HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-23 - Newport Balboa News Times_.,. L. U. :\·1. DESERT uno:. \\'lwn ttw t~s wirt·:-lr~1111 l'a lm S plings ;~nd !'>;1,,..:: it 's nu·t· down t he rt• Ht1d thinks Ill' will siay a \\ay a rHtllwr da~· or Sf'l nfll\t· atle•n11i1'~-·tht• puulish••rs' t'""' "'Ill io n u t Conmacl''· it dt•,·n l\'<'' on tlw S('('tonci st rin~ halfh:.H'k to t-c•rTy tlw h a ll. So. :t fr w sanrt ctahs il,l~tpncl ,,r nat~ for this issth'. __ • • • llarhor Affair.. :'-:o '' eml h:l\ in~ h(>t•n rt-<~'i\'(-.1 f rom Tomrtt~· 13out'hPy. g o ssip around •11•' -bari.IC II' h01. it tha t h · i-.. inlt•r'l'•,lt'<i in " n <'''' reH II y dP\ l'loopnwnt o n t lw d t'.st•rl .. ,,.,~ lllit\' nnt rt•ttu·n to lilt' J'•• I lu: lwld ht•ftol't' th1· \\' , •• ;,., harbor m;~slt•r. J:u •,r•ll C"r!lil-! has ar!mtl· •tcclh· '''"''' ;o t!flOd joll i't 1111' S."'nlt• pl:u ·t• I !1• h:1s l:1ke•n ;1 vit<1l inl•·t''"' in' findin:.: t he' ~ghl~· l'lu,ln• rnonrin~s for pl~-..111'1' l'raft anrl fishin~ 001ts nlike. ~111d rll'l'ln"os thnf .. -. . .. Costa Mesa Ed·ition , -. . .. Nelvport Bal ·oa-Ne,·vs .Times -------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------~·~--------~----~-------------------------------------------- XXX\'01 ·~·· = -~ Suggest SAAAB Barracks F9f: Hol!sing .I • : I Mesan's Son Now in Peking·; Assigned Asst: Military ~~d~:; ~!tdge .Huge Meaf =~~ }.~ :~~ 30Q Veterans Petitioning ~~~~ .. ~~~~~ ... ,~Storage-Plant 0~ ~~!1~ .. ~ .. 0".. For Relief · in Housing Plight; :~" ... :~~~.~. ~:~~,;~:~~~.~;,~~·;n \\'.';;·:~;~I For Me~a l'fl' J apli'S A \\'n~hl. Jl!'ftd-S~gges' . t Re'·ntal . ce·ll.lng R·tse !ftf10rall• \\llh llw l'QIIOI) htl:lrd llf ql!.oo'lo r,. (:Co • ·,·,111 ;\IC'thum f'vrt "'IN r\I'<W$ :lnd ollwr l'\IUOI)' ·r\_!' • 1\.P O. :.!44. (' 0 ~master, lof><lu•s, in a~l.mt: !' \' Cnrl•·l~nu.' _ --, S.on F rano·t-<!'t> 11l•Prl'(·lttl<'S lc>lll'r!l 1 Attache to 'Gen.-Marshan clo\t~ton ••n.:tn·~·r fnr 1111' ~l.oto·. I'I'Ans orl' l'hlllp.,.trd a n•l 1''<<'01· trom hom!'. fro m dll!<~mnlt'!l of Lt. Col. John :\1cC'ann n eturns Near Scene of lll!;h\\ol~ "~·''"' '" mal-•·" 'OIIHh ··weon aln·nd\ '" pro>~;ns' nn 1\\0l ="1'\\IN•rt ll arhllr lli~;hs<'hool.fmm Birth·, .Par£'nts Were \\'ith Congregational of lhl• ''"'·'''"" llf tit•· (lltlpU~I'fl Ill'\ ft'tohlt<hrn··nl~ fnr loll'al ,; .. .,,. \\hid! ):a• "·" I..'Tilllooalt'<.l in April ho~·lt "'''I IHa<lj.!•' ;,t ro<' upp<•r n•··· N•nr•·rns ntl ;-.;, "l••rt houlro-~H • ~ Missions There for :15 \'t-ars '""' \;1'<1. tnlmt'l'lonlt'l~ """'" .. r t.;,, o < :<f.,tlt"T'' I "'" ~:llp:ln and I · ' I :1\rtfnt: "I"'" tho· .,.,,.JAI\-~ r11· s tr••(lt. a~ !•• "'"''" h •• 1-,o· • n1• \lr und ,. -1 F 1 "'' I t ' 1 • I tl Flru,n~;.1n, nwnt cltsl rihU· !\1rs ·r,-d A \\"n~o:ht · :11xi I lnt.i'l '"'hl'n Lt -Col. J o hn l\kCann. \'OlU1~t'SI son or J\tr . anc\ 11"''" • .nr . an··~·. ('I ~· (Ill "' I . lOr for thft n,···· I 1".' ~'('',lr~. ,,.,,r ·.tn-cln\o ho I ,,, JOI· "'·' otl tunC' IH · • C · 1 m:en. mu"•ll that llw 1'1.1~11 j:to , ,. • , • , :\11'1'. ,). 11. Ml<"ann o f 1 ~0 l~rn:uh\ ay, O!'la M('!';;r, arrt\'('( ,111 r····,.rd as r·~111,..;ttm: thi"ollsth "'" rw«< hf' 1, hurhlltu.: a <::ln (l(l(l ro '"" c rtw "' l11• JMJWt'J-i11 th•· hack in PPk.ing. Chin a. last \\'l't'k .lw 1'\'turn f'CI to within 250 rlw dt~ •·n~:•m·f'r, that th•· rond pl1ont to b(. u~··rl fnr l>~•lh wh;al•• ="•"Ji"r 1 _ 1~·"110" :-;,,.,.Tullf'!l. iiC'S o( h is h il-fliplact?-, al~ tht• C h1na l'Oi:t:o.t . to IM.'t'OffiC ,A$· t·"· lot'"""' tldinll<'ly fut· furun• d··· Q:ol•· nnrt rl'ln1hn~: nf m•·:ll ""' w•·IJ • "lul'lt Ius l··1ro·n•~ "ml '" him. Military All:whe t n tile• Am1•l'ican C'rnbnssy In ChtnA, \'I'IQpm••nt nf thf' ,.,.hmhl·• Aro•;o tl' fnmily 111111 · N"om nwtc·i:ol rol~ 111''!]. of his ftl\'cot•tto• rlry. •wn•s" l ilt' duon111'1 .ol 11\fl hlo.:h· :-;,." IMII'I Committee Would Cut E'·il-t'ion Time to-Thirty days; Also Suggest SA.·\AB Barracks in Emergency; for ~1arrit:d. Single Veterans ... V••lfi':.tn~ cl""lll'r:ttt•l) n.,,ltn.,; hllusln~: fur 11wm~o·lvo•, :md rami· hi'S, AAtd 10 nuntiJ<•r :100 in :"\•'" t••t l 11.111"'1 :tl'•':l ,tlnnc· IH'HIIL:hl lho•IO' Jllo~;lol '" t lo•• :II t ••nt 11•n ul th• , h .ru t .. 1 "' 1· .. nun, 'l'' IHI•· l:1"'\ \\'t•••k \\II h l ilt• lt•llo o\\ 1111:• I •"1111 • I: \ "l"l!'lttl lllf't•tlu~e n~ tIll' l'luu nho.•r """ ftc.ht '""' Thun.· , UN'S nln t hi' rll'\\' 11:1-t'hor o r; dinant'C' \\hid \ \\ :t' Jl"~"'fl in r a t h f'r :r h urr·· .. l1t1t w ill no w ll'fJIIiJ~· fll'\\ Jl('l'mit-; for :til m O. .. ,.d l){tat. anrl hrinc in m cwo• 1~\t'nlll' t o thl" d l·\'. ily h ad !;l)('nt :1!) Y.<'<ti'S in rwar TiC'nt:-.!•.t: whl"r'O tlw fa!lwr "":TS tn'tt~· of ·._~w Congrpg<•lional mtAAions and nospttal~ tiiililiiiS~---"""~""'",..mt~::-t n I h rt'l' OIWI.llcrn--puA' i nC.C'". • \ppll;ortll~ ''"' :o1 nl\ olftl't·r l111rl h;, n rt-.1u,·~r.·d hy CPn Ct ur~.:•· ;ll:or~h:tll, r .. mwl' dood "'. ~t;olf IN oin~ (i~m soom•· 7oo 1 In )<(CIII f~·:·:•··.~t ..,~\\~'~b~··~n..;_~.;J.:!~!:~===;::: nt~l'l h ttf I ht• l{rt·~t·lll hritll;t', II "" ,, lllt!h ,,., 1'1 • .run•· 1, the• pl:on l "til h:l\'o• :l:l,f)()l 1'\thlr f••••t n( ''"ld ~tnrllt.:l' spnN' I :tS •q •ll :t~ •·ulltll'' nntl ltl:•'1f11: rt'\i,l~ "hnl•·$al•· nncll't'l:nl l'llllnl· ,~r<. It lnunt:P :1nd t•:\ I• u~l\ t• l'hlno·n · nne! t•qtupm o•nt l'lnttrl llunlttJo. f'lutlm\an of thfo \'•''"'"~· Jo'f•n1•• t•oomntlltl'f', o111oJ "''" loy IJNII. l.at.-r, tanu•· 1111:' uffl<'<'r of till' ~A '""· t Crt Ilk \ndn'M" ttf till' HI' A rrnlttl lut,.,..au In l A"' Anl'f'IN •t•t••arN.I for ltw-tO\'f'm n-t ., Th<' in.;pllwt inn ~····· lw '"""'"' our riOC"" not I'll\ 1'1' thl' C'n..;t ·of '"p::i•· .. r m ,,.,,·im!' llt:ll m :t..;l lv• t; l·t•n t';'l't• n f It\ pl'i- vatp t'tl!ll•···· I ·'" l ~t.•for•t• . .• . llr:cl~r·.' \' h I' I' I' ·I ho II'" S!l'•lkt• l h1 to•'-, (,.)llflol too l11' =-· :111'1 111:1'~ .·~ l' ,.,,. ,. :1 'i 11 ~ around lh;: pmrw,...;d cof lht• l'Otllll ~· pl:ar ninJ,! •·<•mmi--.inn to h:l\'1'. n 1'01111" "~'tlll'd \lflCIIl fnr r•t•-lfii'Hiinn n f Jlw "t:lh' hi~hway a nrl a h igh lo'\'PI brirf!.!l' :H'I'O!i.'i. fht• IIJJJII'I' ha ~·. I it'rh Kt•nn v ~:a vs t hP t umw l irll'n 1~ oi,;_OIPt'P Ol'l(l Ull:t 1- ti'IW.'IiVI'. T h C' high hrirfg<'. if thC' s ta te' could rn:.k1• up its mind woulrt thc.>n make' ~~­ sihl<' <i grentl"r s('('nk a ttrac - tion :lntl dr'f'fi).dng or th<' llp- JX'I' t~ion or t h <• h.'lrbor . ThC' harbor l'Omrnl~slon. we p1vrlirt . will ~1n haw un E>ngint'l'r wor king on pbn-.. for dn"<lging the> ~ill out of t h1• m a in <·h anrwl ;'\ncl rnnp - pint:: or thl' 11pf)('r.n•:wht'" of thP ha v. ()f C'Olii"S4'. no 0 111' hu t Jnm~ I rv in(' him!'('lf c.in tC'll us wh;~t \dll lx> cio nC' with the land around it. NC'al'ly <'wryonC' In the h a r - hor :u'l:'a ~Xl't'pt thl' W<':tlthy land 0\\'llC'r h n s l nlkcd or his p lnns fo r O{X'ning or thC' f abulous remon. . • • + Annu .atJoM. N o w t n a t 1'('1\lf\' d cvcloprnt•nt h ns shinN-1 into hi~h and Ill'\\' profl('rt i(-s a r't' hi•ing hrr•ugh f Into the cjfy l o gl'f '<'"'agl' OUtlC'ts. m :wlx> it \\'Ill .Ill" :1 '":.oplt!mts timP. nft('l' :lrfrli- t inn nf !'<'\'l'ral httndn•cl t h(l:t':tnd dtlll:rr-. •wnrlh o f stthd i\'iSHIIl" Ill tht• l'it ~·. Ill final a Ill'\\ tuul7 1 '"<:"" \\'il h nn ~''JI:tnrlrd l'it\ \':tl11a lrnn for rit-c-cle'll ~ • .ro•r 111d "I''"''' fadliti•'' \\ •' b .t\1'11'1 footiiHI :1n' ,.,1, .. rr,, r 1 • •• l'l'oollll· nr•nt t tl•t o'll 1\ hot • loll, .. Ill k ilt>\\ 1}1.• •II"\\ t'l It lilt• \\ I· to•r l''"hlt-pl. hn't .1 loot ,., Uw rn to·tli(o• lito• d 111 o·r If !'C'nlo'l l\111: ,,,·1 doone·,. oanl •• :\lid 1••1 ,.,. ••Ill• I I· \ II 11•11 \ ••11 lh ol ,,,.. I i' ih ' col lh n1111 II I ,... ) 1 ,,;d\ 1'1'·11 he·d I .-1 • •t o• f A . ''\ 111"1"'' 'o·tl l torr St" r···' ".'''"'' , t :I,, ... ,, nt'" I'~'"''~'~' '"''""1 1~· "ttl. in·· I • ftt ·l p J•" l·•r th• .. •· illl- PI'l\\l'lll\'111 -'' riiHtlll \1 111• h fh11\' "'•l' d.ftl'l lw :t1•1o• I•• ,,.: • t J~. 'in I 1\, o•o' 111'1\ ,,Hitlil IIIII ':_ • • • Strike• ... 11 l lo>ll frll'l ttn:tl•• wc'1H'\' II• t't•:r lllt' lh:t l o;111k1• ... n.' ~rin11.; and f.ll'·"' ,, hirw a5: tlwy .1 ro •. •I• • nol llll't'l 't\lt fit""t h n nd :t" "•II tin' •' tim\ n tlw s1n "''" Tir:1t ,,f,,.,. :til 1'• nn<' n f th1• l•l••"'•n··· ,,f II\ il' ;r\\':l\' '(1'1111\ ,·,•nlt'l' "' i11cl11 ... t 1'"\' ~ • - \\'nltPI' l,(l~lh'li'l I' .1 II· nPrv o ffio'i.tl. ...;,~... t h•'"' ,tn(ltht't• tfjffl'l'l'lll'f' l't II\ o't'll tltl' Nt<:t ;tncl "'"' • ·.;.. tl· \\'{"<'t('l,l'l' I' Ill ~PI t I>' "1'11•o I -in rn:-ttft•r" "hi• h If'\ ,.1, • <:trikN': N l<:lf'r'tlt't" rtn rhin ., juc:t Hkc th1•ir r •1111'1'<; rn ol grnnd!'ii'N' d id hf•fot'\' tlwm ... , \\ hn •~ nU\\ ;u·t in~ a ... nth ,..;,,,. to .~ tlu• l'lotnl ,,. ~o:m t•rnn)••nt 111 ll~o· f n il qf :unlt.t4i;~Hdur, ilnrl t'as .;;Ut'• 1 .~.' cl• •I an 1 fft'("t tnJ,! l,.':tf'•' nt·L:••- tea••••U' twf\\•·• n th•· nnllun.th'-t l .. nol ''"rnnl'tnt<l ll.lt<'•'" tlwr• .lt•lu• t•nnlt•l•:l••d htl.:h So htlfll 10 I h•• '"rth t'hmn Amo·rto'Oin ""'""'I .. , .. I f'r,Jio•d hy 1\m.•rtran 1ns1 nwloor• ,,,.,, '!v .ok., < 'huw~· Ill" 11hlo8" lynoth• r J!.,l>t'! I \\I •• \\ " t·l··o·c <! 111 dvun• I \,I l ho• ~ II'~ I \\ t•o n tlwv o\ •·r-r:ln ""' lit• r·n I t 'tun t. "1\S '" pri~lln lc•r "' lllllfllh• ;onrl o·lt.l'h,n~;•'li nn 1111'1u!n I ,~~~ , ~·· .,f 1 "''[ (, q~hnlm It, ".1~ at tlt:ol tllt•o• i 'lltr autnntoolul•• loll•tnl's~ '!' T if'n ·in , unrl stn•'<' Ill•• v"' ,.,,..,. nf thf' W fl hn~ rt'loornr.l In m a kt• a sun r y the-t•nndi1inns in <'hina fur lh!' cdc-rill Eronomirs Administration \\· .. Pnnt<)n a, _fftudrnt (.•• _...,;$ 1.1: ('ool . .lolhn ~If•( 'ann 516,198 Quota For 1946 Drive Of Red Cross In chllr!lf' nf l'nn•t rurlton •~ !-'tulfh t•uabt l't.,<lnW'tun ('n ;:net I .11 • ltolo•('l t'> Jtwluot rl J'(, l'' r ="· \\ IWH I r:. ;orh lm~ lw t'n a:lnl· '\t•)(l Ill .\tr P'l:uo.l .,,,, ... I •' 11"1 :1 '•""', n($lli.lfl,q ft~r l hf' Ntm-11,1 tnf'nl W)ll IH• the·~~·" '"'''"''$' trtt.: .\mo rll'.ool ll•·cl ( 'rro~~ rlrt<'••. t>• "t•· ••f llollt rl I .cntd " 1oot':11 :on•l ('• <Ia ;\1o•«n a,~1cn• tl l h" qunt:1 I' 11111 t•nnlr.ll'ltor ;\lr llgn,..t~ nl f''o,ll:\1 10 th<' l'.of\lp liCit ~nnn Ito pion~ fnr ho" hotll<fonr mdllcio-i1 ,,uri '" r•·pl••m<;h f1!ml< f·•r '"".fit "'"'' tl'lltt '"'" p:trt<;, """ Ti•r m.tnl :01'11\ ott• <; n( ltrd C r"'' clur-f!t,;oln~ untl ""It'S nf p:u n l ami 1rn; \lw ·,, •. oo ol \\.t!' lt•n rno•cl fr.,m .I'll' plu ' lttr hi" "''"'" rn anfl tho· ~ ,11, , \n 1 ..,,1urr1·<; nl ho r 111 '"' I••:!SI'd ''' StJmf' olllt'r '1'111' f'tlllnl\' \\'8~ C'X(lO'ctNJ Ill loll"lll'l'~. rlll$o• toJIIITOX;IIllilt•ly $1:.!7,000 t>f '11w $16.000 lrUtld1111; ie ht•lfll; wtud1 SJ I~,IM MI "nuld tW-fQr Jocnl ''""''rocrtt·d lo~ llw !"nuth Cn1«l ""' rl•. 01ntl $1'l,ll011 fnr · nntlonal ('o·nsrrw·llon ( ·,, nnrl plnn<; o·:~IJ llll•· .1 11 t.on'nUc·n fnom thl' hnr· for Ntmpl• 'IOn llnmr·limo· wilhin hnr "It< "". I f 0 \ll<;o• n:tnlo•rt In lh•• nrxt two or t hrf't• nl<llllhs. S• I ' 'I l •fl •• ·I ''II• r t mrl !'nrn- nu ·.,,. 1~ ,, •· •1n'' ,.,.:·1.'iel~n lw:·d :t11r·· :-,..,.s 'i~'"" 111 41~' .. !'l:urth ;\!nin «lrN'I BaH RrotherR ;\ nfiC'ipate Reun:on : Draft Missed Him, 11\lesan and Residt-nt Ont-Home ..\)rear'~- So Official's Son Of Newpo~t Amon~ ..:, ·•f( !"l(t 1\rl h11r I. I I all. !'nn "' ''~ l'nol \lr" .I f' \\t~t..-1~. 'lll7 :J<o•h -•rr·l'l, urn\o(l humo• l.:os t • •1 .-a,: ron•·~. AllhouJ;:h all mt•m ho'l '"""'' ,,f 1 '!. ft•·lll.\ b~ thfo r ham hrr In • lh(' Ornn~f' Count~ Join I l lttl (;til t t,.t,.crum f rnm t:rtr .lohn .. ton, S4-wt'r ~"lf'm h:t<i nnl fnrmalh ''"1",...""" lnfnrootaUnn on thfo 1 giV'l'O UJ>IlnNU1 ''' nclrll ll .. n ool 111 1oor~tl loo•uoJnc .Jtuatlon. Thr ntn"'' nnl'l ulhl'r Jlri'IIC"'• d ann•''·' "''""''' '" th<· ,,,.....ld,.nl nf l hfo \ r 11 ' (111'111~•· "''r 1111~ c 11 ··' I t.• ,,,,,.,,.. '" hr.,adcutyof ;It I ' S f., •'I, til 1-'·"'"'~. takNI : n1 t.nlr.! 'r• , '' ,•am,•-..: (H~ ~h~('f '"· ' ·u-•:•J" h·•'~' t.. u•t: ;l"~•:;ctnnt '" flw <••r.:• ""' •1 111 <I rt~ll' llu• 11 • kll'k '"tot.:·''' r ''""'' lilt· flliJII. tlon.~ I'! lht' 1 <'II) .. r :-.;,"I~''' 1·. "· f 'hnnJI•·r ur ('nmm,.,..... Al-lll'h, thl' f'XN'U11\'i' lw•'ll'ft uf tlo.ol 'UI:I:'"'trd ro-lhlt• UV of thfo tt)'111('m had 1\J:rN'CI h i IO<'Iuol•·l lil11nt:o \n11 \run \lr fti&J04" fur ttwm in thC' .'!<(•wa~:•• ~~ "•'Ill, ;,nol \r1•''""'· hoth .. tnc lr a nd 101a r · with lbt' !<Uf>PO'II tlll\ that tho• t'tll•'-rlo-ot, If IIJW'r•t~ b~ IOMn)' urn· woull'l appn1y1' tlwir uri lftll I ht d:tl'. cit y council Mtlnt1:ty :lfl••r·n·••ll ~ .. \ dl .... u..:.lon In t.M Mn n· fXl."-"l'd'ft f'Nlolutinn OIJIJiroo\'tn..: tho•l tltt\· ntf'f•llnt: nf ttw-Iii )' f'Ottnrll. pn·lp'l!<M1 nnnf'xarinn nf lhf' lfllrl llr;'r,...lnc In IM'rrnll tiM-Anwrt· south o( Coronn dC'I Ma r ~llhJ•'I'I I ···n l.rr;tnn , .... , hfol"f' In rnwtdfo to lhr• ftJlllrovnl of !TlL'Illlwr nt ,,.... • "'" n\Onrd tty ttw-f'lt~· for , • .,.,. :tntf 11i~lr.t•l<: in th•• !'•'\\o·r '"''' 1 •·ran,• """'lnr. If tt>r, •·hn••r un· l l!1• ..J'tl\l'H'tl~tf'ri , ''"''"'I tit• , llrr 1..-t:lctlt Jurl..dlrtlnn. o~inftMo nulh•tri/inL: lm·l"""" , o 11wlo' lito• ulu•o;l '1(\(1 l<'t't'ntly lhr• ~ suhdtvi<:IOO nf thf' l r· <11....-1111'r~:•••l "'''" lo'•' ttt••n on thlll "'"" 1\toa!'h nntl Ct~urtt n 1111h ~ •. !C'nntlnuo...-1 nn l'•o:-•· Fl\•'1 lntr« ·~lh 11f C ·,w .. n.'o <I• I '1 • intn lhc-('If )' """"'1.1 r1t·~ ·n .. rrot•"'r1y '' nv.r~t'lt by 1u•u• ,., f'nMI'I<•nn ltu'<inr ' nwn 11 r ei 11 ,r ' I -',,_, ,•,:olo llo• ht~lool.>.t :,n '"' 11Mf••l"'f''·'f1 hy llnyrnt~ncl I••• r AI thf' hnmt• uf IJlc ,parrnts '" ('ciSin :\,f'Sil nrt• ,pici·UrC'S Of lhl' ch•ll'lr••n ami one-l:f'llndson. now in lite-nrmy Holh ~~~n~ wc-ro' for- m rr ~~~~d;·nis nt Pnmunn Cnll•·~!' whf'rt• t ho•tr fathc•r. ~rnt thrm II') mmt•lrti>. tho•tr t•durnttnn. J ohn wn~ " rnrom1~~'r nr 1 h,. RO'ft' hl'- fooro• llw ""r r.n!l wn~ 1nk•·n 1nl" <;t•r\II'L' o•;trl\ 111 hOf;llhtiN i\h<olll Ito , IW N•mmi<SII\nl'd ;ofl on( ani r~ rapl:om. h•• 1r:ensr•·I'T1'<1 tn. th" ,.,r ror1ts:. anti \\t•nt tn ,:~~ n ~··,·ttntl lol'oolo•nanl Aftl'r nllf'nd tnl: • till' ~t:trt ... rr1~ srhonl Ill f"or1 l ,;oa 1 l'nwor J h. hC' spcn t mt•r•• t h;m 11 ~f'<tr Ill \:lfiOU~·II('lt\'1111''1 Ill l ht~ •~•unrry, and ro«,.. tn sr,·c-ral ht~th•·r r:~nk~: ftnalh ll<'in~ n'~<~ic:nl'd 10 l h•· ~1:eff uf ~Louts :'>loWlt· hll ll f'O, ho•arl of I hf' Alii II I i<'· f':tC'if IC' E :1. t . A my 21 Natur~hzed OtiS s tn r T\\to ),,.II ••. ' •. '"' ., .• "' r• nrt, 'l~ ~·1 • " .,,t '' •• h •• "lin Tho• Ior i th·ol lilt' clrHfl mts~l'd ht•l \\ro('k ''•fl .tt(•ll;lt•tltll l 'm!Pd laun t•ttmpl•~t.-t~ nnc1 h.-~ n•''''r nc-· ···•o•plt!olto·•l ~h•• nlt~~ltln h•• ~··• fnr htfll~o·lf "'hr·n h•• l••fl Gu~tf'mnln so•\·o•r:~l }•'Or s u~o:o bolhf'r9d .. 'rnnk Rtt.·'. 31. 1 he" wf'r k ~ .. ilr, jmn.·d S•:tt• ~ t' '''' n'h p •h~r•nc ttH' (,,~' 1n ,t-; n tl ·• •ht.t u n t•l.•~.s 10 .;ut~·r- ,\(t••r ·h P •'' ... ,n :-;·••l•'l:t frnrul- ~ 1•:,<1 ''' r•1 ... h "'IJIIllf'S ''' \' • t•.l< anl'l rN'o't\'••cl "'' hton•ot nhh• • rl•~rh:~r~c-from F nrt Mn••,\r\hur If,· wa~ tn 1-:ur••pt• for lt rnnnlh:t: "11h th,. f:unou" llnlnhm\ Ill\ tl'inn tl ·,,,, I' ~ l nf:tntn llkuc.l\\ a \\'loolo llu ~ (,,II I h,. hlt.tw tl \''nut :1~ '•·••r•• .tf !'uJ'o:•u ,,-I• • .tltt tut Nlmp.,ny uf tha t ,.,,~ •n •• • · ttw ftnr«l ""'"'""''·" ...,.,. ... , ro Citizen Protests P~rkin-r Meter~ f~r Lncat Resid~nts nlnnJ;: t hr roo .. t 1 h•·' ''·" • :t• lhf-rit)l' o(fkiat~ · "'fh•• lor•t \lrHI•·n I""'''' • • olll~' .......... ~,...,. Wh~ d t .. ru-o;~•nn rfl'\•':•l•'*t th•• n•l\\ tit\ p:tt k ., 11 ''''"' "''" tlu· 11rm' • Rtl• \.'li n Am•"T'tl'nn rtll4-n born in C.u~tl'mn111 City, wn~ <'mployed untol 1ho· 111nf' ••f ht~ •·nlt<~tmrnl h\' Soul h ( ·.,;,q t 'un~t rw·tln n Cn. tc• ,., ... , • ~ uH t An.• --;nn~ 11 H• '""""' 1 A'" "' ,.f 1r.~:> lt\ir" a''''l'~' c·,. .. q,. ~J.c:,e. :tncl ;\1"1"•1 ''''""~ C:l\ nf 11!1 :l'lfh ••··, 1 :"\•·wpnr~t FW:~rh we-re :w• .. rw, '"''"' "h • ):atrwd rtllf.-4•n- slotp in o'l r••mnnt('j! prf'5irtc-d O\'Cr h~ ""'"·nor fudge Kl·nnf'th E :O.Inrnsnn \tr 1111 I ':r" \\'null"' trt o•\tlt•f't. t c '' nr;l t an\ 1 1m•· •'f s. ~' •UI\C~'"r "''' F•l" .11 rl I Inti -wl•n hll'\ ,.,., n In 1 hr \ mror tc.m 'T'r,.nj;pnrl ·"•'r' II'•• (tor :.'fl month~ tn the-lnrua-1'\otrm~­ c'tunn lhf'Airr• nf "f'l"'rlltinn~ \Vh1•n ln~1 h t'nrd from hi" "''1\.11 In ha\'f' lo•ft Rurmn on 'No\·rmlx'r 10 on l•t~ w11y home-. <"".,, .•. itft.r~ f ••~ru •,••· hnv"' en ..... I\ l••rt 1\.•,wh ••• I til '" Ill" htlllr.tl '" lh•• huys !tltl "" "''" · t hr city :It lnmt')' h;;li toni• o•. 1• 1 a .. 1 fo, , '" ' • 'nwl.l\' Nll'lrinnntlnn of th,.. •tuH dl I ,,., • .,., 1· • • " ' "''"n, ~'""' to !t<'rvf" rh•• ,., .. ,, t ' • r 1.r .. ,,,.,, ·l' 1 , •• ·.., ,, ,, •I I • .. r two nthr;.,: wnit•h m ·,, ,~.,r,. 1 tl 1 ... 1 tl ,, •• , ~·• .~. ·,~,., .. '" thf-city, thn"'f' mo•m lw·t• "' tl 'H• c1 l't .. ~• ~od \\'roo1ie P aSS<'S l">lrnril fr ll th 1.10Cl ,. . .,. I ••• "" -~·· .! on '"II ••· ·val W fMI1t1 h• '" lht't't• n~ (•t••· 1 h•• 1 ,~ '", .,..,t., '' h d\\ t •tt/t'U~ ~ a\·al v -5 Exams ··II mMTt ..... r f'ilt•'' .,..,,, •:1•1 •. • • h • , .. '•. ol r• , .. '"" 1'10• II lllf'V 7 ruu nt•ilnu•n I .J• lt'f' ],fH•II ' L:llf 11, kt '"" t ~·nl ,,.,1 •, ''··kin\.' ,,., •·••mrn:Jncl Thf' ••l fl••r Mrf';trm d(ll'« not l>r- lif'\'1' lhlll rumnrl'd I"''"'" ll('t\\'t•c•n thro nntinnnlo•t noll Sll·l'lllll'd l'tlnl· muni~t fm t'o·s tn Chin01 sil:nallll•l'l 1111' o'llcl l>f hnslihllf'S lh••r<' Jlf' S:lW • h·· ho'l!nmtnl; t•f 1hr mow•mc-nt In :"II!' I h t 'hon:c nwn~ ~ ,.,.... :n;l' :111<1 hrl11 '' ~ thlol tho• l'tJ111111111ll"l 11111\romonl of' noel slrlt'il\· ont• lur • Thr r"crutl. whn ..snid t h n1 his f:tltwr. llarn .I R tlo•\. w ns 11 l l S rnnqul In r:untC'mnin nnd othrT PENCillED PERSONALIT'r.~ ccntrnl Amc-rlcnn rountrics at one lfL. C: t:.:J ~i~~,' .. 1~11~~ ~.~~~ ~~~~r~'',~~{,.~" /;~. ~, I~ • J ~c~. ~"I : rv. Couohn~ Artt<t Uuh Allf'n.' h mN\'V•·r n ·f11 •I 1 t•tlfoorl'•· 1!1•· ••r<lon:oro•·•· "•' ''"'' o•' ••r ro••'u ""'' .. r :0.11"1 volt• for lhr nnnt~.tttnn un• t . .,, ""'k"' • 1n lh• '"''' ro rl 11•n•· \\Ill> ,., m • ., \I "'"loo· .. r :o;,.\\,I('Orl llt'ttm o·i1t~"< hall fnmlltll\' fJ·•"-~•..-1 ,,--ol•• .,111 1 ,... 'r\11• '"''"'' rolt• od 'n f I. f .,;1 tl f \.111'11' f ttl\• (t\r fht• fiOf"t!' '"vorin~ 1htt I ar1i Pf 0 Itt t lf11t' • o I I! 1 C'nnttnu,.d (II\ Pll~(' · F't\'' 1 111~1 :o hrutlwr tn fo••rtn:on~ lnsl \t'ar tu'l'lllll(llort~lltl: l~tlf') ltl Ill•• ro•-. 