HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-27 - Newport Balboa News TimesI THE SAND CRAB Sl BDJVISIOM& An edd situation has arisen in a~ pr'Oving adjaL-ent .atn.>age fo r wu1exation with an appar- ent conflict ~'tW('('fl t•ounty and city planning boards. Last week tht' city planners ~ appr'OVI.'d "Harbor llclghts", a trn<.1 of 7'l lots, with the pr'O\iso that &e\\'t.'rs be in- .talled "within a reusonable tJme". Almost at the same tJme the county planners atabmitted "Bay Shor'eS," a tract of wveral hundred lots. &tnrting opposite Heinz Kais- er's setup, for apProval with septic, tAnks. lead1ing Hnes. ek .. but "0 se'\\"CI"S. In th£' first lnstaDL'E.' T. W. Jlt'fldC'r- aon makes the ::mn£'xation n 'fJuC'q and in tht> seconc1 Til£' Jn ;rle Co. owns t~ bmd. Jj i~ presumed that eventually· Bay ShOI'E.'S will a.o:;k ·to aNttPx. as under prt~­ ent nM~ all sulxlivisionS wlfhin thrre miles of a city mu"' apply for appr'Oval. However. the II e ll d e r s 6 fl pif"<.'E.' is unimproved and does not lk"ed sewers yet. Just why Bay Shores does not want sewer'S, even with- out city approval. SC<'ms con- trary to the first rate im- proveme nts Jas. Irvine al- ways instaUs on t\is proper- tteG. One has but to refer to Costa Mesa's anti-sewer con- dition to realize what a mis- take would ~ ma de to per- mit this rapidly growln~ are1 to be developed with- out adequate sanitaty pro- visions. It is as foolish as what hAs ha ppened in the past with na rrow s~reets, un- restricted SE'<"tions. unhatD> ~red bu11c1ing: If Ha rbor Heights must exJ'('nd $20,000 for sewe.rs why should Bay Shores be permitted to go ahead with relics of Chic Sales days. along a bay shore that becomes more valuable with the fleeting years! • • • 8enwy ao..U.~. Did you ever 'Stop to think that it ~ day takes from four to siX months to build a moderate- sized house, as against 10 weeks t o th~ months ·In the pre-war days? That means at 1<-a!l 500 of Ume is wast('d. which could easily produce 100,000 more home!' in the U. S. Why does nnt government plan to take up that slack. due to slow la- bor a nd material, Instead ~ grea.s1ng ·poUHciaAA palms te th<-extent or a billion ? Why not reg\Jfate the flow of su~ plies wtth some sepse or_ cor- rect a labor situation that H('f"'ry Ford says is :W~ in- efficient? • • • -..n of •obbiM. Over on Balboa Island app!fti'S ~ .Harry Fors~1he. man ~ many hobbies. who has romP to nearly the last chapter ~ Blany enf('rpriteS-that of a photQ~traphic supply ~ore. He coml's here from V:lll Nuys. whrr'f' N \\'ns sup- J"'IS('d to t'l'tire four yf'a r-s a.sn tn 0 rn i:-:lnf' hi rdo.:, nowers and phnf •)ifl':t p!l~· But nil this w.~c: tno t: '~'C' for an <'f"· glnt'<'r . :.n ;tirp! 1n 1• lno.:t 1111'· tor. etr· . 1'11" •• :-" h" hnd tn ~t tntn hll!--in•'"-" h1.1m ••o.:s. Hi<: -~t"i ~ '''""' in Hle• :I r' tlf lfll\inl! nnd tran ... fl'rnm: like- nr..,sf'o; frllnl )t"n.., tn Jl[l(ll'l" ~ill IK• lwlpf11l to :~tn:!h'l lt' 'U'lrl pm alik•• + .. • Nr• Heada•·h" Tlw "oriel 00 lllfl\'1'. :'\1\\\ ("Pn11'0.: ''Dot·" Stri('kc•r \\ ilh 11111' nf lhnSf' nP~ . f.tnt:lrrl ho.t t -:lilt'"· hearts intn tllf' ha~ ft'llnl 11 ~,.,.,,1 e nrl :mel I,; w11 rn•"l't bY lhl' hadw•t11111•11f•r Ul:tl ll';o; ag'in tl~ nt11•o.: l'l launrl'l c r a tl nn•r ~ll'l'1•t t'flfls . Nnw \hi" qll£'!1ti•'W'l ~~~ ise-.: wlwn io.: nn auto a hn:ll :U1rl wh~n b ll :w a utll: nl>:n rl~ 11 mnhi• h::lvf' a right tn hekf' tn lh~ wat~r off a strl'l"t 1•nd" • • • 0 A"~ ~41 b 1'" Dt an. Sfrnrn Ana's Cm•n ~hc'C't !'<~Y" t:.1rt S ta nll'y mil!ht ntn for Clyrlf' \\"at<:on 's jnh. as ('lyrl•' is aft('r.~t:l tf' ~rn:-~for Tommy Kur hPI'. post. Al..;n i" :-~ l't'· port thHt .Tim F:lrfluhrt r. Huntinr~tnn 11t':t<'h puhli,lu•r , wnulc1 shy his ch:t(X'nu into tht' arena nnrl t h<tl .lCY' BN:>k l!! a lso nlrtin~ with lht> icit"a Any others? .. _COsta esa -Edition e J pG l I;tattoa-New~ ·Tiines ,I. ·~· 1 em IWebb s·uccee·ds Patters~n as City_Engineer Costa Mesa Opi.niOOs Divided 1 On Incorporation; Some Favor 1Waiting, Others Joining N. B. Sewer and Water Problems Govern Many Opinions; Coat Held a Detriment by Some Land Owl}ers; Only One Against Idea Val'icd opinions w<-re t'XPI~!'t~ by sewm l Co:-ta M ... ~,· resiclc•nts on tht• qlK'stiQn "shoulrl CO!'ta Mto:;a inl'Orpontt£', join NC'wport Beach or remain j n nn unincoqX~ratro st<t tus?" .. i • .. _ !three New ,cuy. De~rtment · Hea~ Named --;-~:~ : · · !fr~By -council as . PaHerson leaves Job; -· Covert, SuPt. of Streets; McMillan, Water . ~ INew Potdtion of Publ~ Administrator May Be Created for CoL J()hn I J. Sadtnr~-AMistin« City Enginl'er and City t•urehuin•; Webb · fc,ollows Pattenon on Plannlnw Commiuion I Mortar Shells A. pnmal \'C"OI'Kftnlz.alJan ol \he ~ heidi of the city fulltM•In~ tlw n"'l~otnntlon nf H. I,,; Pnttf'I"'KWW AI d~ f't'lKtnL'<-r And wntt•r Kttpi'rlnh•nck-nt •t'f(N'tlw u ot Fehnary 2H ~atf'd J . H. Wrhh . ..-J~r1nh'fldi-nt or ttti'Hta to the otnce Death Takes Harry Rl~er of Balboa l~and in a symposium conduct('d this WN'k by the News-Times. "()()("" MTRI<'IU:R \~~~~~;;r~~~~~~=~~~~~~J=-'~"At1~~J~QI: S.lrnl' of thl>!t<; quo•r~o•tl Wt•l'l.• in froa& aear ht• hotrw-, 111 IJ1~~::fl:~~f;:~:~~~~-,!J~~~rJ~fJ~~~~~~.;~~~!!~--il f• hlrlr "''hkh ntnto ·aJn111 '""' lllpWaJ a& .. MIIH fl"'r, or •"'•-at .J• M-.. 111--Ilk I l ol ~r. Bill < \M •t't, who hall bl-.-n ..,.._.,, .t\111 of tmmN1mtl' lniV'I•Iratton I "Ill .aablf' lhl' w .. ll """"-. .. ~ 1,1 --. .. r .. ~ ,,.... ... .,.. \ Qft,l ~· CW N' lf't~llnlt' ancl Oth~'rs dtrl nut b('lh'V(' lhC' )'adat ful"fthhht~~~r .tore 011 N.....,t .._..,, ...... ,...,..,, &o .._......._ I • ~J Wt'bb lliaM bHft!"-lalllllt dtJ community ~·~~~-ro•ady e>r Ialli•' I 1 •11boto b' o~•hrdtl_ n)ur~ .-nlll_. u w.,ll u ,,,...,, aup<r· \Seek R 1 ~:;:~~~ E'~:!~~~::s.::-:5 1EW AMPHIBIOUS JEEP =·~ ~~ .. ~ :n~ "r;.:;;~:; ·S ezone "f''"IM wu """"-~ •>o wh•th"' Ao '"'"'''"'m of '"" --;:"!,!"~'!,.":"'~' ,:;•-:::. T Bu•ld H tel ~~f"~~:~~sr~~~~~~ DELIVERS ·yo , BOATSIDE ::i;.~?l~E·!:'$·.~ :?.-~ ~:I~~~.w·::~:;.[ o t o Mar Nrw1"""' ~~"''" d urtnc n-nont ...,_,_, wu lo rrmaln the aanw., Balboa . r.v ... ryonr agr('o_-4 that th~n> Wf'f'kll ••• "'"• l'olf'ltaln.-d In a pofl('f' " -UIIIOUftC'I'd b)' lhf' I'OI.UM"tl l n lX'ath Saturcia)' C'ndt'd the wen · Cl•rtain ndvanta~:•~ to h.• "N«'t'd ni'W yacht rurnlahinp• ffporl tl\t·r '"'" w...-k rnd ~ atwrnoon aftrt' a alar ('arf.'('r of H&rry Em c>st Rldl'r, 57, gawwd by inCOijJOration hut !IOI'TW Wht•rt• or•· you ri\oorl'd Wt''ll &-· Twtt , ... n. II t.. 'MIIr lln ttnd llnn-~ -'on aut ThuMICSiu' Of)(' of thC' ootahle rii:'Jrf'S on Bal-fl'lt lhat lhl' costs would bt' prn· 21 y Old V t llvf'r •,.111 rh:ht to yOUT yad1t" 11ld !o'ti'Jthrn ,.,.,.,,. lli'arh-nJmtttna ...,_t. - llOII lsh•nrt, wlwrr ht' Uvt'd 1ln.ce htlutl\t' anrt lht' art•a ('<)Old n111 • e•· ~ · Sur h may l:lfl th~ anawl'r nM M"ar lhr ~11n111 Ana RIYf'r mCJUth .OJJCJ&',.IIIoln tn 11 .....-cl d\aftlll 1919. and husband o( Evalyn ltid<'r.l stnnd tht• exr~t'nl<<'. An nnnn~mouo, To Run for 11r 111,.~'~~. flnt' da)'ll wh~n l>r. ~-llltf' !';11,.t11y nh.:ht wti.'n thry ~ '""'""''I'" wntna from R·l fo C·l at tM ffll" mnnV )'l'llr!l pCl8tma51('( Oft the llJ:Mt'UttUMSI. WhO lnCitlfontnll\ c c u· f-It ~t~~C-, Jl IC'VI'rf' t'll Jftl(llllf'l Of'lr fhf' ...,.-r eUr1rrln~ rftd of thr flafboa Plf\lnMIJa ... Island. Jo'uneral, Mrlliet'S wert' lwld was th .. unly one fiUt'~IIOnM In,.~: ity ounc ' commnnder or 1-"lotilla 26 Cn the ou.fl pan w _tJMla In ordrT to lhf'_JIUI".J_l(JIIt' nf It£•'"'-a ~· - TuHday at two o'clock at Grauel s~l'r nt·s:atiwl) on t>ith••r propo· c041111 r.uard Kl'ta 11 CAll 111 hla rww llftockf'd ~ hy ,t:., f'IC'plcJdaD. al-rnab ~ a--IUon AVa alilr o nta -2 And S, Dloni P ln..,.,.aef"IJI. ChajX'I, .,Costa Ml'sa, with graV<'·'I "'llf>n, d('('lllrtod. "if in~rporat iol) A !1-yrar..W rf'hlmflt .-. yacht rumlAhinp atnn-, th& Sea-thouah .l h<'Y """'" " ~..,.. OtJwrt; wtao hM t-n .. lelant whlr h """'" aald hy JoN! VCIIIII. sidt> military ll<"r\'let>S at Weat-Nmv•• m, I'll hav<' lo movt• out." ,., .. oi' \\"oriel •·ar 11 kM takM port romp~tny. whl~h ha• ~ 8 • diAl anN-away. • • · ~ ....,...."""'*"' fUf' aome thf' Pf'lllk:lf'll'f In be Mat to Ute m inst<'r by American Legion P..-t Pula lllf'wen 11nt MJI nuaa '*'"'"' for lllle ~-tabltahcd In thl' fnrmtr Hayward Nt)llf) InK JJOIIN' lht•y awaited thN. lie ·..unM!d the pcll!tlon ot I &Jrn&M>f'l)' IIIII uaed bJ tha .,..,, 291. Its mt>mbcrs also ading u 4 L Pmckll'y. drug~o;l•l : "Tnlk l'llnuualr riM't'! Ill• -.. Lumi.M'r oompt~ny office. movf'd to Kl'nny C .. •rton aui.ta nt cit&fof and hNd ot that .,_,tnwnt wllh • w•• f'll(!l'f'IIIN'd at Uw! ,......,. paJlbcarers. " • nr mrorporatlon should ('Om(' after 8t .. ,,.,. ~. • -ale Newport boull'vard, at thf' N'W'I"V«' otfl~ Frank GIU« wtMJ aaJ.ry WUd him by thfo oouncll ftlfhl 1'1'1«!41tlna of U~ dtr .....aL Mr. Rider in Ule 3)'1 and 30"a tht' li('Wf'r siluatlaa 111 ....,medled or -Uff' .._.. Ia .......... _. ctt&l of lhf' hill above the' Archca. rwthrd to tl\4-~-~~-. ot..., PR' monltl. I Mn. Newman, U"'-1 .,.,_. tM took an active lnterf'St in local solvPd. I believe that lncorponr· ...... tf'4 p,..._t fll &M .-...& .0.:, Stridl"''l llhin)' rf'd a ... IM)' round lltn hot rmbPN ol tiW ... fill 001 ...,_._ llrHI raiMd tM!t Voice .......... and oounty politics but ncv"' u-lion would follow withm a Y<'Rr or hnd)' "' "'""t:a ..\11a .luoJer C'41-wtiftf. amphlhlma11 J•'~'P whk h hf' <'kPI<lllh'•' tn.11 holl' •bnut two fei'C Jallll lllcMUlan. leW\ ot Uw f<JUDo lowtnc Uw '"""'tr to '-_.. pirt'd to orfiet'. Thl' Ridl'rt ha\"C 111 monthll, thl' solutloe to lhU 1•"1 ,. l u•l ~,_.r aflr r ltf' rf'IUrtW4 ha• ju~l hrnlll(hl lil\""11 In tho> hllr·l tlt .. 'p In lht• •11n11 nl lhf' pumplnl( lft-r ftr tfw Wllll'r lf••l•nrlttu·nl 11nA ,,.,. """'"'""• 1111 •tw; wanotf'ditO ..... livt'd hf'r<' (or 26 )'f'an. J:Xo.cf'awod probll'm.' ·. from lh<' _,n·t•·•·· •••r 11nd kl'l'fll In ... 1ar ... at rl,.nl l'il'f'f'tl nf lin rmm what h..t frtr m~tmr w11no ,,.,.,,.._.. IH nt•'rHI II r••Jd&>nllttl, ahf' a..Ud 'rlle ,... was born In Jamestown, N. y , llownm W Ct>rri«h. 1n~uranc1' · •'hll•• l.ur~urltm"111cl ._ eM 1112 w R~ty ,.,.1,nuf' Ia lh«' "n· llf'f•n n ,,.,. ll""''" rln C'IJftttd,_. '"«trw-walf•r •""lrrtl, alalh'"'od "' 1'11"11 In lh•• owrwe· Hid lha\ all Wher<' Ont> sister , May R i .. r , aur-1 brokpr : "'I am not In Cavor or join· ~ I (.!h d '"' ,._ r!'f'"• ... toollj '""'• to thl' ct.ll••••ry m11n·11 priiYft' ,.,.,.,,. ~'"''"'" 11 l••ut Nn onr h11p. rtwo pumfltN 1)1""'· lw'('llrnt• w~tlrr dur1nR l hl' war that lndullr1al- vivcs. lk>11th was due to a ht'artl in~-: Neowport. J think that . we uul If• • ,.,;p.·r-finm C'll!' n...,. ,.,. will ,,.. "'"''" rnmplln~llnn~ ;ur~ ~Jt·n.•d 1o t .. • htlurcd _ j ~t.endrnl In the 1Ull11C • nf loll adjofnlnt hie ~~ attack a!tr r a Jl'"OiractNi lllnt'll. ~hould inrollJOI'"81r n..,., 8lld tb81 l"rlnr.. R:n.•hnrl y .... tr rdAy. Flrr I ruunrtlm: it~ uao• In lhl' lmy &l'f'l N•·11,., lhl' lnf'n dlll4'frvwed lan· don. 'l'tlf' t'rllltll'll vull'f1 hlru 11 M ' lhnt " ,,.,.11~ motor ~ Many sorrowinlt fri<'ncll 1111end-Sf'Wrr ~~t olh<'r pn>bll'm~ would h i• r 'Frank C r ... ,,., •mit""' ,mnolll•'ll out """"r lllumln11111 t'f>nt11Jnrr at and llf'Y a lito nf mn •••r rnunth "' 1111 1 '111'"" hall mal'lo· furt.her ,..... rd t hP ·last ritet. Rev. E D. be snlvt'd aftrr lhl' commun1ty bf'· "oat lllf· dl41 ani kao\4 101tf'tllft I Thl' fllmoua 1111 1,, 1'"'1' •• 11 ~on-ln1o1 AI•>UI t"'"" f••rr hlah ... eM ., .. tathrt' rf"llr•-d 1••1 f11ll 1•f•• • '1''111 1"1 11"",~lf'l","'011" Goodell, pastor of the Nf'wrrort I COI11('!< mrnrpornted." I• I-,.,.,,.._,, In t.._ ftrr d..,..,._ ll••r of lrond And Wlllt•r lol(~omol 1,111 rm rrlnto: f1111r 411 '""' antl-nir1-r11n arorvln« ,.-It h. lhr I'll Y for 11 "'(v ll··~•d• • ,..,,., • h•tt,.r ••aplalrwcl, Bt•ach Church By-the-&-8 , offi~-Lnrry F.w,.n. rucllo bu~lat·~l' m•••t " .. "'·rimae or aoL "lt"a •h•·ll• '1111'\ ~··r·· Ill<• unlv ll•·r ~~ )'f'llnl Ur la flnf' nr 1111' rllnnN>'t'W, 11" " •• "' "' h•ll '"'''" ,....,. , _.. 1 II tra"•la 11lons.: lh•• hll!hWit)' 111 60 11 t 1 latin ... Mr Rider wu in thn ('trsl mnn· "l n11 nut ho•li•'VI' tt1o1 CO!' Ill ••Mil t u t .. n ahoul ••-....... ldt t11 ,,.,. ,.111,, 11~ 1111v .,111 • .-.. vin~t "'""" hM"I' '" ""' tl11vo '"' •'<•n•' •'f.'J I\ "" ""'••~, lola, and .. ' M I p••r , 11nd thrn •lr iwn intn Wlll•·r. ... -.,-II •. World War and •ftrv~ tn ,...... """ s rt'aliy In inro,,.Jrllll'. I 1~111"" .. J,.,... tlu m ,.,.,Jif lu11 ,. !•lnwr1 1111 11 •nlllll ''""' lhr nty Wlllll "rl'""lt•·•l nr11l ,,.,.,, "'"" lloo •'VII"'n•'f· lh111t .._ ~ """ '"" I rlnt~ta with lh•• rr··•tl'lll nt rMt', ), I ' !';avy and was on the r£'llrt.'d list. hC'h••v(' lhlll lhl' bf·st """P at pr••s· _ lt(•lng pro-llt'(j 1, ~~ ,,,1, 111111 ,, luulrlln~t 1"•11•·· •uhl ~ on thr o l•l Suulh•·rr1 l'n "':'n)' " • ro•lu }' In • 111ndton Ill H(' had IH'<'n 11 mPmht'r '\,( tJko l'nt would he to join N•'W})I")rt ~ II ,..., , ..... "I M. 1 T1w nfflr<•na l•••k Uw r~mllllrwr d flr piN" "''"'" lurool .. ·r ahll"' 11111 11' llvlllo .. lhtor,. ~rh .. •R~heC'"ter' WUJ pr.op.. ••r II .... ~nrru• "I••· II II _, .. -I II• •PI •n nl I • v 111 th t locAl L<'idon poet tr• lr. llk'<'p-, · ~ ~ ll•'·~ nhoul r1,,. 111 c-J..:I'It rnll•·~ •·llol!•·rly ''' llu• "'""'"'· ""' ,.. -..., __ ,piN" l,.fnr•• '''~ ' • ' · """' •-r. •11 a tloe. 1 Ornni.• Jln~tland. nuto d<'akr: · IU~t·•l ttw 11rrnv llo·mnlllifln .,1,_, '"'" uf tlor• N'ntw y Wlt••ro .111ton llw 111111~ l1111tt• lu•d t~rt thr p6er .. , . f ,._ ... M"Ar Cruiser ··r h'"'r '" ~ .. ,.' "' ,., II , ' I ... k.... nd 1 fiCOI"lJJO"3110n Of' """"''" ,....,., ~ I ·n1,. ""l'l••'"" loMf 111...s. tfwo)<· .Mt·MIIIIIn ar r,.tln'lt, l11• lu11l 1,.,.,.,.,1 1 ' " 1 '" • • n ••M' '""· 1 Pallt..U\.~ and hoftorVJ pall-"''t•uld hi> I hi' lx-st moVl' providlnAt Shift in~ Hnollo•·r t. ''"' ~1•111' ·' t••tro trd nul I hil l ••v,. ~ ~ ... Mrthlll,)', tM nldo1t rlly I hut tlu· nlr r•·••'HI' 111•rvj« ~111.-IA ~ fa.-tht' miHtary ~M"Vi~trr C"OII1 MlUid not be too prohibl· ~dma Here loligt• """'"· ... Ill ,. ,, ... hlllol r,:,,.· llu• rllnrlnr ·~"""~ hntl III'>C:fl 1m-.. ..,..,._ JfiiNontinw•t Otaii'?Mft Joha namt'd by the local l<'gion ))0111,1 tlvP for r<'sidf'nl!l. Joinln~t Nt"W· l.off~tll' ••m1111 \\ ut••r ''loll' II nm) h.l\ ,. nu•r••·•l 111 """''''. !lwv wt•rt• •tiW I Jffe ~ Alh·n ron•·Hrrf•t1 In lhla. •nd evtr· ""ere u folloWJ: Earl Stanlt-y, port Rl'ach wouJd bc·t hC' ncxt bt~t • l~•·m lakt n oft "' If, <I 1 ••• ~ • "''' tlnn~···11.,1~ Th•· puhllr "'M ..,,.r.;.. A •• tltrr • .,. uf l'lthll<-,..,11111,111 IC''•''"' I hat "''"'"''t ""•rlnll tN! •t M. M. K . Leonard, Harry Est us. thin![." n umon ttl:~ I 1-.dli•" A~11on rtonrt.,nt. In f~t•"J. ,.,. m ·oro) tloln1'• 1,. !:",.. II"'"' 11 wllf•· l~t•rlh, arlit to Lr••• 11w ("ul .lftlm .I s,.11.,,.. '""' thr Tlt'lll rrt~WIIII' rnN'tln •. He Irvin Grorjtl' Gordon. Harry Wll-D. J Dodge. ju.~tJCt' ol thfo f Hnc·h··~ll'r nf .lark 1\mny I pro-• ''" I• C"llrru··· "" 'I I .. , •• "'"' nnt lf)' 1••11•'<· nr •h•·ll• ,.,.. nJI'I· h10tl ,_n diJw.,.,~ ... , '"'' '"'""'''m n•nvod k """"''"" to ..... lila .. lillmson. Th<'Odorl' Robins, Glenn PN'~: '"Carff\.11 etudy lhould bC' !(ram 1 w:os lthoul '" l•rltl~ hla ff'· wtth '""'"' "11rlortW *"'""' ltut• lnlru•r• •tmllnr t" 11.,. IYfP ·~ u flw l'tiiJnd l '''''"''"'tl lint! ~nil Nofltillltlf\11 auppon1n11 the pt'tllMft Croft. llyron lhl"'lhall. Richard made by t'\'!'ryonc> l:K'fort' C'itlwt in· r ••Rtl)' nl"(fUirt•d Jll•~•'l cru1wr lu•rf' "M' WOIIdt'N 11 llo••y W•u1 I •'nnk ,,,1 """n M••••n "ll tlw hr·•dln f0~nllnu .. t1 nn 1 ,11~,. Ftv,.l lll'fflrf' lhl' llnw liMP OlfllrnlNiotwrl Whitson, and Capt. C. V. M~arty, <'Ot'TJ(lnltion or aftrl~liOI'I bJ wt>r. r.mflnnlod 111 the huriHJr u meal ~hlh' tnt\'' Ju;a; '''""" ___ mrr t on M..rt·h 2\. U. 8 . N. rellred. Nrwport hf> .~ldl'r<'<l." maat•·r·~ oHtr<• 1,.,,. lut ..,.,.k lhrnar.fl th(' countr)'aldt• l • -----· Color ll<'ar<'l·s W<·rr dr••~rnated R.. W. Ranlnl', forml'r prt'Sidrflt RnrhMI•·r "'"' ~trRnt•'CS 11 moonnl( AI ,prn•·rtf "" .orrtln·•"', '''" H b y ht · ··-Wi f• Stanl M iiiicua Tamplia a.ncl Ralph n.n&tl. of the chambl'r or commeroe. Iaiit r .. r his 26-fnot rrlll~t'f" Edlua 011 t.tblll la•mrhlnl( " '"'"' loiO'I ~rr····· ar or a( smen In IVe .. ey ay w~k P"'~rnll'd hi,; OlliftlOfls"' In II JltftiJary •. 'rtdl arut I hili WIIC 1'1 1•·11 ,,, lltfo • 8 gn for State Utvteftant Phillina 'Pf"orh given IO tl>~• s~~&-Ann Nf"S dif·flllldh < abou t ....... •·wn<-r"' lhl' IHill•hlhiiiU .. \>~ht•·l·· ... I 1"'1( I ..... IIO:Irol uf RNIII\·. Mr Bnr1!nl' S'\ht ~~k~ Ill"" ··~···11 till• story thlll ..... dlf,.,. It tnlo llw 1111)' n•'llf "'~ F. f • M.d . t R tt Assembly Post rnll;hf bf• plllll•ihJo• ll lht• l"il llf'ft~ ft"'ht I"IIIISo• lo I .ot.,lillll lal11ntJ • ICh ~~ Jl<• ol t"fllfl i••r •IIIII' t"pi!UII•oft, , l iOn Terminal uave lhll l Rftft ('X8flt:>n It) ~··wt>On &•nrh lho· I· r1mu ~ •• ;l"'iil,,,,,, •I on lift fl\'•·r I om•·· lltll In tilt' IUIIJroo "'""" Irs s I wtn ~ega a. l ,,( lh•• rnnunumlv.dt'f"it11'd nnt HI \"."lui•• 111 on\ th .. • t•ht llw r~porl '' •olllllbly 111,111,, 111t.,.1 nrr111w,.1111-nt I Fir~t 1.11'111 Crnnt Philli~ ~on '"'""ll"trlltl' "'nw· ~~(~t UrJ:ml n••r•l t••iolorll!o' ""lnl ""'" "h" .. ,. "" ttl bo• pr••l ld• tl '"' II• I', I ,' It \\ •tfl '"'" .,f '''' '""''" ll•lnlt Dnn u lntlk ftnt In '"'' I "t~•l•·r !lot' ll•·n•lltw . I nfl ~l lln- flf 1\fr~ MIU'i,. Phtlll ~. 1:l9 AIIM'rl ful C"'-'11 M,-.~, h•• nt•l•·tl, Wll• a ~·l.olt :ol ''"' I'• •h • ~~ ct•·rot•"l '' •llttph•·"-"' '""' '" lro "''' lh..,r '"'1111 •• Ill ltv• fur: uf Jo"n (). :t1 riiiJIII with hi• Alt.o lq \In\ II• ""o~"t.h o"ut~olltlulf'," 'l'lr"''"• (";o~ll• :0.1· •:t. arr i\••11 """,.. w Wt·r •Y~II·m and ~·•I lhlll mnr•• llw rul .. r•·tl , . .,.,, ol II I" hllvlftl• t h• lllf'r It " "'"'''I '" "' '''"'II ''" llltl ""' l•l•· ''' '""' '"" mnrll r'IW. I •r F'HHII lultllll' tllu•l ''" "lu I• "' "" It''"' I• •h•.,·l" nt I r······ntll fl•llll ·';.J':IIt "" " ,f:l-tlnv I llf"lll . I 0 n m' .·~,. I I I I I I ",,. •• '''" I ....... " II IIH· ,q,,ntll "' •1 1-! ~ ·' I 111 '"' ( ""1' 1lfH ~'<~1\J'P ''''-\\ 1•'\\lf '11 U*.t r l .tl~ '\\ ""' nt t•t\.\"-t1 '" n n ftl' hrul ''"'''""' \'''' "''"' ftlllft e•l •••• AtnurUft fllth Atl•rt .. ,,,. '" '' nnfn.d I• :tl• ,. hll~ so•n'•·ll It< lh ol ••In tfl"''' "'"'"'' hf'lltll•--je-d ani! ",It loron •' h• r•· Ia I• I' Sir I• It•' '•II ' "' \ "hi """ f .. l lloo I ill• ''""'·" '-'llfwH•I••r lnw "' \Vtollo>r S l'"''' "'"'' •I I "" /\r• 11!•1• I" rool• Il l llltll• •'• tl ''"'' t hntnluutl•• r 1n fh•• ~nut h. J'nc1fu· ,, all t.. 0 ,., tl• tl ... 1n(:W' th•• run"luuu1 ·rh•· "'""'''''· . , ,. ......... 1,, 1,,1 '• uti.\ ,,,_.'""'' td •••• '"' •u• ruun. ·~ •, 1_. h r "'' .,, , 1 ,,, , ,. , ''' I'• •~' 1 I • •I ,,. • r tfu f••·h•l rv ftutft ,,., h ,.,.(1fHHI '" lh• JtJ1, .. ), .. \\l ib ttw Arn1} ,\ar F,,,, .•. ~ ~~~ I'-1..'1•1\\lrt,.:, iJ•t•ll~ \\ 1c I••"''' fl \ r.-1 ft ''r•• ,, .. fr ttul '' '"''' ••f ·..,,.,,1.,.''' f{•let'h '-tlh lit• '•t , ' I '• f• ,, I-' I ,. "~ • r•tl .. •'~• f" ' 1 ..... • ,,u l l l ,.,,, .. ,. ttnd f . It S t u d •·~·'-,,,,,,,,,Ill-h ,,. '' '''"'" "' ,,,, t tu• :~an ·Commission Approves 'City PrOperty ·use for BOats j th• '"''''"'•"•"' f•.tt l .... rtf ''' ntl \\ f v. J, ,,,11 h 11 '• f•••• I, \u .,,, \ ••hi tlllh ''•htf wtrh l 'otlfl'"''"'' .. ' , •t•l.f , ltlf"' 11 • ,,.,qrt~~·;-... ' ''-'• 1·\'l I '"'r~···d ,,,,, ,,,, nd If J 1,,,, '''''" ,,., t d~till-. With l:t nv·· , ... ,. ••. ,.~,,,,j •I i l ''' 11 ''" """· "'' 't(tf •l'' ,,.,.,,J IIU ,., •j '·' ·""• ,,.,.·~·,.,h ... ~·'~''"' ltttd ,, ,,, ., I'''"' ~· ,.,.,,,~ "---:"" I f t , I f I t I I " t I \ \ I I • Jt t I• '" ~~~ •• I I 0 ·\v!ll•)n Wat Ar 'I,a x·t' ,:--,.. II tl'll '·•" f,J "'' • llllrll' n• ,......... .... •• , • .,, • ' .. •• •• • ... ''" lll I ~f'l o n l~lllo'l•' h• :n 1111"S '" ro htlrl flt•r l1• :o11n1· lht ''""''"''''''" "" :,t fL• tl1 ~ pi·•nnul)!-t'uuln''''t"n •ifl•tl t1 ""' tnf• ".,,.,,,, '"' , 1n.1 'llow .. tl.)\ Hid I ,,.. I hill+!:• ~ II\ '· r l•o V'•'· 1111 I ho II "''' I•. ·•"'' I l'••ntn,· ••r ,, I I .u k t)f .,,,,,,. rt11" rn "1'-•·d fnr a -.., • ••ntl h• ,, uta· ·rt.• \,tJitlll' r·~"'"" 1., ,,,,. t )f \ ,,,. rnnc;;;t l •f •-Jttlf~ h;ut h•··n th· tt rtl•l ,,, in;tl"•l litl\1 11f llhl •h 11,1<; 0 'lJ~IIl•f( ''I lfl hrifl MTf'l'r!IT~r. l\\lo 01~ Itt• tn Jlft~lttr•· :t rl• I• l' ,q,,n t•ppnl\f'fl to t'ul.nc 11rr11 n \\ "'' , • '" 1,:.,,, tlw t•urnnutnru: u~· • ·, •H th•• 'tty ,.,,, •. t .. :.h.J1n,.. ••h t l. ,1,, Jl••\\ • \\:ll•rfr,,nt'lc••~tl 'nm••!t~~,,.,, r•\•r. \\h•n Lh• t,,,,.l ,,,nil• 11lba11 f"llfl!i>l l11.:h" "' 1 .. 1•n\ , . .,rn· n• \' .• ~ fin ,Jt\ l l\," .,,, ~·t,," J't11'fo'l,oi ll'llllfrt• lfii\\4'"Cf', ftlll II ill"ill Lt\1' flllll h I ,,f oolol .tllllm' \l)lo • "•• 1·11'-' <I 111.:.111llt 11 pr•·\ 111U~ ro \1 "'"' ft,.tlt II.•~ lo;tl~' \\ .,,, r ' rt·t·••OHih OffttiHO c.