovr Credtt Is GOODI Open an Accountl Yovr fy• ore Yovr 1Ao.t "edoua ,oetenl- lefe;uor4 "'-by Yltltifto on orTOMIT .. -,_, ..,_., ... ..,.... ~ .. VItal DR. HORACE CADEN OPTOMETRIST ..... c •. 4' & s,c. • .r~ ~· M!A .,.... cewv.....wn•·,•une ... ,.. .... ,...._ .. .... f'uur. t-JE WPORT-BALBOA NE WS-TIMES, Newport Such, California, Tuesday, August 29, 1944 ovaaHAULINO liGHT HatHQ ARROW fte AJI'OW baa been &.alia off the bay afta ~t.dnc tr1pe f<W a few daye whl~ her eolinee ere bdllr cwertwlled, but SlaJpper Bob Hoyt w. .WI llhowtnr the be&uu .. of the bay, u.ln( UM MUkl& u a .u'-Ublt.e boat. 'ntat wu all wronc about Uu ~ IUebiM, wtricb wu on t.be Arrow, l .. .m, Ule COWily. ll'l ltW U..., only not In operatlm. N eU.ber Ia lhe one on U\e Scout, which bu lt. ta.c:e tD t.be wall ln ltlellt clup&Jr. TELEPHONE HOUR Celebr1t~e wbo ••Il l a ppear u 1 cuu t a~a oo tortbcomln1 T elt· phon.. llour program broad~ut over KF1 al 9 p m. t.londa)'a an•' Ezlo Pin a, s .. pt 4. Marian A II· derson.. Sept. 11 . O~ar Ll'vant 1 Be Jot 18, and Uly • •on a. ~~1•t ~: •. , MA U LIN.G MAPLES the • • (8J VAL ISIPDE&MAS I according to C I Mcr>onald, du.· I _ _ _ trlrt man&ger of the Sout h• rn -_ C&hlonua T~lephooe ct•mpiUly With nnly two morf' "'~eks lo They will ~ accnmpanlet1 hy lho 1 ~·· Itt thl' Aalbo• 11 ,,.,.,\ Hlhl• ~. 57-ptece Bell Symphonic orrhl'll rli 1 pl•l\' reaumr.J tnnlghl "lth I'IU'h fl''llOIHI tryln.: t... l;.lf"r ttu·1r -8t'llrl' &ntl jtt'l tn lhf'r•· to •I ,, 1 hunk Save 'l')mel nw ad ll probably nf that final ~~·' Dl•·lll•y ll.h"n tho• • ln the Newa-llmftl 1 so'll"''" rn1l11 • Allhuu~;h llu•r<' 11.a.~ "" r••ally I 1 flrn:~&tlnnlll huwllnjC ''' ~o IHt r••t·-N t B h ilri!, m nAt (('lllf111 roll~l fairly ewpor ranc '~:···d G N A e 1'111.<' mtllll')' (lOr ltlt' ...... ,. .. Willi et"i ew SSJStant hOIIkNI h\· 1•'1111 '• Y.llh Andv An rlro•Y.H ........ ,,. 1\llllllro· !\lltry llull, To Mgr. Wright unll l.vnn W11tkm11 fonuohlng wtlh " 1\1'•11 8J•t l,.~ '" g•l th,.. golden JCPIJII:< fur tho~ V.t ••k 1-.•t•n \\lth 1111 th~ pln~ kn•u kt•ol UV\\U by lf'tlm !\ rl Wll• '"'' t ,., 11 111, uunl t)f tNwn J 1 nnllnJ: In With ll 1004 IUiol J118l II'•• IW l"·'m '' • l lu I JIJ.;UO& ~&n~ 1 ""' t.v nn~ lit II• pon l ltt.:h lo:""''' l11r Ill• lltJ:hl """ r•JIJ,.J It)' II T""·lo .,f I• 10m H ..,.,Ill u l'•tt Jun,• Vn..:• t •Htt• ••t , .. ,. ,.,.. .d ~~n·t pnpular ynun~: g11IA In lJ .... Jtu;: • lr· • lo•r~ 1~ ••nl• r• d tn tit .. big T•" t~n j Tuurr1111111'111 t,o•IO!; h•·I.J Ill I~•~ ,\11· 1 ~o:rlt·~ S••J•I Z 3, 11111! 4 Wr·IJ .IIIII• t h••• .,~,. lut,. u( hu k '" \ htl tuld 1..,.,, will Kil l"' filli ng f .,r )''" II \\'uoh I v.ou going ) _ l'rt•lty Jloollrl 0• 11. ttl•• !'lll•l"tlllnd II J HAimo·r hu joined tk :'\••" pr.rl 1:, II• h .branch. 8&Dk of ,,, t•lo u t k ma,: 11ver tbe duU.. .. r r· 1 111't•lrr who Ia belfta t 1 "'' o•l r•·.t I" I h~ l..>n« Beach ·u • \ II \\1114 IIOI111UnCf'd JodaJ by ":tu.H •r l: .. ~nd'A Wr1ght. 1111 r • r v. h oo ..,.,n bf' aa.Jat.ant til u • •t:• r \\.rto.:ht. • om~• from the 1 • 1''•11 tuunrh • t the ba.ok. He I •l.•lf•.t ht!l lraukmg ra~r lm-j "'"'· olh all• r .:raduatlon troc.~ '"~"'• > h· ••I •'-" tt 1u nlor rt .. rk, In 11!~9. and wu made an oftlcer w lht· lmuk n 1!131< I .dtr •·r h.,,. hu<l a wide a .,_.. 1• ''' •• 111 '11 ru•uH rlrpartment. of llw l•utk on:.: fu•I.J and 11 thoroup . ly f•~ndltnr woth lilt' typea ot •r· vtro·s ri'<JUiro"l by ruatomera tn Ulo• :'\e .... p rl nrl':t l Comradesh In New Culnea Ration Coupon Dates and Data BIRTHS H IGH AIIOVB tlte t-••• ef N-C•iMe. A•erl•• ••n• Lt. "WM4ie" A. 1 R•': ef Je«•~eo .. G*"r•i•. li.lllt ~ cit•r•ue fet e .. et the. A••lf•li•• fttHhi" s :! .,. and Mrs C"N•JI McDonald 4,,.,_,. the l o,ht tre•. the f~ellf ,, .. t.ec-tr te • ~••• . .,..,.,tal. ~,..,, ... •••- HA'rtll:-1 ~'AU::.! P All for Jlf"· 2-1tH ~·· . r1 ho I d ,.._ · uk• ''"' ~i4e I• 4ot1tt-fhtt ,..,. e1141 the A .. trttlle• M l't tlt•11h tile •erl4 ef Say a Merry Christmas . to the Boys Overseas ...... -- Your Portrait Doa't Dlla7--Do You MeJDal By Sept. 15th. 08DDNOW ~~~~~~----SPECIAL--__, 0. . Professloal •1 · 00 ~-trllt, O•ly • JifO API'Oilf'I'ID:WT HICCEII8A&Y Roberts Portraits _, Noa'I'IIIIAIN -NEXT TO WARDS LUIT A ANA, CALIF. ........... , ..... 11 -.a .. I p. 1L daiJJ The new greeting card~ are here and advise you to make your choice early. Overseas Cards Can Be Mailed Sept. 15th No Cards Will -Be Accepted Later Than Oct. J 5th Newport Balboa News-Times 3011 West Central we nOd ~gmntnlt" Aug. 22. 1944 · • • "'I'" 11 Pvar · ._.._a the ••"" wile-.. 1,. Nt .... ,_ •ir .,..,_ •1141 ••ether" te "-• 11e1 War Aatoon Book Ill 1 M"'lll arP thP J1&rl'nls of " eon: •h a •-letweet • •ltere tlteil ..,,_ ''•e4 Wen die-... ~ .... Slemp No I on " lr IIUI•·· IY•rn l<l ~1 -'"-"f'lh's hospital a., .... • .. ...._ 11'1 1U .... a P N o ant! ~Irs Allen r .. mlnr ----------------------------ltlut 11 pair ahnea1 good now, ~11)11 S•·Rshnr,. l1r!H', &~ retok:: uplratlon dat~ nut ~~ lnt In thl' arrlve.J of ~ ciaqpte s ump "" 'l "n ··a lrpliUll'" bo;n at ~~ .l"!!•·rh·s hnepltal. r. lhtel II pair ah• N I gocxl nal'o' · 1 A tlaughto•r was born at the uplrallon t..lal!' n••l Bf t S~<nl Anu t • .. mmumty ho.pital t o tNOTE Take book alone to makt .\lr flno.l ~Irs c;,.n:tnn Rlt.cbke. purchue J ,l~.f!l ()rang .. 8wnue Coeta ~~- Guali Units Prove Their Value In Recent Port Chicaco Disaster War ,.atton Book IV AuJ! ;!c; Rlamp Nn. 110 1 ~ lbe IU«&fl • It WAll a linn fur ~Jr and Mra. &Otld now, nr>lrttlon detr ool aet. H:u ry C Kt•rf. lfiJ 16th atreet. Stamp No 31 1 ~ I be. •ugarl <'llllt,, !\!• "a bum at thr Sa.rc.,._l f ond nnw; I'Xplratfnn elt not IM'l ·"lfillt•mil\ hosp[tltl Aug 2!) . Stamp No. 32 I!) lbll. eugar t T"" snwll ""lila Al eaane ar- &ood now; t>xpir.Uion datt' not S('l. rh···d Thur10IRv al !"t Joeepb'a Stamp No. 40 1!) I be. canning hollpllA.I t(J !':.:1 unol Mrs Jamu IIUiafl f OOd now. I'Xplratlon date[ l ,lristiAo, 111;, ~:a.~t llllh atftel February 28, 194Y 1 an,l ~!r. uM Mrs. Wtlllam Hatcll, Obtain appllt'atlon tor aodltlonal lin 22ntl ~lro•l.'t rannlo& au1ar a1 local OPA I ~tllff ~Itt and Mr10, P bUip *nta. AppllcaUon, whtp fil led Go••ttt•l. 1:13:.! ~ltracnar, Balbou, out, muat be accompanied by l 11'"~' lht> rarent~ •;f a rlaup ter, Bpare Btamp 37. Flnt period ap-ht•rn a t St Jneeph'11 h .. IIVItal Au& pllcaUona may be flied from Way I 24 1a to JuJy 13. Second period ap.l ----- pllratlona may be flltd f rom JuJy Poss('c;.