HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-14 - Newport Balboa News Times_THE SAND CRAB ., SAM ft,ON811TUTION. Sunday V next is the 157th annl- vft'Sary of the Constitution 6l the United States. For a period It looked as if it were sllpping but the war solidi- fied public opinion and it has struck an apparently even keel again. The men who framed it with the original states little dreamed thls nation would expand to tl'\e great country or today; little thought was given to foreign wars, to conferences In Que· bee.-to our boys fighting over the seven seas for that liberty whiCh we seem to want -freedom or expres- sion , or religion. of liberty, ' etc. But one must still re- main vigilant to keep that constitution a,nd Bill of Rights Inviolate, becau se. whether domestic or foreign, some group or other ls try- ing to grab It away. • + • Good for Bob. Now comes Bob Gardner. ln a letter to Police Olief Hodgkinson. and teDI him ~the is now on Admiral Nlmitz' staff . Bob, fonner city judge, says it can now be told: Local boy makes good -lik~ a tale from Horatio Alger's books. but Bob hopes that Nimitz will discover he is on his staff, and whether he will have to perform some dare· devil feat to gain the ad· m i ral's attention, will rt"- main with our brave young • lieutenant, who likes the life but will' be content to come back and return to his practice of law. • • • That Rodeo. Bob Skiles is a versatile chap. H e a nd Mrs. Bob huve bc(>n doing tllinis in an entertainment tine in this area for several years. But it was. not until Bob decided to put on a ~ deo that things began to haPJWf1. The grounds a.re on tOp of the hill toward the Newport bluffs and about IlK hard to find as oil on the Mesa. but his first affair last Sunday taxed the capacity of the place. People came in every known vehicle, many using S hank's Mnre. Now the Skiles at~ figuring on a grandstand and a big- gl"r seating l:Dpacit y to t ake care of the cr owcls. Ride 'em, cowboy! + + + Thirty \'ears. Ht:' is a quiet, self-effacing guy, this man H a mmond. lle came here to spend his summer-s with the Missu s thirty years ago. There was no mud ~o Huntington Beach. H e had some lots at what is now 6705 Seashore Drive and when he built his house h ad to carry the lwnber from the road 200 feet to his pla<.'e. Hammond l.s considered the prime circulation leader o r the state. having been with the Redlands 1-'acts so long that he had to retirt'. If L. D . Hammond can quit the newspaper game h e will h ave to do som ething that nobody else h as ever d one, anrt m aybe he will sur~. eventuaUy. + • • .. , ' . ., for 36 yean the best advertising medium in tbe 'newport harbor district · • • • the newspaper that goes home I BALBOA Buy Bonds to End War Quicker ME-5~~ IEP PGITEII 1 Year • • • • $150 EMBRAC-ING BALBOA PENINSULA. WES'F NEWPORT, SEA SHORI. COIDN~ LIDO -ISLE. N£WPOR-T HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA VOL~ XXXVI NEW .. OftT .£ACH, CALIFOftNIA, THUftiOA¥, SEPTEMBER H , tt44 MineSweeper Here for Repairs, Badly Shot Up, Saved By Wood Ship, Meant for Different Work, Riddled By· Japs Off Saipan and Still } .. loats Because' Not Made of Steel OuR Bovs IN eK .. VIC& IGas Board ' ~·onvaleM"ent. NH<I Uuw Boata and Hits Grief ·~~~!::~ ........ f T lnc·k~r -...d ,....,_tao.al I'UO)ftl k "-.,.,...... tta liMn fer llw 0 ru C S .... , .. lallr,M -ftrt.c Wf'O'k t da).._ ,._ -• wtU ...._,.,.., thf "I'P"ri_.t,. •• rew ~ .. , un ..... "'"'' ....1i fWL u on!(r I• I lo•,ll "I' ....... lllo It )ltU ....... row·boat "' unda'h iiiMIIII! lo'lollollltl lilt' I II """' IMIIf'e l"-1 JOU ....W IU, .. IRe -Of ln .. •l, ~~~ .. ~lo•w ·""' (;.o• fo•t In '""" IW l 114() for -h' lllrnt)j1r Ulk' I h• lo• d 1111 '"" 1~•.11\l te.c-lnflft, .....,_ Nf'WllOUI hea p rep.u,·ol 11t ''''"'"lio·l• ~nt·.l. '""'' wtll illlf' ,...tunM>CI A.l1 h ul'lo• •••h•••l 1•11"' '""' In>"" I• 1ued NediUoa ot lhf- ·~' Coast Guard Lifts Fire 1Restrictions and Eases l Mac~erel Fishing He.re ,. FnllowinK Conft'rt•nt~ of Offidala Over NaYJ- Ar~y Shooting Areu, Nt'w Notice Super- t rt'«it'M All Prt•vious Orden .... CMho•1 •'n111111••• t·unm11•1 Mnl rorrt-h....._ of -r wort& Ill tN• \\' il" I \\'1111 l'"f'('f•lVf'(l ht'l'' toclny fn>rn f'llllf , W. fo'. 'JWie, of A small U.S. Navy minesweeper that took an Important aarril'ra u ... 11o II•'" ., ,, .... ,,nul··· ,.,...._ thl• ll. s ('1>ast cu11 nt. lith Nnvnl cthclrit,t, thnt ___.,.._.,~ part In the Invasion of Salpan. but par-adoxically rtid not On('{· .... aUowun .. lo". I .. ;, '""' .. ,... r '",.' \,-uuniO sweep for mines .. is in Newport HartX>r fo r rcpnirs aflt'l' ex· tklrl ' " • F h F II 11 '"'mhu t fll'in~ an•ns haVt' l~·n 11/h'<f •ua ol Sept. 14 and d f h ld • . • • thnt t111• ''"'w nrlin~ "NIIftt'n~ ull ~m·vlcK.&A M!ftWard :,:.~~ perlence:; that made her crew won er i t ey wou cvt't' see I 'I'll• "",.'"" 111 •· 1 ·ll•·ot '" 1tu·] IS r h .._. h o me again. They brought back with them , In addition to Oltlo· o( , ... , •• n .. • ....... ,, .......... n I Ina y lllllln·~ Ill' I ..... an•n!C... ·n,,. llt'W 11" •r WIUI l'l>t.\.olvt'd b1 .. m emories of some unpleasant minutt:'S under fit'e, two strong In LA An..:··•·" 1·11 ·' ""'"'''tly ''Y Mt•Klll ••kk. lxmln•·~ n·pnw-ntntlvt' of lhP ~ convictions, according to the small c raft's captain, Lt. J . R. .,.. Thr •· l'r•rtll11'"'''' ••f Wnr OPA l lnlnn. Thompson, USNR, of McCool, ----M...-lty fll•' JlrP"<'''"'" II• l>I'A I t Mr. Md<llllh k •t,.tt'\1 lhlll l h•· lnll It """• p>lnttd _. ..... Mississippi. ' , , bdon Bol11 (1' I'UI'h ll\1..., llli10ih 8 1 ge Ot•W Nlin" f,oJlt~\l\1'(1 fl l'tlf\(C'II'III'o' lin-till)' inc~·--t N9F ...... T ht• gun captain. C't\Prry, &lao Ml 2 c ftALPH £~~ Jft, I« tht tn~ a•oupnns <"•wrln~ tlw l • h•·tfllluct wro•l: unflo•r th•· dln>t'tltllt t t'l\lnlntot 1U't1VItl4'e • a. ._. On~ wu that etout wooden pl&Y<'•I a INhllng part In damag•' M&il SJM'('Iall.lt Secund 0... aUalmeat R I p ol I h.• NL<WJ)IIr·t llrtrtlot <'turmht•l 1 ~llh nl Santa Rllrtlua • - hulle, •ucb aa hla •hlp, are better control operatlona. rr.&klnl III"V~rlll Ralph Ere Jr Ia Uw aon ol Mr. Aay ldjU.,tm••n" in OIYI' •·•·n lfi· t • • of (. 'llfTint.-1"\"'·' anot ho•ruJo-.1 h) W ~I ~ m..ct. II __ le ... a than llteel Cor •mall VeMela. And t rips lnt(o IIIT\Oke-filled compart· • I I e a r c Vlft"rnoot <"Ninna ol II ,,_ .. , ·--~, and .MI'll Halnh F.ge Sr .. IU AI· aat• IIIUIII hr mll•l·· 111N-rtl} tn I I e .. . n " ''"' llll much lati'M' ,,_ ol the -the otbet wu tbat lt tbe Japa.nue m enta In va1o eCtort to extlngu1ah ,. c.~mmlll ~ 11w nnlv It!" 'IW 1 1 varado Place. Balboa. tle _.._, Lae .•A-Ir • nl!lr.· 111 1()." So11th • · ' ' ,.,. II\ ' flahi ... rrouMII lhu wu ......... are u myopic u commonly •up-the nan:n •·--~.. ""' nf'W on1rr •• th 1 11 It ... uated from the Ney.·port Harbor an.dwa)• ramwrs can nhlum 14 Pf'Mn • • )'"r 1110 11\11 thet II It ._ .... poeed. a group nf artillerymen on Another JW"tty offlc~r. Harold F. Union H lch Khool In lt4S and help In thf'lr ro>qU~'»I" nt lhL' furm I L W I<Mrn8, OPA "'""' ~. hA'kl•l f lrlni fnwll Sam Mal~'>l hut .-,!utMy ~ry to ~ .._. 8c.~l·l~~ ~~~~!r &ervlcea of an ex-WOtld, Electrtclan'a Male Firat enllated In the N11vy He left ben board Ill S11nta A nn 11t 622 N1•rth I lion (~let annouaeed l•IC1oy thr ~fft)r1~ .. ..!"111 boo m••lr tn havr that wctlonJI, ttw ~ .. ...._ ~ _ Clue, USNR. 432 Osylo St.. d MaAil ' """'"'"" Tht-'""' """'' 111-.o would ~~~" ---a... Tn aupport tbeae contentlona. Lt . F kf rt K ' t d h th In January nf thle year an \8 . •••uml'• nf ~~perlfk dollar alld ri••Jfk-9 •II u(f...tt.tn· flnna I , .. ~......, Thomp.on pointed to numeroua, . ran u • y .. ~u <'I • >' ~ 1 with thr Navy F1e•t Pa.totllce Ill Tnl~ an..t bu& N]ulpmrnl hu ~nt.a N'tatl oommunlty l'r lllnl we-fl. L N .... M rt .. commanding lltflct'r for co~antl) I the South P&~.·ICit-and •Y• he en· bfoc0C1e Ofl,. ••f l h•• nu•l cntlral priCf'll for ,.,..... n.tl and .,.afnnol I · • ...._.. z.-It wa• ooo !Wltf'd thet ....-., 'ood-alud holea In the hull an.J k t d ... 1 M 1 1 •-.. _ IIUpf l'lltruc:turt nt hi• \'AIS, ruul~ •·or "K un er ..,~c~mu• r rt'Um· JO)'e hla work lmrneely. ollhoup ••ar ptobk m• Th,. larjt'l' truck The prl<"n etff'C't 43 r urnntly r .on~-•t•lf'< 1111 .. )' t,,., tlw ftiM'lc..,...l ..,.tl ... ,. .... •tanl·~~~. to <"he.r k coqmpm•nt an.J 1 he had wantPd to be a mectu.ftJc urw art 111 ••·en ~ th•l many av-•labl• It,.-· --c1 ........ ,m,. ,.1,,.,. mllr kt•n•l fbhln&. f« tlw mo.t put by th. frdforlll IJV\I..,...t e.r .. ol six d lr«t hit. by a Japanue 1 1 tb 1 1 t 1 t .., • ,_ -· """ 1 1 _....._ 1 1 rut c rtua A rn ~n ng o e I'C r o-wht n be ~ntr~d the Ktv~ tnMIIu. bu..,.~ ,.,, . art' betnr: lot tlY~ f<>r all -'-~• lnc·al~ In th,. m• ltlf'f', t-Xt.··-on y to tx-n· undrfo lrnt'l 14'1U1f' llftd otJwf' ,..... ~:d .::.~tr~·o '!h:k t':er~~ppoti;~ rutr m~n worklnJ{ In the vu·tnlty I __ __ up oo th•• ro '"' wlll'rt' UW)' arC' l•r~f'r tw>rtlnn of l.oe A n•e'"" ~ldr llnd that Roy II. ONtun, ... ,.. fiOII'I'II 11 wu pomtf'd aut to Mr. Other mrmbl'r11 1Jf th~ gun new Rt·m~mtwr, M r" A m~riC:l, only .u.ade4. Th,.r•• 1~ nut •uflln.-nt rmmlv ,., Tbureday, ,.._.,t,mbrr rutlvl' vir•· pr~'tl&dPnt ot the-C'aii·IIW.Ion that tlw mKk....a ........ rl\ngt' he repnrtrrt. paying a m il-wer.. F'mnk fl. ('layt nn Jr . Stoa-~ fn mill PI! prc>('o•Min~: fn.tll Cor a~e l quota allow~tl thr ,.,., trl' l'<•ulhl'm 1• 111•4 fumlh lo'l,.h C'llnnt·•• aJt!'Orlallt~n, llfW'rllllono •·manetl.nc out fill -o• 's t ribute tn gno<l marksman-~ 111 1 t II .. _, d h 1 .....,._.. ahlp. man F'lrat nus. U~N. 1010 Val· art' l'l~&lbl~ for extro raUona ol ar. to tonr rm~rJ:•'"' lr11 11IOIII' • li'nr lh•-..,.....1.,. of frHh r•• ' ' no u )' un ...... "" I 111 11 tu· J1Ur1 llnrbor ""' ~IW'd te a Hit on ":>" Day rn.Jora C· urt. ~prinK l,.akr, N. J , :.11~ar up In 250 rounua per faaUy I Tbtre u1u~t .,ft•·n '"' ro11 lttur h 11• 11n.t "''"'""d ruvtor.d by lh" urotr r, "11"" "'' hnct •~r, .. '(l Ill lllkf' '•m11llrr an•n lhllft •rw otJwor fllrh. Th• "Jo' "I · .. h • J . 1': Spo<•n1•r. Cox.!fwoln, t'S:'II, r;ul' u1111. <'I'A l'mrhMI:I:c•. U1ertby two or lhn·\' IHo.mlh,. ..tl'ln\' tn rc· ru1 calc:ulatt008 are to be matlf b)'•"'' th\• malh•r •t ull<.'l' "'llh the Inc oper•tktn• lturi"'r ........ and ' enl ells aa er r r"" I ak Sl F. 1 P I 11 Ohl tk • I lll """'r mlllt11"" auth trltl ~ •wmfll'r 11nd th•t ll -·'d---.... llll'knRm.-ct hl'r wa11 hit nn thai I ,(' t • '88 n "8 lit'. 0· lip •n~ l.lf' rum••r that anyoot tt'IYiD¥ l1r~ rr1t tfh ai••M (own••r~t l'lllwr •·ha111 or lndt'pen••~nt n-tall ; ," ·' 1 ''. • . -uu• ..... -pa lnvas.on'e "O·Dny plus 3 ,. Jur:• nn<l L . (' K cllry, S•·umnn Firet I nay t.:t-1 ••J>trn "''gar mnely for i n( vcldclto I ulltollo·.t lilt• u.:h lilt' •l .. n·• IIA lh~ prlt'" publl•hr<.l ,,.. I'll•"'"' nll••ntlln.: ltw C "' ( hi' pral'llcnl tn wnrk out a plcaft · ' ' Clii.AH l'C::NR Prlt•n!l Nt•IJ1 lhe uklng ' " "'"'"Inn Wl'f'f' AI Vli."l\0111 llrltl ltlly with thf' n11vy fn C"'Of'fftnat. CIIPf"''' I h. while en~a.:ed In dutiett rar n·-1 ·' · · ' ' · · ODT art '" t.:•'•l '" <CollA~ I 1 •' th<•lr ••n nll' ~ach •lltor'a maximum ''"'' lll>lll•h nf 111,, Wa••t < •111,~1 I'M•klnat tiona .,1 that tM"' would not .,.. moved !rClm mln~lrn'r<'plng !'llu• dli.tna w "' ""' 111111<'< r •ur y "• Itt In~ prk'~....,. llnwl'vrr, ,.taller• m•)' i '•KIIIIItn), M lir.·..:w) loOih)'. lnt••rfrrrncr with ••-c'h other. woe makln~ ROUnding" orr th• Th I d F on the:fr llrnt A lllrt.:•• J.ln" 11llot· OJPII at low.r pr1r f'• than th11.,. ('nn c· Hf 1 M 1 1, kl <w 1 M •• 1 fl 11 ,.__ n• ··them (IIW!I of the lsluno.l aiOIH' rongs nva e I. rst -· W011Iol ~~~ "' Itt! I• "'" II tnlnt•l In tllr ""wr. II Clfnwa .. 1111 nr llf' "w" I n·l nr .. .-,,.. ~II na npPnt -.... · · ~ · lll\11)'' ,., "lflltlllll•or r• t'fll mu•tl)' """' at• a~ to all!! crulsinJ{ !rlowty u ~hl' gnth· t.hert ~~~o·r~·· r ... lit u• I • n·ptn .. · '1111• a • c t Ion, ac,•ortlln1 to c. ' 1 t:. N 1 r 1 1 .....__ _._ .. .. ereo.l data for lm.,rtant ch~&rh hl'r lbt'8t wt.rn out I{• am11. will turthf'r Ow d"elr~ or 1.'.'""',11'1""· •• 1"1'' ·... -uk r,a~ ... ay ~~ " 1 "~~ Y mel M'TinftC _';':'.:....""'~-.... .. r.. ' wt)' •• I I '"'" I' , mAX ot><l)'t'l h..-ent ... Nil ''" n.__.. - captain u i•l Skl·les.J Rodeo Here ,IJ,' •• ;)f"A ':c:~ cellln~.prt•· .. ·on of VIlli C.mp 84-a 1-'nod Corpurn· mum to Uw her1xlr .tu. ......, latH, mut... It -.n lmpouSble -c talnablot tn ~ra. K.-.ma Milia. Flltwrftwn'a Un'-. 1'4~ wu .... tWIIM tt. ll ... quiet aad peaceful, be re· ~c. Commt•tteo fMM ('OfQ ~ )' aK•r· tlon; A. A. Md(lttlick •nd &orl \cat~ that a flrrc~ enpgement w.. T S d 8 Jbo ~l'ltrd nwt lhM hie lltalf ...,.. "'r-I Jr.. 0 , Srwud, ~ of the Uw Coaat c:MM .. a. ...... tM& r&gln, a few mlle. away. 0. tu y a a nllflftlfl ret.llu.n, and, .......... C!OMII, , ..... ,.d ~" ,....1M noHml .. r ol ~., ..... Monln~ hM ........ = . Out f th t'll "I"'• ' lli"K'~• '"' •~ ru all v. • I th nt'MI L 0 e.s 1 nu~< cam r • rr-AppreciAUve nf thl' <'hance to<'-~unday wilt 1\o\'1' nno(h~r oppor· p k• Lo v••~t•·lablt-a. bt-et, ""•'· trimh. rnul · ,It• 11 ~:•~··I 11 • " ' "~ , f . tn""""" tlllftlftlll....., .... ""'" .. c. 8 ~mil II r annnn, probably I ·('~ !I I'll. I rlaaa &mUI'I"•mr nt 110 rluae I tunltv f llr h•· Ill to b(' lit the S.pt Worn ar lnf~ f , •. " ,, k f.bC) lltoma "' dr ,.., ":u.:··n·· 1 •MI. t IIJiflolll "' '1'" I ""'. llf'la '" ""'"" and dfoslarf at .., a ~.7-ln<'h~r.. I to home. thua uvln~ on el!RntiRI 2• n~l··••· • ,., '';: •uultr . aiU1 ,,....h fl~ ~"'' N:•" JN•I I I lui lw•l llntl l.l u r I y hourw l 'rtor tu tJHo 'order -"- 'Thl' rtr10t 11h~ll &pla.,hed ju11l lin an 1 11 , 1,. ot lhP r ;,1 1 \\ o•ldo. ,, •·1 """ .. r lilt· N•·V.I"" t ,...1. t~H1hl Nonw In Of' ,...., al bt•von•l 1110 " he ·aald T he second giUI<l " 1 res. 1""P ~··m~ ''' lhr Wlldr't h~>rlll'lt evt'r l I '""~ 1" l'lllfl•l •' lit• t•tt'•11• pao k "'3 '" ll.u l"" t 'luuulw•• "' 1'""'111•'1•'•' 1nl .. h1 11111 l<lll'h •htn. m1•a1 aiiU ..... H ar .. -r &11'1\ c·fUlle nn tool nn ', t · .1 . nl"' by the 11 1., L ' ~1 1\l'' 1 ~ t h 11 1 ''"' Al'l " •-• -'"" ahnr1 nnd thP third hit-" I .,.. • < """" ''" "''' lul'n '"' ......... (Ill ,,. rnll .-n ... l\1 -... ... .. f'W ... •• ttl" lllll'llllfll I'''""'"• II n l l h • f 'lllt I (~rd In· hlo'wi•·!O IUIJI on htor!lf'ha,.k , lUI w~ll W"!! 1 ·XI 1 m th , ~II II II I II r1 1 a • ••lila l'~llln.: rn,·,.. II anol !.' otlollt'• . ' 11 1'tl:!l pt"J••<'tlle we n t clt•ar · 1 "" J • d nl "' " 1 rc 1 I Ia ••U WI M' "'""' ,.,... •v h •II"" luc '"'" "" '" "I 1 h•• No•w 'I•~ """ lm1 tor•• throu.:h lht' ~~mall .ah•p. narrnwlv '1 1''" C'ar~. In the ,torllt "' the ['"' mnr" lo.al ('\'t•nt8 fc•l cnwboya. •P' ''' ,., ••·•·r ••I ,.,,,."',..,.!' ta~t··ol ,.,,.., :lnnol • otl nr•·• ""'"'"I ' 1•111 lllollot•l Y•uhl •lull.llo• 11'"''1' 11u· l<ollrt~; I'""'"" far~ rniJI~Inlt n ~mup nf nfflt'rra. I n Skllf'e ""'; l'OII 81 lh• llnb ~ktlt'll 1111111 I'P''"'' trail" fur l'uw~:trl" lind \It • hunllt '' 11111 II• ,. lt•ll•l••d t>v lin• II .,.II twuoe. f llll'lll ~·7• •,•,. "'" ""'''' lilt' ,.,.,.,, '"' '"'l'l't,•l• Wlflt •r•ul ll~ltlnw \'1-IJI wtlkil l I I I r~tnrh. llat't'ntlo nvPnU~. (u!'lla ""''<11\' rnl l'!l lto'~·rt \IIIIJ•h\' I I I·'''''"'" n•l I '"'''""' ,.,...,.,...,, :t:"w· :11• ''"' 1111 '""'I'"'''" I II II 1'1111 , . .,,..,. "'"' I I rl dill ,~ .. ' I piU'l!ll'• sn ('fiSC In lht•m Mt•fUl, l flltt Sun.l:l y . I \\'ln.n••rJO . ~}I \llt.ll I ,,,., '"' I,. ••• ' ltll' .......... ollo•IJ>t, 471 .•••. 1'14111 '"'" ... ... .... • ,, .. II"'"')' I u nr y• I ut _ lltr 1:11nn,.ry off:r• r. l.t fjjll ~t·•·rt nt•lfl' rmgl'd t hl.' tl'llr k In In I he I'V••nt.s "h" r• ' ' hill ,.,,.,..,.o.J, :l7• :\~.. 1,14111 "''' \ 111111 111111\ I••• • .. n1h111 llnlu ll~:ht J .. Sny1hr 1'!':'\H '\7~!• !'•·IIIII ,,1,1 lim•· m•,•nn•·r (l•r tltl.-f lra. t I'<'IVI'•I war to .. n•l-" 1111 HWnnl~ "''r•· ,,.... p0!'11rtl' "'' • """ ''" 111" II l ':.rnrll !'I C'hl•'l~ •.,·:ts t~lllJ'flr· I h t lh' w ill h .• j Gl"n On\\on lond .l tmmy ~;,q ·~a ft'l' '""' ''"" ""''"'"I' h .dol~tl ~''"'~· :,o;. ::~··.,v•:'""',''l Wh 0 d R nrUv hhn•h'•l r(')( "0 tl <'re " R t:rn.n• .. \\'htt canh· In f•Jr ,.,1uul rn••U•·, u • ,..,r n'' I·' lh 11'·' '"n•li''"U" •t•~ak"" • Ht • 4' · vu ow u t r tl ',... • T~op !If"'''" Wll!t nr.t .. -•• d. hut ho •lllnd ooonlltrtll ll'tl In lilT'~ fnr lhl' hr .. n. l hhnt.; ~tinny l'nlltl•ll , ... ,( Ill''"''" ........ , .• II' , .. I •• II• c:t.· lin,; f'oHI •lr"""'"'· ~·II· j 0 pene . IVer fun• tf11• Ah•p Clollld J;t•l 1u 1t 11( 1,;;~·~ •;:~~~p~ pi T~~:r~.'.'l:l.:~:~ ':'t'~,~~·~t' • :ol 1 lop1111: (!It k C 'ra14ull, Ill t il• .,( I hf' t•ll•ll ! I "I 1' Ill I 1 " 11 ,·~III•I•::~C ,:;"~ ~~~~lo:~lnt~o!: 'ro~•~t· ,~.'~'11 ' • ran.:<' r111· mm· .. hill' wo·rr mndt•, ko dH' Ill• •·. Cl:i~IV,. Fol'1t•r .. r Hr • • ;•lA 11111 '''"'11 ,. ~~·· r • '" wo•ll n.. .. • ' h "hfiVtnt.:" In lho' 111'1'1111 t.. kc<•p 1 1 1 11 1 1 ~lrnk~t '•0. 4141: M ~lllrltnJ: lwn flrPA nnol hlttlltln" r .. , lh•· I'<•WI!Irl.•f lltl'f', Willi{' l ht• ••• • P•'''l'' ..... I• ..... ' 111 '" • • • t "' •II•" II lh1• olll:<t I I t I tw1 hnl h h 11 twl th hn111o• Harll•ntll'r w••n Clrst In IIH ,.rf .. rt b••i11j( "'"'' " 11'"'' •11 II"'M -ou W8~1'r ~~~= ",\y ;~me .. ~lnln::·~pior; liD ··xlllhltiOn Runoln~· wns Rhr lt llp(•t cllt l.tlllllnd J••h n .Mor!ll'' llt~r~~<· ,ul ACt' 111'1•"''" l~f····· lho• rainy Gang ··n Court ' I r th 1 __ , llutl••r, ·chtt.mplun rnAdlll<'r for ttw •·amQ In ,.1-onll • ,111,11 all•·tlllll•· "llh """""'"'' county 'lontel' nnnt' n ~m r>xp •.•. w ei. but "''''" 14\ttl•• nt <'ullft•rnla, whn wnil lnur • ' , .. IIH'Y mn.te !!hrurblt'JI tot lh~ In-!lrllll! """''" tntr red at lhP Am· Sept· 22, Accused trrlnr, l!rrlou~rly woundt'tl nnt' mR.n J<11\'nl llllriW' Shn"' In PORTRAIT ( th IIi k Alht fJttHi ly lnj Urf'd anothf'r. •~nl :tr • ~ 0 e rf' ee Kan~n11 ('lty . whir h 111 the 111'1'1!1111 0 200 It """ th•·n that the '~w_came t.ar~o:"Ht In th(' l'nlltll Rtnt""· A t by f $2 Holdup In lh•• <"nn• ha,.:on lht'y prel••rr ••tl 111,,. l'hnw 1,.. """" lhl" nnly hnrl!~ Kt:R'\ARU nf HoiiJWOIMI wt\t1fll'u ., nslru• t onn fnr lrfllllll ~lw ""~" ,.h11..,11 1n I'VI"r\' l'huos H•• l't Rft The rl3mage. thry htollt've. 1~ c•v. nrcl hy Atl(l Tho~p ... on :.n, wnul(l hnw• ,,,. .. n much mnrl' ex-th<•:<P whro mr-1 IH'(tll~ him ln.AI t<'n!Oivf' hn<l lh•'tr 11hlp bet>n built nf ,.11'1'1 l 'ro l ht~lnttry hr""nna wu ,J,.,,.,, , .. h:,.. f"\t tt!a,. "' '" 'I'IHor~•ln v, H• pf If ur llw I \\ tllt.•nt I lrd.•·rt . No· I"'•" ··,,,l,. t t.u,l••vard. r .... .. Ill f ,., .. 'l'• ... .. .-• I• • \" h•• wa" • •••r«"'d 'W\IIh r••h I "'I 1 "I S:!:!OO fo .. on I" II .. :rotol•• •Hl'"1 '" ·~ur r ttlt• .. t, lt•utlttttel••fl ---· l'h• tfl .. •ill• ''' ttu Sur.tn Au,, • tv''''"' tt•urt•~•t t t~,. jfflt 1u wt &hat..., "''' ''''"" 1\••1 N..\'1"''' "" "., hll•l lu "'' 111 ""llh hi,. "lunlll!l'' and r •~H•k•·d llf' 'A ift' ,_,'-'UI'• ""'' f ltu t .. ••u flflt IHft.!ft•llt 11trUt r'1tlfn nut¥fl ''''''l-1 +11.t •l ttt• v.ut ~t tm.k•d "I• u lutr h1 th,. rtv11r, •u t.tttt •ah11r Htld \' .•• • u11•1nr .eaw ''"''"' t "h• "I W•,.•l•t (lttw uut tnMea•t uf ln tu tt • rft., .. , • ''"'"" •t•·phrtut• ut •·f tlu th.-'•"' k , uuntry If• •lev ... m • • ••I ''' "I"""'' tl "I' foul I lhHI h• •t..-nl 1:1 hiiUI'll ~I the ,,,,., ,,t,, .. ,,, ,,,.,,._,. l •u '4iuk ••rt tl111 ,. .. Uiltry wttA ... l'hlt\ \'h••h\'"'''' .. ' 11\ u••t w lttt "•r lpfiiHI •ti•-.IHr->" •rwt t.bet he tft• •l••lnr•• h• ', .. n•·t "I• ,,., '"', 1 t ... n,.,. ''' ,,., .. ••ft Itt,. rtwr u a r1 '"' 1t11rl ,,. v ul ,., '": .. ,,. , .... ,, rultttUK •lulu• ••r fMJJIIaa tn U..t, .•• I ..... 1. II ll •• " " IC.•itjol Ioiii ,,,,. OfHIIlly , .. , 121<10 fOf' fiPI!r\o Noted Lockheed Man to Operate A11 1 almly and qukkly u thou~th they wtorf' en~a~f'tl In drill. th,. ,~run r rrw mftnned t ht"n .11mall tiN·k "r11pn11. laking lhf'lr rorolers t mm th,. gun tllpl aln. ltllntl!wntn's Matr ~ .... tnt! ',:ll'l!! u "' ( 'h··rn ·. '·sN ·'Marine Hardware t···•• t, • '''v .,, I h.-m .. t rttute: • .,,,,,, \ • tti.' t • • "' t •••• k fht•tll•·\ ln.,_ up tltr' rlv• r ''1 ••f tlu Jt)•..-"'1' '''' •I ••\ l tteliJu rv t-:tt.:hu•t r fh•ru•l I• ,..pol"tAd to fu• •I•, .,.c ·. llnllm>t, I""'. 