HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-28 - Newport Balboa News Times-...e.-· "'•: .I Bl!l!ll, MU. 1. A. Box Nl 1'11& PaElla A mirror ot the m011t rapidly developln.r area of the California SouUl Coutal Emp1re · -------- VOLUlofE VII /Jt;d, ~ua LocaJfiPolice .. By T. N. "BRICK" GAINES Clamp o· own This Is thl' sl'rond • uf what mll(ht turn otlt to lw u so·•'lt·~ or buainewc:~ on Ulc p1utio•a ukl~ the \'Oif'rs to t•lt>rt 't>ni <'lty coun. s d · cllmen tor our munu:lpallty. on Jpee e rs It c<m ct>rna T. P. Atkln.~<•n, whp unUI reeently w~ a coiOnf'l in lhl' Army Air ForcN . I'm not auppoaetl to exprt•as any preft-re'nrl' Cor " candidate In tht>a" artlrl<'s. but I think lt'a proJWr to sny'thllt Col Atkan~ton would make n ~:ov.l t>nun<"llman .. hould htv Ill' e:t'<'trd. • ~mr pi'O· pl .. woult1'1't 'aopro\'e. C't t hr · w 11y hf' bluntly and '1\I'I'UNIIPlV IIJWAk ll the trvth. but I tlo nn ftc c-ount of that'• whAt W<' n"<'tl All \VI' ran l:'t'l or In r 1t" <"ouncllmffl. 1 Sntd h••. ungrama ll('ally 1 1 B•oJ:Tnrh•r:tll\'. C'nt A-tkani!O'I "'.Jt' horn 1'"1 Ll\.,.rf'n<'t . Ma~a anrt No -. • .._.Y • col•c •~ .,.. ahown llplN'df'ft -d · t ralfho rlolat."' C'tl-.r R. R. llod&- klnl'Ojll a..t It IN-known thl• wed!. Proof that &oeaJ po • UN! ol~ ud Juda ... II ... huiU'""'" "-.. ..bow•t ~~&~ Doaald J. Doclcco awa - k'lln'd 0.~ t:ur-Arc-b- u , 20, of G~a ..CO.OH•. tn 90 da)ll In lbf' <'OUaty jaU. max- lmum M'llae- at nn t'nrly A/rt' he wf'nt to Ma on Ar('her'• caao' or reckJ••ss tlrlv. a whnh-r. of which our yachtsmrn lng and .sp<>eding "a!l tht• mos: I IOhou! I n••pro\·e. Lnt<'r hi• !"lks fh,::tant \'H>lat1on In rounl \' htll· tor~·. tbl' l'hlt'f Ftat,•d. l'oiH't• uf· '"' I..Ct h"1111' nt 17 1111 ! Co: nrr,•1 follow t>d Ar<'h~r ~,·hrn h<' l<'ln••d th·· 1 rmv \Vhl)l' ""rvln:; tur1wd 1nto Newport. \'ldlaling tron1 th•'r. ttn tll :•ltiii'Nt nnw. bf' tra fC•c 'rules by mak ing a lt'ft rerl'h'•''' prob1hly th,; mo11t lllor-lum. They followed h1m up !18th ough ll"honllnl!' rou lbll'. all a tot toward Costa Men . but hr n•Cu•- ' ) . NEWPORT B~GJi, CALIFORNIA. THl'H~DA \', MARCH 28. 1946 Til .. ~ I'F.ATF.~T SHIPOt lii.OfNC JOBS " Snuth•·ttl l'nhf,.tnta Ia h.ojn;; 111h1t-d out nt tho• Don P eden 11 ''"I h •. I'"~~~· "If••. llwa l '•·•lt·r-··u II •~ " :i7 ng u •• .• n1 n\ or " t•n••utl ••Y. u••·•·ut put. o·hns.·r nf lht· Zni'-H. l'lol11ro•c1 nOO\'f' the ('raft'• ·•ull t> 1 ~•n.: •har•· 111 lht• l'•••l••r••·n llhotp At llj;ht ~~r~ l't•<ff'rllf'll ill dll\'lnf{ (liUgl! Ul the 8ll'c-J. llfllp'• pl;,llkllllo( lfl l'll\'t•r fnlll'f h rRIIJI MC'ro-.o'" l'lug11 nrl' glu1•d an pll\('t' w1th \\'l\trrproof gi\M!, thrn aiUt•lt'<l flush with lh•• (liAnklnjt. It 111 l.ht• Clr81 Ald(•n ~~~••gn .. d boat to b!' built on thf' Pacific Coa&t In many yo•art. Nt•wport.Batboa Pn-111 Photo). J Aln•• ~~ .. ~= faif -J. and lmp,.rtlal. ""'' thu tn ~~,,,,. "n't rrtaln l"'l'lllar sUJ>(l"r1 / TWF.NTY I'AGJo~~ NtJMtU:tl 4 $334,530 Building Perrnits Issued Here "Just Ahead of Governm·ent'Freeze'·Order Gordon t J nopalo!4e•d in StaJWrvbwr l,nst • lluillllnjl p<'rmlla anlount lnjl l•• I ,.,,14 t\:IU t\1) ",.,,. '"""''" th~ p.al ".,,.k 111 N••wt•nrt n .. ar h Juat "''" l ht• "' '' ,,,~~'-•" ••nt••r ··urtAI1. 1111: '"l'"'r" noltltllo>llll ...... huilc1· a~att~rson \\'on •t Uun. Ill): .. r 110'\\ "'"''" .. rr .... hulltlln«• .. ""1u•rtnt•ttt -.t t U• tur•~". I''' h 1l • t•uU,hr\.l,. r t• tu nutkr ""'' ••rla1• ltft'hlll'll&clll, 1 C '~tltl lllllf't1 till l'llltl' 14 I oC his t 1mr "'"' af'rv·l'd ... ~ a aaer-~t'ant . •n~llll~'tor A •.;<f'rj;!'PIInt. t'd to stop ~'ht>n hi' dodjt'NI In J F' d M t :uo hr waa t•nl f'n ntc a 1 .. -. Anl:•'h·~ Aid c R fn.tltrul'tor ha• to bto smartf'r tha n llll•l out or ht>llVY ).ff'lf!l ' traffic-. ury In s ys ery hosnltal for lrt'l\lmf'nl Jl, hKol en rul·se·r-acer ~ k ldl d -f nlllly ,. hl h:u l "hf••·u HflJH••·•• h··.t '•• tu u '--d 1 • •< n~or aroun corn I'. D, 1 • stat(·-' that he Wl\l auCCo•ruw rrom any, .... y, l'vl'n jl'l'nl'ra . I . h' ._..... ... to• ..... mil--u .. ''II thf' ~11""1'"\'lll''r I'""' hut ""111 Hr'll uonl' t o abnut f'\..-ry klnrl nf'T'f'lllllng IS •·~·" ""' 'q D th t c d I broken rlba cauaed In "" aC<"idfont I t d ed t c t f , .. h I I h I I '--n lhRI nf achool you Can think Of, llkl' Ult> ('f'l' hour, Johl'llton fired at h im, ea a orona e IIOrne WHQ before. H0\\.1!\'I'r, the n ro uc 0 oas ~':~na~!';';.,. I 1; .. : ";,,. :·1\11~·~ .. •;-n. _____.._ , .. _ !lily r~ache•l thr df'r lalun that to .. _ t Army's cooka' ·&nd baleen' achool. lnducln~ him to lltop. men wbo c.me to p el! up Thle .. , .. - h0n.:'8h!W'rll' ll<'hOOI and llchool of ··~ ._....._ ... ...,. -'"' Mar Was Hom·ICI.de IM'n'• pe-.1 et~Kta told Ule By local Boat Man run for l ll<'h ......... anti .,._lbly Kam .. · nf Krnt tl11e-ll 0 l'qUitatlon (hOI'SU 1 Hf''a donf' ::::: :!:n:"tllvt=C = ~nnh~apdlyt-•Uwaty•~r~~~~I,Tht•;, •. :;:~ In oc-c-upy 11 wnuftl h,. 1,,, anu<'h uf Lido ~~':n~a;ln:'~,... ~: mudl of hi• work In unlveralUea. 1 _ __. o -.. ... ,_. a aarrlfk'r bfoc·al»f' ttf hla thrivtnc phf'r .. ,. .. .. -..... , __ and mort" or leN majored In jour. w-k. '~""-rited or .....--· A jury of Nf'wport St-ach cltl· had a1ven Uaem. die)' l#ft a n"'"'l t-'lrst Alttf'n dn•-n comblnaUon Uon llltr b<'cxk ·ret--- nai!Aim, ~dlllnr: and writing mOIIt 1 .. ~: . u nw T~llday a t thf' Baltz Mortu. for him. 01'. K.&anUII'I t"""' ... rn&1nHiin& bWIIIlf'• w~k irnm • tlip to ,.._. .ad of the n . StJr Guidon fnr two Albert S. Johnston. P oplar: ary, Corona del Mar, retumed a mony to the co~ jury l"f'v .. ,.l. • ru••tn~e-ra('tnr: boat on the Pa· A a a r ... ull. N,_ "'"' •. rurmrr n orMa pnrll wtwn .._wee eelled . ...... _..._ .,._..,1 J ,..__rt ... _ -.. ........ brok•n •'ICir Cout will be lntroduc..d .t.o mayor will r:o bar k Into nfne~ un· b 1 hi __ .. ..._t _..-..,. r.w yean. '"""""'re n.uv na. r .. ·~-...., vf'rdtct of death due to bomlclde f'd ..... t .... -n _. no · Y ... v~ra a P ..... - , __ ..,.... W W I .... d • Ra Hoi a thl d h'-... _ 1 J op...___. unlf'• a writ ... ln r anfU. .. hi --. '"'"f'n M1d Ar ,..nt In our HrlghtJI: Howar r... 11\MY. · In t hf' c-of Robert Martin libe. .... ou a n yar ... men ...-re n une ..---~ pnololf'1'p r ........ facea he ._ ... In Chlca~ an d wu lywood· C all A. Cu tell. Rlventde: Thl~n. 41. of 'Loe Allee'-. ----by William W Taylor. t Rudder dat~ app .. ra. which fa oktttbtful Nrxt w,.:,.ll Hltofloodl wll1 a.ve comm!JrJI~ lmmedtately and Alden R. Cuchelmann, 15, of Udo: whoee body w u found In a plly ~HO&T OF LUN ftU4 YLUl n oad. Bcaron Bay Tbe IIJ)HCiy CIIW,.J: MUCT 1M 'UI:Ul tw · ... ~,.... 1M wtD tAa Mnt to France In command of • J)uane W . Ander110n; Rlveralde: In Corona del Mar lut TbUJ'IIday. Newport ltu II .. t.J1 lac:Me of HC'MF. ~lctur" for MYeral ehtpy.,.._ He B A I 0 ..... 1 _ _. --37 -foot v-1 Ia ~C built IN Wll. F.l.l.IM • .. t.ttery ot field artillery. ut he Boyce IC. Skelton, Loe n~ ea: . The caae wu refel'ftd to the rain 110 far ..... ..-on. lll"ll ,,., lana '" ri'tum by •ay ot Moe•·. volunt~d u an air obeerver and E. Lynch. Cbuta VUta: Cbart~ L otnee nf the dtatrlct attorney for H .lt 4l'lcllea recorded thla Ume U Ule VUdnc Port, toO Pacific N-port Ctrde mofl Wad a fl#r-lOft, California .....,.. aMu-1 ofo~t the whole war ln air-&evello: Walter A . H erbert of Co· lnvuttr:atton Into Ulr deat.h. lu t year. Gout Hlr;hway by ~~~ PeckrMn, noon with Wra. Wm. Cilia, l&ll'ot. piM)totrraphk' wot'tl W\U 1M \AIMft plafte8 aad baUoona. bein« ahot rona del Kar: Robert I!. Nowell, Thfl jury conai1Ud or th~ toJ. --------local boet bWld~r The yacht. not. w. Central, wtU\ Mn. W. 8 . HUn.. can of. dowt~lrl one of the nrat and three South Oate; DOnald L Nowell. lowlnjf local people; A lbert Bow-C~mber A.o •nts ed for Ita •l"k•lln• Uld llpMCl. Ia Miler JIN-'4lnc "., t.ha "'-lneee ............... ,... _.,u ... -of U.. latter-ln tlamea. He hol4a South Gatf': 'nlomu L. Jl'laber, f'n, Robert Potte r. Jack l!lulUvua. r, ......._ ,... ...... lAC8 ..__ -"r ....... • .... "" '- a number of F rench and Italian Soutb Oate; Gene H.~. 8out.h u.. IAeter VI..-U... .~.,.. ..... ,,_. llr ~ • 1--· ._. IUZS? ........ IIIINI. , ...... ._. ~ ww.a. I ·-·t rtCtOnl O.&e; DaTtcl 11:. Cllrtllte-. L1ft-Oeo ..... OollawaJ. Mra. .._ ..... Jo~-..-..... .. UOI Ceu:twllle CnaiMr clua and eult• .............. wtUt ........ ,., "-re becauel I ea't .,.U 'em. wood: Jam• J . Brand. llanta ........ ..._.,.. BuMe &ftcl ..... Iff\ \JUHI the wp,_t ot two b\e wom-. .. 11 ... tlt1 ..... _, ~ But tt.-•re -.... IIOidc&. ... ~ • .,_ ---. rl~. 1a ratetl u ' belnr; futer ,...,1 ...,. J -.. u••• . -.. ¥ S --........__ --... --~ ·-·~ I""' I av.-..-.. UUU't J!M Nf'W . Tori& 30'• and In ..... na. _,._ unn " ............... ..----,_ ·. 4n;rway, after that war-..,._c-AW .... ........,_ -Hertlert Mylee Tble-.en ~t-Progr:ess Group • dlf'r than mo.t e 1011<1 8 metf'r YIVf!d thf' ltff' «Apollo In PnmY elarM u.T,.,_, A I I--over be -nt b4Uilc tO u.e raniU ptpea were: 1' pee lAnd. a natlv,. plonf'rr m._lnnary ot the Gull &114 Auafltte d UM IMt a.nd continued tM.cllln« people Richard H. l!ltear-na: Rl~ Dlf'CO, tM:ot~t~r of 1M dead man. =.e:r.cordlnc to bulldtr 0"~ or the &-la1an Cnncp Mlu ICtal~ vllllt.-d Wt'rf' provlna .rrut.a.tlrac · what t hey should know. He wu Alvin Gill. RJveraldf'. F. A. Cuff. ldenllne<t the body. AliiO t.e.tfty. Pr'Htdeftt .Ia ""8 Barrett. nwet· Nrwlanc1 1 .. 11 thf' d,.votlnnal prrtntl tiona a nt1 -ft4umtnc man.y toW tba a muter se'll!ant crcwln« a · B.f'r HunUngton Bearh ; Donald Jaml· I nit befo~ the Jury Tuellday we~ ln~t w1tJI th~ l'hambfor of l'nm. Pf'tl<'rlll'n hu lh•· •·I aMy new ualnJC ,.. a "'•bJ""'· .. ,....,.,., n c·.,n lnvowt}~nt nf lh~ c-IUI'II tn. lll~m. wflen the Jut one starl"d and hill ~t~n: J. H .. Mtngatl'. Rlveralde: Df'puty 8hf'rifl w. 0 . Wllllama: "mcrce Boar.t ,.f Dlrec:t.ora In Ulf' yar ht undfor ..:-..n•trUf•tlon at hta ,.,.n1,.11,.,.,. ~· _ ---- ftWf'Vf' comm ... torl Immediately Gerald E . Spark•. Newport Beach; P ollrf' Officer Walter P.:. Dy.on of Nf'wport Barn •r Yacllt' Club Tuf'a· "hup m1 lhr <.:o""'l Hl.rhway II Thr ,,..1 mr••llng will hf' h,.tn l •n~--Nl bt' Party Wft'tt lnto eff~t and hf' tM-came P'or fallln~ to make a bo'ilf'vard N f'wport BHch. Deputy Shf'rlfC day, appofntr•t ,.,.,,..n men to , .. rv .. h11.o nu•no untqur frl\lllrl'lt thl\n 11 A rll 241 h. 111 ,.,.. h .. m,. .,, Mr~t•l' 1~ II{ a CAplaln In the Air Forces . "top. pollee booked Albert E. Thomu R. M!'Calf •upertntendent u a J oint ,· .. mmuntty Df-vf'IOp· ~l•l•·"h""' lin•· '"' h whtt•· t'l"tlar IJ~t .. n :11'>12 W o,.,.,., l"runl l tpr • d b 8 I He ca.mf' hf're In October, lHl. E'mf'a: Roy C'. Warren: Han-y B. Of thf' bUt't'&U of reeordll and lden-m.ent Comnutl"···· Thf' a-rour ron. )lll\nklng l&ftl toll ...... an•l ttnf'-hKif tng th~ ......... 1 huur Mr" l':lll.o "" I Sla~ y UM nMS and waa nn~t adjutant "nd necu-Elll•tn. St~n Clemente: Cf'CII c llflc-1\tlon of the •herlff'a •ofnee. al•ll"if of R"lph l(ukay, Irwin h\ ttll•· nn•l ""'' tu•lf ""h•l ""k "}'" lll.olf't1 h t.tu A ~ Th•"nl-"'· Womrn for April 4th t.lve officer of Santa Ana Army ~hroetler. "~bi" photographrr. Deputy Spicer. Qnrrl•••l II Findlay, Tom 10nol fu.,n7.-· "' r•"" '""'' n•-d In ''""I ,.,.n.,.,1 ,.!'r,...ahm,.nla Air 'Ba.8e hla fr1f'n1a w ill point Rh•·rlff Robrrt Luxl'mbour~ter. Or. Henderaon II F Kenny, Walt.-r uf th•· uhu~ual f•·nt '"''" .,f th<' _ _ l'lan" ,.,... m•t,.r iiOII&IniC fur the out th&t nrnnlnlt'" "cit y" llkf' that John J Monll\nus <-ountv a.utopty .. ~. Aplc~r \\ M r..on~tmoor will t·ra fl llr""'' '" r•'" foc..~t··nlnJ:"I M M k t • .. 11 Nlathl" •llnn,.r hilt .. v .. nt rontalntn~r 100.000 pi'Ople Ia ~tood Commission J)eaie8 11\lrgrnn. llllld thr . vlrttm' had died ml'l'l w11 t t •omllar rommlltt'<' .or•· llllnk."n ltll•l ..... t•llll:l:' I "llh Balboa ... a.t ar ·~ "'~·:."\ .... r rur lhf' Hualn-a n<l practice fnr twin!!' " rouncllman Re . Re t 'lf 8 Crllcturrd nf'<:k. fmm thi • .-• • )lf'll& Ch&mh<·r uf •n•nll ph•~~,o• ~:l11• •I u f•l •· • ""''•.Sold tn Pa.Hadrnan 1., .. ,, • .,"1"'"'1 w .... , .. , .• ('lull noro. later M<-omlnjt rommnnc1f'r of zonang ques .... u• llUrvlvf'd by hhc m nther. C'nml'ftrr • •• . ... 11~ (lll>bll'lllll uf I ""'ntll'tl fht"h "llh I h• hull . I h• II Wll"''" l''''"ltllng "' lhf' bual troopll to Open Hote l Mrll Mllrv Ml\rtln Thl1'8<'11, 1\nd mulul\1 ..... ,... I C'Rhllll< ""I ..... ":·• .. , llu· Ti I Th• llalhftR Mrltl Mut kol .... ! ....... "'"""'" "' th•· tnPt·llna Thur.o· Hf''ll hA\'(' tx~n marril'd :l2 hi~ 100 Yf'l\r Hid • grftndfather, Ral(lh ~h-i-·.', Ap<'aklnc at I hP ,,.,, A l•l• II o'ttttl "oil ... ... """ Ito ••• ·~~···· •• It jWI ~: , ...... '"I h ........ \' ''" lllfllo( "' Whitt•'" rnf•·. Oil I· YI'ILI'II com!' nrxt May H ds two John Vogel's request to hll\'1' .lnnw11 l'attPrl!f)n Martm. bot h of l"•·wpr•rl It orl•or Cllamhf'r .. r j .tuno"" '""" :~· ''' '" 1 "" "· "111 lw ,,. .,, ,. .. 1•1 11 "'"" I• """ t t .. olnv I••" l•lou•ol ""t llnq•t I''"''" ,.,,. tlw dnughtl'rl, hoth marrlPd · cOO(' hi~< pro('t'rty on &lbon JWnln~uln ~11th~rlnnrl. In. by twn hrothr ra. 1 ('omnwn ollnlo(. pnlniNI 11111 "' t• nk f lo• • ,,,p '111 lf1\• " "'"', S• ••·•tt '""" 1o"" It• • n "f' •II""' • '" t .. h•·l•l Ar••ll 4 "1 111" nC 111f' I!On~_-ln·II\WI! ill J nhn SlAts. rt'7.l'll'trol to Bilow for lhl' bullollnf{ ll••rho·l l to!1lf'11 Thll'<llll'n nt Sanj thnt lh• •· • · '" m11ny lmf"trlarl' I''''""'''" ,,;. 1 ~""1"' ·" '1 "'111 , '''"'"'1: tlor ttttttk••l '"' "''"'" """ '-~• ''I"''' It trl••• y .. , hi 1.'1uh Ynu l'llll ,.. k llhnul tht' f'OionPI In I"' II hntrl \\':1.11 d~'lllf'd by I hi' Jllhn-P trg•· All' I Rf'j:'I'T r Thic ""('".of prnhlt·lll•· . I I! whlrh llffl'd f, .. , •thl• 'l'' " ••. ,. 1" "1•·• r· tour " ... , .. , ..... ,tv '" I... Ill• nt '"'" k• I , .. ~ ... "'V ~llllll't lnn•f nn•l M tcll· th(' Bnl~n brnnrh :•f thP 8 "nk n 1n~o: rf'lntll11llltion fa/\1 Thurlt•lay lh<' )!t•rt·hnnt tot nrlm• htol h th•' · "''"' nnol :"\•·wpttlt !'''1""11" 1,, ,. .• , '" ,,,. A•·•·· I·• ~~ .. '"'" ,1.,, ,.,.,,, "lil t• .. ''""'"""''"· Nttln ~>f A m<'n<'~ w h·•• '' St nt 7. wnrkl< 1 I 1'\'o•nlnJ,t. A In rg<' tlr lo•gn linn fnnn Fun• rul ltf'n•lrPJ< Will b<' cnn· t; a rt>or .• • • n nf Ill""'' 1 .. lfll( 1-' •I ·• 11 ' lo '11 I"'·'' ' 11'' "'" •I . • 1 It 1 '""'I" t M" Mu v F l "" II• M lolllttt•l 111 • hn r.:•· .,f llo•· prn H t> hasnt An~· ll\lf"''r.Jllllnll C~r thr llt'it.:hhc'lrhood W All prl'lll'll! nt dnrto•d II\' tilt' HRitZ M<JTIUilf'\'.1 11w r • ·1· llf>Hrt Whllh WIUtf\\1" '111"'1 "111 ' ,,,, '·;· ,, ,.,, l'oflfl F ' ....... , I •. , .... ' I''"'" "'"'' tlnlllrw will""'"'"''' N~'wpf'lrt. Flrllt. flntl out whnt." lh~' m .... tlnl( lo (lr<'lt o••t th<' r~'· \''llh 111!• •m•·nt In <:r"t'llW<Ktl 'M"·, ;.'1 \'t·n 1!. .. knv T u"'""" ll\'1 11'1' 1~1 "''1"1 • " , .. .t1.,, 1 .. , .. , , ..... ,. '"'" tit• '"'''' • ""''" I .,,.,.u .. ~···11•·11 nfC"rll•d mn~t. th~n nnd out \\·hat ~t 'l1Jtlfil1 VnJ,:!f"\1. on hflR rln5: fl( th ,.. l'lllrJHI f'llk In RAn nt.·~n 1 1h·· .. llf• T il•· ~f ··~ft ( ''''•!I •... '· It, ..... ,, l •'It ··'·· ........ "..... .. •• ,. w tlt •••• It" ,,.,,,., .. r •• , ... , ••. lnlh-'bnnkt'l dll iiU<'h WUII(,lh"ll l\\'lthdrii\\'Al nf 111 111\' lf'IOI'UI• unit~ 1.·1·:.1 r••t nll ~ fr .. u.thl' .. , ..... ('h:llllh•r t••td•·•l '" l•r"•··~t •, ....... , ......... ,, •.• ,. ... , .• ,,h ......... 1 ""'"'' ....... ,, ........ r ...... '''"'""' Alit•'"'''· ~n Ahr Rd \\'ith romnlunfty d~'Vf"l·l from tht' n•lj.:hh<orh:•n•l hAll n~<k"tl •·f ('ho•·' H It Jlotlgkl"lll<tn nn•J •h• ·• , ... ,. • '"" n"'~''' l t"lll lh• •" ••I I' I'" • 1• ··,.,.II""' ,. 1 ,I'• ,.,.," , '" It• •I I , .,,.,,,,•,.,,"( tu Itt l•v A pr J! '"' nrm·nt , .. Thnt 'll hi~ lcii'A thAt lhr fl'l'fUt'~l b•· \\'llhtliiiWil t:l••lot•.tl ""'"''~t .tl •dthnt furthr·r Pl:tll .. \0 lr•·rlltlll ""'"'II •1 I .••. ,\ t.• ••.• 1•···· •• ··': ••••• , ... I oiii"• ....... 1 .. ~, ...... ,: lw .. t.~ .... J tt l •r ... Thnt-IIOUnd~ l<l'n~•hll', dllt'IOil't It~ Howevl'r C'hRinnnn .l•1hn .td!•·n il'"• ~ln-at onn h111o \' l'ltl•·tl no n••w Ill• I ,.,. • It • ,.,.,, "" M:u•k••\', 1 •,., ... ,.. ·I •· t• • · 1. • II •· " •1 ..... 1:. '" h 111 th• , "·'"'"', "' • """"' ''. "' · 1•r ·ttu So tiM~ C"f'IJ At klnl<ton ;>;ext thnu~:ht th.r n;'ll!ll"r 11honlol I><' !hl-·nlt~n•tll'•h '"dil l" ~vloll'lll'" At i rw•lnr .. l · •n th,. twn l '"m 1111' "'"'' 1 \. •' •' .a f•r4 ttr 1, ,, ~·t.: .. l '"''' •:•"htt 1'1tlol•• W•'l'k w r II t ry In fm•l nnoth~'r \'II'· tlt-d flnt'l' :mrl fur nil ll\' hPillj:' put "'' T tt• -'II\' h•·· '·'t.C r"''ll't•rl lllRI n•. "' ,., •I with lh•· thr•··l '"' •· Itt '" ·" .. r ''• ' r• '' "·· , 1 1 ,,.. , tit• .. ,. , .. , , ... , .. ., • •lol Jol nr " tim t o A votf" At th«' UmP Th•· ""'""n hn rl t••l•·rh-•n• t ht~ 1:-.nd . f~\•·r.,. ·• "Jl''""1•t•nJ! th• u1 ,, .. , • r •t • ,. • ' • 1 , •• '· ,.1 .. t •~·•lt•••t• lfllhtrttl .~o~.:: ('O:'IrEs IIO'ft: \fiAts ,, ...... ~~" , ... ~ Ang•l·• \\'l'tn··" .. ":V !''")"' ., •. , """ ~~~~··~~h···l ...... , .... ~~·~· · ......... •· Locaf Civic Group Hi~ht h•r• ~t4•ru,Jua• yo u •••rnlnJ( _tll111t h•• "'6" st-nfllnJ!o•rl t '' 'u 1H•n ttf rtiJ .. tt n•l 't h• 1\fu • .,.,,._,, ''' l•• ••·d · ~~~~~::~.> ;;n~h::r ~.·:~·:·~~ .. ~t~.~.'w!'~ Chamber Supports :;::;·~· .. :;···:.~;; ~~~~;.~;~. ·;~1:.'~~.:~~ ::~.''· ltth•lr•·\\ II~ r•rn· ·.,•1 ;.:. '~;:, :~~·· :"· •• ''.' "' J•tllf• .. ·, Ptans to Celebrate :\l••sans Fur~•· Ahe•Jid On lnc·nrpnratlnn 2~".:;,~·~,~·: ::.:;;:":;:,~' ::;~:-Pay As You Go Plan · • " .a :Harbor Reopening To Enl~·rge School --7]; fi••r•r•l ,,( •ln-., ''''" f ••r th•· ,.,.,.,., rn• ,., ,.,.,.,,.,. 1 ,,f ''•ul.Ulirrt •. hf"l•t n ,,,,11CIK Tu•ll•lav ni)C hl In th,. The Chambt'r or Commrrre Bon rd or 01 rrrtor11 f{R ,.,. arhool prln<'IJlRI S. H. D ll\'l<l .. on R \'Oif' of ('OnfldencP In hi• "P"Y ll.• you go" piAn Cor rniArging lM h1gh M'hnol which wM expla.lned at th<' Tul'l'l· day luncheon mffUng "' th~ Nl'w . port Harbor Y,Acllt Club. At thl' 1!Ut;featlo!' of P . A . .Pillmf'r, thr dlrrctora voted lo havr ..Pr-ult;jf'nt Jame11 8 . Barrett apoplnt a com. mlttee to aiullat Davld*"l In bring· ·lng 'thf' matterf ' the attf'nUnn ot thr public '"nne mf'tbo of tihanrln~t the project Ia no• tht uaulll bond IAA~e, with the .,crompanytn~t hl~h ,lnt~r­ u t rall'l• and hl~h ovf'rhf'l\d ""· Jt'l111ef't." OtlvidJion expll\lnrd. Thf' prorw-d metht)(! 111 bf rAiatnr: the t"" rat# " 11m I\ II Amnunt for ACIPr 1\boul tour )'ellra In lh~ tour-rur pt"r1nrl nf tim,. .. rvll't' thf' pl\rt.own4'r or Chrla-Thr l'nlllrjfl'mf'nt "'Ill fnllow a tll\n'a Hut hu rf'ac.hl'd 11 bllt de· cordully planned "mut,.r plan" ctslon lltt'a not f!O nr to continue hA&('d on thr prr..ent n~da 'ot thf' a ny lon-:f'r lhiU't nl'~uary In tile arhool ard t he nl'f'da lUI th"" """~ Chrtat.lll"l'!l Hut but'.IIHI! lnat rad In the tutu~ Snme of lhe ff'"· be'a p ln1 t.o etudy wllatever peo- 1 tur '" ,.,f thr projt'Mim lnrlutte a•l· r 'f' atutl'\o whl'n they'~ r:otnc t.9 rtltlonal cl-roonw. a airlll' «Jm, !Kcom"' famoue opera llncen. and rhop faclllt~H. addttlonal cafel#nA If ~~ .. -~ '"\11 rtn ~~ Jll<' r11n ' '""IIII I,.. 1111d a -tmm lng ('0"1 . i ...... , \ I ... I , .. , t•••• "'''"-'P••rt H•,i•h J .. V'• fit• hull ul t.Ahlfh t uu.,. -fk..JUllM ,,,. t•• , tid r .,,, tl•• Jftlt; ttnul tf••J:q.clru•ol ""'' rlfiJ~ · • u rur·nUtJ •• .,.,11,, ,,( th.-rr '''''"'"'' u f ttu ••)011tt1,hu ••avr " phl.),:r rfUI t•·r,.••• J 1 ,, -.~.1 , IJ• ,,, d 11 t1• h d••• """''•h In ,..1,, r1ktna.: fur t hr • h llm t ... ·r. I , h• 1•1t t f f J' ' ( tftrt ' fttr l4 ••f 1tlt' f•t• .. l•lt'•flf fltttttld f :tfltll J "t ftft"~l ··, .1 .~,,, Jl ttht•t t 'hrtru t.•r •tf thh l hll ln•tr•'"''"' ...,..,,,.. v.•••rk trltr: , .• ,,.1"'''"' ~tl th,.. ~~·wr~·rt JfMr v~"rv t.nr•l ''" tft•• '"''''fl"''"",." .. I 1' I II l••'fnrr·,,,,, lUll I .... , Yr·· ._, , ·tuh ,,,..,.,. .• v ,., .. ,,. ,,,,1,.,, "''' ~""""' 'ft., J· '·' ,,,,. .. t ·,,,,,.ttt•~" \\lth \\"I n.utl ,.t tdll•ft•• lt f111 It"'' ,.,-t iK"IIn.r 1 t ·.,; •• t 1lrd rn;n r1 wft• nuth,•rl'~"'''' uti J•f••h f•·ln• ""I '-""11"" , ttflt•t•ttt•·•·t ,., pt.tr1 '''' n Ptulfut,l•· rtff••tr '" • wit h ,,.,.,,r'J''''"ti'JU Th~ """t 1 ,, , .... ,,,,., th•· ,,. ••rwulriK ·,,,.,,. rn•·•·lltlJC l,1 11th•·d ul•·tl fur Aprtl fU h . • ., htr h f•·JI••'A t•rt fh•• hll{ ltfiJlfliVI'.J f:rfilll•·l ~~thtf t•tl ..,,,,, ,.,,,~rurr1 flltrl,•d ,,,. thr••tt~thl . llw I·"'' rrtl ';.,, ,.,,,,..,, In IIJ:t~ •. , n1 1 r ( 'ommiMMIOn ·.r. 'tto ·I•'· "'' ,, .•.•. ,1 w"" •. ann n~ ...,._..;, · · ! .. , !' ""'''"' M >~v 2'•11•· ""''1 FaVHI"H t~limlnatiD~1 • .,. ,,., , n ,,,, v.lll h• tH•ft'•t \IHit II'P J 1'\n tl • • ., •• 11,. ·: ••. "' •••• ""'''''' v ... h t 1 lorn•• ,,._cupa on"' f'lut. r,-q t1•d•l •~ '11'' ntn,• ,.,..,,. Th•· , ,, 'I pl,Jtnnlft" rummlu tnn "'''' "" ,htfl\ •1,.\' "''" lhPr,. will ~1 11\1111 T t,.,,fll,fnv nl~ht vr.tr•tf t n rrt . ., l~rK'' rl••1 ,,, Vttt h.'" rRrr f rtuu lnntmtnrt ,,, th,.. r ttv NlUnrll th"l ~ ,., l '••r1r"• 1" 0 •• :"••Wfl'lr1 ""' thr ,1rtltn a nr 1• 1\llttwlnK tv•m•· t.r. ' ,. ,···~tl (• t , ••• ,, ~""'''" ·r~ ,. F \• 1 '" ,.,,,rruu t,.ro Wit" ""k · ~ • IIJI"'' .,, .. In .'' llllfJt•ut hal dl•tr'IC'lll I '1, , t • t .,. •• ,till Afltf tl4-t..,• I J111 lttttft·rl .,J'"h• II' lft,n fniJhW .,~ .,,,,, ... 1 •••'"' t •d" pr••ttJft hv A lfn h ,f"rr':",.r". h 1 t th : t ,,.,.,,,, ''' ••f H·d t ...... J"l"tn•J (nun SCORES OF flE8lDICN"M> O Ji" rOP.O:"\ A ! '.' •' R "--I Wf'll Aa curiflua !JIOlorl.o tJt gat ~'rN !I " Tl•·• .,.,. •' • , • "" • ~I'""~''''" In I I II l 1 I th 1 If .. rtf(~ nf a 11tnrm drAin bt'11ld~> thl' f'mL'I If .' ·Ill lh<' 9()0 blt..-11 at Corona rtrl .MI\r h•.sl .,.,.~k \\'IP1• •h• ,, .. ,,:. •' p, l'hn111h"r ,.1,..1 ''''"" •~~lor ""' "11 •·• a thr bot1y nf Robfort H\f:tr• Th•·"' n 41.. rn&n uf ~&40 KAnta Monica Rlv•l . '"'" Ang .. ll>s wu . • ,1.,11.,. 1 It .,,,. ,.,,.,,.,1 t•• ""'""" '1' tit• !""""'"' """"*' 11"1 h rlrf. h .,__ ... __ 1 l 1 lh 1 11,. h \'~"' 1,, , ,,11_1,1,,, 1 1t•k• 11 ,.,.,,,. hl~hlv d""'"."hl•• P'''fl foun1 bf'nf'aUl the aldewalk. Pohre anrt •l • ·'" • " • w o rvo Vf' • .....-n nw A 'K" II•K • • • ' 1 'J• "''""''"' • • •·• • ~ , rl ,. w.,.,1,1_ """n ""' IJrttl' ,.n•olho•r t urned up no new teade In the "ato rm d r · ... , .• ,,.ry .. It wu ,....port~d tf'lfiay ,.,. rn10n wu ll"tlf!vt<l • t tl havt ~· mur·«k~d and dumped·'oY'fr lh• !•114!Nalk c N~port·Balboa rr"t"f'• J'h,,t,d 1 • •·' u.u•·,t '•'I f"ll'' .. tt1 1 V•~nl, • ... / • _ .... !!I'IJ!L Found~' 1 · SUverTea a • · Foundrrs' Day U. Parat-T~ach a. Newport r ...._ wbleh m ume at the nl'" .._ wtPI pu ~ (tlk'tU. were llln. BJanc Robert Powell jr. Tl')'lw. l::ach WIU a c:praage ~ atw- Mn. Alil't' And nursing at'r\'kl· c t)', ~xplamt•d thr 1 Inc CXlUn(' which al.x ll'UOIU lrullt·l MW dcJll'lrturc Ia WbJch ahould be ) u audl knowll·da DMCkod hy thr hl'l Mn. Andrew• lrllt Uan Hendlrnoft, rc """ .... ACHING ewe ..... ... •• e .. ... • We fb. ewe .... (el ALL FOR FO o.lr ICII O&T80 ............ ...... Foot ReB '"Where ..... ..... w . Ill &Aft 'I' TAP-~ CL .... A.A. "YOUR .. AN 1/'lll,:Pfel>lflr/'IT 1-0C'AI, N6flf111>AI'Illt -Publt.ah~ every Tbul"llliay t'venlnlr at Phwport Beaeh. Calltoraia Orner anlt Prtnunr Plant at 2211 Cout Blvd -Te)ephone ltJI -Entered u IH'COnd-clau matl,.r Junt ll, tHO. at lhe poet ofttce 1\t Newport Beach. C~llomla. under the Act of March 1 .. ti'Tt ~ p&kl «'ll'l'al&U.. Ia Pfewport ...,_r A'- '"Popylm" 'TJufJCT o/ tlv: 'Ptopk... .. Emma Orr Killed in Plane Crash ~ .• , • .,. r.:r•u • 01 r. Z:! vr :>:•·v.·· p<1rt Height" l011t her l•f•· Sunday when the plane 11he "''" p1loUng collided v.•tth anolht'r Ill mid-air near Sulaan. Mlaa Orr. n lltudent at U. C .. wu a rractuate of Nnr- port l:Jarbor Hll{h School In 1114\. Sh•• was IIH' 'll'll.h l"f •·f Mr "n<l Mr!!. Van11n Orr of No·wport fl..tghll!. /o!BII tt un•ll·tnJ.: ltf·r art' two br<lthf'rll, Vernm1. Jr. with lhl' Army Air Forrr In J11pan and En· algn Robert Orr of thr Navy. Funeral 11erviC111 w••rP held Y"•· t .. rday at_.the Grauel Chap..! wllh R~'v. Carl JohniiOn olrlclatlng, In· terment 'l P'alrhavt'n 1\1 :\\'l'ORT·BALBOA PRESS. Local Women Hurt in Anaheim Crash Mesan& Withdraw Protest to Newport Mnr J~o11le P!~•yn Laws of Bay Sky llal'bor 201 11:. Ninth atzeet •ulcered rutl f and brutua a&turday wh•·n 11ho: The Coeta Me• Chamber o ·w ''"'""' ho·r car to 1 votd unolh~r Commerce wtthdrew Ita prot.e1t to driven by W. C. KJndlr; of Ana· the prop<»ed airport lut week. helm u he &t'-pted to make a ;~~ter Information given by mem. rtg h,t, 1 urn from lhe center I one bt rs of thr nt•w airport firm con- Mrs Lawa cr&&hed Into twu ~al~t vlnced them lh.at moat or lht fly· tro¥1!. "Al•J. 11\,Jurtng Mrs 1 •·t r tng would be done over the bluff~ fA WI whn wu with her. Th" arcl. weat .of the city and would 1>4> dent occurred In Anailelm practically nolleleu . The original I!~ A TTP:NO VJI'W • Mo~rr than 126 •attendod a olin· rl••r 1111 I clance of . the "'CO~ line Po1st and Auxll'-ry, VFW at the Lr•jrllln hsll In Coeta Meaa. Wom- t>n In charp were Mt*Samea Rulh objeCUon ot t.be Chamber will baaed on the nolle luue, It wu atated. MOTHI:R 8AVE!4 CHILD ~nedlct, Murletta Wlllla, .May The airport will eventually em- ploy from 7~ to 100 J>e?ple. ne. port. alao revealed that an nlr· pl&ne factory now loe&tl!d at Glen. dale 11 nepuaunc for a place near Ult neld where alrplanea will be built. CHARLICS .T. CRAWFORD and BEN 0 . REDDJCK Ownera and Publiahera SAMU~ F . BHI!RI DAN, Bualneaa Mana~ttr OENJ!!VJEVE SYLVESTER, Newa Edl~r A picnic 11t Luwer San Juan Bucklfnd. MIN H•ter Allman and picnic lfi'OUnda. ni'Rrly .. nded I!" Mra.')al)olo,.... Morrt.on. MUJitc tragedy laat w~k when Betty wu tuma.becl by Clare~~ce Grauel Weatherford, 21,. yr11r old dau~th· and flta oreJMRr&. The 21~ acre aJrport to bl> known u the Newport Bay Sky Harbor ta beln( planned by thret ex-army flyera, Naja. 0 . 11:. May· n.eld, Tbomu L. Murphy, a.nd Capt. 'M. R. Con11. ter of M'r 11nt1 M.-. Everett ARTHUR F. Mfu..Eft.. Superlntendellt Weatherford allrp1·d Into a deep GOODMAN ootJaT8 SOLD pool. Hearing the •plash. Mra. Weatherford ruiiNi the b&by out u ahe went undPr lhr aeeond tl fl\.C! and cave artificial reaplra- llon. saving htr llfr. ----- ,. '"'-baa been &dju~ a ~per vf ,.~ clreWaUon by clec:rw of the Superior ~t ot O~e County and Ia fUlly ql.l&ll!led to publtab all ktnda of Jepl not~cee and actn.rttaement.a -----------8UB8CIUPTION R4 1'1:8: lD Orancw County, I UO per year. ow..lda OJ ~e Cowlty, JI.OO =-.J ----· RA.NTA FE 8TAJl'NI TRA'NPIC'(lS. fi"ERVICE HOW ABOUT CO-OPERATION _ Rny B Whtll!'. rrr.t!ido•nt of Lhe B . .t 0 and Fr<'d G Gurley, prea· There eeema to be .ame difference of opmton over tdriit oF the santa Fe RaJiway, an- what dia~ition ahould be made of city owned bay frontage nounced todn th11t the B " 0 rth f . . win Join thr Santa Fe In lhe H · no o Udo lale. Some want t o lease tt to pnvate groups t.abtf.nmen t or tran~eontlnental Sale of Ule <loodman courts, 1110 Newport boulevard by Tom Caraon of Coeta Meu to Volney L. Hay of Balbotl wu announc~ today. Hay plana to remodel the bulldinp. Leroy P. Anderaon, Coeta Meaa attomey, announeea lhe .-ocla- Uon wtth hlm In hta ,Jaw praeUce 80N BOIUf TO 111:8A COUPLE of Donald Dunpn, Garden Grove man. Bom Mar. II, lNe to Mr. and M?· l!'.dwln ()en&'er. 233~1, Elden ;:::.====::.===::::=~ avenue, Coeta Meu tn the Santa A8a Community boapll&J, wu a t poan4 I OUDCe baby boy. CARR'S FEED STORE tor developmeriL Other think the city should hold it and jlo railway paMr ngcr ttervl rr between .amething, they don't know what. -wAhtngton. n. C'. an tll Loa Ah-_R_H_E_U_MA--TIS--M----gele. ~ginning 'March :11 Many peraona perhape are ignorant of the fact that · Hay and Grain Quality Feeds thia particular piece of property,' aome 2100 feet of bay ~WA"T'L GETM I>0!4T and ARTHRITIS .. I o.~a,. Dellve,.--ru.. ·a, 1111 N_,.rt Blvd., 008TA MJ:8A frontage, was given to the People of Newport Beach by Arl)n,:tnn S1Jlwnrt1. h1111 be<·n Jamee Irvine. It waa given to the city for the People of the rlM:tJd bv tho· boord or tllrectora of the Newp<•rl Helghta frrlga. community. Laat week the city council received a letter tlon dllltrlrt tn nrt 118 a•l•l&nt from P. A . Dinamore, superintendent of the Irvine Comp~y serretarv tn Howard Won<lrough, pointing out that at the time the property waa turned over s...