HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-03 - Newport Balboa News TimesTil SAND CRAB ., S A .M Costa New·port • .. 2sa ~-1Edit.ion I . -boa~News ~ttmes . . . roLmot XlClVID .. . , NowWa • 9 T IDAL WAVES. Many Harborites had a cue of Jitters Monday over reports ot earthquakes and ti(iaJ waves oo · the PatUlc Coast. Some ot the scares went thus: wave 50 feet hig h 100 mlles at sea; 14-foot tide a t Santa Barbara; 5-foot tide at San Pedro; 14-foot tide headed fo r Newport Har- bor; 13-foot tide hlts San ptego. A nwnber ol families oo'the various Islands and the ~a were getting ready to"evacuate. Most of us remember the tidal wave tcare from the 1933 earth- quake and that t h is section would be inundated. Insti- tute of Tech. profs. h ave a l- w ays assured us that Cata- Una island was an impreg- nable butter agalmt a ny Tidal Wave. Report Frightens Residents --------------------------------------------------------------------~~------~-·-t • City-County Dock Progress Seen With County Spending $40,000 . on Public FacilitieS City Agrees to Co-Operate With County in lm· proving More Than 500 Feet of Area Op- posite Arches Residents Ke t Anxious All S ge Action in Canal ~ Report.=t Harboritee ~ Official Word Ia of Tidal Wave; OriDd Canal Puzaleclla den high tides hitting t hese City a nd county development of the public bay front op-Mlws ~ a Udal waw apProec:bln8 Newport .... ahores. This was bome out p06lte the Arches was seen as a p robability Jn tbe near fu. wbkh mlabt .weep aero. the strand lnto ttw tit&Mf' .-1 Monday when a fast rush of tu re as the Orahge County Harbor Commission reQuettte9 and ~Uallledkle t.d ~ d ctu.n. 1n ftl'tcMI wa~,... ft'POliUd on the got city approval ol co-operative development of the area.be-ol ~from aoa~~"Monday unUIIate IIi thlftll•~:·l•iN~o.....,'i-,t. Grand Canal. Balboa Island tween the ove rhead bridge and the yacht pcica ot the dlla.ltJ'caa AJeudan t!'U'\hquake:r&;:.~=~:= and ln eome parts of the bay , ~hicl't have housed the Walsh • . wave tlJtered ln d~ the day. L..adc d none d whkb equalled 7-ft . II . d w portsftshlng boots POaT o~ca PUIIDIO ~ at tlltt ~ • to !lfiNk, .._ ..... """' ... I I ,..,. • by etther the U. S. Natl or COut Guard tides here hen th wtnd s an oman The county h!U J4<i.OOO In tax ~ .. ,. IM& .......,, Tept~~~er• ....... wW IINU'• ........ nco.t. -t• t'Nft wtft l'uYy fNm 1b _....._.. tJw ... .,...._, -.-~ ~-t w e · ntonf'y accumulat.d for ttw pur-to • P' 1 ....,.. Mlb • ... ::liE.,._. .., tlw NUt '""" N,.,.rt. ""'' _. lllmtlar .,....... wave -,.....,. '1 to ;!~-~-v~;!~~~~!!~~~!! ... -..... ....... tale .,_,. -... ._ .......... &' ......... , "--.. a ~...... -·· ow CC*t. poae of lmprovlna ttwlr 500 fH't 1 ... & llufttc. ,.. •n a .---._. .......... , 1 photo by ('oC'rhardt) .wtiiiiPI- "'fte ~.a:.; ... ·.-.". He Ch . d w·th ::~~.!h~y~~:. ~ Need o~----i ' . ~m"= .~ ":; Isbell Ua~ was paundlng hls typewriter arge I of tht' harbor rommlulon aald ~ ...,...;J ort Or Sc H' L d. the pollee ......... ••nne depart· IICCIU) . ~~~.?~~· th~w~.;~ d~. nu. money hu been taken ITo ... Sllootl• ange . o s an tng = =-~ = ~.: Home ·Use of Ctty Judge Gardner. who flow.er Thefts ~r:;"\\~1111 .2":;::~, ::n:yn~: ~~~l in .. __._ .... ·~· Ready . Balboa w..t .. llttJe ....... retorted: "Well, I'm re-. head about 15 ff'et i n frpn. t o( I ~UI t F. h s·t·· JalllnCf .... ·:::.r-::= port.er,processsei"W,judge. the,poewnt wharf. m ung In ttw The Bo&rd _ot_•_··-'*' as IS ttng =~=,;.. .. :..~Disc .. Jury, clerk. etc. of thla baH-~ 1 area bt'hlnd It and extl'ndlnr the ~ .,.. · -• • wick. Up at ~the Court All nowl'r Ioven wUl be lntl'r-,dockare aJonr the water front for ,npect~ ... tblodaUy ~~~ ... ~ ..... 't k 11.. _ · 1 of~-..... ,..~.~~ att US$1011 . H_,_ • .._. -" me '!be law e~~ted 1rr d. edslon of H. £.·Kendall, larg.-and smaU tta!t. anc. prunl "« --•"' ... ~-·-can "fl nwa .._.. Jll'rt anx ous tn l"t thfolr tnounw • • ...,..... •w ., WIIIW'I a .,._.. WK;3 \,;IIU n o South Bay Front. Balboa lsi· Attneth•e IMI'fctY_...t arm• ln the Coata Mella M"M ....... Wht>n tM IW\ befin to out Into IIW' ~p. F.vt"ry OO.t hu rwerly elltrt --...... we.rt d Costa Mesa,' and I and. to proeecute to the Uml\ any 1 Edwards u ld that Pf'0\111on wtll .,.._,. to • raolution NC!IIattf .... and wht-rt' t1 -.t u eto.f>ly l ~n plaCMt In niN> oondiUon for Aa tM ~ IIIW. tn • ·,.. - suppose I've gotta live up t o per.!On rullty of atNUng his ra~ 1M' made for an attractive devel01>-Milt to the Board by Oaeta "-.llfllt • wcret u .. ~t.ll• of a tht' lf'aOn, 1\nd tl\4-alch t whldl monwttta H ...,.W wtth a..... ,...... ~dr•• It I :ill ... that rep." All of which adds plant11 which are grown with ca~ II ment of the enUre aru with pub-OlAmb« of Cocnmeroe. ' WW Parb ~t ...._,. Ute ,enUao lrf'et'INI thr f')'t' lnnkl'd u If tJw nf -ter Into tile bQ, tJw lf'CIIUIId be OUU..,.. • be t=Uitltrt ta ... up to the fact that Bob and klndneu by their owners. lie bulldrnp pouibly pr~dlnc k:lP ~lstent vi61at1olla fill· aatety ..._ So "'Mn WU'4 IVt about lat. av1d tlaht-rm11n had thf' world at undlr 1'-.... I 2 I .. tip ,._ tl ..... Gardner. w ar ve t and on the So. It wu no woodH that when 1 for .erv~ee to v1aiUnc boeu. but ~allons In the bllndlbw ol ~ ~k thnt OM of tht> day boats hi• fl'f't with 1\K'h 11 ""'' lnolcJnc p-roeptall(y, • .... staff or some of our top war 8 woman wu ~E'Cteod by Mrs., no commet'Cial cooc:aaklna bec:au.. weapom, ~ b)' )'OUtlla .. Pwt Oran&P camf' back W\lh I lnt of 1)()!!111 tn rh•IOIH' fn>m. IIWfft ,.,. ...... ~~~F-~!!!!i~ offlc:lall, is back on the job KefMtaJI In the act ot tearlnc up u~wouJ4 bt' k~t for u,e bt'Mftt ~lnr rlrlt-s. J'MUJt.d IMt mo~ttb ta lf'l white and calico aea bMI. u ..... ..,. Aa.-1 at thaeats...,~tlle • and speedlly adjusted to the by the bulb roou esot.k tulips and ot the public and no protlt w.wd tbe request tor qes ....._.. _.. 1r6 M . the CUlt~ were eon· Most ot tiM' chu tt"r bo.t• al't" 1 and ~ u It I ..a rum-dum ol civic UfP. clads, lat t Saturday evenln&. • h~. bt' t'Jipcctf'd to accrue from the ex-tioD. • tht' w aton I• on. aln-ady boolcl'd for Wt't'k f'nda '"'II .wtft aeu. fJI * '-• + + ' and cry wu ra1wd and the culprit pMdltun of t.x morwy. He an~ ~ .ot ~. rr.n th4' two modfom I~ Into ttw 1ummeor ·cote is aeetna ...._ ., ..... ~ • ~--..... "'-1l..& ...... to captured and the aUepd culprit patH attractJw development of 1\M cBaeloMd U.t thely Ia _., wttll•400 fe..t of water. trontace to that by dtatnbutln& !iO,OOO tlme tha ......._ ~ C . ~--the_ .... :..-::-... • and b~t tn.,.,._......,,.. .,.,.,.._.,_ ............ -..... _ _. __ ""'""""'·-"~..,...,.-,. ._,. .-w .... _ ~~:·:·~:=~~~;;;;:~· ~ ~· ~ poUc:. were caUecl tbe C!ft)' -2le:nl • ..._. el ftl m a. .._ eoetnaar, lO ~ ....,Ia the~ '""" ,..._. a. ---a told him that ~ wef'e fte KaadaDI bad bee afttlnc n. •= CIIW.-u feet~--tll!t l..ae l' Y.!'!t ,......._ : ~ .. ~ ..,a: ...... • lOUth to U.. Msp'ft• ...... M CU1"''8rt to tbe effect that.. ~ .............. JIWIC ..... ct .! .. ... --~.... ..,..._. ....... uWfllll ,.,., --~ .......... ~ $N sroup wu ·~ l'alllll t:Oilfrilltil ...a. Lt. Owndr. ~ more adequate 1m-IUnt' prohlbU.Joa lrt the ana...,..... from liJI to ""' . ._ • Ma..atl~~ him for re~lecflon to the DC! Jilin. E. H. Wh.ltrwy. wtlen pr'O\'f'ftWnt In ~ to •CCOI•••ao-bounded by Irvine avenue, n..tm ln the aa«ftll:ale. that'• " lot of were prtrn.d ~~ ctty ~mc::U "Notbbta to tt." Mrt. Kendall went to anothef' part 4at. vtaltinc bolla for short pel'-&Vftlut. P•ll•~ Ro«d, wn.on fli'OPW flahlnc from on. w.n.. hor P'llbllllhln~r l'ompany. tMt a h e denied. "I belieYe it would at Uw epeclous holM. Sbe beard' Soda of tliM ~ dui.Jrman of the atnct and lhr Nr""'P''"f lleach Poe-t OranJu·. und••r t h~> m ... ,. lkott"1 lAndini. wtlle'tt Alll"rf'U the MPt"""' ..... be lltak f, oter • naiR In the front yard and laW I county ~ aao thJnkl It d ly l;mltll . .JJ.!. pert• of thfo unln· Altt'1Mnt ot J ack Colo• II ont' of r~ll)' purrli&Md will llf' ttw I hill· (IIW mlcflt ... npwted tww. o. a to .. ~n~-~ anOity ~~-te. tiOI'I'WOM tevina up l&rre lobi of may be poulble to provide dock·lcorporalrd Ar ra nf C~t" M"n . the finest aJon~r thf• SouUwrn ll<'f'fll' of rxtr nalvf' lmJH't~V••on;-nt• 'Mlf' ~rhnr ,.....,.,. olfSclt tted1 100 dllrf"rf'ftt-Ia ... ..,-~"6-~ ......,~ priztod planta. age for imaJI frelchters, almUar to _ ' C'aUtornla CCM~slllnr. l.Acl Frldtly latt•r wht·n tiiTlf' And llllltt"rlnla ""' rrr-t. 11rtd ""'"' ....,... ~lal"f'd ~aU¥.. rwo are to be choeen and Monday momln.c Mr. Kendall the Para$ton which loads an~ Ill\• w c M D ld the N ..... ·Tim•'l pltol(lt(raphrr makr It IIOUihlr. In,.,,. tll'·nntlml' \\lth ,.,.,. T'tlf'v -Uftllblfo to ' .............. .... ~ry voter lhould make an "'"'t to ow city hall and~~ to loads there now. • • ac ona rnur,ht moet o( UIC riN>t tie-d UJl A. A. Kf'mpt'r Ia jCf'tl ln~: II flt'f'l lft•lt•rmfmo rrom .,. •. oltkiallfl'·~ Lata' l.wt, Who ..... . eernest e ffort to leled the a eomplalnt acalnst Mrl. Mar-While no lmm.dlate conttructloa l EJ d PJ due to rouch Wf•Hiht•r nutaldr It of trn hollt• rr11dy tn run from "'""' mll(flt,.,. l'liJW'C(~. 'nw J!OIIt"e ...atJon .to •~ ol ..._ .. two betrt qualified fDr thP ,.m _ _Mac.'ConMll 316 Ameth)'l!l may ltar.l, tent.tlve sket~ hawl ;J evate to ace.._ rnay bot' ttw lu t llrru• t hta !11'1\JKin t hr ndjulnlna J!Orl Aa II llflf"<"hll had nn ofndlll wrrd rtttwr. 'Iori' lltr t'lt)' plannlnr c• I 'n Job. 'lbat fa the democratic A~e .• Balboa hland. She aald AAe bem drawn by Morgan Noble u-Of p k S WC'h a piC'1uH• l'uuld..l>~• takf'n fraturl'. thf'lr '""" h nnh• will llf' Whrn thfo N..,..,,_ r:d lfod drdatfld 114' hed_ no ~....__ way of doing things." alliO owned ~y at 6710 Pa· slat ant county engint"t'r for . thil ar upt Elewn IIH k •nd trim luu\11!11' ~n l'fllltflrw'd wtnt ... hlfl·ln·ahMI' thr u. 8. ("out .Guard .J!UbUc .... ...,.y, bUt Uw line' hard ... ... + + + cific avt>nue, and 6721 Rite etrl!et. work, Edwards laid. Th. 'e co.t of I _ • rraft lay In tht•lr Jlipll, lh• lr ~kip-rndlu tli·vk•·~ lnal11 fl<'tl by fl('A )at.U.W ~""'"1ft ~ f1f'•rh thfoyl bet-..n rood and bed~.. .... ... 'lbM.ter'• Good Work. For HuntlnrtOII PariJ. the en tire lAyout might be con· 1 w, (' MdK!nllld. who hu l>c<-n -_ _ _ _ • , wr rr unablto to CIJftflm• wtl••lh,.... An11, tiOwr ;,.,.. wu u ld to haw_ five nln.hts M r at the Udo Mr. ~1 atatect that Mrs. lldf'rah.ly mote than $40,000. he aC'tlng •• f\ll rlc tllfX'rlntC'nd.nt tor"lDCAL HO~PITAL FUND thr WIIYI" had errfwood ttr """~ dUP no ~UN~ nn'U1JIIfkww ..,._,. Ia !!>.. MacConnell wu brou(ht Into the admit ted. As It h•d just !>em I thf' past 10 Y«'llrl, lind hal" bee-n llltM'. ~&.-et 12:aD p.m. water lhtolr rtrdlnnnt't'll, Hub Powwll fill mathedeate~orappeRedals ~e = ttou. Saturday night and that hf'r propo8rd to the city council Moa· l'mplny"f1 hy lhr cit Y for apprnxl· t_ I h:,.J IUCidMtl,. ,.....,. nw f..-t In I ltAIIIIIA Jah"'d ct.c iu'ed. wl.'t . muddy fH'I l~ft f~ ~Gil on day. no <>stimate of the city 1han matt"ly 17, w111 Jtlvr~ llfflcfsl tltlr 1~ fAe Anpa.. Harbor at • tlmr Mn. llub Powen, Whow ...U· The reason is that both Ma-ttw rue; that tw found f~U of l ht' Improvement could bf! ob-•• Su~rlntendt"nt or Parkl by tlw QUOTA NOW $60 • I Of'llr low tldr. an otnePr aUcl. tfow·l Uotl ralafod t.tw qw.tkwl flf the .an ·SUer, owner. and BUl In his rarden and hu covered talned dtv roundl Monday "fternoon rYM" ttwy _.. ......., to atate defttllt practid.,. 011 Balboe W.... Alford, manager, 1 e r v e d them with lhineles to prewrve · Whllt t~ Vt>trnn rmploy~· hu · whf.thn or 8Dt a tJdAl wave wu ~ ttN> lot line from Uw .._.. huge hunks d tline ln ~ thf'm for ldentltlcaUon pu~. $52,000 Realty Sold worked undcr the atr~t ~part-' I '""Mine ...,. • ._. part fill tha ,.... llllnr uJd t.My '"" WIW ... Jut and been ... -t up to "I feoel kH"nly about OW theft , . 1"01111 """ u.c..t~ l'f'PII'"U at the I to allmr hJm a Urne lllnlt ._ ... _ warworka ........ d·~ Red ot my pl.anta." he staled. "a Uleft In ,.,__0 La·do Deal-ment caring for the ahrubbf'ry and HArd on '"" ••,.tr mrnt~h·· r,,,'". "~'"··pt $lil'll)i)ll ,. Ito ''"", '"''~'"tf hlah w.w ltrllrt,.. ebow Sant• chanc~. hut Roland. ,_.,,. UJII:" u...-that hu ~n going on for two ~ w 111 parkways adjolnlnR IIY'H'tl at aev-ty Medical ()!flew f>r 1·. I. fill!!