HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-28 - Newport Balboa News TimesNEWPOBT-8 80.11 -PRESS AN DfDIPILNDINr LOCAL N'IWSPAPD ....... DmRI NEW RT HARBOR DISTRICT NU)(BER 31 • NEWPORT-BEACH. --..---.-=~~,__ VOLUME V ... 8ticl. ~ud Harbor Kids ! HID TillS 17". ~ .. .,..,.. -tar Udo Isle Polloeman Claims $25,000 Due For Aue~ Ubel -. Boats Kept In Bay By Firing at Sea By T. H. ("BIUCIC") OA.INJDI Domrone. People're a I w a y • p&ckinc on the ration board. The lat.t ln•tance conoeriUI a eate wberw p~ \ftren't exactly what they ahould ha ve been and 110 Honored by uTheir" Plane a r r 'i'l'emente To_ th•• boyw ll!ld J1rt• ot New. 'w•re made r rt Ueach Grammar Bclaool, all Ole propl1e r n them, tht. week came an oftl. to make reward for their hard work t&ln c:han«ea ln Ull' Country'a FitU! War Loan. the menu. Newa. Tho' N>cognilion le an oftlclal u.a. papel'8 prtnted Army photo from NorUI Ameri- Uie atory, only ean A vlatlon Corp. or a rJeam- t t 1 o o ked In lng, deadly P-51 ( Mue~) Army prtnt u If the F'eghter; lhie ftghter plane belnJ proprietor wu lhl' $84,000 anawer of Ute chlldntl told be w a • ot Newport Beach to the enemtea tlvtnc lbe pub-nt thP United Statea of America. ••ucK eAn••• Uc too mu c h Tht' name or the deadly flctlter for lte money. Ia TUFFY. Tufty, In~ to the NatUJ'ally, conalderable or a hell. en•my! ahWJoo rMUited. Alld Ole ration Tht' combat r-eCord of the plane board J'C)t tile blame. I will be kt>pt by the 'tJ. I . Army Immdiately lot. of reataurant Air Corpe and tht., too, .. tum, ownal'8 bel'aft ea111nc up and uk· will be given, u will the otnclal line If t.bey eouJdn't chop ltem.e photo. to t.he children of Newport from Ulelr' menua, and whl'n told Grammar Sc hool. they couldn't they were dlal'run. Uecl and mwnba.d In lbelr oollec- Uve bearda tor wbleh you can't blame 'em beeauae Uley had been rJYen the WI'Oh4f )deL Thnmu McCullen, .peelal poll<'tt ..rnr.·r fur Ullo lalf', tnclay nled ~1111 In •lltH•I1or court for JI&.OOO ol l\lllltt!O'• "'hiC"h he allf' ... Ia cNtt hl111 "" f'Mult of an ._rtecll;y "'"'""'""'WI le-tter laid to have bf'en wrill"n by AIU'OII 811barn,an, J'\al. lo•rtun ml'rc-hanl, to Jal'k PU11e Of Ulto l.h l<• !alto Community ~Ia. """ Thl' lrtt .. r rame u r..ult or an •>c<'UrN-n~e .. arlf UU. mnnlb when toh·Mull .. n pvf l'lllberman a ..,..4. 1ner c-llt•Uon On .. p. 11 tbe ._ r .. n,r.nl appeared tp.eror. Jucl(e o. A J otrlH who nnled hlm a10. TIN flnf' WU eU..pt'l\de<t, Whf'NUpoll th .. dtofendafl( doeatf'd Ole mnn•y ''' thoo poiiC"f' -.ltarw fund nn lf'pt. te 1M te .. ld tn have wrtth•n lhf' au .. ,.d elandtornue lf't. t•·r In Parke, bla •tatf'mf'nt. u.,... 1n, ll4'cordlnc to Mc-Mullen'• oom · J•l•lnt hf'Jnc "fa1 .. , unprtvil•..s, auod lrul.lt.-toua." 8peclnca1Jy, au. hr,rman t• •atd lo llav.. -rtfld I h11t Lhlu'• epactal nff'lret r ta ''a lt•r." "'''' "moat una.-l"ommndat. ~~~~ ... and that b&. wortc I• "lnerr.c. lve." M· Muflf'n r lalm• that h• wu hrhJ 1111 to C'Ofttempt and r1dlt'ul• 11nrt th•t lila Joll wa• JMJlArdlaed "" "'••Jit "" Ia bootn• l"f'JI,.,..,.ntf'd hv A tty Nh'k Meyer Local Mao to Wed Popular County MIM An .. r mnnlha wtiUwut npla. nattun '""" a11y uNiel•l IIOUrt'4l. "''""'"' fur thf' C"<lnllnllf't) lll'bt· ...... "' tho• ...... lllt•lrUit ahiJWt '. l••a\'llt• Nf'WJ'fJI1 flAy. wu mac·te knnwn l .. t TI•"""-Y nljC'hl when M~r IMII Bolanll, U 8 M (' Jt , ,.... tumf'd lytna h,.ro rrom the 8ouUt Pao:tk, add,._d Rotarian~ and lfU8ta at tht' rark AVfi'IIM Nlf'. Ttle ,._In '"r thAt ban Oft ahlp- l'fn«. ronnded lhf' bro nMCS aquad· ron romm•ntt.r, Ia Ulat It Ia "Jut ino d••n r1ak;y with ~ta and llwa" to Jlf'rmlt •mall c-ran to 10 plowtna throt .. h th.. wal•ra (If thf' Catalina and llan a.tn.nl• cohann,.la. .... '",.... ...... 01'1 ~he mar. nr from liM llu- miUI view on the m•lnlaft4. tiM Waif,. IIOUUIWM of Newpm1 .,.,.m remotf', lillt.rnubW and ea. JW~natvf', th• ~r aJd • TIN meDu bu.ine• Ia too com. pljcated for tbia dept.'a ment&llty, nan wben apla.lned earetuly and ln det&ll by Dorothy Bulberland, wbo wortca for the board, but I ca11 ..w. you that everythlnc• on Ute up.and.up, and Ulat no one .atould be aore at the ratloneer'a aeUon. Which brtnp to mind that ~»o body abould ~t mad a t our loeal I'UJ'n raJa on the board. You eaaa mumble and euu at the OPA aad ru acree and «ivc you a couple of new word.l to add to ~ acnre, and otter a cheering aeetlon to boot. but don't take pokea at the loc:a1 f ollul. Jn plannlntr the P'ourUI , War Loan campaign tor Newport Har. bor ~me membera of the local board of dll't!Ctora doubted tf the achool children eouJd be ot much help In getUng Ole money to do an appreciable &hare toward l'qUipplng the armed tore... But School Principal Horace 0 . JDn.. al~. to~ther W1UI one of two ot hPre, felt the Orammar 8eJwxll t'OUid do a ll'ood job. 11M chU. draa proved thla correct by ,..._ ln16 O\'er $60.000 In Ole P'ourUI Loan. Rotarians Sponsor Kids' Hallowe'en With mol"f' planning lnYOhred Newport Harbor'• faenuU• Hallo. wom&D o.Noea I Brothers Open Navy Male AD&~~n and Careers Together Landa Two llarlln I Sln.-co ••rll~•• boyh~~tld, t~ c tx. Annou..neeiiMIIt bu ...... rnada at thf' el\f~t ot Mlaa LoY ltaJ nr"'JI .. y, 4aucftter at Mr. and Kra. 1!: Harold Rradl•y ol 1M N. Ptaa., •trwt. ~. and Kntb CJ-mllll, ••n ut Mr. and Mrw Howard W. ("..,rrtah, Itt JM.h alrMt, N~rt. ~ mmance, whiC'h had tte -.rtn· nina mono than two ,..,.. ~ will • ulntlnat .. with a W!'ddll\f .. n1clt pl•nn•od tor ()c>t tt "ft\lt w""" )MI.I're In tM aJr It '• dtrter<'nt. Ttlt. wat .. r a,..a .. toe rutt C>t n rtna practlre, aNI all anrta or plan .. and aurfaoe m...-. vera, to ('nUntf'n-t"-partl IUid lnterr\lpllun wtatcll 1I'OUN talle plao. It am&ll -.e. .,.... al. lowNf to roam u _..,... --." ........... ., ....... A~rdlll« lo .,.,, BoiM4 tMre hav .. b-n OC'C'UIONI wtMm "'"' plan.-have coom .. becll toO U.. 111 1'nm tw.,,.. wtth tlull .. ta or ~t hniN tn ln4tlnt.. that U..J .,.,.. wtlltln flrtn• dlletanr• wtMit M nn,. wu awar. of It wbla the Fifth Loan came we'en n ight party Cur grammar ~rnund th e children of Newport achool kld.l will be reetored thla BPar h nlia,.d JM.OOO for the P'ttU! )'ear, a ccordlng to an annnouncl'- IAiln, and "to each and flYer)' ment mllde Tuuday nl~ht by Grammar School pupil," •ld Marton Dodd, Rolary club preal. War Finance CtlaJrman Walter dent. Soleer "we owe a bf.« debt of Halted by the black-out In l~t2. thanka'. an attemoon theatre party ln lHS Tbelra wu a aplendld B4am.pu~l proved only parUatly •uce.atul. of ill'trioltam and bard wwtL" Now tbat U\e black-out la a UUq CnnaplcUOWI ......... of hu.a.. hl\nd-and·wlle ..... , wu ar. f!lrded thla ......at.~ lira Mabel Stl'veiUIOn, wile e6 Olft-J immy SlcoVt'MOn of tM DloiiJ D aport- tlaherman. ....... Aa at the Har. bonnaat.er'a doC .wa a 110 pound m&I'Un -~ ._ eacood tbla They've a11 been drafted to do a diatutetul job-one which they didn't Uk for, and no one wblch ta taldna' up tMir own Ume, wblch oo.ld '--.ell to better t'lDanc:lal ... t-.. ... •twe. W!ly not make Ulat your aJo. wan? "Don't Take Pokea at the Local Jl'olkil T '' ... .., .... _, ...... OMIMt OIUMPNl,U. ............. wlll'* llpOMONCS u uiuil, Pr.alenTbiiiJil ----NPwa of the K!)vemment'• ct. !!Ire to rl.'ctlgnlze the local d\11. Ald. thla MUOn. drl.'n'll lll'hll'vement wu broupt All (T'Ilmmar erhool cblldren RUV1:8'1' TOO: to :<:rwport Harbor Ult. week In are U~"A"t'd to 11~aln prcoparr coa· ON '1'88 MJ:.8A 11 lt"llf'r t:rom M. Pl'nn Pbllllpa, tumu tor lhf' big al'f'ay nt color· Vice Ch•l•mon of "" Wu 1'1-tho wlono~. Cnoo.li:~ Monday Mabel Ste"l'naon wM t nanrl' Committee, at the U. 8. t u I pr1zea to ~ 1 a.ftahl.na wllh Skipper Jim Sli'V· Trt-uury Dept.. Wuhlnl('tOn D. awarded by jtl'adu enaon at Ole helm In the Daisy II (", The INter went to Harry C. The audlenrl', a - That ume nl&ht thla dept. ate Hanaen, O range County cllalr. n I« b I Y popular "*' -ordtlah. "nle memory t-ven now m11n method or Juc~~tlng, eauae. a allpt drool. ThE' photop aph of '"Tuff)'," will again arbitral" Mra. ltA!ftnaon'• nm S.pt. 12, wu a Ita pound marlin. which a1IIO wu anared u • reeult ,,f huab&ndly tumwon by Skip. ~r J immy and the Daley 11. Only olher woman amonr thl' !WUOn'a IIUCI'NIIt\11 &n«lt',.., tO tonne a n •orllfl•h to ralf out or ihla port, wu Mra. Marla Keeler tit Lon( O#a•·h Capt. Jimmy ,!;tPVI"naon'a Dai•Y U , with four !lwnrdflah to dAti', Clltrently holcta •h•• ll<"a.ton'e •nprcma.cy. arart boye Ch~tdo 11 J , !II n.nd 8ant J . Jr., 211, 1\&\ r bt·t•u d•llll& lhlnp allkP. S"'lll uf &.11 J. ox. II r" r I •r . or I 7 4 4 Attlluunt ol I l V t•, J~lbt111, I hr· h~o ot h t>I'W at. t t·nda d tlM Ml• Bradl .. y, a popular mf!!ftl· bfor nf lhf' IIN2 lf'&dualln« c1 .. "t O~e Union Hlth ~hool, lau tH•Pn oomployed fnt' aome U~ne tn lbt~ otrtoa ot tbe Douctu Ah'C!r&ft p&a.lat .......... .......... 1llrlilal ». a..tlla, II....-... llftr. hlttl port R~ .,........ ..... ....... ~· hc><1l •nd fi'l•l· and • •t•adfont for two )'MI'8 at jtt11nlnr fo~ttll,.r1nn Junior roll4'1f", jolnf'd th" "''11"1:" Jr. 11 ,. h Navy a yl'ar bofo"" Ulto outb,...ak ~ Ouuart ltt••fl ,.,.,.,.,,.,, CJ oof "''" 11nd ••u a rn .. m ber of lhf' Jltlllll uu> \\'llh Ill•· I"•URIIlll All. ,.,...,.., n f lh" II H II W"•t Vlr~rtnla <'rllft c·.,. t'ttlll l• ... r~ "''"'' huv .. r, whlrh w11a •unk In Ul• •tlar k on A11l1 S11111 11,. ""'" 11 "' oo( t h• 11oa-t• .. ,.'l"l lfllr'ht)r Jlt~ I"N'I'ntly "-<'arnf' trial 1111d n•• •·t\ 11•.: ol• I••" tm••ut " ttlr mho"r nt Nf'wpnrt llar1lo•r [loo, l•llnr.: '" • niiM 111 tho ;-,:It\'\' oO\ lll••n rntt l.ot'l(loon t th• brtt\htor "4 'A't•rt• ltWttr-U ht HH It .. , . b .. t h M•m•llly ur lb1lt W !' •' k hMh ('nunty AuthoriUH r ·p(wr Ray PlannlnJt ''JIIImall hnata ran't nwno. u rut u th.. •rv1<-e p&a.n.." MaJ. Rnl"nd eald, "and II a number ot lhf'm hav• had to ro dnwll Oft ttM r~rd u havll\f bHn hll by but. leta, J know that fiYflryoN Ia lhe armed wntc:.. W111 UftdotNtand that a fOtld NIUIOII dl.ala lo IIC• oount tor lt ... ....... I I Maj. l'nland, "" It ..., Wp. Ina train n-llytnl' ronllnpnt. "' 11:1 Tnro Manne ,.... Mid lllat th .. work Pn«•lr'f'd In by tile war. m~tklnjf hr~tnrhr• ''" thle llt,..trh ,., rnut I• ""•arlt.od u wor11 H<it "lftr"m" ur•"nry and lmpor1. "nr.-·· Kabel, who eamea a rabbit's 1110t lhP Newport younptera' war mltt•eml'n and rurth••r d••tall• will -not for luck, exactly, but juat rep~llf'nlatlve will be preeented to be announceJ l•l•·r W. Jl flftrh· u aomethlnc to have around-the Grammar School u a man hu bc.'en namt•d rhalrntan of ~----------~~~~~~~~~~'an~~lroFt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n\oe event. lbe aeeond tlml' thla year. She booked a 180-pounder, whldl ap- parently wu •Ired by a leaping tWI&, beeauae It bounded out of the aea 28 tlmrll betnrf' Ski roper J tm could aay "Jack Robinson,'" nr what.evt'r a skipper howl!! wht'n h•· meana one ahould ke"p ,. tl~hl line. Th•• Sti'VI'Nio •nll ,_. .. ~ at 2ZrnJ lltl'~ef, CO•ta-.-:; \..• r r ,, t'(•rHtnt• 118 allincd ILL_lo!o:JIU.......III Wh,.n ••wh '""foNt ,.,... cnnald· ,.,.,.d, thoo M11r1"" tivtna otar.r ct.- l'lar,.d, II boorum ... ""COlly ...., why lhooH ""•"r t .. ''"''"" about th• ••J"'n "'"'"' ••n " ,,,..,.,..,. .. lnJ •1ay will hll\'"• In r'f'tualn f'hll~lral U.-l.!!::l.! .. WltrutALJiiL~~lP.~..N.Pioi:pod.j "1111 h k d •d van tan aL aucJLaaJ.L._ It 1\' '""'""'' ""'' •t ~r• """'"r thlll 1111{ "l'l"•#llllotlll'• 1111 thO' Day 11 . .._ a IW\IIl, when lhf' cold win. Thl' ellver-•·ny P-51, known :u• a Mlllltan~r. 111 ~red with • Packard built Rolla-Royce Mer11n Pnglne of 2,000 H P •nd mount. "'x ~r~•n• nf 150 ca libre. Jt hu a "l'"t'd nf 400 mllea an hour. and rn rrtt'!l a 2,000 lb. bomb, Jt II lh•• r.rnmmRr' School'll "own." ter wlnda blow, I'm gnlng to cat ("nm m,.ntlng on the lf'ttf'r and canned -ordtlah and at thr Mmt• nhntngraph, Prlnrlpal F.nelgn Ume aln& pralae~ to Mabel'l! ftah-''"'"1 ''WP llrf' gratified to receive tnc ability and Jlm'a aklll at t:ht> thu1 reeognltton. The acbool Uller. Tum. Sword/lab! r t>lldrt"n will get behind the Sixth Aa tht. t. beiJ!r written. Incl. War l.o11n and. It It Ia ~lble. dentally word eomea that Mabel'• thP.V \\111 beat their prev1oua ~c· catch apparently etartl'd a run nrll of SM,OOO." wbJch .. w a bunch of ~ rt~rbtl'"' Tt ll! bfolleved the Newport betn1 brourht Into port I'm told R,.arh 11chool built for 840 puplla. that my cood trtend, Frank Lin. and nnw teachllnr about 1.000 nell. JOt one. h11" v t a Natlonlll reord for com. parAble G"'mmar Schoola. ~TILL~ TAKE VACATION Ky trtlend Jim Slemmnn•. the rN' KER~ COUNTY a-produce man. who knowa all Chuter Atill, new owner of the about cabba«e. and their ldDJut. s"" Shell cafe tn Balboa, and )(rw Nrfe get. around nn hill .. roott'r. 1 !Hill. upon taking their Jut vaea. doean't he? Sopdll Uke an out· - board mo~or Bbout tn h""" pups linn prc-pllrlltory to ...umlnt; lhf' "nle acooter, J mf'an ... HArbor mnnRgt'ml'nt thl'rf', found Ultm· muterlnr aeem• tn agr~ with q"'""" with a ff'w d11ya of time Ru.a cra.IJ. J wouldn't havt' his I '''htll' \'l.!!ltln~r their Kl'm County job tor plenty, but he eeeme to frl,.n•tll. and havf' jl'tlne Into th,. Ulr!ve on the Kr1f'f . Met Judgr .,,nuniAin• there for a -k In •1 0 . A. (Aium.P\JUt J onl'tl In SantA 'l"""t for a deer. Ana the other day HP ,rnntiP 11 Mr Still hu plana for a ahlft beartenlnr mentinn llbnut lunch In th" lnratlfnn of dlnlnll' prf'mlu•l but then added that he w1111n't lfO-And lh" r r.rkla.fl bu upon hla ,_.. lftC to pay. 1 hope be. Ulought my turn frnm hll11 venl110n que11t. anc'l l poor t'XCu..tt wu bl'tt"r thlln none! hl11 llllllttmntlon or ownf',..hlp frnm • . . Saw Ed Chapmlln lh,. rallwr t h~> \'l'lrran r"etauralellr Gu•l ot ruor.backa wtth blue hloort TAmplill. Ole othH dav Hf' wu drh·lnJ! ---- h&. ''OrHn Dr~am.'' thl' pt'culiarly. C'RrEI.TY CRAJIOED painted contraption. lUI UAUAI . . Mr. :'l:orm• Babin_ • nf. JntereaUnr 1tor1ea about tratfk """" hu "'"" Jrult tor diYorr,. eonfo~ment In U do b iP Af"'n'' from o.,....n A•bln, f'harJ'inttr f'X· UMy? ... Wlltd'i "'mlnda Haw•n't t f'f'rue crui'Ry. Sh,. """"' U.. ,.,,.. _., Paul P .. mer, the maharaj lth Indy of a mlnnr dllld. at Ulat lela.nd. rf'CenUy . . . Left ere-. who operate& an oran,.e ftnt.DINO NEW ROME~ llt&llil down toward La.IUnL had ,oocJ D..n abollt h&. ftel)bew in ~ ..moa reeaatly. He eanw lleck attar Wac ...... -_.._ J Albert P'. Bolland f1l r..a. An. 11'"1" tau bf'@n &.aued a dty 1Mrftd. ll\f permit to enet • lhrw-POOm ctwetun.r at It• Onp a-..ue at a OOllt ot hJOO, Matrons Feted at Country Club So fnr, 27 swurdflah have ~n r•auK h t during lht• Muon. 1111. 11 hul h "'"' r•• '-- U•Ign•••l In El ~ ' 14 ·~ oot•l•·t~ too l'"'"'''''d wlh Jll•n• ~Wif rur••·nl• fur a whllf' fool .olio h woork Wl'fl' fr(Vf'n lfl lhoo roo,__t ,. ........... _. oollllh' lou 1 hoot ''"lflmt .. lftll ,.,)I 1 hro IC.oth M8 I f\~tl8ntl and r•apt loooltl o( oof ~ll(ll'l vt,.,frll Th•• Jllaf~&. I'AIIIflllf'll, follhllo• rf'IJtl llull• ufftrf'r T u ru Mn11n•• flRfOP \.\' h •• I o• KIN I'IPf:ND!il FT IILOUOH \\ 1111 MOT. 0 EUAOI: 111EU1UJ Mn C J.Aow111 llltltz nr Cnrnn" Mr and Me~<~~ (", D. J ohnaton, ''""' ............ , In lhl' trllt•llv .. Mt "''' F:l T•Jr .. n ..... ,, ..... rlllfOtl thll ••Ill llhlt•IHII"Ill t hf'l,., 1111 a J'f'rnlll- 11••111 Mru 111,. h••lll" Nul oonly Iff' lt.l Toocoo Ill•• lril{l(•·~l """'It,. 111r . fl o•ltl Wt••f oo f fill' MI"MI.OIIIJif•f thfO th,.lr ("lhPt Ul A 1· 1 ,. t 111111 , lor ., '• •'"II'' '"' •• ''"rill mnnth11, n•1w wlfl del M11 r arul M 111 H ll••nall'l Hall ... r Lind/lay, Cal, and lbelr dau.Jh· Coet11 M"'"'· W•·r•• rn.t> ... •t••~<s•'"' to. kr, Ur••nda. •rwnt the Wft!k wtlh day nt a brlriS.:•· lun•·h•·"" h"loJ at Mr. and .Mrs John Keura, 821 Santa Ana NHtnhy •·lub O••rf)rA . L IIHiu 8\'f'rtlll', 1•1 be wllb Mrt, tiona follflwrd nn ltlll11n1n them,. .110hn~tun's hrt•lh~'r. Brt. Oeor~re with Mlllt . yr•llt~w nn•l whll.(o prl'. M••urs. l>n•pnr!ll•lrv to hta depar· dominating. I tur" lut Tu•·lul~<y tor Camp Polk, pft~V· ,, T,, , .. ,. f t .. l, 4-\•raart I'" J•llf ''" l•itp••r ,.., th•t ,.,,,wr.-t" ttr••'h''" Itt' 1 •• ,, 1 ,,, ,,1 ~,.,.1 •d·u• '''r ,,,,,,,\.hll( h,, nr,..,. wUI IHIIIH •I ,lo ltllfl, M 0 11 11 l••~t ht•llt j{ lu It\ llllhlollo Ill lllll'lt III II" ltll lhf' thf' r••rnt• I .f, 11 :._,fl IIJ< •( J,..,,. \\•td~. lllffV II• fu•IJy hf-•ln Anr.:• I•·• ., ·I \lr IIH· o•.c 'l'h•· ~1111''" '""'" •••lhooriPA'•I tho .J,.,.,.,,. r:l\11 , ,,, f.•r•• , f:••ut h "fu•rvllltll• ••r up tu ·~f,'MHt f••r th" ln\'ltl'd ~\lf'~<tl< ""''' M••lldii'Tlf'll l~n. S.:t M••ur• spent a 13-day 8 . z. McKinn••y, s w 81Rrkbfoard, rurloujth With hos family. Harry W rl11h. Gl'rAIII R ltrhll', Th•t• rt~••tJt•• p. ,,., '-ftJot , • ., .. ,."''''k ~1 1•111 'f'(ar,,r t • ' f,,, 111•·rh u flr!oii iiiiO II( J:.olhooot I" tl, l.tlo hrook UI\OR( F. ~JI 'UHT Ralph P M!Uik"Y 1\lh••rt Rowen. Ol.Al-4!\ISU IS I'OIICH Billy Mfllrr. C \\' Ha rrlllfln, Ralph S Hnld"n, (" n RwM, F' J Hllrdlm11n. Lf'IOt•·r l"t" II. K V Dllll. \V~tynp H:'lt p~'r. Hnrnlr, Wold~nburg, Jnhn F: .Sadl..tr, ·' r. thur Cant, 0 Z RnbPrtllnn, R1ob. cort Alll'n. Manun ncult, Ob"d Lucu , W H MRIIR.rd. .laek Z·rt· ,.r In and Luclll' Vt'lez Cnron"r s nd MNt ltarl AbbfOy, URI 't, •non~ 111 ttc .l uuzt:u whr1 r~'C"•'nlly 1noo\l'd from Santi Tlo• (I ,,, r• , 1 "I• ,. '""' • "' Ann t<• lht•lr Jlr<tpr,.ty at 410 AC"a· \\llli<kt \ " •• Oo I I·· l loo , •. ,,.,. "'" 1\Vf'nUf', ("muna ~· Mar arr ...... In y llloollllltl: I•\ 1..... "'llo" •·! having Uw• frunl porch complt tl'• "'"'''" ,.,...... llo'l•··· ,. ly giM,....d ln. 11 ft'&ture which lnn•l. '"'''.,.,I 111 '' tit· .. ,,rll• It •·I lht'y bl'llt'\'P will tldd to the •njoy. b• •·n ,., .. 1. ,, ''' ":, , , , , · "" ''"•k• rnl'nl nf wintertime llvlna at Ul· th•· "l•or• ""'''''" ,,, , ""'''' II•, ,.,, bt>AI'h. Thf' work will eoet J300. t'l t h• r.,t 11•••1 t.:""''" ,. 11 hlt1 M•• f.:olu h r• .. ,.rt Nmllh, '/t 'J ~. lh!h" •ftr• I l'oooln Mf'ltll hN• I'' ' '''''"''I "'"f., r1••r t•r•urt '''' " •It ,,, , ltooflt ~IIIlA I "mll h AI'• •or•l 'I' ,,, th· plnlnllff, thrv """'' ''"' •I "'"'I :1 I WI I 10! f '••ln \1• • t ur•·t •• l'"'"'"'' H••pl 14. I••' . " ~"" l'!ntllh uk11 ~u•t• .. 1v •1' ttt•• lhP • ruln••r t"hlltlt,.n lllld •If '"'''" to( t h•• • "lnniiJIIII y rrfiJ~rt y "h" h •h" \'•lu"d at a2fi,OOO Forty Good Reasons Why Harbor Hi Hopes for Gridiron Honors: IAtCJ"t equad of footba ll .. p lrant• In the hi•tory of H.rbor HlQh po1ed lo r the Newpo rt B11lbo a l'reu photoqr•pher recently Left tc riqlat the Yanlty pl'ltentlalltlea are, front row· Le.ne, MlUer, Vao H orD, Killller, G a ynor, Marho, Ott, Jiorrell, Lowery, lttlpatrlc lr ud ThoDlpaon, lf'Cond row: CouncUaau, Cua, Fretta.J, Harper, ~yon, laDqe, Ahboll, Oonaldaon, Boi .. , G illette, Talatre, Blebop, W..WilJJu aod Durkee; rear row: Buttram, Robtaeo.. Hau.l, Maoea, Coach Miller, ShaJ.r, Vauqbn, Aadrewa, Atkin~•. Dick Qr&ble, Lee, Ciowd, Meltoo, Douqlu aad FrMaaa. -cM~U. Crawford photo !Fo r • o ry on Ht9b School Football ... IM9• 8) . "l"'"lc"'" ""'''· hut II I• ""W ll ro ,, I JIOOIItlo( Ill .. l~t•l ,.,, ... , •• ,,, " 0 $:tlr,!NMI !IIIII f•l "J'IItlll o o( , ~ l•lllllllooll whl' h •1u • ''4'''',.~1 th•· I<'•''' rn•n~'ttf 'a r o •I J7 01)(),1~)(1 ltl\'o "'""'Ill, It u,. •• "'"tt Mnm••aughtRr Charg•· Rrln~H Guilty PIPa r•,,h, t ·~'"',. :-; .. " 1 .... t r, ., Ml"'f1lr, •••• ft•rn-••·r ""''"· •·h•ra:oo •fn v f''' ,-,I 1 ·u • ,,, u1" n•lt• u1·t.t. • , . "'• " .. . , 0, M~tt vl" \\··•••• ~··t ,,, ~~. Wfla klfl..,l 1'4..-rol ,,, . ., t•unn.,.,.tt,.n 'I uf Mr• ••• M ... ll. 12 Whf'n •tntr k hv "'" •l~f11 t '"' " rar nn a f·o•t• M~11111n "''' "' M•·••r,.. ~ovh·· • ''''"'' ,.J,,,, ",,,. ,,, , •• , ' 11111 •ullty 'l'h''"'J'""''· , v ,,, ,,,,. lttt••v h!• ~..Jr ••n "• • •••• ,,, '"" ,, """"''' f1 1t 0 If f f l t flo I -· f (tlf f I IIIII Itt~\ ,, . •P• I If• II I •' ... ,, '""' • 'tH n m ,.,..1.1'>'•· "''·' t rt ltt':"'l't'lr.Jt \f'Tflt II H ' 111 'o'H I"tl f•1•fl fl II t lt!t It 'fl't 1•\'l'1,..1lf )V ''''" •I t,.,.. J.' •r , .. •t;u ,,f '""' P'rt ··· ,,,,, ,,,..,,. • du• '",. ''' du·~ ', ... I; I H •l (lltf I fttt• h HV '~···•• ... , lf1• ' •••••I f"ff•,rtll ••t .... A • •••v .,,.,, "'"' JHhn Vull("l ,,, , •., t• • 1 ,,~,.,, t.·•tlv ,.,.,,.,.._ •I .,t, 1 ' 'A l;~l· n~t11t J" hlltl •trhtlt• ..,, • •tv '••'•f I•· t ,,,, lh,. tu•v tlttt 1c 'I '' lll1 h l1•• h•o~l lwo It IIIII lnlf t 't • n lr• 1111( enrr,, n ... d ,,, lhoo ln. •-1, ''' "J(t••ur• '•' Anuv "'"" pt••· ,.,,.,, 11 ~rr~tprollnR h•l'lk ll nlt 1Ja~ol1 I In "l'lW" fl•rm•11 lro lht! Vnttr"l lanc'llna wh"r" Mrt Vntool aaatatN1 In ltwo r"el'llf' by lf'IWI'rinl' .& 1&4- ""' lntn the bay wa t-r. Ttl• tho. muf')tly • .,,.bd fteh .. rman cllm~ utili,. and wu tak4!n to the po. lie• lltatlnn lor drytn• tttr. • --II ~ .,. - :tru \re )Ur 1ablU. ,lei at ~ Otllt'h eor•, Mr. lrfr •"u ,,.,, t.lta.. an.t M,.., .J..La.cq __ _ laljth ••. ,.,, "•'· Or c •1. '"" ''""· ....... '1 .. ~ I ltW' plana • Irvine, t larw1 In ..-rwal, bf'f'n In IN'Vr ral otl f.lllllf'r, ' IOtllrOV• bl· llvnll• 111 hoe I ,.oft ll:\00 Cor lin-1"~'" f toll VIII'• W•J•ttu•"l ftf 11l I lr•• . ''" ',,.., plltllh ,. ' •• p.ln flu• lt••l h .. II IIIII I t ,,,. 1 ol I It•• •••. louttl • 1111) "I'' lttorl Ito r nul th•• It• 11h11~, tlo•• tuu - '"'"'' lh•· 14' .. ,,,., ., • ... "'''"•'· c '""''Y •l•l•rt•\ r•l • tA allf'1> MAN be Ko•elh o "(.lrrM'l Ul•t IJal'l. • r bl,.t ••· Mr . ..,...., for r a.:u 1\tll.l 114 hy TIM ,., ac•ullur. .. . . .., ~ . -. Nl:wPORT·BALBOA PRESS Thwaday, September :l8, 1~ ...... CourteoUB Aid Glvea Discharged VeteraM Ry New Committee "*Mr.R II \ltiiUR tiiRI. IIAaau:o .~ 1 ukt\ 'en; LIDO ------------------·~·~--- Harbor La• Brklpat E JIBWPOB'I-BALBOA PRESS -llll IIIO~HDilNT UJ<.'A l. ~>111'.'1'41 1 / Pu~ ...,.y Tbund~y e;cnlnl' at Nrwport • D•·uch, C&lltomla 'IIIII Ml..,.t Otftoe and Prtntlnl' Plant at 2211 Cout Bl\'tl -T• l~phone 1818 :-= ~ DlteNCI u IMCOnd-elua -;;;att;,~ IS. -11140. 11t th~ p<l•t office at -...... .._._u wt --.....rt &act\. California, un•l•r ttw A• I nf Mr11Th :1. Jan --· ..... -..... ..... wttll a t1 ---a-roet ,..w ('Jrr11lattoa l• Nr•pc•r1 llarhur arra .... ,......_ 'Pof•ulm 'l'«l•··r u/ rh. /','"/'•· ftoam Nf'WPCII1 C. II. DealliJitl, ! OIX>RGE K SHAFII'.ER and CHARLES fo' (.'RA \\'FORD Word hKll h• ··n rect>lvt>J of the ~t or Mlu Emellnf· Jane .... formt'r rt>lldent nf both "v .. terana S.m~ OoauaJtUe 0... «S.-1 )fllr a.ntl Collta Mel'&. nr~:,nlud under the chatrm&llllll; ..._ Jut ...,, ... k became the ,,, kt• wart T. Dunlap, and now IInde of (.t ')~I Allan L. Junes, fttOI'(tttnlnjt fnr t.hl' benellt ot all UIIHR, nr \'aii .. Jn Thr n rj'tnOny , • .,1,..,1n11 and t.hoelr depeftdent.a. la&l .,.. condul'trd at th.: Preebyte. tln·ll•ly handl4!d a number ot l1an dlurrh. th•· R•·v. Robert B ' nil•'• whl'rt \'derana han fOUDd Ke.Awey rt'.tdln~; tlu' marriage I II lbey han a problem, OOUI\o ftWa, EY ...... a& 1:11 _.taU Mallo~ !Mlurday at l t~ CootlauoUII Kuo. t'r001 ! ~so .... su.r ~ ----~~----ik=-tl:-=a;;dt.;t,=--------------OEOROE K. SHAFFER. t; .1t••r N&.L.L MURBAROER. Local Nr'"" Edllor 1,.,.1111 aid will be n!ndei'IICI wader 'nM ntw ~lr8 Jonl'lt attended o.ta )(ellA I'I Pm•·nlary achool. lhl' •u~rv1•1on of Andrew J..._ M tll•rbur Union HI h Thurw .. Frt. -SaL Eddie Bracken . Ella RA.Ine1 In Hail the Conquering Hero • 11ft. H. w .• ...,_and Mn t.. Aapl-. • .. ,.,. ...... the ()) ~--dub• ·~~n. P. V. Parlu -. ..... c. 8 .. ..,..l(n. ..... l. r. wee ...., ........ Dr. A. s Optor ........ -Jfe. ._.AM IE t I .... Yo ~ .. n Hayman a veteran ot U.. -.port g fl 1 ld ~ar who undent.&IIM ect.ool, and th•• Unt\'••,..lty of Cal. r11 wor • lfanda at Lf>~~ AngeiPI. Lt ,...--P.---b.u-been ac1Ju~~d a new1p1p.-r of ..:•·n••rttl ''"'·ulatlf•n by dec,_ ot UM s uperior Court of Ora.ngt> <'<~nl v an•l i" fully ··tualttled to publl~ all kln111 of l<'(al null I, A 111111 nol\ ••rtr•• IJt•'nt• __ -----SUBSCRU'TlON RAn.s the v•·teraM and their p~ .___ t M 1 M Stan Hill ri~thl• ._ a .on c. r an• n . . V __ ....,. -..,_ 1eJ 8urdett..l Jnn•·ll uf Pomeroy. t•lf'ran• are WaTT~ v 1 - t , "-t , .. _ -'-~·• .. _____. <*Jo, wu j,'Tn•luat.ed from Ohio ~batc .. t -"CarrtbeaD ~· CartOClD • 8portll · N-·· N\mmt lP,. UlO U1411:1y .UU UMI ~ )le h••l til ha e lmmedlat.IJ _ 8tate university whe~ ma. .-------1n OriU\I't COunty. $1 60 per y•·ar OuUttl' nl lltnnJ:•· l'manty, $2 00 1'4ua. -Moo. -or-. BIG THJ~GS ('CHII~Ci I r ac 1"1 --~ ln eng\Llf'f'rlng. The youn~t 1111. ':ec ... lpt. Thl1 Mrvlce of reoord-people wlll n·slth-at 312 Farrai{Ut In~ ·may be had wlllMiut eMrp, drnoe. Vallejo ft't·IH' Dunne . Alan Marah\11 In Even it the Civic Center th 111 g•,.·:< ut• a ftPr the wur, doean't happen to go up exnl'lly v. ho·tt• l h1· l'latuung Com· miaaion recommended it wlt,•u t h1· I •),,nth 1 t-ruad•· last week's recommcnedRtions for a Httl' 11111 th ttl Tlttrty·s.·(·Hnd street on Central Avenue, Nt•Wport. th1 t o• 1~ l'lllll'ltdcrablP aatiafaction to be cnjoy~J from the n ·a lam1a11n that plan s ~ ready, that Sile.t are betng Rt'OIIU:O.I,V I IIII:O.Idt•l t'U and t hat lhe preparations which arc. beang m:a.t•·. •;•'·asage :•rrnng1.·· menta tha t will care for a c1ty of 31),04 kJ. .,II,Ollll. 041,000 o r ~ven higher population. 1n I hi' r('Order'a otnce at tJ\e COW\-------------' v rnurt hoUM, 8th and BrMd- IA'ttV, Santa AnL LEGAL NOTICE • AIM. the ~mployment eUII'- rltAn ~hould ~ Informed Wbe~ Niiiiii 01" ~HDONIIIENT M not the diiChar..-d 'ftteND Ot' IUGID\' AV ••;1'\hl'l' to be niMtat.ed In U.. po. JfoUce 'll her<'by given to all •t ll"n h~ hl'ld before ent.ea1~ the ,__.derl In the Firth mn•l dla. 11rm~'d fnrrPI . Conrad Shook. Bal-trtct U..t the hrarinfC nt tho• p··· ''"" lslllnd. &nd Gerald W. Ritchie, Utlea of Alfre•l A Burchard et al. ! ·,.rnnA del Mar. are ln ~ ot ftW • the lith dAy of Srpto•mber. ,.,.,.n,ployment work ln th1l 'ft. 1 .... to vacate, dl1cnntlnul', ahnnd. , lnlty. oa 6ad abollah & CPrtnln atr .. t'l In Newport Harbor's original plnnner~ Wl'rt· nwn who be- lieved h eartily in this city's des tiny. It '" n .. w ~u~Jd t o know that the r ank of men who carry 1111 tn f'ltbh1· 1"•:-.altf•ll 1n the community, arc still pom;c~ 111 til·· "''rt 11f vrsiun Crocker ExplaiDA that look.& up and ahead to big thmg11. ~t f r Aid to Seven Site& ha\'e been Under atll\'t• I'Urllltdt•r:tlton fur ' up O the Civic Center which will houMC th·· ll.trh"' ·s f11tun· city Veterans In Need hall, deputmentaJ hcadquart.-rs, shippang :and pultct• offi· lA- cee. auditorium, Public Library, Chamba uf ( '11na ut{'rce a nd ~tl~~~re;::u.~~u~m~ mta. other quuJ-eivic agenciea. lmpr,.ulnn~• and m181ntonullall Tboee who aee viAiCins of stuc•co l.ltoldmg); 1n gleaming , nnnrrtl'd with charcea uaat eoma white, let oU by red tile~~, s ilhtlUl'lt•"' : · t h<' g raceful l'~>t••ran• havl' laclnd th.e ~­ heikht of nvaying palms, and lot•king t•Ut t"~ 1rtl aquama-t iP• nt lite. b•l~ wtfertq trw rine water. ·m ay not be se-cin J! RIJ t·h r• an"k \'t~tiii\R, hn"pltnllz.'lt ltm, F'rank W. Crock- Blue prinl8 for the transfnrmat I HI .. r Tlat rty-sccnnd .. r rommllndt•r of POCit 291 tn u.e IJt~la' IIUJie n Jooking not JltnU in!, lhl:-. ftl t'JHI~S{·:O.XIIIg pH'· HPrhnr. thle WI'~ IUUC'd a formal turc are ready even now. "'Kt• ml'nl dPdarln~ 11\at "no ~ ' •·•·Mil\ ,.xt•t• for any prtV'&Q In-And, tucked away by lh(• rar pful muw.:J ralJIItl!-t f1f some ,h,·ttlusl to mllke pe.-onal contrt- years of far aighted City Cuun cilnwu aut! .. tlwl' offiuals. hu1111n11 to any ,.,.teran In need."' ill a tidy lium-in tar t , a sum of mc•n••y ,·,·r~-:rng on major 1 · Any w•tHIIn, whether he or1~­ proportiorut--which can go far tow~trd mnking the blue-tnnlly ,"nll•tl'd fmm w. ana or print become a reality. not. II<'C'nrdtn~ to Mr. Crocker, II Surely, Newport Harbor i8 to bfo thr magrwlic center ,..ntttlt>d And ur~tl'd to •~t tn ~ Of the Whole Southern California t'Onstlin£'. with ellt\l'r St-&rt Dunlap, bead· '"-1 h 1 . •n~r thl' Vt•leran•' Service commit-lUI sure y u t e current p annr rs t';tn f•>rl'tll14t a c1ty 1 r th N t H-~ r ~aJ -( 30 000 50 000 I . ,.,. or e ewp<lr .. ...,. ....... o , or , . popu at10n, _at can be ft•rc~>~ot·n lhal this RoArd. nr with Andrew J . Ray. army of new reaJdenls already 18 fonnang tt• move mto our mAn P011t ~~trvlc~ office~ for New- midat, with ranu IJWeUed by tho~ who have bou~ht lots, port. P-'lAt 291. of th Le.«ton. who have w~ten from d.istant llt flli'R, whu havl" prepared Th1'8f' ~,.nllemen have a1rea4y their architects' (llans. or w.ho hnvt• srl('nl a• wartime sum-l'ltltbll•hf'<l complet~ contact on mer Jwore. (with f ully proclaimNi inll•ntiun~ of n •turning bt-hltlf of veteran• who may need when mustered out.) snmeU\In~. and have llallon u-Th be ( th 1 ran~,.nu wiU\ all proper local H rbo/ num I rsti. o ··~ ese ~-lO Slll' J::tHng to d~uble the lind county arnclee ~et up t4 a • popu a o~ """ manume n 'f)llln·nwn t.). ItA s hops. hl'lp a.od ita ,buaineu volllme. already nre fnrmtng A~cordln« to Mr. Crocker, tbMe We U be glad to have them a rnve About the time of our wl•hlnr to avall the-lve. of aid new Civtc Center , our plan of cit.y l:x·nuU!ication and our riruat call In perwon at u.. Local water eervice expanaion plan. are about ready t o take care &elective Berrice .me. at N.w-of \hem. · port Harbor Hlp l.kbool. I •------• Tbe "balance" between Wornwns nnu Pr<Jtestanta that had exiated in Utah for aome decade!!, ha~ nnw shifted, ac- cording to fie1J rea by the Home Mi~wns (_',,uncil of North America.. This trace8 to wartime influx of many thou88Jlda of non-Mormona into the mountain Htntc's iron, coal and other mineral regions. Some Pre~t~tu nl d1urches have been .ending puton along with lh<' n<'w lllil' of Utah immigra· lion. In the m eantime, T cnne&tk'<'. North Carolina and aome of the oth~r southern 11tatf's wlil•~· population had been remote from nearly all cultural 'anflu('fl('flll e xcept the itinerant. hort~eback fundamf'ntnlt. t pn·adwr Co r f'Ome dec· ------1ldiM:-ItNJ-tblo betng sabJC~'1"rr"1 1ll'W miluence: a o Roman Catholic m i.uionaric 1.' ~l••rmons themselves h ave been repreeented b y a. '\rtt-s in South Ameri- ·an oountriee which have bet n 1· •• "I Ially Latin and Ca th o- lic. U ndoubtedly nothing but bt'll' tlll('lll has come out o f the enUre proceu. for it ia alway!\ I!OOd fur a steady cus- tomer of one line of w~wn._!!•li~i,1us-to have the op· portunJty t o compare h ill staple with u snmple of something new. Several New Homes 1Jnder ConstrUction tM J'Uth RuA.d Dlatrtct. In Or· ~ County, C&llfornla, hu been Mt for Tuuday the 3rd d&y ot Oet.GW, 10.4. &t 10 o'clock. A. K., at the ro<)m of the Board of 8uparvu.on In the Cnurt HoWle at laata Ana. C&lifornlL laid atn et 11 dt>IICrlbed u fol- W..: 'ftaat portion of that f'er- taba public hlgbway known M UJTT STREET exten•llng hoas the Kuterly prolonga- tion of th•• Snuthl'rly Une of KOHTA VISTA STREET. as lbowD on A Mnp of SANTA AHA tAST rl'rnrfled In Rn<lk G, ...... 8. Mt!O~'~'IIanf'nus Mnp• ot 0ranl'~ ('nunty, Callfornin, lloutlterly If> the · Nnrtho·rly Uae of thAt cerlllln puhllc IUpway knf~·n u JI!Dili:GER aTRI:IIn'. Exccpttng from ..Sd propoa••&d abnndnnmo'nt. tM portJ(ln of u ld RA IT'T 8TIUt:ln' tnrluded within the fil!lt of w11y of F AlRVTEW A\IWHUJ: M lhown on u :d Kap ot SANTA ANA EAST a, OI'Cier of the Board nf Sup. 1 ant.on of Orange County, Call-I fonda. Dated th1l 5th day of &-pt•·m. ber, lNL (II&AL) B. J. IDOTH. Oounty Clerk ot Orang,.. Couat)', &n<f exoi>tflclo Ch•rk ot tbe BoArd of SUJ>Pr"IIOMI ot l&ld county. P\lb~Wa N~wport.Balboa Preu. Sept. lt. 21 and 23, 11K4.. •••-•L.8charle , ........ ~ ..... fill~) ••• or PIAJIO ,.. ........ , .... ..... , ................ .. o.-... ...., .. OO a MEWPORT tn•t I..-. at.. at home of ..,. u o.tr.d I OBIIE'S 70!5 Cout Hlwey, Corou del Mar Telepll-Newport 804·1 ITALIAN SUPPERS Flow en 'The White Cliffs Of Dover Ob!Rf'y Cart.ooa . Newa W c-dnNCia)' Oaly J utly Canova In l .. ouisiana Hayride a.l..lo - Coastal Command ('artuoa a Travel lit.vtlal' Thurw., Oct. 5 ~lr_, \Vlnkle Goes to War ('unlln•~ Mr. Kkefna.t.oo: llome In lndl&oa: !!!tory of Dr. W-'1. t 'nc•..nala Glory: Battataa &Mu· ty: And the Aaplil saa,.: Mark T\taln: Drapa l'leed: Double Ia. llt!mnlty Balboa THEATRE f~v.·ntn~ll nt 7:00 & 9:16 l..ruJt Showi ng of a double feature pr(lg-ram 1ta.rU at 8:30 Tbur. . Prl. -Sat. Jun•• .\llvsf!IH;I .. • 111 f>t> Haven Vnn Johni'••n·JIInllltl' Durante Gtiill<' Al h•n In Two Girls and a Sailor ~11"'11""1 "1\1" h &I uf ('harm" ( '&rtoon . Nrwe Rua •• Moo. Lucllle 8&.11 -Dtck Powell In Meet the People Cart.JCJD • Ne- TtHw. • Wed. Mtrkl'y Rooney -Lewla Stone In Andy Blonde Hardy's Trouble ~tu .. l<'al "!ihowboat 8eh!Mde"' · !olufH'r Man .t Travel t 'umln«: l 'p In ~I'• RQOm: Kid Cilua 10114-r: Buffalo BUll \\'lull a Wnman: lAdy In the lhark: GhO'It Ca tc'hforw : Pta t'p t.lrl: Wtll~ curr. of lkl\er: Hun"' In Jndlana: Story ol Dr. \\a,"f'U ----·---For l•ery Ocoutoa IIDRmAD'S PlaDll •Dd Suppliee lot Your GudeD Figures on t.ranarortation incrca&.·s around the nation are interesting. F or example, according to Office of De· renee Tranaportatton ataUatica. San Diego'• tranatt ayat.em d id a 327 per cent increue in bus ineu from 1940 to June 30, 1944, while · New Yorlt'a subways gained only eight per cent. In the eecond quarter of 19U, u co~part'd with the II&IDe three month• of 1943, the largest rate of increue in the far W8t--and th~refore. pret~:anaably. in the coun- try-wu the Pacific: Electric syste m's inte~rban trains .niDI the Loa Anplee area. with San Diego. Oakland and Portland foUowiq. ----·---- fte~Wtr&Uoa of motor ,·ehict~. all typee, and trailera, bl.arlued S.OI per ceat fo r the f in t alx monthl Of 194-4 O\•er the .me halt year in 1943, Southern Califomia Aut o Club complladoaa rewa~. But without motorcycles. which in- ereued 11.10 per oeDt. and tru<'k trailN's, there v.•ould ha,·e been no tnereue. for tbe pusenger car is atilt slowly with· drawinJ from the bJcb_.,.. ___ ..~ .. ___ ....___ Tbat Watcb OD t.be RbJDe m ay be a Death Watch. -GIORGI K. SKAFRR 1307 Cout HiQilwey l 'lt oiH' .590 Corona del Mar ----------~~_.--------~------------------------~--Famed Among the Nation's Best Known Stopping Places- THE BALBOA INN SpacMNI and attncUve qunrlrr1, each room allrred by th• cooUnc breath of th~ OCI'IIn, at a •lte ju.t far e.nouctl cletacbed from lh~ buaUe of B&lboa'e main tnt~ raactJoD. e II&Df tl'l'llEET AT THE BALBOA PID 'ISLJ:I'IIONJt: NE\\'l'ORT BEAOH lit ~-------.