HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-21 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ., SAM # I for 36 yean the best advertising medium ia tbe newport harbor district • •• • BALBOA the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker M.ES(~ IEEP POSTEll 1 Year . • • • $2.58 EMBRACING BALBoA PENINSULA. WESTNEWPORT~SE.A SHORE COLONY, Uoo-151."£: 'NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISt.ANf>, CORONA DEL MAlt, ~cosTA MEsA VOLUME XXXVI NIEWPORT •EACH, CAL.IP:ORNIA, 'fHU .. IDAY. 1£PTEM8E,._.t, 19tr· ~,7 NUM.KR 71 YJ1E FEARLESS. Boys I from the minesweeper, Fearless. docked he re for re- pairs after a gruelling experi-ence at Saipan, told more of the ir experiences while at USO. The fact that the ves· sel was built of wood saved tht> crew of 30 from a w a t- ery grave. One red h ot shell passed throug h tlie length o r the boat, took pari o r the .looke~ me&& wltll it and created quite a sad condition as to clothes and food. A nearby gunboat cam e to the rescue a nd the fires subsided. H ad the craft been of steel it would have sunk . Saipan w as as t ough as GuadaJca- na l, due to the difficulty of finding passage thro u gh the coral reefs fo r the la nding boats and the Japs wiped out the early marines. IR 1 8 .J p ·d t Harborites Named D th C ea ty oar~ <-res1 en To Help orange ea ar I Bert M. Beach. :War Worker, Dies: 1 Rites Wednesday Plan Board to Decide 10n Civic Center Picked From 7 Sites Thursday Wallace refutes Vogel County GOJ.» Driver il"! 0 R I 5 Rt•pubhun commltiH m.nbel't c F l l!•nth CON'IIrn><l Mltn("'y u t St I t •t ~· ot OrangP C'OUnly havf' bMft ar t • Jt>:M'tlh• tw ... pitlll !'~t~tlll An11. '''' Ver en a ' I ua IOn nvun~ by thf' M-l'hRIJ"n'"'. AI· our. rl. 1\c•rt MIIIIIWI f\rllt'h. 44. Aftf'r fl IM>rt Launt>a or tullf'rton and •hurt 11111•"•11 ... ,on .. .,,, IW'I'Vh .. ' · w. 11. Spur~tt'im of Sllnta Ana. and .. -.. "111 ht· ho•llf . W~y 111 .' ~ 1 Mrs. P'1or'f'nt't-St~ cJI 1\IAUA,.--0&\0u "-..U, lu Ul\1• o~. w ;~,¥·rw• 1'-m ... Iron• Uu• • Graut.'l ~-.,. .. - Head of AsBOCiation Refutes Charge of an ,hl'lld or lht• women'!! lvllllon. . Cl:lurl 1111 So•pt ~'1 "" ,, I "''''' "1 ·:·'''" 1\lo•'il wtth lntf'mll'lll "1 ('ommith.'t' 11eadt'd by l)r Sea-r to D......--nt • Mrmbfor!l ~r ttw t'OtnmiU• ,._, aujfll•·• I' .uJ ll''" • ~!'"'"· 1-atrlul\ o·n ! • " ,.~ 1-~ Apartment Owners Group That Realtors Nt•wvor1 &>ach rmo Waltrr SJ!kfl'. Rout .. • ~'~1111'" "' """ ''"·' "'"' tt •. , H.,, ..... , l tum~ Mc>Aut .. ,· .. , Rt'port to ('ommiuion and Public Ia h • G Ch . Pnul f'nlml'r. John \V Robbwall. • ._. 1111 (Ill W'lllo• I ll•l••r ""' In ntll nj\r '"'" hllvt• rhlllltt' nr lh•• I Have Done Not mg to et anges A n. nou,..-.1.'111' Ttwooon> ltDbhta. n.; •. '"" ,,, "'' ·' •• 11· ,._ ~·~ .. ,.,"'11'•'• ,,~ ... ,. ... Oft hnlf ...... n ,, l l r.ced to AUt•nd and Offer Su~. ltn!T) A. Eam:.huw und ttw ,._.. ltlan lf' \'.'rl•ll ::7• I' ''" h '' ,.....,hl••nl h•·•~· fur IWtl )•'Ill', n • dnmt'll Jaml'!' V Guthrie!. Jade n •tn M C'I Il • 4 • •· "nih ol 111 111: ""'"'J.: fl l :~11 '\V~Imlnh•tt•r, No•\4 Sharp <'Oflnict betw('('n L. H . \Vallace, p residMlt of thf' lhltmnn nnd Vk lnl' (~rae;. R&~~la An~"''""' ,,, f., .. ,,~~·~· ,.,, llo·t~:hl' 11n•l wn• a J"'lnt•·• 1\ahlk -m lnd NI t'ltl:tA'Ils nn • tii")Ct-.i tCJ atttMWI a publk hear- NE>wport Harbor Realty Board. and J o hn Vog('l, O(X'ntting a n From l 'u,.,ta Ml'l<ll un· Jam.~ •• t)l-lnj[ h!'l•l '"""I $'•'"' hHII """' \4 w'klntl Ill lhf' S.>Uth Cunei c·.. ln~ot or tht• dty plnnnln~ f'tlftlltll~~~tlun thl• Thtuwla.y t."YYnnnc tit h 1 . · · h ' I Tuttmun. Lf'llny Andt•rllOf\, Jud&'e wah tn~t hh• I" • I'"'"' 1" " "''"·,. 111 ~ ""'' t hi' Cil y llttll. ntl(lnh1 thut htrcty In ,.mvtnK nt ,. ct.ct.lon to .. Apartment Owners g roup, ov'\r t e renta s1tun tton m t lS 1 DQd~e. 0 ,., c. G llu~t on and the J udi!"•' f' .I t ''"'·, ·• ... ,,., II·· "'"' """' "' K•·nturky .,.,.,. l••d nn~ or !lf'vrn tclf..,. •uu~e..-lt>d r111• 11 dvlt• crntrr to I» ~ district, occured at a s""""nl m eeting of the group at n .. Jhoa. Ml'tlduml·s otto IIOdd. Dolort"l Tl11• o ur••rwo '~ •. ,, ,. "' 11 ,.,.,., hmth••" nnd flvr 111~t""" .unh•• 1 t 1 t II t r , .... ~. "-"' 1111 l't't nnt :MI t w u•n unrlR un-ftVftllllhk' nrtt"f' th«o w~tr. "-. Mr. Voge l conte nded that the Realty Board did Vt'ry littlo MormlOn nnd M •~ Jf('lllt'r Tall· mlll••d lito• '""'"' •. , lho "•'tllh .. , Wllhrun' "VI'• Il l O~tklnnd nnlf n.. II LIT a1la man \ the yuun-= m011h1•r hii iiW o "'"•'Ill· t .. •rl tn Kr nltWk)' ·n .., "h<IN lo. nto• ownrrl \V, ~lllo(t'r, f'hlllnnnn of the• I'Jft• l'Ofnmltttre, lltatilll to help property own~rs o n rentals. which Mr. W rei The main al'll\ity or the cca-me•ltod th•t M·~·rr-1,. 1.,,1,1 tJ . the 1\1" C•<e>l I.)'OOJ or ~nla Ann. th.-mt'clln.c wllllltfirt promptly at 7.30 I'· m . And that t'Yel')' promptly refuted when h(' stated tha t the Boord had w orked mitt~ now is preparation for the di.ltrtt•t attornrv ,,., I''""~"''"" M rs K11t hl'l')n 1-'••m •tl of Nr"'l""' lnt<•l'('fl;t<'d Mtbt"n dlnuld Itt· --- for nea rly two years with the O PA to secure adjustments be-t•omlng 1~r or L!<'ut., Gov. Fnd h ello lt'a.hn.: t•• u.,. , .. ,.. ... t ll•·•~hu. M,.. Uorl• McCutto· "' tt-nc1. ~n.t ""''h or 3""' .. ""t _, a. , . . HOUM"r thL"' Wef'k tn hu campaip ~ bi"'O.tl(fll out 1o1 lh•· ""I"''"' I Sf1n1a Ana and Mr-.. CtorTino• 11 "'"• Joootnlrtl ••UI U1111 tba I •" """' lh• l.t•lu TrNtw ~ tlw ~· In describing the t('rraln of both islands, the boys said that Saipan was a grassy, lovely piece or land sloping to a mountain, while Guadal- canal was dense jungle .. On~ lad said that it was impos- sible to see a person two feet away, due to the 1\eavy brush and that they had to cut their way through. Frank Buck, the wild animal explorer, got his largest make from that area. It took the Fearless six weeks to come home, with s tops at Pearl Harbor, Guam. etc. Bailing was constant, but the ship came in on its own power. It is now being overhauled at the South Coast yards and will soon cause 1t was felt lhas area should be placed m the proper zone. fo r elt'ctlon to the United Statfi eo.du('lrot by ,.,.,.M<•r fo~nrl Ahllf'v ll-'tank' nml Mno. llllln<'t\4> "'"'••nl' .:r•t•hh·lll l't'nl•• .,, thr rlty '" JlmAr h tu l.l"'u ,.... lle .,... .. ."Just how much do you ... con-1------senate. AJ)JX'arln~t In varloUI Wben lht' ln&tf l!' •·•· tun·• m .. ll~o·r tit K•'nlurky ll>c·at•d at a ~·tnl lllllhll) f'~ , t 2110.t00 art""' tt!f't ftl wtakll aa..- tnbute to the Realty Board · .. r.~r. Military 8aMs In the vicinity with townl! in the county he will ell· Mrs. !"rank '"'1:""· '"'" thl' Jllr\' th .. """'"'"" ""'' ,., l.ftl" ,,.,, '""' hrlnntell '" lttf' rllv ud Uw 111.000 Wallact' uked Mr. Voef'l, I m a vif'w to preparing 11lmllar fonns max his visit with a public pro--.. "'" t·ar "'"ll"ltly •lrlvf'n by Mayor HaJit•n '"" l><•r•ul•""" , "nt•• •• "'>'"'' th• ,_, '" tw •"q"'"''' al an ,...,••ted wUIInjt to. W&frl'r _that. the boflrd for this arf'a It the progTam could cram In the Anaheim O ty partl llhlo·e bnr(' <1u..-n ···n h•r a nit hf'r mloliltf' .. , that ,.... Thla ,. '"'" ...nat "' u non In ronMc.'UGII ...tth has spent 90~ of Ill tune and ef· be extended to lndudto oltwfo Mlll· Gn>ek thl.'att'r Wt'dnt"ttday ~ ~ht•r nn S~tnl" Ana avrnut' Clean-up Appeal ... lhf' , ••. , lh•t '"" ............. 1(1\' thla ..... Nu 4·A •• lftduded •• forti In M'C?klne ame~erils from tary Units. at 7 ·30 )MtwHt~ 17th and 111\h •lrHIII. hf'IIV\• ar""''" ut 11"11 .... t.t•n•J h-. pert nt Nn 4 but bt1Ap lo liM· 1 the Ren t Control. whsch has. how· I J udge Gralneer !-fyer expl't'lllt"d b.ta Wua I F F• W k f'\Jll"'t tt•• l'"l"''•"''" , f'flt•r In llllft aJ land tu lh• IVtf'UI, ~ lever. diareaarded all attempts 01 tM vil'W while the "agn't'mt'nt" E tt Re J Jlfn. Ul~tlln M'LKII"d ht>w llhf' •nd or tre ee \hill '""'"''""· \\ hllr II Wile "'"' tu 2ftn ,.... 1'\AN' ..... "' ~ ., chances over whether I his s«"tion did not fully COVI.'r all liituations. vere a r. tMr 4rl11R1-t•r .. -.. r·· rl'lllmiiiR from I ---"'l'llllnr•l lllfll It (~.,,.. .. ,,. •lf'l t.far "" .. ttnolltf'(t prlf'e ftl III.OOit. I should be f'el'a..nk'<l u 8 resort or (it might be helpful and agt"Nd A • t d to lillr llltf'r'a hn"''" .. 1th th•• •lraur::h· "''" •·o .. rff'ratlon lwlwHn •·tt)' roWIIInuu '" '''''""''· thlll ~'""'', '"'" Nn l\ 11 11ft IM ~ 8 defen!lt' zone. Our ml'mtwrs pay I that It bt> given a trial. npotn e .. , pulhlnR h•·r llm .. lt btlhv Mary I rand rlvlllllllll II f'YIIfl'nt In I hi' Wullt(! ~ llWYf'll 111111 fullh•r .... a. 1111 ... ', lfl«<!way 101 alld ... "" t~f'ir duf'!l to lhP stall' and ntt· Many of thOI!t' pn•s.-nl detailed Mlt'dsh• C-l.ooJ Jl:l!lll Wl'bb. :1 1n " h11hy r~~rrllo .:r pia~ fur nr. Prwnnlktn WHII ""'"''' "'-" lt.m•,.ttno aYettue W1UI 11ft l uonal boards and romcientiously dlfflc:ult e~rlencl's In evacuatln~t ) tpman ~~~ 'nlly wtorto ..-.. tklnJ: nurt.h '""'"I O.•tntw-r lith • Hlh. whlf'h ,.,...... l•v•o l ltae A('N ot 1411,000 .._...,.. teet. N- !ry to bring about t'QUifabll', work· 'ti"Jla nts at the expiration of at;N.'<'d ---Lralfk. Mra l.og~tn ,.,.,,,. "'""" d•nt ltc<OM'v•ll hu al,......ly rn• ~11,. No 1 •• 1," •t ... t 1., th .. hl·<4"k 11 ow,..., t>y the ctl)' aM Ill MU- sng plan" ~.tween propM"ty owner I periods. It wu alflO pointl'd out I lluml' :Ute1 13 munthl dut)' 6ft ..., tAw " • ar IIJ)J>H''" nlnt: r~orllt-j •·l•lm•d •• lh• Wf'f'll wbf'n •vtry 1 •.ntKinlloK lhr Jll"•••ut , 11 v tu•tl m•IN1 •·•..t wnutd be tJI\ 1100. land tenant. I thai another important pmblrm the l'outh Pa.clfsc thc.ater d wv. 17 hom thr ,....,., ""' ol""lo:htn1 ctllun II ur,.,.d tn ,lc>tn In earrvtna anrl Jl•lllrf' •tiiiiOf\, '""'"'"~ ll,l.W ~~~ .. Nn fila l,..at~ ~~J' .t ·• appear on the runwa y from which its war s hips are launched. + + + Uke Father. Everett Rea, Jr .• 1a back from the wars f or a lbort rest. Everett Rea, father', took in the tint' Wartd Waz whUe .tW a mere lad despite the protecta of hJa Dad. He saw action aplenty and the former vice-princi- pal of Harbor Hig h , but now head of the Mesa schools, was as prone to talk of his feats as h is smiling counter- part. When Junior, who h as seen some interesting fight- Ing in the.South Pacific was asked wha t was the m ost in- teresting thing that had come h is way, he g rinn('cl a n d s.'lid: '1\Vhen they told m e I was coming h om('," -+ + • c~·ic Center. Seems like our city planning commis- sion is going right a head on its p rogram for the develop- m<'nt of Newport Beac h. The council a pprov ed its earlier report on street widening. Now the commission wiU get a report . this Thursday from its Civic Cente r Site committee headed by Dr. Senger, secretary o f the board. Of the seven sites un- der study. there s urely ought to be one that the commis- sion can agree o n. All h ave their good features and the only one that would seem costly to buy w ould be the old rig ht of way of the P .E. and S. P .. with no C'Stimate o f price given. Every citizen interested in th<' city's pro- gress and th£' expcnctiturt' o f its funds. raiS('d by taxation . sh ould att<'nrl the mecting a nd o(f(•r c.:ritici:-;m s o r sug- gest ion s. Mc•rrv Christmas! nest t im(' to ' s tart thinking ubout C h ristmr1s prC');('nt:-lo r your man O\l't~·as is rig ht n ow . It takes weeks to handle pac kng l.'s fu r nw n :Ill O\'l"t' the world. Hcs11lt: Pn•!-.C'nts n n!l C hristmas f'llrds mu.~t he mailt•d befo re (kt oht•r 1.1. ll<'rC are the ruiC's : Fil'!'t. vou an.' a llow('tl to cndu!'C ;, ~t't't'ling-hut it must he a g rreling. not a me:""'·gf'. You may say "l\•krry Chnst · m as'" o r "L O\'C nnd ~st Wish•~ for a Merry Chns t- m as." And you may sign your name. But you may aot say: "Write Hs soon as you receive this" -or a ny- thing else that can be inte r · pn!ted as a message. your package must not weig h m ore than five pounds, shouJd riot be more than 1:5 , inches long, or 36 inch~ In length and g irth rombmed. Candy and fruitcake are pc_r· \shable. ... should be pac ked m tin boxes. 11M No llepl)' was the low "ceiling" set by thr Yoeman 8t't'OI1d Ctu. JI:Yenttl A. bunt.(lly ruotlw.t lhr hllj:J:V lltt ont th .. Pf'Otr"m t•lanrwod In •··· !fiUU• lf'f't of whlr h tht' •lh ' .. wnro llllh••Y tOt Ud ...,. f'J/1 ,,..,.. Mr. Vog<'l had no n>ply to orfo•r 10 PA for winlf'r ~nlalll, and alJ;lo Hr a Jr l 'SN. ~ llolnt: a fall' UltlallhWtly "' ff\1 "~ JruMihlt bulj ducr tt,... "-• Ulmll&huut t hl" ~·Ill n,. h•lt~lll't' tan 1,. 81 •v•nu• Thla 11118 I• ftn tltl llilwff Mr. Wallal'e. Cart Mock• or Sanrn 1thc-lrTPgularsli<'s •Whirh JlN'Vall In llharf' "' lt•x• '1: nnrl •·Aic!l ng ~:p 011 t.be CAJ "dlpp••tl .. ,1t frnm lh" roa•l nnllun ff'•l ,.1 an ,..11"'"\"d r·•~ ,1 '"''•d,. M the ""Y '-"mdary n. Ana told the group about the phtn mAny instant't'~ giving exnmpl!'s rrlt n•lB 11n.1 tanllly 111 lh«' bOUle of Jft41 plrll•d lht"m ,,, " M11 yor c1v11n llaJI h,.. ._,..,,a n ,.,.... nf ~tn.ono tquaN f'OUid • •· which had l"t'Ct-ntly be<>n developl'd of where rf'ntals of equal aceom· hl:t par.,nlll S upt ~>n•l M111. E,•aretl "My oiAnahtl'o· 11n,.,.m•••l '"'' loUIJ "JII)(O"J to 1111 dllzeaa lu ellmlnAI"\' 1411 ,. No ~ u. "" lhf' Day ftvnl t f'll,..d a l •n ..CI"'a&Aid _. fill by lh<' Housing Offi.cer of the El modatlons wer e allowed wid(• A. Rea, 201 Rrtllldway. Qoela .. 111M I'OUitl t.ut. lllf' 1-..., nner l ,.,.._. hA&anl• In thf'lr boaiH. ptlll',.• 1.,.1 .. __, HUt• end l&th attHt• •n•l Ut,OOO. Tort> Marine Balle in cooperation 1 range or pri<"f's undf'r tht' OPA MC'I'!I .._ltfd "T' "'' 11 HJIJlll•·•l '"" h rt&IC4'" , 1r( wnrk, 11nd In our ..-b•w tl•. toub· l..-.undNI b)' C.lral avanu .. 1\l'ld ""• No T \a r lly ~y t. with ~taUves of the Santa The value of a ·)'l'll rly rate for 11 Having ~n appointed for Ml4· We dkln't tlntl t h,, h•h;v tur 11b<•ut I'"' hulhllll&ll 11011 oCher pl&e•• oJf thr Ua y ll -taiM lJO.•oo C'&t..cl "" Ow ~ '-1 ._.. ... Ana and lAguna Beech Really property was C'Onlldert'd. the n>n· 11111pman lr&ln.ul llaorlaaed lila. n.e cw lrn mlntotea l'(h• bllll pubh" a.-mbty. H. ""P• aJt tqU.,.. IMt _, wtltktl &.M dt7 --ftOW ucc ..... b)' U. Alii .. <I sO..rds. It wu hoped the plan ; ~a! to be diaUibutl'd over the )'NT nv~.-.. duly by about ID -u.a. -.. 1~ out. ot the ~~·~ tha-•tllo all~ :?-. Mute II .. ._ ....a _. ... llf '*"-11 .,..... trsthl '•! lllllf~·~I!A!IJ ... !II(Ii.!l, would appr"'OIdt a JOiution ot the I but not ol nea!Mlt y ID equal accOf'lll&nc to y~ a-. w-. 2.' tNt •,. wbeft • wu aur Ot7 .,.. OW--1'· .. u.-rMI '-_.., 'l'f l.il ..a--... = ..c: ~...!;' r 'Jllef ..-..-...t ,_ u.th I....,.,.. ...-t.e., It .. f ~ «•ttoMct • ~. • ~ ~ '" ,.. ftekt.-a..ew-nd lfllboo ::_~"!!., ..... ~,. II (JUOO:' td •Ea -......_it••._ .. ._ .. lir1:~'liiiS~i•a" ,._ .;,:. .. .,mn~ o en &lr~~n on f' to charge Ol'le rate or ll ew sum· would not h~v .. hH-ro *=h!'duled to the cttUd'• ,-randmnthff Nlll n.-.. a • r Of'W"--• ..... u.. ...e.en. f1ld ., t.ha old camp .,_ .. ..,.. - -,.. ... .. - - part ot ttw JX'I"'Ifl who wishes to ~mf'r month11 and thf' balanc-r or J r•tum to tht• United IIJtatn WllU William J Wl'bh, thf' vldtr:n•11o l'hll rrht!a •nd .,.hnola. c:hrtf' f"'IU,., -~"'""1 m'-' ,,, ..,hlrto 1 • ..,..1prl,._• ...... u.. ct# a~ CWt• .... .,. rent when-by I~ tm~t a.:l"''t's IO th~ yearly total ovrr the month~ h i!" 111 munlhtl •'uty wu rompleted hu•band, .,,rm••tullv tolll h'"'' ,,. t!illl' ,,.... r.clln M t.l ltlealara to lh" howllna ITHne , ,t"ft by Uw l'-eltlel u fal. vacate on certBJn nollet' and tlw remalnin.: liO thnt lh£• total col· "rl rlv next )'f'llr and hi• wlfr lutol J•l(krol c111t a t ullllu F\f'f' l'rwv•nU• -~~ to ,., ... Nn. S •• lttt .. t .. ,1 t.t'w-n kJWa: agrt'l•ment IS ~'('CUred by I he llous·IIP<.'INI in I he twc>lvt• month!' dllf' \\:h(·n "akc'd whl\t lhf' mollt in· homl' at C'l\!f•n• 11rt Mnr I hill lll•·y hrtn..: In lite atl-tlfiB at """"I 1 ~ntral avettllf' aJlol C'IIIUII ftoollr l':lfkl""' ope,..tl•Jf' nt lhe a.S. ing Ofrirer Ill thr E l Torn Rll:.r not r•xrl'f'd thr ~urn all~'•'<l ror ,,.1 .,~tanf( thtn~ that h•..t come bla •• ,... rtannln~ ,,. m11y ,. tnl n nrwt ' rua u """'An and dllld tt• .. '""'':a·1 var.l llnll :z•th •not :Zl\lh at.--ta n•ltl •t r•ll•on of ctty ,r,_.,. Mr. MCX'k hOJlt>d lhf' plan could hr tht• yrar hy the O PA • Wll\' whllf' '" I hi' ~ulh l'aclflc. "'"'k f'IIIIIIV lhf' ftr•l r llrt "' mf'nlul 0 ... ..,,.. t, tlrf' ...... ~ prt•· Th .. lflrlf"l" , ... rt ... n Ia n•rw .... ,,,,,, A ....... ""tl t<MY .... UriM'f' to lh• made to Apply to olhr r Mfhlill'\ I H. F. K<'nny ur;;NI n ('OOpt•rn tll'l' ll•·A r::n nn•·d '""' llllld. "When th• r n••t'oJtnJC,. "" h•l•llll" •lr•H~h v••1ot1"n ami , . ..,,,,.,, 1,,. 111,. 1.,.,1,,,. .,~1..,1 .. 1,. 1 • ., •n•l th"J II"""''"' ruhllr Unit.~ in the cnunty. attitud<' on thl' Jl'"' llf acrommo· th~>y tnlrt ml' 1 wc;11 l(nlnJt hnmt' ·• ter. whn h1trl marr11:ulnu~ly •.• , ''""" 1 -.. ,.,.,...,.d 1 ,.,..,1.~~1 Vo• 11 cntllllln• '""""'"' with ,....,_.t to adv .. t- Jn an~<'r to a ~U~I!I'!lt lon thHI I rllotonn~ a-< th•· \\'ur \4 11" l'llrru-d tu A nil I hill 0 11111t IJe lht' ,,..,.11011 ,, de•th ",.,.0 '"' ,..11,. ""'"'' 11 ''""' J) t J)raW 1 11,4 :Lilli ,.,111,.,.,. , .... t .,1 wht 11 11,,. llroln1 anti bf'aulltl··all•.n becllUSt' o( lh(' clostng of •nm(' "' thf' Pllt'ifit• nrtrr '"" olr (rAI "' lni)IJl "' •1111' homt• lQYIIIJt. JX'Itl'f' hf'r I'IHTII'Jlf' ""'I • ""''"'' ..• ttl" ewey 0 ... ~ fiW IIA II• :IIKI """"'''II .. : ........ , l 'ru~t rttllv '" lh .. Jorlnl'l(lal h ..... I hi' boa I pill nil' In thr llarl)lu·. thl~ 11· c:.·rman,\' nnd ~IIJ.:I.:c'"'''d I hill lht• 1\lljllrlnj.t Arw•I'I•·Rn huh•. Will i .... IIObbtn~: ··hllll ThouKandK to IA»H ,.,.~, lor 1"-11''""''''' ·nl'' ,.,,.,, ,.f ........... oll~tlrlt l a rea mt~;hl no lt>nj.tpr bf• rounto•ll :. mo•n and .... Omf•n or th•• Ann)' wo•r•· t1tJIIII; II filii' Jnb but Will b.• b•r· Wnt)lf' dl•l ,,,, 1•'"111\ Inti llullt 17 'OfiO l••••t '" '· "'''1'1" ,.,, I• , .. , A'"'' I . fJIIIr'l'll I ., .. t nf ltllfJ .. nil Orren~· Ar••n. Mr. Mark ,,llt•·"lrlotng lho·tr !>lll fr und honll' rolk-Jlll'lll '"'"'n It,,. (ontlhr•l l f'r VII h II• •1••11. Ill " '"· :-l·•"'" A I F .d !:"''" ,,, .. ~llull y 1 .. •ll v r•r•l" l hc twhrv<'d. With thr St)Uih_ Cun•t ... hould clo th~·•r ,,..,.., also I ,,, ' ........... Ill F:VC'I't·tt. ho ""'I Ana I' ·II·. ol• '"''"'' Ul t .. l.t ..... , n~e. es rt ay l'•olldllto•-, •• , ....... , ,,,. " ''"•lr Co II k .., ., C'-1• Ar .. Uhr11 11 I ' .mpnn) '" Well tn~ on .(.0\f'l'n· Ill' n •rN•II lhl'ro• Wl'l<' :.tl u:~toun' ""l'r tu c;11Rtla lra ns1 In tlmt' tu IIII I th~ .m1111 l.u.l ... 1., •.• • fl • ., 1 •· •'lll •·t .,,,. t'tl·, II" I, I'.JIItl' m,r nl J<•h~ anr1 t~rC'<' ft~h c.l.nn••to.''' Wht'n· mm"r hnr~~lllfl" h.od ,,..,"I' thr lu~t hul••~< un thr ltol;utd Rl· lion IIIW'•Iol I• :c•• "'" -r.,.,.,,,, •' ,,.,., .. ,, 1111 11•11 '" ,..,, ... ,t•·•l " ~'~'''' ;-.; .. I I• ''" ,,,.,, •" I>•· l"t.fl lllll Aut" I'"'"'''·' ... .,,. ,.,,.. 8.'< W~~~ 38 thl nl'" IJ,ordm,on l'tlrT.-tl Jn -'lml' 111'11\n('f'S hut tn l thlllll:h ltr •lhl t'l<JlC'riNit'r (1\•'l lnr 11\f•f II• ''I"Hhl 1, luod ,11 ,,1t 1 .. •••II I •JII'"""'t ~l 1\l lllf' I••• r•"'••rly IOitlo "' l "onl tiOI 0'"11"'' ll•oto t\lloht••t iUIII lln•ll.ol•tllry \"part~ plant nn lhl' C'O:l"l Jll;:h l l:l'nt'flll th•• lwmc' fulk• Wr•ro· II,., Rlrrt.ro aftrr hi~ arrivltl "womlo·o •ot , .... 1, ,\1·~• I'· •I A•·l '"" 1'.,1111•'""' trri•IIIY n•chl WRy, lhnl Nrwport llaroor hnd ,, w..tl. 01 ho•lt•·r ~orr. lhlln l>l'loro•l Artr r ,. purlltlj( '" Truy, N•·W fkcr l··~tlllo•d "' I I•· I I '1""1'' !"o•t ' l:lnd wtii'U .• .... :·.·.v.··r··'·",,.,.,,·',· •.• l',"' Me san ' H' urt In France larger JlC'r'f'l'nlngP o r t•mpl11)1"" li nd'" II mul'fl lwtlo•r Jlii"IIIOn lhnn Y .. r k , .. ,. II lli·\\l'f'k ro•(n-·>lh•·r Pllamln~ol ,,, .. J ill•"••• ..... I• II••V,I'\1 .. Ill .. ,....... • • 1·nca~:rd in ~·ar w~rk than .-.om·· m··mht'l ..... , ,,,.. "I m··t1 F'·•rcr... , ..... r ... ·. n. a will .-.. nlln .... hi .. t ..... ·1 t>•••1"" ,,, .. ,.,. , .•. " '"'"'I· ,,,.., ... ~···· ~ ........ ,. 1nr thr lntt•n or .ell II'" or Oran~:·· Pn·~itlo·nt \\'nll.ll't' sug~:•·:.tl>d '"1: .... WA~ gradunlrd from H .. ,.. Lalit ...... "'''I •· '"'I"''' •. " '"' ~:''''"'" ..... , ..• t .. lhr 1"••1'"'''"" lcounty '!nd tha t 11 wuuld ho· hrtto•r thai nr'li 11Jlf'ol'l11" to lhl' lon•l an1l IH•r ltla.:h ,.,.h•~·l In 1"411 An•l ''' Mn, M'"'''" \\'d1lr :.0'1 un I'""" woll 1"' ,.,,..,. "1 11 l•ll'l , wll h 11'' A d d b D 8 lo rematn dc•IJ:TllltNIIl ... it Ddt•n-1' lo lh•• V"' Anj;l'll'' O I'A ttHIC'I:tl' t••nlll'tl Clll 'l't'l'h fllr 2•, )'d llll at 2 Jl "' In lh•· F ull t: ... ,. t "' """" 1" lfLtl l •• T ,. Ill ,.hll\' I. e y r. runl·ng Area, II.' It now "land ... anrl lUll llo• m:or1o• r .. r II rt'\'11'"' ul lhl• C'<'ilanj( church In ('t"lll M""' "llh "'' ''"" Hn•t ,.,,,, .. "'"'" wl.lllllkr ...... lltll'mpl In niter tht• SIIUIIIton ~oluat lnn II•• th11111.:h1 that whilo• c b Sc R 11 M. C t"rnn11 11(f1r111t1na.: 11 '' 1 111 tlo.. t•r .. l(ttm ,..·rurolln~e lu To .-ollnw ('p Plan ,, hall o. .. •n d tl(ir'ult In J.:''' chnnRI'--u out a y lnwnt Wll• "' l-'1tll hnvr•n ....... ,,., ,· I;,,, • .,,,.I IIIII In char'jCI' "' "' It was a~o:r•'t.•l PN'siclcnt Wulhw,. rJf nJiin,.:' an tho• ll'"'· r•T"'alrd ,., •. F p Bo Thr .,,,..,.,.,,.tJ '""'' ,.,,, killo'fl lr\ rllfi~;•'IIINllll N" adrnloo"l"" I• • would follow up I hr "a.:rt•r m••nl .. I'JU''"'' lliiJ.:hl t•f•('t•ivl' m .. rr flll'l\r• or a rents, ys, Ia ('Ar tit I \I'll '" I' IIIII tit Ill •. \1• ... , ............ 'li .,_ .. ,. will he r~ul .. ··l ,., I lt•llu '1 I ; ( :olll rlt·. :!11, '''" 1 ~ ... Urunlnl(, M. ( • .• ""MIInte -llh plan wll h th<' propl'r oHic11ol~ nl ablo· l'onsod;ornt mn F •d E • ot s11ntr• An11 un Slllllll "'"' .,,.,. "' 1\to Hml Mt • 1 ;,_, S t:1 utrlo·, II molf•llf' unll ur Uw :Wth t-:varua• ----rl ay venJng nl.lf' h<•t .. •···n 171 11 """ l!ltl• )11•·•·1 ..... ·"' .... , "''·~ ,, II IIHirl•lt """''J :lf'o1 111 111111\411~ 1'10'111 M•••ll, wiH• ''''" IH~J•IIIll ln Jo'nlnN' C'.llpl ""'' P 8 d f M. lut 1'!u••dll l' 1, ,11111,,.1) 111 h•l • '" .fl••ll' '"'" Hltlt•Jl'•r .. 1 All • wu~ lloJlll .. l "' ll••· llllldllll(" "' Mno llnlltlnl( JIYf' 11t 1100 F'A.IIl • t A I'Uh ~~·uut n tll y 11ntJ ••rganl7o· hUIIbanr1 \\ illtam ,I \\'•1•1• ,,n.t th• ,,,.,., 11ro "!"'"""'" two W"••k • 11 ' Stllnl l-41, """' ~·h ••n ''"'' ut tJ.,. ,,.,,.,.,, F1,111t. Blllb<•ll. l rlva e Oy ·o esa l l"fl m••,.tlnjt ,,, no••m i,PI" nnd :l·)'ear-old d:un:h to•r, \1111')' ~:ll .. n I Itt>, ...... , ........ "''"'If• lffl ,.,~ ....... 1 llollll~ ··f Ill• "'" ••• , .. fll'fll'l'' who n I '" ........... "...,..., Jli'"~IW<'Ih'" nll'lll.,..r!l 11( ('"\o!t !'lf',ut Wflo mlrllrui•JU~I) •'-'11111"1 •l••uth 1 '"''"''' ~!r ll•••lr\•lt l8 14 '"1'~"11 l~·lnJ: t:l\•'ll he• '"'1 """'11''"1 ,.,.,.,. fi,.,,,.Jvlnj( lnjtort••" llllf'IUI thf> I llrn" \l n•l th,.lr pllr< nt11 w ill Ill• rrom lht• ~Oml' l'llr '' 1: '11l:llll rr ),.. l•.,llc• tl lilt•• tlu• 1"''' oof ('"1'1 hll., 1tllr1 11'1(", C'lljll•ln flrunln• !Receives Purp e Heart :;;~~:~·::<~;~·:~;3;.~:.~;;~;0PA' Cl M 'Beacon Ser~ice ·,::~:.:;:;:~ ... -~::.::~·.;~''?~~~~~~:~:~:~~ I r nrdlng to lh(' annnun····onl':ol "'I oses esa ~tatJ·(~n (•atcheu II 1(11'11 1 ~tlllrt'•' ;,f ICrlll lflf'atlnn to II. F. Chrh•l••r. ('llh s.-.. .,1 ,,.,. .• , • ~'1 ' 1 ~ Mr <IIIII Mr.,. 1;rnhl1• l'r1vnl,. \\l('llrtn~ !h• ('nm'>nt tn: onl r:.·. Thc·r .. Will b · A -'~P",k•·r.:•••lll " s f v I Short ('heck P·auuer (;, .. ,, .. I~ IIIIW "'"''ltnll7t'tl In F.ng· ~a~' :~~~~l:~::~~"<·;~~•l,~~•"n:~· '':::II ~·,•,~:.·1~, ~~~~, ot :~,I~AI; ~~ • .'t ·:·1 I tat•l 0 n 0 r ,· 0 at"l 0 n C ~n :•;::;,',, 1•:::',','~1 r••7;~~'".!,111th•;.,!~;r,:; tlarohl ,,. u, )ft. nf l •n-.·•a ~'''"" I f'!t' nt~. :-iJ1tl ,,~,, .. ,,, t 'ut. s .. ' f f ,,,.. • t tl ,,,. ,,.,. '"'',,.,,I ....... ,.. ,,. ,. ,,.,, tu""''""' thr,.... hH'< ·oto.rn•·d I n uu~ ....... II\ 1111•·1 I .. ~,. rr .. m·!l In 12 \'I'IH .S ••• • .. ... " ,,,, t •, ..... ,, .• ~· Moll• I ,, •. , .. 1•· '"'1111! \l•nl hulno• .... I• ll ~''''"!: ""'r.••ll!l "'''''" !:•It" In '·'"" hut I)'·~·H w llu w111 I • '!..,.... ll ••1 1'•11 \\• 1 , .. ,,. '11''1 J ., ,,,.,)1,.,,, . .,, lturlour lllt:h 11n•l .,, . t Ill• •1 I I II I In 8 rlo•lo·rrntn•·•l •·lft••' ''' 111 •Ill '·•·•••••I "'' ''' •tt llll Itt u l1t11tn '"'''' AtH•••I, ... \\ '' '"'' •I \.)'~ "' ··:.•tt 1'"'1 t I •I So 1 A 1 1 11 . a n rv . '·' 1'11. ,,., "'' m••n ,.., ~ In 11 t ''" •, ,. •·11• •· • 111 11 1111 • "'' .,,. '"' '"1(1' r•,•t lln l ol, a 11n •. 1•1an WIIA "''" nny >t.11tl all p•·••"·l~ t:ot• r• 1 IRin Of'i\ r•·l·•of:llo"" ••Ill• I d "' I' • '''""' J, .. , • ''" ltmk ll lltk "' 11 '"" k 111 l•llf II·· "' •1111 "''" II• 1 """ tho • ltl"nt,V •"fll(lnt'f"rlnj( H,u ltl di•l lt\1 ~11···1 rt .,..::r .. IH., \\lUI• ,,, ~(fllif \t.'t)r k, thf"' C.tlm,.1r•~ fttl ''•"'I•IH \ ,,,,.,,,,, ll\fl \ lt v ,.,, ,\rt.··l· ,.,,, •• ,,,, ,.,,,.,, .• ~ nt t:lt k,n l: ;, htll n•.•r tht •t , .• .., \ lt·n p"•••r\' '"'' r q ,.,. \'II to thr I'K'Itl lttfi'••Hu;·l ·• •HI r l"t• •••t"'"'''" ••f th•· ttll ''''" hrntuld h\ II lit, "''"''" ,,1 flli \ I I I I I I p,... ,, llfl 'I I' ,. I I tf .. •II ••• "' , .. II t l•·ry H1 t ':t"\!-ltno JC ·tiv ,.,uJ l rt• t.l• 1 ,.,-~( •·•I ol th• n,,,,,,.,,!.' =1n•l "• r flfl'nt "h.-·t• ""' •• r' • • • ·• 1 ,,. '"'ttl ,. tt11' '"''nn,.,,, .. ,.,. 1'utp1r ll•.ul ft~r ''h~ .A ottt 14 It tur n "'11 ""'!••tt 1'1 ._.,, •:, • sta tlhn IIJtlfltf'-1 '• •d • '···lit' u•l ,,,,,, "'''• \\hu l•h••urte•d ,,, I ~·''' '*1•" 1' f, .t "1 If · l.tfl l• n... 1' •Hth 'I ••• ""''' ''·' I ...... 'I ,.,, 'Ynt .. \'f• JH..rt l•f•t l )H\•• ,,, t tlft l\•t i••H UH !It t t'·t l it rtUY'hlt'' Jttlllttl frt,• I n• l•1 1 ''l'" • ,,1 \•h f1 '"'' ltll·'''''''l '·'" I'\ tn..: yt~on r 'Tiwr •. a n• n1n• ,,,.. • H anlton' , , ~ •, ""'"•' tn lhro JH• '' ,,, t f II )• ,:lit "' l ht' "" irf.•.-,fr \·! •• n 111 lh•• H htttttt at~•;, · ,t h .._,. ••;•• 11 Th" ltw-·:tl l~u.t d l'l '''"'' I•'' , ·' 1111\. ''''''I' ftf t•:v .. t~hru· "''" I,., \fl dN..fllllol '"Th· I ' .:a.',. . .. I ftui,r,·n,ar ita tl l!'•' ;"'''' • th '' lh 'H' r't f•f 12!• t ••• v-. hrld ,. h• lJIHII' ,,, ft,, If t,, u•l ''' ,.., • .,, f ,! f'~1t •f \4, Ht f, l~tn \ V.lllt ih l o f ~f I tt f), J, .t,tf tH •J,. Il l II \1\t t h HI ffl• , .... ,.,\' H d '""'I IIIII ,,, 'tl"' '''"' li tul "PI"' q t~d ,,, ~'"" .f tt•tw•· I • ' J it tth.~· ,,,,,,,,,,, ''' ! t• rn '"' P•• wf•nr• r hn11 ~""" r• ••I t1 ,1 lin• I a r tton nn I lloat'!< ~A hy "" rc I"• I proutl t•a "·rnr 1t " H" hllr•!l'lil fight an~; rnmr ,: ·' In~; thr l'ro!<l'!onl: ~or U•,. VJ•It111 '' II :"·"r " I th11tt1thl I n••Vt'r ""'tlol C•: fl f• l lw ruutf 111'/lr lhero· wtwn I h• I Jerrll'l! lrot ua hiiV<' PVcrylhln~: til•·~· had, lo!' ~n ict "She.lll wo•n: nun· eng down nntl lh!'lr JnBI'hlnl' In ! h•\..8 JUlll r lopptnjt lh" r• lltl AI 1h11r· lJ>p hl'l~tht Out W (' got 0111 :.IJ J '\"1 Jll\lf 1•1 W roght And lhf' Jl'rriNI f'OIIIdn I lftlllld up agralmot u1 " lti~>M rallf hM!I :\Tt•llll-rl' ••f lh '•H\'"' ur• , ,. fie~. Itt "hwh l ltrJt •,tr h · • I • ' p , 1,.,, 111", 1 v111,, ••• uf 1tll 1 , •7••tl .,,. I Jt•n ~1HHuo nc tfl11 '''ill ,, '! mJtt••tl I h t-..lt•U 1 h·· -' I h \ ,,,,,,,,, •• I ,,, 1~1 11 , utJIInln~ h "" I 1\llh Mill t-:111:111 I loll, 61t. '·"'" complf'lr iran>-'TIJ•I "' ..... I• I•. '. '·•Il l.. ... • • .. "''1'1'~''''''"11•<1 " I :-;,.ufl. \t\'.,.tJ.lf .; 1\' :-.·, t(l ~It t., f ln~rt Wl\lti (ur"\.\a trl•·d '' ti t J ,. \t 'lu J t1 t.1hhU1,; ,,ffl•lnh ftf ft1• ~:-tnl7r And r•ln:l t••• t ht• , 1 • a-f'll"1' •·nfur•·t··n t•·nt •·I f••• .. n.. ., 1,..,, ,1 , •• 11 , fituJifanu•• 1,1,.,.r11 t Y'""' ·,. \4•urk fichJJ~ ur th•· I,,,,,' ,,r J 'f ll I '" , ,. ,,.-, ,, ....... . . - Lt. Bob~Nimmo mlni~tr:oll•on • all·"l "" •· J•l• • • • liV1'11 nf t hi· ''"a I r ·'''"'""l' I • •• Ito Lilli An~t•·l••,. ""''II tl•• '"''' 1 Aht1H I I~•n \":'"11" ••·VI••Y.••t l lt'•I•Ht~rl K•v ",.u.,..., Mla'"-1 It •• \\ \\ • .tl.o•·•·. wh1> lltro•rnl•·'' !Jl' II•'" ·') l!•llttl:•' l'lllt1 lofttlly hi• 1::o1 !w· '''''' '" ol hill" lo du, With Ill•· t.,, t ''"u•t •'rn. ~•~ wn' n ·aJt •t t••d u; •~•• pi• t•l'l ~·r<c II•• ''"''' tlw I :11 l lfiiiU.it \ hf I"''•' HI' tltl f ,,, •t•• nUtll H IIH tllfd 1ft• t h tt1J1t 'A t• J• •llu • d ,,, ,,. ''' •••• fl •Ut•l h• "'·' hn•••l '.''• Next Hloodhank Hate Sept. 28th Reported Missinsr, Interned in Sweden ly, A N"}tr'""''nlsilt\'J• ••I tl" •• I CflfnpQfl)' U' \4't•JI It' I h• d " t , .. ~' "f' era tor Wt'rl' r·•~l' ,..,.., ... '" ••JII• "• Hoy•l n( t;o•ta \ and u 11 r•..,ult J tw l'hwf I • ·''"'!: 111'11' ····t ,.,, whwh L' a•IJI•I •·nl t.. ·n ... ,....ll\ ~······mill I :.IM will IJf• r .. turnt'd 1.4, lhtJII Aftf'r hl-in5: rrportM ml~"lng In eomml~•lon••r. Mr I Arlin "'~ I• '"' . .... The lniiU'IIryman tntrk h,. biUiot country afUlr """'11« action at '"' 1:"''''''' "'"• '""'t:tl•.,.l hy ""' 1111• "''l<' •1,.1•· l••r lol•w,l ll•onllr'l "'' •••lllt~•n) lh.tl ttull Mr K•·• I '"''" lh•· ltfoiH'h nr-'11, urr•Jf"llnl( 1<1 •• ,.,,.~ "''' •llltlllfl '""" "''' ( ·" Ml " Slllni<'V s"" )l'r, IINII'tJOI I \loy. lflnll' 1~ ••t•f,. I l'hltlnn.tll ••I fit•• lll't.J ('rrl'>~ hiOOtl "I h;ovo• I~N·n a f'lttM·n ,,j I fro IIOntoo f'Ofltmlll•"' f'fll (,.,. Mr"" J,IW.I lfl , I h11 nt I tu• "'" •'"' h••r f'fl• III II'"' 11 ... ~ .... rwu t llutiJOI 11 th· ••h•..; 'A thu •h•· ,U~uvt•r•••l lhut l,t . I. vi•· V "'' ol•· \Vro lk••r 11f ("u .. ta \1• • ""~ 11 lho· 11111111 111••1 Ill I'V1. 1 ;,,, .. ,, • I·· ·~ "'" ~"" .. r Mr. 1111d :'>t o ~ 1\ 11n th· Whlk•·r 11f l'lf;!t 1•1•1 ''"~ ,,,.,.,., 111111 111 ,. liar- '"'' ll•t:h I( I "''llllh• II hill. JI JST RECEIVED Full Supply of PAPER .CLIPS I Oe per bo• ol I 00 dl .. training at the Rt llll\t rmt>nt 1'1'11111· Ca.l!llno •·Jlh tl,e ~lh Jafanlry ln~t Centrr at F'ort. ).f td'!'lla.n. Ala D·vl•lot! • He wu a~~c! t,he Hf' planned to llpf'nd. a lurlou~eh , C'•oml>sl Balli'" fnr Mu·mpluv t·nn w1th ht.a v.·lft·. Mr•. Muslln't Boyd · · '" :"r v.-pnrt &llf'h. and hia par· (furt In tu:llnn 81'Ain.tll thf' "nl'm y, llf"tion. It ha• bei>n wsrrN'd th•t lftd for thl• dunlltlln •h·· JOI"IIlll l ,, Lt RohPrt Nlmmt) of c,rnnA dt-1 deal In I(IIIIOiinfo of liar •"' I · 1\••• I MAr hu bf.pn lnteml'd In Sw~'dt-~1.1 1'740 Nfi1Wl)Ort Blvd .. ('r"'''' M•'"" and II WpiJ and h~vln& aood I'll"'• In lhl11 ro~~rttf'ular ln~tltn•·•• llu· l~nrr to noportll. f'llllltn1 ot ttlf' •mn11nl rrt ttw • ··• Nimmo, who waa vadtu~tf'd • tJflcat .. WIIJI tk!W' fly II••• ''""I!" from N~ Ha rbot' Hlah llt'honl lop:•rAtM •nd man•s:"r M• Kf"'•f. In 1940. "'"" atudent bod)' pr,..l· wt1o I"('C('Ivl'd lhf' N>rtofi l'11lt· lrr,m dent hb llt"ftior year. ~ n( hi• ruJtnmn • :ont1 ttu n ..,.,.tlflfl t•ir nlflny )'f"fln," "'"t'"' 'I h•· •t•mtll •~ :tf} '"''' • urt" ""' Mr W11li••N•, 11nd t tlf'hrvr t ""' • 1 twon~ '"'"1• out ltnntAmrln~e ttw-1 11 rlf'lln rC'("I')I"ft f M tvon~'tlt hUNIII''' tlnw , :1 40 1• 11 1 IJolfllll'll wilt •~· News· Times Tehp••• Jtl-,.rt II .... w. O.tnl Aft. ent•. Mr l.1ld Mn w. J B<tyd. of ' &nd the 1'\Arrll' Hea rt. fllr wrJUndll 2070 llr"nll~ 11\•·nu•· C"l'lllll\ ~~Ail..l"''t'l!hed 111 ~ttl" • rlo·roltn~' I lnlrnd to 1u..-,1 th1t tt• l l"l'ko-d 1111 111 ttw1r hurrM!'I nnd 1 ,.,rtf rlrnn ~ lorrM~hl lollt'k '•• th1 no ~-------------..J • I • _,... NEWPOR'f-BAJ.BOA NF.WS.TTMU!. Newport Beach, CaUiomla. Tuooday, S.ptem~ 19, 1944 Mast Produce· War Goods, Even With "V-Day~ Here Ration'" Coupon Dates and D_ata New Way Tci Weigh Fat llh-hltzer A=:-•h ....... .e.t lakl..,. tt; I& -.. ...U... OM Du.U. ................ U.9WI', -·--·-•....,... a9'0fd llntt. ... ...... cMac-la &. .. ,.... ..... .., -PNf..-.biJ Ill .... ~ww. •• t-"-W7. *b.k ~ vi ••'-or fnlt ,. .... a. nnlo ... ...... Vib.MIM. C-c-tCift 10W s-. ~PJ Jko-.t. II uued b7 the told, ., ...,...~ wiU. .Ub-S."-" .... U '""" 4eYelop~~, or .,.~ beto•• •e~r. ac.t. all :row 4oct.or. :&LkA.-BELTZ.I:R 1.1 a pat. _. ....... eJkallalat' ~bid, pl .. aut te tak• ... llaUIIU&Uy d'.ctJve la ....... - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Comparative Summary of Cash Receipts and Disbursements INCOMT. Cufftflt, Prior YNr Tau~ and PrnaltlN ... ~ ..... .J.3Z.!.809.74 Dual-. Doc and Bl~~ UemM'tl 10 97fi.OO Othrt ~ ~nnlu and MI!ICf'llant'OU..• ltlcornfo ......... ··-·-···· Wat~r ()pp&rtmf'nt W···-· Clunp CI'DUI'Idl ···-·········· ..•...••.. Court """ . ·················-····· Statr Auto l..b-nle ·-----....... -.... . SLI!t' Uquor Ueftde ...... _ .. _ .... ., Yacht Badn and Moortnp ..... _ .. _ ....... , .. Franchlloe IIICQn'loe ............ -............ -·-.... . SaW of ?ropert)' and Quit Claim DM-dl .......... . s~1 As.~u .............. _ .................... '-.. 14.0.VI.27 ~9.998 31 7.976.20 10 413.50 2,1184.30 4.00'.:' 50 1,7116.5() 5.0'11.6.1 36.469.96 23.577-37 28.312.24 lmp!"'\"f'llM'nt Advancrs ................... -................. .. TOT A.L CASH INCOME ....... . ........... $528,266.52 EXPENDITURES GeDrn.l aty Go\•emlll('flt and Collr('tlon of Rr.·rnut' Polk-~' nr.,.rt~ t J\ry-Dt'pflrtmt"nt St.-.et Dl-JMrtfTM'nt .. Eleot:trlc.' U1htln11 anti IIllltl'l"CIIon Srv.·rr I:lolpt.rttntnl .. _. Ufe Savini ................ .. lfarhor and P,it-r Maln\Nlnncf' Q-nt'1111 En~ln~rin~: ll\llurancco , H Dul!din~ ln~t~tion ... Ch •ll [),ofen!<(' Impnw.-mrn l ~ nnd A.,rlltlon.< . , .. ,._ .. Sale of ProptT!y E:rrpenlt' • . ...... ·-· ,_ \\"<II rr f.lo'f)ll rt mrn 1 Adwrt i.•in.: , . Park M11 mtrn~ncc ........... , ............ ___ --------···· Camp M mnll'nance ....... -... ·-----.H ..... .. Ubrlll'l' ................. --.......... ______ H, [)rpwlopmmt lind lmpi"O\·I"f'N.'nu to 01)• Bond Rc<k-mrotion ............ -.. -----... .. lnt~rn:t on Bond~ -................... , . Sptdal A..ut-s.sn1f'nt Bonds and lnll'rr~t fl'urChuf-ot war Bandt ....... 1UTAL EXP£N0m.JR.Es A.:•.;o INVESTME:OO.'l' • EXCESS OF' INCOM't OVER. EXPENDmii\Es ·--.. ·-H-------- S 28 IZA.59 :tZ.077.15 Z2.ft-'0.4:t 44.1~'0.:?4 10.211.:\H 15.:t54 OR ~) l~l 49 ; 911> nn 3.~•1j>M ~~~llS ~·.:t·\:00 :15 1'.1 f,~' 1 r. li :T• 7ll -;,;<r;!-1 :;1 ·11 1)) ."!7 !' J:lli f'\ •l .~·:·t :\l-1 :' 11-(!", ·~~ • ll ~1."•'.!i.! 1.'1 ;,q_.; 1 '1 -;: ..... ~ -;·, 4!) ~·-:; IP ~15 ·10'.' 1) ' 4,050 15 $.1tl!'..:• ~~. •1•1 1:.',511'00 n .:uu.JO t:.>.:ws 95 10.258.00 3.7MIHI8 :u.:n.so 7.1CW!.70 5.991 0.1 I 1:\.:\56.:16 l:J.-478.:\."i 7 .!'Wr.l.ll s.w.m.9R s 2!'1.588.25 ~.69666 17.{18().71 56.~06 12,388.49 1~217.78 ti.(~.lt 1 0. (!9.'1 !r.! ;\.)'If> iO •1 ,~..., 19 ::'f>:.'/1~5 ;,-;:c 17 1~ • .~~: 1~ : ':\ 11:!1 ·I ~~ ·l!r ,._l,l ;•-; ~l -; 111 :OS ·\'\"-"• II ,'l~.t : !,.; ~· -::··, 11 ·11 -:-!'.\1 1 ~I 71 ,-.~ -:-:. ~;, l jP ,"-1 :.'.I 111 !'I 7;, (Y() (1(1 W HEN hac:U-t K- lJ-Uiturbanc. 1uch N 81Hpo ....-. CraakinHa. EafltabilltJ, a..tl....-or Nn1'o•alloradatlta lnt.,._,,,. •itb JOUr •ark Ol' apoAI JOUr rood tlmH, tail Dr. lilts Ienita (Uq~ailll ..-u.,. .... , Talolttal Ner'l'o~ Trn~~lon ~an make fO• Waiu-fuL Jiltur, Irritable. Nc-r- 1'o.,. Tt-naion can rauae Nt"nou JJ....:Iube and Nt'nou lndic- Uo .. Ira -limn lib th"e., .-.e an e """ llhlr than u~rual to brc-Qm• .,..-,....,--uu•ht and l'lfr"l'ou• and •.a .-l•l!o for a .-ood Hd1tln . Iff', Mil.-. N•...-ln• Y a .-ood MdafM -mild but elftoeti\'e. u 11:10 dt! not OM Dr. vn .. N•rvine J'OU can'\ know what it .-i\1 do tor l oll. It tom" '-Uquid and lt'e......-.n& Tabl.t fona, bcoth equa\IJ -thlnl' C. \fonae and ove.r-.,-ou.-ht """-. WHT 1>0NT TOU TRY ITt C.. it at ,..,... 4nl.-....... I Etf1'f'\-.C'I'III tahle'-... a .. fl'. lJquW Iff _. II.N. Ra..t IIi""'" tM.. _.-...0 • A 1111 ·-NIEWPOfn .llAC:H Building Pennits Letters To The News-Times SOME D~l\Y • flte WAR IONDS you l>uy today THfV CAN tnakc-your "dre-am ho.•mt'' a .. -ondc:rful rnl•ty Tomorrow! And bc·uu~ yo_~·u wam yuur post- war homr romplc-tc:Jy ·-t..,.- You ran. proudly own~ nc:w, J/rr~mlu!C'd Ctuific-d Pe-r- fOrmance Gu Range-; a oc-w gu a•t <ondit1oning sys- te-m that w11l kCTp yO<J t home u cool as the-mounulru in summc:r and as b.1lmy u thl' cropics in .,,imcr; a ne-w aurom.at •C gas w~tcr-hNtong ~r~tcm ; and a silent, Se-rve-I ElC"Cuoh.u: gu rc-f .. gcr~tor When the giJJ d.ay rornc-s -be-Jl'aJy wlfh t'1'U1MI;h W~r Bontb ... So you tan hurry Johnny Ito"'•, . So you r f,lurl' homr ,~ Jll jou\•c-Jrl'JnwJ 11 u:11.1ld l'lt'. <•>nlf'ktdr m.-.. Jcrrll tc-.1 ...-uh the-l.>tcst .1!J l;lJ arriMIJ(~-(),, n ,\!(ll't \1 ;,, lJfJ-ftJJ. Your Savino• 7oJoy will moh your Tomorrow. 'J'h••t·, ••Tlt' "~)' tu l-ot• ~11 1<· ••f "'IIW oi l) ''"rlii',O.: ·"' "J'!ndlC'!l11rHI!t• (.p l ." t\ •tl.~•· rhr. m•r.•pulk-..1 h"uJo<holJ )C!I'· ,lr\t -I J;, I! ,\J ~,, 11 Jl Ji, t!,/J, Some doy you'll •now "h'' iris 10 ""r1 ·' 11 <,1.:1> ~rl <• I ~,,l ,,.j,,~ -Ill~ 'l t'. !.,,.!,, •' 11lr.'rl.'<:,,,,., ~·l•m, 1!, Ill'<' 1J , .,], r:r' )'),n lh " I '! h.ip· /'" rd.ol, ,1li•·•J -1!;. u II •• U ·•' J, <,.to 'J .... volled ltH .-c-ono'"Y• hcrt-fllntrol ond 1pekl ' tMI MAGtC fLAMl THAT WILl IIIOH1'1N TOUI fUTUI:I GAS \ • • .I , .. 40.., ..... -•.. -· lM.Oi .. •97,HO 7&8,08t .\2S .., ... '" ,., tJ(_)8.t»Q 91U3T ~1 .743 1,040.12l "' 320 .1,:.129,484 1943 200.1136 1!5..233 4.633 7.617 t .HS 1~.7~7 H ,060 7.J9! 8.760 22 3;s 13,940 IO.Olt ·····-····-.. ······--...... _ 16.1110 ......................... -... 142.321 LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME QUALITY FURNISHINGS AUCTION ('0!\IPLETt:l.\' t:QI"II'I't:IJ SHIPYARD ACKERMAN BOAT CO. h• '"" ~uld on thr pro•mh .. •• :!Ill Hhinf' :\\t'lltlt' -~I'WDurl llf>n,·h, f':tlif. Thur.~I:J~-. St·ptt·mllf'r :!l"'t-Slartinp: ut tn::iU A.M . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. \\'CKlU\\'OHI\ISr; ~1 :\f'IUSt:H\' t·~" Tunwr !olhlt• ~''"-:111" ll<orlln l'hor,.r-!'(tr t ... on """" l'itultwr- ( ,.ruuohla IM'' :f llrnm Sat11lo·r-l'OI•hn•_o IM" Tuht1• "''"'-l'<or~r Ill" .r .. lnl•·r l'lluwr-l'u.•· .l: t: .. ..:an '!I" l'huorr--('re<of'~nt M" llouul S:t\o -fl:nlo \\"1·11 .. '!II"' RAnd S l\\\-1t001:rro 10" Tahlf' Sa"' -.\dnuw~ I " 1'\IHll"''-\\""~'• .\ul" Kllllt• IOrindl'r-lh•lla 6" -lulnlo•r l'lanrr-llr H• C'utoff Sa\0--t:;ro·a•·,...., ~6" ~nd SaM- I 'urtrr '!II"' \\'nud l.athf', t\11 ,\ho"'" :\lut"r Drho•n MACIIJNE TOtll.'i F"a!· SA•It !'4(-onow Cuttln~ l.alh" -Lr Rlnnd' !'llllrr -Beaver Tl'll'f'llldlnif !'l•rhlnt~ -1"-H.-ar I'OM'" ,\h,.....h·t C'utoorf Madl-l-~ IJnc·oln l'ortable "We.ldr..,._:t Um·oln \\'t'lde.-Hiryco Auto "'rldrr for !Uw 81-.d~trrllna: l'ow.-:r lfacluaw-MolrU] Met· &lh.t'r-:V.rtal ~pra~· c;un-H.amrw Drill P~ Oc-ilta Drlll rr~ ~lllrr t·.u .. (;rlnder-~ 0 .11:M'f'ld O:rri Aa<lt. cutten -R-r-llahle Sand Bh•~lrr-1 HI' Air c;ompre!IIW1r- AII ,\l'>o\·r Motor Drh'f'R !-IRtft',...,\1 Rand f:oR>p,.....!OOr-IO:rr 08 ._d t'R 2 drive• by ltrrruiM ,a ("yl. Y.nf{lnr a.nd 4 ( ">·1. J~rul Y.n,rlnr. ..... ·--......................................... . t-1-oraln Rand ('nmJ'"'""",._So. 7<5.-\·t C)·l. f:nrtne---C~e&nc Dietel Tr-.t-tor I eyl. DI81'JI f:nl'l-. ···············~······:······················· T~.ooo Lba. 11-.1 ... &• : l.a...,e Quuttty Mart• and ~hf'f'b • Jlardwaf'fl 2.~ Oal11. l'&lnt : .l~r C.Oment !lflur 30,000 t't. lllat'k • G&l•-PIP" Mln-.hfield Steam llo.Uer • 3 Holah :!,ll-00 t-'t. Rf'd n,...~ ... pe • Pouhlr Drum Plle Dri¥eT 200,000 Rolt-Sippl-: s PumJ"III wtth P:nct- t:nllln•. eu-. • Braden \\'lnclt .!1',0(10 l.bo. Gal• ~hlp ~JMkt"'l • YiltiLe Print Ma.ciUne R-\'ah""' -Mon-el: tO 01\ Fum- Shaft. • t Foam ~ae F1r-e l!:atln· ("Gmjolf'te lhwo Han4 • pi!l-tlf'n T onia. Tolfodo Cou1tUnc Stale ······················~······················ rorthn~.-...ena •1000 Ft. Lrta.d CoW!I'f'd Caflle ur., l'rt'!lf'n'f'n' R.afl• M...ta Lams--Buu Ban T•rpaulln-HP.clml!'l.oro .,,... •nd GardP.cn llo..- 8M1kh R-.pl.aei- 8M11Chl"'l. Bl'f'altf'n -Puah lluttGa. -JfDm~ Runnlna: Uaht.-\\1f'fo-- ("ondult \'l..,_Diadt.•mlth t 'oryM F.tr . ·--···-·-············ .......•..•••..•..•.•• lloM-vr C"hurk~lf'\"1-..('ahh• ~llllt:-t1all RnJ-R<>I'f' I II~W I; u:orct l-t'umltutl' snd "('" t '111mt-Rn•t lf•..,k.......Oa.--J>Ipe '""'1"1Mn-\\"l~ Rn1-l.t'rld M......-ln~ulallnl:" Tlli-J-"nllmlte S07.:tlt·• -C"f'nM'nl -;;-Rrnnm-.,.p..t,._:\lalh•t-....("rn. .... ut ""'"'·~ -(O<>~tlfi,_Rin"'· Tnr••ffr-Rin<•k I: TMklr-tl\'<lrlltlllr .lllrlc• -r;rrnol! Gun.-~•nd l 'aJif'r-1'\llf<lrrn St-•lr....:...-.,raJ1 Rindlnc !'fllrhtn... • ······················"······················ ':! t:l"!;f::\"f: RHI.T ~ORTISH M \f 'tll ""f:~ •·•···································•······ l'!.HWIO 1-'t. s .. w rontl 1"-.1 1.11111~r. lnrlndJn~: l'h-..·...,.1 ...................................... ~ ...... . -t TfU'f "K~. rlrkup 11nd l'111t Rn<·k HH'!-1 !111-1!'1~8 I C)•r 1r Trurk ('r.,nr \OIIh h"flm IIIli! T 11.-kl" ························--···················· OfTI("'E fTR~Tit'RE ':!., n .. ,k~~ n,,...._, Tnhl-1'! !ii-1...,.1 11 nd \\"f'>nd nnn2 C"11hl· n.-t ........ ~ f:IN'!rlr ,,,.,lnlf '\Jror hln,...__,, Tim<' ('f,...k~ "11h lbrk- R.-frrrnr r llf'('flrdn-J:lllntt l''hhrr l ftr•nd Sf'W\ 8111111£ !'fa· rl•ln-.t ('nlrm"n on RnrNnt: 11,.,.,,....,, llnmlrrd• nf nthrr ltrmo t"o lllllnf'r'OII• tn nwontlnn •·••····························•···········•· Otw"n f ror ln~,......ltn"..dl11.\·, lnrhrdlnl:" ~r~ndll\" 9 A . M-tn 11 P. M. Rf'll,._nll'llh·r nn J'l'f'ml- t"nr lurthf'r lnfnrm,.un-n llltd "r-..:ripti"" ri"'ular rnmmunlf'.&W to~1th J. J. sur.ARMAN-l?!TflOT.PH CO. C'O,.:wt:RnAL Af!C'TIO:\'l':P:M 418 r.. ttll 11\it'"'* TtJ~ket-11:11 ...,. ~ 15, <-'dl- l****** : Special Broadcast ..... _.. ........ ......... .... ....... ... .. "" ...... . c.-...., .. , , ..... Sit •••••••• DIWIY ••4 otere ef ~ ... lloi!P ...... -... -· •• .......... HEAR GOVERNOR Df!EY Big Musical PROGRAM ~witft Holly~oocl Stars Friday 7:30-8:30 * KFI * * ~ 1 ~----------------~ I I I ' JACK RAUB Uoeued Laad Surveyor 2611 W. Ceatnl Avenue Phoaes: Newport Office 1 ZS; Res. 1656 ~~--------------~ The Famous Sportfisher '' C R E S C E .1 T '' Sld"l ... ., Capt. George McMillan S'IU.L LEAVING DAD... Y at 6 A. M. ,_. SCOTT'S LIIDIII (~for U. P'Wiermaa) lltl OoMt IIIPW&To Newport lleedl Before Leavinl This FaD ArrMp ...... w .. OaWoor Funltar., ... Awalnp. U•brelllua. •t.c. REOOVEREP .......... 8elec-tJoD of Oolon A....-..aaorMtlaW.,.. Santa Ana Tent & Awnlnl' Co. 11!1 Be ......... ....... A_ N~tturt' pll'aau . atlracta. ck· hgbta mvro•ly ~'i·aua• It Ia rutiUrt' Wt• "'"'gntz.. In It an lntlnitf' I'm~·· r W. llumbohJt BACK mr. ATI'AC'K Blll' MORE mAN BF.FOtlE ........... "_.., NOT1C'F. OF ISTF.NT10S TO C'HA'ITr.L MOilTOAOI': TO WHOM • .;:-;;;" ('OSCF.RN: I OTICE lS HERF:DY GIVEN SE N 3440 or th•' C'1V1L JANANCY ITICKL£ JACKION Author of terlee or Fonllrtght Anlclea on Ho"otutu a"d Hawaii" PU ANT to tht' Provisions or I CODE of tht> SIAl<' of California. ------ that tht' undrnl~;m'<l, U )UIS t lt·rt <'11llfnrnt11 whll,. "'" "''"r" VERWEY. a sln~;ll' man. as Mvrt-• .. uu h11vln,.; "'"' k"""' hf't•· Wht~n gagor, INTENDS to mortga..:c> to I r<"\l'hl'() I lnuo~lulu I \1 tl" 1111r ABRAM KRAAK. a marriNf man, prt~rtl tn "''.,. •·•,.;om·t.. '"'ln..: lot;ht as Mort~eagl't', all that C<'rtoln per-V. L...,.. c-.._ ~>~I wtthnuf't hNIIIAtauu nut In Uti' I aonal property, com~isting gr nrr-Brtp41er G..-.1 lllenft& A. ..... a...alraaal .., 'l'llrawa •'1><'11 11t nt~rht """" un lhf' , . ., • .,,t ally of Cafe and l)(>vera .. e Equln-Yf'tn&a. llff .... .,_... el ...., -·-u .. liM freal U.. M thr fo w>IIUI.r.ttn .. M f\f atrlklnc a .. "" ~ A& a.ft .. J"'n& U..ews ,. Cut W • ..._,, Wa .W.. mf'nl. Flxturt'!l, Furnllurt' and -maid a "11 ..... n 1.mo· o'ttiiiJ ~ .,.,.n Furnishings, now JocaH'<I and con· hl~th nbuv~ hail llf'f'n aiM'....,I t~lned In thai Ct'rtaln ~~;,round-noor lewport ....... CL ............ ~ ... , Bases Theft' 'A'f'f'f' many "'ll'h thin•'• '" storeroOm and It~: appurtl'nanCH, ... • ..... IJ 8U bf' Mtll'f'd whlrh """mr•t )n bf'· at 202 MAin Stnt't, In tht' aty of les II(W'U • lt-.w M&hl attltl."'" tol • AU· Ba.lboe, County of O ran.:r. Stair For Din· .iL I ...... L ••• 1927! u .. n Ulan I hill m~tlntalnl'd r11ht of California, and m ore partlcu-••• il5a hl're on thl' ,·out tn C'altfomla larly del!cribeod u follows, to-wit: t WLt 01•1 JIM'ptlr.d to ftn.t r lub 1 Doublf' Electric National Cash ~roupa ml'f'llnJt rf'ICUiarly rartan . ~stf'r No. Ullta.t·eoU (1) An lllterutlng clipping dur up JO out wllho11t rolmmttmrnta and IL'1d a ~rrnr"'l •lr of JtiiV"IY nnt U C. 1 Slnglf' El@Ctric National by Lf'w Walacf', wblle he WU Wltll an open mtnJ u l(o thf' but tn ar•·•.rd "''llh thr l(ravlty I h••t Cash JU-jt{sft'r No. 8 ·N!Nll· havlnr Mnt. Wallace clean out a 81te for the govt-mmf'nt and whlll' "JI:Jif'<'lf'd_ Th• tark of f!""' ,... 1 1 1111·1':, 2 E lt'Ctric Bet>r Cool· lot of hl.a fllu, will be read w1th _,.raJ othf'r •ttr11 havt hf'l'n rr-tlnnlnJr a n •bun•lan•·,. of f'nl (O'Keefe -Merrit), 3 Serv· lntf'l'f'at attf'r l7 yeant. Tbe atory Jardf.d u favorablf', u rnn11utlt' u .. d wlt'f' mula, tlt'h• ""Ira. ton}toymf'nl lng Stations, 1 FlftN'n·Stool from Wuhlngton Ia about the s-rta concf'dc-U111t af'vf'ral llrl{U-or th• thtn~t• wr ,·an't r:•t h..r• nr Bar, 1 Serving Bar, 1 Largl' Naval Board t'Onalderlng a aile malta makr thc-OriUlJtf' rounty olo without bPI'&UIW' '"''"'" ar• too Back Bar, 1 Small Bar. 1 Gas near Newport Bay u Hanran for aile, fourtf't'n mllr11 from thl' hiJ'h could be Juatly r•..,on· KJtchen Range, 1 Kt'lvanator Jre two dlrigtlblea r~ulreJ by Ole batUeehtp IJ••~ Uti' mo.t lnl{lr al albl• Bo". 1 Tablr. 4 Chain. 9 Stools. Navy lor a pt"nnan~nt ~ f"r lhf' Anol thrrr haol hf'f'•l nuthltol( 3 Tables, 8 Chnl,.,., N~n Rordl'r In lhlll lime Ult'lle cralt have dlriJ1blea abnut th• nu-luflo..-11ntJ lhr 'atl'('n Signs, 1 Nron Cocktail Sign, 15 given way to the plan ... allhourb Tboee In thr N~tvy wh .. hav• varltollr• of bujtll I•• hf' fr'Und Large Mirrors, 3 Hamilton· fhe Jlghtrr-thllll-alr balloon• are made a lludy of th•• N•·"'l"•rt aitf' In Hnnnlulu _ . In thl' tra v•l fult1 · I !koch Malt Mtl(\'rs. 1 Too~ I· In operation. The statement about decl&l'f' Ulat thf' hay lhrre r••uld ,.,. H••ltlrnla takr an enf\•rt'e•l I mas ter, 2 I~ Roxrs. the Carrler'll Saralvgo a :Jd !Axln(· be eully drf'dj!t'll am i •·nlltri(NJ at l'llur"" tn ln.,.('\ ~tiii.Jy whil• ltvln• The said Chattel MortgRg<' to be t on aircraft rarrh•n i1 lnte~lltlnl amall UJN'net' tu rw nnlt thl' 11lr· nn Oshu, llko• It nr rwt Thrrr 11r• pJact'd upon thr above dt'scrii>E>d In vlrw of thf' fat't that both were cnft rarrlrra RAtJltu,.;" auot Lt'll· tnammoth , nrkn111C'hn. •1•"'""'• pl'rsonal property is to be l'x· dr1troy~>d during U e r ro.-cnl con· ln&1on to hllrhor lhi'rt for athll· •·rntiJ)f'<lr •. lll'"t'VI"n". ..,whuJI•. jN'utro and thr consldc[a tion Oict. Dut herr Ia the t'llpptnr: Uoaal protN'Itoon of t h~> lllrlgohlr tulll11l, Plr Athlt·l•'" Foot t• a llhert'for w!U be pold on M-onday Waahlngtun, June :.!4. Newport baar Thill aot ,. woultt hf' frrr I l'ummon dltM'aH In tlola barefoot the ~th da y of Septrmber, 1944, Bay, Orange county, may be lhe from hlgh·J'OWI·r firl'll IUld al1111 IMd Th•n th.re Ia ll.•nlfUf' J'ner I at 9 :15 o'c)ock a.m .. or. at a aile or lbe han«ar• for lhf' two ~" from 1tron1 wlnda and maltf' which Ia hrought about th""ul'l reasonahle timf' lhPrNirtl'r, at thf' 11lr ig1blu DOW u&dt'r I'OnlltN C'Uoa tbe flantar• rully lll'l'f'llllblt• In hitNI u( ll rrrtaln tyllf' 11f tlay ESCROW OFF1C J-: or PETER L. tl( thP Navy Ot'partm r nt. Any kind ,,, Wf'Aih••r '111""''"11" • MAYHF:W sttuntNJ nt 118 Am· I If Orangl.' county Ill prep:-rf'd to Th«' bo••t•l 11 • ""'!'"""'' ur At.l· """ ""n ... ttnu·lt '"'"'"r )""' eriran Av••nu". ~~ thf' City nf nwl't the naval boanJ fur lhe IOI'A· rr.lr..J Will nm A Muff11 tt • hl\lr· 1d lftl "'"''"' t l••ro .. r ""' oloo\YII t o•'A ra Lon..: R.•n<·h, Count) or (..o, An· tonn nf n ba...,.-· f· r llu'lle twu ltl'"llt man: ll"tt A•trulrul .11\n"'" M , a""''" hot•l "lutol • lttllt· '"" jtl'lo•<., State> or ('.ol!rnrnia. tllrlgll>ltl< \.lw n tilt• h"nrd tHTI\'1'8 R~e•. l.h•u tt•n,olll ·I """""nol•l lllll•h ' 1../ll"l ln~ .tuo••lll frooul "" I TIIAT thr arlrtro•<.' ,, ,..;uri Murt· ··a rty 10 .Ill IV llll'ro• ,,. ri'I<M•n ... R~nlll\111, '"' 01.1'1 ' ...... 1111'''" r "' • •111• I,.,, 10 ""' ' t I It•· I loonoolotlll ..:n~;or I'< ~'0:! M:n n St n·o·t, m lhf' t ... th>\'1' th~;t lhtto rmrtln alar IItle the dlnj:tlolo• I J·~ .\m:··l··"· I 'um ""' l"'f,...rtt I'" ... flat" n • al \' CHI "' H.oiiH IIl, (· ... ant~ .. r ( h olnl!•. ,, til .... lOf•lt·· It'• I T ht> bonnt. lOm · manl'l'r c:nrlllllol I·"'' tl """ 1.1•" '""'' r ,.,.Ill Y '"''"'''" lilt• ... """ Stll lt• 11l ('.lftl~ttnl.o . ,ofltl Ill•· uti· poo!Jt'll uf fll'f' nnvnl ••JI:f"•rt• t>li:Jlt'llll tl'llllrtl · l '•ontrro.ll •h r I ol\\ut•l I' 'J' "'''"'"""I'" '" •I tall In 11 .. ,.,, dro·" or ,,,ttl ;\lo>t iJ,;III!•'•' ·-~t):! t .. "'"''' \\'o.thtu;:tnn Jthurtly aft<'r I Mar~hnll ""'" I h "' t'. 1\ ol ...... t n !ll:oan ~tr•·•·l. an tho· ('a ly ,,f H;1lloua. 'h•· f1tl't nf July Tlw b<~~trJ w ill ---•• '", , tt \• 'f'loo' '"Ill a .. 1 ••I •to unk ~ Count) or ()r;an..:·· !'t.tl•· n( (':oft· 25 Y.~ARS AGO """ ... ttl tll llllk ' l t>ol ••. "1"'""1 (ornln I "E. • ''' tf ,, .... , 'h ~ofr• '"' h "1'1' d IJ1~TE'l> ~~·pto•ntlll'l ;,, h 1 !~11 £I Ill , / , 'T F I I 11)! llfl(' 1•1 II IliOn It"""'' '"' !Ioiii ~ I.Pl'IS \'1-:H\\'EY I 'fiE.., e rmn C:ll'\' "'If \ 1 n '" II>•· 11111111• r "' '''" ,.,. "h• 1 • "1\tn tiJ.::O ..... ,. .. , ·S~ENLEY AIIHA!Il t.;Hi\1\K '';\tilt ti!·•J.:••••" -e4etue $397 ~lalf' of Callfomt•. County of l.n• Ana:rl--... I 0:"1 TillS 5th rlny ur S·•tJit·ntlwr. A. 0 , _W44. hdm c• till'. P L. MAYHEW, a Nulla ry l'uhlk in and for !>aut County and Stat••. J>l•rsona lly npll<'urt•d LO t.:JS VER- t WEY and AIIHAM KRAAK known lu m•' to bt• tlw fot•n-on!l whnsr nam,.~ arr liUb,crilwd to th(• within l n~trumo·nt, and H<'knowl· edgl'<l that t twy Nh·I'Utt·tl the 1 sam•' wrr:-.:~s m> hand unrl OHtt'lal St•al I SEALI I NOW lliNDIO WITH AMIIICAN OIAIN .... tn f . N . !4rlfktt •f Jt tlf•tttHI '' ''''"' "''k""'''1 t ll.-.1••h l•;"1'1uu t:.•• ht'!.'"'~ " W~dnr· ... ~tu v •• wt HI 11··· tiHfl\1 I ilt I . Ufr It lit "' IIUtll .. ,, I I I I I• II t•l 101 """ I" olo I Ilk filii •Ill ,., ltv "' Mr. un•l M •~ "''"'k • (ill•· '" lit•· puth .. r ~'""'': 1•''"11~ n .. t 'hart. Balbuu Jli • '''•'""'' •t ''' ,,_..,7•· ''"" tlftatd•• ''' Mra. l,.1•w II \\'ull:u • ol•j•iol l•·•l '"''" llol'i r lot ,1,.1 , . 'Jut Ttllor,..luv 1111 II••· •: A H '·I"' . I 1 :-;.,,ue•••u•• hnl' \~ 1 "'''" f,, tt~tk uw 1ctal for l 'o lll•oro u hloo • 1 1 Mr •I M rll t;, "r .,. ~·,.;l k r,. 'If at '" I I'll•· tout "'"''" '"'' 1111 I · en IJ I tul ono••l In ltnto"llllot '""'' llo"t lhf' • ce v,d """''' IIHtl tlt•·tr ""I' !llun · ,.,.,,11 1,,.1, d 1,.1, hnll 11.,, """'''"' had arTI\f•tl ~11t•·lv Ill ="''" y .,rk 11,,:. 1,..1,~ fllt•••l It 1,. ll ll•' from lh•· ~:ur iiJot•nn lta•·1t1• r .. r wur ~t •ttV ,..:u ..... ,., .. ,,.. ,.,., .,,.,.,,n,..,. •. ··"Jl•d T h•tw ,.,, .. "1'1 ,,, •"lrrv The lth•al IW~ if' IV V.tollltl 1'fllthlt• I ••hi V I 11,. 11 1 I ,.0110 11 lll7o ltlt ill• I every mou t Rn•t "'"tn"ll ''' •I• "' t .. p "'I' • •t ltv I lu Jnl' "''" l·••r~·tuU~tPr alone t h,.tr tndavltlunl litH" """ 1111 ~1,,,,,. 11 .. t , "" ,. ,11, .. , ~ """" , not all"tnl'l '" '"'' ,. uti "''" ""'' mold. h•o\\o Vf't ......... IIIII• .I II ~. Haldan!' ,., ,., '"'' •• n t 1\ ,, t •• ,.,,, t ut It• • •f ··~trrf'IIII'IV ~~~roll "17"1! l•o tluol ,....Hf11 t•v II•• ,., •• ,.,~·· , .... rfiWtrl I" B·ERNARB ·~ of HOLLYWOOD 'DiStinctive Tlwtography at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npt. Bm. 2218 Visit Our Portrait Gallery lntM BALBOA INN ARCADE ·Open 12:30 to Q:JO p. m. Dally_ FlEE LECTIIE -C~ridi11 Science "Chritdian Science: The Law of 'f.rue I )om inion" Lecturer n .. rlwrt W. RHk, CA.B. nf Kaa l'l'..,...,.., C 'altfenda Pla('e Time NF.WPORT IIARBOR IJNION IIUHI KCIIOOI, AIIUmlfUII. "'"' .... '"'-, ........... . ..... _ .Sunday Afternoon, Sep- tember 24th, at 3 o'Clock , . ....,, ..... "...,.._ .. , .,,..t (:II•"'• ef , .......... ""'-ll•t. nf. N~l'""' .._,.la, ('.Ufenle ALL AilE CORUIALLY INVITED I' L MA YIIF:W NOTARY Pt.:BLIC an und fur th<' County or Lo• An~f'l··'· Slat•· uf 1944 t hlff ""' •~>tu• '"''',. t \ltJttfl••' ,., .1np ._ ___________________________ .. l lltflurOt • ltl t th· 'tl \"' 1 .... Cnhfornin • ..._ AYallallle "Good U L • : tr~t~'r c;~~',";;~n J::xpan ·s s.,.,.l BALBOA LIQUOR 8TORt~ 9nf IS a I Pub Sept. 19. 1944 ' , ........ ('elltral ~ n -----------------------------a• to 6etter study" II t':~ ·•~ R .!..?A!.?-~!!!!.!:. E • Use large enounh b lb f l ~ ~~ ;.!.: ~ .... _ Burt'R.MartN• ~ " H • u s x;_ ~·~-3 orton ....... 141'7 * ave ~~··""' I Ill ('oa.d HJahwaJ NI':WPOilT BF.Al'll enough/amps --------'-------------------------------- *Shade 11 b I a u bs to avoid I *Us t· h g are e 'Q t-colored shad • s·t 1 es ' c ose to the light *Keep bulbs and lixt ures clean cfl's conutnitnllo J "PUT IT IN ESCR,_" # 'wilh 73anh of 9/nkAit:tJ IIARDWARE · J. H. ESTUS PJ.l'MBJNO GENERAL ELECTRIC e At this bank, realt011 ond othe ... find on efficient, prompt, dependable eteraw Mtvlce. The neorm branch wel- comes .the opportunity of aerving you. 8ANOE8 e Rl':f'lliOF.RAT~R~ • \\'.\I'IU:R8 DI8RW A811&&8 • llADI08 ...... 118 New,ort ...... " l•r• ,...,. "' r tth tu •rnntl "''"" ,.,,._.. TIDE TABLES ror tlw '''" Jlhoott .t .. , ........ drr,. II \ 1 1117.1' H " "" a•• ""'' ~·• f•or Ill .. Hlgl> Lr•W Hll;h Low • toiiV• 11 '"',. .,, I h• .I "' Wllfllf•h SEPTEMBER It u"t'•lll', ,;•• kN ••f ft•a<'lt f,.n ""'11 12:t0 ~, ~1 7:11 tv •II"' -.a'"" '"' "' "''IIV lltr)l k••l l 13 Thf· ,,, .. ,,.,1•• '"ut''''rlll ,.,,. •••n• 4·1 '1 2 -l tl•l•·l\ •tto•l<• •I ul.•• 1111 till• ty)'t•·nl 31 6 17 12:SI 1:37 I I ', t J lfqti<olufot \',IUol III lo• fl ll"'rVII I• m11111 3 3 :lll 4.7 1· ,,.1, ""''" ~··· 111 1>•11 vllv f• 1 hrt~:lol 1 3 Jli f) ~.'l I ;,4 10:16 1 1 ... ill•'"" •l~t tuol lll•· tuor•rr""''"·l 1". 22 !i. 2S s u. 24 :1 1 :!II 4 1\ 1.1 l!o:Olii :O!IIniPI IIHtk lllf lll j.(f'lll'tMI M. 2(1 6 :11~. "~·2 3:28 11 36 II• I '""''''''' "111(11 71nf' ""'' 3,3 :}2 4,7 0.7 1,,,,.-., rT1t ;ft y, 'II ff!t fl;l tVIII,. Tu. 28 6 ~11 11 114 S:.04 U '3l S t·•·ll k llllo( "' '"'"'''~ 111•r• l" 3 7 :1 I 4.9 0 2 " 1, ""I''"J•h ,,.,.,. 11 lllln<•htlll Wd.27 7 ~I 12 ·17 6 :10 : I• )"'' •111,,t, 11'111'•111111'11 ,. rii Jt 4 I 2 6 ~-l tool tu 1 1 I• "I o 1"1 Ill II Alol Th. 28 7 :.•1 I Ill 7:07 t .09 1 f> I) '/. ~.8 2.0 CN•.• ,,.,u~t·' ~~~"'''"• tlffl"f t...t-"t ft•u''"' • ,, ''"'It fl~ar .. • r• m ra.s.. .,... '""', ,, .,, .. ,.,,., ,,, ,..,., ·n-•h'• \lU • I' tlftJ•:t ··n ·~ It' f t 111' f 11 h\ 11'"'"' :·tt '.,, • I tilt v . I k ",.,.,; t ,,. ,. tl•f ~tt v .. t ,,,,,,I tu tt~·· A tu ,,, tf t Ul' in• t •'''' 1\ rill f'•• I I' .• , ·r •• r•d b•, ,., '"' ,.,,, '' ,, .. ,,,, • Before You Build or Remodel - anrl l!ht•l•v r•10rn• cultto·'· t•lannl"lt alt1•. Jltt•hrnat .. , •t, ... k of rarV"'t.. and llnolo!u•· , ...... , Rur' and ('..rprh ('IMn..t, ... .,..,..... ~ ~w . LUDLUM Carpet Works ............... 1M. ,..._ ..... -'-1811 "-'NTA A!'tfA You'll cook laeHer with Pearl Oil A "tr~e ttllvt that Rt'ct .. the CfHJ"" hat nu~ cnany a c•xo"i"l( f~ilurr hut ir can ~ curf'd wtt~ ~""" hur11inl( l'url 01l. Sf,l .. rnt-rcfmed Purl Oal burm .,;111 • hut, drar, u n <ly ftanw thee Mnr crtf'pt up. h 'e wn•llldn,, toutlru , ,,.f.,rln•. for coukina. bca&- lng, li~HiD&-uu.lcr pure, ucao Vearl ou. Clayton nompson i.l. Whfla.-le I>MtributAlr "' Phon• IM N .. wpurt J)ea(oh lw. Ph. 1004 Y 0 U r 16 t Q f' '-.~ fr1t f 0 f I V e f 0 r • STAN 0 A )t·o'·· 0 ( ll F 0 R N I A I • ~ . • • ' .) t I , \ • 1 . ' • ' . ' NIIWPORT-aAUIOA NEWS-TIMES I'IIONDI M8Wrvft U a U rngp ,...,,_....,..,....,..,.,.._ \iemDIVI 1• ~ PQoable 1D A~:-12.!10 per~ ln Oranp Cowl\1: 12.15 per ~to 4th 10M; UOO per yeu to 8th &OM. ..... • lecand:C... mat~~~otnCr ln N~ s.d\. CaWomia. under w Act ol Nard\ 3, 1871 J X: iD!rt1i ED!1'0R AND PRESIDENT a.ftaAL PAPlCR OF1'11E crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH A JM•• te.,._ 1-.1 a.u .. u-far Over M Yean frOR INIURANCII IIIII Howard W. Geniah 1111 w. Cefttnl Ave. Newpen ... otl. Calif. ~41l AUtomobile • Fire A.c.cideDt • Life -· Uceul u4 Oontnc:\ • Bonda Wrtlteo 'lecister If You I Desire to Vote 1 Newport IW'IU'h rll1u•n,. who <'ll• 1 poo<'t to volf' In lh~ Nrw .. m..,..r f'li'C·I I tlon~t but 111'ho put of( reKJalerina tm\11 the Srptl'mbfor VI lkadllne &ppmaC'ht'a rr8y flntl lhem~lvuj I dllllranchh1etl. rf'gll!l rR r of Vhlrra 1 I for r aljfnm la v.am.-<1 lo>olay. ''&£J&ra1.1on &l lbJ11 ttmt' Ia n"t nf'arly .. huvy II& It llhoultl ~:· ~===========~·the rr~latrar UJlllllnl'd ''Thh• ; I muna that lh,.r,. will proholllv lor ~tn unprr-rrc'Pni N1 nl~h nl"'t1 muuth. l ""d p&rllc•uiRrlv nNlr lhr •l,.tullln••. ...... o ••• hi ..._ rr...v,. Ouk: hr ... ..... AAJt't ... hctar7 'J'raJMd ~lprit~ Weello .._.. ... care tar ...,..1101'0118 ....................... whtth 111 midnight. ~··pl,.mt .... r 2k I "'J'hOIII' who w •h In vut•• ''"" l aaJn nothlnJ$ by putllnK uft rPI:h• I t~rlnjt. Th~y ran, At hMt, t'llll<'l I 'I to watt In lunlt lkw~< ~&nd. In• It •·ol may b. ahut ""' "" ttw tlnnl t111y Millly Mu•t R~gllt~r Who mullt ~Killer • Tboee wtlo havr heroml' ot a~f' Ul~ wbo did not votr Ill d thq 1.1\e primary or ~en4"r&l 4"1~"<·tlunll In 1142, lhoee WhO ftllVI' IOIIVt'd (Tum onr county to anuthl'r wiUitn thr atate durtuc lhf' put oo dJoy11. t.bow .,.ho bav• muvr <l Into lhl' atal• and hav" rrahll'd htre onl' y•r or more c to b. ellJ1ble lbty muat ban lived be~ 12 r nn.wi'U· Uv• mont.l\.a): and tho• who 1\aVI' mO¥ed wllbiD the ctty U• If~ ~NCln't Tbe latter V.9UP r an gc.. b&ck ll• 1.1\elr lut votln,; pn!<:lnct to cut tbellr Wiota It lhe)' movt!d wltbln Ole •o da,. wtM-n ttle booka -n clOM!d. Re«latralloo may b. m&M at uy nrw ball. FALL TERM .......... IIIIa .... AliTa THI WAI 0 , .............. .. ~ ...... , ........... .... ' M., ._..111eftT .. A .... ~ ....... .............................. MY.,. IYINI-~ ............. ,. IAVI IL •• ...,.._ ...... ........ n ••• .,.._.. ...... , .. 1HI ........... ,.. ....., ... . ..... • ..... ....... c...... ............. ~ Aec....._.. ....... a ............. ,.." .................. ... .., 'A•r ....... , Phone 3029 . 3£,.. ./~1..01111. ~ 3£m 3f.u.l OY.a., ~ • ((a~IJlaiLa r., £::a"' J••., . '' ,.,._,. .s.w Y. .. •· C.. -I S,m••• lAMIA .,. ----~----------- ON C I I D •1 T &MONTHS ~.o ... ~~~ ... llfiAI CAll IM AND IUYI YOUI IYES !XAMINIDI NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beaell, Calllomia, Tuea.y. September 19, 1s.4 \ Robot Bomb VIctim Du• Out Alive • MRS. AMERICA fled purr you u.ed to hea.r. try that untalllnc ma.cullnc tavortt. r--""""----------.. M'EETS DEFENSE -ucci&Wot ~et aew M&de flom poiDt·fr~e uUilty ~f. ammert!d Tbla Ia another N!d letter w~k loac ADd aiowly wltb .a~all oalona. to'r w.... AmertC'a. Red at&mpe a few potatoea Uld C&IJ'Ot. M tbe E·O, F-~. ancl G-O In war ration meat Julcee thne la~·t • p-l aun·r book tu.1r becomes valid Septem· hlrbway to hla heart. ADd the I ber 3. Thty are worth ten polnt.l lact that ul1llty ~;rade beef t. from each for tilt: pun:bue nf meat., 12 to 20 cenla a pound leu tb&n f11lll, and ch<•elll". an• I. 11.1 uau&l,, nlher grad I! II Ia a powerfuJ per· '"'' g (JOJ m<lt'llrutcly. au&der· lu U1e budget-wlae. I _, • !: ·-----l Do you WPar RI':LI'It frnm eklr· BACK THE ATI'ACK • FO_I MEl and BOYS m hdlCII w l t h Rtu bbcJrO oytlter 11 BUY MORE THAN BEFORE shells .. c she 1.11.'1111 aea shell!!. elc.t Tbt'n you'll wc•lcome IU'WII that the I --------------- fiMI and wildlife I!A•rvlt'!' ha.. b<'en j '1:l: f:l '1:l: f:l f:l '1:l: ~ ~ Ji· condurtmg l'ltpenmenla In oyater· y..., \\'hat'a NewT l} • Opt"n lng Th~:y b<'heve It Ia poll· ~ ne T Sh 81ble that u ... f:untly oyaler opener {{ oy op * !01 llatt.M Aft. BALBOA ISLAND Pbo .. llt rray sunn I><> able t o drop o tablet S'!O Marine Ave. ~ In watf'f' lhat • u\er~ lht-oyrt .. rll {{ Ba.lboa blaad ~ ant! in flvt-minutes fmd ttwm .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. .A. M M H .._ __________ _.J I nf)f'n. Tht:t method C'BII• tor grt· W W W W W W -v-Y Y ' ling th .. IJI·vatv.·8 ·•..trunk" on ~r·--------------------------.... ~~ bonalf'd ""'"r "'' that t h!'Jr ~ ~=~ea n ·lu an.l t h .. "hells n1wn Rubber Lined A ,:~w !l.tiNUTI:S AI-, I· H 1 rohol bomb load «\r lod«d in 1h11 row olltoot-........ htro '" ouulh«rn En&lanll," civil ... &nil t~orkc,.-onclulltnt •umtll-,.tre en the 11"'1 ru •••• lout. quc11clt 1,.., rlt•r ,.r.rL•¢~. rctlure •ny uunliol unic-eo do~ao&cd. Th11 wot tho rcouh of only one ol lhe Sl.O roboc bombo a.-htd b• the I otrmont up In Au&uoc Z. The ttomoa ""' duC ouc 1f tho oorecko&« ond 11 ohowa b«inC carried II •• _._lu cc our lho r«maint of ber bomc. Rot.' m:u1y n agwcwxl aan•'wfl h mllkPrs ar.-then• In ync•r ::un11y • If m tdnl;:"hl 8na{·k• are thv ur.ter I''' t)w •lay In yuur hiiUIII', lht• art· noun('l'ment tt:nl ~Wills rhN'II!' t•r•<'C8 Drf' tu 1.>.• luwcrPtl bv .wv· c'raJ ro·ntl'l o. p<lun<l all ov{·r th~ nation w UI lw I'J'•'<'l•·tl with jtlad t •w• lnlm. . . . I H~ou~wi\'Plt will ~ happy to kno··, thnl U1!' :!0 polnll! rwr pound originally llsll'd nn thl' S<'plf'mbt•r polnt chart for creamery bull~r Winch Head Alao Fbherman'a Friead Save. Wear and Tear oa Equip- ~~~e~~t. . . . Priority •tabU..._.. Uader perwoaal auperYtalon of Ch&rte. M. llerralla, Pr-. ~lUI MESA'S CAPTAIN · FLINK KEPT PROMISE MADE GERMAN NAVY··· BUT --- haa been droppetl to the cu~omary Corona del Mar News 1s polnu due to lh~ quick acuon ._---------------------...11 '1:y BeNte Benedlcll • ot OPA,when. late information r~· _ _ _ \W!&Ic•l 61 lncreut'd quant1ty ava•l. A.l a)•lf l:t'nPral Paul L. Wil· able to clvlllanll tt your ._.,.ocr'r·,. llama. IIIlO of lb. and Mr.. Edwlll point c-hart alii I llate 20 point. for I Wllllama. commandlnl( lbe para· creamery butt.,r. ll'a Julll bfocause lroo I"'' s. v.•ho recently wu· tn the he hiUJl't had time to make lbe dr1vt on aoutlwm ~. Ia back correction and the rent 'alue Ia to London . .-tle wnt.ell bla pai'VIt., 1& polnta. watUnK fur the not move on • • • l;rr n any M•JOr ~neral Wll-Have your younall'TII balked on lla.n•A' fl<mlly have rented the home ealiDg their Sunday nlcbt bowl of of lo!ra. Ann uner U do ~e. for bread and m1lk ? lo1ay~ It'• ~· Tou c•n't k~p a frtotld man Holmu or Hnnolulu and anc:hared thr durallnn ra uB<> the bread hna lacked that Fresh Daily Dellcloua Sea Fooda Or, ~plete f'Ciulpment wbtn you want to catcb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET tlc•.,.·n and tatlf'Cially 11<1 If •uch &I at hla C'<>ennut t.land eetate. )!r and Mra F:arl Cre gg. 310 old remembered navor It ao, d"llllhly rhllral'ttr 11.!1 C:O.ptaln From July tp Novl'mber. 1111. Muguer1te. enlt-rtained the I q your cO&Jtlnc can ctaae becauae Cnnatanln ,..,tnll. wllo, while be thf' Klnkajou. rhartued by Dr. fntnd. M uM Wuck. San Gabriel, I War Focxi A!lmln llltnltlon a ya and hla family hllve lived oo lbe ('nman from Ow1~otht Balllwln of onr lht' Wt't'k tnd our bread will aoon return to pre-~ Meaa for yf'an hu n~verthel-Maul. aall"d around f'QU&t.or1&.1 war atandarda or· both lut.(' and .---------------------------- that y .. amlng tor the-aea that roral UJlanWI. PUBLIC NoTICES 1 CJI&allty with th~ a1IIHllon or hlJ:h~r 1 ~---------------------------: kHpa him on a llhlp, whether or T h" m"n aho&nl her cone•· 1 milk t'ontent . c 0 L L A p s I B L E Ribber no. tr:ll«>d on Jarvia. Howlllnd and NOTJ('F. OF 8ALf: OF ATOCil · • Moat N.-w•·Timu rl'ad.-ra r~· U&ker. tor lhr lr job at lhat time IN BULK 1 Whrn nothing hill! thr Jllf)(lt and 1 · 8 0 AT membe-r whf'n hi" <1hJ ahlp. the re· wu tn makc IICienllrtr 11todlea of aad lhf' dinnera you <'OOk ft>r !'ofr Am· I C'Of'ldltWnl'tl ~tambllng <'raft Rex. the l11lanl1a, lncludlntc mapping. NOTI{'E OF INTENDED I eric" fall to bring forth U1c eat II•· wu aunk vii the South Afrt~an an•l lnfonnall<ln on wnlhtr and TaAN8YER OF I.IQUOR cofat by a Cenna n aubmartnr an<l phylllr al rhn rll('t~MIII lc!! Reatart:h LICENSE OR U CEN8F.S Capt. P11nk had to prom lae lbt' and radio coi'Jlmunlcatl••n 1taU(WW 1 PuBLIC NoTICES 1 German Navy that he would never wf're t'At&bllahrd. TO WBON IT MAY CONCERN: ---I 10 to aea apln ... INil the Nul Thtt't' were chOif'n to live, end NO'nC£ lS HEREBY GlVEN for the pn'm!J;es ol 202 Main I bomel&nd, If he did not want to to .,.ork on the t.hrl'f' l•lan.da for pun~uant to the provisions of SEC· Street. In the City or BALBOA. apend the ....t of the war to a tb~ montha TION 3440 of tht" CIVIL CODE County of ORANGE. Stat~ of caeeent.raUoa camp. Thew boya Weft Louie souu of the State of CaUi omU.. that the I California; and the-amount or thc- J'1tok proaa'-1, but 1w t~ot to IJanwt. Arthur H&rl1a (...._rl .l unde~. ABRAM KRAAK. a Pun::haM Prtc~ or consi<k'ratlon menUoo that be would not fl•ht •nd Elmer Wllll&maOII ( Howl&Dd), marrltd man. ~l"f'lnllftcr rt>fern'd In connection with the transf~r of a~at the Nul aJiy Jap&ll 1'1wy llftrt aroompanled by wu. to u ''Vendor 11nd U cen!'lt"e", JN•1llllld Ucenl't" or Lla-Mt'tl i8 ttw> "8o · · llam E Chadwick. Jullua Rodman T£NDS to SELL. ASSIGN and 1 sum ol • · • One 'I'1'1ouund 1 A nt~~ ;' U~~· Coutanttn and Kenuth Kille. ~. ap«llvely. ITRANSFF.R co the-undC'r.dgnro. 1$1.00000) Dollars for the Ll· n ° • · · ~rch•nt Ma· At Bakf'r, one ume to roup LOUIS VERWEY 8 11ingle man. Cf'ft5e' described in Parl'llll"llph "1".1 (Aviation Surplus) With Pump and Paddle, Now Available FOR LAKE, SURF, SWIMMING POOL. FISHING OR DUCK HUNTING. BUOY ANI' WITII 450 POUNDS Alllo .lust Releued Bubbert.ed Fabric LIFEBELTS fGovt. Surplu.o;) For Swimmin~ Pool, Surf or Lakt. Can bt Ull4!d as small noet or raft. Specaally desi&Md ... Ipnated by fsM mouth. Will ship COO. Phone, Wtrto or W rtte. ea. MUTUAL PRODUCTS CO. •11 SaMet Blvd., Loa Anrelf's tt, Pia. B......._w !·tote, I ·Sl55 rtne Ia skipper of a v~-1 In the ... u . rapt n tnk by bla atam&n· henolnaftcr rrf~rn'd to a.~ "Vr n· hc-rPOf, an!l the liUm nf · · • Five :;:u:inc. bfolplnr to a1vr lhf' Jap•l llhlp 1111vN1 the i1vu ot two ... dfe and Int('nc:kod Trnnsfel't"c•", and Jlundrro 1~.001 Dolla"' for the-1 ~,;;ar II'Wf'ata Hla Job In the mOll~ youth.~~ whu Wt'tf' caurtll ~· for convcnirncc 1\l~o l't'f!'rrt'd In liS Ll<:enlll' clr<>rribNI In Pnrni,'TIIph <' &n':l. prcovloua to hla pnl· nnth thl' boat "~nllf't'", all or th!' flJ:hi. ta tlr "2". ht'rrof, R!l po•r f:'<'mw AI:Tt'<'' :t on•. waa chlt-f nff lrrr atx>.rd Hom In llllllfllllllu F..atonla. Jlllle and lntt~t or ~ld "V(.>ndor and mC'nl ~1.--------.._-------------------' ~ amm~nltll)n bnat. nJ)<'rallng 1 ~. l""' Cclnlltanlln P1lnk bu ~ ... in and to 1111 tha t ~r-TilAT a ~alP. trnn~r .. r nncl a~;· --------------------------- t w:;n ~rl Cbtn~~eo. ('KI~umla.1 b•·,.n a M ll(lr Jlnc·r 1903. when hi' I tatn personal Jl"'pcrty, Nm'L'IIn;t ~ignmenl nf lhP :or .. r!''l\ld Stock an<l ort f>1oreehv In N«'w c •• uno•a,l two~ra.n t(> lt·urn about •hi• .. aboard lftK'I"IIIJy of Cafe uncl O.·wrnllf' in Trnd!', l"ixturl',, F.•llllflml'nl. I I Pl\rrvlng ~urpllc • ft~r t II,. I' ~ -,... _._ 1 L'' "' • h ' •nn·· · lht-1.rrnn1n t<I\IIIIIIC VI'IIIIC'I Hedwig ,....u prncnl. rtxtur"'· F'um 11ur•• r :lmt~ lnJtS. IA'Il~•· nnrl lhl• GO<~tl , } 1 ~In<·~ thn ... •lav" ho! haa bftn and ~mlllhin~~. mon• t ully d ... Win of th!' ~nul hu~'"'''" ~•II IH• HORSE RACING IJ11t. Uh• l'acttlr l1 no llran.:,.r '" through ,.11 l<~no l" nt WC'&IhC'r nn .:ribcd ln the tnvc•nlnr~ thl'rt~lf. mac1C', :~nd tht• t•on~JCII'rnllon lho'ro•· tht-~·~~atn. r vc·n 1 thCllllth l1r •lid! 1111 klnda ,., "'"'"'" all ovrr th" rnark.ed !:xhlblt "A". allnch1'{1 to for. tog<'lht'r wllh thP ronNirl1•r.1· "P"n• Yt'l\rll 11 lhr Atlantw. v.•o~rltl an Eacrow Al:n'••mt•nt Numl>en·<l tion for th!' TRANSFER nncl AS· fr~m 1:~7 l u 19:\:'1 1 Hr ho , llnw _. , lltun of thr S-M98. now on fliP 1n thl' hrrl'in· SIGNMENT of lhC' nfor•·~nHI Ll· n 1 · 4 unci IPll:l h<' !W'rvrll u l'nu,.,r ~talu In tli:n wu n ar· alter menllonM ESCROW OF· 1CENSt:.s ~ill 1:>1' Jlllld nn l\ION· a ltf'mllllng mul..r on tht-&-th r1<'<l In s,.,,. Y.-wk j'lty. P'JCE. and to SELL. ASSIGN and DAY tht' ZSTII d11y of SEI""'rf:;\t· l'arkn, luur maatt.l "'hO<>nf'r Hto tnn.:ue f'an r>mduc'• tin TRANSFER and sc-I ovt•r unto , BER. 1944. at Nint• O'C'Iock A. l\1 . ;wnrd by rhUIIpa l-ord nt St'th lanJ1l"lif" Hu8lllan ~ian l&kl "Vcndft and lntt•ndrd Trans· or. at n rrMonablc-C1mr thr r«-aftl'r Quarter Hone .. Match laces Ourtnlt thf' ~•th rarkrr! c:rul"" Durtn~t 11umf' ot Uw 18 ~a~ hr lntftftt of ~it! "Vrndor a nd PETER L. M:A YHEW. !<ltuattod at '•uktr radio faun~ , c;f'rman. surw .. ~lan ~ 1'!1'1 llttl. ,_... .. , all of the right, tJtJe and at the ESCROW O FFlCE of I ~f lh• South Rf'u. Capt F11nk lt'f\ •·u on lll# l'utem -boar-d I'M' Uc!foru~H", In and 10 all the Stock US American Ave-nut•. m tht' City .;r k ·~Sam.,. to f'ommaml lhr had hla famll)' with him Hla ''-'" tJI Cal~ Mrrt:hiU\dl~. On·S11lr Dis·' of Long Beach. Count) of Los An· ·~, ~ '\on a Pa.•lflc oa!and I'll• E rtward (. .,Ink DOW . a IKCIIUJ tWed Spirt h . Uquors. Beers, ~:ell'S, Slatc or Califnmlll pe t on ••lk'o.l by l>r O&na L'••· mau nn a mf'l''f"hMt marlllt ••-I WIDN. ~eragea and <Ancral TIIAT th!' llddr""" of said m~ S. . tn Indian •·atnw wu "prarUraJI>• ~. at wholnale pnct' I ABRAY KRAAK. "V('ndor an!l ... __. lh Parll•r waa later pur-b!'\C>Ufhl up l<onkln~ at l•nd ~t u detennined by thC' Inventory UCf'ns~" I~. 202 MaJn Strt'CI. in c.'-" by the lett Chrlall•n H n••l on 11 .. u..r.ot u per E.••.crow Agrf't'·lthc Cit>· or Rallxlll. Coun ty I)( Hla dau,;htrr. l>otllltrrnt, 17. •• nwnt~ tQ~t"ther with the CorTUTlt'r· Orange. Stale of Califom 111 nnw with hi11 \\Iff', F.llr.abeth at dal IA'Uf' ~tring tht> pl't'mise1'1 TI-IAT lh!' addn"'." of ~Rid tht'lr hom" In 1•11~lJl Mu~ ' """"""' Nld pi'Opl.'rty i.s situate; LOUIS VERWEY. ~~~ "LIC<·n~" IS I Quality Lumber HIM COTTOI RIICH (OM IDle South of 8u a.m.te) TEN EVENTS SUIDIY, SEPT. 24 laciac Starts at 2:10 P ~ M. and Buildin1 Material• lwfnr,. hll r<'(·ent 1•11111 ('mdr aJao tM Good Will C?f lh~ Cafe and 202 Main S tN'<'I. m the City nf 1 . Flink "vllflt ... t" MIU\u In lh~ Ad· S.wract Btmnl'llll .. known a.~ Balboa, County of Orange-. S tale mtralty ~rroup "THE CASINO CAFE -··all lo-of Callrom1a; Adml8lloa (ladadbtc tax) $1.10 f'urtn,sr lh(' lntl'rvH•w, hi' 10111 cated and cootalned m that cPr· TIIAT lh!' ndt!r;,~ of !tOld Senlee Penoaael 50e - • thr 101,.,."'""'"' ~ t ort line-bv 1 taln e:round·floor ston'nJOm and LOt IS \T.R\Vl.l'. VPndc(' a nd I f llllytn~ hf' hat! plrk .. ,l up lhr ~~.~ ita appurtmanC't'!!, llf 20'2 Main lntl"nd!'d_ Tr:ln~fl'rc:"· ill 202 Mnln Re reshments Free Parking 11 l!>nJ,r o m .. A~n frnm An old lllndll S~t. In the C'lt y of Rlllhn.1 Stn'f'l. tn thC' City of R:llhn.1 . •--------------------------..1 COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTfiTLEA Phone 48 In lndln In r,.turn f·•r 8 ,11,,,,1 .Cbunty of Ornngc. Sta le of Cah· C<>unty or Oran~:t•, Stnl!' of Cnh· l -- Ilt' tnuJ;:hlln ·h· 1 ltl'd h tlnf' tonlia, and for lh,. gun-hn~r pnl·•• fnm 111 ~~--------------------------.. I ll "f<•r fll" 1: R• n I " ~1atated In salol F:scrnw A;rr.'mt•nt DATED. tn till' City or l.o ng !'\fll l'\'1'11 fo•l • 1!1 lh 11 '1'1 w .. ulol I NOTICE IS A~O IIEREDY n . ilf'h. l:·•nlly of Lo-. Anr;c-1,.~., A p p h,, l••ll 11,. 111~ "" 0 p'llr: II GIVEN PURSUA:"1 ,., tht• pro· Still•· ,,( ( a llfnr-rtl/1, on lh1, 5th d11y L I cAT I 0 N s 1 ~ n..xt 1viaion~ of CIIAI'TFR 11~1 uf rlw ••I :'o·1•to•mlwr A. n. 19-. 1·1 ol•·~l inrttlt•n Statut•·S or 1941 SIUII• II( t'.rh· ,\llf!A~t KRAAK, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • •, • • • • •• • • ••• • • :-; tonlla. and S Etvn u ;-.; 7 '2 nr t h•• \', nrl••r nnc1 Lw•'n<••1•' • AJcottouc ~·,···•·n~ow c nnln•l ''~'' .. , 1.n t·1s v v.nwEY. •OW BEI•G TAKE• • Uld 'StatE'. thai lilt' undt•rsigrH'd. t.w.·n-····0'" I n n n : ABRAM KRAAK. 11 mniTIC'd man 1.< ll 'IS \'~:l!w~:y f F d I ''U CENSEE" wh(l'•' addrc>S!< I~ "\'••nd•··· and lnl•'nrl('ll I or ee er Plant l02 Mil in St rr•t•l. 10 lh•• ('it, . .,( 1'ran,f••rf'o• · Balboa. County ur Onm.:•·. ~t.llo' ~l&ff' of ('alllnrnl-. 1'1( CaiHornillt> 11nd LOt 1:' \TH· ('ount~· nf l..o• Anct<t--..:-. Hardman Manufacturinc Company FOR BUILDING INFORJ\1:\ TION -See - B~y District Lumber Co. -of- WAL TEA I . I PICER. 0Wfltr j: Newport Beach •Your .._lent DUPUCA T!DI Prompt Serticel *Carry an EXTIA PAIR of GlASSES Wi .. Youl •Ga.... Made to Your OWN Preteriptionl tYew Credit Ia GOODI Opea aa Accouad .,._ .,_ .. y.., MM...._ 'cw • : 111 ltate t;flghway Pl\ont ·I; At The Archee . 1150 WEY. a ~inJ:II' miln "LICE:"St~E... 0 :" TI liS 5 th d.t~ or S••t•trmi'K'r whoae add~~ I> :..'0~ !\t111n Slrt'<'l, A. D . 1~H. h••fnrr mr I' 1. :'-1 .\\'· m tht-City (lr n.tlhoa . Cc•uncy o1f HE\\', a :"Otllr) l'ublu· 1n :lnll f111 Oran&c. StatE' of Cilhfomur 1:"11· :<a ic1 Cou nty and Stnt«-. po•l'c>nall~ TEND to SELL. ASSH;s .md uppcared ABRAM KRAAK :~nil TRANSFER to l ..Ol'lS U:R\\'1-:Y. LC)L'lS \'ERWEY knnwn to nl(' 1n a Unci~ mt\n, "I NT t-~ :" n l:: D lw thc pcorson$ ~h(lo;c nam,., :nt• TRANSFEREE", ~h~ aclt.ln'Ss 1" l<tlb!l<·nhNI to th•• within ln•cn1• 'XQ Main Strt't't. in Ch•• Cit~ nf mt'nt. and ll<'knewlrogro that lh<'Y Tlle~ Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available the Latter Part of September .... " ... .., ...... -OffCUd .. _...,..., ...... ~ ..... DR. HORACE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST . a •· ~· 46 & S,Mrac -•nre ...... ..... ...... I ~ ......................................... • .. • ••••••. GORDOI B FINDLAY MAINTENANCE AND ~REPAIR 01Jit-SPJ:CIAL TY Cabinet Shop Servire ~~ c.~.t Shop st II ()out &MI. 40'7 SfMtl 8t. PIMM 41t MI. 2388-..1 MWWI'U&i UAC8, o.u.IP . Balboa. County or Ornn~:t•. Stair c>'CI'<'111c-d thl" :<amr ol caJilomia. the ff'll<>w mg Alco· \\T ii"E.-''S my hnnd nnd t'H1r1nl holk S.Vt>ra~te Llct'n.o<C's. a t :..'0:! &-al. Main Stl"ft't. In l11«-Oly of UAJ.· ISEALl BOA. County or O rnn.:c. SUl t• • r. L.. MAYIIE\\'. o1 ~lllomia : NOTARY PUBUC, In 11nd for 1 PURSUANT TO S l'CH L"\TE:"· thP County or Loa Al\~!'lr~ ~tlltc­ TION, the undcr~lgn•'<f •~ apply· of Callfomln. inc to t~ State' Bou-d of EquaJi· i My Commission Elll>~n'lt St'p· utJaa tor l~~o"uance Rnd trnnl'frr tembt>r 15th. 1945 o1 the rollowtna LICENSES Pub.: &-pt 19. 1944 1 U ON SALE DIS"'1U.ED I ' U.adled Appllautts AOOPpted Win Be Paid While Recehiq N~· Tnh•la« IMtracUoz ~~pply : Bob Al~n. 914 eo...t HJpway, Newpert Beac-h uu.~ oo~ln~ Frida~· from 9 L m. at 4 :SO p. m. Saturday, 9 L rn. ~ 1% noon SPtRJTS UCENSE NO M._ Barbllra R.dn!lart. who hut~ 12) ~~~~ ~ 11 =dtl;~ -::~~~.:a~n .. ~~~ Hardman Man•factun·nc Companv WINE LICENSE NO. •· and taU eatcred Jl"uUenoa l*trkt I ~ na. No . .a741 JMr~kw eoncr. ..------------~~--------..! .. ( - Atnericll Lecio• Veterans li~ Procratn Explainetl ~Y Crocker lnAamur h u Ulf'ff hu been 1 tran<'f' Ia •lbta!n~ for hlln In tbe ronlridt>Mlble ruie-lnformatlnn put ntarl'llt ltVnlhthll' h"'"J'It&l, It t-mrr· corth by rt-rtaln or~antr.atlorle. gl'nl'}' hnaptl,j&liutlon hi m-vded. an both In the prns and vn tht raJI<l. amhull\nC"t~ l!! urdrr<'ll llnd the pa- polnt In~:" nul lar k of nct'o'ull11•11 vf th•nl I~ rualwd tmnwdtalely to the-I ILL~ ni!Cil J•'r hn~pllt1lt7.atlun 'lntl. ho~pltal, wtwrt' lhc: bt·~ In ml'dical ,ur4't"t mont'tary asalttlluw•· to v•·l· lll'h lt <"IJ Ar•• prm1dl'ct ·abst>lu~l:V l , ranll 11 bei'Onl!'ll no•t'PtilljlfY to frN> until th<' \'t'l•'r!Ul Ia wdl 1 10rrP<'l a~>m<' stalt·mt•nta rr.11de lu ~&gain are~r Ap110intl'd un tlw \"l'll'rlln~ S('r\"· it"(' C'nmmittl't· fo r our local bonrd. l!o Mr. Stuart UunlliV. lwudint.: th(' •·omnutt•••• Andrt•W J lln)mnn. posi l<CfVh.'f' offwt•r fo•· r-.;,•wpurt llnrbor fXlSI l'o :.•91 , ~~ ,.,.1"\·tn~ ol~ a~ St'l"\'ic<' offic-1•r on tht• \"SC Thl?!\1' ml'n stand n•ad~ to 1,;1\'t' an} vl'tt'run thl'lr lmnwdHIII' u1 ·1 tl'ntlon and ndVIC<'. rPfo•rrmg thc·m Th;ore Ia nu n<'l"t'lll!ll ,. fur .til) lnoil \"ldual In mukl' J>t'rsnnal ,•,,n. tnhutu•nR to ~tny n •lt'Jiln In nt·•· I \"t•ll·n•nl'< nl'~d not WAnt fnr .my 111 , ;>!<!\ t It'll nf llf•• h• nlth or 1 "m - rurt Th!'y du nut n••••tl t,.. b<'J,: •·r s.-11 HJ'J'I"l!· Mh~·81rtnJ:8 or othl'r "' mDll'k.IIIJ{'ll 'fh•· t'mtt•d ~t:.t•·ll r:ov""""'""t thl'm 10 thl' proper u~:1·nci1·~ w thmugn lr~~latlun hall pr"\"hi Pd handle tht•JI" n••t•ds A~:enl"i•·s h•r t .. r a rompl~lt• prn~ram uf \'tl· rdt•l'l·ncl' a n• Vl'lt>n\ns Adm1m- erans Aid IUtd R• -hahtlltlltlun tu· .:.tral14)11, 1,;. S~ ~wlo)·mcnt St•l"\· ~etht-r wtth un .. mrln"ment lnM•r -ic,•. \'o•tcran~ \\ ,•lfnn • bc~;tn:l oT 11111"1' \'<'tl'rl\ltl' l.nRnl' an11 hO!I· O •un,:t• cuunt}. Vt•tt•rnns h()!;potab I'IIAII7nt·on If Ill 'fhi' r: I Jtlt' nnd lut·al lll:t'nt"ll'' Ell II 1lf Rl~htll I "P' nMurP I by the \m••rHan Legion 1 Ill 11nv nt many Vl'lt•run-. "tw thl'r ur nut .. n- sur h Vt'lf'r&nJt Aiel IIIWII Atii'QURtt" ltsll'<l from lht• local an•u. UH' 1..-n!'tt,n laws provl.tP fnr lll't'urlty uq;tod to <:ontnct M•·· n unlup ur Mr. llnymun lur 1lw sulu110n of ,f \"t'lrranll, wlctnws and orphan& thdr problem;,. Call ill tho• locnl t '••nlJwnMIInn IR paid In th(>ll<' 111f-Ht'lc'l t iV t' 11.,'"'""'" ,,fflt t•. Nt-wport r.·riiiJ: any dill~t.bllily. F.Ourntlunlll Hlirbor llagh l!l 1\uul Uu nut phunt• uollrs••s re provided for veteran11. • md lh•· ('hllr'rl'n an.J o rphllna of but cull In pt'r.;on Cor lhil' lil'fVJCC· ,·rt••ran10 Tht> Stste of Callfomta You Will be cordtally n•c('iwd and hall prnvtd~u t'dllratlon~tl pro-aU mlormutwn suppllt>d will b<• a1u · 1 th 1 makmg for a qulc:k so u-'' am11 ffl r vet~rana and war nr-t'n IC, 1 uon ol your probl(•m . phan1 Aleo thtrt 11 thr 11tatf• v~t·1 t' W CROCKER O.ntmandcr. .. ran• Farm and Hom~ purchue ·., · H rbor Post No. 291. Act. which pro~tram. bat'ktd by N~wporl _8 ____ _ state bonds, le ~It liquidating and II&IJ proved to ~ the bf'at vf'tnanll /i<'lf aid p rogram. • The A mrrlran Legion through ats Weltare and Poet ~rvke otft- ~l'nt Ia working wltb all olhtr or· gani%alloM, the American Red CT~. Velf'rana of For eiiOJ Wan, Dlaabl~d Veterans and tht U 8. Vtterans bureau and ll.JI many fartlltlu to Lh~ end that lmml'dtate nee<b of all vt'ltr..ne, their ram- Mrll. Dunuld Ntwton 11nd \J.lugh- tr r Carul~'n of La Habra we1·t' )tUI'IIls tor a week at thl' P . J . v.'~t•el hnm•• w 1th Mr. Ne,,oton cumliiJt down tnr the Wt'ek end. AT LAST! J NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. NeW'P()I't Beach, C.aHfomln. ~y. S~>rtembt>r t~). t ~4 NOTIC&OFPUBUCII&AUN--~ E-w---s-.-T 1-M-E s___,..,...41~L-A s-s-1 F-1 E-D -o ,-,-o R-,-u 1-1 T:=-::-:1 E~s ... N~C!! IS~I:BY OlftM • lEAD FOI PIOFIT • 11'1l~m ·ar. t"ClK M..\I.F~ tb~ N~wp(>r\ Read1 C\ty Pla11· • C'ommtaalnn vdll hold t.bree hearing• uroa tbe follo~lq matt~n : Th• apptlcattnn of Artbu.r H. JlOA--:"5 1t~,t ~Pht "'h' l't , \r t • USE IIF.I.t• W..\NTF.Il FOR '~ RESULTS • • FOR 8..\l.r,.. RF.AI. an'..\TE ...... I ¥1•attr-ltl-":1.1' \\'ANT.:P ?.l ull •'I "''''""" P~&M. for the ,..zontnr al LOU t.larln<' •:nl(ln•·• """' 1 ~·~ .. !!2 11nd Z:l. R\(l('k ,., Re-S~bdtvllllon ldARINto. ~,~>!.",'ft •• l \'I ~·•., hI' t.•r ~I'll 1111 h,.t.-1 ""'" 1\Ail"m ONF. ~('ICF. 1111 AV<>I'IUl(t (It t•l'la :-<•Ill" '"' "'''" N•·Wt~••l Inn l'h\1111' "''""l"'ti olt\cl tl:'l If•• th1t,.•rt (' .. •ttll'll, ••Wnt•r. 170 1 ~Kihm 1. RnlboR bland. C.llfol'-MF'f: 1" H•n• h I 'll 1'~"1 11 ____ 111 tf< IIEI.l' \\'AN'I'IO:Il ''""~"h"l•l lll"'l! Nl'l 111VII .. C'n 11111 MI'M l'h . .. -., -U 1L TQ-4lC" tllll 'Mir l!l'lml" Mln-g U\<&-~-~"-1 :\011(1 w ("Pntnl A"'' t-tt -: '""" w rL'!t c-ornl'r ••f P11rk and Acate Annun. nalb<•a hl11nd. from t.belr prt'&tnl <'lautfoc-atlon of R -2 to C·l 1 l..c>C"aJ nwolnvMI h v h1111t ,,, •1n\ r-/<• ,._ ••n1 .,,.,. CINilAL MANACil ef tile ILUI N••-·~ ·, we''"" o....... " o.. k•tie. ••••e•ly •••etel ........ •• re4ie \lei.._ KCO •• SM f•••cttee. k••le. e ••teu • •• --..... zo ... " ....... ••" t ................. . •-et ... ,,.. KC.O 1"411 woll elM lile "' , .......................... . It I CA. Nwlt -ec••"l4 I lUI ,.,,. wo1ll ..., ... '" L .. A•rlee. •• well n ...... ., •• •" ... _II _,.,atieM ef .... w ...... o..- Your Friends And Mine · Thl' l"<>08111vraUon and ,..coeD• mtn.htlloo of a lllte for a )dunld· 1'"1 ("'Inc· ('tonh·r to provld,. for tll• locatlt>O of a pr"fl'~8ffi OMW C\ty 111111 and Mlr h N hl'r pubhc bulld- lnJ:&-u may bt' .JN'nt<'ll adviNbll' II• Inca~ thrr~ln ,,.,.. rnnehl~rlltiM uf a ).lajnr Tr&ffi<" Thor(luJ:hfllr" Map fn r dla· tu83ion 1111d ~tpprn\'"' fnr r·t'i'Om· rr••n.tnllon t•• thro C it)" C"uundl for f1~111 Ad,.ptton Thr ah<W<' tntntiC\nf'd 11H1111P w 11t br hl'lll In th" C'lty Council C,homlwra. Cll ,. llull, Newport Hurh. l·aur .. ~n Ia. 7 ::SO P.M .• ThuNiday. l'l'ptl'mbf'r 21. ltH4- I ny O rdf'r ot tht' ChaJnnan. C. HAHOLrl HOPKINS. Jlnwant 'W S~acer, ,.. Mre. O rmllll •oct """ ,IJtUghtf'r I Junr h:t\"<' r<•turnt'll frc•m \wei P ub Sf'n"t"ry. Srpl 19, 1944. wet'kll at lllg lkflr . 1 • !'ll{t t~flbc•rt A ("'r"wf•~rd. "ho I"'~ hu bl'colo. prnmOII"d t h•a rrunlh l • Isle \AJP from C'c•rT'"rnl. hu arnv~tl at his hom~. :!:!2 F.ast tilth atrc..-t. Cmttl\ t.A.oking for Auto Mua. for il tw11 wN>k's •furtuu~h . · and he and D r l'rawfur.J pl&rl Ul Th t c b d HJ•m l'njoyabll' vacation. Ttlf' UrJ!t'&nt I a ras e t8 JrtatlonNI at Willlan111 Field,~ Chandler. Anz Frllow otriN.'MI aro• ~oln& tn ~ · !.ira. F E . Proud of Corona del wht'thf'r Sp«ial OHIC't'r Thoma~< Mar and t.1r• Gladye Heugheo of McMullE-n o1 Lido lsll' can qu11llfy Coela )!eN were amonc .the mem·1 ror thl' "Mounti~". who always bl'rw <If a rlub whh'h were t'nttr-gt'l lht>lr man. • talnl'd lut week al the ho me-of Th<' o thrr t•\"l'ntn& hf' was dm· Mre. W . H . WaJilng, Weet Ofn· Inc In Costa Mt'Sll when anot~r tral avenul', v Habr11 car crashl'd Into him at the lntf'r- ---l'eCtion of 16th !'II'N't and N-· •uv WAR 80,.01 port boulward. ThP othf'r car 111'1 ~n ~ I •• •1'111.1'" tll•~tpprnt l"to: l 'h !Hili M tl!< tft• 1-"11 ~AI.Jo~ OH to~XI,I AN<IIC ... IIIIAT 1-'0 it ~At.~: t. • \1 .1 II Jll,,.....nt~C'r •t~····t l·• t t •h• nolle• Prh'•'·•SW_Iol. • .. '• I l••lt11 tw•t ~ifth t tlll ~pt~U.,;. .. \\ ''\•" •• t • I'"'' tlt•rnr, tulll•1 ' I; ,,, ' t • ·~I· ·I '"·'I .... Th • •••. I ,.h 1"!1•• I ll.'• \\ Su•l i l ~'ll't ·rw., ""~"'rn li<>ttll'" 111 l.t>t~ An· .-rl•·~ ,.,,. 1.1•1•> ••r ulhl'r lt>("al pfl'l><'ftV l'h N t•l ll·tl' llfl·4h"" !'I Npl II h l "h I I 1\ •·'' ,. • ''' ·~· 1 ', '" M• ~I 1 .. 11a Furmllll•'l F'l" rt• n•, d ft•'"t'l t•'tll; ltt'4'f ': •• ,hi \\ u.,;.''"' ""'",.,~Itt lu t 1n,lu•ill \ A;•l'l\ P-'I.M "PRINOR RF.AI. r.RTATF. F <IH .!"1 rt 4 ~2 (':r·~· n ••t•·• \1 al1nrv tu<ll .. :.ltlll'l•• .1 . • J( S Dull ""· l.'~o '\ I , ......... "" . )o"IIH SAI.E ""'A 24 !<II ltm:a. rl• Mlor.-u• !'II , "' tlC II .. " •. ' •I :-; 1 1 II, t. f'tiH RAt.•: H''"'"·'' S.l. \II 1:19~-W 1111\ ~ ~1 I''' ·~· '\ I a\ ... , ... \1 I I. : •• lit• • I tth h" ., ' :•' 11 ,.,, .. ,h • ll .