HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-05 - Newport Balboa News Timesr , .e ,..., .,., ti.&K. I . A. Lt.U:L &.a; Nl VOLUME V -....-., ---. ~-~· --=------~ . -~· NBWPOBT-8 NEWPORT BEACH, ----= - OA PRESS $2200 Holdup Gets Five Year to~eTerm - - Heights Site. Enters Plan for City Hall -tl! J2.50 .. ..... i Only e., .. /!J • hu,... IDtar u •thun- lie theU' m1Wan ---Irk 2 al wtfe to .,_a., tP.Har-,_ ....... ........... r.n": " ....... tt W. T. al l.l'eet ~IQiwth ''" bladt ltion to ld wlf,. to I wlf4'. lot hluc-k A:UI NI'WJ1Ur1 r"""'' to 'if~. &ut II dl•l Mar. · Uuy w. IX'k 30 "' ~Iff! to A,.. 18 In block • laland. l lo ll. P. II\ ol tract .. lboa LAI· , • ....... ..... ......,., . ... ·-ue.. .. ............ ~yf.,.. ...... --12• ..... ... '!'OUCH ............. ...,.,diAl, .......... _.. .... , llldrt Ia taUaft .. . ... ( II • B •LBOJl PREIS Adult Night School Pilot Training On II:WPOB • • • Well Received By Coast Ext~ruled AN IND&PKNI•~NT 1./.JCA/.. N II:W:i/'lll'l<li - ---------l Jl •M:h California llarbor Citizens ~n addiUoaal f l\t' Wt'l'kll uf Publlabeel every Thurs4&Y e\•enlnS" at 8~'~; -T~Irph.one Ul18 trainlnc wu deciX'•·.I rnr stuJl'nl omoe Mel Prlntln~ Plant _at 22ll_Ct> _ . . _ E~nlng cl..-ea In t Y P In&. pllota In Army A\'t~tllon Trulnwg IDntarecl u MCOnd-\:liUIII matter June 18, 1940. Ill the poet ofnce at bookkeeping and ahol"tband are achoola ot tJM W•·sl, rn Flying N.wport Beub. C&llfomia, un,ler the Act of M:.rc•h 3, 117t n~w belzl« held on Monday a.nd Tralnln&' Com.m&nil, In order• from bo _ \\ edneaday eveninc•. accordif11' W&ahtncton e&rl'-' thts wc,.k Thr •--t _.,. ~o• I• N~"·port ttar r ar.-RaJ h K R " .... to t J • -·~-.---, ( to P · ee.., ..,rec r 0 five week utenaton twgtrt!l Url. 16 Pap2 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS I Rt71T R!\f TO NP:\\'I'OBT lltH k 111 :'llt•wport Beach-per- tnlilwnlly, they h•)l)e--&re Wr . uml M rs. Gilbert Place, who had rNIIMd In Ute Angelt-• alnce leav- tn~ Ute Harbor in January. '!'be Places have purchaaed the Orella Snyder reaidence property at li08 W. Ocean Front. rrupuun • Pa{II.'T u{ rh~ l't'P/1 ._ atlull education at Harbor HI&)!. and wu Mnount·•·t.l Jill Rpplytng OIX>ROI:-K SHAJo'YII:R and CHARLES Jr. CRAW!o'OR.D L<"mard Thompaon, head of the to a1J p...._ of pdul training ;:===========~~ · Owner• and J>ubltahera rommerciaJ department at ~ throUI'bout tJM m•twurk or pri- OEOROE K. SHAFFER. Editor t~•hool, atalea tbat It 1a not too mary, bulc and atlwn('ed rtelda In ·ptJJLDREN'S NELL WURDAROER. Local New• Editor -late to ret rectatered In either the far 'feR anti uther ai r bMe HAffiCUTS -----b the be&lnntra croup or the bn&ah· d1atrtcta ,._.. p,... hU liMn adju~ed a nfwapapeo~r or, gen~r~~ ~::;ryulaq~~~n.~ up courae tor advanced atudenUI. Tbe .dJoD "".tJ><lnca airfield c~ecne of the Superior Court or Onnce un Y an Th 1 1 h ld 1 th conuner-,... I A Specialty to publUib all klnda of lecal nouc ... and ad"··rt la•·mrnta . · e c au • • n e lftdu&Uoll for tl~ht officer• and ctal room from 7 to t . eeoond IJeuten&nta rr .. m Oct . 16 to I...U. by Appolatm.t SUBSCRIPTJu N RATES: Woodahop and metaJ abop claM-Nov. 10. 111 "-•-e County, 11110 per year. OulJilde uf Orange County, 12.00 .-d are meeting on TundaJ and The __ .... 11 1 JACK'S =....,"'=·-=-•..,..,,....-----:· =----~ . ·--... recti\'" app es on y -= Thuraday eventnc• from 1.10 to to p!Jot tralnin&. n•,l to bombar-HARBER SHOP WILL THERE BE 50-MJLE GALWN GAS? 9 :30 tn the •hop bulldift&. Kr. dier and navtpttJr trlllnl ng. What can the motorist and the boat owner expect in the way of automobiles and pleasure craft after the war? Wurlkn announcea tbat lbue 1a Lieut. Oen. Bartt•n K. Yount. (.IAC'K Hl'C&ABEI!, I'Jep.) ulrt•ady a &ood alud rroup re,U. comniancUftc pncrul ,1f the A.A.F. Hcou.,.; II A-IK. to 1 P. II. trr••d In thla acUvlty, but ~t Tra1ntna' Command, explaJnl•d at ll%0 Martne Ave. there 11 •llll roorr. for mora. All Jl't. Wort~~. Ta., that dt·tailed cur-~ laa..d A hint of what is tn come WM furthcomang the other day from a speaker at a refinery tl{.o<liratwn helt.l by the Richfield Oil Corporation at their plant rwar Wilmington. typ•·• of woodworkln& aeUvltln r1cu1a tor the extra live weelu, ~;;;;~~P'--;;~~:~1~111~~~~~ 11re tuen up, lncludlnc new con.. ha" Men drawn up anti will be ~tructtnn, overhaulln&. rettnlab· put mto operation urt Ul. Southt>rn California chemical enginN .. rs. spurrt.-d by the war effort. suc0088fully produced 100-odune gasoline that put super power into American and Allil.,J warplanes to give them superiority in the air. tng and dealplnc. TIM tra.J.ntnc ext•·nslun wu di· l'hyalc&l ec:lucaUon CSU.U reeted tt,. Army Atr Force hu d-GEIIB'S mt-rt every evenlnJ' ln tha &YM quarte.-. after a aur\'ey Indicated from 8.30 to e :30. Buketball J.a th&t tbe Arm.J'a ft'I!Cr\'Oir of piJota th~ main aport for Tueaday 1a telllpoi'U'tl7 nu.cL nlghta. A town team wtll ewn- rRINCH 111d JTAUAN Bread and Pastry SMp t ually be tprmed from the TuM-Rolla • Brioche • Breadaticka They went many steps fartb('r. They stepped up 100- octane into a auper fuel, of muc·h higher ratings. AJrframe engineers rede~dgned their motors to be able to uae the increased powe r-motors that weighed leKS per horae power than had e\'er lx>t.•n ()reamed of, giving longer range (more mileage l to the planes. day ntcht clua anc:l aJI younc .U.TDA~ nwn of the community lnlereatec:l NEATLY DONI: GBJII: BOBBO In buketball. are UJTed to come )ln. JDva Brode1aon and out. On Thurad&y evenlnp vol-<\ln. Glady:~ Wllaon 706 Cout Hhny, Coroaa del M1r T•lepbon• Newport 804-J l~yball Ia played by the buatn.. Burt St. Sldl' of mco of the vicinity. Thla 1.8 the 841_,A. INN AJ&CADE ITALIAN SUPPERS Southern California's oil experts are apparently years 14th eeaaon for thla pup, and -....;<,.nallliliiii.ito...;to-...;Be;;.•;;;,;u:.;t~y_;:S;;:h~op~);.....J 12 to 115 men are atiU reportinl --------------------------- ahead of automotive and marine engine designers. recularly, but there Ia plenty of ,------------------------- They aay new engines amaller and lighte r, will be forth-room for new membera. ' . • On Monday and WedneadaJ comJDg for can and boal8 that Will gt\'t-r,Tf'ltler power yet evenlnp. co-ec:lucauonal M4mtn- requlre amaller apace which will provide "more leg Jroom." ton I• played wtth Kr. MWer and Perbape the dream of 50 miiMt to the gallon on the Mlu Sherman u lnatructora. . . Badminton \11111 be laiJI'ht to the highway will aoon be a reahty. berJnnera and there 1a ample com- ---•---peUUon for the advanced pla,.,., .. , l"l'JOoouloo lORmAn'S Plazate azad Suppliea for Your Q.rdeza Raw1r lhap 1nd lun•ru 1307 Cout Hiqbway Phon~> :wo Corona del Mar WE HAVE "SECRET \\'}~APONS" AlSO It ;::l;:~~~n Ia belnc offered on While the Germans have bt.oe.n tallting of their V-3 Monday• and Wec:tneadaya by Hu-'--------------------....;.--....1 bomb. and other 1'secret weapons.'' Uncle Sam hu been bl'rt Kidder Thia •• pr1martJy a bef1nner• courae, but an advanc-keeplng his mouth shut, but doing ('Xt•cution. Latest issut' ed ctu11 may be formed within of the Un ited States Naval liUititutc Pron'eflingg carries th,. gr-oup. It there ia ~noup ct... this report. dated 8JI of Jut July 31: "One of the most mand. The clau I• held In Room 1~ from 7:30 t.o 11:30. fearful inslrumenlll of death from Amcri(·n's arsenal of All clau,.1 arf' tree, and ht&h Mecrct weapon,_, is aiding, immeasurably in the whirlwind •~hool rredit may be f1ven tor conquest of Tiniar:t lsJand" (now long Hinc(' "secure".) "Ef· thf' complrtlon of the eta. work. ed Onf' may regtater at any Ume, fectivent>SS of the secret Weapor has lx>t'n drfinitcly prov . hut It II advanta«eoWI to pt It is truly fearful. and it is extremely doubtful whether any •tarted early, Mr. Reed Mid. rur- human being within tOO feel of its action would be able lher Information may be hacS by h ct d d h calling the hlp IIC.hool, and com-to live. lt is easy to foreSC<' t e t•VI\Station an eat plell' clau ·achec:lule. wtll be aent which would result from itJI use nn ~:~uch targets as the It rtoqueated. crowde-d cities of the Japaneee homt>land. Firl!lt uae of the we&po!]. came aeveral daya ago, but be<:Ruse of security reasons, it is impoeaible to hint at its congtructton, or illl manner of uae." ~ ---·--- PROPOSITION NO. 9 GETS BACKING The propoeal known as Proposition No. 9 on next month'a ·statewide referendum ballot . has fur its purpose the increaaing of state support from $60 JX'r grade school pupil to $80 per pupil per year , The proposition is in- tended, ita backers say. to secure adtlitiunal sch0<1l teachers FI1PI OPII:N8 8110P FOa lli!FIUOilii.AftON WOU: New •nice for home m&Jtanr anc:l II--'"" of Newport Har-bor, wu today announced by Sa- all )r(, P'arrell. who, wtth OeoJye E. Dolby and William M. Com- mon•. Jr.. u UIIOCiatu, on Mon- day, Oct., 9 plan• to open the Midway Rf'frtgeratlon and 8er- \1Cf' ahop at 11505 Wnt Central avenue. The trio will lpeclallze In wuhlng m&chlnea and houaehold appllanc•. and '111-111 &lao handle radio work. Thtlr at'tup wtll In- clude ~pal"' nn larrc>r retrlgera. Uon untta for restaurant. and marketa. u well u howtehold ln- ftaUaUona. _____ _...,__..._..~.--... ----------~-----........,_ Famed Among the Nation's Be•t KDown Stopping Places- THE BALBOA INN Spabloua and attra<'tlve, quarters, at 11 stlf· JUSt far enouctl dt'tachec:l from thl' buatle of Balhoa'• main tntarwec:Uon. e ILUN 8TaE&T AT THE BALBOA PU:R TELEPHONE: NEWPORT REACH 1410 ____________ ..., ____ ..,. ____ _.._... .. ----------~ :.~ .. !: .. m m "I ~~~ :! ii l m ::: Thursday, October 5, lMf NEWPORT BALROA B & C BOOK B.DEIS ., ' I' • ' I I \ I, · .UI!J 00111: Of .urD Ia WI D' WOO OAN QO.&LIJ'I' WB WILL JIIJLP YOU MAQI OUI' YOOII API'LICA- 'ftON 1'0& A t'IKE OD'lVICATJ:. • 7 ·. · ·1 .·; 1 · r n ·~ ·ll , v f LnBPOPB I" I ·, Don't Let Your RADIO GO DEAD We Repair Radios in 48 HoUr& BRING TT TO US AT ONCF., IF ANY"nfiNO HAPPI'!NS, J'OK THE BJ(t NEWS P'ROK II:UROPE MAY BE JUST AROUND THlt CORNER. Radio •• Oiatrlbutor of All HearlDQ Aid Dnicea and Natioul Hearinq Aid Batteriea. %11 Maltae A-ue, .....,_ blllad ...._. , .. -CloMd Sullda,. AUTUMN MERCHANDISE td SM~fj cuuJ ScuuJ ,, ••• , n, laclcef Blaclc Ball• New Noa-Bafloaed Silo•• bt rarloa• eolon l•ported BagH•II Wonlelb _,,. . .,., • Bfl:'l aatl S.atl BIJoJI EMMA V. HUGHES w !il 701 •· c •• ,,a~ JJ .... , .. 111o. !'i . ill Telephone: 138 ~!!lli!lii!!!H!:!!!!i!!l!llll!H!!'Hll!!!!i!!!!!!m!!i!!ITHI!!l!!!l!!l!llll!l?.:il!i!!!!l!tllm!!lF.l .... · for undermanned grammar schools, and tu relieve some of the burden from local ta.xpayers in tax poor ~Khool dis- trict.a. Some measure of the interest in the general pro-- poeition of bettt"nnent of school conditions is indicated by the list of organization. which have al"'ady pledged sup- port to No. 9. These include the Rtntl' Parent Teachers Auociation. the American Legion, tht· Southern Section of FederatNJ Women's 'Clubs. th(' J)(•morratir Party and the Republican Central ClubB. th(' RtnlP A.Jo".L . a nd the State CIO, the California Association nf County Treasurers the Railroad Brotherhoods and the California lA-ngue of Women Votera. The n•w operatore were for- merly wtUI Dun and Hoffman. -~ +---------·-------·- ---·--- Maybe motoriata sometimes find it incom·enient to stop and pick up aervice men returning t o Santa Ana Air Base. or heading toward Long Beach or Camp Pendleton. But the helpful comradeship that some slN'ple~. cold. or wor- ried lad in unifonn will gt>t out of a ''pickup" will more than make up for any autoist's ('Xtra effort. if the, autoist oa1y could realize it. Even a partial lift along the high- way toward hia destination will che-er the morale o! aome tired young fellow in khani, who has sJl('nt all his m oney. and who now facee the major problt>m of getting bac k to the gate& before the expiration of leave. Auto drivers who have had the misfortune of running out of gu. and walt.lnr to fiag a friendly car to ht>lp them re-fuel. can euily place themaelve. in tht> feelin~s of the service man who .eee dozena of cars whiz by. ---·--- When the war ends, obst•n·(•n; from abroad rt>porl. 'ltall of ~ the aurviving Jew~ in Europe will be in Ruaaia, ~ of all eecta, and slat('sm<'n of various nations I.Dd poUtleal factions are fln•lin!! a common cause right DOW Ill trytnr to bead off a Wll\'t' of anti-Semitism which. IDUlJ fear may follow the war as an offshoot of NUt ~ ---·---BIIIl .ehool football opens hen-tomorrow night, with u.. bla' r1ft1r1 ap1ut Laguna launching the season. Here'" tJae ch•,.,. for wery one who champions his own city, to ...,.. up aDd ,.U where the yelling will do some good. AA4 laaMIDWJ, bi'U probably lx> yelling for a winnlo, ta& ---·---With eo much water Ill the ocrnn nt one Ride. and the -.,at the C)tW, male eojoumer11 who come Newport for a 8uDda7 oudDI eaa"t ~d why th<> city doeen't pi"''fide Ul1 J'UD"tnc waw ID the public room tor men on 'I'WIDt1 •• I)OIMI .a-t. rPBidtnC'r property at 1104 N. ~ Baker •lrt'et, Santa Ana, for the N ~~~:~~ ~~~n~anc:,;:~n~e~tti~:. Mu4k /JtJ«AM. • • • IX Both rmpertlt>l ~re worth around 113 · 000 · ~ • From the ltioqa of France to the Bebee tn the ~ eMly American Colonie•, the1e MERRY, TINK-:~ LIYerne's Beauty Salon $-und•r • •n•t F:v,.nf" .. RJ' AN~Inlm,.nt. (MILDRED BJERKEN l 1 ft LING TUNE BOXES reigned a1 TREASURED ~~ POSSESSIONS and the Raqe of theae clever little Melody Machine• ia atronqer now than ever a a 304 Marine Avenue, U MoJ.t~~ MIMic 8turM..... ~ Balboa I1land 1• tc All Slaea-AII Shapea-aome qotten up aa ~ Tt'lephone: N. B. 182'7 Silent Butlen-they play the Polka while they Houra II to 15, Except Sunday ------------' h tuck away your Cold Ciqaret Enda; Otheu ID tc ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=. " the abape of Powder Bdiea of Fine Porcelain; tc TheBes) Meals Market Spot Mallet e Ollie Campbell and W. P. Stewart e Handling Manning and Sons• BABY BEEF U Finely Worked Jewel Caaketa; Miniature GraDd ~ S Pianoa of ~autiful wood; or a• Mantel Ornament• 5 B ··file•• a wall yoa oJi OlD' dtelre•l ! .,.171HH1y £oold llhat ro, • IIIII 111•1 b Milt Jlpl __, •lllereaL 01U' , •IUie •o••• .... Ill• l'lroable ol £oolrba. ,.,., •••• Tuue ruQe from "Rock-a-by, Baby" aDd "Home Sweet Home" to "Bloaaom Time," "Syl'ria" ud the MariDe HymD. e All the bo•" are at&Dcbly built -tlae majority made ID Swihlerlaod; aome are AmericaD. e TlrMe qUta are recommeDded by <ilecenlJDQ pereoDI aDd deHrve coDalderatioD Balboa Gift lllop Manne anc:l Pattt A.,... BALBOA JIILAND at ... p~ l,a= 'I ........ BABIES are the most wopderlul people .. They'v~ Atrecttd Wo~ Hlatory than Adulta . . .. Every Home t h a t haa a Baby, Revolve. around lt .. WE HAVlC BOOKS ABOUT BABIES That will make your lite, and THEIRS Ever So Happier: BJ\BIEs ARE HUMAN BEINGS (By Dr. A. Anc:leraon Aldrich and Mary Jol. Aldrich) HEALTHY BABIES ARE HAPP,Y BABIES ,. -A Complete Handbook tor the Modem Kolber, bJ Dr. Joeep.hlne Hemenway Ktnyon. LIVING WITH CHILDREN (By O.rtrude & Chltte~~den) -And Other Volum- For the younc and aomeUm• nonpl~ ~t.a. P'or AdWt lnter'Mta. .. 0111' Book Shelvee, Olft Court, Bootba of LIDen and Imported Pottery, Room lor lub. .criplon Library, R.aclu of On.tmu and OrMUn& Carda. Double lt.on of Htce Tbtnp to Walle Uft Kon lla- )o)'Uit. .,..~ ... ..._._ ..... ....., ..... 7 nat 11&1 --G8>RGE K. SHAFJ'ER Pll.: 1000 TILIIIMOMI• Mlw.o'" t ~---------------------~ ...... ~ .. ·~·~KX._ ......... I I ................... ·----------------------------------------------· • ' Th~. October 5, 19H ~' u\\c. t\ A convenient rentliLe f'I'Oftthly poyment ttwJt • _.J .. ., indudtl interest o11d reduction of the loon. _..., touur__ ---"L V'"'' ;;;-lnttftst chorg.d only on ttle llftPOid ......... ....., bolol\et, • Newport Balboa Federal Savings and Loan Association 3333 Via Lido Telephone 1500 Sandoval Heads Shipbuilder Union, Plan Active Year NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS ~ ""'am-- LOUCKS ~1' • II'I'Afte»qaW Watcla 6 Jew6lry Repai.I1IIC ~ Ca.rct. ,.~ All Ooeuaona w..-. ... ~t ..... OW' &u7 Dick 8a.nd<w&11waa ~l~tl'd pre•· _,.. P\aa I tdent or L o c a I ~2. Jnllulltnal 1m M.-pc~~t Blvd. PIL 1UIR Union of Marini" and Shipbulldln• 008'1'4 MUA \VorkC"ra of A mt'rlr.t t <,10 I. at ;._. __ _.. _ __,__,...._.__~ the annual rn~tll·.: of the or· Jt&ni&&Uon, ht'ld ~ • •tr<IKY Ht' N C· L I D 0 <'«'~ R. L. Rub1111>11n, Sr . Other offiN'r• nftn1f'd for thf comlnc y «'a r al't', Ed. W tlkut. vice pruldent: HArold L . Furtach. reeordlnc IH"<'N'tllrY: Bob Andf'r . f'B&ftK aon. I'XI'CUth•f' lll'<'n>t.ary; Tom ---- Hobrood, truat.-e. EXN'UliVt' board ...... au• ......... l 'ariiJq me m b I" r a at large. Include C'harln R. Nt'l.on, Ralph l!:mf'r. •• ••• .. 1:01 ... 1:11 ~· .. ·~· CII~!.HEB ) I mEl 11d 1018 I NOW IN NEW. AI.L·WOOL Dressing Gowns ALSO Pap 3 aon and Wilbur Church. t he ni',O· ~ 8abaN&1 at l tU ·---------------------.. tlatlnr committee bt•lng rompo.ed C. ..... 8ua. y,._ 1 :10 ot 0 I' o r c e Stont. Ed. Wlllcut. ..,...., • t"n. • Sat. Sport Shirts CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT SALE Lota 9 and 10, Block 10, &lbo. Tract, comer of Oc..n Front &Dd Waahin9ton St. Will not accept le .. thaD $4,000 for the two. Bleb will be opened when City Cou.Dcil mHta at City HAll. Wonday, No•. 6, at 4 p. m. R~ulu 5 per cent rMl ..tate commiaaion will be paid. J. A. GANT, City Treaaurer, City of Newport Beaoll. ~----------------,__. ........ ....... -------- - . F• BIMig and Repairing lnfonnatiln ••• Ill Dlllltct llu11b1r Cil. WALTIA S. SPIC&A, 0.,..., ••••o•~ aac• ........ ........,. .. "'-..... , .... .... ct ., OPENING MONDAY, OCT. 9- Midway Refrigeration and Serviee at 1505 West Central Ave. Specializing 1in all kinds of Refrigeration Service, Washing Machines and other Household Appliances. PROMPT RADIO SERVICE We will strive tQ take care of the needs of our customers in the best possible way permitted by present conditions. Phone 2125 Basil M. Farrell, Geo. E. Dalby, Wm. M. Commons, Jr. RODEO and THOROUGHBRED RACES Affiliated with American Cowboy Aaa'n. At Bob Skiles Place, 15th and Placentia COSTA MESA Sunday 1 Oct. 8 I :30 P.M. and Every Two Weelu Thereaft.r $50 War Bonde For M~or Rodeo Evenb Bronc Ridin1, Steer Ridin1, Calf Ropin1, / Kida Races, Hameaa Races, Thorou1hbred Speed Triala and Many Other Ev•tJ. 1000 FREE GRAND STAND SEATS Admieaion tt.OO plua tax ChildND SOc phu tax Serviu Men Half Price BC>B SKILES Walt Fa.Jrbalm. B r u r «' Handy. JCdWard 0 . Roblnaon In Tom Hob~rood. 8(lb Anderaon, M . B. Rou and ChC"t Palml'r. Mr. \\'inkle Goes 'nil' union. which rmbracC'I a to \ memberahlp or apprnxlm11tely 800 \'ar ala<• . local ahlpworkera. prar tlcally all of whom . &rl' emJliOyC'd by the Stan on Parade South Cout Co .. I• a par tiC'ulariY· o.n-. N-• active orpnlutlon and It Ia be-_______ ...;;. __ _ Ueved that the ortlcera ch~n 8aa. • M1111• • or- by the electorate will be capable Bette Dll vta In ot diap;~ot<'hln~ thPir rnpecttve du. Uea In a thoroug'hly bualnt M ·IIke manner. Personal Mention Mr. Skeffington ~.N--. "' ...... )' ()ai.J Ruth Tury In .Jamboree Mra. Nelle Wllll&m.on -s>f'nt thP pa.t WC'I"kend at RAnr ho Santa Fe. -.lao Mr. and Mra. 0 B. Dennt.on, Secreta Of Scotland 1107 Cout hl«hway. arl' apendlnr Yard tbt' week at Big Btoar Lake. Haael Manolr. u~ Aeaela ave. ___ lll._n_"_·-.a_ol_Atll_n.a...;;... __ nue, Corona del Mar, Ia bulldln« a .torace room on her prettent s..ru.c nva., Oft. II carace. Home in Indiana Mr. and Mre. Cheater Stlllhave -----------returned from a Item county trtp. Oolalaa: ee-r ef Or. \\....U: Mr. IJUil la new owner of the n.e ........... , • .,.: Ooblc MJ 8ea IJhell cafe. W•JI AM t.M A.,. N .. : Marla (Palmdayl) Platda, T ana. Blu••. G r••n• Catalina Ski Sweaters Jackets .... (lftfO ""' !0'1 Marin.-A\'tl., a.l.,_ bL WHAT NOT SHOP Furniture Repaired and Refinished ... Window Panes Installed ... Mr. and Mn. C. F. Dennleon re. ~1 ....._1 8aaat7: Drac- tum ed Friday from Dt'Hrt H ot 8eed Or . . . flprlnJ11 wh~re t hl'y had enjoyed \\'hat Otlw-r Od4l .loft eeveral day.· eojoum . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiii ... , . ., , ... ! Mr. and Mra. Clyd4' Al~ter, of • ._H_,_ ... _'"' __ A_v_•_· __ ....;....,..;.....,._:.J Loti Anttelea, art apendlng two Balb W4't'k& With the laltf'r'e m other, 0 a DIJf1tfa8 Mra. ll:ffte Harmon. 1 1~ 27th atreet, Newport. "What I Said to th• La~." .....an.: w1U be the aubjf'ct of th4' R •v. -----,...--_-__ ....:_ __ _ Perry F . Schroc-k 'll lll'rtnnn at Co· ----------- rona dC"I Mar Community Conjtft· l!:ventn~ at i :OO.It g 1r, gaUonal chur<'h nn Sunday. Lut llhow1nl ot a double feature The Rev. E. D O<lodf'll apent Pf"'OTUD 1t.arta at 1:10 . Tueeday In Loti An~telea where hi'----------- attendl'd a confPrl'nN! of mlnla. tent at the Firat M t>lhodl11t chuf('h. '111ur. • Fri. • *'" J'ohn Wayne·Dt>11nla O'K eefe and Suaan Hayward • ln J " I I ~ l/ mean beHer light ... and bmct lt~r mr2n$ lxlftr Jtgl1t.' By kteping lighting b nun clcJn. you t 111 ~ct mort li~ht with· OUft.tSIOR ad,JI!IonJI d~dttuly l)u\t .111d .ltn can cur down hghr b) ~''"'"It ~' o':' Q~n all rdlcour , h,.th, Jn.l h \lllfCS fCI(U!uJy, Wash glus dtffil\tllf "''"" ;n.l rl(lhC\ Ill wum \\'2tcr, then dry rht 01 u~tll~ the J.IJ rrcr dc-aning nozzle: of your vacuum dc.ancr u a gooJ way to remove: dust and dtn from ceiling ftxtur"' SOUTHIIM CAUfOIMIA IDlSOM <OMPAMY lTD. Kre. Jame~ M'errtlt of Alham- bra, formerly llAI!Iatant lll'l'n>tary of Newport Hwbor Chamber of Commerce. Ia anlatlnlt In t.h.&t offtce f or twt> wePkB whitt Mra. Tbe F1&bting Sea bees HARDWAJII J. B. EI'I'UI PLUWRINQ ~ Marc-~ of ..,_ • hp. ~ ... argatl't E~te II on V8CIIllnn. c-.n-. N~ Mr and'-'"' HnwRrd Ru". 304 ________ ..;.... __ Santa Ana a\'Pnur , arP the par. Maa. • IIGa. enta of a .on born Sunt1av at st. Up in Mabel's Room Joeeph hOI'pltlll . Mr. Ru" 111 a coxawaln. third clua. In th<' Navy --an~ Mrw. B lr della Ball 2e1o w. The Girl In the Case Oc~an Front, lt>ft Mon'dav for El· ~ E)'e • New. alnore whert' 11he JliAne 't o •pend -----------the nnt mnnth. During her ab· T..._ • Wl4 CLOtii:D OJif IIONDA Y8 Geael'al Electric AAHG£5 • AEFAIGEAATOAS • WASH5AS OISHWASH5AS • AAOIOS ,...., .... 200.5 c .... 11.4. aence her homt hcrc will bC' OC<'U· Van H en ln 6: Manba Hunt In -:~. by htr rrandiiiOn, Albert L . The Kid Glove Killer ll!llllllilm!l!!"JiflllHiilCliU!i!ll!lll!!!l!'""l -·'!iti"ll!!1;!11iHfllllllllfliiRifii!IUii!ltJiliiiiiiDJ!IIIIIIlllillllllllllillil!t!lllt!liHIIIIIIIIIIIIllll!ftlllllllllillumtlll1111umm Jud,g4' 0 . A. JonPII ro)'lt'nt IIPV· -at.o- er al days ltllt WC'l'k Ill Santa Anll Riders of the Community hniiJlltlll wh,..r,. hr un· Deadline derwent a fl'encral chN'k .up 11nt1 br1tf n'tlt f rom hill multlplf-du. "'llh Hopalonl' caa .. dy tl('l And rlvlr lnt,.r<'lllll. Durlnlt C'artol•n • Oommaalt7 "In• hie ab114'n<'t'. Judltt' D J . Docltte ________ .;...._,..._ prealdtd In thl' r1ty court. Slal11n~ 'l'llllvs.. OM. 1% During a b 11 en r f' of R oy F. Buffalo Bill Malh~>r. Onyx a\'rnu••. at hill old home In Nf'bruka for 1 vl!llt with ----------- brolhl'rll and thrir famlltr11 thrrr . his 110n R•l:V MRiho•r. Jr. and grand.8on. Roy Ill, are ataylng w1th Mra. Mather 11 thP Babin" leland homr. Roy. Jr. 111 an air· craft plAnt <'X~utlvf' at Lr.rkhPrd. f 'oml••: "hat • w-: I ..ad)' ta UN! Out!: Ollloltt (Jatrtwor-: l'ln up Olrl: "'hlte CIUI'S nt [)(n1'r: HCNIM! Ia 1....._: llr. Mllrtfln«- toa !j Protect rooh new Scandard'a toush asphaltic coatinp seal •,U.. _...., dama~, wop ldlu, raise aaddna and cbedUaa-UN Scadud A1h«to1 Roof Coatina. for rop qu&Ury, Scaacl- a.rd Roof PaiDt, for economy. For bnr ....aa, prime wkb Scaodard UtiUry Coatins or Srandard Primlaa 5oladoa. Renew abiaalc roofa wich S~ ....... ScaUa or~ CLAY'IO• TBOIIPIO• Wbol...te Oiatributor lor NewpOrt Harbor ftoae 185 ......... 1084 Your local r r pr rr,r nf o''·' f,11 ) T A N 0 A H D 0 F ( A I I • 1 ' ,. r j 1 t1 All'S lAIIlE Moves Monday From 122 A9ate AYe., aalboa lalanrl', to 1120-22 Coast Blvd., Col'ona Lei Mal' Bigger, Seller Qualten to 8" .,.,. '\'o'!l Announcing A new guaranteed Auto Body, Fe nde r Rc:l'flir Service and Complete Auto Paint Servic(~. Ne wlyMrJ vl'd l.lc tnry N {lltpment d oeR yo ur p aint joh wllh p u w<H ,..fftctOn c y rtnd S<l llsfac h u n at Pre-War Puces. THREE-DAY IE8VIl.E Complete Molol' Ovel'haal A Quick and Thorough Job , Beacon Gasoline and Oils Two-Day Gual'aateed Tll'e Recapping 1120·22 Cout •lgllway, Corona del .... •lloae ••W..wt2144 Allan Blauer learge Uan lrub1n • ·---EIIIIH!5llll!Hiflfll!!!IIRIIJI!IIIliiiiiiUI'Immrutlltllll~llfllliflrtiiUIICIIW~IIlllllllllliiiDa---.. .1, ' e '2.50 , Only ~for ·~ .. -hu,.. tolar u 'l&l h~ ble lhl!tr m1Wan wtl• to lbtllhf , ... n.r-,,....,. .& fWPta. r.:= ~n....-. toW. T. al u.et .. llrl'l ltJ 'tlr, lot It dun, N-· td •If,. to. J wlfL•, InC. bluck 6311 ,..,_,,rrt lranl(t' to nf ... InC II dl-1 Mar. • Uuy w. fll'k 30 ol wU11 tn Ar- llln blodl • laland. I w ll. P. 1ft al tnc:t laltx. I.Al· • ....... -~ ............ ....... w ... rell ~,f,. ...... ... 11 ~, ~ 'IOUCII ......... ..... -..... .......... ......... llllrt .. tallat .. l ./ .. . .. ... Shell M~ine Products AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL ___ , MARINE WAYS D BOA'I'I • t' o. ............. . Bepabtag Yacht Brokel' ORVILLE W. CANT 101 Hiohway and Newport Blvd. (At The Ar.chea) Phone 2488 NEWPORT-BALBoA PRESS ---• Friday Oct. 6 , TIDE TABLE Tbunday, October !5, ~ that there are lot. of marllD ott Use San Dle~o cout and t.Mt they are headed nortb att.r com- CTidal dllt._.... -.neW to...,._ 0... Pllr) in& tn tberl!trom llexle.Dwaten. Pacific War Ttme UMd a. Buill of ComputatkiD It that ill 110, then a r-IDOr9 HIGH may be picked up. LOW J.J 'nita aeuon b.u bet!n far Mb.lad 1 :2t a.m. 4.0 1:315 Lrn. lut 12 :~ p.m. ~.:. 8:12 p.m. 0.4 ltn year however, when a• IDAJ'o were re«tetered throua'b the Saturday 2:66 a.m. 3.6 7:33 Lm. 2.1 Hanor lluter'e oftlce. Baelr Ill By BUll: HJTC'HMAN -~f4.W'~ Oct. 7 l :48 p.m. ~.0 9.37 p.m. 0.1 1H2 the catch wu more than -+--......_. Sunday 4:~ a.m. h.e 11:11 Lm. 3.1 200. llaln dltterence thla y_,. Thla account m!.Jtlt be headed and rtrh.l. there are as many va-Oct.8 3:10p.m. 4.7 11 :03 p.m. 0.1 baa been In the late et&rt ot tJae "From O.pre•lon to Su~ ... or ria tiona u fillhermen ha, e whlme. Mon<.lay I :2tl a.m. 3.9 12:12 a.m. 1.1 run. Jl'tret marltn thill ....an wu "'hat can hap~n If you put your Sneve cut.t the he&d8 tor feather Oct. 4:U p.m. 4.& ... -..... _ .... .,.. taken AuiWit 18, wbtle lut ,._,. handa to work at 110metbtn1' that Jlp from colored atkka of waxy Tueaday 7:13 a.m. 4.2 o:• a.m. 0.5 the aret one wu AuiWit 1. TWo lnteruta you. pluUc. Hta alater. Mra. Olga Oct. 10 1 :00 p.m. 4.1 12:28 p.m. o.• yean &1'0 the am marUD wu Sa~ CF!nc~:C:"~~ c:::pt";: :0.:. =~wthe~ d~r ~~;:: .. tlth';:~ ~c';~n:~day 7 :47 Lm. U 1:02 Lm. 0·• ~:~H~tek:,tJ~;ht ~ : ag.·rahlp of the Balbo& ll&rtne and butte. l :tl7 p.m. 4·8 1:111 p.m. 2·1 November too, ri!Corde ebow. eo Thuraday 8·12 am • 7 1 42 0 6 Hard wart! tor F r e d I tony, 18 C&ltekln, w hI e h promptly re-Ot·t. 12 · · · : Lrn. · there Ia a po•lblllty yet for the yeara a&'O. Came the depNMton. mtnda you ot drumhPads --lt'e 7=0 p.m . 4·9 1:66 p.m.. 1.1 current •uon addJn&' a f- a alackln~ ott tn b&rdware .up. acrapa ot ak.ln Cured f .. r drum-~:.=:=:=:=========::.!::::::::::~======~ more. ply and demand. and Bneve fOUAd heada-il WT&pped a r o u n d the Beat 8ah etory of th.e week Ia hlmeelt Jobl-and broke. bue ot the pluUc head sttacht'd Newport Harbor Men I I t~ld bJ Percy llarplee ot the For 80me reuon be newr an· tberl!to are chicken feathera, p 1.-~-EIA, who had, a party booked up aywd-ewn u you l1ke London br11fiUy palnt.d • n d !mpMted urcaURM:~ Assets of The Bait Tank with a broacftllll for HYen boun, pl~ or handmade la.c:e -ftallJn~ trom New York; a hook b con-Channel Boat Co. "------------' and then loet at. Full aceount ot jlga fuclnated 1\lm. One day he cealed In the feather•. Md the tbe battle w111 be releaaed 1D nat whittled a Jl~ out of a piece ot J~ le complet....._. lovdy awlab-~de of the Channel B 0 at By ~ CRA WJ'OIU) -k'e communique. celluloid and a howe d It to a In~ lure tor albacore Ill barracuda. Company were reportedly acqulr- f!Wnd. who aald. "Not bad. Oo Sneve'a r1«!d Jlp :uc manifold ed thta week by William E. Mac-We bad never pald much at-NOEL A. BO'ITOMLEY home and make another one." and curioua, evolvtng !rom the • Curdy and Wendell H. I Skip) Cal-tenUon to It, but 8ah apparenUy CJoaunerclal Dtftr But &neve needed a •t of Jawe of the aperm whak, cattle I ktna, of thla ctty. The property don't know about the awnmer va- power toola, lathe, drtlJ P ...... ctr-horn., m • t a 1 • airplane pluUce, ot the company Include• 200 feet calion aeuon. Walktn& out on 8alv._.. alld eo.t,..,... cular aw, 10 IMt propoeltlonld a and wood _, pr.dou• !I le eold of bay &nd h!~bway front&&'• In the Newport pter the ot.ber day • Loe An,..-Jaantwan ftrm wtth by t.be pound. llometlmea he rl!· the 1~ b 1 0 c k on the Cout we found that the r-ardeDt 101 1:. ~ean ll'roftt, a.Jbo& whom be bad bad friendly bull· ~:!,"" half a jawtlone · wetghlnc Highway, toJether w 1 t h marine anrlere who atlll try their luck Telephone: N. B. JalT.W n-relatione for many ,.are. to bone ~un<W ~d allcea It up Into ww.ya and ma.c:hine and woodwork-there are catchi"l' more than the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-· wpply him wttb the tooa. tn n-J p )'OU d miltake for Ivory. InK ahopa which prov1de complete usual amount of am. I tum for &II order ot handmade ~ •. r.VJ:al' Y WIIA..LI: fllc!l!tln tor yacht and bo&t build-Way up In the aurf we atopped " commercial ftallJq Jlp. 'nul deal ..,....._ Q AUP'Y InK and repair and looked down Into the watw. BALBOA CANVAS S. ~l.~u~8~ ''CRESCENT'' can. tmOaa JlcMD·' •• LMVING DAILY at 6 A. M. ,,_ ICOtttt'l .LAKDIIIG wu ma4e, and Sne,. went Into It must be the Jawbone of the The new 0~,.. wtn 0 rate There wu a emall acbool of cor. production tn the ...,..... ot hie •Pf'rm Whale that awlma In the under the tlrm name ot peMae-blna Utere. They wouid wel~h Coat& KMa bome. Ar.:tlc and eata dnilflah. Curdy and Calklne. Inc., and. tn perhape a pound each, we would Today h1a dltt1eulty I• In tlnd· ~o other whale quallf!u. addltlon to regular boat re air gu.eu. It wu hlp UcSe and the ln,r time to nu all the ol"dc>ra Aa captured Whalrs are pro. and butldlnJ aervicu will re:der wavu toued up little cloud& of wbtcll p our In from ~-aN •~...-<t at aea. ol"dc>ra muat be conaultlng aervlce 0~ dealcn and aand. The corblna would face to- houeM and canner1e. up aDd &-T. ~la~.d wttb a whaler ahead of a conatructlon. waTd 1hore walt ~ moUon. the eout from Vancouvv t-" Sa..~ 'o} &«'f, lt the Jawbone ill to be Ell~ 1\ll.lpbuUdere leu until a auceulent crab wa. Otero 1M deale on orjH ~.! ~'' . ...-.c1 · · · · Jap• formerly Both of the ownena art! naval tumed up by a wave and then only to wbol..ale nnn&. Uw Clrlr &I' fll up t.heae jawbonu, 80id the I archltecta Mr MacCurdy havln~ dart forward and f'Obble up the! exception b • I n ~ at ~'Vl. rHulta for Ivory. halt wide' exp;r1ence u an aMO-taaty monel. I where he aella dlri!Ct to our ~e me~ Jl•. m a k e r Or1&1nated a I elate of OlbiiOn It Coxa. of New It wu quite an edue&Uon ji&A ahopa. h~m.a. od ~r •traJctltellin&' cattle I York, Jar~at nrm ot naval arch-watchin,r them. But watebtq · &neve b.u become a ~ nlabl reolillhed hom .. unde-, !teet. In the United Statea. )o(r. corblna Ia only one of tbe many a..et t~ the ttalltnl' tndultry, and Y P tty-• faintly tran._ Calkin• a graduate ot Maua-lhlfl&'a one can aee on the New- a natber · unJque lnetltutlon. u lucrnt mixture ot amber and mllk.l chuaett~ Inatltute of Technology port pier. Uaed to be that ~pear­ formerly our aource for hand-Metal Jlp, he •ya. are unln-1 Wa.t1 formerly chief ot producUo~ lng abaru wu a major aport tn ma~ f\ahln,r Jlp, wu Japaneee. terutlng, but In demand. HI• at Ack erman Boat company In the 8\lrf. There art! not eo many FaOII DAUDT AJI'IIICA true love Ia wood. Th ood .. _ Newrort and hu recently been aharka around any mort!. Ftah- aa111 • Boat eo .... e • .,..... Xart.ne u~ PboM lOT .... u.t at. Newport._... HAROLD I. JOHNSON PropziN ~ Jell \'1Da WQ, Mewpert .... Machine Work 1 TO 008TA IIDA e w ·~ u..eea. would 'make <'nnnected with Weatem Pipe and ermen catch a few ebovel noee ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Of Ule two typea ot jlp, te.th~r a woodcratter'a mouth wat~r -Steel companv ot San Pedro aa aharu now and thin. ebony dark u Atrtca · gay zeb · · BOAT ... .