HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-17 - Newport Balboa News Timesfor 36 yean the best advertiain& medium iD the aewport harbor district • • • the newspaper ihat goes home BALBOA IEEP POSTEl! THE SAND CRAB ., Buy Bonds to End War Quicker M.ES 1 Year . • • • $2.50 Mall" t ._._ l'a.J•~ .. N•w.·11--. N•WJIIIri ._ SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLO~. LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISI.AND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA ------. ----------- VOLOJIE XXXVI Jlfli:\\'POltT BEACH, CAUJI'OIUifiA. ftJDDA\. UC 'TOBitK n . IM4 SILENT KEYS. The Sand PI o· Crab's typewriter is ron-Local Nurses A.·ds. Paratroopers an spicuously quiet this mom-s · I Ch t D • ewey ing--several interesting pow-~eta es . nve - editors. So here goes and .. r tb•• :-!•·" l"•rt II!Orl••r '-' a r t'tl""' lOssie M~ Gardner, N ewp_ort Resident 22 Yea~. Passes ~· t .. t ..... ~ ~· ';,.I ...... ,. M . ,..,.....,.,, wows in the county espe-w H h H 0 dally designed to intrigue ·In ··g onors, Tht• ~1><'\1111 ~f•"llt'~ lllvilrlun uarters You a-the ,~ ... rs! 1 .......... ""' 11ft,. n1 m·•rco ·"·na· '"' ~ 0 h "'"" Sttlllr•l•tY 4'1<'1 14, In Kaula Old G ... ~! +New. port H a r · s d c I ~~.:; .. r ...... hwuln·' .... u .. r ... n.t pen ere """ ""' ... ,.,"'", tllfti'M .. , hrMrl -tate ' an ounty ll t~llblc· 1-"\Jnf"'ral M•r¥k'H V.'t•n • bor h as just wound up one af ,,,.A,1~~"~~,11~~;::;·;:,. ";;~;· ~h~·r·~11!:~,·~ 1 h••lol r., .. •l•~ mnn1lnl[ at '' :111 the "sh arpest" summer seas-''"'" ""' " It "" ... n ""''"'"'' 'f h I ,.;,mntllto·•· h~'t••hn,.: Ill•· '''"'~'' n "ti l 'ltnJ>••I l'lunl/\ Arm, .,..1111 f'nt .. m h· ons of its history, I t c w k R I 11<11 ,,.,.lh' llh' ll~l uf iUth ... ·rllwr• n •. 1,, ''"' ... '"'" '"''' 1... I qua ntity and quality or brok-Hundreds of Hours of Hospital or e-1111\11 111 ·····~I 1\\'t'lll\' '""'' .t .. na· l)t "''··-fit I "'' ll o•t•~··· ''"''"'. "'','',11 111 ,..,. "-, Altt .. ·y I f ' ,.,..,. 1 ..-••1 h •.-1 .. ,,.,, tl r--e•ah t•llt '' en g lass washed up and warded at Meeting of County Group By I Un1111 have '"'''" 1<'\'1'1~····1. he ... td hy \1 ,., ·'" k ""''"·'" '"'"' l'll.lllltl "'"' nn.t N ••Wf'"" ,,,, .•• thrown out on the beach es is '-''orkln~ on thto "flt'•·l~<l 1 •t ar•· !.': ~"'""" 1" ""''"11'' '1 · 1' 1 '"''"I' 111•t rrAI•I·•·t "' 1:14 Tttttl\' any c riterion . T h at won-Service Stripes to Workers 1 twn o·omm•tt•·•·• -..hu·h ltwtu•'" "'"'1 '"' '" "'' ... '""' fll•l ,,,. ' ~~~ .. •• •1rvh····l ,,, derful pastun. ..,. of w a lk'""g · · • 1 ~ua '-..,...., 1 · " :-...".I" '1 . "" u• lluhhunl • II••"•' ,;,,. "" 1 ... 1 ,. 8eet.la. II• I 1"'""'""1 t:uv \\ •:a1ohu•• ""'' City Water Supply In Jeopardy, Must Joi~ MWD at Once A. 1... ~ondreJr.rcr Tells lnwrt•Htl'd (;roup ( 'ivi'' l.kadt•rM that ~alt Infiltration ltuininJr Wells; .Uat~in .Ovt•rdrawn of ... barefoot, Je tting the sand l<•><h•t'H k lllu-n h'UII \\",,Itt•• F rtlll7, 1/11 oono· C 1ooii1N , ... ,...,.,..,. IIIIC ••rtllllll ,,( ooze throug h your toes h a d At a program p f'E'S('ntcd by thl' nursin ,:: at'livitit~ r om· J s &rrt'tl 'r,,.,.r,..• I. M. h.t•t•h,lll I IU. ...... 11''' "'. "" ...... I l.llh ·•Ill :"~••lor ,,., Ill•\•··~ '"' AI lht•t'flll nf twm• tlum llll h«ltlr u( lnfl'""'tlttto: .. "'"on thr to be ro,..,.one even by the mittet> of the Orange Cmmtv c h apl<'rs o f th" Hl-rl Cn1S...;; a t thr A. n tt .. ,,,.,..., .. , t-:~rl \\' ~1 .. 1.1rv. In• 1111111 '1' ,,,, ... • "' 111 '11" ''1 '"'I""" wnlt•r s upply uf N1•" port Ht•udt nvt•r 11 r~rrluc1 nf rrumy ..,. ... ._ •o . . .· , f I ,.,l.f . S t S L' I w--,-nt ""''"'''''"''''l "''"''' I • I ~ ..... . y o ungsters a t the risk of am-monthly m<'<'lmg o f Dtst n ct No. 16 c~ t t(' '-"'' o maa .• Ia {' F:~·m • Pl".r l'rn•h•n r llh h r.n, to ~" ••·II· '" Ill• .. lh •· "'ot " Mt .. l; • .,,r.:•· t(tftrt• .. •l "' .. , ....... A ... Su n l '''J.t.:t•t', Clllt' uf tltt• fun•mcllllt l '"<l"'r1H un t hc.-atb)'<1 putating a portion or the ir INufS('S' associatio n h<'lrt Tuesday everung. OctoiX'r· 10 m lh<'l \\ lit I,; flt;IU'"'' llbe ~~~· Mnr t.ln l\ """''111 ••f Klllll .. """'Ill tht• s ln lt•, lu ltt JOtllllt' ~l() dvlc· IC'IIck•r" Munclny nqcht at Uw foot on a hidden . jagged Etx•ll club, Santa Ana. nine loc:a l women won hig h h o nor-s fo r u.matluns u\ad·· lllrtlllj:h '"'-ll ..... 1 ... nt•·.t .. 111 ,,, 111 ,. ""' 111 "' .I ,. 1 "'"~1>' "' a .. n•••lln. ~"··':1 l'ity h u ll thnl tht' unly 11olutlun u(" munldpnl p•mlHI'lll'flt ~Up- piece. The cause or this men· their services. .I ---( I c•no mitt .... will "' l'toiHI!II' two o'll'lllt · man ..... '"""""'' h "" ''"' I lilt ,. t.t~ .. "":-1.1 .. w::''. ·::-.. 1': ·•I 1.111, JIIY \\'liS In juinln~ the• Mt•IJ'\)IIIIlilltll \\'nh·r· l>IMt rit't He .. id a ce seems to be beyond our Mt~ z. R. Wt>st , of Rall'\011, Atr n~lt~~< A!:'aln nnll ltt:;nln o~ h••r ,.,, h• '"" ~··•rulfll-.turtrtrt '"'m ao *'' tho .,.. v"""''' •'I ""' '-•·•• ·~:e.:;;..~;· r• ' ' anllf'n ,. lhnt t'VI'ry Yt'llr tht• d ty wnltf'CI woulcl l'tllllf Slfi,ool) mono tn trol but a """medy lS' not chutrman or Orang!• Count) Vnl· ~rl·•nchd work . Whtrh lht' 8u~Mtc·rlJlllnn-mi~nalf' are attd···· lm nll'olu•l••l\' ,. 111'1'1111~1 lnh•t'l'l'l. --con '" . . ... I 1000 houn; or s.-rvk·· I hr.··· R•r\"lc'f'll Wf'rr In t'hafl(r ttf Ht•\ W e mig ht e mula te the city o f untM'r Nur~c·~· Atd··~. o•xplatnt•rl I hi' I r . • 'lw h M lhl., II• '"'' ""'"' ""1"•1111111 \\' I y " ... I tf I I I,,. "illtnllll'll•~• hi~ \IUilltllltiiMI• "'""'" ,. .. ,. 1\ •t4'1 ratra ••o uld be Canne.• Cal'ar who sol\'ed ruorc Jllnyc'<l by nUJ'lool'" atdt'S In ('1'1 NUI"M'' Aldt'S rnllmh Nc•wport -~·· .a.cuaa f'\'1'1 '" ,.,. ht•l·l In ""' , •••• ,. I c' I v,rrnta... ·.. Ill' I''''"'"' h\1 ...... , .. ,,"" ""' , ... ) .. ~ .... h • ·• '':"' "-f d 0 J L' wrn.• honor•'<! w 1 stnpr>t. , nl')' J H w I h u-••~ 1••,. "I"' , ,,,.,. , ••I thr ,..,,. 1, · .. hlrl rr ln••r• ..,...,, If tn .. city CS. their problem by staging a Yllian ,,.. ('nllf'. un r amt<S r ar· • M . lfumld 8.-ll't'h<~rntou ... _ Slalt'" 11 ~~ llll"'rlltll'•' lhnl :-;,..,1" Anll 1 m··~ru• "'"'''' ~~~·· "'"" tn Jt"'l"'t,l) <'ltlrd 11 wl ... '" 1,.1 a 1.,.,.11,. 011 . ti cJe compaign rll,l,l<'. who has gtvl'n ~~much limo· lU'I MI. I J ( Wh ~ a s f'Y •r y rtarht lh•nklll~ Ant"t"''"'l '"'"Ill In lht' tr\t'I,IIIIWfl c'<tnl1lllu11 y,,. annuAl t11• ur flaf'tl t'h ...... gtgan C ' an-up . · 1 ,0 voluntN'r Pxammultons ror our '"'~" !'ntTw h('n' " 0 ""·. mm 1~ • • , llh«*ld K<'t ""' 1111o1 ""'" '"' t11• "' lh•· s .. ur~e Ana lwt•ln h11e11 rr.-m the ... ,.,,., 1 .. ., .. ,11• among the sch ool c h ildren I ~lc'CIIW• M'rYIC'l' bo<ml. prl'--..·nh'il lit r to makr hrr homl ion Ba h .Ameftr&n "''"' ... Ill • , . .,,.n If , .... j 8 k whll'h ..... t'll). W<•ll• ..... '\11"1' lltl'h Mr l""'"'"'•Ucl'r -r1rd u ... who n o t only com~ _the the oco 500-hour Stripes to tht·'~:land Mn.~ s~~c;a~~.::. State Head onlJ wc:trk .. n.: ....... 11 olfl\' ,, \\1'1 I; • tluw IINI '""' llltll "''"'''r '""" , .... tho· I"''',., WI~>Ciurn Clfl tho• 1-"., beaches f o r glass a nd tnJUr-nu~ .. · nid~. ~~~llplaJO d M ', c I Good· p ..... IIlii 'lllo ltllllltlll\ a t Ii i" I riC er· 1'1.''11n t),.,, alt;•Mtly lnrtllt'lllt'ft lnlu ,tho• I'll ) In k~nr "" wah•r ....... lous trash, but extended Method ~moaatrawel I COI'l"'· an rs <'C1 • ,.,_, h••ul "111 IM· .:"'""Y ~1·1•rr-lh•· '"'~'" nnd "'"" ""IY • milt• Inc l~tmlll •• •ct.t.d •• ,.,, Pf'OC«- the ir e rro rts to vacant lots. Col. John L. Gallaght'r demon· I man. f N clat.e4 II ln•m llUrfll• ul tho• c-Ity'• wt•ll• lito IIOfl •net '"•' II llhould nwalntalln With huge bins to h old the s tratt'd thP G111laghE'r pres.ctun' F1vl' wom••n rom thc.> l'WJlOI'I p · • • ''"''"' IIIAI '""' n-111 why L .. • ,.,.,.,.,.,. 'J ant"l :\ •net ('Qfttlft&» to trash so tha t e v eryone could bandajll', whtch ·~ u:-f"d for blf't.oci• Btorwh RrB~h or lh<' RRd ~ enstoners I -· n spIres lo\111111 lwflt'h ""' '""'•oct lntu tho• jlllnlll llbciiJI ti!IO a(',. , .. ,~ Watch the Pile grow 'at was tng and bums. anct woml'n from n '<:<'tvt-<1 thNr ~hnttr sThtnpM-ot ~ Sergeant M\\'l t "'"• tw"'"""'' ''"'' w..tt haol Y''"' .. ,,,., ;.•tnln" the-MWO • · I d 1 th•·ll' NUMit'S .A1dl' wnrk t'Y nrl'' .I 1 1 .. ' . to h , .. , spa'c• "'nd tht• S('fViCl' surgtca r l'l'( n g . , · 1. iled Th 1111 tlllt'Ulihlft v. "" 1 '""'''' "nc th•t M,.,.,,1.,,tt1111 watr~r "'•""-Uw th .t ...__.me .,.~' o h . f I I r ' 1-"11"'111''r ..,.__.., amazlng see v ... n .. -w··· nt thl' S AAAB ckmun· l\11 • Rnbrrt Mlllrr. who has II "''I K Afte Ill Tu•lln ,, ... "'''"• Wf'lf' 80 r .... , k .... span e comm~ni,Y <A'-<' ' stratl'd lh,. method u( ma1ung th•'ISC.'f"t•cl lllo c• aJnnlin 11 voun t'f'f ,I II \\'11l11t1 C 'o~ll\11 ',\•·~,, •• nd rong l~t•l<ow ,.... lt•vt•l in 10..1'J. Mllltll IN I · Many charact.enstics of good St'l"'tCl'lo fur th<' toc·aJ Rt'<l Cr'O!o,., Riv D t ' 1 1 Nair MI..._ 1 ' . ' h ' compro~ IM "'--"\ViJ M ' 8 unA . ,othl•· , .......... oo( '"" IJt.l Al.'ll er rama . .. • ·-W•IIIIN'Itanl'dalfU. ... Amencan ethzens IP were Pnrl of th<' pm~:rom wul' a skll '"" r n"' son, rs. )'r . Jl !''• 11•1 .. n··•~ .,1 ,.,,1,,, , .. ""~ 1· C \\1111•1111 .-.. •k11111 to •l•m• tho• r wwoklfl h., .-~ ... llboul , ...... _,, be. · tilled · th •h 'ld· . · d AI . ... .. lper)oo()f'l Mrs. Oorolh} Mu~oo~:rav•· , 1 • , ".. ""' m g ms m e ( I I :-.lurw-< ac llnnll' an IIO.'lu. ' • d ltlr .o••.t """" 1\(\o•r • 1••11 til.: ct.e hllf IIIXII<I)• r I It' l'l111(1fll ... r qj(, thlll It IWAI .. r lnii'UIIifln wltkt'l ... MUI· ren during the contest. wrtlll'n find tltn>i'lt~l b} :'vii~. Cnr-,and Mn;, Flon •nC'l' San .. IIlii If' r oon\l•nt II III .. r '"" Oil 1:11 ':1~·· Bit· Raymo•n•l n K lrll( •m nf \\ 11' •llll'l'r1l y krynullnl( ""'~'"' ...... 1 lht• I'll)' S.."ltiii,Otl) to jum f•c·tortly •Niw .. l'f'd b)' Mr Sun· + + • l m ll l'ohrl. ond thl' was pn-s<•nt•'<l Ot.hN'l' o( lh<' local roJl)S ":h•l """ "tlll h "·'~ h. I I Ill J!,lkrr• Mr. &ad Mra 1'hnm.,. t: l 'n ·•·l "I"''"" l 'lwo'll ,;,,.,.m ,., Juf•n \• th•· t1t,.ltwl 'Olt•lc.llalwh~N'IIc'h"'l tln>RII(,.r lo tho-""'"'' l~t Mr hy Mr.! Arthur M·l\ chatrmnn 111 WI'N' at I hi' Santa Ana nl('f'ltnl: flt'ld 12J I lilt •tr•"'' N•'""l""' I It'll• h, 1111• k• 1 ''""'""'' tht' hf'llr1,.. 