-.-·-~-~~------~------------------~-----------~-_.~------------ \'ACATION OO'OLUDICD WE HAVE BOURBONS Oalnrt'a ~ PUtba Go1dea ........ Jl'lftM C1'Um of S•""*7, Plftha Gftlf'a -.w. Jl'lftba aeq.....-. a. llalf-Pieta COIIPLJ:l'E A8SOR1'11ENT OF BJ:8T IMPORTED RtJJIS IILAIID LIQUOR 1'1'081: <"'allle B. Kaufmua) m Marl• A~· _,...._,. U84- Afll'r ~nd1n~ th• eummer at their COrnna ~I Mar rMidence. 214 Goldenrod. Or. and Mrw. 8 . J. Allen And daup~ra. Dlan• and Patrtc1a.. h•we leal for their home at Ban Marino. Mia Diane hu enrolled for the new t•rm at Holmby eol.-( l ... lB 1.-~ ______ .,.., ___ ... ____________ .., _______ ..,.,_., ... __ w __ _..., ________ w; ....... o ....... Canb SHELL ' HOV ELTIES NEWPORT SOOYENIR AND Gtn SHOP 2102 Oeea• F,...t, Hewport leach . •ruz.o,. , ... ., RiD.g•, Neclclaces, Bracelets aD.d Pills SOUVENIRS AND GIFrS OF ALL KINDS OPIEH SUHOAYS PHOHE 21.a-W "The Store oi a Million Article•" Yes! We Wrap Gift• c!li conwnienl AI "PUIII IN ISCROW~ wilh rj3tJnk o/ 9/wlictJ e At thlt banlr. ,.,Jton anc1 othen find an ~. pt:Ompt, dependable MCrow ..va. 1M nearelt branch wei- CIOIMI the opportunity of eervlng you. A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY IIOW ... ,..,... fOI TM PIINIDI Do YCMI wiala aay eclctidooal lieliap c. to aaake uy c:laaape iD pneeatliltiap? Do YCM1 pluto laa-..'TOIV &UIIe appear ia ..., y eUow Pap.? a.-.... bow. SOUTHUN CALIPOINIA UUPHON! COMPANY ld;i1IIIU:IW:iillltilll•lil·lliWJii!lll¢1l# Jl5 Palat 8&.. ~: ltu • - .. I J , nnanday, S.ptemh.r 28, 19« BALBOA PAINT STOR£ Officials Unkink Boat ~eAts' Tax And Sal~ Worries contau ur •··•II••• 11111-. ''''Ill tJuo b~­ f'r. lh•m ... h···• unp.HJ taa• Oil boaUI which ;-eca po-J nutlt'l'. ... , ........ ~, .. ''Sometlm• couaty t.aJtee have been paid, but tht rt' are certain city t.a.K• which have not." tbr of· flclaJ apl&inecl. The procedur~ for Balboa Yacht Club lists Race V~tors \\'ld~ly Known Artist Summon_.d by Dt-ath With thf' •u•J•I\"n ~•th or G A Ma&l•llMI'n t)n 8atuntay. u.n ... -.. 1, .. , anothrr "' tt. •'IU'Iy llt'tllt•l'll 1111<1 llll .. t '''"" ful char.ctc>l'll, Nr Maanu...... " t1 " wu whlrly knuwn r .. r hi• Ahllll~· ,.. an a rll•t. ..:.,. • tt•tlv .. "' lnlfl"n" Jl"or tl\1• lll•l 2:1 ,VI'IU'II h•• hii•J llllld,. hi~ h11rnr 111 !IIH "'-"•t tl,·ra n Frvnt. IJVn's 11111J Salon ~u.w..,. eAJ ... " .. , ... tt) A IH-o.itU .... I \\'IIAT ~OT SHOP Furniture Repaired and Rcfin ished . . SIEIIIN ·WILLIAMS PRODUCTS e-w.w-. AIPIALT LIQUID IOOF CEIEIT ~----..... :r .-:.gg.;; -· ... ........ -.. r.::-.. --:: ::= ... .,.,.a 4 ~ ":':'..= 80; ='-.. • ..... --'" ......... ,.~,._. GAL ................ G.ICI DRYIII EBOIOL (MRS. C. C. FERRELL) IIIIa-•• Disblllr. fir Nlwpert leach Telephone Newport 101 I 600 Eut Bay, ~lboa ---------- Wltll tJM nll&l ,... aiOecl. var IOU8 prolee&a ~ U4 l<.'un'l audited R.ao4 a.aaa-an ,....,..,k Det alta and tlpa that wtU &aft ~-:n• f nnd OlQI!l'y for all p&J'tJM to boat sAII'I. lnclUdlnJ buye"-Aflll. ('ra, and broken , came from om- f'i l\1 liOUrc(•• at Jut P'riclay'a eehect. uiNI me••llng ot the Yacht Broken .!k•cl<'ty or America, at Helrul ~ <'r Calt>. uaur1nc th1a ta atmple ano~ to be handled In one tf'lt'phone call. In tbe way the rounty t_ax ~n· ottlccee are now ,,,, up "''lh n'· rani t.o boat alllt>A, ,,11 tlw vrrtclall from the varlou. uutlt'a .,.,--d Leonard dl Wll ·•·l•'. S•n Pedro Admiralty attorney tleecrlbed thto dllfert'llt klnda of uptlona and a&Jn contract• avallablt' to yacht brok. en and yacht buyt'r.. and made a recommendation 1111 which the other orne tala concurrt'd 1 that the Yacht Brokera S~lrty thrrah out onto comlnon form or .. lr• con. tract, adhert' to It rnr mutual pro. t ecUon' and th4' wtolr~trf' or clltnta 'nle brokera wl're urgf'd to unltto on obtf-lnlftl' qreementa c. ~-tocla1 ~ (hf ruunM of all ..,...... ~,.. 1(\1 the ltf& ~ ~ 11 Balbu• Y adlt Club. ,...._ WUJ be pr ... IM!nted at a IIPfd&l oert'IIIGIIy lu bt' bt'ld at lM dub Oil •tiii"CCay ln the Padtle Oout dua, Ulf July Ber1• wu WOD bJ <kort~t' Stram. Harry MoX11UM'Y, and Heb- er llr1ckaon, wbo ftaUIMd f11'11l, -.'Ond and t.hlrcl. reaptcllvtly. 8trom a.nclllcKinMY llktwl.,. pial'. t'd tint and eecond In tllf' AUJ'Ifl. Septem~r Bllr1M. willa Kd Old. dlnt'a comtnc In WrcS 'nle Clld. dlnp Y1ctory. ~r. wu nnt tonourh to .-ure lalla Wrd plar4' In the .....,.... clu.a.plonalllp, VII c Wdt to DtCUccL Answl'rlng the queaUona whleb pnprwd at them with machJne I'Wl rl\pldilty, wtore Evert'tt M&rab&U, lhl' >~la te's head man In applflnl lhf' h\WIJ ~vtmlng yacht re.rtatra· lions and yacht aalea: and Mated ni'&r Mr. Mar.hall wen expert. reprea('nlln« Orange county. Loe Angt>lu county, and Ban otero cnunty . r 81plllout ...... &>fOrt' the &MaOn bad llftded, t h{'llr oftlciata. lneludlnr Oommla. slont>r MAnlhall; Lall Kane, UM LoA Angt>lee rounty la.K ......_,r, Kllllt''s aJd. Henry Nelaon; CbJer Dt'puty H. P. Requa and Marine Survnor Robert Orr of San Dlrgo;• county uaeaaor'a omce: a.nd Maurice Enderle and Roy Hel- alng of Ol'llnge county'a Banta Ana office. had madf' It the moat e1gniflca.nt meeting the brokua have ht'ld. Unanimity of the otnetaJ; ,.. p I I e • aolvt d mueh ClOili'UIISon. 110mc of which hu prMiated alnce thP yacht brokera or1f1nally band- t>d Into a .aclety for mutual prot.c:- t ion and a.dvancement of aoWid bualntou practllce. lut July. Member. of tbe Society """" urged by each apeuer In tum t.o llliiiUrt' that every yacht Miler hU bll pink .Up available. The brolt. r111 were told that they alway. mu11t ~"ht"Ck each tu ....-or'a of. firl' which rl'preaent. a county In whlrh the yacht may have ner lw••n mC>Ored. Commlaaloner Marahall pointed r>ut tha t the atate of Callfomla hU !wrn colleclln«. and tntenda t.o yacht owner. cin tb,. bul• or "1'1r· cluatve r1&11ta to aell." Thla aort or a aelllng r1&11t J)uta yacht brokera«~" on the rno.t dto· atrable plan~ ytt d,.,•lllf'd under u . latlftl' law. tht attn m 4'y and var· lou.t COWity oftlr lala &«f't'ed. ~~Modo-e. 'nllrty-four attendf'd the meet. Inc. whlrh waa markl'd by lht PI"HHlnce. u honor jt'\J4'ft. of Lt. L. C. Elrod. USNR. port pilot at Ban Pf'dro; and Lt. Eddlf Rlmkua. Army Tranaport Storvlcto. al110 now operaUnr trom San Pedro. Lall Kane, the Lo. All6flea eocnty a.ueaeor, au~r~:eated that the 8oell'ty ralae a "libel rund" to provt~ le«:al •upport In a caae ap. parently lnvolvtnr a buatneaa tn. juaUce to any member. Dr. Howard Bearer or' Newport rot applauae by rt'adln.r a report on ethlca for yacht brokera. which Ia under <'onaldf'ratlon l)y the 8o- ell'ty tor Ita "cref'd." Next meelln« or thl' Society will be held a t Chrt•tlan'a Hut. Nl'w. port. 'nlur.ctay_ Oct. 12, w1th rt'p- reaentatlv4'a from varloua countlee and branchea or tht maritime tn. ctuatriea ~n In attendance, ............. D&rtly Ket.eall paae.d ftnt tn lht P. c. Crewa Race, w1t• Hillard. .econd, and X.. erc.n. tlllrd You~love WOB tJM l'alron July 8f'r1M on ~ Ume, w1th &hoek. c. W'Uidlrena. and L. Lewta ftn~Miq tn ordrr namtd The Touna1oft enU7 alia ram~ ·~Y u.. bofton Ia lbt Auruat Seriea MCONI t.o t.lurUI pla.e~ run. nt"r..up ~ T . 'I'Ma!U. L Ll'wt• and lla4ti'M- In the July Wd!Mday m.r~"• ror JWIIor., Beboell wu followed by McKibMa. You"f1ove and Lewta. A\lauft Junor raeee _,. captured by 11. 'l'ounrton. n1'11t: 8choek MCOIId. and T 'nlomu and 1ofcKibben, thl~ ud fourth. ..... , • .,h. Pladlnl' nm tn Use ~uly S.r1ee wu Tallmadp. foDow.d by Bob White, Max Klnl' Md Jim l.rfvta 'nit-Au.,..t 8er1• •• thll o~r rt'Vtorwd. wtUl Bob ~Itt-aalllnJ IWI craft t.o mt.ory a~~d Klnr. r.-t. and Tallm .... e ll'lllllnc In o~r named. Wlltte llbwtw oar· r1ed aft 8ftJpe lilaftanl hi tt\e Labor Day ~t.a, wttll ~Dar. Larkin. War-Chest Workers and Blaturmu nnlallfn« trom lt'COnd to fowtiL To Plan Campaign Paclne tt-root Dtnlt!IH had a lively ~ar. ~~ with th4' All local worker. In the lHf Winter BertM na.lled fnr U14' War Cheet camp.IJrTI have been P'ouncter'a 'l'ropby donat.a.t by P' C nounect or a reMraJ meeUftl' to Bn!wer. Pladftl' nm tn thta ron. be held next Wedneada y noon at teet wu W . R . caiif1N.. wtlh Bar- Newport Harbor Yacht Club. bara Ketealt aacl Dartly Met calf In taeulnc the annuual caU for nn\atltnr ..con4 and tltrd. volWiteer aJctea, Chairman Paul A . .._._ ~ Wi1tl Palmer declared, "'ntere wt11 ba ._ no V-Day for the armed foreea un. Tbe May.June .. rt-. for the riiUIIDJIO ~In' l!fiWg~7 Ul the war Ia won on all tronta. Healy Troplly, toul)d Robart Han· While tt may ba nne t.o njolee ley lll nm place, followed by Rldl· W1M8 o.nnaa,. qqutta, IM'a ,.. arcS ll'eDtoD &nd O&Udna. 'I'M 117-roa TIIZ 110\' OVE&V:;AS ..• No OUt J'llla a VoliJ tor a ~e Soldier, Belter than a Guod nook. You Btlll have Tw~ W~<'kl! to P ir k Out an lntereating Volumo• and Mail It to Tour Lonuu~ Ovcl'lleM ~nlo!l<'r member that when the war In 1'01!_ ~ ~ Ulsu ~ ,_ JCurope enda. then ·the war tn Ule the July.A~ ..._, wu cap. ltfl Plu Approved pla.et~ ae<:ond and ~ Branctt, " The plan I!At'd 110 11\Jcc.-nuy third. • WHt be&'lna.'" tured by CaJJdna, wtt.ll Hanley 1 Jut ., • ., will, In g•'n•-1, .... rol. Eleven entrlea eoe~ for the roa '1'111: LAD\' \'Cll''\'1: BEES '' ••• ""' Ulfll• lowed &lfaln thl• year, accordJng September ~trlea &Dd Labor Day TIIINlliNO ABOt;T · · · to Mr Palmer. 1114' city &rt'a will Reptt&. with W. f'kkt r wtnnl~ Look at our Jn1portl'd I" r -War Porce. be divided Into 15 dlatr1rt. with a the Newport Harbor Chamber of J&ina a nd Fine China from Europe captain lin ch&f1r4' of e~tch, cap. Commerce Trophy. Plactnc aeee- One of these pll'f't•s U! a 1..-rmanent prlz.e for a dlacem lnr t&IM to be rt'apon•lble for Hlt"Ct-ond to fourth were Calklna,, J'en· recipient. tnr thtolr own aldl'a _ ton and Lt. Ray a ...... 1"0& TOtra AC'Qt'AIST.-\S('El' A!'lo'D Worktora ahnuld r~ember, the Only V\kln~ Seri• of the JMr PI:II80NAL F'RIES0!'4 · · · chairman point. out. that thla 1a wu In July, Yo-'lth A. L. Gram pl&e- 'nle Harbor'a wl.ft•lll anJ m11st lnl<!resling stock of HoUday not a 'Dollar Day' drive. ''If every tng flr.t and Dma Oow1M and Dr. C&rdll ll at your ('I IIli • llll'nt ,, hen· The cardll you order man. woman and chJid could be J. F. Wllllamli.IW'C!OIId and t.hl~. now. will pru cnt you "lth lht• b<•st <:hoic·e. and the earlt· llated u a donor It wo I a I Hatrh clalm,.d nm Ia Use Labor eat dellve . -------:----:----H ':-"'"<:"~~.!LJLii:.-t-;;:-==:;:=.-=~..;:-YOur peM!Onal l mpr1nt on .. ach rani. for a moderate aum. quire nurly " " head, ba.aed nn Day Seriet~ for Stara. oreN· our cf'naua population, t.o reach tl'r and C'hr1lltl,.r nat In Una. We take order ror ~fn,::nz~n<>s. W I' ha1·c them ahlpped to our quot a. A minimum cSon·atton The Gram.Mn'lan.Qram tnum- aervtce men ovtr·ae9JI. 1f you bn ng Ull their wriltten requMt. ahould be biUif'tl on a ruu day'a vtratto aew,.d up praetle&Jiy ....,.. 214 Marta~ Awe. Pboae: 1547 ArrBiftiON, Voten ol Orange Co~ty · The State and Loc•l C bambeu of Commerce, City aad County Governmenta, Civic, Social, Fraternel, ReliQ- loua, Veterana' and Labor Organization• h~tve all joined ID COHD£MHIHG the mialead1ngly entitled propoaal, "Bight to Employmeat" and Urge All Citizens to Oppoee Its Adoption ! II NOW. More Than Ever Before, ia THE TIME FOR UNITED AC TIO N. Be certain you are REGISTERED! Orange County Dietrict Council of Catpenten Tbt Wotlcl'e New~ SeeD~ TilE ~RISI1AN SCIENCE MamGI :.. J.unt.#~E!!'l_ = ........ .e-~~ ... L~S A.~!!.' ~~i!!\1 ~'!It;, ,:;::'t~ . =IUOY-tr .• •llf~:s-t .. t+·~· t ... ....... Cl aM- CIIISTIAN SCIENCE IEADINI 1001 11 J EA.ft' CENTLU. A tU U& ···.-A.~ pay for every member of Ole thinK In th~ Ralboa Dfnctly c:.,_. ho118ehold." Tn the July Sunday ..,_, Mar. nJJllfDAL ~ FOR llOBUT II. ALLI:N Funeral aervlcea were held Mon. day afternoon at Baltz Mortuary for Robert Mnv ,. A lll'n, 78. who died lut t-~rtclay at an Orange ho•plt.AI following an rxtended 111- nn~. Mr. Allen. a retired farmer, had for thf!' put •lx YI'AMI rcatded at 1104 Orchid avtonue. Cnm na del Mar. Ht waa a native or Bath. ru. 8urvlvorw Include a aon, How. ard Allen. and a Kf1U\dll0n, Mes. vtn AJien. bolh of Corona del Mar : a dau~hter. Mr11 Gladys Rll4'buck. Glendalf!'. and four brothera and two aLiter. In th4' eutem U. S Thr R('v. E . D. GooMII ortlclated at the llf!'rvlce11. lnt,.rmcnt being mad~ at Fatr'tlav,.n ceml'tcry. M1TCRr.LL ROME 80LD JC&rl K Lee. Balboa bar~r: and Mr.. ~,.. have purchaaed the homto of Capt. and Mra. Eugene C. Mitchell at 222 Narcluua ave. nul'. Comn• dl'l Mar. The adjoin. lnl' l'le1!1drncto proJif!rty. alan form. erly ownl'lt by the Mltrh!!lla wu recently purehaaed by Jo~ 1:. Sadlelr, Balboa reaJ e•tate brok. er. who llkewtae 1\.andJed the Lee tnll\a&C tl on. Mr. and Mr.. Lee, now reat&!nta of 1921 Fullerton avl'nue. Coat& MI'M. plan to move to their new placf In lht' nrar ruture. 'nl• Mltrh~ll• will ffturn to U!etr formf r hom• In South PU&dena BtraGEIWJ ROlli: 80LD Mr and Kr.. Albert N. Joyce hav,. purchuect the home of Kn. Matilda Burr-and claupt~r. Mr11 Joaephlne Webb. at 111 LlncSo ••mue. It wu ann~ today by the J nhn 1!:. f>adlelr ot- ttce at Balboa. '"'" Jaycee wtn oec:\Jl)y U.. property, It betftl' tiM tnt.enUon· ott tiM former owners t.o moYa to u.tr ,...dene. c. 0oro. Mdo .treet. •hall Gram rnd,.d up ftrwt, Moryan IJCrond, and Dnow Gram Ullrd. otiNor ....... July WPI1nt>l day .. riea.-D. Gram, flral M Gram, MCOnd; Mor. gan, third A uguat Sunday 8er1ea · M Oram. n r•·w Gram. and G. Kraemrr A1Jit118t 8er1M: D. Gr&m. M Grllm. 1\nd llor..-.n. Lab- or Day R<'gatla Drt'W Gram. Mar. ~h•ll r.ram. Morgan and R()nnl,. Colllna. Janr't r '"'···r. ~~oinner or the all• nual Flight or lh•' 8nowbtnt.. &Jan clalmrtl flrwt pia•,. for Snowblrdll 1n thr BYC l..ahor Day Reptta Dan Krll"m"r tlnlahlld w ron•l. with Arthur I'N1bertlsy ancJ Allen 8<-l'k plarlng third and fourth Tht-wlnt,.r r11rtnr pi'Ojfram will 'l~n nn Ot'l J~ And continue each third Sunc1Ay th~r,.atter, llr. Brt'W· ~"r aaltl RFA'OV~(I f"'IIII WOUNDfll Pvt William Harter. .an of Mr11. Wllll&m 8yk4!A, f28 Bt'ronla llvenue, ~nrnn11 llel Mar, Ia con. tined In a M •r ltaJ In l:n(land whl'rl' hr IR r<'porteclly ahowtn, rapid rl'cm,,.r}· rrom tnJuriea aur- rer~"d In th• h~tll• at St. Lo, nn July 27, JUIII 11 week atter hla en. try Into Fr11nroo Accordtnr to word recf'lv4'd hv lin. llykM, UHl youn« Infantryman•• luna wu pierced by a pl"<le of aheiJ and "'veral ahtll fr~t. lodjpd In hla atomach He II 1Nll known locally, hav1n, fonller1y been aklpper or th~ nallllla boat, Della V. 'I Dfll:"UD r.f AOCDJMY )f.,;, Nanoy ANI BrumJtt, 108 Pomona at.-t. Loftc lleadl, auf- ftNd minor lnjuriel wiMII -. fell uleep at th,. "''*' ot ber lifO Ford aec1an and ~ Into an ~n oomp.ny pole soaua ot Ule lanta Ana rtnr ""* 8Uftclaf mom)ftl'. llhe wu t..tlld at !few. port ... ric:)' lllloafttal ... -t ...... l11\lhoa ~urvl\'<•r• ln•'huh' hill wlduw Mra Lur~t Mll!lriliu l'n; A ·broUM!r. MArtin Mllj;"I>UMI'II, An•l " •1-tf'r, MMI Thro Wnlfmn. bo•lh of lnwa : a IO'a.nttdlllllitlllr r •nrt lhl"''t" I{Trat. ll'T!lntkhllc1r;on Jo'tmr "'l !IWI'\'k "• Wf'rt• l'!>nltul't. NJ Ill Oran._.... thr R,.,. W. C t MILORltf! OJII:RKI:N I :l04 War1n4' AVI'Illl4'. s-Jboe Jatand Trlf'J•hc•ne· N 8 1821 Huunt II ll• r.. tcactopt 8un,lay ~=-::::~::::=:--._____ _________________ __ Window Panes Installed ... Or ... \\hal cuh .. , ,.,, ""' II&\" \'COMf I :Ill a••tm "'"· ..._ j I I ' I ' ' l •. I I l j • I\ ) , I ' . l '"' t.. . '. • ' .. ' '• Of'a<·h. putnr ur ~I J uhn'• Lulh· , ________________________ .. ,_,_,.. ran r hlm·h. 1\fflrlllllnt Burial .,. ... at Falrha v.-n ff'mf'tf'ry Mr MA~muallf'n·, lut J'('rtralt. Ju.t rompiP~I'•I. wu ont of Mn. 'J ohn Ratllrlr, wlf•• nr thr "'al ,.._ tatt man \\'lfTM'AKE• tTHDAL !\r:Jl\1(7. Rurtel ... n ·tcr 11 rnr R 0 "'lilt. 1Aic4'r, Inn~: "'I'll knn"·n In N-- J101'1 whn tl14'c! 8rpt 20 followtn« an attal'k of pl'rttnnltl,, ""'"' h4'ltt hllll Mnn<llly, AI P'nrl'el Lawn l'l'lllPt,.rv In Ol.-nt11111', "i th a num- h,.r or Jll\rbor prNIOna In attend. anr .. AGUI·Ifhat·WWPI .... Only 17 daya left to mall C hrlatmaa otlta to the boya onratta•· Sead them one of o ur LIGHT FRUIT C AliS, chuck full of Cberrlea, Nut Neat a and Prwta. DOo a. pouacl QtJALITY BAKERY A mournful r ln-u m•t Mile In ali ___ IIIIP•m:••••ell!I.IIIIIKUM-'••IIH'ID1111111111WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUQIJIIIIIIIIIU --.. rnnnrt'llon with Mr Whit tak.-r'• PllMin« "'U hi• ln•lat4'nc:.-. up tt• tht Jut mom,.nt , upon rnnllnulnc hi• work AI 11 Nrwpnrt r11ft, aft4'r phywtctana ~ad lllrf'lltfv rmmlf'l"d 1 him to JO In • hMpltal The ct ... lay In aurJ(1C'al att,.ntlnn lf'tt him In a critical condtt Inn. One daUJhl4'r. nn4' 110n. anlt onl' •l•trr. aurvh •4' Mr \Vllttlakrr tht' dauabt.n ~Ina Nra. Ruth Mllll'r or Lnn~r Bl-~trh ; thf' 111111 Wilbur Wlllttaktr nr th,. .. m .. rlty; a nc1 l hi• •la14'r, Ml"'l Cl1At1ya 'nlom nr I The Best Meals at MARKET SI~OT MARKET 0. M. CamptM-U ud W. 1•. StAlwart (~ ud IIIU) llandllng Manning and SonM BABY REt~F Mart..-ud Park An., IWhoa l..._d-fbo-: 1000 r nata Ml'u Hla a unt wu 1111'11 llli~IIR!lllllllllllllllllniiiDIII!IIIIRIIIIIUilliUIUIIIIIIIIIIIHl!UlUUUUI~ O~tlay Nol•n•t nf N.-..'fl'\rt. P1JlE PllF.\"Ello'TIO'Ii l\T.h Pane a"' lwln~e mad•· locaJiy tn o~rv,. Flr4' Pr~"l'l'ntlnn Wl'l'k. b4'1r1nnlnlf Oi-t II. Al'l't•rdlnc tn P'lrl' C'hl4'f F W C'NI<'lc,.r. In thta f'nnnKtlnn. MA ynr ("lyan H Hall hu t•u4'd A JlMI'Iamatlnn calllnc upon all dtluna ro unlt4' In thl• na.t1nn11l prn~eram tn &-. t.ct and f'llmlnat,. n re huardll C LO 5 ED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ON ACCOUNT o~· :-\ICKN£88 WI: \\'AM II \'OilR C'AR ... W• ....__, .. II .• , W" P k-Ill II llp 0. Pall AM Dellvw IL If you have tth oee in the !hop, please call for them before ... .. IIOml ~ Octo"er 7 Vour N8clllhr•rt.ood ~nh Stat""' ~till m&kl' thr .....-nt. -.1 rM 1M C.o ' Jt'<>ll up your aa.ro aa4 d""''"' 11. TilE I'R..I('F. 11'4 R.r.A~>W•NABLJ: Rogers Shoe Shop aJLL BOFFIIA• 1836 Newpor1 Blvd. Co.ta M .. Mit-: s-·port ae..-a. ttlt.w -----09-% WOOL-IARDAGE JERSEY GREEN OR PEACH Smart Feature For Sheerin1 and Drapin1 Suitings . T ITS AltB 1 · \.'II A I. ro H - 0 Coatings Fort LQNGIES ANI> NEW Sill HO' .JACKETS 0 • r 1 ns DEPARTMENT ITORI COSTA MESA • .I fUI ... .... MilA .,. hru \re aabiU. old at ...... ,: . ...-.-; fllllaln D. 11Nry&ll4 ... publiCI lbto Ot at• h e or., Wr. .... , ll!IQ IUkl ,.., .. • &n.l )Ira. lf'h. ltarry H•lph -p:- an•l W11t• I It c • 11, l'-rlln ... .. •tltl 1 " thft plene "" Irvin.-. fl land In PJH"~al, .• bf.f.n In r -•·ral on Jlllfl"r, • IITIJJrfiV• .... 11Yflll• l lllhut lt •ot1 1 $J~JIIO r .. r n h11~ •·~·n "" ttll VII I• 11••1"1'1111'111 n•' "' thtt 111 1111 11..-r Jtlftn' 1111' rp Ill !lot• lfll••l II II ""'' ,,. .. lt• ttl 1111' I Ill•· , 1111•1 '<' nt I) "I'' ( """ Ill'• 1'1 Idol lhu 1 II ~ pl1111~, If lhr hnr- ""'thln thl' U\1• "1'1'"'' 111• ,...IUJI, ft t'IIIJIIIY •w r-vvo'() ..,. of alt ... tho &uth lo cornet ' l hd lJillfl a r r bt.at 18tlln •. Wr. Ckwnao for •r 1!'1(1.1 ADd J•••l by T~ I a I &UU101r. I ,. '- :, " ~ ~ . -. .... Harbor La Brtclpat J ,.. ,...,.. --J'IIIIIW __ ., .. .... ......., .. .._. wtt.ba t .... r.IUaaL ,.._. Nrwpar C. II. o.IIIM, -,.. Ml& Sua .... BoudJnot. 11n. H. w. e ...,.... &nd Kr. 1.-~ .... o' ...... taw 0 .v..moan dub • lin. P. V. Parte -.lin. c. 1 ....... Mn llln.J.F.Wt llan7 Burdick. Dr. A. 8 Opto: ....... ..... ._.AM IE 1 I Yo NWIWI'ORT·BALBOA PRESS HAROLD I. JOHNSON .,.._ BALBOA CANVAS SHOP Sana • Boat Coven e AWDinP Jib rtn,. U'phollilerlnl I The Bait Tank I TIDE TABLE I L (Tidal dltfe,_ eorreated to Balboa ~ ....,.) Pacttic. War nme UMd aa Bul.a of ComputaUon fttdllq Phone JOT 2:24 \41 n.t at. 1811 \ ..... WQ, M..,.n ....... Nev.•port Bead~ By CH.UU.. Cft.A WJ'OilD Marlin -orc!tlab contlnuecl u.atr gamy ltn.ilfie ~th the llpON anglet11 of the Harbor durtnc lbll HIOR LOW ~ 'I'ABLE- qooJ~ ............. , ... , •• t.t0;t•·•····~ .. BaW10a'1 , I Steaks Chops ... Chicken Dinners Fish Dinners HONE COOUD • KOWI ATMOSPHERE 1015 Coaat Hlohway PboDe 2084-J. CLOIID THUIUDAYI RAWSON'S CAFE (Art and Betty Rawaoa) INSIDE BOAT STORAG~ Boat. Bought and Sold ltARINE WAYS • PORT OF SEVEN SEAS 817 OOAaT RJCJIIWAY Shell Marine Products AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL MARINE WAYS .D 80 ..... • ... General MulDe Beptabtag Yacht BI'Okel' ORVILLE W. DANT\ 101 Highway and Newport Blvd. (At The Arch•) Phone 2488 ~~..~ ...... ,~ ''CRESCENT'' LL\VING DAILY at 6 A. M. Fro a ICO ...... 'I LANDINO I put w~k. and on• ac:hool of lbll bht!'k bodied tterappeNI provtdll4 pt'LIM lrw UlNe PfO'td IIM&I'tlltn I on the aam• day, lut Tuuda)'. Mra. Mabel St.evei\IIOn, 111 ftn4 l•treet. Ooeta ....... wlle of aldp- per Jimmy Stvenaon, became lbll 1 r1rat woman In many yean to brt'ak Into the proud ""u of th<llll' who have conqueNd two •wordtl•h In one .eaaon, wben lbll brnu«ht home a 180 . pounder, C'aU«ht ort the D&lay n, lut lion. tilly .,venlnc. Y_,.aOilly ..... w Mra. Steveneon'a tlrat priM tlala IM'uon, wu a lta-pound m.ari1D on gept 12. No other tllberman bU bf'f'n able to notch hilt name tw1ee thl• aeuon 011 Ute attMted u.t of thoae caleb~ IWOrdftnlt & D d welrhlnc them In aboYe Ute u.r . "'*" ..... ·~ llept. .. .... ,. ~ 1 llonda)' Oet. I ~,. Oc:LI w.._., Oc:L • '1'bunda)' Oc:t. 6 8:31 a.m. t!:08 p.m. 9:02 L m. t!'M p.m. 9·35 a.m . 9:44pm. 10:11 a.m. 10:31 p.m. 10 45 •· m. II 23 p.m. 11.23 a.m. 0·20 a.m. 12:04 P m. 50 6.1 5.4 6.2 a.s 8.1 6.0 11.8 8.1 5.2 8.1 46 tl8 2:07 a.m. 2:08 p.m . 2::46 a.m. 2:62p.m. 3 :22 a.m. 3:3t p.m. 3:119 Lm. 4:24 p.m. 4·36 L m. 15 :13 p.m. ti:U a.m. 7:0. p.m. 11:52 Lm. 7 :02 p.m. ..().15 u ..() .. 0.7 -0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0.3 -0.2 0.9 .0.2 u 0.1 bor muter'r 111111atur. at Ute Clty By SUE HITCHIIAN Har1)or Kuter t1oat at a.Jllo&. -o- With 2t -ordtllll ~..-cl u To I&Dderatand the ac:hooner, U\e Peddera, who took the JC!won-ottlclal catch• In P"YkJua W'Mkl of the eurTtnt ...-on, U.. ... k'n Diablo let'• IWI!IIto the cut cout er up the Sacramento river, dried addiUon to tN eport7 roM.w Ill u for a couple of paragraph& and her out. and won the race follow&: lnveaUpU the ma~lr na me or her Diablo 11 a full muted iatr.ri,. No. JS, 180 lb. martin calqtlt lift'd •cnooner with a alx cylinder Stpt 28 by llrw. Kabel 8Uven11011, deelper and builder Herruhoff Grey auxiliary. She ca.n aleep 12 Aboard Dally u. Capt. Jtmmy Nine lllUa Herrt'lhvfh gnw up In tO ('nmfortably. Deaplte her sO Steven.an. S3 minute&. Calqtlt on B r I• to I. R. 1 veara-the He~ehoft1 buUt her huvy t&cltle. Th el r craneS-~l. ~ '" 19JS-sbe retain• much ortfin&l ~ ._ ...,_ ._. fat.Mr wu a aea l'Qulp.,wnt. Including a meaa table capt &I D, and ).--. "'lth a Wf'lghll'd pendulum that No. 24. 164 lb. marlin. Sept. M u..s, fatblrr a i(N·ps the top ll'vel at any anJ1e of by Jl'rank Linnell, 2t IJ&3'ihorea, ahlpbuUcSer, and thn··· .. ( th•' brnth· ht>f!l Nt'WJ>O':t Bea.c.b. Dally II. Capt. et11 are tradition J nhn nn•l Sho· hM a IRrl:'{' el(•ctrlc refrtre· J. 8tev~n. 1 llr .. tl mln., 24 Nathaniel Werl' n·~ronstbll' rnr th•· rnt .. r and Pwrywhere Iocken. 1trand line. ~at Herreahorr Mr~ r hll I hM•t• n••vt•r A•·•'n a11 many deep No. 25. Itt lb. m&rlln. Sept. H Jam -.. 1 · 1 "· w " •It ""'"r~ '""I full l .. n<>th lor"'err on by w . 8. Gebhard, 1320 V• .. le -. • ....,e llnr<> nvl'ntnr rnn. .., " -r trtbuted IIUdl u th,. tin kl'l'l llntl I \'1\t hl. anti what ls more to tha avt'., Loa Ancelee. Aboard PDQ. the coli boner n.,mt. n•·llh•·r hns h<'r skipper Capt Clarence Atktnllon. 1 llr., 20 When John WIUI 12, .,,. A.llll~mhl,.. 1 h. ''"n l'arrv suppllt>a ror two min .. 2t ltr&nd. 1 hla OW1'I m&cbln~ ~hno, tl nl1 '"'" ntt•lll 1.'1 :~t "''II, tnt·hullng 450 gal-No. 2t, 172 lb. martin. Sept. 28 I le t .. 11, •tf fr••~h WIIIPr. hv W , Harvey While, tee Weat yeaN! a r whll,. bulldlnl!' hill fiN;t e4th plaeP tnrl-ood. Aboard boat became totally blind Hnw .. v••r, l"t mng•·n~ j..'\II'K8 hl'r Bjfl' to ~ Jl!la Ca... P.re. 11 • ..,..1 •. 10 min-w1th the help nf hrnth,.r N11t "" Ill • ••f 1ux. f11r ~II~> I~ 11.11 rrr·sh and • .,.. -r nnlahed ...... _ t d 11 11 h h,.uflful >tlltl nwll .. m u the H~I'Tf!-utf'l. heavy tackle. ..... '-"''8 an 11" " ,.r No. 2T. 171 lb. martin. Sept. It Their nnt aa1Jbn11t, thP K"ll"l<'. !11'1 •h .. rr~ ontt•ndf'tl h••r to bl' by Roy OetdMl Aboard 'npt far outdlatallced ttnothl'r 8I"'•P 111 .\SU snw I.STROO('f1NO LinN. Capt. Be~ de 0,._, • lin. CaJM! Cod lbat tht' Jntter'l! ownH TIIY. 01.\BLU'S SKIPI'ER 20 min .. '-"'Y tadlJII. Immediately Jfa\'1' thP hroth""" their nrat contract '\\'hl'n th,.fr 8dleel Oft l.ac-P'auaUne made a trlln~~-AtlAnltr The Nd!IM Wl'l" ot 8p0rt wtlJch PUila«'e In lT days. lh" Hl'rTPihnrt wu reported wtth four rnarttn repuutatloa wu e11tabllahl'd. taken Jut TUuday. occurred lft Tl!aiUnC IIPI!I!D kelp bedrl eloea to &lioN, and Juft IN WOaLD WAll I oft Hotel Lq'una at LAcuna Bea.c.b, where U.. ..,..turN of John took dlargl' or flnllnrln~ the luekJ memberw ot N~rt and COft8t.ruetlon · N11thanltl th~ Harbor'• ftahtnr n .. t .. ,.. fol· dra(tlng and en(lnr•·rlnlf DurlnK lowed by uctt.d w&tcMrn. World War I thl'y produced tnr- Whlle tile IPO't ........._ con-pedo bolita ~C a deadly •peed tlnue their OMiaqtlt acaJMt the of 11 mph. Pe~tlme thty buJU lreUUI"f'd Marlin, locaJ conuner. aaJJinc Yeellflll nf all C'I&IUII'I, tt\1' clal ftaherml'n continued their moet ftrtOWnf'd ot which wer" th,. mackerel f I I h I n If operaUonll ~at detendf'NI of the A m,.li,.II'!O Utrou«Mut Ule week wtlb falr1y CUp. Durtnr 'l1 yura, Hf'rtl'llhnrr. profitable re.ula, the pack run-built entrtf'l won 11 nu'"" In 20 nine con111tently at the Newport 1tarta, ac-aJn•l the futn t F.ngllsh cannerts. · ylll'hll. Scheduled for an early l&uncb- lnr I• U.. Am•ric:a.n Jeaa1•. 4&.foot eommerd&l t\lhlnr boat. nlcb ta i belnr b\lllLby Lowman Bo&tbutlcl- 1 erw for Wllllam R. Norrt..on of San Otero. Layln« of the kHI for a st-foot romm«'rclal nllhinr boat. o owne by ~~ lfatt11er. al10 took place Jut week at the Lowman yard. Hul't'alloff• weN ftrwt tn tmllt1 bnata Jceel up over a mold l'nt'! fn. ltlratf' modtm methodl! of mllM productJon.. They cleYf'loped Ute forl'llhortrn. I'd bow, thf' modttrate COilCIIVI' of Which t. erf'dltecl wtth "~abhtng hold" of Ute 11nt.er whl'n f>Oinlln.: to windward Rulla rnundrd Ill thl'-~ --'ld thf-4r , to c-"7 more ..U th&n a yacht I'V,.r eaniild before. &ttorna tapered from watrrllne An,\' ftJI{IO' mnrnoog. If y11u're up •·~trl\' •·nou.:h vuu ran see Nick Cllrl••r pultshln~ th .. Diablo' a brtpt work Hr Mys 4r, mlnutl's' regular wurk kt>eps 1t 11hlntng. and pre- ''t'ntll "llllt~al!•r 11pot.J1" which t&lce dsy• to remove The entire yacht II ktpt ur In like manner. "Don't r11re about my nppt>arance, but llhr'• got tu look riJChl." aay1 the &klppo•r C11pt Carter haa touched 70, but lll{htly. 11nll cn.n 11tlll scale a mut. Hr'l! p,.r,.nnlal Ilk £' the Diablo but hi" wellbcln.: Ill more the ruu'lt of nn erllvt• lnf' th:\n rarl' "As I' younll: man 1 had more brawn than bralne:· he say.. ''for I wrnt to 1!"3 em fllhln« acboon- l'rll. Aoml'l1m••J1 we worked 70 huur~t "1Lhuut 11lrc•p, lmd hauled In tri•Wift two mll••11 long by hand. OftN1 WI' '"B<'hl'd port to find an- Mht•r ll<'hOOnPr had beat ua In, the prore or rod h11tl drop~d. and th"r" WM no profit tor our toll." Ht> wnrkN1 all n gger In the Her. rf'llhorr shlpya rtl Ill Bri1tol and re- l.&IAa-a a..p. ~MI~ tc-r- Hrrreehorr brotherw. .... ~MMMMxtnett~HtMK:c::::)::·::·::c"m~K·;txw.aMMMMMKXMMMUMMMMMaM ... Ma~ tt'l kef'l ba.M, ·,.._ of bull!'rl, pre. . ... •entP4 the water a aurla!'e like CORONA DEL NAB CAFE 1! ! .. ~~:;~t 0:0~·::;. ~~ ':;~~u':~~ Coming WPit 30 ye&NI ago, he rnt"r••d tran11po rtatlon aervlce, and wurkNI up frC\m quartermuter to !!••• nntl'orfir.,r. but round he wu growing Cal ror want of exercise. and •lo••·ldf'd to r o trt'a&Ure hunt- Ing K Hl'rTI'Ihort VIIChta, but thrlr 0\'l'f. 1611 Coaet Hiqhway . . . Ph. NewPQrl 1967 : "11 wizardry 111 1UU lnt&ngtblr . ~ Thr maa1!' ot Natbanlrl'11 board llan------en ~· \01&& prr<'ltll!ly tnnelated bv hit! ...a ..,..... ~· blind bra thtr With the Pxqulllltt' Chicken Italian ... Scallopini .. ·. Ravioli . . . ~~'Mf' of touf'h t.be .tlfhtleu poee- Spaqhetti Dinner with SnAI"t'•l ~-uce . ~"•. John kn~w b)' rubblnr hi• nn. r--.. ~ ~"' o\'er a timber whether It "',.... OH·Sale Uquors of Highest . Grade FINE \\'"IIISKV NOW AVAILABLE -lmport~d and Domestic \VInes - St. Croix and Carilwe West INDIES RUMS FULl~ LINt; OF FINE GINS oak. mahnfllny or apruce, lht' qual- ! lty of the ~!lin, and how well It had been plllnl'd and joined. 1 .. R. etumln~ to tiM wut cout we nnd surh ramoua HerTeahoff ll!'hooncr11 1111 the Alura. V&«rSnt. FlylnK Cloud and Diablo, thP Jat- l,.r two llt lht Ldlo ChanM1 Yacht ~ A.nrhoragf' :-.lc'Ar lhr Paclflr blllnda In tht' nrws today ht> ll"arched tor wreck- f'tl gaJII'one, nlvagin~r lht'lr gold rrnm DII\'Y Jonf'l. Prof~ll rrom thl1 \'enture dlsllppea.red In the Beurmeyer cruh. "Ju11t u well" aay1 Carter, phllo.ophlcslly. "Might have bought " high po•·f'red car and rllmbl'd a tell"phon• pole." \Vhrn he tried to offer hla lf"r- \'lrrs In th,.. prnent war. the otrl- ctr In chsr~tt nld "You're 51, arrn't you Carter ?" "YI'II," rf'plled lht' IIP!Iman • 'Too bad. tr Y4JU Wt'rf' 50. I could lAke you." Then thry tioth ltlll~hl'd. 5 DIABI..O PO"Q:&D -• ..... •...a•un:aMM11MtUUtM:·::-:::::::::>:)::~m:xxx:·:n~nnxxecMMMM:-:MMMMMMatanunc ... MN1Caai A MY"1T.KIOl'" IIOMI:TIIINO Pepiio IIHMtJIU«CM -- Two Sportfishing Cruisers FOR CHARTER Sworc:lfiahing and Trolling All equipped With Modem Tackle I • fOR RUIRVATIONS cell R1charcboD'a AAcborao-. Newport 389 Mnrt> th11n A allort bow an, " ,J('!\T. V9CJEL TIIA\"EL.'t allck bottom. there Nf'm& to be " TO BE "-'JTJI lfl"SBA.VD little of thl' Old Boy. In the msgir Mr11. June Vo~l hu rttumed make. •o or the te.foot IIChtY'ner Diablo. Shr hal won the Pacific Cout Champlonlllip, Ule Southern California Champlonablp, and a Honolulu n~cr rrom ttn dll)'l with her hu1band, Lt. tj.g.} Dick Vogtl. USNR, ln San FrancJac:o, preparatory to th&t B&lboa llland ort1cer'1 t.n.M- rr r to Corpua Chrtatl, Tex. Lt. \'o~rl 11 In radar. He Ia likely to go 0\'t'Nit'lll 1hort1y Nnt. V~el wtll ruume a poeiUon at Ftncb'l <'t'Mimlca on her ret"m. 8h~ practlrA11y broke up the 45- foot eiUI on the eut rout. And In Canada her record wu equAlly ~tacular In hMVJ wt&ther 'tl1 aald noWn~r can touch her, rt'- lfardll!&l or ,,,... What makM htr lood T Her llklpper, Nick Cartt'r. al\&kee hl1 he&t1. "81le'l a mys. LEA\'IXO FOB SALT LAJI.I: tary ahlp," h~ chuekl81. On111e W. Dant of Dant Mar- Diablo orruplee .Up 11 It Lido lnf' Work&. ~ to le&Ye t,o. Ancborap For U.. put 20 JeiLl'l nl«ht b\' atrpl~ for Salt lAke ~~~ hAl betn like a member of the' Cltv whr re he wtll tranaeet bu.t- ramlly to the P~dltetw of Loa An-nt1i. Prior to hla retum, Kr. Dant nlu. Thtt fnur dlllc!non of Mnt. l'ontf'mJll&tt'l a deer hununc ex. All~ PMdl'r lind tiM late W. W . ruNIIon In the Utah mount.&lnl. ~der. Alief'. E'ttsa!leU!. Jkatrtce M4 Tt'd-jtTf'\\' up on Mr. L. A. Taxes Send Boats to Harbor NEW OO!OIA.NDINO OPI'WW Capt. anll Mn. John BwT1a. uoa N. Bay Front, Balboa blancS. aN the parenta of a baby bo)' bona Saturday at St. Joeeph tw.pftal. Newport Harbor bu plMd .,..._ hunclrecM of 8lD&1l bo&U, boUl pleuure craft and ftab1Dc ~. u a home port; and bu addecl thouaandll or dollara to dty aDd county t.aJt rolla, u a I'MUit ot a f&lr an4 tu-a&pW poUey of taz. allon on aucb craft, It wu renal. ed here today. Yacbta, more than ~ .-. aeta, have been trulatentJsc ta ~at number to Newport R&J1)or . t>lllt'l0111tl'f' that tteoretl nf aman tln&t. hAvP rej!'iatered ~rt Jhrbnr u their home norte, came ,_.f'ntlv whl'n th~ Ran ~ N'"""· Ptlnt c-ondut'tM a WM'rf' Oft .. mall rrAft In Lot! Anlf"'-Rar. bor. a-rt •tft R'lltl Tax• ""'x II.Aif'llllm en ta runn In.: u hl,.h u 11800 IW'r v~ar on lll"'P l)U,... ~~elne v~-1". and tMm t&On t, 18n0 ~r -r on medtum .tutl tt11hlnr bn11ta rouolt•d wtth .-rt.. Pd lnll11blllt1' In U\e Loe An.:el• countv narly lair rate, wtre blamed by the ll&n Pedro n..,... naner for t"-lee~ of man1 craft tro.., Loe Annlte h&rtlor. Har1)or ,.,metal& llere nport Utat manv pl«'a.ure uaft ancJ ll"me tt1hlnc Vf'llllell Juan eome llere lfurlnll' the out f~ nan from IA\s Anr,.le• Harbor. :VOIIt of thf'm hiiVI' llhltted here llowewr becauae of a lack ot tmaee. du,. to alltl)- bulldlnJr and other tnduatrlal e~r­ panllton In tile Juar11or Utere. Ulllform Ta11 Plu LDUCK8 n:w.uu .... ~ Watda 6 J--*7 ........ 0reeU.Dc CuM '-AD Oecc .... W ...... uut-......t Rlnp on our 111uJ ...... Pilla 1797 Newport B!Yil P1L 1111R OOIJT A KaA. Supervt.or Irvtn Oeorcw Oor--~ don, who 11.aa been one of u.e For your 81 har1)ora' leadtnc b&c:ken for many IDS r::l';:h h:-~~~ ~::n tor::;' ~ ( ~PBO(NW~I1~ ~l tor all porta on the cout. which !lef'ma to u. a rood ldeL • A~'rordlnc to Harry Welch of thl' Newport Rar11or Chamber of r llmml'l"('e, 5000 boata are now bt•rt hMi In Newport Bay, 4800 be. lng hi~ and little pleuure craft. and 500 betnc ftahermerL Harbor Development Gains Attention of State Offlcl&ls _.,... __ ... DR. A. S. NEWTON Optometrist • Room 308, Moore BuJldlnC 325 No. Broadway SANTA ANA • Ph: Santa Ana 527. • EYP'..S EXANINJ:O- -GLA.BE8 ... ~T'il'I"J'I"ili)a'\ W. R . Stewart of San l!'rancl.co, man~~.~;er ot pepartment of Nat- ura.! RettOUrc:ea, and Clark Oallo- way, UIIIJtlant manacer ot the Loe Anll'lta ofnce of lbe CalllomJa Stille Chamber of Comerce v18tt- ed Newport ·Harbor on 'l'!l~y to confer with 1oca.1 leadeN and to dlac:uaa problem~~ of cout devet-1 opm~nt. beach eroelon and ball»or I plana. • O..eiGpmm•t N.._. ~~============~ Taken over the harbor tn the !.= mornlnr by Deputy Rarbotmuter 1 Ru111 Craig, the men expre.ed ! thPir &muement at the a.c:Uvtty ant! the l&r(IJ number of craft mnnrf'd In the lower bay. 