HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-12-28 - Newport Balboa News Times.; THE SAND CRAB SAM yO NAVY. Rode down in I the bus with Navy Mate Harry WWiamson, enroute ' back to his San Diego base, after spending Oiri.stmas .at his old Balboa haunts. When asked what makes an ad· m1ral tick or how does the u. $.-ftghtlna &ml, main· tain its glory, Harry ex· panded llke the old salt he Is. Says he waa with Ni· mltz when he was an ensign in the P hilippines in 1906-7-8 and one of the things that headed him toward today's command o f the Pacific navy forces. was the confidence h t> inspired in his men. "Even in those days," said Harry. "the boys would go to hell for him, if need bt'. You cton't drift in the navy or stand still-but advance." • • • Loyall~·. "There i~ n o room for· anv but white m t>n in th(' l':avy· ... continued the forml'l' ma yor of Newpbrt Beach . "When you cliSt'O\·er· a petty thi('f-that'~ thf' IK'St n ame for· him-\'0\t unload him""n( the n('xt pOr-t with his durn(' bn~ a nd tell him ~-tO<•d luck, good-bye and -' Of course the Navy has en· larged a fot of late. hut wh<'n you pick up n Navy lnrl you can f('('l perfectly safe that he will act like a gentlc>man. lx> h'tr<' to his traditions ;md tl"E'at you with respec t. ThC'rt' is real loyAlty in the N a \·y and tht> cut-throat tactics you find in business dot:>S not <'Xist in this branch Of th<' service. • + + .lap SuiM. With the an- nouncement that .lap subs intend to invade our Pacific shores on t ht> heels of the anny's ·J"'E'Iea..<;(' of intenl<.'eS, comes the thought that per· haps the two dovetail into each other. Remember when .-..~.... Jrurt ~b !lCal'e hit the roast !'everal years ago? Loyal (?I Japs were am1~ of tippin~ orr th<'ir moth<'r country. • + • 111-.Jink~. l.<'gion Hi-.Jink~ this Satul'(lay ni~ht, New Yea r's Eve. is slated by Post Commander F r a n k Crocker to bt' th<' bi~~t ever. A jitterbug conte;t. a grand march and other f<'H· tures \\ill .attract a crowd of several thousand South· landers. Th~ Hi-Jinks have been runnin~ for many years and havf' beconle an institu· tion a mong su ch e\'enlc; in Southcm California. + • • Labor Hunkrs. Tuc kl'd away in the column of JX'r· sonals re<'t'ntly was a little item to the eff('('t that Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kitts of Denver were n('wcomers in town and that Mr. KJtts was a printcr. Within a week four people "a d visited Mr. Kitts a nd offerro him em· ploym<'nt. What the itcm did not state was that he is pn>ssman for the N<'ws- a prcs.c;man fQ[_ tht> N('w:-;- Times. r + + + Cl\·ir C~ntn. An apol~y is rtu(' th<' Irvine Co. for t•f .. forts to involve it in the sites offl•rNI for tht~ propo~.'<i C i\'il' < '<•ntcr. In dt•aling with puhlic affair-s <':~1~' rnu~t tx-<''t•rd);('(l hy offtClals tn gi\·inl! p:-;p~c;ion tn s t;ltl'· ment!' that lat<'r are p ro\ed at \'ati.ml'C' with thl• facts. In privah' hu.,inC'S.c; such st<tl<'- ment-. :11"C' the owner's J)('r- sonal affair hut when the same l'ffo rt is mad<' on city busin<'S.". the puhlk is <'nti- tled to knowlrogc o f what is being clon('. That is th(' p rov- • ince of a nC\\'l'pa(X'r to p~ sent the public such info~a­ tion. d~pitc the lam<' chum so oftl'n made. that thr o ffi· cial so quoted. denil's h(' o r she saict it-a hancty ·mf"thod ot shifting responsibility. + + + Oh .Johnny! With all light-. t:l<'aming 8.!'ld as lo~· as regulations pcnntttl'd, Lrru~. Johnny Lugo flew n\'t:'r hts m othl'r's Balboa h om<" last Thurstiay nigh~. I fc had previou:o:lv n otified her that he would ani\'"e from h is base in Kansas and h e was on t:i.o1(> t o the minute. .,_.,.,... for 36 yean the best advertisin1 meclillla•ta tbe n~wport har~r distritt • • • tht \ --------------~ n~wMpaper ___ th_a_t ~goes home Buy Bonds to End War h I BAL-BOA (:ii{> ~-·iTJMES ~~~ KEEP POSTED! Quicker \~ t:: •• '-~ -. .... 1 Year •••• $2.50 ....... , ..... ..., ...... N•.-•·1'1---., Newpotrt ..... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLON Y. lll>Q ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA S~7'011T UAC11. V~ ., 11'1• \\. lit t t \CKt:ll '!ll. I~U ========================~==========~ ...... 1 N''MIUCa II Walter S. Spicer Sells Part Interest in Lumber Firm to Fullerton Co. ; Noted Civic Leader Sells Partnership in Bay District Co., to Ward & Harrington,.to As- 1 sure Larger Output for Harhorites · Announ1'('ment was m rtd (• tc!Oay hy \Valt,~t· S. Spit'(lr ,l w<'ll-l<nnwn Hnrhnr busin<'~"rnan and ddl IC';tdl'r·, that th1~ Bay District Lumber Co .. in OfX'I<tt inn h<~n• fo r t hC' past 14 Yt':ll'l', '~oulrt nt('l"J!e with \\'a rd &-llnn inJ..1on. lunth('r intt~r: j <'SIS of f uller1o n. Bt'('a :-.nci La -r Hahra. :-'tru kl:rnol nntl llr • ,,,. I •· u~:htll Th•• •·nns• hif1111nn \\:II 1:•k•• 1 h• ~h·t;oJI furm nr II parlnt·r~hiJ' ,.·.\\Ill ~r .. ··• \\Ill I .n:rm "'I Thf' f'('Jt~· •n H•r t ht• n •• , ····r ( h:u r.:·· u( thf" ufr .• ~. tH id Hl't OUflL~ : wlial h \\ill '"' unol1•r 1 :1r· nt:IIIHg•• und llnmt•r ~lo-11"11 ,,f tlw y~u·d n .. •nt 111 \\'llrrl & Ha1·n n;:ton tl 111 :-.;, wpurt Jl,.a, II I w as lt•ao n··d 1\'t;~ In P''"' th" 111-Founded 14 Yeolr'S 1 \'ent••rll'l' \':hll•h wuuld pltu:l' n \\'aJI,.r ~I'" r•1 '""""''r .. r Lh, largf·r ::tnll muro' vnrl("l !'\•" k a t UR)' r 'll!trll'r Lumlw r < .,, • lt ) ,.,,,.,, 1 the th~po,.:.l 11( tho· clll'nts nf thl' ago, all<J ronomlnt•nt in th.-lun r"·r ft•Ur y:udl!. It Will a IN• pc·rmll t'"· •ndll:<l ry of Snt~lht•m Callfumla. 1 hRngc n f !<I rwks. l'reatf' a ~:rr:o11'r "'all art on an a •l· ,,.,r~· rapno II y . purrhaaing powt•r an11. untl••r lh<' Th•• fli'Ws c-am.-&II It 11urvr1~ lu ! nrw l'egimt'. pt•mlll of greot<'r al· lh!! Harbt>r an>a. hnWt'\'l'r. It "'"" 1 tenlion to detail with more· ~t'nc•ra l 1'1 1111'•1. t'ltpRndmg buaineu and the 1111~rvlsiun Better ll!'rvlro wtll tremPnrinul! htuhhn~o; nul lr••k that I reault all all four yllr<b will llf' o t•nfl nnl~ tho· an·a 111 thP futurr under ont' managemo·nt. It wa,. will m~tkf' hNl\y l.lt'manU. <on the 11latt'd lumbn industry. ''W I' "111h to br The f1rm namra, 1n £'8( b of till' I Jln'parPrJ ll•r 1t .. IIRiol Spu ~r I fou r localitll'a namcod. will remus11 Spicer. whn "gl'f'w up" with um·han~:erl. Barr Lumbt>r, hu ~n 33 yean 1 Ward Comea Heroe •n lh•' ltul'in<'u. Ho• roocenUy m•1vcd 1 C. Gllmol'f' Ward. ot Ward & to the Harbor dl.ltrvt. purcbuinc1 fta.rt1.DJ1.on. who had chai'J~ "' I• loYtly hom~ oo Harllor l.tJI,aad. ~ Jian'Piulng and &t'counttng, wiU Splcrr 111 m&rril'd. hn11 a son apt>nd much of hill t1me in !llewport 1 Wllllf'r 1.. I!Ophomorf' at Bnrb.-.r Hnrbr•r 1111 mana,::cr of thl' lluy Hlch: n tlalljZht .. r ( 'Ar,lyn •·t P 1!'11ri1t IJ~Imho•rl'••. F'tank liar· !'lcrl1•1··• l 'la~t·motol.an•lam;lrroc<l rongtno t•f thr· JlRrlnrr!'hap. Will tx· dnucht•·r ~lr,., ltol)('!C M Alll'n J f:••no·ntl ~It•!' mnn:l/:• r n( thr f•rm Jr . at l''''l'o•nt In \\'ll!<htri~l· 11 ll I" \\tlh h•·ad'lii:C111'r,. m lo'ullo·rl"" ~I''' ••r IS 1 hnorman 11f lho· Ontnj.:t' j Jo:rm••r Sl dfc•nM•n. rath•'r of ttw 1 'n11nt y IIIli lltlr C 'ornmo~<.•l""· anti 11 iBiack Gas Market Ring / ____ _ ~Involves 2 in Balboa 175 Pet. City Tax wo·ll·khown J I.A·~IIr Stl'ffl'mwn dar•·• l••r of hoth 1111• ;-,:,."'1'"1'1 -Bnl· nr No•wporl lfnrhor. will mana~:••• h"n F • ol•·r111 S:l\'lnl-:1' & r .. •an WO.'Io~· the JouliPrlun nfrtee. The La Halorn , dntum. ant..l 1111' l\Oo•11o pnrt I~Rr hor I yard will 1>1' mnnRgl'd by J1ohn l l'hnmbl'r ••f r nmmc>rr f' I I Levy of $299,996 Rf'Jl'('rculllllnnN •n Ralboa Rn••, A~8t ... Raltx•11 111IIU\tl wu thf' n"'t Is • •-eady p81·d RHlboa l!!l&ntl todAy OVH wboleaa.le ddl'ndiUlt arn ... trd IUid waa latf'r I Ale' 11rrest.e m LQa .Angt-ll'll In a Bl8l'k I rt•rf'11.81'd on hl'r own r'f'('oglliu.nce # GM Market rlnJr. lnvolvu twfl by U.S. Cornm111lliflnf'r roavld B. I Nf'--p<rrt 114-Arh ""Y IJUt r•toll•• '"''ru r-•pll', t>ntll rr1rmt'r etnplll)'t'l! I Hrad m Lo10 AD4\'l'll'll, ''"'"'· whlt'h 81 lhl11 dlllf' 111111 "''"' of lhf' Jlalhna hank I Mr10 Wf'a\'rr hllll t)Non complflye<l l amountf!d \1) a ,_. hl~t~ "' ,...~ Th~y Are Mr111. LurLIIe Wf'aver.t rot Ballllla f••r ahl•11t ,..,..,. yNU'l'l anrl enty-two ~r M'nl, U!U. )"ar h"" a ll~utma. nt at thf' Santa "'"" n•r><•rtf'ol to IJI' the trld~t i:"n" hH hr\·unot 1 hJ11 """ ar<' 0 "'' v Air ba,.. IUltl whn "''"' , l,.rk In th, ,.,.,.,.,r•• nf lhf' local ~vmty-Ov~ ~r <"ent tJf the tntnl ~ or bllnk rfo<'orda. M tl, hRnk Mr CAml•lw-11 WR.'J living l•·n oo( f :!!'!l !~ 4fi f•.r I h .. fl~· ... D. Clunp~ll. &lllll11t.ant t11 1 hrrl' up tr• 10,.,.1.rAI ..,.,..k,. SJ:" ao•l ! \'I'AT 11144·4r• ,.,., oonlo.n~ I•• Auclol • t ht-bft.nk mRnRgt'r. Mrw. WraYI'r rl'!tlfh•il at :131< 1. !flo1·r·t Ball.~or.l J. A. Gant who llve!l on PRrk avenue, off nfl l 'r:ruo~ula II•· ~o~o•.rkr·d at 'th•• tmnk .Of Uw lr•lnl nm••unl Mlo<1ut -~~· 1 !t m .. n1hl' anol h·rt l:t~<l .lui\' Ar-1 OOo'l l I hi~ lllrrlloly '""'" ,.,,fl,., '' B k r .. rtlonJ.: In m•·11~•·r lnfol;m:o!1,n 1 ~"v 011! "nly ah<"ll J71) f""' ""' Bl d 11hl1un:.bl•· 1 ~lmpt.oc•ll Will' rl'JN•rtrtl r hrfron· Ar•nl 2H. 1!04:, "'h• n : 00 an I Ill IHIVt• l~k••n "j:lll' t hrt k\ fr••m f'llllr IRIII't< Will liP• ""·" •l•·llr:<ltl' 1 ' l!:olhun 111 larJ:o :uv•UIIt:t snol to Herein Jan. Is Urgent ~~~"··•un ... d I"''"' "''r·t •• ,.., .. 1 w Rendezvous Stag«-' Hurr ;~rn·u •· ,.,,1 "'" ''l"'ra l•·l', who I~ ·I''III«•.J •·f •l•:rli r . .: Ill rnnn • Ilion For JitterbuO' Test, ;:,111~111 ~11llnnll 10( 1.1.., k ~a." fit AiO!ll. ,. ~ Polltrh t Att•.rnc•y Hi-Jinks Dec. ;nsf ( 'hllrlr•!l \',.:olt·. wh•• ~~~lh·tl I Ill' 1 c•m· 1\ J•ll• r h•1~ , .. n:"~' ., 1 I •· "m"fl£ lhr (• :tt>lfl 11 It! tho• Il l J ll > ="••tAo' Yr•Rr Ji ,.,,.,. ,flt nr •• pat I\ •• ' l j•lalfll:< '" r•t~·rl•·d Ill hll\'o• :•ll•l• rl t ha i Hlk r l "an.j•l••ll \11mf'd ""''' tho· '1:'111< rl.••r k~t t•o H11ff. lhat when h~ 1«-ft h~r•• hr 111 a-·rl• if f'ortunatr lv tlmt'(J lo mi'PI 1h•· to ha\'1' ;rol\·11.,.,1 Mrll \\·,.11,.1 r tro no•w urJ!••nl. •l•·mtullllo f'olr hi•••" 'ten ahrad wrth htl! piiUl. J:• '·"''7''"'" Ballr, .... ,, I , t l't~nthl\' m~hl Th,. r•n• t '. • · •hul••l ''" llw Am•·r••ron 1, · pl:t-•mn at th" \\"1'191Pm f'tr,ol Ill the :-o;rwport RNirh nrxl bl~ h!N~I AI rorrJiog to V«""tll'. Ruff woulrl I.,...,, 2!•1 w1ll ,,.. ,,,,. •·f ~: II• 1 • " . rlnnor oiH\' , wntr 11 "l;h" k ': fqr f'fiUJ>trnll gi'H.Kl n.r rrtm• nt Md a ~o:l•~r••·l"' 1111. . Sllturd~\' .. l{lfl 13. bf'twr••n th,. 1 fror 2ro.OOO tl• r,n 11(11.) g&llron11 of :u111urr•l tllfo l:tr£•• t'f'I•W •I ,., I"'' • • hOUr!! of 1'0 a.m. llnd 2 f' m .. at tho• g1LN1hnc. \\'hc>n t b I', I' Cht'f"k!' In tllm rout fnr 111111 lllll,llftl a fill • : r.nunmAr 11r hrllll. thP Loll An~:!' I~~ I frn11llv rl.'ar hPd th, hank wherP Arr OTihn~ tn lh~ <''ITTllll•l'• • •1 mohrl.-1101t will gllthf'r blOOd frum Ruff krpt hl11 <'llll)•lfl Arrt•llflt, l ht>y rharJi!r of IUT1Ul~t'mf'nb thr\· "" 'thul ar<'ll for lhl' rlrll~ntlely DH<I· ""'"' •lr•Atrnyrol kf'l'plnlt! h111 co.1pon plannln~t a gTf'st many ~'nt••rla• 1 rd plum&. ,. lll'<'flunt at a htgh lrv•·l. 11 wa.a tn~t 'ap« 1alti~11 .. that "''Ill .:•,·· Thtf'f' mlllll tlf' four hunrlr•·rl rh11rgr•l Mrlf M11ry J-tutr, hill thl' rn.wd a • ••ntlnu•••lll r·~•n 1 .. • llt~nor10 a nti ••nl\· tho,.. f~w rlll\'ll ..,,r ... II' al11•• OIUlll'tl u 8 rlo·:en•lllnt.l fun thrnughro\lt lhr •·nlir" •·V•IIIf•l' 'llrl' lnt~n.•Pnlfljt ·fur thl' dhnora tn '"' aro· ~lax "''""" 11nd fl Jo:. Bu1 k· On th .. IWir••kf! ''' Mt•lno~;hl u •• 1· , llign up An IIPJ"'III II! gnlng ,,11, hom . Wl'rvke 1lal1CJn npt>rlllflrll. and •••II ~ llppr()Jirtlltr ,.,.,...m••nl• • I<• 1,. thl' Hllrbnr Al'"lir fnr d<tfwr8 '" Jo:lmPr Tarvc>r. ILII rl( VIII Anl(rll'• llllhl'r In th~ r.;,.,.. \'rar rail or "-Tilt' tn thr R.NI <..'n111~ nr. \',.Air u l•l I hill rr .. m <'VHJ,.nr ,. Th•· mulllr for tlllllr IOJC "111 II" II·, ftc~ al nnr·r In m.akr Appt•rnlmr 111-un•·Art h<'fl to lh,. <.ll~. numrr•>ua An••· II thU and hill "'' b• AI r>t "' 1 f J 13 T PIPnhnn I'Ot"• nt h•·r '"mplfllnlJI v.·111 """'" bC' .,,. • a'T"At many nf th,. younJC• r 'Ji·' I or anuarv . ,. ,, •· enlhuiiiiUII~" .,.. t:&J)H t .. l '" I•'" So much nf our 11\lpphf'A or plllll ""'"I ln\'••h•n.: "J>"illlllhly " lllllrr•" Ut ipetr In th .. r•<nt~l!t llll•l ,._ ·'' ma hav" bt'••n tll'111 rroyf'd Al th.-••f •·lh•·r <Jpf,-.ndl\llt. ""•n•l• w.·lll t)O' a•·ar•lror I•• tho• "',. \\'rBtf'm '"•nt dunng lhr r('( ""' ntr. Gf'rmllll otftn!f!VI' th10t WI' ar•· p1l1 Th• Rl:u k (;·,"' 1-hrkl't r hAT""· fully 8hflr1 th~rc' 110<1 mPn Rrr dv· ,,.,,.,,lv•n~: a f11rm,.r rmpl .. ye · qf 1 lnl!: for lark uf II tfw 1~•11"'" h:Lnk nn•l 11 r lr>rk In Thl'rrfort>. In llrl•hl1nn In 8~U~Wt>r· llw hank hRI' lrr •lllo(ltl I•• lzl(h1 11 ln~t G"nerwl F:IMnhauer'e appPeJ P"'''''"'"" tr .. uld,. II•· 11o t<.JO ani!• "''' 11 ror ILOTC' !lnd quirkly, WI' mu11l Ul•· I•• a l t••lirr 1 k~rp nur rf'f..'lller aJiotmentJr golng Jl•,ho>r1 11 ramJll,.,.ll 1'''"'1 at thrrough 213 Jo:ut B~ty ll'letlU" JlaJbr.a and tu·r.,rtll~ .. pollr;-' ;.,···nl~ llo Ait nrr,.llt("l '"" f>•"<.••ml,..r t;th litH r hllrl(-.1 llo'ilh IUIMI1It ·II>• I I tAll• IV ''" l1t.. \A.tff" Thr r-..... \A.III " tJ,• m111~d by Ju•lg .. '-' A J•lf'lr~ 1n I hi' I•" AI , '"'r1 .,. M r,. t 'amr·~ll rrru .... l I•· pr_,ut~ ----------- Plan Board Rejects Hill Site, Reaffirms .4-A, as Irvine Co. Denies offer Ll'tt(•r to ( 'ummiMMion Ad\'iMt'H That' Uody l1 Nut lnh•rt'Mh•d in ( 'h·il· <'t•nlt•r em ita Pro- IK'rly: ( 'nunt'il ( ;t'h' Ht'IH•rl Monday 'l11r'l'' atll'l l'••llna ),.. ;1 •'lly ha ll "II 1111' hill 11\'f'l'luuklnii: h ·.111ltllll 1':1'\\1•11'1 Jl.t\ l11 lo •.t<~l IIIII roll f'I IIJ•'t'l~ 11\\,le'f! h y .J:trltt'"' I n 1111' "' lho• r •tt~· pl111111lth: c'1111lllll""'"l1. u t Its lllf"''(ht~ l.r~t '11ttll....,•l·l~ l'•.illlt'llll'fl ct-. lk•d,toltl llllcl 1111\1-.."'l tho• d t v PHIIInl lh.11 tl' ""'"llllrntl ""'toflllllo'llthll~o; S ll1• ·1-A, l'lllhnuini: Stlo• :--.:,. 1 Ill' :1 ,if,. l'llllll~ll'·j 11ltlo• I•• tha l ll l'':t. \\•~rlrl ... tuntl. 111"1 "''"I''""'" ·•1• "'1 ""' ,,,,.,.. ''' Tlll' l'hollll• I 111 •1 "1''''"'''·1 '"" .,. ... IIIII nl••vo• ltil:h"'rtV 1111 an•t 1''"''11• 1111 fl\o .'II'' I•''' tlllf' ••• Uftd "IIJ'tif'ft U l tf \ ll\\flflj. 40 t'tl .... fhf! ""' ••••Ill t h • ., It H tu • • .. Ht ttttn~ 111 '"''''' "'*'' "' llu· fNt V h1•.t hr~n ,.,,,,, th •' ,, ''' ,,. ,.,, 1 htol 11 .. , 1 1'"''''••1 "" tt\nHttht. '"',. •·lvtf· ttff•tt ol lhtl \\,.,. t1 IHf•t tt"l'••t Ut tt'l'f .-•t -.ff•·•u•.: n .. ,,,. f••r a •tl\ halt ... , ''Not tnterweted'' ;~:~.,:;~:': ,1~··~:·,·.~: .~~~~ .. •,~ ~~~~:I m•';~ .. ~",:., ~: ... ~~ .... ~•!:~:!;'~ •;~•,:•,; (.u, .. ,.., ..... u.•'ltHt f••• •m ''•n'"'' lttt JrVU1• .... r .. r .. rrlnl tu th" 1 ""1''""' ••'A '" ·• ,., f :t~fflth • ·.. 1 hf, lt•tt••• ,., N .. v -_::, ft.n•t .. t .. tlnar Ut,. ,..,.. tun" "ftl'r"•'tt'Kff1l\' Aluur ''""'''""'' """ nn4 ft,,,.,....,,, rutr wn• I :Wnol "''''''' • 1\ll•·•r "'l'h·· ltu•l"''"' II lnl•·r.•olt•ll 111 .. rrrrln• • ellr loor I•M•k 1 .. I.JOfn vl'l lt ~••··ol ~ttol 1 a O!Vh rrlllo•r tu ttw oily uf N•w· ll11 noo• lloolllo t .. llu• rol rt"rl Jl'll•li!llr ro•rt l'-'11•·h loo lhr l111•l.:• ""' l.~ol .. rat" ~"m"l Uo~lh l••lll'o• ~~~~''' 11'1111 Int .. l h,. 4t1 e•r•'" 1" .. ,.,,. .• r,., 111 .. ••l) 11'""'' "' thr l'latonlnl 1\rftlasll · M~Kh Ol.._u111on 1 "''"'· "''' "1•1•••1 IOIIol rllf'd A 1 ,. m•••'llnr: ,., II or , 11 y rtK&n·l ·n..... I 'u"no·llmaa labf'll. an • C• .. u ""'"" wrrk11 ac ... f'nuno•llm•n """ lu m,.,.,,,.r of th• rnmmta· r.arl HtfUlll'y ukf'l1 tloMI •·•onaltlttr•· "'"" ,..~"""' lq know WhJ u,. Ilion lw I'V"n nit., Nu "· whh: , '• t•lolllll• AI• no ha.J 1Wt made~ llp lt.a -bnC't"'l rtty·--d tta)' .ewr-1 alftd • a •lle, l, whklb -.e.....,. 10M ""'""~!"' ehm>~ It _,.,.,., bv th• • ........,. ..,.lfltlt tltllt tt wu mit n.. ltv1n,~ ...... .,,,..,, .. tt .. ....__ut\ A• ••••u n 't""ttttl, IHtt Ctar tuutull. that " f"''fttllt , 1 • '" •l•le•ru l•l• ,,,,.. '"' h ttd lt111 rttft•l•· u1• II• tnlntt , U••l f llfltlfl ltu• t tUifJ tl t••l• I I •I fh, • 1\t• fh• 'ttO tnh•ai•HI h"tJ l•trytuu•IJ • 'nft t u, •' '·, t .. f't• ,.,,,.,, .. , •• • .. , .. Ill,,... ,, .. 'f•• ••.•••••.• ,,, .. , ,,,,. ,,,, ""It"' ll•l,..~-41"'' I HI\ o .1 I' !• t-, f tutf •tf t 4 \ '"'' ""' I"'"'' II '""' .. ,r u ... 1'11'11 \ ....... I If I • I .,,, ,, \ "'' •• ,, .• ,, 11(11 k \o\ th "''' ,,,., ....... "'"' I 11 tftl t tft tl f,ft lt d 'fto li t lff 1 fH1ifo .,,,. ht otofiMI.ft,llf tJI• 1•f til' "Jt' h••ll•l nlld ~· tf,•·l lhtd A,. 