111 .:-'" tho · IHC'I thlll ttll' I'll)' mu~l I"') w ll hod hoo ..,.,_ USO k). tbe ~ue -A ch .. ~ .... ~aknr'l' bu·,.,~;~ of lh<' Am · Wt'rt' Mrs. H~t')'. ~1i...s llnrtman_, wbo 11aa ll.4'n 1.-r~·rlt<ol k 1ll•••l 111 ~·.• II•• l 'lf•tft« "hn .l•lhf'r<>•l 1 ·,~l'k 111~,.~ h nn1 I!Y/\1 11111,.u11t111., .... ~ .... •c_v·,-lla1 .. _ ,..W'".•ulw -~ Na y boat cam e Into the I ... ' M Eline ,. "' M .. 011 ,,,_ rl'l"''') olr\ 'ntliiiiU:Illl l• llln· -I ,. • .... ~· .... ... v .-.. V . . l'rti.'An Red ~lo, wl\h parts boo· ,... r al!N'S()n, r.<. n \'Pnl. •II th.tl 1·11•1 ""'"" '"' lhco KUon Ul F'rl<ntt·, wno '" "'"'' . ""'' •'••• ''" "' '" h ar \hr " In J l:l:l u•tvlll• 11111'""'' •I 4'· <t( lho• toulnt 11\'''"'\'rr u lO _.. lt. H a r bor recently ror. repaii"S. tn~ lakt'n by Mr·~ 1'\ltrh.'lrn Mil}. it>ll, who ~s 8 no•W mt•mtH'r "'.'h' maad ot •••• , ....... 1 \'hlth '" ptt·~lflt•lll "' 111111111\lf' In ......... I ~.ur.(). lhllt \h~· IUIIVUil\ I'HUhllx• Cll)' wvuics flrat ~~ tu Ju'n tJwo She was taken UJl an to drv •t J \\' M R·•m•·• local Ntii'SI"'-Aldr <'o~ havtn~ rc-1"1""' 1''1 " ~,,.,., h· '"' '''101''(1 "nact"' • Ri"' ,.,,. ,It"" ,. .. t \\ .,,.... ""']"' ~t···~ h•·• "' Utla ''"1111"".," 1 1 1 e.Y. ""IO • • . • ,. I" 1'1\n ~~~. I '"~ < ' , . , • • • • . • ""'n't"•r!Ohlp In Ill•· llt'XI twu yt<an. Jl"" 1\t I II' """ IN ..,:."·'" llVI'r " C'MAI•I Munldpal Wal•r l*lrlct dcick Immedia tely and h e r Smllh,. J.nlm•' S t.•(lo•n and .Jrwk Ctrlt I> 'om. htr<' from l..o~o An ln.cton'• t'roc..IIIJ.: "' tlw I ••·I•·" "' •• 1 '""' 1 ""' 11""1"' ..-l.t wr 111" '1 t•••-1••1 "' :ttl "''""' •nt1 lhttt JtJ< ,..,.,n ,.,.~~ .__,,... dmltt ..... lo MWD • "' I A '"" lmp<lrtlonl '"''"'IYI'ffit'Dt. 'M 1 •. II ,, I ., \1 , ,.ft~ ur ... II .... aalley was a beehive of aC· BnnkPrhoff 1(1' t•S. and RdlllllllnM '" thl' CCll18lltullon wbea .. Llld •"""" lllhl't 1111'11 frtolll n.: )Jilr·.. If' r un I I!N'4' ' II" a,. 1111• rnunlt'ljt~tlll )' Jllln4oct, llw In \•n•· <'II)' batt"" ....... ..au.U.. tivity f o r the painters so tha t I Reward• ~Wt• .. h'tld c•-to Bectn ...... , ... Rdtlt'd, a.m .. ng lhrm the ... tM 'l'lltN Infantry dlYIIIIIIII bllttlf' A nwr..-a n "''"'llr In UM' l(nnnl· l••n••l wouht l'o ...... bill until It 111•1 ut ll.:!IUO,OOO monJ Uwa ~ m eals were Impossible. The 1-'or 3000 houn~ of servace a.M <~ Thf'se women .who a rl' ll('rvtng let'llnn "' 1\ --.,ntJ vlce-prellldanl ('&trol -d the Duuba r1ve.r VI \, ''"' whll'h we ha ve ~n for juln. the "''"rret would amnunt lu I n..cta .... UM 100..,.. die ....... men on board were told t o NunN Aide. Mra. J ean Holcombe lin such an eff.ctlve manner an. \W!t_p bua'-ta -... -.. • uo ,_...11M...._ 111M._ loll IM.CIOO ~. lte .....,.. a& W ta U. bti" 0\elr meals and the lol Newport Helcht• wu "~ kftonly awlln' ol.tlw' llbptWtarw of ~ llu .. ~..!:, ::,:;:,:.: 'NIB. aoutbw...t of JkMDcon, '" Ute tut twahw, Owtlai .., 1'-t! nrun-i On Uw bMfa t'JI '""" ~~ that 1111 =----:! y . hc.>r M'rYIC4' lltrillf'S. Mrs. Hoi· having mol"f' trained NunJeS .AJdfol P'nnct • "''''"""'' "' ful ••Ur boy• who will I r•uy·~ NA~~N~,..ocl Ylllllllllun hy tho• hr hoent ld~ ,.U:: N.avy would reimburse them I<'OITlhl> -..•ho 1~ onco of thl· out~lant1 · n~tht awa)'. Thf'y a n> f'!lpt'<'lally un·r an•l '" that tww ultll"f' Mr.. ~ Kin' t~~plll the "''"''" tnlu n•l""' '''"" lhf' '-atUtotlrkM "'""' , . .,unl)' 1 1.,_ 1 .!""'-'...._ ~~ .... _ • ..'! the only hitc h heing tha t · · urs:m~ 1111 who cAn to takfl tlw Ann~tt .. •ll•· I'• n' .. r 1'-k•·f'llfleld · · , u11, "•l h 11 11 r 11 r 1 1 j ,,.. n.. '" ,, .. AMY ... _......,. th , h d ~'('t inl: ~UI'<'• i\1111.,; tn lht• ,;taft• from \\R!O llllallllli•IIU.h 'ho.wn IU\tl the tllt'O &TQUJ!tl, ""''' llllll<~f't' 1111<1 l ht'\' It• ,.,. llj( " 11• t• 'Ill• ''"'"'"' ''" ,,.,,. '"' tlkM1 lhH' Ill II I111MII•IInn atandpolnl e ar pay . a no t J llfl'"' "' "''"' ll'o· hnup .. , hu" 1~1 1n l"la'''" ~ ~~~~·~ wll~ bo·.:ln .n''"'1 .,.;;·~ w .. nt Uarnue h 1 h" '"" n ,, .• ,,., .. ,., • ,,.,1,.. ~ •• 4"• I" 1 t 11111 "' '''""">' 1 ·nw ,11hto'M nf •dJudk•t~ nl caught up wath th<'m a n d rnnn) (I( lhf'·•· htllll' .•• thr S:lnl:l . l n l.lj,!l~n.t, bc:J;rtn~tn~ .<~I ":. ::.r:::~h .. ,l•llh~~·::~:·;. ~.:~~~ ... ~:.~ .. ~:~ ICIIIIy dt>IUIIIII( ,, , . .,, 'fll• ".. ,.., ....... , .............. Tilt' ..... , ur J·n···~ llt·ll.o hlt1\lllhl up by Waltrr many \\'('fC pf'('lty flat. II Ann Au Ba..,• hu•p11at :t ncl h" :!:1, 111 ntno '".lhf' m rntn~ till I I I II t·t I I h•UIJI Ull'y ~~·nl w•1• h'"" ""'"' ''"fl''"'l 14ul •t ol•h'•"•l '•• tl .. 1s1,.,,.1 11111t 11 tu1tv 111 t'"-•1 • .o•---· t h ' d k h th t t f t 11 1'1''" for nc•w NUts<"• Alii•·;; Tht'-"' ''' ••• u.. •· 11 ,. ·' •· • ''I'""' ""' . , ,,.. ..........,.., wa<; a t ·~ ar our a .... ,.n h•mnrt'<l hy I II' nwn .. I h ' l t II . h I' l 'I'" I I Ill I t II ' tlto(f'nder• ...... r Wt ••. ltlllt" I' t ···•·•lilt .... ~l.tl It .. (\ooll I~ •I:. 1"'1 ll•k•••l """"' \o\otiOIIII haJ)fll•n It the- the N e wpor t &>ach USO ::~;~.~~Wilt w· 1''' 1 n ·o· Ill}' 11 11,.11 ~ .. ,."/11.~· •• ;::1 .. :~::111,.~'1 ' .. /'~:,;:: ta)u·n prhoonr1 ~ 1111o1 '"' "'"111•1•··1 '.,,,, 1""' ""'1''"""""'11 I''''"'"' <'II)' lltahl •~l "" II• wult•r ri1h111 l came to thl' rescu c . Th(Y.o;(' Sends Souvent"rs Anulhl'l' ria-. "'" h·· !:IVo·n In ~ldiiiiO•IHII nOlo nolnlt-111 ,-.; .. II and T••p ""'":1 """ 1'1• \\ '"'""' ~ 1'"'"1' liM ' ..... •I s• : ... I"'' II• II' In ''"'~""'" Alll' ltu•lll, whk h lhf' boys ....,a11y t ook over lhf' t Hm·va\h, ~""'II lkll•l ltlol II<• I• ,,, ' k • I • I I I v • I I • •I • ,._. !">1111111 Ana 111·~1nntnt:;' Wrrln•·,rlll\ I'"' wmnlllwuR :<J'f•ro •YILI "' V•ttu•~: ~t• u • 1 •1111 "''"'' 111 • 11 10 IN pla ce, bringin g w ith lht•tn And Reports Death llt•lttlwr· :-:)· :\l<ll"t' tnrnrmllllllll ro: ... ,. .... n ILnlt'ltdlllt'O I :-.; .. 1:.! Ill 1111 IOII"t'd Olll' r,, 1111111' 1" 1'11 Ill "1 ,,, 'I'll• ~ ... '''"' •·•I. '"' "''' •. ,, .... n ... , In lh•• ,.,,,,"~ lluhhnnllloowr•, "lk • .... I I f r huoltlle~ lhlll Ill•· Jlj; """ ••I• ''"'' , ....... •l•lltl , ... v' I ko " ""' ....... ''''" ., L ' • I I II'' • I .... mt • {'gl{S anu Sap N' 1'11!11 l:ltrtftnt: lht••<• C'lal'~''' !Till~ IN' hllll I' ltJrt tu II.Aifo,,l tlw 11111111111 111 IIi• II ' • '' •t ,. I r,Yt II IIIII IIIII It II I"' tHriW II'"' th€' s h ip. Mo the r Baker rhd of James Harvey h) 1"111JinL: thr• R··tl ('l"fl' .. offlf't' Ill (IJ.:hl Ill.!'"""' "''' ....... •. I(OOII' marrhtn~ 111 '"""'""Ill!; I 'lito• '''" k '"'' •. I .::,111"1 I" I \•Ill I"'''"'''"'''"''''''''" I Action ltv Ill• r•,., ••I "" I'·''' I • • 1111 IM• 11 • I ''' lit• I • """'II ""' '1, . ·I . ~• 1J nOt let t hem dO\\ n -•• 'ht•\ 1W.: •. or Mt' Ra}' Alfnrrl or :\I,.. :\II \\ Hl"'h " .... 1110' llllolllllflooll• ~ .. "''" lllj( 'WI<• ..... llo-u .y · 1 r 1 "-h ... ''10 '""' u 11d 1.,, .. , "• ... ,,, , .. ,., ""' ur~ol ,,., .. ,,,,, •h•u u,,. ~t 1 , 1•1,111 11111 ~.1, .,,,,,,, .... "'all t""l'afy to that·· . fnen1 z B \\•·~• I''"''· .. , ,,.,,,. 111 '~1' ''"' r .. 1 th•· . ~ •· ·•" ~ • • . ~ "'" ,, " "-.~ • • 1 ml1•• ID<JIYI•I Littl ~ ••1 •·~ II••· 1•••• "'' • ''''' 1 • 111• 1 1 · I '' ,,,,. ll1• '''' ,,,,1 1 •· 1 c t 1 11 It th 30 ds f I h ,. 1 1'\\tt I•• ,,1 "unh•n h.t\"f' ;d r•·,ul.) •••trHua,: '" .. , •• ,,, T h•• n•·"Ct <~~lul,. ~ _. • I '• • ' • "" •• ,,. ...... uru ,.. u ,.,. "'' ~ IJU,... ~ poun 0 unc ffil·l • ' I •n.l ~,.... II L J lth HIUin , .... Utlt·tJ • ., ...... ., t f· t I·• lui d ,, ... , , .. ,. "" ''""' lflftlf H\f"ll ,.,.., .... I . y, I I I ..... tll'('bdun oaves 0 l'<'ll an pounu" ,.. ) . . ' ' uf Mr ttnol MI. I' I t · .. , ••. IJtllol lllll•loo\ .... .. ... , .. ,,I ...... 1•1 •• .. •111 I I c ,, lk II "'•r Jlf' ttw-n I f b ct d ..... 11 11 ". orth 1~"" F nmt.llall,.•:• 1·1· ''b'"'..-1 f,.r th•• n••w d fl•<.l" Th•''l "•l·'•·nlt"" "' ""'"'~·'""'''"will . ,.,.., ·•• II" ,, ~'"''', r ' ff h h ,-' I anfS hA\'t• f~'( C"\-.'•ld a ~ur u 1t •• \ "' •• r ... l\1 f' L\"iiO Srnlth ;anti ~, ....... ,,, h t td " c •• ,....... • ...... tJUt H·• • ,.. ., t f f 0 CO ce l a t t ey <nnsUmN ~t tl1'11t•(l !':ttJII 1 11 ~ -..u~,.. I·• lt·ol .It .o.t•ll, llhtoo 1'1• "'"'"I' \ ""'''' oal•o• "'' Ill• '"'""I""' "' 1111111'11 lho• ,,.,.,lUll (IV(•r I() ("I)' in thl"('(' days. O lhE'r ktncl ~ ''''"' "" .. i""" tl••••r :J<~n lkrlu tl ------Ht 7-«'Zinakl. Jtoon ,., :.11 .,.., :.11• ""' 111111 • •I•• •'' 11. ~ ... ,,.,,.,,. • ull l-11.:11w•·t 1•1111•'1'0011, whu lulnt- 1. .J••hn~"" :-.: t " """ ha..q ho•••:t tb friends baked <'XIra C'akLos so An ony llr?.o·?.tn~kt I H Ill ~;,,. • I• n •t• '"""''' Mr S.~t~drc•lll''' Mr ,.,.,_ • aboerd the \1 S.R Pt•nn!fYh'lllllll l••r , N • 1 D 1 11 1 that the boys' S\\'~t l<'l't1~ emocrats l.lltll IYt•n1w .,..,..It, I l'f• l,•vt 'll llu•lol oof II ':II \•Ill )"'l lo•l <tl 11t'O."II llllt•r flflfl l)'l'"l llll' Walf'r • .~;hl<•t•fl fll'llll h.!~ I t (' I' w ou ld no t be moglected. That a I On s . ..yt .. n ...... "' Ml llllol ·"'" I. ..... k '"'' H lllloolll(h '"' ........ "' f\111111111111, ''"""~ '""' lfll',....,... s h ip w ill car-ry t o I h e South I Ttl~> "P' ,.,. • .~~""" A••u•··•ntrM hrll'" L.. Ptoyton, VI,.. II I\, • '"I" ,., t ""'''I ',.I. • ""''I'' "'''I"• 11•1" "I" l"lrupllll.: ''"I""'" Y m•l•t l,~t• ''n)' Pac ific a h ost o f grateful '"'I'll I•" k;•rl up hy "H\•rh" nil Jll~··ph (' ( ;lt•VI&JIIII ... "'"'W "' ""'"''"! I ..... 101 ., Jtt ,,. ' lllool!lll foor vlllt•ol '" ........... n•'lll )t'Mr·~ •UIJI.I)' I d h 'II I I ul .. n,.: Ill•· "'"' ''"m 1\ltt fll'lll lw" H N D I p Mr ~ Santh M11andtt, :'ol••v. IIVol•· ~""' '"" "'"' ""''' "'""''' 1..-"' ,.,,,.,1,, .lurw 1 t•lo4r1 1tl • c·••l o)t a s w 0 WI a wayl~frem<'m-I mRJ••I IJICllh•• '" lilt> AII'Ulttlnl\ l•t ew ea ract"tces f'Rrk, N y 1\lld ,.,, K•l lll '" 1·. 'f ......... '" III•I""~"""''''Y ,, : ... 1"'11$.,'.'U•t ' ber thl' USQ Wa~ a I <!'