· u! lh•• $.1~JJtlll urlt.:IM IIy lt~Uiht I Rarbara ...,.. .._. ~ ,_,.. lfalf'd thla ~ not ehulp till ere. In tbe field .. Whlctl_, YMMI. Anyone W\Ahlnr nowen era! polnu and around rh,. library 1'4!U, th11t tht• ro•ml)' "' 4(Jfl I•-& pn<1 ~ur""'lll"f lllfl'ftf'f"& atatua u a violator at tha law. perha~, is one rea.aon why CJUI get thftn from me aladly , but Two Udo 111• proper ty trana-1 park. u well u h11 V1n11: t'h&rltl" of 11\ort of t h~ mini~ nrn-uary An lnlrnalrto·fl d fm t I• l~t•lniC j .U the att.omoan ..,.... an wtth j No 1~ l houkl be p,.., at their~ netted $416 when a fellow nurvt and brings actJona wt>rt' lilt~ with' the county, publlt' pl~rt he ha1 nt'VI'r been for Ita populrtti•Jn. "flit> NPWpt•r t m11d•· h' th,. f"tmmll t...-, ,,.,.ftf.d by l'ttlldn!n .,,. bNchM all for horne . tJonl bleat.IM for the drive and topped the to fulfill.ment beeuUful poa.les and reocorder Ju t week: the tranaac-Cllll~ park IIJfX'rlntt"ndt-nt. Vester-Harbor rx,.t"'lli\ ,. mmmltt,... rur llr r,tl.·n F tnrh, "ho I• 11111(1 ruunty •nd ~yt.:.t oa.....,.... miUftc I thl! d ty hu ~I fan. ... u.t ot moniel donated by any then ha..,. ~ I(Mib thf'm tJon8 lnvolw d a total of $52.000 day'l elevaflon would llkt" M11r out raJalng thr PrMIIoyltorlt~n hospltnl '~~"" •·hiolrnuw t•• ••·•·uri' lllltlltlnnal l 1~ hart.r t« boet ,.,. IJNlm to hi' canled on In ,....Jcllndal movie ~ ln ,Orange Co. ruthleuly, It makes me mad. in two part't'll. • n( the 1tr~t ~partm.nt and .rtve fund mt't lu t ~k 11nd vot('(! to tlnnt~11nna In thla 11r•"' In ordrr 10 m•klntr .,.,:;:~ to undbea aectlorla, thf> <"'Undl •er~. WMie And Chalnnan Gnre adds Other peoop~.-on the Island have Mr. and Ml'l. Jotm Lana bo\llht him "aeparatt' cte.tcnatlon without ., lluv•• m•.r~> 1~<·<1~ "''""""'" !'lllnlA lh,.lr pr'Opf'f1y ...,.,.,. ,.....,n ttad I Iatw-11 •till hf'ld nut for l'llmlnath'l her reminder that If you wfff'n!'d the lou of pl&nU a nd property from Mr. and Mn . Douc· rai.e In ulary. Alk Balboa An,. 'I"'''·""'""' ll"""h. II.~·~~~.,,.. A wa" due ~ •• about 4 p.m. ttwom tu rurh the! epread Into ,..._ ha • Ued ch«k t none of u.' like 11.• lu C. Wamt>r far $29,000 llnCf Mr. '1"1' ·l ·•·· "''"'n&: 1"~""' nrd wllh !lui' lo 11 IIN'flnllary quallr """"'"'I'd drnf"M. tit,. fllf'l that moat ctl'-a vent ma your N ° Mr. Kendall II! ,\1C't' prt'tlld<'nt (l( and Mrs. Auetln E. F'ox purchut'd J d Dod L p ki L t ,.,. .... ~··~·(I 1"~''llnl 1"' l'•'r ~~~m~. In ,~ Alllllk•n l"f'1don. r .. n. w,....,. llllfiW thrm Wftll • lllltw-rlns lntlu-please d o so and give ew· lhf' J. C. Pt'!VIcy Co .. and 8 di· An(lthf'r pllrN') from Kat hcrlnf" R. I u ge !!e ays ar ng 0 "1"1 """ h1."'111 .liN I ro·•111''111" ,,f thr ltlfltln m•clto fo thf' harhor lliiiJitrr r•nN', nnrl ht•fflrf' flllclnl( • df-(lnl~ port Harbor a chancr to be rN'tor in th~ N~'J)Ort Harbor J11ttke for $~1.000 H H d Ex a lo h ,, 1.,, '"'' •. o'fllltrlhu.to·fl It I f1atr. nm! pollt"W' ~~. anti thfoy •tllnd, II WIIJI nl(rt'fod that J. 1. the first to w in ·its QUQta. C'"hambc'r of Comml'rct'. eavy an on p ns n M~">' ........ "'""1'1 It!•·· 1" lto•l(l If ····rr al/(aln wtthout lnftlf"fllfttl•on XulltJI "· tli'W d ly.,.,.jrnlltlltratiVI' ot· · · + • + ...---DrU k D • ~ Thr puhlir "'" '-1"'" I•·• '" I:·' '"'' •• "1 1''' ,,.,.,•It• '1 It """ Ut•· 1 .. ~aUaty tht" huntln-dR nf Jlr' .. INI tlro•r. Ill' "f•IJ'•hlll'fl '" cfl('('k Into 'nlat MAD Foflit .• wa.. ed T d n en river hoJI b n !:"~ h•"l""~ .. rt,.nl r .. r "',. fill) .. "~"" ,,, ,,,,lrtlfll\ uf llll"llll'f•r• l('nnllnu ... t "" ....... """"' \ I"' tttatUll f'IIN'WIIM'f'. trading chestnuts with r.ild· M·tracle fir· e¥ent rage y f'lty. drl'lnr••(t I''"''' ·•I• I II· ,I, .. 1 ·h· • lllllfOIII····· m"'l\ fl( wltum . spoke n but vig OrotJS AI. F or-Th ... w1•1f"f' Wllllltm \\'~tt••rll, ~1 K··nnv.nf lhlol ····"'''"""'' "''''' 'I' '" ,., • ., ...... "' llo• \ • ' • • • gif at his Newport TAckle II n od\\11\' Cn<~t ll M"""· nl•·nll··" IN'IIrt·ll 'ut tilt• ,.,..,,,, HI"., .. ,. I . .,. • M H B .,d. p . t store 'to the r dny and he pro-0 d t" ., ... '" tlr•tnl, "'"'"~~' ho·f,.,. Mron•lnl· 11/tl"lllf•loll II. " • •• .. fl · ''""" .,, ., .. , .. ol ••.• ' esa ome; Ul . lng rojeC s R A G T k I verturne Jud~l' n J l >otl~:•· :\1111111.1\ 'II • f•'<lflll"l~ltoll ill (o•• f , •• '"" ' ,, ...... I \ ,.,;-.1.~. •I '1" ,, do' ol .. u •• ~~~.V ~C.V~O t!~a,t~.tnT;;~ s as rue s . • . '' ,, flo• ol ttl ·~, ~·,' ",, • ''I" ,,,• lttl!l rn,,.,. ,. I''~ fnr •I" ' "' '• ol ~,' 'f I",'" '· '•'•'' ' 1 . " Re d $250 000 p ,.. ••rl .•nttht ri·l'•·r·, 1 ,,,, .. ,' ,,., ' nr:rf·n~·· fn '"'''".., • • ''I 1 I 'I' 1 ' ~~. 1 -Al. W('nf rio\\'n fh(' rnltnlcr • t '\ I ~l'lt!IW1 I ~ '01" ol I •• 1, •• " "". 'l•·•r ,,. •I 111 a y· rogram t rying to <;<til some out .nr-I ;~tty J.•r~ ;m!1 pro 0:1'111'1' nf mlnrt tvconnll"ll; In r a·k up !l))M'd ~rtrr • •• .., I' •. • . t I.,,. '"f. '' .. ,, t.'" n .. , -, , t own('!' a t"{'('l. fpa\'ing Hima rod•• 1\ltlt non f•Mon~. ~~. trurlc , ... 1\"lnJ;: ""' M•nwl•· ;\!ilt•Spt:ll .. n II,,,,.' II ·~···n •• ,, ,.,·~·,::· .• :::·, .. ~·.:.~'·:,,I .... , .''" ,. '"'''"I'''''''"'' I•'" \\'llh me lo find out that h(' drh·l'r (or Mc-Milll'ln Pf'trOII'Um Cn. /\~ '"'' , . ..,u,•l•·'l••fl lho• ronrlv.-ny. rt ... tl . ,,, ' • 1•1 '"' .. ., '" r .. , fhrro \\l .. 11'1•. •I • If I•. ~ I ••• ,f ". 'I" • " ~1'1""'"' , .. , two lll rf'•· ~·•I wi t ''''"1111'. ~. ''" ~·I·' I '''" ''" 1••(1 fn,nl llr•' ••f hi~ lnndltl hll lhf' nnl•: r•lll•·• I In fhf' nrNI ltl"lrl lhr Jn~t lf',. nntl pi• '"''''I "'' •rol vl•l""" ~·ltl••f, t•lun ludl<lllw '' .,, .. '' "''''"''I ool !lot• .,,, ,j ''""" h a s ns murh to sny about 1 · k 1 11 1 , r 1 ' "" , .... , .,.,,,.,. tilt! r· ·, • ·-,., 1 ' I ··~ •·I •" ' • '"1 ' ""' h \I K I d truck llnrl lrnil<'r hlt"W out on lhr lnwk turncl n tn r y II nW·ro '' •," ~.~m• "I•·"~' '"" ''"~ ,.. , • ol .. ''',I lw "'ht•,.··~ "' ,,, •·r '-:"l(tfw•t. '"'''"•II •I•" •I "' 11··11•'"" 11l•l tttld•ll"rt• to t C lrtOI'l"' as 1 • <'I'm l<l C'nnsf hlc:hw;oy n,.nr tho: rily riflt"k onln 11~ hnck. hut thl' trnllf'r rr. 1r•t1 lfl ~'I'Jir'llr f•lr trnl fln Apr 1 whlt·h ""' "f'l•··ol , ... .r .. • .. oil,,, q, M~tt.-1• '""1•11n1· l"·rrrtlt t .. t111 11f •lwolllr)l:~ '" "''" ,. ·1 ,,.,. lou~l- jus l S••ld Huss Rydt'l' a nrcnl\l R 10 Tm .. •d~ty mnrnlnl: ,,,. m111nf'd uprh:ht. Thr front whr.-1~ I 1\·• t ",, .,., ·• ~1 ·.. vnh•r,.' "" I<•' ... 11 , , .. • I", '"' t ',~'" M•·•" l,.y ..... t ,, .. $.11~ •• ~~~1 11, , ,,.,1,1 ,,. .• "''"' .,t 11 1,11 11 t"lr· "st ick'" tn ll~ on\\". T .. J('f· rr"ll6llf \\11!' R l'f"'"'"'~'"l·lr nrrlfll'nl w .. ~,.. turn"<!,,~(" from lhf' trUI'k Dnuglllll John l>••lornntulll• :•till \\ ,. '''"I f ool ''~'I '"""' I ,,,.,1 ,, .-~ ..... ~ "' """ , .... ,,1\" ,.,.,1·•1 !1'1•11~~· "llo lm'J.:dl h\1111· fcrson WIH•n t hey bolh go hut'"''' rn jurlr«. 11ntf lmllf'drtf'd thrm~f'll,.. m th• r•l•·••l"' '''"''~ loo dr '"'"'"' •· I ''t 11 ,.,,., "' ·•II '' •' '" lo~lll•llnl' 11((11,-. 1,.,, ,,,..,, """ w••k '"' lo•ttl•l"''" t•• nut w •• ~ llllllled fl.<;h J"n<• J?ycfl'r WhO ~kift S•llllll ft-.-1 frnfll lh•· rl••l ,,f llr<• "." f•n•rl .. ,. "" 't 1 •,,.-,., 1'1' lloo\\o ~II'HIII l'tt ll••l f.,l,wonll lf •,,,lll••·"f "•tll.oa fM ,.... • . . • JIOllh turk lltll l lht' f.1!'t lh:tt ,.1 hlt•JA c····n~ ··m•·r"•·d from t"-f'lt•' "'f '· •• to! ' • I I .. I ,,.,,,, • •• ~~ '"' ,, ••• ., ..... )ollll•ftfll" "l'l't" ' p•'l t'fl t hr Md1r!a and thl'O " ::\I ll (J 1 f'r ror 1· • " ··~ 'l111tm:,~ 1 !'"~~1•1 '1•··• • "·· 1 • 0,.,,. '" 1, 1n<t .. l1•·•1 J" tlw ""'"tl•h• "''lilA ... ri0\\0 l·n a Mrsa ''HI"· f'Mn• . .,. "·,• :rrnr ~v . I'·' n:h• ll••nl '"""''" •hnkN•Iull rtn· t"•HI •y of \R(lr:'"'' "' '"''"' wlrh,n ~l l ik "' '" l•olr•l , •. ,,1•1• lu'"'l••l l '•t'llu M.,, . I . ... ., . "' ol " • •• ,, '' t 1t '"" .. 11•1 1 .~ lt.th "'rf'lft, s~ .,._. "-"'-' ., v••nr~<. turn"f o l•tf' "'"' tnn lnt 11,.,1 ,,,,,, ,., .. , .. " a ."'f.'. mutt<'t~ row•hl.v a h011 l :.,11t~t1 prnrttf'nlh• 11"1 'l11fl·rolr hi'· h·H 1 t" fl\·•· 11r1Y~ In •h• '""1111 I' 1• too q,. '"I' tor tlot• lotultlln,, I" r ' . ' ,, ..... I f "' .. ' ' .. l···r· l'fll.'tno·< ~~···I lly lnl<'r 11"1 th I ... • • ., '" 11• I ... "". , n " .Jerr. \\"110 ll" )tl•·no; \\'t"tll fJ.('I"l"" (n r•• tf·1A 'T"lll'k tllrn• tl lt"lll'l nr. ,. lll'n rnrr "''1111' "'1'1" ·1 nrl r l1•f (oor """"1t v ttnlnrt~rJo•rnl •••l • ,-•L ._ ' I •I ' r'"mi"r' ~~~ pllmpln~: trltf'\(!11 hto· r tllll f hi I I '' '"'' loo , • • '"' II~> ,. '" ~·!d '• " \' Snff J )rink Marhinee Ut'ni~d: No Location Sfah·d hy Applicant ab.'lndon \\·h ill' m:t kins..: hun , . ""'••II f••r thf' r •rt lh:tt h• 1 mrrr-c. n .. ·•~t· 1 .. t • .~ .. t 11,, 1, ""' , 11,. 1::"r,,,.,7,:.;;h • ··nv nr• "" ,.,,, ' )it• ,...,,r,. ,,,. pull in th£' h ig nnl'!'-i lo th£' ··•I frnm th,.. \\Ti'!'kn~f' with ,.nlv 11 "'' \.ool ,, "' "' '" ''""'""n' Mr 1<••1111) ,, ... ,, 11 •' .. ,. pofn t Of (':O..h:iP•I inn. !11\innt'fi l'hjn. ) •t11 ntl lt1 lrlf••k< llnd WrN·\<101: 01'~ fhl• II"''" •' •' ., " + • • J'""i'"'«••• r"JlOrl thnt llw ~r. crrwlfl l~·c.-.11 lb• t1t~k ,, 1 11;1tl tn~; \1('~:1 ~(·hooJR ShO'\\' flf !:"" rrltlnnh~o· ·· tlndla,·'" ChoiN>. ~It t l'h:l!· (.Rlr I'Oitltl ltn~,.. turn• rl 1n1n •·•.lnm·, th• .,1 , 1 , d , '"'''"'' f d A d r•·\• n'l• nntl tl ··• • • • t in!{ Wilh \OttfrM•f(ll" (~rlfon 110111; prnpnrt1•1n~ h<•f'Atl!lt• tht' lrllf'l< n('r~3~(' ttcn an('(' t•nlflrl"lnl( lhr lnl \' ••o'ol 1., F in db n 111 ) lan ... on':-T('a f'1r•. nql ""r""" I hi hll!h\1.11) '''" T_,., ..... " r t"tcr Stol('n within nnn•""' ,,. ·' Pla t t" itntl h·· in! I'! IIIli! N l mr • f <'nntrnl :Inti 11'11 ro l\\l~ mi•\•"' • ·' ,.. I lo " ., •••• •' ''" ••• (" 1'':'1 'I• 1 rounrilnJI'tl/11"11. I • ' .• I. """'<' nl:l r-Ill\• d ~·tn' l I Tl I I FronJ :-;chool. l-'ounrl •·I•", ,.. " .•• l,ooyl r .. r 1 ,,, "''''''" nr·llh••r h• ""' ,.,,, I ' \\"II I t o \.Ph•r:111 A n ·hiiN'I Shl'lll>" • WI\\ !I hu~ •r-o•, '""~· 11 ,.,., .. ~1 <! .,.,,_~I "" 1nrr• ~o•• ••( ·1~ I"'' • ~·· r•• '"'~"'"'" ,,r ''" 1 , , ··ff•., Coon~. \\ ho j,. quit(' ;I ht'fl:-· Cutin~ \\il .. ,,. ulo •I '••r S.l rl Ill• '"II ,,, •• ,. til• ••• ,,,. "'""'" I•··· \"t .. r. nf tit• ,,n,,,,,.llv lol .• : •I• \' t' po. ~ l 'lH '\f•1•• ,,,,1trl (ffift) l)tt' •r " A• fih"'\11"1'. 1\ hi"" I fili i hirn d11\\ II \\Ill! r.J •-• s.;·•ll'•"' "' !11.;h ,, . .,, ~~~~·· (', . ,, .,., 1 •'I !"I 1 ., ,1,,.,, 1 'llltl nt'rnr•lln1• Ito I I • ,,.,. ,\ H• '' \••· •ll'rr••ltoflttll\ vi~•• ,, ,. , 1, in my n1ind n~ :l ;;lend('r j)('l'· lrn•• (&..ul r .. mp•w·, rl·!tn,.rlt•ll nt lnJ.' \\, ""' ••I"~ lfiL:h' "',, '''("•V· J"•rtnJrntlt•n! "''' t·n••m••·r '""" ~·•'',, l ,,, ,,. -son. Sht•fl" h.,~ tnkrn n t·11t'· I .on"' n• '""' ,.1,, • ,,, ,..,,,....r ,, , "'"'"'' 11r t.nr••l'nwftl nt "I' .,,,.,.\ t ·~ ~~~~~h ''" 1,, .• 1, . ,.,,,, "'' • • n ('r o f F indlar'!' o ffi1"N. POl J · • , 1 1w ••f rlv l•luw·"'"· th,. '"''"'"' n• 1r 11 • .,, ,,,,, '.;r••llnll• "''" tt'"""6•1 ll:r. •oHI lrwr,..nAtnR '<~-1 '1 "I'" • 1,, ··~" nrl q,.. , •.• rl" as a meml'll'r of thl' fi i'TTl. hu t ., • ', .. , II tJI• f \\11'1 trnwllln&: AI TIHir•tl"> n(t• rl"lo" n rio t••llil·• r·· • Vt'r V 11~\ H• a ll:t\• ~ flrrill!lr~ If h .. lhlnlc-It IIIIVI«nh1,. just aS a "Jtood pla~ tO l\g ht. Al'l'"''"mntr!) 10 mph (lnd Willi J,tOr lt'ff. • 1 from nrf l"ll l(lnN•rhtl: ~frlllolt~"lll •··I . I • .~.. t. ,, ... ,.1'111 11 I I !I ., f" fiH ,, ,,,. •fll• I ' .•• , ,. ,~, •• ,. i\1 .,, h Y.UIII • •. "' .1 , •• ,, d '. •r,, I'·· "-P""' 1\hY ,.,. . • •• ,., 1'1' f.uf,, '\:'ttrrf, \'-'hl,•t. plrtn• tn • ' . ,,, loollhl 111 rqwt• (,ollltly ,, .. ,,,.,n,~·l\ /\n fl('jlllf•ulooolf f•lr vr•ntlina· m•- • 1 ....•.. .,, 1'" I' 1, "', .,,. '"''' ,.,.,,., ... , 111 11 ('•••• • ~· ~~~ -·•1• '''''''' ""'•itt ~,,, <'tly tn ltl1pc-nae ... , 11,1• ,. , ., ,11 , '• .,, •II'''''''' ,,, ,. """t ,.f ~lr.O,()!-t ,,,,, •lr lnlr~ tufn '' llllf M"r Mip upon ., .j1 111 ,, 1.,, 1 Th• r;, t1r1• ~~ l lool~l • In, ll•·"•lttftt•r ,f lnl!• 1 fin~: n oooln "' 1•· turn~ cScJW'Il 1, , ,,1, mi lt" , 11 '• ;,, tl1t ftl ttjtl I ..... ~,. n lor,-, 1'"'111•-rl ft rwor WhNl !lit' fMAtlnn !II tilt• ffillcl'tlnrs , r 1'''•" 0,. 