-!etary uf the thlllrlct - to the People of Newport Beach a "gentlemen's" agreement ----- waa reached between the representative of the people (our coUDcil at that time) and Mr. Irvine. under which the city agreed not to leaae or allow t he property to be used at any time for private gain: Bus Courtesy Is Appreciated 1 •uttered Cor yean and am 10 lhanktul that t can walk and work ~==========~ again without pain, that I will ;. ~tladJy &JWWer anyone ~riling me for Information. MRS. ElnlA fVIC8, P. 0 . Box 119, Los Angelea 52, eaut. A.tJ'I'OIIOBILZ 'WOU ..... ..,..,., Vlrg's Garage Nil W. o..t..l N_,.rt ...._, Ill ... IIM-W •. TAXI , Service. e • Call Circle Taxi &.7 Jlev, Da7 or NlpL • J , ,.._: Newport ate 1111 w.-O.tnl A•e., ~In' BEACR It wu only a genUemen'a agreement. There ie no argu- ment about that. There ia nothing in writing excep{ a couple of !etten t.o teU aU about auch an agreement. But tht· .fact rwnaine. ~t it wu made at ooe time. I~ ia time tht aU of the people of Newport Beach know that auch an agree- meat wu made, becau.e the property belonp to everyone in Newport Beach. Ont of the rno11t f1•CCt,·ult tnai<~< ~-----------------------~ ~-:::··~.:~ m;::" h·:.~ .. ~~~::.:~· Ne•rt S_hoe Repai~ Shpp To Ul it eeema rather a futile thing to roar and threaten what might or might not be done in cue thia or that bap- pena in connection with this land. It i.a not a matter for poU&.a football pa.uee. It i.a tomething that can and should be eolved quite aanely by getting the attitude of all of the people of Newport Beach aDd lltt1Dc down quietly ancS lD a frieDdly fublon and thruhlng out. I marvcol I\ I th" Ill> olt I"' ~ EX.PJ:&T moE ILEPA.JIUNO )!\OtK men are on the hnml' or a dilemma; thl' Company a" Y a 109 _ 2%Dd St., Newport IIMda "Make y v u r ~~ehedulr" and CHARLES E. COX the p1U18ert&en ,.,__ .. ___ _ aay alm o at r= -~..,.. everything ehlt' Th011e ambur.l· don sit bt'hlrTd lh• w.ll ee.l or th el r b us After aU the ctty might realiy, need aome more waier frootap eome day tor 19mething really Ul'l't!lt and the only pereon ln the dMitrict who owna enoqh of it to do anything about auch a predicament Ia Mr. James Irvine--and what faltb can the people o f this community ever expect )lim t o have in them when a "Gentleman's" agreement meana noth- ing. ----•---- STO .. L NEED TRAFFIC CONTROL Now that we have speed limits definitely established "On· the State Highway throu~h Co rona del Mar's r apidly developing bus incs.'l distri<·t somt't hing should be done t o enforce the laws. The Pl'efUJ haA conducted a survey and as far aa can be learned the only successful slowing down of h rough thick wealhr r: th"tr VOII'C'II Rro• AS rht>e rful 1\.!! lhr first .!unn y tl ay In .t! fl r I n R A p A " s r n J.!.t' r dun k.! hill root IIAROLD K f:I!AtjEL In :1 nuulholr: ht~ hl•u•.l pr··~·Ort' rt!l•" und hl!l ,·otr.. hl\.t! 11 rnz.llr- rcls;rr At> h.-!Ot nfT!Jl!l ;,hoo1rrl hi .. llll .. rrnt1y lol ~IIIRh llllol I• ill lh•• nnh· flR!ISI\·•· flhjo•r·t Ill lllj:hl Th hu.• tiJ "···r :-: rn t 1 •1 ... '":' k· -c • h .,,~ •. c·1flS('!'I th•~ flnrtr ""•' "" ••v h · ~u.s Wllh II tWIAklo• Ill tu~ O'\'•'l' traffic occurred last Thursdny Rfler noon when· police by Buh rlrh-..r N•url··~y ·~ npr r•. the score gathered around a st orm drain at 920 Coast High· riatt>t.l. way where a dead man had lx-cn found in a storm drain 'waahout beneath a sidewalk. HAROLD K. GRAUEL FUNERAL CHAPEL The man may have been a victim of a speeding c_ar. If 110 there is even more aTfi.';umcnt than before for 'strict ·<'n- forcemcnt of the new traffic N'gulations for Corona del Mar. tfiWPORT 561 COSTA MEM GEORGE D. BASSETI' Income Tax Retnr11 NOTARY PUBLIC 2t02 W. CENTRAL AVE. NEWPORT BEACH PIIO:'IIE 1805-J RADIO SERVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE BLECTRICIAN BUBT-B. NORTON Phone 2417 1111 Cou 'l Highway NEWPORT BEACH If not, then the need still exist.R. ~far the 35 mile speed -I limit signa are not in evide nce. --"T'"- Some leaders in Corona del Ml\r· have proposed stop· NEWPORT ·BALBOA !.--------.....:.--------~ ping all auto drivers and reading thr m the new speed rt'gula· tlon. We think a few Rigns. o uniformed motor o fficer o r TQURISf;_BUREAU a police car might do the trick. Sooner or Ia~ Corona del Mar it1 going to need traffic IJlgnals however. · it one is installed there others may be secured. OtJtel\ comm\lDties along the coast have secured them. Seal Beach baa just been allocated two traffic control s ignals b y the 'state-highway department. • Certainly the intersection of South Main street and the Coast Highway should rate a Pig- nal. lt'a a matter of keeping after things and residents of sen ratm MI .. Ralho:.. C'nllt. l'honr ~\ ft., A tr J:tl ~ru'""' /"w lt'•tlf. I " I••• 1 ( Lrtn In I( ....... An.:l'lf'\ n ally I l'fP:XU'O U,\T!;S 10 t& M t.lay Jmuntl TftJl'l : 10 Day Air Tour $211! l:J On\' Air Tnur s:1:11 14 Dny 'Rail T1111r , $2!\:'1 14 Day Bue Tour $1711 Above n~"" Include all ex· Corona del .Mar should keep on plugging. -...----•----• \ ~n• .. except U S T&x. Tnfor· WELL. WHERE OOF~ IT COME FROM? :~~·o;~~~dJ:_ '!.':: ~=~~ Building pennita in Newport Beach soared to nea11ly ~. nr.u\000 during the fint 20 davw. of March. Permits for 40 •• ,._,. ... led ..,.,.h ......... ft, u ... ~ ~-See Mnt. Ketn~. "ulhorl&ed agt. home~ alone were laued. People have an optimistic outlook o,. 11 .. -. .. 1 p. -. on buDding, but progreu la still slow and will )»e for a long -----------....1 time to oome. Serioualy we doubt if the bullding pace here could keep up with the demand today even if we had normal time. &pin. . ____ ,. ___ _ .. REVERSING PROCEEDINGS . lt•a a little UDUiual to Bee "amueement" machines, op- erated by the i.naertion of a coin and the push of a lever, appear in a \.Ommunity just before election. Usually the amuement comN after election. Well, there is only one councilman eeeking ~lection this year. • OUR ANNUAL KID PROBLEM Rave )e[ard a lot about the behavior of younpters in tbe Newport Harbor area recently and have been urged to walt patiently for Euter Week. \ -- BAHA'I WORLD· ORDER RADIO PROGRAM STAnOM KWnt-TO" OF" nu _DIAL SUNDAY A:FfERNOONS, 1:30 TO 1:45 Sgoo1ored by the Baha'i• of the City of Loa Aoqelea FURTHER Dfl()aMATION NAT Bl OBTAINID FROM .. , o; .,. 10111180., ... 219 . 2 lat STRIIT NIW~ BIACH BALBOA ClEANERS I85GE. Clllnl Aw. liboa, Calf: , ' I ·HE-DYING ALL COLORS ,..:.... . . Thureday, March 28, 1M~ .. SEND BEAUTIFUL ALL MARK EASTER CARD~ :;:.lu~t•_• _A~p•_•l_2_1_et Costume and Shell Jewelry MANY NEW GIFT ITEMS ' I t •••part laiiUinlr •M lift lllep - WE ~P Qli'T8 !Ill OCEAN· rac>NT EXPERT WATCH REPAIRitG THREE DAYS SERVICE ~ ........ tcfHegla ~ ENGRAVING AND ,' .. ·~ JEWELRY REP AIRS I. . rft.mpt eervlce -~ OUA&A.N'I'EJ:O WATVII AJfD o.o«a &D'~O KAYE JEWELERS !U 1 WHt 4th Stnlfot, .8uta AnD. ~---------·-------------------------------------· IT'I YOUR GLARDSI Pm .. t:at" Ba<'kiW'hr, tff'Sitlaf'hf', Patn• In lr p alld I{Tflln-~ "'d 1Klln~t and "dn&~tC'I'd-o!rt" f....tlnr In "'omf'D: '-of Vl&allty -".<\IWft.)!l Tlr?tl" '""lnJ-~IIpplnr and Growlnc O ld befON your UIDf'. ADI'm~lll~ and Low Blood P,_u,...._&OGC'IIW Aatll,na-~P!~rlarii-IUchwy aacl HMrt CoDCII"-, .re . .-a .-filii)' to our ExC'IWIIve 0.._.. ~ 'lA!Velllplll Ulna II JMn' espertNce. NO PAIN-SO DRl'Os-NO 8UIWEBY-NO L'ltti.IECTI~~ OONSVLTAnON FKEE BY APPOI~. ftiO~ 1114 Dw. E. r. BeD, D. C., Ph. C. - 101 Z!nd !i't. Nf'wpon ~~~. CaJtf, Heo.n: 8:11 to 7:11 ~.,.. ... ftllftdaJW COSTA MESA BODY WORKS '"' -... ....,., _ .... CAR PAINTING BODY REPAlR METAL WORK Guaranteed Good Lacquer Job Paint Job $65.00 and Up Newport Blv .. -· Wala•t BINet Expert Beauti.cians FOR MILADY ' RUTH • ANN • CARMEN ,) Permanents, Cold Waves, Hair ( Styling, Tinting, Bleaching OPEN SATURDAY, ALL DAY Even1119 Appointment for Parmenenta-Phone 817 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Belboa lnn·Arcede Oceen Front' el tbe Pier Nadoa~y Kiaowa aad 'Advedlsed-JII'aads. SD OUII C~·PUU S'rO~ 'roDfYI ~~(OTTL£'~ MAifK .ET ·~ot3 w CEN T PAL Av E BALB OA Ph.·m 11 ~ • I \ .. I .. l I • ~. . -... ~· -.. N&Wi'OitT-~A Pap3 ' Memori~ ~~~e fur1 ~~n~dsEn~rtain~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. Kemp J. Winkler Pilot Class Party . i -~ BOWL • Planned on April 7th The r~tot C''-1• .. , 111.· \'hu .. ·h FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SA,~~:a, . of Chrt.t by tht• ~ •. , 111"' '"''"h" Spt>clal MPmonal Servlct• will nJ11at tn the homt ••t M! 1u~ol ;lira j K.,..._. E'8 bt' held In hofl()r or Rev. Kemp J . Herb Mt'l)onat.l. 411 lll,l ,.,,.,,,, ~ ., .. ., Where Hair Styli~g .ls hArt \\'lnkiPr on Sunday. April -:. at Road. with Mr an.r ~~ 1 • n 11 :.1.··! lh<' C'hurt'ti <>f C'hroat by t hP Sl'll,l Donald ac ting .11 ,,,,.,~1.1111 Jo • .-t ~ lt1•v. 1<~. II. Guod4'11 announced to. • for thP ,.,.,,nln). '~ I <lt\y Rf'\' \\'lnkll'r, Will' pllllltOr uri Aner a llholl llu•u. '-' '''"'"" 9 uc aim ia to e n hance milad y'a beauty 1 th•· •·hu,... h In t!l:l!\ tu 1!\:111 11n<l the pnw of h· ll'h , ,., ,,, ,, 1•• U an-d provide the ultim~te in heaury care . I'' 1"-".-il ""'"Y "holt• ,.,•n·on~: tho• ro.'atlon for th• IP · , 11 Itt 1, 1.,.,. ~. ·-fHEAD .]0 TOE BEAUTY SER VICE)--. <·.,:•;:n":atonn ntltl l'"mmwllt~· Th•• <>nt . Taldn~-: I',,, \1· ; _ • --------------' • .. n th•• l'hnn h whh h """ t\ Ha iiOid Gl""'"· lJ•, 1: • ,, ,, AND -----·.:tfl foro•lll l h·· \\ "'""' In ht\flt\r or 1-'l"!'d \\'oodWt lh • '! •• . • ~ r------....... ------------------.' ll \ \\'mkl•·r: h .... ht'<'ll .tnrk tlur·. llnntl j h~ th<' IA'.Ir ;.'1'.11:<, but will b•" Ml•n of tJ\1·, ,,.,, , 1.1 I ~DWL;.INB ALLEYS 10 Madlhl BniiSwick Aleys_ Watch Our Windows FOR MATTOON'S SHOE STORE ' . ' • •·ht• 1 llj:"lln fur t h•· m<'"'on nl. pl~tr char~·· " Ut· ,, • 1 4 ~ 1-.,.r,-u ,., i \prtl Z6th. "·I h •. ~ .\ r ·.tur•·, .. r lb·· prv,~:t;an\>wlll:rhl\.("htiN'h.o! •"hr••' '" rt..•.: 'ff . ~· !, • :;•>u ·o.d <'h nit llllll<tr \\Ill( l'>frl'l Mrs. Bill 1\1. 1:•• ,,., l''th' ~ A J . Hullt>1; tltro•rltllj.: T!'rltlll<, •·hnirmun. &lilt•· I 'ff BOOT!:i AND ROY KEENE Foot af Main St.,-_ Balboa , .. ., ... ,.~.~-· , .... : ... :l nr t"··. ··hn~· \'uUTadlnth ......... , ... , FOR RESERVATIONS PHON·E 2402. '\ 1 '>ubh· \\ 1ll "in\; ~ .. 111" • f tto•• H lj;ht-1 • • -; • • ~w oll !Jtt'h•'nl J dtrl'~' O llt~ra " th<>ua&nda even·.w··~h . • h• · nl·ful h \'lllll. I \\'a lko•tl T o.-Jav f'f'o(lll' l'l'ad 'h•· J•1, .,. A ·!• · • · \\'h.-rp Jr1111" Wttll:f'.t. Rf'\' C.oo<l-Pl't"IJII want Ms hrfffi: r.·~ul'• ~~~.,~~~.,.~~.,..,..,.,i,;.,.~.,_~, .. ,., .. , .. ~.,., .. ••ll Will Ki,.,. thl' memm•nl ft llll s••r-.....,,, • 1111>11. A l'f><'ChJI ln\'lt:t lron '" 1f t. ., tr>: I the-~··r\'1!'1'8 1!< • XtPntl •tl In 'lll who kn<'w R.-,. \\'ntklr r I C.•• .. •JM \l111 hr Ml'l' AJ;:'nr!' \\'iJ.1kkr 11ncLson .• Mang y ... r Fil-,,.nn·. (',.111'--: .....b•" motlw r. Mn< L/lUr3 Wlllklt r of Ln11 A nJ:r•IPII; t'wo onslo•rll. Mrs \Villi:lm Kol'hll'r nf {"'\th•••r Citv 11nd Mrs C.••ori(P, Fnrll, hl'r hu~t:iand &IJd &on nf 1.011 NlJrPII'II' T\O·~>nt y . nthPr out-or- town !rlrncls nf R l'\' \Vtnklo•r hll\'4' lllfnllfiNI tht'ir lnt<'ntiot\s ••f rom· lng In thl' M'r\'Jcc-. Thl' Wlnkl<'t' I famtly and ciOIIf' (ril'ndl! v.·lll N> rll nnf'r I{U<'als ~~ Judgl' and !otr11. Harry \\'l'sta,·~r. ___ .. ____ _ ~, r • • Servicf'S u .. Jd fol' Mrs. Lois Cottle Fum•ral tiforvii'C'IJ for Mr& t..n•11 C'ottlf'. 21. who died unupt'('lt'dly rn h<'r homl.' at 20& E . ~nl r!ll avf'. ntu·. B11lbon W<'r~ hPid Monday qftPrnoon 111 thl' Baltz mortua,.. Coron" riel Mar with Rl'\' F.. 0 Goodell otflci'un~. Intt"mw-nt wu at Weatmlnatt'r Mt morlal Park. Shf' la tl'llrvlvN} by he-r wl<)owrr.l FMUlk Cottle, and a two.weeka old baby &'frl, Mane Eileen: ont olll1tter. Mra. Audrey Cnttll'. and h,.r molhf'r and f11thtr, Mr and Mra. Andrew J. William• of O.lboa. ,.,., Cot tle. had llvl'd In New· port Harbor area Co r lhf' pe.at 12 yeara. COMB AND &BE 'I'BE NEWEST aad GBB&TE&If ~PLYMOUTH .. ... so ................. _ .. ~ .. .. •• -------··· .,.. ··~ •• ,.. c.... .... Anna Fincham Rites ,............------~-----------4---·Held In Mlnneapoll~ Kewpol'l aJ-boJ~ Motors • i - ( . LOTS 0 F HOT WATER fn• _. ... FREEDOM FROM 18NBAY "ILU£S'' . -..., tte, when you i"'fall your ~w Autom.tic G111 W.r~r Heat~! Art abundanc~ of rnlly ~~ water mnns New Free- dom from washday drud~ry and the s.tisfaction ~ snowy- . white laundry is rmmeruc! 1ne amount of hoc water that d)r inra, mod~rn family nM!s an<l u~ is uconishina ... POUOW your deakr's Scorap-Tanlt Capacity GuicW. · ar..l ,_ ....., •• '*"'-'tr ·-··~ ··--·· -ITOIAOI~TANIC CAPACfTY 'GUIDI ....... ....._ ' ' I I • ••• &AS .......... _ ...._c.., ..... '-t • , . , -. • --.. , • .... .. • .. ••• 71 ~ ~ ,8dllc c .... 0. •• , , .... 10111001... COUMttU GAl COlliN/Iff SPUII 111,11 liT WATII ............... -_ ....... Mra. Anna Fincham. 34; or l OR Roclteater atreet. Ca.t.a Mt•. died SaturdAy In St. Jo~~eph hollpltal 11ftrr a long lllnMa. Bom In Mln- ni'IIOta. ahl' had lived In Coat& "-tw n--u... t!lbe leave8 het w1dower, Ja.,_ W. Fincham: a cSauchter Rhona Ka.Jwon of eo.ta MN&; her par· f'nta. Mr. and Mra. Wull Klyn or ••,•• WD'I' c:mri'UL awuua -. Mlnnupoll•. Minn. and two broth- era and two alate,... ~~~~~~~:::~~:::=~~~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====~ FOnl'ral aervlrra were htld In :- Minntapolla t o which city the re-tCCtCCfCCtCC'CC~~-G-c-c-fC'C-Cte~ICCtC~~&..tiiHI_:c.l.,.~ mains wt're 11hlpped by the H. R. Brown Colonial mortuary. t hri8tian Science Subj.-d 'Reality' "Rra)lly" ...-111 b" the aub)e<'t of lb<' ~undny J,c-"r.on l';<'rmon In 1111 hr:fnf'lt<'~ of Tbll Motbpr l'hurrh. The t'lrtft fhurl'b of Cbrl•t. Sclen· 1111. In Do~tnn. Tho 8 oldl'n Tnt Ia t hln1:" !lrl' I ntl', wh'l\l"Of'\'rr thin It" I f U! m l'hllllljllnn~ · "WhatMvl'r 11re bon""'· wbahol'ver thh1~A a r" jn<!t. wht\1"0''\'l'r thlnJ:ll nr1• purP, ":.::: .• o, \1 r lhlnltft RT<' IO\t•ly. "bat It I ~oc·•l'r thlnr,.~ IH" of .:oo•l r•·11ort: If "., there bn atl'y vlrt11<'. ani! If th<'rl' 11 ht' any pmi~P. thlnk on lhf'lll! w tbln~t~." w ~lartbc-w rl"f)Ortll lh:lt . .,,,.n .1<> W """ w&s rom,. Into I'Pt l'r·ll hou••· = he @aw hill wlftt'K n!'>lh••r lalrl. an•l It sick of a ft'\'f'r. A•lll h(' '""' h<·•l hN ~ b&nd. anti '"" '"' ••r II r• h<'r . anrl 'II ~hf' arollf', and mlnl~l• ·• •I nnto W them. \\'hPn thl' ~>vrn " '" rnmt'. j ~ they brought 11 n111 him 111 ttt)' I hat . 'JI Wl're J>OIIIIf'""'''l "lilt •I•·• I• and W he r aAt nut 't h1• "l'lrll" "ilh bl1 'II woid. and buiNI all that wPre alck." Mary Oaker E1l<ly M)'K tn "Sf'!· ence and ll<'alrb wllb l<f') to the Scrtpturea:" "llarmon'y In man 11 u real a nd Immortal All In mu"lc." uWben we.lcarn In Srlf'n•·,. how to M perfect !'\'en u 'our Fat her In heaun Ia poprfe!('t. tboucht 111 turnf'd Into n•w and healthy • bannel&.- towarda t b e contemplation . of tlll~a lmlllortal ud aw•y froiD m• tertallty to the Prlnclph! of tbe unl· 't'erM, IAeludlnc brmonloua man." 7 Latad Use Requests Paued tor...Hearing The oounty pi~tnc cornmla • ~ton pueed to the 8Upery18orw for nnal fttlon MYen land-uae a'ppJI. eatfona aubmltted by Meaane lui ~-~ fnelucled In the ll•t were the followt"-: Co.ta M--c!\&rle8 0 . Gruber . dental office, Newport BlvC near 1ttb atreet, Oeoflre M. Holateln. a-eneral contractor'& offtce and prqe and ato,....e yard, FuUer. ton Ave., and 1101 atreet : Roy M Johrwon, malt ahop, Newport Blvd. near RoehMtu at""t. Oeo~t' C. Friend, l'l'lall bualneu bulldlnlf of tv.·o atonea. N,.wporl Blvd. and 18th St.: B. E. Butler. C~>ment b I o c k manufacturlna-. Newport Blvd nf'ar Mt'aa Or ; 1\nrl Nf'lllon H Fox. pottl'ry m11nufac· lure, Harbor Blvd., near Hamilton atreet. Wlt.on Traller Corp., lnl' . new and Ultlld cara and tratlera, C',out HJ~rhway, near 17th at~t \ ,._... • r EASTER - PRE-VTEW . . ('A.Unu•AN ,JACKt;TS tha t fool< HO well with slack ti or Skirt H •.• all-wool in white, red . yel low. blue or aqua. • T-SHIRTS All-wool Red-Brown-Green Blue-Aqua .sWJj_& s~ ·g~u,p • EMMA V. HUGHES Telephone 138 701 .... C..bal ••••• .. ~- ... • ,__.__~ Founders' I SUverTea l'ounden' Oa,y ~t-Tead h Newport I ....._ whkh rr Umlr at lh• n«'w ...... With I* honortCI li,'lk-'11&. ww. Mn. Blaru RaiJert Powell jr Tryne, Each wa a conaae u &he Mrs. Alice Anc DUI"'in1 ll('rvlc.· 1 ,.__a,;.o---41VrlNl·~afntod-1tTr ~Wh1d1 .UC IeNON lnate DeW ckpar ture le -. WhiCh ahould l~~t • a\ldl kno" I I'd! Meded by the ht Mn. Mcirt''l''l lnt llan Hen..._,, r Wily llul ACHING . ........ ........ ...,. ........ ........... (.a AIL FOR F( 01117 D OBTBQ .......... ...... Foot Rei -wbeft ... " ln .. \\ w U8'l' 'I . ~ NAVI I a .. 'I . . • ·NEWPORT-BALBOA PR.ESS-'11lureday, March 28, 194e Orange County's Biggest Real REAL E8'1'ATE (For a.le) REAL E8TATE (Por Sele) House Under Construction D. C. MacKensie 1101 N.,.,..n aiM.. o.ta Mt11a LOT l'()ft SA U: On M&«nolla atreet, Co.ta )f('SI\ Inquire 224 MacnoiiL 4c FOft SAJ.&-40 acrH In O l'l'gon. 5 room hoUM, gangr, barn:' dllck• hoUM. Well wiUl wlnd- mUI, fenced lA puture and pr. den -d\lclreM, ctuck.t, and C0'1!f· Wunam ·81lVCO)', Belma, Orrcon .. · on -~~UDd -1 --......... , ~ ~stat~~edium BY OWNJ:R Phone 161 t.arce llvtnc room, I luce ~ NZWPOftT B&ACH HOIB 4-Bedroom Home room.e, Wlu.u&i &mCIWit of ~t w~ ~ C.AaH J'OR LOT. -.1.1 bo\Me or rental In N-port or OcMta M-. 1"!1. U0-.1. • ~ llp&Cla. LATa'• baU. uct .._... $2500 Furnished, $20,000 .All ........,_. .floottal'. .,.._ wtU &1ft pc •••aa PHOH'II NIIWPORT lJ.O.W plaea • n-ru-e:.. A.lr7 -.. ur~tt kltdMa. ~ ~ 0ne Lot. ,..., Wrm. Modem~~ -----------Mays. Uat.l'lliiiMd. -aoe u. aeerow W. J . HOLCOMB WA.Ni'ED! $9500 $6250 uu 1 ODut Rlrhway Coree& ... Mar «When u.. nap ny1 D&L ..un (W:r • • ) H.M.LANE IDCCIIA.M08 ftaPOJf~ T8L8PIION'a .Lota Lots Lots DIPLOYJIIK waata to ....... C1oea I Lot I Lilak 'l'ract tUOO I ~ Mula Ia W..t 1.-n n • ....,.._ fw ..... In laata 4Aa Ocean Front Jot lA Seubore • ~ty. 8outMnl Ca.l1lwUa Colony. 1& n . alley 11700 ' 1'11 I• I 0. .... ta ,A-. ... -----l•U--~--S Lola In ~o~ Colony -Juat off hl&'tlway 1100 -11000 -IJ100 rUmleecl. MM.m i.oma, S-bM- ,__ Claee Ia $10,500 D. C.llaeK..me Phone 18'1. ~ Mww,..rt ...... Ollila ..... Corona del Mar · · W. J. Holcomb 1111 OMIIt .... _,, o.n.a ... Mar tW... ........ ,1 HUB POWERS, AGENT Good Bide. Lot ~·xt 11' on J'OR llA.Lil Santa Ana, NrW\)Ort Hla 11&00 We have MVeral attractive Balboa lalaad be)~ thfl llhould~pleue you and th~y are priced to •U now, be- ginninr at $10,000. Good tw<HiweJ.UJir UDit lilting at S lota OO.UT.. ft.. deep. J.e4u&ra , 110 -IIUl at., eo.ta 11-. ~ VI-corner 50'xUS' N-- port Hla. .......... 11000 $18,000, and othen. - Comer lot at Park Ave. Mad Op.a 14 ACJUI: TR.AC"r for Mla near Ocean Jl"ront Lot In BUt. 47 1171\0 $5000 . HUB POW;ERS, AGENT PhODe 82-W 8&nta .Ana CowllrJ Club M'ft A~nt Sit 111 n. on 8&Ata AD& ..._, eo.ta KIM or Cowt. '9 Wk. troiD ocean $8000 P!lofta ....._. 7811. 1-~1-t Houses Houses J. A. B e e k 0 f f i c e I"'R 8..UZ P000 1liT TRUST DJ:ED FRANK P. JOHNSON • • • - -REALTOR JOHN E . SADLEIA Realtor 16&i Newport Blvd. SOJ MalA st. .._ Acr<a, from Costa~ y._ Lumber Co. Pbane N-Port 'lOM . -- OOS'rA MESA J • ,..__ ..,._, 1h Acre $:5000 ACRE RANCHO .Easts}de 1-Bedroom~room home, furniabed, incl. elec. ~e­ ffie., plano, PbJlco radio, wub. machine; diDiDg 8et. AI80 baa J'ord V-8 traetor,· 1933 Plymouth Coupe, Jeney cow,,bo,... 6 ~. chlx, rabbita It pipoaa. 8eYera1 outbldp. OwDer leaviJlc county. ~.Tenaa. y, ACRE RANCHO 3-Bedroom home, firepla.ce, hdwd. flocn. &std.._ Prtce .... TermL 1ft ACRE RANCHO J· 1931 HoJ¥. 3-bedrooma, u~ bedroo& · U Redwood. :very JOOd bou.e, corner window& AI feDC:ed. Price .$8400. Tel'IJW. E. SIDE OF NEWPORT BLVD. Sma111-bedroom home, very well built. Good big~ eolid foundation. Uvinr 6 dlninr room comb. Lot • IO'a150' Garace 6 work rooma. 18000-T--. COSTA MESA HOME 2 -bedroom, "5 room home completely fumiaW. Garace I& worbooma. Lot 100'x135'. ~ to •hoppin& center. Price $71~. EASY TERMS. 14 Unit Court aeart of Balboa. Qood condltla -.,.uent IJicome $35,000 ~ Acre -Costa K.a I C!aJ' ...,.... complet.d aDd IDOIIt matarlal tor I bedrOom bcM8 011 Mad Several Balboa Peninsula Lata IITIJlTINO AT $3080 Balboa Island .. TWO BII:DROOM HOKE wtUI ... bat.ha. Monterey type wtUI u.. 4;' roof. Goo4 loeaUon. ju.t o.-bJoc:lt•rr-om SouUl Bay. Doub .. (U"&Cfl. Goo4 eondiUon. r.. n1abecl at $15,000 EARL W. STAm..E'Y Realtor BALBOA lSLA.NO •PH. 1nt A·l ~«urtty. Pay. 1~. Call R. Rldller, WIU! Earl W . Stanley. ~. 11'71. •c :t BEDROOM HOUSE. lot JOO'x I Ferry Landing Balboa Island ~~:. A~;c:$a700.500A trutt. Santa ~------------------NEWPORT BLVD. BUSINESS FRONTAGE SPIXJIAI.JIOI'ICI8 J. M. M I L L E R Right in shopping center.. Lot 149 feet on Blvd. lntematlonaJ HamMer Real Eat.ate Broker Price $10,000 with $3000 down. , TRUCKS ANO TRACTOR8 BROSE REALTY Corona del Mar Income Property F ine 2 bedroom homr on Cliff Dr. Unob«ructed vi-of bay and ~an. Shown by appointme-nt Pnu cloae of ..-row $13,000 UNSURP ABSJ:D VII!W or ( BA:Y and OCSA.N lblll n.. S.y J'ront Jot, ~.MODERN. NEW 1-Bedf'OOm 011 bullclftiC approx. •t.tO ft. a "iCanal .watn tront. Double «V· lowly apt& u.-talra. 111*0' ..... pier • noat. lmmecllata ~ra for J pod .._ apta. ,_..lon U4 ' ...,..... Butldb~C cam. $16,000 ,a.t.a.r •daMe~ but ~ qutte -• complet.d. Lot I'1IJW to an aJJay In ,_,. If hu prtnta ctrt,.way B!:A UTIYUL z..t.ory, •-bedroom. tn rroot. zoft1nt pannlla _. double prap home on wat.-r W\lta front , · $25,000 -..iU! 115,000 down BROSE REALTY 1307 Cout Hl~hway C<frona d~l Mar PHON'!: 2048 LISTINOS WANTI:D RAmOND P . BARRETT Broker See the "Smiling Irishman"· of Costa Mesa If you nrl'd propt'rty! l havt' pll'nty of llatlnp! Buyrra and Sl'llers Tr<'atl'd with C"C\Urt"•Y and ~•llr ! ! ! ! LOOK !! $25,000 Shown hy a ppolntmrnt . 6 Unit Apts. B<'Autlfully rurm"hl'd, nrar wAter Anll Lido Tl!ratt'r Ovi>rhead dnor ~rara~l'll tor all apla ~hown by 11ppnlntmrnl Hearl of Balbea 11 Unit Sturro with 40 ft vai'Anl lnt adjoinlnjt NPla 12!\0 month· ly. Prl<'l' $25,000 SEE ~ED. BRIGGS OR DAN HEAD WITH H.M.LANE C'ompll't,.fy tuml~~rl :l.tworlrMn1 • 20041 ~ourt A vr opp ('lly RAil Phon,. :H:t home on ''a ll c'rt' nrAr C"ountry C"lub "llllmhlln Rllnr h" t vp;> Ownr r (nrc·rd lil APII ror Sl\!'o()() At Corona del Mar llown. Will c-arrv T D, on rt'· mlllnlng $4000 full Samtlcln~t 6{1 F'T. HJGHW A y FRONTAGE prlr" $5200 $9500 \\'heN' 1111d how do you w•nt your LOT! Slu! T 1 I'Ot 'em !! NJ:ED AN ACRE!! WHERJ:!! ~ED Nf'wport BlYd. Propertf!! W~l. et~p Into or call my dMcr. LOT.S 2 BltA tJTI1I"UL Lola So. ot High. way. R t>WMr wall and h~. $6000. Many other Iota 111100. W. J . HOLCOMB S-Bfo4room homl' on "Broad-till 7 Cout · Hl(tlway way 8t .. cheap ... I 11&00 Corona 4e1 Ku 1-a.droom home. Cor. Jot 117&00 (Wb~" u.. nap tt,) Lot ... Very ciMe In .. , .... .1 ~ ______ ........:,_........:,_~ .- Corner Lola. v~ ~ ... Acree LINWOOD VICK . I 1\aYe two Yle,r ~ta on Hel&'tltl One Lot .S'zlU~ ... onty I $750 . "Call or Come in" to the "Smilin£ Irishman" .oil LUifNGS A NO BUYS. Ray Barrett, Broker Jh• Jlf.-port Blvd. ~· IID.A ,._. Jlea-,ort IUO-R Broker NEAR NORTH BAT -3·~· roomt .. twn baU!t, po.Malon $19,000 Immediate _,_ LINWOOD . VICK Broker 312 Ma.rint' Ave" Balboa l8la.n4. rt~one~ -------.- 15th and Centn.J · __ FARM EQUIPMENT ' Choice West Los Angeles Home Ne.ar May Co.'s New Stol'e and Sbopplng Center. Two bedrooms and den : 1 11:.! batba: 2 fireplaces. Brick wall all around. Many beautiful flowers and trees. Owner will &ell or trade for harbor P~Y-• Business Lot Nl'ar new l'lvlc ctntl"r In Newport Call ua for prier and tcrmll. View Lot Cnrona drl Mar South of Highway $4500 _Lido Isle 2 B•y Jl'ront Loll! F'lneat location&. A n!al buy a t $22,500 Balboa 3 Dedloomll 3 batM Near ~ $8~00 Cash Cor ona del Mar 2-lw<lroom home S••uth <J( Highway Furnished 11"1wllfully Located Lot on Lido Isle ~" F t ~rontage Balboa Peninsula LO T . :-.;,.u lh v Prtced at $3000 Lot on Central Av enue Choice Location for Apartment Price $3350. Terms Philne Your Listings in And we will give them every consi<!eratm J. M. MILLER l~th &nd C4:ntral • Newport Beach • ''on Your V.'&y to Balbo6" THI$ ONE STANDS OUT ,.. BALBOA PENINSULA llodef1l3-bedroom stucco, fur. nished -$16,500 COAS'I,' .... fRQ.PER~S 00 . n.,, ... ,,.... '• -~ REALToRS ~~ r 703 E . Central, Balbo.)a . \ -Phone 883 - :t . -... - ON ~WPORT BLVD. Large home with 6-ac!ree of land. 330 ft. on New· port Blvd. by 900 ft. deep. Just right for subdi- vision. Price $35.000 only $10,000 down. . "4: NEW HOMES" "SPECIAL" 2 bedrooms, large Iota, gararee lr cllix equip. ~~-Price $8650-Tenna. INCOME SPECIAL Large beautifully furnished home ana nice 1-bed- room home also fumiahed & redecorated. With bnck patio. barbecu~. baking oven in between the two tlouaes. These houses are on 2 lots and are connected with a blvd. frontage 95-ft. by 45 ft. deep. All this for the price of $20,000. Tenna. BUSINESS LOT, CENTER BALBOA· Best location. vacant at this time for inv~ment or buainesa. Pri<'e $5000. On Central. OCEAN VIEW LOTS-CLIFF DR. 2 Iota 50'x135' at $1995 each. CORONA DEL MAR 80 P'r. LOT between ocean & highway. 411 fem ced. 20 avocado trees. Price $5950. Terms. WILL SELL OR RENT 1900 Block-FOR BUSINESS 3-BEDROOM HOME & bumnesa prop., on New- port Blvd. 100xl58 lot. Price $18,500. Terms. • 2ACRECORNERRANCHO 2-Bedroom .. 5 large rooltl bouse. Well constructed. ,replace, Hdwd. floors, garage Apt. House and Apt. co~ple~ly fum. Price $14,750. Tenna. 2 1/J ACRE RANCHO, E . SIDE Large modern atucco. 3-bedrooma, e room houi.. Hdwd floors, fireplace, floor furnace, abower over tub, tUe bath, 'brkfat nook ~d dining ~m. Rabltlt equip., cblx equip for 1000. Water on .U lt,l 11t11a Price $13,950. Terma, $5000 doWn. a ACRES tocether $2:500. - t ACRE. with foundation on it, ~510. t LOTS Newport Heighta. $1100 -*- J LOI'S eo.ta M-. S750 --... . - I'RANK P . JOHNSON .. ---• REAL'IOB. 1664 Newport B!•d. . ---Acro88 from Costa Mesa Lumber Co. .. M. Eltiste & Co., lae. f07 E. fth Ph. 3200 Banta AM 312 N. L. A. S t. Ph. 2f 21 AllalMtm ALL PLASTIC 12 lt. 110 lb. TOP- 0-CAR BOAT A CAJUUa now on daplay. other moctaa. _,n-dlft(tl'-tl. aallboala, nm- .._U. ~·. pMdle~ OOO:OIATII DELIVERY P1utJc Wnercralt Co.. 703 a. eatra~, BaJboL PboM ea. .., Trucks and Trailerw For Rent McNeil A BeMett t.JOJ Weat Central Aft. N~rt Beach. Calif: Phone Newport 320 DELIVERIES Nnw bc'ln~t Made ELECTRO LUX ·CLEANERS Sales.Sf'rviCf'-Supplh.•s R. BABCOCK, Rep. Newport Beach •or• · 40Ua St. Ph 22111-JK • ..7p Portable Freezers Welghl 25 lba. deep fru ua wtUI dry Ice up to 2-d&r-. Ideal fbr boat or beach. NeWJ>ort Marine Supply Co. 8U Coru~t Hlghwny. Phone 218G-.I 63-Mlt WOOD Fireplace and Kindling H. W. Wright . 11M Newport BlYcl. Costa Mesa Ph\ Newport 2030 ..... RECAP ~---·-· wt\)\ Your Loc$1 ltecapper OM day 8anl~ TiresandTut. _ New aDd t:JR4 Complete Lubricatiaa ,,. and Battery 8erviea rr. pick up A del1Yer'7 een1ee for ,.,ur ee ........ CoSta: Mesa Tire Co. • an4 Texaco Ser-Vice Sta. H. J. MITCHELL. ProprtetOT ue •f'WJ)Of't run .. eoet.a .._ ~N.B.I342 • • -"' ' ... CLASSihBD ·- .... _,.UZ (JW ... ) a.DJ. ~ (l'w IIIII) EVA F. RHODEN • Corona del Mar lfiM' J·Bec~Noaa ...,_., eomer lot. WlD M com,w.d wtWD I .... rtNp&&ce, ....... Door tlaruce. UD.......a ~t .... w. .... "'7 attnctlft $9500 Newport Beach Duplex I ,_,.. old, completely tw'nllbecl, aeludlllc euldlpot rdri~ra­ tora. l:acelleftt locaUon. Luwt .... ranee t.bat ean -COla· ..n.t to third apt. . ~~.000 Newport BIYd. t1'1l120'. 3 rentall totaUnc M ,.. month. I furnlahecl. A._, .-nail bu.lneu bulldlfW now ,.._ cent and double gli.J'agt $9500 Cos~ llesa A. E. JO~SON Nwpt. Ht.tf. Addition NICZ 1-be4room bome. TUe kit. ehen and baUl, tlreplace, h&rd- WQOd noon . ....,..... ~4 &oea.Uon. Lot M 'dW. ~r. OnlJ Corona del ll.r ~ 2-bedroom hOme. Uri• room llla24 tt. Hardwood noora. ftrep'lace, k»ta of bWit-lJ\a. IMI* room. Comer lot. Only On llagnolia Ulv.L LOT 50'x150' On Newport BIYd. ~~raJ Iota es rt. to 500 n . fi'Oftl· a.p. Ot.Jl Uol f~ pne. .... t.rft& au.L EITAD (._ .... ) J. E . Barnes & Son .1101 Newport BI..S. eo.ta 11-. . ...... au. Dort•t Overlook This One! 7·ROOII HOU8J: on twO acne ot land; 1 '>it b&tN: I car rane-e: tlrepl&c<, P~10em. 11000 WIUl ~ cull. balanCe f40 per monUl. Good Buy \}nflnlalled bo14Je, ~UI two ~ta on Nrwport avenue. A real buy at $3750 2-Bedroom Home HJ:..AJU. T NEW 1-bedroofn ...,_. on Bernard St. Ooee &a: 1M tO'alOO'; tnlft treea. .tftlle .,. .... u4 --bel-.: h&rdwood tJoon; pt1eed IIOW at $6800 Court Site An ACft -.1 a U1l wiUl •uwac. on Jfewport lOYd. AD .. OIIIetlt coUrt .u.. P'rtol $7500 Choice Lot lAt 116'11 .. -rtooldiW ,.n: -and ....0 draUied $1075 l'urnisbed ~amROOM HOMZ on 1 .ere "of lancl; ~ ,.,.... wtt.h a tra roDOIIl 1qlllt.airl: lmmectta l# poa. --011 It Heb~bts lllDIRQOM HOKE on J~ acre• r Newport Hetf11t.AI. I'Q ent and 100 chlckene. Deny ta : extra room ott ~· Poii~Naton rl~ of eKrow. Full price Reduced to RIJ! 2-Beiiroom hOUR with prage near ~* eebool. 