-S8\'er. dnwn til ~\'llnP)". AUAl rnlla. A In• IIJ.: f!<-hookra.fl, M•tn to( t.11 ,. c ,,,.,, Uuvrrnnr l olla W, ....... ,.r. ylfor 1 • + + 1 thf'm Ar•• ptPf't'" uf J1tp planes S• h:w ~raft , :l4~, ElmiPu•l ,,, ••1111• pn"'lltHIUal ""'11-· .... •l"•kr Multa M ... If II th trom .Allu and Ku•ka, monry frum l l•rotl Wll'h •• "•"'" "-Mu•ki,., ""'"' H b H· h v· . r y . U!hug. a (' l ~supan ··mptv ;!11 mm llhPil rrum T'hl' ftiii""''"Jit I'XCPrJlCll lllllt•d i Thum"" J..tl~>rsom, Will n•· l•onjtc•r Sit .Kin« itvrcl ut ''"'"' .... ,.,,. rt~th..&-'k Uarttftl ar or 19 ICtors service lad<; to who m Mr. A v-1 ,.;.,1"'"'"" I :it anti , Ht'rb'll halUt< I rum , anuw• publl• lllJ""" r .. n,.,., "'""'' ••lit· "hiiP m .. n faiiW'Iy , •II· t:t U \\ • •I 411• ,., 0 , • .,1,. f'•mnly ...,.......,..,. erage California h as givell lh t l lht• ullllllllP 11f I! Roling <lf·muo rl\\111 IOJ: thl'mlM'lYI'll l>f'm• rra1111 c.ll'l<ltuy ltl l••,.l, ~\a Alllt ,,. '''1" 'Ill• r I I ced h d t lOCuttun '" II IJ:I(l'r 11HUI 1111 a ' ln.: the wrvh·•· "'"'' •I '"'' vi• .. t••· •• lifts. cou d be p a ('3 0 1'8llbn · un I Snmr mterettllna: lt\'t'r lhf' nat.tnn Ill. lht'tr "l..tltr·· on lht' hnm .. front lhr vo•ry hl)t'r· ,. I •l• I ' Over Tustl• n 7-0 root. they would extend as I .. g k h II mrnt" lti(H lnl't thr Nrw Ol-111. M "''" ror Whl<'h (\IJr .... n .. 1\rt' ftarhC . <lt•nllal Ololllllrl<'<' ...... litH I 'It II ... far as ? ? ? Tha t answer IKO In~ .!111.11 In~. I•IJ}tl', Jt('ll tl .. " ,, "''"" i'"lt 1\l>r•IB•l' Narcott.CS Ca u '''"'' Clot•••l!h ''"""'"I'"'""' ....... .. pllckrd,, up I o,n New Hl'brtdeJ< AIUHI '="oltnnRII V known rl'llprtfllllhlt' .I limP II () F:II.Atlltnll li•·m·~ 1111 se p I' I',,, •II I' v .. , ...... ~·1 '111111''1 '"" will h ave to r e m a in X in o ur ,-a .... a. 1u1 ~and Nnns lr<.om u~-• I . J S • '' 1 1 ' I Rn I ltUI-tnnt•lll J) moo· IIIII n m Rn I I s "• nutnr fr••m Mt~IIIHinpt' (, t ,,, Ioiii ' .... ,. ....... I• ••• "" v 111''"1'" equatiOr), bUt On E' thing C('r-l Ali ' I I' r· I rtf'<' I ,, "' " ~ I' n upertor 1'Ur . r a l hn n lwo·nly .•L•'""· who 11r,. "Pf'llll· ""'f• nrt· mt11 It 1·1••'"·r to lh•• diC· A I • f jtlll• ••••• "'" "''"''""""'"' lou• k "WIIlllllll( 11•1•• lh<· ll~olllllll "'" tain is the intere~ftng war-A 1'\·1 •'111 l€',1t<·r t•·ll" lht•m Uta\ lnl! th• l'l•'l'llhllt"." rl'oht t11,11 lt•l lnllln!ttlp hv 11,., ('ommuniiOI lluw 'l'rial or Jluruld ,I Stlllllllll ~~ 11 l•· lit•· lo•' , .. "' It~<• l"'"JII•· r .. , _,,..,'"full •II III••, llrlll~·l l11~h oJ, th•· •Jtlrit• 11f thf' ,.,.,,.,,, whoJ w.n: ••ltl(>•l '" Jl••l "" wtlh tho• IW'C.'I-.w1 h11 tr ttl I hi~ II II lo(fllfl<• time philosophy w h i<:h we '"' liltiW J unmy Ht.r•·e,,• JII:Jt bdurf' r 1 1 ( k .... ,, • , .... ,. ,,, t ~,,.,,.,, "" l•·u••·tl""''"" '7 ct ,,,, ll~tvt•l"''" Ito ttl '' ••Ur1 t •·rn . hnv• ,,r; .. nnl7•d lo l l h•• ,., .. ,, ••. •f thtR '''''"'''Y r•ahi'f' •, ·r•c •r &Vflf'lU••, J~,, Anl~··l··-. "''''' can glean from convrrsat ion h(• m••t "'" •INt\1•. hov.·ev• r Ill< Y· I ',., .. l''''r" Ill" I•· 11••• "" ' I',' ty Th"'"' n .. nun••••n, I'""'' I '"I" "'"' IUTPstr•rl ... ''''1111 ",., k .,, . '. d" • t· ''""'' lui ""' "'''''"'' "''''''' Y '" Ac lh4• '"'Jllltrlln..: uf llw lhlrvf 'I'"" •··r, '""''" kwk•~l "' llllrt11•r t1'w•• '"'"' "''" ml ••rll•t••nt·•· with M• l'tllllthn ,,, •·t\ltn.: th•• 111111~. tll'• with the'se boys. th• , •• a t t' !Ill df t :uiM d1H In t ··u~tll (r •tfU t tw ~·"' r It I 4. f'1 flllt!l·""' ·~f u •kt•t hr•• Ottl ~h··~'Fl t'fi ·r h • j' J In a h.J('HI rtW~UlHlfr.: h••IJ 0 .,, ,,, II I h· I I I' ,, '•Jt ti l ' ..... , ' ,. ( I ..... Jlt.lll\ ... ,,,,, 1'-· l(f .. t td•l't • + .._, :-.tup .:r"ul' a thl t•·"'l'•"' ''~ 'I''"'' ••ll'tl tun• 11 .. t .. q.: •• r ln•k-" ... nt~ ,i • ,.,., .. of thf• l-UI ,.,.,, tltlff••l "'' tt • ~· I' ,, '"" '"'" JHtrt v ....... l llu t,.,,, tt.fflt f, tt~ lt~ttl-:11• ~u rtu It\ (jold Braid-One ~nrl ••••I• ~~)~ fh•·r ·· 's •• Olt-.:h'y tJt..: I Ult l·'·r.. :• .. •t r•·-·.1.nltltfl'fl ''" '"·"" J•t•J.,.,, ... •h; ... , nr• nt•tl h•·r til tllt1:al .,,.......,., .. ,,,n ••I '''''''"•' ~• ,,,., •·· •t ~•' ••H ,,., u 1''''•"•: "'•••••fffl '-'tH• ''"'k ,. •h·f Clas.c; l 'c•tty O ffic<t"'l' in lhf' J"'' I•· "" :u .·l thr: quukrr Ill" '"'""I I•""" '"'I I"'·~, '"''' ,., •1111•111••"1'"'" "''' '"'' ·••11...-t 1'11•·••1·•1 "'""'"'· •·•·I· ·' ·• , ......... ,., ... ,..., •·•kill~ 11 .. 111 ·'"I''·'" lltr h ,,,., l••ll •~ tllll 1 '"'''"I 111 '1\r,lln'• flv•· 11 "1•r 1 1 M • 1 '• r t t 1••'•' •' •·f' •••I '"' •HI Scnlx'(".. to ld tl~ th.tl in hi.., •''" · '·11"1'r ''"""1n1 t rtol n••' , .• ,,., ''" ""1"""1:'''" pllltt .l utlo(" Th••llll•'"" ,,, •II· .,1 ..... , .... 1 ..... lllllklll~ It '"~' ,.,.,.., .. I '~tilt .... ~ Wh• ••••t•t•"' loy I tit• Un1• ~ I \' 1' J t I I • •• • • t,. I ... '111'U· cst ifl\i\1tun ''gulcl hr ttitl' t•f~ I '' tt t oll II t~f lt,.I Oi t •ll l f ftt l H I tt••t U f fl 4 I, II, I tdl 1\1-lp •f ''·"''''' •• till:• lu~ t u nd ,.,, tit•· ,,., •tiHl d•M·n, h•· Ill' l•t•ltll t • d• I''' t~ll '" t fHit !f,lt• ... f,ut cottld 1111 more• nwkc• tiH' Tlwl.ift()\·prfht•llum1...,_ ,,,!,, ,,., l .tk• '" l t.t.l l•. \\111•1 r:, •I··"• "''"'" ''"'"ll••l•••l·ll•l•dtl 1,,,1 ,1 , 1 ,, .... ,,,,,, ••• "· m a n th:tn s rn :trl diJi llt'' Hl'fon· lh•· drm·I•Ltl ""~ ,, ''" , •. t•l· ·•·I ~" ln•tll • '""'' w·rll••l ''"'' ,. "' '"' It• t•· ··~l r•I •S'"'"'''·"''' ,. ''' I. •. ''·'' ~ • I n • "tfl•tt• ,,. I11H th• ~·.t ut• 1111• ~. d t1 '''' t ,.,,,. hduwn, ,,," h a\t' ht>i 'll nhlc• Itt, ''It's l hl' liftl'd, l'tcll'' ;cftc·r rlilrk \\f'l'l' •I• ........ ,, •• ' ... ,., '' '"•I•• ''""'''" ,,, lll<' '"" '"'" ''" oo••l!l ''''""· luololllt.· lh•llo ,,,, I" • ' •• I ,,,,, '" "" "" I r II lll'l•l l ~ ll,'lt'rl Itt ••t•l , 1111' IKJ.''~. !o.o•l\'t'1' lr ''I • "''' ' l•lllo '" ''"'' 1'1'\'lt<•ntly llot'\' ....,Ill •It \I•'• I I IIIII '' I"'''"'"' I rlrJ..:'I'•',. nl t•f llt':tf H•n 0 )t' ,.... ·1 '" I ll• I\ Il l 11 h \ '· •II L r. H" I ,, t ''"'lr ~r··nt thl•·nt~t ,., MIJI\ lftl! lh· \\ h··ltl ~ I I t I A 10 ,, ,,,,., •fn •I ' I I · 1 1 • t 1'n t ilt' s:tid. < >n•· .\rnl\· I,., ... .., .. ,tJ .... I · ''1"" ··' · 1 " It .... 1 ll'ttff \\ Ut' l H'ol' · · '1 ., ,_-, ,, •• ,' \1 ll .. 1\•~ tL•tr .,~,,I'"' l•t ut.1;•m,a ''1Hl '"'JI'rtl th1"" ,.1111 '1·t~·· (H,JI,d•l I •~~~~·· f 1 • ,J. hn•;,,1 11f th•• man th:tt hunsc·lf 1'1111\lltl'labl\' 1'11r :t lr•llll! l~o 1 1 Stall•ofll "'·' 1, ·" 1 , C"'Urll'." he• phtlm•IIJ'IJIZl'fl lie' s h n rl It fl. ''\\ t• app.l'l'l'i:tiP 01 ,\lltoool t. ~rult li 1••'111•·•1:11 Ill• I lo't•~om .laiiU:H\' 1'•4:-:. loo i\f•lll II• '111•'11'•1 "''"' 11 1 It 1 h ad lll~l lll'l'll ltc11111' o n 11'01\\' ricit• ''' n1~hl,'. he ~t~irl. "11\'· f.,,,,,, 1, •. ,.,, .. , .. : ...,,." '••k l!tU 1;.,,,-rnnr ··"''''" ,.,11 .• , ... ,1 '' "'<J tht1 1•·<1·•·" ,,, r, and .llt'lcl .c l'f'lli11CJ11 1\ ith .• C'HU~· ,, , .. " '''lllpor:.r y IN'fl." "I lUI ,, I •· "' 'ral ..... I •···· 111 \' '"''"''"'' dl/1111: lit• f.:H\0 rlllll•' I I I . '"' II 'IIIII ''" .... '"' do.;l' rr .. ·nd. a ('lltllnl:tndrr in But ht• tluln'1 St_'(•fll indinl'fl '"""'" "'"1' IL.tl I .. I • ,, ..... !-;tal• . ( ="'"" Yoork ""''I ,,, ,,. Ill .... '" i\1•1 thC' ;'\a\·~. \\ h n had I'PIIII'tlt'd t o ~lc·q• and loki ll.., o f hi' t';t<-I '··'' I''" tr"AJt'" \ '"'rplu" frolm .. 1•1., • nN'tl " ,, I· I· .1 ~ 1' •1 1'1 ,,, "I I 'I'._ ,. '. " 'I,' ••' I II • ''' ' . I '' ,, ' .. I o k HI I • tl ,,. ... , .. , ,, I I· .. l<o "•J , I • '• 't t lotl .... I ,ff, f,...1111 two ,\'l':tl" !'<"I"\ irt• inth.•• pt•rit'lll'l' 111 ll'ying to gt•l to JIUTI• • A Farl•" I ""'"' 1 • •• I'"'11'"'Y a"ty m•ll•·•" '" ''"" ,, ,,, .,,,. ,, <Jf "'"' "" •• 1:· 1 • •·· ,,,. " h t o n f . I I I f to lll.•l l'o,lflll,.,., .• ;.n··ul II •!I••IHn•l "'"''Y·Ihr•• mtlll"ll I ·l'""""''"lll lh••···· ,,., •..• I•' So•1tl1 Pal'ifi1•. lnlt'nt o n t l'll' \\' n1m a n rso a('( •·a m p 1.1, •. ,1, ,, , •• " 1 1· A h · k -_, " 1:.,.,.., \•11.. ''hl .. u••l '''t" whit b h•• hll.~ "l ttt7,.n" 1,, 11, 1,,. ••'n t Tu··-•1" 111,,1111,11• ('on\·~·'·"''tllclll. thP two an. oca l•m. r Hn•· Pr JJI<' '"I Tl • .. ' .,. •' f , ' tf ·, I, 11 lfl Ut\ ,t ,,ll•tftlill f~tft' ,, ,., ,-_ I' t , h 1\0 11 t it trt ,,. "I'''' tr• l ot • ol '' \',d•• 1••"'1 Y.Rt Jnt1ft f••f ._,,•lt tar pro;ld1NI a dool"\\ :ty. Thl-11111 up nf';tf' c·amp hu1 only I• Ill!( JlU""'"" arooll:td " ':\I r~ I· II "" I 11181 IIIII ~:•·•I '" IH W•ll kt-r• II IO I "-' ewport He·· crh t~o.: .. Seahl'C m an<'ll\'f'rr•d for il left for :1 !\h ur1 ticif' fiS he" \\a~ I• ,. ""·· •I•, L•1••d ,. , lllt•11t1.,1 .. , r 1 ., n1 t l!!l\1 1,, 11144 1 ;,,vrr 11,,, !., ,... ;, ••' \1.'""111 It IHI'I• f •11r tt•• J_.,o I I h tl \1 f.. l 'f I ~I f "'II I J:lfO t f 1° I I 1 t t Jrlf 't tl I l l t 1t ft1 I"' f 't tft t• ••.. ~ •• ,,,," H• puhllu er1 \r\ '•II• fla nk m o\ cmrr.t to OJ"'n tlw tut11in~ orr a t t h<' foot of the '''''"~ '"I r ,, ..... ,. 'l "" "••• k· 1 u .. , kP•. •·>· w111,. 1,111nn1.,11 "" 1 I W ( ~h { J) • door fo r the rommHn<h·r. hut gran('. The lAd ~o<t ood for two The<Jil{lrl' I I Btlh•t. I H•tro< .. lal llnol >tklllful trl/tlla,.. "'''Ill, !ttOVt•rt•·•l 1111 n ar es rave .... h .•. f h IJ.. ..,_ tJ r I r •• _ .. ,., ". •"\'1 ,.,,. "'"'''''" ..__ ,...Jtpointt'd the SNlON' a nu out-s Will tnJ:: o r a not f'l' 1 ·~ ·""·nr '' ,.,,'" M ~~·~'1'1'' ""'' ~'"'" 1rt·8Jolllry rl,.ft• 1l •or r .. rtv II.:'"' 1 J'fl 1 1 •'II ..; (' t f 11 ''h 1 \\ "',.,. n ''' Uutn :'A) ~tllftl••l --'·ed ha'm to •~o first. :"of 1· I ltlt nOOf' c:.-'lmt'. )to;. · lt · IIJ'r··•···· ••ur ,,. •• .,.,., lfllt n 11 '''" d••llllr.o "'"'' h Ill' tnlt•·rtt•·ol • ,. •lrt\"' I• • 1 • '"' 1 ·• 1" a.aJ\ ~ _...... I t 1 .• , I '-t ••• ,, •• I I tJ "' .:•1\f"'Ut"'. WUt· 'tng u•aS Sllid bUt a JittJe smil(' COUn\g\.,1, h<' \\'Hiked ;l('ros,... l1n '\'I' n p tfl S<llu Jl11rJ "'"' loo Ill· lfll•o a .. IIJ>hl/4 ••f 101•1'1<11\\' I IV• 111! I ''" I• un<f• 1 Y '• lit ''I I>''' and .. twinkle o f apprecia t ion the ro.'ld to hi" a d bac·k to ""''' Itt•• , .. ,.