1n tllrrt:l nnol tn tltP llh~•'nl r of till' J"Uilnrr\' lofforPr They 11aw lhf'Jr !lhPll!t •·'lpl•o•l•· ~fr 1111d ~tr11 I..Awrrnr•· F. • n••:tr lllf' :<h••r,. hattrry hut ··nt~ltl I Kr.,wn unol oltlll!rhl~r Rtlllnn, !nnn IHol '"' • •'l lllln oj l hr rt•IIUIJII I rly of 1'111'1111IC'nll, hnvr lf'IUII•tl 11 ·• • f••ft '" Iori OJ; l~t•l•l In I "•' 1 u11n •' 1 11 " •lot •ull "' 12~o.OIIII hAll '' • Ill q p• •If It th,. ~ ..... r l••r .... c .,, ..;. I'' ?J. I I II ' "'"' """"''""''' Ill ""' t .. h t,u •~ff···•· , ,, l11i•l n•·'h'"' •·· h••\• ,,.,,, rudt;u ry tu au aheM f., \A II h II II lid lilt• .,,. '"""V hllle -h• H•'UJtJ uft I I. Ill t, "'''h ,. I ,, w ~ .. , ... d v.Uh th•~ HtUnty. ,., d • 11, • , • 1 "'·'I ''"'''' u1. AltYwuv t lu ""-''' , uuth l8 •UII 1•111 •• ' ,, • t ••• I A I• ,. ,,, I I• •• , ''I"" "'" 11" • "'' f11ll 1e fun1'tl1m ftlt I tlflfl ,., tflt IHIIP J ,\1t Cloae Call "'•tnl nl :!17 VIA !Jijnn, l.1oln 11111 In lh" rn<'nnllmf' ""'"' nto·rr I•· r~ nnd •·x,.,.r t I" tHo• 11ml' p1'rmllf1Cnt "' !lw ''"'"' ~larll<l l o",:lol 111: r ..... r• ~tol••ntll "' l hlll vtrtnllv nnd f'ntf• avnr uu: t11 f'""Jf •~td ~11 Urnv.-n V!.'H~t f f;t'Ol•'rlv f•ru -t•·• '~•r·•·<~t••·p~~ 1tt .rh ,,, ,,~. ,,,,,,.,., ·,,q 1t h•"'•'''''''' In p,.,,.j,.,t l'"' .~•1 "'"m""''"ll" Tl, •. ," ,,, •nntrt l "' 111•' l.'"kh•·•••l t\ll•o·t'l ''' ''"'''" .. ( lll••lr 11•t l·n~:rll an<l "''l"'l "l '•"l lttiiloRnk nnd 111 n"'' Voitur.-Localt-521. One Andy I layman. \\ ho d<X'S muny things fo r m any m<'!'l· has is.-;uL•d a h 11 If' hull<' lin that wtll r aise :o-.;L·d among th<' ml'tnht·r~ 11f t h11t fnrl'ign war'i urg<ll1it.:ttiull, hut 1 guPss A11d y t'all t akt· it. II<' c·a lls lll•i nt. Ka\~·r ... !-1t•llar cmi)Orium 11f L'at .;, "tlw Dutchma n's Dump" 11 c t.HkC's Gu..; Tamphs :1p.1rt I ~'· cause ht• sold out to :1 l\tid\ 1 anci says "Admiral T11mphs will retll't' t o a fl1nn -a 111•11 o f n pi:K't' for :t r•t•put a.lllt• hi· ,, •~'"''. • l~tt 1, h•••l<•·d n~ thr UJ.:h f 'l;' r1''"' t1 1:tnu~: 1 Hrut , •• ,,..,._,h•f ,,( ' 1 11 ~~~ 1. ,. \'till th•· c ~tptRtn t h• HHtt•'~H ~1nttn•· , urnpnnv 111 ~ ,, , •\ '"q t 'u:t..,t ffq.:h\\'"\\' t II•• f• r1 .• • -cycle anmiral t o e-nd Itt!-hral- J(unt cart'Cr Of ~~~ ) f'CII"' standing." lie o ptlll'' tha t "AJI our nt'\\s '' ha~ on the desi~ and "b.ht•s l)f our own advertist'r"S--~ we nlr solutely report tht' m~ws ex· acUy a..; our ncl\'crt iS('t'S want us to." Then h e enns up with thl" cti tty: It \'I\ J 't ll\ t lh."• Lt• "'1d p, \l •tt tUUifti\UV ''\\'f! \\fJ• nJt r1 ndv t nr,.,l;.u td••fl H'•'h ~~~ '11 d ~1r ~ l ~'''"n 11 "''Ill d , '• a.• ul f\ U'•' • ,. ~,. tlht•·~~t r ' • ,.J .. ntJ:tl • r·lh 1't• "' "J t , v t1·, 1\ ,r ,, '•• 1 th~ 1,ol"ntum J,.,, 1\ru·•·l•"' ur,.t ••xp•·, 1 1·· ,, rH•\\ 1 •1• tfu ~· t•tll1t .Pfll f•l:. 'AO"" u!t! hl•·ud'"h'l "' t Ud :I.'Uhl'tUt lt ,tH' at •h•r•d ttn•l ,, l h u, .. ~I !U)t l ~Itt, f"ffltf ft') t•~ .. r 1\.' • ''•,:• p n 1 • 111 I h~' ( r••Q 1 ·•'• t • i lh• u••l• • a r '' J ttmpt""•l f'''' H. R. Ring Takes Harbor lndustrie~ Purchasing Po~t I I 4 ~ o I • I I I ,, • t ""''' \ t •• t ht• ,,..,., ... ,.,, I I'' •• •I lllf• "'"' r I IIIII' Ill• • I "' l Jl}.fl()(l H• .t •~· t ", tnl•i•f" ot 1 ht· Kttna,c. '· I' It "'' :111, 7i :.! Rn11111 , 1 •'••·' M••nl •hrl1t1, '""' I' v o/.lf)• l t~HU 'J'uMfln • ", 't .,, \A h•'H llwv t ,, • I""' I M, ... ,. 111•1• , '' •• , t til ',, ••• ,. f v 'I •· ...... ,,,.,.,,. wt.' 1 1 • t I t •;.t''UJJUIIt J•l"'tt•l• t 1 I I' , nd I ol "" I Hill lohll • lo .... I c I ...... 211 Bridge Luncheon Fur llouKe GuPst l:r,, 'I· "I l h•' .. 'I •'• ... II • l~' .. IAY ... ,. I ' I v I tl If' ••H•11. l~tl ,, •. ,tv ··I California marine In New Record Canning Mackelel That ( ;rin on Mark ll<·aly! It's nrandeon ' .. ,,.,,..,fl.,,. end ~,,.. M~trlt II• •I, "' ll~t· IIYI' ltrl' toffl\111 f • ,,_. I'., • •••.. • •·••• ht•\ IUJ.: nr I • I "" I h• 111••1 IIIII I( tof 1~"1'1 14 d 1 1.'." ·'"•~··I••• ""·'•'''"' to ,,.t '"' "''' \'"••~lot I :t"ll, 1hf' I,·· Y.• '•" ,.. '•u pulll••l,. Mr .. t f• •lv lit•• f•.tlit•, f'nlrl• tfl ~ '""••· I "'Kitl•·• ••f M • "n•l Wr11 ,.,..,,k jlullr, Tllr t .. UIIIotUll I• ' ' '' · 1.J ' '' \ M:t •••••llf'''' ,,. Art,,,,u, '.I.,, •.. I .. ' . . '· • I I I t I .d tf••IHt t Gl:."T MOM'S EVAPORATED :\UI.I\ From Contented Cow<: No thl.ngs to pull No shovels to sling Jtm punch a hole 1.n th(' gol datTM.'(I thtng! lh \1 'lhr Lt JI.••Pl•.'~)~ "1"'•!<,. hl,:hly ,,f ht •r· ·' ... •·u~hhl •ftttnc lhr "''' u.,:::lt• p•11nt n;.: '•Hl tn tt Hl:u""' ,,.,,., ... l"'lhf'IT' h .. tl llt'•·fl un•l•·r f11,. I f'II'Vh'to:>l~ 11 n I I hll.l sromr· \1 ,., " nul 1 nuuty m•rnth~ nul •>f htool , su· I' l :'\n"" nf llll' I'Xp<'ri~llf~'•l <'nlll'l f'rt II II HtnC whn f,r lho• I' IJ'il mrn hRd ~rn.·,.tl nn l'mall 1 rl\fl v~llr "1\1< J•Urt'hn••nll ~~~·'Til ur p1 tnr I n )olnang h ill llhtr. A • kl'rman II• .at 1 nmpan~·. un•al 11 Lt TI10mp110n r·rr•ltt••l1 11n" m11n. 1 l"fl"d hl\1' 11\k,.n " lllmllar po!rl· l'ttul 1. TMrlry, l'irR.mAn ~1r~t I H•n w tlh S f'WJlf•rt l nrtu,.lrit'A lnr f'1RM, URN. 1113 T'lllr tc k ~t ~11n1 ('n11tn ~I•'Aa J u:n,.,. F.lltWJn. w~ll 1 Mirh .. "'lth "ll"tnll lhf' ilfP nf 11 krtttW ml•l •· ~lllr u• Ill' flriiH'tpr.l I llhlpmlllr wh~~~~~e ann """ Brvo•n'<l nwnrr · by 11 Ahl'll TrR.<Iry prnmpUy l'lnp.1 Hlnf! l.llk,.~ l hf' fM•IIl ·.·aratr •l hy Jl"<l thr bll'f'tlln!r IUI•I trn•l,.o.l thr l Unb H r n,.lv w hn halt •nlrr·rrt l h• 1 vlcUm until hi' "'lie traruof,.rTf'd 11 R. Trll.n,pttrtJIJI,.n ''""''' •· and 1• I tn a h !ff'ltlll l'hlro l'flm,.. tim" l"l"r • ""~ "' """ I • Mrtl. ftott lllurpfl)', nf tNt1 r:. ( 'rutral, llaiiiMa. I• tht· \4 111• .. 1 """ ''"' phy. e,..._ of tllwt IJruntwon "'"'m ,Ud .......,.r,eu• 1\nllr"''"' ''" Mu,.., h-~)' oft"' a,....t.,.. y.-wtth lhl• • hlflllllrt~ ~"'"" wtM!II ac:ttnc Ia ..., ~tr "' '""''-at u.., """''"'" u .... ,,, U··~t .._.,. ., ftal ... for tofpt •r•t• lloc!t M•rpllr• ha\'f' pl11ra• '"' toul'lllllt • .,.....,Uful -w 1M""' "" ·lhr 1,,.,,, .... , ... -u bulldlna t,.,-111111•·• J)f'rmlt. ~'~"'· Murphy .-,.. fur,..rty a pruf....,.__, lleno·,.r "'lah-h ma.r anr.ount for .,.r --In rr<ont .,, tllle <'8lnl'f'O. ~hr .. 1111 11•1, daeriac •• .,.r faworta.. pa•IJn'M'· Hr r faYertt.fl ,_,",... au~ rr•d ""d I""""· Mw .._,.. that .,,.....,_,, ........ jalttd .. "' •-1 ,,. Ina ,.,.., .. •• Ua..ta Mlllf'r ... T Do"")' .,... &epa wtlll lwr an4 ,.,. -• """""" '" Wr '"''orUe. I I ,. tl I ,,, ' 1·1 t I • •' I ,, I ' .. 1 rrJ ••l-• ••I ... . . . .,. ''' I ' ''•111'1 . . , • • ... ,. t ' .; '. lt·f fJt t • .. ' r ... : r ..... urwttw,.y f',h .. l ••tJ , •• ,,,, 1 ' J fi lk ,., •• 1' tw•.ul,.vflrt1, Uatht.u , , It 1 • • 1 1 • t' 4!:1•1 ''' r;, ', d "'1U1 a hr1tllr(r hnwt1•·11U ,,,. I' • '•'' • • ·• \\ fill•· '1.. '"·• .. • l•lH t \\ t ,,, •tlty, t.un ,r1n« flf"r tlf•""' 1lurd f 1 • ,.,.,t u .,,..f,t 1 \•,hurw ul I 1: wr<l M,.. II Barbn•l ••f. 1 lvl"u•t '"'' 11•11· •' ,.,,,. rt•·ll•'l • .,. •·•·•I• •I 11 ( oil• wl• In VII .... ! Jnrlut!rtt fo4t o ·•' 'lo • 'fill• • f,. "' .... II II W.ll f!•,lof•ll It"••. Mr•. t • 11 lluol•l •l .ol• ol ' \ , f,1,. r;. nl•"' Onlnt!) Mro llnll\' I V, ••I' h ~I < tf"f'lf)'~'l' l l<t)'fl, t.ftl' I ~• n"l 10•roftH lfl"l lo~ I hill OA'totlol IC W ~"!:"' Mr11 II I. Culll" 'hul ,,,. '''' 1tllru•l••llflf'ol t.v Ill•· r .. I Mnt r .. d tuy 1'01:". Mr• v. ..... n .. I . II .. ,. ,, ·'"" II"''· "'"' y .. IIIII)' JIJST ftE('EIVED .,.ull HuppiJ ot PAPER CLIPS IOc: per boa o1 100 ... News· nmes T ...... N..,.ntl Mil W. V.tnl A .. II '"}'· .. ,.. P'hld f:111lltn, Mr·• ll•·r· I•"''' ,.,,.,1 "' ""'' t •w••l •ntJ "''·I m11n II hno•r, Mra Sam Mf')'f'f ""''I 11•~111111" 111111 I"''""· will ••f l;t,.l 1 '1 •>1 l hfllftnd R"m""" 12? '---------------l l ..- ' ._,.... ----··._.... _____ _ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TDfES, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, September 14, 1944 ---------------------~----------~d~------------~~--~~~~~~--~~~~==~~~==~~~~-----------------------------------------N&wPORT-ULitOA NEWS-TIMES fti0Jfa1 JfEWPOin' ll a lJ .,,, ,~....,..._.~Mtera••• v.a-mVJ I 9 wu-P'a7abM ln Actvaaoe: 12.60 per y...-Ia o ran.-CounlJ; •n per,_, t~ 4~ aone; p ,oo per y...-to iUI .-. ......... u tecoad..aa. matter at UM Po«otttce to N_.port Beach, Oallfo"'t&, l&lldar UM At'l 01 Marcb 3. 1878. EDITOR AND PRESIDENT , N•wp6rt ~ .. V.J•Ic•rnUt Ofradal Paper of the City of Newport Beach 4 ~Nbfe .Local ln1t1twtlon Fer Ov!'r 34 ..,e~r, With Ernie Pyl(' at the Front: . N E W S 25 YEARS AGO , • . I C d W I " of the -~RoM ouR FILEs • I ysterlca fO\V e comes c H u R c 8 E s . Twenty tlve yeara aro today the 7"") f J ., · • y city of Ne\\rport lieach wu ~-~ ~(' j I' rn 0 .AI rwratiUO' anks g inning a J:W)O,OOO development M 1'4F.VJ:,TB DAY \D\'r:HTJ8T8 program whleb lnrludetJ the turn-• 1r1 1 c o.--r Wal-t .., (."'llll'd!l 8.._ IJlg or the Santa Ana rlvt'r intr) P(Jnsimrs r (' I Fed and Clotl•ed c.. .. ---the u<'ean tnllll!ad of allowing It Su.bbath KbooJ. 0&1w:da¥ lDQJUc to flow lntu lbc bay, &lid tht cun-~ ·f ntl City in Excellent Contlition 1111!. 9:30 o'clock. atruttlon If( ll jl'l ty Ill I he 1!11· l'readlln1 ~rvt,...., 1 la. m. tram·e; PXtrru•wn ur th" Jl"lly at -I the t·ntnUH't· I•J th" luu bur : c.lrl't.lg- " n)' F.rnle P)'la OUI& LADY OF MOl"ST C'A&MJ!:.L l.ng a clu'"n•l from the prupull•~l CHVIK'tl l<wat tt•n nf t Ia· •·uunt v wbarvt•s lu NATI~orroRfAL 1'/\ HIS -I h a d thought that for m~ tht>r~ c ould n~ver lUI W. Oelltral. Sewport Beat* l ttw ,_.. ,.,.,, , .. nillrurti.,n vf wu~t·· tH•:dn b e any e la t i(Jn In w a r . But I had re-c ko n e d "'tlhnut the-s unday mauu 81 ''-10 "' 11 L m. h"UIII'M a.mJ ll•oek•. a.nt.l llk • .. n. 1 1944 ~SOCIATION llbNI•tion of Paris -I h o d reck oned without remembering 8T. ~OHN VIAS"'r.Y OIIUIICII •.strur ur u •d 11 •!Hm at IUtl•·r Pulnt :../1£JfA... tltnt I minht be a port o f th1s ric hly histo ric dny. 114 Man-An •• ftalboll lal.aad S• tumt .. "l"'"""d, wtth • new • Sunday n:&NJ at 11 3u a.nd 10 ll. m. ! P• 1111 tpal II U. E nslgu, 11.t the W~ en• l!,l Parl1-nn tht' ftnt dey-11., l!\e ,,,.,.,1 anti 11 .,1 old betU. r 1 grum111ar ,., twol. Mr. Ena'I'D came , __ ..:::=.:.....-------------------------'n"" ot the crrlllt da)a of ell tim~ •· \' 1 ·• -!'l'ld whln~ .,, t•r.;l ,,,l .. rtty !lh.llej P'ULL G0!'4PEL CHURCH lr .. u. th•· ''•r an I<'W a.ho.l unu Thla Ia btolnc wrllt~. u other cor just ov~rhC"ael S••", ,,1 111 vetennl HN and Y.ldea, Coela ~~~-ha.t ..,, v•·• al y1·urs t .. u~hrng <'X Ji<'l· I I r~apond~n~ are wrltlna 111~1r plt'C'U . duckt'd. but lht' l'hrulanl jual Sunday M'h•JOI 9:45; momlnl: 1•.-n• ,. und.r an ~motlnnel tc-naton, • l>"nl ... ·or-ship. 1_1. l."v_ an~lbtk ~rviet', 1 Hl"h li4"h'•"' pupUe wenl to thl' f d t . 1 laua' •-d ar.d C"HIItHiu• .t tu rnr,., on. 1 ..,. •tid " ' Ew!ft U We are e nJ(Bg('(l in war , m M t 0 U$ 0 nOt li'SI· up 1~ml-d~llrlvm TJwor,. Mimi' runalnfr o.rr to our •"' P m .. " WH ~rasr me-et· Hunl1111;tou II• ~·h htgh l!~huul tatltto admit that war 1s a mon~trous blot on civilizatlon :-we Our epproach to Parts,. ... h~rttr l••r11 • '"11 th•" h,,11, ... mu In • >1~ft10~~\\p'~-~~=~;.t'I~Uc !!.rvml_.:.: whtlh c•t~<"n••• "lth :\1 n Jones us • . We hed weltt'd for lhrcoe d~J• In • .. • """ ~· n •• t ··-·' lt f 1' ~In tt IJhnpfy brcell"t" mo.t..of us ooUevt'd the ull£nlal1Ves neer .. , ..._ whole houri, our '~ llahl bw ... dlt'.S"" ...... fi)Uka per 011 J.''n y. 7 :45 p. m. I J>rlDCJ ............... l.u.U v .. :.. I • ftct Ao. rr• .m I Th~ mnmctpnl lllndtng on the I ',...,.even more mc'"~lrou.;: I.Jrt."itU.I;(.' we rducllint1y (.'Ond uded purta oa wnet we~ •u•n• ''"In Pnr11 ~hr ":" \In ""'"" c .. rd .. n. wtlu •·IIUIT FOVR8QVAar: CBflii(;H ltuy at 19t h stn·•·t ""a compl~led ...... DO other escape from slavery· because we decided rhunsted '"11 ,..,,.. l11 r·•l 1r J•.,.,. fur 21 '~'"'• •nd hal OP' COSTA ¥EAA l>y Wrlson Hrull l'umm~rctal Cn. • tndtl""tl'd t hl'm (11 h I Uw HJ II I ..... kW or be killed. Tilere is nothing unpatriotic in tha t • •I vI". 0 r • 0(•1 I •. II .,.,, ~ '" ""•"rlt"lt l iner I Gu~"'lllo • • •ay) Pt·r:wnul lllf ll\.1111 nnm•·d t he tl''' ll•·r t .. >I nd •• "" ull'lt-er In 11«-Y. · al'\l utear.&. PaatAM'. ft~llo"'lng . :\lr und Mrll L C ~appraisal. for thl' men who hate brutality a nd kUling """"1nll 11 "'""1" t , ,.,, h •• ,.,\ h,., .. .,1 ... ,111'n and Mae 8teema, Co·Paat.or Swu.l .. s und family •• r N .. wpurl I J,.ok 1la lhoouro:ll "'" Pltone 1111·~ wiD f'llht the mOl'(' t'OUJ'8gt'OU.'ily when they have decided Wl"re ilbuu t 1., r '"'",,I!,. ullt r l', Y~'·'" na a Cer rrrday, ?:JO p.m. worship ~erv· ~··•.;hts spc•nt a w~··k \·ar at11u11nl:l ....... DO other course ~ft open to them. Se-rgeant York brenk lhroullh llf' own pllsnnrr. 11" .......... t.h her. In ltr···· Rt-v. Mae St•anu In ch8fl:('. at On~! ur lhflr "'' WJlt"'rl Ud ch WM tbe dramatic ~"'cation of that trulqm, for h e waR a 0 e r tn M" r I" • cl\ •"•" tl••lll•·· Sunday school, 9 :30 a. m. bungnht""' s and t'OJuY•·I.l th .. ~>,..II· Atrocities WAVES Recruiting Poster Comes to Life • ..,. • ..,.U£. u ouud P••••• Arul Mn C••r•l •ll t·•• • al•l~r Wn Morning worship, 11 a . m. "PE'C" lng •·--~ objector tO War, yet under neceMity, became ,.11111., lv II" "'" r;,.,,,l!,. Swtk . .rl "' N•·« ''ork city. 1111 mwdc. putor'aaennon. Mr 81111 Mra. Willard T. 0"· errKIA~ .... .,., ... ._ • ....__.....__,_hero of World W I o f I h" b r u',. "'"I I "'n au•· 1,,.,,. lrr her reletlvr~ -----H ow .. JI rt>ct-l vf'd a ··ablegram ' ww---• ar · tn An t-rtt•n II' •I ~h~ II well •n<l I:PIICOPAL \Vednrsdt.w fr·nm th1•lr -1n Hobart, A pa11mcer on a Great Lakes cruiM ehlp took thla pletan afW If •"'-_.,.. h _..,.__ '--the did the t"re>nl""h t "IHC<'' "1 -ol lo-UJIIIml:" &re •u.u .oDle W 0 W~ Wuc · r We IErale .,.. lhe lrtlf't rnt ,.Jtu llltl•f'Y lru tdt'lltnllv. h~r lwo thll· IUMMI:R IERVICEI wbo wa8 wllh tht 23rd Englnt'U!l notinr the ~trikinr rnembla.ntc between )011111e Leency lo-Cit7, .....,.tblac ln en~rine th1a war; who atiU wonder whether It .. wu• I~<Jid tll lt drrn. E•1~ar end Prtrr, are the only Ebell ClubhouM, Newport a.&ch In F'riUlre. tri.Htlng hi' WUJI "m-1 Jo-. a W&JU-oa the lhip. ud the 'arl model uecl Ja OM of U.. would not bave been better to IUbmlt rather than ftght-then parh ol the I'IIJ B) I''"'"'"'" II two Aml'rlren rh tldr~n. lhe eayl , Sunda ya· Jun~ J8 truuurh Sep-ba~klQc lhal day for the gocxl olt.l :~o~.E!h:dt:! :tit:::~. ~tiM~~ ~rln::;,u~ ~:::~ .:/~~ ••m uld •••m t.h~ •nt'riiJ h•d "''" 1\ho hall' llf'l'n In Pttrle thr"Uabout ' tr mber 10. 1944. U~A kncnre, but eht'l ndt J'ft 20, the minimum qe. Oblerviaa their~ ... ~that they reed the fM!'WS very carefully these furc~ until a11nthl'r ~tall.,~r~il • •• 111" ""11r• war S:OO a. m Holy Communion. Nortnan Wilaon waa named oo anninraary tbia eummer, the WAVES etill ae.cl ~ ol ,__ .,.. -~ IJPOtlllht Ia t\uned on the revoltlJut atroclti<'S dl'\f'luplnl Wa could I ul b• ,,, IO w .. u, .. , ... Pari• ,_ ... 11:00 a. m. Wom lnc Prayer the Hat (If Orange county lwrn~a; under J6 for patriqtic war Mn'ice. Countinl food and qaanen, -_ ... _.... ~'-,_Guam and he '-'--""· f •'--I.Jllnil of th~ dulructlllll "' r .... s. • •• u. aad lhr GUIII&M -and Sermon. tFtnt Sundaya, Holy In World War 1. l•tanin« .,.,. of WAVES .. I141.SO. month-132.65.,... w.ek-pl• -.&a~.,, our a~a~.-U.l . ol r musnu.'i 0 UM.." •1111 ... tlllaa '" .... IM'an "... C(•mmunloo.t IIKh eatraa ... azoo cloth.ina allowance, free medical and dt'ntel care. ~ --.... ~~~·-and .r~t et lim~• It .. ,..,,,.,r .. r~•frier· .--.Ia .-~-..,..._... ln RUIIIa and Poland. ..,.,,, I.Mvllabl~ C'ilp ..... &hr lkoa-..... -Contlnnallorr ot a clua by tM Regular SePVI·ces a·n I apccia1 income tu uanption..low-coet IOYtnUIMDt life iaauraace. etc. en. old and tbe tnnoceat. women and dilldren. torturt.'d. ., ...... Hi tiM-, w~re ._... Rl. Rt'V. W. ~rtrand Stt'Vens. I ., I Tllel •u liM-•lt•etr.a '"'' " ••rn TJHor~ wa• • ,.,1 ~.,_. ar-IJ D Blshop ot Loa Anples ==~,:.::=::._ oold,:~~(>~~::~ ~:~.d~::,~~o ~;,.11·~,R;~~".~~:::~·;~ :.:.:::r:~-·~::,~ ~;!:·:!: ~~~f.~ ::.v·P~~rt10 ~eH=:· Episcopal Church 1• I RISE ~ RED CROSS -..4 ol ·--d-..11'--oJ..l-tha ___ ..... ha foil ed if .... F<lrolh~ Yr ry 0\l"klrh of P.•ns ...... ,. r I 8 rill All w I • TO REMARK • -• I .---rape..,. TuuaUUia .. APt wUUJU vf' CYW And tr.rn, whrn wt ,..,.,~ ••thm • ~-P 1a. e come. ~ginning nut sunday, Septem-1 • Activities W t.4 .ub~Dittedl 'Ibn!• I ••&111 mllu. rumor• bC'Ian to Tht' farthut "'c-l "t In OW' lrt* bl'r 17, rt'gular •rvlcea wiU con-~ By • hour ln Pefl• ,.., nnr the Mna\4 FIRST CHURCH OF CH .. IIT, tlnu• at St. Jam•• "".nta~opal HON. JOHN PHILLIPS ...._ •""-...._....._, and .. .a..-•--•-lrodti€'S be dis-rtr<'Uittll' that Utr •·•~n<'h S..rund ~r· ~ '" ... ,. ' ._.caD~ unn&l ""'~ a n .. rrd dlvlalun .,.., In lht' rlt1 Wt butldlna. whr~ som~ Gnmanl •~re ICIENTIIT church lo tb~ Ebell Club, Balboa. ClCIUIItld tD tbll war u propqanda. 1be appalling evidence ,.,11u .. ,J ,.,, he ll en hwr at 1 rrun · holt'd up end llr1n1 d~''""•t~\J. So Lido Theater, Ce"tral Avenue at tbt> following hour~~: !'lunt.lay Mra. Ci. L. Andrewa ~ F' h WI' tool! • htllt'l rnom M ar b7 end and VIa L'...... h 1 Wht'n you rt-ad thi!! In lhr ,.__ .. -lt ...... '---wt•__.... by coun••--....... 'S"'"'"r ""'r· '"-'nt ,.,t.h 1 '"nfh rapl•tn w " -IIC 00 9·4~ am Momfnao <>-rvlce Thi' National RNI '-'"'*' la on.o--,,.. _., u-=-u ~ '""09 ,...,~ "" decided lo ""'• «·htl~ the ot.hen A branch of Tbt Molllt'r Cburch, · · · -" -· 1•8 f't'r&. l Will tJ., io Loc.l~>n ..--~,__1._ .....__ ,_..-~ 1 c1a the find th ,-Lll •1 "~• lluldln1 ,.. "I'· enll finally he and Mrmon 11 00 am Until the i"f 11 Rtrt'nou~ Cllmpalgn to I 2$ r--""''""' ..... ...,... 8 as Y ~m. er lrt•I'Cl ua •ntt ,. ~Hd us on, roua ht By th~ lim,. Jou re•d th•• 7 he Flret Cburcb of Cbrtat. Sci· appolnlm~nt or a io t Vic Could IU'Iythlng lllwstrate the awaken the l>llbllc to thl' eerloua ...... --.~.....___ ha .... ,_ t the .._ __ ..,._ f h o d nl..., t'--r • d h I'm 11o1rr Parh will unc~ •laiD ~ 1 •ntlat, ·-~-ton, u-·-cb .. -t•·. ( re• en ar, 1 shnnkln~ W•\rlu l>l'lter than this ._, ---Ye UIICU a IIIUIUII 0 men "" (' "'' IK." II' ,, mlllllh . W(' rOVt' I r<JUih I • ... ~ .. _ ~ -Mrvlc~· w II be In l'hllr .. e of Rev nurmn~ llltuatlrm • 1 d fr~~ for f'r~nchmt'n. end I"U be out S•·n·•-y !':chool at "'·.•n a. m . " stmpll' lflotenwut • It Ulll'd tu l>t-. dlllllltt ol their fellow men. who trampled on every ves tige ''"1 ••rllrn 111• cuunlry uo er • m•• w ... -"' ""' C'arl Rrt'd Taylor IMml'rly of The ~hurlUKI' or nunu 11 now ~ dltwm7 and CtuUtlanJty, and who took AAdislic pi('IISUf'C ~;~: ''':',~:~~~r:~ ";.'~n~~~~:t :::~~;.. ::~~~~t'r ~rw~111~~~~: .. ~Y :·~:~~~~ ~::~:: ::.7:~:0~~1 ~~~tl':; ~~; ~ol~ ~~811 ~l~~aed'st ~11;~"· "~;w ~~~~ ,;uau s!!~r~-11~;~.";~t> m=~~ apprnr11·hlng an eml'rgency Ill _ _.__ and ldlJI-• ..__ '--1 1 11 ... 1 Jnv I've evu lll'llnuscd thla '-t.hr '•·l·~k "'10" 0 ar c a 811 ~•. 8 • r.l t h~tt the ll''l!llkl'r hatl ml't a !r!eod I IIUppO!I(' t'VI''""Oilt' of you have __ ... .. .. UR"' (ft:p e!m. (II Otlnlf uor hnrlflln l lr Od IIOd lo ..... ~ Mf'rl~ s MRtth "W or Lit I I I' ·~ I ... A d t" d b•II"I'St. l'ftadln• lt~m a~~ti'J at 711 • ' 8 '0 '•• 18 fn•m the honw l't•UIIt'· Toolny it hntt some frh•nrl roll you and uk -. .. -.... ~ vi-'-·-••ddists wiU be brought to judco-111' ,... " """ "•tc•m .. 1r,• u· " " ,.. ~· ·~~ tht• nl'w ~unc.l11v rl 1 1 ·' ~• _. ~ \.:8UUit ._ eo ' • • • • • • :< '"" llupt•r II· r .. ally rn•'llll~ wlult 11 sa\~ Tht•rt' "[1u y11u know wh••r •• I CIUI get a IDIDt. and ,.,_men and women may walk tht> streets again. ~~~:~.~~~:~·~:~(' .::~b~rll: .. nt1~-~ ~~~\·::n:":~ Tht' Otht'f rnrmpnndt"ntl havr 1-.ut ;~~tr;l Avtnue. Hal~, .. , tenll~n~ . ~I'XI !'lunrlr~y 111 l'nroll· II< ~~~ pial (' In lht' w .. rld !II) ..... ,.8 nur~~o· ..... Thnt IIIIJ'fWtiC'd to m~ tha bu ch { T k Be lin "'n llrn 10 lhtlriiUI(hlv nud 10 well 0~" 0 Y rum P "'· 'o 0 p. m. nwu · 11"' n,v und r·ltucst-s frrr nil ·'''"" fr11m an1· nl111·1· rltu" 1 l"•••t~'rllav A c•,oo.l friend. wh() --el"fC't, ""'-'-A .. n t no t er rom 0 YO Or r •ut~l• lhl' l!tl'nlr•t m11 u )0.)' thul r~nL S -•~ , a d h II·' ., 111 ... I c. t h 2 l · I ., ............. u.. 1100111 tht' fanln~llr erun"on of mas. r·x ,,. unu")l 0 .o uay• na-~t.,eM" uo•J: n "11 ·~•·r t•m l'r h nrcJ tint f l 1J f II 1 1 "'"l k 1 11 r II In fo h If _.. ~-·~ down. hw• ~,.,., hul'll'"'l<'l.l, ,.... tlon::t.lly f'baerv•·d Thl' 1-:ptsr·upnl 1"11urch wrrlr8 rot "" ' tr.~ " "1 1 , '·· "'· 11 " ,. n a v J; r erM -...._. UIIC'III • 0 • jnv wht•n Pnr!J "'"' ltbl'rat~d thel I 1'1)' flf tlw lug plan•~< H1.11 ,,.,. ""'' hf'r • hlld, ha" 11 mother who 'J1Ie WOI"'t atrodt:y we haVe eec&ped-the SUbjUgation Of •111111 M l d"'rll On h murh t.onc~r T'••• f"ULiiC Ia r •or<Jially lnvltt'd to It-""''"~ Art• bn"' d li(WIII 11"' ~l'rlp· htomlllf"ll; Japan lff•W nhtll\ h•llll ~ ha.~ bt••·· n r· /Ill lm Ill I• I M y fr•lt-nd I Tl•• atrf'l'h •·rrr lln,.d •• "' rlul Iller~ nre 'nme 111111' lllinl!t •II• n.J t nt l"hun.h aervllee llnd uae t ur,.