1"' yn. old $10,500 ... '12 Acre - 1-Bedroom w1th llift&1e ,..,..... on .. t Bide. Tlda ,_ w eft)J Balbo p . _,, I yn. old and tllllt'oeco ~ a enm~:tu.a& $6800 Costa Mesa I A frw lot. In Newport He ... ta at C'nmpll'lf'ly fum ahed new ,.l'OOm 11000 1o. home. lmmed. ~. IT WON"Y eaCa IA'BT LONG. Only - $6850. "renna. J . E. Barnes & Son , ... "-.eft at.&. o.ta-111--. .......... .... CORONA DEL MAR BEAtn'IF(JL MOOERN · OGEAN VlEW HOME with 4 bednlOmM, l'l1mb. living and dirtlng room, larJ'e ldtch•·D ur\d breakfast bar, and Ia~ •un deck. Double garage. Unfum.i.ahea at $30,000. CAPE oon · ltyl~ SlUC('O and ahinrle hom~ on Jot 118'x188'. Sb room~~. Three bedrooma and ooe bath. Jl'in>placc. Garage 20' X 40'. P~OD cJoee of __..,... Untumiebed at =.ooo. A'I'J'RACT1 VE DUPLEX. TWo bedrooma oo Mdl 81de. Double gar. with laundry room. Sixty foot lot Ill ~!lent ~ntallocation. ~&nd dual floor !~~mace in each unit. FulJ information u to price. lncom~ and fumiabinp on n~que.t. We ..-have ee~ral ctt.irable Iota liated In Co· roaa cW llar,•pricec\ from $3000 'up. BALBOA ISLAND VERY ATI"R.ACTIVJ: SMA.U. HOllE juat com- pleted. Five rooma with buDk room Uld llrp ......,. bedreom. Complete iateriar la cleu tl" t .. oocl. Modem deep wW &IJow a ~ of Uvtq wlth little houeework. UnlunUabed at 111,000. TWO J'AMILY INCOME UNIT. o..trable loea· ' UoD NEAR SOLITH 8A Y. Do.-.u. Wlit b.u three beclrooma. one and one-laalf b&t.ba, plua atall llboww. V~tlan blinda , thl'O\&Ibout. Us-tatn unit bu two bedroo,_ one bath and larp 8Uil deck. Two aeparat.e oue-ar garqea. Po1111 6011 ot ~ uit.a at cloee of fJIICTOW. Priced tumiabed at ps,aoo. We conaiclat thlll us o..utand1nc offer oa ~marQt. We .. ._ .event other ..... ~ .. 1-ta.mJIJ ~ propert;. on the Island ranging from 111,000. Al8o ebolce Iota lltill available. BEACON BAY ~ comfort of modern-day livinr blendecl into 1M charm of the IIIOUlFIED COLONIAL uter· ior m&rb tbte nl'wly Cllmpleted TWO BEDROOM HOME. Huge pat1o adJmna covered porch. Fi..- plac.e bordered w1th bulll·fn bookcue~. ~rat­ ~ned 10 CX('cllent tute. Two bedroom cueat awtii tivcr t hrw-<'ar gnrage pi• ~~ervanl'• .uart.en. EARL W. STANLEY :.::~u tnte.nor. Qatck Marvelous Bay View Corona del Mar Balboa lsJ&IJd ._.,kl\ OUPLJ:X ~r home wiUI lovtiJ BRAND NEW 2-bedroom home. ---------- Realtor Newport 1776 4pU-.,v modern u.,.ta.~n apt. Large Lar,.e llvtng room w1UI ,,... I eomlt. ~It dtnmt room ear. piau Dining room join. kit. ai'AL Dl"ATI: (a. Bale) ~ IBIAft (l'w ~) petf'd wall to wall. rtreplaee. dlen wiUI hur-e noor-~lllnK ========= Corona de111ar t -lJ!:DROOM HOVE turnllhecl $8000 . , EVA F . RHODEN Broker I!L TON 0 . BARNE'TT. 81\lt'llma n .70 Nf'Wport Blvd., Costa lien Pilon!' NI'WJ)Ort 1913-M A. W. GIBBON, Broker 339 E . 1801. Cotta Mna T'hont': Nt"WpOrt Beaeh l%37-W 81:RVICE 0 ARAG8 , !I mt. howle .1: priVllle garage eiQR In on Harbor Blvd. lot 100'x17:5'. Pnee $15,000. Term8 t.ROOM HOUSE and ·~ aere on Wilton betwrPn Newport and Harbor. Prlcf' $5000. I .ROOM HOUSE on E . lltll. A N>rn~r f'rlce $4250 cash B&AlmFUL HOME on Lido alt. South ExJK!IIIrf' on Bay J'roont. Onf' A one·h alf bathe. 'l'tvo I'Xtra lflowen a totletl, ,I aun dl'dll. Price $32,MO. 112 euh. bcom .. Newport. Bead\ 4 eott.a«- &nd II room hou.e 1100 pw mo. • OPA. Price $15,500. SMOO cash ... ..a! oU.r lot. ani ~ •tta.W for hue~ or ·,..ac~~n. Ulll.. A. W. GIBBON, Broker "' a tltb. eo.ta l6ea ftone: lfewport Beedl 11!1-W BUCJDHO A ~VATIJfO, <Jndlac rock. IUd. tDp .oW R. W. MCJCltllu 6 lou, 2117 W. Ollatnl. Jfewport. PIL 111 N a nle~ ~dmoma. Complete picture window alone Ule oute:r INVESm-.trENT COMPANY bat h, tOed Colanod tne klt eMf\, wall nr break rut bar. Dual HARBOR J. .al many built-Ina, ven. bllnda. Low-ltiW rumace heat. Uftturna.hed er apt. llu larr-e II•. l'OOal. ftre. at place. bf'droom, kltehen a II( $10,975 bet1L Outllde lhoweT, J)lltlo, bftrbi'CUI', double g~ 1?8 TOPS AT EARL w. STANLEY $22,MO Realtor 2 Lots -$875 each CLOSE l'N E. Sll>K lllth Plnr,. & Slnta Aq A YI'. eo.ta V eu.. =-. BALBOA ISLAND PH. 17711 JIIOTIC'& OF IMTENTI<J11f 1"0 &NOAOP: IN TRI: 8.U.I: OJ' ALOOHOUC' BEV't;&AO&K Mftn"h 27. 1948 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Notice> Ia hereby ~lven that Monterey Beauty· 11ne~n daya after tht' d!ltt' tn~ted . t.ovPiy 2-~droom atuceo. COlored lhP undt'rwlgnf'd 'flr'OJ)OM-1 l'l tell llle kltchrn with comer 1lnk, ~leohollc ~veragea a t 0..:'"' pnom. loti of built ·INI. La'lfe llv1nl' 1111'1. dc.crlbed lUI tollowa. 1 11 1 w b 01 :14:'12 Vl11 Opnrto NI'Wp"'rt S..ach. ,$12,500 "jim. rl'!l rep &ee, e a . Oran~r:r County .. 11ft l!dwd. n oors, venetiiUl bltndl1 _p 1 t ch • 1 te u 01 l~tf' double g11rage a workroom. ureuan n 8\l • n n on. e Leta of 11hruba a n owera Cloee undt>refgn,.rt 1!'1 arplyinlf to lhP In Coeta llel& Shill' B<ltlPd or llqul'llltAtlon for a.auiUl~e nn or1gtnel applfratlon -• of lll1 alcohollr btverllfrP llrtnll(' Broadway St. Hom& fnr thM4' J'II'PmiSO'II M follnwa · "" nn Sail' 8r('r A WlnP Llrrnllf' .:t LARGE di!:OROOMS, ext'ra A nyone dl'alrtnK tn prolf'll! thP Jarl('<' eomb. Jfvtng .1: dlnln• IMU!InrP nt surh llr~>n~t<' mfty flit room. long hallway. all ltal'd· 11 VPrlfll'd rmtf'llt with thf' State wood noor11, IKe. ~rvlce pordl, Board or Equ4ll.tatfon 11! Rscra· ''"" blln~. ample eloeete, gar-mPntn. Callfnr:nJI'I. 11tatln~r: p nundll ..., A rral home tor eomeone for ltf'nl!ll 1111 provtdt-d by lftw ThP wh~ needa lot. ot room~ C1oM J)rt'ml~• •~ not now lfc.-nlle'd for In, E. etde, loc&ted Amon&' nne lhl' aale of aJcohotlc beveraJ'f'& home~ ALPHOJifSI! A. TENNJ8. anf Price $9750. Terms DOROTHY c. DILLON. 2% Acre Ranch CJOOD 2-Bedroom ._.., 'nle kltehen .1: bre&ktut rocnn. Qar. .,. A lallftdry room. 2 lar,re ehk!ken ltowJH wttll oement rune. Betw'Mn 700 A 100 dlldc-.._ cao. &a E. .t(le $10,500. Terms. On Santa Ana Ave: 3 DANDY LOTS lad. comer. rae- lllf I Jl!&~ ..U.. 0.. 1ft. Price FOR YOUR fTACin' • riU • AOIOt Mauri~ Stanley --n.aUU..a ,010.1' . • Phoae Hewport 1778 225 N.riae &.J.ho. Wud Realtors OUTSTANDING IH TSINESS OPPORTUNITY BOAT ANCHORAGE in industrial zone. Wll ft. watf'r fmntage. 132 ft. on Highway 101 . S41me t>uilc.Jin~~ N sUps already in. Property hu a mplfo depth fur l4Ubctantial improvement.M $55,000 . -' NEWPORT AREA ~MALL <'OUNTRY ESTATE, modem furniehcd h ome'. !;t ables and honefl, Fiah Rrt'<'ding poncl. L'lnciHc'RI""J with ov~r 200 t~ including family orchard J'ully equipped. Price • tru>.OOO .. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT'lf~S Fl J.LY I·;QUtPPED RF.STAURANT, ific•nlly ).,. eateol tn Balboa area. Well •tablished. R.ADro ~TORE in eo.ta Mesa completrly ... wp- petl w1th weU et.ocked Service Dept. HI.Ul a num· ~r nf nationalJy known exclu~<ave friUid liHI"'t. Fa\·orahle IOQI term leue 115,000 L .Jf)O ISLE J..&!Jn(•m. ....UtifuU1 flaoniahed. ~t. ~· ._.,,n 111.100. COSTA IIESA JlraDif nrw. I-bedroom. Hardf/loocl fti'JOnl . nc wv ~f!r. ~• IU'IP. !'ead1 to aloft ta. f10.2:i0. BALBOA ISLAND B.A. Y FRONT HOME ._ B . Rm. Pier aDd noat. FuUy. turn. Do•ble pragf', lrnmed. po.. 4n eaellent n.J111 at ~.000. .. . ., HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Realtors I • F •' RE.\l. 1':."1!'.\Tr; (lo'or SaW) IlEAl. flJTATF. (For IWI!) BEN J. ~ITMAN Broker lOJI CUUt Htattw_,- C'ORON A OICL MAR Phon• 2111 .. w Owner Says Sell A4-8TORT t-ROOat HOUBE. a. ot et110eo ,.._nw ~tklft wtua Nd u~ roof. Kaa nlc. f'lr!plac. Uld Pf'll«ll ..-. Qood t•rm. A lmmfldtat.r II o•.-oa n·i·_.,. -·• $6950 V· N . WELLS, Broker ~ ...... •"''HJJ BUT TOWN ON lt4R'nl" 0110. v. rox, laleemaa ~-.... ~ lftO ~ 80UI.-vAAD ft. c-.. .,.__.._ ..... ,,..... New 1-BR. Home P g 1 I Aprtl tua. On I '-· ...., Ylt7 poet tetma $4800. Balboa Home 2 BR H A N1CIII s.aJ:DRooar aoart: -New • . ome 11Wt4 Aft 1.t -ple~ly &Ad ....-r. rltOHTAO& N* laWfl ruc-.a1 t\anUIMd. ud ClftlJ, ~ .., ,..,.. bloc-k to t.aw ... ,. .~ .. lllrtq $6800. Terme )"'Ur IYt and rooet eftd mow ""'' '"· $11,500 2!!f!ex -NWDt. Beae~ a.-. atlo ,,., ... ~ ....... , .... Extra Apartment $1900 A OA NDT l .BifoftOOM, s.-ory hom•. Ku ,.,... \IYil\l' I'OOft\ eu it rt-·rt. wtUI nreplaoP UICI "•atalator. • .r ft VUU Very n~ kltdWII -"'10 ~ ._ .... 1 • DA.JfDY ...,.., .., ._ ..,_. 3 room apt .• o..t -.'b-....,.... wotu. .......... now .............. In I"Mf. Jt'a tOmplewly f\lr· $18 000 "~ Uld ..... • f\M ~ • ri-. l.t JOOCI '-,.,.rty $19,500 Verv Nice I ·BEDROOM HoMlll at a pnoe you eu artwcl to ,.,. . a.u. bedroome an la,.... Very lup llvt... room wiU. n ... pla~•. "* kttct\Pn anct laundry ..-om ud a dandy &on nr rum,u. ronm. Kardwcwwf flonrw ~t. LI:'T'II l..OOIC AT THJ8 ON&. 15000 cull. MJ&ft~ tl~. $11,000 .On a Corner Lot A LAROJ: 2·RJI:OROON 81'1JCco ROME. U\•lna mont t•"•l&' wiUI nlc-. tln-plac-, W•1t ar. "'"If"" kltrhf'n, full •til a.nct Beautiful Home t -lmDROOMa wtu. .... -· ,...., ........... 0...... .... " .,.. wtaa 10 tNtt u-. ~ ... ..,...a-n-. v., att.rv\lft ,.._t ,.,.. wtu. .. -~~......._.. $9500. Terma Move Right in l'{ICW 1 ·~ .. 11"-.QIIIIII .. ---......i IJ~ ......... $5200--$20p() doWD 2-Bedroom Home ON I.AftOIC LOT IOO'al•' $6500. Terma ~ Haa t.U n\JftfY thru. Look Thi8 Over out "-lhl11 n-""-rtlllnl" ltati1111 ()tfol)er w~ l.b.._ $9500 I mom H011•• • TWO ~~Y.~~~ ~~XrA nn twn lnlll. tw•tt1 tumlah,.,l l"'mnt hnua. hu """rlar... florr fUr. nllrrcop f'lr•·lrh• •I"\,. "' ,. Hn,..,. In rt>ar 1~ r!'nl"d ""'' M arly 11'1111cf'.• Jlllymrnt• hn hnlh hnu.- n ()wnrr wtll tlnanC'f' 14000 2-Acre Ranch W llh n-a.~l ........ -· plf'l.alJ t\amllhfd. ~ y ar4. ,..dtl ~ pet. O<~ub&e .. ,..." lAim mow•. lf1lf'llfn ,.,..., etc Tau wlll tllae lhla' f'IIAh. baJanN• 1M per mOfllh All New $10,000 ......... f'\W.. ........ llhl ... --• __. ..a ........ Near Ocean '--'-11r' •· .!.:lf · • UA trn1'1.n. VI1IW ot ...,._ _... $U..7 :::: ~ftN\ ..a- hAy Hom" eurTOund4wf lly nod-1 .~ UUWU wood '"".!'"· haa le'lrf' lh• ,_, wilh """""'"IV!'~ ",...P'-· % Acre $900 ctlnlna alrnvr 6 bar. nlr " bfo(f. _ room " !with Vn v "'"" tla,r· IIRANO Pfa'W Jt01Q1 on " ._. lltnnf' .1\lltlll With hUidoNo~ f\J"'I· ot lf"'ilnd hrn~ irft-to~ llltf' Thl• hnu,... Ill cv•mplf'ti'Jy ly -f'undture fUmh•h•·•t "'"' lr .. l hlln '-' blorlc •kQIIU\ from I h•· "".,"" A AK TO IIICI'! ., ~ 'T"tll~ tti':AliT IJo,JJ, IIOMJC: $13,500 A Lovely Home nr,.. "' c•.,r.,n•t ,,,:, M11r'11 nll'••l :l. hr,tr"""' hiiiiH'• 1111 I •., Iota, hllll unulfUIIIIV lnttc• 11\'ln~o: rnnno With ltu I{ I' flfl•(ol"' "· l'f't V nrr·r kltr h"N:" rllnl n,; r•~<•nl, Ill" hath Nllri 11hmw•r II"" •lnublf' l{anlj[•• 6 .:lu•Nt In r>•t '" Ia N lfll· J'll~l ••lv flcrnl~ht•l wllh bf'autltul fuml!ur •• II n111 V llf' Juat Whllt y••u·v,. """" wAII Intr tor $22,500 Ask . A bout Theile I h~l'f' IWII :l·llf'•lrrl(orJI hrtUIIo•• (o r •Hir• HI $8000 ea-c h. Business is Good , Ben J. Whitman JRea l F~tate Rroker 111111 ('I>IUII IIIKhWHV ('Oflf1N.4 T•Jr.J, MAll PJrnn,. 237f.W Vacant & Furnished NICW 1-RI'druum home oomplfttW~ rurnl•""'' tnrlu•l .,._h,. Ooubht $!>200-$2000 down Notice to Homeownen J:v,.ryday ll•lln«• mme and p . 'J'h,.~ •"" tnur of Ill In 01 .. Gf. nrr wnrt.lna dav 11nd nlpt, ... v...-. ct11,.W • w..Nc If ,ou wOJ llal wUh lUI, Wf' nf'v•r _.,., liP try!nr tn l(el till' jnb ~. ('om.. In •nd makt> • pmv• It I Business is Swell G. N . WELLS, Brobr OWC•. V r'OX, AclJHnuul JOe Mr KR, "-'"man r. It llu-11 OftlC'f' I,. .. Wjlrlft 8tvcl., OIJIIta ..... 2 bnMee l)n one Jot, Coron" del lll\f .... 118,500 TNCOMR PROPRRTY 2 bedroom ho~ and 4 Albll r~ntal unllt~. LOTS ON PENINSULA $2500 ancl up. .,._._ . S.Vf!ftl 1000 Bay Froet 1~. .....---- .. S1Z tJ!IJ JUt OTHER HOUS'ES, ... AND UP AL80 LOTS W. L. JORDAN 'TftO E. Central. Balboa. Telephone 153 -------------------- TELL ME· YOUR WANTS I receive 75 or more new listings each week, {residential, inconre and farm property) mostly Los Angeles and vicinity, some in other part.A of the State and Country. Also have and want local listings. A. W. GIBBON, Broker, 339 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Ph. i237-W. (Ring Long). 48tt -·~~ Founders• I ·...___ suverlea , l'ou.den' Day llae~Teach -tM Newport J ....... wlllleh ... Ume at thtt nrw ..... with pu bonored (lut'S u . wwe Mn. Blanc RGbft't Powell Jr. Teyne. Each wat a ooro.ee u ahe Mrs. Allee And DWaine k'rvlce r ty, QplaiJ'It'd thl' I inc counr which aia leuona lntll't IMW departure Ia wh6ch ahould l~t' u auc.h knowlf'Ctl .....sed by lh<' he Mrs. Andrt>~ lnu Uan Hendlnon, r• Wily 8ull ACHING ........... ......... -. • •• fbi. .•. _.., (al ALL FOR FO o.IJ' lh 08T80 ............. -...... Foot Rei Jl'( NAVY I IJ d ...... A. NY OUR • .. ; .. R. M. ROBB'S TEXA<JO OCt;AN FRONT STATION • IIWIII .. toa "-'ll AU alpl ll'aA ...S .. u wn·lc.,. LuhrkaUoa Juboo from II a. m. unll&...ll p. m. 4'tU ~ "'"'·· lll'N_TINOTCIS RI':A('JI .. ''h. fftK· llt·h. 300 SALE 57' Twin Saew Stephani New C ommando Motors-150 h. p. Each. V 9 ry larqe Radio. Sunken Oinitfq Salon forward. Three S taterooms aft ... F'csle sleeps two. La.rqe aftar'deck. :reak superstructure a nd decks. ~"' in excellent condition th roug~out. MOWBY PBOIIZ RWPOBT 611 W. H. KNAPP Welding ana Blacksmithing Shop Service Portable Service 2809 w. CMilraJ Newport Beecll Phoae HI! .·:a1HUHUC_ ....... _HIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII .......... • SEE! II. New Cu.tom · BWlt "ISLANDER" SPUT BAMBOO nSHING ROD. JUST ARRIVED~ I 8~JiMMR~ B • D GOLF CLUBS i GMJ I X 2 and 4-MAN ~ RUBBER BOATS I . !: etu~~pM Mil. ~o.w GMJ P~ ~ :-: :·: ~. !! :'; f~ r: :-: :.: BALBOA ISLAND ~ ... SPOB181NG GOODS I I Flab Story! wlau .... o....a.. dWa't ,_ ttata Ume! Mr. U11f Mn. w. L. lUI-(...._ ..... _. C.., ~,.._)...tilt...-.. ...... ,Niek Oroqt -re at tM Oo-. dMI Mar ~h at 10:10 p. m. ll\At Thui'Wlday alpl aad foiiDCI tl'lr pl&N'I llt#rally all¥• "1tll th" uttw .._.....: Tbry ,.port .-.t .. hlnrr thrm. t1y the 1\aadful. Locai.M en Escape \\'}len Vessel is Demolished on Reef ... Frlda)'. -March 29 Saturday March 3G Sunday March 31 Monday April 'l Tu~sday April 2 \\'.,.Jn••lldny A brokCII vnlvc. ·rollo\\'l'd bv a Apnl 3 ,.,.,.,.s uf nUwr misfortunes · re-Thurllday • 'lll•·<l 111 tlh• .:uiHJ,tlclt' l~o1111 uf thf' April - TbW'IIClay,· Kardl 28, 1M6 Tl DE -TAB·LE 111011 LOW f :lt-a .m. 5.0 12:30 a.m. 2.0 7 :42 p.IY). 4.2 1 :tiS p.m. ~.8 7:01 a.m . 5.3 1:08 a.m. u 8:~ p.m . 4.8 l :H p.m. ~.1 7:45 II m ~5 1:4[) ll m 118 8:29p.m. 5.0 . 2 :14 p.m . ~.7 8'26a.m . 54 2·23 ft. rn. 0.2 _, a :C>6 p.m . :).3 2:411 p.m. ~.:) !1·12 a, m. ,:') 2 3:06 "·"'· --0.3 9•27 p.m. ~6 :1:16 P m. 0 1 JH ()I~ It Ill. -4 11 :l !'l2 11 Ill 0.6 10 :0 1 p.m. 57 :1:48 p.m. O.t U>:63 n. m. 4.2 • :41 R. Ill. 0.6 IO:H p.m. ~7 4:21 p.m. 0.9 10 '""t \\':ll .. r tllXI hl'jllg brlllii:'JI -------------------------- <luwl\ lrum 't'llll~JO by Ct>or~l' M•·· ::---------------------------, ~:.uan. Mickey Hl'as and Clur•'f'ICe /tit fta. ~~\ 1'1!~. l"tl."'' •T :o;TI~t :r. YACHT VEC:A. onl''or lh, "• ul t.mn thts pa8'l week end. ·F ort u. lZ ~\\\ J•l• ''""'' 111•'11~ "11 th•· 1'1"'tfte Coalll, ls now at lht• •'II • ' •ll nut• ly, th., IIH'n t'8CApt·<l \\lth their . 1 h• • ·,,,II t l lt.:hwn~· h•·tnt: n\'<·rhnllll'tl nnll plact'fl in ' •. 11 •r lt\'es a ft!'r the hnrr·owlng l'Xpt'rl- ' I ••• ' ·'' t.\tc•· thiJt l'!ununcr. Th<' Vt-ga. onct' OWfi•Wft h· \\ H •·nc-•· hut wt•rtt "8ulfcr lng fron\ «X-__ ..,"'_'" 1: I I I'·'"' ' ..... , .... .toro• ,,, the Newpurl Harbor Yacht ('lull ,_ ,, 11 v •surr anu shock after battling i'-~a IRS '"'"'" "''''"sit•• ll'tiJarcl.o! YRl'ht A nchorage north .. 1 l.t.l .. 1~1•· the 1vuves lilld rodta. t . "I• • tl ~ttwk \\ llil, toln~ tO\\•,..J lnltl the harbor Ill 1 ..... 1 I• . w Th" bol:l t which w as .pun·htuwrl ",,, fli•Uio·•l \"lh .. nt tlum:a~r•· and tnko'n to the city pkt II ... twr h!Ct week by Don Patter.on. (nr. . • '·' Th"""'~> fo' Hnmtltun or Bevt>ri)I""H IIla, airplane pror,..tt., '" 11 u. m r rlv of S roll '!.' Londtn~: and now t:wtlll l'r llntl 'lWnt•r tj ( u large neet O( charter boat., 1111tn} •·I Ill H'h f'( San ClemC'ntr, .left San Fran. , ... plltn~ '" 111\Sl' In Newport Harbor. The v.-le tho• ftrst' larl(e rlsro Friday morning. Early Sun- ' r11ft uc Ius neet tn com<' here. New~boa l'ress f'ho!o). day mornln8', when they werr -T • '1llll~>-tl-distAnce out, U1t' vaJv.- 1 ·' uuld make a •wl'll t•~lull)! 1\ .rge brokl'. Thl.'y put out 'thf' anl'hor Incidentally th•· r.,tnd r ex. wh1ch hf"ld, but according t11 Pat. • • • Ill to JJlart oprrat l"'" .. r• Lhe lr l'llon. thf' M>pt'8 brokl' :'-lt>wport Plt!"r \bout ~lu\ 1 1\ nf'~rby •hlp must h~v,. seen It'll be a ple&Ji'Ut·o• t•• 1-:" h.trJ(e lht-lr signal n art's, the men aald. fishing thla year t••• All U~o· old 8ut It put out lUI ll,;ht and Wl'nt ·tuff about Coast l;uat ol l•.tll.lll!S ctn without etopplng to al~ thl' StJtieliery L 0 U C K I Jewelry 17~7 NeWport Blvd. COSTA MESA ~nd the Uke ia out an-I .t·u ~ fli~Ctr€"6'8ed vrttl~l. Thtt boat drift. · ... 'lf'llt cot'ne tint llt'r\'"" I.H!Cl )'t'llr ed In and waahed up on thl' roclul .,. __ •~alpmeal Teds tho tm,..,_ 41641 • ru•"tlln!!--hustllesa Jlrar ldonter_ey only a bout. 21! • AJr .... In aplte of regulatlt ns uml tho· fa!'t rnllr s rrnm th•'·~a;&a:tre~~~y;-.:=;;o;'(r•;,;:;:.~aii. n~f---::-"7"--::~~~:---::~----""~""er---..:-.,.n;-- 1 hat It didn't ,;et startt>d until Simeon harbor. JUTy. --P attentOn arrived In Newport Thill ll'ft•k \,.,. hav•• a 110rt or Do Y••ll Kilt>\\ l'ulumn 111 lh•• tJld bait lank Ill• )•nu k nHw fnr lnMiancr that Jonii"Y the upside down paln~ du .· , 1 h~Y•· t.u slid~ " patnt bruah 111 h.11 , Y•' un;,· mnr.· tu gf't to F Cuohlng • Naw he aurf' ciOHn't . R_... .. th'\1 ho• lliUjtht Mn Jonn ahoal fi~htn« en11 now .he catctM. more filth than he dot'•. P'lnt thine we know hl''.ll ~ writlnr; .... name 6•oc·kwardl .. well a• upacte ~. l"'llhlrtlll bl' ~ rulnatlon of tbat «''Y yet Jgnwy l'lalnu to be U.. claamp- ion llt'ulptn,......,.... tetUMr boat n r pl•r ~ • II\ tafoee or any nlhrr paiU utlf' _..t'l mol-t' he knoww how to r\Mn ta.e 4&"' thlnp o.ur ... •o A ..... , f'AN YOU IJWM..r.OW .wJ8~1 Yt a b, the Swalluw h11,c , tJtstory toc>. lt't: Orvllll' ltu nl s huge which operated nut •·f :'l:(•wport laat year and whk h will b1• off the Huntln~on Beach JMr thlll Ml'll · liOn. It'• anollter du vo:t know yam too . Back In W orld w ... I lhP swal. low W.. a ttiu' chMt t Then H1e war endad and thl' Swallow got mixed up with ..f pr<'ll~' rough c:rowd. She beca mr a l!mu,;gler nncl mAny a to.d nf t·ontraband booee ....ehed the CAIIfumla cout frqn Iller cleclu, durtnl: prohibition davw of ~I'M. n.n. Ule atory J:fH'S", ~hf' no~d Into Hncl !ltreet lan•hng at San Pedro rtpt ' Wldf'r th•· noae!!'" of the eo..t Oua.rd Btuu• thPrt' and '-clecl saoo pllonll or g .. olimo to MJt out to -tor another load or boodL 'nUnp Wl'rr .:olng prl'lty flo You Know that ~ Oahlna well. She cot awRy (rom the pier Gander ..._ q\llt.e a ~T Yq and tht' the boJII nfll'n"d her up for 1• aun ~. TM ~ .. a ,_ to Mt ttut •omethln,; went nnd wu built Mdl lft liiS m haywire, the enat,.. bacll:nred and 0 vcorly, ICn«l&nd and cru\Md all blnnf'y, 11hco blf1t up. Down eht' o'~' the world, rtnaUy wtndin« liP went and tbat _. t!At olv1n« bet-n Loe Aqele. bar· R rrt J.fltt W.W. nr Terminal bor and the We.t Cout of Mexico, t.land lltpped tMack ln(Q the plc-~1\1' wu known u the AleJandro ture nn•l ht' puDe<S hrr off thl' lhrn And did a thr1vllll' trw.de. bottom nnd took hrr nver to Th"n 11 l..ot1 Angelu hotel m&n Tennlnnl JJ<land whttrf' hP kl'pl hrr nurrh&at'd her, renamed her thtt until ln"l \'I.'Ar whtn h•• 110ld hl't \{Brinn. but didn't know what to to f'lnnt \\'hat you Will kno\\• .to wtth htr R t• h•d Mime ~-:~bout th.lt ~ · · llmt~ ldriUI It wu rrported abOut Ora ch Monday morning from l!lan Francisco. He had bt>C!n In St·nt· II£· ror 110mt' t lmt'; Mrs. Patterson had n ovm up to me<'t him In San Pranc!Aco and the couple had journeyed home together wher" they learned the newa of the lo ... Godfrey 'Tells A.lJ' About Women and Y achtln1 in Article t. It a bird! Ia It • plane! or Ia Sam Godf~y In hla pr1aed red shtrt whluln( down from Loe An- p ie. to Newport Beach for an- othf'r week t'nd of eall boatln« with eport1man Johru\Y Stoll&. Wut Cou t Yacht Club membeft wt re &liking rectntly. Godfrey. formerly with South Coa•t IUid nO..V wttb a Loe Angf'l('lll sdvt'rllelnR' finn. hu written a rr ature 1tory on Women •nd YachUng which will appear In th~ next l•ue of 1M Tachtlnc maga. alne. In hla article, {1(\dfrey att~mpu to upl&ln wily womfll •t bored with Ut e aboard their huebandll' boat.. He contenda that the men I'XJ)"Ct thf'lr llpollll<'ll to cook, waah dishes and perform the ulftlal WMk nn l)l(' bout which thPy have bl'<'n !lninl{ f1•r yrars In tht homt·. Ir thP mPn would give tht women nart or thf' ruponslblllty or run. nln.: tti,. boAt and WMh th1• 111,hu I hrms~;I\'I'S. UK' wlvt'11 woul I hi· mntP :tpl to ~harl.' thl'ir hu~hund.!l' t•nthuslasm nf YIICht lng nnkln~t n round t hf" worll1 !'rulse. ~acn ·T •·A~ rotVLP.a -;-1nnllv thr Marlon wountl up on \\' 1rr••n Fowlrr, 11 vr ry J:I•IJ J;"•·n· 1 1111111 nat nn thl' lnnl't .. hOrl' Of l llt•l!or\n 11"1•1•'•'.\, whoftn ~trnn11 po•inl Tl't ntln11l 1111and tur krd In br hintl l:o :or.-m~ that fiAht rmPn Pnjov n II•' ol•l Rtlllta Clarn whll'h Rmllh l ft~hlnt:: 1.,,, whe!thrr nr n••t th•''' Your a•l \n lhr PrHII 1.11 rr ad tJy nr •lh<'rll of Nl'wport Rt>lll'h or<' I • ttt< h a fl•h ~tnd who wo:o t h<' thnwmnd.'l ••w•rv w-k. ''"' rof•'lng for thf" 1:0\'Pmml'nt m 11• r '"""' fur AI For~t llll•l ~I!< Prf'l<ll "'""' noll' br1n~:.,. rt'l<ull• Tlwn Matt Wr~l:oh. wno·rnhl•' i!'tlh• , F'l-hl.,<t' rlf't't for ft rnupl• I Tii;~~~~;':~~~~iiiil ""''I hllllclt•r nnd ~<nh·.•.:•·• .. ( Tf't-"' ' ,,,. •• q •rllng a n~w v•·ntur<' I -.. -nl 1~1na1tl. pttllo•ol hrr .. rr th;· I•' m! · '', i io'nllllly l'llm" down tn ·•.t II J••W "''•"" h· .. ·h I"'' h r II" ,, • , ... t , ..... h rrom Lont:: Rr'\l'h ,, 111• ,. """ anol ru1nrl• •, h ••·t11111l I• , , 1 h · \\,,r lltOnpinl!" fl•h· 1 r .\l .. n:: ''Ill'•' 1::~·. •• , .. ,.. . • ~· Lnn,ll" Rf'B('h "'' ~' r otf)•t h ,tnof \hi'\ o!o•o '•'• ' lt11•' ., •. ,~ '•••• '1fllf Itt or~Anl7.tn' a.G •1 •, llnrhM ~porl ~i~hrt I ,. F:'f: tuiUK. REEl.~ •11•·n, ,\•<• ,t ion tot• . J llltd \' .. ,. P'owlt•r hns :o• r ur· J t :r:ulpuu'ttl fnr t hf' An..:l••r 1 fixed C 0-Two Systems and Portabl• Now Available. ZUIS-BOIUR AIID GALVAII 1000 Cout H i way NEWPORT PhoDe 1384. PHOKI 23&1 717 Cout Highway H•wpoJt Beach, Califomill - u.i.V£GZ llarlne Deep 8ea Divine -Tow ao.ta DREDGING SMITH BROS. BOAT WORKS .._.H....,_ I_ \ "IOORINGS and SPACE AVAILABLE for boa• bel.ar; ofteftd for aale MARINE W·AVS NO\V OPERATING \\"lth comallr~ palntln« a nd rt'palr cN!w. Wing Sang Boat~ Repair Yard llll Cout lll1fh" .. 1 (181), Newport ~h I'IIUNI': la:\l'PORT 11M • ' • I • I nfc!' 1•'11111' on II :01\'•A J ~u:cT!liC' .\I'I'Lii\:'lif'F.~>~ I ,, ' ,. tde or Filth HfV'hnr I . l 1 !c thl' l.n!! Mt:t•l,.., ' J ur 11oft a ncl llnm" ----------------------------= y ,, 1 , , , n Tf'rmln~71-~t11n.l !'"""'":"'' "''t"r" • . ('tun~;<'"l IIIAitOLD I. loti'NSOff l'ROJ'I':I.I.F.R ~ 1l,..,Affi1Nft l'h••n,. fr'!O • • to m~ . a rrnl Fr . I ··h· ru Whnrf" nu{ or th•· I ank Wishon. I , '•'r wM tetlin~ ~~~ j <h• IM'r 1, ,•,1 1 1 hr WIIJI r!O\\'n 11hnol· • -------+ • .. • h,. '" 7•• with Kcrm I'll mil I F r::o! lhl' other dlly Hl11 !Ill I \'lila \\'~ty, N-rn .. a.--tt -BALBOA CANYJS !tOP ·Shell Marine Prod pet's A.T THE ~.n. • ~t Ooftn • A'll'ftlnl.l PHONI 2641 s Manne Upho&8tft'tnl aaa llaJtae .... ... .... ltlaad 1¢ Phone 207 224" 21ft aL ' •n• •••tr 1 ~II And we'll bt'l h•· •• •II It'', n popular topnotch Boat Ownera SHE-LL DOCK I <pnl " . " ! Newpon a.eb ~~-~~~-~--~~-~~~~~~~~~-~ .. ~--~~·~·~·~··~~ .. ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~..,~~:::::::::::::::;:::::::::: -I 'NIT H '( '.UP.A. UNO. •••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a••~~~ Mr nn•I M~ H~~~&~ nnd lll'ln R~hb'l: of Ma,nolla ave. I • 1946 l """· nnrl Mr n"~d )(n. Ralpb Dim· I null "' Ralllrl~ X.Jand, vt.tted the Yur11lpa rM~<'h of K. C. Burdick wh"r•• th•'V parUctpated tn anow , l ~rortll Ill llnrton Jl'l&t.. 1------------------- ~USCOft' ·CRUISERS j· ·SEE TODAY AT .. roster a loas !MARIN~ WAft ' , OENI:RAL aatlt..lllll • ~I .ao Co'd illghway P&one 836 i II • At &edaoed Ceat We ('All aow tu,...h aDd IMtall certain well kaewll IIIMe. ud l.JPM JMJW er ...,. lrtaM _.... Marine Engines. Upt. er lleaYJ DtltMia -o..u.. ....... _ -FRO UTIMATD- Thornb.ory EDPteeriDI Service ...................... 11'7 t..c-....e.a.ne • • l • ARfS TACKLE STORE UOI COU'I' III ... AY Everything for th• / -All COliiRCIAL fiSIIERIAN .• BAIT FDR EVERY TYPE OF FISIMG Rental Tackle · Open Sundays I.I.IE.PER ·IIDI~aa•a• Owner ..... 348 Manaqer 2.0 ~-' u .-{).7 08 01 0 2 -{)~ 384. lNG -0 3 0 1 0.6 0 .• 0.6 0,9 ard . ' Tburaday, Mareb 28, 1946 Thru the· Porthole By VELMA BARBER Ne>wport Karbor'a 1-'ute-r Cal· l'Ddar of Yachting E veAts, · wlnlt' not complr~e. hu acheduled four matn r vt nta which portend that thie year'a •ct.lvltlea will fa r aur. pa.ae any of previoua hlatory. F'. C. Br e>wo:r, -Race Chairman, B~lboa Y11cht Club and Ev Morria, R . C., Newport Harbor Yacht Club, having rone lnto a huddlf' Jut Tburaday nlte, decided to rombiM the racJoa-acheclulf' of lhe two cluba tor 1~8 ... Thla will ellmlflate conntctlon ·and by · thl'ir COOJ!('r atlon will again prove tlle old adagr, "In unity tllere 11 atrenttb." A joint committee boat will be uaed,' witll expeneoea eqUally ahared. Tbe flrat event open to the Southern Calltomia Yachting Aa.. IIOCiaUon me>mber clube wtu be thr Annual t.ater Repttao held· at BalOO. Yacht Club April 20-21. AU prooeeda of, the $1.00 ~try feea wtlt ~ contributed to thl." local Amt rtcan Red Crou. Th111 hila ~n the> Balboa Yacht Club'a cua· tom aince tlle begilullng of tlle Walt Winnera will receive 1 ll'letal tfophle>a ... AU keel aloope &nd Snlpee will race outalde, amall _,ala lnllfde the harbor . . . R&c. ing echedull." w ill be matted to all llllppera. ftta year marka the tenlb year --.. --... --... ,, thr O?~ntn~: ot Ill~ harbor and Ito. tht> soulll~m California Yuht· to C'l'lfbratt thl\l OI"C'v lon, May 23, n): All,.tX"ll\tiOn Sumnw r Reptla n tlf)('l'lul r1•mmlttf'r ot Ill~ Ch am· August • ~.JC), thP yaehlamf'n al'f' ~r or ('nannl\'rl'e>'a commlll€'e Ia guln$t to 1\avf' a buay Ume> Ole .ec. oons!dt'on~: " "thl'm t"': for Ole p:ala ont1· Wl"t>k In Au~t. The Sum. reatlvltu'"· In vil'w or this t r~· mer R•'glta w1ll ,be h«>ld In San I~Ctfully aubnut th~ fOllowing t:'ll'jtO .,.. Ia t hl' nrat 1\f'ld since ldn whtC'h had Ill lnl't>ptlon from 1~0 when BtJboa Yacht ~lub a colnr~d pnst.r a rd of the Par11de "''"""<! -h••st. Lllgun~t &aC'h wl71 nf fo~w'lln~ 1'\"1·11,. a t MIAmi, Pia , hold FuUval of . Arta AUC-7.18 ~~<'nt hy lhf' \\'arrt>o Lou\U, Coron" • • • d~l Mar. on a n t'il(ht monllla' tuur Errol Flynn took hta 118-ft rof thl' rnuntry J auggt'l!t thal rchooner. Zaca . on a cruiH to the' Mayor df'd are> Ma)" 23 u a CAtalina lut ~·~k~nd, leavin~t lbt> holiday In nrtlt'r tn tullv ·J,artlc•·, hiU'bor Friday noon. Howf'v~r. nAte ln Nl'wrort Harbor'• Parade tllr hUK~ cr.ft did not havr '' A OIIL!t Thr parade to ~ held amooth "aallln«'' tnalde the harbor In tht> d1lytlmt, ahould be closed She bf'.camf' atuck ln U\1' aand to bo11u nnlv 10 tllia }\arbor'. offahore Harbor taland and wu To Include A'LL.. BOA T8 IN THIS pt,~lled off by a t U«·boat. A lAin, HARBoR. Jrhlch ahould be divided aboard were Flynn'& '¥1fe. Nora. Into two main .. .