~llll l\'1' (lt'ltJ l•·r lit•· ""n •k,llnll ltrollfht.a "Ill I M• ·'I """ ~· h .... I : ·~ :·: .1! ""·~·~ '";: ... :::;;:··r.:~u::~l~l I N t f. · nurl""'" "' dr i!Cr<•ym•• llll'l n.ot!IHI IC Th~a 901111 t-thf• 1 ,, "' \ t • lt•tl'lll•ll ...... ~ l"'tw('('ll them. " t camp. o OVl'r ave mtnutf'S • " -1 • •ml"'' 1111 t-~ '"" I fl8('d iJ 'I 'll ••• "" •IIIli•" r•tn• c '"" nr.•l t • ,., .. ,\tun "Y"r hl'\11 )11 "'' I 'n•'"l Th~ •lllll•l I "' I•. I "'" .... oj i-·t ......... ...., da~· that a mm· •l' a unt a sa1 or e<cme '1 1 u .w• "-'"'J • •Jl'•n"lh I I"~' !{t.ll\1'11 tnt • lle(;lt<;nll Ill I rlo<~t•l~ I"'" ..,rll --.L.r nn~>rus th" door for r~ a lona, The Soldier bf'. 11 11 ,.. 1 r h Hlllfl\.K' ~1~ "' "' r-rry ~•••nn,.:, h•m.,·r.;t -_ 111 r"f'lllh'll •••ffilrlo'l•·" "'' ''" r• rnachinlo;t's mate.'' th <' lad rnml' JX'ppcd up over Ill<' lift. and r .. r mr" !';Hr,.tary (of w.u '" A 11ungy miUI """nt•latly It'""" "J•.natbl .. t•.r A • , 1 ••I M• m1~·1 11 condudcd ~~~we came t o the got o ff at the nex t bouiC'-Prr 81t!Pn \ 1:, .. ..,,.,.,.11, l'llhJDPt rr 1.1 hlm~tr a-..·a y SlJII l'lt·tt,.r thlln th\ ,,. r ~ rrunm11t•··· ,, •. Mro. fo',ltw•n cro88f0Rc1!' a nd he ~~ out 1vard stop nn d again hracktd rrllt'nllnr. llf·m•"'"'" fr,,m l f•r l•.,•-~<~l.cbman who w"n't w•·•• "'"'·I M •na y, Mr• I••·•· M•''11llum Of t}\{' car . fn r town. ~I 14 I ' II '\\',. lh•' fnf•,,...,..r, uf ro·no!_"n hoM a.uM lh~y lfl¥41, ltn~ J1u l.,..ln nrt•l hlon 11.1 "''" - flu A•• f , .. ,,,. H·•lnf·r. ~h• fll·tt t, ,. • It ~,JW~S,.r=ft )It r • K,.n,,,., t. I'• t•·, 'I \',. "'"" Jay ll IJ .. ; .. ,..~ .I•·""""" \l r• fo!tt\lh I.A l"ld •l. •1.111.'ll.•ll •: \\' Jtt.-oU C'tl:ul"• l'•llv I WNfftJn Jay H II, F:n 'I<IICn •n•l t:.r-t R~ I I d ••t t..r"t t•l• ••I It,, ~l tl 1 , ' r • • I f 1 ,, \' J , 1 t • 1 I • • I ~ ,, "I" ,_, ,,, ,,, t 'I'• I •. " 1 1 \ 1 • r, ) t t ~ r ~ ' I • • f I · • • I •, I , •, I• II I,,,, II ' ,,, 1•1 I ,,, . r. J • .,,,., Ill•' I tl I "''1 ,, I f ,,,,.,, \1 I II I I " I '"' If I",,. I !I • ., • I I •·. 1 ,.f ,,_.,.. H .. ·t. r ,..,l,.,t •• l.q 1H tift fll t I "' tflflltl•• If I• "'. ,,, ,.,, •f•t\.\h ,,,. ,,,, ,,.. lut l ••I fh• '"''id '''''"" ""'''" \.t~l,.t.fl ~~••Lut~: lit• ,,.,"'''"'',." II ,,,, .. , 'It .u~··tl lip •u·v• ,, ,,, 'J'u t II /1 I H I ,,, ltlfll fh 'Itt" '1 I Ill' k t•d ltft lh '" '"" \\II It II 11 1••1 k 11 1, lilt,; toll , ... ··I·• ,,,,, ,, 0 ftlt•tl ,, ,, .... '·I I ff! 1 I ilft l'tt ,.'•• .:1 South (:uast (~irl To (~o to Inyokern q,, "f ittH t • • f''' d ,, f~-t ,.. 1••1 " IU t \1t t \t1u J''' I•· Ji.,.,tt•ll•·. 4!1~• Jttfh "'""''' ~~~··~ .,,~. ""'"'' •• hi Itt), l l.tt "''''''' v..t111 J~;.,, t .... u ,.,., r• to r-y In l~1t J odflt fS H I ll 1 ·"''I f ~•lh ft t.rtl ft,, Jfl J "'UU0f I d t ltfttlfllf'tll tlf f tlv """'' p•riHiill·d, 'l'u•HU ,,.,•ttlu•fl•' :-<~,li t h ~·nn~et ••trpuny f ttr thrr.: 1', )~'"d~ '''' unn•"' ~· ... ~111 y l'rH•dl , '"~'I,, ttnlr v,.,,.., fu&JI' r"MJen••l ltll•l ru '~ .trtd ttw ht1tHt I• tUli ltv•• }Utd-. v.-111 ._,.,, t, 1"\'••k•·•u. whttn • h f'l l••r "II 11l•• All• r "''' 1•·1 •lfiWII, I'"'""""'' H 1.\ ''" 1Cu111rll,, Ia .t11 ltll1)111.( l,j, k• •I "I' WICh '"t~ltn Ill· ll•ttll'<l Ill tho· C' ~ N11Y)' 1- l t•l"'ltllll~" 1•••• 1111fl wtll• ""' 111<1 M1 11""'''11• w"" """''' Cur 111,. <ol 1111'" • I• '''ly ••lU'4'111t·tlllllo•t td~. Wl'•k • 11•1 lth•l l•lhlljChl lite nrw• ~!ltl J'o \•ll•l• ''""' lht• 10 )'llltl IIIII' I lilt! h• lli~.J I • • •IYAtd lhr r.llniC ttf 1,.11 1111.: lh•• ,,,.If llllr111n '• l.unol, • 1111'( l(tu•n•·r • nuoll' lfo(J I•)' \1••)1•1• II• Jo•nr•nc• 111\J Mra lllll.lft•llr will t.lf' In lhco 110'1 I ;nmol m~tn'tt•-<1 ,.... tho· ftrll1 and IWirmf'l t.rtlt•t~ "' lb41 ('alltoml& In· '''""'~I a •r to,r Tu,tln , r1ml olltut.. uf 'rN'hnroi"JO' whlr h Ul 'N I I" lur 1 II• hvm,. lJO)'M. ·n.,. I •l"lriiC r al"'rtu ... nt.al wnrk at 1 hr ''!'"'t WIUo In ""'' f••ftll', mnlf•htnl: I'- lJ ....... Capt. Ashley, C.D.M., Deals Death In Air AN EIGJmt AIR FORCE l.JA· 1 &>v~ral air comman<1N'II i nthla ERATOR STATION. En~~:. C'11pt &TOUP have ~ awar"IJ<!od thl" 01~· J .... F. Alhley, Coron~t dd Mu.. llngullhl'd Fl> ing ~ fnr •·x· Ia a ..-ctron lntt"lllatt•nct• offkt•r tnwrdinary arhii'Vt>mt·nt w hi I•· 6n the &24 Ubrrator ltT'OUJI t'tlfll' lending lar~;t• tomlAIInn• ut h••uv~ 1 ~by ('ol. Albert J . ShtM't•r homiW'D OVI'I' t'n<•my I II 1"1: I' I ~ fll lladlMMt. Wis., which l"l'<'•·nll~ Amon.: ~h··~· ltrt'. Lt. Cui All••n t ' ClOII'tlllet«< 100 bclmbln~: mtMI<'Ifl• llt•rtht•rt. ••f St. Pt•t••r'l"'l1:· Fir• . ""-""'Y larg<'U In tht• ··~· l.t. Cui W11Jh•r fi Smith ul Sl bri«'f tinw of ~~ nroy,. Puul. Mlnn . Mn)"r ( ;/,,,,.,.., Jl. J1n& this tlnw. Cui. Show.·r J>11lmr•r of Ptthlflfl••l:li, < ;,, '11111 and hla CftiUP "llhowt•rtvl" O\•'f HI · l\·1:t)Or Altx•n L. \\'nlluo· .. ••I 1'••11 000,000 poundJo o1 ht.:h ,.,riO>tw~ lant1, < lrttf.lflfl onto ftWm)' targets tn ~nnnny ADd tbP occupit-d counlnM, Laws Ignored 'nUl I"JUP Ill a pari of n '""ll' bat wtnc whldl WBII C"'tNt by Lt.· By I --al nn·vers Ot!Dtral DooUitlt·. I'Ofllmantllnt:' I..AJ\: l aawnJ ol th<> Ei(thth Atr ton••·· I -- fiW ntraordinary ht'millm anll l SUiitltl'~t•>d u ht•mg '•h·· only oubtandlnc ~rfonnArwt• of •lui) ~r v••hklf' fnr ct•I'IHin 101:111 1 .. ....una a bridar nr Vltlll lm· driv~l'll ,_ a P...S tht• n·u~on b.•· ...,..._. to ttw t'nl'my b) dt'l'('('n(l· lne thr ff't'QUC'OC)' wllh wtul'h th••> lac to the ntrenwly low and dan·~·~ nabbrd by loc:al mlnir.,,N <)I tht• P"JUI aJtJtudr of 65()0 ft't't Col. IIIW fOf' violatklfl of til'/ urdm· I ~ lfod the winr 00 thll! OC'CII-•· !anC'I'I in N-Card to tht' '1"'1'fl of ... ,_ lf'OUP abo hall thr dlstinc·l"'otOf' w•hiclf'tl. I u. o1 havtnl thfo ""'' aJUt'd Rloct"nl dtatlona for ~r~>drn~ .._., balaber t land · Fr1l WM'I.' &lvcm to Mtorvln Gr1~wc.. do- ..._ J :. Lt ~ IH nc;;· ln~t 60 mile.,. an hour. Rolx'rt E. ar..: ~-Mich. ~nd hi• Starkry, who wa.' doina 11 mt'l"l' co-pUat. Lt. Arthur L.. Prichard of 50, •• wu Maxine McKaJtUt> of ,.__~ .... ,..... hrir bl Lib· Coata ~t'l<a, whJif' Melvin Kiddie -.--...,.. __,..,., wt l C waa doin& • C(lnlparattv••ly con· ........ dawn .. ftol)' on a rww I . ftlht« ......,. t1rtp. aftrr lhf' t~MVatlv .. ~ mUt'l' Ill 11 25 mllf· oChB' ftcht nwmben ol the en·w l :ton.;~, otfrnd.-r """~ FW L<w r• of Nd baUid out. ' 1 the Coala Mt'll&. who wu rhal)tt~l with n.. ~~ ~.~ •Pftdlna. drunk drtvina. nn tlJ•'rll·l ~" ~has com !tot· tor'1 IIC!t'nJ4' llnd rto("klt'!lll ctnvm.: 1 :.. wt t .!:, 1e 11M' combtnt"d char&~ hrflu.:ht h•·r ld 10 F MIDI thou • C a sent~nct' of 90 day11 In th•· o•uonly tW'IIIIIidl becaule ol rntduuUcal jail, ol wtli<-h 75 da)'ll Wl'n' !<IU' ,._.., prndf'd, and 1 flrw of $:.!00 of whk h J5() wu •ur.peondPd for Oflt' )l'llr. I Harbor HHrh v.· ~~tor John A. Carlaoo ol J·n~dt·n~t -e "' and c . R SIUfii'AA, USN Wt'l'' OYer Taatin, 7 • 0 dtt'd for ·~-dine on. tIll' hay I ..,:o:~· =;: ~ . New .shop Ope~s l .......... Hartlor .,.,.. «~ a •s-Apphance Senace ,.... ......nY fer boldblc. They ,...... CIB dw nut down but ,.._ -, ~ the baD. A kldl by Mil· A nnv hnuathnlol •l•rlt•n•·· 11hop ... went out on 1\ultln'a i•-y•nt baa ··~nN! at I :'II):) w .. ._., 1 ···ntrl\1 1 lllw &om wbldl point they rNidr • avenue, 1111cl thl' Jli'Oprtrll•no. llaloll .... .,. to Jfarl)nr'a 49, Whe-n! M. Farn>ll, W tllllun M I ·ummurue , 'n11t111 fumbled but I«VVIf'tf'd on Jr and I;I'<K'Jo:~ F' ()olby. ar~ dirt llnlt dalwn. Heft wu IOftk" allllltotl In ~JI•In on rth"IJt~rat!lrll 1 ol tM -teet football ol the PJ1W and IIU'Jtt ,•ommf'l"l'lal rt friJtf'flt· .. ,_ ~ playa. makm. their lion unlt.a. u th~y wn" h•rmt<rly 1 ..... -.d piDbw lteedlly until a wllb O.an and Huffman, OOt' <If ...... _... In • f\lrnble wtlk:tl tbe ludln& a,ppii-.N-'1' 11\ol'f'.a of . -• .... ~ N~. The Lon& Bncb . .... ..._ -* diM out wtth -na. .... ~bot~ ~ by t.M JUUDe \ -11ft Ia h pnw. Of Ule lllctway Rdr1~rauon 1111<1 ~ ... tiW • 11M lludr ,_. a.rYtce abop. Tbfoy an also "'!ulp· • ..... fiDII cd by MUI« p1tl"4r pect to handlto l'f'PAir• to wublnlt ........... to pin four ylldt. 'nwt mar hln•• and rtt<11M ........... When 8o6ft had In· . "'"'tal ...... fer • ""' down I --... ~-ln"JM'•'tl"n tim~> 111 l'lll"' (;l.,u· ~ 111M up: . chelltl'r fuuntl Mllrlll•'' rttnnottng ut ...._.--C1) Ill ?--. rtl'ld Atlt'ntlun Tht• l.t C'lolnnl'l = J..._';, ",.::~ marchf'tJ up An<l 1tcw.•n lhl' rnnk11 ::::,.. ''t~· '::l~ peertn« at them wiUl l'lllo:lt' l')'t'll ~-~~ ";!~~~ "How many J•J'I' did yn 1 kill'" .... 41 WUietlor be b&rkt'd auddMiy J)l)lntlnJ: In It ..._ a • on "'"~ pale prtvate. ::.-..., ~~· Ott ~1!!:.:;, 1 The privati' dldll't movt' an ._. ., ~ 0 1 ~.,,•yeluh. =' . e o 1 o--4 ''Sir, lt'e my job to kill Jape not ~~~ n' --•-•-. OM-count tbem." he a&ld. Tbe Aztec 3£.. ., ~()til. !Diar • .~ 3t., 3£.1 Of.a., ~ \ * -crJIDmllJE1Jla!LI£IE r..., LMp~~J...,. '' ,.,.. ,. s.w Y• IL W. (lr • 4fll & ~JCI•trl lAMIA ANA VISIOIIS mAIJ (QD£~~ ON CIIDIYI &MONTHS ~~IN~~~ .. e I If I A I ,CALl ... AN• "A¥1 'Otfl IYI!I IXAMIHI!DI •Y .. .,.._ t..ns OUPUCA TEDI Prompt Servkel eColry an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •GiaiiH Made to Your OWN Prescriptionl tYew Credit Ia GOODI Open an AccouDII .,_,_. .. y..,,_,...._, .• has .......... .., ......... ~ • ....., .,.., ...... vw. .. w.- DB. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST aw. (e;. 4_6 I S,SNJ-Irrtl....,. .. II In a Public Statement Criticizing No.