'tlll tlrlC: o•flll't' ''''"'' )1i~ wift• Clar:~ .Hlcl tho·rr l'hiltlto n. llarr). :1'~. \, r n••n I' :end .l:onl't. :\ mnnl h~ Judge Dodge Suggests Traffic I· 'o\ \ \'·~l 111 1111i1•n •·••llr~·. nml waa 'r1111~. thi'V C'tcnt1•nol• I \\ 1•h fl • Til• \\ I I Iff f 'I f' 1 ~If" olot•''"" "" ,tan I ' It I' •<·h••t1 ntom inn of Rnl:tml Tiooomt""'' c ;t lo•ti Ito t:r:odotlll• I • ''I l~ro\\ll ;\Till-ntlomf'y, lhnt Itt,.. o•lt ~ \\•·otld I• \\I I t fll 0 I f \o\1t tt tf1 h\ '"' \•··otl•·nl• I I• I, anrl lhl'n "Inn hat! ~flO!" i( Ito•· to,.,. I•• 1 ~ '"'''' "" I lit IU'Ct l\ 1 • tflf1 f ... lfl• 11 11\"' lt llfl\t "lt'hl tfJ ,, '""t' ,.,~ .,.~. ·rh,·y ., • 'til d••nL: 1• 1'1, ·' ''"'' nrtl r' l•t r1·port tn tlm r !ttttnil:trv d· rw•-:ol •1 ,. ·• • {l~itor~ t1ntl •• :n•· 1'1•11• '· lo~ ;\lror•'ll, tl i~ I'X· fuo:NI Ito t:ek•• ow·th• "\••: I • , 1 , I•~"· I., r t ··d • ...... .,-t .. ,,,whVhU """' ~ 1r1 "l• • ,,, ... ,,,, ..... f 1h " q,·ru•r 1• ••f+ 11 •• • •lt d lutl I ln t:•• 1 Newport Had $670!531 1 ::.: .~:· ~: .. · ..... ,.: ·::····;·.·::;:. fines Go To Hospital f, md -~~nds Otrtsh~nding Jan~ 1 1 !1~ ~;:~: ~:~~~·r \ ·~ '" "' ~'t '' .... t ,. t , • ( rnd ,11,,. •, I '•• t ,,., '·' ., '' 1 ,., I I • •I t ... l"4 '1i f, 1 '•l~e 'I tt •' It•••,. tl , ltd ... •~ If • ( tla f ,111 111' ''I I 1\\o fl I q, I' ~· \ "•• tJ\I~t ~ r. ··~• .. n • ·'••I• t • •-'• "''l 'fl t !·;•t-1 ' ' "4 -I • .t 111d •,• .. I t1 •lht •h •d I 1 ~ • 'I, p lr " \II'Ul."" tl '• I'' t\ t t ltnl(;; ll l A-1 t lo ,. • •• .n l\ tl . - t If • II 1 ••1 "'.., •*'"'' I I I t lt f \ II I I New Buildin r!' 'I q 'l !if1 -,, 0 .,, 1 !1 d For E. ·~1. Smith On Coast Highway b •.. ·hi• 1.-, ''f; l'•r ''"1 ttl ' I. I (. ,,,,,,, (11 ' I I ''"''t •• ' ., .... , 1 "" ,, 1 , •• ~ r, 1 • 1 ' .1 )1 I \\ I1H'•H Hl1 1• "'' Ill \ ,, '''""" th ltlttlt lio:'lt'll 1 tl\d d 'tl\ll t'f r\\tl f't \\ •\0 (ih11 h ld !d tfl•"" d lt'' I II ·~·•n·r·"'''h llt r•:lftnl' ft1t ''''""' t••nlld·'•d \; ~.··~ .~ ... •ll :H..th .. L;.t .,·,.~,,·\.) ... 11'111 "1. ,. Ptl ('ll I fH h\\ 1\ h t\t I '·· ···""''"' ,., " '•' ,., , .... 1\ ''·" ,, " I'' 1-,, -"'"''" I •I.•• t • .. tl1·t• r, \• •'• II cl,,ol 11'1n•n·· "'' ;\l41t lllo II """ II • 11 I ''. '• \\, '1 .tppr .. ,u~l ,,, 1.' ~td HI.~L:I'\..: I'' '' II• c·, tft 'r",. l,t ••'''thUT•d 1•• P •'•r lH~I-f;·•"·''' Fu u., t'tttlfftll t•~ r I· ., )1\ 'IJ If'~•· ('tlt Hll\ 'C' th• 11 tltPH d I I"~ \ I It \ • 1 L:• I f tf,•.th 1fl•\;t \ ~•' 1t·t dt• .. \\t ,. .... 11 t ,.. ..,,.,,., \ , t Ulllh t , ! tl• ') ... '1 ..... ! f, ''I""' 1 t 1\fl Tt I lf~t•f t l"l ! tf I ,,, .. tll1· .. P lt ftlttl t ( \,)ift'"' ' ,., •• n ... I •\ rt~. \...oo"of" ('If r I •• , .... I· 'I '0 '" J • • • • I t· tiP . unprf-t'"l · • '" rbt ' 1 I t J'l t f 'lo \\ dt' tftJU r 1'11'11 '·'·.I I' .,(_.-.~l t 1 ll ,, d "'.. •I. 1 r• ""' n• li>tr·JI t , r l '' tf , ... 1\ I n ° '" t fl (. 11 I tJ t ' •' ,. , ,, 1t• f. \\t•l ht " tol • I' • · '• \1 a<l 'I I I \(I t I I '• , • r I' I • I ''• I : . " ...... , ,~ ....... ~I I "" It 1'• I ; • I f ' • tl !. t , •• ,._....,. .. ., II 1 Hhtt ttf •• ''1 ' ,•~(•," l .. I' 1\ q, ... t•' ",, ''' ... ll'• •, • n•'~ .... ~ ·' · ~, •'"'•It' \f•' ' , .... ~. n .\ ~Ul.;S.:("~t,on .. '' ·tlk-. •• •'f ... ~n •' '' • ntl c, ''' r '~~~··t t('IO' ~· 1 .... l''"n', , , h""r•• rJ If,· ,,..,... .,r,, • 't'l"'. • I ' • t .. , "' '"' 1 •I \' ,'1"\Ulf\ "'"~ ,, .. ' n 1.ttl• h' ,1•,•1 t • \\ •• ''t ... ''' uu: .,_.:' •"· lr •I' I p,,.,~, l'nct.' 'llt pn·~··nl •h<trm. ,,, IH~ll\1 ,., "' • nrtn•' l \\I h .. ,. l.l~t• llli}O•'Y ,, .,,rnf'd 0\t'r '" tho hllnt.: Sir<'• •,s ••n lh•· h·•~h••...,. .. L / I I· • ,, ,. ,. :. ... : •' 11' • u· r~'l•l I I J ,\ I I I I I 1 1:. ' t ~id • , ""~'I ~tJ f,,fw ttno 'If'., ... , ol • t· l lu' :VI .mel 111 lhr o'l'"' .. r lloo 1• •I o 1''1:1 1-1, ~!ill ""' •I M~~ ~ ... ~ ... ~. II ·~,.I ' otl"t:lltnn do Itt •'thltr ••~ "f '••'nu~rlfi:: .. " l•••nd .. , •• · nul lonnrto•tl II ttio Ill loacl '""'' :o• ".II • .. t • t ( d,(,•r rt 1 Clfti•4t •:·w~t.:• Ult' itC:I\,H • tt t .. n ', d } .. 1 ''··d ). '! t. tt I ••• ,, flllrtn'· .,.,. fttlf ",,, \\ ltt It r·u~.tJ• '11~ 0 n:: r;' r.1 ; n f' : (; i rl (;/·fs H· hi('~ SIH·t I '....,.' " •• > •I 1 f .. , .. ... H u • l \• II'" II d• d \ol fll tl(. n lt Of'\ :Iff~ f1r1.1t ,-, d It\ lu f I ' 1 t 1 • ,. '', 1 1•,.f II11Ltfton, -.;u,...,... fhp r f11a.1 t!'' lot "''' t ' ,. f 't I . I \. r { I • J ~- ,. ,• 1 ''• • ..... ~17. V.•·fl n~ Jf••· r•·p:•\rrH nt ,.f thi • tfl r • '''"' .j •·•·l rartf\, "'""''"ft.~· h.-JJI ul "'"'" '" '1 1 J rt.11• cq h 1 .~ .. , t,, • ., . ., .. "''' ••u,ol t•f 11 ,. ''"!': / ,, 'I '.. '11 \ I •d ..:, , ... , "' m r nf .••l,ntlon I. l~li. 'I , !lo.>l' U·l't f I'~' 0 o..lttlf' \,,.,, ,nr .. rn,ldl••n ... 1 ,, •'·'· ('it) f'r .•;t ... l ltl·r r.ntli ... ' I '• 1 Jnt•·r n! t• d• I "-•• Fine Five Off£'ncft·r~ ._.,or I )iJmpinJr TraRh on E. 17t.h ~f. "'' II\ ' , ", '"' •1'· t ~ '11 ' • • an 1 'lt t, "'v':' 1tu•n ,t,.,"Hf Wllrnenf;{ t-. v.nultt t..,... tnd,": •. , tnt • , •n:tt•• ttw.--ul privntt• p r"J" r• \ ' ,l 1 ',. • •. • -~ Tl ,., d umptnJt ••f l rlt"h nn I o~t 1;•• , ""'ll" ''"""' •I • 'i• ''' Jltt4 ):; lllrN'f Wft' "'"-v·nfl'd 1n~t Wf'f·i! i•·. r ..... '"''""· ···•lltolr.tl•llr \\lth llw ( htld .. i fllllllna.. nnll lrohnl•r•"'· ,.,, ...... , 1'•1:1 \I \\ ,,,, ''·' II J udl:l' II J f)ntl~f' \\'!l h I"'"',,,, \\ .... 'Ill' hi• "" n ""'"' n nol nr•1•l'····lulo·~ I ..... Jill hilt' dt'ltUIIIOI '"' I(Oootl I •. , <I 'lnt'IC' pur~(' for which 111\'ltkt'fi nr:tln~t ftUir .. If, n! • '""'' •·1• r.•l•·• Ill•~ ll:t\,Jtnro• ( ttlo•, r .. ruwr llt•lnl h lll..,.r''· 111 tho• "fait• C'ool f•trnt'l ml.rlol'tp.ooclt'< ,,,J I \\tlh 1001• •·n~ po•n•1m l' ltl.:h\\ ,, larlol~·· !.'" ( ...... hh:hu t>\ _,runt phootn h~· lof'rhanl~. , ... nd.• ~.':..'<1 ".7 -,-I ·! I nc tlo• ,JI Fino'l nf ~ "'''TI ,, 'lo•r lo" , .... TO" .~()RTO~. H e~taurateur ~..... · . I W •IIIttm rt r.r:ehnm. ,·,.r •• n, ,,, n ' '"''''. '"I I· tl rl· "' .. • .. tu'l Mllr : ~:u~:,_n,.. 11 Yt~rl-I :•. ,. .. ,k. ... ,.: ,\\1•h I'''' ,I • .,..,u.nc,; L~~~~ • "'••11d lt~rl i ' ,: 11 ~l l ftf rntl lttf t 1., I 1 ,t \\. 1'-Hl· I• t. pt.-11 ,,~ ,~,. ••I • t t 111 "•' '·'*' •'"l n1:•n' '' :,r-. t 111t ···'"' .., r.~ 111 0.\11''• d~· ,, rl I}, t·ll -h to"' ·-' ...... r'ooll II q olfl• "' ,,,.. IU\\ 11 nr H:lntltolph. It:. ~·r••' ,• t of•· "" n• 1 h ~~ ll••ltl tl'nntmut"fi on l'n;::c •'~"•l r 1' 1t,f .. , n, 1 , 1·, \ tl• I• nrl~ Pn H•·r r f'armr•lln. (.,,..,,. ;\I• ,,, ·•n•l "' f' th•• I" •ot •'• tl• ot•l• '" 1•••111•-tl 11 11 otnodo nllfu'(j wttmlln lr•"fl t,:• n•(ol •otln• ,, ",~ 1• "" ',/\\ 11'-I 1:11n11 Ill .ortl I ft ". f fu,d I r~r • ns.; , ..... '•. A CYtnllnU:tnn· "·'(( ,., tO'•·•! h· . lmproo\1 m• n1•. th•· nc~rtn.olt"n dt·-Jud.:f' Dod~:•• nn Jftn 1R fr•om J~<hn rlnn'ti "In 30 }' nr• l'allt'"""'" R J.op-7 of Colt" Mt'\'111 I t ,,, 0 .. ,,,t I ' ''''~"" ''"" .. .. • ·I I ,, t I •t •' f ' ' r •. I •• '' •• ,. I I ... .,. II .., -· ... ,. J .,, •. , ••• ""' "'"-• I ! " It I tl ~f ti l I ', ..... II ... , •l,th ,, lh• r~" i" ,,,, \• \ 1 1 1 t \\ Ull' tf ~trl\ 4•th• r l"' t' ,,,, I ' h ,,, lu •, 1Hf• t '• •t tav th •· l ~ 1 "' • r "I n 1 ·I·\• Itt• h ltot .. rltrrlf' t .1··· 11 , ,t \• .... I , '' r ''•'•n,·t '" "" • r ·•'·•· • I 1' c.:,,,,n 'l"c lo or1 t; .. r ~n••\\'1 • r •rt I•-'*'' ,,., f• ,. tl'l\C. P'"'' r-,, thd•• ,• ,,. ,,,. •. '"" ,,. ',,... "' v. f • ,, , t I I ,.,\ It• I ',. .,,,.I 'h• •I \' "IIU itrw""•l 'It •. ,, I •• ""'' .,. •I 1\':t• h•t•ot! ·• ,, . ...,. ""-·wr•·•' t•· • · "'r,ti'?n •,-, OOV:•t •r•, 1 '"'' ,.., .,, • ., •h• "', en ~•! h ·, ,., \\•'' ·.;,.,,,,.,r, ,\II t1"' 1'-'' d t.. ''-•. , • tl fur "'m" • ,., I ~ r. Ill .... 'f;r Fn•hy 1•· "• tl I I o ·, 1l.•plio\ .on\ ~lmlll•r (~mJIIIIm'< N £W PORT-BALBO A N EWS -l:fM ES , f>IIOSt:S: Nt:Wf>O~&T I! and IS , I l'ubU..,_-4 J.\'f'r) Tuf'Mla) and Thur>.dlly Afl•·rn"llll"· \'11h11t..-XX X \'Ill f'Mta 1\lt-l':dltlun l"llblt•hf-4 t:n•ry \\ Mln-tay \'otumoe II Sub.o<elll''"• 11111 ·''""' "' "'""""' ~:!;,.,I "'' ~,.11r In (lohn.:•· ('f,.llll)', _s;:t: ;;, I• I )• I ' '" "'" I• ... 0 $:1 \HI I"'' ,,.,,, '"l-Ith I.HIW Entrrc(f-4~ $<-<'oottl·('l.o•• m llllo'f lit tho· l'oo•t~oll rr•o• rn N•·"·J~·rt lle•tu h • •('11111111'111·1. \llltl<'l th• ~\1"1 •>I ;\I Ill I'll :l, li-'7~1 s A :\ll·.n :t: S~l IJ 1'\.IHTFH L. H :.111.1.1\HIJ W. t '. l)IXII:'I: PrlnUn~: l'lant 3011 C•·nf•r-al ~1ilnit~··r F.tittllr Adv••rti"lll: ~"WK•Ir \V. Co•o1)r1tl 1\l•'tJU<'. ;\cWJ,)IIrt lktu'h. ( .ltltl"'nlfo Official Paper of the City of Newpo rt 'Beach A ~edab&ll Loc-al •-ututlun for Onr :n Y-n ...-- Active ~~ Member +I_ ... of •J • Profit Sharing Plan To what extent 'ndustry will follow Ufe lead of E ric Johnston, president of the U. S. ·Chamtx>r of Commt>l"('(', in letting up profit sharing plans ror their er:nployes remains to be...._..... Johnson, however, tw; set a gOod-examplt> in his plan to MarE' approximately 25 per cent of the net ptttrit be- fore taxes with the work~f'!ll in his SpokaJl(' plants. nw profit llharlng I~ lA not new, of coune. It hu been U8M with ex- ~llent results in many bu.•dneA!!e5. But Johnston's prestige in business and labor drcles will ~ttract OOAalderable'a!!.en- tion to hia plan u a possible meltn'< of ~ftllng some or ~ .., preeent and threatened labor disputt>S. He tenns hl.s new ·move a step "to bring industrial detnocracy Into America." It Corona.dell\lar News :0.1 r ,, ·I \I, J 1 1.. .... ,. 1 "' l ft•lh '" ~. tl "',,\., , .. ,t flt l\1 ,\1 I ,_,, t .. t ,,,~ nu• f I f tf I tt It • I f I 'j. :~· .. • .., ill ',..,, ,.._ llt JII'h ,\)1 I t•<•P I' ·I "'' •httl ,,, l'n'<~dtn l lll•'f .. 1 \t d " •d '''1 \h 'l \'ew Amn·t r;ost To Bt• \'am(•d for ('apt. Hu fu~ Putnam \ I, • 1" · •l \ ' I ' I J'" \ 'Tit·r ll ill ' ••• , lj I I ·' f \\ ·JI • I I I I t I' t I \ t j ~. \\ t1t \ \t ' I ·' ,,, \ 1 t,,,,, t If If +!I !t t I 1•1•* \\I I·• u Ill I I tt I II..!. liiUI :.1 r ' ''"'' ,\lo-. .lolou It• 111•111 =-'nul h .• .:•• f •H lud h \• fliH '1u nt 1''-J"1 Itt• 'f\•···~~ •ttd ul Jh·'•l l ll•·' n, •. •I q'•' '' 1u 1 tt l•''' Spt "·~~... tH f 'hltlJtt 1,1•1•'1 It lj I ' I •. ,, ltff.tt f i iH!'-In t llf'tJ~,I fl \\•t • flllt1' tl I dll...tt•f ( 11 '1• I ~H 1\tr. ttttd ~1·~ s , I I ···~·" ...... ,..,, ..... ~ !illnttt ·" .,,, I',,, ... ,, . ., r•lt II t. "'' Jrit\ 8~• OIJ•· \\ht• ~)Jot Ill ,1 \\-. ~\ ·I' ' 1'11111 ttl ft lu d •• I• '.' '' "' lJ. ('httwftr.tl ( tt) · # 1'''!'-'"''''"i ·~ t••·'T''·' f 1 •····r ''1 M r. ;Hod ~Irs l.tot..:l'/11' \\ ttlo11111{. th•· I "' .\n ·· '•-I '"'' •' • II• •It\• !:,o~11T.utoo 1. "'l"'r\1 1 h•· \\t'•"'h. ,.11tl !, ... ••I .. • h 1 1'• t•• t "11 n• I t•qr n:ut "ll" !'>II \\rlltlttll~ t•HI •·nt' ~~~· 11 111 '' '""""'" '" 1lo• l'"'''ll•t /ootl' .\It' l·:rJwtn \\'tllo.1m, '"" too• 1,, r· .. t .. n• I J:.,f,, •• I · I l•1111o 1 (' F ~~~t•·r. 1\1rt' FIHrtnt'" 1\t~tl•·1 ..,.uu t••fn\•'" "' ,,,,. ~.,·r .anl•'Uh l En 1111!1 famoly. 1~~ !\l"r;.;tl•·rot .. 11,, •• 1!111••••· l ll~trt•·• ,,,,,, l'"''"i ~:n nw · A lolrtJodny dlnry·r \\lo~ ~··rvo•rl t..:•n•·•·r 111 1111· I ;,"' r;ol l·.m:lll'"'~'inv In honor nf Eu~: .. rw who ~~ tho• ••lt.l · IJ.-trtl'l ~<tlh lo• .o•t•t''"rt•·t< 111 .\1u , .. , 110n uf till' Willitm>ll nil:.. Pluirpplllt l~llonil,, otn•J••r C:••n Mr•. T. II. H.-II "'" rt•ltor+l I J•·u~l"' :O.l.wi\rtltttl front lolaa t'raaf'l"''" tu h,.r· """''' ----------l~:~olrl ""'nuo•. 1!11''' n ptorl ) l••r lht• c I> r u n a d••l :'\lhr t ·mnrnunit) church •·ho11r a (to·r Jlrartor•·. Wf'd. m·sday nll-(111 111 ht•r hum•· 1\vl'nty guPsts \\',•r(' pr•·~Pnt at 408 Oahlla a \'f'ftUf' aftt·r •n ~.-.. nf •tl: montllro. u .. r hua- b .. d, C'ornmaadf'r T. U. ft .. ..;u ,.... tr ... r .. rrl'd Ju th" Navy Dcttt-.-th .. -Aii'-8...-, lilaata Ana. Dr. a-tt f'•prc-ta to IIP"n an uf · ftN> hfon wh,.,. hf' hu r l'l'f'lvl'd hi• ~ ... M rs. U.llc Stdfl'nll<'n, :109 Mar- Mr~ J\1urt a} nf"o~;lt·, ?r•l Hl'liO· trot•• ""'"'lt' I~ rot ho•m•• fri•m lhf' d••!ll'rl . Mr~ :'\tmo of (.;n~n Crn\1· 15 ''rstl "'"' h••r to 8t>e lr Johnston·~~,....a.:e."*.-.-'"~-----­-.... .., .... ,., .. ······ AC::KOS8 \\'I Ttl 2!i \'Y.AK!'l Ot" AR~U' ~t:R\'It 't: be• hind him. ~t ... tn !Wr· l(f'IUII J<*4'lfb 1'. •·nand .. , -'It, uf lU5 ftay Slro•l'l. c"o,.l• ~~ ...... """ re· f'nlh•tl'd -al Ill• formf'r ,.nii..U•d rank ·~ ttw S.nt~a ,\na Army Air .,_,... ju•t • •hurt tlmf' aftf'r ht' haW '-" IW'llllr~&lf'd "lth th" r•nk or ('aptaJn. tfl' wa,. lfh· .. n a dlr~·t o•omm!J..,.Io n In )!H2. 0 .. I" •hOWII fllllnlf out hh• .. nll•lnwnt furm "lth thO! twl11 of ~~~ ..... ~Yrl. Uarrho. a-l•tant to t(M, H~Crultln& offlf':f'r. I Edison Puts Third Boulder na.ft Line Into Service; Cap. 125,000 Kilowatt~ Forl(lng wnolht>r !'lt>c tric power • -------------- lin k betwe.m Bo~ldl'r Dam and a n R d c expanding South('rn-("allfornin, a e ross· ne w Southern Californla F.llison Company major transmission lihe I ~n": :~~ "~~c;:u:l~~~~~t·r,r~·~f~;~~ Acf.IV.If.les or the company. "Th<' nrw llnf', the F.dtson Com · • ;; Far Pad fie Tuna· -· Fishing Expec:ted To B(' Dist:ussed J.\JIIJ~IIIft ++J ,I q j,IJH'"' (ftiiH lht lllo tlld th d• t•l dHI' ol \1 wt'Htt•'"'1~t 111!1\ PI••'• 1 '-hul In t h•· ••ttll fur l ho \,,,1 l 't~IJ•I hl l 1111l t lhdll~11\ \\ ll'u •h \\ Jlh ~~~~· ••P 1111l...:' "I loll'}.:,, IUtlt1 t l .. , j \•" IU llh ft,,, Jlh' I" n o \\ fd.tUIIIUI:_t \ji.t11~h •fi l 'i•''tt•IIHU" ~·t • \l•lnHith~ Ht• ,., • I"-" tt•d t}H'" I' I• l11 ' \\ill h~ .t· t't~tl\ nlJt ,,., ""'"''"'''" '·' ,, n . 1 l•·1·,," fltr•·••tol t•f ft ,, 1, '"''''""'t ilt' I tun :end n•·e·tnpln~ n t.·ut ,., ;rtH,II~!'o.ltHI Ttw ,.,,""""'.; '''" 1···~111 '"'h a m •·l'lll1j.: 111 I •' .\11 '• 1. ~ t'·lll·•d lur .Jr.n :!·J, ;lnd ".11 ,,.,,.!"11-.!it lt• pq t•·· ltt'al tiJi<•r rollll.: ,,r .. tolo·lns 11nL1 111 l('r•nrt lt\lna l I"''"'' d rall~l··s "' lt'o·:O t) l'i~:hts March of IJimes rs tarted on Mesa Cnsta Ml'sa's J\la rl'h of nrmt·~ t:;(tl undo•r wa~ last Wl'l'k "'ith Mrs Gunntnl( Butlt'r as chHirma n. \ ·n~o• ":li1Urula nt ltl , ... "htch Jt>sUI d··~lt·o:!.l ''' l•nn~ •~ I!> I~· h11d by li11 !ootltl't'l' II)IJilil'flllton Of hiS gOI- )ld tn ltlo• T Alhmat·h t atering Service o~uklnr; · So·n·ln~; · Uarto•;tdlnjf 1 f11r l'ttrtlf',, · f)J'ltp ,1 I'H I'd to ' l lfl \ ldurltt ~t.. t ,,,.,,. :\t•·\& H O OF S . \I'I'I.IED UR KEPAIRW Fro•(' E;;t imlll<'~ & ln~pt.'<'l ion "'· J. Beabow P h. Nwpt .. 1012·J 0 .-L. CULLY Certified Tu Coneulta.at Public Accountant Specializing on Income Tax Your ~~atronage appreciated ua Spurc-Batt4mc %08 w. 4tltt 1 ., Mrs. Rutlrr is assist,'d in the c11mpaign by Mrs. !larry C. Bur· dic-k. _, • '--------------&..1 1 • ' 24-Hour Radio Service BOM~,AUTO,MAR~'E RADIOS REPAIRI:D uuvu;~o~:""AI'-industry In general. I 1 Applaud ~ Subsld~• II Cut ~r· [2 [Y I• ~ ,~ , .. J7 to ~ II PD-OY'I thircl majc;r 2:.!0.000 vnlt M,..._ G. L Anctrew. " transmossion lin" ronnf'ctms:: \\,lh Mrs. Gn•t ha Tuhbs. school nursl'.l lh<' Bould<'r Pnwrr Plant. is 130 lwn• nnd rinw ~t·r\'lnl: hf"r fifth milc·s in )I'Dt.:th nod has a cropacity yrar as J uninr R••rl Cn >ss chair-1 o f t:.!!i.llllO kok.v.•a tts," Mr . Mulh•n-mnn. has m nd l' an lmpr .. ssh'f" rl'- Burt R .. Nort()n 915 Ooaat Hlway Phone 2-'17 Fairer Taxation 10 Ventu.r~ Tbe .a~~ Californian paid S51R in Federal, $at.<' and 12 ~~~uwn local __ taxes lo the ftscal year l"ndlng JuJW 30. 1M"( acrorrlin~ 14 waah' /.~.' 15 Noah's boat to f1guree oomplled by the Califo!J}..Ia Tax~~· As.;;aciut ion. Ill convm• -18 Mu•lc no>l 1 Tbe whole bUl came to $4,6 19,509.00([ or rouise. mO!o\t I Into ions lndlvtduall didn't poy anywh<'n' ni.'<}J" thl' avPra~ umoont of 111 l'rod 1518 amce much or the total tyUN'tlnn rnnw fmm ·busint.•s..c; I ~ ~r:llt wtth UJnOet"l\1: But wht-thf'r poi~ individuals or eompnnit-s· tht> tun11 "~'P• tax btU ""s astronomical-no muttt•r how you look at it. 2l Rand ac:r•t,~~• An e•cu\C'h· Tbe cut In fede~ax~cff('ftiw this yt>Hr will help som~ ~on 'what, but pe~f t.nxes will still IX' su~tnntial.' Ru.-. nt.'S." 24 ~~;:ure too, will stiiL.bP ·h,.gglng a he ft y loa ct. In faet. tuxes paid lJy ~ •:lrvutur IOII~ae..·b' · entc.rprises al"l' almoe-t uniX'Iif'\'able. R('('('fltJy 2il ~~f.~~"'d• It .;'t Ound iiiat a hl•nvy-duty rommt•rdal h"\lt'~ ;tnd truil<'l' r 211 ('ttl In t.. 1 om1a ,_ h • I .7 Alu•ka .,. f ~~~:t ~ normnl t'OUI'!'(' of OJl('ntttons .. is liS.~<;()( 31 Shu~hotw~n much u S-1700 or t>Ven more in taxi.'S In a sinJ::It' yl•ar. This ltu1oun 32 MuaiCRI -amount. to 38 l)('r cent or the original ~1 or the vrhicll"'S. llu lrurnt'nl It Ia quite undeorsta nctable. then, #,\'hY vnrious busin<'SS 33 l'ro•atdlntC t'lr1rr • llbbr ) &J"'Ups as well ll1i the truck OWJl(>rs tht'rn.<;t')Vf'S h HV(' urgro n 34 A" m llf•r ft!dUction ttl lhesl' taxes to n mon-reasonable lt>vl'l. :~e A "'n'iun ~ l7 l.at ~·· JIUipil Under war and poRtwar c•onditlons taxi.'S can't be. as light 33 Gr-·l .. .:o<"ut U ft'd like to M VE' them, but they sh~Jid I]Pvt'r lx• SO heavy fO r:7.:m as to v1rtu81ly ~tifk> either inc1Jvic1 ual oa· hu.-.IJl(>S.o; initiatiwJ 42 n"'"'''r But any la:< Or CQmblnation or taXl"'S till. I in Oil<' year cquuJ ' 43 Athrrlnon ~ r ~. . I I r· l'lc!uon .u per cent o a wysaness nvestme nt at'f' a mo~t t"On 1scntory. •• H• '""' Obviously.. the!l'e is J!('ed for ·fa irer tn..-.alion. 1946 Auto License I A winl' 2 Slnt.:lt> nn..: ot u 17h~m , .. ~ '" •1 .•3 ~ I'" ~ ,, .. ., '•If r~ F9 [21 .'2 ~ ~ p4 ,~ .. '1 IJI t.H ,n f-4<' ~ I"' 3 Prrfurm 4 l'llrtl'ltoJttl.tn '' nrk' ~ Frloloor •. ,hi ,.. II l>o. •I tn ''·•l'tl(' 7 PHu., fur ~ ~. ltlh II J\t ,,.IJ I ll \\ "" 1: I ,!JI • ·~ ''" t.o,,l' 17 No •II\ oJ• 111 ) 19 ~· .... , ... ,., (0 . . ~ 11'5' ~ li b ~ PI . [JS' F~ l't' '" L~ , .. J ~ I"" So. %1 22 J{(c.oll 2:• \' uutu.:. ,, • .-r 2r. Tht•ll• ltkt' """'' ;tH (: .. ttl • ... •Hn t 1\u•LJ z; v •. ,' 111111\tl(' ;:II ~· ....... "d ~~ l ltof,'.Jtl(lcl " \t •l't' l't'r l•rtl I :l!! .. ~<(t•l.utHt !IHU ~, Ailthttlln.,J :ltl A •• , .. ,,, •• II :tll tlont II ~t'lt•r\Ullll t~) m .) ,, Newport Beacb, Calli. , ... , dor;• Sllid "Construction uf thr ll<lrl nf tlw \\"' clont• h y """ lin" "~~~ h••~:ou1 ttnrkr ~rlf'clal wa r -~:rnmmar sc•hoHI • l.olllro•n. In Arl·l torn!' nu t ht~rodot ion rom! its C'nm-di 11nn tn plll'kin~: ~~ IKIXC'S fnr pi• ''"" 11cltls sulo~tanll.diy tu Jl<>Wo·r ,w,•rs••ros rh ildrf"n Ci.>r C'hristmns, '"""'' n·~r n•·~ l"r lht• SoJutlwrn tho·y mrocll' mort• thnn 1900 S£•p-, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY f0. lh' . ;• ~y r-;; f-· [?• \, IH . ~ .. :~• [/; O ollfllrnin 11n •u ' 11rnlf· ror llrlf•s for thr a rmy a nd ACCOUNT A.vr "T'"' ··~l.thh•lllll''"' nf n m·w 1 n:" ~ hns pitnls no·ar h~·. during 1 nHI1"1 I"""" """'"''"" un a :\11-:-;.,,,,ml~·r 11nd llt•<'f'mho•r Tiw v ;---------------:~ ,,,.,.,. ~~~ .. ,, "'" '""'' , .... , h of t'nl-nlsu 'l!ttt h•·r,..-1 hundrt•ds .. r arlid··~ .J. S. W H \' T E 11)11 11l"u ill 11 J1•ort nt I his projo•c•t USf'rl in oWo'rlOt'U~ 1\foxo •s l'O'III from OICOM&•TAJI C·ONIIl'LTA.."'T Tlo" no·\\ sl.ol lllll. n;ttnf'd llwh-tho• lo>rltf Ro·fl (;r~s.> nff'o"f" to m<·n AUihOrhoo<l b1 ibo l'o'"'' Sui•• ,.,.