~or of thl• Ninth Service ll\ to October 20. command \\"AC' <nftball l'hampion· Red etampe 110 point. I tor ship 1 m!Jhy IS, lh•· C.amp Ro!ls, WU· meat•. t•hi'U t JO. ra.nnrd milk and mm1;1on. C' .tltfomla. 1•'0\m ~t~•hlch rannf'd fish All tn 7JI 11nd A:'> tn !IUN'N<~fully dC'f••atrd _rnmpe111ioo 0!) &ood now; uplraUon cSat.e Dot ~nlt•n'd frnm m1htnry Installat ioN eel In lilt' command rl'pro-.:<'nling rtght GREA~F: RONt ~ Butchtre W<'SI~·~ <tat,.~. II wa• nnnoonced will J ive 2 rt'o.l tokrn1 for every ~ ~~ hf'Odituartrl"o. ron Dour- poun(l ot l!&IVaJtd kitchen fate re-~. t CriVtd ULlJF. trtamt>• 110 point. n ch 1 for C'IUlned, fn z.tn and dl'hydratt'd fiiO.hl AIO 111 Z,. 110\l Af> 1" 1-'':'1 Jl()(~t n 11w •'llfllcnlt"n tl11 l•• "''' ·••·t G!l lll 1#-.. JtOild !,.epl. 1: ellplra - tlon da te no\ •t. GA SOLINF. COUJlOn Nn. 12 ( A·Tlnok t thrN.' anllon•. Rood now, t>xplrt'll Srpt. ~1 . 1 All cnuJ>tllll 11.uet ~ flldnrt~td on flir t' With l llr IIN•n11;• numbt'r and alll tl' nf rrJtalmtlnn ~&"I' your I Uno lnaiJ«'tlon recon11. Thfy must I be prell!'nted who•n applying f(•t a rent•wel of ra• rallone, Till F: TN~PF:CTION Save your llrt l~~pe<:Uon recorda Any requu t to r~plece any P..· t'nger c-ar tire mu1t bt' sr r mpl\n· ted by 1\.11 lnapet·t ron tt'\'llrtll ant.J a ne•· notation tmm an aulhor1z.td '"'Pt'tlor lhat a nr~t~· tl~~ I HEADACHE J 18 8UCM A BIG Ll11\.l 1MING After • dlt» '" ttl IPtll flttlt I f POol It tt!t t .. PINVI'fl lfurlftl tha Haw Veri! hot ..,,..;. •"• ''"' "''"o". 1gecr 1, .... her ~~~ray te the '"eat 41eller"e Joeeph w.r:~••tecr 011~ to """ .. her falftlly'l vH41 f1t. lfll•trel""" dlrt cllo" • •t" ""'• lo her ,.....,. an41 ttartelf her elf In the right "'"'' 110 ' :·~· "II her tll•t "o 111ettw hew het the weether, fet Hvlnt Ma .... Ylt:l ·-•c•u•• ueect fat 1e .... ntlal In the -~~uf~ ., M .• , _., Pr04wcta. ' Rubber Lined Win~h Head .... ............... f'rtftld ...... .., ... ~-~ ---· .. ........., ..... ,, FOLDING BAZOOKA GOES INTO ACTION A fulo.lmg bnznoko, more com· pact lhal the orogmal. Ia nnw lx'· lng laurd to all lnva.stfln force.~~. Tht new Wfapnn wae orl~;lnally l1111ued to troope m lhe troplr1. BUY MORE THAN BEFOKE I \ BACK THE ATI'ACK I A IIEARTY dinner, or mld- nlaht lunch, a little too much SIJ'okina, perh.pe a coci tail or two-great fun to• niaht; a miserable letdown. hNdachey feelina tomorrow m omJf\1. You ~pie who -lonallJ at- tend I party end ~o:r toocl tel· lowahlp end aoocl food, oflftl PQ MXI '-1 lw 1M hill :rou h•d. ,._, 4oft't :rou b7. Alk•-~1'­.. tNt •Men~Afta tJt.-r .. fH IIncf Alb-a.Ju. • -mf"diclne -fill .. U.. relief el ~ ml'* alliiMMI ..._,_ Alka-S.l'- .-W.. a reliable erw~.C:~ ,........ with lllulf..-.1 ...... 'l'r7 ........ _7 ............ . .... &tN .............. c.w.,.... --.•~a.rr.._...,._.. .. ] .......... A-.le"-r•-·lueU..ewl ................ y-~ I ..... ~.._., ....... at ,. .. _. twftulft ..., Ia -• ~· Grammar School Sues for CDM Building Ground Building Permits HaWitORT 8KACH 1Nt -2tl .... _,_ .... ·-··· 233,016 111-35 -t O., "·-······ ....... _. •117.440 teas -~u ........ ~-........... 7&&.08t SA NTA A N A An eminent do-1937 -!W\3 ............. _ ... 008,080 main action _by wh.lch the Nttwport 1938 -648 .................... _ 911,637 Bea cb echool dllltrlct eerks to 1939 -642 . .................. .. Rel .74S condemn four lote lo Corona del 1840 -~% •....... 1.040.122 War for collltructlon of a new 19•1 •~8 .... ·-··· -·· ... 1,229,484 ecbool building wu tiled ln Su-1962 -320 . ... ...... . 2e0.936 pen or court loday by Deputy I 1943 County Cow1arl George F H ol th·n. January ................. -... 1~.23S ~The action 11 directed agal01t I F~bruary ... • •.&SS r . and Mra Julius Richard. Mr. March . . .. . .. ... . .......... 7.&77 and Alra. Allen M. Culver. Harold April ... ........... 9.146 Shellenbarh and the Jrvtne Co. May ..... , ... . 12.721 and lhrte unldenltflt'd fltbera. pre· J unt 14,060 aumably Individuals. July 7,398 Vr.trre nt the Newport Deuch Augupt 8.760 dletrlct earllrr lhil ll'Ummer ap· Sroptrm~r 22.378 prnl'ed the Jasuance of $1110.000 1n <X:tobf'r 13.11-40 bo11 c'11 to provtde tor a achOOJI lo November • 10.014 Corona d!l Mar. 1\(IW Wllhout De<:fm~r ........... -................ 16,160 gTI.mmar st•hool fut'lhlu.•s, n.-c .. a-TOtal .................................. 142,327 II tating arndlnli euptls lll 1'\f'~ purt JO..f ,f .., f!each. ~ .. Pt>arl Er.;kint' of Los An~:el('s has returned to lh<' city aftc>r 1spending a week with ho•r ni('ce I MNI. Dick FUller, 1618 W. Ckean Front. January rrbruary ~larch May June July $1&.~ 18,740 38,1'76 4!).473 73.431 4:1,400 HORSE RACING Quarier Horse Match Races HAM COTTOI RAICH .(Oae M1Je South of Sau Clemente) • Before You Build or Remodel '11Ait our lnt.ereeUA1 eample and dJipi&J rooma. Color plde-., plaall1nc aida, com· prehenalve etoclc of nars. -rpeta alld Ueoleum. RQ(11 alld Carpeta Clt!Uied, Repaired· LUDLUM Carpet 11!! SouU. Malll 8&. 11w -• of tlw A,..y Air FOI'Clel , • , alt. fiMet i• the land. Air W~q aot oaly •~t tl.e men who n,. 'em, but work witb tile. ••• ehare their lriumpha •nd their fan. Aa •n Air Wac you're one of the te.18 • •• Vad e S.m'• "i<'lory le•m of the air. Now you un join llw Women'• Army Corp end reque.t duly wi1h the Army ~n·i<-e, Cround. or Air f orcee. Mail the N"upon tod.ey-it will 1M! )OUr introdue- Uon to lhe men "'"O n,. 'rm. Works BE A a/ac IN TBE liMY AlB FOBCES --~---------------------------. AIR WAC. 114 E. OaNn Bt,·d I Loarr BNc-h. Calif. P hoaf' 66'7-22 or 66'7-96 I I -.,._ de II'S ol 3) and 49. Pleat tmd me rour J -.'ne '-tlet ol AU Wee infOt'IDarion, "6S Ou..MM. I _.A. a;._ Weca ill de AnD, Air Fon:a. f N. ______________________ _ liMn«.,•'-------Pltftt ___ _ a,..._ ____ _ ......... U..~h·-j -· '"".............. ' .,_ .... ..._,... . I :.:_• a ~. _,. I This Sp;;c-;;7~b;t-;dby ------------J I I I I I I I - .. •"1-IU l61t ............. ---.,... .-unn' ; •1111 a e1 ~ ................ ......... ,.. I \VEST COAST PACKING CORP. ._ _ _...I_A_ri;a,g.;Bea;.;;;;~;.:h:., ,.:N.;;;e:;.;;w;Jpo::.:rt~Be=a~~h::._ _ _j B _,! T Q ,, • • ~,} -I I" II . \ I k , ' · ·' • · I t , • · r Bas Schedule of lewporl Beach Grammar School for 1944-45 Follow1n& li the bus $eh\'dule of thE' Newport Beach Grammar School for 1944·45: t &-gonia & 2nd Ave ... Carnation & Canyon. Richardson's 7:44 7 :45 7:4~ NEWPO~·r-BALBOA NF.WS-fJM~. NeW1SC)ri Beach. ('alifnrnia. Tur~rl a:v. Au..ru:;t :?H. 19H I For Summer EYenlnp ] p, JBLtC NoTICES -NOTIC. OP IN'I'II:HftON '1'0 TaANSI"EEl ALC'OROU(' BltV· ltllAOit UCI:NIIU. ETC. NOTIC'E IS HERF.RY GIVEN IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES •·• RE-AD _: FOR-Ill-OF-IT • -USE FH-1-E-SUl-JS • • that t~ Ll~n~ 11nd Vt'fldorhere-1 JIF.II' W\!