11 ,..,.ulf Utt• 'llttltlll,.,.hJih ., .. t h • l t\Ht• ft e•l '-·••• '"'''J Htah l••·l•lltMf••tUIItft11W,hal.uutnr-.vur ''"''''•l 1•· let .. • • tttp ltll\ \t.IUI•Hit ''" ••( ~It t t A nh•l fl••l '"'"'" '"' ,,. I "''"''1•·•••·· tt nd t hut ...... ,., htt•l ltffHttt,.•l 'rhr ,,..,..,,,. v-u" ••rtl•·r-~1 ''''''' tt tafhttfl7ttl f•• .ftt ,.,, ff1t l •ut t•• thr tltV t •IUtltU tuut wUI ,,,,,,.,,,~, :r'"'''''11ttuhl•l•••••h w .. 1, •• ,, .. ,,..,,1,, th•t t• .. ty '''"·•lay. ~· 111 "''' I• \ h1•· I'•• "'"' 111.: ltuol ,1111111"1 v J., 1114r. ' :D. K. Blue Turs ror Turkey • Jolin Allen Outlines Sales at Mesa Mart c· . c t t R t Thf' film"'•• wnnt. tJI Tiny Tlm I IVIC en er 0 0 ary ' Buys 119 'Til•'fl' tlf'\'r'"t" w n" ..,, h a lllr•l · I """" h"v" tw.n t?JW"•I"" In mcuav r '""""''"'""''' ''''"' !\lira, "' I,,.. wtl" JW•rlll•t•• 1!111•1•· ''"" ••r hll ll11rh"r hnmN tw1 C"hr1•tmu u , IIY ,,,.11 ,.111~. "'''"" 1111tt1111.,, llu•l aw.,.l '"'~" I(Kv•· " "'"I• loy 111"1' H II A J,.,.l .,,,. mark,.l. aiHtlf', lhr AIJJhn ''''"'1''''"11•·•• .. r Itt~ '"'"'"'""'"n'e l•t••.:t•,.~ "' th• 1'\v h ,.,,.,,, 1'''1 U I t II • H··ta lll"r" In f\•t" Mf'8A, ro-rw•r1•·•1 o • "v. .,, • '"It "' ,,. •· I' • " •'• I Cres Ul•• .,.,,.. f1f 4ll'JO l•"'"f'-uf l'r1rr ... J•·•l ''"1" 11" .,, ••• ,,,,,," '"''''' "" l 'htiM> f 'H•I h•r '-'''" v. , .. '"'"''U I'''"-" ru ra. .. v .. tfllr1U~ """ .......... ,., .. I ftutu• \ I ,,,,. Ttu ,.dh'/ I Yf '"''~ nf ,, ..... , *'' '"' , 'lVI• ··rut•, '•ttrttnllt,_. 'f"tllnt: f.,._rtJil.n\Jit" l t••t.:•tlnr •.t.•·•·kl'l tu•·•·tah.,;: All• u.J ,., ttu ttu rl •• ,, f 'tuuut .. t ••f f '••m II K Hlu,. f"""' I o,y '·' r • r "'" ,..,r"\•rnl,.t r;ar:o~~ a 11ol I. r; I ;.o~l'l I r m . Wf'lt kn''" •• '· ... 1n ~I• "'~ • , tt ,.. n. tlltw· Ju~t I'"" lo.vo"l tIll "' , .. ~ \ • f land. ~'lll•·n•l111~ '"'"' 11 • ·~' H ·~ .... Ar•h•,. up •··· at • 'f•· •···"'' 1 ""'a r .... tn t••r ,.,.r I 'II,. r • 1• ''' ·• n a• ~•·rlt.f t• • •• u,. th! I • t.-~.!'t •oil, Whl• h '-lo tfltirm J' ,,, f• f •• t •• In lt•lrftt) .. n "• .. , .... ,.,,~I '"' •hllJU'd I tt J,.,,. Pt t,. lf tnf rd •··' , .. ,.,,arh •ltPffn• I •tu • nf tr• It ,,p .. o!II)D .... lnl· y ,., "··· \\.I lr ... I' I ' , f'ff a...,, .. A, a·• I• .. fhr ,, .. ,,, '·nnn Rr"t..-hP•k• '"-~tr ,.,,. I'l l· ... ,,, that jtt"'"'' ~· •. ,, r•... , rt' -'l.rt "'hi• h 1 ••nq,tt• •I t h11 a•t •• ., ·.~ ... ~ ..... ~ .. ",.,.. , ... ,,.,.. kO•I ,...,, f t I ,, ,. I tJIII 11, A f ••fl f1•~ jlf 4,11• I' t• •• f ' ,., '''I • .. them 11.1 11 "'ll:•fall'lnl (,, . ., .• '1-. hl("b W\m.. rf Jtt , •• JIUt td 1 I I t \ 'lU&I~ th,. t •,tnl j•r\tt• J•lll•l I •r •l'e 111 ar r"" lr,lt "'Ill• lo Mr lll11r "rua•d t•; "'"rzrro 1lw nin•tv .,, .. f • •t I \f..._ra Jtltu~ An•t t ;,.., •ltr,""HI \A.d l h1 .bdJ'II'idf'•t llllt•r /If l•f• •• ,, ,,, I 1M IU'Irl hill lrr••1h• r ,.,..,. \ "'' ·~rmlnc 1 nrll) "' r•,. 1 • "' t1 • 1 ... • rt Roat1 Thtr1y •• ,..l. '•f ~ , .. t•.r· ,.,,,1 ; raa..cJ "' ttl,. I Jtol ••' p , ul • f o ,t> tw~ Tu11t1r, 1,, I ft ·. • • u •' •••,. ,. hPe-n ••t•J t , ''t · I, J-''·"' I·IC'llfta firtH h • " ••. I ' I ' • I h• \IJehlr~flil I'• I I•• o\•.oi•• <ordln~ I•· l• • ' I •' lh• unty ,.....,,._,."''" ,,~ '"'' F''T •Y. 1lt.e prv,r..,..rt v ., · u • l.• r• r·•tt• ·' bay,. tJ,o,..n ,.,, •I ' • I 1 1' I 1 ' on f)f IIII'•UI 'I• ·~• '11'111 ,,. .... ,,, h'•"'' ,. I ... I, . t•JJrt"•...,•·r~•t •"·'•· ~·.I , t "~ ,, •t • n .. ., q~"f\f"T •tv,-,.;,,,., ,,, truU,I II ~ CAl !to; 1••••1 htlrr The Civic Center Dispute ~,.,, 1\ft~rwt:.y th•• d t y 1'1141111'11 11 dt I '"~''''' l lw t•'l'"' I of th•· dty plannin1~ n.lfmlli"''"" tr•,offit1tltlll' II• I'';'""' l rrtll tl!,tt tlu-('rvi•· (',•nl••r lw• 1••·:111"1 ••I• ~II•· I 1\ f'lll l or:tt·.nt~ ~tt1• 4 nr I"'JIIlJI:t nrhJ,. an·a. l'tr· l!r·roort ... ,,,. 111 llw l'ffo-.·1 tli;.t Ill•• t'l1llt1• tl '' oil\ 1olt•d 11\'o•r· tlir• '''1"'''· tltat till' I Jill ..,,,,. 1>1' tlw ;\;•,rth B .•. \' •.11" •II' tlw ( '·•"II' f ;1'111111111 Sill' Ill' tlu· "''" 1••1\lo"'ll ( ·.-lltt·:tl :111d ('tf.L"t t•,.rl''\'ilnl frtJin :.!f;tlt to '\ltlh -.tr·•o;·t '"' c·••l1 1-ldr·n_'fl. f-'1111h1•r l'l'llllrl~ st n_• fo1 flto• t•lft.,·J IJ1:rt If fill' I'IIIIIWtl cJ,.,.., ;tpprtw''" A, ,IJ~nrniJ,;Irt"'"''"'l"' \\til,,.,.,,. :.11 •·l1.,. '"'" '''' IJII' l'it v In cio 'fi1l1• hy I"•JIIII:•r ,,,,,. :111rl 11 tlsr• 1"''•1•1•• apJ1t11VI' 11 r1iH••n·nt r-.ltr• 11 \1 :II rru•:a11 a ltllllrl Pit·• ftroll ilnll ftll' I'XJII'fldrl.tJ11' tl( "'\l'l';tl lltllllll'o•d llttlll.._.allrJ d•1Jiar;, ~,. Ot' 1~. for lhf• pt1rr·h :1...,. "'land. It L«< knnwn thnt th;• nty ha~ "'"'" J ll rll lll~ a -.ul•· ntuflt•y dt•nv('ltl frurn IJ1X sah~ 1•1\l :t n l 1111' n,n,t111o ·t1••1t ,., a rity h,,ll. , Ju. .. t huw mudt L ... :t\':til:tlolt· I" filii kllloWII a1 this t imr, hut tr ftN'SJ• funtl~ \1•111ltl hav1· 111 ,,.. u .... o;t t r, (.IUf'l'haS(' gruurvi. it !lilt'S n r1t )0('11'10 :1~ l'f'frfliiOIII'II I tlf' ...,.IJ;.,I· Ill•• t han if thr cnmcil pul it~ pl:tnt on la nd :ilnw ly I IWI M'(f n nrl t.r.W'ft t tv• runuu n t r ( Jl' a "" i I dIll g. . ( )rtt• thillJ: IIOf1'lC puhll1· ••ffir·tal~ ..,,..m 111 ftl~t·l th:ll lht•y .. ~ f'k"(1.Pd to mtmrnis lt•r th•· ,,,~.· .. a rruin;, ,....,. ttll'lf' I""' Jl.llU!nwwnl in it~ n..nduf1 a111l not all••mpl '" h•n •· ''"'If"' ur vrn)'f1x on n """l.:·~ufr;·nllg fii.Jhlit·. ·n,:.t '" tlw fUIJI1iun o( dvk J.(rOUfJM, Jikc•11 ('h:lftllll•r 11f ()mlllll'l'l,', Ill' • '""''' ~ani7Jelioox or t•v.-rl Jll'iv:Jia· dli/J'ns. ""'' h llw t <111111'11 10 I"'C'C"f'JVf' Ulld Wl'iJ~h l'lll'h ltl'~l,.'f'l HI fht• 111'"11 111· '''~'~"''" uf the JlliiJiic. Hnn1:uw sn !'1'1(-inl•·n-st.-. !o.lll.wk:-""' 111udr Ilk•· K1·l· 1\'1'111. Tamm:myiJim, c.-tJ·. It i~ h"t•"~l th:•t f'ivi<: lf':ut.•n. wW att.md oat n-lay'a meetinK of tho t.:uurwil. '• ftj f0t I I t!trff'f f" 11 V., • t h t '" ''""' .... ,., •• ,. ,.,,,,,, ""'' ,..,,. lht\f lh• 1 tllllllllfU'I'tll f•Ulif It•• tu • d t ~~ hi• • ••fl trdfh t•,.. t•' "n"''' ntluttnn,_ \\ht•n t•:n rl :~t u rd• \' t utflf t ,,, ttw Jt.J~ ,. 't ltllfl nt,lt):hf f,, lflllofWI'I "It• I! ',,. .,.. ', ' • ,,,j v ,, .. , .,. I, .. I tHd #ll IIi •J•IIitti"Ol ,,, I•' ,,,,, t ,1 .. It" Itt d ti t •I '" •I I tu I \I I! l u t hf t'f It t 1t I • otff. I l o\ t f •fi f """'' It t f•.el t11n• I Mt''' \lt•fl ,, .. .,,.,. I,.,., •• •·•••f'41tl• , .. I ···H I'' •• •V·I. ,,., ,,. '" 11 t I t II It ' I f YJ•' •• ,. hh f f'il"'ir\lt f 11f ftif• 'fiJI olfh l rlttl f fl ~·tu tl·\ tfv •lt •,n "· -·~••• \nlu • ••• ". It '"I ,. ' t , ..... ,, o~trtl hU et •••t ,,, .. ,,, h u I•·• tlf ,,, d • ,,.,,.._, I l u i lu t'. ·,•·.u •• q ,, • ·••·•• ltlt•u • hV "' 1.111 1 , , t , ,, 1 ,,, t,Jit f • • , n•l tlu~ 1 ''I'''' 11 ,,,,. In t t, ,, ,, ,.,, \ •hi• I tw "''" • 11t ,, \' "" ,,.-·• • ;, t• , -·u••·r flt io)H t lfjjl 'I ltfl .. , ,,, I t ••' I ft I Jl I tfl•t Jfit :················· ... ·····, '. CALENDARS • r, ... 1 ,..~k • I 1ay -by -D11y • App"intuu•nt.s ~t'WIHtrt Balboa NE\\'S -TIMES :tllll W. f 'rntral Avl'. • • • • . • . . t 5 • • • • • • . . I: '''WJiflrt .._.,._ ,..,.,, I . . . . . ··~· ..... 4-~=1 ......_ ............. ~ ' 1 , , . ~ .. • .. • • Ill • .. • .. ~· • • .. ... • .. • I • ,. • .. • 2 • , .. .. " " " .. • r I" " • 0 ,. .. "' • lc1 If' tl I ~ fla .. Two ... NEW~J'T-aALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHOSM: SE"'PUaT I! A IJ 8ubKrlptloo Payable In Aolvanc•: · U .!:>O JW'T y,.,., In 0 r1Ul1ff' ('r.unty. S2.l !'l pe-r )'fAr I<> 4th r.tme ; U 00 per yu.r to lllh ZA•ne. I' Ernie Pyle's SJuur un rlw trirr: British Tr~at Anterican Soldit-rs in Royal Style NEWS of the CHURCHES proapec:tlve rt-srJt·nta ''' :-.t-wJJ<<II ( 1 MUe ~ortll of BUill-otatrM) I ~.~ .. !-~~:~~:~ I n" x.~~~~.o ~.~:!-~ \s~~~-. ~ach juat u tht'y Ju toliliy. W1U1 ~-======~~~~~~~~=====~====~~~ L.--------------J tlw N~wpOrt Packing coml>IU\Y :.. ~lef'f'd u ~l't'nnd·CIAM mattn at lbe f-'•41tntflce In N•wport Ut'ar h Callfliru~ un\Wr th111 Act of Wkrc.h ll. 11l7V Gls Vntlrrcht~rgetl by Tradesmm 1ntl Fn-ely Enrerrained by All u I !Jl LAD I' OFIIOITNT C.:A&IIEL CII11&CII r .. &dy for bw.tnt-..u. there wt-re .--------------------------., nt•arly a hundr..d emplnyeu look· & A. MEYER EIJITOR AN[) PRCiiDENT Prtllt!Da P\.all\, lOll W rentral Avenu". Newport lkath, \ 'alof.,miA Official Paper of tbe City of Newport Bead. 4 DJfiR.altM lecal IIWtltutleft Fw O"er a. Vearw 'l1te New Year Old Man 1944 ls tottering slowly from the world stagf" ~dimpled. dlapt"n'd 1945 toddk>s lnto tht" ~tliKhl. ,. ahoutlng and gaiety ""hich U!R.UllJy attend this OC"CU· ton~ .ubdued by tM f'Vmts of the day . '11le old yPar pas.ws out during a crisis. It might bt" called the year of v~tnishing victory. Now we look to 1945 for lht-fulfillment ol Uw> bopa, which. just 12 short months ago. we thought would t.> attained in 1944. Although 1944 did bring~ .:>f1lt' frt rikinc triumphs on t.hP be~. Its lesson l'i that we cannot expect tlnw al~ to adlWve final victory. The> amazing anility of thf" \lf'nnan"' to endure C'('tLWil"SS bombin5t!l. to absorb t'tlonnou.'i JOIVi(>s. and yet to strikt" beck JXM'Prlully. haA Rhoc-ked us into the n-all· ation that we cannot roast to &>rtln on the-strt'flgth of our war ~ort tht.IA far. Lf't us here at home resolvt> that in the year ahPad wt• will dfovot~ ounelves more wholt>heartetlly, more detf'nnirk"Ctly to our part in tM nation's great task. To do k>s.~ •ill ht• to brt"flk faith with~ who have died and l.hosP who an-daily sta k· Inc thftr aU, that Amftrica might live. And while ~ work, Set us pray for thl> J)f'Ot('(.1iun of our fllhtq men. Let ua pray that their labors and ours will find IWl fnalUon In ftnaJ triumph in 194~. Thm i~ It will bf· a Happy New YMr! "Don,t You Know There's a War On?" HJ>on't you know f.htono's a war on!" 1bla qUNtion hu lJetcome a plagu(' "talking tht> land. Ori- p.lly It may have bWn intended to an:JWI('t thE-lndifft>r'l'flt to a fttallzation ol their l'f!IPO'\IibUit.ft ln lht' war t>ffort. But now lt Ia hurled at unolfendlng dtiz.en.'l by the ill· manneml and tM stupid to cover up their own int"!fi~ and fallurea poperty to terw their public, and by tht" dl.~­ est who llf!r'k advantagta behind the protecting SL'I'Wn of war's IWONIIUa. Yet. It la refl'fthlne to real1zr that there are thoae Ameli- -ta'*t1 nan In many U... who, •~ from tM bretn- .... ol U.. Hercule.n talk bet~ them, plung!d right into It .ad pw tbetr bNt wtthout rewxting to alibis. Not ~ sJna.o Peart HartJor, for ~xamplft, haw-the ~. gu and ~­ tric uUUtiea been hraf'\S to cry, "Don't you know thfol'l''!> a war on!" · , lUJ W. C.tnl, N ........... Sunct..y ~ at I and 10 1L m. anr tor humu l"roperty uwnt-n wt-re rdualnr t o 1et yearly rentllli.J an..t bouwa which rt"nltd for $1!:> !'IT . .IOBN \'IAN1IfKY CII'CIICII IU\d f2Q..a month U1 the winter lit ....._A..._...._~ rockt'ted~to 1•0 &nd 160 a month By Erai~ Pyla Sunday mu1 at 8:30 L m. In tbe 8,u m mer, a pnce whlcb ([4u-'e 11/-/: f•H 4u~· 00.., --..... "'"' ,...luJw4 --~ I ••orJunen COUJd not afford lo pay ._ •016 _..ct. ia E .. at...L H•., __ ~Me_, .. -.,....,. .. .,.., IT. JAMEa t~1aco~AL Tb• n-commercial f iah mar- l'••~ _ _ 1 CHU,.CH kt>U. on Ct'Dtral avenue had been I EIMII Clubhou• complete<~ and om~ wu rented to LONOON.-Th~ Bntish r~a lly are swell to the Amerteanl. • SIS c.ntral Ave., Newport .. Kh J .P. Horman. who cau1e trom Port Wh~o I w~s here bef~u·. almost two years ago, an American T~potoary &u~y Clarey Lo. .AIIreJu. brin&iDc a neet or in London ... practicillly a god. But I fear~ that once '"I 11 a . m. Cocnmunlon and IJ)ee• 20 ll.ablnr boat• Into the harbor. were in tM war th«'y wouldn't fMI.o disposed to be .. pedal.I:J 1a1 C!ln.t.mu wrvkr . Solo, "Com· Amooc rrammar ecbool pupUa n.ic:e to us. 1 ft~rt Ye My P.ople:· by Jam• r . wbo bad bHn neither abient nor ._ _____________ I Watkina. Sumon by Rev Tbomu t.udy tbe put month were Haul. But .., ere. ~·· an rnmplr ...-llellll tba bo71 ~ "'I '• M&nb&ll. "Let Ua Oo Even Vera and Louie Souder, Wary Val- One ..._.... 1-U. S .,.,.,.. ••ere rabbi!Drlt ..,117 momlaa ..._ tbl7 L'nto Bathlehem. lele, J oe l.Az.erlch &Dd H&rol~ o·. Mlq .... leWWF hotrl 'nw7 had pt out tJ/1 bed. INDIPF _. aold. 2 p. m.. ChUdrell'a ,__,.,.___ How.U. • .., , ••• ,... ..,..,_ ... _ d•ft-.--... ... I aucprrt.cl he tr7 lt oa -. ot1 party. Amonr ....... ae apen -'-'"" ... . ...,.._. plare, for the F.;n(u.b .uta. He aaJd 11e ..,..., I ma. w1tb frienda aDd relaUvea In ,_ peJ • mlcbtJ bad. CHRIIT CHURCH av TH£ a£A Loe AnreiM were Mr. and Wra. fuwy price for F' w Jtr .._.. at 1M Sa· , '"1nlat did they do?" I a•.._ c.mmultHy MMhCNIIet rank R.IDebart and r. and a. .., 1 run• Uw7 ·~ lilleod to becl a It,'' lie •14. 1420 Weet c.ntnl Avenue Walter Ral:ker. ... have enou•b • • • I Rav. E. D. Goodell, Paator John VllelJe, who wu worklnr ~ to paJ the Sit. Crcll r:. Lambert f1l Oar· <..'burch Scbool, t :60 Lm. on &D oil r11r at Placentia. wu ~but ..,., ••r• IJ.nrtan. s C . took me ou1 .. a blr ldornmr Wonblp 11 Lm home for t.be week end. ...,.,1 • lot of ob-rtll• ranee and Jet me ~ • ,.,. Youth FtllowabJp' 6 p m · Thll wu tbe week tbat Shelby rioua C'OUftUne be-abou. La• ell coocl eolcUen. I CO( l':vt'nlnr Worahlp: 7 p.~. I Coon went to l...oe A:netoJra. havln& ~ tJirm dwateoct out of one buD'...,.• -., tbe I Mid-week p r a y e r wrvlce acceptt'd a poeltlon u c~ma.n l:nle PJie Art Enshah.m an Pitman marklnr It a eompleta a t ... J 1..r~,odnead&y· covered dl.b dlnne ' with a blc flrm. el another tabl• wtleon It 'II'U obvloual7 a cllnd hit. II! 30 p m • r, -------- ••• thrm. ('8,_ ower and ukrd ID Ouulde ol that. ...... cledcled to aALaoA IILAN" CHAPrL D8V18. and Gay liMP fOJ ac:on a miU\ary aecret. ttl • • the Enallahman·• apolo~1c "'a' II publJraUon m leht el" aid and eom-1 211 Agate Avlftue tbrJ would ,1011' him'". dnnk """'' fort &o lh• ft\t'mJ. ' Rev. Harry w. White, Mus·· lfa Concern IC'C~rd and Sot 10 tallun1. and 0 • e Aalloclate Paalor '- Without tlw marlnH" bool.riC awn• ot Church School. 9 :30 Lm It the i:J'IIIIIhman pAid lbrlr l'flllra A '"_.,., -~ .MomJnc• Worahl,, 11 o.m. Plans Expansion bill It Ia a lhane• nJ,tlt, heN Ia thll Thr o!JM'r daJ Prt Harry o. .. 11lat Ameriqn camp. tn•t h1.1 pocket~ •ltb ~ f.oundl Tltere are rowa oa towl crlldlU! 0080NA DEL JIA.a and f()ur o\~Mrir .. doJiau In 11. tmu . .orne ot them round. -o1 OOIIJI1ntlift'l aiUIICII Cratlflt'd beyond their Wlldut t'X~ctaUora ovrr the ~apomet• uf Yl'1lt11n 111 hour It wa• found and ltwm aquare. 'Ilwy' aN built .. Cofttlret•tlonal retumeoct 10 the w .. biiiCton club bJ rtdrn. w1th ckprn•loDa IJl .,....,_ ~JTY "· Sclu'ock.. m1D.i8ter • Mr Hamm o1 ~ptabndcr for drain•••· c~e. ..,.. .. .._. .. • ~ We are ln • far eountry from Suntlay. Dt'('t'mber 31, u•••· ,_ .., .. • ...... ._ ,.... home. Wortr 11 weent and.,. • .,. ta I 9.30 a.m . Cbur<'h achool. U~Ue _. pta ..,.. a ....._... .~ thla camp. 111e air ta chW aDd folka mNt In amall building at ui Harbor resident• to thr Davl5 an.l Cay Mulfic company. Mra-Davll an<l Jotra. Patncta Cay. o~~o'!lera an,) ma.nagera of \ht• ntw Costa Ml'llll t nterprl84', &re ltxlklng ahead tu gnater achlevemeniJI with plan!! fur ommedtate expana1on u •<•un attn the finlt of the yf'ar a s Ill poe~~lble. ~ ..... , ...... ..,. ....... lbelr polll In tbe blackout. u &bare lotermf'diat.e rroup at 9 18 Ocean ~·c -__, .._......_ damp. and lboaUille wnlrin ,.. .. , Jumine an out' and Ub 8treeL r• ..... · wen onl7 bonl"" about -mi-.. boulevard. Halt a don" u.u ~ o1 m ks· be • plrture ~om ClvU war daJ" 1 11 ,00 a.m. Churt'h worahJp wr- _dt. ••~ oc uldH llaft unoftlcoaUJ I wanckr am<lnr the tenu, pic&-vice ln the "Cbapt'l by tlk Sea," appo1.n trd tbftn•IYft lbr "onln aJ·• Ina up .ww frienda beN and tl\erw. 410 Cou t Hlrhway. cabe 10 take Amertra.a 1101dlerl E...o In tl\e dark the pruence of •1 St'rmon by thl' Hev Peter 0. l ll ht-inr from -tJ/1 tbe Reoct *-~~~" drawa aoWl•n •• molla-Janwn. m\nl.ltH to wrvlce men Crou dubs. 'J1w7 _., 1rt .,, -dnwa ...._, tor an outllckr Ia Bnrl .lltudenl.l tor tht' Cungrt'g&· ol.brr taau 1n OD 1t. 11w)o cloft"t OV«to camp Ia 1 aarloallf and aQJt.ha.r l lh1nal Conferenct' of South«'m <:a.JI· charp tbe boJ•: Ia tact. tbe7 nftl tlult bftab tba rnoootony ll ....._ Cornia and tht' Suuth"''t'lt. unckrdlup Uwm.. And ~bey_. •• ~- thr boJ• •• ,..,._ ... ..,. •• ...., ,... ..,. ~ '* -· '"" .... alone. And wtwa tile tour l• -..._ .. ,. • weell, ..a..6 they 1top at a pub OD .. WIJ hom•, ..... -· ... ~ .... but Uw7 pi "'7 fadwrl7 and -........ tr.. ._.rtea • .,...t l«t the boJ8 Mft m«e than .t ._.. ... ~ cars. b a. -drink. ..,. -.... IM7 pt ... T--• Gla .... __.. a ....... It will -1M •rt p~ ....... a\nbt .. ~~ .............. ~ A-.. Ia-..... ~ Ameria....... .. .. ......... • ............ ., ........ ,... ,..., ... ta ..... Dettbar .... , .. ....... ,..,. ........ ,..,. ., ... ...... n.r. llo't mueb 10 do but .. ~ c.a1r7 ...,._ a ~ of • .,_ mattrfta Ill the ~rll '-' "'e'r apr.,.._ ...... &a aUD Ull llledtlme. There are no chain ....-. tbe7 Mf. _. ao cot.a.. 11M ruaw-lllled ma&. I"'UT I'OUIUIQUA&& CIIUIICH OFOOftA~ Ca..nlt _, ... ._....,, .__e .......... .......,....._. -• ....... c.·r..tor ..... 1'711-~ ~. 7:30p.m. wonhlp ~rv­ Uce, IW¥. Mae Stama in~­~ achool. 1:30 L aL ~~~ wonbJp. 11 L m. apee-'-1 rnu.~c. putora eennaft. UV1DfTII DAY \DVarnn'll v.-w ........ ~ .... ~ .... Sabbath achool. flaturday mom· bla. 8:30 o'clodL J»r.Hchinc llei'YIN, 1 1a. m. G~ate~~t developmt'n! wm bt' In the record department which, now occupying a llpa<'IOWI room with connnlent racka t o hold tht' lll~~t·s. will expand to twf> rnoms ualn~: f>Dt' now ocMJpl('d for storage pur· powa. A new atorl'room wtll bt acquired at thr rear of the l!u1hl· lnr; On on lntervtew w ith Mrs. t>avl11 concerning t.ht' progTRm fur th<· com ing year. the quet1tlon <'&me up J wbf'ther abe an<l Mr" C::ty ha.l aJ ... ·ay11 bl-t'n bustnt"1\!1 w••mcn W1Lh I a amlle and a twinkl.,. :\1 rs Oa\'111 told of her 80-year-old maternal JETilndmotber. Mra Loulae Adela Vernon. now a vl•tor In the Meu city, from whom thl1 dellltlth!l bualn-duet mlr;hl ban lnht'rited th•lr love of and aucct'llll In lht' buaint' .. world Today ~ .t .._ T-..-er...,.. U. on the IJ'ouncl. na are bar'r lien • tile land ot tbelr boJ8 ataek Uwlr blanket• Ill dq. aDCniOn, r-.11417 w IPt lor tba tJme &o kftP Uwm drJ. '~"hey-have quietly ~rfonned the tremendous job of sup-tou~~lz7 dw7 rame .._ •• ..U u At D1atd aome of \ht'm •'Titl ahort pl)'ine ~ ~rgy that fol"'tN the w ry life blood ~ ~can :!:.. ~ U.:. -::n:· !:~..,.!: = 10~ th~o•:.~~:r ~~~~~ Ae a cblhl of 9. Lnui!lt' Adela ~lrong c•ame to ('ahfornla with ht'r purnlll from Iowa. l...lltf'r m•rrY· lnjt Jamu Qrf'glt. a fiU\C'her 1\nd CIIRISTU ~ SfiE~CIE f HI"ICR!!II dt'Vf'lhper ,.r,und tb .. Whlttif'r dill· Industry. 1bey can wl"ll be proud of having nuuntained tlx> ere u-n, and wltlll boJ• Juat Uh • ..-rloCbH In the dark. SQrDa ~war· hi&h k-Yel ol service despite lht> l.ncrea.'lt'd •·ar load them trom tba CaroUnaa. ••!her In '-'" and play cuJtar• _. and tM heavy IONl of mannnwer. And thclr avernge chal'g\• I r-tJ/1 u..m ha•• ~·fl' bftn rar alnr otd ann,_-1 ev"n hurd a r-·· from home before A trw bav• baeD •lnlln ecromp•n•mrnt to •lneinl Ia MChriollaa S<"lf'nCf'" will tMo tbe trll•l. the t•·o of t hf'm Wt'rf' promf· aubject nf lh" Sund17 IA'JI!OD·St'l'-nmt In c-lvl<" wnrk In J ... •l< Ang .. lf'A moo In all br~nrhf'll nf Tht> Motbt'r an•l Wl're 1n•trumt ntRI tn Lht' dr· Church. Tbt Flr~l ('hurdt of Cbr(at, set~nlllll. In flnlllnn, Thl• <ll'rlua· \"t'l<•pmtnl nf the arl.'a twt we•n Uon fmm JJ i'"'"r Ill !loP l:ol4en F:lyl'lllln park ami G r1ftilh park Ttl I: "The l•ro&•hP<")' ramP not til Mr" Oav1~ terl\llrd when •he wa.a old t fnr•• II• t hf' •Ill nf '""" but !liXII"rn. accomp311ylng ht'r I{TIIntl· to a.toiili!'f'S \a la-·er than ln t~:m--just the rt!)'«'('S(' o{ Hw 10 c:oUea•. 'but --o1 u..m rao"t one tenL coa-()(.Jjving trefld. r.ad « wnte And 7~ I dt'f)' JOU ~-..__ . -'"'-·'d -• . , h' 10 8nd more rt'al pniWmea arnons Wuv \lie tJ~~~t" ""r as a l'OVer·U)l ~ovw ,.,.lSl'~e t lS our troos-than lll a camp o1 u. .. . We think It Is high tilll(' for the "Don't-you-know-ao-cai~H billblllin nwre ta • therP'•a-war-oo!'' routl~ to be J)('nnanently buriM. almf!le lfllUtrwnna about Uwm that ahowa 1n ~·ery word th~ tpe-ak. The Nisei WiD Be Back ThrJ don't ha••• lbr criJ"• smart- aleck •·•J• and au.apl~hlUI outlook. Tltt'J han h~d no t r•lnlne ID fancy manners. bu1 thry are ••ll mao· 1be ........_._ of California "are 0\'f"f'Wh<'lmin••l.\ C"ll~ to ner('d. l\t) ttay wltb "'"'• bo71 ~ ..... '' m adr mr a>o arr one• m ore that • tht" return of any Japonf>S(> here durin~ the war." n•pm1:o; tht' companle>n•hlp ••lb thr nrth end .tate lt'nlltf' commltt<-e on n>S(>ttJCfllt'Ot pN>bl<'nlS. a(h•r a 4~-thr •""C!s br..-.'ds aomrthmr tint> In a ch~r:u•1c-r. •nd that ..-.!'hlshctlloo county survey. And that, it app.'ars to u .... is lht' st rai~ht 11 ~ "' lht' lnllfl' •·•rtUI'a. dope. A few people are open-min<k>d oo tht' suhj(-.:t . hut thC' • • • majority, ri¢lt or w rong. don't want to ~· lht> Jap•·~· ~ IIIey• ... ,_. ...,.,."· around until later. much lutt>r. nw, .,,. ..._. .. ,..,.a,., ..,. a ........................ .. Abftdy, lle\"ertht•lt•ss. S('\"('ntl hundr'('(f Japnr~-se dtW>ns ' .... ,. .,..,.. ........ ,,. and aUens ha\'(' been pcnnift{'(i tO S('tfJt' Of\ th(' ('()aSf. :tN'Orcf· l 11 U Slo•nd lh l In lhe C<>mranJ t tr"'t Ia II< IIIIo! I;J a Ct<lo>nf'l on the out· lng to Robt>rt Cozzons of WRA. and thf' pf'('S('nt inf('ntion ill' tit. a 1'\.•rth C.H• hn.a m.an of jot\"tll· dear enough to filtM' many more back in future month~ Tht• 1!7 and ••t A •~ntry ... •alkrnr apparent aim of Assistant Secn>ta ry or \\'ar John J. McCloy, h•• J)Ofl nurl:t~ n .. N<"e •u oniJ . . . We •tood In 1"" rlarlt. lllklnl. hoi, nr .. n of ~"'' ~l'"k" "" lh<>y "'"rfl · muthl'r 011 on!' ·,,, hPr 'lllll'ln"""' Mew boJt would l"•n our hu<!dl a out 1\10'"'1 I•• •h•• lluh· t;lon,t '" l trllnA&rllnnl'l S'lr waited In tht' ot curiolllt7. end n.ttrr hnrinr me I '"RI••· ;11• rtn•l ~inn•l fnrrh In thf' 1,111,.r nffkf' whllt' hrr !'ffil'it'nt. aaJ somethlna lhf') d •~ok up willa, mid~• ·• .,,,,, .l•·~u· In 1 h•• 111 1n "llh I tJ\liJintNI-1\kt' l'l(ler wu In •·nn- "Say, 7ou're .,, Amnlr•n. aren't '"" "llh•·~···l l•anrl. "'~~·••11111.: tn 11 fPrl'n " hf'hind l'hl!le,l door!!. All you!" .... II'!' I lOll rr .. m !.Ilk•• ""' 11<'1 011111 c t r And rd •• , ,,., and lht'y"d lhW ronllnll... \<1•1 h•• :tr•···· :11\11 •t•>n<t I Mhf' ··ml'rgt«l. II W;lll •·vldPil rnm banda end ,11,-. "Wf'll. I'll be fnrlh T h•·ll • tl•l .l•••u· 11n1n thPnr, lht' btollm fill brr f111 I' I hilt I hi' rlf'!l~ damnrd, I Oe\'er rll~Cll"d to IU aa I .. Ill a•l. ''~I n fl•' lhlfll: I-II l;o >o hA<I ~tnt' In ho•r lrktn_~: F"a .. rl~ American o•·~r hf'rt." or "lloy Ira 1111 fill lllo· • ,.,~ llt ''"'' '" •In o:••"'· :omR<'klng hl'r hp10 '\\llh "·'',. n• · A ' nr Ill <In • ••1 In '"''' Ill• "r In ttnn /lhl' ..nld tn lh•• \\l•h'·t·VI'ol lUte rood to l i'f I n mc.orlr;~n " tl•••tt<ll II • \llol . 1'1<' •o•f•l IIIli<> ~orl . "Ho• 8 .llw•mo•AA \\'Pn111n A<l~lll '1111al11 a faNtJ' ptaJrhai•~Y the 1lu• ""'" ~· •• •• h 1<>1111 l h~ ll,<n•l 1,,. 1\ hu!!lrW!<II wnmfln .. ..wWn IIIIa••• ThrJ're aur• 1\n•l 1 ... dril ''' 1111•l 1•1• h.ttlll ""• r...... ltJ A mtrl<' aae. af n ·•lttf"<l """"'•· '" II••• nll••·r .. . ..--.... llw)'"rr all Ia ""'· !\In!) u •• ~ .• l:•l·h '"11:. 111 .. ~., !Telephone Co. Pays '•""., .., ....,.,. c-raw t• 1M PfiC'•' 111111 It• til l• """ 1-\• ,. '" ""' • 'd d A.-..w· .... f'l('-atilt'r and be-~1111•1111 •.. "l"hn•ll.tll :-;, 1•'111'<' I~ Shares DIVI en s .._t ldlt' Wit h cln" n•nc "''"" "' runlt•lt.ol ac•· rewoe ,_.. M n . ra I "7 ";\I IIII ,, ·" .. ,~,, Ill" .111thor no:.,le -aa Amt-rlt"aa Ia c-h•lll:a• a ~p11 11 i1.d •ll•o 11\Pr). 1l11• Flf'l<llfir C:let ..... , .... , .... U .. B him al f'\ltlf'll<'t• to( "lllrtl ltliJOIII'I'IIIHIII!I'''d Uw ...._. "'•' Amf'rlc-all lhf'y''• to l•ftt\t• r•t 1 Ill" <ll\111•' \111111 I''" -,...,. r emln1 ot'rr ..,.r,., due-•·• 111 "' ,., h••.tllh. hllrtllllll)'. •nd 1!'1 a kmd of fla•h·l .,ck to h nne imnu<l lnllt)" an4 nonnal hfr bt'!.<rt' e\'Pr)lh•DI ------.-c olh·e-drab. CoeTA MaA COIIIIICl'IIITY • • • CIIU1ICB 1-'<~ll<>win~ a m,..·tln~ of thl' h tll rtl ••( cllrt'<'l••T.!I nf lh1• T'B<11fl<' T••h•flh!lnl' 1\Jlol T l'll'gTIIph rftmpi\Jly. :-; H p,.wlt•y pr,.,,.,l.,nt. lll;u.l: "l'hl' •l"'!'r l""' ton £¥r 1. 1P44 a lhade ahrad nf au,l'f'ndf'd m~ to return the Japan('S(' to their pt'l'-Wttr homes in the \\'~t . tlon Ill• tue ..... leath .. ry and h11 O..p d;Hknru rAmf' and wr •·ere doesn't pleeJe many Californians. e"Vet'\ th~h th(> f't'tUM\('('S NIH •u lharp and blue H11 Ul\1· only forme In I clrrlf' Wf' ~lt·od are cJoRlv checked ror Jovaltv, MtOoy's I'V'IO:jfion. it is felt. L" form Ill hh a Jc*• He l<:>nk~ " ..,.,. In the nllf hl and talk I'd for ~ J J •~· thoueh he didn't kno• •h•r• ~ -r11 thrH hoore We alnod be- Vert II, ~ • ...._ ~­lM&.. .... Ikft.tnl·& Qurdl Sc-hool. 9 :45 L m. IICJI'I\8ftc Wonbtp. 11 o"cklclt. Y outb IJ"'''pe. HIP School, In· ~w. Adult. 1:30 p. m. ~...-vice. 7:30 o•c)ock. ltlldw'ftkllll-lldt-rMil fftJowlhlp and ~r. o.l••• li\rf'•l a ·,h vh\1'1111 ••f S I ~ twr :<~hn rt' "n tltt-pr1•f•'rrt·<l ,.., .... k pay- Bill,. Jnn tr, In llhllr<'hl•ldPrw nf rec· nrol t~r 30 an•l a lllvldt'noi of St.i5 J"'r ehllre on the t"nmmon stock pnyllbk OK 30 tn toharrhcllder! nf r•~·nrd ~ IS Th~ o.lh·tden•1 th.~ d~J on cununon atock for thr yPar anwunts 111 16 2~ per 11hara. that of an Eastern man living clOI.'Ie'l' to Bt'rlin than Tokyo. waa u-tlwf• waan"t an, pla ce to 1ft But tM ~ ls one to be faced reaJistically. J( and "'Lex* tt that r.q," ••fd Uw colo-clcnrD. lnalcl• th• crowded ter.ta •·!.her M l "H• iolllt• a• II a famll7 at boya bad rona to be-d. ~''"' end th• when. the Japaneae ln numbers are distributed among lJ." once abancrowerw had Juat moved out -·• ltick our bud• In• Ide a ttM Wedllrz'4ar. 7:30 p. m. aca1n. It will be weD to mnt>mbE-r two things at least f1rst. ol the w1t of 1\u pent• H• •-ouldn't Sap w upe a elearet and then 11,.. fbtt ot the scores of thousands evacuated from Westem ,_.a bit dJft~l"ftlt W JOU rot a Bond -b'OID aD01bfl' aU the •II ,.,..,-CHU"CH OF CH"IaT, 1St ..... \aU« out IMh to wed! oa around. aCIENTIIT States. many wt1l have sons and b~rs fighting in Ameri· 111m. Re un"t ...-.a aJCft hll aame. Ia au ramp there are both Ntlft LW. Theetw, eentref AYIIIua can unlfonna. and will have eanM!d the same measure of But lle'a a ctama rood aold~er." and -"''-troope. n .. , ara •••• 11M VIaL .. • • • Uber1J • aJtemate nl1hll OnlJ a A w.acb of 1'be Motber C!burdl. OPftl dally trom 1 p. 111. •o r. p. m. n cept 8undaye and bolt~ye II&· Uooally o'-tned. · The publk la cordl&lly IDrited to attend tbe cburdl HrYkM aDcl UM Wit Rea41q R-. l'elpK't ~other citizens under tht" same ciJ"t."UJ1\Stanct"S. Se--1 -· ............... ~ ·-Pf•. o •...._ ____ .... -·-t•,. or a. --.... _ ... • .. _.. ,..._ ........... -• I I\)' Clmp ~ nrwt CIIUreh-of Ou1A. Bd· t"''1LL oo.nL ~ cond, ~ muat remembe-r o.at any serious clasht-5 ";th tht> 0 . Stepbenaoa ollrnlthftelcl. If. c. ........ anow.d out II an, on• lim& lUlU.. Ill Boaton ~~~ 1:11111 ... a... o.ea ... Japu~ae here wtlJ ~ l'e8SOI" enoUgh for rt>pri.sa}s against our a \Obefto a~ by~ 'niUI It woBa out that n ell m• lluDday lk:h~ at t :30 L a . Sunlky tchool. i :.S; rnomiac own men held In Jap prison camps. !: ::::W:.~= ~.~ pta only oae •'·m tnt 1 •Hit Ia SWtclaJ Se"lee at 11 a m . Wed· wontUp. 11: ~IJitic wrvict>. -towa. .---r.t.tmoalal M..un& at 12 7:30 p. m.; MIG-wMlt ~r rnMt· HCJWe'Yft' ..Pdous ~may reel ~"tlrd those who rerum. ,..---------------------J ln& or~ w~. ,:65 p. m.: I I e'elodl DOOIL )'OUR( pttaple'• ~tk llnk'e boweww we may declJM to a<n'pt thml in frit"nd$hlp as bt--l r_ wr· b Mod Co . I fteediDc Roam klcat.ed at 711 on F'l14ay, 7:45p.m. toft,~ conskletation of our own sons' safety shouJd stay the _ '-Amp w 11 out nn nvrnJrnrtos _ J:ut Olatral A"nue. B&Jbaa. &a banda of any whoae miiKUided pRtrioti.cm prompts phy~ical I L---------_-..... ---------.....J •--------------------: _ _.,_ Tbe Munt towft II '-....-. cme-tloored berracke butl for lh~lll. ~,... ap.inlt returned Japaneee dtiu>ns. !._,, .... a-' ., ttwm ....... CIIUl ere eempoattJon material. •• fait VETERANS' ASSISTANCE .,_ .. W ... War V...,_ ... tllelr Dtt 1 r ta omct Optn Wft'kdaya 9 t.o 4 lor OUa ArM-Room 235 NI:'WJIOaT BABBOR UNION BlOB SCHOOL M..,.n ...... Int. Anne ud latla Stnet • waUl a, the time \he7 s~ au~ u It cu But labclr It Sf atcf. •Ill and are "'ad, to etart 11 It I o"dodL ~ aora alowty Thl'rt-lr< t• 1be7 ba,_ .. be bacll by 11. mii'J otht'r lmpoManl mAilers -I TbeJ ba\-. onlJ ch:IIJ watn to band to bother mu.-h at>nut <'<'n tr111 I w•eb and lhu·e ln. ttaodine at an ol home .utdoor tr()Ufh nw, In~ an outdoor "U Ulry"d h kr I fe• "' m ' n ~ latrine. 'Jlwre u DO J'(!Uibte wa7 loadlnr. •,. c<>uld lhro .. · •.r lh~>• f« diem to take a belb barr1d11 o>~rMl' ••· .. ont' , f llJC' bo,. True. tbe armJ l• bWkltoc con· 1 Hid. Classified Ads bring reults MODER MilliE SEniCE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Notke! In view of the time clement and that cer- tain tax procedurt' will be chanCed a\· thr eDd ot the yt>ar our drt'nls are Uf'lt'd to ~ their forms and material romplel.ed u soon as pae- sible and forvo•ard samt> to u.<;. A. C. HOFFMAN TAXKEEPING SYSTEMS U you have taxkeo.<pmg or payrull problems consult A. C. Hortman. Nl'WJ)Ort Bfoa<'h 1216-W lillf, IIIII's II WIJ t1 11 1s! • .. send a TEN PLAN check ·Instead e Lady, bnen't you bald abouc Tenplaa cbcds? They'• Bank of Amcri~·s l.nJWer to,., ptob1aD ol payias .... Wbea you have a Tcnplaa c:beckiog aaxJUO( cbcft il ao ... to ICftd cub by mail Of to ariJ a lot of ash ia JOIX .... You sunply purdluc 10 Tmplaa dlecb b fl. dcpalk enough money ill ~ bank to C09U cbt chec:b yce Wlilrl. With a Tmplan ch«hng accowu «heft ue DO mi.oianaat or ••CDBC balance rcquirancqcs. Scan your aa:ouac.raara...ta. IHVfSf IM WAI ION OS AND HOlD THIM UNTil MAT.IIfY J A Travel Opportaaity GONE FOREVER! .. Jo.ICIITI _.._ ... ,.. .... ...... _ .... ..., .... _... Vrrr oftrn. busrs lean thrir drpots with vacant seats -wuting vial transportation thncould br u5N fotwa.rwork- HS, ~icc men and women. If you arc pbnn.in g an essential rrip -phone or visit your Sanra ~ Trail•·ap bus depot in advance for up-to-the-minute infomli- tioa oa but service anywhere. TRAILWAYS BUS DEPOT Coast Highway and Newport Blvd. ~"1:\\"POilT llt:Ar11 I ' t BilBY PORTRAITS BY AUSTIN, · A Specialty 8x8 RlrH BRONZE POBJRAIJ,S -... - ' ·'il ~\ I i I CHOta Of PIOOfS Austin Studios for 20 years the largest and best known Studios on tbc Coast will use the latest equip- ment to photograph your baby or any member of your family to best advantage. Highest quality at low· est rates. AIL friORI: GL'.AR • .fSTF.ED • ."\0 .~tPPOII''1'ME.'\T NECESSA RY AUSTIN STUDIOS-..- BRI~G THIS AU. ;,..x •:! ~-)lain Sl. Santa .\ua J•h•m•• 1 Hi3 U.\IL\ HUI IC!Oo: !I a. Ill. I•• li I'· uo. Sal. IH 1&. 111. l u li I'· rn. :oiundft~'" hy .\pl!'•l~-~nu•nt 19 Piar Anaaw l ... nng 84>uh Phone 668-252 DAIL\' HOI"IIH: • a. m. to • p. m. t"rl. &: Sat. 'til 8 I•· m. ~unda;\'!1 by .\pJJOinlnH'nt -TAKE HER TO II!! . • 'k/luteJ. • ONCE A WEEK GO TO WORK N 0 W! EVERY DAY YOU WAIT PROLONGS THE WAR No Ex~rience Seccssary \\" e Pay "''hile You Learn Interesting \\'ork Building \'itally Needed Aircraft Parts APPLY 'NO\\,! New Shift, 4:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Apply Daily, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. COISOLIIATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT COIPORATIOI CORONA UEL ~IAR FEEDER PL.-\NT ·Corona del Mar, Calif. :· .:.:$• 'What Is H1ppenin1 to Our f Buches and Wh1t of Their Future? A n 111ll'l't'NIIIl).: nrt l\ It• h~· J C l l...c>> 1 :-;:,,,, .• ; 'ht ·' ll l-'"unta111 111 tl"· "''" Anj[o'll'8 ri\'o '" Ttu t·~ ~~ "' •':oiJW~'tJ'I vuhu-tu toc.·al •rt · ,. , ~1 ' 1 1 , . "" u1, t • 'at 1Zt1M~ t.ht• ~uu. •, '• \' ,q\ •' 1.-•fl•• It,•:,, •1 I \ 'nn '' l"'r"''" "tuntl ''" llw hluff but II I • ' '''II I. ' I • I' ' " It .r• t>\'t•ril•ookttl).: tho• 144'1t ttlld. ~n·ll'JtiRjt milo \I lo h I I t • I "' II t ''" f••rlh hur IH'm In " •·••mm!Uldlng ]J""' '""I· •r 11 1••1 I•'\\ ,,.,~ *'''~lur·e•. nr,ft•r th•• ~t·e•tl.t , ma,.rnltl· du• ultt t lilt"' ' ,,, q,, ',,tl \ l'U( but lt•tTthlt" Ut't'l•n tn du hia etJ 1" I t t 111 I ' t' I,,, k ,, t I \t , htoldlltj.!" .. :\'I'll Ill 8 rHIIIlll dt'gn'C'? Of fh, It I· IJ d II I on 1 it 1\, •f ,.1 c J( t'tt\lrt' nttt tbC" lt1·•1. ..~ f1 ' l,ol\1 ,\u··· ,, "' Yt>t thut '" JU~I. w tmt puny man Rl\ • " 1." "'' 1r .. ,, . , ''' ha ... ltlt'tl iu <lu IJy <'hrtn~lnlf the OC4'a ll • • • 1,'\ uh.l "' , '""" ,,, Hl\llro• ImP, tu hi-p<'rilamd h»>tt. thr ., . I• ''" '··.11 11 o.l-to r l\ 'J.,I, I 1 11t,. , ' p,,. futn"ll!4 f f Tl... l'Kil•llf wh1r h f" r m our lk'JOI'ho·~ nr<' tho· ro•Jurlt o( tho• t'llrih '' n~ho-.1 .town fr1101 lht land by tho•" w lnlo•t· "'"rm" 'nlt>IIC' aandlt ()O(l +~f\1 11 I • ·I " \\h.tl l \\H:-o 'h11 flft-' 111" , l••ltllol lho• flo>\\ "I th.-I .• , ••••• 111 I I I\ 'lf j It• fttl ' ,,,, .... bet o 1.1 H\ t 11h •·1 t., ,1 , •t In ... nod ur.• nnt ~l :tlwn:try Tlwy art• ron- "tunllv "'"'''"ll tn•m northw<.'ll lo t'Vt•r ·''' '• I "' t •• 1. 