~ ... ...,. .,., 1 u,., f>D&r1mi·D\ tn ,..vr.:"" n1 (lht'IIU tn ~r. •' •· t••r t h• t'c '111flHtOll y nP:tr ltl ~Pr\'H'P f.front!'l"ll(,..,...,th lnN>mto u.a rnattH'e "'hwh It '" ''"' ''' ol. '"'I '"' """I· · :\l r~ Tuhhs points out thlll ~~~":..:riso'~~~:.;& pl,.t••<l ""'" 1 ·,.il, "' '"' •llno· nntl ·"'"'"~' R•"<l Crn~s ts an a ll-\'o•nr Oft ... tJWo 11.,,_ 111 .... e-ta •- , .. t.,t ul1uJ1 o• aiMltJf "l '•'•li~WI pru j••rt nf S!'r \'lrf" 11nd sh!' ·c-11n-•·•-N,._., .... ,..w 'Tho· f·no·r~o;~ ,.,,,.,,o d lo\ Ill<' nt'\1 "lllo·o•s lhtll work {inf" training in I lrnn~m••~toon lone 1~ ~.:• rtt•rntd 1 :ot hllo'l'tllltl••nllt frll'nl1shlp nnd lin · nouldo•r 1111111 hy Ultll~ ~~~~r:-otlo•tl tnr •~'llt'-h .,;oriii'1JIItllon in sodnl prog-.----------;....._ __ _ lh·· M•otrO)'<Ihtan \\',;,,.r u.,.,trio•l noms .lu nlllf Rt'd C'rnss is spons-Armand Monaco o1l lla•r•· :\lat..:n•·,.,ium lno· l'o'n~···· owl'd h) tht• J\Jlwr·tr1ln Rl'd Cross / toml' rf"n iJO('Jitipp of gl'nPrntlng 111 all ~··h••'l" o ( th•' rounlry. ARCJDTECT / ··np:wi~ Il l Hnulilt:r ·,~·rmtt.; \lSi' oil In , •. ,,..,. tinw R t·d Cross S('rY-814 w. Bay Ave., Palboa lhl' Until!," j;·••< llr•· inl'rt·,tsinl! -_:Sewpo~l n ----At·t·m·dm~: ,,. n ·porls fN'fll n~t-1 ' %7%1 l..ake · A ve. A•••., ,. ,.,,.,. c l 1 I I 1 h a...o. "'--ele. 'Ortuand• MOS --.. ... ':.unrm .. b .. •,..• ...,'',..' ..__ 1 ap• _c_~~pbell onna 11':0( fi\I:Or <1 f S. I I' ro'f'rl'll· ...._ ., "'. -~ llnnnl an<! ~•'l'IH''' ""rk fqr,mr n '---------------' , -<t · ( · ATTC)RN""\'S New Provost ·1~1• • ' ' • ,,~~ ll "' ,. "I >11 "n nrr~·~ ·~ n mn • ' • orllltrl I halt ,., ••r An<l m11ny At SAAAB ··l· u,, 1nd .... r c';•nf•· .. n.; 11nd r•••'rt.'H· lt,tl • • li to rs ;•rc· d•ltn~; ,, \ .olttRI}If" c.;.u • '' "' ""rk 1 n t h• f 1ru·nt ;11111 in lop·· ·J!, tl ('r'l<~. '"'l'krnt• Wi th S A '\TA /\:'\/\, t':olif C11 pt H. lh•• n r1J• ''' 'l"'t's:el ~I(·~'' H't'lio;, is "' • nr•·rt7nnln···nf ''·u·k l'i ''"lilt 1\ (';uotjlh..tl, :\41, l•••k m ·••r ltu• lilt' rlutl··~ ,,~ prm·n~l ""'r~hnl 111 1 h•• "" Snntn .\na ,\rmy \ir· H:uH• te>d:oy, fnr r!'planm: Capt H A ~t:onst·ll. o·\1' who h:1s t .. ••·n "''i'·•rlllt•rl fron1 t ho· I '"' L•ro'ttHl '"'' •·h.:n ).on•l' h··•·tl ,, r . ,, Ill It' ~··r\ •r•• ''••rk '''" tt11'0 tn tll(J1 t """' '"''"~ ()II ·k•'n11H:: as f tw pr ~,t.J,•n\c; uf rt·· s•·r\'lo't' { ';mlph··ll tl' a r••tttr nc•o· !<lnt 1 from tho; 13th 1\11 Ft~rr·r in th1• 1ur no n~ !iit·r\ u~ •• nu~n ollld 0 lhrlr " ._ BOBF.RT (l ARDSER -an.l- DO:SAI.O D. tfARWOOD ATTORNtvt A T I.AW 1 lit ?f, lllala ""· IIUt. 4-. ('aUf. , -Titi.I!'.JrROS~ • ll&ata AM 611111: Newport._ IJ .. a DAY IKJDOOIA Mortimer Sdlool .. Coral ....._ ...... I PBl'8101AX8 A 8t"RGEOSI4. \'1 0 ' H. R. HALL, l\1. 1>. Phy•lrhln and Sur~:<'<~n llrs.: 2·5. by appoi~rrl'rn t Telt•phon?-'26~0 lSI Broad'?¥' C011ta '1 .,,/ ordon M.Grundy, M .O Phylllclan apd 8UFlti'Cin NlDth aad C'.entral Ave. Office Hn. :10·1'! a.nt.; 3·15 co ... ~f'lepbono s7 Conrad Richter, M.O Phy•lelan and S nrr.:t>nn no E. 18th SL C"oda MKa ltow•. IO·U a.m. and a-a ., "'· Pbone Ill DR. G. [. TOHILL PHVIICIAN and SURGEON ..,_ ~ time IJ\ g~tting ~hm·t f(w ycm In ohtnin your l !I.U) a~ 11cerkqe. Febnmry 4 i~ the clt•adlim' nnd aftl'r t hat you pay ll JX>na It y. · Acti)ally, the stnte Isn't i~· .uit•~ a r vw ltl.t1 c-t o n'pla<'t' lh<' pn!llent ooe. ln.<Jtt>i:id. wht-n you pay Yfltu' ft'l.' ,YII\1 will l"l'· cetve a smail m('tal tab whidl i"' to he.~ htlltt-d m •pr the" "·15" en the II~ platt> you now lltt\'£'. TINY TOTS· LAUNDRY Pacifi<' • • fan lilt••s ttr•· 11Hin~ •. onrl .l.on1• C11lk - C'rf'dltt'cl with 0\'t•r :'100 n) in~ In~ hours. 1 h•• El l'asn, ·r cl<as. p'lul 1 ho• fl('ll' :Jjil ('Oilth llt nltS~IOilS in 11 1'-:!-1 (tl ! '"' ~l .tfl ho·t'•· •··t•u·ts that offit'•' h••r•' IS i•~ hla~~ as ,.,·~~r 1 Gn4e.: eouee.,. ..,...,.,....,., 1101 Coaot Blvd .. Newe>or1 Buell DAY S(JHOOL "'--""on•-Opee O"'lce 286·W .... 281i·R O.A. Mortimer, II.A., Odord If No Anewer Cat! N-pon fi PIERSOL'S ........... -~-Pl'ofeelloMI Phanna.ey Take your "white ~Up" n -gistnltion ("ard 1n tht" nt•at'N'I offtce ot tbe J:>eopaa•I.Jnl'n Motor \'C'hidNO. nl· mail it A lon~ 48-Hour Diaper Serv ice nnd 1\nollll'r Ill in an ,\.:.!4 rliH· 1 homhl'r n r rorr going m·crS1'us.hc, .. wa.~ assis t,.11nt flrl'l\'llSt mnrshn1 at • Tnrra nt Fi··ltl. T•·xa~ I II>~ \'I' tll.tll hark~rnuntf ind ud"s t•xr••ri!'ltr" sts Ill ro&WAT A ftNUa I.A8U!tfA BiUCB DESn8T8 · Gerald Rau~, M.D. ._1 with dnlft Or money order ft a mount shown in IOWl'l' ('OITll'l'. I ~~~~~~~~--------~' FOR 'NATIONALLY ADYERTISID • Kee2sake ~ / From 16%..50 up RINOI ... WHIOIA.R.B DIAL I& •• a bordr r pa t rl)) rnSJit'C'Inr on T•·,ils ·' and Nf"w l\ll'xko . I ., I .50 l'(!r \1' '(;'(·~ In BusiMU for 'Your Htalth" ., • n ..._ '• ,.._,.,u.... OOII.PL&TB aJoc.oote:'U Sgt. John Sihilling J Was Overseas 22 Mos. I C9_!T!p1ete Infant Service a •vo ~ ........ _ __, ...... ----~ ...... ... . . ... _,~. -· ~2.00 t \ r ~ C1 \. ----------?1 ,-A(fr r ~.! n1unt h .. n\t·r~•·~ts nnft thrt¥ '''nr~ In lh•· Arnl\;, r fo•l'•'"'· S~rt .• lolltn !"lhtlltn~ uf <'<•~!;, :'<lo•S:t . ':lntjl·o~ln nl . ~~-1~<~: Phone Newport 4.~ (:o\"k . ror lliaJM'r ~n·lt~ for l"l<'k·l 'r• and lh•liHr~ )" ·-------------------------------------~------. rf'tUml'fl hnmr la~l "'t•••k Ss;t !'tholltnl! ,.,,,., "' t) h o; clo<· cjlnr~:o• a t Flori ~l.1• .\rt111ir ;m el tS tho• ~''" ,,( \lr a n1l :'\lr, llo·t·h••rt !'ihilhn~: .,( \ · .. ~t a l\lo•sa . Wlll<'h lh•' t71nJL.~tfll-d ('o>lumn!' I I 0 • I ' 0' t q.. ! " " ". ' I I• 1 h~t• H··~ nu uu••ntlr·d f·•r 1w·~n' lu t"•hll. ... -~ ••• • .... •II . ., .... ,, ......... ,, , ••• , • .,, ,. l•'f' '('" .. II I' "' ,.,~I'' ill·· '''" I• ttl-•HI'\ I I <.-: .. -II ~.:.: +I .. I ' y..,..,.,.., ..... p ROTECTION PLAN /lteprese"totlve II H. W. GEORGE . 4'!S 8t h I'll. . Uunttn~rlou t\f'"-C!b Ph. n. B. •sot Have you ...... , ~.:A sy A CIS-, . ... _ _. ...... ~ Cast ·~ Cabin •• l "':f''l f:~ v 7'~. Stn,·· ~. ... ~ ,.. . ./; . ~ ''Y:..'V~\11 ~'I 9RTHINGTON ~'~~ • Ill ~ c; (';\ ,,. flEFR,IGEil.-\ TIO~ ""'' .-\ir Conditioning cr!:4 s. •. ._. ... An~:t>l~ st. .t:~n:H<a-:~c\· r·uuxt: \n•h.•lm l it.">'! -· OR. OBED LUCAS I• Dentiat 2830 We.t Central ,. v• lliewport Beac:..,. . • ,.. 1028 .. f'lO~riil>wc • r •ll J01 "' 2.70114, W. Cc11tral. P h. U t30 •·Ray l;ervl~· I . N£WPOI1t 8 P ACt1 I r'i~t ·R.\ sc r . . Milton Jl .. U .u "t'lt '· I New York Life 1801 ( 0:1"-! I Insurance CompanJ· • OrJlr • •,. ....... rHnc• _. u•·' ::l u os-R. OJ=tt,\:-. r *'lion• :-;c • · 4\11\ llrrhltl. Avo I l'llltll' \ llf.l. 'liAR MORTtCIA.~8 I HAROLD K. GRAUEL S. R. Monaco, ~1. n 8J f Bay A\·e., Ralhoa ·I CHAPEL Ntwport 112 a "\\'t Utrnw'ln·• 'I ,. lit• tin !'1t'rve Oy Rt·rvlnt.: P tt.o•rlO no•et" ~l'tone N~wport 56t Coeb M~u CAlifornia OPTO~f:TRI"T8 .~ORF.RT A. CRAWFORD Ort ., D. O'PT OME TRIS F:yf'lft r.xanlln.•ol -r.taJIJII'~ F,lt,,,, 1792 Newoort Bout~vard Phon~ 2.130 -COSTA MES.• SrR\T.l 'OR" SJE(;EL & RA l 'B _ f:nltinrrf" It ~nn·f'~'""' I ~ Sr"l><>rt llh·rt. C'n•t• .\I-. -To•lrphttn<> '.!~.,!l·.f !811 W'. C"f"nl r"l ~""l"'M llfi"f"ll T••lr•ph""'' t !.~ · 1'1 \'O TF..\{'HF.R I I ! I ,, '-'t ~. IIlii 8t., I..., '"·' o,. 'Tt'rk,.r "112 · y Appotrhn .. 11 'f. P. Reeder, ~f. H. Ph~·sfdao 6: S!lrgf'<t~ 1001 ~·,.,., ill\~' '''1'. . •It> phone , . Pwpor ot',() I Wagnf'r llnJgl~~ ln•fltutA- or. \\'llhur c. n•;..,.(\'p Chirnprnctk. DirtC't ks Phyo;:io & ('ol<lnlc TI1r r·apy 1!1'!0 Co""t Uh·d. South i:,.fl'\tllft ru-.. .:b. l'tr. '.!O!Ij I PI.\NO TE.\CHER I .ZONE THTE~APY r.-, .. f~!~~l~~_:_:_rm __ . -~ ._. · CLINIC R u;r3l C ""''" rll<if\', I""'IIMit t'•r•nr "•lfu · ltlo4t .... r ~~~-'h I •-, '·\\' l'l>.,.lal T-~1• t .. c ...... 1 "i::'f, \' I 1, • ;n Frnnt ~· tt11• \ Bel"-1tne •- / I· r ' ,. Judge Urges Use Of Firearms Re Outlawed in County Su..:..:•,llun th.ol 1111 U>• ,,( lat•· arm,. ... ullllol\\1 d '" tho• lko.u.t ••• ~UJM.·t·' , ..... r... '' .u.. nHt•h· l ..... t '' ••• '-' uy J wt.._ •.•• J l lokh;o• .olio I 111.111~ IN('O~It: TAX St:lt\'1( I t 'o'tl .. ral 11nd l'lllllf' llfJ M th !ilL l'h. I!I:!!!·K WE'D DINGS Taken in Church, Home Studio or 8f. Surt> to lnctulrt• About Coat~·in~ Old Por1.raJt"' • ~•inlt• Ed. Pnult•v Tu lligh Nay~· l,(,st •I ,. I I II .. \ I •• .fh'l h ll\'4 I \\ ,,. •·· II• • ''"''" ... ' lttr " '1111~1 1••,\tltlll t lh\U\1 "' •'''~ l it\111\ llt11~ .... I ' I ,, ·~\ \ ••••• tl !\,.,,. I I 1 \1 11oo llt•!l H1.dt•d h • l\ti• . \ ··I lilt' II I\\ "' h i . \\tt ' t· I I I ,, ... ~·r ·"' ,, .,~ ~·•· , ", .. , .. " "" '" \1 ·I ll•f'lrllfh •ll~ ,.,,,' I lh \\ • ''"''~ llh' t lh• ., • t t f, I 'i'"' 1., t •'t'·'\ '•""'' 1\ ,, I •. " t.• •• ,.,.-,,,, .... \\ t1 h "' lth hI '"· \\ , ... ·" " u II.· ~~ ,.,,~Hll\1\ \t •••d '"''"''n 111d "''..;~'" t'\Ut ' ,(•1~1\ • \\t ill l,q .. ,tfll1 tl• lde•t')C" tn ,,,.,. tt\\ - i) I' ••II•' • .lilt•' up ft '"" a ftt·h f ttl~. I Itt lht 11!1 llhtl,,f1 ) 1t\ ht•tul " I'• ''"' •"nt p•••••••~~u-I I•• hM!I • •" tutl 11 1 "' 111 h ."•~•·n t.tr y ''' •"'"'"• 1 ••I the• I '•'ft1ctfTftUt• N"· 1 h'lt•lll l 'otu 11111 ,,.,. I t '' t .. ht•\•••1 hy lllltll\ llliot ho· will !lllt"<,.'t•d .llln tt .. •.••• , •• ,, tl ""'' hll"'-.'.''"'"!i"• ... "'" c •' • ••'-d t''" •' ''' t•'"'':n u~ !"•~·n·tttr)' '" !1:11tr tl f'<lilrfttnr ~·hn "mnkrl tho !' 111 ~ o lllollloltl \',d lo•y hi~ ho•llh'~ 1:", n h• :lu·•l rom,.,, .111 ,\I l\lft l111l.,nh I• noplo• lotr 19-lli Th~n••" J>o •l•·nt olt• flhln' • orly \bllllltt•t" tu Slutlw r Clo•ilpS Ill th1s NlllUliUill\)', ~1'\'•'1 .11 lOII I!)• I -,:, '\lk>ll ll.of'· hnr t 'nh•n I l1._:h ... tutl•·ut ... no \\ ft t t•••uttu..: S ent.t ,\n.t .JuuiHr , .. ,,11•·1.!• ,P•• •Hlltlft~ t'itiHfldfll• .. ltH t l.t'' 11l fH•,. ... tn ;..n ,.J.-.·t tt~n \\~u.·h I' t•' h .. "'I 1 I<' I I•\ 111 ""·"' l• • .ti .. IIIIL.: J,or~ :2:1 H111; ... rr ··•····tT•·"' '"-;. 111 Ill· h••1d IH\ .l.ll\ '.,!, ... , ( 'ha rJ,res Brea,·h Of Lt·~tst>; ~ues l.ady fur $I 200 l !r • • ' 'r 1ft 11' •I "'' ••• tltt 111 1 .. I'll If 1:• ol lol J fo•f lllolll• l'lf• f ;oL:.oi n,r \11n' 1·1· 1111 ool • ·,.•In 'l·••:a : A ('J s • llo'o'oolollllt' '" """" ltulll :-;...nl.o rt ass tarting .,.\n.t l'••:lwi'IO;Ut tl ltH''\\p•l\.tU I•u·1, d N• h I.'IW• ". "': ••••• , • ues a\' Jg t · p,.,., "'··~~~···' ... , .. ,. ·•ll·l .. t'A II .b 11· h •"'"·~··"' • ........ "' "•'" ''""I t ar c•r 1g If "" l• •I t t I•• ·• \ .ttu l II\ lU.; ~l.u\1••\ (;"11\H'i"'\""kt \\'h o \\.1"' ,, hi• ~···111tl tl ll d t,n.t lu~o.1 """"' ""'' ud ,1 I o•lo I 111 11! \\'111 lol \\ If II , .... rutttun.f ( .. , t• ··-I•"("U''" fnt I"' '"j, nt ool.lh• •11111•·111 lkwl\ II•· '' '1'(~''' d h\ 1 ~nh ~ I• '' lu r ft t•H Ph'l \1 I''"'' t PI J' ... t,tf'k P\ II\ ''""'''' ·" :11_. r ~~'''''I''"' 111 t ',,,, • '''''-~d '''' '\,,., ·t1 tt• t,,._ n lu I , .• 11 t 1 I t "' til. I loll :O.:o•lh o'll·t·,qol.llll o•l I ho lo••l ' '' 11 11 l)o· ,, ,, I"" 1 I I 11l••1 t'UI,Iti t f it I"' f .I'" 1 ''"" q •• .r 'ht• I "'"' rl'llf<o·tltoo '"''•" '''1 ~1~-...... '111n ,.. t'llttl•u,· Ill "·'""' An:• W · " lo:dl 1' 1111 1>f :o o',llldld .ll • loor \ II'•• 1" • ,,d."' ""' \'u ~~~~~ • :II ll11in 1• t t' •nd 1d ,,,. ,.,, ptt•"-ulc.~ll u1 !lu.: t\..,'411( lttl• d ...,;lt11t1 lt1 ... \\flllh'tt' Pf· , ... ,. Paul Kd1ar Afno~ r.roup Destined For Early I )is"harge ~--··· foast Guard Opens Ranks to Enlistees; Vets Keep Ratin~s lpt I. II I' lib h '' J.,., f ~\Ill I•• I tll•·'l t ,•, 11, t I ,, '"' ,,1 .. tl -: p p Itt l'ft 1'-t " I f 111 I ,.,,, I ., ••• , lit qt1• '"1 ,,, 'lttllp 1 ""l \ lll .I I' -,:,. ''" .... h I , .... , .... II . t ,,, I,, ...... "''''' 'l"i n 1 tun ~~~~~~. ' 1,,, td ... , I*' IU• t J,;t 1t•l ,, ... ,, td,t\ th tt lh .. ,,·h uul "-f',,, • l••.:td\ lit "I" U oth ,•t t l••"'"'' ... If-U• h fllllolu· do'" 111ol ''"''' 111ol II It ' h,t\ ,. I •·· .. ,,, 1 H\ .ttlrtl~l·· '1,;\\'\1 ~T\!;t -,:1 ; I 'F ''TKH. "" lfl 1•11'~" """' ""'''ll!lh "l' f, •h•·',•ll•l·•l l't:\HI.IL\fUlf~t T II l'.olll thr· t:JIIonllo "·'"" l lo~lllt'l loo l oll ho•l ;n1·h~ lll lfl't•·lln•l ,, ,,, '1·-· r;etl tttn;tn thtt .-1 ,.t ,, .. t.uaull,tl l{l ~ •Uta• u I .... ,'"' •t t"f';t "' lu I I,,. .. ,, ,., \ I h II· ,.1, \\',-... 1 :lHh ,1r•·•·l . '-.:~ "\•"r' '' 1"h th• ";:Pl"H •ural lit" uff, '' tl h\ "' ,1,,. up .,k, 11 ht 1 • ''"' \\ ,,,., 'l'• u h '' ., 'ltn·· '' '"' to t••t.-ttl th• 1..41,r-"""' l 'nrt ..... t ~ •. ,,,.,, .... ,...,I 'II t '''' ' t ·'"' ,.n,.' ph, ... tlu '""~"' ,,, ··I\ tit ,1'" ,,,'-'••th• t (~u tf•l \\ .. liltlflf'tH·tl tht ... \\t• ~' tl , t ,\ •nt.·d ''' '"''"''' 1 ••I IIH• \\tth thnu, .• nd ... "' ·,., .. , .. tiiiiiL: "·'' dt•r·J ....... , ltKIU\ ,,, ltt .ll Atl ··1. f ifo ,,, ,., ""' , .... , ~,, ... n:h '"·' ~.t\H I ct~•n•·htll/.tllllf) IIIJIHI \\' r ·rf.\\lt•, ,.,,, ... , {'4•H)I.I ,~ •• , ... , llldt tlltilt ftl ft\111fftol ' ~ nH t h' .t•l•·•t '"' t l11 ~~ ,,,.s f:u;~r;) f l((h·<·r '"" "''1 "' tn• '' 1 • '"·'' "' ''-'••• r '1'1 t· r· 1 1 1 --·'' rtu .. "'-'"~"' • ·,., nt• t th•· pro<... 1<' ":t~~ ,,,.,., ''' '' .1' •• · , ' 111111' ' fl', '"' iiP·•·hat ,., .,,.. ~r"liP• ft 1 '' ... ,.:, L.'ur n.: u'"' h , .. "~'' n •• -..,-,., tnt•tdlf'C ''' \\htt ''~'" tl l•tl f'•n 1111\..' ft• "''" 1'7 lftt~ttaLh .•-, \t .u-t ~-A! W I• r tho \ \\ ,, ,, 1••11 , .. r .. r 1110'11 ·,I ·~··· \\Ill< '"' Ill , ••••• "'''"' .. 1:) ,,A 1\8 acs fin~l I 1f" .. 'It•\ dt• pl.tt •tt •"'lthiHIPPl t'lltlt 'l'-' 11l 11, I tHt•"\l ' J> d ........... " .•• ,~ .. , ... h· ,,,," r ... lh• ..;,,.,, .• :lnd "''" ,., "'"''or "'"'"' SaY They re \ea v !'I. \I• ~ :t' ""'"''" ,, .. 'tuppu,~ 'fi·tt., ''*''!''*' '"" l "'''' fll• "'"' rut) li• for T • St • A • ,, '"'''l;,t.l·· '"" "r •hr···· -'' ..r' 1 0 ~'Y In rmy nms to Spend ~:J7fl.OOO.OOO PropQsed In ltdtft h nn I•• "1'1"'' ll'hl'l•' tu~J . ... 1nr ' "•fl" '1 \ ,., puJ "' ttpp..... 't', •. ,..\ • ~ \ . ' f'' I "" I .... I 1 I I ( :IJ,If d 1' I'll )If tr1•"' 1 11 It! II"' for • t•rllrH: 1n I co i I ~ . '~ I \ I• I ' I • I ,,,.,, ' I ohhu uiu . n ~pe(> a • e!'lston ,., 1 , , • • • 1 •• <~ ... , ,.,. ITI·d •t.. ~.,, Rppr••JtriHft•'" httt~ antru. t,\ , '·1 .... , .. · ... : .,.,rt., t1ur·•·rl in tlu• ltr .. t "•t•·""" uf fh• ,,,, 1, II t I flto f 0111 t" \ t•ft r (':.ttl••rnan (f'•·n .ol I· 1 •ltl •· ~. ,. ,,,, "'!~ ~·I• 1 ·1, ,. '" •·I .,1.,. 11.tt ~Inn, "t'lf'r•· 'h• ;unn I '"' "'1)1•1'1 ,,., , •, ,,., ~~ u 1 r h. t ·~~,,,, t ;uurtl ,,1 fwd anrt 1 ltnuo.tttr'tl~ tlttplle·:,Hnn". 1:1 .,, .. , 'Ill I\ tl• 111.t l..., 11,.,.,,. fh• \ 1111:11 $171;,;\.'1 7 1.' l ',ollloHI\111 Ti!X I'" t1 "I'''' tho 1 •'•" nl ''"lf"'l , prt~•·r.'=' Rtrit~IJ( IHftt•lt ,;ttd ttw1:ty :-;''l,!>o.l<• lljtf'l'lljl!f;ol holl l11tls l111 1'o · !Ill" Kt:t:J• ,, . ._, 1(\'C t: 'lit -., "'I "·· l't It .. I'' ' ,. tt• I I•' '"" \• n .. ,,,, ' ' \ r. 1 ... " ) l \\ I'' tf " ••Itt .,,.; ... '·· t 1'1 '' ... ,., I '" ,, '" ! II· ,q '" .d '•· 1 t. "'"td I. 'tl IJt•'tfl 't h • I·· ••I tit•• ,,, .. 'I Itt 11l tfl• • ••t I I .. " "' I , I '"I ,,, ,,, ''" .,, ,t '1 v Ill '''"'''" ""' r• '11 " ""'"""' '" "fl<'l"i· ·n ... I I ,. I'''" I I '· t .... 1 c. •• ,~, (;fl(\ ... ~ t I ' j •• t I ,, , ... 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'ttl! •I ft•l II• •th r-----------------------------------------------------~1 ~---------------~~---~ ~ •·• • l l nrtf "' .,It •I l lfl, :"'"""I~-I 1 t , ... ~~, \hHfd• t t ,,, , .. , ·~ Racine Skippers:- \ .. ~ail Boat H a rJw~a, 'ail Track anJ --rn'K\W atcl:c. Ya~Lt~l=imcrs Ne·wport·Marine Supply Cc. l'lwnt• •:H• I II ~ ... ·:f r~·slr· Dai(y r '• llr ,., !'(, I .... ,. I• ClOTHES t\:-.:11 B 0 '~ SGWfe~ ft~~ $/uJ,p 'llll ''"''n·· "''"' 1f olh"w h 1And ...... f'hu1.,. !\'HI lit' /lf>f' r• 'I trrrn l of thJ~ Cl~n, f~mlly Newspaper THE CHRI5I'IAN'-'sm:NCE MONri'OR r,. '"-crt-' aod -~ -.•• ,,. &o. poUdail1 ... ,, -- I I ,,, •lu "1 n .. l it I lift, pi'"' Gundersnn DrUg ""'k·· <::;,-,..,, •• , , ,,.,, .,,,, T r "' ,, ,,, I• ., '· •• ,, "'' Mnln Sf..-ll1JI1,tn '''"' ltft•f I ttl • ... t I r! • 111 .... 1 • .., -.------_ . f ' I ......./' ltlot .,.,, ,, Mit (\\ I) '-....,./ -/ IV" I""' " -·-to· ~· , .... u J f1ud An4 t l n ~~~~ .~7 ~8 """=--. n istoJical~y "'Jhe ll.~r v•·y ( .irh': ~r~w 1• ilrn.t•l :uul tlll·ir catin~t ho u\U pu,h<'<l thr \) t''' "'t.rn '"" 11\ .. t're '41' rn, tim C., w ere tu • , m.an'\ \IJnol.uJ t'tjuipmtnt. 1 u•la y. the 7 . l J. <u~~'"">~ wlud1 h • ., ht'c n und t·r tl1e "'""""" • lnuly lor 'tltrre J(l nt r.lltnll\ opt•ratr \ s .. m_a I tt'd llt~nq h•lh ''eno l ft'\t;aurann IUlilll'.t • "llu: Jl.trvc.-y c.irlt"". ddl.l(htful anol ,. t'lt' rntiro:. l.•mily will enjoy, Wau h your nt . 1ent on wlu:n' Itt 'ar.cy (,irl•" will be in SANTA F lervlnt th --· -. An 'AUSTIN Portrait F 0 R T H E 0 N E Y 0 U L 0 V E. ~· We ore fully equiPfMd to toke JNWtrolfs In Home or Clturclt All Studios open 12 to 6 '.M. every SuJ"hlr ancl two or more nights per week • ·- 114111Vr N. M_,n 1<11 . /01 ''"' \ \' \ ,.,,,,.,. 1111.1 U Ut.\ ttci i 'IC 'ol \ " '"~ t .. II 1'· '"· t•r1•1•' and ~11turolto'' 'Ill II fl. 101 'N·•r ·p~t VE~ETIAN Rl .INDS .... , .. .,. .. ..... , ...... -',,__. t ........ , .... l'ltonr Nt•WJHtrf t '7XU-W ------· - / C~arter & Pre~ton GAS F~~~~CES Htill I Hffit·ult to Ob_tain Wc" h i i VI' II It•\\ Ill Sl od< fill' llllllll'lflllll• flllllllllfllllln f-limtna le• .,\\'l'ltl ill~: \\lrld•,w-. :and nttoi-.1•11'1' on wull" l 'rttlf•f'l \HtU hutnr autl hf"rtUft , .. , "''"''"""' """ .. '''"1 IHIAI u f ttl H'llh In ltlfo u ·,·atinsc and V entilatinsc Fil'ld .... " .... h .. \ ""' ,., .. t;ll'lll. NCI C'll \Hilt . t CIIC ''II\ t \ \'II t .I"TI'I'\Tt: CHARTER -& PRESTON nu,,_ , ......... fltlll u ..... t.,..... ;.,.,,,, .... tu n· •• , '!ltfl'o '!XII t·.,,, . .,f ,\\ , •. l .a ~11 11 ' lk a• h ...... ,,, ... , .. ' ... • It If I I t f f \f f. f ... Blue ·· Printing fadlitl~s ) Pltot<k tatliH,.: t!.J) 111 IH 111 hy 2:! tn. z . . .. . . i .. [-----------------..,1 =. Pkk-LJ p and Helin·ry Service _ . • Watc h for Open in ~ Announceme nt i 1 •r • '"l·l• Pto· NJ••lpntf'nt I WIVll In oAIC your own. O N C ENTRAL AVENUE. NIEWPO AT BlEAC H 't~ILC'· ~~(R'.. ~l· L.:_ C L~ ~ 0 •• TAYIA}IIt. o~u ( 'rf"\ L I. I I.,.... L 1camore Street (2 ~L'\.. L;-~ 1 ~KI:0.-8 TF.I.£1'1f0 llia 1111 ' ' A; M. TO 1;:10 P. II. :'If. TO 11:311 P. :'If. l~w't" ancl leo~· Kt•r n•· l'alm llntl Ra~·. IS:alhoa :. --~ l ,··: COIIIt& M.. .,--. I -;...--·--it ... ..----~-· Blueprint & Photostat Shop · l'hun,. 3!)1 L.------!'11••--------T----------'11: , ______ . ___ .....,., ...... • ~ • .... ~~• ... •) ........ lti ............ _,.,.,.,._, ... ,.,_..,._•ZU4•.: . I ) . ,. ' '-. .!~~~~~--~~----~--------------------~~----------~~=---~'~·:':'~·~··~·~ .. ~·--~·1~\~·~·~·~·~·~·--'~t ~'' lt \11 ' .... r-.· I ''I --- rt~ .,.,· .. 'l...aud .• Back 11''' at ""m" rt urml: h~ >"'·r~ nf .~"'as·a Jlustm i'-,1 f('SS p· •.. J -' • •· • ~·~~1~··~··-·~·~~~~~~·~J~·~n~•~·a~r~~~·~!