'ntey WPre alao given a (llmpee of the upper bay and expl"eeiMd their vii'WI on the great ~bWUea of lln unuaual type of development In that &.reL At noon U\ey met wtth Walter S. Spicer. chairman of the Hal'bor commhutlon. Harbormuter R. L. Patt.eraon, A. B. Rolaelle, Coun- cttman !:art W . St&n-wy:-&nd .ev- eraJ otheNI. Mho,. Oollbol Studied ThP vlalt()n were keenly lnter- ellt.ed In the method.l and pollcle. uaed ln the Newport Harbor area tn the carT)'Inlf out or Improve-I ml'nta, and 1tated that the Call. romiA State Chamber of Com. ' mf"r!'P plane to formulate pollcle11 I which may be llppliPd to lhOrP ('nntrol throughout the Jen(lh or lhl' ellltt'• cout line. Cub-Parent Meeting Launches Program Although fll\'ored by the prel - enrt of only 11 few lldulta, the - ~e~n's flret Cub Scout-parent meet- In~ wu well attendPd by young. SIPrll lind thl' J,.lldt'NI feel that l'nm,.thlnlf definite wu aceomp- lll'hNI toward organlatnr the group, Thr meeting. which wu held Frldsy evPnlng at the grammar !l!'hool auditorium, waa add~ by LINtt. Vaaco Pucci. of SAA.(B, who spoke on the tuture or Amer- l!'ll, u exempiiNed In u-e Cub Scout movei'Qent. Ruaa Campbell of Santa Ana Scout otnce, apoke brtf'ny. Tom Hendenon wae mut. er of ceremoniM. At p~t. a.ccordlnl' to Mra. l:~ar Rill of the P .-T.A. aponeor- lnl' commlttN. Ute lrftateet need 11 for a Cubmuter and aeveral den mothent. Harry Leee, who wrved for aenral ~an u Cub.. muter, real111ed Utat poeiUon lut year. Nine den moUierw are at.o need- ed. the only on• .no ban .olun- t.ered 110 tar betnw 11ft. lchrepel, 1''ho wlU be Mliated b' Krw. Wrtrt~t In the 'B&Jboa ltdand den, and Mra. Carroll and her ...set. ant. MNI. H. 0 . Boysey, of the ICut Nf'W'POrt den. llrw. laJlJe Peyton Ia {'(M)I"dd.nator bettnlen thf' Cub Scout mowment ud Ule P.-T.A. REAL ESTATE A!Q) INSURANCE LiJ:Jtings Invited • A.. W. OIIIBOJif .. 1!. liUt St. o.e. .._ .,._. dn-W It's SHBP'I lor • i l JS Htghwa, 101 Jlllt &.at of The Arc:hee OYerpa• Mack's Photos lot M&la 8t.. ....._ • PORTRAITS Baby Phot.ogTapbe Al1o Enlarsementa UUI P~oto.tauc CopiM • Here'• Where You Get J'oar OOA8T OU..t.aD and all other type IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS ••• We Talce 'l'!lem tt.nc1 Deliver 'nwm to You ln .0 llln)lt88 • MACK'S GIFT SHOP 0. Olft ... M.., Jlf-lee._, IN .... St., ...... bu ............ Oar' w 1-*f, .... Arlde from Mlebl« Uley haft IMPitO\'l.XO MACIIINI: 8110P !'Niwd on hn tl'r W'Mitl at n time. Clydt Hamilton. who rec.nUy Ont'e en rout~ to 1aft ,.,..nciiiCO tor I purchawd thf' machine lhop buJlcl- a ~. they rtn tDto a 6&-mlle 11n1 at 2tll0 Lafayette aftnue, II ple, wtllcb thn rode oat tor ft.-e maklnr exllnatn rep&Jrw to tM da,.. at eea. But ~ Clftly madt1 front <'f the ltrueblrll ud .....-. Ralph P. llulley II lMldiJ\a' a one-room adc!IUon to llt. reel -. tate of'ftce at IUO Oout ~ . VIVID .um aonc DI8PLAY ., ua Ullf08 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U.. .,._.., morw lllte..Uq for 1 alteraUON on tbl llltlltol'. · nrd. ,.. eoft wm be Qoat 1100.1'------,.------1 I .,____ --~---_ t"'uanclay, Septelll.ber 28, 1944 DR.M.D.CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST ANNOUNCES THE R& ... OV"L 01" OI"I"ICEB n~o"' 1797 NEWPORT BLVO. TO 1792 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA SA'TURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1944 TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH 2430 Don't Let Your RADIO GO DEAD We Repair Radios in 48 HoUI'8 BRJNG lT TO US AT ONCF:. IF" A~\"THINO HAPPENS, FOH 'niiC BIO NEWS FROM l.U'RIOPE MAY Bit J UST AROVNO THl': CORNER. Staadard Replace~Mnl Part.8 Jlere For: PbUao Ill 11artae Av•ue, ....._ ....._. Pliloee 180 -Ckleed SuM.,_ Mr. ud Mft. Otl\1d Bradbury, 1888 Broad~ny, were Sunday vtal- tora at Lone Beach. • Mr. and Mra. RaNil.t Stf'Ck, 218 Flowt'r 1\.rHot. ha\'o rl'lllri'W'd from " w..k'l vat'atll"' ut t'n-aUtn ... .1:.. A .. Spaul<ll•l({, 1'>.0 W. JMll atreet, II Mld to be lmprovlq foUuwtnr • hart attack •ut1'er.d f'f!Ct'nUy. Mr11. ~tty Adam• of rn,.lev.•ood 1pent Sunday wi th hl'r p&l"''nta, Judjrt' and Mn D. J ~. 114t A~lm a\•t'nuf'. Mr and Mn. GMrg" Oott. lte~ Cffll plar... .,.... th,. pllr+nta ot a aon born Friday 11t Santa Ana Community hollpltal. Mra. P"rank Vaughn. who Ia 011 vacation from hf'r duliN at Te. Wlnkll' hardwal"''. haa ~n vtllt-rnc friend!! at Sacram•nto. MMI Ma.e SWI'arlngl'n, J718 OT· ance annue. will bf' h~t-at a m.ettnr of Ult' Hom" J:eonomlcw club planned for nl'xt TuNday, More than 1100 wu cll'aNd at the V. P'. W. Auxtllatry cooked food aalf' and rummalt'e tale held NJ:WPOM' 8f 110A PR1:a8 You and Your Neighbors AI .lol;v<'r hu rutt'h"llf'd a 111•• hnm" un IJn,l•• ll\'f'll\11' A . II Klauat'l Ia bullolln~t a nl'w I:IIIRI!•' 111 Nlll Ao·ao·lu '"'''"'''· 1'11 "'"· "'"' .... H .V Sn~rua. 124 Tul'l\.1. 1\\'f'• L. 8. JUU ...... 100 2tth at ~t. nur. Ia maktn.: 1·xto•llJII\,. "''l'all'• A "'"'''".:•· llo•o•h,..• "11a 11"""'' at N~ W WWI"tr • IIIli ali rHI-tu hll hunlf' 1'111111" A"" tn lh•waro ll)olwaNI or denoe on a ~ ltreet lot rt'· ... .:•·In ••I N.-w Vclrk a11ol t• .. trh'lll cenUy ~ldred from 0 M, Camp.. W C Rll••ldon I• makln411 l't''IAIMI Jo.Y •·•1•1111•• R1~1tkor, N ,, ,,_ r ,, r t bt-if ot N.wpolt H~ta The tol b<Jth lhtl 111to·llur ami ,.,.t.•rh•r 11t tt •. ,.,.h atrurture &I &ooatf'd j111t wrat tlC I hi• ~·.-IIIII« "' IH :l Ea.at t "'"t raJ ' Anabi'IJn a...-. a\ I' IIIII' \ M •• M IU )' Nhan\.1 allol .-1\lloh <'II, . I 11111 ~Nor"' 1\llol .,..,..,,, a nol Mra Rub· Mr. and Jlta. J . A. Moo,... until In anlh'IJ'Atlwat.f.r ,. wo•t wtnt..r •·It )o:.Ot.•r, "' u( liW :111111 •tr .. ••t , ~ntly owaen ot Jtm·r Barber M W u•wn·~ ie ,...,.,,.,n11~ hla lo•fl r••o'f'nlly tor Miami. ~·ta , IOIII&rt ilwf'llln« at 1121 0 ~f' .. hnrr drl,,. """"" thry r•lan t11 m111w th•'lr llhop at "" a"""ur. Balboll Nf'WliMt rut uro• h""''' A rrl\·tu~ th.-r.l lllland, haft llllld Uwotr hnmr at Mr.. Nhanll wiU tw-n•nrr the brt<Uo 2:11 E. ttul .trwt, Colt a "'"""· to Ot ln1 8<\yo t. 1:1 Ul lltl\al t',.nl rat ,,, 1,1 F.<hY~r\1 M Kll'\'t'tll'(>n .,, William ~d. IIWYif'r of th~ • a v .. nu ... 1• hulhllna; sn ru1\.llth•n tol Nt•w York o•lty, and )'<lUIIIf """'. ll'nod c.nter Oft BalM& Taland Tbrl' hll dWf'lllnt anol makllllf' l"''f'&IMI ,. 11144 tr~tdUatr nr U•rbur lll«h MoorN plan to )no~ to lhll"''ka. on th• •trut'tul'f' '"'h•'l4•1. will twrln atuolylna rnr After epen.q a W..k with hla Nf'wpnrt Dt•a r•h WC'MI \viii ntHt hi• rnlran(e uanu to the U. 8. W'lfe and belly da-'~Atr, Carol nut Wrdnr••I"Y at th,. hnmr of N11vr1l Tralnln« Aoademy at An. Ann, Bob .J~ ~dnman 1/t', Mr11 ttmma Wo•Ai hrrfCird, 309 AI llllfl<\ll• Ho wu approv.d for 14t. Usn·itl n·. Holtby :\wardt•d Air Medal Nino ,. llt'rlvlng In ll:nJianil th_, l:olt .. , 1'"'1 .. r .llrlv, 1.1 navtd w. ll·•llby, ,l r hn• t>-n •"4rrnc a "hll h\ h11l n ffl'nAI\'1' a«& I Nit th11 •'1\ll\\ tu ·• •'ll•IIUt: In \\ ,,r,t """,.h,.-d h, hill jii\I'Nih, Mr llllol MMI n w. ll·•lll•v. 1!\lll \\' lk•'"'l Jl'ront. A 1 lltf' """' •. r 111111 wrtlln«. II hlo h "'"" I••IIJI I h1111 I Wot llll\flt lUI •lflo I llloo Alii\ 1\l 11\'o I -.•u, Ll, 1-inllhv tth·•'>\•h ' ""• 1 .. hla ,.,...,lit t• """"'"". "' o•r 1'11•'111)' t<'rl"ltllry 'iuu1 ha;t hr••11 awar.lt-.1 lh•• A lr MedAl fCir f\llll'llnrlua "''hi!!VI'Illrfll. "' 111 1 • '''"'''' lim". the hiC'al f'0\1• rll''~ ' ., 111111 l>f'o•n attl'll<ltn« r hUffJI "1 "'"•lmln•t••r Ahho•)' And WMtll hi-JW~• r lllll that "'' •• l"tttnc tm· 1. •'ll ,. I hrlll nut .~t th• ""Pilrlf'nef'. 500,000 CIJt&l"f'ttes Contrlbu~d Locally trn.aunday ,_ llta paet ~ thl' u. var11do atrt't't, nal~•• rllhntllru'"*' Jut •P""• 8 . Navy AUJdiUary Air Statton, lt!lmf' nn 21 dAY• furtnuatl from Cll(a,..Ur fund roll,.rtlon 'jara, Jl'aJJ N --_ _.1 H q Pulukl, !1~ Marin.-&\'It· 011, "'· •-·-marked C"lllllf' ft!J•'k••r, Ahl., 11 T•·c:h 81[1 IOJ'I'IIIIkor.•ol thnllljlhnut thr rounty Ute nret time tiM kleal man had nu ... 1" malclriiC rJCtl'natvf' rf'palre William 1f11un ... ,n "' Mr and Mr11 loy Ora nit" t 'Nmty 40 ,., II. durlnc -n hll cl&ua'lter, Who wu bom 011 hla «'sr....:.-whkh •• t ...... l'l\0• ,lflhn ... lhllll, l\17 8AIIIIl Ana"""· lhr• rout Y••llr f"'I.KJm···d "'""" Ulan a-t f \'rrt.-d U II II lOrA ..... I'I'Ont II. •""" -0()0 .,..,p · · ,. IIIII'. A(CI tfaun. (11rmrrly a ll'ltt!r ..,..,,, Or "nnu,;h to rui'('I\Ue eu, Mr. and Kra. .J. p Ballf'y, 1101 Mra 0 . 0 Barnarll, U7 Newport rarrtrr at Nf'wport ht-arh poetot. parka <If <'l«aretN for eervioem•n Sa.nta Ana a.-ue, IIOW havr t., bool•vard, t• l'ntertalntn.: t.nday flt't, felt h4! wuul<.l llkt" to learn a · IUport ot tht. etff!Ct w .. ~"n 10M aemnc wttll Ull' Amf'riC'an (or mf'mbf'ra nr th.. Nf'lll•rnrt III'W tradr UJ'I(\n f'ntrrtn~r thl' at a mMttnr of tll• MW&ftlaatlon foreee 1ft ~ .J'fc Cl&vton HPII'hll Cl n-t .. w 8 c-8 Amly, and •·u &l'C'!Irdtn.,ty Ulll11· held Rf'Jll 10 at lblna K....,.• Baney ot u.. .ur Jl'orcoP, and ·Pfe. r;t to Ut" commt-rv d"rartm•nt DAy Ah•,,.. ("a(e. A tarr• port6on :-~-------------------------.,· F'Tiday undt-r thl' chalrmanahlp ot Mre. Otto Dodd. W 8 l..nud I• hullltlnll' a twn. 1111 a bakl'r He nnw hu hla br""d nt Ulf' r~ntrlbutlon wu ntltallled WUII• Bailey ot OM Medical co.,.. atnry rarall'l' •I :lOl N"ri'IQUa 11\'f'• 111111 bl•c•utt. WI' II undrr f'nnt r;l! and frnm Jllrll 111 tht> tlarboJo &1"1'&, ac. At latNt repoli. Ute twn boya had nul'. tht> w<-onol nnnr t .. b•• flnlah •··t~•rt• that h,. llkH thr wwk. Hr <'11rt1t na tn A J Uaym•n, dlaJr. not been pr1~ to mHt l lnCI' .cJ u " dw..llln"' unit ,.,,. l'twlt an1vlq o•eneu .. "'"• "''1'•1mrant .. d hnmr by hla wtte man will bf' a bout ll!WlO. Mr l..nud lnoll whro hu bHn with him In the Althnua-h at flut tbnuaht 2ft,OOO NEWPORT BALBOA B & C BOOK HOLDERS AJU: NOW ELIOIIII.a PO& NEW na.at I . '\ '\ t I ~ \ I, • · Ul/1 COME IN AND 8D VII 1P YOU CAN QU.u.D"Y WE WILL Br..LP .... VOU IIA.K.E OVT YOUII APPLICA- TION FOR A TIRE OEB'nFICJATE. e . I ~ 1 .: 'N CEN TRAl AVE. LYLE POPE • ~ I l. H I ~ !) 1'. El Parciiso Spanish Kitchen ~ P.._.e a& Court 8t~t ( SMr Newport PW) RAY SANDOVAL, Proprietor 8pulsh Dlshee ... and • Americall Home Cooldlla r .BONJC 8TEAA (Mexkea llJie, ladad~ Beau, Roaa& Beef Twn Pork C...,. t"ried ~ "-lof ........ One• ~\Fried ......... ) ........ (W .. f ... rt I EJ'If(RD.ADAS llot o.au. TA008 llam _. Eo- CIIILI ~~~ a.-. ud J:a'p • Breakfa.'>t St>n·i>tl, 6 t.c, 11 A. M. ()pea Until 11 P. M. -Closed Tueldaya, New New Non-Rationed Shoes at -now available ilJ Yellow, Green, Red, Rust Color, and Navy • NEW FALL 3-Piece Corduroy Sal,. -in Luscious Color1 ..... Salmon, Chartreuse and Pale Gray • Wait lor Our Aalumn MereiJaacll•• We'll have shipments lor display in a week or so • DQtOB'I'ED ~Q£1BB WOB·UII· COIIIINO • BruiiUid Saad Dop EMMA V. HUGHES 701 &. Ceatral A~e..r •.a.. Telephone: 138 TAKE HER TO • Tboe, from Cotta Mua wtlo at- tended a WRC Ft'dl'ralfon mHtlntr held Monda:v at Santa Ana were M•ldame~~ Blanche WAllace, Pearl Brown &nd Florence Clevt'land. Kre. HUT)' lldlldr, 2014 Ana- helm avenue, &I the prnud panel- mother of a '-by lf'lrl, Ma.ry LouiN, wbo wu bom rt"CenUy to hf'r IOft-ln·law and dau,tlter, Corp. and Kra. H. W. B&rtiM or 3001 Oc~an J'ront., N.wport Mn Bart- •-will be NllleTIIbered u the tor. mt>r MuJne Prtor . catrd. !'luuthf'rn 11tatr p&o'llll llt'l'ma IUlr an lmm•~ nun1. Jamf'tl Tutfr,.,. I• ""<'l"'ltnr thr front and """r dl'r k uf hi• prurw•r. ty at 1101 II: <'l'ntral """"""· Rotl . tina C"onrao1 Rhnnlc hu ~•n ""· r-c,.ct to ,dto thr wnrk 111 11n "•tl- mat~ oc.t ot 11100 Cannery Hu RiJ~ From Santa Ana twor ''' ctaa.-.ttea. Mr. H&Jin&ll JM'•Iul rol <>Ill that lh"r" are more th•n 10.~ "'"" f l'l•m Or&nl"' I'HIIIIIy floiW In thr a,rtf'd (OI"IC.'!M ""d I lult th• rontrlbutlon, lhere- fo•rr. amnun1• '" nnly twn and one· h•tr r•~"k• tll'r man, Jlt'" )'l'llr. Tbf' rta•,...tt .... whlrh •r" •ll•trlbut.d ••n thl' butl"frunt..a hy Ole r_h&JI- Ir~lnoo, •·•u·ry lhr lctho•l of lh,. apon. A. J . Burton. 434 Nl'wport boule. vard, t'ntl'~ St JOtM'ph hOI'pltal on TuHdAy wht rl' 1\e Ia to unde~o a major o~ratlon thl.' lattf'r part of thfe week. Amolljr tho!M! Attl'ndln.: thf' ~I'Y Rally hrld Friday at Loe AnrrtN colllwum Wl'rl' Mr and Mra. Otto M Dodd and aon. R1dl- ard, Mr. and Mn 0 . N. Wt'lla. and Mrt. B. N. Lounaberry. Lt. Richard Barnr•. co-pilot ot a B-17 Flytng Fortrc>u, hu ar- rived laft'ly at an ovt'reeu bue. ~rdlng to word rt'C't'lved by hll parenta. Mr and Mr11. Herman Bamt>t, 2M2 Newport boulevard. llfr11. Stt'VI' Brock and daupt.er, 8uan. 127 1': 18th alrf'l't, ar,. mov-tnc to 2340 N~wport boulnard wll~re Ut~y will rt'ald~ with Mrs. Brock'• mother, Mre Leola Orltnn, wbUe Mr. Brode la eervtn• ln the ~ . .,.. rorn.t Sheldon Paull, Jr., 1t0n of Mr. and Mre. F. 8. Paull, S87 Bay avmu~. noe~Uy ~IIU&lec! from the aviation machlnlllt mate ~hoot at Norman. Okla., and wu liven a rating of petty otnteer third clua. Mr11. E. S. Boudruu and Ml• Lyda Conant werf' CO-hOIIt.~Mell Tuelday a t a meting oC the arta and crarta aectlon or the Friday An~moon Club. ThP dAy wu de- votctl to Rt>d Crou work undf'r the chalrman11hlp or Mre. H~lcn Keeler. g~ SpMi SI.Dp CIIDTHEI FOR mEl ••d IDII Tbe•e'• • RainJ Day Comil&! •ad we 1re qettlaq the B•lncoats aad W•t•r Repelleat to pr,pue you for II. FALL MEBCHANDISI IS ARRIVING PLAID LUMBIRJACJt STYLE SHIRTS, too•,; wool, ei.aee 14)S up ·-BLUE JEAN WORI.lNG TROUSERS • ONCE A WEEK Mr and lira. llun Cra•'ford, It& Malfllolla lltreet, are enjoytnl' an l!xt,.nct.d Yialt tn Montana. maktn1 th,.lr hHdquarten with the tor. mrr'a brotJier..ta.law and llllrter, Mr. and Mr11. T. J Chet>lham Q/ Orat Jl'alla. P'rom that point they are maldnc YU1otJa huntln• and fl•bJn.r udlnloftll. OrT&nlatlon of U,. COlla MN& War Cb8t oommJttH ta rolllJr for- ward under the ebalrm&nllhlp of Harold K. Grauel, wtth Rtly L. OaV1a u ~ • lreuurer. Vlaltlnlf ltw-111 frt;on;t. lhl11 wf'rk wu Mr11. Jamt'• p; Mrn11tt. ror. mf'rly aulalant .,.r rrtary of N,.w. port Harbor Chambf'r of rnm. mf~. who Ia nnw a r,.aldl'nt nr Alhambra. Mr Ml'rrltt Ia Hrvln« wtlh the ~&bt-l'• In the Ha••allaJn lalandl. Coal& MN& hu been U1l1t11ed a Mre. Oardnfr Kin.:. 4:l~ Helin. quota of POGO. In addllllon to t.rope avenue, wu h• .. t .... ,.....,.nttv which. 1711 bu bH,n &ASdfod for the at a lunrhenn ahnw .. r a1vf'n for IO<'al Boy 8eout troop and 17B for MMI Ruth p,.mn nf Coron• d>-1 Ute Olrl BcoUta. Mar Oun ta lnrluo1,.d MI'IW!oun"" Mr. and Mra. J . R. Roberta, UOt H. 8tl'vflna, R1cMrd PIA«1!r. A W ... ... rt .. _ Pla«u. Geraldine Ktnr. ant! lArry . ...y avenue, newpo , ,_ve 0'0 v K R t pul"'l!l\aaed the 'ftlomu J'rolt Nlll-a.rra. ra. u,.r H wu ro. denee and ~ ..,._ at s•t ,.__ ..--. ~"''"II "II""' ruu1 It to•turn malllftl ··•nl Mron)• ••f th"•" <'llr•tl have r .. m•· hllo'lo hl'•rlna mNIII..,... of apprl'f'l lltlun. thr chairman aal4. JUG,J, RIICOIUl g~ tN Mart.,. A, ... ,... .. , 11&1'-1..._. OFF& AS Some o utataadiDQ numbou for your Albuml of the C lu•ioal ••••117........,• lcllell•u• .. ead TKII ... ~·· •••aacllew .1 .. 1. ITUAOITOYI Good nrlety ol theM OnrwholalaQly PopW&r Toy Modele (We ........ .......,., ,..,.... ........,., 1-Un avuue.. ~~ .... leo& emr-.tn John ftrnnrtt, IH)n ot well-known Oranp county borw-Mr a nd Mr11 J R f~nnf'tt. 109 ••••••••••••••••••••••·-~---· man and 01. ~ ro••.., or 2tth •trHt, h"" llhlpJ""d nut ror ~-------.....;,..-------------------· more than 200 tropblm and rib-.,.'""'"In thf' R•111lh T'rol'ltlr nur-•••••••••••••••••••••••••llilll•l bon• .,on by hll laontl'l at M0W11 tnr till' t'&rly olllv• ,,, "'" Wllr And rodt'OI. wm keep bla aadcne ("ox'n R.-nnf'tt Will nn 11uly In lh·· llt()('k at Uti' Me.. fann. NorUt Atlantic and hu r•·•·••rtli:V Harry J,. .. up, tiS e.rtta la- bel ltreet, It conttned to 8AAAB hNrpltaJ u rNUJt of major tn. juriN auttt>l"f'd 8anday momln• bf',.n atatlnnNl at Port H u.un• "'" HI• p&l"''nta al"'' at p,....,.nt "nlnY tnr dHl)-tea n.htnr "' tr:n~"" ''" MrJCit'o Whl'n hla &Ulo WU tn..olnd ln Jltnjoyln~ th" Jlh'A.Ufl'll nt lhr• colllalon with ona operated by bnrh are Pvt. and Mn~ ,.,.,,,.,. Herbert OtaMer, II, U.. two c:ara U..n110n •nd ehfldr<-u Lynn nn•l then betnr hit by a Ultrd vehicle lArry, nf s.11ttlf', w u .. h . whn nr• opereted by Rlc.ha,d 8blelalr car. ataytnjt at thr H••nnrll hmur, Jl)ll aon. Ia. ol RunUftC\011 Beedt. 'nle :mth atl"''l't. Nrwpnrl l J',·t f'••n accident OCt'UrTed 011 RU11or boule-ann'a fUrlnU~th will holi r•uno•lwl••;l vard a mile north ot Balrer ltreet, thla w .... k. """r whtdl h .. will r•• accordJnr to CHP otnc.lw. port to Amarllln. Trll fur nfrlt ••r'• 8tal't 8_.t. Ru(ta R. Bennett, lrslnln~. an•l Mr11 R•·n•nn will r" 2120 Thurln avenua. baa bMn I tum to &-a ttl,. awardt'-d Ute B~ atar, UM haft. JUOI' Fulll'nWI<I,., funn rrl\' , ..... or beln« conrernld •'for berolc n .. ct,.d with llw n~nk "' An•••r lr·~ achievement In COT\neoUon with at R•ltwl• ""'' """' ,.,., rl'lflrv rrl military O&ll'r&UOM qatut the Nrwport RPII r h l:lfllllllllrr to~'h•~•l f'nemy at Loa Ne.,. ll&an4, Ad-t hll \O•f'l'k rrrrrhtU•·ol ...... "'"' ...... mlralty Omup, trom • Jl'ebruaq, halt tnb nn O• I' An ~; .. .,,, "' r •I llr.l 1944. to 9 MArch, 1 ...... a.c:cordlnr bo• ""'"'"""'~~ '"·I ,,,,.,. '" trull·l to the acrompa.nytnc dtsaUon. The 11t th,. ,.arll""' '"'""'"'' tir"" Th" award wu made by Lt. Oen. property wu rnr "'~rlv f•WIII'II hv Oeortre C. Kf'nney, oomm&nd.er ot 8lf'phl'n Carmln,. I hi' I r11nurllo1n the Allied Air Jl'orc. Ill the South-bf'lnjt handlrd hv th,. Jr,hn 1C 1'11111 weet Paelflt'. lt-l r oftlcr A Wonllo the Wile We auqqeat you atart planning now for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YW HOUDAYS At proeenl we heve complete atoc ka ···~ W! HAVI 52 CASIS OF 4-5TH8 QUARTS Pod WIDe Imported lro• Portuo•l. Wt.tle II luta On ule, coat p lua •n, $I 4 ~ mESA IIIQUDR SHOP •m•, N_,.t. ••• •• u ..... .._ no-N-.wt U Somethln« new ln family rt'- unlon• wu tJCptrleneed Sunday by Mr. 11nd Mr11 R W. Bartlne, 211 MA~tnnlla tlr .. ~t. who joined 21 oUII'r r.-latlvf'll, at a picnic llonor- lnll' Hl'rbl'rl Andreww, U. 8. Navy. While Utt ,...union wu In full IWlnJt at Anaht'lm dty park, a quartet of piutnr.aemc:emm rec- otrnl I'd onf' m,.mber of the eele- brAtln~ .,roup Jl'urtJaer lnY..tlp.. lion r,.vu.ll'd that Ute four .men w"r" cou•lna and _..re relat.d to all th~l' prteent but that they had no ldu a l"''unlnn wu ln PJ"'C"''M wht>n they decided to walk t.III"'\lftt the park. ArtAor t~A•n Vl'n• In I h~ flnr~r <:t.X~>.:IXY.-:X:t.XXX.XXXY.Xlf.XXX:r.XXXXXYXXXXXXXXX)(>c)O(XX~ part nf th,. tim,. "" lo('l"•l "' I h• lo Q MMA ROME PIIOFUTIU FIND UAD1' BUFD8 Salt' ot the Cllttorfll O.rie f'Ml. de.nce property at 101 lltll lltnet wu reported thll ,._ bJ Ule Oeorre P'ellowr' ....r Mtate ottlee, the n-owner~~ ~ J .... Cole 'and Nancy Dwyter ol oabrUJo Court. Alao nllfOlltaled ~ tM roDclwr ofttce wu aale ot U.. ,..Ilene& property at 1134 ..,._. lloal._ vard wbleh wu pu 2 ·w from N•ll Mui'Mrpr bJ Mr. and llrt. J ..,_ r. K.,.,.,.. ot 1111 .Aa&- b.etm a..,.ue, 11141 ..... tl at .,._. ent oecuptect by Mr. ad Kn. ,..._ ert Han4. Kr. and lira. I. c. P'llO· 11,. ot lAcUM .... ,. a ·eec! • vacant aen on A"hll• &ftaae from the llaiP* ... ,... to bufJ4 at an eal'ly ....._ IOn·ln .. lAw ant1 th,.lr ttnucht ~r J.ft ~;. Mr and Mr• Th•·" ~ • "Mn•·"' M• :t. Elroy, Main ootrr•·l, llr~lh••n. ~f1 antl Mr·• .Jr11uu•• JU,.tk h,,,,~ r't111n !! ,.., for thl' llrnr t.• lnl( t•• Kill"""" City Mn Mt Olllt k '~ I rip hrt• k a to 'Miouwrurl WIUI f flr thr t•'l1tY"''' ••I !!j dl•..,.ln• of vAiu"t.l•• '""'' tuln• ~ .~-.. :{ propertll'a lhrr,. Th•· Hllll'kll '''"'' :1 •n evrntu•l r<'l rrrn I•• N•·\\'lt"'' .. .. ,:..:,. And Botii!<>A. :,: 'I Jl!njnytn~r 11 pi~>A11nnt •"J••um ~~ ht>r hom,. hl'for,. r··~urnlng hrr ra t• ... • at 8t•nf,r•l •11 1\•,.r•ll v •- Miat Bt'tay Rahhlt I. ilnn(hl,.r nf Mr a nd Mr11 Mntrolv I. R•tlthlll ' :l10 Burna VIlli " h'•lll~>vnr<l. R"l boa, Mlu Rahhlll r•w•·nllv rr. turnf'd from 1 twn m<~nlh •t•v •I Mexico City wf1,.r,. •h" "' 1,.,.,,,.,, 'I .ummu echool 11t th,. ~nn11l Unlven~tty, makln~t h~>r h,.,m,. with a Mntf'an fiiiTlliV whll,. In lhr 8outhem R.-publlr.~ ,· Durin« thl'lr twn w••MI' l"f'll· dfonu at 1106 P•r trlr tlrlvr, ('omnA &!I Mar. Colon,.J a nti Jofra R ua ... ll V. Lee madr many fr1,.no111 wh,., un. haPJI!Iy badt' lh,.m tllri'WI'II lui WMk. UPQn Cnlnn"l ,_,.,. .• IUIIIIIfTI· mtnt to overii'U lll'rvlr,., Mr11 ~~~ retuml'd to th"l r hom,. at ra.tn Alto Thl,.r '"""" r"''""""" hrr" wUJ be occupiM by 1,1 rot ano1 Mn. Howard lA«"I'fiiiiiOI, wh~,. eldNt aon, Howard, Jr , hu juat ttns.Md Navy boM ra mp t.ralnln« A )'OUIII'er ton wtll 1100n bf'ct n ~ wtth the Army Air Cll.,. CLEARANCE SALE STILL ON New Anivali In . FALL DRESSES COATS AND SUITS The Moat Complete Stock in the Harbor Area New Store Hour1: Monday Thru Friday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 9 a . m. to 6:30 p. m. PoUy Apparel 1811 Newport BlYd. •odoftlce•a••· eo.. ..... tEll . fl,st .... .... ~MilA -----.... .. • ·our -.ndaaC: " ..,,..._: Wllllam D. aebury and -.n. pu_,kl 1 UMt t>oar h ,more, Mr. .... , ""0 r u wl a.11a. r. CU\tl Mra. Wh. llarry ltalph P a nd W•l· , Jtr (1 cJ. 1o ltl&.rtln•o. ...... ·t ... .t h plane ,... lrvlnf', fl land In ~·1. W bf.,.n In w MYI'ral I •tllll_.r, CW lnrpruv· t .. nvull· euth•t~ll•-d , ~JO f11r tft bn" '""'" tw nn vur· wk>lllllf•fll. mer ''' Ill•· no f11clh••r I plltJO~ Ill .. •• In ''"' opt..·rl "'It llllll '"'" ne "' "''' 1~lo• f11r11l eo rtll) .. ,l II II'"' Ill rcr '"'I 1 Itt• h II ~ I''""~' It 11.1· hur- Wilhlll lhl' thr• 111'111 Cl• tal•· "'''''''· .il I''IIIIICY ( 4JIIJ.IIII\otofl , .. ol alln IMAN tJie Hcrrrlh to iVIrT!"<'t t thMl lJMI" mer bo••l UICIIn«. Mr. ~nan for ar &.II'' aod 1M l1t TIM' • a oaulll,.r, ...... Harbor L• Brklae at I .... ....,.. --...... --.ttlw .... .......,. .. .._ wttllat ... ,......, ~N..,_ c. ll. o.ki.M, '-T.Kra ... .... 8oudSnot, lin. H. W. f ... ,... abel Kr '-~ .. DdaMt ..... the 0 Aftlnwt club llta.P.V.Pm ... lira. c. 1 ~·~.., lira. J . J'. We ....,. llurdlc*. Dr. A.~ Opto --. -.... ........ IE 1 Yo Pap e Borse Raciag llurllr .... m•tchttd lllcu HAMILTON COTTON RANCH (0.. Wile South ol SAD Clemente) TEN EVENTS SUNDAY, OCT. I -• eYery two •-• thereafter Baclag ....... ··~· •••• a••••t'oll, .. dadlag T~ tl.2.0 hi"YYee Peno-el, SOc Be&esluaeats-1'1-eePal'ldag .. BowLING 000 PIN &.NIOIITII or !'IOU111 OOAS'I' Bll' Tl''O OAJIU or • Two g ames of 200 ~Ia p,....,.. I'd the o~nlng profT'&JD ot U.. South Cout 8h.lpyard'l ejpt month bowling ICbedW., WbkJl g;ot ott wtth a bane at the Balboa Spor-l'tand Pavlllon'e ten aJle~ IUt Mond~y nlcht. Rolling the heavy cam• baton lln applaudinc openlnl' ntpt crow w..re Paul NonniU\, wttl! a total olt 203: and Ed WUJeutt, Kldaaft. l('a, with 200. Other hiKh cama on the ftJWt niR"ht w~re reported by Al HanaU. or th~ PaJnten and Gable ol the r~ti'JW'ntera, with 1111 nda: aDd Harbor Eleven and Santa Ana Loom As 'Chief Threats · WIUa all team• ~roxwuaaly awalt.. Inc U.. OI*Unc or th .. high acbool foot....U -..on. ~o~o•hus.• lo<•aJ acUon llt.uta ...... Dtxl ~Friday, Oct. 8, wttll a...u-aeac·h u vtlltlng team 011 the Nrwport Harbor High IICJM)ol fteol4. lt app!'ro r"d lhll week U II -..raJ of t h~ teama were bullehed Ill ethnjfth Jx•hlnd New- port Ud A&ata Ana Newport by vtrtue ol Ita 1ix returning Jetter· men (t..nehadlbac five r,•gulanll may be the claW con~nd••r with the 8a!Dta, wtlo wtll .end nlnt lttler- wilulooln oe Uae tltl<l mcludlnc two recWan. • • Tbol ...._. of Nl'wport Harbor, San Clemente Bacee Change Sehedule; Run This Sunday A revt.lon In the MUOn'e eclaecl- uJ~ of racine at the Hamuton ~ ton . avaJ, eouth of San ctement.e • cardl another pro«"Tam of runnJ.n& ra<"u for th!. comlnc Sunday, Oct. I, fc,llowing a 1lmllar day of !lpOI't lut Sunday. ln future, the racee at the Cotton ranch, will aJtemat.e oe Sunday. wtth the horwy 8pOrt at the Skllu rodeo In Coeta K..., neither track havlnl' a cte.~n to connlct for crowcta . Sunday'• race• at the Cotton ov~tl will be&1n at 1 p. m. lrwtea4 of 2 o'clock u foiTOUly . .A. cu.. tomary. a goodly contine-nt wtll go to Cltmtnte for the 8port aJonc with A.l 'sparka and other New. port Harbor men who take keen interut In the enterpri.le. Tluanday, Sept...t.. 38, 1 M4 77Je Gilt tbat h trecuured. .. will be loWJd at Balboa Gill Shop ..... r-.y ....... ~ ... ~llalhlllve ••• aaflf1N181 rw ........... Place W.t. of Mud Wona Palm Fiber. Fou (I al.ue. Juat tlae tbia9 lor T ... &ad Fo.-...1 LUDCJa- eo.a. Or 1M Outdoor lalonaality. ..................... Hud Wo~ea Hoobd Ru~-$3.95 to $9.95 I F:meraon of tbe Pallltera, wtU. 111. L-----------~--------------------------------~ ~AIL~ wtth Co.-1.-MJiler at the helm. enjoJ'ed t.11oe l&rre~t va rei t y t umout ln local .,.._. athlrtlr hlltory u tl ~ have C:hfCked out eq\dpment.. TIM ••• lt'lter men In- clude D&c* JTeernan. 1110 pound tackle; a.lpla Frlrtag. fullba.c?k; Ol)'IUl BDMe. e11d; Jee Joluna, Membership Drive Planned by. P. T. A. r ....... r...cJa Pad&c ... _ .. _ _......,~ _______ Belboa Liquor Store e FINE SPIRITS AND \VINES TABLE LIQUEURS (OF Pa&-WA& tfTOC'KI e IMPORTED. RUMS Jamaica St. Croix Puerto Rico Cuban --COY E. WATTS ,.. 1!. f'I!NTaAJ. AVL RA.LftOA PilOSE: 1nt..1 - PAUl-PALM CAFE Under Nrw Man.ll-'t•::n •. ~t OPIEN 7: .. A. If. e. l:tt A. M. ;loaM 'l'll ..... y Featuring T-Oone Strak• Rib Steaka FINE FOODS T'ROMI'T ~ERVlCE IIIA&IOIIIE DAIWA TZ \'1\'IAN IANODALI! COI'I'A MEl& I I STEP OUT FAit The 8allmakera .PUt.dlolt&Dced their eeven rlvaJ contenclene lD ~ ~uth Cout Jeacue wtUa a lltp IW'rl"• aJthou.rb the X~ roll. Pd hlp atncte came of -wfth Sallmakera puab1nc them at liT. RIIUita of t"-team .....,_ lD thr lnltlal nl.rbt ot the eupt-t.,m South Cout teacue: C ARPII:NTI:Ra n. 8AJL)(AJCCIUI Car'J)f'nten TN ITS ~htO Handicap 123 lU 111 Bllllmalcfn lSI 814 IIT-1101 Handicap 111 111 Ut WELDJCRa n . K'llCHA..NIC8 Wt'ldera liST 153 115-IUO Handicap 123 US 1JI M"<'hanlctl 141 aa 101-1160 H"ndlcap 1211 1211 1211 P A.INTI'.IUI va. aLA VIIS Patnten 1150 Sta .._liM Handicap U. 111 111 SIIIVI'I TTl TTl .,._HTT Handicap lSI US lSI SHIPP 11 I i!Jt8 va. TOOL ROOK Shlptlttere TIO liST 181-1483 Handicap 121 121 121 Tool Room Ill Ttl 150--2t&T Handicap 121 121 12'7 Al\houctl the South Couten nrtd their nret b&lW at T:ao p. m. Jut Monday ,a movement wu at once ~n to ~e a .UrllUy later •tarttnc bour, pi"'b&bby at I p. m. for th11 comlnr Monday and IUCC'HIIIve weelu, becauae of the feat that Soutl! Cout Sblpyanll employe~ aT? now worktn,r a lone· er day and later boun Ulu they did ctunnr lh.a ~~pan of UM lMI-46 bowline --:-· ruarc1 abU\.ct to blocking baek; and Joluuly ahater. center. hill •u a.-rva AU ~ boy• ranktcJ u •tart· en lut tall, and .nn carry the bn&nt ot t.11oe Tan' 1\opea thl1 aea- .._ wtlh .lim Doul'lua. tackle from lut year plu. aeveral outat.alldln&' reeerve1, 11nd Beel who h ave come up. Tbe 8&Uon alto appt>arl'd •tronc In the Bee dlvlaion Coach Jack Nolan bad 17 uplr&n tl out for Mrly daya ot pracUct. olncludlnlg eeveral lettermen. 8ptked by a turnout nf T9 van. lty C&Dd1~ Including nine let- ter mea, auta Ana htch'e ,..net hopee we" ateadily rl1lng. A.l. ~ only two of lllr nine letttr mtn were etart~ra Coaches BUt Cole and BW Cook ftel the other eevtn are MIIIIOned enough to aivt U!e Salnta a tluhy arn~y ot mater. lat. !"lana for a memberwhlp drive were fonnulated 1\lt.lday ewntnc u the execuUve board of Coeta Mesa Parent-Teacher .ANoetaUon held lta nnt meeU~ of u.e faD eeuon. The ctrlve. which will open Oct. 9, will be concluded Oct. lS. At that Ume pr1au wiU be award- ed to the wtnnlnc room. at both Main echool and Undberp, wtth 1~claJ prlzee for both d1vi8Sona of the klncSef'l'&rten. It wu pointed out that member. ahlp le open to any ciUaen, reprd- lua of p&T?ntl!ood. Of U!e IIO.cent mtmbel'llhlp fH, 2f5 cent. remalna In the home community; 10 cent. each trot• to the dletrtct and the state. and 3 centa to U!e NaUonal P.·T.A._ All te ueed for the wel- fare of the child, and half of the stalL'• apportionment aoea Into a !"t'Volvlng loan fund for worthy !!ludentA who would othtrwtae be unable to flnlah their education. Board memben pl"f8fnt weT? Mesdames Claudt A.ncSenon, Ken- nl'th Stl'wart, Maude Davte, ~ Edlck, Bothcher, H. L. Jl'u~~ Ham. McClellan.. ~. K orT?Jl, Jnt' Hambld C. D. Klpp, R. Trout.. wine. Norman, C. R. Mobley, Bar- ry Burdick and Floyd Olblton. Firm Changes Owner After 20 Yean Utility B.Q• of UvllUy wo••a •traw fib•r. To be carried for katttiDQ, or allopplDQ. Ia two al.ue, $4.00 ud $5.00. rw •• ........_. Imported b.cJ• of Tapia Cloth. from IDlead Vil- le~~• of thia pictureeque La tiD aeUoa Colorfull,. dyed ud wo-.eu witll dMivu picturlaiDQ lU. torte ud reUQiou.e rtt ... Priced $1.80 to $5.00. e Th ... Guat•IUlu b.Qe, biQ ud Uttle, ue auitable for pur ... , coemeUc carrlera, ratioahook lloldera ud kDittiDQ bava; ud PQIMN laud car.ecl m.allovuay tope witll r•mo~&ble elot for laucleriDQ. .,, ... GUI lhop TILIPN<>Hl o HlWflOitT & ... .............. IC .. U~ICIIlC'"IIC ...... lko.r Sa"ta Cuuu: 8oJ eocUI c:Jti,hwa,, eorona ckl &rear, eali{C1'1'ND Of cowrw we know. With CAri.t~ ti?M .a Mar, You'U luJ.w more work t.laaft ~ can do, -You alaoa~ do--ea~A ~r. rm writiftQ ~ toda.~ about M11 alliJ1fM'&t---it'• arrill«l, A 1'ld ~ t.ltq a,.. tM cutat thinga, -So?M tot.. will be Upriwd. -......,. Ban 81U Slx dayw before t heir 2oth an. nlveraary u ownt re of the HI- Way garare at 1740 Newport boultvard, Mr. and Mn. Ray Wal- lace on Monday rellnqulahed own- fnblp of the co.ncem to lid lldtck and Otl1 Weatherwax, wtto took 1 lmmtdlate pnueHion. Mr. Jl:dlelr llu been In the 'employ of Mr. Wallare for 14 yean. wblle Jolr. W~llth4'TWIUC WRI fonn~rly con • nected with th" F ord garll'e at Nt'wport. . AI'• a ...... ALLIDN GLOYD ~ Ill .t.pM """-..... l.a.M ...,01 11&& • ........... ~ Pier •aaum •MOIIJS I a.u.tactJoe Ouarrult.e.d lhtM &Ma~in& Motor T•·U,S Cartturetor IIIII Ignition Adjustn.ts Foc1ory Trained c .. rburelor S~lallal . I IIEI:'IUfO ...,.t.Y roa woiiE!f IIOW1.a8 w-• Mw\en ot u.. ~ aT?& plan thetr thtrd and filial or. ranluUon meeUnc tor u..tr 8Cbe4- uJt> of eeuon'e.. team ma~ at Tile Cole aDd Conk comblna-n.. SaJnte open t.he 1Mt earn. around BW Daffy, ace ball~· At.! ,..,omed fW lloaocllfteld dut1ee an Bob 'l'aylcw. ll'rMCII H~der­ man. and Darytl Nea-t. The Salnta optn tJ» 11144 cam- palm a&"&JNt Covina In the Santa Ana bowl at 1 <10 tomOITOW night, Sept. 211 R.ffC:!' Green. 8atlta Ana'• Bee mtntor. expt'CU anotller..-hamplon· •hlp cont~ndtr with e boye an- ewf'rlng the call. And~ becau. tMir parent. fail To M«l OKr tcJO"'iftQ toOrd, To'*~ Wore Uu nWa if Oft, To wait if iult alwrd! We've beaft baga, Woodi-kin., and baU... Walt~ plaqua, OA m.e! We've ""?'NTJI picturu, u'OOden blockll A '!d manJI tJ&i~ to '"· Ba.thioba for cAildrn (..t to 6), A-ndfrocb-with braid tltq're bot.cnd- Aftd raJI(m pantia; ootum. too. .... --------------·-·-·------· ''()n~nte 11 totn.l to be a nfW team.thl• y~ar" lin word8 of Coach Marahall Lallrner ol 0ranl'e high ~ehool Latimer ~ o..-er trom Harold HopkiM wbo baa moved to thl' coachlnll' poetUon at Anaheim. Latlmtr hu .even letter wtnntn The Wall&<'~l. who rt!llde on Ba lbn& bland. ar~ aw11IUng the ctay whl'n m&t~rlaJa aT? apln 1 avallabll' IIQ that thty may build a nPW hOm!' On their IICI"eiJ'e &t HRrbor boUlt>vard and W . tttft 1 1treet. CNita Mf'aa. In the man-~ tim... they contemplate taklnr 1 well-e&mecJ rut and upon T?IUm-1 In~ wotlc, wtll d~vote tUU tnne to • their oran!rf ranch at Garden I Grove . With ~ aU IOaJI 'round. 'I'BB BBl ... IN MEATS OUR BUTCHER COUNTER IS TH~ CENTER For JM.aenala HouM' · Cliolce Vegetables .•. The Freshest In Fruits ••. Quality Groceries 11111.& 1:008 DI:LIC'.ATD'MF.N ITEMS MARKET HERMAN SCHM JDT 1111 OoMt Rlp-J Pit: N.B. 1111 (lnmaa dt~l Mar ._ _____________________________________________ _ DON'T throw your old matt ..... a"'A)' • It b \'aluabt.l • Cotton nt>Vt'r wears out HRve it rebuilt and uve the difference ... All kinds of beddin~r re-builL Anv Size C 0 8 T A M E 8 A M A T T R f: 8 8 C 0 . ININ-.eft~ Oeeta..._ ---------------------------------------------· ~---------------· - JACK'S BABBEB SHOP aao lladae A•e., Balltoa •••••• T•lepbone 1806 Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty (C.D Be Had by Appoonlment) Jack Huckabee, Proprietor F• llilllill and Repairing lnformatiNI I . -... lllllllrlct laumb1~. Ca._ WA&.11R S. SPIC,R, Owner nw•oaT .EACB ............... ..... AJMI -., , ...... IIJO ·. the Balboa Sportlanct mMtlnc room tomorrow nlcht. and may protJ.bly roll their nnt matches 1\t!erward. Looee endl In the or· J:&ntzatlon of the rtrll' lea,ut have lx't•n thre•htd out durlnc the put IC'n daya. Tht'y hav~ N!IN'TV~d the Sport· land 1\llt'y• tor 8 .30 p. m. tom or. row (Friday ) 84-aldf.'l lht women'• le&(\1~. ~~o·hlrh will IPt IOmtlblnc of 11 ~pluhy fuhlon nutto wllh ntw u t- tn blf)Uit'l In ''IVhl block t'olora. r>nrf' lh,. lM'IIIIOn gPtl formally ll\llll'<'h('d, lhl'rl' ha\'1' ~con eamut f•f(ort,l dUring lhr Wl'f'k tO ret to. t:ethn with a 1lx-team maJe lt'a~r of Balboa. Newport and ln- 11u•tnal tl'aml ~adlnll' aptrlt lin th .. orpnla tlon hu been Kent Hltrh('()('k of Lido Ill~. Tl'amt tl'ntath~ly lnteT?Ited are AI F orJrit'a Fllhtnnl'n: the Cout Guard. HltchClOCk'• quintet of Ftnl;l. Harpold, Nleellfn, Lomkrd and Hitchcock; and probably Dar- win &-ott'• 'RHtaurati'UTII and a t""m N!pN!~~enttnr Ofoorll't Bed- doml'. Another week or ten daV. will l'lthl'r 1prout thl• men'• cir- cuit Into action. or aqutlch lt. NOTI'.8 ABOUT T1U AlLEYS: On~ unexpected ehan«e took pla<"e dunnr tht week at the BaJ. boll Pavilion, when "Abe" (J. C.) Abf'reold and hll witt, Merry A.b. ~1110ld, u.um~d tht m~ent Qf th~ ten lana onrlook.ln&' ~ Bay. A be and Merry IU~ . a nf4. and cntrrf'd about _.. Ooet. all around baclc"eld. TMm .... .-. With lUI all ....tenD b&ek neld and 29 othrr ~ct.ten. Le.Umer"e T'anthl'rt bt'rome a team to watch. Holll~ 1\PIIll hlld a tui1\out of eo ~d flOll'ntAIItll'll tor claN B ball. Orlln~P will 11lM attempt to carry on C bllll this year wtth 42 t urn- Ing nut. "Car" Rh,.ur 11 a btt peMim!.tlc abnut a t .. r notcber aJthoup h~ tlatl'l hill OII!'TII wtD ba II{ the mid. dle of thlnlr8 Thlrt)'-tlve ,..w.ten toiMd Shru,. Ill! the ..