\TF.Il lnaftf'r n11mf'd lntf'nd!l to l<f'll •nd ---· _ · • Coroea del Mu (All Kindt>rJ(ort('n take lhts Marigold & C'onst Goldenrod & C'oa~t Palisades Road Bay Short' Camp bu$1 7 :56 7 :52 756 7~ Pnrk & TOII!Il Park & Marini' R1111 Stanl1 Ony Shore" fkoocon Oa) r ark & Topaz Park & Marlnl' . 7 ·53 7:56 8 ·13 8 ·15 1 R:l7 R•21 8:25 tnmsf!'r to thf' Trrmotff'I'N' •nd HJ:l.l' \\ '" l't'P t'lll•lll•t.· h,,,,... VPndl"(' hf'l'l'inRftf'r n11mt'd thf' fol· "'""''' ,. '", fl ",.,.k 1' ~ lowln~: 11!''1('rlbN1 J'l('l'l!Onal pro· pr..ro•r" 1 1 •,,, :~·:1 , · .. 1 ""'' •It• I po•rly, to·wft : Mar • • ,, 1\i th' I Tho' C'aff' anl1 RAr rumltuno, fh:tun-... NtUiJllllf'nt, mN'('hlln· HltJJ• \\ \ '\: 1 1 • "'""""' , IIJl· 111!'4', !IUf'lpli<"'. 5:ood·wlll lind al•lo· • 'I'' "' • ,f f.,r • •'<•kllll: I I 5:0(l(f·nnmf' of thf' husinMlil cllr-&J>d • •• '' • k •""'"" (""' ly , ROA-rs. strt'ruf:R MISCP:I.I.ANmtrs I n rRN1Ttrtnc \'M"III' A:o\11 l ii>AT Jo'QI'll' FORAAI.J',-r FOR H~J.I'--._- MF~'t' l'1>rk Jct• krl,., kKI'••It fiJI:\\' I Nil Altrrll lluna, ,llmt•hnllt j JiYilt l't.U .Ir. IO·Iubf' R.t' A r.-tlo, • 11~11 '"'~· j ft o•llt" l(llh• o'hlllll, arwllllot 1111,1 llll'ntllllJI, ~~flirt Mll· o'~"'•"h', fllll' Nlndltlon. to'f :1 I' 1111o1 11 ttl", IIIII ff lu•tt\'\' lllnt t>lfn••tl, roW& .. r.·llned. •tr Ji,cllf""'l\lf'r, ltalboa. IT·2tp •'l\l•·n••·•n •••td '""\•.o ''''" 411 1\tl:'>·\\' r,t.Jot«' • nn' lt)l ,.,.,. nfh h,,,- ~·u-• :-o.npphltr A\'t~ fh•\t f UPU'•f ''""'·~· ,,., • rnr.u~ TRr:r. AF.R\'ICF. 1-'0it RA IF. Arl••n lliiU\t>. f.-1 I ""•lllltoll • I T:'> I<M 11\th 8t .. N••wpntl llr•l'll C'11ll atlf!r 11 rt!'d on nt th(' Sc-11 Shf'll C Rff', ... ~.1 '" "" '•rh "Ill:"~ l'h 601 EMI C'c-nlral Avcnul', flal· Nrt I! 7 t' tli :.!1• t\7 tlo· T.•ppln~:. 11111.. lrlmmlnl( an•l -I ",....kina Gordon's _Drug StorP t! 00 10.30 S('!;:<ion lor kind!'r~-:nrtl'n: 1 All """ I'll l t:oll I' Ill """ ""''"'""" IIT-4lp We.t Neiii'J)Ort • &o .. hoNI Orangt> & Coas1 'Bivl1. llt>lt>n's Stand 38th & Coa:.t lllvd rluldnm ll\·in~; from 3Jr•d St. cast 8 1:1 ' to tlw p<tlnll saml' as m orning 8 l.J SIOJ>S I hoa. In lhl' C'll)• nf Nt'WilOrt R4-RI'h. Oranc:P Cf'l\.lnly, Call· HJ:U • \'• l'\; I Fl • I·' lit SA 1.1-: Ill (I n llht•llRil)' :11:1 PIUII ('r nlrT Rt. Anllhrlm "'lit I( A 1.1-: ~llll(lr 1\Nt, t'ompi.U; ~, ... , .• 1 l•••t 1:.0 hI' ~~· "" "'"' ""' 1 l 'h ~nah,.lm 441:1 Ill lllp I ,.1 ... """' hMhv , t lh lTl3 Mira· "'""" "'''''"· tr11llrr <'XIrll 01,.1 l•r . llllil""' OT-lk' Tr&m rrh n•. tKgn . 1, 2, 3, 4 gradrs :lOth & Coast 8·16 Plata Del Sur & 1 9 ·551 onl)) Co'nlral & F 9 ·57 1 romtn. loct'thPr w ith on«-On· ll SAil' Di~tillrd SJllrlh; LiN"n~;1 nn•• On·Sflle IM¥r 11nd Wlnf' Ll- ""n.~•·. holh or which st11nd In 8ft01tl:• f• 1, .,,,, .. ,,. ~ ..... ~1r.M Cnfl., ,,, .. v. ,1,.1n l""'"rtt11. m t~ ..... ~., ·I• 1 ~"". tiT·IIr "ho·o•l "lhl l tr". • 1\11\'il" ,,.,,,, All fo"Ht :-l l\1. .. : Ho•H>IIIIIIIIn IYJ"" Itt r:•••ol >'IIIHhltt>n • All fou $:111(),1 Wlllf·r l'htfllf' :1~11. Nlll Jli·h t''\ ' It N IT\ I IU : f"'rt IC' A LID ,..;ti 1..-1.1 ""' o'nlllfll"t" with boa -1•rt11~ ll•c• IM••••· rue. atuvw. "'"'""'"· ,.,,. 127 IC Uay Aw., llallo.•a IT·tt.c 24t h' & Coast .Sewport Hfll~rht .. I All Kindt>q;nrlt•n take this Santa Ana & 15th ·rust in & 15th El Modenu &Clay 8 :17 Crnrrll.l....& B ,. 9 !59 8:18 Cl'ntral & Adams 10 ·01 LJhrnry 10:0:1 Cll«'l lliwny & O r.anGI' 10 :10 Coo~• Bl\'d & 38th 10·14 Coo~• 01\ d & 24th 10:15 :'\l'wport lho> nllml' nr GU!! R. Tnmrl!. liEU' \\'A !I: l't'P ~Inn .. , "''"IIIII hl'l"\•l nR ftt•r nam1-d. for j:t•no '·" ""'"' "••• k Hulh•>t• Tho• nllrnt• of th\• l...lr•t·n~ and Jon l 'hur~o· !1:•\\'l>lll l tU>O 113·111' Vrnrior I~ GlJS R. TAMPI.JS, dc9-HEJ.r \\'A :"TI p llnko•l ·" ht·IJ"'' ln2 bu~l"'~"' a,; St'll Shell CarP, at 1 traoh· ",,1 k ~,,,,.,.11, ,. flllkrrv ~ .... ""''' 4 ~~~ 1•111 l?tl :ll•th !ll . 117 II•· No•\\ 1'"1 t 1\l'oh h IIi 411': HilA T~ If, t, Rulli al\d Trll<lf•d Ml\rlnf' F:n~~:lnt'll anll l'a"1a a.I AIO)'I ... ~~!.','A,UC AN P .. , F'G. ("() 1-tlH ~AI.~' ~'"~'" IK\Intt hrna "''"' 11ld t.l~tkr ••fl,r ... ,...,, l ••r· ~:~.:~ .. ~~.;, ~·1', ':~·~;• ;' :;·~:~ "'lit IU I .tr. tr'lalrhan... C'ab&net Broad & Sun u. .. mardtno Santa A.na & Oco•a n Dnvc Tht' Archc>,; bus I 750 7 :51 7:5.! 7:!\:1 7:55 t2nr1 s.• .... ~ton h t to 41hl 1 C011~t 81vl1 & 3.1nJ II :45 I numhl-r 601 Elt~t \t•ntral Avc-nuf', w t.llot11 :"t 11"11""' 1a .u , Rnlhon, City ... r Nt'wport Dt-ech. 1 __ _ ~oao W l'rntr•l Av•. l'h 2:'1AA·W ~'tilt ~AI.I-' II>~ tt ,.. ~tn lrnn N""''l>flr1 n~rh, C'allf I r..... Mit•• I •• ,., ... , .. , .. r........ "" I( I""'' I''"""· JM'rff't'l rono11Uoa . !"all at 41 2 ICaat t"anlral Aw., f\a.lboa t4·Ue . 7:56 Udo a Fl.nlf'y I Lido lsi. Klnd'•·g'l'n tak<' this bu~ 1 lido & Lafayette .. 8 :07 Llcto Soud & Cordova 8 OR Udo Soud & Mt•nton(' 8 .09 Lido Soud & Yello . 8:11 Lido Nord & Ravina 8:1:! Finll.'y & Ct>nlral . fl :l5 30th & Old Track s 8:17 Balboa Plaza df'l Sur & I. F & Ct>nlral B & Cf'ntral Ba.lboa blall4 8:20 8!2'2 8::.!3 (All Kin<k>'1(arten takf' this bus) Avocado & Coast Highway 7:43 Co..ht Blvd & 24th 11..17 Balboa I l'lnln 04'1 Sur & 1 , 11 :45 C',.nt ral & I"' 11 ·46 C"t•ntr·al & R 11 ·-17 Ct·ntral & Adam,; 11:50 41.11 Vrade Student• will take- Grommnr SChoof 6us to the Gram· mar ~chOC'I piRnt and from thf'rf' the wholt• ~troop will be taken to lh<• Htgh !K'hool. 15th grade stud· t>nts to-wail for bus to high school by len~~tourts.) r All Children musl get off bus In 1 h(' artem oon a t the li&J'Tlt' stop lhl.'y use in the momina-unless the school is notified othf'rwise 1a • Fis~inc Boat Barcains SPECIAL: 42-ft. x 10-lt., 9-ln. beam; 9-toa Ice bole ........ $6500 M ·IL Lowmaa; aew Cllryaler Cro-. earrytq c:Mrter. A llarpla. M·rt. Faat.aU. ...... Oranl!t' County. C'allfomla. Thfo ,THt: ~'Ait \11-:HS t:o\St'lt A Nt·~·, lf'lliiN' of rl'1illk'nf'e or "nld Gull B. OROt'l' ha• 1111 ·,.1,,.""'.: rur '"' -- 2.11 Itt' hrtu•l fill"' "1111 l•,.(flr an• I Tampll~ I~ 001 ER~tt CC'ntrnl Avf'• ambttlf'"" 1111111 •·tlhl'r full 111 1 l•'t Ill ~A 1.~: FIUl>llllll John110n ,nul', Balboa, C'lly of NI'WJI()rt pArt·l•mo• :00:•• 1\):1' llmll f~lt· C"llnkrr httlll 14·rl """ lw••t o'l\\ IR4-n,.h Or:lnJ:I' C'nunt) Cnllr11mla . ~ll,.nt 1.,,,.. ,. .. r 1,.,..