1 1r.,o1• n 1 1,, 1, , 1 1,)! "''' f••r '"' """' rrn•l t!ll• "I.:'" nl wn-1"111t •1• •"lrio <I ''' I hi' city COUI')o 1 1 J , ,,1,, 11 1111 \ d• "· 11".1 ~ 17th • fr•·,., n•· 11 Ornn~o:•• ('fl. , r 11 II• .. , •·, .. r, I /\tt • '"'" '''' t.r.tlflfl 'Ill,. mndtln•·ll mll(hl 1)1' nil r1 r ht. t· 'l''' M ••• • •. •. f•, u•• ·n., '""'l""'""t 1mprov•'m••nt "''' d ry ll lff'lrnr}' -•111, tmt th~> city ''• • f ;, ... , 1 • ,· :0.1•• t ·: •• v. ·.-1,.,.,,.,1 tlt'nnil~ In 1•1111•1 urdin11nN• r•"JUir1•<1 4 lt\Ca tion t. \1 • • • lhtlth "'' I• -,. ' lftl• I ~~ 111\•·lhnrt "' ~.,..,} rttMI ltl"l•l l!pt·•·lrlrii iH'("r'' n 11•'1'1"111() be l"ant.- f• I• I ""''"I II•Jih• !11•1 •t. :.If" I''''""'''~ "' $.1r.O ,.,.,11 on prllpt'r ty 1 ••cl f•tr Vf'ntlin~; mAr ltlnt'11. 'J'tw • "" •t \\ hll•· Jr , 11n .,.,,..," 1tl'f'f't. tiMir Raymorul 11•llrullun Wl\!1 dc•nl('d. • ,. ------lA-__.tt..._-~--------------..;N.;,:C::;WPO&.;;.:..;,:;:.T;..:IIAUIO==="' pW8·TDIE!, N..,.., R7d' Calllo,.. 'hM!I!J• Apt! I, 1 ... . . . Manhattan Bch. Votes Scotch tape. var~ou~ a-. aa 24-1 for School Bonds sale at tM Newa·'I'lrnfll . N .... a,T-aALao" · • 1 RISE TO REMARK _ _ llldlaupolls News S~~gests · "' E w s-T 1·M E s RoN. ~onN PHILLIPs Certain Penalties to Red~~ee "Crl • _·___ .._.,., M&Wi'Oiff U ~ 11 Mr. Oaruch left .onw red fact'll item they are manufaeturblc, 1118 .......... hfo4 r.very ~.J ... ..,.......,. Aftennaa v.a.-XXX\nt In lhr Blinking and Clti'Tf>f!C)' Com· Thlrty·nine per cent said that ll The post·" aT C'rtme wave h~ • School·mlnded residenll of Man· V.l. ~ ...... u ............ ..., .,.. .., v.a-u l ntitll'''· nftpr he got tltmugh with thr OPA W(•rt• put out or •xiatftk», atarlf'd. 'Mie fcdol'ral bureau ot Co d I M hat~ Beach \'Oled 24 to 1 in ~ ' r ... l dYanor -12.!10 ill "'---Cowl his tt'IOmnny (he othe•r day lie did 1 the(r production. would lncreue U. lllvestlgation revl•all a 12 per cent rona e ar favor of a $275,000 school boncl Subs~·"''$~'75 a~ab ~0A4UI ~· taoo pe~ ~ toetb~ !J. say thnt he' thnu~:ht w(' ou"ht to ,ma.t at once. Forty-three per c:..t lnat·ase In aerluua crimes from N luue at their special election lut --.:_ ~ )'eaT ----~-· ~ J'Mr ---JIUI up with thl' OPA, alter mnklnl(l latd, in $UCh an cvt•nt. they woQ~t ~14 10 1945. The.' lncreue wu ews Wl'f'k. The rount in favor wu Ent•·rcd :u Second-QUI matter at Ow Poatclfacl ID N.-pon 8Mch, IOJT\1' restrictive amendments to hire more workers lmmeodlately. the ht~the51 in the fifteen YUf"' (By Belale L. 8eJ'I.&ct) 867: aeain.t wu 38. The pro- cautomla. uftder t.he Ad ot Mardl J, 1.871 1tw Prlr•• f'ontrol Act. for another Such are the statemftlta m* 4urintt -wnicp the FBl hu been Mr. and M H S t h 316 ceeds wUI permit the district to 8... A _M_E_YE_R___ Publil~Mr vr·ar. J "un't arl(ue lh<' potnt now. cpnstontly heforl' the commit'-comptlinll n~ion:wlde atatlstla. Marl 1 rs. arry au_c . buy a aUe and add classrooms to 1 AM D. PORTER • a..nJ a.tanaa~r I M11ttt of WI ml~o;ht 11~er• ..... If we could 'here by repotabl£· buaineu mea Attorney (;c>nt>ral Tom C. Clark &0 d avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. the Center atrt>et school. L. B. ltlu.ARD • • Editor I tlt> !IUTI' of lht• rt'Strirtlona, and If and manufa<.'turers,. repr~ttac terms the report alarmln& and Harold Wlson, 320 Iris avenue, re-- -W. J'. DIXON -, • .Advwt' ' 8 Manaaer W<' muld add "honNtty and humll· all llnCJ and st>etions and lhadft ol d trf'Ctl! ull federal attorn•yw to in· t~ Friday from • ~y Prtnt.&nl Plant. 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport 8Mds. ~ ily" 10 the pr~·pts of thr OP~. opinion. alst on "thl' aeverl.'ll penaltiett" for trip to Death VaJley. They found On the Index basis ol 100 for lat.•Ur a' •· • 1 nvcaa AJifD ...,..._ PAUl...........,_., M. Elu.te 4 Co.. lne. Off .. I p f h c· f N •--L .t'htCh l• what I told the OPA aeriOUI fl'deral oHt>naea. The lltua· lfccotnmodatl~ af Furnace Creek 1926, the eo-called "norm"al!' year, leta aper_p t e alf o ewport ...aca rx••('U tlVt.'l' luncheon club the other Property Tax· uon Ll one also that should con· from where they took tripa to' the operatlnr coati or American auto- A 0.~ 'z+h a..u ._Ill .. fw 0.. ft ·Y-, du. rt>rn all alate. county and mU· I Urroondlnc countTy. mobiles had declined to 50, or halt, =:-.. ~A.::-rl&ll-r-t~ ~ f) It' a mnre or lea a mattn of E t" R b nidpal law enforC('ment 'authori· Tbey found Scotty's Castle' of by 1939. G. L A11viee To A General lDI10NAl-Active how to treat the patient. When I xemp 1008 eK t1H (( retpK"t for law II to be lpeclalintereat, with !.he eoreeoua 9~0~ M L_ . pt'MIOn has the dope habit or the All Ti u· h restored all these offlcfall muat Spanish and Italian rup and N rt Balboa T --= .... B ......... alrohol habit, some docton think • me Ig reali:w that rl'doubled effort and drapes. The rugs are kept In per. . ewpo -o..-.... ureau ~---..c . .-.1.-of . the bHt plan Ia to cut them otf. co-operation ~ tmperaUve. feet care by the •managftnt>nt hav-··All )(odee ol Travel to :D.arope, Mexico, Hawaii • -o zip. Juat like that. S6me docton (From California Feature Servioe) Swift and sure jWttlce Ia the only lnr aU Vl&lton welD" cloth shoet ftound..the-World TriPI 111 tbe _,-fu1ure. .. . think It bettn to take tlwm off William E. ("Fatht>r"l Riker e1 &niWt>r Not only do crlmln&la ,.When entertnr. The C..Ue hu 14 -----------.=--------.-------=.--gradually. That'a the way. with Holy City, California'• perennlaJ take qery advantace ot anti· flreplacea of different types, two .... lloJ --., Pia. .L •1 .......... price controla, and we'll have to "dark horw" candidate for 101"-quatf'd pollee and aheritr methoda mllllc I"'Omm, ont' ot theM contaln· ~~ II ., -. .. I ._ -. dedde pretty aoon wbJch cure to ernor. will upaet all the dope ... In a day when •PHd muat match tnr an electric pipe arran. Artiat u.. win th1J year-If hit pen!ft~Uilf apeed but the alao know that Canyon, ~ra. StaUCh aald, II ~l)' -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~appeal o1 MaJ. Gen. Buillo J. Valds, hee.dln& a dele-What made the boys' faces red &ain over hi• 1942 ahowtnr II • they 'atand • Ylood chance. lf !:'n:"~~ drudm wtuth ~._to¥,!!! • .we · Foat•'n S.tlce a& • tlon ol a.m....a-wu the wa.y the Elcl« State.man rreat u the percenta&e I~ eau ht of recelvt.nc mltl a ted aen· ...,. • •· ..... n an Y• ow ....... ...., &a • ........,._.,.. anny olftcen ln Wuhlngton., foe lnclus-ot that par1,y Ut into the fallacy he ran up that yur over h1a ¥Otlt wr!. · throurh en4leel 1tlel&)'l In INIUP 4lld not atrlkt rain uaW they loa ol f1Uptno IOkUen under the Vetennl' BID ol Rlchta, of controUinr price~ wtthout con· in 1938. ncure It out for ,..._ the courll It 11 an intentat• reached ~ ~ stopped to •.. ,..,. warmly t.ouchea American ll!rltlment. "It will be remem-trolllnr'all element&. Or ot saylntr aelf: In 1938. "Father" Riker ,.U.. lftuatlon I~ which juatlce Ia called ~ trienda ln. ton. bend," .sd ,..~, y .. ....._ that about tu1o,OOO t"''u..nv,. ena. wapa could be lnc:ftued'without ed 170 votett, but In 1942 hla "* po to k-abreut ot the timiL Mra. Mud and family apent the uaJn'1U .._ "" ~ ~~ lncreaatnr the pricoee ot the fin· total jumped to 10.004. P~ u n ~~r w~k with beT pareata, Mr. and ~haw died ID the 11M ol duty." _. llhed producta. And what he said are-1111lle, that'a little abort ot bl-The recft\t awttt apprehenalon Mra. L. Folaom, 319 Ma.ricold ave- Indeed that wtD not be fQ1'80tten ID tbla.eountrq. 1beft about lpeftdlnr 11)0" tnoMY than rlftc:. of t.he men who lhot down an nue. The JUvenJcte achoola .,_ .......__ · the country takea ln. wt\ldl Ia the Exemptlona from property. Indiana state policeman Ia an ~-cloaed ~or Euter vaeation. The . HANSEN'S MOW OIWf lif ..... M .... e a&JIDWMMM e WAMMJ'C 1 are UUliiiC'I' UlpeCta, hcJweowr, that beer upoo the pneral'l pro-b.u1a of lnffatlon. And p.rlfcular· &ranted to CaJJfornJa veterana, ar-ample ot what can be done. Im· F olaoma son, Howard and • fr1end. poMl. In a ff1!W mmrtbl, when FUipf.ra celebnt. t.belr lnde-ly .mat he aald about PRODUC phanJttes, churches and collepe, mediate road blocka and co-opera· Mr. Patterson of South Dakota, ~. f'1JJp6no wteranl wW beconlit' d~ ol a forelgn TION betftlr the beat ant.ldote-f« for the flaeal yur, hit • new .n-tlon with law enforceJMnt aaen· who, with Howard, Ia atundlnc .aBo& Jl aaathli '"'r-Inflation. Goodnfta, you mlaht Urn. hl&h or S231,06R.990, accord-d es In nei&hborin& atatett made the t~ Fred Archft' School ol Photoc· ._ a.-tD .... Oa& or ....... -JD&Q)' U.S. \l'e'teran8 could lntonn have thouaht It wu jwat th~ wrlt•r in& to reports of county •••an eacape of the fu&ftlve virtually lm· raphy at Loa Anl•lett undeT the GI !=;i~~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tbe ....... Oil a bitter fact--.wtUc:b they haYP Jeuned the of thla column talklni ! to the ttate•board of ~uallzatlan. poulble. • The victim wu A state tralninc procram, ~~pent tbe Week the veteran, like Production the gnat producUve But with thousandt of war mer. pollcem~. That may have ac· end with hla parenta. Howard Ia • p~··l.ftU A I DI ... _.TORY ~In t put.._._ ~ ~ F1llplno ~d power of the• United Statea, as we an• ttlll rt>turnlng. and~ rounled for the extraordinary ,.turned veteran havtnr aerved In RVF~ ··~ , 11ft -...-at . ler showed It to the W«ld during the 1o b«>rome home owners, lltat.e n.. meuures taken to caLc!' hla .... u., the ~TC in A;:f~r~leam, ..;,It~a~ly~and~~----aeiDCIJIU!may-_::==t===-ft!Hti&-ftloW•I& -.y ollaln trlendi.Y aid far~ readUy In h1a holnr islands war, II the salvation today attlliMI cal experts say tax txeruptloa to-anti. That sort ()f IWlrt ana.,sUri Br.iill Tfiey"llO": dian froiD a remote I'C)YeJ'DinenL Inflation. The Uml.' gell 'shortl'r. tala art' slated to mount for MY· a<.'tlon also muat be the protec· of aulgnm.nts they were en of r-------------, r-----------....., Lost week ln San Frand8co ~ Lenn able ~. The OPA ll the bt'ake on prOduc· eral yf'ara to come. .tion of every ordlnary dtiaen. Corona ~I Mar and the harbor. ' • ·-~...-lion and mt.llt takr thr major Crime can be curbed by the cer-Mra. Bartoo. Montroat'. 1a apend· perm:tn, reported that U. S. Employment Service oltlcials ad· ah.,:f' of thl' blame if we have In· Mountain Tents talnty or punyahm•nt. • in& the week with Mrs Edwin wu. I. I. WBYTB -..-u ~ •• -...."" .. o ..... ~ '1\o-. VF"'al_t .. _t._Mia mlt the validity ol vetera.na' complalnta ollong waiting Unes . nntlon S lrlk£'11, right or wronl': 1 • llama. 428 Marguerite avenue. lnade..u:lte u.t1nc ot Jot-avallable, and lndifferenct' on the strlkf'l. all ham~r produ<'tion Sn Declared Surplus Stenographers Needed Mlu Mnllle Gallbralth, 2tR Marl· .. .,...,. • esaw ..,,.. o£USD; In~ 1be olflciaJs in tu 1 i l l thoughf thll WE'Ck )'OU mtc.thl likl' Approximately l;\2 000 mountain • c gnld. w'ho conducts I lc:indercarten ID IMWIMe -nca -.. ~----- PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSEN'BA.JlD Grwtuat.e ...,.. eo..r.a-,, ....... Ph. 1252·W 1!1218 w. OciJu1 P'raat _. ~ . • m , comp an to havr lhf' fti[UrMI frum a poll1tl'nta dt>elarf'd 8urplu~ by the Army I In Washtngton, D. ., l achool on Balboa Island, Is visiting om. =.,-=....,._a.;:-.._ tbey are~ and undentaffed. But the answer taken IUTlong small manuft~rturln~t ,ar<' now on_ 'snl•• In priority ~laim· Free_ Transportation friends In Los Angrles for two '-------;..._ ____ __, can h:trdl)' be ln lteppinc up still farther the enormous fed· flr11'\A, c>~tch employing ttl()() or ants Federal. St{\tl.' a nd localpv-t I WI'C'ka. AaCIIITZCT PBYIJICIANS a 8uaGEONII, II.D. eral ··-14in" and 1 .. _._.1 .. .,. 3 UU t ft'wc>r ('mplo~ lndt•prndt•nt in· ('rnm•'nts and \l'll'Tans-sa well as --R11y Ulpltr and RIC"hard Grahen· :-------------,~.... ~ program, ...... ~<& a m on S ~g dllltriC'S.IIke th1'1U'. jW!t likl' llttll' whnll'sal;rs ond r('tnllers, the War Ray Mnthi'WSI'_n. manager of the dike>, Riv<'!"'ide, Sf)f'nt the week H R. H II, 'M D anny c... Ct.'dt-rcl employes that hM more personr.t>l In CdJI-1 hllllnt'U, 3rt' the.' tlaekhone nr AS$t'tS Corporation announced to-Unltl.'d Stal('1; F.mployrrwnt Serv· during lhf'tr Eall1er vacation with Armand ~on~ . a • • fornla than It haa ln WaahJngton, 0 . C . Growing publiC' de-l\mt'rll'll. Thf' poll was takrn hy 11 • day lee, Santa Ana,' ~nnounces thB~ thl'lr formrr sr~oolmatl.', H arlan ARCIII1'ECT ~ ..c1 -.,._ mand for return of USES of!lces to stat(.