~ \'llrl'nt!l nrr llr)!t'tl l•l l'PIIII ""''" I "''II 'I • lllll"t I!" lu \\nrk anrl I hi' m ntber a.w flw world, the enslavement oC humanity. t nurllo e1 ,.,,. paredr vrowd' •I f hn\1' 10 cat out nf my ... at·m. 10 u1 .. ll~adln,. Room. t h r r r ('h•hlr •'n ,, . ._'lJIIIt t.v unc.l , T • ., ~ • 11 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 • ann11t l>t I•·' t 11lnn•· unJ she hllll ham~ • ..a,. lhla 'rewd wea al· ~ •'U h.tv• al l••t t thl• ''"" ,.,,.. I '---' promrtlv. aliiO ttl hPII' thtrn wrth • or ll.t . y.n,; '' "' • !'Iii\' Pelldca and the President -~ ~ ,. n 1 1 f 11 1 II •''" :I ,.,, ... ,." • 1111 1'\' lllllt' lluurc" "'~·' .. , .. ,.,,C'.l ....... •trl"f'l• "' ~ulumn on II. ClllliMT C'Hl'RC'H 8'' nnr; SEA homf' stut1v "'" h '\\"f'<'k ' I :· • .)(' nolltt' Jli~J ll IIOll lttlrr rerl• .... •l'r)' ... d ... •n• , .. ,., Arllllllly lhe thin• hill nu.orad -ft., ('ommunll)' ~l,.thodl•t I 1.11!01 ~linda\", lh·· It•'\" Roh··rt :\1 \ IICII;tlt7" thl.. ( •1njl r•·ssman Hnr-1" L • t rtthrr II tnlllll'd <)r n rrar- -.. • " II Ill Th • • "" r · FIIRw rtl f 1 1 1 I• ·•I nur••· Anol tllnt 1!'1 o traglr I -·" .,. ... ,. • ... ,. • " " ot us 1 knnw 1.,,,1 1 h~' e ft-lt 1\f>v. r.. U. C;oo.trll, l'••lor llh~: :rill .. rrutnt••cl nl hlooc last 8<'1 · ·' • • ' " "' -'''· ·"" •1111"1" tba1_al'ter a1J, Preddent R oosevelt \\ill ••mC"II w"'" all hrlwltlh drr· •I'd h•lltl(y lt•tllvable. .ut rrporlln.l If to F.1rty momm~t 14w •lll(l. !+ ~. '"' , r .. r thl"' '"mnro 1 .nut , .. 11 r••· f, (I \\ u.,h 11'!1":1 .r ". ,11 ; 1 •• 1 1,,,. l"llll:llll•n r,.,. h• 1 Anv .. r ••~ or a...-tilDe to drvote to polfOcs. Tht> White JIOU..>;£' hn.'\ In"""" er ,.,., htnav• enlf ,..,,.,. )• 11 11 ... , Ju bl ~ 1 ,,.11 11 allo·•IUIII' M urc-h !;(·hoo~ rln~~· l~l 't :1. m. 111111 111 1,,, k 1., ,, • ., , .. 111, ~:tlurohy :1nrl ·I;• ,., t .. p 11• 111 . "111 lr ""''~ "'"'" ~ f:• ,.,, with a - .__... ... _t ....._ •• .tit ma•·-.... v.nmJ poll"ta"cal c:YVVV'. '-~.··. 11--lui ...... , ... , alllrla,.llllll llo•rr-• In tuuch ,·, I dtt1n"l In ... h .. I' to urntnt.: Will''"· ntltl( • •htU·~ ,,, !'t 1',1111"'1 In lllo-lh t<••rl ••.•••••• I . I ..... ,. '"\\I IIIII: :;· l•lt "' ~Ill ..... lro mt'll any _..._, u .. lilt' ww AC"""' "' .,,~~-'""' • 1.11 lhl'lr hair •nd hll fta•h" ,.,.,. •·"" r Sunrlay I'V••nm.: '« I"VII"~·. 7 30 \\"r \!,r·nl lh'"'· 1 11 .. '•• 1.• 1, , ··•1 , ... dl I"''"' th'll •t.1rt Ht "t-.1t lu 4;,\' Tht.• Vt.ttr••'S )'OU o·~~~~"'k l ',diJI :-'J•flr1J:" ' ~I ' ' ._...,confet'Ted with the governors o f Texas and Louisjana ,.,, ....... ,,bod~ ••• th•n•lnc · ' ,. u 1t t"\''' 1· t\ :, , ,. .11, 1., r .. J:•·.t l"tr•• .. 11, 1.,u11.,: ••p ita II nn .. r ra, ••• r\'rn ... , ...-nllrrr ' Ul ......... l!lh ,,, II • 11UIIr1 frrl•lf' to Ml\J·W('t'k rrn,·rr ~""'I('(' \\ "''"'"·· !) T J AMES E \\' \' Ill I I t I I xh·· \ ••.• n.. r· ··JII• IIIII k '"" "'' ('(---whft'e the fourth·tenn revolt i::; ~'li"'0~--(.111 lht• (Ill • tl •• P•llnl M lUIIltoiiV da). c-ow>l'f'd dt'h dtnllt'r. ti :\() p.m · PISCOPAL ' ' '1 •-·". ' I• ,. ' "' , tka1 lituaUon in those s tates. ; I<• our )I'I'P f'A>• r1 thr .. urh I h.. 1 111 not lllut•t' In lh 1 ,,., 1 , ,. tor CHURCH II "" \\ ''" ••11 ·' I 'ul nr ''' \\ • I .1.1 f ''1 1 • '"•kt· '"" r •. tl•z•· lhnt you :rr""" 111"11~··•••1• "' fot'• pi~ Cl• '"' l'1 r hf':<rd n d••l<'ll nthrr r• ,, r••nd· c HICISTI \' ,1 u. 't't: ("III"Ht"llf:!4 Ebell Clvbhou~ llllto 11 111 I ).nrl,.rt "" ~I· n I, I\ '' ' 11• II In "''II' 1\;1\' \\ •lh this No one ill Ukely to volt~ objections to Lh(>SE' odivitil'S or .... U(l. lr..o\ltlll or,ly u narr .. \\ rlllrl· ,.,,. ~!If thr """e lhtnll A ll"ud This IIUIJI:tl hlll '"'"' l'ro• .. rbs 5t5 c~ntral Ave., Ne ..... port B~M.h I~. I .• ... : ;, ' II\ : .: ., "' 1'1"1''',. 1-:lllu' l:lk .. II llnm .. tbe ~l ln fact, it Ia well Uult h is a c tive partidp:ttion i lll .urcl tnnllc o•ro .......... , :\ltd n•um or "" r. r•l "'" h:n~ In h I In ... II b4' lilt' l)nhl•·u 'I,.,, lu llw> ~UD· II•· IIIII ,. .. 1:"'' I "'"' Ill It I' I'" t 'H'<:lll, '"111 ... ,,, ·~·· ''"''' II :>;urs- in .... _ ·--.-.~-t .. nn' campoiun h "" .____ announced. Ills ac-•htlt1rrn .:rnbt...-d Ul lnt1 ls tucd ~~~ pro>('torly prr St'fl llnjl lhr ... , I l.··•t. th)' 1.•·•~00 ~ ........ , "" ··~f -•tl••r" In Temporary Supply Cl~rgy •·I un !dt•n Ill ,, ljll:tlttl '. rl:tlh '' ''"' .. , r··· I lilt ~(HIIt'Hn(.' 18e to Ilia IUUI "' ~ ~·· un ~• !Hhl Jht,llk tl\lr h .lnttl end D<-lt ••u bnt:h\~'St ltt'r) \Jf our tunt 11 C'• 11d ,.u braurht.•ac of T ilt ~Jntht•r Church. !t -t :-. 1\ m ~Unil'lVAt•h• ol ~h·rle "• u.tJ~PJs t I lhf· .('tust.:rt'btf, tlhH~n tit~ t Cl!ptaDQe lpeeCh had given the impression that he would h o ld ,,. th,.,•Jdt-ro 111111 ti•JJIX'd our bnck• br tha t thts 11 brn rus(' 1\t .,,,\~ Tilt• Fl11t C""l111rc1• or t"hrl~t. SeiPn· ~ M~tllh··w~. suprrintendent. 'pr,.sumaiJiy hc•t•aus" u( lht•rr hnt k· In addition to r •·rhnps havin~ ~ aJoot {ronJ the campaign when he declared t h at ht" 111d ahuull cJ lhrtr Joy II we rnut'd been I O UIIUSed. for 10 lnn11. In any• llllt, Jo Doaton · "'\VIII lhOU &e! r II IHI 11 .01 . l.htmin,:: Scrvkt' amJ ~rnllnc.ll!. or lth'lr po~l llun~ IJII l'o·r· l•) );1\"1"' !Okllllul l'nre to your own -·u...,. _, .. ln any "pa.rtt·--" .............. I >~••• In • )f'ep •lth llt-nry Cur· thin& brll(hl thine ,.)ell Uf>Oil thet "ltlf'h 18 not . J9t•nr••ll J t11111 cnmmtll• ,.,., 11r lh~>•r lltt1·1 ,·~1;; fotnulv )"11 mny find that 3(1m!'- -._ auu ._., ""''~ rl'll 1>f the Unlll'd Preu , Capt Carl AI eny rete lrt"s .:o b~rk In the to~ rlth~A ce~lt'"1~1 nt~~lt(' thl'm· ------- 1 .. r rerhapR th~lr P••·VIo"" ramtl· l•11•r \"till wtll f•·••l t·nllrd upon to Now lt.la apparent that Mr. Rooseve-lt is running fo r th(' I'C"rl!lrr of w~ahln~tlon, D. C .. nnt1 drmunat ratlon f'rnm 2 o"clork In =~~~:r,;w:~~' 116111~~nJ away 88 ao COSTA MESA COMMUNITY ifll·•tie~t with F.njllan.r nnd the-1 ·,,11• III'IJI ;, r '"" nd Th!• Loe Angelu Prllllkteficy with aU the vtgor t.hnt the word "running" lm-:m11 Aluantler Bt!rm, ot Amhr.,l. lhl' af~moll!' un\11 derknrn eround Watthew relate~ rho I ettl'r Ju111 C'HVR CH tlnent, with wnrtnnc• eoo1htiu1111 '"1 h·•:<ntlul" nro· run or frienda and ...._ __.. t lm I hi •--h ... ~k· . th f IMau. w~ •II l!ol ldut'd unlll ,... 10. w~ fl'w Amr rlcena In P:rru ''" bad fed the utultllude to thf' dr~ert cl:4ri_.B;.Ot~o,.hn8fl0t '!;.... M!n411".t~! England. rrlallvfs takln~ cure of alck t-..-u t cannot p Y anyt ng euw I an M."'C tng e O .,.., .. ~ lltrnll.)l rt'd In th~ fee~. end I th Ill t d kl d d h I d 1 .. ed 1 4 ~." • ..-n • """ I' I fD U a-~-.. candidate. And this Is as it should be. . mutl uy ••• ~n)oyed lt. '" • n I ay Wt're ase •n au~ piece, te con~traln his rll._rocltl ee Church School. 9 :45 a . m. Jr Cent'ral F.lsenho"·('r·~ boy~' •·•:r•,. snmr or them Rrlou• poet .,-. ,_., end meu t'd b7 frl~ndl1 mob• unlll to 1et Into a 8hlp, aod to ..:o b4'fore Momin~t Won~hip. 11 o'clock. kt>c:p up thr pact' ttwv oro• Bt'ltlnJ! l>puut Y" l"lll!Ps. An• you l'qulp· 1be olftoe of president lAthe highest honor this nation 1'110 011r~ "'"n t~ ~·• wu ••mpiJ we hardly knt'«' wh~re we wer~. 111m uoto the 01~'" aldt>, · · · Auct _Youth groupa, Hl~th School, In· we mlllhl ('Yfn gt'l t•~ Pnrts fur 11 1\Ptl In "'''P fnto a 11ltuatlon like baillow ·--any d t.lz.en. No man l.s llOOVl' that offlct•. But '"''""'~~~ In humen tr emc end had E•erybedr kleee4 r••-Hltl~ rhll· ~ tbe r:u;'h l .. ·•:r h or ~~:, olt~~ht tennE'diate, Adult, 6:30 p. m. qutrk trip. ThHt-"ll II litllt• b••R r•l·' thnt nnd •h• lhl' kind ot a job _.... to alol•· ,. .• .,,.r~ awerm•d ovf'r end drt'n, old "'omen. arown-up m~n ,.eeua w 0 un ° lt!m, wn n..: 00 Evenln~·Arvl~ 7 ·30 o'cl1X'k 1 h th 1 r '""II w• ul•l ... nnt to d ~ i • ~ tlle llf'L And whr'D the disclpl('l Midw~ ~fAll '""• · · OJ: OIIR on t• I' t hank. whooll' · · ~ 0 · e.dl tilDe he lll!eks the o ffice. he m ust "nm" for t. lit> must •uu .. .t 11nd k tu~d end tom et. Ev· beeutltuJ cirl•. Thr1 Jumpt'd and NW him walltlnr: 00 the II'&, th•r WE'dn~~ 7 -:ship and prayer., the Phllltps farrtly lltnyed fnr In othl"'r wurd.~ we a~ all In __.IDto tbe &tve and take o f the Amt>rican political an~ua. .,. IX\dy. t vc-n bto"ultful &lrll, lnalsl· aqu•elt'd •nd puJh~ In • lll•nl wera troubh•d. "">In~. It Ia a ""lrlt ; ay. · p. m. som t> lim~ during I"''" llllmm<>rs. Lhlll to~Pthcor and we had btott"r IJI alit Ita~ his caR orrtve his views and If he iS a n in-l•d on ktHIIIIl you on both c:h~flll. frt"n:rJ. an4 thi'1 crf('•l out for fear. But CORONA orL MAR-that I'd like to vl.ail. lu ""''"'hat jitvl bu~y lr you have-a young • •• . ' . • . , ,,1mrh "" I '"' stariN klsalnl beb)u They ,._ .. brlalll IIU~ Ia•• tral bt Jp It t th '"" J th d t t1 aenlw!t,.. be must defend and explam }US pollct('S. In this th.ol "'<'lr hl'ld up bl' th•rr pert'nta. a .. M41ft aU ••cor JM. A111a-1 II Dwa'of ood~1111 1ph~t'e .uolt 01al•l'~..: CIIUIICB _. e war ld 0 lhr IJH•plr "h" ';"' ltr tn ynur nt>l~hborhood. why MJ na,. Ide •• I. ~ r' • .,.. tonal .,on't g~t In the hrllllllnl"s tht-ulln"t ~·.,u tnkl' cnr~ or her cblld a ~ U. people 1ft a dearer v\ew ol the i.s.<rue11 involn"tl nnfl and I. r a wh,lr II 1•-.>llrd Irk~ • bebJ· ,,..., eam~ra"'n teet l'kiiii'H. DO~ a "t •. t NS I d mlo'-·r •-httl~ people. th~ pt'ople h kt' us I fpw bour~ ~o ~h~ can lake a Home 1n 111~ U "'"'"'I t<~hllrtan 10 • tt d""'" thr TWJ ~ lewt're aiMI ~'' ,. c tat on roto c eoce an ,.,~ ... 1 :-; are~ 1D vote more teUA6e n y . tl11'1·1 ·n,. larllhat 1 r ,.,fn"tthevt'd •-a&eH ln&e '"r ~p. 0.. BM..ltll with KI'J to the Scrlpt\lr." I ~ath"r lhat about a d•·u n 11( • ur~rn~ 1 nurs~~ o~r dl)l a· .1 ,.,,, 11,8 , hr;trlll'd u IIU~ 1lrl ~"•" Uarew a IIMCUe fl 1111 Mary Bak~r Eddy. rt'ads: "Oocl 9:30 Tbe t us "'ill g,.t tn go owr undPT lh•·~·· \\atrh for IUlnounct'meot of ... ~11 •• t. •• e.r11~11,11.d, m nd" 1111 dtfTt'f· cllrr •••• •• ,.. ...,... ordained a malertaJ law to I achool buUdlocl r ont.lllloruo. n couplP r':\C'h W1• .. k rnurJOt•:f ur cRII lhf' Red Cro.. of- •nn Q,.,.,. "ht'n ,.~ runr to 1 a&Dill tbe IPirltuel law. · · · ~~~~ua on at Fourth. \\"r com~ back on a tr11n~pnrt """ ftrcs an.r obtain lht tat~ ln.f.or- tlop ••••nr t r,.nrhmoo told 111 thrr<' 1 walllecl 00 the •·a vee, fed I he mul-, 11 :00 am.. Cburch Worahlp pay our O"'"Tl way bl\l'k ' Ymt !lte. mnllon nn what you can do be~. ""'" ••·" '"'~"'~'" '"'"'"nil. sn "' AI you dro'·" alooa. -''antic tllade. healf'd the elck, and raJ•..cl Strvlct'. Th~ aervlce Ia held lo l hfl!l(' art' tht' lil!hl trirw< n·~rrc-1 \\" h out nur •• ,.,.1 hl"hnr\a bark "" maurs of ,.a,·tng and urumtna 1M d•d Ia dlrl'ct oppol!llloo to "Tbt' Chapel By tht' Sra," 410 liYI'ly, ltll thtr" Is rl')o•m f ' Ul! t I Ink 'f thr> l>nye In tht humaniiJ cluppt'd tht'ir hand• a1 ID&'ert&l law&. lll~ acte we~ tlle nnfl J thl k It Jllnl'l•·~ fnc-ml' 1\.11 kinc!e of phyelcal ..... Frandl Scott Ke penned th r th . ht TW ..,. ••• " l'r rtelnl)' leolo« demon•tratloo ot ~ri~Det'. overeom-Coalt H lgkway. n \\"~S n_ em:lrl I•Jrn ttl~. omrnr til anrJ IIU!ft>rln with y 05e IlleS on e n~g ,.,.II f~d 18d """ .,.,"rd. Tb~ ll"ouah applaudm« • llo~ perform· ... the falle clalml of meterlaJ S"r mOn topic "Who Are the I ~Cifled ll "'a.~n t to I~· ll ""'"'""" CJr tlln Th g fll ....... ther 13, 1814, Yt•hlle British guns blasted at f ort I •• , .... to Wpr~ llnPd •1111 ,,,.,.. • •.• I' IJl • tht>illcr Wr In lht' )HJM 1" ... or Jaw." Lotll ?" I"'Chamt)er of C'ommerrf' t rrp" I he· hnme ~s... Ol e boVI will r the I ""ltt'd bark unlit we hed 1et crlna .ton·t WIUlt enlert111nment nor 1,, A • many or them 1t111 .tck Mofltnry, be WTOte not only for h1.s time but or ages. lr,.n .. ,. medere bulldln••· Alt ot. o.rr fori's WI' .. ·avt'd unttl our hR\'1' my llml' pro~mmmr.~ I • nd unlr·~~ wt-litCl bur~y and learn -... -·---t .... _ u.rv "'""'rlt which spurs men to tig ht for lb~ liar ..... ,. rto ... d In holl-srms •• I' 1 I ,j lh J t The World's NeWII SeeD Throulb rtnw 1" lAkP ('ll re of lb d ... ...,..... UIIIC'·~·~"t"' -._;, 1 •. ,.. lllry1 1••••r•••thtc-•l "' 111 nn rn w~us waa· ,wllnllo talkto thepl'npli•Rnrl 11e\'•th>l f 11 em an tllllr ...... their loved ones and for ft'('('dom itself. Anu hev. •• .,,.. thtr,. ""r~ plnh l lrrl ou• 1\n~:rr~ w .. •honk hende f THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR I whnt the war. anrl lhl' "d<lfldle-ra~,.r "m lrll mnny of them will until our henri> wtr~ brultf'd and I 1 hugll," hiiYt' done to lhl"m . · · a •llenppolntlng ~tltuatlon .... .,...~years, the "Star-Spangled ijanner" s till thrills .. arC'Idfnle lhel .. ,. with I trrAtfhtt1 II 1111' )rrp IIOppt'd. )'OU t\n lnetm4tiONI Dally ]'o(tWSf'ap~ I herr -...._...6,_ .:._.... ........ thn lmagtna .... ons or Amnric"'. n~. l)()t'-lattlll, and Jf'tP• OIC'"rrunnlnc lhr . .. Aleo t wnnt ronr~r~n(' "tl• . ---.... u • ., "' D "' .. ,., 1& y.cre •\\ail ~-'"" ll><lanlly nw •• who ! Publuhtd bv . . ' • I"S WI I At ·--..a old L ~PII ar('. r.•ulrln"l ru ch you thrt'w klu~' a'\ -' Jlt'Opll' in rt•rlllln ngrnrit•s who 1 ;•n ' wr~k ••.ur Annual m~ctlng Jut ,... .... . r \\c , .•• t,•trd Purl,\ II n ul' All!lh!r . )(\11. nnd \H thrrl\ ku su bark 'THf CHRIS'TIA}.l SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCierY t:,lve n:t lnlurma llon. Tl\fse \V(1UIIl' ( t•mmnnd.·r Nt•rman Lyon. lla-.y dmelll.n~ that historiC! nl~ht tht> fiag "whose!Brlnnd a ntl n,. d'Orlr J•·• \\'r IHtt Thry ••nc """'"· Thf') 1801 won Ont', Norway Street, Boston. Mauach~tll 1c-nrrl'sponct htre tp th'r n "f''ll'l· c;' l h•• ll~htPr lhl\n Air Ba~. ll .. htlv JI MI r~l·-r •' •.• I I I A I l r .. -thtul I' t tl t•T ... a......... --f-m "-n••ttonallam nwnt 11( Arrl~uttur.•. til« ,·,.(\t ', .... rthl'•l lhf• :\1'\\' Cuinfta jun,..lr• . ..... ..._and bright stars" inspired Kt>v·~ poenl has C'C•m e I. .. . , .. ' " •·' ... "11' ( •• II ~· '1 .... , '1 , ........... , ~~ 1\'f' hat1 n~l'rr • .... -on• rt)(' -n ... ,..,..-.. ,..,... ... ,... -~ ' ' l ~ ,. ~ -.-,, . • • , , . tl\'fll ell r t&ht tu krrp '' • ~ AI lf'll·~ l h. , ... 1 ,..,.,j th~y '~"If . T•l'l "·'r• Mtorialfl A"" Tlmt'ly and lnstrul'ttvtt and II• Dally F~aturf'e, To· Fnnd Al.lmlnl81rnli11n : lht> Depart-"' r·" 'MII•·II'lv t hnt It m&dl' you ......... tbe perilous fight. At tames those \\hO bon II n lnrt u thl'rt-«l'rl' Clll\1 h llut nnal l~ llncl \l•rl~lo\f\ and (),.,., Tl.r·~ ~~Miler ...... ·~ W~kly Map&Jae 8«-Uoa, Make the ~lnDitor... OICI\t nr Lllbo •r. J om intt'rl'l!l/;J In I ·.·1 ··t 111 !r\" rnr tlm~e boya OV('r ..... ..,_eel temporary S('fba<'kS. In this wnr Old Gltw~· >~r "'~re •1.• ,.. •11 I'' •• ,. l'"''f'ltt 111 "'It · ~ • ~br-.1ln ,. .. • , • .._. Ne• .. paPf'r for the Home. f.1rm t r nann·, 0 11 En~hn.t ha, t..,,.1 1 1' 1' liP mr:HI.,nrrl nil th" oa-!1,. - t:rc.D tbe ID&It on Batann and CorTl')..olOOI" and Guam anrl •he atrrrt•. Mlhl "'' "''· '~ I hi' d"• I ~ ' I• I, l ',., '., . d '• I ''"' ., I Prt<"e SI'!.OO '"eerly, er 11.00 a MonliL. "nrktn,:: It ~ul for r,i, ,. vcnr• ~~.sticky "•'t Rltn••"t•hrtt and t ht; , I,,,. llr11rd •••nu•' I • tl •••nt ~\plo· ''' l•t.l •• 1, ~, ~• .,._ 1 1., 1 T'" Saturday b•ur, )lt('lodlna Mapdnt' Sfocllon, I!.IMI a l'Mr. ,, nrkPIInu l:tw"· in Ilk ",.,J·rntnl~;, 1_ numrrllllll I'"''""""~ ,.n,kt'~ 11011 .. ,. __ took Its nl ' r I _... • •-turd I •s (' I ,., . ' . 1'11 -~ I II _, .._ .,.aC"l'. • '''" lhe c, r• "' lr' '"I to Cl~-,··r, • lll l.mk• 'Ill' I .,., , 1 '" 11 , , 1 ,. ntrvuuclor)· Offt'r, .,.. ay INIIIft " "n a ltnn nr ft)n.ls, and rn ratt.•n n~; · nn. :1 lh• 111•atllv thlnf• -... -tbe Star-Spangled Bannt'r is m:trchinc b:wk -l.tr.•)" b.rld~l'l ' •II:~ Srrn~ A·<i ... t t.llrJ 0\lt I •I··. ······: .• Olttalnableat: Ojfttn"t lou,::h. I dhln"t 1'\"{n mo n-,., 11 hllk l"l ll!o \11\f•r"anc.l thl' • --r ,.. 1 h Chrl•tlan &wn<"f' R4-adln• Room · ,,., .. •·•t• ,. , 1 ... --· CID earth can s top il. A~k the fl'\\ Jap ~un t\. t •• I I(' r• .: ~ II II AI In(' QUI ' II (' f Ill I .. " !t ' ) .• I I .I • '. ,.. lrnn tlw C'f'A ., 1!11" lr SWl\t' I: I 'I •• 'Ill• n lh· t:rnunrl HI' ..---.. 111 Eut Ceatral .AYeaue lhl' lllhor rr•·hlrms Jll~l nlwa<l "' I ''· I '·"" ,., ''"' 1: .• , llnml''" .. f/1 tbi battle for Guam. Tiley know , as WC' do. th.tt it j.;; Balboa, California 11~ In Amnlla. T ht!' 111 a gran! ~,. ~ ':.' r •I r·.•ta•, ••• :-;, 1 Zr:~lnn.t -tra..au.r~tbne andn ~horttimc wc hopt'-wlwn tllt' f>ar i11 Cirl .. lfan• D('alll\ ancl lma;:in.1ti11n t rr..rt untty. nn<J 1 think rt "'~ •.• ,.·,,'! lh" I' f n m thi'IW' ._ __. h " d bl ·u n I lh•• hru krrnund hr:! •Xpl'rltn. ); ID I•rk •. mlllnahle ...... ~ ~ 1111~, w rlr on ue \\I o nc-e tn on' 0:1 , .. 11 Jl"nrt .. matl,. r••Plllhl,. f,r ,. , •:· • • • t , r •• 1 ,, 1 ., '"'''· a nti • tltiiiDIIb t:/ll1elt tbe land SC'i7.1'<1 by the ~<;or, ' I .o n< •~I'm• tn ha.,. • I lh,. br·nu· ~· • ''1 1 • 11 11 C'al rnrn•a. """"'· ~R\"t' IU(' I his ~ '••• lllv II·· I'• • •' "' lRkl'n to ~ .. -war*Gttht' l"ational Anthl'lll nreas fitting. r ••• t!ltla ........ ,,.II .,,. lloHJ It .• lrr r.• ... ;trl,•d •• ,. l tr MODERI MARINE SERVICE hllO•• i I. loom!' II··· ''• fll'tl Crns~ ·~ .._. • • . 1, t l"h,. "'nl''1''1 "'" r ~n lrt ''' '"'" ~:• ~· ll•r ·: , C• ·•1 • 1 1 J' 1 J r ••I PS ,.r>Ool 1 a ....... ,_ ,...... t: ' • ' • • t I rr~·· t <' r<'mllri( lhat I PX\•r· I "' I I 1-. I '" I ,, •l• with cle&n ._.. '•uJ: thf'm .. ,hr• ULJ '" .. •"'"H·~h· '-••r•·:· nt r1~·t 1ur··•r 1 r,,... • .. ••\·•v ntn 'W'llh 1 c1 1 11 • '" hRvP AAml'lhfn~; to t 1lk niK'ul 1, rfut r 1 1 '· r •·rr. won-.,....,....... --·---shall t nd I rhror hAlf • "'" C''"' ~. il'lt .. r. n ., I C:1 •. , I' "Mil II! ~'nt .. rtlllnmenl ~ eYer,-· IU'-"' men Sa Clo•lhl'l ere wnrn lnlll lllt~lil ••ly l..t<r '•11" rlly l'llrl• t.n~ 11, C•lttla \\ lt'n !=•t t" • lofurnul h(',_,.J,•:o :tn•llov!n~ l~r,. II · =;I ........... loved...,._ and the war's desolation~ lh•)' drf'U ln rlllh•Ua ....... r. In lhlf of fl ttl\ Hd u •I l n r s H ELL I 0 c K lhl' 'lllri'AijlTI I'm <fliP ""' k In ··nultl £>~111 l•·n ":onll.l thP boyll -· --w ) ,. 'I r •• dtr\) \\"A!Ihtnnton . '·.. ~ I r \\. I r-"tl·l~ In two • ~--_.-.._, ·--may t'--'--.,.,.n .....,....,..., lond ... , t'l)' ··arm If' I'''"· ent1 "''"" '"(' ~nt1 u,;l) I'"' plr .,,, e ,. .••• I . ....... ,.. .• r. ,, "' ' I' I ' I tl k I J...,.. ..,. .. _,-r--• '"" '"'"8 ""' -,"~"'II." " 1 ~ d ,.. """· c f ,,.,, hf>r 1 l:·,n\\ 111• , ,....,ril'nrco "' WA ·, ' " ' • ••• 1\~ln, t t>-. , ..... t ....._ ... --..a.. d 'ed n tl tina . drnp~d ho 1<111 llrf't\1 ar~ en HAnk v Mrell ~:• • t •• , 1\ •••frd 1 · •·I nllh n ,,,11 ,,.hn hllvr prn· ..... JWer-U.UI _.an pJ"eSel"\' US a II Cln. r•ar kl'd ll'llh p.,l,llnl tht color b' one Of lhl" dll 111'\l and UIIIUI lhl'tl'"fl b<• A ()II< v( '' rrt'~;•nnct-\'_lfl••ot I hi~ ll•lrt II[ 11111111: fnr lhllln • ::1.1 -.. --faraurcause It is just DIAI\1'1 t'\'f'f\"lhnl ~"·In"'" .. ·orl~ W<•men r hP\"t' '''t'r , .... n 1'1\t'P "" ~~~~-.trllk '" Arl!l\o?r Th~>n '"~ lhr R I 1'-• ( -. 1 I"JJ I'Hffil' hnme . "' '-rfo~' Ill tlulnl;" a ..... --..._""-'~-'-our tn.aat.' T .. I B ALB 0 A ISLAND mlln·,·t ··u~ Job llhmnd Let' k """'!! 0111" --: ... ~--n C'nllriiC' ('f. In lniU\nl'ra. inj Whtn lh~ tltllrt ~~prllkll howrv•·r \\-htle I'm J[nn£. lht' ot flct' hl'rl' thlnJ:"JII ttr ln( h h 11 ('eJ) .. ... • sJ,-1 'b p • 11 trtumph lhaU wave •t:fl•. In a ll thin,-. lhl! aup~me 11tmr1" th" ,..f'"-11 Ill~ '""~••~tt "'111 ~ open u u~uaJ. Wrlu or forttrl (hat :~: stbl om~. Don't ..........: ...._. f/1 tlllllw ..S a.taome o( tbr brave". ,..,..ntD<'e lll .tmpllclty -Lonr· le alwaye l&('('~ptable to th~ •ho j 111re Ju.t u ll I were bere. Mrw.l quot., are tar bebl d oodHapluma --tdJow have hNrt.a.-Mary Balcer Eddy lAnplalf wtll tall" rarP ot dl.'t&lla.l mad" aa awolot.me:t ·t.o ~ ,..... \ ;=.=======:t:/_-:-_---:: _____ 1 1 _ _:N..::E~W7P~O::R~T:.:.-B~A.:.:L::!B~O::A~N::E:..:W~S-"7TI.:.:M=::ES;:-•:...:.:N~ewport' Beach, California, Thursday, ~ptember 14, t 944 Penaionen Plan j lnf•ntry Rides In French Advance I Corona del Mu Nen' "• ""'"~ tb• Atr c-orp. an '"s Mack's Plloto ................. ldentificatioR Photo, Oout Ollanl, ............ laualcratao. l ·lilou.r ..me. Portraits at aeaa&b.le prtoM · For State Meet ... t I ,. h•n h• ....... 22. II.Dd wiU be happy I 1 t l y l~lf' l.. IWDt'dkt 1 "h<'n lh• _, Ia •ncl.od an.! he C'IUI I Th• Old Age P•naiODI'I"'I tlf cau-l I Wr an.l Mra n ...... n nn.·h ~ .. hf' t)a(ok 111 lhf' ...... u .. AjtAIIl romla. a alate l'f'ctatued ~nev~ llll~tf'l drtve, ano f nlf'rt•tnlna hta , Mt11•'1 ""•I t.ln Waltrr lo' lf'nl organlulton. will apoD«>r an • J•tu•rnu . Mr And ,Mr.. Mo1r1olll \"'\'1•' '"f' \'l111t1n\: h<'r pat rub open m~tlng to the publiC' Sunday 1 F'ltto'h, M•mphla, Tl'nn., whol IU"f' Ml nn.t Mr• .. :.J~·tn \\'llllanuo • .:111 alttrnoon at 2 ••'dOl'k . In tht' :a.tWA 1 Itt·•·· 1<• a ltt'nol cflew••ldtn1 of their MIII I!U•·(II•· llvrnu... lht• ""'"•" hall, 204~, F.ut 4th lltrHt, SllfliA 1 ~l .lnohlt~ul(htrr, ll'rant'N Ftnc-h an1t l l 'llllh Ill Aullt'l"''" lllr \\'lll1a111'11 1 Ann, to Whll·h all m tmbera of I 11. 