-iblhly. 11 r111 tr11 lu•'tn.: f llll\ru •••vrr Thf' n!lmf' 11nd add""'-" of the In· will I""' """ 1,. tnvnll::•tr $:1:>~) 11 t~ 1.1•1" ~· 1111 :'\r" l"•rt .t YOUNG plaid '" drHa-up taf· tf'fldf>d 1'rlln~ff'n'4' and VendM-Ill : Ole>nl'y & t;tllurtr niNt ld~:ra lletu•h I'll 26·3·J 64 4lt· ~ f~ca m.akH an rnch .. nlln& dru• C. M STILL. 616 NarTi5:'1U" Aw-107 N .. lfl••ll•l'" "". Ran111 A nil n""et•·• ,, , '"''" '"~'"""""" "'"' '"'' "'''"""" "' :1111 n ... "''" tuhln.: '" II" ,..II h """'" l'rh'• •·nr111•1t•l•• t !'I:O •'•• '"''n :'l·ln .. ,,..,.u .. ,., ,.r S:.lt. ,.,., h l'h Nf•l Jtt'h !It\ fl7 2tl' WANTED TO IIVY \\'AN'n:ll TO tl\IY ttonwblrd or altablly lar.-•r •" .,.,.,, M~ I~ "'"" f'l'v•n l II'Mtlfta In aa&l• lnl{ mUIIt l'fl Wllh lb• buaL A.S. wanted a canu.. J'. o llob loti. or &ufl'm~r ~nntn&• -and for nue Corona dt'l Mar, City of N~ Ca.llf l'ht~nr 1\JO:I 83·6tl· "')II ~AI .f.: lll·fl 1!131l mah<ll(· "''H ~1\1 ,~: 1 '""'I"""'' I Wllm cho.>l dancn '" dw fall Th~· rayon port Bf-ach, O r·onat> County, Call· "''·" Ptoill" ~·1 • ( ,,rvttJrr ft . an'• I''" w11r hl•,)l•''" l'•rt.,.·t • alf~u fabnc hu ~aud .Yborator) fomllt. H&U' \\'A:o\TEU Bu.,.• would ll!'l h I' 1'11111111', A I o•unollth>n, r<ontlltluu Almo •• nrw '""'·W.r OUR AUO\IaT Ct..I:AJ\ANCS II ll~rllywUI)(t, C"allf. ll·ltP <Ill for Ham acrm-'h· dry clun Thl' kind of lo~n-lntf'ndt-d to you hkl' lu h"' .. a n 0'1\\'htalvr l!'l('rf. s .. ,. "' VIlla Marina. llru. 17!'1 rao•h 1 harbo·l'llll trrlfl nuw Oft. M•lney MVlAI Ndue- '"1· &lid othn wur quahtin . Tlua bf' tranafern'd nno On·Salr OIJI-U rrll• rv htuhllln& Adohr Dairy No•Wflurl ll••ft<'h l'h IIUIO 6!'1·41•· "" "'hf'l'la wllh 1•l•tr warm.,r 110011 tn every d•p.rtm.,.l. 01111 mean a lh.t elM drne will c•n n · tillf'd Spirit!! ' LICf'fl~: On·Sale "'""" tJo • I 'o•rmrtr,..nl, ~"•enl tal, I "')I' RA Lt-', lktal 11 •llrr. ..~... "'"I ntbhf'r 11r ra. J:ll'l 1 ••nrtr pi~• and I of a 111114 lt... cell~nt weer -and th~ fabric will Rrfo 11 WI I I 1 ~d ' ... ~ ... , t-1 ,.. n 1c-.. t 1 ' r~maJn in cood condiuon for a r an n.-• rl'n!.l'. 0 0 "'munnatt '" At.l<lhr I nthllf'r Wlntlf•w• •'nmplrtf' wlttt-1 · " J'h Npt •·h lie. ftT·Itl' pr _, 0 «' "' •mak~·ovn" JOb lal•r Oft. If yoL The> al111n'll~ o( thr pl'l'miws to ll"11re • :10111 It t"'·ntral. Nt'WJW>rt 1 franw• "'"" 2 aar•trr dnc>ra 1-t lH would lib 10 tun a copy of a n~w which lht' lirt>n-ohoVI' mm· ~ H.-I' ldr llull ht'fono 7 113!'1 f.~ t'rntrrtl Avr llalhua lahlr,R:1~.,.1!\~I:'! .• :;~• It~:: 'PC DAV'CNPOI\T 8II:Ttl M ... fru -.aft~c MS~I~ctN>n and Can ot tionPd havt' bfot:on l~<.<~uf'd ts 601 Ea.t a m . ot Afl••r J I'm . ur "'"'r M ·2tp u 1&1110, be:. ..,._ ekll IU)'On Ho .. ny." Mnd )'OUr lUmped Cl•ntrnl AVt'nUi', Rill boll, Cl• y or I l e<IO w Anllh .. tm. VJRjt 14rllt•h prkl" I :'ID M l'h Npt liWIO now ttt.M : t.4rooa ....... ulf.addruHd mvdo~ to til~ Wo. Nl'wport Bc•Rt'h, OrRniC" Cuunly, 1\I'Hip FOR 8AI.F,..-A11T08 117·11•' lnw u Pt,lft.. You wW 11i1q men'• Dcpanu.nc of tbia new-. Califomla. ------lo'OII MAt ... : ltl() tl h t llf1ln. ol t.._ barplu at ,_ paper ThC' 11atr whl'n llnt:l lhP place REAL ESTAR Hllt l4 AI.Jo: ttl411 lluh'k. ~·drw~r •avy .. en. .mop tt.r. dunac Aq\Mil. We Wht'no t ht' rnn~ldrratlnn ror tM fOR SAL.f'.-. .,.,,IUl c:.w .. l '"mlltlull tt• .. on· """' o·unl, rtUw .. t ut. J<M Malt· Ullt'lp.t. 10'1' vt.tt. McMAMa WJ1t1•• by the part'nts t f "blr :tOO '"'""'' Av.-, Baltw,. J•hlr,. Av<> • lla.lhl• lal•nd. Pll -rtlft!C l'r or tht• hrl'n54'S Is to he FOR SAIJo~ 141\11 tl7 llr tr\&mlture eo.. lncl au ....... Balboa lalancl 8dlool fklMldul&-pAid. and the-dRh • wht'n 11nd the f\!1 -ltp way, "-nta Ana, 0&1&1. 11·.,_ (for chlldrt'n on Balboa ........... pl8<'1' whr•rl' thi' <'On!'itll"ratlon for BAI..BOA ·~I.AND WANTED TO ariNT --in grad<.'S 1. 2, 3, and 4.) , the t rRn~fl•r or thl' othf'r pt•n!OI'Ial Modf'm J.lwolriKIRl, 2 hlltha. •t· ~' tl( ~AI.f.: lll:lt• ltulr k ····h•n -I.OM ~ Lunch period 11 :<IS to 12:45 pal11 ~~ F'tlday, the lsi day of g,..,_ UmUttt $10 :14)(1 Trrm• hrolrontn furnYtl ... l huuw on -.. MA.~Y OTIIEilS TO CHOOSE ROM School opens . · . 8:4S propl'rty ml'nlion('d ht•rf'ln he to be 1tral'ttv .. llv•n.:rl\o•m, patln, un·1 :~~If',•·.~·: 1 111 :.~"1:·~:~:;:11~:~···:,;,'~~ 1 1 \\ ANT TO ltF.NT 'l'Wu ur t hr,.,.. .._ ..... o-··op .... w .... lnoDftN ' "' r, .. llllbo .... , .. l!•rt. TQII E .. Uay, R.lbnla llhmtt -Nn rnttrt~ A • Gradea 1 1r 2 .. out 1 :~1tcmucr. L;Pt4, a t llu• hour ot 10 ~-.. ..., " ,..,.,..,..,.., H.al ftT Jtr .... ""' Grades 3 & 4 "' out 2 :45 o'ciO<'k A. M. or 1111111 (illy "' ltwo Pb. Npl. fkh 234·\\' 67·2·1C .. . I ..,.. ... l)t•r u'"""'Y al (IY, lll'r'• l'llll• J,O,.T a.,.t aalla at Ra.llltua.. ,..._ ward. llalboa ~ ....,._, 11-lte IlliG'S LAIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage There will be no bus servi<'t' for lew oHkl'~ of Rolland ThompiiOff. FOR !IA L.Jo'. tli f.' 1 4 hr 1 I ~·· tit ~AI.~: tll:w M"''"' A ..... ,., 1 vr"1"'11'" llua 11117. l "•••t. .. ,. .. children a\tt'ndlng Ballxla blnnl1 Ronm :.!10. Srur~:t'Ofl OuildiniC C'lty ._...' r • 1 "'"' 1"1 1"11 · · '1 1 ''""""· 11111 o1 '"''· ... ,.,.11,.111 tlrM "' 1'1"'",. Nt•1 l :'lliii·H hf'lw II h I f S I A "' ( ,... llf I ""'rn "'"'" troll~•' Ill "II fll . . • anol II u-<Ctc: AhovP schedule' sub.Jo'ct to That tho• Onl1111nl of lh~> t'Ofl~ht· llA~ IIMII ... t 6T·2tl' W ANT To I.Y.A>I .. : unfum lllhl'tl . -----lA li'T In 1,.11•• ftunday nl1ht. flh•" and tau atr,.,_r baa. lnlt&a.la W W W R•watd ,1•01 W. Bay, N""'l"'rt 14r•rh l'f·ltp sc 00. 0 an II nl\, • .,tnlt• n ' 8 nm II. m~· llt>Uir 3 )'«'hrll ..... SO,!)(VJ l s ....... , Ill """'"" I .ar,..cr 7Utl •: chungc without notice. ernrtnn for lh<' t rnn ... ro•r or !<Aid II· 4 2 J 1 !o 7 _s 1 l·rMh(lr. 1 .,,,., l 'lt••no 11 · }.'~','', ~.1111 !'l A I.~: 1,,:17 \\'til\~ 4 """r 11 ""''."'' '" .,, '"''" NI'WI~•rl Will ll•t A D .. ,__ Part'nl.s are a!>okl'd to pin nllml'l! ern~" b)' Lic•rn~l·•· nnl1 Vl'nr1nr to ~ ~ • 1 -. Ph. Npt. Bdl. ltM ......._ 1 '"''lllll \l o'l \' ,., ... 1 nlltflrt, rto:o•r l I Jill\ II 111"111 h• fl'll l Ill ll•lvarll'4' i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tanfl:tddrc-s~"~ nr kind,.r.:orlt·n anrt1 .. nn' t'r"'' untl \',•nci•'<"· 1.'1 the --1 1 1'1 12 I.OI'IT ltr""''" hllllold ~tw ... n Marlnr Avr •n•l 141lJJphlr• A·n .. ltalh•>A llllarul, Munda y a.m. • ""'•lnlniC 'tmrHor1ant .,.,.,. t\..ward. Allo,. l"oowr. ~" Ray f."honl . l"'lbna lat•utt tiT· Itt' fn1-t ~r<tdl' rh1ldro•n 1u thr•m for 1sum .. r ,1-'ivt• Th•lu•nrul Oollan~ FOR Rt;NT 1''"1 "''''''' v.111 """ "" l11 "' '~·" ' M -:lt I hi" ftrl'.l v. t•l"k of '"hool. 1 S.'l.OOO 001, 1'"1"1"'1 1 u.