~2~,~·~~~·-------------------------------------------------------------~--------------Cham~r _MemberS l aklng-·PI'\ • ' [ Fog Horn Dilemma ~ l'fl ,·n M •r\lt"i' fur h•" ":4" a-tntt•HH I,., ,:,.. •~ ~ .., ... in Yacht Brokr ragc; •I•··· Ill ... ·•'"'''·'"oJ' Ill I ... ~,; .. \sks Patrons c;ivl\ ~'"{,tn. , .. nvy Allee Samee Here T • I Le Itt ••• h n.ud "•·· n ,,, .... H:r" •1 ''' •' ,• • ~ On ermma ave 1 wh•ct• '"" to ~" ,,,, "' ,, • ·• Addn'SS (')earl.'· ·-·· ........ ~ .. ~mr~·~ · ~"tcrtanes' of Food A~.i~ .. ~.~~.t~~e: ..... .. Vote on Election ·of Directors . Lt. Cnmdr c.~,~~ :\t h h tnuJ. Hti VIa Qulin. Lltln' i11l1• IS """ ~on t~mm.tl 1•·;,,,. ult••.r fuur )• "' 1n. the U. S C'o.>ll1 (;word ft,.,., 1\ · lng hill W:l\ o "" .l>!llllill) "I I ho• IM'lll dl\)' tw \\kS loro•·k 1111 hi• 1 ... ,,. nt'IU u )'" ht lrr••k• r a t Ius 111111••• on ~c·rly houlo 'a rd. L11~ At•· cl'lrs. '' f \ IH I U I.U I• •P• .ul \\ 'It I' '' ' 'k• pr t.~ t• ''h• u • ·-rn'·•U' " .• !•' J • ltd f)* lllhnc 1' .. \. t •·••• th• th "· ft·l'l I \t" •n•J,.,I \'1th tl• \\I . The rommant1for h;,~ I.K'<·n 1•11111· n&tt' In thlll h,. hu' llt'\'n alo)o ''' Jh ip pn••· (' "' '' '" qu" ,, .. ''' '"" fJ "'0;' ' t I lUI •I•'• ,.,, 1 f •'' f • .tl itu f l~t1 }Jt\,. '-ttu• ~ hhl ! '" d•l ~~~· \oltf ( 1f1 'l ••• ,., 11• \'u rt•t' < I •ttun..: ' nl lr-ntun Yf#PJ WiD Photog~ph You( --u1amorous1Y Different . Our Laguna Beach and Santa Ana Studios are open the Year 'Round -----~~-.. Santa Ana -Laguna Beach , -So. OoUt Blvd. PbODe 4MS CARR'S -FEED STORE (FORMERLY ADBO'IT'S I 8Pr.etiO'JDNO IN Q••llty Branded Feeds ·; Hay and Grain Fertilizers • Seeds DAIL V DEI.JVERV 18!1 N~ Boull!vard. Co8ta MNa • E. R. CARR, Owner ••• , ,., ;' ... ,,, •·H!•I .j 'f I'• ,d ' p .tflflh•nt '" l,"tiiiiH' l't.IIJioi rtfllfn ;\l•trtt .. ,, ·uu1 lht·•·tu r"<:l'' th·· \,lf',ti H'\ Ill thtl ,tft'H r tu• nanth d ,. '1 • I •I I. I ., , •• ' ,. • I •t ,, 'I ., Colonel Carlson ''"11.1 lh• '"C ""'" I '"' t .. rt •• r "·"I"''' ll.orl••r('h·•mt ... r o f Com· ......... , I• lhl" c .. '"' llt).,hiiiiY unct. 'I ·•' ,,, .. •, .~dtttt'" t \1 t' r •• lfi•Jth• •·ntr .• n••• ''' lilt•\\ \\t•tt th• f••lo; uu·r•·• :tt• •••llutln~ ''" •h•'h•U .. t ~··"l"•lt llt li.!hl' h •r \\hH'h dJS· I' • '• 1 '. I ,.. • • ".' • • " • ,, ' ...... 1: Talk Postponed , ... , .. ~ '" ·"'" . ooll\' I" h \\ h· n II • llll ll'lllr" 1111 Ill\' 1'011111111: ~. II Ill\ I ,I s tl.orro II ·~ "" ll\>ldO\'l'r I ' • ' ....... 1 , ... ,, .. , "" ··~ • " ,..... ""' 1'11nln'lo• '" f!llllll '"'' ~· .. r~ tof t.. .. h ·h~ll ll'l M •h·· I'll~. ··nlltloo(l t',orHIIIIHI••. \\lflt \\'alto r ~J)Il'l r nnd ••• , .... ,. ''• ·~Ill•\• d ·I l 't t I L. lund· "''·''ll·rlti iJt '"""'''''~tfPI''''" ,, l\\n dur.tur:--. If ...... tl0l' tu 'h·· ll.n t~ c.:.rtl··r ··urnpt•tUlL:. fut t ht_) ,., •• •I I ........ , ,,,., ,...... .I·'I'JJ. \ I I' t ond· '-l•rltl. "" l.oko n •II \\llh 11111'11· lnl; tlw "'" ro·nl""''' "'II r .. ..: toi7in 'h•t'\10(1 """ ancl .. nullto·r hd d "'' r '·"·'"''~ 11 11 t,.1 ,,,, t•••un 1tlt\l''''" • 1 .,,~ •• ,f ''• 1 t t !•, .... ,.,.,,,., "l 1,·1 ;',•l•·n•·l F\;1n~ (',ubun ha" ,,, the ~lt•nltr•·~ Jw·ntn,ul.• 'WfU.,. tnr ;~:l••'h••r )t~t,r =-'ant> d1SitH.'1~ 11," , ,,, " .. 1 "'"'to "·'''"·' 1 111 ""•'I 1 • t f•" I·" Yo I lwo•f\ nrltr·rNt"lo l'iln!'c•l 1111 <'llrr•·nl tonw "~" , 11Ho\ ~ IIHT•·Il~o·d '" Ill. 11 n prn· H H d W d d •••••• ""'"'.I' 1 .. I I· I ,,,, t' ••• 1• I' .. II "\ lh c '1"'' , •• ol. II>: d:o••' 1111(1 ,,,,~ Ill ho•d (l)r ~ •• ,··rot h ool .... " pl.·····cl ''" .iw I~'"'" III.Hio• '" ..... clln•c'IOI'flh' is er an s an ere 1:· •I• ,,~, ,,. ,,,11 lhtn~: llll' "'" :\1· '! ' , .. : .. ,,,)1 ,,., ... r•lll\1: '" \\llr<l ro·· r.,~'I.!Y I~ IIIII"'"' ....... \\ln·n · ('ht· ('IIITII'd jtllu\\lnf Halh(l:t lslk!ld '') Into' (-,ash Regi!Uer; ''"'"' nq•lotllrll' t•o \1~1'111111-IKo'C "" , .• ,,." ,, ... ,,. '"'''"" ('l'lW'd hy !lfnr thn Elliutl,j1rn~:rRI11 ·;,,". "'"'"' :ot lll'ttllko·~. hut lhl'y IH· ropn'"·nli'tl h)'"'' IIISit•;ui .. PI "~·l~ L~· co -..l.n..l (1111111•• r 11101 Iliff• I• "''·1)···1 .. ·1\\o •·II ro '. "' ol h• ,, .. ,. q ,, .... II Plnkt· ·"''"'"""'" ur Lal.:llna llo•ilo'h TIIWn "'"l'f'l"'·•r••l r .. r ~··m·· III~Sit•r·tf>lls "'"' ~~~ ••• ,. ... '''Ill ,]),at) I' anr .-,uspeuu~ '""'"I nod : Hlltl \\lilt tho· "\l'r· I '"''" a 11 ~1111 Il l 1h• thrul•ll of ~til \h·o IIIII' i\~"K'Iatwn n •ason !"o Wllt'n a rl•l•'l.:llttun ul In' ,1rlohlo"" '" liS ull n nq;arll· "'''' 11"'11' '"111111•· uf rnatl h• 1111: 'hurl.ol.'o::.. J;.ol!+t) .':'" '" 11•'1' It•:·' (',.l~ono·l C'11rlsnn •l)n!l l'w-t•n rl'· \\'o•1oll11·r "'''" und . F 'n I AJll'l118 1ntwn. tho • chamht•r 111\llo•S tlw f'nund llllill) or IWII~ llwrt in- h tnoll• cl lr\ tho· ll"'lrt l"''lufl ~t·•·. dlio "'~· lh• "·'' II"' ~••II c•nJ• . o'IIIH'r:ottnt• from \\ollnds l'o·~···ivo•d l'llllt•tl ••11 ilw C"hit11'S•· \\oll'ktnl: on pro•:.td t·nts nf rtotary, Lioru; nnd \'(>Ivins: v.nnrl,.rln~: ha nds und a •fan~:• '' rol II• l:t\•••1 mud '"' .,.,.~ •. ..-l!w '"""'' •·I ""' 'L't: I"''' rnonl h wtwn ho• 10nrl his R niden took part th" fn..: l•11 tntl lnnd lito· l1r•1 <'tri· ''manls l'luh~ tto mro•t with l hot~n cash rl'gisll'r, l\liss Loin Cr!'vo•stnn A r·o o11•hn~; In ,.,,,.;,nt f•nltnt•th•·ro' ••II•· f'lltl 11f 111111-P<'l d." t .. r chd in II••· as~ault nn ~1t1pan llo· hMI nt--st' t•nntll!'lt-11 knPw nu t hint.: twtcl' a mvnth tco dtsr•uss matlo•rs of R i\'l'rsid,• Willi finl'd $25 w ith nr•· ""'r 1~1'111 ro·,.,1,·nts so·n ·o·tl' ''" <I•• 11 1111ll• • lit '"" ""'' 1•"·r U~o~t tH•o•n Rrhl'd ulo·d In 'sp4'ak at tho· alooul it So tw t•atlo•d 11\'1 r :on·'.,( 11111n11•nt m harbor :.tf4irs_ paymt>nt IIUSf"'IIIU<'d hv Justk o D. thr• RFII rout• ~ 1\:~ 11r whkh aro• u~:•· I.I'IS an• 1 111111 11"'•'1• ChN'''' Ln~;unrt R•·urh lll~:t• S!'ho11i Audl· o•tl11•r. "h·•·"!••k·· u lt lllt• J:n~llsh rl'n•so·nt districts a re ns follows:· J. Dnd~;.:-In ll)Jl ~~·urt lllst S,etUT· 111 rtulto· I unci ';!li'l 111 rout<' 2. With ~<nrl nttwr cvmmooplace foodl In Horlum o n !"aturduy t'\'t·n•nr::. J An-1 "rn~;' hnrn." lh•• u~;o·nt •'-'Jll.:ttn· \\'t·st :-:ewport weth Gordon n. d;o.' mo•rninr:: tho· numlw r ln('r••ueng In p rupor· thts t't•untry uro· n 1.1!1\(•1)' non 26. I t es und,•t s tood that I hi$ pro-o·d. "gco '0-o ~-n· Fog horn h~ Ftndlavl the · holdovl'r candida II', rhl' romplafpt sta tt>d tha t the tum to nrw huildinr:: PXISIPnt • 'gram w ell I><• annnun('('d for a . not thrrl'. Whllt haPJw•nNJ to r~ and nJph ? Maakt>y and GE'Orge d~ttndant h11d b<oen f~und to)ot nc In lht& ro·srJO•t't, M rs Gill al~u llu11Sl'W1\I'S t'1lll r s1u•l! Hrounrl latt>r datl'. t!orn?" Mk•'<l tht' offrcl'ltf. liS he \\'twu t to l>t' \11\l.'<l on for thl' new weth an tlfll'n cash re~ttster a nd• rl'VI'Alt-d that It nt•W aubdlvlslun llum oonr marko•t ''' nnnth•·r Thl'~· I pomtNJ out lo tht> pmrit whl'l·e d trl'Ctor from ""'That al'f'a In the ·cht·<'k or till' conten ts r evt>a.led that. of lf\ unit a hrtwM'n 'Sant" AnA 11nlt ""II h '' ,. r11t1"n I'IH'ft< ~;cnl Ill on••1 • • se1·eral Wl're mlulng. Nt-wpnrt Beach district. Wm M. tht reg\lnt>r·w~·$l.70 short. Th•lm ttn Flvwrr JlNiliMt"d nnd mur kt•l ont~ Thl'ir SICJrt'S of fOt>d SelectJve ServJce . "Fill( horn," thl' Chtnt'SI' kf.:rN>d, Loncmour IS lhl' holdml'r candl· .; The ~m.t~~~ W&S fslg~<'d b~ 1 will bt· !ll'r vrd by n ~·() m lht• fu· r1a''" nnt tmpm•l'd mu!'h smce .t.h•· 0.... d M b ycs he knl'w abnut It "Fog hnrn dall• 'with Hubl>ard !lowe and .,~nrhy · <' r e r 0 l'Wpor I UI't' war t>nd!'d, OIJpllrt•ntly beaus<' JJDar em ers I no good," ht> said, a nd shook hll Roland \".'righ1 tht' two candidatl'S a:::><·'ac: • shii•Pinl( spacl' has nllt rt'lunwd 10 A d d M d ] hPad sadly. "Foe horn go for the ont> ''a!'anc-y. JYI. P. Klick ---• I ---normal. IH•I\.\'('t'n tho• HrtltSh lalf'J.I war e e a e o~· and fog he come In allee Ia t he holdon•r candidate In the FITORJSO f."'ops PROP~LY ,an Search Reason. and lho· dalry-pnxlurm~; I'Quntricsl -t samee." l.tdo L'lll' arl'a, with Pa ul Palmer Wlwn storing food '" lhl' re-For OetonatiO{l8 ot Nurnay, S~t'dl'n 3~,11 ~>l·~lmark 1 Orangt> county joined the atat.e 'So the poiiN> dPpartml'nl hi'T"<' and Tom W lltmderson c•omp•ttln~ trtcerator remove paper wTilpplng- ln ('os'-l\le8a 1 Rrlltshl'r!l Lan stall U) 0 Y ~ and natlnn !\fond a:; aflt•rntle'ln in ('an fil(urt> out tht>ir o wn solution for the J('('()nd plaet> 10 the· Ltdol rrom 'ltll t>XCC'pt fro.wn hx '<l. say Ul ~>UII or onP ctcoa t J:w>r ~!'a~ I I pr('S{'nlation C'<'rPmnnlt-w tn Sl'II'C· a('('()rdlng to a~llon. of ~ dt7 lite distnct In F:ast :"t•" f'()rt, W!JtinQ:hoUJt> home t>conomists poents a liM to· th•'m An • 1 111» Uv.-..-rvkl' board memtx-rs of <'f?r ·1 round! Monday a ftl'rnoon L W. Briggs Is tht> holdover candi-• (')CpiiiH1ing that paf)(·r 11cts u In· Ot•ton11 tiuns nf t·xplO!Jiv••• In th~> stuhhornly, ttwy rd~S(· 10 reduce.•, tlrlcatH of m<'ril and ml'dnls fnr · du.te wllh Dr. G. M. Grundy anfl sul11t ton a nd hmders thl' cold from • 11rr a whlrh punlo-d many C'ostA t hr duty on •mrle'lr teng American ouhtllndln~t l('r\'11'1' d ur mg tht' I . . Supl•rnsor Irvin Gt'O. Gnrdon l'll!Yl· get ting at the food lnstt>ad, use l\li'!Uonl Wo·rl' I'XIJhllnt'd last Wl't'k ,l:lXKl~ "."'" ('U. t of clothing a.•nl l n•tlnnlll Pml'r gl'n!'r. Caty Empowers ugaon pt'ting ro.. that distril"l \'81'/lnc-y coverro containers for all rt>frlg· rri~~nht"-thiol oTI ('lllll'r15 ' In 10 1-.nr.:land frnm Amrrlea 1!1 ApPr('('latlon ur the P\'Ople of T Le Fr t Lot San) KtnsfalhPr' is. ·tht' holdover !'rnfl"d rood l'Xct>pl uncookl'd mt>al, wcr~tt ··mptln~ , .. dl•l'll\ o•r prt'~·. doulllt•d tJ~ th•· CUll toms. l\l'f"Of'dln~: thf' rounty was l'Xprrssrd by 0 ase on . for thl' Ratb<Jn business district. and cover that lightly with waxed ••nrc.• nf roll nn thr n nnnlnrt r nnrh : '" Mr~. P":'kltoy. MAny w ernda or chnlrmah nr th<' hoard of ~urx·r· For Temp. HOUSing with Bob Mur phy nnd Paul Lo r-paJX'r. loy m o·nns •of "i~"tnl:l'IIPhuu: thl' Hritl~h !IU~.Jf'ct.sJound this 111 tht•lr vbnr!l, W 1tlis W arnl'r . and prrs(•n.l _____ 4 entlt'n in the runnJn g for lhl' Bal· ..-•II" Thr nwthod utlllt.l'd th(' USl' I ~'OJlslernaiiOII "''h•·n l h•·~ Ill tempt-ntti,nn of ~I' I'Qrllfkatr nnd me 'it· I 111,. Amo•rlrnn f-A"~:(nn~rtn II' !lilt' boa district ''acancy. ln rhe"P imin-llt~raatto'nal Rarvetter · nf.l"xpii'MIIVI'II ' (d lu Sl'nd thc•m pr:s•so•nls off cloth· 1t1~ Wll!l m11do> hy llrt•sh1iu~t .Judgr out tho• city propl'r ty on whkh ~ulu section,. II. F. Kenny Is \ht' TRIICKli4 "-"'iD TRAt'TOK8 llw ,,11 r·ump11nlr•" nr,. 1.-a.~lng on InA-01f llw S•ll"''i"r Court. Kr·nnc•th lho•y 1111,,. junsdlc·tlun noul" thejr holdovt>r candidate ~lth tw o new FA&III EQUIPMr:NT ttw tlt!flh ~ldo• .. r "':'11~(\n strPt•t l\11orT lllnn • . !'luhhiiii~O' f .. r '''llljllll'ary I hnu~lng I rw:ni'S ~~~~·l~g bct'n tnlrodu~ l~ 1\1. Elti~te & c o ... Inc. from ) llurhnr .houlr\nrd to thr 0 de Remo al l ~1'\f'ntl'l'n mrn rN••htod '""l or \'l•t•·r;ons if lhl'\ \\ISh, lout lh(' th.tl ".rot, ( 8fll81n c. v. McCart) I M \'l'r , nnrl tin \ IC'tOrlll lllrc~·t frclm r r v (1\\ toni~ nnrl tnl'ludt'd mrmhl'rs or ··ounnl ... ho•\' ct I h; •• llol' !'ltv r nmp nod (.rnrl((' P. Pross. l'Ompt•ttnl( 1.., ~':· Ullt t•h. 1!00 KUla"- t l'lllrt·ntlfl to lh·· rt\l•r lrn M·lndanao 11<"'11 1 hnnrd nlllllbr•r 171 : A C 'l."n•llntl~ shuulll Ito• krpt .ror a r?~.I!Jt>\'ll('nncy On Balboa Island, ll!:'li fi.LA.I\t. f>tl.?.tl AAa.INoolm P·····rwn. Stc•\\ llrl Punlup, :0.111· lr.~tlo•r prork "' pn·<~·nt. s r. Uu~lnp IS tht• holdO\'('r can· Whn JlllY. ror nttvertb.ln~! J'\j(r nd aa· rge I hurn c: llnno•\. 1 ...-·~111' "' Ktm· ·n .. , r.• .. hn~t (lr :O.fayor C'tyan llatl !lrdlllt' .wrrh II. F.. Krndall and R 0 s s I ' s hoc'ly 11 1,.,1,. ~r ltM"Ir! mo·lt unci E.trl S t unl,•y anrt n llwr enuncllmr n was that IJ•ut~ "·' c•rdut~; 111 I h(• t'.-ont,•st fur I I -I 1111\ ,, 1111"'' nry hnuliollt •·al mll(hl ,,,. M'l'llnd dtn:to.r 1;:1 t~l' Coro~a L i·q u 0 s t 0 r e .--------------.. •·n,.. houhnr !llll~···r "·•II I'm· Ex-Army Vet Plans , ....... rr•·d to the ll'lo: n,lf they rl•S :\tnr a rc ·a. L IL ~corman lj r '"'"'"'' ''' Ill•· ••'> rt•undl to J , ,houlol "'"ro· Ho m:.k,• a• lot ad· till' carr~ 0\'<'r cnnd•dah· Yollh 1003 Cda.'4t 111_\\a~ -lf-ll>l:UU:' nr tl!•n ·•C ""'' ..... (IIA'fli'MI Mesa Home on I Rth St. )'•tn:m: llh tr !'luhh!>\l'<t' on . lhl' Brml. n "lnt-11, lh(' fl:'"' l•ri'SIII•·nl ., :\tllr "oulh of thP ,\,-h~ ... lh•· :O.ltntlan: ... llllt'hoort " off \hi' n~t~ldtnl: a n• "' h .. m .. om~. half Slllllh hot\ front 11\,lllllhl .. to \.!!f o r I hi' chnmht•r uf (' 1111111• II'•. 1'1• C'ln"NN nn Tu;-.olu\ . ·' ••Jt" I R;\S TIIY. Ultl'c; MTORJ: ••. " war I ran thl• tlntc "'II"'," tiM' allh·lnnJC'll .. tl ..al~m•n ... ld, "l'ot makr a k llllnc tm riM'•p , •. , .. ,,,..u ..... " ~ nt rnr' I nne 1M' wouhl. Thr '1411m-"n '14 ho t radr he.rt! tuovr runrttlf'ilf'f' to our nlf'r· ~h•ndlv, •ntl thr~ knn10o our - -""""'rt It·" ,,,,..k r.Jln'Oof'nt" 'JWtllt)'. Thry hu~ mnrr hfo· """"'' tiM'y huy '141th ""'"' Mlnrtdr"''"· r\ t'WJ)Ofj Beach Pharmacy t I Oil 1 k """ t ',.onl l>tttln,. :, ""' \ l..tury Rorwh , '"'I' , ..... inn, '"" :o lo 11'1:'' snl\. nt·r•• 1111 \\·,.~1 \\'•l~n ~rr,.••t ill , 11•1 11.,n ;,r 14 '"t••r.u , 1.,..1,111 ~ ~o;n~ly~c~a~n~d~•t~la~l!'~r~tc~•n~l~u~r;~tl~·~·l~r,~~~~~~~~·~~===:::::~~~===~ ltl.:••cl It~ ~IIlith Hr:otho·r~ Boat Cn, ('ol'lla lllo ,.,, puro•IH•~· d rr .. m \lr ~ --- .d,u ,. .... ,.. r1 ut 1h•• ..... nl•"" ftrt'R :.ru.J ~~r~ F (; L.•n•• .tr•• ~1r uut \\llhoolll 1~ lllll"l"!l 111 nrdf'r hi 'I \\'II " I 11 I 1\ I f I IU: O I.Ut:lt (' \R'-·' r~ I 11'"1 · ,. I'll . Hrml'r · " :\IUttt: t'KEQI't:STI.\' ' I 'll1ol\l' tho' two l'rnfl nway. No l.;on~lnll. M•ch. ;\lr !"1'1111111 ''''~ ''''''"" "'' '" 111 f., • ro I" l'lllll'r rl'<'t•rttly cit'<d~o~r~;1'fl rot tlw San1,1 l t llrl·•r rar• <h1111l•t lw luh1 wa••••l ('ltr(\ '-ltlt'o' IJ~o• o·ol\ o O!;lnl'<'ronl! i\n:o ,\rnl\ 1\tr Jlrt~l' ntHrt• frt'<JUI•ntly than \\hf'll t hey olo·r·•" '"'' ''' '""''' tlwm nn No-Mr nnrl :\1r~ 1-. :-; l}l""'n 11rr an• n""·· cautio ns Ute St>rvlce De- '''n11H·r .!II •'1..1111! ot or hoolh In ,.. mnkln~: plnn< t11 ••r••rt 11 hum•• o•n partrno·nl .,r till' :'\all""·" .\ ''"''"'' 11\o• o•noll IN' llho\o•ol ''' '' llh'nltl't' thl'lr llt \\ly fl t'tfltlr•·rl l""(')('rl) ·on , lulo• ('hah Thts to 11(•!'1111'-t' \\o•.tr t.,j, '" nl"ll!lllllln 1 \\'c•sl l~th str•·•·•. :\1r OowPn wnrl rc·chu:c~t tl11• lutJtto·nnt rt·tnenan::: ,,,,,. \ltnol.or•••O '''"''' h.orl a v~·r-1 d ischon:•'<l fr om 1ht• Marlnn on ahiltt) ur lltl' vnrfous hllllhfnga and hill JV'ffl1i~"lflll lo Wlnto·ruo~ In lhe JAn ~ urtrr OVl'r ' four yl'arl 1l>o•arlngs Of the ehuil. Ita" "twn ~Ito• "as "''·It '" 11 fl~h· ~~~~ h/11'1'1' off ~t.nr~ , n•am~r M I WELCOME C A.F E 256CL~~f'\\ .,Ort Ulnl .• Coo.ta ~~ Phon.-.a33-!\l Finest Place to Dine Famous Complete Dinn er Open 11 a.m. to 2 a. m. SPECIAL ARRANGEMF.I\'T FOR P ARTTES UVR KIT<'IIt~S CWY.S t'ClR J~l'll'ti<'TIOS --.- \\':11 I:: Ll'OE\\'lt:. "'"ll ) c•ar~ II\: II. II "a • .od111 11 • tJ II ow-t I ~·r. "" pr··~··nt 111"1 o!l!l.:\ nwnt 'ex· . lSI'< fur allm\ln,.; ll•·r '" ro•mnt n In ~;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;:;-;-;-;-;-::-;;-::;;;:;:;;-;~~;;~-llll' hntl••r 11n!1 tt. ..... unr l1, at I llw ~III'C•'!lllnn n( Ctly Att~~n~eyl l1•>lilllcl Thoml"'"ll. d·~·ulo d to lt>t Hu~~· II ( "rao..: cit :m "I' .: 1'(\m·1 ~''"'''' "~~n"' 1 h• "" "' r:_::_r hot h. '11w d ut\ •·I m un •• plum and ''nlt•H und •·••rl""''lli:'" t.q t ••f t"'O l••onl< ht« •htl\ '" c:,.l whkh , •. 1' ""'" ""'~' f•, 1 ""I h•~ duty ''' tu~ ,.,. chlw•' I+• tf.. fu \\uUld "'' ''"'"' h} Thnmns Pnlnt'. MAKE HOME REPAIRS NOW IUCTRICAL SERVICE • Glthrring "knnw·how" is a urmtnning pro><.· For information leading to the arrest and con\·icti,on of the p<'rson or persons who stole I 0,000 A C Oil Filter Replacement ess. EdiS<)n h.1s b<·co nJJ,n,: lfl liS <icurical ".lcno,.,•·huw" fbr more tluo 50 ) ,·.trs. I w:ry year in the hiswry of the I Jtson (omplny hu its record of ~me out)l.tn !1nc dcl'dnp- rnt'm nf f'!C<IltC ,.:t nc!Atioon. tr,utsm"''nn and d1strtbuti1•n sen t<l' Elements from the '"·t M"lal P .. ,.,l' ... ,. on the THESE UNITS ·c RATED Al'U If you _see them, or have any information about them. WRITE BOX '1L Nt:\YPORT NEWS-TIMES ~ . 22U Coast 'Blvd. N rwport Rr~ch (All information ronfi«fential) . ' '' nrt .. '' '''"'" ,,.n .. • f' ,., ''""' lbl E· N T A L t :XTit\ ("()Mt'UHT . . WID nr 'hrink tu-11" t•liminat wnhttlinf,t. irritatiun. Th•' ••u•u*"n"ft,,n ••f I"· ttt"'P·" • 1 •, 'II,, 1'1 'jl'h"''"' r. ,,.,,, r. • , ... < • ,,,......... rr~ntt•huu·t· fu ~.-. .. no•--. •*• I•IIIU'. It I' lo.l ' \lol.'lit \Ill 01 \'1'' lo•rl \ • I • ,f, f,ll•l • ";:h I I·'' lqt • .. tCt•• tt1Utnt•n•f•--.l fnr lllf',.., lifo• The cn,:incuins; anJ cnnsrrmtinn 1.1\kS th.lt m.1Jc thc•c aJ, .1n• cs ('0"•1-lc \\ere re,·olu· t ioln.lf)' JnJ trcmmtl1•us free ente-rprise job~ As its tnritnry h.IS ,:ro,.,-n, !>ll h.•s the l<lmpJny n panJt·.! i"" Stn llC tO prm e.!c the cl«tm.U ltrcnph lor wmmunur Jeu lormmt. N tncry-rhrcc thuuunJ stot khol.!cr' and 3.~00 cmplo') en :ue 1hi~ "cnmr .to)" of clcc- tric.al JCr\'lCC O'II'OCn anJ O('<'rltOU. • . . .. I I .... ~·,-.is tht• t imt' lcl maiH' lht>"C' m-c •c1ro t'f'p;tir,.; ;,nfl I t dn llw n r;,l o"'.•:ll't' JllbS lh:1f \\jiJI,t\ jl ~IIIII' h OII't' il' "(IC .tl :-h:1pt'. Anrl llw lm\ ·c·o:-.1, l'onq•ni<'nl w;t~· l o p:t~ for .thi:-. \\Ill k i· Ftr f :'\atir•n:ll Loan 1!1af '''·' '.111 • l i:lln pmntptly. p You c.·;m n•p,tir llw ft. !· . ,. ',; -. t• ·' Jlt'\\' rnnf put on 1' •I••' '" • '•' :tl'd nttl. Jl;l\t' ynu1· honw lr .. ,,l.•lt• t 1\•· pa ir phnnhing and t•lt•t·l rk "irin*. r~··mndl'l. :\!an ~· 111111'1' 1\•p:tlr...--rrflol :tl· lo •t.dtl'l1' ("JII I~· made.~-_ ........ \\'('\\'Ill l~d.t~l (lo ).:ho• ::1111 l'lllllJIIo •l(• inlctl·matiun ;\r.d lwlp yt>tr \\ ith all tfl't.til .... ·~ t ~ I ... .. ·Martin Leases 300 Veteran Tell (;rowth, Ideals Tont ~orton, Burn Stret'' Li .u=hts ~lt•san 's S(•n "· •··· ·'" "·• ,, ~~~ ~~~·· thnt u '"~'~"'.: ··• ~~~ .. l'l•11••••u •~o:lllii!JI lo· , ' .-.. t I • ''h•••• ·• hi'"" hi t h. Ht l'•'lltll"~ 1111'1, 11t nr ''-'"twh•r,•htl •·rH'I"t•iH'h · San Pedro Dock Petition for Of Kiwani s flubs Restaurat t.~ur. , .\II Ni•rht: \\'ill ..\rrin•s ·in Pt•kinu··. '" ··· ·· ·· .... ,..II. ·' ~~· " .... 11 1 '' "'""" '" ·~·· "1'11'"' , ....... " •• 1"'• ,.. ,... Iotti III '••flit \ ft~llll•·t IH Uh It .._1 ••\\fl IUttlt t',lt'IU&h f' tn the.,..ltal l For Spo .. ttlsbing Housiri•r I{ On 26th Annh·. Cnllertur of Pipes llt•lp fnntrnl frinu• ..\s~t. 'lilitar.'· .\iclt• "" '"· •: ......... "'""'' 1'" ''·"' ·'J"'' "1 11 ... 11"1··,,·mk nt ~ ' h I'""" ,, ,,, Ill' ,,,,,,,. tHJI l\1· \lltt't •• ot t\ t'\tfltp a oh·• h\ l 'tu"A i ' ll,l.l. a t(•,,ut ttHI•'I ft• n r I'• • t 'fh ' t •• ~ 1 I•~ It 1 Jtw ~t.lfttn . ~k.