•f thf"' l•ltnntn.: rrffUf t•• :tllt .•tttt"(( 1r1• (ft!n llU\ • ""\llll''•un t l "t lhr· \.Riu.ettl•· ~'""' 1' ,tf ,, ,, 1 ,, ,,. l •. t' t ntJ:td 1 h• l lr11n' oL:• lw lo·h~l'll f!•r ll\,:ot •l•r .. tm.of ,, '""""ur "" ,,1,,n ""'' ,111 ,111 •I lid ll!oft orotlll•lllitl lmt ~ r "111111• · ltlfoll' "fiftH I\ of 111 IIW Ill• m lw 1, ., 'nt.tr\ fr• lh••n' J lrt ,.,I"' \lnrl' lhnn :1 mflnth nco. \\":~II•" lj&Jill•r lit~ ... l .nnt!t"'"" ••ftr·n'ft ·• •• -....lutu•n ,., • r 11111 r ;.. ,1 to. tl••f , ••.••• f•·d ~1'' fh• t 00Hl1t!--"H•O l•r:#lfl~ :t~ H f'fiOl \\ h• f • tU •·tH' 1 ''' ", 1• for '' 1 111111•·'" .. r th• "lu.'· 111 r•·•·nnlln••nt1 1 ,, 1> 1 •11•1••, • \I" H 111111 1 ~ th• hit) fl t~nt,•~.:• Itt l•·a••·rl lor Ul••· • •I I tor '-,ll;•r , fr.,n -'" t. 11 ' "' ,.,,,,, "''' ""' r .. r lhl"lr ro '"'" r .. I fhr I•·'" I 1-,,,., ; "' "'~ ·:, !II!· SUI;L:I'>IIIIn 1'1\ITII"fl lhl' :./:11 ("•1 1111,1 •J•I \l ~of .\•'t""·'' ·, uiRIH•n th.tl 1111 lll~lflt• hncl '" 111m \\ 1' l ":or tl'r. aliro ll•k· hn:lt"8) prvl'n 1.1 I"· uttlllr"(l f.,r •·•I l"t •II··· ,,0111, , •, tilL" ,1 ,.,,._. ·r louJ>trt•·~~· ~ h.t\llll>t 111 du Wtlh t 1on1l '' ·n1,) '"'" ,,111., 1\"l ,,,,., hntHJ ''ttl t ... ) r•, unun• nf1,,d "'• t lu· ,.,,.," .. ' II •• Ill q " , ' 11 I ,.,, lttf I "I ' '· tttl I t••rtl' I -------------- Rr'l'istl' r b~· Thur~a,_· if You \\"ould Vot~ 'l''trnr· •I ,,,., .... ,, ~··t t ;lj llfl ,,.,.. '''''"' u•l '''' the& '""""r. lUta~ I•·• lf,. • II\ • "'111 • U 1"111 '" Ito Ito• It• 1•1 a. 1\t.,.ll. II w&• •·• .,. r.'11 t11 l·"rrsnl• ~t:""..Cl~ l"it.orl•. > •·• "'NI•'" , • .-, •. ,... ... 'Y .r<~lllc4" ~ , ... '"·' h11ll ~ 111 U..• •••"....a tY· .at"*""' .,_.,..,, .. .,ltla lft111t V I h• ' \\MI '" \lilt• l(lr ·llwlr l&\"lrll• • •"4 •1aQ· Ia th•• •it) ••lr rUtW. Hugh Mc·~lillaft And Hrut.·e M~KI\' Lea\'e Servi<·e ,(~'"'' •I '"'''''L' .'I t •thn~···~ t,,, .. ,• "'OidH·i.. tfl'' "·" •••. , , r otfl I ... I \1.,. ·'""'" II • "'" '" ,,. (I lit lor • \\ \fr "'" ontl T ,.,·h "ll111 •' t;n,•l• ll•t~·h H ;\It :O.Itlhm. ''"Ito "' \\'hl'n np onl' npprarPd nt thc>l f~ontll')ucd from l'aa•· Onrl 1 llrol lt<m ' ~ 1 .---•I •I tt 1 , h•f "'' 1, f l•·nttlr \ Itt ff!f•l••'" ~ I I I• I t , 1 1 1 lulfl t.y l ,. t w· .4 ,, ,,, ··'""'"'""'I ru·ktc.41U '" Aatrt•"'-I ,~ .... ,, .. , II . '.I I ',,,., ~··--· -\PP ~an aJ "'S I ' • I• I •'• I '"" fiftY. I ~· f ty Whttl•, ,,,,,, d , ,, .. I,, II ,,, I t I I •• ,.. • ., ,, " utlfl r~~r L ·~~·ndJ. n!! .... ·I .. '" , I,"~,,,. "'' , ........ ··~·~~ ..... Ill '" .. , t. . ... , ,, . . • , ' .... "'· ., ., ,..-~ I '''" lltltl ..... ~. f ~··ftlltttl "''" "'''"''' ,, I I •••• ,., I,, ... ,, If ttl \\I ~'· I .... '"''I ~,. fl "' t I "... ' .. ""'' "''"' \1 .tt ,,,,,. \',II I ' l it \It' \\ttll• ,,,, ... II frrt•fl \\ltt l'rl j ,, ,,. I I ,., '" ''" ottf-.lutttl I' f'ttlt\ "' 1\Yf Y H ' r I I' ,, q ..... u ft,,. Ill i'" I l•ot H 1 I V· •"'~ 1 •• hi I fit' f • ,Jil-.,& ' ,., .,,, I , •• I f I~ I •.• t \I' I • , ,,,, •I t ,, ,,, I h••t t.!··· ., ,.,, •"•d··•r tl ~ ,,,,,, ' .,., "'''ft tn' '-'"lfl t•lt rt ,,, l h t ,.,, '"''''' -;,,, •' tt •••' .~, t•ur. d A\, u•1 ,.. f .t 'I J I w l tf '•L"'" l .tlt l tl•t fuqJ "'l•f"''•r•l l_.,..,,.,,.,..,.,,,,\1\ff f f, f I' '''' \1• I •·I• •t l • I tft d lu• q' ' • " tt ,,., ''"' Wt•fllllltt•r ..... fttp"'' II t ' ''. I ,, ' ·' • I fit''" nl· rff ,,. fh•• ltu ~,,. t.n '' ''" 1 ,,,, I \-' I ''''"""'''''... ' ·I It tl11 I .,,,,, ,,,, ' It '. I ••I II II , • .t. I• tl '"'' '"'"' WJt""'"'"'"'' ''""' .... J flf I ,.,, •• tLd" I fl • ''" ,,. .. , '": ~.---l_!!ld It d·• .. , '' ''' ttu ut , tlr·t f ' t";' ¥.!HI fttt· n tttf" (11t f f fHtiiii H tl •I • Iff I • •• I•' l'-llf•J '"' uti f t I I ~ • • • f • I . ' ... I ,• I • trt IH I hA f h. !fH n~ .. ,,.,, Uult r lleM \\I It,. 1, If I ' I ' !t 'I "' "'' li•lt ,, '•• \• "• ffl 'lf pJ,.,., . .,U ,_. f ,. t u ~ t "' I I ' ,, J ,, ,.,., t I tfl f '·tflt .Jtll~ ttl tf•• lr 1 lu•••" ufft•t 111 • 1t I 1, • .. , .. ,, ;.' '()PA Sues Hay r n.:tt~a. thrtw· •. , .. '", ... '"''"'' •.. 'r•·ttt :-4 'Huuth \\end' '""·" •• '1'" .. ~. , ....... F !· :.. ra.tvrry u.-· •:··,.···"'"•~·· 11 '1"1" •· lkin'l' Ut•c·onditiu.n~d t \. it f f f., ,., If I tf If t 6 I I .~.. I '· •• I • , ••• '" ,.,. ur $160, U·tma,.ts """ Padu .. ( ~"'•I I' . , "· •I •f " • ···• '·" ,, • • ' f; •·· •• , .. , .. ,., 1, .,,,,"I' , .. ,.,.,"1' 'nr J..x h·ndt•d ('ruise 1' ,.,.,,,. \\ •'' I···''' •1 •' f'l f((•n•·tl1 \h•tru~•• ~~:AHAijt'y~. Atun1 IJ A Irvin~;• . fl1• It '' "' • 1"•11;1,, 1 '' 1"t "'-c; M~" ,.nnt3.-y f ( ~ r.fnnrr) l ~t~kt•r1 ,,, 'l'f1, H•.nf•wnln'• '"' ,,.,,ul "'Ji"" ,,, ~~ j r ..... ,, .1 1 .J ~~ ,,_.... It 1 ,.. 1 1 ... _ ... 1 1 1 .. .I ~.-•n ..,...,~ 11 t' ·~IIY (' '"'"' ~-,,.r ~ lh•· ;--.. oJth W11ul, uwnrd '· uu • • ' •• d tl ''' ,, I t • •t r1 "f" • 11,, ( ·, nu ' In ~ttnf• f hlrntutnt I , !'tunny l""t·fr.·l f Roy I•V t ;, '•rt'•· Hr, "'· r••IIU·ht'd AOfnlt 'f.,l) II· I ..... '" .,, h'l\'t" l•r •·•lth Ar n 1 ... , ...... ··k wu• """""" '"''"'"'hi I M('( .. ,,, .. 1?111. fo"tylnlC ( "l~ty<t I M··r '''I( ll l"ll(ll' 11'11 ,, .,,., nJH"'I ... rv. II '"' "r II\ '"' 1•1'.\ "'" """'' v .. h ... y_ llny r:lln Stark I I···· ... ,,., r .. mwr ooWftl'f' .JIIrk H• ,, .. •I· ·I · I• · •· • '""'' !lot ,.., ~ •·· 1" .,1 • 1 IJol•l• ''""11•1:•·" f•w al t'~llftwnl• ;,2 AI tamar (Don \\'""'' r ,,, ,.,..,.,..,., 1 h nllwr"' The ,.llll•ol h· !1.• '' •'• 1 '""''''"Ill l•r"l ,..,,,,., \H,Jooll"n' 111t.ual•• Jr I, <'h•tlil n IFr•••l ,..1•1· lr 1111 )llll""' "'"'"ort••r wn~ knnwn ,., ••l••t :• 1•r•"'" r · " l•n•lll·l' II•~' I• ""'""I It\> II•• fii'A "' """'· Arnnrlla IW c; fo"rnr111 •,,..,.,,, 'I"""~ ll•k••n lt\"••r hy ,,,., '" ''''' t • '•·• •I • ft••r '"'"' '•' • ,, ft:,,,,.,, · '' u t tf• ••• \1" F t: Sla Mf:'frr t ;.,.,.. •• ,,..,,,.,....,tn tl~\-Y ,.. rfw ~''' turtn1 ti•~~&IJtnf"d hy llot•lh• ,./,,.,,,.," •tnol•l• ,,,,,,, ~·lo•rol-•1 "" I IC ~·u•k . M"' S l"'"rl, '"'""I flltll Sl.r•l•·r•, 1.11111 1 .1dtw r; ·AI•I•ro 11nd '""''"'the ,.,.-,, "' " I• '''' 1,. "" '""""' .• H I ',,,, • to .. nol All• • VIVHtn Ulln UCJrton) 1 '"l"lll) ur~•l :-,,,.,,.,.. ytor(J ln 'MIIIna .... ,. llll•ofOIIIII' .. ' •• tl• I·•" rtf , ....... ""'ll III•'V "'''11' lrnllnla to r.ctnc <"'~• 0 l..n ('urnrdt" Til,. ~ ....... Winrl-1•-ltt•lnl( flttc-d rlwir I"'""' llloolulo l\ ,,, ., .. ~f)' lu• ·•l•"rlm•·n ... f iiHill•l" .. ukrd fJnhn Waahlnl[lunl , Mlllnlo lll,ot).. ,,,,, r .. r II f'flll\1• '"'•'r In the lea• 1111'11' rtforlllln!b 111 ••till" l1) lhr C1f'A MfkiiJnl t•• $)6(!',. COGIJ~ on 1'1111! Flv•l rwn lly lht• Wf'l.l·knnwn.&cfor . • .. NW!WPOKT "-'L"CIA NF.\\8 • TUIF..H. Nl"wpt>r1 ... ..._ t ";.;.JI;.;.f•;;.;....._;..;;;;;:::......;T:..;I:,:II"tld.;::a::.yot,j,I...:.F.:;",::b.:..;ruar=_.l:.....::!;::ta..• ...:l~Nt::::, ______ ....:, _________________________ .,. • NEWPOR T-&At:BOA a~ E W 5 --T I M E S CORONA DEL MAR • They Say··· Engineer, Boat Buildes.Organize I A par11111 ••<'lipse or the sun will ()('<·ur Nn\· :!3, I 946. · l'li0Nt:Jt: .... "J~'\\t•uKT ll and II Illy 11·-1• t. llo•nr·•ll• I • , >'' h •Ill• d•'"' ,!, ol J,, r plr•'~' wilb ---------.. -----·-fhllllli.IHoll tnw·lu ' l\l111 1o fflUdo• II • ,X b f Ewe,Y T.,...a, and Thu,..SaJ ,V~aa. \'ol-XXXVID :'otr anti \tr' ('art .Inn"' p,.. "'edneeda voe-0 ,, ··rn nil h• r fr\\' New Construction Company; Build Homes and Business Structw:es in Area Ollila..._ ECUio• hboll•tled t,\'ery -'-__ !)l(flllt 11,,,.,1 to) tht lr ,,.,, hoou~•·, T\lr h•l" .,.,.1 I\\" ·II••Pmr•nts In l rTood M. \'to-ua , 1'4rrrl"lary of ~ .... ,,_ n"·'·'''lr· Ill Ad\.tn •• "2, 5I) '"'r ~1'1lT in Orana~ Count"; :11•1 I '"""' lo\o n•J• 'I'll• '"·1\ \lr 111' rt'bllry ''11 Jlrlt:un riUt·Sn't ,,.,,,,,..r n M•·llt111, Wl<\l·kn!tWn Mar. 1h(• Rn1"•rt II. Oltnll'l!t stur···~ -.....--·· .. ---.. I lh"lll''''"'''loll ' J l .\oo luflrooms hI h II r d ' I> ' "' '• -___ .... 75_ "''I' ''au Ill l oh '' '". ~I till tot>r yenf to _Slh_ z.une ·'""''"" "" 'm' ,f \11, I ''' 11111 1 '' t..Un it' "'1 l"' urCl' to ·~~rlwtr ~n·tru••ttun o'O"Int•"r has huilttln" nn N!'w•onrt h.rulr·YIIrd. -•-...,...-It\ 1111 1 •••II I. '' I·• 'I lo.rlh :onrl d l ' d S d 1 " '" o " ' .. ~"' _... lo•r. I••• "" looolllo·\.rrcl II•• \\,II ''I~ II 11 '' nth• I :J t•·~ l'lllpUrllo an 1,,.,,, ••r,•ntn-' "('.altfnrnl,'l •·unlriir· thr~ \\'huh•sult• :\INII •'< ~ltli'.J"I' -....--..~as ~hi ( l"'A lllaf l,.l 111 tlw I'<Miilofflet' ln N I'WpOrt ~I !liTo• 11•· 1\ll l•dl loll • \\liS nf I ll • "" '"" " " ......,..~ ro,•.t1omln, u' ru!o•r thr• /\•'1 (J! MIU'ctl J, 1'"'9 1"' "'' ''1 "'"' k•·l In 1 h• 11"'' 1''11111" h.1,j 1 win ·• J! 0 11'1' rt•!(trll'll\ l' nl•'IISun•s tor's llt•t·n~·· ft•r 1 h•· r••t'l'lll lv form· huildtnl.!. and 11 n•stdttnt'r• for the ........... ' .,. rn~ lo· ITII' 'r ... ,.,,.,l "' i · ..... , 1111:1•· n.:qol t• '11t• I .. '"'"'111~ \\ ••1'('\l•r Aml'rlcan farms and . . r l d I I -------· -I• "' 1n , .. 1'1, ,,0 , 1J-, ., ..t1,.st of ,.d South C'm1St Constnwltnn l'om· Addison Curl(•ys 11 , .i u s •• .. .o ME'""'"' . 1"\Jtilllber w,,, 111111 :'ol,trtt.:••l•l Jt\ •·lith· '•1rii·S dl.'po•nd on f'X""rli lhl' d d II d h -. '""'' rlt .t\\tl'~ Tlo• 111 t•lt· ,,,til~ "'''fl' nr ,_.. puny, In ••r,.·n f'n )' opo·rt~ll' '"' Qu••rlt'd abuut thr• fulurt•. J\lt•t-1 aAK D. PORTEfi Gen.~ Manaeer M 1~"'""''' l.t 1\tiltl'P "'!lnn•··•P"''' "'"·''' ,1.,,,ro J 1r oJ 'fJ,.,1, .. r w o11lfl ong llf tlw murkl·t~ of 111" Drlt·, no ~<Htllall .. ns In uny utht•r part Inn · suid his <'t•mpaqy "Ill duuht· I. B. Mlu..ARJJ Ad 1 ! M Editor '" ''" t 1111: 1'1•1 trr.d !Wr~ I., ur' :1o "' Th• 1, "··r• 111, 1 •I!• "" , to•· hou~:h, : " ;~mrur~ and llu:· at~rlm~t n~l'a nf the I'I)Unty or sta tr·, fnr a ron-l«>ss 'go 1~ for Cl homt-s 1n & hig 1 ~~~~t· 3011 \ll ~nt1 1J Avenue, Nt'wport v&'a~~~<.:ali~'! l.ark~pltr '"''nil•· fur " m .. nth 11 r"" lhr<•" •II>'' 'ln•l tl!rtiii.A8 '0f 1 mPan t•cunomll: ISitllt .. r lsldl'raht.' Rmnunt nf ronstrucli•m way. r, 1 ----...--------M'"' K11••1'1' ~~ ltw sllllff' ul :'-I t< ro••l , "', k 1111r1 •1,. 11f 1, rl ri't.lovn • ---work ohtnirll'd in thl' harhor arr•a 1·----------0ffic:ial Papet' of the City of Newport Beach l .l"llrl• F'ool til• """·' '"'''" ,)l, m ·d·· hiUI' u, ... llhMm w ... cphall, • .....,., -ThP n!'" N)ffiJlllny, 14 hich has ..& .iA,nh"b a-t lawtttattoe few 0.W ..,.-y_,;a ('IIJK. 11n1l Jt'.: [lo(_-tlr~r·f1 1 . l!t•ll l'llrtlrllt.t. ,1nd tl>• ,• Iotti a t'ullrh nnt1 it.~ O«rmaa tl('lf'oliOr' 'M'rllh-r·stahhsh£-d ttn ofrtrl' nt ~l!'l C"oast I Ia~ llarveater Vt'l', rurnwrl) Ill l'ornn. tl•·l :>tt,r "•·•" rr •H•·•· "'''''' 1nrt ,, drop leaf I' •ulan author ltica havl' fullfil ru '?<lult•vard. nnd a >·ard crffict' nPar TatJC:lU lAND TllACJTou '-A • -urr• VIMIIInl( Nn. K II ~1 • .!13 o1ht•• rrnd ~l'l .. lt, (otr ''"' dtiN'it•. I wl any Gt>rman physldsu capabll'' the-Pac:jf(~ F:lt'<'ttic nght-of-way PAallf\DJQVIPIOtNT ROOFS APPLIED OR RUAJK£0 F'ree E.iltlmates & lnspectjoa W. ~-Beabow 3602 MMrus Ph. Nwpt. 1012·J O.LCULLY (Jert1fted Tu Oo He'+ Pv.bUc AccOUDtaat Speda.Uziq on l.ocxliM ,..... Your patronaee ~ted ' . ' ' CU't'e 0Hh11:~ uw•nul' Utla rn~th r 11pt.1 'fl w wtnlk>\\'!o "''r" a• •mllll ns .. , :''"'"K a.:r ioua ualsta~Cf' in tmd· in Nl'wpon , is currrntly Preetlnl( U Eltfak & Co. Jnc Meaaber f');·l •n·•·ttc lll "" l«nunr•l J, ... , •· anl1 trallu \\ 1~w~ ~·pi throJW In " · the IE'Crt't of atomac bombs." a• numlX'r of hom I'll and buslnrss l I'~· _ • • 101 tf. '~ e-ta A.---of ~Ill rl'<'t•IVl' hill df!l('hflrl((' Ln lt\f' !111· frotl\l ul Ill•· Ioiii 1111' kllCh('n Struc.-turf'S ' I lft&ta JIL-......... L...--------------J •• n••10r fultan• trmn l ht• l ' S A.-my, t11·lll .• Phd"'' r..rn~··rht <•r. &M w ... r M('MWI"a, f'od.llor ~ tbe Waltl'r Mt>llott, w ho has be-en a l !l~ll~~;e.~L.~&.~a~~.._~MI~~~~·;·;·~·~·=~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ W epa...-De" M U Air F'nrf'l' Ill' Will IUIItiOnl'd ""~Ill\(' nil'" <>Jnk 111111 ;HIJs•intnJ: w h I llrm ~,. .. aad r ......... Wife SUCt'eUful contractor In the har· I .. . OM> S11nta Ana Air Barw Mrs. 1 fo1r washinl: nnrl plr·nt ,. ot !'Ufl" "'ourrlshment Ia a tnore prac· bor area for man~· Yf8r5, is presl· ·~ Cor raJ Dust [)('bn>c·ht organlzl'd Ullr-curp• f11r 1t...,ard.' Hnd ftlld•nr: tlwr~ Ln &Ill' 1,, .1 mahl'r tha'n world politics dent of the comp11ny: Hubbard C'. IT'S YOUR "'Th• 'B' gnl'• 1ion~y u only 'lllnl( deep " t h«' visiting OW"S('S nl Uw a.-4 r lr..seLI · · ,,11tt thi'Tefore abundant food for Howl", vlet>-presldl'nt. G«'ne )_laid, GLANDS! • -J \CX LtNIIM..,.. Crou here. Wn.Mir·n wnlks rnnnl'ct•!d w· .. II nations b a blaalc foundation secrt>tary. Tom Mallingly. lrns· " ----------Mrs C'. G Wa~k. 430 'n11hlia ' hub and pnrallrlr'li th4.:_ rlnU.· "' ~ari'ent world peaca." u~. ant Or. WaltCM Hubbard, 'T A .eu~. t~lv4 wn,.. frnm hl'r'llnes ThP front drwrr w;ts n'~ dirt'<'tQr. ake ·Care of Tht:m' ct.ughh·r ··~Ct' Wllldi'Ck, who sn lltlll a front porC'h" (urmshl'd R• Jllra,ft .,.. e.axiat• will 'nle annual fund-raising camJlftign of the AmeriC811 .... Ia Re<Tutlonal Dtr~r ol lht' I prOif'('IIOn trom thr· Wl'l\lht•r Plot!' 1'-'*" ... kk• ~...,.., ...... lhl' .. igninjt l'lld ttl the com· R.f'd Q"ou ov.-~aa. that shl' had 1111 ~era~s wer«> ~:rown Cor tlttll' 1"'""116' -'"nle war's prodlgl~ua P'IIY in char&e ol a.rchltectural en., opening Friday ol thla week, baa recl'lved Its m.o.t el~ j\Jal n~ from C'alcutta· to ()('lhl, tolk~ to l)lay un and plenty of pill) U<l' of ~~ United Statea' I natural mattl'rs Mr. Brandt Ia widely quent aJoean in. almple statement from Oouglu MacArthur: 1 ........ 1s ~ atstlonl't at l l'<julllf'lPOt ~·as furtlbhl'd by u,,. ~rsourcea u:ay }~vale ler OUI II-known not only Ill a ftt)e arch!· • -rake c.a.re ol them.'' AlfTa, about 100 mlln boom Dfolhi IIJVPftl.,ftiL For nmu ... TV·nt Yr!< I .• eta ~ nauun KOnOmy." tl'ct. ~· aa an able artist. She WTites'* r an llt'f.' ltw Tajl Barnr• aal4 they ,.u,.nd• .. movlt-11 . ---Buildings goinet up at present '!be man who led American soldiers, sailors and marines Mahal from he-r WI,._, . 1 an4 )l.•td pertlrs, and shP fcl~d a>rr••• ~ & .......... 'I laclude a fine res*ncl' at faah· th~h blood and agony to victory over Japan W8JI th1nk.lng Cpl. Wlllhtm Qlb~ o1 liN-llvin~t ttwre Will nol in lhl' ltelt ;un lnf~ that many Qf the lon..,le 8eac. ·~ "'r Mayor of thfo tens of thouaands of wounded Jtlll in hospitals; ot the U S Marlnn . eon of Mr .... Mrs. • a tumhhlp. ...,mn.-lea of Euro .. now poueu C1yan R. HaU , t hl' I'II'W Sturdltoy Proetate Baor:lulelte, IIM4ac:he. hiM Ia lep aacJ (I'Oia-Aebea aad .,.an. 11811 ''d ....... ·out" feellq lll wo-a. a-of VU:aftty -"AlwaJW .'J1red" feellac......U~ aacJ Orowtq 014 befort~ your u-~HIP ... Low Blood rn.u.-BrcHaC:Wal A.a~PMclrt.M>« .. IM7-&lid Heart o-dltloM. rt- &po. -rv.Jiy to our Esehlabe Olaad ~ tleveioped dUu 11 yean' OIJ)B~ Ne PAIN-NO D&UOII-1110 8UBOE&Y-NO INoi'EC'nON8 . CONSULTA110N nEE BY APPOINTMENT. PHONE 1111 Dr. E. F. -Bell, D. ·c., PhC. 101 nlld st. . ewport a-ca.. 01& Roan: t :ll to '7:10 MOIICiaJ'I&Dd TllandaJ'I H. C:lbtM>na, 423 Goldf'nt'Oit avt'nUf'.1 Mr ant Wrll l. G. Holm .... &17 ll'ss -.eat thAn b neceuary to factory a t Coeta Mf.sa. thl' Arthur horne--sJck men atill ~,....; of thP mllllons ~ dl!lctlarged r~tvl'd hla dill<'harRl' In JIDIJary l Marh:old n,·,.nul' A<•ld Ul"" lo.-) I maintain cliatribution, even thou&h Johnao. rnldenet> at a ay Short'S, men and women who need aid in problems of adjustmetit to ant1 Ia now attendln2 Sarita ATJa plact> and movr'!l w Santa u a lh••lr mad ration Ia dcJtn to a the a. L. lloyd shop at CorOlla dfl ~~=~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~=~:~~~~~ d¥illlle · J . C msjorinR In polltlcaii'COnomy whN·~ tht-y \0'111 hf> wllh &Jir1r ~t~;rvlllJon level." · .. ..._ ... ~-, PROfESSIONAl DIRECTORY n.e·Red Croa will remain at the[r si<Je, &l"clillii ilM'"'CBn· Cibbnn• rormc[ly of Soulh daughter MN c; A. Vi11u, 131 1 --=--.... ~-~;--;1::--:;-.10 ... -~~.._-~JII l'.ftaaL'I[JLa-:;;;,.~~_!::!. ~~~ ~ II"'F'!~----tl!s•-.tMN11811~ of edu I and Getf'. wu I{TadUAtl'd from C"omp-rr~an ~ CuT . Rl4'hife . .-v:-~-1M A girl ellll're4 t hl' manag•'s nl· IQ hoepitaJ programs· cat on recre&.• tDn J . (",and then f'Titi'Tf'd lf'TV!ct'. t'ral nt•IJ.:hhors mel al tlw h~l' of p, . .....z -e-..... ka .... Cteua• ft('(o t O apply for a job, and, Wht'tl tion; ln ~and other per"!!IJlaJ aid for h '" RMIM!tM" m-~ ll(n,~-':l.'ura..acientlfi r~cl) ask~ -if •he ha4 any particular eranl and their families. · wu In the bat ~ Qf ·~a. lfolmun Thursrlll} aftl'rnrQI Mrs , must be backf'd ~ the govern-talt'flts, t111id t hott lhl' llad woa .. .,_ ,.,...._ N ••ona1 I ol h '-, ft' 100 llll d I •nda. Guadalcanal a,.. N.'WI r.l~Jrl:r··IA'"I~ 11rul lwr ~~~tl'r·la·lll\\ rn••nr. or much al it •Ill be k.oft •rat prtzc>s in ~wo,.. puzzle and £ •~ Au goa. t ut yearS appe~, m on () -C"lf'Orgla l1l11nda. Ilia·. auler Mrs. Nn r.t e'l'Qoat of P~trtlnn4, Wbit t~ undune." llognn ('<Wltf-sls. • lara. L1 rnocte.t when consldered In re&atlon to the vast d C. M •rn.-.. snd 10n rf'l'lllr with \•~•••n.: "h•·r-. ~IN tfnrry Stau(·h. -----··n,;rt lrlUn•s Rood. .. thf' 1118a .. varied field of Red CI'OIII aervtce. In addition to t.he p~ ~ pan-nil, Mr and Mrs. H. on.-Mrs Jl~;'roll1 .Srrltflltm. :'>1rs. K ath· J!tl'ari ,~ ....... le r agr-r Intel h«. ''tlllt W (' -~~ sonw- fOI' Yetft1Ula the Red Cro8s la 1 ...... II and bolster honll. whll•• lwr hu111h11 ... (' N . f'rtn1• Knux, Mrs .1>11n••s Betwdwll Grr·~ .. ~ .. Arn.ne. lebl& Dl.-hc'rd) who will b<.• sm:trt c!ur lng or- (p"a!nnl • savu.,.. Vf!!ll - 1 8Am,.,, (' t-:.a of th•· Jfa,·y Is Sill· nnt1 tur.ll•·••. '""' (''' r• •I me y com· ,,. ... ,.oe ~I • .._"Pr&()('rty ot !kl' hotn " q morale among dviUan populations In war-de-vastated 1 Inn•'<~ a t C.unm. until July wht•n 111110 tn••·rr'''' "' • n•••~:hborw nnd < ;n·•·k Jews who dif'd hl'irlcss d ur-"Oh," ~<hit n f'lrtimt-4 hri~:htly areaa around t.he wo rld and maintaining long~tablished ~ he-PXJ)('CII Ill be homt'. hllflt' "' 011'1'1 Jll'·•ln whM Mr~ IOJ.: thr ,ast S('Vt·rnl )'f'ars of JtaJ-"This .. llS durin~: nlfit~ hours .. D*tk 8ei'Vt • ' l h• IJI 11 mMntw-r 11f th(' M'o·w uf Jtolman \'1~11~ l'urona llt·l M11r lftn. (;Prrnan and Bulilarian prr• -Journal o1 F:dvriltioa C'eS. th•· &uhmarinl', Qut'tonftsh II,. hn~ At l••u'<t th• v Rll 111-:r•'\' ftay C'a n •·uiJnn IS lx>ln.: turnl'd ov1-r to a Populous, genei'OUI California Is expected to ta.kt> u. Jeut, IN·r·n in lli'I'Vi<'f' lt•n yr·nrs n.-r .. rr· "''' t IIIII II Ito\ ··•···r pia•··· to li\'1' 10 Ito'\\ I~ formrd fo~dlltion to be ad-I Jfli'Orne,tax f'XI·~ll~s mny be-l · u ahe aJwaya has In ·raising the quota u.ssign<'d to ll"en __. tht' w11r h«> WM on dt'111roy('r ttul\' lha;1 1:vrun.1 (J, 1 \l.or :O.Irl' l'llc':-.:•·111 """l'll'rl'lt by thP Americ-an Jomt l hrondPn.~'CI torn<'luclo· 1111 lhf' l'lf.'l>plt:l tern .tatel and Aiaua ~14 33R 700 f01Jr Yt'ltl'll, hut t•ntc·rt'd thl' ~uh· c·t•rot•·nds tl11111dt !hut Porllnnd ''"lllhutaon Commillt'<'." )Oil 'UJli)QJ"t, w ith thl' excc•ptlon -·• • · m~trlnr JWf"VIn• nt thr• flUihrNtk nf 1,1unls 1t ~ General MacArthur's plea will not be in v'aln. w"r. fils suhmarl• ha~ hAd no · •• ...,..., W.!IAM. pr..W .. t e1 The ~~~·~:i;" the Gov•r nntl'nt pay mishap!! hut he h111 ~~<.'f'n lr-1 Aa1101'a.a .. ...._ "Let us con· I I . I . WHY.TE •~ •u OOI!I8UI._.. Aolllorised br lbe UaJ~ It-,.,_. U1'7 Ooput-nl tn ,..,,_,, rll•nta In ~not!CUnn •Hh 1o(lr()rne \u mats.tn. MJD.... •'l'ft'KIII ~u.nran aaanca ..._,_._._ ...... c... ... .,_ N__. -· Annand Monace ARCIDTECT .. Itt W. Bay Ave., JWIIaa j ~ .. wport n~ I 2'721 ~-ood "' .... ~Aa~-JlfO~MII The Bar S• . te ~ w.,._, II ..._llnpou!llW-tuiHaDihaW .Buys _ _ ~ tanu·· to catablish our mon1l errol! J\'Q 'yo lJfl'liOIIs In this world nrl'. 1818 r 'IIW'f"N' In lhl' .y rnr (Wf'r "iRicJtfield Selviee Sta. lfiHiflll the wor1d I!Y oU. effnrts jllsr alikr• and bolh ol them arl' DAY .. OOL Dlldolure that a Ruuian spy ring has been -'dng rTlfmth, 'Tllrn hi' uld thf' Rtmcr!I-~J 11'.-.4-M I 101 !'""ntaln frc'i' cxchan~:<' nf new~. J;:ln• of II. ....Stnll'n ------------~ phi'Tr ht'<'llrtl(' h1•avy •~ om• lim•· ll ~.. f'l& I•··•""" thl' actual cont\Jct of that I . atomk ~ in the U. S. and Canada made exdtlng news. the-ert>W watrht>d a baM>ball ~ami' ''"'han~el' to chose tedlcated to , Mortimer School But~ tar more aertoua Import to western nations la a h.an<b\-from D ff the q>MI or J !lpiiO Uur: --IIIIJO:rrt ial -· objectiVI' I'I'J)Ort ln~:. Harbor co .... unltiea SO! Cora.! l'la.lboa w.... mftltal beUef of the RussiAn government 8.8 eYn~ Jn In~: two Y<'IU"'I Mrs. Bamf'll dtd Ttw Ric•hfil'hl St'r\'lrl' staUon nt , Thill way, .. .._ ... Ilea till' natlonatl 'IIi"-d F • Q ~.a-I 8radee: ColJetre, Pfeparato., ~,.. not know~ h u.band'a lo<'llllun 177~ :-.:••"r••rl holllr·\nrd. In Col!l la '1ntr•n•sl " l.:a.fte &• IIUWl Stalln'a Ia tal broadcalt to the Russian people. • ... ., ...,. 