• •NTt"l) TO Br:NT I () · FUit 1<~:!\·1 H .. 11 " '"'1"11 ' It '" ft,\l.f\U;\ MUTURH "" • • 19-l•:tll'fl lht~ :.!4th cl:l\ nr AUJ:U.SI, I J loll!, nH !\lith :-lt . Nt•11\71·':_tl~ i tiC, ~;Ill\\ 11"11"'* U7 ;llr \\A:"T 'I•• l<fo:N I' 1\\,. "' 1111"' A P P L I C A T I 0. ~ s Enjoying a coool Wt'ck t>nd 11t tho• £ ,. c:r•s n TAMPI.IR, 1 lw·""~'"' '""""''"'' """M'' .. 11 hl-ach. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rnr-rlnint:t hu~inrs' n' s,.n Sht•ll Coft', 1"011 1:1 ::'\T )O(j!;, CATS II l't:TK 14ttlh"11 l•lnllll Nu 'htl•tt·,.u nr TK~HMPORTA110N lon or Orange hove bc·f'n the 601 F:n~t C\ontral Avl•nuc. Balboll, 8ep&e1Dber Ca....U.Uon :-."''tJT'rlt•: ""'' (' ..... , llll&lt' ''""•t , ..... fklll)lliii•V ... IIWfll'r'a COO· . •ow BEIIG TJIEII . guests of r.tr. and Mrs. Trav~>rton Nt'WfJOrt fltoat·h. C'nllfomln. Rc-auttrul 3·bf'•ln .. m• ho>mf' '"• l•••k •"J: ,, ' ,, '""" "'""'' I'll ,.",,..,.,.,. IJ"'I tl97. , ... ,,. .... ... DlCY~ lluka, rwa..S w ,._ pat_, Vt'pl'a .. ~ Malo Itt.. n Wat..on, 105 8th strf'4'1, Raltlml ... l<·•·n-. ... lmcl Vf'ftdott l'ltf'Ofl" ,, .. 1 ..... ''nmrrif"lr"ly ,,, I ~Jol llo .. ,.,, +17-2tl' I'J )Jli\UII. :-;,., u,o.:," ..... w ~ -------------11~~r-~~~~d!.~--~~~~il~~-----------l~=i~ii~::if::ii~ii~i;(ift~N~I7"~'~«'~f~lf~('~a~ll;f•~•r~n~l~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: HAIIw"' 11nd 2CNI Manne -of-A T LA S T ' I 1:-J Tiff<; :!·lift "·'' nf Au..:u~l • - • 1••1 1 t.,·r'"'' "'" 1ft•• untl•"',lcn•1'1," , ••··r '" ,,.., •• , 111,11 1 • :-.; .. ~,,,, l'ul•ll<' 111 and f u1· '""' \tillY lt•·••ur lt,1,., IJo' \I" y ..... I . I''' llillll h'•~ "ru r Jl,., ..'li \ "'' '", •• , \\ ,.,.,, ~~~J f I Hardman Manufacturing Company ...., . I • STAPLES ton·nur C<ll llll \ nn•l ~l.ol•• '"'''""·"" nrr .lr y , ~·I • "'' 11, ,,1,. d , •. ,,,,.,, 1:1 S II '1',\\ti'I.IS kntown •••upy th•• 1,,11,. llllol ""'It "' 11' tU•· 1" h•· ''11 f"1'()n \\h••"' f•'HttHI't'tl Mr,. \'tiJ..:•·I u l111t 't 11:um• '' ?IIIJ'~'III•• ol '" till· fnro•r.;n-1 i w•ura, 1111,.1 II\' lit I: ""' 1 •1 , \\A.'\; I 'Ill f.l.,\. I· '• 01 ''''"'"" These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs \Vhich Will Be Available the Latter Part of SeP.tember Uand M•C'hlnl'" h"\'f' .,r1\ I'd: lilt.: 'll•lltlllh'lll :md "''krtll\\lo••lt.:• d ~•· 1., that fl'llj;lh ,,, 1111 , :<It 1 1u rtt•• t) •• .r hP ,.,,..r•Jt•·d th•• ~,•m•· I • , • h t' '''' ~ .. , .tk "' ~l.•IH • l l •ttf• l '••k•l\ J: •• u ... WE lf.A\'F,- Tot :. Presto Arrow Bostitch Hotchkiss . Are . Staples \\ ltrw .... "'.' "'"'" 1,11,1 ••frlf"lal ·,' Ia to h11ltl horn t .. "'" 1.1,,11 , •• t·h ::• tot II• l'n.'lklllf'd Applicant!! A"~ptf'd WUJ 8f> l'ald Whik> Rfo('t'i\'ln,; Nt>~'I&I'Y TrainJn~ lnlltruction Pit'~ Apply: • I Bob Allt>n, 901 Coa.'lt Hl~h"·ay, 1'\ewport Beac-h (offices of the Pe~1on Boat Company) thi!ll oomin~ Friday bf>twtoen tht> hour.o~ of 9:00a.m. and 12:00 noon. Slnf('lf' J,ooo·. 5,000 to a box ,, " " " , " , " ,. " WNie T ... y LAlit ,,.;.1 • t~EA I,> HI ti.A:'\ I t T lltt:O.II'SON, · :"111:"' l'uhlw '" untt ,,.,. thP C'•ntnt) uf Or;•n~:•· Sl:t"' ol \nil· r .. , ntn l'uh Aut:: 29. H144 John Vogel Ruys 0 ld (; illette Horne l'ltrl ltll:<t' WHI' rrwtfo• th>lt wo..-k hy J , lin \'"Ji:t'l 11( thr· IIIII hnnt .. or Kilt!( \' Glllt•ttr on lhl' Balbnn lOll W. CA!IItra.l, Newport Bdl. I'• ntnlltolu. It "'till ""lc.J If> )It Hardman Manufactur.·n· Companv Newport Balboa \' .. ,;•I 1'" .l .. hll AlltAIIn vr :O.ft Pher· & 1 ''""· Kttllftl\.!1 S!'\'f'flll yrar10 agu SCRAPE AID PAIIT YOUR ·aoAt 01 OUR COIVEJIIEJIT WAYS We Furnish the Ec.aui,,mt.'nt You IJo Your Own \\'ork PORT OF SEVE.N SEAS BACK TilE A1TA{'K m '\' Mnnt: nu~us ~~~~:":;~~;:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==N=E=W==S · TIMES "'" tath·tte h""'"' w"" , ·•t 1n hatt • llllol llh· l!o•oll"ll llNHI'l<~l~lh~~~~~~~~t'~l\~h:._· ~-=~~~~~~~~~-----------------... ~-S_N_O __ O_D_I_4E_s ____________ ~----r------(7--ou_t_o_r_Io __ ~ __ ~~n.d-·~N~e~•~~~T~---~~~~~-~~-~--=A~~~-·~~~~~~=r~~-----l~ly~C~'y Hungerford /~j \111 '\. .,.,. ..... . / / DOROTHY DARNIT OO~OTH""f, TAlC( Ti1t\ C.t (;Aft TO PAp A Wt'T'"' H •S l ORDS~IP S (0 ,1PLIM£f<l't 5 ~ I II \ (A ~lao~ pro\'e!t the leadenblp of the S ew,._Timf'!ll) 1.-JA DA . ,_,l(U! •'» A. F O~ Y OU· L ORO ~f"'T tT By ('harlt.'H ~lr;\lanu~ - ·- I I I I ! r Professional MUUTIMEft S('IICHU. -:til'! C urfll, """"'" l•l~ttul - II\\ "4('111111l~lll•rt•• "''Ill '!II ••r•d,·•: C uU , J•rrt• t ,ftlrt''• rf'l •'••h t"'ff tun" 'utuiNtr• llnllh ... t II A \l•orllnu·r \1 -\ II• lurtl .......... fl:\'.! l 'rllll ,,,., Directory "•• Altil• ••• )t•) t'llf•tt ... IH I4'W• t ut ou • tt•l M•t ,. ........ ,. ,., ..... Uti MJI N .D . CASH · 0 .., ""' 000. .,.tt r AT HO.PITAL 'tnt41 l'f'l• J'\41 ... t•tt ,., M1111r, t.t .• ••r\ta Af\a . C•ttf -------------~1 ~---------------- Gordo n M.Grundy, M .D . Ph~•l<.lan anrt &urgeon Ninth and Cttnlra Ava. OftltOIII oo tO.I7•m.; l~p m. t PIP phone )7 lEROY P. ANDERSON I ATTORNE Y AT LAW Coeb Mro• Banlo a ulldlng Phone 421 I Cn•l• Me•• Callfornl• II Conrad Ric hter, M .D . Ph~•lclan •nd turg•.,. Oftlce 10] 22nd ltreot N•wport auch Houra· 10·12 a .m . & l & p.m. Ph~• O tflea U J ; Rea. 74-J DR. G. E. TOHIL.l.. PHVtiCIAN •nd tUROKON ..,. C<>nt a 1vd , N•w"r1 .... ._ -PhC.M - Offlea 2 .. W RH. Ht·" 11 No Ana-• C•H Nh•porl I ,~--------------~ HAROLD K. GRAUEL Dr. M . D . Crawf,rd CHAPEL OPTO MKTRitT .. ...., r O•rr•~l vN I he l:wll•r 84!rvfl l':y,.• Jr.11amlnf'd n la-• P'ltt.ct fly HrrvlnJr Olh•re '"'"'" P hone N•wport U1 I lTt'f Newport fl<Julavard Coeta Me .. Caltfot'ftla I ......... 24)0 CO.ITA MalA BUY NOW BAL. TZ MORTUARY Cit.J Tax Sale lote CHAPKL av THE IKA A . J. TWIST 410 c ... , alvd. 601 Co .. t Hlghw•y Phona 2422 Cnr11na dot Mat · ,. • .,.,, ... ,, .. aclt I COAONA DEL MAR Phone Newport 42 -· (;crald ilaUf~a, M. 1>. .l)ft. OBF.f) Ll ('AS _!Alln "'""' r:..ntral A.-... I )cntiHt NrWJ)(ort Rfl..,..h --• . 2:!1Y!' 1 \\' ('f'nl,..l, J'h .• 1411t '"'' s ..... l'"'' ......... ltnll "r;" I'' lfCT hr: u 'II If "" •n•~,., rail lltll M WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT f'IR£Pl Arr ANO MINOt INO w nno If \\ \\'r l'ltl 17.114 • 1•' ltl\•1 , t ~~~~ M• "" I •• •I !.1111 hrr , l'h 11:./\•J (,f N rtl AI rnN fRA('T t')R 1; .. 