-cllollti--Commrr· and thl'f'f' e&mnarnen . Tbt> cam· rl~l and Pl,.u·ure. Tbt>y allould bf' tra mf'n carne back from Catalina "dreaaed" for the occulon ln the aboArd Ira Chandler'• cn&l&f'r, r'llorful naKII nf the' International Ouarltaman. which h&<rbeelf ellar. Code and no otber decOraUon• em· lnf'd for .the pu1'11C»e. Mra ployed: prlua t.o be ctven for Chandler repqrtetS tllat the wavu boata bf'ln,; "Shl~ape and Brla. w~re ao hl«fl at the Jaland. Cl'f'at tol Fuhlon" and bavin&' tllr bf'.at difficulty wu bad ln tranaoft>rrlnf nw•rall anr>eArance . . The> day. the camrraa from Zaca to the tlmt' m~trtnt Jl"l'&nt would In no Oua.rdaman. • • • way conntcl.with the Tou{Tiaml'nt or U~thta OJ; df'tract from t hf' T. or · L.'e rlory. It would only "N'SII~tr th• nittht parade anti aoon Newport H11rbor would beeome Jn. tf'matlon&lly ramoua for two pa. radu which recorded ln · techni. color ~ould be ape<:la<'ular! With Ule Annual F IIRht of lh• Snowblrlta 11ll1ted for A\Jrurt •. thr Tournament of Ughta, Auguat AmonJ tll<*' attendlntt the SCY A Midwinter tmphy dlnnl.'r held at tlle Mayflow~r H ott>l, L. A .. &ut Wf'dn~ay nlpt w «' r I' CommodOI'f' and Mra. Don Ke>mp, F, C. Brtwer, Ule lArry Wheel«'ra, 04"0rife and &• Strom. Bob anoJ Mary Hrnley. Hebe ErlckiiOn and Nell Domini• and G. L. Andl't'w• and aon. Allan, &11 or Balboa Yacht Club . To aeltl<' a friendly arjt"'l· m rnt nbout which la thl' bf'tlf'r P . (" aklprer. a tw~>-boat race w11• , --- GRAYM:ARINE· r • Authorized Dealer for Gray Marine Motor Co. tor'1 ~t RV(' ln10t Sundav . t.h•· .. =..:+-.:--. .-...~IL-.-o..-..-.. __ .__. . .j.~IJlllJIUl--loi(JU-Stan Chri~~P~';."; ........... ,. ......... _. aeoo ·~~~--------~nD~,-ID~tJ~~-----------------::11f,l~~,.~r~Hi.~~c~k~'II~&O~n~.~~~~~tt------------~------------------------~~~~----~;;;;;;~;;;;;;-. '!'A·o more ave famllltll ha\'P awro•'l' IIUCJI, CALirO .... holl<tht lntll in COlli and HOPI': t n build annn Staff-Com. and Mn Ar•·'h Bisli bought two Iota nn tl',.. F:n~t •ldl' nf C'Dif and M"' 1. r. Mi'lrnlf nn<l rlllu,(htr r. M••• Bar. b:ua. wltl build on thr bluff nr'" th,. \Vf'l'tOVI."r hQJ'nr Boon r n. ronA de>l Mar will be' callrd th,. flY(' f'nlnny' Twn nf my favnrH A Vll('htBrnrn wrr•• .Ill BYC ov~>r t hr , I ..... ..,"'"'···· .,.., • wrrk,.nd and bntll hll¥4ntt: ·N'<'•nUy r4'ulvt-t1 thrlr dillclla~-<:rallf ______________ ...,; _______________________________________ ,. i.af' u lhoocin', if thcr,·. '1:J :·.-. .n"f>irt io.rouz Diad~ lbete's trouble ahc.1cl. J.\C.j <~.0~1 of fuel 80f'S tJuous' JDjector-oonle holes sr·ull .:s J l.un:an hair. Aod il theM JDjecton 8ft din-worn, th.11.; J.S :c, :.,:other. Cuu·tbe ~ ef your DieHl and leaJs u p ,., rc!'::ir biJb. Becawe it's aiJ. -.,ponaoc co use a CLF.AN fud, use S::aoda.rd Diad fuel diediW 100" fw P,!JRHY. Dllltlla , ... ,.. Wholeaale Dt.tributor for Newpc)rt Hirbo~ Phone 155 Rea. Phoce.l094 'ODe Good ....... D ... .., .. Aaolhel" RE-ELECT L. L. IS 8 ElL lndep1nd1nt c.,. ••• Forthright NIA PRODUCT l11hrll Stund.!l On HI" Hrcord. H r R('pn•acnll! lhl' · Whole City. He Is a n I:XJl"rii'IH'rd Bu~lnru r.fan lltb' Ycoars of local clti7.1'Mhlp cnoble bim to unJ,.:f. ~tllnd Ill(' ma.n_v diffk ult rrnblem11 confrunlin¥ Nl'wport Beach In Ill!' ye11r~~ ah~d Isbell Has the Courage of his • ConVictions and Expresses Them ELECTION APRIL 9TH, 1946 1"\ovlt> (nrm<'r ftaCf' Chairman, wn~ ,·n {hi' Ns\'y, lrf'rvin~ tn thf' P J . and Bob Kyle, torml'r P · H rhllmfl, who lt'ft a leR In tllf' Annv F:urnfl""n lhtlltre. Bob. with hill ll'l'l'Pl •mill." and lt'I)Od aporb.m.,n. llhlp, Ia 11 jtT&nd R'IY· AlrclldV ht' h1011 bfoen rrewln~t for tlle Whf't-1""' And I f'ITI'dlct h~ will be &llillnlf hl11 own bn11t com~ .ummtr. Hla hrnthrr, J'rl."<l Kyle. JIV't'a on Ba.J. hi,. Bart H~deraon aold hi" P C. Nn 28 to Ed Wlttr, ~an Marlho Two more> aallboate aJ"f' In tllf' harbor tor outfltUnc-J. a. Me. Brtde Mil brourht bl• M-ft. ketAIII. Foollooer. from San Pedro. pre- J"IIrlng for a . Soutll Amerlran C'rular . ~ao. In from Pf'dro for cw .. rhaul Ia tll~ 83-n. topa111l lll'hnnnl'r, Astrlld, belonjfing to F: H Bf'tts, Paaaden11. Tbr l11tt,.r crsft f'Xpl"('lll to mallr thll! hf'r hom,..rort A rrh·ing 'Ill 'It wrr k,.n!l hun<lr~'olll nf Rl\'rri!IIIC' ~trhnol ('}Jildrl'n otrnr r•·ol nnr hnr In JlAib<u• fnr ltwlr ~rrtnr \':or nt lrol\ whirh IA~tr u nt II f'l'lll Motnlh Y In lht> tWil hoii,..,M un J"'lriMI<Il· ·.,, this "<'r-t't", ""'V h"lli'•· pn rtl•·l' n r,. In ru II "'" n v M111 lr<'n·· l ~o •n I 'I '" rhnf)l'rnnlnr 1 hr• •• ~·rutin!< Mti'M•'I' .Jnyrr F:pll·1t:: I P 11lr1 II• nol••r«o•n l.llln lr·:ln~. F'~~· th 1 .Inn••., Ellzntwth l..nnf! n!l I M •'lun [)nrrl~. <1 11•lr" nt H•,,.n.,ol• r,.11 .. J:.. nn<i """v Rill• r AI. (r• <1 n onnr'l, I.A'nttu••· l.n\'•'' I,, .. ,. flllllll•·r. nm Ant1•·n~nn nn•l \\'••1·1 ''"n 11<>rr1~ nf HlvrrJOid" HI l ll!l'' 'lx j!lr1~ u( .Junono· Ill i\1 ,,,.. nllnrwtt pllu•••. MArl .. n Jllorr·~· ''"':"'"· Lll• \' n "nn•·l t. 1!1 pill\' I'!!! I h'l~I•'!IR t11 12 giriK n( Hlv•·rsldr H I . . rhnr•·run,.,l hy Mr'l II• l1·n Mfli'"Y MACHINE TOOL REBUILDINS • <;YU .o~nr.R RJ:.u> 8RfNDOHl •s rtnr f:nl(1n,. ~'•"­ ~lkitt.ecl Arc-ud ~t,.te.e \\'eldlac. • SAMPSON Machine Works IIOt Newport Blvd. ,..,.., 141. 008T A liMA " \ C&IIDIDAD I'Oa G'I'W ,COUIICD Wd .. believes that all the problems of our city government can be solved by Common Sense and Common Honesty: that the taxpa·yers have a right to know 1n detail what their money ia spent for, and that the official acta of the Council should be governed by the wiahes o£ the people. VOTE . FOR .CO:L ~. ·ATKI.NSON -FOR CITY :coUNCIL i -\, An Executive of Tried Ability. The Man Who Gets Things Dolle • 0 TRJS ADvr:.RTJSI'!V"ENT COJ\"1'1UJiL'TED BY BALBOA 8UPPORT!:H~ • ,_ ' ..... ._..,__....;;;o._I:IOOLM '"unden' • SUverTea J'CMIDden' ·o., ~-..,.. .. ~-'hac tM N.wpart ....... whldl I Ulnt • t -the 1\t'\ ....... with ,pot baDared &Ut'IIU ............ Bla1 Robert PoweU J ~· Eadl "'• a Cliii'N&e u ah ., t Mta. Allee Ar Dursin& ~o•rvlc•: ty, Hpla.lnf'd t h1 Inc COW1IC whlj: abr IeNON lntt ~departure whktl ahould h M IUdl knowl•~ needed tiy lht' t Kn. Andrfowa lr lJan Henclftwoft.' ,__ ___ __ ._, .. A CHIN( .......... ....... ....... . .. -( ALL FOR I 01117 I 08TM• .......... ..... '• TAP - I • I 0 \ .. Papa cr;ASSIHID IIELP WANTED HELP WANTED --~----------- \ NEWPORT-BALBoA PRESS LOSTMmJOmfD $5.00 Reward LOST Fr. Ma"'h 22, in atlopplnr o.Jiat .. rn•ta Mella Black chan~ee r ural', with n'd zJpper Contaln- tnjl' money and atampa Phone 13SS.w' 4c roa S&LE FOR 8Al.E Ute TRAIIF. 131 \a·h.. p.. 0 . C IIIOWI.;_ .;12 Ana&~ at.. aaft>us.. 4p y------------------------Wct:~f'rn Giant .:"'''"" It-•• tor wllh all tools. Us•·d ft) ,. h .... ,.. 1260. Atao ~tt bo•at m••l ·nr . All new fltUngll $12:"1 l'l!le Kalur. HWIO Ntwp..rt A\t' tlox 746, eo.ta Meaa k -----------------------26-FT. FAC"J'ORY BUILT l!H~ Luxor HOUM'Traller. 8~ 4--3 rooma, lee bOx. •tove~lly equipped. Nearly 1\eW. Newport Auto Sales l."'U:: R. POI'J::, Prop. JIG4 W. Catral Ave., Ph. NB 1601 . ~ J Wll 00 ALL KINDS of palntln(, IPfaY and bnaa!r..,ctrlf. FRU •Umale. No Jnb ton big or •mall. Robert 11. Daniel, Jr ptalnUng contractor. Ph 1467 -R Box 137: 3:1tl PAINTING W AN"''JCC-Hotel maJd. 1Dn. Phone Newport MO 8&1~ t~tt Telephone \\'ANTED TO llDIT Operating -~ _ FOR SAL£ ==~---===== MARQUI!:"M'E AC "nr w Eu•G:R BO.lJB .0. MLZ ODtl room or a maneon Jatutor • lbtenor J'rel ll:ltim&tee B1J'1,l..ocK and JOHNSON Phooe t20 ----------------PHAC'TI<'Al. NURSE wllh trin..- portlltlon. Want.-d .,wry day. Phon,. 772-W.. k W ANTEIJ MEN f'lNSfo;"M'ERS. 18 to r.o Sporlland Bowllrtg Alley, B&.lboa Pavilion. 2c WAITRESS WANTED Harrl· lllln's Cnt·, 17th It Orangr, Costa Mt•sR 60tf WANTEO GENJo;rtAL HOUSEKEEPER. 2 atlultt •m!\11 houat• Privati' "'"m l 'hurw 107~.3. 4t I lff:l.l' WANTEl> JJ:XJ>Ef\11·;:-.;c 'F:Il RCIAT BUlLOI!R A IIUlTR0~1 IIlJA T 0 2AI!I \\' CPr~ral H arbnr 2834 4p r _C_O_O_K __ M_11_n_ur worr.an. fry an•ll •llnn••r wdrk $60 r•·r "'"'••k S•·•· ' Mr E11 rly at K1111:'B t.anthn~t, :lbt t~nd Rhlnl'. :-.1•-y.·rnrc. morn- lnJCI 4p ----------------------PO'T'TF:IlY W'lrtiCEK~ \\' Al'TF:O Woml'n Apply Rar>~h Cathrr•n•· l't·mmka Pays Good Wage~ Nu •·x~·r·ttonCt'-nt<ctuary. F:-.rrn wh\t.-you learn. ·rh"rt' '"" rrutny oth,.r advanta.gee tu bt•lnJlo 11 I• ll'phone ~>mployee. Apply 1 ()() F: Day A VI!' • BalbOa ~14 "'• K Main St., Santa. Ana or Aak tht operator ftlr Ull' Chief Operator Southern Ca.lifornia Telephone Company WORK \VA N'l'l·:lt ----------1:16 Vlr.:lnlll J•l . C't~llllt ~lrao. SEWJN(; nm LITTLE C IHI~ • 1U l'I'ANTED woman or ~:rlrl 1'1 iiAIIIlll with hoUM-Worlc, by hour or dnv 2 1:1 Ma«nOII&. C(Hila Mt'lla l'hnnl' 1076-M. ~ WANTED 6 Skilled - Yachf Painters 6 Experienced Boat Builders. APPLY Mr. Petty Pennnnel Vanapr Slz.•8 I to 10. N u tailoring. 7~c un huur. !J, B. 2124·J ~p ---------1.1 1•)' WILL CARE "'OR Clfll- i'Rfo;N Plu•n •• 22t16-W Mr.! ''•ot•, 2:12 F: 20th or Emili& C'rnwfor•l, II'~:) o rahK•·. \osla MHa. 4-Sc 1)()(;~. AU. BHEEDS Str1f1f1C!d. trtmmf'd and bathtl'l by Natton · 11lly known profl'ulonal dotr handltr Will coml' to your plal't 1o do job Send c&rd fOT' Appolntml!nl. Ru.uell L Ketch- am P . 0 . Box 601 Balboa 3tf WANTED CARP~ AND UPHOLSTJI:RY CINIIInK In your homt by local Veteran World Wan I and ll. Color and IM'a uty ~vtved. C lve ncow ahH n. Ca ll DEAN WARD N. B. 20M-R . %tt --------------------~ SCREENS Repalrtd and Rewired Cot)pet' • Oalv.n!IIM • P\MUc Pat's Paint Shop Pb. 11&-W Jtt W ANT£0--Used motor IIOOOtu - JOOd condlUon Phone 1181 or t2.-t 4C BOARD WANTED W ANTE I> -2 b<>droom rum . hou. or apt. by p<'rmanent realc:le'tt. PhonP 2216...1.' ~3tf • MARINE MAJOR AND WIFE ·h·lllrt-rum. huurw or apt Ph. • Snnta Ana 4601. Ext. 401. Ma- Jor Mant ertlelc:t. 1 4-5p W ANTED-2 bedroom house near • bay for ont or two mo. J ULY, A UCUST or BCYriJ Set' John. aon. 207 E<l.k'fWaler, Balboa. • 2-6p WILL RF.fiEOORATE-2 btdroom hou~ ftlr p<•rmanPnt rt>ntal of l'llmt' rnttflle with I r hlld. Phon•• L<mg Bea<'h -4300 col- lect 4-:lp WANTP.O to r••nt during JULY nr AI Hil'~T rum hOU!II' or npl. 220 ·volt, 200 arnr or•:•·r .. l IJut-r:,...,=--...... ----·------- uncalll!d , for -11<'11 l•lr lt.d once ~ -· 1RoWBOAT J'OR 8ALJD du 1200. Seetwrs El••• trf• Co . Call 10ST...J 4 470 Newport Bl\'d , CO!!t14 ~f··aa. ---· ------· ----------::--p 2-3c J'OR s.u.a--11 rr. BAJI.. BOAT. J{. E.M'OONALD FOR SA~ard••n 1 ra•·cnr .111d Ctanvu covered. WIll Mll PAJM'l'INO, ~ ud att&c!lmenu, Inc. pluw11. <llsCit, dleap. 1170 Newport Blvd., declorat:tq. Ut Okl OIMIDlJ R4. cultlvatora. w, t" r rurn•wer, eo.ta Mea. Uti ea.t.. ltleM. PllaDe lf. •· B. bulldoZer and w1•1•d • ut l ·rs; 116-W~ ITU $22~. W. r. Shannon. 3012 BOATS PAJNTIJD --Bunled off Lafayet ta !t ., Phonr Jti'!I<-M. and Jllf'Chlne e&ft~. C&n al.o k rurnlah way.. i'RD JCSTIXA 1'1:8 P'OR SALF. Phone Newport Beacb 1243-R Pr('Wilr collapailble h•lo!h rh111r 6 ftt r hlld'• crib wtlh mallr<'S¥ Roth In good concllUon Pur• h:o•l' I at Bulloc~~f cood qu:tllty lllgfl rhnlr $1. Crib It lllattr• S!-$12. Phnne 1882. 4~ W1C RA181: OUR 0\\':" J'OR SALE-21 ft. ,-roc)ved mut and 11-tt. boom wiUI new aa.ll IIU.Ilable for Snowblrd. .AJ.o new crooved 21-ft. mut. nevoer !Med. 21& l lhac:&. Lido r.le . 4c Painting, Decora~g Paperhanging Finlt a.. Work ' (•nniPrl ltr M 'fntln, 12748 • Hutch's Fryers H .E.€ARNEY Ucen8ed Contractor Phoae Santa Ana 1857 -J 1-2-lp KltnJf ~I :'Judh Hllllywow l. SACRIYICE 36' KETCH. Marine ------~--------:-~ .. :::------ ST 739111 4.:k1 t!l68 Newport Blvd .. r,~t:l ~r .... enctne, extra heavy construe-Tile Contractor Uon. Now bl!lnr outfi tted for GLEN ALLIIN' ------------R B and Haui-Hul<'hln~. Prnr-. WA:"TEI'l Til RF::-.IT Anywho•rt• For Delivery. Phonl' N R 123~-J. In J-hrbur Arl'a 2 m :1 t-•·•lrNlm a7tf furnlsh••tl h o u ",. P••rmanl'nl r .. ~l•l••nl:\, n•• 1'1111<11 "n :"r1 l"'ll' Ph<1n•· I :170 . .1 4C Everything Electrical F.TS-HOKIN and GALVAN trip around t.be world. $11000. Sunday only, 16th St. Pin , be- tw~n Newport and Balbo&. 4p '"PC" Pacific Class WA:"TEI I TO KF.!\"T S1111tll apt fnt "'" ,.( All!( ~IN•Jl 4. Phnn•• ~ 1111, t 1111 4!\r.o ~~ 01r "1HP R \V ('•• rtkrr, 2i3fl r.en,.,.,,., <' ~t.. Sun fl•·rnnrollll•' 2.'1·4P 32 ft. One of the moet popular rut aallers on· the cou t. Now Electrical Contracto~rs building tor aummer delivery. 1000 Oout fa--y Ph~ne 1384 Alao u.d P C'•· Geof&'e Strom. llOOM A:-.l fl HOAHil Wflnh•d for o·l•krfv '""" on ~o;•w•t hea1lh. \VrllP. F. G ~hutr. ~1 24 Crrn- ,;h:~w AI\ 11 , I""' A n~o·ll'll 4:1. gw lnK pror;> and uddrl'llll 4-7p ------------------• local rep. Phone 1346-W. 2tf J'OR 8ALE DIRJ)CT CURRENT MOTOI't8 FORMER FIRST OP'J'ICI:R, mer- ehant marine dHiru poeltlon ot tnt erNt In •port or comm. tiab- lntr; f'ntf'"f'rlllll'. H•• O{lf'ratora tll'ense. W. K . Trantum. :114 N Slnka. Bathrooru, rn-IDoelrwortL 281 C>rfe st.. P. 0. Boll 11 OOS'!:A J0:8A Uti Painting -Decorating Paperhanging W.E.GOHN PlloM 11CT...J WWJ7 ~ Ana Aft. o.ta ,. .. ae.Dc --\vAKT..-:o TO-Ri~~ BWIIneNJ "·om11n wants to rl!nt fumlshf'tl Bpartment or smilU hoUSt In N••wport or Balboa on ynr ·ruund basla Phone 1818. and r-erat.on. l-32. JlO and ftiO volta. ~ to II kW. Moton 1 ... to S ll. p. AJJ reconditioned ucl jN&rantee4. Variv\111 s'-o f •tarten UH!I r.cvt.torw. a. r . JmW'RT Comalock, Whllll..-r, Calif. Ph. ------------r--------- 417-Se'T. l-4p C. E. McCormick I • w ~:-JTED TO RP:NT 2-bl'dr(>Om tum. hoWII! or apt., ln Ba lbo& or B•Jboa Is. by lady IUid aon comlnc homl! from ovtr~u .ervt«. Pf'rmanl'nt No rhlldren or pet.. Ph. 1648-J 4tf P'RI!Il W ANTICD-Small hou.e or apt .. 2 or 3 rooms, tum ., t o rent tor about ~~ or •sQ per mo., ye&r around. Will paint and decorat6 Interior free for lease. JonM:f• Bien Service. Pbone SSI·W. 2tf W AN"r'WWD TO 1UIMT roR AUOUBT 3-bedroom or l~r turnllhed boUM on Balbo& tal&nd. Family oon.t..t.. of m o ther, father, crandmother. ~YT· old ctrl •nd matd. Write Mr11. J oeeph John. 271 I.a. no~•. Bakeratleld. Callf. 2-4c .. lfn VIa 8u a..o, Udlt We. NIWJIQI't a-da. Ph . .)(. B . -.L CSA~B v.-, JIVIUtfJTUIW w. ~ ... -u... .... wMl Mft J111L UlJ N..,ort ....._ 0...111& ..._.._ TV BOA T8--Bouc!ll. 11014, tra~. llar1M EaJtn• and Pa$. I# - lltlAIUNE BALVAOC AND 110'0. co. N~ Beach. c.ut. !010 W. ORDtnJ An. I'lL -.w Hunt -Craft 30 ..01'1. BALl: a-t equipped SO ft. boat 011 the V M~lTT DREUI!R wtth bend!, market. Clipper, Zellbyr and walnut IatNer baek chaJrw, lap-Deluxe IOWl('e. e1try c:UIIIIItma; rull length mtr -Order yourw now for wmmn ror, me.t&l tram<'. oak chain dellvary. Witb lealher ew~hlons, nap 6 -- p&e._... • .......... tu -nu. Eileen B. Richardson St .. N~ 4p P'OR BALJI.: 2 noor llllnpe Sm all ma,...a:~M rack., Stand, 2 I' ltc t rtc cloella, 1 alarlll "''"*- :1 rhlllrs Applv 112 AmeUiyat. Balbo4l l~l11nd. ~AT.. KARCH 30. 4e Rlcbudaon Yacht Anchortap Pbone Newport He. Uttc -,SPECIAL 34' JJ:LCO CRUISE'M'!! A Cuatom Built Boat. Cop- per tuttned huil. 81~ • Construction Co. OOIIPI.mW ~ IIUJLI>aul CUIDM llbop 21JI N.wport a A uwd P . •0 . Doll 11105 ... Yletorta .tnd COSTA III:SA. C.AI.lr. • Pbone JlllhJ IJe Steel Kitchens OL.U8 TUB I:MCL08URU IIROWIII'I. DOORS Southern Counties Supply.# co. 144 Oeut Blvd. N . Pb. 51&J L.AOUN A BL\.CH lltt House Plans QUICK SERVICE .. 1'1.. IUUI:ITRAUPT 22M Harbor Blvd.. Coet.a M .... SOUTH COAST CO. FOR 0008 76-LB. ICE BOX for salt Whitt Z l~abll'. wtll mannt rtd tfl(!ku t'n&mPied, fl'ont lct'r Call :\09 4. 8cr1ppe F .e enctne Prtce only I 4SOO Telepboae JOI4-w, • 41U. ------~----~--------- Tbunday, Karch 28, 19t4l Model Alrplan• • ,Boala. I ~ Knlvee. MESA HOBBY SHOP . 1194 Newplrt Blvd., Coela ~· -· All types clanctnr 1e110ns. Satur- daY• only, 2::10 till 8 :30 Scout ~ vt:-.~:1 v~Jd!n. 3tt BOUIIII CALLS mad~ dally, g. cept Bat. 6 Bun. Phooe MI. ,. ... Radio 6 J:Jectronlca. 1TM New)IOf'l Blvd., Coeta ltl.-. Uti f'--'Lidb Electric Co. Appllan~ ud &em~ 511 Slate Rlpway. PhciDe 11M •ttt • AAA NATIONAL AUTO CLUB8 can to .n etu.. boUrty. 'No -. lay Meniber Chamber of Com· m erce. 24\. Ramona Bide. 111 W. 15UI 8 . A. 1720. LICENSJ:D -BONDr..D--INSUR.aD. 4th PAINTING 12 YEARS 81:RvtCI: IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL P AINTINO OON"mACTOR 274 E. 11th St., Coela Meaa Pbone N. B. 837-W. 4U TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : /"'m thle da te on, we will not be reapon1lble tor any clebU contracttd by any one other than ouraelvu In connec:Uon wtlh the Sunaet Service Station. 7200 Cout Highway. Newport Beach . VINCENT R . MORRIS' MARY ANN KEPLIIR 4..!1-l p Willey's Refrigeration Service Co. oomu tlc and Commerctal ' Repairs and Service 920 Cou t Blvd. a t Sld'e Oara.re CORONA DI:L MAR Pb. IAJwla 1M or t lHJ 47U -------------------Brtn( )'OW' ' Battery Troubles to 116-Batltry repair work ls OUJ' Bualn-• STOREY'S Battery Service WeetJn.tnat« ~Bttween 18th 6 M-.nc>U.) C08TA .... A 1U --------------------Tailor Made SEAT COVERS SPORT TOPS BOAT and AUTO UPHOLSTERY ~nll'\s nN'd a homl' for April 33rd Street, Newport 4-!Sp and May. Phone 2318 or w ritt Box 434 Balboa uland 4c 6-rr BATHTUB Mt'SICAJ , Aim SADIO -r --------30' Fllhln~ Boat. built t!H3 Gray 8-70. Ice t~ tONI. F. &. DA VID80N'I Cabinet Shop -TRUCK CUSHIONS UAL ESTATE (For Sale) RFAL ESTATE (WN iWie) BROSE REALTY " Corona del Mar HOMES 3 RoOM HOMit nn :ll1'xll8' lot. eoulh nl hllol'hWII)', KOO•I lor11tton. hou~~<• In J:'OO(J rundlt1on, rur. nl•hro..l, lmml'dllttP p<•'lll•'!llll"ll Price $6000 $3000 down J BF.DROOM UOM~ on JO'xll8' lot nurth of hlf{h\\•1\Y, nn\' lllrl'(•' btd nw)m 'ups(Rtrs not Y• t rnm·l plrt«'d. hoUM •l)<•·•t 2 Y'"""' old, turnlllhl'll. Price ~000. TerllUl Income Property LOTS 4~ Pr l ,C)T un t.tad~nld ~v··nu.,, I Mouth Of hlghwtly 1 hlnrk ant! hAlf tu <><"rnn front. ''''""<'nlent • 11nd b<•aulflul IOI'IIIhln, $3500 ol!l F'T .. i,n,•r nn ~llt,lturml''"'l\\-r­ m~o• ~~•ulh .. r hiJ:Imay• gt~o•l lll('lltt•\fl, ('Ill' hutl•l 6 unl\.3. $6000 North of Highway GO F"T \l:-.1 P(')l'f'Y A,·,.nu.· t>xlnt I BEDROOM HO ME, hftlh 1uhl balf, hantv•ood noora. ('(lmplrtl'· ., ty turnt.hecl. ~ ronm llpttrtmrnt ewer 2 car ~r&r&lf", unfurnl!!hed. ~ about 7 yetu'3 old ex<'f'l· )eftt lontlon. eouth of h ljthwlly, lrn-n tlnn. nrnon~r lo,·o•ly homrs. lifo: A IJTI F'I'L O<'F:AN \'IF:W, ("an t>HIId tour unlta Full prk e rnr bnlh Iota, $3800 Trr ma, If drllrl'ol For sale. 227 Coral, Balboa lshln•l or phont 1441-R. ~,. BOXF.R PUP'PTP'..S P'awn A K C \hamplon •t<W'k. Phftno• ::-; n 24!12 nr Charleeton 80001 ol'lur- 'bank 'l 41' FOR ~ALE Quakrr roll hurrwr !'ton•. with rht'IIJ<tflt 11nd rnn \\' -F' Rh'lnnon. :101~ LJ\ftw~>t It· )<I Phnno) JO.II8.M 4• F'OR ~A I. F. :'IJF:W SHICK RAZOH, C'nl,•ul.ol l mnllo l $1!1 Jnq 1'11!11 , nt\ BF.AI'TIFTI~ 8 plnet type . mlM"'r fiiAM " bf\,.-.Jn. Terma. Dana-, !"t·houl•ll Plano.CO., 520 N. 1hllD. ~'lnl, AM 4ttfc ---(i(l( •I I , ... 1 planoe. Some u low 'n~ ~'1!• ~·tne tor prac:Uce. Euy l••f'ln>< ttr will rent. Dans- ~. llttll•ll l'umo Co .. 620 N . MaJn. S u,ta ""'l _ 49tfc \,'7,.,,1:l •JII"=S. H ORNER-Brand II• t .. 1' • t cnndiUon . be.t pre· '· ·i 120 BASS $600. ~~~ I'' ,,. \400. 192t W. <keAn • ' , port Bea ch. 4p Avr .. :>:l'wport Bl'III'IJ ''I -"TFI'I:\\ \ \' Orand. Uke new, one FOR ~ALE fluhb~"r >In• '1 "'·11 ' j , ~ l!l 11 ,1 l~J JTMtl!!t. pla!_l~ 2il'',.;~o·· Rr~1liit ly ·r.-f!l .,,.,., 1 , .. , , ,1• I nne. s.autiM cue. •1 !\II :-ii'WfiMI • H lh"ll A 'II' •T•1 , • ln1t.rument for Lhe SuflrH· 210~ W ,~ .. nto .r "· ' ••ng bu~. Da n~- port 1 .;, ' 1• t 'I 1no Co., !l20 N. Main, fo"'Of\ SA LF. ,: • , \ · , 49ttc ;t.Rurfl('r 0 11 RAnj!l'. 1\ htt. l "' latn. :>liOn :>n 1'111 < tr otl11 · hrlller 71:1 Orl'hlrl. rllf•1t. I .t Mllr Ph 1\i!l R I SAIL for Rlllnbow Ready to ro 8 4600 40' Aux. Ketch. Built P'tl: lows • Rt-art. SIHpe 4. RrcondiUtlntd • rcpll.lnt- ed Marconi rig I ~ ::!).font fl'tl!hlng Tlol\l NI'W (' h r y 111 t r Crown with 2'; :1 rcdut'tlon Jt "l" Thla ill a rtal tut hull. Cl)m-., pl~>tr w I t h all tl!lhlnlt ltNlr. .J 4200 • 30.rt r rulllt>r. !'lh~PJl8 four \hry~l~r llfarlne 3000 c~on-21)' rnolsrr. SI""Jll! 2 tlnrntlll Marlnr t 1600 :12 PT FtsHINO RO?.T Frllrhllnkll . Morl'll' Dl<•ll~>l F:njtin~> 1500 mlll'll crul8tnr;• ran~r" S:J~~ Colonial Yacht Anch ora ge FIRE WOOD -. Call Mr. Beckner. 1 F'ormtrly Fowlrrst I ' 1' 1;-' :. W. 4c Wllmln ... on -Brrth 20!5A OELIVF.R ED ~ w(lnd <UIIjr>: 1---------======== WEST ot ~RD AVE BRIDOI!: ('('118-pool ant! lll'pll<' tnnl< \\l'lrl. t 'SED ca-·~ . Phonl! T ermln•l 4-2847. Phont SantA Ana to711·H :l!•tr ,._, -------+---------------------------'Price $19,500 noon :10 F'T f"ORNF:R LOT on OOLF'ERS BAR(; AI:" !;,, •ll•·•1l[ Orrhtl! IIVI'nUt•. 11-pil"l'(' ~l't nf rhlh~ Mill • '~!! \Yh y Shop Aroqnd , I.R()Oitl HOUSE and 2 bedroom praC.. apartment In rt'ar. lot IO'xJUI', north of highway. both ~ turnlahtd. lmml'dlate ,.......,em., t 2150 W11ntl~ with lrsthPr f"rk~< ::-; fllUtlr hftg ant1 q jl't,.,ll hlllll' .A I Sell Us Your .Car dub.~ 10t!•t•l llhllfll'•l Rn•l fir•··" ,. Price $12,500 . LOTS • "OM POPPY Aw .• c&ou~ ol ........,, M&utlt\ll location. left! Iotta, a number of rood • ..,.... .,... oa u.e prorerty _.lib .,. -,a.tel)'. ftnced $8000 LIS'I'lNCS VF:RY NIC"E :tO FT. t.:~•r:JV, ','C"t on NAr\'IMWI a vtnul', ..,17()( 110 FT nn JIL~Illlni'1 &\'I'OUP. $3150 81'auttful unnltt!trucltd vll'w lot on • Popry aven~. $4500 • ' WANTF.D ----BROSE REALTY Coi"'Ola del Mar 1301 Oout Highway PhODe N. B. 2048 I , A Frt'llllg, :112 Afl<tlo•nR ~ ,, upatnlr11 a pt ! BttlllOll l~tllln•l .,, -:.a ,, the Limit ~ aao rmE P:QUIJ>ME'f'T TEST~ 002. ~e. Alld Foam R"flll• 1;... :r& Cash " C02 Sywteme 11nd f'or\dhlc• POR EXTRA Now A vallable J F.QutPMEN'l' J:TS-R OKTN A.ND GAL' 11'\1.:. S \:>:TA ANA S201 AND 1000 c..-t Htway. NI'WfK!n. u i'J! culJRTII)OUS BUYER PtiOM U<'l \\ :l.l. CALL AT T0 \11\ Floor Fun 1P c~R ":7.00" B T l' Jn m~rtlnl" ,•t>ll,·rt ' S4.• '" tOO Main St . aalt-n" 201 MariM , Ralb<'a b iiUioJ 47tl I lit ~I E OR OFFICE I GUARANTY CHEVROLET CO. Fort .. ry [)tnet DeaMr Ft .•t aad sycamore f'lll):"E Banta ~na S20I 500 Gals. arine Paints 7-6-~1. palls ANTI CORRO- SIVE. •2 ~Jal. palls at<:Ond l-oat ANTI roULINO (nd) 43-6-Pl. palla MAIUNI: PRIM- Eft for new lr acaled •tHI INrfacu. 22~ral. pall• DI!:CK ORA Y It per p l. made for U. S Governm ent. 3365 Century Blvd. Lynwood, Calif. 4p Caii&Mt Wortl, OC Ooon a.ncl drawen. window tram•. etc. o.-Walnut &Dd W..u.JM- ter, eo.ta Mea.. Pttonl 1'7U-W 11 u Painting -Decorating Root Repair lr Palnt1nl Sympson & Nollar Ph. NWpL 12~-W 012 38th Sl 18tt Paper Hanging ~ Paintiqg \ Kennelh Quarry Phone Newport 1471 41p·tt -----------------------Have Your Floors ~enewed BOAT DECKS SURFACED JAMESON FLOORS S71 Avocado eo.ta 'Mea Pbone Npt. ~ tt ------------------------- Painting -Decorating INT ERIOR -B:XTB:RIOR 8peclallzinr ln Marine Paints tht ptalnt on your ~t holda UJ>- why not paJnt your house Wllh Jt 16 nnt-clua paJnterw workln( ,. tL S [)(0N90N 7311 Seuhore Drh 'T"-· Pbone 1701.J2 or E. J . J AClCJ..IN Gen. Contractor 4008 ~An. PbaMliJI.J 2tt LI:A TRERI:T'I'I: AND r.AJIRIC IN ALL COLORS also OI!NU1NJJ: LEA THEft Huntington Beach Top Shop HENRY H E RMAN, MgT. 210 3rd St. (In rear ) Huntington Bi!ach Phone 8.'\1:1 ---------------------- Mobarry -McCartney - Electricians \\'altrr Klo..ll.ll' C 0 2 Sylllrm Sail'• and Sl'rvlre J'alrt-•rrtk~ • Mnr~r r.tnPratora nnrl f'umr ,. -Autom11tll' Water Systl'mll. )11\rln!• Wrrlng to USCQ SJ1(•rl(l('atton8 ( ·nmm\'t •lh l anc:t houac wlrlllf. 215 Marine Avertue Balboa Island Phone 2068 ----------------------- Firestone Tir~ • I'II'Mlone J'aclory Rec:apptn· Bervtce . ,._ton41 Delwre Champion TIJlU AND 'MJB&8. OOIIPl..-rm LUBRJCA TION ,. and battery eervtce Pick up and delivery ~ tor your car Vt.tt oar ,.,I'Hlone Rome aDd Al!to Supply Store. Gus Beach Service Station ~ 6 Newport Blvd., eo.ta ltleea. Pbone tM&. I1U ----------------------• Continued on Pace U 1 A. L. HAYWARD ~··'~ New~ COMPLETE BUlLDlNG -Broedway PhoM •• RemcNWiax SERVICE o.talre.· BAKED DIAMEL ALUMIIJM BUllS NOW AVAILABLE. • I STIMATES FBU. . Shade Shop ~ll After F..,. 15th .. _ ................ il••• PHONK 1843 ~~ F.ut 18th St ....... ell .. ./ • -General Sheet Metal Works lat •• (TIIb) llalil&. , ...... Jl~illl 1111 ..,._ • ·llstJnt Wilt ~ 1111 Stell F*icaiM& . With 0.., &-McCul&od. 3807 VIDa Way • ...._ ... .,a.w •••pott ... ell Fluorescent Light Fixtures • IIOIIeno..y ......... ...,., .... -................ ... FLUOaBICB•I' FIZt'ftBI NOW AVAILABLE AT 01-HDIII I 1111111 • IlNCK 1e~o 1000 CoMt 81way ' Pli-. PM Alae la a-·rraaa-, WUata9'0a. ltocktoa, a-0...0. a.klaad -..... 11-1111 1111prl11111 F1cllltl11 Phataaapgt•g up Ia II x _II Int. PaMOCOPY WOaa OKLY I • . ., . ~ - J 1 /1~-t~ .. I A N"'wJ>ort ~Mach polk• ';m<l41r DITCIIEICOCK • C .. lttl lniiii Slnil ........ ~-·c .......... Pboae Newport 503 I "t"flfl•••l a IO<'aJ ~~oooman a.nd p ve lwr 11 11.-lcrt for olrt\>11\J throtaal\ " sll•p stgn St\4' explaln•d to llhl' ottlr<'r th:~t alit' ~~o•u In a hl.lrl')' ~====:====================~ twor:-~u,. .. •h~ hr•rd th•t Safe. r way In Rlllbua had butter for aale. But aht• Wl"nl to Ul4' pollt-f' .ta. • Lumber and Building Materials 1 ~5 I . !Jay A .... Balboa Wud I 11on ""'' r-•11 thl' nne. t~arkt'd tter BAY 018· TRICT LU.,IBER ·oo. <'llr a nd wt'nt to thl' ato,.... · 1'f Sh,• nw t th" t•fftl't'f I'Onllf14r out 1""-l lll with a pound of buttrr undt'r ;::::::•:•:•=ro=A="=T=I:':'O:I:'::":A:'~'::=====A==T~T'H11:==A= .. =""= ... ===~ hla am1 ~ -----• • • PtU~CCJG419B111:11&11aLIII .. WOOD • niiL • ALUWINUM • , . .. r-... _ AN.llofPRESSIVE NEW RESlDENCil a.nd Income lrtru•·t.Hr••. rl.ln): on the kt>y lot at 407 and 409 Poppy A vi'., Corona .J, I ?-hr. Ju"l remov~ from the Cout Hll'hway, ~ pictured allovr A all\'ubk nl'-~e on the front of lhl' lot with a •padou. aputllll'll l o•\•·r three-c-aract>• at the rt>ar romp..U..a the propl'rtY of wh" h F.l••nn111 O.wn a.nd Ylort'nce RHVI'a aN' the ownl'r&. J'Tnmo•wm1c tnol toOting of the two .tucturn are completf'd and rou~h phrltlhlll.J:, an<l.t iK I.rlcal work.~ yet to ~ donf'.--Nt'wport·.Balboa t•r, M l'h•·l•" The neelt'llt trtck of th~ Wf'<l:k W/\8 Lhe frantic a partntl'nt hunt,.r wh• readJnjf In thr r...... t hat Emrt)a H~hn of l urt ant\ Sa.nd ram .. had I('Oltt'n ma rTied and wu 1\ldo-t r...... Gun•at..d ".,..., • .,.ft.aon tiDt -,._ a.u ..... -~ Deputies Cars Are Unsafe. Inadequate Grand Jury Stat-es '11\e Ora.nge County Ortu1d Jury lhfa w~k aft!r a •urvey o~ the atleri/t"a olfice rt'C'Ommended Ulat additional dt'putiea a.nd can. ~ ualgnt'd to night patrol In Ute un· lncorpc,rated arcu of Ora.ng<> County In view of the ln<'l"l'&ae In population a.nd rorre11pondlng In r~aae In er1ml'. P C's End Bact• ~riPs . . for Hammond Trophy honl')'nlonnll\6 In Mexlro, wrote to 8h Cout lll«hway PbOM Newpert 1110-" ' ht'r Lht,l'f', u klq It .tw would be ;=;;:~~~=;::=::;:=::;:=;;::::;::::::=::========~ nl'«'dlntt her a partment a ny l~npr. ----- Thl' luC'ky ff'llow'~ now IHOnd on thr ll•t. And In Ole aame vein, I h4' pnptlla.r LouJe Balt.l f'f'POrU thlll eom~ eaJ .. every wrek Wllntlnc to know tf any ICX'aJ pe-r-*'" hu dtl'd a.nd If they lf'ft an 11parlmtnt vaea.ntl • • • Som .. ot the v"erana ar. a lltUe buml'd up around town. CONRAD SHOOK C ONTRACTOR A ND 8 U I L O£A COM .. LI:TI: BUtLOtNQ 8 1:RVICI: ..H0Nir N (W/IIOIU ID~4 J ••• ..,.,.,.,.,a.Av• "·c. a o• •o' lt'll.e OA 'ta l.AN O, CAI.I~. • Balboa YaCht cl1b I' (" '8 f'llol· I'd the mid winter rao•" '"'rl1•10 t1•r ~rottl'n a prioJtty way ba.ek In Oc· ':::::::===~====~===========~~~ tn!M!r for a war-.rurplu. car flOn\ - the Hammond trorhy Mn••h 17 lhc Smalln War Planta Corpora· -------------------------.. lion. they received a letter dated Wlnnea._)Vere annHUIIo I'll II. ·~I MAZ't'h 22 .~ to "All r n- Ciddlng• with 6 1"•11'118 H"):''' nrlty Ct'rtlftcate Holde,.. .. -~ Ament !'>~.; Sid \\ tlk1n~"" nnol that Ole Smaller War PlantJI C'nrp. hu been taJcen over by thl' Bob Henley U~ at 8 1"'111'"· 11• bo• War AMeta Ac1mlnletntlon and EflckiiOn 4'; ftart)' \\'ho·l'lo•t II, would thtoy klndJy ftll but Ulolher lh,. Jonea Brother-. 14 · t'hllo lo. r ud to make the MIN more COJn. Haynu and . Sart Hf rlllr ..,..,n IIi'• I pt.