• t 71 ~·h liAitiNt-: IIA I!• ;,\I :--;..; b11k10 ru.J 1111' I• I• "' ~-·'4 HUb kt I•' 11nll miA<· ~111 1 ·1 • Lumlln~e. 1:1111 i ·, n~t ~I'WJIOrt . I<,·'' .. n Ill ~ II\\ it\ ~ ... ,. F\lHHALII: 1'•"1!'"" '''' .:r .. t ron•illlun. f"h• :'1• ,. ·.II :'\pi 114:.' or 1:\0l'l •: •·•·111t11l lltll"'" ,, .. ,,. •OAT FOR SALE 120011. '"K II . M••lll I 1"1\' tutllll>to: bole I 3 4 fl (""I' •• I!' " 1 ••1~>~ "" " I! trw 1 '"II "" 111 r :-> ,·,, :u::y. \\' 71 lll ; l"••u p •u\ t ••• ,,. • h \t•t •I• """.t'l •.• "I l•t II • II 0 I lit• I " ... ~. '1 ·tt~.'t:' n ,. ,.,.r ,, .. lh•· ."•' t\ I •t IHitl .. ,a\ Jll(t\ Ulf ..,. Ul "' f • t I .( ' t \ t I \ tlt•pMf I I" It U\ tl• It " tlll\.1 I' I t'\\ .' I ' I'" ~~~ ~· I 1\ •~ $I .'II :011 0 •• ,, $''' ·'" ,.,,~ !"'···· .. u •• l(u~ ''"'. s:4 ,,:\, tf,.\, $Ill P!\ '.'t\4t ~ •• '., , ...... .. tl1n11.:•· 1 ~•Ill 1\11 t lo 111·.1.1 ' \\"A NTt-:1' I "'p~ • H'lit I ,, '""" •·· \\'t•t k "' l.hl"''' !"oltott t• ~·'\\I'"' I tt. ,, ... Uto;.t' ''-• .'I \:! 'lt ''"" .. '••"• =",.,, , .... t tt.~.,, h f\11 I r,· ol I'• Ht .I H•• •tt\ :o-;1•t \\"" II, •\\ S;tu tt:, SIll :011 111-"1,1' \\ A :-:T .. :t ' I 'll•hWnlllot'l 0 1 nth~ \\Hitt•"-.. V n tH'"=" ptu Hl , fl'ttUl'"' .~ Ml\tl t',•u•lnua :-;tuhtu\" •• rr l ~t •Ut•"' t '1\f•• -.:n •4 11,.11 1111~ $4 I 1111 '"'" $!17 7: \\" 1"••1111 nl A" :-;pf I\< h ~. I-'I all 1 '11n••l • "nh "~~~ $"!4 11:00 111 11 • II•" $ ~: ,... I MAJO " ROBlin "ANIOM l'•lm ~1•rl11rtll !11\M et-4tp lo'l •lc ~A I .F !I rn<'m hmt•, 11oubl• !:"'"~" '"' :tt•l Rl , N•wport t••·n• It ~ ..... wntr at 41ft Nrt. llh•u . Coe.La ..... o• un aa.e. . , - 1'1n•'" N""'"fl<'r1 f14>•r". 70-4tp IJ!i4nNm~ WANTED Snl;.,. TIM•Io" lttnt.al• A. L. MeOOWI:LL 1'11<1111' NI'WJ>t>r1 24:S8 T2-2tC' • I ~IAII• \\AN I~I' o;,,.,l "·"'"' f1111,•,. ll~t· k•·l ""~ •• u~. UP \\ I AI,. .. ~,,., \''''"'"' '"' lnutuh\' , s:. t•:· I I ,, lbo ,, i I I!.M''"'"'' """ ••uti:, II•·" ""'I ·"''"'Ill~.: ........ N,., .. .~. ,a a ~n nau a -,. ttt~l4 .. r "Ill·· :~· 4t."· ~, ....... • ,, Ocaan IC..ont ,, '·' 'I N•'""l"'ll llt·n·h ;·: ~~ .. , ' .....-~ I'• llll\o"ll!"'11 S oot \\lUI $!\Ill t)h - ---y,,,., 'rutllhl tlllr hHillfl, 3 Vn tJtcl. • """ Jl.•ll.!\•1 I'At N·n :lls \\'ANTFI • till h•nuo 7 n••ma, :l•-v llfllllll. ll"' Jl}l .. ,, I" '''"' II•· ~··I w11a 5J11 ~~~ 1w•• "''''"" ''•"lhl<• tlu••• '"" Hull· t 1,1,1111,11'1,.1v C'tll l,.ll'<llnl'l tlra.,.. • IIIII\ $:14 \1.'1 l lln l'fl H•••• II HIIII"IIIIIJII at 7:1\1 c· ,1 nttol ,; I,. I 1. tarut .. ••t"'•l and Mnlll utllt r ltrcn" j~r<••tl)' I t' ,s, ... Hh .. lt• I ll N•'"l'"'' IU>•o•h '""'"I'll, bltriM'I"IIfl anot badmln\Cift :l.u• ···I tht,. m••nlla , .. ,...,, .• , llfl•·r 7 I'm T:l-411' , . .,..,1, t:t!lt\1111 nwn1·r, Nf'wport I ~I IIIII ----Itt•••· to 74:14 72·2hl FrH Df'll¥ery IIY.l .l ' WAN'f .. :H """"''kr<'l•••r. :l --------------- Mc;MAHAN FURNITURE: CO. tn fAmily I'"""" Npl II. h IIIII MIMCJI!I,I.ANIX)lJS 7Htr mR SAl.&-:Jnll ""'' I''""'I"'"Y Santa Aru• ''"llf t\11 tfr F\lH S AL .. ~ 111 fl "1"''··1 I"'"'·· FOR M..\I.F-,.;)It IUI..Ji: Hl'r•y r-m11n1 out: tiki' new. lh•lll•lt' ' ... "'"'· ;i."'!Y ••'tt :>'A I.E "1"' Ill , .... 1 ... "I" 1111(11, DOGM, CATS a a•ETM fit I'IIOIJ'lflt•. ·-·a.l pr .... un pot, fut. $16011 It • :•o~~•l"••ll ~ 'IU tu rnull 1 , • .,,.,. l it hit•• ,.,,,..,~ 410 I Utili IU7·SIIlh 8t Npt Bc:b. Anchoracr. ttul o~l llull •"' '"' A•~<•""·' A\• '''''"""'''"' M 1u '(lrt ~A t.to: 1'•r"'"111 Y•t•·.-r ... ttn l'h 171 7\\' 11-tt.e and i :.!·ll• I 72.41,. nil\ lltu• t "••lora ~l••nlrl• Ill •'OR RAI.F. li !t At ro•\~ h If "''1111''1 l•rl• "" •·all Mn• F'OR !'ALE Pnwl'r c1rlll, \4 •. Alae biMll l liu-~t 111111111,.,11 l'rhr Jo"lllt RAI •. t-: 1'~···1 I"•' 11111r Tl\vlnr T NJ'I U<'11 :.t:l:-.to " am lu unaU 1-cyl , .-<')'rle motnr 11\dt· $2!'11) 0 .., .. ,., l:!i 1 ·,.1111 A If· T11L with""'~~""'"'""'" c: .... t ""' 4 !lu 1• "' l.ltt .. r fl.,nt 111"111 -huw •hll' for hlkl' or prd. tr11C'1or. llin and dependrn\.11 will be I pr nmptly takt-n r are of VetertUlJt !;ervlcl' rommlttn11 • ST IPLES •or ~ HOW IIUCH IS ENOUGH? llaM ~~~~ uve arrlftd. .,._11 -•V........A~ !lp!:'(i away from thP f'<'t'ne but Of· fiC'l'r McMullen bdlt'vt"d hf' had the numbf'r. . wANTio ...o RENT Balbo • l•l:uu! 7:l-:.ttl .1111••11 Sl:l :II~• F•·n uuu1•• ~~ I lin .. In l '•llf A K I' rf'lt :\3 S40 ... Ulll Jlarbor rt1 2324·111 -----Hnlho 1\ 77·111• C'ht<cnplo~n l"''liltlrt' "!'"•t• W-'NTED TO BUY ROWtl<IAT FUll SAI.I-" $111 M1 l>llfly <2-t tlt ---------- Walkt•J 7111< \"In 1.1•1" s. .. ,.r· Flllt :o;A t.to: l'<t• "'" ly J'<' l)lll•\'1-----WANT,.-1'0 8\IY l"ruPf!rlY lA or ttavt" ~en 111"1 up by gonrnmcoolal nrder11 In tvtry St•lectlve Sfrvk e hoard. Veter11n1t, who upon being dl~ttharg~d mu11t report to tbe board. are conlartPtl tht-re direct - tv by th" MrVU't' <1th•·•·ra whn give mformattrn nn•l ndv•··~ and dlrrr t th~ vPto·mn t u lhr J'fO('er a~en<'y ru~•:o.'t'tl In hrlp him If hnllpllall7.ll- !lon 111 lh.'l'ohd hy tho• vt'leran, t'D· For Your SI~Jt PHOSE 81 BENEDICT The Sl~n Man • Spec1alt~·: Boat IA·th·rinJ: \\'1: UA VJ:- Tot ..... Presto . Arrow 8ostitch Hotchkiss Ace .Stap)e8 " " Slnt~le 1,000'• ~.000 to a box " ,, " \\~ Tbe1 Lut " " ,, " .. toe .• 1.95 :sot 1 w. Crnt~. s~wvort Bdl. Newport Ralboa ~E\Vg -TJ:\IES ~ ----- 8 .\ \' t·l~lll~(i IS GOUil AT ~ no!~! •. !.~~!~!~~ .. ~ "':."~~~,!2.e NEWI"'RT BAY IS\"t:STitE~T CO. Rm"' (ii"H'll'y • (;t'nl'ral Manat~:f'r -=--I NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SLOCOMB • MANAGER . Bait. Tackle . Fishing Information • }111:\\'PORT BEACH · ... ~, .. _.__, .-...~tF .......... _ .... ,... _,. ,_ I...UJ I« a --.1 .....,...... ., ....__ ... ..... ONEm.DAY ~ -o-.A.-o..,-....... VltrMnht A _. D TeW.. le .,.;.a~-itt .,,,. .. A~ D,.,_, •-.J-MII t11 e ..... el ~ U.e1 Otl ....... •••J••• u ..... &tal .. ....... I J IAJ Scaadolnl&. , c-..,.111•11-Y .. ••-'? -......... ,. ,,,. .. tfltetmirt c- --a.dt taW.. -I.e'-SOOO Urub ~ vttaa£a A ..., soo u .... e1 v- _.. D. "-• tu•-,.• ,_., • ~~--~ ~ '\SiV ~~ 41~ed .:~-;.. ... I ...,. a., U. -aen ., Al~e-Selt-I \\" AI"TF:n T(• rl'nt ••r plunn llf ~·.)0~ mltkt• 13< h 1114\1 --buy amall l'h. Npt. 12-tft: WANT TO R E NT Lt. and wlte t l"nrn F.l Toro 'tu!NI furatabed cntlllJ;P nr Jllll. No t•hlldren or pt'l~. f'leal\e write Lt. Nolan. Gt•n. l)C'I .. 't'Uflln. Calif 6i·4te WANT TO RENT •;nl <'rln~ bul.lnellll !Wit' Oeelre 2- \Jt'llrt"'"'• fn111allNI hou~ atJoUI ()(·t Ht. t'all 1 t-!1. 7()-Uc WANT)o:ll Tn rent 6 nr 7 room hnu"" \\"all p11 v IIJ' to $1 2~ rro. a_....,,... , 11n•·r loy yl'ar or until J un• l!<l ~: \.\' K umtt>l, P 0 B <•l( '" 1~ ~ant , Ar • ('uhf 72-411' \\ \"\., 'It• t;t-::-;1 llrou~ n• Unl- tt••l 1 ,, ~t f•u , ,nl•·• n l .. nlhtt ~ .;~tap'• 11 .. 1u t ,.. n• \ •h~ t•Brll•'-'· I~· .. 1 , .u. , f pt ••t•· rly nM!if\lr•·•t l ":all I 1 ·onk H)• h :lli\1 il-tl• Fishing Boat Bargains 42-ft. s 10-ft., 9-ln. beam; 9-too Ice hole.. . ~ Lowm&ll: aew (;hryaler CroWll-OarrJ1Dc ~· A Barcala. M·R. Fu\&11. SIOOI MANY OTHEIUI TO CBOOIIE FROM 1118'S LIIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage· at.taaa.a- 7"t 4tp , 11rr11\11•· 111111 .. ·• t:r••" ,.,., rll••nl MIRCEJ.I.ANIXJI'~ llr"llfl<l Utf' llerbur •tllllrll'l TWo -- -14·fl I'IIIIV>IJO ("HV·I l!prln~t•. '",:.t!\ 1:1:1 Tur•& 7~VII't :l lll 'IIIII.~I'Jo:ltV ANII I'AHI'Y.'T" luu rrr(N'11ltl•. w llh .... without FOR KAI.Jo: ll11ll••n 1~ ·•rill • ' bt~lltlln&• ltuetnro• ur ,_.denlal. ar•(j cJuo·k t.ul: "'"' , .... ~ .. II '"''I ....... llln~: Ill lhf" h .. rn.. lt•·Jti'W .. , ur a<"N'Illl' un I he M•aa A MW han•llt'. 54!~• 11:1 tr>th Kt , Npt 1-'lllt ~At.Jo: l'r•· "'"' "1, kr r t. .. llv "rl~;lrull ,.,,,.,,., ~lvr nl'w •hl'f'Jt "·· ( ' ··• 11 I 1 11 I \\'nrk lo:llllt Jt lll •'l'•l 1 '""'" NJ'I •·•r 11• f'•r1 pa)'ml'nt. balanC'e D<lh • t<•r " \1 111 '·· Il l c·.-rrl"l:''· R••"' '""""'' "11. • 11 • "'' 'J'trl 1~ •·••h Writ I' 11c1a ·v·. f:/o H-• 1,, ·fl I lr< ' "1'"'\~,; 5 I :.t I'll N pt • lith . -41 I' Tim..,, T2-ttc FOil sAt.~: ., nlllh••.:•u1y 7· · 72.11,. &llffd bon l 1\! hI' ~:1 •1111111•• "lit· I 1113 IC 1 TKANMI'UKT..\'nON 1-------------., oo,anl '""'"' 111\oh'l rlllrll I• lilt !-'/11.1: .',I''",. •l\'<'l .-11111 .. ·1' W..\NTY.U SEfl'riC TANK whed and '"''· •navrL~ c·uver , I I I lr i Ill""" I - 11 1,,r ,..., ,.,.,., 1 11111 ' 111 • " ' ltlflt-: \\' ANTJI:t • T""''""r wanlll A CP'.8APOOI"' PlJIIPINO Allin I"'""' '"'"'''"11 A I "'"''' tul.l• \\Ill• :00 l•••vl'a, 41 · $f•tlil :-;,, u:t• r 4 :m I' en 126 111 w 111 t loh• '" lluntln•l t"ll 11.•!11 h. t IIIII• ~ "~~~ lr l••ol "'. 1 ~~~ Moo•t throu~th I-'l l. m11•t •~· lhrr• IIOY MUNOZ a-EKKON..\L lll•x "l'ro "lt~ """ ""'1trr~•7:l 1,~' 7 4:1 am ''•II .,,. wtlt. Venmn ~I a-. •t. ft.""-M •W -.~,41\-\'/ ut.\1'1 I ,. "' -~ , •• tt........... !\2b A.pol-A .... I ~"" MUA. c A.LW •• IF YOU wa.nl to llt'l marrt~d. :ltt h I'll N•·" r<•<1 tt,.nrh 77 4t """'"'' 1"11111•1 72•:Zt•· writ!' 8c)x 11\ Van• uu,t'r. Wat~h :•3-u c 1:nn S1\l.l",..-t\ l 11'0!4 --------~-~~~---TRAN:)t'CliCT A TIC) !lol Ult..:\ <.:IJ :-:-.. 1.1-,,.,.,;:j'" o•r r~­ paJf't"\l \'q;.ol" .111 1 M111Cl St llalbu~ .11 I _t.• \1ur.nt A\t nu,.. Balbn 1 I l.11 •I I 1 It ·" I ''"' ' I tl•• f •• I ~ ,, I '. t .. ' I t "' I It ',' .. I,. cl l \.1ll• • ,; ., 111 ''"' I II·•· I<\• llocl ..... ,. I 'll -:~.. ; : .!t• Inside Storage 40c per ft. Scrape and Pa~n~ Your Huat on Our Con,·emcnt Ways Wr t•uml!!h thr t:.,ulpln4"nt \'ou uo \"our Owu Work PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Barry Hartter-Uc-ellllf!d t'acllt Bmller 0 811 (;out lll~hway l'hone, Newport BMch 94 BACK THE ..\1TACK 81 1\' MUKt~ BONUM Professional MUilTIMF.K RCIIOCll. -~0'! ('or•l. nell; ............ - Uo\Y KC 'IfUOI -Ht,..n• ~11t. !II Conoltr•: f 'ull., l'ff'll P:ntr'-'• fl' N'h"d nnw Nuntf,...r• lhnltrd Cl A Murtlmrr ~f A . (hfnrd l'hnn,. fl.'\! l 'rlnf'll"'' Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyelctan and l urgeOfl N inth and C•ntra. A¥a. Offkt Hu .. 10.12 e.m .; 1-& p.m. Telephone 11 LEROY P, ANDERSON ATTO .. NilV AT lAW C.oete Meu aenll a.,u.tna Phone 421 coete M .. a Callfemla Diroctory __ ......:::...... ...... __ _ .... .Arld•••• ''" ""'•'t •••tJ• Av• C.ref'e ~~t•• M•• .... ""•"• Ne wpetc t 4U N.D. CASH 0 v "' DOO •"d CAT HO,PITAL tlllan•• .Ana \Ma tt t• -n M•"• •• . "•"'• Ane, C.tlf Conrad Richter, M.D. Phytlclan end lur .. _.. Office 107 Un411 lt'"l Hew,.tt auoh Hours: 1G-12.a. m . & ,., p. m. Pllon-Offloe 1U; "'•· 14-J DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAH an411 IU .. O&ON 801 Coeet .,.,. . ....,..,.,. ....., -~heM- Offloe III·W ,_ ... Ill·" If Ne A-• Cell New.,_.. I (1~~~~~N~~-~)~·-~r~--7_B:y~C~y1H_u_n_gTe~rl~o;r~d~ r-~~~~~~~~7r~~~~~~,-----~------~ r i ~PO "'fov CAN"'-r IAK£ '1ov~ fHA"l iT p0~ O\lT ,F t"\E ISN'T Js ti£Llt4Y HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We ()urePiv,..the ltftttttr O.n• lty ~,In& oth•nt IWIIt"' Pt>one Newport M1 Dr. M. D. CrawfMd O~TOMIT"IIT lty•• ~: .. mllled o.._ rnt .. 111'7 Jl.wJ'Ort Bouleftrd -- L~D , '/ovN<j t=eu .. A io ~rRt'tt (A JtlanN' pro\"f'A thfl leaderl'hlp of thf' Nr,n-Tlmr111 ··~ .... -~-- So i fixo .........,,-,.,,_, A LfEDf~ • • I I I I I "/·I ,. • ,,_.; I " I • ) ,._ .. ___.j --( foAMY \"f WIIZ )WElL. J:()R j-loM 'auT NOi So t"\' l . .'ft-IY. I fiA? ~oo SIE K"'f- ~NooPLt$ \ 1 ;, Coeta M .. a Cellfe"'le BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lola A. J . TWIST 607 Co .. t Highway Phone 2422 CO .. ON A DEL MAR (;rrald llam~a, M. 1>. !IIStl "'""' f 'f'ntrel AYfl. COITA M&IA BALTZ MORTUARY I CHA~RL av TH& IRA 410 C.all alv411. ~hone New port 42 Core n• 4el M•r H-•e" ..... } Nf"wpnrt Rf'fW'h I>R. ORED LU CAS 1 l>entiRt I n~'/, w. C'~: ... 1. n . '"' f'll. N"wJ>nrf IWt~rh !Mil U "" en.•rr rail lltll M sr:wrnRT ftr:AC'If ----------------~1·------------- WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT r iRfPL 11 r.r ANO KINOLINO W 000- 11 W \\' ~:11 17~4 ~:1•' l!h•l , r·•·lfln "''"" ,.,...,1 '""''''"'' l'h fi!\!\.J. ~~r~rn 11 1 rnNTR~C TO~- t;.,.,J,,fl II V1n•lluy, "\1110 ri'R\_lll Tllvlt .. l'h 412 l'lnnll ru11l (',.n•lr>lrtl~ I UMAER U1MPANIE8 ,.,.,.,. 'I• •11 !.lor I "•· "1'1 1111 '•"IJ• y•~l 1'11111 Vllllt h"m"'" l'hnrt• til. l!ny f •l,.rll I l.111111,..r r ·,, l'h<~n" 1 1r~1 ,.,,.,.. IIIKIIW"Y at Art·ll~ ... OrF"tr~ IUPPLt£8- N..,. l"•rl lt11rhur J•uhll~t.lnl( ('t, l'h"r,n 1:1 •• 1:'1. !'1/rwp•.rl 1141Kb, PRINTING - N,.....r)#•r1 l !t~rt ... r J•uhll•hlnlf (''• l'h••t~••· 17 -t ~ N•wp<•rt a-b.. A[AL I:ITATE. INSURANCE & N OTAAY ~UfiLIC­ I,w If Wllllllr ". n t l W . <:;.ntral Ana•. l'bQna I IIIUIIII~R I TA MP._ 1'1-pt.rt tfarloor l 'ultlt•IIIDI (;o l"bbHWe : 12 · 1 ~. N•wport a..a, IHERT M.TAL WORK-. Vlfl,. Phlmltlaa·• P•t Yaotal Wora, CaM& ,._ Pbaee 110. VAIIIIITY aTo.-&-Bal.,_ ~ V....Wy ..... -le, lite, 2k .ad up ...... llU·W- . l 0 ,. :- r )' •• " ,• ,. .. I. ~ l. r. ., NEWPORT-BALBO A NEWS-TIM ES, Newport Beaeh. California, 1\aeeday, September 19, 1944 State President Entertains Members County Chapter U DC Harbor Feminine Activities Harbor Women at County WCfU Meet Cantando Oub Now in Rehearsals Tbe op.niDI' mee::,~t t.1w tnl1l ut Uw· Jlll"Ddm( of 114,000,00(1 dub yrar ot Emma c.hap-j tn rulorr thl' bl•t•ork' ahrln~> Mr11 ter, Unt~ Dauc btera ot the ton·, S I' llnrnu rll&4! & ducrapUou ot ,...,..C')', .... brld Thur..s&y. S4-pl. I lhO' l•lan of thr town &nd lu rarly D D F En te rta i ned H at the homr or the atatr pi"'NI· htoalt:1nt.:~ .\Ira J H. Taylvr r .. ad B y Wlnifrro ~rhre ~- Phones 12 and 13 When the 5Sth annual ~sion The flrat l't'he.Aal\1 ot the Can· of tht county WCTU convened I lando Club or Santa Ana waa held Thun;day al the Pn>sbyteria.n Iaiit Wt'l'k wttb H"rbert Bickel dl· ',Mother of Mrs. chun!h ln Anaheim for a two-day reeling and Mra. Chr!Jjtlue R~e. conclavl', Newport Harbor was u a.ocompa.ntat. Men of lbe Hat· dalt, ,.._ Gertrudt' Montgc,mt ry a P'"''"· ''ltull r or Glouc hutrr 1 At Spanish Dinner 194~------!Hl ...._ C.OI.ral.. ~u.!... _&l~_..::..trr.••l "h~1 ll•·•c nll<'<l lht• nllt&n j ~ rtro·l'l ,., the ot!l t. ..... " · --In Orange H"'ome om PAl • anON tiAII-KJDs tt----..~-F8R A -. wA-· · --Dennison Observes represented by Mn. A. M . Nl'l· bor area who wlah to jo.n the son ol Newport Heights : Mass I g-roup :l~<IY <'ontact m<•t.:•1 er"' her~. Her 89th Bf FtAday ~Conant and-MI"'h-~la Cold4 w!'o are Dr Obt-,1 Lur aa. R. s. • ---n~r of Costa Mesa and Mrs. f1oru BM.fp, StuartPr ce -tuiJ-Oonald • I Tbf' JUU I.a camt' for lur\C'ht·••n t.bttrra of rouU.nc bu.lneM, the\ elld round tablu < arryanjC out " ol·lll' tl•utlvn ot yeorlxxokA. IUld r f· Membera ot lhP II IJ 1-' w•·r•• ··n ~ly color achriT<' nt ltrffn ant port.t or ml'rllnr." hf varlowa l <'rlllmt'd Thun~tlfl\' , .• :• 11:.: &I II.• p d. wllb bucr rufflt'd mn1 .. , Ill~ 1 !"•l•l n• lfh•· hlld alll•ntl,...l, ~~~· ~ll)llt h••ml' o( Mra u,,·n. lluk"r ~urth compllmi'Dt1ntr tht' ~n·rn Fo~tnrl' c ... rtrU~(' ~unt&omery, At Ill ~' prl'lll·~ S hnlt'r lltrf'l'l (lr.u •.:•· A til' Int.: ...... of the lunch~on III'I'''H' Til~> fh•nt l LIC. prl"<'t·do·J thr l'"'.:r~tm th•" t I . , I I I S a h •--htlUf ·, nunc a '' t ''"=' .ptnx .aiD dlab ol tuna 11nd noo• I··~ "I" ltnll •·all ru oniiNI Wl'r<· .. 11 , I •ltnnt'r w:illlnt:, I· 1<1 11 oht.: 1.11 "" ~I'd In IDdlvldu&l r.r~«"n t 't11 nl'"'' r< M ()&M<Io• lty ll\1' ""'''''' """ ttw ~rolea., 7 111rll' Suulht'rn C"ltlrs:· . r11 14 1 rw.m .. \V( r 1,, "' ,1, ol "'''" 1,.,,11a.• '-1 ll:tntlltun toltl II( he 1 Vl~lt .to A I· Aul.lllnc lSI• ~tunt~:umo·ry Ialit.&. Ga h1 rii""'"K < • l••r~> •• .ul.t '" llh •~ her Jllllt~r. lolt.u Lotllll<' Mont· f•·•tl\<' •• • "~ "'' I'O'Mr)': Mra. Alfr~ l'ark &lid . C M r. \\·tll•r ~··"·" """ '"' daurhtt r, .,., .. Rnllt' ~11rv Po.rk . P tlot. lass Meets t•rl7~> rur "'"h .... ,, """ •••. 1 •• \ II&)' Sbo~ ADc:bo~e. 1 At Laguna Beach -1.,,,., •. r •• 1 "'' '"'""' lira. J. 0 . Spen••tla of Orllngl',, __ Thr.,... p',.,~, 111 ,.,, . .,. :\T1 ·"'"i' .....ty elt'<'l~ pl"t'e rlf'nl ••f Ot< ~ d u II l'hl l<~ot lt Mr r. ''·'"\'' l'ttl , ... ,, .\It • .r &n ... ra 11rrv..., 1 iii'M 11• 1 1 dlaplt'r, preoodl'd lind J:IHr l h••1 :170 l'toplar ,.,, nlh' l~lo(~llla ll•nt lt 1 '1' "'' \\' 11 '11•' ·"'" I:. 11 111111 ' Jlr'CICT&BI on -rtlt' Rtalnr!IUnn °1 rnlt·rtamMt mt'mbtont ••I l h<" Ptlul :\I 1" It• ·I~' 1 1111 •r"" ~I"' ~.ol WUI~aburg," C'olclf'lllll <'llpiiHI 1'11.\MII uf Chrtlll l'htllth lly tho !'•II ~ "k :\!r• :00.·1111 ,\fr , 1'.•.:• .t:•l and aeat nf J nvrrnment tn f'B r1v 1 ht tht•ir 5c-rl•1trlh••• 111M uti n.•·•·t ln~ '''' H• ""'' · ·--""' I "'. Hlo '"" ',II I • II-~···><: ol .......-.. <'&-lo'rhlny r·Vt<lllrt ll I!Jhe lpc)k~ brlcfiy 11f tho> rl't~tl nl· i\ftt'r !\ llhurt lnt~tlnt'AA ,., ~• ,.11 11,.. Ill'' Jlo•·• I ''' ••'I II I 1.: ,d II• r Uon or tht' bi~ork 0 1•1 Vlrl(lnlll tho• 1'\'l'l\11\1( \\'lUI MIH'III Ill jo;lllllt'' I ' ,, .,, II II· .•• ,,. dty ot W!lll&mllburp;, llnd uf thr aJld j,;r"UI• '""1:"'" , \\:'ave Par Ca hricl Lca\'c ... fur New York part thl' town had plllyo·tl 1r1 llwl Th•~ee J>r<•o~<·nl "''r•· th .. I<•, polltkll. aodal lllld cultural 11·~ ••f ('harl"• H~<n<l, Mt ,. !I,IVHJ "'' 1 ''' tM Vl'l(1nla oolooy, ftlofrr~nl'f' Mr• Mnry Hlunh \ ~··• """ ~'' wu maltlo to tbe foundlnll • r Wll· fo'rNI Wtllklwo•th. · 1 ·,,, r<•r"l 1111 1 l&aal and Wary oollt'gr, Md a l>r•cof Mra t..an•· llllmrnn• k. ~1 1 uthl ~~~ \lo "d "'' I, 1' I '· •1" '' .... ripUon o( tbr oldtllt P:plllt'upal s....ron h'o•rKlllllon ,.,, :uuJ )111, 1. ••M I '••" fl.•ol• r I .,,,1.' 1 r',.•l1.• Clllureb, Ill the point of ('nntlnuuua (>w<n Mr lliUI ,.,, .. \\ tlllftlll M• \1 • ' •• I' II '' • ,, " rnrno 1\ ~ tn the Unllrd Statcoa. a.nd Donald anti 1 ••1,, a n• I ~I 1 • ~o .• l • • • • · 'r. • "" ., • 1 It• 1r ''' fill lbe fact t.bal four pre.s!..t.-nb Trurhmn \\ \ \ I 1 I r I r r "' .\I•• , I"''' w.-..rton. Jrtfe1'1101l, Tylr r ami Thco llt'J(I nlo••·ltlti: \\ It '" I '' "' I I ,. ,, I • I',,, llonroe bad w oral\lpped thrrr. :w 11t thr 1 hun 11 11 v. ''' '"' 11 lonrol I''' •• 1 1 • • 1• 1" I I 1' .SII'aol •) '"' lin. A. P . Park read an arUclr urn"• fi""Y """ '"" nwn .. r th• til•• t '1"1"1 !"l•ol • :-.:"''" 1'rrt11•11•.: ~ ot U. early lite af Wll· rl.u. will ,..., ""II\" ut 11 , holt S "' 111 "' ="•" \' .. r k f'l'\', hav1111: a--rnn..-. Wra T . J . Hu&illoa dtnnrr 1• •Ill• 1 '••• W A \'lo:!' n A"~"''' -----------------------------;I f.IU'l \U•o k ~<hi' \\ IIJI l'lttf'rtl\lnt•l at u• o...t ..... ,--eon. c1e1 111ar .._ Newport 1'79 Meats-Staple Groceries - Fruits Vegetables -Milk -Eggs Delicatessen Items Rm r nNe PrieM -Prolapt 8enrb thl' l' ~ r.rnnt ""'"' In Sll.l1 fh•'lo!" tly R "'. •llfl "' y,· i\ V~F:~. 1111\llnj.:. v. hmn ,...,. lu r lllll<'r Jurtt', whu 111 " y•,..rnan In I hi' pl'rllllmnrl •lq •&rl· m,.nl anti h;llt btocn prnmrl\l'J tu """ y Offll'r r SH·ond C'IIUIIl Th .. n-· mrmbt'r u! tbr Navy ,. r. J to wnn•l<'rlul t I m r In ~lln I '•··~n tt:l.l 11nol ht'r ~trOIIIl fof Na• )' .,d,. anol hrr parrnlll aaw ht r nrr m 1 .... '" An.:t lrl! St ·••lay H,.tu.-ntng frnm Can Oar~;o 11h~> •t• PI" •I an La Jn!la to ''lalt Polly T~) or .... ,r,. 1 r Lt Sh·ph•·n T ny- 1 • ..., ho h .. a n~w son, Stt:-hrn ....... ,., ..... l klr111 etlll .., .. lilt .. actiMitfrt fllv.rtt ........ ,. aclloolglrte are llrtlttlae •• ,..,. .......... ,., tuM ~ Utolr .-.. eweat1re '" the colore alt4 lltyiM thoJ Milo bitt. T wo t~~eeloue •a••· tA bluo knlttllll cotto~t are wot'll041 ~"" ltarl..,l~)'lo to faelllort tlte l hort.eltaYad u rdiiM at tlto 11ft. Tlto .. l,.vor blwao at Ute rtellt ta ll11ltttd of Sp•nlall rocl cotteR lfl a prett, patterrt atltch, Direction allttt fo~ "Twe Knit l wntere• .. , be ablalflocl by Mftdl"l a atamptd, n lf.addruud ,,..,.lope to '"• ftlo.41t work Dtpartmtrtt ef Utle paper, apt c•fyl"l 411111" No ... K 1401. Brid~c Group Meets With Mrs. Spangler Mra. C. F. Ornn:aon ot 928 Wut Beatty of Balboa. j Prh.lham. Three •. •a11on£1 [Jrograll'.a al"e Central a vt'nue t'ntert&l.Ged twn Amon& lh~ outstanding li!)('llk-gh·f'n. with date. 00 the third _,eat. to c~l<'brate the eighty· en who .were on the program was Tuelld,:lv In N be Dlnth birthday of her mothr r, Mrs Veda Thomnocnn or Los An· · 1 ovrm r. February · ...-· a•d lfao.v Mra. Either J ord&ll or lbe .mnu: geles, state vice prt'lident of the I _ · ac'dru8. Thry w~>re her mother's WCTU.. Othen contributing to· B h __ S __ _ llater. Mrs. Emily Thomu of ward making the conv(•ntlon eac upper Honors raadrna and Mrs Eva S&sr ••f wh~ theml' was ~ve. a fine ex·! Departing V isi tors r.lrndale. a.n old frlt>nd of Mr11 P<'rtl'nCl' .Cor thost' Ill atlt'ndance Jord&ll. a nd all apent many ha ppy w('re Mrs. Bessie Let> Cowse, na----1 huunr talk in~: ovf'r old t ur"" tive daughter of AustraUa and 1 ~lr. sn.J :\Ira I lt•wott A.,cxand.-1 I Mra Dt-Qnlaon wrole a poem In W orld's WCT\J m.i.sssonnry; Mrs. and dnu;,:hte•·· J"""· w ho haw I hnnnr of hPr mother'11 birlhtlny J ennie Ray Thompson, state cor· &pt'nl two wel'l<.a va;·o.taonlng In My Mother rt>Sponding secretary and Mrs Balboa. returned tu lh('lr horre an IIT'mllw Ia Mol hl'r's ·•birU1day, sh<''" I-'annie Goddard, pr~ident o1 t.; Berkeley by the Onyli~;ht Stream· eit;hty-nme yl'ara oltl. Anahl'im WCT\J. 1 lintr on ~lormay · ' All a rarl'well to them, :\Ira. Rob-1 c•8nnot flncl lhe wurds to IIU)', DflJNW'ted Honored t F. I lhf' love her heart r·an hnlol <'F .o.!Hun gav(' a ll•'llt h Wppt'r Shc>'ll verv frail anrl III'Tiull "' r .\lrt< ~tary li Park. rvnngl'lll!\1<' I n !'aturdny Othl'rs lnvltl'd werc- 1 hair 111 ·snowy w hltP, · dif'('('lor, cnnducl<'<i a bt•uuliful J \'. \'at•lklncl. t-:lectra<t:u1•8 ,.tal<' ml.'morial '''rvwr ff•r c11'11<11"1Pd I t' l 'l':"I/H •nd !..11 11 \'1 lk ntl an\1 !'hr mnn• t ll"l' at ull. not e'en a members. Stw ;.aid: "this hf(' i~ t::n~lj'n J. \\'. Fllzt: .'rnhl' l 'SN, an<l ray llf hghl. but a jounwy, n pr~·pa1 11110n for 1-:mu~n J n•·k T tt•hll<·fll"k, USNR lj('al<h· hl'r rac:!l•tshe ~'118• In h..r hi~ the heav<'nly homl'. A Chra~llan'l< bulh uf lhP Santa An.n 1'\;.JvaJ A1r .-uy cha~r. dying tlay 1, his tnumphunl day. 1 £tatlon. And listens lo tht' many hillf, tnnt It W(' could hc>ar wha t thl'Y ,u·l' iiiii-~iiiliiiiiiiRi.iiiiiiifiii r"m•• 111 off the air. c: Stl\ in~ it would ~ as Franc.-s \Val- • "m••tlm<'a shr hw~;h!!. snml'tlnt•·t< InN:! saloi, 'llow hcautiful '" lw• shr r r lrs, when proKrama lll'tng with God.' Wh<·n we thmk or our : ll> mind, 1 Fa thl'r's homl', of at.s po'IIC:f', its 1 I Of lovl'tl unl!.'l gon., twyn~d t~r joy, 11 5 ~;lory. of !OE'l'll11: our SA-, :~Its, aomt' day 111\r k n1'1"" !lhl' II vaour fare to faC'e. of lhl' 1'\'Union 1 nd. • w ith lov<•d On{'s, we arl' no mor<' Her mind is very kHn arot sc un•t afrcud or th<• mystery of d('alh." -------------=:::..:=.. l'lh~ rnllow>~ up tht' war. I • Of bultll'll all the world arnuull. &nd wonder, wherl' lov~d """" e COMING EVENTS arr. She ne'rr forjitela ror them to pray, that God will brmg th1·m hrtm!'. And lben 1 kntrw I'll h<!ar her M y. "Thank God from homt you'll ne'rr net'<! roam " \\'F:OII:F:SOA Y, SEPT. 20 R<!d Crou workroom, 111 Palm avenu•·. B11lbou. 10 a.m to • p.m, l!l'Wing. Red Crol!l! Workroom. 313 Ma· rlnl' av~nue. B&llloa lllland, 10 a.m She's looking rnr her J,rT&ndiiOn homr. !or he'll bet'll over thtrl'. In folll holea he tet'IA so all alone. to 4 p.m , snr(:"'cal drr!!slngK but be'e bet'n un~fr God's car.• Red Croas workruom. 13001 She'a bet'n web a wondl!rful O<'t>·m boult!VIHd, Corona ·d<!l ltlar. motht'r to m"' In eil'kneall M el In 'Pl'll 10 1 m to 4 p.m .. su.rgtcal l hraJt h, ' drt'8slnge • WHAT-NOT SHOP ....... bare~ ..... .......... Pletare l"ruatac· PaUo aad Vllll.aW!ed hnal· tare 8upt1Ued. W·l• dow .-_ IMt&Ued. What's Your Odd Job? In bour11 ot pllln hc>r tnl'l' I'd """ I 40 <I 8 , V•f:ture Locale OJ27. at . . JI.,JnZP Krlllll'r 11 <'life 7 I'm l to m r twu mor•• tha.n wealth. , Tlfl'HC::IlA y ~FI'T 2 r --------------. A l'hlld'a bt-811 frltn•t 111 thr mm h .. r · · 1 WE gp•I"'W "' • .,E they Kav and I'm IIUrl! that It ' lfa•br•r K l\·.~•nll! l'luh. wtll m•l'l ~~ Jr ~nt. T t•)•lor wa." :.1 fotmrr Mr • ,,., , •• t :-;r .ons:l"• ente•· B. & P . Women to Hold First Meet At Santiago Park 1 1 • 1 at . Uttlho.•ll,. 1-.IPlln c {;nil. J:! 1 ~ au " n.a~. noon CANNING FRVITS Ani.J Motho·r Orl\r I'll :tlwn}'ft • , DUEND YOUR HEALTH WITH Say a Merry Christma s to the Boys Ove rseas "lth Your Po1·trait Doe't Delay-lin«-l'nur l'hntoKnph Tak .. n ~nw. • 'I'M)' llast 8fo tw.d)· for )lullin~ h~· Ocwhrr J.jth ---SPECIAL'----.. One Professional s1.00 Portrait, On~y NO APPOINTMENT NECF.S~.UU' Roberts Portraits _, N0mB ILUN -Nn"T TO W ARD8 MlftA AJJA. CAUl". _. ...... r.... II a. & te I p. ... llft.tly . · • r,.rolrnt of lll;lboa rtnd work('q In tall" 1 ' 1.:'""1' .. r 1111'11<1!1 at her lilt' Balboll Inn lit•n uty ~hn1• t •• 111• 1•,:~ \\ • "' 1 k nn fo"rnnl, lut' ThP flrl'l mr .. tlng nf lht' MI'A· Alll'nll1n~ tht• f1u cv•••ll <.llllnc•t v. ,., k • 11 i1 hilt• h•·"n foii•Jwed by 11,.11 fnr 1 ht• Bul!lnrllll ·""" PrnfeR- ""rc Mr. and M111 J i\ Duu~tht·r·, I _ 1 !'I''""' \\'urr.cn'!< C'luh ,., Newport l v. Lon~t lknl'h, Mr nr•l l'llr l' 0 'F'u •i 1 ,, ·"'"' lu :'olr11 Hom<'r IIArbor will ll<' h••l T hursdnv ~Vt'· prav. that I'll br• gond to you I Hell Crolla \\ orknoom , It I l'.tlm, Cann.·ng Tomatoes • __ __ Ualhon, I ll :t '" In ~ p,m , ftCWing II 1 lt<>d Ct Vllll \\'vd<ro in, 313 Ma · N ln Se Son 0 f Island Cou pie 1 rlnl' av,.nue, nu1br1n rsla nol 10 11 "'·! ow uoa Takes Hemet Bride to • pm ""r~>:l<'al ('"'M'"I:" 1 GET THEM AT liUIIHto. Mf 11ntl l'l"l''.oBl•JIIKI \\'ou.· IV. B&rkm:a.n, ~lr a.n..t l!ra \VII· :11•·1'• I ' II h :\II ~ I :rnl'~t WcOel-na.nr;, St'pt 21 I\ I 6 30 In Sa~ti&gn ham Ok"v ami dou:;ntera ~u.r and 1:-n 11\km, ,.., "••I .u•d Mra. Ed· f'nrk, !'antet Ana. accordln~ to lht Peal)', Alhnmbra: Mr~< F.,·rlyn Wllrol :II'''"'' "'n!htlnt.nn I Mnounrl'mrm or thr nrw f'rt'SI· A wcddin;: nf lnterr llt Ill lhr Wllann and 1wn Osrr\'11, Sa.llll\ 1 Mt'lnlu·a 11 ht•'\t)(hl th('lr rhUdren dent, Grttha Tllbba. Jfa rbl'rr are,p. Will that o r two "D. ~ant1agn Park, Santa Ana. DUTTON'S 6 ~~~~~~~an•··· t..eagu~. Ht!d CrOM 1 Fruit Market \V•)•krnum 10 am. 17M Newport Blvd. Ana. &nd PO 2,r JtUw Gnbrlcl. San Md the-11rr ~ll f•-y ••n)oyed the turf 1 MlldrMt Stl'lnlry· 111 hn•tus. and prnmlnent bualncu ppoplc of otego. 1 ~tnd bfollt h l'"mes with >'OUDI ~er-t.bere ,.,111 be a pll'nle lun<'h 11,1• Hemet which took pi&Ct' 8('(>t. 8 eo.ta Meea 'rr SpRn~:lo·r liM hll-<\ l tO'!"'I'd b\' .111\mU'" tilt' llmliMmfnt In Rlln Of('~O. Tht' bride W:'.JI MIMI I BUY WAR BONDS One-Wt'e pink <'llndlf' llr,htt'\1 lhr I T hn.,. pri'IM•nt inrlud~ Mrll Me-hall. Alllltlltlnr: ~11.11 l':tanlev art' lo1o ra Krnnl'dv who rc<'ently snld -------------------------blrt~llay ('!lkf \\'hf'n Mn:Jtt•r J t)hll· t ,elllln 80ol t•htldro•l\ K•>' ll:td thr rollnv. '"~ AltA G•·r tun. ~tau .. the T!lhqu!lz rttDfi'I'IIOO(':')'. \\'hkh l ;-------------------------------. ny I ortrr, liOn M Mr anol Mrs C' Po·nniP :\!1" ltat•luu•l Oltt111ar :mel Rollln~t. ~tarie t-:hlo-n. 1_..,1" Sim· had bel'n In the Krnnl'dy r11mlly 1 C:. l'c rl«'r J r , 411ft 111 r<'l'l , rei•·· '"'" T•rn my , Mrs ll11 rry llunltck ; monll C'~tnll'llr Ko·nn••tl\' nnol Onr· tur nvt'r 20 Y<'llrll, : '1d lh(' brill!'· hrnted l:l11 ftr111 nnnaw•rllllt \' Snl\11· ""' k \\'•·~1 llla s .lull11 l:rolltr:t. Mrll, othy .Robln!ll•n • l'';nnm Wall Osr~r Hnhltn. ~nn M •lay Rrtn~lnJ.: him ~;arts wrrr h1!0 ~t .. r•tll 1111ol "'"'~l••r Marlalne; ;rlllll ..,111 1,. l:ll•'llt IIIJ.:ht . Rntl Mr and M r~ f.m1l Br'\ulin 22~> 1 1111nt nn.l c """'nil. Mr11 V 1 • 1 .\I 1 ~ A 1 •I• n Lon~ n'111 d:u~thter memb<'r" mil\' rae h """S:: :t fr u·n•l·l F:Mt Rat 1-Tnnt ltnltoon ll'llllnd. , Hari)r,• Jr •wd Luu••l ;111ot llal• ~"~" , .. m.J ~lrll . tr llott &lid .oo · Th•· lo.mll JWouJ1n~ h:t\'" bM'n Sllnln An11 l 'htlllp ~ C b S M h 1 t•:•lolo•nts uf Bulh••n l~!nnn for HATS ,\t.l. I.ATE FAL L ~lt tPI·:L:-; , .. 5]98 , Dotty Dunn 114 Eut 4th St. u cout ot ers m•)r(' lhau :.!0 y••nrl hut \\'('11' , .. ,. T M W d A M mrr Tl'!fldrnt ~ ••f II• mo•t nntl nth•·r 0 eet e · • • llll'ntbrrJO (I( ll'P (:1n11l\' 01;11'1 lo I h·· Brud1n Httr•tv:Ar(> M• n \ t :H 1 ~· Mr thl'l'!! (of huy•. I r·•m !• '" 1:.! Tho• nrw :\I 1 ~ Brn In ,. o1 who ~orc-lntr rrllto·ol tn J"lnang lh<' tl.lltt.:ltl•·r of ~I r • F \\' K nro·tl·, Cub Seoul J.rf""". ltr•· 111\'ll••<l 10 .. r llo·m d ROof oiRll bo•f'n ar:av. In altt'nd 1.\n nq:-:1n17.1 t1t •ll IUl'ctinJt lh(' !loll'l II h~•· 11( tlll' <'It) Sho· 1• Wcdnrlldav nt !l n m :ot thr hnrlle " mrml•rr .. r E Htuoltlln ('f.,lpt· r of Mr11. F;1r;:nr 11111 Il l[• l.!olu ~null I lflfiJ:bt ••r.~ <•r th•• Ana• n •nn l:o•\' Drn Motf1('rl' from t'l(' nlnr C'ub lllullt~n, thP llr rnrt-!':an J rll'lllt" rc-oul 0 ('n!! Will nttrn.t llnrl thrlr OltliiOf'a!! """ ...... r ........ n.,al ,, ... , ._..1Alllnt11 will IM· !CI'II'Ct('cl end 1111'1< 'l11!1 nuol nth••r t~r;.:lln17:JI •nn .. plana m&<i•• tur thf' nrllvt' fall Mr Brut! n hll/0 r r !'l'''••nll ''"!H, .. ·ortc bo•rn :<tlpt'rmt~>nol• nt "' \':1 ~'""" All mut:~o·r~ intert'&tcd a~ Lllkcd nrmy and 1111\'V (un.•tr urt ann joh• to !lltt nd 1 '" Soullwrn C'aWnrnla, 1\:rvnoln Card Club Me~ts At Beach Home Olowtnr; colot·,. nf hu,:.• tJnhiiA<O mlxf'd wltb thl' ~rr••n of f~>m ... madr 11 r h11 rmlnt: Onr:tl d~>cnrallon when Mnt Charll'tt Hnrt. 1111 41 ~• lllt~t. t otrrtsant tl mrml'>i'rs n1 hrr rlub !It lunrht'nn llo110t Wf'f'k Enjoyln;. thr A!trrnnnn nf piny we~ tht ~fP!ttl:url'" H \\' ~l r. ilno l i\rl701111 r•>r Wht• h lhf' l!rllolln • ""'l•any h:11l 1 1111tra<'L• :u tol nt I p1't>8CIIl II' ~UP<'r\'lll111~ II Camp KI'Arnt'y cunrt nu linn jt>h Thry 1 plnn tn ml\kt• thr~r hnru<' t<'mp• r· nrlly 111 Ll• J~olln hut lho•1r t'••rm· 1\llo nt hnm•• w.ll hr an Hroml't I 1st Lt. Hugh Du nlap Takes Eastern Bride I Gea£hl«' . .1. :\tr l.lll'klr Ann ;\II'· Lu<"kiC". w Ku•hiPr Air~• rmlg a nd MIJII8 F.ll1.alu lh :\lrlnnt<Oh. all nr l"'llAIIIItnA 1111rl :'\Tr"~ .\ Hl'tlllln!=. Newp<'lrt I :oil\ !ttl Al A t411 ••t (t'r~'nl• n \· ~ntur•'i'l\' nt .1 fl m 111 f 1111111 t 'ht.trt 11 II\' th~ 1'~11 .. M t~~ f:l11tl• y t;,u :'olltlt•r •lrw.:htrr "r :\t r nnol Mr~ ~~ .... r.:•· 1 ~I tl"r n( I 'm•• IH11H Ark "'"II 1 n to rrlrrl lo Far"l 1.1 Hut.:h F: ""''· ••• , •• I f ~lr nn.t :'\lr ... Slo \\;tfl I l 't ··f q :'II• ~"PI'.h.rr ,.,, .. ,, ... l"lnlhoa Jst11nol. (By Winifred 8o~rbrel • Choice Recipes I, I Smotherrd Chicken Thl8 ,,. t 11. t .lilt I \'•'lit \\ ,,, • ., h('t ('i\11.0•':<'1•· •li"'l '" l••o•lc p 1rlt• II tr1rlv lt•mpl :11>: 1111 ' 1pprt.111o~ \''hrn th•'\' 11('1'< llr Ill\ I t•t• dt:lll• r tablt'. llt;nlly mn '• nf nv".l m&l(l'•l with dthrr lnj: r< oh• I I• tot· nr ''1'1!1'· tabltl wll h I';IIJl'r". '·'"'' nn bt'th KOnlla:lcal ::mo.J 1111tl!lfvlnc TJ,IJI pitrltcul:\r "•'II ·1 • ~ nnt t::.ll lnln rllho.r • l11,.,., 11111 '" II DOVt'l and dl'fl<'lllll• \\ ~~~· Ill c•ook • In~ <'hick• . -,..let ''"r larj..r fpnn~ •·hu k••n. dlajnlnt 1U1d anll ·•rq-. r· Rncl nnur the p le-ct'll lUI f•" frytn,: Put thr plt'<:t'll In n C'lliL'W'r••lr 11:1<1 "''"r tl'ot'm rour rnhout R f"""" .. r m r lt- f'd ehort <'nlng c .. ,.,.r 11'1tl hl\kr nt -...<ic.;T'f'f'• fl'r on•· hm••, bntttmto ...,.ry 1!\ m mutr11 Wh<'n hmwn. pour ol! llhortl'nlnJ: Add onco qn!lrt N t>hk kt'n alnrk tTra\' bt' rrnr't' with a houlllon ru~l In whiCh hWt h<-m hle~~<lrtl t"·o Ia bll'~:l<lo'"" n• ur . ~lilt IUI.J pcp(W'r tn t;;..'!l' RPtum t ~~~rolr to thf <WI'n IOHI N kr nt :l!lO dr· lf'8H for onr Md on" hnlf hnur~ ·;·11, I '• ,. l'hntlr•;t 1111!111 1"'1 (f\r n•• ·I t tu· • •·r~'l11•11 ~ wlau h "·•·~ 111 t• 11 loot "Ill~· "" .1 ~;roup .. r , • ,,, I rt••n,!~ nr·.t r, I t t\ • ,~~; Tht"' brtd•• '' "'. 1 :;1 , ,. t hr•. p!•tr quit "'h 1 "'' ., • ., 1r .. ,1 ..... rt~t :,, •• f'~~ ·1· q 1n 1 •. • t 1 •• \l'llllf 11( pal,, .l •lloow n •r 1··•1 , ... C••nt ... c-~h· \\ '" al tf'lr d • "~ t •• "uJtt'r. ~frR l'flf'~ \\"'"' "1rd ••I 1~"' Anc.t.~ \\!•• '' ,,,. t J'," II lid \\ IIIli' !IIIII 1~11' loo •I 01 I \\ 1 thr hrld<'grn .. m 1< hr .. th, r 1; .• , • · l •unlap. lmnH·.tinttllr nfr,•r '1 ,. , ,.,..·t;, . lhr ynun£ ,., IIJ11!• .!tn\'o' I• l.il'tl'l 1 Bo•,., h \\ ht•n• lltt•\' wtll '1'"11'1 t ho 1 hunl'ynh"'" 1.1 I •11nlllp h.o• J""~ nr • ', .t hnnw •~• 11 :.!1 ... 111\' fur1"11;..h .10"' • unoplrttn~: t'l humlt·n~r m •."1• • 10 I ho J-:ur .. po·nn tht•Aio•r ol( 1\ olf ~~~ l:o h.'mhttr·ollo·r 111 11 H ~I l.tloo•~ Alc'r Rn.t jomt•ol tht> ~""''" llflt'r J.!rlhhiAt in:: (:nn· lh" ~·"I' 11 II a· h..or l 'n•• 11 IIIJ:h ll• hu"l 111 1\'1: A (to•r lo·l' furlou~th Is m·· r hi' \\ II ~·· '" l':nnta lltnnh ll (,., rt',IJI.•a.:n mt·nt n ntl hP !Inn h•l! hrailr "111 m~kt• th••tr h"m'' \\ht•l(' II" ·~ l'trt llunl'tl 8ACK THE AtTACK School -Going ~~ .. s~-:--~\~~~., Smooth back-to-school swNitC'r. in a galaxy of vibrant hues ... -snug filting. warm and . \'('rv collc~iate. Slip.ons. <:ardigan~. long !'lecves -yours for the l'h OOSinJ.:. from ssoo SKIRTS .. You just can 't have too many for you'll liv(' in th('m a ll year Jon!!. Ch()Ol':(' from a variety of handso me l'lylcs. We have them all! from 2?..0 S. ~a.in St. Manta Au t'or \'our Cnnnnk-IK't", Our Shop I• OJW'n Saturday~ "111 9 P. M. I ! t I c F & b • II • I I I r f t t ( • c F I tJ • - THE SAND CRAB for 36 yean the best advertising medium in the newport harbor distritt • • • the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War . . Quitker · NEWPODT ~ BALBOA (sl(~ N E-W.Sill~l'JMES r.~ KEEP POSTEl! 1 Year . . • . $2.50 Nake (~ ....,._ .. N•••·n--.N-.wt ..... EMBRAC-ING BAb80A i!ENlNS~ WEST MEWPORL~ ~ORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BAlBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEl MAR. COSTA MESA =-=- • VOLUME XX.XVl I NEWPO"T •EACH, CALI,-O"NIA, THUf .. Dt.V SEPTEMBER :11 , 19U ,...._,, . ,. I· I I• I ·I 1d I I 1 t I • f If • 111•fttlft f t P'f f •• ,, (ffn rfjol ff I "" k '"" .. ... , t • , ' h• ''''"• tu, ,, ., . ,.. .. If~ 1 '""" ttt llu ttll '''''' I th H 11 t,uu t• I J tft t I ,,,., ' I~ •I I 'I II. •; 1• • t•h·' r' "''' ,, ••f ,,11 t , llt•adt•d hy I lr. ~t'aJn•r to ll!rtt11ent I• I'' t l(.,t" 1 t '• ',, ""'' ·"' "''" f: ~· llnmlnlC M I' . .,.,.,..,"• with "' Mo ""'' M,. I;.,~. ~ '·• ''''''' " '"'"'"'' unit uf ttw :\4th F.\oarua· Jf'Y1 llt•~••lwu). n,.,., 1\.t•··••. ""'' tlun fll"'t•llt~l In )''rllrK¥ (Apt. and ""' Ill)'"' •I 111 lit• 111111lll11t' .ol Mno llnmtna: ltv•• 111 1'700 P'..-.t ~11111 1 '"· """ t.:IV•·ro ""'' "' I Ito ( if'Non Jo'runt, llnlt11Ht. I Itt '11' ''1 1"~ "'" ' 'f"'' '' "''" "ho 11 Ill P'oftt(ll.a. ft tal 1"1111: 1'"'" lu• 111 1 11"'1""1 ',"r''l l(l .. ·rlvtnic lnjou tr .. ~bnut tho- 11" '"''"'''' "11 " "''' ''" •• " 1 ( "''' hit"' 11ntl lo•l(lt, C'nJJiuln llrunlnt , ... , '"'""''' IIH• """' Olllf'l(t'r')' thel Jlaacon u.•rvirt• .,,,.,,,,, l'rlvfflo• r:rnlllf' llpt'lf'l the 'l. '~ """'' tu .,., •oYo·ry. Hnt1 I hi• hila ~n Sta,l• f"n ( '•atchos 1" "'"'11 "''"rr•· '''. arnttnf'atlon rn ' t J C '-' Mo htool .,,,. r,r·ultlr. Jlrivlllf" '-.1h«•r' ( 'ht•(•k l•·tssnr , ;~~·•·•· I ,,.w "'"'''''"117,..1 In •:n~e· ,, I C • ' '-l1111•l lo<l\ 1111{ r•'f'l•lvo-.1 tho• I"\Jf1)lr If I· ••• " ' '., ''"'I 11•·1111 loWIIrtl II•• will llf11Wihly 1. "' ... "' I•· 11 r•••l ""''I'IIAI th .. r•• • ''''I 1 • '' 1 ··'''I'' \1llf• 1 f,, (,,,, t" '"•: Y•nt tutttll' If•• h• ._ tt '' I• t l '"'I IJlh '11''1 11' •• .. , .. ,,,, .. t ll;•rhu• lltllt• ftntJ 1at· t\1 'I· • ' f,,,, •I 1 'II•' ' t, .tttd ""d' d ,,,.,,. ArH• .lu tlutr f'f'll•...:r. • '• I '' t d If• "''''ltd If• t \o\ltl• ttu· nfftty e·n..:tnt~rtni( , .... ,..I Itt • I II, I ,.,,,I,_ II"' I'"" tof If ' \1, . .,. '""' In '"''' Rlwom ,, ' . ' ,. I• I ~ t • t I f t •• " I II• 11, t ,,,, I 'tHt I j.,, • ttll ilt'• ,,1 f 1 t• , • ' ,jl f,. f ' I \-\I I • Iff tltt fo ,qnl I tit f1• f ttllt •.1 \. rlllf1 f+.rtf ''" j ,, •• "I •J t .. ,,,,. '''" •• I I ' ' ........ '"'·I· .. I I. d .' I' '" 1,., ,., •• It Jl II I I , J, t I f I "~ H·· I •• ,,, .... Next Hloodhank l)ah• Sept. 2~th '11o•ll "l·•\ :-;, p11•mho·r :.01( Wtll IM I'"'' ,,, th•· ntu ~. fotH•••r ••n· I oto'"l ""' :'""'I"''' II llf•••r l'lllh- 'ttth' v.h••u •h• "'"' If\• I • ''I but l.,t, I ,.,, \ ·•II "'' \\ ,lfti• I ,,, c • .. ~·· \1• ·• \A.J•' 111 ''"· ,.,.,,n ,,, "' ,,, l'vt. t .,,.,,t,. I "''''' '' "•·· ~''" ,,, Mr. "'''' .,," 1\ I \'•"' d, \v,.u .. •r ot l'll;lt '''" '"'" •I r .... ' "'"' 1 u liar· t .. , 'u., .. l:"""······ . .~,., JtJST l{f':( 'f4:1VED t'ull l'ttpply of PAPER CLIPS t h• '"'"' dnt•· '"r t;lttt .. l •I.-,.,,,. l•••lll Iii•• IMIIdo rorrn. lol'r'lor•lint: tnl ;\II• ."\I :rill••\ SuW}f'P'. lll•uo ••II l \l1\ tloollfffl·•ll 11( lllf• ft.MI l'r f"• lol•-otl l /lltfll•l t't•UUr1ltft-f•. ,, .... , .... ,,. ... 4-f) lttltt ,,.,., ..... f,, ''*~ • • ul uu' nnnhu fltlnS,f 1 h• I olll•• 'I 111 fl 111 I)>.,.,,~ "til ho llle IN'' t.nx of 100 ... News-n .... I'''' k•·•l 1111 "' ttwlr ht•lll•" .uul 1 l•r·~ot:l r lu11 k '" lht·tn T.....,..,., N• ...... ll Mil W. , ... .._.Aft. .•. .! ,. Must Produce War Goods, Even With "V -Day" Here 1 Ration CA»upon Dates and Data New Way To Weig~ Fat Lett~rs To The News-Times Building Permits KATI0 :-1 C'Al.F:~IlAR fn r or· ' .... 1 nr.:tnntnr September a. l.M .. War R.1t1on Book Ill ''KPf'f' em p ulttn,: ••u l the• Wltr • jtOOda.. 'MIIII ,.,., •·•~=•·•! 1,,. llub-~umr :'\n I .. n "~<lrplnnf'·· baN How. u OJU .!caliJr.s:. of eny . "h''"' 1 I pal r ahoea l 1ood now; ~llle>n of v.nny In lh~> ~ .. w. r>e p1ran~o~1 nnv -nnt 11rt J'Clrt Harbur 1Ht>ll I'IH")' """ tnt• :'ltllntp ~" ~ ''" "Kitl'lunr·: I ay that u many lUI 1on ... 1ht .. ,.0 0• Jlllloet 1 I puu· 11huH1 1 good now. tinul' e>n lhr Jl•h hJlll ''"'"' mrr· 1 'Jlltllllun 'ut,. ""' ll~t cb&Pta an(! 1 a~.. "" no·r-0.,.1.,,, 1 1 ~C)TJ-: Tuk•· t,•••k a Inn~ to make added r rnwllF> ''"'"'"I' I hto I• '" h f'Un Ill\""' 1 'lrlU requl~ t h11t lhry '"'' llt~ty W;,r R.Jt oon Book IV on t.hp ji•b S tnn1p ~''· 30 I:, lh,. 11111:11r 1 Ma.t \'tiKI ur~·• 1 11f ""Y 11110 It'" •I nuw ~'XJllt&tlnn olftl•· O(ol nt for t:elrbrat tnt: lh<' .t .. trl\1 o' Grr· !'lttur p ~<>. :u 1!\ lb,. ~<lll(llt m u y Ia t hat 11 "'II m11rk only lr '"1 nnw • "Xfllratl"n "'''" "' 1 •·•·t .ne h&lf-w•v '"'"'' Ill '"" "''" rrn-Rt .. m r ~IJ. 32 I~. u... 8111" ,, ' . rram. IJntll .lllf•nn lit aJIIu "" lh~'> i ood nov.•; PXJ)Irath:m rlnt• n••t ..,., mal rrytng "lln• It· .. tilt' mt>n IUHS SlAml• No. 40 • ~. lhM 1 loOIIIIII: I WOI'IMII In lhf' ArmNt F'OI'\'I'I all augaro ~nod n11w t'lll'lntlit>n 111111' t:nrt!r t.tHo world wtll ~.'to CCII\· ttf'llruary 2M. 1P4~ IIOlW' 00 ctuty ro>ady for ac:llvl' Ohtllln Appllrlltlllll fnr llildlll•>nn' ~ at a moment'• notice. 1 rllnnm~t llul(nr ,., lrv nl c II' A To d liiCua. lociU M J'<·\'Ia ,,, IUl)' bo!ll"lla Appll• ntl n "hrn f11l• '' c-elebralloo or re<o~nttlon or lbt t>HI "'""' tlf' 1\1 ' oorupllnto•ol lov V·Day for lhf' ddPal of Gtormany, Spnrr StA m p "17 Ftr11t I"'•'"'' IIJ • tbe Merchant.a Affair. commJttt'4' ploc"t.J"nll mtty t... fll,.fl tr••m )lluv at t.be Newport H&rbc>r Ch•rrlwr uf L:. In July 1!1 Sf'< 110•1 t~r ••I up pllr atlnn• may he tllt>d frnm J ul\• .,~ll~lll!lllll!!!ll~fl!llll~~~ I~ to Ort Q~r :w. ;;; I R~J .Umpe 1 10 pol nil' • r .. r ,j ::>IMI'Ilt ~Itt'!> l f..'! LIEVE Th at Dull I • •• 'i o~et tl'PIIIlq 0 "IIlii I hrriii'IO I nnnl'ol lllllli llltol I 1'1\llth'<l '"•h Al-l '" i'.ll IIIIo! ,, •• loo 1 G!'! go~MI now , o•llplrollloott •lat .. 11•·1 IIH!L GllF.ARfo: 80Nt1i<> 1934 • 19~~ M J If -z;;_. I IUGGEIT DRIVEWAY 1 ll:uw lrt ua put rtr« thlnga 1!136 t 1 8_._ ~, f 1.__ o ' chef crtm· ALONG OCEAN IHO,.E flrat Thr hom~ u well u thl' 1937 rut , ... ou Y o r ,,.. rangl' county t • .,., lbertlf's officl' was th ---1 ll<'eurHy or tl 11 doc.·umenta and th" 19."' _._ t h K . e gtJf'\llt ncar F.1trtor· t'h ldrt<n"ll tduratlon mul't comP 1939 ape ... er a t t' 1wan1~ cluh lun· Will n td hl ~at U\f"'"T.'li'Ctnc Cffil Thurs· ngtnt !Wl ~m~t -n&. Jltat The. clly auu. neetlB a. .new 1940 • ' ng wme o Ill t'X· the butc .._c, 1 of I · · 194:! Pf'Mt'nl'f'S 8!1 11n PX('('Utive offiCPr I . . ' Urt )' our t o•IJlft· wnnl S('('Unty of lh('lr d(l('UOli'OI' NEWPORT 298 40~ ~123 ~ M 8 M2 M2 41S9 320 BllACH W .074 497.440 7641,08t 008.080 911.837 ~1.74~ 1,040.U3 1,229,-tSt 260.9~ I day noon ' "Iii f h' •bout amalllown nl'wspapeM~ b<oln~; cit\' hall If thl' J.lt'•lflle or thl' rltv 1941 ln charltf' or r.l'rman and Italian l'ratlt v. uv ttf llfl'. !'lo thanks to llllrt mor" t>frk rtiU'y fr~om tho• I' tty -·~ ln . . that frel.'tlrorn of expres~l"n print-hall ofrlre n ew · ami Juulnr re i· ~;;;;"IS'""n W<>~INn conN>ntrnuon "" to. )'1'1\ar l1ttle hut PO\\T.flfl'L 1.-,:: .. '"' tht• penr i,. of tht• c·1tv l'r:n Januarv 1943 Ne"'"" rt Balhoe ~""ws·Tim.-s th<· 1 t hi th • "# Major Zah(') hu~ ju.~t retuml'd o~• If "r rt> eir ow n l"h lldrt'n Jo"rhrua-ry f Arl h h tnwn ~1'\',1\f•rt UP'll"h Ol 'lt to dn tht> wurk at lht> t'lt\' hall \fart'h rom ':' 7 nna " •·r.• " "'as fnr T OWN ktpt on ~rowing ttt b<· o ant1 thus ~· t st>•·unty f(Jr · thl'm-April tomf• llnw In l"h:or;:f' '!' the Italian )f~cra for t h.-mn.'!l t•xq uun t.-I •ro~tp In a 1 1 nd l'l'h'PII thnt 111 t'~>mmnn ""n"'· ~1ay ., . I'Of\C'(·n .. ra ton camp a I hom""· and ft•r all kmtls ••f spn~t11 ~r.w 10 n•s:;a rd t .. wlo!Pnln~t 11f I Junr ~rted thlll ,1' "·" llMoll n.' ..,,,.,~. lhat put tht' na me uf =--~·noort to "<'I 0 d~ k f h ,.. lht• ht,::hwayH. oln you ~llt>ve thnt July ., .. y s wor. rom 1 ,.,,.. ~ac·h on th.. man <'alltn" fo r · Prt"'n rs .. h ,. .. thP hl~o:hlld·· n<o(V's that f'flll!!