-on bef&n. Including ttw letter men Jerry Ptul~y And Bill Hell will carry the brunt nt the load from . the quartf'r and fullbaclr •pot.a rupee. tlv~ly Coarh Al \'11 Straw of 'P'Illltrton Hlth h"d " turnout of •o candl. datn, murh m aDer thaD uwaJ for that lnatlh ltlon AlnOfiC the t O ""' 11tx lf'tt"r ....,.,.. tncludlnr Lee Shannon. lii'COIMI cluaiMt pilot man In lhl' ICI\R"M lut year. Fullrrlon will tleld both B and C t.Pama thts w 11r. Orwon-at .t.w' .. N C'oarh Hr~rhlct Ropldna. talc1nll' nvrr whl'rl' C'naeh 1\JUI left off "t Anah,.trn lut JMr, may bave hi• troublrro The wJtole ttam ex- CI'J't two grllr!uated. l•Ylnl' Hop. kln1 with " b11tell of I"'"" boyw. But e& hll\'1' turn.cl out. Anaheim tumtd out ninety ..,_ for B and c football l..en IU\d Grace IA&ch, whc:.e num. l"nd. by artlnf.' u ptn.boya .a that •roue local trt~ndl toiok oecuton frllow IM'n·lr,. men, u -u u th~ thro~out the week to wt.a. Ultt r-raJ publlr, may han more op- l .. uehee well. ponunlty tn rnmpete at a favor. Vl\·aclou. K trry A.bereold and lte wtnt~'r ln11N~r ...,-et.ee, the pin htr r-enlaJ huabaJid came to ~ boy problrm t"onttnuee to et1r tht not owrlonf .,.a trom IOamt mana,tmrnt •t u.. llportland. Beach. Fla... where they ha.d JG(Dt-A confPn>nr• wu Mld th11 -k. ly manl«'fd and operated ~ It wlll<'h tht hmr1aa. alley man· rubllc con~ '~'be. A'barMicll "Rf'mtnt "'"rhed aa .,......!M'ftt won a rapid welcome from the "'lth thr '11'1'-flrlaleiJMal at Rartlor bnwll~ tratunlty at the Pa.utoft. t'nlon Hl~th ~<'hool tor boyw nwr AlthoiJ'b more than )la1.f • ct..n 11 felrl of "tt> to 'ecoent enntn, of tht eactet.· and ~ olfteN tmplO)'mf'nt u pta..,._ prcmct.d from Santa Ana A.tr Bue ban n.. U\at both ~ ~ t.acber and ~tly ..-ohaltAtend to IMlp .-t ... p&ftftt. of the barf ....... penn!t Ullder'm&DIIet fai'OI at De ~ t4 W'OI'II. • Parent-Teachers Hold Initial Meetin~ I I I We'w alacb for 100men, aftd brcutrifl'ru, A nd girdlu -Oli JIU, Slr.ou! And laat, we'w got a La~.' WaJI Pl4n To cure the CAriat~ blua. -MOM AND TOT TOGS Tekplunu: I-'56..J Par~nt.TI'AC'h~r A .. octatloa 1C:·1 tlvlt1t•l! ~ot off to a «''()d 1t11rt r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-;;;;;;;;;_~----~----~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:,-.-----.-.-.-: Monday a.11 mot? thsn 100 mem-1 b<'rll and R:11"11tA gather"d for the I flrttt tnl'etlng of the new club I yrar. Thrrl' enjoyablt violin 110101 wr rt> pr,M"nll'd by Mrtt. Walter o Sp\rPr of Harbor Tal&nd. who wu a<"rnmpanl~d by Mlu Ruth Ann- l!trong at the. plano. Mtmben of lhP grammar IW'hool far ulty wtN! lntrodurf'd by Su~rlntendtnt H. 0 . En111~ and a bNf bwrtnn• mi'Ptlng wu held, with )fn. Havl. l1nd Ro~~"' pT?IIdlnA". I Conrludlng the affair wu a 110- clal hour with board mtmben u hOIItl'&llel. Important Meeting Sch .. dul~d by Union Sew•ral Important eublertl are ~IAtf'd for diSCUIIIon n~xt Sunday mnrntng, 11t whl<"h time mtmbenl 1 of thP n11hPrml'n'11 union, Loca11 36, will hnld th~lr fln t mHllnK of lhP mArkrrrl lll'll80n . .Tht> ae&lllon will be held at 2308 Ocean Front, beJrinnlng at 10 a . m. T opic• to be cove~ Include the union •hop <'Onl rllct with the can· n~r11 ; unlo"dlng of-.boata. and etta. trlbutton of ba.lt. t TllAINT'SO OOMPLETED Among thoet "'du•tlnl' fTom an lnten•h·e courw of bulc en- rtneenn~r trslnlnll' at ~nt eer. vl<'l' IIChc>nll t llteffllfl at Onet La.ku, T1l . ''nu Wa.~n 11:. '"'-- cott. 2~. hu11band of Huoel Ald- rich Prt>•cott. 112 A.polena • .,. nut. BaJboa lllliU\ct. Thill Bluejacktt wu ~tlfCted for hill IJJ'f'<'l alzed ln•trucUOft on RADIO IBBVICB HOME e AUTO e MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BUBTB.NOBTON Phoa• 2417 1111 Cout Hivllway NIWPORT BEACH . BAL • SPORT • BAR N•w Aaaortmeat of ., ..... la n rloue ' Colore aad Styl•• 12.a8, 12.85, 13.85 _, "" Wool l'laltl Sid,,. For Auham.D Wear . 1 ... ,.,. To Wear to Scllool BAL-SPORT BAR CoDfonaiDQ to to. Aav•l• aad Loav B.ac:ll POPULAR PRICES 1 ...... 8tnet - lht bA.t• of hll rec-nllt t.ralftlq .._. __________________________ _,: "rtttucil' tl'llt ecoT?I Grad\lat.- fTOm ~ 20 II))KiaJI&ed OCIU,_ ta\lll'ht at the eemce ~ ara .nt to .... to llhora .taUoM. .. to a.dftlleH IIChOola tor fWtMr dU~. Ge~ Your Scratch Pads and Memorandum Tableta at Tlie Newport-Balboa Preea ftareci.J, tember 28, 19« " fti01U810N~~ c~Uii M~M.JJJJ_, E MERGENCY ~ ... NaLL MuR•w•• eanlnes tutd HI I.·• "" v••u• rnutt.a. Ut ··our..,;· lh' ntlth•cl. "th" route t'nlalll jUillfllll& ,..,,·,•rill fence., C~ln1 Vae&nl l<llll, lOin& throueb a tew oellar1 and tr&• Dr. 'Ferrag.-Gl,•en Recognition dlaner As lnductt-ee' Medico !il Litllt! v.·hlle CI"'eaM tbat HOSPITAL 1r1 br11ve1y sta.nd. ' t• HOUR SERVlCEl ,.,... Jn the lont'ly wu~ ol. ..,..._ fun•lgn land 2130 Weat Central Ave. I'! Wht•re only the harried beav. NEWPORT BEACH. CAL. I'IUI Wt't!p. GIRALD RAUSA, M. D. U Liltlt• whill.' ci!O .... , row Oil Pbone: Newport 1028 "It Hi row, tt DO Auw.er, call &01-ll . ~i Th<'y yielded the lut tJieJ ho.d tu give Conrad' Richter, M. D. PhJaiai&D-Swgeoo Oh! How e&n we pay the dt•bt we owe, To thOIIt' wbo wanted eo rnucb to live! -Martin F. OW.DII venin< the alle)'l tor a eonaldrr· lltrotta to ~ the .-uon~ able porUoD ot the W'&)'-but by r.lalU.. to ... ~ Jl&rtlcllar, the foUowtfll' the map c:loeely, r.ntala to ..SUIIu7 Jllrlonnel- one may make the buardoua t.rtp and to prac~uce a -u.r Cl\llllld wtth a minimum number ot deW botb for -.... ...-. crl tbe Hu. bit.." bor, an41 b7 tM ...U.0.. Of OPA JobMy rurtht'r ""'""~ that at fllllt_ ca&llJW ~ llave .r .. lOttie early date h.. •·xpecta to eult.ed tn a joblt ..-c:IU DIMU~ take Chief of Poltt·•· HodldMOn of tbe N.,.,..t IIAnlar Really on a ..,.cl&lly .• ·•"' hH'I<'<I bicycle board and tile a-1 lllltalt com. tour of the pentruoW. . . mlttee o1 tile CIIIUltNrr of Com· • • • mrce. In I'C'COI:'Oiltun nt tbe four )'....,... tn which ht• haa Wl'\'l'd u chlf'f medk&l examlnt'r 11f the h..-al Servlre board. nr JarnN .'errq. wu fittingly h()nt>r.•,l at a tllnn;.r ht•ld Thur.tlay 1'\'C'IIInlf In the N"Wfl"rt Harbt•r -Amf'r11'M Le· ICII>n but. 107 • 22ad St., Newport leach lloul: 10-12 •.•.• 3-S p. ID. PlaoaM: OtJioe 133; Home 74·J Nr1upapers of today abound tn l!torlt>ll of penon• wbo an l'lvl"'' unUJnjaJ aid to the war effort. What comea to mind . . . Al. though hi• name Ill OleM Martin. the man who live• at 422 & Hay avenue dl~lalme a.ny relatlonahlp to the Glenn Marlin of avtaUon fame .. , Frank Boon. of eo.ta Meea. r.cenUy bad a unique u- perlence. In a chanee.found copy ot the Loa Ancelee 'J'tmee, dated Nov. 12, 1918, appeand aeveral plcturea ot the flr•t Annllltlee D&y Parade In Loa A~lea. In one of tbe plcturea be found htm- aelf drlvtng e nag-draped Meu ~f wblch be wu very proud at the lime ... Carl )lock. ,.,..meat rul .,._ tate dealer' tD ..,.t& Ana. a . pi'MNC! tbe 111ope &Mt a plan ,.. eenUy workd out ~ lant• An• and Lapna ...-realty boarda, and now put toto oper&llon wWI eo-openUoo ol tM HOIIII~ off1. cr at ICl Tol'o lbl1lle ft1tn1 bue, mlpt be _,...,.. t.o branehe1 Shartn~r h .. nortl with Dr. and MMI Fforra~e•· "'''"' membton of u.,. phy.klan'• 1taf1 and thrlr ""· •l'<'t'lt\'• Wl\'1'1, ln•'ludlna Mr. and Mrw. Rolli) A Luhrlna. Mr. and Mr• Edward A Braner. Mr. and MMI Roy Wlnrhf'llt.r and Mr. and M111. Arlhur NI11.1Aon. GORDON X . GRUNDY, X. D. ...,.... ..... ,._ • 102 W. Oen\ral Ave. Phone: IT ' Houn: 11 te 1J A. II. I te I P. Ill. Dr. G. E. Tohill PHYSICIAN and SURGIDON ... <-.. .._....... T 5 sO 1 Gm.:~W a-: .... ••-. .ax...-.• Dr. Obed Lucas Only occutonally de -hear of ". mun wbo I• not only !lpeedlnr t.ht' war to a vlctortoua conclua. !On. but Is alao mulne a valuable rnntrlbutlon to humanity and the future welfare of the nation. Such a man Ill Oot Jame1 L. Gllllagher of 324 Onyx avenue, Dalbna bland. C()lo~l Gallagher, poet ~ at Santa Ana .Anny .Air Sue, hu devoted many yeara to the l<'rlou• bualneu of avtnc II~ not taking them-and Ilia devel· opment.a and dlacovertM tn U!e flt'ld of IUrpry wtlJ NIIUlt ln thousanda of young men eme~­ • • • of the ..ntoe aDd -... other than tiM Ke.riMa. ......... ~ ... Under the plt.a dllcuued by Mock, Mrvtce -wt.o wlab to rent. would .... document.a ~ to noat.t at lttpulated Urn. and Oil .Upulatecl notice. A fonnula...ol ...._ nature would help opaa lftMJ --.. few rental. wbJdl would ~ b. cloled lllrou&'b tile auw.a and wtnter aeuona; It wu ...... \' ~uatary "-'"'.,.._ Nf'lther thf' ml'dlt•al I'JCanllntor nor any mun•btor of hla atatr r.- c:-eb·t\8 ·p&)'ln•nt fur eervloN ren. dt!rrd to thP bnard. lhf' work be· lnlt "" a 1trkUy voluntary baal1, Cl"14' to 2000 ntl.'n ha\'t' bet!n ex- amined b>" Or, Ferr114rt', at thn N!QUf'8t nt tht' board, and many hundrNt houn hiiVf' tiN!~· drvt)ted to hi• hl&hly Important tuk, Polnllna to l1udable four-year ~ord of w rvlce, Mayor Clyan H. Hall declared In hi• brief a4. d"M of welcomf', "America can thank God for patrlou •uC!h u are prewnt her" tonll'bt." lng from the wa.r tn good be&lth. Had It not been for lbe~e clll- rnvt>rlea, lheee lAme )"0\1111' men ...... might bave been rovemment Orville W. Dant, of tht~ Newport Beach Dant.a. recently returned from Lu Veru. Nev., wheN. be aatd be epent aome time aboot. lfll' crape. And then he. told the •tory of the nice old lady who told ber aon that ahe never wanted to bear about him •hooUn~ crap& "After all," aez &he, • thoee utUe tblr&«'8 bave. u much rl«bt to live u we 'bave ... " r n COCU'I&C!tloll wttll dlacUMSon of eo-ealle4 '1oW eelllfll'l" on rental aet bJ UN Otnoe of Pr1ee A~ ud t.be &Merted OClCW'1'ftiCe o1 taddentl tn whJch OPA' ft&U,... ~ widely for A J. Hayman. chlt't clnk of th" bnud. ·ar ted aa hnel and mutC'r nf Ct'ntmoniN at the din. nf'r, whlcb wu pl"f'parwd and aerved by Mr1 Hayman and Mn. Arthur Nlelaon. • hospital chargea for life . . . or tlllij w. 01a1r111 ..._ ltll might even now be lyln& under a JUiWN&T JI&&CB while board era. tn forelp ~============~~eoll ~ ... 81mllar ~~~~.the r.p. ....... , ........... w DR. C. J. CARTER .,.. .... ltooOMI Pia'-• 8pec~WlJ no.. lUI ... ,. .......... c-.. ..... Juat one of many auoeeutul de. velopmenla ered.lted to th1a Army aurgN>n I• the Gallacher com. preS.ion dreaalng, whlcb threat- ''"" to N>voluUoniZf' tbe wbole lt>chnlque of flr1t aid, u It com- Jll .. tl'ly supptant.a tM tou"'tquet. .Already the dnutn& Ia belfll' 'uftt>d by the Anny AJr Foreee tn DOIMGS or THI REI 01118 IN THI HARBOR ARIA -By MRS. ~· L. A.NDRCWll r.antau... at tJM mMUq welped tM .uaauon of a ,_,.ly r.ntal tor a property, the r.nt to be ~ed over the year, but not ~rlly In equal monthly p&)'ll*lt.. DU'fu ....... ., ..... Mejor Richard 8cJ\wrndlrr, for· m.,r \'oeall•l wHb liM' Century Opera Co., In New York, anr eevrral mua1n1 numben and tht~ l!venlnr wu c-nncludf'd with voup •lnJinr ot old favor1tf'tl, Mr. Hayman playln1 the accom· paniment. ;============~ many combat zonea and the American Academy of Ortbo- It wu COMidend P<*!ble to ~· a JUctlar rate for a eerteJn Paul Stanton, a leading moYie l'4!rtod o1 IIUJIUMI' monlhl, wtth and radio •tar who rl'cently ad-tbe balance . .,..ad ovr the r.t of dreued tbe Newport Harbor the year to attala a t-lva-mootll c:J\apter of Red Crou. 18 .penOlft& total approwecl bJ UM OP A. DR. N. D. CASH'S DOG ud CAT HOSPITAL Boardln& . Bathln~ . 8t.rtpplnl Buraary and JUne... of Houaebold Petl Dr. M. D. Crawford OP'l'OMa'l'al8'1' .,_ ... ,...., W... JUW Z•e Therapy Clinic ..._ Newport Ill o---r. ~y. e-ta M---..,... f.DIE MOORE makes Better Ice Cream ftiYITI .... s ConfectionerY ....... 2100 OC&AK FRONT Phoae 73 AJ..TE&ATION8 N&ATLY DONJC • Kn. mva Brodenon and )fr~. Glad)'l WUaon surf St. Side of BALBOA· INN ARCADE · ( t to Beauty Shop) ~~~~ Broadway Cleaners OL&Al'QNG e PRESSING l'lc!lll-Up Dellfti'J ~ ,...._,.ta) ('ftree or Mon ..,..,_ PBONJC: H41 lll ........ , CoMa .. ..._ Machine Work BOd IIIIPAIIIDfO Vtrg's Garaate -o.tNI .... li....w l'f'dlc Sur,ean.a-()f which Col. Gallagher Ill not a member~t Ft'hruary awarded hlm a IOld medal for hill "out.at&ncUnc lldeo· ttflc contrtbuUon." • • • I()I;Rl: AAE ILJ:8ULT8 OF F11&8T LOCAL POLL Gallup poll• aN /uppoeed to be popular and harmleu, ao perl\ape It would not be out of pl&Cle on &D unoffklal poll taken Jut week In T'rl'cincl No. II at Coeta lleaa. In thnt precinct live 115 ,.Wtered ""lt-rs. Of tblll number eo per- c:-ent are reg\atered u Demoerat;a and 311 percent u RepubUeana. Canv._l~ from t.ou. to, houae. an ''tnqulrtfll' reporter"' und ead quaJttled YOt.r to wrltP on a illp of paper hoW be ~'XJ"I('cled to mark bb pr.ldenUal b11.llot In November. The allpe w-err then folded by the voter and c.lropJ)l'd In a 1lolted box carrted by thl' reporter ... Th!' Ruult.a: Ten percent ''llliubtful."' no choice Indicated; :u; rwrctnt voted for R0011evelt. anll 54 pcr<'ent for Dewey • • • moet of bla time now trytne to Lew Wallaocl.e. ~ of tile eeeure blood donon. Bpe&Jdn~ to Board,~ tlaat-appeaa. the local (roup, Xr. Stanton laid, be Mnt to UN 1oaa1 and Lee Aa- ''There Ia ,nat and terrible need. ,..lee aeetloBal OPA ltoaN8 few a We are b.e&rt.brealtlngly behlnd In revtew ot Ula Jf.wport Harllor our blood pluma quotu. Tbe rent eeutnc-· time for everyone to &1Ve blood 0Mclala of tM RaaltJ Board, pluma I• now." wtth t.be adc!IUaa of ..-...1 otii- ttlC 8o. ..... Rt., flluea A.M 1 T MUee from Newport Harbor) Tat .. • : 8. A. 11M Wr 'ttl •: •11 N......_ A.._ Olftlla ._. Mar. 1"'l. N .a. Mil Tbe chapter wu 0!111 week J'lv· en we,. ...a,..cl to taltle up UN en f&lr uaurancl!' of another vtllt matter of llp'Mift41Dtl modeled ~~~~~~~~---~~ from the blood donor unit, prob-after tbe J:1 'l'olo marta. mtan' ably In November. Thte new. compact. an4 ddt tbe eam• wu acoepted with enthualum bJ r.ntal relatJONI from Anny houa- ehapter worken, •tnce lt Ia eel. ln& otnclala &t .._,., poeta. dom that the mobile unJt muM a return vtalt to a town att.r INCh a abort while. (T!w llftlt'l nrwt vtllt here wu tn JuJ7.) O..a N ... ferN..- With the anned foreee drawtna' ever more beavlly on the avail- able tupply or docton and nunM. there I• a ateadlly lncreulnc need for penoiiJI to qu&llty u home nuree• and nuree'a alcSell. In order to encourace lhl• pro- gram, your local Red Crou omce bu procured a handaome aelee. lion of both luge and emall liN. Gnoe DattDrlr Ball, 1GI atnat, ........ ... In t.c. ~ ........ &tt..d. ed .... ral aftlllft ol .. CJttrAparo raJ Poeta rroap, ol wldcJt ...... member. C. 8. NOTTAGE ......, • ..... 1181 r ~;i~;ned a note tor a weU· n-spaper maUl, wblch are avall· CONRAD SHOOK CONTIIACTDA ANO BUILDER DON~LirTIE .UILOIND .£AVIC£ '"""d friend, able free. For frll'ndllhlp t• dear to me; Any adverll•er who I• willlnl ~~~ NII'""OAT 10••.1 Now here am 1. and here I• to Include one of the114' promo. ... ..._ ........ ~.a. loa 201 Ulo> -fiBl"', ----+=-=ll.::.on~a~l~matLJ.J:Lbll WOUII:....U~I.e.t:..-1+ But where In tbe beck b tieing •pace, u a contribution to h e? • • • llOOt.E~S lUXE MAP Of:\"JSED BY VOOJ:L Acct•mpanled by the fanfare 9f lntmpPlll and lhoe plaudlt.a of the crow<l. Balboa'• apartment bouee Lyron(), Johnny Vosel, announced this wee.k that he had completed "'" pping DoglriMI Bicycle Route ronn,.rtlng the eulem Up o( Bal- lo,,, p , :1i1.sula wltb Balboa prob. l'r ''13\' m~'ons of my n~w map," he cJ,., l>;rPd. "" the crowd cheered \"lldlv. ''b!ryrllsllJ will be able to r t·:,,·,•r~<<' the J>('nlnsula route with-.. ,,t t.lnng•·r of belnjl' knocked rr·om thl'lr wheel• by caprlctou• BALTZ MORTUARY LADY AffiNDANt 410 Coaat Bl•d. CORONA OIL MAR ~J.pluw 1/..2 OAT AHD HIGH1 the Wf'lfare of hi• c:-ommunlty may llt'lect the type but 11\llled to hi• purpoae, and uae the material entirely without coet. WIH>n to~ Arrangemenu may be made by phoning me •t 2081, the Red Croae office, 1886, or the P'reM office, 1&18, Personal Mention New re11ldrnu hPre are Lt. J. B. Currit•r nf thr loclll Army Air 8~ •nd Mr1. Currlrr. who have locat~d 11l r,QJ 311th •treet, New. port. Major and Mnt. Mont.arue An- dPnton. 10 1 Vlll Dljon. Lido hie, are the parent.l nt a baby boy born lul Sept. 15 at St. Joeepb ho•pltal. Mnr. Frank Kockr1tz, jr., 113 Diamond avenue, left JI'T1day morning for San Franclaco and will continue from there to the tutem part of the United !tate• where •be will 1pend a month with ber parenlll and other rela· llvee. The Carl Roeenbaum home, aos W. Wllaon atreet, will be brtpt. ened tilt. winter by the preeence ot their daqbter. Mn. Dorothy Jgo, and her •mall daupter, wllo are to make their home here. Ml"'. l&'o. the former Dorothy Gardner, wu a former pupil at Cceta X.. pammar lleh.ool. Ten membenr of N•wport Har- bor .Amerte&n Leeton AWdll&rJ -journeyed to lawt.lle bocepltal Carpeta,-Ruga and Upholstering CLS&.BD • A COWPLITI Ulm or FLOOR ODVIEAINBS FOB TOUR RI01:JIRP:M!NTS LIJDLUII c:a•p.,.-WORKS ftaoe 2808 IANTA ANA 1622 S Malo St. • BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD (Cr .. tor of •• I • ..., ~ovrapu for ramou• People) reeenUy, w1tere they lpONIONd a • btnco party for men In tba CCJD. valHeent waJ'd. lmall cull prtsel · di were a-rded to IUCCNIIUl play. PortrMt_ StU • 0 in •·rA and foDowtfll' the IIUMI, c:vp eakea and puncll ... -~ x.o. ALBOA INN ARCADE cal women pe.rllclpetlnr were B Meedamee P. ,to · Chamb«tlln. 0 . 7. Rnbl'rtaon. VIdor Hatd\er, Prtc. are Reaaonable John 8 . Baku. Ralph Randel, Michael ~. Henry J:cprt. For Appoi.D.._ta Call NewportrBeach 2216 llarl 8tan.ley, Matte Rolll.ftl', and l------.:...------------------...1 Jrvtn Gear,.. Gordon. IUIOD ~ Dyed.Cieued !.a'011e 8hoee a lpealalty a.uu. "· ft~ Rnltor AIII:IUCAN IBOE 8BININO PAIILOR Oeve Blalr Notary Public PMna tnt , ...... o..tft,l ..... 126 Martne Balboa lalud · .. ( SINCI 1 83~ ) Balboa Balboa Island • AT THE BALLROOM BALBOA • AaseUBill aad Bl1 o .. che1ka SATURDAY ONLY Sept. 30 VOCALI8'1'8a Alfl'ed WIH • Betty Lyaa * AT T H E A IE N D E 3 V 0 U 81 e tmll ··- iTA MESA Thru Are Tour Reba btU. ~Told at ~ IMd Wilt tar r::S: r=-: ..... tt. r ..... .... ~. ltl • .......... . , ........ == ...... .... .. _ ........... "'.. , .. .... ........... -...... .. .... .. . .. . ... ......... , ......... .......... ........... c~: ,_,_.._: aJ Wlll&am D. A w lbui'J ano liaJUICWI, pu biiO 'bfn liM IH•!'h .., ... .rmorw, Mr: k P Ufl, Jl r .,(J ""'' '""1 tolna. . Wr. an.l Mra. Yhwh, tlarr)' til, UaiJ)h J•. ng id &hal ttw-planl J11rn,,. lrvlnco, "" C'll land In lit ftJJIII'fNjtl, hrtn hf.c-n In fur IU'Vo·r•l JIUI Ofl JIIIJW•r, " f••r lrna•r•tv· lolfl IN• I_IYI!Jl• I ~ IIIII hurllf.,-1 ) V• J!:"lllfJ fur l•lllrtr.-...11 "'"" "" r(lar · "' •vl'lttp,.r,•nl. \ .• , ••. , •• r tfu• 1 "'' ''" Ill• r hill ,.,,.,,. ,.,,. • •I ''II' Ill tlli' 1u1t.,,,. d " 11 " '""' !hi' 1.HU it tlf l lul • llolt• I I Hill ,,.,.nil) "~~' IIIII( lolotl II('• llll''' rilrl lho '"" ,,. pltlll~. 11 II llw hltl~ ,.,. wl!htn tluo I !111• llfiJIIII" \IIIII• M'IIIJI, 11d1 '''"lillY ul 111/IIIU\'I'tl tu • .,. vf altt•11 •. thu Routl)1 • w c·orrl'l't to·l 1 hal lJ•lfl r"' t• r aw .. t l.AwJiaa. Mr .. ale.nan for y••fu •~eu aod lo Y•·•l hy Tbe ""a , •ulk .. r. :. ~ A. Opt ,\ E • I .-_ Pap 8 Mesa Girl Awarded Movie Contract One JOWII woman who t. about to rea!lae ber Jlfcolonr ambition t. Mlu Kather1ne Ivereon, 18, 623 Hamlltoo atreet. eo.ta Meaa. whO hu 81ped a contract wllb Metro- Oolctwyn-Mayer Studio and wUI aoon ~ p..-nted to the mavle- ,;olnJ' public Ul)der lbe at&l'e name ot Trill& '--- ,.._ tveraon, a member of the 1M3 rradu.at.lllc ct .. at Newport Harbor Union Hlp erbool, rot her tll'lll na.e eqn1ence while a .ophomore al t bla lnalltuUon. 8!\e hu ainu t~Hn dlv1dnr twr Um• be· twtlt-n her home and Hollywood and In JuM rturned from an ex- tended U80 tour. Her ~ta are Mr and .. ,... Harry J venon of Co.ta MNA- u:PAIIUNO raE DAMAOII: Wortlmt n an buay repalrlnl lb•• JucS«e ICdmonda' realdPnce at 212 VIa Quito: whclh wu recently damared by nre. NEW .rtTNJOa UEIITENA.NT A aon wu bom Satwrday at St J tlel'ph b<»plt&l to U . and w ... John Hlctnbothl'm. 213 Coral av«'- nuf' Balbi>& Ialand. LL Hlclnbolb- em 'ta 1taUonrd at SAAAB. H£LI'.A"''"'Z8 LEA V1NO IAcal realdenta ano Invited to atlencl the departur"'' ()( a n- ronllnttent ot ~lef'tfta and volun. tHrw who will IMYe Nt'W'pOrt &a<'h depot. P'rld&y, Oct. I at 7 a.m. OA" TANK OllAJ1Q:D A.. V. Scanlon, 202 Und .treet. on P'riday ,.ported to pollee that ftve ,anorw of .-ollne laa4 l»Mn f'lralned troom the tank or bJa 1133 P'nrd roupe while the vehicle wu J"NlrkM In f'ront of 'hla home dur· ·~ u.. ~ ftiPt. rno uoll'n ft'OI.E1If ftett of two Lorraine roc upu Wbtd\ -.re Rolen from bla Fot'd V-I wtlfla UM veh!cla _.... pu1lied .. tr.t ol .... heine, laturciQ ft(atlt, ... ,..,ort.ed to pollee by Batt let. Jolin D. Powell, 22t Op&J aftllue, Balboa bland. U.nl!IIVEIIAION II&& I IJfO Con tra.ctorw •fii"&C''td tn any form t'1f war wOf1l ean pt det&ll- .cl Information on cancellation, termtnaUon. and ot.her ph.-of UM proWem of NCOnvenlon. at a IIPf!dal C'!IIOnl arnnpd UDder AniiJ ~ eer.toe a..,ee.. at t.oec a-dl. ftunaJ, Oct. e. fte IIMittnc wU1 be bcld at Ma. .... Tanple. -Loc:ulrt awmH'. ..._.nnlfta' at I a. m. _..,. or -.-. •Aa'I'Oa ... -~ In' M&Aftl WASTED w oman for room work and cleaning war• and apartment fumtahed. l:x"pe-nenr,. and refereneea required. PaiiiAMI Tav•m. Corona del Mar. Phone 1~. 3lc PUBLIC l"Tli.ITY hu openinC for fl'ml'l" ( ll'rk Mual be n .. t. acctmih• ~tntl rapabll' of meet- In& publh' Availability certln- cau ,..qulrN1 Apply al&Unr .,.e. Ullf'rltnc·"· ttr to ~ 0 -2. -------------- ---w.urn:o -10 ur 12 ft. CUD.k- tr-'ullt Otnrhy. Phone 246.1. REWARD For ret&&rD ol larl'e maaUa -.. aut velope cont.a.lnlAC bo&t papen, a.t """' MA)iOOA.NY !lpMdboat. Saturday mom1Jic, llept. II. • 11 iL IMM'Ude outbo&rcl mo. tween Newport ~ YMM '-~r extra wbeel and club and uua lit. aetuJa to -cuvu' cover . .All In Jood Frank 8tmpeon, Jr., N. B. YMM ._.Uon. All ror 11500. Bee aft- Club. llc • t :IO p.m. M. F. Wlllon, l:M .. I t, Newport Beach. So.!le F'1J&N'ft'tJU JI'08 IALZ RADIC>S--<)fte table tDI), _. ~ .ot.. 221 CoraL BaJboe x.&ud. lOti Fishing Boats . . . . .... For Sale ..._AL TO CHOOSE J'ROM ~two. 42-foot, tranaom litem. lllaceUent Shape . . . House and Cruiser -Balboa Island Beautiful Waterfront Home 6 Bedrooau, Gu .. t Aputmeat, Ptu ud 38-loot Twta S«ew Wheeler Cna!Mr, all for $35,000 for fwt.her lntonutioD couult Earl W. Stanley 225 Marine Ave. BALBOA l8LAND Phone: Newport 1718 II&AL ...... (Ww .... , ·R. C. Parker, Realtor ~-~-.w. OOIITA lmi.A • $5000 ODe t bedroom a.o.. ud .. l bedroom beMa. OG CIOaMI' lot Ia RWltln&'toD Beada cJoee to ._.. .... oeDt.ar. u you wut ..... pbl ... ua..~ $3750_ OM.balt CUib 1liuya a IDOIIInl 1 beclroom home, daM to .,. ....... cent.r. Let ua abow )IIOU Ulla -.. WANTED SKILLED MECHANICS TILT-BACK bed divan and dlalr, $36. Phone 17 or call at BeM- dlct'a UT Narci.Mua, Coroea clll a.acty for Ftah!nc N aw King's Landing aDd au8CELIANEOU8 $3250 ~. Ito ----~---- Tn k""P I'UI'ntlal Foro. rolllnr "''' tl'"''l II<'Vt·l'lll mnr•• 11kllled au· • ""'"'' t.. mrh11n1r~ 11nt1 helpel'll. 1•1•·"1 wf11 kln~t N>ntlillnnll, modem <YKn:Fii AND xiiR.JU'M' ... Yacht Brokerage nlllre. Htcb r1pt-b&nd O'NIL u.t PMne ti3• BICYM rp Bold, rtntecS or ~ ONE ACRII, ve.cant. 14110. 0aW paired. Vocel'a, SO. llaln St., SantA Ana &311-W. llo Balboa. and 208 M&rtDe Ave.,------------Balbo& x.laDd Jtt. TWO BEDROOM Rome, l'nt\ar- Completely f\u'n111bed, lmmedlata ~on, a new J bedroom 111ame Oft 1.arp level lot, a ,.... bup1a. Good terma. '""" ,,.1ulpmo·nl '"I' pay and over- 11111" "'~~"k I( \'(\U Wttl1l It Steady, piPaaant wnrk n"w and ·after lbe w.r 8N' 11• lt>thly Thla II )'9Ur 1!pportunll }' Ill l;"t al't for the t\1. ture. · r hnnt 28 THF:OOORJo; ROBINS Ford Or:ill•r for thl' Harbor Dlatr1cl Cnr 22ntl • Ct-ntral !'I:I'WJ)IIrl Beach SKILLED MEN ATTENTION IF- son nr YOU WANT A GOOD POBT WAR JOJl, IF- TOu WANT 'MIE ~ OP' A U -Y"EAR-OLD IIIIIP- YARD. IF- you wANT VACATIONI WITH PAY. IF-I YOU WANT A yJUCI: INIUR.- ANCJ!: POLICY. IF- You WANT TOP PAY WITH OVJ:RTJJR: IF- y ou CAN QUAWFY FO'R THF'.SE P08mON8. • MACHINIST • SHIPWRIGHT • ELECTRICIAN • WELDER A.J'PLY UOoiEI>lATICLY FOR ONE OF THill BEST JOBS AVAILABLE Harbor Roat Bld1. Co. Excellent condlUon. ... CUft Md R.blne J2U Dr: lOp nlahed. Inquire at uaa Cout Hlway, Newport, C&bln I . Slp lJ.FT. ROWBOAT, good ahapc. PHlLCO RADIO, e tube 11\aper· 11-. patnt. $30 or trade tor heterodyne COMOle type. R. 1\. traDer. 614 E. Surf, Balbo&. Snyder, 418 &. Bay AYe., Bal... PllaM 2Ut-W. 30c boa. llp -------------------- We Will Have Canning Peaches 3-ROOM HOUSE and halt acn. Good location. 11100. Kre. Rho- den, Phone Banta Ana 5311-W. ,,.e room !lome, I ~ tarce lot., chJckon ~. I'UIItt butchea, 1&rp double ....,.... COKPLin'mLY n.TRNJ8JID), tm- llltdlate ~Oft. Good term& PRE-WAR .,.,.""""-. beul-roll IALS -36-ft. Lowman. ...,.~ ••• ..,.-. ~r CroWn; 14 ~; tttul dlnlnc •t and buftet, u-..._ ~tty. Good cha.rtar brary tabla, p~war ..._.. • 1lloat. Now haultnr charter par-~ wtth raatt..reMee, Uke Dew; U.. A llarpln! Kina"• Landin& Cheap ru Rove, natty *-" _. Y&Cbt Brokerap. at.at aDd aer. 1111 lAC1m& AYe., eo.t.a JUaaae Pllone 1e3• 22U M-. Phone UTI-MK. llc . . GARWOOD, 11-Pauencer Speed CALL &AT. or IUN. at d1 'hnl. Baa&, mallal ao mUea. Sympeon, laat, Ooron& del Mar, ~ pMDI llJ Ut.b 8t. Newport Beach 1011-.J It lat.er.tect Ill IMl1tnl . -uprtpt «M etoYe, I MI'Duw. t ..._,. 1211-W. .,c. OWN, ftDe 00D41Uaa. ... Or 111B41-.d lroll llled. • ; eUber or 11ot.1a ol two JMtal llMIIIl bed .... .,..... S4 a pleca. ... W AH'n!D TO IIUY -8mal1 ..S.UO.. a.o.a. fta.dlo ao,. 111 11utae. Balbo& IalaD4l ftau TIO. Uti W A.NTJ:D.--.CLO' for lb»- llta. Leave at .....,..t tlre ~ Uon; at Newport Blvd. and Wll.eon Bt., 'Ooeta KIM, or at Tw1at lt.e&lty otnee, Corona del Mar. l'or ~ pbaDe ~W or IUJ. f4p Wanted -o- SOUTH SEA CURIOS 1 Top Prices Paid ! -o- Tapa elotll • NatJft mat. -CarY- eel Woocten bowla ud War ClUe Ooooumt lf~ ..... and Hat Bull NaUYe IMil Qr. naraent.---t.rp ... IIIMIJ. (DO ~)-•. Old Ship Lamps and Lanterns In bi'U8, copper ud plYuiMct InD. (Any liM, 8bape or ....-.) ~ N1I:P'TUNE t-hor~ outboard mo- tor, 419 E. Edgewater, Balboa. NEW P-16 RACING CaU Bul!bard'a Yacht Phone 2800 or 2630. Slp Dln&'hy Lan<IJng. 31lf ----D..rr JI'ISHING BOAT, 7 ft. beam. Xallopny hull. Complete Jlc outllt. Good ahape. Phone .... Sip 20-rr. IIU.OOJN'G dory type bo&t. Star Motor. Fine for troll.1nc. Ooocl condition, $360. K. C. M,_ra, tOO 40th St .. Newport Ialand. 31c BOAT wtt.b two pair of oara and rudder. Alao radio and other artJcl• for l&le. M111. Epper- ly, ., Walnut Place, Coeta KeM. 31c Attention Boat Owners Aftilable Oct. 1. INSIDE BOAT STORAGE Nf'IJ~ IIS:d2 Ca.,... of llaltdl'al' both Sail and Power Boat. to 11-tt In length. Lido Channel Yacht Anchorage Phone Newport 1M. att3c IPECIAL NODCES --------------------P.A.JMTJNO aaO ~· ' ............... lDa&r'uiG8 cu. NO. A. J.. aartGa. 4oM Newport BIYd.. eo.la x-.. Pbou 1MI1t' For One More Week. -4t- $2800 BUYS two bedroom bome cloee to bu.ftn-center. IArl'e $3500 Dutton's Fruit Market level lot, u.ndy loam eo0. A 'Five room ~. J bec1roc11u, 81D- Barta1n. Bee R. c. Parker, rae prap, pert.ct o.au.. 1801 Newport BoWeYal'd, eo.t.a ehScllm equtpmeat. rallblt .. ~ )(""' Phone aM. aplen<IJd loeaUoD. Immediate .,..... 1734 Newport Blvd., coeta Meu ------------MMton. -----ROOM AND BATH (...,_er) from Oct. 1. OM or two 111en $3250 REAL ESTATIC WANTED preferred. Private entnnee u -Owner m~ leaYe, New two.~ --------------auree complete pr1vacy. Apply room tumt.bed boule, N.wport WANTED . . . 120 Ma.rtne, B&lboa llland, Helatlt.. Lot DOaUT. •11100 eso.n. CASH BUYERS dowtwta~n atde .tranc.. 30p $4000 wE 1-\A V1ll MANY BARGAINS . . . world'• of lt.lttlnp F. 1:. RU88J:LL ON BROADWAY CL08JI! IN, Jon1y Dew J.bedroom bome. On larJe lot. 1:UJ term.. Nice two-bedroom bome. on. acre ot crounct. CION to '"*- neaa center. 1790 Newport Blvd., eo.ta KIM P~on at c1oM ot .-ervw. Qeo. Fellowa, liN Newport NEWPORT HJ:IJGH'I'B PftOP. W .l MTED t Blvd., ec.ta 11-. ERTIES -We are ba~ ~ ~" · • from people wanunc. to bu7 .baiDel LISTINGS OF PROPJ:RUI8 IN In Newport He&Jbt.l DWtrkt. U CORONA Da. 1LAR DI8TIUOJ' 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, ~ acre of you have property In tbat IIICUoa Phone Florence Mallard rrounct. chicken equipment. Lote that you wtab to ..U. .. would Newport Beach 114e :!u~owen and U... Pr1ced to appreciate a IJit1ne. Listings Wanted. 1 have oaah buyen tor property ln UM Newport Harbor area and eo.ta Meaa Geore-e Fellows 1804 Newport Blvil. eo.ta M- LISTINGS W ANTilD Salea, rentale. tradea. A. L. Mc- Dowell. Llct-n.ed Real II'Atau Broker. 3704 Cout Blvd., New. port Buell. Phone 2438. S0-3lp FOR RENT .AL80 WE HA VII aeveral lot. t.D New· port Hefpt. and O.ta X... Geo. FellOWII, 1104 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meaa.. llc Income Property NZAft '!'OWN Home and rour !Wital UDlta $12,500 THR.D BI:DftOOM BOUU (Untumilbecl) Al.ao Two 8ma11 ~tal U'lllt. $8000 ----------'nUU:1C BIIDIWOK ROUD ROOM FOR RENT. pr1vate en· rt11tN1BJ111D trance. and batll. A.y&ll&ble Oct. 0. O.a.l A.__ • R. C. PARKER liOt NEWPOI\T -.m. COBTA ~ PHONE NI:WPORT Ill G. N. WELLS, Bal-.n F.E.RUSSJ:LL 1 • -Ottlce 1790 NI:WPORT BOULIIV ARD 008TA llllBA 'M1R1Z BE>ROOK bouM, I ~ fenoecl, tnM, dUelleD equip.. ment, carace. MOOO. Ubenl tenu. • • • 1 half block from beach. Ap-• ~IIU\IV\ piy 120 Marine Ave., Balboa Ia-.,..,vvv DOO:DlATI: PQ!l8aiiON - land. down11tain a_lcle entrance. --Modem bouM, 1-Jacn; daJck. Sip THREE LOT8 -Good loe&Uoa eu; eome tumitu.re. 1'\dl pnce -------------for duplexea. Op~lte J:ut f3160. •1000 down. W ANTF:D TO EXCHANGE ren· Newport Market. Pr1ee P50(). • • • tal of 2-bedroom partly-fUr. --%-ROOM HOUSIC. pleatJ ot buD· nlahed a pt. at Long Beach tor W . L. .JOJU).A.Jf ber to buUd two m0111 r'OOIU, ~ umt> In Coeta Meaa or near by. 700 m. Olatral. aaao. acre, ch!ckeiUI and ~t. . Applicant muat be employed at TelepboDI: 1A Full pr1ce peoo. Douglu. Conaolldated or Beth-ITe • • • lehem Steel. 2 or 3 children OK. MOVE RIGHT IN. , .. rooa tur. 1734 Newport Blvd., O.ta Me.a, bet. 8 a.m. and e:SO p.m. JMKJIIDIATIC P088aaiON _ 1 nJahed boUM In eo.ta M-. 1- LOIJan J.,_., BmiUI, 10, for• "'"' ""'*"t of Ooata M.... died Tueeday flt the hnm• of h~r aon, J.ttrr, SmiUI. of Palo Alto. M111. llmltll wu the wtctow t!J UM Re-v. R. J. Bmltll. tomwr ~or or eo.ta M-Community church. .,._, P"~ tl•r In ~alhln 1138 Jl'uneraJ •I"Yiee. w111 be held at 1 :10 p m ., Saturday, at the ~ lietlwldta.t church of Nort.JI Lontt ~eh, MOO N. Linden avenue. wtUt the Rn. Jl'rec! Trotter otft- daU~. Arn.n«emente are In eharl'e ot Rarold K . 0..-uel mor- tuary, tnt•rml!ftt to 1»e made at WMtmiNrter Memorial p&rlt. Tl'rmlnAI 1811U)d, Calif. PHONE HARBOR Mil AvailAbility Certificate R .. quql..red Ktlldl'l drop ua a carcl, deKrllltq the artJcle you b&ve t.o ..U, and atate pr1ce. A prompt uwwer, or a peNOft&J call trom our np,.._ MntaUve will toDow. --~ a~. 2 bedroom bouM. eom. bedroom~~, !~; rao price ==----'=;.._-====---==-pletely fU1'111.111ed wtua table fDI> HAVE aii'V'21l_.LL~u..-....-----~ WANTED '1'0 KENT 1 ~ an4 elieMc wuliir. ltx -·~~·-......-..... Paperhanging LEGAL NOTICE wonat: TO .moms ne Board of Truat-of New- port Rarl»or Unloft Hlp School Dtatttct ,..queata bi<M on one n- oonventlonat-type adlool bua to carry U or mort tlt,tl ~~ehool pu. plla. lollllit eontorm to C&llfomla ltCbool -ftl\&laUona. Jl"'l11 apee-lfteallonll mlllit be IN'Dmltl.ct wtth btd. ... wm be opned Oct. • at 4:10 o'dodl p.m. ln the Board 1\oom or the Hl&'b School. The Board reeervH tiM r11'llt to reject an'l and all bldl. A.. H. n'!VA'nUCK. CIHtl. Pub. Newport.JialliM ~. Sept. JI..Oct. ' CLASSIFIED --· -- --------------·-------WANTmD HOUSEKEEPER, 2 In family. Phone Newport eu 3()..31(' WANTED-Man or woman for ....,... bote( work. Balbo& ln.n. pbOne N.wport 110. ~u JfOTHJI:R'S HlCLPI:R. Room, board and Nlary. Mn. c. W. Holt. IIOT W. Centra!, Balboa. lieU. WANTICD -Helper for t\am1- tun tnaek. Balboa Tranater OD., 1101 W. Central Ave., Ntw- ,.rt Beedl. alc WAJft.DB Wanted. Good aa!ary ... 1 1•oe aot .-entiat. Dinner -e . ....,._ .• Dt.nner Houae. Ita ... ()nap. eo.t.a M-. ate FOR SALT. S("', lTTV 1'1 'l'PY for aa!t. SU :ll~l Rt ., C'oela JoleM. 31p '41 I'P WF:t..L SCOOTII:R. Excel- lc.nl ~ Ph-2Ull-l. 31U M A~·~ RWVCLE. $211 Excellent tr"n"r'"rl ~tl llln. 312 Anade Avl'. 111\Jh.tll 3tp RH'YC'LF: $2!\ Drh·•n 1•nly a f-mllf'~ C Shaver Blip 118, BaS- boa YAI'ht Buln: 31p BLAC'K F'IOS and Cha)'9tee. PIAl',. or·<l••"' ttnly Mra. ~ Chtol'k, 3:17 E. 18lb. Co•ta Meea. 3 lp TWO FUR COATS. Marmlnk, lAfll',. allu , Caracul. •mall alse. 841J C"llfr Orl,·e, Newport Ht.. Phone 2438 alp CoLTS ARMY Ptatol. 32-20 In . 31 tra_me and 100 roun<M am· munition, ~.00. Ill W. Oln· tral A\'f Balboa. Up LATIC MC'IDICL F;lrbanka-Woree roni'Ole radio.· All warea. Per· fr<'t rondllftn Very attractive llf'~llrAnr• $100. CAR PARTS and toola, Men'a Work rlothu. children'• ct..... N . Paint. and hundreda of oth· .., artlclee. W•.t•m Auto suprly Stnre. Coata 1MHL Stc ~TEF:J. Gl'JTAR. with electr1c 11mpllri••t In A-1 rondlllnn. 146. RAI'10·S0S F.LEC"1'RJ(' SHOP 211'1 Marin,. 11.\"l' 811llx>11 bland P hone 710 • ate I' I \' A :>J, $:1!'1 El•.-trlr brooder. N !W).t'h meta I lrr 'hox. aide leer. St2. two '"'~" " .. lfon wheela. $i !\0 M\111 bf' aold by e p.m., Satur~lay, '302 Vlctor1a St., Coa- ta Mu a. llp ~ ~ A~ at NJ:W Scout around tllat liM llint. or atuc. ~ SEA and JUNGLE SHOP ~ Painting KE.NN.-nl QUARRY ~:H71 RADJOB-~Nd to your -~ latacllon. -All worll ruarantced. -----------yeara old. Chicken equptment. m. 18th, E. leth. Broadway and SIWIOQ. Phone Banta 8anta AD& Flower. F1nMt reatcSenUal dla-WANTED TO RI:NT-Houae on BAlboa b land for winter montha. Couple. no ,pela, no wild par- 111'1. Beat o( property cart' aa- surt>d. Call Frank Rich, Ph. 38i. sou Mlt-W. He tr1ct In town. Terma 011 all. • • • 2M8 LOS n:LIZ BOULEY ARD L08 A.NOII:LD (It) C.U.... Telephone: Olympic 1'710 n t4c Prompt ...moe.-N.B.C. R.adlo ----='------..;;;;-~=-­ s~rvlcco. liM~ Newport Blvd., REAL ESTATE (For Sale) Coeta M.-. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 3 lafTe bedrooma, halt acre, exceptlon- nally welt bunt, buement. fruit. One block eut ot New- port Blvd. Poualon clo-e of ._ crow. A real buy at MOOG. Terma. call Mra. Rhoden, Ban- ta Ana, 5318-W. DUPLEX a!J fumt.hed, CIJ'f lltde '(&Cant. Move rtpt ln. ~ actM or rrouna. Jl'u11 prtce MaiO V'ery pod terma. • • • STUCCO H 0 U 8 11. hardwood AlJTOS FOB SALE WOOD 1e2e DODGE pick-up. Pre-war llr"''a. 1140. Mea Trailer Court. 