11 o•.IH .. ( lhr~ ,.,ulheallt h~· th•' ~ ... ·,·Rn ,·utTf'nta u .trlu '"' 'I'' nu t H•\\ ~; •. , "'•""•' wl'll All l.ll'lr;g ro·ph•!l)l<ht>•l from lht' no '' '11 • .. 1111' •···Jl1• 1111'111••1 lunot T l · ' 1 I ' ,.: "" • 11.,, I"' ,1 ltu rll PrP4'f uf thtJot '"' f'Vhh'nt. u tol· • r•1''' ''' '~'".~1 ,, .,t.•t•llll.,; "'"'1 I0\\'!1 IUltl .,,, ta 'lo I .... 1 "' II \'II• !tl 1 n 1 "!':! n wk J:rnlns wPrf' built t o haTh II • .. , 11' l• •I ", 11 '~"''' llri,ih'<'t H harhor t•ntrunt•t• ftt ))to] And 1ht l f, 'tt\1 ~ ~~~~ :h h Jll,t1l1• ,JI Ho•\' built hv tlll' ~unla f'e Hall-It 1 • " •' • I·• l· 1 tl . , "' 1 pt ~ 1.,.;,, Ruw,: lho·11 tlw tx•a•·h ha-pAI'o.• II t • ~~~ h ltt1l 11, I o <~II t, 1o,. I ftll•'d ln . Wldo•ntn~ II rotUiillerably not )1, • ' •l••:·1•• .t all th.~ \\U\' to ,.,•rth .~. """ at UH• Tilt· I ,, . I !"-,,,, • ~1.Hu• II ' .. II• I ~anw t rnw'n,hhln~ lht• b<•ru·h flfltn lOI>t•t• •I 1 11 1\.111 ,,,,1 n 'I•• I 1••·1 "'''' ""lilht•n~t nlmulft to H••· l)('t''" I'·•' ·•I 1 . 111, ,1, .. ,, t .. 1 .t~-n~tn i)l•t""RU!'If' (t( no rt-rlnr•t'm~nt forn 1 ,. ~ , I ' ' d lu•t '1'1 I If, 1 ,.r ,.,uHI wn:ohc•,l """ n' fnlrn thr r1U1• 1 ,. 1 'I• 1 1 •. h· 1, 1 11 nt•rtlt\\'t'J~~t I C"'otl~ '1•11 1 • ,t ,,,,\ •' 1 r•. T••n ~··:a r~ lat••r tho• Altllttl Kln -l wall ·"' 111 , I· 11, )" 1• . .J 1 , 111 no•y ('., l11111t a ro••'k fill 411(1 (('•·~ I h!lrl 1 • 1 111 1 ,, 1, til\ to • f t •'f11 ~h···,·l '" :.'(\ r, •. , t\f \\':tlt•r A!lt h •fU· T' I , .. I I ' I I ·~ I" II lilt' , •.• 111 "" ''""" (11lt•d 111 lwhlnd I 11111~ q,, I•• II•· 1 to 1 ... ,, ''' 11 lhl:< r••t k fill 1\rl h lh•• '"11111' l't'l'llll:<l tlll'll ~~"II"! 'It t .· I l' •• •' ti~ tlh.+\'t• d ll'lt ••• , • 'It ..• t \ J '• J \1 T h•· r .. , k gr<1111~ l11rlll In prf•l•.,·l rlt·tl II. 1 •I , ''• t ho· httd "•r '"""l h :ol :-.lo·wa~·" I ,.,,, ',. I. ' I. t Itt 'tt !• h:,Vt• t':lU~'~~ tfl•• h t'tu•h lt~ ,IHlll 1 1 • ,, I lolttl.t I • I y "t.!o• :Ill.! lalj.:llt-t t hunl Bar lo" 'J llh· 1 •1\ll 1l!"ol: and I• r ll\o' !<lllll•' lftlll . 1 .. 1 . 1 It :H .. nt !I :t.s ~l:ah·d h••tr.,,. han· 1'h• 1, ,,,1 1, '"u~.t a v•ry nnn••\\ h•:u ·h front th•• n, 1 1 J , 1 1t11•r•· • •ul hn•~l II• 1111\ loo l ~•l·!llllR l l..an·l '·· : , 1 ,. , llo':lt ll l :, t :. ! ' I',,,,· .I \' II+ I •• ,, •• , •••• 1 ,,, ... l ~L il t· I :.t ... tlt 1!•1:.' lth \\"ur .,, ... na L•· .•. tl .ttl, ,,,.1 J ~ , 11 1. 1.utn•nt hltt:l th•· l \\d rnil•··1unr. Ct\ll~· p ... ~, '·''~" ·Ill .1 •• ,. t•· 11Ut• r h tu1 ,,. I•H•u k \\itl•T ltul th•· <uat lt·' '" 1,, 11 '', 11 .,,,p, 1n11,.,..-.tlt•f••tt n·x~ '''''"":dl•tt•· ~ttn •:t htl•l , ,111 J'~• ••~~ \\.t~ I "t (•Jt••t l Ill "'l'h ltc \\'M.M In t\("C'lU! \\ h· I' • I., . ,.,,' I ln.d<•' a Mtu~'\ t~( th•· •·f· tlrPp 'II IPI''' ' ·- f•·d ' ul tlu• hp·a kw"1' r '"1 Ill(' from ,\uoli· I· I 1' II' '""'' h:u h~~r ~lu wt' Aftt·r ttH• F J·•nJ;• •·1 ,., lh•;'' 1tt• ''tl"'f' h:t1hn,.\,\I:C dn •h:•·•t nnd tht• fi~Htallt ln:• t• I,,,., 1''1 '' ~1 HlPr fdl tiUidt In 'tit· qllft'r har· ally ohs··· 1 1 " •11' fl'll. I". I •••• ,,.,,111,) .. to •I Tlw l 'l<ilnlt" Ht.ourh l man\• , ..... ,,.~ 1 1 1 I , -l•"t 1 II•' I" r·t· t • ,.1, 1 1• .~ raiJ,tl 111 btl• r Ill' plplnjl l•vlcl;·ni lh ,1 111 • , •1,.11,,1 1111 ,. , • I""' ·lt•·dl-'ll•~.; 11• m l h•· "''''l"'nlnl( with llld .\1 • I'•• Ill· ,. 'I•· .· I''' ••· ,,,,. 1t1rt~·r ))ltrl••,r ing thl' t>r 111 1 \\ 11111111·~1"" """ T o·rnllrtlll lslnnJ • """ \\ •'l't llll•·ol froom •lr•·•lgang the> 1 1'111•'1' ll:ut·•·r Height" C1rch: ' '. 1 ' loll 11 S tlwport Bearh \\'iII fonnert Tu ( )ut fall N'Wt•r ..: \ '\'T 4 A~ A l'uhmllll',l hy I Ito I 'tl \ ••f N"""l"'rl ........ h "" ilrth'l1dt111 nt (t• lth· 1''' 1M't1t ,,,,Ht · \ 1 1l l "'''", r "'""'' ,,.:,r~~. 11\t't't t:t\ "'" tlutl ··lly " l"'l"llllll!t'lll , .. 11111'1 t l>~tl uf 11flt•fht•r 1•uut Htt the• lirtt• ", ... ''I pt•l\•·,1 t•\ ttu• NH.ul " Ah.l 'It\ '"'"" t1 ~I'll·· "tllt'n<htlo·ut .~ 111 l"•ruul "''"I"''' lt•·thh t ,• ,·,~tuh-.11 "' .._. J'-111\( I!WlU ft"t•t ••--\tt• th•' rn ·e•f ••IIIIo·! ,.In, h Ill lhf" J'l'lll IUUI I''''' ,. ! n11 • "lt-t'tHt\\f'" ,·unnf"C.•th•n tlue• t ~.t I, ..... '''" '"""" AI l'n'"''"' lh·· I l.,.a,lt "''"'" •>~rly " h•ml"'""' ,,._,, •• rn,.,tl w<lh tht-J,.mt tlutl.•lt \\ II l o I ,f ... t II <I I'"'MIIII\111.: I lao• o •It II• '''''" 1<l lho• lnlftnol l>t•rnl l'r"''"'"l~ ... ullrrt .. n, Prton.:o· n11.1 ' -\u~lt•lllt 11lhrr mrrnhrr •'lilt·• 111 th•· ~· "··• .umnl'l. •1'1''""'' th•·' ;"o; ""'I" •rl Uo•A.-11 &lllillhllllf'llt ,. ho'll 1t' '''""''" ·,,..,.,"" ""'"' ,..1tl I'"'} f•;"o J IIIIIIUUlJy fur .. tttt• 1111\'tl .. f'l' A" n 1,.,..;..,. """'. Nn •t"''1 l ine• I• 1 1 ... ,~ $t"lljl )'''"rty 1 All,..rl I' MAit'••lm . :till N••llh llnuUo~ro l AYt'IIUI', 1'11\A'f"RI ... l•h ""'' th,• \\r .. n~ •~ttr •·h•·u tw r-nn 1nt1• • lit 'I " .. r • '4\1' autrll•"' "' Park ""I' c 'I··" ,, , .......... lis• II""' lal"n.t \\ •· 1 """''"' "' z •o p.m 11 tu&J'I"''"''' I•• It, !I t•w al f't•h•'•• i h f "'"'' fh•" ,,., ••• , ... I U(llUt ....... , .. , •• ,., ,.,,,,,,, J uti,;•· 4' A J~", •. ,. \\.,•,hu· ... l .• ' I ,,, :.•t... ''" •:hMrt.:•'" •tf t .... kl•·.._,. '""'"~· ...... _~""'· MtHI , •••• , .. ,,, d:un.•J.:fll l1~•r \lu ~'''''MHU••ttt h.t\ ,. !111 lo•lft ,,( I II• •• It M,,... I l••••~tk\' at.' .Janws KinK (;tk'M Tn l.ong l~at·h I '" 1'"'1'""''"""' tt•r-tlw•t 1111t'''ll h 11..: IIIU'\'t' (u lo~~•h.,; ft..,,, t1 J ~~, ...... "'"t!. Mtut.-~4't uf ~~ .. .:,. 11 , , " ~""" ut • """'" !'t• ,.,. 11 1 I ,,, ~ httt,: wttl •• ~:t\·r "fl Jl'lfH I I I : 1\11 Klllj: ··Ill '" ""''"' :Ill• .t ' tit \ trt 1•··11,. lt••ut..: .. "' '""'' t'q l•fl t Tth t 1"~1J& •••• ,., ........ , \\Ill t .. _., .. t tt1 t1 ,,, Mt I Jt ~'llll•l 1\•·11• h .,IIIJ:,.. Ill• t it~ I t•l !'.1\o· Tun••• ·nw ad Ia probabl> 111 IIH' Nf,.'l<·Tinwa! Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! l 't,llt T•illlr tl 1 •1illlol t !U<I '" M 'I I J tlld Ill I I""" 1 ;·11~ llo·:<th 1;1 n' ccts lUI'S ay IMoore'aConfectionHy ,1 "'"1.al t••ph•nn•h••ol utt'IL from III<'J __ ----r _ ___ ___ Tho':--;,''' r• llo·tJ l•'" ,.,,. l• "'11 • ~,100 O<e•n """'' I 0 1 qeel Th111~•lay Ill•• :.:'-a t lh•· I I CommunJty Tree atlttnw .. r Mn• ll•·tlr" """ lk w •. .-~ • Pt,Ofte 73 -....,.,on .. ~~<._ u·lnlltl'r· ""\""' ·ol :! l' 111 Attrarts 400 --- 1 At Costa Mesa f1 \1 ,1,: :1 l' d '\'l'''•tl" fn r t~vrr tO•• • ruq ~ .. ; t •I t h1• C • .. ~t:'l Afr •·") I+, ... , ·I \l ·~~ ... ,,, I l'f'1.!HUt7.1tl•. ~ ) I 'lit I' It ,, lffH1 ',' I ,,,,,. •• , tC.I!•,.t '" 1•11 •' 1 1 !ttl• I•· 11 • 1··•rlv In I · 1.• L:'"ll tl:dl "" l 't'ld:t \' · '""'I'll lhrnl l·ll "'''" Jlfi!H if·rl n l :--;,."I'"' I ll:ar·l.,,r H 1gh ,., ""''1 plll\·11 ""'I'·"' .. ( !':enla und 11 11+11' •·d f' •J''' 1 n __llalltt ltrttl 1 ••d apfdl...: '" t ~~~ h lttilt' J!llft!"'f TIH~ r•·rnn ln1l•·r rtf 1 h•· •. ,.,.n tn)t "a,. 11r ••nt in •l1111rlng '" 1111• m111t1• n l n•4onttnJ,::-t ~ ...... '" -- r. -==== ~lidW8\' . II• .. ,.,.•hulol i\Jipli:lll•"'s .,r ull 1\hul.; • \\'a~hm~ M:whitu-.. • 1-l•···trk Hatnt" • \"annm1 f. 'lt>nnt•r-,; ,._... .. Radio St-rvit"t' ·~\ ,._,,.. -s ....... ,.. ...... ....._ ~·~;\ r .,., ~ },.,.,_,. 11 s-..., s.w r. M. W. (lr. 4 .. & $ya1 ... IANYA ANA l __ _ . VISIOIIS ~~~~ ON CII.IYI 6 MONTHI TO. PAY "e I" fl I lit "e I I. I A I ••n '" ••• •••I •••• IYII IIAMINIDI fiYowlnLassl.eM DUPUCATIDI Pr-.t a. riael <muy -IXTIA PAll el OWl. Willa Y ... .0 ..... M•tl• te Y .. OWN Pr...tp.._, eY_. 6e41t II OOODI Ope. • Alllll ... .__.. .. .._ ... ._....: a • ...... .,....... j _...,_, .......... ~ .. DB. HORACE CADEB OPTOMETRIST •• C.. 46& ,•••••rree •• .. ..._II o au•t•--- H wlt1f!.:~··f "•·· I'"' I~· "'"" '", tt•rdli•rl ~"'''" l•\1 htt I•• \'uu;~ ~1.~t· ll:arm•l t.ll••nl•ol !"anla Ana"""" o·tnn. w h•• do ltcltl•·ol tiH· o·ruwd v.ll h " J.:''""l' .. r l:alltiiH<~ ("hn~l ma' CArt tiS. lnNrun·•l h1· 1111· 1 ;ran~:•· with llrKtllo•y 1111): h••• at I h•· IH•IIol .. r J,::tntz.d tttH!'I' Jf rUUfiJ.: lrl "" th~· p itt '\ \\'1 rt· ( .. h,tr'h' r , .. C'flfllftl•'f' ••. F r' d:1\' A(f•·r !u·•~n t lt1lt, Lu~nt-~ t I I Atnt·n~ ·,n l.r~ }.:11,11 1 ·r,a•"lllof• I'" l tl! \"f·t •'lfl l\, q( 1··,.,. ... ., \\·up. :t:.' 1tu H~~~· hlld l:ul . 1 , .,,,. To. Help Build Douglas A-26 3 SIMPLE STEPS To NELIEYE That Dull. Ache ·AII Over Feelinq of a COLD Alka-Seltzer A I C IETHOD A -Alh-SeiLur, at&rt Laldnll' It -at once to ft'lieve the IIUII, Achinrr Read, u d the Stilr, Sere Muacle.. I -De rareful, avoid dnaft.l and 1udllen ehan«eA In tempt'r&- ture. RHt -p~ft>nabl7 In 1 !Hod. K•ep w.rm, "' aenai- bly, drink plantJ of water 01 f ru1t juir"l . ~ IUT4 to Clll en!IUil'h V1tamina. C -r •mfllrt yi)Qr Sore, R.upJ T hroet, if t'Au-..1 by the cold. b7 prrrllnr with Alb-SeJt.- lf·r. If fever ttenlop11, 01' aympl••m~ b e,.ome mo,. ar•1'" <'All yt~ur tlnct.oT. A I 1\ \ •· r'l Ti'.ER i" a pain ,.._ Jl,·. · ,. : ' • . 'I( t:ol,l•·t . plra~•nt t,., • •l " torl'l "'·''• uully ctf~ct1ve in fll •• •ln. T ·'' i• r •.• Jfr••hrhP. \fu•ot·alar l':a 1n' ,.nfi f1•r l nll1 •• ,1 1 ' t,a" oa ~'""':.'h. "'· 1 r. '-"w.M .. u Ly • .c:ceaa , • . ... ), ~-.• J. .~· :.· .r dM'II' ~,.,r,.-l.af'lfe r·:o l!• '•"'· o'l t ····l.<~~:•· 3.,.. },, .· 'n.1 n•. T FIVE MORE YEARS OF WAR AGAINST JAPAN FORECAST ATTACK-BOMBERS llrrSTfJ:-:-W :" """' that thf' natJ••P (:.r r• ",,,,,,al "'lt.a•t10n 1ft ''"' \\'ttt J'r ... lttcl.,ln l,,,.:,uar o f ·I ,, l •' J li,O' tnnn '"''""• r. Walkf"r .\l:r"·• 1(. v ... ,.,J \\'I'll l•1r....-t<.tr, Y''"t· t ~l,,,. r~ ... , ;.J, .• J \J ,;.t thf' Na•7 •·~~~·th th,. war "t"'llln._t Ja1'•" &D 1 h·· 1'1" ,,,,. '" nmt I•U•· hv.-nwre ) ' .. , "I ).,.~"·'11''''· 1n Fu''•Jlle ap~ I•"RrA in r~t1 "a y """'•n•nt, ~l n •••n. J U•l r~l u r '"''I f rom a Wu-r)tul~rt·,n (''''"' ,, r ,.,. ••lh tl•p .. l'l<h konj( .ll rn1y nr•ol : . .,\ry offlrer• 111 ~'I A to hall arwt Un<'l<' Sam urgf'ntly llf'('fls Jtlanee and w~ need onr 1,000 m('D and women lo b~Jp builclllu·m. We· train unMkilledw.onenwith good pay (rom the fal"8t day 10 doa'tld lack o( f'X pf'rif'nr•· Ia oid ~·•m bac:k.,; Jfte Douglos '•"•' Shops'" S..,.• AM., A~toheim o1td ,.,,,.,.o,. Need 4-Hew VlrfOf'y Shift Worhn HOWl • . •·~ , ...... "o ... ,te. •• · .. .... II. J. I. I . Of"CI-SOI 'W ~'" il . s.~•• a-...... -I"'- ..._ ... , , .... , '' C+P "••'••• te ,..,. ....._ J,OOO SKILLED AND UNSKILLED MEN AND WOMEN WANTED .' Tlwn·" lot!l of war loIN" Ionghi-pl•·nly of "·orl.. ah~ad on "ar conlra<'lft for many month" ~ and aflf'r that hi« .:ontraf'l• lor l)ougla" airlinf',.,. to fltlart on ••• •p .. Jiin-rt•al Oftportunily lor thmw "ho •tart now. •••c•a•Y, Lo•• •••c• APPlY NOW-a~ A.M. .. s• P.M. Allr Dor f•c•pf s-doy DMtles E..,le,_.. O.Ct-1212 A.wk• '"· ,. .......... <~w •• -~c-.-..u s r s . ..~ .. ,.,......, or l · .~.KS.. ~»fH \\'.5th SL, Santa Ana - , ~ • • ., .. 4 Itt • ttd • •• •• • .., tt J· ~ u Jl • ,. 4 al • 2 ,. If l .. • F .. .. h -" " 1-• r t• " • •. 0 ,. • .. d c I( 'l • BAL-ISL E NURSERY SCHOOL 121 Cry'Sta l. BnlllOit l!'land ::~~;~;~ IJ. Heifetz I ALL lOT QUIET 01 WEST~RI FROIJ' ~~~::q-. ;:·;;~ 't Elt• te & (' I . I L h ~··"" .,,. ~H .. nll nro• beln~ aMf•l '.· .,. \\Pro• !!hUt down, •tocu fOOd .tocke Ht a.Mc.Jc for mllttar v '} ,I. Servit•e n • IS . o., nc. t ·I''"'•' II ' "" Ho·u I lollflj(~a IG n -'. ''·''" ,,tJ .. qiiKII' to met'! all neeod.l. UJif' rntght IIOun be relt'IUI'd ,,;r ·, ~-Hounc · 9·1:.1. C'h ildrl•n 407 r.. 4U. I'lL UIIU, ~ .. Aaa, aug s a I .I t l liiiM W<'rl' rt'duced. Plan. civilian.. ~ Phone-62a Itt !II. LA. 8L J'll. !4:!1 A-Wm 1'''"'11"' Th" an""''r 18 clear "'' r•' lluJ lu C'tJDVt'rt 110me war Tc>G.y amrnuntt10n fJianLI ar··· --~':""""----::-------! , l'htll• I• 1 ;,, • arl\' •·n•l to the war n • , .. wt•r and machiiU'II tu peace· ruahlng to 11upply lnl'r.,IL!K't.l t.lc-' IIO~F .. Al'TO, M.UI"'t: V t S •o ~:,.,. 1•·· "'' rr nwr .. ly wtllaful · "•'' ~t••ulll T h" War FOOd Ad· mand rt'llultlnJ! f rom a lungr'f' and RADIOS llt:P . .\lRt:o as Um trunkoo ~· ''hanj:f'a an plan8 for '""··'ltlattom rt'IJ>OnMble for pn>-hardtr than eapet·!Pd war an ~artae £1et'tricla.D 1 ,.~ ""'' '''"'· ha\f• '"'en cancelled •.• taun IUld alloc:atlnn ef food aup-Europe 1U1t.l a tharply etepped-up BURT R. NORTOS \\ '" •I• • '"'I",., thr fa~ht1D1 front : ... , tutoJ fur dKidUllt what foodtr offenaive to th~ Paclfu• Dr&lt I Ill c-.t Hlwa.r Pllone 2U7 BALBOA TBE4TEa rtw.... t 114 F'rt!r Partd•c AU'J}'r~oTIVE S&ltVICE ars 'lirlp AU..1:H GLOVD New J.ocaUc. 1110 OOAST IIIOBWAY eor-a del ..... THEATER ~ .. 1:11 a t :ta lta.a-8& ...... 1 at I :U r;,·....aa.r-at 1:11 a t :J6 l.-& ~.,a.,.....,._. ture Precra1a 8tuta .. I :M , "II 1 ' ..... , •. .,f .. v .. r~'thln~-IDWI.I· .t.all IJf' rationed. ordered Ot'rla.ml cal .. have-bf'en increiUit'd. ~-a11l I J,.. ha tlrltet&. fam .. , .. '1•oltn t trmJ< ••··II• t1upplr"" of foo-J 1•••1 tl•·rua r·emoved from thcr ra-1 coDVI'rllon plan1 hav(' bf'f'n set :..,_ ___ !li._•_•..:po_rt_BNdl. ___ c_· __ ·_~ \ artuuau t .. ull Umr uut fl••m rr11t· :.l ui ·~ '" r 111 .. v .. ry rolan anct pr.~ · r. lt.•t Therr .,. ... optlmUim Ill uide. And It hU now bt>en nt'Crii·I ---..------------------------- '"K at hi• N .. wport tlarl••r h"llV' I.'Tllnt ""'"' ho· r•·vt't•l ••··<.:"' quarter•. At that lime It Bary t o tlghtPn f•K>oJ r!ltlnnong '" plar.nr thr NY.W!'4·TIMEJ'i '" A (, • ..,.. tr.•.trlth8 ~··· &IIUDWlJUvu .,., .. m .. d likely tbat part of the P~unt utlmatt'8 from thl' aup-1 1 OeiiU.-S. ... z fm~~~ ! :M nun.. Frt .• KaL Moat/ Woolley -lHc:k Harr- .lu"" Hawr ln 'Jai~H E\'t"~ ART. ... ~II.I!IIH" Clartaoft • MUTll oiTtme · N-• 8ua. ·'loa. ~ o...--Ueda DanNoll .. .. 8\\'&ET AXD W\\'DO\\'N" .... "'JCA-OF THE \\'HJMTt.r.&" wtCII IUdu.rd Dtx c.n-. N-. Twla. • \\'M. ,_ Davta • Bolt ( .,._., •• "'RANilAA CITY .. I'IT\"' al• "PP&T OF .. THIE\'"1.:!4" Carteoa • !pert Tla~tn. · t'rt. -MaL Doll AIIW'C'IMJ • D-AM..-. In "\\'ISO AND A PILU'E&" ('utl-· ~udl oiTtnwo · s-• 8-. • Moa. t•raak 8laatra • OM. •• ,.., Olorta de Hav• .. "f4Tr.P l.IVELl'" .a... "UI LPEIUU..EE\'"E'8 OHOHT can--,.,_.. Twla.-.... Pat O 'Bitell • {larel .......... "RU'IU':T ('OMMAND" aAao "I.I.AVZ IT TO THE DUHH" "'-('an-· Aport ~tay lhat he haa a mlllt•"' dr.llar ply ~enclee lndacatf that we wall ··••nlrad Wllh ON·•·" r,.. . .,,,,,. "'"" c d B bave lf'U meal, buller. augar and " loll lrw. f:Of'&I'OU• • • • procea.ec.J fooc.l11 for clv1ha.n con-~llhl Mr tf .. lfrtz "M y llllt'"''"" IVIC an USiness aump(lon In th~ flrat quarter of I "'" a ~<11•'•1 tu a •tury on Y"'" IM•I•· 1»4& than In any year or thp war nf p ,,. !'lth that I bavr ,.,~;nr•l " llll·)'f'ar 1'1>11lr1U.'I wltll" ,,,,,,roltMJ( Places Observe Xmas lere'slat.·on r .. mpuny ruuJ thfo C'unttlt• t t•alh• fur ,. moll un dollara nv••r I hr HI Y• Kr 1,..,., •I l'lurb L11 not lhr c•ruo;• IU\rl Sit t• ft• I WfHtltl a pprf'O latr yuu lnt .. nntn.: II •• ·••en y .. ur r.-aoll"rl ttw tnw flu t. "' tho· !':alurolay the-\'Ull'~lde 1ptrtt pr. · "''"8 Ray •If tht' Cout G uard lD· G,...tlng C.l'da and a Gr11t Variety of unuaual Glfta ''WI: INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS J£W£LAV ~rnd ITATION£AY Diamond• • Watchee • Fine Aep~rlrlng .. ....,_ N_,ert IU.& 1717-M N-pof't 8 1vd., Coda Meu, C.llf. , .. ntr&A t." 'V&Jit'<l In bu•tneu ht~ ol thf' I• lhl(t'nCe Mrvlce and Mra Ruby In SLorlleport Atrc'"Hnr; to Mr. Hl'lff'l z ,,. hu , 11 y anal 111 many nf them t.be waor k 1 : .... ·~n. oint' •Jf the flr1t clrrka oo ft Mll(!lf'\1 " r<tfllr .. ·t Wllh 11'"''" f•,r •,,t lht' "'.,.,.k WIU cllm&Jled wttb 1 t!J,· board J• • 2 yrara 1t 1e a non rJtdUMIV•· 1 on-1c'hrullmn. party AI the city llall At the South Cout cornpaay wASHINGTON A 1 lghter and! i- l l ra.c:t w1th no ~uaranr .. ,.,. IUl•l Ho-rv••n1· K~<lh~>rt•tl about a Cbnat· • '•·ryonr had a buffet turkey din-brn&dt>r food rationing-program I 1. '< ....,...,..,._, , __ 4 "'''Ba CANTEB\'U.LI: OHORT" '~trnr• a .uall &(jyant ~ ru\'lllly mtu tfl•o• llllll ••changed cttb no·r arul afterward what ..... left bf'caml' •·fffl'tlve todAy. I J, , lt<tuw Tblll m .. IUUf thai ht' may. w1111" 111 th .. r~tllnn buard otnc• • ·· T~ puunclll of turkey went to Cannt•c.l Yl'jtetablu retumpd 1., 1 ·~ 1 If ~~~ wulh•a, makr r ... · .. rlltllk• '"' th"'" v.·;,~ tUJoilht'r jtally Chr~ 11•·· Nt'wport USO whe-re Mrs. the ralt~>n lll'lt and both•r and l===,;,:=========~~~~~~~=====---..;.1 ~tn\ ••th ·r l'C'ITIJ.t'l 11 Y I""'" l'ak .. r and Mn Bert Hatcher aug11r camt' und•r nt'w restrictions • ----------------------------~~~ ll•·rfrlz mall••• hiJI hum•· ••n ~l•·mt ... ,,. ,. thl' bnftrtl prewr•t /l.;aot,. 110up f•Jr lht• boya, a11t.1 tht're Sah<-nt 8Jipt'('ts of lht' new pn,_ .. ---------------------------, ~: ....... 