('d 1101 AuguP't " . v.·.,n rt'<'f'l\"t' !'Oml'.' 101: "t-lomr \\'Bnhd 1n :-l t·wro r t ties..-; than Sl 00 :1 da)· for thrlr Ia· 8 ,.81.11 .. muo·n Janll•l!" In thP tnllt t• n ye11r11 '-'"Pt"r:JOt>r bor. ~~~ it wn ... from mariv nf lh . 1 t un thP nalbon Pc>n1 n~uln nnd WPllt Oo. tubo.•r I W'PA anti nllioofl a.:rnups of 1111' .s • .'.l nth hl'f r,,hurartny Sert 7th llllilll' ll:r•wror t B•'!l• h l!hllllltt" hf< "•·lilt I Now mbu • · Ill " " uwlng hl'&tHn~: · "C'rt y wli h t t th ..,_...._ '-pn''~ion po•riol<l Iff" rnun" tllf" 111 II Ji ' (' II an.·l ' "'' ItA ' prlttf'r .. bt'll)ll '"' AA"'-Ym..,.,.r • Ce 1 . a • un or 0 e{!e " St re~t wl<lt•ntn~s n r thl' hlghwav11 ""''"r o Total . rman ur !lllni'N ·llt't lt•r """rkr•r< \\'lfll'ning In Plan Buaro.l'l'l Pro· l"ftOlflfll'fAII!tO ~ •. .~ ....... . 1~.23~ 4.633 7.677 9.145 12.727 14.060 7.3!l8 fl.760 22 3i8 13,94& 10,014 16,160 .. .. 142,327 but al~ fn untl a H·mlf·nc) fnr fra· I grllm." 1 tembat1on ht•t"•·•·n llrt"<>nl'Mt and , Huw a hout huildmg. first. u ,;4·a -1944 rmploy••r·" wh1•n lht• pri!'<'lno•N J k s • I \\Oil trcom tho• SantA Ani\ HIV•·1 Janllary a1a.~ W ('tf' plnce'<l t•Ul In farm lahor ac ummers In ffillllth tluwn ,,, the Balb<i8 l'o·nln-Ft>bruary 18,740 Tht> .la pan•"'C' pra!lllners will H • • MJia, anoJ In hRc'k of t h.-!!••nwhll ~larch 38.175 l alk. :\1illur 7J1bt•l_ ~ld. amf !'Om<'-OUSing Donation li wide•, • ""' rl.'lo> IIUle '"' that ~lay 4~.473 t im!"-otno fo•r ~llrprtlllnJ:Iy littll' pl'r· T R . rublh a noJ VISotootS lu ll:o•w p. rt J une 73,431 ~Ui .... lon, dl' .. pl\l' a ll rumor!! to thl' 0 OSSian Relief llt'llt h I u\Jlol tra\1'1 a lung l ht• 3·1 J ul ·~.400 contrury l'llh• Inn~ sea,.ho>n' h\' mc>an11 of y Flom hi' l'XJl(•rio•nc¥ wilh tlw Thco Rll'"''nn \\'or Ho•lll'f n'prl'-""'" btlllrt J•lll!!'I'O~f'r bussel!; that Glendale Man Buys cha o a.:m a.: a llltu!W of ,..,. pri~nni'Mt I04'ntntlvt> rrpcorts 8 erving nl't·ol 1 '""''" tw « tt>al a nti .safo• inv~>st·' ht• Jlr!'ilic·t~ lhllt lhl' Gt>rman m or · for lltldf'll heir. but at -t he> aam.· m··nt tha t \\'111111 brintr tn th~ r lty In Corona del Mar •J I u COLD Ill•· i• hrnko•n ;md lld\'isrd his !'lear• tim~> l"ll.lls attention tn the fine> biJ.: lllvh.lo·ntis 1n every way and 1 __ _ v.lll d.:lv" :.!l l•••ledlllkktl'tttllh f•!rt t~vro y C • k d d JoM .... _. ........ •l u''tr:nn•l~n•!o ... ~nalkl_n ... u'~nncyA oheftsthDbawst'dar. <lonatlnn mild!' by Jar k ~umment.l thtfu•l ht·llld' ua pay for tHitl the n ! lla lph V :O.lt·KP~ "r Glrnohtlo• h:ua roun or lA vn~: 1 en u • r~· Onrof't Munah vlalte tile Jtruy lty .. toe r•• 1· 1 " -N " ~v u ~ ~ lnl'af citizen a nd a membo.•r nr t hf' sa "Y w l'n thr highwuy11 o St~mf'· purr ha.•wd thl' Horold F. W thtun '"elvf'd. of Aatoroa, :.. I. ehowa har the new W.IJ to wtogh uttle, wel~tt • -••" in Eurt))W 'NeWJ>Ort llc&ch City Pulke dt· ono• will lx> skept ic about t his and hllflh' at :Wx 1-enl-nh·af atr~~t Cor· BLt IE elampa 1 Itt S>•rlntll c.'•rh o tape u\ltUd of acorn. HI a leo tell• htr how "'uth fat thle ~ .:::U'd partmf'nl I woll l'uy· It can't be-<June! Wtoll, una old :\tar, ft>r 8 rf'porlt d ' price fnr canned, fr<"zen and d"ll'"llrat• •I prodvc~. Henro~tt II lnttrtlt~d 1" tat co,urvatlo,, 1"11 11"... all d !'\ 1\"t• all kn •w the oloJ 81 bo t ' l•t not .. e·d for food eho .. ld bt eaved and t .. rned '" fer olltra rMio, n-an rr. • ant" A.nll Army Air t.lr Summen~ hu donated ab,on. ·rh ' or.y a u of $1:.!.000. Tb,. rtaldl'ncp 111 two llka-leltzer fnn.l10· A8 lol 7.'< an'l A:l Itt J."•, • • n .. I (t r th t 1 umua Alv11 Edu1on nd h t poonta, 10 thlt he valuAble prod .. t tl a"d by-producta CM • "" to ...:.114". e or ,. l'llA on a mission uttly frH lhr use or his bUIIohnl!' .. .. -11 " 11tor1u and hBI a ~ru Wl!t gar-~o:uo .. t nflw , l'li!Jirnltoon •IAI .. ""' •• t. ..,,._ 1, f"torou a,d war pllnte to epnd Vlttortf. for tht army. a/tf'r "''bk h bf' will jlt Cue~ Me• tor whil'h he was bolltl~ll hKht aow t•llJlto.l inr ._. li!Z<' II I HTIOD (;:, to 1.5. KO<l<l bt>pl I u ptrR· -------hi' on lf'&\'to and will •·illlt hie homt> nfff'rtd'a rrnl&l of $30 per m•mlh dt•IJt"l"nt lamp ~ I Wilson has movt'd to another tlun dlltt not •L CORONA DEL MAR NEWS to111m , J oh'ollbcrry, Vermont. Mr11. He turned It over to lhe RWJ-1 Jo"RA~K F KO LARIK dwdling at 300 OcciUl boulevard. GASOLJ:SF. • • Hf'ath and lOOn R•ymond will vhrll sian Heltf'f cummllt~ wllhuul coet 2906 Ocean Front. City 1 Corona tlt>l Mar A=:-AAII Wtur, nan l&ILin• It Coupon No. 12 C A·Oiook I thn'f' her ro•latl\'f'a In Rurhnnk whll~ hff nn., he went '\o lbf' t>Xpenae of hav·l .. -.. nU... u.. D····· 18lloru. aoocf now, I'IIPlfl'' Sr rt 21 l l\y lit'Mit' ,_ llt'lwotlf'l I hl>llbunt1 ·-11\\"ll". in I r------------------------------. '" • "' • I •111• made eo lbat the place ...... Bead. aad the StlJI', All coupon• n-.u•t be tnclnr ... •t • n , nr and Mn • !'; J . Aldf'n a.nd would becomf' well known. LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME .... II~ face wllb car llct>nlt> numto .. r '"''' J at k Twllot . rt•nllor. t 'o•u•t IIIJ:h·, lm . hro vo· n>mt• fr •~ru :,:al\ ~ too 1 dauJ:hlt>rll Dlanu an.t Patt:fc!a, 214 a-• ..-.J. a•oW dNt'ta aM atatf' of reautratlon fla•'f your "·o' 1 .... , '""'' al\\n ·.-~ ht•<-n kt•f'nly lu• "''h tt•• 111111111 rhllclrm wblll'1Goltlt•nll>d avt'nue•. Jell ~unday lor SJ Fin ...... ~In tempera-Ure lnapectlon recotda Thry.m uar ,,, •. ,~lo ll on thl' 1111\' ~-l)ut-,, htuo th•·\ nn· IIW8.V I lht•ir hcoml' in !'ian )fa.rono. Diana emons ed $5 -... a-t _ preferablr la be preanted when applylnlo: for 1 lu\11-n '"' ttw wnrk •Jf Dllflrll t ~1111 \\'11l1am l'a•l~tl't and trraDd·l \"ttl utt~'nol lfolmby Cnllf'ge. t.o. F D • • .... Jt.-, _,..,, .. t Mnal-~nf'Wal ot 1(1111 rlltlona I '• '"" oo')o r Ill an ... tvo•oor~ ' ~··" Stan!-~· ln"II'Wood, apeat • Angf'lf ll Wht>rt' llhe wUl «udy or fiVIDg Across Nr, 4riall plentr o1 water w TIRE JNsr•:<....,-ION , 111, 1, ,,,. '" """~' th~ ::!rout mas· to" tt11v~ w t h Mrl' ~ L. Hokf'., Hom .. F.c-onflO'lfn. ()c F hi& jale.. .. "" t.o .. Save your tlrt' lepe<'tlon r~ oonla l•·r-Ill lltl(anlzln~o: new troopll In Jo:·!~:· \\;tl • r Mr:< Hok···· daucJlter. Mr~ )fautlf' !'ower., 801 Mar-ean rortt ~lk I --' Vitaelna. Any r.-quut to l"l'plao'f' any pAa!t· th•· ,t111t rh t ~lr• lo mnk lt.·rkhl'imrr and eon gu~rlttt'. hu bt>r 110n Jack and ___ • QUALITY P'UBNISBINGS ....... t. Aaa 991 C -Coat en JOGr Sore, RupJ I enftr l'at" tlrf' muat be al'c• mp11n-Alhc•n Spt•n•, r. ro1n o•rrlv a lluv J tmmv San lli"I:H. are .peDdlng ~o.lau~rhttr. t.tr" A. J Armlch bomr Artt'!lted on chnrgl'S of intoxJ·I ftroat,UeaUiedbJtho eo(d.tled by aJI IMJH"rt tnn r~nrd• a nol a ~"'"t lf'll•lrr In thr tlliYlru r. \4ltu tw<o '"'·k~ w th htr mother wbllt v.ith hrr t hijl W'l'k Jack I~< Sgt cation W('f't' Mrs. Hazel Mae In· M~ & PARK FURNITURE CO. 11r ..,.U.. wttll Alka·S.It-n_. nola !Iori t rnrr1 an a ulhnrlv-<1 .,, """' 11 Hr.,11t """' ullvo' 111 1 111• lu·~1 111•~1tn1no~t"' "~. 11 ~u~~~p f'owf'rll, 1-of~tutryman from Camp1 cho. HuntlnJit'\On &ach; Ed;:ar 81r. U frrwr don lope, or lnlpHtnr thai a p~ ttrf' l• no't'tll'ol T.u .,1111 Wnllh , IIIJI!trtll. h!UI ro·-· • '"" ':o.t: • . , r~n 1 . •:;:::!• 1 Gt ubrr, Oklahun":· 31111 111 homt 1 M11noo~. 'J'roy Brown, JOE' Mannu•.l 410 West 4tb St. Santa Ana ~aK-1 bocome mo" • , o•ntl\' mllr 1l••ll M11111 gydnry Ann "'';' :' 1111" · ~· Hc',IAr e • _e. \In a furluu,::h It<> untl hill mlllhtr Mnnuel de Silva .and Jam"~ :_ ________ :....,: _________ ..:_ ___ ..===:...:.=:__J ..n. eall JOUr doctor. C"otrpmrr. ,. will .-110 ,.1111 wol 11 mo·r ~-,. 1 .. ttHOII C ,,,.w •nnr , Wyn Thl! :! '-• 1 ···I• l••nr "'1 nw•nuf' the tbe ftrwt \'t"'tt'd r~>lntlvl'll h Koversl!k this Grad)'. j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... 9 .. A l'hant .. In manv ,.artoo "' I hr nrl'lt l"llllltll' will lh··· In T aromll. W•···k 0 r :-; .... ,, rntlt'r Mr• Brook-,. ··t•k. All :4 Armt8h an• I lll'r hw•-1 J R. Sl«•m ons or Ba lholl hlnncl •a..AA·8ELTZER !. a .,-In r. "' 1 n n r f the Variety 1 ........ alhllalnl' tabltt, pleatant lu ~ .. t their Vlll~'ll a.nol uh·IUI l\lr :00(1 Mill Slouoll I to·lht r ...... ' '. !;~ II<. Ol\\(' , •• II l~llll , corr~ural AI J Annlah. and M. c. Mullin~ or Huntin).:lllfl .. teJre and tanwnaaUy effective In ~f\ In I( un U\1' l'o)lllmlltl'f' 11,... 1 ;.,l•foonr .t ,.,.,, a ••cl 1 \\It '"llt l• • Slt"l' lllll!'lt lt•$:.1\\'l\\' !'anla Ann Air u,,.. • han• Jt "t .1r-f~•arh. Whl) tlmv(' col'rO!>S lh<' OCl•Rn adJoL l~>lo Murphy 1. If Nnrmnn ltuw ~ 111.,111 Ann frwnd" ld t t• r ,. :O.I o ·'"" Mrll ~anfnrd .Mock. ,.,.,.,, frtom Hnn Antnnlo. Tt:XI\11, fmnt Sldo•v.alk in Ralbun, Wt•ro• . It'"' ,.,,, lil• olrt\'t', nrr prnud to \\lot'rl' It • ha·' .... t at I -·· L fi _ .. ~"' b c J I J llr.l r.errtah, U F. Kl'nny, Jo-; ·I "~•·It .. r dM•r hunt on~r 1111o.l tr•1ut ' • u "''I'll 11 c)no-u. l'llCn no"U ~ ) tty Ul ge onl'~.1 ··•'""'""'' !hi' h•rth nf l hclr baby Moore, F.llrl Hall, Manon Oo>dll fu•h 'i: o•l -'"'"' l.flk• In tho• llo:.lt &nil •>thN'II ~ 11 ,..,. \o\ •' ho nr hi t\1' M •" ,','.1 111~:."; ·;th 1 111;"~;lol~ :~~';, "= I •• Ill fi'14Kf'M tho m :ltl l•••k I•• tho•u I'll l'louol ll An.:\ !Ito" Mock Ill TODit\lf'll In trr r w. runmna br<)olul, ~rmona In at""""· e'' rvlllln~r. tlo"'"" In l hoo llll!rf'lll whfon on tbC!llll f oshl"!; It I[ .s 1 ~. In ,, 111 1,.. nvr ,,..,. hox~11 111 r "·a•IY tor l!••m•• ' 1: "'"'1Y ""'1 f't bomo a ncl ll:N\41 lu ,.. t iw , vtd~>nl'o• t.l r~ P l'lhl'a r a r-., o ·n ~h .. kl'lloj'llf~ ""t". Mr lln•l Mrll .~,,j:llr f ,, If'· Tho ,. "I' It I '1 ~. tt •• I t nom . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .Comparative Summary of fash n~reipts and Disbursements I"M UWl t,IIC'&I VMr Endlq Jun,. SO, 19U anti IIIII I~COMF. MOUII.(:J: 01" INC'OMI:: CIJrTf'flt, Pnor Yrar Ta.xN< anrl P('nnlllo'l nu-1,_, Doc and Blcyclr Ucl'n~<·~ Ot.her U<'Tnte~. ~rrnit11 and Mi!'Ct'llanMJI• lnconM' Wat••r ~penmt'fll Camp Groundl . ·-.• Court """ . Statl' Auto lJc:oftuor .. _ Stall' lJquor ~n.w .... Yadll Buin and Moortnp Franchlll' lncoml' Salr ol ~rty and Quit Ctalm [)(oed.~ SP«ial AMeui"'Wft~ ·-.... lmpr"'OW'ment Advan<'ft . TOTAL CASH INffiME DI.'PE!'JnmiRES: {Of.rwrBI City Govt'mml'nt and Collt.'Cllon or Rl'vl.'nuc Pnllr<> T>rpnrt mcnt Fire D••partml.'nl . St r.~t l~·pn• tmcnt F.l~tric l.at.!htlnc nnrl ln<JJ«tion &.>wl'r I '-'ll.1rtml'nl U fl' S1w 1n1: Jl11rl-nr 11nt1 }>io•r Mnlnto'n>~nN' Gf·nl'r nl Fnl:'"'"'r•n~: ln..;unono • Builrhnt 1 n-r .... •·llnn Ch II IX'fo·n"' l mrro\'l'm••nl• nnfl ,\ol !I· inn Salt> of Pro('ll.'rty F:...:po.•n<" \\'ntrr no•p.\1 l•lll<'nl Advert 1• "'I! Park Mlllnl•'" "1 .. Camp M.lllll••unnl't' Ubrary '0.-vt>lopmrnt nnol l mt l"'•'llof"nt~ tn Cit) Bond Rf'dl-mptlnn Intrl"t'ttt on llonrl< S prclal M $t'•<mcnl R .. ni!J< :~nrl t nt< rl'~t Pu~ o( War Bt>rltl" _ TOTAL F.XPENDJT\JRES A!'\0 INVESTMENT EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENDrnJllES 111Ut·ltt!\- $4J:J !Q'YI 7 I lrt97fo Oil II 1\1.'1 '.!7 ~,•1 !~II\ :ll 7.~'iti :._'() IO·Il:l ~~ ::.AA4 :l(l Vl02 ~>~l 1,7Mii ;!II ~.0'.!1 ''=' :16.'1fi9% 2:l.Sii' :l7 ~.31 :J :.'4 $ :lfil \ZR.r>!l :\:.>,on 1!l :.'Z$10 4:l 4•1 ,1~0~~ 10:.'1~~ 15 :t'">-l t\'1 ~IM.l!l 7 •11r. no 1 .'tfi '"" :'>'II\ IR ~ ,,~ ... , ~ lfo'\ It; r. i l:; 71\ 7 'ti." :1 •11 It \ "tj !I I''' ~"~I I ··.'I 1." : ·~~ t~~ ~ ~·'\\ tk) :u: ;.!):-1:' -:-:; u;.\o; ;~ .. 4!1 .'7i 10 !l::. 10.' I\ 19U-19H ~10'> 51r, '" 1.' ~~~Oil I I t\11; ~'t\ 7.1 'U\1 :141 1.' :II~ !Y.l 10.:!~~.00 :l i~~ .t.:\:17 50 j ~~~ 70 :, r~1 o:1 1 1 1 '(~~·; 1.' 17~ :t~ i ~~.'II ~ : '~ :-.AA ~r, :1111\!lti t>li ~·~ (\\;/)j l ·~; o~lll"""t; IS.~ 1!1 t·• ~'li 7~ . toll'-" I I \t111'1 ... ol_,! I '''' 71) i, fth , .. :,7\.'17 J;)f)•lfi 1!1 '.! I 11;'1 1.1 ·lr1 r••.1 .'i tj 7 lt\ •l; .. I PS. • ·I I l I • ~ 1~ t1 7 ·,II I I -t;•l t~l 7 1 "'" -;;-. -~=-· dtl,l ~·1 I \ I ~I 7:i ,.~, tt(l ;~I 7::tl 59 $ 4.(~).15 $ r ttnll v c 'h\1"' h 1· .. n c~" '' 11n&l, ,. o•t t hill ~·In\ \\ lh M rH r..-.. '1te 1 • \1 "h'ool•t .1· ·n·:" H ll·•·m· I • I 'I "I I' j f 1\J \I f • \ ~ •• ' t h• I '1 IH ,., ., I t•t1 1' c.:. \\ • r• n t " ,,. n •··tl "' 11k•· •tt II" I ,, I. • 1 I. I •I• I hi' \too ~Il l \lol l Ill , , ,, ·I • 1 ,, , l ... ,., r d 1 I '•, \ II. ,, • l •d. Ultl• • I ~ • I ,, t .,, ,., 1 I I' I,, ,., . oil ' oliol ·"• ""' \ '''" I ( ,, l. If u .... l 11 ••• ,, f ,, ll(f '\I d l··· 1 fu t, • • 'If ,. 1h l• \t I ,, •·1 ,~ .t'1 :'-1r It t .. ~1.; ttn ht.t ''' nu• "'l T l ur ·! 1\ ~~ pt ~1 f11t dl tid~ "' rk • ,, 1:· t • ··~~ .... ~···,u . .,: .\1 1!1 \\ llhur t'o.l· 11 1 1 Ath 11to· f11 'I •onol '''"'J.:Itl o·r ~!.11' Artrl Vl~tl· •ol :\lo s II ~: 111-tto••htl. l~i l':llr·1 ( '"~IJ~.t n \'f'nUr f••r 11 l•t~lp1e"" ~IA\'8 t ~lr:o Ho•bo•rt 1. <·au " 7111 Ju- "·"•' '" • nul'. o·nl~'rlnlltt ol Tuf'_... ~~~ ,., l'n 111: f•>r II' I' • hill uf PlL~t l 't o·~loh'IHll o •f I ho• ~!d.• ~ogma Pht.j !'IUltH "''" 111 tlt•'ll .mnual r.:aert· 111;.: ,.,..,. J:'llh• 1 I'H! "Ill' al.!.o to hoonur M '~~' !""" Ttl\ lor v. rlb a 1 IH:rrdkt>t< h'o•f llltm\"1'1 l. f•~r~ h~t dr pur lur•• f01r \\'o•t hln,.:to n. A r nt-, 111. k ~uJ,p••r ''a~ ~ r-vt•tl 1 "•IJIIIIIn II 1• llo•alh. :106 Ja.~- mlnl' .l vo•noto·. SIJU ntlrom Com-~ W 11 E N Functional N~n-ou , l lt,turbanr r t turh a1 l'ltrp- l~unu•. l "rani .. IJ r!lS, E H otal•oloty R~tllr,•nr~• or ~ u.-oua If r~darh~ intl'rfrrf ,. nh r• .r 'IFork or apou Jour ._,,,,J t:n r•, tnl.e . Dr. Miles Nenine (Liquod, o,r }.ii ,.,. ,.,. .. ,.,., T .ahlr!JI ) s ,.n ,•us T. t .:,~n r:an t"'ln\-.r , .. ,,a ""•l.rful. J rtt•r•. lrf!tahil'. ~o·r· •,•utt T•: <t•\n rn \ C'A't"t' ~,.nttul llr"olMhr ar.d 't•r '""• l n.toro·•· tu•n. In t ttn• • 1 ~~~ t t ~"<-. "'f' arr lrlo'TI' lt.r \ lh:a;1 •·••1.11 lol h · 1 O\'rn• r u~;ht ""I r I' I"'\ .,, on ·.o • ., ... f··r • r ... >J ao..lii!0\1'. '''· M """ 'r f\ '"" " 11 ~:""'-' arJ .l'lVe -m .. J ~ut tr.·~~,,._ .. If 1'<'0 clo no•t a•f Dr. 'A: ~t't 1'\rl"'\ 11 <' y,>u ran"t ~-•w ,.) "' 1t ••II olll ft•r ~ \J, h ro•m~ In l.iquiJ an.t F.tTrrvl'~ctnt TaLi, t forrn, b<•th f'qua lli ••~·:ho~tr to tl'n~• a<~•l 0'''r -..-rvur ht na• ,.,_ WUY DONT YOU TR~ IT T Gf't It at !.o ur dru• wt o,.., Efhn-t!lr~nt Lahl,.ta '-'• and 7~ LiquW Ut and tt.ot. Read d1,...: U.. ...... et\IJM ~ I SOME D~~Y ••• Tile WAa BONDS you bu~ today THEY CA.N make your "'drnm hc>mc·· a wonderful rahry Tomorrow! And because you'll wam your post· war homr complc:tdy "'*''"'- You can proudly own a rK"W, sc~aml1n<'d unified Per- fonnanct Gas Ran~; a ntw gu atr<Ondttiooing sys- lftn dur wiU k«p your homt' as cool as the moumains in summt'r and as balmy u the tropiCs 1n ~~o•imcr; a new automauc gas water hn1 1ng syscem; anJ a silc:m, Servd El«trolull: ps rcfrogerator Whm rhc gbd !Uy comn-~ rc~Jy wtth rtJOugh War Boncb ... So you con lu~rry Johnny home . So your future humc: as all )·uu\c JrcArncJ 11 (Ould be. l ntnplctrl)' rrno.ltrnolrd wllh thr l.tiC'~I ~su applt•nlcs-Or.-n ,\I••• \l'jr /3tlfiJs. f Your Servings Todoy will moh your To'"orrow. T ht rl' ~ tlf1l v..l\" 111 be )urt· nf "'m r .1.1) U" nui,c .on Ill' h' the monurc-C.P l•.IS R '"f' thl unC•fl lit.! ho~ .. 'othuiJ \trv· ,1m -U:." ,\f,,,. U J' 1: •t.!J Some day you'll It now "It 11 tt IS II) '""' .1 n~t.;o, ~.rHI I :,,rn .. '-1he '4\,.,l!f\ ll ~ .. ht .. t 1! It~··': r r' ': .. nr. II •otllt lof't•llh'''''l'l'. Ill "I I. I' .4"IJI\Liht.oJ (h•, \j '• \l,o/r o,.,l ,._ .. 'Jnequo:::,!::::.":::~ :&' AS , .. MAGIC flAMI JHAI WIU. lltiOM'fiN YGUa fUT&MI \ AUCTION <:O~IPLETt:U' EQt11J>PED1 SHIPYARD . .u>PROX. t !OO,OOO.OO VALVATJOS to bf' ..old ~ by plf'C'e or In lot' to suit Buyco" pr....,.nt ACKERMAN BOAT CO. '" ......... ld 110 lhl' J•r•·ml ...... t Ill Hhin.-Awruu• -~"" nurt Ut•adt. C'alir. 'fhur"tla,\, S.·l•h•rnht•r t I ~• -Start in~ at lll::lll A. M. .•...•................•....................•. \\"OOil\\'ORKf~(; ~1 :\CIIISt:RY &"!" Turno•r ~hiJI !'0a"-:lfl" fl<·rlln l'lrtno·r~"t"t'"n Rr"" )olhiiJM'r- ( oohuuhl:o Ill"' !4 Urum 'atulo·r-)olhlne·,· IM" Tahh• l':t\\-l'11rtr r lfi" ·lo•lnlo·r 1-'larwr-1 "·' A t:a.:an :.! I" l'lonrr~j(I''Of'Pnt 30" Rand Sa"-Un\1' \\t'lf" ~w· Rllntl ~a~-HtldJ:t'r" IU TKhl" Saw -\d\·anl'o• I" ~haJW'r-\\'lllld" ,\uto Knlft• tirindrr-nt•lta 6" -lolntr r l'lanf'r-Uf'fta ("utoft ~"•"_.'n'a\"1.., S6" Rand S•"- l'nrln '!II" Wood l ... tttco. All ,\hm·co ~lotor UM\"I'n MACIIINE 'f(X)LS t 'ay ~·ott Scnw (•utllnr: Lathe -l..t> Blond Mllll'r -~aver ThnadJnc l'lachlne -1"-Bf'ar Powf'r Abruln Cutooff Machin&- '! Unroln l'ortahll' Wrldf'~ Unf'oln Weldr~tryco~ Auto Wf'ldtor for Sa"'· Blad--st.-rllnr l'owrr HackAaw-Molfll) Met· allur-M.-taJ !"pray Oun-ll•met~ Drill rr-.--6 Df'lta Drill Prt-8 t Mlllrr Fall" OrlndPr-2 O_.wf'ld 0.1:y AoeL ('utten -Rf'll....., Saad Blute-1 liP Air ('omp""*'r- AII Abo\"P Motor Driven !-ID~,.,.,II Raad CompnoMO,_lOll OB and FR ! drlvea by Hf'r'C'Uif'lo I Cyl. En«tne and -1 <.')'l. Lerol t:a«t-. ··········-························~········· ~Lorala Rand CompreMO,_So. 1~A·4 C)'l. t:n~tr.c 8'-1 Tractor I cyl. DleM"I En«tn.. •••••••••••••••w••••••:••••••••••••••;•••••••• 15,001 Lba. Lead Pip • l...arp QuaaUty Marine and 81M!etA : Ha.rdwan !,500 Oal~~o, Paint • olaerer C't<ment Mixer to,OOO Ft. Blac-k a Galv. Pt~ Bln .. hfleld Steam Boller • 3 llol•b !,500 Ft. Red Bru• Pipe> • Double Drum Pile Driver 200,000 Rolt.-NIPIJI-: 3 Pumpa \111tb Eqtnea llnlnn•. f'te. • Braden \\"lncll M .OOO U... Oalv. ShJp ~ptk,. • White Prtnt Madlloe !!~L \"ah·" -Monl'l,: z 2 o 011 Fu~ .,...... FNm Ea,tDe f1re Erttn· Complete line BaDd • «Uitolw>f'll Toolll. • Tolfdo Countln~t ~al" •••••••••• J ••••••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••••• Portboae-&'"'f'ftll 1000 t-t. Lead Covtl?d Cable Uff' PI?Wn"e"' Raft• Mazda LamP"--BUY Bare Tarr-ulln-Helnwt• Mwltl'h Rf'ceptacle-8wltche1' • .,,... and Otarden llov Brrakf'r,. _ Pu"h Button• Df'f'ontarnlnatln~t Spray11 -11om~ Oakum-~lnnrl \\"ln~ Runnln~t U~tht-\\1,_ ("nndult \'b•r -Rluk•mllh f "o,..ee F.tc. ··-·-----············ ············•·····•··· Jlo"'·...-r ('llll<'k~lf'\'l~ahlf' !'llnt-t•ll'tt Rnt-RnJlf' (nrw .t u....cl 1-f"urnltu,.,. and "( '" C"fAmJ-Rnt~t lf<W~k-.oa.-Pipe ln .. ulatlnn-WII"f' Rni..--IA'MI l 'lrw---ln•uf,.tlnr; Tar-Foamllt' !\0~7IM-("MnPnt -Rrlw•m-:oor"""-"allrl~r~OOC"Ut ~W!I _.,ntn:tr-Rinw Tnr('ht·-Rff>f'k It T:U'kt,.-th·clrllullr J 11ak" -C.rr11"f' Ciun--"and Pn1M>r-f'latform ~alr~'Ot ra1J Blndlnor \larhlnf'. " ······················"······················ ~ f:l"l;f:Xf" R4H.T '-ORTI-.c; \f \CIIISF.~ ••••••••...••..•............•...•. ~.; ....... . l'!.i Ol'ln f"t. '"""" Rrut I"""'' l.umlw•r, lnr·hullnl;' f'h·wooo ••••.......•...•..•.•.•......•.•.••..• ~ ...... . I TRIT K!'l. l'lo·kiiJI nncl 1·1nt Rnrk I !U'!-1!111 -1!1~8 • ("\"t•l<> Ttnrk Crnnl' \\lth n noJn lln•1 Tlll'kll' ···························--················· OFFI('f: tTRXm"RE ~' O,..,k~., 0 "1,...__,, Ttlhlf'"--1'! qiHI llnll \\'n.:cr 'J111ntr Call(· nPI_, f:ff't'frl<' \cllllne 'hrhfn.--~ Tlmr ("l,.,.k, ~1111 RAf'k..__ Rl-fr rrnf'l' RM'flrllf'r-t:lllntt ,.,,h,.r I Rrand Srw) Blllln( !'Ia· cohlnl'-4 f'ntcom11n Oil Ruml,t: ll"llfl'f' ' U unofl"f'd, "f oth,.r ltPm• tmo flll~rou" 1o mf"ntlnn •••••••e••••••••••••••••••\•••r••••••••••••••• o.,..., fnr ln~l""'tloon """"· ln..tu~lna: ~""""' !I . .\. !\1. to :J P. M. RN\~nhth•f' nn f'N'nll- l 'ur furlhf'r lnfllrmllllon and .,....,.rlptl\·.-n,...·ulu ('(>mmunlf' t. ~11h a J .. J. ~{Tr.AR\IAN-JllTOOLPH CO. C'OMMY:RM A I. A t'C,.IOSF.F.R-41 415 F.. tul l!ltrwot Tt'coll"' IISI ~ ~ 15. c.nt. I I • I I I ' I I I . .. ****** · Specilllteadcast ..... _. ....... _.... .... ~ .... Lee..._. ... c:.....~-7,.-... 511 •••••••• DIWIY ••cl tlert al ................. -~-... ......... HEAR GOVERNOR DEWEY .. Beverage Concern to Suspend Sales V-Day 'Telephone Co. in Earnings -Report Says War Is First AA a t'ontrlbutlon to the ol"\lerly ot-rvance of tht fl\<J or the war y,·lth Gnma.ny. the Bohemian Dia- N R Powley. pn-Ridmt of the-tributlng <'ompa.ny will wapend Pllcl'k Trl~pbOM and Te-lrgnph thr aalt! a.nll dt•llvtry of akohohc compM~· a.nd thr Southe-rn CAll-bt'\'tragt•s nn V-Day anll clurlng I fo mla Tt'll'phonr C'Ompa.ny. follow· thf' ('eh·brattun pe11o<l, Genrral l ng_ !!!..~t..~rptc-m~r ~t'tln of t he-MIUl~H Frank Vatat .. annoum·•·s. b<>ard nf dlrfl<'l.Ona, II ated~ r •·Tht> llljtnlnt; nt lhr armt.tke "The b<>ard declared, for thr I tt>rmlnaling Worh.l \\'a.r I n'.Uitt•cl lhlrll quartc•r, tht! uaua.l quartt'rly 1 in a 1'1'1.-hratiull I hat l'llUl'lt>ll l'ull· dh·idtnd u! $1 ~ pPr ahiLrt! on lhC' I lflllt'rl\blc• III'I>Jlt'rly tl 8 m R.: t'," prt>fl rl'f'd lftcle k anu 8 d lvldenct of stalt•s Vltult• "Tht' ••I•· ur alco- $1 .50 per 1'<1mmon Khare llll rom-h.,l.t· bc•\'t'l'll(:l"B at thlll llmt' wu I pared With Sl 7:\ per common • hl,::hlv r .... tru·tt'c.l, t'tHW'QUf'ntly tht' IIIHtrt• for the thard qul\rt.-r of IIU!f bt'wrsg~ IDlluJOtry could not ~ yc•nr blamt·cJ r .. r tht• unnostrairwd rKk· and "The \\'tLr t•omra firat In all nf I<'Mifh'l!8 that Jlrt•vallo•cl Now C'un- • t-ur "(lt'rlltions. \-\'t> "''f•al1r.e that dtiiOns arc· diffc•ro·nt ·· 81g Musical the must lmpnrtunt !'ontrlbutwn [ tun•• '''tan\~ t tl l''u' hit, hu lttc•t'f\t••t I t \I• I hilt II WIIR llo'o t'~"'\1 \' I•• cllll I"~~ u r·lnr..:·· 4JUttntlt WJit tu ''''"' " 1 "r"•-r tn ""r"'"" "''ttl-.., twtn~ rnt l•'•'h~•• '" " , 11n •·nt • llU11 '·~'t:n · ll11 lin Hulll..,·r ho~\tl•'" thl' l'llllll•ll l!:lll't l llo• lhlllj,! Jlt'lltl tht" f\"UIU tt \\IU ,fHI\ t J.:•'l t h•• f'1a.tn\fh ""t t\ Z"tPU\t•dt\\' lihtiiWI'-~Iv uulh••lllf'ol, ivtll 11'11 \'"" Ah,~u1,t k PVI\\ ttl"'U\ I "'"" I • .. ulol BACK Till': A'ITACK '!II! h Before Leavin1 This FaD A,.... a. .... y .. Ou&daor Furalture. ..... Awnlnp. t Jmbrellu. ekl. REOOVERED .......... se~ ot Colon A_. ... StorM tl•UI ...... Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. sat "-· llu• M-,..,. .. A•a .... 111-ta A-H'f that w .. can now DlaXI' Is to hlllll<'n Nl\turt-plf'R~~t•a. atlr~cta. de-: P R 0 G R A M the tlay o~·IC't(lry Y.'t-hl\v ... alst>. ll~hts. nwn •ly bc•t'lliiiOO' 11 111 n:ltUri' : the noapo llllllly of ao t·ondu1·t-"'" ,...,.,.I:IIIZC' 111 it an lntlnltr l't•Wt'r \\' H IIIII bo.>ltlt 1 with log our wo r that we have a flail ___ _ I RIIY MORE TIIAN_B_F._:JI_I'(_)K_E ___ ..:..____..:. __ f' __ ,:::::::::.., : II rt•ulizatlon • t lhe polllw&r prob· · Ho ywood Stars! ;•ems ·:_ ___ Pueuc NoTICES friday 7:30-8:30 ~~ u!a~~~-~dASUun!.~ .. ·or 1 -Nof;.cJ..~:. •. ·~ia~~:E,;- ""' '""" .__.. ""·' TO WHOM IT MA'' ('()S('F.RN: .IANANCY ITICKLE .IACKION K f I r ' • J 261'7 W. Ceatral AveDUf! NOTICE IS JIERF:AY \.JVEN Author of lerlea of ,.orthrlght * * '' * PhODM: Newport SEC'TION 3440 of th<' \IVlL 1•1anda. PURSUANT to tht• Provisions of I Art~lu on Honolulu and Hawalln 1 Office 123; Rea. 1~ CODE of tht> Still<' or Callromia, ---- The Famous Sportfisher CRESCENT 81dppered by Capt. George McMillan STILL LEAVING DAD..Y at 6 A. M. SCOTT'S LIIDIIG (I!~ for U.. ,.,_, that lhf' undf'rsignMi, LOUlS I l••rt I'KIIf••ti\ ol whll .. "'" W l'lt• vERWEY. 8 sin~lt' man, as Mort· 111111 hM•Iu~ 1•1,., lwut.. h••r•· Whrn gagor, INTENDS to mort~lll;<' to 1 r''"''"""' "''"""''" t ""• .. 1r ABRAM KRAAK. a marriro m11n, JlriRI'ol \•• "'''' , .:nr• b tv1n11 lat:ht· u MortgagN.•. a ll that C<'rtaln per-U. L ...._ c-,.._ f'(l "''h"""' h•"''"'thlll out In th~·l sonal propt'rty, COn!:istlng gt>n<'r-8rtcM"" o....a ....... &. ..... O....lfa..a ... ,..,__ flfW'II at nlj:lat tln'fl nn thf' ,.,,..,., I ftl«aa. lift .. ., ..... ., ...... -.. .. -, ... ,.._. ·-.. a ly or Cafe and Bc:>Vl"r&gl' Equip-~ •• left .. """ .... 0 •• c..t •• aa-r. .... ..... lh«' ftMtlhar•llllf'N ,,, atrtklnar M I ment. Fixtul"t's, Fumilurt' and nant•h "II•••· ITioll\1' •~>IIIli IIC' R""" Fuml5hings, now locntro and c-on-hl~th nbo.JI'f' laatl '"'"" 111 rrur.l 1 tainf'd in that Ct'rtain ground-noor lew•rt ·--L ........ "·t a.... 'nlf'l"f' wrr .. many aall'h thlntr• tu I stort'room and its applrtt'nanet"l, p-.... -IIJ IIU ...._ bf' notll'Nl wht•·h , ... ,.m,.,l tu ,.,.. at 202 Main Strl'«'t, in th<' Oty of •Pf'llll a lf'JIII n.:a<1 nttlhltk-•tf 1 All Balboa. County of Orange, State For Din····LI-1-L ... 1927! th•n Uta.n thAt malntalntd filCh\ or Caliromil\, and mon:> particu-• .... &a h"r" Of\ th,. ,., ..... t In <'&ltfcwnta larly c:k>scrlbed u rollow~. to-wit ; 1 wa.t nul f"'"Jl&rf'cl to find dub 1 Double Electric National Ca5h srrutlf>e mHttn~~: rf't:lllarly J!Arllf'•. Rt'gistf'r ·No. SIIIZM·eltl (71 '4.Q_(lplert>atlng cllpplnlt du1 up J O out Without c·omnulmconta an.! "'"t a *""""'' air ,,, tcantv not UC. 1 Single ElKtrlc National by Dow Walace, wblle he WU wiUI an ''Jlftl mlnol u to thf' btiiC In arC'clrcl with thr I(Tavlt y I ha;l C~L'•h Register No. 8·55!141· havlnl Mr.. Wallace dean out a alt. for lh' lt•lnmmrnt anl1 whtlf' <'IIJW"'Ic>cl The la<'k ,,, ,,.,'o\J r•· 1117·£. 2 Elt'<'tric &oer Cool-lot of hill tllu, will be re&d with aneral uth•r alln havf' iiHn ,,.. !1111111111 a n a ta1111,Jaon•·,. uf ers (0'K('t'h• -Mf'rrit I, 3 84:-rv· lnten>llt after 11 yf'an. Tbe M.ory prded u faVIINihlr, .,mnaullr tJI-rh•ilr• mut•. dcolh I\.<' I"•· flt.)nymrr.l lng Stations. 1 FHI<'<'n·Stool from Wuhln1,'ton Ia about OM P"ta rutl<'f'dt' that ""''eral arjt'll· nf thr thln~~t• "''" •·an't lt"t hrr" 111 '' ........ 1101 CoMt IIIPway, Newport a-ll Bar, 1 St.>rving Bar, 1 Large Naval Boa.nJ !'onalderlng a aUe m .. ta make-t hr Orllllg•• rounty ~lo wllh•lul bf'c·aHJif' l"•lniR ar• ''""' Back Bar. 1 Small Bar. 1 Gn~ near Newport Bay la Hanpn for aile, fourtcorn mth·• from thr hl~th •·11uht t)fl lar~e<'ly rt>t~~><>n· J<jtcht>n Range. 1 K«-lvannlor let> two dtrlgilbl,.. r~ulrt>d by U1e bat~ahlp ""~" th .. mo.t lujtlt'al all•lr BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD 'Distinctive Tlwtography at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npt. Bdl. 2218 Visit Our Portrait Gallery lnthe Box. 1 Table, 4 Chajf'!l, 9 Stools, Navy ' for • poorttm11rnt ba.w fo•r thr Anot till',... hAtll>f'f't\ nolhiiiiC IL--=--------------------..... -------.1 3 Tablt'S, R Choirs. Nron Bonirr In thnt ttmr thue-craft b&Ye llirlrlblN ahmal lhr nwlktU\1•111 •n•l Ill•' .• ,,.,. .. 1 BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12:30 to Q:JO p.m. Dally ~DWARE Signs,_} Nffin Cocktail Sign, 15 J:lvrn way In tlae pla.nea, althoiJCb 'nlo. In thr Ntwy who• have-\'llrlf'tln 111 1~11:• t•a two f•l\llld .. -----------------------------· Large Mirrors. 3 Hamilton-llit> llghtc-r-than-a ar balloon• ~ madt a atu<ly of U1,. Nc•w11ort •ltr In tton•~lulu 111 thr travrl fc•lt1· Bf'ach Malt Mixers, 1 T4.llfSI· In op#rallon. Th<' stalrment about decl&n that tht> bay lb,.rf' I'•IUict rrll flrAtlh'nl• tllk,. "" ,.nfnrr,.•t ma~tf'r. 'J IC<' AoXPl'>. lhe Carrlen1 Saratoro a.ad Lf'lllf\3· ~ ,..lly •'f'f'dgrd ami ••nlarl(l'd at 1·nuriW' tn '"""''I •tu•tv whll,. llvlniC The said Chatll'l Mortgag<' to 1M-lon Alrcra.ft !'arrtc-ra Ia lntf'~IIC llma1l f'lll)f'n• In pc-nnlt lh• air· "'' OAhu Ilk" 11 nr nnl Tltrr,. .,...I • placro upon thl' abov(" df'S('ribed In \'lt'w of the tart that both we~ craft raf"rler• Saratu,.:" IUI.I 1 ...... mammoth , ••·kr•uu·h•••. •1•l•h•tco, :personal pnlJ)f'rty u. tu bt' f'X· olrl!troyrd durmg l'tt' prl!tlt'nl <'Oft· lnjlton to harbor thrrf' for atl•ll-, rnllpMI~~ '" '>~'J'I"II" 11uwhu1:a•. f'Cutro and thf' con~1derat1on nlrt Out hert' 11 tht> cllpplnr Ilona! Pl"'•lc-l'tlon of th..-111rajl thl .. tueda. totr A\hl•·l,.'• l''out 11 a tht'rt'ror will bf' p;ud nn Monday Wa~~hlnKton. Jun'-' 2t . Nt>wport but Th111 ahc-wout.l be frH •·unamura dl•·--111 u.ta l•&rduc:tt the 251h day of St•ptt'mtH'r, 1M4, Bay, Orange county. may be the from hiiC'h-powu firM and &lac• 1:1ncl Thrn lhf'r~ Ia J'l.•nl{\u• J'n.-r I at 9:15 o'clock a.m.. or, at rt aile of the hansa.rs frw lbe two f'" from Jltron• wlnda an4 mak• whiC'h t~ hrou~;hl ""''"! thruua-t> · r<'a..'tlnablt> time thert>after. at the dtrt~iblu oow tmd,.r t'onatruetton thl' hs.ng-a re rully · :~n'"""'bl,. In hll,.. .. r " <'rrt""' t ''I"' "' •I•Y ESCROW OFFICE or PETER L. M th•· Navy Oepartml'nl. :w v kind of w~~tttwr 1 "'"'"'""'' MAYIIE\V ~;ituaiMi a t 118 Am· It OranJrr county 111 prep:ored Itt .,,. boar.t '" • "lllf"•••"' ut A•l·' ''"" "'"'"''""'' • ''""' 1 julfl rrkan Av••nu(", In the City ul n1ect tlw nav1.t IKHI"J for the llll'n 1n ar11l WIII•Aan A ~f.,ffllll . c h111r -, ""' l'r"l"" ta . .,1 ,., 1 .. """ 11 t·•" 11 l..ont.: I:Ya<'h. County nr Lu" An· flllll c>f u brlilo> r. r Htt•J<4• lwn j!Tf'AI n rtn ; R rtll A•hlllt:t l .l:uu.... M I "'"''" "·'" ''fw.f hell,• , .... griP~. Sl/111' or C"nltfnmia. cJu·l~ltJI•s \, l•••fl t hr 1)1!1\rd &rrlvr!l ""t'Vt'l, I.Jo•ut•'lllllll I ''""""'"''' 111111.. l.Jcl<lltiOI' ·I ,. tlv It Hill 1111 l TI IA·r thC' addn\~, of ""tud !\tur1· f•nr ly lfl J utv fh•~r·· 18 rt"n.aon t., lttteenlitLhl f•H u ••.•• l•lllru:p ,;i, r nf • Jp, , ,,., Ill ,..,. ··' t ,,. llutl .. ,lfftt ~ilgor I~ :!0:! !\ban~ ....... , Ill tll•·l lwllt'\'f' thai thl!! r ••rlhlllllr Jlllf' lhr dlrtj:tlllt· ·~·~ A lii:•'"'• , ..... , 1"1"'' II 111111 II ••• , C"aty tJ( Bull~t):t, c.·iii UII \' n t t wang•· \\tlJ ""'~·It· t•d Tlh• tw\8r-l, c-urn~ mllncl"r r:nrlnnd J·ult n uud J., •• , 1u,,t•, ''" tu\ t·"•1,h •t.fr11, •tt ,,,,1. ~fait q( (·:,Ji(,,,nlit, tlfltl thP ;nl· , ... ,. •. d t1( rl\'t u:\\'a l .... ,.,.-...rta t-·xp·~, '" h'OIUtt (·f•fllflllllttl• r Fd"~Aur.f ,, l'-,,, •• "•" , ..... tf!ll ttt1 au n f•H Un~~ .. , u( '·lid ;\1nt fL:lt g•'•' 1~ ~O!! to IPII \'t' \\'u,,htn~nn ~hortly Rfll•r ~tar11tutll '' ,,, .t 1 11 "' 1 •, \\ 1•' t• ""I u J\l:atn Slll'l'f Ill lh• C'tt.)' '!I 1\alhta;l lht· r .. ,.1 "' .lUI) Th~ '"'llrU wall • luI • I \ 'I I,. '"'" ''"' ool ollt ll•k~ c nunl) c.r (ltllnJ.:•· St.ft•• .. r l ':al1· 25 YEARS AGO """ 1"11' '""''11 " ,.,., .. ,., """"~' ft)I'T\111 -------~ 1 II\ tJH\ "0 I I" '''" l •t I u ppu} PATEl) ,s_1''>11'!'1'.:?'1H,;•1 .•. I~t'',1,1.1._.~?11 M~lll•' f rom ,\C'U> T 111t c1 hle~ 1 "1: 1111'' 1''11' '"'''"""''f.,, 11"" I .~ • S'y~..,. lill fftt llllfli ltf t•f J11Ui'ft \\hllf' I "Mnrtt.::a~:i"" r ~EN LEY f N R<'ilk• r t:.tlt """ "".''"''""' "llf•·•""" '·"' "" "'"' ~~" ABRA~l KllAAJ.; 11 Wrdnr1!4luv 1,11, •I llf "" )1 .. 11,.. 1 .c.k• ol 111 '"'I 11..-11111ul• r "' Statr of r•aiJfl;::.tlo~r.t~.:aJ.:i'l'" e4f!/IQ,'e $397 .. r Mr enol ~!r~ ~""'k I. 1:'"' ''" l'f"'""t' •··, •lr luk I'"' ":'""1 ~ "' hrtrt, ll&lhcofl 111 I 111 1'11 11 " '''11111' I"'" I •· n .. 1 ('ount)' of lA" Anc .. l~""· MrA l .1·" fl \\'ullh•, d•·pdt 1, ,, •••. u1111tllu. d f,, ,.,, .. ,. •• un•l "" .1•1•· t•• (IN 'I1JIS 5th clay of So·p1t·mho•l , PII f-. •a.st Thur,..IIIV ,11 I 11,, , ; A It , .. ~ 'la"l•l p ,, 11 "'1'1~''1 I A. n . 194•1. bo•fctr<• fllf'. J> I. I H 0 w . I S•ollt''"'" loiUI .. 1111•·11 ... ''"" 1111' c·il\1 ror CaniNa ctllloo 1 MAYIII-:\V, 11 Notary Puhll<' an aliNDID Mr. anot Mt" ,;.,,,1''' ~·u,,k tt'·l lf II lA frcto' fla.t1 ""'''" Ill•· ''" and for srud Count~ iln!l State·. 1 WIYM 1 ed 1 11 1 ~~ 1 '"f ''"''" In """'''"'" nrvl 111111 "'" pt•r<;onillly llfi[)O.'an~l Lut.:IS VEH-·a•ratCAN ,.,. v .,..,r , 11' '' , . ., "''" · ~ary Mtollll •.,.,,,." ln1, 1111• fie•· """'''"' WI::Y anrl AIIHAM KRAAK. MAIN .,._,JI hl&d arrll'e.l ~~~·· 1\ 111 !"•·" Yoork '""'' 1•'"1! ftll•·ol If ,. tru•• known tu mr \0 !);• lhp Jll'"On~ fmm th" f:ll t''l"'fl ll 11 " nto•r •of Wil t ~IIIII) ,.; ••· "flllf'l' Ill• lll)llltiNW whnsr• nnmr~ arc subsrrlhc'd to lh<' 'withm In~ I rumen;, anrt af'knowl- rogt'fl !hat thr•y I'XI'I'UINI l hf' WITNESS m ) h1ancl a nd Ort1ual Sc·al, ISt:AL I 'The Wo•al , •• lf•t \' \\ ''''h·J rru•hl,. ' \\ tl••d 1"h••tw '' rt• tt I ,t ,,, , • ., t 'tl ~ I ••fliV t "" \ •• , \' fUtlHII lft7~' "" ,,,. rvery mAll atHI "'"'"'"l t•• d•·v••li•P .. ,,.d 'v '"'' .I'~•P "'"' l•tu"'tuutcl &lnnr th .. ar lndav1•l11al lara·~. """All"'"''" 11,111 ""'" rl'la·"• ''""', nt,t attcntJ•f In (,,,,. tJIJ '"''' unt~ Uloid, h""''Vt•r H+lfH,'UIJitt ,J IC ~ H&.ldan•• ··v•r h t\t a (1\•• fo ~,,,, tltt l•• ••f ,.,f••rf"rrlf'IV lllttutll fltl/''" ,,, thr.t \\•1n 1 h\' t•t•• av••f ••··· t ''"" 1111 . FlEE LECTIIE -Christian Science ••( 'hriHtian Seience: The Law of True Dominion" IA.'durer llrrfwort W. ftflc•k, C.M.B. "' 1'4aa t"riUMit..,.,, C 'allfonda PI art' Timt• NEWI'ORT IIARBUR IINJON IIIUII M(;IIUOI. AIIUITOKIIJM 11\U. ... lr.hN! Mlrtii'M, ,,.,. .. ·- Sunday Afternoon, ~p­ tember 24th, at 3 o'C~k ··~, ..... AUIOjJh-,., ,,... (!lltan'h .,, , ......... ,..._lf'flll-1, "' '11-JIIOfl "-It, ('allton~la ALL Alti'; t:OIUHALLY INVITEU J• L MA Yllf:W. NOTARY PUBLIC 111 and ror th<' ; County of Lo" Angrl•'l'. Stat•• uf 1944 TIDE TABLES !haN 11111 •rn•· futH,. •VIIl••ltt t' It( .IHI•'•-----------------------------.. IHtllft''l' ,. In t}w t tt \o ., I California -I \\'bf>n AvaUabl• "Good 1· L • 11 , .. ~t,.(;~~~~;~~ ... Exrin·~ s •. ,.. BALBOA uq•·oR sroRF. 19nf IS ap _u_h_._s_·c_p,Lt._l!J_, _1_9_"" _________ ,_M_,...,._, ('4'ntral ... n Glq to better studv'' I, ~~~ .. ,ff: * u I , I 'l ~ "L.J RADIO SERVICE Home, Auto, Manne Radloe ..,.,N!d MartH Eleetrtdu H se arge enough hulhs 1}'.::. ~;:_ ~ Burt R.·Norton ...._ 1417 * ave enough I ~ ...... ~... 1111 ('oad mpway Nr.WPORT BEACH amps ------------~-----------------------------*Shade all l:;ulb t . *Us . s o avo,d glare e lrght-colored h d s a es • Sit close to the light *Keep bulbs and ~xtures clean J.H.ESTUS Pl.t'MBING "PUT IT IN ESCROW" wi/J 'Banh o/.9/mtJka I••• "·""'"' r 1u 1 to f'flPI11 "'''" NIH•• • - Hljth l~rw Jltr,h IEPTE~BER ~· 22 12:10 [r ~ol 23 Su 2t Tu 2t \\ tl 27 Tla 28 4.8 1 :341 33 3 3H :u 6 :11:'1 3.3 6 ~11 37 7 21 .. 1 7 .~.11 ... ~ 22 II 17 :ill 6 ;,z :tl• :11 II 111 :I I 12 17 2£. 1 ,; ·ll'l tht tt.,...... • Ill 12'51 4.7 I ;,4 4 (} 1:28 4.7 5 ~04 4.9 6 :10 51 7 07 5.8 f• r ft•• ,, t \ ~h>~r t ,Jtq · ••n.-. ,,, ,.,. n J ql7:r 1 i 11 1:u l'f' ,.,.,,, ·~., f••r Uu• r ... uw ,,,.,,.,..fl,f• ,,, ,,,. ,,,, V.hlflf'"ll , '•'''''"'• r ttu Let~~ ,,, ,. a,:'lf '''" untl 7;18 ('A•IV• ll7•'• Hfl larl\lly ll••k•ol l ,,] J~h, t ftMfltt l'~ t triiFII•r~ u•• ''llrl 8:37 1 I• '• tv •••·• k•··l nl"" ,..,, ""' t vi"' nl 1 1 'lr·n• fuh, v NH1t ds•••· a "', ''" fl "'"'' 10 1b l q . ''''" •:"'"' 111 h•U\JI't l •t t1f fkhf 11 l1f1'111 k •lnl;lofl\h• h d t iff•'"'"" 11 .16 ,,,.,., "'h u t1•l tl:it k•· 111 • d t'•'O•·rul II•, fiiV'•' ,,,. u o.:tu•.tn,.. ,,,,. 0.7 '' '·'" ,., '''"' .,..,,,. ttw "·'•VIi" l 2 :1~1 ~J11 hk1f1~ ,,, d ttVt•tfit h• f# ,,_ 0 ... f• ,,hl'ruph ,,,,,, " i IHfl'•''''" ~ 09 2.0 f•• r 'I"''" 'qt~r.~ r J• t• 'J''•11••hdt~K ,... rup t ··I II t , !fl II .. d \ :q·· ' tffiJ•H .,, .. ,,. H ' 1.1• f .J I .tr~ ,t :•r, '''""" ~.,,.1 v • • k ,•, h • '' f I • f1 .1 l • t •I V. H I I, ol 1.• I I II I Itt• 1\ 1 I \' ' P I It I' Itt' fJ• t ttf f 1\)fl'e.,. plac• tf Itt llf•lf"' "' '•' I Hrf .. fll "' 1 • J ' r .. t.t., r ,. "'' I''• t ' ,,, Ill 1• Before You Build or Remodel 1 'l'l•ll uur lnt.rrMallnc ~ .. ,.,,,, .. anol tll•t•l•)' tlrmll• ~ruhl•·•· trlannlnc •ltl,, • ""' prr ltrru•h•ll 11<..-11 hf "'"'· •·•q"'t" 10nd llllu&.>um. You'll cook lteHer with Pearl Oil A l&~mtrnt atovt that 1~• "the cr~tpt" has nu•.~d many a ct>ul&in~e hllur~ -hut it can be n ar(cl ..,,,!, «\'til hurnin~ 1'u rl Oil. Sc-)lvrnr-rc-finrtl l'<'trl C 11l burm 111ith,. ht>f, clur, ttud,r d ame rhat nrvc r 1 rr< P' up. r.·, cmokde\t,IIOOtlc"· 1xJorln\, l'vr '"':king, beat- ing. li~lu£ns -ordcr pwl·, dun l'carl OiL GENERAL ELECTRIC e AJ thlt bank. reaJtoB and ofhen find an effldent, prompt, dependable escrow servlc.. The nearest branch weJ.. CIOIMI the opportunity of serving you. ftur' and ( .,, ... ,. <11 Cl~~ ~~~~n i.L Pho,.. 156 Nt~wport Bftal'h RM. I'll. lltfH "' l e llF.F'RIGf:R ,\ TORS e \\',\SIIF.Rii' DL"IIWASIDCR.~ e KADiott ('l,.anf'd. ft4'palr911J -\ LUDLUM . Carpet Works PMM ._. A-11M "AHTA A~A Yo u r I oc o I ·,.:,.,~itt o t i " e f o r ~ T A ~~ D A R 0 0 f CAL I F 0 R t~ I A " . . ... -. NIIWfiORT-8AL80A . NEWS-TIM E ·S I'IIONDI NlnVI'OIIT lJ a 11 f ,, , , a-t........, ... ftiU!1111,i ~ v..-UIYI ~~1ft Actv~:---G.!IO per )'Mr ln ()ranp Coun\1: 12.15 per,..,. to 4th a.orw: 13.00 per ~ar to 8th zone. ._...-aa lecand~er at thfl Poltotflft ,;;-Newport Beech. Calllomla. under the Act ol March 3. 1~ 1: X: Wlib Ebl'I'OILAND PRtSIDtNT Ol"nCIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF NI:WPORT BEACH A Dt'l f=Ke 1.-.1 baUwU.. for OYer .. y..,. F'OIIt INIUI'tANCK 1£K Howud W. Gerrish Htl W. Ce,.tral AY&. Newport .. actt, Calif. ~411 ' · Autemohile Accident • • Fi~ Life llecister If You Desire to Vote I Ntwport l'lfo111'h r!liPA'n" "llll "ll- Pf'('t to vnlf' In thf' Nr>vf'mhfor c·l..-·1 tlonll hut who put orr rl'~llll'rln~t until thf' Rrptt'mhf'r 211 •lt•atlllne 1 :Nrro'lrhr • rr ny fin• I tll"'""''"'"l 1 dLtltranrhl~t. r<•t:1~1rnr nf vnlr no j (M• rtUifnntlll wtu nr•l t nMI<Y 1 "Rf'~tl81 ralloon ftl Itt I" ""'" Ill nnt I J nt arly u h•'""Y "" II 11hmrlot hfo " 1..-------------lhf' rt-r;latrar I'Xpl11onc·tl "Thl10 -------------mll'lln• thr;l thrr~ wtll prtihotlolv II" .... Oow.._ >1 .... .s..upl 0w• hr ud .............. Factory 1'raJMd Outluntclr .,.,...llat W. .._ .._,. ud care for ..... 11010118 Arallnp AIIWfOLOVD •A..-•• ............ a.n unpf'i'""''rntt•rl f'\JAh no xl m••lll h . and rarttc ul11rly n,.hr thr rl"tlftlln,. 1 oaoh tr h I~ m l<lnt~eht !'{•·rtrmh• r :!" ''Thoa .. "h•• w.~h IH vut,. o·nn ~rain nothln~t bv l"•lllnK ''" rt•~l" lerlnJr Th<'V ,.,.n Itt t""'t ~•lw• t to walt In lcuo~; llno·• aud. lno lo •••I m ay be •hut 1111t oon tho• ftru•l <Ill\' Many Mu•t Aegolter Who muMI tf'l{llltr r • 1bt,... wh•o hiiVf' twronof' ••f IIJI" tboet' whn !hcl nnt Vtolf' a t rlthrr the-r rtmllr y t,r IC"n~rAI c•IN lltolll' In JIH:.!, Ul~ who havf' m .. vf'IJ (rum one t'OUnt v tn anothrr within th~ alate dunn.: thr put 9() dRys lh....e whu have ffi \0Vf1l tnto th<' atalf' &Jid ha'" N'l l•l,.tl htrr on•• yaar or mor"P t tc. be f'll(lhlt' lhf'~ mu.t ba ve llvf'd b,.,. I 2 , ~>IUM'{'o th•e montha1: and thollr who havo• mVYild wlthtn Ute .-u ,. U• F'ormer ,.reclnct • Tbf' llltf'r r:roup r an gv b&4 k I>• Ulelr laat votro~t .pi'Y<'Inct to cu t tbelr ballot. If tbry muwd w1lhln tha 40 day• whrn tiM' booka wert' cl.-1. Ke~tlatratloo m.ay be mack at Ally ,.,. ball. .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Calltomia, 'I'ueaday, September 19, 1944 e MRS. AMERICA MEETS DEFENSE ned PUI'T you UM"d to be&T, try r--------------. tbal unfalllnr mucull!le favorite -auct'ulent beef att'w Wa.de from poilll·free ullhty bet'f. llim'mered 1bla Ia anolbn red letter week l'oa• a.ud alowly Wilb 4mlall oolona. for Mra. Amel1cll.. Red at.ampll a few potatoea and carrot. ill tbe I E·!l. f'·!'l. and G-!1 In war ration meal juices U1ere lan't a 11111\'r I book tuur beromu valid Sept.em-~ blgbway to bla beart. AJid Ule ber 3. They are wortb ten point. tact that'uttllty ~rrat.le beef ts frotol ear h for the purchue 1,, meat., 12 to 20 centa a pound le .. lbao rats. and <:ho..-M·. anti, u ueua1, 1 other gyadn Ia a powerful pt>r·; art: g UO(J ulllt'llnttcly auadrr to the budget-wlae. -. . . .. --- Do you wo•nr s, ~111 from aklr· BACK mE A1TACK mlaht'e w t t h etubbnrn f•YIIII'r I BUY MORE THAN BEFORE stu•lla., tahn 11ells aea ahells, etc.lt ------ Then you'll Wt'k .. me Q.l'\\ s that lh'l flllh and wtltlltfr IIO'I'VIC l' h&ll t>e<>n 1 "k "k *' 'i:l i:l i:l J:i.. l:J. 1::). •·ondudtnG expenment. l::t oyater · .h WDt' .. Newt l} npcotn~. Th•·Y b<"IH'\'e It •• poe· ~ 71. T Sh alble that tht' r .. m tty oyster OJ)f'ner {! I •• e oy op * n::ny M•wm bt' ablt• Itt drop a tnblet no Martne Ave. ......_ In watl-r lhlll I'O\'l'r8 thi' oyrtt·rs {! Ban.o. bland ~ and In ftve mmult's fmt.l thr·m ..A. _,._ _,._ -"--"--"-J::). J:i.. 1::). g(,Uj., .. S(MJ"i 8/u,p • FOR MEl and BOYS • !O'J Martae Ave. BALBOM ISLAND Pboce 611 l lnj.: the Ll-vnlvt-s "drunk" on t'ar· ---------------l upo·n Thill ntPihod r aJ18 for grl· W W W W W W bonot•'ll \\ lill'r 101 • I hAl I hl'lr mu.e~·lu n•hu ontl tlw sht>ll:t "I'• 11 I eiJ.Blb' . .. . lluw muny !lft!!'~A•>()(I ·~lln•lwwh mako·r!l ar•• th• tl" In '.'fol'r •amtlv" If mt•lnl;;ht Hnal'ks lin· tho• ,,r.'t .. r I"' t ho· rluy tn yuor ht•lll!t'. tlw 1111 noun<'t•rn .. nt tl•at SWI61J r·tw••so· prwl'a a rl" Ito lw ho\\ crNJ by !ll'V· 1 Uf't'llllm . . . Rubber Lined Winch Head Al.c) flshermao's Frleod · SavN Weu and T~r o• Equip-_,_ ... Prtortty eatabll.a.M. A Pl:W ,.ti,U ri·S AI'T I Ito ou~uc bconob loo.t ~'rludod in chio ro'" ef IIM_,.._o ...... ia Mut.bern ~n&lond,~ ci~ol 4.1u•• ""rhro-oncluJonc ""mtn-,.tre "" the 'l'"t to u•• lou o, que .. lr.., elear •r•c••1•. rnror~ ony ~uutool oorwtee• domeacd. Th11 .... , tile ruuh nf onlv one ot tbe SJ40 robot bo•~ a.-..4 ~ , ... C orment up 10 AuCuot 2.. Tho ... ,..;, ••• du& out el tho "'•cllaao ond io aho•a k ina canie4 •• aa ......__ ••• tile , ••• ,,., ol h" bo••· na.l ,.,:nt>t tl pounol all cl\•o·r t ho• nllt tton \\oil Ill> grl'l"t c cl wtlh J:lad I Ho.uMWI\'o•i Will be happy to knn· .