1880 Newpor1 Blvd., Coeta Joleaa. • 31p Fireplace Md ldncSI.lq wood. Wrlgbl'a JAaber Yard. 1784 Ntwport BIYCI., Coeta Mee&. Ph· tM-1. ~ +---------------------------------------EMPLOYMENT Skllled and U nskllled • HARDMAN MANUFACTURING co. WILL OPEN ITit FEEDER PLANT FOR ·AIRPLANE PARTS During October • oi'POIITt1H1Tl" roa M)ll8 ma moss aammo AT N'EWPOirl' IIAJL80a. AND WHO "'~La 'IWOB' FACE M\) n.ANVOaTA110N PaOIIi.DI • A.PPLICA110N8 . . BOTH SKIIJ ED A.HD UNSKILLED WUI Be Taken Dally Except Monday From 9 a. m. to S p. m. BY Robt. Allen, Personnel Manager AT OJTJ.OJ:: tit IIIGIIWA'I' ltl N"EWW''aT lli:ACB (OOAft' BIWAY)' • UIIMWe4 ~cant. WW Be Pa14 'Md)t ~ N~ Tra1nJ.nc r.tnaetloft (a.....aJUIUt7 OU't1ftcate Nqutred) LOOK A. FINE BUSJNF..SS comer In ------------ Coeta MnA. Two houaea, dou-LOVELY NEW two bedroom. bill., ble garage. 160x135 feet. R ipe tumlahed or untu.m1abed. e Iota. for motel or oth~l bualn-. Fruit and cltrua tree.. LArr- Prll'l'd to aell. Term• arranged. patio, fireplace and double CU'· Geo Fellowa. 1804 Newport . ap. Blvd.. Coet& Meaa. 3lc A TTRACTIVI: two-bedroom lam. fumlahed, $68«50. Bee ,orence Mallard, with mart Stanley, SEE YOUR ~ JOHN E. SADLE.m comer Cou t Hlpway and lf.ar. guer1te, Corona del Mar. ~e ts.e. Jttt regardJnc all forma ot INSURANCE or REAL ESTATE 302 Main St. Phone 2034 . -"Let Jack Do It!" IOU WILL TRADE • ALL CLIC.A R LOT IN SJCAL n oo,.., lou of nowen ud tn&Jt tree.. Full pr1ce $41100. Tmrla. • • • BDIT BUY ot the W'Mil! Two hou.ae. on one lot. Rear bouM, 2 bdrooma; tront h-. a ~ rooma. Near bualneM part ot N-port. Pr1u 14500. Very rood l.en!UI. G.N.WELLS 8A.LUMAN r. m. II.IIIJMJJ.. otnoe 17eG Newport BIYd., eo.t.a ~~- BF..ACH. located on 13t'h atreet near adloola and nelghborbood ahopa. WANT TO TRADE tor Jot In Cor- ona dl'l Mar or Balboa. Sheetmetal Workers Machinists P. 0 . Box :1070, ,-.rmlna! Annex. Lne An~retea 0 . A, SPENCER I MODERN OCEANFRONT STUCCO 33p And Other Trades (Anllablllty Certificate Required) • Steel Ship Building Division '"· or United Concrete Pipe Corporation Fumllhed houae near ,n.mmar ;afbool, two bedrooma. 1.,..,.. liYinl' room, dinette. Ule lltnk. ImmedS-1100 w. ITR. LONO 11&.\CR ate ~on. $7500 ..... r ..... ,_ ....... al•'h•• ... John m. a.dletr. 101 Mala at. 7Js• .......... .... 1944 CUSHMAN tr~~~~t~.J"::,-::--~: SCOOTER ... 116 Kala 1t. us Pearl, llalbo& bl&D4. ....,. ah twa a.._------------------------------------~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --------------------------------------- . . ( \ -· I . ·THE SAN CRA the -.---·--, but the d()WJ'l ting any candidate. trick bets one being total vott> less than The thing t the fact Dave hearty ible Dave his way to meetlng at other that his would be 7500-acre ranch of mea of What Dave was the fact laugh on gu.} ,.. toul'h Dana 100-ft . poll', ' from Iowa. chunks uf duclin~ 11 J'ong. !\:ow thl' Jli'O Jit'l'l that hl' 11 g,•t \'C:-.1 111<'111 h:ll' ycal'~. Tlw C\'l'l'Y time. • + • . The I o ca I <ll1s r:cxt mon lh all be prepared tuff. You know you contri- blc from your , and who is there not have to pay . The amount is you make one do- cover everytlt"mg Cross and arc not for another year. 1 especial· time whcn we have thlng spell from of hu~ines.-. ...... for 36 yean the best advertising . medium iD the newport. hlrbor diatrict I • • • the newspaper that pea home • BAlBOA Buy Bonds to End War Ouieker :=::= ··===:::::::.-MESc~ ' V.!' IEEP POllOI 1 Year e e e e fUt .... "'-*..,.... .. N ............ N ........... EMBR :_ ~100 ISLE. NEWPORT _HEIGH~, BALBOA I~LAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA VOLUM h ~XXV~~·~==========================;N~E;~;?O;;;•~T~M~E~A;C~a~~C=A-~ ........ ~~~·=~=M=D=A=V=·=8=EPTE~~=M~B=Ea~~"~l=N=·~===z==-===-==-------------------------==·~fl;;;_'~---=~.a ... N::V;M:•: .. ::~·:. Or hning Gun of War ' Ch 2.;t Drive to be Fifed In Rousing Meet Th~rs. Cl,lairm~n Palmer Calls General Sessil)n of All1 Workers to Plan Details for Raising Funds ' for Seventeen Organizations 'Tar BabY' Plane Wo~ . For H. S. War Bonds I Uf)tf J1 U,J.:••f ='•'o.\f.i ~t 1 f ~; n• '' •·iff+ t ll;ht.w "' ll l"''fll !111• '"111'1111 II II· In'-' t'ttfl J•nrtt,..., HI 1ht· J,:f lf:.n,nr IU httHI \\ fJtt tl !oluJ h~·•·n !'tl••tll~hl•'d t-nr h Y''nr h~· UH' lt,c al 1<,~· ... , J';h "''fl' "'"' onlinq•·d A n 111 1· 'T'·•Ii lh• >clf,l' prlll\' \\,,. RUI"lol oll• ol lo.i\ tt1nt t u ,, ru \t·r •~•· 'h• .. ,.,,. .. t\> th•• limo ·ll!oOiorf'd Atld 1)••1••\"'11 Ill· M.a. WILLINGTON of &anta•Ana,, Jlnk~ of 11 lnttlill•>n '1 l,lnll '" ,., . recently tltcltd pr .. ldtnl of th• 1 Thill Y• n r 1 h.-pa r1 ''" :u · '" II<' l 'alt tar of C•llfor~la, announud ""'111u~!'d Marion [lt>dd, pn;•u•h ·•I tllo proeram of tholtalt aar for '"• 1 nt l.<ot.ary, """'". Uuct 1111 >.r""'• co"''"t year •• contribute the ut. mar ,...-h~ rh•l<lr•·n nJ:,II "' rr' l•rt rl'. "'ott towa·d 80,11rn1 lho .,.n and Cllllluml'a v.hh h v.tl l '•m.p· t•· r. 1 1 womtll In tho armt cl forua •ncl ,.. 11r1,._'" tn hi!-•wanl•·tJ t1y Jrrot!f'~ turnlnt veterona. end tho '"'P••v•· , \\' fl Httr hman 111 c ha trnHUl ~~~ "'tnl In II•• edmlnlalratlon •f Call. I h" "' r nt IIIII'! j\ldgmg Will ~ by fornto Ju•ttco, llt••t•cularly 111 the •ppllllljU• nt t ht' IUII!tl'n•,. " •u<. fletd· ef aclmlnlttrotl"• ..... cl•• anll ~ "• ul antJ f'<'P't'ar m"thn•l eyattr"l ef M "nfclpal Coul'ta. Jul l•c.e ('omnutl,.••n,e,n ""'' furtll,.r ,J.. ef the ~Nee Cevrte, • .._ TraWie tall.a ••II ,,. announ• • 1 '"'"' It " 1 Cewrte rrtat• '' Cant vtrctllla l.to,.. ... _, futu,... ...,._, l(lrl nr Ml• l!lfl't. ('~r••l k tiN! •• ._...,._.,., •aaatlwr rtf f....,.. IWtd M,.... J . A . U nyd. ''' .,.........., ... lleJIIea. •r ,.,... .. ,. IIIII"' vhlted ftalbna fnr thf' r-• ae ~ ~ fa""'""' ,..u_ t• peell·a·-. tr..,_ IWtd hl'r favorll,. .,.., .. wu.. ,.,.. ... "" HfW ..... , .. .. ....... Aitd and ..,.,. ..... -" -...... pot _,... ........ , ••• ,,.. u.e .,, .... ,.. '"h ... h •• hh• ........... ~ ... wrriell. ...., ....................... , ....... ..,...,., .... .,.,.., ........ ,. '" "'"'"~,,,flit~ ....ul ...U.tU..., '"' ........ ,_ ................... , .............. .-... ,.., .......... ! ·...,.·,.,-.h '''~! '''"' d ~ r•l lof , ,. p ., I ,,.u,, It( :,,.'"''""' I f:,,,~ .. '-'tiJ • , .,,,. h ,, ,. ,, r~·, ,, , "' "t r ''""'' ,., ftt•'nt llf'.,,,,tl1n1• +o ~,,.,,,. ~ \11f t "'''" < J, I k ;,( II\" 1:1••'111 Ill JIH r 11 t, J ,.,,, •• ., f H'l ftitf••l 'l:tv f111 I ••t II •"f f I • fill l'u• tflt· l'lolt 200,000 Cadets Thru Air Base, Civilians Are TOld on C. of C. Tour lleaional H0t1pital Does Fine Job in RehabiU. tatin .. Mrn County Leadel'll Are Told at Costa Meaa Banquet An•r William Oalll.nu. _.,... lary of ,,_. Chamber. Mel IDlrn- duc_-.d Ut• anny u•nc-.r., t.)ll. AI· ~rt 0 NllnlJ-fltf' UriJ••II•r O•nooral A rthur II: I'AIIIt~rhl'l>~tk • w.aco...d lht-r.t•Utana. wt11l4 nn .. ol U.. a...t ,...ptlftNG In a ••• lime wu mad• by Newpun.r Waller l..oftpC#<t', Yk:e· ......... l ot the ~lated .,,,_ ~ •ld that U.. hanktlll ~ ot b&a l!pee.'h wu In repuntnc that Or Oa!laah.-r w .. leavlnc beN to ,. c'aat fnr a tralntn.r coorw In r•lurk auri(Pf)' l 'h., trt11 th~ lhf> tto.p!tal ",.. • r.nlallofl to the rrowd, lmperianl Aa.Ntttmeftta .................. ,...rne~UQn *A -Itt .. Otwun-. ... , ....... .... Alt.rn-r tu..._ f.U. .... a ~rot UwRaftta4.-~~ ....... ll ............ ~ .. UltM lh• AN.xlelul (2=·'RtN ....... u.. llo&rd f!it .,,.. .......... the &YIIltloe (lCWW!'•• .. ...a ..... Initial ,..,.... ., ... ·-*"*P-t. ..... t ttzg ""~" .... •lalklft,u....., ..... be t'IIMrt.d to WWil Ia .... ... .TIIIIoo WIU. ONIIp II .. .. .... .)' .............. *• 0\arl• Dega. a-w.a-'*u.lll...,.. U..t'u. ••n u-.,.,...,.,.... ... bullt ... , Use a~ ............... Uowft .. n,'ft.... lieN fill .. ct\lat llld dirt. C&ttl. Lttwf1e ,... ... """"lowt"-Ut• ~·-·--., .... avlltlua t'OIIl.Ut*'• NC ante line, O.Curt tat...._. Oltlf&. JfNMIIIIa I..Uutc fll U.. ..... AM AJ, .............. .. .......... CltfL ..........--~· .\(l(lOIIIJHUI,.... Oa"' ........ .. 1\11• 1\rmy Air tl""" Ia thf> pr•· the IN'MIQft _,.. Ool, .U'-t Q, lll(hl t n.lni"J~ nf "'"tnlH'r• of lh01 ~ IIIII>IIUII, "'P"'wt~llfta 0., A. & 111111•·-Air 1-'••1'•'. ""'"' "'""'' ''""'' lr.""'"'IJrcHoll, ......, ~l; pl•'l'''" , f l ll•lr lrHinltll( In "'"'/ (',.1 J •·hu ll•lla.rh,r, j.o(lllt ..,.-IIUft; ''~'"'"' '''""" loo t:IIIIHl lu IJclo•· (•.,J II I' Nc•wl'll, MaJ, Wllllan:l 0 . "11 lo ""'"' ""''' rt•·wlv '"'I"'',.,;!''""''''"'"· M•J J 0 Awabury a.IKI knoov.l•··ltt •• nr All ••rt•·•n nvtn~r I••·· l''tr·•t 1.1""' I' L lfaJ1non, publici t • • """ h,,,,.,, •Ht•tflt•t""'""lr£ uf •••ltt lluu• utrlf•pr "'" • ••IIIII II/ '"'" II• •IIJOt""'" Tl'""'' •II••H•IIntc fi Uftl lb• llf'll('h '""'"''on Gott~mlulon W•·r., Mr llllcl Mr• IA~f14rJnore. Mr. r ''"''lo:'' • """' v will luov•• " llv• ""'' Mr~ ''""' !Jt" M ... <run. Mr. IUIO + """ uvut lt"'• •nttuuiM t u \\ltt.h Atrn k••flrty t-Cutwrvl,..it IUid ..... \\ill pruu tlh• rnlttf lltu f ulut•• .. ,,. ltvtu 4;~utw•• c:untllft, U r , an•1 Mra. )i A M•·v,., llr••l••n Vlrwh, U•rr) ( , ~ -· .. ... - H ............ c.DI.,..._ ........._,, 8 .. etp!Ms._ .... , II, liM ---:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIIWPOin'-aAL.aOA NEWS-TIMES PBOSU; S'l:l\'POaT ll a II -~------------.en a ' .._, ~ .-,..,...., A.ne- ..,tlae11ptloo P ayable In Advanr": $2.60 per year In Orlll1ae l,.'nunty. 12.7~ p..r year I"' t th aone, J3 00 per yur to lith 110n~. I P'.nt,er.·l .. ~ I" .no.r••r u rr.frllf'r a t tb" P•..o~tutrlt'C' lo !\'l'WlJI-•rt IJ<>a•·h. t...:&W-nu.&. unda1 the Acl uf Wuch ,\, 111711 a. A. '1 ~-' I:. It EIJITOR AN U PRJ:;SJUE!'T Prl.ltu.. o'hwt JOlt \\ t;entr .. l Avrnul', 1\•·v. l""t ll••,., ''· 1 '~tl '"111111 Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Olfllllndoble LOC.I lnttlt utlon For Over j4 Vr•r. NATiifl.:ITORIAL@) 1 1944 _lSOCIATION . 7JtMJ.._ -~ Newspaper Week With Ernie Pyl-e at the Frour: llungry Pari s flt:jo~f \~~~ At I JihPrat ion f,rc)nl N<tzis l .nst 'J'/rn•tl 1rrt•~·s of n,.,., .rut lion Pron• /)t•ritlt•d 1/un/.1\lrif• m1 City 11 111'/0 H'S NtiT~ fltl, .. ,.lt ''"'" ,.,,,. u ,..,.., 1" ,,c/mtd~ ....... t 1 1 • ''" J ,-,/ ,,., "''' 1 '"'h anti ,,,. h•ll 1 oru/ • '"' efta ~.r,r,;, /r ..... " .. "~~ .,, . '"" " . '''" 1t~lumlt ., .. _. ._.,,,,,,,. bf"/Ut' h• l~ft lrun• _. 1 By E rnie Pyle --------------------NEWS of the CHURCHES CORONA DEL MAR COKMUNITY Cll1lltCII Cong,..gatl-al l'crry F. Schrock. mlnater LD t llar~:e \i ~~~ &.m , Sunday School. The ftr )1 .. .,, meeto In tbe little buUdlng ,.,, Jnsmlne .tn~et, at Fourtb. 11 00 Lm.. Church Won blp ~·rvll'<'. The ~~ervlce 1.1 held 1n "The Chapel By the Sea ," 410 (\•uttt Hlrhway. l'J\lliS. f<•tin~· hus b1 I'll s k1mpy tn P :HIS throU:gh the ~. rlllun topk "Who Are ihe rr.ur Vt ,,r ... n( C!'l mun OCtllpallrm, ,but n ·pnrts that people U.•~l". \\, rf': ,11 tlw \'! rl:(t' of <;t .~ n ·;, 11.,n u PP" n ·ntly Wt·rc untrue. ---__ The t'IIUnli V pl'nplc of ~•lrmn ndy all ~~·t•med so healthy Yt'LL 008PEL CHlJRCH :inrl Wf'll (f'rt th:1t wr c;:1 irl .rll n~·>nr _ "Wt·ll. co~ntry ~opl~ ~!nd aad E&dea. Coeta .. _ I.II.\II V~ (nil' b•·o;t . hu.~ JUSt v:.r11 till we grt tfl Pans. We U aee Sunday IIChool. 9 :45; morning r• nl ~~;u rTt•t 1n 1• tlH•r r' wu,...htp. 11 ; Evanst>lislic IM'rvict•. ~ Anwrican p~ will ha\'f' liltlf' timf' fnr lakin~.: loci\\" -. ; 1o1 I' m .. M ld·wo•d' prayt>! mt"f't· durlnl the obfM>rvnnN' ot Nt•\\SJ")!tpt•r \.VM'k rnml ( lt'l'll ~·r I or rtouru•lh., f<l'll·'' t I' • h~\1 HY'•Idl'rrn~ h .•• , .. d fllr the G•rman• ln.: tln Wednt>flday, 7 :45 p. m.; '""''''' 1 dot••••c ·•' r r .. • • H~ "' In thl!' a,.,., ,11,. Pt~rlllan'• hl"art. '"""~ pt'O(lle's evangelistic lt'rviC\! to 8~ls tOO much WOrk to l>t> donr. d rr~ 1,,.,, llul 1 <I 11'1 lu 11 ~ thrv You .-~n I'"' an ldt'a how ~~ ''" ~·rula), 7 :45 p. m. 'nUl bl not only thfo rflutinf' n •pnrthtt: nf httJ1fl''.l1inc ... • v .. • 1' ~'~1 u ,,.,., ''""' , 1 111,. lnrld,.nt that ~---- 1he world r, hut It ~ the fi)(hl to kt'f'P thf" tlO\\ 11f 111'\\' 1 u -u h 1 1'' ,.,.. ~ C'urrr d lht!' "'"' n•11hl w• were here t1RMT FOua&QUA.R.E CHlTBCH h i 1 'I '• "'" h • \\'" rut un .11 " lllllt famUy .art I OF COMTA MESA fr'tWn 0Jt Of( by 0\'('rzA•:tJOU.'\ ('CnSOI'S p, lh••••l'' 1 nl lu.tl>l In :\1 t 'ltOirnaue. Tht' laftd. ({-'Ilardi of tJw HJIIIa·ast- WaT tjm(• ~nlf' N"\1 rirtlnns on nf'WS ilrt' LIOR\'rlid· i C"•·rt ''"1" 1 "; Y j lad) took u~ up to ahow u• ow lifo''· o. Wlllanl (\lear-. Putor. able. 'J'be neY•~IX'"' o r 11w nrtt lon hilV(' willin~=:ly t'OOJII'I'• I don ' loo~k ·~ ,, vllll A Cllll httle Frrnch maW ' Mlltll 8'-"ta. Co·PNklr h t d r a v.~l t d a n, <'»'"" al•>nll "'th ht'r. 1 Pllolltll 1111·.1 atlld fn withholding the puhJI~tlon or ('('rtain sfnrit'S W IC'' n utll .rnd I•IHIU · A• we wnf' J1.,1klna around tbe Friday, 7 :30 p. m. worship terv· miltJt haw Jeopantized the national ~rurlfy. ,.. tt>" ~"'"'''" "1 rMm lhl' lnn•tt otly oJ)t'ned a ward· I IJr,•, R£-v. Mat' Sttam" In chaflre. r 1 Italy tlrtl In ll.ot l , ...... tlnnr. and tltrrl!' on • ah•lf lay Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. 1ft the pe.sf )'f'ftr , h~Pr, tht• te ndt'nt·y o govc•mmrn th•v 1,, ,1( 10 m«' ,. Gf'rman ... ,,. ,.1 1 cap that be had Momln& worship, 11 "· m. Nf)("{'- olftdaJII to Ufow a bla nket or SC'Crf'('Y 0\lf'r vaJiOll'-mt"l•lings 1 '"' th" w•Y you lt•r.:ntlrn 10 lnl ~ Ia I mWJIC, putor'a wnnun. aDd ~er'l!'nCel on which thf' peoplf' should have surnf' in -t:r•le PJte ""'11'1d ··•~t••tt ' The l~ndlnd.' JltC'ked It up with fonnatkm, has bfton lncreallng . At Quebec. fQ[. f'"<llnlp)(', 111""' 1'' 1'"'k 10 lhr Ups"' twr nngrre, beld It out at F'I .. 5T CHURCH OF CHRIST, Mrmnl tim••· I arm'a h•tifllh, n'Hide a face, Uld ICIENTIIT ..trlctlons on news were 10 fii'V('rt' that re.portrrs ro\Jid do """''f'Vf'r, the la•t lhr!'r ><•···k~ bt'· dropl~d ll un • chair Lido Theater, Central Afenue I IIUie but talk about QKo ft&t~r. teU how the prlndp;llS Wf'rt' rr,rc lhl!' llwntrvn r..ally "'·ere I Whul!'upoll thr lrllle maid reacbed and VIa Lido U be. II _,_.J "'uah For thr G4!rfl'ana. '""'10r uv w1th hrr prr\ly foot and 1ave It A briUich llf The Molber Cburc:b. • ! II, and speculate M to what wu ree Y mg t S('U~~... '""' thc1r ••thdn•·•l "'~1 1"· I • •·;r• kick that e•nt It ••II•·· I "' ~ .... 7ht F'lr11t Churc:b of Cbrat. Sd-belllnd ~ doora. r vltllble, beren ullln1 r vcrythlnl acrnu the roont entu!l, m 1:1011ton, M.-chueetto. I •t __ ..._ __ n..t.. the presa.was a1ao sl·--•AA by the l•1r th•m•""'"' • • • A ...wa-. \UII vaa. ~u..-cu Thrre II v•ry Uttle fund In rarta In Parra we had elept In beda IUid Rlonday Rchuol at 8 :30 a. m Mi\IUW ~t. whlch ~ved the puhlk llf nil lrut I ·ht now ,,e rutauranls t llhrr ... .olk• d on C'Mj)tlf'd tiO•)rl for ... Sun. lay Scrvu a at 11 a m. Wed· I a + '?ton o1 ~ ~ '"' rln~r-d m •erve only the bar111t first lime. tn thrt't' munthe n•t.oy Tutlmoolal Weetlnc at 12 .A tJ. -.-1... CSil malntaln their freedom ln fnrt as wdl •n•'~•l• ''"""'" .rnd u ndwtcht's Arrd It was • ~aullfvl t'XJM'rtl!'nc•. and o'cloc k noon. I ~ tho• 11,,1,, 11.11 , ""~«'." at Ult '/ call ret fctr aome rwrvr~e re .. aon • Ht•n,J.ng Hoc•m located at 711 MIll I"'IUU''e, only U they lceep weJJ lnt0f'1'1'l4"d. , A !N't' Jli'{'SS Is of. 1, 11 ulr r1 .• 111 barltJ ond " about arrat mncor IH llnll of calm and ,. Ea11t Central Avl'nUe, Bl•lbo&. Ia ••n;tldaJiaJ to keep t.hftn lnfonned. And by 8 f JW p ress We lhr \11,..1 •htff you I VI!'r l3tled l~t•f came' over Ill whrn WI once O~D darly fronl 1 p 01. '0 5 p. m. ~ not onlv tM naht to print all thP nC!WS (>X("'•pt that In s I ~I ·nr., h•• h.ul n.>\hlnl elsr lur four II:Jin 11!'1 up our , ... II In • lent. with a cept Sllnday• and holiday• na-, ... > r·tlo apple trHa fnr uur draJM"rlee and Uooally l'bRn.•t'd I cww ' tent with national Mfety in war Ume but t o havC' un-u ,. .. wcr• te &all• • ..,u -only the r reen 1 ,51 for 1 ru1. Tllr put.ac "' cordl&lly lnvlted to rllliltlitted 'a:IP!III to tM lnfnnnalion which lht• publtc is •It• I I loP anra1• Partalaa mo•t llank Gorrell or the United Pr-al~n•l t • ~ chur ~I\ aervlcu and uee wut• "'thl!' wa1 el Uti~ tNnr•. •as wrth me. •nd "'-' •aid: l.bt' Readlnc Room. II edtJed to know. 1 )o• would pret>ably ..,. lhal .._, ''11111 11 Ironic. lllat we ahould On~ occudon o r Newspaper Week 1 !l44 thf' PI~SS uf 1h<' I ••••• rr al, nlrrr, Map. ra.olle. have to ro back "llh the e nnlt'l CKal8T CHURCH BY TilE SEA •dan N-dedka~Jbeln~ ... t~ theortdjob or k('('pin~ Amt•ricn tlw I ,,. ,.,,.,..,.~ . , to ~~;~,'~';~,~:,:;, ;,:.,m ••• .. .,. ~~~~~:roc!!:~!:~, I a-t lnfonned nauon U IC" w . I •''"~ ,. 1'•1!' • biU"'' I'H t.'rm l'lt~IM'·· .. Pari• auml'hOw .... Earl)• !llOmtn~ "'OI"l'hl(l, 9:30; I rtK••I """' f, 1 <1• .:orrc-1mnd• ·•l.s The 10, a UUie on our nrrvea "'hutrh Sd10nl das.o;, 10 :15 L m; .1, , lt.rar. , , r•l ••·t <IP • m•'•• We after 110 mlttlll ., lh,. ,.11,.._1~. 1 Mo1 nm~ wnt ,jup. 11 o'l'iock. I I ' d Sun•lnv ,•u •mn' lh•r-vlt'(', 7:30 Why N In • ' , •I" 1 "'"" ~"'' wr ra oona r""~•· rwa• 11 IHif-atea t hll all flf • " 0 qulry. " IJul liull•l klll•hena. on ac:c:uurl\ .. r wUI lla ve &e ~nail• e11r rl!'turn 1e o'clock. d \ M1d·week prayer ~rvicc,We nes· 1lu• 11ft• &hort~KI!' narmal We •••duiiJ aD41 • day. covcre<l d•lllh dinner, 6 :30p.m. I ....... CongreM adjourned, two of its mrm\x'l'l' tn1ro-'so we luat eel cnl<1 K rnllone unall ._ •. 1"........,..._.,1 \ l and IU•tn•l ranona In our rooms. • • • IT. "AMI£1 £PJIC09"AL diad~ c:aiUnl for an lrnmedlate """"'t!t•~ ona n s r or two 4aJI ~ .. u• were 114 P8rla unquoeUonabb' P a lo..... CHURCH ~===~11 .. 1111• el thP ~rl Harbor attack. Con~ dki not lma,. -dl4n't •al •t all. an.cl un city. It aftmW to me to h.n•e bee llblfl Cfubhouee IOVEIIOI ·DEWErS MESSAGE OF lOPE , ..... ~· Trlbulltll) Gov. De"·ey'11 OPf'D· tns campaign •fM"t·<'h WM the mOMt pow.-rrul meMage of hope I ha t tb• Am~rlcan Pf'Oplf' have rf'Ceived ln more than a decade. It In- \•ltf.d u" to revive our h ope in America and to rt>Hume the pro- ~" that wu checked ln tf!e el~ht yea"' or the Roosenlt dep~ sioo that the , govenor indicted so jUAtly. Ills Indictme nt of the New Deal fo r de- stroytng A m e r I c a 's faith lD lts future wu remarkable for Ita avoldaaoe o r norid rhf"torlc. Three sentences s um up his <'hug~. They are a statement o r fact that every oDe mu.~t admit to lN' trut-who h&A foUo•·ed the t'OUJ"!iie of R OOSf'\•elt'a faUure to soh·e the nation's probs leiD.'l. "'lbe New I>Ml," uld Gove rnor Dewey, "was fouaded on the phUos- ophy that our frontiel'l •re behind u.s and aU we have.)e ft to do ls to quar- rel over the cJJvl!don of what w e have. "It was the New Deal that made- that maaapd to malte---6 three year deprfJMion laat 11 ye'ar.--over t\\rfCl' u long as any depreYloo ln a whole century • "The reuon why they (the Ne•· DealenJ) are DOW diMmaJJy prepars lag for another depreMion Is becau.w tbla adm.1nlstratlon hu so little faJth ln the I nltfod State!~.'' That, "·hen you add to It Roo8e- velt's repeatedly .demon.~bated Ins competence u an admloDit~tor, and his pro nlpcy Wlith other peoople'll money~xpectable in a man who hu been !lupported all h~ liff' b~· m o ney that he didn't earn-l'l thf' k~rnel or the New Df'al's failure. The American people han become lac reaalogly concerned that RoMe- l'elt and hJa roUo"·en will destro)· tbell' Ubertlee. There Is reuon for that coa- cern. But the tb.J.a1 we fear caa never come about ualeM we follow the coward's road that RooAevelt • has marked out for U!l. Coward.~ mUAt al- "'a~·s be slayA. The men "·hq "'ould lm· poM tyranny on the Am~rican peol* cu ne\·~r su~ II.D.leu th~y can de§troy our faJth ln our ability to take eare of oW'lW!Ive~~, and b~· that destruc- tion make ad tbro"· OUI'!Ielves oa the I mercy df a governmeat tnul.1fonnfld from servant to master. Roollevelt would like to have theM people fo~t hls domHtlc faUures durlnK thls campalp. H e ls cam· palgulng as the commander ln chief, elalqtln~ credit for \ietories that he had ao put ln wlnn1D1, ln a war for which be failed to prepare the utloa. For el~ht years he deceived the peo- ple by promlsing them security ln- atead of pr~; be aow attempt.a tbe further decfoptioa of pl'fltlfJDtlnK hlJDAelf as.~ the lDdiApeuable mao to ~~e~otaJte a peace that will aeeure Ull apiMt a npeUUoa of the war which be proved Incapable of aecurla1 ua aphU!t. Gov. Dewey had bJa aru11nr for that abo. ''Our peaee lD a ~fol world caa and wtD be ~ aeeure." be !laid. "But nothJn~ oa earth ClaD make us lteroft' waleM w e are productive, ud u.nJess Wf' have faJtb In ounelves." The American pHple have been of· fered their ~hok-e. 'llley cu follow the coward's roed with RooAevelt, the New Dealer.~, and the Com.nuuwda ,oatil they y ield their freedom ln ex- chan~f' for the !leCUrily of AlavK. Or they can follow the road of hope, or confide a ce ln therrutelve11 and ln their nation, •·lth th~ COUJ'age to AOive their OWl11 proble ms and stand OD their own r~t u free men. That la the road on whJch Gov. Dewey and the Republican puty are prepared to IMd them. M&-~• It lhould have thf' mornlnc after th• liberation or but Ultle hurt by the wu. \'ou can !Ut Centro~l Ave., Newport Beach . . ran• ·~ne ~ thf' cnffrSI~ndent• t\IU buy Alrnl~l •nr thlnl lma~· ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y ,. ..... c# charges a nd dl'nlals that QJ"'S(' rrom .&>n· ""'" ulu&ll)' ao wrllk frum 11<>1 f'lll I 11111./lto If )HU 1\ave rnonC'y Every I Temporary Supply Clergy atGr ~·~magazine.-nrtldc ln whkh he l'Qmmf'ntffi o n •••v '"''' u ... , r• uld h~nlh """11·•1• o.•rty 1s v.tll rl ll'"•·d Uut 1 ncn ar~ o:4;, a.m ~urr<hy ..,, h•·•l Mt•rle EPISCO P~L MESA WAR CHEST the Pearl Harbor tragt'dy did nothln~ to mlightt~n 1hr puhlic-llul the 1 '"1 "'1"~'" n '"""111 11" t~>rnnc, onr.l •lreJdy 11'"' hn e ; M~•ltlw"'· •ur• nntl'n•lcnt. SUMMER SERV ICES ' ,..,,. '• •I "'rlhtll 1 """' ll.tp 1 ht' atartcd 1"1111'1"~ ht~thu I 11 :on n m ~l ••t runJ.: ~~·n' •• ""'' Ebtll Ctubhr us~. Ntwport Beach an tbe fact.tl of the C'nf;('. rr••·> .... , .. jllnjl In :1 1}11\ f•ln< .,, Tho)~ .. ', ... ""'' f'Xl"'''' \I br ('nm· -rn.•••l DRIVE NEXT w , h ,. ~ ~~~n"·"" .lun~ 1 .. ~ .. , .... ~" :O:c·p· EEK Aa th1np now stand. Admiml Klmmd ilnd Gt•nf"ral Sho rl f 'I WI I rdH .... ,. Itt I t' ~··· .... ";: n •• , .... ,,..,,,,I' lull.: h,t\ .. m~dt I h•mh.·r Ill It•<~ I • .un ha not had I'U'VU"f it . to h •l lthf'ir slrlt· nr thl' n ..• , IJ I\OIY """"' fill •) , ..... Js I"' I )I l'l'll·ll I ........ ct '1"''(''1 up '"1111 "Ill)" "' ""IY ('1111\IIIIOI•In ve nn o ,'l"""un ) . _ . , . ,,, .. n ""' 11 "''"""II' ,:rtt~ A1"1 ... u, 111~ u~ta'•"" <~I ~<tr Rlta~Tt\~ ,,.H ,c·r 1111 lll'RF.~ 1tory although nt'Rrly three Y<'i\l'S hiiVI' p;Lc;;sed ~lnL'(' t ht ~ •• 1111~ lo••• .,.,,. It mlln , f,1,.,,., "huh .. •h rt rt , ,,1 .. ...,,. J,ll' C · 11 llt! 11 ''' :11 .. 1 nln~ I' a '~Y•·r I I ._ 1 NThe t lolnr~ "ltlt•lt "'" '"''" are 1n(l l:i•·rm"" r ~·.,, ::;un•l·'~"· l luly -~ reii~Pd o r fh(•lr Jla"ts. from Part. Y•• ..... 1ft .. u . I"'""' \ ''"" t 11 •• \\ :, "" wuu"l t~nrpornl IIIII I hi' tlrlrll' \\lrlrh Ar~ t'on n IIOI••n ' Th. kit I .. rr l e~r llu· :'~ ..... .,II t 'll'l<\ ,...,,,,1 rl da f t..-rt rtl l lrt I · •"" ••••rrf•l •lnal'n ol mrAt io l h•>~ttf' '••r 11''' '~11 e> '1 ' '11 t "~" ,. ,., tn,l " l'rul'" \\On)~· \\',,, l 1fPl>l •hwo• tn 1.."<•!'111 :lh •"a All t ~"l!l•'•·nt!t ,.f ('"lflll :lh•~ta will In the Pfl y >"' 0 t.K." w n r . a C'OU mn n \\'01.~ ,1\\ l' an• .... ~ ........ '"'. r \1•1. I Ill 50 rJ') lh •• •l;\\of r I• I ouldn ' toDO ~~a :.:O"II,ntlrl•lrn-\\ rll l•w ,,·1,. ",old"-Confirm. alio.n of a cia.''~ by thr I ) f h · I t I "~'" ~ " R R \\ & d s ·: It 1 rk1• pl;tft' ••nrlv """t \\l'l'k. h~·· Itt•· • f'l'"lf unll~ 1•) • ·•ntrrbutr beeft df~I"'UA to tht' mUilnr y security 0 t (' na t tOn. 1\1 an41 ao• t hai tran,portalllln I• Ol l':l ~f11rt "'' hrfl f , r "l'h URI• en Tl'll l In lh" ~111111 1y J.••••nn ~"I" l Cll. · •rtran · II"VI'n~. ,,, , "l•'lflg l" llatold a.; C:I:IIJI'I, 1., I h i' fllnd )!,,,. llll\HI !,,,., bl·Pn that .....an can hardly be used n ow to jus1ify rurthC'r d<-lny. OJI4'• ···•a l'arl• allelll. H ea&-I I'm not murh "' a .. •Ullt.••l I _d ~!"--.";..'';,n~r~rn~l~lf:M'~·~·n~.;"~".,;':r.'l~:l~n~··;.;"~""r ... o_.o'nT .. -,r-B~bt'l'h'To.:p-no~C"""Lorr~-·'\l~r-.::;g .. cf'lc'l:srJ.rrtti'"':-+!-""'.J:A.I-4.Aau:Jli1&J:l.-------+<*l~-"'*'..,.......,.,o+!II'M"-tT'nt:!l'tt'O"lT-mt---l---~ hq-_,..--l':!IUt' tht' S!'11St' of lllstC', :JOt! \lot\·~ , • I • • • t':tlen I!'IWulh "'""II In lirt\'al~ Church of Chrl~t. ::;r'lf'ntbt. tn lw. M.A., St l'uul't In lhf' l:W~t'rl . ~ r r;taurl ""1"mJ)#lni<'d hy his lh•lll" "'1 "h In J.: to t'ltpt't11dtt" -M-WU -----'ble fOr the disaster Of J:X-cembcr 7, ancl ' AU\ol Wtrf almost nonUlall'nl on llumn and l lllllll 10"'1 r~sl~ H:tnlt too. f'a )OJ Sprtnj:&. All \V(>t.UOlr! llll~lnt~lt ((>n Olltl~e ~hairman, Jlnt lllllltt'l'll II ay MVt' lhe rnmmlttee a wauu.a ·~-1 Dlbl 1 tlon tl,. t•rophet 1-\llpntrlck a nd d E. Hatch. Home ' ~:rr·s.t d1•nt ••I tlmt• by lft-kln .. th•'•r --t lt ~ not want the matter ln\'estlgntl'd by Con ... ress the atrHta or Par II Whl!'n Wf •r· I over here to rr"llte th~l ll's all lrur D • ~ ."" .~.. .. 1 • p hat .. ,.... ~ • e.. . I rlvl'd That ti nt day w• mrt an Enl · at..out thto Frcnch culinary r~n•u• .. lllah lmplor••· llo. "' t 'hl on ,t,.. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY '"mmttlf'(' rhatrman. &lttonded 8 l!unalrc•ns lv hun at the F'n1rview becata lt would be fatal to the Democrttts m the C'Otllln~ llah alrl who had b«'rn htrt thrtH>IIh· 1 They 1111,ply ha''" • knack for tblrsteth, rome h'J" to " "'1 " ~ CHURCH r .. unty m .... ung u! War Ch••stl Farms \\'ntcr co M!lce. eJectioa 1f tbe_ tnJ were nQWn. out tht war. •n WI!' r<Jve . er or ma .. mc any o . nc lull ,v.•ondtr· ••1 bUJ, and ,.:t,\; Y""· rom", bu:r R . .,-tb k d d h r 1 " ld lhl ud he that h•t,. no mon,.y : com Carl B. olobnao11, Mlnl•tf'r ht·r"l" in Sanla A.na on Mun.Jay l A. II !If the Dll\•nnaJ r elief a .... n. ---t • ...& ..h .. -So ..,......~,.,. t'n fact thnl i( true iuml!' dlel•nt t In 0\JT )~"rp, s~ ••• tul, just u t-he;Bril••h hnvr • knuk ;'iae and milk wlthoul mon"Y aod 114 I!. tet!l St. Pit. t4t5-evening, \'Hill will .Jt'l\w fr(>m thl11 fund In· 1 na 8 a WnOUS ........ &"'· ""'11.,.....' ' ,11 eal'llrd •• • t'hlld. o11d u ld I hal for makm1 1!'\~rythlnl tute bur· -'lboul pr1c•. Wbersfore do J• Olurch School. 9 ~45 a,. m . ll"ltl '" tht> h1.:h-achool au til· rludlnJC lhl' tJ S 0 and organlza· ....._ a _ __. __ ~ -t..ou)d '---·• It "-f N ...._ 7 tln.J .... ~ Mom in& Worship. 11 o ciO<'k. . 11 A 1 R b t .... lUI _ __,, ~ .,. IUIVW ~ ore ovcm uo::r • 11 .,. .. lr•r ""' rrd<' In a motorC'ar In 1 rll>le. apead money for that which Ia oot Youth groups. 1111\h School, 1n· '"rtum. "1 1 r en o "r son all \t, 1111 fnr th" rctrcr of the needy ta If \Witnle lt lhouJd be disproved once and for aU. tour :n ura w, told hcor th•t II 0 0 ' bNadt and your l•bour tor that lennediatt', Adult, 6:30 p. m. general l'halrman. the -busln<'s.~ llll<ny ruuntrlcH. Tho:! Co8ta Mea · · th' wun 1 • motorcar. that It w•• a We thea rill I herr ••rt • Ill nlcb aatlatlelh not! heark"n dill· EVen in& ~~ervlce, 7 :30 o'rllwk. II,<'•' I lnJC wlt1ch gave laal mlrlute nr<·a ha11 bcru nllntll'd a qt.:ola of 'lbe A.dlnlnt.tration, by bJock.lng an lnv<'!'hgatton at 111 up. but 1hl!' u ld It ,. u • motor· ., pt>oplr on tbr •trnt• lh-.. DliJ unto mto. and eat ya that Midweek fellowship and pruycr. ,lala !Qr the coming (lrrve. wa.. S:!OOO tor tilt:' uut1on-wlt1c tund8 time, haa left ltwlf ~finitely under a cloud of suspidon. car to hrr tint l•o da••. llul you •b•lll• wblcb la ~~:ood. and let >·our 10111 dP-Wednesday, 7:30p.m. I follow•d by a delightful muattal an<l 1n adtl 1tlon to lhat $718 bu 0 11u 1dr of war nhlrlu. • few llla•e KU Par !a • r ... ••1• ll&bt IUelf In faint'~!!. · · ·h For ;-l "rt•g-ram by Edd1e Dunstt'dter and hct n bu.tg1·tt'd tor thr Boy Scout late be th h I tbt heaven~ Ar~ hl~l!Pr t 110 1 t! ••\'J:l\'TH DAY \D\',;STI81'8 h I b rrrnc h clv•ll•n c•ra ••rr runnrnc r. w n r • o,. popul•c:• ,.--h. 10 a-m .. WM)'M hl•hf"r than .... I htll vrc estr11 . A •o gn;;tng pmg· lt>t r1l ur,:nn1zotlou ll.n•l $76 for lbto Dream House-Post-War Model I d b I 1.. II ..__ a te t • 1.. ..,, ·~ ' " Oorwer Walnut and Cliurcb 81a. t t tl r when •·• err V•· u ""' "'"1«' • ..... tam<' a• · n J m your waya. an•l my thnu~~:hta than nan n mony ,., nH,I or l h£' I • nl Girl Scout.a making a total or Ill ot1\c'ra l Ull!' In lh• naht rnl! All of afl•rnoon II I• almoot lmpoaelble I JOUr thou•h1'.. eo.ta, -"'-rd llllf'l'('fl~ or Ute dn\'e lhl• )'tar \\ h~n ohollt $:!1100 f' • • 1 h " d Sabbath schoo . tatu ay mom· a hue had · r•T ' ' rl!'ll<'h r'ort'I!'J I• r n •• t •· ,,,,...,. bera .. e af •God'• thour.:h" •r•' ,,.,r .. ct an.. in • 9 :30 o'clock. 1 hl' nl'l'd lA mort-preSIIIn~ thlUl tt ---------- ''' Ulto lnfNiorl palnt~d In rouah .... blr)rlr•. Tiley ta~r up tile et.erol l, 81"@ "lb~tanrt anll l:~r·. ~aching ~rvi,..., 1 la. m. I """ 1'\'fr bN•(I. Wl!'rC' taJka b)' res ,.._ a~ wondrous times. lndefrd. Wbl!n h~. teeming war plants can bt' tran.c;ronned I aiiDalt owr-n.laht lnto domertic produ<.'llon works: whe n gis pDtlc lhlpyard8 can be converted "within three days ot· little 1 GMin" for production ot rallrood trains, heavy duty trucks aDd nfri&'e.raton. Instead or ahiJlfi o r war,· then we must 8lllnlt ~ days ot miracles ru-e here. Such a miracle ls p~ cldled oon.Odently by Mr. Oaf P., Bedfo rd. genernl mann~cr tJl the IUchrnond lhipyarda. "Instead or turning swords into ~" he told a group of businessmen last w~k. Hta thla modem ~ra. the Kaiser interests a r-e preraring to aaawrt them lnto pre-fabricated h ou ... c;(>s," whtlt Jc•ttna <>n the fcrrdcrs. tovs l!'nUre alrl!'rl, u far a. )o• caB write• Mary ll!\lc l'r l'.dth In l'c:l· < tprr ni.Jr 11f rud lrnm Ull" atn~e- and stdtJ -· 'llrf' •ldrwalk• Ut· P••-rd. tote and ~!~allhh •·l,ltl K•y 10 .. ~:: OUII LADYOFMOUNT CAAMELI hnu~" o! ht>lp of th" :"at1nnal War New Building to House Beautician • • • II'• tlkc rl'lr .. tmu eh•ppta1 Scrlpturn . !' ,. " '0 '~Y•· 1 .... ,. I lh u~ at bomr temporal aod mnt,.rlol t~rP not thl'n CH u --.H ---------AMIMalll ll appt>are tttat • ~atlona of flrlrlt. Th"' are but 14!1 W. fintral, Ne.-,ort ~ N f Co ta G«'nna•• ·~· l'ootl•r t tlrl!'m· Wtthlu thrl!'t I''"' r .trol "'•• lralle count~rfl'llll of the "pi ritual a nd Sunday mas .. W'!I at fl and 10 n. m ews 0 8 arlwn falriT .,r.pt>rly •• ••lll lorm•d from • crt• rraddmc al'ld eternal " "Th• 1,.mporal aod liD-1 --- title .... , .... w,rrh . the Ftf'nC'h roarlnl .... th Itt •I' '·l•l.rr • IOIO ...... n~••r lOUch lhe eternal ud 1 8T. lORN VIA.'~INEY ClllJRCH Mesa Servt'ce Men rf'lll)' .. l«'at ltll'm. OM wemaa CIIY t!'llllrrly .H 1w "'I' \\' uun thrte ...a.• 114 MariN AY8., Balboe bl.aDcl &el• •• llllal fer lh• lint lhtH da )l Paru "'"' 1•1•"· f r 1 .• ,.,,.51 11 Sunda.y masa at 8:30 a . m. I An allrnr ll''" ne>4• •tucco build· rn~ot lit 1"4:! fiArbt"'r houle1•ard t~•IJI 1 11oon h01US1• lhe bO'nuty pariOf' of fo'r~tn• "" MoJWoll, fot n rrly of Lor· ra.lnl'" un Jtrr ad,.,•ay, where ltlr lu•• ""'~ m11ny !r l'ndll Tbt ehop "ill boo "Jif'hrd TueaJay, Oct . 10. Wbat are thoee amazing postswar, factory-produced 'bout aolng to be like! Well, AC\.'Ording t o the bluf's prtaa. they wlU contain a custom·built "con''' -ronslstlng aut limply of interior w all pai'K'ls. but whole utility S(.'<.'tions lnch""n'. kitchens. bathrooms and Ja undric-s. lluilcling rna· tBiaJ1 wW range rrom llght-wt>ight .st~l to firt'-proor. snuu.t. ""'" et ~ IC'C'8patlan th• 0f'r· utual. and IU n;·.tudr tu><ard th• ma•• '"'"' I'-• bet lhat ,,..,. "'ar rl!'rr.tndl'd " ,. uf (" It •• ar;.,r Ita Uwy t•rnHI erreranl. Tk lhrut of dano:rr hMd g n• JJea JJk' af rart• •lmJJIJ tolt'ratl!'4 • • • lhl'm an• ••tttlna merr. AJ u<11al. II •••r A'l <'rii'J'1t n1o11 The Gfrntlllll dtd prqiC'trAir dr•l'n'IIIR of " • r I' r 1 ,. II lit tho mt'c1ti'Vt'l IHII'Irnnllra nRlltnJI \l'ad·' lut onl'> to &<'I!' 11. 11 1"1')' l'\t'l do •·r~ of the rr"stnnce m11\ <'ll •f'nt a• I Oy thot I .,,,.,,. t1 r n ··~ '~ •nltllr rs thrlr phl:hi l'IPfRntl' m"rr ftlld n•MI' Unl) t•nr tnf,, If') rt• II l't•f Urd dupl'rAif' n ul ~·hnl I'm drl\" lol If I Oil(' rt'l'•Jfllli1 '$~1"1' ••••• Ill All,l'rl. II lh11t thr \•ulk of thr l"'l'"lt•l~o•n r.,n• A• lwd.1 ,. ' ~ rl · l' ,. a ard nf f'art• thr avi'JR~t 1:'1) 1\110 J.ls-1 thl')' 1 u•rtl ·•u H. • .. , '!,. r .1, liCi t Mhlllll no rnnfl<'r "11•1 11 hrrr-~qu o·kh 1H'I ,,,.: ''' '" 1'•·1 • .., d1dn'1 rt".tlh f~r~ 1u., h,• "' frt• ,., The t\· •I •'r • • n 11 • \' 1v tu ,:~\ c1" to l111y II .... ~~ Ju•l '''~ 1h.1 ..:• "'' rr "" h •• • • ., .r ~ n , prooli)'JJmlft wallboards. It aD .aunds llke very C'ffick-nt . very aad undoubtedly attractive housing . \l,ry ht'llr<i •"""' ~~~~~ u ... ~~·I ,,, C'hr\ll ~ r~l " r ltlt.t' I .. s<utitary, \'t•r~· safl• 1><'1".: '"''"'' • b1ll1" arll!'tl 1111d ar 11''"1 :r I'• 11 ,,. ,1! 1 ~ I!, 1 1.,, I r••lttllll 1h11n b. tl•al crrR'rd thr • torrr~t"" t. r If I 1be quMtlonl are asked: Just how much of the m?'kn~. JDIItCNne..buUt wondc.-r house is going to be left 10 thl' an l:tp· Mtloa aad tute ol the frunily who occupies lt! H ow much .J-house • d I , '1 r ~~~~ tlrr•f I ..,;, 'o\ rth tht fr• nt hi '"''"' th ll hr : < 1 ,.,. .. 1 1 gr-tJlha OWlalfW wtJJ tM sJrek, new un:nm cxpres._<;...-.tn I lin(',, r ,IICJ .. bAIII\1 ·'" IIC'Inchnrent I"• rt\111 11 .•• '. "'''rf bow' IIIUCb at tM ponderous machine that turned out thou ss I 10 th~ t"o•urth rliVIt hiO tlu•y ah .. rd frrltna b;t.!h r • r .. r I ,., r \• d andl at ~ Ju-t IDee it~ A ctually. with a n PStimatro 15 n I' .• I''' I ,. In U!e -f;ars and S;rii<'Jo 111 :-' \lf re ... I tl •. lr , I lilt h alt~•IJt r,,,,~rf• 1'·''""11 thr """ JIO. U.ldi,:t 1 million people c:laJDortna 110\\' for modem hOUSUlg, t OR' qllt'~· 1 n tllllh J'"Y 1nr·rusr for •o•h!tcor• Thctr cal'l110 .. lco 1 11 f ,.• ~I l ... .-1 DCJt WOI'I'Y prwpectiYe horne 0Wllei'S tOO 1'<'11· h.old llli: UH! t'•tlllbal lllfanlr)men'l thulr,l(1\l, •nd so• rt 1 t •'I' lht _-_._ •-...___._ ---rt:l ~lie\'e. I bldl!t' !'nlt•:I!'J a,rln .. n An 1 , 1 ttU ~· .._ •--• ~ Th1a r~tmhRI lnf11ntry t>.t11t II a thrm trull•full~ thAI 11 ) 11 r , 11 s True. we ba~ l8el1 the tiniest. crackerbox chvelling of the I proud thin I .• marlr of arn t d ll· •treed With lhl!'u ~ Tht, Jhoul4 lwwtfM¢ family, made rtdl with tM Jives and the taste o f the 11nctJon. a elen oo • man'a cheat hne IL J1CJ1* who Uwd In lL HoweW!I" efficiently shlning and mods 1----------------"-----...., ~ the ~ pre-fabricated hDUieS mayl ties-wUI still mnk~ of them their own indhidual hOUS('s, lie, U. people who~ to 11ft In ihem-tl they ~ their wholly unllk~ thetr Mlgtlbors' molded day-by-dRy around Ute .....