·t•,,.., ••I t•rh· .. ( l ",q•"t hiHitlh' q ,, "'''111\1 1111'' "''' u· '~''"'"' 11 '''' H''"''' h,t\t' le•n..: t\..•·n ,, ... 11"'114~1 tu have " ,,, I \\ . I • t II I t ,, I I I ilh 11 lll ' ,,, •••••• t Nf•\\p .. ll ll.eshut,ji ,U•"'~· ... l'-'11· \lit \Ill •hu ··uT\h•'·''''l\llh'"'"tht\\UI\llroll' \'t '' ''" ''-''' 1\oll lltlloo llltltL , .. II tll\ \1 •1•''''''11'-'""''lttl tfu at'lttth" l''"h1tnt tUHI UhliiHly !1~t11rt1-: t. ••.• :~, t h·~ h ·, t .... , !'t.u 1'11 ''' r''1'' '6 ••" 1"' '1'1 I ,,. •••rr\.dh•fl•tl ''h" h \\.1:--h.,lnltt .t :tt l'l 1 1 , , .. , ,, q 1 , 'I ''" ,, ,1... 1 1 1 ,,,,11 1 1 \ 'ltttl• ,~ '"'''';II '"''·~tuiunt. ,,,.,, n .ttHith l\1 \\\ll \\UH\ ,.,,,, .... u.·rt Oll \••tlu1UP "''"'" I I I ..... ,.. o\\i\11 jo tA•Il..: II\ I ,, lit I '"'''ilhl ··~·· ~ ;~~~~ '\~.1,'\' ;~!:~~;I .It'.',',': ~~~~~: ·::·~::~~ ~.:;",1: '..';,'.~, :' 1111 :;;; .. :.111 : :;" ;;,~,~ ,'.''," :·:,~.~ • ; ;::1111 ' I ;::~ ·:: ::.;;11 '2,: ::, ~~~ ;,',::~ ,:~·~~ ·::: :•,' ~I :..,., :.',1 ~ \ ', ',',: ' \ ::',:I'll, :~ • ':·,: •.II :;1 ;, I t • II' ' I', ' ,,,',.', ;,, t l.~lllf .'II, '' I lo. " " :• ' I :Ill•• :• :·;' I ',,. 'to I 11•11 ot • t h' Ill ' ; ''" 1\ luud1n .... tl !"oo·tnl'•ch ··•.fUI\\ k n•'"ll lu t't'\;u·.utf h··t•·du•nh.:th. \\tU ~lh'"\lht••~ll'lh'HII I •l'rUlt•cl"t 'l'"" 1,,1-tflth' ,,,11 lu• ~''''"' ... 1,,, ·• ,, 1~, t .. ltt•i ,,1 .dtt11 11t \ ~•l '• ,,11 ,,11"''' 1 1,,, '• •''' '' "-. "'' tlh ~'11llf•Jrnta Y.JI'ht Ant•hor -1,1 .,,,11-.~,nlf •h• 1 11',\\\tollhl ~l .olll 111rl l ';on.oll.o.lll •l•'lt'll oiiiW tho 111111111 \1,,1,. \\hot• h,• ""'Ill' .lt;t..111'''" oltolll•' 11 •1, 1 1 , ,1,1, II. • '''" th11 t lto 1 Nr1\ ~ Ttnu•• Att\'ortiat'm f'flta .,.. ·•1'1''11'• nt ,., .... ~ulol" 111 ••ftldNlt lfPI•ndlna. ' H~,. 1·\·e•hn..: thut rt•ct·nt unuulho·r. 'h.tl 1"'.11111,,"''' •1111 ~ \,,,11, t t~ht "' • h • n•ht''" .111"1.'1' ... '•i ;t~ .,, ~~Uh 1 111 4 ,, "' , ., lt" ~' 111, "' , \\ ,\, " .t 1 t 11. "'' t•qt 1, ... o1 ", , • , ,,. t ,11,, Jl,..._. ut Jtt•d puhht'11) ln a no ,ht•r publi· th.t t th••t'I'A h.e•ln••Jut,,t ... t•w•··· ~·nnls .\nru\•'1'-'.el') ,,_.,.h '" ~''" '"'~·""''"''''"' ''"' 111,11 t•• t·l,•r '-• ,,, tth'' ·'''''hl''~·l tin''''',,,._ •1 ,,, ·I 1• ,1 11 '''"'''' :t' C"ttllun\\,,~nust.·ndtUJ:.h(\-\\'J:&n1S it 1.,,"'''"''" ttf '"'''"..: ''"'tt.u..: ... J•t l 1\•ruh • hi.• •tlul '\liltt• Ht\ t., .t.c.~t·d "''' '" tl t•''"'''"~\1 1111111,,,, dll>llllt:t l~ Unth•rstl)l.ld II'J\1 the Star ;IIIII thlt l .... .t ltoHt'-1111: .. r~ ... ·.t-l"\\,1111< llol\\ 1111• 1,:1, •• , lllo'l'l It \\·-Ill l lo•lhf l ••II ,,,. ,,, It\ '···lolllh' J•lollll ool lt,·ll "''If, ''''"'lit I \loll\' ••Jhl tl ""''• J\tlt:lt·r 'YIIIIhtl lw nHKlrrd-ttt lillY 11111,1 adh••lf• •toh't ly~n n •Jii 1.,,11 •11Hrs in :t.'\tM\ l'''"~mllnlllt'~ 111111 .t o·dl·d 11111110,11 tlo•llll I'~·• th •• t >I I• AI ht. 1, I'"'' tlh ''" 111,111,111 11 1111 , 1,,11 ,,1111tr•t lool oc-·un (H('9-but u1 ;, snl<.~•th·\\'ah•r '"'''''hUI.,tJ••n .. l t "a' ,l,~~·'''''" flto;tu,~·u~h··d r.~.~Pnt t•f ,.l,tl' ,.r ',,,uu~· T·,,1,_ ,,1\l,tll\•'•1 111, .. 1 .. ,, '"' '' .1~h ''"' 1 ''''''" ,·,,1n p 11" ,,, ,111 tlu "\'''''' ttll"'h 'll·''~ 'Hhl It landtn~ 1h.1t ,, .. t•u·tt••n ur":'J.Jl~· :--•~ m .. uth ... h •rt i••• l.uat ~··uthtut , 1uph•\111• "" u:o. h ,,,., ... t •• ,,., 1h•fp, ,,It ttt,·ht '' , ... " ll'l'•t• ott'\~. , ,,,. ,,f '"*' ~·u u ,1ll'r day I~Ufll~.' Kt•llh ,., ll'll"l\ ""'"''' '" ;\(1 thl~' \\uUTI' .:J:Jw·· , ..... .:ram loll l'llli '".''"''' .,,, 1'11.1111 l'\\ol ~\'Ill' l.tt.•r ..... Ill J ~ 'r '""'' I IIIII tho Ill ··II ·'' I I tollo•'l' I "' I loot 1••\\o I ""' "' R ima's Zoutsnw II ltlld F rank lto•lp tho• ,1111,,11,.11 r•·••"n'•'l<lnn :111ol t lw cl•'l'••l••l'tlltfll 111,111, 111,. tr·o'l, l•.l•k 1,. :\1.""''. n m· '" 1 ,..,111 ,,,, 1111 1,.,111,1 "'" Hull'$ t •fl~h••r•·. \\Ill jom tlw no •)\' 11111 nf tho• 111,.,11111.: la't ·n 1u1, or' na th•nai un ity thr,>lll'll in ;1111,, 11 , \\holo' 111, h.HI ~1111111,, .. ,1 It \\Ill 1~ "•'llh 1t "1, ''" ,,,1,1, .... 111, ... ''·"' ,1.,. Q1 I! I, a nil then · "Ill all" '"' I I\<' tl '' .·ami' a I"'' 1111m 'l-lt:nNI h) ro•Jr <'I• ,,,.'\! '"'1'11"'!' .l'n 1111111'111 •11"1 1 • ""' lu~;_h """''I tn t '·'"'"' 111.:•• '''l'•'l'~•·•l "1'111"'11 ••I '' '' 1 • .t •'•'1111 l\•••lt·11,,.1 t:lt~ht l'htll'" smalh I o·h.lrtl'r hol:tls ~:lld~t• :\It'· t•··-··ntutl\'1'' .. r tk .. ,\'\•lo'lfln~ ... h .. ~pt rlltl:tl \lolllo'~ Tlw l'lulr-nr-Tllo' no·•t (1\t' .'1'111•. \\o'l'" I I" Ill ,., •II ill U~rt···m~: th •• l 1111· ""' "" 11 k ' '-S • 1 • 1 1 d "' .r '"' \h-i\1,,4 ·,,uu u •.-...elb lh rt \U ""'~ r.wen '" ~> IJlpc•r h•<' tar An;: er. ,,1111 that r11·,• to ~ix hunt!~ 1n 1111 P <'<j.!l' In ••nclru\ltf l~t lnrT•'':~·· ll ltlt l hH\o• 111111 ~·r,•m·h. \\III\So' lll·r·l•t, ho' ftn IHh h thlll.tl ~1:'1 ~1 1•'1 11\,· "''" I• ,.,.1 "'"" 11.,..~ 11\,:cl whiC'h \I ll" huill b) tho• San Olt•S(O \\1111111 '"' lllf~Vt !'d. s. 1' n u nlap. u nd••rslan\hlll! tlf lhl' l nttNI :"';, "'""'''""' IIlio·~ •. ,.,, "" In \\hull!· ~· 'l'lwy lllllltool llo•(J tlw ,.,. II\ tho• llltO'IIIII ft;lfllll Sl'l tlo•lflt'lll M ·1nn• hH,tl \\o trk~ lur ~I""'' fish· G•"!'l');l' l)lt·tru·h. 1 .. \V: RriJ:J:S. t illn~ rhort••r In suppolrl r•f world s,olo ,·h•••111~11 , t1111 r·,;111·s· 1111,.1.,~1 1• ll•hlun • 11 , 1 11, ,, 11 ~t .,,, In ff II l ' I I I ..... d . ~· '. Itt .. . . . 0 • '. .. • 1' I "I' ' • "· 1' ' ,oj 1'1•'111"'11· KO II' urunuco :tan ...... an ~lat·,· lla n• ttnd Cr'Of1:1' \\d,s 1~an. h ul 1 u roturntnt-: \t ltrnn~. m:ul1• n 5\\lt('h 111111 l11· \\t•nt Wlthl . t hl' 11t , """ "''"'J:o·ll O'll(hl thnNI M;rrltn \\Ill clo•\Cth· hos tlmt' to-.;.,,.~ IIPIMlll\11'11 o• a N>ntmllll'<' tn llrC'r:lj;!l I'll 'r''111' .. ,~1'.'H'Y It~ I"'I''Ootrt(tl l tlll' fllllllliiS ('lulfl~ Ho·.•t:tlll':tllt 1\1. Htultl ltrtlH}' tlw n •11'10111: olllol "11'1' h)' \lll'lrll" \\'flr hlrll'< llnl1 1'1\Ch ru~_mr.~: tt."' dock hr lp th1• m1·n d rnw up n Jll•litlon II<X't'ptn nc'<' <l I'll 71'nshtJI r••s ponsl· r no.,1 \ • • ' 1 I 'IT'S YOI;JR_ GLANDS! l'ro .. l tl lr ttr<t lo.llo hr . ll••,..lrto•hr•, 1'•11•• Ill lf'K" IUid ~~-A .... ""'' 1'"1"' ""'' "tlr~tiiK•'•I uut" Jrf'IIIIK In """"'"· 1-11f \'ltaltty .. \h• ••.. ltrr<l" ,,.,.una 11&'\olnl '""' tlrmolna Ulct. b!r'fore ~""' tlln•• \tll'lttl" lllwh, •tttJ t Ao,. 1\loud t•r,...<>t•n---"'-'llfal \ .. ttun•-t .t·t l!m• l'•lurl•-1 k hhof'V '\nd llN~rt ('n ... U..... f"r "I'""" "''"'"''.lr'rull~ '" ""1 t: .... ·ln,_.,..,· nfand l'N'h""'"' clf\velopt'll thru til ,,.,.~"(· "'l"'r1••n...-. 'CI 1'\t'l:-l\.4) UKl'ti~'U Mt 'Kttt:K\-NU IN.ntrrlONa. t'H"'14l'I.1.A1'1U~ 't 'MY.Y. H\ AI'I'UISTMF.NT. PIIUNF. II~ Dr·. E. F. hll, D. C., Ph. C. · lal t'!nd MI. N-port ........ ('alii. tloMU•t t :M t .. l :M .. .......,. ... ..........,. . lh,· d,,..,, l'llf<' urx'nl'd thts \\E't:'k, wtur h was nllrtn ••Sl'd In Rt<p .lnhn h lhlh'S, c•\pnnd youth ~··rl'ii'<'S t.>'u Chntt.~" ·t I . I d t A ~tth • firm tuudl ampl•• ~: ·' '"'"' '"''lko"<l h) tlu' uuhtar) lo·ct~•·r; nne! .a nt•w tar kll• s tor<• will be BhllliliS in th;• U nill-d S lah'!' hulld C'lwr!<o'tr'r 1inc1 Mt llt'nShlll . ," "' lR\o• l('('l,nl t'tln ulr .I ": aa('('ndm..: lin ;u•n •rt· """ ''"'' '"' till'''"'' Ill J"}Wr r wnh nd I ._1. . · tnt-: a t It'll lnl( tnl'll ·• 1spo·ns n~; ~hall tomorrow r•nd Ita piAL'<' "' th1• dt~ '---------:---------------:=~~==~~~~ built by t ht• timr tht:' hshtng 5('3· IIOUM' or ltfoprt>,.pntatil'o'i< II tn ffillllhll• pun f(' c•pimon in husin~s Hllln.: lhl' ··a~h'rn "'IIIII tn - aon ~opl'ns on March 16 \-}'hilc Say soo Hou-\'A('aot s upport or lndlvtdual r•nlt:'rprtsf' I ma ny rit i~"S ft~r on•r !'16 yr an be· th<', bo~s .have bee-n "'?"ed [0 ,8 In the p4'1itlon the Vf'II'I1UlS and oppnrtuntty . . lit'\'(' II} a thon>ugh t rHintlll: ~~all n e". lo<:a twn, their o\\nC'rs , wtU callr<l a ttention 10 t hl' 300 hnu.~Ml Thl' Kiwanis r luh of ~t•wport pharH'II uf thf' buslm'SJI for em· cont m ut' to m ak•' th~r humf'fl in and apartm<'nts C'l~. a.; th<'Y Harbor will obst•n't• t ht• 31st anm· ploy<'S, 50 Tl)ffi fc•und hl~'lf Npwporl Bc·ach. . ~·aid. ~BUM' bn!<P N'ntals do no t ''<'rJB!Y o r the organil.ot iQ!l I)~ 8 starting u fountain man In 1uch J --compt•nsate suffidently for c~t m <'l'Ung ~0 bt> hl'lrl lf_t ~oon Fri· citil:'!! as Do~>ton:-Aibany 11nd Nt•w . l'r)• wo~ln~ today't ~)f! n>!XIir. rt'n<'wal and overht•Brl. day, J'an ~ at Whitt' 1 Cofff'<' llawn puale. ' • • I Also owners l'l'fUS<' to rt'nt under s_hop in Balboa. Club Prt'Sld<'nf For a JX'r lod or "' )'l'IU' ~rom ob· PAINTING 1% 'Yean 8errioe la Newport ..-rbor Area pn>~ent six m onths eviction notice . 1-RY<'IIl' Blower laid today. A St'r w>d work Jn th <' fuun faln mc•a t Su~ti:I'Sted c hungi'S lnc ludt>, ( 1 l fl'utul'l' of th<' ~l<PrvanN' will lw cuttln K In tbf' I IOrl'roorns, l;nking. O P A ll.'lfalizl' B~'t'mt>nl!< bt-t w('('n tht> rr adlnjZ of a m t'Siagt' fro m fry cook••I'Yo''lalad m aklnt: and for llanlijord and tr nant which would l~amllton Holt: prrsidr nt or Ki-a t imt'. trmt'alizNI sidl'walk puwr- ),"l.lnrant<'l' lf'rminlltion Of lease \\llnls. Jntl'rnnltUnaJ. 11ll' admln· by1 hy fancy han diWo1rk o r 8 fa· without lengthy evktion pt'OCI't'd· il trall'.:_r \ht'lll<' for 1946: "Build mou.s Childs trad ••mark. t hl' flip- ' injZ: for P<'a<'l', Unity, Opportunity," ol; ping or rtnpjac ks In '"" "mc1uWll 1:.!\, a llow inrrt>ll~l' ln ~rt'nt'< tn 50 will bf' <\!scuss!'d ot the m('('t· In 1941l whtlf• mann~:•·ror n un tt, See it! Hea,r it! Action Wbirlsl C·O M I N G S 0 0 N I I '---------------~ tho~ unr11'r'Jlrir!'d: an d (3). ntlow ling. Tom obtalnf'd a lt>avr nf nh~o·nrc -----fro m Chilrls a nd f•SIIIhh~lwd {l;;~-....;;~--iillll!o'lll~ ...... r"E Fl'I.L MEA~I'RE pos t <'Xcl)anJ:t• n 1 ( 'nmp Erlwardl!, KUNE CONCRETE PR0Dt1CTS COMPANY HOI.I.OW ft{11 LD~(i TlLr.: ASO BRI(.'K WAL'J'ER L. KLl~E. Prupril'tor l'lunt Lncatl'd at - l"lon't llttt'mpt In dl\'ldl' cnkc 1111rt ronkit• rr·c· 11 Thl'y are bf'st, Mnss II \\II~ tlw n hnt·k Itt t'h1lrb 1 11 !It ~. . . RS:IIin fur dut \' 111 tin~ I"" • 11nr1 ,. ... ,.,.s .. rs. Jnhn Ktf'nf'. d trrctor Trt•ntun. ""'''' '~J:aln ·'' n lflnht:••r llf lhl' ~\('~tm~:h•tu~e lluml' Et'tl·l In 19:1:! T um nnrl "" f:rmth. ''"~~' llllntit'S IIU\I IIUft'. rf lhl' full mo'IIS· Si!<tlnJ.: th••n of hi~ "1fr• al;tl 1\\'11 ur•• 1< US••rl And sinrr• tlhT ko•t•p dnud11,.rs. ,.11111,. wo·~t 1111ot 1.,. j11111. Wt•ll. phtn tn hako· •·nnu~:h for ~I'' •'ll ('un..,tliflllt•·ol Alrc't:tfl C'olt• '-------------------------------.Jt r·r:tl nw11l.; -~------------------1 wh• "" h•• IH'I''""' •·mpl""'" "' GEORGE D. BASSEIT m .tOHt't•t• rtlf' l)u• t'Uq~o~.ll ~ti \•UI.,. lo·t'do•r phml~ It "'"" "tulo '"'" ('lln<uhol~tl•..-1 thnt • \lr '"''"" ll\l'iiun llalltu:o 1<1.11111 :0111! ltwtlo. "'' ad fll11u11:tl 1l11t1•'S ;p, '' .mttll ltr>l rl.r" 1n It\•' I'""'' t:ll.lt d 1111\lli1t\ se•r\ tn~ 1:.! hnur-i ,, ''. 1 k ,, f "'• hi General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkee)>ing , I~CO~IE TAX SF:U\l('f: , ........ un·,.y~ uf ("('f 'nin :u· •. ;,, \\ h··r··· lr ••.tl offll'tllll' aJ'' "tllin~; loo rlo•rr ." ~~,, ... , nn ltl;tn 'IJ1Ul;tr tt• t•• u ... u, ltu· 1'1'1111 flt'IW'••rlur" r .. ,. tnktnt: •1wnal ,., ll•U' twtpllliollllrt fll!lll•'' ,\1"' 1l11• IIJlf•mnt: of tho• SAAAB urulr r •II 'IllY Oflo'l'llt ion for INti h ~inJ.:I1• 11ntl tnlll'l'tr•d \'t •l•·nrn~ l'o llUII! lwlp. till'~ ·•l:t• .. ~l 'l~w rommlll•••• n( vrt r•r.tns "ho 'll:n••tl lhf' t~·t r1111n wa• ll~lt'tl 1" Ru•-.•11 l lr .. tru•h lnnw•rl1· o r tl~t• \' S. A u· f'orps. ~hrrlr·y· \\'alk•'l . (tlf"TTTI'N\o ol tht• \\'omt•n'• Rt'"411'\o• I· S ;\lnrtnf' rorp!>, anrl Jnnw~ Annf'ar. formf'rly of th o• ll S ~l:orm•· l'l ri'Jl". Jn ,Juno• ot( lu~l ', 11 ·r .. m I• "' rl the Ony Shs•r•• <·:of•• lrnnl I 1. 1111 K RISr•r and •• '"'I" I' tl "' \lr I tt\, Pa ttt•r.;;nn ~ htt \\ ;, .... ,,,,..,t.,,,,,.d _.,"' 2602 w. Central Ave. Newport Beach ht•ll(l 1'111•f \\'lfh l 'htltl• loll I" \o ,If'~ and 1!1 n nw dt"f at tl11• low d 1 tl• A I his hHfl)f' n\'f'l" I hf' 1'1 I r Tnm hn~ 11n f!Jtl~trl•tnol \ 111 tntlttl,·, 111 his hohhy nf l"f"' 1 oolln Ifill' •llito' the'-f'1ln1:llt :e ntl '"' • •11 t ... lf ,,• which h,. I!> hrchl~ in !:1"'' "' "' I ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~In\.~ t h·· Ill''''' IWIIII ,,,.,, "''l lw~ tu~. hr ~:t\ ~ f1n r t 11""• n1t u• -~ ~,;:~~-~ /t }' f ·~ f has .... ... for BABY'S COMFORT! I j) It} ... ,,I f ')v ) ~~ '.~)~~~ ! ~"-. I' ~ ' C/J.l , # ~--~ ·) I ,.,~·· Just ~ivtd a shipment of Quality Furnit~M • --No secondS ••• No job lotsl , ' . ) D l'ln.<h't' In S:tnlll An& ]UTIOSALLY f'A~Ot:S at \Vhrl'lrr ShOll QUALITY Quality Cribs ·-wH~TNEY SHOWER GIFTS by fUCh ftnP m"'kr rs M Kroll 0~ Sho...-er Gift ~partmrr.l Whllnrr. L•lllaL) "· n .• b) .lnr Wll'1 Ste~ro-Matie II lt'Cond lO nonel Make Chl'tUita. rnnde "ltb 1:11-Lo or l'our t rlrnd happy "lth a Otft 51 A11onrry Bf)rin~:s. Tbt ~~~a test · tt .. t, thars h.lp- pmtd lO B a b 1 Carrie get ID many )'PIUS. Come In and 1M lhb ~enaaUonAI new featute. bearln8 \ h e WhtelPr Shop St'al ot Quality: A few aug· ·lo!•llona. Cuddle Nrst~. Bunt· tllit. Dlr.nkrl.$. Crib Spre~~<ll and dcr~ of 'thlnra which are accrptable lO the young mo~her. Always QUALITY at Wheeler Shul'· Sptci al . KROLL . CARRIAGES F9r This Wttkl., ~ettiHIJul llard•·•.OO Cnb f~atur­tnr n••n • poLio(>fln;u tlnl.•h. .u.o WPt-.Prnof Mat•ri. a n d Stftl "'ITH nOUT RAY OOVKU FO& l t:N BATR!I Blltrlte. Atlllll 1\nd Hartman. aU nat.JOD&llJ fAmWI 0 12.9 ~up b:1by1 cArfluea rrom C v SI111·Proof Rprlnl!&. ~2(' 95 Compl~te ror only • 'J • 6n the Mnzanln• Floor Our Girls Dress Dept'. rea ttu es drei.Ma. acu 2 lo 14 deslgotd ~tlr4 nauonallJ fa· d'6tgnen auch u Pk· re. M od • bJ Ka1 Lewil Tun· Toll~ .. Joan Lord rub- rona. OnriPne, &l.5o 8uannt MArie orh:lnala deai(ned b)' L lolar1e RAJ. * O&ANGE COliNTl"S I.F.AOINO "Ql' A Lin STO&k• BIKTII TO f'Ol'RTr.t:N l't:o\R~ WlliELER BABY & JUVENILE SHOP M1 AND Ma!. R.t TAYLOR, OW1'0:M 415 North Sycamore Street 'I'WO DOOU NOrrta OP ~SKIS'!f TF.l.E'PRQlll .. all • . ITOU BOt'U: OAI~J',. A.M. TO 1::10 P. IC. IIIATl'JtO.U '-1', • A. M. TO 1:30 P. M. t ·,,rn mr.: "" llu U.·'"' 1, trurltlt11n ·rt•n• "'" ... " ,, ft~ r•, l;lt•d ftt f',,ttfll,!lll ol t H ~~ ",j, ~11 o 1 ., ••• t" Ill "'' •t" ,, I• I• II "" 0 ,,, turtt'• If :u1d • ~. r ··d •hl•, 1• 1 ttl ,II ,,, "' 1 It I' ""' UfH •f Tt1Hft ft I t irlrl I 1'1 J, It: It\ f •I • ;llln J· ··' ,,,. r .,,, ....... ,1. '* fn,!u ~ .. n I ''' L., I :\llt:IC-1'11 \T ic" Ut J~,I rt '"' 11"' :e~,, ·'', 1. . ...... !"1 ....... -... t'rt ""' tn .. t.., 11 lit'"' '"·'k'''C .,.,, ,., uu· I• .~ t1 , , ... 't•r\ II t th ft.tlftt I"' f•f ft t tmn11l Aultollll I '• t'lttlt l'1t irlflttt ll•n tt( tl u• t1••" filtH• wl'il;l·lul.lt; '"""'' 1111 ,,, Ill·,,, 1 tlttl I < lf"t Ill It I fi t 1 Ill " II II lfl~.l•:tl """ " ,, tl~tn Hpu'1 \, lf ·r AGAIN! • FRESH ~EATS. P1mh: • • Sam{' Fin«.· Quality. -~- Balbo.a Market and Delica tes~t·n Anil :1 ,f,. l.ylr iOX t:. C'f'nf ntl Uullwm ,---- Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey ·. I • •• , r \ MGM's musical roma,nce in Technicolor Epic of a b mous Eating Placet ,nun•. u~roi•m a nti l l.q •r,inl" in :t U.W.l· • ll11u"'! \\ l1l·n the Santa h , hadt in tire t.hl Cllli Ufl. ,,,, '" ,J ic, ,,,jJ, n n IIIJl thruu~h th~ w~,t. I r~d IIM H'Y fo1II1J" n l Wlth .. l l\ ilitt•ol" c&ltlll( place• alonl( th~ rail- r u.hl. ~ 011111..''\ \ '" n: ladtt•\, Funcl w:l\ wnm l. ll•r·~y ltOtaHI ~tt,,ll~ ;!H)~ .• "·' I ,. hH·'""' a ll.u iun.ll in)lftution. .· -.. ~J • • .. ~.l i ~~ f ... ~. l Stir U 1) ,;,c-llun v ffou•co C.irl! au• In,_ b..~ht~ak and culM 1n a .. .a,r o&n•l """llv frunti~r ro wn, &tlol a h an th mno We\lera ltt·ru Milia Hnuke.l \ti n tern pu llcical hun, IIC'&tun w irh 11«'\0C'O hit \lliiJot'· inclu.l1nl( that ltln HIIOH(X)tlnl(nt h it, "On the.AKhhn n, l urd ... ,;n.t I he ~anta Fe," pro•lucc it untln f•m•ttt• ~f<i M ruo-' oluh:"· wra p it all up in T ecbniw lu r a n d yuu han '''mcodu nsl · • ·,. :r 1:1 St. Louis. c;,,C' ar It , •• " ••I llw ( '"• 1.." :"\,w •lu 'II p ut \llltr ltll 10100 1\ Ill l 1t• 1111 \\'y (r\r h~" \\h uu r1! l"u· -"'t ·,, 1 '' I•• , ( ·' 'lit• I :"\, 'l r "" h >A '""I-:'"' lwh 111 " , \111 lin 1\1• h"""· T .. p, k11 .1n ol I ht• 'l,tnta ft•," 1\ ' • II ·• 1 riC f,,, fu.h 111 l•l-A )· ~hl· 1.trri,' 1•1free " , , ,. tt• -. "'-fp t" h' t. "'""'· .!"-tu: r._u t.·• ruru.u u.e " •. 1 -1 ...... ,. !i•' ... r ... ,,, ·"till' ll~tht~ w• up . I e,..l~ Alone w~tll Judy you ttt Mt Mo11. JOHN HOOIAI. • ~ , Jond of tiM yto1 AM~ll A IAII\IUIT ~ ~ IU IOCC.II Wlllt lht ""~· '"' ..I:.;~~ "f$10N JQ\Ifl 0\ lht ~IIOU\ wct111• ~ 1 Q ~ O.od '• VII,IIIIA 0 111111 ,( ' it lhcnt com11ol ruiVJ\ MUJOIIf MAtti ond CHill WillS. ' :1 ,.,. :-, c:-An4 WillY lUll, INK' Ia ,lllutt\ lmlt flt1" llfoMwty ,.4 tMit twtntlft. -, ,;,..":•' J o# t.i! lhot' U l o.H • • . ...:.;' . -. Yot "' '"'" rlnfOblt IO"f' ~ JOIIIINl' MUCII ond HAUT WUIIII. lnclll41 .. lhol H11 tl H•h 'on "" AlthiiOI\ loptltt '"" flit ~"'' ft " lo• ttl dtttclloa end ,.oclltHIItl ~ MC,M' loi!IOUI ,,., .. Sld~•Y .-4 AtlhtN Historically .. ~lJ!~ IJ,Im y C.irh" "''""" u p w it'h S anta Pco. O ur railro.Atl a nol t ht·ir catin~ b OU\U r·"heJ throu~h the Suurhwn t ami \t'nt "'lrcn tuwn\ 'IH'rc \(;nee, tirnn w ere ttwgh, anti a ( tJit'• 4 OS wa• a m.tn·~ )tolnii.Hd ccjuipmc•flt. T .. ola y, t~e 70·yl·a r·ulcl Fred lf•r'ey c u mp.tn'y w lm +t h.H ~l'n un1ler the m.1na g emem n f'the aarne llane y (.tmily for thrcoc l(l·n crllli•m• 11~ratn Santll I e dining ~• •ad the J'rt'tl llanq ht~td• anrl r:e \taurann loucc .1 altHII( the railmatl • "11u~ llarn y c.ir l ... " • oldi~otbtful '"'' whtrlnllmc ~ntutainmcnt the cn$rt! fa m ily will enjuy. W.a tt h your m •w •p•pcn fu r a nnounce· m<"nt o n whe n "The ll.an c:y (i irla'' w ill be: In to wn. SANTA .FE SYSTEM LINES lervlnt th• Weat erwl S.uth-..t 1 ... , G::.... Gavel}iiSailor a urday lll(!hl, round tho• Nil .:c•m· u ~ "lll'n 'ho• rdumo•il Sho· hut 1 u••ll)' Uft; H~· fted lf•IMIIIo~l tlw , ... , •Wlo·n • · H • 11f" '" 'R rt P"l"'' hncl 11 1 ''1-.tl l of 11 '"'I''' er ""~~ ·repo !1!1\IIIJ.: H •lnlll.ll l'otr In Halt .. .,, 1' ,V. ---olurln!! th;ol 1'\'••ntn~;. :tn<l 111 ,, 'h"'' Ruth LN:.'~tdlna at 19th an• I IIIIH' 11 "''' lnoorul aud I, •• ""''"" . ~ ••• ht.~t Jlu" ._,,...,,.n,"(l lhl•'l '' ,, ru•l Whltlao•r. Cohta • J,,, ~>:·'' • •1 aJm n ·ho•nlll'fl. ~th In M\')' unlfonn .a nlk In hfor 193:) Clu ... ·m iP1 h111 a't···r 1• • " I F'or quldc u-..ull~ U!>•' :-;, "' m. it In McF'addL>n 1~111cl-lut Sl\t· "' ""' :-. .... ,.nme.! • f --- IIS~~CE ~ PA.PAL~ER. u ::x> 1sr e PI' If:nES W 0. BUCK -In~ .. ,. 