1\lt '"-": "Bar ~ o.aa O..t": ....... tic.-.. _ .. ; """'-'-t"; "M"-........,._ .. , aoy BOND8 C'omlac: "Drac-~": Ar ...... ., .. '-": .... ,.... of M.a Llltle .,.,. .. ;"It Hase •4 T~ • ----.I'\' "'A a ""'' ••I Lh,. l .. v .. ly IJJI&WIIO In =--•·\· • .,.,.,, .. II••V.Ii t•i \1\'•andr•m rta. RalJofl ""r" alttfl hnt roll•. mmcP pit> gram· I I'"' t b:lv IU\d Lll apt'ttt.Hn.: ttl .. h··h · Ma~krv ... .,,..111 B Owen, l:arl ,,·,.J r ho.·nlatt' t•ake, ant.l a divinity Buttl'r 1,_ rt\tlf'<l tnam :!0 1 ., 24 olit\11 at hae hcome hrr.-Mr,. M••rr""' l"harlr8 T,.\\'lnkle, Gean:r o.ttt•l)' rakt' that Mrw. Bake-r polnlll 0 JMillnol _ 1 lf•·llrtz. tall .. • an artlvl' rart an A \\'at• nruon J VIlli' Stefft>rl· '. I kt'ol unit I 3 a m to produce, All rt•IJ IUld hlul' l!tamps which B 0 !li D Ill .... ,, atdtvtttra (Jf N .. ...,...rt 111'111 h Mt•n l{ .. t..,rt 1-: Andt',....,n, Sui 1\t the-Stute Boat l'nmpany be<'amr K•>Od lwfor.. ~-1 arE' I /U\ol v.u rft'rnUy r•lmmrn,h•ol (<or 1" .. •rHI I• 1 t-: ,\ \\'nt~ht. w . 11, .\lr• Sanla rlaUIIf' came t .. Vl.!!lt rant ... lf!tJ ~~~~~~~~~!~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h•·• IIJ•Irndld y,•url& "" lho· ~th IIKiolv, ln\ln "'t•ll •·r. F.ug•nr Fen,.· "-" ~IUlta wu II" hadly OVI'rworkt>t.l. <.'annl'\1 P"llS, corn gr•·en an1tl \\'t<r l"''fUl dr1v.. 1 .. ,. anol t.• """ .. :vrrdlnJ. Mr ~ ·111d Ktfll! Wo•rp IJrt>so·ntl'd t c• t'\'t'f'Y· wa11 l)l>llnl!, KIIJIIli'KI:'II\_Ilnd ~J.IIfli\C'h r-' •• •••••·•• .. '•·-·--•·•-• • ,,., .......... -... -.. • • •-: '"''"'h" ~lllh••riiUlol, hratl ot the ••I"' at a Sntunlay afttmoon party, I rPqUirt• J••lntl!. • I -.1 ... Ia I "''"'" ·.m ol ~•Jt d••rk~t we~ rft'lp· 11 tlal'• a.nnlht'r mrr:y thrnng ~at.h· All IIIIJ:Ar etamp1~ and hnm•· BEST WISHES ; ·--· II r••n!~ .. , t'll l1<h', ""'" aml fruit, M ··••·>! at Wlo• Kay Jo lru·h Hludlott f•lr l cannlng "''1 1flt'llll'!O ext·t:'pt !!"l:'llf t • Wo·ll ~~~ mlttl\' ~:ifh And thl' bake-ry Klfl~ Bl\41 a party. On hla "''"Y Itt lltomp 34 rora· r~tnro•lctl, FOR THE NEW YEAR i w II I -L-.1 to ll''nl .. ,,.r II lr,ypfy l'llkr for thr ••'1 lhf' hllal'r partie• Rania et.nppe<J I About 8!'1 pfr l'l'fll or a.ll mo•ut~ PALM-PALM DRIVE .. IN CAFE lltlludNewportBhd. COSTA_ MESA • Spedalb:lnc In FRIED CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINNERS : 0. l.illa-p~~rty ~I"'''IR I ·~ut" were Lt ''' lh•· Newa-Timt'11 olflc .. Frttlay , wall rt•qulrP r11t1ton pornts ~gan-• lew f:ull•'n•• T••lfl ,,, thl' (~oaat Ouart.l ·"t•l hr••ught wttrbond~t. !'andy and lng Sunalay. -Piar at •rt "111' r l{tfiiO I ln announclnK thl' stnrtf'r ra- ftj P"' • d l;<ordon 8 Flnallt<)' wau hOAt ron tionlng ruiM OI"A UI!Urt't.l l Oll· : Clarence H. Un ~ llllrday In hill .... blnt't tohop nn 1Umer8 that amplt' ftotlol II' 8\':111· ,. AI 12 31'1 p m ~uoday an t>I•INiy C 1 bad !31lth .CrHt tv rmploy...,8 of Ulr I able for all Tht a rt 1 0 n wu -y,·, man. lain klt>ntiO.Ct all Mra I Sells the ar 8 I r nmpany and frll'nt.iA. Thl' open takt'n, the agenry Maid, bcocattllt' ! I "hArlN Watann !'101 R<~trth Van ~~:Aft I hnuse .. an a nnual affair. at c.lPCilnlng meat euppll"s and :I s...... av .. nu•. i.nta Ana. ..... Hotel for ~,ooo -----low atocks ()( butlt'r an.! CBMI't.l : r .. und lytn,t ,-rUall)' lllUhmt•f1(1'd . G t p h fruita and Vt'getahll'e. • In ttwo oc~an. bound by atranalll of C1arrnt'" tf Lind, who Jly .. at ues reac er The WHk·t•nd move echoetl In· ; I 111·1rto to a plllnc ot Chi' Nrwport r orona del Mar and pracUcq the I At I"'-. d I M dirft'lly on Capit ol Hill with an 1 • t ptrr In a .Cra.np •ttlc-tlk attl'mJIC l"t'al ••talt> bualne.. at Lacuna '-AJrona e ar annnuncrml.'nl bv ltt'p Jl'nklnM :I flhr had arrlnd ln town about Be,...h hu Ju•t IOid lb. famoua Ch h S d IR.·Ohlol that he wnulc.J recn1111lt· 1 ., t"'" hnura e&rl .. r . tallln~t a t&Jll 'l Cartabatl tfott'l for a half mlltlllfl l urc un ay tute lhf ltt'publtt'M ff)()(J atud)'l : fr.,m Santa Ana. aDd had nrarly •lflllarw. a•·ctardtnc to ~porta trw\ ---t'ommlttf'e namtd ltut year Jrn- •J•u• rH'ded lo b•r attempt whrn ahe tbf't'r today In thr al»conce nf the Re"'· PPrry klna at lht' same-ttmP tPrml'd thl' f l ••• tliJic<W1'"'d b)' ll!twnn.l llndl'r·l Th~ lOO..room hoat.elry wu Olin· IF' ~hrock. ne-Jtt Suntlay, tbt' put-pruent futld tuluatwn a rNJttlt a•f t ,..,n, 11111'5 Newport boulrvanl., 1'•1 bv () M M<trr1a aDd ~~-t rut of thr C'umna •lt'l M11r C'um-IU.ImtniiOirlltlon faalure In 1\Jli)Oifll • C"<•ta .,,_, lylnJ In ttwo "''"t"r anoJ 'tht> Mlr wu matt. to Rpentl' munlty C'tturrh. t'toDKJ'I'g"&tlClnal. a 11lnglt> !•,.~1 "t711r" wath authc>r· : ,..,, h • ltf•J.I ~h wt With rutlt"• Jt ... ,.,. uf Hrrm tnj.!hllm, Ala.. -' 1 v. 111 ~ tiiiPd hv a roalll'lljrttl' nn thP ; lty uvPr prot I'll llll•l tll~<l 1 •hull1111 • In h,.r hand Sbfo WIUI lak••n tn allll"«"illlfll. lnrludlnjt Al~rt • stalf Of th~ t'nnjtrt'KI\Itfoi'IAI f'nn-Ito• doll '1'1t rvfrr liiW<'~:II >til\' 111 :, Ill•· OranJt" County hoepltal where •trntll'll. R.aymuncJ B. WIIIUU.. '"re-nee nf Southern California and I the OJ' A nl'ltnn. but nora.lla·<J ,lll an WE WILL BE CLOS~D until FEB 1st In Order to Complete Necessary Alterations -~- May we take this opportunity to wish 04r many patrons and friends ·every good wish for the coming year. -~-· FLOREIICE BAIEIY Main Street Balboa 0,.. ,..._ 1 • a _..I • a •' J•hY•••·Ian. ca•• beT an nn~t both Olf Dallaa. TPa . and ,etcMr The Southwtat. The •JM'aker wUI lntervl~>w that hl11stU<Jy group 8t"V·1 ~ Wet 1 7 • chanct> few rft'CWU)', for twr lunp Blalock Of .AUanta Ca. The ""' be the Rev. f>der J. Janaen. Min-el'lll month11 a,to had recommt'nd·l ~----------------------~---~~~~yn~w~m~r~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~lh~~~r~t ~--------~------------------• watn. KanMa City, Mo. 'J'IMo new .. wn.... Th• 'N1U' baa made ~11ary an llleral CutriCii•c l•si-~-~~~~~K~~~~·-.,.~~nl. ~~~~~~~~ny~aJr-----------------------------------------~ day that AIM wu ladeautll'd by he-r rn another deal at ~na Brach COOJTeJatlooe and particularly tur hu.buld. Mr. LI.Dd ~tf'd Ita~ buyer, denominational Of'l(anizatlons In For the Handling of Repair Job& ud Other Work Immediately Bank Exemtive Many J . Slmmona. relineS lwnber &rt'U wh.-re lhf't'r ar,. war ACth·- d~r ot 9t. Paul. Millo . lo pur• ltlf'W &n(l C"l'ntera of •ervlcpmen ctta.in~ t,k n r halve 8aHdlft 8outhrrn California 18 "ne of thr Here Follows Wife ~~~:x,:,~~a~s:~~·~;~~~ :::-.... :!;;;·~~~~,:~ m~!n;n~~ To Her Death I Tulsa, Okla .. atturn~v. wtw> bunt th-IIM'r·vtrPml'n are-on thf C&m· lhl' Mnte-1 abc-out th'"" \'f'ano •CO· pu1 of ""r rollt>gf'l! RnoJ un!vtt· CORONA DEL liAR I . ---I !'llmmun• will tllkl' 1.,......;.. .. ton Jan-•IUe1. The Con g r" g " t i o n a I 1 Rurvlvlnr; hie wlf• by nnly •• uary 1 · chun·hf'll, through thr t'nnfrrenct' Ia ... o...NI .,...._ 81111# I 1 montba. Charif'W K R<1blnaoo. Vll'f' ___ _ a,. makan~~ a IJI1tlnct t'ul1trtbulltln 1111 OOA8'1' HIGHWAY THE DOLL HOUSE Open Every Day Except 'fuesday 1 hat food! . . . Those Drinka! 415 East Bay Balboa TO prr•ldfont Cllf th• Bank Cllf .Amnlca T D • J t .. 01 .. wnr effort by glvtn~>t the I.Er us BE OF SERVICE YOU an.J m&a.a«u ol ltwo lkv~nth anc.J t om ennason s •ervkn of the Rev. Mr. Jan~rn lt) Oltv• .Cr-t twanch. illrd IIUddenly l thfoeto yuuDfi! penple. '-------------------------------------------1 DAVID D. GORDON, 0. z. ROBERTSON I w ... JIW'eo.lay at ltw Luth~ran h••· Home From Navy BALBOA PALM SPRINGS pllal. Loe An«w'lft I Mr and Wra. Rnblnaon r am,. I•• On 30-D ( fialbna 18land a y ... r anol a hal! ay ..eave ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. lllt" ltv in« at I 07 A ml'l h \'art 11 ,. · I .. nul' anal Mrw. Robt""'Jn !•AM"• I Mr 11n<t Mnt • 'hnrl"• 1-' H••o- lew Year's HI-JINKS I•Hzvous Ballroom, lalha SUNDAY NIGHT, DEC. 31, 194-t AISELL HILL'S MUSIC an~ Orc~atn Admission $1.25 Auspices American Legion Post 291 Rubber Linftl Winch Head ... .. . ,... a\11'&\' JltHJd4only a t holnf' ''" Jttl~ 3 nl.,.n of 921\ \\'o·,ol l'o·nlrAI a r re of thla \'rar ntAol~ hRpp~· h\ lh•· ro·••rrn "' lhtlr Thr ... ~, ....... ,, Ia eurvlvNt hy nn,. ~"n T11m. ~~ )I I • 1' :0: =--1\vy, ,..,n J..,nt Ht~hiiUW'O : lhlf'l' ~·~··r~ l .. n "lhlrh· ... tA\' lo "' 101!1•r ~J"nd­ J.I r~ Mau,J~ M .. vc-r. ~l•ou~ t'1t \' 1 1: f v. u ~·,.Ar_.. In t h,• ~•lilt to I'll• aile. lu\111\ Mno ... .,..; o,...n, t<AnAA" Tht'lr ItT""''"''" ,.,, .. , ... ''"" tal an<l ~IrA to' P . Jl"'n•-Y ll1111~ tll•·ll>llnl{ 1':0:1' llt•'·r· tho• \ 12 t•·n T.,1,11 j 'r:ttr\IUta: "~""""' t 'ht •.-'nl.•;fll at h••nte :.;,.~, .... ,.,. •·Ill llf' helll Jo"rhl11y m ~"" l'"rl l\,·11• 11 '·• .. ,JI,·• t~ a II••·• .C!l nt C p m In U\f' Hotii)"WI>o-..1 :. '"·•·r hfr "'''" I f "''''·I' •rt t'o·no•·h·n 1 MJ¥1, 6000 ~ani A M .. n. li•'A• h """ " cr:.olq ,,, ... , ll:trh·•r 11 A h.•ul~\'1\rol, W1lh tht' R!lltz M••r-j lltl:'h Hr :tlt••n I• I • o: · • Ana ltlllf\', I'"'"'""' dl'l Mar. :tl' ·hn····, .lunl-•r o•o ii•'J;•' ,, , .. ,. • '!t•r· IC '"'" · t' :.: ( • un.lf'~ I hr \ l ~ 1• , •• 1 c I---- Girls' Clothing Found; Mystery ~.;m••then~ ••f" n,,._,, ., \\it:& tr\· uth• r tH1il "hi• h ~n ... l~' ,._, tf I""" IC'~ "' t la•lhll o: '". ··., n.-to illlf" ._,r '"" ,,th .. r ..:• <ot 1'"' , , • .. u,. I A J'llrll4' bfolt>n«tn« t.. I :.-nt \. In ,I( \\ ll!l .j,,.,.,.,.,.,, . ., HI I ~ alh' ·n IotAn· K .. ll•t """" foun.l IIIJ'I "''t'o'k I tho· hluff abowf' I L1 \ •I • I •r ,, e, a nal 't11rnf'd rn tv lht> J)'•llc·l' lftllllon an•l lhl'rr wu n" 11•11• 111"'1 .,. ·o 1 by William en-tan. l ,.·ho• IA'f'rf' tht• IIWI1•"" IlPPY lEW YEAR TO YOU. OUR FR.IEKDS A:\'D ~F.IGHBORS. A II E A R T Y \\'ISII FOR A HAPPY SEA- ~~-MAY IT BE TI-lE IIAP- I'U~I OF YOt 'R EXPERI- El'C'E A;\: 0 l\IA Y TIIF. 1\"F.W YEAR HOLD Al' ABl'N- 0 A N C E 0 F PROSPERITY A:\'D HAPPlNESS. Canon's Oualitr Meat 4 .. ,.._ •• -- , . ~ FRANK RARRING'roN - T" llfforrl nor clll'flt~ a gl'('aler vari,.lr or !Y'lf'f'trun th,. ho•np(ils of tnrt"''n~J prrcha.~ing pnw"r and f'N'jl:tl'l' for JX>!'( Wilr huiltilnjt pros: ram: Thf' Ray Oistrict LumhM-Company of Ne"'-port ~IK'h and the F'lrm ol Ward &. Hanington. with lumbf'r yard." nl F'UIIrrton. n""' nod La llahm. hav(' mf'rgro Into rartnl'~hip. Thf' businC'Ss nAJnCII of Ward & Hanington and tht' Bay District Lumtx-r ('ompan)', OJX'I"8ting In th~r rt'· ~pecti\'e rommunitii"J, will rt'ma in un<'hangl'd. C. GILMORE WARD WALTER S. SPICER Dolq Jlul.t•fllll M ' II Y DISTRICT LUMBEI CO. Nf'wport BNc-b, Oallfonla WARD & HIIIIIITOI Fullf'rfnt~, LaRahra. aDd BrPa Generall\lachine Work & Welding St t A·d f ( D M I 0 W L I N . G J I Evans ....... Work lloUdW 0 a e I or . . . -RICY.\'ml'~'\ .. , AI JCI\I.. • • Hamlltori Machining Company ·A d b ( 1 LN.:•tt· :-;, Hhlin~o: -Ex-Adv. Man l~=u=··=IAI=aye==tte="="=·======= ....... ;===:::::::::::..'1=1 =:!) pprove . y ounci Salk .•••. , ~. 1\ ::::Here, Dies --------·---1 • • Wel.t. 1 • l:• 1: :1:-.; lol 1:-----------------------------, Pallllo·o~ :•, I; :1:'11\11:\ YOU•LL BE HEA&ING THE AI 11 8('t"nal mt't-lan~t uf t!lt' ~1ty l aU()('ate $100.000· tur IIUo"h pur S!UI'I•II•·•• '':I Ill SEW8 of VICI'Oin' -... 'ount'll w t Sa.tunhoy llPIIroVIll Jlo>8n. Jl"•VI<lo•oJ tb.. l'lty would Jrlet 'llono." 'J,'.! :.'1) 8"11 .. ••""10 vou NO .. , was ~1\'t'lt t o a r<:'Colllllr\M)dallonl m ato'h t.h"t otmounl In prolpc'rty or Tool ._ ......,. • n I ""'1\ 1!1 ~:1 .l:ol,ll)., HA\'1: ••. u )'OIIri&Mp It la from th~ ~1ty plllllnmg .. unrulalliun nwncoy. but that rarompl llellon waa 81&\'''" 1,_ .:t :1411411 cood wortdq order. "'e 1 fur otate a1d un tht" Corona Jl'l nNded to uu•ludfo thf' IUIIl lll lbe C&rpi-ol •·r~ 1 ~ :lol :11,4,1 laa•e tale tulteo .... o&Mr raJ Mar twach umnlbua hill to br prco.,ont..d by clio .. ,.._ aM a ...n of Wht>n the pl:umlng commiNhllll AIIIM'mblyman (,)'o.lf' Watam whm ellperl ....UO ,....,..... -. mt>t lut Thunday Councilman ' the ,,.~latun-mee-t.. In .January OV~~JI!~\~c:oua Earl Stanlt•y. rt"pre!lef\llD« a com· AI. a rHult thco J>lllllnlng rom· I mitt ..... from u, .. Newport Harb(•r mouum K•'·,. 1111 appruval Slmflar SHORT CIRCUIT Chambl'r ot Commeree. state-d t.hlll a ppnoval wu allko nco<'-ry by tht' T h,. f••lloo'A Ill I( "''"f''" 1\rt• t l\o' ,.,. 1ulb ,.( llw Wo'f'kly hoowllto.: 111 tho• 8port11"'" Alh•v,., 'l"'to'"''"' 1 '•'• 21. tl\ tht1 S,I~Hh 4\ttt)tf l .-•I'J.!il'~ tOUI1tamo•nl I ht> had conf.rre\1 with the atate <'uunty planning boe.rd anoJ that Radio & EJet.iric park t•ommJMion 10 gan Francl.at'(l l~<•IY dlo..l 110 at " ep;·rlal met'tlnl 515 EM& a.,. F,_t, I and had been adv iH•I t.b&t a ll(&tl" hallt F'rlda)', whalf' tho· llctlon of Mec:hAI'IIca ICr JriUT\'11 Jrlirk••\'ll t'h. Will• 11t • 1•t ,., \\ ht·'t •· fh· hn.l tw'i'h "'h~t•r-t u• 1111 IIW •hto! fl•t IIHUI\' \'t'fii M ~1\11 -...... park of the twarh couiJ be In· the t•ounrll on ~lurtiHy •olldllled At Ulle Fe"7 ......... dudt'd In lbe alate'• bUd&'et. tho> maltt"r an o.l ma.t" .t flnol. 1'-------------------_:B::;ALBO::::::::;A::,.. ____ _:.1 It wu aald th.at tbe atatt' would Tht' I'll)' JIWlllt'rt! I'I'J<'o'ted a re· qUPit "' J o•hn K . F.IHult ror a l"t'l\r vnrd \'IU'IIUH't' In blok'k H . llalua;,. t ra<'t , lll'f'klng a af'lb&L"k ~rom Hl '~'.''' a tiJiit'Mlt Jlroperty BALBOA'S R·ENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Preeenta owner11 The Roarol oof l'UfiC'r\'lllort Tueo· day &Jlpnwt•d lht' IU'tlnn l ltkt'n by 1 h t' t'I>U111)' .plAnnan~o: •·umml•lon. folluwlu~o: " r••t•nrt frum lh•• ('1\'lc ll81111Chllltln h<·K•'•·d hy Harry e . \\'o•IOI,.,.,.,. ul (,.ron~ 17t1H fo·l'l tot' lk•llt'h frunlllR<' of nb(oul rquaJ muno•litl')' \'ltluc-TI1r t••tlol Pl'"~ct woould hlt'lu.to• :lti(l(l ft•o•t uf at rand utlmalo·ol to ht• w ••l'll1 S3flri,IW'IO 1'ht• nrw r•nrk fmnta~:<· "'IIUhl I ••xtt•nd fr••m Hny,.lolt• J•rl•·•· nf.'ltr l'lu ·tho• llrt\'«' alofllo! th~ hllrhou· en· Iran•·•• t'ft~l" ard to f'.,pp~· svt•nut". T otnl rr o nlttj,!t' of tho· nrt•JI tnt•luilt"• I ~~7~1l ft•t•l n( stloort• ""' h hay and nt•o·;tn !If l ho>t lht• o'1l\' ••WnA 1700 Bun•••ll Palnte,.. ICIDf'Utlfl F. H••n·11th Walton Sballr'lon A. Horvnth Weide,.. Lut .. r OUron.:- ('rano• Stl nlt·y HatiN'r lhlpllttera Mt'( 'II IN• Toontl>lt F..arl Bam•·• A<:hrull Slavea Col•· 1:.!7 I !'II lUI 1!\.'< Ht:l l•i:l r· . ' .. , ··~ 1:11 l:u• H7 "" \4llh '"'" 1'111;(.' Ill 111:11111 "'"""''" 1411 111111111• ulfllo• Ill• ftll••w "hlto· h11tr I'Ji 1411 111\ ltl!'l ~~~~ ~"''i• hHu n ,a..-t '"' U••n r ... w .,,,.. •. u t l\'Hfll p,,,. .. .,.,.At'tt 14t' I'IU1lt' \t,'l ('•r~ tH\jtt• t '"•"''' \'t'"r" tt Ji:l' frotn !'<\an .. "'rtttH'hH'U "ht•ftt h.r tU\tl t'htlft{"f' • ~f tho· .. rr, ... ,.r 1 h•· 1 ),.k l~too•l Trll•· \lr\t' !")lno•rfll "''""" ,.,. will h.• hl'hl s"toortl11\" ttl I f' 111 frnm !'ot111tr ll'a In l;•n.:-lh•fl• h II•• '" ""rvh·•·•l hy lloo• WloloiW 1\ntlll .. :\'111111 l)tlr u f h1,. I""""-"' ft lf1Jhll" ltt•n • "1\M ~~t t•t\ :-io'\llo•ltoh Il l 10f llot• l'llllfo•tollfl l t .,, t IUt Ht'\ 11'\\ '7~'1 11:.' Uoro~hy J._ Hoard :.~~: Seeks to l>ivorce :;::: Former Ralboan t •• :: ... , o'looor~o;lllf ''''"'""' • 1110"11\ Mn; I '"I"''"' .I•''"' l h•fl'f•l ln~l Thur~•ll\)' Pao• Five ''Satisfied Radio Service" Nlr.WI'ORT -BALBOA -V08TA llaA 11\38~ Newport ami. Ph. M6 · V... ..._ OpM 10 to 8 dally, eatept Suaday a • ...., • Before You B1lld or Re•odel .................... ... ......_, ,_. cw. ................. _. P' • adft ...,.. el ...,..... ........ LUDLUM Carpet Works llllllotl .. llaJaiM. ..._ ..... AM 11M IIDTA AliA I t••<'t, tho• ft•olo·r•al ~·•v•:t·nmt•nl 200 (t>t•t 1\ntl l'rtoiW'rl it·~. llh ~~~(~) ft•t"t. !'lfUI•h ool I hlil f'l'l\'ll\1• ht'llt'h ill M«'< ;1111" Royd Hrt!l I• ~ <"hrllll•·ll,..·n Carpt'ntrra Jr(IIIH Crn'A'olt•F Oy111•n We11t 1:1~. t:li IIi t:·n 14 1 1.' I 1'1'• 141 ,, ... " "'"'' '" ,. .. ,-..,,,,, ... ,.,, , .. , ,,, !':::========================== , ,,, . ,. ''""' Jlo 1\nlph II """r•l. 1 AND HIS o ·RCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 30TH and NEW YEAR'S EVE., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31st NOTE! THIS ADVER11SEMENT \\'AS PRta»ARED BEII'ORE THE OPA ANNOl'NCEMBNT OF POI~'T VALl'E CHANGES ON DEC. 25th. CORRECT POINT VALl'ES WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL ITEMS. comE Edwards Coffee =..: 1;!· 13-'"c" bO.nd, .ocvum 1>0<h d '" g1011. I -~. 21c. Airway Coffee ""::;: '" , .... zoe IIVIIAGIS Hemo ....... .. Chocolate Oval tine •.: M• Holler's Flavora := :;:1 .. Sparkeeta c:=-2::;:. _. ...... _ ...... Monte Cristo Wine =. 11• CholU of,.,._ • ........,, Rbma Wines ::;';:: =.a-NOn. w_.,.....,,., _....,.,.,..._.,. loarwM .. -.,_, ' MJB Coffee ~: ';!