1 ""r•t llconry, whlt'h oc1•uno.l j;t 1'"'""•1•1:111•·•. ,.l,,t lht• I i'"""'• a t Oranse county ar• urge<.! to be I 'I'll••"''" ~·. 1\ 30 1, m In th• tr.r t111.,,.J INuh••l I II• "''•'•·pt '"" hrlol hy Mr prc.oat•nt as the final ~•·ork of •· 1'111 , hun· h. LAguna. FtllnN"a ltiUI "'1'' ~1 •• lh'Ath•u """''h ''"' th,., l('rlclng d('ltgatf'l to attend the ht•t '1 ........ .,, •••. ' .. 1"11 n .. y N liAr · httolttl I''"""'· Mr "'"' t.tr .. ller I Eclclie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES An Del.icioual Moore•• Confectio1M117 2100 <>c••" ,.,_, Phon• 7J -~~tawport ...... SU, Pllotoe, Ealarpmeata UICI Pllo&oatatlc CopM!e Gift Shop a tate convtotlon wtll ~ the tm· l 1 ,., 1,,.,. An.:•·IN . •• 1\JNl. whu '""" 11• ""' M no It,.,.,.,. "''"II !'tlrtant part o f the mt>ellng ·Thr I 11 "~ •'"t' "' hrr· hriolo·•lllllhta I 1"' ""'' 11 I· 111111 t'" ~-'111' It ._ ____________ _. atat .. ••ttnvenllon w1ll be held at ~~~~ .I 1> Mo·n .... ,.l,t. ~1:1 ~., -;-----------------------------'""\ Ooetume JeweJ~ 8ouye.Jn, Etc. RakerA!Iel<.l, 0 1'1 . 10, 11 and 12. • "'"''H ""'""" 1\1\d hrr oiAujthlt•r 111 1 h1" M" .lo•hn t.ld '-m~tltl, witt• ,,( Ca rt1e •"d a o,.,at V •rl•t )' nl l)nueual Olfte I N\'1'1',.-VIlli TO ftlto\\'~10: AIIOtfND" PAUL NORMAN 'VACH T SAIL 114~K£RS l il lla, Awnlnga, Boat Cove,... 224.., 2lat St. Ntwport &acb Phone 207 Girl Scouts Will Be Sponsored by Costa Mesa F.:A.C. I The Friday A llt'moon dub ••1 the official aponaor ot tbco eo.ta Mua Girl Scouta. according to an announ<'ement by lttlra. J . C'. l'aynP, <'tlmmunJty aervlc~: cha11 I man for th• club. MOUNTED ON GIANT CHURCHILL TANI.S. lrit-hof..U,.,.. liN•• 1" '''" rtttutt uL.n' r••• ,.1 '"' ••• adn-.t A•ericaa, t:au tiae aa4 Britielt force• ia P r•- 1 1 '"h" ~t.'P .. ntoltl, N .. vv C'tttlt I ,, '"11•'111 1"n~ will h'll\'r ....,.ltlay fur l '.dtll !'1'111111• \\ht•rr tltf'\' "'" ' .,.,.,. Ill•' 11 tnlf't ~~ ra .Juttn M•· I l •·•tt 1l•t ,. o'lt~trnlln~ •'hlt.ln-n Ran •11 • ~"'"" ofllltl lhl' lwtn• lhll ""'I :-; till 11 111 '" • •'1111'1<11\• thrnt t.l nt ~~.I '•'n"ld nttol ho•1 fAmllv hlll'l' "I"'"' t Itt• Mtnllllr r 1111'111 h• \\11 It h• t """' ·•ttd" l'nn•n t• ""'I 11hr hill' l....,tt th !11 r Ill tho• C'•lllllltllllll • l111r, It 111 1111r11 Xhr 111 11 11"\t'\l ,.......... .. ... , ..... ~ ... ,..., ""'"' rJ,,~ ,.,,,,.~,,.,,, •'' K an .. n .. ll,r l.u.,.huth l I"' ..,, tCiunr .. t At \ \-r "":. C. E. LQUCKS Jl WE LAY and ITAT ION I.AV Ula,..nnda · Watohel • ,.lne fhpalrlng l'hc•-Nf'WJttOrt l&le·R 1 1t7 I I N.,..,,.,;:t a tvd. Ce•ta M~u. C •llf, AT LAST THE I''AMOUS ., -- Evening Adult Cl1sses Begin 1lext Week 11 H1rhr High. I T~w J\:('\\'~lrl lltu'b<tr Evl'nlng land Thur~oiR )' t'Vt'll n~o:• frnm e:SO 111,::11 ~<c'h<"ll w111 ofrtdalty r•pen to 9 .30 In l ht" llht•p building. ThOiiC' IIC11l "l'o•k on ~l,.tttl:ty anti T llo'll·' lnll'rl'lrtNt may rt·~illtt'r and ~!flO rtay. ~l'pl til and 111, when nlnt' llll'lr wntk lhl' fir!ll t'V<'nlng. nt'xt <.1~1 lt>rl'nl I" IRIS. II Will be orrc-rtd to , TUtllll&y, Sc•p t Ill !George Bar~r !Walks With Death At His Shoulder t'"r l'"'"' Jo:.t l 't•rt~y J r . "''" "' AI r An.-! Mr-. Jo:ol ('offt•Y tl410 1 •.,,.,., lflt:h" A,l', 11'0 Mnnt111y ·,:,r 1.11\o "'" N••ht II hrno ht' •·Ill o'••nlhllh' lot• It llllllnfl for Ill' rill I lf\lllllt'l "'I •• ,, .'1 lit• "'"" runttf'rly "'"""llt•d '" 1-1 Mit'"'· ll'l11 IliA hrolllr t 1.1 )\ llllttttt 1: l'ntfry, "' 1;•111' II•• to II 1•\•rt V ( 'uttlll1 lltltl, aJlf'ltl 11 he Now Availahl~ for. Sport J4'ishintr With Marlin nnct RrnadbUI runnlna. It will tx-n R'ftl thrtD to hunt ttw hlg fi sh on ttw fu1de~~t bunt In too bfty. W 1s1'1 L.~.,, J~l•n • I 7 Stor.s to S•rw Y • , N. w. Cor. 4111 & Sycamore IANTA ANA YISIOIIS mAJJ ~~~~ ON CIIDITI &MONTHS ~oo ... ~~~ ..... , ... C AU IN AND HAVI YOUI EY!S EXAMINEDI •Yourlrolcen lens DUPUCATEDI Prompt Servicel •Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •Glasses Made to Your OWN Prescriptionl •Yo11r Credit Is GOODI Open an Acco11ntl Your !r• ore Your Mottl Predoue I'~ lafegvanf "-by ~ • Of'TOMfTIIIJ , ,_, .,.., .ia ....... VWon .. VItal DR. BORAGE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST N. w. Cor. 4th & Sycamore sANTA ANA OP,.CII CO HVINII NTL Y LOCATIO ON THI MAIN PLOOI I ht> 'lt')('al Nlmmuntty t 'lti7A'I\llhip un<.l AmC'ricanlz.a· C~ommerl'u\J llllbJI't Ill 8hnr thRnd., lion da... • .,. w1ll ~ t.ftuJ:hl by Mra. bookket'J>IDJ: anti typm~. nll\'1~11· Minnie IU-f'll tn rumn 13~ on Won· linn , both bt'Rinnlng and 11<.1va~ed. day and Tuuday t'Vtnlntt•. 'nl- d t lunship. woodahop and mt't.l j d&allf'll ~trt' t o r lhot~e who wlab t o khop. a nd phyBintl l'dut·atlon ln· nbts ln tht'lr naturalization pe~r" rludln,:: badm lulon. baaketball and I Tht' phyalc-~tl edul'atlon d.-a I vollt'y ball w ill be a mvor the typea 1\rf' bl'ld rrom 11:30 to t :30 In the or lnstrut·tiOI\ t.o ltnll get a tarted.l hllfh achnnt gyrrniiJtlum . On Tut'e· St \'t'rlll o!ht•r l'!tll!lll'8 10 ftr11t a ld. dA)'II hll.IIKrl ball w •ll bt' I hi' ff'A· I bu11ln•·l'll n uth, twwin(t. homco. nu1 11.1 tul'f'd typco .. r reC'rt>atlvf' phy .. cal lng. Atld automf•blll' 1hnp may be l'dUI'&Uon. On t.tondaya and \\1•d· 1 1•1 ,::anl7•·tl wiUltn tltt• nt'llt f•w nl'~tolayll. badminton •·Ill be taught \I N-ks flt'~ndang upon lbe dt'mAlld by Mr. M ill•r and J.tra. F'Awarda. for the v. ork I Bolh men and W•lmen a r,. lnvlttd All <'lllNII'!! will I'<' hrllt lit the In llllf'n.-1 On Thurlllday, volley· 1 1 "hi hll:h lll'boCII rruru 7 tu 9 In hnll will lw piAJf'tl All m l'n nt tbco I I••• <'\t'll 1\J:~ and uncll'r lhl' •htt•t'· I oommunih• \\ hu Ill,, dt'lllrl\1111 or 1 '"" ut , 11mrwt. nt Arrredltc<.l Ct'l llnJ: a I tile o·x• " IJI! M d r;c· I• Ito IH•rlf Thl" <'lll!<ll•·~ Rrl' t rro' a nd t o·:rtum. !I "' url(l'tl to 'onw nut and ltt:,:ll ~· "'"'' c-r,·(ltl 11111 v 1..1\: vi>· Jnttt up ll'tl h llw•t• p'·yRI<'Ill et1uca · ''""''" (nr tho• l'lllliJIII'IP;, work I('''"' r r""!''• dr5-tr<d. Tn th1• •·:"1 •· .;•rttl ~·eo r~o. MY· rflt• I olfllfl 1'11':111 Ofllb jl'l'\li Will bt• I ,,,._ ' "·' ~I t 1.• un..rrtl l'lu•ltlpHon, ''';. l lllllt:ll't 1111 tlt'IIIH I · ' •Ill "' Ill•· lttt ll l hlj:ll ll<'llt.,ll, 1111 1 U• ""''··~ un.t T IUII.Mduy ~·\'1111 Hi).:S Ill ••• ·ol I ttlto lrt •l l l 'trl~tr rl'llhlcmla h "''' l>t l;f•·• ""''illt' •:.:·· ,,( thl11 (re4' c·oltt< ul lt o. ;rr I ;d 1 ... 1 \'.tllhllll I'X· •·•J•l unl 11 t\'• t ~~~~thll',• \\tHk to br l t .. th tnlt ro•JH tttfl And t.dvrtnln~· 'qU:-.: Tlll~ lt-. \'uur o•-portnntty IJIO • ~ '' '••r 'ntt·r • Ll I u .. rtJ, I H•l"tJ t to ft JUMt 'nm•· •na l tarut So(\(' wh~at 'tht•l ,:\ t. Tltl•lllJ'lll •ll I~ Oftt•f •lljl !1 LYJ><.' c:venln~ !"-tt11nt ha. t o ort ot r tnl!ttUl'IIIJII Clllll'Cially ..t~trlgned A c un plet.o Mt'bcdule of t';la~•l to l~f'lp . local rl!•l<l~nta 1m 't>are1 mAy ho> hAd 11l th,. hl~:h ll<'ho)OI, or ll 'll ... d \l•lj (or comnwn tal )o)hlt In rnrm·muttttn n R \ I.H· ohlRII\t'd bY r 11 ... ma ny o.lr'fl'niOP plnnlll He will u•lhng l-41)() • · Ul\ l<.lt• "" l!\&llllll su •.u• ... \IJI't't. -- "hnrlllnll>l 1_\'l'tn~o; iiiHI bnukko•t•p. lng eiiC'h t'l't'IIIIIJ: :.tr Arlhul \\'unlf'fl w rit ugrun h:u··· • hur).:•• ··~ th•· • Vt"nln~ 8bup I l3l!~fll thai hU \ t I II II !'> • >'If, 1 l'll- 11 1:. •t I I'·'· ~·\I l.d \t ·""' ~··\.\' • ••n .... t 1 '" I 11 .. , • r h.rulln.,: •I• !o'&,..U· ,.,, t• • , .. 11 ... :rat h:u tll otl dr 1'.\. -• ,,, I 1' t IU •l't'l .. n•t I \ork \\tll lw ·"I ut I' t '.1 I fl).! ~ \\Ilk "rlt•":oil' .• ,lf h· h ·, 1 'n 1 '"'"" !.•~* Warrior Cousins Miss Each Other l'nltl l:t·lnh•l l 111. f au,, h••m•· f•tt :t "'*"''I lt.r lou ,a.: II ft(' \\ U!4 tu tr~t•• t lu-. , ''"Oollt• J<d\\rtrd F hnk :?1, ~··• '"••I ruh ft• •• n •• ,.,. 1 r y f-fl1 I' "' J••••t ·•• s •• n Vt an• '"• ,, Hut 11 ... II'" '"''" "ltu ltu 1 ' '' te•••n ··a•tl ttlh•r x•n•,.. 1tu \\tr ·On the Job·.·~~~. !~~d~~gbt • . the contanuou s Dtrecteng . t 1 t _'abroad and at home. fill'tlt-f••l t'•'l h ••tiJ•'I It~ f!••th• I I t ul lu It h \'•· rr t nupl• ,.( ho•rt • 1,. l•·rr l·l 111k n' t ll'•·ol l(t•JIIil• ld Jll>'l J:: rrtdtt:t I• d I I 11:' !It•• l'rntnol Fly111g Tm 1111111' t ·,,. • I m untl nl Sr1n M ar<·u><. Tt'""" llttlll hoy9 ,::rf'w up 1\3 IJrolht·,. l'oUI bPing a t th(' hom " uf ~I r• '·.,11 • neceuitl•• to Ameraco I ron s THEY 'KEEP 'EM RILLINii .. TNI .AIM/lAIII All TNI IA&KI/111111' III,EMJ. .I ~ ........ ~" .................. .,.~ ........... , .......... ~ ... ~ I .. I etMlln Flink, F.d'~t m otltt•t \\ .tl~ Mrr<. Man ... ltt>lllhtJid \\II:< u•,, tV a.nd work ing, 'l'he t """ fanlillt·l 1 111'1' on :.!llfl. llllre1·t. C 1<la ~I· • I ll Ia lmplt!llllble t u livt· I''' , q r· ahly w tth11ut livln~t prttoiPilll ,..,d 1 hnn• rnhly, a nti )ulflly, •1r ' I '~ pnJrlt'ntl\1, and honurnt.l\ ••tl I j1111tly, ..;:.llhuut ltvlng pit ltl'tlrttl,ly f-:J•" urtiJ Alka-Seltzer A B .C METHOD A :-Alk;l-S•·lt7. .. r, ,, ,,. •, al .,nrc tt, ,, 1 ,, ,. Arhiu~: ll•·.tol. 111 I • ,, ~<JrC M ull• I• ·. 1 -De r;~r, ftll, n''" I tlr;~f• I UI!·I•·n tl a· 1:•· 1n I• t tur,.. l!tn .. t.'-J•r• (, r;a bl"•l. 1\••• I' warm, t~tl bly, olrit k t•l• t • 1 ,,f "·• fruil j .41• ··~. Ht• "ur~ t e nnu.;h Yttnm iro~. f, ,. I .. II I• C -C••mf•1rt y~>ur Sf)rr, l:.t f')' T hrt>al, i r (':tUr<l'd "}' II·• I •,j, by ~tnn.rling w ith Alk.o '·II· 1 Zt'r. If frvf!r olrvt•l"l c.r ap rq,l••m• l1rr r,me rr•·r• acut• call )"ttlr d•.ct•Jr A T.KA·S U ,T ZEit ir< a f'D trl ,,.. lft>vin~r, ~ti l llhxtnl( II.I,J•·t, pi• .. ,~ .. t W l;&k" and unu•ua!IJLA,Iffftl' •' tn &lll'ln. T ake it for n ... tf.,.,hf'. \fu·ruiH rah••·•nd fur ,,.1 . ' f .~ "" 8111 .. ar li, wl ~n ca .... I:J t.y ; •. • ., alr·nia~h nrld. At yoor dru~r ~,..,,,. -l..11 rtre · JNit "'"" oo•. HnH•II ""' ~n,.,. 3 ... I ~ thl' •rl••• •t ~"''" hun~ , .. 1 d•1· "Ill\ 111111 nl 1-ht' hornr n ( ""''' A hill ''"I! I I'll' "till ''""' t ltuJ l'.nrt·"t" ''"'' ur Ill• ptr .. tu•r • "' and hn•ll"'" •ltt•uld 1,., llw hap· 1 b l .lllttl•·r·• 1111h•ua:11 "'"" \It• ' p lta't ,., 1 u,e1uu lJut f n~ , :.,.,,,,. Uar· nt\lt~u •' C ·,,.,a Mf'M . "'hlr-h hr '"'" bfor "h•• "tth hi• fltlltt•r. Va l l h!.o l>fu•n~" llllr nlltcl anol wltrrt· lit• li>irllt·r ·"'" hr••lht•r t '"""1. ""'I t. 1111•1 lr.d C ""''Y ~r . Wton tlrllt .. ntl c; Ct.o.•mnll """ "''''' jtt 111,. ~1u1 ~t·• till.! In lh,. <'1111 n •plnJ ront,.•t F crl\llnot.. \'nlh·v "'"' t~···a•lnn Thf'l '••Uid nut fhut • r1df'r r •• r I m l&hl luo\r h•ul 11 ·,.,. ... ··~·tllnl(-l'ltr1<•1ftlt'r . hla hnrw. "'' r·nuld ""' A bull~t thuu~lol tll,lltYf' rh ho-r"' t' him f.d Jr. bre..t rU!4l rat ..... t , 'nle Arrnw ~--al ZO knota. Rnd hns a top llpNd ol 3S kno!A. 110 flh(' ron r rulllll' the m tln-1\l't'ft from nan .. to Cata llnn to San Clt'm<'ntf'. J•"or Rt.rvation1 Call Ne.,..t 2470 ... t'hl'll'<l '"•Ill ll ro" k or lf'f'r •l nwk Vtsrto•ntt.r In T•ll,.. Y.cl plll)'ll a ni lhr bo•l' n 1111' ht'llol ""•I trn t"•r· kln•l of " lltr1fl4r"d lnlltnrment and AIIIJ ~umt .. ,l him Mr ll.·rhrr hlta r ll\)'t'1t In W~•t•rn l•lr tur""' '"============:::===-:::::.::===-=--~~-~~~~~ f'XtraN"ol lht· hullrt v.llh n l•""krt -----------------------------------------------k ntrl' llllol It '"" lor In I hi' ~All I F'r rnanol11 It" fill' t 1 R I afll'rwllrd fuund I\\ • n r•rr l"'"'"fl .. r lllo· hill· I lt>l ,\tl•·t ''"' ""'11"1 h~tol -...n 1 ..,,.. ...... 1 lh· 1'"1\" "'"'" hurttt• "'"I ; - Ct'<W~t· HI J•IItt•ltll\' \\ollunl ho• "'"'' ~ to rt\""''1 y tr thtl hull··• ltrt•l lllrufk ltt tl 11quru rly, 11 "'"''" un- doubtt'llll lt<ll t• 1,.,.,. ra t11l t • f";ftftrJ,!• M l•H•Itlt•r .1u• k t !~tndfiULO II' In lho· :· .. ,nIt I'll• 1'1• Ill lit lit~ "rM )' I'' t Hltt'f ttl" I'XJH•t lf'fllf' v.tlhhtoll··· ,; .. .,~-:. l trtlllt ll•llhal Jlt rh&p~ II ttdt.:.hl fl••l h1• • , ltn•l too I bt· It ~"""~"~-llll•l .:•·t ~~~··· Fresh Bread ~~:: ·~ .... It- Busy Baker Crackers !: I,. $oiled-2·11> !>«~ ..... )()c Honey co .. ~-;-;: <'.ol4 ";:· 21• t~tlorltONIHo-..-,,J2~1 jor,410<1 Starr Plum Jam u:a- Apple Butter ~:~ •o,:·u-!>mu<••· t Otd lo.t~.-..1( <Joo A/'11,.111.11.,, MOde wtlt" G&XJit c•O.r II ' ......... • Fruit Butter ~~~:; ";.·· 21• Krispy Crackers ~~· 1 .. Hi-Ho Crackers ,Pirates' Gold z::::. Lemon Drops :.":.:;:::. UTIOIB FOODS - (1) Borden's Milk ....... ... !!'I,. ·-.... ... .. ~I •-. 4 10' 19< "'"' '1 •ed point _.,, (2) Dalewood ~;~~ (2) Sunnybank (2) Troco TAKE HER TO • MAYONNAISE ..... ---.~ ...... ........ _. ....... BEVERLY PIANUT IUTTII --'"_,_., ,_._4 ........ -. HOWDY PIANUT IUTTII c-.~-...... .......... , ---· 1-llt. 230 J• • _..ON€E A WEEK ·- ......... HEWPOR't-BALBOA NF.WS-TTMES. NeW1M)I't Beach. Calif~rnia, Thursdaf, September 14, 1944 Before Leaving 'l1tis FaD Stealen of IJ«<o Auto Bound OYer . r R8yon Blouses for Sehool Days I'L Weiner Enda Your Friends and 1\tline ~-~ _________ -__, ua candy Busineu ............... y_ o.&-Door hnaltare ...._v.-....eee. IUCOOVDED I IMp Selrll&l~ ofOoloJ'lli Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1-8o. Mahl Kl.-a-ta Aaa ft. ... ta Aaa ITll 0.01"1• H. Oldha.m and WIUI&m Jr.. Ievana. wbo hell admlttt!d t~~ Mr aod Mrs. JIUIIU Tbomf*l" Ooeta Mna drove to Pomona J'ri-1 t.betl of • ear ~~ni'I:'Je tow~';,. and ~hlldreD ol Arcadia were In I day and :Mn. Stella Elleworth otl ford ft Oa vldc:;, the :,w ea'lltornla Newport BeaCh la.t week for M that city rtotumed with them after: I ~=~~ ~v:~ol'l. ty for poulblc ,,.., p<)t lurk dtnn•r at the home of l ~~pendlniJ a Wf'f'k wltb friende In ablllt&Uon b SuJ)('riM Jut.lge Mr. and Mra. Charlee Han~n, 28th , the Harbor lll"t'L ~ ond H .;homp1t0n who pr<"-I etf't'et. .Wra. Tbompeon • aunt, Ml1111 Lorna Mille retumf'd to I,..;:: 0'¥@1" tht' t'rimlnal' oourt laat. Wr JQhn Fl)'nl!._ who haa bHn a , her home._on ..llllb atnet...~ wM'k In lhf' &bll4>nrl' .,1 Judg•• .:uelft at the Jl~~oru~tm hom,. fur aner a m onth'e vacatloo. llk-Ker~n .. th MftrriiiOn >«•me-Ume ~turnal lu Arcar<tla vt"'lt'd tu·r JtT!lnt.lfather aa.d otMr Wtth them. r.-latly"" In SAJ1 Franclaco. then Tht• twu ytJUn,t: m••u Wrr•· "f'Pr•· ht.nth'<l In A ultun t, ''"'" •· ~· ... ra I o:u•nlu ••Vt'JI•I \\t't·k .... Ill:•• dl t\Hlg' 1 tht• Jlnvhlj:t" < 11r. whlt:h t ... ,l ht:en tUk• n front In frnnl ''' lla.' ,.,,.,. dt fit I tl ,, hPUj f'J,••ttiPtf \*II 11 Y lu l ho• tllt'ft. lll<klrli: r•ll jH1thatt•lfl, ''llllh \\ h H t.ut ~rrtnt•·rf Mr . and .Mra. Dewitt Ah·xando-r )I m~cxt 1t frlrnd In Portland and and •h•11~hler, Jean ._of llo•rhl'ley I he twCJ ~lrht went by boat to ut1' w•Jtturnmg for two werlclt In AlaAka H •• lhr.a. mnlclng thc!r hudquartera 1 Mra .• 'r .. •l Rc:nltau. 29th lltrHt. 1tl Mr and Mrw. C"larl'nce Klng'll lrft lruol w··~k ft>r a vtalt or aev- hr mo:. 316 Buena Vl.tll. They are "rHI weeke duration with rrlatlvea •·njoylng a fUll ahare lit aalllng In Denver anc! other Colorado whlll' here. They will return on • l'itlf!l!. ----------------------------------. the 19th to be home for the a r-1 Mra. Rollo Mr O c lltlntl 29th rival of their eon Bill. who wm lltr~rt, a ntt 11mall 8<>n Wl'nt to a.;r~tduate from tne lff'rrhant .Ma-Whittier Sunday and will IJlf!nll rlne Tralnln« at San Mnten. 1 """"'Ill weeka with Mr11 Slt'Clei-HEIMII'S MARKET 1103 C.out liJ&h\t .. ~·-Corou del Mar , Fhoeft. N~wport 118 Meats -Staple Groceries -Fruits Vegetables-Milk-Eggs Delicatessen Items Mra. Hugh WcWIIla.n, Balbna,1 lanc:t'a parrnta. _ 1617 Central avenue. IIi 1n Santa Barbara thla wrek, vtaltlng her hullbanlt, Wt.o t. lfOinr-to be ahlpped out. Lt. ian1l Mra. John ~ddy, 1712 Wut. Oceo.n Jl'ront, left MI:>Dday '11lree Is-a Family" Comes to Biltmore night f<>r thtolr home In Nt'W Jer-Proot.:r~t,mm• rl 1111 f& "y•·ll·ral...._" 1 ~y for a two week furloujCh l A fllr1 •• • urn"""· "Thn·l' '"a F'amlly" I ~<ldy Ia at.aU011ed at the Santa 1 "rll•· .. ''" 11 .l•·hn l';ntcl•·n hit to tbt~ Ana Army Air BaM. Blllrr<•lf' tllet~l•·r S~pt,..m~r H . for Finn u . c•urrtf!r ot th~ RAAAH a llmll•••l ••n~;ft~•·m.-nt . m11tmeea 1 anti hla wlff! and l~&lty ,., ,, nr·" w, .. h11·11.tny anti Siiturd~ty ant.! per· 1'--============================~ rr"'dent. at :i03 36th atreet. Mr 1 '"' "'"Jl''~• l'Y<'ry nl~ttt lnrlucUDr and Mna, 0 . H. K•mm.-r havl~· SundAy CLOSED F,.. Sept. 18111 to 25th- ·- mnvl.'d to th~lr nt>w hom .. at 35211 ~ r"m flr o II• I way thla three-a ct 1 flnan l''ront. ; lau.:h rlnt r<.'f>rt'llt'nta th ... moet .,... R R~et Maurice SJ,&nl.,y. who <'t'nt Mllllllrm to thf! ll.et o1 ltu b<-«n at Fort 811,.. Texu "('la utltfl " "Skylark," "Suean aad I h11• he<'n vlaltlnlf ht.. par:nta. wr: r;,..J" and ulhr·r memorAblt GoldeD and Mre. Geor.-e E. Stanley ur 117 lhf'lllrlntl hll• PnrJ atrtol't, Bafboe lalant.l ~' ~gt. '"T'tJ r,.~ fll II F'amlly" hAll been I Slanlt'y wu formt'f'ly manager of wrlttf'n hy l'tH)f!be llntl H~ilry I ~portland Bowllnr Alley. F.J•hron " ynun~e man led couf')e j TH& !DOlt hanam-ecarum ,ndt> echooler will ... _ I dMNbk all wbm dreeud up 1n ont of lhut> prtll, adap1auona of bia·airl atylea Aad wbal • boon for M otht/1 Th-.~ cUml, ra1oa blouaea an banS, enoqll 10 bf' 1oeHd tnlo ,0111' waatun11 machine Tbcy'U withatand - alippaae. eun-fad1n•. and knt of bard wear Loolunr for labela •bidlt teU pou abo1.11 fabrtc wear qualitau wall rtp&1 you ID&fty ti-OYel' ill lone life and uuaJacuon. A bclplul ltafte1 ~waahlaa LiDn few ClliJ. dr•'• Raron•~ ma, bf' flhtaaned, b1 wriuna to the Wo-·a D..-n-t el thia aewaoaDt'f ... -"OIIr etamoed. eelf-addlnted eaftlopa. Receipts and Disbursements VACATION Mr. and Mrw. Charlea "-a who have 1'1\JIItalhit<l thf'tr own 1\11•1 r hlldrrn ot 28tb etrut are r•· rxpedf'rtc~ aa pan•nta or a young , tornln.: to lh~lr nu\ch home tn daurhtu to C\lmp<-th'l1 comedy f 'lt~r••nt t" Sunday attn apendlnf o.n the hllartmno t.ll.t~ruptlrm11 caueed CITY OF NEWPORT 8EAC~ llw """'m~r. at lbf!lr cottagf' hef'f' hy lhl' P"-DCe of a baby m tile / KECEIPTIJ A.'l/0 DIIJBUB8t:~E~T~ hut n p.:•c t to bf' down Wf'f'lc ~n~ III'Dall <·omfort.ablt-hom~ uf middle·! Aucuat l , lf.U to September 1, lt« I tlur•n~r 1 h" yf'llr aKt>d Jlf!flJllc 'Nhton tht> baby aDd Tn~&l fund• JM'r Clerk on Aq. lat, I INC 1 • • • I!Jo th 1 R~.CEJPTS : Ge m•rol Fund: Mr. llnol Mrw O.Car (,,.vidence, m~ "r mf!Ve n. rollnwtnc Utto (;(oo. C. Hint'r Aug rc•nt on Newport Pi.•r $100.00 4100 Rt-uhore Drive, r l'l.umtod to ratlw9' 11 ""1 ry Into lht' Army. 1'. S Navy C<11111t Guard-Rent on N. St. Pacr 2.00 and Much Needed Rest For more yearw than moet of u. care to remember, I Weiner hu run a little caot.ly ahop In tbe PaviJIIOil. Jullt otf the ataln co- log up to Dorter'a Bowline Em- porium, But the war and aurar and other angredlenll need~d made It barder and hal'der to produce Ll DO TB~ATER Plloae Ill C f' I'M Partdq r:ventnc at 1:00 II 9:15 MatlJiee Saturday at I :CIJ Contlnuoua Sunday fron\ ! :SO Thun.. -t'rt. • Bat. l oel M('("rea -~fau,_n O'Han tn "BUl-'t'.-\W BILl)' Man-b of Tlme. Popular Seletlt'e Car toon -Newa Sun.· Mon.·~. Uward G. &oblaiOD 1D "TA~IPICO" aliiU '"'I'ROCADERO" wltb Rovmary r-and Johnny Downa Cart.aon -s~'"" Wed--say Only lane Wlt.berw lD .. MY BEST GAL" alllO "MYSTERY BROAD<'AST" · Oartooe a ~ IJnapabota s tartlnr '111111'11., Sept. :! 1 "PIN-UP GIRL" Comtac: "LMT la tile Dark", '"Tbe ID&Ier Oa~~c", "''''le White CUffs of Dover", "Mr. Wlakle o-&o War": "Mr. 8ketn•· &oa": "Ho~ ln ~": "''''le IJ&ory of Dr. Wuaell"; "UDcer· tala Oloi'J"': "Bat ..... Beauty"; "''''le Aapla 8lac": "Marll Twala .. ~ "'Doeble hdrn1 .. t7". bla euelleat ~. lo WeiDer bu made bJe Jut balch ot tuctce, bla tlAal pu of peanut CaDdy and quit tw rooc1 And tn biJI plaee bu promptly moved one AJ. ForJr{t, eport fllb· lnf and live bait lmpruarlo. AJ hm't content to bave Von Km- nel'a plac~. but be mu.et co aod put a n o t b e r tackle ahop In Welner'e place, thua glviii.J' Al the f'dge on both aldea of tbe atrtoet. BALBOA TREATER l:\·enlnp at 1:00 a t :l5 Lllllt 8howtnc of a Double FM· ture Protrram !Jtarta at 8:10 Tblll'll. • Frt. • Sat. Deanna Durbta, o-Kelly Ia "CHRISTMAS HOUDA V" Muatca.J • Unuaual OccupaUOIU (;artooD -Newa 8wa. · Mea Robt. Walk~>r · Donna IIMCI jD "SEE HERE, PRn'ATE HARGR0\'1:" (.'omedy -Mualeal Cartoen -Newa 1-· -Wed. Wan-Beery -Marjorie II ... la "BATIOSINO" &leo "IJWINO FEVEa" wtUt 'Ka7 K,.._ Super Maa Co-M!~ lUIIc lhf'lr hom• In Loll AnfPh>e ~unday -----South Cout Co. August ~nlal on alty property .132 50 In ttm .. fM thf! opening or sr•hnol. BIRTHS G!'o. Vunderbllt rental on J:>!x'k No. 2 19'2 00 I Thl• wf'elc the Cln<ldtonce bouae Ia RUllllt'll Cral.; Towing & !ltorage b:y Harbor llf·pt. I 1 40 no·t·uplf'd by Mr an.d Mra D Lyn<'h Sn. Calif. Tel. & Td Co.