0JU~~r.l t ~1500 . ~~ 3lll VIA UDO CALiflO~JA C.mp~te Fountain · Servke at .HAN!EN'S • I · .. NOW OPEN E\~GS 111 1:\t'I"CUCT ftAI.ftUA NEW8 • TIMD. !'II I •I ' Prepare for $25,000 Santa Maria Stakes Next Saturday at Santa Anita ., I A Great Job to Do :\Irs I' :\1 P ••ak111s has r<'1Urtl"'''''''''""''•-••'1'''''''"'" o·cl lrulll l!t-rk••lo) who·n · ~~"' ~lk'".' : E G' G s j 'f"'l• (1111tlh \\ttk h( f,H'Ifl~ ,II ~II\ I 1 ,\tUf.l p,_, k o\\ lut h ''u1 uu •I• r " " I th '\tt·t\ '' I hll.hl HI• lhfOU\ J t • fl• .. ••I flf tt •1\• lu,.ttt t••••""' • ... , ) r, • hrt•·•' ttu' ,,,,,,, • "'· •'••••I ,, I ,,,,,,11\ .,:r, 111 tt,. , ...! h r•,hl,.li• •• t th• '!-••••• .ufd• 1J 'dtl I \1 tl I I ,r tk•·' ftH' I ,, I \\ ' ,, h tl I I I 'ttl ,, tllll I ·I ~ ~len in ·service Subject to Same lncnme Tax Laws IIIJJt•tl fttft't ' I t i 1tJ 1 1 J•tl t1 '"' \I oil ttltl ftfll•"" tit t "I I I• '• 'I!• ,. tl jIll llfll Lll f l I f it '''"i• t t '" t-.d .. t I ''''1111\1" ,:,, • I • l t\\' I tit "'······ ,, I I ,, \ II I tit I .... , ..... I ...... ll'olilt.,, I~· .... , ' I "'" •• If l iP t I "-11l If t 1 tl 1111 ""'tfd t ~a thqtt •h fht \ ,fit .,•1\t II tttt Ju•fh•(d loo til t <rt.l th • ~ • •ttl tlhlli\ 'I" t'l•d ,tl!.o\\ '''' t ~ hltd .,.,., ... "''I \1 1t l t I .u •••:."+ Ht• '" ,.,, "'t'''u''"" ' .. til·~,,., • t lttll•rn., • •• !ttl .... ·~·• "'•' ••fl'' 1"'\llt.' ltu H,,,,.,,,. ll ut\ (' \\ .... ,,.,,, t_l, 111f t ''~' ''' l etld•f fH\\-.II d tltt t'IH r-••1 t~ul.t\ 'ltw•n••tt -.. ,, 1 ~\ntl.t ll••fh\.. It• ~.. • 'If ltu' ·•1• '''I''"' d ''' lt1•· r1 , .. ,. ''" t ''''"·~~'-'··''''I •h•·l,•nl!• r r,tu•n~ M r\H'• "''" 111·~~•1· •J, (Oil '""''' \\til olo lrtlllo•l\ \\hrlll• oloo\\ 11 1111''l)lirl '""'''"I 11 ' I'"''' <1 "'1111· '"' ,J,~·tltlt' f.,t llu Lt11t r c·ltt'!'<t l4' 111','.~~ ~t(, 't' "" '11 I" J,.,, \1_111 h 1-l J'h• !,It t,• tlt•~ooHt,,lt•ltt..: i!U IIJ1f"'H1• f h••d ttc•d.tt••lt•f l.,t,••Jih•l 'UJI 11111 ''" nl rn 1h•· rhro ,. ~···" oolll "11'' ·~·nl•n•·nt;tl I '"" t1 ·"''·lll·ll •· "lu•olul• l•d<•'ll htl.!h r :tnk 111 ''"' lit•· J .•rh <l;o~ "' 1h• '""' 1111U11 1o hllnrwr "tr•·rin~o:~ ~'''''II h) 1111· I '" lollu\'l'rn-: ro ltrrn '" "'' I . ". pro ,\n~:o·l·~ Twf dub '"' l •llwt< .. ~tl \'Ukd such r••lrtrro ,,.,. ''"' tim• m ar•'' It "'II Jo,· 1"11"""'1 lo) thr Rflpr J/on I I'll•• Tit"" "''"''"m• :-;;cniR llarhlot., ,t .oko·~. oml lh• lo:wk 1><·f•lr•· lh.ol <I •1• "' ,,. lfl . ,"lft.l•-• •lllcl• •I s11111, ,\l hr~ot 11,1 ""'''0 :q opr"\1111 '''I' lo 11 "'"nil" rrl'lu ,, rtll'l' "' ll}t' \\oriel r .. r 1111:· ,.., frio• di\ IS tun . ., 'Tho• "tf• ••f r ,, 1' '' • r• on ''I'''' S<'..o$ ""'"' frlr· :\ r• • rr n 1,, th• VFW 0 C J!l . nl•ttn .• l tltlt ,, .. ,. ,1 1.,1,, ,,,. (•u•· ~ays a IIOrnJa half.(!( I hi' lu1 ol 10·11.11 ...... , t.:J"I)S\ Will Have 3,000,000 _ ""~1mc :md , 1"111' ,,, • , • "'' r ••• V t P "n••·lt:olf ,( rho• tor ol " •hi •l•hn.:~ e eran opulatlon (Ill \od··d hlu• , .... 0\tol ,. "'"'' th ( 1\,\IU.t:"' t:UI~I)S t-.. ·rn••·r f ;r-4 •·cnur uf S t'\\ Jt•r~~N•\ t 'cf1, ltttl•• d•tlt..lr <•n m ono• f'l11·n· ,.._, \ tll.tl.•t• ''' ''' ark• n \\ 1th '-':tn L"l' 0• 'ult•h h· f'.tll'• I ht) t tc k· d \\ o rrn o lu i hill I' Thth " 111"1 .. no· tl"'· ,, IIIII ... , •t '" t ... ,, .... •• rt•. tf , .. _ " 1\ \1tfltt""-11l 11'l•rt "'''tt•U. ,trHJ I • ~tfr• I' In • 'I If I U tl• ,lq• 1\. ,ft,flll611' I' I ft <~o!I1J •f th• \\·q \.,, .. ,, .u t•l 1 .. '''"'II t .. '"~·~~··· ,, I""' ttntel \,,. t. ,,, ltr••ll't • J' , ... , l-h· •· ,, I "' ,., .... '1.,,., .. r .. ,~>L­' ,., · 'n 'h• • 1 J·' ''I'' " h11 t · , • h • lq t\• h 1r1 "'II • IIJ'' 1,,, ruru "1 I dtlt· ~t·ltt' 'I h ..... ,. r•• ••r•l• \\hr...... •,, ,,, rttt••' ., lwltr f.,r I' • · ol·•llt · 1w• "'"I'll• .J•I·, .\ltwd 1 '''"'' •\tf'\\\thr1•, :-.r• .,. tiiHII\ •tn.tl•l• '"(I ., '" 11l•• t1t1 I-• '"' tll'-•·h· .... ,,., ... ,,,,,, •. , ........ tlli """' l••r '+ttr\ h d \\ •· tn ,\ulG'h'H •••1 '"'' \\o•o·ks \l~rlrn,; lr•·• "''n ltu.or\\•, • J \\ hu ,.., ;.w I ntilnc t•ot1~ "-!• ttt• I"• • • :O:Iro Ill"' \ '"'''d <1 lolrlllo'l' 1.;"1 : • '.,"I"'' I ro·"d1 nl \lr' ,\ II \\ aJ. • •f R E s H • • "'"u ru.\\ l1\ ·n~ '" \l1ll \ .• u. _,. ,,rhl • • :1 1 • 111 lllll<'h ol( h1·1 IIIII\' tn :-;,on • t: \ r; fl ~ 0 ,\ ! r tflr<l" •• FOR tNSUR~NCE SEE. H owjlrd W . Gerriah -lfiOK :'lit'._JIUrt J\HUII',ard ('()I!JT A ~If'.~ A f>'uoe lll Automobile Accident • • Fire l.iff' I.H, n:-1 uH t , . ., 1 tr11· t il'•tHI~ \\'nt~··•• ' . CIDER 1 1 : G~OCERIES Cold Meats 1 Fruit~'~ a.od \ .. ~f'lltlll"' UIM'II Sun. · ( 'lft'Wd Th--~ . . . . " ~~Dutton's Grocery~ . l'huni' '!IIIII • • I'" :'lle._,.,,,1 Bhrd. ( ·,..,. ,.,.,... : f t t I f t t {. I I t t t f • t, I I t t t • 111'' ''111'1 """"· ;or'•' 1•1''"'" "''" AWIOE-EYBDDutchcMdhup 1•1• 111' !'• rl """ "' I• "''""I"" her woolea nrutu contributecl ,rlol•· '''I'll'•' t"r I •'tllltt; '" '"' '' • Ia * Am.erie&ll 1prin1 clothl.na I w11 h "'"" t "''""' en 1 '"'"" 1"'' , clri• .. llilliolll of othen bave baa I ltttJo• <•I Hllf l'~ond loot llllh• lit• DOthiq llft f~ f~U:S:OiVI cJothl.Ac r··xtrt• r1nt hhoc 11t11 1 " •• "til IIPV••r .to tbe Vktor7 ~ Collecdoa; miM 1 Lumber and Buildinig Materials Bay Oistric~· lumber Co~ Ptaoae 11110 \\'lllo ""r "' lp lh•· \'o• 1ot \ \loot'•· If' ' J' t " 811 <.'qAJJT HJGHWAl' AT TilE ARCIIE8 In s: (',.11•·1 11"" ,,,,nth ro•,,fl,, 1., "'' • l~gtns lOa S :;:::::!:::~~~~~~~;;;;:;:~=~~~~~~~=~ 1111\"' •• r ,.,,. 1o1l• th·· ~-..... i~·"' ; .. ~o .Expeded in 1\tarrh ~ nl r"" rnL' ",, "'' ~'~"' hrm: on f'run- ' '\t' Olt•n \\ unu n ;u ul t'hlltlrf'll ,.lnrl n••\\ luo1•· on I"' .ol I 'htll•'"' h•"orh \\'t• 11111•1 rll u•l ""'"''"'"'' 1\ .md ••ntltol'l '''"'·llh .rnll \\1-c .. lo ho•arl· ··t1h t .. nt:tk• th1' , . .,JI, • 11un .tn "''"r" h··1nunt.: , .... , 1., ... ""'\ tl 1t \ttt lrt·\\ lin.' ·ut.... uuha~ool rl•' h tl\.. ,., .... unttct tu ... hotololtllt.: "' ;-.:,." 1 lrl•·.tn'>. mud••ls ·"' ''!"' •d lu ''·"' to.l.Jt!ln' .. If u .•. ,.. ....... ,., .. ' l·n•· ,,.,~h:n tt n··~1 GORDON B. FINDLAY C'OSTRACTOR and HI'II.{Jt:R f'bonl' -tl'! MALTS • SANDWICHES • IIA."'BI'RGF.M Ice CniMa &a %Ue.O.t . 1 '1 ~··~1 olotton,· flu ''''' 1 "'L.u "'"Y SAN Ff!.\~1 '1~1'11 llh;h11r~:••l "''"'''''' ''"'''' ''" ,, .. ,, '" frl• •(1-r VIf'"flnu .. nnu'w' puunnL:,tntq(',tll :t J"tnt ••·•fun \\ll~ '''' ht~l.han•l lorn\u fnu" t\tr\ "'ttt•n ••I rt.•' afl,·r h• •••nl•"" f•ttl ,,, tf t, t'qUn ,___,-~.ltli1,jb:lo...,III'J~JJUw}L) '''M"dllfCoo..\l ... ....l.Q..Il '"' ">JI lf l!o'IJ.th l•lol\<·ol fM ;ul ln fh•• tu'''"" }, .... , .. 1h.u1 '-1 -''"' "' rf . ,, ,,., "h• (, \\ \'" ~'. rJHf ~~~ \l.tn.lr I"• tho•, 11 t,l h , ,l;•t•h,h··tl 'h''"''lt•n1, h••r•• -..h"'t1d ha .• "' • r II on <h't•l.t_\ tl '' , .. tt•• ''I' ~·•~•rt ••f I' •··· \\:tit,, tll•lrtl•111o r nil ('oo,o~l ht,;h\\,o) \\',t II' l,oll"·tl \\1 I h .o lilt.: · n' CAniNET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS and ~m..L\\'ORK T. c. Jollru~Qft, SUIIt. • 114 W. 4th St. ... ,. SANTA ANA ...... ~~.A.-n, I~ R. tr!HI7 - Our Returning Boys Want to Call Ho .. e G IRLS, th~.,.,.... is a' t over u f:a.r as tdcrht,nc caJ!J are cob<'fftlcd. l'hcrt .lH'morr nlli 10 lunJiellun ever. Will you hdp h~ndJe the thousand$ of a.lls out recuming anvice men in mt.klng o .'her. ~v~ in Southc:m California on ~ ny h omr? There -11 aOfhin& chese boys -.of mote chaR to telephone bomr. and wr nl'C'd mor~ gitla ro handle their a.lls. ' Pay..,.hilel~ing.Pcnnanmtjobs.Goo.lsatting rata "ith fr~ucnt illaCIUCl. There is pro&~ly,~ tele- phone office ncuyourbomewbcr~youCQUld woft. jUJC uk the 0pcntor f'or the (]lief Oplratot. wbo will ,rn you die 1ddrcsa ol aa employmea~ o«a ID«* coavaai«Gc f'or you. • I • .,._. CM"''r811A taiPtiONI COMf'Mtf . ~ ............. ... &...., ....... , .· of lit•• •Into• IH'I'"rdm~; to Hwh 11 .;, n·.~·~~~~~n~~~~~~~~~~l~·:· ~~~7~~~·~ol~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~=;;;~4~07~30ith!~~~~~·~~!~~====·=·~l~'~h~.:~~~~~X~R~··~'====~===t~ ~. w trull. lt• l•••rtnh·ur ~~""'' ''" ns nllolllk r nf tht' \'••!••r:c"~ ul ~-'••ro·lt.'ll \\ ,,rs ... ' It I•· 'I ( ·~ ,1 • \f, '" '" It•,. "'''''"" ,.,,f'\ ... lr•l•' I ''•. ~ ONCE AGAIN I '.o•\\htoll 8/ltol lhul tl11 111'lllot1fdh II• 1'1•'11 ••1111 l.o·,o, r ·:,11111r '"'~:on fl••tl 1111 l11• '''-1•·11~1\o' .ol'll\· furrtl,lu•IJ 111111 lo~ Itt~· t ' :-.; \'o•l· l'' ''II'''"'"'''"''"''" ""/"'"" 1"1 ""t.. "' 1111• loornll'• '"' Ill '' """ ""'·,, ,.J:J...Lllll' J\fln)lf1i,trHt l••h ltntl the · I " s ••I , • .,,. fl'' ""11 n• •l •·'' • r i·" c"tlrtl ""'11 1 tl.• • t ., I 'I·• d· ~ .. ~:rnj,lo~nwnt S••nt~•o< rndtt;lolt' thnt """"''J,'•I 1\ r•r '''' ,-.,, o '' " 'f'J11 ,,,.._,,. ,, ,,;, ,1, d ,,1 lS. '" '"'''''d 111 Ill• 1h•\\ I \l Snuth l',oltlul lll.o' olo.tlr.oo,•o d \\,or ,,1 o)omfil lroorJI ,.,,.,,,, l o\ "'''' "'''I"''' 1,1 o,, oltl \\,. o••t.tlrlr<h· hiJtldml: t<ll ('il,t'\1 htj.:h\\.1) 11 fo •W f r:Hl f'OI)Uitlf luu \\Iii hk). tw-k• ' '" 0\t I "' ••• d J , ...... I ,, 11 I•' H•O ···~ .... ··d hu••'-' ttl I ., •• h· ...... , d Vt• h· \\ ho ,, • 'I~... H • • ' •• ·I' 'lu·\ ,t. .. taltl 1.7-~llNNI loy Jtrl} 1 ,11111 1to.1r \\)Ot 11 l1.01 k ''',I 111 1 l'tl l 1;11, 1 ~ .. It) lot~ 1111,1 ,,~1 1,. "'" ltio\o• "'''" ooJ 11 I I 11,1"!' • t'.or t1 • rtl~oloilt/irtinn ·~ I ttii1Jtlo•1•••1 l'.tll "'"''" '· 1111 I ,,, n .lph ,.,,,1 .. otr~l . ol ,,. "' I I' • ""'"'I I I t 1 ornla will h:•'•' ii ,,.,,.n.n popcr-New ('aSf_)Ji\ ~Jumpl", \lro•r rltt ol• ,,q, .. r Ji" '"'''""'I "' "' "'· ••I rollltll '" ,.,., .•. ,~Ill :l .t"M t,I OII, llofl.!· ,, I . "' 1'111 "'' '.til· \'11'11 lltO·iclo'fl r • . eas "S 1 n ,:\1 t'"'.':a '~' (t uny -H•••· .,;.: .-,~ to ···•n'lnu•· ,, ru .. pn•·t••·,, :\nd 1-Jarbor .\r('a 1Cor tr•·n'tut1h ""''"''''' n • h tw • n n ••I• ,,,,,,' • • '' f'ht•·t •·t ('o,l:t \1• ~oo·,·, ltr• d~ p.-ulnl· nt ·'"'' J I ,OIJ'l,I)CIO,OIIII I '\ ~ .... Tt.ll • \I fl U' "! ' 11 '" f • ~ If • .. I .\\ 111 '"' ".,' •• en-~, .. ,. ,,, ' .. r n1•unJt' tntl nn•· , .. ,,, "' u"'";'"'l' .... '' • r• ( ·,,,, , \1,•~iitll :-. (-.•nft thUi tt•n I•• th, t•t-111"• tt'liOI) c·.uutt}lltu•·.ahl.• ch" ·'"'' r "-"'!. u d fur th~· P·•~l 1\\o \\• 1 k' ,, \\" nn· • rlll'nth•r ul thr tll.unt .. r 111 t·t rll· '''ltd an '"'''' •l!•' t••\•tlnl! Qualitj Lumber and Building Material• lll•·rc-·p t •• ..,,. r \\ ,, ct.,. h.u •·•I ft •·hnlf" tl 'I 1 "'' lfH In tl,_ II "lh ~·r,·· ~ on ~ .. , \ nf 1 ..... , ,. 1r ·'"" h••tn•' ::,,,, I '' ... \n • h•t \u' 1 ,. "' 1,r l.rtr th•, o oil·~ rill• 1• ol-I •r "" h "'"u····l "' tt···rl'h ,.,, .... ,,rfi'la, I' K' g·J " •• 1 • ·.nos 1rsey •. -· ''"1; • .., II· o•h ,,,,, ,, ,, -tt.:ht Passes Awav at 1\ llh11 o lll'oJ I ulolo II \\II h I" rlll/ll1 ' • ~ • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. '"' "''. -cl..JutWc.: '"" ... otrrmr) !':ewport Htl". Home "'' ,,,,,.,... lid•, ''"'"'"' rtu• ''· nnd ·:u··. ,, l!'f• •• r '"'" t ··utn"'l""' , , I"''' 1t·d R. E . HOST ETLER • Phone 41 T ry '"'' ktns: t.OIIily·, cmo;~won:l pill./. I('. Newport· Balboa Tourist Uun•au All Modes of Truvl'l ,lo Europe. Mexico. II;"' :ltt Round-lhf"-World Tri~ in thl:' nl:'ar future. 5<-t• Mrll. Roy K""""· Ph. 391. 301 Palm. BaJhoa tlouro.: 10 a. m . te 8 p. tn. O~,aage County Trucking Co. • General TRI'CKS FOR HJRE Truckin,, Hauling, ~g anc;l Short Hauls Transft~r %29 W. \\1IIMMI St. -C.o!lta Mf'M PHONES o\ r•·•HI• 111 .. r I I • '' "i'"' r o• r .. , rh '"" :!~ \1 or• 1 "'" ,.,,,, 1\ir~~'y. ••.• . p:o~"rt '"' ,, .11 ,.,. hotrlO' en '\• \\I"'' r ll•·o··lor, ll.-1 Thur~tl• \ ' 'o·ntnl( .I 111 I 'i !\lr 1\11•< \,II I'I'IH'••'I l'oH'I~'rtlt•r , \\'II< hot 11 ~II l)o•nolr o('k< <'•111111~. i\m11. l nolr:on:c liP I' '"" 1\ •·II '" lol'< \\ If,• Rlnno Ito :o m.orr·1o rl <l:otrdol•·r :onol ' " hrn1lwr. 11 ,\ Ktr••·) ,,r I nl1i;1na F'"un• r.d arr.,nc•·rn•·nt!'" \\1 r•· ln 1tlnmlcl 1\ ( ;raor. I d t·OI"'I . Strnl1lf) clrnn•·r L!\11 ''<: Ill tho• hnnw ol :O.Ir ••nrl :\It' 11 (I lltnl:, 306 C tAnt1 ( • 111 ol 1\,olhto.o l,f one! wrr(' :O.Ir~t Htn~;' I'••' • "'' ;\lr on•l !llrll (;orll••n l lullcn~.:~l"'••ll. w.-~1- wood !llr llnllrn~.:•h•··•" 1' :r nut.•cl I mot'"" p ll'ltrr·· pnwhw··r NEW LISF. Craft Greeting Cards !JeatfonAry 81'ookings V arietv r.r~.-tt·•· ,,1 ·n. '"' , .... ,.,, u, ,., '' r•r . 1 r• t1 f,•r · • ·'"' 111 a.:••·atf~<r­ rhlt 111 ,,..,r \\ r t.• 1 trt • \• It ''"' ""' I II •· 01 ol•oll or' 1\ oil I•· 0'1\'1111· :oltlo lon '"II "·" t:•··• t,• ,.,:, ', , h )• Hr 24·Hour Tow Servict> C'nml•lrll' automuhllr rr~r and nu•lntl'nanrf' wni«-1' R \TTf:Rit:~ e TIRt:s Tl'Rf:S e ;\('('t:!iiSORIP:~ Newport Auto \Vorks f:arl ~IIW'h<'m, l'rop. SAM'S SEA f1JOD SPA Of(N'S You th~ Flnt'l4J 11'1at'f' to Dlnf' In Ora~~ge Cnnnt~: All New-- - Even the Locatiorr ... Om•-llalf Milt> East of Old Loc~tion on ,Coast Highway. neautiful New ·cocktail Uar \\'e Lead South£crn Culilon1in in the Ser\'in\! nf -SEA FOOUS - ALSO \'Ol'R kind of STt.:r\KS VISIT Ol',fl I'IT<.'II t::-.i Sam's Sea Food and Fish Market Spa tMII ('oaJot Ul~:hway • Before You Build or Remodel vi11lt our lntf'rf"'fln~ tulmpte and •lillplay ruom.~. Color gltlrl~. planning aids. ~­ prmi:'Mive stock r:A ru~~. caJl)e'b and llnnleum. LUDL~M Carpet Works Nwpt. 200. Day~-Nyrpt. 512-M, Nl,htll ... - --...... c.-....... ~u .. et~·.-. 1'!.& M th at ('out Rh·d , l'honr (day or n!~tht t 1.&'!0 ~~~~~~~ SNOODLES HOROTHY DAU~IT co,.,~ To ~'' ~~ q T"IP ,-lo Tt4i ~00 ._ __ .., ,..V"\ ~Vl"f t''>~ ',TO 'YO\)' (8eveo out of 10 people rMd News·1'1me8 Cla.''"'ed Acb.) WA-r \C£ OLP t'\U.'C ! :DtDNT 'lou KNOW '/cUI.. UlTlE' 'BROTHER. ~S'f' OM.'I DRINK wAAM MILK'? • (A ~lnnt•t• 11rc1\f'"' lh~> h•ath·r .. hil' .. r tlw ~t·\\ .. ·Titut"~) HI'.' HE! Ml~ ·---By Clmrlt~s :\ld \lanus ' t I - ·~' • . . ... - I II '"•' '\ ' """" \ t•llfl _____ _ , ___________ __,: .... :.;;a: .... What Can You Spa'r4? lEV E R y ~ E w s . Tl M E s c L. ~ s I I F I E ~ A D I s r OPPORTUNITY! m• 11. 1.r "" 11. ami <'hlldrt·n, 1.\:L!.h· out ltto·l Ia 11 arm IIH•tr twu~;·s or r~od lu warm thrir U.ldws, "ill "'"'''I .. rul 'H'It<.·n nnd !Ill' th1s o I' till \lo Hnl of IIW l'lolhlll!( · h•·s odlo· in Amer ica. In tho• l'll'l rt•Jron•·~ mo~n. \\unwn. 111111 r'lull1r• 11 11 Ill ~11 llolko•d Ill' Ill r,o).!S tnr \\dill o•l lhi.' SUIIIIIWf ol .. lluiiJ.! I 11 1 1\llh'rll'IIIIS hOI • f'\11 11\\ ol) fill \\ Hllo•r :onil Will prolt11ltJ~ n• '' r ''' .,r a..::un \\ ,, ~h.tll not llo• ,\mo•rwan 1f wo• r• '""' IJ• "hi\ro• t•llr plo•nl.)•. \Ve• ... t .. oll ,,; 1 ho· human •f "'' for~l'l or 111 ).!I•, I loo ;1,. II l.o r-U'-J>, Allll'll· c·.•n l ,etl us tw• tuu rau I "'~ ~"'' '" th•· \ ~o·t11n ('lorh- un: I ·.,lJ .. o·loun fur O\'f'NI'II<; rc'ltt•f. \ ,~· Urad Tlwm for Profit t '!'Ot' Tlwrn fur Ht·!'lult ... I o I I• I' s~ I '1'1 c 1 " 'I ' \\ I ~~~ 1101 \I ' '' 1'1'1 II ..., \I IJ u)d l 'p('haOJ,!'l'S ~1'\I~TI'I ; lll,lll\l"!;tlH ,.~\ll'l ot\'11 '1 \ll ltlttll lin Build.in~ Pt·rmits 1 'A 1~'~'1 '•: 1 ''' 1 ". ·~~'':"''!" · ' '' · I• I l. "' l llt(••l~\11'\:t , ,, ~. , .. Fur :\1mrtments I " ' ·'"'· .... 1.1 1 ... ,., ... ' ~ , • I ll Pl.i •••• '"' "I l 'h 1111 ,,. I ,, '"'" l 'l t !'·'' ,, ...... ••I 'fh \\ .,,.~ .. , '"'. t \·"t., ~~ .... , 'I t t . •l.l\11\llt. ft,, l'"'llh•ll ul tl11 ,,,,I ,.1, ....... : '"'"" ''"' jl nl'l~l:\1':!"14 Hn~t: 111 \\' \ '\Tt-:l 1 • 'l "'"t"'' '"1 ''' ·' 1\1\1 t 'ltl lt'..:. rl:t i '"IH\11'1' Ill I"' I ' 1 '" \\ I I ,, t f., Ill f\11 d •, I .. ) I'\ ' ' I 1\ t•, 11 '- ·, ,to.,.,, I I •Mnl I• II' I ' · \l:t,·hilll':' I :.·p:t irt·d I' .. I t \I '\lttkt1M , I '• '' ,., ' . ~,,,,, .. \\ , ... ;""'". t .. ,, ' t ''"' "'h_.,. l q•' '' I''' 1 I ' I • ;.,_tu ~t.,n,. I h lu• .Ut~ ~~ tli ·•l.'•' "" J, . .t, .. ,,•J .. •,nd "'"t ,,tl''' l ''' ,, .. ,.,,~~, ,,.~~''' ,,,, ... ~~ ... ~.'1 \\ aitr,•:--!'--. 1··,.,. t 'l•,,l,, t·-·H ''I ,,. ,.,, "''' 1'•1, ... , \\••uht I•, 1, ... , th.Ht lit• "''' ,.,~ I'•T t'u td tl,l"•t•d ;\4-.t '"\p 1.•1' ))i:-:11\\:t .... h,·r ... , ''''" •ltil''' '•··~"• ,.t.._ .. ,' t·cuc Kt.'l "lltdl• l .. n t uun\11111111 .dl~t~'• d llfl I \n,·, 1•, !'t \ft.dh u11 I 'll .. 'ot._'\ P h t. 1 "'""•it n 1 1 ., .. t • "''dll h 11 •.'I ll11 1111 ,.,,.,,,1\ I'·""" l.111 "" ·1!4'tp It \\ :-III••HI •'\l·l ' \1'·""'~\,lo l l .onolon~.: l;.'lo' 11•''''1'-I~' 1(1'1 lu It I llj• I•\ 1t11 , 11\ • "'lth 'il '''' •• t -• 1 I ., • II 1 l -..,., 1·11 t t "'''J• ~t ., • 1,,,,1 111 ., 11 ,,11s u111a~ ''" ,,11 "·" :r.~io:H A l. e·•\:-<IHA\"rtN<:. H•·· "' ·' 1 •'·''' :·· '" '', I I••'. 1 I' ''•"' "''"''~' 1\.t•l"·~·'• I I l'"'r :.n.t AI(, rRif•\nll g,.,. t "rrulk 1\• "1•••.t llo'll11l I ''""'' ··111 1 S' 111 ''''1"11111• •I t'111 '"I' ,.,.. I \II• .I II• • ''I :--'•'1••11111•• •'II ,.,, ••PI•'• 1Uill l\ "' ,,,h \ 1 U' \\.a\ I Q :'\ " ~~ 'uml.u .II'·"'""'"''·"' '·'"' ,., 111 " • ~ I II I I •,.JJ'·•·f••r ,:\""•'·'• Ftuh·.v fl\•• ;'\J,.._",_ • tf, I ''' 1 ~;·, •• , ,·,.tt "''' • 1•1u tt ••h•· ,.,""" '". hulh. ''' !ltif1l•h•j t.a..:illl.t llo ,,..h l"'rt llo·n• It I'll Hll,·tol H ll;· 8AI y Mlt'W'F-LI..ASf:Ot 'l+l 10 I 11 . MollO "' \\, .t ..)o't Ant• tlt\,1 nt+•ll '\th ;ti,lh S l 1\·:.!lf'l RA('O!Ii AT ITS l\t:ST ----Sl ll~tll•••• l~lllllll '\ He· M ll-1{''\'('LES 1-'0t!.SAt.l-: llo•>~••r I'• 'f····l ,.,.,., ··~NT&U TU IUtNT Suld, Hf'llt• <I ,,r Hl'p&IN',I \'()(~F.L'S 100 l\IRIII St . Bslboft ~OS ~arlne. Balboa llt&od t4·tlc BEAUTY AIDS COI...l> an.t MAC'HINELESB WAVES Tinting alld !olanlcurtn• Evening Appolnt.mMI~ Pb..-17~\V Vi's BeQuty Shop 1103 Coaal Hlway. Cor.na.det Mar 76·tft· n • •n. """ 1tll uttm·hn11nts l'h ll ill~in11 H•mlll I ,,,, \\' ;, .'11' llh., lo M ... 1'4'1 FOil "'AI.t-: ll'o•lo ~·ll••r, malt·. ~ ) · ,, s nht ~'(l(i \\'nlnut . !'l••"'lll•rl )looo'll ~· l'rlolrlly t~rolt r • lakrn ll11W nat(' w utt..~ Mit) t 'uiUII lltl(h\\ II)' I'll I 1114· 1-'c 11( ~1\ 1.1-llt~~•k ~'"' ,, K''~" 11·3·1fr ..t. I I rll' •'nmblntlllun, $'::'1 11110 nR.It F.Qlll f'WJr.NT Tltll'nt - I l'o•nl rill, ll11ll~•n 11: I It' ('·O·Tw'o. l•yr..nr A l"c)am N'rtlt• FP1t, S ALI-. 'hi:! ru~ tmol lllllt' ~~~~t. Jttt Phunt• N U lt.i39·W. 6·3tc FO H ~AU: I 1\'t'I'C'CIHI, ~UJIJihJo• U \ I I t• 0 It f . ht'\\, ht•l~rltlt.:tM "• ,, ,., hllh· ••~·· 1:.' t 'ttll N C'Ot n.M •\'I'C'm altd 1-'\.•rla NM DntN '''¥tiltabt• 1-:11" II<IKIN • OALVAI'C, 1000 C't•al Hl~rbway l'ltonf' 1311• 71-tfe CO !'>;)f\'I.T IIA nhout MAHII'F I N· STA 1.1.:\Tit INS II HE I' A Ill~ \('A :'IITFI I 'l't I It FN1' 11r lt•n"''· Ill\· '"' 1110111'<1 .......... l'loHIW IX,'\(1.1( ~ttl" I \\ANT AI'MITMENT, any ah:<',1• 111t) 1•1 to'1' o I II t:rll:t.t. llllll I••" ;.II ~~ :->1111111 An11 l'horw I ~llnl l\ AnA 1!17'1, ___ ~~ \\'A l"T 'I'll II ~:I'T .Sm110 IIJII or h•llllll' tor tW<I ,-. .. •plr 3 or .. 'In;,. ( 'llll ( 'l '"''' ....... I II.'W!\ IW\'Pfl)' Ifill a llo'\1'1'!01' l'lutrl(t'• 6-:lt p w 1\NTkt t .,, ' ttt :NT ctlt l.t:Ast<: T o ko'o·p ~IAI'nn rrorll ('Urling wtw n II'~ to lw Ulil'd a!! u d;•;·nra· Prt'W1ralmns hR\'£• "'"'n mRdo• tum nnd nu~hl tu lnnk its "'ry IP h:on~l;· a t'IIJIIOI'ily rro)\\'d ;ol S l \'•h•ana'" ( '"llw<1ra l. Srrnnd lliHI h.-~ I ... \V;•-.IIn~holltSo· hunw l'<'un· ~~ ol I :\t EMPLO\'Mf:NT WANTED . II Fell< S 1\l.l-. 