· 12 I believe a campaign on a bill of this kind would be a bitter one which would cause disruption rather than the unity which ia 10 badly needed dur- ing the war period and particularly when California is to be called upon to make the greatest effort in her history to make the war in the Pacific the suc- cess it must be. In my opinion there is a serious question as to whether the initiative is not in _conflict with the Statutes of the United States government with rela- tion to interstate commerce and the decisions of the Supreme court of the United State8 on such matters in recent years. ' Proposition -12 Would Bring Chaos to California • • • Senator Sh(•riclan Downey ... Waltt•r L. fiachrodt, Supt. School:-:, San .Jose ... Anthony G. ~latto~. General Manager, We~tern Co-op Dairymen's Union, Fre~no ... Eric A .. Juhnl-o n, President, U. S. Chamber uf Commerce ... Che::;ter Dowell. San Francisco Chronicle ... Chambera of Commerce and Employen' Or1anizationa State Chamber of Commerce, Harrison Robinson, Pre~ident ... San Francisco Chamber of Commerce ... San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce ... Richmond Chamber of Commerce ... Sacramento Chamber of Com- merct> ... North Coast Council of State Chamber of Com- merce ... Sacramento Valley Council of State Chamber of C~)mmerce ... (t'ntral Villey Council of State Cham- ber of CommPrce ... San Francisco Employers Council, George V. Bahr8, President ... United Employer:-. Inc. of Oakland ... San Frandsc<> Sardine A~dation. Inc. .. It Is Opposed By--- Fann Groupa California Farm Uureau Ft>deration ... San Bernar- dino County Farm Bureau. Veterana' Or1anizationa Veterans of ForeiJ{ll Wars, California ... American Legion Council, 17th District. Civic Bodiea Board of Supervi~ors, City and County of San Fran- cisco ... Board of Supervi:-ors, Contra Costa County ... Board of Supervisors, Sacramento County ... Sacramento City Council ... Richmond City Council -... Martinez City Council ... Napa City Council ... San Diego City Council. I Citizens' Committee Against No. 12 " . ·- . . .... HKWB·1111D. N ...... -... ~ ,...._,, o.teMr l1 ..... ---------------------,...._ ___ .... , PIMiHer aH State I~ of Another ChoMe Tole A ~-Year "Hero"? I Bank of America I :Observes 40 Years Of Public Service Dr. A. S. Newton "Pe1sioners," lib Ia lalio1 loanl Optometrist llooaa ................ IUNo . ........._, 11uaa Aaa ..._. an• 'f Eyea J:xamlnecJ G.._ Fitted Dear !ldltor: Wh~n you g•l ln troubl~ With th~ gu natlonlni board to oecure t>noHJJCh ~ru tu carry on your bu.l· n .. ,.. o r gu to w"rk. you bump Into a. lot o( angry guy• who art' In lh• .a~Dl' boat lh&t you are ynur· M-lf. Thla Willi my (lltf' rt'<"l'nlly. ~~~~~-.. -~-~~~~~~~~~l ~an=d~h:l'~r=f'by hangs 11 l•tth• lllory that 1 tnu~t you wtU rtve •J~&M In your columna. Wh~n I C'(ll thf' ·no" aJn dov.'ll at Dalbo& befo,.. thf' ~mbly of ~ra• ratlon~n. I thought that It wu bfo<·au ... I wu pN'IIIdent ul the Old A«e PenaloiWr• ut Call(urnlll, a atalf' N'jtlatf'red ben~volt>N or· ganlzatlon, IIUld who might bfo h~ld btolow .J•IIr In th<' mlno.l• o ( IOfnf', But wnin 1·gdt to rubblnl( elbow• w1th ~oplt'. that I am nut prlvl· lt·.:<'d l\1 nH'utwn heort'. and who w r rt> llc'gl{in.: fnr t'fw ugh gu t u 1:•1 1\1 work or Mltt'nd to tht•lr bUIOI• n<'llll. 1 ll'lt that tht• ••lf·thr·ro•rur,l ~:rotop WIUI ~tell 1"11:hl \(1 c·n rry vn Ut<• work l'f th~ h••mf' trvnl put>lu•h 111! the fr•'f' publhlty t hat \\I\JO JOC•nt ••· 1 h•'r.:. hll\' h .. n.l~;, ""d ,,,..no.J thr it lltUt b1t uf "A" raUon IU to r tum unol n•lurn ~1\111 tv til<' Jl<•Y.•·ra whu 1 • .,,.,. '••nlrc•l M v trrn1bl,.,. lllart••d rr.•m t il .. urn .. this rnl. 111111! hourd •·"uw l:lt ' l'XhUt•nt't• 'I u '.,, t-r the· ttt ~'t ,· t whlo n 18 I hr I t•r rll "r\' u ( our ~~~-I j:l\1\lt.atlvn 1 .. h·•tur .. • KnJ thero'h:. I I build up t h•· u~oonthly !Jill" 1 u( t ho: organl:r.nl•• n m y llr10t upr•lwllll••tl I WI\H l lllr d 11,r1 jullt 1111 I h,• I•. ' ol this fu nny work. I dldn l J4!l 1 h&•l ro•qu_eA~~ m o1w ul t ht'tr th•· ~'"'' 1 rod<' a corporation bu8. I Corns. jY t·allt•o.l f ur i70 uri"" 1 ••wn u htllr \\'tlly• 1111.J m y trav,·l a mmtlh It ··a lit'•! I r l •hlll.:htt>r hc,lt!JI " .. B .. caru on that hD\•Inr 1: •• :1 lttlllllllll~ uf a "B" , ,., IUI<I UKM ll to l(u to work. I lltamp "" " Huu·k .. w n,•oJ IJy 111y I huld thr .. A .. c·aro.l. but 1 WIU In· d&Uj, ., I Th•:; \I ll:· 1111 g:'t"'"•' rormeo.J lh..ll u .• ,.u:..;, .. :.il.j,. :..ua.· ••xcepl I hf' gu ful' flny lfiJt•h dill· no•a• wu11 noll ,.,...._.nllal tn 1 h,. war tant't' as 770 mllu of travt'l n rtrurt yc .. 0011 and hill<! fl•tw•! month. Tht• milage wu cut uown. Now ben: •• thl' tra.&t'dy rrnm &forf' our 8lalt• conv~:ntlon lr.,hl bf're to Bak•·r11flehl and baC'k lhtu•c , at Bllkf'reflrld. 1 we-nt to th~ b<•&rd art' many algna, an•l nnt little I to jtl't IIUJIJ"II'mt•nl&l gu t n mnkc I algn•: ··Plt'nty ot Gu... ''All tilt tht· c.ll'lvt', This I tallccl In g t·t . onJ Gu You Waul.'' .. 1-'111 Yuur T.nk "'"" thl'n lnfom l<'ll that lhl' gr.A•Il· Nuw:· But ht•w an.· you guiO•I: l u l •ng c•f a .. lr C'aro.l for m e 1n 11 rar W I your lank without thn•·· llttl.- o wn t' d by my <laughter wu t tck ets 7 Uh. lht"y an.troNe>r It 1.8 I illegal. although thl• 11amf' ratlun · 11. matter or uvlng your l.lr"" Out lng boor\! Wc>rf' U1~ olnf'll who you can gl't all the Kood re .. Kppod grant~d th~ 8&11'1l' In the l!l&rt·uff uru y uu 141Ult and w1thout lUI)' ''\ I Corona del Mar News llal\k .. r Amf'rh'A'• etatf'WUII' ••rJa.nlaatlun t•'<•k "'" 401 h enni·J vr r•ry o1 Ita '"""'llnll' t.•l•y 111 •I rht ... tor' hu~y 1111\lnl•mtnll ,...r•! \'lt'r un.trr wartlmt> , ... ntlllh•n• I •I •l•lf" •nyUllna l••rn111l In t hf' 14 ay 1 ••I ··t>lt'hrat '"" It WIU• nn lhr nlo'l'nlnl( II( I \\•1 11. I PH. lh,.t ' A I' Ul•nnhll "1"'"''•1 1111' ""1:''"'' 'llillrtr rll nf '"" 1 hnnk 111 l-11111 ,."rltn•·tro•u wll h r•• ~""" ,.,. I••"" 1111\11 $:.'tMIIIIIII 1'o"ltl\. IIMIIk "' Anl('rll'l\ """ !PIAl I•' "'"'"'·~,. 111 ''"' MA ol( (C'I\11' ltllllull dPHa 1 " \\ tt tt tlt*U II\' rt•W• ht IUU'hf"• 111 '"""' '""" :lc•• 1•nlll••n tu1 ,.,. .... I nuau,, ... ,. "'"' tnnk lltf' '"' 1ht• n n I""'·~ 11111 •I IMr~r~t h:w k rouol I h,. "'"'"''-. .,,,h lar•:•••t pd\•nh• 1 •'nt••IIH •••· .-f K fl\ k tn.t I ' t :utHIHht \\ h~• If' 1t 1U t hntt IT f\•lr u 11 pnhlh -t"\t•·lttf'l\1 f••t H~t• ••• '""'"'" ttu1 IH " '"'""''' 1nuk tnt.! lilt'"""~' t tt h\Jit It\\ U t'UIIt1t•\'•'t1 .. h.- t ''""'' .-t ""' II•·· ""''" ,. ,,, t "" t t•llll!t'M t..-.1\IIHI t h•• tl••\t'I"J'tnrH' .. ( I ·uhl,.mlu l\Uol oil t ho• 1-'lu \\'o•ltl 11:141 llt\7o•l oh l10• ltllol M1~ W IIIIH nt I' IIIII 1\llol fnllllh l<ll l'lloh••l II t !thll\ t!l'uh 'Ill 1'. I' I I,. • hl•t """'' ~ulou olu\ •·v•·nlnll 1\l tlw m .. Utt·r M t" .. ~. UHt .-. ... I i t :r"IUlnl , hutt.•" nf ~, t" \\'ll1iRIIt t-'tu t f'"'' :tltt At lU u, H\t'UU• 1'Ult ht• ttuutf4 l..,u,. 1\U"t•h·• tho• \'ur ~•l) '"'!hull l<'lllll ut \Ve•t· l'hl•'l l'r•ll\ IIIII"'' F. A I\J•I••11 110 \'tiOitllll( h ll' hf'H\h••t ,.. II lluto·~ tnl 1<.-• ... ·rv•' A\ tt.l '"'' llu\l,. .. n, Ohln. v.hH h Ito· II' nll•'tHhn~: !hi,. ynr Ill• nt••IIH·I 1<11lol ho· Ilk• .. It lh1·rr hut ,.Jt,•u wrtlt•• "l'h•IIJNI trU :lltl th.,·htd nv•'nu•• ••·• " p.ut •• r "'" tt•lrtv ··'"" ''"'""II" "'"J frtt•tHI• ~h ""'' M r" •: l 'nul tUtti "'"' t • .. r""" .t••1 ~1ut "lu t\t thfl nu· wttht '"'l'l'''flJC ttt <···•••nil tl4·1 "''"""k ••n•l h••r•• "''" ht'" t "h ··f M ill I llll•to II " 111 anol Mr" S .I Alolo•n h•·• l '.-tty lllrl• ''1 ll•l••• lUI" 10 ""'"I '"' n tl M s II I f • ·• t\\u v•·n•• ""' ••··M• ""'"''"h~•·· II• 1u w r . '" • lUI '· Ant rt .. nulll 1 Ilk Suuth l'Jlt lfl• ~~·· ~tt'l"'' It II• I M'" loll••• rlllr, Kllll .. l M' '""' M r. I I ''"''' ll••ur.ll• I I 0110 a Urtlh' n un•• ' nv.•n ttr ,,. dav 111 lh•• ,.,.If, h h"nl•' uf !ht• 4:.!7 :'l:~t r•l••..,.. ""'1111'' •'llto•rlalth"l l Aldrn~ 114 (;uloh•nr•~tl IW•·nu,., lho• ~t .. url I lt·o hl• nt •llhn•·r Ill Thur ... ll\\' 1 I ..till""" 11•urn.l." ,., , ulll~; 111 '"'""' lol r """ Mrro E A To·ol \\'11.:111 ... r Mra l h•rhl• '".'""' y • LIT IOIIIrl STUDIO PORTRAITS BE YOUR XMAS GIFTS THIS YBAR Expert Mechanics 0. Duty prlonty or reUnng rt'\1 l&pt'. A.l.a thl.' cry U1at the alrpiiUiu havf' l • have tbe gaa don't kllck lJI thl8 ln•ta.nC'e u that gu ! ! 1 thlll tht•Jil' lll&tUIIU bave all OVt"r tile """' II I •t I )I r un•l M'" ~~"'"I I ••·lit I l'tll" ""-'\~ h7e· ~sr •\ •· • "t•·rt:t1th·d ,. r Paul t 'IUrt N•" ''nrk lt•r "' few (;t,J.It'fH •KS ~\•''HH nrul her hruthr t ----SPECIAL----. mean better light Good light protects precious eyesight. B)' repl:t cing thn brk·colored lining in a I:Jmr ~~~~de wuh au J,iu lining. rou can as much :~.s double the light wuh no additional usc of dectricity! There arc two ways of doing this : Spr:ay or paint parchment shad~ with wh1re or light colored paint . or roll the lam p shade on wh~tc p.11'U and p<.ncd m:Hk to cut . .I\ ~hu,,n. Then fir the lmm.~ 11111 •Ill<' 'hade Factory Trained BALBOA MOTORS 1M E . BaJ Aft. Balboa I I :-HEADACHI •• •ucM A BIG unu1M•11• th'Y" I I'M 'l • \\ lllr•·•l I 1lM JIIIn. v~allr•tl Th II lh••lt 1''""""' Mt ltthl lilt" ~.•IK'" (l c.,,, •• f1 t • .,. It• or t lu• t "•Ill• ( ,,,. hn !"ttul I.... .. ~UIHht\" \\'a I I piton~& jl:l'f'jCIIII,.nnl •hlltt ii iii•IWIIhWrto r l'l I llfll I II S at. bo t th t ll 1''•1 ,,..1 .... n .. \1• ....... '1 .,. ~ ... tng a •u e 1r~ n1a er l.anii(J••II :.1:.!4 1 11~ nY•'""' 1'11111 ,. ,.,.,.,.,,. 111,, 1.,1111 1,.1 111~ 111,,.,. hrmg& up loUluther lltllll lJIAt..ance <111y 1" t 1:.! f-'.,1111t .. '11 mo•rnb.-110 . \\"hl'll Wt' 14't'~ o.lenl~d the ncbt ct a no! l\Oott Ylllll••l~ ..... ,,. I•I•JM'III .... , .. lo•nvo• II·· """ ..... "'I•""" lhO! IJIX!h lin• my dau~hh•l belnl All I I U Hulrltlr llllo•n•l•·•l llu· It l:h "'h•K•I Pr l w Huun•·• JWJIIIIlit~n lf'l' fuolh ull J.::u tt•·,. HHit ~ld~trda\' o•xln•nwly vstnollc aoo worklnc a rtrmumr ... r ... "l"'"l '" ,..,.1111: '"'\' 1 1 1 11 •• .I ht t u H lftt t•t HI I .. , ,, ... , II " uDY lUlu '"' '" wur IU~ lVI "· th .. It•··· ,........ Till' , .......... ,...rv.•tl ,.., 1011•1 ~~~.. 'I II s. , ....... , tum\!t.l In un,. or( Ult' Huu·k Urea. -f h t "'I I II ' ',-n-• rrwn " ' It• "' a nu••· "" l"" ''' • ttf'" h ,. "'"' t h t' t.\'•\4 k •'JUI Tht: Uri.' ill 6 ~Ill Tht: price Cll Will bo• h••ltl 111 th•• hnm•• .,( Mt ~' Ill: I I ,1 1 •t the mark••t ~&t that t i-e wu ( "'' • • '"'" •' n• ,. "''''" IA••wll. _. ; W \\'l••lt•'\' ~1\f l r tK UVt'fiUt'1 \'1tl {lt •••t" t .. •IIII \H•I aruuud $1:.. ~he t·••k llw ttn• o.ov.n (It I :.!6 at 'l I' Ill lu U~t• Nt•wvo•rt lk~•'h expre., Mr IU\tl to1 11' llrto•l••u Fuu h. :>1•• 11111111 h Jo~Holo:lnll•h• "4'"' u((ke. al)ou\ atx tnll• e I rom b•r~ llr·l "''"I"' kY••ntw •I"'"' ~und~<V howe, Lo flnd that Uk! cvcnpaQy -WIY IIY 1 "1 :-lnu ~nn l;•rr\' had not re!C~Ived tbe ~ l•· nil 1 "hu 11••·r•• out. and •he would have to r.H- 11 Wf'f'k "' •• latt'r tw~h • ll lEW FUIIITURE !htrlt·••n mile" "' twr lo:"' ~··lu· ••t I lll;atf' ca.nnut t... UAe(l 111 thf' a ir· o... Professional Portrait. only • • • ,.00 lfO Aft'OIIf'IIDJn _,.IIAJIW Roberts Portraits MtuMo Hour": II .