-Pay station on pier. :!0.00 • f u,,. AnjEtlf'tl and their coualn f"nq•. nnd Mra. Allr n W. Beck-r;..II'Oon R Findlay Rental on Skip l..oad('r :!0.00 M 1 M H r U. · '"Y· 1211 VIa Llt.l11 Sn1111, hllve a eon. F'tN1 M1•t.dl'r July rt'nt on dock No. 1 & Garu~:•· 5:.1.50 r. ant "' · wry ho •m ~ .. pt I! at tho• Runt a An& F' L Rinc•hnrl Quit claim dl'ffi-L.4,8 .F., Tr 518 30 57 Harbor Service L11111dry & Cleaning ------~~~oo••G~-------~~~ nn•l •'hllolrf'n. 3008 Coal'ft boulf"-Cunumanlty hrtllpltRI F L, Rin••ht&l'l Q u1t cla im dl'tod-1-20, B. 3.St•c. 1 75.:J:.t I word r.>tum••ll I'TidAy a.lttr " VIJ!It I f-'lrlll Lt an(l Mr!l Wilford ~:n~;lnt•l'f'ln.: f><'opl Salt> or Maps . . 8.30 with frlend!o Ant.! rt>lntl\'t'lt In thf'lr 1-'nuk•· l!l:!ll H~<rhnr boulevard, i·""llt An1H(~tr· Bi!s 1 ,• Au~: rt>nt bay fmntlll:l' 125.00 8 111 ....... Street BALBOA l ••ld hnm•· tuwn. Ph04.'nbl. Ariz. 111,., h·w,. l'l(m ho S t 8 t I '"''" I 11 (t H .. · und .. r F:ronnrous IJil) n11•nts 16 4 Mrfl lltlf'n Warol whn ill "'m-II I ~e·· • ". ,.. rn • c,p . • H I. I'Htl••r,nn St•\\o•f Supl s .. wr•r C'onnt'{'( 2 l!)R7 ' w ''""'" ,,na 'C•mmun ty b~ I A 'I ,. t· till I Jj II' 140 '"I '----============================-:$~ pll>\'<'<1 lit thl' U\l'khrl'tt pl1~nt In I •' •"' '1111 I 1:-"'P· Ill I 101: 114'1'11111!' "' nu~IHtnk r<'t Umf'd tu work Tlaur11-l 111111 · · . '' 1\1 :-.1•i"'" lillie . ln•p l'lumiHIII~ Jt<'lll111' 165.00 I 1 t1 ' 11 k !';•·1\ll'IUI !'<••l'onfl C l!lM ant.! Mrs. 1\ :0.1 :-.;,.,..,ll1 llld..:. l n~p 1-.l•'<'lrkal tK•rnut;; 9~ 70 ,-----------------------------, • IIV 11 rr 11 \'Ara on uf lwn W•'" • t 'ht~<1••,. Bt~k 4't. :1414 Vlr torla 1t~ I'' '-'• l~•·n 1\ld,.: Ill' I' Chtmn•·y P<'l mtl"-1 00 LET Us FURNISH ~r'<'nt wtth h••r parf'ntll, Mr an•l ('r•."tl• Mf'l<fl Art• thr P•V""'s o1 a ,\ ;\1 :--l..t.w n llltl.: Jn .. 11 H••movul :.!<Xl · Mnt Cha.rlu K~laey. 101 Jo:Al!l """· ho rn Ro'tJt . 6. ut St J uiMlpb'a ,, :0.1 :--11'1""" Ultl,.; ln,p. Sill•· copit'" 1on , orc.l.. l:lOO YOUR HOME 'tRv avcnuto 1 h••>~pltnl 1 • &. J ont•Ji. Pnhc~·.Jud~'-1-'lnes coU~c<el t'<i .. ···-· 414.5() QUALI'I'Y J'UaNJIBfN0:.8 ......... .u. 181 MIIJ..S & PARK FURNITURE CO. Mra LaJie H.ammack. 1722 Wr..t1 Mr llnt! Mr~~. Jllhn Olll·t lll, Jlr,ut .. ,J t.-Gnnl-'l'reMUr.r-('tty C~h .. ... . .... 73.56 Ofean Fr-nnt.. l'f'tum f'd ThuriKinv l """' J:,o ! ·,.~tn M "IO:l. hn\'t' " R. R JfqfJ"kln .. nn T nx ,•,.IJt•f'hlr Til:'"'' ,'<: ""''"l> Rt·d··m. •rt~r lflle'n<'llng tbr .. ., wt·••k.or w1t h 1 " ,.. · v · • -· 1 t I A tl .1.,.,. 1 "'"n. I'Jrn • •·pi II nt St .lworph'l l R R. IJud)(l.tn-.m 1',&'< t 'fJI. 1!!1:'>. ,\r·t_ lu ll pll :l .. ,ma, "'r lll\rcn " n Uli n ?-"11" 11 111 """l'lt11l F: L Hm•·l~•l l ,\''I' •"I l 'n,tll,tf'IWol I'•·• •hila I T."''' '111" r<'tumt>.t lol hf·r , • .,,.,.,. a.~ \t.o,.t<'l TNio ~cl nn•l 1111, 1:r:1 H•1Wlll d I. 1:••11 \ ~· \1 11 l'.o}llt•ll' '""'11 •tlr.,·tnr In th.-~··•ll R•·n•·h h 1111 \\'hat•· 111 ;, Jo~~.~t t',.ntntl '"· Dorot h1•.t \\'ll,<•ri l,11i 1 111111 H• nt' 111111 1-m•'' 'Whtwt1 • • rut•. HuU .. 'i• nt•• ttl• par,_.,.,.. r a ~onl ..... .J (\•n.n~ '' ,\u. I '-•~: ~· l••n.l (. 'rr''' ~I••JJnfh, I 1\lr• F"l"rl\ rlt'Atty. M 1" \ '"'" ~"" t~.m S•t l ll'l 111 :-;1 It ·~·· 11 SQIJ\It 1 "•··I c .. ll• 111 .,,, ! '"'I' 1 .• "L<II 1-. 3,0C7.~ I ' t tlfo ··r fi·l;t;.~ I ~.i!L' IIi ·~~'1: f ~I 1:1r. :at. I ~• !WI 'jl M II ~ I CIFJS fGRSfRVNI FGI.K :"••l•m) tllhl l\lrll F:~hl c;,,.Joln··r ur•· II •J>II I ' I. ~Silk· •II l.o l,.. 111 r\11>;11•1 1'111 1'1•11"'11 \ ''•·ndlfli: lllr• <'tllllllV \\'(''l't ' 1 11 I • O .A J 1111•'' l'olwt•Jwh.• l'l.rflll 1-"IIH" Ut W.t ttb St. Santa Ana I · ,\ • """ 1l• r "··~ bum t•• 1 .,, __ R L 1 •. 1 • \\ • 1 It \\ 1 11 1 \, ___________________________ __} ""''1'1111••11 nl thr• Annh••ant Vtr~t . . . oil ,., •Ill\ till ;">I \If I \ l'llllo ol I I • jt "111 and :ltr-Alt lro·y :-.; 1:·1 •• I Men ln the ~~erv· 1cea prefer Jew· elry! Gin your hPro a f'hri~tma.." .:irt hP"II :tp(lrf'· c·illff'-a llurahl•• ~:ift nf -.t••rlinJ,! quulil~· I It at i' pral'li<•ul. l oH, l'l<>lll•l l••llnn <'hurdJ Thlll"ollly 1111•1 1 111• ,\~lolr• '"'' 1111,. l'nll•om 1~ 10 1 1 TflT,\1, .. ----------------------------., 1-'rlo lnl •. . :t l Ill" Snntn ''"" (' .. n,mllnlll' 1, I OJSBl'I1SF::'\1E1"T~ I , Mr~ ." ~~~~~r ,Applrh11r\ ~~~~~ .1'.11'"' l'llal :-;,.1,1 I:.' Curn•nl E'l"'"'~' 1-'llntl ~~·.1 _'li.'l ~>I 0 lo • • Before Y011 .Balld or Remodel .wt -.. ..,_u., -pie ......... 7-. Color .................... _. ~·· ... ... ., ntll'lt ............. , M ........ LUDLUM carpet Works -.._. lbla lt. ......... .U. -IIAH'I'A ANA BALBOA'S '\ '"'·' I 111 1'• ''"I ldt lAst \o\1'1 k ,,, 'r••r h ·"~' unrl ~,,,. ~IIIII• ··I Pstrk r'Unll ;_:·, t:. •J • '"' Hll•'•' "•'f'kl with tlu•lr :..!•" k. 11111 f'n•·•fl·· P rtvr, l't~rttn l \\'UI('f' M nllll\'11:tfll'<' 5.'1'1:1 IH • str·r :'\!1 .• \\'11ltrr C:llt~<•hrou nnd d<l :'\llll'. ran· l ht• l'lll"lltll .. r 11 Ubrnl1:' .Fund . . ;;:;;-,:; h..r ftlr.,lly. Pn tlnnol Orr~ on dtrlt~;ht••r h~orn ~ •. 1,1 ll 111 ._1 Adv~rll~a':'g 1-\mrl 1 .~i ~~ Mno. c;..,.,le'., <'. <'<•n klln ,,, \\'1'~1 J <•ll•·ph's hnl!pllal · 1spccaul F und l.tt<JS.fi!l R11rf hAt! "" hf'r ~nar~t IMt \\'r<•k .. . . , . Propt'rly Fund ~11'll. (' J f"RIIhAn nf \\'f'J!IW•>o•d ( ••Pt. 1111',1 Mil< "' nno•lh \\t~lk Mi~. Rond Rt•do•mplll111 •107.1'1.! \' . rrwllft~'r, 30h Sapphu·r fiV<'fiUe. 11111 1915 Al't A~ses ... nwnl 161.6X lllnJ;" Mas f"onkJin IUld a.trs l•m lllltLnd. als~> """'' a <IRUJothl•, Total FtJnrl.~ Pf'l' Clrrk C'allhl\n 11rr ,l'<llllllnl bnm l'f'pl 12 111 ~t Jollrpil " Out~tandln~: Wurrnnt~ :\3.1;17.61 35'1, 9!<9 .0:! 12 !'i(l 358.001 5<! Judtrr and Mra. Harry Ardtl· ho11r 1t.nl. Total Funds JX'r Tro•a.~un-r bald C'lf ~An Marino arr varauon-Rr·•tll.'<'tfully !-Ubmittf'cl, J. A. <-:Ai'\T. Tr('a~urer. ~ '~ I·~ lna at Rltltx•11. Thr ArchlbelliAI re- cently purt•hiUie<J the VAn Land· rlngt!An\ homt> In Llnllo atr.et. Mr. Wlllsrd Ballf'y hill! bHn rf!- <'Upn-atlnJ trvm an operation tor 1944 TIDE TABLES :. COMING EVENTS I lloy S< Ollis Truop :;, 7 p m . 15th Rnd ('('n t rat I aeveraJ waeke at the bome of bu ~nta, Mr. Uld Wrw. William Me-F' J5 lntee. N~rt Helrbta. a.od IJi now w~ll @nOUJ'h to ban bHn abl• S. HI to rt>tum to her hom• In Santa Hlch Luw Hl~h Low 8£PTEMBER e·~ 3:11 1:01 4.7 0 1 ~ .• 9 :47 3·36 1:31 4.8 0.2 5.~ Ana the f'nd of lut WHk. Su. 17 10:08 4:00 10:03 3:02 1.6 3;31 1.3 4:01 1.2 4:32 Mr. and llra. R. H. RIU 4.9 0.4 ~.3 J0:30 4 '23 10:33 n.o •·• 5.0 1.1 J1'RIDA Y, SF.PT 15 fWd Croe• workroom . 111 Palm avenut", ~b<>R, 10 a m tn ~ p.m , atwlng '\ Frldav A ttl'monn l~hab. :'1/l'wport bouleva;.... Costa Mua. Pilot nus. C'hrlst Church by tiM Sea. borne of Mra. Harry Phtl· ltpe. Poplar •treet. Lacuna Beacb. T\I'E8DAY. SEPT 19 Liona. 6 :30, Heinz KA181'1111 llotary. R 30 p.m .. Whitt's Park Avenue. Oalboa bland. Htd ( 'ro• workroom. 111 Palm avt'nue. Da.ll>aa. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. .IItwin g. lttod Croa1 workroom. :ll :t !.Ia· rlnr &\'tOUt', Rl\lhoa l!!lhn•l, 10 am. to 4 p m .. aewlng c;:;u~t:'l""t tno.. \'•'• I bl' •ur" to I • ·I ,,, 1 "hill h•· \\.tl)l• Ill ulll wirit• '"II• I~ t•l gtfl<. Chrt11tmaa p:u·k~K"' to aen-'k'e m .. n n\'f'r· -• mwot be mailed before Ort. 15. ~ l7 j('wel radium sure he cet11 hi" In time. dial WI'INt wakh wltb leather "trap Sead Them Several Boxes of GREETING CARDS To MaD to Their Friend" ~k Christma: Cards for Oveneas 10 :~ •=45 11 :07 5:05 6.0 09 4.1 Wd. JO 11 :15 ~:07 11:44 3 .0 1.3 4:2 MONDAY. SF.PT IS Red Croa. workroom. I J 1 Palm 1\VeDUe, 10 Am. tn 4 p.m .. .aurgk:al Am•·rtr an Lrglon l'u9t :!!1 1 ~on Hut. otrHaln~t" p N Rf'd C'rou workroom, 313 Ma· UBLIC OTICES Le-I ~~~~~~~~~~~ RENDEZVOUS Tb. 21 J1 :40 11:29 12:10 C.9 1.7 3.7 1.1 5:•1 1.1 8 :24 1.2 IN•w daJII&IIt .... , •• U-1 Ll&'l! fi&Uf'M a. m.: dark fi&Ur. p. m TI<IM ,,.. pi&Cf!CJ ID ord•r of O«Ur'Nflef' a1ne a \•t>nue, Balhna lll1&nt.l opt n 10 to 4 p m . sew1n~t. CF.RTIFJCATE OF Bt'SISI:S8 ~· ('roal! v.orkm .. m. 1:100 nrUtiOUII nrm Same I Ocean bolllt>var.l. t 'Clrnnn df'l MAr l to 4 1• m . trur.:acal dreutnga. I The t 'ndf'rlllped c10f'" hl'l't'hy -===============-=====-==-----====~ C'ertify thnt hr I~ ronliur ting n 1 ':' Rra l Esta t" hu~inl'~s at :12:\ South HORSE RACING Quarter lone Mitch Races BALLROOM Presents • AND HIS ORCHESTRA FRIDAY !llltSfCIIIr_.._ .. ftl II til SATURDAY .,_~rlbteeatla,\. L We Wish to Extend·---?.r~o~ con~n! ~~and me ronll-A-dc~nN' you havl:' shown us lln<k>r the n<'w ~ managl:'m<'nt. \\'(' lwpt> to cnrry out the fine example set us undt>r the own(•n-hip of tht~ P<'ytons . \\'<'~hall C'<'~ITY llw s m1e full line of Fishermnn's and Yr11·ht ~uppli<'~ anrl will k('('p the same \\'('11 known !ifnff to ~r. I' you in ~·our bo:tt and f&shing nt"t."'<i~. C'oa!<t Tloult'\'llnl. City nf 1..ttl:'\an ll n.-A('h, Counly nf OrAnge S!:lll' or California . und<'r thC' firttt inn~ finn n;I011' nr SOt, l ('0.\ST I REALTY ('() rontl (htl t "Aiel firm i~ <'nm~('c1 of th" fnllowin~t pl'r-' sons. wh~t' nnm<'~ and A•lc1rf';<;'<·•l nr·" ~~~ fntlows. to w it · ·[)rmmy Lnm~r:m. :l2:l Sn11th Const 81\d, l.lll:\lnA R<-nrh. Califot11ilr. I \\'1-r:-.;F:SS mv h11nrl this 1:\1)1 c1rt r of s ... rt rmhrr. 1 !)I'' DEM!\IY LA~tSO:'>I li'tat~ of C'alllnmla. ('cnmty nf Oraa.-. On Thl" 1:lth d.1\ nf ~··rtrmhrr. A n . 1!=1-1<1 tw-ron: nlt' tht> umll'r· HAM COTTON IAfiCH (ODe Mile South of San Clemente) TEN EVENTS. SUIDA Y, SEPT a 24 aad every two weeks thf'rf'aftf'r lacing Starts at 2:00 P. M. sis:nN1. fW'I"!!OnAlly 11flrt"llrM IH'm-AdmlMion (htf'fudln• tax) $1.10 mv 1-'lmQc>n kni"'A·n to mt' to 11(' ,.. t h." J't'l'l'<'n "hn"'• n:~mt• 1~ ~uh-Sen ice Pl'r.c»DDel 60e •rl ll .. '<f t('l thl' wathln tn•tntm r nt. Refreshments Free Parkinc nn•l nrknc>wlrdl="d to mf' thnt h'(' 1•----------------------------= 1':\1'1'111<-<f lhl' ~.1lll•' In \\1t-\\lwi"Nf. I havr 1 -- RADIO hrrruntn •••I m' hnnd 11nct n(fl>cNI ~Jj mr (lf(irlnf "'1\' lhr r1AI' fi nd )'l'flr 1: I • ._,...,... 8. lllt.eW. c.ow._r, aiNI In tha~ l¥rtit!Ciltc f11.,1 11lxw11 wrat· ; , H~ A,t ... 'fut• ....._ ......,.,.. J..a E. ..... t••n '}_ 'IC.O JlariM aa...w.. SERVICE "'"ce · C. •• ..,.. ... •••pr !SEAt.' I Bart R. Norton Ill COM&.......,..., NewpiOirt.... ----1.... ~ B, J. SMI"nf, ~nunty ~rrk .~~~ ~ • • ,..._ un •--1 By A. L l llt~k. Dfoput>· ~---.w 1111 CeMI ..... , l'"J!WPOin' II&AC. :.--------------,----------1 4t·~ 14.21 28. <kt. 5th, 1944 ----------------------... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Bea~h. California. Thursday, Stlplt'm~r 14, 1944 ~~------~------------------------------------~ News of Mesa ServiceMen FOUR HARBOR HIGH I Lt. Dunlap Home 'For a Furlough f•~111111 lei~ for Mallla•c~ter. Iller l1to Iiiii Younc Mot~er I N::g~~:o .. ~~:s .. ~~~ ~~=~.: ~~ WUJWII Hulh Blue hu quai~N I BROTHERS SERVE II tor Wtrchant Marine tralnlnJC and 1 Flrttt Lt Huch E. Dunlap re· turn•·•l Saturday an.l lA •Jl'fn4~ a t l·ll•r fur h•ll~tll "1111 h1a pv · t'llL< Mr ,, •! !\Inc :-Uunhl,p. I ollvh1rrw and parallf'l 1'\Jif',... lak•n rart dHia wiUI pllotlar or CMat· fr.om thcolr <"IUN'a aa th• aolull •v•· w\M' a a v&fatlon. 1ba ~ taklle AJ'Ilt'artnt h<-f~>rf' J udJrf' P J 1 "hf'n It atnu·lt, M •• w .. bb u llhf' 01 1 1 N 1 1 1 1 p ,.. Th 1 1 1110: r ue n av ••• "" .lf'IC tu ur r "I•.Cia.l navtaatlon. na.-..ua. '' .... l'r .. a,, mnm n.: ~ .. r • 1 >Oallcl'll al1•nJ! '"" r1,.,t l'llllhlnl 14 Rubt•f"t llnw .. W<><lrt' "'l ~.1111n ho•r t\fthy hu.:~' '"'", lnvf'llllp · 1111 "'~1rk at Nf'WJ>••rt IIAI bo or Union mat 11f aiJht at la.nd, and le IIUP" ia bomh:.n!l~r on a Ana f•.tu•riNUI. "'"" • ol I'' • '"" """ 111110 rf'\'••1~1 that •n .-r th• lll.:t• ""''''"' llf'llt Mo1111111v PYf'nln •. plf'ftlf'ntf'd by actual MJitant ... bt. ln111'~ ho•tu lnJ: an,J "'" ho·l.l lu uta ctun!-b.W t .. tt thtt .. ,,,,.., uf thto , .tkl'l"m~· 1a. A nyunf' Wbcl .._ lA· a t U.. a....111 . an'"',., h1 I hi' ~"J'f'' "" • "'''' "" " n·t~h II' tt ,.,.n lntn a tllti'h "'"' h'"'"'''' 111 ma"lna 1:1~ .. 1 pra,•tk•a1 'l'ble Ia a rn. etat.e M\alt .,....,~ !~~rr~~l~n~: ~a~~\:d" s~:: VARIOUS WAR THEATERS PYt. Stua~ R•11111ell. 1100 nf Mr ------ 219 s~r,,hlr,. '"'"u" 1\attNa hi· a nt.! l.t l '•anlap a11d .,,.., E . L. Ru8NII nf VlctM·la J'llrrt>t. h1111 KJ'I('Dt a r,w dtt\',{' wllh hla partnll! flyln~t from W:c'ilhln~t· 1 The toor Slwflln bc.o~. sons nf t11n D. (' In tranait to 8 nt'\\ IO<'II·I Mr. lind Mrft 1-:arl l'htflln "hu t111n w ll.h thl' F;nglnel'rln.: r 11rp• tormc-rly llv~ at 249 l-1n" •·r ,,f tht• S U. Army at .. ., Lrwla. !Oiref'l but nnv. rtAIIIP In llunltnj!- W u h l ton Beach, ~re all ..-rvln~: I' n• h• Lieut. J w Wh It> aon-ln·l f Sam tn thf' 111ay earh I• btosl qual!· · • · uw 0 ftl"d. To round nut th.. flunlh• 11 ~l r. &nfl .,t ra. F. B. Owen ot Nt>W· recCJr..S. Mr. Sbe>(lln htms..tf htut tJnrt boulevard. wrltee from En~· hl'l' emplnvecl by the Navy at land that ht hu t11ken hill first Ter~lnal 111'tan\J rnr the pAll 1 wn look at Germany. He 11 11 pilot on' )'taMI • 8 ·17 . T he Rhtnln11 eldut 110n. Jtubt-rt Abl~ b<tt'tlcd Seaman. <."h~ta 23 a watpr ll'ndt'r lk'COnd C"'IIJill "Rrd" Buckla nd, 1011 or. Mr!t. Ma~I W~!I gTBdu .. lt•ll from Ha r bor l ll~eh Uurklantl Is h.2!Jl! nn a 30 •1ny er h<•••l 811,1 c·ntrr<'d the servtC'I', lellvt He l1 In tht' Marltlmf' ~~er• ldllrrh 12 111•1. Ht' af'rvl'd In lht• vice a nd hu juat rrturne;,t frnm a Aleut1a.n11 fnr l~'Q....Y.t!UL IUio,l wa1 tl'ap li\N"..,r,h t lol' Pttn11ft111 Mlm&l a n at home fnr last Chir81maa At to the Fouth l"aclflr. present he 11 on duty In tlw M11rl· Mr antJ Mrs. I. L. Huuell of an811. Vt<:"torltt 11trcct ha vt> heard from Frank Sht>flln, chll'f apedallat. their ton Clayton ·a prlvatr firat 22. Is • phyalral ltUtti'\Jclor at Far· d a... a:t er a long slltn.:e. Ht rt· ragut, Idaho lit c rauuated t mm p<>rt.a that he Ia now In France in Harbor High and Fullerton Junior the Military Polil't a11d d oing all ralltgc• s.nd """"' a promlnt'nt mtm· 1 tghl 811 hr le buay taking charge ~r of the footbaU t nun. llt uf prla<Jnt'rl. atudled In lhe Navy V-12 pro~~:ram Ut>ut. t ja t Robc!rt G. An· and wu called to a.cttv .. duty In t.lrewa of Cbata Mr... ha.: been January or 1943. urdl'red to duty wltb lhe Ototal Harold S beflln, 20 Ia a aeiUila n Corpa at Mare laland Navy Ba..at flr.t clau and 11 an armed cuard near San P'rancl.co. on a merchant marlnr llblp. A F!reman Ft,...t C1au Ja ck Schick (Tadualf' of Harbor Hltrb achool. of the u. s. Navy, 1100 of Wr and ht entered the Mrvke ln March w,.... Harry Schick . arrlvt'd tut of 1943 week r:1t a 30 day leave. Ht hu Jn tbe aamt month Ia 1943.· been In the blc naval actloru (If "Bill" Shdlln, 19, ,joined tba Na vy rhHr,;, nf 111111\~IMIIJ;hl..r l hn l 11 •l•~•r• """ r ii'IW'tt nff Ill'<'"! •l11H1 anol •'•lniPA"'I, WM\hl'f' t l ... , Open to both ... and It•· Will' h• 1<1 '"' ·ll•ul ,. , .,,,. • t ••, ''""'''' '""' 11 natlv~ uf "'"''"'It • ""'"'""''"'' '" pl~ul"f' wam fln .,,11nday u4 W4HtftrNI7 c .. ,.,,, .. '" •l runlt '" , 1111: t loll 11 1fla~ 'I'• ,1111 ~h .. ha d llvo·11 In 1 r1111 •~ 111' 11•••1 h • lltll'n•l • ,,,.ntn~~:•. 7 30 to 1 :10. IU I 111 •'r"·tn.: 1>11·1 n thlnt l h ~ , ''""'' t••• 1tl , .... , •• Ql•..,. "' I "'• • • '""' I• "•t•<'•lalh· t•l1111nC'd ch•.,~·· u( ttlllllllhou.;hl••• "''" h•· 11•1•11111•' 1• , . .,.,,. Mf'M I•·• I••' ·' •~·~~•·fit I•• IJ\\th·t• and nod 11 a lt"lllner '"' a mlneiWC'C'JM'r Ill tht' J-3 a t'lfll' nl't't. J"OW A l<'ll man tir11t CirUlli hr htt.a hll•l 11 m•"•lhl'f nf a. t h '<' duly In thr l'~trlftc "'"' k 11 V1111nt• lll••tlu•t 1111 1 II••• ---------------------- Septugenarian in Tennis Match b t'll\ tt n ,. '" Tu··~t..\ I\ t'tllfiJ: ''" ~rthl" Ana "''••nu•· •·~ ·'' 171h 1'\ltd let• ~tiiH'Udtttd l.1 1111t l1 I•• C:111 IH Allft 1'•1ll1 o• ,.11,•111\ liP• 1 l11,; a •.• ,, ut Guy Huntlnj:lun bellevu lp lht' l•··nol 11 Mno Man .,. \\,11 •1 ,,1,1 '8uytn~: "Wh11t you 1ln on your ••I .'7 t "'"'''"'"~ ~~~. ~,1, •11111., ,, Uotarians ~nd Rooks, Gamrs to Hoys Aboard Ship blrthdA)', you will tlo rvery day &I " S11ntrAn11 "'"~1''1.11 , 111,..,. 1 11 1 tn th•~ Y~"ar·· fk) htt knocked of 'f a f't'l-:·•11\lna,: • t'll"-lulllflh·..,~ f:h• luu t u'"' • lt • • ,. "'"' .••lhrt .:nttH'III snappy trnn111 tra tl'h on hi• 70th f n •I•Jr"•' 11kull l••··k•n 11,.,1. 1•~·1.~ ''1 1""1'"r r"m811'' ""'' 111 1 blrthllll)' JUI!l lO make .ur .. M b "'l!l II lo 1: llfl•l ,.(h <l lll!lll" • f,.rtt<IIIIHII "'tit II•' \\'1lh lhf' \ollllll 1 hila h !' ~purl" laktn cllrt• of ft•r Th • 111111 .M ~.:JI 1111 '•·t• '·'11'"' "' "'"' "' I '11 It· Ut~ nNrt 364 d1r)'a. (, lu1 ~Ill' ~·11,11~11 r, . .,.,.,~·~~l \~, .. ~~:· 71 :'(tltn'a I nlltlln~: rol\11'~ till\\' nllltll! ltfr Hun,tlnr.-tnn who...e bomt II IIOIIIIIhlo• frllo 1111 ,.,, ~kull ~· \'•·•·· 1 111 1"1 1' 11''" 1''1 .,,.,' 1•" "''''l'~··tt• In Altadena but who hu been lttf~r"''""" "" 1 llttti"''" · ,.11,~1 ,..,. " "~1111 ••f 1111' f111"1"'1"1 1''"'1' ~r..-ndlng th e aummtr wl\h hi• C'IIUl~ ~"I" lit•· '"''"'' "'" ,. n•ru,·.-r 11"11 """ 11 11 •·I "11 h • hrlrf "" dauJthtt•r. Wrt. F!ortnN> Won1a, Offh rr• ""'' '""''l'lt,.:roto•ol "·''" '11""" by l.lrul "''"111"'1111 I'~NII No. 6. Ray Jaland. and Wr Rich· I fllnt•lo''" '•r huu1l ,.,118 ·I• m.•lh•h•••l "1 lr••l T"""'1"' " mr"llll,; ut llu• mond Graft. No 10. Bay lalan . 11·:!4 .. t.lthmeu Ill Italy lind till !"t'WI'Hit·li"IIMI" 1( .. , .. ,, •• ltat• ' th d·'t t I rtn I 1 .. , •. Ganeral c.·rrle "''" '"'"''~··~hlp .. , "'" 'luh ... a re e ... y enn • pa ~,... on 1, omp l'\" ., ..,. mh•n•. ll'tMI"•'• ~ the Jll&nd courll. Thelr oppnn-1 .............. 11 II\'" I It•• :1 ...... Sc>uth· I p •l ,,., "''"' """ II olni!IPn Ylollo•t·fl t nte lo the birthday match wrr11 em Gc-rmany " n o1 ~nut hera Jn AJI Day M t 1 1111'1'•'•1 In •• .,,., 11 1" .,,pply tlw 1 younstere by CODlpartaon but the Frant'e, on hl8 hu mblt 1: mlaaiOll'-ee I ro•<'ro•ntlc•nnl fn, lllllo•IO \\hlc·h "rr final acorr gan the · older men Artt•r hl3 f urlo•llft'h ll«" will 1 , I ""t " 1111rl "' '"ICIIIIIII1'11 f>(JIIill'l lht match. tu Santa M·m• 11 for r•·••""'tcn 111" .;,.,,.,,., ("ln1l-W~<"R Dlf't m.-nt nhn.,nl •htp I mf'nl , TUUllt•y ~ .. pi 12 111 t'hrt11t 1 J...-n•y u .. .,,.., .• '"'""''""' ••'•·ou tfit Isabell Melendez Cradua tlni f . N ~'POrt Uruon Cbur1 h h\ lhr ~""" wll h thr •tut.ly I"' flahln~t r•q..-rt""''"• nff c '*I"' Hiih schoOl 1:;-'"JW:. l94.:2, tw Jrtlllp runvo n•n" 111 10 30 11 m Han I All' A• ,,.,,. <'r l'AIIfnmla aut•· I [Aid to Rest • join~ 1~ Air Corp and ls born· lin. Ivan G.•nur • omplrll'•l th,. rlrml'nlf'<l "'' ""' """' ol!>tf'a fron.• a l FUneral 8f'n'ICM are~ be.ld ba.rdH!. r on a B·2t Ulx'rator In I third <~ltiiiW' •tf th .. :v•·ar·a w .. rlc lrlp tn thr m tr.-.,u•·ntly \'laltl'll 1'1· Tuuday at 10 a.m. frum the J une Of this Yl'Br he Will p~t~ tr"m tho• I'IWIIt "P'nr A II of Uff'.. l•arnn l•lanol, otffo•llh•lt hiPmhfola a n Grauel' cbapel for .,,..., J•~ll from at'('Ofld to first li('Uh•nant An , r t hr Httrk Iundt whkh w .. tlllf'l'f'llllniC f••rt y n''""'"• Marl• In flfelendn . 46. who died Saturday . rn!ll.l•·•l Ill lht' noun ht•ur with I lo•l•l Jlrt'lllolrtl The new g reet ing cards are here and ad~ise you to make your choice early. Overseas Carda Can Be Mailed Sept. 15th we f:a um, Salpa.n and other Routh Pacific JalanCS. which have rectnt· ly bem ta.keo. Wr . Schtck'a dauchter and ..,n.I.Jl·law, Wr IUld .,,..., Clar('ncr Funkhou8f'r and chlJ(Den Paul and Bart.ra are t .. avlnl eoon for H onolulu to which place Wr F'unlthouaer. a govrrn· mMit employee, working In radio tvenlng at her h ome oo Well WU· AIO t 8 to M t -I t l r• ~~1111 c:olt"l..lnl'r .,.rvln.: the ~·======:=c::;:::;::=:;;:;:;~ tomy pdrormtd recently a t St ton •t~~t. .. e ee I btovrralo(l' thf' btutnr u n~r·••lln..: ~ ,, J uaeph'a ha.pttal. Bom In Wt'lllco, ahe bad ~81ded And Eat Wednesday l a n<1 J>rnttr•m "' thr """m'""' """• O. MM4J .,,.,. Tht E m ut WcC1ellll.ll8 were In C(IIJta Mua t or 12 yean. Sh~ """1 "'11h t.f no ~'"""n Wra lhrr No Cards Will Be Accepted Later Than Oct. 15th r~ent hoau to • Sunday l&lh~r· Ia IUI"YIYed by h er huaband, Fnt.nk Wtmbf'rll of 40 et 8. Vnltllf"' ~:db ~r~llldln« flto~olh>n• v.· .. r· Viitam·lns A and 0 lng In honor c>f Wn. WcClell&n'l flfl'ltnt!ez . four dau~ht~,.... E m ma. Localr ~.n of Oranjtf' c .. uaoty Will t " ) ,.~... F.ll lt' "'"""'"n•l. who I brolhtr and &lllltr·ln·law, Mr. and Ophf'lia. ~ranz.a and Trlda , ~~~hold thf'lr monthly promrnrule ott ~:'r ;:1J1,;; .. IIUbjf'<"l "Ota •lpllntn• y-.... U.. V la.-an II Mrt. Harold Cooper of Loq. of whom live at hom e; four .OM. Heln& Ka.Ju r·a r aft' con Wctlntadll\' w w h.. I•-......... "-acain .. hu bee.n t rllllaferrt d. <:onrratulatlon• to Let' Uon· l.arger. 110n of Mr. and Wr1. J. C. Ltoot.rrer of Broadway, wbo .. r.,ru pe,...Unll: afleT an apl)4!'ndec- Bt'ach. Plarado and En1e11t. who ltve at iSf'pl . 