1'••••1 lllh·o· purl' ~··n'lt'l· lllllliiiiJ lhr•lll~h••lll lh., lfrorhor un•n MI'SA HAl l it I It 1'1.1• ( •rttc IN II ~ C'l l . 17!1<1 Nt·W· lJl" I Ill\ ol l ·tfC' I I 1\11 ) • 11.11 111 IY wnnla ho~mo• l••r •··ll lllltl pur••nlll l't'""''-'''" '" kt"'l' lh••111 lt14'lllll t ho• nu.rlt ()(>, o'IIJttlllt')' Ft•lo I Hltlllllll l'o1lnl n o>lo·l Al'l N" 1:.' l 'holllo' N II :'7'.!'!. _3·4tp :\lain Slrl't"'S, Los ,\n~rlo'S, whrro• 111111~1~ <11p 11 nnr-t· In \\Uio·r llcfurc Ifni)' Namo· nwmho•rs well all•• pl.or~n).: II 111 tho• fr~ml( pan II lho• ~:INI udeK'k ~~~~~~on lll''l ~-l~:~ I 'Jilulll'f o•llht•r II lh1• p.tn IS cl.tl murnlllJ:, J an. 27. Th• \los I Ito•\ o•n •n<1 An•hho"h"l' ·'""" J c· .• nl\\1·11. J) f) ""' .... ,... I torro to· tho· annual Comtnunlon-1 Gallier Ye Roaebud&. :\In<~ o•n 1111' oo('e',I'IUII f••r 11\o If,,,, ..._-------------...J :'\anH m'""'" rs n. .. ·.'"'' .. r 1 h• J,o~·· numho·r nf rPprrs•·nl:lll\f''< of llw lfnly 1'\nmc SOCiPIINI thAI "•II he• pn·scnt, the 8;00 o'clock 1\la~ h.os ll<•o•n ro 'S<'T\•..-1 o•n'lr• 1\ for l hP nli'n · I 1110 11, lar~:•· 11111n•·r ( 'I• ol h, H \\'JLI. TAKI-; C"Alt t-: or l'hllelr•·n 11 ,1,,..111, "'1•1t•• '\;,•" lilt• II ;,~x·ot c:..rnnn dd !\tar f'hnno• !'\ 1\ 1'1 .1 ~; ''"'~' l-"1 1 c•,.11e1,1t !l:'.CI-:\t .l-Ifo• Apt '.! 11ll••r 7 I' 111 ,; -''I' \\'11.1. C"ill•' fnr duloln n 1'\o•mn~~ :\,'\It 11. I \l.u· ~~. 1·,,.,,., '1··~., t;·llt' E~J>LOYMICNT OYI'T.RED t N t E n E S.T I N G w _on. K Pleasant W orkin~ Condition~ • ·n•••l! \IA!"C:J.I-. t .. r •rol·· ll.ull•'' r •t u n'f1. :•1 hn111 ••'r\h'•' Sh01rt C"l•• 1111 It 11h11 Shoop :\II'• l'tthn J\\' 1\;'ltl••ll Phoo!'lo lt.,"\1< \\' :\ .... ('IJ'• I I \'rt'r; J'lro'lrlr ll•tllt•r,., ''"" ~7 •1:; lfo•nllh l.nnt;"' l 'llln \ 1"1• I IIIII ll·lt••ti • \ o•rel1 Htt\ ll ''"'""" ftor ll•··•llttt.: ,\lfb A· J•.,rt;ololo• Htult•" Mt;S A Hi\IY'I I I IV IJ.t;c•I'HONic '.S CO , 179t 1\• ~l ••rl 111\ol 3-tfc ~10TOI:~ IN STOt'l\ :n lt.p. ~l11·ppanl l>it-~t·l IO h.p. F:tlt•ot~:4 '' lt.p. Hri j.!j.!:-a nti ~trattn11:-< llartuH' 1·:11J.!i1w .~ Equi pnwnt <'n . Ill ,\1• tl• •''' llall•u• l•l•nul I''""" I i.':l .I .. :,:,_. ~lt18U'AI. a RAUIO \\'A N'l'il I It\ I ""f"'NIIhlf' "I' I'll' J'h•lfll' FfiiJIIooV<•' 2 or 3 ll4'olrt•lm h"U"" l',.nt llll,.nt l'hnnf' 1'4~1• A 1111 Vf."l l«l-tfc: I UAI. r-""An: tt E\' A t'. H11POEN Hnhl••l'..;u·cl Fronla..:t• Temporary Housing Is Predicted by L. A. Supervisor Ro•prN<<'nlnll\ ··~ of I h•·1r t~<on<h tl••h '·""''' ~•w·•··tu~~ trufn P••n ann;.•, r ullt·rlnn. ~;tnl:t Ana..~and mtrr· r '"r1\nt.: towns 111 lh(' ..south. nnd tho• ~.1n111 :\l;orla Vnllf')' 111 lh•• nnrlh \\111 lw pro•s••nl op ltu~ CW· ·' e'll-'i•>n '' hu·h will mark till' IPnl h Learn TELEPHON.E OPE R·A TIN G 1-tro· l'l;u··· 11ncl K lnlllml( w ()())) ")lo•li\o•n ol II W WHIC:IIT l'h :.,>ci:tlt ---M IJ"I" ofo .. nln.:•· "" lf11rhclf' lllvd, ',., \ • ,,.,.. '" t't>nlo•r nr ( • ....... 'I' liE HAl •I• I T J:&'IIN !c'l,\:'11 .~ n•·nr ns ~"'" ph•lflt' ltntUtt' nlltth• Lllul\ c~···pl Sui 'if~ S 11 l.tll t.:•• ~low·lc· uf tuiM'II lit f11r 111r)' It p llu•t'IIU''II pn1·1Jil f11 ht"Urt• quulll) ~··rvlc'o• l'tiONV.· .:\4!\ MI·:S.\ H;\1 •lit .<. El.l>'c '111ttr>: • M·.~JI 'l'hi• ,.,,.,.tl,•nl ''"'lltl~>n .l• "··lf"'ll•tl~tof.~liiiiT I Yl•,. nf 1"1•1111'1<•• • A In\ ly !'>-rm '"'rt"' II' ltwluolo•ol ,;II I II • l"'"l"'rl )' Lu~ ,, '-'r.I·:J.I~S I :nH·r~l'nr~ h u11S1n..: "11 htn :\11 clays 111 tlw furm uf ro•t'oontlltlnrwc1 h;trr:or k' "" ;J (,J1111n~• I hill ~ \\'liS pro•dlt:ll•d I:ISI "•·o·k II) I. ,\ l 'oun t) Sup•·r\'l~olr Lt omanl Hoach Suo 1 unll~ .oro• ''"P•·t·fo't1 111 hOII~l' fnrty In faf~~ thnus:and ftllllllll·"· Jt.,Mt·h .. : .. ol Th• > :o: ,. u~h·ntl•'tl to af'l "~ ,, ~l•lll t.::op unlll h(llldm~;" m ol t·rtal~ h •• c· •• Ill' llllffll'll'nll~· tl\,,ll.tltl•· 111r tt.-rm.uwnl o'UnstrUI'· ll"n h~ I If" nit• o-ontr11ctnn~ "t ·.,mmo~"""wt1 .. rret·•·r~. eno·l•ul- int:: t·•,rnnlaS«\Iunt\d \\:trrant nlfu • , .. ~. aro• ··w mpt o n lh<' fiNt $1500 of :lt'"l 1\ ..... ,.r, ,l·, mlltl.u' Jl·•.> r•·l't•t\ • Ni in ''"' "''' \l•.tr Tin;: o''<o'MI" lh•n ~'"'" hark ,;, J hn. 1, 1943," he sa1d • 11111\lltll e·,.h•hratiOn spons,on'<l hy. tht' 1\re hd10<'rSI1n Jloly Name :"()('iel y. "'1 o Relief Seen From Scarcity of :\len's Clothi~g Tl1o• Jll'4 ~4'111 shnrllll.:o' of m<'n'!l '"i'" ;mol n\l'l'l'""'"" is • 'l><'t'lf'd t•• 1.1!'1 IHII tl lllo· mill!! I•· pf I ~Ill'\, :\t·· rnrrltnl! 111 a ~t .tlo•m< nl mad•· this \\l'i·k It) Hnlph I. <'.lr\l·r. \'IC'f'· prfMtlo nl nf lhf' :\lo•r. h"nl Tatlur~ .on cl 1 1.-~lt.:no•rs .\~SII<'tal um ul Amc•n ca. Th• IJnno'lll:ol r ,ou,.,• n( t lw !\hnrt· :tJ:" ~~ -a lark of bal'•<' mnto•rilol~. ,.,,,1 (';ar\'1 r 1111\\1·\l•r . ho• ('ll'f'fllr t I'd, manufa!'lurcrs and custom I t:lllnr~ "1tl "w'" "'' 11hlt· ''' 1'11 • I IIJJ w11h demand once• wooll'IU and THIS nyon print a11owa ha pr.U, njher sCarCf' matcrlala become bordf1' to nccllmt lldnntac• in a v111111hlt• in ~i7caiJI£' •tull ntillo•s th•• poey-pedtar drea T1M ...., I "Aho)lll '"" million Slllfl' 1\ tum-~cll cap ''""" matcb ~ bdrdarad collar. A ra)'Oft drne like munlh 11ra· "''"I! dr•mant1NI hy n·· thie ill cool to waar-Uid ... ,. to , turmnt.: S~"r\H'o' m••n," , C:on•-r ure for t.ec.UM the Nmi·ebe« ; stnll•d. Whll~ governmt:nt require-111011 fabric ~ pe.-4 laboratory m<'nls for wunt.·n~ 1111\1' n qmlh wuhinr and wur IHta. Look few t1rnp1• 11 hi' Jl<•lnl•••l '"'" 11 Will inform.lli•ot blbat. on rayon fabfica atill be some time before yarn to kU you about wubability. '(panne·r~ anti ,,,.a,•·rs t'hn r.·,.utju.,;t tlw mso•h ,.Q '" Iolii~ nw"''"~ t'l' 11 1.en r•-.pHrt'nl• n l!\ RWIIT tlt;WifT ('UITtlt:~I.ISt: II olf :.vt•r:t~ ho•1;ihl 10~1111 liP I II o looth••!'hn•• ;;l>nlll ~I'< f('('l high, c;u·. \\·,l~llnchou!''' hnn'k· t't•t•nnnl + .... !\ TIDE TABLES .J \!" t ' AK\' lltl!h llli>!h r ~ 1\\ Increased wa~c rates now in t-ffect. Apply Southern C'affiornia Telephnn(l Company tl)() ao: flay Ave .. Ualboa or r 5)4<,; !"ortb Math :<It~··! Rant11 Ann nr Aalc tb~ o,.ralnr fo.r lhl' C'tllf'f Openotu r 8&·UC' WA.r-:1'&0 HC'TI:L )!AIO u.&bot1 ~-PbNx ~-•ttc: llt:I.P WANT .. :J> Wnnl ro fuu ol \\ llf11t1't1 lfl :t~,·~· mutlu"'r or .! o•h1 lolr••n 'n"''"~· l•u•rfl 1oncl "" nry l'h :'>i B :nto ' f1 tl• itt:l.l• W A:"TI-.1) \\'lllllllll '" llo li~ht h"IIIWko•o•p1n1: lt11nm, IHlltrol nntl ""I:''~ l>u)l<', t~l l ;o.:., lit•' l-'r1~t. Jlnll~<oll l ~t:mo1 ~1-ll• o, •sue NoT.!,.CES II\\ ""''''' 1111" 1r.1~o !Illy of ,Ltll+o lot\, l't lli ,7~1 :'llt•\lopi>ll lll\!1 3-lfe· .-onnN A 1 w ' EJ,.etri(· H:tiiJ.!t'. $17X l rnnwtll:11t' I ••·II\ o·ry A ulo Batll'riel( l~·nwnth Penn:-;ylvania Oi l c::~llnn 711· W c!<ll'm· Auto1 Supply Authorlt• •I llf•ttJ,.r 11-V. !"• wpnrt lllu 1 . (·,,.If, MMIII 3-lf(' 1 ~eel Hi<'vtlf's and Tanc'IC'm:-< Atllllt "'r.t't< J I:, 1'1• \'()(';Y.t. 11)1) M11ln ~~ , ll11lhflfl .Jw-t Anive<l ,......h llnrtn« Aiel flATT~RIES . Ou rws.. 1'1'00 l>ru r ('" 117 WUII lilt. Pb 1'1111 92-tf(' 61) tfr Flnc•r Furna('(':-< :\1,(1(,1() H T I ' lmntNIII•I•• ol••tl\o•r~ ~1'1 111 \'t)I;FJ:o..; Ifill :\Ill In Sl lloollooo 1 ~~ Itt '"' •n l'ulolor Ill htVI [111 q. ,,, 'c ~, I'\ f s.· •• ,.,.,· •• ,. l'••unt' of 1 •r.onr • ~~ .• ~. ,,, ••SI ·ry • I'll! tr.~,; Jt 'S ('(I Jl'll '\;o'"IMII I l\1\ol :\.If<' Nuw tha i a•lollllooru•l '••lll(lf'lf'tol ,,., ... Ult h.r It ltft U\'"tl~t;lr• Y!.t~ hf.-. nt•f•l tn eunk,. "' tV'• ,. 1 nlht ••n lru ..:•· ''*'•,._,., .• All ~··•" .cu.-.rMnf•l•'-.t IIAitfll.lo I. IIAMM fC ll fC Hll•ltu ~J:, M 01 onr l'h 71411 N t•wport I ft.•i..:hts "•''' 1 l.,·dtltt Ju•uu•t~. ''""' ,..._,,"_ )'I• 1, d In llo•c~·hl• llo•11tl\ fur oil'· C'llt~•IW\ Tho•~•· holllt'tl lllo\'t• llll'lfl'j 1," ""'· In I• .. r Ill•· '\\ "' k l•llll· 1 "'"II ''""'•"'to:• 1oon11y t'hphn,.rt1• l<llol It t)• lltf.lullol(&'. ''""'''• ••t•·. j Z\o~ ••1•'11 1••1 '"•t .. ••·Uon $>-<r,nn 'ft·rm~ J.( l'i'~ 0 4 "' _ __ I :\I I II luq•o lool Ill ~''" Jlflrl llwhla Hwli u I<Ppai~ $1 ~00 All mtokM' lui,..,., ,.,, l'h :.'41 7 T"" l11tw, H!'•'J:I'i, tlfl \Vt•!ll tldl'. tcu11 !'lo•rt•"' l'l:t t """' trnnav, $.fjf,o t'Ht'h :-;,..,.., •• ,t IW>tt~lo If~ trr .! lo·l~ ~,>(' IH~• 1'1'"''' '" ('"''" Mo,.ll ltr rtm•h vrmr ktlrhrn l>"lhrnnm ~1111 11"" ldo• IMulltl ~·. I'. Waltlrc1rt To l••pl11m•• .!:~1\\' HECAP \\lift V••tU lt-. otl lt'f'"l•l .. *t ( fflt t111 \ "''f \ h I Tire •:-< a11d T 11l!c·~ ( '~trnplt·l•· I .11hric·at ihll 'l'u • :uut t.a f ft f \ ••·r \ h'r .. f ,.,.. fiHhiJ)'"'' 1111'1 tltll\tf\ "''"1\l•t• .,,, , ... ,. ' .. $1000 ('lll'h :~1n .'o' fl lui ,,..,., 11 1111t Xl'htoul lt1 N•·~ 1~ort ll••ll(hla -$11 Ofl (),.,. "' ...... r,., , t t .. a. "" c ·u 11 PrJ\·•· A '''" ,.,., Ito I ·~JII 1'711 I I Ill•" 1111 lin· o·V •·ll•·ol 1 I• 11 ol I he• llllfl,,r $:nr;n T lot• tuljnloolttl( l11l $:woo , . .,,. ,,,, :1\•t t. lit l'••u\1 111. N••wtMirl ~I 11011 . I lll"fl til& flfl 1\ •• t "''' IH't'flfl \lf'W $ft0110 ~ •. ,. Tlt i~' •,," ''"'''" fi,,,.,, \\•II ltullt 1 J•l•ltr: It I 1 •f f '11 I Jilt f•• \\ tllttr• :.! "''' k • f.,. I .. II ,, lll tttl Fur Snit• • H:dh1111 1:-;lallcl ., ' fu •ft tto•l'l fttt f\llliht •t t 'hu1t•t• 1<:)- ' '''''" 11• 01 So ttol h lla)' t l.lltle I I,,.,JI 'I•• ·,,., llltllll'<lltolo: "1<,.• '-.: ( :.·rtnult• A. Wultlron \\'m. W . San(orcl I'""'"' :.''\I It 1· tft" I NVF.STM~NT l'HO I 'EHTIE~ It \I nil• t I ,utl $10,600 l=\evf'rnl Good" Bay Jo'ront l.ots f'urn<•r l nccime l .ot El Huyo Tract. $:1,260 H o~s $6,600 and up _._ W . I.. I Jordan TOO l!'.u4 ~niNJ. ll&lboa ~ ·~ &-tit! 2 Rerlruom Home ~ On 1.11114, lelancl. C:t'rtrud(' A. Wahtron Wm. W. RRnforcl Rroker l"fiOIII' ',1:\.4. ll I , '· --Hnlhn; i"lancl For ~All' :'1 l~<•dmoma, cnmph•telr t\lrnlah...t, f'IM"tr1C ret\'1..-ratkln. ••Ht h•t. "''"r !IW1Uih Hay, tiiOQO. '~ !"A•h P·--lon at C'loae ol' N('r()W, GNinlflf' A. Waldron Wm. W. Ranfnrd nf'Okn f'hotlP :!M ·R l-tto New 8-Redroom Homn t'lft,...njh ~~ ~tnct 1C11n flf-rnarcllno ~·, N•'WfiiW'I lll•lahte " '---.. llardw•!Od n •• .., ,1,. tllalh Tilt• link J)olltltiC' IArlll• 1:1111•1 r1c.J"!"n $:'ttl r-•r Ol(llllh ..... I :1 rnuo1rrn :1 l~<'flml. P11pkt11N al Jlrt•91hp1)' ""'' ~1111ln An11 /t,Vf', c· ... ,,. ,.., ... Ralph P: Mnl'lkcy ... 18 OloUL WY~ N-port r.,..,.h, c .. HTcM.Ia .Phone 402 :t-Ile Nc•wpurt Heights Mod•·rn, wo•O.tllltll, 2·11f'f1ml hnme. l.~trl(" (h lnl( r•••nt, mllhr..tnny nn .. rllll(, rlrt•pJIH'o•, lllllllt'tll', fJif' lcllr lwn 11nt1 hath l .aull(JTy tn)' Ito :t-rnr llftrlll(l' l 'lll ln lo~•l ,.,'"'. plo •lt•ly f••nt.,'-11 11nd lllno .. r aPf"J E~•·••lt•·nt \nluo• "' Jlfl.~lO (:()rtrucle A. Wnlclron Wm. A. RRnford Jlrokff f 'f 'HI or-; A IIJo:J. MAll liM I lot ,,, 1111,.1•1•• 11t1 f l!'dtllt, l111lt hluc:·k ''' c lf'''"fl 'fr-unl, $111100 I Pwllt'T'. 1\11)1 I !'I:\, c 'rtrunll Itt• I M11r l'h•Jnf' N II :.111('1:'\ tor 'l'.,rmhllll l\O'i ·l:'l f\. :II )l ~·1 til SAI.I·: 'J }1', l'o•r•tt 1111'111•"1 •••u• II nl llh(lolifll) 1\111111 I"• ••Jitl •••v•·•ll•·r. v. .. ultl 11111k•• f111•• htmw · •I•· "' ~· '''''"' • '""Y lw llulll qu "'' t'rup• t t \ f'• tH~tl "' unly -.::vtcv II I \tll•ll:'.i\ .SIJIAN '"'~ lnr I ho·n 11 (•:an ho• r<•llf'ht'f1 \\ :1 1 1 ·'""~. ~ o•l wom'l SHit to t he I ,., I . 7 1. 1 '!·~- .! I :\ ' 7 :~ I I ,1 \ f "ttt11rfU''-~"'' I'""' ... t\lh l'ISR t tiny -.. r\ u·•· Ath "' .,,, t ''' tu lilt • .. ~l··n '" '"" ( 'rol..l:t ~1 f·~:t T ire · ( '11, \lny \\'or lo v, :':'1 I HI\ 1\lo!L:. 1oto<l ~., f " ••• 111\<1 I I .... ' ..... flo-lj ... ,,,. 1 1'1 ''"' '~• \\ 1"11 IJ_ fl :llo• 'II ~ 1!r:,u ·r:,·rrrts · K EF.I'INC HOUSE, belpla1 wke eare of the !amil)'-7._ wouhl rl'alize that bu•lnas cirll are not. t.he only onee wbo eo- t im• I ,.,t Hea~che and n...s Ar h.IIJC )(u8clr.a. We horne Jlrla oft<"'l ~·nrk juAt u hord a nd ha" juAl ba m11ny lleatlachee, juet M rnanr Sto".,l~cb . UpaetA a.ad ae& Just aa Ti~. -· About a J.U -.o. t en& ... ALKA·SELtlER ~~ I find tfuat It eaa• 1111 As Hf'ad1 ,t.akaa theltlnlul out of Arhinr Muaelee and brinp when I llan Add llldtawtiOD. The famD)' .. ,.. I a111 a 1111 l ... ier \o Uve w1Ua •1-I ...... kMwn about A.lka-Se~. 1 Ra••-"1«"1 tried .ALIU.SZLSo I ~BRT U not. wb)' doD'\ ,w .. a s-rkare ~~ 1Art'e ~ lOt, Bm&ll lOt, -.. .. t.be rlaM a& 8oda oart-fee 'I' ~round fit • I :.II '• .:; -,, , ,. ..... .:•t M.l:t I I J •• ,t. 1:· l'llfo lth 1ft Mil ln. ~nn• 1 ,,, I -lip Tt•\;1('11 :-:c·n ic··· ~~at illll Watch Your Kidne .s/ ,. -·' I .,: I •t.. • ,..-· II I \lol•l•ll 1''"1' :1 .'•• 1:'11 !t:l~ t• 1\l'"l~f:"'" v.•· n A Vl'. ~:•..oft() ~~~,.., J''ll""" ,,,,, I" I ,.,,,,f,!,,.,, ; I • • • I f'f:flTJt,(' \Tt: 0 . : nt!l. 1121\ I Hifo I ll<:, Ill' l"'n,. . I ,oJ '"1"1"' 1 • 1' j· .:r. 1 1• 1_ , ,,:!II w .:u t 'U'TITIOt'l'l t'IK~ ~.\\tY. ~.,..,11,. n w. "'I' T"""~ ~.rn.. '"""' • .t • ''''I I "• I ll ·" .I • TH E I '~I>FH~f,-';'\;Ffl rl "''l '•~ I'Wlt :\0 """~In l trOU1J.:"tlto'll'l•''ll \1'1 '1 1 \'.ot <.; ,,,q ...... , .,-~. .l11..: s·!:t~ f ~..!! lt ~!Ct •untv ''"' ~b -(tU J•uu • .-f"••l \1••T'•I''fl!, ''l••tt'1 ,,, ttlu-.· I•• h• r•·t'tv r• r tlf\ n u.t tu ·~ ,.,,n,\ J'' .. ...L .. __ 1, r , ~ ~ • ·, ~-." ~. lJil Aua httf' ,,,1,, ..,1.,,r. •''''" 1,, 1•1 tn t• '"" ""'"''hr111r•• .. r. ~h~ll 1 t ••• fl.a\Uilb \ .. , ... ~ \h••• ''""at 'll'l \hL:nniHI ,,,.,. t 'n<l• \\'\l"fYJ::l lillY II \Ill I I I•, \'J;'Jt ll \".' \A,"' lc , .,.L.....,. • , • \lor e.t oc• u~ l,h t '"",..a.. til ... .,., ftcu,... P m 1 ,1,,.11~ firnt '"""" ,.1 ~·~H lorY""' fUr· J',\ld••"' 11 11 "11"•'·1•'<.; ,.,, \To .... 1. ('allfti\-rota. unoloor I hi' I 1''1 '' '"'' '•I -'•'• 1 1 t.l 1 S '' ~. :"'ll\'j\ '(J\'I'l.TY ('(') .,-wbal hnv,. yo u l'h.;;: 1'1, J ', "J•ol 1 1.1 ol I II• P~ .,..LIC NoT:CE-.----"I •·rvl· lhf\1 •·dol ltrm i~ •·•·mr..-·~•·•1 ° 1' r:r"~~" 1 K 1': y ~ • L> lh•· (nllm\ln;• 1~'1'~''" "~'~"~'' 1111• ..., .. t . fl'f1! ' ":!~ · ('t..C.II t.{.-, ., • ._ Mnol• \\'Ill " y,,., W11ll :orvl nrl<1r• ~~ i~ ~~~ fol lnw' In·\\ II c t:KTinC \Tt: fit-' UIII,Ci J)A\'J~ S JlATf"ll. Jl l'l 'Mtll' If" YOU w,..t t•o ,..,II yo<or <*! 1 ,~1 M~:,~:~;t.~lloll·•·• 1\t.,J,t,l'o' I 'llt.IC t-lt"T ITIOI' """" /\VI' l 't.<ln !\1••~:1, C"nllf .,lao(l .,. .. 1111 \Yr· P"Y h'Jeh411t :•"' lvl.~tlo , It "'"'" J•l• ol "'-" S \\ft:. ' \\'lln•·ll• tn\' hnnol II'" 711, ""'' ,.,.,.. 1,ncwo .• '\H v• '"" In (Jrllllfit'l 114 If•• • ••f .l-:an11 orv 1'111i ,...-y. Uf\n•·~' tomloU '"""" 0 •, 'l'h• 111•lo1•1>11:-J ,,,. ,,;. l lo ot I 1A\'IS !-= IIATI 'II 'WOM M~~t111 l\11nt11 All" fi Ur 111 1, ,,11<1 1,• .,, ... '"'~""" llltll•r "TATT' 11F C"AI.IFilH'Io:lA '"' "''"' ,,,· 'l h• lt••l ••••• lt·d I'I•I'STY liF I IHA'\;(;1 I,. '-I t• ,, '' '.1• \I •• , .. \ • t11l• Cin 1h1" 7th rl~,. ••f ·'""""" 1\• ,,..,, l•l twl r· ol•l""'" T! .t '" \ t• 11\tl; '"''"'" .,,. :-; .. rn S I • It SAt.F Ta" t II ' I · I .,.,, lw•n•·l~• I"''' • , ... ~. • ' •t '• 1 ,,.r '1:tr ., .... r th , ~,,t :tt \ Puhl't' ir1 # •• ,• t ..... •· .. 11• r •• 1• • ,. ' f••r'll '"'1 f••! ttl•·! ... , th,""''' ""'' ~• •l~~' ; •'4 l ffr:tutf A\• 1'"hl• ... Ill• H ''*'' ,,., f ·,.~ "' I d· I I,, Carpc ·nlc"f"~ A \':tilahll' ,,,,.. lf• "''' '\J "•"Jrth •nAnt·•• "'''1. '··v•tr 0 1 R()fl l llf"ON I dl ·,, • I•' rl 141 \ I '• tol 1 f J ,q ···Y.I••t t 111\•1 f •~titrt ~1··•n I I 1"'·•1• t:\1•",1 1'1 '••1••1111111 l't• ".,.,, ,,.. '' 1'\t,·, M • ... _,,, ltii:AI. Y.HTATT. l':lllhiANOP! ta ~~-- 1'1' 'I ll t.•c.a J\1 '111~ !'•11lh N•·W \I, , u" L•h•l ::, h f ,.,.,.t '"'"'_.' , r u h• r •t ,.,,, ,,, ,, ,,, .. "' • I fu Jlll\l••'•'•\\ '1111.._1 I. 1\ t iHI '"'''"' \\ •It ,,.,,, •. ,,,, .. 1·· 'h H •II 0.:,\1.1 ·• .• '.,,. •··~I hoo•J••· 1\ :.Ito· . '·"I"'' '1, I l~p.•td\,A'lt\ (., ..... , - \I• , I • "'' "I•'" "'"''''''"l l"ffl!"'IQY TO l.t•AN II J.ut toll l•111 •oJ II '''" ltll) ""w '''" 'iltt I,.,.,,,, lt\\h ,,,,.," uiut U ,ANR Tf1 ltUtr.n tMJY •. uor,..···· ti t ,,11111,"' 1•1,,,,,, ~ ... :• "'• :l1,. nu,,."'IY~t ttr rflflnAnf•t I . 11 it M·~l· I" I II''""''" -$1 fi,fi{HI II roll ( 'to•ll ( ; •· rt rt 11 Jc. A. W :tl ti1'111J Wm. A. ~:lltrr,rd H•··k· I :··11 I' N"w) .. ,rl 1111!1•,.. fl'l\ll•·ral 811v1nc• a.n11 Ltllln A--;;~11Unn :11~:1 VI" !Jilt• T .. •llhi.Joe lftO" • I • 1H '~A 1.1 llv ''"" 11•' '<I I llt•lll'f.l' 1 '1\'"''''"~· .. ,,,,... 1 ,,. "I"'' An I ht••lllf' ''"'""'' h h fit y. fl tlfl Uf·W p1111o1 j11lo \'o 1 V r•••l (tiiY l 'h 1 ~:t 1'•1 '1 \\' I ·, n tr hl Av••, "'t "I"" I II• "lo f\..tft• ..J.---• , .,, r. ,_,tan~· 1 .. ,.;-,.J,.-rl,t1~ """ntnl•tittn· '1 •r I •' 1 ,, ' t! 1 \• , ,, 1ntl tt\\••rn f"' , .. ,.n -•11 \ upf• trro.d IIC\ h '\1'-JII•'• I ''"'''~ ""''' kn··~n ''' "'' ''I tc l · ••. 't1 ~.. t .. th' t• .,,," v.t,., •• n~rnr· I• • ,t, WING SANG BOAT'& HEPAIR YARU ~ \1.1 ' f•l• (I '"' • f I 0 ',, I t ,t 1 J• '• I '_,.n~ .... I I I ·";'f'l o\J ' \lfl!,j 'I \\'I IJ•I: I'• o II! '•' I. tf tf II ' t,C lt It t If, dl . ' I t ,.. f 11 •• fl ,, ,H I t •• • ~ ' I ' I J ,, 1 t • I ' I~· WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices 811 Coast Highway 101 · . . f'111lDf' !If f'WJ)Ort M4J t n·rt., · • I J.. \ r r-• 1' t: • '1 "1\f '' t• flu \\ $1 n1n l~f'T'TtnT• --..,• ( •' .. 1 )' I h f ...... t ~~ u• ),u•• \i• ,,,., rt fit rrt• •h·•' t • ' , •• , '11•., t' ' c ,..,,. ""'''"'~ \\"l llrtl•ll I• ...... ,"~ £t£ u, :•,tt tl.t '' .... , t •'•· t •r• .,., •H t rr \ h,ntJ ,...,,1 \rttlq•;; ,; •J~r.'"'"'.t \ ''""' ~ • l,....._.:-T '" • u,.. t I !" ·" ,,. I •• •• • .. I ~· t t • t •' 11.• '•' \ 1 '· ·' j'tl•, t ~'·•f• " r ., ,,,•t ,,, ... rt \ ~.'~"····1 ,.nl , .• ,, ,,. lfl t\~ ... ,...,.,.,,r;,... M01•rinJ:S and "pece available 1• ,,, 1 , ·' 11•1 , ••• '" 11 ,. c·..rftr., ... ,, ,,,., as ' • for no.ta fnr ~ ,, . '" •· '"' 1• r, .. n "h'"" 11/lltt•· ,1,,\, "'"''' n I •\T 1'\IVIJ,I, ort•l •,t \• Ill' i r·,,:,( rl r··.. .'kl't \\ ,\ I ' 'I · .. "'"'' t . · · .r • • · " I ! • '' tl • f , I 'II I • • ,r (. I • ... , , ,, ,. trll'., , I •• I "tU f, j I I Jt I ,. I ..... I· J-=· P I t., " hUlL! ''' t '' t I ,...... , • ,,.. ·S··· . ,, ' I ' " ~~fT. Vntm CAH NOW Whll<> Prit'i'li t•l"l' HI.U1 I •ltorw fu r t,.,-rv ruMt-..,... t.uy.cr wt\c• wUol cnll and II; M•· ,\ IJU rufoU\1'1 lit)~ ()I' A LllfO.UJl tlofw., . OP&In& • Jtrin• n.ntl """'flKC 1\U detillY CULHEHl SON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. . .. • I I. •I • .. • I ••• '" • ~l"ft• \ " \L\ HI;\\'\ RTII I l"ackUf' Rnardl for Rfoet I'''"' ··n• ''"' ,,, ,,,~n··"'••l···•l '" •~I .,, • "'''"n l'•r••IH tn """I by the~ 01' .-oath. nt• Ito •' 11• o \•'1111• •I IJ oo "'"" ~ f11r-"""' ('t~lni V lollt1 !';IIIIo ( .. 'I " •. ' ' I I ' • • ''" '.' I \\q t k ,.ll,lf.ttth I 11 (':HI. ld)t, •I I trttr.:.t• f,,, J~•iH nqt 'f i )• ph' HI• S H 1~4:\-H f, )It• "'''\ , ·•II ~. "' •,t "' 1'"'-' '' 1nd I ru llol•" ~•II 1~ uoth~l l••r .. , (]vYJ'tMt~~ 1 3001 W•t Q.nt~. "~ JOI 0..., -'haS • ~ . I ' I ~~~ \.-------------.... •---------~---••• '\\'otn·~~ nl) 1'111nd ronll JP111 Ill l'ulo Jn.n H. I!>, 'l'J.. 'l'l. 1!.,11\ rl • \ 1-9tp -· ·; J • TuNday, J .. uarr !