11\ll'stt hus ho·t•n punha!lf'd hy W L., · __ __ DAI' SCHOOL ;:;::. ""Our M.arxlsta declared tha t the capitalLtrt syatml ol world Mrs. BarnC'S •aid tht'y lfvtd at a ll11nshaw nf Bnlhoa Island. "ho Pepe .,_ XD-"To ohtaln the l'!'wport &-ach. C"<Miila Ml'sp, and 0 . &. llortbner, •· A .. Odorf eetDftOinY canceat. eleoments of crisis and war," Stalin said in Mllrt' bland vtiiAitt' (&llf'd "lwo tunk llll!llllf'1'llilln frum . t hll farnlt·r df'lllrl'd harmony betwl'l'n lahor C'orona clel l'llar all f'Xct'l'd«< thrlr I l'rtnclpe.l Pboae liS! Jlma," for four montha In IJUOnS('t 1 owni'T .. J L. Thnmt'lsull last ~·'<~· nnd cllpital, professional organiu· quotn for fat salva~e 1n January I part. '"'!bus U a result of the first CT'isls in the ~elopnent hula Shf. dn<Ttbfod thl' huts s• nr-sdny ltnnl! nnd unions. ha,·e ll<'t'n dr·j accordinl( to Ci~:ures from thr pro-o•NTI8'ft ol the capUa.lwUc world economy the first World War a.roee. vr-ry ll\'ahl«> slthOUJth all 111ikl' Jt l llllnJ<hllw Is form<>r r"1~'1 ·•"lWIIIY "~•-d. hoth or which arl' lntt>.,..d. lkl<'lion 11nd mark.•llng 11~mstra· --------------. ~r----''R..-:II!IIUIMI W«Jd-War •"*" 81 a resul.l oL the second crisis.'' would h~tve bt'1'n monotonoua but of thl' Palms Cnrr In ll11.lhoa. n11t ns a W'«>apon dirl'Ctlo4 '""'lu-1 tlon of the drpartment or a.:m"VI·j Dr Obed L . ~lv..ty to~ <k>fcnslvc and off•·n· t\lr!'. • ueu In other word&, Stalin believes that turtht>r w~d WaJ'!II •• : ~ :: ~ ~ ~ :I s"'" w11r, !"hich cnusM rt'actions I C<Miita :\f!'sa with 11 tlllnla of~· Rwlla muat resign '-~Jr to fighting again and may 88 weU a br1dge which unltt>s"" N t"wport had a quol;~ nr 7R9 1 .. VJ ... C..tra.l -~ ,. Nl:tn'O&~ B&&al a.re mevitable If capttaJI.sm survlvf!!ll on a global eca.le, nnd, 1 ~ : : ·· ' ~: nnd r£•prlsats •. nor ~~~ an ovrrnc;>w· pounds turn lo4 In 515 for a per· therefore, that unleul capitalism ls erased rrom the earth. CROSSWORD Pll% .. %1£ fn~o; ri\'t'r , which Is dl\'id~. but as,c('ntag(• nr :.!211 J)('r ('f'nt of (JIIIJi a 'K'""" IJ)(lflnct. ancJ collectad 187 tor •· &llf'PaJ'e rean.tk:ally for it. ..... ~ ~ ... Nlmlta, C'hJf'f 1.:':1 J)f'r ('t•nl or fiUCJtll lind Corona IL· ------------..J SoJonti aa ~talln beUeves that, the .Russian peopJe must ~ ....... I• If....... ., a av.a .......... "l)(omobillliJ· ciPI Mar turnf•d In 59 pliU nds. On(' • DflJUR""CZ ~ (t_ 1bey are inherently a peoreful and friendly peo-tlrm hM 1'~<'«1 lht' \'iCtor!ous pound O\'t'r tlwir f1Ut1111 of _:18. 1~r---;,_----------, 1 Brothfl'., llmlr-d S latCII ftee"-..,10 n\'ar im· --· ~ -New york Life ... But how shall other peecetul and rnendly peoples reach Abel pnl!'nl'y." VUIIiln folrra at )\:('WS·T•mes ~I' r-iJ ~· ~~~ r• rr !If ~ them, when between them and outside Ideas sta.nds their gov-'Division• INurance Company f'I'Dmftlt with its Iron censonhlp.ot press-and radio! More .~.::~~~.) DOff a. MnlA~ [9 ~ [fir l'i than ball ot Russia's huge population "'¥ born since the Oc-to Thin t.obet-.-1917, Revolution. Tht'y have been indoctrinated in :: ~~~~~~. 1U11Jk:6on and fear of CRpltnUsllc democracy for nearly 30 t4 TYP<" 1 _ __. mf'asure yee.n.. 11\elr minds are c .,_;:u. "Amrm•Uve Far. rar rn<m! dangerous to world pea('(' than RtL..,.Ian _. nopty .-ion ot the atomic homb Is the monstrously fa).s(> convk-t 17 ~~~;~~~ tJcn ot 193 million Russians that they mu.'lt ~troy c-apital· I" Untilled cav· 11 v In rr>ell lm1 ln the world or cnpllalism will destroy thMl. 20 Cn n nr lll That ls the bar slnlster to (X'nnancnt world" rw•a('('. I llshf'S Only U~ration of Russian thou"hL Ru. ... ~ian s........," anl j 22 Eno.•• ., ~· '1"*1 ... 1 1 the-Ru8a1an prea, pcnnittl~ th~ inflow ofd<'m•ll·rntlc l<k-als 'l4 1 ........ •Ruu . from abroeG. may l't'move that bc'\r. Anc1 t hat evrntualily ~ i~·,~~r~.-. apperu'B far c1istaht at thls <'t;til'nl period! 270""" •th 31 lsln•vlln A lakt· every ride . -. a loy ridet• aa o •.• ,., ... cc:~ 14 D"t>Jw<r I"'" of n wnter- " A\ 38 ~ n; nuntrrrd 39 ("l.oriRMi • 40 A rh;>o•r 42 1'/tCkt'l •~:rm I 4,1 1"11nl>lr • ... ,,,, llflllflllitl' ·~ Am.) t':' ltt~hnt•t "Hupt'd t'f.trt 48 '1\l I'UI lip •11 Pausr ~ ~IIJPt'flll DOW:-t ,,. ~ ~ ~ II• In jal ~ ~ ~ J'4 r-• [M e' 14' 147 ~ 1-"' 3 I.RTIIv 4 ~:n.:ll•h I'< 1'1 5 lJta••'• 11 6 ~~ o1' l ante 7 C"flllll'lll I• nt 8 I'" ~"'" ol lht•r.tl>. g !-1111\ft "''. '-lit I I IIIIIU III C••l>ll>f' lfl(lflltl'y Ill <;n" 111' ~ ,, 111 IT ~ ~ 110 [II IU ~ li4 ,... ~ 117 [JJ ru ~ 37 ~ 44 ... ~ .... ~ •• ~ rw t-:e. 11 ::a M illll'lnll :'9 n ·~r nr d11y ~o Tn II•' lO bro S2 Thnce tmuw ) ~~ llll:h , brnkrn clln S\ Olbll<"•ll rhAral'l~r liA Old·\\ "m· Rnllh If ~ ~ ~ rza l'ff fjiO fU r% ['8 '"'' w ~l , ... ~ Aa ... r •• t'ii •••• 'llttmb,.r ••; FEND YOUR HEAI,TH WITH .. ~ ..................... ft ll,_l ..... t!1lttitt~fl•lttflt ........ ~t;I;II111Htt t•l ... ~t.lltlltltllltllltitl\ltt ... J I 42B Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL I.D'E JNSURANC& 00 • Ray Nielsen FIMIIMI Ulte.J !11 &. 8 ay Ave. ..... Harold K. Grauel Chapel '"WI' Ounf'lv~s thf' &.>ttel' Sl'rve by St>r\'ln~ O thers Rest" ~ Newport tiel c .... ...._ c .. ~~m~~~a Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. · OPTOMETJU!!J'I' Eye Examinl'd • G IMllt'S Flttl'd lt.. Newport Boule¥ard fto•• MIO COS1'A ME&I. 8UR\"EVOR8 i H. R. Hall, M. D. ~., ...... R ou111: 2·5, by Appolntmtnt 'l'elcphafte 2t2e Ill ......_, Oalta ._ Gonia .. G~y. M.D. ..._~ ............ Ninth and Central Ave. DmCt' Jtrs.: HH2 a.m.: 3-i p.a. Tl'll'phOI'Ie ~ L-~~----------------~ OONR&D &ICHTD. •. D. ftl,.ac&aa.&Dd ........ 120 E. 18ttl St. COST A ~ESA. Ht)Urs: 10.12 a.m.: 3·5 p.m. Phone 1.33 Dr. G. E. TohiD PlityWSclUI &ad ...,.. 2209 Coast brvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PIIONES- Offiet" 286·W R.ee. 2•a If no answl'r , call N ewport 5 Gft'ald Raun, M. D. 2830 West Central. A.,... NEWPORT IlEACH Ph. 1()28.....-No 81\Swer call 301·11 X·RIIy Service •. IH~ •• Maswell, a D. 1801 ~ 10 ... Clalo• del- Office H ours: HH2; ,._, ft-.N ... rtJMI 8. R. Monaco, M. D. 116 Bay An., Balboa N e..-port J'JU «J a. •m et-.• r.o. ~ I'U('ker 'Uitt By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phy~rlan abd 8111p0a 1001, We.t Bay &.._ Telephone Newport 801 1 Cotlf,.r I Lt1ftv mount• In • J ; Jk•nr r:stc:h 41 A 5111!. frnu 41 Dr\·r•llr 21 F'Jk lll\0 tr.•l 2.' At!:"~' 46 Ml'lal 26 Tr..-•!£rru Castrner ....... ~ u I : • -Modern and Up-to-Date i Siegel & Raub A. V. Andrews, M.D. l ltn,tneen 1Utd 8urnyon Pfll'SI~'f lr'•·--• ...kr chao fallioJ of a ~I Juet uy Ocvron Supr~~m io yow caak. It'• tailore-d co your car wkh the aamc alr.IU chat JW'fC'<'trd ScaadUd't war-proVrd flyinJ (.u~lt. New a;JencfinJ •scnu In On-ron Supresrw glvt )'OU lal( ICU'll, .nooch ac-cduat.ion, pinsle~~ pc.tform~.lfs the 8DetC motor fUd Scandard r"'·u produn-d-you nn btnlr 0111~n1 trip bnoa a plraawt uip "ilh Ocnoo Supr,.c! Clayton nompson ·' . . ... .. ---y u,..nr.. .. 001'tCRE'I'E" PIIODUVIS ~\,"\~ .OLLOW BnLDL~O TUX AN'8 81UC1t 6 · 8 nnd I 'l tnrh lllt•t'kS .._ fOl' AJ.I ,.,_ of Rulldtn.r a11d ~" \\'at~ WAL TF.H La KU:-JF: l'nlJll'll'l< r ....._ Plnnt L.ll'niNI 1\1 1&18 Xf'wpnrt ltoad, ('OIII.a Dt• ... F re$h Daily l'rllClonu• !'l~a po,..,.,; Or NWnpll'lt ~ulpm•nt ••hrn pota v•IU\t t" t'lltr ll . Y"'lr l""'n AVENUE, · Blue Printing facilities Photostating up to 1& in. b' 22 tn. ~ 1808 Newport Blvd., OMt.a Meea and f Tr~oe U51·J SURGEON 1J ttl1 W. ~tral N-110rt Betldt ~1--oae .. JI ·J Tel~e 1!8 ..,..,... "'"' .~------------~~------------~ I PIA~O TEAOIUR ..----.1------!.------.~ i ~----------. Wap~ ~ 1DstHute t -, i PlANO TEACHER Dr. WUbar o. w...-Pick-Up and Delivery Service : G. v. LINSENBARD Chiropractic, Dietetics. L-----------------:-----------~..J : RoJal eo~:.!:,, Lalpalc Physio & Colonic Therapy 1 Pti. 1252·W lt'lO CMet Blvd., Soatll 1526 W. Ocean Front IApu BMc-h P1to1M! IOU -1 Watch for Opening Announcem6nt : I Blueprint & Photostat Sllop j ··~::::i~,!:'F-:1!!:!?~ ~ • "KIIlfd hv II WI' lUll' I~ That'll \'1'1'\ 1 Cotta MNa ; I unususl ,·,,,.., dl('!lt hAp()('n~" · I • "h drl,·tn~e hotomobll. h rom · ZONE THERAPY CLINIC \'apor ftathtt • Mfldk-AI M--.. ~al TreetnwftiA lor OoNit Ph. Uft Balboa lnn An-_. i : 1 mt>c>ng tn rnllroad croasfn~: Oc:-rd· 1 j ··~•,,,,, 1 , 1 ,, 1 1 •~•~•(•,, •~•·• 1 , 1 ,,, 1 1 , •• 1 •, 1 1 ,,, ,,, , , , , • n't hf"nr nn ""r:'\Jtf'l .. -Annn :....----.----------! .... .. .. .. ~&WPOIIT I!AU!9A N'EW8 ·'rDl!!. N!I!II!RDft ~ 4 eHf~ Tuf..da1, t·..e.n.ry=-· '--";..:;:.·-':..: ... ;.:..::-------------------------------_;_ .. .:.•r.::...;"'..:;.:.rw.:._ ·PAINTING lJ y_,. ~ Ia N.-pori ........... HA.-RY HALL ·~· OO~UC"''M ftt&l--.......... .., .• I 1'ht~ llrd fn.ss r·-rri~M1Nt M~rcifull~ Tlw \\' ur that \\'on •t }~nd or l' ~ars Santa Anita Goes into Final 3 Weeks :Sunny Holiday With Richesi Stakes Luring Race Fans I Brings T11rong of Sanla Anita PHfk hitS ro~ ~!>.(]~~~Ill nurln~ thO!!I' Pleasure Seekers \\;u '" 1)1'\t'r 1\\t•r ,,., t h t• ll· .. l tt\1' Car turn and ts now v.'lnlt1nt up t rm·•· "~-.·ks ttw <'ltmh,.in.: ,., .•• nu 1\J k t () f l 'r·-I lht• hornt' stro•h 'h In liS r<'l'tlrd· 11! lilt' St'ft~un \\'Ill lw ho•ld l(l'l'lll I( 11 Isn't ~·r. II ~ " farl ar ~ pt'r8 ors A I•.•" lo• I~ WI ho•lflj; follli:hl h) j)rl'aking 1946 \\'lntl'r ral'l' mt>t'l· ra..,·• "h11·h '"" nlltton's ''''' runk· '""' thron.:5 ••f ~un .. 1111 '"" "..-k-, )~·&nd tc• l)rn\•on( . ••ur "''""'""I ~··n"'''""'" 111111 oL h l rn.: thorclltl:hhnods hll\'t' ht'<'n 1•rs (llt'rlnt•kt-d lut W•·•·k•'llil "he-n • ' '-,-Ill•• )(,.,, \ .,.,.., "'"'" 1111'111 tnl: , Thrw wr .. ·ks rt-mfttn 1 to • {) • .----------;------------------=::...-, I•Uihlllll! IOWRrd JinN' lht• rirll Of 11111n~ hundr.ods II'IOk IHh olllt,lt.;t' Of rtr•tnazata•cln 'J'ht• 1:\ltl fuo ul o'alll)lnl.:n o>( lht• thr ~··nr • ,. thn'l'-d lt) w1•1•ko•ncl und 11t ·li'U I ,..., • R•••l t•rc'll~ I~ llo•tn.:. t'llliiUo'l•'ll .New-port-Balboa .Tourist 'ureaa Tlll'"l' ('\'t•nl!t S<'ht'<htll'd ror lht' dnlle'd )()<'HI l>t'llt'h rr .. nl• Wllh tlu-.... ~11 Ill·· 111••11111 ••• l\1""'" \IIIII . All Modes o1 Traftl to."'-•-, Mnko, Hawaii l'll'ullnl: da.)'' 11rc• thl' $11)(1,000 hatho•rf arnl ttw lu1) '"'" ~mlloll "' '"'' ""''"••I< ••I IIIII•'"~ " nu11.•n11l ~·•tt l ••I $11111,111111,111111 . ..-...")"" ~1111111 Anlt11 IIRnchrllJl to lor run o n cr11(r I• "' "''·'• Oll'tt lou...,··••c•J ~~~ l'•lllllllll •II"" "' •••• 1 lo•o• 111 h•ot~lll Round· the-World 1'11~ 1ft thil! neal' future. See Murrh 9. thl' S.~IJJ(() S8n Julin Tht• tw-ar h llJ < \•rtolllt 1t, I Mar .. , ·' '••Ill •"' ,.,.,' ••I . '""'" 1111111'•1 '"''"· lltlltl•·• tiC f'<'\'UIIIIIhon, -~~ " uec-o,. 3(Y .....,...e A\'NtMI RaiiM• blaad -f'hoDe 1'8%'7 n l'll'll Sntl)n\1\)" llntll Mil)' lrtt l ,,..,,.1 ••n Momlay ·~"' •CAUTY H F. L F N .t' Ll L L E R"'"" ~" t'\Jt,h ~'""""'' \I'W H,•Ja:\111~ .:'•tttl Ht'chu·ln~ TI"U I m••nh 111 < '1\11' l\•Miy C"t.lf I 1\ I l'lll~: l>t 'Jiolll'fllll'lll "' llt:An '1\l TnJ·: Ht<At rt'\'. l'\t·:Hvtc:t: Mn. Boy 1(--. ft. ••. 101 PaiiD, .....,_ ('ttpi~!rltno lfa ndll'"l'· nllll' and 31 Wf'll us lhli~ at .-f\11ll~•11 hr••U&hl 111 ' 11'\'"'' rut.: "''""' 1!~1 • '' 11111! "'''''"""· "" \\I'll It~ •~•Ill a-: It&. a .. 1 p. .._ • (IO I'·half rfll58ic• v.•htrh v.inch Ull out llw wrcko·n l'n 1111d tf ,.,,1111d-"' ' ''""' I'""'''"· lrt"l "''''k lllltrlll) l10'11lth o'<hto'llll••nul ~tnd _ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t h~ nlrrlln~ on atarr h t~. and thr1rrrd as 11 pri'Vtrw 111 sl~l··. 1t l~k• "' •' '~ ••~'~J ns ~·llltl~ ••• 111:111 dl•n~l·~ ~·l1rf pru~r11n~. ~II ~ ~--~-~~--~-~-------~-~-----~ $~),0('1(1 S11n ta M1trnqn ta ll11ndi·1 hkt' 11 nutlwr "1111-nut" \1'.1r In (,,, ·•' "I"'" '1"'1' 1''""'11'1•• 1t111l tlll11k I""""'•' lo~ ''''"'""''Y "'"' ~liP on thi8 N'rnlng SBturday. lad•~:S bnthln~: f~tshhotlS \'••ly Ill· II·", • I '""llllltlo·•tllo'll ••f tho•lr tt·n trll>llllilltJ A Y V ( E W (,A., E Lum~ and Building Materials . Bay District L•mber Co. ...... 1.11 Ill OOA.ft BIGBWAJ' AT Til:& AII(]IID GEORGE D. BASSE'tt General Accountma- l'ishermen's Bookkeepiq DiOOME I'U IERVIOE 260Z W. Central Ave. Marrh 2. rlr ht•st f'lltt In lht• world II£', If nn)' •• r lh flllr !it'll una tum)'·'"' ,., llllllll'ol ... ~·•'11 /ll lhlll, O r \\'nr· I. llt'\1'1-Plt•r l .. r Ill·· tt.-.1 # Cor filllr~ nnd man>s .. Also thr n• is ~:om~ unhlt•sso•d th1s ):,,,11• "'lth· 111' • ,·,.,,.,,~ h~•l ;\ltukl'l th\'twrt~l t 't·•'l'S lll'lp 11.:111 thr hattlt• At th4' Fflrry l..ancltq ~ l'alm and lla~· i\\'1'., Balbcta 111 thf' $2~.()('1() addl·d s takl"-lhr out ultra·l'tllll't from~ ll' s .. 1. It ap-• 11" "1•'11 • l".::•or•st hunuu1 ~ufft•rln~ ~IYI• Ami II ("hlquita '<>n Murc h 13. JX'ftrS. J 1 •";• ol "" •~•IIIIIHII•'t'll\1'11, "h" 1:•'11•'1'•'"'" 111 llw f•i,fl\ lt••tl 1 'rub ----l '""' ""'' 1'1••1•''1•••1 "pll~'tll..; trtl•· h llhl l'llllt)llll~n P f b -. d "'' '· '"'"ul• "' •·· ~·r,v,~ 1 ... ,,k . • llaby Bt~ef MeatJt and Sea Jt~ood re a rtcate Sophomores Take Jr ··I I""'·' "1"""'~ "' :-; •.• ~ Labor t Jl:,tro by Woll H PI d ,.. n '"""' "I"' ,., ;-.1 .... , •. tt 1. 1 ... · ooilra.r.n: II'AMn.v ntNNERS-aa.ou • ••·m ome anne Inter-~"lass Track AI ' .. 1 .\llo•ll. :\llll ko•l• \n Sill\ Ia 0 ~t'e way I Co d I M l.v _ "'" "" ,\llllh•·u11 u11d t'h•••h•r 1; 1 Snnw Mannl(t"nH•nl: 1.. A. Wt>llll. <'M•tw•r n rona e ar Meet wa·th 151 Pta ,.,., .. lh .• m ... l 'tut>othtllll'\ .. -.~ 11\F\\' ''(lf(L' .,. I ·I Fornlerly tile Palm Ca fe . • • aiJ ~11t1 ft • I "' f I ~t,KI••na .. f r' ••n• ••nt ••• tu ---. I ~--I 1 ·1'"'''"' ol\\111'1 "' il,.•'"l>llll \l.ol oh '111'1'•'•1•11•1!' Hued" Wo•ro· (,..8a..m.to 9 p.aa.-CkiiM'CIT\aftlda)'lt A "''"' (lvr-roum Jlfl'·fKhnratl'd Tht> sopho morl' l"'u~ lll>l•l•• 1fllr ·l ~-'""' • .Uilo.:r. a111l ••houru u•n "' llw ,,., '"' ''. h· ,.,, tltt~ "'"'k l•y ~1•1 · hoUSI' hc•m2 construrlf"d by l ha · · 1 '"'" ""II ,,...,. '"'''111•·111 ••f lfw ._---------------------------~ oor l hi:h hi8Wrl ltl~l 'nlu r .. ,lrt)' 111f· ''" '"1••'. ~"" thool lho• 11111rk••l \ ~ I .~;;;:;;;;;;.;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;.;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PuYI ofllllldtnl: M~tt t'rtnls mm)>llny 1 tf'rn'"'" v.hl•n ·tlwy 0 11,1111 ,'<1 the-I n\1 1.,1, '"'''' .u:l'•~ J 1,. l••nl 11,..11 • • "".' "''"' ,., •'tnlt .. n tll ~.lthctr, In Ill 711 1\••l:unllt :tl't•nu••. ('orunlt dt>l Annual in tt·r ·clrUI.!I trAde ""'''' for ro·•· "''' ''' 111'111 •' llo•lt"·llo·• '" " '"" "'" """' k "I'"" lh•• A•l M:tr, w.111 hr u~··d t~s.aa offtn• and l tht• Cst1l ftmo· v.tth !:•I :::I lollnta 111 ,1 1 1.,, ~o,, 1,,,1 nn.t '"'"'ullo'll tnllll~lrll,'"'" I• fnro• tit•• ltllf'rna· Jllfldt•\ h11mt• ~~~ !'h't>h('n Cnnnoll)'.1 fullowf'd hy lht• so·nl .. n. 1, 1 1~1 tz1 1>1 1 1111oo11.. If•· ~10711 th,1t '<hlp 11'~''" I "''1'"'111:11 " ''" 1 unlull 81(1'nl ,fnr tht• C'tlmpany. ·•.J junll•rs ,.,,h Il-l'. 11111 thrl l"" 1:.11111, .. ,11,1 11111,,_ "••lll•l 1,.... ·~ \\,•11 t•tofh>ol llllolll u l\· Tit(' 1\\llllll'i fntlo1W nnllinary ~ frL~IlWO Wllh ~ • 1 I H \ ,~,,1, t,. HUH kt•l "" twr~ \1 hn Ill)' 11~1 Ill ltltl't II~ 1111111•\ fol14'11rtlla struc tlnn lin/'11 and rontorrn to \tiC'· All nll·tlm•· ht.:h ,,f r::l track· al•••l 1 11,, 1.:11111,1 ,111,,1111,111.,11 ;,1 rt .. · s .. , lo•t "n "n•• hr11ul. 111111 "'' hutldtnl: (00(' Wall~ 111\d rmm=-]llt'n r om ll'lt!d in th•· ,.,.,.Ill "''~I '"',, ''"""'''' ''"''I lnh·•r ... , ""' oollu•r '" ......... . FRAN'S DO-NUT C<YITAGE Ia &.be Ill& \\'hit. Rulldlac oa Nt!Wp~M't A \'eiUMI at IKU.. H~t--eo.ta ·- Now Open ..,._ t :• A.M ... ul II r . M. tuih~ aro• mnd•• 111 6 lfl 114-fnot !It'<"·' ~ltW fuur ~.·w rn••••l r••r .. rol• 'lt!t In I I• "" ·•l•" ,..,.,.11,.,1 IIIHI 111011 kl'l •l··l•·tu lllll' "" ''"' ''"1 '' 1 '""''"' ''"' tiOIIS on;..;~rf' finiShPd wtlh Jlllltn.r ~llf' II f'VI'nls, lllllhuiJSo• rnn . the II\\ I. t< •l wttlil o·nll•t ho•lp ••I ro'lilll \•·~· Ill IIIII II• hufllo•l\ Ito-ltf't.'1'CI ~:_f--=-f9~~~i~i~~~i~-~~~~~i~~~~~;;~~i~;~~~m~s;1~0"!'~1~~;··~11~h~··:r~.ll~t~u]c·~·'O~I:Jr~s2id~i~n~~:jh~il!~l~' ~luJ~r~d~l!'!ls~lo:l~ll~~~!\~~~··~r·:·•~~~~~"'; 1 n u 1, ... 1, , 1111 , 1111 ,. 11 , ,. 11o·nl··r~. rw t lu 1 lt·l~·r mrrnnl:•'llll'"' ·~·nf••r uulstdr Thrrf' 11r • four Bizi'S nf f 1 ''111'•·• '" ''''''"'' Ill• ~··vtw• u( "Ill· 1 · Due llllnst•n """ llrno•ol 111 1•1 !'I in i"r1'" 1' '"' •··~'"'"•"'' '".''"'''S G 0 1h1"tr1nl f~"'JW't ll llttfl, f1tUiunl ln.at~~t '"' :.!0 lo~ Jn ft•t•l and 11 hnu.,· run OPA D W • 111 " 1 r.:•••l "111 .. ~......._. 4 1 rt s•. inrh•·" :o.1urruy_llrown ~u-e&ts JVeB ,.,.. mmplt•lcltl in from :..1() to :VI took th•• c: ~hot-put \\llh n 4J ft.ISav a .-, "'k"" .... , •• M R ·'d t • M ~~~A \' A p.. m. • II p. m, ()(). N\7'1"11 to TAilF. UOIIB . .,_, IUO CC18111 81911. ..... ,11 CABINET SHOP ~ERVICE t. 0 ..... 1111·-·· ..... wr Nib ... ft: ..... d~y:< ~.()Il l Will.ollt· from M .50 '" II ln<'h l'fturt. .. ~ nOO OM!' '4 • l'Ma ('MI en ' I $5 ~·n ((l(ll, ac···ordtnl: 1'1 C •lln\•IIY -Thr hn\'lf't' lr:tt•k It'll Ill J;:Oft to 11"'" \II \I. \\I'll' "'" 1"'''1 1'"'"' I Natfv(' of Iowa I )ica • 1-.t~:ht ''~ lhl' ht•u~t's ""''' .~>< .. n ltuntln~;ron lkul'h thl~ llftl'rnoOft b\ '''' 'lfl .. ,· ul l'otl'•· .\rtl.ililll>lru A A f y' sold In l ""'na do•l Mar, U l,al for a cSual m•~t wtth lhl' OUer•.' Oon •• "•·•Ill Ill tho•lr I"'"''""'''" t If 0 71 eaN C'QI!In :'11rl0ll 3.,. otltl'r s In Nf!Vo.'· 11nd Fnduy tlw miiCit 11111 ('Oill·l W11r lt.oloo •ll ll··~k h•ur, """ us•••l · port and Nrwport Kt'IRhls. I JIC~ In t)w nnnulll lnvtlllltonnl rr -1 nnl~ 1 .. ,.tot .otrl ~u.:;o r I e e 1 Coun~ Plannen 0. K. Cold Storage I I .110hll '. lifo'( 'oolhllll 71 It rt•!lhto•nt lnvc fpr llf'hl'l<ll!l w ith ••nrullmc-nl ,\lll•""l'h !Itt• •·hrr••ntl) lltlltt --or l 'n lll oollllll ,,,, C! )•'llrll lind ,,, ,und•'r 1000 Ill n n ·n T lw Sllllors.•UI:II "'"'"" ~ 1 .. IIIO' '"~' Sllllll\l ('o>•l ll "••II r .... tho ""' '''" ,.,.,.. w s . li aro• lllllktnl: f•1r thr·tr filth IIU'ailt\t In •~••k f,.ur lllltl I~ ~11'"'1fu•rtlt) •h• ,1 111 1.,, 1,..,11,. I :..'~I ~f ~ .... u~ e pet"Ja ze wen 111 lhts I'Vl•nt lal"l••l l••r purdtns••" ••f •sul(ar •• ..., 1 1 1 1 11 uto: In • • ..... ''"' H \ u l:.' ,. "'"' u ntttlw ______ 'P·•r· '';'"''" •o ll\at 1•••k Wtll 1"' "' c:ttnn•·ll I"'"'· ami -..r,,. • ~uble ~hoott'na .S.~tl'"·''' o1 ''' -.s~::tr ~1111np" rr .. m 1111,,1 lllrnu r rc-I r-u ,;:, " P I IIIII• ''' '""' hu tltl' n •;""n \\'11r 'l't I I • . e o P e I . • •.•••.• ··"·· ~~ "", " .... lty "'· ~ -1 llllh•to 1\.ook ~1111r 'huuhl ,,.. to• 1 'I . '" .., I l . It I '''' I',.,,,, u f C •• ,,., ,,,.,_,. u *•" .,,,. roun.7 panmnt.: t•t~mm s~1nn '""" • '' 11 u ll• 1 "''~··r '"""" :\~1 \\ 11 1 . 11 • · Kadlna • Appl....,._ ,.------+----------'Plant on Heights ln~l \\l'l'k llllllrm t>d lhr r•·rnlll ~I I " I•• II ""'I I Jl ..... :"II• 1111: ( lolllurnltt," ( • () L' 1 l 1 ~l•foor, !\It' II • 11•· llahllo•nrt nf 8 A I, F. M A N D H E K V I C It r l:tnn~::.n or 11 t'll r 'tora~to•1 1 "'"• '' '''""I' ·Ill""~ •L••~t f,.r till' llu·hn1,.1111 1 '•till •• ,,,11 , 1 plant nnd "hulo•'<ok n.,. r..tatt1 onr ,,, t h•· ''"'nt .. "' '"" wN•\!'l!lll lt""'' t';lltnu•~: pn•~:ram. I II'A .1 11 _ •rnn< Harbor RadiO & [lectrlc Oran&e County Truckin1 Co. _{._ .. ~cu .oa RIR& Trucking. Haulin•, 4>ng and Short Hauls • w. WUsoa a -c..ta-. . I I ' I I ..... l . •. II (I I'll -" t "-t-·-''"' ht 1 ~trt·PI n ·-·wpc•rt tlw ~lark l'lt·rl.!t• llunlt' un llnrl~Jr T -• .. '--~ New~ a...ell lm Ntl ~lll••.;rnnrn Cur N<-wr•'rf Bh<l is fho• tmlw·tu•n .. r 11 lo•loph nn r k1 rxpt:unrrt ] 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ' 11 ' 11 " 1 111 "'' ~10111 ~r~~rwl lflo•t!;hl!l l lalunrt. allt•l' m:on\ 111Hillh., of lriiV·I I'ra..-c·-.t.-...1 !10' ,flltiO'tlll \\Ill flo~ IIO'ltl Iff 1\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An invt'W Yit•nl ur fl~•·r 18(\,ul(l lltl l\l:trk haiiJit'~ lu 1,.. prjllltdt•nl ...... ~•W'JI filii ."•·IIIIo'~''"' ''""' llw <:routt•l ·~ IHliii'IJlllll'" in lh•· hU!UOI'!'!' irl' nf l'io•rt•t· Bros. """ ll(w•rllll' II I llourds c•• Ji'rlday "!lkfll l llf I '"''11 M···"· tilt' ltf>V, "htt•h Ill•• frn.tl'n food l()('kt•rs ancl! rhnin 111 m11rtuurl~>~ 111 I .cOli •~ 1 llrl • 1 " 1111 """ "" 11 ' 1111 "'1: lnll'f'· Here's the Cleaaiog Service You Like! Kind of rl'l:til mc•al •vartnwnt will ht•' ~:•·l~>g l"nunty ,II( ,..,11rs•· Mllril-\\·"tun.: run'" lll.rthtlll). Fo·h '.!'.!, nw nl 1~ t•; 1"', In W•••tnnnah•r OJ'll'rftlr d lnrlr fM•nd,.nlly frllm ttw wnuld ralh••r I(" I ul I Ill' I Ill« or II "Ill f."• II hnllflh> fnr t )frtl'l' nf l 'ru~· Mo•murutl l nrk wholc•,nll' dl'pl\rlmf•ftl wtlich WUI! yaebt &han )l('hlnd UlC' Mlftl fJI I i\dnll rtlslrllllon t•ntJJIIIyM'I, ft Wftl l ---·----------------------------.11 c'AIPr tn r,...tll\lnll\ta I"" 111110 1r ho rnn n.rt onr th;\t tllltllllln~···d t•otl."y h y f'r111l llark11 l.IOIIT IUI.I, F..C'ONUNY -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lj · 11nl•• rt 1 1 1"1' S•ntl ll••r11 c 'ttllrnrnlu 1 • I --runl'. ""' nfto•r .111 h•' ·~··s N~>w II I I ' r . r tttl ""' 11~·111 ll•f'll In "" lfVM'· O U\(Z AGAIN Sovll't ~!'ic•nfi5IS hlll'l' suc'f'f·~·'<i pt~rl llttrlll•r It~ 1ln thllUJ/lncl• ul "rt· hrl'<'loll' ,,.,. ""'"' "''' ltiiiiiSI~t•ol l•l ,.,.,. ~· · 1 1 1\11 h I t i\II Jirto'•· r'Hntrool loooulll~o tllrlllll!h II tn ran~tlll nt.t l'!trt~< nlu 8111't1 o lhr r Lu~ Allj:l'!lttoN'~ .,,.1 thto !'HIIIhllond 11111 1,., 1.,,,,1 ' ,.,. \\o •IIIH'II••'I"' 1,'"'11' lllvl-lom PBONM X ...... Da,._.,.