\·M· t. I P.M . ..., :and Ll~!Cn thl· \C.ll1l \1 llh Sllltl h rirx Por fJhm ,,lJ,k).ll~l·" hut o r ht;hr m:ucml. I ~.~;,~~" .. ~:;;~·· .. ~:.t ... ~~:· ::.::·~. ·;:.,~~~ WIIN '" ca• repai•t .... k "···y "·'" u.. l•·ttu .. "" r 1110 1 wor1 pieces .: '''" "·•"· tumt'd •\•• '" ,l , , JC· •• lntxpensJYIIJ with A LL SET for a cood tun da,... work wbea a uc~rinc bud- ache en•b up Oil JOU. Yoa •a1rer and ao doee J OW' work. SOUTHERN UllfO~NIA EDISON COMPANY lTD. ReadJ for u neoinc af ~ alioo and •JoJ1llent -a poaq h~adacha int.ert-willa :roer f-. h8&. Olljo)'ma~ or "lna•m ..... HARDWARE J.H.ESTUS PLUMBING D&.lllla Anti-Pain PIUs u ually reliq~ ~ onl)' a .... ~he, but 81111J10 N"niJia. 11- cular P a lna allll F•aetloaal lloathly Pal.na. GENERAL ELECTRIC Do JOG UIO Dr. MD• A•ti·P· Pill• r U not. whJ not T YPO caa cet. Dr. MU .. Anti-Pala Pin. .. Jour drur ator. la tbo ,..ular packqe lor onl1 a penDJ ap'-e and ill the eeonom1 peckac--chupor. WbJ ~ ... t a peckap today T Y ovr dnacrl.lt hu t.bea. Read d il"k'tioM aac1 -•• , .. direetH. Your mODq beck lf ,... are DOt aatiaftocl. 'I' &ANOE8 e REFRIGERATORS e \l'A811ER8 DISIIW A811E118 o RADIOS Pboee ~16 2205 Cout Blvd. GORDON B. FINDLAY Announces Temporary Closing of Plants In order to give our employes a much-needed rest and vacation, the following order has been issued : Starting Saturday, October 14 and continuing until \ , Monday, October 23, 1944 e Cabinet Shop Operation e All Building Construction e All conc.rete construction -Will be closed. We appreciate the patronage of our many customers and will be ready for you r business on the date specified. GORDON B. FINDLAY lndt'pl'lldf'nt thoul'('•t 110 tho· •olol)' trlll• prep&1'81trrn rur 8 1'1"1"'1' stutJy n( thr Uw u:ht ur ''""''" f'al(lav.•oriC.J Hli ·£NAM£1 4 CMin •114 T1We 11.75 L" Nv flf'oool holp y.,. oloy wltl,l" tt..l ""''" .. yovr b ..... " w.th l•• --.t ef f'-'w [nafN'I fOil co• tettote IHM tlcellr .,., etllcle el '••~ltwre te lh .... ~ .... IM•vOy. Nw f~OMol't wltfe •• ~ .. el etlrectl .. thoerfwl colon woll hel' Y"· .......... r'"' '"''"''"''· At ''"'' .... .,., 4ec_.,of•"t •"'•--· ..,.., (t~o~l (, .o ..., 1e eppl, ,..., begl••••• o•• p•o'•• .....1 ••••'" 0Nt COAl COVll\ NO .. U$H .!AAIIIS I r_ _ ~ •• NU.INAMfl ~,~ ...... , ... pe- .... ! Coast Hardware 246-4K t 'orM<t i\ \'1·. l,acuna IW.u·h NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED 81AKJOMB -MANAHt:R Bait-Tackle· Fishing Information NF.WPOil'l' BEAC'tl . • Before You l•lld or Remodel crWa .., a.te,.Uft& .. m,"" ... 411eplaJ-(:C,InJ ,...... pl.-l"c aJd•. ,..._. ,... ..... ., • ., awrl& "' new. ,..,..,.... ... lllto..,_. ........ CarpMa I a-.. . .......... ~ 'W LUDLUM &..t Works ·-._.. ... 81. ..... .... A.-MJif'I'A AJIA - ~#MIN# HIJME ~fJM WA~ Toclay they are flghtine for eur American ~Mda-. When they come home they ...U.t flncl ,..._ to aeek. obt .... -rei holcl a lob without nece11lty of payin9 tr~~te. They muat ha•e the RICHT TO WORK. They rnuat ha•e the rl9ht to ioln • laltor union or not to foln, •• they, themael•ea, frHiy choose, without Interference from •nrone, anti without lnter'ference with their lll9ht to Work. COMMIIIII ••• RIGHT ro WORK L (. KIMIAU, CIIAJI ... ' , .. • -- ~ W1r Cllesl C111p1i1n to l1ise $17,511 All Set to let 8oinc Little Things About the Stars • =~~=:sE a, OBO&OE ULUY LADIES OF THE .. OPERAS'' clli c"n111n1inl lo "PUT IT IN 'ESCROW" llatar'I'-.U .. o.rt.relor ... ...... Adjwt41-· hctar7 'I'I'aiMcl 01111umor 8pecial.Wt We aJ8o hancDe and caft for ILYDfB 1101'088 ara llr1ce &r~.p OLOVD oaMIOI: VON GRUBEN 1lJI oo.ur moHWAY · 0... del liar "!l't!\'t'T llltt' anu nevfr emplyl wnrku and to ~v~ry r lllz"n ln the I handC'd. Nl'wpurt 111\.rbor · w II t' or<'•< 11.1 work oo the 1944 cam· acain come to the front , In step f'llllnl l:w'jtlnl, u11('1n~~: uratantt•d 111111 l1n llrut'. l':ln-ylng lt. full ah&re df<>rt to th~ .. nrl that lht' gncxl ot tbt' NaUonal War Fund." TbUI namt' of Ul" r<>m munlty 'hill! a~;aln U. the m., .. g,. Ch&lnna11 P. A. be malnta!nt'd l'alm..r of thf' Newport Harbor In hie mt•118&g" II') w11rken Mr rc.mmlltM, ~nu. out to every Palmer contlnul'l'l, "Wr havt' a big -------lo.d to r arry Our qunta 111 117.· • FOI MEl II~ BOYS e tt'7 llut• A'l'e. BALBOA IIIIAND ....... ,. ~. If we ll:utl-01Ur qunlll. 011 our 1940 !'tNJIIII It mC'IUl. Wt' DIUIIl donate nt Rrly ~~ a ht'llcl f<•r ~'''"ry man woman Mtl rhlld In tll1· arPa I So Y~•u 111'1' WI' m11111 to:•·l hu11;v wnrk hard and Rjl;alnlll llmf', anol lllliY on thco Jub unlll lhr· lluok 1,. I''>Dl I plC'tf'd." l''•ft<'l'n olil'f!rirt • 1\Jlllttn!t a r• I nuw nrgun1'Zing lh•• W<•rkrr" 111 th•ol r I""MI"'' tlvt' tllstrh'\11 Somo· tlUtlria-1~ uri' lllr;.:•••· 111110 otho·r~ JLnft v.'"lll r'•••p•h··· mor•· \'f)hUlt~f'r' I ~''""""' It "'"" • 1<11 hl'lp. JU@t I 11 IIII I<• ~·nur llf'lp Will l.:lt' lOur•• thiUI "''l<umo> (',ttl ve.ur clllttrl<'t 1 • Ul•hun uuol lo•t tt:m nr lwr know I yuu w1ll 111d If v"u h!>Y<' somo• ~p<·• iul ldt·>L:< yuu w"'ulil Il k<' \u l \\Iii k <JUI l..t !Ill' C'lllllrlnlln kll•t~ I Ill""'' th•·n1 nr t all lito· l•lfl<'t' for i 11111• 1h •v•• ut Ill<' li'••WJklrl ll11rboor HEW YORK, N. Y.-A. new Sunday evenina radio proP'•aa. "Ou1e and Harriet," eftec:Uve Oc( I on CBS, has bandleader Oule N~bon and hia beautioua !MHII• atreu wife. Harriet Hilliard. bi- comin& comedians. Thot m1..:ht start 10mMhi.na. Sei:ret an.b1t10n of maD)' band"- f 1eadera t a t o r be radio COlD• t>diaru. Hor._ He l dt once conftded to ;r1 friend that thOUihl b would be a WOW aa a hdio <al(ster-wit.h a couple of lood writera. Tom-my Dorae..,, ll:lrrlet llilllard even shy Satp-my Kaye, are · · · pet A 1"'4"11 said to have <1m1lar ~···arn1n~;s Skmnay En- nis. m;•••,tru for Bnb Hope, abo has lulkt·tl to :1 wntcr. • SP<'ok1nl( of writf'r s, the new Ed Wynn hrv.•dcast Fraday night. on th£' Blue· network. e mploys s•x. bfosHit•s Wynn himself. Four fr·llr.ws ('t'lncoct the tall talct for F1 ank Mor~:an Thursdays on N13C OuiTv·~ Ta\'N n, Which hu muq·cl tu Fr1day n•Rhl5 (NBC), to st·S live wrilt·r~. l'at·h submittin• ;a C'eontplet(• UIUI\ talllial script. But Dob tlop<•'s starr rcmama the top-J>('r-11 mrn. SAO-EYED COMEDIAN RADIO SERVICE ('han:borr "' ('ommo·r • .-11nol lo(IVr 1 yhtH· HtJJ,C~• N1 iuUJ\ Tht·r·· nr•· nt,Ul\ \\ ay .. by "'Ill• h y .. 1, • an llf'lp and ull ..trnrt will 1,., ll t•J•rN'I!lll'tl. I Over the World Comr dlan Alan Youngs two- ltl-m•·ml ... r yrm ar•• doing tht•l yl'ar -old daughter _ is named -. .................. ..,.ar.d ........ DeetriciM Burt R. Norton ..,.,_ un 1111 o...a-..-, ~WPOBT BEACH I W(lrk ntot lllotiH' r .. r N··wpo ort llur· Alunna-a t:umlllnahon of Alan I boor Yuu IHf· ret•anl'lng " Job that I and Mrs Young's ftrst name, 1 Anna, Radio'• hiUI lls g-u<HI o-•ff•·• I In ,All parts • 1f youngPSt c 0 m- th~ world V.'ho·r .. v•r lllf• A.mutl •·d1an, Youn1. F1•n I'll Kf>, the llt·n•·lll.• "' 1 ho• W11r ~h.ght, sad-eyed, L'hf'llt go 111.,, ThroiiiJ:h lhe JUD -2-f. 1• heard Rariio's most prollftc w ntl' prvbA IJiy 11 m1ddle·a1ed. N• Encland born £lame Carringtw who tt~rns out 40,000 wordl , we• k oll by her lonesome. Sht ac-ro pts tht• better serialJ, Uke "Whl•n a Gu l Marries,'' "Pepper Young · and a p1 omis1n« newcom- 1 er ,"kosemary," • ! • < • conct'r n I n 1 a small-town •irl 1n New York that'• ju.t be· 1un at 11:15 in the m orn In 11 on NBC. Two other ladles lrna Philli~. a Ch1caro writer, and Ann Hum· mert. wife of 1 lkU~ Winkler New York ad· . so real Queen Vt'rtisinr exec· · · Uhve, turn out fuu1 tt'l l'•~:ht senals a week each b ut tho y oper:ate so cnlled "scrJp' factoalc>S" w1th large staffs. M " Carr 1n~1nn employes only a sec ret:u ' 10 t01ke d ictation. pact'~ thr fl~• :.nJ ll'lS go. • • Q11•·r•· vf rllr serial actrtuer • Q 01rl 111 ltt•r llltddle 20'J, frtiU r! v.var1<>•1.\ Ut·rru Wanlc:ler. Sltt pla11~ rltP rttle role 1n "Ro••·· marv", also at the moment • "JO!irt' Jorclar~ " She'• betn th• htrolnf n/ no leu than 13 1001 opt>Tu• Her salar11 averages I 60U a wfrl; BABY'S BEEN AROUND If rh.tr .>C\l'fS I!IC:W Up, "Baby Sno•~k~." the youn~ brat playrd by f 01nny Bnc:e, wuuld be votjn,r, Fanny first pt•rf<ll ml'd the role in vaud<·VIIIc 111 1921-23 years a<o. The Jc:>,'ablc imp was tntrod!JCM to rad•u 111 1938, now has won Fanny her own rad1o show Sun- day m~:hts on CBS • " ... Bet<M>-ore 1 kt.e ~. always buya a nickel'• wortha peppermlnte ... " R~member that eonr;. l4re. Amertca ? And re· member th~ peppermint• • ll looke now aa It our c.hancea or getUnr Pf't>pcnplntn and o t h e r h&rd canrllu are going to Improve. And when they come back Into the stona theee candlea will have ceiling prtcu from 33 to 3S cente a pound eel by OPA-protecunr the pocketbook while indulglng tbe AWet't t ooth. • • • Have you "t:1at tired ft'ellng? Look like the eymptone In lbe patent medicine ads! When run upeotalrs, do );Oll f ee down ? Then what )l~ou ne d, lady Ia carbohydrate" g ('at obe of 'l'm. And one or the a sourcea ''' ('ner,zy-produclng car hydrate. Is bn-ad and oth('r Cf.'n-als. Ah·ar- ah. No mnrc nt that pi.Uihlng the nackC'd wheat ot JunJor while wilh \Banh of 9/1111Aic1J e At thla banlc. realton and others find an efficient, prompt, dependable eacrow Mnice. The nearest branch wel- comes the opportunity of M~ing you. I you :ounch the M <'lba help your----------------------------·-self to a ht•wl or .-ereal and energy ut the aame time. . . . Any moturcyrli•t meandering around your menage? Motorcycle rflio•r!J who a re lu11klng for IUlCil ht>r lrleed art> remlndtd by OPA that they ahould lnveatiS"at e thoroughly th~· ceiling price nt the~r ravonte 1 means or locomotion before buy- lljlg. T here are ceiling prices un ua.