1•1 .. 11 1\ I 111•11 '" ·11111 r·,,u., lllvtl . I'll 41 :.! 1'1 "'' ttn•l C•nu lllll'lkrft' I IJMHI It f()MPANI(8 . ,.,.,...,H \•,' • J f,r I f .rt tall h• I J Vf'flll f•' ' \'••ltr t ftfllf'l'' l 'h••Ufl 48. l"••v 14•"'' t ... ,,,..,., ,.,, ''"'''" l l";fJ f'.,'""' l ll..:h"~~)' •t ArihM ()I rtC.C !>UI>I>IIl8 :-; ..... , ... 1 l lf•l'"" l'llltlt-ltllll ............... '" P RINt INC .. :••""l~•rt flll rt,.,, l•ul.llahlrlft ()o l'hfln r a 11 1'\ N~"pur1 J...,.b RF Al. £\TAT£ IN&URANCE. & NOTA,_V PUaLIC- 1'"' .,, W~tllll• • :no:t W. <;entral Av•oue. l 'bUDcs 3. "uaal." UAMP._ N_pt,rt ll.,t,.,r J•ubllahlnl Oo r-.onu U • 1:'1, Nttwpvn ....._ tHl.lT MlTAL WO"K- V"'lo l'tumbtaa • 8baltt MalaJ Worka, eo.t. WM& f'llo• Ill. VA .. IE.TV ITO .. I - IIalboa 111W1d VartelJ llt.-.-lc, 101:. ltle ..ad •P r..... 2lU·W •I , NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Ne'W'pOrt Beach, California, Tuesday, August 29, 1944 Charming Buffet Luncheon Honors Visiting Bishop and Episcopalians . ----------------)1-Iarbo'r Feminine Activities Mr . aad Mra o.orr e Holstein 1-_.....,....,. ••~ * By \\'inifn>d Barbre '(::( Phones 12 and 13 * Balboa Yacht Club To Entertain U. S. Coast Guard Unit eCOMINGEV WI:DHQDAY- Red crou Workroom. 111 B&lboa, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.. J r., ..... the rra.ciOUII hvata In I -.-c ...... ~ th~lr Udo home at a <'hArman~: I Aluflet IUJ\cheon on Sunday, I1Yt'11 • In compllmt nt to t~ Rt Hev. W. Bfortr&lld Stevrns, J), [) Ul1hop • Local Women Leaders Qn State Committee P ioneer Realtor -at-Corona del Mar Th~ board of dlre<'tor~ of the j eal dtftltnp. Balbo. Yacht club and member• Red Crou Workroom, 313 M ot Dlvl81on 11. U.S. Coaat Guard I rine avenue, Balboa IsliUid, 10 AuxJU.ry, will ..be...haau .to the enL m. tG ~~ lt.t~d ptraonnel of th~ Cc-lllu~ IPl-J Red Cre&s Workroom, Of J...oe Ani!:ciU, Ulf' nf'w)y C'On· ftrmf!d mtm~r• ot U1«' rhur.·b and me.m~l"'l and frtt'nd• t)f lbf' Epl• copa.l c.burch In LhlA uea The C'OI'I!Jrma!lon l'laaa "n~ pr• toenlt>d by Htv Robert ~ ttogarth c•f Palm Sprlnga, Lht 1111111111•'1 p1t11l ••• \lr" \1 I 'r• t1 ~~ 111'• 1 .\1" ll•l111 I l"l•l tt tl '.1 , \1 •1 I! I .!II• , ·',.,,I"''' 't ... ,, tj t\'t ' ••• q .. and Sub Bas~ of the Unit~d State. Ocean avenue, Corona del llr. And M,... Carroll D. Klnr Coal't Guard anti tlll'lr lal'!'"ll at a I Opt>n 10 a. m. to 4 are INmmerinr at lhrlr place, 330 dance and IIUPP"r at the rlubhou,e drt'sslnrs. Poppy avenue., Corona' del liar. Saturday 'rvenln~~:. :,:;l'pt !-. I THURSDAY- Mra. Klnl" t. t he famous Haul The altair ·will start at 2()1)() or Harbor KJwanls club wiU Grant Klnr. or Real Eet ate, Pua-8 p.m. with c(>('ktalla, danPfr•~r at 1 at BaJboa'a Electric GrUI ''"'of f lll(fl 111 if'ft' nl • ! fi t ft t "'''''' \\ :, \\·II~ I ,, \\"'I j \\ .I ' '' I 11 .. :. • II \ '"''' In lhl• a rea. The mure thl\n :10 I:II"At.o ~ .. rvt•d Uu .tr platN fr\'\m 8 loon~( ""1"\'ln.: board and th"n ~~'"'~'~' 111'1\tr tl HI I I •:· .. I Itt t '' , ,\t t I . I~ '.: I\ , n ,f • · dena. She wu the tint woman 2100 or 9 p m .. anti IIUpper at 2300 noon. to belong to the Realty Board, or 11 p.m. · I Red Cross Work~m. 111 and pioneered In eatabllahlng a Thla 111 tht rant or~anlz~>d llt•dnl Balboa. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., place of dignity !or women In real atralr for the enlls!PI'! persnnnl'l, In&. ,, l ,. • • +I ''•'I " fk ,, ,,, I I .. ),. '''I" I ' ftU II 8111aller tablo•• prole• tc d rr .. m llll' .. ,...-. •• 1...... • • .• • • • """ "'" t 1'\111 tn• prt'lly umbri!IIIA, Mt'l In otf l'llltl"llltu · • l'l l lt.~·• 1011 11 estate. She Mid, at rlrat •omen and Ia lntrndl'd 1111 a tokrn ''' 1.p-Rro Cross Workroom, 313 camouflaged their namu , wbrn I prrrlatlnn by the l'lub anti Its rine avenue, Balboa Island, 10 opening an office aa they we~e many yachtmtn mrmber~ f•1r th,• m. to 4 p. m., aUf'ilcal dressinp . afraid they Wp\J)d not be accepttd nc~llent cooperation en loyen In l Service Wivea club, USO ~ cool, rHh.trlul flllliO (I( lht• H OI· 11 ! 11 "" ".,( 1'1 • !" "' I :0. ' I ' by the public, but they learned both war and peacE" from the Balboa, 7 :45. Any service wi from her ell&Dlple that wbtn llhf' I Cout Guard. As8ialllnce U.trOJJble l \\'elcomc.,.. • .,In hon.r ,, . ,, • 1 1. 7 ,.,,1. ·I· ' • t1 In addJUo11 to HU.h•"\J) Sle''""" I 1 11 , 1 , , 1•1 "' • I .o and Rev. Hocarth, th~ honor••l .... ~ ·,I. '~"''''" •• • I '" 1•·1 I •• cooflrma!loo claa. lnclud,.rt Shell11 _ J. fl' __ ., •..... , 1 • ..:. I •·•n•" Howe. daurtlte.r ot · .. , &nd Mr11 • , t• •I , t ,., • • ·\\ •, 11 put her .name on her ahlnrle, on at w11 hu always bet>n given, a nd how their bullnua waa conducted l leaa apKtacular but equally .ar•;m·-Florence Schocfell Henry Hubbard H<>we or c.,r.ma 1.1~1 Mar Miss Teresa Parcdc. 1 . ' ••• 1. "'•'" 1 • 1 1 Jamta 8mllb, eon of Mr and )fra 1 · t1 • , • '•, Dtxoo 8m•lh of Hft lboa IAIIIOtl Married Sunday t I ·I •II', II:. H~nry Aanrnrd Ht '"" .on nf ~tr \14. u,. 11 u h J '' • r~. r ,,. t•' 1•· u d Wn1 Harry Ji,,, .• nt lh•ll~<•u •Ill I' ""h• " , ~ • • ,. 1 • 1 •-d .... 11• ,..atth•wa Jl •·•r1 "' At 11 '1"1"1 ""1'11"1: 111 :-,,,I 1 ,, 1 '' 1 11 ,, '•• •! \1 II 1'. • -· •~ ~ -' · ~ An11 \\ th tl1lv till' nw1ulw•t" of Mr llnd M ra, Alll"rt Mullt'"Ji ~ot llu• lrnm .. •ltlol•·. f •miiJ•·" Ill utto '·" I •I • '1'1 ' I•, I I• I '·' ' •, < • dependtd how much dignity wu elated are the otht>r llf'rvic~>s In husband to O..rtls A. HcrtX'rts added to them as realtora. She thr· fon(l of rraintenancn "\f trustee for Jlerbt"rts Trust, J>lll1 aay, women have to know tw1ce I bnuys. light 8hips. weather r~· Jot A of tract 948 nnd part of u much aa men. t o work equally 1 pol't:oo. n•llres to manners, pAtr••l tlon 1, 7 and 10. Newport With them. nf rr,I!"Ritas and all im p .. rt:>nt lo 1924 abt organized a women'• aafety lnll")lf'C!Jon. I ""nPinnaU Ohio now -aldlnn -.tlt•l •·••••• ,, 1• • .. d t '"' , ""' ' ' •• .. """1 .11n1·r. !Ill"" Tl'r• r;a J'lll••dt" '1!17 Lido .l .. e. llt!untl 11\'o'llllr lllllhfoll tiHIII"ht••r ttl 1''1' '11 I '111 1 1 ' 1 '1 , .• ,. '1 dlvl81on of the ~al Eatate Aasn-~ clatloo. Sbe Ia a member and M. --Ph-1-1.-c--.