-~wpt. 111-11, JI&MI SAM's SEA Foo I SPA wnrm hlo;ICJ~ unmtuls 'ltS; dilt.!S, • 'l"".l• ··•• lit• Ill""'"" -~·nn•ll•• . -• cat• und rurJhlls wllh no apparo·nt l ':;.;,l•t "-. J Frtlht) the· :•;.o.,,l 11~ ""'' 1" Ill•· ll~·hl l•1ll "•"11•1 '" "''"rly ~~~~ Ill f'ffN"ts tn th•· -uhJ•·rta. ~ •• Or l~p OreS dl~trlet ~ff('f' 1"''"1'''1 111 lo:u n,j,,' '"'' ltt .. nrnll , . .,,, "' •1•·(·,·----------!"cnlllt ltr·n1t1hl a\, l .1•s An~:o•l.•• r---------------.'I City Trailer Park·, f1 •~rr•·•'" I••·••) r .. r lwll'"'c ,,.,. ,,,.,..,. OS.. Y• .. ..._.I'JMe .. .... .. Orup eor-t)': ·All New···· Eve.t the L«atioa •.. One-Halt I01e Eut ~ Old Location on Coast ~y. -I Beautiful New Coektail Bar w. Lead IDu*eta Callfontia ln tM' !el dq ~ -SEAFOODI- AUK> YOU& ldad ot ~ -varf OUR Kliati:N - Sail'S Seli Food $pi and Filh Market • 1111 OaMC __., (lfau lllel ._..). FRUIT · TREES Now's the Time to Plant PEAC HES .-:-PLUI1S APRICOTS l''IGS • APPLES WALNUTS ORANGES AVOCADOS STRA \\'Bt:KK\. RO\'St:SRF.88'\' t·m ·sc;nt:KK\' ~RAJ•t:'; RIU'B:\R8 Costa Mesa Nursery r CMta. M.-u. Calif. READY-CUT HOMES ~~ One L'nci<'r C'on!'tnwtion :"\ow at-- .$37 ALI!iKl, Nt:WpORT HEIGHTS .. CORSON & RAY ~'!~ ( nrlll O.lbo• hlnnd Doctor 's Pre~M-14.r:.~ Oalllt for th~ On• JIIUr doct.r hM ...... .... • prt*:rtptJon. be th' pend• on UN>! pharmadllt ., ~urate ~-1'hiiA I• wbf'no we ,C'Omfl ln. l:•f''l' Jli'MC'riptlon broU«ht to u. Ia rtllfld wllb W f'nUn«' IW'«'U,.. IW'y-wtlh t~ '-t quallt) drn..-. Rrtna your pF'H«'rip· &jon" hf'"' •llh f'OflRdPC>e. W• buk yqur dOC'tor. Newport Bead\ Pharmacy 21111 ~ P'r'el ~ ~ PrtC"C.' ,.,.,11r .. 1 l••·•rol ""'"' ,.., . · \V aft,ts to Camp ·· ""' ... .. "on dall). ~'"'"'"Y j lhrou~h Frioltt\ At \\Ill; It··,.,.., I Apparo nth ,.,,, plan tu mnk•• ' 'OIU<IIIll•·r.• hi• uq:,•'(·l '" "'1••11 I ht~h ••1,,~<; lr:ttl"r l"lrk ••Ul Cll lh• prl('f• \lnlltfl"ll' I' rll\ 1'"'1''1' l'f•lltn•l• '"'' ""' llll I A'ut---l'hon .. K Willi llnllo r«;•l f11 •.nr llnf' mnn - • .-' I "1"' "-""' ''""'>"1 •It· ''"on''"~~' 1\lake Debut in N. Y. (ltl'lllltf'!t lh<'r•• nn lito btl) frnnt Ill )lMC I:Oflt' It\, \\l"lf' () lf'Ur•r 1 1(1 tht• cily Munrti-I'•"',...Ong th•• 'l'rf'nd~ 1" II• '''1•·:0 11"' I •1• "' " 11atl••r piU'k idr11 t.:ll~f't nn.t 1'1111111" "·"' • "' 11•l •I · H icl thltl Wt~k '" th• tt ,, I'""''' trwllf" I r sa lh•t hr tnd lllhrr• try, Y>hlt'h 111,.1 , . ., .. ,, 11,1 ••ldl """ tt "\4'ftlktP tal'ch• fnt HIJittrnol•al•' I " 11\llfl lw• w illinc '" 1• •> 11 dolhtr "" Y> mnr•• a w~>l'll If th•• I'll)' htlrhf'd rvrrv ll)t t.o , I• ...Wid l\ If•· AtUII•IAnl't•m <'nl o f Ute lnvM\Uon f••r l-th•t tht' lnratl .. nlflt.l d••llf•n ·• h.td btoof·n "'""' ·'' lht • """ "''"" I rnasldrr utlon. b«•Ru~·· lhc)' 11prnd ;;· .. ~~ £~,~:.~~ /~~-.::'.'::~·~::~ t"·;1 mort> monl')' whllr h• r•• lhM lh•· .. fl (tKet. J)CtJ&IC.Iftlt• t'nM\t't'ltl tnn ft••lll All·yf'er trnl'" dt•nl" M . anti h•· f~ls t.ITRf .. th(' prnJ•"'·t "'"~ t1UJ("'rtrn !II,. r,r tn tiHttfhj r •• , ''"'" ft••• lnatlnll IIJ:llln~t th•• •'omman wnrk ''1~ W 11' 1''"11'1 ' 11"1"" The• ~~~mlmo·nt tl!lll''''" 11•" "''l1•o t1t • in~: m11n in prnh1htlltl(( rRmpllll: , ~' 11.w1,~ 1 ,,.1,., r""""""" 10111,11 j11ow .. v•·r hi~ ,,. .. ~s~tr.:• «llcl not hn'. 1946 Model uw• Swlnls \\'!!h \\hill' 111111!•• oo•Y••t•~l \41fll 'tl •h•••l ""n~ "''' k un•l I In• h lh\.··· t ift f•tllll•l '} :'\IU W A\'411.AIH.I':! t l ,..C T.,..,. 111 y,.,. Wood Sl at Pnrch Sh ade~ Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. lll'tfl lol lllllla lola nfa Aa• 70:1 ( ........ 8htl., ..... \AM [II l;rf'RI tfo :tl nf ,.flo t I loll fhl• I'll\ C'•l\ll)l'tlh>t n Tilt•\ f II• •I hlll! WII • 1 r\nu•ru·tn ~'"'""''''' unft ••nr111 I• r• pn •1:•'1 I h oi I • • "''""' """"' Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. uf t t11· r• I' P••· nf '••rtlH' .-n• t , :'''II n ~ul • en tt,. . .-1 • i •••u1 \• r'' ,, ul m•·rcllr\ tntt•-tt••l •h•r•·h~ l•t•• i al·l~ ; t , .. ,,.1! ,.,.,,f \ ,d tt• "' 1 I 1 Aaate A ,.e. n.n.,a M und l"hon~ l n3··· '--------------....J OlOIC'1·11 ;. 11111 1 • • • • ll•·:tl F:\• 1,1.or1~t·1 , • ~~~I 1•1'111 d llw ..... •l I I. •II I 111'1111 ..... +---------------------------+ 01'~~ Jl \IL\' AT I 1-., ~t. . !-\UIKII)~ al :! p. 111. l11• IJ.""''' .. r l 1111· I· • • •I' ' I ~;~\~~~!" ~~~~\It l ~~ For Reservations J :n:~ ·--------+ Newport Engineerlng Associates DMIJtll)n~. ManufaMuttn~ and ~ir-1 F..rfJtin"'" ----o.,. J -- Marine and lnduglria1 Machinery Instruments Material Handling Equipment l' ~~->~~- .. l'hotlf' 2462 l.tnl; I :.·1 1 • ('•·llitlftl",tl 1'1 1111(" 1.1'1'1 ••,1"\ \l.tnnr• l ':llnf• • I :11"' ~1 1 1""" .1nd ,. •111 Ill \1111111"· .EV.4~f;J~I.JST~ R.\!\U CO . ·r~~UT (~ivcn h~ th,• LIRUY F.\,111 .\' B A~U 10 "''1"1.,.,-..... \11 n • .,. '""'r" 't • U ltt.-.f hwt l 'lt tl .. f'la) ttfl h\ f ttt•' \f;•tllt ... •r u f f ,,.,. r httP ''''r' h~ .. ;.tul II\,..,..., II\ 1\rt•~"' t\ttrul """'' r ht.: IU t't \ 111 tl 'lllftfu t-. hwludin~ (; id'!" Tr i1. Bl BI .E "ESS .\1 ( ;r·: .,fu,t \u ftltl I ... teiull• •1 f ttul1 ' t •r•• •• ltllt! ,,,,. '·""l"f l lllf "· I I ll I Jill IIIII' '"'"'""''"" 111•l I nl'l"'' '"' C lqt•lr•·oo "'"' \•l•tlt• \Ilk•• Till . H ~U.\ Y \'H; II f . FEB. :!><fh .. ~ ~~~ \!!'lllfl II• ''"" t r~tul • I , .. "' .... ,, \. Quick! Thorough! Dependable! We Pkk l ip • .. d Dt•liver Five Day La~ndry Service· ERNIE'S CLEANERS I R4 1 Harbor Roul cvard ' <:osta Mesa J • ' ' .... r .. '.~- Marint> l'pholstery ~ooks and Booths -A SPECIAL'FY - Shaw's ~pholstery J 'H k .,. 0 Il l,. II\• ,, s. I \II •• )o I 1'1' l.•l llllotl o•~ U\l•r \\ln.: SIJIIt; 1\unl lt1'1.llr Ill OHitt llla:h"il) "WI " l'l•""" 1166 SlEAKS -- OUR SPECIALTY • G E N II I N E 8 t' T T E ll M It. K HOT CAKES • Complete Luacheoe-Mc • .Opton 7 to 7 -Sunda)'ll fl lo !'I~ Kids' Cafe II d G I ln • · J Harry Sheppard I te.ms (,:osting Under $300 to Be Sold I Balboa san ir . d'.'rec; 3eing Mentioned ..\r. Surplus atAir Base; Sale Open 'Others ·,n--Week·fn~u (rn':her ~ l.c:kes' Post ·r~,~~v.!~~.~~: ~at~.~~.~. ~.~.?.2~!!c:!,,, 4 ' • • '· ~.., ~ .) tl " 1 ,.,, ol ·• t~'""''·" 111<l pnlocy ~~\'o'f/IIIIJ.: 1 h, ,,,I• .. r 'Jtrt lo IX' off•·n-4"to htt)'N'S 111 SAAAB ··~"''''""''' ,,..,,,"' "' :-.;,.1\(~rr plu .• t:\1Y.''"'"t "' 1,,,.1 ..... , • .t tit•\, 1·•11" Jolol .. n,. ,,f lhr•••• calt•go,rles: 'I'"" h """'"'' "' •1 " ""' •I "' • 1rltur \'~ ht'lfll.: JllllllliiWrlll\ fl o, ·:-;.,111 ,1 \n,1 · ~ "" ,\11 1~.1~,. w:1~ 1 ) C..fuuds ftltmly for s.•'rap. Thai ,,, • ., ...... ,, "'' .. ,, ~ ' 1 ' •· • • • • ···' H()t J)o!! ('uestion '" ti ,,,, ,,,.. 1•·~· .. 1 .. ,,, • ,, ' .. r ""'"~··" ,,..,,, ,,, ,· ..... n..t ''.''""m rn.· .. ns .... ··'"» \If h ... •s 11s mu- ""' •1l \\lll1 h l•1 •'• ·h• "II• ·• 1 ,, ( • ll)lo•r;p"r '" '"'"'"' H.,, .. :ol I. I' ~:~1111111n '"'"' 1111hll.: .,•fw• r '''"'I 1'\•11\• Ill , IIII I•·~ '" ,\I"' 1:. "' '''·11"111 I'• \'t p · ~ L~nd ···~ lit~ nl.,11o', .•.. ,.,,.,,111: '" ('"' ~·;lrl\11111 olllfloololf\1'1 ol '"·" :: l '-.•fl!l purls u( mi,lilary prup- 111 1\..tl. ... , I''""" .... ,,, "" t··· "'' : Jer s r~ "II f":t rrt•·ll Ill ll S,l;,,,,. '"·' pll· """ llo•m• to r ndd '"'~ ha\ ant: a t•rl)' l')f' ····m~ "!'''I~ dtrt'l'f \'!llUl' l froun ,,.,,, 1.,., ''·"""''11 olllll l o•·· H 't (' a.n.Ju.d or r olltln l:t'l \\lo•k. h .• , ••••••• , .. m-~~·~· \'.tluo• ,,, unclor ~1fll'l Will tw ... ,hi• pur<'hOS{'r - FOR INSURANCE SE& Howard W. Gerriah 1811 NewpoJ1 Boulevllol'd OOATA MUA ....... J Automobile • Firo Accident • Lifo lllf l•l ltlfl l" .,.l ifo)) ro••t•llr••fl •• asn 4"' ~ • lttll'<l '" 1'1''"''"' .,., ••••• n,IIV -ol•! "' lht• .. o.r_,bn'l. \~kh Is 3 Snl\n~··Jmat.Craal ha~oftig ~)0 ',,,,,.,,.., II "·I' ''"'''"~··It In Sllnla 11\:ro•l\"'"'11 L· ·' l:lluotl 1-:m.:o•l scbl>dult·•l r .. r IORI~I IIIIllon on or· \'IIIII{' IO fll{' purclutscr'" ItS on g- """ \'l·~•··r•t:" 1\ I• II•·• "ltu '' t•h• d '"' I" 1 ••I Joo:lns: ,,, l stltl1irnia. t;' ut MIII'Ch Jl '" in11l form. but whlcta may 'bl!,con-_' RHEUMATISM 1111•, \VIII'"" "'lUI tnjur1•d ••Arlv """'"" '" "'" I• 1 ·• I 1'1 ""I! <'<HI Thl' \lrlul!fl•-llun lom.: tlon ,., "Th•· llml' plnr1• and •YP" o{ \'t•rhod It• uther USl'S 1 Mundn) mnrnln~ In lht• At'l'ltio•nl I''S"f)fl (pun II.·· "'' lo '11 I OII\('I ' 'akin,; ~ht'PIIoll'll (olfllll'rl\ had llf'ms It• '"' nfft•rl'!l In hU\'I'rS "''" llt>fur{' onythtnj;( Is placor4 on • and ARTHRITIS whkh ~,,.,,. (>Oior.-rlu1 ""' ti•·,rnh•• ~'''"""'' 1•11 t ho• '1111 ''1 '1~ :-:e" < communttv o.rw!u~\ In ' h{,, (,..·11nnnunn•d S<'\1•rnl dav5 llf'fore sal", all propt•rty will be arr11ngedl nthrr thron/1tlnvnl"•d th.-dr11f'r l~•rl pu•r ~· , •. r:.t ''''1''·' ·•t.:'• "'"~ '"~"!l~t .. nnl ti'''r"''· tnt! '~'lth thtV tht• salr"." s n1d th,• Colo~t·l "The ao thai tl will give the mo.t US<' I ~urr{'rrd for years ":~rwo: of the rnr Rnhc•r t Jllf(·t•'lcnmtl. 21, ·•I="'" hdrl up f"r " '''"'rHn who 1• upporllonrncnt uf nre'""'rrr'~:ive ~111,.5 wlti i'N> op...nr·d 10 alll'lvllians, to !Jurchuers. I thankfu! lhat 1 can walkl wrlJ lad-cJ Santa Ana. whu w11• ttlt~o:h!ly in· ~:uti 111111 h•· l11•tl 1~ tllll'""" "' lhf' , ,. ~talo· aft!lo·ft et~n~;r<'~~rno·n, , ,, "''' ,.11 u 111't o•mploycs ot the Colonel F arnum t'mphaslzed agatn Without paln lh~l. g f jur<'d Jn I he (Tnllh ' rn Santa A" I' 1'11111''"'~'~~" lu.trl• r "' h.clilt· there ll.orry "'ns ~ftnl'd In 11nnrh;rr WAr ~nnrtm~n~, rn<'mhf-rs or the that t.M public wiU be clven. amplt' Jy answ~r anyone wnung "f'vr: Srwln~ Somt' dl~n~rc·NTwnt 11•'Vf'lol)l'•l ••·rtlon His orrtr·•·tl rl'!urlo·nl'<' ill 1u-med s<>rvtl~• a nd officers on notification o1 propoRd aalea at Informal ron ... ~..,!tS· ~:;t. CaJif • Anothl'f' head-on cruh lmml'd· ltrn OIIJ.! lh1 ml·mlo••rs nf th!• NX.In· V11raipa. He ill on•· ul th•· s lnh•'s ll•rmirlolll lr:11·r Rf'<' 11lso prohlblred SAAAB. · I P.O. Box 189. a.-as ngc t'!l • • lately north of the Archea hndfo!e 1r rl and tHf' )nUIII' f••tf.,w wantlnl!' "''ll'lt ,.....<'S{'nlnlho·s nnd hofcll from blc:ldln5:. I l,.==.=:r.:,=. _____________________ , Saturday lnvolvf'd 1-Winz Katser, lo St'['Vt· tl't<· ho t rl~tt.:< "' 10 whPih•' •• nll)rity on man) nf tht• matt lm-8f'elecl Bllt Wf'll-known ownf'r of Ray Shur( G•>orgl' lltno•r. '"'' "''' ~>Hit man , •• rtant commiiii'I'S in cr•rfkr•'!l!l I Rllyers .will he j;t(V('O an oppor· i A,...,,.,.,~! VENETIAN -BLINDS' -C'..Dnp on ('out h lr hway. end Wil-l ~oulc1 "'''l<'<rnw '"4' \'l'l••r.,n •t Uu· Tl'~:ether with C'nngn'l!smnn Jphrt I tuntl ~ to in5Pf'CI ltrms they are ,....,_ __ ., llam E'lkln. 33. or Fontana John l'nft hf tlw pier. Phtlllpe and SE>narnr IX•Wnl')l. he 1nlerl'lltf'd in ht-tore thf'y make WOOD • 8'I'EI!L • ALtJMINVII Rf'nMH jr. of F'ont•n• wa.a sltlithl· Roland Thompsun. ,.,,~ lo!IOf'nr\ l<t\1 clvt'n Credit for !rt'lttnR New-lhrir bids Thr hidll wtl! t.o scaled · ly b~~. Thla happened at 5:30 sa1d I hal a nurnlM·r ul hlllllneL" por t Haf'tlor opc'tk'CI tn th{' frH• nnrt will ht> o(ll'nl'd on an an·' ...... ,._.-o--..-..,....-.. _..-.,__ ~ p.m. Saturday. ' , -' ·m1•n•m Nf•W(Xlrt huol .protf'stttd let· rn!Wi.'mmt of bo11ts lifter tht• {'Od nounrt-<' d&te All hiddl"''' will he llC eo..& m..e.--7 , ...... lfewperi n10-W Bus···ess Zont·ng !hf' mnrpston. R~ till')' had wall-Sheppard Ill\'<' a mO!ll tn~rNit-Biked lo M present. The 'tJI~tht>St I OMta ·- ling outside-rs roml''" :md 5t'cur" ,,, th( ,war. noiiO.>d 11!1 to thl' d1te and will be ~~~~;;~~..-~~~~~ -~-~~~~-~-=~~~~~~~~~ n I'd for thl' sam<' oppqrtuntt)' Other rnl{ talk at IN Balboa Y11cttt club bidders will be aWArclt>d the prop-I . Approved for N.., ~ncilm£•n drcllm'<l that HlMr luncheon In his honor last sum· I r rl)' Pnymmt Wilf be by cuh,l ... New)left ... .,.. "W wu also opposl'd to INiinJt ttw nwr on th( lntt'Mlatlonal situation. C'f'l't ified ctwd<, or postal ft'IOnt')' f O.nwy and Al Prope. I H h Tra t Vf'teran fH'fl tht' f•sh,.ntwn Ill th<' ordf'r m8dt out to the U S. Tftu-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lg wa_y c t'nd of lhf' pit•r , Hean·ng Mar~eh 8 ury Ot>pllrlment. The rt•ponsibll-1 CAFE WILCOME LOTS 0 F HOT WATER Yilt AITIIIADC W UTtl IUTll IUU&b IT II A lillY, THI "IIIIEIFIL" ... (YEI Tl TIE LAST I ATI! a. W•~•lt4 ... •-....._-adequartly liztod _-!',;ill dt- mn. -ntvcr run' dry" hoc wartt ~pply for nltra btdvooall, . (nqumc freth~r11n3 up, thavin& shampoos. lr irchtn: launcity, hDutrohold clftnins. Flarnt-P(rftct Gas -JO s~y '" r(plac- inc your hoc warer tupply -is amuinslr low in coa. ' a..e .,_ .....,. ............ --··~I JPIFIJ STOIAiai-TANK CAPACtn ~UIDI __ ..._ ' , I I I ·-· GAS ------c,..·, ...... I •1 • ••• .. 1•1 .. ••• .. a .. ••• 71 ~ .. .J ~, ,eclflc CMOI c .. A-~ tc)UIMIIH OOUHJIU 0.U .., .. IPIJit 1•1•1• "" WATII Fll 11111111 Ulll II gf.le~·"' IN, (). J.'R~ &.cu.o J.J MGJI, Upon lhl' SUI:Jtf'SIIOn or Coun· " lty ol moving the equipment will A pPtltlon JUbmltted .by lllrt I l"ilm8n Earl Stllnlry lhllt I hi' wholt' On At.rport Plan '"'with the buye~: and if he does and Mlldrf'd Stan ley fOf' annexa-mlltlf'r Jhould t~<.· ~lud•rd from thl' nnt pi<'lf up what hi' has purchalf'd tl()n to tM d ty of th(lr •wroxl-atandpolnt l?r ll'llln&: '"" C'Onc1.'S· F Costa U---in a SPf'Ciflf'd time, the property matf'l)' thrt'f'-8(Tf" tract on Coast alon, out for hid~. •f n.rrrl'able tu or ll~ will IX' TC'IOid No information ceB· hlehway lrnrn«'dlatf'IY eut or the th.-livt> h11it •·•mr•·,sinn He. Bob et•rping thf' items to ~ offered to ll5eO Newport Blvd., eo.ta •-~ Phoae C3S-M FinNt Place to DIM Famous Complete Dinner . OpeD 11 a. m. to t a.~ m. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR fARTIES • OIDa aft'CIDN OI'Ellf P08 INU'IlC'I'ION O.acon Sforvlrc.-station, Whtdl bel AJI<'n and Oul'f of Pollet' Row-' A public hearing will he hl'ld buyf'ft will be glwn prior 'to the ~ TffOrtlm('fldeod by the ctty land Hcxh:kln""n Wl'ro• na~ on Friday, March fl., 111 2 p m. on a RnnounN'fn('nt of ..ellch sale. I munMI, 8llkl'd I& pl•nmn. com-R commlttr(' to ln\'1'~•hrate the ,!lot rrnpocal of thl"'f'l' former air forot! Colonrl F urnurn snld that Jtrrm I mt.lon for re--EOnlng of tM ~• do~: and corr"" sttuRIIOn on bOth offiCt'n to ett8hllsh 8 Zl4-acr~ air or Jots ht~\1 n~: 11 ~ost val~ above into C-2 UIM'. NI'Wpt>rl And n alll08 pll'rs, lna.a-('I'OII'r on the C'a~on pro(X'rty I ~'Yl(l \\Ill be tut'nl'd OV« to the "--------------------------~ Undi'TSIItndln~t that the> applt. rnurh liS nnothf'r r••c•d••nl .h~ bN>n IH'tlf ot C'01t11 Mf'tl. n in the Mrnt' \\'ilr ;'~s.~l'ts CorporA lion for dis-,.---------------------------, <'A (It wiAhl~ to hiiVI' th<> husln<'!l.l l r{'rril•tod for thf." sam•• prt\'llc-ge In of the Pacific C"o11s1 Airway C'orp. JX>llilinn. T J h J9 _.7 J y.-M. E. LUOEWIQ, Prop. 7.onln~t for thto purpo4e or hullc1· Halhnn ThP hf'arlng wlll two rondurtt'd "11115 IX>Iicy of diJposln~t l ~<vr· e ep one tH • ln~t 11 ml'll<'l. J ohn Allf'n, chnlr-by the county pla'nmns:t ''"m"u"-111w• 1,r .. 1 .... rty." s:ud lhr r 1>ncl. r /.~ man of tlw cnmmhu1ion •URI:l'Slt'<l Sk•JJ d Labor • --k ''"" 11nd MI'S.a rl'l!lldl'nl~ a nrl All .. ,~ m ~trtl'l RNYtrtinnf"l' wl War ( · b thAt fnr " motl'l " 1 -1 Z:OOI' would I I e ~ I olhl'rs i~ICr('l!t('(l llrt' inl'ired to be ))I'J'IIIrlnll'nl n 'RUinlions. THrse t.... sufflri1•nt. l'lllrtlr uiMly if 11 cnrr h..-.) 8 •Jdt.n• pr<'~t'nl nt thl' S11n1n /\nro m l'• mg r .... :ulltlinn~ 11r,. !l,•lltl:'nl'd lo l'lim-1 F J V E • D A Y S E R V J C E ""~ holt I IAII'tl Wl'rl' nll~wrd, I ~ ays Ul e. 0 ,, Is propmN! by :\!Ajor~ r; F. innll' s torks nor" OC't-dt'C.I IJy thl' Ralph Mask.-y, Wt'!ll lltd•· rf'Aitur , ~~~~~ fi l'ld nnd 'fhom.u I. Murphy 11rmrtl ~•·rvi<'rs. prumpl rr•turn In 1 -who dc•vc•Jopc'tl N•wpc•rt l~tiBnd 11p-~nutlu•rn C;olarnrtua housim: :1t1tl lnpl. M. R. C'nnn 111 hwlcl " lhtt n viloan ,..cnnomy all goods nnt Jlf'llrl'c1 to prnll•st L'l'nntln~ n 42 .,fl,.rt:o~.:•"' 11r•· tl11• I'' mPipul l'aH~·· nii'ltlo·rn :lnd l'lahornll' nirport nt a """tl••d It~ tlw &;l•"·rnmo•nt nnd to 7onln~o:. IX'<"II lW', hi' I!IRtd lhhl ,.f " r:lfllllh 1111'1'• 'l'lrll! 'hnrlnf,:t' nr 1~1!'1 or thousands •• r dollnl'll a.nd ""''"" lhl· r.:renlo•<;r O{'l rl'lurn ror .. nn"'OlS tht' nnrr .. w chAnnl'l frum ,k•ll••tl ..... n<lruo•fn•n lnl>ur. II wns unft•·r the outlinl' suhmill1'ti 1\'nllltl l 'nclt' S11m." 'Cleaning and Laundry thnt projll'rty 1111 wns 10n•'tl rMJI.. r•·l~•rl•·d tltts wo•• k '" \\' () Shaw, ,.,,.nlltnlly IX' thf' ('f)Unly's moll! r..-,.re laW .. IGfT drntlal, Anti twollrvcfd thnt 1 -2 mnna~.:,.r n( tlw S1111 tlu·rn C'11ftror-.. tnhnrate. S,\A/\R offidal~ lt rl' hu!ty rla~<si-7nnJn~t would fl('rmlt rr palr11 whil'h nln t 'h:tpt•·r . .\~<ow·lr.lr .. n \.('n<•ral 11 ts propost'd hy tho• trio. 1111 f)tnl; and prt'parim: ln\·o•nlorii'S u_n ml~tht two ohjc"<"tlonnhlr Th<' !'Om· t'nntr:trtur<: of "hom arC' l'X(X'rH'nn '<l 111lntll tn ;111 pr"l"'rl ~ un tlw h:tM'. Tho• h nnl I CORONA DEL MAR-CLEANERS 103'7 Cout H~way mlulon ntotrN'<I with him. 11nd R ~h11w ~tnlltl 1h111 rhr industry hoth private and m lli111ry fllrtTIIfl, r "port \\ill hr suhmlltf'd to lh1• r{'- l h Pnttrnu•n. r••tlrlng clty 1'01::1· \\11< \\tw•flflly d>'pl f'lo•t! hf its Cor er IO h<-t:in their dl'vC'Iopownl slow(~· t.:lunttl l'llnlrul dl'(ll'lf or thl' TN·h- nf'('l', proJ'IC*'(I thAt If •nd wh<'n 11 ( ~ktllo•rl o·ar1w nh•r' •run workers nnrt build An Ril' t~t r1p l"nnln•l 01('111 Srn·i<-1" Command Thl' War -;.;,_.;;;;_...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ th<o prof)C'rty I• AnneliLt'd. •t two 11nll hrk kln, .. r., Plo·nl) n( men !ol'l'rr and 8 fl?w hnn~o:nr~ 111 lttf' l>o·purtml'nl hns thr lmnl sny as !I N'C'Ofnmrnckd rnr " C-1 lOnlns:t, llr•· :1\arlnhll' for lll1(10rlntlon to OIII~E't And eventunllv int'lud;• :m In whut prftj'14•rty IS ,Sllrplus to tht' which will f'Jimlnntl' boat repair this ur,.a. h<' lndlrnlf'd. hut lack ndminlstratlon hulldin~. c('l[fC'C n••••t1s uf !hi' ~O\o•rnnwnl It l11 till~ or haul-out. ' I of housrn~.; for work1•rs is pi'O'in~: s hop, repair shops~ nn apartmt'nt prt~(>rrty "hirh will I)(' off<'rcd for Pick-Up· and Delivery Carl 'P hilhart, ManngE'r Authorized Dealera for Thl• 11c-tlon wu IIJlllf'OVf'd unnnl· to tx-an almost unsurmountahk> bulldln~t. an automobtl{'" ICRrn~:r. a sale. ln()WIIy. . I nh11ra cl.-Ill' sulll thnl hi' rc.~1 mechanic's sehoul and !'iO four-'l ---f14lrts "'·re Rlso l)l'lrn<· ''"' hy tbolf' plAn<> han~o:nrs. Almas House Movers 1UI: I"A~ w... IIIRIID of the A.F L. ll111ldm~ TraCk-s M11yflf'ld. ~furphy and l nnn W U f I ~~tly revt•aled 800-pouncl union.~. h0\'1' been In th<' llarhor nrl'a ere nSUCCe8S U lf't 0 lslon llnj;tlne built byl Oftl'n In th(' past fi"W '':t't·k~ nnd Bidders on House w ... t~~t:me for the-N11~ dr-1Wrf..L.w Weuld ~ave h""" ~onr ... rred w11h thf' n\tnli•m ~ II 1 :'iOO h()TW('poWM' at meld· sn;, rommtll('(' or thr <'.hnmtwor of J\lm:ts llt:~WJ•' ;\)O\IOR ~'Ompuny r:n"" la~·f' tpt"<'ds Rut powl'r In·' The Engine On commrrCt', who hn'.'~' r ndor .. d th•· w.-rr th,.. htddl'rs o( ~on I hi' cu."· p llh .......vt and at 500 propo5n! aa a dl'f•nttc IISSI'I to the IOI'ltan's hnll~l' at th•• w~>~• ... ...,ti of e (>ERFF.COLD e BRUS8 W1CK e RLUJ;·FLA8H e T\'LER enx~ llEf'1UOERA TION e COilii'IZTI: UNE IIOME APPLIASCE MArNTI:S'Al'\C'E' e t 'RAC'TIOSAL H. P. MOTOR 8F.RVIC£ Newport Electric lpiJiiance Co. t:-tabU•bfod 1944 -Phone t ll8 <TI'IIJK'III w a.,...~. I 1 I t mii('S 11n hnur th<' 1111mc t'nfo!l nl? Onct" th.-J:ti'('AI \\'1llram \\'rtt:Jry, orea. 1h1• I'IIY l'llnlll i!rtiUnl s "' I u· 1-,. l. will yll'ld ~.000 horsepower. or two fin a transconlinl'nlnl trnln. was I """'IIIli: 11f thl' e•IY ,rounl'il ~;;;;:~~::;;~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and 11 hAlf honwpow<'r for each nppl'nt~l'hrd hy :1 ll tnllktnj; rar lllll'e Mr. nnd Mn. HArry Ho;,l'r an'd rill h• r than 1111• R. \\' Mc<1rlland ~ pound of «-n~thw W~'IRht, comp~~ny whn sat!l, "Mr. Wrh.:lry, ,., 1·n IIOCiy claughi!'T, Miu Hnmr r, Pa511d{'oa. & Sons, a.<~ .-rrnnloous!y rrpor h'<l tn 4'l\Q:In('('T11 11ny. JJ a pi&M COtfld l{o knnws your l!llm. lt'!t ~old • '"'r)'-and thl'lr grandl"hildrcn, et1c> thl' F1•h. 1:.! ISSII<' "f thl' NI''I'S· t.OOO miJ('S an hour, thP .-n~:ine wtw-rr Why do >'"u m ntinth' '"a~-Mlu<'S BarbAra 11nd C1•nnir• Wlnt<', Tim<'tl. Thf' hid "till r,..jrcif'll. l30:i (:out Bolvd would produ~ 4,000 hol"'l4!pow('r \'t'rli~JE'7" came down Friday and spent the 'fhl? Mc-Clelland bid was on dl?· · 8 tarlng out of thf' wtnd"" ror Wf'f'k end at thrlr cottage, 3700 compollffi ~o:ranito for surfacing F. C. VENN aEALTOa No'-7 hbUe ..,~ ....... CLOTHE.S POR MEN ANO BOYS gtUIJf.,j Sptv.J g~· I H1 MartM A~ I .....,. llllut ...,_,. 