-. tbiU' ~ aDd tb* Uw.' in their own communi· Uw. and pei"'IIO1alltk!l ol the ~ who Uve ln them. You wiU 'nd :roundf 'one of the ~:>ftc lnf~med penon• in :roa-r communiry whrn ')'0\1 read The ,a"''! laD Science Monitot' recullrly. You will find freth, ntw ••twpolnrl, f II« richer undfltundinJ or world •«••n ... tfuthful, acnaratc_ ,:J .-oach uiaJ eubtctiptiOG. 1 unbiaecd """" Write for umplt copirs toJ•y. or ac nd(jfor on• ~--------------... ----I, r ,...", ............. ,. .... ,.~."~' Jirlc:-~~· ' I o.e. ~ .... , t\ffrt ....... ,., I ' •• ., • -...... -...... -·-., Tl•• L • . .. , .. I I 0 anaue• .,.,.nc• MOfl.ll« lnc:hHhnt • . • 11 _, .. ,_, .... II .. _ ........ I I "" ....... --·--·,.·-··--s --·· ' IIODaUt ........ _ ..... -. • • , '-----~~=------ MODERII MARIIE SERVICE SHELL DOCK .. BALBOA .ISL.AN D I . Fnrrl'l!l !'hl'lrlnn Paull .lr hltR recently gntlualt d fn>m th~ D.VI.il· linn mAl'hinlsts male IIChool, U S :'l:ll\'1\l nlr ll'r hnlcnl traln:nJ: 1 ••nt•'l :'l: .. rn11tn, Oklahoma. &ad n~>w hlllt 1 II~ rntln~ or 6\ tall on mnrh1nl!lll s mRI•' thirJ •ln8s tn lb~ t ' !' :'l:hval Hr~··n·r 11,. 1!! the enn llf Mr an.t I ~Irs r S. Paull. 3Si UR\' nvl'ntl• Artr r ··"m r tcllng a l!pf<'ral mil!· f:<in11 ~math. Ah•n ol Lnrratne'•· "Ill ""' k \\II h ~~ranctoa u her 1•1• 1 "'"' Th<' ah11p whll'h will bO' n.••l•1n nnol nllrn(tr\'1' In C'Vf'l')' \\11\', "111 It l•t ,lli i'PI'd In J:IVt Rill· In~; • "'" " " rr·•t C oler wove IIJI ·•· • II .1.• m ,u hrn,. 11nd marhlnele!lll I" rn.IH>1'f11~ 1-'111 1111• mnn'lcurr~ und 1111 I ~J'" ••I bo·.ruty work ,.111 h,. ~~·~n•· I •I· n (nr I hi' :'l:nvy 1n Sullth\ 111 l',rl fnrnta.l.l Ht~lx':ll 'r•!ltlln, llhtl I ·'" lll't'n ;o i;llt'Sl 0( l 1r a nd :II 1'1'. ,\ 1:. llugh.:~. h.•~' 1,·11 r11," I•• IIIli A (l·t•l"1'' \\!ll•·h Will plrl\!'1:' am! ~l alwn In !'f'lllllr Ll l'rNthrn il<' on ... d,rlt• lh~ l•IISI'lt'I!JI Wtornen It \\ hn \\ n~ !l !;:Uitlf' .... l ·tf1 t11t'\~ttl ol)~tL!\ ~ r trlt •..;, ._, h• d u t•• n( ht.'fOJ; Op f'rt :.t l '.rl Tl't h. 1~ wrth Urlll hll\nl h ,.,,.,.y Thtlt:O.I.r,\ l'IN1111~. 'T111' 11h<1~' n( t ltt> :'l:n"" nn.t ha.~ 1J,.01 1 ... ,.1, • .! \\Iii 111 '" ~ •I ·• I 11ny Mr,nd;r\'. .n t ho Alrt;llnn Pl'nltt!lllh' 1 Th•· I•• 11" n IS •·:<p••rlnlly R•lopt· I ·I r r '-1io a ~!t'tf' ~--. It lN t ,,.,,.. ,,, . Tht.. It n\ •• JUS! ~ ••n'l \; ,,~, r r 0 ' ,. ~-·· J t ~r~ '' n' I r ,.: C·l~\,t r :II \' I r.ntM r·l 'J,l kl'l •"l 1'~'\; :1;1 ~., "t I Ill nt \Ill' I ur..:-•·!'11• J ,I '''" n s;o~•r·Htl SIP'tCI• 1\0 <f' Ill' hl:o I' 11 k ~'.: 11 r, 1, T'.•· ~lnu tun'. 1rrp t-ort• •rum .l'_:· :Xo\'al Au,. '"" •1 " ~ 1 .. ,1 ''" 1 \' F'rrd R rl ar~ Alr ~\atlon Rl Fall"n :'1:· FlU• 11 "''' 1 ;r10 htult anrl !Oltll ~>wnff "' '.1 P"l' h tl. ht" fu~l I! 11·i •· "' ~· ·• 1 tl ! • .~. !0 un l~1lbus llrt'l!'t. 1 'tr,.l Ann hill dought'r born Sept. , ·11~ 10•• " 1" 0 "''J'.Intll' dfl(t'l. r; Tn q'(••lnma.n Ja, ks1•n n ·lurnt'<-1 thr ut , r •,tlf" ,,... b..• •tt , IIJllfd by thf' lu' ~L'''"n • n :::,.,,. ll' 1-ur , .. ,, 1-',r rm.~ \\ at•r llll ln<'t (I! I'•, r .... ,:rll• o,.trsnd~ haa ~· "I'"" Ell n.·.,n,.\1 r!lt lhf' ch&lnnll-0 1 111 • o1 to f ort vwta \\ uh .. alt•r Ttue , nm)•nny ltUJII•I e. Watf"r boOl I II l'ohnrt thn·•··d:n (llrh>rl~h ... llh hi• r .. r lrrtJ:Ull•·n ftn.t dr>mrlltl(• pur· pnunts, t.lt Rn.t ~'"' A •~ n~.l r'-11 tu a11 , "'""""'" nre• oorUI I tnuviPr "' l!lth Alrt'rl Petty Off II er Ray BarTell •·ho I _ __ -__ 1111 ll(atlontd at Ounp Clartc bu lll!'('nl a il'l\'f •·lt.h hill •·off' on BACK Till: A'ITACK '-----------------------l't'"'JX'n ooule\'ard. BUY 11081:' TllAN BJ:IIOU . . ..... , .......... u.c-• ... ......., ,__ o.a.r .--.~--·· ..... -· pntleer•-re 8&edt of ,..._ ClU'pelo ... llll•h- LUDLUM Carpet Works let 8oatll Jlela 8&. hoDO 8u~ Au UM BANTA ANA The Ideal Gift Tl1is Cl1ristmas W YOUR PORTRAIT - Beautiful Bronze $125 POIITR t\ ITS IACH * SIZE 6 x I INCHES * ........ •w-• • Proofs sbou·n No appoinlmnrl t~<USSIW1 This Christmas remember those dear to you with the gift that· 11•tll always be ttcasurtd -your portrait. HURRY! Odober 15th last day for overseas Christmas mailing. AUSTIN STUDIOS Bring This Ad 508 ~ N. Ma.ln St. Phonf' 1463 S~TA ANA DAILY HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sat.: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays by Appointm<'nt Building Permits 1 July -4~ •• ~oo __ Houldlng f~<'rmot;, to th<· tot.!\! of 1'•:1'< l'•:l!l 1!\.40 NEWPORT BEACH $4 150 Wt'n ' l~'<ll•'fl the• Pll"l w~k :198 !l3~.074 l• lht• l•tlho\ltlll: 40:1 41l7,440 A If Klrou:oo r 4~:! Hill M.l"f'~t. ~:!3 7fl~ 0'1\l f.:ll'lffln ll•'lh h I" I1Uilol R J:llr&jll! 541:\ l/0" 11!11• 111 ~.0:1 /\• no Ia 8 1 ••nut' rornna del ~4FI Ill I 6:17 ,\' ,., $:\UO :'142 Hti 1.74~ M \\' '"'"' ry Jlt'r ~~<•n•l• ,. Hw•f· I 1!111 1'14:! :')4:• 1 .0.~11.12< lng, rc>ro~uf tlwt>lltng nl ~•210 ~t'&• 4"9 1 .22!1,4A~ llll<•n · Prl\<', SlfoO :l:!O 2t0,113~ liar• old II• n•~'wt. 427 Ntuc iMu .. I J &nuary f'cbruary .\larch April \hi\' June I July Alll!1"t 'i~'pll'mhf'r llf'l ol'll'r =""''""'t)c>r I )<'(of"mber Total l11n11:1ry Ft'bruary llarch ltav June 1943 1944 . '. 11\'l'n llf', Coron" <1"1 Mar, I'W'' 0 1 r · don Flnrtlay, buold twv·nJOm a tldl· lion to dwelling, $800. Albert F. and Vera L. Holland, !1920 Manhattan rl1ce, Loe All· $(t>ln. build nnl'·stnry thNe·r•••m 1.14~ dwt'lllna 214 0nv,.; a vt>nue, llal· 11·7:!7 boe IIIla~ $1 200;. 14 OI\O I J ohn T ;lflrPI', P la f'l'nlta, pt'r 1~.23:') c.ua 7.677 !·~~ I·, nrn<l Sho•1k, <"X lend and IDI'IOBe 22·3;s l llt>l'fond p~oMir o!c•• k. 11106 ('t•rol olll 13 IHO RYPnlll', $,)()il, 10'014 J am"" Tuffr""· l'llll'l'ntla. P"r 16 l60 f'unrll(J !'hu<Jk. In< lnM-front KIWI l4:.!:J.n 'f'[•r cll't'k ••C <lw<'lltng , 1101 F:ut I 'c•nl r11 l 8\'rnur, $9()0 \\ I' Sh•l•!••"l. 1 •·r M lh~J•k m11n r••palnt lo Into r.ur and t•ltlt'F· $11\ 1\1\'\ 11•r "' <IW1·IIInl!. !l12 E ut f'••nt r.U 1!1,740 11\'<'11111' s:wo SJI,l7~ A (; (•,,.,n, :>1'\ :l•Hh AltN•I I • t1 415,4731 Yf'rt gllrAj:tf' 10 II R r oom, $~,() 73.431 G W. llcllyt•r, t~"r Uu~wur1h, ____ .:::_.= _______________ _::._:_ _______________ .treet. $50. • -------------, rt'ruof pt'lrtlnn nf rtwPIIInjC", 44:11 !'4 TAKE HER TO • 'Wiutei • ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S REWDEZVOUS BALLROOM Presents AND HIS ORCHESTRA ONE NJGHT ONLY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Balboa Items The Bay View r a.lf' at th,. 'ntl of Palm ctrt'~t hu ~>e<>n lllkt'n ~tv•·r hy Joe I htmlltn, whr~ OJ)I>rllt~• l ll&rry'a r 11 ft nn lhf' Fun i'.torlt 1 rorTJer, Rnli It will tlf' ron In the r·e~tular llamatu mltrlnM', Nut Monday Mr. and M r" Al l Ande r110n and M r and M rA AI .Joyr .. ar .. lf'avtng on a t rip, w1t b I.Aa v~~Rll, j'\;('y .. Ul~Jr •J•·II\Jnll· I tlnn A• 111 111mal whrn lh•'"" t->PII! f:u plac,.~, t~nmf'thlng-In tllf amURmt>nt lin•• 11 lod tral,.d 111111 Ulry adm tl In h;w1n,.; ,.,.,,, 11ll 1111111(11 In """'' ahnut Whlo to v. ~ rnAy hl'l.r lat•'r J a.1.k Llt•l>•', "h•o hAll 1111•100 '' ' o ""''!:''" •m i':vt Bay, 1s 1:1• · )( fht·u. a th· r'••u;.:h •tVf'rhtHthu..: ul'• 1 f t h.· 8Untflh.'l ~··:tAun , ••n•· "' I " l•lr .:• ,., 1; dbt•"l ,,,J 't • \• r I• • ~·nt·· lth' Ill'/\ llll.• , •••• ' • ' ,., I• I' fr••m I h<' prourlty • 1•111~ , '""'' , .. ,...,,., '·' h•· 1 .. -.u•t t tfU'• • •f Ill• lt., ll'r111 1"'"11 lf•IIII V ''' llol ~ _.,.,., t ' dt ltJ,:,If •·d I I I t r iHll'•l JihK I) ;\lr "''•l Mr• Urlnk tl1u1 l\1111••·1 1" 1:'"'11' I•• 1 • olol•~o:hlfq f Ill Ill!' \' llllf•f '"' ..... )JnUI"• ,,., aJ:.! l.tht},, H\'t'H t•· I ~ ....... k ~o • t 1f1t 1en 1 "' th;· pr''f'''"''" ' .. ( ttv hull t JT (• ,.n •···nfto,l .. lt\•• ;• nr~·l ~i.!ud ~ r• r f htttc h-P•·ra h,.,., •I 1 ll.:tlt~<•n a•·• •·r<Hng ''' ll8rry \\'• I• 11 1 "'"" 11av,. I"''''''" '"'"" nnt ~:•v• n 11 4• ~r•·ltl ll"•ll "' llHou,.;ht "" ·•· • h~ll h·· l,.1ht•\'f'JIIi 'h... ,,,. "' ... ,l 1•-.:h k j,.>Uld ll<l<otJUalf' FAC Bridge Section in Play At I !l '1(1 \', • •ln••A<Iny '""" '" t • <Ul<l K\Jf'lllll ~of lhf' hMdS" ~I l•m "' l ll•· ,.'rl•luy Afl"m'""' 'lull "' II cc,nvene at lbr clubb<l\uw• fllf' •l• ,.. llll'rt fnllnlll f'd by 1\11 llllf'm•""' ,,( C'llt•U. I n • h<~r~e•· ••f lll• lllfaJr ar .. Mr• """"" I. lf'lU< k tt n•l ~,.. t ' •' U ui'<l"n I"'" • I 7 It ) •otl't'f' 1• fnnn•·r nml ,,.,.,1 I•• 1'\'P.IIr )1'111 'llu. h.1111, 111 lnnlol 1111: 111 h1•1 1 han 11 llwo•llllll(. ) "" ,lfoot~lol IIJIJII) In ) 11111 c'oHIIII) >till I· ,·uiiUIUI ""r l'lwllot fnt ll "t-•ltllll· I ,.,·~ l.omlll•r <'1 1 lllo'ftlf'" Mack's Photo O•Mtlnt Carll• lftd a Great Variety of Uftulu81 Qlfta "WIC I NVITM: YOU Ttl HH0\\'14 .. : Altii"Nil" C. E. LOUCKS JIWilU•v l ftcf ITATIONI."V Dla"'O"ch · Watchee . f'lftt "epalrlftg rt.o-Srwpnrt 1&111 R _j 3£... •f :ftt,, .. onu-a-J;,,,.,.J, XrPv :J:.vu~ OJ~~u~ 1\,,,,. • VISION IS mAJJ (~)!&~~~ ON CIIDIJI &MONTHS ~eo ... ~~~ .. e I If I A I CAll I" ANe .AYI felt IYII IXAMINIDI Mesa Grange to Convene Thursday ldentifiratioR Photos o-.t o ... n~, r.....,t. lmm&c'nlloe l ·bow ee..-.tno •Y our lrolcon lone DUPUCA T!DI rro...pt S. •nl •Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSU With Youl •Gia11ea Made to Your OWN Preecrlptfonl •Yow Credit l1 GOODI Open •n A•ouad ~ Portrait. .......... ,...._ Bait• Plwtta.. lteJI~I-IRia aad MM ...... ae ~ Gift Shop Qoetu.-lewel17 Bou~ .... ltk!.. ,_,.,. ... y_, Mefl ...... , I I' .. .. ~ ... ~ ...... .._..._ "'....,.,.,., ...... ~Itt~~ DR. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST a w. Ctr. 4111 & Syca..,• MNra.,. 0pPICII CONVINIINU' lOCAfl. O• t•l AA* ""' ---·----..-----lt•cl ., .lllw ----. -........ "' \~_IA_I_EWt_~_Y_M_~-~-"----~ nrtW SAIIWAY VAlUIS S Zanna """'''••. Ct W a Hle .. .. 1 .. u . ·-JO 01 .~ ...... .-: A tJ . .._ ................ .. \X'hcch~r it't for a $j,«ial occasion, « juu aa "c,uy c.IJ)" mt'lll, tkpend upon S•fewey MnCL (5) BEEF ROAST rl':'. 28" "t' "-• ., s.. ............ a4 ·-· n.. •. PLATE BODJIIi BEEF ..... "" ... .... r-~ce• ..... '···· ut •' ....... ,tt4 Mtf , ... •"'"''' .. ,. .. BEEF SBUIS ;::. ................. It• "'' , .... .. FBESB GBOUID BEEF .AC11 ... .. y .... ... Gtwll4•to4t<SttttGo. .. -t~tielo Pedt41a...wtory .... DADE A FBYEBS .. =:.~ ... N .. Y..t Style ,..ltry. Tr•t ,_ ._., witto ,.W.. trW cWd•f .I II- II- ~. 21- •• •• •. 46• HOT[: 'It•••• I• ,.reatt..Ma iMiuote rt4 ,.;.ott,. ....... S... w....,. ..... coooy • t,...llef ... ··~· r~-1--~-----------------------------lAKING ITEMS Kitche n Craft Flour : ftJ 10(., }t_r } ... lb vw.•.$1 '}t Pillsbury Flour t-~J·~. '!.~ 5 .. Royal Satin ~:':~.~: : ···u-... l,..., .... •v •ec.t.••-. • t •; · 1 I ~ 24• ... COffU PIICES Airway Coffee Nob Hill Coffee c.. ... .....t •• .. -.... • 23• Edwards Coffee .t~J~~: '! %7• Hills Coffee ,.,. r,., . ....... I" 33• ... un em1ma 10 o• .,., 1 ,( .... Sleepy Hollow Syrup:;:-.. •• .... ·-·· ..... -· --. "-. Jk Lunch Box ~~';.,~:' ':: .. GrapeJam '".::;:--·:·u• PeanutButter =: •:ue Beverly =.! ,:.-;:, ': D- Krilpy Crackera = :: II' ·-·~ .... -Malted Milk~~·~· .. HOUSIIIOlD SWftiiS Goodwin'• Bluing Ohio Matches ~:;: lvorySoap ~:-' Lux Toilet Soap Peel's Soap (.<;';":;;".., !!:I' ':::'21- 2 .... .. 3 .... .. ....... D h Soa C..onvlo<..t U•, eo. Jl• as p .. 1 ..... Dl oudt .... Old Dutch ·~:::. • 2 ·.::.··.~,1· Sunbrite Cleanser '' .. I• ••• Crisco Shortening Fluffo Shortenin'J Mazola Oil .... 1 28' CEREALS I ,. 19• ••• 0···· 5&• AB~Ft_A~_*_-_1/I_E._lN_PR_IJ_DIJ_C_E-.-J/ Wh' t M ' I .,.,wl I I...... IIIIN 1 e ag1c y, ,, ...... ,_ .,_, .- , ...... ,.._., '••'••• ... , ... _. ..... , _,. effMh•e ....... ~ letv•••r, '-•• JO Ry·Krisp '':.:· 10• Cheerioats I : .': •• ·.:,~ Kellogg's Pep Ra isin Bran ~~.:·.::,· RATION£0 FOODS --..... , ...... - ll •• 21• ... , .•• 11• ... ..... ••• to •• 10C ... ,.,(1 VAUII (60) A . . . .. • . .o... 21• pncots .,. . ...... ., ... (30) T . . ..... ,., 13• omatoes e .• ,.., .. .. OO) v.a "•• It• ... -. .., , ..... ,_ (1) Cherub Milk , .... ';;~.~· ,::· .. .,.._ .. ,~ ] ... .,, •'" • pr rt.oC""'t l (2) Sunny bank :;;:;:;:, , ... 1 .. (2) Dalewood .:;.;.."': ,,. 1• ~~t~t )'flllr uwn h t''h fruin 1nd VC'I(~tahl" from th~ largt' tt"lcc:w 1n at ~ufcway. Ru\hcc.l (mm fum to tlort' • SOLID CDBIGE RIP£ SWfET FOR SLAW Ctitp ....., freala. N ire fot aW.,. •lad. or for cooked nlli"'P d nhn. naa CE'·EBY ~~ vilp,,._..IUoii:'Drlfttt. Mel...a tMty ,,.., .WS. U• in tuncfla. ..,, NOMI<I Tttlll ....... WAY! A'~.--" ............. .,, ........... --.-... _.. ...... H..,.n ....... o-&e -tift r:ut C'f'Dtrll Avfl., ...,._ J.~· , . rr. ~\ , ... y ' ~ -· Harbor -.,....------------------ 1111111 Luc•e Pre,ares for One Oiled Seao11 ia Its History WlUt all te&m~~ an.si~Y • a•'1Lit·l llf'Y'Vtl anrt JJ4'of'• rnmln~ ur ... Uae opelftlfl« of lhf' 1944 gr)tl l Thr Rall~~ralt.lllll IIJ•J~t•r•••l ~lrton): -.... U appen-d u U1oucn all In tht ll<'r •llvl~aon ('<.IIH II Jude lobe taam. y,·ere on an f'V~ JtJihlll Nolron hr .. J 147 ••J>Irtl.lli.A ""' I ito ...tu. N.-port &Ad 8&1\la Ana ltat· fllat nlcht or rra•·llt •· "" lo~ot 111: ed u ldl.pt favontu S ewpor1 llC'Yf'flll liplkf'•l ''' • ''""""' • 1 711 b7 vtrtue ot ItA 6 rtUlmlnc lf'lll!r· Varally C AII!IIdutr~ 111o lt.d1'••~: (l -t n c I U dID g flvt ,.. ~11l11f10 h ll•·rrnt•n Sl\llllt /\1111 l l•lq, • 1:1 11 aa1Ded top ranking -A•IIh tne Salnu tooo1~,. "''''" •le-ad h n •ll•l: ·~' wbo wtll MDd' o int!' lc-lll'rulf'n Con th<•IIJ:h 011111 2 <•f lll' II 1•·11• '' ·•·n Uae fteld lodUdinc twn re&"JIAtll Y.rrt• 111/lrtt'n, l'tonrlh'>' IIIII I',Jo• Football League Elects Davidson For Fourth Year I.Ju•t Tu~ay night rh,. ll"tlJ:IIt- n •••l •nr. wa. h,.t,J 111 ~""'" Anll ~·· r ""' ruur1 h ttnw !'llohWV DltVIol I "''" prtnrlplll, WI\JI r·lt'o'll'ol 111 ttw "" • ,. nf rr .. r.Jd,.nl. alru• <'t)W" h H .. ,.tl Vo lt' '''"''"o1 .,.,·n •tary fur 1111' (1111rlh t••rm. Nh'"'""n o'tl<"lahr wo•n• 8•ll"rh~l for l br fo~nthnll .,.,a. I '"'" Thrv l'llmf' to 1111 1\Krt·em,.nl 1111 tn lhf' prll'f'l rnr r• .. thall I:IIOH'" t h110 ft<'aMlll The prlo ,.,. llrf' llf~· ~ Nl"l ul llilmllllllon, &no I 30o· f11r Hill· dt'Olrt 11lP lnc·rf'IU!o' on prio'o• "'"~ c1ur '" f~eral la..x It "'"" IH?ro•..,l lhfll all ga.m,.a 81111'1 "' :1 110 lfl I h,. jtrlo•mnon. f'll<'f'Jll fnr l hoooof' lhnl tiro· n.:ro'f'O f11r nl):hl 1>:11111"1' 'l'hC' leagur <"nJII<' I•• I ho l•):c ,.,. n •·rot th•t thrr .. v.111 •~· u ''""'''~' rnwort fnr blulk• ll••tll \''1\h I hi' M.lM6 ----- MW&et Car Createl Deep Envy Is It Percolates lroand Island A biJr:. beautiful automobllt> al· 1 gan work on his "di'E'am car In w ays attract• admlrintt attt"ntlon mlniatun-." U~lng Ford V-R mo- but for shf't'r ~aloos envy, thl' 1 tor· J>41rts, he const n.~rlt"d a 1 on<'· mldcet car driven by Marion Mul· l cynndt•r nint" hor.oco1J)()Wt"r <'nJ:inl', lln1, 206 Apolf'na av<'nUt", Tlulbnu lequinpcd with 11n el('('lric sl:lrl<'r lsh1nd, tops all others. and automnblle gear •hlft ()ver Because Mullin's plnt-slzf'd vr--thf' C'hR~"'~ or lhf' ('8r hi" huilt II hide, six ft't't In h•ngth nnd 34 honrl 11nrt bortv or wntf',....proor Inches willf', carries both Mr. and W<'ldwood. F 011 r whN'lh11rrnw MI"S. Mullins, ~·here thl'y want to) tlrt>~ wrre t•L~I th<' right l'oize for go and what !' mon-. dOt'S so on :\0 "thl' m ld,.l't". miles to a ~.al!~n of Jit&solin<', which I A rontl lf'l't of tht> fini\ht"d pro· Is easy on A cou~s. And, lno, duel. wilh thl" m otor at lhl' rrllr because Its lrmgth IS equal IO lhf' or thf' <"ar lind a onr--~allon lank width or a nonnal aut~moollc, it (or rur>l. !'howrd 9 "cruic:in~:" can alway!\ be parkt"d In town al ~JIN'rl of 45 mil<'~ Jl4>r hour. A rig~t anglt's to the curb, thus m•lghhnr wa~ c:o plPa<NI wilh thc- avolding lhf' perils of parnJid , car thnt Mullin!~ marl<' anolhc-r parking. 1 on<' ror him. Mullin~ who built t'V€'ry btl of AftPr thf' wnr. Mullin!' plan~ a ht~ "mi~:hty midget" ln. his garngt' trip 11round thP world ~'ith hie: at. ~Oml'. fi1'1il got th<' 1dea for thl' fllmily, nbonrd 11 rrrightPr For th€' mlntatur(• construction d o wn , numl"rou~ hind rxcur.ocions plannl'd Mc·xlco way. A yncht. repairman , t'nrout€'. lh<' nnf'·rylindPr motor 1 h\ 1f·ade. hr made drhvery a few job won't be u!tf'd. howC"VI"r, 1\lul· Barbara Scott to Be Christened on Sunday Afternoon Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In SOuth Chapel or tht Santa Ana Army Air Uue, little Barbara Allsnn Senti, 11 Wt'«'ka old, dau(tl· tf'r or captain and .. ,... Alan R. Seoott, wlll play her flrwt stellar r• If' whtn ehe will be chriatened . with CaptiLin Ivan Gonaer o:flclal· In~~: Th.-chriattning robe which ahe w111 wear 11 fa.shioned or tlneat mu111in o'lHfUI!rtely embroidered an..J wa11 thr """ her grandfather wor«- when he was boptlud 70 y«-ant 11go in San fo'ranc~o. lt mcu- urf'll slxly lm•hrs In length. Tile 8a1klrw of Nf'wpnrt Jfar·t".r wttb peat« Lu Mllln a t Uu.• holm njoJed lN larJeat vurwity turn· 'ut aa fta btatory u fnrty·twn r 1\adid&lu checke-d uut rqulpm""' IDilllldlq I 1.-Uerm«-n, IH!w:led I·V .>tclt PW-eman. 190 p<IUnd tackl ... •• _.,.. l"rieta6. tullbac..k . Glynn .... wtncaan, Joe Munl& ruard. • ~ to blfCklnJt t.ck: and obuy 8baler, cmter, All tbeMt a,. raAIIad u lllarte,. 1ut fall l'ad WW carry 111• bnaDt ot tlw · 'aft a.o,.. lbla --alonJC wll h .•t. Dci4AI'u. tackle fron. lut v.r plul .... ,.. ouUitaDdlnc re- IUltl II II <.'Mok ff'<'l lliAI the M.h)r 7 ar .. IHI\MIII'd t'Ofougt\ tu l(lvro thr· S•IIIIJI 8 naahy array o( ml•t•·ru.l 1 ho• <.'••1,. Ant1 Cuok comb~n• v.l'l mulol 1 ho•lr otf,.taf' an•und IIIII 1 •1•Hv ,. c I' hall p a c k., r wh1o ru•tuuroolo •I lh" lfaKU«' la"'t Y"''r v.llh hut uut.alanolon.: piMYIItiC AI~<· ~ruumo ol fc,r bt•r k(u•ld •lui ··-n•·· 1~•1• Taylor, Fn.ncle ll&loll'mlln , '"''''"It'' 111 f""'''" tlttJO "Ill mo·cw and l)aryll 1'\ellllrn, all "' whom I lon l II u II'Am '" "I'""' hy a have ah(IV. n prcrmu.. J rn l'•••k ,. <Nk,.r '""m tlwy v.tll 1'1111 hav•• will leiW1 a heavy Hne cnonpo ... -l •Jf :t r han<·,. ror a Cflmh11ck \\1oth IW'Vrral lrtlc-rm"n lnclullll.ll( ''""' '"''~" f'lllrn. Jltanlf'a II will rr••l\.0 Rthrn, ,.,.d RoniLid lllackw• 11 '''"' lhf' t;on.rn thAI wlu" will Ju8l·r 'ITS •muin& wblt JOU caa do widl tiM oW favorite fooda if fOCI jua rn11111 hs ago of a > acht to Man· •liM now is w ork in~ on a "~uper .wn11lo, Mex., 1800 m1lc>s down the I midt;:C't" automobill', wilh a lwo- 1 1'<11ast A!.hOrf'. he noted, that, dul" 1 cyllndt'r moJor and knw action l lo the rugged terrnln of thnl pnrt I whl"f'l!l Al~o. lh{' seat will be wid· o r the country, and the Mn'OW €'ned In 40 lnchl's. 10 make room '~trt'('ts o( the town, II wns VlriU· fllr Mullins' !'On and dau~:hrer. l a lly Impossible to gt'l around in Il l John 6 and Mona. 8. thus doing I nonnal:slzed automuhtle. aw(ly wllh a trail€'r a ltliC'hm€'nt Fcollu\\'1111;' the cert'mony . lh" guests havt' bt'en invited tu n bur- '\'t supp•l at tbt> home of the voon~ lliBIJII's pnrentB. l!\16 Oc1'&.n bnull'vard. Blllboa. Tholl(' whro will bt• prt'sent ar.., Jofl• F.lo>nnOrl' Lazzarini and Jolia8 Inez ~rtllll'hrra who have been cbono M got.lmoUu~re a.nd William Coll'- man, gt~dratlwr, ull h -om !';lUI fo'r&nr lst'l': Mojur IUh.l Mr~ lion 1-'ry. Capl and Mra Fran.k Cox, Lt. &n<l 111 r11. WUII3m Treganow«-n. Mr. and Mr•. Dean Campbell, M ia ("ynthia Ju,Jaon. and Mlsa France. Connelly 0 I\' c~ ...... rv .. I hi' 1111 .. "' o•hump!!•ll I -.little iruainariott. Take a~aac ........ for iaetaace. If JOU adcl la<"klf': Hnra re flnow. rrnlf'r, """ 'J'tt,. ,. .. ,..,.m will "f'+"" Jllnuary ll eoru celte laYOr to tN. ~.1 clilh, JOG caa tw11lt lnto holida)' ....._ 1 Back In BaJboa Island. he Jx,· , whtrh must be u!Wd now wh('n the ------------------When aened witll piP..• bot ecMr.., )'OU ba~<t a palld •-• for the , ...._ __ ,---~ ..... •••••'-~ U•onu wOOl .. ''""' 'l'u-"Y ""'"ldo,ul A•u•-T'7k ___ n., ... ,.._... )944 o chlldrt•n go along fo r a rtdl•. -------------------- When Your Back Hurts- ~ \0 All• mooc)n 11nol Frloluv I Ct.:hl ' .....au.s CotfH Blanc...,_., art.,..,_.-diM,..._ TJ DE TABLES ' , ho• lrll('k ·-'" Will fiJ'It'n twu I A ward Presented -~ v.••·'.t• """ ~·auao• of '!"' loHif( ,, .... ol 10) tho· 1;1 ol~ Ml'lrtl'ol lm lut.l· FOOTBALLE:Aa AT a .A.J .C. H . I '"'"ko•lha.ll R..On Thl' trn""k 8f'll· HI-I ·-HI-'-Low At Navy osptta I -:.. · h I :.:, '• I.• I I• I 1 .. <''1 ool wloh I. I"' 11 v. Cl't' &" .....,... !;" &if """ V.'ll Opt'n "" ... ,., h ' ,wll rl'ICIJIIlrA la .. t rail, lAtttrm«-D J~ ---II:PTI:MBIEA I f !~'" ramf'oc1 Drf'a n•ln\',. v. ho•ro· t hf I l'o·ulv au1o.J 11111 Ht•l wlll <"llrry lbe 1 A A.J .C.1 IJ ble.NI~ll with elghl IF 29 8 :21 1 :~T 7:51 1:56 At cererrumn held at the Long l iar .•Pik,.aman Uollrullll)' ~;:;"K" hoornc-brunt 11f till' l••rHt 1 rom the quarter ' tm·mer Harbor rootba.llert tnclut.l· ~.0 -0.5 6.1 1·3 ' Bl'ar h Na\'al hospital 111«-Purplt murco hardwa rf' Ia~ r iB 1118 '('ttn and tulll·llo k llf'Oola r<'IIJJI"I'Uvely 1ng Cllrl Oberto, Harbor'• All-Con-S 30 8 :~2 2 :~ 1:5t 2:42 Htori award waa presented Thom· "". 1 V 1 uth,.r IChoo b t'th rt'A& ,.,. "1Y" ,,.,,.., 11 flhrlu UJlt'l l>t to, field a (o·renn man laat fall. Oberlo hu 54 -~0 6 6.2 0.7! lUI Shc-t'den. 2()-ycar ol<l aon of "'I ~ l•tllowtd y " ""-"" m I OCTOBIEA ... 1 Th hJ;ht f1o11 bao k(lt'ool unrl an ""'',...,.t tlwwn rnur b promlee :lnd Improve· Mnr Yvettr Shedden, 15:.!6 Ocean l,,uv r~ tn rrl he ~ovl~e ';;,';"1 11111· ll'll h hulolu,·o•r• U<.>b White at mt'ot tn lbe Do~ backfield Coac.b' Su. 10 :01 3 :49 1:34 3:27 f'rr ni. "'1 1 1' h lnllioWf'd ~~• 1 .,. ·"<'re or ''""· J oohn l~;.t;rlj! ot '"' lch-, a.nt.l BUl Cook •aid Oberto remlnc!Jl blm 6.0 0.2 6.1 0.2 Hf' enllat~d In the navy a week CHOOSE~ OW FOR HER- • Canwo Rillg'!' • Birthstone Rings • Pendant C~'i£'1' • Bra<X>Iets' • eo.twne J~·t'lry FOR HIM-- • BUI Folds • Key R1np • Coln PurJe • Comb and Brush • IUnp of 8t)W ... n.. ........... ., GJ.lEETINO C~RD8 To lla8 to Their tliead• . L () U C 1\ J am Newp.rt ....... P'IL tue-a •• o •• Q · ' "' v.1..to tJH'lcou nut " ""' 1 I ~ • to·ot ~ ·4t , ..... , 4•f4 1 L.. rl(u .... n &I l;t'lll<i of .lo)<' Margu<"c , tii·Don llt.ar. -· • · '"· v."' · alll'T Pearl H&J bor. and acrved twu "'~11" f'111to 11 A h'l\ ~ 1, "' .. I• ul'"rt~ Bill Ne111, anuthn H&rborite 6.0 -0.2 5.1 -4.1 y«-ara In the 801.1111 Pad flc u fire- ! H1~h hrut a t11r "'"'I "' •o •·Mdl-t 104:.! champloo equl\d l , ta puahlniC Tu. 3 tO:M 4:26 11:13 5 :03 1 man. ftrst <"I BAs. and Willi wounded .I o· k llr tnlco•rhnlf I(Uilr<l Th•· •llllf'll, much 111 nllo·r than uJU&I nHr nil Oppt)DIUon at runninc 6.1 0 3 5.2 -4.2 on Christmaa dny or Jut year. Hie ~ .. In!~ "I'"" th .. 1944 ..,.., .. n t••· rror thAI ln~t•tulloo• Amon~t tM j.:uar..l•pot. Dill 1\aa a c11p~lllc re· Wd. 4 11:13 6:04 12:10 6:45 1«-'t leg WllJ! 11pllntf'rrd by lbrap- n .:ht In thr Ranta Ana bcowl 40 "'" 1; ll'lte1rn••u mrludlng Loee l lltrvt ln !1ery Chuck Dennla. gu&r d 6 1 0.9 4.6 -4.2 nel from a Jap dive bomber shell. C>l:lllnat lho f oovrna Colt.a. Shannun. •~•m•l r·husle&t pivot f1 om lll.llt ycnr'a H:u bor varsity. Tb. :I 11 :1>4 5:42 6:S2 1 and he hu r..cc.-nlly unt1tq;nne th,. I Hr rr ,. Crt't'n. &e m,.ntur .... man tn thr II'III!Ut· laat fall: AJ Bill l'la.nag11n Ia r.lao holl.llng hla 0.8 1.5 0.1 thlnl operatlun on it. I"'' I .. tlll"Uif'r <'h"mJIIf•IIMh•p ''"" Mt'rum rf'guiar lnr kle; Art Uut-own u a bft, k. Othl're out are CNtw d•flllhl ••1"1 U-1 I Hla gTandparenlll, Mr and Mra. I ll'ndrr tn llwt ~ ~e tumoulJI I v.lllo•r, gul\rd; G··nf' Shafer, bulky Ol<"ll Compton, Jtfilt John • on, Llpt nl\lru &. m • darll fll\lrM p. m. L n•l!lfonharJ . Allin llvr at 111e flrangl' lll«h Sehool'• Panthl'rJ ~1111ro1 lh.ulot Y:tri.Junlugb, blw:k nogn Nrth, and C11ngman MUier. Tid• are plared In order or oc:cunoence. O<"eM Jo)'llnt adl.lru& . , ''oil he-thf' tra.m to watch IJ lh"l '""h<> 11\W Ill lit '" lhon a t lhr rl~ ' Olfol trnm lhC' pe•o plco "In thr (of n ... lii'IUW!O b<·· llllooo• 11( lj IJr<lkm kn " .• 1'\t'W CO&<"h •tan~hall I .AI · ltnklo• 1111(1 Uu I : ooto!o•ll otiiiO • 1 '' "'l'lrtiOII that lhr PanUwr~ hack !'ltruw h8• ~ ~r r1'1•'• ( a'flll' 1\ .11 ,,.. a ,... JUVInale\1 oulfrt v.•l111 bllf'k~ hut 111 11h• rt n tm. 1~'"' er ·' ooptc tt 11nd LM will tu ~" Thf' ''""·'"' will ,, 1~•111 1~ anol ' • • "h Latlrner hu 7 not urr••nl( C' l<'llnuo thlll yl'llr ('unr h HIU"'Od I It lo c Ill t tl, all well ac'&Jktnf'd 1111'Y 1 lloop'kuo" l~trm,.r I\' o•l Orance. "r •' llerb ~u. all a rnunJ llltl k tn.k•·• over lh<' r c•A• hlnJ: dutlea of f1rhl lllar, who Ia a~ l••ll tn 11h1)\\ ('O&.r·h Ryan 111 All!lh• 1m llop- 1 lo•l"' ool atutr 1111• Y"llr . £AI ~rhrlol·l klns met G5 bo\'11 1 ro thc grid In· I my,.r, 1!110 a back: Dob Pf'stolc>el, dtr<lln~t only :! ro•s:ulora IUld ; , \ '"'<:' D<l all·lf'a(Ue IJU!l )'f'ar at "chl,l lett"rml'n J1.,n 1\1\urr will hoill Jo 'l"t d lfurlln, ~•rd : La Vo·m., 1 lht' rd~:TU In lbt b.u,kJjelo.l aloeJ 1 J"'noll bArk: C <'nt' ~norbo•roou.:h 1\llh \'~m T otunll o priJmiJ ij! l!lllllfl nnot J•aul Zln<. 11 pro•l!luotoo.: to:ll'lc r•n-1 Plo k Zt•r•m!'nrnn, lll'l<t 1 111 k \\'Ill• "" aJI Vt•lrrnn luu k 11 ••~• k J,lnf'mlln hAt'k are Sbnn· 1 • I I llnol 1\ ho•n''Y t'lCIH!rll'lll • ol l<il•l 1 "" l• ·loll Ill lnr \clo·. I I• o , ,. til 11 • l'lllllh•·r" ""''Ill tl•·l rollol\ llitllllll~ol l:o k , Jtlll ll••ll•o· II l•un tuV.,.to·h" l\\oorl11. l•lllo•r untl Jflllll'll ;llo· 1111111,. n ..... ""'' II 111111• "' ... 411 Jloourolol '·" kl·· Thl'll" oo~·· "1'1 ,, rl •l J•O!f'lllla ltlu• loot I\" oi l l o """"''". mp\·lllloon loy .... , .• llo .ol'c• 1•111 """' :olto·n f'l loo 1 ·II ,, '' ol l.oolrc ''I' l o•ou, th•• D t••nm • l• li \\ 1lh t:,! Ut"ptr Ulll"' .u "'· t I J\l.o.,\J lHl Ul•• tt•··t• I I,.. \ -·~-, J't 1 IIIIo: ll1o ollll !.11 ld o• oo( 111•k '1"11 II 'llll\ltl o••. "r',p · ~ho·u•• •~ 11 hot 1~'''""'""'' . T h•• ,., "' -1. 11111 1~ • l••r l••lh I olooolol n1111llwr l"l' no•lo ho•t otl 1111•• ttnol I' tMII \\lilt tlw I ''• f'IB\1111: ,, •IICto n ll•·•uh. ~UI"llllh h!' .,.,,,.,. o•llntl ,. .. h n v.lth ~'\Jil••rtun :u ol I hnl Ulr Oll•·n• will bf· 11~ hi In t h o• flolln~·· lllltlollo• or. 1 1110~11. 3~ ~,;rlll~!o>f'M ool:hll! C"O<"rol~lfl !'UIIIll'l I.Aai(ICfl 1-khtd· • Get Your Office S~pplies Today FAST SERVICE! REASONABLE ~PRICES! .. \\'~ nrf' mnlntaining ns complrtc n linens po<:sihle of all th<' things you n('('(i to.help you 111 ycotlr hu ... int~:-... -ri!;ht lwrl' in to wn "o :t<: In san• ~ou time and lra \'CI. I}c ~urc to ask us if Wl' ha vc \\ h:lt you need. Some of these are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve the right to limit quantities: sales tax not included. Avnilabilit:v Certificates Billhcads. Ruled-plain or printed 81':? x 7 to 14 Binder. 3-ring 8'1..! x 11 sheets '$1.25 ~li _Register Rolls. all makes ~x ~-Inch clear ind6 tabs Clip and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up Cll~. Bulldog and paper, asstd sizes Columnar and Accounting Pads. all sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Dally Analysis Sheets. 500 for S5.50 Daily Cash Sheets·. 500 for $4.25 Datt>rs. 75c Desk F11es, letters or legal size Envelopes plain or ruled Paper. bonds, thin pnpers. colors or white, all sizes, typewriter, mimeograph Paper clip:; Payroll Records Paste Pencil~. lead, colored, china marking, indelible, automatic, steno"raphJc Pencil leads Pen points. All kinds Pri<X> Book Fillers, 8Y2 x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener, chlna Ready Master carbon forms Reception Cards printed to order Receipts OPEl IllS II LIGUlA BEACH Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, y.•hite. all sizes, plain or printed Erasers-Art Gum. typewriter, Klenzo Pendl-type Ribbons. all makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads' .. MEl AND WOMEN Neeclecl for VItal Defense Work ReQUJn:ments: e Availability Certificates e Proof of C.it izenship e Social Security Card -APPLY - COISOUDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT .. ~ -CORPORATION 01111112wt • oa a. ......._ ..,... ...... ,, .. c.-c ........ ._.. I ll k a.-S e I I z ~ r I I C IETIIOD A -:-Alka-Sellur, rt.ari tnldl'lf it at. once to r1'1ie,.,. tho I •ull, Achln~r llrad, and the ~~ 11!, Bol'\l ~lu~dt'~. I -n r • on·ful. 11\'ni..t t.!rn!tt and · l llol.!rn d o:l11l;t'S in to nq wra- t ul"t'. r,,. I -pr<'f•·ra! ly in twol. h C'<'I' wnro11, rnt ~•·r.,i­ ·, illy, olri·k rl,•r.ty oC ""''''or !rut! j.a. • •. 1:~ ~Ur\' tv t~t en.•u~:h \"otnn •••. c -c m r. rt ~-.... , :-· •r(', li'I•J'Ir 'J'l.rnnt. if o .o. i I \' tl o , of by £':lr~;.r .: "''h '''··• :-:,:t: ror. J( (o\of o! .• :., \•r ·~ II•J • · I' • t.. . r·1 ,. M ru 11 '·'" r .lll ~ r ,1 ,..,,.,, A 1 i\ \ .:1 I I , 1 1: 11, , , •• a I • • anJ uc .. , _ ,, "~.' 11 pntn 1"\'-, ".n T.1l.;• it !·•r ""'''""• ,.,. 1u fl'll\tn" I ,._, f• r I 1· uft StHtn•• h. '' h• u , .• _ L~ ~J \A , .t l h)IJ'I I'h a _,J, , At yot.:T' 11-.~ '' r -fAt.,. I J'Ad.arc •or. :-:~. ' , _, ll)f, byth.-cl,.~•;,•" , · '''"''· T .... ~----------------------------~~---- typewriter erasers Estimating Sheets File Folders. manila. all cuts. letter and 1epl s~. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 ~le Guides. prestboard. Jetter size, $2.25 Flllt>rs. notebook. punched, ruled or plain Glassine Bags · Gummed Labels Indexes. all sizes Index Cnrds. ruled, all sizetl Inrlex Signals Inks Writing, bottles or quarts St<'ncil. inrlclible, lnd!a. stamping. Inn•ntory Sheets Ledger Binden;, S('('tlonnl post type ~al Forms. notnry, <'fc. Lcttcrh<'lHi~. n!to;trl. stock!! anct rolnr!i printed 1\!'; (X'r your instructions ~ l.A'Af Flll<'rs Merch:mrli!'e Ta~ Mimrogrnph Stencils. take 81':! x 14 sht"et Mucilage Rulers Sales Books Sales Tax Exemption Cards, Fonn No. 103 Signs, For Rent, For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stationery of all kinds Statements, 81h x 5'h Superdex Roll Labell Thumb Tacks Typewriter Paper. white or canary aeconds Typewriter Ribbons, all makes Letter-Size File Alphabet GUIDES Letter-Size Manila FOLDERS 11 Point; SCuta Pf'r $325 100 Newport BalbQa News-Timesl •• t w. O.tnl. Newport 8Mc!tl 0 ,... 11 ucl IS I ============---------------:-------...::_HE~WI'O~~a'I'-~~LU.-o~~~~A~~N~&~W~8~-fti~~-~ID.~:._~N~ew~,_~ .. ~ .. ~·~Jill~--.~~~ ,..,....,, IIJtls•u 11, ''" ........ ~~B . P ·f· S u~~~wm T~k-C~~N-~-&-~-~-r~~~~~ 'I'BICA'I'E& OYS In aCI IC ee Feature Races at 00 ar Amel Boldman T B E A T E R L J S II wun't a mN~th l'f n&t'tly rMt ~ 11 1• • ..._ hrtdaa ~ •t ,. a t :t5 Mat1-llataMay at 1 :U c-u.-8wwlay from ! :10 E-.... s I an Clemente I B F that Am•l Jl4llltman hu jlUit fla· ~ =:.:~\~ : ong ap trugg e .:~:;~ ·~··:~;· .~:.'::'.. ·~ ... :: ut orgot ~=~-~: ··:.~·:c:;.:~:::,.:~ IEoiWie ll • . a&. &alMa .. n~t"rt. • s.t. ftaN. ·. f'rt. • Sat. 1 Bob C ra1't• 11t t hr 11,.111 l'lllton ""~'~'· L • "•"•lntan tamtly h:w• R fin• n«'W ~Wie Ally-• Olona Dt-Bavn .arrlnf'r of Ralbo/1 hlanol I rf'n•l•rs Is li!ftll IUIII WC"ml"'">od n 8an l ,, nll'nlo• Smull\\ ( lc l 1 t '""llf' -·hll'll ... , llol•'m c ... built at .. ........ __ ... _ ....... n...--.. young<·"'' jurl.:e thl' City ,., ... r had.,-·111 be-I006lh on morale. Thry IHI un"' . . oca I On the• l'llfl11'f ,,, l!iUt And Wr•tmln· • ·-...... _, _..... .. ... l ' r I It, '"'"I'" •·• "' ~t .. rkrlf-o..-Allea, lD anu \lmO .~ or lht> u n,hllka hlo• thntf'ffilt OC<'&.~Ion "'"' mt'l"f'tV bf' Bmlr~· I •trr llun n.: hllo tWII fortnt.hlll "BAIL COSQUERL~O opinion that Nrwport 1\t'llt'h Is th•· anotht>r strp In " long ~tnd bltH•r • r 11 """' fr1•m th" It ,. l'arker He~l "1'\\'0 OlllL8 i\ND d 1 1 " 11 proo.,:r~t,rn ,,( 1:1 ''"•nh A SAILOR" grnn I.'St Jl arc n I hi' W(lrlc1, 1~ hfhl. Anrl thl~ I~ a Vl'l')' bltttr f••llurn 11,1 ~''" ,, .. ,111 Uu• llllh'NI ,,1 Tiw Jll>lwr llr•' pn•ll)' bUll)' tl\4'114' Jo:.tat• otnl'f' '"'lth 'fl'hk"h h• 111 &0" Muahsl. "Cant.,.. llomaftC'e" Cartoon • Sport. • Stw• ocain In lhl' South Pnrlfic nnrl nnr oot h••N'. ~oin1: on unck•r C"'r''· ll St 1 r ~ dii\'S •U•'\'I"ted (' 'I B-' 1 ~ ""'I ,.,. t htn•nro• l 'pton, J 1 · · MIUI&cal, "lkvlval of Charm" ounc1 mnn '"'A lo•n hAs rc'('l•l\'o•rl dttinns thnt arr l:l'nt•ntll)' wone w \\.ot u. 1 :-;1,.". I "11th' ~l'htW C F. l.o~•v1•t'llll:. !'111\ Wr·~t 6th YOt1R ICYD AU Tll8 UOIIT OP AJIEIU()A Sua. • Mon. • Tun. · ('artoon • Nl'w• 8 lr tlcr h-om him from whil'h "' thun thns•• In tht• EUrllfll'an lhf'a· Bel!tY \' y,,l'hK, I' G. 'Atw.~:l dn-.•t, Sn11111 Atilt, lolflnl'\1 hi• '32 Sua .• Moa. QIHII(' I hi· rollowin~o: ('l(('('l"fl''' Iter and 111:1\in~l 110 t•nt•my whn ill O•·•r..:o· ~"···~··· :"\o >Ah \.'AI JC'r l!Rr-C';twvrnl••t tu II mAI'illl', h•• ,, .. I~ Du-• AJu Manhal la 1 "I nm now In Aclmaral N tmlt7' ht1n11'r to ri~o:ht bf'<•nusc hf' cloc• tll•l F:n..:ll~l\. ~ .. ,. ll·~·k.,ntrnlth, Uutl J'l)rtt'd In pulk •• Tiw mArin!' h111t Ludlle Ball • Dk'k Powell In stnff ;and or I"'lii"'SI' h1• dor•n't mnk1• not I< nnw how to ~urn•ndl.'r and Sharlll', 11,,1 h Him 1 11 fo' , not mrulo• ntr with ttw l'llr, ht• "~I:F.T THI: PF.OPLI:" 11 mow• without fln.t con~ultlnt.: mu~t bt' du~: out 11nd f'l\lt-nnlnatt'd U n)d l;nl\'''' (; · 1 M .ud~, 11\I'N·Iy ml~plm•,.d 11. nrut 1"1>uhl m•t ""''I'E WHITE ('UFt'8 <'•rtoon · Ne14•a nw. It is n w•t·y n·,r~nn~ihlo• flO'•· nn1• by nnt> with a MthSt'Qtwnt Syk"r" Ho" · 11 umnlr • T,.,, ~· 1 n •ml'mh.•r "'1wttwr II wn~o In Nrw· lion rhnn~:inj: tho' piiJil'r tnwrl~ In henvy toll of Amt•rknn livo~ It '~ u.t 1:l'~l t:•• 11, 11~';1"11' "'111 hn• II JlOrt .,,. llltlhun ol1 Will' t•Vo·ntunlly OF DOVER" DUIM!y Cartoon • Ne- Wednetlday Only lada CIUio,,. Ia "LOUI81ANA HAYRIDE" alao "()OST.U. COMMA~D" Cartooon a Tt'OV1'1 Ttaun,. Od. 5 '"MB. WINKLE GOES TO WAa" TueL . Wed. Mickey Rooney -:.• Lewta Slone ... "i\SO\' HAAD\"8 BWNDE TROUBLE" Muwal, "Showboat 8e~n.ad41" 8Uf!!!F Man a Tr.\'PI Startlnc Ttaun .. Oct. 6 "TilE FIOKTISG SEA·BI:£8" C'om.lnc: "Up 111 MaiMII'• Room"· "Butfaio .. Kid Glove IUller", BUt", .. \\laat a Wo· man," .. Lady lD die Dan." "Ghotlt . Catdlen," +<J't8 • Up G irl," .. \\'1111 .. CUff• of Dover," "'I-111 1lld1aaa," "Story of th<' hPnd t'Vl'ry cia~·. If J mnk(•l a ml'nn war ancl will not t.H." oYt'r All , lncntl'd ~0.'111, I hnv•• a rhnncl' of work· for a long, lon~; linlt'. It I~ pill· war hi~·:··" "r• ';~ $toO '""" $100 r A. rnnlrtwll, :.'91:1 Wt'!ll C'l'n· '"1: up to ~Wt'(•pin~; out h i' Jll:r· 1 lui Pl•yond dl'l<l"rlptlon tn ~N' thf' '11 1111't "' uaual J OOd I rill nv••nu•• tnld Jlt'>llco• th11l 11 ':l!l sona l ulfil't' All kiltctinJ: 1181fft•, it o•vo•r-prl'8('nl lonlinN•s of thl' nwn. C'~••llol •~ '''I~'' 11'•1 ln t~l tt•nd lh•• M1•rt'11ry. lh'''"''' numl.,•r 9·4·9:.