- formerly the pruldtnt o'r the ISS Y IS h Jlds Hotel Laguna Zonta Club, an Executive Service Tells o f Engagement club, l or women only, which 1.!1 a The lun<'beon r~tllowf't( "'' rvll·~• )IrA \\ Ulunn l'u• Nit·,. Fdlu ,11 , 1 '' c•·l • 1 1 • \I I• I •'• 1 "' '• • 1 In the EbeiJ clubhouae In BaJ~ Wll ~ marrl•·•l 1,. \'• rn~ou l'ntl•·•~~<•ll 11 '""' \1 • 1 \\ 1 I I • •, • ,., whrrt> R('v. Jf1Jto:Ar1 h hftll I 1101111• I I"' lht> "'lr~t ('hrl"l '"" 'hun It "II h M • I >I ' ' I J,.,,.,,. ' , •• .,,. Sunset Room fod •mllar oaee lhrOOJh thr 11.1m-lhr Rrv tA>I'llltl H U•~h ttfflt 1111 '"'' '""' '''"' t'11 '" • ·' < \'• "' '"· mer Special muall' wa.., glvtn byl1 \\•tilllo ,. ''' , 1 '""''" ,,,.., part of tbe Jnwm aUonal Service club. An outcome of her work tor women realtora Ia lht Nat•onal Women'a Council, a dlvlalon of the National Real Eatate Council. & JUeM eolo quartette from the n~r bl'ldl Wf•rr a Krlly I IIII with I"·"'"~ "I i ,,.,,I I •, PI• •. 1•'1 Epiii()C)p&J cburcb ot the Weu la.h, bla~k acrtlliOrlrll and ,. rnr"u..:r '" :·1 '' ''"'" •• ,. " • ,,.. tit• ~ '" !•·:~ 8&Dta AAa. accompanied by f'ror o! orchid and KOitl Sh" .,..,.,. 111 l!•.!rr 1!l1u 11.d l.t.C~ 1'1!1 ... plun "·•~ OeorJe A. Mort1mer of Bal~ tend•d by her lrlltrr, )tlu Hlam•lw nrl',.l' , '"1 lllt' 11Lal•• "''"" p 11r l*ncl. f'aredea. who wort a tan~~rlnr ' '"'1'"1 ': ~ ". "11'1!1•• l"'nny. ll<'o·otrtl· lira. King waa WTtlteo up In the real eatate magazine, "Who'e Who." Sbe belong. to the Wom- en's Cl.vlc LeallJe of uie Clty Cllalrmen wer. appolated W IUJit. Tum Plllttraon •loud wit h lAg to Ell \\ [Jolt. 1\JUti lll•·r• hlint~ "P•-=t eo.ta M...,_Newpor1 hi• brothrr u beat. mari • ~:xchatt):•· lhlll<llniC. San F~ancl.!k·u Planning committee. Betpta, HunUJII(ton !kacll. Cor· ,.,tftlt· t hatrman nr lht \ etrraos 1 Br1'dge L h aaa cld Mar, B&J.,.,. llland &Ad Mlaa Part'de• 111 tt&A'her of Span-Homt• an.l Jo'ann n ttnmlltl'<' AI· .lune 11 a traditional ........ ,_ weddl .... Muy a ltrtcte. plann nt a UnC e0 0 lllh and World l'roblt'm• at thl' lovely troul8u u, will WIM te l,.clude ...t only tiM e ... ntlala of a At H H ...... tor tuture plan• to orran· 1.Z~tltl) ........ ,., •tllll'·\\'hJt• t'l\'11 wudrobt, but alao the tal' lhtlo extraa tllat lift tt ~of tile ordinary. ervey orne ._a daardl f"'UP lor tbe.t com· Newport Harbor Union H~Jh ; patrlfllr fratt'rnaJ. la boJ' and hu~l· Such 1 bit of frl~llty I• tllla Mw a nd ftewer flair-do. You might make ,_... - •anJtMo W1ltda wouJ4 baYe a NC· ::';ho<ll, ~d 14~· 7'~er~'7'· ~hho ;;; n«-u urtanl:r.allon" h&\'• unanl It with pink tleWel"'l apllll"' ewt a blaclc velvet ri11M11, Of' In any ethfl' With bridge both before and tor for Udl &r<l&. ., en "~-9 nc e mou1ly ad•lpl#d ruulut•on1 urgmJ: b«oming comblnatloft. DlrectJM Jllleet ,., •hw afl4 Flo-r Hair-Do," after the buffet luncheon, lllldred Williams Home Scene Of Pretty Dinner Ceatro Hllh IC11ool, will t.a.cb En· 1 the pa.are of T'ropoalllon 1'\o 1 No. 1152 m1y be obtained ~ llfldlnt a NmpM. Mtf,.d4reeeed en- ctlatl and .)OUtnaiiiiJl at Huntln«-In th• Novrm~r 7 ~ttnf'ral eltc· v~· >pe to the Needtewortl ~nt of tllla paper. Ht"rvey entertained laat week at ton Beat·h Hla home ta In San U lht WilLiam R. Hervey Sr .. home, Bemardlno. I on. 1 BaJbo&. Arl#r a w""k'a hon•ymoon at -· WCTU Members Balboa Girl Will .Swimming and trttndly chat San F'tanr~ ... o they will be at Bridge Club Mee ts I Hear Talk on Study at Westlake competed wlt.J:l c.arda ror the atter-ltfr. and Ml"'l. WU1tam Wllllama, bomr at 32~· AJ)I)Iena. BaJbnaiWi th Mrs Charle J noon program. 212 Bf'CIUW&y, ••re bo.te to a Jelund. . Visual Ed ucation 'School for Girls I Tholll' enjoying l.flldred'a hNpi- Sa . ---tallty wrrt Helen Grl!flth, Lucy ,_ ,.._nda for dlnnt l' .on tur • Mt•. lion t 1o3rl•• "'"s h~oflll••sl! l• _ ----Q.ulr.k.. J>at. Morrie Cerm~lit& Vln-day -··· nc-bldchon weri! p Hel · Meets ---llus.J....Elta.BI,\'Ilnt gave DMm;. , . Mr. aad a;;,._ .ttm ("y,ltfn• and I an-en u: -,the rutV.I)'--<•rjtltfl~~' ltn.t~r-""'"" brr .... , the r .. lll :l ~II'J<:l WCTU an Y lu Dol ore a Elder. rtau~htel' of rent. l;wen !'JI)rltC, )fa r ia LelthiJid, . I B lb H "11 Thu ntdRv at bf'l' "''"'"• :l!l1 . • . Mr and ura • -la ... -11 or 13051 Lucllr L\'le Kll'' <-naa.. Ln I ...., And ....... Paul Tr'autweiA and At a oa orn e I • lntrrl',.ltll . I Ilk Ill] ,.lliUIII Educn-. ... . ....... ""' . -. ·' ,,,......,nll. u Ill' · all CJ/1 ~ MtM. ~park!',. l'ln·•·l Th•• nl••ml~··r~ 11010 111 1~,. "''l!lll:l r mertln held fo~ut Central, haa betn a t'ct>pted u Rarkwell. Pe~ White. Margartt ~ --vnll'll In 1111nu• Uw1r l'l11h Uw sn:-. I r a atudent at Welltlakt School for Kockrltz F:lr anore llelnt7. Mrs IL\0& DIS A'ITACK .· . 1.-..... 11 ~1 10, ~._ ~,,\, ,tzf ~¥·/JR ' .. l I .,,.,. [)aJ• no.eur111nr•• rnt1'r· cluh. and 1 hPy will ntt • t ,.,.,, •· n "1 1 1 "' 11'1:~·· ~:1r .\II" F11 l'lllat e TbAn · r.lrla at ~I Air. wherr llhl' will N1ck P•1•ltl'r, Mr11 Marlt' .,Totten· "' ~ .. ., 01 nth , tt·rsnn, •.• r ""''r "ree e 1 ba k tamrrt ml'm~,. nf thto Nnrthl'rn " . , '""""''~" , •1,. d,,. \\ns c~duct· t·arry malhematlca aa her major t Or·an~Cf' r ounty ran-Htlltnk ""'' n ... h•II•I••IM 11'"11'' 1\ :Ill ~ll\' nn·' ··d hv Ill<' ,.,.. •• tlrnt Mr!l lllMie l !lubjecl, She will ltBVt' Septem~r I - k-h ~lbo h Jut ''"l"l'ft.! \\llh 111111n,:o·ntrut.., "' zln· • · 19th 1 L h H r ty Ill er tt ll om~ nllll A II4!P1'1'1 t ••llrllt' uf 'f•Jlr n H•'l•l \IIIII \lr!! t:ratt• Hutne In H~ I tt ndrd the Nl'wrv•rt l UnC eOn 00.0r~ w.·ek r or an a «'mnon an,. evr· rhargr It( dt•l'~>tiqnalll I v n~r a e r -H b I 1 d G · 1 nln~e of bu•lnNt~ and fun. pie a Ia m~·d~ ant.l eoffre wus, In att.oC:ano•" were Melda.me.e Harbor' echcol alnce her first day ar Or S an lr Swlmmlna . .«JJUltnr • anll Hed IIH'f\'l'tl !hi' 1:'\11'11141 11.,11,. Purl••rr:tn r.tnrl' Hume ot klode.rprten. Mill Elder bas - O'ou work occupied the after· 1'1llllf'a for th<' afternoon r~-!.I \' 1 • ' . ' completed two yeara al Ha r bor Min Carolyn Spicer daughter • a! .... &of 0 I Slit t be I . 11101~ tr •• ( A na,.. . IMIOG tlOW"' wiUa • ~llcloua cov-, v• '"" ra. pa on ° •·•n· '"" 1 1 ,.,.,.,, k ~~ ,.. , \ dei'IIOD. Hia'b .:bool with blgh bono,.. and of Mr. and Mra. Walter Spicer, er.J dlllh IIU~r party enjoyed ne.r of hl«h with Wrt •'ay Trallt·l AriA A molt:. M•nnl .. ' ~~~~~ Luc7 wiJI enter Weat.lake aa a junior . Harbor leland, lett laat week fo r Ju•t at duall. wrln rC'Celvlng low. . 