-33- TRY SAFEWAY 'S FINER MEATS ~ ~ ~~~ -~ NOU :P""'""'-••"'-........ -............. _,_., ._ ... ._. .. -. .., ........ ....... (15) STEll GuaranrM<f to be. ficw arioJ! 1111' ... ~1.,~0~ SLICED Lltt:a ~~.4t=~3sc ~~z.ac '"':.2&c . •wn CI&IIIIID Pork Liwr. Eajoy totM fried widt oaioas. Delic.ioua! PUTE BEEF IIIIIRDC&L lllr Clll Yow cbcHce ollllon tibl ot boiliaa bell. Value! .... .... .. z4c .. zoe liVa11uhlt• to l ht• pl.llolt•. It llil o·!4l 1111111 •.·•I ·noal 1.~100,000 JWI'lOun!l \'UIIIf•ol lho• ~lf'IIIIOIII Ill 1940, I wht·ll 11 1 h•••·k WI.U! rnaolt•, and of lho!~t' 1\ll f'<'l I'O'flt. 011 l>'l<ro,fl(lfl wert' frum oth••r l't•untii'!O dllt•ny LUll An~o·lt·' ~tll"'f'VIoonr 1 ;, on!nn aid~ In plluUng thf.' pr9jt't't lbr11ugb the 1 \'liraouM t•vunty rhantwl~ I Mesan Slated to Appear in Court ' Herbert R Dunlap. 37. uf 15et Or~tn~:•· 11\'t·nu•·. whn hu been out on ·$2!'1() hall lllnc.. bo•lng taken Into o·tuttlldy by I hf' 11herotr'a otfl- rrn• who r•ha.rg,.t.J him with drunk driving, will appc!ar bt-Cnre Jud&'e D. J DodRf' nn Ot•r 29. TYPICAL YALUU AT SAFIWAY 70-00 Prun~ C::,.'-k !:. M• Gerber's 'Cereala a:.: 27! ,.,_,_ __ ~. WhiteRice ~.": ::a- AlberaComMeal '::1 .. wtll .......... 40-........... . Peanut Butter •: 21- ~ ..._.. ofrte ........... ofrte. .uumcaws ~·· .... Blown Rice Shredded Ralston ~··· u-·11• ..... HOaat. ·;;·•a- Morning Glory Oats a;: 12- g..,, .. ceool<..,. • ......,. ROUI - Flour ~--:_:--:=-a- Kitchen Craft Flour '::A-..,_, ._.,.,.. ........ J ....... lk. Swcm1 Down Flourc:: .. --:;a• SOAPS, HOUSIIIOlD I1IMS Lwr: Toilet Soap Cnnay ~-= ICltchen Xlenzer 1'!: II• 20 Mule Team Borax ::a- .......... (Ya) Kraft Dinner:= ,..I .. (Ya) Dinner .:.,:::,: ,... _. Saf~way prod~ it nalbed froaa fana 110 ICDie.-Make )'OW' o,..n tclecciocu from cbe actniC'Uve .displays. .... ..._. (50) CHB Catsup :;: 1 .. (50) Chili Catsup ;:_ :: I,. O.'-Cat- (10) V-8 Cocktail •:: 1• v ... -,..._ ••-)Oc.-20-"'· TOMA Gardttwide Brand, punc If)'~. 00 .,._ pooea I* CMJ U..r.c• 14C TANGERINES RED GRAPES ·--···· .. -........ -..... Itt. II• •· II- WINESAP AP.PlES ~ ~=·:. -==.:... .. Je- FRESH CElERY ~ .. -:"= ......... FRESH CARROTS _....,,,_,, ....... T_-.... .._........_ •• 1- •. s· WASIID SPINACH • ...,. ...... -....... ... 14 .. c ........... ._ • SAFEWAY .. : .. · ... · ..... fl'ank S. Th .. mpll .. n Teolroom 1 .. --' 1114 .. ,., f••rtn,~r Hun .. .,, pJI\'"'' Htlt "''" *-!"~'"· tU,,f •U\" h••nltll ••fll••t tht\\' lt'Mitl 1.'7 lflr 111 t ''•'tU\\,11 ••1 \\'ll•tH ~ttu• 11tUt 1;111 rh·d on .,;,.~1·· II·• k s .. ,,, IH llt37 1:!~.1 TIH•\' JIHII• •I 111 :-l••t•l o•ttoiH"r 11f l'l4 tlll10 \'t'IH :-lho• Mllllo•ol l hnl hi~ 1•:1• ''"""~"" ,.,., 111 , • ., ,.,.,. "' f l~·••u "I 1117 ll\"11111 Hll•l l\l<kt•d $1~~~ It ttl.,flltl (lor' I 1 ll••r • own ~<111'1"'' I I FUrl111'h 147 141 IfNI Jrlorr tll IfNI 11rJ IIH G H d ounh~m~ 114 1.. , u range ea s E:lt .. fl :~~ !E :~~~To Be Installed lallmake,.. l Offlt',.roo f.,r till' r<llllln~t Y"ar a.Jiey I 44 131\ 11\.., who will J..'lll•ll' 11r1lvltlf'• of lh" <...'Unnlnl(ham 142 1116 110 ,.""'" M t•IIJI 1 ;roua~tr will I•• In· Lacey 1411 14:\ 1411 11tftl1N I 1\l " lorrr>~tl r"'""m"ll)' un 1 Alllaon 1 :l:l 14r1 IIIII 1 .. 'rltlll y r \' •' II I 11 1.: 11 I I hr Gllr<lt'll 1 Normtul 172 IIMI 11i4 j t;roov1.', lottJII••• ln>ilnllrttloon urfu•o•r I Thf' m~ttUt~d ,.,,.,, th'" "•"•·k Yt•1f'•· ~~~~ t ... f;•'"·t~•· !4•·h1rn•·Vf•r c·"tt 11urw••11 (If I he~ ~·1••• tuuu• ~ IC•· ~'''" (ttl'tUa ttb,tt· tnM..Mtt·r ••r th•· t:rt\11"'' 2 dtlllan to•r hll• lllr;th Srrt"tt ••f I Tolle In!( ""'Ill lllfltl"'l" f.,r t h" &:M. The h1Kh gamr w~ lakC'II hy rnmtnK yrar 111'0' JH lt"l'l"t. ''"' A.ll&.on of th~ Ra.llmakf"rll 111111 ht• 1 <·l••t'lrtJ mfOIIII'I , Jlal'tolol K yl1·. nvcor · ..._. 2 buclu for h\11 2~0. Thr ,...,.r. Mn .,,.,ra F.ldri«IK•·. -·reo· 1,., oerif'lt a.nd a ®lin wu won by 1 t11ry: n..mard F.hlr1tlp, lr"C'uurer: MrOutre of lht> Slavrtt with a 42ft.' 1-'r••ol lira•·,. r•· •·lt·o lt>•l •t .. w•r·l· -r .. each and rv•·ry •m•• oof tho• 1~'-"" l111rulol KroiJII'· l(lllo•ko·•·tw r : 1olr "'"I In the lea.._rue 1 "''"'''I loko• t .. "" Mr :o 1-'rou ak l'nr,..•nr•. 1\WtiMi rl.lll lf'nd my llint:f'rf' WIJOil f"r A Vt·ry ~lo·wroool noool "'''"""'"'""· Mo·,. Fro••l Jl&ppy N-Yt•ar f\HII'I f•~r..:r•t IIIII• ,. , hrq ohtho M too llnullt·v (dlen lbf' bc1wl o11~ will lrco 1111 11u..:too•11 lt•o turo•r . M rtt lftiiHirl T11Mid.fy nljtht "!:'"" ro•·•t W••rk I.( vi••. 1 ···rr·.~. Mrfl JIKtolrl KniJIJI t•urnun~t nfHI t.ltJt f:f'uf"J('f" ~•tHIU•tt . .. , .. , ... I Bull Uog Hie~. Mrs. Ida Brown, Aged 81, Passes; Fonner Mesan f'unr"C'rlll 11•·rv11rfl w••r•• 1 From RabieM, A~ h•·l·,' Outbreak Feared T11r•lay Jo,·o :til f<l ;1 I'"' In llw l ---H~trold r.rnu..t • lutiJ"I (''"''" M•·~ll. l'"""lh,llly ~of """lh•·r ••uthrr·~tlc foor Mrfl 1•111 ttro•wr>, 1< I It""''' I .,f r11hl..,, wruo ~•·•·11 wll h •lrllth ,,. .. ,., .-,.nla Ar111 whn •ll••ol 111 n r<'fll j tl"· '""''""'' ••f 1111 1-:11rll~h hull ''"~ I t'"ffit' In Sill'''' ,o\roa Y.'o·ol~to•llollly. """'"~1 loy lit II Wlollo· I'll' rll• """, ll•·f', 211 Th\' Jt,..• (;.,loolol lloueh1 Avooo·RAI•• """""''~ l'oortll\11 •lrl Mar f pfttclal<'<l 1.11.,. ''"'"''' rr•t•••••·•t ttor ''"-' h11d I M rM Hr tt\A.U r•·IUdt•·! fut u v•·n• .,, ..... ,,. ltJ tt••n ..... t hv "f'"'" t,lttt k ( •,."tH. M••;o• arul ,,., t flf'f•• \'•'HI'H lrl ~· •·H 1..-. Yttd• h flll•J "''' '" • t1 "''•'fl !'A.nt.a Alii< Sho• \4 IIM "'''"''· Ito 111 lllo· "" m trv ~ ""' tlonl lltn•· ~1·11<> rof h"r ""''''"' •·•I \••ltr" .oold Ill Hit II••" ~~ .;; hoo>II'A 1 ;!flltjl 1 \I.,., hnluuokt•f•p• r t n.1 ~1 r \\'1•~··r t·.,. ... ~ ftuv t· t +~ltf r• l'"d•·d tw h:ttl \l hH tli•'d r•·• •·nllv taa·•·u t.ttt•·n b\ " S• ,,111• ''""' • t1 ''' Hh•' 1~ Mu rvtv•·fl t,v ,, da•••rhl• r ,,,, .,,.,.,1 ,,,, '141f• .,r ttw :, an•tt•t ~1NI. Jo-: c• ~urnnl••rllf .. t :-· tnfn 1\flh ·•1._, ... t1 vu1~ Ht '/f .'t t:11 .. t t ·, r•frul ••II•' gr~t.ndRqU I l:tr•~tld t-. S urulht '~ '", rPf• ·~f l.I•M A u.,:•·f•·fi ,,,.,. a f r;,ltH't •' I' Ulllljt'hf'fl 1.1• "I" :"l'loo lnt••rm~:"nt "'hit , n \\", . .,., u.tuH1 ,. r ~l•;mllrUd• lut r k B. I. Circle M"cch Tuesday, jan. 2 \\ "'" tly f 1 I' rP I"' ttl ~1 f ~tUd ~~ r~t fo~1f6{t•Ut• 1 \\ l <tn:l''• f •• ,,,,, ''"''l•·nl~ ;,f1 ( 'i•f ;If 'lt flt•1 \·1 h , tt! t l11 If ti1Vt tf7f '' "' \>fur"'" • 1h1•1 'J f,, \1 ••1u•ru••·•l u "4t~rvlf'•• Mfutl••fl llf\ I .,HJH Jtf.CJI'A'rt\' f.,, '""'" ,,.,., .• a1 d Nt·r•l h . •Jt1101 1v.• ,,.,,,\1 rq . .!•• I•, t,. n••ter 1h••H Afh•r Anm•• •llw u,.)<'l,.n trH'"tnh•·nt: 'll•u.,:trt•~• I •! thl' Hall)tlll I101Rolfl t'lrl'lo• •h·•·oolo··l Mrll llnt.:t.:~ ••f•l 11111•·ol It•• •II '" hultl lh,.tr rqculatr JllnUilry ',,, • .. • follll:ltll( tw.:l•·• I "'"' • ruo•l 11 ~tln.g. whl•·h wlll·lw· 11 lunl'lot••,., h ' 111111 r··~"" •'d too r norw l•·tt fiKfll .. n eellng T'.Jt"..ldlly . .lttn 2. "' Ml&rf ••f 1 "lott 11 Ito• II ll1do r 1\ f•'"l"'rt v ··uaa. 1'111' lloollomo h will '"' '"''"'~1 olt:1lrti•UII••II """ owul~ Ito 11• "''" "' 12 31) Wl~h Ho~ '"'~onr11" rw·••t ""' •· wofto "I!'''' uwrol IJ4·tw•·••ro II•,.. lnl to follow. J•rtl,.. ~~~~~~~--~--~--~~ -.:;tu/llfllf'! I! I SHol ! 1-r MESAL•QUOR llttt;1 N,.wpnrt Rlvd. ('O HT ,\ 'fP:!o4\,f t\1.11". l'h•-~I'Wpurt II E V J.; R Y TIll N (; fc•r ~·uur IIOLIUAY SEEDS • I .. ---------------------------------~· • Of Jlf SUSII ~~==~~~---~~-~ In Lookin~t Ahead to 1945, and IJOOkintr llKk Over th• I ,astdnJC Year THE ARCHES ree~R indebted to the aood friend~~ who haw ....... ~c•n'ff with 11!'--somr n1(111nrly, nnd ofhc-1"'11 ,..ridt- Nrlly 111111 In all th•.,... ultl am) ,..,...,.,,, (rU-ndla WI' WISh A Happy lew Year . Fnr (ltlt"Sf'IVf'S, WI' ('JIJI only wish II rutm-.• '"'fllMU· ntlnn uf tht· samr (rlf'OdshiJII\, SltnH' c"IJ•ut1tmltk-fi to s.·rvr. ltnct ltll' Sltnll' klmt nppn-.·lutltJn n( t~ past. THE AICIES loiOIIN VIII.I.I.P:I ( ·n-t 1Uc11way and N .. wpurt n..u.,_.&H ~.,.,,,..,, "-rh T ......... ;;;'lij"' • A Nut.-nf lnl .. rf'11tt l4t mtr Mt.-ady t•atrtNIIl: Tht• Archt•!'4 Will ltt•main Opt•n nn Nt·.w Y t'ar'H .. ;vt•. __ ln,.ft-&el uf dc.-.ln~t ""' 4'taltll4tmary, un a Mun· lflly. t 'urft.f .. ShUJI l!i UJif'ft fiVf' Cla)lo a "N·k, In 11. m. to K p. m., "klpt.tn~ !'4un· dayll IHIII MrtndayM. ('loHed New Year'H Uay How can a motor oil save gasoline? Mudt ~t•"ilrnt lun it uuwd lly sr;dual rin~t and ~ylrn~lt'r wnr. (,u miatur~t rhtn ''hlow·lly," curn(lr..., won .. rt~tutd, Jll'tlurm.antt gru rwfth. ltPM MO(ot: C )tJ tlnwt chi1 wnr 'way down -ttidu cishc on hoc "' ctold mc·ral turl•cn, in\urn enid moron apcur u""' \lauin~t .,..,,,, p •••lt't" ••i•i• .t hm •rl)l• on Inns rum. I'm m11re rmlc .. gt·, lr" "r•r-we Standatd'a HI'M MtJIUI 011. ('LAYTON TIIOMPSOSe· """''-"' ut .. tr1t.ut•or • l'hnltf' IM N -..o•rt 1\f'el·h tw-l"h lflfH . Your local representoft ve for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA ' -.. A - , ----:-""-J I I I , , . ~ • • e 'I' • • • .. • •• .. • .. ... J-• • • • ~ • .. • • • .. • .. , • , ,. ,. .. " .. • r ,. II • •. ,,. -.. ., .; • ... ~ ...... ~tet4J. ... ,....,. ......... 11 •I 'I .. t ut 1••1 I ' t !l ...tl t • t I h t •t a.•t 11t 1l hl I I I 1•11 l iifJietwfttl ••l •_... . . i i ;, • ' i I I . BEST WISHES for ·19 4 5 from Battery & Ignition Service. Oull)();ll'd and Marini' Electric and Gas Welding En~int.! Repail'ing TRY US ONCF. ISLAND GARAGE Complete Automotive Service · 122 Agate, Bali'IOft Island Auto Parts & Areessori<'S nre IWpalrin& Ma<'11inf' Work. Tow Car Servi<'(' -.. ·- To our Homecoming Boys To a Happier Year • ·sro a Better W Qrld - .... _. ,. .. - To a Lasting Peace ·- II&I'IIIDI -··1' lOi AIIOilll •aiWIMO CO .• 101 ANGUli • *••: I •• I:. I~· I \' Ill~· I. ,,, Ill• ( '1111"'1 n. ,. !.• I · ,. f-:ru•t~-:11 .\l .It"" II •I• ·Ten Inducted, But ·Sent Home Until 1 After Christmas 11 t;tk t"""• •·~·· r'th1n~ ,, •. • .:tn pn t· .. ''' k •· p :.p "'t!l a.:4• , •• :. _ :.rn tt•Jil .. Th ... r• j·•n t .... t'--~'1"•- • • ~luv. <l•o\Oru., "'' •IU.Cra> !.n;: ·11~­ tUAaton.. t,f ··,...~nfH••r..,•••tl IJ t+L•• tJua on~ )Ob ,,. ,,. oflo• an•l lho< I T f'n rt•Jtu•trfllli.JI r r n m Lo<'al \\'~oo bur•"IIWI ar• """' t~ • 11fl'<rd 171. Nt>Wport ~a.ch. "" ctnniDC to r"t"&h:r..t> that. Quality Lumber and Buildin~o Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Phone 48 Photographs that Charm the Men Overseas \\'h•·u lov.•ly II •II~ ,;., qd Star loo ..;1111 tv" ''"l ' • "' • nl• 1 t;u n- mc•n l tour \\ ludl It t" lr1 ••111-;itl r·ah l• d -:11: h · of II. I 'o lll! \ t•lo•d "Arrwrir·nn Qul•t·n .,r !ht· llw '!"•·Chur;r·!n l..r """"· I_\ 1_lw dou,.;hlw yl> who ~~~ "'ll'.tll<>n.dl~ f'l rlll'll•·tl II• I PI o•olo•('l"'l01' 1'111\'io• h cn<.lltnl'l'l'. thrs phhlv IJ~ BERNARD of HOLLY\\'OOD tn ('on<rdl'rabll' numl>t•r-. at·t·ornr.:rntt'll :'>It·'-Falk,·nht•r·~: "' ht•t ~i'l'nnal '•iUVt•nir fur ftghltn.; rtlt'n :11 1111• front 111 tlw 01 11•nt \'our piWlllj.!l':q•lt :tl-1•, t':tll :rdrl ,, loolll'h 111 ~l.oiJiool'. ,tnd 111Ul1) morrwnt~ of d C'Irghl rn lh·· '""''"'"''' hi•· ''' ~··u: L''"ll'•' l•h·r·sC'aS fi.t.:htC'r. \\'111 Phnto~raph You I :l;rmon>u~ly I>tflt•r<•nl BAL.Il( lA 1:-.::-o: AHC',\IJI·: STt:l>ll > <ltx:n 1:.1 .:10 p. m. to 9:~;() p. m. F <'r Appcuntn'it·nl,., l 'hnn•' Nt-wpnrl lkach ::..il; 1 r~•n•·•l fur fo'••n Ma•· A rthur rtt-1 ~. that lh .. lack r'lf " &of • I, l'ptlnn f't'nl<'r tl) be lnd11c11'•1 rr.t.ol nile l•oreiCD JW>hC)" ••n lbf f'.&rt .. r 1chr Arml'd F'"I'1:'C'll nf t.lv t'ntted ---- :'t ~•·. 1 1 ... ,, '"" ·' r•.'f HI! ll)' tht-I Ill•'( 1 h I k. o\ n·l· o \\ .I l l.t)'IT.llD. --------- •r t• t:or\' , , lrtt· t .... :tl &•ard :O:t•'"''' t T nur '·'I' ~l'"k" hrit'ny ill I (,t r \'. t n:• .. ' .,. I ,.,.. lkjo.<.Ct- m~: .,., , • •'!'.~ \\'tll. l!.r \\' \\'tl · I I :trr • ( l'o•~!·r ~to• I :on 1 IIIII W. ~·n·rt)l tr or llalht•.o 1•1 o:uJ. \\'(',. npputlllt•.l "" I• ~Hif'r~ •• ( t:w ~··UJ'. Tt i ! • 1!('\\ an,::: ·w'··• ·• •. ,. •·nt r atnf"d t '"m Uw ;'\;I'\\ l" •r t II• '" h l'ac rfic F.h•• trt• olrJl<ll nt 7 '''' a.m. F'ri- 1\Jav , ()r f ::2 I \\'·llr'lr.l \\' \\',lL:tn:~. IW•nrto C'o•n ·;r nt r!f fo"T.U1k F t :rvo•ra. I '••!!'ta I ~l• ~a \\'"/"".I 11.•111'-• !I Harry R. r ;,~t··r~ S:lnla An 1 \\'tllll\m F. j ~ll'tnrr. HRihnB l·l.rnol Hal W . Smtth Jr . (~nrj:•' •• ~11 \'~ty l.a· j.r\IOll (lf'nt•h . f-'riH' ~ II (lfoll>:h ty, , ~CWJ••rt lk at'll Toon• ~ ll Ah AN'?.. ~~~" Ju:~n f~•r•~• r t'llh• tt \\ '"' tal• r J('poortool 1 . the r f•"'t k ••f th•· t•"•'' t 'ha' lh•·:-:·· m,•n '"' r~ .t.:tm U''-•·d . UJ~·n a.rn\·.,1 at tt·~ tnd111 t '"ll <' ,. •n nn ! t •'•! t() l rc\! 111 n !nr t0t1 U' I .~•:1 ''" \\·· 1• ~·~· tin\ l ~•,••n!h•r ~7 ~t·'L tt1·~ 1<'1-!l:•ll .I! l!< ~·· ' 1'1 · ' I '\' 10 Y}11 n•t tl\t' t ·hr :-.' nl.t .:C ... ·~ ;"> \' th Uf••ll r•lnt.\ ... nd ·r n.~ HEADACHE IS sUCM A .al& . um•"''"• - AU. DT f• a r-t t.n cia,.. work wbn a unina ~• ach .-b ep • :roa-\' 11111 nfer Uld .. ~ ,_. work. · Jt.cl7 fer -...... fll nU...: atiaoe Md ..;it,--t-a s-Q hfoadache iawrf-...-,_'-a .,...-.;o,_.. ...... , .. ----Aitti-Pa .. ,. •uall7 relW.. -* *1 • .._ erk. bat S.•,a. N.-.Jcia. .... nlar Pal•• ... P•act ieaat Mo•tlll, PaiM.. n. roa -Dr. MO.. .AIId-hla !"ilia~ If not whJ aot! ~­pt Or. flhlfll Anti-Pai~t rm ... Jour d~ 1t.ore ba the ~ park-.. for OftiJ a renn1 •P•-a nd in tht' "''<'nt'mJ r-ckare ~ ..... C.,_J'<'r. 'trhy n<'t ~ A f'WUcw t~>ola~·~ y,,ur.druvv•~t hu ttw.. !:• aol o!·~.,·:'"'"" and u" only •. d rr•-·t"l. Ynur ntone)' beck if ,.. .,... rot ~t1Jii•od. T REMEMBER CONVAIR needs men, tool ' , .. ,.,. •. ,~ •... , , .. ,, •.. , .. ,, •... ''••I•• IIIII LADYf There's -only one way to get where he's going. Get in step ~ith him on a Good. Paying Convair job. ~ake every minute count on the road to Victory. Women are needed on all shifts at Convair and home experience is all you need. Get in atep. and •••• W.w ,.., Stltltt et ,,.,, , -. ,. Your Friends and Mine ....;L_)~I,!I~/ IEWS· TIMES CLASSI-=IED OPPORTUIITIES ___.___.___.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .... ~--..iiiiiiiiiiiiiii--.-,,!:' ;:;r:;:.:::.}•.:::;·o;.~ READ NEWS· TIM~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PRtlFIT • • • USE THEM FOR ~UL'm Mr. and Mrs. Gt>rald W~nt.aell of I hu•pllal. Santa Ana. Wit •HII... and ,.,.. Harn"S .... u 306 Ap&-u you don't ftnd what you 1\r'l" look in~ for adwrtL~ ln thl-. l~ Phont" N"'J)OI"t Btoftch 12 or 1:\ and ...... _ your own~·----w~N~~~~~~~u ~~al~~b~~~b~a~~-~--~~~;~~~~~~~~~=T-------~~~~~~~~~~--------~==~===~---~---~==~~---------open houM' Olmt.m.u morui.DC. I ('bnatmaa to t.M1r pal ,.,,., aDd wnlt -tu 1'-tt.> ffwr nm.(. • and among tbe gueau were llr. both ano r«uperaUDc rapidly. 1-. ftJIUIIIftja& fOR SAL&-. IU~T WISIII·:s ._,,H J' .. PIA)~ and ~n. Ed Mayo, Mr. ud Kra. Abo at tb. Holbrook a.-an 1 llr .... lira ~ tc.aky aad lkiiAHAN'S Ia twadquartH'II tor 8PIIOAL ~ EJneram Wentsell. Mr. and Jlra. Mr and Mra. FMd ~. Mra. -&Mr=e• l'C~ Oty. ~ Ruaeell Hoyam, Mr. and Mn. Bert, Holbrook'e aaat~ a.od broUM-r-ill-rildJIIc ~,.,...... 11r aad lila ' Gu.tat.:>n. Mr. and Kra. AJ Mor·,law. •·bo r«'t'D.tly n't1U1M'G ~ E. GaDddl. J~ Jadlr •-. f« ~an. William 0 . Taylor. Gerald t•·o )'e&n in Oa.ld&Dd. Mr. Rowe Uw WldeJ"a ).t<-Kale, Geotze Weataen. '"'" ia eMOCiat.ed with Mr. Holbrooll 6D J1r aac1 Jba .c-tat M«c- Davenport en4 Mrs. James .-ro-t.. I bla plumbtDc hl•el-I aDd -J1«sw anr • smc tlw X... rtn artkl• and &ell you tD eiMJp f'&rly f~W "-t eelecUona. We -..-.at Rnck~n. Occu6o0al C..U.. Mlrron. Plcturu. "- BocU. l..aalpe. C'otfee, I:Dcl aDd IAap TabiN. Rup. PlUowa. ....... Cbmfort.. Blanketa and -y other 'tteme you wW ftDd IMft. Tnme or ua our IA7· A-Way Plaa. EARl. \\', STANU:\' Rev. and Mra. E. D. Goodell I Mrs. WaltoD Hubtaard Jr. bad llilalida,.. at UwW J11eR -Gr.-d 911·11•· 3000 Ocean Fr-ont. bad ae holiday j u jtUMb Olrt.tmaa day bft' Oual. . guNta tbeir f~ter daupter. Mn.. brother and bia wtf~. Mr. ~ Xn lire Maair Fool#. lbr ~ eeorce Look. her bueb&Dd and,.4011 J H~rt 'lbomae ~ tbe 1nUw fell aDd lnJUft'd lion' .... .a.trr ~ MAL tJJTATEliiNTio I R&AL IBI'Aft WANTEl' To buy small bOOIW JOlt 8AJ.&-( ~ AJtadeo.a. rancb. ber permte. Mr. aDd lire. ..........,.. a p6rtuft OftT Ulor MdiAHAN n.TRNJTli'RJ: OOMPANY e.c-cs • BroadWay ._..Ana. OtJttomla J. H. ,__., 8aata Aaa. a cou.ia. .f~ ....aJy .,_. ~ .. - Caire '1bomae tr. ~ &lid.-.... lD -........ "" ~­Spriap. Kau., wbo .. aUmMss Dorot•)'. a-AJiplle. .,... Nevy radio ecbool. aDd llr .... ~ wtUt lion'. ------------:-- Mn. Harold s--and-an. 111111 _._-fill Jlr .... lira. f'Otl aAL~---R~-WAR topber. ftedoDIIo. Jlr. ead J1re. Hal......