&allla Vlr2's Gara2e ... o.·b.a ...._ llM-W -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. · .~ ron~ultaDt naval an~~ct. Ed~ ~mon, who~ the live Wood, coco bolo-often 1111ed for j 0 ' the opening for business of The Bah.man· Ga. (l•aa1111r II Th1 Pqlllll Da.) All Types of Repair, Maintenance ~and Haul-Out. Commercial Vessels and Yachts 1- Ill Highway, ll~111p11n IIIah ........... ,.,. ... handlea to 1 i<'org e Roetnor, former owner bait etand at the end of the pier expena ve r ultery; llg. of Channt•l Boat company plane tor George Hiner, aaya that hall-num vitae ( famlllar to boatml'n) · ' Atrlcan b 1 k · tn t'llgage In th•• general con-but have been blttn~ ateadtly . heart d a c w 0 0 d 1 Ita black tract!ng buslneall, hill former field. The halibut apparenUy don • t an creamy upwood creat-During hl11 opel'8t!on of the com-know the vadt.tlen •uon 1a over ~nn~ ac~~.mlnat.ed etfect 1; Ironwood. pany ,a numb~>r of exct-ll4!nt am all and are atlll bungTy. Little Span- • claw from thr deaert. cmft were bu!lt for the Navy l1h mackerel, which make up moet Many ot the Jig• are further and a considerable \'olume ot pri of the Jive batt on the pier, .. enhanced with lnaeta of aeuhell, vate repair and conatrucUon work ruby gl._, cloudy blue, or atraw-done. proving excellent for balJbut and berry ptnk plutJc. Apparently a1110 for bonito which bava puf 1D barracuda and tulia aha-..... .... an appe&Tance dui1.DC the pa.at •>P ..,.,~ "~ IMPBO\'TSO NURBEilY week '::t.lhat anythiJII' pretty ta good L. H. Norman hal been INUe4 H.ilbut baYe a••rsced better For Your Signs PROD., Dm •cur IIAJf .. 0 ..,, IIOAT Lln'I'DDfO 'I'RI!RE KAY Bl! a city bu!ldlnlr permit to erect than four pounde ea.cb. wttb the A woao roa TillS a lltOrllge abed for nuraery sup-bl~gut ror the put •veral daya ~===-=-= .. =======~ "\Vhat make• j!~ work lnt<'r· plies nt a roat ot $!SOC). The atruc-Uppln&' the .calea at 14 pounde, ,- eating," 1171 Severin Snevt>, "is ture "ill be located at 1315 Cout ~mon reported. The bonito have 0 the \'lriety. "Fuhlone tn jigs Highway. tveraged about four pound& each. REAL ESTATE change Ub women'a hab. \\'e lt'11 about Ume that mackerl!l be- ean ll.le what Ingenuity "'e have. ~<'OOTER STOLL'V gan runnlnr off the pler too. AND In ttrurtng out different colora Theft of his 1938 Motorgllde Thla aeuon'a ratherdlappe&At. J N S U R A N C E and mater1alt, to meet the cllang-acooter wa.w reported to pollee tnr swordftah 8eUOn may or may lng taatPa of f!shmnen." Sunday by M. C. Mullln.tl who n11t be over. No marlin have been LiRtings Invited ''The m 0 v,. m,. n t of a jig lila ted that the vehtrte had bf'en reported caught alnce the 27th of • through thr wat!'r depends laJ'R'e-taken from tlA parktng plaoe at the aeiUIOn lut week. SwonUlah-A. W. QIIIBC)Jif ly on the partll'ular klpd cf a 501 Femlcaf avenue, tbe prevloue ermen however aay that report.t .. E. lltll lit. o.ta .._ wake a rlah!n~r boat ktcka up. and night. from San Otero art! to Use •rteet ..._ lln-W a JIJr th1t zlg-uga correctly be-·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ hind one boat. will be leu active ••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~ a • t e r n ot another. Flahermen I aoo-. -· llke to ttnd the rirtat type ot INSIDE BOAT STORAGE ..... Jig tor their boat." I Bo Bo b "On cloudy days, they want 8 at.a ug t and Sold dull Jig, on eunny daYll a bright MARINE WA l'S one. Some boats wt1J uae two e PORT OF SEVEN SEAS 81'7 OOAST HIGHWAY feather and fnur bone Jlp on their outriltlt""'· or vtu venaa. or all feathrr or all wood. I don't know why t juat make them." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It Ia Impossible by band to - make two jlg1 I.''Caclly allke. Bert ~.,--·----·---·-----------------9 H illa ri!Cently told Sneve he would r.ot aell for 1100 aplec. bta two hom Jlga which Sneve had made !the f ! ~ u r e wu con.rvative, conaldtortn• the tnne of nab they had m..,.redl a.nd added he'd a1ve $100 for anothtr Ju« like them. "That'a aomf'thln~o: I can never promlae." eald Snl'\'!' Ellcept tor bright plutlc &haY- InK~. Sneve'11 jtRN\iff> llbop Jook.a like that ot any wood bobbleat. Wood working too~ are equally ettecUve for b o n e, pi&Mtc or hom . The Snevee t'XPf'ct to move to Alt..dena aoon. from wlllch pc;lnt they will conduct thelr buatn.- u heretofore. Th!'n a... will make hie annual f11ll trtp to Port- land. Seattle and Vancounr, B. c., to take order. tor JUDe cSeUvery. Hit ~uent Y111lt to Newport Har· bor will <'Onllnue u u.ua1. DALI:WA1T8GPDs orftOE Dale r.. Watt. hu opened a yacht and bo&t brnkerap dealt at Boat.ewatn·e Lock .. r, 1001 OoMt Hl.hway, Newqort Re tonnll'b' wu at Hubbard'• ~. and tor a Ume headed the Umakeep.. ere at Soutll Cout Co. TIM .Watt. f&mllJ wfU mo,·e he~ penn&DeDt. ly trOtn Santa llonJea.. 'l'a.ANIIFEJI&m 0\ .... RU T 1J William Lace iau b e • n tr&nlftrred to IU1 av ....... eta· UOft, aC<'Ord.lnJ to 111"0rd NeelY~ by ~· mothHr, Mn LaVeta Lac. of W. CentntJ a\~nue. lila f~ wardlq actctrto. would btdleate that be .. In tbe I:Urop.u 'J'he-atn. ftsben•aeal Boat•eal H~ for Coast and Geodetic Charts Wilcoz, Critteodea Hardware Perko Hardware PaiDta and V&rDiebee Fltler Yacht Rope Moorino Equipment Scrippe Marta• leola•• Joheaoa Outbo&rdt Cuehmaa Scooten Columbia PropeUen Stalube Motor 0U ·~ Cout ..... ~·~· .............. .. ll'1 IHJ:P'S lor LVSCIOVI e 1135 Hlqlawa, 101 '"-' la.t of The Arolaea O.erpua Mack's Photos IN Mala 8&., ...... • PORTRAITS Baby Pboto..,.apba Alto l:nlar~emanta ud Pbotoatatlc CoP• e Here'a Wbere You Oet Your OOAft OUAIID and all other type IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS .•• We Taka Tbem ud Deliver TJ»m to Yoa tn 40 Klnutea • A.l8o IMpect MACK'S GIFI' SHOP Oa Otft .......... N-. Leee._, lNIIMISL,a.a. h.u ~Ou' ,....,, .... ¥JVm .um aono DI8PLAY ., &All..,. J -4_ Tbunda,y, October 5, 1944 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS .-------------------------------------------·· ~~ ~l~ ~ (~-~ ~IW~ ~ ~l(~ ~U:!oo\ .... T," .. ~,.K ..... NI:WPDRT ' BALBOA CDSTAMEBA RADIO SBBVICB OpeD DOW from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m . five d&ye 1 WMk. C lo1ed Sunday and Monday 1136~ Newpert llvcl., Colla Mesa "'-"• ~ IS ~t.\\ 4l ,\Klt:Jl..; l'r ~t It Cl.,\\h•h! l\"ft ~.ltU" •ll•y .:•····t.-.1 ~ ........ ·•( ll,l'lhl\ 1<1111 """''"ori"''" "h•• , u II· .t t ., tn-t"''' I twr ._.~,, ,.(1\,,.,. nt t';!•' ~··" lk'l t ___ '"'111.•\'lil ol 'I'll•• IIIIo hi IIJ: \\ hlo h ' Mra. Ida '-ta, 223 Orte 1treet.l Mr. and M111 ~o·•·•l WlnJ'I'rt. w"" ,,.,..,,11\ ('llldii~···J II\' llw • will be hOlt~ Oct. 13 at a mt>l'l·,who have been ltvt11~ 111 1112 20th C"t''1" )1,.,.11 ••t•l .. rllo·l•t•l •m ol .••~•• J Inc ot the W. C. T . U. stN>et, 1\aVI m Oiled bll<"k to tht'lr ull•t.,., """ .... ,.,. o·••mJ'If'l••h· tl'·' Due 1.o the llln{·lll of IIJI pro· fonn11r home at Wllmlnl(tvn. ""'Jo•lo•ol . hl•o'1"1 11~" l"'"'t-: lltrlol•• prletor Dick Ro~····~· shoe ahop W'heN' Mr. Wlucert I• o•ntplt•y••11 ••f ,.:laH>I 1'11' II 1111•1 11th, r '"''·'•'rn· • 111.111,.: "'"'''rlnl Ia tA> be cloaed lnd1'1 1111ldy. J . 0 . ObiOn, :,•:.! Hanull,m 1 .1 1 1 , "'-• """'-. A ll H1j,: f1 ''1 t'I'1UI f Ut•" tn lht• Marvin Brown 17 t E . 18th au-t, ...-_..n luuo•J a c·ount\' 01 •.. 101 1 • t 1 1 1 _, · ~ I"' f ..: til lll t H 'I \\ t'N• n t• f\\ 1treet. left tht• W•'•'ll Cor North bulldlnc penuot to <'rl'l'l a J!:&riiiW hu.:-, IJ k 1 . 1 .I Dakota where he w ill vlalt h.la on Hamilton alrf't't wut <•f Har.l b\' 'r 11 '" 1 1' " "1 1 ''"' 1 N 1 o':ll!f'rt·ol O nlv 9 dav• left ltl mMI ChiiHtm "~ •nltH to th .. hoy a ova .... SCtnd the m on~ vi rout l.ll:tiT ... IHIIT C AKES, t:'huck lull ol Ch•u•••· N ut M•ala 11n.t Fa utt~ 'l(k ., po und. •• ..._ 111 th bo bo 1 ard t I .. •• I''' Ht •tlh ""' ''' th,• tl 'rnl N 0 mo er. , r u ev • a l't>ll or J3600 trllout1, ho•ln~ ,. ,_,, ,1 ,1 '"'r· ew Wne r. s 0 l•ty Mr. and Mra Aml!l Boldman s-ndlnC • W~k't \'&Cation In I"""'' I lit I • arne Ua I h b 1 r-' '\ t' It t't'(' 1 t1 I '·I: Ofld ' .ve moved to their MWIY· Ul t the home ol Mr l nd Mra. au. Nl-o•XI••n•lo'•' 111111 I ·11~1111 I ··'I "''''"" homt> at 18th atreet and Weat· ren~... 1-Ort.n"'f' avt"nu•· ,.,11 th 1 ttl •e• "' '. ~ t• 'II~ 'h "'"" .-1 • ~·~ t• r TROPIC FRUIT JUICE BAB mlnater av,•nut.". wt>re lira. :Ntnnbfor11• brolht•r-tn. o·u,11n~: '" 1-,"1 i :\1. 1 1• 1 '·"'1'' Mra. Fern Gale of W. VIctoria 1 d ...... ter J.l r 1 "I R " awan ... , 1111 ,.,.. 1\)',Ho•ft•'h lh••• ''""a.: ll•••h •r t 9 1treet hal accept l'd a poaltlon u Qoodaell, of Olrndalf' rn~wfo•f'<l h.~ol "',., ,, , 1t••J 111 Rawson'• Steaks ... 15 Coast Highway, Newport brokcor at the Oeorge Fellow• Mr. and Mra. L"tulrl,•a Hamilton. Ji9i N''"'JI"rt t .. •ulc·• "" . • D... real utate ofttce. who fonnerly r"ldl'll at 11001 .. w Opewatloa ol Loab Da.... Coutllne Poet Vetera.ne of F or· boWev elp Ware, hal undertaken the Newpo~ ard, where Mr. Wf:LCOMr. \tF.S!oo \UJ! Chops ... ;l Hamilton operatl'd lh .. Lo<-kwoo« o S • l -. .. 1 apoiUIOrahlp of a new troop taU h no• of Ill•' h"l l''' ...t 1'' r"'"" "' pecla ties: All Citrus, Carrot, Papaya for Coata Me.. yuunglt rl. aervlce I on. av. niO\'ed tol Colla w~u. ,,~, .. \ Ill "I. l'ol R C. C. • -uetl~. ""'211 S•nta Ana Anaheim where lht)' •re now Jo-N<"l.at••hlr u,-., tl . Chicken Dinners Fish Dinners Jul'ces Fr sh B Mix WAD ~ ~ -· c.ated on Route 3. I '. 111111 ' " •• ,.,,,. ' e anana avenut>, Ia ape'l'ldtnr aeveral who thle "'•••·k "'"''"'•I lho t•r~l =;::::;::;::;::::::======~====::::======t weeke 1t Aator1a. Ore . where be Mra. llve Rllmltn. Ranta Ana worol thl' hull h" 1 r1 ,., 1 h. r t>r .. lh t Ia VIJ&CI'd In albacore fleln&'-real eltate broker, Ia bull<llna &JI n alnct• ho• wu I hk••ll I""'' ,,, r hv HO~E COOitiD • HOME ATMOSPHERE 10 I ~~ Cout J-hvhway Phune 2084 -J RAWSON'S CAFE Colloa Nevel' Wean Oal Doa't ~"' your old matt:lae ... ,. It .. ,-aJua.Wel LET no RE Bl'ILD IT •--oa YOU. AU klnda of becld.la&' reiMdlt. () 0 8 T A M E S A M A T T R E 8 8 0 0 . ALWAYS DREAMED /)itiJ J~~~--~rn~a.-.., .. ~ .. ....,.ifi.,._.., -"ell ,, • •lc:tw• .. .. _._,..,.__. .... 4"'e ,, ........... 411 .... • . . ""'" Ill rldt ... .. icily ...... ~-........ crell ..... .... ,,_ UMtlea .. .-ell -........ , .................. .... ~ .. ~ 41o.-411 ,...... .... _ ... , -- ...._..,.. \ N,._l._.. ....... I~ IUDOU PATMIMfl .. •11111• __.) OTHEI COLUMBIA DIAMOND liNGS UP TO $210 LOUCKS 1797 NEWPORT BLV'D. COSTA WISA A Wonllo the Wile We suggest you start planning now for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOUDAYS At preaent we have complete 1tocka. ......... , ... ,. WE HAVE 52 CASES OF 4-STHS QUARTS Polt WIDe Imported from PortuQel. Willie it laat1 -On 11le, co•t plua tu , $1.4!5 mESA IIIQUDR SHOP IIUI 1 Sf'wpt. BIYcl..Ooetta .._ PIIOIIe Newpon a. I.: LOS ED TH UfiSDA YS Mr. and Mra. Jack Celli have otalce on her ntll•ly-acqulred lot I the JeJlll In thl' fAll "' ll•·lll:"k•·"~ purchued a U\ree-acre fann on at 410 Newport lx>u'*vard. Upon The brolhtor IIAI'I'\' F'rnnkltn M Weet Wltaon •treet. the fonner compleUon of tlle ltructuN'. •h•l Chelter. Ena iArlll, • "''LII "'n In~: owner beln• H . .A. Crall of Banta plana to tranlfoer her bualnell In· wtth the Bntlah forrl'• Ill thr An&. • ._ te..-t.a to Usa Kua. Umt of hll captur" Thr m,.,.. CIUC:O:HNI!KH:~MNNMMXIU4NICM;o;NM ... IUtKKNHN:.UU.ItMitMMMNIUUtltlt An.-on B. Smith of C0t1la Me.. lira. Willard Mellott of Monte· ..,.e telltn~r t>f hi" wrlt-hr lng w.u1 fl hu been luued 1 permit to build IUma Valley, who had epent tW'O broldl'lllll from T~>l<~·n tw a h. ,1 t a raraJe on 1eth •treet eut of weeki with old frtenda at C01t.a wave I'1Hilt• 111111 wu t•klt•··l 11p ''" t: Twltln avenue. The COlt wlU be Meaa ,wu lut Thursday honor-a womA n At I~" Jnll11. whn ri'II\V U320. ed at a bncsc-party l'lven by eel the wrlct~me wnrd t•1 ~It • S(t. Chu. F Dudley 11 vlaltlf\1" Mra. D. C. MacKenzie. 3ot 1801• McLatchle. at the home of hi I pueniJI, Mr. place. Hl(b 8CO~ wu WOD by I ------ and Mra. F. J . Dudley. 211 22nd Wra. ShennAn Balter of Tuatln, PA:.\1-PALM c·.\n, ,..m.u atreet. He a. 1tatloned at Dytra· and .oond by Mrs J .P .Cooper. S~lt' or th,. P~tlm.l'11m ,.,., .. I•• bu,., Tenn. lira. D. C. KacK•n&.le. 30t 18th Mr and '-~~"~~ n .. t..•rt \\'o1lklln nf !'. Kr. And Mra Louie We1t of place, wu bolteM 8undey at lUI BeatO. , ... a.nnuun<"r•l thho W••••k U Lot A.n&'tlea have purchi.Md the outdoor dJnner party honor!"-by the f<,-mer own"rll M'l•lfcr1r f: Ed l:dlek home on Broadway. the birthday &lllllverary of Mr. Darcata an.' Vl\'lan lAn£••1AI•• ~~ .. = Mra. Wut \1 a elater or Mra. J!:d WacKen.aie. Oueet. were Mr. And Mr. and Mrw WAlklln who ,.,.... Waltera of 218 Macnolla. Mrs. Oeora-t KD.Ipp and Mr. Uld already In Jln•·••JIIon, h"''" hn•l Mn. June M~ray and 1011. Mra. Thtomu lloMbere, all of Loe much Pllfl"rl"n•·" '" t h111 llnf' nf 1833 Harbor boulevard, lett An~elt'l. and Mrs. Gene P'raniJI W'OI'tl. At tht' prl'tlif!nt tim,. thr\' " Tuelday for Butler, Pa., WMrt And daucht.ar Laura O...t>, ot ~ llvtnfi: 11t &snt>~ Ann but r•lnn •• ~ •. they will 1pend thl' next month Anaheim. to mnv, In t'n•tn M•'"" 11~ 1,1.,n wH h Wra. Murray'• ahlter. Mr. and Mra. Cliff Loucka, u lh•lnJr '1'11\rt•·r• '"''\' t ... IN'rur ii D a I e BUckler. electrician'• 1808 Or&n&'• a¥enue. lhla -k ed. Ml'll A t-· lltl'l(tn>•l,. fln(l M mate 3/c, Ia 1pendlng a 1~-day enjoyed a vt.lt with the latter'• eon, J1y, will n mna, In their t·m. :1 fu rlough with hie brolhPr and 11.. te'Other, s.t. Cb&rlea 1:. Brown. ploy, ~~ ter-ln-law, Mr. and Wre. Clifford Jr., who re«ntly returned attn Strickler of Newport boulevard. Rrvln~ for 21 mont hi oveMit'u PI:Act: OUCTt 'llllr.u ·• L)'Tin Jamuon, 371 Avocado Sgt. Brown participated In all In· R. B Hllllllll•lltl r•••• o•f Kn"'< a::.:! 1lrett, haa enllrrted In the Mer-vulona of the African and l:uru-atl'tf't wn~~ Arro·•••·•l Mun•lny nlt::h l chant Marine and will enter pean contlnenl.a, lncludlnJ tht> by lherlff~ u(tlo•c·rll nn n o·hnrg1• tralnln~ at the U. s. WarlUme D·Day lnvu ton of ll'ranee. of dl~turblnK th. r• 11· ,. th1• o·om1• :~ Service 1chool on Catalina IalAnd. The &'arden Mellon of Co1ta plaint hnvln..: "'"'" Ill···• hy M1'11 ~ New Men realdent• a re Mr. w e .. Friday Att•moon club will Inn A F'lk". t• 1111nt uf " h"ll"'' a Bavta• ••• tla• ilnraY aaaaa• to Ed Ulck -• C ... W-tlaei'WU. I wlah to take tlala opJtOmaal~ to tlaaall•y aaay &leada _. auto•· en low Uaek paint ... • •••w dae ... t tweaty yean. • I aa ••.,. the .... Hmce tllat I h••• •••• yo• wUIIteeeatla ... willa the ••• OWI!I•n. who .... •• lnll'odactloa. u ltodl awe ol• tbaen. • A peat pat1 ol •Y aacceu lau lteea .... .,...1111• lty tlae laelp ol Nn.Wallace. r BayWaDace 1740 ••wpolrl 81vd.. Coata .... and Mra. a . Roy Chr11teraen, for-meet Mllit Tueeclay wtth the lrll ownrd hy llnnllllooult•·•· l 'Jion ~ merly of Medford. Or~ .. who re. And cratt.e Net Jon. ~Pot luck bfolng arraiJnll.'cl Tu··-olay hr•f• •r•· l~ cenUy ·pure hued the Abel Trout luncheon w1JI be •rve at noon. Ju<JKe D J 1\n,J.:••. '"" rl••f••ntlnnt :•: place at 320 Colt.a Mea atreet followinr which Ule JrUdenerw wu "''"""" ''" hi" ""'n r••t·ngnl-li And ha¥8 taken poue•lon. will hold their re,ular buatn-&&nee, and 0<"1 11 ,.,.1,11 1'\'t u tim<' a Mr. And Mra.., Earl Wel•ll of rtleeUf\1" and prMeDt an lnte,.._ for ~· :ac~:4:4:!ttUlUUUUt•~tMtt!:HIUUCMMIIUMMV."U:::mteM•MM.V.MRDn 23rd atreet have purcbued a.n ling PJ'OI'T&Dl dunn.-th,. atl.efo. ac-at Coll•re and VIc'--'-noon houra. lira. Lottie Llneau 'lii~~ti~~ ~&"'~ l t;;.IJI from tht> Gtlchrllt ... ";;;; .. chalrmiUI Of tiM -u-. I t··~··tc .. ~ ... -.... ~-... :.;··· . .,, ....... €'C.i .. CCl ... D:rr..c:cr:c..-:a::~ ~rAn':::·~!"~~· a n ~Jy :~~ '~ ~~: :::C'::tr ~ m~~~hl~';~~~~ ·'" .... 4 •••• v. .. :t! .. v. .. ~ ...... -t .... t... ... . " ..... ,.., .. " .. . . . ... ·•• .. .. . , • JF M.r ..md M .... c H WcCUbblna • .Jac keon . .-on ot Mr. and lire. B. 22, MaKT~nlla atrPPt, are the A Jackaon nr W. Wlt.on •~t. .. proud jl'T'andparenta of a haby Pvt Jacklllln who It~ with W •• tho> St>C"<>nd Mertne Dlvalon In ~~~ lflrl. Judy Ue. who "'aa born Sept ,...., 24 to lhl'lr l'IOn·ln·law and daugh· thr Salpan lind T'lnlan. <'atn· t M palgnw, an•t ht•ldll the Prt'lldfon-...__.fttiP 1...,..1 t>r. r and Mrll Kf'nnl"lh <Horgl". tlal Cltatl<>n fnr valorou. arhlrv. lll•r"''loll .,.,. It Tht evt•nt f)('C Urred at St. Joaeph !.j hnapttal. t•mrnt. 1!1 111 pri'Hnt atatlonf'd at f • Aft .. r apr•ndlng the put ltVt'ral lhf' Mllrlnf' lla!le In SAn Dleco. cLIAJIIII "'~"~ ..... monthe at Santa Barb&rl, Mr. 011\•~r S llnpl<lnl, ~taman "i 'c. I .....-,... and M r•. Roy J . Hick• are again Ia IIJ>('ndlnJ: 11 20~ay furlou~rh located at their MPII hf'lme. 611 w1th his •w•th••r. Mra. NIAnn•l W. 19th 11tn-et. Mr. Hlcke' II•· H~opkln11 of \tnllle Vl1ta lllr .. ,.t. t~r. Mr11. Eth••l Caldwell, accom. Ttil' 110jnurn me~rka hla flr11t ·\'IIIII panted them from Santa Barba.r11 homr In "'"" than a yc11r, during and will etay h<'r<' for an lndefl. whlrh limo• hr took pArt In thf' nile oer1od D-Olly lnvn.•lnn of France A To 'celebrntr thr birthday annl· hrothr r, Rill Hopklne. a••IAII•'" ven~ary of M r•. Ou11 Nlrenbforg, mAchinist •w•l" 2/c, hu been 11ta. '!! 1885 O rang,. avf'nut, a bountttul tlonl'd In lh~ South Pacltk fttr :i chicken dlnn!•r WIUI IR'rved Sun. 18 mnnthl b rooatly wllh day In the Nl,....nberg home tA> Mr. Norville BArkea, boat.w1ln 2 r X HERE WE A HE and Mra. Qll'n Hannaen and waa recently wounded In acttnn, x the equ1pm~>nl .. nd lr ntowlo•dqo> to h~>lp m"lr11 ynoH h nm~t a mOll' ,.fflrl•"'· t't;~mlurlable, dauJ'hter. O.wendolyn, of H)'Tiel. •ccordlnl' to word racelved bv ~ beaultlul p l.v<> t , le v•• '" ANO. h r11h unrla ••I y11u r IJ utl•,nl wtll meel eu1ly w rth the a id and Mr. and Wr• Pete Coon, ht• pareniJI, Mr. IU'Id Mra. C V Lonr Beach. Backe• of 428 Short nreet Thl' ol TeW•n~l·'• ,. ... 0'1 lnw Jlr!CI'II Crm .. Ill •• ,t.J"Y' Robert J . Barntll hu bHn roung man. who haa been ~trvlnr: ~ awardt>d the Purple Hurt u re. IV'Ith the Na vy elnce befo~ Pearl :• ib wit of 1bapnel "''Ounda IIUifer.d Harbor, report.dl)' wffeN>d .. ,.. = while In combat In Fr&nc,. Fol. eral broken bone. and a cru.tl~d :. 1~1nc hla Injury he wu evaroat-n rht ankle. It ~11\fr elcbt day• ~ ed to 1 ho-s>ltal In P:ngiAnd where bf>fore It wu ~lble tA> br1n~t ~ he wu 1ttll conflnPd whf'n he Jut him to mtdlral •ttenUon. 1 wrote hla wtfP. Mn. Shirley F'alr\'IPw F'11rm1 Water Co. h11~ Barnu, who ruldu at 504 Or· mm·l'd Ita f'lftlce headqu1rtrr11 a anlf" a v,.nue wtth her parenU. tmm 1828 N<'wport boulevard tf'l1:< Mr. and Mn F. J . Hartbom. the nrwly-rrrct~ Fred Flnrh ~ Pvt. Barne1 •• a member nt the building at J83e Harbor. Tht"lC Fkld Artillery, 11 a eon of Mr. preml•"• vllr'Rted by the wat'fl and Mn. Robert 8. Barnea, 28&0 company ar" now belnr com·l Banta,Ana avenue. pletrd 1nd will be u.ec1 by the Beaton• For Chooaln• KIIIIUL INSULATION J ' . !I - • Slays pul • Fire reslslenl • Molslure reslalenl • Lasting prolecllon • Flexible as a bl•nllel • Beslsls vermin, lnaecla, lunf1u• $5.95 pe~ IDD aq. ft. Rail Mr. and Mn. Dick Roger~~, Shamrock cllf,. u a dlnlnr room. ownera of Rorera' •hoe 1hop, ex-Mra. Franc"• M01ee, 524 Bern11rd peel to leaft Monday tor Mn~. etn!t't, hu l,.ued a Meond unit • Ro~ra· former home at Monroe In the Finch bulldln~ and plan• City, Mo., where they will 1pend to open a beauty lhop. 1 Storage Water Heater• W1111rn Hally lia1 R ang1 'O·'JII Il,.,n SrJII!l t•o n 1\ ( • 1\ lll lf'IH•V"d Po•I-War M•,de l S49.50 T•11n1 ll lleolle·l t84.50 I '•rl ltr•'" , ... •llrerl Perfection Part1bl1 011 H1111r1 D11rbarn 811 H1111n Cool r,,, lelldl..,lln!J . ,_ the next lllx month~. Durtnr Word hu been reeetved of th•l their abeence U\e lhop ll-111 be marrtare of J ack PhJlllpe, 10n of cloeed. but llvtnl' qurter. In the Mr. and Mrs Frank Pbllltp1 ot t rear will be occupied by Wrw. 6:l3 Welftmlnat.r avmue who r"· Opal Slmpeon and two children. r~>nUy d~tlmrd .. hJ• b'nde Mt•1• Robert And Maril)'TI, who T'I'Cent· EI,.&M r Stucldlolm, d&uhter of ! ly arrtved hert from M1ry"111"· Mr. and Mra. Frank 8toekhPim I;; Mo. Mra. Slmpeon, a etner of of Oakland 'nle ceremony tonk lira. Lloyd Braddy. 1829 Harbor pla<'t at ("hr11t Church New :c:~rtf, Ia employed at the York City Wr. PbUUpe, ~ radar-1 !~!~~~!::~~=:~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~=man 2 ~~~ ~ me~1nt l marlne In 1941 and lttortly aft.er Pearl Harh<~r, ~noed to the 12,000 BTU 3 double cad i.a nt 25,000 BTU 5 double radsant Cerllllcole requlled Sl8.95 30.25 TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK Savy. 81nl'l' t1tat ttme be hu taken part In a BtDnber of major enrac~meniJI at .... MElTON PUC. IIOLD Bale of the Ala Keaton reel· drnce at 21 II Kno. .treet wu an· nounoed lhll week by U\e J ohn 1:. Badlelr orne. at Bal~. thr' new pu~uer betna :Nell Mur. b1rwer of 111M A..naltelm avenur.' Cotlta .Mea• Kr. and Mra. Me .. Bicycle• Releaaedl .............. ~ tA>n wtn conUnue tA> occupy Ule I . ,... ; .. .-.•;&;•• ... , .. , ";,;":L .. "';t;rt;~;•r..., .. 41l'W';,po~..,..,....~,.gw..-~··:.wA":..;w..,..M'! proemS.. for t.be ,._t. I L411eM~tll~ .. !"' .. ,::;.,.!f.,,¥.,,:r,,,~ •• !P. •• ~.,. .. ,~~..,~~.M ITEI! .• $2.50 ~ .. ,.rt .... fAMUA ,..._" I 1es :o J 'i 5 Not Only .... eel lOll ·d trkt hu,... L II'WIOtar u dt that htm-,,....,.. thetr tral m1WGn • blortl I of and .u. to I In bloc* D of ._.p,....,._ It 'IT, ....... !lpMt .......... Gl&to ...... .,.,ln .... ........... ..,. lu W. T. II A of tJw!t lrMt ... ,.... Mu)lrt. p, a:va of tnet • '"..,._H. ...... ' .. ......... AI• to a.,. •• 21 Md 21 ~part of tu Dlubeth 4 :II In blacll MillO. to and ...... oct. tal II& A of .... .. ..... .t lA& A .t a... a Mel MU&It- • Mel bkldl .._ I.&Md. .Vh to a.r-·-lf•, IDe 101 O..adl to I .-uco, lot II •·llun, NMII'" and wlr,. to ~ Wlfto, lot lrl block 638 ot N-l•tf't ""''"'•n~w to I wlr.,, lot II 1a tlrl Mar In GO)' W, hlnrk 30 ttl ld witt~ to A.r- IDI llln blodl lboa laland. ftl'll to R. P. ot :.6 at tract , llalboa IAI· ~ '-\1 I • - • ----~ .... lae, • ....... beA. .~Jfi"GG - . I _ ... .... -'1'0001 ... -.,., ... -·---· _ ....... IlL \..,.. 7 \ • • • . . ... Page 6 Borse Racing qur&r Hanl m11eh1d llliCII HAMILTON COTTON RANCH (One ).(i\e South o l San Cleme nte) TEN EVENTS SUNDAY, OCT. 15 -• •••IY two wMD therealter Badng Starts at I P. M. Ad•luloa, lacladlag Tax. 11.20 hi'Yice Penoaael, 50c Befndtments-FreeParldng A.i IBIIYION,· Voten of Orange County -OI'OirrtOK KO. 12 WILL EKAaU: Unscrapalous Enaployen 1o • ...._ •-.. , .. of Veler .... wbo are returaiD9 to private employa:~eot, to cut the waqe1 of m.Uiioat ol other era.ployeee; to len~;~:h •n the bouu ol ••ploJ1Dea.t, ud to LOWER the STANDARD OY LIVING la Califorai.a. We Strongly Urge You to Vote Against This Proposition! Oreftt• C.Unt,o Oi.trict Co\Oncil ef c.,,.,..,.,. * n-. 'en ...,. now '-the UnUed s.... ._ ...,. .. -.......o of the ti-of .. ........ * Tt.y hove pv.hed Into ~lrollit'lg offic" of -.,. la6Kw -'-· ....., .... uo. * .... n.w P"P•I•.-._ ,..aut.cl into rodto ond ~ to befudd&e ond confV1oe the natural looyattt.. of All• leon• to AMerlcM priMI,._ ol h'noh • W TMr ...... ,........ foreign.bof"n in ttM dty --"-ac~ ..,_ Americanitm. * "'New York Stote in 19..0, lhit •odical group catt 417,000 vofet fOf it. condldate, franklin 0. Roos• ....... •-•veh't P'wolity was only 224,000. They ........... T ... '•.a.cterel,_... * ~. SWn.y ....,_, a •vuian born Radicol 20 y-. old befo,.. coming to Am•rico, ho1 beco.e .. oM.tandlftg ,...._, ...... * DvrinQ the o.mocratk Convention, the Vice Pre.· ldeont of the Narion, cobin.el membeu ond lena- ton-.. slcl...,. ........... to conluh hi, wisMt.. * -a-,.....,...._ ....... Slcln.,-," wo1 the ord.r ol .. COft.,.,.Moft. * Cem.pt ••~•• ....... of the big tities 01"1 foin.d ~ i-UII41n0ft lin hlot driv1 for supr•m• power. * WMI Hlhoa't R.d .;i:inority becom• th• -...,;,._, ,_-WI Alnwic:on affair~? Will hum-. and ~ ... ,.,... ... 011 -11 01 labor b• forc•d to "tok• ---. "'-hlot ~ rott1d grOu JK d uring the .... tow ,.an--.......,.,? Th•r• ;, only one _,. ~vetnber 7. * The ..__., an••• 11 •• 11 o.noc:rata or• leh ........... CMit a part)~~ Y•....., ~Mae .. w ill decide 1M ~ • ..._ of .. compaign ... that h . . . Farmers the New Deal _,_,_ •••· c. a Mee~~Uoca .. L ....... , \'- 'NEWPORT-BALBoA PRESS Here's of Sunset League PJ~,y ____ ... _,.rtJHm_ ... _, --,\Dennis Hogland Regains Golf Title BOWLING 000 Oomtna tn.n bo-h~r~oi In tiOR\"Anf'M tt• Till'S SOIInf COAMT- OI.&LS t~O&II TLUIII cMmploftaldp ~ J,. ... t s.~.:;; I ~:~~ o.nnta Hot'\Uid or t_'o8tll took tbe --~ match t.bat .._. rmln•d U.. '----------'1 ,..,., colt uu. I AI Hon ·atll. c•ve Ule SOUth Santa lf'ai(\Jen a t lncle l"&m• t<J 8hovt •t. whtn he rolled u .. ganw or 2~4 In lut ntt.:ht " grill! of tour 1111olr ll•'ll In the South Tu1tln at Fullerton. I c•Hon.. St. AnUiony ton 8f'11.rh. Anllhl'im r•un~(• rn.wl•ng H10lh>•ll Spurtland :::~:·:~ .. ~~ ... ~~-""' .- Oct. 20.-Anaheim Huntington B ,; a c h 11 •santa Ana at f-"'ullerton, <Xt. 17. Hunllugton Beach. N1·wpurt. •Santa Ana at hrlm. •orang,. •t f-'ullerton. :"i'o\', :1 •S .,wport at S&nla . f-'ullerh>n at Huutlngton Belch. AnKhPlm at Orange. Nov. ~~ -Oran~ at Newport. Huntington Bea..:h at Santa Ani. •f'uliPrton at Anaheim. rn!lpd a acrlf:l o:l::~~:~~·~~~~~~~~ .nnglf game of I~- Nnv. 17. •Newport a,t FUller· ton. A n a h e I m at Huntlnaton llcaf•h, •Ontngt• at Santa Ana. •lndicutea night g1mea . " acr1l<:h b<>w iPr. Horvath 'nM ftG&1 f'OGrl4 wu 11 nturn to handicap of one pin. p&ft ~ tor both winner and Makii'IJC thinK• hot tor both runnenap. HOI"Iaftd hll\'111K won Ule 1 dtlrlnJ the evenlnJ wu -.m1 bobor in 11H2 with Ewert u ll>h"Mo· ,or th.-WeldeA' rwuwrup, whl.~ Ewert. a 81nta a hl,rh &in,rle. pme AM ~t, had hd d the club mountalna. • thr,....·xame total of UU. In liM. 1118 and 1940. HOI'-A. G. Coon, 018 38th 1tr-Mt, t. Ht,rh M"rif'l for tht evenlnl' land ~ tbe 11Ue to Joel converting hll preaent lh~ S11lm11kert' live· min total of A.lkme; Oftl ,._,. 110. Into lh·lni quarteA . 2838, with th~ Tool Room'1 2112 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M'COnd. i .. _.,-.. --RADIO SEBVICE Ruultl or the week'• contention the South Coa.at Le•I\M : HOMJ • ·AUTO 1 MARINE TWoo (}If-.. aoll I 11 Durtn,-their bowllnr tor avtr- llf:el lut Friday. two of the Wompn"a le..,-ue mPmlH'ra ,led for \h<l' evtnlnl"• hiJh pme. They Marie F olta of HuntlnJ1.nn 11 ~:.::, and Marl("le Helma. '"''~' od • 178 game. On~ of th!!' unrxpPcled dev .. lup· mf'nla that triN"I to the aurJt"e of MPUlanty tor thf' keJilnJ pullmP l,n Nrwp.1rt H1rhnr t• thf' dl~O\'· ••ry or 11n arnnHy bct.,.·r~n the trrhnlc or bombmll" J11p11 and Gl!'r· --.- ' .\lr l'a.df't• TuuciiM!r! nPn• Tht- k...S of Bumb&nSmtnt •l ....,.. m111.1 and the technic of ~O Ungl ptnl. Relay• or younr men expect to be' the bomblrdlt~. 1nd ni\'IR"•ton of l'uture ta\·e takPn to all 1f0 home tn~Uitr p.m bu• lf'a\"lnJ Balboa An• Atr 8..,., "~'"•I achool boya alternata t at oUier UmM, &n b&vt~ bHn ... . ·~ ol aoii.Oo1 Unhm \1 whJeh bo)"l who RADIOS REPAIRED ··MARna ELECTRICIAN • BVB'I' a. •oayo• P'aoae 2417 1111 Cout H igh.,,-, NEWPORT BEACH 'fB£ BESY IN MEATS OUR JIUI'CHER COUNTER IS THE CENTER For Dt.cemlDg Housewives~ Choice Vegetables ... Tbe Freshest In Fralta ... Quality Groceries IIlLa EIOGII DI!:UCATE881!:N ITEMS ALL WOOL CHESTERFIELD All the new wanted Shade. Q See the new "SHORTIES" the coab the eala are all ravina about Q CHILDREN'S COATS Many ltyl• Priced to euit any budeet r MARKEY • 1 n s up tn thetr ltudlea ma1 achool noueee "cle&r'IJ\1"' them lht r.•etdr'lf ..,ork at UM Jl&l • .,.,::,:·;:-... " .. , ... ,...... DE'PAATMENT STOR I t...t to UM l.lr Nctlt. &ad tll• COST A MESA ! ""'""'""' blfor. thty •"r lit I 11•••••••-••.;;.;;.; •••••••••••• ..J I pin. ' .. Thursday, Oetobei-!5, 1M4 ANITA COLBY "Cover GirlA Queen TO BERNARD OF HOLLYWOOD He will Photograph You Glamorously Different . ' Batt-St-lio. B.-...4 o/ .lloU.,..-1 • BALBOA ISN" A.JU.'AUE . -. your cancelled 'I'EJfPIJUf check There' a no room for doubt whea you poy a bill by TENPLAN • check:. Your check-properly endorsed ond concelled-is o Proof of poyment which con never be disputed. TENPLAN checlts ere o reel convenience-they help you save time, tires, Qesoline. Open your TENPLAN occount torley et any branch of Bonlt of Amenco. Buy ten checks for $1 in a neot packet. You need keep only enouQh money on depotlt in the bonk to cover the checka you write. - •uuo ROll" lUll If l"ltUIIU UIODI.&TIGO 0 IIUIII rii iiA. IMiftt- BALe SPORT· BAR New Aaeortm•Dt of Blou•• hi Ylri01ll Colon 111d Styl .. 12~•. 12.e1J, 13.e5 ..,, "" • Par Autuma w.., s .. ,. ... To W...-to School SAL· SPORT-BAR Collformia; to Lot· Aaoele1 yd Lo ng S.acb POPUlAR PRICES I08IIola8trM& ' • Tburedayo October 0. 1944 1'1Wra810NAL CARDS -tmmnlllll!!l!l!!!lli!:~:::::::::m!!m!ilil!!!!~ 1WLD RAUSA, M. D. 1iij 2830 Weat Ccntrttl A \'(•. i Jl' NEWPORT BEACH. CAL. ~~ X-Jta:r aad lmerqency Ser·!!! .toe Available 24 Houra. II! Phone: Newport 1028 jl! If no A.Mwer, call 801-M 11! ~~~~~~~~~l:ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~lllllliiHiiiliiilllilllmlll Conrad Richter, M. D. PhyetciaA··Surgeoo 107 • aaad St.. Newpod B-ch Henne: 10·1:3 a .m.; 3·5 p. •· Phoa .. : OUice 133; Home 74-l GORDON M. GRUNDY, M. D. ....,.... .... aa,.... • to2 W. central Ave. Phone: 37 HOUI'I: 11 to U A. II. I to I P. II. Dr. G. E. Tohill PHYSICIAN and SUROJ:ON .... OIM& .......... YIItJllllll Of&et*"W -~--· u-.......... Jlf ....... l Dr. Obed Lucas W4W • 1111\:.w~ l'lloee . .'ltll aT a&AOB NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS ArbogiUit . ; .... Ill "'' "' r gn~w Ia I p. T. A. Group Plans1 ('oast c. ua rd 0~W08 ,.ut uf I•AI"'' l•.t,.:~ uml that FaJI M 1 , , tan t JUit uttvlh··· p;ti iiOth' pep First eetln~ Ht•t>r uatan;.: Uostt"r to a, !'jELL MURaAAG&II t ulk h,.'• to·allv out Oall 11\.1~· At H bor HI h t• \' •)II A i LtV I' t'tU:h day .. thoqb It were gt!at. that folk. brlllg llhoppln~ .ar R • • t'U r ' t s ga n your hut, baa• for lht•:r JT'008rlM, and that Membent ot the Partnl·Trtu'h. 1-'nr llw 111 •t t 1 "',. 111 tol.;hl Pt·rs~tng the wt~ of joy from they return all paper AaCka poe. er Auoclatlon ot Ntwp<•rt Har. 111.,nth11• o•h"tl•lo· 1 i ~''"'·Ill. I~ 11 Ill evt•ry minute; 1 alblr. Othent11M', IU he, you may bor Union Rlth IIChool will hohl bt' allnwrtJ t.• <'II II' I • .. ,. nrrrrut h'o• Counting that hoUr to« when U find youreelf tryt~ to carry hmne their ftr11t rneral ~f'tlng ol 111111n1t•n In tho• 1' ~ r,.,.ollt (11111r.t. hu pUlled a meu of dr1ed beaM · ' · In the new term OD TIIMday, thw tt "A'Ill """'"""'o•d thJ• Wl'l'll. tw If you have failed to ttnd t.be your pockt'UI. -I on tn COft~ at 2.3() o'clo<'k l.lful. 1 Jlt 1 Llt\\'l'l'u•·•· Rooht•rt~<••r;. laughter ln lt. • • • In the c&feterta. l>t'l'llt,nno•l pr ... ·un•m,.nl "" h'<'r for Don Blandin&'· NO MltUVMAJUStl, R..adt~ the ltH Offklal al11ll• tho• 11th Na,ul 1h~lt h t The pool hall, lo~ a place or MJC8ANM DEC'RF.t: 11 Mnt. OWUUN Butler, pre111. Tho· '1''"111 l••t lht• ""'8 '" 70 ill rt•putf', la maldnc a valiant Lou of p eo I ' u ,.,. jtivlnr a dent, and Mrw. Cl)'<k Otto. ''"'"· '"''" •hit '"" \ ll't••bt·r. 1\tlempt to go ~peelable. Per-h f' a p of con.deratton to the preeicknt. Otbel' board mo•tn· "Th•·\' ttr•• vltJtllh no····l··<l t u ftll hapa It haal"ucc~ to a cert.aln proper mf'thod of apendlnl' v .o.y ~I'll tnclude ltln. John 1:. Sadlf'tr, '"''""' "'" o'"""''" tw ""'""'"" •·toa· de,.,... · · · 1 -(W, more propt'rly, VE-Day, VIc. reeordiq eecretarY: Wl'l Don ""''"'"'""" th~<•'l"""''"' ,.,.,,1 l.to•ut wouldn't know. t ory In Europe . . C:O.ta Mf'aa McCallum, tre&IUNr: Wl'l C L rtul~t•tllll'n "Art "II'"' ln.: tn th•• At both New-Chamber of Commerce 1\u jt'One Thorn. lllatortaa: Martin Braull. "'"r •n I Ito• l'nl'l(to• ""'" n.. ""'r•· port Beach uuS on record 8 8 fa\'nrlng no cf'lehra· auditor; Mra. 0 . Z Robt-rtaon. nwu "til lk t\o'•••l•·•l l•• "'"" llw COIIta Mea are b II parllam•n•·_.•.,·, Ml'l H a • "•"•t l'l h i I I I I tiona. no mt•rrymakln~. no u a-~ ,..,_, r r ~ '• ·~ • '" "' ps '"'' lothllnJit pool r oom.• baloo ... ju11t 11 ruii·Ume con. Burdick. merqbe'*'P· Wra J W rr•n no"· m···r"''"" ·•n ull rn•11l11" where acorea of Unuance of work "Aner all," Ptl'yton. Jr., W&,. and mi'Ana. ~.aut nunrol n•o'l"tll u•~ t•XJ)t•rla,l YO~lf\C boya--10· point. out Prealdent Ruu Bartlne, Mra. Lucy Kanball. maJIIJlnf'a: whn "t ln~~t>ol ur 11h••1•" 111111 1-'•·b· 12• and 14 yean "that will be juet a ha)f.way Mn. A. L. Ptnllla:r. adult «'dura· ntary, wilt lntl'r\'trw ~trt•llrant.. 