%, IMt J I b F • • ~ · t • · • t • Coming Event s a t F or. R osea f!Jl Still F ar Or elnlnlne C lvl l€S Firs t Meet o f Y ear "r ''"d ~Irs r M still. 616 :"an'l~~u~ fll <'rill<'. Coron11 _dl:'l ~1\lar, .._,-R Mra. Arden Lon~ S•·no•d a ••n<o•rt:uno•d Fnday f'H•ning in ,. ... Ha~por Hi Dele_g ate Elected Vice Preside nt Fourth District P .-T . A. at Fullerto n . M esa C irc le 1 Plans. Birthday Dinner NPWpart Harbor a!'f'll will tx> t•f· feclcntly r'eiWC5t'nl<'d 0 n I h C Fourth Dlatrlct t:Jit'cutlvl:' 13otlrd. Callfornla ~ or Parcnu and Te.ctMft by Mra. !larry Uur· dldt ot Coata Mes• who Will d<'t'l- ed to the otfloo of sixth 'h'•'·llrt"'a· dent at the mc:-etlne hl'ld J an 17 at Fullerton. Mrs. Arthur Sipht>rd o1 Oranr~ wu re-l!'ll'<'tN1 to t h<' pn-aldenf'y fOf' thE' folluwan~ '"'I' )'eU' .term. __ ... •·tra. Ahco· U1rm·> 1n In '• B Win --A n .. b + Reslden""' Phone }l!'l7. 1 .... ,_ , . .._on-.· 1.1 "011 'W\t> + ~ lfn:u uar f'e ------.---l..r 'V l't< llfl\1'11 o'llll'ko•J1 illnl'fh•Hfl \\' 11'0 hoifl(\r (If th!' hlr thday IIOniV!'tSIIry L·,·,,. hh-nio·rnl,...rsht'l5 wo•rl' 'If .... .. "'"' !! '1 r S t a te Prest' d e nt u [)"~" 111• ll'bo•rs or l 'trdf' I nr Ccl!ltli ·' csa of tho·ir daughtt•r. lloal:'ann. The llwnrd•'<l to mJI~tHndan~: I" • Mo~ns · ·~ 1 ... , C II C . l t s k M . Communaty '('hllrotl mot Ill II r. lllllltS 11•1• h.lrt fi t thC' .,., •• thrOUJ:t~Jt lllf•IJISi rH'I api a lrC e 0 SAAAB Psy~hiatrist ~pea t:r at eet.m g B rin gs Conve.fl:l t .. ion . hnnr••. I'll; F.l\$1 l~th ~t r,£.~•1. W('()-Shdl raf•·. Halhull. llhiC'h ~lr. S tUJ ' '.Irs "··lim llrtl\\fl t.n.t I'll'• licar ·ot' Mt'sst'ons d p f l w d 1-"'-ht ·r ntl r II,.,. I ld n II ll'lll''h II••• Mra. Slpherd pi"('Sided ut th<" buaifK'U nwetlng "'hkh ulso t'1>m· I"'Wft'iiO'atl!'d the foundlne nf the N~Uonal Conves• of Par<'nla and ~awn by ~. Phoebfo llcuat BOOKS .\ "' t)f Bll l.llCS an r o essiOn a o m e n C l ~ Jlf'~.l!\' .l" <-rn Ill\' H'' I hn~ ro•t•onl y S\1 .• n ... ... pn·-a•h·n i. C'rohlt,fru.o c·ur~:r•·" "'" R eport s t o lapters pr<'S<'~t und Mrs ,·,.rna Ancto·rs.m ~:a~ 11 - 1111 l;ll'••ndo•r · nnd while lht• l•ron<'i(llo• sp•'llkt~J' ol t lw tlioy I I \I ... I I \I I t l't I I tot ttl • 1 •-cusac·1n c•111,o11:o 1'111'1• ul (''"''""to · ·•• \\hoi·· Ill"~' 1• ,1,, l:oko· It lu: '"t•·d '" !-:"" o!<·' '"""" 111•. arc•t ---• I I "'" :"''' 1111' • 1• ,.,, I'IH')Silnt u rnums • • . Slw ,q,.,..,.d rx·nthn~ l•'l:l'l11 ltun an .... 111'1111111\ ololll•lt t'uu~o."r•t:·· \'f .. ut•d ...... flo• I ~n .. \\ C'CIIf'lh (I( Jltrm·s -• l':o•,, ... ntlltlllfl(lr tho• Bunnll' \U(' :'-Irs Hulh "'"fl··r lort Ill d··· Tho• ltt\lflO: ~:uo·~ts 1\'ort• clau- OUI ,,,.,, •• ond l'lltlltrl•••l )111' l llrl""' ''""'" IIIII JJI•' t \\. oln• '''····· l.tll Il l tl " '11111~' "" 111 "'It rnand-. P rt"l<t<l• nl lljorutho•rt \\'tlsuo .nn.'l lol! 1 h,qoltl ul """ ,\Jif.!t'lt ~. :1 1'7iTiiHf(l~"llnc:t-!\1r<-l-t;~lo• KIPI' prf'• ffillft•~ · •• r nost•nnn Ill !\:('wport htll~ hduro 1111 ' 1'"111 '11111~ ""' 1 " .!:\ ,,1 .! pan 111 at ... , .. ,a:ol hall ,f 1,1.,, at.~• ,1, ""'" ,1111t "")'. 1611 , 0 ,,.11,.,.d 1111• Sntunhol dtstrwt 11<11 urul "' lh• l 'l~ll<•tl l >:m<:hto·r' sldr-d This )f'nr the• a..:••no•r·:ol Jlnrhor l 'nlom lli~;h school and l1l)' J•a~t 1•1 1 ' 5 "1' 111 ~ of 1-'~turl h 11 " 111, , 11111 , h ;\lo >o l •ou~: ~" \\'11111• 1 '"'" 1,.1 .. 1 1,,.., 111.,, 1 .,1 11 11111 1 ho•o, m•·•'lllll.: rt l ~:t ( · .. nt r,'i' whic-h u • ,( I II" I 'unfNio•rlll'). was ~Udl· ~;>' \\' ~ (' S 11 ill hill'•' '""' hw h 11 ,.,,,.. al 1 o•r ;r rt••ll),!lll I 111 t•\'t>ninL: of t;Uml'l trlrt wo r,. lntn ~IIH••'fl h) \lr' tlf l.ulo• hu• II III h• 1:'"''' ~t···•k· I ,,, lltlnh on.: I·, llltC :onll t>Xpo•r· ~r•.up "'~r•· pl;,nnan~: ''' art•'r111 11M rh•· <talo' pr•·Mtlf'nl. ~llsS Gl·tii'UI ,. tn tho· fall. a nrl Cirdo• 1 planm•rl II ltuff<'l SIU'l"'r was l!<'tl'rd. \\lo)n<• \;J\IIrtJn!'<''WhO ll llllt•tlth:tl tt llon),!"l !ho·ll.,lk "' llr l.h•Jh,,.lt l•ll•tfl ' t.ol.o-. t-1 ••• 111 ,,,.. unetm-j;lool•·cl th:ol th•• OI'.XI lllt'<'flnc tlfl \lnnlt.;,~>Jl.Wr) nl Ha11t .. a 1ti ol lllndl 1111'or p:or·t tn rl \lhll'h 1\IU h ,• to ,\tt••ntlanc ,.,.,.,. f'o·l o•r!y :\lyera, Sin"· Ill!' dt<lrtfl hlld IH'·I·n ... n:tw lin una.: II .. llll!o ,,,,,., 1•1 lh·· Jll" M'l"'" """" .,, "'"'" "'' arc ,, Fo•hrwon 'j \\1111ld ""fl \'~olo•nllnf' '''" Jll•···flfll.! ,f :--; .. utlwrn nfll'lfll'l f•lrtll~h ruiiCII\'frt~t·~ Thl'y also Jlll'tjUt•lynn ,tkno'flkt. Ba rhara 111 ' 11 an l!ll 'l thnt all hut ~"·;t s1o~n t11 1tl 1,,111 1111,111 ,,1.l'• 1,.,11rtlaflc ro 111 prorfl' in. •·h:ora..:t• .. t tho• Ill'\\' ffi<'Hi"' lll'lot Saturrl:ll 111 '!11' %1 111 "1'"'•· planno'd to S<'r>'l' II !\lay hrNkh .. t Pac·karO: (lo·ll)' .la1·khn. Dolort>a IJfPsldt•ntJO oro• Nflll ltvln~o; 110 11 Jl.,,,, ... l>1 s ut tlw srwutl hutar w1ll J( .. nultolrl hr.,.,., 'k" of ttw 6ant.1 I)('T!I r t ... t .. l. . ' 1 1 1 · for tlw \\' !' (' S """ m111lo• "'' Ynun.:. Jo·;ln ;\kCush, l'•·~:r:v Jnhn· hill on<' wt•rr prt'!ll'nl Fourth I ll~· 11, •• \IJ~ Sulm•y ntal'kiM•rirrt and An~ J\rm) "" 1, ,,, 'l"'akii)R 1.. LntnM'hll'l'cl 0110 gu'*~ w1•no n r '~''"' :lt .. nu•nrwr). ass•s "1 11 th" \'t•arly l'illl••ntl.or nf hnst•·~s··~ ..,.,n Johnn\' Sf'ori<'lrl, Eddil:' An· traf't hll~ II mc•mt,.•nhip of 13.311 Mrs r;,.r:olrt fiatf'tii<' . m•·ml,.•r"' ••I r h• I: "'"' l>S .tnd Pro• Kt81r;!t"'ki, .. :taint· \\'o•hh, •\llt•••n :'-I·" .l,onw<> \\'••srptl.thn~o:. "" ;u •l••rt C'him<'s a rl· In ltt•''lnstallt•d in dcr~on, Dit:k tl('an. Johnny C'oun- to dlttt·• . 'r,·s~a•mul \\',.awn• ohah rr l tht·a llartfortl. \'trt.!lfllll (t flnr ra. An1w· tho• 1'1>(' ('r"'""' So·n ·kf' 1 t u ll u~h· tho• rhur<'h anrl ltt•fort• lht• nt•xt f'rlman. Raymond S.ttll. Dtck Wil· Folio" ln~t lunctwon t ('r.•t'd in A marriA.:l' hf'<'OSI' wn.s 'Jsstw•tf Thu~fluy ,., , nuoa: ot1nn•·r mc:-etln · lyn \\'rh:ht. Edyllw \'uslturc h. Ann F van!l or Ln~ i\nt:;••lo .' 11 1do•;r 1 "'' t ml'l'llng memltt•rN arc• to t>arn 11 tw am. Mr and Mrs. f'. Powers, th4 baAf'mt•nt of llw F'trst MHh-n 1 N •1 \".J,·I) 1 k c·• f~ 1\n1~rt1 ..... 'Aoornl "'••ll•·n. ";o·no•l'lf'\t' I• :•u' hor uf "\\I' F1111n t n d;'IITii1-t•:t{'h It"•· art! the fumt. nne! •tr . and Mrs. Owens, Miss Dell ~ lro-1 Wl•f'k to n N·r l 1•, IVl'll • 111 \\'halo· s 'ar ·illo JIIH' •' ~. ·' ' " " We ..... ~t l'-N~ 1 odi&t r hun•l;l an nrn1111n~o: ~kat w11s ~3• of Gh•ndAII' :m el 11arb4ra !?' Th,., •tl<'llk••r wn• ltllrn<iuf't'd h; Apdrt'W!I !lnrt l.latlys ~Wright • ·.r t l'lw~" rt 1 1 1 1 tn n •p•lrt how thry Parnt~ ii Mrs. Dkkt•rson. J.uis NUC'\'l'ro and Mlu Fm'. REI4(4JTA'S t prf'llf'n'"" b)l ml'n)IH'rs of !Itt> f'u.l-"·t ... Mt>mi~<•N l•r•·~··nt "'"r•• C'nrnroll•· Thl• s tnlo' pri'SI o·nt >roue 1 11 \\', .olh('rwa.A wnc; .apl'lOint••d to N<"ll \\ E'Stlakc of PaAadcma .• ~ MI4Titn. :.!4, Corona u4.' "111~'· .lo:on tlo•rrlt'k h• olt h c hiliJ'TTinro 1 f the r •cent h f d 1 Jcrton Council. Muak was hy. thl' K<"nnt•dy, 1 'R)' ('us~rm••. ~11tnlie th1s mc·..t1n~ r..,...,-s o ' t:tk•· l'har)"(\' of tho• <' c•c•r lift --- Wom<'n's Chorua of Fullt'rtcm UIJ· nne! h<l'lh'SS tor h• ' 1 1 flliiJt. ,\ M!ch»lld , r..•rtrufl•· t'nlln·r. ~ora national t'tlol'f'ntton lwld 1n llolllll-1 fi N.,•II int: ~tift~ from tht•U' Mys-.---------------, (.Eirtel» OlnlpbeU, Owner) trlct Junior oollf'll•. dil'f'Ctt'(i by mf"nt will atnrt ut lhl.' l..11thrnp trainf'd psycluatr"\. 1'1' "ralgE'sk• W~tdf'. Winifrc•cl Oilrhrf', Joyrc Pi· ,ton. 'l't>XR!I, nnd slw ulso Jtlll't• lh<' lt•ry f'nl~ W<'rf' norollw Pa~f'. ft..__ A.a IIU Harold Wslbforg. Mra. 'Siph4-rd llll· Junior High, :;,.nta Ana, on ):.'o•h •1~1k•· uf th•• •11111'' "~"" ~~~~ pl'r. Mntif' Rnllinr::. Mildrf'd .<;t 11n. ti'JlOrls nt u lunclwnn A1<'f'ltnl: of \'••rntt AndE'rsoll'; S<'mone Otto and Ill Nertll Jlllla .. ,.... nourtCf'd thf' S tatr Board plans to 4 from 3 to!; o'dock. !l<:,t••fll'f' ""uld t.ok• at' P fl~ 1 1 1 lf'y ROr .. hilrt Stl'phl'n5 Milflro·d llollfywond rhapto·r ht>ld ThurJ>rtay nunn1 Jlarri5. Thr~'<· nt>w nwm -.... I .t.r.M ........ .... t 1Jur oth ·r br·llnf'h('S (t( Ill! d ti'IOC ant . .. . . h ~1 h ' t' '\ . I d 'f ~~ -'hold a convt•ntlon In San Fran-~le~talt•s from "t"W~r ~ -, ' , . 1 h·· Lockhnrt. I-:J11inl' \\',.iss, ~l arr::ul'r· nt I e . U)'lln o <' otl I'H·rs Wf'rl' WI' <'t•mt• . " r!l . nr- (Uo Lddbtc Ub"f)' CoPtalna, I ciaco May I, :l. 3, providing accom-bor lllsth Purt·nt-'rf'lll'hc·~ Asll<i-l ltn: "0111'1 l:fl It) .on 1 )o.IJ(~. ~I I (I{' 'Wny, C:ro•lhu Tuhh,, Crilyce Sc-I lla~thlil.(hls or thl' ('o)nl'('nl oln ~llrf't Mndison. M~!l F.lsl<' Mc- White House Cafe Uw 1Atest_Boolu1~: . mod a tiona can IN' obtalrwd. Mftll-1:'1At 1om w .. r f' Mrs Gunnin~ Butll·r. mand l18 f'asaly 11~ to 11 11 n t vl•'t ' · -rPpor·ts wen • that C'ulifornin rl'· (', 1 1tour;:h and Mr~ Coyla• Munson. ~hlp sx-tPI"I Wl'l'~ .daapl~ty<'d J\lra. Aurdwk. !\Irs. c;r,.tr~l' <!A Y, ·nw ln,·••:llt:hllun~ uf Ann.l F'~rn lfohhs, Otorothy Rnhin!IOrr,' ~ivrd tlw pri7..e for the mo.~! puh-llfrs r n Kipp II PIXlintPd lhf' -.:=! ~':: .'t:. ....._ !•round thl' a\ldltorlum. Anolht>r l Mrs C. S. Ktpft. M rs Wf'lllt•y f ow· f'r••utl an lhr 1.:111• an lw•lr.ol'lor '''. F.val)n Rid,.r. lltld11 nri~C'Oe. Mt>r· ltf'i~r I!I.)Cn SidnE"y Ll1ni~·r. Suulh· follmnng l'ltmmittf'<' hl:'ads: Mrs Phone 3182 ~na Beach, Calif.. 1--------------' class In thfo· Slate-r Kl!'nny trl!'at-lcr, and M rs Jprrold Sp~~ngl•·r. rhaldr••n dunn~ l.1•n•lun t.nmb~n~:-. <'f'd('s \'a If', f:llf'rn Jlihhlll~. Doro-•·rn pnt'l. who w;rs nommntf'd fnr !.on~;. dt•l'otiomt: Mrs. Raymond K Kh•IW<'<I drftnll• I) 11\'11 ns l,wlr I thy \\',•in•'r. MI'IA .nnrhmnn, Lol~ thr• H1oll of f'arnt• Mrs. Lalltnn P.nstrn:an. rp<'mh••r<hip: Mrs. Otis pt<rt'nl~ IH'I, "" \\ill' IIH· ··hlldr··n 'S immons. n"''Y . Rar~lllf1. Ruth PrichC'II or LA J.;'Una f'\C'ach Is sta ll• \\'f'IIIIH•rwnx. t'b('('r ; . Mrs. Clyde fll't ami m••nllvno tl ·111 lhl!l ron· l.t'rra~h Aid:. l.'orton. Dorothy d irl'rtnr for thl:' work and wa!( t ltto. h:r/aar : Mrs LcrO)' Pag(', nh·tion •• n· • "'lflllfl"11"" he hro•l Sllthf•rlanfl Man:llrf't F:~<'. Doro-rt•t•apit•nt ''' thl' prlzf' Th<' nati~nnl hMpitAhty: M-rs .B<'IIy Kirhy Pad· tlt'4--,. .. ' Announdng --. the Opening of Irene's Balboa Beauty Shop Wednesday.,.. Ja'\'ary 23rd 305 ~ Main Street Balboa Aba'.te the Florence B&J<~ Phoae 1sso for A~tnwat ·. nindo• of :o ~count: f11•1n 11 rio h.ul t hl':t Wilsun, .fonn llf'rrlrk· nnd "t~:tfii7RI1110 has Plrdl:<'d $.~ dow'k. puhHC'il} f111wn on 13~1 l~unltlna.: m\!1~1~1\1 and :\lnurln•• Crnar;: I toward thl' h.ron71' hu~t of L1~nlrr, _ •<·umt> out f••••li 11L: m .. r.· . .111' · bflr t.. • nnd Calafornan UllC' will 1'atsr a l1lCll1.all.)• W:L.vtu~h.lu~dha n Wh.ul_ ---rnrt·ot-tt. I H arbor Hi PTA ht-;-stnrl1'1'1 lrp• ~>lit:.olions lhO\\-Mus ic al Pro~ram f o r Miss Edna Fmllror nf '")!! An· E -·Bd t o Meet T ues 'I'd thnr hi ... &htlt.lh•• wl hH d lll'<'n .:~n 0 D ,t; • r;:f'lt'!!. stat,. h istnnnn. t<'C'<'il'ro X · · {'l<l'l•ptlunnll) ""PI" ono· With I r gan • e':V.eatJOn h!J,!Ilf'SI mi'Oilon r~r lhf' mos t his· I .. Expert Shoe Repairing --=. Wllile You· Wait I ••• plt·n~llnt r\·lnta"n" • "~lin~ b:'IW('• n .-tnrif'.'ll dntn sutmull•'<l to lh<' na-J Nf'l\'()ttrl Hnrhctr (hl\'t school his parr ots AII•'Cpnrtf'r F' RPIIIy of Lns ~n-ti11nnl histurtan In 1111r hond tmiM. Pnrr nt·'T••aeh<"r AssocJataoh ex'~; P<'rlmt"' th•· m,,..., "''"•nnr:: wortl a~e&. nntf'rt hrl:l•na~t .• nnd his Wlfl', Cnllfornin di1iswn morf'. than til'!' ho,1rd "'II mf'l'l T\Jf'!lday Jan 515. East Bay Front Nl!'-rt DoOr to Palm <'ate Ray Pagan ! In his !11lfl11·nrf' '"'~that n menta l .\lrro· ~ndrf'll'll Rrtll). W<'r<' It~~~ I mnd•• thr quotA fond rf'f'f'l\'••d II 29. at 9 a rn. In th<' bonrd room I condllinn "r nltt•rnlltin~ upe a nd nrta~t!! "'. thf' dl'dkat ion ~l:'rvtccs dtntion from lhl' ll. S. Sun::con of thr high school. All offict•rs and downs 1~ t•nt1r••l) rwrmal nnd thai for th~ P11''' llrl-!110 at C:orona del Cc>nl"ral. whllr ~lis~ l\lnnt~nm,.ryl chalrmc·n ar<' ur.:l'd fQ. attt•nd. !.....-------------thr pt>rs.<•n llho lin•$ at a n <'VCn Mnr (ommunatly rhurl:'h, \ongre-1 r·('('('i\'l'd 11 :\1rnutf'man l:'ltntlon rate is th<' 0n,. in a dangeroua con· t:AllnnRI. S~ndny nftf'tnonn fr11m the St'crt•tan 1•f thl:' Trf'a!l· 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dition. Ml'!l. Rl'tllv ~tnl'f' a~ rontraltn ury. 1 I k th drawing so I o" llnrk, II ark ~y Soul I Un f'f•h 11 Mis~; 1\\ont.:om••ry I Th<' SpC'n ~·rhl\\~ln 11 ~UIK'S and ISh,.llyl And Th•• \'uil'c Jn thf' will 1·isit thr niw·n idl:' chnj'IIC'r prt 7 <'. a lWt n l:f 111 g 1 1• -r \\lildN'nC'ss 1Sm111. Mr Rl'll~ And" will hi' ~urst f•1r lh<' night at thf' hnstt'U WM nr tuna e w nrw h 1 .... J J r , , Jt wns gnl'•· 11l< ' " prr '"'" N!ll. oy o lhl:' hnmt:' of Miss Ednn Pien•• In thl' "blank• I <Ira wang. Mnn's D~irlng I J S Ba<'h I. ----. .J -.... Wltf'r<''<'rf' You \¥nlk lllandrll, N Mesa Cub Pack. l.ar~to I llandt•l) and ~man<"e eW <Grunfl'ld \ F'vr thr offc•rtory hi' Pla·n s Many A c tiv ities plnyt'd Air on lh,. C String t nachl _ I Anrt for thl' postltrrt... MArch SoAp rarvlng wn" thr indoor Triumpha l r Vor::t I. wurk fnr hews nf the n•·wlv form«! MATERNITY Dresses • Suits Slack Suits· • '"Robes • • Featured By Jumpers Bed Jackets Donna -Marie ~hoppe · Aftrr lhf' !lf'rvirr lf'n WI\S sc•rv<'<l Of'n 2 of th<' \ub Srout · Pnck of 515 North Main St •. In thr !I<X'ial hall r c15t11 J\t('Sil which ml't Friday at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ ~======~~~~=~~========~====~~~~====:::::::::::::::.:~~:~========~! ~ thr hom,. of their 04-n Mothcr.1: ---------Lutheran Women Mrs. Ht>IC'n Mirko,·lf'h , 144 RO<:hl'»-~~----------------------1 S · ty tl'r lllrf'l'l. Costn Mf'!la. and hllll<'· OCJe hall was thf' outdoor fun. . 0 \.11, SOt ~ AveDUf' Saota Ana Arcadr Bldg. You M SIH'n In n -:nRUARY CH ARM i - ..... glance ••. • In know a ; •l They'r~ • • Swansdo1vrL.J FUhjonJ with a distlnC'l ell'1t8~ ... an lllr or l!Ophlstlcation ... wonJt>rful tailoring you aS$0CI11te w1th this lin~ lalx-1! .' TUm th<" Jlfl~l'lt of ll"adlnR fllllhlon mngazinNJ, you'll St'(' tlwm. l,'hcy'rt' lovely! Thl!'y'rt' hrrt' exclu.•lvely! Com<' try them on In our spring·brlght fa..'lhlon salon. \ All are hf'11utllully ra.yon ll.nt'd. ,.l ' ' Afl <t't'n in J .\:o-:t· ARY ;\tAJ)f-:~11 •ISF:LU: nt:rn:H ;\I'PAilEJ. -~ , ---This was thl:' si'<"'nd mcctlnit of I ~; ltv""'ou~~ E Ph 1.,_ ~~ Riduu d Hubhl'll wall host-the pack. lh<' (irs! onr hf'ln~ on V" Balboa hlaad -on~ n"'' MilS ilt th<' or~tanlzatipn mf'l'tin~ of Jlln. 11 w1th thl:' m<'Piin"' devoted h ... . Ul I y .,..,_'nty ,., o -n Saturdays Until Moy l~t t 1' ... omf'n 11 l ... u onar ·~1' <'nlirelv to workln~t on the f><'n ,... 1 of thf' Nl"WpolT't Harhor Luth~rnn scrap hook, hccau.w of the wind. I • I:AUTY Clesro on Monday church, at h<'r hom(' on .Newport The boys hiiV<' equlp!T\('nl for arr h· Island. with Mrs. Ruth 8(-blen as l:'ry, boxing, baM'ball. football And, WHER.E HAIR STYLING IS AN. ART IISIIIItlng h<l!'IP!IS at tht' IIOCial 1 hour which followl'd th,. bUllin<'u C'R rpenter w~rk a~d a;-c:-cnthusins-Our aim iB to enhance Milady's beauty and provi~e\ ~ton :ir nbout P ans or uturl:' ml'l:'t· the ultimate in beauty care .: . 1 Mrs Throdorf' llal»r of Coata nlfl!. Mf'la wn~ I'IN't.·c'r'pr t'sldt'n t lind Wnrren Ch<'St<'r is Den C'hil:'f HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERV1CE nnd C'uhs urr c.-orgC' and ViC'tor Mn~. F:dward Wikut. nlso of Cost11 Moorl:'!l. l)(onnls lfnnson. Arthur Ml'llll, Is ViN'-pr uidC'nt. Othf'r of-f)('l~ndo, Gordon Suttl:'t fit>ld and fi~rs ar<' Mrs ErnE'S! Schultz. N('wport Rf>~tch. l!t'<TC'IIU'y and Phillip Mlrkovlch. Mrs. M. K LauriC'. CO!Itn Me!ta , M H ----H-- tN-IIIUt«'r . esa ostess a s J«>. v. ll<'rhf'rt C'. Roth. PMtor <l Friends f o r Bridg e I the church. lr'CI In d<'votlona and . • lntrodu~ thr R'UI:'!II llfli'Rkt'l', Mra., M H M'JI11 t 1 • t'd Eva Ma~musson. prl'!lidl'nt of th<' "· omM' l' o <'0 l:'r. atn Wom('n's M l~sionnry sodl:'t·y of St. w ith hridltf' Thursday I:'Vf'nang at I P 1 · Ev 11 1 h ur C'h Santa hrr hnml' on F'lnwf'r slrl:'et, Costa ~ er • angr ca c · Ml"'a. sf'r.•ln~t a di'!ISCt't course. Ana. I Floral d('('(')ratioM hrnu~tht 11 n~4:' -------.-ur sprinJ.t. \\'l th lhtn•'1'•' hit~. nar-1 Costa Mes a Carcle 6 II riMII~ a nd Olhrr hulh flowrr~ ~I'd. I Meets Thursday Th(' hO!II!'I!!I hf'lrt hi~h scorr. __ .. , '~ --- ========~~====~--- Telephone 1347-J for • FIVE-DAY SERVICE· on Cleaning and Laundry ... rs r. an e ~~,... llnrrv Rurrtaf'k low and Mrs M ,.,. A '' d,. Wlllk r .,...111 .M rs Kl"nnl"th Stewnrt was secot;td. 1 bE' hOiti'D for the m<"E'Iing of Cir-Eclwarfl Morrill hr ld huf\drt'd cle 6 f1f C'MIA :0.1C'sn \ommunfty hnnnr Othr·r~ pr•·~Ntt "'"rf' Ill<' 0 7 C t HI h churC'h on Thursday, J11n. 24 nt M~stiRmf'~ ~:rn"~' :O.fcCI<'nan .• kr-10~ oa.'l g way 2 p m Rt_ hf'r homr fin Avocttrln rnlrt ~rnncl,.r. ('IA11rtl• Andf'r~nn I Pick-Up-and Delivery 'Ptrl Phifhart. Manager CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS atrt¥1 Thts "Ill IX' th•• ftrst mt•t•l-onrt :\1 .1 J1,,..1,.11rr 11·ho pla1,.d ~===========-==-:-:-:=--:-:::-:-:-~~;~~==~=~ ln~t of thE' )'<'Or . ll' !ttth~llllllt• for :'-tr·:o; Rfr hnrrt - I •1 1 int:tr, 11 ho WR!I nlll\l:'nt b<'CIIUIIe Frenchie's Delicatessen 1111d Barbecue Balbna Inn \rr"d" Ulolr. -~- pat'(' Riho;; e <:hid.;t•n Lmnh e l 'rimt' J:ihs of Bt'<'f e I loll dPt.: ..... • B.u l•·~ hd 1 rt 1h• I mou-. ~l :unl• ,, :--;,, ·•I l t•a ·All 1\.or 1\-l,l \I olooll• < ( u1n1•!l•l•• ,, .... " nf S hrimp e l.ull'.h•r; . 0 \ <if('I'S hnpnrlf'tl ( hl'l',f', i"flnlln«" "nd \no·ho\ I··~ nf illnrs~. FAC R ridge M eet s 1 \X' cd ncs clay Afte rn oon 'I ho l<rul ·• ~~ o '111n 11f Ito•• 1-'rot1.11 \fJI'tJU••fl t I •It tt( (',.,,, \1•·'-·' \l oll n • ··t \\, dno·<ol.11 .l.o11 :::J "' th•• ••11• r ·~·Ill pf tho• , I 'Ill 11 ilh 1\lr• I; I 1.11•-. nh:ot'f~ mul :'-lr~ ll••nr• I l"L:• II , .............. t. ,,, ' n. ~('rVn1t•~n~ h:t\ ,, h. t n "'·ttll r.lr '1\~ht nr nint' !:dolo·~· 1 t 11 ~~~ a ~nn for Mr. nnd Mra. f I t ' r I '•II =~· : f" t•\ 1\ f l!.allo,>:~ l~lrtnrl. born ·'""· 18 lit sa.. ,). '''ph lht,l\l l·tJ If, II o't~ht•d 1 ldlf pntuul!i; f,,,., nt·u·~·· Jl'• 1 l:l'lll'r l'nnt.ng C'l\11 12 or t1 A.~.LMARK Greeting ~ards I February· llfth Valeotine Day DhtiMtk-f' C«X'tunM', Indian an•~ Stwll .fp"·t'lr~· LAMPS • VASES • FIGURINES .Newport Soavenlr ·.and Gift Shop "'• \\'r.p otfta I _. !If! ~ l"r9ttt In choosin g your b ~troth a I st~ne you 'w1nt the vNy fi.nut ·for /the pric~ yt>u can afford to pay. No ITiatt•r how much you decide to in v • 1 t, you will find the b • at telection for your money here •. we•.,. • wide choice ot dlemondt In every pr!c• ral'lge. BUY AN\'TIIISO AT RF.AR8 TotaUnr "0 or More oa · F~r Terme Sears, Roebuck I Co. Aat,.rti'UI a F1ttll. lAm,? lk-ai'Jt 0ptoe PI'&. a BaL '1111 1:11 (