-te. 111 17 point.: J ohn Mrh rtnn-t 111: • • • Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CJ .. FANED A Coapl•t• LID • of floor c;, •• rla9e LUDLUM <;ARPET WORKS ~rt>d SmaJN and Bud ('""'"'J llr•l With eameru popplnr r1.pt and ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ 111 2l. ll·fl at thr blr mt-tery body found The trophy ~ dt•'lllto•d by llh>k In tJle culvl'rt In Corona del Mar Uammon1l, .ecrt'·tary o( th•• f' C llut Thurwda.y, a •mall boy w u AUO<'Iatlon. ovn hl'a rd t.t-lllnc Ill• mother that SA.N'I' A. ANA. 1822 8. Mala k Phone 2808 Thl' club annou.nc•·•l lht•l thf'rrl th .. ma.n had hi• bead chopped off would 1M! no mort' "' h·· Jui••J mr. At that. poor mama ltWt all ln- lng •nlea until lh,. ' ,.;,.,.t•·r fl,.. It-rut In the f'Wnt a.nd \'Uibly ,~ratla. On that w•..)l • "''· thr tuml'd a &Jade~ u &he WMV, procl'eda will 10 to t h• low .. l •·hap.,••d up the hUI toward Hocan'• t"r of U1~ Red CN•• 11,. hM tw.-n F'nod C"'tn. P'or the edlneaUon lttl' I'UAlom for lhl' f\. st n,.,. Vf'An' of our 30 lhou.a.nd ~•de,.., the Th,. P C.'a wiJI ro'l!lnur with In (W)dy had hi• coat. over h .. hl'ad fom 1al racing. whl<'h pve an apr-arance of a hMUJTI'U Jent. -ASPHAL T'"PAVING ) Driveways -Parking Areu GF~ROE \V. ~N 00. Ucealed Voa.....,._r 2016 Halladay St •• Elmer Crawford~ jury roremiUI, atJited that lhl' d('pUtle8 hSVf' ~t'll requJred to u.a.. ear. Ulat are un. •ll!e for emt>rgency use at ap~"eda JCTeater than !'10 mllea per hour. They rclt Ulat law .. nrorc~rnt officer~ should be given gooJ, fut. ~ll•ble ura to enabll' lh«'m eapabll' of m('('ting a.ny emn g. l'ncy. Howtover, tht' jury found the coopt>ro tlon or the o ffii'N1t with Ute llfleriff U C4'Ptlonally good a.nd the n-eord bureau well orga.nlziod, and ret'nmmendrd thftl all pollee departmcn~ In the <'ounty cleu thl' euca through this rt'<'nrd burca_u In order :llll>rt'hrniJ ·IJet'~d a nd third or: Newport Woman trndent. __ __ _ _ Found Dead in fWd • • • 1t Ia r,.portf'd tha t 0 M. MMN. manAjtf'r nf the Mt'aa Recrl'a llon For r...tt-.a .. Call Suta Aaa .-.a Co.sta ~esa Legion Init iates 19 Members Thl' Amt'rlcan Legion po.t at C'oeta Mt'S/1 Initiated 19 \'l'terarw a t lhl'lr lut m~Ung. Command· l'r J ohn Wrbstl'r pf'\'lllded at the Initiation Of lJie following ni'W ml'mbo-1'11· N. Amburgl'y, Ht'nry A .. urlk, John H. Bennett, Jamea T . Dillon. t!fdwtn C. Dlnpr, J...ewla W . DID. ~er, Angelo Va.n Ditto, Carl W. Hagen. Leo Huard, L. H. Klnb<'rit. D. F'. LeVanglt', Donald Lutll, W. R. Murry. Jacob Naarda, P. H. McC•rtney, Donald B Stearrur. ChrHI"I F'. Scroggin•. Glrn Thomp. eon, and Earl Frank Wright. Rr v anti Mrs E. 0 . Goodell, ;Of)ll W .... -Qroo.an F'ront. arl! apend. InK 11 fo•w dnr11 on l h•• de-at•rt lhl11 \\'• t•k. n~ n 11hn:1. 11prlng vnr :t linn Bowlin« Ia offe.t1nc a WHk'• fl"ft .. ~.,. _____ _..._.._.._~-------------~---· .... ~------ Mra. Allyn,. HorrhJ,~~. 4:.!. uf bowllnK ll• l.uclllt--Nnklry If .,.,. 114 38111 a[r~t. "'U fuull•l ,1, . ..,, """ b<•ft t hrr huabaftd "Are" Ptnk. In brd eArly Sunday 1,1,.1 uln:; frum l lry In " I wo of thrre .et1u Thrlr nn ovt'r~ of at~rtn.: 1,.,w.t.·r 1\o)n, "RU!\t rr". hu al~ady topl)f'd Mra.. u omd,ce had b<••·.1 111 111 h111 •1Af1 And m,.mbo-1'11 of Ulf' hrallh for aome tlmr I bowlln~t frAlf'mlty In Ulf' Harbor Artoa '"" lookltllf forward to 011~ A nallvr of ln.tUnll w'w "":l,j h•ll'tlt <'hllllrnge ro "Pink'• p,...riM ""~ In Caltfoml;a for :tt, yrnrA 1 fklwllng'' . Survlvlnv; ht r arf flu• w11klwrr. __ _ Paul Horr1!1ge; a d-ul-:'hl•·r. """' <'rly Munox. M c1 a ~tt'p.mnlher, Mra. l:mma · JohMon of '-An· getra. -·· ----..... ..u...a - Kline Concrete Products Co. f'rnmln~nt clothlnc manufac. 1 turf!r dt'Ciarl'e the llhortqe of IIRI." With ba rrf'l• •1 hu d to F'unt'rnl arran~:~menf.JI wrrr In lt"t ''" 11rrnunt of Ul• lumbo-r ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::-:::::-:-::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:: rharKI' of thl' Ottttt"l Mortuary at 11hnrtlllt•' mllybf' hP'a rl~eht. :-- lh• Wt'l' Klrlc 0 ' the Hl"Aih,.r HWldrC"da of lhr>uaanda uf ltal lnn11 vot t-d ,,... ··nl lv 111 fr,.,. ,.,,. ... t1ons fur lh•· trr.t tim,. alnr<' lhl' nrt,·rnt nr F'u.srlll'll• 2l) )'l'llra a.:o O!lllntlng for lnl':.l I'RntlldAtl,. Wit~'< h••ld In .f:\6• '""""InUit'• nn lh•• l'"nlnl!llln. S1• '" '111•1 Snrdfnla. l'lo·nt v ro( hnWII' hllnlrl"ll havt' •II JOt • ,,.,.,.. I I hn t Hnw .. rtf Pa)'Tlr • 1 rr lf'f! hlro ,..,nJ( fl)ll ''" H,. •h .. ulol hnw• wrltl,.n "HI' II ,..,,.r "" h111nllt••, t h,.,,. •• nn. f'lllt"~" ' 41WI NDSOR" RH()W F:R IIOIIRH 'Tl'H -¥.N('J,(IRIIRI!:8 ,..,..,., s.1o r.o up l'hnn,. 1"",111111\ 4112 R<'flr""' w ill n~~ll TDIIIIEI'I · l.inaleum firCIIIIt ~ BOAT SERV.ICI H LUHOHI HIWPOJlT 81ACH 1U7·N or H•wport a..o~ 1711·1 _Blueprint & Pho~o~opy Shop_ Phl'lnf' SM4~r1 IITS.M ~Ill ,._, t .. h I'll. t 'f ll4T A M r:"A Keys Made ,.,. . Boo~ Le~-.... Codl71 Let us clieck your roof FREE EsTIMAtts ... 470 •••powt 81Ytl., COit'A .... INVBSI'IQAI'B BF:RNAOF:TTE'S Onr llf l ht• 1><'11utlful ,,, v. }h"t'• rc'Ct'ntly ron- Ht 1111'ted In the II a rbor ATI'II Is R••rna•l"fl ••.. ''" n oJ hy Mr anol l1nt. Nnrmon Dulwort h. l'lrlurr\1 "h""" 111 t h·· 11 '"rlor vlr•wll 11t th•• nrw Balhon l11land llhOJI whlr h fNliUt"ll pl11v ,,.,,, I'U ual rrw.t. r fnr wnn1,.n Rnd chllolr••n A !I w•·ll '"' 111111 '""M. •>t hf•r ho·ll<'h Wl'ar nnrl ha ncf,. marie lll'm,. • r N•·wport· H•tli•"' rrl't~t~ l'ho1t, 1 Pairtilg and Decorllil& Contracflrs I . L. P•tteroon Phone 135-W o,:L. Arcbe r Plto•• 827·1 -FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Pat's Paint Shop 260 • 22nd St COSTAMUA .. Bubol' Cold Slol'age ROOFS 426 • 30111 IL, •••pori Beacll W. J. Benbow PboDe Newport 1012-J 01' call ao• ••••... Plio•• ... poll 448' LockA ftepalr('d VOO EL '8 1oe MAl• Mt ...... .,., n . ua %01 Nut ............ .... Cr.t Bros. Roafill Co. ALL TYPES of ROOFS APPLIED aad REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES Monthly PIJ'Irteat Plaa 12 Y ear• E•~rlnc'e 20 44 Oronq• A.. Coot• M .. o Ph N 8. 147tJ.J S A J8JtJ.J General ContTactoJI OOMIIERCIAL UPJUaPf'I'IAL JIADf'lmfAJfCK aEPAJaa e CABINEt' SHOP SERVICE . ftfOifAA C. IOIDfiO!If, lltrpt. ..,~ ..... ..... -..~ • ---~ Ch'aage Coaa.Y Boollag Co. -··A COWfCI'B ..-ooriJro -snvTCr ' . 725 South Main Str .. t,.S.nta Aaa PboDe Saa~a ADa 11~ PAUL RACOBS, Me••1•r PITI PITIUOH, ANt. Wa ... I HOUSES OF ~"NO-LITE" . Rll •• PaRT IIIICI . 30 New Homes to be Bult lmlllldiately New Life...._. CoiUinadloa S.ll I.Daulated aDd Walla wttb Deed Air S,.ae YOUI HOllE Of THE FUTURE IS 011 THE lAY TO NEWPOIT BEACH Ill! JACKSON TURNER ·CO. auiMn 203 Farmer• and Mercheuta Bank Bid;. Plao .... : L.l . 82~3 uc:l888-1S3 LOIIG ... CII • .... _ ....... Fowuiers' ·Silver Te. • J'OUDCSers' Dl .. PNWtt·Te• .._ Newport ...... Wbldl tlmt al tht-nf ....... wlt.h l bonoftd .:~1 _.. Mn. Bit Rcbtrt PowciJ ~. Eactl ~ a conage u 11. Mrs. AUt~· A nunlna tk•nic. cy, explamro 1 t Ina c.'Oll1'at' wh I alx leNOM lnt MW departure wtrictl ahould u auch kno"l. I'IIMded by thl' J(ra, Andrt'WI Uan HendfttiOft A CHIN ........ ....... ...... •••• td ., ' -~18· P-JN~•,.aJ . NEWPQitT-BALBOA PJUCSS Summer JWsldent ,. .. TbW'8day. ltlafch 28, 1946 NOTICE ~. Lt.llllllld, O.D. ~".dD"' Balboa Water Taxi Extends Operations To Long Beach Now Year 'Rounder OP' tK'HOOt. ELECTION ••• L N'OTICII: lS HllRI:.BY OIVP'.N to lhe guaUfled electors of New· port K"'bor Union H1lb Bchool Dlatrlct ot the County of Orange, Stat e of C&\llom la, Ulat In accord. '\nee v.•lth law, a.n electlofl will be held on the l'tlh day of May, liMt, In aald Dlatrtct, betwfl'n lhe houn or 7 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M., durtnc which period and . , • OONRA.D RJCII'l"ER. M. D Ph,.adp • 9urpoa UO a liUI 1t. OCMI1' A MDIA Ntipbone 111 --~·G--._1,.. ........ !411 .... w. O..tml NEWPORT BEACH lr•~ 1>1 A...,l•t-1 · Jiobert J . \\ ~man 11. long tlntt' 11 u m m ~ r n t 1. nl or Newport Beach, hu do 1 •, ol to mAke hts home here pcrn. ono•rtl.ly and Ill op • tnlng !In otrlt 1ufp•n"tll n.nrl rt. pair shop at 21i••:: \V C('ntraJ. RADIOS APPIJANCIS o ~ • I I • UY$ BICYCLES •1111811 EIIECTRIG IIDP Ro.n: l .. U a. m.; 1·5 p.. ta. Siegel ~ Raub ~ aod ~....,... 1101 Newport BJYd., 008TA MiliA Pllone JM3.J • Extenalon of lhe oprnttlona of lhe B.tlbo& Water Taxl Company anlo Long Beach Harbor wllh·r• wu auured Jut week when Ray RPlwer e,nd RobPrt Hoyt, ownrnr uf th .. local company were gtv<'n a franr hlse for plo'fl.lure boat opaa.. tiona lhere Local b1.111lnua offlo:e or the company 111 at 4 1~ Hanllng St. Welamann II ' 1 lu• IUU!<I('f1 t•··J In thl' ~~&me oftlc• , oth CWI C'l11rk or the Harbor R.o lo, a nd l':lrctt1c Shop. Thr· two bw ,, .• will provtd~ ~lWftn Which boww lhe poll.l aeoa a..Cealnii&Yee shall rem!Un open, at whleb elec. -y-............ Gn. 11. G,.,, 11. D. H17 CeDtral, Newport Be&dl Phone 123 Uon lhe,.. will be wbmlttecS the -' _.._ ... _-_ ... _-_ ... _-_.:.,;or~~--_-_-_ ... _-_""_'"'_..._ .. _""_ .... '!'....: ... _-:... ... _-_-_-_• _-_·_-_ ... ___ ..._-_-_-_-_-_-_ .. _-_-_-_-_-_~ _-_• q~tlon of 8haJl tiM m&Jlimum l'oompletc rep:o ,..rvfr.-• a n o.1 The Long Buarh hurl' au or (ran-lliRIIllt'lliiiiCe ,, I I o•rythlng r iN'· r·hllwa granlt'd a pt'rrnl~ tor lhe trlral and mf'• o ''"' 11 11round the <>ptora tlon of four •Navy A lll~altor hom~ and orfk · rate or tall -lOr aid DWtr1ct be ln· ---------------------------:. C:rt'ued ~ I .?a per e.c:h ....,... ... ..,..... ttf W. ('~ Newport ._.. .,._,,.u Dr. G. E. Tohill PIIYllCIA.N aACl auaa.aJf 1101 Oout aow.nN ~: Armand Monaco· ARCHITECT IU W .. Ba)' An., ~ Tmplllooe N~ lTJf TYJH'' amphibious tank11 from the Mr. anti )(1"1! \\'· •un111111 Will rl' • beach wut of Ull' Sill'l'r Spruy · slole at 207 Nit. 1 •• ,, h Sl $100.00 ..-d nJUIIUOII, to $1.45 per f'&ch 1100.00 • a ecS I'RhUitlon to provide for the pur· Pil'r tn thl' J>ikr 11ru. Tho· p1:r· mit 111110 provid••11 thRt thl' Balboa Watn TaKI CompAny 1111\Y tr11n11· fer pMII<'nl:'l'l"ll from lhl' ·a1111:n· tol"'l' to slght8c·l'lng hoat.o nr SJl""·' IYlatll ttlr ext•·nd••d t t•lrll in t~" harbOr -. Kendall Si~ns First Dollar at Ommt Shop fK*! of: BulldJnK achool bulldlnp: The maklnA' of alteration. or otddltlona to tht-acliool bUIIdlllc J•'irat CUAtom, r ol the C'otl.llg!! or bulldlnp : f)(,nut ind Wa fll· /'\11ttp, :w5 Ma· The auJIIIlylna of .chool bwJ4. rin<' avf'nue at ''l Fr~tlnv fnrmlll lngw with tumltu~-or nee~ ntwnln~t wa. H ~· Ko•ndall T(l apparatua; BiCycles lol4 ..... .. taQe: aa.w a..: -.a u .. .....,.,.uH~I 1121 Lakewood AY., a.....,..... TeleJ*MM NonnucSJ 1403 Thr t>••rmit M l{runtn l hy l.omg B«'acl\ cirflr iRII' rail" ror " I hlrty: d11y l'l'l'p<'ltlliJn ('IIIWII' und Rl'l8 ml\lllnl"nl r:n~o-'!1 tn ho• t•har~e LJ 111 f,O ' r rnb rnr tho· 'llllil:lllor' rld••11: $1 00 for lllghiSt'o·lng trip~ 111 the hAl bttt. <~ntl S1 ~II f<•r orr sh••rt> liP"'''' bortl rltft'l'f Th~ r tty of l.ong JlNtl·h. will rN 'o 11'1• for thl' conlll'ft8lun p rll,lt•,c•· ~ prr ('f•nt nf thP v,rou l'lkt' .wtlh 11 minimum monthly guRrnnl•'•· M $21\0. Kt•ndall. thrrer1.,. '''"l lhr hl•nor ~..-...~une .. ~m. prove~tnl or a c hooll ,, l'pl·llrltlrl olf siR'fllng· tho• to 1 !It llln•tl dl'lll&l ~·" ...., hill to b41 framt· ' •' ol hunJ:: 1n 1 h~ SAJil rate to be In effect In lhe I Jslllnd ahop, Newport Harbor Un.l011 H 11 h d QJilRALD RAUSA. II. D. 2830 W..t Ceatral A,.._ ~.8. WHYTE F.xtr nollng hit<~. I \\t•h'!< to> lh Srhool Dlat rtct ror the yeare 1146-j - rlrm nt Sterlln~ '' I ~ •• hool:<, o\\'n· l!lH. t9H ·I048. 19tS.UNt, 1Ht· •·rM, h.-Rlso pl'f's· r ' I ll1• 111 wilh " J!l:IO. that for holdJns-.aid elec· ll<•uQU~'l of gnr•l· · ' '" •·r~ ••wlu 1. 1 l•ln, thl' l'lll<t N~rt Harbor tn~r II. biOa80m .. r ,, ( lnlflll~ tH.·~u · l'nlfln Hlj!'h School Dlalrlct of or. H'ZWPORT BJtACH l:me~1 kr'vtele and X·Raf U hnl. cS&tly Pbone: Newport lnl U .. .A.-.r, c:&U IOt!W PtJBI.IO AOOOUN'I'AN'T Inco~ Taa Conwltant AUlhoriMd by lh• U ft ll e d Statu Tnuury Department to nsw-nt eltenta In connecUou wtth lnoome tax matters. At7Dift-8Yift'EII8 IIOOK&ERDJO IIDVJCE PTA Nomak~New Officers a eeting A. Jlet or ra.n•li•IHle• tor ofCice litO Rartlor Blvd., eo.ta Wetll In tht Parent T•·achere' A-.ocla. Phone Newport 2UO·W. lion was _.uhmltll"d to ttie group 111111 .......... . llful white r· I,, y L1l Rt•lli>, ··n.re County. Callfornla., ahall be no med &tter hi~ " '• '11\'l<l<'d Into thrfl' vounr preclncte. ,.4 ll•o ~rndln" fl• '• r~ II n •I t•on. Prt>dnl No. J comprlafn« Or· t.rratulatory mo·t<~ .,.,. tho• angP ('ounty vottnc prec.lnc:t.. F.l'CI"IIIIor C'rPan • 1 ,. ,_;;,;.;....,....·.-·;t•~rt &>ach, Noa. 1, 2, 3, t , 5, "Doc" Cook. F'r:.,tl<l•· R fl. an<1 11. In which preclnet the Hlll'k<~~. and tolllo·r nnol polling place shall be In the can. Wt'll.wlllhers. t,k,r's !:&rAge located on Ft~n­ BOB'S BBP•iR &BOP 2602 Weat Central Ave., Newport At the r••rPnl mN•tlng ln the PRP'.St:avl: Wll.n t 'I.OWf:RM N .... ']\t'rt H ubor C:r11.mm11r Sr hool. Mrs H G Ro~:rra llat.,d lh<' fol· low1ng womc-n 'to tw vntN.I on Ill Ha.rborttu Ar•' rtllkl'•l ln hl\lf' orPIIrrve w11d 0.11•·· .,. a nt1 ~hnthtt ,,.,. which C'111if••rnt•1 111 fAmu\18 Thr ~llllf' F'edl'r~llllll or (:nrrlt'n ("t11bll rt'mlnda ru,~,.n,. th•11 """· I lon 184-A nf tho+ · P!•nBl ('nrl•' •1'111'!1 t.h11t It II> unlnldltl to r ill. m••tllntC' removt• nr ol··~lrnv n!lllvo• rtl!\1118. ahrub" Or I ,.,.,.q ,.,; . $n''lW· In~ alortK put,llr ltlr !JWA\'1 or In rtrh•Ate owned ln•v l \\'II hout writ. t ... n ~nnlt from thr .. wn"r th Slr<'•'l on 1111ld school cround.l ,.., snl•l ntst rlr t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::= f'n•l·tnrt !'Jo. 2 comprJslnx Or· MIL TON N . MAXWELL. N.D. .. 1101 Cout m.ttwar CORONA DJ:L KA.R · PlloDe IOU ....._ 80111111: •11 4.. M.: *4 P. 1L Mortimer School 0~: Ooll. P~p: Anny, Navy DA 1 8CttOQL NOW OPI:N 0 . A. II....._, •· A. Ollford. the nrKt mt>l'llng p,.... .. ,,,,.nl, Mrs F. R Hill; \'ke nr<'altiPnt, Mrs Crk~llnr IJnrl'r y: ~•crPlllfy. Mrs \\'llhur Burk: ;:===========~J _..,._: Ml I' Prt~pal Trelll'ltn•r. MMI .I R . Sll'mnna: 1\Udltot, Mrs H .0 RoWv••y : ttllr· llnm,.nt.arlan. MHI H r: Rn~:~>ra. Aftl'r lh" bu~tn.·sl' .-rt~~~lon, thl' ~up .-njn\'1'11 a ltwt•ly mWIII'al bv tht-11chool nrchl'~l m Rn~ chornl J:TOUJlll IIOIII'r lhl" ctlr!'l'tlnn of CC'Ifntnn Sawin Rnd Mr" St,.ffrn· .on. Mrs Spt"lmAn auompan!PI.I S. R. Monaco, M. D. ~.-........... ,. . I , sn r 'I'Uollar 1I1J T. P. Reeder, M. D.· ..,...... ... s.up.. 1.1 .... ,'alAr A~-. 'l'tlr•·-H..,.... tot LOUCKS ~ • ftAftOJifDI' Watdl It Jflfilelr7 ~ ar.t1.1w' OUdl ... AlJ o=..-.. w.w... ............. ~-ow..., ............ 1m MI!WpOI't ...... ,.., u.a 008TA lmi.A --~- 01d IDit&bllllblld IMUI'anee Apney AU linea wt1tlUl.. LEGAL NOTICE on Ull' pbtno · • "OTI<'IC OF Iii.\ u : Of" 1'\T(K'K Rrfrrl!hmrnu W('rl' """'"I nt IN Rl'I.K th!' rl~ nf thr mr<'llnc with Notice 111 berrb.l' L '' n pur<uant Mrs. C. s f'l't(lr:! nntl Mn1 F.. J 111 the provlalonll ,,, ~ ...... u on 3H O Whit~ 11t lh!' 11'11 t3blr anrt Ml"'l of ttH! Civil Oodl' I lhr St11tr of DouglAII Wamn lind M nr Rntwrt f'nllfomlll, th"l (:t ·~\:; VA!': OER Jayred Rn·lng roffrl'. I .I NO F.. lnlertdl tu --·11 to FRTTZ GOOSSF.NS all lh ol r rrtAI'l r rr. Aoanst 10 Set for . ~·•nlll property er r •1101'{ j!'I'O':.J'tl l. "'-I v <'( hill lntrrrst "' m~'rl'hanrll!lr' Lights TOU!'nament 't•'ICk snd fll'tUr•. nf 1\ f"'TOI'I'fl -::::, IJ·•~In""'"· known ·o:-B A I, R 0 I\ Art_, ron1111ltln~t offlrlnl 11 !:: MA RI(F.'T'. belon•·•"•: to ""''' r.u11• Tlml" Rn'l Tldr T11bl"'! thl' Bn"'r•t vi'., n.·r J.lndt-11•.of lfll'~tP1 At :101 1101 Newpol"t BlH., c.t& M-. of Oir~tors or lhe Neowport·B,I· Jl11lm ~Ji r"••t, ('rlv or Balhos ~: 111 boa "'T'ollrn!lmrnt of Ll~t.to", ,.,.t f'I'II'IIY ,,r ONtn~ Rl •tl' or C'111l UOW ARD W. GERRISH, AUI!'UIIl lOth neJtt. •• th~ tlllll' for fnmtn rn1 1 th~t tlii-nuro·hn"" l'rJ"" H R HALL -Calltomill'll pN'mll'r aqu:~llc C'' r nt lht'rr•n( ,. 111 fW' nai l "" Motnd w • • , M .D. Real~-~ for thl!l vror ,,,. ,,.,, '.!11· of A•1ol l!l lf\ Ill Ph1*fUI ancS Burw-• ~ ra.ttM Not slncC' "P earl Ht~rhor·· ha.c; ~MIIIl'r • ~-r~AI. r •• I.Tfl trtM otne. Ul Broadway A-re., A. W. ~~~ 11ny publiC' C'VI.'nt tAkl'n plac,. In f:n•t F'. Ri rl'rt, C'lt\' r ( f;•o:tl n ooaTA 108A Ill&. lM... .............. .._ Pll.('ifll' wat•'r, And 11. rcllumptlflnl ,,,., (', ,,. nf"'()rl\n .,. Sl '' t•f llft.t ll·lt; W 1117 ..,......_, '-ot thr nnrlr Rl "Toum"m.-nl or r,.r,f,. • 1 1 1 It o'•l··• k \, :'J.I ..... Jf-.t. .... leM a-ll8'f.W l.~~;ht.to". as mltlsumm~'r rlvah "'I Th:•t "'' I ' r~s of'"' I ,.•not ~ 1 "============== :::============~ mldwlnt.-r ru tl\•ltl ·,. Ill nMIIt<'d r.u•• \ · '·• t.lnolr, ("ll' "f ~ol· -; __ (or this VC'Ilr. ~m·rrnor F'11·l t>n , 1 ,. • ,,, or11nr•• ~t of• ,,( EARL W. STANI..EY W11rrrn will IP:\d ttle pr1r11flr r.;t r ,,, ~ ·• rthP ntlolr•·•• ,,, Pnltl A. V. Andrews, M.D. ThP fkt&rll ot nlrf'r tnrll, rom. ,., .,,, , "'' •'z ~~, ~ Cot,. ,., ... Notary PubUc It, Hubbard c. Howl'. nmtol•l to( C':dt• .. r •.• "m'f'l, w. K Murphy, w n n, T~:r , · ", h 20. 1946 , 81711GIDON _ PboM 1'771 1\I'J)('r, Ntlll(ln St&ff(\rd. Fl'liK o;1 ·.-VAN DER Ll:'\'llF. 11'1:'' C"ounty voting precinct.. :"'•'WOolrt 8t!RCh. SOli. e. 10, 12. T. ""'I 11. tn w'hlrh pr<'elnrt the poll. inc: "'""'' ~Shttll 1).-In Ute m&ln ,.n. 1 ranrr of UlP Corona del Mar ~··htiOI nn C'amRIIon Strerl In Co· r"ntt ol~l Mar. . · • Prr, in< t l'o 3 comprising Or. "n)(r r ,.11nt v vntln~e prerloct.. ('''"'" M••tn .' ~M. 1. 2, 3, 4~ ~. 11. 7. II. nnd 9. ano1 thP pnllln,; fllnl'•• Rhltll bl' lr>ratPd nt th.-Main SrhNtl on Nlnt'ternlh Str<'et. C'n•.t P Mesa That •Mrs. AnnR C Bodman will 11rt lUI Inspector 1\n<t Mn1 Emily f.fcCavr!'n and Ml'll Lillian Gan I will act u Jud.~res of ulrl •'lt•<'tlon and conduct Utt-SA.ml' In tllllr1 Pr,.rlnct No. 1: !!Aid IMJ'If'C. tnr 1\nd ·Judges bf>lng rompelent pPrst•n~ an-1 qualified el~ctors or RADIAPHONE MODEL U $11/.9.00 • F~UNdea. ~ Tn...mltter, Rec:elyer, LoUd "'peaker, Power~ ... Tu~ HA-ENGINE & EQIIPMENT CO .. Ill Aple A.-e.. BALBOA ISLAND 11•tl•l Schon! nl11trirt. reJSidlng In =--------------------------- "11<1 Prcrlnct No 1. Th'\1 Mn~ Tllabr\ Andrew, will ••·t :1F l nllpt•clor nnd Mrs. Anne A n1o'M'"n C'rowl and Mrs. Vtlm1 ~r<t r" C""11~11 will act u JudJt<'ll of ,sld r lrctlon 1\n<t conduct lhr l&me In ~~~td PT«:tnr-t No. J: -.let Dl· I!J'Prtnr 11nd Judg ta belnA' com· ""'""' pl'l"'!nn!l 11nd quRIIfled t i<'C- t on~ of ll'll•l School Olatrlct. ,,.,lcS· •ns: In ll'\fd Precinct No. 2. Th·•t Mr~ J rnnl<' 81\JI'\1 will' ACt "~ tru•~Nor Bnd Mr11 Sally 1111'1' •lv nn•l ~t" Marpr'f't Mvers 'l'tll net r~ .ltHIItl"ll of 1111ld elt'ctlon 'lnrl ronolud thl' 11ame In aald r r""'""' :"\o 3. ll&ltl Jni(W'ctor and Ju•IF:"• hl'ln~ rom~lmt peri'Ona ""'' flii'I IHlrd rlf'ctor• of Nh1 <;rhnnl Ollllrlct. ruldlnl{ In aald ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::; rrrclnr t No :\. r rN• Y{ITNESS WHEREOF, w~ havr hereunto 11et our hand.l lhll Pln'81CIAJf R.e&Jt.er ~lll'fl or J B Mr Nally J . ~ n or. n n .... ,. '1IV of Or:10I:'f', :"<A I•· 'l'•llf' 1 1 H1~" Dl 1ICartM 8aJboe blAnd a.ng11. and Robrrt Mttrphv. ~1'1 Vendor ~~~~1-~=~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~§~~~ P~~~~~~~t~p~IM~I~ • A~roR lh•· K"f'&lellt Corlnthllln ""'"' FI:IT7. ~OOSSE:"lS Dr. W. T. Mooney Pb,... ud 8arpoa N .... McS O..t...a P1WINI (t4.11r. ~) UN New York IJfe In Nrwport Harbl'lr's · •o .1·· :~r> vendee. l~th day of Marrh. liH8. I SI&'J'ed) n .J Dod!tl' (SI~t'dl A H Flt.rpatrlck !Signed) J . A. Brek ISI~f'd) Will.utl B. Ml'llott I Signed! f What do. sixty mi Ilion Joll•rs l.vt foJowit~ •. P. A. CIIAMIEU CH1ROPRAC1'0R 11H 4 Newport IJ()uleva..rd · COSTA MJC8A ... _._ Homt calla to Harbor Al"f'a Dr. Obed LueRs DIIH'l'UT • U02~ W. Oentnl Pbont \tiD NEWPORT BL\CH DR. C. J. CARTER DENTI8T ~ Pl&t.M a I~J PIMIM1111 ..... -..it ..... ~ .... ............ D&Jn'lft' ••• o... ..... • ltobt. A. Crawford. Opt.. D. OPTOifSTAI8T .., .......... ,.... a-..... ........ ~-..... , • a ••• ~ ..... of hl11tory · 1 7753.C.P Insurance Co. All Routhf'm C'llllfnrnla·~ prl , ,. ,., ~t11r 28, 1946' vAt~ yllrhl!ft'Ttrn 11r" lnvl!l'fl lu lh•·l =============:; _ PIIHt-II M-.1 Ul O,.Wd, Ooro.a dN Mu RAY NIELSDI Special A~nt Occi~llbl Life lnsna~. 2111 !:. Bay Avrnue Balbc». California Mione 2289-J, j!'T1'8t nh!'ht part v whlrh w ill '" ;;;:,';n:~~l flr~:.'f~rkll wntr r t>t•rrl'·: New Medical Care Prescriood for VPts Rossi's Uquor Store lllll!l I '":Uit Hl,rltway -r. nn .... -.o. of ~ C"I,IIS I II TUESDAYS ....... ety Tmmi'(11RtP nut · J'lllll••nl tr,.,l I mrnt for all \'etrrAnlt wh•• h~' • fllf'd l'llllma for ll<'rv~rr ~'"""'"''···I, dfllllhllltrrs. ""lt'flrtliJ•II!I rl( wh••Ut··• t~t .. v MW ~ Mi•~th,.._t•··l ..,1 now IIVIIIIRhl!' lhmu~h thl" C'nllf•tr· ~-----------~ OUI Carda .......... 11110011Dr08 v AamT1' nvu tll Cout BlYd., Corona delMar ~o.u ..... ......,. nlll Ph\'ll!riAnll ~Prl'lrl', nnnr !lnr to a jnlnt llllltrml'nl l!t!luNI bv r .. 1 Tttoma• J C'roM, l'rlrrl\nM Atlmfn· lllllltlon C"hfr f 1\nol Or C'hl'•l••t I, ('OOlP\', ("f>fl llf'!'fi'(IIT\' Em.rr~rnry ht~llptt.1117.111 1on In ro prlvl\11' hn"J'II~l_fJln'· _ ho· .<lltl..,•r I IIA"d for srn·lr,. rl\n1v•fi "'' ·II~ ohll tl~ll whrn lhr rnntllllnn 11( lh•• I'• I rrlln prl"l'httl<'ll'trrll'•'' nr \\'h•·• r ~=============1 bed 1J1 III'AilAI)IP At A \'A h"llf''' ol ----I -·------··-----_ _.._........, ·===&-.... -~­... ........,r .. .._ ••C..Ifoll • ., Balboan {}Jwn~ l~w O~~! ~~~~~:~~ ~~~nltol An11 Ill Robfort ~ r"w~'ll ,,,,,. /h dii!ChlrJt'l'd All r11rtllln In th,. '#\ tm1 1 Air P'(ln-<'tl H I' will 'hr llltllnc ,,,, 11 "1lh Robt'rf A Br~ny&r•l M 1'11~\ln 11180 dl~rhaflri'CI from tho• AA~' Pov.·f'll 1!N'\'I'd with lh• At m\' Air rorrr11 tor fMir Y"'"., 11!' l· 1:11 otflrPr of Wllllanu 11n1l \'lr tnn Ill• Anny Air P'lrldll Br fMf' r nt rtnt' thr l!ll"r,·lrl', h" pr nrtlrf' I ln11' It• ~ Ani:'"'"" "" "'Ill' 11111!1" 1 tl 1 In 11\w rrnr tirr with lhr 1!11• So Willia m Gll:l'hs Mr AIIn n.t nr. 111 . H l1 fAmily N'll ldronrr tln~ h•r"' '" B11l0011 for If\ Y~'" ""'· MR8. Jl', R. 1\ATFfl'l Wrtt~ Boll Us..-<'all au o r, :tlol ('o,..,._ del Mu Save Time Bring r_our cJ To Lido Ricbfield GET <tn EXPERT LUBE JOB Wh ile You See Th e Movie Phone 891-J f~ Appointment. Lido Richfield Accrosa From ' td o Theater Open ftoin 7 A.M. -· toll P.M. JJrllfll"n F lnr h I Slarnt~ I Roard of Trust,.~ of Ntwport HMbnr Union High School Ol&trlrl of Omngf' County, C11llfomla. 1P11b Ma r 21·211· Apr •1 SOTIC'f: Ot" F.I.P'A"TTON For llll{tl ~hont Tna"t- NO'MCJI: 111 hPreby lflven to thl" fJllllliflrd rlrrtol"ll of NI'Wport Bl'llrh Elf'mffllAry SchO<'l Dllltrict or Orangr County, State ot Callfor· nfft. tttft+. m affO'I'dan~ -,.nu, t:ttr rrovi"I0'\1 of lhe School Code of tJI,. ~tAte of c~llfornl•, the annu111 rlrctltln for Hl~th School Tru11t,.~~ for NF.WPORT HARROR UNTON KTGJ1 SCHOOL DJSTRIC"r will l)<t ht-ld al lhl' MAin flt'hOOI. N<'W· flnrt Rr:och. In uld Nl'wport Bench F.l,.mrntlll''\1 Sr hool District on Hn\' 17, ID411. 11t which election IJ 1\'lli hi' ~ulrl'd tn f'I!'CI two tnts· trr11 for IIAI<t NEWPORT HARBOR UNJ()!'J HIGH SCHOOL DIS. TRl<""T for thr tt-rm of threP yt\lr!!: 1 'ltl\t _the po11• at said Plcctlon ,;,,m···!ll' · "f"'nt'd at lht- hour or 7'00 n'C'Ioc.k &. m s nd kept (l~n until th!' hour or 7:00 o'cloclt fl. m , on thr d11y lhtr<'~'f: And t.hlll the:-tnl1n\\·lng named qu~lltled rlrclor~ h&l't' been appointed u offil'•·l'll tn <'ondut't nld election, \1~: """"" ........ ~: l n!!p('l'\or: Ml"'!. Anna. G. Bod- mon Jud-:c Mn. Emily McGa\'ftn, --. Judgr: Mrs. Lillian Cant . ('-.a ck\1 llu 8c'ttocll: t n•;-•:-! or · l\f,.,, Int>tl Andrrw• Jutltt;;: Mri' A nne Anderson Crnwl Ju•llr": Mra. Vt-lm11 Calf'S C•~. Ollll'd tlli!! 11th rtay of )II(Ar . JIM&. n .T no.OO P.:. P'"ldent BR o\nEN J"fNCH J A BEF.l< W B MELl..OTT A. H. nTZPATRlCK. Clerk Tn11trNt of Nt'Wl)Ort Harbor t'nlnn High School Dl1tr1ct. Publl11h M11r 21-28: Apr. 4. . f mc?n • Young .Cady, this particular sixty million dollara -can have a lot to do with you because it will~ used this year to add switchboards ud other equipment to the Southern California TelepboM Company's system. The bigger the •Y~km the more JOUDI women we need to fill good jobs in ju.t ~ut eve17 building' in· ev.:!')' ton·we terve. And, if you '&Ual:fy for one of theee attractive, permaneTtt ·oba whicJa .,., pay better than evt'r where you com:> = a. woa\ ,_ oocne Ia .,.. &c·t MRS.RUHL ';re, thafe 100 E .. a-y, &lbcll or call Cblef Oper.\to•·. .___ -...... ,. -. ~' .. ... .. .. -· 'I . . • . Tbunday, Karch 28, 1946' NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Pap 19 .. COSTA . MESA .-:. MERCHANTS · INVITE YOU TO I I ' .. . .LINn oi FREE PARKING -\. , . .-H you-·Should 'take a springtime pilgrimage today thr~ugh Costa Mesa stores, you'd find surprises at every step ... new color and desigit to wake ·up your wardrobe, yoUI· winter- fagged home ... and you! YOUR MERCHANTS HAVE BROUGHT SPRING TO YOU a.uooa IILADI08 AND SKALa. APPLIANCES • GROT¥ APPLIANCE CO. ~IUGIDA.IIU: ...S MAnAO DEALER . Q.,...tleed Service -All ~ of A~ PboiMI 1574 • 11tl N"90rt Blvd. Costa Mesa Paint' Hardware SIIEaWIN WJU.IAII8 P AIN'I'8 Plao-: Newport UN-W 114% Newport ·llh•IL ('081'A IIESA CALIF. CARR'S FEED STORE 1\f{JRSERY Feeus -Phone 627 BARROW'S Dry Goods • SlloB • Sportsw. A ·complete Une or NaUonally Advert~ Merchllndae IIUI Newport 'BJYd. Trees Sportswear for Every Occasion mE SPORT SHOP IIIII NEWPORT BLVD. GROCERIES MEATS ALPHA BETA MARKET FRUITS VEGETABLES REAL ESTATE VALUES I. E. BARNES a ~soN •ftfOJ'\ .. IM Flae Jewel .. y OlAMON OM WUCKS .I~'ELDV -8TAT10NE&Y AERIAL VIEW OF COSTA MESA BUSINESS DISTRICT FEATURJNG -· ) RADIOS AND .. APPLIANCES mEIA RADIO ADD EIIECTRORICI MAT1MFIED &AUIO 8F.K\'IfT. -puo:.·t. !\15 Shamrock Grill - STEAK DINNER.'4 flrt:S A A. M . 1'1U. MIUN IUHT 1llET2GER STORES -Tttttfottt llllt ~F.\\ l'llllT aL\'P. PIII)NE lltPT. , ... ,. Quality Bakery PLAY TOGS arid " SWI~ SUITS Orkin's Dept. Store 1111 NJ:\\'I•UMT IU.VIt. • MAlTOON'S SHOE STORE Men 's , Women 's a nd Childrcns' Shoes ·Nc*' Spring Styles 1795 Newport Bhrd. FRAN•s DQ-NUT COTTAGt~ • Wt! Mak~ ·~m t~r~Kh to Take Out COSTA MUA N F.XT IH HIK TO "'U"V."'fl4 C 'l.l 'llltUtJA& ttr.NIIIX \\ J\-f'(llf:J,,.. . . J'lfOIIOID IIF.FKIUEIIATOM rPJL. DAVIS aad GA~ MUSIC llfotrnm• • Ra;tk.. • Automath· a-nrd (~ 80\\'IJINO and Uli_JI .. IARDS ~~~A RECRt~ATION IlEA I J t:ST ATE PllfiNE 111 \"lall OUr ,,.,. lllo*ria lt....._U.flll JIA>tell ltC.~ c;._,...,. ~-~-------:~==='7---. fJ,.,_~IOJI '"''f'IAilc ... U Jlonw Mupptl .. Md r:. ~,_.,ri,~. ... PINK'S DRUGS uny•• o r-.....&-0.•111 • K41ulbb'• l'lla~ta..a. 10!41 NF.WPflKT 111.\'iJ. PI.M.. 638 \ • 0 -- . _.__._ Founden' SUverTe. ~j .. ~_.,,_ r~· Jk "" .. ..._t·TN .. N.wport :~.~1\1 ...... wtth' ~ .:ut'IWI ......... tilt ~ .. owc-11 Tr-)'1N'. Each ' • C!On&&e u • Mn. Aht"' ,\ nl.lnlna ~t·rv•<'~ ty, explam('Cl tt lnc oour.· whl &1* ll'UOiu Lnt new depArture whlch 11hould • u a\kh kno" I• nftdc.od hy t luo ~-Andn•w• I Uan Hendfttlon . Wily I A CHIN .......... ........ .... lb • .... - ALL FOR o-17 OR Til ...... ~ • _ .. I j ..... ooy( \ . \ . \ f Pap20 ·''Where to Dine'' .. Dr ........ ....,. ('-f7 ................ ,. Ove~ Uwt CII&Mel Mar ..tJM Arebee Brtqe. Debe~. TootMome, Home Cooked M~alt wtth PI• rr.b W'rom Our OWD "OWn. BrtMIM&, I.-e* ... Dti!Mr, '1* ~.a. So I P· aa. MIIVIa~--.riM•....._ .. Udoble.• Complete Foun(ain Service at BJJNBBN~B 2100 Oceaa Front Ne_wport Beach ••• o, ••• ,..,.,. Nalt. • Scmdwkb•• • HCJDJburgen le» Ceam to Take Out THE HURLEY BELL 135 CO.ut HJQIIWAT, COaoNA DIL M.U OPIN DAILY AT 4 P.M. Saadej e at 2 P. W. r ............. CaD •• ., .... 1273 MESA RECREATION "Wbere Good Sport. Meet" . " BOWUNG • BIWARDS • OPIN 11 A. W. TO 11 P. W. Pin s.ttiDCJ Aften)oon & Night. VISIT OUR SANDWICH BAR C..U our cab • · Phone 114-J G. M. MOSES, .Propriet~r I" •. •• NEWPOR'J'-BALBOA PRESS Q Tburiday, llarcll 28, 194& • . II re to 1 n ~ . . A dinner was tendered Tommy Kuchel hy 250 Orange County laders at Anaheim Tuesday niJht. II is campaign was launched for re-election as State Controller. He was re- cently appoihted to the post by Governor Warren. Kuchel is seen'"lrreeting Jim Farquhar, whose name hall bt•cn ed by Orange County Coast line leaden u a candidate for the vacant senate post. At r ight is W. H. Gallicnne, secre· tary of the ,jssociatcd Chambers of Commert c or Orange Cou~y. ~ • Clean Up the--Jail! Grand Jury Blasts Newport Police Tralaed \\-'odc~nt Needed in Detention Home Jury St~tes County J.aU Rated · Adequate for Adults; Veey Poor for Youth The county jail wu praised thla week for Its cleanllne•. and for the st.att> or Its kitchen• and type nr fO<HI al'n·~-d In a report bY Fore. . "' 1-:1n,..r Cr~twford and tbe Or· ange County Grand Jury. H"'''(•ver. thf" quaa·ter~ for juve· niiPil wM found to be poorly ven· 11""-c.tl and very dark. Younr men between the agea of 18 and 18 .are bcin'g detnlnNI there. II\ aome caaee, for a• long a• 87 daya u the countf hu no .other facllltlee to care for Lhem. CERTIFICATE OF PARTNEUHIP ST A TF. OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGIIl ... We her<•by certify .,U.at we are partl'lera tranacUnc bu.ln-at 814 Coul "HJg11way, Newport Beach, County or Orange, St&te California, under a dealgnaUon not ahowtng the namt!ll of the per· 11ons Interested u partnera In IIUCh bWIIne•, tO-Wit: PACIFIC MARINE ASSOCIA,_ The nnmra or the pe.rt.nera are: T. F. KILKENNY, realdlng at C'ily or Victoria, Hong Kong; Lock of room:<. ··•ju.pml'nl. vu· ral!On'll training. t••nlbln..