20 at 7 pru .. accordtn,r tn .;~ lht r:11111 ~a~ ~~"~'11 ro·~r~~·l lhat iafacttaaa wlilhlll are more Mr11. VeneM Va uJ:han will leave home. IUid Lou1a IUid Herachln. annuuncf'm~>nt made by the cor· bN w " ll' ' rc I' h•ul l Sunday for lluntPr C'r lkgr, New lx•th of whnm arr with the U.S rupnndant, ADd~w J. Hayman. 1 ·n m~ktna fnr th .. Jn•llan Ml•· llkelJ .. .CCW '-dM noae York. wh .. rc aht "111 tr·a ln ror tbf' Armrd Forl'el , lhe 1. a lter ~~ 1n I Olnnf'r will be! f•JIIc>w ·d ~y lhr • 00 ."' Yurr" hai'J tw-.. n •·umpl.-tl'll Woet. .,_ ~ ancl alnute" Newport Balboa Wa,·u loi re Vaughan bu Mrvl"d 1 tht lnva.aion of France rt tculllr m .-etlng a nd t ht'',' will be &n il llt'nt 111 111"'" I ..... ..,.. le • .. ftclea~,. ol u vic~·pruu1enl of lh.. Ooata Interment wu In Wesmi.Jlllter 17 JAKton POllia of lhf' n wntv rtp· l t.ln W 8 JlunAIIkn rl'lld 11 dUe ...... ._ News-Times M-Amertran Leg1oo Auxiliary Mt'morlal park • rf'lllfntt'd. · etl-r from 11 mlu l .. nllry wltn had Y-.... Vlt8ala D to help n tum .. d fr.,m Polantl "" th•· l'X· tM .... ..ka ro r ute o l 3011 West Centra1 -Get Your Olliee Supplies Today FAST SERVICE! REASONABLE PRICES! \\'e nrc maintainin~ as complete a line as possible of all the thin~s ~;ou nt'C'c1 tu help you in your bu:;iness-right hC'I"C in t 0 \\11 SO as to Sii\C you ltmt• ttlld tr·avel. Be sure to ask us if we have what you nN'd. Some of these are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve the right to limit quantities; sales tax not included. Add. Machine R~lls, asstd. sizes 1\.30c Availability Certificates Blllheads, Ruled-plain or printed 8 th x 7 to 14 Binder. 3-ring 8'~ x 11 sheets $1.25 ~sh Register Rolls, aU makes · ·eeludex %-inch clear index tabs '· Clip and Arch Boards, aU sizes 90c and up Clips, Bulldog and pa~r. asstd sizes Columnar and Account.In& Pads, aU stze. Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads DaiJy Analysis Sheets, 500 for $5.50 Dally Cash Sheets, 500 for $4.25 Daters, 75c Desk Files, letters or legalldze Envelopes Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 -. Manila, white, all sizes, plain or printed Erasers-Art Gum , typewriter, Klenzo Pendl-~ typewriter erasers Estimating Sheets File Folders. manila, all cuts, letter and lepl si1.es. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 File Guides, prestboard, letter size, ~.25 Fillers. notebook. punched, ruled or plain Gla!)Sine Bags Gummed I .abels IndcxE's. all sizes Inrlex C:u-rl!'. ruled. all slzes Inc1cx Signals Ink!' Writing, bottles or quarts Sll"ncil. inrlclible, India. stamping. Invrntt)r~· Sheets u •(kr r Hinders. scctionfll post type Lccal Forms. not<try. e-tc. Lc-t t<'rhe:-~rl.:;, n~td. stocks and colors printN1 ns per your instructioru~ ~ l..e"nf FiiJcrs 1 M£'n:hnndisc T<•lnl Mlmf'O~ph Stencils, take 8'}~ x 14 sheet Mocllage Note Books. memo, etc., asst sl.zes, plain or ruled Pa per. bonds, thin papers, colors or white, all sizes, typewriter, mimeograph Paper clip3 Payroll Records Paste Pencils , lead, colored, china marking, Indelible, automatic, stenoeraph ic Pencil Jeads Pen points, all kinds Price Book Fillers, 8Y,z x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener, china lteady Master carbon Cornu~ Reception Carda prihted to order Receipts Ribbons, a ll makes typewriters Roll Memo Pa.ds Rulers . Sales BookJI I Sales Tax Exemption Cards, Fonn No. 103 Signs, For Rent. For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stationery of all kinds Stat~ments, fH~ x 511:! Superdex Roll Labels Thumb Tacks 1 Typewriter PnJ)(!r, white or canary seconds Typewriter Ribbon.c;, all makes 1At1er-Sir.e n t,. Alphabet GUIDES 8f-!rtt Pr~~ Board FuJI $425 . Set I. l.etter -Slu Manila FOLDERS 11 Point; .3 Cuta Pf'r '325 100 Newport Balboa News-Times. •tt W. o.tnL !fwpwt ..... ....u ... u chlln~tr "hlp Grlflahohu. tfllllniC M ... _ cal r. ... p .. ~ ho ._ c -. p-p rua tn cool! tlonro In thnl "''" '""' , .. un· •• try. anot Mr11 n. W 111111 tul.t ,,, ,..., et. . llhr ~XJ'C'rlo•nf'riO ••f " rul'dlo·ul ntl~ If , •• are •• , ''"'"' aionuy "hn """ r••l<•rtJO•••I thrnutoth ..... ~of th_. two l mpon a m , th1• ~xrhiiiiJCI• ur prl~Win• r11 111111 hu .ttanaina, -~• a ONJt.A -D A \ I llOW ···tum~l I<J v.urk al .. n.: t ht· ..... Vlu.al a A and 0 T•b I Bltrml\ ftOIId ,., ~ .. , Mel in1We J (HJI A M"con<t '""f'r w.... '""'' .,, aoftDAl req"ir• .. •na. I flf r• Weath•rf••nl fr•trn " d lttpl,.tn ru II! llnl of hla o.,_rv.lt••n• of fill~ •fm ll l.n tlto· R1111th 1'11•111• Q N E A DAY •he. Cnn,.itr r·• \ 11•\•. •t •••• • ••u , .. 1\JdiOJ,t r hnptt''" n( 1h• ffl '\tiHfiJij \' c:::::::=~Mji~f~i~#~¥~===~~==­-~<ludy \)<')()k, '''fl ,, 1, t•l'~· ..;,.,,,. ,;, I Rtrllllgo• r ..... I \' ,,,, h It "" ,,, m•·l'llt "' rnl11"'"' ,. ' ""' '" 1 Thf" (lrlt~lu·r 1 • 1 II lu l"\u•8fhl)' (l>l l ll 1° Ito• \lt11 I I ol lllolh•lK bl:11•d t1 I" 1, ·I llllll'h Itt llu• no. '• h .. tot 1111 I I 1111"1 n••"" mf".-t tt'J.: 111 1 1 , '" " 1 ,:., Jl m wtt h '' 1 "' ~~ 'I" '"' • 2000 at Annual Policeman's Ball At Rendezvou s t.IOr<• I h11n ;liiiNI pAll • •n'• Itt I l'lldt•ol / lht' 1nn111tl hull n( lh•• flrnnjr~ Don't Ruln Your Car ThaaeltamaOften --...,. V an tnu '"'"lll()eJOI oil M 4tlvteol ell cevtM ......... ,. ....... _ I '11110ty l 'o•llo'" t)fll• f'r~· A""'" IRIIotn Prtda y ,., ''""'1: 111 1 fo,. Jl(••ll•·"'"IIA Wlrotlm 111 Hll lh""· J't•'"'"""' T"m llutJ•buw uf lh•· 1\Jilt'H '"''"n' ""''' tnday ........... -.. ,.._ ... /rh IIU Y. ·-·· ,.,. ... , , •. ..... •filet_,. .. THESE SPECIALS SAVE YOU MONEY \ Ttw lllill .,. "" tit•· 111 ~• .,f lh" annual ''""nl~ In lll r··~ \'• .,,., lalnce dlmnttt r•·"trklt·m~ """ I"'' veat..·tl h~tlottn~: th" """ 111 ""' ln.•l llwo >'''"'" Mu•ll l'ltUI lur "'~11•·•1 loy l lf'Jn Itt• ,..,,,, • ~or• h•·•l 1 R 1 I f'n Ill" orl I hi' llall v. Ill ~·• In I" the '"'""' •·•f•"''" ~:r''"l• '""''"'""' 1 ~- HEADACHI •• eucM A BIG LJ'f1LI'IMINO . .. A LL SI:T fnr a 1''>00 full ti•T'• work wlaen a nAKII •"• l11•tt•l· ache aneau up nn yuu. Yow autl .. r llad to doe1 J our wuriL Reat17 for an nf'nin~r of ,.IAtr· ation a nd enJ")'mrnl a pr•k 1 h,.atlarhe lntufr~• .. ,H, )'t)Uf fWio r..t. e ajoy111ent or ~1 ...... \.WA. oa. MnJ.s Anti-Pain PIUs v•uall7 ~II••~ nut m•IY 11•114· Mt.•, but fUnple ~~ur •lr l•, ,._ n lar P alft• ae4 l'••ct l o •al ll••tlllr f'al.a•. Do yow ... Or. MO.. Aati·P.a. P lllaJ U not whf not 7 y,.. eaa ret Dr. Mit.. .Anti-Pala Ptlla II 1"" ~ lltON Ur U. ntrVler ' ,.U.,. lor -11 a ,..n, apMee 1 ud ill liM tconofftf peorU..-1 ~-...,. ..... , not ,... • paorta.a.,l ' ::1' y_. ~~ntnlat hM ,...._ ~ ........... ,,..._.,"", .. / UI!Uea v ,_,.,.._., .. _ "' .... ••41•-.... •ftlde ........... A44 .... ,, ..... ~._w...., for leoh • /lieU CH•ICf&etll v (.he< ... -··-.................. • /unen Y (he ck h •tl ..... 11,. , ........ ' 11'" .... "'' ' .... \ / l , .. ,., 101 11 •• t • ,. 1 t"'"'• J ....... 0 t ...... I ttul• u '-"'*'" /''uo PIUIII ' I • ~ •tf f • tP"l'• ·' ,.-, ..... . (_ . •' ;t "''' ... /f't l\ .;• H; .... j,,t, v .... , ......... , .. .. . ,. I '•t ,.,-,, .. . •' "'•u~· ,. • , ' , , , • t ... ft ··-·'' ,, •1·-·· • /· •o•• .,,,,, .. , ... I•' • ' ·•I ond ~, ,, ..... , :,P'"'• fl"',. ,., \ /UUI\ ,, •• , ., t t.u•"• "'· " .......... ~ ,. .. ,"" .... t •• ,.,., ..... ,,, tt •••t•ll"'tulitu~ 81••• UtiO•ff tofef., 8ATTI.III ~ .... , ... ~., . • !!:'-..... ~=:~ for "'•·~·· rr. HKA YY ·DUTY ,,.,.. -pia ...-.... ~ ............. ................... Let Ua ~IJeclc Your ~IGNITION ~ SYIIIM n . '-"''""' • ....__ W e c h•r~ R a t ...... r.t.ltt•••~,.,._.. «:et '"''' ••-,., ..... .,.. .,, .. .., t.-1n tnciU4f. ···~. , ....... , .. ,,, ( ............. . (.,, •••. <.,~. l.>tou la...-. M.c: n•• d n ttJb''''•' p tntt l • •"''' .,.,,,.,. t~·•P cuete ,._ wru rAn CA•• M YOUt fAN IELT ._,_.....,_ .... ... ,. t'eUM t rou ble •.4 t h'luld be •dJ 11et .. w ......... ,,...._...., . , ....... "·-· OIL SAVES WEAl -:::;;;j;jiiiiiitla.. Wo '""'H ••• .,..... ~ tlw t.~ro, dr .. h..a,. •r.'"dlo tie ood, t ue( h •nd ••'--•h•ft, u,., •• , ••• I"'"'· drr•• oheh , •• ""1• br•'• d ev" '''"'• ftn•t w heel be•r •ntl rl••u•d e nd r e• r,.., ~-•. -'••• II • ._ .,... ..... """' '4tltt.n· .... .,, All th" entl &II t,;tl ........ l ot GET NEW LIGHTS ··~ ..... , s ..... AT NIGHT Tt oltlr rulee are .tt.,f •lfltUl ...... •1•4••• '.,,_ Our ..-··'"-~·­-lowll.-......... ~t replee•n •-. THEODORE ROBIIS • Authorized Ford Sales and Service 4tr.n&o. .... -~.1 .. ... l rt lf y..,..,...,Mtlk,,.. .,. Ill& et'd c ,. , t ill W..t Ceatr&l ,.._ !f ... Jldl. 11 !----~-------------------------------------------------- I \ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIJIES, Newport Beaela, California, Thunday, September 14, 19« ol ~ Beeda .. wttll J. M. Oaopw, 16IIQ ~· av•ue. ..... r. a Ow• wttto w .. MI-ca.... ....... a.w ... Mra e-.puled to cr.tiiiM ,_ ..... ...__ _. .. ~ • ._.., Uall -., her daupt.er, Mra. J. W. ... Mr .... lllra. e..r. ~ Wlalta, and two ............. bU .. ...._.,_, a.o.. ol '-ita. ntunaed to ber Newport bOulevard ~ bome. ...._ a ~t JWv. carl B. Job~ wu t.1M ._. t If B•, lllra. L. rec:lplent or many bearty ~t­ .... OO&'l'IIL hi .......... v,. ~-·tw ... lpWn AdJ-1• r til hctary 'I'r'IJntd 0utNntor Sptdallat :fie ::=,e.p_ro;, for ara •r•ce All.af OLOVD -~A ............... ulatloaa oo the oc:cUioa ot b .. birthday aDnlverar)'. Mn. Lawl't'Cice Nr.ter ol UM boce ol ber :td r. and Mra. Ralph NcC"I~lland, 362 Eut JOtb lltreet.. Jl martia,re llcrDM haa '-11 a.ued to &tty Pat Rhaver. 18, and Ja.mM Samuel Randolph All· smare of Mant'ucn, Pa. Nra William C"Rrvrr ant1 t.lau~eh· t•r. &Xtnna, han· rf't um••<.l to htr home on ltllh 11nd Platt•ntla atterl llvlnc for • Urn" In Santa Ana U. f'arver t.a In Italy, C.det Caanar l.Az.ar ""'hO ...._. cnmpkt~d bla primary n )'IDjt at Kings' C1 ty, hu bt·~n IIJ)f'ndiDII hll 72 hour turlous:h at the C'lartnc•·· I Kin"-homr un Bu•oa VlJIIL I Mr and !llr~< · Jll..,j)h ilamhlf'tt an•l aon. Billy. ot Cabrtlln lltrert. hav• r~tumrd from an outtn~r at Ort'l'n Valley. ln the San Demar· 1 d''"' mnunWna. ! Vlaltl!lg fonntr Mt<aa ,...totdent.a In I.Aog Beach wu th" recent plt·utu"e ot Mr. and t.ir.o l'"rank l'anona wbeD Uwy wert! the wet'k • l'nd guNta ol Mra Martaret Jef- f,...y and Mr and Nn. Roy Cald· weU. COLLAPSIBLE R•bber BOAT (Avt.Uon 8w'plu.l With Pump and Paddle, Now .Available fat LAKE. SURF, SWDOONG POOL FISHING OR DUCK HUN'J1NG. ONLY -45oo BUOYANT Wl11f 450 POUNDS .,..._... Aile,. ... .... • ue.-.. rurte UFEBEL TS IGovt. SurpiUAI ..... , Arc "*-Surf « Lake. Can .,. UM'd .. un.all no.t -niL ...-u, dllllped ... lnllated bY. '5" . ...... WID INp COO. AMine, Wlr9 «Write!. ra MUTUAL PRODUCTS CO. aa -.e ...... a...-....... ... ft.. lla .. •aw , ...... t ·llN Little Things About the Stars ., cmoaoa LILL81' e HEW YORK, N. Y -Katelmlth cont111ually utOilllhel Ulroet ape- daluta. She dot'W .vnythlnl t.h111 Ia to harm her vo1ce ""'lthout affect- '"1 it the allcht· nt. She aln11 30 to 40 toni' at nmp 1how1, drinks 1ce cold ~.._._., .. a.lr r ..a.a qut~nrhu wh1 I h t' apt'<'l&h5l& v-·11 "n11, No. ~o·" Shl· bob -1 ~l<'dl and ski$ at Lakt Placid &ate S.UQI moll 0 1 t !1 e Doa MeNdU wtnter -rum-' , •• forget a rufu oua, aupposed. . . roo t~alll ly, to a alncrnc vu1ce. But Kate I . f"1rst muaical pair to become 1 01'1 on •• l mOl>thly 111 l'ver. St-p· outt111ht rom~1ans· Ouie Nelaoa tt·mbt'r 17 Will start hl'r l:ith and Harrit>l Hilliard. TheyU be yrar on the rad1o CCBSJ-:.nd a kmd of youn1·1et Fibber Mc- ahe'a nt'vcr mused a broadcast. CN• and Molly on the radio In the • • .) fall A reverse to acton Bucld7 . Rogers and Rocer Pryor, who be-Sideltnrr· B1n0 Crosb11, Glldt' ciJme bandlt>adt'n . In ~Oiltrnt from the Dtl Mor f'acr track , I to Jlck Benny, thf' worrytnc OUIIU a lead rrun•, 4 IJluu mtJtf •1 ty~ of • eomedian who -~ .,. oH jlf'ld, tturral """"'r pub· ~m1ln off hil pro&Tam, ia 0. Uahlt~g housn and fiaa b1g cull fMcNetll, the ''Breakfut .. Club'" '" 1111 own moutt atudto a nd funster. He'a the apqntan~ citcco rrcordt. A '"" •itt otlfc• w~. II IJ}'IUIInJ off h1f'show -bvlldang t~amtd "Bang Crosbv, on But the naturally funny men htc., dtrtr trd bv 1111 brothtr aet'!D to make leu money at IL l:vrrt>tt, hafldlt'a tile Croabv •I· \VERY LITTLE THINGS fain. Twelve of 15 men In Woody SONG CENSORS Herman'• Ort'hestra, heard W•d· neaday ntlh\1 on CBS with Allan One of the network• haa barr~ I Jonea ft1ured out they are mak· the lr,r~ca to the aonc "Body and • ' -· tnc more mon-Soul ' Alao taboo 11 tl'te tune ' ey than the1r ''Take Mt'" But bands can play hometown bull the aonca If they use no vocal1. president& • For a whtlr the ••ordt of "You Kay K y 1 e r't and the Nicht and the Mus1c" ftn t name Ia were rulf'd out because of the James ... ca.. phrar.e "lUI~ my heart . with l McCarthy, t be ftamln&., dnlre" And a r.ectson of NBC aponac.- the lynca of "Beyond the Blue f ter won't ,. Koruon" has bei'n rhan&ed ao the ' on 'the alr with-lovers awa1t a "setllnl aun," out h I 1 ...- rather than "n••n1 aunl" b r o a d c a 1 t 1 • • AllaaJMftl drink: Cilqer .. ' •--.. " ale with U.. ftleJ aa.,~ w ea a • .... . •. 1ucr compa V oil aqu e • 1 • 41 -lit ...-rfll Fraak Slaatra • from r.wo all\·f'n of lemon .,..a tt.e ,-.... a•t rnu II a ......... Morton Oownty, the lUue Uttle 1117· llr e.H Hckfll •-nttwork tenor. never uw lreiMd lal Edltt Co1ti1.. Actin IWal Nt.at. tnnafen Ultt.ed were 1:. Roa-en for lot M Ill block 1e Ellen C. Qul.lln to Harold L. Kamm ot aec:UoD S o1 Balboa Illland. ¥.11d wife. lot 1 lD block It of a.J. Mary Ev.alJ.D Rider to ~et ~ laland. ea.capt wNterly 10 MacCoMell. nortbe8tar1y U't; feet teet: of lou 19 and :ao tn block 1 of re-I Ellubetb 8. Ood•e to OleDD H. aubdlvt.lon of aecllon 1 of BaJ . Sh~rmer and wtte, lot 8 ln · block bo& III&Dd. 12 ,,f reaubdivtaloo ol .eetJon 1 Nellie A. Hill aa «U&rdian of lh!' or ~IIJ<)a bland; eat.ate of Brookle C. F'oedkk, lll· lllln& Orter and wtte to ,JCJ& B. competent. to Fro•d R. Pul&ler, lot 1l1>1tnman ·ud wtft'; lorU trnltl)C)l 610l rae 482. Corona del lf"ar j !J ot tll't'tlon 2 of Balboa Ialand; Joaephtne Reava to H. A. P oll· Cyril Oeora-e llb&w and wile to JUU and wife, lot 16 In block 10 ol ~· T lt. Rf'x. DOrtheut.erly ball ot l aectton 2 of Halboa b land. lut 238 ot Newport Hel.bt& . Ma.1ce Taylor to Nllflce Taylor llll•'red Elate Oorb&m to Lor· I et al. lot 14 ur tract 442, coeta ,., •a E Jape. lot. U ud 1e ln Meaa. I IJIIA k 332 ltf Coroaa del Mar; 0 . We.tey Hall<'y and wtrt! rn"i r,.n,ld H Ha1ar ADd witt' to Ro• E. HoetetUer ADd wife lot• I Jflllrfth F Ml.,er ADd wile, lot 43 16 and 36 or tract Ut, Newport 1 , ' tnu·t P48. N_,ort Beaeb; Bea.cb. J. F. MI'Cready and wile to 01".& ;----------- 1. Antlf:l'lt and wife, iDd other Busto 96 IOIIUihWI'IIlerly I:'J f H ol lot 12"....__......,,.. n, ' hluek u o o1 r~•ubdlv of C()r-Is Laid to Rest ttnA del Mar: KMinl'th 8 St.~er and wile to .lriiAI' B Walfe snd wife. Iota 16, Ill 11nd 19 In bl(>('k 431 of Corona rcl Mar;_ Frf'drlrk A Youn.r snd .. -tre to Jo"n-11 Hammer. lot 1 tn block 64 of c ~<"esn P'ront trsct, Ne111-port fll'ach: 1 F:mma llug~r .RPtd tn Harry \ Mur u1 and wlfto, lot 26 In hltwk I ll nt t rart lll8, Balholl, I I' D. Ortg~:f'ra ant1 Wlf€' to J•lhn Fl.meraJ wrvlcu were held lut Friday attemooo for Eleanor ~--IIIOUMr ot,O., C. G. Huaton ol Coet.a Mea. where de· cea.e<~ bad lived for 26 yt ara. Reva. Perry F'. Schrock and Frt-d Neldrtnchaua. ConcngaUon· el mlnt.lera officiated at tb~ Grauel Chapel, wllb lntummt In Weatmln .. ter Memorial Park. p.,arl W. Uvelle!y wu eololat and Meura snd "'1ft. lui 17 In hlfwk 3 Jo:tbel Brl&&a. orcanl8t, wbUe the 1 uf F:ut NPwpor1 . 1 palii:IC'arl'ra were Judge 0 . J . I Mildred Louise nuc k t•l W.llhur Dodge, Horward WO<Xlrouch, F. E. I Omn Duck . Iota 1071\ knd 11177 and HuM.-11, C. W. TeWinklf, A.· A. 1Cl78. t'lfl'ept m•rth'rutPrly half nf Phillips and S. A. Meyer. , lnt 107!1 or tra!'t 907. Nl'wpnrt Buch; F.arl W StAnley snd wlte to Dorta M J'ow••n o. lois 4 rUlol :'1 10 blnrk 7 nf MC't lon 6. Balbna.Jsl11nd. Held As Violator By F. B. I. I I.« (' f'1tv-r and wltf' to Jllma Troy L. JohrutOn, S1, of p 0 . Elll110n anti wlle. lot 4 ln block 4 Box !)87, wu booked at tbe county .. r 1 ract 626. !lltwport IWach · JAil and held for tbe Federal Bur· ("hl'l C'rank and Wlff' tn Mar-eau of ldt'ntltleaUon u a ~t· 'J<•rlf' I' Smith. lot.11 664 an•l 11!'>6 of td violator o1 the Selec:Uve Ser· Marjorlt P ~mllh to Ruth Pil'r· lo Ill? -~, lot DANCE? in Coata Meaa Arperican Legion . Post 455 oa W. 18th St., ~ bloc!k oft Newport Blvd. 8LEIDELLI'S OICIESTII Gives You "Just Good Dance Music" and a Full Evening of Fun bANCING From 9 P. ·M. ADMJ8810N . 50e plua JOe Tu' .Rubber Lined Winch Head Alao J11abermaa•a Frteacl S.wea WeU' ... T.., • ......... -'-.•. Prttertt7 =a·v ... o.._ ,.... ••• a u ..... "' ~ ............ ..... ra.a.,.t,.. unt I he became famous • • fellewl Ia T-7 .,_..,.. --Irish ttnor Ht once wu billed • ca..tn. He waa n&M lM •n•-"D1rect from lrf'land.• ~ JIMet 1•1 Ia U.. hrw7 MM ,.,.as born m Walhnfford, c--. I tract 907, Nrwpor1 &>al'h; f vtce Act. I ,;m le>la fir~ 1tn1l fi:>.'l of tract ,!107 ------------------------------------------- (well, Mal &e T-7), and raiSed ln Brook yn. Veterans' Service Quarters Have Been OpenM at Rich School • :-lt•wpnrt B<'A<'h, Thnm~ts I' f'r•oJ!l ILnd Wlff' lo J11o11 " H Htoht'n~t ancJ wife. lots II 12. 13 14 lfo. IIi 17 JR. 19 an<l 2ft nf lr>" I 27~<, Ct~tl\ M••M Thurl'lrrlrtn 1-: \\'••11~ a n1l wlft.' to flnt><'rl A~:n•l~<..,,..r and w ife lt1t" : 111 And :!I In hit" k 44 2 of Cnrnna •ld Mar: -- J,hn 1-: ~Ill and wlft• In l~uac· F Vunk 1 k onol wir•· pnrt nr lc•l Th•· Vrtt•rltrtll ~"'""" ,. 1'111110111 ' "" r .. r th• 1 • l •·r.tll hi~ wife anti 12:.! ••t N o•11 IJ'•I I lfl'tght~ II••• "1 111\llll!•l ••n•ltr th•· <·hair· • ,,,lotH n "'""'d ll"r•·h~•·nhtH hill! hnm••· man11h<t• uf Mr S~I'WIIr1 T llunh•l'. """ • on I II"' rny nlulltf'r1D(· ~ll'lltl••cl Jut 14 In bllll'k :! nr 1!1('1'· an1t nn~ runr ttunlniC At lh4' :o\rw-""t p11v w h•·ll l ''"'' mv •llllrhar~ II"" r. "' Balhoa l&lnnll . port llarh<'r t'nlc•n HIJ:h lll''hunl. 111111 I mu~<l h:l\'• th•· olllll'hllrKt be· f:Piflltl H HtcJ:IIr alhl wlfp '" rtl<•m 23~• fur U\t' bc'nt'flt uf all rnl•' I "'n dillon th•• p11v•" wu ~mlth B{>yd llitnt•r llntl wife. lot V4'11't'la ll' &11•1 thf'lr !leJ)t'ndenta hu lhr •tu••<t lll{\ .. r un• llwt ""'"""· M nt tr11rt !14k. !llt>wp.,rl lkacb: al,.a<ly ha1t a numl~r nf c.-II• wtt-" ot•r••rn'tt to th" ~rv,,.,. fll· E M. llarv.,v IUld wlfl' to Wll- wh,.r• vf'lf'rana hav• found t.bat fH't·r ul th•· l'\••"'r••rt IIIIth"' ~~llam II Wk kPtt '""' wlf<'. tnt 32 If th•·Y hav,. a problem. co\iJ't,eowl nf lhr Aml'rit'l'ln 1.-e;.nun ~·ho Ia trart 742. \'tn~Unn PI"""· BaJ. aJd will bt r•ntlt•n•tl Ill I hilt n tfh ,. ruo.!IIBt,.J lh,. ,.,,lrro n In :tlltnl: ~>ut ~ b land: ~m~if'r 01# ,.111-ervalon. ot Mr: .An· th~ prof>"r fnrma to <ohtllln 11 f"r11· W. lAater Mar•l•m :~ntl wtrt' tn drn" J ar k..nn Hllytnan. a vt>ttran rtPtl ''"flY uf hill ltiiiC'hRrl:" rt'('nrda St&nl··v A Vmr 1tnol "if•• tnts !J8 Clf Lh• flnt wurltl ""'ar, wht• undf'r· fr••m lhr Atljutant Gconrr?ll'8 (If· Uld 99 nf tmn !H ), l"••wr111rt I atllfttt. thP v .. lt•rana and thrlr prtl~ fl f'. 11nol co rllllm Wll!l JH•·rar•·•l lor S.<"h. Irma and nghla him In mRtl "''llh lhh• t1url1r11tt Cht~rl"JO (' 1-"•Jlt•• .111o1 wtr1 111 Tu !'liP an f'XIUTIJlll' nf uqe nf •Ill'• hA ll:•· t .. tltl' (H'"Jl<'l 11n110rf' Rkbacrd M K..tl1 1 ,,,.,1 ,, ,1,. 1,.1 lhf' m"rl' rl'\t•nt t llJ!I"I' """a.at,.cl """'' r nf th•• 1' ~ J\rm,· 11 In blnck t\:ti "r I'·''""" tl•·l ~1111 Tht wlfl' .. r " \'nun~e ,., t••FI.III •1111· ;-.;,. mtcll,.r what thl' ()'" lftlnn Le.on,.nl F ~-'"" l•·r io lr!'n~' V. rhltrjtl'd ftllm ~··r\ I''" uhnut l'll,l( lllll;ttl ..... It I~ 1\th·u•••hl·· rnr tht'l Cooptr, lttl 4 10 ....... II r.; I ' •• 1'1111 munl h• u~n. lntlll'r"tl "hilt o mtlcl vu1"""1~ 1" "''All 1 h••mllt h "~ "' tht Front l rttt t. ="•'\\ l'"rl ll·•:u It M !I• Ill•· r .. r hl't hullhl'n.l whtt hots ''" '111 '' ~ .. r 1 h•• \'"t•·rllu.• ~··n•lr<' l:dward M•llll' H• I• "''""" k ~r had a numl.