-that thto :!0 polnl10 po-r pound mtginally IIHlt'd un the Seplc'mber • point chart for creamery butter 1 lJ•cler peraoaa.l aupentalon of , Charla II. Mernlta, Pna. P&oaped 'fill MESA'S CAPTAIN FLINK KEPT PROMISE MADE GERMAN ·NAVY ···BUT··· hl'a !wen dropped to lhP cuet•1mary Corona del Mar News te polnt.J. due to the qutl'k ac:uon ( --------- tBy &aale Benedict) or lPA Wht'll late Information rt'·1 ------=~~lglj;IQ\'19~~9j;IQI'l9~~9j;IQI~-==~--~ ----vrn.lf'tl &n lnnealt'd qu&nlity avau. , MaJor G.!nnal Paul L. Wil-l able ~ c:lvlllana It your gm<""'"'" llama, aoo of Mr. and Mra. Edwln pmnt rhart atlll !lela 20 polnU. for Wllllama. commanrllng tht• para· cre&Dlcry butter, lt'a juat becauae lro< pera, ••ho te<:enlly w .. In tbe he hllJm't had time to makf' tbl' dr1n OD aoulhern France, Ia b&clt cc)rrecUon and t he real \'alue Ia ln London, he writu hla pare.nta. 1& polnta wultlng fur the nellt move oo Dellcloua Sea Food8 Or, complete fqulpment when you want to catch your own. Gt•rmanyo. Major ' General Wll-HaYI' )'~lr younaten balked on h .. ma· famtl)' have rented the home l'atlns: their Sunday nl(tlt bowl of nt Mra. AJin t.ener, U do lAIIe, for I bread and mtlk! Maybe It' a be· \'uu ran't kerp u gQ\od man llulmf'a nr ll•·nolulu &nfl ancbored lhf' duration rau~~e tbl' brt'ad haa lar ked tbat clfown 11111J "•f>P~Ially "" If auch a l at hla <..:.,..conut tala~ l'lllate. Mr and Mra. Earl Ort'gg, 310 nld l"'t'membered navor If ao, dnu~~:ht" rhllral'll'r .. Cllpt.aln J.'l-f•m J uly to :-:.,, ... m~r. 1136, AIUJnitrlle, entert&Jned t he l r ye>ur t'O&.II Ing carl cea.ae becauae ('onatanln ,.,Ink, who. whlll' he lhf' Klnkajc.u. r hartl'rt"d by Vr. frtl'nd, Ml• Gluck, San Gabriel. I Wor F'OOC't.. Aclm!nlatratlon •Y• ruhl hla fll.llllly hi\V!' IIYI't.l oa tbto l C'nman from DwiJ:hl B&l!hvtn of ov••r lhe week end. our breAd will 1100n return to pre·~--------·----------....... -------- Mua for ynra, hu nl'vert.hriNII Jotaut, u llt••1 a round fqUal.ortaJ war 11landllrdll of h<>th tutt' and that )o'l'llrntn~~: fur lht' tll'a lhat •·nral talant.la. PUBLIC NOTICES •t'•ality "''llh the a•lditton ur hlghl'r• .----------------------------. krtpa him nn & tthip. wh~>thl'r or l The· m"n ah<>artl her conceu-~ milk conte-nt c 0 L LAps I B L E Rubber j no. tratl'fl on Jarvis, llowland and S OTICE OF 8ALr. ot· STOCK • • • I Jot oet Nl'wa-Tim•·tl rl'll\ll'nl rr· llak•·r. fur thPtr J"h at that tlme IN BULA When nnl hlng hi Ill t hf' "flllt IUltl 8 0 AT mtomhfor when hi" tolol •hlp, tbr ,..... "at~ ''' make ltf ll'ntl(ic .tud~u of 1 ... I h .. tliODPra yvu I'OOk for :O.tr Am- t'Ondtllhnl'll !(amblinG c·n ft Rf'Jt, lh,. 1~lant.11, Including mappill.. NOTICE OF INTESDF.D t'rk a fall tc> bnnJ! forth the ll:tll~J- waa aunk otr the South Alnrao rLncl tnfnrmfttll>n vn weather and 1 TllAN8F'E& OF LIQUOR • l FALL T.ERM (Aviation Surplus) With Pump and Paddle, Now Av.ailable O,..llf&.IM ... I6Cal AFIII THI WAR 0 1 $1.11 ..... "'-• Wll ,.. .. PJII~ ....... .... J 1ftnt ,..._. ~.U.D. TYII'tNe w MOte· ........ ..,. ........... ".,...._ ... w •vtNINO eta-. , .... ,.. .... ,. SAYI IL t .. -.. ... n_. .,........_ Tll I ". ~-·· 11-tiM 1HE TIME':' J:.".': =:; .......... .,,.. ......._ ""' ..... "" ........ ..,.. l.ot-IMIM '' ,..,. e ....,. .... ._u•ef ON ..... "'"' ....... ,. CRIDITI &MONTHS ~.o."~~~ MO llfiAI CAll IM AN• IIAYI YOUI IY!I IXAMINIDI •YfJAit.lrolcen lens DU,UCA TED I ,rompt s.nicel .c.ny • EXTRA ,AIR of GlASSES With Youl •Gia ... Made to Your OWN Preterlptfonl tYew Credit Ia GOODI Open •• AQIOUAII y..,~ .. y .. ,_.,...._'z, , 4 •••c ..... ~ ...... •OPI'C&W "',_, ...., ...... Wslta .... DR. HORACE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST ' a •· c.r. 4111 & S,c•z•r• wna.,. AU PP coa.at by a Cenn:lJl •ubmarHIC' IUlt.II J'Iry81c·al rhll rRr teristlc•. ~h LICENSE 0& LIC'I:S81:S 1 p r apt F1tnk had to promtn th<'l and radio rommunlcatioo alatll'lfl8 --UBLIC NoTICES Gcorman Navy tbal hi' wuulcl never l ~t're u tahlllhl'l1. Til WBOII IT IIAY ('ONCI:KS : ----- 10 to Ha aptn al{alnat thc Nazi Thrt'e WC'rr choaen to live and NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN for the pr<'mlscs at 202 Main 1 hOJV«'Iand. If he did not want to\ to work tm thto Ul rt'l' lalanda tor pursuant to the provisions or SEC'-Sln"t'l. In lht' City of BALAOA. ~~pend t.be tal ut the war In a tbree monUta. · t TION 3440 of 1M CIVIL CODE County ot ORANGE. State or coacentratk•n e&mJI. Thea boya wHe Loulll 8oaru or the Stat• of California, that t he California; and the amount of lhe ntck promlMd, but he furaotto IJ&TYI.al, Arthur Harrta tB&kert, u~ianed. ABRAM KRAAK. a Purchase Price or comidf'ration mention Lhat be would n!>l flsht a net Elmer WIIHam8011 (Howland 1 married mall. twl'f'tnaft•r referrtd lin. ~Jon with the traMft'r of a~alnat Uw Nul ally Japan Thry were arcompantt"d by Wll· to as "V~ and Lice~", IN-s:ald n~ or U cenM"S Is the · 1t11m F. Chadwll'k . Jultu., Rt>Oman TENDS to SELL. ASSIGN and t um · -• Ont' Thou.Mnd So today u Cmrtr. C'...oNitanHr~l and Kennl'tb King. r"•P«"tivrly TRANSFER to th<' u ndl'ntfgned. I C$1.000.00) llan for the Li-1 A F11nk nf thr t1 R lo1f'rt'hant lh· At B&k,.r, onf' tlmt In rnugb LOu;JS VERWEY, a 5lnglt' man.1C'f'1Uif' dt'scribed In P11r11grnph "1".1 rtne Ia aklppt-r or a Yt-1 In the I 11,.118, C"apt F1tnk . by hla sraman· ~lnafter rt.'ft>~ to a.tt "Ven-1 hr noof. and 1 he sum or - -· Five P aclnc. he-lping to ~h·r th,. Jar" '"''"· aavr.t thf' llv"" "' two 13• eir-e and In ten~ 'l'riiMfel"ei'", and I Hundr«< I S.'iOO 001 Dollar.< for thl.' 1 lhr war '"''f'IIIAI llta Jnll '11 tbl' m011n youth• who• "'"re t'r.u~:bl be-for <'OnVt'nit'nce all'O !"f'ferrE'd to tts U C'<'nSP lii''-Crtbt--cl 1n Pan~"rnph FOR LAKE. SURF. SWIMMING POOL. FISHING OR DUCK HUNTING. BUOYANT wrnl 450 POUNDS ONLY ~5oo Llf£8£L TS (Govt. SurpiU.'I) For SwimmlnJ Pool. Surf or Laktt. Can be used aa amall float or raft. Spedally desiped ... lnll&t~ by SSM mouth. WIU ship COD. Phone. Wire or Write. ...... .,_... ea. MUTUAL PRODUCTS CO. ... SaMet Blvd., Loa Ancetee tl, PIL BRaclaalaw !·CMO, !·1165 l'al:lfl(' 11,....:\, prt'\'IHUI to hi• prrll· nf'alh tho· bolll "U C('nl\t"t•", nil or thr right , IIIII' ":!". herrof. as po•r F:Sn-ow Agrt'('- l'nt nnr. wa• chief offkl'r llhf,.rdj llnm In tllllti'!Onlu ~':aloontft, June and lnii'I''I"SI ot sald "V"ndor and mt'nl. 1 '--------------------------~ "" ammunlllo•n burtt. npo•r~ttln~e l ~ 1,.1<~ 1 -~ t 1 .,.. k b Uc.~·· in and to nil that C"t'r-TilAT o "nlr tran~tro•r nnll a~-~t , t (, . c-I ( I . . '. h''" an IU r tiO u • . . . Wl'l'n or 1"1'1:"· n 1 om a, I hr .. n ·~ l'llilo•r 11111,.~ HIO:I wh~n he taln p!'r.<Ona l propl'rty , ron~t~<llnJ: '-tgrtmcnt or ttl(' n rh~<ud Stock I anti Port Morr11by In N,.w t:utnl'a, l't'j.!l\!l 1., 1,.:cm tcbcnol ,h;ps llbf•ud lt>nttrally of Cafr nncl Bt•vrt·R~f' in Tradf', F'ixtu r··~. Eqlurnf\r•nt., •·~trrvt~ ""PJ>II••t~ foor thr II !'1. 111,, 1:,.rmon _"'''"II Yf'AJOcol llrclwt,; Eq~iprnl'nl . Fixturrl<, FumiiUr<' 1-'urnl~<hingtt, l.A'a~<r nncl tht• Gl)(l(j llrTn)' l'lnr,. th""" tiR\'1' ht• h:\ll ~~ and Furnishings, mort' fully tl•--1 \Vtll of I hi' l<:titl hll'-tni''<S will h.-1 lhot lhr l'a• trtr '" nn wtr~tn,.:,.r I•• thrfoltl(h 1111 kind; oof wratht!r nn 8Ciibt>d in the invl.'n tory tht•reo r. mad<'. and thr nmstdPr ntion tho•rr· I lh1• <'llptaln, ""''n lhoootgh Ill' 1lld l nll klnfiM ,,, ""t..r-.,·11 ,,.,.r tht marked Exhibit "A". nllnC'hrcl to fnr. togNhr r Wllh thl' cnnllido•rR·I .MI"'n•l Ill vt'a"' In thr Atlftnlk . ...,,,rlrl ,. ' an Esc~· AJ;tre..mt•nt NumherNI tlon for thl' TRAI':SF'ER nnd AS- fnom 11117 tn 1 93~; I "" h•, ""'' ,. , lth;• 11 or the S-5598. now on ftle tn th<' hf'rl'in-SIGNME'Nt of thl' nrorN'IIitl Ll- tn l!l34 ttn11 l!l:l~ hr .-.r~··tl lUI l'nllo·ct l'\tr\1"" ,11 If!:? I ., . ..,. n ar-after ~ntlont>d ESCROW O F-CENSES "ill bl' paid on M0 :-1· rtltl'mllllng mllllll'r on thr Rrth rwd 111 N••w York r tt\' FleE. and to SELL. ASSIGN and DAY the 25111 dny of SEPTE:'ot·l l'llrkf'r, loour mlllllf•t .C'IIIlc>n!'r lit I . I TRANS""""R and lint ovnr unto ' BER 1944 Ol Ntnt• O'clock A ).,., I 8 nnJ:UI' c•An Jlr.t4 uc I' h\·~ r c... • ,-,-' ' ' " ""'"I'd by l'hllllr• LMfl nf Sl"\h l&ngll3JCC8 lloMii\1'1 ~--t l aa.ld uv endet' and l nlt'ndl'd Trons· or. at a rt'llctonnhll' timl' lhl'reartl'r I l'arktr ra.Jto fnml' ' -~ on an. f " 11 f th _,..._ 1 1 d at th ESCROW O.,..,..CE r (;l'rntan Nt•rw··~tRn nnd F.n~rll.eh t'rft • a 0 (' nanl, t t (' an (' .... ' 0 l"urlnlf thf' !'l'th f'arkt•r'a r rut"'' Dunn~ "''m" of lhf' 18 ·~ar b · lntert.'lt of sa id "VC'ndor nnd PETER L. MA YI-IE\V, ~;ituatl'd at M lht' ~uth ~f'rta C'IIJ'I F,lnk ltft 91•81 "" thf' •·ut!'m ,,.a~ 1 8 11" Uceni!Ct'", In And to a ll the S tock 118 Amf'n cnn Avrnul.'. In tht' City hl'r at 1'11L11lot!l ''' rnmmlll'lll the 11 1 h r 1 h ar< · e o1 Cale Mr~handi!W' On ·Salr Di~-~of Long ~k-och County of Los An- KinkaJou on " l'actfk .alanrl f'X· ... a,•wa'•d ~-m•F:;t ""k'tt him lh8 aon, till.... Sn.i rlt!l Uq.uors Bet>~ .:eles, Stall' of. C11lifomta r .... , r , · ' n nuw a ~~teond C"U ,...... "'• • ... • • l'f'dltlon hnd~J nv t •r Ilana .~..,. t ' Wines Bn-e-raaes a.nd Gt>nr ral 'I l"JIAT t hr addrl'~s or said man -mn ,. nn " ml'l"rh~~.nt m\tlnt vuael • .. · tn ln•li:\11 ~'1llrrs ~"" "prllr ll 11 Merdland!M, at wholttllllle price ABRAM KRAAK. "Vc•nclor and 'T'be lkth Parkt'r wa• latrr pur-bruught "I' 1, .. ,k'""' 11 IRntl c~,t~ u detrrmlned by t.ht' ln~ntory 1ul't'n"Ct'" L~ 202 Main Stf('('l, In <'h118f'd by tht lair Chnltllln It not on II . th•reof as per E.~row Agn"t" the Cit~ or Balboa .. Count y or Quality Lumber H111 dAIIJ:hl r r Mtllio•o•nt, 17 Ia ~t ; togt>ther ":'ith thtt Commf'r-,Orange. St11te of Cahrom ra . . nuw wtth hll' wtrr Fll~beth · l dal Lt>UC' covenng tht> premiSt'~ THAT the nddrt'~~ of Mtd I thr lr homo· In ''"till ,;~~1\ a ~~In said propt>rty is ,;ituatt'; LOUIS VERWF.Y,•II.' "Lic-l'nfi('('" is I H,.,,,,... hi~ r .. : ~nl . \'1~11 r d abo tht' Good Wtll or l ht' carr ~d 202 Ma.tn Stret't. In the City of , HORSE RACING Quarter Horse Match Races HIM COnOI RIICH (ODe Idle 8oath ot Sua Clemeate) TEN EVENTS SUIDIY, SEPT. 24 l1cinc Starts at 2:00 P. M. J.1tnk "v1,..1..,1 .. !.tan 1 111 m ;· &vttrag<' Business known as Balboa. County nr Oran~:l', State mlrllll\' jlrnup • " 11 ,,. A • "TilE CASINO CAFE"-·-all lo· of Callfomw: AdmJalloa (lndadiDK tas) .1.10 nur;n,:: lhl' mrrrvt•" he• luld cat~ and contained tn that t'rr-• TIIAT ~hi.' adclr;,<s of ~hi Servloe renouel 50e BuildiDI ""'Materials aDd • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. thr tnll'n 'H'Wft ft>rlun, 1 . tam ground·noor stort'mom and LOlliS Vt .RW'EY, Vl'nd("(' and I Ref . IIR\1111: hi' hlltl l~ll'k f'ol "c l'l',.'tlmk Its appurtl'nAnC('!I, at 202 Main lnh•ndffi. Tran~rcrl't'", IS 2<r. Main reshments F'ree Parktng .. 1·,,n, ttnl 1,., f I' ' r oc Strt'«'t. tn the City or BnJboo. Strt't'l. tn th<' City or Aoll)n.'l. " "' ' t;o r01m ·I" " I lllndu · C r U S tn ln•hn ,11 r••tcu n r .. r 1 f l\•ot County ... r Orange, S tAt<' or Olh· ounty o ran~tt•, tate of CaJt·l-- 111' illut;llrncl\ 11,1 ,.,, ·, ,rornm. a nd for thl' rurrh""'' pncc• fomu~ 1 ,--------------------------.. I ,(' dt iC'",IItat-' '" Slll\1 E..o;crow A,.<>rf'CIIIt'll; I>A rr:n. In thl' c,,,. or Lt>n::o 1L l•ft~r n1 '"" " ....... ;\'oot ,.,.,.n r •I • I .. ' ' NlrncE IS ALSO HERF:DY llo•:tch. Coounty or Los An,.;do•'<, A p p L I c I 11, I• II 1, 11 ~ 1 11~0 \\()ulct iGIVt;N PUR.<;;UANT to rh£' pro· Stnt•· .. r <'.tltfornia. on lhil' !lth ll:o.\ AT 0 N s R. [. HOSTETLER Phone 41 "'1 111~ n.:xt vi.!~lon~ or Cl li\I.,..R 11 ~ 11f th<-uf ~.·pt o•mho•r. A n 1914 I olo ~l ltiii(OIII\ I ------Stalutc•s Ol 1911. Stntt· or C'.oh · ,\JinA:'-1 KRAAK I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :. • • • -,fomin and S Ec-rJl)N 7.'2 ur Hu~ "\\-nrlitr nnrl Llf't'n~ ... \ • • • • • • • • • Alroh~lic-1\o'Vt'l'llf.:(' (.'nnlml Art ol LOUIS VF.lt\\'EY flOW BEING TAKEN : FOR BlJILDJ~G JNL~OR\J .\TJ()"'-' said Stat<'. that thr undf'rsil(nt"C:: "Lw•·n ... ·r·•·" j • r · · ~~ I ABRAM KRAAK " mnrrtt'(l ma n LO l 'IS \'1-.H\\'F:Y. :: -See -~~~i~r.~;·,,.,.~~h7~·· ~~~:~dF:;~ ,'1; .. ~~~·~;;.,~~~~.1 1 "'··nd.~l ! for Feeder Plant • B [) * l • L• b c 'Bnlboa. Coon I)' of Ot nn):'<', ~1111•' Stat4' nf ('allfnmla. '· ay IS rae~ urn e r o . jof Cnltr •• m tn. and UH'IS n :n-County or l..n• Anlt'f't~ ... • I WF.Y. II "'"t.:h•rnnn. "LII.T.:'-~St:!-;,", ON TillS 51h clot) or St•pll'llll><•r. 1: WALTER S IPICEA, o .... net ,whost' addrt•!-S 11' :.'tl:.! Matn S tn•t•l. A. 0 , l!).H, hdOI'<' 01<'. I' L :'-lA\'· 1 :. in thl' 0 1\ or fl:1lhc•n. ('1\unly ul HEW, a ;>;c>tnr~ l'uhlll' on :tnrl ror Newport Beach Ornn~t<'. s'tnll' or Olh!ornta. II':· sold County :llld S tnl,(•, fl''l'tlnnll~ o TEND to SELL. ASSH~:'\ anti npp<'nrffi A RRA~t KRAAK nnol I• &II 1t_;t• ~gtl11"'a)' Phone TRANSFER II\ Ull'IS \"'EH\\'1-:Y, Lt lUIS VI-:R\\'1-:\' k nrm n 1•1 1111' t11 ; At '"' ~ ~· 1 J SO a sinal<' man. "I N T E 1': n I:: D h4'> thf' pt>rsons whn$f' namo'' :lrt' !. • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • •• • • • o • o •. •. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• -TRANSFEREE''. wh()jl(' actt!ro'~ll •~ !'tlb$CnbN1 tn thr Wllhtn ln•tru· ---- ---120'..? Main Slrt'«'t. In thr City of ml'nl. and arknowiNI~I.'d that th,•y Balboa. Counlv or OrangC', Stnll' f'XI'('UINI tho• samf' GORDON B FINDLAY OONTIIAOTO& alld Bl'ILDF.R MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OUR 8PECIALTV Cabinet Shop Service )ot California. ·th<' following AIC'tt· WINESS rny hnnd 11nd l)frtt'tal I hollc &vttragt> Uet'n~C!'. n I :.>ll:.! SNI I Main Strt't"l. tn thl:' City of hAl.· ISEAL I •BOA. County of Or11n,-. 1-'11111 P. L. MAYHFi\\', ot California · NOT AR\' P UBU C in 11ncl rnr I PURSUAl'T TO SUCH lf'TI::"'· tht' County o( Los An~:••lf'•. Stair TJON. thf' u ndt•rslgnl'd i~ apply· of Ca hrorntll. in& to tht' S tall' Bollrd o( Equall-I My Comml!l.ctton t:xrlr'~'~< S.•p· utJon for l11.~uance and traMfc.-r tembcr 15th, 1945 o1 Uw folJ~ng LICENSES · Pub.: St-pt 19, 1944 C1) ON SALE DISnLLF.D --- -of- Hardman Manufacturing Company These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available the Latter Part of September PINole Apply: Bob Alh-n. !H4 Cout Htpway, Newport Beach thl!ll romln~ Friday from 9 L m. at A:!O p. m. Saturday, 9 L m. to 1% aoon SPIRITS UCENSE NO lot~ Barha ra P., t'lhllr'l. "'hO h.r!l P-248'7-G. Flit' No. 4(1741 : apenl tho• IIUO'Imt'r In Ll.tlboa. rt'· ·a .... M f t2l ON·SALE BEER A."'D turoed to ~r bomt' In F'\Jll('rtun .,.man anu acturin• Company WINE UCENSE NO. A· I and ~ ent<'r._l F'\Jlll'rtnn l:lU'trtrt • Offlft C.hl ... t Shop sun eo..t Rh'CI. 40'7 30th Sl PltoM41! "'·UM-.1 JlfZWPO&T BL\011. CA.UF. 3546-6 .. .FUt' No. 40741. I Junior t'OIIt~ .. -------------~~---------.J \ \ \ \ t NEWPORT-BAL!OA NEWS-TIMES. Newuort Beaeh, Cullfomin. 1'\1t>l'dny. ~ptem~r 19. t !l-t4 l11ericaa Lecion Veterans li~ Pro&ram Explained ~Y Crocker N011CII: or PUBU<' JIEA&IN08 IEWS· TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES IESULTS •~• N<mC'l': t!l HT.RP:BY GJVI!N R E A D that th• N•w)"((rt ~arh ('tty Plan-• • nln~r Commlu lon ..nll hold lbf'H • USE FOR PROFIT FOR • lnllllmUl'h a.s thcrl' hllll been I lrii01'C' 111 ul>tlllnrcl for him In the no•'•ll•· hn rtnwa """"" t.bl' followta• • • -" • .,. .-... ·aoan. s.·,·t'l'l .lt· .. ~ ron ... tlerable mis-lnfonnlllll>n put nr llr<'-"1 '"'n llllhlt• h('lf'pllal, •f l'mrr· nti\U•n· ~ llt:l .t• WANTF.Il FOR IJAI.F- Rir.AI. I':.~TA'fl forth by ct"rt.aln ,11,~~~.~11:r.atlon11, ~··rwy h(>llpltaii7.Atlon Is rwc·Md lln Thf' IIJ'IJ>Ilrllllt•n of Arthur H . BOA~ I' t .:, ,,1 ,11111 "''"""'' both tn th1! prHs 8nd on th .. r-&4lu~.-llUtbWan.~e ill.•' '!!~•.l.._!!ld I hi' 1'11 . rf'·J:Onl!:'£ c•t.o:T'Lo~t=-•t----&D.a..... ~~u..J'a. .. IA ~'t'H :::Al.F 1 watf'r-IIFLI' \\'ANTII'I> !ltuu "'' W•'""'n \ll'll.f: Al'llto: ~·\,..Avnnc1n llt- lluht•ll (',••llllf'&. ~·wn,-;::-f'fl)f pointing uut lark o f net'l'l!llll<'!t tlf twnt 18 ruBhi'd lmmc·t.lllllf'ly \ol lhf :.'2 llnc1 23 Rln.'k ~ !1,-Rf'·~liWiv . on lilfARI:-11· l'" ' "'·I. A 'II p llff'. need fc•r hosplt:shllallon 'I!Hl huspiiRI "hc·rr tho• bc·9t In mt·~al ~M'tlon 1. Jllllboft btan.l. Call for -/ M ~'1: , •n lh.ll 1!111 1,•1\ltl llll•\!.1.!' 4tl~''. ~nnln A1Ht A\'f' 1:.·11• h I'll l':>tl II "'~ h 1' ~ ''" .,.,.,.,,..! h••t•·l 11 ••1 k IIKlhn• N~>\ 1"'1 \ lun l'ho•llf• l'O•WI"''I o\(\11 113·1(•• ,ltrf'ct monl'tary t\l!llllltantt• to. \'t•l-8t'rlltt'll arc• rr"' lclt>J aha .. lt t>h' 1 nlft Thr M mf' bfolnjt thf' North-SOlO \\' (',.11,,.111 A" l'h ::t<~Jl.\\' erana, It he<·unws n"t Nisnry to tn'l' u ntil llw """ran 11 ~·'11 , uut rnmt'r c•f l'llrk lllld A.:atf' JI;#""P••r: H··n• 11 1 .,.11, N11 lllvol . ,~,..,,. Wf'a. J't\, 14 74 70.ttc- 711 If, 111 '1.1' \\',\;-l't .. 'l' ll"ll•t'hooltl hl''lt "' h••111 ,., '''" 1-:,, • llc·nt I''" 1·t>rTffl tiOm..-!fl8lt'mt·nt;o n udr 10 agatn Avt'niiPS, R11lh.>t\ hlsn<l. frum tht"lr 111 Ito' error. ._., AI>POtnh•tl I'D th•• V('trrnn'< ~t'l'\ ·I • prl'lll'nt rlftnlflrslln n of H-:l tn C-1 III II ~IF~ I•Pt'lll.l ' ctl4111'1"'1trlnj;l I t otlt't lw•• f \t ll h • ••tl lll't lt\t:" \\ !• II•'! ,,, ,. lllltl \olortll \ 111\llc• t:. ttl ltt lt>Ht,•d dtt\Jit" Tht···· fh•h 1'1\. loll•i \1 1\!l etc· lo'('ll ~J\t.Y. (lit tr.X(•ttANOIII- Tw,, " '"'''r" "'"''~"" In 1.oa AD· "''"'" r .. r t.tot.. til' lllltl'r hocal pr"l"''''' l 'h Npl, 1141' (1:1 41<' T hl'l'l! Ill no n .. 1.e1181ty (•1r ,,ny lrr Comml\tl'\' lor our lt,c:al bc1Ar'd , ll..<><·al RuRin•·MI ROAT "'ll :'\I I' •: 1 "'"••I II lncllvlllual '" m .. kr 1f>~M 111'11 ,•,,n. Is Mr Stuart Dunlap, lw tHitnt: lht• Thr \'CIDliHlrrntto•n !lOti rt,'('Ofn· s·--nr •'l •j •• I I• It 11111111'" 'ltl L t·, ... I II lit ···I f t t"H••t• Vn~•tH'fir I .... ~,,,~\ UJ:''" trlbuttons tn ony vd&l'ran 111 J"" 1 rommitt••••. Andr"w J lln~rnan. mrnclnt1on of a llltt> fur a ltlunlrl-~ mllea \'rr.. Sill''• 'ol ~ :t~l h '""'' "t'I'VI(" olfll'c•r ftlr :'llt•WJM>r\ I r ·l ('\\'11' C'f'nlo•r tn J>riiVIdl' (or thf' St .. Npt I' 11 1'1 I ··~\\',,,, .. ,, \'I'ICrtiO!f llt'E't.l 0111 Willi\ lur ,tTl\' .--~ • " nrre31! lll'>! c•( llf•• IHalth 111 , ,111• llarbor po~t No. :!91, I!' "''rvlng CINIIAL t.tANACII at tile ILUI lt'l<'llllnn•ot a l'rupc~ nrw f'lty ---- 1 lr·~ r o1 tl1 • \'SC Netwerlo't W"•••• Oooott .. •• 0.• 11•11 1\n·• _,,.h nth<'r nublu~ hutllt·~Jo~R MALl ·' 1 11 ' •' 111 1"'' .... , .... 111 ''1 \\ ~"'' 71-:.'t p , '•:>:t•t-: " \•'·" 1\t, M,•l,,,., ~'lrrntl\1~•· t \ttHJl lti\ tuH t H h UJo,.t' tIt 1P 1\lh r 111 t ••ld•lnll"ll • ( lh• ,, ASNI ... ,.,.,lilt ll 1u UM1 I\ A;•ph :-.:nntn A nt\r. l"t" ktu~ • •,, ~o\11 ~ .. ,-.,1,,, • ..,. tort. Th"Y 1111 llt>l n•·••<l lt li<·~: ,,r a so ns !tl'r'\'IC<' o '•,. • • o u •• ,. t2 et>ll appt.-1, lihliCII\rtnl'"' 11r utho·t Th£·~·· mPn !'land ~('arl:: tu J:IVl' S.a•le. tor•orly ••••••1 •••• .. , •• tnJ:" u mil\' hr clc'<'ffiNI tlliVIallblt' 4• ilr H " 1 '1 \1, ~ "I I ·"" \l-'lt!"-\1 :\ I'l l• '''" II~ llw llo•llltnr rummntllt il's 'nny \'l'l('run tht•lr tmml'dlalr Ill . re4te tlet••• KCO •• '-•••M•M•. ''' luclllr th~rl'ill !Uary M•l I •l••lt'l•··l '"' '••I ill f.' tt•nl1on anti udviC1.', n•fo•rnn~: thPm S.erle. • ••••••• .. -• •••• 20 1 ,,. ron8 1til·rllllnn 11( a Major R. 8 lh•llt• t:o. " 1'1 ~lt•llll" '!~•'h ''H.t unu •unt .,.,,, .. ,." •u•· <'• e n.:•· I 'II HI 11\1 41t• l'lllm ~''""If• StMWI le-4tp Tht' t:nltNI !'lt•oto·~ I'll\'•" lin ~·11 ,.,,. ,. ••••· ••" ce•h-• 1Ht ,.,,,,. c P ... dfnH ~ 111 111• ' · ' ' thrm to thl' proJX'r lll!l'ndc~ tro .,._ at .,,,,.. KGO •M ••II tiM ~. TrRfflr T h,.rnuj:hfllr<' M11p f••r t ill· "(' '"' " •' 1\' ,t•·t•ttlll"t'lll Itt 1.1' \\'ANT,.:II I•''III"'II••Ctt'r•l IC••r*'" fu.l\t n It'\\ llli\U t.• ~''•rk tu t ,,quctt ~lut-•· thr<mgh l~gislntilln hnl' l"'""l'l••1.::,.~114!" lh.,u· 1u.:cd::;.. Ai:_Cnrlo•s ,ro,r &a.-d!Mu tJ_ .. tU.J ••• ..!t , .. ,,.. ,.1111111r•n ""'' 11 1 "'"·nl r~~r r .. •·nm -'J I" ''""" "''' """ $1.~11:111 l\'t'lll•l'll llt'''•'lhjoi t' , .... ::11:1 Jo'(I)(~AI.F. l'·lllt•lllhO\liii!,(IOUble t'rlllll! A1d nntl Rc··huhtiiiRt ion lu· :oll'ut 11111, l' ~, Emplo) nu•nt ~1'1" · woolo ''"••• 1• L .. A"~«'••· u well rmrcl ~tdtl('lllln ''" ~~· :-1·•11 1o ,. ,. Ho;• "1111 JH Ill\ fiO·If•• """'It ~(,.,. ••wnrr •l (or a "0011'1"1" pro•~:rum "' Vl't rvft•ttmcc urc. \'Ct('rnns Aih!""''J tCICA. ...1,-.c,. .. ite4 llUI teet• nw11•i~t inn I•• he Cit y Couru'll gethf'r with unc•mplny mt•nt imrur • iC<'. Vt'lt•rans Wt•lfan.• hHartl ut 81 .,.,_11,.1 all ...... ll ...,.,,. .. at ThP abovt' ment t.•nf'll b"ariniC• a.nc~. \'t ll'l ans Lnans Rn<l h .. ,.. Orllnl;t.' t·vun t~, \'t'lt'l ~10, lw!>f)ltai> liMo Wut .. • D•••-a. "Ill be.• hrld In th .. C'lty Ccmnrtl _ _ _ pltallznl nn tf Ill Th(• r.. I J ut' nml lc')('al up·nch.'~ l'hambc.•ra. C'lt y Jlalt. Ntwport 1TI'IW' f'ttt-:'\11 r '""C"'o t"ll I'~ nl!lll'....-4--ll ....... ..,_~..t *-. Newt_._ ___ _ """ Jill !l:o 111\••1 , ... ,., .. ''"'"' ur :t I" 1(1 .t 11•••111 1'•·1 1\ '"' J411 :141 1 11~'1 ,1 ' \\'II NT\o!l l I ll10hW11•h••• l'hl• c•. N""'l"'l1 ~ao·h """ J:ll' ••:. I Ill ,, \\ .llll o'M ,, II Ill ... 1\ I' Ill "'" Bill of H11!hlll I lip• Mor.-I b.v l ht' ~ I If 1 7 •o p u FOR 8AU' 1~-W boa, l:u\\ ,.,..,., $1:• I •:h•lh' IIIlo ~ ~ l llj•l : 1'111 '; I 'll•' ltu\ ~·1 -.0.-.. Itt Mr,tt '""",'""" !'->Hn.tn'" ,.rr ,,. ... "." t "Rf,., ~t\14 IJ~11N08 WANTED ~~~I··~ T•••'"" tt•nt&Y VNt'I'UII~. \\lwtlll'r ur nOt c·n-y Frt·ends I IIC'8('h. (" urn a. :.. . .... Amt•nt lin Legion I Ill Ull(' n( mllny li~h'<l from l ht• lura! an•ll, url' our Thurll<lay. f\c'Jllf'miJI'r :ll, 11f44. liiiC'h Vrt••raru Alii lllWII AotPqullt<' . M Dunlap ur A d M• I By Ortl«'r of thl' Chairma n ----. prnlll<>n laws pr.,vloh• fnr 8h'Urlty un:Ni to cnnt~ct l r . )lUI ion of n Jne C. HAflOLP HOPtON!'\, WARJNP! IIA 1.• :A I '\'I' o! vetrrnns. wHinwll. anti orpha ns 1 Mhr .. lluy~-'1"11 ur ,...1 1'1t' astt 111,, 1,~·nl I !'I tank11. mol ""' '• ,J• Ill II"" 1111<1 kt•lo·l """\\II~ 514 lttl '""' J :\777 \\ 1',.1111nl ll•r Npl l ll h 111 111 A. L, MCIDOWILL I 'hun" NttWl'<'•rt 2611 11-ltC "'Ill 1'1\IH'I I '1 lh \\ ·•~ $'~4 ~1\ "''" $I ; ll:'l I ~·A II• \\A ;o.i'l ~:I I l ; •• ~, "'"""" 1 C'lr prov <'Oil>. .._a < ~ Howard W • •ager. C'c,mJWnlllltlnn '"paid to'., thnM> sur-s~h'! t•v•· lwrvlt" .,(ftrc· Nf'wpurl Mrll Orrnll!lt un ROll drcugh1rr I Sl'Cr .. tnry. and ml• IIII'Joi '~ fnlng uny di!lablllty. F;dur utwnRI H arbl•r HIJ,:h ahuul 1>•1 nul phvnc·, I.Junr ha\'c' trlllml'll . fr••lll lwu l'nb Srpt 19. 1944. LIU'Idlnl(. t:l!l t (' .. rc"t H•··••·•'" JltjlhWII\', ; I 41o ',,II•'" n ....... , """ s1 Ill\ nc•w ~ I \I""'' •ht\ \\ .. lt,'Ht for· lllu~uh \' .. ----X • $. 11:-. 1 111111 • '"""'""' I'"""'' N"1 u." llaJL-a J,anlnaula l ta.ouclno•llt" '""' IIH llr• 11 '' w , '"' " courl('e urr pruvoJI'd for vet~ran&. 11 f 1111~ M!IVIC<' Wc>l'kll 81 IUJ; U4'·lf N-pOrl ::~~r~ ch,;!;;~e~t:t:tl o~~~~~:m~! yahl~l~tn:f~otlrml'~atlt~o~n'~.u~nplpl~l·,·,~.~d ::~;·~.~~a~~ ha=l!~,.:~n':r:o:~t•·~~~~;~~~rtlrrc~~~~~~ ' f~le Cop FOR SALF. l'c·n~:u•u '''1 \ 11•••1 I '""• .. r "'II• ~·: 11.•1· !411"1'' 1•1 O Front n ,,:. I -an ,.. ... No•\\ I'"' I "'""' lo J 7:! :lip ~~ h 1 1 1 ~ ' ,. ;;:, COIIdlllon 11w:o p 1',\11 ="l•l I H:• u prov drd edur al on11 pro-h km"' for 8 qukk ~olu· from Ctorpc•rnl tuuo nrrtv\'cl AI his or 1~-. L'. <"•·niHil 11 ,11,,,1 ·:I" 1>:1\t'lll••ll 1'•·1 """ Jl~• '"'I-----\',.,.r ·r,.unol fin• hcon,., 3 yra. oW. llt•\\ J l:'lll :"! , I'At:-o:t'J.'HS \\ASI't-'1• 1111 h"lll~ 7 ttw>nl'!· ,,, baU...: ~~ loU, :'l t• I •In• 1\o· S.-1 ""• J411 M) I"'' ,.,.,... 1>,.11\olo· IIIIo. l••r Nun· I ''""'J>II'I tlty , .• 1 Jl'fll~ lnrl. 4rapea. (T&IIll! for vett'rana and war or· t . en ll<'f. ma rob., 1 •m · hom" .,.,., F~l l~lh strt'f't Cusl& Look• { A t """' r ' ttOn o your P ~ · ··' • ' Jng or U 0 iHl•' phana, Allk> lhf'rt' Ia lhr 11\alt' \'l't·l F W CR()(;{ER, Counm;mrll'r, Mna. ftor 11 two W!'l'k'll furluu~h """ •~• t•:• I '1" "' ~ •. ,. 11 ~1111"11~' 1 at TSI\ c• "111 I' I" t ,. I v lanclllf'a~ ud litany nllwr 11r11 • wrr•Uy "' s,.,,. l"ho•l •· 111 N ~" l"•ll lloo•r•h '"n" •I, hllrllt'o 1141 a.nd bacbalntnft eran• Farm anti Home purchiU!4' N.ew ' rt Harbor Post No. :.!\H. nnd hf' and Or (TAWf••rcl plan ·.!n Th t c h d n.·m Act•, which progTam, bllrked by po t•njoyabll' VAt"a\lon. Thl' sergt'BJI.t I a ras e 1tate bonds, Ia .elt liquidating and .Mrl!. Duuc.ld Ne\\lon IHitl d:lu):h· If• llta\lonNI Ill Wllll&n1ll Ft~ltl. -- haa prO\'I'd to bt' lht> bf'sl \'l'll'rBnll b Chandler. Anz I Fe·Jiow offl~-81'1' noln .. to M'(' I tc·r C'tlrolyn uf led II~ ra were H 'o "' .. .e I aid program j:'UC'IIlll 10~ 'n Wt'l'k Ill tllc· I' J. Mre. P'. F. Proud of Corona df'l whrthrr Spl'l"llll Offl<'l'r ]"'omll' The American Lf'glcm through W "1111'1 hc1nh.' w t\11 Mr Ne\•·ton Mar and Mre Glady• Heugllen or IMr MuiiPn of Ullo )Oilit-rnn lllllthl) I'-W~lfa~ and Poat so:rvlcf' off•· 'nmu•ll down 1"r llll' "'' ck end Coata Mt"sa wrrf' among \hi' mt'm·l for thl' "Mounttr.'li", "'ho alw~tys cf'ra Ia working witb all other or-~J.ore <•f a l'lub which wur t•ntt'l· gt'l their man. ganlulloM. the American Red talnf'd lut we•k at the homt' nf Th<' othl'r I'VcnlnR ht• was driv- Cro•, VrtHa.ns nr Foreign Wars. T LAsT ' Mn. w. H. Walling . West Crn· lng In Costa. M&>lla · wht•n onoth•r Dlaabled Vctt'r&.nll and tht' US. A ' 8 tral avcnur, !.A' Habr!l cnr crushl"d Into him nt thP lntt>r- Veterans bureau and lttt many -- _ ------~•o('tlon or 16th !ltrt't"l llnd NPW· rar llltlu to lht' encl that lmmr<tlate BUY WA" BONDI port' hoult'vard. Thl' o\h('r <'llr nerd.R of all vett'r..na, their fam-spc"'i away from the' M"1•nr but Of- lllet and drpendf'nts will bf' I STAPLES (ie.or P.tc-Mulll'n tx-111•v•-d ht' had prompUy takrn cart' of • tor your HOW IIIJCH IS ENOUGH?. the number. Vett'rarut St'rvlt'C rommltl~l' havr ~~n setup by ~:overnmt>ntal ..... MedliMle u ve a.rrl..S! W"-It-• ,....._A~ WANTED TO RENT o rders In tvery Rl'lf'c\lv~ Servlte 'WI! HAVE--D. &IIOCIOH • -.._ _, blillrd Vl"lernns, who upon being S ) ...... --.tlr 1.._ ...._ _.. U..l T t tapes ,_.~ ,_ ,.,..., .-•......, dll!Ch8rged must r~port to ·the O ... ....,.., ., ..,_ .., .._ board, an· C'ontaC't,.•l thrrP dlrl'r t· Presfo " " "" ......_ ly by the llt'rvlcr offlrera who glvt' " " ~ lntormRIII'n anti 1\tiVIt:f' anti tlirt'l't Arrow ONE A DA" lilt' vrto·rnn to !hi' rrnpl'r llj!t'Ol')' Bostitch " ,, ft I n~c!l'd tO hl'lp him If hn!!pltl\llz.a-, , lion Ill nl't'dld by lhf' Vl.'lt'ra.n. f'n-Hotchkiss r. For Your Sl~ PIIONE In BENEDICT The Sign ~Inn SpccJalt~·: Boot l .c•ttt•rin~ Ace 81nrle 1,000'• 6.000 eo • boll ... " Wh1le Tbe7 Lad " .... t Oe tt.ta ~01 1 \\'. c .. ntral. :\'l'wport lkh. 1\'ewport Balboa '!'\ E'\'~ ~ TI:\1E~ -----=-- ... "''M-A--0.-r ~ ~ ' A~ D TaW. Ia ...-.~in VIla· ,_..A~D~ .. _ _.,_ ' #tall Ml I I ,,. el C. Lh• ();I ....... •1•1••• U•Ue4 laat .. ,___. • I..., •• ~~ da. c-..v.w-Y• lake _,,. - ..W.. • .. ,.. H•-" ._ Vlt-.J" c- --E..cb Ulblec ca>UIU. ~000 Unou _, VIU~au• A ....t 500 UMtll ol V>t• -"'D. £-r .. taAe -No , .... ,. • "'' ~--............ ~ \\-A :-.;n:o Tn rl'nl nr ·~~ -;maii I"""" nf ~:nod m ;\kt• l'h. Npl lkh 11<41\ 72-llc WANT TO HF.:'IIT l.t and wife t1 um El T urn nf'<'cl furntahl'd , .. ttag•· or apt No t'hlltlren nr !>''Ill f'I<'BIII' wrllf' Lt. Nolan, Gc•n Uri., Tue11n, rullf. 69-t tc WANT TO RENT Ent,.nn~ llu~>•neRI!I ht'lt' Outre 2- bec1room, ft·rnlahf'tl bouee about oc-t. 1 ,., • ran ll<r•. 70-tfr \\-A :>:TEl• Tu 1o•nt I) ~tr 7 ro<>m hf•ll~•· \\'ill I''"' up lu 512~ IT.CI. I~··•"'' otlh•l lo•, ,,.,,, Ill until .loth• l ~· 1-' \\ 1.;11117.<'1. p 0 •~··'( 1~;:' ...:,,.,,., An • <·:~ltf 71-411' aoAT ,0,. SALE-I clur c•cl 1111• "'""'" l..oWre l ""''' 1 ,. 1\1 7:l-4'1• l'otllrt, 12:\,NIO Own• ... N~ $2000, "K II.. l\tnn\,•rt•n • ruotunK 1 T••nn10 ' 1 tx.t, S4 ll ('IIJ'M•'II V II '""" "'' FrM D•.J ivery llt':J,I' WANT .. :II lltlluorh o•t•tu•r, 'l l1"11''h :1434 1-ttl' ena-ln r l'r.lt '"'nrr. N1•t :.!U~tl-W McMAHAN FURN1TUA£ CO. In f•mllv l'lt•""' N1•1 He It Il l:\ MIMCF.ll.ANlDOIJII 7'1-111', 2ncJ a not lln>art-t~· .. y 7'.1 •"·I rna SA.L&---------1 Rr.nta Ana ('Rill 69-tfr FOR S ALF. t!• ft .. , ... ,." l• .. lll, t._.)R HAI.F-1 ;;oft "AIJI!-flpra y ra1nllna wt: like IWW, .... uhll' .... kJ'tl \<'!")'I ~, II( ~A I.E 1'\\111 ..... I~ ooprlnjC'a. DOOM, CA'IlJ a l•f:n4 I ht " .... p ... t• .•. .-~. sm-eure P.ll. faat . 11600 llu !cllt•l~"" 11 \'••·ht 11111 11 n ·-·oo It~ hit•" , h•lro 410 "'~' IU~·311th "' Npt. Bdl. ADchOfa&l' r""' "' llnll•"1 llll A'"''" AV•', !''"'"'" olol 1't1111 I''! I)( l'IAI.F 1'• r.,.,,,. lnln,...,.,l 1" l'h 1:1 17 W ....,.., aDd 7~·1lt 701 4,lr • r••II II Y lin~ l 'o t ko•J 14111U<It•l• •I Jo~R ~ALt: 1~1 J\rr"" 1,..11 h1111 k••nn•l Jlrll•r u c·all Mra FOR IAl.l'!-~clrtlt, ~·. ~. boat ' G;••l 'untlt\IPn l'rlc'l' lo'l tit ~~~ I.V l 'oo•·•l l" ,. WIH 'l'ttyl"l T~tll St•l llc-h :t:lrttt " • ro I" unall 1"<')'1-. 4"Cl)'('le motor .WI· 5260 0"1"'1 127 l't•llll A\'1', Tc•l With n ll:llhnl•'llh t ;not<ICIIII I 4 :lll r•m l,lltrr ""'" '"'"' •hiiW aht.. tor hlk~. Of' rard. 1,-.Mor. ll&lb< a llllltllol 7'l·~l•· olttl""· $11.. :11:-l-'<'nHuul" ~~ llnr tu l'llllf A K c• ,..... 33 fto ••· Ut11 llartwlr. F't\ 2.124·11 IIHII"I\ 72 lip l 'hlllllfolttll I"'•IICII'" l'r1vat• WANTJI!D TO BtJY HOWROAT FnH SAt .~: ••u ~h 1 I"""' 73-4tr• --------~-Walk~r. illl> \'111 lo~oloo ""'"" 1-'0H RAI.t-: l'r" "I" ty po· l.lllhV ---~WANT Tt) UtJY lro~Mtrty. ~ 7~ 41 )• • 1u • ln.:•· • Ill til'' I llll'"· ""' •tlrut MISCJ;I,I.A.NJIX)I'!Il •nRtlltl fhfO Harbor dllltrtct '1'wo -----I IOJ>riiii(IO J1ro 1:1:'1 TuJ•a~: Avr Ill I' I <>'I'L'JtY ANII 1,.1,1,-. Iota J>rf'ff'ra bl•. wltfl or Wl\ltout 1-'0R RAU: ll·fl. tiiiiVlUI CIIV • llt•IIK II\ ·,.,., ... , 7:.!·\tl' • '11 .... ... " \ ... ' I 1111 ,, I ___,.__._. I . " ' ll'~tnlna· Ill I 11• ht•ln~ lt.•nf'w I Jll t naro ua ""• '"' ·---· ered dufk lwoat. ""'' 1-.•rMtU\ I 1111 • II .. A HI II( I IIIli • Ill hi 1'. I'IY•' lh'W 1thM'Tl llf ltt'l'f'A.,. un 141 Ha MW ha.nlllt. ~~~ 11.3 • 1~th !'II , Npt. \o'lll( SA L~: I'll• \\Ill "'' k••l loKh\' I · " t " t ...._, \\'••rio ~"'"""'"'•I l'h"""' Nt•t '"' "" t"'r t••~tnf'll · ·-IUK'e Bch allr1 '' I' m 7:: Ill• • Rrrtnl(~'. 11•••l • "n•l1ll""· 'ull1"'1 :•·•.'1 " 72_411,1 , ... h Write flfta •v·, c/o N-• --.-I !lrt'fl ~ •• ,,.,. .. Jll I'll Npl II• h I Tltn-71·ltr trPM'•I kint t:l h p t-:'''" •I" ''"'· , TKANMilflKTA110N fo'OR SAU: 16-f\. na• I"~""Y I11:17·H 7'.1 Ito' huard m~tltor, IJRIIo•r ""lr11 FIIH !"A I.Io: .: I'""' IIVt'llol u~l"•' WANTF.U SEPJ'IC TANK WIU'tl anti ll're,.I'MIV I'IIVI'r ,...{ 10,\IIJ I Alld oht<tr, llHUI~IIl ,l • , • • o-•PO()L _,__Q .. whll•• tnl>lo· Wll • " ''"""•· .. 1 All II ""'"' ,,1111\ltlttll All lur · 1. " I 4 \Hil l~. W AN rto.ll Tt~.af'llf'r w~tn\a ......, .-u-.-a.n $~.00 ~t" altt<r 4.30 p.m. 126 , , , 1.. 1,..,,1 wtUI tu•w to rt .. •· '" l•mllnl{t ... n lk'nr h . 1 hnll "· """ M<•"'' \1-.nllrff\1 tr'rl., •-..t he th,.,.. IIOY IHlNC. I L'RSON a • bt x "''" 11 ~" 111111 mttll "'~" I'll 'rr. ~ ' • 7'' ~I 7 1.) n Ill • 'toll "' \0, tilt• v""""' Ill ·-· At. I'll. ""' ,.. •• ~-t:•1•> 1\ ""''1 II I' Ill ~~ I l 'n!lo '""" .1:!:. Apcolo•l)l\ Avo·. ('OAT" Mr.""· cAur. IF YOI' want t" g.-t tnllrrlrl!, ':tllh :-It i'•'" I''''' H•·~t•ll ,'I, 41• I' t!lo" 1•1•11•1 1J 21c wrrtt Uoa 21\, Van• uu\'('r \\ 111111 !\:1-trr 1-'Uir S \ l.t:-t\I 'T()S TRAM;J'OU1'ATIO:'Ii 1,11 \li .J~I" !"tohl, I• lo\• tl 11f rf'· palro •l V•~··l•. 'Ill\ t.\11!11 Sl IIUI\JIHt """ ~II" ~'"""' "'''1•111 " I ll11lli<1a lllhu1ol I :1 If ,, ,, lo I td \II I ,, •• I • I I II ...... I .... I h111t I'll : ~:. I'' I I· t ~· 111 I 1•ff• ul• •' I .1 1• ' \I' ll.ol 7~' .!I I Professional Uir<•ctory r-------------.~r-------------. MUitTI ~U:IC 1'4C'tlfHU. ,.. .A -fd•t •• '''\ N .. •~"le•u• /4 v • Gtu "',. <t•t ,..., "•• f)h f\fle ~-; ... , .... ,.u N.D. CASH 8 .\\' foll"lll~(i IS GC)f)l) .\'f THE PAVILION AT BALBOA \\ ,,., r I<' J.I':O.T linn ,. un l~ul -~ ,., •• l I ,j!,tl IIH \ lll,t'l UliJUtlO" '···Ill , IP, '" t ~ .... I \.1~ 1 pt• t l it .. n...loped. Cllllotrfl><lhod end ...,_,_.1 II• ,, ' ·"' '•I I'' "I" tl' ''~"llr•·•l , __ ;_ ___________________ -::----~ ........ , .... _..~ .. Al ... .s...... 1., .. , I I Ilk I!•· " ;: •• !1 ~1·'" Inside Storage 40c per ft. -liO'l c·,.r,.l, tl•""'• hl•n•l - lt.\ V Mf'IIOUI,-(,Irrn• 1Y1ol. !fl llr•t1,. .. : C 'o il., 1''"1' l':nlrlfo" ,,. rrl\'rd nnw. Numltrr• llmllr<l II A Murllnwor M A Chf•lrd D 'V lool 0 00 •"tl !'AT .. O,PITAL n I n'll onn"lc P rir"" L l\'•' Ball .\vaolnhlc• Boats fCir t'nt u l ~ " NEWI'ORT BAY L~"\-t:STMEST CO. Ru1111 Qr~I•Y -Cif'nf'ral Manlltf'r Fishing Boat Bargains BALBOA SPORTFISHING fLEET j SPECIAL: 42-ft. s 10-ft., 9-ln. beam: 9-too·lce hOir a w 1I'E' I new Chr)'111er CreWII. CerrJlac charter. OCEAN n8HING BAI. .. ~A. C~;· M ·ft. Lo.-: A Ba,_ata. The "Owl" "Maiden" and "Dma l..ee M·tt. raalall. ..... For lafornaatl~n ud Schedule• Call Newport S31 or MANY OTIIE88 TO CB0081! ROM LM "ncel~atur)' !8'Jea 1118'S LliDIIG and Yacht Brokerage NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SLOCOMB-MANAGER n. !'ipt. ea. stM Scrape and Paint Y nur Buat on Our Convenient WayK Wr FumlAh the Equlpmf'nl l 'ou Uo \'nor Owo Work PORT Of SEVEN SEAS Bar Oartler-1Jcai111fl41 YMIIt IIM~rer \ 811 ()out Hl&bway Phone. Newport ~h 948 BACK THE A Tl' ACK BUY MORt; BONUM Bait-Tackle-Fishing Information NEWPORT III!ACH (7 out or to people readNe;;-nmes caa.iined Ada--.. ·~> ~••!"'lr---:;--)r--B~:y;:C:-y)H_u_n_r_efr]f_o;i;r~dWl r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-------------~ ~ i ~~0 '· - ~ <._r~·.,y ... 'iov CAN'1' lAKe "i.ov~ fAA'l iT 1>oGo 0\11' \F ~E ISN'T Jr MEL1t4Y LED 1 "''ovN6 feu.A io ~rRtc.tl ·-- r --. . -,-_,-~' --_,..../ -~-- -/-# ,-.- So i fixo A LffD£~ fo~ MY \'f wvz SwHL f~ ~iM '\l.vT' · No'T So ~hT~Y. , feR ~ooW KAi- SNcvPLf$ • ., ... ,,.,. 81\'! l 'rlnd1 .. 1 Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phy1lalan and l urgeon Ninth end Ctntra A••· Offlc.o Hr• .. 10. t2 a.m.: J·l p.m. Telephone 31 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTORNE.V AT LAW Co••• M .. a l~"k Bulldlnt Phone 411 Coata Meaa Ca llfentla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We ()un~f'lvN tho Rettwr Aenrl Dy 8•nrtna nth,.,.. lt#llt" ~heM Newport M1 C.,_.a Meea Caltfor"la BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lola A. J. TWIST 107 COut Hlghwey ~hone 2422 COAONA OI:L MAA c;erald llauHa, M. D. Conrad Richter, M.D. t ~hya~lan and lureeon Office 107 22n4 ltreet New,ert .. •oh Heure: 10·12 a. m. a 1 ·1 p. "'- ~hone-Office lUI ..... 1-.J DR. G . .£. TOHILL ~HVIIGIAN eM IU .. Q80N .. e. ..... ~ ....... ~--­ -~fiCM - Offloe 111-W .. .._ ...... If He A-r C:.ll ~ I Dr. M. D. CrawfMd O~TOMaT .. IIT ICy .. IICumln.S 0 1.-, .... STtT Newport ~ BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~£L a v THI IIA ~ ,.,o co .. t Blv.-. Ceoono d•l """ • .,._,."' ...... 1 Phone N-,.rt 4J Ult OHE()' I .. UCAS tlllln w ... t c .. ntral ""'· l>entlAt N rwpoort """"b • l'h Nrwt,.•rl Ortu·h ltlt" UO'!'i W . ('-tral, n . 16M I r 10ll /""""' "•II llfll ~ j. ____ N_r:_. w_r_._,_R_T_R_r:_.A_f 'II WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT rtnFPi Arr ANO KINOIINO W OOD- II \\' \'.• 111 17'4 'II•' fthol , ''"lil a Mf'llll l]llf'•l l .wfll,..r l'lo, 1\1\~J. r, r ,., r n ,. 1 r r, ~rr n 14 r. 1 f'J ,. (~''''''" H I 1n•tl.tv 'ltlfl (',,n\1 ntvd., Ph. 412. f'lnnllrtnll Om~lructlllft" l UMfll I• r.tlllll•.tdlll '> 1'1•"'" "• • • 1.1 r • • "f"'t lilt hf'lp Y"ll pl11n vour h•>mr " Phont t8. 1:~<\ 1,,,.., I 1.1111 1..-r ''" J•hnn., II!')() r · .. ~ lfl~h.,..ay at A n:be'l. o rr tC.C SUI'I'LI[.S - 1'•-v t"•r1 llttr I"" l'uhlt•ltlnJ ;..,, INT ING #' 111•m .. : 12 l~. Nrwl)'lft Beech. N•""l"•rt H nrlol'fr l"111tlt"hlnJ Oil l 'hnnPa' 17 -~~-Newpt>l't a..ch, REAl ftTI'TE IN!ItJAANC£ a N OTAAY ~U8LIC- I."'w II W"ll"'"· :l:OIO:l W. Central AYelliM. Pta-I . "UallE R ITAMP~ N_,po>r1 llafhror l'uhllaht.a. 0o Pbrww•: 12 -U , N~.-,..t ......_ IHEfT METAL WORK- VIoM Phunlilt.DI 6 8beet Metal Wortle, o.ta Me-.. ,.__. ... VA .. IITY I'TO"&.- II&IIIIoa JIMM VartelJ ..,...._~, lire, lie ..ad u,. ,_... JUl·W. It"'-' . I ' . 'I. £:.. ' - I I I I ( \ 7 NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beacty.-eatttomta. Tueeday, September 19, 1944 • State President Entertai ns Members County Chapter UDC Harbor Feminine Activities Harbor Women at County WCfU Mee t JCantando Club N o w in R e hearsals '!'be openiQI meeUQ6 of the told or the .,,..nmng nf $14 uoo ~I() dub year or Emma Saneom chap-to reatorf' thr bl1turlc ahrln,. ~I r11 ._. United O.ufht.#rt of the ('(tf\· S I' Jfarrr~<~~ reau a du rrcpt.on t>l * By Winifred Barbre * ------~------------------~--------------Phones 12 and 13 . T he fira: J•eht'UAJ of the Clul· When Lht> 55th annual St'S$100 t.a.Ddo Club or Santa Ana wu beld or the county WC'n.l ~nvt>~~ l lut wt-"k v.·lth Herbert Bickel di· Thur..duy at the Prt.>sby tenan rt'c:l!ng a.nd Mrs Chrt~lne Re~ ,.racy wu btold Ttluraday, S.pt. the plan of th~ town and II.JI rllrly D DF E nte rta ined U a t ~ tiOUie of the llla t.# p,_f. bulllllnJo!ll ~lr. .I II. T."YI111 r•••t~l • dall..MiaaC.rtrude Moatromtory.la J>(t<'m, "IJUkC' of Ululllhtlllrr ,A t Span•s h Dtnne~ 2117 Eul Ccotral annu~ Sal· I !"trr•·l ''"'''' •'• ••II"'" t h• U llin J Q H bo&. t>t ro•<'l • f ".. • ... ........ n ran g e o rne 1 • .. -~"·· 11 .. lallt'rl of r11ullu" huslnrllll, lhr , Tbe tpM .. I .came.. OC--'.lU.I>o.lll.ll -f -t.=r.-. ·' ----Md foUllct tablf'a carryintr out a •II•IIIUul;r ..... y earun<UUI, llllu rr .. M••lfll•r~ ... 1111' I •Jtl• \\••rl' ··n · ao.el color acherrt' of grrrn and t>•·•'lrl n( 11 ·"''1 111r.~ "1 '"'1"''~ l•·ll;olr • I Thurt~oln v r .• r 11; nl II•• ld'l wttll hue n rftiM m"n.: J<l~o .hul•l•·r ~ llh•· liuol llll•n•l•"l "" ~~~~" ll•.tr ,. "' ~l r h lhorr. J:ok••r :-; .. rth 10 'ltmeDtln I lht l(rt'rn .,-.. ,tun.• c;, rlnHil ~t .. ot.; .. rn~r.·, "'""' I"'~·· ~II. l•·r til •'• I I •r '' a.,• ''" t\ln.: oomp lb 11: h 1 Th,.okntl'lt(' t••••••·•l•·'lll•·t•r•l l •lll ~ ot ~ unC" cun srr\· t•r t t , \ f"••~·t H •S. 1 • 1''".. ~~· uu~h ..a.~ o1 tuna ~trod n<lrt ll'li v.•a• hmar •lll•lll'r V..llllnl: lo·r•tii •IIIJ.' l.lt ''" ~ed In lndiVIcJCitol rn"C'O C'h lnero.-Hooll ''111 1' ~~· nso·ll "' 1' h • "''"'' 1,\ Ill• h":<l•·•10 1111rl lh• ~roles. torrlr S<tulhl'rll l'!l wl . Mrs I . •···•nl~ "' r 1,.,,1 ,1, .. 1 \\olh 1 1,1n1.._, ilan111tnn toolol o•f II• r \'lttll I, ,0.1 Aa~~t,llng 1.11"" !\1uutl(unwr )' IIUlta. Ga , 111 ;.:l••w•n~: I • loll• '" ;.,lol !<> I ll• wen ber atater, loiiM I..OUIIIt Munt· ''">ll\•· 1"' ""1"11 -~ery: Mra Al(rec.J Park anll Mr• \\.•11· r :-; .. 11.1r ""II l h• a uahtrr. Mb• Rhlr Mru y l'a.rk. Pilo t C l a ss M eets ,,,,y. , .. r 1111;h "' ..... ""'' ~tu .... ,. Bay Shore Anchur&j;C' A t L a na Bea ch I'.•-· foor .... , ~o ...... r g u l l•oi-'' ,,,,., .. nt "'r" ~II • Alt11 1 Mra. J 0 Speot tla "' Or11n1tf' l l : .. r•o ·"' F ill• r I' oil '~"" \l1 ...,ly f'lr< t r.t pn-11 ol~rll rt! lh• Mr. anol ~~r~ 11111 1\ 1'1111111"' 1 . .,11,.11 \\ 1, 111" M 1.~ 1~. 11 1 '<J•H~I daapter. pren.l1c:c.J anti ~n\1' lh·· :n n p .. l li•r "''""' 1,•1:111111 H<>u1h I 111.,, """'·' 1 l!ttrt••" ~lr• l '•l ~m on WTht ltrallltlli i<Jn C•l .. utcr·u.uwd 1urmh~>r11 .. r lh .. l'l ut 1. •k ~It • :-; 1111 ~1 1 ,, • .,,1 WUIIaa aburc." ('ftl,.nl:ll ('ftpltol , Ia~" nf 1 'hr·~• ''""" 11 .,,. 1 h·· ~· • 11., ,, ,1, and ,..-at 11f r;nvrrnn1rnl rn "llrlr .ll t h"lr So J l• ''''" r "'" uol 11 • • I IIIIo: .\laen cL ~" "'"" , , •·1 111,.; 11bf apnke br 11 rl~ "' th•• n "'' r~t A!l;, ,, ""'"I l11•~·"'""" •• "" "" tJon of tht hllllurlr' <>'•I \'lr,.;mll• l lhr ,.,,.1111 lo! ''"' ~po·nt "' ,.;nrur·~o d t y of Wllllamr~b•arl(. 11nt1 uf lilt• 11ncl ~''''ul' ~~~ 1:11.1: part the town hall piny• .1111 ltw Th• l't' pro --·nl wr 11· lh•· 1\• v polit.lcal. lOCI Ill ann culturnl II ,. t•( 1 'hnllo " ltnnol ~I r • !>,l\'1•1 Jl .. ,, h\ the Ylrlrtnla rulon)· ft. f<'rC'II••· v.1,. Mnr) :-1111 1 :'l't un•l ·"'" wu ma~ t o the foundln~t • r \\'II· Jo"rt'•! v. ·~"'"' nr th c · .. ll"•r.•l nnrl ,,, .• H.t , ,1 Ill h· I "-I· ~ .ct tl, IJ• '' 11 • t •• l •'l t 1 I I •• ,t h • r ' .. • I ;\ i \\ 1'"'1 I It ••. • • \X'avc Pat Gahrtcl Leaves for New Yo rk Mac:r4ptioa of the ollie-lit Eri,...UJHII l..enn ..... Kilt<•" !llr a uol ""' ""'~ ''"111 .. 1.111•' '"'"' • • c· ... ~' 1iUD and Mary collegl' :VOd It br ,., lltf1 11 l..!tl~· Jl.ll\ollo••' k ~lr ot!l•l ~II• ~lr IO'ol \11 I 1""' '1 dlurch. ln the point of <'oottn•l•UJt (lwcn l't r '"'" Mr " \\oll111111 .11.1•· !\1 ·~• olll•rl llrrol • •• .1 t n1111'\' ~ In lbe Unllf'd RIHif'M. linrll tJunui•J lulol c 'l•t•l ·'"" Mr10 ~:tl '' • "' r '' • • "'" • "''''' 1 '"·II I" fill U.. flt't tbat four flrNtldl'nlJt TrU<•hsu V. ,\\I '•1.1,:111· r • Ill• \' ·• • Itt ·• W.atn«toa. J etff'rJlOfl, Tyll'r a n•l Thl' nc-J<I mo·tiiLJ,: '"II "" 1 ~1 111 t I'•''""' 1;"'" .1 Mooroe llad worthlppcod U!r rt'. .'Cl ~&tthr •ltu1 ,h 11 ,..11l l~t·•lhAiol l'.ol '''·' '•"••l·llr• l'-•1•11, I••• lira. A. P. Park n:'ld an artJd.-lim"• pKrty anrl th,. rnrn rrl tn•· Ill•· l 'urt•••l ~1111 ·~ :-:•w rl l'rll11110).' ...U.., 01 UM early lift' of Wll· rl ... will t)r h•>IIU 111 " <hill "' 11•••1 Ill ="''"' 't'•trk ('t'\ 1111\1111.! tter*vf'C.r K ra. T J . Haurbton d innt'r : J• ""' 1 '"'' WAVE!'~ "' ""a.'"'' '"''"' "'<·o·k shf' \\ ltM • 11lr•'1 oln•·ol :tl • I hf' I' :-' llriSnt hnl,.l m ~, .. ., l>h·S.:ro I h, II J:l•o\IJI "r \\.\ \'J·:): ltlll"n~ ""'•111 "'•" h• r l llllf'r .111111" ""'' 1 v · B£CT .. If COTTON IIAJI.IJITS Fill SCIIIOL W- 1 Mother o f Mrs . church In Anaht>lm ror a two-day a ce m a.nUit. Men of tbe Har· conclave, Newport Harbor wa.~, u 0 P . 1 Dennison Observes I Her 8 9th Birthday I _ _. b M A M N 1 bt•r a rea whn w1~h to JUID the repreSf'n '" y . rs. . . t' • , t ~1 h e son o( ~"••wport llt>l&hts· AhM gToup :1:ay (·on.a•· nwu 'er"' er . Sarah Conant and Mrs. Elia Gold· wb•J sre Dr Obt-d Luru . R. 8. ner of Co!lta M"*-tnd Mr.r.-Ptora ~n~~.Prl~ &Jl.i_Qonald Beatty of Balboa. I r lolhsm M'ra C. F . Denn:son nt 921! Wt"!lt , . 1 Thro.