-d with" l:lck of t.!mpiO)'t'S \\'lth lh~ Ot'I'Cfi'o l'ory rdue'\Uo" arool tn,aln1ng 111 WOrk Wllh jlll't n\Jt'!! wa.s th~ jUtiJ:E'IItt'nl O( lht> I lrang t' rounty F. R. VANGHN, realding at ~wW~-U~~~~eha~~~'~ ~~~. N~ Cl:rwd...JJJ.r)' lion home. Bl'a<'h, California; JASPER MORGAN, r~aldlng at 2898 Rounsevt'l Te!Tace, lAI'W'a Fresh, Juicy, Home Baked Piee TOP YOUB HO)(E.()()()K.ED IlEAL AT Dellille's Cafe , a. ai. tW 'i'iso P· m. ('l'be GreybouDd Statloa) P..JM .Jio,•• ~ 81tlout 1-C'aclllllll ··--4 'Ill• 1124 .... .. Pl.2725 COS-rA *'I& ln two visits made to thl' "'cw. port ~ach city j/111, the Ornngc County Grand Jury al\~!1 they foend tt-te-be dirty. f!OOl'~ k;opl. and the blank~U on the bunk~dla· orderly and dirty. The jury wu highly .t<cptlcal when lnformNI tbat there would be a n•'W jAil hall u thf"y lana were avollablf'. Tho jury alated that Euler week probably round the jail In too crowd<'d a condition. Th ey reported that apeclal juvenile offlccra be em· Ill) hoye alecplng in on oper. ruurt expo,sed to wind and rain. Thry round no vorat•onal training program. 10 necessary t o l ht• rl'- habllltl\llon or juven'l•'lf. nnd l ho1 th~ emplo~a clld nflt llt•em t o ho\'•' lh•• neCt'l!!lary tnlnlnl' anti ,.durA- linn. Beach , C'allfomla. our h &ndot thla .22nd j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~ T. F. KILKl!lNNY F. R. VAUGHAN JASPER MORGAN. plgyecJ at theae tlmee, "and Boy juvenile of!IC<'rtl. we m ean espec- Ially trained In work with juve- nllea!" In fact. apeaXJng of rarllltlea for Juvenllt-11 tn the jails throughout the enUre county, the jury atate I. "ADEQUATE FACILITIES FOR T'J{E Dt!:TENTTON OF JUVE· NILES BETWEEN THE AGES OF Ul AND 18 MUST BE BUlLT DfMEDIATELY.'' Ranking next in a poor rcpu1'1 wu the La Habra jail which waa fo~U~d to be dirty, unaanttary nntl unfit for uae until clean~··! up Anaheim jaU wu aleo In poor ron· ditlbq,' dirty. no light, and prae11. cally no ventilation. The jury wa• hiKb In prai:o11· for the Fullrrton jail whlrh they T hl' f\lry alao tnlk••d with Or nuth Tolman anti Mr. Clar,.nce Studt "Connected '"'" lht C'allfnr- nla Youth Autholll v. whn told ti'H'm lher~ are (ut~tl!l anul:~ble from lht-atatr fnr ,,,,1 •'<'nl'ncc n ( placu for juvenll· q Tho· jurv Is now nwaltlng th• "t "" n ( tllr •ufl('rvlsonr ~ton· • ,,..,ph lin~ II~ r•'rort Harbor Stamp Club Adopts New By-Laws STATII!'or-cALIFORNlA ) I •· COt;:-JTY OF ORANOI: I Ou this lh~ 22nd day of March, 1946, before me Fred J . Dudley, a Notllry Public In and for eald County IUid State, peraonaJly •P· P•'nrcd T r. Kilkenny, F. fl. Vaughn and J a • p e r Morgan. known to mr to be the peraona whoet' namu are aubacrtbed to the fon•g olng Instrument, and ac- knowledgl'd to me that they ex~ cut,.•l the •SJinll' WlTN~SS by hand and rf>mclal u al. F RED J . DUDLEY t-~otory Public In and tor aald County and State. (.Publish Mar. 28-Apr. 18.\ ~rw by-lawa .. t • hr llnbor ~tnmr Club we1 • •ll~rtt!l!l<''l nn'l -------------. 'lohlf'l••rl Ill thE' Thllr~·1ny nt•·••tlng P'INE8T TA8'1'1NO ·•t t t>~ MI'M Hobh" ~hOp Tl\'""' v SIZZLING IIAIIBUIIOJI:IUII ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA .,.... 'he ... r....a...,. .. -Ia Orup O.U.&JI ALL NEW-·· · Even the Locatloa . . . cm.Half Mlle Eut of Old LoocaUoD on Cout Kipway. Bea,utiful New Cocktail Bar , We 1.-d 8outhem CaUforftla In U.e eemn. of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ termed a model jail an4 worthy of copy. Except for lack of ahowena, Huntington &ach wu llkrwlll<' mf'llllll'l ~ l'nd fh • J:'UC'!I\.8 Wt'rl' 8T&AJl8 (n•net M ... rr"~""' "' the "''"""K which rc--tIt em); H 0 M 1: 11 A &_11 D l'lo;>w•·ol th• I•\\'!! Of"'!'tlni7.NI h\' Mno Y U Mil Y II 1: & a Y AM D -SEA FOODS - Also WODIIW el 8'1'&08 -ftiiJT OUft IClTCHIIN .. ' . ' ·COCK'T AILS CASINO CAFE AND Refreshment Lounge LOUJS VERWEY, Proprietor A Good Place to Enjoy Y oCueeU and to Meet Yow Fri•nd. Comer of Main St. and Cen_lrol AY., Balboa Telephone 779· N .. Few coelttaU no~~~~ ill America of• • panorama e-.parable to tllat of the Sky ROOIIl atop the Rilao. Hotel. T-ptm1 h111eheona -delectable ........... d 1•i 111pper danc:in1. Nner a cover er •iaimull'l. Melre It the Sky Room TONIGHT! LUNCMION-COCICTAIU-DINND-SUPPD MUSIC BV •"TJIE TOP8TER8" I Ia the Sky Ternce AL U \'LEE .\.NO RJ8 TRIO .. tile .,. Louap .. . [7~~ HILTON HOTIL 'QMO IIACM gtven the jury approval. lUI wu Seal Beach, Orange, and San Clemente, tht' \,alter even having a bullelln board with a "dUIIty 1'08· ter," "the Jury .. ld. Bren. Pin. centla and Laguna B<'ach wrrt' aattaractory with a frw ch1U1ge11 recomml'ndt'd. f:otw11 ro1 H :<.fnr:.r of \nMrw ol••l APPLII J'ID M11r -M- J n t tit ,t·"C•"'nCP ttf rrf'!-"\ J•~nt ltltthoootl< !h<' bUII'in•'!l" of lh• ,,,.,.n1nc ., .o• ,., ch&r J:r nf \'i•· Pt , 'll I• 111 f, !'It 1M 8nd Mr"' II lo•fl f'nlll!l~ •· o' I trY. ,\!!o ,. 'I Will! r·tllo I I n thl' ·sHEP'S In gent>ral. the main compl'llnt of the jury wa• rep;ardln~t the bll\nkeb. fet'llng th:t t r It• :t n blankf"b ahould bl' i88UI'll •'l'o•rv pri!Mlnl'r, And thf" ~,.nrrnl J;-ark "' adrquatt' far llllil'll for I hi' •h•'• n. lion or jll\'t-nll<'a bctwrcn lht• 1\j!l of Ul and 18. ""' 1 ••• 1 , the r <'lll'r:ll ·I l'htl 101~ f'OAI!lT HIOH\\'AY tl• 1• t ' 1 .. , ~nuth,..:-n l lh'nrnin II'•' '" ·• "'" E-thlhit ,.r .,.,. lh Ne'tlfPOrt , .,, ,. ,, • ,. • · wnt•lol tw r '' in The IJOIIM! of Good Eats 'h t'' ·····h BAll r. '""' RO~ ------------- Mrs. Fronla Bittick Funeral Rites Reiff Mr~ I-TI>nl8 Bittic-k, 7~. pn~~·· I llWRY SRturdny at "11 Snnln \ n ' r''"' llnmr. !1. nntlvl' nf Ark tn•, 1 Mno Blttu·k h:vl Ill'•' I In f'nl•f··· nl11 tor 4:1 vcnrl'l.' nnrl rt'!o1•ll•tl 1'1 "n11t'n M~;.:~ ior " numb"r nf I'•'U •• Sh<' hnd """" artlvf' "' I h•• Ft•lll Squl\r" C"'hurr h ;o F'un••ra I ~··rvll'"!l wer•· hl·lol 1'..1 •r• tlny nt thr f:r&ll~'l Mnrl ll'lr \' 1•1!1> . r. \\'111nrd st~rn• ,.ff,,.l "., .. lntrrmrnt wn~ Ill \\'•·•Hm l~!l!' r !'!""''' r r' \'I•'IY ofltrl'<'l l .l>, An· ,., I• ~ ft•,. \t•rh !').7, h11un ln 1\ f r • 1" I' M Prlz<'!! r•t'ln,t• ln~r I r Ill'" I I I rnphil'l! hll\'1' h<'<'ll I •!1 tl• I ll\ ' • 1'1" and r~•'ifl !'I 'H!I ('1ul' ' :' 1 rl' wl're ,-.,n· hn pny '" ,,,. 1 1 1 rnl. P H Rt•h •ef"'l • 't•, h , o '11rncd (rnn• •lui" In !hoi , ol\ol •,•l o o•xpectslnl!f'I I :"O~· r , , o1 1 , T· "'n. Othrr 1::"""'• • '1• ,. F:m~t. , .. ,r~ nr f"'\nl p t •• t' ' .• ' . \ r1uh m nrlhf"r. nnd ,. 1,,, , ' ,., ~. s. Ni,..ntnv n~~'l \!• <\ I, '· tl'hl'r nf l h l' L l'lhr,' ll ., It ~~ " ·• l'nllN'torl'l Club. " , , , . "" will br A<'ril 4 ,. , '" 1 " • ,,~ hn!l hri'TI plAnnro·l '''' ,, I C'nmmllt""' 'fr• • ' • • \\ '· 1 Rcect "')'I \\' f: II '! Sh,. 1~ ~Uf\'1\'~•1 h1· n • 111 \II·, 1 R1t11rk nf Snn 1.1!1• Phi'''" 1\\" t1aughlo·r~ Ml'l! l-:\'o•lyn 7 ·~:t , r I " \I''" \'OJ.t"l~TF.F.U~ ~A~"rllllll'nt n Anti M!'\. 1·~1!,, t .. • '" nwk nf r .. I'IA ~,, ... • '"''' I! r o111 r hrl!lr••rt nn l ""'' 1!':''"''1'1,•n•l• holt Ynur at1 In l'}r Prl'~~ 1~ n 1 I I \' • 0 !hOIIl'llnrU l'l'<'r}' 'lll"t'f'k. ' Prl'llll want "llJ br1n~ rcosuiU I . '' lh s lh•• 11rm1' "'" nf-fiO(l 017 \'tolun ( ill'l kind h th~ nR· Th;~< ,1!1'0'11' will 1~ nf • :> I :>O'l 000 .. ~n•l o;"l !~>r July Welcome Cafe NOW C)PJ;N! JriNEST PLACE TO. DINE Our Mnttn Ah• tl)" 11<1' .f\<.,•n GOOD I'C)()Jl, Fm:o\T Ct..\:-.'\ :-.t~RVICE. MOnt:H.\Tt: a·mn :s. BREAf<F!I.~T Ll':W'IIE• t:"\ I•INNtR F AMOU~ C"O~I PI.FTJ.: 111 '.:NERl' Spf<c-lat DRily e .. 11 rt n. t• : i\rT'&JIC'f'n>I'T\1.. ,.,, 1'11111•·· m to Z ,, :1 .!'--a C'Ul~~:l • \''1:1 •"} ~1 " \\ ~ "'J Banq\M'tll 1 to 11 p. m PHO~t: 'SI.\I I'IH!T 1:::1 )I Ol'R kiT('IIF.!\ Ul'l :"> I OH 1'"' ~A'TION WM r 1.1 , ·~:\' It; 1 DINNERS e ... , .............. . ........ , .. , ... . OPEN C\'&aY DA \' 8AB1'8 8U FOOJ) SPA and FlAb Market For . MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES • .-.or..,zw .~ ... •MJtCDea• lllaSTUAIT -.. -• 110-. 100 -.. ~ ....... tbooe 111:1·191 ~rd. and Central Pb. 3600 , • Tbunday, March 28, l &H ,,.,.! 8~.8/u,p l 2827 W. Central Ave. Phone Newport 1781-J ()pea T..da, -d Tlnu.daJ .' I• ...... !loy A~tpolat:aaat ·Mesa Uquor Shop ••y, !f ...... ....... o-e. ...... o.w. , PRONE: !fSWI'OaT ... BALTZ MORTUARY ..__) NEWPORT-BALBOA PkEss .. I -I -- HER LAST BIRTHDAY-Th~ dowagtr ot th~ fleet, th~ mlpty U. 8. 8. Nevada, obeervl'd ho·r :lCith anniversary this w~rk, r1dmg-at anchor m Lon~t Bl'"tch Hftrbor ""' :•:u-aw1tl~ hrr final \'u\'a~,. \O.hhh will la.k..e hr r t o thl' far ,P lCi rlc to 1)1' a gulnn p!g 11 tht' ato•mlc bomb tt>al. Thl' pliant ahtp Ill I b~ bombll &lld torpt'dot'a In f'r arl Harbor. wu modermud and returned to action tO pour ~21! 11\Untlt! from her 14-lnch KlJna frc>n: Normandy tO Okinawa Tht-Ne,·adll ~u commlaaloned Marl'h II Jill& Sb~ wu the fln.t of th•• r tl-bumlng batll<"l hlrs nnd th~ fl.-.t flt-l'l un1t to mount trlpll' JCUn tu.rrrtll Her crewmen al"l' rt>mo' lng mucb of her equlpmf'nt and I nat &I lin& vl\.ri9UB <t~'vt.Cft needo•d for t.hl' bomb teeta. I PreN-TelelfriJTl f'hoto1 11 Attend Meeting of Walter Tipton Tells Warren Campaign in Squthern California Women's Auxilia ry Mesans of Urgent · Eleven mem~rw and one gueat Needs of Red Cr pss Gov~rnor ICarl WArrt'n'~ n··t'lec- lltlended the tegular Ma rch meet-Dlaclpllne 1,. ~coming 8 aerloU. tton campalp In S<1uthrrn t '1\lt· lng of the Women'• Pollee· Auxll-.... dl 1 Problem ovl'raea•. at:cordlng to fornla wlU ""' rt>r tr< by ( ul tary which wu held In the homl' I I of-Mildred Jotuwon. Waltrr Tipton, apeaker at the &n• Thomu J. Cunnlna-ham ... Lu~ An· --·--·~·-ll~---··---.l~-~---•lf-"nn-'11'11"l'rr''~-1tl"ln1Y"""fmmfltnod+4uoi>A~ pot ktclc dinner-and'TTiel'ttn gtlew attom eJ, wtnrftl "10'~1 rec1-eaUon tor the gathl'rlng after of the C'oata Meaan Branch. Red gener&l chairman tur lno· 10 oouuth· the bualnep -lon. Winning Crou. The men are bored wit h em countlea. I prlul were ,P.url Waberlln and routlnl' duty. and are thinking ofl Col, CUnnlneb&m will ('(>urdmlllt' LoiTillne Montgomery. I hOQ1e and family. The azwwer I• the eampalp In Loe Anlfl'le•. ' UDf ATTBIIAIT 410 Cout ~UYd. ~ORONA DIL MAR ?f«t.-.. .u.· , a.&Y .&Jnt ~ Others atundlfll' the meeUng to ~five them more Red Croa. rec- we• Ellu.beth Walt.ze. Helen 1-. reatlon tad llllee and more enter- bell. Ruth Qerrtah. Mable Jonee, talnment, accordln~ to Tipton, ~ Lace, Betty Prleet, La V-s& who hu worked wHh youth move. Lace and Aida Qorcion. ment. tor the pu t 20 ,.ea,rs. and Ia chatnnan ol t he epeaken ~ Teur 114 Ia tM p,.. 11,...-reau ot the 8out.bem OTance •-----------·~ "*-atl ...., ,.._ County Oapt.er, A..merlc&n Red ere-. He --outUM4 0.. *-rtnc CXIft of war In the malllted a······················••t.:and cr1ppled patlm t. In tM boe-ltale that the Red Cro. le ~ ....... All liS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NITB IIABCB 30 IALLROOII a en • ...-n •• t p ...... Walck -FQI- ,. Name .. Baads1 :~ to -ut. B e al8o told ot the re- ,tP.med Hrvtct man w•o come. to thf' ·Red Cro. few help wtlen he ftndle Wlfawrable condJtJona at home. Mlae Grace Rowland. lltudent at Newport Harbor Ualon Hlp School 11&111' two Jcwely eelectlona; The Lord'• Pny.r and Sheep llaJ Safely Orue, aeeompaated by Ml• Corene Boettcher. B o J koutl l!ltaaley Toufll', Leonard Hall. ftoc-er OoNon, DaYid Cbam· ben ~ ~ IAatar .... Troop I' with Bcoatlnutt!t llarola Hall act..ct u color 1'\i&rd u d led Ute pJecla'e of allerianoe. 'l'tle ln • vocation preceedln~ dinner and the benediction tollowl~ the cloae ot thl' m~llnA" wl're !fiWn by R"v- l'tend Her~ Roth. putor of Uw Luthersn Church ot Co.~ta .Mesa . JudJrl' Donald J Dod~r~ preddl'1 "' the buelnua meeting folloWinr thr dlnnl'r . Tht halt way mark lJI the loc&l Rl'd CroM campallfll hu been r.-arhl'd. ac-rordlnA' to Shelby L. I Kanagv ch&lnnan. It 11 ho~d th11t ~rlt~ from the bualneu dls- trlrt will tHo turned 1ft this week. · Anyon!' not contactl!d 11hould tl'lt- phonf' Mr. Sh,.lby. ~ Tht' following rllrrrttlr!! w<'rf' B l'lrrtroJ fnr thl' •·n~ulng yt>Ar, Mr11 Gilbert Brown. Mrs J nt>n Wrh- ~ f. ~'"'· H B JlfrMurtrv, Mr~< P aul "i ~nrmnn Mrs. W. 13. )frllott. Mrs. ~~... I .ltlvd r.11brl"l. Mr11 ,J. L Rarnl'lt. p, H11 ~:h IJR\'IJO nnrt .lurlgf' 'O<l!IJ:r ~ Mrro Louru \\"11rr<'n. rxN•utlv" ~ ~"l'rl'lllrv "' thl' ~ntithrrn OrnnJ:I' ~JI~ ('••ttnl\· (~haplo•r. A rnr•rlr-·on rto• I = , I ·•• f"r••I<S, nwnr.Jo•d :12 o·•·rllftrlll••ll •1f ~·~i m~"rtl to wnrlt• r~ whn hn,~r rtnnAI-~i ••tl 200 nr n."r" hour" 11hrr .lllnu.! S~. · nrv 1, t9•o Mr" H. R •Hr~furtry l l•·d thr 11"1 with ~.0(10 1nur~ In ' ~ lito· pr11dttrtlnn r•lllm, Mr~ Jnhn \, .• b., .. r "'"·" , .... ,..nfl with f rMlO I hnnrl< In th•• h•m •• J<!'t \ lrr •l••p:trt- nu•flt. Mr10 Gunnln~ Butl• r WAll J. lh1rrl with l.700 hnurs A'H.l Mr11 ~ llt.rtl.-r wa~ tllttrth with 1.100 hnuno Annual r"porb we rr glvt>n bv r·hntrmr n Mn1. \Vr bl4lPr lllRl-1 l'rl th&t an 11\I'Prag,. nf two fayl'ttN• fl"' month haw• bf'Pn furnl~h" I ll"rvrcl' mPn'a wlvN, num~rnwo trl~ to thP hoaplt.al havl' hfor n mnr11'. fln11 nrlal aid llnd (")nthlng hllvf' ~n furnlah~d w henever nece1111ary Olr'~1\'D~(\THER :~~ 110\' KEENE P~8Mt:lli~' ~ll"AY Frlen(\lt of Mrw. Roy Keene Wf're 11orry to h~~ tha t hf'r lfn.nd: molhl'r Jlllt'llf'd away IMt ~ondlly night at h r r hom.-In Laa C l"l.ll;elt Nf'w M~xlco. Accompanied by her hulband. Roy Keen" and her •l•ter. Mra Bl!tly Smith of Coeta Mua. tt\._e g roup l loJlPf'd .In Ros. "~. C alif., to pick up thrlr moth .. r LIQUOR STORE Boote ud RoJ .__ Pi.lm ..... B&y ....... PhOM S91 ... , .... . •. . . . . . ; ..... ~.:t. i •• a .. Banta Barbar, Ventura. Orange, 8&n Dte,-o, Ban Be.......a1no, River. .Sde, Jmperl&l, ln1'0 u d Mono countlea. HI• eelectlon f or thw poet wa, announced by Governor Warren In Sacramento lut week. II you w1ah to bvJ or ..a, try • cluMfled ... Ia u.. ....... Did _ tbe .Wind Blow Yeur Awnings Away? See thf' nf'w, permanent. 1 deairahll' and artistic ~ A\\1\INGS :uHI CAJ':lOPIES. DilJtingut~hc'll good looks with p<'rmanrnt. tro uble- free 8Cf\'lrl! • the answer to your awning and canopy problemA. Enjoy theflt features: • -~un nnt-IJdllt In • 1~..;, uut-Rreeze ID • l'r ~rnaneat-- (nn Uptl l'lad down") • ~-n~So Ratt.te. • Harmonkm• De111aa e Cu,totn Rullt F or esl tmarr,.. phone or wntr to llats-.. Wood AwniDgCo. of·Oran9• CWaty PH. fT I.I.I(HTON I W .... Rcvr~· T"U Charges • ' JJ ...... SUIT TOURSILF ·. FOR -EASTIR ' COSTA MilA ~~~ .. . t • • A NEW HOME SERVICE FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE HARBOR _ AREA! Weep No More, -. _My Lady! WE'VE THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM! WITH pra<:lecally no IJ,,Jp nvailublt·. yuu'y1· proba bly bt¥n worrying abfout Sprang Ch•anmg ' Our' ne-at, unefo rml.-tJ workt•rl! will be very· happy tu ()ffPr yuu our KCrvicf'll. Whether you waul yrour houi'IC nmovated while you are !JvinK 1n it. or would llk1· It rParly for ynu Ut movf' into this 144'&· l«)n, WP ure the 1onE>H t o help you with yuur proltlem. Call ua and-let Uft di8CUIJ8 thia with you! WINDOW WASHING ... MCRY.f:NH RY.PAIRY.D OR NF.W 0Nt:8 IIADf: TO O&DY.R . WAU. CII.ANINO. I<'URNITURE (,"J.EANINO IF you have a home in the Harbor A rea, have your Spring Cleaning done ' (or you and sav~ y<lUMIClf unneceaaary worriea! · Commercial cleaning and wind(J'¥·'r1Jthin g a iJtO d•Jne. HOME SUPER SERVICE COMPLETE HOME RENOVATING Phone,Ne~ 2574-W 1018 Coast Highway Co!!ona del Mcn • N11M8D M ltS s All ' '• mors· .I tl I Of&lal 'e; Grand . --.. ... .. I &.d ... . .ct ....... ... • .,..,, 'n objlnian .. ...,...., .... l ew.. ...... •ld to hllw t ~IMCI 1ft • Pow.n cl ed. ' • wt.ow' s-U· Itkin ot the ··-laland Nm lM bull- wen wllll"- llhe Umit to ld ,_,IJIOII Jt ehaftl• .... ot lM law. be ,twn at .tlcww bec:au.. :illl fonN,.. 1 In rt'lllcSentlal avf't'd. While ar tollrntnatll,. "tltd Into ,..._ ~ mc»t dta. OIM"rlnr lnnu. lroa a &-finite oct that J . J. llnlatrlltlvf' of. t u rh...-k Into ~ojecfS )ram "" ' .t .t ,.un. tl '"'"'''""~to 1 • '' ·v lou~l· ul \\flit h f'X• • Lll ~···~· IJIIII · t ....... ·~~tted "' " oiiJ11n fnr : .. i•·! h ~tr•oc•t, 'arhines J()('ation 11irant • • • mllntr ma- l\ tn rii~Jl('rute •r•·r r11p upnn • lotrn•~ down llw mAc.hlm'll flo• l'lty f'OUR- II ,,.. nil rls:rht, Cl. httt thl' d~ • I•M·ntlon 'be rn~,.. bfo vant· lnt"ll ,.. ·~ L . ,. ~~ Founders' SUver Tea · ,.~. Dl tM...,_t·TH tM Newport ........ "'**' Ume at t.M rn 8Cillool -Jth I honored lfiK'SI wen Mrs. Rh Robert Powell Tryne. Each \ a eonace u • Mn. Alice A nunln& IK'rvlet ty, •xplalm-d II lnl l;'OW'IC • wh I a1x leAOOI lru new dl'parturo wbkh lhould ·a. •udl.. kno"l Mtdtcl hy thf' Mn. Andrt'w• l1an Hendlor*"! tnt f ACRIN . ........ e .... I ••• fts •••• FootR ·'"Whtre ~ ....... .. Ma II , , . ~ r-:r.·.VPOP.T-D.\Lr.OA PRESS Thursday, March 28. 1946 Page 10 W ERANS INFORMATION SERVICE LIDO "•'ach cit y Mercha nt [ = lAM~ntc' A ... a iienn~s Pa trol Organizf'd !! -1:. \"( r'tl~ n .k'~c:;. b \' Local Residtontt. r:wliiiiiiiii~Riii:;;;;r:=:.!by~"';!!ui.;.::•AN oi.LE~ _ ;omt-Uun~: n••w In th• lu•· •·I I''"' IH·tlnn w•H ''' lfl ,.;•u •• I •t l• t•·r- J'bhlng Polu ( Deep Sea and II Surf Calcuttas ~ Your local Dtaft Board No. 171 is located In Room 305, ·-city HaU. Santa Ana. Phone Santa Ana .f333. noa. Jut F'hle Putdec: • Ml~tl l•w•ttl n••·rt•h&·•l• With th•• llr· l:ttniZKtl•,n ttr th•· J~ath l'lt\' ~f, r· 'hflllt P~ttrt•l W~tllt•r Appl•·burv who he ad a the organ1zat1<1n ttf ...... n't 'll•l•u ''' hkVt· nr~ttntz••d I lnfonnation on, ret,umed Veterans' problema may be obt.a.i ned locally by call in g : ~'* l!'ho"1na. '"!" ~.r l>toanna Durbin. Pr""' h1•t Ton,• and Ch~trlt>a pughton In B.S. DOWJOJIG BALBOA Mr. Dunla~Veterans Service Chairman "1776 UJd A,.merican Legion Service Officer 135l·R or .Becau~ of Him 1 hi! ldfoa, hOWf'\'H. Thf' J•t~"n Ill' "'• \\lth lh• •••• r · •·hant. l~·rn,..·l,·•·s "hu '"'1>:1:•'•1•"1 that lhf'y wouhJ b(' lnt,.rMt•••l In ~y Uln.l ~)' I hlnng llddt•d prc.t•••·tl"" fnr th•·lr • AC'atlo•my AwartJ W1nn"' propt-rty. Aprl••hur)'. n rorn11•r Ray Mllland In rlty ,pollr otrlrrr hltniK'It c-qnault-The LoSt \\'eekend I I'd lh•· fl"'lh·c. th·· ~~~nrf (tnd th•· district 11ttnm••y. Rll fl( wh••m Pn· t Nut rccummt'nt.lt'd fur Children Il l •loraf'd thl' 1>11'11 llt•Ait.le• qualtfy. ln~t for patrul wowk. the Oflfanlza. t.:.Urt• \\'fOod~, .._,. 1 llun 111 "_II(•'"""'' dr h•<·tlv,. agency. y f D I I A""I11Un g W~<ltf'r ·Aorlt>bun Is 4 c·.tr e 0 racU a I>' hrnth•·r. 1': 1rl. rr~ .. ntlv r'la· and-1 l"t\llrg~'ll wtth I h~ r:•nlc •f ! r1t ll"•lt~n --t rrom the Army. Ht' Crlm.son Canary I af'rvf"d •• f'nmmandlng orrtf'~r In _____________ !• military oolfce equadron In the Europu.n Tht"att'r or Operatlnn~t. Balboa ""d hu ~ yt-sra of at>rvlct! tt• his r n>dlt, 'i:.hlf'h will aid h1m In hi~ Ol"f!Mnt "'Wbrk W J f:~trt1n,.r. "'110 auoclaterl1 with thr Rt>11ch C•tv I'&Mrnl. "t11tf 101mllar wnrk wtth i.he We11t em Plvlrr. ·rr11tntn~: Comm11nd. • All thr~"f' m• n a re local real. dt'nta. llvln~r v.1th tht'lr faml~ In Nt'Wl)Qrt Bf'lll'h G EORC.t A. \'IC Kf'RS. mutu of tM SS Nath•n•d Gr<~n<'. hu a Mc.rchint' :\bnn~ Onun~utshrd Sfn•itf Mrdal for hero1c mJncu,cr- ing of th" '"'Jl J ur.ng tlevtn months wtwn it dthvcml munitions ovc~n. ~un '""S I 0 torpedo plane. ~nd. bomber at u dt.•. t wo• sllb- mJr.rie Jnd four torp<·do orubughu, 1C wu 6 u Uy cripplnl on a trip to Algerian port\. but the mu<er successfully baclwd 11. b dcn wtth car!:O thll \\'u Bonds hcl~d to buy for our 6sht inE men, it wu II rock by I wo torpedoes, )'Ct Vidrn SOt it uhore . .. u.s. l ,,., ... ,, u,,..r,..., • At the f oot ol ella Pler JII'B. Calkins-American Red Crose· 1885 ' Staadanl 011 C.apaay Prodacta 100 "( ......._ \, CECIL o. oauo ... B%P~S'l' £U.IIICJJ 'l'ION · • Bring your car to our Lub- rication Specialiats. They possess the· "know bow'' oecuaary to put your car tD tin t• claaa ·abape from a lubriC41tioo ataodpoiot. The beet lubrication aervice ih town coat• you no more than the-ordinary. LATEST I OUlPWINT IN TOWW CBBVRON GAS STATIOI1 And Then There Were None 1 Teen-Age Bowling ________ j League Goes to 6th ·Local Civic Group Plans to Celebrate Harbor Reopening F1oridlan Prefers Callfomla; Likes the Pioneer Spirit j .100 .... C..ll'al •••••• ~~~~~~~ RUG and ·uPHOLSTERY Barbara S tanwyck and ~r~ Bl"f!nt In My Reputation ,.._.., Oaly, AprtJ % Bouse of Dracula \\' e~k at Mesa Rec. Coin~: Into thf' ahdh week ...r bowilng, the Tten.A~re Leagu" 18 r urrt'ntly headed by tht' Don Amllh tl'llm with 20 W1NI and 4 lo•.,.• at Mf'.llll Rtocr,.atlon alleva. Combining a tricky curvf' wtlh. a ful rnll. younr; Robby Burdick alfllln took Hlch G11me tqr t1ae rvf'nln,; with a 187. "I'll eland by f"allfumla 11ny d~y !" deelarea Walter B. Wat.aon . J r., formert:r of JackaonYllle, IMa. f Florida ahamtwn1 or Commerce t~Unut>d rrom P&gt' 11 -pleue note!) The ex-mufer ~~~er· ...._ geant. recently dlacharged from the adviMblllty nf acquiring • the A.naJ, IMtnlalna that Callfor- plt>ct-of propl'r!y and building a nla h&t tiM real. old pioneer building epechtlly 11U1trd to the aptrtt. CJ,.....Uee for everyone, Chamber or ComJllerc•' nteda. The and that ~ u a whole Committee t UII at work atudytng ""' eoa~ trytng t o better the pn'sr nt headquarter!! wu au· the~ ..a to forge ahead. • CLEANING -and -f"l)~rii'A AtklnAI}n. bOwling for tho~ to p~d wllh any &r• Wa~ t-t week at&rted~ ht. th~ J•¥rlC Hoatrllll'l' I~'Am. knock-rangeme,n_! they might deem nee· b~. f/ll watch l"t!palrtng In thC' Pd lhr plna nvl'r fnr High S•rta e..ary to mort-etflr lently aerve II~ ._ (II twr rt'Cently pur- With a 432 C"nllf'hl'd by Alvin tbe ·needs of the Chllll1bc!r. ch .... ~ em 103 E. ltth atre:!l Jlaaoaadng 3-Day Bervlee -PICK-UP · and DELIVERY Crimson Canary 8tarta w ...... ~. AprU I I Plnklt'y, tht' Don Hall tram Ia rur. Th.. Comrnltt~ offered to ... tn Oofta Meaa. W ith hlm '-hiJI r~ntly In thf' cellar position ,.,..0\ atilt tht-Sportrlehtnc Alllloclatlon wlft, Martha tAu. and Nellyn Butlara Bt&nWJCk, Joel McCrea 2 win a and 22 lour•. but lll"f! In acquiring another office. Joua,· Ml U -th• old daughtn. and W~t.er Brennan In ciMAed 11• th,. "dark·hOI'IIe ron-Commandt'r Don Durant of tlte and LdJ 1wswa Patrlrk, bla e year . Banjo. on My Kaee -a).o - t~nd«'"''' 11rrnrdlng t o G E JI~L N .. wporh l;fubor Poat of the old -. man~r of the 1.-..ue Amt'rk an l..A-gion wu 8 ~:uut 111 ~ tMt .watrh rypalr w a -Orange County Tent & Awning Co. BTANDINyS the IK'Uion of the Board and I'X· matter J m111tery to moat oeo. won lo.t prt>Allf'd an Inter• l!l In Lh•• pi :tnt ple, wat.olt lll-.ndll to enlighten 20 t or tht' Chamber 11nd nrrPrt>d th• tllem b)' ~g to each cu.sto. Pbll Ba.kt'r and 20th ~entury. 614 W. 4th. St. Foa 8~ in Oon Smith T«'am LA-Itt'r Bork Tu rn J11ck Hoetettlt'r Team Don Hall Team . l t 10 I'OOpPratlon of tht' I."•Jrlon In any mer exactly what I• WI'OJli' wtth 12 12 program whlch wa.s of mutual In· 'Ole watdl, lt.eml%1ng tJie repair Santa Ana, Calil. Phone 1569 Mr. Benedict Take It Or Leave It a :a tel"f!lt. • OOIItAI 011 .... fawty part. tbQ8 Dr y. M Grunlly calll'd allen. ~ tM old mqulae uti-35 11.J~ .,} J/aiJ4liJ {J14;4/,o,_.t,4 low line! IEWSIML lAS 1 m t · RlniiiUIOIS Yet, they're ett the w.yl Your new flfrvel GM Rt-f ric- .. tor will be here aoon-vPry aoon. And you aua MY ,ood-bye-lor aood -to nfria'entor trou blea. For tbil modern ru nfri,...t.or il dift'enwtt.lt f.-.. auUA ~ port.l. A tiny ru flame doe. tho work. That'• the 8eCft!t ofServel'a famoua_ajJenoe.. Tilcnl'a noU..' iq ill the freezinr I)'Wtem t0 pt DOWy-oothinc to ... or aeecl repe.in. ' \ Yoa11 be ama.d wbm you -ltOfll ~the ... !mod.a.IINI'nwy're lq aDd roomy, and the iDpnioue fleD. hie .a.~.. to arranae food much more ...D,y. Tbd..,.-~ for meat ••• ..-. to keep._.. tahlee pnleo-tt.b •.. a.-1 low of room for tro.:a .,.., · ~"'eft juet aUW. loopr. Your ...,_~trw s.n.a will ~ )'OQ the e-.t relripratioD __.tee you'Ye ..... d.reemed l,_'clba~ J•lm F. Vogel u••• Dmt'IIIIIVI'oa .......... ...... tlon to the la~ amou~t of brok cle entitled --rile RepaJr )(an Will .,, ..,,-= ~~ on ~· ~~c~~;a c~1P~t~"T~ou--~~~Y-o_u __ no ___ n_·t __ vv __ a_tch_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ near th~ pier at R"l'bn, 11nCI Coun· ~ eilman Stanley promtaeit he would .dla<'Uu thl• mattl'r with thr 11trt-t't au~rtnlt'ndenl and lief' If aome bt'ttt'rment could br l"fft"cted. Mr. Kendall of Balboa l•llln1 callf'd attention tn Ill~ untavol'l\bl" t'nndltlons of tht> llllt>YII on I'JRibo'l lslMd a nd lhls too Mr St"nlt'v a.gTt't'd hr would di!ICHIOS with the IIUpt'rintPndenl nf 11t r<'"t" "1l h 11 vk'w to tH-ttl'rlnjt lhr llltllllllon lt WAll pointed nut thllt thl' hea,·y burdl'na on the c1ty Ill thl' prrBo•nt tlm1', duc to h~>lp 10hnrt11j:'~ tM"f"I!<IOIINI rruch or fhr t!I HIC'Ull\' In hnntlllng t ht> prohlt>rn · Goody GOf's Good in MP~a Bowling Flnlll~t In tht-~flx~tl.f'"llhit'l' Rowhn~o: V BinJI' at Mf'llll R<v r••n· tlon \Vt•tlnrsday m~:ht pr•• ltw•••l 11 Htnrlhnll' up~l'! wh••n tho• t••nm ,,r lr POI' 11nd B 000\ly tnpfll~tl I h<' fA''"rrd tt•nm nr Lnr tll!' anlf Al\'ln J"lnkh·~· wilh 11~9 plnll. Rt>tty and Morrl.s C'rnwlt•y tonk l'l~!'ond honnn! with 11 :'1 flln/f fnl- lnwNI h\' th•• tt>11 m11 of J."mn• ,,. Mn11rs and Hllrr'\· Rnrtllr k nnfl Lu· c1llr 11nl1 Ah·ln Plnklry. NI'Xt Wt'dnl'l!dlly night thr 1-h><- rd.nouhl4'!1 Sw<'rp!!tnk•'• w111 "" . ht>ld Ill i ,()(1 n'C'Inck, nrr~>rolln~r tn r:. M. Mnu11. manRJ:t'r nr !If• ~~~ Rl'cl"l"at!nn \'erweeet wtatr , allr ri-d blee4 a• ~rift am ... tlw rnldnb er a ala&e wllfcll "atrllt•l4'd M IIIIlCh Ia Ule ltlriJII el 1114~~.,t'Df't' Ill av c•acn. lllat'a wfl7 SaYillp BeDlle are ,.,.. lar. Stlp r frem &bt' ma,&.-. .. " aWHI.er tllaa t1w .,, ... lto1tre •1~ "'ar. VIC'IarJ ... Sa\'111• ...... . Ve,__..."' laYHtH m ..... M ta tile \'lclar)' tA.a ..... wUI ln.- mere e. 8a Y'-C't ...... fer -ba,_, ,a.-, &nc'lta Ia yean .. ~--p. s 1 ...... , n,,..._, - I I I I j I I ,. I I I. I I \ ' A N N. 0 U. N C I N G A N .E W SERVICE CHRYSLER D E. A L E R •• HEADQUARTERS AND PLYMO U TH AND FOR CARS NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 w. C~NTRAL AVE., NEWPORT BEACH • .. MW .... of .fhe becMiful 0wPw and .... P'tyWMMIIh offers ......... 1ft~ ..... ........ "" .......... .-c~ traiMcl .. .. ..... .. ... .. Clwyllen ..d ..,. • ... ~ ......... ., awp.r .... ....... ,.,. .................. ,.. ~DRYSLER _..,., to 1wlntuln yovt cor-in 1he belt fill ~ dltloft c..e 1ft ~. You'l get ~ ....,,.._Oft OIIJ'hl!• "-• ..... ~ eue cemple ................. Alt4 ....... you ...... .. Clwytl.r efld.., T I .. ..,. ,_.. t. .... ,.. ... ..,. .... "-'Ht ..... It ... -,.. ........ _ . ••r••r•• ., •••r•••• ••••••~•••• I • , • ' I • I I ... TbW"'Iday, Karcb 28, 1966 SAVE ~ on Recorda! by buying your favo~itea here. • ' Old and Used. RECORDS V. M. and Webster Record Changers • Also . 3·Day ' Photo Developing Service at ,u I.ARB~OR CAMERA IUid RECORD S.HOP -Thoughtful Pollee! ,_ of ,_,.. .... -· vk!P teO ~ atery of polkle C'ou.rt,..y. It --t11at four toea~ ,....,_ -.... .-,. una. •• ettuaa -• .. u.e NN. ~Co a-ve Ulftr rt.w.. ' potee Uld llltMk off to &M ,.ac,,.. Co plll"duiM a UHae re- fl'f!Shnlrnt Ia t hP f.ona of a bnttlfo of ~.w .. t. 0.. pod bottle -.M too fl&ll tor ..-.~~er. "of oOurlle, a.cl eo It ..--·c '-1 uaUI tile poUC"e p&«-kNI up tiNo '-"'-foul'eOIIM! •• --.a-te of llallloa aDd kw-kt!CI tiMom •• •• tale .. Cltty hoW>I" for tt.e ., alpf. 'l"heft tbf"y Wf'ft ~ c-....._ ttlaa.kMII (Oraa~ OoutJ 0 ,_. 1•17 ..,._ .-!) ud tue11e4 tatoo ~Mod tt:r ........ ----· ....... •If. -doiiW. But n.a& ••a -'t haepltalltJ -c11 for the polk!P, ,,._, .,... ..... '""..,.,. ... ..__ of • ..., ... 