-r "f "''r\' l)atl hf'ttrl l'omtt• II•··· In ttrol,..r I" •low• a and Witt> to Frum·~-(;.,,tid, l••l .'I lltlllrkll ltl r ll~<ynlllrl l'h"""'' ·a' ~""''"1 "''"1 ••r 1'""' ·•n•l trnuhl•· Thl' In biM k 2 n( l ntt I :!7 II· ult•\'nrtl onr <' 111 I hi' "' t••tnl\l<' ntlt•n•hng "''II'•• l!l npo·n ''""''Y '1"Y I'Xr rpt addition lu l'••wpc>r l lf•·1~.:ht" , "<· phy.tdan to tl~l,.nnHH' tlw "'"",. ~utulny Mr llunl.q• nnttuun•'•••l Cf'l)t northt'lll>l••rl\' ~ '''''I CC.Iftdltiotll And WIIJI tnrnrtHt•d fh11l c City Of 1':1"\\'iHII-j llt•flt h f" /\ftt t' be "'1111 111 nt•••tl <)f 1111[11• ollll tt• ht1~· osta Mesan EscaaJcs Pllkln.rtnn, lnt !l In hln('k 72ll .. r pltallutlnn Mr H8)'1l11111 l'tlfl· Injury in Car Scrape Corona cl('l MAr. taetf'd thr tr R Nsval h""f•ltal at John A Lln•l nntl wlrt• l'o F:tht>l • -. &ach. b)' ttolepbun• and. rt-F'onlainto. lnt li 111 bkwk :lfl t)r ....,.. ~ A~11 • J{>'lllt~r :1:'1 ·•I lltlh ''"'' Rl 1 qutoated tmng<'nry ambulanrt .,..,. ' ver IM'<'t 11n t•• !llc>wp .. rt Bt•&<'h · Plactntla atrrtl" wll.'l thr tlrlv~r of Fr.d w llrts.:,:: 11n 1 1 1 F · 1 vic. which ••u auppll•d In ltaa " rar whlr h mllr11 nvf'r ll'•·rr•l H ktn " ' "I ., o .ar than 2 boura aftl'r QODtact. Tbe lim I'll "'hrn he lOIII t'nntrnl of the' Uop f t llnd Wlfi', lot 9 10 biO!'k witt' "'U lhl'n ,...ff'rred to tbr \'tt-l ''"hlrlt &ftl'r trylnjt to IIVHid nn· 8~11 ra~t 234. !llrwpnrt Bear h' t'r&rul Wrlta,... df'pe.rtment at tb bin a . Ptnnln~ttnn to Wilbur 0 fT mar "· 0 . CUrt Ia ancJ "Iff' lut 74 In trsrt Santa Ana whto,... I m medIa tel Although Ktholtr wu unlnjurr<l. NS N-·port l3t-. ·h f'merl<'n<'y ,...lief wu ctvm and hie .,._nger. Jnhn C O'Leary. ,:,..,k Haub nr~~ ~·ofp '" F:stht:.'r 1 the wife wu .. ~.weed In filing an I 2:1, of ~AAAR rtcrl\•td minor In· I. Halliday. lut II In bi~X'k ~3~ .. r applica tion with the Vtolt~rana Ad· ha.plt.aJ tor treatment aceordia( The IM'i' nn. ' ('" l"•rt l~·ac·h. mlnllltratlon for a dt.ublllty pen-to calttomla Highway .Patrol. •-·-d Caltqy111°1 1 N1'' ~ ro,rt ·'U..at h has --r &lm c N 'u to James ODe of the llaay Featuna lathe Fortboollllq Auaal Volwae of tbe Newa-n.. Olflt IAI l' S l'avy Air l'h>tlo S lY hllm{'s tJI le\1 1'1 Cllle ,,, rhc I(I!!JIIIt. ltJII~.lr~ .H rite erA base IIC'ollr Sdnt.a Ana. 'These lt4ngars arc the (trH of <1 <c~tt.f ''/ rlu• laoge\t '""'•lru 'i>lttl tiiC.S m the worl.1. ('rov .de prottcfiOn and UTVIC· tng Sflllh:ll ,,,, rlu flat II lllrh rr()l((l\ the I ••tJ..\1 lttl( .. , the Eln•cntll }\ .. lt'al DJ.Srrt(f WATCH • • • I jurlea ancJ wa11 tskrn to tbe po.tl Oulal 11 N • ..... 0 ... o..a I Ill Let Our Boys • •1 Read Home Items rabb:ls In this ·hat I ! for · the ·18th Annual Edition .. of the NonnaDy, wr lr1n ~ lari1itirt in oaT hat. Bat eiace National Defenae !Ot unJr r way in 1940, the An;ty, N1vy ancl public hue ~n 'llfl(lli~d with the-te retenr-inrluclinp: a Mt inrr~·<HC o£ more than 4Jh million Drll Sy•lt'm tt'lcpbonrJ. The l111'• ahnut empty now, '1\o ntllf,!ir wanrl-only final'fic:tory·~an ltrinl back thr malrrial• '10'1' IH'('ol to p.eaemrt' t•l rvrf') onr who '-ant• it. That', why thne • .,. a. • d!'la•· in mo"in~ M'rTice anti there probahly will a. a cklay in t'l tablithin' new een ·ii'C. · Ia ... meanti me. we're doin~ enrythin1 we can to M......C-e-h oar facilitia eo they'll .ene •• maoy people ............ We'n loedilal twitrhboarda to the limit. Repairint ...t .,.W.. te work nery tt'kphoM facility we eaa Jar ow ..... .., Uaiaa wbatnu we haft w!Mn it wiD .. aa.. .... ..... ~ ~ .-,.n -M C104peratM. • ,.,_put .a1 Wp .. a.b eare Of d. .U.plaoaa .UU., 1ill ..... Jl,.. .. _..,.._wt.o ..... hhts. we'dldle,.. ................. ,.. .......... ... ···"· -· '!'""---""!""-·-~ I .. IMIII( CALifOINIA IILIPIIOIII COM.AWf ....... : ............... . fT"S mtpen~tlve, thcrt you lr.... doM -tc:h of your prosent typewriter . . • whett111r you have one or a large num- IMr In u•• . . • bec:auM when your pretenf typewriter "stopa" giving MrY• Ice ... due to n~lect, and for want of "'9ulor Mrvice, It will "jud-be-too-badH, for as you. llnow, new or rec:ondltloned typewrlten ore acarce for the duration. f'toy soh! Regular CCI"' aov" typewriter wear; l,ava Ntfular lnape<tions me~de end llnow the ronclition of your type- Wf'i*. In this woy you'll 1M tuaren..., lng y • u r • ..tf continued tcrtlwfadory WOfll Mm your p,...._. Machl~te, 'tin Mw .,... ceme badt. Phone 743 for Ful Information ~-. . • M .. y of our lfN'aJ bny• In thf' ~ aJ"tt auhlw-rlhP"' to thf' Ne• .. ·'nrwww. ,.,.~. ,.nJoy ~­ .... ltemw about mf'mhP"' of tt.tr lalllfly and fril'ncl,._ Will ,..., wlln knnw thl'm, Jlhon~ In penoonal or twldal 114•nt• t•r hit' of ne,.·• In whJcoh lh••y ml11hl bt• l•tel'f'llt rd ~ Thr ~· \\ Ill lll>flrr · ~tf' It 11nd.,. \\Ill"''· \\•• al"o lllle to vnnt lnll•rr•lln~r lc•tto•r• wtllrh ~011 f'f'<'rh ·,. rrt>m thf' llo)'tl. Kidneys Must Work WeU- NEWS· TIMES which GOES TO PRESS IN A FEW ' DAYS if you are not already a subscrib~r of the NEWS-TIMES better ·place your order now for a copy of this beautiful .... THREE COLOR MAGAZINE 2Sc per Copy NElVPORT ~ BALBOA NEWS~ TIMES . . • 3011 West Central Avenue P~oncs 12 · 13 Newport Beach . _ ....... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TDIES. Newoort Beaeh. California, Thursday, ix'r 14, 1944 .... .... Beef Now in Markets for Westem Dishes Letters To The New~-Times~~ E_W_S_· T-1 M_E_S_C_L_A_S S-1-F 1-E.D-. -0 P~P........-O~RT~I~I-==IT=-=-=1 E:-::::1 . . DOW aa UDprecedeat.ecl ~ cup cat.up at beef .. na.cblllc tale 1 tAblupooo •ucu ~I:AMANI:NT Af:IIDf.NTS VI. SUMMEA VIIITOAI For until we b&ve a lUTer p.r- <'4\nt&«e of pH'ID&ni'nt n-atdeota Ill our community. It wtll be uplaW work to n't'onclle the man-macM attracttona of f\MI cannery pay· rolla. with the God r iven ctttA ol nature atr b u our beach and bar· b<lr ao that therP will be no con· ntl't of lntt>l't!ell. • • I .E I D F 0 I PI 0 FIT • • IS E F 0 I IE SILT I •· • u4 wtU cootllwe OD 1 labl~apoon perpared muaa.rd ~na· d«!l Mar. ()ctober -l&r&dy lllt.eaded 2 lableapoone Mil Sf>pt 12. 1944 I ROATM. 81fPPI.II!B roa sAil&-n1RN'I'I1JaK roa u• • • com&mpUoft. No-Score flank atuk.. Dredce In Editor Nrwa-Timra: cOIDpl&lnl about a halt ot Ulel nour ~d brown In hot lard. Com· "nnr ut~ual and mon-or lna uH· MAN WANTED-I InA :-s-a.~t.-Snld--a-IICJ-=-Thded~~:- f« !1' .. J.-llvt'ry f\tUif' t:1•\l.l J·•h 1 M11rlne P:nl(1nN and J'a~ REAL ESTATE I II'OR 8AU: Upn,bt pi.UO, .... ONIC ACIUC 011 Av<M'adt• 8t. cnndllltm. Wake olf•r Pb. •TI tDp CJ'Sdea of beef '-tolncl blne allced onloo. vlnep.r, cat.up 1 d balM aa to bow to mak«! men and womea lll •rvlee. and aeuonJnp. Sprud anr the I ,:-:tD;u IJld their pay-rolla com· A.merican taate for beef flank alt'ak. COver and cook tn a hi 1 happv harmony with the 81fte'M'el )'-, fOOd P"'' \\'t wtll lU •h Y•'ll lt'• "AIUNto. l'tAl.' .. Auli: AND ... a blllhf'<l ruut~ If no•l tnt, 1 tdP'O, CO. Mte.l ln. 1\ar,t .wurk do. lWL~f'+.'l ~:1090 \ .Clenlral AYe.... 1tub••11 (\ .. •m4'& nwnt-r, 1101 or call •t Tlt W . awf, Balboa. N pt Htv.t Coata Mr • PIL TO.~ ,!414 TC\-ttc ---- wbat It ll, It' a cood tD bav•l moderate OVt'D I 350•F.1 1·4, ~I be::h 11 bathing allurf'mt>nla of tht m~al around again ID 2 houra. St'rvta 6. N t I:Wach art& b&Vt' rom· f Spanlah Short tUb m:~:; Acror.Hn~t to publlllhC'd ITAEET P LAN IMPAESIEI W . T. JEF'I"'ERSSN Newport 11'4' ~ Coldf ~tfll'116tf' :'\~"',_.t ttf'&l'b, •10 31't 11 :-<1 N•·" 1'••11 n,.,,, h l'hOOI! 1:•7 I • II• ~!'· '3U·W NII-- M-t~ FOH ~At.!<: (lit JI:Xt.,IANUIC 1'1\ ,, n'•~lt>rn hnfltt'a tn I""' An• rOll ).a.J:. ......,.._ -------· witch t•utboatd motor, I~ la.p. Utlt,t f'anta Ana AYe., New)JG~t LMn and Full of Flavor 1 21.1, to 3 lba ahort rlba ol h<-f'f I plan& llret'll ar" tn llf' "''ldtnt-d •uT THAT DUSTY PAAKINGI bHf vnu can ret now t. 2 tea.poona &all 11.11cl lmprov"d ~nm .. bordt-r tht" l)nr F.dltor: HEU' \\'A NTI'':l~IRn ur "'"" "" for J:••m•ral hOII'I wt~rlc 111111•"'' IDn Jllmne Nf'WJ>Ort 1\1\11 •I' \ r. Ill I \1' Fill( ~At. .. : l~nr \\'llo>d 11· I'" • '1'11"1'1 >l\t'f'tl hoH<t lll&lcN :.0 I"''· ... l'~h ,. StOll!\ r.t:z • ~th I-I :'\pt II. h l'h 1:!1':' \\ llf)-4tr ~f leaner than the "" tt-a."'"'0 n pepper 'I ft.h rnnnlng dl&trll'l Mort' apaa •~ Whllt• In your clly )'e.Urday, ~ you r ot from I ~~~~o~f !1~!~ to bf' madt-av11llablt-for nl'w and In a r•al e•tate ortll'l', 1 ~ad atee:r• In pn--war daya 1 \:UP b~t •·aln alorra and lltf'l!f.' n""' •tore" C'IUI· lhf' l'.rtlrlt-In your P•per rt'pl'd· HZLf' \\'ANTl'':O IIOIII'f'h•'''' ,,,·. lo'lll. =-'A I.E :l:l ft Cllhln tltlr)', Amerkana bave alwaya pre~ 2 cura <'OOkt'd tomat~• I nnt proapc'r w ithout pay-roll r•·t an~ thl' alntt plan and 'l!l•u mucb by h"llr or J11y .... ,,.11, 111 1 " 1 :.• • ;,1, "••l•ot Mn•t '""' llllll• It becau.e of Ita lt'anntu 1 teu paprika tron&fi:f' uf tht' fl!lh factori••· and lmprl'ued. prized lt. too. for Ita full .ub-·~ h·=m 111/Jt&r 1 the <'Annlng f~t•·toriu may nut I l.alt'r. my wlr• tt.nd mywlf went Ptl llll'i ·M. ''' II• tllllt \ ~1111 t:<tiiiJ>pt'tl t .. r fl•hiiiiC flt,vor. Oo thl' nutrition S«!aaon ~nrt rlba with l tea-l prn!'pl'r wlth(nll ron!'ualona and tn the rarlclng Jut tn ~ttl our <'&r, ;' JI:J(pt'rl•·nr•·•l tbla bHf .uppllt'a tht' ame It d d h t'nlarx~mf'nll! that. will lf'aMn thl' lind tr thai parkin<> lot II a amplt ::--"' l!••llcor f~nt:•ll•••·r Ina, I d apoon u an ~ppt'r. an ru tt tl . t tht' Ne"·pnrt "' • t:no.l \\'"1'''" prole U vi lam oa IUl wnh a hruliW'd dovr of &&rhc.l 8 rae Vf'nri!M'IIS 11 "' what II advO<'Alf'd for lht' ex· ~:aJWntlul In 'wol 1 ~· minerala found In all , Brown ahnrt rib• nn all flidell, "'"' an-a. 1\11 8 lllmml'r ruort. r•·n•lltun-11t publll' mo•nl'y, I Aj'ply , l lllct'd imlon and wltfr. cover and ' Thl' one es.s~Ual feu\ure tp be dun'\ belle\•r that tha t d ty will N nt.A Anlll4 l'tH:kHII( II :' '"""" l:lfl N ..:1 t.t.•lll'"· I'IIHitdl'\llt 4 ill 4'1• I•'••H S A l. .. : W111rk n<'b t\11 lnlh ,.,.,,.. :.•• ,.tfiii~A Atu•hu ra h'"'Y•. ""''" "' II :-4 Ut ahlln• :l:l•~ M'"'"" St , Npt Ucl.t 7<1 41•· all_lbt' tl'n<lune• anJ palli· cook 11t low trmp..rttt ure for ab.)Ut conaldt-rt'd lu a t•lly'll futur<' dE--rtnd any nt'*li for any ruHre ~ce. 20(1 j,lo, ( "Vpl't'IU! you could -.:apt. y.au 11Md12 lloun Add th~ tomat.Ma. pap.. ~kmtnrnt pc'rman""' ""'1~"'" Our rar·IM kl'd ttkf' tto h11" been lA o ranJ:t', naur prPpan lh'-.abundant beef by rika rtma.tnmg 1 t~upoon aalt -'baa appart'ntly t>Hn l'nllrely tbe Oklahoma dUll I bowl My wife melhocb a-t deaped to bring! and · aucar Cnntlnut t o cook tor ov~loolttd. Oaly In Coruna del claim• that ht'r ahon are ruined • 8t·41r 1 .,'IJH !iAl.t: ltV\\ l>l>&l.. 1311. l'h. ~ 1'1 !HI:> \\' lttO ... ~~ . A pi 'l, HILP WANTt:o K .. 1 ... , ..... ,.,.,,, lll\11",. 7() Ztc , all Ita Oavor and (oodDf'U, l.n· 1 hour tAJ b 1,. n d tht' flavor Mar, whtrP the r ralllenta art prac--bf'yond upalr of broUlllr and routlnr. thoroughly Jll'move meat to plat· tlcally all p«!rmanenl , are there ,no That pRrkln~ lot In Balboa l• want to ww alow. molal lt'r, llklm tat !rom liquid lett ln lmprovemt'nt probleiNI no ron· a Ull!rrtu·t , not only to tht' city. man IP • li't>rk In l.l•t""r Rwr .. Newt1ort 111'\l'rn,. .. ('u , 211:.! ~·ott ~AU: 4·• I lollanu• ma· 0cf'aJt Front. N"" I"''' ll•'•l<'h nur ··n.:HI•'. ''"'' ""'''"''· ..... tv ,., for aucb bed tr•alAI aa pan anll thlr lce.ll for gravy. ntct of w ctlonal lntt-rnllt lo lnltr· but tn the whoh• j:ltat• of Ca ll· &V·tt1• ,_.. al..,•lll ',!II 1\ I' Al~t<• . .14·ft , · •• inmrn·H•1 flllhlnl( IH>At. n1·w 1:r•v "'"lnr, aaii"Y All•l l~tllrt pot ro&lltl. beatty .oup., Chudl W~gon Stew !tre with tht' lteady growth of tom la meat p&e. and the bile. 2 lb botllng ~f. cut 1n <'ubea thRt arta. . Hoplnlt that lht' city I!ON Dot nd It you llkt' the CU.Unctlve 4 t.ableapoona flour On Balboa laland, though at· hc1pe to lmprowo condltlona by for whiCh coo1ut In tbe 2 teaapoona l&lt tract ions for ovt'r-Runday crowd•. putllnc' In morr "f tbtm. I lUJl lnulhtllftlll .,... Ju-Uy famoua, thla 1,1 teupoon pepper are n.on·ulatl'nt. a C'lly oftlrlal In· B C COLEMAN a perfect Ume tD try them tn "' teupoon e~lery aalt form~ mf' thert are but MO rwtl· own kltcben. becaU8e tt w ~ t\upoon l&&t clenle durin,; the nine montha 'Of B •Jd• p •ts ranr bftf that .ucb a cup. alock or water wlntl'r and S!!OO r...tdenll durlnr w mg emu rood e.aliJ:I¥ ll built. A 6 medium carrut.a, cut t.n alripe the lbne montha' au.m mtr aeaaoo wacoo att'W or all the Ia· ~ pound green bf'ana P n-aumably. tn mn11t part• of tht \'&rlf'ty or barbecUH U't! 2 cup. C&Dned tom•toea New~rt-Balboa area. the pro· for the uUnr now lbat 6 to 8 amall oalona, peelt'd portion or aummer ruldtonta Ia January lli.Ma IMick. Some n~Cbt lll ~arty Wlpt' -l with clulb; dredre much larrf'r. Yet no ~nterut Ff'bruary li.T.O you'll bave your "crew'' with flour and aeaaontnc._ Browu -m.. ~ be taken In dntloplnf March 18.11& 1944 HELP W ANTt:n I •l•h~~' ... hf'r anJ walln>llll 9 a m I<) II p.rn 8un(1Rya oft l.ol1h•'• Call'. 2614 W, <'rntr~tl A"". Npt ll<'h 7C>·If('. WANT TO RENT l'Wn or thrn · bet!roum ruml•hMl houae nn Balllf•ll 111111n<J Nol rhlll.lrf'O ur pelll o n·upanr y at nwn•r'• ron· \'f'lllf'IICt' llnx 997. c .... ta Wt-• or r>llon• NrL l:l ... ~lt bf'tw ~ aad 6. 67·4lc luatlly u CO'.vbandl at In drtpplnp In heavy kettle. Add the a reu of our comm\lnlty, ault· May 4&,4TS Umt' If you &lve th~m stock or water; heat to bolting a bit' for p«!rmanrnt realllenle June TI,.S1 WANT TtJ Ht-:NT l.t. •nd woff' diabea Uke thea«!: polnt. lawu h«!at, cove.: U~tblly bt'ca uat' of bt'lnr too far from the July 4&,t00 from Jo:l Turv nt'ell tum~.aht'd .. ~ ._. Flank a.nd !Iimmer llowly tor 45 mlnutu bt'ach and bt'ach attractlona to bt' --=-t!i cott••v or apt .... ,. ~htl·'-n ur ttra t1 to te but Bulldln• .-rml. fur the put ._ •~ ' ... ~ l f1a.nk lllteU C•bout 2 poundal to l bour. Prep&re ngrlablea: a c . ve aummtr rt'D ra, " r-.,.u Plru e ll''rlt,. l.l Nolan. 3 •-bl-.nn• lard add t.o meat In kettle and contlnue DMr l'nourb to be attractive to two wet'lca wf're aa follow11: .-... --r---_._, <Hn. Uri., Turlln. caur. 69·4lc ama11 ~ cooklnc for 26 mtnutu. Serve tn pt"Tmanent realdf'nt.a! For only A. 0 . PerK't', 210 Cry • .-. av· ____ _ ! tAbletlpooo vlll~ aoup or aa.lad bowl&. Serna 6. p«!rmanent rl'l ldt-nt. pay tax... enue. Balboa laland, 3-room dwel· WANT TO RENT vgte, and ttave a rut lnterelt \n ling over prt'llt'nt gar&jtf', 12600. Plnlenn1 uu11111e,. ,,..,,. Uulrf' 2· . s •.• ~ ... th) ""' 1\i.-rlltlrl !\1:(18 1 'han•wl I' I , Npt. Uc'h Pb 1:'1417 .J ':'tl :.!Ill HIH ~AI.t: !'\mall •11 buat ; alit> ru~ bo.l.llt !Uj!<l palldll' b. .. nl. ,..., I 1""'1: lw •• l1 34JIS7 ur wrttl' 1111 lith ~~ , S•••l 11<-a.:h 70.:Zh' HUt SAI~t-: Howhu&t , ~~~ l'hunr 1391'1-W IfNI ... ~ St , Apt :Z. l\&1· IJo•• Tl 2tC' UAHOAINI4 l•nk•, nKJ "'"' rt'eiJO. all1l m lilt· aUJll'll"" l..andlnJC. 1301 t..•c,.llt Nf'WJW1r1 In JCU maclcf'rel lio'l\C'nn H lchway. 71·4li' 1-'t IH SAI~Y. l'~nl(llln, v••r)' IOOll '''''""""n t "'"''I' 1'&.11 Npt 1 14~ ur t:tOI'I IC. t'r ntral. u.,u .... 71-4tl' the wtllf&rt' of tht rommuntty Wt-lt~m C"&nnf'ra l nr . 3000 La· bedToorn, h:miabt'd h<>lutr al.xJul How much of the mnnf'y 1n tht' fayt'ltP a\'f'Dut repatn and alter&· Oct ~t. Call 111:1 711-trr PERSONAL , pmpn..-d budgt't gou to m&lcl" at· tionA, 1100. I -- BAY nBIDNG 18 GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boata for Rent at Reuonable Prica-Uv• Batt Avallabl• NEWPORT BAY INVE8TIIENT CO. ._ o~ • a-na Maucer trat'tlve' thoat areu that would C" F. Aclc<'rmAn. ~09 Narcl.ua M18CULANEOU8 TilE I'AHTY ta.llln&: hill fut.l oul appeal to permant"nt n'II<IC'n\11 ~ 8\'tlt\IJI', l(&rtlgl', 1600 roa SALE--"' pt11 ... Ill It Oil WI' It returned The flnnt pl'rmantnt r u ldence J Wray c ... y. 2:!:.1 l'r&rl AVfnUt', ""'It ., F N z·-~'IUld nnl hill!( "''" ht• Milo I Tllllf'n In propl'rty In all lht' NI"WpOrt Har· build 2·mom addition to dwtlllnr. r v nAI.t: tvr f'W ~.... ll•lllo•a 7U.ltr bnr ari'A 1.8 In Nl'wport Hl'IJthla 11900 wbltl' d'"'" •n•l .. n•· hUlk an•l Yrt thla a rt a hu bo-4'n purpolll'ly T Lyllf' Pul lcett, 431 Carnation hutt'hPs IN! J-1u~er Rt · ('<J'!I • EET ni'~tlectt·d I>M"aulk' t)! 1\t'cllnnal ll\'t'llUt'. repair• to In !.A' nor and I Wu•. 6"·41' BALBOA $PORTfi$HING fl I J••Riou•ly, and rausN I all thr trRde nt11iltlm•. $600. ~.Qi't" l'IALE ~pmy """'''"!: .,11, '"' Y(lU want l•J l f'l marrte4. wr ltr 1\oa 21\, Vancouver, Wuh ID·UC' OCEAN Ji'ISRING BALBOA, CALIF. an..t lnlhtcnrr of N••wpnrt Heljthll! ~·l' Unlln, 212 Arnt•thy..t I\'• tit •• mrl<·lt', 6 -t;u.l. r·r• N811rt' pot.' FOR 8AI.F,.-AliT08 .:rt.o. f••r t.t.ln Ill' ol he~ I ural t•r••l'<'ll\' I'll NJ'l B49 tl~·4t<' PAI.M IU•RIN08 REAl. E8TATJI: MAJOR "OBEAT AANIOM lh•Rit ur t'11lm :,~,.rhlr." :\~ till .... I''Ott SAI.I-' :1 r .... m """"'' •t.•uhlf' lf"r••"· ••II :11~1 AI N•'"'lw•rt Hf'llr h s... oi\\'Ur!' at 410 Ns•t. lllv•l , ( -. .. 111 .,.,.,.. C.r 107 ~tat l'la~. N ..... , .. ,rt !kach 70 4lt• ; .... z-;-... '·•· ' .• ,:;_ ..... ...., h,,.,,..., 3 '"'''"~•me. ~ IIAtha, 110 '""' 1 ru.1~r. Jtlrnt)' t•tuoltK'IIVf' ahaol•·. mtt.>lne "'"" nara"ln llol!. W , o N•w .. T\111\I'a 1 1· H11 fiMd l'h . tK60-R. TO.tfe ONCIC a year WcM.tt.an J\anltun l"\•111pAll)' ha\'11 a bUI(f' c& ......... In ,.,.,.b,.liOft ul th«~lr A.NMJ• Vlr.IU.ARY T'bll yNr lt. U. t~lh and uaUa.al ••l"'fa .,. 11tfl'rP\I In IIYt't')' de~ H•n-'a J\Uit a few 2 1... l'\tva" '"'' wu aan.eo- nuw Jlltl ~~ tbl2 Mutt 1-"'tc,. Rll« WM Pt .• """ l\11 ,1'1 3 pc lw-d f\OOlnl IJet WU ...... now 13111\ ...._ Mf.111A41• A Mall. QMDWM• tlun W&a ... tiC)· flOW IIT.ft. "'II l'an•l l 'l'tb wu ,,.,._,. · n • .w IIT.tfl Ct.lhta R.ocll•r .., ... ,,,.._..., COME QtJICK FOR l nlf8 ONE! Nrw, I IJ<o•h <M•m IH>UM. !uralah..t l'u••~t•tun ••lt.e.-••( t'M-row. ·~"' Uualn.U• wu ••o.to a o w ''·'"' J rc-Oav"'r"rt 8et wu 1111• -..... 110. """ tt\000 H. CA,.OOIA SLOAN 1'10:\ • 'nail lllv;t , t '\trtlt\11 ,,,., Mar (·aut J"bon,. Nawp .. rt 4T Tl ·lt.c' POK 8AU: 3·'-"'•lru•m huul'!' llt'autlful prop- nty anti flnf' l•"·•llun tii.OOO. H. CAADOlA ILOAN IIOi l'-l Hlvil . 1 'uruna •Ill War. t 'allf a·hun• N•wvort n u -u r WANTED TO BUY Kt!AL J:8TATI: WANT TU Ill IV :Z·a-Jruutn Of' lar ... t lluua · In lialhoa ur ltut Nt'Wf'OJt Will p.y abftut •0 000. Cu h .... tt Npt llit&-W. •"'"11111(:8 ... :up WHAT-NOT SHOP .......... "' ............ .... .-&,.,..· ....... ,. ... ,.,..... ,._Uo ... u .. n......,. ,..,... turf! ,..,,. .... .. _ a-taJW. Wt•••• 3 l'l'· Dtnett• Bet wu Ht.~ ftowiU.to W•ny oth•r It-~UJ ,.. ~ tht. IDOftt.lia ~ T.nD& ..... Oettvwy McMAHAN P'U"NtTU"a lftd Met ar.ciWa)' liM ...... Oahf co. HOUIIU OOUBUI ._,....,.. ral1n bad wtt.lia l'Oll ..... w'"""''" artH uct u-.vy ........ ()(>ld bnx'a{l«t tlrapM. Tbi'IM na Pt•l-1142~ w. l!turt. n -a. P'OR fii A I.Z All wtut.e ... IILCIW, Oood baktnr. hlp oor-. .,._ 414 At~()('ado Av•, 0:arooa .. Mar. Ph. IOOt-W. Tl·U~ tt'OU IJAI..& OrHft 0¥ ........ rMir uul otterman. pr~~..ar: navy tllu• wool lpOn mat ._ •· l'b. Npt. Ueb. 1111·1\. Tl·lte __ .:.__ __ _ &NJI\ "AI~· Wtdu•r llabJ way . a<•ld l'flftdltlon Ms. lTM-1\. Tl·lte SEPTIC TANK D• Lee" '" hrlp hullllin~t ('•sta ~t ... a . whllh • our. build :!·mom up~~rtrnt-nt over $ttl!\ ~•t2-:\8th SL. Npt l.kh The "Owl", "Maiden" and" Ina ho•i'll\lSf' or fl<'Mnllnrnt rrsld~nt g 3 r8J{•', $11<00. P b. 1217-W . 1\9·-th Ft •It !'\AI.t: 111~3 l'h•·vrult'l Fw lai-U.. ... 8dlelulea Call Newport 311 or tradf'. hoa IIUPi'r·mllrkt'la that nfiW llnitf'd Outd•,.,r Ao iVf'rUaln~t Co. -\ 1'""1'' 1\""t """' t11lt••• It l'h What'& Your Odd Job? a ()I:MIIOOL rtJIII'INO IIOY llltJ'llmS na a-• .._ ft.,.,.. •·• (I'(HITA IIPA., ().\Ur, a-Aap~t•rJ U'7U attra<'t a lar~e prnpnrtlon <Jf t he Long Ht·nr h, erect"''" at t:ornna ,FORSA.LE--Powerdrill, ~~·. Al100 Npt H•h :l lll 70·1\1• C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~4\ I trsdt' nr lhf' Hf'wpnrt Hnrbor n"'"· (\el Mar 11 ~0 IUNI.ll l·cyl .. 4~..-lr mntur '"II I f)."'T "'."'1) t'Ut'l\'U l a.m nnt com J!Intnln,:. r .. r "h,.n 1 K•·nnt'lh ll Stuv••r ... :!6 Uahll11 l •ble for blk<'. or J::·tlf l I 1111 ''" • ...., '"' 1·---------------' NEWPORT TACKLE STO _R£·• ll>ltnd t h'w' P'''''"r" thnt br In :'\rw-1\VI'nll" n•l•l ln<ltll<f'd t>OI'I'h It• 140 ea. 1811 Jln rl.li•l l'lt .'1.'1 ~~ 1 ,.,~1 ,.1 1 1 ,,;:-, -1 ,,-,,--,-~~-1 -,,-1'-'' ___ .;._..., _________ ,;. ____ ..;;;;._.;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pt•ll f•l •ln~ ·•II II •• l:tjtlollv d•·· ,\\l'llinj: $21111.-1-0H RAI~t-: "'"" "" l lh• ~:•••"I I "'' ll uoht ''''" h i '"I"' ED 8L()C()MB -MANAGER v"lt•plnl' It""'' 111 ;--... "J"'l t II• l,.:ltl,.l II. \' s,,.,,~, ""~· I :1 Top~tz ttV· <'Ond.: front ~ h• .. •l lu.•k•·. ~~~·hi• 111,1; 1, 1111 "' 1 1 ., 1 r ,, rt••l• , Bal·t-Tackle. Fa"shl'nglnformation '" th·· ,.""'"~~··"a Pt .. ,.·s. hy I""''· ··nu . "'II'"''' nn.t """ulr , .. rvlrc M5. Ph. 26:.Z l'"'"ut~:' ill-'ll' 1:··· ••·' ·;' I' . II•" II<'AII\' hi•H'!<In,:: nl( lht• ollfl't I J•llrrh, ,:!(10 - -1., y 1,1 ,j, I' 1 ~1 1 1 SI':\\'I'ORT a t:ACII rnatl~ ... ~·"I'"'' I to :~~~~~ I I''" ( u . lluv•l I'll ': ~:u .. l ('o•nllnl.l TllAN!;I•otcTATI()~ 711-\PI• thn~t••t t• •''"' r:ll l•• hu !' 1 u. '4~ t• P• ,., trl•l •ulrll•• n 1u d'A·cll•ns.t. li!C.\C£. • .t'·s N•hJ. t••rtl •·•l 1.r '" The Famous Sp&Ftfisher ''CRESCENT'' SkJppered b)' Capt. George McMillan STILL LEAVING DAILY at 6 A. M. ,,_ SCOTT'S LIIDIIG (~ .. lor Ule ...,...,.,_.) 1111 OeMt IIIPtnY• Newport lleeda .