_ •• Ollys a,__ ldl 7 pc. brdmom wt. 1150.00 Herbert n.c-. c:a.e dowa Jlwt· f"ridey f-ft. lillac.UOIIr lD CIIUr I fe· ~ IWl. $150.00 Bb&nd. Newport. .pent day and ten WedDeeday --ac. t:reollelllc Ia tM A.ray. • WM O&&b a.atr It Ottom&D, 120.00 !Cbrill:.au~e eve with bie friend. B. E. I.AUriM ol IJiurtlllaL f«· Ia dllup fill t • r ~ e .....X.. ~ fe· llon&ldut •t. 112.00 on fialbo~& leland fur cub nr J . r WUIIama. M30 Padflc BlYtl . HunUnl'\on rark. Calif 18-llc WANTED! LISTINGS OF f>fUJJ>F.RTIIt8 IN CORONA DttL MAR DISTRICT !'bone n orl'nt'f' Ma.lle rd Nf'Wport lif'a<'h 1648 J'oil(teiiD&ID, 1!101 Welt Ceotral mer reaident of Newport aed a-1-...,.__ ll n H~ Trailer, p:iO.OO wbo i.e bome from Call-Boa. wae a week ead IUMl at Uw 11n.. a .a. ftftlas, %%J ~ a. a.. ~ at Arcbn Motel No. ______ _ Maritime academy. ~ J --.e., --a ~ __... f« S. rMr f'l( Greybound .U.UOO, or DONT SACRJlo,L"E your a-utlful 1M).. tOle- ~--•-wua•---.. 1 ... ._. .. hom~ of bia dauctstrr. -.ra. =-.---r-·, .. _, ..... _ _......, ,..... -....... Froet, Ou~ a-. lion' -................ y. at Ulor tall at 122 Apte St. Balbo& a.. ... _ Pf'nlnaula Iota. 0\'U two I.e epeoc:ttnc tbe boUdaya Ml.ee Shirley ~· ._.. Jlar 0.... ... ,_._ of .... IIIIIDd. ,._2tp bundrf'd n .. w hnmea u .. rlannl'..t rei&Uvee ~Salem, Ore. tAr of ~.r. __ ... ~-Walter •--~hiP .-11oc11 ~ 'ftr '-* ------~-:-----:-~•re. lnalde h)la &l't' wrll wvrtb ~ -... ,.. _... .._ 11\,LL PAY CASH for .,..,,r fur· 12 000 ..-.. •• 000 Gene,,ie,,e May end Della ~W. ___ of Beacon Bay. .. ..._ ~ -c:ar-rW out • J-. • ......~n~~r •·•· Hr mm-... ~~ altun or wbal bave you. PbOIIe 110 tf [Ho,lbroolll. of Mr. and trom w~llt'tlley coUece tor the boU-tlllw alld wtiU. ~ .....,.,. c:~ Nwpt. 2'000. o . R. Crawley, n.. . (' Holbrook. .3200 Cout I daya. and eap«ta lD mum Jaa. 'Tbr ~ --of ,....U&U Food Baak.t. 1112 N•WJIOI"l who both UDderw•nt u . ~ Uka acboOA very mudl,r tlaall.fod bJ liMr alld wtait.o .--ur. BIYd .. C'OIIta M-. te-llc ~PI~II>dectoml•ee at tbe Oommumty a.od lov~ the N..-~ raD j alld .ua.&aaan •••lor rac- PAUL NORMAN YACHT IAIL MAK~RI lalla, Awnlnp. -..t c-. 224'4 211t St. Newport Beada Phone 2117 wi~ ita core~ «''&ore but .,.. ..,....... ., footllall p8n '"" .O&ft. lllTPPLID it la definitely cold! I .,...~ the diDnrr lilre IF'r'trt- Mr. ud Mrs Hubbard "-'-· tac'e odwr --S set. OPIYan D Corona del Mar. f'tltertaioed wrtlt 1 ~-.. ~ u radar .,.n· dinnn on Sunday. JUHl• brine Dr. ator ... a B-11 • Italy tlfo arn .and Mra. Welloo Hubbard •· o1 m P'dnal'y. lk _. a ~ ol Loa Anplee. Mrs WaJUin tbab-l tlw AAI" lllars alld Slnpnt ~~~ bard jr. end MIM Jnn KHd. ·' '""' Cll6 ~ -rwdar ... Mr. and Mn. L C Ho.·,. uwt ~ wtucb naallke the ....-r&- BOATB-Boc.. llold aDd Tndld llartne ....... ud ParW IIAIUJQ!; BAL"/ AUE AJfD KPO. 00. -W. OIDtral AYe. l'tl. 211a-W l'f__.,..t S.Cb, c.ltl. -~ BOVSEWAaal J'OK HAU: ltonw fo'h·~l:••r 1~•11. 200 lb I'AJIAI If Y 0 1\c•l.lp f-:Jit IL .. HardwKrt•, Nt""'J~<•rt li•·~<•·h llfl :u r NEW CON~OI.fo: Wu• Him~•' ll-11 Willi llf•Kt 1'41111 r<•l 111:1 HtJf!JHtlll ll•••ttJ f"r rt•nt femily of Vllla Park w.-re cueaU ton to -t.bn..tC~s fat: and ell-a. un Olrietmu o.lay el the home ~ ll4r end Mf'll. Don Rlcbarde, N_.-C'IIINIAI SuDday al Ulor apart8eM port. at Mn Alta ~ alld Jilin IANTA ANA FURNITURE CO. 4:!6 W_ 4111 ~I . ~lllltll Ana 91Ht<· iiH81D&Me=TW~GE ~~oaaii• :-- J.M-s Yacbl ftroker III8CI:I...I..A BEl EDICT Mrs. Botzbild 8tepbma. can-Wary Rola8d. Bey,._ ......... :.0. tw-1 Mar. ~t the <:::brUtJILee !loti-Pela .,_._ ........._ 'nlrJ rt~· day at tbe bome of bn rwpw.-1 joyed • cktipt.ful twll.try ,._, and femily. Mr. aDd W... Jadl -n.dauip at Clft.e aDd 8pfBl the Au.a Ud --" ~ Oarol. ann-plaJUIIC ~ PCJaT 01' IIEVDf 8&AS 117 OIMt HJpway, Ph. Mt n -tte BEST RABBIT RK IN MARKET Df U.S.A. 84-11 d in'C'l Send ~-ad ror lttf'rat ,.,. lt#llablf' Fur lndtultrlra, Monltohelln. Calif. lnpt U1 11l 811-tfc- fo')ft ~AI.•~ ln.-nm• prt>pf'rty, S· boo<lruitm t!&11ly tumllilled ~­ abo'''" fl a•rec-18000 T•nna :'\07~ Alvaraol!> Kt . BalbniL Pb 247f·W t6-llk MtHl('m :! llt•d ltoom Hom(' T.-m1.• FOR RENT--I"C lJl Ht-:NT Nt·Atly tumlal .. \1 nw•rn Uo·ntlr mvn unly ~llan­ hath "''lth IUUJtht~r ~tf'ntlrman wt~rklna ntcht.a Alav K&,...... 2(1211 ~13 Ana Av • (',.•Ia ....... ,., ... , ... 11411~ ICP OOOll MAIO WA,NT l"rt\'alf' f'ooum l'fhiGf' N,..., p •rt 11164 tul-llc --\\'ANTICll 11\'uman f.,r kit......, w••rk """ •I•Y• -k .... ,. Uav Nh..,,. ''air ,.,. t~on .. N-· 1'"0 1121l 111 If<' --- D D WANTE SKILLE MECHAN ICS .... ...... To k"<'P -ntlal "' •• n-t •••nl m•- tumohU. m"'hanlo-a 1.-.. wortr.lnc ··ondlt alllla.d au· ~· .......... klae, ...... ,. aDd-· ehnp '"fUiplllfftt. ··~ .. tim• worlll If y.-.u •- P'-"1 worll n!JW a war S.. uelndey Of'lfM'It1UILity to p4 .., t II ........,, '"' ., ....... ,. .. la ,._r t ,~tiM' .... tun.. TJII'Xmon.: n <UUN" tw ICal"tlocK rnrol l lr&lf'r for l l>Wlrwl Cnr 22nd 6 c Nrwpnrt U.. ..... ral ttf':I.J' W AN"TT.n 14< w•!ftlan h• do llr;ftt • ,_ 1\41\1,.. • IJ&)' 1'1'"'"" IHII o•h ... u. --hui'., rU1 or 1\4-WOI .. ill I "'l'f"'I\&&M'ftt ...... A pool "" ,...,.,,.. Nw,.. -111':1.1' WANTY.ll I ""•uty l"r .. ;-J.M'rlo'fw..,J .,,.I •·•lfftml•l•"• wrrk l"n•lf>P N•J'I( T,,, r. .. ,. "UUI ... ;n •• ~ . ..,.n. -··~ • dey ...... ---- N -.. BIC'I"CC...::t BoN. ....... pUnd Vopt'e, .. Bal ....... _ ....... ........ A.-, ..... ~ ..... - ONIC DAY llllf"Af'I'UCO ... UN ,...-r ~ No,.._.,....,. ....., ,_ ...... ..... tnd ....-,.~ ........ a.-.. ,.._car•~-· .. •-.. Nelly .... u.a ............ .. ._ ..... _.......,....., .... c..~& .... Tin • ............ -.....-.a N...-t ...... a.tallee!L Pk. ~ , .... Mldw., Refrlaa atl• ...... . H· " ...... --........ ........ Ct-....... _ v-an ,..._ , .. a.tn&. lleu,..t .._. ...... 2 •• ..... •av1 MAK WMIL& YOU WAIT vap~· ........... ;....__. ---~ ................ .... --- (') L CUU.1' <SRTin&U TAX OOICIIULTAII'I' ..,.._laaAa IIIIlS Ul Ill .... 7&1 •w._..._....._~aa.. ... ftlAN(2.a ~"" ...,.. O.W wa-MeclltaiDr• All IIUMII ell r. ... .....,...,.. ..... ,. ........ 11M2 llartww. , ...... ..__ .... Mil ..... ~KA~q f .................. ..._ ......... ...... J. S. WHYTE ...... ! Mli'IOC7W"'AJIY IJKlOII& WAS ODIIIIM1L'I'AIIY ..._.. .. ,_ .... lA lnlf-·ood lira. JliWnod ....,_. at. Uw A CTOUP of 18 frieede ,,_I ~ ~ IIIIJIIoe.. .. HI- I Riverside, Huntmcton Park. Wil-. ~ IM!r .....-r. lira. Har- EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL FOR SALE Pun b~d cnckrr Spaniel pupptn. lt#d, blerk ezt•l brvwn. Clau(tf' M~rk~ll. 17t6 Anaheim St , C'tWIIa' MN&. t _,. ;MAl.a...-t ~Aitl't~NTI:It JCu\R 84.rt .._.., ha. • .......,._ ...... : =· :::&-:... ...... ...._.... ,-...a-; ... _ Et.&-Hokin & Galvan WANTlCD Avallabl• at .--... amart «"Y· r;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~::and~==San::~~::~~·:u::y. ~ ~FaddnL al wr~ ~ If 11ra. J-........_ Sl% Club-EJerlrica1 Omtractore l..._. ·-· ~ .._,. 1,_ 1wr 1000 r.-.t Hlrbway NEWPORT TACKLE STOlE llullllul4. w11o a. a~ ~ty Phnnel384 t7-llc -------- IIO·tfc _._.___ ........ --• ... _ __... -------------FOR SALF. '•v,.rt:llat. Army otn· ...., ••~ -•-•.n-,..,....,... • ._....,a.-,_...,~.-WANTED An Albat~. Call _, ~-~--1 .. -• •-· eer'a rerulatl•lll. fullltonllt1h. 81..,. --~-,.. or ....-rtl~ boll M, Balboe Bait. Taclde. Fiahin•laforaaatioa Jlre. K. L ~ ••• ut bluld. ,._2tc 18, w-orn tw1re. 1411 AI.,, bat h · --. I !C-ut Bay ~ .. .._ ,_ IDetu, 14 :ll l opal umur. fJ&l. ~:;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;N;&;W:;:POWI'::;::;;IIE.tal:;:::;;:;:;::;:::;'::;::;:::; two -a at St ~ boepital FOR BALE 12~ 00 nllh. p.u })c,. leland Phone 626 147 ·41c· P ~ atw ... ..,, f· ran oprrahua Boat Nn 13. 2 IM'III aalie. both _L08T ___ A.ND ___ JO_CND_ 1llw w recu~. and .,.. t1111t nrw ~ U do Nord &ftn 7 p.m. ----------- GO IDOl B FIIILA Y MAINTENANCE AND REP AIR elqlflCU to feel r.r ...._ .,. • te-ltp LOST-Lycf'um wrlat ~·elt'b with .,._. ~ ~-._ .._ ol blacll allp-oo wrl.atba.nd. Salur- llllr -Uw ....._..nil • ~ 1M4 da7, north Bay f'rflol. Balboa .u. ... I n •• -. ...._ TIDE TABLES Wand. Reward. Call 17M·R 1/c w I n • ...... t7-tt.c _,...._..,. ... _., .. . t-t a~c ,.. ·o .. ,. ,. c .. t:,s . I . . -.a I.Mt' .... a.. He••••" • a t :%3 3.12 U :OI 4:1'7 6.5 1.1 4.0 1.3 au. :n to:33 4 :32 12:s1 1:&4 6.0 2.2 S.l --4.1 Is. 30 n .oo 3 :52 11:41 l:tt 1 6.3 2.o •.o -t.1 JANUARY ------------------------LOIIT-BIUf' hand btl~ C!OOialnlntr rta-A. Wontlay bt'twHn <• Nl &Dd Balboa f>olnt Phont' 12 te-411' L08T Lady'e g11ld wrl•l wet<'h, D ... n. on BaJbo'>A l rtlantJ. Hrward, Addreu Box 867, U&luua lelantl li9·11Jo P 0. Boa 331, ("orona drl Mar, Calif IN·tfr WAN'IT.D 0111 ni'W"P&Pf'nl. llk' per 100 lba . If wf' pick l.IN'm up; 71k' p.r 100 Jba.. If you dellvt'l' Kay •"'lllf'h C"rrami<W, 121 <~ tUahw .. y ("uruna del Mar t2-lft' -WANTJo:J• NIIVIOI •• , .... , llllOI(Ir r n"•"ddl 11mall ••·•rtmenl Will otfn '"'" yf'IU' a-('all F.r~ Mc[)(mald. Nwpt 24100 n-tt.c: NOTUT. I , l<l'jtlfllllol M Watlllllll ,. 2 •• am nu lun~wr n •I>'•NIIbl,. tow It h)' oll'blll ln.urrl'!l by mv wtfr. fo:tht'l c;rr11111, F.Utf'l W 11t1ttn• .. r Mr• H".: 1n ~a.a M W a tlllllJ! lll·:t:tNAI.II M WATKIN~. Y 2,• I 'II II I••·• ;IH, Jan 2 awl 4, lli41\ lltl-311 II. I 1l: 17 5·13 1 :31 ~-----------, r---------------, ~-6 2 4 . 0 ~ f FreJa Daily tnllcioue See Jl'ooc» Or. complet~ equipment whm you want to caleb your '""'· WOOF~ Th. l 21 Jt•OO 11:58 7:11 3 7 2 ~ 6.1 cu j . Wd 3 Z 17 6 59 12:40 7~Stl 1 31 2.1 4.~ o,31 rrc-..,.u.ttt • ..._ U..) I Ucllt.__L a.;~......,.. .... ftllae-................ ol -·-· Cllr\etmaa on Ll'yte. but tua CttriMI mu bo'tll arn•P<I 1n JC<Iflfl MIL•'•" F'O" INIU .. ANCE IE~ Howard W . Geniah ... Jlf_,.n ~ 008TA IIIFAA ......... Automobile • Fire Accident • Life U r•nee end Contrat't J~onda Written FRED J . DuDLEY ANI"JOUNCE:S THE OPENING OF HIS Of"'f'ICE PRACTICE OF' LAW COSTA MESA, CALl,.. J>rl~·elf' an..t Mr" Anthony M11r l'hV•""· 925 F.IU!I f -.ntn\1 BV<'flll~ Ralbtlll. arr rt'J'•H'II\¥ lfl th .. 11rnv:;J I "' a .. )Q. b••m at ~~ Jnt~toph h,.~., p•tal. !...------------ T'l'VI,_, TC!,. SlifE"' t( OV'T £" !" You ---.IU~'T M~t<f UP Yovtf "11fiiD TO ~T"''l' IN \ B.f Cy Hungerford fltlt< E. Ts is Pur i KL05t f -,\ ~[.,)Oil/ &<>T fA KH &, T'~ '{ fi5•\IN' ~C.( '>oN ()QM~ ALIVE 1\ To l'fE ---. 0£.Jflt l tM ful..'- ~~1. . t ? & "ft4' (!, 7 C~Upt')l' ... . ':ifvff YA. t<iN rur iN !M j~ l>iR l' --· -_...,. By Cbarlee ~Manu ., • TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED ServlcP Men and War Worllrn Aft AD ~w u..., ow Gkta at t11e 8wttdlbauda OOOD PAY WilD.& I..&UIIQMQ AND ....... .,..,.. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. 100 Eut Bay Aw., Balboa or 514 ~ No. Main St.. s.nta Ana Sta~t ol A,.....IJ ~ ProleMienal Diredory Cordoe M ... aetr,II.D. ~, ..... _. ......... NlAifl • ..-c-ere ..... Off kle Hra.· 10.128,..,; 1·1•.1111. T ... ~u LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW c.o.ta .... ...... au ....... ...._4H coee ... _ Gerald Raua, M. (). -.... OeaAr'lll ·-.............. ,..., ... "·---··· )(-........... HAROLD L GRAUEL CHAPEL ''WeO. .... wwtaleara. ..... • ,. ..,._c-... ..... PMMfiM ...... ceeta Mwe 8UY NOW C"'r Tu Sale t...b A. J . TWIST f!ln C. .. H~ltwey "'-- CORONA DEL MAR DAW llaiOOL · .....,: o.a.-, Pr 1 ,.._, " ............... 0-A.·---··-~~ ............... Co.rad R6dlter, II.D. .. ,...... ..... . OMee .... ...... Naa ..... .... ...,...; .... 2 •. -6 ..... .. ~ tU: ~ 14--1 DR. C. E.~ PHYIICIA.N eM .,_ON -c..-...... ...._. .... _.....__ Offlee-.w ....... ., ... ~c..-...... a Dr. M. D. Crawford OP'I'0.8'1'ala'l' .,_e ...... <a.-naw ·-.. _,.,. a .... .._..,_ coa'I'A-.& I)R. O~WCA8l -~W.GJ41 ........ ,1 ..... ··-·-' 8AL TZ IIORI'UA&Y CHANL 8Y~ 1M 4teO...Ehll. c._ ... .._ ............ "'-aNa ,.,.. I ....................... ,. ................... -c--.. ... N.D. CASH • 'II ••. NO _. CAT ~ITAL . _,..._ ~ .. --................ . ~-· A. lloUamleJ '( OQMM•+pAI. iMt'-.............. , .. ............... • , -1 ,. , ~ • • --.• .. • • • • • .. .. • • .. .. -'. I • .. ~ • 2 I~ ,. " • r. .. .. " " " ~ • r ,. .. • •. 0 • "' ld I' II , • Dinner Party for Fidelis Class and Their Husbands " I IHarborGiriWed Harbor Femi.lli.ne A t• •t• !church Carolers With Ancient Rites C JVJ JeSIBring J oy to At Ru ssian Church Mesa Residents It "''" C"hrbtmaJt • '" a.nol ••ut--tf By Wtnlfred Barbre ~.'~ Phones 12 and 13 • "tr Dinnf'r at thr S t•\\ t 1"" 1 11''11~' ,.,,;, 1111· Htu•.M~&n (Jrll•••<lr•' • hllr<h A II "k-luau nf '\ • 1 tlurt~· tn Ranta Ana '" 11 ""''' 1 1 '" "" •. ,.~ II l h I ExctlaJl~e o f c.· fts. B lb c· I M t R th I A d A E . I II I h ·· .. ,)\"'""' """''"""''"""-a oa arce ees erro a nnounce rmy ngtneer .vours;r ... r~.a ""11'"'~''1 1 •• nll"j:' uf I:IUTlf'to 111 11'" 11"1n.-"1 !II • 11 I! It r"111:h tlw l•o •· tor.•••• '"" ut YouU! Fl'IIOWIIhip .. r C'osta ltrM anll loi n. C"ht•lit•r l •. •l .. r 2111' 2'1'1 hlnh tton lthlol .. lo\ltC "•rn.th Whoopee :lt BPW For Christmas Tea At Ch ri stmas Party Home for Holiday C'umn.lllllt)' l hUrt h \\o•lll lloro•u~-:11 ...,...~lIn (•'"'1~ )t .... I ""'" 1"1'''1 the r.lo•o • •loot '"'I I I ... rll(hl (r•om ' • lho• h KflWayll Bh. It\'\',, .• 'I ''"' Chnlltm~&a fliLTlY 1'"' m,.m...,,.. .. , r1 'I k I I li t• I . 1•1-Chrt'stmas Party .. After Three Years ·--adln h t I I II 01~ Fldf'll~ r-ta11" of ("nmmunlty hll• '• ' '1' • "' ..,,.! ,..,..,.n••tJ "'"-" hr.-t._ tD :oo lnt .. rm .. l ""'''"'"r~m<'nl 111 thf' ..,_u •·-C s 11 • nl' tint n t••r rhllr c h wben UJ.-y hoouu~l tbelf ""'1'' l•l• ,,. t 1 ho·~ 1 ''' """'111''11 mf'mbo-r11 1.t th~ B"llwoa Ctrele at , I• 11 II ,lJ ••f !\1.&!1 Mary E jfelund. frh•ntls 0( the l'llllr• h "rlh Ill•· hwb&ntt. n-c~nU•· Mrs. f"aber 1a 1'"''"1·' ·~ 111' .v "·•·I 11• 1\1(.-t\l•l Mr~~ ,.. 1 !\l•.t•r•• ''ItA h•·~l•·•,. '" of,.IUit'rt '"'" an.l c 1on"una. par< ',lll&:hl•·r'" •·f !\t r ancl ~1'11. J nhn Cbrtatzna. at lhf' h••m f' ,.f Mr" 111(~-.•tt :arrtllar <,•r ~1:. · • <oo!l_:• bead ot thf' c1...: 'lol"•mom~· "'''" h u.t .. l• •I n,~or· mo•ml~ r' ••f ""' 1111'111•"" hn•l l'r••· at IH 1 h l.nl" Ah•ara.do J"b,. 1 I!• h'nt1 -4!VI (llol ('nunty R.oa.J. Blrdf'Ua Ball, 2610 O.·l"an F'runt. f•ta lrt• NI"IAOn was l ht> !!•• o1 fnt'nol Pl4u•a at dlnnn Wf're 1.&1d for r11111:•· t.tu..~ Suph t ll o ... ,.K~llf' ,,.~~'''""1 \\'oomo'll ll ''"'' 111 t1 (114rtv \\",.dn .. e ola~-: with w,... lA!t\ ,.,.,..,. !\lt>aa \03.1! mBdPIII a tanu.ly •·u a d oubly Juyuull OCCL'III>n thl~ who l"lln<'d his tr111 l.. .:~ol ''''·" lt.o· )l~mra &lld 11,...,. ~nnle Slrotlt('r. dllUifhlo·r "' Mr ... nol Mra "' he·r "'"'''""" honu· Thur1111By V&ufl:ho IUitl Mr11 S tnllll aam.tam· , ·t,n•ln ,.,. party Sunday e\'~Dlng y~ar for MrR Ball's gTttn<l!oou 1 drlvtr AI thf' er.ol ••f tho• ralt· ........... 'Woodl H 11 R Lolllll Slf'C.Jthn, 5411 t:J lol••lf'nli I ••\ ""'"1: With :~;, lltl• nollnj.! I A ....-a hi I fully llflpotnted lAili· ,1t th,. t:g .. t11nol hromt Wayn~ Krat>me:r &I.L.Jr., wu hum .. the t:~<rult•rs Wl'rt' \O tll'tlll'•l loy dt·-·--·d. e · '" ry. uy ""''""'• ='""l••rl llql'hllo RTHI A tall Atl\'f•t l •t• f1r .. t, • .,J In th .. b on • tm•·,. 11f nut t1r,.ad r--• so111.nt••·•n"' h•r lo.,.ly diamond for th;o fln1t tim,. ln U!rtt •nd Ai lWIOU!! ''"lre!lhnlo'lltll ~t·n·t·d in tho· n.ut•·etn Woootle Couper Ray -1 • • nut cak•· ,. J ,. ~ IDoad W~ JamM W Oo"..l• 'Harrla Co&lt~rd.aman H.oloert ~f'ftk" h11: Wln!lr.w oo( lhf' Irvin~~: r.,.,m,l •n•l ('("Jfrklf'•. whllf' Kra. 8m.a1J p,..... <11lltaln-. Mlllll Eg~lund told of her halt yt!ar. H~ l11 wtth thr l '.S ..ncl&l h~&ll ••f thr o h un•h 8Lil • Jo ctnn. 1 l'r nl01tl!l, A!t··r lh•· tmrr .. ,.. v,. oloohl" rm~: "''"'" llt't'"'""fl tall randl".l! nankf'<t [IU!IJ' ... 111rect tea and cotr.. ~" (1\ol" IW.~ nt the Air Corn. AI&Jika for that length ot tim~. nn Sunli~ty mx ht v.•he!lthe Ft'llow-Gird Lo«~on. Kakn m Rl'ltl, ll'k . I ·ht h I I · •-• ·r-D I Lt. R. S. Teel, COM. Home on Furlough F'ln-t Lt H S T••• I of t ,, I. -: :.t.aruw .\.r 4 Jrj l:i "''' nf :11 ;ontl ltn , Ah 10 Tt:l'l, :111• !'l.ft I •n,·e, l'ool••llll o.hl ~l.ar url!\"o•ol hull.<' htJft WHit fo,r a 30-.Jny furhrugh li<' h~;LJ~ huJ ll YlUr "' llo·l\!•1 10 U1o• Suulh PJUtfll'. \\hl'h ' '" to ot•k Jl<lrl an thr ..... majnr tluttl· ~ un.J "i'lll'll tht• f'tt'lllt .. ntta l t ·m ; Cata- taoor\ an\1 th~ Pa1 llll' T.bo•lllll rab- bon With Ulr~ battlt' alar~ IUld lllld Qt't'n rt'<'ornmenchd lool lh~ Jt:slm~;ut~hl'd Flyme ·,,.1!1:1 Thunday he and hill wlfo•. Je•an. wNal tu San Dlt>lto hut n ·tumed tn lln~C' :or Chraatmas dmntor wiU! the ta.mlly a.nd the llrutenant'a • gr11nc.lfather . A W arre:n o. C111ta. 1 h 'J Bill of C'l"' mna tl, Ohlll. l ""I "n th•· m11nU,. lilt if' fat &nll:f'la llided tlYtr a l...,~ly allver •I"Yl .. , .. mlng marrl&lt" to Air Clldt-t Army F..n~n~~ra and hu been In I The aure g roup wtll bt> l!lt••sts .,........