4uhed nff to tale plflr, ,...._.. rm tb,. n.tllar poa.. ..ct .,.utp- nw-nc. ADd aa.-cMfUDy &oc!kllld tllem up ..,.. Ule lllllllu rn .. ! ~ve Bait Boat •at Newport Pier '! Ft.humen ,are wondl'rin~ It Nl'wport Bea ch w111 operate thla 11ummer with no llvt' ba!t boat& . . REMOOELY..D. conlalnln~ nf"W mt-rchandlw. but lhr '"'""" ulol d.:pendablt management t. holdln« forth In the Barruw• J>o•pfHt. men t S~ol"e at 1111 Newport-Blvd .. Coeta Me-. Ru.:~r llur••w• hu one of the moat eompl(ltt" and modem 8l0rH In lht• <hlllfl("l Ba.rrow• hu ,_t r-.tum~d to the Harbor Olat rtct att.-r duty with th~ US. N11vy St'a BPu rn th•• South f'a cltle. II'''"" l'hut"' s&iling from lhl' Nl'wport Bt'aeh --------------- pat'r. a aurvey rf'vealt'd toda y Boats to tht' f18hlng b&riJ,• Gandl'r will operat,. from th .. pier how. (>Ver ~ Re.porta tha.t Uvc bAll l)clalll Hi\I@.OJt RADIO & ELECTIUC SHOP . 3~ aAU1. $~ I .l~u. . ' PGJJ eV~cMiatitu. . eJG~4,/i-lllt14··•144··119 .£oetd, lltla..IJ~i, . Na~Jtufa/ lltla..lui#lf BeccauU ANN 0 U .. N C IN G A NEW pr-obAbly will not opt•n•t•· from thl' I p1cr wer ,• ~In~: noll•"<l ar .. und, knows whethl.'r they pi~ t.n re.·j port~ city offlclale •om<" tlml' tii(U granted lhl' Jive balt boat conce•·l ___ _....._ liS • '!nd 81. NI:WPOin alon here to Chet Oranl. who Jut "'---------/ year oprr11ted the Matt Wa.h,ta 1 Sport Fl•hlng plt'r on the C'out i Watch Repairing 1· Service r------------:: Htchway. I Welcome Home! Ora.nt and Mr•. Orant art. rl'· ported to be In n ortda and no r Veterans one In the local art>a apparently N-..n ...,._ ,... •• kno"tn whether they plan to rt'· turn h'!n tht. aummer. He may AII'I:N<)~ 1.-oJOJII' have ~ed to have IIOIM o ne I • •I t • a .a H 1 IMJ ..._ take h1a place. but ao far. nothing ~ V...._ Ill VWt ... drtl.nltt" hu b.-en ll'arned. leAL IM M. _. •• A.,.. It wu a1ao teamed that Matt ._ l.rl _. ... ......_·a .. a Walah may withdraw ht. aport llablnlf boat.. the Matt Walah and ,...--------=---.. the 0 . W . from U.. loc:a1 harbor SPirua •amEIE th•• y...... Lut year both of the tU,A "'' bllf boat. operated here. Tbe 0 . Da. •· a. M'ID W. la reported to have b.-en aold 'by Walah to a former emplpye an1 \~ ._ • C... .. OnliM w111 be operated from t he Hunt· a.-... J1w lqtoa Beae!t pier t.b1a JMr \IDCSer ....._ ____ ....;.....;;.;;..----J the direction of Orv!Ue Oant. --. ~~ ... -·--.......... --· • 0 ............... _ OYYERTNG A COMPLETE SERVJ<'J!: toT home appllanrre "nd the other mech&nlca.l ~ta around the home alld otnc• ano~ operatora o(._fbe ~ 1\adlo a~~d Dectrie 8bop at 2102 Weat Central Ave .. Qua Clark Ia the operator of tbe Appliance and radio repair dlvt.alon b d Bob Wetaman mamtaina an office equip- ment matntenanee and repair lbOp. 'nM two aloao handle Bicycle ucS oU.V IID&Il m.,.....,lc:al ...,..,.._ <N.-port·...,_ PrHI Pboto). -~ atches and Clocks Repaired~ . . Workmanship Guaranteed • Sensible Prices .. ca-wan•a.nay WATSON'S ...... 303 East 19th Street COSTA MESA -·1 : ~I#IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIII~,IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIITIIIIIIIII~ ~ . ~ ~ -~ ~ ~-~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Newport "Twin PuU" '·ine PuDer Will Be Avail-~· ~ able within 30 Days. This Twin-Spool ~nil wiD · ~ ~ be Complete with: ~ ~ l. P ositive Acting Frictilln ('Juk h of Mangan<'se, Bronze including Slip Spring t o pr<'V<'III ht't•a k:Lgt• u l' lint•s : ~ ~ !. J<'ive-inch-diamet Pr Rpool~. pPrmitting u"" cf Stainless Wirf' UneH; • ~ ... 3 stPJpte Shift Mechanis m, only on~-half t urn of control wh .. el oeithc•r <·lut"hf.s or frc•c• spool each or both ·~f twin HpooiH. l..' ~ AD.~ of M~..UUcal Bqalpaa~at fol' Co•mel'dal Fishlrag ue belllg d ... ga. i ~ eel aDd maDafachuedlo fUhel'aien'sspeclflcadoas hel'e-la the SOatblaacL ~ ~-~ ~ IIFCo••en:lal n.he..-ea lll'ttiDvltedlo eoalaclu at -y. llae relallve to J:qulp•••f wldcll wiD ~ ~ · help Qie~ have a moN efflcieaa aaa p..Ofltable Ieason I · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AU NEWPORT ENGINEERING EQUIPMEST IS MANUFACTURED IN THt~ ·PRF:()ISION SHOP ~ I OF THE .RI<JBABDSON TOOLING PRODUCTS, BALBOA IS~D, WHICH ASSURES THAT THE ~ ~ UNIT BE OF THE HIGHEST POSSmLL QLA LITY. ~ I WATCH FOR OUR IArD ANNOUNCEME XT WHEN DEMONSTRATION UNITS OF LIN~ ~ I P ULLERS, SPRING MOUNTED . SHEAVES, t:TC., ABE INSTAIJ,ED ABOARD LOCAL ALBACORE ~ ~ BOATS. ~ ·1 NEWPORT ENGINEER·ING ASSOCIATES ! ~ o e I ~ ~ ~ FREDERIC I . SINGER, C hief Engin~r · IIANUPAurURING ENGINEERS 215 COAST HIGIM\'A \' PHONE 246: __ or 890-W ~ \fr#lllllllll.ll.l~l.l.ll.d'lf'l~"#lllll.llllllllll.lllll.ll"'l.llll.ll'lll.l.lllll~lllll'> .. .. ,_, ............ .,.- NVMPB• M 1ts IS' All ... Jmors· ·' ·al • otftelal ft; Grad ~--..m ·~ ... artoul ... =..·.:a St-~ eads Jse Y )n·· 4 ODIII•t .... • abjledan .. • hard to .... • .. _. lanta • laid to haw • ct.flned In .. J.tvw.nt at llllld. .. wtloN petJ- ... Ion at the ' a.Jboe bland ~the~ , were wllllnc 0 time limit to 1M ,...,...,.. lOt ehanl• .... t of Uw Jaw . .. be llv.n at ••kiN a..cawe .,-tal forma fclr Jfl In rHidentJal I "lr'Hd. While fn~ f'll mmeunc pr••d Into ,...,. lUll ITIOIIt c1tlel _.>t.,.rtnr lnn u- akirrl( " drffnJw ...-d that J . J . m lnlllfr.IIIIVf" of. I '" rhN'k Into 11'1 f' 'rojeds ~gram e ( lfw •,.t .J •••fO· 111ol '""" "'"" to II~ 1 r, \Y futlll• • I• •ol '\ 11.11 It «"'If· loo• l~trt.:o ~~ loUIII· 1 111 \\'11• IMIIUIXI ,, •tl ll·oiiHllt for I ., t•.r 1o ~tr!'f't, \1arhines IAX'ation pplirant (•II \"•·mlrOit ma-•·tt ' to rllrlrX>nae i'"•l'•'r r11p Uf)Of) .,,. tnm,.tl cSown t•1 .th~.: mad\lnca " 11,,. rlly cou~ lpllt IW' ~II f'lllht. 1111. hut th,. clt:t ' n IO<•nllon be ll•·••n"t' ht! l('rant- ~~~lm·"· 'nw ap. ~d . 'FounclerJ .. SdverTa J'OWJden' D-. ·~-N ._. N....-port -....... wlaldl tu.. at the • ...... with l ~ &ll4» ._.. Mra. BL lt.obwt PoweD '1\'ybe. Each • • CIOfta&t' ... Mn.. Allt.'t' J • ~~UrSina ~o~.•rvic: ~. nplalrwd t Inc eoune wh abl 1euona la DeW clepar~un wbAd'l lhould • audt know! aeeded by the -'llin. Andrttwa Uan Hendtnot 1ftJ' A CHIN ... e .... ... e .. l • Web • We. Footft "'Where • ·r .... lii&AI ' . -~ / . ' Pap 12 c "C~u.. R~-4-1tleM" New ahipment of BLOUSES . Lar9e PANTIES. • Gor9eoua .new colora in thoae ever · popular PEDAL PUSHERS. • White or black PLASTIC PAT- ENT HANDBAGS. ~ ... ~ Balboa Inn Bldg. Balboa, Calif. I Juniors Out Score Upper Classmen ·in Assembly Quiz 'Information Pluse· waa th., u . ! •mbly prQgram put on Tueaday by Harbor High Juniors and Sen- Iors uruJ••r the dJrectlon of Mra. M " r t h e l l a McSevt>nf, drama t~her. Juniors ''PPfiiiPd tM 8{'nlora l.n th .. "'nh•rtatnlnl( quiE c:pnte.t, with ·unlors winning by two polnlll. On th,. Senlnr pAnl'l -r~ Chu lotle Prtt•at. J ack· McKt!Sben, Duane Thorntton and Goody Warren. On lhf' Junlor'a aldl' were Bud Frank- lin, Bill Ire. Dot Wr1ght and Jackie Goodyear Bruce McC•v- ren conductl'd tM qUiz and Mr B. L. HuKh"• and Mrs. Roactne Fee- lt>y acttd u judgn. One of the high apola or the pro(Tam t'amf' wht'n the bo)'l w~rf. to ducn be c;ertaln ar- of girls t'lothin« ualng their handll only. Duane Thornton. who t.1aup~d to bt' qultf' a.n author- Ity on lhl' •ubjtl<'t be<'&UM of a Cl'rtaln, tamoWt English compo- tltlon. wu .. kf'd to deecribe a 811ood. Ht did flnt but fell down on thf' n~xt QU"B' ton. thf' deecrlp- tlon of a Jll'plum. Goodie Warren played choruaes of wt'll known 110nga and th~ c'ln· C for you teatanls tr1ed to name them. Thfon A "full Coli .. • _oune thf'y .runMd at namM of ra moua And famoua plr&t l'a ,. ISE -i--~ The· if' • were qua ont' about WI' I ex E boy' a sportll and I!Pemed to be ~ prd 1 y we-ll Informed. Here'• i111portant oewa for rounc aaen 18 and over {17 with pu- enta• ooneent). Under the G I Bill o( Ri~hta. if you ealiat in the U. S. Army helortJ October 6, 1946. l<W 3 yura, upoa yollr dia- ch.rp you will be entitled to 48 \..IDOCilba o( collep, trade or buai- De.. achool education, Tuition ap to fSOO per ordinary I!Chool • yur wiU be peid. And you will recein S65 IDOIIthly livin« al- lowance-f90 i( you ·are mar- ried. Get the fact• at your oeamlt U. S. Army Rec:.ruitinc Statton. In crJ'Y HALL BUlG., ijANTA ANA ~~-~~~I~!> YOU'Ll HAVI much P"ftler hentft If yM'II .,.. • polr of cotton eloves _..... · . ~,,.. the hucklea and Aoll : ~ pelish o~td It le remol'lt· · ~,1. wolhi"' clothes. It SO'Wet • V ablo how' much more "elbow tr.aM" yw COft muater up. ... ~C~E_) OUICIC SlllLfT HASH 1 lb. grou~td 1 ttp. Worceator- rountl atNJr ahiN ICIUCO 2 mocllum 2 c. sliced row chop,.ct Oft'lons potatoes 2 tiMp. Mlocl .tl 1 Ya C. water salt o1td popper lteWft Mof In selocl oil, odtf potot .... w.ter, selt anti popf"' lo toete. Cover tMMt 'lmrMr JO mlnUlfJ. AcU O..lon-. ortcl Jti¥0tCIHtonhl,. souco ortcl cooll" .., .. "''""'" ......, . Sof¥et 4 ..... t_EO ~T ~ow J ·.·.·.·• 'rc)...,(,. ·7 DON'T PUT 0, wrftin,-fw your Na MttY ·ef Weber's "obOO IOIAS" IteM -60 ,.... of clowet ""'' .. llthiM w•rlt. AtlctroM: Wolter lolrl1t• Co., Dept. 12. a.. 1730, Wllthi,...Lae... StotleR, Lat A,.-1" ,., c.tlf. AIMI ... ,.., forgot ... Wolter' a ltrootf ft • 0000 ........ .. Ml'mbera of the drama c:ll\114 AC'tt'd out tltlu or 110nga. books ~tnd mn\'lt'll On,. of th~ beet' w11.11 Werkf'nd at the Waldorf. It r"ally hsd them pn~ KENIOR PLA V TIM£ Broadway anll Hollywood have nothing •on Harbor HI whf'n It romNI lo chok ,. or drama, for the Sl'nlnr clllu lhla yf'ar hM <'ho.~n to pr<'llt>nt, "The Man Wh(l Came I? ntnn~'r " ('urt8ln II~ Ia 8 n'r lnrk ~Atnnisy evenlrig, April 8. with Mtu Ruth Froelich dlrf'ct. lnr: I hi' fnllowtng ClUit : Bru,.., McOanl'n. Olck WAllnf'r, JeA nr Lo.11 r.rund. David Croaa. Hrrbf'l8 Johnsnn, Ralph Fri,.lag. Criatabt'l Gardnl'r, Nancy Niece, J im Rubel, Jesnnt Edick, Rlnato M ao. Jo Schultf'. Nan 'T'It>r>Ol)- Jim ly, S u1111n WRikt r -e6b Dou«hty, Olarlott" ,..,, Jim Nf'll!l()n, J11 . !'rgsn Ht'SII John f'owler. Rodger Lin I, Duan,. Thornton, Geo'J'f' Yur!lv. J ack McKibber. and John Fo"·let. 0 . A. A. BANQUET Moth~ OOoee will hold trWay ....... •IMa tJw O. A. A. hold!! Ill! Initiation banquet Frida;v evf'TIInr at ~ Coata Meaa Club Hou!M: wtth aU new membera dreaaed r 11 c:haractere froom that famoua old book of rbymes. An a ttendance of over a hundred .. expected wtth Xta. Karjorie Adams, ~ teacher, In chat«t of evl'nla. Aa. tlatln,r PTeeldent Je11nlf' f, o •• Or'W!d wUI be Ardelle K~nn<'ll. Helen Loulae Bean, Lola Strunft: Loron Llonbar~r. NIUI Pter.on Norma l'ullu, Dot Wnght. Mar. gie Price and Jean Trompetrr. BAOIOJ'fTON PI.A YD8 ARE NEEDED Tlle adult badminton <'111M re· port. that thf'y havf' I"'<lm ror mnrt> mrmbt>ra whiC'h '" a re111 np- f'l<lrlunlly fnr thok who likE' KTnup -porta. The clau meelll Monoltly!l Anl1 Wednt•adayll, membt'ra brln~t­ ln~e tht'lr nwn raqurta IUid :\~ rt'nl!< to C'n,·r r coat or equlpmt>nt nnd 11hnwen . lnatructora arl' 1)>.,111' Miller and Mnt :klma Sht'rman Hf:KP: AND TlfF.R£ Right on lht' bl'lllll Is Mr LA:oon. :.rd ThnmrJton'tJ clllN! In Con~'IJm· ere F:t'onomlctl, memben of Whtrl) hll\'1' wnllr n ll'tll'nt tn lht lr f'On- grl'aamrn 11nd Chrate~wlt•s ron. cerntn~: rontlnuntton of th•• OPA Contrnr v to rumurs tho• Ar r I l ~th ~"f'hl'mnrl' Hnr will h·· 11 boy tnk,.~ ,lrirl nffslr. with !lf"H t • riot h••s 1 h<' ortlf'r or th,. ""\<'"~'""I Thl'y li8,Y lhnf r:rn•··· i'htp. mAO'!< tlnnr lng ~\·hr>nf 10 ('.,~I I Mu a 111 f'l'lqlOnslbl(' for th,. 11'11·1 omvl'<t <lnm·ln~t of manv~l'l~rlmr HI lltUd••ntll Thi' .l uninr l:o· I C"N~~ UIH)I'f thl' IIUJ'<'I"'I~I<lll 1\~ Mil's Ooruthy Cnnn·l'r!l Is t~••llin,l: I dnnulll Thr NRtlnnl\1 llnn"r I SMI('t)' hi of(f'rtnjl' torhol~h•r.., • r t $300 to any C'Oll,.gr or unlvrnolt ~· I thto wlnnf'r• to b<' ch03f'n from thl' ten h lght'llt tn 'h•• country • I By ~NNE HOLLffiAt'OH Your ad ln the l"'rN.a ll read by Ulou.anda ever)' wi'Ht. People reed the p,_ Ada. - " ~E..\""PORT-SAI.XOA PRESs Llou "Club M~tiog Features Cuba Morris In Talk' on Safety • oiOII!iNY tif'tiON JIOIR Back In town for a lew da)lll after lpt'ndl!\1 almo.t thne. yeara OVI'f'NU With the Army WU Johnny UI*Hlo formerly or tbe Newpo~ Beacb pollee force. Tburtday, l4areh 28. lMS DOGGEREL& Cuba Mown. local candidate for aheritf, wu ·f,.atured u main apeaker for U.e Lions Club meet • tnr at U.. .. ,. Shore c amp Tuea- day nlpt. He spoke on traffic &Uety and hov.· tt affecta the tn- dlvldua.l. Howard perrtat: prer~de.:l over t he met~ att ... nded by app"Pd· Week-end houae rueata In the home of the Mar tin Muekenthal· er'e of Balboa .(ala.rtd were Mr. ana Mre. A. ll:.~llee of Lonr Be&eh and Mr. and Mre. Arthur Mel&Tad ot South Puadena. matrly 10 members. Prorram. OAaD OF TIIA.linuJ chalrmu Lea Miller Introduced , , Sydney Dntdaon tugtl achooi -We wlah .to ~~ our thanka prtnclp.J, .... ak{'tched the work-lor the muy ~lndn .... or tr1enda tnc plane ot the "pay u you co" ud nelpbore in our bef'e&vement policy for tlnanclng the hJfh MR. and MR8. mARL CUN- achool apuilkln pf'OCTam. 'NJNGHAM and FAMILY MR. and KRS. CARL CUN· I.I!!Q&J.. NOTICE Monc& cw s.u..r: Olf' ~K IN Blll.K NOTICE· li HEREBY CJV£N pura~t to the provision" of &c. NlNGHAM HAROLD CUNNINGHAM MR. and MRS. ar£IL CUN· NINGRAM JI'R. ud MRS. FLOYD CUN- NINOHA)(. Tbe~·a a Dachaund llvlnr up my at.riet Whoee mlatreu boll,fhl hlm a nllor coat All you can aee or tbat doJ ta tua teet But he'll aur. look cute when he coe• on \heir boat. Now me, I'm a Spanlel, I wonder Jf I Wouldn't look pretty k~n ll my muter would buy A coat from the PaT PANTRY eo I could aall . AI well u that Dach.lund, rrom no wl.nd would J qufU. 'J'helr ato~·· on the Ialand, Balboa, at'a very Convenient to atop the~three doora from the P'erry. 113 A,-te atreet. Phone: hteadyo• ....... wllla 1723-W tlon 3UO of the Civil Code of the r-----------------------------------------. State of Calltom 1a. that F RITZ 00088EN8, lnt~nds to sell to WOODROW COOPER all th't certain perwonal propt'rty conalat- lnK ·~nerally of 1)nr-Qusrtrr tn- terut In a CrO<lery bulllnMa. known a~ BALBOA MARKET, belonglnr to eald FRITZ GOOS- SENS and located at JOt Main 3t rett, Ctty of Balboa. County o! Oranre. Btate of C'alifornla, nnd lhat lhe purchast" rrlt'l' therf'o' ~on onday .. the -tfrat day of April, 1848, it• SMART A FINAL 00. LTD .. 1060 EAst l1tl 8t~t. Ctty of Santa Ana, County of Oa:aare, Stale or CaliforniA. at 1 o'clock, P . M. That the a ddrea• ot aat~S vendor ta 301 Main St reet. City ot~ eounty or Oran,ll'e State of Callfoml•. and lht' ad- drN& of a.Jd vend!'e h 2007 Hu. bor Blvd.. Coet& Mesa. County of 0r&n&'e, State of CaliforniA. DATI:O March 20, 1948. J1UTZ GOOSSENS, Vendor WOODROW COOPER, Vendre. (Pub. Mar. 28. 1948 1 .. MAURAY Portrait Studio l eo& ~ Ave., Coat,n Me•a Pb-. Newport 1138-J W~ Group. -Commerd•l We .8peda" .. In Baby Pbotoa ()ptD t a. JD.. to I p. m. ·Rankin'S • I DUBS Wartime H·ours! DAILY STOBB BO'IiBS 9:30 A. II. TO 5:30 P. II. ...ar D~F IIIC£1/DDIC Uft1.8D•r .. In adopting these hours Rankin's Ts· fallowing a policy encouraged . . . by marry p~sive cammunities rotUtJa ... ~ IAJft'& ... aoooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,ooooo • •• II#• -. "Pf!44cJIJ" , 806 Eatrt Cenlral./l"Due Balboa, California T'elephone 834 Tb --- 11&11110: mi ... ALL'lftORI . . THE AVl: SHOP General Machine Work ~· DaYII llaop 216 · 20TH mEn ~ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLBAIOIIG RIVIVE COLOR AND BEAUTY -USa WKIU DRYING WowkDoaelaYoa&'.._e PHONI NIWJ'QilT 2086-R DBAII WARD .... vee. ............ w .... • -• a ThJa Ad•ertilemnt Cootributed by NEWPORT HEIGHTS SUPPORTERS VOTE FOR GILBEilT SEAL FOR CITY COUNCIL •••panH•••IIII ....... n .. leal8d ........... , ...... rt Repair the Streets and Alleys Repaint Our Street Siqna Landacape Our City Park on Cliff Drive Overlooldnq-the Bay Don't Fot9et that Newport Heights Pays City Taxes, Too! • 1 ~ .let 'k~ ~ ,JIJ,p ~ ~ PLAN YOUR DARK-ROOM ~ AND SUGGEST IMPROVE- MENT IN YOUR PICTURES ~ ' . .oW ~ Photo Finishing ~ 3·Day Service ' . ~ ~ ~ FORSYTHE CAMERA SUPPLY ~ 215 Marine Avenue BALBOA ISLAND ... • • Pap13 1 Judges Chosen for Newport Harbor'& Exhibit of Paintings 1Mesa·P;-T. A. Plans to Install Officers oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooo• • Judgn for th~ Elthlblt of P&lnt • tor-and Watt"r Colora of Ntowport Harbor A~a acenew plannt"d tor P.~ay 4lh to 7lh tnclualn at. the Nt'wport H&rboP Union Hl(h SdlQOI ""' being, lnvlt~d. Alrndy M I'll. J A 8 M k of Balboa a land, Mrs. Kay rtnch of Corqna del Mar, o.w~u J~ Pru&~nt of tM Lafluna a-cta Art DeP.rt· ml'nt. flucha Jaeot.en and Jobn Nolan. head of Ule H~ School Art Department. have qraed to llf'rv~. Arthur ll(llUer, Art ll:dltor or the Lot Ancel• Ttmea batr at.o bi'N\ lnvtted to act u a membu of 0\e Boud of JU4fcee. "I'M COmmlll .. bu &rl"~d to buv two of Ule aubjac:t.t aubmltted and a purchue fund of poo hu b~~n .-red by Ule Dlrector11 of the NC'Wl~Qrt Harbor etuunbt'r of C'ommuee. The atf&lr will be otftcially op. t'n~d wtth adequat~ ceremontu on th,. 11ttemoon of 8aturd&y, May 4lh. when tea wj.ll be IM!rved b;v the h\dl<'ll of the Htch School P.·T. A. Invita tion• are utended t o a ll In· l~'n"att'd to attend tht' Vlhlblt and all ArtiAia a~ ur,.ed to entt"r sub. !Pets either olla or water cnlnra Th,. only condition Ia lh1H thr J<Ub- jl'ct bt' " acene from the area around Nl'wport H:t.rbor. Separate Telephon~ S\\itcbboards for Harbor, C•ta Mesa Work ls in ruu progreu lmddco I r hco new Corte Meaa telephone building at 18UI St.. an<l Orange a\renue. on a $411,000 unit of ~l"n­ lrlll offk e f'qulpment ln ont.r lhat 'I tht nrw otflct' may bf' placl'1 In ,.,.r~·lct· on April 27, according to C I. McDonald. dlatrlr t managrr • 1 of t~t Southern C&llfomta Tt'le- phonc Company. I Artrr that d&t.t', Mr. Mr Don&hl r>nlnts nut. llf'parate IWil r hboerds In Colli& Meaa and In Nrwporl t Bto11eh will handle calla ortjllnating 'tn the north and 110uth ae!'tlonll of thr uchang~ The QoeUI ,._. l 'llro•nt To•tto•h. era A..oc:latlon w111 hK' ,. t h·· ln- • ~nauo".t of Otnoen and lnlroduc- Uon of ~ In the m"tn "udl· tortum of the ,ntumar •<:fi,~<•l. TuNday. April' I a t Z·30 .. Potr1 JCdcar Hill' of U.' Nf'wport Bo•Rc'h P .• T . A. wtll act u lnltallln!J! nf. fleer, Jerry llbaAftOn Will aln~ for Ule pouJ. ~ whll'h ltll wall I)(' 1M! mel. Motile,. are edVU!t'J lhlll f'ltt vtatona have *" mfttlt Rl lhr• aehool to care tor lh~ 8111111 <'hil- dren d\artD,I UM tneelln~. • The ~I'd Whklh !neil Vt'sll"rohl\' made plaN to .. nd l'rf'll.idt'nl M~ Kenneth Stewart to lhl' roa vf'n · tton tn 8al\ P'randa<'o In May. Ill'. cordi~ "to ,.,., B. ~·rniPy, pub> llclty ellalrmUl. Pat~ LoUIN Harr11 w 11 s honored on her blrthday lut wrf'k when ber pannla, Mr and Mra C. M. JlarrW, lilt Fulll'rton ,,.,., nu. held open boUH 4for 'her. • A ~~ g~" Sp~J'd Sl.op 'J.07 MARINE AVE. ·. PHONE 576 BALBOA ISLAND DEPENDABILITY When the new Coeta MP11a trle. phon,. otflct' Ia cut Into ef'rviCt',j tPI<'phon~ u84'ra In COo!lla Ml'llll will have nt'w t.t'lephone numbt'r• and 1 1 th.-IIUbacrtbera In Nl'wport BNteh will ldt'ntlfy their calla with nt"wly RJtlllgnl'd pretbtea. " Thla Ia nee"•· ury, Mr. McDonald la)'a. to dla· llncutlh betw('.('n alia to lllld from the two different office.. Sube<'rtbf'n located north of the Archta will be a•ICJM!d BEacon prcofbcea. and Uloee .outh of the ArchH wtu bC' ~ ll.Arbor ~ nxet~. few other traits of character ue u imponaat in a mao or a company u dependability. It is doubly important in a public t.J'UUponatioo aervice. Greybouna is fuUy &len to the fact that the ~..... . -commun~es of the Cout Highway ~ .Tbe pricelaa aperience pioed iA bua po. DeerinJ and dnelopmeat hu r• Gnr- hcNad people~ "k.aow bow'~ 'I'Wr IOIIIMI uodentaodioa of the Couc'• tnn~ponadoa . probleau baa enabled them to bWW, rft111 Asks to Start Mesa Yeterinyy Hospital Appllr11 tlon to et11rt a Vf'tl'rlnar· Inn hn~pllnl on Nt'wport boulf'vard heavily on the continuous low of modem. 1oca1 Greyhound aerrice. KeepiAJ and im· ~iag this b.iJh ICaDdard of opert.tioa il GteybouAd·· .......... jell. &omdlletan.anapeocliAa.ner·.,__loal ~Today or comorrow, JOU c:aa ao ...... JOG WUit ID, ... JCN W11M 10, lllf Gr•,t.c..D'I, ~~ "-P•••tlhJ. . . . fll Ill 1111 II lll ,llltlll ... llllf II 111111111 •'., p ra c .I • 1 c o•IYHOUND • nf'llr VlrtnrlA atn-et In CostA Ml'U 1 wu mlldl' by Dr HOT'ACl' Park~r. C C SWAFFORD befoff A ml'Plln~t of thl' Oranlf" • • , Ag~nt C'(lunty P ls nnlng Comml111lon IIUit II Yo'l'l'k . J"uhlfr hearing on the ap. --=-~Q Coast Hlvhwaw Phone 876 pltrnli'\Trf?W'Ifl!' IJI'I rm kpT'tl-1\. ---~ ~ ~ ~. ------------------------~ ---------------------- T A'X t'IUNO •t 'NI':Vf:!".'Tfl'l'l.' &..-----------------------------------------------..:....J It rn 11plle of 1111 murnbltn~tll nnc1 crumhliniCII h('ard afonund Aburrt income tax. ll nOll' frnrn JU<I~P Hnrry (' Wt·-IOVI'r IIU\VII thAt the Jlln to Ma r 1!'1 filing rw r. lnd "'"" u""''l'ntful. Thr ~nr" ~<pnl 10 Ill" Antt•rl<'an pM'kf'tbw-1< wa.~ h'lndiNI hv lhr· lnt!'mRI n ·,·rnut' I nfrtrr "With srnoolhnt>PII anot Ill!!· rntrh," hr ~old • I ----I ~fffta Wlll\t adA brln~ retult" II LEGAL NOTICE ('F.Rnf'lCATE OF' lU'MIN~!-4!4 I tU'TITiot'8 FIRM SAMt: : THF: l '!l:n!~RSlr.NEO tin hrz.'l'hY 1 .-rrtlfv thnt t hrv Art> rnn•IIJ•'I lilt( 11 1 '"'""' nnd Cotfl'f' Shnp hu~ln<'l'q at P'rrn Z.on•• r:-.r, Palma. Rulhn'l . I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rnlifor'lll'l unlll'r lh• flc l lla<ua-• firm n11 m•· nf I RA I.O'IA OONtrT RIIOP I '11'1'1 thlll IIIII l flma Ill l't)napniiU'd of I I h I' fntluwl"'! p!'riiOnll, whu~·· ANY MAKE CAR The Stanliiii ·Boom· With the Well Known Count. BREAKFAST AND tUNCHES a Specialty ·' ,ine Drinks at Moderate Pri't' a a Guarantee 215 E. First, LORI Beach . Pholle &95-338 I Of!mrr Md ndoJri'!!SI'~ RfP 11.8 fol- 1n\l.'ll t.n "'II l HARHV (' ARHF::OO:. JR . 4011 Surf. R'llh'lll, rAiifnrnlll, I CLAHF::OO:CE L. HF:PPLEH.' 124 1 \VP11t f't'nlrlll Avcnuf'. B11lbns . rnllfnmlll.. \1\'TTNF.SS our hnnda lhl11 26th l'lay of Mareh'lf48. HARRY ~ A~HF.S, JR Cl-ARENCE L. HJ:I'Pl~F.R STATE OP' CALIFORNIA , .. rntJNTY OF ORANOE ..1 • ON THJA 28th dav of Mftrch A. 0 , 1948 bt'for r m(', HPirn 0 Klatt. " Notary Plahll<' tn and for th., aald and State.. rwtldln~t theff· bT, d11ly commtaa6onl't1 llll\d IIWom. J>Pn!OnaTT:v "J"IpeAr•d HArry r Athl'n, .lr IUid Clarenrt L. H ,.p. r t"r known t'l m e to bto the per~~<"~nll w hn!W' n11m1'1t 'llr" liUb!!r rlbfod tn lh,. u1thln In" I rum-'nt. Rnl'l llf'knowt. l"d~~;ed t'l mt that thl'y f'xrrut,.ot 'hr lr.'mr T~ WTT:"F:!'IR WHF.REOF , I hll\'" t~nreuntn_,.,t mv hand and affiJc.~·J ·nv nffll'llll """l th,. d!!y and Y""r h thl!! f'<'l lltlratf' flnot abov•• writ· lt'n. ~ HELEN 0 Kl~ \11 :"o:n1rtrv l"ublll' In ft n'i fnr ~tal 'l l'nunrv '11nrl Rtnt,. COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE ·one Day Service • 100% Credit (ALL WORK GUARANTIED> .... -----.. -_.......,.._ ... BARRISOII P ·ONTIAC CO. . . 2nd aad lyca•on IAII'I' A ANA Phoae6036 !.fy commllllllon .. xplr"" ne.-:1·4~ 1 l"ull Mnr 211·Ar r 11 -1'1 ~==:z:==============================================g I • ~nts k>us All .Ru~; ~nal .-d bad ClftM, -.nta wu ••ld to ..... .IInne defined ... •· Hub Powen Oil ""'I ared.. 'Owen, 'WhoM peU· • queatton at the •• on Ralboa lll&nd line hun the bula- t.hey wtft wiUiftl a time lbnlt .. Roland ,..,.._ ~ not dl&np 1111 ll•lor ot the Jaw . lhoold tJ. atwn at ~tkww bleaUM 0 •PI'd•l .... ... 1ed Ofl In ....... ... 10nrll ""~ WhUe out for f'UmlNtlftl ),., •pr•lld lntn ,...._ c:t lh•t m4lat ntlel "" a ~tniN'rlnl lnllu· rf· tnklnle " dtortnlte IIICrl"~ thet J . J . y rulmlnlftriiiiVf' nf- '''''tl 1cr rlu'1'k Into •ll('r•• Proj~cts rogram , ' ''' rte•· •,,, •I ;un· ,, .. ,,d ul''''"''"" to It II .c~ o f1 '' h'l~l· n '"j "' '\"''" r)t· 'f '" 1,, "'"'' hUJI· , .. nut \\·a~ l'"'lf"Ct "'P" nl ll·allw•ll for • I• II lt,lh Alrt'f'l, k Ma("hines J 0 r AK'ation A p)llicant ''' f·•r w·n•llnl( mil· 11 1 !'11 v to dlllfll'nle n II I'll f ><'r <'IIJl IJ[ICttl 1 '' • • • 1 "rn•••l down r ...... r 1lro• m~tt".hln.,. 1 •I '" tlw c'l1y ('OUn• ' mh•Jol l.r nil rl~:ht. ,,. ~lllfl, hut lh,. city llr•·~ n lcl('l\lioo be .' 11 ll•·••n11r• hf' lrl'llnt• mru·hlnr11 The apo S.•niNl. I'IDIIIftd-· D -··-~ ..,_t·Ttf .. Newport: ~ ....... wbldl • &line' at thfo ,. ....... with ' boDand &uca ..... Mn. BL Robert PowC'll -Tlpe. Each . a COI"MMe u • )In, All~ J IIUI'IinJ lk'rvlc: t7, uplaiiW'd t 1111 ,coune Wh U...l~ln DeW departur« wllk:h ahould • euch knowl aeeded by tho ~~,......--tin. Anc!rf'WI . Uan He, ... .,. ....... ........ • •• ax •••• , ... I - ' Pap 14 Jean Funk Engaged to John ·McMillan Mr. and Mrw. Henbel J"unk. ~33 0rance avenue, Coeta MeM, re- cenUy announced thf' enpjlem4it of their da~ter, Jean. to Oan M<'Mlllan, .on of Mr. IU'Id Mrw. ... $334,530 Building Permits Issued As Gov't Clamps Down cContlnued from P~e 1 I Cl'lu t Hl(hWIY wu ... ued a pet'· IJllt to build a 11&.000 atore. A permit to build a medle&l- ~nlal framr atucco building tor 112,000 wu t .. ued to Dr. Phillip ll Buaett at 823 Cout Hl~thway. ' Robert A. l:ut.man wu It-anted " permit to build a 114.:100 two atory otflrl' bulldinc at 223 Ma· rinl': LM>nard W. K.arrUI, 813 E. Central, a 1e.600 •torr bulldtnc and lhow room. JI'TanJt Horvath. 21118 r.arayl.'ltl', a two atory atore bulldlnlf wrth aparlmrnta. 17300: SOS SOS SOS No, no on" 1.11 aaklnc f<W IMlp! It'! nll'rt>ly 't he nam,. or tht buutttully dutcned modem 808 E!ertrrr store .at 300 Marini' avt'nUI' owned by Harold ....... and p1e1ured above. The ator .. Ia on .. or tht> rl'uorur contrtbuU~ to Balbo& lsland'a ••· pandtng ...ttopptng cenll'r tNewport-BalbOJt Prt'N Photo). Arnold K. Twerlrn, 11204 ~ F ront. a 1:1000 cafe. H . E. War· hunt, 2Je Marine, an apartment o. "'· BA8Sr:JT n .L New 'lltn.-y' for ·rntl •tore, 11008. C . W. ~lt of thl' Callfornta 1 • F.d Wederkln. 2t06 E C'"l'nt.ral. !\fartne Packing Co. hu been con-Seal Beach Fishermen , atnrl' bulldtnr. ~: · and a ft.ned to h1a home with Ulneea.' atorf' bulldlnlf wtth remodelln11 of Yrit>nda a nd fellow workera are A poweNCS 'Jiln~y· wtll be U8ed "'""'h"r butldlnlf a t 2A21 W. Cm-Wlahrn~: hrm a l!J>e••dy rl'rov..ry to pick up flllhl'rmtn !II the MISS JEAN FUNK lrAI, 17000 J nhn Sadner. 1~ head, carry tht'm tu the lantilnc. · 1 Cout, _. atort' at 110,000: Mrs. Kent Kltchcook of Udo and then return th•·rn tu thP pier John M<'Mtll&n of MO RedlaD4I.. T opplnK thl' J)f'rmtta t~ut'd tor Iale, returned home yeaterday ht'ad after the dDy's f~ahrn«. If Both « people ar~h(Tadud. h'lusr 11 w11.11 nnl' tn Lynn B Cayot ""' ol an ....lol.IJ: .J.WL.&.__.4.J--'Lill>.l~tro ..... m.,.t_tw.r•..,s ... " ... "sldP Ho11pltat In Lonr; there 1.11 enough dc>mand. Art are In ho!U" to J llhn CUrci. 1318 W . .,h.-uml<'rwt>nt " Stockton and M LPsln>r pu~r con- around tht' Harbor area. The wed· fi!IV, tor An IIS,OOO hnUH. minor OJift'aUon. <·l'aatonalrea, w rll c-a rry pu·r flab. dlng date h11 not )'fl beofon r .. rmlta 1,1, hnUliU , repairs. ad-ermen for a nl<'k!•l farE'. The nounced. oltllnns !lnd ,.11,.r,.llnns WPrr al8o PRf:~til u., Od "-lt•l ; 'jitney' &. a apt>crt'll burtt tractor laauf'd 1, If you wtah to buy or aell, try unit which wtll r ull 11 <tnubl(• sided a cla•tfled ad tn the P reu. dolly type of pMII't'OI:'"' r art. Wedneaday at 10:30 In lht home of Mra. Ella 0(11dnu. 217 33rd at n:~t. --tAr r. a hou"" Mary Hltc."rcoc.k of Lido late Th,.lnrll :\frDumt'y. 110~ J.-mlne. conttnrd to hrr humt' 'with lbe 11 hoWN' for 17000; H. I~ Ro~A'll· ------------------------ meulee. tro•f', 1)11()3 Srll Shorr. a 1~000 AOCESSORIES ·Accessories hnuar . A M R11mb<•. ~ Fu11Pr· REAL ESTATE (For Salfl)REAL. ESTATF. (For Sale) tnn. hnullf' fnr 171'10(1! C K Mf'- NI 11. f•21 RiVf'N+•. a $7~ houn: FIRE H p; Rmlth. 304 34th 11tret>l, 11 S7~ garaKe: A M. J oyct'. 1002· AtrrOMOBILE •018 Shnro. 13:100: Phil A CraiH'r. ~ Mare, a houee for MOOO: R. J W Ullll. tell J'i_ Bay F ront, roof for 14~. H. !:' Dr Santla. wtncfbrf'ak, 811 38th alrfft. 1300: Jamea Heaton, Jr, 210 Pe.rl. 11 two atory apartment tor 18000: Henry Macq t a a .Ja<ko apartment ovrr a IIJlT&«e,4500():·-fl!. !'!'tmrorth 103 E. Central Booth M8 Smeeetur. a hou.ae for 1&000:' Charlea PyJ&e. 121 Apolena. Balboa an aptartment for $4000; Jarnee YACHTS COMPENSATION ''STU'' DUNLAP Insurance Phone NUIIlbet' 883 ~~~~er, d:p=..e f:~ 4::0:, A. "SANDY" STEINER, Realt.or &VI:RYTHINO TOU HUD vi~, '::oo~e.hler, 204 Newport c. F. DENNISON, Associate Realtor Boulent.rd. a hou.e tor 13&00: REAL EST A.'PE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES roR TOUR PIUVINO PI...L\aUR& AND Joee Pern. 71' Goldenrod. a houee 634· Coast Highway 101 Phone 257·3 .._., tor 111000: &. 