>d motorcycles even thoR re- leiUII'd by the Army . Rubber Lined Winch Head AIM F1ahermut 'a Friead 8avea Wear 111111 Tear-EqUip· meat. • • • PrtorttJ eataN'•"ettF. ( liON Of ~liD ...-···-· ...... " .......... ·----DMer 'penoaa.~ _,.,..woa ef Claarlea II. llernlla, Prea.. ..........,.,. jtlt·ll, un lh<' lla'lll'rts. ntup lh•• """w· w1th 1 h1s new t'laol JM'ak11, ov.-r &ntl undt'r tht• Tuf'sday nil h t ~how on the l t'\'<'n .wu. d"~fl In Uw <'arrltlrl!' B 1 u e network Nle~ Job.: Bing Crosby may llllp his Thursday al1bt broad.east uytlme he wanla for DO realM -Ute oaly eoatraet of Ua IUIML a.t the ~o •s& radio jobs, wblle &hey las&tcl, were tboM of New York announcers, Keaoeth Baq· 1t.art and Lon Pryor. They ac- -.panied Governor DeweJ oa •• tni\SC'ontineatal lnla trl, ,_ to say u the end of eaeh De•·ey b•oadc-ast "We DOW re- bln you to New York ... "An apple a day ..-" It' a been a long lime alnce Bf:Uah children could join their American couelna in that cbiUlt. Uut now, for the 1 first time since 1941, the people of 1 Britain till• winter will lute fresh ::::========================~ applea from the Un.lted Statu. .• Fruh apples wiiJ be shipped chief· ly u a eubelltute for lend-le&~~~e allotmenlll ot dried appiC'8 wh1ch will bt' In 11hort supply thle -· liOn, aaya War FOQd Adminl.tra· lion. oa .... ,_ freedom ... nny poat'ble drop -be w r o 1 .._. for euential wu u.e. Ha-e's bow J'OG QUI clo yow pen co •ve and terYe. 7 PtMtll .. W.. for "W .... Chaten" a. A,... " ......... "• it recommcoded. 2. Wwdwtarip c$oon aad window.. ,. ClaM .. ~ 1'001111. t.O..I a' ...,..._aocie-. " ......... ..,. -.......... ,. • 1. Kelp hrHi6tn full. CLi\ YTON THOMPSON ~ Dta&rtllater pita! Wllpe. with the cunvoy11 M d !pot that· m •de hold, In t•lt' ~<h'k b:ly on tne boa-~ 10 • he aame awr<'plng pal r·ul. tvc.>rywhere rnt'n Ed (A r c h i e) 1 may tzu, the War C'hf'&t g ()('l with Gardnt>r I am- lhcm ttl hl'lp Th~ dUlil'll or thr I AlaJI Youar ous. Like Bob War Ch••at an• unlimited and tt. .•. 1/0Ungt U H 0 P t', Youn1. C'Ons•d e red a tas k• are n"v••r ending "dick." ili En..:lish born but wu In &Jtlillnn lo bl'lng at the rl&ht raised 10 AmNICa . Joe Howard, hand nf (l\lr m«'n and women In star of the "Gay 90'.!0" pro1ram, has bl't'n mnrnt•d l'IJ;h t t imH--:t wife for every 10 yurs of h is life. ,-oR INIURANCE lEI: Looke like the knife-llke troueer I trt'aBe i!t her~ to etay wbat with Mr Amerira taking Jlride In hl1 appeaT81lce and the War Produc· lion Board aiding and abbtottlnp: him by speeding up production of Howard W. Gerriah 1-Newport llotaMud 008TA M.ESA .......... nt>w t'lt'ctric trona These 11hnutd lht' armf'd f<Jr<'t'l! on every war n· p be available in your retail •to~· rmnt IUld "" the !J(lmt' front, tbe lg ontoons lD limited quantltlts in a abort \\'ar C"hel!ll Ia helping our alllee lD t ime and T81lging in price from urr,Pnt &ntl temporary needa, Noisy as They $1>.30 to 111.75. Soon again MIN ' ThiUll (;"" Wt' havl' no robot or America t:IUl hav~ freshly pre-1.1 ~ b11,..z homloll tc1 rontt'nd wiUI. Yea, Roll d )• t St t 1 ph·ala. but •·v··n ('tl\lnll;ll nt'NI8 at luat. a e n 0 ree 1tnrt. So WI' nan a!for(l to a.ld 1 "Oh·h·h, lht• ham bone am sweet HORSE RACING Quarter lone M1te~ laces HAM COnOI IIICI (OM lllle South of 8u ~te) TEN EVENTS ., SUIDAY, OCTOBER 29 ucl ewl')' two weell:a ~--Automobile' • Fire Accident • Life Uc•UIM t.Dd Contract Boade Wrttt.M Roll pv•· 11 .bot or a At art to th~ very· very tint' · · · " and bt'flldee I whu ~··•11;1'<1 Into the flgbUAc Th~y mad(' .. whule of a b8nj.(. lt':t rutltJnfrce, Combln.lng a llhoul; I Ilea·~, Starts II ~--P. M. blocked lht' at~et quite thorouch· ller hambone with that 1avonta or throujth no fault of their own. ~ ly and gav" Chid Huolgkto11on a lne Soutb, blackeyed ........ JD&kn Wt• f l\n wt.!Je it euler lor OW' tJo78 U r--. - abN•ad to make trlt'nda with tbe c:hance to do a lit e wertt by way a Saturday night tllnner treat t.bat Ad-'rl• (~ tas) $1.210 WHAT-NOT SHOP of wa&dllntr operation.-the four will brtng loud praleea from your I __ __. -.. devutat.ecJ people and quickly nt big tar -lncruated dredglng pocl· hunD'Y'V menfolk• a.od a.leo conat'TVe 8enlce .---._, the oppre.,.,d pwptc to wa.Jk toon th t R H d II d .,.3 R f hm ~-Fr p king a,{lt in lin thtolr own fl'et. " a • oy uwar llpi e lhc red ration polnlll for thoee e res en~.a ee ar Needy A,:. Aided from a truck Saturday morning. ex.traa now nt't'tled for your butter I ;.;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ At.:~tin, 1 ht· \\'ar Chut 11 alao Maklnfr the turn t<J Utlo Isle all allotment. ' lba foot Of\ the OVt•rhcll<j biHIKI', And Jl'"'l\klng Of red •tamn• Hlnl••-w,tl•• lllhl I<'I'Rl. It helpe with r -..,.. • ...... u Newport ll,~a. ._ P1L ION I ...,..biN aen...._. a Be· ,...._ Pletlart! l"'nmmlla. PaUo ...0 UllllaiQM hnal' &are BuppUed. w ••• 0 " .._ .... -..w. 1 our ''"'" rc•ht•f 1\1\d needy cuea. Jt tiM cJrtver forgot. to eooalder raUo thro'" Dl<Jre 115, J5 and K5 wlore IIIJ~ In s,· .. uttn~o: and In welfare of weight to "P''''"· unu the lu~ I \'1111<1 f• r meats. chce$t', CIUlnetl W•lrk , arn••et nn Wlder local ,.._ tallks roll.:d orr, coverUig a major 11 elk. t)utlt'r Rntl 1·annt'cl fish pur· 11.:1.,11.~ ~wllp!< 11 111 a tower of portaon of the lughwlly. Thc> N('W· 'lilll't'!l Sumllay. 1 ll'l!>ber 1 1-'ivt' str<'n!!th 11n•l H'M<IIlrce In a time or port Ort-tl.:ing rnrupany, nwncr of llll•n· lltup ~ .. mp!t .:llr1, !l':l, P5. Q~1 1111< M !lllol II•'•'" lbe punttoo•fl!f promptly l!f'nl II otnd I!.'• IK•<'!Hilt" \'lllld nl Uac same . I , ; 1 :1 r •· ·. •· n t !I t 1 .: r-f 0 r ·_ ·. :.. ·· ~~ 1J ; \ :;. l I r 0 R r ~ I A What's Your 'Odd Job? 0 P E Ill IS II· LA 8 I I A I E A C H \ MEl AND WOMEN Needed for Vital Defense Work ReQuirements: e Availability Certificates e Proof of Citizenship e Social Security Card -APPLY- COiiOUDATED VULTEE AIRCRAn · CdRPORATIOI At!f/11111 ............ ' Cia MIE' r-•y--·-r•, ......... ..._II t'laat. I lifO t'-l IUw .. ~11th Newport Ul\rbor be 0 e f 1 t 8 11mall olt>rru k to the• IC'~o'lh· wh1l1· t 1mo• fur p n)( t•s..<Oo·•l fruJl.<l. I!Omt' tlit'""l!h lh · t• :-;(! tdonc, far -mort• rx.lh-r 8111'''"'""'11 lraftJ<•. IIJltl lh•• jlllif'"· <nnJI<'II t<lrnl\lnt'l! and rnt· ''""' t11oo \\ 1r l'ht'll't than en lht• poatoona ~··ru 1'111''"1 11~· k "" lilt· >IIJI llnt h n·d~ l\lld bluo?S aro? jtoHoJ I• l.tl 1111•"'"'1 WIIH'h It ralat'l for truck and th~ I'OIW l'h-luh•d t•f lht• lur Ill l•llllllll o·ae h a.nd va.ll(l lndC(j.· •Ill l•tii'I'"S<'~. IIIII I• 111\l, Alllh! and tar Whit'h \\lUI Ro nlf'o'ol oo(l IHt<•ly ltu n1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I lw • • •l "' m:\lnt11inlng tl\0· , t l.•···· l ' I'll IU1o1W ih'lt in thr •r""' ,,.. f111 n "" I han ~ ,. would be a bit· • lu <'llrl~' 1<•1 that \\•' Hrl' aduull~ 1 rwl 1;1\'tnl( An~ thm~ hut unty lon•l· lll.C ~~· fl\1\l tlw IUIIjht lnl\)' ho• 1!' 1 tulnl'<l tnt•·r tn o·arr~· •Ill no~·~·~~~r~ Wl\r work In \h111 llr<'ll A lnplo• .:Itt for It triple' nce•l FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See- Bay District lumber Co. WAL Tf.R S. SPICER, Owr~er Newport Beach Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Material• 1 111 ltale Highway At The A,.c:he• Phone 1150 • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. f.. HOSTETLER Phone 41 Automobllfo PAINTING Prompt &•rYit't' BALBOA MOTORS 7116 F.. Ray A\'f', Ralhna ONEmDAY &.ell •ODe-A-Da, .. brand ._t81Dl• A and D Tablet i1 ~lll•atbtVit.utia A and D ,_,.., ,. • .,. an4 on~b•ll .._,...IIW o/ Cod Li~•r Oil ••etl•l mialmum Unlted Ita t •• Plalnucopeial I tao-..._ A aafflclnt auppiJ of thne ... baportant Yitarnins i1 as .-: I lfJ foe JOU U it ie foe .. cbildrn. FOU CAN INSUU ad .. ..... iatalre for )'011 •• JOur ,__.., bJ ... ln1 to It that •ach ....,., talr• a ·OD .. A-DaJ" ,. ..... ..,..,., .. ,. A TAIUT A lAY IS AU YIU TAif c .. "· • . 'cal, ,.,_. ..-...~ ............ ... • ·············-···································-! - ! GORDON B FINDLAY OONTRACI'OB ... BUILDER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OlJR SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Of~ Cablnf't Shop SUO Cout Bl,·d. 407 80th Sl ; Phone 4 I 2 Ph. ZS88-.J 1 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. ======================~I VOTE '' N 0 '' on Proposition 12 The first threat of Proposition No. 12 is directed against all voluntary as- BOCiations whether of workingmen, farmers. busineBSmen, churehmen, or war veterans. formed to prot«t and advanee the rhrhts and ink-rests of th~ir memberships. VOTE NO - 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gas Range~ Dlv~ t.np. pro\1dtn~t work apan-tw-tw·fof'n bum~"' Four a.ll·poK>ela.la, «.._,. Iron, f'&ll)"ln·d.,an t o p burwe,.. 1!.1100 RTt· l'a· ptltdty, Drtp tra)-. undfor lturftt'n. Full)' bltlalaW 0\'f'ft, hii·CMit llroUer W1UI • p ,. «' I a lly f'MtatnJcotN tl&ll With ..,_,.. tnr '-"ttlll&' Buy 7 01/ea rerulator can-- U)' 1M'\ lnlllallf'd laU.r, w h ., n Jlf'rmlt t.t'd, a& 8 9 10 11 ,..._,nabll" I'Oltt. AutomatiC' ll~thtlnc for tnp buntf'n.. EatJ"' ~tm·e t.. porN"- Iun f'nanwlfod . t'on~1U'd \'f'nl to kel-p wail!• t'lf'an ( f1t» rap pro\1clf'd It ~· On.! ""'UIator raa --lly llf' I~PIAJif'd lau-r, "' h ,. n JM"rmlt t.fod. a& ,..._n~ ro.t. 12 s-. ata.-u~ ...,."'.""'· No~ ............ tcsw. c I I Proposition No. 12 ORANC.E COrr\Tl' lli~TR1f'T COUSCIL OF CARPENTERS --------------------------------------~~ ~VTA ~~A ~~~=====-~=-~~--~ I. • I • ........ Chairmen Ready; Quotas Accepted LEGAL NOTICE IEWS· TIMES CLAS-SIFIED OPPORTUIITIES For Your Sips PBONJ: 1'7 BENEDICT Freala Daily Oellcloua Sea Yood.e Or, complete equipment whtn you want to caleb your own. HORMEN FISH MA~K'P APPLICATIONS lOW BEIIG TAIEI for Feeder Plant -of- Hardman Manufacturing Company NOTICE OF INTEN'TION TO aELL "vt Jat·k 1\n It" JOHN E. SAULEIR l ·boo•lrm h•tfnf' ~"'"' vll'w of llay l>uy I!DIILII V1111 0111~1 ,.,,, IIIII' Ill •>Ill •', 1311\41 or .,, ri'B~:•· .. , llw Af,.,.., l'h N pt 71-trc A"'"' a H·~·m ''"""' C&l' I ll J>:Orl 1••1\'0 t• ttl ·~'"'"' •' I cu h. Wrll• ll•oA '\' • " ~ •. ,..,.. Pt:RSONAI. 