> control points n reputable firm It is said t<J rrprr. Th•·•·· t••nt• "hiC'h cost ~ cov· mnle.!nd f<"mlll~_~lpdls~~~.•tcnl Hoyt. son nf 'Mr. n.nd Mrs. w. V. 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Houn: 2·!1, by Appolntmeat llf'nt " cr018 IW'C'tlon nf :t!lll llO()I rrnmrnt $-1 I~ 110 are available ogra .... crs ar<' n'""" nm ... -...ate Y Hoyt. 224 ll!'holrOPt' avl'nue • WewJ!Ort 1'7U wtler COUrle toward decency and efficiency .in veterans' af· Amt'rlcan manufllrturlng ('n.ll'r· in f•illwr ra~on ~r ~oil on material • for Fl'deral Ci\ il St>rvlce poaltlons Mr I.e'(' and rtau£hlrr. !\11'!1. IT! I ~ Aft. Telepllone ~ fain. AJreedy, commWllty-llpOI18()n!d tJure.us and p~rams priaft. Earh unit ~t•ls:hs RlliJUl )O pounck. In Wathinjltnn, D. C. TTacllporla· Edith Dial and Mis.~ Mnr~;nrcl Loa Aqelee NOI"'IIAAICl MOl 111 BJ'OMI-.y Ooeta ..._ are springing up tQ lfve the local veteran a hand that isn't Thirty-four per cent IBid thr>yl c:-nmpl1•t•' \\tilt rol)tos and poles Th~ tlnn hy Pullm~n 15 provi I'd and Cook, fnrmrrly of Iris avl'nue. '-----------"--~ '------------o-J --~ ln __... and' ..,,_.....-:... had to hold up th~ introduction or' nrt~tinl11 unit t'OSt wos S:l7.37: Un· adj•lUatl.' houstn£ for Single per· Corona dt'l Mar. vlattl'd old frtl.'ndt l _._.._.. n:u tape uu-.:I.CU by lmpenonal, remote prod t ... _ . r 1 I d 01,, 11 1 th '-ill sont a.nd rtlaJOTIBble Jlvln& ex-~ and neighbors Thundny ..__. • ni.'W uc a, unoau.ae o pr «' rr " C't' tnst pr ('('11 ey .. ftlt'l a"' uaranll'l'd , · l"'ClOD...tuu'l'nl, celllnp. FMt)'·four per «'nt said rf'lltll tn thl' ronsuJTW.'r throurh pe C · Major T. L. Ktstinge r. l310 r--------------. DAY IICIIOOL If .. vWUnc F1.Uptno olflcen ~ th1a trend and they had to atop markt'tlng prod-• rt.'~o;ulllr trnd<' outll.'ll at not more Or. Margaret Starbuck. Federal , ~J.n Blvd .. rcct'tvcd his dtSchar~;e Mortimer School __,... froln ucll they had prevtoualy mad~·. than Sill rnr h. • Recruiting Offl('('r, will lnteryiew from the A T.C. recently. UP was .,.._.... lt on their return home, their trip wW not have bfoca1111e or price ~Jlnp. The advance trnlr to priority applicants at the office of the Jn acrvlcr five Y<'Ura. sf'rving in all 10! Oora.l ..,._ JaiAIId bellllb vain. Fit aa.ld he d clalmonts will oonl\nu<• untll A&rtll USES. 501 W. Fifth S!Jft. I, Santa, theaters of the war. One of his 0 ,.._: c.o.ce. ~ ~ \ 1b ....,.. d Amerlc.ana. a.nncxmoement by the Southern Jlladnc IDd Santa r. ra1lroedl ~ futer ~ with dJrect pe, pe: .me, tram oaut to cout, tdln'ftel more than Mlftw and more oOawnient ~tlon. It slgnllles a ..,. .. ot acceJeration In A..mftican ur~ not-distant rare-wen to the ~ted nightmare of congestion. dE>Iay and dQalng ln nmrty ~ry phue of civilian life. Planl ot the raUroecb to lntroduct' speedier and more lux- W'toul ~ aervb were l'e'Vealed months ago; so news ~ tbk particular tranlcontin«<lal travel Improvement, In In wblch the New York Central and Pennsylvania lines joined with the ..tern roads, was not altogether surprltU.ng. The III(I!WS ol ~moment was l(tven by Claude E. Peten10n, S. P. Yb pn!lddent ln chal¥e ol puaenger service, when he said: "Prior to the war, when~ on~ established Ina were thin, we did not feel Able-to make the experiment ...._ ol the small proportion ol the travellng public which wu Ukely to ~ the IIH'Yke, according to our traffic al\Jdies. With the heavy military load, it was. or courae, tmJX~~~.~~ to clo anytblna about It durlna the war. •• 'Ibat meens the abnonnaJ war tratnc. while ltl.ll heavy, lA bellaNna to Uchtl!n. And it means that the rallroeds f01'8et" (~there wl1l be no ra1ae ln rates for the·~ aervla-when lt Ia inaulurated lhortJy) a more pi"'Opee''Ua America perma- ..-.tly, with far more people traveling for plee.sure Md trav- ellne on bt.ud.nMt than in the best times ever known In the put. --1---_ _America ll pthertng speed alllilong the Une! One Reason for~vernment Econmomy A oornmon-eenae dedarat:Jon ol why the retall distribution ln4lltry, or any Industry for that matter,• works for sane tax and~ poUdea ln government, ls voiced by the treas- urer' d a repreeomtative chain store oompeny.: "Ret&Uen today a.re one of the tartest groups of employ- ' _.. a.ad a.re In a field where competitive enterprise still tunc· tlana wttlkJut aovemrnentaJ subsidy. We have a great duty to perform ln broadening the market for the products of our ~ We have a duty , to fight for conditions under wtddl adequate mm::h.ilndlae ls produced and sold at fair pdca 1be ~tun!ll of government must be paid for tllroulb reductkJR 1n the purchu1ng poWer of our customers' Gl' &D ~In the 'lelling price ol our merchandise. We llllilt. therefore, actively IUpport thO&e people ip govNnment wbo~work tor the reduction ol government expenditu~ and -/' tile ---)eDt ol eovemmental policies whie,h encourage .,.-:-tree CIOIDPidtiw entefl)lile." • ., "Ill t.t. t1nJted States, publk eentlment is not only O\'E>r· wbelndiiJIY OIIIQe(l to ~t ownership ol rallroocbi. ,lleakl aDd eJeetrtc power companJes. but Is even less in'favor , ol the Idea now than a ff!flf )'81'1 qo. H<'re are the-figures: ~-one per .~t 1 Y ha 6 and thl'ir orden will bft ll&dTAna, on Thttn4ay. Marc:h 28, at buddlt!l, Lt Lei Winch and wife DAY SCBOOL :;: t:m "'-~ ~octlon of «'~'· lmrpedlately. Orders from commer· \0 a. m. Shorthand and typln& or l..aredo. Texaa. arc \i.altlng the o. A. Mona-, 11. A.., O:d.,. ~-Uty ,_;. cent.._aa.lcJ ~ ~t dal buyerp Uf beina ret"ei~·t~lellll will be cond,ucted at 1 p. m. l<ls.lingera th.s w':k. Mr. Klttln-PrUtclpiW ..._ eat r~ aU -....Adort WI 1206 South aaple avenue t:aa ~..,.... --n u othen, who gn. brothn. Ma.)OI" w. H. Kla-'--------------J tof.~l .,.. .... _:::._, • Anceles. ' are quallftecl, art urced to apply. tlnrer and wife. Uplands, and lit o•- fUI"tMr I """" ln&:l .,.,., ... n un· Ett«tJve Mardi 30 all offices or Lt. Wesley Bennett and wife, ~ ·-·• chan•ed. ThJrty..U per Cfttt ot . --Uw USES wUJ obaerV\' a five day Santa Ana. were guests of the thla lut fifty per Cftlt said this At th• end ot Olf' war. unfilled _.. rloalnc on Saturdays Kiatlrutertl· Saturday. AJI the of· would mean lhutting dowA. lhelr I arden for c:lomestlr <ltl humt'n to-' · fi ('t'rs rE"Ceivl'd th!'lr di5C'harges re-Dr. Obed Lucas plants. taled mo,. than IOO,OCIO Stnoe I «'ntlt' W Klstinger from LhE' Ma· Flfly-lll'vcn per IX'nt IBid thf'y then. the demand Is lnc.".rt'ulnR h)' Hbnlehiders Unlimber ri!l<'•.'who M•rvPd In the F irst Dl· we,. lOlling money on at 11'8111 one thounnda every month. At H bor u· h \lslon in Guadalcannl. ond Bf'nnctt II«<Y, w. O.tra.l .... UIO DEN'118T .L ACaa. I lM~t 5 Ooad ew .. ry 10 Lon1•arect roct.n .. 12 Soon II £AietU.I ~in I 14 Law II Piau 17 'l'raduc•• II Rtllt\ered Nune (abbr.) 10 River 1Sw1nl II At home 24 Crown of the head Jl Diminutive beln1 •lnlan .. 21 Olrl't name 10 Jumbled ty~ Sl Oocl of PMaaw-e U Coo junction Jl Coun LI'J S. Europe JIFith sa Pn. to the ocean U Lumlnoua cloud M Main male char1cter In • ltOI'J .S &-oiT 41 Like pork n P'lrearml tiCriH, to tri1ht~ on~ DOWN I Anc. welJbt I Metal lienee leled .. la Nea ...... ~II II , , ~, ~ ·~ " ~ ~ ~ " b M " ~ ,_ ,, I"' I~ ~ ,4l 4 Edftor I abbr. l 5 nun In t~Jrture ·~al 1 Htvert Ruu.l 8·Witty rt'pij> t Kind of c1p II Tlmitlncn 13 Dare U Ill It-Iter l Arabic! 18 Runrt :a> Llu out to !1 Aast!lntnc 22 Flowed 25 Wup yarn 1'7 Coin l Port. l ~ 10 ~ I'• 15 ll ~ n ~ n ~ " . ~ I• I" ,. ~ ~~· u ~ -~ , .. .~ ... Na. I 28 Choler 30 W(J)<hmeo'a th~• 34 JoutMya 3S Bruit-in "Gulll\'t'r'a 'l'ravelt" 37 Ostrich-like bird .U Rom11n t'mperor 40 Vuet 41 Coq01tUsh 43 Boy' a nlckn1rfte ~Plumbum tsJm.) ~ ll I• ~ II ~ • 111 ~ I~ " !" ~ II IU ~ ~ ~ rn ... ~· 'U ~ - ....... , , ...... . .... ~., . ar II' from th1· army. NJ:WPO&T BEAOB C'011C'h Weody Pk:kent h11d a look nt hll ICN't'ft but aspiring Harbor Howser Recommends 11ligh ball aquad lut Monday, Le • to V •-Dr and In aplte of a 7.0 shellacking nJency e"' • W. ll'· WestmoNI&Dd at lhf' hands of St. Anthony horw· In Criminal C88e8 Deau.t hiders, aeemed to be anythlnc but lett OoMt Htwa-, downhearted at the appearanC(' of llonorahly d itchnreed veteran. OO&ONA DEL ..... hla outfit. should ha-l.c special conalderallon .,....... The Salkx' nine Is compoaed'or in criminal courll is the opinion ,..._Newport 1• but thl'ft veurana and Pick talor 1... A. County Dittrict Attorney ""-------------' concentralln& on bulldlnc a fM· F'rcd Howser. '·--IN8UILANOE rnldJible t.am for the future by "I atrongly ur~ee a chang!.' in the ,---------------. Wo.-ktnr wtth h1a Croah, aopho-law removtng the hand~ffl from morett and junior a tickers. Free our Superior Court. permit tine It aubitltutloni and experiment•· to take Into contlderalion all the Uorw, especially amone his pltchln& mitigating clrcumstanCt'l t.hat may tWf, Ia probably the reuon Cor juatify the granting of probation. Monda)"• lop-sJded acore, but the A judge ahould have thla power exper~nce for all handt will pay ll.nd It should be granted In our New York Life Insurance Company DON a. Dua&.NT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR dlvtdenda In &ames to come. Pick· post·war rehabilitation program or '--------------J ftlll rlchUy believes. the veteran. Out.ltandinc performance turned _____ ---=.. _____ _ In for the lot'als wu by Ralph Freitag, burly r l&ht hander, who allowed no hit• or run• In lhl'ft lnflinp and whltfed eipt yWton with a combination or a handy fast ball and a lazy curve. WIW!tt; St. Anthony C'huelm', turned In a clauy performance IJy chucking a two-hit performance for the lix·lnnlng aCfair and at no time wu he In trouble. Beine one jump ahead 11 no good unless you are headed In the r leht dlrectton.-Extracted. Expert Shoe Repairing While You WaJt ••• Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Ned door .. a., VIew Oale I a. m. to 8 p. m. ONCB AGAIN· SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA oa .. y.,. ... ...._. .... to DIM Ia Orup OoatJ: All New· • • Even the Location ... One-Halt MUe Eut ol Old Location on Cout Hlghway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar W~ Leed Southern California in the Serving O• -SEA FOODS - AL.SO 1•0UR ldnd of 8TEAK8 · -VISIT OUR KJTCHEN - OCCIDENTAL LD'I: INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen ftoee 1111·1 115 £: a., Aft. ll&lboa MOJlTICUN8 Harold K.. Grauel Cluwd. -"We Ourselves the Better Serw by Servtnr Othera Bftt" .._.Newport Ill Ool4a M-CaJtforala OPTOMJ:I'U.8TIJ Robert· A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOIII:'I'alft Eyes Exam1Ded • ca.. Fitted 1'7tl Newport Bo ......... ~ 14M. 008TA IOcaA E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. ~btat EYU 1!XAM1NED IZNSU Dt7PUCATED 0'--.......... -~ ....... •••• w. Cloefrlll ..... ,.......... .... H•WPOa\' ll&.l('JI SU&VEVOM Siegel & Raub F..ll«fiN!ef'l aad BarftJO" OONRAD RIOBTEa. II. D. ...,.... ... ...,._ 120 E. 18th St . COSTA MESA Hoon: I<>-12 a.m.; 3~ p.m. Pbonel33 ·• Dr. G. E. TohiU ....,...... ........ 2209 Cout ISJYCI. NEWPORT BEACH • -PHONES-Office 28&-W R.s. 28&-R I! no anewer, c:&Jl Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830'West Central Avi. NEWPORT 1\!:.ACH Ph. 1028-No tlnlwer call 301·M X ·RI.y 5f'n1ce "1llltoa K. llanreD, II. D. 1•1 Ooei& ID-.r o.r-... liar Office ~: 1<>-1.2 ; H ..._Newport IIG 8. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 ·Bar An .. Balbo8 Newpon 1714 Ml .a. BID ~~~ 1Ae .upa. TU~Iler 7111 By Appo(nunent T. P. Reeder, M. D. PbJIAdu aad Surpoa lltl Weet 8aJ Aft. • Telepboae Newport 801 ~.v. Andrews, M.D . PBY81CIAN .... IJUIIGEON • ~nt•··' Dr. W. T. Mooney l'llylldaa IIDd 8arpoa. NIBUI _, O.tnl ..._(U·u.~)llll Waper~~ Dr. WUIIv 0. w..- Chlropractic, Dietetics, Physto & Colonic Therapy IIMOoMt.,......_.. ~..-....-..... _ . ZONE THERAPY CLINIC "GcJwmment ownenhJp ol the ra11roads-T7 per 1..-'f'nl cllapprow, 23 Pft' oent &JJPI"'Ye. Gowmrncnt ~'nership of banb--69 per cent dllapprow. 31 per ceht appro\'!'.. Gov- awlelit ownet'lhlp d elect:rte J)OII't'el' ~ per cent -dllappnwe, 37 pPr oent aPIJI'OW."~ .Gallup. Dirt"C'1or o1 the-American 1ttstitutc ol1'ubllc Optnlon. . Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market 1808 N..,.rt IU..W~ <'oltta M- ten W. c-tral Newport BMCII IJpedal TrNen-ta for OINI Il Te~bolle !l&lhl Vaper Jlatlla • Medloal ....... Tele.,..,_ IU I P1L 1411 IWIMa 1M ...... ~--------------------~------------------------------~ J ... . JIIIIW'POIIT a•• .!OA =-:!!!!M, 1f!!'!!!t •-a., C'altfo!!la, ~· Apt! t, tNt Noble Solllldlll ' R. s.-trustees, ' 'Brick' Ga·lnes ~v+ols Col I Bi'y for Shoals; Tax Rate Raise LA) • ~~~~~~~, F~~~~:t~~--~ ~: Atkinson for Councilman ally, )'001\i Morgan Noble, new the Newport Harbor Union Hi&h • CBJ T. N . .,.,....k .. Ml:-r&" ~aboUt ftw coiOMiln the Balb; Hook, Line and Sinker ua~tant county englnt't.'r ual&n- 1 Sehool ditotrict on M11~ 17, at t hl' <'tty E41tcw ..,.._.._... branch ot the Bank ot Anwflt'll, ed to Newport tf~bor has bE-gun lllmt' tlmr rMiidl'nts of thl' ltilltrlrt Pr.-C"ohua~ttaO whfort' Statz worka). n,. ll<h1u~: l'h'llfn· 1 ... ~,.n "' ""'k madt• hy th•• "Uia Sunny" from ttw aounc!lnp In the bay at various will bf. ukf'd 10 a pprm••• an In-Th11 Is lht• M'COnd of what might He hasn't any auper-plana flu 1•11 hi•' 1111~ \\o•o•k "llh lh<.' ftl"l No•'>'Jlnrl J•lr r 1!.. muat ha\• h«n polnta. and Ia complt>tin& hi• n<'W (T('IlJt' In lhr mllximum tax rail.' turn out to be a ll('rlet~ or bus I-Newport. nnt. flnd out Whllt ' h "' ... cui .• '"ln.: •'Jill); hi "" I 'II' '"'I' I :'I )t'llra AJCI, and thr tint ~)' .tt otflce In a <kmounttd trailer unit Cor the school diatrirt from 10 7:'1 nnJM•s on lh<' parii<'S ukln.a tl\l' ftMCied moet, ttwn ftncl out whAt·,. h 111 t"'·''' nnd lur. hat n-tl'""' lneh· April And thfo Sunahi~W lfl made- at th<' county doc:k. per $100 lliS<'SSf.'d valuation to vott'ra to t'it-et 'em city councilm<'n ln thfo bank to do auch work, lhtn "'" '" 1111' n •ut.:hl h um nrr th,• ph'r. t ho• flnlt trip of Ita rart't'r Thr Noble lllld that the drt>dging $1.45. for our municipality. 10 &heed wtth communlt)' dewlo11 ''"""'''nil\ thr hnlll"ll llutt H~t> nh:ht lw•flln' a C\NUJI )tUard boet or about 300 f~t was compll.'ted Th<' legal nolict>a cAll eng alll.'n-I It conct>m l T. P . Atkinson. who mftlt. :rtuat'a hla Idea. 1" •' '"" '"'"I" '"'"'' """ hll•: ulf nhm•t c•uaht a rum runtwf u It I U. IJ. ltNC10tl&AOINO MAl"~ L&AF Jll.YlCU C'IIJIIll1lfln nyen to vtalt lhf' \Jnlh'CI Stalt>t II~· ('\vU AC'I'\If\autl(a-Ad-ton. I P. A.PALMER U DO leu! PJDPIIIU1III ---------·---------l~t Wet'k In front or Rlchardaon'a lion to thl.' t>l('('tion give the ob-until r~·ntly w~ a col~ I In the That eounda lf'Nllblt', dOeen't .11· ·"'·"' ·•h I 1111 l11~t wo-.•k nil I\,.,, on nw\'C'd In fl"()n, he• yond tht' 1!l-mll.- ailchorage to a dl.'pth of eight or jt'ctive u bullltintc additional Army Ak' FM~. So .,_ Col .• Atklrwon. ''" ric, •" ''' '" "lwro• I h•• Pl•'t' 11~11-lln~t. Th<' rum runnrr had to 1 nlne f~t In alipe. tapcrlna lnaide achool bulldlna;:a. m ak ln& allen -, I'm not auppc»ed to exprt'tlll any <'mwn u c flO'>'' uhl•• tu t" '"''' 1 ltlrJ•W It I harnola of liquor nvt'r w. 0 8UCK.-Ineura~ Cowl.olor to aeven ft>et. ThiJ week he l'X· tlon11 or addltlon11 aU'pplyln& prt>fl.'rt>nce for a candldatco In 1h<>w 1\.m H II"'"' I 1\1' llloll ll \\h1tt t he h:t.l,lmt hutU'd 10 HCaJ» undo•r lhr lltht- pec:ted the work to be oontlnuf'd achool buildlnp with 'rurnlfure or article!, but 1 t. mk lt'l prQP('T' t C) ~uonse. . t ut. \1 II II ·ti\J l,t It Ill,\ ho· Sl'-'llrt-d on lh<' 1 ... rll'd !.lAd Thrtw bartrla drlft'l'd In for about 250 r~t north ot th~ n~ary apparatua, and Improve-aay that .C'ol.. AtkiNOO would H h l'nel or th,. IJic·r I tnwru-d ahnn' and two Wl"ff hault'd Balboa Yacht club. llX'nt or ach()Qlo grounds. The pro-mal«-a Kood <.oouncllman ahould Rlsintr on ~ way Til.• Ill,, "'!''flli'lllta ol lilt' ~''"' 1111 (\fl thf' Ncowporl Jllf'r Olh1'1'11 . The county Ia having shoal• PQif'd rat .. would lt Ia atatt'd be he be t'il?<'ted. Soml.' prople For D~teaol es ..... '" ~~ l'llllt.;hl on ,,,, II\'•' """ Wt•rt• plckNt Ul> and m•V('r tward dred&E'd In the bay u his aurvey In t>ffect until 195o. ' wouldn't a pprove of tht> way he ~ l~·ul; '"''r•· hn111t.;hl 111 II•~• Frldll)' Clf aftcorwaNt. flnda them. ,Noblt> Works with & The .chool district would be dl-bluntly and occurately ape-aka tKe l l•o·•·· r,,,, "••ro• ruu~hl WA )' down j One-or tht' l.lart"''la on lhf.' Jll•r grid l)'lltcm from a amall boat. and vided Into three vollna Pf'eclnct.l truth, butt do on account ot that'l ~ flrat ~mit ol th. .. a.. a•u1 II •. I'V~Ul. -.·tu<'h nwtm:t :1 • lnn<e wns knur krd ope-n and C'VI'I')'UIW Ia now engagcd In ~ounding the for the elections. what we m....O all "'" clln Ke t of in aerviet bullcilnr to t-.oua. Gene• al '"'"' r11lr• '" I!''' to tho·m l hlW('\'t'o',l ~lnrte'd 10 havr • pArty. It l"t'ally bay nur the Upper Bay bridge. city counri)mcon: tSald h~. un· Moton diesel enclnea In Newport th•' "Ill 5'"'n llf' '!1'"''"1! up lhr di.'H·Iopt'Ci lntn a wild affAir. hut no gramallrally.l Bfoach wu under· way late. last '"""' "' 1 tw I..-,., 111 wnnl h,.,.,. te• 1 nnco fo•ll nvrrllOArd. Thr "Ria .tLw 1500 ~£...( 331) V t A. UDO cA '""'i:i""~I.A BAY VIEW .· ~0 .. INIU .. ANCE lEE 1 Churches· Protest Race Track Permit Alographlcally, Col. Atldnaon w~k f~ Max H. SchachMr, .,.:, ... "'''I"• "'" h tro-loln~ trip to rt•Ar h ~unny" lc<fl with u ml.l<'h Ill <'OUid at an early age he went to aea on dlatri~ot' for the heavy merioo lho _m I be• IJUI Into hottlH. Word ot th.r ...._..,on. ..... 0ate .._Manx rh a.. A...._ Howard W. Geniah ...... IJ Automobile • Fire Acdd~t • Life at an early a"e he went tn 11ft on pi s1~ tl k rt t 1 rr , .... .. Y d.i('S('II which he will ella ay and · ·• 111, rmro ··~ ~ 1 nr n · ••" arr,.lr finAlly rf'Acht-d 'thr NMI'llO't The Santa Ana Coun<'ll of " wh"ll.'r. uf which our yachtanwn wf"\lfito at the •1cCurd,y and calk-Jt,ll,..,. I "' '""" '" I hi' llll)' Ill lhc> pull•'¥ alAtion. And lin nffiN>r wrnt ahould approve. Latt'~bb fo1~ 1 rd ,. t hi h 141tr·•• hnt An.:lr for hay fl~hrrfnl'n. , .• 11 on lh" ~nd or thr "'••r ,.._n of O!urches hu joined olh<'r church rldE'd tw wu going lo !)(> a con-nf ya on '"ou I way. Tl 1 1 1 1 two f ~ • ' '" ',.,,- croups in protnling the t'ltabllah· structlon man lind ht> decided he 'n\e ni'W buildin& Ia a Quoellet "' "'' '~'1 "'""'" " rom row th<' harrt"'a ~· c•m11ty I•>' th• tlmt·., t ( h t b"J k 20. entirt'Jy Of at ... •l and With IW\ • hu:ll• ttndl\lrt'Ci off I hi' I'IIV\li(>n 110 , tht• nffl('rr rollf'd I hi' oth<'r men o I <'au omo I era<'<' trac lwun't and 10 lt>ft holftf.' at 17 and _ ... r hi h tut!l "''' t"''' '" lht• '"")'to fillh for ba~l In t•• the• atatl••n I pro()OS('d for construr tlon n~ar jnrntd the A~. While &er-.dn& .-ral patconh-u t'atul'f'll w c IX'f'· l .11 • • • • Sl'al Beach, In a leth•r llf.'nt Jut. from then untl almost now. m-mit rllOI&t of t.be bulldlnc to be 1 "'11' "' 11'''' lJIUl llll.l)' be pur· nw dll)'ll ,,, pruhlllltlcm ""''!' t d h - Or --"•c...10 e·hu••·ol ••n llw durk "I thr• Povllinn ·•• d h 1 week to I hi.' hoarlt nf sup<'n'il01'11. 1 r('('('lvl'd prohahl the most thor-<'rN' '-' Y II tT .. ft-.. w•uo H p~tu•..Y 11n nnw au<' o•\'r•n ' an• Rr'~tion of tht• llPillir,.tlon wu oi:i"h achoolln~. •bl<'. as a lot or u surpr•slnaly ahqrt tlmt' attn tht' "'"r '1'""' 111 '' •till 11"' old ~land-on ttw h•fln l aldt' nt lh•' l11w A ~'' " .. foundation Is int~fallf'd. h' '"' ,., ''"k"r . "I 4tthe ~~ ....... -~·-·1 Aw., .... BREAKFAST ; :.~ ~~~·-21• SPEtiALS ~31f PIES • CAKES • DONUTS urgcd aa a "prot<'Ciion to youth" his tlmf' was llf.'rvcd aa a ll<'rgellnt-Sl'hachnt'r hnd lht• foundation 1 "' 111111 h .. re• 111111 II\ I' hull lhl'ro' ('t>UtJit• year11 11\.lo'r 1111' "Ill..: Sunny I and "as 8 saf•·~:uard to law lind Instructor. A aergeant-lnstrur tor a nd ronCT··~C' fltlotl' in F'rldlly morn· nii'.HIX lh•><•• P••ur ,nrdlllt'o< nnd lltlo•w Up Wlll'll lht· <'nt:IIW httt'k · I -----==-=-=-=..:..:..:..:::....-===..:.:::::::. ___ ..:;;;;;;It:;~ order ." j h/\1 to IX' srnartt>r than anyUody. I db •ht tht ~rvtce ~· anrll"'"'' ttr•• lllkln.:" lw•nltnR but fired Anlt . tmll'hl'li nrf 1!"-''"'"'1:-------='----------~---------""':::~ , 11 •n ·ral ng, an )' niJ: ... • · fumt'll ln11ldo• tlw hull It "''a• N·-_~~:::=============::::::::::::::::;;;:;;;,---to\ In 1 ' • hnd the• urn~ht st('('l pillara bolt 11 "' Jll~ 1 " I~· ttw "'11)' 1'' t•atdtl hull I w1th ~rrupc'r vt•nlll•tl<•n 11!\d . , . 1 d "" < tl'>'n, II Ill ma. 0 ,-,_ , . lluet lwnrd nf W88 t~i"•rnt lnil out nf I Mud1 ""hutltlnt; 1 _., 1 , ·t 1 t thA .....,, f1~h ... "''!I 1:0111' tn utlf'IUt ('\I ry k n bt•amK in pin•··· Th<' t'nltrl.' tjulld.-surr (l,lllnl: ~~!loll hnmrwrrd hy . ~nn I'C'dro • or sl'ltool you r nn think nf. llkr tnt' inll ronu·s knnrko>d rlown 10 that (11111 wo•ttlhN , ''"•'PI•> ""'· und · · Army·~~ NKtks' nnd bnk('rs' ~chonl, ll~may I)(' ,.,.,'('lr'<l In a matter or. '""' • '"''PIII'••n~o·n•·•·• ll•·lll)rf~ nr lonrlw~hnPrll' M<'hool 11nd school of wr<t.·ks. .!l{lllh' 11111 ( f1sh h<'HI~ t'llll~ht rloiWn much nf hi!! work In unlvc•rsili<'s. 817,. •·n~MI. rangtntt. riJiu·e n11•11 '" t' )' II ~Jnwn tlwn• Or. and moro• nr l•·ss majore-d in juUr· In :.!OOO horlM'nn.arer. )'ClU '''"' Willi lin Ill ""') Ill•" ,. up nHiism. o•ciiltnl: and writing ,.,~, . ...--lh<' C'i\lt~l Pfr ll11rlln Mllh•r. 114ln ol Mr. or lh(' t't Sill Guidon ror lWil nwlr hr•ndq.uHrlo•rs hAl lwfon lo-Htm:·· fhllht'l nll•ll ,,,II I HI\ I' llf'lll'· 111111 Mra. Earl Millt•r. ('eta Ill Ml'lll\, t'atl'd In \'ii llnungiOJl. hut he Ia 1 h · 1 ( i, nll>(IOI( the • l11lf•at 1tr01.1~ lo Juln ye~ ' , . hrnnllfc-rrin.: to Nt'wpor t Brach y ·I ntomt lu "''"' "'nrf' thcoy \\ lw n \\ nrld \\ nr 1 hurst en nur l~ltUS<' lh•·•r trade radius In-rnn 1:• 1 min ut·l "'" 1'-111) 1 1~ th(• thr• ~·•r• I t 'nv~tlry dlvlalon In 1'n· I C d "' d•r ' 1 ... 1 .r ( 11 1 1 kyn, ,.,.., • .,l'f1ihl! to word l"t'CC'Ivt'd j -fu N'S tw '''"" n hiOAilO nn wns-clud<>~ lhl' o•ntlrt' coastal rer;lon " ,. ,,. "~'u •'u "r ,,. •nr~:•• <I ----------------. romm•~~rnnr-d l~m•-dintroly n n<1 lrnm S;,n llii'RO to Sllnta Bar· Jl/lrl lt.e\lnt.; shun• hu:et.. run 11\11 hy hl'l I''"''"'" CARPET & UPHOLSTERING llt'nt to F ranC<''" N>mmand or !I hara -II·· ultiO expk'l!l to have a tn II ft<llll lht• :-.;, . .,_,, ..... Pll'r Mnny Mill• I , uVt'1'114'1tll 1:\ months, II a I hntl(•ry uf fi<'ld arllllr_ry. Out ho• !m1Aif fll'l\\t'r h<>llt. Kj(l'nCy to IWid 1)11: Clulu' 11ro• ltllcl ut rlsl~;l'UI)hl \'l'il'r/1 11 nf l)klnll'>'ll and WC'a1'11 thr C L E A'N I N G H•lunro•~>ro'<l ns nn mr nh~··r"·r and Itt his Rl'll\'lllt•s here. off lr;u ~· • nnt"h•lf'.!:d-..ff:..~."l••rl • AIII"IW·PIIrlflr rlhb11n. Cti!Tih'll In· (mll:hl Itt<· "'hflk "ar en airplanrs ~ In ) ,.,.,~ ll!t<l ltltrS:I' ( •~h1ns: IS 11 fKn l ryuuon'• 11lfi1R••. r. •• ret C.IOCrlll't 11nlt hnlklon". bt•tnl! ~hot duwn ho 'Sf'hnrhno•r '"11' l'nl hlltlillllk lrf"t'trl 'I"" I mrd11l Mill lhr l.'k kJf'y n"'t!AI. Lo-cal Veteran of World Wars I and II onc nr lhc first and thr('(' of lhco llhOUI lh•· prll~IOSI'd hont III)OW for Al'rtl ...... ,' da~ hll• l'll!'t nn!l "I lotiPr trl f111nu•<~ II•· hnltl!l n num-lho· hls:hway ~<•<'lwn lhlll aummer. hrou~;hl lull')( lu 11111111 tho• llr,•l lrep Watch lhf' Clau1ned columna.. \\'ORK DONE IN YOUR HOME l!'•r 11( Fro•nl'h nnc1 ltnhan d«'('()r-and ""'"'' 111 hl"'r hill dbpllly com· • I otlons whlch r won't ri'COI"d hl.'n' ph·l•· h) rH ... tlnw lhl' t!l'I\JIOn it"la l :----------------" Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen I ::;.·:~" g~xt~nll'l !!Jll•ll 'rom Bh' undl'r way. j Frozen food c L 0 T H E s Dean Ward AnyW/1)'. rtflo•r lhnl '>'llS "'"~ ol\'1'1' El Don, Newspaper hr w('nl lrteck tn thi· rnnks and Of Santa ·Ana J. C. 1 PHONE NEWPORT 2056-R ('t>nllnuood tf'nrhinll propl1· whrtl c b ..... --------------~--=--------__.l thry should know Ill' W{l!l II mil~· Again Honored a ·lnets -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lwr ~•'r~trn nt t•rrwm..: 11 B·l7 wtwn 1 tho' last nnco lltnrtr.