111 old -IJ)eftd al-mark. We'll aUII have a lone tlon and JteplaUon; Ml'l Marvtn 908 P•nlllnl! ~flu " r •' hullctlnll' • moet nery mln· way ahll'ad or ua." Brown, Art; Krw. Leo Fryn, hoe· F'tflh antJ IIIII lllro't'b, 111 ,·,o,. An· ute between In addition to giving all you'v:o pltallty; Mba Freda Wti>"&!."!· lrl'tlu l nfnrntilll<•n ntR\' '"' ,_, •• achool and aup-got to your job on that day, why health and weltare, and Ml'l--., <'Uf'f'<l by wnllng lhnt n:hlr•'IUI ~~~ per.Ume. It 11 not pJ•A•a youraelJ now-to buy J . Nmll•, pubUctt:r. rhonln" MA LII,;nn 17711 NELL MUeARQER mandatoey that ~-~ " ~~lrha;:re~~. w~~e;' s:::n~:! ::y ~ ~:a~';rla~n!o~ :!: o!?Jected to UU. pracU~d def-amut. · · ·------ lnlf t>ly. · It haa even been augceated that parenta giving aucb conaent are la}ing thema:e.lvee open to proee- cutlon for contr1butlng to the de- linqut'ncy or their offapnng. I .!lrrlou.sly doubt that. DOINGS OF THE RED CROll IN TH! HARBOR AREA By M~.p L. ANDREWS Officer Summers Proves Hardihood In Auto Collision The record ntaclll that he'a tl yeara of qe, but Pullet Omc,.r Jack Summant, BIOI Cout boule. vard, proved too cturabl~ to be put out of commtaalon by an automo- bile cow.aton wboM Impact IM'nt hJm burtlln~ fttteaft feet throu~rh tbe alr to UM MoaJder of the ra.d after mldntpt lut 8aturdly. BI'IUliNO UN .I"'INME'ITIA Mr. and Mra Don H. Ulbo an- bulldlnc a thr&e room .Jw.-llln« at 702 PolnaetUa aVt!IIUt• at a ca-t of nooo. ~W BEAt"n' "HOP OWNF.a Bobbette O<on<Jwtn haa bou~ht out Wanll11'11 R(·auly l!lhop, on Marlnt' A\'o'nllt, Ralboa lalanlt, which had bl'en openlted for IC'mf' yl'al'l by Toni Bhlnton Ml• ()ond. win l'lln~ '" lh(• l•lllnol 111111 month from San Juan Carlatrann Pocket bllllardl u a rune, Ia quite as lnnocuoue u C&J'OINI or checkera. (You'll ftnd pool tablea In the beat home1; at nearly every USO and YMCA; even In church BOCial halla). The que.Uon of ~============~propriety, therefore, would -m ;:. to rest aquarely on the tnoral llt.a· Far reanchlng rlana are now belntr: made for thl' futurl' of Red Crou work all o\'l'r the world. The American Red C"roaa, which haa lncr~aud t'ta pentnnnel by mllllona of workera, and ext~ndtd Ita aeope or work beyond any- thine before antldpllttl'd, 11 now In 1 r e a t need of more neld wor'kera, principally men who will work bl're or abroad. ~ ottlotr wu In a Newport Poll~ department ear with Om cer E. R . Walue, at, wben their· car wu overhauled and alde.wlped by a NPWpOrt t&ateab, drtnn by 0 . Ill. R.vtu. %4, ot lS& 17th atreet. COIIta Mea&, on t.be wtndlna cnde on Newport boUlevard, about one· fourth mile from 'nle Arc:hu. lum- men received a bona b\Jury to bla rtrttt foot. brull'lta and llralntd Upment. about tbe lett clleet, and a bumped forebead. He wu attended by Dr. G. IC. Toblll. LEGAL NOTICE DR. C. J. CARTER ....... RocltO.-Plat.M a lpeGial~ P"'-1Ut ... If ..... •A.. 0.. ..... Dr. M. D. Crawford OP'I'OII&Tai8T .,._ llllaal1JMd oaa.u P'ltttd Pbona 2.:10 1792 Newport Boulcvarll 008'1'.& IIZ8A blllty of the management. and tM degree or reapectabiUty t.bat w demanded on the pl"ttiii.Ma. I firmly belle,,. that the pool halla of both Newport Beach and Coata Meaa may be rfven a clean bill aa far u theae cond1Uona an concerned. I ala> bellll've that the youne· sters who (rcquent them, would be much bitter off playtnc b&ll nn some vacant lot. . . . • • • Councilman Lea labell weant one or tbe moat striking r1np I've ever aeen. It ~~~ or allver, and the cuual obtlerver would be like· ly to Identify the large, lntr1cate· 1 o'·\\'rought dealgn, u a akuU ot drath'a hc>ad. Actually, It depict. Thll urrent appn l for field worker. hu comf' from Robert L . Wllaon of the Rtd Crou pentnn· nel atarf. Officer Summent reported back for pollee duty wtt.bln a day. NOTin: TO IIIDDI'.JI" Thf' Board of Tna•tf'"l of Nfl\ll•. port Harbor Union Hl«h lkhool Olatr1rt rc:qU4'111 btd• on one new ronventtonal·type IK'hool bua to nrry 43 or more hll(h ll'hool pu- rlla. t.fuet conform to California IICIIOOI bua rfli'\JI&tlona. Full ~pec­ lneatlona mu11t be •ubmtttf'd with bid. Bldl will bl-"twnNJ Oct ~ at 4:30 .,'clock p m In t h,. Jlnart! Room of thf' Htl(h Sr hool. Th11 Boud r"lll'rWII t hf· r ight to re Jtcl any and all blc11!. A. H PITZPATR.Jt:-K, C"lrrk. Pub. NeWTM"~rt.BIIIbtlll rre.!lll, Stpl . 28-0ct. ~ ....... -- a.EA\'lNu roa .u.TADitNA I Att.or a .. aa.tan, at N""'l"''' 11111 I 11"1' Atl.t {'<\IIIII Mt'•ll 1•11 th<' 1'11 .. 1 :.!IJ >•••ar•. Mr. anti M,.. ~ ~ • M I Nil•'''••. 302 Vlt'tt•rla •lN>t•t. 11r•• 11111lltn,: 11 11111\'t' h• Alln\J••n11 wh,•n •l th,•y wlll make thei r rutul'il h"'"" 8IIOD Sha-d, Dyed. a...d Al"t:IUt'AN SHOE SIIININO PABLOa C"lcove Blair , ............. lnl .., ______________________ . ___ ,.. ( SINCI l ~3l) ... Balboa Balboa Island AT THE 'I .--------------:. : t h" face of an ancient Ma)'lln ll!lol. . . . • • • • DR. A. S. NEWTON Optometrist • Room 301, Moore Building 326 No. Broadway SANTA ANA I M.•n are men, and 'latent ue 'tat en. But fishermen are prevarlcatont ('0WBOV8' GUilD F.STERS BOD£0 8CEJifE He will IK'f', by Appointment, anywhrr<', any m~tn who will go Into thla work and 11aya that men with teaching or I!OCiat work baclc· ground. h o t <' I t'lCJ'II'rlrnce, Boy Seoul or recr('atl(ln work, &re 1111 dupa.rately n~dtd In the rthabllt- tatlon p r o gr a m a a n d In the mortlle·butldlng programs herf' and oventf'all. Any man or wom!UI lnleruted will be Wf'komed. If he or ahe will apply at thll' local ornoe for Information. It 8et'YYW that In rf'·l"mployment. rehabllllatlon, a nd adjuetmt'nt pro- gram• for returning veteran•. Rf'd Croea la to have an active part. Both autoa were amuhed. Rt'v· lt>a reported that be failed t.o •e the pollee automobtle u h1a cab came around a g-radual tum In the mlat at 33 mllea per hour. Revtea' csb &kidded 240 '"t wlt.b Ill wheela tom off after the aecldent, but hf' t'11Caped wlt.b onl:r .cratcbe.l. Two 110ldlen wbo weN .,........,.. In h~ taxicab, eac:aped tot&U:r un- hurt. rN8TAU..IJifO FOUJifDA'IIOif Pete Beaty, 407 Lindo a,.ua, le lnatallln• a new eonent.e faun. dation at hla borne ancl wOI rwpa.tr termite' ~e tJuooupoat tbe 11tructure. It Ia contemplated that the work will co.t around ~. EDDIE MOORE lUkes Better Ice Cream \ ftiY ITI ' BALLROOM • Ph: Santa Ana 5274 • EYP'..S EXAMlNED- -OLASES i'ITTED Zone Therapy Clinic ............. M 8wedltlb !IIMMet~o ..,.,. 'l'laerap1 v...-Ba&M .... marllgham Zona 'nlenpflt Bpectaltat ......._ 1aa Bide. U.Sid Veterinarian ...... o um•tr .. ..,, • .... A.1llltllttl ......... O.W • ,_,. gpar1enoa m tr.ti.Qif lara• and emall AN'Dtf.AL8 ~AIIDD'O -a&TIIINO 81WOFI'IRO -CLIPPINO Or. S. H. WALI<EADINf 1~ Oout BJgbWay Corona Del friAr PboDe N~ 2~1 DR. N. D. CASH'S DOG and CAT HOSPITAL Boudin&' . Bathing . Slr1pplng Surrry and Ulneuu of Houeehold Petl lilt 8o. 'IIIII• 8t.. 8Uia A• t 7 Mllea from Newport Harbor) Telepbtone: 8. A. SS48 aMIAe-cte: %15 NAft'I"IIUit A\'1'. Oo,_ cW MM. Pll. N.B. USI EARL W. STANLEY Realtor Notary ~bile PbOM 1171 , .. IU.rtDe B&lbOa Wand I r you ever doubt that we've ronw along way f rom the covered wl\~t\n days, liat to the woea of :'l:••ighb<tr Bob Skiles ... Bnb has been putting on a dam· •••I good fortnightly rodeo-juat an nld.lime ranch affair With calf rnpang, lll•er' riding, bronco bua~ ani{, etc. Local boya and (tria tut nt•d out to be good, but In onl•·r to rully go ov~r with a l'lang. the 11 h ow needed out,..,f. town riding talent u well . . . a n\J the out-of-towner• wouldn't rldt". , . , Rut thnt'e all fixed now ... Hub has ktcked In to the CoW· looys· AIIIOCiatlon of America, and rwoct Sunday you may expect to '"'~' r srlirlpanU. from all par~ of Swolhr rn Callt ornia .... Y••11. Oswald. even the cowboys ure or~tanlz:ed now, and t.bey can't ride in ahowa that don't aupport the usoclaUon. . . . Probably In another couple or yMrs. Monta.na mualanp will be adll~<inlt to buck unl~ they are •oddc>n by 4nlon oowboya .... • • • IJ~nk ftllkll, If you want to keep "" rnllng In the style to which w•u h11 ,.c> b e ~ o m e accuetomed, ~·1•u'd b~ller make aome provlalon rnr cnrrying home the grub . . , In other wordl, take It from Gall BALTZ MORTUARY LADY AmNDANT 410 Coa1t Bl•d. CORONA OIL WAR ~·~-~~.2 DAT AJm WIQJIT ............ ~ ·~· Olefla .... Cornpe:M&tiDf FutUI'P In conjunction with other na. tlt)nal and lntl'matlnnal agencies. there will bP a great work to do, and a very compensating fut . ture for the peopl" who wlll do thla work. RnLDINO fi'I'OIUOE 110011 Alexander Krohn, t15 L&l'twpur llVMUf', II building a 24 by 10-foot slorag~ bull~ at 521 J'amleaf avenue, Corona del Mu. Tbe atructure Ia to coet MOO. Moon's Confectionery :3100 OCIAN FRONT Phoae 73 C. S. NO'ITAGE Thll' nuralnJ: ••m••rg.,nry 11 11tlll more a ruP. Hll\'e you thought aerlou11ly nbout whether you ran do .orne nur111ng work or r iUl ~nllat 11omeone elu to ILII.!IIat with thla pn,gram aomewhere! Bl!JLDJllfO ADDmON l"umpiDI of c-poot., ~tt.o Tank• aad ne-w-• LOtJ'IA DA WI!W)N BUV8 F1U11T lt11C'F. BAA R . C. Owen Ia buildS~ an acS. rlitton to the front ot bla reetdence pmp4>rty at 3702 Cout boulevard, thr· coet to be about SilO(), t•a-: IIUI2 ftl WNt llamlltMI Mt. 0111ta M,. Loula DawNOn, formerly In the fruit Juice bustncu In the college t own e>f Corvallla, Ore .. but a re- c~nt reeldent of Newport Beach , at Lido Cove, 111 'new owner of the Tropic Fruit"' Juice bar at 9115 Cout Highway. Newport. Mr. Daw110n'• acqulaiUon of the buaineaa from C h I e f A vlatlon Pilot C. J . Oliver and Mra. Ollvll'r. who founded thl' drink bar, but now muat leave the vicinity be- cauae of nytng ordera, wu an· nounced yeaterday. Mr. Daweon may open a anack food counter In addition to the julre l!tand. BICRFIELD RA8 KER\'ICE DOCK IN OO!'Io'TE.WPLATlON Richfield 011 Co. may ahortly join the major oil companlea In oparat.lon of a msr1~ dock at a location aomewhere on the Bay, It wu reported during the week. Location of Rlchlfeld'a pro1pec· live alta wu not dJ~eload. HOME IMPJIOVEMJ:NTS John Tuffree of Placentia 11 eX· t~ndlng and encloalng the second n oor deck of hla realdenct' at 1008 P:. Ct'ntral avtnut" at a c01t of 5600. Conrad Shook hu been en· lf&gtd to do the work. EHLAaGINO DWI:LI..INO Mr. and Mnt. Harold Benedict. 427 NarciUWI avenue. are build. Inc a two-room addition to t.belr home at a co.t of MOO. Col. Can ella . Trial Set for Nov. 21 P'edetal tr1al ot Col. Joeepb J . Canella, former quartermuter at Ulr Santa Ana Army Air bue, on chartrtll ot defraut'ltnr the rovem . ment, hu now been tet tor Nov. 21 The Colon,.! Jut week faced United ltatee Judrt Leon Tank· wte.h In Lot AngPiel. alonl' ·with Uu"M co.deft'ndiU'tta. The latter ara K. W. Ran.na:r. Harry E. K e- Cormae and R.a:rmond M. WJkoft, all ot llaftta A.na. AU rov cltltencS. &DUt pla&cled DOt pllt7. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR ANO 8U I LOE~ CDM~LI'TI: BUILOIND atERVIC£ ~"D ... K NCW"D•T 10:14 .1 8 18 ..... ,,_.. Av•. P 0 Ott-' 7 0' •at..eOA tet..A,..D. CAl o ~ Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLBANBD A COMPLITI UD Of FLOOR COVERiNGS fOR YOUR RIQUIREM!NTS LVDL-CARPET WORKS Phoo• 2806 SANTA ANA 1622 S M"'ln St -:--------------~---·-·--...·-··-----Balbau. a ........ c..... SHEll NOVELTIES NEWPORT .vENIR AND Gin SHOP 2102 0.... "-t. Newpert Beach •••r.a..I'U.£ Ring8, NeclcJac.•, Brac.let• and Pins SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS OF ALL KINDS OP5N SUMDAYI PHOHE liU-W ·n. '8tore of a Wlllloo Article•" Ye•l We Wrap Gift• -. ~ - BALBOA c * AnseiiBUI aad Bl1 Owchestra . SATURDAY ONLY Oct. 7th VOCALII'I'Ia Alfl'ed WIH • Belly Lyaa * AT T H IE A II N D IE Z V 0 U 81 IOSTEI! ••• $%.50 . ..,. .... .. .... ..... .... OSTAMUA NU._ft ales nto t Not Only t ltrica f• )led r11Mfr1d hu re- tlon, lMOtar u 't.'tCtall thftl h~ and ll't'ble thftr ..-vt'ral mi.Wan 4 In hlork 2 ot lrt. tid and wtl• to t ~ In bloc* I f11 ~t • nw. ... r . ...,.. tract -n ........ ffi'Wplf1 fWII* awkk to~ • •• lo4 • "' ...... ,Nf'Wl~Urt....._ , oywter let W. T. , lot 4 ot tnltl!t ..-h ad and ......... lo MuJorie p . and ~ ot trMt ad\. t a1 ... 8~ Jl. loCI 6 and 1 a. rt ........... d wtftt to ll:lwrft .,, Iota 22 and a ac t :AM, part ot IP tu l:ll&alwt h and :.ze In b&otil r • ~W~~Uuan to .. o rt rtc-•C'h In a"'l wltr, lui te " ""''lkiO, NMII• ••• And wlr,. 10 t t 11rul wltr, lot. !I ''' blod1 f\38 n frt N-1•ort t .. · .. tcantw to and wllf'1 lut ll '"'"a clrl Mar tr r lo Uuy W. In hlock 30 nl 110tl w1C., tn Ar- 'r lnt ll In blodt a.100. laJand. a1'Tirll tu R. P. o, lot :M tit trad .... l~ltx. I.AI· --1 .. ... 'ltJUQ ........ .-r .. tW ... .. ..,. ....... Mt .. tall .. Page 8 NI:WPOJtT-BALBOA PRmS r CLASSifiED 'ut:t.P ~~A~~~~BD -• \ SKILLED SCOOTERS' All metal. lllak· WAlf'I'IID _ IU or 12 ft. CUnk- 1 ler·•. 1211 So Maln, Santa ~ •.-.at Dinghy __:_bone 2~. INVESTORS ATTENTION R.-propoMd CiYic C•ater SUe. It ..... thAt wh•••~•r o.. R C p k 6o Realto m&Jt ... •uoo .. uoa for th. beet tat•Nt of oar elty, ima.diately • • ar ~ , r eomeoae attempta to br.ak it dowa by attemptiDQ to ..tabliab 0 1101 ., ...... .-v-RT BLVD. HELP WANTED MECHANICS PAlNTJNG a a Cl ,.,.,. ...... ,.,... ..6mat.ee. IL.•--= ~ r!ed A. J. ........ M6 "'= Blvd. eo.ta ...._ ...... NI:W P-1t1 RACING DtDcbY CaD BIIMt&rd'a Yacht lADdJnc. ..__liDO or 2630. llU ulterior moti~• for a""b a ~oa. 008TA W.A I do OW1l 938 fMt of bluff property wttb • d.ptb of 150 feet • ----w<>rn10n fn~ f Tu 1..•, p , ,., rol ol f'oor•ll rollln.r WANTED Wllll nr 1 11, •1 ,. •killed au-',.n.:r~l hot.-1 wutlc Unlhh& lnn. 1 ''' 11•·• •1 ~ •' '·• BOAT wt~ two pair of oarw and rwldar. AJao radio and other artaca. lor aak Mn. Epper- 1)', ., Walnut Place, eo.ta faoiaq CUH Drl•• LD Newport He!Qbta. ftU s-operty u approzl· $8400 tf t l 11 • ,.n!1 hi'IJWI"' phon~ s-port &eO. 2:\ '""'" ,, ' "· 11 " 1•1 "I "'ool ·~· ,,, •. l11t•on1, modem LAWN WOWERS SHARPZN1111> mately 1000 fMt weet o f what I etaoer•l., h.U... Uoald h. OM of tlM ID•t tao..... lD eo.ta coaaldered for our cirio oeater ate, tbJa belav a beaatl.halloca· M-. b.-· ,..tdaaUal 4i8tJ'k:t. WAr-.'TED l:xJ"'tlt·M·nJ l.o.•k· ·h••r• • '11111•1 • '"I I ''' llnr1 OVI't·l .11nd kept M&rp one ,._r, 11. ko•tflt't Rnol !llo•n•oJ.:r~tph•'r '"' l tu ,.. \\'IIIIo •f '' '' ~ '1'1 ol l'it~ady,' Jamel W G&llqher, 2003 ~ Uoa o•erlookiac;r the entir• harbor. cJoee LD. 'l"hNe Mdroolu. hard- N th f I U wood Soon t.hfouCbout. doeed-lD I'I';HMANt,;:'lrr .... ,.tttrofl. Mull\ ;•I• ~·a• I •' "' I• ' "·' "11'1 "'1''~' tht I bot Blvd eo.ta M-~ ,..-1 ,. 'T"hl~ 1~ your ·· · .....,.. be n•·at, aC<'Urllt~ an1t C:Rf'Ahl•• "lit !-~•'<' II' '"' ' Of mrctlnt publir Apply at "f'f"JI Iunlty t.J );l'l ~··I for the ru. I Paperhanging KAliL 31c ow, ere ore, am o erinc;r tla1e eatir• lroat.Q• to .. ., ba~... Uo ctr. and wttla It . nlOT Dumphy Olnpy; New tor LD Newport Harbor lor tb• _.· of $8.00 per lroat foot-~. /:: Ul ,;:::: ~ tlat. ........ ud 81 rat ton • h.p. aJr. primarily to COD?i.Doe eoae .,.ople thAt I ba~• ao uteriol -.otift place tl you ..,. looktna' for • City Hall, New(lllrt. 3:llf ture. 28 --&114--Phnnt TBl!XlOOR~~ Romss PaintinK oooa.. motor, Full Martne lor the •uoq .. Uon of tb• Cirio C..t•r looaHoa. I will U.O otier loftiJ bome. tn._'-'on. $350. Apply Jot to buy aay other comperableJbl propert-, at the .a.o.e prtoe $3250 WANTED H1•lp by duY ttor f~<ul llayl o weo•k L.aunJry 1111•1 l'lt•o.nlng I 'hnn<' s,·wrort 1 V6t :12<· -----w A.JTR.ES8 Wllllled G•.M n lary Exptorlenoe not r•al!l('ntllll Dmn••r only ltRrrll!l(lll'• J )lnnrr HoWle. 17lh and Orllll~•·. C:u11la ){I'A& 3lc WANTEO Youn~ "'"man I ll tak~ ('1\,.... of baby And hf'lp w1th ll~o:ht huUAI'wnrk ,4pply at Wac'• Photo Shllp, lOt Wain SL Balboa. lU 7 r HELP WANTED Df'<'nr•tunr trlmml'ra lllld Ji!'•·nn a l belpt'r l!lx~rif'nl'~ prd• rn.••l hut n••l rt!QUir,.d S l<'" nrw. lihoiJ' 111 urc.UnJt Wt)rlc F\111 tlrnl" "' pArt tlrn>' 8&n•h ('lllh••rlow Cerami<'.. 136 Vlrgtnla 1'111'''· Co•t• Mr1111 :J21f -------- SKILLED MEN AT'tENTION IF- rwc1 Dealer ft•r thll Harbor KENNJ:TH QUAMY IKJtn~t ~= 1t71 ~ Cor 2:/nJ & ('o•ntral - 1\t•WJ••rt HNVh USE J)A Y RECAPPING aDd UN ___ ri'Jl&lr .ervlc:e. No pr1011t.J ~ WANTt:D u ry for (T'&Ck' " A.." tnlck quality •yntheUc Nbber. I.Aaft VIa Dtjaa, Udo lllf', Newport. located ia th• Harbor Diltriot. (eo.art..., to Broken) PIMIM N.B. 1191-W. 32p Earl w s Completely 1\&mtabecl-tmmedtate ey Owner ~Oft,. n-s bedroom bouM Atte t . B t • I on a Larp level lot, a real tag. n lOD Oa 225 Marine Ave. BALBOA J8LAHD pan. Uberal tenu. Owners PhoDe: Newport 1178 $4000 .A\'allable Now Nice two-bedroom borne. OM ac:n \\' ANT~:Il II '"" ""' k, 'l•'amnJt, ynur rar oveml(ht and lt wW IMI 8&AL IIBIAD WANTI:D mL DI'A'B (W.. .... ) ot l'fOUIId. Cloee to bulilNM center. $1 I" 1 h "" t: • ·•I '"'n••r VI-~ r••ady to r o the followlq mom-INSIDE •mil\' -.: •• ., 11 "'~' tnd. nr 1n~ All work and matertalt L1•~ I• • '1•1 h 1:!0 :lOth St ·1 guaranteed. eo.ta Meaa'nN A BOAT STORAGE WANTED . . . 0101 ACU, n.cul. ..... O.W $3250 Up CAS llaDta ADA 1316-W. ; llo l't .. t and attracUn oott.ac-Ia !~;, \\(" rl :. _ ,_:.,___ 11 R.ecapplnf Shop, 20tb A Hew· N-Bulh.hng 86x200 H BUYERS ----port Blvd • CoA& Weaa. S2tt ,..__...,_ ol .. --dHn" both Ball and 12100 BUTS two ~ ...__ Newport HelpUI, perfect ooadl• ...._ ..,, ,. WE HA VI: MANY B~8 -" -UOn 2 bedrooma ---chldl-I .():O:T \;\'U t'OI':\1l 1 Pow• .._tAl to ~n. ln len....... doee to "'W"sr OIDter ~ ' ' •--..-· -_ WAN'I'SD -a~ · · · w orld'• ol u.t1Jip level lot. eancty louD d A equJpment and rabbit hu~. tJ>ST ,,· • .rtrr.: .... 1 •ngagement l _ ___ .• ..Lido Channel F .&. RUSBZLL Bar&ala. ... R. c. Putter, tmmedSate poeaeuton. rtn~t• 1r.ol "'""' ,. 111 hr .. wn ltath-WANTEP I C. Sailboat or Bal· 1780 Newport Blvd, eo.ta x-1101 N.wport BouJn&rd, Oollta $2650 ··r '' . J•llr... ~ tl nl~ht, bt-t bela Dinghy. Phon• lm.J. Ue y aeht Anchorage M-. Pbou Ul. OM-ball &Cl"'; thne bedr'OOID :-:.,..1 ,11 "" t.1'1~•n plrra. nn -,.._. Jfewport lN. IIUc, WANTED' tk•l" 11 !<(,,. ""'"' v nntl rf't WANTED TO BUY-BmaJJ radlaa. _ _ _ • boaw, .tncle cuac-, nMr Jl&r. rlt~.:• '" ·,lui \\ lltt•l\n F rMt. S O.S. RadJo abop. 21a M.uiM, LI8TING.I OJ' PROPD~ IN TWO AND ONE-IIIGBTII acne, bor Blvd. So•1A"I•·•1 32p B:llboa I.ala.nd.. Pboae 710. MU JOa 8M.I; OORONA ~ MAR Dm'I'IUOI' doeein. 2-bedroombouae. QUck.. $5500 --_ _:_ Pbo 11'1 Mallar4 en aqutpmeaL Prtoed to ..U. FOil nt:NT WIL l. 1:1\'1': I·H ~:I•: Hr:.'<IT of four· rr""" "''"" wl t·· .. ~\1 M~ll& and ~''"'c " ,,_,,. '"' .. tr1• t• l!t'rvlce of won Hill M '"' ho• 11bll' If• tY!W' An<l n••, I i'ulolto H"x R. Ntw· f"•ll ,.. ~-32tf WANTED TO BUT-Refricen.nt 'U POWJCLL scooTER. Excel. ne orence ,-.1'11\8. See J'~~m Gale, 110t SpleadJd ranch atte of 10 .a. dn~m.. Any ai... Phon. Mrd-lent .-ape. Ph. 2439..1. 31tf Newport Beach lett Newport Blvd, ec.ta M-. for with lrrlpUon 1lYIIlem and aD way RetrtceraUon .S.rvtoe, 11115, 1 M ALL CA TERPJLLAR type UU. and otber propertt• utt uUUUea, on at.rMt tront, ...., tiM or call at Ulot W81t central. t.nloctoW with toola. $300. 210 Listings Wanted ~l.ATID POMMIION _ 1 Blvd. Liberal$ terrN!. f'IP Dad lt.. Ooeta Me... 32p I have oub bu)'en tor propert7 &eN, 1 bedroom -...: Com-6000 "_'_A_NT_IID-__ -Good ___ ho_m_e_t-or-'fto.~ TWO __ COATS. tn tlM Newport H~ area pleteiJ tum1abacl wttll talila top Lovely pracUcaUy MW' 2·beclroom mughbN'd f'ftwlan Kitten. Ap-• un Ma.rmlnk, and eo.t& M... ruae &Dd alec:trtc wUber. 8lJI home, venetian bllnd8, bardwooCI ,,.. Y<Jtr wAsT A r.ooD posT tTUSITnu: nm SALE WAR J OB. ply H. w. Ba.llter, 307 Colton, larp ..... Caracul, amaH aiM. George Fellows )'Un olcl <:::lllcba equp&mellL tloon Ulroupout, Crane btun., next to R1ddle'a auto court, ... aut Drive, Newport Hta. 180t Newport Blvd Co.ta y_. 11100. ~ Banta 8ulta ADA larJ'e lot. beauUtully landltcaped. Cout Hllhway, Weat Newport. ~ liOe. 31p 111-.Wj Jk Look at all t.he otbeN and tiMa Hi\ 1•1• I"" 111hl• I••JI, nnl! con-._ let ua abow vnu tJU8 ODe 'r.nna .. ,,,. ·.··.·-. l "<•rHI ·~1\l"'-a Jaland. _., IIATI'IJftJ, 3e -Inch, rubberlike. w a.,.__,. TO a--/, ,__ . . -,,., ''VA~-"' ,.... .--.u._ tor •-AIM M1l runner. )(JnkJer'a Fur-~.aa:.u .:on .a 8I:VJ:K ROOK HOUB&, I ..._. YOU WA!'.'T THF. ~EM RITY 30tf • "''~......,.~... ._ _ • .__ U So _._,_ S ta ~ beclroolu, ball KN. .. ceptloe. NZWPORT REIGHTII PftOPI:R.- .Ia ' -·ve at ~---t .. _ --_,._.,., 11 · __..,, an WANTED TO .. ......_-or --"J -" ...... t. ..._ __ t. -·..w-... v ..... _ f .. __ OF A 24-YE.AR-OL.O SHlP-I'SF.n \1 >\l't.l-: ~·lrnom -;_.\'.;ith tton;~t Ne~rt-BI~d ::i Aa&. . S2c four bedroom o;:;~:ntllbed bouae ;;;t. c::-tlloek aut s;;!f';,. :nN_;,;; eH-;;;: ~ IF- T A.RD. "l'rll .:• ,.,.1 IIIJ11'1'11f'r1n~t mat. Wtt.on st .• coeta M-. or at OOLn .AJ\MT Pietol, H-20 ln by the year. Harbor .,..._ No port Bl•d P ton dolle ot-. We may have a buyer tor J'OW' IF-trl'"" :u n Mt~r•~.ruiJ Avtt . C~~ Twtat Realty omc:e. Corooa dill .JI tn.-. and 100 round.l am· petAl. Permanent. Pbone 1.-2. crow. A ~ bu)' at MOOG. bome. We wouJd appred&t.e J'OW' "-" tl• I M11r ...... ~ t ..-... 82tl T C&IJ Mn. -~ san.. U.U YOU WANT VACA TJONS ... ar. For In onn&Uon, r-munltiaa, 14&.00. 811 W. ca. erma. ._..._., ~· WITH PAY. TIIR11',\' RUO~. <'hrnllll', hook.1 t 39-W or 24.21 .. p tnl _.,._ BalboL Up WANTEDTORENT-SmaU houae ta Ana, Ul-.W. • hm n11tnnm "-'<mln!'t••r, aha(. Rl t b -'d .. ' ••-.. I FOR SALE R C PARKER WANTE.D CA.Il BATI'I:RIEB to et any car. or ap · Y uu ... e·-.ocv coup e. • • ""'' nih• rl' Mln kll•r'JO FumltUrf' N _ .. u .. -,..___ ~ Prtoa, ... t.ll and S7.43, with 18 ° "" urcn. .....,...... -aa or 1101 NmWPORT BLVD • 'Nsl'R-"t"" 12 11 !; .. M111n. Sllnta Ana d & R N---rt Apply 120 •"th St CORONA DEL '-1 A 'D YOI wANT A FHF:E I -, 32c Boar oom and ,. month.l guarantee. Weat---..... . -.• ~ COST A MaA ANCE POW CY. ena .Auto. Co«a Meaa. Slc Ne~ Up Unt\amiUed Oott.ace. S Room8 PHONil NEWPORT &lt IF- I..: \.ST''H-.: \f , I'I.F: Jo'~>ur . J"'>-;t;r Help! Help! Young CA.Il PAATB lllld tooll, Ken'• I WANTED TO RENT-Fuml.lhed and Bath IF-1 '" ""' o.;, 1 "'"'' " got()l l IH'I"c-~ mllll. 2!1, dotnc uaenUal war Won elotllea chlldren'a cSreal· hou.e by local bu.elne.man. $3750 YOU WANT TOP I'A y WlTll • '' ' .. 111· 1 l~<r.:•• mi rror bed· work. hU been trytnc to do • Palata and hundred& of oUt· Wtll vacate on demand. No Term~~ OVF..RTllll£ • 1' "'" • I• ~""''' ol•>r.en t!Ultea tn I own c:ookln(. Flndl tt too .,. artlclel. We.Um Auto children. No petAl. Phone ~rtrude A. Waldron G. N. WELLS, Sal .man # ,,..,. • r•·•l" !'-l1n klt•r Fumlturl', ' much for him. MUll lnc1 eupply atOft, Coeta MNL ale 1218·W . 32p Pbone n•·W. IF-1:!1 1 -"'•· M 11n ~11nllt Ana 32c I board and room private tam. ____ ..;..;,...;..;,.;,...,;...;..;,.....;..; ___ _ YOU CAN QUALIF"Y FOR ----~ lly, Will pay top pric:.e for FOil UU Large ailed tl1eyde, WANTED TO RENT--Houae on n>a 8ALI! F. 1:. RU881:LL Otne. 17110 NEWPORT BOUI.JIIVAJU> C08T A 10'18.A THII'Aa P08mOHS. MJS('J~l.I.ANWUS tood ~d. Reference. fur-,...,.,. Uru. 112.00. B . W . Balboa I•land for winter mont!Y. rua!f18111:D, II.ODEaH nlahed If cte.tred Baster lOT Colton, next tq Rid· Couple, no petAl, no wild pw. 1-~ atuceo • MACHINIST • S HIPWRIGHT e ELECt'RJCIAN J, I \ N K ETS Jack8on c... Treuure 1.e1 ... _. ~ ... _ rt. ~---m-ttee. ae.t of property care ... &lectr1c a.trt-tor, ~t&rt~ecue. ' 4 1 ' • .... 1 _.., ~ou .....-~ .... aured. Call Frank Rich, Ph. 3411. ·-·-lllld, Lacuna Beacll, or phone way, W..t Newport. Up IOU fenced; walJdna' dl8tance eo.ta Ill• lwlln~o: 1'1-:l'l'~:n~:LJ, J•;s MOSD and "' h••r ·\'• II J,ctht''"" hrandJt. Lq\lna Beach IJt and leave c--M- m_,e. , Np LADII8' J"U1t COAT, JT&J ~ 8ee c:ul. aceUaat oondJUon. J'u1l REAL ESTATE (For s.le) lORN &. IU.DLI:IJI. 2-B&DROOM 8TUOCO hoUie, '16 acre, ranee. abop and oua. lmall buJidlne. Lou of fknnn and u-. FuJI pnce ftiOO. Terma. • WELDER I :::; I" 1 ,., nl '" 11111 ll' r rl'nl wool ''"" (:•••I 1\l<J< .. rlniPnt nf 1 F'<'it t her Pillows 1 APPLY IM'MP.DI A TF.L V FOR ONE O F THE Wanted ~ SOUTH SEA CURIOS ltf\&1h, .U. 11. Wom wry Itt--302 Maln Itt.. Balboa U.. UnlJic perfect. a..onable.IJ. ROOM HOUSE and half acre, . •'Let Jaell Do It" 213 Gra.nd c.Da1, Balboa llland Good location. 51800. MN. Rho. 82-33c den, Phone Santa Ana 5318-W. lip FURNISHED HOUSIC AND lot 1D food r.tdenUal dJ.atr1ct. J'UU price P&OO. 1'enn8. BEST JOBS AVAILABLE Har'bor Boat nldg. l:o. Tl'nnlnal blond, Cl\llf PHONE HARHOR ~:181 Avallablllty Crrtlfk lltl' ~utr~ M ··~I 1 ~·u~rullll•• Stun •. 121\ So. I )fJin l-lt . Sanl:• Ana 32c AlCYC"LE!'I ~nlrt. rl'nted or ,._ I p~lr• <1 Vuj:t•l'll, :104 Main lt.. Bnll'w•n. nntl 208 M&rtne Ave., I =~AII'wo~ llll:nll , 2tl. \\ ~~ \\'I L1 IIi\ VF. ' Top Prices Paid ! -+- Tapa cloth • NaU•• ln&ta • Can-ed Woodell boW.. and War Clube Cocoanut "NOYelu-r.ather IAtl and "at Ban<»-NaUve Dell Or· namen~e 8M Sheila (no LATE wooa. ~one c:oNOle radio. .All wace& Per- fect condUoe. Vel')' attractJn ap~arllllce. 1100. STEF:L GUITAR.. 'wtth electr1c ampllrtrr. In A·1 c:ondtllon. S415. llA.DIO·SOS m.IDC'I'IUC SHOP 215 M&r1M Aw. ====--=== Canning Peaches ROftC£ For One More Week. Balboa ltlan4 Pbone 780 abal-)-De. ~ - Old Ship Lamps 1944 CUSHMAN We are prepared to fabricate steel tanka, bait tanka, pipe, etc. Call AMERICAN PIPE AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Newport 850 - Dutton's and LanterM SCOOTER NJnV Fruit Market In brua. oopper and .-1~ 113 Pearl. Balboa bland, Phone o lrclll. ltU 11 tf 1~:14 "''"I'"'' lthd , l'o'ltl\ Ml'aa (Any SIR, Shap. or AJ'e.) At 'TO~ FOH SAI.F. II• ' I'• •1!11 ('1 11'1'~: mo•rhnuh•d t n, .. , f ·•hr ·1•" U t•·l'l ";21 \,\•r sl l '• 1111 "I :12p ~ . HOUSE TRArLIIR--OIIdl!r, 18-ft. Kindly drop ua a canS, c1Mcr1blnl 11l~tJ18 4 Good condition. Good Ole article ynu have to aaU. and Ure1. Your choice, electric or llt&tf' prlrt A prompt aNIWer, or ColtmM stove. StoO. Terma If a Jlt'nonal call trom our repre. WIUitl'd S.-.e at 1880 N~rt ~ntaUve wUI follow. Blvd. Mt'JOII Trailer Court . .AIIk S<'nut around that buenwnt, for Mr OlfUII'O'I!'· > 32p or atllc:. ~ii!lll!!.."lll!Hm:::::::;;m:::o:!!!ii:::: .... "'''""''"r:::::::::::::::::mr ~-THOR ffiONER 'our saVings account 'is invited; Start with any · ~mount ... add to it at any time. Newport Balboa Federal Saving~ and Loan A s:5ociation 3333 Via Lido Telephone 1500 m SEA and JUNGLE HALF SRBT 8lZil m •• p: SHOP PRICE, 161.150 m 28&8 LOS P"ELLZ BOULPARD • • ijj LOS ANOELJCS (2t) CA.L Winkler Furniture Store. 1Jll eo. lli Telephone: Olymptc:> GT20 ~a~n. laD~ Ana. ffi ~+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:=:::::::::::::::~ HI I ~ EMPLOYMENT hi Skilled and Unskilled I ~ !tl • HARDMAN MANUFACTURING co. WILL OPEN 1'1'8 FEEDER PLJ\NT · J'OR AIRPLANE PARTS During October • OPPO&TtJMITY POll 10118 n>a 11108& •IIWIDDfO AT N&WPOirl' BA.a80a. AND WBO WILL TWtJa J'.&C:S liO TIU.JfiPOIITAftOX r.DBLI:II • A..PPLICA 110Ha . . • BO'nt 8KJLLEO AND UNBJOl ucn Will Be Taken Dally Except Monday From 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. IIY Robt. Allen, Personnel Manager AT OJTIC&: tU IUOBWA1' 111 JlfKWPOaT a&AOR (('()-'ft IIIWAY) U'MidDed AppUc:antll Wll1 Be PaleS Wlade ._..._ H.-...ry ~ IN~ (a~ o.rtJftea&.e ,...w.r.cs) T WO-BEDROOM HOUSIC, Tuatln P'or 8ak Ave. Lnl 180x180. Gara(e ... 200. CORONA DEL MAR Terms. Call )(1"1. Rhoden, Santa A R&AL BUT Ann 5316-W. 32tf 17000 _ _ ___ . New f.room hoUM on two Iota. FINEST future Bu.aineaa cor. In Fireplace, PaUo, electric: retrtc. c-.1~to Jotran 1 ac~. Steel fenced erator, elec:tr1c atove, and bed·· 2-rm. houiM'. All equipment and room tumlture. See norenc:e .t.ock. $9,000. '>... cuh. OWner. MaJlard, with llart Stanley, oor. 180!1 Tualln Ave. Stp ner Cout Hlpway and Martue- nte, Corona del M.ar. ~e lt441. 0~ ACRE of Orllli(U and do. 32tl meatlc fruit. tractor and lmple- menla. Ch~ap lrncallon e.nd do· meatlc water piped. On Harbor Blvd.. In S&nla Ana. Phone Ncwpnrt 1371 · W. 32tf LOOK A FINE BUSINF..SS comer tn Cn11ta Mcaa. Two ho\lllell, dou- ble garage. 160x135 feet. Ripe for motel or othel bualn-. Prl~f'd t.o aell. T~rm1 arrllllpd Of'o. Fellowa;--•1804 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mel1l. llc SEE YOUR FJUJ:NI>- Income Property lOI.Ut TOWN Home and J"our Ketal Unlta $12,500 THRilll BEDROOM ROUBII 1 Untumlabed) A lao Two Small Rei! tal UDJUI $8000 THRJ:II BJICDROOM HOUR FURNIBIIIIID On Oentnl AYUoa $5000 JOHN E . SADLEm THREE inrs -Good loc:aUoD dl all fom\8 ot for ctuple.xea. Op~te ICut regs.r 1\C Newport Market. ~e PIIOO. INSURANCE or __ REAL ESTATE w. t. JOJU).AX 302 Main St. Pbone 201t 700 a 0entra1, .,.._ SMALL HOUSJC AND Jot. J'rult trees. J'ul1 price POGO. '!'erma. 3-BJ:DROOM HOUSE with one acre of cround ',t. acre tn orancu and truJt treee. RJc1rt on comer. Double ,..,.,. ancl chicken equipment. We th1DJl It '• tope I FuJI price I&TlSO. Temut. GOOD BUSINESS PLACJ: tn beart of eo.ta Mua brln&1nl In S125, per month. Full price SiiSOO. Good tf!mut. Beat buy of Ute week! Two bou.ea on one Jot . Rear houae, 2 Mdrooma; f ront houae • bed-- room•. Near bualneM part of Newport brln(lnr In NO per month. Full pnce ~. Very Cood terma. THREE BII:DROOK houae, II ~ tencec1, tree~, clUckeD equip... ment, rarace. M50(). LlbanJ \.erma. KA VE SEVICR.AL J"'Oci U.UDp on ~ t8th, E. 18th, B~J aDd Flower. Flneat neldent!al ._ trtct In town. Tem\8 011 all. G.N. WELLS S.ALUMA.N F. lt. Rw.aeU, olftce "Let Jack Do It!" ,...._.: 111 11o 17110 Newport Blvd, oo.ta ~~-IOU WILL TRADE • ALL CLEAR LOT tN SEAL BJilACH. located on lSUI atreet near Khoola and nel(tlborbood ahope. WANT TO TltADIC for lot 1D Cor. ona del )('\r or BalboL P . o. Box 3070, Terminal Anna, Loa ~·1'8 G. A SPIINCER FOR SALE Ten AcrM, Wnt 81c1e . ,-.n At:rM. J:ut Side. Two houeea. one acre. aaaoo. Four A~f'f' .. d oee In, &ut 8l4e. $3200. OPPOII'J'ONii'JI' Sbeetmetal Workers . Machinists And Other Trades (AnilabWty Certiftoate R~lred) • I Half A~re. 2-bedroe>m boUle, mod· em. Chlcllen equJprMflt and 300 cblckeNI. aaaoo. '!'erma. One Acre. Good bome. Immediate poaaeee~on. Two bedrooiNI. llocS· Steel United Ship Building OJ' Concrete Pipe Division Corporation o:_m~c:.OO:~ bome and ~ 1700 W. mi. LONG DACB bo\1118, l\lnll1lW. DouWe ... ..... r .. at••• ..... •d•"•• NP· NIOO. 11000 ....._ ~ _... Cl D. C. MaeK•MKil1. 1101 M..,.t ' Vfp• --......... ~. o-M ~ .1----------------------------~---------- "I .. -.. _ for 36 yean the best medium --Ia harbor district • • • the that home 11 SAND CRAB Buy Bttnds BALBOA ~ IEEP POSTEl! to End War MES 1 Year .... $2.50 Quicker JIC.Ue l"-* ..,..._ .. c:: •• ". .... , New.·n....N ........... LIDO IS_~£. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, ~ORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MUA SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE LAIILovn ·-------VOLVJIE XXXVI NEWPOKT BEACH. V AI.IJ"'OUUff4 '1'1111Jli!JD4V. HC'TOIIEK I. 11M • 1 NV._" w~·ecw~~ ~ls~~! w Ch D F INaval Officer All sl·tes American Legion winnlng the next presidency ar est rive Of,Embarrassed by Donates ~~n to ls not the real thing that .ptiV =~~1~~~ $17,500 Starts Oct.16 :A~.?.~ .. ~~~euaN . Plotted--·~~:.~~~8~.~~~~ .... the. arena: "Sha ll we h ave G 8 I Ill I'OO:lhh•rably ,.,,,,:Hr&I!Wd to-D s ••tll'lln .... KI.on ..... an··. Auatllary a oonstitutional rt>nn of gov-As Workers et usy,l u,anayd. fdolllllop"',,',',."l!,-~ •• ~=mrt.;.~:·~e' ap~ !"'"" vnlf'rt "' ltw I#«IClft Mf'f'llnK emment Or a communistiC •· " .,.. ,_,. r eager 1•ur·IK\II1 f'Vf'nlnJ:, an.J l,jl .. Will br one; shall we keep the gOV· torty a t \3':!:\ F.liM C't•nt ral, owned • l .:'"'n '" Irvin t:ffir·•-O"n1on. emment 0 u r forefathers I bY i.Sra. Eltzabf'th PurterWyatt. d utt!Titltn 1'1 '"-" J War ,,,., ···•m f ht f r...... ,_,. ted ":lrnm ht' n-rrr~~Cnted bf'fore lhe tt d tt tl <lUg Or, Or uo: ·~amen [lr llr'" r t ~.''IIJ:•·r ,..., n-lotl\' II I .. ,. l'uM A Jlll&nt into groups of this. that and Same Quota As Last Year in Eff~t Says Chair-rlly rOimcll Jut Wnn.J.ay. Of lho• '"' plrtnnut.: '"l\lltllll-1"'' Rltll•'otll llJike "'"' IUl)'Cifll' lntfr the other thing, with bureaus p 1m Wh Stated Th t H bo I Lt (,lffl•rd, &•. a nd r.U~ h~tll\\· 111 "', r·· 1 r · .. un. 11nuw f:ntl t-·.t ... l 111 '"" '"'•ton whn ml&ht that teJl US what w e must dO man a er, 0 a ar r llflf'r 3~) yt'llrll In lhf' M'rvh·t', WU W ~l l<lllo ' II lhc-)loll• I ~ Jl!ul•• .,.lelo I·• tl>tnlltc-t u the War C'hf'llt and how. That's the vital Area Receives More Than Contributed t ct.:!lrrlbed 8" thl' huaban o1 of .. ,.. mtnt thul lhr "'""'"''" h:ul ~··Jr. I 1(1\'v I, ... munt')' thnntl(h thl' 1'11111 issue a t stake and or.e s h ould \\'yatt. who8¥ l'"t tt-nt hi' I• at ber ed lh•h l 'tl t. <"•·nt.' h• , ... .,,,,. .... llont t hry may r.