·. • frnul:•~·· JU ('osl., \1•!!1• And thr 1 ~:!UU pat~ \'c~t·l •, :tu4 ~1ntn ~l I ~•· I •.ln\ •••• J •t ''""'' •·•\\ ,,,,., '""'"'· ~t••udy r· ~·· "' .v.illl•·~ 1111 11 t:Jtlph ~ltUlk• ,., :H Itt l'~tu .. '{t llo•UI· Ua.lboot Mnd ~IJ'I """n•· Av.,nw· 1 "' ;\• ,. I" 11 II •\ 1 '1<·"~·· l'h uwtng t" I" r 01 un•·nt '''"I"• nts lm~ 1'\'ard. hull.! rmt'·IIH•Ill llddlllun to 111~~-looiiiallllllliaiiniid······lii:\l-tlfi· •• PI•7I4··········7II.III• h••en Vf_)t \' Aar .~r u ,,,,, ••tiJH ' S.!un I I own. 11n I" "I" 1 tv In :-;,." pnrt I H ~' ()"I'll, :1102 t'n11.~1 bllllll'· ll••ighlll, hut 1>1' " luynl <'t\17f'll uf I varol. ltthllt •"" to llw••lhn)(. I MIO "llr •·om m11nll y, I ~~~~1:''"' l)w ,.,;... 1'"1•• llt'a ly, :J07 l.tn" nvenue 1wr <lt'rfully ntt rartlvto hull• I n~; In\ M I ll·an Trrmlle l nulrnl ll•r . reJ>Ial;r there be made arr•·llfliiJJ•• nnll nl· """'' fnund11llon with l'OOc.rele and trot live to pPrmanrnt rP"'d•·nl" r<•tJalr l•·rmlte dumn~te. O:H9 SPECIAL: For Your Sips PHONE 1'7 • BENEDICT Tiie Sip ... Spedalty: Boat Letteria& A plun•bmg pennll l' w .. l.lll('d to W. F. Mt!ICht'r, :106 36th alni't. wunder If the , Utlea uf aprtng Will alw11ya bring me back a,;ain Mute rapture at Ule atmple thtnr Of Ill~ bl011m lng In the ratn. Thumu S. JoDI"II J 1·. .. "' Fishing Boat Bargains 4Z-rt. ·s 10-ft., 9-ln. bf'am; !l:lun IN' holfo a--.: IMIW (.'llryehr ('ro.;n. t;arr)'tac ~. A Barp!D. M·R. Fut.all, pooo MANY OTHERS TO ('HOOIUt f'BOM 1118'S LAIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage "-- ( ·-. ·-,_ - {3( {. Tvt.~ IC. tif\f-'.1.1 lo i'f?A-oE:. \.. : ~; -J ,,. • l -H C "' f \ '4 "'' ~ ( r ~ :". : r '] .,. ,, ,, -f ,, ,.., . I • I 1<. . ' , . :r,, _:__j I Inside Stor•&• 4lc per ft. St·rape and Paint Your Roat on Our Convenient Way11 "'" Fumlllh ta.., F.qal,.._c V ou 1,._ V our Owa Wort& PORT OF SEVEI SEAS ~~., ........... 817 eo..t llllhwaJ ...._, N .. ,_. a..c. N1 BACK THE AftAOil -.rl' IIOU BONDe ,. Prof euienal Dire(tory · JIOR1111EII IOIIOOL -ltlc.nl ............ _ O~Y SCHOOL Of•• ..,._II OrMM: VIII ...... 11:11..._ ,.. -~ .... ,. ............. . o . .-... ......_. •-A.Od.,.. ................. Gcwdon M.Grundy, M.D. ~tlyelolan anrl lu~ Nl11tt1 anrl Centra: A~te. ow .. H,...: '0-12 '·"'·' •·• '·'"· T .. e~a J1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTDAN£V AT LAW CMta Meu Bank 8 ullr11flt ~hOf'l 421 CO.II Meaa Catlforn l• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "'•"• I tur~rlvf'• t ~~~ llrl t •r tlrrv« By !t"rvlnt: • 11 11• •• I tP.t •· Pttnne Newp'lrt "II' c;oeta Meu Catlfomla . -BUY NOW City Tax Sale lota ' A. J . TWIST 601 Coaet Hlghwey ~tletta 2422 CO,.ONA DEL MAA I I I I ---·---... ...... _A ... c..-_. Mw N.D. CASH 0 . V. IIIII. 000 .... CAT .._.tTAL ._.....,.._ .., .. le. 111111111 .......... AM, O.IW. c...CI R&clatw, M.D. ~y•6atafl AM .... lift Off ... 101 liN ....... .. ~ ...... H-.: 10..11 •. m. a w ,. -. ~NIIe.-Offlee 1111 R& 74-1 DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HYtiCIAN an4 IUIItOaON .,. C.Hi a l¥4 . ~ ....... -~he ... - Offlc• Hf.w ""· Ill·" If Ne ""•-• Coli ... ...,.,.. I Dr. M. D. Cr,awfnrd OPTOMaT .. IST Y.y~• ltxa mlned 0 1.-a P'1tted 17trT NeWJ)Ort flt)uhward Phone 2410 COSTA M~IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~lt,. •v THa laA 410 Collt •tvd. C.reno dol Mor .... _ ....... PhOf't N-pert 41 -Gerald Rauu, M.D. I>R. ODED LUCAS 11M WDal o.tn.l A ... !>entiat "~---• ""'" .............. -~-........... ft; ·-u -----••.• M•WPOilT ~0. I NBWPORT-BALHOA NEW~TOIES, Newport Beaeh, California, Thursday, September 14, 1944 Two Special Features Will Highlight ()penma Meeting of the Costa Mesa Prtday Afternoon Oub Harbor 'Feminine Activities Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beardsley Congratulated At Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration -tr By wtnltred Barbre -tr Pbooea 12 and 13 -....tile ... ,....,.... ol ... , Aa addltdaal a~ wtll ... -.--:-:-:-;-;--;;._;:::---:---========-===~.:::::-~:::--~-=--==-=:....:=~:._---~*~---- A very remarkable uaemblare color ol the table and the <1ellpt ot the Beardaley tamUy ot w hich of the ('UMla. Jay Burdaley 11 a member, Married In Ohio, tbe couple "'bo pthered to pay boma&'e to Mr. are Ill lbelr very early TO.~ bave and Mra. E. H. ~ardlley on Sun· U•ed In OalttomJa for lbe 1ut Jt ... tMUo ..... ..w c..-011 Ana Anuy Air Due, noted lecturer ong eac II e an amily State President UDC fttdQ An-du-. _.be.n Capt. Ja.pb Umne ae u.. auata Noted L B h ![ ~~---Th Sh d F :::*:.: ~., .n': ~ ~'and bumo __ n.t._____ Band Leader. Here Leaves for Florida; Speaks at Meetings , day when they wue lbe guHll of yeana. , honor on Ulelr ~ wedding annl· Tb~ lavllatloa.a laeued preytou•:v veraary at lbe borne of their bore the noqueat "no pre-ta" but dau.-hter, Mna. Oaa Van In Gar· the family felt they w~.;e e~~.empt d~la. Thl' -botiOI't'il 'J'IIfiltl a:re -and -prnented .. r. •rdllle:r. Wltn well known In Coala M••sa where a b1ndaome Maaonk rlnc•of cold. they h1v~ vl11ltl'd. Mra. ~anlaley wu the r.clphmt ........., ,... .. _. For Fishing Trip -Wedding to Follow ...... ~ .,.. tboM wllo Nurses'-Aid Corps ' I Mlu Gertrude Montgomery, .. -·· ......... -=' -lbe eefS -.. t---aaiDoa B. F . RoU. lilt nationally IUiuWII '£ Q M ...... tiJ ......... of lJN 'baDd lea0.r, Wlill hAll lit"'ll &o a.IC· .._,. ... ....., -ltt.H ,_4. Memben of the Nul"'llttl' Aid Cf'.-ful AI hNul ''' th" L .. •nl{ 131'1\r.l .. "J lin. OU. WMlhei"WlU fol· Corpl, w hkh lncludN the COlD· MUillc-lpal ban• I to whu h ao many ...,.. ., a .-t!nc at oulAitalldlr!C munltlea of Newport Beach, eo.ta re11~nt. hen•a boub tt•ten to ..._ •• , 1 Meaa and HunU~ Beach, met dally oo lhf' radio, M;l'tlmpanl~d VN. .-.. Hilliard, mothf'r II( TbW"8day, s~pt. Tat lbe Red ero. by Mna. Htolf wu tnk•·n Oil II .. ,...._, radkl .tar Hamel work mo~~~a, Balboa. l fl1h1n~ trip abworl1 t1•r ')ltM&wl:" ......_ and a lumll1uy In her M~ttnca .,.. beld every two ' by W T. ,lf'rf~r ao•1l laP' ~loJOtl:ly ... ~ wUJ eootertaln W1th monlhe, Oaptala or Use corpe I• Mr Rvlf f'llll,..._.d 1)1":1,...11 u 1~. .,. tk reacua,. ud •ocal •-Mra. Ell.aabeth Hoar, Balboa., Whtl~ llr;htrd wllh thf' nr~rll'nr~ H<' ......._ 'nM p..-nu of Mra Mta. z. B. We.\ Ia c:.baJrman of th,e wu ~•..,....Ially lmflr"IUI '•I ,. tlh 1 ht' -.,.., Ia ~p tbe oourteay of Nu,_ Aid cCMn~DStt.ee of Ora.orf' I ""lrirn<'r ut rultur" u 11huwn t-y ..... Bob ftiiN , mu-'c c"'·Jrman .... att-~tl • h n ' tl ... C'Ounty. Bpea.kl'r or the eYt'nlnj( .... ~ • -\,. 0 ' ... llO'III;: IO' .t Uae club. .-tle»e l<~n,f Ume wu Mia Undt rtllll, &MtM&nt tlelt! -y anol ''" Ll•'n lltlt>. 1111 t lllobn- ~ ee '-dlr.ctor, who Ia lllaUoned at th~ tl•ht'd Ill thr n umlwr ur ''""' ~.1 , r----------------.-8AAAB Poet bo.p1t.aJ 'and GM~'In6: I ralt 11nol Jl>oW,.r y a 'llo 111 tho· ...... ~ 'ha r hnr 2117 Eut Oent.ral avenue, Balboa, :\lr•, Mary B. Shand aDd child· wbo Ia ltale prMident ol the rl'll Uarbara and Fred, 109 30th United Dauchter. ol 0141 Conted· slr>·rt art' ll'avlng Friday. s~pt. 22 eracy, wu cue.t ~rpeaker at a r .. , Miami. 1'1&.. w here lbey wUI luncheon .meellnc lut Wednead&y I n ,,k,. their f ut ur .. bome. of J ohn Rea&an Chapter, Loa An- I hf'\' w111 ~ accomPanied by celu. ~lr• It " E1ler wife or Muter Tbl1 wu the flntt mu llnr of 1 1 ::'!-!1 H (; Eal~r. who baa ·been lbe new club year ud Nlaa Mont- • n akin.: lll'r homt' a t the Shand gomery told of lbe worthwhile /ltr· ' o·n•, 11tnCt Sj~t. E.ter hu thln(a that tbe naUonaJ and slat~ • • o; I•·• ,, '" 1-:rii:IMd. The Salera ha~ ulvlllo~ have aceompllatled In the ,..,.,,!•·•1 111 :>:cwport Ekacb tor tour way of reatoratton ol famoua ·., .• ~~ 111111 h•· ~011 at lh<' SAAAB home. auch u "Beauve&Wl" at ,, llllt'< yt•a r• BeiWl&. loflaa., the home of rrel t• !li t • Sh~tntl hu been in Miami dent Jctrenaon Davia, and "Str at· ''" 1 S•·" Yoork tor thl' p&..l etght ~~-"'home of GeneraJ Robert F.. 11 •Ioiii> IHitl 1 o turnl"d lo Newpur t Tbe h& 1 1:.,., h 111 July ~h .. w11l ltl(&iJ-be Y Vfl • ao erec!led l'lalud · -' ' f......_.. W1 --JII'Qfe-woaJ a.IHI volun·l a--It w·th Flo l"r fWd Cra.. w nrk at thr ho.· r O''Afl,.r th .. 4m'ltt+!HI lit~ ... wlll-r;xq I werl lt.al lu notnllhlo til\• .... II tiPfllt'l I (lot a P ' ('lllillornh• ·l~~&.uot, that WJII l" • <Jfr.r '" Lllc~li:J Wllil the t'Jll lu;tiVt' tltl;')l~ to famous men. and have dona ted • '''"I' ''' II• ttfll< ~ In•· for -tht' .pi k tu'"bll and.lltatn~ rlaa wtndoww • n pu c buildings not only tn ~t were Mnt '-''"Ill. Mno rutl lut111llv """""" an.l , ... 1 ol tur "-Ho&r, IIUa UDderhHI: ..,,.. B. II '''""'' o 11io•" .. r C'•lllou"''" v.hut CAROLYN'S FLOWERS -•K .. tt~eA ... .................. A.,.,._, Newport ltlltll\d; Mr11 ~ .. u .. n t lllm•oro• n 1 ol Arlitur Joyce Edick, N tu Lila \.\'llktn•,1l ,\o11 .Jtd 1.,1 '"' ,.,; 1, .• ,11t" Mna. Fr.d W l1110n anol .Wrw Mil· I "' S••"' .l•·r11•..v 11ol I. . .; 1~1 >11 1 dMCS Matth-•. r~ ... t• !.tua, 1o11 .. · · l ho MRIII 'l·••r I••II IIIJ' ,t ll:>ll l\ O.tty Perrault, Mr• Dorothy Huw· ltkto 11 , .. 11., 11 ll\ ,1 1111,. '""'" , ard, lllM J1'1orf'nt't' 1\an.S. and •1r11 l •t1not "' u1~ rr•1'•l• 11 ,. .,, , 1 •• H. BorchtM'nlua. llalboa laland Mn. Robt'r\ t.llll4'r. Nfw•w•rt I' II"'~ 11"'"11 111111 I l ' " ... ,. rn • • ,.. 1 t~lltolt•lll ll 11f 1111• I, 1 lo(l'o llt .11 t,y a...dl. andMhl. Ray Allortl. Ne ... •-1,,,. .• _..l111 t.t '"". ,,, '"'. ~~~~ '" port Beeell, ••ho Ia ehalrmA.n of 111111 lllr tuw d nuo••tl• ... ~.,111• Ule Nun.' AI~ ,, nt• r l'O·""''" ono1 111 DP•·amt ... t thl bu · ~h• • "I'' • 1' to. ''" marrt•d tn Ll E 11 1 co~ntry t In Franr t an.J ~:olv.11n1 .\1 SL•·v•·nMun 11( !.;~w :ng an.,, lllld lhty llpunaortd Ute , Jelft>rsun 0&\'111 highway wh ich '•·I k • tl ,. whu u; u• o\\' "" Juty tn 11.. ('urrit~t·u u arelt. r un" from O<·ean lu OCelLI•. Not ll'ast ~t.mrmg their many artlvltlcll ~~~~-l'nrtlltrll Shan,t """ ts In I lu• ,j.\, hi t.•lt'lihflll,!.: (1(111 ,., J'lltllll tu ,,,,.ttl\\u-'h•·l { nlh•,t.:•· !Jllldtt•.!it Rf tt r 11 1111 ~ Hht• j.!lholuttl!'tl front ~ .. w . t•url 11111 bot t'll lt•n llll(h "'''"'"I In 11!4:! Jo't<•l Shan11 Wlloo Krllduated lire lh•· 9:.!:0. 11Chnlar.t1lpa which t hey givto l'ach year to students In th(''t{J nlt.ed Sl1Lle11. r "H••~·,.,. ''""i .... ,.,. •.. ···" .... ' 'j'tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.-iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii======;;==~ flf••f tflul ' ~~~·ul bufl.t I'-t\1,. I.• ~ n•h'•tlt,.~n~tnt nu t , ''"1f·••H1V trum htgh IIChrtOI I h .11 year wilh l u11llltAnlhnjt .. holutu· honors llnd I ' waa ,.... cond htghl'llt In the entrance tl:amlnatumt for thl' t ' S Naval Tnalnln« Acadt my Rl Anapolla. will l!tu<IY In t hl" rut for his ~n· lranc-~ t>XIUJllnatton• A ll(lther IU'tivlty Is lhl' care of I eld•·rly southern women who ntel! reiH·f, tiO<.I thry ILII! 11tnt e homee In the aouth In the care of both men <~ud women. A new depar- tur·,. ta a burial fund which bu ht•rn rrealed fc•r the u11e of needy women. J •an SHORT IICOIT HilGERS •% ef the pnnenta brought to U8 FOR CLEANING Aft ltady for Delivery in Four Days • y_. Oluvz .. Raft -.. Oar 8hop lion DIM .... .,..,.., ....... That YCMI ' CAU FOR THEM AT ONCE Not Raponll~ ~r 30 Days 1 11 .lk~"r I """'II I~< "'''' I• "' 11 ¥ ·' P"""'' It •• "'"•Ill\' lht• H • !<I I '" .. 't h&JHI to An~f"llt.• 1 uo~l u f•lltUII' uf t hO' 1 lll\)l'"'lo-1 1 J -'.!\' o·: • II••· I"&Jifum lot PE little blaell ..... rw Dast •t'e•oD It ltJied, .... ~ tban not, wltb aome .-ell aproa af. f,.cl u In thl1 almple crepe lt11e. M M 'II E . II • l'klrt t•'maed wtU. a ..., v rS. J S ntertalflS of 1h•• I tbrlc, D&aUJ ltttcW In Laguna Art to how Until 25th N C. J WSCS J!late. Oth~r lllaell llul~ Ia wool ewport 1rc e, I or creJMt are banded a.rouot tb~t hlpa 'trllb 11atiD, &Ollie ID mldd7 IGIC· Thf' Lag11n1 Hl'arb Art aaao- On Wednuuay the 13th .a.u. Mtontgumtry wu guelfl &nd apeak- er at the mretlng or the Loar Buch chapter al lhl' Wayalde Colony Tn Rloom Matron's Parents Return to Midwest W~("~ rrf't Wf'tln~llday Altem oon 11aro1. t'ullnen In moet ollba llklru "28th • Annlvf'r•ry Exhibltloft.'' Mr and Mra Cnn1'3d Ulesrh.l Th,. N"¥-t•lrt llr•ou·h <'•rrl~ I J •••Uon anJ olben w1U. a .-..um ela tion It ehowan", bealdn the 1 ¥-llh Mr• J H Mllh• :.!12 19th ID In tbe cl'nter bacll MloW Ule th,.,.,. Vt'IY t ln .. ont'·miUl exhlbiU : ~~nt.-rot :\lrH W F: ='lll kl'll. :!2l llt r• r t With Mra J .\. fkldman1 wal•lllnf', or, tbe 1klrtll are ~ In thl' •~ntreaul. Allen TQW'I1aen ruanway, who hnv .. het"n vtsllnrs 1 prf'lll<llnf! I to the •Ide In front. NeekiiDM .,.. Tf'rrtll of New York Ctty. ~xblblta in thf' Nlck f ll home fur thr past u ( I t 1 three montlw, l~tt Saturday for ... ra : .. ntl(•• t;o o&itlnt'r tell In dr-blab Anti round or tbeJ are aluJted wa ~"'" 11r11, •lr awlnjitll and ~~eulp-\'otiON with "K•w11 Nt11 or ObNI· In ~ballo" 'or deep V'., lfaaJ l urf' Thu <! are exceptionally fine t heir home In St, l..oulll, Mo 'l••nr •" 1111 hf't thcomt 'I""""' 111 e 11hort, a new DCite for !lind t how a moet ortC1naJ l'rPatlve thn w rtlnsplratlotn ut lhe•lrh trip '" I ' \\'1 1 l 1 t co •P n1 wu o au entl e gr11d· Tlw ('lrl'll' II' ftlhiiR flvl' huu~c--nter. or atoD at bracelet eutll, " ~n . . uallon exl't<'lau ot their r ra nd· I holol ktlll lot Hu,.._llln H,.tld .ed. ' . Tb~ Lor··~ Bart on exhtbllloo oq clllughtl'r, Myrtle Nlckt>ll, whu r••· lhl'llf' ram!' In fill llll'll.t!'MI"n. o.nd Harbor Hostesses ' ... ltll't l!lfOI Jt II llf'ln( hthJ OVt't un· ··~lvN her diploma trom H bo tt wall al1111 IIJfrC'rll tn prnvtd~ I . 1 Ill lht• :lr.t h by rec,ueet (rom 1 High ar hoot In Junt ar r , l lunC'h materlllla. lor t he :>lrwpurt Entertain at Tea 'hundrt-(11! of \'Othwuutlt-vla!tore.l _____ ·_- CWNERS llfoarh bran\'h lii'O fur th .. 1h'Y" nt l --l A nn• follhtblt h( 11lla 01•t llhawr. E · · BALBOA I <Xtober 10, II ano 13. • M n• II () l'hllllp8 and daut~h· loi>fnrr tn .... U!h,.rn l'aht•>TIIIa, I~ rghtsome of Brrdge -.... v.tral Aft. I Thf' Ra rah IA'It'll' mC'mOrlal 0011 1 tf't, ~In C"lltht'rlnco F.uloo, .t .. r· the grnul' hy Wlllt!\m 0 ¥1tt['lrt 'In Boudreau Home _, -.---l ~tOH to Blbl~ Wome-n whtt work ID home ~~ WC'tlt Ocean rt'oGt. m.,.,..~. and landJII'apH They aft Mr-. F.. F, Boudreau Invited All et>ven r h lldrl"n w th thE"tr or a t~etautllul (old wrlat watch. ramthn lha~d hoet hutwrs with Otb~r member. of the lmmtd· Mra. Van ln greelll'lg ovo:r 150 late family Included Harry B . rrteml• or Mr. ani! Mn Bt>ardl!ley Be&rdaltoy of Arteal&; Mn. Cora during the open ho\1&' nor .. thy Woolley, Mra. Rulh Wort.tnc. Jllw. Brardsley G I I "" s 1 Mrs Robert lng Beardaley and OltB Beardtlley Gllul, s(m ot Mr. and Mrs. Jay or Loll Ancelee . &ardllr y, 100 2Srd •trl'rt. wuth1• r--------------. only one f1( lbe fourteen gT&nd- ehlldrl'n who wu not able to be I pri'IM'nt. Mr. and Mr11. Estel' \\'tl· IIams and Mr. and !.I NJ Hcrh,•rt Ra.lrd or Costa Mt'Sa "a•· 111.1 1o·n but una ble to attend. The house waa a veritablt> ~ar­ •l~n ut ncr~era aent by fr.<'nols ltnm many et&lcA 8.1! 'Nell liS Ca.llnt mu Th~ long labll' from V:htrh rc-r. !<ll· m enta Wl'~ acrvl'tl, wus n~nlcJ('(l by n bowl ut gold da.hhas. Uatnty Opt!nf&<'t> WUldwkhtll, I'OVI<Jell, 11'1.' cream nnli llr.y cakes <.lecut .. t .. d with goltl flowers added to t he l Jack's New Barber Shop T.,.._ liN Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty · !Can IK> had by appolntnwnt 1 Jac•k H~k&bfoe, Proprtelor . a..• In' • Ar:nlh~ _ a-w.. wu a,M"nl'<l, pn•vhJiniC 111.11 which ll\tnt'd Sunolll)' art~moon &t Uu•h 'Mila n hlbll lneh•<l~• tUll lite, I I C'bllla. Tbla m~morlal boll. Ia' In wtth • tea hnnorlftr Mna. Pbl.Dipe'l ~ OGiy ~ply f•lt and capable at ~1.-ht or her trt~da lo ehare an r--:~~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~=;;;;;;~;~ bonor of tht tnund~r of tht organ-brothu and hill wtf~. Mr and Mr1L tmrarttna l btlr mnnc'la to ua. but an~moon of bridle Ia her hom~. lutlnn. Willard W. Wheeler of C"an11tl, Al't' alao t XII"l'mf'ly Ablo• In uecu· J.ll72 Oranre on TbuNday. I MIQ Elllll' Nf'w land ,.a,.e a w hl' a rr vlaltlntt thr m fnr leD t"'n 11nt1 ,;, h tn o·ltlur harmun)' Mt• H H Uneau caplur~d tht 1 N lnl l professional look to your tablecloths when 1ron1na tbe•, re- member to press the center crease only. All other folds sho\ll4 be. made by hand as ironed creases do not lie Say a Merry Christmasr To Dad -...,_ \ Your Pol~trait o-'t Delay-llnl" \'our Phot~ph Takrn ~nw. ~ M•t 8t-Keady for Malllal b) Orto~r t;;u, ---SPECIAL--. 0. Professloul s1 00 Portr•lt, Oaly • 110 ~ N"'lCC:MAJlY Rikzrts Portraits .... 411A11f-NEXT '1'0 W .UD6 8Aa"1A AJifA. CALIF. ----·· ~ ..... ~ .. .,.., ruumt> of tht' lift' or Mary Sle-or, daya Aleo llhartng hnonr" wu firM prtu: Mt..U Lydla Conant. ml.Uionary "' tht> nrly p&r1. of Mnt. Phillip; lfllltt'r )In• \ w Grammar School PTA t~f' cooaolaUon aDd Mrll w E. thl' put century. Yo'ho followt<l Jiolmu . r'l'orla, 111 ·who hu been ="' t<'krll, th~ lravl'ling prlu vltt u"'"~•ton u nu • .~~tonary ,n,IIJW'Ddln~t tht' •ummn h..... Changes First Date · i -------- AtrtC'a. And whn lro.l lin AXI'Itlnl{l •tr Wht'l'll r Ia a l"f'Urf'tl n-• . Townsend Club and Advront u,...w•mr llfr Mra JliiJWr man an11 lnvllt d to 111..-t T M T d Uodm"n rrad ll lrttrr fmm A h im and thl' huliPe wrr• Wr lad lnalt'lld ~tf1 meettng nn lhP lhlnl 0 eet UeS ay f "'·· ~fl•ntll\y I ll lfiiUAI, thf' ll:.lp ftlt tht> ormtor m,.rr .... r. Ml'll J enn lP Hn·1 Mnot ~m Mrvrr. Maj"r an•l Mra. v J • fln t mHIIn~t "' t hi' t·lt111 \'1'1\r fiJr m';two n:."x/''m,.,.~ln~n~~~~~ he on I ~~::~lo i •P~~a~:' ::-::l'Yth':hmaa,U B act.h"h~INI'\01' TI"A'"' liM o h ~~r .. mm&r (l t HI th · · '"' hall ht•o•n ll~t 11\'t•r ' At •• hnm<' M Mr•. H. Nl\vy. Halhoa . Mr IU\<I Mrs r'erc1 Of'll' ...,,,.k nnll will '"' hf'lol !\Inn· ·nw ;-.; .. ..,.Jinrt o .. n•·h Town><•'ncl , tub w1tl mr<'t Tundny tvenlng.l ..;ppt. 19 at tho• hnmf' of Mr. and :>!18. S. F.. Fnol~. Acarla a venue,! If IIIII. 12t Albl'rt I'IIICC', ('tlflla l Strf'~tnn. Lot! Anl'(rlell. !llr aM day, f'll!pl :.!:• at lh•• ll/lulll Mt'IM Mnt. F.vf!'rf'tl_ Calhoun. L n n I' limo'. atcnrcllnJ! In lh•· pr···~~tlt•nl Mr10 TkAt>h : Mr. &nd Mu Hubbard H. G Htljtt>rlO Federation Board l HOWf', Coron& del lolar, and Capt. AruluU.nl'l'mt•nt \\Ill IJC' maoll' M W d and Mrll Cuthbl'rt Fahlt'n. 9&1· ne~:t ..,.l'<'k nt lhl' pro.:ram In •h•tftll eets e nesday I bou bla nd by tht> pru .. rnm t'hRtrmnn, Mrs. At Ontario . I vallf' ~tc-rro•n .. c•n A ll(lllrLI meet· Balboa Yacht Club lnr will l'l't'('t'e<.i th~ ~· 111'1111 ml'CI· A nn~•unt'l'mrnt hu hl-l'n madl' n( lht' bo nr.l ml'rllng ot the S<lllth· l'rtl Dh•lnet. l'llllfomJa ~dnaUon Adds 11 Members tnr. • 1 FLOWER SHOP H<>t,;htll of Wom,.n'• C'Jub•. whh·h will A i!rro up nf l'lt•vrn n~w n1f'm· ml'ft "' thr c~nlral llC'hool, Eu t bC'I"'I WI',.,. aeN·r tl'tl Into thl' ll&l- <.: llt rto~t and SultanA av~nul'. On-boa Yacht club lu t wrf'k "1th FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION trtu, at 10 a m W~ln('"tfa)'. Srpt. npproprlate cl'~mony. 20 F'rom Ba.Jb<)ll laland wrr•' l.t IC. Mornlnr "~lkrr "' J>rnf4'.-•r Tnln e>t the l'f•MI r.uAr•l H I\\' H. N ~ORMAN'S We DeiiYer Pllone 590 1307 Cout IDghway-Coroaa del Mar Plaata _. BappUee for Yov Qarcte. NURSERY W W Jolathcr. diPpttrlmtnt or po-t.ooml•. DArb\' ~lrtralf anll H~rold lltlcat arlen<'C'. C'haff~ Jun1or rot-Hamm; HartY l'a~y t rom C'llroe& lf'ltl'. who "•11 spcoak on "Tb~ drl Mar ; G. Oe11.ter Rlrbard•W'I Slnllf'Jt)' e>f f'ollllr l\] r'Artlr11 In 11 of P118$drnA: () S f"nrmh·h .. ,.l ol W11r Jo:lccllun Yt'nr" and th«' a.ftl'r· Gartl~n Grovl'; Hobert P MrKin- noon Addr«'llll 1~ by :\flflll M!lblr l~y of Holl~·ood ; Mllt.on F. ~t&nl••r<l, ""I'Rttm, nt "' je>umAI· Stought on. Whittier, and Rurtoft lll nl ('haf~y J 11nh1r n~lt'f!P. whoo~~N~-~R~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~e~IH~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ htu• 1111 hrr IIIIIIJ<••·t "\\'h111 " Nr w;,. I ;~·;~:~ Island Circle l Has First Meeting '1'1•· H11lhon l ~l t1 11 ol l 'lri"IP \\ ~ '·.; n1rl ·rut•soln~·. s "l'' 1 ~ Rt It • "'" I '.,, .. ,1 I PI' I_' 'Ill Ill no llt•on ,., ~~ '~ ,, • 1 I ' r~ '' i11 1 pre·~··nt fur llol II ~~ I o loll$; ot1 1o'l lllf' !'IIIII· 1 n • r , , ., r \ ''' t: I •"liP "!i .I.Ct\N~J(\Il \\'n:<l h•·l, \' '' ' t I t :111 lt•t• J'l't l ,.~, t 0 ,, 'u \ ... \1+1 t•d I I df"'·'''-'"' A '-1111 • • t , , 1n P H ~•·\\pnrt IHU'h ., ' ...:, ' ' <Ill' t1 h•'ll r r~·• It I\ I' I lho I•• , , ~ II O'o•t tn,l! Tl •. II• ,, I• 1:111:.1 fll{'t•ttn~: \\Ill tw '1'111"•·1 1\ 1 • 1 1 at hll\r ("1\:<u .,.1111 111\\1•·, ol 11 :111 a.m IL!Iol mr11 I• IF II 1 ISkl'<t I•• bnng U b.lj; I llln•h ~----~--------~~ WE SPECIALIZE . lD CAN'NINO FRUITS Canning Tomat~ Now lD 8-.toe GET 'I'IIEM AT DUTrON'S Fruit Market 1114 Newport Blvd .. eo.ta ·~ • I l't ' pt• o/ Rc~tular If COATS tlat on table. If OPE GOOD fATING