-d and his rOIIt'rYI.' El Don. ncwlpapl'r of the Santa AND ' "'J/J.at doH sixty mi Ilion ·c~oll•rs 1.w to do with ?." m• , . Young ,Cady,-this particular sixty million dollare can have a lot to do with ,ou because it will be ~sed thia year to add switchboards and other equipment to the Southern California Telephone Company'• system. The bigger the aystem the more youq women we need to fi.ll good jobs in just ebout every building in. ~tcnm we aerve. And, if you quahfy for one ol these attractive, permanent jobs which now pay better than tver before. d:lal' 1 ~hero you come in. ~ \TOR't )'OU oomr in 68d MOO MRS.RUHL 100 F~ Bay, Balboa or call Chief Operator rommiulon lmm•-dlott•ly wPnl into Ana Junior roJJeae hu uaJn won <'ff<'Ct nnd ht• bl'camt' a captain a flnt plaet-· a ward In thfo twenty- In the Air Foreta. IM'Cond Columbia unlvertlty natlon· o-a ... Ia IN1 wide conteat for juniM eo11~' liP rAmi' hcr«> In October. 1941.1 pubUcatlona. John? H. Duke, lid- and wu tlr11t AdjutAnt 11nd execu-1 viaor , announced today. llvr otrlcl.'r or Santa Ana ArmY! Thi~ makrs the• alxth tlrat plare AIT BaM--h la trlendl will point award the pllpl'r hu won In the out thai r unnlna a ''city" Ilk• that Columbia contl'lt. nukt' d«l~trC'd contalnin~: 100.000 proplc Is good El Don has 11150 won 12 All·Am· prac!I('P ror l)('ing a councilman-erican honors al~ 1931. trn of I • I e r bc.-romlnJ: ~andn of thcom con!W'I'utlvrly, a rrnt. 11 Ia troope. behevE'd, wher h no ol htor junior rol- 111''11 havl.' bet-n marrtf'd 32 yur• IE'ge paper has 11ccompi1Jhtd. com•• ni.'XI M11y. Ha~ lwo daugh- lera, both married. lOne of the Try workl,. today'a c~c:Md IOna-in.Jawa la John Statz_ You Clln puale. o.iletOUI Sea f" rwwt. , Or. ocaplel" equipment ..,_ ,.,.a .ant to catch ,our t>"''TI. DIESEL SERVICE DIESEL MOTOR SALES RE-BUILT DIESELS . PUO~Eit · Offlm: ~el\-port iiNfl -:· a...= N.-wpw1 ~11\f. \'f , J'&ASK B. r-..r,;wus cJ.~,, L·"'l'' ~ • ., .,I., .. K"~' 512~ MariM Annue Balboa bland 1!401 Co~~IKitwtay 'f'wport llf'a(•h Roll -A -Door 1M8 Porl'f'1':'1.f lr'••t1or / Q23 So. l A" .\IH~t•lt•' ~1. Andll'hn. c 1'''' t;~fi.;R(it:S< .,. I 1107\" Anahrlru •1\/\t BOYS 201 ~lartM A <rft. lla.lboe lalaad ""-.,. • • • • The City of Newport Beach and the Community at Costa Mesa now have the Beach City Mercha:1~ tl=ttrol •nd D!tectlve S8rvlee Licensed by the State of California For the Protection of Your Places of Rustness an~ Your Homes You May-Now Phone 1421-R And request a memher of th is service to cafl and CQnsum- mate an agreement for this service. • / We Want You to Know That the personnel in'1his s.ervice appreciate" th e splen- did co-operation rendered hy the P(')l ~<.:c . t he l>i~tr ict At- Corney and the Sherriff's Office ·in hcha lf of thctestah- lishmcnt o f this service. • Walter Applcbury, Principal Beach City Merchant Patrol and Detective Service • I YOU·R CITY NEEDS .A VETERAN BUSINE·SS MAN You Get One When You Re-Elect lsbell Tues, April .9 do to the Polls Early to A void Rus}:l at' Closing Time . , ....... ·' {_ Have -~lectrk !for WATER - In your hoD;le for conomy 'Thrif11 istht word foualleccrk Wattr Hattrf 1Vhea J"'OI MY& ,/ui,W hoc wacu iA JOUI......, JOU act rM bmdit of a tpedaJ !diloo cJcaric rue thM ...Jra chc oPemins COit.IUrprilinaly Jow. You ... • odwr .. ,., eoo. ,u llcaric ,.., Heater ra aa blr ltec tenb and luci for yean. Add lhateco. ~,_]!!o:.::.::;:F'··'r~· ..-• • D0111flcsdJ 8...,* opencba. -. fl '•MicyMd......._olullecilrkWalltH-. ••• ud In aq eo~ wfty 10 muyfuailia are paa.. ..., lo chanacco liHirk wattr htadDJ UIOOCl» acw lllcdric Wattr Hnttn are availabk. . .1.1. ESTIS PL1111111NO GENERAL ELECTRIC U.Xoa e ._..Oa.ATOU e w• ...... .-.. -a • UDioe .... 11. Vote For- THIS WEEK TOASTERS Electrteal Repair 8e~ lUI 8tate HlrhwaJ Pltooe l!t4 --I R•anlleN .Appl._.. Newport IIIMda Carr's Feed Store Hay and Crain QuaJlty Feeds -I- lkliJ DeiiYei')'-PiiloM ft'J lii'J Newpert BIYd . COSTA MESA ~-~·-e-o 1---lho mas ·-P . -A-t-kins &n FOR CITY COUNCIL Executive Officer and Commander of Troops at the Sant~ Ana Army AJr Base for four years. KDOWI the problema ot the v~ Member ot NewpQrt Harbor PM., American 14ion. J'awn dewlopnent ot recreatJonal tadUUes and wanta action ln dty government tn ad- vandlw arowth of Newport Harbor in the d1fl'bJ)t yean ahead. • Vote For a Man-Who Geta Thinp ·Done and \Vho Will Work For the Entire Community. - ELE~TION APRIL 9, 1946 • RklJD~ Appan!l and Saddlery, EngUsh and AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 205 No. Bro.dwa~·. ~ .. ta AM PbODe 87!2 New, Sensational Trolling Jip FOI' Albacore and Barracu~ OOMPLE'n: 8UI'PLIIll FOR OOMMERCIAL FI8JIDIIID Specia II zing In Trolling Gear McCallum & HarveJ · 26ta a Bayl'toDt . ~eWJIOii JlboM IU WANTED: Experienced Waitresses Al so Miscellaneous HeJp Blue Room 206Palm-......_ FREE ·Freezing F oocls -For Rome U8e From Your Ow1l · Fruit Trees ud Veptalllel fJola Yoar Ow. Oudell ()ea ... o-e IN YOUR ROO · · · tr/ ·following simple 41· 1 ·l"f'CtiOM Ululltrated In "~­ lnl Foods" catalogue· by Unl· ~rsUy ot MlnnHc>ta AF'!cul· tural ~on Servt~. U. S. Dl'pt. ot Agricull~. ,. ...... Free .... .. a..-& Newport Electric Appliance Co. Establlshro 1944 "Complete Rome ller.b" tiM C'oa.t IIITd. PhOM 1111 I S_,_-t "-MM BRING YOUR RADIO TO U8 0.. IJQ-We'll ....., D aM 1' .. C. Raw I' .. N-" P'llaterJ Puta. Work GanateM. heto~ TnaMt &l:pelta. Radio SOS Electric IIA.&OLD L. ILUOI .......................... ........ _hi' ............ delay saving part of your • 1ncome regularly NEWPO:RT-BALBOA-l"EDERAL JAYINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATIO"' _Bring Your Home Mortgage Up To Date! • D yoe ... luteaet wtth -of t1ae Gill .tyle mo-.tpp., It II time to tt.p •• llw.Upte oU) modera .. ..,...,..t-pay· ... roa-co" mortpp ,._, At ..... I& wUI p&J .... ,....... .. •ortpp ...J .... , hM ae.;. ~ '9 .., date ....... ,... ......... with euy payme~~ta. the aiJeohde eertabatJ tbt yOal' bome wll be' tree ol ....._. ..... -. ........ .--·'lll ,. .. J Complete Loa1 Service I' I R ST ~ \ T I< > '\ \ I. B \ ~ 1\ I 1\j s ~ (i fl.(, A T r , ' l J IJ T ~~ f. ~ A 1 1\j . . •• ·-- --~--. ~ --------------_ Mf!!!O!J ly.¥6 J!ll!!:!!!lft If!&.,., ~ S?!l!!w!!L ,.,....., Apr!! I. .... J¥! J!ll .t\uto Parta ~pladna ~ u ..• &:nn+nn D A-h L •. • CA»undl Autboriles ; Rehelrsals Begin for ...... Play Sentence Asserted I ~,.~~~!/11 lk':H~~ for ••• ·~ t:'Coes:!';e Church ~ l.ftll Hh fVIVIliMKJ( eQIOflnatre Fuii.Time Guard To Be Presented .. Over · 'Riree Week Minister .to 10 Y rs. t 1 ~~~."'~~~ .. ~:~ "'t:f:.'.: esa U /1j B C 1· · For City Beaehea Ends by 600 Resldellts of He•t In San Quentin ~~:.::c.,~~~== ... - Hockaday anct Phil II.-. Inc .• ()r. rges r ase as 0 tseum .:..--...., Rllll\111111 IS •'I'm ln.: hnr k I I ana• CIOWity automoth·e parll and nw Jon• ahon-Une ol the dt~ Tlw f i1111CIII~ llllldoor filii\' "''""'\II Yoancest Post ,,II' Still•· t\tlult Authority htu• Mr. and Mra Joe SUmrlwn ... ahop equipment service chain. 8ff Another Jli'Opocal !«W USI' of thej for uae u an l'xpoaltlon pound n~ a Nll tJnw Ute paard. C'Ofl l wtrh 1-,,.r l)' t'lllllomiA fAI'I and fir· ~----...1 .6 ruiNI lhllt t·:u\:o•tw W t 'n"~&l.•r, :u. Mr llrtd 111ra Pa~ ,..,.. .. plannlnl to tSuli«S their k'venth rN't'nUy lnactivatro Santa Ana and Or. anllC! rounty ooliNUm. tended F\re 0\l.t Frank ~ '"'"· u• wrllto·n tt. ttw-Inti' "•'ll"n ~rm8F -~ ' who llv(~ II''" " I~·Yt'AJ"'"Uid ~h'f IIUn MIC't\ael, Loe A ......... concern In Costa Mesa, It W&f rt>-Army Air baae has lx•••n forwarded I Qran~re county net'dl an n~l-before the Monday .-ton II Uk llunt .l lll'k~on. \\11'1 h(• lltl'8•'tth>d M VFW In N••" I kilt nml l~lbt"' a• hu•· Sunday at the-honl(' ol lin. f'llfa vealed Jut w~k with tM an· with tht> announcerm>nt of a plan tlon a1te to kt't'p up with the d ty council. Crocker, Who Ia' ~ thl• ,.,11r f\lr thl' fir•t llnw alnC't" 818 hAnoi 11nll "!(,• tuult•r tlu' nl\nw or •'nr.• T1wn•nC't", :nth 1~t and .. t' nouqc:ement t hat they had purch· by M M ~lt>n formt>r mayor I[TOWlh of the Southland. McCallen wbe head ol ~~ aal.t)' t •r-tht> war In Rrmwn11 l lm1·1 "''"' • MMJJtnll. 11111'1 "''"'''' to YHnt In .urdlay 1(\Wetl "'\lrt' Miljor ~ par · 'aied· the lnternntlonal of Four of H'unti..a.tu\ Be~ch and com-dkla~. and two polpta _out that city f~red ~h~ta; NCO\'· llt'm,•t With m,,., nf thr lnr.1mlntt 'ol· S.n ~"'"11" (t~r •tatutOC"y.NI~. nnd hi• wife-and rwn Major~ Sqwi.re Go&pt>l propt>r ty in the mander or the> Am~rlcan ~g•on In the air baR II equlpPI'd wtth a a~~ f~t that tM cit/ Ec1wnrd Prorm11n. pn 'IUII•nt nr I riN"ra ~ '"• Vr ti'I'Anl nt F nN''-n t'h »u•t·. wtiCI rlulniA that hi' ht Will t.~tkc'" prllutwr at Ow bella- downtown diatrlct. ~at city. complete, wlf-aupportln( water =·ld em-t.w a man to W on lhl' Rllll\tlllll f'a~tt'ant Au~>\'ln t l .. n Wllnt f'olltll MHa poat, wtt'r11NI lll1 ••~lah>t"l nunlsto•r, ••u II de-· nln. of the war and ..,.. r•lla• I McCallen hu propoiiC'd to the and aewft' 1yatem, and hu many f -&w wwe1c • rmn.•un.~·• ''" jlt'rfnrmAnt't'' for of WNid War n ttwo ni'W t"'m· ~ fmm thf' na\")' whe-n 1\f' wa• aftf't' Japan IU........,drnd. tt. II..,. TIM! tranaa.cUon..wu handled byteftCUUve commiTtee or the A.uo-lood bulldlnp that can .be u.ed hand ~ el __.... ~ are 110w I the rurunt 14'11.,,n wllh plswlnt.t manltl'r . .Tnhn Th~peon. ('()Uid be arrt'!lh'\l on I hi' "'Pf' rharlf' J an. In t hl' Army holpilal at a.n ~ 1 ~ - Ray ~tt. Co.ta Mna real ctated Olamben uf Con\mft'ce, for N'C'eational ancl elltllblt pur-av~bl~ he :;d: ln eaDtrut to dati's ovt'r thl' wf'('k l'nda of April r111~ with ttw younpr ~P by 11· ~"lf'da IIDow•'fl that f'n,zlf'r Mr. Summer. ....,..._. home lilt •tate broker. . ' ' I tillat the buUdlnp. and !adUUee ~· I the lack ol quaUIW ·.•bnlDin ~7 lind ZM . 'Mil)' 4 ami ~. anlf Mn> lilt~". hut I• aC'tually a \'C'tnan of ned from • "'"'•' t'fttbal'ttlltlon ._.k aft« arrvtq ln ........,. ol the bue abould be a ~ SuMctent apace on .the ltoO-durifll war time. 'l1w ~ II nnd 12. • World Wllr t. hav1n• hHon 14 )'f a" N"nt.tr nNu :)an tnrwhoco on tbc-' -----------------~-~~~~~~==a~~~~a ~~· ~ 11 ~ot~d~~~~l T~~~~rkt~l~h ~~~~w~~m~~ ~=~=~=====~====~===~~==~=~ r-------------------------,. envislonf'd by McCallen. In addl·llon..-t lhonltM '\,; tM cowaty. tht• pl:11 hu lll't'n JIN'll«-nh'<l In Thomr-on •nlllt~ In f.M Na· ':" n~~t YEN mAN I LIN. DS tlon to at._tna tht' annual county make a tull-dml man 1'1«11 ')' I Ramflnn J'klwl by th l' rHidt•nla of th•nlll r.uant ~rk In Ml.eourl •nd ,._,_,.,..._ fair at the site. 1porta ·~enta ol To Lest.r bbell'a qUftUoft to wbat San J nrlnln 11nd I!Pmf't. F:11rh 't'Rr Will ,larharred whl'n thf)' ,...ached all kinda could be run ott on a 8 man would do durlntr wiJitf'r 1thf' rltlzl'ns of thl'll' two rommun· r"mfl and hit atrl' waa dii('Ov('n'd, y~ar-·rou.nd buls, ~ aald. months. the nre dUf'f aald two ltli'S have h11ndf.d t()(t'thf'r In llr waa lf'nt hnrnco. but thfo MXt Wc;Mm • tr;n:a. • . .U.tJIIINUII ...... ..__ ... rt ·------.._....,._ ............. Pboee Newport %780-W Sprinc Houecleaning &All Done .- - - I The COACH LAMP • &lboa'• Uni~ Dinn~" H owe · · · Will Reopen S*turday, April 'th 60t WMt Ceatn.l ~ Ialand Avenue The SAAAB )'fttft'day became would put hlm to work In hll *"I hrin~:inl( to lift' thl' N"'mll nC't" of d11y ""'nt N f'k tCI r amp and l'ft• otrld aUy "Inactive" with only a partment Ramona and Alli'Mandrn. 0\•l'r f\00 llatrd In anotht't' re•lmt'nt. He 1keleton military and clvlUan force 1! he ~ MCftU1Y put one to I ri'Sidents take part In the produc-st-rvM ovl'nt'u with thfo S.'\th Dl· remalf1lnc to k~ the whHla turn· work membera ~. and voted lion: thrl'f' hundrro In tht' r .. t and '1slnn and ~lvf'd the Pw1lh ln1 until complete abandonment by t au'\horbe ,_ .. ~ t.o be hk'ed tem· thr balanre on varloua rommlltN'I Hu rt, belntr both woun&-d and the army. The War ~t.nwnt ~ly at lea.:\ until the ..,.s ot In thl' prodU<"IIon work. aaued. Tn 1Mft he wu honort'4 at recently named the h~e baR, the f~al yMr when the MW ~....,..._ t litM W&J thfo Santa Barbara en<'tlm""""'t ol which trained over 1~.000 army budct't la made up. nw depart· Rf'hrarnla art' now under way thl' nl111b lrd Amencan Vftft'arw airmen during the wn, uceu '; mt'nt "hu onl~ one man to call •1th t ht' choral IP'OUP and Spanish and rft"t'lvf'd miK'h publldty 11 lu the net'da ot any army or AA upon for dut)', and baa been em· danC't"ra tn the f~r theff are yountrnt vett'ran. eommancl. ~ rwwral ttmM by h&vtna OVt'T OM hundred prrsona parlin · Otnrf'rl fit the ~t will tw In· ~ Ask State Stop Propo~ Buildin1 In Park Area . no one to wnd ln .