11 nrr)mt·nt, Mr Wr~.:l,.y 111rned Coast boulevard. _ lnt!l 111 th£• camp grounds. 11round and aaid: ":O.t y frit•n(l this trAin Is runninj;( alone '"r Y ~rntl(•th­ ly rl~otht now. n o you thmk we 0115:ht to lllkf' <Jff th(' t'O,:!tl1r~" I Aa rrpuctt-<.1 In a "Mi's Swank" aci- 'M'Iilot'ffif'nt in Wom.-n's \\'t.'ar OaJly l Beer Wines Liquers Whi.,k.ey erg rKC E'Sll @~~[SL~ 8oota an4l Roy:~('NW I · Palm and· Ba)·, Bnlhotl Phone .391 =- ·-· . - ~tAA. I L'l C I I Me JOB MIRI All SOME OJ THI TMINGI YOU'LL WANT TO THINK AIOUY IN 'SELECTING A POSITION •• •• I e Does the company bave tht reputadoe o( ~ins &JOOd fla~e to work? I e A,. the ~oP.Ie who work t~(ft t~ k'acl you would lake to bnt u fra(nds l e An ~~~( uraaae•utt for ac~u.iriaa mort .,_. mort keowled&t ..,. ebaliCJ a. the job? e Are thert opponuniti~ for ptomotloe with suitable aoue&MI 111 iacome Md ... apontibility 1 • h th( job studyt • b th( ofli~ where JOU will work COM- fonsbl(, dun. .te, ud propertylit'M aod hesred l ALLMARK ·Greefirlg Cards ti t I I I t t Distinctive Costume, Indian and Shell jewelry LAMPS • VASES • FIGURINES Newport Souvenir and Gift ,Shop Wt~ Wrap Oln• 2182 Oc-ean t'ront I announce my ~andidacy for Coun<;ilman \,r tt{c:C t&r • Will you set ncariont!lth PIJ~ • Will you be rr.-:~H d \\ tth r.-~rrn and cot"- aidention? o f Newport Beaclvst the forthcoming Municipal E1c t:i tUlY"'" to be held on April 9:. I 046. , .. (!). J. R~ . . • . ,../ The Telephone Compan)' offers -Tbese advantages * JUST ASK THI OPIIAt OI fOI THI .CHIIF OflliATt'l • PASADENA WNG BEACH '· ,~., 11 1 Ml. !'!•. ·l ·'!-t.'R Mil Phv "''"'· a. n. s :t ,, ----~- .. .. ---- 'I.\\I'U Kf U ·U .Uu'\ ... t:W~·Tl'\tt:!\, St'"l"•rt U,.IM'IIl. (tol.!_f"'!' ... "'-----'-"~· ... f.~":'l"'·'-1!(1, 111~11 _ -r-~--_ --.... ft .. C~~-~t~l~t~e.~~~ar~b~o_r~H~.,~T~ar~s-~.-r~ar~hts~·n,~rn~~··in Use Box Rural R+ ~'··mbcrs Tl~tt~rls ~,:·:~·~:~,··\,:~~:~~~~~,;·~~~~~~~i~~ . ongra u a '-II 1 Fil l' Firsts in I '~I ,~,I \.·. ). ~ nint'~ h~· f ount·il ~~: u·:· .. ~, ··~\.~"~;~":.~~~ ;~~.-:-. Yar. dley Tabs -152 Po·lnts. M ~d.~~ iJ.!' ~:~. ~~!?~~~~ t a for Present, p. 0. Asks Mesans A~ .. !~:~~.~.':r~t ~~~ ~.:!~.':s ~.;:;:•:· .. : ':"'., ··:: "·::::.~:::··.::".~I ; -\It' llo tit• 1'1011••11 ,, ... I •t•l I ,., 1" .... n !'tea. • , ...... n .... I It \1 1 tt.l"' \lh··•·•• '''•41 fltttnl·ttiH ,,,. "'" t ~''I''''' n•t th•''•'''''ltll 1 t 1 1 I • n h 111 H c•uslnn F nulkno'l . I I I I '"' I I I'". I I ..... ..... " ........ .... .• I ·'' • CoRr h R nlph RN"d rt nci h1s l iar·, ••nc-· 1 '"~'""' '·'~~>' .. q •'· I "' • • '.. ..s''' I)J (' • • f ''"'"" ''t'' t h, l"''''lo'iH f,~ C.tt1\tt\,tl 1. "'' tl''"""~ th• •tttlh' • bor Jh.:h t>nskc-tha ll a~egrtgatlon An:•h•·lm.n o n .• h Kr•~>·nwr. "'••I t:t. ... t .. " "'" •·• \\, , ,,..,,,, ... ,,,o.,, I'"' ""' 'lit t•ltlnliSSit)ll "'"''':·''""1 ~'"""''"'"'"'" "''' ''''""" ,,.. ""''1"1• """"' "'"1. ·.·Dutlo'n'l Grocerv "'Prt"'ht'tn~r.lna,:ra..t ultth•dfurtht•ir IPrton.Rt.Ra) Huht•rts rult··rtttU ld\ It,.,,-,,,,,,_,, ... ~·•UI\1\ utllh•lll lt" II' ... h.·d \ ptttll '''""''j' •I h *h'"''·'"'''' Jhtl••t h•' ""''"'"'·· ,,,, "'''''"·"' ., standtni:S In 1111• SI0{1SIIn I hill ~::asr-I I Atrn•d r:\ .tllS, I htnlllll!lllll : ... ·.:::~.:~-· ,.I... I! '"' o!. I 0 ... ,. "'' ,., ,, • "I I I' 0 "'"' .. Pt)rU\' t'S I )rUJ)('rt y 1•'11 . •I 01111 ,, '"' ... ,, ,, "'''" .... ,,IIIIo \! 'I It a\.""' ~11111.1 '"" • ..,.._ til~ e<1 Its turbul••rtl IRS I \\'c-dnrsday Bo·ndl, 71. ;-;1,11 1: ,11 t,1111, 1 "'"~ , 1.11n.·• " 11" •• 1111 " 11"11• ''"' noulth · { • t' J) t o · .. l •• o .. I ..., ool.•o' l1" t .. ·.•n '"'IIIII' 11. "·'" 1~," '" tlw =-'••lllh l'.oo ot 11 • l lN Nf'~ 81.._ ()M .. .._ aflt'rnoon. • l·u\\lt , "'•'''" "'L•r 11 d\\ ,•tl •I !ill1'1lti'PI ••\ ,, I •h· '"'' U\UH; ~t· tJr l4tCl M we ~~~t<llf.,..-,,...,. "'' •• ,, •'U~IIt•'t'l tr.Uh't .llll\ "' '·•'t ~''ill I' Althoujth rnn(•t•ciNt a nr ar·<'C'llar :"nl ttll 1'.,, ... , 11\Pio\\ho!o I "'""h ~''""' "''1'' '"'" \\ ''" " ,, 11111'1 ''"'''n.:•· Fh'C't IIIIo! ptn oltt•llll' ..... ,, "'''"'II' ........................... ~ berth lllllll' ho•~l001n1: or lhC' 5f'a•l l'tll'tl ll l fllo l •t'ltih t'lq•tll'l' IJIL:'•'II qoto••t 1•f l'.otft•l•••ll '•'\o'llll lllt•lllll• 0 oon. th\' lo•Am, ll pnrkt•d hy sharp· olhll\ oil tl II rom II I.~ •• ,"'''" II•'""'" I ',,, t .• 1 '""'I h'l .... , ... lo•l' ··I till' n l A nl(oo llo• plollllh .t " lit ,, 'loti~ lol PI' L;l 'I,\ ... ~ .t1ooter GJ'()t'Ste Y'ardll'y. wound up t l'o·l(~~ ~lnt o•rt , Htllll Ottt'ko•t P•"' ''""'' ,t,p:lltllklit 111111 •'•ltiiii.Y t{ •11·•1 \I' I ,,.,t,•ol t.1r ,.,., ... , 111111 1\ ... t :o',ilo•o• Ink•• 'till ~ r.\. .... ~ ~ a i(.cond plf!C'(' t II' with Anahe-Im 11 ....... Hu•hl1 ., I'"''"'·'~ t ,., ' ,,, • Ill lot' PI oil tl ,, ..... I ' 0 II""' t: • I•,' I. I OOII 111111 """I .. : t" ,. '''''""" llt\Cio r I IIIII afte-r llckln~: (0\'t•ry l('fl m In the (',tlt!l'lrn•·' ('I'IIIMill: Tt>otlloiiiiWk 11111111" I IIIJ.: """ ·"' ···'I" o.tlllt.: in Ill! • l•looolo .! '· ·''"''' ••• 1, II) \\IIIIo ho• \\t "' ''"'"'' ,,,,,. ,,,, tllo• l•a..:ue at lt•rosl once-In ~he douhll'· ill·•" Akotrll l, Zo•phll •II .:-.: ('1•\.~ "" 11\>l otll;l'''''l. Ioiii lho "'·'"~·· I'""'• It ·' l••••lo·•l ''''"' ., lh'tt.:h ...... ·'"''''' llllolll .. '""' plllo'o' ~ .• ol roumJ ('0n1114'1lllon, II\ I lllott• ~:~.·;q~;• ;.IIIII '1':1\ lo ll I ,,, ,., I> It '''""'"'' po•oohlt•ott ,,.r It• • ool "' ;t Ito• I•·• I 0 'II\ oor• lt!t• "'''• ·I "' ....... '"' ,,, "''' Yardle-y ~:nt hc-rC'd honors Cor the :'oto·r,·un Foottr Ao·o·s 11"•1 '''''''"'I~!"' qtl l•'•'' lotllhllouo rur11l r•wonth 111111 11 1nl r•· ,.,,.,.,, lo•r tho• •'II\ •'"""1''''1' :ohol "''"'' """'"' Tare and hlm~•·lf by nnbhlng the Lalll'k l, G<•ld R•L~h 1(;1•11r~c-Rn>'· '""""· nl llhll'h ,.,.,,,, :'ol··•a I~ ,,,. '""I""'' tl111t ••I '' ., ........ 11 !••Hol••lll btch-scoring lndivldulll champion· man 1. z11111t.lf• 1 AI FI•·I~C'I 1 om• , r• "' '"' "' 1 h.· 11 ,.,, • '"' , 1 1 I"' -.;,, I'' • ,.,.,,,."' •'"''' l·•r o'!'f'AIIrtl: FOn LIMITEU TIME 1:1 (Ill ,.,., "''"" nt \\,I\ o• •n.M $1.' ~'II 1'•'1111·111•'111 \\II\ o' .l .. !!l 1 1 '''" .... , .... 1111 1'•'11111111•'111 , ....... \\ o• 11'1"'' fr•lurt• tt .. u.,., t 'u rtl• IUMI tlalllwfiU t '11ld Wawwe SIIAr>ll't 1\ l:o' ... I,Ntil.lt \\',Wt:.~ MANU"t.Jilf.:8 FRANe~ BE~UTY SHOP 1114\! ll•rlNor t\1\'d ., t 'ueta M..-l'liloeMt Ull ship 0( the ICI-~arnc-lt>ai(\Je with fhltlit' ~ Uurrlcanl' t Austln :-;t•\'o•ral "'" lo.s u~'' M1·s llll/,1'1 o'lt \ ''"1 tlt~•u.:ht '' unl1oll ,,, 1;,,.,. :o 1•11l•llo• ou1otttnl•tr"t"r'~ J••IIJ••n 1!)2 points and is a cinch to be Pl't'Pl,sl, So•rt:o'lllll lf\$1Y llopkmsl, (.;til ul tlw Col>tll Mo•S,I I""'' o r· ,,,, 'oiO'r llothtn 11~1 lo•••l ''' 'J' tn.n rllv ,,t thr l'l\lh r"lll"'· 'J'hnm1). ltlimro to the all·ltagut> cc>nler tl~' l1tr lhtrd amon.: F lolatm.: ,,..,. ur.:•"tt n·slol.•nt.. ru u .. • lht•lr l\11• 'h•··tlo'n '"'"'"'rt••l ·"''' , sr•n ndtnlll•od 11n1l "~k,•ol t hl' "'""' 1'------------------------------' e pot. Tht lanky star shone on Pow!'r t Elnwr Strnf~>rd t. Ratdr r \"''and n F II numl~·r~ 111 lll· '" '" ,, ol•htot• .,.,,,.,,.,, '", "'n•~' '"'"' '" ,.,., • .,,.,, l"mlltAr with thr rebount shots f.nd io.·RS almost In· 1 K lll•riMfrtl and FurtOUJ lEd s•..:m"tt to t lot'lll on 11 lolo'lll o'ltRnlt~ ""''' tho•' '"'"' •·nl!o·ot '" ,,,.,,,., hy 1 dotth• •uo loo· hroll writ te-n l.twm fallible on Cre-e 1hot1 which he! O ltnl lust yt•ur. anct ur~:•od I hill tlto•y ron· ·'''''" .\It, fl ''"''''"'' h•· ,, 111F ,,.M Potrlntot r\-""'' ••f hill !1•rm. f'1111 r r· ..cpnalstenlly ploppt'd In with one S nll)('s -llobclt(' 11 Hklb and t1nuc-'" do so unttl no1ttl 11-d dlf· lit' I luo 1111· r.'larMI m•'f'lllll' I ~·m n•·t•1'1 "' ~'''' l'nlollnr ... r. Wlltf'r , band.._ a little practice he picked Betty While-I, Mall('IOUI (D. and f~rt'ntly. \l•l•lh .itt'''"''' ll•''"'r' A•l•'"'~ fur I •I n-rt nnd ll•'"',.' '"l"'rlntMt&-nt, up to good ad,•antage on tht' hoop A. Andrcwal, Rowdy IHl•nry 0..1 t 'ounty Sur~l')'ttr W K lllllard n -.·tl•tt'k 111 tit•· ro•11r mn! ln •olt nne, aa hllrll(\r ntMsto·r In back of hiJ home on Balboa wart. 'aRid thllt Clrld wurkrrs ut ht1 d••· 111 '" :> C1•f'l l'n lot 6. block A, \\'r•hh. It""" "~r··rd, "''''uld Jllr· Ia! and. Natloaal Onf' ~ign-Tardy IR. partmt•nl havt> rontplt>lt·d l h(' n •· trou t ol ~ "h1o·h ntloln·s• ''"< •'" ''"1'....-.t f'lllll'rtolfl c•n lhr piAnnlna Gtoorgt la a MtliCII' .... accor'd· Slllortrl. Prow~ IG. Walters). numbenng nC one-St'Cthm 11C t ht "' 1111 r. Slr<¥1 wu not actl'4 on m mmt11lon 1n1 to rPportl, Itt alated for Sl'lln· Ntllta (E . llandolphl . • rounty ,tnd lhll! tht' Wolrk tJ Pr<>' tMtt loohl ttn tho• lnhh• ''' lh11l tht• -- tord-wll.ldl, lnddtnt&lly, coukl IA8CIIA H&D&i+·-""n(Uln _ Ral<.'al ITt Rubyl. ('('('din~ studily. Ewntuall>: :.!:2.000 11nmo· ,• .. mmtll•.,. "' w.•n •m··•ll· Na Dock 'Le CIN a f*""' goocl bulre~ball plaY· ,._ ,.._, fll ...,._ ... Skl-du... IM Herrmann I, Chilly (R. ew addrt.,aes will ~ mudo• In tht' a nt•• thC' \'••.:••1 "l'l'lor1111nn ror " vy 88e en. peartJ1c. Ia ~rt at 1-c Iaratl). rounty. lie-also announce-d t hat hut• I "" tho• pnlnt r11n rrrort nn Held U UntJ•J All The top 10 lngut acortn to\ lleMIII M•t-tpal • ...U&ertUII, Napke Sabot _ Qoto ~ (H. fl~ld workf'1'11 will dell\'tr tht! M'W thb sotu11t1on Ad11ma 11akf'd to ~ . low: Yardlt')'. NeWpOrt Harbor, 152; Faber. Oranrt. · 124: Ed Ochoa'. Ana twlm. llt; Elmtr Combs. Jluntlngton B.ach. 113: Douglas Waener. Saitta Ana, 113: Alan. Broybr poks, Huntington White HOIIse Cafe -"'oee lUll ~a Bfoac>h, Cftllt. INCOME TAX RETURNS ~ou.nt&nl .-111 prf'JMIM" ynur rf'tum. t'lllna d,.ad. 11114'-3 .-f'ol!lta.. Don't dt · la y. . 'l'l'll"pho~e N, B. Ul10·.1 119 Coral Balboa b l .. d I ...... &. Oavlal. Stablscult I H. CoUinsl, addreut>S. but th('ir l'ff('('tive clatt hullct " sturo·t~onm nn hi• l111lhn" Leases X&mJ•ned Vlcile (R:. Vloh:tO. will dt>pt>nd upon announcrment of pc>nonsul11 lot Ap2_rove Extension Of .!I&Y&hore Tract Without Sewers Inter-Club-Sub l)(>b 1 H. Wor· postal aulhoriUn. A po·lllltm wu ht~ndf'd In 11t thl' t:estf'rl, Nulunei!' l W. Se<oleyl. mt•t•ltn.: hy W n Klrkpnt~;kk rnr ITomptrd hy " rt'(J~I for a Gadgctt (Jl, Sm ith I. c i I II rh:HII:t• In Sf'ltllll'ko frf'lnf ~) to.• ,....,._,., <If tht• !'W11oth \ 'naltt rnm· 0('1111 NUlla I F Portrrl. SkRII omm ss on :l~ to o•t trunl lhC' hitlkht•nd Ill\!' Ill Jill It)' lf'ASf• l'n l'lo·r 4 "' the< c-Ity 1 ('> P ('tt'r!IOfl). S~hc-lp \C. Kr aak· f Se h l11o h 1:11<, ( 'nnnl ~·'Clltm Th•·H· du!'k. "lolo·h 1111' I t S N11vy 11ak · 0111n ). avors wen 11r1· l11tt two' owno•rs In it"' hloH'il , ,•·•1 '" '"'''• I~· "'lmt'l1 will rt'vlt•w N T Wltll'lt 1~ 111~ ... ;nflnrct tn n 1111 1!11 1•'11.11'11 now r~tel•llnlt nn th,. Appntv•l of the tentntlv~ map L. d.. M. . . In ew rac:t p111)~fllltfl(t. "'" ..... no·r lllid, hll\'f' 11\Prl' tllltn :/1 100 ,,.,., rof Wllh•r of the extt>nsion of &yshore tract,! In Ia U)ef, 111tr•·• •I t(• th•• '""llooS('d c·h~trJ:•' 1 fruntn~t•· •1n tit•• ''"''" •'hr~nrwl ho•· about onl'-quartt•r mile W('~l of thl' F d Lo t, p t • F'Ollnwlns: 11 rrsolutlon nf lntt'n· 'T'Iu· lor't lwnron~t w oUI '"'' i11 fntl' olowlttlnto: whnl ,.,•linn 1.1 lakt• Coast highway brlclg<' hut not 8, eare 8 u tn tlllrl to an""li ttwh 14·11M'I' lriiCt M;Ott•lo on llll\' Jlllrt •• r II . part of N.I.'"'J)Ort O.•nch, WIIS \'(llo'fi •t Oceans•· de tt\\'twd hy Gt'<lfl!l'l(~ PIMtt'rlng a nd ~·····rut lriiMt'J wltk h hii\'C' '""'n by th!' ctty plannmg 'r(lm~··A ntho•rll, tndttdin..-th4--~rhor In· Gi•lbert Seal In o•ffr•c·t •lurln.: llu• w"r rllh••t lust Thur.-day ni.:ht. It was 11o•· I --..... t"'!'Jifnwnl compAny lmml'dtaltly hnv•• run IIUI nr nro• IUMtn '" f'liL· Yriho-d B!' ha\ lng thi• Slim <' im· S"'nrch for lho' :If.· root nuxlllnry north of tht Archt"S lol ihC' city, plrt• 'lliC' I'll)' oloH'k ~~ o>llt• uf tlwm pruH•mt'nlS us JII'I'\'IOUS untts of "'ho>OnM' l.lndlll :'olujo·r. Wtlh four \\hio'h lho•.t'fiUncil pall('(1 nl •••last FoUows Hobgood \\hlc'h I~ ...... '" ''"1'11'' nn Mlly '· th•· •llm•• trac·t. l'o mo•nttt~n ""''' lll'l'<•n• aht>~~nl. tl't'llltnRt•"l mo·r r1·cttlllr 1111.,·tmg, tht> 11 r was A u l Sec"' 1"11 11 • ••·t~o•wal clnttJit• "'111~'~1 111 ' 11 W made' Of M'"l'f'S, I Itt• \\\'('ko•nf1 Whf'n ll\0' <'l'nfl Wll' flrl'Sl'nto'(j Ill lh(' C'll~lll p;annln!r s n.on.. J llllh'tllb ho•llf'\Nl •Wt>ltld ~tiVf' tho• On tfl•· -.rom <' ni~:ht llw C'11Unl~ "'l"'r"od uf1• 111 ()c:oo•un,u1o· t'<tnltnt!<~lnn Thurlldny 1\ljthl Jor . "'"'' hullcl1•r• """'"''' yo•ror lr lhl')' plannon~ "c·ummi~ioo. nl•~'ttn;:: ln I ,,,. Nl;t'l ~u:ortl.••nf!o'll "' o:o•nn ·l• •l'l'no\al 111 lnnl1 u!U' It Ia In be l (:oiiH•rt ~···ol ;\1> 1 •1-IO.-.' "'' •1•••lr•od ''' ··~··r•·t"' 1111 1'1'11"11 S111it:o Anu. appmvNI lhC' ll'nlllll\1' "ho•n Rtt""''ll rnu~o: tnfc•r m•'t'1 t ho·m r·atto-rt Jlarllflr Jlt>ocht " r h:'lllll' ,11 t ho Snuth \'r"''"' Nlm-'nw '111' ~11"11· ~~~·. "' lo•t••lnlt thr m;IJI Of tho• MlffiC ,llNIJX'rl~. <1"111'11 that hi' "II' lh!' 1"1'('11W'nl (tf a r:tJI \\'hill' 11\l'ntlw•rs l<JK oko• IIJIJ)f'OV• Jlllll\ \\Ill lnkl' 1\\o•r IIW lllttlo'IO o•ullro• (o oolllllj'l', "hiC'h 1111' d l )' h~ J"m''" )1\'tno• No ~'<'I'll WPI'I' ft11m Snn l>tt·~u that tho' honl h;vl jin..:l) o f Ull' l'lnnntn~o: and l uning M"'' h 1 ,.1 o·XM'\t tt••• !U'C'rl'lnry oq f>lt~nnln~: o'loonml•-l<.lfl ,..,oomml·nd•od 1'\ll'ttn~ in lh•• .'rat!, whldl Snnltt o•nrounlt•t:NI rnutnr I rouiJJto anrl ctf 1 hr I r ae· I. so•\l•rnl d••c·larl'd t ht~t I I ho· ( '11 ' ~hlphulld••n unlnn whim r .. r holll ""'"' nnd C'flmplt•mc-nt •r y Ana ~.-ws act• tcl's •nict had bf',•n I hacl !'IOI)ptt.'(\ nt (1(-('an!-lde. . lht•y kit th•· 7'.! lot~ prn1JOS('d tol nro· IH'tlll: rt•lln• ulslu'd h . Thumn,. huJttllf ... "·' """ ·'""''1••n•••l ':'' thi• tt•ntnttvt'ly ~pprovrd for 11nnc-x11·1 Th•' ll\oJot ~~ o" n•'<l loy Alvtn bt• rut 0 111 .. r 1 h•• knoll should bl! M lloh ••tnd +," nrfl~ 11 In 1.,. umco r•'"'"'" { t•l Joltn J SMII•on.l t 1on l)y thl' n ty o f N\'wpnrt tknch. 1 f'ttltKI'r or L'CLA sttuncl Ia hot u· srrv t·d with so•wrrs Tht ~ 1 1 .: 1 1 n ,. 1, ~·cr11 oi iiQ'Ictn rtt '" tlu• rll) tonl(ll\o'f"t' will ii;;;;;;;;;;....:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;ji i Th•' tra~·t "I\.< Ai.'CI'pt.l'd by count~ tnri ..... nnd moor('d hl'rc-main rxi~l!< nhout 100 )'IO'M hc.-low ~11' ~ 1'1,',~; 11°n ~ 11 ~ •:,~r,:t' ;. dt•lt•n ulru• tlw atntua ot thr II'IIJio'il plonno•rs wtth St'pltc tnnks and "" rron n n l'ntLI' r h..C11ro• llu• no·lol mM"IIfiiC, at which R ·o S S I ' S I t . I' th rt the proptt.•rty un Coal! ho~hway, il du•·· •I t•·r~nnnrl In th•• )'llrd. tlm II II Ill tr I '· I .:;~·:n,!~r. tni'S t rl'po ex· Your Frt·enda wns rxplnlno-d, nnd the· dr~~lnage Ia ltnltl(fll'ld Is lrrovln l( ihr t•mrlnv (' •' ,,"' ('utiii\C'I WI I (II (' ... 1 •. ~ ......... ~ 1 ultnf' rnlln ,~., l'r • ,.. !.Jitl nh-..o L• s t And Mt·ne ·--of '"'' l'ttmrro'ny lei hullll A "'"''' uut, whk h lJ lho• liMit 1'0\lr'tle tu I q u 0 r 0 r e I Mr. a:d Mrs. Dutcho-Hcacock Tom llo•ndcraon, rt'prcaenUn" on !hi' d(•tlrrl nr•nr MllrtlnjtO, Ill tnkC'. -- lOOS Coal't Hlway and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Breit· • thl' Jlarhor ln\'lot~lnwnt company Morun~tn Vnllo•)', ht' •nld F.rlctAy.l blw•ll •nlcl th•tl tltt')' ltftct trlt'lt Ya !Kite Sooth of the A~ haupt madr up a party whldl Mrs. Maris Nrwland, Ne-wport nnd thr othe-r ownf'ra lllld they Ttw h)('llllnn Is nn the-29 Pnlmll In phon 1111 tho• 1t·11•1·, to o·11plro 111 CJONd on TUMday I d ined nl l!te Green Gables cafe, llt'lf;:hl!!, nntl Mi§5 Elsl!' N.c-•,vlan. d. agrt·('·d thrt! st•W('r& ""''rf' dt"ttlrnblc-. hl,:hwllv. whcrr 1"' 1'"1"'1'111 In rk · 'I"""' tho• ~"n"· llntf' tlflll lltl')' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~<'~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· hut that tho• mntPrlnls WC'r(' hard \o•ltlll lllrWrC'II, 81/trllnto: wlllo lhrN''o t•rotnll•o•" 1,, "f\•• lilt' 1'1111.y rc•t•t"• ,,un ay cv£ g. rc-nlral n•·l'nU<'. Wt'nl to Rl\crt1dc to ~c-t nnd did not lwllrvc' 11 ~nnl· 1 ~ " " ' I Frldny tu 'lsi I nn aunt In the-tur" p'rohlt·m !'XIstr"tt tltcr.e. J ohn or rour unlta w nt ull\ ,. •11'1tnllo• "'""' "" tlw On Home and Auto Radios AT REASONABLE PRICES ' It cs pltnl ' St'al has llf'l'.n with 11"' c"t•tll '"""""II ''"'II fur tlwtr ,., "~" holll .. '1• · • Allo·n . rluoormnn u f th1' commls· " 1 1 1 s H mhl'r hut """ Jos~ph Dc Tt•mplt• Qf Bal~n • ..lton. Utr•u"hl thAI '' wnuld not llo· tllln,. • llt'l', ~~~ . ''I' . . m•••r•·•l at '"''~''"' lro '"'"' "' tho· h II I (1 I ~of! I "'""' -~'>Non II nlN''hllnlc fur lhr !)IIIII 10 l'nlcm (Ill llt..-k 'J" llnllotoll lalr~ltd I ~· n r<:<'C'n Y n• urn•" 0 c \ tan " mod•·rn :<uhdlvision "othout lWW· yrari lit• livl'll nl f.l"\ n rwul · hfr, ~a' lllk••n '' 1•111ilion liS a p. ··r~ Mark Johnson fdt II should ~trN':'t. pr,.nlt<'l' carl)('ntr r and truck rwt ht• rrrnmo·ndo·o.J for subdlvlalon Foor Mll•ttllo'tl, ,,,.. drlvt•r rur (I 7. Hnhr rlll4tn, Corona \\llhoul thl'm. del Mar rontrttclor. • 1 l'pnn thr motion uC l.ouls Baltt, Gue-sts Ill the-homr o f fiC'v. Ida l'ummlssoonc-r Crc..un Co rona drl I W and Henry Snndr. 504'~ O rnngC'I !\Jar, lh" l(ro up 8 (to·r ll'nJrthy dis· 1 11\'f'nuc-, C'rr<t:o M··~n. o•·c•r thr r ussion vut(-d UnHnlmously to fran·~ Do-Nut Cottag(• · ;::="'=''"='=.,=,"=''..,====== Opens on Nwpt. Av~. N.f: W r. I N F. Craft (~reetina-Ca rdH Htatlnnflry I W!'C'k('nl1 wrrr Starr SKI. Phll11p n'C'Ommt•nd lht Rllhc:l tvls lon ma11 That t·utr llttlo· """"~~' • n· T olstad. Sf'Onttlc-, W1111h . who rr-1 With approval of /ononl( and lny· tr11ncc-to tlw IIIIo' louololm~ fnr· r~lvcd h is honor11bll! disC'hArge at out . prO\'Idlng thAI •• "l'"' nr,. in· mcrly thr C:ro·•·n•·r Furno toll • ,,.,,.. 2348 Nf'WPOrt Bo.ulevard CG&ta MMa t Joor1 MAc-Arthur Jail •Wt't'k, a.nd ,.18111'<1 wllhin 11 n ·lt.s"nable tim,. :o l 1761 l'o·\\t>'1rl "'''"''"· 1'"''" ~~~~::==========~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 .. A. Wall, AM M. 1/c, .n.-phew lr the council fll\llr" 11llowtn~e th<' !\11'l!ll, "whlrh ha• r•·•···ntl\ hu•l ·"• Palmer Radio & Electric Rrookings Va rif tv -.._ ... , "·-....... ~u-etn-··-· ~.ROOFS@~-· ROS~ L BARROWS . OWE.., o.)r>1 ft.·•,•-'>t.ll lt.t.IIA ~OOf iiiL(O of Mr. Sand(', who Is stationed at 1 t t .__ ld 1 th 1 nttraC'tlvr flll"'·llft ln~· J<•h. 111 l hr I · I o 1 o '"' IIC' n • m.-Rnt me-, 1 L ' • 1 , (' 1 San De-go Arrlvln..: Monday to ho d ld ... d 1 Wll)' nlo 'r:111 • '" •1t "I II'• lll)('nd wr veral W('eka wcr~ Mr. and ~ 1• n . ~ull 11"'' "',OS''; 0 co,vc•r l ,.hc-rc-"f'rron." """ I• M"' s ...,_.•••n Mrs A W And<'r>~on or Ht'ttinger a l'r 101 a a on "1 1 ~~. Jllnt ary A S tru7 d•~1•·n••·• tlo•• "oto·l•·"' olol• N. D . M; Ancll'riOn Is chie f ofl s )11tem. tt wu exJJ 111n•-u. I AII·Am.-;lc-nn tlr••Jio'r l """ tlu twlp polll'e at Hrttln~:er. • "' hrr hlllthnnrl Mr 1nrt Mra. William Correll, Ctty Employe Mad<> tn •l~:to1 .. r lho' 1'11~1""'' 1 :l:.!fl Diamond u•·rnUP Dalboa lll-l IIJnt lnnt:•ltllow "'l"r n11ol •••·•lo lltnct. Rr ... fl!lrf'Ont ~ or a daul!:llter 'l Had Wrist Broken '"01f' lltlll"'"'""""' 11'''""'"1 11"'' 1" horn Ff'h. 19 111 ~~ .IO!II'fth hos· • 0 "'lliJ')Iootl 1111 lito 'l"ot, "'"' tlo•• I''" J'lltlll Sh(' \\l'll:hf·ct six JIIIUfldll. Inflating Tire lllo•lnt~ """ ,,,,,,O'f,tflllll , •• ~. 1 sc•vcn ounc~:s , 1 1 ldcd n <''""''"' "h• t o !htT • ·"' .1'--------------------------.. • Mrll Jrnn McDonald has llf'('n . .. . . ---1 •• ~'~''"''' ,,,., • .,, .. l••ttl• o1 It\' tt ... or 1• I E n S 0 I.'S l"rofl"'llllunal l'ha rmary 29'! t'OKP:I'IT A\r.~ur. I .ar·una f\l'u h lu ""••nou I•" ),,., /;,.,dd t" .......,. .• u.... h• •• ,,....,. ......... fUWI1f f'lt fUUHKl lt \I . ..... '· "''"" tlrf~lhJ ""'''' •I Rf'll• "f*"'"•·· •• ,.,.., r. ••... h .... .. ,. u u r t........ •l I .. 24-Hoar Radio Service 8urt R. Norton , ......... .., ....... ., N-..rt ....... C.W. , SAFFTY or each Iecount lNSURED, up to i.5,ooo., by the Fede,.l s •• inga end l o•n lnsur•nc v Corpor1tion invest on uve \ere ... ~here liVIng PAYS ! R c~ou n:cs $4,000,000.00 Laguna Fedeial Savings and l.oan Association Ill ttl ho·r horne-on \lay strrorl, \ t('ltm o)r n l"'l'ttlollr a<¥idl'lll "' I .t\urrol I• orlllo I' " , ... ,, ool 0 ooll · I '\r•wpnrl llf·ll~h!~ llo<' d.IY )artl )'t•.•t•·rdl\)' mnrntn1: ,1 ol t:lao.~o. .,1 ttulk .\1r" .~fRrtr \,Ao•llnr of Eureka,! w as { lhro·no•• ll~tko·r, An •·rn~tt)O' ~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~~~ I f h I t •••••• t • • • • • • • • • • •••••• ·~..-I • ' • ······"'' t't11h nrrl\'o·d S~tturdAV nn n vial\ 11 1 ,. "') ~too·•·t '' l"'rtm• 111·"" F'nr 'llllrk r,.•11lt' ...... ~"•'"' I• • Bookkeeping Service • Audi ts . ... ~,.~ .. ,, ........ ' .. , ' INCOME 'TAX RET\JRNS -NS P.,m -'"· I Baltloa . a. N. IIAJ'I:N'FI:LD Uours l · 9:~ p. m. Public Accountllnt Pl\one 158 . Gas Heating & Ventilation --- .. CHARTER & PRESTON StAle LiCI'n~<'<l Contrac-tor Hi!atJnc ln•laiLaUoo• M akfl \\'arm Y.'rien .. B allla e-• Phone ... M ~ldf'llf't!' 'l/'tlonf'<l 9'6'! or Z916 --~ Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S % 100 ()(oean Front Newpo1 NOW OPVN f.\~,SGS L HALTS • SAND\\lCJIES • HA.WB1 'ROER.'l leo. Cnoam to Take Out . . . to Mr"' Ash II') KnooWillm, F inle-y hact ht~ ldl \Ht~t loruko•n "1111'' Tlm t'C rlu"ort•·•l ... ltunn• nw·nll• ~ltl• Is "'''!"mothe-r hy a tn~lllton~ a llr•· I I : I• ' I I I I • . lc•rm•·r mnrrln~:•· to Wllllnm Tr\1.~· fh,.. 81'1'orJoont "·•l'l"'no'(l "lu '' '' ="''"'fl'll I llroj(htll, And ~It•• will llako•r \\;os thllootonv lh•• tnwk Ill• ,ll«t \1~11 t hr 'l'r~ lllmtly whLWl..,.~l a.c ~~ n •'' loo•rl 1 ~1 l"'undJl I"'' h• rf• ~urr•, H nn..: t .. I\\• • 11 thf• ran1 ht11' Frnnk 11<-11, \\hll runs thr Pa· "1"'' 1 1"'~';•m•· ""'"'1~··•1. htttuo: \ tlonn olfwo· r .. r l'~tttl Ln ro·nlzen. ht'-\\ rl'.' \\ llh II ,, n ,,,.., lrrlfl:IC'l '" nhlr In lw ahnul ro~:non u(t<'r :tn J>r (,o raltl lt·t'"·' look X·r , •. ollno·~~ 11totl tr.tmol thi)l llw "TI•t "'" lrrok•·n. lo111 p11il o.ohl)' \\ulllll 'm• to•l ll} lt~•·lf I '"ll'ltlo I ·otolo• llo·~h II I tnkr·n •1H ulst1. 1111d while p1111· • CaMs Cabhwt& SlnC'I' 189A ~inrr IR86 .. ~EFIUGERATION and Air Conditionin.,; 1 IUt If \\.t ' fllll I HU'Id••rf~d ·~·tflftl''" J~~ a lijance proves T im M Lendrt"ship • Mesa LIQUOR SHOt• IAU 111 Nf'W))'!rt nt\'11. Pl('nty of \Vhiskty So limit 1.11 any oof our mf'rf'J1anttl1011 CU iiT J\ .wr. .. A. (",U .IF. I.' lao'"' ~ .. wpnrt M -.:-- Quality Lumber . ' .,;d Buildinv. Mal4nal~ f;2:l S.1. ·a At' ,\ n,;,.lfo<ol Mt. \n•lwolnl, ( .... ,. t:~U:ICI:t·'"('\' PIIOSt: '"" ....... , .,,.., ... ~! • ,COSTA MESA LU MBER CO. fl E HOSTETLER (~arr'" t'('ed S tnr(' Hay and \,ra tr} <Jwtlit .' Ft-1'(1<; • Dally DNh••r\-n ,,,... 1'!'7 111!'7 ,,.,.,,.,r t Uhd. C ttf4T A •t:M-' (;rnt.ora l Machinf \\' ork • Ma ri ne Macl11nc W11rk • Boat Build111~ Milttnal • 20.11tlll fc-.·t Vul•· ~I •:t '""II M,\111 J( ;,\:"Y ftot' Hto.ot ' SA~IP!-i(J-! Ma <'him· \\'etrk~ ""'' , ...... ~ .. , lll~tl J f'hMu· '!t '! I C I 1"'1 \ \tf."' \ . . .·· I• ~~ ·Post War Prosper.ity Club Ro ster--Continued Thr fttll·l*tcr an Ia~""' hy .lae·k Uncl!tlfo~·. r..Wt"'' artblt,·t. nur wa}' nf IN'nt· ln~e nur N'a.dr n "lth I"''' rayah• In prullf' ud pt•nd l, JJa11 f i&A'f' a nd llfr "tun"' of "'" '""'""K dCiunry. UfCimt•too Clwlr ""'" 1 .. rrll•·r~tCI'tl fnr thr t~a•nrfiC uf "~""'~'m••"' tn th•· art~a unci lc1 r .. mlntl "ulci,.Cr r'"l" ttl Chrlr l'l mtrllmtlun teo lhf' hulldlnl( nf thr llarbe~r cll~t- Crld. Nc·" far• ... ancl Utf'll' llttJI'W altfl "h~c·Jdc~ hi,.Cur ll""l," dbtpla~ lq thf'm u a....,.t,. .., rmr mlcl"t . loohn -'· Siegel l<:"<;r:-.:r·.I·.H~ rond ~~ '1<\'J·.YOHS '' 1111111 'II ''"l"'rt ltoull'\ltr11 ......... 'l-'1.~~ •••• ,.., " " ..... Ill(\ .t. J, .t Volney I lay Balboa Motel tr .... t f t·ntr•I-A•II•,., T,.l,.tolwo,.. :.~11 , '. t. ! ('a) c -Paul Lort.•ntzcn Balhrta Sp,,rtfl ..,hl ll~ Fleet ......................... ·- 111\Mii\ 1.< tf•f1t t:"l, M·""lfl''' Orkin'H l>epartmcnt Store ltPt.d) 'f• "''' "' n •. ,.,." ·r .. ~ .. ~ t'l•'<'f' 1 ....... lrol;tol • \\""' ll•o'l"l•<>loiWnr'o• Miron,. 'l l'!l._fn ttw. u .. ,.,t nt C'u•lA M-., • .r .. t ~tilton M. Maxwell, M. D. tfi4tl f 11••! Jllt~hWll)-.f UtUIIA tt.-1 Mar l"htoltf" ,,.,..,,..,1 Hlfl'! .! .. !. J, T l .fo:Ff·:Vl<E "Frcnchie'~" Barbecue & I •~lkateMen 1111 'Wain "t.-Ralhna ll•ot.l -'rcoade F •'''''''''''''''''i'''' ••••••••• • • i i • . • : t Ill • • . . .. . ~ : : . : : ! • . . ·~· ... .. ,,.,,, . .. .-.. ~ TIINdaJ, Fel»rur) M. INC ~~~~==~==~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 .... _ A: Beach Comber's View of Our 'Big· Four' -~ . Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECfRICIAN • G. N. Wells Real Estate l'lto.e ~l'lli')JOrt 1'7S · ,Balboa, Newport BeaCh~ €esla Mes.a, Corolla ·del Ma:r---"All f-or One-One .for All" , ftoae ttn . ' 1111 c:c..a -..w•r-NeWJ!e~~ .. a..._. -··--.11~- l'fN ~.--port ftlvd.-COIIta M-. ,(;alii. ;t .t .t Dr. Robert A. Crawford OJYI'OMETRIST .. l'ftl N_,.rt IUvd......co.ta M~c.e.t. ~, .... . .t.t ~ Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Company Neill>•• tell ... -Ill OeMt IIIP-r-N..,.t .._., <l8IH. ttt 0. z.. Robertson General Contractor Ult o.ut .......,~,_ ... liar, o.IU. 'N_...nll .t.t.t Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL u ......... , Ooeta ...... Celli•,... .t.t.t P,y "Doc" George H. Stricker That old adace about .. .,ulld -a lwUn mou!W'trap and thr world wtJJ beat a path to your door,'' c·ouJd Mc-11 _lw appllt"d to thr harbor ana. for wllh thr dhw-lwer)· by boat own!n. of tht' unn<'t'Ued op- portualtiM for ufr ant'hora,; ... with both "'"ooth watt'r and oceaa IIA1Ilq for yachtNJNon. tht> )at'htin,; fJa.~rnit)· ha.~ truly ,made a pathway to N..wport Harbor. • Attl'&('t#d by nc'atlon fac-llltW... many non-N""idrnt owaen han brou.l{ht th .. lr ),.,..,. hf"rt' "hilt-man~· mol'f' ha\'4' c:IHided oa the an-a for a (W'rmanM'It holllf' and "ill build latt•r, while m.aay new homt''l aN> alrt'ad~· und~T C'Hftlitruction. ~ In ~'lU'htJn.: drl'lf"'i St>wpnr1 Harbor hiL" daimed maD)' famous •f~M"!i'. ..,.,. "t:lhcht of th.-SnoM birds." annWLI affair for the youn.ct>r .c(nf"ratlun, Is knoM n all O\'f'r tht> world. llook 8f.ardslee with hl11 Jc:H'&JI,\ -built n-\'·(' ancl tht> l~ttc• Walt8n llubbanJ jr. with' T•maw II wt•rt• inft•rnatinnal C'lmmjllons, "hilc-tht> lat .. Bill IMJee, a mt'mlwr of St•\\ l"''t llarl10~ \'at'ht dub, Kaiif.d h~ Taurufl, the first Star ~t ever bullt,· whlrh later develo~ Into a ca-. ... , nther famous IUUIIfJ8 are oa..t.be list of looally owne4, tl,oata. lnd~ in.c tMJIIDe famous oaa In the motJoo picture world. IDdustry, too, ill lnterMted In the harbor aad many boat.A II&•• been buUt here, both for the gonmmeot during M'artlme, aac1 for c·oiDJDerdal ud aport3fk~. Mlnesweepel'f', tu« boatA. refrqer- ~tted e&rJ;O veMels, PT boats, baby purse srlners and day boat.A have · all hit the water at local yards. The spo.Uftshlng fleet l8 oatt of the Important lndustrlea -' thf' harbor ud cn•"S are kept busy lfte year 4 around ~ of the three'C&Doerid which eaa~ them to fl8h Ia the wloter montM. With many p&euure boat8 Idle durin.: th«> war yean many nrms an busy In the n-pair and ~strut'tlo~ of boalA, whlle othf'r1' an' featuring the very newef&t In MfliKD and mOHt modem In ~tructioo. ··A. E. Groty ..-j. A. Groty . Groty Appliance ~·: ·fl ••••• L . rrw: ...... ~~~ .,..~ .... -· •• ,. .. Christian:s llut on Edg-ewater·. Balboa, overlooks tht• bav and is the rcndt'Zvous of pictun> 5tat-s a nd· yacht~mcn. It had i(s LX'-' ginning at Catalina lsthmus wh<>n "Mutiny '11rt •the Bounty" was being filmro and Major Art-La Shelle cater't'd to the film colony. 1 JC..,.rt .... ~--, Odl. I # .t .t .t Jehit E. Sadleir Real Estate _L Insurance OftiM ,.._: ... -......... , ··~· c.w. .t.t.t F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop _ Gin'S OF ALL KINDS ,.._ tta~ ~ · tt• OeMa ,.._t-Newpert .._., Celli. .t.t.t L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Meea Radio & 'Eiectrohica Co. ......... l'IM JC..,.rt .....Cuta 11-. 01111. tt.t . HUBBARD HOWE PrM. Hubbard'• South Coast Company ltlJ w. ()wll:al ,. .......... t.t.t HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing a• _. 01M1 ~~ N..._ 1118 .t.t.t Lew H. Wallace RaJ E8ta~ and Insura~ Broker ,.._.: Of'lk!e -----... -W. O.tnl A.-.-Newpert ..... OaiH. .t .t .t COY E. WATI'S Balboa Liouor Store tM a O.tnl A-. .W..., Oallf, ft. M,._, -..-., o..r ...,.. -o. 11. ....... Jlcr. .t .t .t Louts Verwey, Prop. Culno Cafe & <Mktail Lounp ---~,.,... .t .t .t J. M. Miller REAL ESTArt BROKER n..-e IU! IMII ...O.tni-N.wport a-il ''On Your Way to aan,o." .t .t .t Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photog rapher .., .........,_ A,..--co~ tkot. Mar, e.at. . N.-port S.~ll .9!·\\ r--.t d. .t New'port Engineering Associates FREDERIC' J . SIN<";ER. P1 o'l'ilit•nt Mu8fiiC't•rPr. I; ~If"' F.nci""'" 11111 ('ft .. t Hll('tlway-1'1_!. :48! .t .t l. \ Ot~ ~oyd • Boyd's Servtce Statton IMt W. C..trai-Nl'Wl'Ort ~Pitone tU .t 't .t WaJlaCt> C. Matoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. f'oot'W't'OI for AI lthe F11mily .. 11M S"'liiOrt ah-41.-C-a& M- ' .t r-~ FRAN~ 1\. AI\'D MILDRF.D WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. Slwn\"la-WIIllaJns Quality P'Ua'ta K..t,inator ~. ..... IMI·"' c .. ta M-.• 114! N_,_l1 8h··· ' . Cap~in Stanley James Barden of "Wing Sang," Knows the China Seas, Its Boats and Its People TtNo "'pika of oee of thr famo\1!1 F()()("hoo P~ .lunk!l.. shown to tlw lfoft, Ill GIN' of tfwo P'"""' day uJllog \'f'!liiW'l<l pl)1n~~: ll.·· tween Foodlou aad Shanl(hal, China. Thf'y a~? Ul"uaU~· l(IA(If'tl to taw KUDwaleA and <"&t:r)in~ a c&J'KO of any rommodJty nf'fi"'· ..,.y to the ••feaeaoe ol t'ltlff-..rTport. Thf'~· alway" IWUl In c·on- VO)"' of tea or naon, u protfodJoo ~mt plratf!8. . ,.\('('Ordln~ tn Capt. St&nifo)' Bardf'ft, p6ratf'!ll a"' still at'U\'1' In ('hlnf11f' wat•·"· """ Ia thllt da)· and qwo. Tht"'W' junk.11 tlC"(Wnd t>ntil'f'l~· nn tlw •1nd for propuWon. It takf'fl about tf'n days to maJw tJw tri1• of ~· thrH hl&lldred mJkotl. ... Howard J. Gerrish ltARTt'9 RU F'IRt: "!ti 'R\" •: CO. Bob Allen COl :'-ICILMAN ,., ... ., ... l fll ( 11'011 ~"" l"•rt Uln l -< "''• \h-. Ca lif. .!. J. .r. .\~I I' A SF:>. 1'1 1;\ "'''" n:! Ibn a Market ' and Belicat('ssen 7011 t:. C.-nt ral-1'11. 1!7:!9 DON NOR/\1AN N orn1an 's Meat Market Prop. ft.\1.11\1 \ 1"1 \\'D VARO:Tl' ~~~~oar. .!~ .t ;!: JOSEPII L. MARSHALL "1-'r '" (>Ia", Muaa~r fhri"tian's Hut .....,_. -~· t .t Thomas F. Norton rrop. BAY ~liORE CAFE l'bOIII' !311-1 :1 .. A Co&ai Hl«'llll~) ~n~\'1,•: 1. '\()ON TILL 9 P :'>t. He later opene<1 th<> Hut at Balboa and ~. induced F 1"8ncois Mm-shall. for years chief steward roa· major slellmship lines. to .take c·harge as manager. Marshall was hom in England.and.at the age of five yE.'ars wC'nt to livl' in Russia. his father lx>in~ in charg<' of <'nginrering fot· the trans-Siberia'l railrood. I I(• was 16 when he left Rus."ia and lx-gan working as st<>warrl with stl'<Hnshir li nL"'· visiting all parts of 1 he world and leah1in~.: th<' mixin~ of many varied drinks of rh.~ Oril.'nt. lie also worked in snme of the lnrger bars in this country Rnd onC'I" owncrl thl" Midnig ht Fmli~ in Chic-ago, om• of the lar;;:I'St night spots in the Windy City Hospitality and friendly individua l !"o('f'V· i('(' is the keynotl' of the Hut nnd others who have <1 part in making it n popular spot arc K<>lly Mica. Marshall's tight hand man: H ap Long. (?\U'Ch«.sing agent: Lcs L('man. chef: Allctr'Taylor ana Helena Long. in charge of !'oerviCt>. and a staff or wait res.~ dt"'eSSe'd _·, in t ropirnl C05tumes. -- ·Urad en L: Finch 1 ·,·< c .. r c ( ; ' u...1.lJ,;P: Finch (. 'tramics .t. J. J, Da,·is & Gay ~lusic Co. 1110'7 StWfKtrl ntnJ.~·,;,IA M1"1'1"-""· !IUO 4 I 4 \\'alltu SL-Huntlnl(tn• BfoMII J:.t.t . Theodore Robins -FORD'DEALER '!11 11 w. n •ntrel ' SPORTLAND-BOWL1NG-PAVILION .. ~ 't-f('phon(' 2-102 BALBOA ': .t.tt : AL ANDERSON Fun Zo.-.e BaJ~ ~-· .t .t~ .t ~b Callis Dllltrtbutor ..aAI. PETE (FLVINO HORSI:POWD) • ft'7 !Otlt 8&.-Newport-Pitone m .t .t .t ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Phoae «8 &M lOUt 8L-Sewport Bekh. ('aUf. .t .t.t Capt. B. J. McNally MeSallY'• Bal_boa Boat Livery c--.785 ~ Bay Ave.-Pitone 408 .t .t .t Dr.-C..nrad Richter Coeta M- Pbone: orn~ 13S Rellldl'fte'e ., ..... .t .t .t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA CaUl. .t .t·.t ~-Wew L Elaine Wet.. Coast Properties Co • R.rallnr'l '70S E. Veatral-Balboa-Pllone ISS .t .t .t W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !l•t ..._~eli')JOrt .t .t .t Frltz Goossens - Gus Vander Linde Balboa Market l"ho8e Newport M-10 I Malft 8L .t .t .t jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Pllone ZOIW·W 1.101 OoM& m.hw•J-Ne;wPOrt ~ ()df. t .t .t ALLAN DARTFORD .The Blue Sails Boob. 8t&Uo•ri. Canh, Art 88,...._ -Mala 8L-IW..,_I'II. Newpert M .t.t.t Robert E. Arvin's lewelen aad Watdttnaken lit ,._tJ·~ StNet Newport lleeda, CaJif . .t.t.t W1ll1am MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Ca.Ud.nl Mac.Curdy & Calkins, Ine. NAVAL ARCHITECJ"S M. E. Nledccker. Sec. It Treu. llll OeM& Bw, ... Newport llclll.-ft. If.,&. 1- .t.t.t Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER .... 8etate Broker-VIIdtt -d lilhlp B"*- .1 <Jout Rwy.-P!I. ~Me·M .t .t . .t • C. F. Dennison A-l•tH wiUt A. H"Asor ltt'r.I~T.R -.,..,._ tst ('baat Hll('tlwa~·-PhoiW' t:na .t '.t.·-.r.·----;-- MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy %1011 ()(-ean l'r ont-PfloDI' .'\ .t ! .t. ANTO N HERSHEY Pl np I lrnh!"\''~ Market s·pot Phonf' lOOI)_Rallwl" '"•.S . .. ;f. ,t ;!. Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES Won. Waft. \\'fill Naln l'lt'"'-ltllblla ! .t .t Dennis Hogland PLYMO UTH ..... l~ Mf"a.-11110 Sew-pori • ..._ .tt l i\ RTI It R SII.\"EP. New Blue Room • •\\•·" F l•'4 tru t: 11' \ ,...t~:\TS, URISI\S ASU JCO\fi\'\T~ Trl. '!nu \\. ( •·nt.-;. R:lhna , • Helnfetz. Appearing At L. a: Municipal Tuesday, 'March 5 I P uBLIC NoTacn ~nid Tht!!>l' hll\ in~; Ioiii" IIJ:IIIn•t '1\ld ,.,). Jlltrt nt'rshJI' sh• •Hid pn.,.,•n t I Itt' Hf'lfatz the world's ltl't"lltNtt sum1• fvr Jlll~m··nt to 1\ul..nd violinist who will ap1li'ar 11t thl' Thom1lSnn. "'"..,'"'"~ ,,, t.Av.. Su1H• Long 8t'ach Audlt!'num 'l'Ul>i>dtw :.>OR SpurR•'C•n llldto:. SAntn Ann t'\'t'ninR. Mart·h S t'1illmlltft thai C'lllllornlll, '''" nr tw-tnrl' ~h•mt .• ~ he hl\l played the \'IOhn 0\'('r :.lurch 4. 1~1\. at till' hour t>f t .. n 76,000 houn1 dunn~: his lift• Thist"'clo•.'k A. M. is tht' f'QUI\•alcnt .of pia~ 1n1: almost Paled 11nl1 s•~:n•'li this :.!1st !tny nine yean~ 1teadl1y, 14 hours 8 da y c1f Fehru&ry, \946 At thc·nge of 43 HC'ift•tz hils lSI ALIIERT M Jt'IYcJo: Y.anl o( ron~t-playm..: tk·hind • ROY H KEENF: him. Whm ht> wu thl"ff his Cllthf'l' Pub.-Feb. 26. 28, 1946 bought him a quartrr-s•zc flddiel NO'I'IC'I: OP' and ~tave hlrtl-blL. first lc•nQP. From tht'n on throu~:hout his lHDN'WION lf0..8a.r.- childhood hP avt'rlll:<-<l four houl"'l i . --.. a day practcing. It 11 hia boua\ F~~t) -six-foot Gu S<.'I'<'W Ni'p- t hat alnce th~ aae of w ven he. hu tune wlJI be ~"''! hy John C'h/ll . bet'n u lf-aupportmR from hll• con· I K1rk. Herbert 1:-otrh and \\ m. cer t appearances ' j &lllion ro Pn'tlt I sa .Mnoff lin f . · 1 Thursday, Ft•bruary 28. 1~6: All • Hel etz. prt'l«'ntatlon Is an ""nt rlalms or Hens may be pr..-entNI of the Long Bt>a~h Greater Artist 10 Wln$t Sang Boat Yard. Broker· Seriet and seats are· now on s.ale A~nt for wlln at 811 Cout High· at tht' Aoc11torlum llox Offit't', ancl .way. Nt>wport &ach. California, Humphreya Music Compan)· In bt-fort' Ft>bruary 28. 1946. Long Bt'ach. • PRENTISS-MOORE. • Pub.-Feb. 26. 1946. P1,1BL1c Nonca CUIIIK:Aft or at18DIUII Fictitious nnn Name ~&llTIP'ICAft .or 8 1J8flfUI nw underii(Md does ht'rcby FlctJtJoua F inn Namt' t't'l'tlty that ht' la conductln& a -DIC'tel ~ and sales bualMU a t 'nfE UNDERSIGNED cSo here--1301 Cout Hlchway, City of Nf'W· by t't'rtify that th«'Y ar~ conducting port Bt'ach. County of Orance. a Machin«' Shop buslneu at foot Sta te of Callfomla. under the ftc- of Jht Strftt, Oty of NC"WpOI't UUow • ftrm name ol DI!!SEL Bt'ach. County of Oran&-f, Sr.te SERVICE and that l&ld finn la of California. und~r thf' fictitious oompoeed ol tht' followtnc persona, !'lrm namt ot Ct'ntral Marin«' En· WhOif names and addreuel art' u glnf't'r ing Co., and that said firm follow.. t.o wtt; .. ..,.._ Is com~ of tht'· following per· Frank B. LeWU. 1010 Cout sons. ~hOlM' n11mes and addreues Highway, Nt'v.oport Beach, Cal!· are u followt~, to·~.t: fomla. ' ---· tn :wro NEWS-tiMES . CL~SSit:IED ·~~A~ Read 1 ht'm fnr I roftt . . . t .w Tht•m for Ut'tcult!ol • · '"'-----U you daD't ftnd wbat you are ~ lor .ul\1•r11Sl_"tt ln thls L~-u(' l'honr l':t-WJIIH:t J':t•ad1 l:l or t:\ lllld J\laer your 0\o\'ll advt!rtilk'me ut ---- &.'it 1 unu.~T (l•·n at:a• •j "uAT"-M\l'PU~• ·~ ar..u. t:&TAnc INa TIDE TABLES t•.AISTlSO tlO~C"TTa -..--------- FUKt'AR\' llil:h l.tl"" W :.!7 6 :1)1\ t:! n~ .. ~ ~ 6 Th 2R 6 44 1:.!.-lli 5.4 'J 3 11-' .. t:ll lllith ,,. 31) 1:'!1 -3.9 Low 1:• ~H 1:&0 ...()~ F 1 7.23 I :.!3 1 :4A 1:1& :l7 1 \1 ·t I -l..tl \\ \ 1' I 'I• II• "" ,j "t ""' \1 I 1'1 \-.. II• '·1.' II I \tl II• 1'111 ' ' 'I• I ..... i •II ·~"('• I " .. \1: 1111 " ""'' t ';\111111 II _ _ _ 1ti I ft th~\\ • 11' th,pln \ \ '' fu•l Uh "'' I' P.UNTlNG -Pl\'Pii:lt H A:"'~;INO and OJOC'OHA TlN\~ H. P: Y •·Ooo&kl Ut Old County Rd .. l'h Coet.a ..... l!:">·tfC t I t \ , .... w rA ,,,t ~·· ·"·" tlllt ,, ... '""I """'JI\ '''""'" ........... u._.,., •. I UU 11 •.• ' •• ,' ••• Ll. I \I 11 '11•11' I• II " ...... I""' t. & l~lllolio·l~·m··h .-WI--N_,.,-1-·-0-C-.... -.----•• I 1· I ''"'''"' ..... t ........ ,1'1."'"' \\ ······l ,t!l , .... 701:1 ~ --I \ L !ll!.t ·,,,,,1 ll•••lm .o). I'•• ('o111 11d llulh .. u l'ltoutt• t\14..'\ FOR A. REUJ:Bl.E Paint J,>h Oft I ' II· I ,,, .... ""''"' "': n.•lt ~ It\· II· your hom<', call Na•w1Jo1r1 ll)t7 , ,, '\ 11 ~\ tr. It,· ... J. M. MIL LE R l~lh nntl Ct•n l ml .. -t Ll~tY. A "c. Balhna S 2 8 :01 1 :58 t :lt ~M 5.9 \.5 43 -1(\ after 4 :30p.m. Jll-tfc -• Mt'AIC'AL a llADIO ---.. • -,\\' ~--.. {I ' ~ t1t"" ttH·n 1trhl "••ttwn • ...X.CAVA.TING. GllAD INt.. IN 1 , '•· "I'•·•• 1 ·,.,111 \1··~~~ m•lf U!'~i\\'TIF\11 . Spl""' ''I"' •mln o•l F:\o'\'tlfi•lfl,ill\ \\a•ll lnl'fl h '<1 plou&hln&. Ol'mt•nt wrlk . .;,. ih 1\'C'I 1 1 • 11, ,,.11 1 to ,1>'11, 1,, .,.11 1,.111,1 plnnn. " ""'I'·''" Tf'rlll• ''""' In' 1111 Ita~ U\'t'lllll', I nt ltu' Ml•· In ~'\'lll t•t· nt bual- "''"" dir-t r k t Owl\1'1' will RU lf' '" tH' will l•ulld to suit ten- nttt Su 3 8:39 2 :3!\ 1:41 l :lt 6.0 11 w. -1.0 rw .... ~tao..-ro6 -­ l..&lllt ...,. ..... : ........... ~ ~ found~tlll'na.~ 11 , ,1, 1 o.tl• 1,11 ,.,,1111111"1,.11 Srh"'lolt 1'1n11oo t 'o•, :-.:.'It Nt• M11110 EMoCO ContracUns Cu .. phoal~ \1 , :11 J1, ... ,.11111 "''' 1 ·,,,,.11., ~"'''"Ann ' M tfo• N~t ~-J. -R-Glp •I• ~~ 11 16-~t,. • --BICYCLES _ _ . <iOvt 1 '"'''1 ""'"'... :-:'""'' 111 '""" PuBLIC NoTICE \\'.\'\ 1'1 I' ~l··n 1M Wollf\4'1\l-Ill Sll1l 1-'tnt• for prllo'll!'l' •:••> Bold, ~ted or Repaln d. '\, •• t!'l• nr1n1; lo•r rwflt~hl•• tt"rma C)r will ro•nt. llnnt MO'Ite& ()IIIVITrNO M.u.&D voom:a 1 .. 1 • rt•••no: o'i'lf111'11't.:" '""' Itt ,:f. S<'hmldt Plat~o• Co. ~:.•11 No Main 100 K.a.t.Q 8t., B&lboe · I• • t I "'' ll••nl "l'l"•rtunl)) If l'anta Ana R·lfl' 101 MartM. llala.. J .. and. '• 11 quulof> Apph Mr \'"n ----N41t I•··"" '>~IH', N MntnSt.Shnllt Punuant to lnstructJona of the _ Ana \6-llllr Oty Council of the CHy of N«'W· 'I'&UfWOIIYATRJII II _ _ _ ~rt Bt'arh. California. notice ll SANTA ANA AUTO TRAVEL U l..r. JI~JQ.OCa • ht"rt>bY &IVC'n lnviUng suled pro----------poaalt or blda Cor purch~ of a SERVICE-Private can to all fun SALF. -DAy ho'i!·:-~;holatl'rf'ii flvt' (5) room bungalow only, lo-• cities In U.S. A. dally. • rh~<lr ~11 tlpal A\1'. J1Aitl.)(l ls· cated on the bl.)' at 18th St.rftt a t UCENSED • INSURF:O l"nd T'h~ono• 5"16 l:l-ttc thf' t>ntrance to the Oty Camp Ph: Santa Ana 654ft 312 f'rf'n<"h C'round. s~. l~tp Bldl will bC' for thC' p.~rchut' t1 .aA.Vft AIDe II PSOP08 AUI Zenith Purtnbleo Radio All wa ''" f\aiiC'ry .-nd A.C·OC Pla)'11 '"' tKWitt , auto bus. tr•lna M£SA RAOIO 6 F:LF:n'RONI<~ 17t9 NC'WJI(If't Olvd l't•ta M...a Arvin & Em~rson RA D I O'S 24-llour Radio 84'rvlc• tt-tft ~·Uni t Income N.-ttr tlf'\'110. lnc'IIOU' l'k'nrly $:..JCKI prr month. Ocean f ront J\u1d IM'M luC 100 f('4't frnntnK1' on· OCHn. ~,o f('(•t on atf't"t't . Good for stomo~ or nfl'W1rrwnla. Price ft4 .7~0 BarRa in at $6500. -I -: .. Phone Your Listings In ""f~\\;~ will tclve them t"'V~ry l"'O'W~raUon r j. M. MILLER 15th .... c.ntl"llt · • ""~ ~ • ...._. ua "on Your Way to Ralboa" t•ue ---------tht' hOUI<' only and will not In- clude tht' lot Wht're the hOUH la now !orated. SucCf'UfUI bidder must remove thil home from Ita preaent location Witfun forty-ftve 14~1 da~ aft~r the IJid Is a)Yat.ded. Bids for lt'U than $200.00 ""Ill tK' 8hort C'irruit Rndlo 3M ralm. 1\alhoa Phom• 1fl..Vl-W roll ~ tl f'OR SAU ;. .. ao. In Ooeta M-. 13-tft t'Oft RENT -t.arar fumlahf'd 3() min. lfun Loft~ RMdl.. J. Iicht room, <>UialdC' C'ntranc:oe, IIC'drm runw. r\&mpu. room~· STEJNW AY Gr11nd. llkt' n ... w:-;;;;;. nrAr h11thr01•rn M~tn unty M1'11 nrct..cl to aaraae. w.-JI ._.,, •If thi' world's tert'lll~l Nanna I'!WN'I, M6 :V.Ih ~~ . Nrwport fruit "'""· "''*' to IIC'hooll ... I ;,lri(Nlll• tnn1• """utlful ral<'. 1\f'llt'h 1 !\-:llll 0\arkt'll, lt'a , lt'a nltt' aed John Aylin,::, 2n7 N Marrngo, WITNESS my hand thll tth day of Altadena, Calif. • Fet?ruary,,1946. C. R. Rustrnbar h, 1631 Allegro rnAl:tlK II. LEWlS. r("jo•f'lt'd. Euch bid shnll be accompanll'd by a nortlfll'd or cashier's r h<"Ck for ll'n prrcl'nl 110'"; l or ltll' umount of th•' hid. mad•· p~yuhll' to the ordl'r of thl' City of N•'W· IJ()rt R4'Rrh. Aids shalt bt• at•nled Thha ., .. ·,. 