>t• •·s~•>nl\1 progra~ are Cent ral avenue entertaJ.ned two Arnone the outstundrn~: spt>ak · gl\'t>n, with <latet oo tbe third Jtllrtlls to Ct'ltbrste the eighty· en; who WN't' on the prot:ram was Tuesc.l:lys ln Nov .. anlkr. February Dllllh birthday of htr mother. Mrs. Vt'da Thompson of Los An· ",0 ~luy ra. Eather JQrdan of the .J!Ulle gt>lt'il, uaJ.L> vice prt'iidt'ht of the a c'dreu Tht'y Wf're her motht r's wcru.. Otht'rs contributing II>-B h s H atater, Mrt. F:mlly Thomu of ward roaking the convention eaC U p p e r 0 n 0rs Pasadena and Mr• Eva Rage t~C whose tht'rm· wa:. Love. a fine t>x·j Departing t i s ito r s mendale, an old !rlt nd of ~r11. J)('ru?ncl' for those rn a ttendance J ordan. a nd all spent many lutppy were Mrs. Ik-ssic Let> Cowie, na· 1 Mr ~tnJ Mra-,.:,,11 AleXAnder hour~ talklnl( over old tlm"l! tl~e d.aughter of .A ustralia and I anol dnuo;!Jter JI'Rn. who havf' Mrt. ~nnlson w rote a pot'm In World' wcru missionary; Mrs. 8pt'nt two Wl'('lul va.iJIIOnlng ln honor of ht'r mothf'r·• blrtht1oy J enme ~y Thompson. statP t•or-1 Balboa, rl'turoed 10 their horre In My Mother r~>spondmg secretary,. a nd Mrs. Berkeley by lht> fluylt~;ht Strum· Too11v Ill Mnther's birthday, !!ht•':. t'annre Goddard. P~'<'stdC'nt <>f lhl' hnl'r un :-:t•ntlll\' elghty·rllhe ynre old. Anaheim WCTU. AI. a fnri.•well .lo them. Mn . Rob· l rann'lt flntf the words to llay. Departed Jlonoi'M r·rl J-:aslvra gavo· a b(oarh !Nppe'r the love her heart ran holol ~lr~ ~lury B Park, Pva.nge!l!flao 'n ~utunln v OlhPrll mvltrrt Wt"rt' She'a very frail a.nd an~tll. nt·r darr>Cior. ~:nnductood o twauuful J \". \'l('lkmd Elrc·tnr ian's M&tf' hair l.a anowy white. m('moriHI "'!'rVI!'f' for drpartl'f1 It' t'S:->1! n.t !\lllJ. \'~<lk mJ an\J Sh(' I'Rnnrt !lt't• at all. not e'en a mt>mh(-r.., Sho· ,ard "this lif!' 1, 1-:11111;·11 J \\' Fll:tf! •raid. t;SN. a nd ray nf light. I but a J(;urno·y n prl•pnr:otlnn feu ED!IIJW Jrll k T r•·hiiCOI'k. trSNR. Rearde her riU'In llht' a•rs. an hl'r hi~ thl' ht•nvc•nly honw . A <."1'1rr,.1 iHn·,.. both "' the' S:~nla Ana Nnva l Arr ell.8y rhatr. I dying flav ,,.. his triumphnnr day. :"latlon. Anrt lllll""" to the 11_1any hit~. that u wc cc;uld hi'ar whnt thl'\' aro• iii;~i.jjji~iiiiiii.iiiiiiii'iiii <: c·om11t> In of( t.hP arr sa~lnf.: 11 would lw a~ Franc<•; \\11· . omt• ml's 11h•· laughs. eomf'rlnl·'ll lard "llrtl. 'llow ht•autiful '" tw ahe n ln , when programs IJrlng w ith God · Wh!'o wc• thrnk Qf (1Ur ' t~ m ind, r Fath!'r'lo . home•. ,f ''" IX'llC". It,~: I I Of ovrd nne. .. gone bt-ynnd t~·· 1 joy, Its glory. or ~'~'•''"1: our Sn· l alclee. som,. .tny she k n"WII sh .. II viour fare 10 Cat·•· of tho· r(•union rtnrt. lw ith lovf'd onl's, Wl' ur.· no more Her mind Ia very keen s ncl 111 u nc1 afraid of I he myst .. ry or rlralh." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!_ llhe follow• up the war. Of b&ttl~• all the world arrnwd. :: wnnder11 where lov .. d~nc>l! • COMING EVENTS She ne'tr rorgeta for them to pray, that Cod will bring them home. WF:ll:->fo:SOA y • SEPT. 20 WHAT-NOT ..... _se .... And then 1 kDow I'll hear her u y Rt'd C'r<NI!O work room,· 111 Palm l wu ltrt a~tcf eklrte .u• e.. the lilt flf ecfiMitlrt fawrtt ... MMIM "Thank Cod from home you'll avenur. Balboa. 10 a.rrr-to ~ p.m • IEIMifS MillET u• o..& 111Pwa7-eor-.w 11ar ,._ Newpcri 1'79 Khoolt lrle are k11lttl~~t ...,_wiHtl a11ct twnt eut Ulelr ewwt -at•re ne'er n--' ~-." l!("Wing II )•,..Man In thr 1"'1••n•r•·l •l•flaTl· I .. I _ .......... -lk ~ T I I _.._.. ..... .. , ~ ·~~ R d ,.. \V k 313 •t 11 '"' cs '"' lnw ..., _, 1 8 _.. .. wee,.,. -·• .. • 111 S he'• looking for her II:Tt.nd.ton e '-rt•!tll or room. "' a· m('rrt s ncl hatt hel'n l•rum••IC'u lu klllttl~tt cettolt are ....._ tlfltlllf' llarl•l~et,le te faehiM the home. for he '• been OVt'r th·r-. rlnt> avenue. Balboa hJ!and. 10 am. pal..... Plet.are ........... PaUo ... U~I"'Iftt· c.are 8aPP'W . WI a • ow ...._ ........... 'Meats-Staple Grocerie s-Fru it s Vegetables-Milk -E ggs Delicatess en Items ..,._,_..., Prta.-Prompt !Wrvlnl f'··ll y Offii'N. !'\r ('•IIIII ( 1•<11!' ehor\.tltaved cardlta~t et •• laft. Tile t llpov er blowee at Ule rltht It ' ' to 4 p m 811r,:;ical olrt'lllllngs Tho• new rnt'rnll<'r rof I hi' N11vy ll~tlltlcf of Spa~tllh N4 ..eto11 '" 1 prett1 petter" ell tell. Dlrectlo~t In fox holes he feel11 80 all alone. R d · · Cr k 1300 a ,. t1 It wl)lltlr•rtul 1 1m,. In l'an eheet for "Two l<~tlt a .. .tera• "''' be obteintd bJ ""dong a ata,.pect, but he'1 ~en under God'11 car... e 0811 wor room, · 1•1<'1:0 11nel """tt"r ..:r .. up .. r :-:11\)' ulf.addrt~ud tnvelo~ te the Neectlew ... k Depart"''"' ef U.lt p~r, She'll been auch a wonderful Ot"111 10boulevllrt'1· ;ornna rtel~araJ. , I .. 1 ... •K ,_. th I I I k d "P~II am o , p.m , t!u • .,.c "lrl" an•l hPr pnr•·ra.11 11:av. hrr nlf epecr 1 "' ,.,, 111 ..... ... -mo er o me n 1 <' ntolll an rn d . In IJ&a An.,:o•Jo-11 S1 ull\· ---ht-all h . I rn.sangll. ' 1 b · f 1 h f I'd •o e I 8. VH>ture I.Aca le ~27. at What's Your Odd Job? 101 Palm AYe~~ae ltt-tumln;.: frnr.l ~:Un llrq.;n .;,.. B r idge G r o u p Meets B . & P . W o m e n t o n oura.o pall tor 8Cf' Me. H t'IO%t' Kll18l'r's ruf;>, 7 pm. l T llylur. \ll(r' t•f L t ~l·ph• n Tny • w lt h Mrs . S pangler H o ld F l'r s t M .eet A r hlld ll IM•Ift fr(('ntl ,,. lht-mllltlt'l I b K I • WE SPE~·· • ., ... tile· ftiiY anu I'm aun.o thAt 11 181 nr "'·:Ullll e uh w oll m,.d "'~ ~l"l'l't'•l 111 LA Jt~lla tr, \IJit f'olly . . to m~ twu m or(' than wr aith. Tln 'f!~llt\Y ~F"I'T ?I r-----"T"---------: lw . "h" hiiR II ru•w "''" ~l l't ho·n A S p ) • ;\I Ua.JI••a s 1'.1••• lrrr f~nll t2·Jf> ID ;~:===~:::;;~~=~~:;;~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ Jr Mra Tw;J.,r \\Ill' r loolllwl \I•• I· ... tt l->f'Ans:ler .:nt.·r· t antiag o a rk Ia truf', 1 C"'~G FR',_ • • A c.1 M th l 1.11 11••011 ~'U'il.!'l u aao YOUR HEALTH WITH r·····lc·nt .. r Jfalt"'" '""' ""'k•·•1 111 : ••·1• 1 1 1:""'1' "' frl~da at lwr " 0 •·r . lrnr "'""'"" Htu <'ro!ll'l \\'rtr kr .. crm. 11 1 P11lm. CannJ•ng Tomatoes lll(' DaiLuu Inn llo·~t •·l)' !';h'•l' I. 111o l•j..::: \\'• :.t Ol.ean P'rool last Th•• fir-mr Atrn•• nf lh'· •411• pray that I II bt• go•~l '" vou ~. •· ., • ~· 1 Balborn Ill n 111 ''' 4 I' Ill. s •wtnj:: Attrnd•nt th•' far•·\''4"11 tlnlnt·t \\'•·• k ,., •t it tunt h••un foUowecl hy 8,1n (rtr lllr u11-nft·.~ ltncl P r11fA.a. ----· ( ~· -~ ·~ S f I J d C 1 Ht'<l ·~~·~• \\'rtl l<r" rn. :1 13 Ma·l \\o•rr !\lr ·111•1 M1~< J A Poollt;llo·t I . '; r1on11l \\'"11"11'11 t'luh nr Nf'wport On 0 S a n 0 U p }e rln•• 11\'('ll\11', Bnlho11 INiitntl, 10 a.m. tv. Lon~r l!t':u h. M • '"' I ~I !I'· 0 ' F'11 ·• pr 1,. went to Wrw. Hnnwr llnrlwor w111 ll,. hoi • Thur:cdav f'Vf'·, Ta kes H emet Brt' d e 1 l(\ 4 p m , surgrr·al ttrrKsmgs. , \' Ba1km'ln Mr Rlhl Mrs \VII· l\!,.11<1 \\Ill,. Mr~ F:rneat Mc:I 1PI· nlng. Sept 21 at 6 ·30 In Sn~tlagn ~ 1 B11slnoM unt.J Pnllt·~9runol \Vnn.·l 111\m Olco·v ~nd •l•lll~ht,.r~ ~u .. 11nd l:>u tnk1111o: ~··•'O:"iol and Mra Ed· l'llrk. ~anta Anll. accotdJn~ to thto en. Sanllagol Park. Santa Ana, Pf'Jtlcy. Alhnr.Jhrll lit I r• F:\ c>lyn "'111 11 ~''" 1111 1 unllttlotioD. Announcement u( ~lhe new preal· A wcc.Jdlng of inlt"rut 111 thl" S:30 p.m 1 1 WIJaon and ann l h11 11•11 Santa 1.1 rmt .. ·r~ brou~hl their cb rlol11•n 1 ,•,.nt Gret.ha Tubbll Harbor arf'a ~wu lhl\t of two Auu!la nt·e Le~tgue. Rld Croea Now Ia Seuon GET THEM AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 17M Newport Blvd. I A nil. ll.lld 1'0 2 c J unt' t;nbn~l. Sa.n, 11n() 11.11' ~<m:~JI fry f'njoyed lbP 8Urf Mildred 8. tiLillt'y ll hoatul . and promlnent bul iOI'IIA P"OPI" nf \\'orkr,.um. 10 a m. Ole&o. l nncJ IA·n<'h 1;11m<:a With yo~ J er·1 t here .,..111 ~ a picnic lunch rnl-Hemet whi<:h took place Se pt. 8 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~ -I ry Spl\n~;l<>r aa hn . ..t 1.,, .. ,.tl hy gam"• In the amu~~ement In SAn OltoJCO. The bride w:u Mll!ft auv WAA aONDI One "~'to pink rMiJie lll:ht"'' lht' 'Phnl'r prr!('nl ln•'hHio-u Kn. K c-· 1,nll Aullllln~ Mrs. Stanley are Jo1oru Kennedy who re<:f'nlly 1101~1 -------------------~------------ Coeta liMa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lay cake whrn M~tc>r John·1 n~IIR~ Kn•l rh iM~n Kay an~ I ~P fdl~wlng Alta Go~o. M~~ the Tahqu!~ ~n~ctl~·~ whkh ~~-~----~--------~~-----------~ n:\' f'nr1t·r. s1111 n( Mr Rnc.J Mr• ('I'"'""'" ~~~~ Hlrhanl f httm&r and l<nlhnli: :\11\rll' t-:hlrn. Lull' Slm· had ~ton In lhto Kennedy t11mily c. f'ttr1t'r J r . 41!<1 lllrt"l't, ~·eh•-'"n T nn m)·. ~Ira Harry Burdkk: m"n~ c·Amf'llC' Kt>nnl'tly anti Oor· tor ovtor 20 yeant, ~.'ld lhr· llnqf'· brlllt·d l:h• final nnnavo·r-.-.r ,. S..tur-,lou k \\', •1. ~I Ill J11hn C't<'!lde:., Kn. nthv Hohlnlll•n I Jrrnom Wall Oll<'ar Bnrc11n. liOn n; I Sch I G • Say a Merry Christmas to the Boys Overseas with Your Po1·trait Doll't Delay-llan \'our J•hotowa&th Tak en ~()\\'. 'Dae7 llast 8fo Ready for MallioJt b~· Oc-tot...r l.j th -----:.SPECIAL _ ___, One Professional s1.00 Portrait, Only . JIO API'OINTJ(ItNT !"o~8AAl' I Roberts Portraits .. JIWIIW J1ADf-NE..'\'T TO WARD8 MilT• ANA. CALIF. • --.... .._ 11 a. -. te I p. m. lhll,· day llnnJ:III J: him 1o:1fl10 w••rr h110 ~~ .. ,nil nrr•l •lnu~:htrr Marlalae: Ttu:< wlll 1.,.. ~:u••llt nll{ht and Mr Met Mr11 F:m1l Bn11lln 22.• 00 • Olftg nunt nnol ,.,..,litns. :-trll V I' 1 Mrq Ar•lr·n 1.<•111; a'ld d:-ucbter m••11,1,.,1~ mn\' ,.11, h hrmg 11 fnf>nu l E u t Ba~· F'ront. Ralbon l.~lnncl Hnrbr·· .lr IUl•l I.AIII t·l .on•! llalo "·"" \ un.t Mr,• Mc•lloll &Del .on · Tht• F.mll Brudtnll IHI\'f' bC'f'n I S!Ullll AnR. I llllllp. .. c b s M h ('f:Jltl('nb< n ( nalbna 11111\nll !or U cou t o t e r s mntt' than 20 ~'<'Rill hut \\I'P' fttr· HATS \1 I In $]98 Dotty Dunn T o M eet Wed. A . M . mf'r resld~nt11 n f Ht•met. nn•l nth•·r membl'r11 of ll':t' family nprratr I h•· OnJdln Hsr·tlwRre lll .,r,. tll••11 !\1• .... 1.' ,,, l1ot\'lt t r•om 11 '" 12 Ttl!' llf'W !\l rl!. n rw'u1 ·~ II whn :•rt• 1nt r r••s\c•d rn J~>inlng thr tlRHI!hl f'r t•f Mn F. W Krnn• •I\' r ub :::;,.'"'' ~:rroup• ar,. rnviiNI to nf H('mr t anrt Uall bf'cn A t :1vc• In ntlf'n<l an '" ,.::Jn•L•I•nn mrrtln~: lh<' ~W>CiRI hfr or thr ril \' S!u• '" \\'NinfsllR\' nl II n m nl thf' hnrll" a mrmll('r rr( F:stuc1111o ('haptr r of Mr!O F"-'II:Ar Ifill Ill~• l.~tln Snud Oa11~hl••r!l ro f lhr Aml'r!t :tn Urv· O••n :o.tnthrr11 fr11m t'1e nln,. ("ub olutlnn. the Hcmi'I·Ssn J nr lnl•• !"rnut 01'111' w1ll nttrntl anrl their Bu11lnrll~ on.t P rofrlll'ill'llll \Vnn · IVIS~lant~< will tw> ,.,.lc·rt<'rt a nd nn's • lull anti nth('r nrJ!onr7.ntinn~ pl1111s matl•• for th,. nrUvl' fl\11 Mr Bnlfl•n hall fl•r 1wvr ra1 yrar!t "'nrk I ht'en suprrlnt~ndent 11( \''lrfn''" All m~>t:11•r• lnt('rUif'd a re asked army and navy coo ... t rur tl"n Job!' t11 atl,.nd In Southern CaWomln !'<C'vacl11 C ard C l ub Mee t s At Beach H o m e and Arl7.on11 !or whll'h thr nrudrn I rom pany h ac! contrnrt.• and 111 pre8tnt 111 !IUp<'rvlllln~t a Camp Kt>nrnry con;,trurllnn joh Th•'Y plan to moke their hom" ll'mp• r· 1 ---n.rlly at La Jolla but lhC'Ir J)('rm·l r.tnwtn~r rnlor~ or huge dahlias,, ant!nt homc' will be In Hrmrt mlxrtl with ltrr gnot"n of rem.. ------ mllde "chumlnq flnm l decnrRllnn t l st L t H g h D u nla p when Mr11 Olarlf'rt Hl\rt. 11R 4111tl · U ' I .ottre~l. .. nterlftlnrcl mPmbt'r& or her Take s Eastern Bride ..tub Il l lunrht"nn IMit Wf'tk 1 F:njny1n;. lhf' Alternnon nf pl11y AI 8 qult'l rl'rf'mnny S!llur•'ny I Wl'rf' thf' Mf'll(1arrPI' H \\' M l'· Rl J p m In C'hm•l Churr h hv !111' I r:""' hi<' .. I Mrl.ll('kit" Ann Mr· !'ii'A. !\II~~ Shlrlry I.Au ~tlllrr J.ur kiP, \\' Klrl)lt'r . Alrc CriiiK 1tau,.;hl(•r l'f lllr an.t ~lr~ c;,.,.rgt· n•ltl M i~ll Elit nhrlh llfr lnnl11h. All :O.I!Ir•r 1of l'lnl' Blurt. Ark , '"'~ or l'nAAtiPnA nnd Mr11. A R('tldln::. mnniP•I to Flrl'l 1~1 lluch ~: 1•1111- ="•'\'.'l•n r·t l~lantl llrp • 1 • ( ~lr nnrt ~lr!l ~lr'\',;111 T l•1.ul.q• ~1!1 ~!lpphrr•· 11\'~'1111 • h • R • _. Ralhrta ll'lantl. • c OICe eclpes ';'h(' ,., ,. ('hart··~ l h nd P• I I By Winifred Barbre! Smot htred Chic ken Till• •~ 111 t.n11• .,,. ~··,nr ~f~ttmrd th•• •rrf'monv \\l•••h \':'~ Al tl'lld!'d .. n!y hv :c 1.rn1q • , 1 1 t.••• (rlo·nd~ nnol n•h•tl\.,..,. Till' hrr.t. 1•1•rr , 1'1'1\ throt• ,, ht'n ru~·t C" .S'III '' • h h n:P ,., • ., 11 Ht '~~' ""' •;\!'!<• I ·•·· ..... 11 l' l·••'lC r:~rtlru-a nd '"I C'•:O II•" '"I I. I. I . II;• l·lriV tr·mpllrllt ,In I .1J'IJ'M17il'l: wa10 Of p:tlf' \'f'llP\\ ll'f I• II h-• , h~n llu•y 111'1'• nr nn 1111' tll:lnf f J.:"111:1.~ :O:h•' 1\ ,~ .oll••"ol d l•1 h• r tnl•lr. ll~1111lly nl•h '• ,,r nH•r:t ntilt<'<l !!lstt•r, ~II S. J)nral! \\",,, \\ nrol oof ' t \Vtth C'lh~r tn-=•• "'( nt1111. flr of \'('J:t'-Lo.q Anc•-lr~ \\ h" ,, • .,. :t h l.h k tnbl;>~ w ith ~.lll~o'!t. l1ll'\' or, bot ll nnd wh1tc• !01111 '1111' """' m~.n \\H· C'f OII•'rt'I('RI :111•1 AAI1S(yln,~t thf hnrli'~Ot•m'!l hrnl h••r 1\• •lit' I I I Tloll! part•< u1 ·1r oli.'n cl .. " 0(\t l'uolap (::11 lnl'l l'lthr•r c Ill.•. but 111 a . lmnt,.•!antrl~· n!tt'r tlw • r l••lt: · \ nnvt'l Rlld tl(•linrl\r~ wny ,,f rc•nk· l hr ynun~ 1'11\IJ'II' drnv.• t11 1 .. 1 ~""" In~ l'hl('kt .. llo•nc h whrrr thry Will ~f'"'hl 111\llr Take ont" lttl'j..<' ~rrin,; t'h1rkrn. h••nrymnon. d'~tjolnl lind !01\ll. ~l'rJ'l'r llncl Ll I hrniAp hA:o Jll!i\ llrfll •··l 0 011r t he pltll'll 1\8 fnr fr~QnJ: J'ut hoonw Ill\ II :.!1·•1.1~· (Url"ll$.11 lift••: t he Jlll'fi'!! In n I'IIJII!ernlt' Aii:<r """r n•mrl••l rn.-: :'\1 bnmbm~o~ m .,., .. 11~ t'i-r m J'<"Ur 1\hnut R rounol ••f mr ll· 10 11l•• ~:urnpran lh<'AI••r •·f \\'1\r Nl l!hl'rtt'f'llng. Ccwtor nnc1 hl\kt nt llr '" bl•mbrullu.'r an 11 H-:H Llllt'r · 4M 1fl'~c>t"8 for nnt' hc>111, ha~Un,.; ntor. IUltl j01nrt1 lbe ~rrvle f' aflr r I every .1:'> mmut,..e \\''hfn hrown. r.rr~ohiAi rnrt ftum tho> ="''"'I rt ll:tr· p<•ur orr l'llortrnln.: bf\r t•nl• n High Mho.of '" 1 1'1~ Add f\1\f' qullrt 0" rhlckt'n 11tock A (It' I' hl~ furlough 111 owr ht> "' II 1 m il\' bf' ~rnr'r '1\'llh 11 ,,.,.,Ilion lot•' to S&nt a Mnmca fur rl':vL~lj:n· ru~l In whl('h ba s bt'm bll'ndert , mE'nt anu ht and h11• hridf' w11l I\I'O tablri'J"W>II~ flf·llr. M il M d mllkt lh••lr h1'me Wh• rr hi' ll' ~Ill• J'C r r"r t•• L"-'' ( I1E'hJI'Tl !'!\.Me rolf' tloneJ. 114 East 4th St. Sant3 Ana 1 to lht ow11 anl1 t-.a.k,. at :l50 llr· --------~=====::=====================--' rn:oeR for .mc .1nll 001e half h oura BACK 11IE ATI'ACK Smooth bnck-to-~hooi swcntcrs in a galaxy of vibrant hues ... snug fitting. warm and very coll<"giatc. Slip-ons. ca rdigans, long-sleeves -yours for the chn<l!'in~. from ssoo SKIRTS You just can't have too many for you'll live in them all year long. Choose from a variety of h a n d so m e !'lyles. We have them all! from s695 Santa ADa F'or \'our Conn~, Our Shop Is O~n SafurdaJII 'TU 9 P. Ill. STILL TRUE.. An ancient, yeUowed clipping in the Newport News in 1927, ln reciting progress and how to build ·a city, is just as pe.t to- day as then, and reads: That every city has Jeadt'rs who are magnetic, inteUigent and· courageous enough to lead; when they command the al- legiance of enough citizens toward a program of dt>vel· that a great many m('fl are doing a great amount of un- selfish and unapprt'Cintcd work for their city; that if it were not for these men, many cities would lx> mov- ing backward; that a whole Jot of cities are waiting for progress to hit them and it usuaUy misses them when they try the waiting game; that prospt>rity for a city can't be don<' by "sitting steady." + • + WUUamA. Th<' William!; family has lived in Corona dt'l Mar Cor many years. I believe some of them still have a home there. At least ~ Florence Anderson. sister of General Paul Williams, is still among those present. The achievem('fltS or Brig. General Williams, who has been in the service for some time, and who has s teadily gained in rank for his inher- ent ability, ls noteworthy of the entire Williams clan. Co- ordination or the F lying Command and It<; rt'cord thus far on the J::uropean front wiJI come in for great<'r praise when the entu-c story is ready for the public. + + • PoUoe Work. Newport Beach police boys have been doin& lOme mighty nice work, not only in the n.m- ning down of the bandit gan& two we.q qo, but or the nareotlcs break-up this week. Olief Hodge &oes tQ consid- . erable pains in the training · of his efficient corps and it · should be remembered that he studies the latest mt>th- ods at all timcs and insists his men do the same thing. Arrests are all right as far as th~y go, but they must also carry convil'lions with them. <'lsc they at-e of no avail. In some quarter.-it has been said that llodgkin- son would make mighty good timbre for warden or one of our pti~ns. + + • Listen, KJd"! GoinJ,! to anrl from school is on!" of the hard<'St things you have:> ~ fore you, at l<.'ast if you want to do both with a whole:> skin. "Slow-School" signs are a ll right as far ns they go, but motorists are nlmost as heedless as you. anrt C'IH"S don•t always stop too quick- ly. So. here arc 10 safety commandmc>nts you !;hould cut out a nd follow: 1. Star-t to Sl·hool enrly enOtlgh so you won't hav" to rush. 2.. Plan the saf('st trip to and from sc·hool- take it every rlay. :~. Alway!; cross streets :lt the:> c•rossm~. 4. Never try to vut-r"Un an automobile when cm ssing a street.. 5. Look in hoth (j,. rec:t ici'ns before t•r·ossim: and k(.'(•p alc:>r1 until th£' ~utcwalk is r'('adu'd. ti. Obey \ h~Y Ira I· fk offic 'l'l' or safPiy-patrnl hov. 7. Don't dart our inro rht• s tn·cl from I1 P hcnrl parkc'cl <~crs or hNI~t·>-. ~. Don't lingt•t' or pht~ in lilt• slret•b; usc pl;ay~t'Olllld", ,.;,. l'altt loh, :and :-Ide•\\ :tl ks. ~I. Hulc-hH·vdt•..; nn tlw right sic1<' of si l'l'l'f:.; :mel colx•y a II traffi<.: signs. 111. On high- wa\'s, alwa\ s \\ alk •In t111· IPft sidt' of ·, hr road. • • • Harr~· Whitf'. SonH' nwn retirt' but ne,·er quit. Tak(' the c.asc of Ht'\. II a rry White, who en me ht'r-c scv- fral years a~o. to Jive on Balboa l$lanrl. llf' want('(t to be peaceful and quif't; h<' madt' a few talks ht>re and there; he joined th<' Kiwanis dub. Then hlc; Confcren<"C called him to build anoth<'r church. this time> at L.1k~ wood ViJlage. Like a tn.Je soldier of the Lord. Mr. White went. Did his joh. wit· nesBed the dedication, is now back horne to rest up a bit. for 36 yean the best advertising medium Ia the newport harbor district • • • the newspaper that pea home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker VOL1111R XXXVI NarcoticsRingBelieved Broken as Police, F.B.I. Arrest Four Su_spects , Roundup of Group Involved in Peddling Dope Uncovers Local Activity As Preliminary Examination Held Before Judge Dodge 1 Thr fnll••winc lrll•·r I,., h 1 <I I>\· 1 t(ln·rr J r.<'k from Pvi .ltm :'>ki\rrlll' of Sra Shon• Colon~ Z"t•\\' Guan..-a. Sf pt \\:1• r• 'II llltnrlrr•d·nuh• fn•nt In nny 1;11'111 Summ~'r~ fnrrr: lhr) h:t\1• n•·llho•r thr rnrn fl•nn,.t l) n 111 m:o l•·n .ol• fl 1~111 l:l.•ar J ark · \\'o· h:t\'1• plr nt ~ .. r ""'•Ill• lnnd· in~; lht•l,. :tnll kn11\\ II\•· •IIIIRI.II•Jl hf-llo•r prnh:ohl~ •han ·" unr lotl)(•l h tl••ncl,.•l In w n l•• • "' It• r lull pia•·•· :tl!•·nrpl"tl 111111 r \\h:tl ,,,. \flU knO\\ ho\\ tl ''· '''' a.;• t '" h q'\ .11 11m•·• rlnom: pra•·lw:dh ""lhrn; rhnt "'' h,,,-,.n'l ltm• '" '''''' \\'•· \\l'tt• tlfl\\fl 1o tlr·• "'''"'h• , .. , 'nrl .. r I hi• fllllO.:k d ""'" ,,.,, '"·'" Jn h••••r-.. t;, ... , IJ q • .1n•J \,,.,.. .. ,, hu .. , t r \In~ '" Cl·l ~leur' ;ulfl 1t11n .... ftt.ill ;.J I ,.,,,. Wir'-0111 ,,r m~ tllfrtol II'' ltl<•· n ~:on P··drr•·l ... \\';o•l111tl" tnn <II .1111 •t•hrKtnl•' IIH1 un Ill•· \\ ••<! ('ol;t•l \\"1• fl•ltrl 11ft Wll h I ho• '-IUIC at t h•• '""' h1·nq • nd lond hu•1f r I m·•·r 11 1 hrou<anll mtl•·, ''I' 11'1 lhP Jrutdt norlll\\1'<1 •·ntl t ·,. , .. \\llhrn fiji() null'< nr thl' l'htltp· pm•''-· \\ h••ro• hy lh•• "II)' Wt• "til "" 1fuorlo1 I•• l:"lllt; n•''CI trrp Ufl tl \1\t• <if•• "'•' !",..nt hom(• I hot"' lhry rtn hy·pll" I lolnuo• h••rn. t hr IJ.f:rnrt hnlfw11y 0<-t\\c~ n nurlh\\••'1 :"\!'V.' Gurn!'n anti ~fan· clan11o. lhl" "OUihPm l'htlrpptn•'' It ~~ rrpurtrd thrrr arl' 50.~/fl l'lti~ ('l<pl'f'lin~; u~ thrN' \\'~> l'>hould fool lhr m and <.nw ·~rr men Our navy and aar fon-~• ran button thl'm up tlr.thl a nll l••avc t.hm\. In mr opinron •·c can laml mrn on the Phtllpp•~ v.•lth. much ll'l'll COI't lhsn SalpAn 11nd other IRncl· In~. The rca.soo L~ lh11t w~ Cllll ch OOIW' from a lllrgtr atrlp whf"rr to .. nd -tlv' Nipa cannot be Ilion" itrt• rftttn..: "''"' hrtncltiJ' 1n th•· -~··rr ''""' lh• ,.,,,,., • "'' 111 •• \1 r;1Uf11 1;t \\hi •t l11t ,,,( l\ til It \o.t Hto \\~ \\••t• f••l''' d fq "'"•t•· "'Ill f-'1•·.,. fo rl\o• l'hrlopplll• • "" \\. "·"' ''''i'IJ!'tf ,,, '"'' \\llftng 1 o pw~' 11p rllur ,. f' t 1 J:" H 1 1 h• ,,,~ ,..,,,.,,, llf'f"'' I'"' r lr••nr •h•· I11W1·l •·ro•f 11111 ''111 l11rok 'lllll.:hl l•llf' If• .. , a ;•nd "'• • q,,. 't•+i 'h••rr-, ••nd t,( N••" llrl!nrn 1-lttlllf \\•· i"o(f'l'••l t•• It·•·\·,. II•·•' ~n '''\ •• , ltl mqr .~ r!J" rnr lh•• rh•lll'""rl·rntlc 1\111 Il l '"'' nm r h" ,.,, ··nil l..tr-1 I I If' Ill' "I' 1\.llf II fOMI fl( liw '""' :JI11ng "''h ''"11:•1 1 I•·• tw11 ,,(Ju···•' ~ol•·•·ro m m) •1fltc•·. ""'' nn rho• ,.f•ll•••• bnrl th•·•nth••r ''" a col Un• · n•·V••r k """' lrt,m un•· mtnllll' I f• l hl" n lho•r "hat lllll•·r~ writ rom•· from lhc• ann) 'lllf" l'krr'P'·r nnrt I nr~> w.NI to lh••m h} nov.· nnrl trtkr· rl nil rn r hr• drt) ·, work Thf"y ~>~•Y wr 11r,. ho•rnl( "'"' I hom<· llflf•r tht' tnp up I h<>JX' ~ Th<·rr " n11 plarr Ilk~ hl)m<', and I thr!l 1.' an uncJVIItU'd mt'"-" our herr. Thf" ttQ)5 v.lll IX' r.tlad whf-n IM PhlltflptnM ltl'f' t:rkrn nnd thP) can move up and our nt !'l<'w GWne8 Det!t of lu<"k. J11r k I'll IX' v>f"· JU.f McARDLE BALBOA IEEP POSTEl I f11m ,._ ril ,....,_,._ Jlln. ....... B . KN.,.lton ''' Ulln ..,,.. ... IN lk! l)f)ve., -of t-.., WtciiW.t ttf t.11e •tar. u••r marrlacr a11d .,...,,. lwoaPt ....,, IIIH "u~. ea. 111M ,_. ..,., ..,_ ..,.,.,. for tile ..... t•o ,. .. ,.. wtUI lwr b , ... a f'.AIItal• Ia thfo Arm" \lr •·-"· .. aer. •,:rt•c T,..,•tllc 0.. .. at "--ta AIIL ,.. ........ ewt1111111 ... ._.... _. _ .... .._ ..., twe ,....,,_, o.ar. t. .,... ..., It, an~ IMw faorortte ,..,.,_u..., • .... .._ ta .._.. .. ..._ tnr .._ ranaUr _. .,rwtac .. • .. _.. ,_ t11e N-.wt 0111 ~ta.. Title ,.,...,)' --.. -... ....... ... • ................. . ....... " ............. ........ MES(~ ~1 Year • • • • $2.51 I llalle t~~­ N...-n-. N••P"t ..... Paul Clain Luv• So. Cout After 11 Yan I I~ 'l.r. '""" "' 10lll11o '"" In "'" 1•~1!1 ' \\~I I ' '. '" 11<•1• I l"w"rth hJUt 1 ~tu nw•l "'II to II•· f!,.lotu~ J •uwt ""'' tuur l""" rot .... ,.jft,p I tt f1 &,:h , .. ,.,,, uf tf1r "* ••k Willi H1• ,.,,,, I I fht \ :~·-~· f lllll kt I .. I f , •• 'lt d ,. k t p ,. f t , •I t \' " ,,, Jl I ~ ft ""Hh 'HI ~'•~t•tft~tl \II .,,,.,,,. 1• 1rt t ,,, 1111 ''''I'' • • · ;f, f·l• I ,,., '"'''' •·I , '"''' I Itt"' ,., ,., ... , ttl • ' tltl t• ,,,.,_ 11f tt J ''' '•I ff;ttft 1111 It '••fkt fl't Food Prirl• List~ ·· Availahle for The llou scwif e I;, ,, ,.,..,'t#.WI\t" '"·"' flOW l .dl ,,, 1111· .... "' ( "'" '""'''' ,,,., ,, . •••\•' th,•t r '''$') ,,, '''"'"llUttl v r•·lltnJ.: l'rt'"'l' r•;t t!'"~ •·t I•·~ nn•l rn••11 I• '"''' w"" un11•111n• ··•1 loy Jt:oiJ•h I ' Mn,k••}. • 1tat111111n ••f ll•t»r.t :-;., 112 Ill\ w hlo h .,.,.,,." Uol11 ·" t·/' c 11111r-111fln M:"ltry ""lotiC'"' ''"'' .,,.. ...., ..... ,.,_~ ·~•n u"" 11,..,... -. ~.1 ~ I111UUI!R 11 Gen. Williams, whose Air Force Surrounded, Is f1 ormer CDM Citizen Notable Offkt•r in t'hargt• of HO'IIand lnvuion TroopR. Pocketed by the German.. b Brother of •'lorent"e Andenon· ------ 1.11 ,;llll'h thla hl~e Ouarter Horse Racing E ~ents Will Co~tinue 1 , • •. • •• , r , , , ., •, t , ,, , , j 'J., 1 ~ J '' " • • '.,,~: ''' .,,,: I•• 1•1 r~t x t It ", •• , p , I I I' Jt It• I ! " 11'1 .,... :1• ,. , , .. ,.' .~ •• tllfl tlf'~' II ' I J '' , •, II " t .. ,, '• 'f' ·.u•• t ,., I •q ,,. ,., '"''i.!••d , .. , (It tutH'r I , ,, '~I"' t ,,., 0 . I· ' 'f II J';p "•.: fltrJI ,,, .. ,,,., ,, h iiVIU H fill ttl '\,It ' l11 t I , 'fjtltlll I ••1 I I ,, ' '''" -,t ,, '1 , A I ~' fil I k I ~ • I. I "1 , .-, h' ' ,, I I .. j ••• t h i K t" h. It .... , h•l It lf~t J, ••I '' AJ•·••' I!• a • I, t I ••II'• ftloo l \viii ttt• ft,Jit•\V••tl lty lh,. , ,11 1 , ll 11,,,, tt IP'Ittr 'J. w••t•k" "vrnta, th•·r .. at.t,.r. ..... •I ' , ...... I i' t fld t I ., '" '''< f t•• r r•t. lit*" t rq t'wt 1, ,.,. .... ,. ,, I J 1•· • .,. t lfj• ,, I lflj.' '1 to •I I'•• tf• 1 V• t 1l • Kff pftHIHtd II f ltt•f ft ~ tt ft rr U ff h ••f fit• ll••fHHJI rltf t• •.t t hlt t fiHftd t•.l ft hftftrtf •. I • ttl h H .. IH""' "' .... ,, .. , ,, "'' lfU• II ut,..., f•·.t~Uf•" n f'iod t h tw I>A••u r•tu•f "''d K• .. ~!•t Uti. t~,th ''' ••h11m 'trt' Vr't'V f i\JOIIII\f (It r:,t tuw fun• !'<tA••IIr l'h ~ltfl'V f'·~~ "' f.,,.,, lrtJ( lhtVIIttr'l•• Jcr,....7,1'1' 1'•·11~ llnu•h. '":""'"' T •.1111111Y Ktn.: • ·, I• 11..r M••r-ntnl( I ~·w •r~ •rnrml( ltl•-tll•l will "'"" t•.r 1111' W101 .Jt JST IU·~~EIVED Full Supply of PAPER CLIPS IOe per box of 100 .,. I pt ""' II' I• tu ftrt"'"""" In n<llttlnt'• "" ltr r,:h•·'l ,..,, ....... ""'" , ... '"k "l ''' I"'> l•rr rnr.t nt tN tr .. •l llt•n•• "" h•·• ~h·'flf•nc IIAt 'TlN·r ''' •· t h•· "'m•• ft'\ t two tl•f• wtUt·h eU ftl(l'l ,.., r11h·,... dbpt.y In lhl•tr l)lll('f' "' '""'"'''" llltr••l• Ktrn•l11y HI'Jl"rntlf'r 1• News-n-. II)' rw•unc t.hP hlct--t lr~:••l A • '"'''ll'' tn ,,. I • y hu bfo,.fl '"''"" nt r••rlt ,._, nn hrr llh•IIIIMnl( tnal\oo lly Ulr I I".,._ t.:••t M'lll· fl~t llw ~f' wUI 'know at , ""'lv uriUir•fl lh~ mcr,.tlnce rnr ·r If ..... I• ..... r ""~'l:•--t rrnry ...,.nnd l'tltnd,y ,.r;tt,...•tnt ,..,. ...... I'll ........ ... "'· O.tnl ..... ,_ Tw NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TlMES, Newport Reub, OlltfomJa. Tburwky, Sep'"'\ber 21, 1944 ~~--------------------~~~~~~----~~~--~===== NEWPORT-aAL.aOA NEWS-TIMES I'IIOH'a: NEWPOaT U a II ..... 'II E9wJ ~ ... ~~ AtSoNwn• V•l-XXX\'1 I -....cr1pUoa Payable ln Achanc•: -12~ J>er yKr to Oranae County, I 1:..1!1 per y~ to Ub woe; U uc p.-r yu.r l.o 8tb wnt ~ u Set>ond-Ciaa mattn at lhf r ,,.totttce lo Newport Beach. I c.JttoAI&, uockr thf Acl ot Marcb 3, 1878 &. A. IIIZYER El.llTOR ANV PR.LSIDENT l"nali.q t'l&D~ .\011 W. CenlTill Avl'r.ur. l\r~•porl lkatlo, C..:.l lt~tnlA Off~l Paper of the City of Newport Beach 4 ~..,._.l»le L~l lnltttut•on F.r O••r J4 Yu•• ----------------------------------------------' NAn~ITORIAL8 ; 1944 SSOCIATION I :A£.£'L.. Wanted: A Bill of Rights for Business nFith Ernie Pyle at tire Front Ft·ont ljine Infantryman l~arns How to Kill Enetny Not .11 Killer a• f/{)ar'"' Tlrflse !y t· Boys .Soo11 Vcrelop An:unu·y By Er•le P yle ON THE WESTERN FRONT (Dehlycdl -Soldieu are mudl" out of the strangest people. . l'v~ rcCl'ntlv marlr a nf'w friPn d-j u st a plam old Hoosier -who Is so quie t and humble you would hardly know h~ WU a round Y~t 1n our fe w week<; of mvas t1m he has kill~d four o f the enemy, and he has leornPd war's WIS(' httle waya of dt·stroying lift' and prcsrrvlnf~ v_~_J_u_r_o_w_n _________ _ . , ,, •' I• ,, \··. ~tn '"' •l tr• rt"''m -----------------.. NEWS Lett~rs TO The News-Times! RED CROSS • Activities of the CHURCHES ~==-ao::::::=-r::::IIIIIC:==-=:-==c:J and then latu, to at.ay permanent· Mra.. G. L. Anllftwa HIGHWA'V 1 1 Ar SHOW WINDOW ly. Now If all the Cl'ftl &t'e on , CORONA OIEL MA" deck, and Wid~ awake, and have A reftelher coun~e tor~ ero. OO!IUIUNITY ClltJIICB DPar Editor: lt!~n the danrer ahead, leta aU ,rst AJd lmtruc tora wtJJ ~ give n ~ongregatlonal Wbeo I -trouble ahead. I pull togelhu , and ateu our. good I to the Newport Harbor uea be· P..I'T)' F. -Schrock, Iii~ LD "l111C""Uie Mlf. ~tow 'the "fo" hom . ..aJ.p !n the. right. dlui:_uan.._ -· -t tween Sept-ber ~l and 30. ell&rg<'. Uld call all hahda on deck, for I CAPT. S BENSEN l RJchard Evana ln.troctor from 1 :30 a.m., Sunday Scbool. Tbe am a reUred at'& captain. And 1010 Cou t Hlpway tbe San Francl.co area ofllce wru leboo•l mula In tbe UtU. bW141Da the trouble I -&head Ia what Newpol~ Beach, C..ltf be In Southern California to Jivf on Ja.n1oe lltr'Hl, at Fourth, your Sand Crab aw through hie ---1 thue cour.e. In lt!Venl commun- 11 oo a.m.. Cburcb Worablp btnoculara In that mighty good THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM IUe~, lervlce The •ervtCla 1e bel4 lla edll.ortaJ Jut week In the New•· ANO THAT OF EXPREIIION Tbo.., already bol~ bwtnac. ~ Chapel By ~ Sea," 410· Tlmea. IRe t. one c rab that aboold ---tora card.t may take thl• cou~. ODe.ft Htrbway. n~•r be canoed I I own two Dear Editor : which 11 a tu hour coura., and &rrnoo topic: "Wbo A.re taM hundred fMt of v~U:ant frontage r was stlld to rt'ad llr. Wm V ther.ebv renrw their carde and ~~ ~·· and alllo & hiCh cla.u Motel f&c· J onn ' l<'tll'r alao Carl Spencer·e. thnte ·holrllng advanced tim aJd lnr the bay, on the north ••dt of tut w:1y l.a lt lt anyone aay11 a rarde may take the courae and FULL 008PE.L CIIVliCII th• 0<-un HIJhway which would. word aKnin•t th~ N~w Deal or obt.alo lrwtroclor'e carda. thd ... EWea. eo. .. M-. be aerioualy d&magf'd or tb~ un· I Len<I·Le&M or Roo~~enlt a lot of Evuyone In thn~ two cl&aii\- Sunrlay .c:hool. 9 :45; momJna alghUy bulldlnglll, 1torage dumps. pcopl~ are ready to fight and t>ven ratione who can poaalbly take th• worship. 11 ; Evan&t'llsllc arennce, etc , which were (tven a tempor -1 he 10 allly as to want to wn\1 1111r ot rr re.cl cour~~e llhould call the ~ l:30 p. m.; Mld·week ~rr meet· •?', permit to locate during the, leltc.ra to Hitler. Cto .. of11ce &t 1866 and l~•r Inc on Wt'dnetlday, 7 :(5 P· m.; "ara duration. are t.o bt.> allow~>d l Thllnk Cod Wf' ran all wntl' namf'll 1\nd telenhone numbfT• •Rd young people'11 ~anaeUalic wrvlce to t t dt tt h h h ,. ... t"ndav. 7 45 cnn onue o 1 :;ure 1 t> lfl · nnd ,,·hen t.brat' lettera lii:Jmii'IID$: 1 11180 lll&tl' p~ferepce for day or on uy_, _:_ p._m_.___ way at thla polot Mrs WrOitllt''s ll'tter are vnnt~d t>venlnfl cltu~l!O'II PUUJT t'OUB8Q1JA.U CBfJa(;H A hl«h clnu Motel ciU\nol ,.,1st It 11 ~;rand nlo~ I' S A. bqt when J UI'J:'fn Lnrt'nlzen. locAl chair· Of" COMTA MESA ne&r a m~ar·hlnf' lllhop, unelghtly .Mrs Wr()IJlil' ran·t write nr hav1• man. rPportJ< that thl'l"t' 11 a good CC.'IIurda of t.1w HJcll•·a,-l a... G. WUJanl &a-,..., Paatnr. . Mee 8tearu. Co·Putor ...._. 17'71·1 bulldln~;,t. or anm .. •1f thP &•·t·alled It prtnted I•IOk c•ul! We will haw r hllnr,. I hilt Wf mllv havl!' thP llfthl lndu11trte.. lh.al Wt~.nt the the l!Rme IU Hlth·r llcre Th1• mnbfl l' hiMtl hnnnr 11n.lt ht're ag&ln :r:onln~t laws Chllnj:i'd I n 11IIOW lh~m und·V!Utl' bu:JIO<'!II Ia llllCh ll lat~ In f\;Ovt'mbt'r . tc. rem:un wllh nthen1 to fullow mammoth orrair that thl.'r•• mu.•t 1 Jn thl' meantime. donora who Tbe ~cllon on thl!' north aldc-of nte.da be mlllta kes, but 1'11 tnkl' wi~h to donat e> soont'r msy ,::o or the hlghway, near my JlTTipo•rty. a lest to my Am<'ricani~m 11lon~:· two ts.ken to the orxt mnhi\P unit hu be~o called thf' .flnt'llt alte for l lllf' Mr J onrs o.nytlm<' l 'n Rllntn ~11• whl1•h will be Sep- hlgh clue motela, In all C&llfor· I am nr.t prn·C'annlla •1r prt•· tt mbf!or 21lth, at the F.btll rlub, bf'. nla. Why ~n It by ch&n~tlng our Drttafn I am pm·Amrnran. 11 twt.'f'n lht' houra or ~:40 &.m. a nd Friday, 7 :30 p. m. worahlp urv· lb. R~.'v. Mu Ste•m• in char~e. Sunday Kbool. 9 :30 a. m . Mom&ni worship, l 1 a. m. liJ)e(" lal mus1c. pastor's wnnon. EPia(;OPAL zoning law. Wf have 8 t u·s t clue have had nearly 300 .w;nlr•·ml'n 12;10 n(l(ln JUMMER IERVICEI crew now In tbe city hall honut l ln my hum" fnr rneaJs and over 11 you .,.,"-h to ~n then w 11 you EMil Clu_,.ouM, Newpon aaa~ and capable m•n tao'l 1 tlmt'l night a.nd I have hurd a lfttJ,. call the lcX'I\1 office IIJ1d ma.ke an 8uoday•: June li lnt'O\llb Sep-that thry woke up. 81\CJ took notll'f about t..-nd·l.A>II.Ile from tltl'nl I appofntmrnt ~ t.alber 10, UN4. ot wbat Ill golog on? Thne h&Vf' been ca.tlela. eoltllera.t Some very tine mall! have ~n 8.00 L m . Holy Communlun. Tbla mile ll.rip of htghway 111 paiJors, n:arlrfl'll a.nd Waca. Twn aent me. tor. lhr lllllf' 1>! advertlaeN 11:00 a. m. ~1omlnl' Prayer th!' front wlJH1ow .,, the Nf'wport· boys from f\;()rlh Afrfra nne nt or any olhf'rll who will help publl· and ~rmoo. I Flnt Sunday.,. Holy Balbo&. area, t h• ooly part ol them uid h•• Wlfl' In I hill country claf' tbl' ~rf'at n~ed tor all klnrll' Communloo.) Newport lhOUMnca of pM.tng I had t(• borrow cllapera fnr hl'r ' of adtfltlons.l nurwlng ~rvlc~• ConllnnatJon of a clau by the mntorlat• an(( l•lur llltM ... ~ of our ni'W bl\by. whlll' It Wall belnJC wom AnY ad\•ertllll"fll or olh~MI whc• R.t. ~ W 0. S city The bay aldl' of lhl' m 1lr ror hrad-drrila . ..tc In Afrka.-will UM' ttoeee rnalll In an wa tn D.D., Bi~hop .ot r:!.~ael;.~ena,l will alwAys ,be attractivE', bec:au~~ Afrlca.n babl"• l(o undrf'llllt'd ~"n· i gt't t o ours ng oerde ~ore y tht The Htv. RoMrt M. H orarth. Of a ~e high cl&all boal!l tiler .. di• erally AJ'tll 81' Ull'y had to dev1ae pubhc may hnve free uae of tbr K. A .. St. Paur• In the Deaert, pi >,ed. 1111~ t he IIJ!Ort flohlng n~t. "nmt>. uae lor diaper c·loth Of meb by calling. me at 20AI nr Palm Springs All Welcom~: I (( would C(Jj!t nur r lly lt>ss to buy j ruur~ .. It 111 8 mleta.lu• but It leavr namrs at the ~ C't<11f' -__ _ _ up &\I the prnp4:-rtlt on tb" nort.b I wnui<J be a mnr,• !IIPrtOU!I one tf ottlre FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIIT, llilh• of lhe Mlle. and tOm H Into Wt' couldn't t~ll lt. •tr. Sp.-orl'rl Th!' :"11tfonat Hw Cr081 would ICIENTIIT j a booaullful park. that w outrt n•l· jumped all nYI'r nur Jananry Jar k· gft'lltl)' appnorlolt ll tf nur local Lido Theater, Central Avenue ven•se our rlty aa 11 should ~* 8'1• 111111 "''''&WI<! llht• .,.,., 01 1' what she 8dVo·rUAt•rs wnuld run three frr" and VIa Lido V••rtiBI.'rJ. than to alll•w lhla frnnt-11aw and expruat'd her opinion and mata In thrir rl'g\llar advrrtlllln~ A br&ncb of 'fbe·~otber Chun:h. llf{r to be d<'Cacrd with hul\lhnll:tt aUII kept hl'r tft>lld wlul'll nn•· BPBC:P Thc•n• 11 11' "II I'IIJ\t'll anrl :'he J.1nt Chun:b-nf-Chrlat. SCI· :ln•l rntl'rprt~es. Ul:'lt "Ill eo~l ""r r uulda't •lo In flu.ll>.:t. Hilly "r rnnny kln\1!1 with plcturea whtrh ential. tn uoeton. l4._c:hu..-tta. rtty ,.c, mut•h In t•'Joutnll"n But ~rmany itlulltrat~ ll"m .. or thP ur:~t~nt pl'Ob II st>rlr11 of mott'\e. ...:luc-h w111 I t•njo> th,· lady's W1 1 tm~::-. lthoUI leme tbe nursing 11llortagc pN' &ntlay Schuol at 9:30 L m. 11111 • I)' lh•'Sl•· ht'r ... wnuld VIe with w hen llh•• llvt•oJ In H11nnluh1 0 11r ~rntA Suoda.r Al'MriCP at 11 a m. Wed· ~Urh nlha 1 m " tl ~r n o,.Jng •••tr prnr· govf•mrncnl Is gr .. wtn,:: tuwnr•l a llun t r .. rJ;!'t th;U pint nf t)lon.l o~ay T.-attmnol.al Mt't'tlng at 12 'rtw,. o'lr~t• t•w· hy h11vlo~ Jl&rk-!"n•"Af"•r !:•t\wrnmrnl but ~'' f~tr 111 ~t11 hllJh• ""' ri«'J n 11 1ot n11w ll•tn'l o'clock noon. l1k t 1 1 1 h I ,. •·IJ ranr·l'~ 1\rH • r Yt>\VIl.)'!l l c lwst emmtry '"' rail h. h<~rrlnr.: forr:• t thr !!1trg1Cal 1lrt'!18ln~ jol Reao.llnl( R<l«'m \tl('ated at 711 t',.tluf.!"" And aportmt·nts 1 um. nutw A lad) r,v.·u l•• rrP ngnlnxl nv" depend!! 110 you lit'! I' til home l:aat Cl'nlral Avenue, ~boa. I.e pl• I•· • "''''i:'h I n atlran Jl('nnftnPnt C'opllnlh•m nnrl fnvnrt'(l Hus~ln'll Since mtr summ l'r hc:lrr•n• Rntl open datly from 1 p m. o 5 p. m. J.:ll\'~1"' ...,., lllrl 1,... hulll In far t 11.re gov('mOJPol I Mid, "Why do we junior girls ba.vc 1\'ft Uh· •·:uri< UClapt Sund&ye and holiday• na· • l•tnnnetl now htr i\UJ<C' th" ctly hBVl' t•• p11.n fmmlgnltton lawa and room• you here w111 han• tn roll UGDally <>bwrved. n(ff<"tll lll Will protect th«' ptoPt'rtYI have quota11 to k~tp U:ll'm from up your aluvu a lftU~ bigher If TIM put. :X Ia cordially l.llvlted \0 1 o..-.'Tlen. aa U\ry know they havl' a comln~r to lhla country IJl bt~ 1 our quot.aa &re t.o be auat.a&ned .n.ld tbe cbun:ll Hntc• aD4 ~ nght to be protected. 1 owr.bers lr Rusa•a U. Parlldlae u 1 • BIRTHS die Readlnl Room. I It cl'rtalnl.v w ould ~ commtorclal' yoo aay '!" ' --•ulclck. .. thr Sand C'r!tb ~~. Writing a nt! tt'lhng Wh8t wt CDJIIT CIIUJlCIIIIY THE SEA t•• lt'!llil'n th .. v11.lue or thle remark· are. work!! lUI t'hi'Ckll and balancNI Born sstun!ay al St JOMph,. OIMDmualty MeUtod.l•t I (I klly IO<·att'd (rcm t.age on C'alltnr· • In 11 R<-puhllc l:kc tJUrll W• au hocp•W "3..8 8 dau,;hler lo Corp .... E. D. OecNiell, Paator , nla'e gre~ul b.igbway by letting I not 8 d~mr• rut•y b•1t 11 Hcprt>~enltl · and Mr11 Hom•'r BnrUt>~ I)( 300A EarlY momlni wors~l 9:30: I'' hf' dt•Cat·l·r\ With hlllll\tngll t hat tlve (l)rTn "' gnvrmnll'nt \\'hPn ' 0ci'IIJ1 f'rnnl, !'l:t \'.p<lrt Ul'arh ~~ ~~~ al-:·o~~~k a.m .. \\Ill kt·l'p totllrtlltlt awny, llllflfad \Ve r>ltdg .. &.lll'1;liUit'4' to the u.::; On Fnr'nv " 91 ,, Wll.!l ,.,~ Ill Sundlly t"Yenl;,a ~~ervlct•: 7 ·30 nf tmn~tn~ llll'm tn Ill! to viAil,l and ll' lho' Rl'publlr· ,,.,. whil'h It ~t Jnsrpll·.-· hn.~pit"'l t•l ~lajur ~~/ o'cloc::k. -lllnntf~: nn•' n11tlun ln<hvi!lth\1' !'llr" Mnntr·lnl<' Aml,.rl!On, 101 M.ld-w~kprAyerM>rvil't'.WC'dn~·~ ST JAMES EPISCOPAL Wllh htwrty anrl JlllO\H•• fCH 111l ' l>IJtlfl. l.ulo l.cl•• ft day; ceYt'red l1l11h dinnPr, 6;30 p.m. CHURCH J~ 1\ M :-i,;-l. an1l M r~ Wrnu••ll TIHlmnf -. 1 Ebell Clubhoutt t:lo OJ•IIn "''''IIIII', ll<tt1J< a. h.·v•· 11 t'HRIS'fl \' 'I lt." I I Ill 1:1 II f." ~t~ Centr.al Ave .. Newport Buch Tit• lnw11 vr natur1· c1r" til.-"''" horn !"1m1lnv al SL ,JnJ<l•ph·~ "llalll)" "'" ll• II •· ~"'''""'"I I 1 r\1\l'l' a ''"''""" Ito "'•••II •f(ell.• "no1p!al · lhe SunoliiY l ·•· 'I ,,. Ill .t il ' Tempora ry Supply Cttrgy a rl' J'l "lutt·li, hut thl'l "'""l to •" It \\n:l ·''""'a ~·Ill 1., '" :-;, •. lrfl\, DniOdiPII o! Ill•' llotf' 1 I t1·ll' ft. ~~ 1:, a Ill ~l•lltl..tY 81 hout. M!!rlt'l lfl\\i-:•"'1' 11 , lllll<l' wt111 h 111,1 1 ,1,.,. at ~I .Jn~l' th'.o h•<,, • 11 ,11 T. ·h· The FirAt r """''' "' 1 '' • 1 ·"' •· ,, .: :0.1 11 1 1 . I I 1 • • • u IIIII, ID llo''''" .,,,.. ,;.,•t .. , I• ,. I • ;, •::ul''""" ttllprr ntcnct'llt '"I"' hng '' Ill<'!'" rotl~s 1'h"""'" .:-~:t a nti ~fn• r,t''ITf:" ~rntlh. 12.~ rrom Jntlll'~ .. , I,.,) , ..... 11 I'll I ,fl,•l • "''I ll "" I Ill !\lollllllljl !'{l'rvu (' and Hl•lo\ !';:.pphtr<• IIVt:>nue, Bnlooa lslnnd ··v~ry ,.,.,,,,r•f t:''' '"' ftufll ;d•••\•', i\ntt eornt\lh ,,,.\\ n flt•tu tl•r• t ·"'•••r ttr JIAhl,., t\tf~l l'l • ll<ro UH \,,fl'f11)t• nt'N , DPIIIIPr '''"''11" r•f fllrJIII1•! ' Jn llJ· ,;,. '" 1 IHI '• "' ,,, ., • fn COS'f.\ ~I E~A CO~Uit:SITV ( lll'fH'II ('arl B. Juhn>Mt n, ~tlnl,tPr IU E. ~OUt St. l'h. :!&7;\·R lhur. h !'ichool fl -J;) u 111. l\1(•1 ntn..: \\ or~11p, II n'l'l•ll k Yo111 h J.:riiiiJI~. I lt!..h S1 hn11l, In 1 l•'lllll'dlltll·. 1\llult. li .((1 I' fll EH•ntn.: M'I'VII't>. 7 ;II) n·c·i•wk ·"'""''' k lr lll•"''"li find p1 ,tyrr, ,,.,.d,.,•,d.•r 7 ~~~~ p m. lhl' llle.:tnhlllt' 1\'l~ Ill•· \\'u l•l "11•1 1he "'"o11t \\,. \\I'' ,;., 1 .•n ·l ,,,,. \Vor4 • •• l<c..t Ill 11 .. , •• I" t •· tTI,td# b)' Jfl'tl, , •1,f \ 1'1 u il t Pff \,I • uof any lldut.: lll•t.lt• Ill 1 11.• 111 1ol" · l'hl• •~"'' lwn 1111111 1.•··" ,.,, ~ 1~ .tlao lnrlud•••l 111 '''" 1.• ,., •· 11 "" "I .. now tlltll. "l1:ot••" "'r (;II• I t1Mfh It •h:lll I••• ftU • ,,,, t ttflttUC .,111 .,;. pur w 11 ""r '"" 11•'·1 • r.tk I ~ .. :\'f:"'iTII U.\ \' \0\ r;"Til'TS ,,0 trom It rJ1 1t "t1 , , h 11,, t ornr r \\11lnut and ( hur<'h ~h. hP .. ft IJII flU" I .. n·l I"·'' "I I., ,.. •.. c·o,la ,,, ..... be hath •lr<'.t•lt ,,. ... 11 """ ,;,., n• Sll~ll~llth .~rh•><•f. :awrrl.ty morh· tlulr~lh t11111 "ltlrll •• fill~'' " • lnl:; .1 Jll o l'lc~·k at11 ry Dnk••r ~:cloh .. .,~~ In ··~~~ I I n•ilrhm~ 'f'tVIr ". 1 la. m. f'Uct> a nd llenlll• ""'' "•·Y 10 '"'" • ~crlptul'l!ll'·• "Thll 111\11•• •f,.rl..rl": Ot;R LAO\' 01-" ~fOl'S'f <.:AR~F.L 'All t.blnr;• .-Prl' 1113tfP b~ lltm I "" <"Illite H rtltloe Word ) Rn(l "'lfl111111 llfnt l 1•:!!'\\'. C4'ntral, !\t•<>port ~""h wu ont aorrhfnlt mllrh• thlll "n,. Sunoll\y mas~~" at "· Hl & 11 [1. rn.j made.' 1'hla I• ""' Pt<·rnlll l••rlr) At diYine SriPnr•• ... "I'll" 'rHtlllt.lf realftJ 11 t.b<~ •cleotltlc: tac·r In all thlnp." I ~'f . .rnns \'IAs"r.'· cnnt<'ll ,' Sl4 \tarln4' An .. 1\alto<•a h hu1d ~•llo.la~ I!H~~ Ill " :l1) 11n1\ 111 1\. m The World'~ Ne\Hi ~f'n Throu~h THE CHIUSTIAN SCIENCE l\IONITOR An lnCtT'ltllllllltll /).t~l . \(·11-•/"oJ1'CT l'tll•l ,ltf .l '"" What's the Rush? Siegfried Line f, r • \ • • .• l '. I 1 \ l I I ~'I l i I .If'' ' t '• I ' .r 11 r 1·lr •I ddH I A11 rrt~nttu•n " ' ~.11·11 :on I orr~ 1 r _.,,, t •. ,,. ~t'mt-1 TH,E CHRISTl.'\.'\ . C ll:\l'L l'L /111'111 ·c; 'OCII:n . OnP. Nni'wny Slrl't't , n.r.tnn ~~""'"'1111"<'11:- h TrulhtuJ--<'onlltrU<"th·~t·nhlll,..'c1-t'rf't' frnm ~l'n,ntlnnsll'm Editorial• Are Tlmt'IY 1\n(l ln,trur thr an•l u , H:tll~ l'<':ttur.-,, l n tMr with t~ \\ C't'"ly M11 &:87lnr ~(·t\nn. ~11114,. thP "lonllur an C Ne-paper for tht' Uunll'. t .,"" ,. ,, t ,. \' , t " ., d ... , .. In &pt£'mlx•r )~1:\~. Adcoll' llith•r ins(lt'l'ft'<i l hl' ~i('gfrhotl n .• h ,,. II .1: t .. ~ l •t \I I I , I r ' r' · 1\ r"'"'" • rl.l\ '· '''" -.f w_,Hf'r : ... h,dl~ ,, 111111·· t Une which h aci j11't l'f>t'n l'(lmplrttod. Tiw \ ast f ortifka 1 inn~ --DlUch of them lJ111l1 und .. •,·ground-1.''