·a dlatnal c:all. patina und4-r the dlrectlfJI of 1talll'd at t't'remot\lf'S to _,. held I)' ...... _,. II ..., · ... -..al.. Othera can be obtalned In emrr-Lillian Robet't1 whllt' "..M(lrolm Friday t'\'l'nln~: In the U... tl~ w ... : O.'t 1M ..... el ...., .... pnctes. t~ chief admitted. If Knl~tht II handllna tht' Sp~~nlah 1.-f'Cion hall wtth Put Dlltrlct ....... .,.,. .., • I • ,.. .,. wllu•• ...... tholle em~cleoa I!'Or!W'on w.k-danN" routlnea. Commandft' Janw. Sulllv.n u In· )'~of Dr. eow.'l .......... en.lt fila ...... ends. Olrfftlon of the nll1y Hself will wilta111111~~. '?..'!'1cenart.al~~a1~ .. "! .. ~=t· ' •· .... ow -............. ~ out 0... Peaa)' .Ad••MI Vol&. AI e1 ,_ ..... be ronductnt by VIctor Jory 11nd Ina 11 open to the pubUc. -........a. ....... -W C .... Won• Dr' ...... hil witt', Jf'an l nllf'U. both of Othfor offtC't"ra .,.... arnlor viet'-.., w-. ... _ -...... alOft NOW ...... The~~~~u~ I~ ·~ ~~~~~~~tl'd ,l:n~t:h:elro~m~mi~~~~l'~r~.;~~~~m~~~·~~~~~~~:~-~~~-~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~=~~:::~-~~~~~ 1--~------jiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii!iiiiiillli~~i;~;:~~jl~~iiiii J.~~itthe~r~tjh~~~d~cy~bu;~ll~d~ln~g~~~~rt~-~~~~~lJ~~~~~==~~~~f~o~r~m~any y~ara. to l di• r • lwlun-• Dr, O.W.ta ......., ....-. < I lf'I'<'IIH'It' will be Adr) a& ...... IMr ....... • 8ee Ua AMtl& y.., BOlO AND C'IIUaCII WDDDIO PICTtiai!S Be San to ........ Aboat OopJia& Old Portn.lta ·~n hn~~~~~~h~~~~~~~~=:~:~~~;-~~~~~~;t~=====;~ Pits;Tima~tt' f'la~• and the" 1IC111V· J>tmH llf'nf'dkt: 1\ttlrd, The c:'Oet ot dredglna wu de-~nnc1 fl(••·l Knc\,1 .1111 AnJZI'INI C"'vlr jltthflrlty, l'lonald t.udl: county Councilman Earl Stanley waritt'd rl11rcd hy th4> city cnltirn'('r and IJ~thl OflO·rn "' :>~«tn for n•"'"' rou nrll "''"'RIIIMI, r.a~:o• and La-~ to· know If the city ('l'lnnot now ha~hor maslft' a11 h<-lns:: ton I[T'eat j )'t'llf'll Pt•rlr Jr . N11mra of <'HIM' flllllrda stop lol o"''Tlt'Y"' from bulldln~t u to justify lmpnwlnll: tltl' .-hanMl RllrnM~II Ro.-•1 liNt In tho· fnt1t· rould nnt hi' ohrnlnNf O tto Oudd the SIBil' hilA dt'Clarc>d I til lntcn-lit thf' ('1\'('rht'Rd hrldll;t' rnr moor· hill~,,,,,, ···n• '" ll••mt•l \\ lth AnfiW· Fll rno•lulrlnntt roFmoodm"_"."",'.ock. er I fiCin lo procr ro with lll'qllisltl()n of lnl! rlrzhl hoots AI a11kf'd hy th~ r11ror••d ''' Sun .tnrintu fnrmln~o: nn most of thhc JVOj'W'rty 11lnns: lbt' H lll"'nr ln\'t>'mrnt romp~~nv lrrlmC'-tm1.,., ""'' hnl'k•lr"f' rnr thr otn· hlnffll. on th(' ()('('nn front and dlotl'ly Wf'tll uf thrlr huildlnlt on r .. lc1•m· ,., thl~ clr:uruot lr r~ntl hl~thly ("htm·!lt> f'nvl' Thr C'lty Rllorn <'Y. lloohmrr~:rd lnncb rf'('('ntly won by r"lor ful l•lny For Ralboa Jfdand hn\\'P\'f'r, W:lS duhiotlll. th(' d ty followln~ 1l mndl•mnnlion It j, thf'r ly-fnur ttulo•\ rr .. m Htl Mr An•1 1'1ra l.t'WI• G \\'lllllf'r, Thl' s1nlr cnn !!lop bttlllfintt tht'rr lllllt lno;tllull'd hy tht' 11111" l'raltlf'. ;1" 1 111'1'1'1U1Ihh• tu ""I 1'"1111 fnrnwrly nf Arr111fln nnd lll••~tllllll(• nvrr nl~ht hy l:l'llin~t A <•nurt ordt'r !'\flAM' rxlsls fnr addillonlll moor-In N.,,11 •. 111 C'nllf••rn111 11 ithln 11 t .. n 111 . "111 .,1,...11 11 frott>n f!\~Wbt fnr lmmrclintr f'OC'l!ll'!lsinn 11nlf tl!!r , lnga O\'<'r thr lluhmt'r~trd tldl'lnndll. f; w )uHtt'll "'''r 1'"'-,.rl h~-AI nuorkt'l f'rlolnv nt :Ill{ Murin•• •v••·. hr !mid. Nn ll'll<'f' hn~ r\'rr hN-n II wns rontC'ndl'd h4-fnrr lllf' roundl lht• '""' 1 •·ntr;on,·•· tl~t•ro• 1~ 11 1,.,11.,. "'"'· llu11•111 hlnnol rl'<'t'h'M from thr !llntt' ftrclnrln~r AI 11 prr,1ous mN>tin~t tnvNitlttat· lull no•nnt:•' f.,r 1~; .. 1.,.11nc1• of , or·. Mr l .t>W\'< "''"' r•·•·•·ntly 111•· tbrlr lnh•ntlnn to tnkr the prop-In~: lltr arrn ainrf' lht>n, C'lly F.n· fit'!ll'rlltl '""" ltff' now u\ 1t1l11hl•• duor~:•~l fr••m tlw Army •ft••r t~~·rv· ('rty, nnd :~llhotJS:h thl' appralsrr JZin('('r J. R. \\'('hh nntl Har bor hy wrlt1111: th H11num11 1\t;wl nt lo•t· In tlw l'ul'ifl l' nml lht• I..,.WIIIMI f ror thr stntr p11rk rommlsslon 111k· M11111r r Ru!lst'll C"rals: fnund that llrmrt 1111, 1 .. do•o·lilt·l1 to•llTIIil'r c·,.urornlll ••d lhr rlty to do !Klmt'tbing 11bout thr chtlnn('l was ton 11hilllow at t he tlwlr rw·rmnn1•nl hunll'. It, the rouncil llgrN"d with J\tll11nd wrst rnd of the turnlntt huln.l - , -l .t'wl•' 1-"r"'"" ..-... .11. will fr11turo• ThomJl!lon It I!! thr duty or lhr Th(' bottom ahou.Jd be dr~ MMI F:us:t•nt• Jlfau~;h "' th•• c·,, fr"'''" "'""'"· fl'iUitry, """ f•wldll, 1tate to make kno"''Tl 11.11 lntcn· th<'Y agTf'C'd. hut the r('ntal •ur-1 bHilu fi;•Rt'h Yllf'ht rlull Wll<l 11 Vf'I!I'IRhl•·• fruit nnd lro~t•n Julr.·• I I Inns nfflclally 11nd thrn takt' ac· ..... led would no t ma ke It worth ri'C'1·nt 'i§Jit>r a t llYC llllll was .. 1 · d 1 1 ' ' -.... " • 1 nnu <"f' oTI'IIm 111n w f' , ... 1 tlon to halt contemplated buildings I while. . I'"" s:urst .,f Mrll lm \ h:mc11o'r 11m on sitMI It may IICfllllre. • Upon tht>lr nport, the council Mr.. J 1... Wllll11m• ----I oa. OOWJ:N ~ ...... ................ .... NowM!IIe.wt No Advanee Ap. polnhnent Re- quired. Come bi Any Time at Your Convenlenee.. na,. or Eve1dn.. · Prcvloull action or a •imllar na· dt'C'Idcd not to !cue t he art>a .. 1 __ Mra. 1. G Mt-tralf and dauahtl'f I turt' by the dty brou~tht thri!at of propc>IC'd. Haw.evl'r, they author· 11.1)d ldt the way open to rt'et4Ve I 1\artNlra, who llvr In Alhambra, a Jaw ault b y a Loe Anaetea at-~lzcd the a. ppUcant.a to obtaln coata MOI.hf'r propo8IUon buro on prt. arc vlannlnll to build a ncow home I ~~ or~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l !on~t~he~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~r~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~E~~~~a;;~ Two Mesans Hurt I flgun-a to be pi'C'~ by the ctt~ . ~~ In· Hit and Run -A L L M A R K Driving Case Vernon H. StamM!. 22. f'hula Vlata, wu <'lied by the highway pntrol !or hlt-11nd-ru.n a nd drunk driving, followln~~; a rolllslon Sat- dny In whlrh two Cost11 MMia rHI· Easter Cards • drnts wcr<' lnjurt'd. Fnr Euter SWNiay, April %ltd C'harln F. Osbqme, 32. 26201 .Lam .. :~ Vuee :: ~ :: Colltwne .1.-welry l'\t"Wport m vd. wu driving nor th Newport SouveRI""' and Gift Shop on Newport Blvd., sdath or Senla I' Ana, wh<>n hla car wu atruek by We w,... Olfb 1111 o.-. ,.,_. another northbound veblcl~ alt ... ::;:;~~~~~;:~~~~=~~~~~~~~;~::: • l'dly driven by Starnn. The Impact knocked the Oabome car 100 ff'f't Into a -rtelcl caualng Sf'rloua lnjurit'l to Mn,·ls L. 0.. borne. 33. 11nd Rober t Osborne. 10. both of whom Wfft taken to ~ Oran~te county h01pltal. Stam8 did not slop nt tht> llet'ne of the 11cddent, accortlng to patrol of· fif't'ra, THE HURLEY BELL 135 COAST HIGHWAY, CORON A DEL MAR OIPK1If D&JLY At'. P.M. ~-· .. - .. ~~~···· A NEW HOME SERVICE . . For the People ' of the Harbor Area! · To lf'ttlc a frlrndly llri!'Umrnt 11 challen~tc ra<'t' wu hf'ld by two --------P C ski PPM'S March 24. ,Stan Chrl•· SANTA ANA Weep No .More, My Lady! ---------~ lopher or San Di('fto Yacht club •.. , ,, ,, , .. ,.,.,, "". &Pf-1 HfftY Ducy Mocor OU Jftl jp then ud •ltfJI • ._ dzdins hot upper cyllocm wa1lt. Ordlaary 'oth cud away, leavi.aa bot lfJOCI bare-and your JDO(or wade opaa for a ~ biU. Compoaadcd RPM H•.y Duty Mocor 0B holds apaua way dowa ••• sndually dn.a~ out carboa, trope rins·Stk.klaa. aludp aod rorrotion. 'SticJt to llPM JiayY Duq Mocor Oil-i& ICidu ID bot 1f0Cil racing Ht'ber Erkk10n of RYC. The Snn Dleran 11nd his wlf<' ~t homt> In the best of tplr1t.a; Jle wu "the wtnnah , .. WELCOME-HOME! !fewpwtllarbor P.t !11 Alfl!lliCAN LEOJON I .......... · ...... 0 ..... . _ .. ._ .. ~ ...... ... ..,._ ............. e .. .. GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fndt lello • CheMe OaloM • Rout Meat. • KltcheD """" • Salada ud : =:-Turke:f'l • Fllb A Oywten ----------------------- ' r--------------;,, Veterans! Atenttion! Yoar New Home Fin&Med on Your Lit a· ....... uoUJe 1 5975 6-~ llouse I l' Clayton TllolnpscHI. SHOP AT GI~L'S 1 57000 • f ... For F'rt!Mer Veptablee Better Meat. Faacy Groc:.riN !45 Fo....t An. 1.,\~t ·:-:t\ BF.,\Cii Colegrove· Heacock and Patty • Telfophnne at or 71 It We've the Answer To Your Problem • • • .. , .... wrnr prnctkully no ht-lp avallablr, you'vr probably t)t'(!n worT)'ln& about Sprlng Ck-unln~:t! Our neat, unlfonncrl workers will be very happy to ott~f' you our rw•fvlc"(!'!l(. Whf'thcr you wnnt your house rcnovntt'CI while you a~ Jiving In lt. or would like It .l"f'ndy for you to move Into thls lleUOO, w~ a~ the .orw1! to twlp ynu with your prohlcm. Call ua flld Jet ua d18cuM thla with you! WIHIJOW WAMWING •.. IICI\J;Y.NS RJ;PAIRW OR NEW OND •wz '10 ORDER .! CLEANING . n J&NJTt1a& azANINO JF' yo11 hnvf' ~ hnmr In c HArbor An-n, haV(~ your Sprln" Cleanlnl done ·(or you and Mv~ yoursel unne<."e"''~'ry worn~! ' Comi'hf'r'f'lnl cleaning and wtnrlow-wAAhlng nlll() dOI'W'. • HOME SUPER SERVICE COMPLETE HOME RENOVATING Call" from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -Phone Newport 2574-W 101R Coast Highway Corol)a del Mar -· \. . . ~- Burt R. Norton .. o...a ......... IU, .............. Qrla e Before Y011 Billld or Remodel .wt.oar ......... pae ........ ,~ .. . Color· K\.lid8, plan- nlng aids, compre- benslvc stock of rugs,~ and linoleum. f!J. J. /J.o1Je~Ji4oM • CANDIDATE FOR CITY ·COUNCILMAN Believes that aU the problems of our CitY Governinent can be solved by COMMON SENSE and COMMON BON~; that the taxpayers have a right to know in detail what their money is spent for, and that the official acts of the Council should be governed by the Wishes pf the people. City Election April 9, 1 ~46 J \ -. Vote for GILBERT SEAL For City Cou.ncil Corona del Mar Needs: 30-mUe-per-hour syn- chronized slgnals; Approval and quick action on state park: Playground facilities and tennis courts; ' • Improved beach park- Ing & cleen-up beach. Gas Heatlnc & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON Stat. UCI!Illed Contractor -llq ...._.~ llaM Wum Frteede •a-..aee~s• ..._.. Ma. aest1ea1111 ...__ Ma u !IN of thls Clean, Family Newspaper 1liE OIRJs'nAN SaENCE MONITOR ,._ ,_ cn.. ...t r t rrl ....... ,_ &o.a poUtbl .......... ,.~ ...... .....,. ......... ..u,.. ...... .._ -. ..... _Jd.wtde-.ltl~ ~ 1 =·~-:a:.=::=~.:.: -~~~~~==~o~;::I-z .. ___ .......................... 0 ..... ~.-• ·:········ .. ·-· ······-····· 'Z. rf'-11* I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~--~~----·------------------------ • Thos. P. .l\tkinson for City Council Veteran Army Executive Electfoft April 9th The Man -·Who Gets Things Done · -• tTb&• ... s~rrUtrmrnt •Nn..,"" t.-. ~~ •r•f'Jfl f't'''' n•t .. .. . . .I I I ~ Orangt> county has 74,0M re&V- tPrt'd voten u of Mar<'h l , 1946. aceordlnl to !lcurea releued by S«retary of State Frank M. Jor· dan. The Rt>publlcan regiatration wu recOrded aa 36.292 and tht> Dt>mo- cratlc party numbers 34,679. with tht> Prohibitionists listing 269 rru>mbers, 216 m lscrllanroua and 2602 voters declining to alate party affiliation. ' In the alate, 3.781,596 Califor- nians are registered with 2,179,996 Democrata and 1,426,493 Republi· cana Uated. Tenn.s If Desired • WW OOST INSTALLA:rJON • NO EXTRA n.ooa CUTI'ING • NO FLooDING OUT SATISFAqTION GUARANTEED PERRY'S Appliances IT'S YOUR GLANDS! S _J E A K ~·s -- OUR SPECIALTY •• G.N UINE B ~TTERMILK HOT CAKES • Complete~ • Open 7 to 7 -Sunday~ 8 to 5 Kids' Cafe liMN...,_...... o.ta..._ 8amey and AI. Prop.. Whether it is saving for a. home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan ••• • 0 Resources $4,906~QOO.OO Laguna Federal Savings and loan Association Laguna Beac-h, Calif. -l'h. 390 , ·'· L! . ,.. . .. '. Pf6ininent Me.n of ) OUr Harbor ·District ? Dr. Robert A. Crawford OP'f'OME:I"RRST ~ 1111 x...,.n ...... ~ .. •-. c.w. J .,..... Mil ... ! ! t Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Company Tr'••• ... --... 1011 · Ill o-t ..... r-N...,.n .... Ollllt. ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor · Ult 0.. JJ~~tawa)'-<lo..O.. ... liar, o.lll. • !fewpert. ttt Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL # Ill~ Oleta......, o.llfonla ttt To· l3e ·a Qualified .Leader One Must HaVe The Feellng For Service ~y W .. T. JEFFERSON While part of ~ pheaomeNI pvwtlt ol the ll&rbor .,.. a. due to the aatun1 eolldJUOM of ..U.S eH-te, Oda eol ucl a beutltul -.. y. wtUioat tbe IMdenblp ol pahMo4plrtted ...... of .... would bave beea eaoap tO draw to tbe OOIDIDaaltAel of c.