_,_ ....... ~ J '• f••mon). oJ u r n r: ., ~ '"' hv <:.."hri.lltmu r:r•'t'nll. favnno tht·re Wft'e red tJooot. ftiJ,.,I traanm• rmter at G&rdn~r Field. urtn~ hla mtl~ •lAy h~ Wll8 nnt Ahlp will gathto' tor l!ir.r .. •r anol --Y ... ~ ,:;;"'"Y· -;,11 ·:~., .. ~ c·ruwna ,.,... pl••·ed on Uti' h .. a.1110 Y.vl'ryt.nr hrnuaht L"hrllrtmlUIIMtn •·•n1ty &1111 aula. and Butlarto t ',ollf ~ 8 dati' whtch hu not y~t ~ allowed lo tell where b~ waa, but welcl{mto the Nt'W Yt·ar W •th Jrnn Dunn. ,.Ou-t wrer>ce C 1111 uf thP brlc1o• IUtd 1rooom. lh" Jlrtol jC1f111 and th,. .. "'Hr pla•·cod f<ltlr "'"nrh &nil Sorma H&up IMIIJI"d IJtot-n d~ldfod upon H~ 1• a 800 I for part ot the time h~ waa h~lp-F.dlck aa <'ha.lrma:l. I hi' rahlnet • • • • • • • • ·• • • • •· • • • • • • • • • • ·• Rrftnol¥1 B. Jnhn.on I preeentfod Ow bride Witb a Bltll~. fr, NVh tabl,., whf'"' r an.la ,..,.,... l ..,rve. .,1 Mr and Mra. 1Aon ~~ of Inc build tb~ A.lc:&n hl1hway and membt-r• v.111 be boaiJI. Thl11 11•1 : le y Y At. Jill. wnttrn In bolth HuMI&II anoJ Jo:O~t-hald <iUI tor "Wh<"MipH'.. Aa ~ll{"b ; Mra John ·~lllott led .. devo. I'C'<II"IIl. Ill 1 wu ltAtlonrd at White Hor~. lnc ludc•A Norm~ Uayll AS pn•mdrnl: • Hippy w elr ~ Holiday Party for 1 . '"h. auut told hrr to ~~~ It ru.m•l •tf pUiy waa nampl,.trd tb~l tiona, IUtti tJJid ow .tory o1 thf' I ,,_ prHII!Dt ror tht doubly C'tlrl•tmu dln.nt>r at Ulf' Ball Bob Bf'ardat .. y, ,·lr .. ·prl'llldf'nt, La-• : M y F Jk all beF ute. v.•lnnlng 1Jiay~ra v.•,.,..,. llll••'"'rd ·to old.Pat (.'brtat.m.aa t~ It ill • J"''"UJI o~M:uton we~ Kr. and hnmf' wu on ~uncltay, and gaUl-vunne Glblllh. 'orrelltx•nohnj: l<f'l'rt'-• _ ~ _ ; esa oung 0 I Jnly " ff'W fnf'lldat an,d tmmrd-tab Wlth them ll• th .. n .. lllt tabl~. «i!lnl aequcol&. .tand.lnjl' ta ....... a !\t~~· F:rlrk Juhl &noJ Mr. and Mrs.l l'r.od about the tAble ••n e Kra~mt'r tary and l'lomrrlttel' he>aus I.ul& • ' ..t.-.. Cold M ta l•tl•• .nl.llv.,. wilnu_. thl" t:~rt-th .. ~Ziflll nf thror •·hooit'" unt1l Ulf'y Sallnnal park. anti mall"' thf' J••hn IW<'k~tt. Loll Angeleft: Mr Rail a.nll hiJI sillier Sardella. Mrs I Strunk. Marl{arc:ot S l'l:<t•n :lnd ~.«>r-Groce.-. ftl ~ ... "'· F. :o.IICkf'll ., .. hntolf'NI rnn'\V .At att.r It ,., ... llVU the Wrrf' "''"" •hutrt ... l h\' rh:tn~n~: '"'"ry ,, (..,m .. t'• blnh --IDMI' .. n.l Mn. Paul f:g~lunct. Wllmtng-1 8811'11 litter. MISII vtn~r. a.nd h~r I rna J~an AlbPrs. FrulbJ a Veptablel at ~r home-. 221 Rroad-.•ay. un youlll' people left f<~r a ••hUr "" k llf'tty ll•n•lv "'"" fooun•l ''' rl•-lv , .,nn• .. 1~1 ~·ltb our O'll n t.•n 1Jn1. ~anah Cavllnaugb. eo.taa l n.-pht·w. Blckbum Ll'fflf'r, Man-,. • -~ - TUeeday 1'\'&Dinl '"' a ,.ala boll-C1uiltmaa at YOM'mltf". Buth have havr hiKh rti'Mf' "h,.n t ho· j!'am .. tam .. ~-,,,.. h,.r~ 1a anm~thlnc _.111 ~1,.113 an.J a gruup of nrph~ws and hat tan ~ach : Mr And Mr11 \\'nync Wor.l hAl! hOt'n rc. •·aw t \'Ia " • claJ' party bonorlnr: ~r daujfbt,.r ll l :.'·•lay ll"a\'"· 11h,. frc•m h,.r W<ork wu c·oompl .. trol. llnt1 Jtuth t; .. rnM& """" t••ltty thlll ~a·ae al,_.,y a tl"' .. men... 1 Ball. Ralboa: Mrll Wll}'llf' IJHJII!I tt'lt·phl•nl' 1 all b~ M rs \': Jo: • OPF.S 8L'"!IIDAY8 • Mft'd!W. Del a JWOUp ot ~r 1\th u lab<Jralt>ry t.echnJt"lllJl a t UIP ha.t ..... \lh•·n l "hrtJOI WlU b om , In·~ a ' !son. Robin Gloun. and h~r mnthl.'r . Su·k .. ll tCJ her p11n•ni!1 Jn ::t U 1111!0 :_DuHon's ftrocery :_ ~ tnftld• Gamea, comm unity Ranta Ana Army Air '-· •noJ Ill'" I A \'f'ry 10h••rt h11111no·,. ,...11111ron !f'9.' r•~•l•lt• , 11,,11,. 11 f'lr a CbriJtl· X p H t M r11 Rhod~• that ho-r (ulhH w tu, hn11 ho ''" I'• ,.. Q .._ mH~ t' • • :t n• •""' yrar oth,.r~ • ~ • Ul'inc and refrubmenta ....... the,JCT'aom frum hJ .. ba.w at !'\an l llf'j(OI w .. ,. hf'lll w;th M UU\ ll .. rl<h•'\" 1\nol I h mas arty OS ess I l •oual.v Ill for 114'\'1 r..U llh•nlll.• I!! Ol'dw at t.bt' eve.un, I 'nw! DI"W ~... Rl'hf'pkr KT&•I-"'" It Jo: ll•·lltn~"""rth "lnru r" 1"1\'0• lld·lo•ol '" th .. thrtlftlf' "" h Honored With Carolers Present abl~ t'l U.· Up foor ll <ollloll ll:t:. : 17ll.C S f'"'l10r1 Blvd .• o .. ta M-. Bidden to ,tbf. al1alr Wl'r~ R~-uatf'd from Ut .. ~f'WJ'<>rt 11/arblr .,, lht· lollt llko•l otr.l\< Itt.! \\1111• h•·l·!• " ............... , tM-fo~ th• Ch w l'lil'h llny •• I •• I I ••••••• I ••• I ••••• I t.:n loo HlrtJ arhr.ol and attf'Dih'<l B·•tl:llll•l !'1•1•111 "" '~1'"11· ...... I •• , .. , •• ,, ~""'' t Mr8 F:lllr\lt URd lUI Stork Shower 1 ristmas reaths Santa Ana Junlnr rollf'll;l!. .,, "nr l•llo•l• ""'"""'Ill~.; '" $1 \•1-1 , r .. ,,1,1,, 1 "If•'"' Lron~ Ia Cbrb' 1• • . I I ' t I . ""!• I mary ""'"'" looo:on.a 1:•• k 1.:•' -.::~. t;H•I hll Ttololo' I,.~~'' 'l' """' ''"' 'lil'i!•'1fl,...l It ~ ram.-I A '"rllhltt•••l11trll'llml!J< pnrl\• nn•l Artf'r a fl\'1' .,·, '"' k ,.,.,pf·r ;:-r · fo'l~'wr, :OO:omo" J, "" IIIli IIn•·. C'otr· ,, .. k, •I roll • 'l11rTII•'II ,., • """'"'' • llor··•• ·h roll .,,,. Vl'llr In -s>lr•l '''" .'41 .,,. 'r \\ '" h••lrl r•'<'t•llitv at I, . .,.,. rat l'hrillt <'hurl"h hy tho• !'.•.1 ..... ,. l'• hrnat ~~. ...... Joo C..,llf\11\' ... IIK\'o• II' •r 1•1•'•11 ' "' J 1'1 I ,, ..••••. ~ ,,,. I I "'''Ollar nr qum ...... ht~IIH ,,, :lit• J•·h n :lll·~trllnn. S UIIII:oy. I'V\'Oin~ :ll'i y .. uns.: I"'"P'" "' /Itt ....... 'I II. • \0 •••• "' l I I I I .. •I It r• ll~hout tJ .•Ill J:o·•II,OIIob ll\1'011... S o•\\t••·d Ill tho• Y<•llth Fo•ll•o\\~lllp 1:'" ... 'II ~;~l:'';~:lll;.lrl,~niiHh~:l;:· ,':le;.~~'f; ''"" ',. .,,,,.J•A •· I . ··I '' • ,, n <I :·.,' ', <' , ... ·,.p '. • • ' ' . II· •I= I• I' "''" ~lr• Lo•"'L'< ~l··ntll joro·t! 'ofro ,. nnd """~hnllll< and J-'\aht-r, m•llh•·r of t•nc• ••I th,. J.:tt ht 1•-.kl· • Hrt•l t • • •''' thi J•-.-W'l rt \\I I•· '""''''",f"' u( Bnlboa I~' tnt! ~t'" \\',dt.·r C.,l•· a .. • tto~t··~·-o,J thtu \V\nl nut l ur a ,.,,,ltd •• .- C,v)JilAlll ~·•\••d "'~~1 t ... \1 ,. ~·I '···, ,, tn•rr.l-, .. :.r•· ftn•hn< l ~h \ dt•l•·•t,1111,· l u u .-h••o n Yt.t!-1 f1lti:o~lm:e~ 4·:•rn f l'llllCirtJ.! ltl ~,u,, .. rllf:flf:~f:f~,~~·~-~~~~~~~~'~f•f•f•f~f~f~f"~ 1'11' "'' •; I'• '' 11 1 1' 1 '1' 1 1 ' r , • I" ' ''"' 1 '11~1 nn tollnu•tl•·· "'n ool Ill 1111 1 lllll'•''l d•·• ,1atl·•l an p••rt. lllolhorl .111d l!nll••a l~ol:l'ld " tl ol. """ o\ II " il. ol tl e .... ~ .. ,\ ~ oi •• rl •• ·~ •• ~ II"''''''''' II ... lo • I'. l 'lo!l .... ···n lo· Ill ""' frrat I•· k•· 1•1111! •,u lh llh• t .. tod:a\' ~1'1!1"•11 Till•)' \'l..;lt•d '<lllol ,lll/1, Sll!l'lll_ .. I "'' , " d · rn;·rnh•·r and llmunc-1 •. ,, ,.,.tr•l ~ ,,,11,. u-.\ •·x• h uu:•~ ran·l~. an•l pr.~~·niPd th.-,ru \\ th ~MOM AID tOT SHOP • ~~ 'U f 111~ l l111fCS II\' n l\ '' I"''" W<'lonmf'd V.\11 l'lll ll<lttl:l" l.'lfl~ a nol tlw t11n of \\'r('ath.~ lo( ('hl'ltlllllllll ll"l!" tr .. ool• !§ ~ Fo~~cr Swl:d h~a rts ;,'1•::1 ~~~;;. '',1··~::·.~;i bllt:J•,:·w:-::~::~ ;• .:.ken.: •··lo·• , ... n,. fl nrn a gr.ol• :?. .. 1~u~.~:!,';;:; ,~"','.';;•:.":;~~";,::::;~ ,.~., • • "''" ,.,,. • •I ,.,.,.r "'"'" hi' wu :1 ll· 1 .,,, ,. f,,r I lot• !'fthrk s h .. wl'r (•hrll•lmiiR !'"'' Within 'tth• fnlllll_\ " •• .......... <I ,\\ t ho I )oo~o oof If 0 lloHi l\.111;: I••\ .( 10:, f •t $1'\t'll, anol <Jrtllfbl~<i 'A ·~ ~1111 \\'uJto•r \'oolo• /Hid l'hf' \O'fl" ('lfl 1!',., • • ,._~ 11•1\lf o• 111 l 'llfl~l 1111H.tl 1,,. t it•• huo :lll!fll•!lo f' \lllh a _.lt-ctloo ft! 1•1•,.•1111"•1 'A•'h muny pro•lty 11r-l ,.~. S·' ~"'"'" llll>rll.ll.; t ho· ohootr' oololtam. (11\'ool'llf'll AI!IO &IDI>n~ llrl•s Charles Storing 111e Friefldly lnt.€t~ and Putronu~c of .. or1g ·• "' :·luo.: """·" nn·l tho·u ·'" tlh-no·~ m .. ml~o·rs waa thr hOIIUM Til•<"~' Jlrl'"' nl wo·ro• .!llrM. c•nl" ,.., .... ~:tina \\ulk•·r ,,,,,.,.,, ttlo· .... s-Mr" ,..,.. .. nr h .!llr ... .:.t z ull'· .!ltr .. Th~orras J••l'k• Home for Christmas • Each Small Pt>r.o;on and Ead1 GI'O\\nUp in ~ chn~-: m un h I"" • lol•·r h I"'"PI•• !lin• f:•l \\ •Itt rJ< !\tr,.. Jam•·>~ C1tarl•·~ ~tc,ring. f••nnf'r I'"~ tnt I .. I ant .. '"'"' .. ,... '" ..... mur n o.. Christmas Dinner ~ ,..,., .!lfrll t-:otoh" lllrk•t\'ltt h. lin• d ••rk. Whll ha .. IJ<•o•n Ill the• ptol<lal Our Morn and ~Shop "Family" I fa<; ~ -Ttw hl'lo\1' '"'"' )I riO -"IUtlllo• nru-.. .,..;mk .Hf'trr .. nt ~!no ~~~·!\lilian.' llr>f"\'tq• at Mathrr f'l.>hl Slh I ll ,.:;;;; hnk<>l nnol tta<· urul••~er,..,m wJUO Honors finche. S !\lr<~~ )frrri.ll ~tr:• .,.,..,,.\ wall '·"'I m<'ntu. arrl\'• ol llno·xp•·•·t r,ll\ '" ~Y Apprerlatl'd as the Yrar Winds to-• ~I JoiArllc•n M···n· ur 24:\0 Srwr~tu1 _ h••J<t• M at thr Janunry meetmj: at sp• no I C1lrl11tmaa wath hill mnU!I'r, ward Ita Holl<tay C1~. Our \\"L..tl Is That ~ hno1l"'''""'' ,., ... ,,. ,.. ... ,. ("'ll•l.,·~·l j -Mr lln•l !\Irs Rr.d<-n f"nrb an•l h~r h11mP. ~11:! (1uhhftll"'' avt>nu•· ~lrl<. Marjl'Rrl't ~toranJ: H-'6•~ :.!!It;, I . ,., ..... tho ·orto lito·\ 1"'' .em•· "''1.;•: •I· thf'ir IIUilf'r And brotllf'r-tn-la_. i l<lrt-l'l ~ SeeJIOfl bP \'cry Happy, and the N~ -... , wh•'ll "",."'Ill<' tan tllrll moo\'~d lolr and Mno Al~reoJ &butt:&. Wf'rl' 0 en House at the ~lr!! Storm J;: hnol not hrarct frt•nl .~ t r<>m t11"'ll anol b •th marTI"'I Iuter huni'>N'\1 (;llMla at a dlnMr and P him f,r a mo~nth. At\11 wall ro•!lr \'<.,1., Year Bring AU Fine Thin~ for Our N<'W ~ •'""'"~>! I h ,., r to~trtnl'no thr•·••.:h '<'hri.tolmR.II partv ginn hy 38 I'm-John Vogcls' Party I Ill! W ('JI as cW<'Tjoyed, to 81'P him . I and ,...__..... E'-1-..L. of "'"-rona' .L.I Mar and -•!f'Ath . Jolny .... ,. nr l hf' Kt'ly f"nch C~M'!OI • . I H .. haol In 11'8\'f' ~le>no~ay •'VPnln~ -\JUUU rlft"'ftL"\ \..A.I ........ r.r:;;;l t IY.v F: II c; ••• ,.ll l"'l (•r!t f~l I I ., 11 l 'olrl~·· ...... 1 ........ -...... 1 1 I , ... I r .. r.h•~ III'W l'lKll•lll Ill l'lln IJ4>m:.r-~.. ... 'II It •• •• 1 ... " ,,. 'q . -m ~ t -.·ru• •. , ... n 1••U8•~ ur1s ma~ ~" lh•· ••·l••m ooll\ 111•1 ~lr llol1 11ful or· ,.,1111 •t •t •lin" ""''' h•• ll oll hf' t ra u1•••l :1" ,, 4....,. NN'JlC)r1. a •· • ' J.: ldllv at tl•,. """"' •·r "r ''"" "r" . -~....--rttrlf.!•••t I ... r .. J•" ••.• .• :lf\•1 nu\\ ··r~ A ft •·r •llnn··r P'Vf'f"\'nn.-;:·A the~ Joian v,,~··l :t:..:~.. ( '"hHnn··· Jt.nHtl. 01t'l hun•, r .. r H·.!!t bnnlli4•r1'4 ,.. ~ ""I .. ' tKih· fur I ho· ••t-.ldlnj: I IU'<ound thf' C"hristma11 trre and G · 1 lllkl 8'>me• faft v frll'nol~< d1 ''l'l>~'o l an · Late Cl A-d I • ~I Alto r lh•• o·o•n •muny " ;""•··~·tong rhlln~l'•l gift-a whll~ Kr 111111 ' tilt: r unYI'rliA.IIon anol m II Hi c·.l 81L S " ,.....,.p t11-.ra ,. .. h:·hl Ill the <.m~ham Mrw. f"nrh .,~,... Jlrt>MDINI 0111lh ": K w-haf"l K~tr .. uMky. n•,h'\1 ptana!'ft .. I ~ ro•AIIlllr~tnt •n f ''"'" Ml'llll anol 30 ~~et tof t•ry!ltaJ ,.,1n,. ~~~ 11.11dlwtl" II l~avlng fur Ntw York ' PAINTING -INTJo;HJOR U--1....1 Jot SLO' ~IJ'U"Rt. raamrl('(l ti\C' wt'ddln~ •·:Ut~ l'lerlrn~r aalta -d ,.~, and where h,. "''Ill app.·nr at th•· ~1.-t -1 A.-.;n F.XTfo:tUOR PAPEitl!';t : ..... .. • ~l and Wlllhr•l the-~'""f'lt' much bappl-t.tr. lU'Id loin ~hult.z r«"Ph"f'd •t ro1ptoltlun Optora hnu8<'. fuuocl <•no' J.'ir>~l-das"' w1>rk. Jo'r~e I'll\ lmUio•, -o...t ....._1 W. nr• lllll·rllng snuu llt11h " Jwrl•·• 1 not•• lin tlw \'to~:••l panno. Tt' ~'INKLJo: 1-J AHL)~VAttJo: r ., j Tht re Wl'n" •unCI' by \'arloua ac 1·oor··hn" too als uwn••r ;•n•l th~>r,.,l Co.sta ~t·!lt;t, Gnlh !l9-41 p ('.,... .. Jiar • P H W ~ ,.:-;, arty OnOrS ee talent('(! mcml_.r.~ nf the J:Tl>Up fM foro• o, n110•nlo•11 to ~1\t' forth with ...... ,a, .. : N-..rt 145•·.1 a f Co j thl' 1•ntt"rtalnmt•nt. I' 1 an n~ ct by aom•· 1, . .,1 mu1~lr. 1-'ClR SALE C..'ommHdal fl8hlng ~ Ones 0 sta Lllhan Rul. lllld Mary Aile .. 1'01· Mr .. ';rahAml• What.-,, Hn~llln, hoet, 21<-ft. Fantail. 217 :.!!lUI t t f f f ., .. ,... 1' f ? .. ? ? 1' 1' 1' ,. I' ., 1' I! ,.1:..1 M F · l in rei. Ja• <Jlk'IIO,. ~Bn,...n IUid UlllaD plan lilt• 111,1 ,.,_,. alo~<t 11!J;c1 t•l:l\·•·•1 9fl-lt P :l.l:l!l!l!ldJdiJ:I,I!IdiJ:I:I:I!I:I~~:I:I,I:I, " esa aremen 8f'al V.'f'f'f' "'lrJ>Orurtllt' fnr th~ df'C• but t:t rJI ol .!\f:t.rliOdh, j.!!'.UioJ IIJ'I'r,l The Day of Sweethearts Young and Old The Whole World Over ~!Idle See Oar VALENTINE--1 SPECIAL ' $1 Roberts · Portraits -...... ~....,ftMI a,a _ .WW&De II&J&TA .AliA ......... : II A ...... P.JI . .._ ! Orllllonll tenor "·'" .l \'i1'11nt ,,r throo;,l «~llolrrn ht•l•l tho llmda~:ht o•n ____ -trouhlo• . .n.t wa. .. o11t nhlo• tro ~10:: .. .,.,tilt\' wh .. n tho-"h" w .. r,. lul lc y Warrant Officer Mra \'oo.:o•l wu al .... , ... rH•"tnl.! ''"""lo:h ''' lu\\'r 11 , .... ,,. ~I· .. ,. t'or• • from n 1'••1<1 and had lo.~t h•·r \'ooiC"t'. mAll ...... l h.-lr (Ktht•r V.'f'n" j;l\'t'll Returns for but It .. '"'.grand ""rty .auyway " )'•lly 1 "hn-lmi\Jt pc.rty hy thl' ----_ I "'l\'1'10 at lhr hiiiTlO .. , Mnl .hm Happy Christmas t•olllnll Ttlf'r,. "''""' l!'""w" .1nd Young Officer I Jrlftll ,,,,..all U\f' r •otlnl: Jr\lt'l tll. th,. It "'"" a Ulnlhn.:l~· harpy Home for Christmas aftrntt~nn rnntlu•hnll' with "''"'.-,. < "hrii'III'UUII "'f'f'k fnr t,.,·n f&JT.IIII"a tn I ml'nt• 11f ~um balll' An•l roM.oklt'i< CuN>na dl'l Mar. f11r Warrant ()ffi- Th•-Jlrf'Mnl ,.,.,.,... M,. Ed ro·r Fo~ H Tlf'l\1 wu romlnc I F ... lklc and cblllll"f'n. Harold an•l hume H r had hH-n In tbe hn(lpital ~h,.rr11. t.tn 1-AJ \\'Alt,.r• and rhlld· at ~.art Ha rtlfH, llP'Ifllf transrrned I ,...n Calhf'r1nr &nil Dtann•: Ul~ to Ule on~ a t Ollk Knoll. Oalllluwl. holal-. Mn . Colllna &Dd chlldn-n, •n•l Jut ,.,-~k to Ule Navy ho.pital I Ho •nn ll' anol Jl'rn·. Mrl!l ADdf'rl'"" Ill san nil"jfO. v.·hi"T'f' hi~ Wlfo· I~ T•lfll, Jim and Mllr"'ry, Mra. Har· J'' c•thy. '&'r.lt down to -him nhl l'':lmf'r , <"arnl Ann and Bohblt' At hl"m" "" thr c·10a.ot Jltghv.·ay J n . Mrto Wn~rht BO•I n<~Dnll", !\lr11, 1111, m•>thf'r. Mrs F:h7.Jtltt'th f\f'al, AI ()J:olf'n, JOIUI lln•l Jf'f'TY Lynn: allol hL• h•J: Woolf ""ll'. HBrt. v.·rl"f' Mn r~rt,..n ~mil h. J lll'k enol Ho•X· v. Ill ling :UI•I hu• m<•l hrr -m-law, Ianna Mn• IJ•u"' J Tatlo·y "'"• .t.~·nrat­ '"lt " ( 11nl'l mu I,..... a n.J •on ll \O':t/1 a "\\"l'l1••m,. llnmr " 1n bla For lhf' ftnot Um~ In thr...-ycarR tlle famllv o·an·lf' a bo-.ul thl' l1lr19t- IDU dlnn~r taht,. of Atr nno! Mr" Ed«ar II INI. fit!\ Via Lad" ~ou.t. wu cnmrlrtr. •·lth tlll' rf'lum ur tllelr ~ldrr Mn. F.. Ktmbnll H ill. t r o m J\:1\\'•tl Otfl«'f'f'll' Rt'eer-vt' TnUIIJ.ng &rhclOI at Autt1111, Tt•xa.P Tbe younc otn cer Ja.a apcnt t• paat t wr, I ~I'Uilnla8o'!l in Afrlf a. b&Yifllt' ~II In lhl' ID\'1\I'lt>n. Mtl be wu m lhf' Let>diJ\""'11 wht•n it waa tounk llr h:uo l'IJ'<'nl a tntal n[ 11 monlhlll In Ml'ollterTMriUI l<• r· l<'ll<'rll. lt!lrt hftol t>.·•·n t11ld hill OU!f'rll whn nl:\olt up th•• f:Lmol~· mA.•I•'r "'"" fo•nun~: no•rr•· ancl be part~· ,..,.rr Jlr anol ~It!' llowflrol ~'"'"' tJ\· lhf' "'""' ""tt'• l.on.: f'llch Hill and lolr11 F:ol~nr 1'. lloll. Loo/1 1111\D II' ·unlfflnn. w h • ~. •I "otlt· ~- Anjff'll'll M r :~1111 !II r!l Jo:o 1:; 11 It tnj:' fo•r 1h•· ro~hl ,.,,. Hill IUl•l lh<'lr twc• ynun~:t'r ~·n~ Tbey're Preeleaa Oaard The.m CarefoDy See Wt>U and work w•JJ by havtne your eyes !ldenuncaf· ly ell.llm!Md. prescribtod for and rlttt!d. You'll It!(> your job In a brighter Ught aftt'r a Yillt to our convenlt>ntlr loc:a t t'd olfl et>. OIL M. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETIUST 179! ~rwport &ulevard C.-ta M-.,._ Z4SO CrNI.it Terms I Iff I• ··r 1 ..... I h ......... n oO\'I'rllo· w H~nry an<! Tnrn ""'''" n .r,th:e a:n.t ht .,:\.... u ,,,i.D r----------------------------.....: l•root h• r ~"l·•ol It II• Ill \l"oo 1J1 • otp-• 11111\ ··f n "'·'!' "''" 111 l'llll'J'i•me FOR MEl \\ a1.,r!i 11d BOYS • m Ma.rtw A-.. BALBOA llliA!II'D ...._ . .,. Judge Performs Yuletide Service (\f!1ro:~ttn.: ''' th•• m.1rr ,~ .•... ,._ m•lll\' ... , .. ,~:,.. '' J n'"'.:•· .. ·u1.oct ·'""'Ph I'·" rfl• '' .• r II"·• ::1· · • \na l Ami\' Air ltiiJ·•• A.llol ·"1!\•'llef t K11U;f)-n .J •• ks-•n .. r T11n p.a ~·:a.,! 1·tn Fr•tln~ I.,., '"' Thr l•nol t .we J hC'r pr<lfi"~ooon A-n11r1'1' B1y F ron I Dinner llouse 703 E. Bay Front Balboa ._ -~­ \X'ISHING A HAPPY ~EW YEAR TO ALL 0 R FRIENDS AND P TRONS -~-1 Opening :\gain \V ednesday January 3rd T~e LIDO CAFE 415 Bush St. Santa Ana Featuring HOME COOKING by MOM RICHADS fonl'M'rl~· of Mother·s Kitchen Open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. ~ UIIS to wasb trylna pans so try tbia. A~ a s•ll amount ot soap powder to pan. adcl ,.-. warw water and slow- 17 al~er tor a te• •tnutes. Then it's a Mtter ot seconds to olean the greas iest ot fi'Tins pans f