\lcnd(xJ many miltos in clepth. They had t ht' mo:-t mi.XIt.'rn Wl'apons and \Wrt' s1 1 *1Jl1Ul)y conrealt'Q th:11 11 pPwe,·fltl fo rt nai~hl appt•:tr to Hw ~ to be nothing but a fannhmt"C. Wheft he finish<.'d his in:-:pt'dion. lien· Jlilll'l' tlu~w txwk bill bead, pushed out his r h1•st and shouted definntJy ro ,,, ' • It ' 1;'1' '' ' • ' h;...r ;Jt J 1 , \ All 1!1 •• q•,t •'''"~.~t '' • ·· ,,, ... ,,t 1 du·t .,. ·' • •I• :"\If'\ I\~ lf'. ,\' t "-' f 1 l ' A, 'ua'h t ,. ,'( :t':' ·'" t •' .H ~'''It:) f ,,. •11\1 n '~ .. , 11 ~1'\ hn orj~r tH \A'f"JI e }llt a In \l',lfJ tn 1\f" • frt•fH I .. \ '-~~.·r. ' ,., •n ' "ln,, .J.ut-1n tbe world that no invack'r WOUJc1 t'\'<'r set foot On G<'mlan SOil. n l<''r u nnl' n . ., •htn( I •ant tn tht'm Th(' roa ... and l.hr blllt'mu~ Six )"'l!!aJ"' pass. Now it is ~pt('fTll.x-r 19-l-1. News flash : u~ ,..,,,,. ''* '' I• ,,. lhP crnund thf'r~ 1•· tl • orr',nrrls •nd bt'tw~ --...eh fgh . (;e .1 .. AI trn '• ••') Ol'"l'<'t 1nl• F'rA nrt Ill lhr lhr 11.-·~rto "• t ;>I "lll'moOn IIIYf UAJUed FOI'Clel In •u-=:oaau• are I ling on nnan SOl . -cr· I'U'h ""' ,, htl'n ru Jin< pa•<t'O Af'l'l li t• 1:\llll'lllf~· camt • ......, .aiDe ol the fortifications of the ~lgfrh>d Lint> hlh'e at><o .· "" .. f1 r rt H, tt-r ••'' ,., r• "'•" t-r8nrt that lh• air ~ Jnto An1erfcan hands. This d<X"S ndt mean that tJle ('0· • I'm IHrt' Ul •l ba~lt Ill f:n&laM r fl't Ia ll>r , .• ·nc fll!hl arm In \hal 1 ,,., olhl'· 111"' -bnm i>N crrw' II unl M ,. ~ 1• 1 1 ,... b tf----II wUI be ee.si.ly pit>rct"d, ~~t tht> conviction ls • 1 nn 1'1 II na t "r''"' -WIUI aln • <I ""P' and maybt' tllo Y du1 r IH'III.C 1•,,: "'·'>"IPss\J and f'-•ef lfOWia&. that it cannot long delay the mt'O Unck-r ~r:1l .... lh II' 0>1' a•1uJ knf'wlf'<1ff tii.H IIIJIItiKl• • 1 ~r • 11 •mrnl ••f tht t~lnl• D bcJtlrer lh•"• h.llt ~~111'(1 ~" own Amr r1ran .,., d••lo•" 1 lht• "" C'otpe Ia u,p 0 • \1~'-''" But J "'""I to ••1 thlt Ill thrra bat e ':.~"·" ~h,.•d of 118. Why? BecaUR thll•v has demonstruted beyond Qlk'S· __ _ _ __ ------- Prtcoe 112.00 \'nrl~, nr 11.00 • ~lnnth. .. tltr4aJ' I.,..IH'. IIH'hfdlnc Ma~:ulnl!' ~linn, . $:!.~ • \'f'at lntrochiC:It»ry Offtr, 8 S.tuNJay Juur11 .!6 lt'nf• Q'IIIMaNe at· Ch.rbtian Sdf'nN' Rf'adln~ Uoom '111 Eaat Central Avenue Bal~ California MODEll MARJIE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA. ISLAND tlaD lbat forttftcadona in themselves ha\'e littJ~ vaJI.It' for. dt'-will ro n-sl,;;t ls crumbling • Titr liM~· rs s!tll th£'t~ we th.~ .... uaa-the troop1 who man them fqcht wath detcr8Wla· 5plrit is Clickerlng out. ru~hr now thl' vnant<.'d "·<'St wall mnv tlaD. Today the Sle.lfried Line tUU stanck but lhfo ~llll 1 oo Ut!W mort> than a ~I and concn-te COC'l*"· · ; J...--------~~~~~~~~---------....; IT'S THE TELEPHONE RUSH. Every nigM tl)ousand• of 1en1ice men and wome, ~ash 10 the neor• est lelepho,es to tolk with fomili" and friends of home. Most of th• long Distance coils from compt and flovol 1totions ora crowded llltQ • few ahort hOul"l. Many clrculta ON likely to "• crowded ot tt.ot H~tte ofld It helpe 0 lot ..._ 'f'OU .. ..., the llnet dear fr'Oflll 7 to 10 for ..mce '"" Will WIOW!eft. IOUTHRN CALIPOINtA TIUPHONI COMPANY III...._M. ,._lUI .. .... ' ~============~~--~~~~--~~~~NE~W=P~O~R~T~·B~A~LB==O=A~NE~W:~:TTM~:ES~·~N;~~rt~--~--ae_h~,-~_u_~ ____ Th_~--·~·-~~~--~_r_2_t._1_~ ____ ~----------------------~~~~~nw.~~- 20 to 350A, Pri~e I MOVIE COITRACT fOI ! Beach Guard Housewives Urged Mack's Plio to , ............... Identificatioa Photos o..&o..r.. .......... ~ l ·Mw Mnkle Portraita at 1eulble &mc- IIUyl't.o .... •••a'P"'"'ta ... l'llotoa&aUe Copies Gift Shop CoatunM! l owolry Bouwealta, Ete. PAUL NORMAN 'Y ACHT SAIL MAKER& S alta, Awnlnga, Boat Cov.,... 224-,. 21at St. Newport Beach Phone 207 Rise Seen on Cars, Will Bl To Spend Blue Household Items HARBOR HIGH GRADUATE C.ntyv~~~~ at Tokt'n R at Onre Tbt!' first nrw r an!. refr1reraton and wub1ng machlnu -.111 cOIM 20 to 35 per cent more lh&n their E . ht y Old K 'th ·n Jue.-An of Coeta prt-WIIr countt>rparts. & survey of If ~n-ear-a en e .. • """ Govt>mm~:nt and t rade S<\Uft"t'S in· I MPS& Bttains First Step in Realization of tlh'ftt t'8 • h D---A treM F:llllfnalf'<f IO('I't'lllf'a In IIOme l Life-Long W18 to oa.vme an crynn t'fTil!!ttmf'r ,. .. ~ ("f>!lll't. UM'mbl~ fmm WI'H O l'A 1\nd 1 r a d e ''Trlna Lowe", 18. wtth whom MGM movie studloe ln R nl· '""an·o·s nln •ut f~lluwe . . lvwood last WeE-k arranJted for R long t£>nn contract. wtU I~ Autnmobtl.-~ up _II In 30 J>l'r tent, . ben.>d s Katherinf' Ivf'n;Qn or CO!\t& Mt>Sa, who gnactu. but Wltll lhllnt' t•s! mal• 8 rllllJ:Inl( ~mt>m Na. rt H bo H. i h h I 'ifh the cia• or ,,s lnw lUI ~~ Mol lUI high ,.,, 40 .ttl'd from ewpo ar . r g sc oo " , ... r o·Pnt • · 1943. In an exclusive interview with a N~-Times ~rtf•r. Rnllou 8ft.A. up 1~ tu :z:> per cl'nt. her early ambitions for the 1 Wauhlng ma(·htnew anu ln>oer•. !;t HJ::<' were tolct. 1. MRS. AME RICA UJ'l :.!:> tu 35 per ~·t•nl. 1 In IP21l l\lr ttnd :\fr11 Hlln ;o s Vacuum cleant·J'!l, up uhout :.!5 IVC'Iat'n w h o now rt'AI!it.' at :>231 M~ETS DEFEN E pcor c~nt . l llamllt<>n .trt-f·t. Cnlrta l>l•'l u. w .. rt> --1 a,;l~·ctrt.-and gu refrtgeralotll, ""'"1: In Juv1t w'hllr lofr. l v1•reun Rl'memtlf'r Mra America , you'll up 2:> to 35 per cent . Clltrlr d out a fl\'t'·Ytar <"nntra•·t l'f' 1111\ng <>nly blue nampe lrwU<Id BUV W AR B ONDS C..peay B. N-,..rt a-M, a ..at of Uw1 ht 11\attalll..a, 4.U. 11rc1-1. C'alUorala Stat~ 0 ...... •111 Join w1UI .,tht'r Mm paaMo. of Uw-bettalkon Ia a bl· n -14 1M> ht'kt Ia Oranr I 'ouaty part& tt.oclnnlftlf Mlllur · day "'"'nina all4l •xt•..aJnc ,., ... r In "'"lid&) altf'rlltJOfl. fo'onnal I(Uard nenunt wtll t... n\&lntalftf'd aU ,._turday nlah t wiUt l.a..ftty of "fun" a•roeQI~I '"' tho..,. "" 1(11ard. ~-•Ill two fural.twod for tht' prrtud. Tralnln& ftlma wtll ht' aho'"' ~furday t'\•l'ft.lna. F.\•r nl'l, IIM'Iudlftlf tht' aua nl m4,mnt, and dlill• wtll ht' coon1· llf'fll h·... ('ompeay I w111 •tar J> dl'moll•tratloll &'\lArd ntounf li•'IIIW'-. 1\ t'l 111 I llr N<'l\'l'"rt liar ""' 1\h'" hll\'r until mlolnl~ht ~ .. ,, l,.ntt'f'r ~I) t.• •t"'"•l lhelr bluf' ra lll>n l•lltr ru> T111a wru lhr r<'III'IHifr h'IID\ rn •m ltnlph I ' M1 "k"'' o·hl\1' !llllfl I ••f lli'A',. \\•11r I'll<,. 1111.1 ltAI I••IIIlljl 1'-''" ol Nn tt:' tl tl ll•···n·-l"'lllb f'o•opolro·ot r •• , 1'1\1\ n.\,t .... ,.,,,1,. r•·Utt\t ntna: •itt th•· , " II• " 11~1 ",... In nlnlttph'• "' 1 r·n 1 t II' A ''Ill t•••rmll l''"'lln" ''' I ••k•·11• ,.,, 1111\l h' o•lld• rllll\' lllttk r Ill' 11111111 ttr 1•'11 t'hnlt•rtUUt ~f~t•kt"'\ Mtlld l 'r•t4hl• ,,. ••1\ "hu-h t•ln. lh•tnt ~~t t\fwt f•''l\llt't'tl '"'' 1 llt\Ht''' ft 1tllll ~ :""'"'' '"'i ~" . ••"nr•• ''""'*''· ... ,.•. ' I\ I .... , ... ,.., ' hill ""'" .. ~"""' .• r th•· "''\\' I"''''' 'u""'" "''"''''ll h1lttl••h · \kH1ht"'' ~•"t•tt~t1th•·r 11111 A N.1 'J. o·sn ''' tr>miii«Wa RADIO w llh the Shrll Oil Company. t n cof t h Illite hlue tnllen• af1,.r F"t'bruury ur t h at ,.,.11r. Kutht>rlnt-Ortn.;r 1111 fnr ca nnt'd tnalta and an\! hrr t-.·tn brnth<'r Jat·k Wt-n! jwea tnmatnfl . r &lltllfl a.nd rllll1 S E R V J C E born F'rum lht' tlmt' llht• wall a aaurr. ao hurry And IMN' up th<w Whllt' n f'ryu..t•a wtll e. ron diJC'IA'od atrtc-tly "army" It Ia pronaleNI filial UN! drtlla, f'IC' Will •ot ~ ·-.. ,.._, ... IJ1r Of~r.. ""' aWIIIf' l hal thf' '•·nt ''''"' th r t,, '"'••ut\' I'"'IUt• Tf>llll\h• <'Ill 1'\IP nt 1'\1111 "till• •' H n7. l'w\lnlno•r 111•<.,>1 frnm llltrt 1 ll> llny len. tho• Ja\·anrM • rollrd hrt rem&Jritnr: blue t okrna betWf'f'n ao-. Auto, l(art.e a.4Joe ......,.. Trlna, thr nalil't' l'qulvalf'nl or n nw anot ttw rn1l ,,, th«' mooth. lo•r MulDe Eleetrie&u Klllho·rlne In ."Pdkln~t .!o her, lhr y wnn't ~ llOI' ,r:fW.(rafter thnt -Ia '"" 1(11&1'11 al"'! all •·ork · lnr .-n all4l Uw"'fo"" wtU nt~t "be.r do ..... 106 miJC'h. '"' \ , ... ,,," Burt R.. Norton th•'Y ."ould "">'· 1'riDB ~:· meBn· And OPA u ya lt'a okf':V to lltl"l 1\llrot 111 711~' l'h•n,.••ltlll A\'rnur l"ur ''"" ''"' M 11 r J :IIIOO ...... UIT I'"~ "l'rlna . coml' hrrr g., the vc>Ur ff'w retl'a lnlnJt blue tollena llll eo..& IDpwa,. h'I:WPOaT BltACB family rallt.J hH T rlllll tJl wh\l'h, with " nrl~~:hhnr tn ~rt Ute l"f'qUI"'d ' Bua·ldt"na Perma"ts romr to be Trlna L.<•we · 1 1~ Cor h l'r profl'ltelnnal n11mr hM ten \\'ho eu the food .. up '"I ,., Jut1~ot•· 1-:.tu ''"''" ~~~~~ .. ..,..n, lro•" t "alit I"'' 1 :1'''"'" ... llhllttv f"Jli>ll fl...: tlltnllllfo• lo> •IW,.Ihnl( al :117 \'lro Quilt• $4fl(l LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME Q U ALITY F U BNI8.1N 08 ........ &. ...... 991 vnu tn t K ue. Kath.-rlnr. Ja~·k an(.\ tht••r r••un.:· -~~~ vnur ramt11• I(O far ballrd NEW~OAT BEACH f'r alater L11l1Wl whn wll1 l'lllrr' onion• ~r thlrk •llrr • of twe••t 1:•.14 USC In N uvembt·r In tht• &lwnl ur hC'rmudu with thrlr hamburpr•·,tll:l•; Jt•umalilllll, 1«'11!:""'' !<• "Vf'Rk m Thl'n y011'll rt'C'I'lVf' with rt&d a.·. 1!13•1 JaviUlt lit' All tht'lr Cll'llt lanJCIIAJ!f' 1·t•lm nl'w11 fmm t he War P'nnd 1 1!1:17 a.lt hnu(:h they undtralond Engllab Admlnl8tratlnn that nftl ~vy 14:\' bC'for" movln~ tn thl' ~tutf'l in ~:onmm .. n t war nf'eda wiU not u•t 111:.10 1930 when Trlnn Will' • )'l'llr!l ol•l • up the bumJ>('r c mp, 8o we'l"'! all !!140 t '1\'JI' l111mllln11 21110 l.afa)•t'll f' 1120 :!ll\,lli. 497,440 IIVf'llllf' llf'l ,;,.,,Inn lo'lnollll\' tf' 71\11,011._ ""'"' ,,, r .. of\, .. r .. ,,., luno• """~' , .. .,, !oOH {KI<I roltt•r>~llo>n~ '" llll<'rt"r $411(1 lill,I\J i l''n rl Aht..•v ~knla ~·• 1"'1 1 lit'l,i •!l r. .. r.lun F ln•IIHV t.:ll\11~ In t~"•'h ,,, 1 040 l :l:l •IWf'lllng 4111 A•·••·u• avf'nll•' f 'nr l ':t''\1• 411 , o>n8 olr\ t.ll\t, t!\IMI ·~:93~ II I' I'Uiukl, !H 3 t.111rlr11' RV · -.. IVIIUU - l'hOI'If' 7t.1 today naa~ 'l'l•m •n'• ""l"'rt l'f'I'Sir •~ \'k(' It'• 11111 w un .. lll)' to \.l'y and O&)fOral• )o•UI ~tttll'• W It II '"llm. 11 nor I v ronollllon .. .cjUitH>INII , I h• 1olM In •• ,,.. lim• •'I.IIU\1111,..1 •nd til• ap- 1'""1 ""r• ••f "'"" tumed out. '"" ,,,,.,, t11" '"'""'" fool· b hl ••t•lnPI1 ll)' nut haviiiJ &11\HIII)I I 1'1>1111 • nii!Uif', &ltd lull rttlrl""~' maintain.-. • OFFICI DISKS e DUPliCAnNO MA~ • VISIIU PiliNG SYSTEMS e AootNO MACHINU e MINO CAIINITS • OfftCI CHAIIS PheM741 MILLS & PARK FURNITURE CO. Aapl!'t'd To 81' Actreaa 1 ur~w to 11lnrt' mrulmum quutltltt l l\141 "The du lre to lw 1w actr«'" mad" n t the t ear Jetkl'rll durlnlf the !)t'llk 1114:1 lllll'lr felt e&rlv In Tr1nu'a m ind <>f the crop. and to lncr~ our • fur Whl'n 11hr ~aa In Cn.ta .Mf'aa flll'a on nnlon t•nntoum ln( ~tr<'' J:rammat· l <'hool at lhl' age of lA'n I Havt you n<•llcl'd how m•ny Jl" "'" 1. llhe hau chuaen th" llliiJ:•• aa bt'r more thlnRII arr ap~a,rtna OD •·•·IJrullr) 1943 "llllt' tl"ll•~• lalaw l, o•l•-In l"f'ar •H .:"lllt:r 1,n,1 "'""•' lltnratt~ ••••un, J!\4lll DON'T Throw Your Old Mattreu Away ••• Suta Ana $.. ., 1JL»00n. t:D~ ~IJ Xu~ Of.JJLMt ~ * r,,., Ltl'fnl ]rtHI~rr. J1 s,.,.,. S'"w. Y• "· w. Cor. 4th & Sycamore sANTA ANA ON CRIDITI ~o0t N~~~ proff'a~rwn Ht·r ''"'' part l.n a aore ahelv N In ~eta .. contailleTrt ·1 \farrh· school play wa.. wllo>n llht!' wa ... In, T hat'a be<'auae thA' War Production April tilt!' lOth j!rutle In Ct>lta M ~IIA, S he Ro.rd haa relea.aed m ore , .. for W•v later aludled at Lr C'unte Junlur <'lvlllan Ull<' Th~ avaflabiiUy of , Jun~ High &Choul w•h..re ahf' w u active ~otlau rnnta lnera for Pt~CIIaltn•1 July In dramatll'a mollt ronda dn1p , a nd healtb aup-Au~l't Tr1na rntt!'r~•l Hnr bor U I It hI pll.u Ia now unlt.miUd WPB •Y•· St-ptf'mtlf'r lr<'bool aa a frf'llhman and hu \:lf't'n I 'To ma.rket·lo m arket-to buy a Ot'tubo>r 110 loyaJ lo II , that aJthnu,rh her I fat piJt • and lr you Lreat lolr, Nnvrmbotr t raining '''' tho· lllal!,. hM k • pt Amer1<'a to Julrv m ... ty JIP&ft-rlbaiDfaomtM'r hl'r In H, llyv•ood rnur h of the ynur rfil fM'Ini.JI won't autrer &11)' Total 1!\.23~ \\' s '""1•1. ( '•rutl• ''"I t.1 otr. 4,1133 f"'t t•,.t1•rot~u h ulhl lliUaJ: .. with 7 e7T l •ll,r lllna: ""''I :1111 l':•llo(t'WIOI •r J 14!• S! ;,llll 1 12,71.1 1 Ah·•arh lf'r K rnlm rlll'l l.~tlklft•ttr 14,0&0 8 \'f'llllf' I'""''"" olrl t.111r h~tllol 7,,l!l~ l<l<>rRI(f'• lllrllolll\1( •t !\l 'J. t""nll,.a( 8.760 >1\'rt>Uf', Jfll.IO 'l.'l 3iiS A II Kllltr,.rr 4!1',! l hll ., ...... 1 13.~0 10014 16.160 1(2.377 l"'lf\lt\11 ""a< h, IOU\111 Llfl .. •8\ury ullt'·<'ar J(ICriiJl .. AI I\Ol AC'At'la IIV f'lllh' l'•trllfiR •trl Mill , $301l C OHTA IIE8A It Ia Valuable! Cotton N'vr r we""' out lluve It rrbullt ~ uw the dlfft-ren("l.' . . . ~ AAIIIMiet......_,....._ ~--.. At T a E lUi C 0 . c ........ ttm.. I hi' hu . man11g.,u ln "Jif'ntl IOM !"pllrf' rlha are juat ocw nt 1 at leut h&.lf nr rarh IICiluol y<'nr j th .. mruw pcunt.frf't' <'uta of m f'alj 1944 ·------·-------------------------------------------------------------- hf're, trra<JuaUn,:: In Junr ••f IP43 and wh•l bo-lter Sunday d.lnnf'r -~ 1·nulrt vou lmR Rinr than apa.re·rlha iJanua ry tH\!\e!'l TAKE HER T() , On USO Tour 'bakf'd · IIWffl ptlta toc-a, and I'OMI I h bruary 111 740 1 ~ A I though Trlna waa r htJAo•u hy hrPI\d/ Nn "'""'" low C'041l-Ule ,Man:b ~11.1 7~ M.r. M tor ht•r •.JramBtlr nblllh•,1 h<'worwlff''ll d1"um. May 4:1 4H lhl'\' rtlot nnl 0''1'rln<•k twr mrln.llt nu1 vou know thnl lrllh potll•j June 73.431 1 ~ I'Olt <' llf• lllllf'd In f'llo'h I • thf'1 IMro a!nN'd 111 ll~:ht wUI tum trTe<"n July 4: •. •00 t'VI'r •populllr bnlln•l l \'l><' ,,r 110n1: anti IIUtlt' IJilt .. r ~ Tbl'y wUJ \urn ---I . · l.n"t Frh111nry Rhnrllv 1\Cto•r hl'r I lnln au~ar and I nAt e •weet If k tpl El~thl hull•lln~; f"'Molll~ t .. IJ•IIn;; • 18th blrOHJay, lhl11 j!lft ••d Y"lllll; Ill lfOipt'fllturu bi!low 40 df'JC"~""'I $1\,000 Wt•r1• t•u••d lht' f'Wit W\'<'k 1 "'••man ),.It on an exten.tlve tour foht'rhrlt:' Tb~)' will apnU If fn•· to tb4! folluwlnl(: 1 with till' tl!'IO. rctv<~rlng miUly J'.t'n '! They ahnultl ~ 1\llr-..t In A/ Mt' antt Mn 0,1n 11. vbn. 7~1' •·cur•f'!t tn ('llllt .. rnln. She• rntumr•l ~·ool. tfark 0111re wh .. n • lhr , .. , •. '1!:1 Canl'l•ll t. .. utr vllr•l. 1.11 M•••"· !u 111 Jun•· nnd hll>'lng r<'Ar hrd thr ~ratur«' d11u not rl~ 811''1' ·~' bull!! 11 un,. "'"'Y thn•<'·ruum 11\lol'l· all•' ul wiHrh nuo•H· .lluilou• lwL:Ui 111 f:tll I"''''" 411 !if''N'~II • • ONCE A WEEK lu I'• r It "I' ""'' !Ilk•· ''' II• •. ~~.. "It'~ 1111 Ill "lltd " ...,, .• ·l'llrul a • \\ ·~ ~~~n· d u p uuu ··•l•,ll•·h n tlllh ' U"-• '' t.,, t•·IJ au f" r1 ut f I \ lflL." :n t h· ~l 11d•lt Clllt• ,u •t"•·•T,.t hlt•v. ~·tn,•nth· ~'', , .._, ... , 1 • If•\ \''\f• t ,., "' ''Ill J,t• ~·1\•fl :-.;, flt•\\ l ~u· I IH ~h••rtr\~•· h•• tk"t-.f\ ... ,.,,,, '''''~"'' l~a •unJ! I\ lh•· tt••·un~ ••t tru•t •••·•I l••••t•a•tun CAll I N .AND ffAVI YOU I \1 '• \! '"'II . II• ~~ '''·"1·, '"' h• I <•I II • lllro• l·ro•h,. !'llllrd bl llrr EYES fXAMJNfOI ., ll'•1 l'·tll fill llu> ll;llluot Ill• I '"" '1"11•·• l r. l """l>llunu Ill•· \' II ,. ·•I• h h• I ,., I' I' .. \\I tit Ill ~·I I 11'111• ... ... "'" 1111 ~""'I l ..... &MONTHS NO tlriAI Things you ... may not knoW • Your Brolcen lens DUPUCA TEO I Prompt Servi.cel •Carry an EXTRA PAJR of GLASSES With Youl •Glasses Made to Your OWN Pretcriptionl •Yow Credit It GOODI Open an Accountl Yow t,. -.Yow Motl,.._ "e• ' 4 lafeguonl "'-.. , ~ • ~ Ill ,_, ..,.,., .......... Yw. .. VIal DR. HORACE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST ... w. Cor. 4 .. & Syca11ore wcra ANA O"rCII CONVIWIINflY lOCAJie ON fill AAIM P\001 BALBOA'S I• r• "I urhl 1•1' I• ••·•I tr; .,, • .,' l·• *~t...-t 1n tb• ,..,,. ~!UIIIUI!ol 11t :'HII 1.111~ fltt"l" \'~tl~ "' 1111 ftlllJ< l h<' '1"11 IT!>• \\ hf•ro II•· h• hrwlnf: ~trnphlbiOUI •luo l lf•u ll""'" 11118 nu1tm111t 1 till' ltllU tn,c tH .ltu lc: ,, l"'.orr~ru.tr1 Ill r•r•wltu ,,,,. ,,, llttUICt•h•·lrl (. tD -fl.t•n· I lh•• :>t<•ollr ttl ('"rf'' 1•r th,. Navy • •~ on• n ,,,.,.,1 '" ~.u lu 1110 '"' , •·nl \l r J\·• n•"n lll <lotll~ Ill~ h11nw rt "l•l lt~'n:•·u,hrr !\l1 .s An •·r\1'11. lltr ae ft '' II(,,,. • nlf•lnV• ,. f•( :o-:uttlh c ·,..,.,f t•n t fU lii' hrt .. \\1~,-..'"" ''' \\at SlolpiJIItldlnlf Company. Thlnkm~: ab<lUt t"hrlatm u \'Pt ~ lr yotu n• pllllln nt: to .. n.t ,·,,·k· False Impression Is Corrected o~e!t yHu'd lWill'r IIIRrt riJ:IIt nuw Ul'ln~ I"'" Jon~ mu ll'rhtl ol all klnlle f rQm h"'i\'Y llhiJ>p lna c un· la!ner1 to IIRhlw .. l~ht wnppln~ 1 r•aJ.>I"r hng11. t<>r a r t•rnxfmatlly :W) In o story whl<'h Af'IJ'l('RI'l'd n·· pt>r C'f'lll or our Jlll' kinK mAttrl•l• <'l"nt ly In this pape-r. th<• lmprM· are now r Arrv1n g aupplll'w •\'l'r· !lion was ~lvf'n unlnt••nt lnnnll~ Mru1 A n•J n•;t Sanlu c 'lo11, 'fliP· lho t Mr. ond Ml"!!. W . W , F lll<'hl"r pllea either no lnngrr have on lntt>rl'lit In the · Polly App~~rel ~hop. I To•iay 1" n11t yt·lltf'r o!h; """ Th1~ Wll.• dl:'nl' lnodV<'rtC'nll) o~ ourtwlvt 11 d tRilJ:" h"ll , on PUt th(• pu~r 1 .. ftWIIrt' of !h,.. }'l'nrro. \\'ork" und Thoul(hl~ .r tl •\ .. r,. th1.• rmr C'Ollpl,.. hnvf' •rl('nt 1n ,.,. Ill "'"~" ltj 1,.. U•«' t ltl•·"'· , .. ritmut' tahlbhln~; thdr bu~lnt'!\.~ AI!'C 11 111"'11)'.• lh• ,.11m ,. • 1 'tu l \ I• Is rr~rf'lll'fl tr nny rmhnrrn~~m"nl · wn~ rnu~"ff In Ml"!! Cnt)k who b a valu•-d rmploy<' of thl~ mop. RENDEZVOUS AND BALLROOM HIS Presents ORCHESTRA SATURIJAY September Ttreety-thlrd A I C METIIOD A :-Alka·S<:llxer, •t.ort tuk1• 1r It a t once to r•·llf·ll' th• I • .11, A chinR Jlra•l, an<l tho ~11ff, Sl)re Musrlt·~. I -Be 1 an·lul, A\' .. id drA(IA ftnd aud•l"n rh1111~··~ in 1 •·n. " ra.- t ure. H• ~L -,,,, r. • ,,I.)' IQ b1• I. !\•·• 1• "arJot, • ul · l· hly. tlrt: k 1,:. • •r, f w .• •• r ••r f ru:t J ..•. Jl,. ",,;. t 1•ct enr,ur::t• \ ttsu, ,. C -l •.mf .. rt :· • 1r r•. PJ' T).r•Jal . J( 1 :4 1 , t t,.· t)" • •I, by gaqd .nl( .,.,•1 A .;... 't- E< r. IC f, ·. • r •I" ' , ·•r Jl)'tlt(•t ,,,,-. to •' tll '" , re a,.-,,, rHll y . 1r 1! ~ tur Al l\A ~t.l 'l/11: i• II J•R' ·~- lk-• .. r,sc, ;o~t • .: 1..' , t , • ··L to tu • and 11·• 1\<WII,)' • If• • t. • •a 8 \.t, •II. T3\c,. it ,,,,. fl·•<l~rh,., 'lu•torla r raj,. ""'' ,,,, . . . ..,. 8tuma• h. v , .. "" \·•J l.ly "''' • ~· a loft\&( h Ar uf At )'our drutr ,,,.,... --(..;,·r• JW•·lt~·· t.Of, l'r .,1 , ... , n~:~ l'•f. by tl.• ttl I 1 •n 1.1 T e about a busy western neighbor Sou them Pad ftc haa been a put of weatem life for threo quartera of a OPnbJry. W e've had our ahare of brickbat., and we've bad our ahar. of praiM. Mo.tly we've been taken pretty much for lrfUlt.ed. lilt• Lh. paper boy or the milkman. Beau• of Sout.htm Pacifte'a atratacic loeatloe Ia relation to tlft war qaiut Japan. we haft beea called tpon to~rry an enormou.a w..tbound burdea. ln addlaon, we are handline waat quanllll• of raw materiala and flniahed product. of ~tly upandecl WNt.em induatriee, pl ua an abnormally l&r~e eu~ bound movement of foodatulfa. Since Pearl Harbor, though, people ~renerally have rel(a rded Southern l'acific a nd lhe otht'r railruada with n ('W undenttandinl and appreciation. Now, when thll chipa are down, they seem to realia ho~ ln.cU. penaable the railroade really are.. The ala facta below rMY help eaplain the un~ den~ burden we are carryinr, and why our MTVice to civiliaM ia not u 1ood u we'd 'Uke It to be: 1 Jn r,...,llht•nd ~a•r•olu,....,Soutb­ ' rn I'll• ofic I• Ule third lare .. at nulroad ln Arno>r1r 11. Only the r'enntylvanla a nd )l;.,w York C' .. ntral are carryilaa a 1Ji1crer &oat.l th•n Southern Pardic. • W11 ttNVfl mnre mtl)t~try J'n'ttlo w f"'" ... lollrl ,,, lllfl anned f•rrrro thoQ •nJ ot • • r ttt o lJ S n 1ln••ti• cromt.1n~ti. And. Gf • ,.,.. •• r"'\ ,, •• m•" •nd ,..,,m•·n tu•v• ltat c..IJ e.G uur tv•trlCtad raU..C 6/VIAI .. ,~. 2 &utht'nl Pa.c:illc'a IC./100 mlJ .. of HM lrn ora th •n any o U1er Unil.,<f Ht11lt'l raUtf>ad) are pre<l•omlnat..ly aln1111 trn ll, raquln n• the m•••t accunta &Ad e~ klnd ol raUroadtACJ. 5 IJ'IUthem l'r~rl~e ,.,.., ..... l~tnum..,,.hle mnunt•ln r.naee, •nd l••• l n rlrmb Jn•rr• m•J••r •urnm.t• tlt•n ,,, ••lt,,.r t fl. raaJ ,,••t. Jt t•ll•" rnurtt ht~•.rru.te\1•• \o ~ t.r<U~ U6J e<.-s• • runuun r rad.t&. S·P 3 Auulllem P.<iflr .,."" m-. aiH&aiJ and n•val ••tabll•l1ment.a t haa &ftJ' otJu•r rallr""" l11 th• U.K. f rom N-~ le•na t.o l'lfrtlaad an endlaaa chMa of .a. t.-aod eoc:am"m'"'l.l adJo«u ov MM. 6 ~Uwom Pad& baa the m•lll 110rtb aDd. south UDe alon1 the Pad ftc: C.•••t. ..,....,.,.the pri'ld pel porta of emharlaJI II••ta fr,,m Haa mero to f'nrtl~l'ld. NaturellJ', VIXfll tRaM ._ ec.e fl.rt\ .. lUI u., frl~•dlr 'sout~•r• Pacific • t • ..... • HEWPOR'f·BALBOA NF.WS.TTM~. NeWJM)rt Beach, Califomla. 'Ibunday, September 21. 1944 Awareness 1 Presi~entan~ Mayor Proclai11 Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 8-15 nwnt .. nothtna AO bad that IIIIIW lood eanno1 NV~ I•' t ron1 '' • • -f'¥M'I a "''Br ~~~ d··va~Httlnt.: "'I tbll. 1 IIJ)I•rntlon~ of our Annlr!< 0111!1 Attmttnn i• RI(IHr1 rltf'"t''''''' ''' No ~·r do we takt> ou r W&) lhl' nnuon·wirt .. pros:rnm 11,1 ~'lrr· "n""'~~ m11kl' It lmJ>~>rniiVf' lhut ol Ufp fM j.'TIUllt•ol l t Vl :lS ihf'"t'ltl· Pren•niiHO \\'o~·k 1\hfl'h .,,,,' '" W•• on thf' Hnmt' F ront rrovldt• ..-1 and at Ollt'f' W (' f'Kill~ '" .... al-lul.tl'r Ml h \\'ur o·nn<lllltlf1' ''"'"~ ilfl lt hun•lnnt flow or ~·~'ltr nnfl Japan~ Civilians lnt:emed Ai Tinian ----~--------~--------------------------Dr.larry W~ite, letii'M Minister, Orcanizes Lakewootl Villace C~1rch ~lummg from hiJI retlrt"ment. the church membenahlp In the Dl'W [)r. H&rry W. Whit•. 1004 South community. whlrh hL3 grown up Bay Froot, Balboa Island. baa for ntar the Douglru Alrt'raft plant . the J>a.l year been In active wr· Long Beach. Ia 11 . '' VI'!")' fii'C<'Inu ... t•• u• "" t·nmtl'•l <lrkt••r a tt.·nnnn 1, lin "'"' r .:•wd~ ror t•Vf't ) IJultlt ----~=~ tncl~.:!.\..!.h!!l.!>l!!_ "'"' I• II t h•·-~._-Plt""""'" ....ui..u.UJ...,-It nnl, ~not• ,----; __ - hi fiQhl Cor II 111,. I'V\mtn 111,n~-:rr t1 .. m 1•1 • ,. \\ 1tLn~.AS '' •~ J'l'' us •m· -vice aa C'rg!'rriZt'r and r astor or In f!lllitt' 11! U1e rutric\Jona o f the Lakewood Cit Communlt_r. lht> war. the llmltatlona In tht> Ulle Methodist C'hurch. whI c h wa.a o! bullcllng materllllll and the llirll· t.lelllcatt'd In July of this year. 1 r ull i•'M of I!I'I'UI'III~ man power rur • •I Wf'. Ill h<)OW, thillll'h d o Ill( 11 11 1111 ,,.,. •••rtfliu. toctll,\ hh '"'" "' d• t••• 111111 to fii'"VI'nl "'"~'" un•t we CAn. f t'f'l tho· !tl lll,ty o~( '''" Ia\·, t11o11.:ht ut)t)ut tn" 11 r•l••llll d• · 1111<'1"'" ,,, ~:ou<'t.. throu~h u~ Wf' do Ad IIIII·· Vlll '''"' ,,; .. , "hldl 10 lllnl 111•'11 11• ''"''''" ,,,,.,...,,,,hi•• '"'"' on ttw l homo• ., much. Ilk ln~)Ol'' <)n tho• ":u f1 ""'' I· • ''"' It>~'"'" IN'Im "hll'h ni•W Our lov.-for lh•••n ""'"" '" I.·· 1;...,..111,,,. rlfleu•n<'\ "" q1, 1,.1111 t• '' h 11 l'lUJ:J:I'rm~e tntnl l'<ll'h .,_tt!r than <•Y('I' hut th111 t•··rlh lnmt will lwlp htin~ :tl•·u• ·'", ,, '' If' 11n't true. ~mpat ttnl "' I lr') '" 1,,., nntl 1110111 •• u. ,., .,( J1 '"'' to '" 1'\( IW. TIIERI-:1-'t lrtf:, I, ('lyan be. I nnct nothln!: Ill m~ •unt< I 111,."' 11 on :oil ,,,,,,. ,., .. " , '" II 111111. M11vur nf tht> l'lly .,f would duanJ:f' T" ""' tl ··~ ·'~"' 111 1,,11, ~nun.:: an•l olfl. can plr1y a :-.; .. wport I!Rut·h , du .)CJtn Jn fiD't pt!rfl"<'t anti 1n •1•11•' nf rb• r•ort 111 111.,. 1,., ,,.n11.,0 ,\II ,111 "''"t.:nalmg • 1-'lrt• l'n ·v••ntonn IJ'MI dl.ttan('(' hfotWI'o•n ll• l h··~ 111 1:•"' 1,... l•~•k 1,,..1urul 1111" ,1111t , .. 11 \\ •·•·k In lht• N••WJIIIrt ll:n '"'' are rwerer to mf' rndJw '"·"' \\hl·n .,111,.,. """ ~IIL!t.:f'•t """' '" \\h" h "''''l.. to he' Octol>t'r Rth '" lith I beld Uwm In my nr=nl, t;,,·r~· llrf'pi'I'Vt'nli11n ran be lni'F•'Rl'f-d tn 11nfl rio ur~t•• upon 1111 cttlJ• "' thin~: about mt' ,...nun<l• m•• '" ,11, :-;,.111.,11 )huh"' 11 ,,.11 \\ tt h )"ung 11nd o ld, to unit" tn lh" ..,.. W11.Y (1/ them. . I Jiu• th•KII:hl '" mmll !\hllnr llall l"atlona l P110Crnm nnrl :old uml W1th au IM l>fnfp ftnd httlt' In h:>~ '"~Uoil 1111' runl'la m ;ll llln "" "''''' In dt•h ;'l t/llo( ''"" ··llmllt• the IIIIOrid lh"!'W· d:iy~. thr !11\\lnfo: ... ,,... l'r•·"•nlton Wef'k "' Collow!l 1111n~ Jo'11"1'' IIIIJard' "'''"" unol I"8CCI' must bf' th,. lncnon~><•l ,,1111on11t Jo"'rt' Pl't.'venl•on \\'••••k url.)ltN•nt t o lf••m•'' Sl••"'' nu-•· ...,.,.._ r( lht' lo\l' of ;l&O'nts • . AS h Prt 1 11 11 11 "''" Plaet"<, 1-'uo·t"' ''. ;,ntf fM" their "'ffJI. nl "'IV('' (or their \\ II ~-HE . )' )(' ne I II Plant~. to llht• ··nd '""' I h·· I tnl' I'IU~t>ands. Or It II lo• I h 1hlo ••n lllr 1-ntnklln I) .H.tiOS(•V~ II, I 't, .,, 1 •'t'<lr<l 1n J,rl' l 'rt·Vo•JIIIIIIl •·•tllh· ttw4r fathrn.. uftc•n only tilml} n>-tl··nt "1 1 he Unth-d Sll•to·' ha~ 1 "h•'<l hy our ('ttmrntlllll' ""'> _ ...... __. o( •• w~•lh"Mr1 • ol<oclll.l'o·rt tht' wcoek "' tk·t.·~~. •r .. ..,. ........ ._ n ' I h 1M4 ' t ·' '"' rurthl•r amprnv··•l """ IIHII JUte CANWt lvroR • ntlur" It lh•• Rth 10 1-41 'p · t " ~\ '11".: thrrr bt• no c:S..·Iay '" t1an..:"r to peoplf! ol thlt world lrt lm •I"""' 1 •onal 1"' I'<'V•·n JOn "''. 11ny. nl thf• mut<'lllll• nf uny nate thelr Uvet. 1 •nd k lntl nf•f-do'fl ror W1•1 -LUnlETIA MAY WHEREAS. thP •ncrt'lo,tn.: I ul~~tl c:·11 1l 11114111 .tit I lo•p;orf -----------ntt·nt~ ••I lht• t•lty ld u1d "' ttu- nEE LECTURE - Sabjeet ......... .. .. "Christian Science: The Law of True Dominion" Lecturer Herbert W. Reek, C.S.B. et ... l"raalddoro, C•llforala Plaee NEWPORT HA.RBOR 1'NJON ........ mOB SCHOOl. AllDITOfCI1lM ....... lrvl .. flit,_,,_, Coat. ... _ ..... ............... .Sunday Afternoon, Sep- tember 24th, at 3 o'Clock v.-U. A..,-c-., .,"t O.an'.tl of c-t.rt•t. lkMIIu.t. _,·Newport ...._ ... CaJJfnntla ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITEI) 111 mnsl In pmmpt 11 1o•m nvtnj.! Yt'U!'oltt matt·rud" "'hh h tll:t~ ht' pllll'<'ll fur d•~t•'"" 111111111.; :-.;L,. 1 !(lila I Jo'lr(• f>Jo•\'••nlllln \\ t•t•k 0 1) nl No·\\J•H I lk•11th l'ti:O"d C'L Y AN II II A 1.1.. I""'''' ('lly ur Mn)nr 1-~ank L. Rtn••hart. Nf'WJJflrl H••111'h Stork Shower At Mesa Home -WANTED - I>IS HW ASHERS l'lectrlc Mac-hin~ THE AR('HES IIi .. wpo rt Rf'IW' h MlorM': Npl. lkh. !'14U T H 0 R Washers and Ironers II Y TAG Washers and Ironers -/...: GEIERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Washers Nationally -Known Refrigerators VK111m Cleaners Pop~~lar, Roper • PHILCO RADIOS Magic Chef O'Keefe & • Western Merrlt GAS RANGES I • Nationally Known Electric Ranges • Sunbeam Applianres .. • Shavemaster and Shick Razors Holly MANY OTHER NATIONALLY 1\~0\\'N APPLI.-\NCES Names are being placed Now on ou r r n•'nty list for all the a hove Get Your order in Today! LETTERS TO TilE N.E\VS· TI:\IES Thry hnr n<'ol ,,,.,,''"I'" wh,·n Former New porter, Victor Chatten, in The llar Pacific 1'111•11'1'' olllol I f~o• (IJ•I tnl:lll•h• <I Fl,\ tnt.: ( ·, • '" II•· '' "'' mlto r • •I >I ~:roup 11 hwh \I ,, 1:11, n , tt.1111111 '" lh·• ""''"'' 111 1111 IH•'<'"'"n l>uml;· lnJ; I It· I• 1\o II kllfl\\ II Ill ;\d \ • port n. :O\h. h·" 1111.; 't••nt 0 1111 II I tmt llt't • ·" .1 hn~ lht•\' n ···l•·ol lll•·m tlo •t•••rnt•ly l1l• \' •1"'"1 r v•··l t h '' 11\\ u hum,.,. Vtctor {.'1\ntt,~n s,n o r \1 rq 1:r * -{;:( .A.. -{;:( -{;:( 1:).. 1:).. JJ. on lh·· f''tlh oof Ill·· ··~rnmlnt" f'lnr~ C'hlll'••;, II( Nl'<:\: .... ;~ l ";! ••.• Sew~ • l} ··n••mv l '••nntl···" '"'"~ \\'f'rf' IN!\! Bt•a('h. b&ll wrlttrn t·• I hi' :-.:r\\!0•. {I{I The Toy Shop "'- Sully t h r• •• nu tlt•ml' 11r f' tlnnwlf'lt8 tomf!'a. 1111 apJ)('al tn b\IY """'" l"<'lu ._.. Or. White wu Instrumental In tlw •·unst nwtlon of 1111 ed rtcc 11ult· dnubtlng lhe ~unday st'hool attend. alll1• for the c:•lly. tn .. cltozen ry hu ance, and added substantially t o sUI'I't'S!Ifutly arran~:ed for IUld ••um- plded thl' first unit of lhf' c hurrh. u. s. Gave Hand It 18 Jo,·utnl Ill the corner of.Har- • vt't'y \\'ny nnd fktlfl~·er boult·- Grenades for Thrift \'Ani. and a !k'crn d unit o( the rhurch hll8 already beeo atarted. Stamps 25 Yrs Ago! Ft'rlln~ that they bave I!Cen the • little l'hurr h over llJI !Ira\ and most TREATER -....._tilt FrN Partda& tr.:YMiaa at ':oo a t :l5 Mau-&.tarday •t l :tll Coett•-8un4ay from %:80 Tlnan.. · Frt. -Sat., Betty Grable lD "PIN 1JP GIRL" "Pattrollna tthe F.ther" ('artoon Nrw11 Dirk Arlf'a In ''TlMRt:R QUt:F.N" aiM "ROSII:. THE RIVETER'' MuoJral and Pnp Eyf' Startln~t Thuf"MMa~·. ~pt. 211 f:ddle Rrad u•n In "tf,\IL Tiff: ('O~QI't:RtSf: llt:RO" ( 'omlnl: unaco Whllf' ('tiff .. L, U<~\'l'r:" "~lr. \\·lnktr c;("'" In \\' n r :" ";\I r . ~kf'fflnctoon :" "Hnmr In Indiana:" "Rathlna &.-auty ;" "And t h f' Ancf'h• !'41nar::" ";\lark ~·a.Jn :" "Oracon Sefid" <!lfth-ul t lllf'ps. Dr White hu rt•· tired In fiWvr of a perma nent r "stor an1l he and Mr11. Wh1t" . who has atded him In hl.s work then~. have again rettrt'd to the1r on lol'<'ly Balboa l11land Boys Here TREATER EYH~Inn at ':00 a •:t5 t.at 8howtnc of a Doublr FH · ture Prevun tltarta at I :M nu,._ · Frt. • Sat. In "0A8LIORT" Lateat Dtaaey Cartoon Aun. • Mon. l.lnMI Barrymi>re In ,.,...RF.F. MF.!" rs WHITE" al110 ".lAM SESSION" "1th Ann Miller Cartoon Bfola Luao.a In "R~ nr Ttf'F. \'\"PTRF." al~ uTt'!"I SI.\S \'ICTOR\"' !'ltnrttnc Thurooday, So-pt. 211 "T\\'0 G IRLS and i\ S \I LOR" ( 'nmlnr: ";\l fft th"' r ..... , •• l' :" ".\nd~· llardy'11 Rlnnd,. TN'uhll'" "Ttwl F1rhtlnc 8f'a·Be8:" "Kid C.lov11 Kllln ;" "I.Adv In Th" Oark :" "Henry AJdrtcb Play11 f'uptd." nnd ,.,._.,,,ul• tw·• 1111~~~:• ur thl' Iota and Ia ortering a hrantl nl'w ~ SZO Marine"''"· "'-~rt~rc·ht-~1 t~nd ""'"'" 11111 ,thry car ill trade. ~ Ba.lboa llland ._.. ~~~=====~~====~~==~~~~~~~~~~~ qf tll r o,:hl nn """ no rf<'ftndlng VIctor. who gr••w to manhnnd M I lhf'fr rnuntn·. hrre ud latu bPr n me hlrnllfil'd * -{;:( 1:f 1:f 1:f i:I Y l:J.. l:J.. Thrlr "ar' tr nl~p our w11r F.llt'h wd UI HoUywood movll" w nrk, Is In ---I Hu!<.«lan llfl' tn.~t. r•II'RIIII nnl' 11rf!' U•c Da'f)', and •ay~ among otht>r MIV<'•I nf 11ur Aml'rt• nn mtn' And thlnp : 1 th11t'.tt why "'" mu~t hl'l(l thrm• 1 "WIJI certainly ~ Jtlad wht>n I Th•• Hu~s nn \\'nr Rrlll'f o.Jn,.11 thla -Ia over. that we may all not ll1lk f11r n•onry. nnly for f'loth· I r«"tUf'JI bom~ and t-njoy the depre• 1 lng C'1nlhr~ f••r thr Hu~llilln r l\'· tlon ~Dcether. We get 11round I lltane. mrn. "'l'nu·n 11nd rhlltlrtn ql'lte a bll lt'11 llkf!' a crulllt' to whn ~&<·rt't•·r·l rvt>n·th1nll' In nrdr; n!>WM,.... We never knov.· whtre th11t thl'tt 11rm~· mt.::ht hnvr nM'M· "'t•'re fOinr until we·v~ be-en, nor, Mry rquu•m,.nt fM flt:hl tnt.:' whea we'U return until we arrive." 1944 TIDE TABLES Motor Overbaa11D1 UtPrnllv • n11JII,.n• nf H 11.0.•o11n fllmlllr~ arr bf'J:InnlnJ: ovl'r ng11tn lllllhnut ft l'"nnv of rnpltnl nnot lh,.y arl' IYil'lllnfng In " IM,I wtw r•· I'Vf'l')' .. rtnrt 11nt1 Pn•·r~: v lro hf'lnll' lftnunrrt II' thr ll~nltlll' ltmll to k•·r r l h,. wnr·f'ff.,rt ur t .. n h ~h Htp Low Htcta .._ I ~ Motor TUDe-Ups Carburetor and lp.Jtloa AdJustment. flitch Thr Ru ... •lan \\'nr Hrtipf P' 22 IC\mm llll'f' pr••P·•~~ '" ""n 1 :1 Otl(l. I (\('1() Amrrtr un hi'UIII'hnld k it. t~ 1 thl' R IIM llln f.1mlflo•10 ""•' nrr I>('· S 21 1 t:tnn lnt: 1111 nw r l<ll:\ln t hr~r k1t~ "' <"ontnln "'" h pr11rttrlll arttrlu Su ,. M n•·l'•tl~". thr.'rHI. d11rntn,:: rott11n. fnnn.try ~~>•nr. 11 •I h t,. 1 ,. ,. '"1'1' M 2& l<•w•·t~ ~o:ln\'<':0 knilt lnt: """'"''" nnol '''h"r •qu·tlly ll~o'ful thon~:• Tu. 21 \'••n· ,,..,... nf 11• "Ill '"' nrt ,,, ~•• •It lh•· rrno·" tn hlf' nn.t hl'lf' !lhllf'" \\'d, 21 t•·.-f• rrn •'' 1'1. pulftln \1 l'tjlllnt7!t· tliPTEM8£R 11:10 ~:~1 4.1 2.2 1:18 8:17 12:51 u 2.8 4.7 1:18 8 :~2 l :M 3.1 2.9 4.8 8 :0G 8':~2 3:21 3.3 . 3'.2 4.71 8 :31 11 :04 I!Ot u 3.1 4.ti 7:11 1.3 1:37 1.3 10:16 1.1 11:38 0.1 12:31 1 0.2 T:21 12:17 6:10 ----... 1 4.1 2.8 5.3 Factory Ttalnf'd Carburetor SJ~Kialilt .., W• alr.o handle a.nd ca~ for IIARINE MOTORS ll's Garage AlLEN GLOVER 7:50 I :16 7:07 1:01 1ft Apte A\-e. Balboa laland t r.•n "' ll1r t 111'11\ 11r ~~'"' 111 l •••t Th 28 .,." 11f ""' 'n•. '''It' •, "'"''~'''f',, "'-\ ~1 ' • ,,. ,.,.1t \\ .-' t h' t-:1\' n,; ,,hnt ' , r. · • n~ 4.& --0.2 5.1 2.0 ' (111-.. ,llpt •Yin• tt ... l I !-------------.....J ~;::~a~;~~~~~~ S NEE',LEY Tt ~ "~, ... , ''' 'll ' n t ~ds our 1'1 •• ,. f '. t 't.. . . ... ~ ,. I "' , ' I • I '., • " •.... '·, ,, • , 1 '' • 1 r _, h , 1 , • ' ,, • • .u .. ,•t~~ U\ l ~p t• t r• • '' 1 The new greeting cards are here and advise you to make your choice early. Overs~s Cards Can Be Mailed Sept. 15th No Cards WilJ Be Accepted Later Than Oct. 15th we ••. \• t ' ., t ' ••• , 1 p ,~ I I • 1 • ' J • ~ •r ' I • ''L I • 111 • '\, l 1 t f ~ ' , ••• I 1, •, ' Averae;e per Pupil I ~rlt-e S397 In 1943, $63.04 , 11"1 Newport Balboa News-Times .. r .. II I ' •' t ' .. ,. : . " .. . .::1,.1,. ''"rf"•l"t ,,r Pw :'\•·\' , ... rt lf'h f!'l('m r :'l\:11'\' ~rht>-•1 •lr •I n· I t • Jaal \'<'ll 1 11\'f'r.l •:f'•! ~·;:l ''I l'••r tl ln ·11\'"r~,::r .tuh· nil•·'""'"''' 'ht' d •tr1d rn·• ••r"·" T ,..,,.:~,·-l H I C fl I I I '" , 1 ~ r £ r ', :\.ta~tnt 1•'n Jtt ttt•d I ,d " nn- rln~or t' ~ '1"' •II •n ''lt(lw murll • f'ltr.-f'nll\1'\' ~"~ "'"'' ,!·~·•" t• ,., ,,. ·'• • t •• 'nrnht J:Pt '"'.,, tth· ~'"lf•" ... hill 18 nw"" t!1nn ~t'tlhk 1 111" ,., •,. '• <' • 41 ~r r ur"l In R\" ;·J!" 1.111" ,1 o1 ... 1• • 1 n "ncl~tnrr prl'v!•lr·' I ~· th<' ~t:ltl' ' I•• •1 I '" "'' n " • I' ,1 18~2-:l:l, t hr yrar pr<',.,.,.f n~: :-.; ,111,,, • 1,,,. 1 , • .,...,dl'll'nl II' thl' ~tal <' <"nrtllll- " ·••I II'Jt ..... l'l• 1 11 etn undr r W~lll·h :-t:•tr ·•'1"""rt lo n •'" I • '• ,, ,, o•ltilnflltan• IJ('hf\Olt 1\'IUI approxl-1 ,, •• , t· n •• :, r. .,, •• ~.. ...h I, ''1 •' '1 "h.,l 11t1 r fJ"~Mtf'J• tfnu~lt'd. ttfr AA~f"CI.-..Ubn ' nlllllf• 1' "' • ,, '' , 1 ... • ''"'I' , I 0\l't t-•d.fl 11.11\ed. -----• NOW I l l NOlO WJJH I'MII IC AN GIAIN "1~111 . . . ... .. ••• • .. u 16 , I .... . "liN An.llablf' . GliNDER.~S DRl'G 1 n Ma.Ja "'· -Ban.- 3Q11 W'est Central -· - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Bea<h, Calllomia, Tlnuwday, Sepoernber 21. 1944 Mea Schools lndleate Growth • BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicj oua! ~or'!": (;,:tfectionn-y l100 o,)cNIII F t~t ..,_,. HORSE ·RACING Q1arter Horse Match Races • HAM cono" RAICH (0.. lillie-~~~ oiS.O ClemMie) TEN EVENTS SUIIAY, .SEPT. 24 ud nw)' two weelal tbenafter laci•& Starts at 1:08 P. M. "'l'nd011 (~ tu) $1.20 a.m.~• Rdrellunenta Free Parkinr II•·•·• rly Hl\111. vtlllt,.!1 lhl'lt 10<)11 Hwh.,nl lll !ltl hl11 fam ily_ I>O:Z 1\e· ~:un lll a vrnUf', ovrr t h r WHk l"nd , nn lhf'lr way hnm~ ftHm Ulf'IT VII• t'IOilun 111 l.ai(llnot Br10 oh 1.1 nuy l-lllrrl•on Ami<TM"" fnrm•"' nf Mathl"r J-'lf'ld . l-111• no · U\l'n ln. Ill Yi"tlniC hi• n lulhrr M n. F'l"r~nc .. Andrr..,n. 4:!11 Mar· ~IPTllr a venue, for 10 '""' <IIOVII H.-1Jr t" be rrtatton ... t 111 n .. uJ!I•'" AMl<ma Air S.R llA tmotnu·tur Ill• unclt:, Drill' f:l'no•t·,J I'11Ul I. \\'111uum<, p~~ratnw>p <'••<111ll:tn•lo·r, n .. w wU.h lhr. •1'<'Arh,.u·l-"' th,. ,.,;Nt ~llll"d Atrhorn,. •\1 111\' fo,r pf'r..-•n"l o~n.-,.11••11 ••I tht'lt plan. fnr tht: nj'lt•r:ol t••l• \'Ooi11J.m.• I~ thl' .....-. nt Wr-,,,,1 Mo• ~:d win W tUhuna who 11\'' "->lh Uwlr I !llftaa:hl.-r. M.-. An•l· '"'"'' Mr.. Juf' M<"('hfllll<'l' :,ff1 o l ;n-!ol· t•III'I'Wf AVI'I1Uf', rra•tv••ll "''""'.,/til< t.r rth ,., II• 1 n.-lt·.-flo, hr v <l1111 ~h· 1••1 <of fA J <: \'.'dfWIII Ull•l ~~~~ l •t-kry nt A 11ah~lm. u• ~··uo~•·t 1\••ll· 1'11"1 1..-.n::-Ur"' h ,<.;, .,, 17 Lt \\"illtnln Ill nvl'tl~·n~. I Ill'• IIIII \\ ofo• 1111•1 •III UJ:htf't .,_111 l ''"''k I\ lh hf'l """'"'•· ~t Ao•l ).l r• 1l••l1<1ril'k · ~ .. n_ ~ W•·•• 1::::::::::::::::::::::-""::-::~--~~ Mr and M r11 tt .. L l'•f"Lflr ot..tvr., had "" II:""~•~ twr hr···thrr·LII·Iaw, F ~ 1-:h• o·~nl"" J..:LuuoO', L•H>I! 1~·11< h, ••• l'o•l f'!llr ... •ll V (II' 111 11 11\Wo II'·,,.Jfto• olr,•••• ••ho Wlllt ~IKII .. ru·d "' .,,.,.,., \n ~ Armv A or 11111..,... l,.fl 1 '"' '"''"'"'·H• ··~t"r''"v 1111<1 ht~ ..,,,,. rduo·n.-•1 In l h O'it l!nflu• In l'al• I' •I I "'' I• thr ,,..,.,1 nf Uu· "''"J>Ital 11 !-ltanrnrd l 'no \'O'r~~ty 1.1 Cui '""' Yra. llnwllt•l l ..ltjl~f· ''"'"! m <~ tnl u Uw 1 .... ..-,n. .. llo""!\ Un• '"-lr. (',.! I.&J!""L"II'l I!' rn"•l h'lll '''"'' .. ,.tor ~<noJ r htd "' I •••· I ""''J••ry !-l·, .,,.,. "' th .. !-l'"''" An11 I \tr f!JIIW" Thr (.M.I:I'ffJII IIOI~t'lokl'l • • ., u .. w~t·' """ Ju"' linhh•··l h•••' LAWMAKERS II CONGRESS ,,, ... r Ill ).':o rT~'lll II,. "11" ;o "' f 'USO II.EUIIAN .IOHS PR1LLII"S ., .,.,., l't•' •',.,! llh ul,.nt ''' x .. l!h ---c-----------c---c-------------------·'1 "• ~••·m , . .,.,., r 11IIV. l 'hWill!•l T h"ll 1 • · . _11~,..1 ,,,., ho ~alllnt~t: ,.,.11 fr"'" •TT• <'unt:r•'"""'"n 1~ In Lca-j YQio '"" ''"'' ~l"ut• • ,11·11 to11,-~1 "" A n ti\' A or o•nr r• )'.l r~ I .••!•, '1" 1 llo·f .. tl" lrll' "t' .,,. ••·nt Ult. to h• •I"Lf • .,,.,,, 1!'•"•1 '"'" ··~n huv .,1 ,1 , .. ·:·u "'""Olfll~~hr•l •1,111111"<1 •'••kh 1d t,.. 11.1111 "•·1~ 10\tatl ... rM:I •1 "h•·~ h:o··· lo!llo· lllundr\' ~n·l hllfl N'W\o••tltu,t In th~ 1111,1 'lo·!""'"'' '"' ~o:•·l t<n't thr o·.olum n lwlck dono . j.d '"' ,_,,a;• 1\IJI•:.,I •·11rrv w•·i.t. '" '''" ol!~trp I l'''l''"t~ hy lilt l YOO.I t '"''n rn~•lic-ln•·~ 111!<1 l•ollrt ~lr• tir,...n ~:\:\ ll•·~: .. nlll 11,.,,.,,.,. 11 '"'" ,,.,.11 mlo r•·•llnr: '" pt t•rt '1• ~ Thrn hrl'·;n_s: l:.,f!,•n ,.,_ ""•I hf't ""''"""'· t:loplftlll r,,.(or.:•·\t"ll<ly It• t.;•of• nhrmorl on Wilt ril'lk'. ~~~:elho·t thl,. fti'''II01uhot~"n ••f ll .. m ll, W III'Oft Jr ..., ll:\ll"ll 'l f..,. . .,,.,.,. Tho: t noY••II<'t mull\ hiiVO: f:l aiA each ""'" flf whlc;h ynu 11 think uf \J lie· wu tn ('ITttrurnr " t\'llh (~ Uo>toatl mt:nl pc.rmi311011 Bnll 11 n-a•l ~..,,,.y," "rll(h lhl"m all. In· r:...->rf{f' nr,.<ll<'v ,., t-:n~t10nol Alltl ~"" f,.r • ,',~ t ''I' nn<l mu~t Juove\ elOSt(llt • tl\(' hll l:l'l, lind tnr tmtt!!t ..,1.,, '"-'""~'"' tf'lln~f•·oo •'•l '" '"" tlw 111 .1,, '"' ,f ,,,. '"""\rlr~ mto l e"rylhtn~ ••:or•·~r-t. "'htil Y'"' At · ' t II J1t l)e tually "'"''" "n liJ-~FI' Ti l~' ~·:•:,•;':;~,.! ~'~7:';~~~·:.r,:•::;~··,., ~i~:~•;:! ~ .. :.~·/~ , ','', ,~,.:, ~·;,,, ~ "7~-" • n TOTA L I ·~ I ·~:g ~ •. •• 'l't II'-..: I·~. \,~,.•l"':h 11.-. 1,. ~1,,1 ,.,1wd r.~ S:on ., •• ,,,~ •oto l t •''"'""::' 11" , 1, 1 Try It _.. .. rn.•un" ~·r o n• II''" t•·ml~•rro t .\• h11y ,,,.,.,,,-,,1, '"''itlm' :oloro.rut Etfnrt... .,.,. h.·tl\1.: "'"'':· I•• ••· .\It~ 1'1u•lh!1111, 1HIII•Io·•' Ill ~~~llol<'l' 1 1"1111•· I ••T ~'"'If }1•11 nlft(r: f•t 1 '"!1"!••.••m.•n ~.11 -'>\\ .. ,IJ, 1 lotltonr.: h•, •lnn~o:ht•·r ~~~-~ H•·· .,. '"'1 '" . ,. '''"'. """llll•'lll•nt, and nu• tr• I!''' I•• H1•l•· t~·r ••·· • ... ,. lort ~ln<'l~·r1n tJ "·''"••I 1.1 !{ 1. 11oll<•t ti>HI "•t •-~ ""'' punJ" lnjE' bnr k h••ll''' Tlw "'""'••II I )'.!nrl ••·"~''" :z"io ,t11,..,1111,. 111-,.n, .. , l t-'o~o:ur<· nut .""' ,.,. 1!"'"1: o n 11 u111 Ute~ I~ •·rll t• nl ,,., l 'mt•·•t ~t;fl ··~ l rono\ l lw•r ""'' """ t: ... t~•rt. !Jorn V;h l h "illlolk••·•· .. , 1r"m th~ ""'made t'f'l l 'll!l <w<rl llt•·~ nn.t •••r- 1 !-'• 1'' ': "'""llor r ,,1 1\·,~lun..:l<•n, l hrourh lain prnm ll""!' '" ~h" 1t111t,n 1 '~"1'1•• I t h•· un••fl l•' ~··n>rwrH\lltl'l' of th~ if lllt-y wnu1rl ljllll thr l\1t F:•·••n 'l'hr-lr r;l-ll"l "r"'''~'~"" n>Ri.lr un plotn ~ !I'll•. rr,11 !nr '''''t'tlll If 11n httd n<~t mnd•· th'"n-, lh lmun I ' n\ln•l "'"' h '" "l!n" trd ur t••· h1 th~ rhnn~··ot<l" "'·IIU\O•t w••ulol <I pWel, pl ... , ....... prebeQiq atodl al carpet& &ad Uooloeum Rubber Lined Winch Head ..... Flaherma~~'• Frieed -· ""-"" w ....... ,._,.-~ I'IM!Dt. , , • PriDrf.lJ' .... M' 0 f v ... , ..........-~ ...,.m.~a~~ ., L't&&l'lea II. Merralall, r... .._, ... Rodeo and Speed Trials at Bob Skiles Place 15th and Placentia Sts. COSTA MESA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th and' every two weeks Beginning at 1:30 p. m. nnosc nunsG KII>S' HACt:.~ ST1\KE Ht\f'f~S STt:t:·n IUDI~fO COWRO\" R.o\C t~~ 4JIAUSt:SS Hr\('t:."' C.\I.f' ROI'ISG SO\'I::l.T\' RACt:S ~0\\"GIRL RAC&.Ii FIO:t : FOU ALL lt!\.('t:." l'l"llS t:."'i GI\'EN I~ \\t\U I«):\: I)~ TIIOIUli'GJIBRt:n Sl't:t.;D TRIAlS ADMISSION 50c plus tas t':qlriMI can lJP. madf' at the J;:rountl" up to l'"oon on day of the I'1U"e ot I 1 n• • un "J: u J>f>t••·nll 1'1\l"t t t , I ,.. olr m.,rlt, 1 11 A. ..-:no.t <1•-'ll'o'IIVI' l'f'ty ,·,.1 1 ! "~\II •···n · ''""11'· 11 nd ,·1 and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~RO~~U~N~DS~~~r--~~~~~!~~~~~~ lnoll\'hhuoJ r h1H11rt••r Mal')' tuo.!l ;.-hllo'k ,.11 n •h•fl Wlll't't' • I pe<~~~l~ w ith ll :iO pi•r "'•L-...1 f";.tdy """-"' lh~ hrlovlf'lll tutt l.&lty 11m nnJ,! thr thil-tn•ol ft"m -m&tnfttrltlon. 11011 woltl " n•pt<!ly rllillllll: lntl r" of dlrR"'"-"'-' Tl1r ml'ih· clnta !Itt' tl'll<i~· lln<l pol,.,l up , Hw - 1 food I• r i'R<I y : th" C'lnthln,.; o• t)f'· tna t!alrn b y lhf' rnl,. nn•t t h .. math• o r.~ b~· Jr not lf tr ·~ 111,.1 --kind rof ""'""''" l h,.~· ffiK•I•' th,. unl'o"""' nut nf In 1Pl'l'. lt l~n ·t j l:wlnt' ""'"" hv mnlh~<' I An\"'-'IIY. u.t It thr lnt"rrd lhlr ~f'f.\' ~nm" peop1t-Wllllf mn rr known lli'l<>u t th .. ttluntton I and FENDER WO-RK One Day Service We Also STRAIGHTEN FRAMES, BAJ.Al'\CE WHEELS, REBORE MOTORS -and do anything you need! ANY MAKE CAR NOTHING 001\'N-12 MONTJIS TO I'AVI ISON PONTIAC CO. I ha\'f' 4!u1t lhll' mnmr nt ro•Rll7'"d that I lllh A11 ho-In l_,nnrlnn "W~"" tht lll!'htll rrm·r "" III!"Ain .. Whllt ' ..... rh. thlll .... m t.