11 It Is tlnlv ag·.im: ,..._a ... ilot a~ r1l11tTIIIIIIlllllllll huyrr 1)11nll-1)\'lt, .. F:Xc,tA!ilrlK ~· un· lat Rl l .C:intf f1t•IC"l\ rn: '"""'·-""'""• Srhtnllll l'lllnu 1 ·o . !'I:..'\ I Nu r.hln furnlalwd , A111 In 1 Atlltl ll4oAI'h. ll-2b3 ISAL'IW &me • SQuare. San Cabrlel, Calif. • State of Callfomla ) Donald V. Muncy, 1R33., S. At· County of Orange ) .._ lantic. Alhnmra, Calif. On this 4th day of Ft'bruar)' WlTNJo:gs our hand th1s 21st day A.D .. 1946, before mt' N ora S of Fehrunry, 1946. Margwarth a Notary Public in snd JOliN AYUNG (nr said County and State. r('sid· (' R RllS'fE:"'HA<"II ing therein duly rommluloni-d and OONALO V. MUNCY sworn, prrsonaliy appearro Frank Stat1• of ('nllfornla 1 I R. ~:ll knolo\'ll to me t.o the per· County <'f Ornnj.le ) .as. I son whose name is subscrll>Nf to ON TlUS :.!1st day of r i'hruary the within Illlltrument. and ac- A P .. 19-46. J.xoforr "'" !':ora s knowtl'dgt-d to me that he eX('· Mar~wnrth n Nolnry Puhlk in ond cutt'd the same. for 11aid Cot.mly and Stntl'. rr 1dlng IN WITNESS WHERF:Ot ', I ther.-ln duly rommtss1omod and havl' ht>reunto set my hand and af· 1worn, personAlly oppt•nrPd J ohn fiJcPd m y official sesl the day and Ayling. C n Rustrnbarh. r>onald I year In this certificate first abov~ V Mun<')' linown to mr to be the \\Tltten. . prr!IOI\ll whost' nllfn!'l ar e subscrib-• NORA S. t.IARGW ARTll, I'd to thr wtthln Instrument. and Notary Publi<' ln and For Said acknowiPd~tro to me that they (')Ce· County and StatP. My Com· cuted the aame mi!llllon Explret Jan. 29, 1!150. IN WITNESS WHEREOF . 1 have fNotarlal Sea)) hereunto l!t't m y hand and affixed Pub.-Fcb. 5. 12. 19, 218, 1946. m y official Sl'al lh<' day snd Y<'IIT In this certificatt' first ollove v.Tit· t<'n. I SEAL) NORA S. MARGWARTll, Nol'!lry Puhllc In and For Said ('ounly and S tolP fMy Cpmmiss10n Expires Jan. 29, 19:,0.1 Pub.--Ff'h. 26. Mch. 5. 12. 19. 1946. No. 12375 ' NOTICJ; OF OUARDIA.Jif'8 MALE OF REAL PROPJ:JlTY AT P RIVATE SALE In th~ Suprrlnr COUTt of the Slate of Oalltnr~~l• Ia .118!1 P'er the c.-at:r ot 0na1e. In the Mattt>r of the Estste and Guardianship of BLANgi£ II. N OTIC'I'.: OF TRA "'~f"l':R OF HARRISON. Inrompt'trnt. '"'OCR IN TRAOE IS Bt 'LK. NO'TICE IS l fERERY GIVJ>:N, ---thst E. D. Good~!. guardian of thr J'lo:OTliT. IS HERF.AY GJ~'EN I (1('1'110n and etl&te. of Blanrhr H th11t ALBERT M JOYCE. rt"Sutlng Hsrriaon. incompct<'nt. will wll at at 309 NarciSSWI Av~nut'. Corona prlvste aal.e to the higheat bidder del Mar. City of Npwport Beach. upon the terms and conditlol\ll (~l~fomis. lnt.,nds to .tlf'li and her~inafter mentlonro and subject ra"''"' to ROY H' KF:F:NE. re· to confirmation by 111id Superior aldin~t at 301 Palm StrN'I. Rnl· Court. on March 11th. 1946. at tht> boa. C'tty of N..wport Beach. Or· hour of 10 :00 o'clock A. M .• or ange County. California. 1111 of his ih<'rt'llftrr within the time allow~d ri~:ht. title 11nd lntt-rf'st m and to by lsw, all that certain real proJ> the following a<'scribl-d proprrty. rrty belonging to 11nd ownNI by to-wit: . sald lncomprtt'nt and her !IBid 1'1· Thnt rertain busin<'SS known tatr, bt'ln~: the hollllt' and lot 1o- M Sportlsnd. IOI'alt'd In th~ old catt'd at No. 320R WC!It Orean Pavilion Bulldln$t, Balhna, Ci_IY I Front. in t hl' City of Newport of Nrwport Rf'urh. C"allfornlll, BcArh. Orsn~tl" County. Californlu, tngl'lhl'r with it!l lurniturt:-, and mon• particulArly dl'scrl~d a& furnish lnltJ!. CQUipmr·nt, supj)IINl, foliC1WS: ,::oud nRml' nnd r.:tiO(I w•ll of LOT 5 In RLOC'K 32. Nf:\\'. sllld huslnr~~ PORT REAm . all })C'r Mnp Thnt sn•d 1111x-k In I rndr ron"i~ts lhl'rrof rl'('(lrdf'd_jn~ ~k 3. print'lj)lltly nl prl71'8 l\Od nthl"r p~~gt' 8, Misr••ll:ln,.nus Mnj)s, ml'rchnnfl1~1' 115rd In cnnnrctlon RI'C'Ords r:A nr:m~;r C'nunty, ---------We Can M ak~ Pt'nicillin C'a(J8UII.'I, t )in I m••n I 11r Liquid Sulul if•11 -•·o11 :0:.\1 .~ Stt(ll·r llurt-.m <'a· SAn I• A nil. ., .. tic l lo·lnu.nt Short'l district, 1 blOClk ---- _ __ __ fro1111 1111)' fur unfurnl1h1'1! llhtllll t'C\11 NAt.•: Hadio Hcpairin,tt "" ""' In No·wporl arl'll rltflnf' Hulbua }141Rnd ~tnd rlt('(! with th<' C'lty Cto•rk nt Orin~ y.,ur prt•'lt'riJJIItJn ttl 118 thr C'lty Jlall 1n Nc•wriort lk'nch, • Caltfl,-n•a. on nr lwlon • March 411\. 1946 at 4.00 o'dvck P . M . and will bf' Opo'nc'li 11nd J>ubltdy n1ul• on :O.•·al l'oout \\own '··n Ill . II•. ~~~~ I 'ull t'\t'l .• G \\'a~•t•rl) Houso• r111l11 ~rtil)' r'lU'<'I't Rot 1111d N II ~~~ U ..ttc Attrai'IIVo•, v.•t•ll·hullt •tu<"'O, l Sun c·,,mpli'lr ato,rk nf hthi'11 A "''ANTr.O TO UHT t1 IO(<(Iruum, Kllrlll(l', 1•-lun at llll'lury l'l'lllnn ....... , fll'rla. T'h: HOOM o n APARTI't t:NT'"Wilntl'd r loiWI ur f'IIM'tiW, :\<1~ MF~A HAPitl 6 1-.I.F:c•. hy 2 ••ma•lttytod Klrl•. l'hl1~ $10,00() •-ll'rnl8 TllU:'ollL.'S t"O. 1794 N.wpor1 171\-'-\\' 11ft"r 4 p m 14-41<' -- D1 tc ,, o.;h .. r••• It\ Itt· ~·lro• Pb··•· ~tnd Klndllne ~ewport Pharmal'y :J(Ill' Ot't'nn Front l'hurw !l 1&-ltr rt'ad n)oud At ur a•tOut 4·UO l',.<"lo<'k ~ AHft iciJNB - P M of that day in th•· c·oum·•l C'hnmbl'rs In th~ C'lt y IIJ\11. New- • woon l>r II ven-d _ ntvd. 9-trr -----A 1'1' t lit l'M A 1.1. htl\,... hy loti'AI rmtplr Nn rhiltlrC'n 11r f••ll l'h -----RAtliO 11111114F. ('AI.I.A tolow c:.,.rtnulf' A. Walflron Wm. W . Sunford, Broker 311M M•rl,.. Avl'ftue port Rcurh. Cn1ifnrnla. The aoovc mca tlo'nt>d chi'Ck 11h11ll IX' glwn as a ~o;uarantee that tht' bidder wtll t•nto•r mto thr ron- traf't U award('(! 10 him, and wUI be dcclar('d forffllt'd If tbt> sur- «YSsful blddr r refUSt'11 to cntl'r into anld contract aflcr lli'lng re- qU('Ilt'd to c1o 10 by the City Coun· ell of the City of Nl'wport Beach. The City Council of lh(' City of Newport Beach rt'acrvea tht' right to rejt'ct any or all bl<ll"and to waivt' any Informality In a bid not cfh•cted by law. Datt'd this 18th day of Fl'br uary, 1946. FRANK L . RINEHART, Clly O nk of the C'ily of Newport 81'11ch, California. Pub -Frh 21, 26. 1946. n::at'tnr Aft: or • .,,...H'E"" FlctltiOWJ Fl~ Name The undrrs11:nM1 do ~-rl'by Cf'r· tlf>• that lhr·y a.rr ronduCJin~t a gl'n«'r~tl contrarlinR huslnt'!!!! 111 325 Coral A\'t'. Balhoa bland. Cal•for· nia. undl'r tht' fi<:Jitloua firm n11mr of C'o~on and Ray CompAn)' and that said firm' is rom ptsed of the followm~: prrl'Onl, whnsr namNI In full snd plaCM nf rl"lll· drn('(' 11rr u follows. to-wit · DAVIn CAMRLF: CORS()N, 1107 1~ North Bay Front, RoiiJ08 lllnnd. California • JAMES UAVtn RAY. 325 Coral Avrnuf', Bolooa hlnnd, Ca.llfnrnlta WITNESS nur handt this \H h d&y of Fl"hrltnry, 1946. DAVID C' C'OR.t:;ON, JAM F:S D. RAY. STA.TF: ()f' C"A U F()RNJA, ('ntJNTY ()F (IRANGE ~ll On thl~ 111 h dll)' of 1-',.hruur~. LOST-Runch of krys on South 11 W \\'RII~trr rh 21130 fllly Front. Aalbnll hlnrm Pll'aae _li~t ~. "1••rt Ill• d :l.·r~ rl'lurn to Jot.• Th"C•k's ~•tfiN' nt FNTY Landlns; 14·tfc Ff•ll :-;,,I I '• -h 1' 10 lnt'h hlnflf' I•''"'' hu\\ f~!l . No ~ l:li'nr- RJ-:\\'ARO for r;•turn of hln~k ruln l,.trtt ~·u .. tu·n1•·r . "''"'· $~~. n•'" pUI'S(' lost Monda) ,,.., ....... n nnl· ..... •II • :\,1( llnrk, $:.., •. i\ ' r:tlt• boll nnl1 5 13 W C••ntnt AVl' loll huto•h•••. S:•. Cnlo•mRn ll""'' Ph · 306. 16-2tp lin·· ln:ht. M IHoj TUJII1n ..,,,., ---t't"tll M••tu• 16-ltp aiPLO~ W.A.JICTED U -OHANGY. mUNTY CARPENTER WORK hy hour or day. Tf'lephonc 1~-W. 11-lfc W1 LL T AKE CARF. of chlldr~n. Corona dt:-1 Mar. Pho"" N R 550-M. 2-tfr I:IIPLO~NT OP"PT.RED It UPHOLSTERING CO. Manuf11rtun•r11 Of ll(lholstt•rf'ii t'urnllure 413 W. 4th Rl . S11n111 Ana F'&clory und Showroom ro(W Wro,l Ct'nlt'r St . Anuhrim rhono· Anllllf•tm 1714 c•nllo•r l 12•tl(' WAITRESSES WANTt:O -R11y . Short• Csfr. 17th & n'""' ll•.:h·l-----ro-·_n_o_N_A_DO ______ _ _wny. Ph N•·_w_r•_'r' :!:til t<t-trr Electric Range, $17R WAro.-rED ~1'1 '"'·'' ml't'hlln· Irs. alan I'Xfl"n•·nr • •I twm 1 n •l)&lt.. man. ~ Mr. Mtll••r at l\11y Shore Camp 14-lh' HELP WANTEO \\ nnt reflnNI wQman to ""~1st muthC'r of 'J children Roc>m. twourd and 11111 ary. Pb: N. n n tn &.,,,. Jmm••I11AII' Or•llv.•ry Auto Batteries 18-month -164\ b . 1 Pennsylvania Oil ~ GaJinn. 70c We!¢ern Auto Supply Aut horlzl'd l)l'llll'r K.-rtAJYMEl'IY orr&-. • ----11(36 NI'WJII'Irt ntvd., Coata JIHA w A.NTJCD-H<YIT.l~ w A I.D. BallY•• S.trc IBn. """"-110 •·* INTER EST IN G W OR K J liM. Arrived rr.tl HN rl.ll« A ld BA,.,.&RlES Ound_,. nrur cA) Uf ~alo Bt. PtJ Mtl that a tlolltlttOAl c••mr~t•nt t~h· olrltwa •r~ avallahl,., w• ar• ablt lo mak" ~,.rv•r• •••II• on lartet o't)Nit~lt·• 1\ II wnrk lfU&11UII1!0'41 HAROL.Il 1. tiA.tW .. 8.0 Ill Radin, :\!ttl Mnrln<' Avl'. Ph: 71JJ 1l·tft' Radio Hepain All muN: tubM. tJtr. Pb. S411. Burt tolorton, IU~ Cout 1Uway, Newport ,._ch N -ttc ~AL AN111COUNOEII&ln'8 lA Study •t JJomf' -R••i F:sl 1.JN'ni(O G•lar!lnl<'<' • ~'I~ St'l.·urlty llldt.: J'nllnl.,.ll/1, ''ullf · 11 ·2011) No VC'Iay lll'flni•l1 yuur kltrhfl'n ,batnmom ~lh n•w tilt• l"l&rd. ... F. P. Waldron Tl'lf'phnn• 2:WW Waflhint( Machinefl Repaired Parta P'or All walt. Ptf'.JI up IUid J)eltY.-y 8CH\11.1at',. Wuhlntr Yachlft~ mlt;p 17t8 ~ Blwd. ('r•t& ...... '"",_ nu 116-tlc CarpenterR Avail able -tor pn""""l math~ and nopatr Q. %. "OM"TIOH «;.II N ,....ti(Jf't • t'.'fiX 1!\-41p w AN'n :n n • Rf:NT M lnw. un- furnl•h4-d hf1t-I>Jtonl' IIIN:I-It ~tic W If. TEU by ..-poMibla N •· t•hoo• ICrapluy .. , I or I tMidlroaal h ... .-.. r--L l!'boe. ..... AAII ~ fl).tfc -WANTF.P TO RF:NT 1\ay t"root }1nu,... fur m~nth nr July or flrtl 'J wc•••k• • f'urn , 4-twdrm Mr• Stuk•··r . C111rC'fnont. :'lf'6 W l ith Sl . ur t•hnnt• 73:11 18-Mtp ,.,.,.., .. ""''' :l:W·It 11-lk EVA F. RHODDf Newport Helghta 5011177-ft lnt w1th ...ww. $900 Costa-fthla Nll'f' 3-nn. ~ w1th ••• • 1 ·~ Y..x.-.lltmt t)'1nc land. $4600 t'II!ANCtt>: Clllmtv l111rhow l'mJOIO)'t', - w1r,. '""' ",.,,l.,h'f'll, ,., ... ,, :.~ "" :1 Vacant hrclrm h""'''• l'n•t••rtthly '" t ·,. ll tM-droom houiNI Y.xtra larp U.. r•Jtlll •1••1 M"r l'••rm""''"' Phmw '"' ronn1, n"""IY ~at-.1. 'nle 1:.1<1•1 ••r ••rlt•· lloA 'N' c o N•-w•· atnk "l.arll:l' l<'t (1oM ln. o.ta 'l'htWto l&..ttp M11A ir.~T. IIU..c:r.u..AHw:om--.. $7600-Term• JU;IJ,IIINO til •'· •:· ii '""N-..fWnt --"'".,. -1'"' .. ,.,.,.,.r ~~~~ 11n11 View -Lnt • ·,."' 1111 \\'Ill r<'"""'"' Aut,l)' fo:xr••ll••ul 'll'w ~rvror harbor. Loell&,. :\.'\~ lnl• v Av•· ---lll4ts•j rod •'h'liW to Arrh,. StrJraJlt' •. $:Jt;00 Fl J1t Ill. NT l.~tr~;r· •11111~· fur -- •tllrllll•' "'' 1'""""' h l"'"l '·1111 -r,nronn del Mar 7t¥1 1~-4tc :l IIlli, hulh havl' tiM ,1_ a..,._ u..u . r.nAn: "'lilt SAU: 4 r-,,-,m-.-2-1-w'tlr-;,,.~,• .......... n-ly 11<~14-d, n"•' fol'f'ltll f)f' """ '""' 11111'1'1 4:1.'\ c;.,loJ•'nrutl l'ull NrwJl"rt :nu M lnllfu..-llut•· I.OU<'11al11n l:l-fltc lli\1 .111 '" :\1.,••11111 , :l olury, hnrd· "'""' """r•. llr"ft11li'P, I·~ lu•th, $4fi00 each Jo;VA F. RH ODEN Rrokn no Newport m¥d., Ccela ...... ELTOtol 0 RAR Nr.I"T. Sal- Ph. Nf'WI)Ot't. 1te.M 1$-2tc Pleasant W or kin~ Conditions OOrlfc 42-t tr "'"'' uulald•• •l,..wt·r, till" walkl --------__ -""'' p~ollu. l:'ru 1•·•·1 fr"m I•IIY "'A.JifTED 'I'U 8'tTY J l (,JST11M I'AIIINF:'T WllHK -rt.-l•11111• ~II••'" t•*••·~••nn ,H\,11()() lli'ii. .. A .. nriir••• tl ·I.ear n TEL EP HONE .O P E RAT IN G -putr Wffrk ru''' r••tnr~•-.ftnte uf ~~tll t '""'_.,,, ••" l•n•trtl"'" "' 3:f.l AnAdn ~\' ANTF.n Nll·t· loqnt<· on Lido kl .. _ • I II t t I : • ;, ==-= n•.. < uaturn '" I n urn '•"''"'1uy nutl Sun•lt1y. 11\..ltl' ft40 A 'TO 12M In he•uliri'ifNorth h i,. Will 1 11•~ J'"''' \\'nt• II"' 1 ,,t,•tr·t •" n()•'r ... 111 r • • ....... ,.. , ---N-M.f'x.ll:tl, t rArtfo •-N).tt. hoat "M" 1"11'\. :-;. "' Tlln•·' l:t I•• ('i\:'IIIIF en . ~kt•• w l'tmlrlll I . Ill l'i\1.1· F " I IJ It 1 1 I and uti. lhiJ.III)'Ifl, 21fl6 Oak G l«n ~WI IIIli t ,,, I· l.t\'~'H ., ,1nt A<'<' l 'lounr ''"WIIOf t :.!f'l~ lJ.l )eta ~ nne f'IAN', 1. A l~!Up ··d h) 1'1 11 .• ,, 1''11 , \ /I'm' ,.,.... OK tfs: :'1/•·W I flt lil•''<. f'lllllllh•tr•ly rutnlalll'd dillon t II\ To l•·ph1 11i•· \\I I•''' • $1 :tJ,U()-\.t>rm:-4 IIOH~Y 70 r...-• with sAid husinrs'l C"alltomia. That Sllil1 trnnl!ll'r nnd 'Air w1ll TFRMS Af\"b ('()Jio'DmONS A n 1946, hl'lnr•' m,.., :'olnrn S ~llr$tWilrth, a No111ry Put)ltr In nnd fnr th•' ~A111 C'nuntv nnd Stilt!', rr•atlln~: th•·rf'm dulv .-.. mmill· slonrd nnrl ""'"rn, lll'rtOOhll)' np- Jlt'Arl'd Pn,.,d C Cor!<lm lind Jom•·~ ll RA y. knnwn to ml' 111 he th<' lll"riiOns "h<l~o· n11mrti Rn· ~uhsrrih· I'd to lhc within lnslrllml'nl, snd arknnw1•·ri~:Nt In 01" thai thr)'•<'•· Increa:.ed wage rates now in effect. 6('.61 , 1. ,, 1• , '" ,,, , ,. 1{ E Y ~ 1111111"11"''' , .......... ,,," l~<•tl•·unll•l w-... 8 TO _..,."',-.-. p , ·~1• .11{1111• Whtl,. You 'l'la.ll -n u&A&J" ..._ ---·· v• .. :1':1.'14 ( • I A W I t I nw"'""'t• or , ... --. Ap'PIY .,..,'ll.L I" A Y I' A 1'1 II t•>t vom f\,1r ott..,. nr what t".v ... \HU 11•''"' Jfwgt 20011 II P. f'n"' I• ' 'I ,,,. 1110 ~h'" "'' RAII.na ·•·rtruc •· . a < ron N--rort Blllbna ,_,_.. .. ._. ~~'" Hnto • ltnll"·• 1~1""'' \Vrn . W Sallfhrcl. Hrt~kt •r and lAan w..,.aa " 0 1 tro ,'\tiH "'" ,,,. "'''"Ill' 831.1 VIA 1..611<. T~ 110" 1•1•a,t.••u•.'\1f< ••·••• - tll' m11rlf' on Monday, ttw •1th tia)' OF SALE: C'Mh, In lawful monl'y or MArrh. 1~16, AI tm o'rle>C'k or lhl' tlnitl'd Stnlcl : at lf'Blll tPn A. M., nl thl" lnw nllll'•'l< of Rnl:mrl fW'TCf'nl 110"', l of hid tn Ill' paid Thomp11on. Sulll' :l(IH ~run:• un ('" or bfoforP tim,.. nr tatr, and bal· Aid~., ~nta 1'\IIJ!.. C"ali!Mnla llnrf' th,.rrof tn tw paid upon ron· The ronslltr rAI•on nr pnr•• tn tli' firmntion of ute hy the Crturl Southern California Telenhonr fompany tbo r.: RAy A.v• .• &lho•& Fond llaullcl!t 11117 N ~wt" orl. lltfd., c-. . ..t.a lot~ OO·lll: E1,1 •'ll!lf'AI "I'I'I.IA:'IIf'l':S lltlll f\fll'f r 11 ~~ r• I"'", •I "' • ••rthi.V t .. fnr•urv AI "" olll"lllh•n• lov I tiS Al\1.111 \I T~HA:;s \V u ~)! J "'' ( ht l'•·nimmla LOANS paid 111 thP ttm•• nnrl plat'" uf !IIIIo• Btds and offt'rs arc ln\'itt·d for Dall'd th,. 2bt day ul 1:-'o•hrunry.l ~11ld f"'t''t'f'MY 'and mu.~t two In 1946. wr1tin2. and will be r~l\·rd hy ·RClY II KF:F:NF., 1 thro !<llld F:. D Gondf'll, 11t his homl' Vl'ndl'e ll\1 J(W11 Wl'lt 0("('ftn Front. Nt•W· Pub.-Feb 26. 1~&6 t pnrt n,.arh. C"olifom ia, rwhlrh nd· ---------c'l.r t'SS Ia l)rr,.hy c5Pllll:nlltl'd as th,. NO'I'I{~ OF IWUU tLt'TtON plaN-of said 11811' I, or mAy ~ fill"d OP' ('0-PA•Tl'I~L"HlP 1 with the C1f'rk o f the aOO\'f'·nllml'd ___.._ Suprrior C'ourt. or drll\'l"rPd tr• NO'nCE rs HF.RE IW GtVF:N.I Frllnk L. Bowman. :ZIO SpW'&I'fln that Albl'rt M Joyl'r nnd Ruy H Rl4sr . S11nta A.nll. California, 11t . k e<'nt'. ro-partnt'MI. whl) hB\'t' tnmry for ssid g-t1a.rdl11n , a t any hl'rrlofnrr conflurtetl thnt I"C'rt nm limr rtftf'r thP first publlcaUon ol buslne11 known All Sportland, In· this nnticr 11nd befo,rt• the maklnll ratNI In th,. old ra\'lllun Tlulldin~:. I or aRid .. It' RaiiJOII, City of N .. wport Jl1•arh, Doted: Frhrnfla·y 11 . 1!>1A. C'Rllfornill. hR\'1' diuol\'1•11 ~nil1 Cf>· F:. n. GOOD~. partnership, nnd thftt Ro) Jl GuArdian or lhl' pl"Mkln KN?nc 111 purrhuinlt oil t h,. right. and MIIAI~ of nlrmchf' IL title and lnt1•rM1t of AIIIC'rl M Harrlaon. inCfomfl('\t'nl Joyce In snd to tht' hu!fin,.ss aforr-Puh .... Fr•h. 12. 14. 1~. 21. 26, 19'&6 WJNQ ·SANG BOAT & REPAm YARD 811 Cout· Highway 101 l'tloee Newport ·- ''' ·~ ucl lpM'I llftllal* . forlloatll ~ore.le ' . (•f'UIN:I thl' 5&mr IN Wl'Ti'ESS \\1 11-:RECIF, I hA""" hl'n•untn M"l mv hand 11nd nHI;ou•d my otrlri!ll sl'nl thl' day anti y••nr In this c;,.rt•Cir>\lt• tir•l noovt v.Titll'n N()RA .S M ,\ RG\\' A n·n1. Nut11ry P tlhllc In llnd f,,r Or- "n~,. \ounty, S tAll' or rail· rom~ a. or 414~ ~loldb..l&Ain 8lrto~l llant.. At~a nr Mll, 1..11.~ Optorator ror Ult Olk>t Opt-ntnr ,, 1 ~OR l'AI.Jo .•• 11 p \I " m• I ,, I•• I llkf• n"w l htr •orl~·•nnl ,.,,., l 'otll Nl·wr,,.rl :O."H W I I tfc WANT 'I''' HI ''' Snit •· "r !'-11""' ulr4 In A· I •·tortllil t•on \\'o ,,,. I ,' 1\o11n0k•· R•t . Son M~onn•• ••• rmun.-SvrnltlOOfO' fi-ln~.7 ,, t!l' T'uh Frb 12. l!l. 20, M:trr h !'j, 1946 ---PuaL.Je NoTICE: rnR ~Au 'In· '"to l' , "•''""''" CT.a1TI'IC-'TE Ol" Bt'RIN~RS ----__ , mot11(, !.I'~' I 'n•· lll fl w"t"r Flrllllnu~ Firm Name StAir nf (";111fn~n111 1 pror.r "''tl"''r l•••n' 1R·In tw•nm --County nf OraJ¥:1" l ~~ l S7~. wdho ~~-'lu..: 1-•....--•·n'" I •rtrE t :Nnr.nsrGNF.O do h,.,.,.. ON Tl ff~ !"tlh 11nv or 7t•lor11111 . IUI(III Wlll•·r I""'''' .. l . ;1'~1 f• •• by r'l'rt•fy th11t lhi"Y An· r1.ntlurtlnR A,D . 1~. !ll'forr ~ ••. H . M. IJ~o' %.-In )lo•ll • 111•1• • •'• .'1;/17 \'ill•• :1 v .... ht JlH()KERAl';F , Sal··~ of kl'r, A N otnry P••hlil" In nn<l f, .• W ay,N••Wp••tl 1\··•'" I'll ·l~.X\\1 ~""' Jlnnt" nnd ~arlnr Suj)plll'l th,. ~nirt ('11unt v nnf'l !':llllf' n • I elh•r 4 :v1 I• 11 II tl• nnd f'flulpmf'nt I'Jf ,,,.,.ry klnrl 11nd ln~or th•·rr ln. dulv •·nmmt~~l•m• fl ,. l ---· ,.h11rnr t•·r '"'~'"""~ nl r.'.r• C'o •ra~t swnm. fi"T'..,n1111v "~art'O Mn Mari nt• Jtad iu!i lll~:hwny, :"'o•WtJOrl '"'"l'~l. rnli-F.RT \' STt\AT ... ltnrl RAf'll~ I • ~VAIInhlr lmrru •II·•'· '" 1 '" "'•'" rnrn111. ,1/0•I•·r tho• flrt1111"" firm STAATS knnwn "' mr '" t ~ •• 1 pl1'1" r:1t11'•· ,.r '"' ~ y.,.,. Ill namr of ROOF.RT V, STAATS fli'rv.n,.,.hn-;o nllm•·~:tr•·~ul '"'' aprcl~tm v.•lromo<1 llll ,•,l '•' ('11:'>1PA:-.l' ~<nrl thAt An•t1 firm i" 1"11 In th• v.ol hm ln~trum•·nt • 1 Pt.f>:A!'I"HE 11:AJ-"r k111 r·,a•\t "''"'~ llf th,. fnllow:m.tvr,lln~. 'llrknt~v.l•~lr·• t1 '" m,. thr~t •t , I' Jlhchv.·"' 1'1• I 11•1 '• 11 ' "hn~·· nnmr~ 10 11111 ••nri J'1la•·••c rof •·x•..-••'' 1'1 11•" ''''"'' t'\ \VIT'\ I ' nRY. rA(t 'lt·~v.:-:·r T~.)(T!! -r~l""""" llrf' '" f.,lkfW'II 1fl..v.·lt ' \lo Hl-11 .. r •I-I h·•.,.... l\1 r••tml•• ,. • c·.Q·Tw" 1'\ rwn• ~ I •.tnt r~llll • l n r oliFHT\' STAA'N'.62!'irn"-' m\ I onf'l tlllll .• rr.v-<1 m\ ,..,,,. ' CO• rta '"<i •.Y"''"' ..... , ,. •'•'·I•• IIWhWif\ "'"l~•rl ll<nl'l•. 1'111!· ~"'ll th" f!,,, "''' \o•nr In thl~·r . fi'7W •v1111at.t• r!'li<ll•l\t:. ~ lnrnln tlfif'nlo• r.r .. • ,,..,,' wrltt• n I OA t.VAN )11011 1\oiUit 111..:1 y ,.,. n ,\('111 1. c· "T ,\,\TS r.2;; f'··~~~t 11 :-.1 llf'IJ.KJ-'H r1"'"" ,:.... ; . ·t 1 IIIJ:h"·a•· :"•·v. l"'rt4" Jll'd'r+t, C'AII· ""' 1n P••l•h•· In ~~rul I · lnrhh4 r>N.m:t' f'•11int) . .,,,,, 'WA:"T I I • S nuv·•·lll ,, 1 • l, •• m \t.JT:'\1 sc:: •·•~r).ma4~ lhi~ 10i.•h M Y t'nl•ll•rnln ;\1v f'11mn -~, 11n•l •""· •1111 t •• 1!11' •I••• • ,,.,t 1 rot )>-~ 1;rif; •l"n t 'CJIIII" \11H I'h I 1'•1'• WI r.t •l•-1~· W II I'• W• r ~I•IJ 1 n onnlT v !'T,..,\'N' (SJ-", , ...... 1111. 1111t ··••h •. r ' ll.-.-l,...;·~;.,. _______ ,_ _ _,,_ ___ •.. ,,iio.'------rJ I J\,\('II J..L !' STAAT~ l'ut. h h I'• ·''• :\I • I ·, 1:? I''''' 1 -I I :•, Paddle an.rc~t~ for a-t ., ............ • .· r•• '' ""'' • •I /\vo•nt ~ 1-. S A llAI IJI I ~ t 'I.J-:I 'Tf\''1 'I I:<\ 1'1) 1'1'• I l':··v.l••r t Hhd. ~·If•· 15 l.' I L I> Sr·:· ,\htll~ol al 71 J ll•·l!''nia 1\\'t'., c., ... '"a d1·l Mar {1\'1'1' ;-,11 l 'nit-c ... t\ld !t1·r• la,t m11n It J•ttf 1 HI 'IJ ,J)I ~f; )IAT~.H I A I ~'-' .__ y.,,, •I f•or 1>111•1••• $l1till Hav Fr•ml T.ol~ ~-v· •• , nl c·,,,,,,.."" 'tn•·• ~ 2 lllttl!«•~i em 1 Lot AI l'"'''flll ftl•l Mur $1 H,!',l)ll }IHnlf' On P•·llinHuln J11WI 00 ntH I I tl' ttl 1111,000 00 ~ I I~ It vootl nl'f'd mo~ f>ll >'"wnt• I•• ~,, Vma Income ,.,,.,.. un ('111'11 Trllr lu .. nd 1'1"11111'1'1 I "''r :l'J. Yr"no In Santa Ana -f'.-d eral Finsancc Co. INC' 42ft N11 l'iy•·lllflur• l'hnn•· r.:tllfl Sant• Ana, Calif. • --· 1-Uitc !'l ll•••h·~·•"~ :• ''"''" ~ lro•J•''''"' $)f),()()() -• W. 1. .. J()JtJ)AN I H ''' l'/\1.1: :1.'1 l'lvtnnuth ~. 7ti'l ~ ""' l'rntr,.l. llodiHolo · ~., .. ,.1 o•••n<lll1"11 (",.II hi il:l Day Phon•• l~>:l 1:\ •I•· "'"''' llnll"'" ll-2tp WE NEEO LAT E MODEL CARS and Wil l Pay T op Price~ SF.T .J. Yot m CAJl. NOW \VhUe Pr1c~ IU"e tll"h. l'horlf' f1,r our rourt.ow~ IHJY'("r who wtll call and .-rtvW Y"" n~ftfftll•l.t OJ>A rewulnUona, ~ price!~ anl'f I'I'T'ft~ aU tletAU. CULBERTSON CH EVROLET CO., Jnc:. <~ &M Okllnlnt!Aa DteJ.n • ~1 ·W..rt C'loont....,, Nf'W'P'Jrt n..m. IO'l Oc.fln, ,._...._ -r. , ·~ • It ! ., ---~ ' -···· . _ .......... Nt~\\'POKT BALBOA SEWS· Tl~l ES. S~"'!'I!Ol!:2!r~t~Be!!!_a•!_!h!J_,_:<'~aJ~If!.!o:!m!!I~•!----..;!T~•~•~~"~>!.i'•..!.t'.!:"!!b!.!ru:!!a~r:,.rY....!,76~,~1!:!i'~6~---------------------------------- Founders' Day Observed ~Y PTA With 1 H. · b 5!~:2~:, ~~.~:~~: .~e~.~~~ .~~:~~~ .... """'' .... 1 ar 0 r Feminine • • • ·Mrs. Doris Drummond of Balboa Shows Ac tl V ltles Scenes of Africa lit Meeting pf B. & P . W. Mn Dons Drummond of Bal· CE'rnsh, Grl'lha Tubhs, Clarrce hoa, who t~nt three and L ll.!tll ~. Mnrt;art>t E&f'. Aida Cor-~ •·ars In Sour!'