>::.'0 is ~uppostofi to be-a pr.•ll v I(OIIfl i Tho')' liN' 1<0 IOt'll'ly foil' 1 ht•tr wivrs ., r nt 111 1 11'' 11""' • whlrh hu be•n whlda hu•t '""'" "h>h•n fn •m ht~ job to ho' un lht' i\cimtml', nnrl rt\lTliliN', It's oil tlwy talk ~ r••t•UIIIr lhtM IUillllH'r hl'Oiho•r-ln·IIIW In llllntnrd In i\u· strut So I ~:ur~>,. I'm ht>rmt-.'(1 uhuut an<l think nt~n~ll And j.:u•t hncl I""'" "'"'" In ~~~ n llowcv1•r. I had for thl' In"' l'"o clnmn1'<i nt•ar l.'VI'l) .. no• writl's 11 Lloyd Whitlock. 1 A \' S<·nnl.m. :.'\)'.' <l:!n•l """"''· a nd o hnlr ~~·nr-. homhnrdt'<l th•• INtl'r a day homf' with th\• n-gu· , t\'IJ"r11'<1 tha t thl' tnnk of hi~ Ford ~avy With rt'\IUi"'' lnr. lind J :hu lty or clcockwork . 'nll'rl' Is no Old Fireman h:uJ ...... n III'Bin•~l "' ltvt• l:lllll'flll of QUOit• 'II morl' 111'11\'1' pnr1 In tho• way to 1'\l'r Jl<l)' tht•!<(' m('fl for ' .:n~ohnr. I wa r l'lfon'. SJ'K'(·lrknll~. I n •· I' h·· ml'ntsl ,sulfl'n ng thl')' havr Replaces C~aig I ~l:t. John 1'11" ··II. :!~'!1 I ., .... A\¥• QU~">It'd rluty wilh thl' nmphthtou.' gonc through. «'SJX'('inlly lhl' t~ldc-r nm•, Rltlhon l~lnnct. ro·porti'Ci thAt forcE's. Finally, llfll'r tralnm.: on unt~ '"hn haw r hildrl·n. Th«'Y al-, 1 -1•..: lh:ht~ ~111d lic't•n tnk••n frt>m hill the l'a~t roao;t for ~be munth . 'I m ost 1:11 crazy thmktn6l of thf' ..llo\'•1 \.\'hil ll~ k "h" ''""'• "!:" Fnrd V·R whwh '""" tlllrkl'tl In was lt«'nt ht>N' to Amphab unly to yt•ars In thl' llv<'S or thos..• ch lldnon u.nt, 1" I•· 11 '1'''1''"" '"' '"·· '''" "')nt or hl11 huttw be-ktdnappcd nnd ~:1\nn~::hal••d up tht>y arc mill.~lnl( Thct don't mind or .:'ll,.~·r·•rt ~acb, p&.ld bW ol4 Mlu Don~ "''''''· ~ < >.-. .. ,n two•· Comlq: "Mr. Skefftal'lon," "Home 111 IDclliUia." "Story of Dr. w ... u." "Un c e r tal n OloJ')'," '"llallil&atr Beauty," "And the Aqels 8lnc," "M ark Twaba," .. o,..._ Seed," .. Dou· ble IIMienlalt7"'. Dr. W-'1" . 1 her.• to tho• Olym pinn hl'ights or lalthoul(h no on.-is f1X1hsh l'nouch rhtlf ~rank 1 rotk"r ,. vt••t to.U.y nul', lluntan.:tolfl lwnt'h, had all •••••••••••••• the staff I am not Jlllrtlculnrly tu~~ay thry enjoy I cltsc•omfort. dan· &Dol 11111'1 h•· ""'' '"'"" f'ltu·f'<J In h1•r A anct C ••••utlnn• takt•n from • happy about it tM-cnu!ir 11 Is k ~:rr, wounds, dl•oth, but thf'Y do ~'bar·.·· "' 1 "unt \ •ltlltr·thutlon fur h••r c•ar wlwn It WIUI parkt'tl at ---------------------------., 1 job and m Amphtb I w nn u hall' to IX' sw ay from thdr faml· the ~hf'll Ptl l'o. wtt h hf'll•l· 1 Balbo~:t HEIMII'S MillET 1101 cJat JDcbway-Corou del liar Phoae Newport 179 ship. Uut, whnt t hl•ll, · rhod) 11il's. It's quill' o problt•m , quar1"1" In ~""'" AnA C'lh'<l nn ~l"'<'<lin~ chiU'II"" Wt'l"i' has to do thill. The only way I'll 1 "Well. l'nOU~th of that mort>ld Wr Whlll"' k ••llll\1'1'" Allan 1 RJiymonll 131'~1. S11n ~arlnn , Ml· gt>t 11 Purple Ht>nrt ht>l'f' I to hn\'1' ,.ub,l\'<"t. J muM Jtt>t bn(•k to m y Ctlllg, fotr WAn In lh•l I'"""""' 1:hnc•l Malont'y, S11nt11 AnA; F.u· $0m('()fte drop o t)'(l('Wri!l'r on my !·paper-pushing·, Say ht•llo to the but v.•hac h lw hnd I•• rl'llnqulah nn 6lf'nl' C'artl'r, Irwin Apt a.; {lobrrl heud. bo)S at Rotary fnr nw tiiMum· &CI'I)I.Hil ur ht'ulth Hrpc>r1a ar"l U 'l', S1111 f)l••.:u : P11vltJ Tnylvr. 1111 I "The lot of s<'I'VIl't' me n hen> In inQ; tht'rt' is anyonl' lhert' 1 11tUI that bt· 1.11 lrnpruvtn..: 111 hi• rnr · C"'OII.<~I hlahwAy; Kurt L. Oauf'r, E1 thl.' Pacific is not a particularly know ,l'' nm• •h-I Mur h••n11• Mre. C"raltc, Toro Mnrln•· hn"', l't'<'kh'IUil rtrlv· happy onr . Many of them have Slncef'l'ly, wh·• w11,. ,.w·fr ty t'tlll"' on lhr ln~r, Loui• On>t•r, San Marlnq, and 'lx-cn hert' a terribly long timt. ROR GARONI::H NewJ·Tim•·~ prl•>r ln an I'Xt1•nolt'ol Clfl ,~pt"''dlntt nn lht• bay, A. J , Mt•ri· I They ft't'l rather ~~enslllvf' over the --_ •t.ay In A11r un11 wUh Mr l'rAI.C. kel: San Gabriel. emphasis that h•• ~x-en placed on No·vel n.·splay .. now n1tl\ th• hllrh.... • •• p •• r,. I the European wa.r and ft't'l 8 little IDf'fll I Miss Jane Flinn tlike forgotten mf'n. This stuff At H ' Sto B B 'd ' they l'('lld about plan.s being mactt' ay s re Mrs. Earl Graham ecomes n e an '------------------------'for a 'V-day' Whl'n Gt>nnany liUI' 0-Ora.nge Church 0n .. of tb.. m• .. t aurar uv• oc-riously Ill in Meats-Staple Groceries -Fruits Vegetables-Milk-Eggs Delicatessen Items Beuoaable PrieM -Prompt Service ..... r •• In lh4' Balboa ., •• -·m re-Santa Ana Hospital •ull trom alt•n~llon• now belnl MIUiy ('n•L• l>f i'M friPIIdll wiU I mR4)<' In thc-filly L iquor •lore <"' Ill' Unii.,IRII y l!lli'N'IItr•t In lhl' n"w" tht' cornl'r of Palm unol Bay av-fo~lrnolll l•f Mr• l':ftrl •OtRhAm "' lh,. ,..'(',.nt mArrl~t· nf Mlu I .. nll4'11 Th<' ownrr, Volney Hay. 381 3 r oaat boulrvAr•l. will til' I f~mdtnr JAil" ,.,Inn Alit "''"V" 110rry t" hr11r lhttl ""'' unolrrwPnl 1 olllll~othlrr •II !tol l n11ol Mu ~~row•t 111 making all!'rutlnnll wh!l'h In· tluoll' rnslalllng a Ill'\\ tllf' n oor, a arr"'11" "l"'f"111"1 "' !'11\nt.O An•J ~; Jo1tnn, '"' mrrly ut I hi• ''""' "''W r.-llt~. anol rt'oiM'ttraUoo Cornmunlt" hnoorttlll "" ''"'"''"'I munlly !lOW llvlnJC Ill Oranll" l lhrouRhQul, In Sp&nlsh ..cyl«' momlnJt Shl' will not bf' abll' to lirooum .. r J.llru• ,.11nn •• L.t 1 Jll 1 be ll<lmf' t or lwn W4't>k ~ I AIIIUI I. .luni'A, t tRNH, •on nr "'r 1 A dll!Jllay window ha11 ~n con-1 - d h r " h Two tlRIII!hlo•r~t nr Mr a.n.t Mr• ""'' l\.tu l"tnnlo·v """'""" .lllllr• etrucl<' In l r orm of u ... p&niA 0 h I hnu..,., about 1~ ft'o•l In !II~«'. IUid r~t &m "h" hRVI' IH'f'll ''l•llln~t I"' l'lltnf'l·or ' Ohlr • Ill ... r I .I In Pnrtllonol I"''""" t •. I" I n,," '1111' VIOIIIII: '""''"' ''""""''I llu•or \\' uoo' """'' nr hf' uiiiJ•IMy of h " I ,::lfl J•nrka,::es. The wnrk on lhla om~ Hn ~''""1"V t .. 1"' with Mr 11"1h ""'1 ~w .. l tv Ill lh• l't••..toyl .. r· 1 WW< olc•n•• by Ll. Tben~lor<' i"dellua Gr"'ha"'· ttl l h" fllmlly """"' Ttwy ' lttn r'llllrl II Il l I''""!:'' "II II I'' f n .. 1~ I I I •• are t.!ill.tJ Vh•lt't (~Rrr>t>nlf'r an1l J.frll, lt"h"il II M 1 Auh\ ro•noll11.: t hr I'' ""' 111" 8 llll< · Arll!lrottn~; .. r. Ro11r A • •I• l111r lllay In th(' stnr~ l.tJ J nhn Gll.ffnl'y. I I >' 11'111 11·•1 '"'''" 1 '111 !\'I ttl( " I'"'Y"' rmrtner '"'lth Bob Hoyt and Van I• •11k lottr•·•t wllh " "'"''' "', hl•l I ~trklt' I~ the Arrow pofllllftr ~our FriendR l •h~ brl(l!.' wu I:UWilC'd '". r·b&nn·l : "'j!ht llt'o·ln~ boat I And Ml·no 1n11 ,.,,.,. '"" k, "'"k ,,.,.,,,.., "-1 h IJH th nnd ~f •\•;"" 1.,,\\tl•·t l.tu .. Meet to Discuss .. ·'";,";"':·;~, .. :;··:···~: ".·.:·•·;·.', ;,:·~: Pr I Vl"ltnr~ ''"'' tll<t r •t 1, •fil l· I IJ,,.,.,' tl I\\ l'>•r 11 11 I oh ems of Cubs ..... ,. .. Mr~ Arthur 1..-mkl' end •I I IIIII 't ',, I "' ,.,.,,,, .... luufi!hl,, r.,.,,, ... "',.. .. , ,11,1,, 1. ""'·"'' In• th• • tf '' • I• r tt , One of the Many Interesting Features to Be Found in the NEWS· TIMES ANNUAL To Be Publish~ Tuesday, October 3rd 1.t0t)t ~ltf••Jr.:.t•ltl t luunnan nf ,,u n.,:-;,,..,,,,,. ,·,,,"' l l tll'tk ' "lt .-'''"" \ltlot J ,ru •111·1h l ,, ''•hl ln.: .,, th•• t )ra11a.;t• Etnp r-•• "' Onrr.r • ',.,,,,,.,, I IHt l " 11. h ........ 1 \t• a • 'nun• •I Ann••U_Iw,.•l ''"' '' ~fr• Ftl•'" I· '• .,., ~ •J•phtr• ,,It • "''' .fuf ''I • •II•" u• I '" •• th "' \\ tll t;tlll \Ve'\tt~~~W··I. n nl u •nul ..... l<nJbr.,. l"'lnn., '• ''' • • "" t • 1''•••1•11-t••l f f"ll q,, t "\• PUIV '' .. ,.n t -k 11 • ll r··•••u ul 1 ' 1 ·I t t• '''' u( C'lahtnn.:. U••v ~··nut!\ ufl ,....., t ... "'* \\ t ft• r ...... ,, r ·'''' fll-:• ''" , \tl\f'IH:t =" .. :l Par k llV('OU•'. JI,Jt-n Af •t•tr•h r '"'''" ,,,. ttffll"'''''''' •• ,,,,11 1\ltl lt rtn ="•·w Yl•rk ('1\\', will lw In Rnr t i\ ~llrftn1l11 ,,. hu1ld 111; to 111 " 1,;,m , lhl: :<1 llh• l 'ttl\r•l~tll\' "' Arl;tron'l WE 8PECIAUZIC . . . uw nnt to ~· In ala llnee ot du\1 to wtn the war. l'tw,..for. your •Y" It work deMrw lpKial oCUMideratlon •.. thf'y tt.Nrw to be ,twn the ••PI'r t eurnlnatlon UMI tlttln• exte!MW to all our ll"li'Ona. Ia ()ANNINO FRt111'8 Cannihl' Tomatoea N uw Ia Reuon UF.T TIIDI AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 1734 N..wport Blvcl. DR. II. D. ()RA W1"'U OPTOME11\JST ~~ N~_,.n ··~~~ O.ta ............ C.ta •- Crtdlt -r.mw Brokflfl ....,_ The Famoua S~~ , .. ''CRESCENT '' lltllnu .. ~ CapL Geor•e McMillan STILL LEAVING DAILY at 6 A. M. SCOTT'S LA IIIII (a...Jst I I flw ... ft lin ,, ........ Jftl Oiili( -.....,. " ............ Fisher11~en! • Boatnten! Gear that· Your Boat Needs is Obtainable through llf:AUCll lA~&Tt:IL'4 a.·oR Cushman Motor Scooters • \\'tlt'CJ'C. ('f'il lo<lld•·ll I l:tnlw~tn• • John>Um OuthonNIH . I Alia on ~unc.J,;y t k 1 ,h,·r )(lh t h "' tJ will lt.t\'• t lh t, lr• .. • h•, nn•l t ·n rn •·ll IH n ~rutltHtl t• ••t t ''"'' I I .. rr""""' at fl '1:1'1· ·•~t··r In 1:•111111 l'•ltl•ol l-ollolo• 1'111\•1"11\ '"'"'''Ill IIIIIJ•It•·l • l 'ulnl~ llncl Vllrnlsht'h ~h-..·~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~.~~ ----~~---- : • Cu .. ctunnn Sc OUtdiU U.S. Nu:r Atr Pbo•\" .Stx blu'lf'S at rest rn one of the goganrtc hangars oJt rite L'T A ba.sc ntar Santa Ana 'Theu h4ngars art the farst of a u rres nf the largest wno4cn srrucrurts m the world, prov;de prou cuon and atn~cc· mg sf4tton for the flut v.•h!Ch ('rotcciJ ~ltc wa.u ·lult of the Eln·cnah ]\a1·al DIStn cr ' If you are not already a subscriber of the NEWS· TIMES beHer place your order now I for a copy of this beautiful ••• · THREE COLOR MAGAZINE 25c per Copy NEVVPORT ~ BALBOA ·NEWSiJ..'r TIMES 3011 Weat Central Avenue Phonea 12 -1~ Newport Beac~ 1111( Ana AVI'Illll' I" lonvlllj: 11 , "' IIIIo 11 Th~ mc•f'llntt Will ht· h•·ld 11t tlw rrorm hoM •!loll<'~ Ill th,. l:o•'Vhwuul l"purg"''" ll!'ht"'l Ullol tunum !•tMt "1118 rl•'l'"l. Md U lt'r vi .. Unr bl• hlu• k. !'c>ulh BmJHiwuv s1111t n ""'''"· Mr• .,.llton 8ha.ller of ,\nn at 2.30 p.m · · ~··rlh lltollvwrwwl I• gnlnl( on in l..'\lbblng Ia ~ t.hll prOifi1UD fur UaJI y,.~lllf, !'>/,. V forr a Wl'l'k h00)'11 9, 10 and 11 yeRr.tJ of age. IUid Ount.a "'C:"IIIIy •of :Maj<~r 1111•1 111 r11rrled on by 11 loca l ,;roup "' ~ .... Rt.l)f'rt IIA!OIIuu" 11\fl(t ~""' h ••olunt Pf'r lrtulf'rll In th1• nl'llo:ll t.or· Rlly F'rnnt "••ro· 1.1 "'"' M • M A r U.P. PROMOTION • Fit h•r Y u1'111 I top • • Mooring l-~111lpnwnt 911 Coast Highway . : • Columhln l 1f'UII('IIon • • t • StnlullC' Motor Oil Phone Newport 184 f'Ritl t: Jh·••• h, ~'hn h r-11 twf"n """'~Into ol "llh llol \'t'l111'111j! tt• I IY Ill<'• nf llor 11nl(ln l'n• ltlc Hllilrllllol fur 1~• )•t·""· lw~t •~•·•·u nl•l .. •lfll•·•l lfTfvrrtlwtn~ u~:• "' '"' 1 hi' nltlrnart'M 1 fttr """h·rn l••tttl••rv. ,.lit' •·••dlnf tlh lulr (1luio'~ 10: l'ol lll•'l ~----------------------------~ hon.l In whh'h tlw boy llvr 8 1 ttur T••J'hRm "' A ll.111l"n" ·n"' ----twu , .• ,uri~" Ytf·r_. '•''""'' f•l•·r"'"l:"------------------------------------------.. M rll F. B. Dc.>ujC"Inll, wlfr qf t,h4' '11 KIUIIIIUr City, ' . nf·w nwnf'r of Newport·8 Shl'tl· .\tl11~ Vitolt·l l'lll l"'"l"' '"'" M•M ro ratr Rh11p, Ill In l h r Rnnt10 Anrt !:•"'<' Aptrl,.hurv d11 1111 hlft11 ,,, Mr I I 't~mmunlly hoapllal aflf'r a eer· llllfl :Mrl! !-.tor i C:ntlon rn :11\1:1 c 'roi\!Ot aorue uptratlon MnJ. l>ou~tla!i 1~ I"•UII'vanl, rt'tum f'd Tllf'lday from vrflce marut.g4'r or that t\ullplllll I 'rortlanol Wll.,rf' 'hry wr ro• l:li"NUo .,r anntht'r •l•l,.r · HEADACHE •• aucM A BIG unu"'' ... Major llllll M r~ ll"n 1-" "" ,., ,,.., n ho11t11 In lh,.lr humr , 312 F'.aJil !olurf, to Mr1 W hllmRII 1'. l'l'rham (mmr rly ••I )'rnt!ll' hut norw milk · tr£ ht r hom• In SlUt l'"ra01 '"' .. .,, th~<l Ahl' mav t ... ""'H ta .. r r-;,., . .., It• ut•n11111 hu10h11nd • f"•lnt .. r •h· , I>IO ika tlun 1.1 l'•·rr ""' '" In llw S• li th f'araftc ... Girl "A I'IIO!llh a~;u I wu jl.uat rr:v.y a hnu t Gc>roqw llu 1 now J olun't' C.arl' lt'llndp r .. r h im .. Jo'r1rnd; "Y.,,.., hn't ol ~tr ara..:•· tauw chnn~l'llt.l<' m••n nrr•'' • HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! ..._ • -.. v~u ...... A - 0. aiiOCJOH .. -• tt--• ALL SET f~tr a •ood ton da,.. worll wbea a n&lnrln• bf'lld- ache lnealu up on rou. You •uJr• .nd eo doea JOW' work. R•ad7 for an rteni~ of "las- atioro a nd enjorment -a pnk7 hnrtache inlertnn with r our ftu~t rut., enjoymut w "la.uu- DL Jl1l..la Anti-Pain Pms a •unlly rtlif'Yf' qol onl7 II• .. • arhl', but l'i••P'-111Hralrla.. ~~~­ rular l'a rn• aiNI F•attlo••l )l~onthly l'a i.na. Ho y~oa aae Ur. MO. A•ti·P• .. r;ll,~ If n11t why ""'! You ean ~r:•t l~ ~lllf'l Anti-rain l'alle •• )'vur dNtr etur• in the r.lfiJIU par kare for only a pconn7 apl- antl 1n t h .. I'<'Onomy ~ure ••• ch .. pcor. Why not 1ft a ~....-. t l'lday ! Your dNU'Ut haa thea. ltl'ad dirl'f'tlona and -. et~I.J M dorer~. Yovr fftOMJ .... if ,_ .,. .. -~ ,. ....... __ .. , ... , M .... ...,.. lNI -· _,. ,.... , ..... 1, ... • __ , I ..,.,.., el .,_ _, .,._ .. ,,. ........ DNE~DAY --·· HEM .... -<>--A O.t" ~ Vita•" A .... D Teblee • -~' ,, ~ · • -A..-o--. .. -~ ... I .... .. ... ·--c..J fJ,.., flo I , •••11•1 ••••,.•• Ua lta4 ii••••• fteo -· JIIUI ~ c-• • "-v-..... _., -...,... • .. ., If,.,. .. .,,,_ .. ,. c~ .. --........... _.._ ,1/U(j u ..... <~ vt..-A -toO u-· t1 v.~. -D. ._ .. ,... -....... , -..., .... __ ., __ _ ~~ ~w .. I 0 ...... I .... .-.............. ~ ... ......_ • Have Now WESTER I HOLLY GAS RAIGES DEARBORN GAS HEATERS BICYCLES ~· t No J.tt-strkflomo ~·Many Items That Hav~ Been Critical Try IJH for Your Need a Today! r GAS Tl Bl ~(; a II lcn~th~ . (;AS STOVE ltAIHANTS, and oth er fttt i n~s. StOVE PIPE - ' i r:. ..,.. ~ -. .. ... ...... -------:Leonard DeBord WHAT • NOT Baek from Hawaii SHOP ....... a • :a ca ... ........................ ,...._.o,:a«hnl· ... • our c waa•e• ....... -... .... ..._.,., DeBord. wtao wu l&lt reported IU Ill a Hooohdu bollpltal.l baa bMn IDYaUdecl Meal to Pallll 8pnnc-• where Mr-.. DeBord. wbo la amplO)'ed at tb~ B&lboa Sate- way. JoiDed btm tht. week. Prior to f'nterrna t.ba Mrvlce DeBord w.. In tbe meat departmaot at the Thomp110n Grocery What'1Your Odd Job7 .., ...... ._ ...... Q~Mrally It tan't 1M job that'a jbutrdlm~om~e, but the chlp on tht> --------"":""---INiuldllr that holdl a man down Rubber Lined Winch Head ..... ... _ ...................... ...... ---D ... ,.,,_. IUpe...WO. ef Ctllulea M. Merrall.. ......._ r......_., .. Dancing Everr Slt.rday .. Costa Meu Lec1011 Hall 18th Street -J...t Welt of Greener's Store Gtn.Yoa •JIIIt Good Dance Muaie" aDd a FuD EYemn. of Fun DANa:NO ........... AD108810N Me .... JOe Tax 1-C-Y C L E S BofB' and Girls' • .IATIOI FREE HEWJ'O ...... IIAUIOA ~ If ..... 12,000,000th Member 11" t~<~h" nHII<~'•·''• mrf\JI•rr ul Itt" "''" !\rnnt• o r A..eriH .,0,.,. rl •l.trtr•l ""~'" l'i ''"' .t:•• ''I! )~Ar·old Prntoa Ella· uorth K'"''''"" t ;ahll\f'l ""o" dollll( a m:•n-,iF~d jelt, laa .. llar Ira• ton, .HHI "'""' I .a ron mao honrrv un "" f.&th~r" 151-ae re lana 1t llr.anllnn \\ "· "" d.aol ""' il tiny 'rnut i" thf' 'llmf' tow• JM :ttl •~.ar• liCO. r•pol•ont Ill~ lnf'r;oc<' \mrnrlln Ito)', t~ l'!elve ,111111nnlt1 rnrmhrr ":" thf' cur't 11f to.•tuo11:~1 rural and Boy S~t l!'.adrr. ac :a lnn1 """" "' 1 hrraco Jt"l 'I'"'"' un a roa•t-to-eeul huulo ur• "tlh llurr "'~" H Uull,r. hht"' ""J l'11hlo'h"r or "Prairie t ll rm~'r · \\ hrrlrr \lr'l tllrn . I olrtor of "I ,orm J u urn;\l and fartll- rr's "'';", h11th "'""''1~r' ul flo,. :o;atoonal C'onllnttlc-,. on Rural ' Sc-outlne. \\.all..r \\. ll•.ul uf "'· t ,.. "'· r•rr•t•l~nt of lhe Jloy Stouh of .'\mrrtra ' Ur ,.,,,,., 1 I\. 1 •• I" rll. ( lurf Seoul Ell· f'tulo\r .and t.doto11 .,, ''"~~ l.tl t' ... --------- tn -. 11M ~ RED CROSS 1 Letters To The News-Times 1 1 l • Actlwltles I ===M=,..,:::o:::•a=.•L•.=A•nd=re=-=:::z:=-IAYI HONOLULU ARTICLKI llhlp re(lllaUolll. I o\ pl11r~• ut gT~at Importance 111 I"''"!' tl:~nn4'd for the Rf'd CY'ou tn P •· '11turr program ot ~babll'· lltl "" ant1 r<"8djulltment, for th• 11•11 1 nn t>f the "ar. and for lon1 ·Ltt••"'u r 1 I· '"'•r••ratlnn with <·ther "" 1t·o·" ol and lnternat•onal acenc•es ,, 11 "'h tnJ.; plan• arC" being made '"' 1 "'' ~:utdam r and,u• 1tance o <'I , '"'" 11.n•l fl' orlc! In al.,c01m II' , "hu wtll nl't'd help. Tboe 1 ''""~ "' HNI rr,tsa worker . , r''" ht·n· fire askt'd to keer I , . , • <•n "'' rklnr: tc,r we are tol• t' ., · 111t'rt' II! o II( h to do. • , ' In lnok ng forward to th f t. d<·d r•ro)!ramll Red Cro•· n•, ,!, mnrr 'lt•ld work~'rl. Rober OF M-.1. JACKSON co-.-.IECT It It '-Ould be pou1bl! I wn·rht S&n Fl"aJ'lclacu. CaJit Sl'pt. U , 1144 Dear Editor: Thla lt>ller 1.8 writteu In com· a:ent on a •rtu of a rlll'let writ- ten by 141'11. Jacluon wl\!cb wer" printed to your paper. I have never read a rr.ore true an:l to··cur· ate accouot of jual what 111 golnJ: on ln the refercd to pla ..:e. Th• &rtlcle• were a 'au read by lrllov. ahlpnoslea • who wholeht'artt'dly agTecd w ith t.:r11. Jat k111111 anu l &me baC"k with 1uch o·emark• u lbry ought t o prtnt theat! In nthel papers, nrel'lally one which I won't mention here, due to'cen&or· appr-eciate your telllng ~Ira. J .. ck - aon that evrn lf ther ~ are a few "Wiate 1idP" people who objt,l'l to lht> truthfulneN of tbe above men- Uonf'd artld<'a thl\t the hrld!!l' ga1•r. or the O.S S. RN]UIIIItc: \\ill haQI her up to the lirrut o: th,.rr knowlrdge on the <'1!9<:11~ tnpk In cloalng r want to thank you f 1 JeJ~dlng the t-:ewa-T imea tu st n .u : IT tn I ll thf!)' CIUl read IUCh IHlh:IC•!I anti other th1ng1 of 1ntereat ou lht• home front. I HOI:iERT 1... S A TTl...F.R CHRISTMAS CAROS CAN STILL 00 OVERSEAS or t' · H••ol t 'r ll:t, urgently uk lX'ar Editor: N~w York . N . Y .. Srpt. 21 , 1944 L • hon, J'l'rll •nnel reprt'sentatlvo Mart.·n aa·te·, r• , , •1 \\ .. m~n Lu t•ntl'r this ftel \\'oe rt-t•ently had orrtt!rion t•• .~t'l' ,r ,,,,,. Anot Ill m ol!tJlnXIOUII Four Cau•ht II cnpy of your C'hrutm&8 J.;rt'\'l• ., , lfH•S•• "ho w11l bt>f willing t. . fa lng t•ard ttdvt'rtiMment and ooted ,. , r h ,of t:nrue nr al,ruad. 11 11 "' that It parth:ulauly meottone<.l that 1 • 1 1,.; nnol • nrr.pen1atlng k no! If anyone thmks the ftshln rartls fur OV<'l'.llca. ... o•ould be mailed 1 t " rk IU111 011 n with l t>euol w ur! lloi'Unn 111 ovo:or, the four marl nnlv belwt•t n So plt•1nlwr !Mh an.! I r .. tt .. ot ha t k;.;round. hotel ~X brought In Tllt·~ 'ay Rr( r ruv' I , \ h'tuber ~tit 1, t , ,. Uo•v ~•l)llt or ro't'rt'attnt thr contrllf\' Th.t• wvt-k Milito'• Thu, no olnul>l. os bouu d on m - ,. I' 1 '"' ,. ur~ eSJW< 1111 y t he ktn• with nne b~<•u~ht In ~1unday b~ 1 (.,,malt ton d .sti'IIJIIlt:d by tho: post- uf I''. 1·h· "Ito are wnntc.l. B11 Mnb.-1 St evensun ''" tht• nat!!\' 1 vfftt'<' oh-p trt ntt'nt. but JUIII 10 c:aa-· ll • , lilt' u1su n nny nther typ<• aftt>r a ftght that lllllll'd ron'\' ·hoi yr,u han· m.t heanl turt hcr rt'l' rt,. n tr.wun,.; ,., hlch W• u!d ftua!il an hour. T be ru,h welglll'd 1\i tho• Ar:ry ttllll :-luvy. In l ht>lr ,. •. on• r .. r H• d t'rolo81 ftcld work, a ucl lba. lrrU!t':<, 11tnto•t1 that gt t•etrn~ r ants ~~., "• .. u'n tme or just a good gen She was fishing from the boar l'ltwulol l>t' mfltiNI a:t t'ltrly as pnl'· rt ol o olunal nn. Daisy II, skipper('(! by he r hus· 81bl<-, but ootulol ,,.. matlo•tl lUl\' A"'' man or wnman. who I. In band, J im Stevenson, when ~h tlmt• 1 t,r, ~trd In rnttorlng thla flrll' hook('(! the huge fish. Stevl'nso· I The Se!Ji vmh•·r 1 ~11t1 111 (1, l•rllo·t ran,;e r r an lntervlcw w ith Mr pve a spectacular display befo. ag .. ,. ami nul to forst r ia& mail Before Leaving This Fall Arnllp ....... y_, Outdoor Fanlltare. Pada. AW1lbap. Umbrellu. etc. KEOOVERED l..&rp 8eJeeUoD of Colon Awalap Stored U.UJ .,.., Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. ll%t 8o. lla1a ·~ IJ&nla A- Pia. 8eala .Aaa 101 r~· Eddie' a BARftECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! Moore'• Confectionery 2 100 Ocun Front Pt>one 73 -Nrwport BeAch PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MAKERS S:aila. Awning•. Boat Covera 224 loiJ 2llt St Nfwport Beach Phone 207 lahotulol .·all the local o(flce and ar a veteran angler, said the marh I IIIth olut.. nppllt'll unly tu pat k· • Wtllwn who will come to aee th• being brought to gaff. making 1 1---t.IARTHA L. r!NL'I I , applil'unUt. INUit JO jumps from tht> wah• ~;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ Thf.' nur111og eme,..,eocy Ia ver: during the battle. CORONA DEL MAR NEWS • rut lll\vf' you done anythln1 Last w eek Mrs. Stevenaon. fish Mr. •utol Mr:. A~thur l<l'mJ)C' "1'"''Y rresentNI 11 gT&eloua pic-a~~~ ot ? And too many womr lne from the same b<MU. cauaht . IHlO n~'t'IUI l.t<oulo·VIIrtl, •tt"n•h-oJ • urr · havo• folrg(1tteo that aurglcaJ dreu 165-pound f ish. This Wet>k'a catc: hI II r th .\l 1 nn,l Mr1 Hurry Staucb, 316 k-" tJ f th eurpn~~o· blr1 tuy 1 nn,.r ••t • lnl(lf .. rr gnoaUy nHded. Hov. mar ...... a n.>swn&~ on o (rl~nd, Mt K (J!!It"&r 1<\'lly 6111 =""' MMIJ:<•lrl .. venue. lrave tbla week aboout It? awordlllh..run. To date Z7 of then c.,rml'nUne av~nul', Aanlltllt not lor an .. tght-llay vacation a t haw been wel&hed .in at the olflo Sunday. Fourteoon l{llf'llJt Wf'l llo-Rr 1.1\Jt,. So llUUIY moolha b&V" Shi of Harbonnaster R. R. Cralg. rm ·••ot 111t'Y ~ amt> frcom Wlllt Jl1Uo8<•tl '"nr.. they have ~D tbt Sea &out p I Tbe Dally 11 wu lucky lll{&l: I ""'· OraniCf'. Anahf'lln &nol l'ornn lliJln !lt r ~lflUt'h t•xpo!ell lo bav~ h C Tuesday, and brour::ht In on• dt'l MRt H .. ~conlly !lin• l<t'lllJ>' ph "';. ,., .. XI'fl'tl<' freahenlJlC up Nort em ross I WCI&hing 154 pouma, with F'Tanl rt'tt'h•c.oJ an tntrru ttnl( lt•lto•r tr... llw piHCt', befort' he gell to bll Ch ed l..mnell aa proud poee_,r, taltiD' hr r aun. F:r~at.rn Wilham A I<O'm lll•h•n,: Tilt' StllUt'hu will takt To Be arter the ( /lh In Oflt' hf)Ur 20 mlnult>a. j pcor, I,I'T un duty 10 lht Suut tlu·u fll••nols , Mr and .M rl Walt.t'r Bnl light wa.• put up by a 171· l'a~ tfll', In wh11'h hr ,., r"tr th& ~ .... !(• r 3tlll f)c .. an bomlrvard. with Th•• T\J1tm Amertctn l..egltor pouno.Jtor which fl.oy r.rtt"hel pla)·ed I wlule u•ll nn up<'l'lllion a merrho• lho·m P•llll :-;,, ~27 npplled to thf• Orang• 1 lnr f11ur houra &nd 20 mtnutttl be· nr the r rl'w BJJOitl'd ••mor m .. un \1 r " A t: ~h·•tr tff8. Palu Altn I f:mp•r•· A rea ('ounc·ll ror a Se: I Curt> it hit t h .. planks ••n thl.' 'Ntchl taJn ltHilt.ro "" a.u lHIIlm l l<rmiJ«'' '" ,.,,..hn,.; ~~ p1trl'nll, Mr an.! I!'( uul Ship C'hl\l t<'r .. ..-cording t• · LinPs WW'd a amaH IIUh-mal.'hlnl' gun 1\.no !\its ~: ~I H11rvey H O llellotrope 1 "a lt· tlall •ltslrlt t o•rganl7.at. .. , l ll'l!l-!"81 futh of Uw day welghtoJ .:vt two gnat a lUI< I &nutht·r nwmbo 1 ". •·n11r thlt! WPl'k , lhlllm an. t7:: p<ount!Jo and wu r aughl In 30 ltUI one-~lr IUlol ~lr". t-;.J~:ar C'b&phn 1 ~r :•nk Oa.·otn Jr , IIIIJUiler 11.1 mtnut"" by W lla J"V••y \\'hlte 11n Ur 1\1\ol ~ 11, s 11. Ytl\lkt•rohruo :-':oro lilf'l:''• '"'l UI no·ol to their bOfw I tho• Snutht>lll <'ounth•l! r.a8 com-'"~'rot t h•· F. I A. I(IOfi r'o ..-1 bonllf'\11\rrl, l'f'll'tHIII"' T'"'"''"·'' Allt·r " week'• at.ay at P''ll' will he-sklpfK'r. a.Z'd Jo•l n \V H t:ebhartJ hruught I n 11no· thrlr t'l4'l'nly·f•fth v.•·•l•lll11{ ~~~~-I~~·· hll m" ~>f Uu~lr olauahtl'r,. Ma ~ Ballwr. wh." ""' rc•t·enlly r<'l ur"'u•oll t•n t h• I' I) Q whlrh wt-l<;hed 161\ v .. l'll&ry Hunda;v dining nr \t<"lor j :-tuarl ll•1hl ~~~ Goldenmd ·~·!rrom nAval 11ervlc,. in Attu wtlr 1hs tt wl toM•k nn h&>ur uncl20mtn· llu&o'a 111 ....,.una o·nul' l br mnt... Thl' ship w11l lit' ~:hnr-ut"" '" lan<L 'l'hr llllh Wt're all Mr a.n.t Mrl!l tl ll H~olman of 1 Mr11 All,..rl 11oo\\o•n 2Ut Oollkn-ll'll·ol Ill tht' s S.S Nurthem <:ru.•~ Wl'tl:lwt.l In nt lhl' Hartw1r Ma. Rant11 AnA rnU''t'tl tu thrtr new ro'<J "''"nul', vilut .. ,l hl'r aunt, U no Nf, 39. ter'• o1ftlce plal'l' a t 301" Mat·tg•lld ~tvo•mw, I r,ura 1-'arman !'h·•T8 Madre, • ll' H. Holfo rd will be cbaln:n&D T\. 1u oJay J.lr. lllld Mr11. ~. h"rman\fo•w daya. ot the llhlp committee llnd will "~RICA.BE BONUS _ Butcbe r• Nuaent , the tormu 1•wnu1. moved , rep,_nt the American Le&tnn on will IJive 2 red tokeoa for .. ery to une ~II !It,_., ~t• "--£'~-.. N 01 .. dt.trict Boy Seout commntte: und 01 aalve ed kitchen tate n · Ml"'l, Of'org<' LA-w~. 304 .Marl-• '-"'BUI ~'fle88 eWI alen un the commlttu will bto R. pol-¥ g ,-ole! avf'nUf', II!Wnt lht w .. f'k end 1 1 H. Mark.l. A. 0 PIU'ka. C'hrtll A. ce B~UE lilam~ tlO polnta each) I with h<'r nel<'f', loin• Dun M. Kru~. ~~''""" •n tlw H"r"l•l K L:l"'llt'l Cleary. and W . S. Leln~rl(er 1 for cannf!d, frouo and dehydrated Wbltller Mr l'lon KnrlM' ... , t " owo•r thf' Wl'"k l'flll tnolwltd R<-rt St~Klll mullt be tlftt'en y .. ar:o l r---'· ~r.. t Z8 d ... to LS I .... , tor Ow l'lllly at I mr b It I I uuu.~ '"' 0 an ""' ' prop•m mana,. ~.:t Jo•hn l'hltnnun fr""'• ,\'ld.or-ctl ~··· llnt.l muBt au m l'Y · 'r:re g1wld n•·V.·. "lirl"lratloo t\ate not l!lt'l. thl" CoiiMum Friday 1\ll(hl fnr \Ill•· Mt anti Mn! f,orl,. .r-n nr II rl~tt1 phyi'H'RI PX(InttnMIIIoO PRICES Governor rHwey Thf'lr party A t • r· r-; .. rw:uk .on•t llh· no•!<1 • lllllll'h· bf'ofor.· th•'Y o'l\n r<'R>fllf'r. I t~or all mfonnalion regardinR !IDly twconty ,,~, ''""' '"" f:f'pul>-• . I ..... _ •• Th,. ()ran"'f' f~mptrt• Arcn C"Hun-. I th pi ClArk or ' !It l•·o ~11"" I ~•:"""'·' I'"'"'' w'"' ... ' pn~ ron act ~ r (.'(' ,. I Iran <llll•hJat .. loOt pr<'~lolt•nl • r8 II "'"''''Ill ,, Muunl ~I ~ary·· t u 11'14 ns IUld Oljll'rftti•JI .. ~ .... s,n\11 yout local board. IA•WI~t lllllll. anol th!'y nulrd how ~· hoM•I b&llol' &I !"t'wpurl UPR• h U 1-"ml.lo GASOLINE:; I hr "ilflkt' v.llh ""' h IUOflllrllO\' ... IUld ~It .wtl ~t r... t:rltolio•\ llu&ht!l )foiN . 'llllnt·tl o'omm<'<JOrf' ll' ·n ~lpon :"o:o 4 I A-Book) rour I c nERNAN'S SUGGEST Now ava.llable for ftllnl )'OW' up on your prl'll'flt otflc. requJrementl. • y )' t II I t ... w • ". )'011'"1 rlhd• eel 10 10"1· New Oft • t " ...... u. Ill .. , DUPLICATING Hanel Operated BUY IIOU 80ND81 your 1:->i•~"•' ,,. • er tt e o<'' .• T he J:rcz,t<'-1 time aavl"r~ 111 )'OUr orr lee. lopolrotl tit n.mon'a lry factof'y traiMCI ex· ,.m,.,..,.only.....,. .,,... fwctery porta. ' ' , hn\\ olrpcondAhl" ""'' tnm klhe "''''' ''''"'·' to• Huh<•rt Hr"""· spco-chargr 11nd rt'""'''~ at llw 1.,,. •ro' 1 gaUon~. s:ood now, rxpirt'8 Ocr 2 1 loM•k...J. hill blac·k o':V"" "J'&r at r lllhtol T ! o .. t ttlloono~l at San 18 reaoly Rnll wtllln.: '" I!•' ,. on-All coupon~ mlat t. endoi'Md "" with a nimAtion Thr C'nlhlltfiMDl : l'Mtr" II•· ltn•l tlw lluKh!'1' wtre It mello n to ~I'll Sl ""' 1101'1' u. ot fal'" wllll car llcenae number ami Use Our uf tht' 'rowd _,"'""h "'h' ~erratld ah~ 1 roorm<'r trwn•lll 111 -..; •• ,. Y••rk rt.tte. ramp at th<' haM ~ktppcor ltftt·· 11 stall' of n'gtstrntlon. ..:::;..:.._;;:.: _ _;,; _ __;=... ____ .:......:........:....=.=:..::..._ ________ _ 11a lol. tl llt'f'mt'v I AI I' WOU uoc lVI( ( I ( 1 'R'"ft-•• ill planning t n 11pcond a Wt'Ck·t'nt.l TIRE ~ ~----~--------8-~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~--------~~~~ lrrt"nHH+•r~ht ~'"· W~! Altrr l tng •• ~~ ~~ g~~ h. • R F Goodric.h Stores ._. ......... er-. ..... ('0 B. R. BRINKERHOFF •a..,..-.· ...... A"" ..,11110, 10 ,:u,.st .. r h•·r ~,111 .., an4 with the ~· ~rout11 rrum " 'JI I 8av~ your Ure t.pecUon r.rord• • urvthl'r 1n 111v. ~11 11not M111. C. B. No. 39 aoon. I Any ~ue1t to rt>place any JIIU&· Noted ~cturer Rlldol or Slll'lll A liA il\'o Ill it Wr•. ThC' r·hlll'\1'1' mtmb/"1'11 ot( lt.l' encer car tire mult be accompaD- :-\f"'nrrr lluyll ,,, J)C't1·~otl hitS t.Uea S.R.EI Nur·them C'ros11 are : Rtllrh led by all IDApectlon record• and a To Make Four "n ap11rtm .. nt "' \'lila H,.,.~ra. A C'ox. F' R Br.w•ter. G. A.1 new notation from an autbortU<J ' L•,ng Ht'l'dt "'"' "ttl ht' " rr .. quf'nl Our~er. r :"yiMt.l WllllamB, L H . 1 irutpKtor t.)lat a new tire t. needed. Oct. Appearances viloltor In rMtll ~, .. ~, Hl'r olotuj!tt• Davll, 1\llol R _ w Rn•wllter. It .. I' l 9WPEACE , 1 1,.r l'ally 1~ IPj!l"l•·l ··d iii g~trred P11rk. !II I'll .,_,rkp11trlrk anol I ·•'· 1 Jo"lshlnR' anol hunt In~: will br on 1 • 1 Uo•art c 11n,•t•nt. 1..,,..1111 , 1\urh • fol"d Wtlllam11. , tbr dock~t ur Mr. llnll Mnt. Sam r h Kirby Pa~e. notoct.l , ... •turrr 011 Mr llllol !\In• ,, I. Trl'llll who ----I l'rpwluro "' MRKJ10lla ~vtnue dur; I on t • rellarlon and lnternallun~t.l relatlnn•l hnv~ "l"'"' llw '""'' s'' munth' In RatJ•On Coupon lOk lhelr two month " vacallor wtll ~ pr.-ntl'!l by tho· llruther lll•'llllm••nl hll \1' "'""'"'I I•• ('(!11\a I'J>t•nt in Monll\na Thf'y are~ t hl' I H 0 ME hooc-t of C"OI'IIII Mt'lll\ ('o•mlltunltv lllfl'aa h8\'lllfo: '"'llt:hl" hoolfio• rot 228 Dates and Data j;Uf'lfl• ttf ~~~ Ollld !Itt,; T .J. Ch .. ·- cllurch four Thllr"''". nrJrht.9 '" n.:lr ~ttrl'l'l t hem. I ONT October. ac<'nr.tlnlf to an IU\IlOIJn('~l M F ru,.r !ll r~ II"'"''' Strt k llC· RATION CALENDAR for pe-1 FR mt'llt bv Jt,., <'llrl 11 Jo>hn"on t• "'l'8"t«'ol tn \It ::-1 . k • au.nt, rtod betrfnnlni St'ptembf>r 24, 194-4. ~allzln.fl' whAI "pnvllo'll•' 11 I!O tn l Mn -'•'All Tn11 """'' r•·tnnt,.,l rrf\m W•r Ratl~ a .. k 111 I 1a ''f' "'' r10 ,. 11 "l"'ak .. r In tht~ 1 ,, tlt•1oj:ltl rut "~· k "I"' Ill ~I Cn-at-Stamp No 1 on "airpi&De" !tr11'1 0( talluo th(' rntlrf' •'(\ffl· 0 llnr . I -.et (1 pair ahoeal -(ood now; nunlty Ill ""''' 'l"'t'"" ho~ Hj•JI('IIr· :'>tr ""'' ~t~ II"M··• Stoll~~ llre e~tplratlon dat~ not aet. UH't' with 111t.-rf'!Ot Tho.' 80'tlo'~ will n"" Ulo\to lllt: lho•tt l>"rn~ •n R~-Stamp No 2 (>n "airplane" 'ollow lh,. II"J."UIAr Thunutny no .:ht 11111<11' tlhMt 11 J'lllr lhCJN I r;ood now. •"'t lut k olrnno·t h•lol "t lho 'hurch 1 '1111•''1 -'' ·, ': :I· .. ·t l :\I,.. expiration dlltf' not aet. I I HllVtnK ,.,·rvnt ""••ot,•tary to (' r: Lo•wl<s o•l l •lll\ on SuD· t NOTF. Tak<'l'ooknlonr;tomAke Sht'rWO<\CI •. ,111} anti 1\tflhnh..S with '·" \\o·r· "' "·"' · 1 '11' I•· !ltr. UM'hlllil' 1 1 John R. )10(1, .Mr l 'lllr•' l'o•rnrs with ·'' '' \11>' It ' olol\\1•11 ot ~ar Rilt•on Book IV I R umd of rxp<••l•""• r ttll<l kn•'" 1~ I '""'·" • ',I I~' :>II til\\ ··U StiUTl p ~o. ~n I ~ lbll. •upr I Mol or 0\'f'rhaullns I "''!:" "' "'" 10\lb~.'' I Ito htut h'o-ool 1.-• \ .;, I t ·.,. ,., l ~11'11. JtOI'<J nr•w: (''Cplr'\t wn olale not IIO•t. I tllro·tl In ,.,.,I "'II '"'" • • '" ol II .,h \\ ,..,,, '' t '"'ta ~r an I' ,.;() 31 t!i 1'611 8\I~IU I - . I I I l·tt A \;. ..... I t 1111 vo•rB.\ l' · ~· 11(1 now. <•xplrl\tlon dlllf' n<1t Ill" ' -----------------------------·-~ ~""'"I' :--;,. 3:! 1!'• 1hll. su~an good now: cxp irntion dote not ~ct. Motor Tunr-t 'p!' Carburt'lor a nd Ignition Adjulltmrnt."' HORSE RACING Quarter Horse Match Races .. HAM COTTON RANCH (ODe Mllt! Sou.th of San C~IDf'Dlfo) TEN EVE~TS SUIDAY, OCTOBER 1 ud evfJ111 two weeb tbfntaf~r lacinc Starts at 1:80 P. M. Adn'nh• tt.t-~actt-c tul s1.20 8enloe Ptnoo .. Mt- Refreehmentl Frt'e Parking I StAmp :Sol 40 ( !'• lbll. ranmn~ l eugar 1 J.:oo•'" r.ol\\ rxpor&l lun dill I' F<'bnJIHY :!.•. 1!'11~· Obt:lln rtpJ'Iio'lll ton toY ntldltlon~il CIU!ntng 11u~nr 111 lfM'Ill QJ'A· bo:-rdll. Applio'Hl l n whtn (fllrd out. n:11~l l>o• :~cronopanlel'l by Spare Stamp :n St>cond pt'rlod llp- pltrnllollll nolly bf' tllr<l from July 16 to O.:t ohco r :!0. FIIC'IMY 'fl:oo nt:'d Carbur\'ltll' Spo ·1'1.1 h~t We aii'O hnndlo• nnd I';'IN.• ro>r MARINE MOTORS Al's Garage ALLEN GLOVER Red 1tamP" t 10 r (olnt..t ror lft Apte Ave. Balbo6 lalaad mt>als. , ht'<'lltll. '~tnnrd m ilk and cannrd fll!lh • Ato h• Zll 11nt1 A~ to PhoM ~U4 06 goW"t<.! Dl'\\ rxplr11tlnn dAle not LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME Q U ALITY FUKNISBINGS ...... "-• AM •t MILLS & PARK FURN1TURE CO. tlt w.-ttll 1M. Su&a AM VOTE NO!.,.-No.12 Gov•mor Iori Wo~, th• State Chamber of Com- meru, civic ?eodert and o sco re of employ•r, employe•, civic, veteran and church groups hav• come forward to oppose No. 12 on the ballot in the •lection, November 7th. Thoae leaders look upon No. 12 as a threat to Industrial peon In Californ ia and as a dangerous attack on our unit•d efforts to win the war. II w1111~11 into the conttitution. thi' romrnittre It con•l.,ctd that thot pt~poul ~11totl~d "The lt1ght ot (mploymrnl" would pro•• ~ po .. du kog. It wo•ld bnng ch~01, contu,•on, and rndllt· '"'' wuhre. It would .. n !roy ~act oa tht ~omt front, 01oltfttibly designod to cruth trade •"iooo,, No 12 904'1 tar atotld. It thrut~l the prMtnl 100d will tllthnt bf'twe~n labor tnd ond~~ttry. It co"'es " a" Mn·AIIItfiC"' attack o" war pro· dllCti041. Ctlolontia ltH plrnty ot warhlllt and poll W" p<Ob- 1-t. Why thrt a CIYII wu 011 the h0o11e fr01111 Vote NO on Dangerous No. 12 WHO'S OPPOSPNG PROPOSITION NO. 12! l I I • ea-....... ,.., ....... w.,.,. ~nat ~ ~ ... rdan f) \t.'l\I'V !'oolatl t 1\amt=--r "' t. ·M--t tf'"~ \"rt,.raJ'\• f'l( ... ~P1rt \\'"-" • Arrw'1rato LA• '" C"oounrll l~lh Dl.t. n .. ,nt. "'' ~UI"H'\1enn· N n )"'nn-. 1fir'• t ••tt.J""'I-."1 '·I l·uM~r""'t' S&n l:Wit...&tU.t~"-1\AnllJCJ • • r .... , "' Oa.k.and ~ ot \·,·r-.nwr ~ Rtdlmo>nd O a mbf'f <': ._.,~ tllernnwnll> C"h'lmbr: or <"•'"'"""~ SaA t 'n rol'l.,... l-ml>"'>"" ._..._nc.l Vrullod t:mrl.,...... lnr ••C Oekt&M SM r taiW' •no S&.n!IM /U.m , llll' ,.,..b, trrlon ~,.,.,-.~ of C"alll n o a Cl".rrl\ F'..,.ra'l<lOl oC U. An.-IH t\t't"\ (' ... ~,. '"' and C'~ounry "' "''" t'No..a.. ~'~"""'~tn O•UJ\1\' (' .,lno O•t.o Ct-..nt}' ~IT&IIYI'IIn C"'l) ~I f'"tM .,. Lt)• Curnmtu''~ Rr•"->NI Cll)l ('....,.,.;t ,.., :,.,.., Cll' C'nor.v11 ~."" 0 1) ('ounc-•1 ~.n o.~..,.. C•l> t' ur.nl SPOfiSOjiED IY . QIIZIHS' C~MMm& AGAINST PROPOSITION N0.12 ' ., ........ Toys and Top to Make for Todd!ers PuBLIC NoTICEs · NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORT .UIITIES C&ll'iihCATI: OF lltTRINDS 1'1C!tlt1M• ,rm Nune READ NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PROFIT • • • USE mEM ,.,.. v ...... .-. etc-hf'"'by ~rtltv that ht> Is rondur tlnr: a R~al E"tlltf' bu~inl'!!" 