-.•r lv•· tt..- Harbor Realty Sales This Year Runs Into Millions of Dollars Uea('h and Mesa Tranefers Have Not Only llroul'ht in New Owner~. But 1-rtcea f011 Homea Have More Than Uoubled l<••sl Hnm,. with a hilol hf'l\rl Now lo lh , 1,.,J1t weigh carefully the best An eanleSt band of 30 ci\•k leade rs lis hmro t o a :10-mj ... lhf' nfrt. 'r hlll• 1\ 1••\\' nu•rltal • • I' ')•• llu•l•·uol "1 tho• lfll~• A IIUrv<•y tod ny or A'flltOI"!'' In tht' hurbnc· tJhcfrlc t hu ,. A "S.o '"' II~ I IIIII I IIOt'o'IIH'II . "11..-lllf'tnbl'r•hll• I Ufllltlltlt'f' ,. \'l~llt'(t II nlt,'"'t infc"-11 • thing t o do fo r our coun-ute resume or War Chest needs . as rela ted by C h airman P. -11 "bl•·" "' him """" ano1 tht IIOie a.\ ttl 1 •r :-;,.111!, 1 .1 1,..r.,..,1,.11Y 11, '"!: 1, ,-.. ntao·l ,.11 v.-tn 1111,. ,.1 .. . , :" • ..,. n.~ and. nmnzlntc lllluutlon, &n.:Jtar u try, our future a nd our kids. Palmer, at the Newport H a rbor Y:l<'ht d ub Wron<'sduy noo!'l. romanr•' in his !'Cl\11 Is to watch .-ov •. 1.,1 ,.1, n 1, • .,, ,1 ,.,, • .,,.,,., W••rld W•r :l a n,J try• '" 1,,,.," 1" .11 c-,;tnh: t hnnacc~M hRVt' Ut'\.'\111'\\(f, w ith the rt."MJil that hW\- Do the SOldiers Want tO COm e When he Stated that the d. riVe Wh ich St a f1S Octt:>fx>r Jtl, WIIJ I tho• Wild lJI ••lUI 1\'IIVI'~ Rnd lbe lllte llnolo r , oollt•hh'IHI IO>I\ It\' lhr l lllo'lll hV ran1, bll\ wl•hf';:t If knuwn tlt'\'11~ ur h tlfnt'M hiiVf" l"h8nJ{t\(f hnnda ftf lluuhk•~tnd ff't'ble fhetr back or is it true tha t m ore be for $17,500. the sam e as last year . H <' dccla r<'d that.much 11"" '"' ll t•hh.'< ""'1 tltrwa btlow rotnml .. hHI ll nol ,,.,. plnlll .......... I'""' "" l'"""l'f'<'ltVr lllf'nthrn• "'"I rn nnf'r vuhtt• hnd th•• AAI«'ti hiiVl' run Intel .-a•Vt•ral rnUBan than 45'ir want to stay in more money is spent in the h arbor d is trict tha n is rontnhuted "'"Hbf'um<•m, 1_ ... t be .. lp-maol~ 1 .... "''' r, . .,," """ 11111:l•• In 1 "'''"'n••· tn •·nme a t any tim•• 1 dollnrs. I ---the i t il jobs · · h USO d' co20 tvv.) I t 1 ~ says 1'" wan "'" 0 ne •-·• I M I II h I I ll TIUl II lnf 4 I o.t....a. '" ~ serv C'e un are a nd Clted the one Instance or t e «.'Xperl mg ol' ,VV' 8S 1 ful In prt'!Wntlnn ol~ta tu th~ roun· ......., nt Jual a at u•t:v o•f II II Jilt :-loll Nnt nnly Ur lhr IA'I(I"n IIIUIIlll Ill otto I'W\ ont nn• <'~ tnnt II IOHtl Ill II, n """"',. • .. found? Then read the cur-year in its local efforts. I 1 d l on tldl' lands in that vicinity, ol\ly u.· th•· plut.. un tile ,,,,. rf'~arct tn l~tc'•. lallon JH'r1alnllll: t" urrlvtn~: at Hit' lllntiW\1 , bul ltAitth 1 Ntowport "">' tr.ct. rent issue or Fortune for Under pruent plana \he War (•halrman, quota $~; n .. trlc'l No .. ht• ft'el!l M rs W vlltt'a cl&tm• the Sllonl···· Mit~. lllll "'"" fnr tht• Vf'lf'rana In lhf' t'omlnJ f'lf't'lll•ll. I' Mn .. kf')' ilt nf llw ytjjnfon that ''" ..... ,... J)rfSord and wUe to your a nswer." Cheat I'J'OUp will continue until· 11. l{('ncun ll.iy and Day Shorl!ll, ha ve u nnu·h juailflut•on ID ~ u . hut lht> pot~~ nrfh·f'r aide thnHII(h " rnl~lftllun wuuld ho• •111111t1111llot Hulh Wht-folrr ,lot :MIn bled I ol lht' war Ia ovu and wU.I ral.w l Ra lph Holden. chairman. $f>OO l bl h lh 11 11 u Tht c lllfi111IMII•>n111 til'•' I 111M wu thf' loral draft bonrt.l. whl. I'll '" lllltl I hilt It woultl nnt tNo t1 lt~tol l ,."""' N~11011 tract. 1ben a nother true a nd runda which will tnablt thto Com-. quot 11, District N o. 12. Balbua ~"a r l:; ~~~kh «'h.:'~ac~~ :: de· arrtyecS at honl!lllly and r•\ll•d ••n nnw wt up t.o lake cant of the hl.-tl 1" mAkl• "" uHirl11l Mnlpll.. t·. lt. Alth1c..-h to a-.. P. Ku- tried patriot came ln the Oth· muul\y Cbut to carry on atttr I laland. Cnllln11 avf'nU«' Wnt. Mt.j d alon ~ to uat wht>re lht' liM tiouely 11ft~r rnur h ~ludy •not In-r••\umtna v•l#rarut -'n\c.e who• lion thnnt, lut 4 nl tract 71, ......_ er day; fine old J o hn McMil-t ht oa•ar Klltt McOlnn. chl\lnnan Bt 1 bt' J 'llllltlp\lon lllld wr ,,.,., "''" h11l'r wtl'tl '" coollnut> thrlr 1'\hll'aliull Ae f.tt Dktrtfota Vftnl lltklltkrn tu NC~Wpwt ........... ian, who has been a Deme>-. 35 01'ganlzatlona Dllllrlt l No. 13, Balbtla laland,l IOU d -&.ne . !:'"'" y ol) tnr I lot ··ummi4Jllt) I Will recf'l¥e lliOO a y .. r ,,.,. ""'· Tllktnl t lw l~~erl••r hy dl~trkh, Hln:llf' 4. ~wanwk'tl lo ........ crat all his life and Johnny Collin" a vrnut lo C'ar.&l. Wra. Hal 8o far 111 th" StAIII•·y alt .. I• ,.,.,..,Je.:c-f'xprn..a, plua $00 a m .. ntlo. tht' '"'tlmatr"' wnuJd .:u .,tnM'lhlnJ,t TIWtntiJIIIIf'l and wll•. 1oe 1 In bladt said: "Why can't we h ave a Mr. Palmer .t.ated that thlrtt Smith. r hatnnin; Dl.strkt No. u., Pfc. John Werlie Mmed I uro.J .. I"'ltaro<.l th~tl Mr or $7:. a moatb ln c-.-th•y hav•• Ilk•·. thJ.a llull~ "ruotntl IMI1. 1:10 ul r ... k,. lrtM:t, Nf'Wpoe1 ......_ ftve aoclal and civic organJzatlo 1 Ualbua Island, ChllJtD~I lal&Dd ee<:· N • JtaJ A 8lall)ey Ia "''" plotllnp, that att'a a d"JWnti••Dt, lh,. adjul.aut •tatrll. OUO. N('WJIOI't f:J!I(I(OI, Udtl l•h• •:V.-I)'fl ~lfotr Roywt•r lo W. T. few words said for the true woull1 n cb appoint a rtpre.t•nla· lion Mr• \\' L Dlauer. chairman. OW In y 8 tDr MI. Irvin• wllh 1.1 vtrw 1, IUld th•,... an-ulhe.r bfon4'f1ta uh-tllt'Vf•l'lll hundrrd thtMtund dtllla1'11 . Je(f,.t•rn . .,_11 ul kJt A ol e.r..rt Democrats. the tnte party tlve to llt'rve 00 the board ot dl· Th.' t otal q~ota ror dlalrt.ct.w 12., Military Police arau.og a n .. ,.. tut ur" ll'lotl 111\'1-talnabk throulb home loana. ('rlnM'\11 . 11"1 Mar f 200.000; Nf'W· 919. Nrwt1or-1 n..ch. that has canied on throug h rtclo1'8 of the Coaununtty Otut 13 and ,. I• $2000. The Jut die----llloa." Thr nnl meet~a« will bfo "" 11011 l,'••hcht,. ~~.000. n.Jbt:MI 111· llunttnatutt '"'net and ~· the years and those stal-About t~0•tnty hatl a.lready dont '' , t . O letrtct N o t:), Corona del Alllf'd Force Advance PftM At lht laet m .... ltna: "' lh•· , om tk-t 11. at whlcll tim,. lhe LI'J:lon :~~·: JZVI.(Wl(). ('lal" Mf'llll ..-,on.-mrnt '"""'I*'U' to Marjllrie p , warts who believe in <1emcr ao. and .. 10011 aa thto War Cht'llt ~ i~r t;craJd W Htt< hte, captllln, Htoadquartrra, ltaly. p r 1" a 1 • mMikln both Or Sc>n~•·r anr·t C Au~rUiary will ..a., me~~t In lht' AJ>t•n•xllrutld) tiiiU '"'"" ·-~ Smith. lot• !\37 and '-"" ot trMt cratic principles; lt isn't the tlrlve Willi c:nmplettod tht program I"·'" a quota of $1000 Fl~·t Cl--11 J -'-n ... \Vf'rll•· ~n Haro&J ""J'k ln~ ""rc' r .. ..t•·•lr•l fUl l S.·t.ut lht\, wl\h a Jotnt •K"IIII 907 Nf'WI IIH'1 t•~ ...... t C 1\ Ch It would be ad 'a -,,., "' ~ hMVt• c•um.• lntu th•· •lholr1et ""'' • __,.., \Roosevelt party, the old •>r ommun y t' • Two Oppoelrog Tun•• "f ~tr nnll M nr John \\'t'rtlf', Ill Mertlary wod J'rl'l•odo'nl I• "Jio•• f'Vrnln« t n fullo w the bulllllf'u till• IIUI'•thln an ... ·• \!\hAt ha,. Itt• I f"utl Ml lntf'e f't at lu _,_ tl. Dem ti ;., ... t I 0 n van.ced. Uvely IOCAII!ona. ocra c organu.a ' l d II a· al Twu I:IUUJ'II of fl~;hlU1~t (un-u Manni' A\'t'nllt' fl&lhua lalltnd. ''"'"'' "' lhl""' w hu IIO!d ht'C"I\Il"'' "-lind wife, Iota ..... ' .. and I would like to see the ";'_hf' quo ta 1"'' 11 f'll a.l 1 "" 100 I hllVI' lx'l'n or ganluct. tht> "r om· ('·Ill( ,,. 10• n·tn~ ns a epeci&J ----:-----------------'"' ,,,,J. """.,. •·rry ,,.. t;av,. lett t nu·t :we>. Nf'Wl'OI't "-'cha... .sed. All f \\ar fund ltt'mJJ. w 1 c: I C'<Wf'rll .. Ba I I real party pra~ . , 0 &<'ventf'en dltfc-n>nt or anl7~tlonA mnndns um!cr Hubbard C. Howt>. ~""''I with a mllllul v pnlicC' l'OCD· lb p ff cl I' A l'ulnwr of IJrln blo• Mlrl I' II Dlakf' •nd wtle to~ which is an honest an sin-b j g II ''I With hill 1\l<.les Ho.lt'rf. t'k B.umham. I :lny wh •ch hM hl'lp···· to ... tab-oa osto l·ce I hat ""'''" c·nnllnur• brt .. k And lhlll •.Arl IIIII •net wife Iota :a .... 21 a t l'llmt• ami n rtl!l\ . llB we &.II a. • ~ . I In . cere sentiment a nd one t ,..._,,, I w Cl t I \\Bitt r F r oUI7.. L. \\. l~rt.::·"· an· I ISh a rt•c•,rd '""' ~·l'dll'r-('rtme I''"' dt•nutnd lrw hlltnl'llo Ill lht• IH·I In hltlll'k " 011 tn.ct li:M. _ _.. ., -....--.. .__. .2."' a ar I<'!' I t•ms. . C I II I II I I -• should be give-n C'QilSidera-und lor ar' r elic-t and "" e If a r I' t.rr•~:ory urby I "" ~;rooup WI ratr• urne>n~ '.I Hill A If•• I t roopt lr•r I )1"' ~~ ~~ II lllllltl 'Bnlbt:MI lal•nd. tion by th06e ronductln~: the hundlt• llllbii(TlPt\flnll 11\'t'r u oo vl!utlng Rlllo11' \\#'o·kly I f p lll•ro• ,, II u ... ,,, dtuna:r·~ Ill )11~1 I (' ... ttulhr1dp IO EllMI»>h campaigns. This b u s iness o r Cl'OU,.. . I anti th(' Pant I roHJIC'rll untll'r W. : 't>n "' th I"·' (, "I" m ll• lhr~ 2 2 t ''"'' IIIU·I Wr···k MrDonald lo4a ~ and 211n blodl I Thl' arru hall bt>f'n dil'ldPrt Into M Lun~'111110r Thllt l'lii Utrnup<•r tnu1 1~t onrorn at l<•n ho,. IIIII Whrre ncrease 0 ercen Wutn•n M HrutltunJ and Wilt• .31 111 L..n~ult!f"a add&Uon to trying t o force 8 Dem ocrat I ftft..-en diH• rPnt ollotrt~•tn with 8 tllvlawn Ill • ul t .. t•nlllll ora• hun-eoldltor• can l!tl n Ill'" "' th•.· ctl y 111 W . 11 1\c•rry. tnt 4 111 hlock tl N--.•11'1 tJtoacta. to vote a Republican tick et chairman rn t':ll'h Thto Cif h•rn I tlu•u aubsrrob< r!l at $100 a nd nn Wltl flny lnfnnnallon they dfo.SN • I "' IM'<·IIun u tu Ntowp11'1 1~-h. I Alit' G s~ and ............. does not set well w ith old dllllr.lcta aooJ_ Ute chairMan &n!l l Uti& lll{~trt'HIIIV<• l;rtlllfJ tu·e J K olXlut Ht·ol l 'lll!f>< tnllrll, L'llla oC '"R.ttnectlntr the raplu ~;ruwlh nt tluat whU., .tiM th""' IIUmml!r A. H. ,,f'Yidcom'" and wife tn lto 1\u; '8uman _.,. ol .... A ol party men, and a dlff~rent quota tor ea• h &.rP blatrfct N•1• ~· l~nrrell. F:rwln ~p.ccr. 1-:llrl Sla.n-1 t•lt't~tne, n'stauranll and t.ll&~ an We tl~ct. ~IIIler Her~rt mnalh• were tn tb4l .........,, tt .-, M•rpi"Pt H L&nnt'M lot 11 In .,. eft ,.. · _....._- a nd m o re intelligent aJ>-l Bnlbuu f't•n•nsulu to A street, M r·ll Icy. Llruden fo''lrwh, A u Huu!ll'ili." 111.!10 1\\'llllllhl<· I KIBD'I 0( lbe Balboa •vuotofflct' re-rt!veelecl IIIUC'b ot the ala ... ol black 34 at .N iM.ch. ........ s..n...,wpart I & .... proach s hould be used. J 8 1' k H illman. raptaln, $1000 a.nd U>o L Mc.Jdtehan ?'-In alldltluo to rtiUI&r po r --I f'WpOrt ·-, le "-quota ; Dlalrlc l No. 2. Balboa. A Monday . nut wUI ~ltae. Ule dUU.. t.b-...... ee'Dt b . I'Ortecl today lhal bta otflce lD U.' a pem~UMGt nalww .-ad U..t Ma,..u.t H. I.Aftrwrt to ..a ..,, ,.n Ill &.Ill A tl + + + etnet tD Alv~ at.rftt. H. P'. aar work wbftl dlltt1et eaptalu •~ qua,....._. a-...-ff'P ..... llept. •· NWU.,.•8011M'Us&al to ........ a a.u "'a.,..,...... til.~-= Bob ~· 1'alJdnc to ~. eaptatn, U&OO ~ota; Dta-will pt aup~• ot prtntl'd matter,......_ ddm'll. ftefaJ.D ciPerau = oiii.J ~ •,.... ... , ~ru~ = .=.::!. U::: ~J M 111 ~ .:..--::._.a..._ •• blurWar ChestBob meeurphyting .~t oth~ trlct No. 3. E ut Newport, Alva-a.nd oUtt>r material for \.1M In the • llt'rvlce which rt\uma IOilt mm '!'be tot&J fnr th!' thf'f't' mrnlha' pei'Wl&lleney ol Balboa ..,..U.. & i.e~~ 2IJ In aubdfvlldofl bled& -vi C... .. Mar. • u..:-1'8do lt~t to 15th stnet, Fred t'IUDpalgn to lhl'lr un tA .,_ .,_ H .. __ _....__ a er day and that veteran o( Crosier captain quota $1500 wu $8t53.53, n• IIRRtn111 16,919JI6 r11thf'r than lrarwlenl and th.at th,. of hlock A nt t :Jutl N-pol'1. ruat,.,,., . .-ert to- ' , · . 't1or1se who attm•'• d llu• n;>en1n1: Thlw compnny hiLII pnlll~t>d com-tor lhe UOJf 1,..11w h••t y1•11.r ....... r .. were ma.t ,....tlfvln• from Jo"vA Jloi·An ()tllkry Nu .. f'fll In C'ariMrn and wtte loC M .... 8111Utlt-amusement h ad this to say Dl~rht ="'" •· :-.:""l>l'rt D>·a.•h., 11 I' J , •t · 1 , u th • Pfth A d · ••w ··-" · " ' Jt1u1 tro 30th "' tt•..t 1 ,., 111 Gl'or.:c-'c11"" 111!1 "'1~'1 rl'll "1.r ..... ,r. . "1,.'"1 1 11~ llri'Rlll 1~ 1 1 1 , ', ' 1 rml bly ~k v.•bllt In 19•Z ltw rr •'I fit• "'':!" a bua1nf'• llta.ndpotnt J .. ·,nnnl (; l llllrrtlln 11nd wlrC', Jut~ ""'"''"rly hall ul toe U and ~ "Y k Sa I n ever Go rdon C':tflll\ln qu• ta $1000 Ill!!-•t .. ,. Ill· L Ill \f • k t . I l . . . .. r-' '. ' a bout his likes and dislikes: lywt I " · A• '1 t. A f••n · · ·'" SIIPI• "' 11" 11 .ur ,..,.,,., fl al • $4 8711 W• "r " ""'" foor till~ CJu&rtrl'l Tht' '">elm !LIIter .tatf'd that war ') nn•l 7 In ltlu•·k :.!'1'1 , ( t 'mnnu IH c>t JW'f'ti•tn !\ ot Balboa IAland. ou n ow , m . : • . . .. rB • 1 tm IIU<'r . r!' I /\m-Int .. ,. Ill\'" 'It " w.: ll{jUatl.l In .,, )g •• nt 1111 '"'rll•nl '""'"Min ,,, Sen ... It ror tn. 11144 ,,,., Mnr AllJ(collna A. Sout.hwlc:b to Carr ok l•t m a kes me Sl.ck · I trut l"r•. " IAC'St :-.;,,..,.,pc•rt :tlllh r 1 T h m II F ,., v ~ A ~apl1•11 t ' t I'· L d t .__. 101 sm ~; ' l t t s l; A It F ' ''" ~ ' "nn. ' I. Mr. """"' \\lUI ,,, Cho' ll)HIIInll ')llllr1f'r Wf'r'f' $1" 76117~ Junt•'lo v.· llul lflllll olllll ... ,,,. In ''"'"' ..nr ..... ,., "" WI "· ""' never have used s h avin g 11 1 ,.,. 0 • an a nn r V•·r "> · M·'~ l'r Hnhf·rt ~.l urJih'' A II l 'f•· \\"<'lih· ha~ io<'r·n frv•·rAC'IUI ' p 1•1,,1 a·· '"'''I''""'' uno! ,.,,,., 1w111 ul N1•wsw1tl Jfl'll(htll. cream or a brus h , j'ust ... ood D Gr• dt·ll ' ha·ftn!ln qtu•ta •··~· Huwn '"' T w. •Inn .lrw ltuj!t r t:. CTI•>:Ilhll s nd hu."' on.. Jlronze ul lilt 17•• ,, N ..... , ... I I lr•t.:llll> I c 'lly uf N.-ptrt llrach IO ~ lll."l n•t :-.;,. ~ llc'Jo,.J'I II 0 •• n· \\' I ' It ' k II 1'-I II tll J• I .,. c A d s . Old toilet soap a nd rub m.v "'". r c ''" ("r, II, ..... I II ,. '" 1' "'"""" ,.,,,.. • t' ltlduu ol I( "'"''''~ """ lAIIt• In ( .. • .. rjll' A UnVIIII llltll Wlft'. lot It ~1gn. • uun11an. 0111trlr l :-o:o 7 11 1 · (• 1 1 t t tt t face with m y h a nds full o r I . II\'. r\llll ••• •I :··· '"1' oo:l, I nr-, I y 0 en a e llullrllrl ·n ...... , ....... '""' "'''''· '"' :.:J. In ltloH" :IH "' .WV•·r -·tktn, N..w- suds a nd then sh ave: I nevt'l' tndustrt:tl s•t'l"•n naJ unuons. 1'•·1-nor· (I ~:1 :<1):11. :lt. t:r•'l!"l~ c;urhy :Ill :tn•' :Ill" l~•·nnfl h ~t wart lllool .,.,.,,,.,,~ loull ,,,.lot '.!1 '" t•"l ll•·•~t h "'"' !'Ia 1"1'1. dtalrm:>n. qu,l:l t-:1\ In II Sptr• r. Otanc· \\" 11 11-, '" • "'"I'""""' "" lht•or rln11ghto•r1. J1Joo k Ill ,,( 1· .. 11~1 N•'"l•"' 1 .lunu·• ... llutlllt·rt and wlff' to need a n .alarm chx;~ be-s1oon. llt.:lrtot l't•• "· :O.:ewpurt ma11 :ll:!r•r•n I" Al••xanoll'r .1 s .r •. y .... 1111ol ''""' •~·u. :llr "'"' Mn H • p w Jt.,Jun•l '11"~"1"'"' u1ul ,.,,,, '"!""'''"! s ""'''"'"'~'and""""· lot cause I h AVC so Sch oo my-l h·t~:ht ... Mrs p I< Lllue. r hlllf· •~n rrl'tl, \\'.II. lltlch mlln, F:n rl "'' w J l't'\'111• 1111•1 dllllj;hll'l t<h r)1 earlng on ost ar l'uul c· ·'""''/Ifill,.,,,.,'"' 'J.' """ Ill IIIIIIJlllll ,, Jut II In block 138 • self tha t I can awakt> a t any mnn, '111"1" $:\00; O.:tlrll'l :-.;., !l, Sln.nh•y. ('II •'•• A~hr·n ·,\· :11 '"'"f.: Lnu. r•·J••rl a ftno· 1lay IIJil'lll at wr·,lo•tly lu1ll ol f.,t :.!:1 111 lolrw•k Ill"' l'unul ,..ortlun ot N-J•Irt hour. day o r n ight. I want ........ ~~~~. \\'l·str.n __ J~y ··hall'!l lln: me or J II Mill.~. r: )I c :.w .. lr·ll. ( .l<'l'th!l• Altlillll);lo flllllln~: WAll 'ur ~-~l'' N••WJWII t l'W'III'h to; I n ever carry m a tc hes. Qll lla S:.!OOO, III•LIICI ="'0· IO, Har Mre.llrf. L. llJtbhot·. Mra Wo•noh'll nro t fl8 1::'""1 "" Al\)1 11"''~'"· Lht• Muwwr· ~ 11••>· .... """ ... ,,,. '" l tr Mtt!IIIIIIU' Lc•lllra'* .. to becau se I h av(' n o usc fo r bor Jaoand, :\Ira. Ja.sr ba llelf..tl'..l t:alklnl!, Rill! ll•.rry Wf'lch rr.cn CnJII~'qJ the day tillywny. N~rt IIC'rlt h "'Ill lo·· I •• ,,, ... , .. nnlllll It> .... whiC'h h.ad bf'fon ..... '"""'"' II I a ...... ""'' .... , •. t .. l ~ fl ,.,.,.,.)' It IJflll)l'l. and wttr. lot 11 them ." Wha t Bob dirln't s;~y • -I ltl'nled ut " llr'to rlrt~: .. r " 4'111• 1 .,,., '"" "" fur lh• duration In "'"!unci t1 111 l1lo•·k 1:1:1 "' l.11k,. I rul'l I'" lll••·k :cw uf ("untna drl Mar. was that he is ac; soft-heart-D bl I"' ~J b t• mltteco ()( tho• 81ttlr •·roatl' ,,, ~· "1'1'1'• •lion Mr Jltnn ala\1111 Uoatl Nr•Wpul'l llo•lll'll I,.,,. • I ( :nnbwr to OIJ)' w. ed as the softest, a nd his ou e \A: e ra ton PORTRAIT of the "'eek hl'ld Ot·tobtor l7 Ill ~'IIIII< 1\M h .. b•d '-" pollcln« IN! plrr for Vir'tor .I "'''"''" In 1111111111 A (;lll'llru-r, '"' '" In hlnck 30 ol is 1J M k Ret b when t..hto clly •·nun•·ol t.1 ouuluy Ill-U1~ laJOt 20 yt~ara. Mo-l<·r rrrul wilt· l•ll~>, 'I 111111 4 In No•WJI"rt 1\t·~tdt. pocket open to a ny rea y ar 8 urn BERNARD :f Hoii)'WOOd ~lructc-d En..:wr .. ·r it 1. Poll• no1rn 1 II tt Rf'n)amln In a r.omr.tunl-hhl('k :W 11f n·•uhcllvhdon tof c·,, Jlr!l,.•r t V ""11'4' ttntl Witt~ lo lt.r- worthy cause. Of Se . M lo reprn~~enl till" rnmmwutv The ra.llun p~ u. ~tctltm ,., rcJf\9 ckl Mnr lhur l'(to··(t' tend WJ(f' Jot us In hloc:k + + + rvtce an h~artnga --·Ill lw• fur lh•· jiUfJMI .. " """''' walk from N-port llil'r Mill• ... ~"a•·II'IH·I Ill """"' ,,.. 4 ul "'"'tlun "J. "' Halhc• l•l&ncl. Paul Palmer. You could -I ••t lfathf'r1ng clat .. "" ···~I WAr '" II llnlt c • ._ .. on thr U&J. tilu-lhhll ""'' Wl(t·, ltol I Ill hlrw·k 1-:11/ulu·th M Mama•ll to fl P. have h eard a pin drop as The unuptcttod rttum of J ohn 1.rr1J1'f'ta. "" I"''""'"" lo·, th•· lu i l.o<1a r•,.nJNIUI&. He •Itt th•t ''" 6.'\.''1 of < 'Hnnl rw-<·llun '" ~'~'""''""' 1 MI"KiniO'y ""'t wilt-. lot :t6 ol tract Paul Palmer, in h is well G\l1111, h'latswam·, malt ~rond ltltl•laturt' a utl 1, 11~1 v.u111• ,..._ 1,. ro~rnt Ylelt ben! nt PhliiiJ) L j Ui'~l'h. _ . 74:l. V•·rw-tlan l'laN•. la.Jboa IAI· modulated voice, told the claaa. USN. wu thr r ause of a ,1utN'd, "'"'" lAbor ~~~·~lr·•l IN!-t;tldf'r. memhctr rrt U» pla.nnlnc I c 111 r11• c ... , tt-u•t.· l'llhu11n ,,, < ··•~ ano1 War Chest w o rk«.>rs what double c:elcbrallon Tlltoaday evl'· !trial•. ,11. 1, ommlllfton c>f 1'1&8 oa.1o. h• ha•l l- had to be d o ne. a nd how. nlng He lll a M'ln or Mr. ancl M,.., In a tltltll"" ttw h• ,,, '"'' woll lfliJ:JtrAII'd that u a re-t war r•r"· . h John A. Gllha. 214 211'1t lllrtPI a nti llll("trtlltn ""' , 11 v • 1 1o 1 11 1 v t .. J•-r·t IUid that It would bf! a aplrn a ro ...... r o .. rs o rval :tnanrf' I!Jt l'"'l''' 1., .,.1tt1,,11, 11t11tt· •1"1 "'•·ntr at\radlon or thle .,.1' That guy h ac:: a wa,Y Wit b ....... r •t AI H h I f him• n o m a tte r w hether you ..... da ... b' h • ut'tl y WILli uoe trnth 11'1 lillY llhl. On lh<' llllhJ•' l .. , ldt:II'Aft \'• ltt)ll 'lb• lllattrr wu referTed l"l like him or not. H <' knows 1 annl.-el"'l,ry of !.In! H. rvalh'• 1100 I •h .. ••t•· hu• .. u •• ,, ,1 ~~ !1;:, 1 .. lh• plannln~r· CQII'Ima-011 how to get his mess.1ge I An;hle. and thl'y all wrnt .,0 !Jlll lhll! l'lty IUliJ ,, I ~I II 1: " II ,.. T-Maet'"•· I across a nd in the :10 m inut('S An~l'lrs l <l mt•ct the rrlumrd A('r-1 I' halrman ,, llw ,...,, .. , •. '""'"'Itt•·· ~· ·~ ("turf Hntllflorln""" WIUI he took to recite the net'ds vh:r marf and r <'lchra tt>ct "'"I •n he•rlngs •. ,,,..,1 t .. au .. ntt a J)f'ac-,. .,,1 and h opes o f the next \\·ar !) .. .,,,,. '" '8!0Hin \\ llh A thnll!'r "' I Council Proceedtnge '~· ~ 'nnf,.rf'U<'f' In li'r~u ,.,..1 0 I Cht'st. you could readily un-I Chtna c ly I l'l'rm .t , .... ,. r.rlo II I""' h ' ••. ,.. "' >rn•l I I derstand why nil tht> :{0 Mn_ 1\Jatr 2 c f;llll!l hns h<'•·n •t lfl:l M·.,, '''''' I "'' ·' ''' AJt •••ny rlly offl• '"'• "" '"'" I leaci(•rs thert' w o uld l;tkf' n ff 1\1\:ty t:l moontlos II•· W810 In :~r•r· I .,'l'alllr••l "' 1111•·111 I • •. ' ... ,, ""''' "''" ''""llol "'" '"'" •lav "'~ • l"ll o•lnAf1111 ltal.l':ln -llolll h•l ll 1 J II I' 'II I '•OI<•IIIorl -""' (1 '111 Ill their ha l~ anrl ('():ll.s and go 11 • '' '" ' 111'1 • 1 "I , ~ ' ... " " ''" " 1''1 I·Jatlt t' a~ tt n "'nllaPr ••f n dt1rltr· f"n f•·. 70t)t , 1 .,.1,11 t\••'• t f,•,t A,1hn"''"''''' •~•" ""~'·l•·tt to wo rk lo put it ovrr. 1 11 • 1 ( 1 1 1looon 111111 , {t .llll•l 111 ·nu11• l'r•rtoll 1 ,1, 'r t.~\ '"I" l:l whit 11 "'""''I" lok• , . '· • • • 1-"n1it Cakr. .\It-..;. \'idOl' Gr:W1'. :1:; u:-:u;tl. ll;t~ .11:n llll't' ·s n app:-· 1rt.•·t I<• 1•11t IH'r n ... zaar ll\'t't'. Tin:-I liTH' ~tw ll;,., (X'I'll:ll j, •d llf'l' gnod I ric •ncJ, Mr:-:. ,lp..;~•phinr < ·r(•s" n t Ar- <·a<ii:t. \\ho !-o\'JI' :l.O(J(I (KIIllloiS of fruit \'.tl>c' Ill tlllC' mull! h to 1 n L o.; A m.:t•h•' dt•p:t rllllo'llt s torl', to l umis h 100 potiiHL<; for Mrs. t:rac-e to sell hC'N' fo r tht• Baz;1ar. I t cm.ts Sl.W per lb. anrt lhl' s<1mpl(' tastes likr some• o f t h r IX'st you e,·<'r put in your m o uth. Full of more goodies tha n y ou can shakf' a t R coupiR bunches o f citron . Pvt.. Ounc.~n GrlldUoltta t.1annr l'rWRtc A rl l•ur E I ~<1n-l •·an eon .,, Mr a.n•l Mr11 \Vtlltam W. 'Hobh. Vtll'lr l'lllc•· Nt>wpnrl Beach. Calif .. hllb bHn lf~lluatf'd n-om thf' In antry lll'hMl At c"a.mp Pmdlttoa. OoM n.lldl'. C&llf ~. Ounl'an "''Ill n~· two IU".Ifnl'ol In a e0111bAt unit f '• 1 f \ \'., :ntd t· "r' l•t•'H ,. 1·1 '· JJ1 &~ !\!IH I ,.. ol .tll~d,t ~~ ~~· t Vt• 11fl•r 11 ilir'1 I•· ,. II r>•p 11 "" :-.;.,, • .d ~ .•• l,fqu . .t t• roq in Fl"rt•!n l t~r n. ,,... ,._ I rerr• •I ._,. ,._ •• I l.h1na nn Uttn 1~1,. 1-'fr• ~ldnry IAntlflld, fornworly Mhl~y M-. dlmJnuth·,. •tar of mn,.,. than a llundrf'OCI m •nifool. Ae a youa,..~r • playf'OCI Tnm HawklM In ..,.,_,..,,... l-'and" wllk'h ,. ... ntiiN'd -N-· pnrt Horbor. Nftw marrtf'OCI I• a promt-l •rrertor of Paramt>Uat Pklnu·-. 8M aNI hf'r famU:r hav,. itwoorofN' 110 ,_.._..,. wtU. Nf'w· port Harbor. 1\.A bnaUac and •w1mJIIIq. U.at ,....,,. ltoPfl to ha7 or IHII .. a .._ ~ M,.._ l.AnfWd'" twn ·~ ~Ia., 11. ... "-· t , are all 18 faYOr of t.llr ,..., and ....., IIWIIIlyta ............ .._ ...._ ~n<t : 'l1lto .-&e .,... MF". 1-n.w·" ....._, Va.la 0... of ftJ• f--. .... hH toqtaally Wf'JII•k~t~tW'II hll ....... , 1'-f ............ nctW ...,U~ -In Ulr f'O!Mt 0~ •taUnnNI at flea ~ ,.,,( •••• ,,.,I I ,. I . : n • "''' t , ,, ~ , , 1,,, 1• , ' • '·''"'1 I dJ•· ' ''I I ' .. , • ' 1 ttll "····· ,., ,,,, ,, '0 M l' \\ ol • • 1 ,· ,, lUI Jll • f• •d • I , I' II . .. ,, I ' t .. I JJ fU111 '" k• I •, t t. f I '" '" I•• kv 'nrr.htu ut um ,,, 11 HI". 'J I "'"'' A)•)'l •o\l•d IOit•oud•ol I, •• ,, IIH•\ '"" ff1ttt•1 Jtt .~··1 '' I ..\. · •w •·· rnn~•·· ., ''Y ''" tt .. , ,,, I' t '" '•f ", .• ;, .lU.IIIIH "' )j,., I t r t f ,. '" " ~1. I \1t r c .. 1 ., ', .. , r ''""''< f ',.,, k', 1 tt • j' f " ,, ~ I ,, ,f ill t j. h• 1'1 \I If f I II ' . 1J '' 1 \ 1411 l ot'f \ I•Jt M •' ~~ l4 I I j' ~ I IIIII l1i•• k • ro I~., 1 • 1 I I • 1 .,. '·P ut ''"' tfi,Jo f t1V'Jit l•"rtiHr ~~t l lu II • r \\ I 'nf I ', I • I •:tny h tti•IIU! t I t t1 ' t ,,. • ' · no "·"'" •Hl• • Jru '< U fLtlf 1 ''•U ,,, f • ,. •~ ',,,. I\ I $ ,,. ltftfl •• ,.,,,. •f•l ,, , •I ,. , If• I'll tflf .... , Ylt t 1] flo ff 1 • •: I,.,. • f th.-rr t ttflllt • r,•l.~<~t '''' I''' •lr • • t'Utlttfl rt ttult• •I ·Ill ''• t f,, Hhtt k \~··· at.ull•d I f •P • lu ,.,.,.,.,,~ • r•·l ul ftl'll • ''' ""' t ''' • t 1 " ''• ·~~~ '"'"'~ J>'l •I lll:lol 111 ,,, 1 I''' '-' '*' k I hn I •h4••11rJ t,..,._,,~ ''' t h• ,,,lht)' I l:ltt:, ,.,,.,., lf,,.,.\4 ,, ·n •. ,, .. n• !tn•r l•·rn "' l•t •Jr fro ,. '"' IM•I rnHt In'-! 8n<l 1 ·,,,,, '•ltun" l•t~ II •n•t' All<'n r01k• d t•• '"'J· 11 , , ..... ,, 11••, BICYCLE RA TIO NINO E NOS Ulli"' ''' :, t~trJ.'• _.,,.,.,..~·· t ,,1k ,,,, fH• \' f,, r&.l luntnj( rn•l• •I .,,.,.,,. WhH)I'AIIII' '"" "c'"""' " .• ""' tn •In), s .. .,t Z:\ \'lola !In" ,,r 1/1•· 7,,11,,,.: •lon.111,, 't1o 1~ •'"II Wile \.Akrn, I)J'A ••ltl. Th,. ll<<'nAo• "'"" l(r'llil•~l Wllh Ill•• '"' 1111~•· lllf' "1111:1nll.l ll(t)t III J>Ilr •If prnvoll() thAI nu 11:••tAI!" 1..-, .,1, hlr 71 lro Ur lt'>flr ancl 1'\IH<'IIl I•P• tlur·tt><l, olu• Unn lrou k1w In malllf' llt1tllll11l"• F"or 20 YN" lttvn u t ra.thtnonc """rthwhll" ApplleAtltm rtf r~nrlf" H iner ''" lw aJft'W wer .. a.dvlllrd that J)f'F • n~newaJ or hill hlllt runrco•f)n ,1n rwltiJI ,...qutrlld tD """P blcyct.o ra Utto N""''ror1 Ptr r WIUt held up tlcrnlnJ ,......,,. llh<lUJd hutd Ut<'Jrl J»nd&nJ •rrttml.naUcrn ••f hl11 14flfll l••r et-. lrWIItha. I , $~ ' .... ~ { . I .. NIKWPORT-a~A NEWS-TIMES NEWS OuR Bovs '{ • LIWMIIEIS II COIGRESS With Emie Pyle a~ ehe f'rour_: PHOHa: ~EWPOD U a II IN •••v1aa ---- • 'I p , 1iftr7 'I' , ~ ... ~ Anllwu• Vel-XXX\'11 ~ Payable ln Advance:-$.2.50 per )'e&r i.n Oranre County, I t2-'rl per ,ear t., •ua .,ne: p .oo per year to 8tb .,_, ~' ottn(J~d Rritisl1 Flier l •,i .{~hts Deatl1 Eigl1t Days of the CHURCHES Tbere are Umu wh~n I tlunk. t"Vl'ryuung wt! aJSkt'<l to l t't. The I l.n tbe word• or U1e fa.1mllar •·ur· British ha ''~' boom vt>ry thoughtful, I h'-i u B«:und-CIIUIII mattn at lbe Poetoftlce In Newport Beach, callfrAJ&, under the Aot of Masch 3. tr.lff I toon. that 1 wu bcwn "thirty yeana lmpownj! nuthln~ on ~n. but let· IL.-------------.l too ~n " -. 1 '• rt my-· It t n•· UJI Jrt Ill!' ""luil "e wan It'd tu I CO,.ONA OEL MA" ~ · •neon cum •• ~ -"' I OOIOfUNJTY CIIUIICII by thinking thlll 1t 1 had 0111 ha.J 1lu ur ,, r .Ln<l the-n rruuung It Jl08· ~ER • · · · EDITOR AND PRESIDENT I .4 1,,,.,1·,.,111 .~ f>n.S"Itfl (.Ju•t•rfu/ Congreg•tlon•l the earlln t-llpo'r'tlll't'. 1 1uuld 111bl~ . I I \ ,. ' nevt'r tully 11ppn'IHJI!' the • undl· ThP numbo-r • t Amt'rit:an sol· Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach 'J; f' U J/ Jf' / J "/ Perry F.l Schrock. mi.nlater lA UoiUI Into whu·h the \\orld IJl """' dl .. rs h•·••• ,.,,.., rrode us almust a 0111111 )' • (0111 (J( y . (('(' o('( I . anc rb~Ce lng. ~U\'(.,.nllll'nt within 8 gnvt>rnmtnt A ~alltle Local lllltttutlon For O"er 34 Yura • l)lllllmy, ()<;t uber K. 1944· J A11 1 11<\ld hc•turc Mr ~:ll»w••rUt 'rl~t•r•· ll•lllti tn.-·•· "''''" lrll'llon. It II 311 a 10 t hurch Al'h•~ll. Small an<l 1 lt>rt \.\'u hlnJ;:ton afh•r dill· Ill tlt .11<· ••v•·rl:utu 1; r n·dit uf By Ernie Pyle 1 ltulltl ng Ill Jttlf.ttln•• llOtl F'uurth Q<:'r \Vc dn•vC' ll\'<'1' to Unltltnllrt' t~.~th r"tllllrl••s a.nol n ~:•••..! umt>n NAT1~A~~J"'RIAL1 ~ 1944~~~.~ 1 I fiiTOR'S NOTF A/tl,...,,,. lmlr 1',1~ u ,.,,.. 11111 It '" rltr f'11i1~ ~I 11 00 11 m M•u nmg wurllhlp Mr· and chl'\:kl't.l In a\ tlw U.O A (· fur (Ill"" w11rltl rdut1"n8. th~tt '"' ., ''"""·"--'"ff '"' ufl~• '""' ntt<l O~tr-lwlf Y""" '"' 1llr li•"''"' lrwu, .W. "1' ,. St'rvlt.'.'' h••ld ~11 Ule ''Chapt•l 1 Brltlllh Ovenll'al Airways 1 ·,.,. tht'rt· hl\8 l•'tn non.. That part r.,/..,,.,. .... "'"""" br/utr llr lr/1 Fr•~trr.l 11Y tht• Sea. 410 1 out H ighway pnrutlnn 1 anll Wt'rtl Wl'l~ht'ol 11nd u f Luntlun wtu;·h ln!IUd!'ti thl' l'• r mron t• IJII "Wh!lt I Said to the I' ·'II 1 t 18 ON THE. WESTERN FHONT.-1 wo uld likt> to tell you tn_l.a)n ,.,.,-· gi? vc~ our. tlcktotll. Y.'t' ~·Juld hw.v" Sllanol !ln•l .,,,:\.,1 .'1 ~< rl'~ dHall tht' rt·mllrkublc s to ry of the w nrmd!'d RAF pilot whom , -k +it! r'a:~ pc.undtl• ~~~~~ whu~ fa.nllltntll k~ouwu 811 "'l'tw Alii· · d · 1 k f enuu~-:h ur l1111·h 1\ tnp. 11-ay t " •·r·i• an tJIIIIrl r · It w:ll rh·~ l\'t· r (')t•fls<•d a ~tt·r he h:1d lain unnntlc t' '" 1 ll' wrt>c ag~ 0 FULL GOSPEL CHURCH tr•avl'lh r put11 a rcw thing• f111 thl' Jlllr .. nt:: •·I lht· uwn "''" a rr Would You Do Without Them? h1s pi<! II<' fo r e1g ht d a:-.·s on 8 battleflt'ld. 2tnd aac1 Elden, Coeta Me.a """'"l~hl Ul!t In a IIJ:hl ba~. tur· nnw hHt> by thP thuuaands to , s,., rr•l Am~r Iran •••ltllt'ro ,,,r un I! Sunday M:hool. 9 ·45; mum in.& I ri••JI his coat nvrr Ilia arm lllltl kntt• · llutt r• high ofil\.er of lht I "I'll ~II you wbout that Do JOU h 11 E 1•~ 1 rv1 1 ·• tl that I ltUI or lt1m~whrrf' a trv.• mumr nt• won. 1p. ; van~ ut c IK' ce, sl"l'• tutu a pht.nt' wllh lt•ss Jlrt'· $n i1Mh A rm~ ~<'llu rt>t.'l'n Y a•rr that v.ll<\11~ 11 llttlf way norUI of 7 30 M d 1 "' 1 aftrr we •rriw'11 us•" :~ p. m... I ·wee pra~er met' • \'II•UII u u.ught than we glvt• tiJ 11 "h~ 1 ~oul<l ,,nl_v \\ shan <'lUll oum· Alneriea's annual NewspnpPr w~. which giv•~ liS II Tht')l ,r:tJpr11 lht" In I: on \\ rd.nt•sday. 7:4 p. m.: tt'l(t frnm IJ•• Anscii'A t o San ,, h••r .. , Brlltsh suiJ~o·•s ill.'ll 11101'<1 _.__to taJk about ou.r "'llrt."". m<""" thu n w"' u.'ll!ally tlo. h iJI' ••tu.ttl•"• ""I ant Tht"rr """' '•·v<'ral small woocla )"0".1: people 11 evangelistic service Fr.ont '* <l. IUlJ '' lth mul'h t.·u 111 Am~n• a would condut't them· tall t.l» occ::aslon in pRAt y('QJ"S for tf.>Uing a net n"-fellln~ 11f t h t' 11 e nd brill n .. w .. u:· h ...... rt. "th31 ftret Diltn ~nd Mrs. s. L. Hoke, 100 lhOf'e ~ .. -, ,... "' but I u 1d. · y,~ ·· on t n tlay, 7:45p.m. ''"uhlr 1 1!._..1.,_ JO.> "'"" T Sgt. Robert Hoke, .on of Mr. ......_ ( h '· . _. ( th f trar In , al tht" thr• ;.rt nr~ '" th .. t wn•>dJ l eou)d FIR8T f'OU1l8QUA~ CHURCH At lt'n n'cl<)('k we V.<'re drl\'t'n t•J -A"e., Coron~ del M~r. Ia In the p.._,. ... of IW'WS rom t a.S ('OlllJTl\Jnlty llflu rom I' I)Ur I •ld<'t or 11\r planr Ot-COMTA 11&8A thl' l•t('llllon '·f tht' '"yiou bl•nl GOO BI.F.SS tfl~! I d 11'11 11 by thr Ill""'' In the rodrptl v " ., 1 r 1 CNiund Crew ~t Pury 8aae In CXX'Deia ol the wortd and dl'lhing it up· ri..:ht in tht• livlnJ,: I wllh 11 '"'" en And hrrr th•· "'·'"'' ,.81 aoak..t 'lrith (('llarelll of U.. ~~~ca. ... ,, 1 Thrrc. w1th l""'~ Wtd tra an•l A "'lrllt•r 110 tht-m.tll'l ,. 1 Florid~. He waa gr~duated from --our IU ........... a ..... ..., wlrr Cllfii)C'r l hundrf'd IJC'I IIf\t' "••"'''"'" l , .......... , ~v. o . WIII&N sa-,..., Put.or. ~.nuwu hu. It w .. wanlt"d thrm Wt" -omt·thin~ tn has boot. Jla.c; IUl' ...... u I HI h ·--..,. ~••vr•"· Tht'v ,.,.rk•rl u ~ ,..._ 11 8•---Cop to bt. ( 1 d 1 ~ hmp Newport H~•vvr n CHI g d '-In · h 1 tilt' llr<' wo••ld •ttrred rl&hl eeroea -e ----· u r , "''tc put through a Al m(lll' prot't'ru• 'CltmC! pam u an It' "' • " H t But did you e'VC'r stop to think o f the a vert., g In I ~~ lhOu KII arr .. nda th~ llrld 11111 11 didn't" Plilofte 1118·.1 Pm lmm•gratlnn anl1 rulltnm• Thl' •ns: badly b) lhl' tlmf' h!' ~-:••• IJat•k ~Chool in 193... e waa on M _,_! Advt'rtlsing, 8('('()rdin~ tu Dc.wl FrandSt.'O, na·l t~d audt1rnl)' be· l-'r1Rday, M7:30 p. m. wol rshhlp !Wrv· "lan•· taxlt"J d•>wn the b:\\' lln.l nt IH {'3m!J. Jlr took orr h•s IK•<~t und C tum of tht football aquad and -----· colla" '""~1, Artuall) .. hut ""hid U!'>ulhl waa hr•·. t'V. ae Stl'ams n C' argr. ,. • · ,ock 10 bath , his bh .1 •n.~ fOI'•t and was pruldt nt of the Student Uonally known advert IRing m a n . is "An EssentiAl In~rNticnl Er•~ Pylr n 11 11,1111h ,. ... tal thl' "·~ods anr~" "'~~ thf' Itt tie town Sunday ~~ehool. 9:30 a . m. 1 11 :30 v." Wl'rt In tht" lllr The riUl' ( d It · f " '. 1 ttl •('<I 10 Body. Ht entertd the College of r · of La Dct•na•s whu·h had *" Nt Morning wonhlp. 11 ll. m. apec-waa "'"''J<)Ihn lhlln miU\y a train Hun 11 I'~<' l'l 1' papt r 1 ~ .. ttl Delnocracy." Democracy is II rnnn 0 govrmment In n n•e "" "' Jtrltl• """' by shrll"'~ I d•dn'l bo~ to •nl music. paator'a aennon. lldC' I've tllkt"n. You notice tht" the 101' or I Ill' !>ock. on "hldl ~OJ., P~c•flc ~t Stoc:kto" and ~ftcr a wlddl the-·~ nt-·.-r Ill rctairK'd lJy thE' ~e. and im· no bluer than )'OUr nnlf'U. and 83\'IO"' O( ?1)11\'A' "•h•r• a n..llrqnn Wrtll£'0 , "God bii'!<S t_h_•· 'flltht•r yur enlt.-ted In the Army. --..--··-t"'-1"-"1" on I)' etrrr terrtftr pulllnl anti yank It'll ham. ft~r 1\r "Ill a love, end after C IT " n ' -~ ~ r u ~· 1 1 1 k 5 p m ,.... polltkal U~rt~ but. as thE' rounding ratht>n; W('ll kJ'l(')W, 1111 II aum..t ., It II W!tlth1 takP all "hat l'l'ltld ..... trrhnlrohtlea mat-FIRST CHU .. CH OF H .. I • I woul.t hnvr l.h•or•. thr pl&nf hiUI ;."';';'";;~;~;;'11;'·;~;;;1 ;1";•;<!;!>0C;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~ 1 h lt'r• ICIENTIIT o·urtalll&; lncht'lt have beCI'n cutl M ladk:ated by the Bill oC RightA, there can be no politica I huor. to make a hoi~ bl• rn"u' to We 1\od sl'nt on~ aoldler to tbe Lido Theater, Central Avenue frnm mt'uun:ml·nlll, but we wtnt __,....,. """'"""'.. ..,.,.. . nur~at u1d .