8PIXJIAL A..NNOtlNCDIJ!N'm- RAUIO C',om ... t4-M.rvtC'tl' "'110WAV ft£f'f .. O£ftATION l l:ft" ICE I~ Wut Centr~l "'"" kll tro· liN .. : I •A\' HII:C'AI'I'IN !i 1111tl \lr• ""Jl&lr "'rvll'l'. ~'~•' l'rl.,rll y nf'f'e•- ll&ry f11r IC I'a iiC' "A". trurll ll""llty .rynl hl'l h' ruhher l;f'IIYP ynur , a r In I bC' m11rn1n1. It will '"' ,..,.,ly In ~·· t hai C'Vt'nlnJI, All Wllf'k and m&tf'l'lala I'J&ranle.d C'~..t• .,,... Ttr11 A RecapplDJ lthllfl, 20th A Newport Wvd . l'ua111 ...... l'h. 2342 T4·U<' H AiliO M Hetl&lrlld tn your .... l•far tluo A II W•lrk J '\.uu•nte.d l 'r<lfliJll """'" r N U (' U Kadll• Mr rvlr•, I 1':141 "-N rwpurt Rlvd , l '•~tola ....... 1'7·811' -----------Midway Refril'eratlon Al!rviC'tl' llou.,.hulol Al•t•llanl'lll uf All Kineta WIUihln• M•C'Illn .... ;-t~-:h·rtrtl' ft!Utlrw \'a••uum I ,eanf'ra, elc. l~l\ l'f'nlral, N-fll'lrt O.aeb l'huno• 21:ll\ 10-lfc f'RANCal 81lAUTY IHO .. l'••hl wav•• Mac-lllnal,.. All Kln•la uf l>ermanenta M1111h urln" l~t-auty Trf>atm•te 1114:1 llarbt~ t'uata W•• J"h, 1423 lt0-611• POR 8AL&-At1108 ron f'AI.I!: 18~ l"t•ntia(o Rport l'•ouf'"' l~l(>d rondltlua, al•• I · wh .. l trall,.r. etaluJ body, •·n alOft li:art'l l'tiiJtl. J I. Mtamp, ~:l'l Cural Ualboe leland 71-Uc .. 'Oit MALJI: '31 f lllw\«•. 4·dnt.>r Ill'· daD. pi"P-W&T u,... •. not retrt•tla. """"· 11117 !IIJ Mlort'f1 at tt&lbo1a 11ot raJ1•. 701l ICut Ua)l Ave . 11&1· """ l'h ~16 11(1 211' 1'"(111 ~A I ... ; llt311 l ',,.y " .. l'h It rt .. :u l"m f••·t••ry INIII, all •11'1'1 A I ttr .. • l..o•l• uf hulll· llllf Air hrllkl'll t•u•th,.rm h•at ••r Sll:li'\IXI. 4404 n ... t. Hlvl1 NrWJ)'>II llf-•1'11 80·41£' -·---------~ MI.HCEI.I.-'NmUS FOR 8-"L£..- nTRN1'11.TRIC roa 8A1&-. FOit NA l .IC ~-pc. walnut btd· n Him .. t V•nlly hu larl'fl mll'- nlr l'h NJit. 1334'\·R.. TT·4tc JI'Oit MALIC I (\lfliiOII' radio, I po rt11blr r•,tln. I bra• bed. ~~t•rlnp arul mattr"•· t hot w•tn Jr .. hl'att~r ,I L. IU•mp. :l21 \'"r•l. llAII10• l1land 'n·Uc 11'\)lt 8Al..Jo~ :l•pl,..•n UVt'rlltUtf-.1 8!'1, larJI• tuuml white •JinLDa 1111\11', 6 INVPII, ... .t. 12, and 4 f'ba lrll, l"aU1•r ... te: eatfll\llkMa bt-kfa•t tahle, 4 c'halra. 14'at.bllr ... ala, Whit• arm r balr, I.U.. -~. I ,...~ ""'""na. lOt 1\u-, Av•, Balboa hiland. l"h. l*-W .n,r 4 p "' ta.4-. ron 8AU: R e A ronent. r.dto, t.wt tutw """ f'<ondl\loa, 107 ID!tpwater. 1\alhna TA·4tp 1"01\ 8A.UC Vat-uWD f'l•aner, ~ roum wt and m~ll&AIIOWI t\&ro nltul"'l, llH M I ram a r on ... Balbo&. • Tl-•to ------------FOI\ 8A I.E H•v)' ranvu r.cl· lapatbl• baby bullY With IIOitd Nbbw u..... Ill fUOd eonctiUOb. :SO. Uuby. IJialbne t.aand ur pat, lO.U·M. SO·ltp roR "ALE Round oak dllllnl n••m labl•. Ilk" n-. 41 lncMe wide, a barpln. ~I 1-pt. lkb. l22A Tt-4te ron MALIC White en.amel e.._ Of drawer~~, Ice boa, MbJ tluci'J, all In l f.IOII l'Undlllon, Neb tl&. J"b IOli·W -.Jk rot: IIALIC ICJ110tror lrve1 la load t'.-lllton, t3 rraC'Uoally .... •·•rr.-ty wnt·n, all wool 1'"1 wtnter roat, 11 .. SA, SIO .... at 21" lOUt Ml , N•w.-t -..,.IL ..... ON<2 a J'IIU' MeM..U~tift Q)epaay ba•• a bqoe ..., .... ln c.labnUoe of t.Mlr ANNI· vw:JUIAJ\ y Tbt.tl ,.., ... t.M 16111 and WI~ ••"'P an utf•l"'ld In .VW)' ~"" Hare'a )alii a fiiW J pi' l>tvatl .. , ... ant.60 now SIIV 1\Cl ... ~ Molt .,.., ... f\111 ......... now ttiiiiO I pc. U..l lluum IIIII wu ttt.60 now Ult.lll\ lkut Ri!flna• 6 Matt Com .. taa, lion wu au to oow IIT.n . ..J _. Full l'uel L'rlb wu tS..I6- n.,w ttT.tO Cbsw. Rocll•r wu -'A-a.w "''"' fi&Min~lt" wu flO M • ow S7 1tl\ 'I I" P~tvrot"''' Hftl wu ""·60 IIIIW J ll\11.1'1() n f" t•ln• 11.-Hrl w•• au 110 ....... ·~· 11:. Motuy ""'~' """'' trr••ll!o ,... '""'"d l hl• m•mth l..ow ... Tr rlltot r,... Oellvary Ill\ I, l)o(I.J N l '11~1-.U' !'It 'Jiu(ll, M oM A HAN f'URN-ITURa CO. 1 ;•1 I 'r v111 ul A '". 11~11~'" l•lamJ 2n•l an<.l llrf*ttway These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available at a Future Date Time~~ 7:1·lf• :-il-:1': Itt•:\' 11/\lto:t:lt f••Y• till f.,r 111 I~ IIIII pr h 'al•• t•·u.t•ha•,. T l v lu lttMk• Octobf-r 'J • Vra r• llulta Ana, Calif H ·Ue 16. lt44 Ph. Npl. 62~ ~-------------- UasldDed Appllcuta Accepted WUI Be Palcl WhJie Reeftlvlq Neceeeary Tra1a1a1 lutructloo Pleue Apply: Bob Allea, 914 Cout Hlpway, Newport Beach Teleplto-Newport lleaeh 21-41 Hanlman Manufacturing Company NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-, TIMES PHONES: NEWPORT II 4t II TRANSI"ORT A 110N BlCYC LES Sold, Ant.ed ur ,.. paired V<.gt'l'l , 304 Main St.. Balbo. aod 208 Mann~ Aveeue. Balboa I.Sand 13-U · hbllll .... 1:"17 TaeedaJ ... n ....... , After-.-Volllllle XXXVI ba.Uoon llrNI, j(tlltd ~·llfltllllun lU I "''fl<'"'' , ... ,., 1111~ \\' ........ lit I'll • Sl\nlll. II "" I'll Hl)tl 711 :Ill• WA:'-ITI':I• lllltl lily" II •• :!111·:/ttlh S l : .. ,~ .. \\' H<•WIIIIC, ~tltt~rllllllna 1,,.,.,,. M•• l''unk, 4 •,,,.. A ~tf'MM f'h 11·4lc I ~'OR AAI.~: 1:1!1 11 ltllyt h·, 26 Subecriptlon Payable ln Advance:--'2.!50 per )'Ml' ln Oran~ Count)'. VIa Jur•er, 1·""' llllr N•·W CARD OF' Tt~ANKS $2.75 per Yt'&r to 4UI zone; 13.00 per year to 8UI zone. port lkrn h /Ill· II• \\ v ..;. ,~11 , .. ,.,1,,.,.1411 ,,.,, hrart Entered u Second-ct .. mattt'r at the ~totfl~ ln Nt'WpOI"t Be.c:h ~'OR 8ALJI: (;,,.,d "''"''1: 111, ,,, ,,. f••ll l!oAilk• untl rt l'l"' • '"""II lu lhr Callfomla. under the Act 01 March 3, 1879 · trw •l'"k"• ,.,.,.,1••1 111 r~1 411:.!~ ,..,.,.,. I•" ""~ .,f' It•·• I 1 "1"1"1 '''' . A. MEYER tDITOil AND PRESID_ENT C'hann .. t l'IA• r I'll 1'•'•7 ,\1 Ill• •• "V"'I'"' '' ll•·lt• •"''I '"''"""'''' "" II• I"''""'" OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ---MH~ llfo:IIT t)(.liiiHT, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~D~~·~·~~~~~·a;~~~ ~U~~ ~~M ~ 8UY WAft BONDS ~•••I •1•11•1••·•• SNOODLES (7 out of 10 people read. New.nmee-CiaMifled:-A-:-ck.-:--)-----By Cy Hungerford r-~--~==~~~~~~ PIJT OI'oj "''tlVR HAT AN OCO_., AND To4,KE ~HIS RtCI-IT 0\J T o M R . SoL . I O<;oLO -G I'T OVtR "'it ER! SH ORE TwtL.V E o'cLcd<..- SA'/ 'BO'ZO • 'N~'s C\\\CKEN 1)o '1/A. lH\HK 'lo\J'Ae GN~WIN1 ~ -\-\\M 1 lt•a df'rshlp or th~ Srw"·Tinu""l r--===~7=.~~~~~~~ Ill J uST RUN HOM( A [.~ 'TMI') PAC~AC( 1"1 F~ONT OF N.Y l .... ~D L .... OY ANO "'1 .... 1<E 1-HJ:\ THt NK THE~E (30 N03 ARE.. M INE· li Wll. PuT "1£. IN CO -~ - ""Ll () lXX. • k£~·~ " SKtN 6R...,T...-t' <?~SE ~OR "" ! By ('harlt·!' "'·~lanu~ ~·~ I {;J / ,, -,.,--- c M -11• IIAVIl THE ATrAOK Prof essienal Directory IIORnMER SCHOOl. .. ()oral ............. DAY ACIIOOI. •• ,....: Vol ..... p,.,.,. .. ,. NllmlleN UIMIW o. A. ll•rU-r, 11. A., Ott•"' ..,. ... ,... ....... ... Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. .. h)'lk.lln ... ~ au~- Ninth end Cl"tre Ave. Offtc. Hre.; 10.12 a.m.; 1·1 '·'"· T elephllftl 17 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOftNIY AT LAW Ceete ,..,.. Benk 8ull~1nt .. h.,.. 421 Coete MI .. C1llfentla HAROLD K. GRAUEL I CHAPEL 'W • f>ur•elv• the Batter a.r.e lly Rf'rvln« (Jth•l'll IS.IIt" PhOne N1wport Mt Co•ll Men Clllfornl• ........... ._ lit N•~·-A ... ~ ...... 1 .... N.D. CASH 0 v ..... 000 .,.. C"T Hot~ITAL ...... Ana .... ,., .......... "'· ...... """· Calif, Conrad Richtw, M.D. I .... ,..lot•" an~ au,.._ 1 Offlee 10T 111\4 It,.... N-,et1 .._.. HIIU,..I 10·12 a. m. lo 1·1 ,, M. ..hllft~ffiM t U 1 fl-. 14-1 DR. G. E. TOHILL .. HYaiCIAN a ... aURO&ON -c. ... ••¥4 ........... 111 ..... -.. hOM - Offloll 2M·W fl-. IM-fl If Ne A-r C.ll Hew~ I Dr. M.D. Crawford OPTOMETKI"T t:y•·• l'~llllmlr"'d • Clla•~ F'llted 11tn Nl'wpnrt Rcntlfward Mtan" Ulll) ('f)MTA Mr.IM " BUY NOW I• BALTZ 'MORTUARY City Tax Sale Lola CHAPEL ev THE lEA A. J. TWIST 4 10 Co:ttl lllvd. 1)07 Co••t Hig hwa y P hon1 2422 c:, .... , ... ,.., .... ,.owr nr1 O••"" CORONA DEL MAR l"honr Newport 42 (;crald Ham~a, 1\1. 1>. ISM \\' ... d t:..nlral ""''· 'I NflWP"rt ~IM'h f"h. lftA .. Nn -•••r rall IOI·M X·lleJ I'Wn'IN JACK RAUB U~ l..aad Surveyor 1811 W. C.tnl A..-ae ..,__: Newpol't om. 1!1; ...... I Ht OHEU LUCAS/ Ut.•ntist • IH'!t11 W. ('-tra.l, ft. l ... NE\\'PURT ftEAAI Noel A. Bott~mley ComiiNirdel Driver -..._ Np&. .,._ 1111·W .c.-a,.... ........ I "'· II ) • I I • I • I . . 'I ...... Family Night for Grammar School PTA Draws Throng of Parents and Children DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH BERN-ARD of HOLLYWOOD 'DiStinctive 'Photography at Reasonable Prices Visit Our Portrait Gallery in the BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12:30 to 9:30p.m. Daily SPECIALS!! - For THIS WEEK ONLY JUST RECEIVED 12 ALL STEEL PANEL CRIBS with IUGGIES ~PECIAUY PRICED VET .PROOF -MATTRESS COM& IN AND toOl[ AROUND VISITORS AD ALWAYI waooM81 • DON'T FORGET Our Immense Basement TOY ·DEPARTMENT Slmll"r ... lllu•lrllt '''" USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN Wheeler Juvenile Shop 415 N. SyCUION St. Santa Ana 8'I'OIIK aooa: .,.,. 1:11 te •• • , ...,.. t A.a .. t r . 1111. Feminine Activities Ba~ic Blat>k Drc>!'4lt MOM AND TOT Wh<-n People com<' to buy our togs, They seem surprised and say. "\\'(' rlidn't di"Pam you have so much." -AU things we can't display . R<-<-:ru~ the Mom ::~nd Tot is small. -Our sht>ln-s. tho. :tr'<' st:wkf'rl full. T -Shirts and 1~1dit•s' Jpr'S('~· Gowns Anc1 Slip(l<'r~. l\luh's. !bmh's wool I. l '11ll-o\ ('I' Ca ... hnwrv s" o•;lft•r-... ftlr '11H• T ots fr·"m:.! 111 ~ And I .;Hfi,..,· Hlo!ll~t'"· l'hrldr;·n·.-, .ShrH•o;, tlur \\',rrllith.:· "1 ~):'\T BE 1.,\TI·:: .. Mom and Tot Shop !~====================~ BLANKETS lOW; WOOL RA \'O:'Ii I; WOOl. Doubl.. blankf'h . , "'"'' hlaatketa. Laflr" ...-lfocotJon nf f'Olo,.... MILLS & PARK FlTRNITURE CO. ••o w..-4th sc. Suta Au Men to Don Aprons, Serve Pilot Class .. BIRTHS La Verne's BEAUTY SALO N Sundays and Evenings By Appolntmt-nt IMlLDRED BJERKENI ~ Marine Avenue. Balboa Island ., Telt>phone : N. B. 1827 Hours 9 to 5, Except Sunday FURS ~~ Quality BUY NOW- en eu la1··•••Y 'la.a. A .WI .. ,.., ....... , .• ......... OLIVE M. DULING '!I ~ No. Broadwa~· Santa An• ·oa.uroc COVNTrl .roa.-osT rtJUID'"