\ Africa', ga\4.' a pro-I ton. Dorut h)' SUI hrrlond, L>orot ht'a the Parent-Tt>Acbt-r AS.Sot'lltllun .. r 1•··· ~lowh "' '"'" l1l 11:. thortl ')t'IIJ' '1be N('WJ)CM"t 1\f.ch Grammar I tr.:otnll••<l 1•11111!<111) loor "·•WJ I· ecbool. tfbS~ti~t fOI' the hnt t·rans' lllnHho "· ot 1$ n"" II'·~~ urn. at lht• nl \\ I 'urtol\8 rlool Mar l•>r ,., t•o \ 11n•· nn r.-tUl'~l ;\ \'l•ry IChool with past J)rl'lldt•nlS aa ~mall 1 ,.-,,1',. '' '"·1•1• (011 11 lu ~··• \ honart'd t.:Ul-.11>. Thuae. Jlr••st-nl 1,.,. "htdo <'II\• 1' kollo •I 1111r~tnl! + Residence Phone 1G37-R -------~;r rom of motion pktul't's of wild \\'olson, I I aLl'! \\'rison, HarriE't F ~ Co Llllt ry 'Club T ea life In the national pafk pro·srn ,. Marlin, t:llt•t•n lllbhit ls. AIIN'n _..!P:!h~o~n~c~s_:l~:l~n!.!nd~20=8~-------·---=-:-:-U-=y'-W_lnll r\'d Bar~r-:._ _ ,/... NC rt ES ~,f the Bal hoa Yacht Clul Mr . Gaylord T ohill H ono red Gues t a t were M rs lllam·hc HH!:I'n, Mrs ror. """to th• .1\o•r G!!•· to .. u~o·\\of(• l.i Layette Shower Robf'rt l'cowl'll Jr . and Mra 13o·tly ,. .. 1 q111ht 11 •I I Trynl'. 1-.Ut'll "'u. IJi i'icntood wllh 'l'h•· 11do~ltlloll m1"1r ;,l 11rt1L'r.un !\!r11 (;·,>1"''' Toholl wns hlill1•1 a COI'tlaj,te '"" •he c•nlf'rt-d "'"' pr••"l'lll••tl t'} Mr~ l·•lu l'o llll'r, o·o1 l!ll''"' Ill II Mlfl•rl'l' ltoy•·tt·· ',, ud.n • \ , u.• t:aU t;•·•"·' ht<>UJ;Ill hi' 1>1• I• • fl• II 111,11 lllrt• l•ultut." I'''''"' lll•'fl lu· \\J 1tl•tl •; 1\• ,, ~tt.ht•\\ I 1 ••J Ut itfl ll 'TEE!\ DATE, UHESS 1 Attra•·t s L ocal ,.f rhot ··ountr) at th•• mN'tmg of Uarwurd. l::lllln<• Wt>in. Halda -" thE' Rusln1·ss and Profo•sswnal Brasl'\11', AltCf• Sl,•mons. Mona llt•r· '-------------1 B riJge EnthusiaStS \\mno•n's cluh lu>ld Thursday,.,., •• sh.·y, \\'uulrl.'d Barbro•. Joy,•e --,. ning at White's Park Awnu,• car .... •PIJ)('r, ,\~:rws UlcotnttUISt, lll'len Tit• c,.,,,lo:, ,\\',"lunj!lun motif Lions lyin~ in th<• road In groups ~nn('dy and L>orothy W<!tnE'r. \ ~ , I "'·" 1 .. 1oUt1f llll) t•un to-.1 ulll at the nf 1lx or E'ighl took no nutwe oof -. Mra. '""''' Antlro•\\B, (ltr••tl<•o ul "!J.!.t l'l")''tl ll 11•~· h111 I''"''"· ll.1r •ll•l"''' (1o•ltl 111 lho• hutn<' ur :'>lo ~t# nUI'81ng '"I VII'! lllr I 11'10111-;0' t:'IIUn ··urolo•, A .IIIJI:oll• ,, Sun" I lln<l 11••1111 I 'Anoplwll, , ... :)~ ( k•• 1111 lwllll• t)', tiXJ!Iftlll!'t1 lh1· slrt•nnlltt" d nun-.'\Oij•lllh.,. ,nnd "h" "'"' !•lll)t'd \lorcl, 1\.olt••·•· \\ltlo \1o·~ .lt<l'l< Zd - lni m ursc whwlo 1~ nu\\ ~1\<•IJ In clurillf( th•• l••tl hunr I• r 1•l S.1n111 An:o 'I' """~lftnl h"•- liUC lt~.III{IIS lnslolld ur I.', ollld li AI lht• louslm·~o,.s··~~Hifl, pr··~·cl···l 1•·-~ ~u. ,..., 1 H• l~¥~~..:a~~.w:~n:leet~c:iL-lot HI;' ll'ol hdol "'··drwsday at (•(IrS whwh stoppl.'d Ill \\att'it and Col. and Mrs. Shaw Sunl~i\na ('1)\lnlf') .<'~uh ,,.,,,Mrs -·~bs C'hast'd l'3<'h (otht•r p_layf_ully Guests at Is bell Home rww dt'l"•rtur1• Is 11n•· '''' f111lll'r"'· ''"'r "' ~Irs Ed~ur !loll,~~~~ Sal!\ ln\ll•·d '" till' •l•·S"·rt 1trod~:L whll'h &IH)IIlfl t ... 111 prueltral 11,.,. P••)lll~ 11110 J\lr·~ ll:ol llcolll Wo·ro· 11 \\<)< uot 1111111 1111' ,,, .. ,,,,rt. Jtlul•l· At IIIICh ktho~\l<•(.J~I' Is nuony 111111'1> llJIJollll1•·1. II~ II llllllllnlllllll! o'OII1 o ~l 1('1' !T!'IIIIl Wolh Jllflk hlld loltto· nf'f'dt'd hy tho• twad ol lht· fllnoll)' mill!'<' 'nf•\\' N<l'<'llll\1' lo•llrtl 111•'111 111~ol f,,, on 111ll'"11S S••rv••d t111ot 1111' Mrs Antlrt'"' lnt11wiucf•d l\lo~s 1..11· l•·r~ lntr••lnr<'rl \\•'rt' :'-Irs. WrllnJr ~··••r• 1 WM rr\'t•nl•'fl tn thr ' hun llan'lfrn~ton. ri'C't'~tly 11ppolnl(•d nw·k. ··h.~lrmlln II( \\ ·•>S '''"' .,,.,. Tahll't w•·rO' !'o'nh•ro•t1 \\ ,, h ----1111·1ln$ ~lrl' Stant•·~ So1i1lo, 1'1111lrl "'"'" poth•ry '""''~·s woth 5Wf'f'l 1 noan n( t 'nron11 111'1 Mur rO<Jm JA'IIK hntl m11lndl'nhnor ft'rn, 11nd ,.-----:----------.., mloth!•rs ttri'd Mrs Outl•h l l••li<VJI'k. nfll'r dl'li<'J'I Mn; To•lull opo·nl'll Wily Multer With puhlklt) 1'hulnnnn I h('r many t ... nullful ..:ofrs ACHING FEET? Spctllll .:uc·stl> lntrodUQ:-d Wl'rtll J\nth hrlll~·· ,~tnrl hln~:n wt·rr• • !'.11' C'lnud,. ~1·1r of Santa' Ann, I plnyo·fl, wt!h Mr"-l1<1r11 Loll/ forst tu ... plt~tllt y l'll:unnnn nf Fnttrlh 111 hrtdl:" 11nt1 ;\Irs Aln·c• Jlall Jllstrkl f' ·T A lind Mrs Wt•slt•)'l,.''''""'' '' 1111!· ;\In• Cliff l"olrli·r eWe nx ...._ • We .a1u1 arf'll t>UIII'Orta (all klltda) ALL FOR J-'0()1' RF:UEF 1-'u'" kr. 1>rt'11ld1·nr-o•l•·rl nl Nywpnrt l'"lk thf> Jll"ll•' fnr hin~o:o Jlnrhor lllgh sehoul l' ·'f A Gltt·••~ from ~nnta Ana Wl'rr ; Mr• Cra)C'e S.•vu•r. I'""' opa l "' 'h•· :'llo·sdall}I'S I.UI/, Hlanrlw ,\n- llw C'flrnnll dt'l M:.r !tl'hnnt, WH~ ,,,.._. !>, ~~ al'('l llnllo~. l.n"TI'nl'" 1 prcliCIIfl'tl '"l'h a lif•··mo·nolto•rsh•JI,IIfoml~. llall. Mayb.·IJI' ;\fcFadtli.·n 111n. und sl11· ln\11<-d nh ruiH·rs IO 11nd 1 l•·l••n r.uthl~>r; rrum th•· har· ... ho\\ tn•· f ll• It• I luttl•l•\11,.! 111\,\11 'I t•• pr.·tttr•• "'II' in lf'.f h nt•'nl••r· ;., "IJd•·f•· '' llh ... nund _,,, t'U\••r-·d 1l·•· •. ,, .. ,, fli'"' ttu• pi· • IUti! uf th• ('tHif\t In lfl,• H •ft ,,f J.Potll li'llt•l fHI~ pl.tUt·"' fli )l.t .Juoo.o """~"!: gu•··•· I'' ••ro t S~ttUo<l.ol o•\•'11 1111: ,,,.,,. II• llnol !\Irs. U~ll·t 1""' ,,f tit•• :-.;,."1"''' llatbor eltth, \\ho \,,., .. J.!lh'"'" t•f !\lr :uu1 Mr• r.n1ho1nl , Staff ( 't~mooot•l•" ,. G•~"l'• Ru.-ll l.on 1•f C'ul11t liH llo·:ol'll ,C'111I• \1,1'"' II J)un ... · ••t Knm<VIll•• To·nn . "hu r~ u IIIII I"' I;UI'SI •·' Y11lllll! \\'ollH>IIt•, :llo :onrt Mt• J'.oul I)• ll• "'"" ~ 11nd .llllln \Va,h· lflJ.:lUft ul s .• n Pit·..:·· \\hu ~ ... with thr PC ~;tt!uiJ Mrs. Obe d Luc as Entertains at Brid ge 1 tniii~'M 11w no·w h•nl<luot:' hor arr u \\o•ro· ;\lt•<.f1fll11!'" C:o.ort:•· ·n,,. 11,11111y 1,1,,_~11111, Ill prlm11t., '11w Sil\••r lt•/1, \\toh Jlroct'Nl~ l..ll'"''· ll1orulcl C'uldwt•tl, \VRrro·n fllRllll'<•ttlo·~ "•'I'•' 11..,.,1 ror rll'<'OI "l OaiJ' F.st'laeiW~- 0RTH0Pt:010 8lllee Malr ...... Tttc-llaJc-.0• .................. Foot Relief Shop Mra. Frank HateM J-'J,.II'Iwr, AI SdiUIIt. f"l1rf :-;,.lclr r, llun ltv l\lro 1 11""' l.llrl'l!t. :ll 1 ~Inn• !';••• rv nnrl F:uln P··llrt,..r l'n~Hl "'''""'' "lo··n •h•· ••nl••rl:!m 1 l'nllhl" It• l;ll••nd ,._.,.. Mrs 011''11 <'d with 11 hro(l~·· lurwh•'On In~• Lllt'rt• 1o11d Mr~ II E Chro~IIPr ""''k rlw l!ll• ..,1• tw•tnl: ~··r\l'fl ;ot I ('Ill :'\o~id••r uf lttrona dt•l Mar T1ny ani~>IOPE', tall gtraffl•s, Afro. I '""' I ~ ""'''" Cl(l hwr v i :,;linin r;\" ('lt•phants with huge, fun-likf' I ---.-c· I) ~I Ana as hostl'SSI'S ('ars nnd {ll8ny birds and bt•asts. Lt. Col. tll>ll .... < ~ l~W, An • 'lqUtlollo• l'luth on •·mhroldo•r)' hnlh ~mall ,and largP. \\'l'l'l' shown form<'r h•stdt·nts Iii I'J,,ya d••l !.ur, 11nd l,u·c• W!lb ll~l'd loll llh' lo•a tahlt•, ln th1•1r nallvr hahilat. • Bulboa. arc• .:u••SI8 at tht• h•lml' uf · ,, Itt ·1 ,, •1 • 111 •r•"l ,,.11 h 0 110 . . Mr. and Mrs. L. t::. lstw ll 1305 • 1 • ~ • o• • • · Parhcularly Interesting werf' " trtnl 1c; urnttrg••nwnt of white 11 . ·t _ oi z 1 I'! . I::~t Central av<'nUl'. 1 hi'.>' h:we ·. taff.t• IIDrt-hite one-denier rayon pc-aunt blouee-and ftatterint blacll lC pte ures • u u 1 e. some., t l'l'n stut oonl'd In Panama for tome ~'"' k' n•tllltuh•tl "tlh Plht·r now· shuwing • th<' native danc<'s and ' ~-' h • i d d •·J ,..._ • lim<' llut han' rl'turn<'U to l e t rs n n • an u ur • .. ere were uth<'rs Sl'<'ni'S takf'n at the fum•ral 1 tlulnt) ·~·R ~anti\\ irlto•s ~nd Uw or a nott'd rrligious leader. whllt> IIi tate~ and Wtll go. l1a"k to tht• r '~~)(okll·~. Shlll•·ll Ilk•· hotl'hf'tt, wo;orc one pi(.tur<' was of East Indian home rn Oklahoma. I rro~lo·d on rt·d. . colonists walkin~ har<'foot O\'l'r l ;\'o•arly :111 !m•mt.JC'rs urn! ~:ucsts IRrgt> hEodA of glowing coalll, and to attt•ndt'd 1-urmlng two tablM otht-rs with splkt>s drh'<'n through Allaouaclag· a Tour '''hid' pl~o)o •! vrocr('tli l\'t•l> W<'r<' <'h<'t'ks and ton~:u<'. which lt>ft no M E 'X 'I c 0 Mrs. 1.. I. ls!Jl'll. ·Mrs GMdon marks wh('n r(•mo,·C'd an hnur or I 1 1-'m~lll>; .Mrs 011lph !\t ask<') ond so later . accordmg to Mrs. Dnlm· .r.lrs. \\n}n" n. lla qx-r, and t hear mond. StiiJ anothl'r fllm wns of 1 ~lll'SIS. ~Irs c. n n udd, Mrs. Sam lift> in thr \V('St Indies. Thos, and. ~ Konsfather. Mr11 Rober t Allen ll':ld ' some of thf' othE'rs, WE're in color. · ~ • . f"?m th(•. harbor orca '' ,.,.. Mrs by Dorothy SuttK>rland. hol;tf'Ss fnr Mrs l\ll'rh• \'t•rR\'r~:. Also prcsl.'nl l Mrs. Drummnnd was introdu<"t-d \\Ill r o•n 1-h·ll'her and !\Irs. Ccorgc thl' 1'\'eninR. T)orot h<•a Wilson prt'· M lAm<' side-d AI thP btasin~ 51'SSion whkh 6 "I -' 0 16 'ts I us mt't' tnJ.: 11 •x·t•n pos • oJ)('m'll with t h<' drawing. Eil .. <'n In Mf'dtoo A I I h d "~ I I 1 u On OWI •Y• JJ11n•-d for ll "N'k. llll' da.tl' of lh<' flihbltts winning th«' prizr. a t·as-~1rod~:~ lun~h•·<>!l ls rhos WI'Ok, Sl'rolt'. Rlankc>ts Wl'r<' drawn l>y L<'avinR Los Anl:<'l<'ll Airport fltursdo~. h ·b. :.18. Orna llall 11nd F:dna W ilson 1 APall. 18 R~>lum MAY % A IC'ttt'r was n •ad from Rrudrn! inn of SIOO, to thl' Presbyl<'r· l&n hospital fund. The club had pr4!-viously vott-d a .sum for the ' triUUOj)OrtaU-. HotA!Ia, Meal• 011 Trlpa. Tour .. ( llhl'rs pr•·s•·nl ''''ro IIH' Mt•Sdtm"·~ ~ •• u the1 •n pntty. Girl Scout camp hut M the As-1 !....-----""'t--------'1 Dr tonrl ~1r• !.nul~ Alfinl nnd Lynn I<•'PJ"l('r, Tt•m ll••ndPr""" The but.,., to checll on dry clc•n· Comml'nt·•·n~o·nt t'XI'rrisl's for lh!! slttancl' Lf>allU«' had i!ive n a largrl ---------------------, l'hllrlr~>n, O.•lly Lnu and Jlmmir, Mary fllntlt:('tl, Spaulding EMil· abilltJ, M~m "'~~ 1.11d otM wintt·r mnvocation Clf thr 63rd donation !or that purposE' th«'j Touo·!' includl• Cundolupe, Tcno· <'htit I lin, Taxco, G\wmavaca, Tulu<•n, Corel Cr<'SII<l. Orizaba, TwCpango, Cordoba. ---..:...-------------------------, D'IOVN1 lnt•t thr·ir n~>w hnmf', 410 11 anrt Sioll)' l'!•ytnn aood ..;•i!f'nc q~lit;."be\: ~n.la annual t'tHilnll'lll'l'llll'nt of lh<' Unl· BPW wu ask<'d to give statiOIWI')' A On~~"'.,~ SPRING I (1ny str••~>t N~>wloort Hl'il(hta Ia~ I m n • to ' onn~t••• 1 .. vc VC'rslty of Southl'rn C'alifornla will' Instead. I Limited to Smail Croup. IU.'sNve NOW to assure · spnce. ~n. • ' • . 10. eccunt• f.ctl about ,...-f•bnc. wN•k Th~>y hA\'1' bl>c>n 1'11\)'inJ: woth · be held Sunday. 1-'t'h. 24. In Rovard Nl'w membt'rs, who stave such a I IN Mrs Altlnl'a llllll'r and h<'r h~· t Vacatio n for Four at I Audilor iwn at :.!:30 p.m. wonderful Valentine par ty at the S U J T S band. Mr. and Qn., Jack Smith., D t H o t Spra'ngs · \T o wnsend Club Hears Among the 3.''lO g-raduati'S '-Lido late clubhouse were uked tol I HI 411t ltrN'l, ('fomong h('re !mm I e ser c . R Pulrlcla L. Parkl' of 104 Via Yt-lla, stand and takt' a bow. ~~~~~~~~EU~E. l t"nnklln Park. JU,.. • • ,_.--.. _11 f" lho o nvention eports Lido lsi<', Rach<'lor of Artt. Sht! CUI'Sts lntToduced were Haut1 NEU'MtAL COLORS LEAD WITII Anothc>r Franklin PArk rouplc>. Mrs J)('nn 'nmp ... · 0 nil a, ~ has bt'en pri'Sidt>nt of tht' Trojnn Wilson and Xrudl Blake. Mem- NAVY. BLACK. GREY AND POWDER RLtlE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dlddit'r and ton with Mr11 Rlanchr Andrews and Nf'wport Bf'ach Towna<'nd club Amazons, honorary women's S<'TV· bt'rs present WE'rt> Mlldrt'd Lock-I STEVENS TRAVEL SERVICE SOLID OR TWo-TONE COLORS Jack. w('r<' -'so 1:1~111 111 thP, Mrs l.a'"T<'n<'l' R<•mis of Sllflolll m~>t Tuesday t-venlng at the home i<'t' organization. advisor or Phra· hart, Camt-lle Kt>nnt'dy, Crayce lN nNE ALL WOOL MATERIALS Smith holn4-. imd will bring tht-lrl Ana and Mrs. Wl'ston of San MR· .. r Mrs. Sadit' Roehe. 30th stret>t, trrl'll and ))('Ita Gamma ru.~h &>vi«'r. Katht>rlne Vauahn, Ma.rie %19 ~ "'"" LAGUSA BEACH, C.u.D'. 111 ... ..,. liNe· -...,... l'1eor -Broaodway at t M IIANT A A.'ll A ()pen 10:00 a.m. to 6;00 p.m. Grace Shipnian · School of Darlcing and Allied Arts TAP-ACROBATIC -BA~L ROOM BALLET CLASS AND PRlV ATE LESSONS ,.._. 8. A.l840 -~E. Fourth S..ta A8a "YOUR CHILb DES'ERVES THE BEST" bnth ,.....talon an1l IT otflfltf'ltd thr IW'" Tran'l,.n'flt •latrnal aad :'.•• llu,. Tran•· ur .. nt Trub) tr Tl'f'tll "" l'orttllt hr • • •• ._. .. ._, r ...... ,, s!•h•n•\,. tu '•· ta"-'• CIWft Tf'f'lh aoul lolllll' ... ,.._, "llfrlll.r" In dl'lall. the') ,, • .,,, '" ,.,. ... ,,.,. ·' ""' l"'r'"""' 1.,.,..,.,..,,.,., Thr «''•'••jttlunnl 11\.;ht \\"i;:ht • I 'IH•..,.• ,,.,. \1:. tt'rlal.. rN u:t.. In addf'<t ('om· .EASY TO \\'EAR . . . ;Iii ""' "a rt• 11r .. hrlnk , .. brll"' a\·nld t'lil'ktnr. "·ott· hllntt. lrrltottlon ,t't••: Ur. ( 'owt'n',. Uhf'ral ('l"f'dll Tl'rm ... :\u lulrrHI ur any ""' tra toftarr••: apr'Nid tlw> .-~ • .......... ,., .. , _, ,..._..,. .. k-nrth nt tlnM'. T1tl• llbrral nt· ,,., •t'lflif-ot "" all ••> I!'Oo of .,.,.. taJ ttlatt'' lncoh .. lq a,..." lfl""«'"'-partial• and ""'"~'-*"'•"' T elephoae I OM family tw-rt' In live, planning to rlno mad<' a p:trty o! four whlt:'h "ith Mrw. W. J . Holtzclaw and chairman. Active In student aJ· Hoebs('h, Meta Bachman, Carol I c>ntl'r butlnf'U «-ilh('r here or In ~<Jl('nl lwn _.l'ks rf'C('ntly at the Mrs M"ary ETickton u utls'tant falrt, ahc '-alto past prrsldenl or Ot'nton. Borghild StE'phcns, Mar· Santa Ana. 'n\t'y will O('('UJlY th<' O.'!Wrt lint Srrrnt(!'~ mttaStt" of ho~tt'IIIE'S. • · Phrat<'r<-s. ch11rtrr ml'mlil'r of thf' l \lt'ritl' Way, Joan Herrick. Ruth '---------------'._ Altlnl humf' whl'n the doctor and Mrs f'hariMt Holt !\lr!l llolt, thr ;\lr. a nd Mrs. L. K. Ashbaugh campus Rl'd C'r01111, chairman of -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ hla famlly r et urns F:ut to ~ttlr rcorm('r F:mma lllll:hc·s. \\Till's from unfl Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thomp-great<'r university commlttt'f' and 1' otffalrs theN' M••xlm that shr and hl'r hutbAnd ~ .. n brought rt>por ts from th<' ron · I past vlet··prNIIdt•nt of Astoclatt'd J . A. Robinson , father of Mrs. I nrl' h:~,·ln~: a wnndf'r!ul honry· ~:rl'l·"'•onal con vt-ntion held ot Womf'n Studo•nt~. Smith And Mrt. Alflnl. was h~>rl' fll(•un Rl\t'tllid<' Ft-b. 10. At the IIOC'ial l Pr<'sld<'nt RufUs B. von Kit-in- for two wl't'kt and wantt'd to buy1 h(IUI' hridge and Chlnt'Se chcck«'1'11 Smid will officiate with Dr. Louis land, but f'f'turnt'd to h'-home Fre d Sne decor s "•·re playt'd. 11. Evan11. pastor" of the Firat llt'Br Oakland. Prt·sbytl'rlan church of Hollywood Entertain at Bridge E . 1. M oores Host drlivl'ring the commencement ad· dri'SS, following 11 Clll> and gown Mr and Mn Frrd Snf>rll'<'<>l' of Dinner Party prOCCCislonal acrou the campus. !'::!,~&;:Long Beach Tues. Eve. Mar. 5 The World's Greatest Violinist HEIFETZ Bridge Luncheon At Rudd Home Coronll <'nt('rtnlnrd Ill lhl'ir na:v a-•-•• 20 $1.80 $2 40 •• 00 I I d h tl lth I'Ve Mr. and Mrt. E. I. Moorr cntt'T-._...., • --• -..,.. Mra. C. R. Rudd l'ntl'rtaincd llan om<' r f'C('n Y w on • talnt'd at dinne-r Wt'dnesday «'V«'· C .D.M.Teachers Enjoy Aadltortum Box Office ~ Loa• BMch ~2 with 11 bridge lunchron at hl'r nlng of brldgP. e homfo. 320 Santa Anii iiV~Ue, N~· Cuesta includf'd thl' M~~?· and nlng at t.Mir home, 1221 WI'St Evening at Lag una R1111lpbrey'a Music Co.-uo Pille Ave -737-89 port Helchts. Ivy gt-ranluiTUI were Mndaml's uw Walla~. f.ugt'nf' C.~~~~::· cre-am atocka were ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ US<'d aa dl'COl'allon and three tablt'l Ft>nl'lon. RaJph Matkt'y, J A Cant, Teacht>rs of the Corona del Mar weTe In play. . • I C B. Rudd. Henry Egrrrt, L. L UM'd for decoration and plaCH school Wt'nt to Laguna Bf'ach I bbt'll, ~· J. Moore, and C. F . were laid for Mr. and Mrs. O.car T\lt'tday evening a nd aftt-r dining W R.lchard, Ht-lnz Kalaer, Mr. and "'ivAn to -tahllshlng a cafetma atts. at La llacit-nda went to the homt> .. ' '· Krt. Sam Klns!ather. Dr. an4 fund, wu .-ervt'd 111 a tahl(' dt-cor-Mrs. Tom Reedf'r. Mn. Harold or onr or their numbt'r . Sally Kayt>, 11h'll with yE'llow tApers 11nd Chi-I s land Residents WokJt>nbt'rg a nd the OO.t and to spend a pl<'usurable. even ing. """ llllf'll SM-vlnst Wl'f'f' Mrs. Hal V , • • T ha.tt>st. Includl.'d In thl' par ty Wt>re lloltz of thf' Corona del Mar school IS1t 1n eXaS Crayce Sevl<'r. school principal: and Mn Monahan anrl Mrs. II. 0 . Grf'tha Tubbs. F:dith Carvrr. Mar- Bor't'Y or the Nc>WJlOTI Rea«'h Mr. and Mrt~ c.ror~" :0.1 l.ow~. Wild Flower Pri nts jorlt-Rom<'rsl, Trudl Blake, Kay ! ll('h'Ool, fourth an4 fifth stndfo room I :\10 Cnr"l av.-nu('. Rnltooa J~land. At PubliC' Library Vaughn. Hau-l Reed. Beverly rT}Olhen. retuml'd r('('('ntly from 11 mnnth's 11 Sjobc.>rg. Snlly Kayl', Helen Dud-.__ h k 1 f d Th<' Newport Bf'ach public • l ey, Vrronlcn Schl<'der, Loll Fer-In '"" c N: ·UP t wu oun vacatlorr. most of thl' trmt' u brary 11 C\ll'l'enUy displaying an the attendance award had been R\11'1111 at rhc homr of ~lr and Nthlbltion of wild nower prints. &Uton. H('lf'n Thomas, Bonnie won by the kln&rgarten. Mn P<'ytnn SwN'nl'y, Oro"'nsvlOe; They are presentEd in oo.er. Lang and Carol Denton. Texu. vatlon of California Conaervatlon r--------------: The> two coupll'l IJX'nl lrn ~ Week, March 7·14, and reprt'lt'nt Francia J. Horvath t~Xtl'lhrr in Ml'XICO City hrrore the a Wld.e variety of wild nowen Ialand<'rs lett for homl' Ttw growing In this area. INOOIIE TAX SERVICE Sw<'t'neys W('rl' ri'Sid('nl~ hrrl' dUI'- Ing the war. Correctio n o n Recen t Sho wer "Not M.rt.. C. F. l nn!l, but M rs . I Ff'deral aad .Statfl 111 NUl St. l'tl. tltt·JI OfftC'oe: t 11 0 \\'. C.tnl Mtonf' 1MO Your Friends & Mine Local Girls Elected Miu Muriel Hatch. q:aduatt' of I To Off'ces at SA JC Newport Harbor Union Htgh 1 • school. was recently lniUated Into W. W. Row~> jr. of Bf'llflower was honor('{' nt thl' layrtte shower glv- t'n r<'Ct'ntly at tht' homl' or Mrs,: R. R. Randrl. Balboa h lllnd. a mistakE' having bt't>n made In th<' stnry apJl('arini In 11 prl'vlous i~­ sur. Mrs 1nns wall hostess nt thr ;offaor honorln~: twr sl8ter. Mrs Otmrlt•l is srx•ndlnr: much of hl'r tinw nl Rl'll!lo"'t'r as thl' f\I'W ar· rival Is expcctt-d at any time. the Alpha Chi Delta 110rority at :_. ____________ _; M ary ;\llcr Pollard t•r !"o•wport tht> Unlvt-rslty of Rf'dian«H. ShP -------------184"11ch wu t'IN'Itd Prf>!lillo•nt ol Ia oa the collegl' honor roll. a Margaret L. Scharle 1 Mt'mbeF Musoc Tt-nl'ht>rs' A.'Sn nf C'11hfomia I Teacher o f Piano ('tn;nno•l • A•'<"'ml•ano .. t ' ~todln: ,.,., co .. tdt-nrnd ·'''"""" ('nruna dl'l ~far l'llt 1.._,_. ;\'F\\ l't 0HT lt•h; Pllnt•'t>rs l'luh II( ~~~~tn 1\na .Junior m<'mhrr of the Junior Spinl't mu· C'Olll'l!l' ant1 C'l.1ir• c rnlc " 1• I lrct· aical or~:nniz.atlon. tht' O. K. club, I'd \'k~ ~rr~l~~>nl ot ,.,,,.,, .. "~Mid i the Y. W.C. A. and thl' orchrstra ~~~~"''' k h~ 111" '''•ml'n ' •• r\1l'<'l Mr and Mrs. John Mill('r, 213 F'lnw•·r ~tlrt'('t, C'osta MI'Sa, nr l' Jn Ann ;\lnrtrn ul 1.111" 1-lo· Yo'l\.~ r~>nts or 11 son horn Fc•h, 1~ at ··11'1'11'11 '•llh·51lprt•nl!' 'JIIn•!• I with r l h h ., I FIN1n11r Sn~f•k:~l nf .~nnt.l Ana ea' \1~~<'~tl!ts ~-~~·and Mrs \\'1t. ~llprtnl•·~ptn•l •r II"""' n of l tl i\11'-ld h Ad I am 1 r .. ,na '''l'rP onor. a I hi' !' 11111111< •lr• lo••kllt~ I Wllrd0 R SUr)lrl~f' birthdll\' rtonn('r Ill I he In p.INh:mc 11n1l nl<h p ot lll'< foc i Collc>y r••<"t•ntly. foilnwo·rl hy hrirll:<' """ h •h· """ ,. "' 111 't~lona at thf' hfllll" Clf Mr. tlnct :'\Tho lia r-In \• ''I oho oi l'•, ,,, \•. lt1 ~~ . h '1 '! , St _ n \' n~c: \\"It ~' ~ ·' tr~ • ,,n- ---------------------------.,'lr~ llS ''"sh;tlng hMI•'~~ It• tho• l.' lk•lt•·r (.'o\'f'"'l:'' 1\lerle,"'. :\latthews • . • "Before You Build or Remodel · \i.•dt mer lntf'rHUnl '11011~ .. aad d~1u~· room... . . I!IJI'!'fl! 1 · ~lr ,1nd ~Irs .Jo•i111 \'n~.;• I 1111tl :'\lrl' ""!"' \;"~:••1 .• r llall~•:o. at· INH1<'11 lh•• ral'f'<: Thllr,.tl<n Llnd11 Slit' Hlllo', "'''~ o•ar ·nlol daullhl•·r (l( ~lr rtnol :\Irs ( ':tso•\ Rltu•. :lPJlf'Art"fl In Ill•' :llodwtnt• r RI'Vi•'" h~>lrl Frirlny "' t•nlnJ.! n I I h• Snnt:1 Ann l·.ht•ll rltth tlnd ~ot••n sort'd h~ !'1.,;111.1 T:o~ Psi ;\'ali••n.1l S<'lrnr it'. Mr ~nd !'o!N l.) nn f.:•·l'll\'T' h:n •' mn\1'(! from l'urk n\ o·nll•' anrt .oro' nm\ nt 324 (In~' 11\<'ntto•. 1\:olhn:l blAnd. Expert Shoe Repairing Whil(' You 'V;lit ••• Ray P'agan 515 Ea'st Bay Front Sr't '''"" lu 1\a~· \If'" ( ,.,,.' !I .1 m . "' R p, m. ;.._... __________ ·- Color )!tlldt•~. pl c:t- ninl.! alii:-. ~· .. mpro ·- h,"n""'' :-l1'<'k ,r nt~-<. <':ltl~o't -. and lhHil<'\IOl ' The Mother-to-Be Rill" It ... ,...,. ( . .__ ... LUDLUM Carpet Works II!! !'l<Jcttll 'lalft MI. ...._ !lla~tta ,\na !MIJ Iii\' T \ .\' \ -~ ---~ Dres...~s Slack Suit s lndh·idualib· • Suits • • Robes • Jumper~ Bt•d J a(•kets Dorina-Mari~ Shoppe Santa Ana .o\rc·acJ .. Bid~. J.oin the Breakfast Club at the Blue Room Breakfast Served fr9m 8 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. ++++ Palm Street in Balboa e &&bE .... ~. REMODELED ••• NOW AT REDUCED RATES COlD !CTORAGE \'AtiLT OS PRF.~I!IP:SI 218 N. Broadway Sonta ·Ana Phone 373 ORANGE C~UNTY'I FOREMOST FUIRIEI l I