-t~l ,,n aa aoon 11 we and VI• Lido t<J bed In rnmfortablr bt"rlh11, ami · H-... without __._,,. ll ....... r1 ~·-liP I tt>e pilot out fAR n In 6 s Wltbout adwrtlalng tht>re would lJe no E't."'nomic frt'«!om, lht' mt'llll aid• 1 ol the hnll"w 111 . .,,e dbrover.t"d Lhr "ttundt'd Brill all pilot, A ranr 1 o e o er urc • 1 alept mnrr eouodly t han 1 tlto The rlppm.c rand poundln~: utralnat b t t ·rh M th Cb b I - lor eootiOinlc freedom ~"'-on free enlefl>rise'. and ndvrr-mltdl' ~ thuru1o•rt)UI OOIJe ' ,,..,,,t;d triip~rl for t"tl:hl daya In hll plane 7 he Firat Church of Cb.Nt, Bel· In my Wa.shlnKt!m rO<lm Tht' now 8[106 miD ...,.t"-,IIUllt 11 HI' had to drivr about alii mlln . rntlat. Ill tsoeton, MuacbUMtta. planf' hne ll loun.,.e 11bout 14'x 11 • .c..a-Ia drveloped ln the United States is UK' we ii·SJ)ring of n lnatdl' and ukrd th~ P ol: .. -. "l>tot"l tht' nnl•l' l;oth~r you•·• Ju•t a tc-"' rr,lnutes attrr the oth· S~;nday School at t :30 a. m., a prtvat., l'ompartment with twu public: cllrnand for the goods and lef'Vices Of free f.>nft~flll'iSt.•. tit' aald. "No. 1 cen 1tend it. Bul er aold lrre llnlaht'd l~urlnJ two boles Suodlty Servtre at 11 • m. Wed· b(orlhA. wuh b&llln ._,d tnlll't. Ulk'•l • II • .... t 1 h th~'/ In thl' Jidu l'f the pl:.ne, a medleel nNttlay Tntlmonlal Meetlnc at 12 by lbe two womttn pu~~tenftl'rA, and j 'ft) .... American news.,..,_.. advertising ill more than that '" lrlf!m to ""' tarr. u .. en ....... ..-..-• • t brrak throuch nn th~ othu ald~my n pta1n And thrt"~ eid men po~.....,. 1 toc•k noon. the nKt aary wuh room& fo1r lbtl I ---It Ia tbe ~rant~ that the ~r1can p~<; will N'mnin f l· lt'l 1, brokt"n. you know." throuah the hedll:t' and came lVI· Ho•utllng l(()('m located at 111 1 pa.uengen, of whom lbere were 20 Mlld&lly aolvent, and thUA free and independe-nt of thC' !'('X'-I lliiC tile A"'"rteu llteya wert!~ nmr East Ct'ntraJ Avenue, Balboa. Ia ''" thl11 trtp. a nd tile crew WIWllly I _._. 'no=••· who ··-·'"" IUbvert ,. ... _ tree pl"l"M If lhety C'OUid-fea&rr u..a • ., llei~•PI ....,....,. Tht' docwr knr11 do .. "' and 11ad OP"n dally frum 1 p. n1. •o :> p. m . 11. thl.11 time 12. ~-.. ~ u~ T1ilf'J t.r~ U•elr -..n .. &M up ev~rylhtnr In II few lf'COIIdl He • txt:t'pl Sundaya and holiday• fta· Wco Wt"re lit n h t w () IJ rl. New·j • tilly dklln ~ oncr proud democracy, Franc'f'. )elle4 .,...,. ., u.. ..,taJ; UwJ ukrd en aid man fur morphine Tbe twnally l'bao:rved I fuundland. l'llrly lbt' next m(lm · A.Ddre Geroud-bettter known as the ncw s pnJX•r t'Oiumn-lltellf' •lr.aa ..... -. .. ribot wtUI pll.ot wllllniiY held oul IIIJ rl«bt arm, The put.ilc •• cordially Invited to lng and wt"rt" vrry hnapltably put e ... •••t1 rrewber ... a let e1 anCt th~ doctor '''•rk a nrf'dle Into allen<! tht" •·hun:h l t"rv1cea and 11M up thl'rC' for lhe clay Tht depar· ... ~---"' his latest book. '"'lle G_ra,v~ DlgJ!N" or au.m .. .., ... ,u.. --lMJ .... thr bend or th~ rlhow The pilot lbe Ru<lmg Room. turf t. dC'termlned by nylnK ('(lntll· France," Ktvea f'Ull credit to the sad t'Sta le in whi1·h I h i.' e be~ Wa r-••11 • tlltat I re•ld nev~rh~. but lnokrd nn a'-ulSM' at tbt' othrr enol. 11UJ we Faww::h-had fallen as a factor in the disint~raliun o ( art mJ .... a. a .... aWen Ia-m•llt epprovmi iY CIIJU8T Clft"RCII BY THE 81EA W M't In thr llir by about & a m .... -. •14• u.., .... "•"· "YD\l're tn rood rondltton" lbe CommualtJ lleu.odtat &nd In lrrland 11l daybrt>a.k. attrr II 11111111 II III IIIUl ltllf NEWPORT· BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS aud LOAN ASSOCIATION NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 3333 vtA liDO TI:LI:PHON[ 1~00 tile Tblrd RepubUc . 1lle French preM was for hit"(', t o nny I ~ bod k nd-"' 1 dn("tor 1ald to htm ''Thla t. Juat ~v. r.. o. OoocleU, Putor an11thcor rom!orlllble n 1 ., h t \.\' .. • ;,:"'lUit,f" J uM ru m«' 8 t'an e«'''\ r -h 9 3Q e -.::- 01' aD, lndudtne the ent"'ll1ft oC France. Pertlnax lJlami:."S t tns of "•h·r enrt I •hovf'd II thro •llh thr to make it ~ulrr tor YllU wtlft'l -.,...rl) momrng wor5 1p. : ; were rtri'I<"I'IIMed through l n:IM<l ~··•••••••··················~ 111 ~t;,rt to pull you out We'U wal\ a :hurch School cla!L'I, 10:15 a. m.; I t 1 t b th 1 r candltlon upon the ract that French busi~<; nnct indlL'>l ry h·M tu the 1'11••1 H~ 11rank R\'1 y fr w mlnulC'I for II to take hold.. Momm~e won>hlp, 11 o'C'Iock. pu n 0 a ua nt ( rQ\'(' ron~ -.. not .t--dnrd .... _ d .-.1•1 .. ., bw . as h llK Amcrkn I \\'l•rn hr '"'' lhr r entt't>n t1n-.n lit' Sunflav ('VL•nln~t !W.'rvlce. 7 :30 F'oynt>11 alon~: tht Rtvl'r .c:;hann• n _. ~~ u..:-a V.oa ........ 'A stne-SS • ,,., It 1111 t11, to,1re che•t and ht"ld II Whllr Wf' wrre 111t1n1 lht"r• oe o'clot·k. to Llm<·rlrk and tlu•n. !111~ n t ht• .. theref~ tM ~ press had no economiC' founda tion '"'" ,,, th h-llth lhr IH .. und ~sidt" lhf' pl ane. welllnl Mtd·Wf'<'k!rayer ~f'rVic-r.\Vedncl>· OtiH·o· IOltlt' or th·· rt\'1 r lo '"" flv (WI wbk:b to~ tree and independent. lie mntnt nin~ thut II\ r..~ 1 <'uuld drink e rJ\'('r t.or lh«' mctfllhlnt" to 1.1kt' ellect. U.. d~ty; <.·•w•·rr d1'h dlnn•·r. 6 :lO p.m. 'l in~-: tlt·l<l, thr~tuJ:h l hr .flt·lf 1110. dn• ' hr u ld ptlut satd : -l:\tnL•tl l1lll1' lrtllh fu rm~ nn.l loV IIICb I! cundltlon will be necessary to a re-born Frnn<'l'. s .. lurbudy Olll-ld~ ••td not (t) Itt "I a• felayllll , .. frelll ,.. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL '1\hotUl twu. WP \\. ro· n~;nln In ""'I If a Fire Prevention Week aum drink any mure rich\ now Thl' werk.. I'm frl&a.U.Ur •rrr CHURCH rur tor wrad011. whQI'e w.. Ita. II p1lot. a•td. ··w ould )'OU pour .,>mf allettl tt." £bell Clubhouw dinner 11n m7 l~ad•" 0.. el lllle ,......,._, ......... !'>1~ C.ntral ,.ve., Newport .. ach Cnmmg l.ntn u •ntltm W•· tl ruw·l 1 -ll..t my dlrtJ lundkerchld, lltJt .. ,......., ..._....: "a... through a part ftf the c~ty which 11nJ ~tfon end ru~ hi• ,_.,..ad wltJo II. Hit OM. ~-. ,.. .,_., ..._:r-Tem,orary hpply Clerg,. haa f"f1'"t'IVed mnny ua lbr t,uz7.• IIIII _,.....,., wttb Wellr flan Oetobfr 8 to 14, Extension Scrv· 1at ol tbe Unlvenity ol Calllomla has lntc.>mifled Its cnmpuJ,::n ol public tnfonnatlon on the rontrol and prevPntio n of fiN'S. hair ,., .. nut brown ln color and tar ae. Tllh a. wlltat _.,. 11tere 9 :411 Am .. Sunduy BC'hc>OI, Merle bOmbs, \\'e huw ~~~ shown nr)' lone HI• whlalll'rJ werr r~d· fer. We're Ja•l .,,., we'n Ma. 8 Mllltht'WA, IIUpr rlnlenlll'nL dlth •nd arr~tt~l!ly and hr h11d tiii\IC' .. len!( l«"lllnl , .. elll." II ()(I n m . ~1 .. 1nln;.: ~··rvil•r nnJ EPISCvP"'L , Accordlnc to Woodbridg e M<>trnlr. fort'Stt•r of lh" PX· tem1on ~. fin.>S raging in «'V<'ry statr in 1!).:1:\ l ook n lnll oll310,000.000. and mo8t ol th(.'S(' ronna~rntion.'~. hr polntro out. W't'~ preventablt'. F n nn fires aiOIW cnlL..ro $100.000,000 ~ to bulldlngs and Cf'Oill" -and an l"Sf imalf'fl ~50() deaths. 1111rl tl•ln, •no Yl'l ynu t'nu hl It• II by ~'' rJ nml put 1\15 band oo hi a fore· Ebell Clutlhou•e. Newport· Be~ch nu•>lnrhl' Ills Iller •rrtnl'rl luna Thr p11nl momt"ntarlly rlottd bla ""rTt ... n I SUMMER SERVICES I hiJ lrt'ml'l'<1••11• rht"•l that hr ,.., II ht•;td . Allft thrn. ns If In rt'lll(natlon C'lffll''ll \' "I 1: '.It 1 Ill llf'llt'~ ~llnday~t .Jun .. I" tlll\•cll-!ll ~1'1'· bllt ntlin •nil J~•wf'rful .,, Ill• ''"'" rudrnr\S In buthtrlnl! ut . .. \rl' l"H• 1, . .,.,.1 I'•' 1th tt'm~r 10. 1944. llla .I'Vt'' \ll'rt' n!'t cln••v hut I lw '111d. rtl'al"" Tht .. 'I I•· '"' '111 h•· Ill" I 1\:llll R na llnlv l'••mnJUnhHl ""' ftu rln:ttrod hy hll toyrl•:a lb 1'hl'• ~WI'II I rlnn'l know ••hAl I _h,uld •uhJ•·rl Ill t il" t , .,., :-• • "''In nil 11 :110 11 111 ~·llllnlnl! l'rhvl'l didn't l'll•lruti•· •t w11s Ju•t th ll lhC') ,fn l<.t lhnl•t ~"U •· hrnnrll•·• "' I It• ::••''" r )'.'II' h, nnd ~""""" • ~·tn· Stlll<ll\)'8, lloly ""'I' AI• lilt: Whrn 1\t' t11rnt-rl thrm !'on tnraM!thlv •lrunll ~~o na 11\nt rt• ThP F'lr~l 1'111111 h nl 1 •11 '1. :o;rlt~O·I ('umn 11111110 1 d I lh L h • lh 1 .L L 11~1 In ll~>,lt•n T h•• •:nl•l"n TPxt C . "'""' vnu, t V.'IIJ IIJ <lll lln r lot , ron•lthlttt'tll a u•e morpmnt' fro~ 111, l'•nlul• ,,. ,1 .. 11 t.nn1 onf1nnation of a C'las.c; by lhl' v.u •'""IV turnlna two bl& bro"''" nt"\C't pul him nut IRt RAv W n -t d St n11 Coli 1 l'rlrd u•lltt til•·•· nn•t 1h11u ~ · · oo·r ran evt'"'· ~ c:ampalgn "ill be directed t o fannt'rs. sin('(• 11 rire in t«"nn•• bnll• • • • ha~l hPaiNI rn•• 0 t.n••l. 11,011 1.,.,,1 D.D. B~>.hop of Los Angch•s. a fann build.l.ng ctJUlM'S an 3 \'t'nlge loss O( 7-1 prr ('{'nf Of t ht~ Ur ha. rem.lf'~ t'emmeof ef Tht'y WDIII'd 11 bout 10 n ;nulel. broutrhl up IllY POUI 110111 t11•· t::r.I\·P: The H~\' Hobert ~f llu~nrth, .........._, --t..~ -~1 1 r:: ln tlf' · fl 1 h lltll llleqht• 11M-llaV-4t'llrlem T ht'n two ,.l'nldiera took otT th.-tr "'b lhou hll't kP(ll mr nil"'· t h!\l I M. A.. St Paul' I In lht' Ut'urt . .,.,.,. Y .. ur U C~f~ocunst on Y" l)('r cent t City. IIC to f' 1e• ... a. n....,-t e1 • maa b.,111 and looped thl'm ll rf\und the ahould nol 11:0 tADwn to tha· r lt ·· Palm Springs . .t.IJ Weh'omt' '-eft avallabWty of firt"-righting equipment In rurol rlls-I ., ..... fer ....... •aya wttll..-pilol'a armpiU The mrdics on the A tllble "'"'~"" from II Klon trtcD. I ,_. •r ••~r ..... ••• ••1 ntal othrr 1lde Jeld they had hnld nf htl rt"lalu thnl " lilllt' r~tnthr maid · .. 111m. He wae Jast ... .., Ill•· from brarl ~11ld to h~'r ml~trP~II. Metcalf cwtimated that rann fire )Ot!ISt'S could be cut hy 00 I trepJM'd toot and could l radually thll •Iff' of )l;anman. thf' lef)l'r. N ~ wU. free ll. "Would dOt! m)' lord wPn• •dth the pel' Clftt lf otrtaln hazards were eJlmlnated. Uln!A"r Of)(' On Hla farp IUS dirty from much "lt'1 mJ back that'J "'t'~k." tile prophl't thai 1~ In Samart11~ ror he hla 11at ~dirty and ~ectlve heating Rystems and ch imn<'ys. awnt1n1. bul lhr akin of hla body pilot u ld. "All tht" JlrenRth attma woulcl rt•ro• rr him of bl& lt>prmy. ... _ . I wu whllr and clun Tht"rf' wu • to be r one fr om th~ J mall of my ••. s o Na11m11n r nme ... anr1 stood ()d.w Aft: lnrlammable Wood shingle roofs, ut.•fl"M.IVE' (' ('('· Jnt~ll aub on Ills forehnd and there baC'k You'll hevr to htlp "lf' tht'rt." at lh!! door of lhl' houn ot Elisha. trbtequlpmeont, WlMie Wle of matches anrl cigarette!'. unc;a((' w~rf •omt t11ht brul•n on hie arma, n.e, ,.n~•. Thr pilot. 11~ And F:ll1ha ~rnt a m··~8l'Oll:f'r unto •-and _..,_..,. of ..... .......JI..., and kn ...----... :tC('tllllWI\tro nah-lns1de lhe plane, the Jlench wa1 tllteap wttlleat toed fot rlrllt him, l a)•tnr<, Oo nn•l wash In J ordan _. ...... _.. "'"""" '"" ,. .. ,......,~ af'ven tlmi'A. nnd th1 fll'~h 11hnll ~ ... ___ of hay ln a m" ...... r to 8'""""V8te thE' danul'r o r ehockma. My nr•t tbou.ht .... that days, ••• tnmcontle•"'' dron.. I'Oillf' u aln to lhf'l', and thou ehalf _. _..1116., cuu.,.;; -·~ ,.. th,r, -,,,, ... 11'not",r man In th, • ...... .._.. ...... hi "-d 1 ' • "' ~"' '" ~ ae -reac...,. a,_YIP I ,,..a be Cll'lln. Out !'h.tflltln 111'11~ ... rOI 1. ~ combtJ!rtlon, and lack of devices to prof('('f platn~ v.·hJ had bHn dnd tor daya. t. Ute ,..._.., frame-work a.. . .. And hla ~l'r\':onts ... ~:till. My ~ IJ&btnlng I JAJd to thf' pilot: lltPl ... Uft lllmt>elt. I falho•r, If th" l'rnphH hnrl hid thee ' "I~ there tomf'()(W rlae ln the 'l1lle lltPite ell'""'· aatl tllf' ael-do AOilll' n•·nl tl••lll!. would··~• thou Far ~ ten per rent of unavoidable fires. f&Mnf.>r,l; An' , plant''" •wn lMit. th .. m eft. Thr' knrlt not hll' ,, tlonr It • hnw n•urh rfllhl'l Ullllld to have reedy water palls, hoees, ladders long C'nough And hr •n•we....-ci, "No. thh I• • ... tll\e• hb allooldt"ra wltlt thl'n. "''"'" ''" Mllth 1n "'"'· WAAh. h 1 ld boy .. Utelr a.&ofa. and ~ riPnn'" =' 1o e n1 a n tta•·n tD ~ ~ highest point o( roof's, approved nre CXtlnguis • alnl e aeatt"r. 0 . OMJf'd f:ll•hll "nnd lilA fl•••h rame • 1 Whet l hed amrll..t ••• the pilot Tht"J hed paddrd the-Jau rd rrln a 11 1 _..and ftrtt akt kill for the treabnent of burTifi. hlmJf'lt "' c-ouldn't IH the lower al!'aln llkt" unto •h·· ""~" of • tt t I F of the tom aluminum. ovcor .,hlch child. and h" ""l' rtran ·· ,. period choeen ror the observance of Nationa ire par1 of hll left Wf. but ··~ Judlrd II tht"y would havr In JUrl r hlrr. "''lUI In "SdPnrP llfltl lt~>:lllh with Ke, Plwaltton Week Is one when the ~r or fire In CaJifomla muat be ,.n.~UJ and ln a borrl· the hravy rubbf't of his C'IIIII J"Ible to lhe :4rrlfllllff'~.. ~lar~· n~ker .. -test In rnany •-• fores••, fields and (ann buildinrrs ble lhape llltboat. t:ddy ~11!-'A. "Truth h1ntll~s tbtt --.,..,.""' "" "' 'I t'U •e•• •1 rqllt ~ ..... 11tP Tht doctor a•1rl. "'1\'e-'11 br u .,.,, moat rnallcuanl rontn~tlon wltll per-are baked lnto tinder by months of sunshinE'. Unct'aslng cart'-........... all rtrllt. •• f&C't l'•e .. -~ can. Trll Ul ... ht'n to quit .. ted auuran«." fulnalmult ~the responsibUity o( each one of US, both in llaf It ... fre• llere eneraJ And the brn~ m11n ,,.,d · ~ --------1 and ........... _ ·-·. ll death and destruction by fire Is to lx' llmH, ... mnH h are.., fer ahead I'll atand It as lon11 ., 1 ~ W'UafJ --~ u~rrlw. B•l Ule ~-I ca~~'t un." a9'01di!d. •en." Th«'Y rullrd a11"1n Thr r lllll made Stiff Job for General Ike I adell, .. ,.,.._,. fld Je• lt't e fere and nrrt~d hlma-lf lo h~lp Uw t'ltarf'U4' Je• wrrt' amelt.la1 . tht"m. Thry a lid him ~In" lv a lew Wlillell Wt" 101 llfl'f'!" lnchet throu&h lht• ht•lt" 111'111 ht C08TA II'UA OOMMUNITY C'HUJlCH Cart II. "GIIln-. lllnt.t .. r Jt• E. !OU. St. Ph. tU&·R Church School. 9:45 a. m. Momin1 Wor-Mip. 11 o'clock. Youth arroupa, Hiah S chool. In tenn~ate, Adult. 6 .30 p. m Evenin& aervlce. 7:30 o'clock Midweek fellowship and prayrr. Wedn~y. 7 :30p.m. 8EV'ENTR DAY \D\'t;ST18T~ CoNer WaJn1rt aDd Cllu.reb 8t... Coeta 1M- Sabbath ~ehool. ·:aturday mom · lng. 9:30 o'clock. Pn!achin& servtr-., 1 18. m. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CHUR.CH lUI W. OMttraJ, Newport Bead! Sunday mas.'leS st 8 and 10 :1. m . 8T. lORN VIAN"'IEV CBt;RCH 114 Marine Ave .• RalbM r.a-• Sunday mass at 8:30 '!be ~~ uslgnm.-nt hAnck.>d Q>nt'rnl ~iJ::hl D . F:i~n­ bower appean to be just M monufll{'flla} a tnsk as thf' onP c•n· palng him now. ln a re<'('flf broncknst bt-amNI to th<" Ht•il'll from SUpreme Allied u .. ndqunr1crs. Ei~nhO\Wr \\'llS n:mu ... t Hr ••ld. "Yt•ur rhap II'''" II to 1uddt"nly rallt"d · Whon '4 1•'A 1\h•'•· Olt" Tht' ntu• .. ho cam" tlral 11~ ,..hoa! My bftrk' It's •l•.rk '·' lht llthlo-d 11 f!'r mf' 1nd 1tuck II In 11round Wr'll hn1 •• It> brrak 11 1 .. 'It throuch tht' holt'. end v.•rnt at arch· ~. ··I.Y ... Yoa will 6nd yoarwlf one of the tofte inf«med ~· in your rommunity •hen you read The_OritttaJI Science MonitOf rqularly. You wtll 6nd frnh, nrw ••-po•ot., a fuller, richef undt'ntand•nJ of •orhl affairs •.. rru1hful, ac01rare. enbi...d n--. Wrne for .. mpl~ coptn coday, or ~nd for ooe- ol the military ttovt>mme-nt to bf-estahlishro In C'rt•r· exerd5ln~: !'Uprettu• 1<-'Wslatlvc. jHdicia I amt f':-<l'l'\1 I iw a ty and strMng, 1\)\ his mnjor ob_j(-ctin:•. to "t!t•st•·n~· Nazlllm" In th!~ conquc.>red country. The pNX'1nmntinn dt'· dared: •-n,e Allied mllltnry "-'"''t>rrm1ent will l~n the tnsk of dl!!lt:roylng National Socinli!UJ'l. It will n-movl' from l"''sptm~i· lOll for thl' r~pt ••f you." Tlti'J 1arvl') rd thl' 1 wu ,..on!lt'nnl! If II wnsn'l dan u ... a ••hllr. lr~lnr In tlcurr a j!t'rous f1•r ham 111 I•• •mok1nr l110•dr If'•• pelnful wa, nr r rttlnc him tht "'rt"t'kt'd rlntlt" I mrplluni'C1 out. Tht·rr .... .,., •n;o-II•• •t~ld; 8•llllt'lhln~ 111'<'111 hi' lwin jl h11·ky lh.ll "I c-an't ral•r my hf-1\ltllt at U1r t'IAnr hatln't I'IHIIt hl Orf "1'11'11 all. l~ 'JeU ""ultl •llt1f' •nmt•llllnf ht' rro~hrd And hi' sa1d uclcor mr '" r .a•n lhr a rJdll " .. polta all rnem~rs oC t)l(' Nazi par1y and of the-ss nne!, AI lui. '" • "'rl "' nn.ll surrr hi' I thf' llt''<l lll'f' no~n .. • •. , h(' 011'1 'tolllt"d _....___ ho have p1 .~ 1 d' r1 in tht-NnUbn:tl &).. c<am!' rl•·•r c-t thl' riM I' Tl>r• thr frt·'h a~r .. VUIIIC"I~ W a.r.:u a ('ll mg pn ' l l'lll"h-11 t•>~l'k""l dl Wllh h1m ''" Whrn thr) n"nlh l~ld ht~· lt n f;or I da1l8t regiane." hr"'rt' ~nrl ktlt•o•• •tntl!~'u•IC ll• bul,l j '" l'nl<' 11\r rotn' u I '•tt•r •• d •''·' cl 1• OUef obstacle In caJTying out thC' difficult p roj:!rnm will IIIJ b-•1·k niT I hi' P ••und \\'II n•uh1 r ncd hi~ lt'h '"II • ••u uhl '"" tht be ........ h··-..1--&s. ol .... ___ nds or r tl I • C'of'nna n.<; •H that he "''a5 aterttnc htmJI'If trndona rrl•• anrl hb fA rt~l rrl •r l,., v-= UIIUJ"'--B UIUUlNL ana ca YOtUlg . ncorrt"IT aublldt'. end hf' t il' I' II lonr h&U· Wbo know no other values than thOtSl' pumped Into thetr ·•Quirk I Slldr that hllrr under aroan. half~ ch or rrlt"f IIIIDdl duJ'Ini all their Jlva, by their fanatical Fuhrer. lll.lm." the dN1or catlf'd ' And thet v.af tht> nn" • 1 .:lr sound . I 'lbe Pll••t u ltt. ·'MJ God. lbat of normal human "r11knns u'tl'rM ~from priloner olv.v camps ln the Uruted St<~t<'S etr• 'nlet r~ah air '" ThrM tim•• 111 bJ tbet man at 1~at cour:~at' . .... .., lhow that thele young Nazis are unregtonerath·e un- ... tMidnd of treetment they n!CII!tve here u a matter oC hu· -dlcMLy, and theft Ia ooncem ln ~ qua..r1ers that the core of a ~·Nazi mowment that may launch n thlrd -..........S to Germany it Ia ..-Able they may ltlll furnish world ountUct. -cb uialtubacr1puon. ~ '/I -----------------· r t n ........... .,.~ '•t•ll•~ ... , .. ""'"'.,,. I 0.. .. ~~·n IV..,, ....... f\ I ' t.• ' 0 ,... ...-4 ''" -..pi• «»>I• ~~ 1'11• ' • • t ' , t I Chr1t Uan @!t'l~ Mool\.M ID<~~•d.rr • l t S I ....... ,...., ....... 11 .. _ ..... ,. I,............................... I L ADDaKU •• _.... .. . . • •! ------------- MODERN MARINE SERVICE -SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND One More Ste·p * There ore more communiatl now in rile Unit.d States than were In Ruula ol the time of the Revolution. * Red Radicals have steadily penetrated into piOCJM of power in the United. States. * They have pushed onlo controlling offices of many labor unit_:;, notably the C.I.O. •. Thei• ftropcltfanda hoa perm-ted into radio and movies to befuddle and confuse the natural loyalties of Americattt to America• principlft of freedom. * Th•y ~Mil .. prevent foreign-born in the dty manet from acquiring true Americanism. * * * , In New Yorlt State in 1940, this Radical group CICIIt 417,000 vote• far its candidate, Franklin D. Roos• velt. Roosevelt'• plurality was only 224,000. They oave him New Yortc'a el.norol ..,..._ Now, Sidney Hillman, a Ruuian born Radical 20 years old before coming to Am.,lco, hat ~ the oldatanding polltkol bou. During the Democratic Convention, the Vl~ ,,.... ldenl of the Notion, cabinet members and .. no- tors cetM .. Sidney HI""""' ta consult his wlaN&. * ·ca.or ewryth .... tilreueh sw..,,· waa the order ol the Conv .. tion • * Corrvpt mochhte bo-. of the big cltift are joined with Hillman in hit 'drive far eupreme power. * * Will Hillman's Red minority become the cloml,._;.. power in American affa irs? Will farmera and ~usinets men as well as labor be forced to talte orders from his alien rotted groups during the ne•t four years or longer? There is only one more stl!p-No,.ember 7 The honest, independen'fDemocrats ore left with- out a partyl Yet their ballots w1ll decide the deep- "' iasue of the campaign , .. that It . . • America MUST BE Governed by AMERICANS! Orange County Farmers Against the New Deal ...,., J. lOCKITT, C. M. McCUlLOCH, ... I. W. IAilNIS ... ' \ ... -..,. .. --... ·'-- II , ... ,, . " N'EW'PO&T-aALBOA NKWB·TIMD. N ........... <'e.llte ...... ~. Ot!t.Mr 1, ltu ..... ...._ ~------~----~---------------------------------------------------~~----~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~l laliOiallews,.per Week Stat-•1 ~"A::"=:..-:-Nft Dancl• ng· By lresi~e1t Fnnklin D.loosevelt ~.~_.,ln·1~r-·~:::·:~: .. :::7~ ... ,,.. .. ~7.9fl9tl:!l IUX1i:11 ~ Gf-Mrnl Fund · ""Th.-AniO"rto"An p rrea hu mr l -------------IJonhlol \\ ""'11:111, lknl '"' l 'ltw:k No> llnol (i,'r".:•• "' ~··rot 17 l!H.OO I'"' tnt ol( uur ~llll'll natlnMI Corona del Mar New• So. C'o'olut c... R.c-nt ''" lh'ks 3. 4. r. rrl,.lll with ('"(lUrn.;f'. lo)'1llty llnd ant1.l'o•tllr·,11 "''" t•1111,..,.1) :19M.?:\ EvePV Saturday lntr·l.!rtty ·· •I,. r 111 r ... 1 Pn-•.trnt 1 By S.·salto Ut>nf'dld 1 <?'~~~ l ~)Jitt• Jt,.111 fur t 'olnc-1.,.1,. M"''' :;:, !10 • I Franklin D . n. .. -v.•ll In II Nl\-• fhnk I. l!uwhrul t"ll) l'lt•l k ~II II .-1111111 n ... od on tluntt l :-.Jrw•roar•.-r W 1•r k 1111\lt'ml'nt C'o•rr••ral M ol a.t r• [)amon S kin• l.nt 1. I Il k !\.1 I l,·o·hn ~·rllnt !'5ft:l to 111,•mto1·r11 ,1r l ho• =--~w"l'"~r nl'r. :.!ltl on•h1ll 8 Yl'nur. 1tl't' v11niDI '''' I IUk 11 s.~· 4 1~7 tiO In Costa Mesa Legion Hall h•r molh•r, ura. Mr"--ty . Loe 1••l l•i 1111. I "·'""~' "1'1 1!)4 "i'tl R!'~" ·rnt ll•n rnKilfiJ.:o•rs lit' a11ya · ~ ~ ., '-.. 1 1 "T he f ree Jll'f'NI u ( Amo•rkll le AIIJ.:o•l<•~t :~nol (lit•n11t< tlur ln& Ilia 1"''1' 1• 17 1:>1· lllk :.'~1 1•1 Adtl Npl lt._-r~ ltl.">!'c• 18th Street -Just West of Greener's Store &LEI DELLA'S OiiCHESTiiA Gives You "Just Good Dance Music" and a Full Evening of Fun f .1 11 •1 two w .. •k.a Mrs.. J•l I 1111-. II• l'l11nl Aololllholl ti M:\ " lt\"rn~t ~·n•l••l u( •••·mtw'r:ll·y. Rn!l 111 ""it, ' ' · ;C.,, \ .1111lo•1 hilt It• n l ''" llood; .(: 1 ;,,. 11• S•"!'' l:t 1!1:.! Ill) ""'1111ch, It '" In lh•• fnre(r,ont nr Rklnnrr11 1111111'1 llt•n•lhy Mr('artY·IU ~ 'lr,rlo•._:h So'""'" lto•nt ,.11 l'lo'l•k Nv ,I 4!'141 1"1 •lemc"'rai'Y"• lmtllto fur 11\lrvlvltl. lllnitto with ttw Mush' Mllldl! O'l tba Bull '-I. ,,., lkllt ·•n \\ 'II••• \\"ltl.'"" Hll") II Ia lwlpln~t tn win that bnlllo• Uln~t Cro•by h••llr. and Ia alao all C'llltf \I "lilt' l'.td<~n~o; I·.. lt•·tkllr s, . .,.,.,. !\lain ~(ttl 11n11 will h.-111 In win lhe Pf'IU't 1\nd o•xco•ll .. nl nnlRI<"III" pho~tn~ruplwr. S:o· l'a.llf T,•l,• Col l'ny Stnt hll\ un 1•11·r :.'4 :\41 a l~lt•·r lln!l frt'tr W(\rlll 111 11 Sgt. J A<"k I'OWt'n lrrt rrcenUy '""" I """I lk nt "" l'•••t· l"o•n,-.•-.,lun IOtii"O r I IC fur ,,.nop .;rult •• llklu . Alt<•r SIIR "'·' '"·' ·'" ''·'"" H••lll •'II l\11\ Fruntlt~o;o· 1 2~ ..... I u Urt' I . ' bill I. l'olt.••"'" :-....... Supl s ...... r·.·nnn•""l" l!'ltU ""1'ho• pr•'l'l' " A n~<•rlrR hils up-,.,wnoiiiiJ.: h1~ furl .. u.:h Wllol A. M ,, ''''"· 111111, 111,1;, '"' · • ht·lol Ul(' hiUl,t otf I hr lltl.li•'T" at p8rt•nta, !II r llnll Mrs W -FraDlll 1\oul.hll.: 1'•'111111, I the rrnnl 111.1 tht v.·11r1<1'r "" thl' """''·rs 1i11l Mur·~u•·llt<' avrn ua, 1'1111111,11~; 1•,.11111 " prf'dur tiOII hnr Uy Jlr'IIVIdlng lhl' I !o"riUlk I'IIWO'rll 'lt.Olf' lhoiiW lo'r .. day t;r.,, ...... , 1'•'11\llh J>f'IIJIIo• Wllh htln('llt lli'WII. II h88 ll.rt .. r hlll flvt' da\" Mi lt)' Ill 1o1a1 · 1_1·"'' IIIII; f'o'llllll' .. nhghttnC'ol lh;> romds nf lht• pt>u p!t' staff Art:r. "b• .,. '"" ht~ol o·harr• 1 1 1"",'""">1 1~···1111111> II ~luhd•• I "1111 u( tho• tiSO. •"II "\ 1 <"lllll h 8nll 1>l r••ngUh'nl'•l thl'lr V. Ill It hRI 1'1 1'" l 'lllllll• 1 ,'y 1-J ,, II h",ll J.:\.olll' loyally llha rt'<l Ill Uw M<'llfti'c'.t lm-"hu·h ltu" II,. ht•tulqu~trh•J" at :'.•1· "' 1'1 '"""'1.: ''I dlll.llll'o'' 1 .. ,,.,.,! hy l hf' "' 1u lu rutlo•n t'~n -Indio Tbr M!llnlt• l 1ntt Luk""' thc• J-:11.:11,., 1 ~ 1 ,11 11.,, s ,,1,. ,,1 ( .11 , Mut"' 74 1111 ~ltllll) 49:\.' :! I 1111 II ttl llllll<'riBIII II hl\8 J:HHIIv 11011 l :-;o d ull ,,, hoi)!' Ill I II II I Ill r d R n ll··l~;t-.u .... Ill '-""''"''' '""' """ I Jt''ll'<'" DANCING ADMISSION \Ill IIIII trlly ~tlmh•tl h~ " ••~I•· "' • Rl" I~ 111•" • lllh l ll.k<'" nl<tVIIll I Jo'rhnk I It"" 11111 1 t "II\ ( "It·• k q1111 l"ltu m l , .. 11114,rshtp p icture. and .uppllr1 111 lht'm. I h•·•l ••n 1 ... 1 I~• 1111-. ~·. s .. · ".!. II.• II"'" 1,1 From 9 P.M. :50e piWI lOc Tax ·Tho· Anw riCRn I'"""" m•·• th:• . 1 '""I :o.r>~ •· T Fo•l~o•m. 318 U A J o•n··· 1'••1••··::'""~·· F111o·' ~"••llo'<"lo'<l 4.~) li Ill ~·till ~~~~~ :.! It\ :'If ... ()I) 1:!:\ ~~ :n:,w ~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ I• ~I "( 11U r J:rC'.•Io••t nntlunul ,.,, .. , Marigold avt-nue, wtnl lo Loa An• Jl !1t. llool~;l-.11""" I"' l ulh'C."IIII I Tl I a bl ed ·''' • uul ''"''"""'"'' H••olo·llltllhlll~ "1111 t·uurag<', l .. ynlty 1111'1 •nt··~-~·· f"~ IUr.!!l ay "" cum n 1!•1 , ,\. 1 F'ldl l".ud 1''"'"lll•"n" :\,:\11 II' 710( :\:1 :H:! ~1:J 74!1 4~1 x .. •f1JL.Oflui-aJUurt4,J, 3£,pp" ~ OYtJJu., ~lfl • F nl'1 L.'lnl }ftWI•rr • l7 Storn to s.,..,. Y M N. w. Cor. 4• & Sycamore SANTA ANA VISIOIIS mAU ~~~11~ ON CRIDITI &MONTHS ~o01N~~~ NO llfiAI CAlL IN AND MAYI YOUI IY!S !XAMINEDI •Y ovr Brolcen lens DUPUCA TED I Prompt Servicel •Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GlASSES With Yaul •Gianea Made to Yovr OWN Preacrfptlonl tYow Credit Ia GOODI Open an A~atl ,..,.,...,. v-Mo.J,...... '•u '• Ia,.._., .._ 1ty ...,... • orr~ fill ,_, .,.,., .......... vw. .. VItal DB. HORACE EADEH OPTOMETRIST rlt~·. and l•l I hi' nwmb<-r~t ••f "" hustn•M IUlll Jll<·t .. ur~ trip T h t)' f', L lt111ool1oul t •,,, 1\_, ... ,, l"llull1,.·h··•l I'•"""'""' Ttt\•'l' ~"···~t•UJI('r AM<IK 111111111 ll":lll:trit!-o. \lllllt··l rr.t•fldll ...... '"'" lhl' ICC"I Th"'"·'-' J ("tllllll"l '. S.•pt Ho•nl "" l lolll'l" Iii l "llllll' lol'\ll< lUI reprC!!f•nllltl\'c.'" u( lh11t 1"•'81!, I 1 F'ullh.'l . Suulh (\ .. •I , . ., lt••111 on 1·111111' l~I'\Min•t' nnd huppy t .. s.:nJ J{rl'<'llll!:-."" I M r" Atlll ll l'o•tt \)••hn 111111 hl'f l >o.tllllho•ll \\'il'""· l.•h1111"1;111 H:•nt• lit 1-"111:.., lur S.•l'l I!\ Il l 7111111111 1:\H •Ill .... , .. ----t•om >11111Qn 1 ;;•I Itt• tt .. ll8t'. HilMI Pa·l 0 A Jon··'· l 'ulu-.• .lull~.;•·. T1 .11llt' ~,,.,., I · , Sal•• of l'li~ l't·nt•·•·ly 111 So•tltt'llllk·r 1 .~·7!"'141 1 :"lll.4:..'tll>l t;.~l7 I 4~1 Mesa Women to 1"111(" dri\"1' lr fl ~ntu n ay rnr lht-lrl lJ ~ Tr.-... ury Yll"llll) IMifllb home tn ("<>linn M ,.ll, l'l'lly1ohn It L l 'o~llt-1-,.,Kl. Wuh•r Su111 J< .. •vo•nuo• W11l••r l)t·l•l Have Home Nurse rl't'rh't'd wonl ••f lh•• olt•JOih •H ht r hrothrr In F'runo 111111 I'XIM"I"ll'\.1 tu "1\ITAL Coo ' GJ• alltnd hl11 funeral D lSJil'lt..'-'E!IH:r--TS: rse ven Mr nnd Mra N N . W lllllln . 1218 CUrrt"fll ~:"1"""''" 1-'Untl Park Fuml Thr m ltllll" of 0<-tobf'r will t.-1 Day Vi,.w olrivt'. n rt• ··n thl'•r va· t ile 11nt.-.,1 tht tmtilll ml'f'tlng or ratlttn f•n•t 111 !'>ru1 \"111dro riUlcb. 8 Hl'.t l 'rns• Htlmc Nun•ln~t courat>l t he-n Sanln Harbar&. 11nd thrn In to hi' hrld In t ht H time Nun~lng Lht' nnrU1 Dunng lhl'lr nh11rOCf' ht-llllqu~rttrll. IBIB•,. N,. w p 0 r 1 Mrs. \\"llann"s brothPr 110 WfH•n.tlnl boulrvarll :wrnrdlng to Mn-. Otlll l hl11 VIII &linn 1•1 lh••lr '"'" r A yo•ar- 1 WC"a th,.rwluc . rh.a.Jrman of lhat l ly arrnngl'ml'nl l}rnn. It Mr nnll ~11 " AlfrNJ l"hultz. 318 \\'lll••r !ll tttnt•·rutnf· .. Ltbrnrv F'11n11 Atlvt•n l»~n.: ~\llld SPN'ml ~'""' Pn.11••rt) ~'lmtl M 1.1 l ;\o 7 1\uml lt•'•lt-ruplhHI ~''"'' Gt•rwrnl I "'ty I lund lt.·oh·mptlun ~'\Jntl Tvthl ~'1n11J. JM'r (,••rk Ouhlhllohn~o; \Vnn'>mt.,. \ 520.9!'14 n 6."\4 9'J 4.~16 71:\ :l.K MKJ U".l J-r.') 1!) 7 1:l ltl 2.24000 19.~00 .. :l."W 4·1 11 s:rr..t4~•7 n IU .I!) ~ :1• ,. I hi• "" 11 llpl:'n•lld IIPIIIIr -P nlnlll'ttla a vPnur lt'fl Mumlny to 11.n 1y ftJr lhl' hum,•-fronlt'ra t o '"'"' hi" r"'.""'"· Mr anol Mra. H. h ·•• n h•,w to carry out thetr rr-\\' Shult7. F:t.J.-n1~11. Inti for two1 spo n,.tbllttu:•• mort" otlf·quately ant.! "'rc-k" "1'1)1,11 t '\Jmh t••r Th·a.•un·•· :17:!.467 :'17 lt.c·r.~fully aubrmtttod, J . A ~AN'r, ·rn-.. un•r rt>htH· t hl' l!hnrtax~ .,f nur&•·•. 11 R !'>~o:t G N .. -..t•tn ,,nx .rr llnd 111 hopcotJ lhlll lhOIM' lnterl'ated will "'"'"' nro• \"llfllln~ 11110 t•llr:•nl.ll Mr. I t oqll11 t Mrs. w~atht'rwar lnun~-and Mra No•wtun c·. x l'r.. Blu• latrly. phunt 1'\~wport ~At'h l i~B-1 H aven. L.111 ki!Jlllr Avl'nur. for a 1 H. rlnd 8late tht>lr pn'fr rcncc lUI t o f••w •lay<~ "' litH furlough. Sgt. a n 11fh m oHon or even In~ dUF.s Ct.IX II! Ill • hat ~.:•· "" " t t•hl'l' at t-"t. I :--------------• Mac Arthur Night Commercial Cla~ses Monday and Wednesday Eddie's BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicious! Moore• • Confectionery 2100 Ocean Front Phone 73 ' F'ust Ll t :·~h·•" k 1"11x un•l "'lfe nr. .~r><•n•••ng , •. ., • "' l11• 1 hlrly- <luv lurl"lll!h at lh•• h••r•e "' hiA ~~\c·n•n~:: •• h n o l '"mm••n ·hu motlwr. ~I nt F'rrtn<'l'H I "llx IUliJ h~ I brvthr r, M ot II)!!~ l"ndlic dr ive. cl .... \11 In IYI''"" ~~" kk•·•"l""l!. ,.,... L.t (-h 1 11 ... lhtorthl\nol nrl' n••W ~''"'!-: h· 1.1 no ox Rll Rl'l'n Mrv rr on a UJe . mlljor rro"'" ftlr lwfl t'llrtl. 1:1"ntllt\'t~ ll.nd \\ ''''"'''"'"'' ••v••ntn~" l ind 'I I ly 1 • M acrortllnlt In "nn~>~lnl'tnwnt" tr"'" •·r tP 1111p~rv • on o, n . Jl.fulllgan lhf' Rt•d Croat work cSont l th,. hl~th .ch .. nl 1:1 r. Th~omp•m. h ere 111 ,.11r~lent &rid althoup h~ad of the rummen'lt\.1 dtpart- 1 , .. __ 1 g ~.. tt 1 ml'nt at tht lo..-111 hiJth IM"hot•l 110 ... u ~ 11 a ,R ..... 11 cnc ance more w 01 k•r . ... 1 t th lnlltn.trt~r An•l hf' 11tlllr" I hfll It Ill 1 -• • or!' n•·•··,r( or <' oon- Automobllll Topa Recovered I nnt l'<JriVI'r1 1hlc•J I Wind<Jtk>h1 St>rvh"r BAUIOA MCrJ'OKM PAUL NORMAN YACHT .AIL MAME"· talle. Awftlft... 8eat C.vt" :l24"' %hot 1ft_ N•wpurt O..Cb ~hofte 2(17 _... l'fewpor1 Beac h lltAnt •_lrm_an"~-_ _ not 1•1<1 lair I•• lo("l r• ~ttNfi.H••I In f'llhrr.th•· lo;<:l lln••• t.;'""l' "r lhr twuah ''~' , ... ,,,,.,. , .. , "'"~ru•• ~., ,., .. I IP-.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil .... ll .... Mesa Red Cross Hears County Officer Speak l1t'n!JI T lw ' In"" '" h• lol Ill Ul•' WHAT-NOT SHOP Fumlture ~nfll..aaecl a Re- s,tred. Pkture Framtnr. Patio and t lntlfllaiMld Funal· l ure S uppllf'd. W I n d o •· PanH ln~talled. ~1••nt bf\ fflt•f•( IHJ.,: ttf 1 fl, I •,,lllt h ~•· lit• I:• d t "r•j .. ,. ht~Htt:ttt ~tr~t J..:u1ra \\art•·•• r• prt':(f11\t tnc th•· !'uut h••r u • "tr~t rt~·· • • 1tUtt \ tu nu• h c ·,·n•n••tf,.,. r•·l-•rt tt \o\'t•r•· rf•:all "ntJ ~~~~ II H ~~~~lurtrv 1•~111 itrU· •'u• ,,,.,. • h 1lnnan, ,,.,,.,rt ..... l 1hH.f t•Hnrn•·r• aul ,, ... u, (ruru 7 ,,. •• \\'fu •b•h"f' un•t Ul• t '' I ,.h••p r i""'-'W" IUt IJ 1'4 ftlla.,: nfl 'JUt ,.Ill\' "ntl T"ur •In\ • \'t·rHHJ.;~ f•••u •• :\11 lu fl :10 1n Ill• ~lt··t• l •rrl•trrr,.: \lr \\"nrdt·u olfll1t1tifl• ··~ 111111 ,.,,.,,. '" air • n•IV u .:••wt '''' d ~·t .. up n·..:•" 1•ft•.f Ut fill'" olt lh tf \ but lhal Utl'n• 111 ~tllll ,,,.,n, f .. r ""'" All l\~pt111f ••t \\ •td \' "'k"'h ,., lt\'11··" "fp f ll h• U Ul• fit \\ t • tt•tf rUif l~tll nvt•rhuultHJ~ ''fin ,""'!. tH1tf "" IIi tWill)! _:) :>11¥1t'Lt ;)Itt'~ To N£1./EVE Th at Dull. Ache A II Over Fcclrn q o t o COLD FLOWEI SlOP FLOWERS FOR EVl:RY OCCAS ION NORMAN'S •• ...... ..... - 1!01 C-aul IIIKft"·ay-Coruna d4ol Mar We> T t'l('l-:nl(lh Flnwc-rs l'liU1te aM IIIUppi!H for YMr U..... NURSERY Say a Merry Christmu to Dad wllh Your Portrait Dna't J».a.y-llave \'oar Phot.ocn.Db ,...._ NOW. They Mut Be HMdy for Melllal Ly OdobN lMia .. --SPECIAl:-----ON Professional s1.00 Portrait, Only NO API'OINTNF.NT NU'I'ASAAY 107 NUICTII MAIN -NY.XT TO WHOA MANTA ANA, f 'ALIF. 'ttu41o llnora rrnm II L "'· lft II p .... f).,ly .... w. Cor. 4111 & Sycamore SANTA ANA O"ICII CONVINIINflY lOCAfiD OM TMI .AIM PlOOI What's Your Odd Job? S01 Palm Aftfi!MI B&lboa ~"' j.!l• rd dr<>IOI'Itlf.:ll h11d tK•rn r .. t.r •. ,, durlrtf: ""' m••nllr , t S··I•- Lrmb:·r l'hY"'' ttl ,.,,.,, ,,t,lfh • Ito .. ,., ,,. •. ,~t rv,..ry ,.,,. fun~o: ln '''' J'',ttl tr-"'" ·~ :u) ttt t• ·~.. ""'k~·•l·i•ll 1«t th•· Ollln "I'"' I f.,! T tt• Hol"l\ Ill~ hi" A l•rwn hn,.k••\llnll ''"''' v.oll '''''"' 1 t.l\lly ht• '"r1110 •I (l'•llt ''"' I''""''"''! loll(hl <"111M llltol 1111 Yflllllj! !I"' II nf I till" r•101011111 11 \ t n t '' r • ~ t ,. •I 111 I•Mk!'tbnJI-ILrt· lrq;•·•l Ito 1 "")r ''"' On Thur•llr•~· •·v• n1.11:" v••llytlllll '"I playr(l by 1 hi' ''"'""''"" m• n ••I 1 h• Ilk a-Seltzer I -. I C .ETIOD ~------------~ ---------------------------------------- TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Presents AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NI<~HT ONLY. OCEOBER 7 In 11 lc·tlr·r r••• ''1\'••d hv M111 H H Mo M tll lr;v. M111 l "ar;olyn Mllr : M11llo-11. 11111 1.:11 "' •lrl·ll•l"l!, 11 ""' 1111 r .. r Lite SI)Ut ht•m Orangr County r hnplcr. r<'l~<•rl•·•l IIH<l '""' urut 111 up •n 1111• IJrw ko t .. r .. rr ll•·n• v In II>•· Pru lflf• R r••JO Sh•• "' ..,.;11•••1. huw<'vl'r, that th"r" 110 u \"llnl nrt•t1 11r • nn ll/111•·•1 rff••rt 1111 ILIIt•r the (;•'r llliUl llnol JapiUlr~f' !tltUIIIIIIOII l<r(' tnkrn 1 or" of lh:•r,. will atlll t.. l hf' rt>lummg t"IIJOI.IIlllll'll whkh Will 1.1"1"11 altPIIll<•n Vll"llllly Thill lA "" I II h ........... ' l~tr thl" l(n.op roml tw~lv,. It• rtt-1 l~f'n mt-n llrl' ~1 111 r••Jl'•I IIIIR 1"1{11· l11rly. hut th•·r•' 111 t•lcnl\ .. r r!)lor!l f~or nt'W m l'ntlll'lll BACK THE I lln ll11ontlav and \\'toln~~olttv ,.,P A 'IT ACK 1110(8, cr.e!lou Hl o .. nnl h:ol1111rntc.n 110 -------'played M r !II III•• nll•l M1"" Slr•r nan ar.