11. OYerbeek. 1400 w . -.y ......... a ..., fer 11000: ~ aA.I'Wl"'' I 0 . Z. RoberUoa, lUI CamaUon, a NEWPORT HEIGHTS 111000 hOU8e: etarence A. Marcey, acMIUon to buUdlnc at 321 Jria, 11000; Anna 1.-McDowt'll, 217- 211 37th houee for SSM>O: Frt'<l •nd Mary Lambert. ASS JumlnP, BATTERIES Batteries NewpOrt -Bafboa Auto Supply tl08 WEST CENTRAL AVE. NEWPQJtT REAC H s 1600 boUIIC'. W. R Graham. 328 Narclsaua. a houee for 17180. Robt'rt A Oril' .. ler, 17~ addition, 427 Poln- af'ttla : Rn Brarttlt, bt'dronm IJlti lt&r&llt!. 4~ Goldenrod. 1700. W W . Sanford. 3011 Onyx. $7~0 nlter - ,uona: 0 . J. Enrlberl. ~~ Carnlll.lon. S800 additioN!: T H C'r&nl'. 618 Avocado, a 1800 houec : N"ll J ohn· 110n 311 Goldenrod. 13:100 addt. tin~"· Jim Rlrmon. · 11!'1 MArtnl'. $3000 lllldll lnrur . Rl('hRrd M••l n· lllflh. 14000 11ddlttonl! 111 141~ W B11y: C E SlaniK'II. 209 9th $750 1\ddlttonll Jame11 Ow.-n. 814 Ot'f"tu\ F ront. 111.000 hnutH•: Oullnc Fair. 1 1\:)0 Full.-rtrrn. 17000 hilUM . Og1r 0 . Ori'\'IJ.(, 201 1't ilh. II 14000 hOUI\f' -"'{ Harbor Engine & Equipm~nt C.o. Ag.-nts for OSCO ~lARlNE 'IOTORS 90 h. p. ~ Ford with 2·1 ._...urllo,. Now Ill Kt~k. Ill A~tt-A""" BALBOA ISLAND MotluH4 · .I • • • . . . Exclusive but not Erpensive COSTA MESA ~ ..... 3-BEDROOM HOME, fireplace, hardwood floon. 2 car prage. Lot 50'x127'. ~ good buy at $9750 COSTA MESA HOME, furnished, plus thrl'e 3-room apta.. fur- nished. Large corner lot 124 'x125'. nice Iand.ecap- ing. 2 .separate garages. Nrar school and shop- ping center .of $18,000 4-BEDROOM HOUf;E with 2 batbt~. Ready for occupancy April 1st $8500 NE\VPORT BEACH HOUSE. 4 bed ronm~<. fircplft <'l'. patio, kr~ue. washroom, garn~<' Fu miRht'(l. Lot 00'1195'. Suit· abl~ for cabins ' $11 ,000 . S7000 down HOME ON CHA~NEL Gar:\Kt>. privati' pil'r. furnished. wrx clean. Six ~yC'a rs old. Corner lut. lmmcdtatc pouession. GOOD I NCOME BUY C'ONCRETF. RRICI\ FACTOR\' ~'ully equipped . ~ma ll homl' and I :ll'rt' l.tnd $14,500 FOR Ql ICK SALE REACH Rt l~TNE~f;. ~.f.'lll -:c;hnp nnd Hambuf'I'CI'8. Home and 2 apt!'. nn 2 lot' h iJ! lltc· .. me. A tilnely buy ·$27,000 TJl.AlLER COtfRT on ;?1.: aCN'H perfect ilotel Site nJid bnrgam. $t25 per 8Hmth 1 530',000 land.· Tllia w a Preeent iDcoJDe ...r . 6-ROOJI HOtifE 1\Dd 4 small apt::;. Fumi.llted on 2 Iota, immediate posse~~ion of houRe. Pte~ent ID· - eoat $Jt0 per month. flartaln price $16.000 -R.ESTAUR.ANT AND' f .l VrNc; Ql' ARTJCI\S. Old Mrt.nblished huainess. 5 yr I<'IW' $7500- LOT JO!Yxlll'l' fp r !~~~. '(' !) "':lr!l. G?OCl \')CStJ(p. Jh·d rontag- A. "SANDY'' ..... TE .J'~ '. Realtor <... F . DENN I"'O:':. A:.;.:~-..~l'iatc Realtor REAL ESTATE AND Bl:~ll':E~$ OPPORTtJNITlES 634 Coast Highway .. r Phone 25'l3 ~ .. ·-1 Thur8day. J4rch 28, lMe • •• Is just areund -the ecmaerl MtJ 8tU.t.II114A !J~:81M. Easter Gifts For Kiddies s.tr Cllllly ·. Easter Bumies lUCKS u.TS • Clll Utili faster .Clicks KITTIS, ETC. .AND OUR SBOWJ:R Gift DEPT., J8 BRDOUNO OVER WTI'H SCORES OF LOVELY ITJ:K81 INCLUDING BEAUTIFUL BAND MADE BOOTIE SETS ef Oomlled J" ... ~~ W..C -'l'lley'N ° 12 .... ! • Alld in OUr 'TEEN AOJC OI:PT. on the Meuanlne P-----~~~;.;.p~~~~~~.::.:..:.:.:.:,__,._"-"· .... ~ You'll llnd Grandl'et Selection of "DRESS-UP" DRJC88E8 and BONNETS for EASTER <>ranee County'• Leadinc "Qualtty Store" for Chll*en. alrtll to Jl'ourt.Hn Yean ~A-JaveaUeShop JLU\.RT and FLORINI: TAYLOR, OWNI:RS 416 Pf. 8:r-! o-. N_,.. of a-ida'a. n-1181 SANTA ANA SANTA ANA 8TOBE ROUR8: Dally h<om 1 :10 &. DL to 5:11 p ..... .- MATUKDA1'8 fnMD e:JO &. 'm. to 8:M p. m. 1jouM4~~; .. The City of Newport Beaeh and the Community of Costa Mesa now have the liACH CITY MERCHANT PATROL AND DETECTIY£ SERVICE Licensed by the State of California For the Protection of Your Places of Business and your Homea 1(ou MG4f N~ Pluu.. t'i/.:J.t-R And request a member of this service t o call and con- _ summate an agreement for thi~ service. 'Jt/e 'k/GMJ 'lftut, to K~ That the personnel in this service appreciates the splendjd co-operation rendered by...ihe P olice, the Dis- trict A ttoraey and the Sheriff's Office in behalf of the Establishment of this !ervice. r Walter Applcbury, Principal lEACH CITY MERCHANT PATRII AND DETECTIYf SERYIC£· Co•waad•• aad lpoll . . ·yt-· Catt;•••lr .... 13-fL 81•v CalcaiiM .._ . .,.... ........ Ball .... a•n• • • ~Shot .......... Bventady naahllghtS -<~ SKIPPER'S CAPS • LM BILLED SURF CAPS • BASEBALL HATS -~ COLEMAN LANTERNS I 400-HR. swrrcH usHTs r J ... __ .......;;'•;;~••...,.•!•r•_ \ , • O P ,.- I )'\--.. Thureday, March ~. l tHa fOR SUN BABIES .. "Adorable" ia the word for our collection of tot's . sun clothes. • Two-piece sun suits for children up · ~ to 12 years .... ruffled aun suits for the youn9er Mt. • , We Have Everything For Your Pets! fRESH MEAT REMEDIES •. ACCESSORIES • NOW Something For YOU, Too! A Fine New Line of Redwood Patio Furniture, ~~e Stoves and Accessories and Barbecue ·eharcoal • • Come in and Look Around D3 aoan awaoa - BAL80A ISLAWD "Ju.t a Step frgm the Ferry" PHONE NEWPORT 1723-W ~ OPltN NO\. IN n ANTA A':>JA. \vrnc QlJ U.ITi ',' A.l I 'T • TEOR I O PP:N 9 30 TO ~ 30 . . SO EXTIL' C08T s.• AIN AT ITII , SANTA AJifA PIIOR _, , • The Sea Lanes Are Open Again and Yachtin g Flourishes 'S(~ ~!!"crtors llultl . . · '!\lt-t•tin~ in Ualboal • I " ,'"; ... ,1'1•11" ••• ··~·' •bJ<:Lhlll' ,,f lh•• =" \ti••UI\1 ,·uth••\h \•t\IHIUlllt 11' ~. '\ I• •' "!:''"') l'l'l'""""nUrlll I •'lllhJI fr••m 1'1011 f'I"IC'' 1•1 ~"II "''"• • '"''I'" ",.,, h,.l!l 111 th.-1\alboa 1 , I'S<t lhul•ltn~o: '"""'IC ~un•'"¥ 11ntl 1 Mo•llll.\'. l t Tht •••• , .. t "''' \\ tU' •• ,u •. ,. h~' f I'~'' ~~ '\ 'l" ll••11h~lll'l !'lutJ<'f\'lll<lr. To 1 ro ,,...,. llnllul'l<ll Ill •luoly lUI<! I 111-•·uu m•ll•'l"'l pc'rt•lniiiiC to 1''',. " !;IRIIIIUinjt f•>r I'<'IIIM\11\jl •••n•l('f'. .... ,, ""'' t•<·~· "'"' I''""" l•t, .tu••-.C't .. r• "''•'lh tt n.:. th•• ,·un ' r~·~ '''11'•' '' ··r •' t••rank M "''"fl""' uf lttul t,,.,,. C\hl•l"' J uhn \\'11111111' ••• I S11n Ill•' II". A 11"·~1 \,lUI lilt"' 11f \'h·tnr\'111•• lto•rt,..rl lhto•l••·""'l' ufl ftl\'o•rtllol••. Mnlth••w U11llll(lllt'r ur f111n p ,.dro, ll:ol\ll·ar,l Ht'nn~y ar · · .. ·orkrr of Lc,. AnpiNI, lldward THE ·--·- RE-OPENING I or DODD1 S MALT SHOP Re":uode l.d lo r your approval aad comfort • Returning From a Day's Sailing OH Newport-Balboa, Pacific Pleasure Port Tr~nor llt1'a work,., of Banta ------------_ Ba rbolr•. Ch·• Allllf'n anll .... ,.. , Balboa t 'SO Thank~d For Hospital \\'ork •·rt Burkhart of Ralboa. 211 MariiSe Avenuf Balboa /•land Forgit ~-Humphrey Gain on Chiunps • rn-N Wlllll allll hrtnjt f'NOIIII• in Dopble8 Leagiae Th<' Llghtcr-'nutn-Air 1:""'' will m11lntaJn lht' former Rrm' r.· .. •u• l'<'n'lc:~. hee.dqu_p.rura to bl' locatrd ,,. 1\ftlbt>n \_1~( I rt•o't'I\'PII 11 ll!l'<IAI lo'lto•r nf thank~ (rlln> th<' ,.rftl'f' 111 tho• Au1at11nl F'1rl•l Ill- lt'a Alway& Bo;,_·llng Ill thr. Sportland Alleya at the South eout dock aro·onlln~t 1 to 11 report ma de by C'11p1 C V In tht' M Xf'c.l Ooublea League McCarty to tJI'e Qlamtwr nf C'nm· rl't h•r C••r lhP Ht•J c'rnu r<'J:nrol Tu!l<!ay niJ:bt l'ndl'd m a wiiJ _A • • lnj( wurk of lh~ \JSO ln 1M ~c-r,.mhlr with tw? tt'om• lied •tor mf'JTf' boara of director~~ Tuf'~<llly SAA AB hns1•ltal In I ho• lt•ltf'r tn ( COF'F'EE TIME tnrd olace and lhe llf'<'Ond pi• All 11 Ia a 2~ mlnut•• tnp rrom nlrf'rlnr <'1\'llf' A•"""· th<' Rrol ~ • ---• ~ to th• tl1n'bo1 ~"''"""'' · ll'llnt rulllng c loeef' t'tl thr lea.g\11' t I Crn•s 111Aio•ll ..J At The •••.• ,. •PJI J Vo~l andS. Burwrl1 .t m!lY-bt' ni'C'UMf')' n .... ,,,. fin· "Your partlre Wf' alway,. look•··· ~~· moorln~t Thr 11lnllo1n 111 lhl' · · F';•:t\ltnJ: 11 out f~>r thf' ei'IIAr ~-. ...,11 "" ,., n rtrl h 1 1 ~ard to w1th ~enulnr plf'u un• ~"'Inn ,.,,. t ,. rr11~-cuy · ~on_ .. _, 1.)' "., •• .,"J u... "'...,__l'tf't-l.,..._.-th....,.._l•l Ojrdf'n An.d...F. . .t;. R Broyl£11 with ; !-nn~ lht coul Guard Wllm-.,. ca.norully arr&njtf'll 110<1 wo•ll 17 11nd 19 w1ns r<'IOpt><'tlvely. "I' •:~•--1 run AtTOfdlnj: In Roy Kf'Pnt•. nwnrr I ... ,., r• "I· Ill .. "" "'""" IW'f'l\l!• DOiuT-&Win:p~-•"oP •I; '' \h<• S'llortlnnc.l A llt'}'ll, bowling K~l. U"T A\' AILA t\I.F. toni' P'(Prt'"'"'•l 1 h••ir ..:nttlluc.lr fur t'\:orea h~WI' eoart'd llJI lhl' r..ull · Llat or motor vehlrlt·•. ll lll'lt" lht• lnv••ly anc.J t'hllrrnlnJ: hnateu t'a .oLlhQ. much In makl ,.,.", tu•t ln•tsllrd fty Ela-Hokln War Aud . .a & Galvan Thr lighting. which 111 of I hf' "ery new and n dJc&l • de- •ii:Tl, Ia alrrady Mlng roplrd by Long &>&ell bowllng &lleya. Nf'Wporl Commrn:r •s-:tt'd. ant onr. "AI you kft"W lh<' holpltlll I~ cloetn~r and we ha"e r iUicrllt'd aJI Orl{anlud IIC"tlvltlfW. lf aome of ua ue tr an.aferred to t!Oapll ala 1'1 th,. IU'M, wr may -you again: we ho~_!O·" ~ANDWlCHES • MALTS aDd SUNDAES • OOMPLET'IC FOUNTAIN ~ERVlCF.. ,I Vo..:f'I-S Buno.•l'll 47 P. P'orl{tt-G Humph,...y :19 V 11nd J Bldd••rman 38 '0:~ C. A.· Wood, Local ~~~A ccountant, Passes 22 A way In Eagle Rod\ Yn4r ad In the I"TNN \a read hy lhm~JU~.n•la f'Yt'n' w~k. 30.5 Marlnf' Avr nuf' Balboalaland n Toomba·A ForKII ~8 V. 8-'llley.L. Weill 32 28 • R ''"lu•·E Wlllrut 32 28 C A Wood. 68. pUII'd IIW'I)' At M Vo~tt-1-C. Atkinson 211 r ~llrh.R Rou11h 2~ :12 Eagtr• Rock. <'&!If .. M~r :!1 ,.n,•r :t!'i ., ""l!'"rln~t m n ..... ~ """ I. L~tllffnr,. 2:1 s •nd G F'l~h 22 :171 Born In Canada, Mr "'"'"' h~<•l l 38 llvf'd In CAlifornia rnr '"'"r 211 P Guv-R O~:drn 1!1 E nnd It Broyl<'ll 17 Hf:AI.T II ('()t 'NC'IL t~OR~U 41 43 V"nrs. For lhP put Lhr•••• y•• •r' ''" had bern a rroun111nt '"' lu' ''I r,sho•rnl' n ond wu "'"" knnw n tn lhr Hnrbor Arrft . H•· I!O 1111n·lvf'd bv h•~ "hl'lw I· J:la, of Newport Bt-Ach. hv hi~ dau.htera llart'an and Kathtrtne. by-. IOf\. William. A tdx.potnt prO~r"'&m tn prov,,Jr mono nurM• and help encour&$(e _,.. bed facllltl• for hospitAl• WM outllnrd thht wf'l"k 111 the third mrl'tlng of thf' n!'wty.tonn- ed )ie&lth COuncil of Orlll\(1'1! COUnty wtUt Dr . Mabel M~ra A VOCADO QIU1IWBIUI of .lnahtlm orttclatln~r rrr:t.n T0111l AIOtG~ Nurwra who """ lnartlv" will bP A field tour rnr avocado ~row. f'ni'NUI\I:I'd to Jl'O bAck lplo hOI!· ""' to obeervl' 11nd L'tudy com mf'r- nllala. rlthf'r full-tlmt' or part-rial a\'OC"&do production In lhl' ttmr: enrollmtnt of l!'lud,.nt nur11-Fallbrook a nll Vllota 41•tr1c:U of ,.~ will bf' IIOUithl: nun~tn..: tduca. SAn Oltt['O County will ~ cond11f'l · lion 11hnuld br rttumrd tn hoe-~ f'd bv F arm ,Advitor Harnll"l E 111111111: atldltlnn ()( mort non-nun-Wllhi~r~t on Frtd11y, Aprtl 12th In~~: rrn~onntl lnUI h~t111.8 111 lUI-8·1:> a. m .. IH't<ordln~t tn annmtnr"- olh<'r goal; 11nd thr I'Amp&lgn ment made today by Ole A«f1cul- finftllv will 11etk tn dl'lay use of tur11l Extrn111on !krvlre. ·""l'fllllll fartlltiPII hv J'W'riiOnl' not Growrr' tntt'rf'lltl'd tn ,.tt .. ndlnl! l"l mlmlnrnl nP·f'll of 11Urh '"'"" lh•• Prlurlltinnrtl tour llrP tnvlt1'1.1 tn until lhr•r ph~lcl&nlf Hllf'llt In l M .. ,,.,.mhle In rrnnl I'll th,. Tu~tln nrPd Unton H igh School on 101 HJ~th- --~-way Rt II a m . Arrtt t2th, whf'rr MI:.M.t Glltl. M('(•rTM r~trll mHV h•· • nn'~nllrllll"d In r•'· I!.U ('T Nl'il'' 01'1'1(,-.:JU' •lur• tllr n•tmlwr In thf' r uavan l" • \\' ufffr~r,. \VC"rP nu ru·~~ ,, t n br•Ar" O( cltro•rtor~ mN•\InJ' nf tttr Coi'IIA Mt"llll Olrl RI'"Ut" In th,. h••n"' nr Mr11 Arrlrn l"mt.: p,..,'!ll· !l"nt. M r10 Vrmnn Mn1hrwll ll!'~"· rrtnry. Mr.o Rnlrh r:n"·r10. \1"!''"' url'r. Jftrn"" C'omph,.ll. p t r1111 f'hAirman. Mn~ Hu<>ltl H nll LEGAL NOTICE (T.JlT1FW.tt"E OF •e 'MIN~M8 f1C'tltlnt111 "'"" Nan"' THE I'NOF.RSIGJ':F:II d t) hP rr- b\' ,.,.rtlfv lh:tl th•'Y nr•• ron· rhtl'tlng a Rrort nn<l r'•l•tm,.rrlrtl f'1"hln11 '""''"""1 ~t 1 :tnt r-nftlll Hll!hWII\'. N!'wport n ..... h. l'nll· fl•m ttl un '"r I h•• rt• tll•••tl!§ rtnn nllm" or !UI(lflTH ~AILI:-.:r. s r n RT FJRHJNG C'OMl'A~Y . . Ml'>< Hnrrv (' 1-tnrtill'k nf Mi lt· n••ha """""" • nt•·• tntno><l r<•l'•·ntly I with 11 dl'lll'rt hrltl..-t.cr11 Jenool<l Sr&n(JI'r WIHI rlrl'l prllf' • • • Mr11 Hu7.•·1 r.tll. 1!11'111 ~mill· trl'llll. 111 N•nvllll·~•·lnjt Al hl'r h om fnllnwlng h"r 11\IW rtl thl' .. a~nlla Hn~<plllll In IAnl! H~'ach whr r,. ahl' undl'rwrnt mll,jor aurg,.ry Oe~hiniums 1 GIANT PACI11C K'ARID W\aed Blue enol Su Gala had Wbt .. ,,.lti G ti)WO 'lnfl th'\t !l'llrl firm '" rnmP"""'I o~ lhP fttllt~wlnl' pt•rr<nn~<. wh n-.,. HM~I- n·tm••.-In full nn•l pl1t r•·11 ,.• real- ti t nc•• art' n~ ft•l1tt"'" ''•·\\--tt· 1 MYRON, H Kl.l~f;EH. 41:'1 A !lin Splllc.lln~t f>rh•f', Br1·f'rlv Hlll11. C'llllf BRlli:T. .t JiA?I:PV, 11:111 Wr10t <'~'nlral 1\.vc.. Ncwpttl'l b.•llC"h . .--nllf WIT'l'o'I!:SS our hand11 thla IAI" ''"Y nr M9 rt:h. UMe MYRON H. KLtNr.i!~l BRU~-J. HANDT ~· T1t OF CAJ.IroRNIA ) I *' COUNTY OF ORANOil t ON TRJ8 22nd day of "1r ,. . A n. 1Nt . .,fore me. Roland Wf1«'1t. a N ota.ry Publl~ In and ror Ule M id County &nd Stat.... re- HIIOD MOOUf't ~.AMPS • Pwplf' "'ad 11\e PftA!a Ada Effective Sunday, March 31at, 19tl DAILY COAST~ TO· COAST . SLEEPING CAR SERVICE a..,,;., \,IHI•J· N•~ H . 1946, rw ca• "•••I 4datt-tu c .. a" h.-•WC"f'n l.ot *Anl clu and Ntw Yutl., • IP • AP'Ia•l•• aW W•thifta eon.. ie •• ell ruo .. " .,,.,.lo1 car l'ou tu n lin 1l>t •••• ur afl•h• ••7 Tht Lot A•1tlu and Now Yo•._ ott•Ht, wi1h 4.,,,, drrornur-t r.o .. booll .; ........ u ... npo'la lfd ... .. ~ h Uurf .,.,,...,. Loo An11•'" a..t (]uoaao. on thr Nt'O Vo rl I tftlla1 1014 v "'•'l L•>~d a...-J 1hc l'rnnttlvtno a IJr>HJ,,I L•r~..l M. w«.ll Ul•-..&0 ... d Nc• Y .... • W(j TM Lot Aaaelto a..t Wa .. l•a--•iu, ... 4aliJ d • .,. ....... ,,_ ..... '''"" •Ill .. .,.,.w4 -........... C4HJ .... _. Lot "" .. 1" .... Qkap • ..4 •• ... l&kl-• 6 0... c..,IIJ U•il..l .,., ..... Chlc.aao aw Watlll.,...., Tloert ••• -........ '" ., ... .,. Of ., .... ·-·· •• Lot " ........ Otk•to· ., ........ ..4 N•• Yor._ .... , ... H) .... ,-~ ... .., call6llt.., lo.•u ft Tocl.n 06r• SANTA FE YSTEM LINES 11 11ldlnr therein. duly comJ1)laaloned ~nd IIWOm . P"ri!Onally eppl'.are1 Myron H . Kllnl{'er Md Bruc~ J Ha ndy, known to me to be· the pe~ w~ namee are m b. f'IC:ribed to the wlUIIn ln.atnnft"nt, 11nd acJr.now1~4"d to mf' that thev ,..,,.ut,.d Ule aamr IN WITN'I:S~ WHJI!RP'.OF . I ha.-. lle~to .,., mv hand and atn•ed my of ficia l ro-al the dav and yur In Utlt Cfr· tlflr'ft nrwt abbve WT1llen. " loroe •lect•on o' IO'olel, pe••c;:l' oMd V""'' rnodefn tobt. lomP' , tSI'!AI.I ROLAND A WRIGHT ;'oint rtry Publlr In and for Orang,. C'nunty. Rtll' of C'allfnml• I Pub Mllr 28.AJl" 18t AIM a va.llable at Sdlalta Fanalturr Co. SO I W. CMttrr, Ht. A........_ P'lloiM-Aaahelnl 1484 J ' \ , NCw.D .. . ~nts dous. All ~Rumors; :anal --· tea u OfftcW I WaYe; Orad ' . Heads eUse Won ............. .. •• Who ........ a~eNN~not.._. ... • plaMI"' oiJ r ' '• had no ~• • llrw .. hM"d Ia .,._ I and bed ClfWIL ._ta tr, waa aald to tww ... P" t ~ clfofttwd .. ll<'nl, Uub Pvwwl o1 ld declared. f'owlml, ..... ,..... Uw q\M!et 6oft fll the k:t"' on Balboe la1uld u line from tJw .,..._ 114 ttl.y w..-WOl"'C 1m a ume limit to Roland 'ltiOh .... ·~ not dtulp .. vk'llatnr ol tJw law. ' atw-JUid be lfwn at t IIN'UpiiUOM beCaUM no •J»Mal tom.,.. VT~ on ht real*nu.l r<~~.~.ndl ~tCJ'Hd. WMie tid out rur ~ttm~~~aunc 1 t.h~ ·~•ad Into ,..._ ,,.,., that mo-l ntlee w11a • .,-.tlr-nnr tnn u.; ,,,.,. t11ktna 11 drrtnlte 1-III{TI-t-d that J. J, l'lty htlmlnlatratlvt' of- "''"''"' tu rh•'<'k Into vwhere !·Projects ,rogram ,,.,, r ,,, '"'' •,,, tl ''un· ,,,,. .. ""' mldoll""" tn "'' II ,,. • t,·w ltu~l· '• !o •Ill Ill II ltlrlt Mr• •• 'I I.. ''" 1(1·~1 I IIIII· I' t•• ""' '''"n l~'ltd • ...... ~··hi "tii.Hn ft'W' •, IHII .• lfltloll1rt-rt, nk Machines N n I AK'ation y A pplirant 1 """ r••r ,., ndlnr ma· 1 •1 • ••l fy tn cll•pcnN "''' fl t•lltli'r rup upon ••In "' r •• 111rnf'f1 ctnwn "'"'" n1 lhr' mltdrlnf'l" ''" •I 1•• 11\r dty C'O\Jn- 111 ' rnl11111 '"' nil r hrht. '"''' UilrJ, 111.11 lhl' cit)' "t•un·~ 11 1\)(·allon be 1rr n tlt~·n~t' t>. craat.- 11: mt~rhln•·•· nw .p. 1 drnlc-d. ....... ...... ...... •••• ... Tbuftday, ll&rcll 28, tMI a. L PATDUON I ... UITD 80TLI Phon•: Santa Ana 0405· OR 5918 l.agwaa Beech 9744 Newport Beech 1'082 ... IIAJIUNE BALIIOA 181AJIID "'-PHON'J: Tie District · Chamber Meeting Well Attended 20 •• Boy Seoata Meet Board of .ltevie'V for. Awards, Badges 1'lwi monthly Board of Re\·1- tor U.eacem~nt v.•u held a t 1CCM1t ca11tn of Troop No. t .ltfon- F"Or the ttr•t In a -rlu ofi 17 claJ at wtsJch time 20 bOys came ww .,.tout meellnaa on natloa&l up for U.anet"fnent. SCOI.&U re- bualneat, 150 clvtc lu dera trvm rard U..V awarda well eanaed u Rlwnlde, lmperlaJ and 0ranp UM troop ,-equl rea tht!m to review countlea. uaembled at Memorial tWr e..t.t' t.o a cnui\Aflor, then t.o Hall. Huntington Beach Monda)' the Juaior ·Board or E:xaminera, noun ror a luncheon and national and ftn&Uy, U!~ troop committee. affaln conference. Chief advanctnw nt.s were tor HunUngton Beach wu elt"Cted U\e tlv. .eoutb' who received the to hold the lmpon..nt 22nd Con. raNI. ot .tar ~~eout1, Rebert WeJa, lfn'1'61on81 Di.ltrlct 8eNIOn tn l'eC· Ronald mn.1e. Stt'phen K&.Mr, ognltton of the tact that the cit)' Ra:ymOftd 'Louvh•r. and Jlmm)' i.l the home of W. H. Oalllenne, Kim~ ('>R.'sldent of the Soutllem e..u... ft.o~Nit• Hanroek adv&ll~ t.o • fornla Chamber of Commerce tlrtt c1... whil\' Gene Oratn. &t"C:r\'lllrles u110elat1on. Richard Mobly, R•rh·.rU John!'lton H Clay Kellogg. pruldent of advanced to 11ernnd !'lns.t. N early the Auoclatt'd Cham~r• or Com· 40 mvlt.--ol(l'a were applttt1 tor ml'rct' of OtaliJt' county PN'•Ided bv the followlnl:' TPd Tromnr ter . aa chairman of the conf~rentt'. Hary Croeby, P.alrh R~>a. MIJrvln - The dl.etlngul•hed gAthering wu John.on, lltanlf'.V YounK. Ke"neth we-lcomed by Wllllll H Warner, W alker, P'~'ftrd Ortt~n. Jimmy chairman of Uu• b ranr;t County Jurtado, Dick Hlnd.l. Robert Me· bOard of 8uperviM,. rlellan. Manthllll 'Worley. and • ef ·s•r~tl•• llaterlals ••tl lt~•l~t•••• ·AI CALII'OaMIA·--··· ClllmiOIIAI'IOII 1 AU ol the wWe .,.,aeq of..:..,iall aad ~ _, en-ol ...U.-at .,_ ~ .... ~ bx -~p coaiU\ICtioo ... DOW oi..S bx ~I e., Culup. Some ltiJCb.,. ~.,.,there ue•Ullarae quudd• o1 weldJq aod cu -eii'lipmear, iaad ipe 6rciap. uan.r.J ,.,.._,. daiaa "'l'tlNI,"fe rope, electr' cable :J milc:ell•....,.. el«tricalaa~ ' C ::~ tad aepe.il J*o-&11 adapcable co pDihl u-. T,W • . Nil {2'' to 7Y2"1.P.S. Spring type, complete with eye rods, nuts and dompe. •• Elf Many types calibrated. Manuradured by Blow-Knox Co. and Grinnell . Co.. · Spuk.er• werr Howard Vol· Jack Turly, lt"""u-m11na~rer or tht' 0<'p~>rt· Committee "'"" c>frlclating "ttre 64,0,n51 ... -A.W. se..lkP.-T-E6010,3/32''to5/16" ~nt ~1 Governm~ntal Af(.-,lrs. u r Uonberrr. R r. rhamht>,.. 1 r:::..; s. Cbambl'r of Commm·P, Wuh· Scc-utmutu H,ll, Assis ta n t 30,0001bs.-A.W.s,_.IComb.-TypeE6010:11 ,5/32''ond3/16" lngton, o. c .: W . S Roeecrana. Scoutmaater Da\'ld· r.•ndner 281,600 lbs.-A.W. Steel f.P.-Type£~12-13, 1/16"to5/16" p s. Cbam~r of Commerce dltec· The ·th~e -('o~IA ""51 troo!)8 ~ 800 lbs. A. w SteeiU.... c----~ tor nnd pa•t J'l"l'.tlldtnt ()( Ule Loll h~tve completf'ol sll arren~ .. m,.nta 1 -fo u.~ ... ,. ~ D.H.-Type E 6020-30,3/33" A ng<~>IHI Chambu of Commerce, for their movlt' "i••••n H<'rt1en~," -lloPiol!. 7a Jacob o Alltn Na4on•l Affairs 111 ,, ahown at lh" h•~:"h ~tr.hool au. "~ Prices are ICGied 01 follows. Advl&or. U. S. 'c ham'ber of Com· dltnrlum. April 19th T\rke>h JCO II.Kla.s. Upto2,000U..-.06-Ib. merce. Wu hlngton. D. C : WIJ. nn 111\lt thl.e w~··k with m any ,...... lhm E. Hammond, 'manllger W!'lll· ~I'OIIl• reporting lhPy ha\',. alrt'ady 2M to lOMibs.-.05 per lb. Pm u ~-Cbambl'r Of Comm•'rCP. "old their quota 10Mto50Mib,.-.04perlb. San Ffancj.ll<~ --.. ·Over ~lbl.-.03per-lb • ..... ~.----IH-.h-ll~~-wBwW!uw,"lle.u~me~ .... n .... h!+at-ve"'"-rt..wt!l"", ~t,...hc·-f-J~.,.,()u!Set-s-Jttn'£1:!te. s~trseca)1ttt1')rle-f--------l~,..•-~ .. ~-= Miscellaneous brazing rOCf for ateel, alf~, cop- 'Lut 0Ul .taft oi tJaJnecl technician. 1ervice your cap1lal. Truman II nnw hardly " ' 1 per, aluminum, etc.-offered at 30')6 Jeu fhan .atf. r.tlo. Brinq it ill one day ... qet it the next. Fac-~:ea!~! ~~:'"~a;,';h h<.;~"!:'::" COM Vesper Service tory Part., Guara~~teed Labor, fta&lon.h)e•Rat... hom .. by the llpt>akt'rs, w'ho rM-Muatcal Ve•prr Srrvlf'u 4t"' the #'*!If CL•U .JliaiO Palilllag •IIIC• ••1011••• H •••w ... , ... r .... ~ • .- ........ c..tw .. I'IIODa~aa • o.BB wwcww: YOU . •uu ITI ~. low-eo~~t eledridty CUI~ madfo. any· wllere with a Kohler automatk f'k-riric plaat. , -:--xOiilei"lil a romple~ portablfo power plant, fUJiy Mt wp Ia a .....U eonaer of J'OUr rou•try hotiW', cabin, .._.. .otor boa& or banL 8tarbl at tu111 of a switch. -W. GpftU'e aD taoa.ebold ~ ldMUy suJ&fd ,., -,..., .eau-.., eoutntettoe Jobe ud nre fight- ..._ Va._We for~--.., ...... ~ aelaeoh, ...._. alld ...... Orir 'ha••t..rd~ ._. AI RBDICD, Kohler ............. u.s. .... , •••t • •• • tboa- ' . ttiO ~ ... l'tnl ' rr.wu..a.p..atec:~~t....e. l*p..o-11..., •aft!C!a• Co. Two Fire' Equipment 101 f~\', ILIJU', STORE, OFFICI : FARN, HONI tured bualnca• today &~~ "balfied, Co r o n a del Mar Community dJ.tlcouragl'd and &lll~t'd.'' Cburcb llllacky a.t 3:30 will tea. They deacrlbed thr attacka on ture u JUMl muorlclan.. Alexan· tN'e mterpriH and the kind of der r . Reilly, organist, and hla policy w hich u ya "If you can't w1fe Allee AndN"wl Reilly, con· do f' I 'lint-f"eliiJy get the ,rovem · tralto 8llleUt from LOll All~l~. mmt to do It for you:' Tb ... two flne muslclana were Rf'<"'JrTIIUon of property rtcht., P-nt fOI' the d~tlon of the no.ttoratlon ot rupect tor Ule Orpll lut Janual')'. but beeauae prottt moUve In bu.~ineae and the of ''line Uouble." the eledrtctty llft4 of a conatrucUve lertalatlft wu llllut ott UM11pectedly. Tbey propam. tumlahed the them• tor ~ a return en....-ment, t tl,. opln.lone offered by U\e .peak· ~r. wtlldl they LN' tultllllnc ..... t.bq ... ,. 60 Per Cent of Red Cross Quota Raised as Drive Nears End Rn. Pwry P'. Schrock. cllurdl rn.IDWter, MnOWice• tha t there wtll be no addreae at the aen-tee u U.. PI'OCftm I.e enUrel)' m u.tcaJ. wtth U.. pubUe cordially lnv1ted. Mary Batta atetfenaen. an.d the cllurdl dtoU and MIN Ma.rca~t L k b&rte, cllureh orpnlat wtJJ .,.,. Uctpete Dl tbe v•pet' eerYtee.. To date, U\e Red era.. total 18.000,. or eo per cent of U\e total accepted ~ Mr.. VIctor Grace, campalcn chalrm&ll alated tocSay . Newport Beach hai .. nenr f&lled In ,....... ,.,. the ,.,._ Ada. IUIJ emera-ency, even when other ;::=:~;;:=========::; eommuntU~ have ~n lecrtnJ. ahe •tated, and urpd that aJI relri. dE'nU make U!f'lr <toneUona Ull• week which I.e the nna1 w~k of the eamp&1.171. Mn. Or-ace hu been ca mpaJcn. Inc for Red Crou tor the put nlneo>yean and hu been campalpt chalnnan for the put five yea,.., '\CcordinK t.o a report (TOm ,.,.., G. L. Andre.,..., She haa done 11 rt'mukable piece of work. Ri' I nil fr.f'ly ot her umt, often puttln.g In 10 hour. a day durin![ lh,. drive for funda. happy t o dt'\'Ote h!'r !'n· r fK>• to the only nrKaniVItion which I.e llf'l up to act ln•t>tnllv In 1 the~..,.. of aQy l'rn!'rgrnl'y, wt\f'lh· rr It bco n.rthqua.ke. fin•. fln.•d.l rtl,.t';uoe or war. Mr.11 GrllrP ,. ... "nrd3 the Ol'l[anlz&tlnn "" A tyyw l n( murll n!'rd!'il ln~urAno·•· · H<'r finAl r,.pnrt on th•• run•ls 'rl\'1' ·will I><' J'lrt'!tt•nll' I nt A n•••••f.l IMI: tlf !hi' l)n11rrl nf ctlrN·t•lrll F ri. I ""' n""n 11 t t h<' E b,.IJ ('luh 11 r 1 whlrh llml' J!'rgt•n L nro nt 7.o•n Will ~ .... ~ldP Afl<>r R hong Ab>·.•n•·,. !':ttl n •mi:H' h •n h!!•n n'ct1ng • h111 rrnon E\'~ Ho•rloh·lo•k!ln n, ll n••\1 h11ar· I 0\l'rllho•r Will 11l"n lw r r••IOI'nl A mnnc th o· llf."nt•rntt.~ ol"l1 i1 11111' r••r"rtuft tht!it ~·•"':lr \\·n_.f( $ h\4) (r~•H) tlw Thrift l';hf•Jl Th•· .111111 .. r It 1 r'""'~ \\ h lrh h~fl ""•'" It 'V'J\l" tt .. •lrl\·,. fnr f11n<b< n t t hi~ •11• ,. "'~" h·•~ rili~W"•I ~164 :O.tr~ r:r••ll• T11hh!' "pnrtPol ~~ Ar'Pttt:nAJ'II ' .\\·,, w1~h In th1p t1111nn• r 1 , , , f •·n f !ll'rt' ... '"'~ th•u'k~ t•' ,.••tr tr1••n t• 1\nlf nt•n:hb"r!l (t'lr lh• 1r llolll \' 11 I• 'In I wnrct" !'If 1-·ymnnthl' "' 11 l.tnol n~'!'S dunnll' thr lllnl'~l' nn11 ·l··~th of n11r wlrt• 111\CI doughlr•r FTl A Nl< ('O'TTLE lof R 11nd MRS. A J WILI.IAM~ FOR YOUR lasarance (YAC HT • 111\1 ·AUTO) CALL • I Maune Stanley INSURANCE ONLy e ~25 Nerine Belboa h lend IT 00111:11 to .-1. "He-Mu'" tDod u.at•• a r.. YOt1 r. WIth tiM 1AoiUee, too, )'OU caJI't beet PrtiDe JUbe ot BHI the way .,. .,.,. tJMm at n.~ Clrcua. Eveft ...a llNil't ftiC)ft popular t.haa prtme rlbe the wa>• the Chef routa \hem. brown and almost crultt}r oa U.. outade. and Juat drtppltJ• Juice trom the <'fntl'r of ellft')' bl& thick alice. r I'• • funnY, w,., &Q,.,..a,. ... lhl~ m1111er i9f p~ferences In f<~xl. llaa a Jot to do wtth Ule I•Mrt o f lhe country )'Ou hall frnm. •>r the part al the world. ITIR}bl" • · I r~m,.mber wtl~n I wu doln~: 11 turn wltll a clrcua down In Ar~;l'n iiOII, .om~ yean back. wh,..ro• I met a tribe of GauCh(!<, n hArd rldlnr. hard lllttln11 mix· lur·· ur Spanlth and...lndlan, who lnkr lho• place of iNr weatern ('• "'''·)~. Thr~t" Gauchoa Mndle prbne r1ba on the hoof, and-they can mpr 1 h~'m. butcfl~r tl!ftn, and hlo\(' l h<'m on the nre In leas lim" 11111n It cakes me to paint 1 hoi rnmoua G'lllle on my fa<'f. Th" Gauch o carrin • hu~ kn.r,. 1 oiled a Facon. 'He \18el It fnr ,.\ Prythln•. lncludln• the C\lt- 1! n 1: M l\ Ia fOOCS. It talrft a knlf,. Ilk~ that. owr there, M- <'llU<" lh!' mHt han't ~ prol)-,.rly ll!l'd ancl tendertRCI Ule way WI' St'rve It at The arcua. a... •lll"S. lhe Gaucho I• no chef. H" hkl's hla mMt IICOrthed and hum•d on the oaUICS. and al- most raw ID tiM middle. Tno ~· he ean•= Ptlme Rlhl In The Cl~ D1.nt Room. ~nv,.,t wltll a Idaho RIH<I'I potatO. NftC:hM with buller. and a 'ftl'8t&ble on t he ~ld• 11 would oel7 •t him bnck J l 80. too. r:.ett a Gaucho. M a Clown. lillie me. ean pa:y I hat . Long ~h . 111 Americ:cm r~ooe Newport 1 7i 6 I ------------------------------------------~ I 332 pumps, various types, allauftabl. fw general ute. lnduded are, . Duplex, wrtical a~ horizontal, redprocatfng types. NfS CION-COUpled, horizOntal, -.. tUrbine types. l' Motor-clrivon, centrffuoa1 types. . . Bilge pumps, motor-dr,. and hand operated, ~"up to 2"'. ' Mfgs.a Chicago Pump Co., lnpnollland, Deming Pump Co.. Corpw Engr. Co. ... .... latl•strJal IIJ•i,•••t Co•p••Y ... _,C •=•an,t ... -.~P.O .... Mt.WIIa'4fldo~ I , ••• ..... .., FF ,.,._ ,., SIIPIIILIIII "'OLD COLONY" ~ATIN-K:OTE S.IRI-Cioll ENAMEL A fone Qu•l•ty en.amel paont tor use on surlaces where a soft, medium h..1slre i1 desired. W1~ble l1~t lole 0< po~· l.ain. In o~llro~ctl~ colors. PAINTINC HELPSf HOOK SCRAI'llt-H.,.,., tor ell •s lUll><,. ••• "-.Ole Olede. • , ~~: ~ .. ':;. _c_L.~~~~-. .as, CASCO ~OllllO •• • CASliN Q.UI, ....• V,·Ib. ...... ~ OlO fNCl.ISH CRACK .as "Ullt ...... , ..... l·lb. ,..._ , "OLD COLONY" J'UII PIIPAIID ,AI NT c... •p .... ·~-TNt hl',h ... ~ ....... , ...,., .. "" ........... ,., .. ., ........ , .. ... --·--.,etaflef\, ... =-~::.:.:c.=: .......... _ ... ~. Thftoe'a • place a•e ..._. .._ ""'"''•• Ia I• pod c0ftditi011. If '" were ferce4 to ..,teet rovr pt.ce ...... of thorla ... 4vri1tl ...... , • .lo~t't let ,.., .. ct MCOftM a haltlt. Start pt~r pro- 1'•"' of home rehabUitatioft rJrht •••r a~t4 ,.. member, our tRercha~tdlte·lt hero to help yov do 8ft eacellent job at the lowest possible coat. , "OLD COLONY" NII·MD-liiC ENAMEL The duro~ble, Quock dryin1 e,..mel lh•t ;, eu y to epply .• , F~ lretl'( •nd dries quocldy .•. No ob1K1iM.tble adem. In •tlriCfi~ colors ... For fum•tvre, woodwotit, .auromo- blles. drtlnboards, etc . v •• ,.., ....... soe ~-............. soe .............. sse ·o-. ..........• 1,. "OLD COLONY" FL~R ENAMEL c. .... '5,. Qurt .1 .. A .. tllllty , IIU'Ibfe, qulclt·clr~ltll, w ater • -'--...... lntenor ana ••••••• .... ., -f le et t ,._ llott -kt ... ...,..; • ...... ... lie IW'Oi ecf ... _.,. • • . Drlto With • ..,., ........ , ........... _.,... taiGrfwl ..... •'