'Smallrv r. \\'Jiho ril I'IPI\rns . M Scrlppa <'OIIt~;e. whr re ahe L~ eo- BualntN or tht organization Rubl!ltutl' ~~·"'• lOr the day Dennrtt ""~'~ :llJ:o.M 1-~ttu l.t•-.nlrktu'J Miss Mary Bruning tert~. Bll a frtl!hman. ~!orr I a--It With Flo ...... nt:ll on tht .:hedult ll'ltb l'f'-1 Wt'rt lfu 1-.d I lay and llu... -. leavmg llhe wu honored wh~D he.r . ~ . wen I J!;OfU on the rt'<'f'flt ~neflt achol·l ~arll'. molhrr-ln·law of tflt hO"· y F . d d M. Completes Training mother rntertalned with a gmng-I I. arafllp bcidge party (ll'f'Mntf<l. trllll Othf't ""lnllar mrmbt•ra prt.'l·l our nen 8 an ane ---away luncheon at their borne. I ,.._ Jdrp nrnvtr e arner pruhlf'd t eut wen~ 1\lrs. Dlan1·he Wlllln~r.a. • . Hlgb aJ>(It I)( tht afternoon wn 11 ' 1 • • ,... 1 • ' L \\' U laa Marv EIL&abeth Brunmg. 1 h 1 over thr IM'Ialon w1t b the !ollnwlna .. r,. \\ ln•!rl'd • ••nr r .-lr:o P.1hPI t. .li tH llou;:Ja, 9-'t:l Vla i" 1 I a cruse 1n I P Sp rrr l!llid hont, I rnmmllltt rba1rmen ror tbt )'ea r l C"nllln~ anti Mr11 J•JOlllr Nn:owor1 t1y L11l11 ~ortl, '-Urpr1wrl hJJ (amJiy bJr dauchter 0 Mra. F:. R.~ Brun n~C. "Baby Ral," with Dud Spl<'tr ul CAROLYN'S FLOWERS hf'ln« appolnlf'd 't1u y ""'rrt Mra :-;,.,, ~ntlll'lll\~ Will h.• nl lh" &frl\;n~ hnmt• 1101'~1~ t'IM I} afln lf()() l:a~t Ocean Front. Hal~a. the ru!!der, (~lar.-nc·r S!\111. mem~r11hlp, Mr11 hnmr • I !.lr,. \\'lnll tt••t l'hnrl, "" nh•r•· l h.m II\ 1111>1\lh' 111 tht• South haa juat compleltrt hC'r ln~I"K';~IOR·I Gut'Mla were the llll!ll<'ll Darbn~n \'( rnun Halr h IK'hol&rlthlp • l.lrro S• l'll'ml~<•r 7 Pac-1f11\ II·· '' <UJtJlh ·M•rn on a Uon tralnlnr at the Nftvy 1 \om_-Montgl)mrry. J rl\n H• IHnllon. Dilly • A A Arnuld. prn~rl\m · !\l ~a !\111' <hip wh1c-h •~ """' 1~ S.111 Fran· eo'e Rewrve Tramlng lll'ho"1· ~ugglf. Pat Tapi!<'Otl. F:l rsnor Jitr· · F • 1 11 . N-York aDfl Ia nr.w lltt~tJnnl'•l 1 N K f c· 1 . •r f:r" In r u1 h II\' ~I n• 'll'rrllt ormer Mesa Fa m 'I liSCO. ,fiJI \\I I·· 1\ Jl)l '"~ wife . ,7..1{, • ma lp . uru ~ n "ore<m ... GrrJ:••ry, rourtr~v nnt1 M1,. Wil· I Y und t'h11Jlr •·n fn1 ,, "1•1·k or 80 wfth the hoepltal corps. U.S Naval, !Annra Harding M d Brl'l'rly Ci\'· trM ~laha.n "···lfarr Visits Homer Mellotts "'"I·· "·•"'nt: 1tu """'''""· The b~ltal, San Diego. t.>ns. Ph. 2609-.1 I Brld~te gn.mt"A l'ompkt~d thf'j 1 lall!'r ,..,r! ••f '"•· 11, .•• k lhl: fam· Her father. CApt. F:. F" Bnmm~:.1 __ _ ";;:;;;:;:;:;;::;;;;;~~;;~~da~y~·~aJp~rotJr~~am~=============:::::::===:=~ .\It lind .\l ro (',til .\I ii\ and II}' Will r•·l llq '" lhf'll Lo-; An-Ia an Army doctor nOll' In F:nl{l3n<1 Balboa Is Crossroad ,_ ' ~'~'" J10hn """ w•·n · r~1011to•nt10 or ~··It·~ hn'llt' 111 l •nlt' fnr lh•• O)X'ni nl In an evacuaUon hospitAl. Prior 1 DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH t'•tlll[l .\11'10:1 1111 111 1\\ot """"' ·'1:" or srhvnl St•pl;; t.o enlltlng In the WAVF:S !.liM , For Former Friends \ Back to School • Sweaters • Suits • Skirts and • Dresses • Coats • Blouses accessories Lllrace ,_."-'-el& Sh'loa S~·C"amO~ ......... 01111. • ·---·- I wh•Jt'lh< 1 '''''•'•I '" ""~ "".:••'•, Jt(,1 p ,1,, ~ to (;,.,,.o:•· \\' llilVl'Y• Brunln,; wu employed at St. \\'t•n • ._, ... ,.,,. .. , Mr IUHI !.t rs northw··~l ••rly 1.:(1 !1,'1 or !l<luth· J O!Nph"• ho.pltal. Santa Ana. llnm t r Mt•llotll :.'1\ol l•'lotwr r I \'II f'I'JSII•dy ~•Il l r •. ,., of lot .1:.!.1, Nt•w- 1 h•• "'"' k l'r!tl M r P-I n\' \\'fH! port I 11·•~-:hl ~. TI1r lth•JI't• lnt "u '"""' 111· otlllll••• l~'<l '"Ill Sl••n•lnrd hllm··~l·•;,d,·,J II.~ 11,1\'t') Oil ''"llll'llny Dr. ~tnd Mrs. Rnh••rt Fagan at J nmmg tht• t rolll• on ~'nd~ty I:Wvrrly IIIII~ '"''" WN'k l'ncl 1'\t•n•n..: ""r'· :O.I r llnd .\lr• Al'llt'n g\lr>Sts 111 the J.1,J., J(ll' hurnl' at Lnn..: of ('u~tR M""" Or. And M,.... Si.mlt·~· f11nmh('l't. ·J Texan joins Family In Respite From Heat P'nulk Rav.·u n haa arrlvtcl from lUI home ln Fl. Worth. Texaa. to jota hi• wtfe and young J"l'and- daupter, Shannon. who have .peat the aummer In the Snedec:or h0111e on Ocean F'tont. The Ulree are apendlnJ & '"" day• at Lake .tnowbead. Mr. Rawling Ia the brother of Hup 8. Rawlin4r of Riveralde Whl•n Wne Paul hlP Lcmlr h M; F.l Ton• dertdP<I to ltJ)('O(I ht'r we.-k end at BaJbo11 . little dltl ahe know that It would he tht mc>an11 of meeUng a for mer lrtend and com· ployer. I Wac Lemlch and Wac Marjor•r Shuler were •trolling ·down the ocean ••alk when lhf'y met Or I Edv.·ard S. Blatne of Lo11 Angelel! for whom Wac Lemlch bad v.•orkt'd u a radio technlolan ~!ore enter· lng wrvtce. Dr. Blaine a nd b11 family are occupying their home In Corona del Mar. wbo, with bla famUy, com .. each / Roy J . Hicks and wire to S. 0 . eummer aa 800ft u .:bool II out Holland a nd wife. easterly 63 (('('t to occupy Ulelr bome at 1726 We.«, of Wt'S!erly 252 fE"et of lot 809 of Ocean Jl'rult.. · Newport MellO tract. 1 BERNARD ""-of HO~W O OD CViilinctive Tlwtog~aphy at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npl Bch. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery In the· BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12:30 to 9:30p.m. Daily Ml-Phyllis C'hlldA, tlaughtPr u' Mr. anti Mr~. Lulie Henrv. Paclflr avenur, r~E"ntly annou~('I'CI hill' engagement to Robert A. M()('lltr I or Berkelt.\f. Oftrloa~ Ole Blue Padtlc Suaday Dinner Nooa uatll 8 p. m. IAutc'-•• · Dtnaera -CodrtaUa Popular Prtcea Open to the Public The bride-to-be wu graduated a yt ar ago from Newport Harbor I Union High IK'hool and won an I alumnae echola.rahip. Tbla year 11he ~============~ wu wlnntr of a William Byrn<! r echolarahlp. An outatandlng ltudent at the Unlverr.ty a t Berke.ley, II I e a Cbllda Ia taking a premedlc.aJ courw . Her flanct. a graduate ot the unh•tralty, Ia an electrical en~elnter with tilt He'lry J. Kaller company to Oakland. • No date haa been aet for the wedding. Mr. Moeller l.a apendinr a week In the Htnry home. Ernest L.. Scalon and wife to J. F. Hogan, lot 8 in block 8 of section 2 .oL.Balboa hJand.-. WE SPECIALIZE .. CANNING FRtJri'S Cannina-Peaches Nowla8euoa GE'I' TIIDI AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 1734 Newport Blvd. Coeta .... ,. from a collection of r)/w./?elltJ~/1 Jasitdns GRACIOUS LINES FO~ A WOMAN loyo~ •••~ witt. tl.f'd· er•11"g •~""' o"d fro• PY"IO O"'btoodt'Y tloc~ •o~o" Cttpo with tov•ocl..t bro d o"'d the toft g ltom of ttt "Designed by Madame P.cnould '" mearl -designed to g ivo the womanly figure youl'lg and graceful linft. TheN dreu11 ha ve subtle wa ys of odding height wit+. tucks and draping. Trimming touches obove th• waist teem to broaden ahouldara and allm down hlpe. Sins 1,.); to 2 .. ~. Edythe Da-vidson !JS N. &ro.chray -Sutera Jllda-. &uta Aaa Ph. 14K6 . ... . -------.;