-lt1•• tntott ru•l• ,, lh••hutrt I l'··n will t10• t11u~·t.l '" "'' '"'1-:'""' r • '"'" th.-rf' II' '''"1•1•· • '''•II"' ''''"" f•11 Kidneys Must Work Well-.. .__.,.., ,..,._., -·-........... ,s.. ·14-... ... ,. _,_ ,,... u. w-... 11·--··-·-., .... u.. ~~·/:,,~:!.. -::::~~4 '::h:·.::; =~~~':, 'l':IL..,;'':~~t. ':h~ ~~ be bell• ••d•,..,.odlftl ef ·-• the ... ,, . .., ........ "'' ..... -~ ._. ... .,.. .... .. l••,.tl• pr • •t1.r. lh•rnlnr . lt"•h\.r or too r,... •• , .,...,.._ tina eom"''rnH ••''" th•t e.r.m•thlee S. •tc.ne. Yo., ~r~•.r '"""' ••rrl•l •f'k· et't11, ~t~•tl•~"h ... dtr,,.n.._, rh•uMeUe peln•. t:""•"l up at,. eht•. ••••lhtl. V.'t f •nt try /'tHHfl /'tllt l Y ..... M Ut ''I a ,._,. l·• •ne r•f'()mm.,.tl...t tM ~':an';/~;;' .,t~:;: ~~~:;v~:; \h.:.!:•: ftw.h •"t poltono-..e •eat• free tbe bl-. Th.,. ..,..la lw a olhl .. llorMiol.. IJot O..•"t Li>clo1. U• WIL. _..._ AI Ill ............ . I I),. at1vKnf •·•I sdu \ "'')Ill Suvl~:ut;,.n ,,._ t .. u ~a: ,,,,, ,, ,, ., .. ~hntii\VIf :tlld \\"h·• II\• 1 ·. \lr llul1<•rl l,,,ld• 1 Ttot 1 • J 1111 •• 1\ tl tJ~t•t: ........ • .• ,, • ""' ,,, I I I \ H "•I t bt• 1'1•1, I' I t ,. 'I h I I t" ~r .. Uf 11 If,, I I • I ,, I ' lOti •. .,, ·•tt• I I " I ' 1'1 I tl I I I 1 · • 4u:""' t ''' ' t: . ,, 1 • • 1 ,, , j ·'' I' I !t :~" \II I II'..... ~ ,, , I f , i • I, I I i ·~ f I '~~"~•1' I I I ·ht II 'I '"" • HI'"'''"" "' . I ' H • t i• f HI I' Y ff'&.:111• f tl I' 1 , I I j l t1 hd\'1trl1il,"t . '' ;· , ""'•'' t._J ' 11 ly .... jJ IJ,, I 1f1t 'I I I I t ,UHI , • I •''. I • 'I ''" t l·l 1 •·t• I • lol '. ' 1 .. ,.,_nt ••u l If I• 'I'J• ,_., I BUY W A R BONOS Rubber Lined Winch Head AJ• ,.hermu'a Frt.-lld ... _ .. , ... ". ·~· ...... ., ..... ... ...................... .,...,. ,. ...... •peni ..... .. a..ut.a .............. ...... ......... ,.. A -Alka-S.llHr, et.art t.akinc It at once lo rell,.•e t he I lull, Arhln~r JJead, a nd the fltllf, Bore 11._.1 ... I -ne careful, a'l'old clrafta ancl audde" chan.-'" t..m~,... l ure. R•t -prefr raLI)' I" bed. x .. , warm, Ml eenal- bly, drink plentJ of water or f tu•L JukM . R4l eun lo •c:t enouch Vita•inJO. C -f'omfort J9V Ron, Raap)' Thr.t, It eau....t bJ the c-oltl, bJ prcli"-wilh Alka-&olt.- &l'r. Jr fn.r ....,.,.lope, or a ymplofld ~•rome .,.,,.. a•-ul,. .-.11 )'our dorl.or. AT.KA :·I•I.Tll.t:lt •• a J•aln rtt-fi,, •ns.:, JOII olft.ln iC lalolrt. )11.-.•••lll t•• l;.k·• and utluaua lly •lf,.ctiY" 111 ad i••n. T rok•· it f•lr Jl~atfarh•. Mnw alar r• • ., .... antf ft•r ltultnr ••• ,,,. .. un :<t .. mft• h. "',,,.n t .. .,. .. ..._, a~.v "'"'''"• ., .. ,, h• h .,-hJ. At Y""'" •Inti" ~, .. ,,.. T.nrv'l f."' ~"'"i , .. ,,. ~, ··" I I ' q•.-;&Uf. \ II • ' I ,t I t t I ' ,,. '1' HORSE RACING Quarter Hone Match I•• HAM COTTOI IIICI (ODe MUe 8outll ol8u Clemeete) TEN EVENTS SUIDIY, OCTOBER 15 ud every two weeu ~r lacing Starts ~I 1:00 P.M. Admh,'ll•m (lnf"ludlnK ta•) •• :!0 IYrvlf'f! f•f'n4rnnf'l Mk HcfrcHhmcntH Free Parking -- TWO SPORTFISHING CRUISERS I FOR CHARTER SWORUFISIIIN(; ANU TIUH.LJN(~ All E4u ippctl With Modern Tac kle P~,g~ ' ., LIDO TIIEAT&& ,.... lilt "'"' ... ~ .. a..IIIC .. , •• t :ll ......... '-.... t •tl :U o-u-~ frem t :IO T_,r .l • f'rl • Sat ~a~ 0. "obi"_, In M.,."· WINKLE coEa TO WA"" A._ "ITA"I ON PARADE" C•rtOOft . Newa IIHI • Mon · T uea -.tte [)ovla In "Mft. IKEFF'INOTON .. C."'""' · Neww WHMld'iy Only "uth Terry 1n MJAMBOREe·· Alao ""MCIItETI~OF SCO TL AND v A"o·· "lpulllft9 of An1mal1 .. lt,utj111 T"u ra.. Od. 12 MHOME IN INDIANA" '-'-'"t: ~~tory of Or. 111/aa.MII," '-n.. lmp~~t6eftt v .. ,... .... Ool"ll Mr War," "AnCI the Angela ........ •Marti 'TWal",' "Bath· !At hallty, .. "Or;agon leed." BALBOA THEATER ~at 7: ... •:Ill LMt 8howtac of • Double •• ,. •. haN Procn-8tatu at 8 :10 Thura · F rl . S;at John Way ne, ~nnla. O'Kul~ and Su1;an Hayward In "THE FICHTINC SE ABEE" March of Time Sun · Mon "UP IN MABEL'S ROOI,1'' "" 1 "THE CIRL IN THE CA!;C" P op ~ye . N~ Tuea ·W ed V;an Heflin ;and Ma.-.ha Hunt '" "THE KIO GLOVE KILLER" A lao 'RIDERS O F' THE DEADLINE' witt> Hopalonv C;aaaldy C;artoon -Community Srr1g Starting Thura., Oc;t. 12 "BUFFALO BILL" Coming: "What a W oman," "Lady In the Dark," ·•Choat C • t c. h er a,,'' "P in Up Girl." "White Cliffe of Dover," "Home 1" tndl•"a,'' "Mr. lite. fl"gton." N&WW a&LIIOA ~ N..,..... ...... ~ ..,.,.._,, 0eW1er I, liM I . r.r ~========~ Lt. Harvey Durkee Harbor Realtors Safeway ·Sfarts Letters To The News-Times Automobile 1 Wins Transfer to To Attend Meet Opera Program P A I N T I N G San Francisco Lt>w W~tllace. p re. dent or the Over the Radio I Till! CIVIC asTER ASD will come to the new Udo C('ntf'r,l Prompt Service lo-.csl rtalty board. and membera Till! IDLL·TOP 81Tt: providt.od somt> or our promoteMl BALBOA •oroRS Navy U trarvey Durkee •m an planning to at'*n•l the cau. lhuled u an unprecedented and an· not too bus)' ~n~idering plan!> 1·--------------...! to( Mra Ida Naylor and Mr fomh• Rul Y.atate AaJ'IOCialloll'a I>UIIIt&ndtng !!':fo rt to promote the 1)(-a r F:lillnr; fo r placin~: our city haJJ on an 1,.. ----'------------ l"llrkH. lrtt hf'rt-I&M Th11radav f QT war tunft'rf'nl·e prnjtTam Oct. •·l2 1tOJ"''rnf'nl uf gOt)<! mualc . a forty-R~>~an1ing tho' I'I'OI"~Inon of llflt' vim• tulltop Snn Fnl.n< 1 ... wher .. he Ia AAIII~t-al lhr Blltmnr .. hllt el, Loa An-pill:" ()po•ra Rroadt·aat Program of ou~ IOCIII ~l/ll('llmr.n, 'to !onltl' t Thl' c~t or thf" maps-askl'd for I ~Ill J'f'r•onn• I and df'tr.ll orr ..... r ..:•·11'14 I hM h4>1'n prl'p&red by Sateway the Ctty_ 11nll on l r\'lnl'. hrll-top by the Jrvme hilltop promoto'rS- 1 If•• r llmf' In from Mlal'l"l F1a. Thl~ Ill thf'tr thtrll war time con-!'ttol "" "hu ~trt' broadcaatlng thf' O\'erlnokln~t thr Rarn•t dllmp )llrd Hor !lOme dJfficulty is anticipated •1.1 llurkt' .. .,nt,.rl."d t ho• ...-rvlrt-In fo·r,.no·f' kncl l're .. ldc•nt f"'rank L I' Ill ro•nl I" an f'ranrlat·•J Opera Sea-on the COllet I ll~::hw;ry thi• J)l/ln 1n milking our CIIIZl'll~ unden;tand I 1!142 u " YOf'mRn an•l "'llll '"'"' 1 \o\'hll..turk annnun<"u lhat th-1 '"" Tlal11 Ufl"l'l\ bruadcll!lt pro-would J')l'rhnp• c•nabll' Mr. l rtVnr' the hent•fctl> uf t hr proposal l-a nd 14 • htwct 1"1\lllp at !'\an 1 111'~1• 1-''r• m "dl he no 1 I"~" th~tn 1~ 1trlcUy j:r.1111 111 now b!•1n:; dllftrlbut.,..l 10 dirlllll'l whn 'houlrl hn_v•• hl'n1•1 whlrh the city will probably pay I , h 1 t N ( 1 1 1 traneo• 1onr 111'1'1''~ tu our rtl\ 11 b t . 1 tllan th• I t ,,,.r•• ,. w.-n " o·w lr u..n~< huMin•·!'!! c ,,nfe~t•nrrs •luring the 1 (;f·•• to. rao 111 stl'nt-rll In ( "alifiJr-d . hi h ·11 may •• mue 1 grr:t t>r ' 1 "1111 then to Wa11hlrr~o:tnn. · Shcortly : f••ur day,. ol.-vutl'tl tfl J'Xlet-war n1u Waahlnb"tun, 0 r c go n and an ~lVP 01 11 l'II'Ons;:l'r 0 1 0 11 <"i"l or thl' work n'<llltt"t'd to rnAk<' l ho•rt•aft .. r ho• wu Mt•nl to ufftrrr"l maiiPr~<. lno·lradllllo( Tf't'onveraloll, Joholoo1 I the tntt.'l"f'~l . If not affN"tiOn of N<'"lJOrl H<'iJ;:hls m()l't' BC'l't·~slhl<' I lr:unln.: ,...hnul ut l'rlrwf'ton 1 h••m"' finanrlng, l•·;:.111latlun, tau.-l 'hrnnt-d ttll a c·nrrun unlt y 11e1-v1ce our rommune1~·. lh the N<•wport lla rbor areu. I Itt .. llblllty ot.n•l plc·R~<tn~: dr·-tlt•ll. hr"k "rltJ:•·. 1181••rrmllllllhlp, II• lhna•• muse<' I<IVrr~ unable t•r But 1.1Jkt• thr• Liclo "1'' ho·ltl'r, hope• I do not offend our c ity oC· "''''"'"r "'"on "d ,. •l n c· ,. cl hlln 111111• ·~··m•·nt or hu!<lno•ftH and ree~.l ufl•llll lhr• pt•r fl!rrunnn•" 1wraomul-thnu~,:h 11 will he> only to'mronory, f1crals. by ~u.:gesting this fnct. " k t 1 , h 1 1 for ,.,·,·ntunllv thl' r11~ (•JviC' rc•n· JOl-IN }I Cl)ROON ur r o• g rr-w n )'IIUJllo( rr•itnh•~<l'l 'o·nt »I en• •1m•· t•rnpc•rty, tnduatry,l h I c• ''''"' r·u,.l lt•ncs, spvnsnrl' 1 1,,1 wt'l b!· lnl'lll••ll h>tll wnv h··· 1 . ~ • Dr. A. S. Newton Optometrist Room SOl, Moore Blclc. 1%11 No. Br'OMwa, Sbta Aaa Pboae 5%1t Eyea Examined Glauel Fitted I'" ro· !>llol WAll l~tlf'r I'NIIIH'I'I••fl With h•cn ,. hlllltllng lloolll41nr,. farm !Jy l'•tft'WII~'. \\'Ill gfJ nn lht' lllr IJII IWI'o'n ro~lll M··~n llnfl NI'Wilflrt 700 Coa~l Jll):hway. t ho• • lly •·~~urt.a of J;•rt An..:•·lt•ll 111• ltulllli lnto·r·lrn~;otlnn, rrha blllta-'"''"k du~., ut 10 p.m aod • n Sun-(In !';c•"pnrt Roull'vnrli. Rut pk!C'· N('wport ---------------- 1 111 tho• tcme of U S l'lltry m lu tho· tlom "' o cti .. ,., r.-ally .. lur~ttlvn, eon-<lit~ II Ill 4 I' rn . ~ntJing SaturJ&y lnl! lho• City Civil' N'ntrr whrf'l• 11 wllr llltlutcc.nnl llmo·n•lmc-nts c•l'•'"'"l:· 0• tobC'r :!1< C'"uld 1>1' rP<'lc-h•>d only ~~~ llf•rnrr~- -_ _ T h• ~~· l>o·aullfully printed book · ''"" or a profll•rty ownl'r. un tht• I Popular Harbor Girl Grammar School 1'1 IIIII\' ,,.. obtalnt•tl, wrtlrout cn~t. '"'"" hilltnr. i• Ll wnrlh~ iriNt W I•' "' tl n~ tn I h~ local txm Lt-o•-Rut t hl' 4-A ,ill• m a kl'' this mh·l I eds in Santa Ana Hallowe'en Party ~111111·•1 8lati1JO or to P. 0 Hux lllkt•' It riiX·~ nn t prO\'IIlo• r·u~- -:117 • ~an Franchll"O 19. rnnll'n; tor .;Jnrr~. t...•fnn' lh••v 1 I In a Af'ftln.r C'l( llght•••l II'J"''" t•r•'<'l thl' Slllf'('S ft.l-o.trlt•nt• (~I ""'' hlllit" whltf' o·hrv,.••nth,.n.umll l I'IAn11 fur th•• fnrthrumln~r Hal-Bo h Co Wh• h trarfic mnkl' 11 .,hoppm~; ••••nl••r th .. WC"<<ollntt tlf-11 (.,,., ... , ,,, S llnl' '""'' ··n purl y ,,.,. lhe grammar n. am ., IC nnrl ltllildin~:s Ill'{' t•rN"INl bt•(";OII'I' I An• wa• \he «f'nr "' t hft wo•l· !II hoN>I c hololro•n 1111• maturlnr rap-H S p yt Fi of 11 tlc•mnnd <;o t''l!lhlc.,hrrl. Ami •lin~( n( lht' IOVI'Iy ~VI'n•ltol\'n tclh til ' "r<hnJ: ln ~IIH Wn Dodd. a e on rm, onl' pt•rn'lllnf•nt n'•orlo•nt I" \\l)rlh IJI'rryl Thnmpeon llllUJ.:ht•·r of prt•JOII•~··nt ,,, H· tan· "PhOIIOrin& In Boat Bust·ness In II lntdl'~mnn, half 11 dOl.('n sum · RADIO SERVICE Rome, Auto, Marine Ra41"-aep.lred Martoe EleetJieaa. Burt R. No.rton """ ... un _ 1111 Cout HlchwaJ NEWPORT BEACB \ l :O.f r An<:! Mra Jtarnl'l !'\ Thtompson I ••rj:,II117UIItln (nr lho· ltnnual k ltt. 1 mrr transrrnls. 30th •tro•~t and Start R~t Jllmf'~ putty ••f l"t·" p<orl II1Ht,.,,. I ---So "hy rio nol thr dty orf1rinl~ Murphv c~rroll ann ,·, Mr .. nd l"••mmiii•'<'IT'o·n 111 <h11rge &r(! 0 . Annnun('t>ntl"nt w:u mad!" today makf• NI'WJ')()rt lll'i~;hf q arn·~~ihll' ................. Mr!l .lam"" F.. '1~,.,..,,11 ur nlooom· R Rt-t-d. T .. nry H l'rwb.,y, Jac k l~nt l hl' Curt Bonh am Co .. of In 1hi~ Licln rPnlr r? For !'-:1'\\'Jl(lrt I ""''' . r.ttt I CCJI<', Hc)rart' 0. Eruugn, C Lewil c.lo·nrlnll". wh lc:-h ri'CeoUy purch&at'd llt>i~;ht' proprrty 1~ tho• finc·•t fl('r· COT-TlE'S • DUPUCAnNG MACHINE • VISIILI FILING SYSTEMS • ~MACHINE • FILING CAIINn OfFICI OfAIII or On,. n/ TltnNt OAK PINKH WOli\,M TOP DOVITAil DIAWfn FLAT TOP OFFICE DESK~ ..,._., .... ft.,• AL ft. 'UI .... Ia Yewr Typewritet ,.rfMmlrtg? II TIt rna n'• for a chK klll)- and com&Jlrte ,.,.. ., • m pI n 11 -to rnl\kl" It I ~~AI ., ol the "nr enol• 111111 rf'w on e1 • r ,. ~he has 184,999 sisters There are 1 R5,000 tdephone oper:'lton in the Bell System -the largest number in h istory. As telephone c:tlls h:t\'C inne:m·d, mo re people l.ave been added to I1Jndle them. Service generally is good but some Long Disunce l tnes h> wJr-busy centers get c rowded. Then the O;'Cr:ltor m.1y S:ly- "P lease limit your rail to 5 minutes.'' "'e appreciate the way you're going along with that sugge1tion. .., ·-.... ,., VIctory MriDI CIUflllll Ttl ~:"t.lll co•PUY IU ... .._ 11 ,_......_ 1MI ~ . Classified Ads brllll res111ts Th h . • n HRitZ anol Juhn !lol Allrn Ult' fii'Opf'rty n ( lht' Peyton Co .. on rrlllnt'nt ro •sidc•n("(' r roJlf'rt\ in the• •• uur Willi • p m "nturday Itt r t 1-11 h ill · · ' · ~c>pl !10 llncl 111 l hl' "l'l~""'''d ~1,~ "AONJURII' And prorw-r prlzt'!> 1'' "1111 K way. "' enter lhe c·ntlrl' Nf'wport Jlorhor nr·o·O'I hut m nt I• 1 11 . 1 h 1 "111 ,,.. doiiRI•·ol by lh<' Ro••~ b"''' "'"''""-"" nf 'nrr.n'rrr lal \'f'f!·'ls macc·eso;thk• rlurint.:: till' ruim· r oil' 1r • r rl'llc r ~r lmprt'll· -:r' J 1 1 1\11 kl I · Rl v .. ••ntr~HI~•· "" 01,, a rm ,., llt'r l C'lub," l.¥•111 81\ld, "lllld WI' wi.Ah 1•• ~ nno Y~•· It" nf nd. They ~ea.•mt. 11nd \'l'ry hare! trl l'l'lll'h 1111' • 111 1 1 lh •·vrrv Y• unr<to·r tn mnkr up and lnt• n•l !11 1 n nduct a I{CO<'ral bus1-~ n'qt or the yl'nr h<'CfiiN ' thl' tct)' l •h• rr "11 1 1 1 " f• orhl(llnlicTth ~~~.•Y"d pr••J;Itrl' foor ••ntrv c·ostumf'l will I n•e~ ••r r·c·r• orr. m11 in tenan.-e and lluthc•ril iM "rnn~IJI SJX'•r••" :o c•ct ,. •· Wt'l o n~e mllrr ,, ,..nglt • 1 · , . Ill' Jllolgo·ol hy C'IMM•'" '"''l Jirlue to hnu ""' nc·t tlrdlnl{ to> Chl\3 Peyton. bulldOtt•r nnd n rouplc· oof mo•n to ron~ r l'rtrrw ny wu fl"rlurnH•ol bv · Ill 11• ,.. r• (''-·' 11 '"''" , II>Yif. with u ·r11•1t for ,.lrl wl•n Will l~o• llfttllatecl with the I work a coup! .. o C dny, on thl' nv~·-,. ~,.v • •l""'j> Plllltnr c•f " . . 1 1 d ' h · 1 1-11 ,.1101 rt-hurr h h the Sea. 1111d •~·Y to( tht• c•nlut 1w hool." OIJ.:II Ili1A '"" nth' ea rn2 t o I I' .tlls;:ho•r ~:roun1 , Y , _ -.. l from thl' Cono;t llrt.:hwn)' Tlw brloh• "'""'a IIUII or po oWfh•r c d I M w · And In thl' nc>ttrlv '"~" lhl'll'"nd hlllr Wllh navy at'Cellllorll'll lln•l 1944 ' Oro na e ar JnS doiJnr budgl't ron~rrl('r"<l (oor rm· h··r oo•r; .. l!•· wu ,.,. whIt roac·-· TIDE TABLES Acclai m at Art Ex hibit prov ... mrnt'l ror thl' ('nmrnt.: , ...... I hllolll ~~~ .. w nll lltl••nt'rd by MIM c· .. 11.nn ol•·l ~1ar 1 llil't·ns hav .. fail to noll' a rlollnr for thl' 1m· lk-tty p,.n~lr llf Coeta M••a. whtll r•·;os"n I I•· rrr.uol ut ac·•·nmpllshefl pmvl'm l'nt of N r wpon lll'c;:ht-- • • "'II lolA k ,.111 with rhJilly J)lnk Hl(h Luw Hl~h Low nwml•·tl! ,,, l hl'ir c•onrmllnlty and thmJ~;h thi" locnlity h01 n rM·ortl hl~lllllf' and "rr"ll m~ttrhlnt.: hit! 1\nol OCTOBER th<'lr ll'••rk tltllpl.tVI>cl ' 8 1 the La· I 1111'1 told ot lw:t) int.: nvt•r ~l!lO nn() ·• ,-.,rtJenla coruce. ~-u I 16 il :!~ 12:40 1 ·02 · d · 1 h · runn Art r,,oJJery thll! month. Kay tn I :t'll'!l a n ro•\'o•tvrnt.: ,.~ .. I .ln l1t•10t man \\'JOlt l.Jun W JIAtn~ nt 4 0 :::.! !t.S 0.4 ~'I h ( h ,.. 1 C SlOOfiO d oiJo,.. in l'lf•no•frl' I !'o•n I '• ntnroiiiH> llntlr oof I h•• lor1olr " 7 'J. •s 7 :.13 1 :38 9 ;27 "1' 1' '1' 1 rno · 1 1• ••nJ..mws, 1h1111 j ,· rln not know nC R rlc.llsr· .. T . a t 1.~1· ·" •· ••·r han•'Ht< lat tf"!<t h( l•ri•l" 10 rno•lhl'r wclr<• n •h•rk 3 6 2 II S.O 0.1 1 h f • · worth of trnrlt• rfcminl: to m\ •lllr•' I kn• ru.tlt\' "' ,., • Je u r .-~!It that I' I 1'1.:.' """" •lro•JI" with bn>""" &rr o•,.. SIC /1 4 :48 9 0 1 3 :00 10;tJ 1 tl · from No•"J)()I'I lll'tl:hl '( .tilth• •0•111'1' 11n1J ho·r f'Orf!Aj.(t• \\R..~ to( till\' 3.1 31 4.7 O.f ~·~~n;;.,ll ,,:;• t~;IS!h.',,~.llftandrng at- 1 tradl" fmm thl'rf' I;(W'~ IH C"11•l.o ,·•llnw <'hf)'llllnthll'muma • o\1 !I f\ tr> II 02 4:32 12·01 T it,. lm •l\ d:untv h"n el!, In :'¥1rc:a Yf't It ~hould r om•·. '" Ctntv '' '•1li\'C'II ""'' lnt •mnto• 3 9 3 1 4.!1 0.6 rc·A't~ll· '"'""~ .. r M rll U ora S NI'WJ)()rt, anrl woulrt. 1'11m•· '" ="•'" · frt••nciA fttlo•nolo•tl thr t'"r••rrtiii\V nnll Tit )II j 113 12;19 !);~ 12·62 pnr1, tf l'uMI~ Jlf'I'I11111N I • • · :oncl . Ct'>ffey. or ruro)nro dPI :ll:or l'lltlt•r•· "'''' ••ollnt•·h ,.ftl'n\l,rol th•• """"~ 4.2 2.7 4.6 0 4 ~ "lll'lo•ldl un" Rhnrt h•tnc•Vm••"• \\ol II 7·37 6 :47 1 •0t !\1"1' \LoM ·"'" l ho• tonlo•r ~~~ D I • h ""' "'" ~~~~ ,.,".,. .. u 1 .... ~~···! 4 !1 4.a zl ;w~···'· 111 ''1'''l"l·l. "''""1' Annua D1ng y · Thrn nn I cot• ""ll.i nt t.~c· t.:roll• n· llhlo· u f Nf'"J"'>rl llarl•oor l'o ,,. '1,1 12 ~II:! I 32 7 :32 1•41 · R • 8 IICJ;h '""'"'I ,, tltt' l'la ... "' '43 47 0 4 41 -,_.,1111111! 1111' f'll lltro'll uf Kalhrrtn(' aces In ay .1 • • K • • un.l Hurt f'rll('tm abuut ~ lo· wu" tnn t f'rl\• t·mplny•·ot Rl t ho· c~ • ., Oayllcht o&Yinl! time) Th• s d ~Alii A A I 1 I v llll h \\\rt' h•'lllll Jna.ny BJ)fi'OV· IS un ay • • na nny A r ~ftllo' ""'' Licht nrrnru L m.; dulr "-'>,... p. a 1n'{ r n m men t • !loin . Knox'" I l "r"': IAtl'ly wurk!•tl f••r htr flclh•·t Tl•l•• a1• rlorM In ur<l~r ot occ:un-eiK'• "J\IIrliurs Awn,v'' ll hll\\11 stry t o nt•l! ---~.:1 l 'nrr••ll htur l~··.r In th•· 11( j.!JI III o h'IIIIJ RJCtl llurt l!roc·tor's ~Prnnfl In lho• ~l'rir•• n( 11nnll'il •.tiUH• ("orpfl fi•l tht··· \ •.• ,, ""'h ('" . R d. !.::: \.< n l li t I ••'-t~tf\\tCfl lhl .o\I<H: t•lol o,fool he r .. ,, l'c ... t· 11.11 !"' ort lr('Uit 3 10 ". "" ' Tro o•A '" ·• ~ ot ~1 \'lllt: 1'<'111· 1•'1' nit.: I\ I I I I r ·if'd h•• I,U.4 l!t .. ,.., Jtthc .... ' '····h t I' II )11u tt• .,., t1 I'·• t H• 1 .. ~ .... J\n L!• ' y H'h.' ,. ' I ,,. I " '·~ cllll\' , .. hl" ,,...... ·""" Ofl a )a lHa "'''"I~··· ll ll lolll \'<hi clot.,, I ' 'I ' , I 1.-'·I t '" !tf I I I .,, L, p I "'' h· ld tl ...:.JI "1\ 1 II ., ~., '""'.\II~ ···"'''11 1·1·•11 c ... ' I • ' '" kl• ,, .• lhr :-;t.ro rt rf•reman a mer Sl!lll II III lu• (!0111 tlo• olool ·"I ol • lh• r 11••11 ,. 111 1'1 I '• 11l r• 1 1 1 • •"l•u tl'•'• 11 1'1 I• .1~ t•l ()f'-T T• "'"" 1 1• '·'' '••· ,.,.,." .. tut•-'"'" ,,,,, •:.1 tt lt 1 .• , .... , ,, \'•n• .,,e\\'S-1mes !''''" ~t• • ._,., ··t '' • ,, .• J\lt.n,w•;t'l •l 'l'~,~ T •,.tl'f'N F th lt•Ul1 .. U1•l1\\pft1f1"14' .,,• ''( ;ood 1'\ight f..adit'R" I '" ol ol "I' I' •l1•1 ·•II • I 1.• '' t, 0\\" a a ff lu• Ill l h I\ I 1 ot B·l ·k to Jrlt ,, . t:" \'I•" • of•· '"'' • fi'C •• "I ---rn~o: 1 .. ,,. • •tt•lr ' 1 I . I • ' 1 • • ( I more I '"' It• ,.(•1 ....... :t'ool ''·'"''""'"r 1!1111•11 1 olll •r rtoo·ol~o•cc:o_l Pl j oo c< Ill r-h .. ,· ... r llu l o '.I. 1"111 1 I I I I lt :-.;I r t'lo\\• 'tllol I' \lc•nt .... ''"' , •• ,1 ··:P•••t N l t t I t •• n •! ··1 put• •'l·· I I !t• 4 I' ··llj .. u~ •• ""0 I I 4* , ••••• , ... ~ •m·· .. f.! I .. '1(lf'"' t1. lt t h Uthl .,.,,1 1 ,,,d ,,,l.trll'••l t On•• Utf tt t1H" t)l,"'h t"\ y••sl••nltt)" L;I'"UP' ·• I h " ,. ,. r • 1 " \\ tl ,. cl lou•lnr t<l! 1 1 1 11 h · · 1 :.orl 11 111 t'•r•, 1 "~ 1.," 11 ''"" 1111 1 ''" cl. !'t •·:oo.p.rn• • ol '" Lht• IIOOIIj:' ""' '"" I'Nll o'o Ill ,,. Wtl'kS ... nt l•f P rtlfuo l (oor '"" , •••• n ltlld rrth .tq;r····· ''I'm J>I<J•Il ""'~·." be But.lda·ng Permt·tco. '" " r.,.,.,.nr rn.:na::., .. r ,•·Hl At ~tu\ 1 1 1 ., L " ,1 ,1,. '"'"''II\ l '•••cl"l l• 1,1 .... ., In· '"" h:1r111 y 11 !'!a J.!ll '" rghrol 5 r t nnt I,..,. Hfl't"'fl,.. n r• turn •·n..:ac•'• 1 t '' ,. I• r r,oohoo "' •I oloo f II• o1 ,.,1,un. lbl<. 3 117. and \\ '"' hom Tll•'!loluy me r.l rtl t h,. llrlt rn•·r~ Thr.1t••r. [,..,,. •· ''"lo!''l•~ !ltotnllll\', flct 1'. ""''r<" rt Jll•·lll f•r tllr l'••lr\'ln:· c·,mcrr.\lld nl~ht :tl ~~ .I ~·ph:< IH•~ptlat ·· I 111 th t'th ,.-r 11 • c ·.,11111,, •• ,, l 'ttlrt~o•r "'"I"" tro· d 111 a rn••nlh l"or1lol nc :u·rn ''' 1· •··I 1'11 • ut 11h11rt " J•rli~J>f'rttus 8tt•y In •• ' ' n 1 ,: • w• 11-, ll4t t t t•\ hn,\' •s::tr~ \\ttl, nn ht k ,u tol ,,,.,,&< "'''' ••• lf t1•1 ~l trl•lr .l'lh . tltll' '" lltt• c•~tnflt('tlrP• Ull.\''' · 11 " II u•nrrl ,. 1'-· u -' j h!tf\('8 ,..,n·· d:t.\" tu )n$~ til• m out At ,, '" ;1\t'~Hjt• , .. t•ldld .... ,", \C• 1 'I f v httt•k ln" "" \1 '"' • .. Pfl,. r:11 1 rr;,1n "' 1 l t 1 f 11 1'' 1 t to l1110 lrl• 11•1, I htnlthrot: .. ll:lt hc•ol In Jll' •OJ,I j.:ar· Th,. Rf\mo• ~-r~ttl rn!lt IU lx'ftlrl' nne I' c-c no· 1\n or w . ··~I "til Ill' ~t"t'n. "11 h J t•hn lllll b.'lr>l c :r11rrp fnr I he• DllltJ:I:<.!I A trc rnft 1,, th" ,.,...,, ... r tht· f"'""" ,,..~, worr-, . .,.,."1111"" Missourian Will 111:\l o!oJ,:I I 1 ,, .• 1 J(lrl 11hy prnfo•,.,. .. r ·•f ••ntom· -----Settle in l\lesa 1"'"''\', n or !Oft llr0\\'11 "" h1.!1 melr~ Poll·ce lews "'rl' I' J llllrn II, "'"'"''r .,, "~>rldlv lrft l n.: fr t>n,( Mike wh" 1 • Mr~. Cl~··lo· :o;tu\':tll nf ~"" roorl 1111•1• 'ln kr~t I•• nvrl\ ••me· tht• PI"· An A r.fa t'llm~rll \' lth , .• , •• 11'1\1 li>HIII'\'1\Col. ha.~ tornw·ol frcom ht•r ,, .• ,.,, ~. f'hobtft lly "tlh'wln~t him ~toiPn frn m th•• o·ar nr t; 1o-:., hnrnc-111 ~I'' ncfl••lol, :\I•·, a nd Itt '""'"'"·' Rn•l \\'vnrw (;ll>~t>n ct.~ Thnm""· S~tllln Ann "'hoi·· p,orkNt vi!Oltln~ h••r o :tttcht• t ;ond fAniiiV I kt ~ un•l<·r~tl nr.tllnj: wlft>. wh•• ""a Hnlf.,n tnt ~n•urol.l\ ~\• ... g. lfttl'tnj; I•N·u a fro•qut•nt J;.:rst In l,u rk l , r t :.q ••n F' rttll,t fJ• 11111 ' ., tm•·~.~HI v '!"'·1hnJ.,: at olrcv•• $1i1C.II \ II '" ~1rq t• \\ 1t'llt l.f 1:-.~· ... • 0 1•.11\ '" ul"' rd ""'' -;."" n 1 ~ptdlu' t•ul'ol nn llolol•l loon , .. tl\\. lhnj.: rur In unlit,. nnd '-lHIHC'"'-<.,h•l I. II :-; .. 1 "'"" l ·: 17 c ·, ,,; II L11 ~"'' kl'•l hf' trulh N il oo( 11 m:rolih•n-1rbo•n ll w rnolom l"''"t: r .... ,.,, Collla :llt'!IA. ~~~' l h•rt•ll 1 .,, ol• 11111: mll."'! nt lit·~ ,. 11 n, .. ,. 1 ,, 11 '''I 1.,.,.1• 1.,.,,,, n 111., •• ~ 111. 'h• 1 • , • , ~ o ltlt•ol lot n Rkt• thlr hrr P"rmnn•·nt f,., 11'11" 1' srrJ 1· "' (_,,.,1 '(•\'l'r thl'lr rHIIru lolll< l!<'nr-rn<ll8· !':AAAl l 1'>'1"'''"'' hr· I ·tr~ tlfl• homll' ~"" ,,. l•'<•klll~ t .. r fl hflUSI' It II 1: h1118olll. ~·'•1 l ~olh !!lrrrt, \\.1~ 1 ·, ro•au dd :'\l11t I \told ~hnl 'I <'linn~ tn thl' '""r""' "' lhr '"'"lnl: $10 h 1•l h•l'n I th o tr .. m tu ~u lt ht r nc.'•·tltt :rll<•r ><lc•r:~r•• r"on1 lot ll\111!; ·, lll't•" In 1.' kc•.• • ar pnrko•d .ol I 111 t"l an'• O tht"r ~·· !IL< •n I hi' St .•vall hotm•• 'l"·•rlc'l'fo. ~~'"' T ill' "0 11'11J:C'nw nt Is l!trlrtlyl llut SRIIIr•lll\', H 'lltllt.: '"'"r th•• wct•k rnd w•·n· :\Irs A lf•'fol ( • I'C'J,:l• r C'~trotn:r •'•·I llmllr,l 11' twu Wt'C'k!t wrlh f'l'l· 1-Wttv IIR\\kln~ '''1'"11 .. 1 I', t •liS P ll\&ll untl y .. ung ,.. n :o .. rn l-••11· \1:>1 l 1tr 1d ""' 'lin•: •• t ~.11;, l'.rna foorll :\Jlo t'l' t"\'C'f\' lllj:h l Jllrt'UJ:httlll nf n ~<rntlll;:llt 1\!Col !'\\t•.t'o I (r m tana . l' II II\ I llo $11111 lie• l'<'rrc.,J, Hllol tlll' r<'~IIIRr IJI'hl'!· •ltr n frc•nt .,f ho•r h,.;, 1!71, 1 o;lr ,,, \\'r •llll"l!<lnv nr.J ~lurt111~· F"n•• ll•H' ll\'f'IIIH' lllll tnt't pcrfcormlllh<"8 I \\'1\olt• nnnol•l. fl. run ut 1: R.l I Hnnol..t ·:w ~'I I "''""'' 1 l a l Mr11 I' A Ch:unl••·rlm Itt rl'· ••·n l•lnn t w11., htllc n ,,, 1 to~ • 1 •'1111,: (r<>m thr • oolcl whic h h1111 oolHII'.I nt :lcr;-1 ·,,,..., 11, ,.0,,,. Tht• dt\~ \\ n~ p •n,·, ~t un\l•'r •1 1" '"'''nt I nflflnrtl ht•r (tt h t r )h't1h ' f,,r lh'\' , 1 t\l d11ya. WE SPF.f'L\UZE In C"i\:'\i;\'1~0 FRtTIS fanning Tomatot's l't\ow In Sfon.,.on .lult:l• 1:1!fl 111 cl F .oll ~n<l Hill I. t:. I• 1 ''''I" 1. I on I hnt cr~ (t( IIlio \ •tl I) f f "t d f•r""j .:L., ,..,, Y ll 1•1 t :dloo I l •',p•t ,,nt·n-..•ln t •• 1 ; • r• 1 ,, •' l'4 •• t.·r·\ .ul(' .~ 1'h l't'U ··~•hv '1r1c·~ \ "'' • I :at- HIGH GRADE BOX SPRINGS -\\itb Mattrf'!'S to makh. AI~ IAfltl' 'tnf'k nf Rt:OR00 \1 ~l'ITJ:~ Rrn~tolfo•lt ('"rtM"tlnto: In ''"""rt<-tl ( ulnrln~;" 1\lll.l.S & PARK Fl'R~ITl'RE CO. 410 Wf'-.t -lth St. S:tnla .\nn Of:T Tllt:~t AT ,, ,. f " .. ' I I \+I .. \ ~ I ll•l ' ) . "' ... ,1rt1 1--------------------------t n· IH 'TTO;\'S Fruit !\htrkd I~!U ~"wt'"'rt nr"l. C'l• ... ta :"1•• ... !1 ---- I o' n ·• • ! ... ~·· l.t ,, Short Circuit Radio & Electric XO\\ Of'F.~ WI' nrc nbl(' to !"ttppl~· your nt"t."ds for Tu~ and Rattf'riM for l'or1ablf' ~los "nartl~ BouJ;ht, Sold And E.«rh ;tnJ:N'I Gall Humphrey Howard Kllboum P.u.M AND BAY P1lO~'T. BALBOA ·tin •'lh .th-.. , ~ ' , .. ,.t .. • Before You Build or Remodel \ 1•11 1111•1 nur lttfttrf",flns: ''"'-1'1" .u._1.t" , .. ".'"" c •. t~~r Clfl•l '• 1•1 '""'"...: .ehl,, 1'1thtfhh~ •••.• ,, •• , rnrpot•&• an•l llnult•utu Rtt~ ftnl1 C Art•'\f' ('ll'ft nl'lt. 1'-"J""t'f"d LUDLUrt:l Carpet _Work~ •ttfU 1-... ttl ,..,_ 8t. ...._ ...... Aaa tall 8ASTA ANA EAST NEWPORT IIARIET WISHES TO THANK THE MANY PEOPLE WHO PATRONIZED ALL DEPARTMENTS ON THE OPENING THURSDAY, OcrOBER 5TH _/\_ The Meat Department - - Opt>nf'd l 'ndt>r N.-w Mana.:Pm.-nt \\'lth a Com- pll't4' l.lnt> of ~n:A TS-FrPsh and Smoked. The Vegeta~le Department-- i\1-.o Orwnrtl f "nclt'r ~""' ~lan::1~1·nwnt . With a <'••u.tplt•l t• Stud; nf Fn• .. h Clualit~· .-ut'ITS unci \ t-:c.t-:T.\m.t:s. Flt\:\1\ COTTLE-- CHARLIE :\IlLLER-- JACK LYONS Muna~f'r uf thf" ~lt>at Df>JlUr~nwnt- TIIA~K the · Rt'sidents of this Com- munity for Tht'ir Patronage and ln\'ite You All to Continue Pa- tronizing Store. This CI~an, 1\lodern .. Docs Uncle Sam still need WACS? Y oa bt't he don! To lHp ou ltao·l.io~r up •c;, I. Joe • ""til lhit •n I• (ully woo i• M'f'r"V lhratr .. of OJ'I"rAiinn .. TIM-a. to 1., lp ia I hi' l•il! Army julo of,.. lool .. t.c .. llotn or lihrntrd rounlli<'lo Ami. iQ thr mc;nnrimr. tn ta'-r <"are C\f '~" r•·n"-f'tl r:w .. uahirt thruu~ft th• Arru • ~ll'clirnl llrJ'~rlmrnt. 'I\'•\C3 .,,. rtH• ,. .. ,, in.n in •:n,:lan-t. half'• l\ufmn'iul,.ln.li;1, \u•1rnli~t.1f••••l. A11'"'"• •n•l l..nl•nHI•;r. •• "' .. rr •. '" t l.t. ruuntr.'· ~\• • \\ {\f" \OU •til I'''" • ri. 1t. ,., .. ·ttiua:~ -.ati-.1-.,.~, f,(e •··•(1 "'l't f •t'Ut't" \t~U htll trt a·u~ •'"·•~·· '"'l"''r a l •our 1""1 Arll»f Ht rr'4tlinli !'I.Aitu &&. ~ctn~ ]lr,wittg (:o. H. R. BRINKERHOFF aM r.. '"" ... lb. "-'tta Afla , JlfEWPOid'oaALaOA 1Q1n·~ ,....... .... c.llfenla. 'fta,.._,, ~ 6. lfU-........ ~~~~--==~--~======~ ,.Oft INIUIItANCE. IE.& Howard W. Gerriah 1-N-.or:t BouleY ..... jui-Y Club Elects New Members HARBOR HIGH IEWS Loral Girl Makes Good ()n r Of tlllf (,orntl'r jlrA•IUalriO Vtrftlntl\ llunll'r, "ho• Ia allrJI.!I}U tl Our 1~,1\' nf tho• l.~tkl' CuiiO'j;l' l'lrut OOBTA IIIE8A ......... Automobile Accident e e Fire Life UhDu and Contrac t Bon4• Written At a 8JX'<•ial mt't'tlng lnst I Wednl'sdny th(' JII·Y club I'II'CIN1 Sailors Clash With sevt>n nl'w mt'mbers to bran.: its I total f'O!ltl'r to 1s. ,.,., rollo~·ln~: Artists Here I WPI"l" l'lt't'tf'd IO ml'mbPr~hip in lhl' 1 club: Roddy eou~d. Jim Ma·lton., Frt·day Afternoon JOt> Munrz. Louat> Me llo. Dwk Otto, Gt>ne I.Aofo. and Cal lA'IIthl'r- l w~. ThC/i(' boys will fow~o lhl'' Season Opener to , u sual Ina tint ion until art l'r foul hall , St t t 3 p M j . i.s over (for obvious rt'll-'Ufli: ). I ar a . . --------------------Att~r a yt:1r'11 l11ynff lx-c&uJII' of ' l•mit~>d gam~>.,. Newport Harbor I and I.A~llnll ll<'&C'h wnew th~lr ~rrttl rh •alry tlllll &rtrmoon at 3 r m nn llr.rho tr'!t P~tvldsnn F·t''d !'o:I'WJWrt lfarholr 1!1 the r r<'tll'1lm favnrllc tM'ra1111r of ttwlr bulP.t> In I wo·lght a.nol f''O(~rlc>nr~ ront'11 1\l•ll••r will Jlt•ntl fl\'t' ••f ln!Ot year'" l rt'}.'\tlura o ut o\0 tho• rt.-ld allung with '"'""rul rt'J!t'f\'o'll from IDIIl YN•r anti two 1··~·,. up fr.1m lat'l year'!l n lt'am. ~l·ller's hnld•••.rr" art• I 'II k ~'ro•mnn. la! klr , Glvnn BHI('II. ~nol. Julm !'lh&!rr. n•nltr. J toP hl una~. hlllf bo•·k . And Ralph Fri.'I:3J:". fullh~t•k. BPSl'rvel! whll will start Ulr ~:amt" a rr hl'lll1«'d tJ\' C:rnt' V t' anol lloody G1•uld, pru'mL..jog guar.h•: Hla I•• Ia helpin• rou Jim Oou~tlaa. tacklt>: ond ellhrr Aar• n B~lnam or Rt•d MaLltolllllan nt th~> rnd J)(on M lllu and AI Bishop up from t he ~~~ will rtll out the backflrl.t at hair and qu&rt<•r rt'8(W'Cl t\'t'IY i T Anlunh'o Tr"t!U<. w11a 1·h•'ll~'fl •" HIGHLIGHTS ,.,,. ~· .. t~rnn"" ,, .. "' '"'" c•th•r I ON SERVICEMEN l .rtrt~ Whto ",.,.,. f rnm ( 'ahftornoa + __ 11h• •• ho'<\l ""~ l r \'trlj; In mllkt' " H &r bor High waa ac•rt of for-J'h tun· hll\ 1111! """ t:lll fr••m Nt• h gotll'n by Its alumni lu t Wf't'k 10 1111111" ~'"I'"'"'"' "''' ~1 .11r tn lho• h . .,_ .. _ f'hlurr I f.."'IC"'5 a ft'W "W 0 s Wnoo·n' a.~ . ~ In c>rdPr. · 11'' 11 "-~ "I"'' • """' n lo "o" I Jt, •'ir<l of 11ll, Wf' k now yoo matf'l 1"1 '''1 h1111 '•'•I o;11l• oof 1 lw o ·•11•·.:·· will two sorrv to hNtr I hill ._... al.•n.: "ol h Ill,. ""'''' .: ''" r .. r "" ('tPvt~lancl ~~· ln a NftV)' hN'pltal ln o•r~'11111'"'''"11 ''' t.·1" h rt'lta:•"" 111 llnwnll, and htort''5 hoping hl''ll .,. 8 "•·nolov • hill'• II 1-hlJ1·•hll1M' \'<'!')' liOOO. BMI wisheS. Ronnld Thnl down Amw h11sr US.S R hut Bob Oarttrr Is at an at M~ not ldnho. FirMt P.-T. A. l\1~t'ting To Ht• O<'tobt:>r 10 Tito• ftt"-t I' ·T A nt~•••lln): ,.f Twn mon-f1•llnW11 fmm tht-lht• \••:or '' ~.:••tnt: Ito,.,. 111•1ol ,,rf., d n"• of '44 an-In I hi' Nnvy In San jl1uy ll~o• lo•rtlh .. r 1 ~,.,,.,.,,1 111 :· :111 11h'gn In thco rrt•r-..on~ <'( Ora F.aa· In lho· ,·11t1•to•rtn ton nnrt .lai'IW'6 lllprac"M'· 1 ~~~' H111 lo•r "1ll pr•o•o.iclo• ,,,,,.,. 1 It,• An l'x·llnrb<>rltl' jm:t homl' lifter m•••tut,· Tho• "'·"'' 'l"'llk<•t nf ~·· rivl' mcmths In En . .:l:md l~ First "·'~ "Ill ho• C'.oplnln l.tllh'llo k ,,, l.h'llll'nnnt Bill Rltt.-r. fnrmt'r lh·· ~ani o .\n.o ,\1,1\ All 1\:o••· II·· !'1\lil!•nt hody prNlldPnl ond s:radu·l {t~ro• •·ntq 1111: lho• J\nm ho· "'" 111 nil' in 1~ L Thr (II""' I m onth ,.rl(!,lho· """"'" 1•f nuonufm·tul 1111: .on ol a hnlf hP wn~ nvt•n.o•lh 8111 rt'· 111•111111111. "' ",. , "'""' 1111,. """'" N'l\'lof1 VIlli I lmlllillt.; Whil'h W8~ H· I lin ~ ·11'11111' "' 1111' I" II\')' I Ii• II ilk ~t·nt lnl 111 the• thrl't'·ancl·un l'·half "til I•• "" J\1'111\ '"'' ivtll''' month" or artlnn ho• suw D!l CO' I Mr llnvtolo.nn. v.lll lrtlon lllo't' u ti l•llt•l f\f ''"" of llll'lfll' big 11·2•'•· Ht tlw f:H'IIIty mo ·n11><•" 111 "l"'ll•hnJ1 his wrll·l'l\l'flt'ol 21-day It '' ur~;o•<l lhut nil till' l•ll•·no, furlough with hi~ w irr . t ho• (ormt'1' IAIIrncl tho• flr-.1 1'111'"''" 111•~·1111.: Jr11n Man.hall. nl~ o ~· nduAtf' ol "f I h• t· T A ~., '• ...... • '" .. 1 , llnrhor ~>nt~. 11•11 )nu · (lltn•nt' tho• IIIII• 2 ·~·· 1ht• thtl•· • ' ••• ,, •.• '''th , ... "'' lh•· l•loo• • 1111' ll11tl••o II I'll ~~ h•.,f rnJo·t••r 111 Landlords 1 ~.n.tra ~~~~~~~~~am. ~f th• amall hll M lf'nllllllll' 1..-r~•lll)' R • • whu haa '" rlvo•ot lu lh• ho•nlt of eglsterlng t.t r ""•' l'th·a llurrf'lll'llhnO't', •1\1\~ ~111111\ An11 """""~' ~hr \Yila ho>rn •I Sl ·'''"''!'"'" h••l'''"' Tla• .. '-Y R d r vrrolroJI I lo r :1 nlhl "'o·l~thfld II ''t eq • l"'uuuta Ulre I Cllhr r ro•o·rrol ....... ,,. '" lhr "'" 1 hnt nn-• .-tt~ tlw •"'"' ''' At•~tn•u ll lo'r SrftiiiiUI ""'' Moa llr·rl'<'rl '"'"· '"'"''" 11l• tro '"'"' h nr••n~t "' ,. 1'•\111 11 llolr 1111 and I '•pi anol a.tu ro·nohHI•··t lloul """"'"~~' ,.,.,.,,111 \\'"''"'" 11,,,.. :111)1 "••u•thyol AI ""'"htlhH\111 "ht.·h enn y hA\'t\ )t,.\••n «'ntu~ ltt•1h''" t~thuhl ''"''1111'1 11 •'111 lt'lll lt'.:ulolll<IIIIO •1111 l '••rt••rKI 1\llol "'''" !llllltlll llltullr '"~ thf' 41UH 1th'f HhHtt h tt M'-:tttn ·~· '•'f 2 t:J11l Onuq•,• M VrtiU~ ''n,.ttt • •'tl • •'tl1'1• • 1 t" tJi"filll' rrar,:uhathtt'• ~'•'""· ''"''" " ''"u~htt•t a rut ~tr ••II '' '''"''' I 11144 ltllol t.!J • .. ;,·,.roott ~1"'""""1. , . .,,.,,. If ""' h ""' ''nHn•l(latl""~ """''l lllf'IOA ""' •• " "''" I nlq•n•ll '"'''" 1•'1:1•1• 1•••1 "" lurtlo<·l 1.1 ooll.t Molf ,luhu I 'UI IAhllll, ~2~ 'IIIII•' ••h••lll•l ho· n 11olo• II( lhl10 1111 r , 1'1 \'"'"' 1\\'r'l\llf'. II•U••K l•lrYIII, 1\t'C'o•rtlln~: ,,, c:w~;~; II "'"'""" '""" ".tau.:hhl 1•'111 ''"''' ,,,, f,.l Pltolll:•' o'•'llltl\' 1.1 ""'' M1• II M••ro•v. :t l<t t\•rKI t I"" •,, 1 \\ ut<ot.•n "'utn•··l ,. lnthl •"·~uut•, UAihun I,.I•Uhl. h•v,-. It '''"· h •r,t """' tt•utlnl(. •• hou,.,• KI•Mt t ,\th lu•rt tt:'"'"''' ""'' ''"" '"-''" "' Ill• Ill r• ''"' 1r nol o o ,,1 I u•llt•J :'I ,1<\lll'ph II lu ... pllal Alit I Whl) ~~tptt• • lltttMI f• f,:l~tt•l : l••tnplh If \\~IJ,:h•'•l 1 JMttiiHI• h~' lw.., n••' 1•r••\ "''-•'' ,ft~h· '"' I t ·titpt "lht t.tr .. .1Atu,.,. 1'alu•.-r1 IJtlloll••l•l• "' lo·rt• h .. ,...., wall II\ tt .. rt••r '"l•n•l ,..,.,. " '''"'II" ""I o0tt olll\ f,,, 1111\ fiiiii H' ,.,,.1.,1, l••o to .. rot Ill ~I J o-ph'a ho,.l•lllll t t••U h\' k•·•·t\lft~ llnU<Iil\llf~ Vl\t ""' rllll'lllt: lho· "ttoto·J lll"lltlt" u l li•H ·ti• An, lund I"' .t '' u~· ""'""' "'" rr· r l't l ,. \ ... IIIII llllr "llolo•t Ill a.nth·tpl\tlun ••f ttl•• •·••·•ut•t ,,, 1'111111• nhlt• ''' I• ""'ft htHI"'Ir\1( th l" ltt.-t ,..,,,_.,""'II l tu l tuuuu•U \n" ~, .. ,, '"'' "ht'lf" h .. tu•tt tta•·• ,.,, t .... t tht• att• t1tflt' ltt•IH \o\IU\t•t ... ·t•up·•n(.) hf" nu..:ht Pfl1rrv. N+ h1nr h1hl Mrs. Palmer Honored At Layette Shower 111111 <•11 l'nllllf'l J••• f'lllh Wht'll flh" """ h••tOI•••" loti " I•Jt·lly fl'l ••rk Motor ~ Motor ....._v .. Carburetor ucl lpJUoaA~ta F actory Trshwd Carburetor SpeclaUat We 111110 hllndle and care tor MARINE IIOTOa8 ll's larap AU..EN OLOVU IH "ca .. Aft. ............ ......... QualitJ Lumber and Buildint Mat•&ala e Your Standard Rtprestotatin's truck is loaded with producu dHigntd to makt your job easitr, quicktr, coorr pro6tablt. Some of his cborf'-CUtttn you may a ot "'tn know abouL So, COD5ult you.r Standard lrpresent~ti\t often. Ht'll ahow you maoy a abon- CUL Rtmcmbtr-his job u hdpioa you. Lng\lnn'll f>rO~ co;•ts aren't too ~ootl. \.lth fl'w lrl trrmcn blll'k r1oacb Buol Lan~tlt•y mu!lt count on lnl'Xpt"rltnc~d mntl'rlnl J.:arl T own· !!l'nd. 22!:1 pound lRI'klt• And Wally ln~ram. 200 f'Ountl UU'klc> ronstl· lulo• t ht' ffii'Rl 11( tt,r ArtL'Il IIIII' AM thPr llarboritr homt' '-" EY· f'rf'tt Rl'a who hns ju~l n-tumed fmm the• S<luth Pnclrk 11fte r flVf' month~ dut v. F:v hnll rf'Ct'ivt'd an a 1• r" 1 n 1 in,.. 11 t '" Tl"o:v llnd we • wl~h h im all thE.' lurk flO!I~<iblt>. lt•·,a.;l111trntlnu ,,, nil lh)11Rl111. ... • • *'llliH•~Ittl hiiU4 '""' h· uu~tt. ·•\ uw ('amllUS to CamJlUR :-: .. ul/1 Anoo lto·tll , ..... ,, .. , oolllol' • Alll""ll lh11~ l"''.,•llt Wl'f<' !lltiiNI N"'"''" ~lnt loorol 1'111 Milt ~"" t I I:.. IC•·•·ouu ol !-luflr Irwin, COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. Aftr r Pnjoylng thl' si~;ht<: In hill • • ~1-;' \\ •. ,., .'tltl lffl t'f t ~~""''' """ CLAYTON THOMPSON .J"boae 156 Newport BNdt Rea. Ph. ION Your local representative for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA Tht backfield w ill bf! built 11rot•nd Rill Maronrr returning from lut Yl'llr Nu,o.-porl'e line r•ul ·wclgl!e tho• A r t I "ta e aght pounds per norm , avt>r&g•ng 172 pounds to 164 for th~ A rtlliU T h,. old "Bal" whllt> on furlnugh. II ""'m' lho• gil)' 11n•l ~;:II' frmn Harry ConoYer 1!1 now ~olntlonf'Ci otho•r 'rhowol' h:ul 11 III II•• tun .ol at Cump Gordon John"'n. ~1uricln ""' 1 \\'h•tt :.1~·111 I h.• I Jl .. n••• First Girls' League Meeting October 2 I ht' o•ht~H'o' :wl wll' "A•k Mil 11 lt~o'l'hllro~.; "'''"" 'l1nno·' fond uru• otlu•r fo·ll"" 111 Ani'.. 1 \\'hit! uiHIIJI tlolll 1\ .. no·• and "ho ,. ' I ht• 'nl ho•r 1!11~ • I H nrbor hnr krtrtd avr rnJ;:t'll 17:.0 The fll'lll Glrhl' V IIK\11' m..elln.r "I' rot I :II"' nntl Mllrlr•'ll I :uri<•\ pqund!'l tn t hr Art t.ltJI 1Mt of th,. :VL•&r Willi ht'ld lut Munday, 1 1 h 1 I r I I \\ hll 11, 1 Tltt' r;t&rtln" flnpunl'! 1 0.-to bo'r 2. Th~ mrlln purnn•e of )(I 1'1''' ,. 1 ~:·~• 11 " ,. •r--(or 1\,ol IIJHI \1<'11)11\ httl """ Bees Boost Speed; ~hampion ship Hopes th,. rrr('tlng w us lhP lnstnllntlon of, blnnw• lho•m. · 1\\ ,.11,.11", 1 .. ll:u <"llum•t mrmbf·r11 and nomlnatlona bor 1.,,1 11 11,1 t>l •hho'fil I fill' l!Ophnmort'-frMhnollO rrrrr~~en· tilth·•·~ Thr •·nblnd rnL•r.lbo•riJ were \\ hlltlo·r ('llllhrtlll un•l \\'hoi• lnlrndur •••I by l'lrvo r pant om lnea. 1:1rl I '111'1""'' t hat ""' '' oo111' I ThP RN'S will h nvt' Wt'l!;hl. Tlwy wr·re M fllllll'A'II W;ol!a re' or '""''' hun HI 1'11'1111 '" ~ .... r u11 -Jli'IWl'r. nne! Sfll'<"'l ,::nlorP rht'< yPar • halrrran, Vlrs:lnll\ ~mlth : eod&l art. .: ---------.. Tht' linl' 1'1 <'OmfiOV'd of IJ(>nhnw t•hnlrm:,n f..(JIII,... ~mlth, ahowca.e IJoy ,,, t ha t'"" a ruunu !'.mt a M .11 1 o llo• ,.,, \\lt•atht'rwnx, BraN'. Mun.~nn 11n<l •loa1rman .luyo r Slt'wnrt un1fr rm C rll'wt', whi<'h .will IK• I he• ht•avu•o.l , hhlrman. Lu)•ofoollo• A rn .. ttl. uaher- 1 nth" IP:JJ:Ur. <'llt• o lon·rm11n. Su:w \\'nlkr r : and Jll: Jnn"' \\ ••r•• ~ "'1 huo l "1111' Tho'r!· hnw• '""'n ~ .. v .. r:.l r hnnt:r• lltr• fl11wrr o·haom 111n 111111 1lllt ~D Y~ "''1'' "" 111'' f••111'·'11 1' "'" • In lh<' llnr whtrh wtll nrltl Sfll'o'rl d·n~•·n I lo Atltn): :"'• • tl """ "lu i.• I loo a nrl IIOWI'r. Grlo•W(' h~• hr o•n Tlw 1,,81111 ~ 111 lh•• ~"f'h·Fr<Mih (uolhall 1•'11111 "'''"II ""' lll•Wt'<i 10 lnr kl••. :mrl _F:al~~ ha'< n••'11natll•m• ""'" T totl\'n SN'ly 1\u, ~''·I lht11k )"lo't • llltlll•tl ~;.k•~"''7r.ll"f',t'\'~· r'" "111 j;;l~···, !'lo•ph r••Jlrl'arnlllll\!' :O.IHI')' llonul: on lit!' ph•11w ••r r \o\n ° •• :\''"'' t"n( '· foTft&h I ,., ,... Y••U t heuk ' \\ h"t •I•• )uu I with Jlal \'oung ol lht• o thrr ••n1l __ ____ ___ mo•an yw U\lnk l Grlt•wp L~ a nJj;;CM nnil ""P"rl· tit ' \\' 11 rncrd p~vrr nn tl \\Ill rill in \\•II n~k. hnlh ,.,,..,.llo'nl "" rtr ro•n...-') • tho· I• 1'"" •11 lh• 111 tacklo; Fnr tho· H•·•w•• hn• ,, •II ·hr ~·II•··· h,...n 11-.. '11"'1 "n•l uf t ho II • '"I I I• II•· 0 J'IIC'I' nnd !'haf••r :II• "' It rot ,, ... ,.,1 Th•• l•·f I ,., t:ll II ,,..,. ,, I 11·11 > "11 \ ''" • Jo t •• t I .. "''' ,,., \ t fn,,• ,\1 \tnu· 1, fl'l'h \\ • \1 ''''' I • \• • , lfl • \\'• •'IH r\\,,, '' hd• Ptlt r.a 1• L'l\ HI • \f ilii' f n II lo•t• fl 111,, l ':o,l 111111 ..... ,,.,, .. , "'" k •n ,, 1. ' -'"' 111 •h• I o• 1.1 I I \1 tit I•· 1 "'" I·,, (I 1 k ill I I I• .... I r .. r lt\lf r. r ,., t1 .. .,,,"1.' , l . ,,, I•·. ,.,,,.II "'"I ·'' (01111••·1 l·ll• ..... :U11Jt "'. t P· •\\, I I•" h tf 1.. \\ I ,, Naylor'" llreHH Shop on V at"ation l•ln Nn) loor··,. I ll~''" Shup H"U"'" IJ'IHihl ''""' • 1 .. -. •.. 1 f••t ·~· I lot• '• •t .. r (li f•ih• t ,,. .. r•h ·t t .. .,;tv•· ""' hllr•l "••lktn.: lltllff a '"'"" '"''"" \'1"'1111"11 llotra Nay lur ,,.. I"'•''"' t he• J'ltU'IItt••t \\UII f.,.•lt• I Ut"ll ,.,.uul '-'Uh ~··•k.• +l•p l•lt'tl ru 11t 'I• • h,. rut tt:u• •I uhtl llutt ~ '' ,., ntttl '' 'h,.,., •· lu ,,.,,,,'"\,. •h "til .... up I'''', d•·d ull '" •1wl I MyMtery Play to Be PreHented J)('('. I :'.I' ''''r"'' • 1 If c'•'UI"•• \'"I ltk•· m) '"'' lt·'' \\'lu• du••tren t ""· ·n" t, ·, nnl~ ••nt• IM•Ift I thuu tt•.ufiu,* lttHI H t.tl ., It ffh' .. ,... ttUd th.tt ''' ...... , l.•k•· 1111\ • ltoo1 1 nt n l1 Expert Mt"<·hani'·" Un Hut~· .... 11 1<11'~ .,,. ... ,,.,( It \f,UO \ \If I fOii~ pl••ntv ••f ,,., .... , t .ottll " •• , ,, t fH lh•· t•·;•nl .... f11• d '·", HORMEN FISH mean better light ... and better lt,cht me:tns httttr Jight.' By keeping lightang fixtures clean. you c:tn get mort l i~ht ~·ith· .., out using aJJttinnll elccu-iciry. D ust anJ Jin c1n cut down ltght h)· :u much :u ~0~! Clc:ln :til rtlkC!or.s. hu lbs anJ fixrur<'\ rcgul:ulf'l \'\'.tsh .eLm dtll<:'in g bo,,J~ :and globes in wum "·.mr.th<n Jr\' them Usm£: the .1J.1ptcr ck;wing non lc of ~our \JlUl!m clelner is l sood WJ.Y to rcnK•'c: J,t~t ~nJ Jmlrum ceiltng fixtu res. SOUTHERN CAliFORNIA EDISON COMPANY LTD. 11.\I:Jl\\' \l:t: J.H.ES~US 1 GE:\ERAL ELECTRIC JLA.'IG£8 e KfT ftlf,t :K ATClR."' e "A!4Hf:&& DL8HWA.8NKM e R I\UIOS ..... 111 W REN Functional NerT~ lJaaturbancu au<'h u 81H pe leunna. Crankinna, E atitabilitJ, ReatleuaN a or Neno .. Hnda~h• Interfere with rour worlr. or apoU J OW' Cood time10 take Dr. lila lenl11 ""' k A I ""' ••llwr It ,I( ' • 11 ·• \\ho tun\t•d ttp io ftt~nt nf I• '' lf11!'111 h"lh Ill •' tlll!l'• ol q o,J 'o • l'l•'"i\'•• I ltol"lll"•' h,,.. II " h•ht t •IL't' 1\• hi uti lw11 h n ( I h• ••• ,oo • \ """ llf'•' nnrl H11v \\'an i "hoo k•, I' """ rlnvm~: ha••k Vnn "" \\':.11(• 11 oll l lu• n luc thrl'nl w it h ht• I';' •tnr I nnrt nhu<iw• nmninr Thr J\po•..,' fil'"l l''trll•• 1 \\II h Anahdm o n Orlolu•J• I' I \1 1111 h t• 11 htl: :'111\'nnJ n ~,. f.,r II I'" • • \fl'll'h Nnlnn lll•·nl\ oof luu•· '" loo•• (JJquMI w Uen-.at Tablet.) llll h1~ '"''I pl."'',... nntl ''' 1· ,. Nenoua TeMion can make r oa Wekdul. J itterJ, lnitable. Nero •ou.a TeMion ca n taUM N er•ou.a Ueadache and Nenou.a lndlcu• 1 Uoll. fn l imn like t hue, we an, 111ore like iJ than ueual to b«om 1 o•~rwToucht and nervou1 and 'R wieh for • cood •edative. '"· MilN Ne"loe Ia a rood MdaUYe -rniJd but eft'tetavo. u roa do not uo Dr. Jlfna Nemne rou ean't know wlaat It w ill do for you. It comN In Liquid and Etr~"ea<ent Tablet form, both equall1 aoothinc to ~n•e a nd over.wrouc ht nervel . WBY DON7 YOU TRY ITt ~t It at r our druc ~,.., Elf~rve~ctnt tahlth as• and 75t, Liquid 25• and 11.00. Rea d dirt·<:· tioM and uao onl7 u directed. lh••m plo•nl ~ 11( 1 1111•• fool "'1111 m ill.: I' r..A.A. to lla,·r Sporfo,cla~·~~ A r•••·• nt ""'"' 1n1• ,,( (~ 1\ 1\ "' vi"""~ nf nr!lnf'•• , .• , ... ,,, ·" Ful'• I Inn ruun1l llarl ~or "'II r•·f!"'"'' I• d t.v 1'-1~"'< ~h•·rm.on \lo ' lltl1 11111 Mt"· A•l:om• All"f l·nl"\ '"'' ;o ,r, lir-o<'>tt~ h·orl•"""" •linn••r rho· '"' 1 'l''"-'< ~~ h:-tnd \\'11' fu·•t•1ffl J ~r rr lf1V fht• f'•Hir"'f' o f thP. t1Vf'J11rt,' It \\It' tll'fuollo•lv tlo·t·1rl1•(l thlol th••to• 1 I•• h,. II 'I•HI•!Iay (or o·l'•·n t~•rl II p' II I•' ltl"•ruv ' lln01•l oil I~ lh•• ftr-1 rof thr""' n11tl it \\oil lu I h••ld at fo'ull••r '"" ~uvr•ml•• r ~'H ·•n•l \II T· nm 'I"" h d.o,v "111 111"' l~t Ito lol .ol F ull••• r .. n '"" 1\l'o k' :of t••o tho• htoo.ko·l lol011 • \o rol GORDON B FI 'N DLAY c·o"Tit.\f'Tun •n•t nnJ.nt:n ""-- :\L\I~TE~.\~('E A:\U HEPAJH on: ~r ·u.:r 'I.TY Cn hinct Shop St•n ·i,·t· nHit·" f :e l ol11d ~~~~~ll 31 Jfl ('toa~t Hht1. til"; ~{nt h '-1. " l'hnn•• 1 I'! I 'h 2:l~X-.I nr \f'lf. (." u- ............................................... ~ . ; FOil Bl.Ii..DI:\G I~FOIDJATIO:\ -See _._ B~y Oistrict Lumber Co. WALT E R S 5 PIC~A. Own•• Newport Beach . At Tilt Arclltl 11-. . 1 !Ill atate Hlgllwa, • .._. ~---.. -------------------------..a ................................................ . • "Ill \' !irllfln. 1(1"11" Auol,.,••n, t• .. t .. o P• Irwin, hill Nayloor. lllll lll•·v 1111•1 Mr• MJtllln,. \\'•11•• Don't ~••P on forever with that •xtra burden of paying r~"nl... I t )'lit" lit. a . HOITaTLa" ~h-.. \Veth our plen, houaino doll." count twtc._ .. sh.lt.f coet and •• 1ft in¥fttmenl NE \V J>ORT BALBOA FEDERAL "i.1J'I NGS A S .~ 0 C.: I A 'f I 0 N N EW PORT /.O liN BI.ACH. CALIP'O .. NIA "~~a V IA \.tOO ... o ............ , •••• Newport Ralboa Costa Meu RADIO SERVICE I>':J4;1 . S•'"l'"'' llh•l. ( ·u,..la .\h•tca ~0\\' OI'E~ UAIL' I U tu fi t: \f'f'l'f ~uruln ,\ aan1l Mulldfl ,\ • Sla, litler wit~ I Fis~ ~ RED CROSS ~ • Activities Attention, all ~en ot Nrw·j ca n 011ly flail lh,...e nlgbt.a • ~r port Bftch! F...ap«lally th~ wtvu Wl'~k bee'aullf' lh,.rf' l.n'l ~nough • Mf'8. G. L. And~ ADd daucht~ra of fa.henuen ..nd h••lfl 1•1 ~k 111 .. r •h At Jlre•nt I the women who have men In the-1 Ill• boat• arc-&V<'rl\l:lnlf: t)Ver two I I .nra l R,.tf rrnu <-h"lm~n anne<! lor~•: 1 tu:lf ~r m l(hl l'lto ""u r!'ala,.,. ""'"" ""'"'' '""lr l••h8 with ,.._ One o1 the trurlll aloteaN buru t hat lhKI mriLIIa nv•·r a h•an•irf'd '"'"'' <1 ""~hotl"110~m 11nc1 """l"lf'V tt-o"-or thla war 18: Food Ia Amaounl· tnn11 r"'r day looM u( (oot><l Thr I ",.,I< f~ol '"''ln~t l hf' flrwt bo.rd l ion. \\'lthool (O>'Id nfJ army (Jr 1 tolhrr t·ann.-•1••• ltrl' 11';:, 1101: lb" j rr•·••lln~r n ( th,. ""W Vf'llr. laJIC Jl'r1. batUe tll'el "' &lr tort·e I' lUI funt> 1117-'' "' lf•at1 'h~>l Ill"'' .alit may l 1111 ,. tton H ence food Ia mml' un-1"1"' 10' " r-~1~ .. ,. "' lrrr "rt"nt al>eaket"W pcrt&nt t h a.n ammunition. 0 "'" t ll.t,ot rrttk,. II pr•·ll:: f'l:ll,.,·o1 '"" I••• "' r hrtniPr f or Ita All)olle who <11l•lroy• IUT\1011111· pt~lrwllr p i• '"'"'. l>•o ytou lhtnk fill•• '"''I( Jn lh,. PftM 1\Dd Otrt• Uoo or food Ia a t raltOJr a nd llhnlll.tl 111" "'"' 1" ov.•r ' S t•J•II'Int• the n•·xt lltll••l mnn\• nrw plan11 ft)r the be' .not Any••nr whu w lHully l lr llrr th111 )1111 wrflt> to vuur ilhn I fut uro· aJiuw• wu.te eeh •u lhf' .a~r.r pur·~ or nl"rrh.-w Wh'i 1" rutllnl: 1'\:,-fl' Vr F"vttiHt fr'lm thP ~an Fran. llOW .. the! tnutor or aabt,u ur fox htrle nn ltl•m" l'ar II•· h ;lnnt1, vr ,.,,.," '"''II ""'"" whn hall ~en v.•ho W(ml•l de.truy lt. Yl'l lht'r•• your hu~h"nol _whoo 1"' hnmm•·rlng t-~r·· L't•·tn~: li J."'<rl'l Aid r nu,... for ar" hun<l~dl of tona oC th e but n~atn!Jt fllllo·r ~ ~kn:'r1"'1 l.ln•· (l'l!lr"•'loorM "n<ok•· with lfreat poM lble food bdng wrurt••d rlt;hl l "fl•·ar John l .. ull wo•o•k 1 11''1~"'" l'arn~"l'tll"llll n• th .. lmportllnr '.l of hue 10 NI'Wpttrt. uur own c1t y.1 •l•••trflv. 1100 1008 "' f••ul twr ausr 1 kN·p ng up first 11ld tralfl'rll' nnd becall.&(' lht' womrn uf Newpo rt iiA'oitldn t Wfork '" tho• fiHh <'1\~· rof k•••'ntn~r ahrPIIl!lt nt lhe new W(JII't ~en tJuwn VI thf' r annrrlea &lid n•·ty " Pr•'llv '"1't::lo , but thal li IT'o'll\1"'11 of rir10l "''' trl'atment. h~lp pac·k t bt' f ish I wh"t It amuuntlt 1" M r ~:,·nn~ wn" ,.rrnn~ In h l.'l pral"" Thl'rt' are )04 mack r r t l bllllt. at N (o l h•• wur l.o< noot """' Y••8. WI' nr I h,. Wllrk Ill I hi" nrl'l\, &n-1 the Calltom iA Marini' alone wbl• n l a rr 1111 .ll••lllnlol 1 rr•·•l "11f 11 lTnr· hn•IIS.:ht "I' aettut l hf' mott,.r of ftH1 1iuatf'lv n \4'1-tr Ul \ •• Mrf n i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....;;;;;;;;;;;;,..;-;;-;-;-;-;,;...;-;-;;;; ____ _, , I I I ho• o•l<lalol •10h DINt I ••( 11 n "1'1110 II<: lhlnl' "''' 11'" 1 ""I' m~n· Y l w -t ralnona: • ""'''' (•or I'll' H11 rbnr ra u ... · "" J:l't tiro ol "' 11 l l nftiT· H•· l!fl lol that uur """" Kathlem '"' :tl••h n... j;ll\' "'.... hll.'l " !"••·'l•·lr """ l)n~ n•·w rnmpl .. tl'\1 hn\·nut•l 1n \"fUif nhtlumr•n 'r hl!t a..op,.._un.« the SlleJf 00 Coalpuay, IM»rporatet, 'U4I Kena CCM~acy, a& the launc·hlnK of the t.aaker 88 Allte.Jope HUJ., at Martaab.lp, aiiJp- yard at Hau!O&IIto on S.. Fl"aBchco Bay, ...., &eft to rtct.t: Emory Clay Jlnfhnan, m&aqer of tbe Kena Couaty Claamber o f Com-rcr · M. t ·. Ruwlby, s-loaqwa dfvlllloa production maa.arer of Shell; f)allld "'tlflrlan of the oil ~mpaay'a a4vertHin« •W I, and .r. w. "•' .. '"• alllllldant IMICNtary aad t~r of Shell (.~ dlvt.· lon ool ~Mil l 'nlon ('orpo~tlon. The v-a waa aamel fo r aa lm · porranl n .. ld dJIW'ove red and developed by the Shell Ott com pany. 16 ftlilr~ northwf'<lt of MciUttrk-k . Approldmawly 1.%00,000 barreb of _oil ha\'f' a.lr .... dy '-t1 d raW11 f~ UW. vi!-' P'Qduclftc ..--.. hllll f "" lhl' (flllt:l'r "' an AAmm 111' H···· l'7o .... l rAIII ng IJO rr .. p .. r,.., ,,, ~Ill ··n.·~· 1111 'l(lllfltlr tralni'ltt Ranch Lures lace Will rl'm!uo l"t•:Utll'nlll of c .. stn I 1 ,.,.,, IIHtv ""' "" 1 ""'1 "1 11 all at proJ.:Yam anrl that w e h&v4' bere th,. ""'"" mo>rrf'nt ,•nu Art> 111, ,.,•rf••• 1 ·"' 1 "'' f.,r • .,,.h " Mt su Bll lht')' ha\'e bought a lot WE THAll YOU l-'•· yuu .... m .. n to( ~· "l"•rl who Ray WaUace •m ~18j:nuha &\'t'OUC hn which Ul"Y ll•w•• IJI•• n """" 11, loor ..,.,1,. w11y "111"1"' Iff' 18 t'N'nmmt'11c1lnc to expt.t·t to burltJ when m aterutl!f a r e ONetlnt Carda an• a Great Variety ef \Jn11eua1 Qlfte ''WI: INVlTII: YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWEL"V antt ITATIONE"V Olamonda • Watchea • Fine "•palrlnt ...._Newport J .... a 1717-tl,;!"awport alvd., Coeta M .... bllf. PROPOSITION NO. 12 Will Aid Unscrupulous Employers · · to Reduce Wage Rates , of Veterans returning to private employment; to cut the wages of millions of oth- er employes; to lengthen the hours of employment and to lower the standard of living of California. • ORANGE COU NTY DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS Mrs. Wa llace and Myself w ish to thank our many f riends and custom- ers it has been our pleasure to serve during the 20 years we have con- ducted the- In ,......... lh'r•• "' \tlllr I hanr .. to t't• :jro•a '""' OltiiOoii:OI R···· r,.., .. From Garage a\·arlabl<-. I ~nn th,. I '~I'S It 1 p11tr h~lr F•d•l t hAt ~p~~nlattvr~ 1~ ~trnt h~rr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f'rndurl'rll ,( N••wprorl 114-a< It I find In <!XIUTIIno· thr J>Ol'lltll:hl ltll I t our ------ f' h1tv1ng nn•· "r lh•• nallona.J cen· w1rt1 nn ""''·"blo• rf·putaltun tor I •la p llltlP r with a •lltl ~ , trr" In nur bay. • 1 I nr ··nuriN'. lhl~ ... ,, •• , 10hnul•l """ thl f'IIAI :!0 YPIH~ fn r r('lrabll! aer- HI-WAY GARAGE 1740 Newport Blvd. COSTA M~A Mrs. Wallace deserves much of the credit for our success a s she has a t- tended to the many deta ils of the business, Including the bookkeep- irw. •••t to 1eco11men~ The Men Who Have Purc hased T~e li-Way Carace They are competent mechanics a nd will continue to serve you in their .aineefficient manner as in the past. ()til Weatherwax was formerly with Minsur Motor Co. o f OranRe and Theodore Robins of Newport. Ed Ed~k, who has been in cha rge of the mechanical wo rk for the past five y_ears. has been associa ted wi th the H i-Way Garage since h e fin- ished Garden Grove H igh School Garden Grove High some 14 years ago. • • OPEIIICS II LICUII l>ttl 11 l'lln 1 1\ "rt•ut ID JII~If•••• Mrs ~It·'''" t-:••nrrnl flt ld dl-\\'-'I 1 1 1 " vir•• I !u y ~ llt'(' 1as !Wl d out 1 wnulol "-' d•m~" If "'" •ll•ln'l I: I',. rl'('t"r f ,.r th(• California Rtd I rr•'o hl I•~ tit•· w••ml'n whn A HF: l'rtoA.'t Brr·u. Hill" J•rnutNI the lnt'a l an rl'-'11l •h''''Jll' most or his llme J , '''~fll: lhr jl•h All n< t h~~r Kirls hromrh an<l II~ wurk ani! dtt'd In· tu a r:onc h whkh ht' hna purcluued 111t 1 "" •·nnn"r'"" nrl' tl~orhtrng t~> "11\no·P.!I whrr" ~'''''" In tiny rtmote near llt~rdrn 1 ;ro\'e, j wrn ttw hAiti•· rtf Nrwto<lrt Harbor ; l'otmmunllif'~< !hi' ltc>ol C"rllu with Tlw liP\\' proopru•lnra, however. I On thl' w n\' hnm ,. from thr <'an· ll11 many tmlnl'rl an• I equipped art no> ~trangers t o the a ut omotive! I nrrv '"~' !'laturda\' I rh•k f•l "Jl 11 •·orPf! hnd ,.,.,,w '" nlt••n l•on !n a pubh•· 111 lhl,. nr•·a. T he new flm1 hit• h·hlkH I r•·• nt-:nl7.1'd ht'r R!t ro II•·" I rm•·rR•(}I'Y with ~rtlll rct;llllla. 11 Etltck and \\'l'lllhc•n•:llx a nd both I'IIIIIIHY wnr kt'r a.nd IUikl'•l hrr tf I ~lr~ l lttrnlol ~r>an~o:h'r, frtom tlal' hav.• l~on" ye11rs • r expc!rtl'nce at hO'r ltuahant1 wu 11 f lahl'rman S~tnl" Ana nrfl•·•·· llpokt t'( t h" U111 lou:<I:11'S.~ Ed Edick hu "N il," llht !Ntl<l. "my husbllntl anrl , """ lmp11rl/tnn• n (. nu t r I t ton \\Ork• •I fur Mr Wallace without I "wn 114'\lf'rlll ••ran.:~" ~~:rr•w•A 1\11<1 ''"llr~ell "' " l<o•(J f'rc•• l'(>llrlle til lnttrrupllun ~Hire Ill' gTaduated •I"'' I (l"hlnj;: h<oat~ Thtto woork In , ho· Kf\'t'fl In "'hlil 1s rallrt1 "Top of from ll1t-:h ~· ltnol 14 ytars ago &ntl th,. o'Nnnl'ry Ill rnlllrn~: us m<ort'l lh•· Sin\'<' Cc•okln~ an•l nr th., hu pr:-t• I ~> ;olh · hi'I'D in charge of l lhlln my """'I''" runnunt to bt'· lmpoor lllnl t' ~of 1111\nolurol nult lllonal lht lh"J• rnr t hf' rus t s~veral year11. I ....... II IJO jouol Pll•lltJlh In h.>O!Ot 118 han•·h .. ~ In Kht>nl!'l nnol hflmf'a nu. \\ .. till• r\\flll \\llS with !\l&nMrr lnlu lhf' n••>tt ht~hrr In! nmr tax ''"f"'' mllv (tor "'""' tng , htldrPO. !\lftl••r I·,, 111 llran~e for nine lolltl'lcl'l .. ~ I Sll•' '"'"'•llllff'll lhltl 'hf'r·· .... ,. }'l'lriC nnol "'"' ron ·man for T heu- ~"" lho•r•• 111 n J;l'nutnc ""ldlrr ~;:r .. r•t nto.-tl f•or oi<PI r.lol<'" In ttte •l•lrr Huloonll ol :'llt-wpoort lo r four rur y•oll .. A llOVf' ""'I hl'yorul lhf' h olllfliiHh llll<l II >tit•''' f••r \''llunt•''"'· yf'&q• I lilt n~: a Jllb at flO(' nr t he o1tl1 11( duly ' t h,. r tllltrtvo IIUY• 'l and IWlf•l !hut !\Jr• E rul !':tarol~y. ltot'al ~ontt•\kl oh! roor the paat thre~ f.:ou ~~~ ~h.• "Ill "''''••r ~"I a mr·rlal uur I• ~·at • ant .. ••n rhlltnm•n. woul-1 )'l!lrll (ur tt 11111 ,.,,. ''"" """" t h l11 <'118· fur I h•·r pla1111 fur In !It ro11 IJ•·n orC I iho· ;;ur.oJ:• 101 111 tt•tl in btl!!&ness 111011 frt•m lhr flllh.-nnrn · "Abovr t ht~ konol h••l'l• In Hl:!4 AI<\\ .tll:1o •' ,anti l llxsnn IU'Itl oln <l I"'''""'' lhr •nil nr tluty " 1 Mr" c·nn•l R"'hl'rt••ttu ""'"'' hql,..,.,., wotlt•ly k nu\\11 and n ... ("~(ll.J-~R II WALLA':-, I, 1 ,111 ntllll ,.f· 1 'llntp Hnol IJ(I.III'IIIll, Jl~Doltllol. aul~ntnlotlo• ro•pn1r shnp I r~" '"" nl :lfi F'll'h• •· """"""' i'ol I hut l h•• """'~tan~l' 'Hr ~"" ,. I llltl Ill<' l''"llent fat e mrn'• l'ntnn I' • ~~~·~~· htlll ~(wen $2~ tn furntAh lrall "'"~ 111~'11 lh_e ~"'' truc·k ~-WI "~1111 '""rn nt Ill•• .<IRIIt• ''"" Air keJI' nt lht llt·\\a.> gnragt' ~pur , X-Ray Machine Aids Beachites I Hr·~·· ll11!1p11lll I mtn ... ,. """' o•mplltyl'd , I Jurgen Lorent un. t l'<'l'n tly rfl· r Mrtt w,......... tlPtoer\lt'll m u c h I PI••• to•ol lncnl c:halrman. w u tm.l t·~dll f11r Ilk 8ut·cesa of tb~ buet- 1 m•'08t'ly plf'MI'd with what turne-d •··~ .. aile h aa bee.n the book· ROdeO and Sp~ed . Trials at · Bob Skiles Place 15th and Placentia St& COSTA MESA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8th and every two weeks Beginning at 1 :30 p. m. BRONC RIDING KIDS' RACES STAKE RACES STEER RIDING OOWBOV RACES HARNESS RACES CALF ROPING NOVELTY RACES COWGIRL RACES FREE FOR AIL RACES PURSES GIVEN IN WAR BONDS THOROUGHBRED SPEED TRIALS ADMISSION 50c plus tax EDtrles CaD be made at the poucla up to Noon oa day of the race or Romfl.hln~ot Inn~ nl't'ded In !.bel •nit to br tho• hellt lltlen<led anti ~~~~t for ht'l' husband tor the wav ·~ ~ X-l~y m~h~ and m·~ ~thtr~utk m~~i ro; ~wr ~~UyNrtt ~i~riR~nid~Mi.~~i.iW~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ,u r,, ... .,,~ r,,,. Ill•' "'-n•'fll .. r r• ~· ,,.. ho lol hv IJ Rt~J CrOll" bmtrtl 'ln thr 101'1\l'h lnlk" 1\ ol:' l •~·c•nlly ID~I I IIf'<l hv llr 1 ;f'lalol l!..nu"/1 111 :!1-:)rl \\ ,,,.1 h r1rl'"' aro•11 a to1 ff'lt I 11.11 Ill•· ltu s.:r c ·~nlrttl uY•·tHa.·. !\:e·v. flt'rt utlf'•ldAnt •' • f m r n and "''"mr·n and Telepboa&-Npt; Bcb. 17%2 LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS l lr Hn u~" -••Y" that "h 'I,. lh••Jr ••nrhu!!IRAm po•r'•'llol••d 'I·"' h jlllfllolll'r nHh 1111,..11 "'"" 1,, ,.1~.111 1111,, It'""' w orlt h er<' tn thr fu lurf' Mr l lto•rr lhl10 I:< l hf' rlrMI lnr_gf' "Ill' 1 ~''""'"·"11 11111111111" •••I '""' \1~ ut ttfl ktntl tu hr hruu;-.l.t th lh~ f:,•l:-•ul 1tiul~kln"4•ln \\rttt1tl 01 f rUI' ,,.,:u·h f\n·n "'hH h '" l\ J.:r~'~Ut "''' f"'H-' hn•rmJul u( VoJunt•·• r ~.,,\.,,,,. \ 1\niH~ot•· '" rulkll nl'l'dln~ this \\II h ~~ ,.~ Hlll'll'r t Mlllo'r whn hu ktnof oof l'footnpt lltiJ•nlft>n tn tho"'' bfoPO ll('r-.'ln.: llA l'h"II'OI'\'1 loor " m~ •IU\1'! pf n un ~~·hnt-. f anlf" I no hloll'o l 111 riAilll l11r (llt•rr • rro- 1\ ""'" \\ "" no •m rro f'lltly ttl SL l.lc>JC•'ph'lll h• 8Jlol:tl 111 ~l r 1\.1\cl Ml'll t-:w•rr•lt 1-<tot'\Jdllrd rnun• aN-Hom,. Nur .. •t,..: , l o.<.•• • to be announC•'<l """n I \' \I~ BEACH Rc•lw-rt HaAton~rJO. I' h. II r ll"l'o. n••v lh<~~t 9J•t e•uur,..~ Anti "' • <'i·r ~~· tnt I"Ver tn<-rf'".llln~ work •• ~ llh !too lo> Sen •lrf' tl••pn rlmt'nl .._,lit ot • ,.,.. Jl&Ddlng Wo>l k fnr I ht• ••o•t 1" "m:ut I All'.l.niJ t;IIJ Plfl Thr frf'lln~: '" u •rt:u nlv 'II l ht lllr 1hnt """' ,,. "" ltml' t .. rPiu t an•l lhRI H~·l l'rc•tt~t 1'\'o•r\'whtre I and In .I"VI"ry ph&J~~P nr 11.11 wnrk 11 rlrflnlt<'l}' ro11lln j.! Ufl 1111 ttll'•'''"~ for II he joh-a h1•s•l A r<' y(lu 1\llllng I In be ll P"rt 11( t hrill' pr••l:'rtlml IIOmr whcre • It 110 rnll tlw !neal I nfflrl' nr M r10 Molll't "' ~In Hodgklneon anll rind a l'lnt·r fnr y<l\11'1!<'1( In 1111~ g rel\l h umnnttan 1.11 I 81'rvlrf! I Plan New Interests For Service Men ~.·w rntrr'l'<ls nn• twm~: pl.onnl'd for rrcupt'r:~t 1ft): \'o•t••r.tn• "ho mnk't' U~<' 11f I h1• no•w troll ,.f I hc- • • • Opening for Busiiless --of -- Commercial Vessels MEN AND WOM .EN Bnlt>o;a hrnn,.h 1·:--;c r. ''"'' I' '"' '"' ))('IOf.! nmtlo' In lll•lilll 1 l•'.ll'lnl! Ill~'<~ ollie I Cl\ o• I ho• h. I 11 I I 111" I t"n~ Ill I I I"'" 'I 1111: lloof I ol or·lt n'llilll "1!1 h·· tn•r.ollo tl 11.1 m· and Yachts of all Types Needed for Vital Defense Work ., Requirements: • • • Availa bility Certi ficates Proof o f Citize nship Soci al Security Card -AP PLY .... DATED VULTEE AIIICRAn CORPORATIOI ............... -........ & .. ttlllltlr,II .. ._Jto 0 , b r I A OIIL I, Lapaa a.-11 PIM!-J , .. C..t. ..,.., ..... t'l'It ''halt t\l l,: ifU.•td ~f.•n' "r t h• IT'• n "' , .,, "h Ill!; ,.,, ..... l...ol "" l•· "' '''" "· II·' I l'f' I hul :tl"1" n••l .tll"''' I IP 1 •• t1 1tlf\ ":ltt'f ,uhl .,:, .. ..,1 ,,,, t .. I•• · • 111, 1 nl f \\'I 'r 1\\ h ••• , f.. \\ h I h ! ,, It Pn ntf,•rt'd 1 ,~, ''"'t• •1' -111 b1•\ } ,h I In~ tnr·klo• " ·""' •o• o•olo·ol tho I hoi~,_ f'llll ~11 l tl tho• ho~,,, ,11111 11•11 1111' UDII h,otl ••ll1 •·I lho ,_,.._I, .tay ... of th•· ,, ,, ... ,,n S11ud .. , "uh ;l..t;O 1n ntt•"n•l.~n···· :tn.l ... '7n u·1n~ llw h~·k··•' I ~·r n:o1 r 1 'I"' , 1, I lltl\llho•r :HI\'hnt.tj:o 1\ hto'h " IC l~o•l matlf' It\ .11lahl,. '" lho• m. 11 ,101t tll>l'll II ~~ rn Ill • I al "'" N o 1111'11 ' .·.tn ho• \'llrt'rl (,,,. "' o'I'OI!,;hl I TI1L~ unrl '' lln•l•·r tho' 1111-., thln o( Arthur \\ 1111• rlullt.·r. fc•nnrrly \O'IIh a t;mlt <'I'll" .1nt1 11111 1-';ur, mo-.h<-:tl ,.,,,.,.,.man. loooth "llh lhl' l :lth nrmnl'\'d dl\·r~""' llall F;u r C'(\m'"" r nvn Cnpo· Cud. h) v. ,,> ot San l)lf'l."fl nntl ha< ·t""'" tn I'SO v.·o rk (fit' •onu• tim<' • ='Ill :-. ... ,..., 1 ..... '"r .. ., l~nnm~; IIO<It'rgo IIIIVIIJI('C'•I p~;nu rc• I' <II\ !th•n H it! llltll' J>a- trlcill. 111 II"'"~ wtth hl'r p.arn ta. !1.1 r and 11 n 0 S C"rrl&.lfhan • ~~ •••• ~~.~ ... ~~··illiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~•:-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:.l til anjrl' a•·• :u" I Repairs, Maintenance, Haul-Out The _Bonham Co. Successors to The Peyton Co. 901 ('.out Highway Phone Newport Reac.-h 2088 Newport Beach. Calif. l I J ----- .. N&WHWI'--....o& .... .... fDuaLIC NoTICirS IEWS· TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES C&afiPICAft OF B t1111ND8 1'1eUU.. ,..,._ N-N~ .• t:~~~~i~'9::.· publilht'd sem i·wt'fl(Jy at Newport n. tJ .......... be M~Y READ NEWS • TJM~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PROFIT ••• USE THEM FOR O F CAUFORNIA. ~rtlty that he la condu<'tinc a OF ORANGE-ss. ~al Estate buainesl aJ 323 SouJt't BOATS. 8UPPUD N C.out Boulf'Vard. O ty ol lAguna adore mf', a otary Pubiic In and for the Statt' and rounty afon•· &ach. Count" of Oran-. Stair o( aa.ld, personally a ppean>d S. A. Me~r. who, having bet>n duly sworn 1 •' • accordlnc to law, deposes a nd ~ys that hi' is tht> m anagf.'r of the New· California, under tht> fk titi0\111 port Balboa News-Times. and that the following Is to the bt.'llt of his finn name of SOUTH COAST knowledgt' and belief. a t ruf.' s tatenit>nt of thl' ownt>.rship, man11gement REALTY CO. and that said finn l and If a dally paper. tht' cirt"uiationl, t>IC., of the aforl'S&ld publication lb compol('d ot the followtnc pt>r- for thl' datt' shown In tht' abovE' caption. I"(>(Julrt>d by thl' Act of Au· aons, w~ namH and addl't'!UIM 24, 1912. as amPndt'd by the Act of Mal'('h 3, 1933. embodit'd in · art' as follow,;, to wit: Dtmmy • 537, Postal Laws and RRgulations, printt'd on tho• n'Vt'rse of Lamson, 32.'\ $<)uth Coast B lvd , h1a fonn, to wit : I Laguna St-ac-h. California. 1. That the .n~es and ad~ of the publis.ht>r. t'dltor, managing W ITNESS my hand thls 13th . and busml'Ss managt'r.> a!'l': d r s 1 be 1 !K-4 PublishPr. Newport Harbor Publishing_ Co .. 1'\cwpon Tkach, Cahf. ay 0 ep ~~M~Y LAMSON. EdHor. S . A. Ml'yer, 1569 M1ramar Dnve &Jboa Calif Managing Editor, none. ' · · State of Oallfomla, Business Managers, S . A. Mt>yer, 1569 Miramar Driv~. Balboa. Callr. Co-t)' ot o.....-. 2. That the owner Is : (If ownt'd by a corporation. Its n ame nnd ad· Oa ftla 1:\th day of &>ptember. BOA-:'5-Bt:ll. 8o1d ucl "rt&dM Uartne f!D«tn~a and Pai'U MARINto; SAL'o'A\1£ A ND MP'O. CO. :soeG W Cftltral Ave. Pb. UU-W Ne .. -port BNcb, CA.Itl --~ FOR SAI.f: 4A·ft. yarht. t win ~~r~w. brld~:e d•"C"k, trak d«ka. Wt'll found. dij;l,l)' A te nder boom. Caogway. C02 Sw ord· f\ah r ha tr . romph•tr rovttr. O •m· plcotl' rt'runJtttonlnK. o·nat t8000. for qul<'k aal~. $12.000 Call owm •r momtnj:a Npl. 129-4 -W 7:\-3h· must be statt'd and also imm t'diatrl)' tht'l't'undf.'r thP naml'S and A . 0 .• 1944, before mt' tht> under-laclltlrH~"'11 of stockholdt>rs owning or hotamg one per cent or mon• of : slgnt'd. personnlly appeart'd [)(>m · nt of ~ta.:;k_. If not ownt'd by a corporation. t hl' names and my Lamson known to mt-to hl' ==t.... • -- of the md1v1~ual owners must be g1wn. If ownt'd by a finn. the person WhO!'I' narm• ls suh· I.NlJIDE BOAT ~TORAGt: , or other umncotp.:~ratl'd concern, its narnl' and add!'l'l>.'l, as jscnbed to t hf.' within ln~trument. Mar-lM Way• as those of each Individual member must oc• nivrn I d kn 1_... d th I hA U ••,.nllf'ol Yat·ht Ur11kf'r . · · .. · an ac ow <-ultl' to ml' a ,-., I FOR .SALE- R FAL ESTATE HII:LP WA~TF.l • t.tan otr woman ------for (~nrrr~l hotl'l "••rk Ha iN'fl t-'c iH SAI.II! Twott,..•ln .,•m h••ll..,, tan PhtW>f' 110,. ... f"'rl ~10 1\ll-tfr ,.,.,.,.,,.,.,. oh•11hh• ~·H•J<t.-, 411·(1 Hltl.l' \\ AST1-~P 1:111 t,, ,.,,.,. 4 :10 t .. •• :111 ...... 11 ,,,.,. c· .. u atl•·t fi 31) 411 1' l'.•llltlll ""' 1 .. 1 '""' t'" ~<II•"' IIArK"-111 at $11 '<I ill II ( 'llrol• •r t Slo>llll !'1(1;1 • • ...... 1 Ill\ .I \ ·,.,.., .. , lt.-1 """ l'h Npl l!{h 47 77-lt.· 8811•~• ~-'I • -' ' -' ."'K SAI.F. Hltl.l' \\A'>TI-'1 • "'1"''"'"''•11 1''''""1\ oh•l Mnr ctf'<·, rat.''' ""'1 '""""''' r ... 1'•'1 l1NF1 RNISIIt:U ("'O'M'AGY. tl'n~""'-:oh l 'l<l ht'l lllo•l 'l'o ollllh iO :1 ,...,111,.1111,1 hnth $:1;:1\1 l:IG 'II;""" ,.,,,, .. , ... ~, .. ~to•lin I T 0 ~-; :ltt•l GER RUDE A. WALDR N UEU• \\A:-\TI-:1> ~'I"'"'"'"' buuk\(··-1.,.'1 Uthl Jtt• llu;,.:t .... lh•t I (ut Pfrtn .. n~nt I'"" 11"11 M ""' bt· fU I Htl'lt Ill hi' :tl''•'•lt• •• , Uh•t•t l ln.: ,........ Af •ply ... t 'lly """ I n .u,• l'h• .... ::~· \\' 7tl·!:lr Tl tlt ~:l·; tll•:llltPI•M ltCltl~tl; It 111fllt lollt!l"ll(· A'"" T " •• 1-luuoll I (• 111.11 l 'nll ro S . ~-Meye~, 1_569 Mu-um ar Dnvr . OaJbnu, Cell if; Nora Mar.,owanh ext'Cutt'd •he sam e. ' PORT OF SEVEN SF~ Wade, ,205 Wt->stmmster Avt>., NeWport Reach. CaJif.: Diana Guil Marg· b W1\DNII WMf':f I havl' !i17 l 'ol&llt H o.:h,vay. Ph 9411 HEI.i' WA.'>TI-!11 """~"huld h(' 'I rth 205 Westmlnster Ave., N<'WJ)Or1 ll<'ach Calif , ·d f fl _, 77.tfr b:< hnur • r ""~ t-:xt l'll•·nt PIIY That th k bo dh ld · · 1 ht>rt'un to set my ha n an a Xn• Ph l•ali M 1\ll lf·· . e nhownld' ln 0 en., mOr1RaiW<'S. and other ~t'CUrity my official llt'lll thf' day and Y«'ftr FOR s a... I $8000 'rliHEF I WI tilt otiM Ill 11 1~1-: 1-'\'H;-o;l l>llll-:t o ownmg or o mg per cent or mon• or tntul um ount I)( bonds I wr1 ~ WANTI-"1 ""'u.-.'"'"''"· or otht>r sccuntlt'S urt': (If thrrt' an• nonr , so ~tatt'l None: In this certlCicalt> nn~t above t· · ' "'"m""''«' ''' tl•• I""" t th tw h I ten Jo"'it ~AI.Jo: 111-ft c· .. v••rrrt·Wal(on dry tor tnmtty .,f thnr~. 111 yo•ur P o paragrap ~ next abow. givinJ;: tht-name~; of thP · bCI PI N '""'""'no. stockholdN'S, and St'Curity hold<'rs. If any. contain not only the 1 I SEAL ) hoUM t rlilll'r, a n•al buy lvr Ill mr 1 pt 13 ur ::1::2 , ... ,. list of stockholders and sec~rity holders a.c; thl'y apprar upon th<' books , B. J. SMI'Jl-1. County C1f'rk ex• ••llo'nt , tJDdlllun. Awnlntc in· aln~:a 7!\·trl 1 o! the company but also, m callt"S whe!'l' the stockholder or st-curit) By A. L. Hitchcock, Ofoputy. cluJt'ol, J'>t'rlt't:l llr•·•. JiP:\ t·utl HJ: 1 '" ,., "' rnl Av .. nu•· $5000 lh lid\ 1 1 h ~~ J for ~ l'lloJLII dtllolro·n rvo•o \' 1-'11 1 holder appears upon.the books ot t he company as trust~ or In a nv 4t·Sppt.14,21,28,0ct.5th,1944 I or tnma f'all bc•tw.-.·n 10 a.m. u•. \\'A~T•:n 1-"'1Y 10 ··r~r•· T IIHt-:1-: L•rr~ o er uc ary "'a u on, t e name of the person or corporation for and t; f' m. 2:1 111 N<'WilOrt Avl'. dll w 1 • r .. r ''"''"'"''" ••l'l'"'"t" Kut whom such trust~ l'l acting, Is given : al.;o that thr said two Pftra· K. k Off f w "PI'<>:!Ill'-Air ltftf!. 77-2t r " II furnu•h lra.n•r••lh ~''"'''"'' Mllrk•·l l'rh .. $:11)()0 contain ~latements <'mbrncing affiant's full k nowlt'dge and be-IC -or ar I ll•oO l'h. Npt ""'' 77,. ,..,~ II ' as to .the csrcumstanet's and cond itions und<'r wh1ch stockholders Ch F d Tod THAIL•:It 1-'0H tt•:~T '4t Wt'tl· D """nl:, 1\:.:2 Ut-.al'un St . Nf'w-1 secun ty holders Who do not appear Upon the books of the com · est un ay l"ra.lt. ('umplo•or•ly l'qUIJlJ:W"I IN pol'\ llrtJ:hl8 74·111' as tf"U..Jtet"s .. hold stock and securitifMt in a capacity other than hc~ua•kr<•ping t;u hght. watf'r --1 ha ot a bohna fldP owner: and this affiant has no rt'R!'On to beli('Vf' At ~""Sta Mesa JIO .... wc't'k. 2r.111 Ncowport A''~'·· MAN WANTED I t anr O! er ~rson, ~iation, or COrporation ha.~ any intC'I'elt dl· ~ fur It •· •l••ll\•r J)• r-uule lieud Jtob. noel or mdsrect sn th~ S&Jd stock, bonds, or other IK'CUritk•s than as so Call dayll 77·ltc: ~tated by h im. - ---I OOo.l fO:H ' We '"'" lf'II.N> )"" a n I BAI.BOA ISLANU 5. That th~ av_erage number of copies of each lssut' or this publica· Thla evening, W Mtnuday. at n TRNJTUBI! FOR !!IAI..E--. ~•labhMIH'tl tnuto H llut lnlrr }o'\Jmllllll ,, l'llltolh Jtooy Jo'tulll hutnr tion sold or. d1str1butl'd, through the mall~> or othi'I'WISt', to paid sub· 7:30 In the Chapel nf Coeta Mua "''"' "' hunt work tl" 11ut apply r> bo••h•"•nlll :1 lo1•llo10 ~~er1bers dunng lttl' twelve months prect'ding the dat(' !ohown above i5 Commwuty church. chalrmf'n &nd ron ~ALE o n .. •lay he'd a n.t 111"'1 Net~·port IC"f' .t Cold S&ora~r 1 .......... . II his lnfonnatlon is I"(>(Juil"t'd from daily publica· all ~sldents wflling to help w1tb • bfd, .-prlnJtll and m •lln',.. 4 tv 30th ~~ Nt·v. JM•rt llf'arh I HAL \\'U.L f'MITH lions only.) the hou:Jr to houM can••AA for the l!:xrl'll('nl <'nrWitlon. 