111 :\Z:l So11th C'olt11t Boulf'VI'Ird. ('ltv ct I Atl!ttnll RP11m . C'ount:v of Oran~ Stilt~> ot Califomi11. un~r thl' fil"tltiotlc firm n~~m~ of SOtmi cYIA!'T REAI.TY ('() 11nc1 thRt AAh1 firm 111 oomJWW'(I of th~> follo\ll•lnlol JW'r- IIIOn". who~l' nnmi'S 11nd 111ilirH~ llrt' 11!1 follows. to wit : l);>mmy Lnm,.on. 32.1 South C'n111t Rive\, Lftl!'llnll Ri'Arh. Califoml11 WTTNF.SS-mv hnnli this 1:\th day or Sl.'ptf'mtwr, 1~4. DF.MMY l.A!\I.SON R~t4-l or Callfomla. Couah of Ora•«-· BOATS, 81TPPU!8 BOA 7S Bot. !ll'>fd and 'n'aded Wartnl' D«tnH and ra~ WARlN .. , 8~.L-IAuE ANI' MP'O. C'O. 301Kl \\' ~ntnl Ave. Pb. 2SAI-W Nt•·port S.Vb, CAllll K-tft ---HOAT Jo"'n R' RAI.F. Cfl.r Wnnd 11· paMl'n,::tor IIJ'l'l'd hn11t, makt'• 30 01llr10 J'rlrr $109:'1 !\12 • 3Attl Rt , Npt Oc'h . P h 1:!17-W fl0·8tc ---------HOW HUAT FttR S ALF. $40. t.fr W a lkl'r, 708 \'lA Lido ~'"' 1 2·4tp ------------ 1-'0H S ALf: 16-n ml\h••~rany HEU• \\'ANTtm 1 ITKNtn'llF. FOR ~AI.F-I FOR 8AI.F-A11T08 IGtU' WANTF'I• Man ur -•" lo'<'R AAI.tl: • I .,.._.. FOR AAI.t-;._·~ l'udp. ~tCM'...,. for il"""'"l huto•l "'''" tult>o\AI ll ll<b nutt\Nint "'~''""· :l•~ h 1• dan. JK'f"'WAr tll"f'a. ~ l"f'll"f'adl, lnn Phon to N t \\ rort MO ~~~·If•• 46!\ 1., ~nt11 An11 AVI"f N•"'•pnrt radio, """~ StoN'd at Rill bola -I '""' h f'h 1>1!'10 n Til-t,... <>a rap "TTff F. ltay Aw. Oat HJ:U• \\' \!lo:TJo'll llnu•l'l•nltl hr' • boft J'tl m 74·:ltr b v '""'' 1 .1111 ,.~,., rllf'nl l'l\,l' 1 "''H l'AI.F. T'\\111 t .... t., apr\11~11, ' l'h l•k">·M ~J< "''I n"'""' -·• t"l•lra. t'ha•r• 410 F'(IH SAt.!o-: ·~11 l'l)'mnulh r nuJl<l. A• iu•1111 Al'l' l 'u,.•na ol<'l M rtr ,,,. 111r will l>ot •thl AI IU'I at· HJ:I.I' \\'A !lo:TFI\ l':x")o'rlr nr .... t 72 41r tra• tlvn I'' lt•e Ha.IIJ<\A M u\<l!'l, IJtnn I•• \\Mil In IJ<tll••r l'tt nr•• 70.1 tr. ""-Y ""', 1~11-.... l'h J(l\'"'l•l"rl llt•l'f'fflj;f' Ct• :Jll :J I "'OI: S AI.JI; :!·plrc•r IIVI'IIftlltft>ol :!:Ill 'U·ZII• 0 1'1'1\n Frunt, N•'"'l'"'' Ill',,.., 1 '":' ''"'"It a 'Ill """'r IHAitK~n : 80-tt..j "'hllr t"hlt· \1\lh II 1-•lwt••. 4 "'ill ~A I.!" 10:111 Mo,.lrl A )'\•1'11 1 ,.,,,It " " nxl<' ,.,.,, with n~w PAI JI'Tt·:J:~ \\ A!lo:T~~~~ !lll h"'"'" '"'"' t~prlllj.'IO 1\11•1 1111\llrn,.. l 'h P<'• "' •II """""' ttn•r I• r ~~~~~ 1 t:o4fl \\' •fl• r t .• 111 201! Huhv d n\1• :-;,, .. II ~lmon~t~•n AI 7:111 A\'•• ll11lh"" h ll\nol 12-t h• l!ra ~h. ,... P r 1111'11 f"•rt Hrrt• h nft, r-; r 111 -;1 .,,, .. ,.,1< :-;AI.F. "'"'" """'"· IIIah , ""I"" h•l'\1 1••1' M t~t ur uvrr· h"ulo•,l •n•l 11111r•u•tr•••l llall",. Mflt• I a 71W\ IC llay A VI' • 1\alhoa l 'tl 22~ H -2to nlR RAUt- R&AL I'JJTAft Balboa Penlnaula <kean Front ""'" 'n•und filii' hnmn. ll )'rt. old, 7 r••<'lll l, : •-v h111the, rucnph•t•l)' ''"r1"'1N1 hwl ''""1-· 2\4, Iota. •··•nrp l f.tl'l y 1••..-ap.d aDd frnl······ , .. ,tHo ...... afld '"'dnrlntna l'tHirt. 1-lh Npt 11.-1\. 2434 U ·2t<' lo~X\ 'II A NUte Mn~tlllllln cabtn nMr '"'"'' Arn-hNd. 14al0 ""''"''•"' 1"111udn11 lrtl, Jtltn•l .. l "''"'· ... "•hlfll, """~ ead dbl. It"""" Tt-,..Jr '"' amall llalbn& l•l~t~~.S ~·n~t ty 0 A ltociM. Uay RhOII' ('emj' Npt Deb. T~2tp Oft Thl• l :lth day of s .-ptl.'mht-r A. D . 1944 twro~ ~ thr un!il-r- slgnM1. pt'NIOnllll)' llJlJlt'An'ff Drm· m y l""m"<>n known tn· (lll' to bf' tht' pi'I'SOn w ho!14' n~tmt• is ~ub· f llcrltW'd to th•• within Jn.,tnlm<'nt. and &rknowll'd~tf'd to lllf' that hf' <'XI'<"Uit-d tht> !l3mf'. •f'M'•I boat. 12 h p F.vlnru~ out· bl'nrd molt'•r. tra'lt-r, utra whl"t'l and tlrr, CA IVU cover. ·HJ:I.I' \\'I\ !'o:TFII I "' • II f11111 t•11m 1 I flo'ol flll'rtlllotfl :!I\ Ill II t' boo!!, o'hll•l'• 1•1•'\'o'lf', ""1111 I II Nl nl'h Ill' arf'n At 3'f02 l'nlliOt l lh••l , 1'\o\\jt.UI lloo,t•h IW'• l luu,.f•k r••1u•r :! :-.:1·• u." 111:1 1 i2-tll· "'\lit ~A I.N ·~ c ,,r v rulf'l •·•I•Mlr -11\n Thl1 •·ar Ju•t rr·t•alnl"<.l Rtnrr•l 11t l~ll•"a 011ra~>•· 1~ •~ Hay A v~ llalh"" l 'h ::211 WANTED TO RENT All In r,oud con<llt!on All lot' ~ f111111h 1'1'""' 25 YEARS AGO I bids w._.r.-OJX'nl'<l on clt•vc-lopmcnt. im provement and protN'tion or the N£'wport lla rhor, nnd two con· from Ntws·'Tamts Fila tracts C()j!tlng $466.000 wc-rl' au· Ac-tual work or C<'nst ruclton on the fish l'11nning fac-tory Cor NP-.. Jlftrt Iknch bl.'~an Thu~y mom· mg whe-n 11 CI'I'W or mf'n start•~! "Ork un lhl' Ct:mt'nt found11t inn. t.:. Ralph of Long Ikach being tht• Pontractor. thon zed, Amoac t·n~ncl• 1 !larry W1ll1a.nN m. from over-' seas 1'4'rYIC\' "all lra11• Newport N (•Wt<, Va , Oct 5 fur hi~> hom e In Cahfami11. Ill' has llt••·n luna 1n the acrvict' a~ h osptt11f phanna · Cl81 and will rcmatn rn t he serv· In \\ltn.... \\'lwort10f, I hnv1• hPn'Unlo !ICI my hnnd Anrt affhcN1 m)' official ~111 the dny 1tnd yP&r In this certiflcatt' fir11t nbove writ· trn. ISEALl R. J . SMmi. C'ounty Clt'rk By A. L. H itc-hcoc-k. ~outy. 4t·Sept 14. 21. 28. Oct. 5th. 1944 To rl'·n nte cb.-ertulnea, hopt' In Cod. or change the objt'('t uf attentll'>fl ln une m o n> l'ltvlltt tl and worthy of thought. • C. 1'\lm- monlt REAL ESTATE FOR ~ALE- 1'\iREF. REDROOM HOUSE 1 U ntumlshe<'l l Al10 Two ~mllll R~ntaJ Unit. $8000 THREE UF.Q600M HOUS£ FURNISHED On Ct ntral Avenue $5000 W. L. JORDAN 700 F. Central, Balbo& T l"ltphooe· U3 .. 1~-llc CHARMING Ocean Front Home on th(' Peninsula Fiv(' Blocks from Balboa Bfautlful Vit>W L.. J . Kelly of Lon& Beach had }re et San Dl<'i O. 14 bedroom11. 2 bathll, 3 ·('ar garare. the controcl for t'onstruction of L. G. Sw~tles l11 sdllng out hl~ FHA buill 1940 HNirrnrnll'll, the buiidin~;, wh irh wu.s 48 hy 100 farm·lmpif'mf'nts a nd l't~~<:k, pn•·1 lmmi'oiiAtt· Jlto.'!!t('!lli,u o fl'l'!, t"·o '"IOrit'!' hl~th. a nd huilt Jl.'tt'lltor-y to muv1n~o; to IIK•u· "~''' r. on th«' John Kin~; pl nfl('rtr on'"'' hom!' un l1ro11d""~· S:a nta Ana $10 .. ,00-T Prm:' t·hannPI "''"'Y rlrl'clC••d toy '"'' :'llr-c, ore•· ~ .. 1.11111 anti ;\lr·• '''"'POri fk·:wh S 11ad1ra1 •· ll111 h;mn.m •"'' 'I• 111hnt: ·I h•"' . .t ·~ 10 I ••· .\nl-"• I• • .JUIIT\ E. SADLEJ 1: $1'100, SH a tttr 4 ::lO p.m . 128 39th Rt, Nl"wport Buch, 72-4tc fo'OH RAI.F: CR 1TtAIH•: 26 ·ft t win .,•rr w watrr l~tXI. nf'w hull TloA\ I• lhr...--ft'llrtlul tlnllllli'J 2 Rt'd !leal Cootln,•ntal mot.on1 IMtaUrd. Hnvf' rvr rythln& to co~mpll'll" Will M l riflr e for quiC'Ik eall" f'tl. 80070 Long Bch. T6-2tc ATn:NTION llOAT OWNERS IN~IDE BOAT STORAGE AVAJLAI'lLF. BF-GJNNING Oct. 1 New building 66rl00 u pable of atorlnjit salt and J><IWI'r bmtl ' up 10 M ft. In lt'ngth Lido C'hannt'l Yarht At.r honce • Block I'll Npt. 186 N-oport Becloeb 7!'Htc FOR SALY. 48-fL y~~ehl, t win IJC'I"t'W. bridl{e d«k. teak dec lui. Wl'll found. dl~y • ternt.r honm. Ganpty C02 Sword- tWr chair, complt-t e cover Oom· plt'te rerondltlontng, coel $8000. for quick M le, 112.000. Call Ownl'T mNmlnJtl Npt l2lH-W 7~·3\l' WANTED TO BUY WANT TO Bt1T -Property lA « around thr H nrbor dllltrit't Two luu prdl'rablf'. with or without bulldlnga Bwlmr• or re.ldent.al, or acr•agr on Urf Wee&. A new t'&r u part paymeut, bai&JK'e cuh. Wnte Boa ·v·. ct o New•· T lml"& T2·ltc WANT TO HUY from o•·,ollfr-2· bedroom bnml". cl<l~ to nr ~'" ocean, Wul Ne••port, 40Ua to eoth •I M"t't . Wnt• C. L. Lynt'h, Itt l , l$o•~t 31C. Ra11ta Ana. lJ •Itl, "hat •I o lollfl j;t' ''"" .Mh•,r1 huur :-;1"'111 II• I hv I"''"'"' • ln ruuk•·· 74-:11 ,.,thin ~~~ Will • II\ ull W ANTFII ~"""'"I"' lol •It• lllllll 1 t-.•('f'n 11 1\nol II 7~-4111 dry_r .. r f"mlly u r l hff'l' In yuur Jo'Oit SAI.I<: Alloll\ hnnlf• Ph Npt 1:1 or :,:1 :!:! ,.1.,. l~h···l l tl4 :.!:11 h "'"""· rrlln· HI , Nrwl'"'' n h11:10 13-tfr I llr il• h 7:\ 411' WOMAN l'l'.:Art'AC'llf:ll :\U -I••i '''OH SAt.fo: !< p\ro t' "''IIJIIut dln- 3:1 lt~hl lo'fh f' V.t•rk 1"11prr1C!nl'o• Ill,.: "'"'"' 11••1 $7:1 7Hl \\' ~url. Dt t n.-.... ..._.tlry ll,lllr\' 11p.·n I ll.lt.ll••• I 'll :1111., 74-:ltr W ntr Doll L.. Nrwa·T imf'a 1 Jo'f)l: ~A I Y. -- -T3-w IIOUSEIIOLD FURNmJRE KI:U' \\'ANTF:Il l...n•h• tu r:u r .III Jlll' <ln'-·r. l'hlln• t'.oniiUif' tor 2 an1aJI , hllllro:n "'"r)' Jo'rl 1 adlu 11111 r"1, flrrt•lar " .. ,, and- day \\'all runll~h triUI•J'<lrt•· llotu. l'h 2034 14-<ltt U!1n, P h. N pt 1\o'h 7711 t.ttl' II D. Yuung, lj22 lltl\con 8t , New- port llri~J:hte 14-Uo• WANTED SKILLED MECHANICS n, ki"C!Jl •-ntlel l"<>rd" mlllu~t -nt'f'tl •venal m""" 1klllett au · t.omnblle mf'Chantca an•l h•lrwr. ld~ wurklnR cundltlou . modern lbop equipmt•n t lop flll)' ""'' ''""' Ume w~rk If YI'U Wlllll It !-<lo•a dy pleaanl work now and after th111 war. · s~,. ua t•"tl )' Thl• 1.a your opportunity Ill j;l'l ... , r .. r t hr fu- lUrf' fl'O it ~A 1.1o: n n•• l..r~r ~I •II vAn 11nd • hAir, 1311 l'h lilt>~ 117 tn Nan-laluit A'~~'. Corona del Mar. 711-:n.· M~I.I.ANY:OIJ8 FOR 8AL&- "FO)t 8AI..F. ~Jlr"y patnllnl'---;.,. fit r••m plt-1". II teal prru una JlOI, 129~• t'>12-311th fit Npt. Dch I'll 1217-W . 8t·fllc FOR SALE-Powrr drill. ~ •. Al10 unall 1-cyl , •'i:)'clco motor aull· abl" for blkeo. 01' aard. trat'tor MO l'&. 1811 Harbor Ph-2324-M ~1111 ~At.l': l 'nlt IIMIIV'platul32· :!II In :'Ill frlllllt' 110<1 1110 ""ln•l• I 'hftnr 211 r 1 1 II 1 14 <lt<" l 'I"' n•hutlt nwtur. l•rak••• r~· llnf'<l, 'J II•'W Jlff'•WAr lln'll, llf'W r<'l r<'a•l, ntl~o•t ~ li:'"'-"1 I'H at 117•~ A•:-tf' l.II,.•A Ill T~·Jtp MI8CD..LANI'X)I'S \II'HCIU4Tlo:ltY Al\l l t ('AIU'ICT <'l .. ntnlf In th• homco twrww ~>rtalual l'ulora , a1vr Of'W ah"n W11rk .-unrantrf'd l'h .. n• Npt :n~ U-4tp -----CINto: PAY lti':C'AI'I'INII and llJ• f'f'Jl&lr .. rvlcco No pr1<1rtty n-· 10111ry for •ra11« "A .. , truck qtutllly ttynthrt k' 1'11\llll'r Lean yuur car In lht-m••rntna. It will boo rrady In co thai rnnlnc. All """rk a nd matertala ruanutt-.4 Potlla ,..,.. Tl,.. 6 Rat'a!)plftc Rho.,•. 20th 6 Ncowport Ul¥d . <~1 W"• Ph. 2SU. '14·lfr .. '0 II M A LY. A Inn I)' blar Ill C«Mlt wllh allv•r foa rape ....,_, pra.·tlt'ally rwow, full l•nal h l>tl Npt Urb 1113-W T&·llc FOH fiAI.I!: 30·:\U Wtrw:heeter •·ublnt~. nrw II buau aauuulll· llun Tr11•lf' fu•· ewnrolflah t.ac:lll• ut •II fur r~. Wr ~. Bar ~hfiiOI C 'amJ', Ntol Uo•h Tll·2tp THP!ODOilF. HOlliN!'( " 11 mmun lion U~• A l't' y I W l'r nt ral Avr 1\albr\A 'f~tl•• J'OH ~AI.I!: l 'rat'lh ally n_. hlk P'nnl Dl'alt'r fnr t hf' H•ri.Ktr ., .. , w lltt l•r•"' lllllf'r fooa c·olla r Dlltrit•t DOGS, CATS a PET8 Altov ·~·lrOI•fh IUite, cklek. 8K• CmT 22nd It t'r nl ra l Jo'()Jt RAIJo~ l't•f".,, 1• ll•l•l,..ll'ol In ,.,.,,.,., t•halr, I~ ~lata to, NI'WI"'rt lh·n• h, 74·2l c-t I I 1 h 11 \\' ANn:n To r•nl or IJuy am all Jllatw of l'<llod make l'h. Npt ~'h 11140. 72-tfe W ANTlr.ll Tn Nnt fl or 1 mom he-Wlll pay up tAt 112& 1110. a.--either by JMI' cw •ttl Jlln. lit. II: W. KWIMI, P.O. llua tm. &lila A.fta, ~11. THt.p --------.., tv ANT TO lli:NT H-• a.f. boa l1laftd fM wtllter ....U.. Coup&., .. pet., no wlW ~ n .. t can 'It pn.pe"" .-...d. Call ,.tank fUI'It. MI. ti·Uw aoo• roa iliri ... ~:r:r..-;-.;;.-,.-,.,. ........ -...... -- .. uNC roonle tn ~h aa-. aoa Y, ca,.. ttl ,., .... Tia._ T.._ IU)() .. roR lt&HT Pn .... •· I rann and baUt. Heu ...._ , Very r omlort&lll• Md ,_. ab641 Apply UO Man. A'N., U.lbna lllland, ~ .... .. ntrant.... , .... TRADPOiri'A'iiOJi lllCYCL.I'I lol ........ • .. ,..,..., vocea·e. *Mala a. ....... ud-......... ,... llalllllna..... ..... P&&IONAL IJ' YOU wut 1.o pt ...,. wnt.e ._ a. v ......... w-. II-UII ---"""">' lin• I'•~ ll•r Rp&nlf!la at 11 '"; ' I llJIIII" l lllrlr, r l• l'h H.ELPEH F'nr tum .turr lru<k h lllt krnur l Jll h rlt <llll Wr•JNJll. Z.IOI·W 'f.._.tG BACK THE A'rJ'ACK 811.lboo Tranllf•r Cn . 1 ~101 WNrt T .. tt. "'''' I~ h 7,r,o II a m to \ - Cl'nlral An . Npl lkh 7~·1J~ :,n~~ r~m l'l~~~~r ~r~o:, 1>1'~/h~ Professional Directory MAN WANTED t:h l\ntiJinn l~•llg••·•· l'~lv•tr t or lctl dt-llv~ry· ro)uh• looud jo.Jb. party. 7:l-ttp -4(0od PfiY \\'r will ,,.,.,It )'nu "'' ,----- l"etabllllllr •l rnutr lr m•l 1ntrr t'Oitr.S In hiU•I "' rk "" ""' fll'l•h Newport I~ 1: C 'nld ~f~tr&f,tf' 410 30t h Sl ~.I' I"'" 1:• "II l"hnn•· l'•i 7 • "' -Itt C1oral, ....... ,.. ... - 0.\V l"('tiHCU~lr ..... : ('nil .• t•r..,.. r.ntn ... ;..,.'f'hfOd -•· Numhrn~ lllltltf'oll. 0 . .\, Mnrllmf'r PltoM aftt M -A.(htercl PrtM lpal N.D. CASH D V M DOO •"tf CAT Ho-~tTAL .... , ...... ... ,.,. •• ... .... ,, . , .......... Calif I \V Ma n-nf 1.-~ 111: O.·.wh "·'' J.,l ~-1•1• "' 111 "1'11"'"1 ool th•• • •nnl'r)' ~llf"'rtnlt·nrlt•nt .1nd ,.. I. 1'1 :-,;,.,, I•" 1 I :.I' •t.:•' "·" llltll'•~l I\\ hill h• rl\ y IIIII olo liM ,.,.,_. .. ,~~_~ l:tkt•' rru nt .. ,., Evrry m ;ut ''u•••hl h 1\ I • \II , •• ,,'IS.'Il {'(10•1 I'll! Ill tO or th o· 111111•1 In I•: a """" .... H .• , 1\' ""' 311.! ~~ .. " Sf I . Th . h 1-l"'nk l.ucu 11.1• lr.,.J, d 111 hi•. • llu!l""'l \\'ha t pnr• ""'' ~roountl• l11ry G a rrl1·n ,., , '' •I "" 11." ''' h • lp n ·l ru h 118 hl8 Wife til~,; 11 1110. r) t'\111'("1 111 ,. •l[lt'n '"' 1, , F kl , 1 l't>HIIt' ="'"'" l'"rt 111,rk ~~~ O.·r 1 a nd Will t•mplm II-; I :an Ill tou1 mg • .,r fhr n :!0:!4 with 1\ JOhoowt'r : 7/oll• lltchar~l C. Trtndl JIM) Jl('OJll" ·1 H1n:k m:ul•tt•r 1-ul't nun' or th•· '''"-.on ft:IJ ~o·11•1 . 'fnndrl Av -. --... th d dn) n11:h1 u nd Sillun la 1 mni"Tllu. ·' y ,. ··nrn~:: n u~ ,. Ill\• . ,.. Fishing Boat Bargains ,,., for OJII.'nin~: hul~ on t hr• nrw -·----~ .1pproat"hrd lh•·r·r ~~·· no hilt' '" c-on~1drr. NPVt'rthd l' l'ru~l•'t' L. 1 ~ Wilkin<:on mRdf' 11 ollon that nil bid' bi' N'){'cH·d :tnd that th1· hoard RdVPrll~ Unttrtain condi· lions in both markr t and man· JlOWff Wf'~ giv~ 11..~ I h(' rettS< ofll' for fallun! of finn.~ to t•n ler bid~ The fivl.'·ocn:• katr1r com patch he longing to II. n. Woodrou&h wa. .. I ha rvested quilt' compll"tl"ly by lin· 1 net!l and blockbird.<o. I AI a 5pi.'Cial mc•ctin& W('(!nesday SNOODLES Dr. A. S. Newton Optometrist lloom .... Moore llklr. 115 No. llroadwar 8aata ADa PhoiM' 5%74 Eyee Examined G.._. Jl1tted IJOROTHY UARr\IT .. ---;--:-r7C" '-I 0 ·-··. f. I \,,0 A l ' -. -·•"j ' -L.~-.-{ ~: "'-,_, I L L Jl•::.~ PtNOC'I .... T < o-.J A t'\1([ SPECIAL: 4Z-ft.. x 10-ft., 9-lD. beam; 9-toa Ice hole .... ~ 11-n. a-; -e~~,.,., c....-.. ~ C!Mr'W. Allupla. 11-fLhata&l.- 1118'S LIIDIII and Yacht Brokerage IIMAIIIIIIM ..... ,. .......... ( '7 o.t of 10 people ....t NeW;t,mee a...Uied Ads..) ~VN ~EQio -r .. e sroRe- GET Ct4E tvw5LIN I ~ED fait I Inside Storage 40c per ft. • Scrape and Paint Y flur Boat . on Our Convenient Ways 4 We FanJ.h the Eqalpmeet Yoa Do YCHU Owa Work PORT OF SEVEI SEAS ~ Oanler-Uan..,. Yaeltl ll"*w In Cout Jll&htraJ Phoae, Newport ~h 9t9 BACK THE ATI'ACK B11Y MOR~ BONI)f) By Cy Hungerford 'PNT \GoT' 11' :res· "ft4' S'AME! 1 Pv r Ml PeGS N02E IN ;r~iL -o.r 1r '{VIJZ fAL~ A~Rc-sr. : G~T MY ortt>tRS 'rwi~rco & ~AT' 'hl'l.._ -....... --.. ( N oJ ~A./ S f't:U,ir-1 RlCt( EVE~TI4 . sr,o{Jt>Lt~ ~ ., .,, 'tl;..o ~· •' t_ f-,o11 too;f ,.. •.-il'.cc.')t I Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyold a" .ond I U"9C'Ofl Nlntl'l •nd Cfntra A(•e. Offlc. Hro · 10.121 rn.; J ·&p.m , T elaphon1 J1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO.-Nav AT LAW c .... Meu ••"k lwlt41ftt ""'-411 Caltfentla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W• OureriY .. tiM S.U. ~ By lknllt• OUtere "-It" ~1'1-Nt-.or1 tit COita M... Callftrt~la BUY NOW Cit7 Tax Sale Lott A. J . TWIST 101 C011t HllhWIJ' ~~~-I4U COAONA OIL MAA Gerald Rausa, M. D. UIO W_. r-trat A- Nrwport ~ f'1a. Nn,potr1 ftHrll leal u ......... .,, f'all ...... JACK RA1 TR l .lrrnYd l.antl ~urvrvflr 2617 W. C:.Onlral Avrnue t•h,.nM: '?lrwport Offlrr 123: f~. 16!"16 Conrad Richter. M.~. ~hl'•lclen fllft4 lu~ Offloe tO? U~t4 ltreet Nl~~r1 ...... Houre: 10· tl a . m. & 1-t tt· "" ~~~en-Offtoe tUa "• 14·.1 DR. C. E. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN aM IU"Q&ON .. e.-.. .-.. ......., ...... -~-Oft ... •·w ,. ... ..._,. " ... ~ O.tt .....,... • Dr. M. D. Crawfnrd O .. TOMIT .. IIT ~:,.. Kum.... 01.-....... ITIT M..,.n ..W...,.. ~ ... COtTA MalA BALTZ MORTUARY I CHA~&L av YH& laA 410 CHit •• ¥4. I c;. ....... , .... . ,.._~ ...... .. lltfte Ntw,_r1 41 I>R. ODED LUCAS/ Denti1t • tlfty, w. r-traJ . ..._ , .. NF.WPOKT ftEAC :H SEPTJrf TANK li CF.NWOOI, PI '~11'1SO nov Mt"Nfl7. HI ll"n• l"t. I'll S r•t ,ti'Z·W ('OI'To\ I'IY.'4A, C'AI.It". WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISrRICT 6 f'lflrl'l Af.f AND ~INDLINQ W 0 00- 11 \', \\'r r tol 17114 t-:r11 n tH!, ('t11f1A "'"•" l 't~r11 t,ua l"'r l 'h. 1\Mo J C,(lllf'RAI f r)I\ITfl,llr,T (l"- Ct•rll"n n Fin•ll11y, :\41 () Cn~~•t Ulvd , Ph C12. Plnn• and Conratruc:tlono LtJMflf R f:(}MP,IINIEI - ('r-.rlll Ml'•h Ll•r c·,. "lA Ul t.•lp 1~ plan )''lllr hnm•" l'h'lnr 48. Hll•,o I II"' rl• I l .tlln htoor (;tl l'h<>n• 116() (;flU lll~liw11y 11t AI"' h~t. OJ'rtC£ IUPPttl'.a- ,._,....,,,.,rl IIIU'Lor l 'ublt.blhl' 0> Pt1una1 ' 12 • Ill, N"""P'ift n-It. PfUNTINQ - ~'~'""l-·r1 Harbor Pubfllltilnl' 0> Minn ... · 12 . II. N~ .,__ "EAL liTATI:, INaU.-ANGI & N OTA .. V ~UaLtC- l-H W""""" 2_, W. OMtlal A,_. PIICIDa I AU •• I'.._ tTAM~a- N,..,_-t Harbor Pv .......... ~ n-ae: U -tl, Ncwpwt -.IL IHI:IT MITAL WO""-v..-.Pt ...... 61Mcl ....... , .... Oiilla ..... ...._ .... VA"InV ITNa-..._ z-.. ~ .......... 1111. ......... .._. llll•W. ~ -· ... ... . ' ........ Newport Beach Grammar School PTA Enters Year's Activity with Enthusiasm Harbor Feminine I IF II. liM Activities • Daughter of Pioneer Family Weds Navy Man in Los Angeles ' .,....... ol tile ..... ol """" ll. 111\&Waa: parU&mat.an&D ....... ,.-t BeeQ an-&r ..._. Pv-NetU. Bryan: auditor. Wra. Har· ..t·'l'lecMn A-.ctatieD felt a rieU.e Hont; aailllortul and pub- ....,.,-. at ~boa at t.h Uclly, Mn. W. Rabbitt: wetfa~ . ..... o1 Uae ftnl -uq of t.be Wr:J. E. H. Kulberr: b~I.&Jity, ,.ar ltM-Jttl on MGDday wben Wre. Olebl: membenhlp, Wr1. t!'A· taiJ,J .. tile ~r book rwn&led car H.IU: ma~uloe and emblema. tlliat..,_. OOHr a hDdred IDOtben Wn. E. D. NUDan: wayw and Md .._ Ia ~ meana, Wra. Rabbitt; au m mer By Winifred Barbre Legion Au xili;ry ~~~ Phons 12 and 13 Harbor Air Base Officers and Wives Guests at Party A.Dnowlument hu ~n made lhe ploo.eer famUiee of Newport ;"' lhe weddlnc or ~~~~ Kary Beac.b, a niece ot Job.D Vllelle ucl T rra.nddaucbter or Kr. ud Wra. Jane Sturgeon, daurbter of Wra. Frank VUeUe ot 1822 vu.u. Pl~ns for joint lin. BaYIIMd ftootwa, ~nt. roundup, Wra. Ralpb fUcha.rdaon. Meet With Legion 1 -I ~~;;~~ii~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiillllllllliliiiiiiiiil At the monthly met•Ung of th<' 1 t A mu k an L<.glon Auxtll&ry htld In Amonr "e o!ricerw and their wlvea who were ~lal (UNU at t.be Santa Ana Count ry Club on Tuuday evenln« for tbe buffet aupper and dance rtven by Com- pa.ny C of Supply and Walntenanc1• ~ the Santa Ana ~rm?'.l Air Bue for enllated men 'M tDelr wiYM aDd -eethearta, were Major and Mra. Don Fry, of Balboa: Capt and Mn. J. W. Cowie of the Pen- tn.ul&; Capt. and Mra. Lyle Pear- .aon of Newport: Lt. and MnJ. and Jerome Goldateln of Laguna Beatb and Warrant O!flcf'r Henry Thle· mann and Mre. Tbe_lmann of Bal- boa Ialand. ........ ....-&M -uar wbkb ProtT.m. Wra. 8teff&.rul0o: ~r- a welcome to a1l pareou ant educaUnn, Wn. MC'la Bach· 0 . Eulaft, 1Upcorlntentl· man: art. Wra. Jack Raub; health, lhf' UJrlllll Hut t>n M~tno.Jay. r"· l porta wf'rt n-aJ by vo rwiiM <'l>m: n lttt•e chalmll'n, lm luJ1nl( that '~ ~ Harbor Orammar Kn. John Tubbe: motion plr tur.-. ecbool ~ wblcb l.e IDlroductd Wn. P . EllcorbrQpk, C'aleterla. Jdra. * MW t.Meberw and preeented ROM J...uro; Thrln Shop, M r•. t111e f-oau. Henry £crn1: courtf'•y. Jofra. Hra· thl' ("ounty .. Voomr al lll .. ,.llo~o: h,.!., In An&hrlrn. Rl'pl I:: Rw·re81!! ol thr p11rty 111'111 at S11wtelle lhl• mhnth h)' thf' jCIOIIJ' (lot I'OIIVQ( • •·tnta wat~ 11ttrlll•'\l lly rf pvrt !rvu I Jr. ~tfl.l.l muakal prornuD trr fUnr: CUb Scout•. ~>~••· J. W wu .--b)' Wn. Waller Spicer, PC"yton and room molbf'ra. Mra. ftablala. aceompulecl by Ruth Robert Allen. thllt l'ha lrnHtn OIIJ('UII~IOII on II.II IVIty '"r 1111' Vt•t o·rana· Jo'a'rrn and Loan Bllf whlo·h will app«"nr no ttw Stith' I .Snvl'ntiH'r llitll••l -.Rs h••lol Til•• huu.:rt (or lhr nm1•ng yrar wa11 AnYtronc. Tbey chON "Hymu -------- 110 lbe "*" by IUalaky-KoraU!ov ...._.... b)' "Ciu\aoMtt.li" by. o.orsk. P'or Uldr encore. Ulf'y ,..,_. U.. Wtlftl, "P'rom the C&nc· ~•" b)' Oardner. Tea bour cl~ t.be attei"IIOOO, a.-res _._,. eervlnc .. hoe- ._._ Oltk:era ol U1e orr&n.lu· Uaa Uda ~ are p~aldcnl. Wn. a . 0 . Roprw: vlce-p,....dent. lira a-u. SlelfftUIOG ; --~ry. Mn. Baro&d Kolta; t.nuurer. Wrw. hek'• New Barber Shop ...... -. ........... ... Ladles' Hair Cuts • ··~ New Home Owners . Plan Birthday Fete .,... pr••11• nt,.d and 111'1""'"''1 1 Mr. and :w.n EJmoocJ numll 1'1""" fur n J••lllt ntro·tlnl{ with and thtlr twin•. J l'an«"lll' ami Juhn the> 1.•'1:1"" J•,,.,t '" '"' h•·lll 011 I of Camp Curry h iiVP piJI'('htl'>"il (II t li Ill I h•· 1 .. ·1: 1"0 II II I "'' 1 1 thf' F'rrtl Snwecor uupl.-x at 170ti m11•l" l'n•~:••11u f••r thl" u:l.•'' We•t Ol.'"an Front s.nd I'X)l4"1't t•• "Ill '"' pl.tnllt .t I ,. Ill•· m•·11 ·• • ~~pend mllnv of thtlr wr<'lc .-nd" th• ''"'''"r" "Ill h,,, . ., 1 har.:" "' lherl' u thC'y h&\f' rl'lallvrs In t• fr•11hrn•·ul..~ CNta we ... Mr. a nd Mn l' M Ad&JrA, Harbor bnulrwlrcJ 1· CO :\IJ N (; E\' ENTS Ea~h year •Inc.-the arnvaJ of __ the> twin• Mr uml lot11o Hurn11 MOSU,\l'. CH'THRF.R ~-1 b&ve '-'iven 1 blrthdwy party "'I R<od ('""'' "'"rkr•••m, Ill l'1dm 1 camp CUM')< for all lh£' twin., II( IIVI'nlfl', 10 It, m. \C. " p m., ~UI ).;I' the ~rt. and u many as l:.'fl c:lll rtr1.,,1nlo:~ 1 p&Jn ot twins have bet·n l'nll'r-ftt><l C't'USS wurk r•••nl, 3 13 ~tw I talned at one.. rlnt' AV<'nU<'. Bal(l()ll Island. Ofl''O 'nw twinll art' J t'Rnn('tl£' nnrt JO tO 4 J"'. m . ·"-'Wing. John CUrry, and th"ir l'ldl'r ftt.'<l C'roM workmom. 1:\0(1 brother, David Curry. Ia hum•· Oct>a"n bouiC'Vard. Cnronu dl'l Mar. tram Stanlord university for lwo 1 to 4 p m .. ~ur~;knl drt'lll>in~:~. Wftkl. He Ia In t~ Navy V·12 TUUDA'f, OC'TOIIF.R J- corpa. ....... Burna' brother, Dr u~. 6::!0, lll'lnZ KaiSt'n. . 'l'rnllt«, la prelident of Stanforc1 Rotary. 6 :30 p. m .. Whltt•'s Pnrk unlwnlty. AvenUP. Balboa bland. --~---fttod Crnu workroom. 111 Palm Wra. 0~ Sl'vler, prtnd p&l ur avenUf', Balbo&, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., lbe Balboa IMand acbool. bu been -inc. ~ aome Ume wilh Mrw ftL'd Croll,~ worltroom. 313 Ma- JUIMa F. Walkina. 3~ laland av· rlnf' II Vf'nU4'. BftlbOII bland. 10 I ! ~. '~ Tbere wert' long labln of delec- labre IIUpper dlahee to tl'mpl tht 400 guuts and later lht rr w .. canclng to thr sWln~t of A Rns,. nr- chell'tra featuring a "JivC' c>unt .. sl" for w hich the wmnt-rll received prlua. Ten Candles on the Birthday Cake of Donna Lee Zube Donna t..ee £Uoe <'e•Pbratt>d t t'nlh birthday rPCenlly a t thf homl' of ht'r parente. Mr. and Mrr C. E . Zube, 316 Onyx. Balboa tal- and. Gamea Wl're pl~&yed and prh;er awarded the winner~. The llvlnr room wu darkened, lighted onl~ by canfflell«hl. At a table cen- te~d with ten small caku. eact- llghted with a tiny candle and eet _,,.,,.,.,.. llavo .... fa~ _.. ttlo )'OIIIIftr cNWII far a 10111 tllfto, wtlh ravora for each gue•t. lht IHit tllla fall tlley wUI N II .... llt)'te for all .. 0 1ro"" aiMI -llpatiOfiL little hoate• WC'lcomed her many Tlle veraloft ef tile jllm,w ...._ lltra Ia '" mlltocl 10111 wool, to bo -"' wltll n111t, dartc " ~ ""'"L Vev will want te mako tllla frlenda. NcaiiM tllo ellteftdocl, pa~ eii..W.ra a11d •-1atheNCI walaliiM aro Tlie gJ~tala circled the table and Ann Clover, 1221 Weal Bay av-Pl&ce. Her buab&lld a. alto 1mowa t'nue, at ~ p.m. Wed.Duday, Sept. be~. bla rrandparentAI, Wr. ucl 20 to Ll. (JC) WlUiam c. Tbomp-l Wn. C. H. But. reeldioc 1D Corooa ' del Mar. wblle an aunt &Ad UDcle. aon. 80D of Mn. Hallie 'nM>ID,.an 1 Wr. and ldra. Arthur L. Beat, Uve of Loe Ancelea. on Balboa lalud. The ceremony waa performed at Both younc people are rraduate• the home ot a friend, Wn. Jack of U.S.C. Lt. Tbompeon Ia a doc-· Harbour. 328 ~uth OcctdeDl&l lor In the medical corp. and l• boulevard. Loa AJlgelea, by Chap· ataUoned at Nor.olk, Va., at Camp lain Robt!rl R. Wllaon, USN. Solomon. tn which he returoed · M in Sturgeon wore a grey crcpc Thuraday by plane. Wra. Tbomp- drn., and a cor~e Of oreblda. aon Ia leaving lh!a wet'k to join arid ber maid of honor, Wlaa Cath· him In Wuhlnrton. D. C. He ex- ertDe Barbour, ..,.. att~red m pectAI to ~ transferred aoon. and bruwn crepe and wore gardenlu. they expet'l to vaaat In Ntw Or- Beat ma.n wu Or. <..,ark Mellon. leaua and then return to Ule Floral decorations we're whl~ c:O&Ht. commg tn Stio F'ranclaco. chryaanthemUDlll and gla<liolaa. Attending thC' wedding from The brllle Ia a member of 6nl' n1 Newport H.-Hch ~ere the brlde'a --------------mother, Mra. Clover. Mra. Arthur Mr anti Mrs. Tryg ve Ht•as. 13:!71 Ileal and !.11·. and ~ln. C. H. BeaL Wnt SLy a~enue. taave returned -- frum 11 wt>ck's vaualaon wh•ch they f:f f:f f:f f:f f:f f:f ~ ~ ~ M~nt ut v, 01<'<'. ~Jr. Hells wnrkll l \\llat'a !'few! ~ at lhe South Cout company, and {t ~ hi .... un-ln·IU~. Jo:Jnu ( IIIIa. Wll I h ne Toy Shop * "'LUt lluOI<' un I!J days' furluugh Y' ItO M r1. A f n •n• , amp ut Victorvtl~<', ''"'rkt·J {t B.J.,:a ':!tan":' l} 1 al Uti' South Cou l Whtle ht• \\us 1 . ..A-..A-..A_ ..A_ ..A_ H H H I hl'rl'. I . r ).( ) r } ( H H -v--v--v-I ---------------- (0. lie W -ltJII rtl l t) .. a 0 > .... eplitn enue, Balboa · Jaland unt;J ber a. m . to 4 p. m . ~CWing .. yOIItllfllll)' 11-a11d tlattertftl, Mil bocao~ae .It Ia -" a11 oaay atyla their hoattM aln«in« "H a p p y ap&rt.ment would bC' available'. She wW move tn her perm&lll'nt loca- to -· A full lOft leaflet, "'WINt'l ,._ Ill ,.aehlo11a Ill)' ttla \'a,.... may Birthday." Refruhmt'nla wer(' 1 H h S h I PTA be olltai11H II)' aeiMIIIIf a ......,.., aelf..M4roeMd at~vel.,. ta tile then aerved at a ton« table eet 1D I Uoca Oct. 1. FLOWEI SlOP fLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION I ·ORMAI'S la'r o..e llldwa)'-()oroa del .. ., ......... 1410: fer y._ ou.Ma ig C 00 Naedlowork ~~~tel llala ,_,.r, at~&Cif)'lllf deailll No. MI7JI. thf' gRrdC'n. Op«-nlng her many I Board Convenes ~ft!'l. lht' blrlhdllV ~tlrl round I H d d f · d f'verylhlng to dl'll~ht the heart of II )Jt•mll('r .. nf thf' board II( ... r ... -Ebell Luncheon un r~ nen s I " W-yrar-nld hLsalr~ ~or had .tie tt•r.. ,,, r; ....... ,,. rt liarbur lll~h l F N t Th rsd Pay T n bu te to I tnr~ulten ht'r gtlt'IIUJ r. r 1'1\Ch boy I IIC'hO<JI'II I'T A Ill PI In ~~eulnn "" or ex u ay R J h ., receiVt'd " bog uf marbles and I Tunday In formuhtte flnlll pinnA I ---ev . 0 nson f'ACh j(irl wu pr••sented With 8 I 1 for the> fC•llr lllt'<'lliiRII 0(1 the )'t'll;-Th!' flrl'll meeUng of lhe ..._.,0 lap..-1 llecorotlon. <'Ontluctl'o1 hy that "rga.nl:r.atlon. '<,. llw ~"'''p<1rt ll~'nrh F.tlrll c lult In art'l'ptRnr e nf th,. Invitation' Thn"t' bidden tu thr delightful ' •• th.-flrflfl fof wh1r h w•ll he> IH Ill will bt' Thlll'lUiay, <XI. r, r wltit tn Rll member~ nnll fr!C'nlle or C08t3 party were Donn& Price. J'otrlcla. I TUI'a<lay. {)(t Wth, 2.30 p.rn. 1n lunchron ot 1 p m .• accllrdlng to 3.J~>n Olmmunlty chu r c h 001! I Long, Kay Pl'l\lha.m, Janlt•e Allen, I thl' ech•ul a UI!Iturlum, 111 rf.nlln.l( the> announrement It( the prrsldent, hund~d ~ratht>red In t hr Social Tnbianne ~clnldh. VirginiA ana I U> ).tra. W J Ncov•lll'. 1 hRirman Mra. Victor Gral'e lfnll SundAy evf'nlng alter the I Lnul11e Henery; Bunny llnd J o Ill S E I Y Of p~1111 anrt publicity Ml1111 Man-la Coombs 11!1 an f•harK' n•lfUiar aervlce tn pe.y tribute to .Muiii!'J'avl!; Mary Janr, Ah lrley ana ~2__oJ:~'I~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offlcl.'ra and buard ml.'mbera <1f the-reaervatlona, whlr h mu11t bf ltev. Carl B. John.-on and b la Loula Gl&a~~brcnncr : Laura Beth I p~~t were lrlra .. Ounnlng BuUn. made with ber no l&ler tb&n Tllea-lamJly. • • and M11rtty Burke: Margie and Say a Merry Christmas to the Boys Overseas with Your Portrait~ Doll't Delay-Dave Yoar Photop-aph Tak.-n NOW. .... 7 M..t Be ~ (or MaJIIag by October IMh lfllt-----SPECIAL -_____, o.e Professl011al s1 00 P.tr•lt, 01ly • -APPOIJif'I'MEJf'l' ~Aal' prt"•ldent: Wra. Clyde Otto, vice-day, Oct. 3. Her telf'Jlhnnf' nuro· Spoot&Mity "'('-thl' keynot e of Buu:v Knox: Ronny Kepper. Dick pl't'aldmt: Mra John Sadlier. ~-bC'r Ia 2346-M. lbe t'ntl~ affair for which a bo.~t anti O•tn Honeycutt: lhe hoateu rordtnc M'Cnlary. Mr1 Don We-Mra. E. E. ~udlnot and the of WSCS ml'mbl'ra gave their Ume and her sll!tcr, Join Zube. Callum. lrf'UIIn-r: Wr. Martin l&dln who &a~~lm her at thf' nntt and dforta to m&kf' lhe I'Vtnlng Braull, auditor: Jofr11 C. 1 •. Tbom. ahnp &rt' In l'h&rge of the P,ro,.m, one h•ng U> bP rt"m<'mbt'rc.'d I ,In~· ,., ho111 nn-heatm.. !lltl'll!l Murar l h latortan: anll Mn 0 7. HobC'rt· Rn<l whR" tht'y 8ft' rrrpllrlnlf Ia a A highlight nf th.-evening waa ll~lrh, llll••fltr•l f'•llla Mf'lta v•olin- aon. parllamentanan to rrplal't' thing kt>rt hidden rvl'n from the. p~nlallon by ltaymond F.ast-i11t. pl:ty•••l a l'luu'l'nlng group of Mrw. Robert PowPII who hu moved pr<>p.'ram rhalrmAn. but thrv prom-men 11f lbC' nl'wly-nrganiz.ed Sun-I numl~t•l:o away. ll<C lhl' surpi i!OI' w1ll II" e-njoyable. -------I rnmmltll'f' r·halrm&n to l!l'rYC' for the ll<'hnoJ year "'~" M r~ "'"ry Son of Famous Jo'•ln Our I nurlllr k mrmbrr~hip; Mrw J. w. H r· ld n lbo ll't•ytun :1r , WAY II 141l•l IIWUill<, Ml-" I at Je at a 3 Lucy MWhAII, mAjClUION<. !oil"· I A. L. Pmlclo·v. ltJ:IIIIotlun . ~l ito Y•hll~ lh•· "'ol (,.,.,1 ,,. ""' 1 tn be )larvtn Hn•~~n. Arl ~h~ l..rn nver. ol~n17,1'''"' "' 11~11><•1\ are l'l1rt : P'ryt r h~pll~tllty. Mt,.. l•'r~l \\'rr-•>f wnn>ll'rlnl:'. nnd nrl' h•>rarc that l alnJI. hultl'a &nd wt•lfare sntl Mrs.I IH> Mo (',.ys ''"m•• t 1 ltl\\n I he I W J , Nt'vlllt, publklly un,l prt'al rt-u•>n ht'lng thAt one or the latelt ----_ rr10W.,nt~ nf Ill•• IIIII I' • ••~a 1!1 Picnic Honors l Oil~ ut HI• lfii![Jdols Frerl l.Ambt•rt , ""'' :tl• • h.1nlc at 1 Double Cousin of ; Uno Bnlblol\ M.•t .. rtl ·~ s ~on or Russe11 Bart"•ne I !:Mil' »atrtrld and 'l'T!lnd.won at llhe fR mnua Fr•·d llalflf'l 'l r,f 1.-o- ---jt&n . \\'P!It \'1r"m1n ,\lr. lUI•! ~Ira. 'Illt' AnRh<'lm t'lly '''"·k "'""' ~<•t· I.Ambnt whn rt~ldr nt lh,. l,cata tln~r for a family parnlc ln11pll't'd Mc>M T!nliPr l'nu1t, l'llm•• heu by Jotr &nol Mr11 Hllll.tlt'll Bartlnl' frl"m llc>llfountam Oh 11 whf'n they !E'Alhercod togetht'r mt'm·' Tnm IIIJC'k 1 1' 1 1 1 1 • r f"(' r r lUI, who t,_ bC'ra (rum OriUijt~ M tl 1 ... wo An· nnrth <•: lluulllll:l•\0 ll•·•rll ...S Relrll C'tl.untlf'IC to hunnr rl\'l"'llt"l'to Hllpo•ll 1. f\t· 1: W~l, , "lliU. here Mate I t' H J Andrt-wa. a llc'Ublr from I;•!< A MI.• .• • "" """' Jr.e8• f'OIIOaln nr lhl' hnt!l. Whn Will 111100 he'll! .hl•!"l I• 'If• ( ,,,., ll o.a- bf' rt'II'Urol (r<>nt :'113\'1\l Hf\l'lplti\J ho :\f In l..cm~: II<' Ill h T h<' Pt•lt \' ,,f lt'l'r 11 • "1 r,. \It "'• I ~I r• Y. ... ttrr rf''~ I• • ~. ,. '' .. 1 ,,., It ,~. whoiN' h11nw I" In ~lllll'rtoiO, hila 1 ll'l'n almc-101 thr<'r Y""'ll tluty In C h '"' D the> ~nut h l'a•lftr nn•l h<'fun• that U ."'COU t <'11 wa.-Rl c .-,.aiJI&lll!l Mothe r" !\lr<'t Th• ,.,. !toll ln.: Ar<Jllll,l tht' hl' A t.:t , 1, 11 •tll.n tl\'t' h.~Rrol tnrltuh•d In n.l•hllnn tv n ( C'IJh ~ • .,111• , ,. ,. ,. , h.lll a.d thl' hnnnr.••• nnol !lt r nntl ~lr~ 11.'11 tanr llntl •lnughtr r. !ll r~< Anolrl'\\• aull lht' r oiRIII:hlrr. Ro tty .l.1nr. Mnrtl' l.'o•ll lllltl hc>r m .. thl'r . :'olr11. llt•lrn llnrlull Antl tWo• olnu,;htt·rs. Mr nnd :\lrt< U"."' J ult.t'l ,,, .r duu,..ht•·r nnd """·nil l>f Full••rt••ll I A 11 1111111 1111d II• r hustmud. :\II •Ill 1 ,\:r!f (' . .J lluttro•f1~, .. ml' (rolfll 1.•'1' \n.:o lf'lt IIJ< \It II It~< ~lr nnd ;\11.< l·'ux. ~t l\t h rlt~cl nt :O:nr1 ,,. 'r" J:ll'tlrl• .nu'!l :\lnlt• :1 , 1-'llllh 111 1lnlt .llllt' (pr thr KCh11r Barbecue Dinner Honors Birthday I '• r ~ I • · I' I •• • Ot•\1111 n-• tll't"' t .: • ~ f ' I •• ... \Ira F ~" II I , f, '' •· • H:ll I', .•. :H t ,L '!\1 l~ h :-:-I lilol• • I • 1·1 r• ,0uy ~ '' f'l • • ' • •1 r t •len· "' '· ll 1rbQr I 1• 1 S 1 •11;' \•(& • '1 • ·~ • 1:.. .• III01fer 1 I'' I •. f' ~···"I· I Th" .... , ,, , L II' • 1 ll1• I' ('Qt'l(!l 1 1• 1· nth '" talk ,,,,' 1 • aden• U1 '·'· .t • tt •' ' I ',. IArr.•' II I' I 1 I' • I'' """· un,r ••heck \\1!11 \)r I 1\ 1'•1',•, .1· \\hOlll I' T '' • • •.: .• • ·I 1 ' tn~ tn :'olr~ II all ,\11 'llll• •l•·t1~ '• th<' Jut ''"r l'ltn '" h :•ll"n Jl·~ yt!ar with n Tl• ,. "''" ""'' · •'I ~·ont ·.-d on ~~~~·~ ('aml<'c Burdlrk C(•lltn Hn ltwa l!'lnnd. ~lo',."· \\'Ill! tht' F'I'Qlplcnt 0( inllll\' ThNO<' ,.,. l't'nt Rt the n!'ll ~I lm't'l y j:lfu and hR rr~· Willhtlt ,,. ~:·J.!• Ill··:. "I' h ~·· ' II I! \\I r. ...rro., I'Tlth· "h1 n Ah«' waa thE' J:lll'l't "f Pult·h llrnr.~ k :\lr .. 1\l't~bam. 00•'~ <>n hc>r ftftt't'nlh birthday ~1 'l' l'nt11t l.1 f:mnll ~~~~~ Schrepel. at'" bllr be<-ue dlnn«'r at Uti' holDIC' lofrs. \\'n,:ht nil \\I •• "·II lnol Uft'-1 nf hf'r nunt and unde. Mr. And b<'l(l b 'nn.t '1''11~ ;\lr• ~·!~tar Hlll. hrKtl n~: 1 !).-I t•l•• 1~>1•• l•n ot.btr l\ln (.'!arenrt ~·ler nC Lflog 11('\\ tlrn mntht•t • \\111 bfo )lira. I BLANKET CLUB NOW~ t • 100°/o \\r'ool 50°/o \Vool • • • Wool Wool From $5.98 to $18.98 $1 DOWN ... 50c PER \VEEK • At'a• h. .tunnaln Jo:J••ntt frl'm th• I'C'nlna.Jia: I Th~ jolnlnc thl' fe•tlviUC',. In-!11 ~ <'Arr.•ll nntl M ~ flo"'"' trocD • luded Mr. and ~Jn. BurdiC'k. par-~ t hr EA.•t ="""1"·1'1 Arton ·Mo1 tW() 0 . -..J.s Rort ... ~ ,·ts nu of lht' bonoree. Mr and Mrw n."" n•Hthf'r!' "''" I'"""'~ ., ., MAr. rL, 1 IL4 Ourr •'owler ol Phoenlll. Ariz .• Mr,. f<uiJrt'rJr M e! Mra. Wocater. Mr and M"' Ch&rlea Fowltr nn<l -_ Ork IllS DEPARTMENT STORE -..a&• ..... -NEXT TO WA&D8, <lau~htt>r Birbar• LH ot SM Jurl~-"11.'1\'t' you ~ 11\W)'« Mlfi'A AJfA. CALIF. Jn~. Nr Uld a.Jra. Ceor~:f' l\tRy Sam7" ----u .. -. .. 1 .. a.,..,. 11111\l M Lonc lkAch Uld Bobby1 SAm "'n ~11h I'•·· dl'('tded to'L.----------------------~-----'--~~--•1111!•~------------------•· UuniiC'k. bmlbn of the bonc>n'e. trU tJw trul." II ., COSTA MESA .-I ..-TlUYEyour precious bobby pins in the bathroom to rust. It you keep them in a small wood-~~ en box ot some kind ~ or other, they won't _ -~ rust because t h e = ' ·::: wo od absorbs the ~ · .,.r-t. ao1s,ure. ~ RECIPE in 1ast1ns •~~paY in Victo~Y~ash return• -and in U bera Peace • • s not over • ~ The war bUY 1ng--nnd P' so keep An extra bUY ~I! ~ave an ex- Bond mary , vou never a li e.~ ~s tr too manY! o, can bUY , bUY more-now . FIGHT ON - enting Plent Y ot