· ~~ .•• rr .... 1 ~ thf't~" hill'" hr .. n nn I•L"hl" of rhilrlrrn ~ , . ..,.,,... .~td whn -r .. ..,. 11 ~l rf'f'l 1lcht: nf r l)tl•l-1 r-tn IW'VI'n Rn<l rl~ehl ~<•hn r nn'l tf'· ~r~etnhf'r .,,. <'lilt" f"r l '•"lll:hl~ 1,. 1 ' un4erlltond In bo> th" 17th l!lupplf'm~nllng whnt I Alll <l about w~IL"h lnJI" thr hllv,. ,.,_,,.11 have In 1~11 you ""mrthlng _that On th" pl1111r t rnm c.Hfomla to \\'nllhlnJ~"tnn. Y"ll 111"1' aiiOwf'd 41\ J"''UII<l~. Rnot mhtllt 1!<'1 by •tth " roup! .. mur" Tf , . ..,., n1n over thl'lt.,,,..u r,,. rv"""' hRI!"I!A£<'.1 N'()! on the t r n.nlll'lllll.ntlr pl An~~­ lf you haV~ mol'f' thnn :"o:'o pnunda,, you tflk~ 110mrthlnr~: nut On~ of J my tr1~n<ll w~nt In th~ lllr <ltpol the olhfr <11\· wlth " m>in wh<' .... n vlnJ:' to F:OJ:"IIIIh1 I ll.• )-.0\J:'II WC'"' 2 10, fl"'UOd~ nl"l't. H,~ lnnktll all thtoUJ:"h !hl'm An<f rnul;tn"l til"· cUe t~·h•t In dl•rnnt Onr rn~kl\_c-r he l"IU"tii'UIIIrly Wftnlr<t tn kf'l'j'l, wh\C'h l'('f'ffif'<l llnii.!IIW1i\" hf'AI"' !" my t'rlf'nd, f ... r t•t <linA!')' ti"A\"f'ILII!!.: 1 n«f'III!O:HII'I . Thr m nn flfl nllv nnd ~lt'"'tfull~· tnnk 11 ''"l. W h11t <1n you IUfll'f'~ it WM • A Tl oJcf f<\!<h• tonl'<l fruit r nkr hl11 Wlfr h11d hotkt•,J f"r him ' \\'hl'n hr l"<•k tl "11 \, he! bad a pound In epnl'f' Sailor Pas!K'nger Hurt in Crash I I ' R. r: 1'\~rn~t f'f thl' :.h'!' !I.Alll·j mana . .,.,o "'""" 1'1!11n~ w ilh lhrnl•l r Wolflh•llr f'f H1" !'lnn P I"'" Noo.- ftl _.&t'f'ln, ""~n.!nt',J hr.•,t a.nol In-~ ~ lnJHMf'~ nt :'o n..m Mnn<lav rornlt~g "''l<ttn thr ..-·nr wu f.....-,;N I Rock-a-bye baby, m the tree top While the war lasts, the cradle will rock' When the' war ends, the cradle may fall War Bonds go buy baby, don't SPEND itall • • IAITIIDB •••• thP blaf'tway bJ' an unldrntio 1 auto and tu nw-d OYf'r In the bi!X'k oo COIUil HIP"WaT· ~'·-·--~~~~ntoUM I --~------------------------------~~------~~~~~~~~~;;~~::~ NEWPO~-BA~OA NEWS-TIMES. N~W1'01't lleadl, ~omia. Thurwtay, ~ 21, t!N4 leal Estate ••ces Brisk Ptlice ~ !~:~A'!0~re:_IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES I ~.,_ N- R.eal eM&t. t.r&Mten t.ba put bloc:k ~ ot tract tt& Newport Rt r1 Oqul.t ftf 8tV'!'k'• "at.. I E s u :1 s week 1Dclude: Beub bold · .... vn•l ~b«lul wntt•n by ~ tw~ • • 1 E A D F 0 1 p 1 0 F 1 T • • U S E · F 0 R 1: • • r Carl Jack L. Hopldn8 to ll1'11. Julia Hf'n r> t-~ Prrklna, who wu Jaid to 'nMt tJ~ rond\K"tlf\1 a • · ~~.~·U~~~Wl2~~kM~~~wl~~~m~y ~=~~~~~~m ~~ ---------------------------------------------bloCk tf"' of .c:Uaa 3 ol Baltic» 8bore Colrony trart. I thr 'L'lk .n .. r wrtt'"ln the rhl'l'k• ate •. rd Cilv "Of u,unaj 80A11'. 81 '1'1'1 .11:~ I ITU~m ·•u~ l 'f\IC ~AI..&-. I HF.I.t' \\'ANftD mR RAI.Y~ HarTy 8. Yllla and Wile to an. I Wrn l'"tl tnt \ 'r~'· Ono&:"on . ~~ ~It\ a ol. O r .. nll<' Stat• ol ~··· RF.AI. Y.ST A 1T. JalaJid, HarTy Green a Dd -.;r., loU 2l &Dd an ,,,..tlnl! t" thr .-, • .,. rt madf' by IX'a.:n, ._ounty fk-tiUoull tiOA , ~ f\o I, S "l t l'nd 1't10ctr1t •"~•H ~AI.t' I .. ~ tntU• \\'ANT'I:O t.lan 1•1 ""'filM WUIIam H. Burman Jr .. et al 1Al1 29 In bl k H f ~S of Bal· Oqtu:<~ 11 lht' r<>lt ,, l"':tllon Callromla. un<kr lhl' COAST )hruu• l'n~o:lnrJ ""'' J'art. 1 \\ltf h (\\ tt-.\llnl ,, . .,.... ''-' hI' I fo•r IC"n"ral hntel wo..-11 1\albl.>t~ R&= Oo!.llDa and wife lot H boL~ 0 oe<'l 'T'\\11 rant \\'1'~ .... lt•n 0\' .. r thl' rtnn nam.-ot SOtrrll said n I MAHI'' "''"!.·.A .•. ANO ' •• ~.,,~ ~IIIII """ Av•. N•WJ'C'r1 Inn l'hune NPWJ"Irt AIWI fll•\1( ID l~..D of tract ln8. B&lbcML. Jot\n 0 W olfor1 It) o...t~. w..-k rod. bUt boll\\\ (•to• rf'('n\'~ ... cr~R.EALTY ro r""! Lrbalt'owln· ..!: I ~~'U --t !(' h l'h tlt!lel It 'ffl:_lfr a-:.&.1' U'.A!''1'1!'1\ u,u ... hul!l bc'l• C . F. ~ut.hrid.,.. to Walter E. · A lludmn twolon In lu Frank 1.1 ('()mpoM'd 0 lnt' 0 • ,.... ~1 \\ ~~,.,,.' •1 A' N Ph :•'\All \\ Cole and wife lOt 4 hl block ~29 Rcoah. lot 30 In bloc-k fl nf tract 0 . "'--I! J "h 101\S, -.·hose ruunra and add~ I :'\•••'l).)r! '"""' h f':•ltl ,., lit ~AI .I' '1'\ l.o .,,.,,., •rrtn~t•·l '"' I '"If ••r ''"'' to:v .. l '''' I'"Y '• ~18. BalboL ll ~:rr, 1101 "unlit t,. way, wu f II ~ to wit. l)etnm)' IIIII II r •. .., •. ,. lllh'o • ,., ,.I,. 4\0 l'h 1tl117 M ll't·lr•· ot ~· addiUoa to N-: Harry M. Pierpont and wtre to rou.,ll In San ncomr ntr . w hllf' Mra ~m!:n ~ .South C~t Blvd.. 7fllfo I A•·••""' A,., •. (', ••• :.,, ''"' Mu port . i Kathryn C, Nubltt. lot 17 tn E. I • Amt•v 231': ~llnla An• av· La~na ,&ach Callfomla. Jl(IAT ~\IH :'A I.~: l;tt· \\" d II 7:t·•to• IIJo:l.l' \\'A~Tt-:fl Jo~IIIN'tll'llf',..l JobD B. J ohDM>n and w fte to bl~k C at tract 518. Balboa. rnue. eo.ta Me•. bad ber r o rd I • ESS • • h and thll 1Sth J'&A~n .. ~r ~ '~''''' ""~t ""'"''" :Ill ' • I mAn 1., '~~'•'rk In l.htllnr ,.,,.,... Ralpb H. Deaver and wlfe. lot 11 _ ----_ N'U~ etoln~ rront~he Lido thulerld WI~ Sc lf'l~'~r J!N-4. nl•l••• l'rt.} $Ill\!:• !'I I~ :ll!l h IFPII ~,\I .Jo~ :!·1'""'" '"'"'_. .. ,,..q ,...., . ., ... ,,,., """'"""1<:" 1'fl 2'11:' In bloc:k & of MCIIoo 2 of Balboa D--eptJ·on to lot. a.Y p DEMMY LAMSON· 81 !':pi ll•'h l 'h 1:!17 \\' llll·l\1•• ""'· ,,, ..... h a nd •·hAir, m•n .. •ll (l,,.,. .. "'"~"'· Nr\q .. •r1 1\eArh. lal&nd. ~ l .Marvin Orlrwe, t.,ubho UM av· nda. _ ~·1111<' tntolr ... llh 1\ INv.... • 81Htc> · Clti.RN NaUonal 'J'r\Wl and Sav· H Re d •niH'. ~por1•d tha t aome one had 1stalll of Oallfo ~'{\1\ SAt.r: ~:1 11 ,111 111 llc•ry, t'ltalno • n~:l,. bNI wtth """' . . . , • lllg• B&Dk of Loe Angf'lea t.o onor veren •tolrn both headlight•. vaJuf'd a t Cowlty ef 0~ tmber.l 4 ~: o :r~\ " •• , .. , Mtllll iUIII """" "''" 1111'""~· 101\ll maCir.-N I'll ., .. 1.1' \\ A!ll fJo .l l Jltahw..-1\•t Glenco L. L&n.n!nc and -.·ue. part Carl B. Johnson I $1:\ and a manifold. ''alu~ at $60 I 0. ~13~, day n! ~ undf'r-lluor\' ~·Ill t'tllllrl'•'d lflr t\OIIolllj; I 1!'148·W afto·r • I' Ill. :zoe llllb\' I ""•I "'"" ....... II ":" ~~~ II ~ m of block 33 or Corona del .Mar. from t.t. Ford VII. while fl' L A. D.. · 1fre a~aN!'d Df'm· It s 1,," 11. l~'ri " ,.., .,1.,1,11,., Av ... t\altt.~& lata.uct , 'l': 41• ~'.'"''"'·• ooff '""'I·· • c "'" :ll\14 Harold Scranton and wile to K•M~dv or t.larctUI avenur rf'·l&1fi'W'(1. ~nona Y to bfo 1• 1 4 71) 41 1 \\ ,.._ntral Av• Nr1t llo·h l.ioyd T. fl'ot.om and wife, lot 21 P1 .I purt···l 'th~ ,,_ or varloua In<• III my LAm5on known 10 nM' ""~I ,..,., '11" I' t-'( lit ~A t..t'; \'"'" ,..,., "· hiKh ' 111 If• an.e .,._. bf'lnl romplrt...t ~ 1 thl' pt'I'SOn whO!W' naml' is IIUu-l I ,,, I'll ,,,.11 ·humr 1 '""I 11prlllf" t and aouthwutrrly hal_!..uf lot 23 l.n mrmbf'1'11 or 111_. W SCS ot tllr C(JCD·I an•' "quantity of lumbf'r h-om thr S(:r\bl'cf to thl' within lnlltn"'wnt. I ~'PH ~1\1.1' s 'uork ,,..,,. :~1 f•tlt· "!'l·llt It-'"'"' rhllll'• ''"''' 1,. !II Al l• \\'AI'TVP 1;, ... ,1 • '"" ~k 238 of Corona ov Kar. 1 • h h r rttv clwnt' • · th ... _ "1 t , 1 1 • I•• ,, ,. 1 •• " • .. lv1 R d ;r J munt Y " urc: . ~ a re<:#plitln lc and acknowled&ed to me at ,... Ill • • " ' ""· • " "' , ·" . ••lid liN'• C~n tJf' -at ~7fl2 A'"" tlllv """'"" ,,., . I '"l"lt , . • ~,• n oaa a.u .. e to amH honorln R . R J hn¥>n lhf't 51'• toclr tll n •f MVInl: u r ri.JI. w~rr It• ~ .. •I 11 s , ; 10t. 1m 1:111.4 1 1 1 E c; tf'Wood d wlf 1 t 19 lnl It "' " • r J tb !M W tn<J l'r••:por1 1\rsrh l'XC'CUh'<i thl' sam~>. I '. c•,,..,.. llh ol N l'\qll.trl 14••• h I• • 1111•1 o ••nlltllt: l'h .. ru· •;t•l lo 1 • •• an ~ 0 mlntl!t"r and hi• fan-tly • n • ' •. . 'I In \\'lt-\\'lte...of, I haVf' t.IHt 1•~ 'il l'pt u. h ill 41• 1,.,...n • an•l r.. 7:1 Hf' 11111• .,1 "11,,. •: ,. ,. :.,,..,, I•• hlnck 3f of Nrwport lkach. 'nlts rour1NI\ , ... !,trb will t-o hrl•' nr-., ti<'•lrr. P•ll""" "' . l.yl,. rtrl· h t I hant1 and affixed \ ~'• ",~ ''' ,., "' '• -; ~ 'I P C"apital lnvutmf'Dl Company to In thr ~,,. .. n.J ll~:all \•otll lmm .. •h't!l h f"THI~<ll'r L<"' Ani:<'' ~. llolll'rl T t'!"l'U~ 0 1 5t mf Itt!' day and ~IU' MAIII:'\ ~· I'\ t '<!A I :-.:s Ito .:AJo t-'\IH ~A 1 .. : ll<~otll" '"'" lfl•lllll. • G~rtrud~ W:~zorek. lot 19 In I follm.· ch .. SurhLo~• .. ,· .. ntr.-: -n· .... ;, Krml' WhtlU• r . "tuh c-;, •lrJ:f' Mt·· ~l t~s ~~~~;;c::,c first above writ· '"' k~ ',.,, " "' I• I II• h• •· I an.t rnallno~ III Ith oln'tl•"r ~MI I' A I :-.:TFit~ \\ A N1,.'1' !WI """r• biiX'k J of l.nlr t ~18, Baltx-A, ~rtcomtw-r :;:4 and ,.111 (rlltUrf' !oot lolulll'n ~a.nt" A nil h all 1 tlrk~t fM ll'n · I a.thl "'~"' r • 1 :•' .,, I'• ·'' •"• SlllllJo Ana Ave . Npl. ll•tJbt. I"'' ",, k 1 '"""I•· 1111 ,. r r !"1111 Ct-rtrude 'Wtl!'<'zorek to C\Jr11e A. the tint 11m,. lhf' n....-Rundi\\' -~In' e-n tht> bay SEAt 1 LJ<n1hl 1 t.ljot o -,,111!1t Itt.: II" " ,.1 11 1, ""'" :-; .... 11 l'41tno•ll""1n "t 731\ Hrr~rta' and wltr. lot11 31. 32 and arboul ooro'iH 11tn r"", Dtly ••n:a~o -1• R. J . SMlTH. ('ounty Clerk !'>'r" I" • 1 7 I 11. :-;,.,, Sit"'" l •r N"" I""' ''""111 33 In block F. lot 16 In blr ck G. lu d untll'r th ... j!tr.-.lt .. n "~ R.:t\' ·Too Much Food I n A L l litl'h('O('k ~ty.l --.. ,,H ~ALF. Arion plano, '"""' n(t<r ';I'"' -::"I' ONY. AI'IIF. ''" '' ... acto 11\. lluht•tt • '• .,. •• .. . ··~r. ITO I 1\: I' I Ill•• I I ... 'II «'U · ... ""' ..... '. t4 " I I . ~ I • II I•. 'I ,. '•ruble I!" I Ml:" • •1 'II •I 111 r; /port ''""•'h !",.,. "" "''" at •14 Npt. "'v·• 1',.~1 11 't.tr "" ur lOT 2,111t 1'1t" •• :-,;, .... ,ltlfl ~~~-· "· '10-ttp IJM11NOA WAN'I'II:D ~ .. 1''" Tlll•lrtt ........ A. I Me DOWELL I Jr """••l tl,..•l ,..,...,,. ......... :\Tt14 C'.wul llh•ol Nr W\'11111 ~b r .,,.,,.,, Nr••r .. rt 14• TJ..ttr Balboa Peninsula u~~•n Fr.tnt \ • \r r~••tt 'h • h ottt t• :'\ \'1" c..tld. 7 ''"'"'" :•.., l•10lh" , .. ,mp"""f'IJ '11'1"'1<"1 Ill• I oltAf't._, 2f4 ..,.._ • •• rtt I' I ,., ,. I v IAil•WArw"fl 8lld rrn. • .t h ,, '"'I u• •n•t badminton ',,urt t :'1 MWt fh''"*"""· Nf'""Wport ltrrt•lo 1•:t• TJ·ItC lc.t l61n bln<'k .H. lot 22 In blnck•mood f:Utman l h llllJurtf'l Hal~h 14 "'-~-t it 2s Oct Slh,JIN4 1 .. '01! )'-J\1, ... l '•·n,;tutt ,,.,~ ~···~I 111h.-.l lOt :.!!\th Nl . Nr~~tpo~rt I' K.lot 1 1n block 0 . a.nd lotl9 lnl wlll pl'l'· ,11,hn num~n<~ F 'I' L•ttJ C h l .::=:pt ' · · ·--ll•n•IIIH•tl t'hc.•l• c':ll "'~'' 11 ':'1 1\eta('h 7:1 •tp ,ll.-l.l' \\'A:-.:'1 .. 1• "''"~''"'I"'' 2 Htlt t4At.to: ~t .... l,..""" "'"•- btoc'k J O( tract :HII. BaJbo4. All f~lrnUII and m#m~r. ul the or • 00 I e as •·r I :til:. t: ( 'o•fll t nl II "''"a L''llt R 1 t': ,... "' '"'"'" l'ltotflo :-.:,., II.". •11, loof """ l<W t:.TM ~nn& .... Martin A Mal d If to Lfocal NoUcoe 71 •tr· r ' /' • • ran.:•. ltt~o: h ' 7: 41• 1 • l,..•lrnootn. 7 yr ntd ~ tn ~ · er an \V e rhurrh are •·orohally lnVJll'd to _ 8epL !0. IN-& • 1 ovc 11, 1:"'"' n•ndtllnn 'J:!7 AtH• 1 ' m .. ,.,..1 1 Itt It """"• In WI\ Burt R. Norton and wife. lht 6 1thl• atf~lr Wllc-n 11n r 11ttnr: h"'l,.,. !tl'rVr" t no To Whom It Ma¥ Conc.ern: ~~~ ~AI,I-; l7 l Air"" """'· INta Av•. Ualboa lalan<L 73·1111 1 \\ ,,:-.;Tfo:l • : • ""''· 1' '" .1 .. I""" 1 ho-.. M.... tt<lllh u .......... t. In block 3S6 of Ca.nal Section,! ---mU<"h food thrse da.v•. lt. ht'W8. Notlre Ill hert>by givt•n that~ llf· her~\ I ,;.l(JoJ I'HIIIjtl.\111 l'rh···. dry r .. r r .. rutt, "' tltrr.. Ill \'UIIf I a. to N ..... , .. of'f "'"''' n.... ...... New~ Beach. Ll Holtby Wins I Tbu•. thr El Paralao cllf• and teen daya sttcor th~ Ab<w e dat• 12M llwtwr, In ('nml "'''" I FOft .aALE-Heuaeho._ fu"'ttu,. hnlll<' l 'h Ntot t:l "' :.'1:::: ,.,,. • Y--ltp WU.red H . Mallard to n or.-nce 8 d • l'tpenillfl Kltch~n. )frP'addf'n Plare. thr undf'rl'lignrtl l'r"1'""'" to •~II Ll.l.lt,." llllcolld . 7:.!-:.!t<"'t •fld ant..-, from )c: t• JIOO . nina• 7:t lf• -- M. Mallard. lot.!! 11 · 13. 1~· 17· 19 a ge IR England ~"" lnt<• print &~~••n. nol ~. lllcOh(ll!(' bt"veral{t'll a t theM prem· --•• t ....... 23· 243' or-•• Ave.. • • . . • I TRANHPOilTA'I'ION and 21 In block 736 O{ Corona dell --. I ('AU. th• nJ>A esya their price• IleA, dertnlbfod .. foiiiiW•: H0\\'1\IIA r 1-'0 H I" A l.b: $4\1 t.tr I Ceeta ...... U ·ltt' ......... \\ AN1f..ll I \\ ··.t ""' ur aclrl I WANTEU Mar. I Lt. David c. Holthy, t l&>st 50il are too h tc:h . hut hec&UIII' lhcoy llrf' Cnsinn r~trl'. 202 lotam Rt., Bal·l \\'1\lko•l iOX VIa ..... 1•· N.lutl wa.-n ro RENT 1·: .... ,. .. Ill 1' 11' I rv .lr pttllmrnl G~rg~ J.f. Lanruter and t~•ffe of Mr .. and MrL David iW . lloll· too 10\\' lUld they aerv• too much t)OII NI'Wf"trl ll4-adl ' 'l:l·ttp ~ ... .,._.. Joull lin·" 1"1' lrH111~r" N-• 1011": WAN .I II.I ,._ .... ,. ....U to R&ymoad MunOtE, lot 19 In tract by, 1518 Ocl'an Front. ••a• re· tood J'urauant tn IIIH'h lntrotlon. the _ _ \\ A ;v•n-:1> Tt• n nl .. r t~o1v •mAll Tlnt.·fl ot'fl•" !lttl 1 \\ '"nl 1 '111 1 .. t 1•'-' J,. llollrll"M'"" ..._.., •oc Coeta .Meaa 1 ......_. · 1 1 1 . t lb• I Avr N""'J••rl I\...,. to 7!1 tf• 1 •1 11 1 ...... 1 1 1 .. _ · · cent Y aW1h...,.. a bron:uo air me-Tlt•·tr dinner I , 11•11111: .evera untll'ral~nPo.l Ia a pp Y 1111' n • ~'Oit SA Lt: 16 ·11 nu•111•j:llll~ phu1u nf .:oo.J , mUir I'" Npl 1 " •··•· """I 1 r n """' •· _.. Henry A . .MoriN! Jr . to Vlrglnla dAI for fnf'riloricu.s St'rvi~ during I klndJO or m~at. With Olttllp. muhed ~t.atr lk.Jrord o( J-:'lllltll~ullun fur ·r~u bvul. I :l h I' ~:\lnnlllo .. .. &II u••o.. T2·tl•· 'l't '111.11 . I 'TI I IT\' '"'" I ,. 'I IIJI 11•1 1 '·' ,. I I ,. I .. ,.. ., 111 •· , •• ,_ Al~rt& M~. lot 22 In block GJO combat mis.<~ions. and hill wifl". · potal" gravy. aalad. ol1'.1'81!rt anol l~anl'f• "' an atcnlwllc hcver&Jt! ll.•rtttl ,, •llttr, 1 r111l1'r. f'll.tr•1 trtnC~Ir,.. ,,..11 Mll•t hf' 11,.81.' '" I'""' '"'"11 " "1 At" .. ''"" AYe., of Corona del lotar. Mrs. Ethel Holtby of Los Angt>lt'S ('·~rtee. h3\t• hrr'l prl!'rd a t :I!\ and JlCf'Nk' w r lfcf'ns<·st f<or ~ Who·d llllcl tlr~t, '" IYU l'vVI'r I • WANT ro lli'!NT .• ,.,,.,. ""'I • "''":'" .. 1 llll'"'llnK I httll•>~• l ~ul f1·1tc Richard 0 · Manley to J ohn has ju.~t l"t'C'l'i\'ed it. He has ~n GO crnt•. The ''""' nut only wruol prf'nllli"S All fu!IOW!I All In ft1MMI ... lloJitotlll All l<tr l t-.niPron~; lou.IDf'Ntl .... ,.. t"ralrr • flublh Avallt~\) Ill\' ( ... rtlflral .. , WANTI':D m BIT\' Moore Robinaon ~d wlte, lot 1080 on lJ missions and ill :<latiorwd in &ood. 1J wu too goo.J to ~ tru~ On •all' n .... r ... W lnf' J~I\J So·t' a t•·r • JO I'm 1:.!8 llf'olr••om, ~' n•lllltt'd 1\ouao al•ntl ""!IIIN>o1 Alii'"' ootttlln« •II". ~' -----·---------- ot lra.ct ~7. Ne"port Beach. England. :'IOow lhr OPA l tf'llll In an•l say• rn !';air llt•t•ll~d !';plr1t•. 39th ~1. :-.;""'"1r\ 111 11•·11 f7·•t• l"llt llrt Call IK:I Til If• JW"rl"rt• ,. "" 1., '"•• ··fC" ~''" ''AI' 1 t'•t tillY ,.....,.,., ta • L. A. "anleu and wlte to J obn so 11tf'~tono th .. proprtetnr Hay A nyon .. olrlllnng to prnlf'lll th" -:-.: ...... 1'lnll'• T;s 21• "''""1•l '"" IIC~rblx d ... PW'l. Two F. Webattr and wife, lot • ~ I s andoval, haa a rholrf' l•r r lhf'r ll!l'luun<'•• n( tllll'h It•·• n~•· ,,.. may I P'OH l'AJ.F 4 ~-ft >•• hi \\\ttl ~' ~~~ rt·:P ,.,, rf'tol 1' ur 1 ""'" 1 .. 1 ,.,,.,,.,.,.,,1,., wiUI or~ • Chol·~e D--1·pes h h .. u-"111 ..-y "I' '" 11~:1 " .. ,, 1 New Office for Dr. Crawford '-1\.eC uppln• hi• pn r<'ll or .-uttlnJ: •l~own ,l rtle a,. t i(INI 1"'"''·~1 wth t" .. ..,...,., t•n·•·•· olt••k t o•:o :o <lr-1,. 1•1 AI'\' t '-.:A'l"l ,\t'll .. l • :au r .. lotHidtnae Auet ..... orr•••IAI. I "' t l .ra ... t'llh•r bY )'~IU ~ Ulllll (8y Wl"lfrecf 8at'ONJ on.1t~,.cnhu0~bl'trh~r1tAitt8ht,."r•<'•O',n1r•.~l "'' ... ~.',~rl:"·''.·,1·~.'.'' :'!,.11fr:.••'•~1•1"11111U• U~natlna; I '14••11 '''"'"' 1 m:;l•.V • I•·•""'' .I lou•· '"' J: \'V Kunu l, 1, 0 Jl\. h~t t ,.•f t<,. ""rll • ., ... n," • ·or a• , ...... '"'the y.._ A MW r ~ "'-~ ...... -...,. ... P4• 1 .. "' ,. b..'ttUI Gnu._ u\ t •t t,: ~\.,,nlt \all Uut \1\31&, Ranta A.n.a., (liL&&t tl• t "' • • ,., .... ,.. ,..r•h•r-\ ••rw-t• r nt ,,,. twtrt pa)' .... at, ......._ Whm ttW' bakt"d ham IS all but now ~ IIOUif. M laoJ a.nd dcoJUWrt 1:1 "und" f .. r ''""'al &3 provided by chatr ""'"l'll't .. • "' ,., """l•lrto• 12 tlp Wt Ur ltu• l.. N"" • Tlmr~ 1 .-h Wrttl' Ria 'V", e/o N ... 1:01'11'. lh('l"l' an-man} ~·ays of U.'l· are rulf'd nut and th~ rru·e at.&ya hlw ,...runoltiiHIIlnlo(. • ""I ~IMM'I, for .., 73 41•· 1'1111-'JJ.lfcl '"1: thl' last btl~. Be\r;t of thMc.>. 1 lhP aamco 1 LOt lS VEfiWitY q1.11lk ARI•· Sl:! ~~~~~ l 't•ll "' tl••t .. A:""l 'J''II llt:NT tl"w"' ,.,, 111•1 t'Ctl& !'4.\l.I"-AI~ I"EIUIONAL Dr Mt~rgart•l r'r.11• r•ml Opt om· thmk. 65 this unu..,ual and dl'liciou.• Tb,.r,. WM al110 n hit or •llf't· No. 2676 llJumtll~.' !'>:•·'-purl 1:.!1'4 \\ j l~<lll l•l~tfld '"' wtnlrr r:nunth• f'lri11t. w1ll mnv .. ml" hrr att rartt••' ham loaf. Jngrt"dimts al'l'. culty bf'c'aullf' whllt• a llrenllt' ha•'l ' 1111 : •·pi ::I I u•• 73~ It • f',uplt· 11, 1,, t.a, "" wtlot I'"""" Ft '" ~A t.lo; 111 1,. •Ito:•• 4 ,, .. 1 .,, new offtte IO('uti'U • n thco c·om rr ') t'Up.. ground cookt'<f ham 1 ~o t.akrn out lt• ftl'rv<' Rrnnlsh 1 11··•1 , "rr "' l''"l"'rtY """"r•·•l ''"" l'r• ""' '"',. ""' , .. ,,...,.,1• or 18th and !l:l'wporl boul~vrtrd ,.., cup n akt"d C't'f'l'al dt!Jhl'tl, anl th rr Wflll llf'NfO tfl Retu ns After I FOR RAI.E-I <'1111 • nutlt. lth'h, lfllt ~-"· rrotlt .. 17~7 ~· ~ ... ,~.I AI Hall••h IV Yll\1 want '" Jet ........... ..nt. nc. •· v.-uu.._, w .... ... .,. and wJII open 11.8 duur lo lhf' ltUblt(' ... tl'II.SJlOOf\ dry musta.rd 'IM'f'VI' Amertr·Rn dl.tht•ll, lind lhal r . DO<iS, CATS" rt:rs """'II" Tltil .. : ''"' ""' 1\l&l for thco t1N!l llmr nn Slllurliay. ~ tl'a~poon jll'ppc'r ,haa now bf'rn lak~n care or and F"ft M• • ~-WAN'rt-:P Til ·III':NT 'i"rn~·· 111 '""' I'll 7:l~ 1:Z·:ll• Septembf'r 30. 1 ('I:P !iltghtly bl'atl'n 1 •lrarght Amrno·an dtllll<'" arl' sgam 1 I y 1881008 Jo'OII SA 1.1-; I'• ,,.,. '" till·,,.,.,,. I '" j Hall""'• NPWIJt>rl l'"-·h '" ,.,,.,,. MIM'EI.LAN::ro=::.:-:,,8:::----- Modero In ('Very way, the n,.... 12 cup pinl'a pple juice 'helng llt'n'<'d attf'r bfotn« •*nt ! r•r.lly IIIII' l:. ckr r ~pknlcol• at w .. -. Ph. NpL Uc.h 2l2A 'fl·H•· .._ SEPTIC TANK a CD8POOL PVIIJIOIO location wUI ~ enhancf'd by har. Combine all ln"redit•nts and m ix from the mrnu for •v,.ra.l day•. P1rM Lt. Howard E . Or&~rn baJt kennrl prlc.-o '"" Mra '"' 1 Tait. Npl l!t'h, 0!3~111 K a .m. lt• MLCK;D.LA.NEOVS monloua d~oralion and plrulna Wl'll. Put in a small buttft'f'd I . -bumbarl.t.,r. Ill ·~ndtn~ ll .... ,, • roa ....... color• carried out In tumlabtna: klat pan and wt 1n a pan o1 hot IIAIIBOIUTI:B ON ltJilY carrwd Curlou~:h In Newport Btost·b •;ao p.m. Uttrr rrum but abow ~ and hang1ng•. the latter cominr water. Bake 40 minutes at 375 • With only 23 prrsonl' qualifying !lfter crm•plrtrn~: 50 m luiOM With line In C'tll lr A I< 1' r•·.: :t1 ,.~ 11: ltAt.t': t pray r-anttnc "''' Cb-.mploo l~<"<hl(ro•f' l'rt\'llll' t 'l'ltttl$l ... HY A•N it l't\IU't':T r lr •nlnk tn thf' ll11mor fteMW 110\' lltJJfO. Or1•1""1 l'nlont; ulvoo """' •h-n ftl .... lit. ft. HJt. M-W Work auar-.nr-.1 f'll4ltw Npt CO.TA Kaa,4. cAJB, from NUll York. I deer-. Unmou.ld oo platter and as juron from a list of 80 nAnll'll, thf' f'lflr<•nth Air Force In ll.llly f tl o'ntnpl•tr,, f'·ll:al. prNaure pot, The general public u 111'1'11 u gamWs with sautt'd ptrwapple an addJIJofUIJ 30 pt"'O!IJ('<'tivt' jurors Ur 111 l h•· twu8C' g ue.t ot bill rt&Me. put)'. l2·•t(l l~'tl> ~17-lHt.h At . Npt. lk'.tl I cu11torrf're and rrt~mt. arr Invited nn(::<; • Wl're 11ummone>d to llppc'&r Mon· t.ll"s l't~l :=ruu~:l• r and her pt.r· TRANSPORT AnON l'h. 1217-W 81HIIt' to ~lait u,,. n~w office dunn~: Lh11 day in ttw t'ourtroom or PrN~tchn~; , nt" t.lr ''"'' Mr• Jurold Span&· - ----- event, which wtll cconltnue Ulroujth 1 Just a elance proves News· S upt•rior JudgP Frnnklin G . Wo·~l lr r, 1 j;:t:: Wt•ll\ (If· r an f'ront UJC'YCU 't; ~~~tt.J, n'llh•d <~r re-f'OR SAI..J-: PVW1'r drill ~ •. A!Jin 22& '72-tlp '------------.....J Professional DirKtory the day. Times l....t'aden.hrp! Eugt•nf' Elltott. Balboa l"''nltl't. OrgPra wholOI• home I• In 1\t>w ~rt-<1 V• 1!••1'• 3114 .l1oleln Rt unall l ·q I . 4-c-yrl,. nvllou •ull was Ofl(' of lh~ namt>d. and Ottll \ "'k l -.l,, has bt•o•n awardl'll lhe Malbc1" llnol ~UII M•nn~ Av.,nur a hlt for hlkl' or tr•rd lrar lllr IIORnMY.R RCHOOI. "" .... _ The Famous Sportfisher ''CRESCENT'' STILL LEAVING DAILY at 6 A.•ltf. from SCOTT'S LAIDIIIG (l:~·trythin• for the t1•hrmlanl Phoae s.a8 1101 ('oa."t llltth"a)', :'IOf'Wport llf'arll ~NOODLE~ 11& ... 4,.., ... .,. ·~ K. Yambt-r1 or Costa :\1i'MI t 'ntl I 'tll\llcrn. lltsllniUl•hf'•J ••Y· Balbloa Inland 1:1-U· $40 N JIU I llarbor Ptt 2324·M c~-• ...... . -10'1 C:.ral, ............... - OA Y IW '11Ct(U........(,_. ...... It N.D. CASH tnl: ''~'"~"· ,\lr Ml't.lal and 6 ()all BUY WAR BONDI Lnr r tut1tc-r11. Fishing Boat Bargains I Sl't;(;l.-\1.: 42-tt. s 10-tt., 9-ln. beam; 9-ton lt'e hole ..... $SSOO _IIIG~S LAIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage Ph. Npt. Bdl. 19M ------------- • Inside Storace 48c per ft. Scrape and Paint Your Boat on Our ('onvcnient Ways . PORT OF SEVEN SEAS llarry c.artl•r-I.W.n.-4 v ... ht llrnk,.r 817 Coa.t~t IIIJihway · l'hoar, Nt-WINirt ~h 949 B.l\CK 1'11 t: A TT A< 'K By ~Y llungcrford JJMMYJ~ ~A Z t(fU\l 'f i{IE.f~ iN r\t~ I'IIOOlJt.( H£ THINK\ ~ ~vNDA"f '),COCJl & A Nl\1;r .. ~··"' I ~ lr~ ~A;IIII Hl ~ A t i~M By Charll'~ McMan W [ LL I At< E. THAT SAM~ 'VC f.NE OVlR AC.AIN- U~: ('ott~ Pf'PI'. F..atrt.oe ,... ,....,. IMrW. N ..... " llll'loiW ().A. MoriiMH ,.,.._ M! M. A.Oder4 PrtiN'tJWl Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyalc;la., a"d &ure e- lEROY P. ANDERSON A'Tl 0 AN£V AT LAW <.o•t• Mu• ... ,.., Butldi"O P hone 4.2e HAROLD K . GRAUEL CHAPEL \\ M I Ottlllol\f•ll 111~ """"' ll"f'YI! lty kf-MIIn« , •tt•~ra '"'"' · Pt Onr N,.,..port 'UII C.o91a Me•• C•llfornle BUY NOW C ity Tax Sale Lota A. J . TWIST I C.fl7 ('>H I lllylo-.,.y f>t>one 2422 (.IJII !IN A 0 £ I ft4 AR ---- tll30 \\'-t f ',.nlr•l A•t~ N,. "'I"'' t 1\ra~•ll 1'11. s .... ,.ur1 ........ h lrrtlt I I It nn ""•"'"F t••ll "'I·M 0 v .. 000 •~ CAT HOA~fTAl. &eftt• A"• ltM ttt4 a.. ¥ol11 •t •• ,.,. "'-• a.!H, Houre: 10 U a m. a '3..e • "'· PIIO,_Offtce 1 l1; A a T4•J DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYaiCIAN a"d aUAOaON no. ~ ....... , ..... ,.._pot1 --,. .. , ... - Otfl~ 2M W Aea :ra• A II N<t A"•-• C:.tl Hewllo•t • Dr. M. D. Crawfnrd OP TOMITftiiT "'"""' tt:wan,tnNt r:l .. w• .:.,tt.,l 11•1 N.wpnrt Rl'lui,.¥Ard Pho"• 7410 COITA MI:IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL ltV TH£ a l A 4 10 C. out Blvd. Ptoonr ..,.,,..fiOrt 4.1 un. oBEu r.t :('Asl. Dt•ntir;t • !trrt ", \\'. ('rnlral. 1'11 ,.,.. NF.\\ l'fiKT "P:Af'll ~------------------- WHO'S WHO lfl HARBOR DISTRICT F'IA[PI AC.E AND tciNDLINO WOOD II W Wrlacht. 171tf Npl Rlvd .. Ortrtll MI'U .,.,.,1 1-'tm,_,, ..... .a&-J ClNrAAl CONTAACTO"- Gt•rrtr.n II "'lrwfl,y, :WIO C".aut Olvd . Ph 412 J'l•na and Cnnettw:tJcft lUMft( fit C.OMPANila- n ,..r• M,..,, J.l,r ('r, "IA't ue hrlp )'flit pla n ytNr hoow " 1.,._ ... l~ ltl.tr111 Lumbef' Co . .,._ 1100 n .... lllr hway at A~ O"'ICL •uPPLil....._ N,.,.,Jtt•r\ llartw.r Pubtlahllt• (0,., l'tlrrnee· 12 1-'. ,.,,.wp!lf't 8aeeb. ,_ft iN'T ING - N•-J"•rt Jlarhor f"ubttahllll ()) Mlvnooa IJ 1~ Ncrwport.....,.. AlA L t•'TATl, INaUAANCI. A JIIOTA"V PUaLIC--a.-It Wall&ot'e, 2202 W. ()antral A""ue f"'a.-1. I AUa81fll aTAMPI--. Jll ..... ,~.rt ltartonr J"VI>Uatllnl 0 • f'onn. 12 · t:t. Jllt~wpot"t llaMIJ f>Hlf:T METAL WO .. K-1 y,,.,.. l•kam""'r 6 Blawt MetaJ Worka, Coat& M•aa PtMfte 210. VAf.,ITV ITO"I-tM~-. 1 ....... Vwlaly atU.. -lk," &Oc. 2lk •Ad uf> . .,._.. 2UJ·W . . - .... m.M . NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport B,.eh, Calltomla. 'nwnday, September 21. 1944 Matron Honored At Stork Shower I Boy Scouts Hold First Meeting I-I arbor Feminine Activities Your Friends and :Min~ 'J'he ftm meeUnr ot t.bo dub Mn. BwriU Palmer, 4t6_,. Santa year t or Boy Scout troop No, !I AM a,_ue. Newport Helrht.. wu found n.a.ny or the membera 1alh· By Wlnllred Bari)re bononcS rue.t at a l!tDril lhowerl ..rinJ Moaday evealnl at the 8 b I I d G. I 1\ae..tay eftlll1Dc, t.be boete-• Scout H ut 10 1-;ut N-port and al Oa S an 1r bata.r Mra. Het'bert P'l-..nJLitn aDd I plana for fall w or k were made by wed in Frisco lll• Zel'a Autry. ~12 Ot'un I S<"outmuter Tom Allrn, who ta ~ebtNe•~ t!!elr:· t.h rt asaistPd by Bob Robhm~. !'4:·nlor I Jo,r11t hn.to• ,,, t111· , "•·~" ,,, 'H , 'Pos t-War Aid To Veterans Subject Of Legion Meeting I a r nor " fll' Y leadl'r, and UOb llt nley, Newport llarhur tlnonn High -j at·huul ),rr8. n .. [l AniT~t·' !Uacuu •on or I he, comiQC put.. al tiM maDy lovely alft.e, lht' open·t Thel"e are lour Jl&lrola an Troop I · tr. be playf'd by thr Amertc.aa La- Ine ot wbkh preceeded the build No. !1. I Ktnn In nlthng t•ur rdurned •.t· ............,onl8 ol Mlad. cake, CADdy I ___ • ernn~ tn mukr the tra.nJiilloD to aDd colfoe. · COMJN£' EVENTS '''"'''"" llf<' "'""' the chief topic -nw-p,_,l we~ the Me.· • \ r of ollii!IIJW~inn at Uti' meet'ntr ot d&IDa Dorothy Wright. T o n 'i I Amt'rlran u ..-,too Po.tt 2tl -• FfUDAY, f;F.I'T ~2 ,, -l"t~~mmer, Helea 8trr~n.. J&ck Cub SN.ut !(II II)' 7 311 Jl m tht>lr TuPaduy nrnlng mt-tllq. Upeoa, Lyle Pope. Don St.alford 1 .. ff J JOiat'llhlne Cla rc. Yllton J-:17,.11 Nl'"'l"•rt Ur11• h c rrornn111r "' h•••' '"Ill .~tt'\'WI' o wei" A . Hay-au•'llnrtum I man mu•l" an r xtPnlllve l"eport, ~ DoGaldaon. lo:la• VIola Bar· Mrt!IO P A v. SF:l .. l ~·~ atatutj:: that thr l'(nver•r.•ent t~ ...U; the bonoree, Mn. Palmer. Hl'd CntliJI wnrkro••m Ill I' tlru _..,In:: nil ... ,.",,.,. nr"llnl7.atlone a &ad the bOIIt~ll 11venul', tO 11 m .In 4 p m IIUrl(ll'ltl , c·hanrr t o tt lt1 tn t hr r ·hnbllltallon • l llrt• .. lnJ:II ""'' r•'·rn plnvm•·nl n' rf'turned I Legion Ladies Fete tt .. ,, rrnoo.~~ w11rkrnom. 3 13 Ma· ''t•trran<. an.t •I•·""' rlhl'd how the Convalesi"Ant Men nne 11\'f'nl .... HtUho>n l•la.ntl. "fl' n I o'rllfl t;o,;,r•' 18 1>4'1111! • hllngf'<l ~r "'"' , tO t o 4 p m . llt"Winl: In 1,,. nhl .. '" '"' n' ,..,...,,,,~ to t.b-1 rtrd ('ruM ~"rkrno m . 1:\00 \'elt-rans I.Adiee f'l tbl' Am .. rto nn 1 .. .:•"!1 Or l'an hcouh·vnnl l'nrnna tl•l Mllr l'rnp.,111a11011 N" 1 , n thr Nnvem- PbcJr8 12 and 13 .nD MilliliTER AGR£E ON TIIS CIUWI HAll KilT IIESS Mn. ~verly Woods of Sacra-, dauahter, Mrs. William Ulmland. mento has ~n a guest at the 606 W est Central avenue, Balboa. homt' ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs. With • thf'n'l wu Mrs. Fret!man'' William Ulmland, 606 West Ct>n· sister. Their be-ach vl51t was C\lt traJ avenue. Balboa, for two short by the dt-ath or a thlrd sis· Wt't'ks, and 1s returning homt' Sun· ter, Mrs. Earle LaPlante of Fullt>r· day. Her husband is serving with ton, who had been taken to tht· the. ar.med forces -in England._ .\l!Mdrn. hO!PI al W~esda~ e~· M.Gy. ;Sgt. and Mrs. c. P. J ohn· nin& with a stroke. son ar? leaving Weodnt-sday Cor Mrs. c. G. Porttr Jr .. 41st s treet, Seattle, Washington, and Galva. and Miss Edna Walker, 27th North OPkota. 'nwy un· vbitin.: strt.'et, w <•re guests ut a birthday the S(.'rgl'ant 's family and rei a· party at thr home ot Mrs. V. ('. lives and expect to be gonE' a Barbre jr.. South Parton street. month. Santa Ana. Thun<day afternoon Mis.~ Edna Walker. 116 :17th Mrs. IlarhN'. 1hP formt'r Connlt> s tl'l'<'t, l.s enjoying a two·w('('ks' Simmond~. and her part-nts, Mr. vaca tton from her work at FJIZ· and Mrs. Will Simmond~ ot ~ patnck 's Ot>partment s ton-. Sht> Angeh•s, who Wl'n' a lso preS('nt a t spt•nt M'Vl'ral da)"S in JIPrm~ tht' party, wr re forml'r resident~ Bea.ch with Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~or Newport Beach. M:upnt L. Scharle Schmt'irer and a day in Los An· gt>IPs with Mr. a nd Mrs. Wtll Stm· mond~ and family. former Nt•w- port Beach rcsidt-n ts. Monda) (HelllMr Mink TMeM,.• "- w us !>JX'nt in San Dit-g.o. and 1\Jt-~· of CaWonala) ro.t AU11III11ry. hf'lld~cl uy Mtl•lr••ol I In 4 l'·m . 11Url(11 111 dro>u lnj;8 ~ r hflllool 1 ho• Vrtl'rrtn.l! fo')jrm and 8t.a.Diey. chaJrmAn or th~ hn•,ul><l :'l:o>V.purt lll'tHh grrtn nlfll ~· h~ool llo•m•· 1'1111 hn~,. Aol ·~too,.,. R''Vtn ! commit I H . y. tnt to I hi' h<>8f'IIRI llt I" T A , llrh•~•l &uollturtllm 2 :Ill r ·1lol , 11•.' I v I 'w I" t:l••ll .. r:,:~..ntza. dny ~h<'. with .oavttl Dyt-r . h.- 1 m ollh'r, M rs. Dyvr. a nd a frwnd. ~•·nt to 1h(' D~('r eabm in tht• c:on· yon north of S1m J uan C:•pl~llimll 8tudJo: S0'7 Oolclf'n~ Avenue for n piC'mc lunch Coroaa del Mar 8awte!JI! 1\IC'tldtt\' llntl j;IIVr a p 01 t • I• Ill n ;01 \ Jlt'l•)'l• II' ho'\'1' lhf' • .,_rty for ~>0 •·o>nvalrAo·rnt m,.n 1 N•-wp.,rt Harbnr Ll''lun Aux r,' Jlf"l'tol··~ f••r '"' ""lrt'!hl «1ft 111er? t\ 4Prf' j."allonll or fnut th ary. L,..t;•no Hall. I n•• ,,,, • \oo vrtr r·•nll. Y. hrreu Il l I Mr and :\ll'l'. J. S Fro•t•m;,n l•f pundit aDd tlrouna uf ··up l'llkn to T\lfo';SIIAY s .. ;I'T :Ill ' I t•l\' ,,.,.,~ !h••rn l'tlltl' money pie ... thf' Inner man. tuhl fur l..lunt~, 6 30, HO.lln~ l<•w •r rlt 111 tt '""' '""'" ••f lntr ro•"! (or t h,. !" .-.m• thtre waa hllll:" 1 Hutary, 6 ·:Jii p m . Whtlt 'll l'llrk I o o•llll~· r..tlllllr'l f•••m ~ 111 I·' ' 1, r•l•:t ••· .,, f1111,.,. nn•l hOOl('"· AuaUiary mC'mbert who helped A""nue. lllll lto~ttl l "lllnrl. • '"'" unot r··•••tt • •I li•l '' oook :11 ltiO' 11'111 thl'l "'""'''' tft ''"Jlllltl tn tho' I &1Ye thf' crena Jr~<td Umr wenr' ltrtl CrO&II workroum. 111 Palm !'\IVAI Ai r t ·u~l· "'"''' UM .,._tcknt, MaU. Rollln&•· Mr•.1 avenue~, U&Jt)I>U. 10 am. to 4 p m .. 1 T h•• f• n n• r Mart"" s 1 1 ., 11 ' f l,."lnll •t ,.,. wh•rh '"'' 'Mrkln,:: Bllllo Robert.eon. Mra Bert .. wtng . llitu"hl•·r .,f ~l r 1o 11ol ~l r.o \\' !4 1 .,,. pr"t"•••llfll'l, h<·~ltlf'll I hP Y1'1·1 • llatdMr, Mn. Baker. Mrs. Helen Rt-tl f'roea workruom. 313 Mil· !'trotlll :ljll l•l.trfllon•l ·"''nil~. l'•tl Mnt1~ ,.,.n.1,.,. duhll ,.,,. lhf' C&ll· Budll. Mrs. m..or Rowe IIDd rlnf' avenut', Balbua leland, 10 a .m. I'''"' lhl.llhl oolw "uM '""' r1• o1 "' fnmt~ \\",.mrn·~ C"'hth lhr C"'lllfnr-I Mn. II\UlleJ. I to 4 p.m ., eewln&. ~'HI fo'rkno It•" I" ltooh AI kill""" "'" ~llltr Fo•olf'rlltlon ror l..abnr, th<' rnrm•·o H nrt ... .., ... no•\'' II !-('"""1• ("n'tf(lm h• Att;.,.mhlv "' County FLOWEI SlOP ~WERS FOR EVERY OCCASION lORMAN'S Wo Dell\ltlr ...._ 590 nu•n :!nol 1 lnM In lh•• (';,wot 4 ;""''1 ~"I"'M'I~ont tho· C'"~<llfurn1A Rt&lf' ~~~ .. "nr;o " llj.:lol l itH'.,,,...,.,.. "oth T,.,.,.,,.,rl A-.vlt~tton And ~ hi'"" n "~'' ,.,..,",.,. 1 r t tw "•·•I· 1 ro1Af1k" Ant1 plat rorm11 of M th the I <lin~; 1\1111 "AJ0 Jlltrnoll'd "" ~1 111 .. , n hll 11 p tl ltuth II• raho·\' ur U:·lli<~' l'lan•l "ll" l'&n :m ~'mocrn " par· t ···~ wt~•lr thr t.r3t n ,_,. v·a ... r: •. ,.,)!·· 1 M""'""" • ·,,,, •t~tu,trollomllll l't• •• 1 •IM"u~nn ~"llmr up ahout t h!' Little 1l1t1r 11 ell 1111llte 111 her k11lttecl cetto" dre11. lhe clloee tho C'nl aJeo at ttl,. wrckltn~: "hll lll,.l atl\'tJIAhlllt v ' f 1 hi' l..f't:Jnn Pollt and I ... ora l,.rulf, • rid1 cream eo lor with brltllt bh•• fO# the border pa\. hrhll''• molh,.r !otno ~train I Au11IIIRrv mr,.tln~ nn lh,. 11'\Uit' 1 teniL Th11 Ia the ktl'lct of -·-abovt whlcll motllar •"-ctauehter 1 n..ron-llhr lt'ft ror ~~~n F'raD· ntL'h l. Mtt aurh R m••r tlnp will be ~trn-Motller, beuuN It'• 10 eal)l' to launder end euch fufl to kfllt r iJIC'o .tie wu honoorf'd wtth ,.1 hrl<t nn T\ll'f'llav (Hot 17 \\1th a -~~d lllleuehter. bec1u1e lt'1 10 prett)l' eflct comfortable to weer, Dlr- ,.h .. wrr "' V.'"hltf''s I'Rft &lboal jo·nt JI(V'Ial gn lhrrln~: 1\nol pm «ram "'" 1heet, "Little l l1ter '"a Hal'ld ICnlt ... ma('be obtained b)l' ee,.cfl"' llhtnol. thl' t.lt-Huth' Uo•ralw \' lttllnwlnj:: .~~o•pllrat l' ho.~lt"'JI, meet-e et.lmpect, ull-•ddr91Ud e"velope to the NHcll-ork Do,.rtmlltl e1 lind n.-11 v lllac-kahtrf' hrtnJr th .... IOj!ll AI 1111,. lim•· lll"r•• I\ Ill be a _t"_'_•_Pe_pe_r, lllectf)l'lng ctnlg" No. 2703. hr--~~·!1t • f'RmDliHnlt' tl~ unttf"d t pr••J:f fifl) f.-At trtnJ: ~liUitl&rtJ QtJ ---- lhr t•hl··· ~ntl lht• ('t•nlrl"1tlrro• 1\U "''"P''">' pi• lllrl'tl f'!••!to•llll•d by~ Announcement Made I First Meet of PTA ~---------------------------. • t•flkP wtth .. t in \' hrhl<· anol ··ntcrt:nm.t•·nt o·nrnnlltl •t•. Owen w d M d Af I gTOOm It \\'Ill' ll -mll!t f'll'\nt'<>llll Llnolno r an I ('ln\'lnn ThompiiOO. of Coming ed in g I on ay ternoo n IEIMArs MAllET 'll hOW"r 111111 >~hr '"'"tho· fllltllllnlel o'ool ln111 r.tlf'r ~·ruuk t"ro"W'ker hu r'f'l'lf't••nl n ( mttnv lton•lv j.'lftl I lllin"llno•r(l hi~ , .• 11'1111'11'•· for the AnnnunC't•mo•nt hn,o h('o•n mnolr Fn't '""''''"~ fnr lh•· )l'llr Meats-Staple Groceries -Fruits Vegetables-Milk-Eggs Delicatessen Items T ht• y11un~: ro•llpl,• 11111,,. 111 wnk•• ••>nllll~ \f'llr ro~ fool'ooWil' Amort-bv !llr anll Mr~ ~: ll'l rnltl 1'ta ' tht• Nt•WIIOtl Ro•~tt•h C:ramm11r 1 Hwlr h11m1• In~~~~~ ~Tun• 111;" 11h••rl· • n 11m I< 1. H•l)'ol Arutrol Jl'or. II'\'. 166 North Ptxlrv !fl"'''l Sl'hool Pllr!'nt·T t•:lf·hr r ~~~''K'tlllton lv. If t h••\' tLr•· ~thlo• '" fltlll an • •I!' I ;.,rctun fo'lnlllll,V A•lvl'rttetDc. rtrllrtt£f', nf tho• t'l('tl'ntnnl nf "'":r 11 will ~ held, Mnmi;•Y afll'l noon, 1a per1rn<'nl 1: H lJurrh•l Auditor, Harry oluughter. U 1111 Kav. 111 K•ll h (;f'r· Sept. :l!l at .!·:\0 •1 cloxk at the ~:>ttl" noy So outa, 'rhe<XIol"e Rob-rl11h son of Mr an!l l'ol l'!l II W C:rammar !IC'htlO I .1uolitorrum L H 1 111~ llo.y's Stfltf' r ta vton 'Jbolap· Gt rrltlb, 118 29th street . :'l:ewpnrt 'lllf't'•' will hr lnt·•"><htl'llon of ' aguna to ave "•II . ('IJ:IHI ... A J. Haymu; nurh. t('aCh('r; hy P r tnCIJ)OI II 0 . En· I Concert on Oct 0 5 I t'om mttn.t \' H<•tlnr.tPnt. Carl Du-Thl' r<~mMCf' whlrh had I Ill bf'· Slj.,'TI, ond lhf' pro~: ram Will ((';Jturc I I lel80n; D1saJ!Ier lk licf. 0 wen (lnnln~ morf' than two yeare a,;o II n-admg by Mrs. E. R IIIII. a nd '·noMe Pttc. -Pnlapt 8ervkie I '~'two Mulltr ;:;:;;;:; C'"hob ~InA Undn~r.. will rulmlnatr with a wedding R r· violin numbers by M NI. W. S. Spt· vice Friday. Sept. 2t a\ the Cap-cer. Miss Ruth Armstrong will '----------------------------"'"" will pr...-nt Gloria r.rffn. 13. fa· Entrr1A!nmf'nl. Uayt.on Tbom.,_ W.. do San ADtonlo near AftAhelm.l&ct U accompanltt i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.l mou1 pt11nlllt . l.ll11 Anr;('lu. at thtlr ann anct Owt n L.!ntSnet; H~. A 1 1 ho til t 1 flnot rnn• ,.rt of tho· llf'IUI(>(I, Thurs-1 r.11• Tllm Jlllll, ~t .. nlt-'.' r.orauc-ho-'nle br111P·f'lf'r t 11 rx•pul11r mf'm· IOC' a ur w ol ow the pro· •• day. ~~ !'> at 1< p m tn thf' La· vak1 l...f'sral Holantl Thomp110n; ber of the f'l81111 of .,.2 nf th(' gram with rt'freshmt>nts M'rv<'d hy lrl'"" llntf'l l\t~'mbf'rahlp v1r Hstr ht r: Parlla-Oruc'.,· Union H l£h fiW'hnul hAll the hosptlallty C'ommtttl.'t' und('r r.turlll o:rr,.n mA<lf' hrr dl'but mf'nt.arlan J M l..onn11 rd, n. .... been emplnyrd for 80mr ttmf' In direction ot lht-c hmrrnnn, Mrs • '"" S tuart Dtch l. In Tuwn H•ll "'""'' \'nrk lhlll Y"ar hclty, ll H. ltnn.tr-1. H"·employ-Uw offlcu nf the Oo•uglnl! C'nrrora· enl1 halt I'IIIW'<I In flc1fllnn ;tntl Chi· mf'nt, ~t rwart flunlap. l'IN'\'tre Uoe. Lontr Beach Bl \. MORE TIIAN BEFORE Sierra Madre ha\'l' bo•l'n I:U•"''' f,r three day~ at the hom(' o; tho·u· PIIONE: NEWPORT 1041 lir~Aa BREAD-TIME STORIES rn.:o with lhf' JOvmrh""" nrrh,.~· rtfflf'l'r A J lla\'ml\n S e-rvic-e I '1'1w prot!~tl\'(' b r I •l I' 1:: r '' '' m t rail 1v4 \'r m•.., !'lt~f'lr f'ndfh' ( 'oll"mttlr o• Sh•wllrl llurill'p. s,.., ,.ra.ctuatPII from th1• N l'wpcort llilr· 1 ·.,aJ'I Mlllm 1an nllll!l\d nr write! A. lc-c·t I\' I' ~rrvlf ,. \'II lui\' C'oorps ~ld· bor Union High 11rhnol nnol AI· ;-----------:1! Wt; SPECIAUZE I' Say a Merry Christmas to the Boys Overseas with Your Portrait J)oa•t Delay-llan \'our l'hoCOJtrnjlh Ta.krn !'\0\\'. 'l'lleJ Malt 8fo Rntly for Ma.ifinJt b~· Ol'fobf'r I :Jth ~--SPECIAL--......., o.e Protesslonal s1.00 Portrait, Only 1M) APPOIHT1II'ENT NJ:CUSA.AY . Roherl$ Portraits .. MJ81• JIADf-NE.'\:T TO WARD& MJft'A ANA. CAUF. ........ 11.-liL-. .. Ip.a.IWb ··~hr '" unml•tnlo.nhl~· 11 ~1rt•••l n.-, flllll<l~•'n · t~ f\JIIrrton Di~t rirt Junin1 I '11111~1 who '" Olllh tr;• In lOll(',, m r.ro rl' :Iff' CrommtUHio-r fo"r:lnk t-ollejre fi'lr. tw n'•yPA rll lhl'n ll'llnf'. to'f'hnulllf' nnt1 m u•trmn•hiJl " I c-r,., k.., ~·11 ,.1 \'u ,,.4 ... m.;,a.'ldtr the U R. !"11\'Y R \'<'Ar lwC••l · llh' ~I I ~ l.loo\'ol :-;, 1 ... •1 l'r••J!r!'m \'u ll.olo hrr. ~··· •tnol \'tr•··Com: ~ Pea_rl Harl>t•r tx>m!)ln~t • ~ 'htllrman II! '••rv h:q I"' thnt aht n•nntl•·• ll '. L•nol!ll'r AtiJUIIInl He WllJt ~<laltnnrd "" lh•· I . "ll4' nhl" tu hr•n~ 10111h nn ,.,.,.,m.' I( H l tn,~o lo l fo'tnan;·r· ThN>dor~ Wfllt VIrginiA AI thr tim•• ,.f l lw l"l"lllri'IT n1tl"lrln " ' ' "' I lnhlnll huoplnlll K••ltll f~l'rrtsh l attatlt, "'tf!h lhr ~hlp \XII!< l!rtlfl Foolll'lwo n._: nrr th,. .. :th'••r• ur lh" l'rr~i'u 11 nt Aarn•:•. r:u ... Tnrnpllll ; Ud eunk. snd WA~ In .Ill•' h"sl'~t ;ol ~~~~~~· l,o•\'l'rl! 'lult r .. r t hl!< yrltr I 1111'11'\rll . ., ,. I( l 'hamho tltlln ()r I fnr lOme llmr In Hll \\1\ll :\11•1 Slt!i l'll·~ .. lt•nl Mr" r'hlorl(•,. t'('lty ; fh ~r .. r 111,. l•rl\· \IV F\colol~<, i·~ololr Dlt(O. He ha~ n m!'diC'n l olo/OI'hllfl:• 111!•11 ,.,., l'r•·,..olf'nt ~''" Tht•miHI l!onr•·r~ r:uto T.omploll. (11111 G nt-from the NAI Y rtn•l '" onl' ~r Itt<' IIIHI Ill'<""'""' ~It· 'l""'romn11 fltlt· 1•01 ,. 1 1, L veteran• frnm lttl' prP~<cnt \!oar tn • • • o " , nr , .u:t.n 1'. "~'~ r 'mk . Murray ; tre'lsotln •r, Mr" lttr hArd lwlph Hnn.t<'l · the Amrrl• nn l.of'l!l"l1 • . ~t rphl'nll. :-ru.:rl\n• rhntrman. Mn• !und.ay Mr Mtl Ml'll (,f'rn~<h f'..~lt't,: lh•s 1f• t ht• t•ouot\' rnn\'tn rt t I I II I h 1 llu,·•l ~l''r<<"l. al'PII'IIant prJ:l:Om. • ente 11 nr1 w Ill "• nnt'r n ''""' Mr" \\'AJI~r F••~<t••r . "'"tal. Mrs t "" fo'runk C"ro• krr. ItA I ph ltan of the youn~e ('nuplr. l(lll'><f!! It• lnJ.: F.mrr~~~tn !oltllo-r. nt\1~11' rn\w Mrs ol.-t lr nn f~l'flljtr r.urrlon. (:tl"nn Mr. and Mrs. OradJty. MIS!! <:arnl ~·N'Jrrh k ~ h"anhn\\l<k) r.,,.m. l"loo'l. t'tnytlln Thnmp~na _..,. Bradley . 1\nd the hnn'''""· ~Ill'.' l~·r11hq•. Mtllll' ~IAry ""'l~•r, pKr nnt••t!, \\'Ill., F'lf'hlJO \\' F. T'r.~r-LoU Bradley. Or~~ngr : Mr nn ' h.onwnt14rilln. M rto ·'"""Ph Thurs· Ia!:,. Hn\t ,,.,, 1 :rrn!'h, Qy. ~'1 l.lnrl-Mn. Frank Dt>nemore 1\lld M r. lun puhlll'll\' t.lrl' \'t•ml\ l~ck nr r, n .. n llllf'llnl F.xHuth·r I'Om · l!lrt. and M l"!l c p J oh nl!tm. Nrw- 0 ,.,,,.,. F1.111k ('rn.t:l'r, lt:ll1'1 H&n· port lkach ; M n~ Orpha Blul'. ~Irs ~t:-• E•ln1 F't•h,.r .and I·~· d.tul:ltlrr M.11 t h:~ Ellr n. n( !1rv· rrh I !til~ lin' 'l"'fldtnl: 11 ( ..... llot) ... twn• Vl"tltn,: nlrl frll'nrt• ;\It ~ •'l•h•·r ".1« fClmwrh ·• h••llt• ("lwn,•r 10 El 1\11)<' h;,, •nld h··r hnnw n nd r. nin\ I'll I " n •. , ' I I~ IIlLis •'"' \'u IIIII• ho 1 '"·'''II l.trt•lnfr. Calullo Blue snd LPnda Sut' Blue. t;lrnn t)-,,(1 (; .. r.t .. n r:ru:td\' !'II'\\· eo.ta Mea. art I >unl.op iiai;iiir.iiiifri::~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. ... First Birthday For ~alhoa Boy /· ·n,, , .. n f·r~t l••rth·''" l'trl\' t~F .1• hnn•• I tfkmt .. u ''"'k pi, " Sun· .,,, • ,, ·1111~· ttl th•• t'iln, ~·r btA 'rnt:·!f ,,. ,,,,. \1r ant ~t ,~ 1 \Mnr ~~.. n· .. tu,,, Ill CANNINO FRlJITS Canning Tomatoes sow !n Seuon fit~T TIIEM AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 1734 Newport Bh·d. C~Ca Mf'sa Jack's New Barber Shop S20 Marinr A \'e., Balboa bland Tf!lephone 11101 Ladies' Hair Cuts IC'an hr h:•d h~ <~Jllll"'tnlm<-nt I I Al'k Hu!'k•'-· l'rOJ>Ml'lor \VE SELL M~~ 1\C'.. MilAni WALl fiNISH It "a..: ., ,u· 1 , • 1 l q ' I \\,1 t 'l.tt ;I,, • \\ tlo 1' ,. I ll ,,. "'I" I \\ th '''" tu" • l"ld '• ". h , •tm I' I • ' I 1' 'I "I 1 • 0 " t 'II I I•. ~~~ 101 \'tH h ._, "·iH 'I \1 \[, I I 1 ) • t D.ancing ONLY $298 GAllON .. NAME OIL PAINTINGS B1 MAR\' ~'llt'XA!i4Ut:R of Ranta Ana Make Ideal Gifts Balboa Paint Store .. Ellllt....,. Bafboa j l ' :0 I'" 11 1 11 '''·" 't .. \'I , 'lo' I It I 1 \' I 'II •• d •• 111·1'1• ~ltl n ••• t • r • ' ~, ,. 1 • ool · I .I I h~ •'I \ • I 1 , • ' \. 1 •• , •. 1 I •n;:· l r: 1 I I s.' I ,, 14( I tlf ~~ ... • I I ~· I! I j"l't .. , ""r • WHAT-NOT SHOP FumltW'f' ~nntW>c~ A Re- palr'f'd. J"ktUf'f' f'raml ... PaOo ancl t'nftnillfwod f'llnd· tun' Suppllfld. \\' I a • o " ...._ ln•tallfld. \Vhat's Your ·Odd Job? 10'7 Palm An.~ta. Every Saturday • ID Costa Mesa Legion Han 18th Street -Just West ~ret>ner's Store ILEIDELLA'S ORCHESTRA Gives You "Just Good Dance Music" and a Full Evening of Fun • DANCING From 9 P.M. ADMISSION 50c-pia lOt-Tax [ 1 RECIPE SWUJ AMD SOUl lOHAlOO .. }-..--.----1 ct-· "11 tomat oes ove mJn 1 tbs cod Baruc 11• vtneaar 1 t b:;p,' br 1 t :;p , 1111neo"" sugar 2 tbs p, !stJlod Por:~le,. Cut t Ad otl omatoes 1 ... Side dotrn 1 n nalt and trying Pan.ns~!easpoonful :~~ thetD cut cut Side •tth •n, t hen tur ot tat in Bred tents La •1xture or re" &nd season UntU tend·.,. o•er heat and ~aJtntnB in- • 0 ata • .,.,. fLA,VOR-FRESH 1 HOR_E THAI# OVEN FREJH -l~et:~r· -or !'i t rlnvor-r s :nrlchcd llhiTcolr-frc ~h ~ i re .,h, Thnt,:; 1'1': r end .1s A l .. ll e t on:; t a d ,. . y it lllll k e s I .. o, Weber's n w.:lOd trichee c ?ntn ins th "'• v~t am in s a n~ llllne rn l .. r .in h "' OIUld • ol e-gr a in .... ce r enl r.: y 1 -· our g rocer has H. •·30