309 Alva-I l'hconr 1!'17 7!>-11< ,...,,.. A~:••lll r &'lo 1"' .. 11:" .. _ • ...._:--• 77·Jlc _ ~·u!\ M"thu-A\'•• H«lt••• \MI.,Ht S. A. M EYER, War Chut fund will ml'l-t to hl'tr -' D<U.,._ 7011 1-: I·, ntrKI ll&lhufl 'I ••lo·phono• t :'1:1 76 :lh Manag<'r-Eduor. HEW' WAN'n :ll 1118hv.•u l .. r l'hono· t••~·J Sworn to and subSClibed before me thl~ 30th day ot September L944 Hu~th M Wilcox. rounty gf'nf'ral I-"'OR ~A LE 3-pc v.·aJnut be-d· a nd "'a•tr .. ,.. 9 1, m tu ~. n m I 77 ~tv ("'-aJ ) • · ch&lrman for the drive whtrh will 1 1 t ,. ..., room IM'I Van ty hu arr;t> m r -flun•JII\s off IAootco'a Cl\lf', 26U I NORA S . MARGWARTH. continue through the month of ror l'h N pt. 1336-R 77-4tc w l' .. nlral ,.,.('. Npt llo 11. ~EAN FRONT HUSI NE.SS M,y conuniMion <'xpin's J an :!8, t946. Oct nt>tor. a rrnrding to Hamid K 7r..2t,·I LO'fS Nl::AH HA U~>A INN Grau('l, ~ta Mu a chairman FOH !':A t~F. I 1 'vn801~ radto. I Pub.: Oct. 5, 1944. ----Mr a nd .M rs Luke Mulller of Contract nf all r ... IJeot. and portable radio. 1 brau ~d. WANTEil l t.-)J1 toy o!:oy t•or 4 ''"'• 11 "'"I 111. Ill•" k 111, UA.IIJowt r---------------. Santa Ana werf' rt'cf'nl dlnnt'r bulllllea& ht)III!C'II will foiJow lhl' 8prioga an.l mattn-u. 1 hot day• 11 "····k IUIII'•Iry IUhl .-lr·llll· 1 'l'rllo t • ,,, rto·r \\ rudtho.,:loH ano I N Q T J C E I guuts uf ~Jr. nnd Mrs. William ml'eling. J1m Kilpatrick hu ~n water gu hc-atl'r J . L. Rllunp, lnl( l'h ~pi 1.1< 11 t9f,4 71\·2l• 1" ''"" 1-'r .. nt :,4 rt 1 1o """ rtr)(ll Hil l{•r, 4 15 Wo'lll 19th &trt'C't namt'<l chalrrrun of the businefUI :.!:.!7 Coral, Hnlhooa lslanJ 77-llc ".:" .,flrt•d r .. r ,.,,,,. l•v l 'tty WE ARE PREPARED TO FABRICATE • STEEL TANKS • BAIT TANKS • I~IPE, Ek. American Pipe & Construction Co. Phone Spt.. Bch. R.'iO For You.r Slgu PRONE 81 BENEDICT The Sign Man SpedaJty: Boat Le~rln' NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SLOCOMB -MANAGER Bait· Tackle · Fishing Information N EWPORT Df:ACII The Famous Sportfisher . . ~ '. commlltt'e and n F. Ha tch will W ANTED--ROOM, BOAJU) I'Holltoll"l "''"P•••IIto•t~•hlu tltr .!llt'I"Vt' ln that capacity for the FOR S ALi: 1 wa...,._ l,.lfl '""'"'' nl••••· 14 flfltt ltll th hQmt' l"omlltC't w ltl'h outboard motor, 2 •1 b.p. HE U •' 1n :u ·· "'""'.: fil·"' :.or. Thl!' driVI' II! an OflpN'lunlly fur I 46!'!1, Santa Ana Avt'. Newport ct,.ln~o: '.,..ulh•l "'''r w••rk ""• h"me-fronlf'rll to r•••nlrlhult> t n Bl'lllh l'h. 1.1150-R 70-l fc l.l('t'n to~····~: to d .... wn ,,,.,Jclroo; ,. l'AI• \\ 1t1 I •U\' tt'll:UIMt :.•, "'"a lnll081hll I'"""' I "Ill "1,.'11 hlda :'\u\ •'1111,..1 fj 1114 I i7 hi ' many dlflt'rt'nl orgaolt.lllfnna. JU>oM FOR RE~"'T •·m.ta 11 I••• 1111'' lo lui "'"' Mw•l l local as wl'll lUI nat1tonaJ r('hf'f _ _ fl'l•l l••arol lit roMUil l•rtVI•t• f;'"' "IA•l .lou·k ''" It · ag,.ncles Th,. Cwota ~h-.'13 run FO H RENT Two 1111 <'ly furnuthed lly Wolf I'"> '"I' I·""' 1ur 1:•••t JOHN E. ~A J)l.,~IR hall b.-t•n all<llrtl tl <jUlolA uf $:!1100 j(Ul:Mt riJOm~ Ill l10 111lo h(•ml' Box IJoJII•ol It• I• I• 'II •" foono 11•h• ol II HI-:At. !';:o;'I'A1'1-! llltiJK.;tl lor lhf' naloun-wtdl' funrls anol 111 I F. o·nrl' uf l\:f'\\ K·T fiH '9 . 74~4tp olrllor• ol .. I roo k tto•ll « ·,.~, •ro rulllll<' 1 :t,::'I:J-:HA I. 1 1\:SI 'H A~l •t-; A• ;~;NT tllddltlun lrJ t hat $7HI hu bet•n 1-I!Oituul, l.:o ~o:llllll ll•><t• 1o '" p:'""'' 110,,1111 V l'lll•lto hutJ!!t'II'\J (or Ute IJ<•v f"·••>Ut 1~a1 ROOM AND BOARD LR:..unu II• no h li.' I • oot 1. '" • 1 1 ...... J ·~ --~II • I h IN• t , ... , •• " u rJo(llllll.lllluna lUI< I $-iil fur lhe l.ucal l ltOOM 8;JH. )A kf• lrl-:;.·.,:u..:r -ru• -•~:•· 7~>-41 p 1 :w~ ,\l,ooro 1.111,11, :111 C trl Sl·out11, mtlkln'J.'; 11 tut11l of WILnl rcfmed ll•·rvh-1' m M '• WANTED TO RENT I 1111ll•·•• 1 'ultl 7t\111 about $:.1800. wlf<• In ,..,.,.., mv honlf' f..r· - --hrlrlnJ.: wol h ""rk ·Mullt llf' ablel WANT Tr l 1!1-:~T Ft 'I!N I)'IIII-:t• COUONA f)J<:L 1\IAH Mnnufadurrr~< "t "''ll\'<' olry tn drl"" , ar· l'h 1\;f'l lk h i!W., \\'ant lou "'"!" .t • .,, I~ ·I r•••nt \t·a~ ,,;'\\'t\ 0fJW h•\t~n .,,stnJtl•'d ... 77-~tr homt• ••• , , ... \\lftl •t nu I'''" •• r ,, f ~~ouf ···1 t .. I t • ' ~< : '"'"''' a ll , f 11w 11 • 111 r• ••t I''" f•fo.'AI. a.:.sTA!_fo.' \~'ANTa..·o 1 1 ' .. :h···;'.s';,tr•·n t 'lo.o I• .. \I• ''"'"' l'lo rl•a~t1on •ur t.uv•·en111t'nt ""-"dJiil. thl' ~ .,._ ., 66 ,_ 71 41 • ,.Jt,a ll lu •il .. • ,,. •I t· 1.' ·, 1 '"" \\ ,,, FoH"I i\•hllllll:>lr.ol l"ll t o ~~~ II" LISTING W ANTED ~rh:•t "'' ·'"~ l ho$0l u U:-4 \\hu , •• ~:tf•·:ot t• t.t.tls tru , ~ A 1. ~1~· \\.AI"TJ.•J' --r .. '' • 1 ''' 1'"' 11'''11 IJ1•••n mnkllll: "'" 111!111 rooll!'< Willi ' l\ .. w••ll, J.•••H:O.d l:•·.d l .•f ''' f'lltnt> ••I "'""' to.ll k• I ll :'l:t•1 1-'1'\1 111 •.\1 1 • '"" """II'" ··~1u• u \\tl havn Itt tutn l u "'"~~'1 Ur•tk•·r, :t7nl c ~na>tl l!h d ~··w .... Bc.~h. •)J\o4U i-:! "' f fla,.lh\,t\ ~.Holt • ' I I ~f ... , • , I ~ • , ·'' ~··,o!'lt Ill lh<• (Ulllrf'. I"" I lkao h 1'11•1111' :.!4:t-'( 77 :..Otr \\'A"'T Tl 1 ltl '\:I 11"11 • ''" ltlol W J . 1H1LCOMO .:. 17 t ·.,,,,., '•·..:'•" ,1\ MPJ'.cJAL AN NOl lNCF.)IF.N'm- n•t,.lr ..,, vlo f' No1 tlrh•rlty nt'•'f'•· ••ry ft•l I:'"'''' "A ", t r ufk ijlllllll y &)'Ill hot lo 111hh"r I A'a ''" Y""r oar In Ill•• n11•rn1n1. It will I•• rraoly '" It" tllllt f'Yf'ntna. All w10rk an.t lllal<'lllll' ~llllri\IIIHll 4 '••IIIII t.t ~ .. :. Tilt• .t lll'<'lll'f'llll ~~~"I'· ~'IIUI A 1\;I'WI•••rl IU,•t.l . l'uat,. }.l o·u I'll 1:14.' 7 4 l f• --7T772 --- Attention' Boat Owners· IN SIDE BOAT STORAGE . N~v. lhlllillnw 111\lo.:ll~l ''"I"''''" ••f ••··• 1111: '"•th 1'1"11 arlit i'•" I' I 1\ .. llt• Ill' lot :1:1 (I Ill lf'lljfth Lido Channel Yacht Anchorage TIHk I!AI IIo l~ llrp"lrf'ol It• Yo•ltr aat 110111• tl .. n All wurll l(ll&r&nt-J l'rlllllt•l "''' • h" Nr-. l"•r l, Ua l· '"'" I · ... ,,. ,.,,.,.,. ltllollu ~rrvlt••, 1'1:1!\t., Nrwl"''' llh•ol t'o .. l a M"IO" T7 lito' -\\ ANTto:11 l lph.,hiCPrtng • (liT , ... 1 l 'lf'l\111111(, Ill )'•Uif hunu• \\'nrk l(llflfiUih•f'd '~ .. , .. ..-&I hi h••twty '"""..._I, •'"" new ahHII. I'll NJ'I :J;lt) 77-4tp FOR KAIL-POlll.TRY 1-'IIH ~A I .. : 1t; whlll' llo. II t>td· , .. ,. ro """' ulol, $1 CIO f'lkh 311:t , ... , Mtu Av• , ..•.. .. ~ ... 77 ll r IAlHT ANil nJlJND IAH4'1' l'latul"l,.v. man·~ hn•w n """""' ""1111 namr HO'ii: llruwn•. ll\•Hwy Kllol ot'rh•~r·u lh•n.,. Ill )MI• llo•l ltt•WIIIII I'll Npl Urh :tck•t .1 Tt -2tr I .A o:< I' • "' k•· \'10, .M .. miAy In New· I"'' I 11 ..... h llf'Wilrd lt~tum to 11 1111111 , \\'•·"' t •,.,._,, l'a1 kllljl l!f• 7o.:n,, FOR 8 AUt: lf:V. l'ontla.t eport fUO.II'f' tlo'<>\1 Nlfldttlon, a.t.o :1· whHI 11 I\ II"'· alalu• body, 4-ft. 11 l(lrt tcao•,.f f'und. J. L. St&rnp, 'i'/7 1 '•ral 1\alhna laland, T'f·lfc. ~'till ~A I .. ~ '3t fll~. 4·door ... •llln. J•r" WKt tll"f'a, not l"f'tr.arta, ra•lt" $7117 1'10 Rto,....t at D&lboe cl"r"ll"· 7111\ K Ua)' Ave . Ral· II(* f"h 121\ TT ·Ito )o'\llt 14AI .. : 1~'0 M fMh•l A P't1rd ''""'""· """'' h'tl Motor rwer· h~tutr.l •rul JIIIIU'ant_.. Halboa t.lnluno 71'-1 t-: 1\ay Ave., IS.I..,_ I'll 2~~ TT-1\C! ., lit RAt .F. ·a~ ('h .. viQiel 4·d_.. ""''"" Ttua ur Julll re•paln..._ ~'""'"" "' llalhua Clara.,., Toe II. )Ill)' An . Uallaoa l'b 2211 TT·1le FOR KAL&- M1181CAL I N8Tat JII&NTI to~)Jt RALIC Uprltht ptaM, Ill lfo•lld I'OOllltiQn l'htlflf' Npt. 71t4 tt n ·ttc JliA.NU \Jpr1a ht, •-ultlut ton' tt .. aaunable. U" Voratnla t•tace, l '•""a M-TT-ltc: ,...lit 8 AI.tc l'lpra y patnUnc out - fit C'om.,..t•. t •aal pr_,. pot. Ut:\ 1\12·511th I'll , Npt. lkb.. t•h 1211-W TT..ale lf'tiR KA.LIC I v"lt C!bai'Jinf Jl&ut. Mr.OO, " " plywood rvwbual. $41\ OU. l"all m(tnllnp l"b.. Npt lk•h U04-W . Tl•4tc: ---fOR SALE Pow.~' drtll, \6 •. AM IINIU 1-eyl., ~~ motor .Wt· aha. tor btu . or tard. t.rector. MO.._ 1111 Hart.or. l't\. mi·M II'O it I'IA I..Il Uolt anDy pll:tol I I• 20 In !II tram• and 100 roulldl uf amm unition .. () Af'PJ 111 w Ce nl raJ A v• . IWbo&. T&olle --trOll KALil: l 'radkally 11-blla ruat with lar1• •llnr foa collar. Al80 hf'tl""tm aulte, ..... -· rel.&r)', rhalr, lar,.. pot"Calain tA9 lal•lf', l'hlhppltl'l' llllll4l, ...... 11\, Npt . ~301 W TH t.e -Professional Directory MOHTIMY.K MC'IIUOI. ..... Arrlotr ... --... .. ~ 10% C 'oral l'\alho,. IIIIIWMI til Nerc iMw Awe .......... c.. ...... , ...... U!\" *'HC"HU . N.D. CASH U r..,....: c ·,,,~ .... l•,...~r-alAtl')' o. v. 1111. ''""t"•,.., l.holltt~t I 000 .,., CAT HGI .. ITAL ,, \ \lurlllllf'r-, M \. ft\fotNI .. .,}• An• U4l l'rlnt'lt"'l ,.,,,,,.,. .. '\t 1114 ao ""•'" 14 , a ..... AM, c..ur Go rd on M.Grundy, M.D. Co nrad Richter, M.D. J Phyolrllln •nd Surgeon P llyeklt•n anlt l u,....,. Dfllcle 107 22nd """' I Ninth ~nd Cfnt r• A\1•. Olllt oe Hto 10-12 . "' : l ~p.m. Newport .. aetl I TOIII!phonl! 17 Hour•: 10.12 a. m . a l ·l p. "'· '' CRESCENT '' Fishing Boat Bargains hnn l;.h• '' f••t "·'''' r u••·nff•" 1 C"nur•h· n I"'' """'ltlpurtl•l' I ~.t t ftfl ,,( i•f tt .. fltl \ JUt:'f1tr••ft ('all Jo rHuk 1 .~. fl. 3H~ 71 t(• I ".,...-,.~N~T~T~II-Ht-;;'I;T Slllllll 1 ........ • ·,,, 4HIU •I• I "' ,., \\toot•_"" I·I"I:M I-lv 7j II• ----I Pllen-Oiflu U l1 R-. 14·J 1 . LEROY P. ANDERSON Skippered by Capt. George McM illan STILL LE;A VING DAILY at 6 A. M. from SCOTT'S LAIDIIG ..._MI ( EYef'J1ILbla for tbe F1abermu) 1101 Oout• 8lpwaJ , Newport ae.e11 Go~! l)DN"TC AA KP>.WI A. 'iiRt> t> CX':r ~t4i.N 'roY SE~ \'T '! 1"\'\lS ~'s A 1118'S LAIDIIG and Yacbt Brokerage ... , ...... ,. --..................... !II ..... IC::.i WANTY.Il TO B ill' r ' I \\A:-.: I 'I'll III 'Y l 'r"J" rty 111 u llr'"""l llu• ll!lrl .. •o •hlft•h I Tw• l"t" I"' f, llllll•· "It h "' Wl\hloll lnr11tllro.:• 1111111110,... "' lt•Nid•·lltlll ••r n• t •·Mtrr:t .. n t h,-. ~"'"" A n~~ '"' '"' l•llrt I'""""'"' t•l.,, ... ,.,..,.h \-\'rot .. J!,,, ·v , ',., N••wa T tmt•JI '19 -ttr • S'Kf.U'£.r.2 • ~IISfS SJ.T,i A'-\. f)A."f LOW6 • W A \T tN ' "To <ilf' tN Ttf kt 1"U4EN . I I I I AT TO RNEY AT lAW CH1a M•.. ••nlo a utt,.lnt ~llone 421 Coeta M••• Callfofflla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We llurw,.h·,.. t he Delter8er.e Jty 8erv1n1 oth•r8 l'-111" Pllonr N•wport Mt Coeta Mue Calif•"' Ia BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lola A. J. TWIS T 107 Cou t Hlgllwe,. fltllone 2412 CORONA DEL MA .. .Gerald nauHa, M. n. Ulan WHI f 'f'nlral Avf'. Nf'wport n.-.,.11 f"h. llnll ·Ntt an•Wf'P r ail ftOI ·M X· Ray Mf'rvtf'f' ' J AC K RA l JB J .IN'nwd J A nti Rurvf'vor 2017 W. f'1•ntraJ A\•r nuf' l'honr'l: N,.wpnrt fm lf·r 123; n ..... ltlr.r. DR. G. E. TOHILL I'H VIICIAN aft4 IUfiiGaDN ..,. c ... , ...... ........., ..... -PMM- Offlo8 211· w ............ If Ne A-r C.ll ~ I Dr. M. D. Crawford O PT O N &T &I8T EyN Ellamll"f'd . Gla-ntted I'" N~~Wpert ......._,. ..... .... ClOffrA N D A BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPaL a v THl taA 410 Coatlt a t .. lt. Co••"• ofel Mar ,._,.rt ..... flthene N-port 41 -DR. OBED LUCAS nentiat • I!I'IIIJ w. ~tnt . ...... NF.WPORT IIJ!AOB SF.PTIC TAN K & CY .. '\'4rool, I•IJMMNO JlOY MliNOZ Ul Knn• l'tt . l"h. Npt. Tft·W f 'CU4TA MF.I'tA, C;AI,I F. ..__I WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT riiH '-'t .Af;£ .A NO KIN DltNQ W OOD- If W W• 1•lol 17'<4 :'<JI' l!lv11., f '••llfll totr11!1 ,, ... , l.11.,;l~r. 1-'h. &M-J ~~N[R.A I LONTRACTOA- c;.,rrl•m It ,..l,•llny, Mlfl f'oa"t ntvt'J , Ph 41 2. Plan~ anti CoMt~ I UM OLR C.OMP.AN IE&- ,.,.,.,11 AI• .,. J.l,r I '• "l"'t u• h"ll' Yflll pr .. n ynur h'lfJtt." Pt\oae a lt"v f tl lllr l•l l...,mlwr C:.O f'hnro .. 1100 ('u&Jit lllahway at Arc...._ , o r ,.1c r au P ruE~ ,.-----1'"-..L.--4....a,-...L.._:_..:_____ N•..,..pror1 llrori>(Jr l'ubllllhJna 0• Pt•onea· 12 . 13, Nrwptlrt .....-. ....,:----------------' .. R INTI NO -. 'PUlA. N""P'•rl H.,I>Or Publlllhlnl 01 MMJ,_.. II . 1.\, Ne.,..,t a-b. ftEAL £1TATI:, tNIUfii AN~· A NOTAfiiV fltUaLtt.- 1- H W aUa.-., ~201 W. 0.. ...... .l..-.e. ~ I . fiiU aaE fll ITAM~ N.wport Harbor PubMIIIIt&llf Oo ~! 12 · 11. l -ET MRTAL W .RIC.-........ , ............. " ..... a... ..... VARilTY ITH&- N• ..... IIIMIL ........ ...... ~ ,........, • .....,._ .. , Ma, ae ....S ... ,._. D 11·" ' .. ......... -. .AppealtoSouthernCaliforniaCiub FJ b Feffil.lll.lle A t• •t• !Ration Board Volunteers Complimented Women to Publicize Women's Army Corps ' ar 0 r c 1 vI I es At Dinner Meeting Monday Evening C1ub pre.adellt8 are Llkl'd by I ..A-By Winifred Barbre "'fl Phones 12 and 13 .A-Volunte('rw ot the local RaUon1tocal bo&n.l. Mr Meakey pruent.ecl •-n.. w o m • n ot the United ...._ ara the oo.ly onu wbo have .,. ..._ Coon.erlpted for t.bta war," .,. Mra C. H. OM&l, A&«' chalr- au ot 0.. CaliforniA ~on ., w-·· chlbe. ukiDr thou-....,.. ot eout.IMJ'n CaHionrl& club- -to Mdl do a pubUc rela- .._. jWI tM 0.. Women'a Army ~ AppaU!ac to ""')' club pNel· '-t ta 0.. Loe A.llfelu dlatnc:l. U.. eoulbenl da.trict and tt.m COUDtJ to aaa.ka the eollaUof of ..... 801dMra the outaudiDC ftiDdka ot the club ye&r, Mn o..l ub that club woman plea .. llaft a .,...,.-ram lble moolb or • Octotler butd on the n.d for Wac ..u.atJDtlllL lira. ODeal to eend to Mrw. Hf'r· 1-C l-C Board wer,. honored at a lu ncheon her w1th Ule allver bonor plD man J Oarret.oo. 4141 l"r<MMpt't'l Repatrt'ate to Speak First Luncheon of Fall Season Conventa'on Reports KIVen Tu• sdl\)', Oct. 3• by the aw&rd. A.lao complimented .... ("'rclt, South Pua<kA&, the oanu• ~f'WJ>"rt liarbor Chambe-r of Com· Mrw. D. Z McKJoney who bu CJI a W OII'Ia!l In e&cb community At Ci rcle Tuesday ; s h d I d f A L Party Plans Made mt'rt.l' nt t-h·anr. Kai!lt'r's I.' aft' euvtd over four hundred hour&. Whl> wiU wrve Orl the CIYiii&D Ad· d ( d c e u e or ssistance eague A WCT Ralp h p l1aakey. cha irman Of j Mr Maakev uprulf'd the com· Resi ents nvite t U Meet J y \ .. 1ry committee to the Women'• the board, nr«-d u ap<•kuman and 1 muolly'a thanlu to the other voi- Army Corpt~ Of' apl'Oint a Wat'l -Mta 1' W•al"n Jny wW tllllcl· Mrs. Rowland H~klnson ; project t old the ~roup of the achleve mentl unteera \Oho havl' d •.nated ma&1 projed cbalnnan w ho oa•lll ~~ up Thl' f:.nrra.l f,r, I~ "f W S,C.8 • t.arn nu."fntx-ra of tile A.Mittaml' 1 C'llaarman, .a.tra. a.ary Aduaa Ab-The Newport ~leach Women'• flf the voJunten workera In 1111111-boura Theae V•llunteerw are )trw. tnform&Uocl cenlera &M make con·~ Chrut C"hur,.h hV th~ ~··a. will Lr~<l:"\1'' 1\l a lunchron 1\l her boml' bo'>tt. way a and mean•, a.trw. Jack Chri•tlan Te..mperanrt Union ml't lng on lime the f VI' lhUII!IIUl<l "/\" Krtty Ourton, Mr. J ohn Baker, tat't8 w1th ellc1b&e womeft tor the ml'l't T\J"I•IIIV f ~ I IQ at War 201 \'Ia Orva~la. LuJo tale, at t.hr lr Parka. TheiN! com;>rille the elt· We<tnuday at the h ome of Mrw renewa l• Much p rai.te was j;'lvrn 1 Mra. Mary Uenotll, Henry F . Ken· Army. c .. aa. f:Jaltvl(l l~l&nil n r xl m"ding. ThuriMt&y, Oet. 1 ~ rn1t"·e board. Emma Weatherford, 309 Alvarado the rt>gular \'Oiuntet!r workers who dall. Mrw. I rent' Wood, Mra. K . ~ "Every tooa•n and city lltlould Th,. ~llHI>' "r""Jl wtll ~""""'"" at It "•II '" the flr8l luncheoa Of t.hr St.andlnf commltleea ue the .treet. Balboa. <.lunate n·any hO'Ir!! <"acl1 wtek at Git.on, Mra Helen Harper. Mra. have a clvlll.an group d olag a pub-' 10 JO 1\ Ill IUIII rhrrt· wtll t..· .. Y•·ur, aniJ lira Roderick Burubarn prUJt'l't committe(', the waya and Ml• Ellie Nt-wland C'Oflducted the board. • I Pearl Backu. and Mn. Ulll.aa lie relaUona JOb," M.ld Mra. One&.l 1 M ""nt lun•·h "rrvr•l at n'"'" t.y I '"II bo• < o~h••IIICIM. ml'alUt and the llnanclal commit· devotion a a nd her .ubji'Ct wu J F' J u"nhy. n raro.l Operat ions Henry, All 0( lht membera ot "Here la a job that d <-not re· lat1to•a "' thr ll><lbfll\ lliland L "'n It '11ot I hatrrnllll, ~1ra Jay, baa lln-tf'l', Ml'mbere of the project com· "Ctlooalnr Our o wn AtUtudu ." I)' ~lrfr for thP a rea, expr-d UH• I the Ratlonlnj( Board were pr~t quire tha ralelnf uf 'fam.la It drw" Th~ b tiiiiiiN"' ,....,.,on &.lid Jl'""' nmanlt•rl her •·omnutt.eea for 1111' I mlltt-e are, Mra Abbott, crua:nnan; Rl'port.a on the recent C'OUnty "I'P'' C'latlon uf the dlatn('t office : and Harry Weleb repr-nted thf' n~d leadl'rahlp, Women .whn aj)f'llk , ~rr""' ."""', bo-ul 1 :111 rm wllh Y•·ar II.IHI tta~y art', vlce-cb&lr"'IUln., drnt11l chairman, Mrw. G~orge convention held In Anaheim wtre f11r the t1n t> wnrk wharh h&.l! al· Chamber of Commerce . with authority and wht-oplnanl\l\ Mr" 1'. 1 ""f'"" llrty~ 1111 •s~a.llf'~ Mr-A l'anu~ron Thorn: treaarrcor. Ylllllll'y; book chairman. Mra. brought by Mra. Ella Goeldner, w11y11 l~l'n IInne by the local board are valued are nef'drd to tvlUI'&lf'l Mrx llny• WIJO art ( h1na• '"'tl rt· Mr-. Evc·r('t\ Gardiner ; recordlm: AIJh•all, ~te'holarahap c haIrman, df"IC'gate. am.l thl' prf"'ldent, Mn membere. the lflaff and the ex.cel- t.be public' u If• lhf' nrf'd fur turrwtl "" lllo' l;rrs••h"lnr Sh~ ""111 ~··· r•·Uary. Mra. Walllam Wbtt•• ~Ire t"um eron Thorn: S AAAB F'lora Beatty. Thry will alao at· tent volunli'tr aaaiatanta. He aleo more Wac.a. lillY,. Rn anl••r••"ll"it lj1 ur\' Ill t••ll "' 'torr··~•nad•ng llt•r r••tary, Wr•. Ja•·k thUllC t'hlllrman, a.Jra Abbott. tend the strait ronvf'ntlnn a t Hetl· HIIVIII~·d that a. ra.tann board waa ~ .. 11.tallnn11 111 111" (lalrnl ••nil 1•1 '"" llallmun. lul,..Jn ,1fllrtor, lira ..... 1. wuv~ lind mf'IU11!rhalrm111, Mra Ianda Oc tutx>r 10, II a14.1 12 d · "Very few no>uplc k nt•W ltlf' way~ I 1 I I "• · ~ • nl d ( olvpt•n l'nt on t.be.~te volunt~rll for ··-pri\'Kiuoll JO 1111ol rlllf• "''I"' loon llullbar<l Jr IHI.rllaman•-~.111 l'llrkl' and coametu~ chalrm&h ' an~t w .. re m11 •• ur a Chri.tt· ffl 1 (X D IF .... ..........., ._. t ln which the Waca nrvr vr thai ' t h I' ·I • ....,.,, ' ~·· U 11e •Is e c I'D I nperallun ., ~) llll enlleltd War !'lUI urn big I :-; .. r 01111)' "··ralt ... n o " I r• tt•' Mr~ Jillion Smith. S~tttl cum · maa party :.t u• l lmbtr mrd · Tht enllrl' group honorf'd Mn. La Verne's BEAUTY SALON S unday!( and Evl'nings By Appotnlmr'nt hul 1111 ""rn' 11 111 It"' Hurl••• otro•ll I rnttlo·,· !II e.w p n r t Harb<-.r \\'&'r tnj;, when mcml>cr11 will boo Wlked 1 G L. Andrew.!! uf Corona del Mar m~;· mf'n .. I ... 111 ' ull•·r· ,.,, •I Ill hrntln~: /ll'l Your Friends ('tWIOI ~Irs C'ameron Thorn: cour·l In hnrll( gafts II( frual ur othc:r KUP· who hitS o·umpleted f ive hamdrtd I are rnmpetlnK "'1111 "' 1\ ·"' 111\il•<l too "11''11" ''"Y .t:nlrmnn, Mrs J&mPII Rog-plii'A for l hl' W C T.U hum,. at li11urs uf vnlunlt'tr 1ervlce at the o.p.lll 0 ~II f I. oW n~ttl"rut who nut only h•v .. Uwor I T h• ~· "l"•rt '.,,. lo• "'til m~ .. t And Mine . I"· ·•n•l uublh:aty. t.el.,phon .. ~tnd Eat:.,. ltot·k tMILOREO BJF.RKEN) ..... , "' Oatt _. A.,._ uwn wom .. n a.ni.l 'h rltlrrn wnrkan" \\ ',,,...,.,,.,, lw I II "l :! I• m Ill ..., '"I' t.~<••k 'halrmllll, Mn Don The: """t m ,. e I I n~: will I,.• '*'-... liar for lhf'm tot.&lly but alao hiiVI' lhf' Ill• hoo1a,•· ,.f Mlli H II 11.11 1~1 ,\l.t'.ollu rn Wl'dO f'lday 1'\uv I at thl' born,. vf t·unrt<'riJtlrt.l Ia bur .. r mllllnru <tf th•· A 11,. 11 1.1,.,.. ,.,.,.1,. ~~. ~,. I ~~ 1 ~ H I: llnrm•m anr1 daua:ll Mra. &atty. 3(17 U ndrJ, Ualbon conquered nallnna' mf•n a nol "'''" • --lo 1 ~1ultn• " ""' no·w noaid enlJl "' em Our men ha\•o• to di'J>"Ild CID ." \••llllll••·nn~ 1 ...... Ill l•\111"1 '·•·:'"'' II······ llvlnjt Ill 11"• Noted Speaker for I" '1"1" 11 '"'' '1 ,. ... ,., ""'""n ''""11~" "'··nru· ~1r" Harm .... • Evening Meeting . e COMING EVENTS r .. mur~: fr"111 <'•·d~tl-H~tp11111 Ia v:ht•t V K1_,. ,:-4 p rn fPSSU!'" tl( SJ>t'f'l !1 I Ill I'•~ • ullt'{:t', ll ls.~ lld o·n S•m· 1 mone 111 heN.' v.,.lln g ~l r llllol ~lra J W Mc Eirl't of 144 Ced i place. :104 Mnrlnl' Avenue, Balboa Island Tclo•pho nl': N. R. 1827 Hour<: 9 lu 5, F.xcc-pt Sunday IEIMII'S MillET Meats-Staple Groceries-Fruits Vegetables • Milk -Eggs Delicatesseri Items ····--Hole Prtc. -.,._pt 8entce "" uur II • n I hush.\11 I "'"" I~ ll mrl&lllmltb ••• • T hr •1111111•··1 \\ ... Ill·"' ' .• m ''"'' t )I,,.. 18 HtBIIIInPd at !'An Harbor Hi PTA ~lr.NI"AY. OC"T'ORF.R 9 1111,,1,. lhllt. $~1tcl ,. m•onltl """''1-l t• . .r r ... IH•I HJl+':l•la l'very Sunllay J«>d Cross wortcroom. 111 Palm . lng t .. h<r rHir ~<n•l th•• kwol oof i iUI•I M••rula\' ut hume 'Mwoy came l'b\11 Umanl k •1! Ult! Santa Ana Balboa. 10 a. m_ to 4 p. m., surttl· wurk llb•· "'"'" Tho· \•·r) lo•Hlfl """'' froom r•f'dar Raplda. Iowa. Arnw Air Bast', wno 111 much cal dresAJn~r.~ • ..... l(t'lli Ill I\ II ho•r 'I01Lho•ll ..... 1 It no I Vl><ll• •I MrR HllriJIOC'I'I .... , •• lll olta.:tri llflt'r ..., a ~r··akf'r, wau l Red CJ'O!IS Workroom, 313 Ma· lod~ttniC tt1111p1tah7.11ltootl ><nil $r>11 11 an J ... o~~ Ana.:••lr~ fur a month. F ntl· lltlk lu mt>mbtra uf lhe Newpnrt 1 1rtne avenue, Balboa bland, 10 a. munlla :;In• r th" a: I Ulll "' 111g ter fand " Jllllt'l' to live ln f;an Harbo•r L'nlon H lgb school Parent• m tn 4 P 01 . a •wan;: Hlt:hlrt J>SMo·•l. Ill•· woonwu In lhl' I •lo-go, lh•'Y Cllmo· here, and al TN11'11,.1 llHBCw·lallon at the evening I ~d CTou wnrkrnom, \300 11o•rvkf' 1.r,. rnllllrd 111 t'XMI'lly the-n!:&cly f111d themiW•Ive• under lh• nll'f'II"IC tu tw held al ; 30 Tuell· I f'>l•ean boulevard. Corona •11'1 Mar 811111., twn .. t ll 11 1 hat th,. rl'lum o·ll 11po·ll nf nur h•Vt'IV harbor. ! d11y t'\'l'nl'ng, 0<-1 10 In the high 1 to 4 p.m., 11urgical drtw~~lnga. •11..th•r II tn hiiVI' It 111 th .. grl'lll-Mr and Mr11. T. M LAne lff!l ll(huul aulllton um. according tu T UESDAY. O{'"'J' 10 I ~Y<I lnauranr l' fnr lht· futurt· that \\'o·•!no•fO<Ifl.v ,.,,. a mr•nlh'a vacatlnn I hr IUlnuuru·!'ment or tht' publkaty Llona, 6:30, lll'lnr. l<&llll'ra. ""Y -..onlllll , "" haVf' ... 111\ld Mra .. 11 IAk•• ~.I.Jitnur .. andJlurlnr lbl'lr r·hwrrnan, Mra. W J N evut .. c lnt'a.l aba• "'•· thtHr r .. al l'lllah! otflrco I Thtli w11l be the Oral meetlng Ro tary. 6:30 p.m., Whltt'a Park i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;.;;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;;;:;:;;;~ 1 A VtnUI', Balboa I Bland. : ,._.,..,, __ .,,,.,.,,.,,.,.,..,_, ,_ r WI I ,,.. an • har~e of Fred W ••I lht• y••ar au 111 It b to be h«'ld In Brlgca And Paul C. Jonea. lh1· r\!'ntng 1111 that the fathl'n Red CJ-osa Workroom, 111 Palm, I !llr '"''J ~~,.,. Axel Nctl80tl ar .. may alao havt-the opportunity .,r Balboa, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., ww-1 PALM-PALM DRIVE-IN CAFE lNI ud Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA • NOW UNDER MANAGDIENT OF ROBE&T WAI.KI.IN rr.prtet.er • Spet.'ializlng In FRIED CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINNERS • 0,. ,,_ 1 • a. ..W ! a. m . : Harbor Alumni, '44 • Continue Stud ies II v~trKtu•nlnJ: 111 l..'rutllne for twc. atttodln~t Mr11 Gunnln« BuU«>r mi. ,.. k 1 R~d "-l"t>llll wor room 313 Ma-, \\'Pf'k~ .ln•J H H Hn~rer•. Yet.eraD "Ill Pl'l'8hh' n....... I I ..• .. I t I t I nnl• &Vt'nuc. ua.w<l8 I anu, 10 am ~anl n """ Juul"r ~"•·lin: · h11..11 on rat ur, 11 31• '"" u <.lty buU•I· tn 4 p m 81'Wlng • 'llltm···· lito· m lljnr pnrt ..... "{ j(rllo11 ~OJ.: .lllt<Jl''' ltll llllrlfll( Mr Nel..eon'• Balboa Island Women l I;Ptttra.i ('an·lt', \\' ~ c ~. al Ma.r UAio·A ••f u,,. 'IIIAA uf '4 4, :OO:Mwpur1 1'•h_"'11'.. I Ca.aa Balboa Island. tO 30 a.m. llllriH•I' l'nlnn lllgh llt'h•••l. '"''' I'll• • ~l r and Mra llury F. Roe fll Hear Thrilling News ~rwport Harbor Union High • n•ll•·..t lho·r1· Ill" Okk C 'umptuu I.' 111' •tllU, lrul ••r•· Vlllllln& lht 11 --8C'Iu.nl 1'-T A llC'hO>'ll 1\Udttc•rlltm. : C'hurlt-11 l h·nr1111, l~•nnt" MfV' E.: suu Fr•·il ~1 Ho~. RC 3/c. U ~ 'l:ho 1111 til • I a li(<'tlmo• • IUJlt' 10 ; 'Ill p m • J:t'll IIIII 1-111na~:un. Mllt ol)ll l!rl; l l"'.r•~l C:ll.~t•l "'"1 hill waft, and Mt ~In• loo1u Spragul· 4!13 LJ1amon1l :I ~llllun .luh1111"n 111111t'Tllllll \llll•·1 """ !lolr• 11·'" \ ~~~ckman. i'IIJ H\•IIU•' llulbo oh l~ol,tnd. la.'Ot Wl'f'k • Ht>~:o·r !'lo•lh ('uri l)l..-rtu J un l't "~"11 "' ·"' 0111' ~!r ROf" a. 11•• "'h~n I'll• Will' lt81t•otnl{ tn It nl'WI> : 111m1UII11n ' 1;"Y Ho·•hltnN. Kl\thl•·"tt l '1r:IIIJ.:•'r 1" ('Ah furnla . for h~ "'""'"""'' ••n lht l aphtte of l'arill • ~ttllllo•u AI ~tOll'l!•ln .lo·IIJ\O'Il • nlllk"~ \'•''IIIV hw•ln•'ll:l tripe btr• T ht• llllii•>Un('f't 1.\1\.!1 lt•lltna.: 10bom : ~hn••k. Htob t'p•on 11nU .. .,,,,1 ~hunol 1 "• • 11' •rnlllliiJ.:• r fnr th .. F' a&d 1' lttk lllJ.: "''a•r Ill" lll\' 11.nd tre·ntaont••l ·I All• n.tln~ Ill•• lln1vr ra•lv .. r 1"'" 110 ''"''1 '<•mpnny. Slt•lt :o'.:l \'1r.:rn1" \\'~tiltH•· Rll on•• : t 'nJaf,nHII JOI I""' AIIK••I"" ••r-•· \lr. tear •lla l ~dt .!litO Ocl'a n n( !111' llllU \\'Ill 8 lo o•nlt•r I lit• I'll}' • l'lu1n · l 'ntiK J11no• Cra1•• E11'11l10t Fr"t 1 '' t•nt I•• 1-:lsmor., Wooday S azt w .. llnr r '" ~tn ~pragut!'lf • I :r1l\'o·1t \\'al•lu :"hart••\' unol t':o1ol nn.t '1 11 "I"'"" " mnnlh In lh~ IC rllllil•luhJ:hl •·r 11nol hus SJ>I'nt • W1•t.t .. nbo>r11 I'Mt rWh< S1...ngl«r rn"11" Ill an ro·•na 1 1 mua h ur hl r 11011' on lla.lbua laJ-l • l\;t.11 lll'•·tt 111 tUt••nol:uu ,. I ht•rt• until Jl,.ho•tl )..,•ull\' "11" hu baeD a f llDd altlli•lll(h h~r homl' II m Loa : ht'r trllrTIII~tt' lllJtl "''•'k I•• ~n•l le•rdo·nt or ~l'\\(ll)fl lkaeb ffW ., An~telo•IO ~h·· hi'V! btion Ill : l,.A ttoward fo; c lrl(l'rll "' Nf'W many years •• back homa ..tt.r WIW'• for nearly two )'<'&"-Her Mr and ~lr:1 J A Jt. .. lmnn. llli 13th ~I t •·r l uro "l"'n rng lhlf•t \Ot't ks 81 t ht·ar m • unl aan hom•• m F1-allt r 1'a1l. llt'lll Bako·rt<ftt'IJ \\ IIIIo• ~lr l~•lr1 an 1.'< OWB\' Mr c 1lnr1Plf IU.1111 ·~ 11o ltng "" ~ n!<ln· olwn uf tho· lo(l80\mnr 111 h••1l • Y11rk C1ty, IHIII 11ho• lt•fl F'rtday In I "f"'nrian~: lhrl•t• rnuntha In Manha,t,. al~r. t.tr111 Patty :rhl'liMn, and : join him. tun 1<• '" tr Ill the hnme ol b .. th~ lt<II H 'A 11m1111 N•n lave un Bal· • 111 1111!1 ~1111111-:l••r WllS thr llt't'll0<1 dAUjthlr r II WllJI thr lltt._me Ocean, 0011 holand "'ilh ;hrar !!r&nd·l : brlof,. tn lll1 1'\81111. I hi' tint llt•IIIS; 1'1"' r<aJII•• •un, 1\.lm•llll lh,. IUDe mot.brr --------------- • M1111nn ~II'Rtn of 1\ll.lhoa bland. ''111'1 lout 11 •1•~ lo.l•'111Y waan't ----I* '(;r * * * * ~ 1:).1:). ·-------............ -............................. ,_, ...... " ..... -...... """ l>t't lllll" lhl' hrloll' "' f'lltLool · .... m ... IUHI h·· I~ mnr<• th&D <»-Fidelis Class ..,Jo.., ",.. ••• NewT * ·-~-----iiii;;;;;.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;========'-=====·======\1 a;uurol~mM 1\(lh otltl ktmr••n .. ,. rly In I II,; 111"'1 1" lw hlwk ttgaln HI! &a 1 ~ YL-T Sh CLOSIIO STORE FOR MONTH ln.order to gi'lOo our clerks a much needed rest, Ida Naylor's will be closed for a month, starting FROM OCTOBER 2 TO OCI'OBER 31 • We wish to thank our many friends ror their continued patronage and hope to open In NOW!mber with reple nisht"d stocks or your favori~ appal"l"l. IDA NAYLOR'S BALBOA ~LAND, CALW. S~lll••nriK'r 1111\\ 11\'IOJ.: 1\l Jill 3illh lllrcol't a nd Brings Out Fi ne ..,Jo.., IIIC' oy op l} Mlltto•l lflllo'h '" 111\o•nolrn~: lh·· I o•\' n ""'' II' 1:1"" ,,, ...... hla ramlllar Pie Makers ~ no Marinfl A\'r . ~ l 'nlvo•rll IV {!( ltr•IIJIIldll, 111\l \\'Ill 1·"'1' uno'(' mlln> {I Balbna .hland s..r ~lllllh Ito ul I'""'""" •••llo•go• •n•l ' ~lr• II " l\'1'1' :u:, Anade ..A. ..A. ..A. ..A. ..A. ..A. H H H l'nllllllh•IIA.JU I"•hlo•ntaJ '''"t llllllll>U hMJOrdurno•ol tn he.r That tl •• • ••ld·(l,,.huollt'ol '"' .. t 1-f 1-f 1-f }( }..{ }..{ yy y 1 lr• 111 n I' • If' fl II pir-ma.lun,.: 1.0 •t •II lw·•~·l! I" 1u tl< .. ,J \\'riiO'toll'~ 'ullo•r.:o· hlllt •·llun11•of ' 1' I H~ll• fill ·• <'I "1'·'111 n1 " ' -1 n h very a•1"J•' h "ltJ! IIUtd, dt'nr I•• ~hlrlf'y hollj.,'ll1t••r /lll•l Sharlry ' ·• 111 ••·r r1 •• liMn 1~ at Mil 1\lj:ll./l !'!.tl•· ~Ira ~" k Suttl"'ll. Z61~ \\'eat hiU!bantl~ uf F'ldt•lll• 11a.•:t m•·m · T\0 •• AIUth•nl" &rl' Atlo•rathng Lom ji; (.'o•ntral li\'f'nU(' re·t urnPol F'r hl"l'' bPr• or tho l '••llltnlllllty rhur. h Jl, "''h t•111\'l"<·hnw. flattl~'n•· Oyl.k· fr,.m S.ttl Dlt'~u whrn• llhf' hu mben th<'y had the "IJ!Jurlunaty l01 ,,. o'fl \ I!OtiiOJ: J('\ftli\'1'!< f,l' a \Hek. bioi Of1 a nti t'vnl'lll' r fill lhc lptOI Mr an•l Mr11 How ard 1:,1turd. pulnr11 mnllo' by tht· w"m"n al mnn 1\11•1 \'•ra.:tntll Jol, 1111 11 W. F. Colemans Entertain Guests WSCS Circles Meet 1 ~:! •lith l<lrcocot. ha\'1' rt'lllrn('ol IIlia lhl' Tao k~ l'arty lUHII'IP s .. d ll) (10 I "'"•'k 1 rum San Oleg .. wh,.n• t.he.y Tuellda y ,.,·enrn~ '" 1111• Sr••ut ha\'t' lll't'n living f.,r 110101,. lime. rabin l ·Mr t ;a(furJ , \lohu u. \Oilh t ho ttl«· Thf' (lllr1Y wa,. plllll'meo.l aftt'r ph•IIIP ,·om pany, hH:< b•·•·tt 111,na-11nr h &flair,. lt•v•n m lhelr mother~~ 1•'111'\.1 to l Sllll\.8 Ana Md (1\lhPrA ttm .. a nd frum the New Jack's Barber Shop 320 Marine Ave .• Balboa bland TelephoiMI 11101 Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty Tho• put \\ f'l'k hruul(hl man~ Hrv E I • GOt>Ut-11 &tl••tltl•••l a high l'nlhUita..n ahown "hat wa.a ltllf•<ll' l•l lhr \\' ... l'.,ltmllll hum ... apr.lal m t>rtrng .,.1 01,,..1~1, .• , a t g•)()f! In tht entertainment lint ror (Can be had by appointm~ntl ~(1~11 Oranl(" ,l\'f'l1111' The o•11l-uf· lhr "'ar.ol M••lhtltoJu1t ..:1 ,,.. "J>il tlad and mothtr. WIUO I{'XJol rnnught laclr HIM:kabee, Proprtet.or I11Wn llllt In• lwled Mr11 J 11 lloll'-1 r hur. h ~_.,,,. Anj;H•IcA Tuo'"o!"' for party piU1tr tp&nLa. C1un• M t1 hrr frltnd, 11.1 11111 ":11111 v I Lt. and .t.l ~ H"" :11 •I ilrjl'era ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: Ztma.tf'I'TIIII u o•f Hakrr~trteld. M r~. "hv.-.. "'t•<loiml' wu " It'• •·nt rveat ""I•· l'rarr111n Crom. !'l<n l''TAilCII~••. In Our Lady lll Muunt ('armel I u lmt ••f U11• hllll\0'1111, Mrrt MlH\' Clttho>lk l'lllll"(h, lt'ft '1'11111 !!olll)' by Mr C'Iurro llnol M r11 1-·r,UIIt'll ('r•I•;·III'Mtn fur N••w Ynrk "h1'rr• t.b" mAn, 1'1111111111' 11( Mr1 t'ult-rnou\ ~~~·mbarrllrr wh" hall , nrni'II'IP!I 601 O n !'ura•ln~ ~l r Rtlll Mr11 L'o lf'· 111Uilll"ll.O ,.,·,•r I tilly, ".11 ro•port for miUl 111\'tllll ,, j.,'T"lll• "r ro·lall\'o•.• furtht't tluty lrttm \\'1111111'1 f,.r ltw ollly Th,.y J Mrs Frlc••n Inn.• :111 :-'appblre lnc·lut d ~lr 1\ttil ~~~~ Arthur nvo•nu". 1;1111••11 11'1 •1··1 ~~ ~pend· :'1:11 h• 1,. ~11 1\ ~I ,, r \ llo·nn• II "~ I h• I' • "k \\11 h '" 1 :<lo·l ~ra. ~l ll'~lll!llllldii•Mi\'hu:· :\ll.o A•ln \\.,rt•'ll H'"'' 011 t lrlof r" 1 I naot•lo•"t '"" ~~~ v Fl 1 "~•nil"' l;uiJ'!t I .. , I<~ i 1 '" , •I the ~··',\~ rail.•• h.t "'' '"'f'd . 1 •h vot .. DR. M.D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST 1792 NEWPORT BOULEVARD W£!14. C4 LtrOA"'-tA 'r ,,, t. :u .11 t •• l'IL. ,, 1 \ 1 .. '111 • I • I II I , ~;;;;;;~::;.::::::::::::::::;;:::::~~--------------.. ' t• I • 1\ I I 11 • , I • l •• I I t I t .• , • : ~ I• Wer.l k ln walla . l ht• 111ry CLOSED October 10th to November 1st We have had a very bu sy and prosperous seaso n. We want to take this opporttunity to Thank Our Many Friends and Patrons We are .closing the above dates so that ou r entire may have a much needed rest and Vaca ti on crew ,. THE · P ECTRIC ·GRILL AND BLUE ROOM IWboa SEE YOU NOVEMBER 1 s t 't\ f .. • I I ' ' ,. I I• Itt , t ,,. t .... Pa "t P rl.'-.sdl.'lll" tt f \'F\\' Auxt11 an· Gucsrs .H ,\\a ~~u crade f I n~' J ,, ... • , ~ I I ........ I t \' t• ,, ' ' ,, I J\t,1(1hotf \ \\I It J.. ol •t (I t''''~.-,,, ... 1:1 :o--t •• ''·' wh~n ,a'l I'H:•t , 1 • ti ~··nt~ • t 'o •• ~ ount)' I l:lltlto'lt••: 1 .. 1 , 1• 11,..1,,. 1 ui•• part.y. 1 11••1• "·"• lUll r:"l l o• Ill lrylnM lu ~"''·""' ""' "'" '"lun,l earhl 11 , ..... s. ano.l t',, 111\..'•lt,.:h: .. lnt e•C'·I n 111: """ stunl,. b~ , .u h 1;11e.t In •h>Uiill••r \\ath h\1 '"IIIUUlt• 111'11 1 lll\l'CI loll! lla ~'"" \\ f'.l\1 ""•lll l tral pra.-,.. <~n llf'r tt• t lliiJ ~r1 Mabel I c;,n~ru •lit turl'ol II AI ••n ber cc»· I 1 "" •• 11..1! lilt' ''"I r&.~hlufl<'.J con.llbl·l uh• Allkl trnm Lo\1111,1 ~. • .._ ~·u '.,,!' Lo•• Thom Jl11<•n ....... an•P\•1 ... -..n-. .... IOl. IY•on PATMINfl ••• u .... LOlCK'S 1197 !\r "fli'M Rh..t. ,._.,. ~-. l"'lnllf' 1.\.,. R filS IS l liiU worth rememb ering. When pressing woolen materials with a da.p olotb, do not iron until complete- ly dry because t his causes shine. Press quickly, then allow steam to rise. This brings up nap. RECIPE Buy BondS· 8 MUII•'-•Best BuYV1ctorT Bond- Jverv War Bond l.s :he a ne• reather in ' ~. or the Allie s , ~, cap 1er ror the :::::,. and oe• gr " is The bonds you ~~ • ure buY are the meas r your righting 0 t Ke ep f ight i ng par · -keeP buyin£•