&a lhla 1 ud Newpon Beach the popa.ladoa wldela a. ~ b)' ...,. ud boudl . It a. to etvte leeden of the dllltriet the cndH beloap for dnel· opla& 11M bqef·eea ucl nMdeatW dlltridll, ~pod.-.., ..-.uq dnard.e.. eMe ehaa. ucl eenlee ....... ..._ ... ftnt ud fore~DG~Jt. .clevelopla& the llarbor 1t.e11 M tbe prbM taet. a. botlt tmsbeea ucl pleMare for ......... To build a ~ood bulinMR for OIM!ef'll Ia a oqmJDMdable thla1; to ft'OOKlllu thf' fat>t tlult lfoaderw.hlp lmpoM!e obllpUol. .. b.tt.r yet.. ud thla Uw .,....__ mea bave dolle to a IUI'k.cl ~ No dvl(' or ciub olfb ill too lrlalome to be ... Irked; fMh pu• hill "h~r to the wbMI ud each &tva ....U.Uqly of bh eftort to tilt! JN'OiflUft wb.ldt ..... the Wten.Mt of d. Wl6t ,._.t neut .. llhow ac-Uoa Ia the put.. INden an·looldq f~ to tbe futune ,.. oombbtecl adioe rrom aU ~tao. of the dWrtet .. ~ tile aew poo.U. lato a.. eb•~n ded t.owvd tiM cle••ht ret of a commualty whkb may well bMr the ....., ··.r~ aty of tile WMt". A. E. Groty -j . A. Groty·~-----TTJ1'1VI"-nl~r-m,.-------~:.....__-4=llJUIC LEADER · Groty Appliance Co. l'1ta*IN ...... ,_ owee-na•• 11n lftl Newport Jlhd..--()Mia M-. Cdt. ! ! !. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Oft'lce ..._: ION II! Maba 8tnet-Balboa, Oaltf, ~ .. --.. ! ! ! F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS Pbone !llt·.l s1cn 0ceaa Froat-Ne•rt lleecla. CaW. ! ! ! · L. H. Ewen -Proprietor • ·Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. Phoee 143 lTM Newport Blvd • ........CO.ta M-. OaUf, ! ! ! HUBBARD HOW·E Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company HU W. Cealrai-Newport MOO ! ! ! HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing lTtll qMI Coul mpway-Pitoae: Nwpt. 11!1 !!! Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and -Insurance Broker Pbonee: Offtoe J-Ree. IMI not W. Oeatnl A•e.-Newport Beadl, CaW. ' Theodore Robins rorrcst B. Owen Theodore RobtM. aut.omobl~ dnler, "'&A bom In Snttltl, but , COY ~"-W~Trs arrived Ia Lon, Bead~ at t~ ~or t"·o and a half p•&n~. Hf' was 1 T '~ • S · .... -.,---a membe~ ol tbe...Al.r...Force.hL\hdd..War I_ and oontln~_fJytol for ··or.-..1 n. Uw.-n \\'lUI INlrD In Ohio on u ... l''ourth of .luly aad durinJt hk f•&rJ~ rc .. r'l'l M'&A famwr, WCKIIf'n mJih "·f\rkf'r Ud public' I'JtftDOJCral'hf'r. Thf'n hr wr•nt Into railroad "'ork and vn·fld lUI trav- eiin'i frc•iJ:ht anu ..-nJ{Pr a~r·nl ancl c'lllfif f'Wit"for M~ w..t,. ~ boa LIQUOr tore the fire patrol Ia NorthHa CaUfomla. He e.oo~tabi.IAhMI th~ "·orld TM E. Oeatnl Aft.. Balboa, CaUl. I'lL U~ ~peed reoord Ia 1920. ' -De Rome of Oonllallty~ -G. B. Brader, aler-em raJiruatl" for 20 yf'anc. •8 t '!! Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge -Jlala 8tl'eet-aalboa-PIL '7'7t·M !!! J. M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER P1toae IU! llltla a& Oeatni-Newport a.- "On Your Way to,Balboa'' !!! Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer • ., rw.Jeal ,\.Yea--.coroaa del Jllw, Oallf. Newport lleacll m -.w . !!! Newport Engineering As~iate.1 FREDERIC J. SINGER. Ptetldent .... .,aewren a 8alea E'qtJieen U111 Oout m.t~war-PIL UG !!'! Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station lMt W. Oeatni-Newport ...._ ........ tee t~t Wallace C. Matoon Mattoon's Shde Store . . Footwtar for AJ lth~ Family . . l'I'M Newport Bt.,...-co.ta MMa !!! FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. SbenrtD· wtlllamfl Quail tv Pablta KeMutor AppU.av .... UOI·W O..ta Me-IN! :'oewport Bl ..... !1! G. N. Wells Real Estate Pttotte S~rt 111 1Tt0 Newport 1'11\'d . ........CO.ta M-. Calli. . GolD& lato bwlln~ for hlrn8elf, he took the local Ford agenc'J In 1923 aad hu bMa ldeatifled with the growth of the dty f'Vrr lblce. He wu ftnt pl'f'!OIIdeat of the Ne"-port-Ba.lboa •. Nieral Sa\·· lnp and Loan AMft. bd Wall a member Of the fli.st board of trus- tees of the hl&h 8Chool. He has beea prominent Ill aU nvle dube aad II a ~r In Boy Scout work. Uk hobby 18 ~ealna aad horticulture. A mf'mhrr of thf' ••ralt"mal ()rdc•r uf FAJt!MI, hf' wu "taf4o, prMI- dent Rnd lwl'amf' Grand Arra .l"''priW'ntauv .. for ('allfomta.. He t'aJIN' tn ('001ta Mf'fl& In 193-1 and hi on,. uf thf' IKNMtf'"' for tM Har- bor arPR. llr bl ~~Hr .. tan nf thf' C••ta M..,.. ('hamtwr of Com- 'merc'f•, pre~klf'nt of thr IN_.;.rcl uf •·aJrvif'M' t'llMnl'l Wat.-r ('n., ~ ~· of thf' C«Mta Mf'M1Wnlt.ry difoltrif't and a mrmlwr of mo.t ol thf' lc>C'al •n·lc-e clublt. Milton M. Maxwel~ M. D. ••• c-t lllcllwar-<:oroaa del Mar PIMiee Newport 101! !!! Howard J. Gerrish BAJn'POIU) P'DI: IXIIUilANCI: CO. Plloae Ill 1108 Newport Blv.,....O,.te M-. O.W. -~!! DON NORMAN. Norman's Meat Market Balboa Market and Delicatessen •ANITA SEXTON Prop. Ttl E. ee..,..._.... !nt !!.t Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet .1o no.., ISI:-&Jboe Pav1Uoa DAMIA LOP'MON, Mann~e•·r Orkin's Department Store R.eady·to-we11r. Belich Tot::5. 1'1~ Good.l l n"lnl!l' Wear-HOUllt>holll Wnr(' ~ ut..-.. tale Bean of CJoeta ..... tt! Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. BALBOA ISI,AHD V AJUETY 8TOU: t t!. jOSEPH L. MARSHALL ~ ............ Christian's But ........... ttt Thomas F. Norton Prop. RAY SHORE CAFE l"hnfte UH-Iftll a Oout Hlc1lun7 SF:RV1NI. 12 NOON TJLC 9 J> M ~ t! I .lohn A. I .lad& 8, Siejtel & Raub .. ENGTNEF.R.~ and SURVF:YORS 11108 Ne..,._. lloulfovard Plllottfo 2151·1 Ooeta MNa SPORTLAND-BOWLING-PAVILION Volney Hay Balboa Motel 1111 r .... C:.O.Iral-ftaiM8, CaUl. T&le,ll I'! 12ll t ·';t. J. Hraden L. Finch Grn M~t:r. 'Finch Ceramics ! .t ;t. rtol)l'r1 I. ~honoy Jl.f'cordinK Jo:nalneer Davis & Gay · Music CO. 1110'7 N,.wport ftiYd..-(":O.ta M-rll. Ill .. U. Walnut 81..-:-HuaU .. tAJ• .,.,..,. ! .t .t Theodore Robins FORD DEALER !lit w. ·-Ual .L .t. ;t; T. LEFT.VHJo: • 4 "Frenchie'~" Barbecue & neliratessen 101 Mala "t.-ft&lbott Uoa,l A,...., Telephone 2402 .,, ... ·~·~ .. ~··~-.. ~ .. ~-·~·~ .. ~·~·~··~·~·;·~··~·~·~··~·~·~ .. ~·~··~·~·~·~··~·~·~··~·~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·; .. ~·~·;·~ .. ~·~·~··~·~·~·~ .. ~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~-~~~·~~·~·~·~~~~~~~~ ' ... ~ __ •·---- --~. f f f ~ ' • • 1 t t t f t f t t t t t t t • ~ t t t t t f t t t t t t I I f I I f*'f f f t ' ' AL ANDERSON Fun Zone .... .... . . ..... . t t t . Bob Callis DIMitM ... .....aAJ. 1'1:1"8 Crt.nl'fO ~ -ltT .... M.-N~Wt i .. t t' ijOBERT H. REED -c Harbor Cold Storale -.... a!':..!:i-~ ...... ~ t£t Ca~t. ~~cN~Uy Balboa Boat Live., ,. .. _ .... n - . 't t · Dr_. Conrad Richter Otttla .... ...... 0.. .. • on ,.., ttt Herbert F. Ke!U11. POSTMASTER WALaOA o.Mt. ttt o.o. w-. L a.a. ~-Coast ~r!rtiee ua. ...... 0. ............ . ttt W. B. Rowe · Starck's ~fe .... ............, ..... t t ,t Fritz Goo IBIW • Gua VandM' ~ Balboa Market . ..... ,.....,._, __ _ ,,, . ack Hamilton - Beacon Sea Fooda ........... .. c-.. "*' ........ ..,... ....... 01&. &&& AtJ..A_N DA..RTrORD ~ The Blue SaJJa ......... , • ''-La..r61. Aft "" •• ........ ··-... ,...,.... .. ttt Robert E. Arvin'• ~e ........ " ... ' D I ......... .,. ....... ...... N_,.n .... O.W. ttt WUllim MacCurdy W. H. (Sklpl Calldnl M~~~~-llle. uu OMM ~~wr.-x....,.n .... .._ ,..,.. ... ttt Stanle~.~~es Barden MA MARJNER i ...................... , ............ Ill ClMoM lllltlwar_..._. .. 1 t t C. F. Dennison A_,_ ... wttla A .... ANDY" IJftllQ:& -....._ ... (JoMt ...... 1 ........... ..,. ttt. MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey • ... o.c-. ..... ""'"""··· • 1tt ANTON. HERSHEY Prop. J fcr.hty'r Market Spot ...... .... -............. ~ .t t Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE .RACES W-. w.., Woa M.aa II~ ! ;f. ! Dennis Ho1dand PLYMOUTH ..... l~ta 11---1'7 .. Newport ....... 1 t! ARTIWR STL VER New Blue Room f Woot El.-ctr1c Or111) P'~TS. URINK8 AND ROMANCE T.a. MIS W. o-t., ..,._ !tt Hurt R.Norton . RADIO ELECfRICIAN ...... u., 111 1 c·-.t HJrtrwar-N-port .._., Calif. ~~~~-...... ___ ,_;;_, ___________ ~-----------.....:NEWI'OIIT~.::.::~::=..:a<:.u.B=.BO::;;A=..:N=EW.=•:..·.::;~;;=: _ N....., I • ~ T' £ 1 1 4MI L pti •. , Puai..•c NoTacE !Com. SwordfishermenAsk .Co-Ou . _._C. C. Selects Represeldatlwl Pu&~c JfO'IICB 01' a.u.& or azAL ciHaibed u foi)OWI, to-wit: NOTJ('f; OF SALE OF u.u Here to Market Catch1rom San Diego . . .PO-~ . 1 .. Toff '"• To Dlsc•n Filii ... a. .. , .... ~N!.TS:An uu:! ~~t~~.n~pPrmmaC: fi:.~ ::~~.t:Rn AT •••"Au, To Santa Barbara; Loeal Men Elected S •••• Park, S..l Harbor Developa~ellt 1a tht au,.rior ea-t ot Uw ~ ln Book 3. PaacW' U No. f'.(;3Rl. Puadcna Dt>pl. A. To atlmu~l(' and improve the ~tte.e and r~~t their ... "•"" DoooHo~r CoorciUiat.d etat.wide fl.ah .... !l..·'L------------ Itate ol Callfornla la and for the and 42 of Misc. Mape. Recorda dlatrltlutlnn of frt'Sh fish 1"'"'-..._. poru were John F. ZeluU, WID' NO'I' aUDAU.f ' ti OND~ ot Lot ~elft. tot Or¥\&e Counb'. and loc&te-4~ Io' th·· Superior Court of the State ally. th't l'ommPr~·•al Sw.urdlllhef-. V. r . Gregg and L. E. Bl'ady 9f same procru~~~~. a .. taWW!dl pro-Sandwich Shop Pa 0 Ia !be matter of tht eetate of In Newport Beach. of· California. In and for the nwn's AliS<X'Illlllm Pll'ctt'd to accept San Dlrgo: Dvrt'l Foreman and 'nle prewnce of the St. Looey IJ'&m for 111\all VHMl harbor de-T Serv Island ' E1..LoEN Y\.-GUlRE, Incompet~nl. TERMS OF SALE: Caah In law· County of lAs Angl.'lea. lho• had or I he> Nc•wporl ~acb M.D. Slt>Warl of Newport Beach: Brown. and other major lea&Ue v~lopment alon& the Callfocnla 0 e Nodae 1.1 herd»)' ctven that the ful mon~y of the United Statee on F•sht•rm•·n·s ~ c'"'l"'rut•''e Auod·l Arthur 'follow and John Soreneen bueball ~quads In the Southland Cout, the atate puk and ~ach Trade This Sum.met: ~ CHAS. L."' OVER-oonflrmatlon of nle. or part caah Jn lhf' Matter of the Elllale nf lttu>n as thl' br~t nm• t•·npered for ol San Pt•dro, and U. F. Stevena whetted our appetite ronelck>rably devel t IHlNER. u Guardian, wiU ldl at and balan«> evldenrt-d by note ee-Pn·liS Lucas, Dt•C<'aaed. tho• se8Jion f••r ttw murketJne ol aad AJc:>xunder Met.on...of Santa duri~ the put few wee~ we opmen ~__'t'Cieral ~ A nndwlch shop with a patio prtYate _.., to the hlrhelt bidder, eured by mor .. ace or Truat Deed tht••r catc:h Thf' a r tion wu takeD Barbara. IIOOUt around 10 find what the state foreet acqlllai~ plana and for aummertlme .ervin& I• planned upoa the temw and condLUona on the groperty 10 eold. Ten per Notice lsllert>by wt-.cn that the> ut the annual spnng meetlnc ot lp ~ne can ortn' lll the way ol federal p&Y1"1Wfttl to <OUntlft in land under ronetruction by Robert ~mentioned and 1\&bject ~t of ~nt bid to be depoalted undcrsignl:d will acll at privat,. ttw group ut tho• Flllhermen'l Co-18th An • borlt'hlde entertainment duri~g Ueu ol taxs for acreaze taken IF. Allen, formerl~ of Berkeley, on to caaftrmallon by laid s~ with bld. IBit' tn the hl&h£'11 and bo!St bid·' o~·raiJ\fo ho•ttd•JUIII't(•rs on March mversal}' the ~neaeuon. What w~ founa over by the Forftt ~Ct' wUI .be Marine avenue, Balboa bland. next Oaurt, on or after Ow lOth cSv ol Bide or often to be ln writlna d1•r. •ub.)«t to confirmation of said :.14. Of Harbor {)perun wun t 100 encouraging. the t f ud d to the Df'Wiy-opt>ned Cotta&e ~ Aprtl, ·tSMI, it 922 CIVIC CEN· and wUJ be received at the aiOft-ISul)eTiOr Court, on or after t h" Th•s marks 8 dl'parture from the g Harbor High a ldlool which amonr apes or 11 Y an nut and Watne shop. 'I'D BlJ)G., ~ SOlJ11i BRO~ I8Jd otflcv at an)' time aftu ttJe 10\h day of April, 1946. nl tbe of· IJ(Ihl'Y ndh,.rr'(l IH by the award-,., Be Celebrated I turne out cracker jack !ootball. dl•cuuion by t.he 1tatewide natural Allen, rect'ntly atatloned at WAY, City oti.Ae An1e*, Coubcy flnr publicalion ht'r~f and before ricet or Riccardi. W<'hster & Donn· n~hlng .:rouj1' for the put fiV41 .I0 • buketball and track outflta for reaolll'C8 commlttee of the State Santa Ana while aervine In the 11111.-An~elea. State ol CallfCII"ftia. date of aale. hur, atlorneys, 311 F irst ·rruat >;•.,r:.. in lll•llrlting blda on a fixed 1 ' --' Its alze, Ia dt't'p In the throes of Ctlamber ,of Com~ In· San Anny Atr Force. '-bulldinc hie all the rilbt. tlU. and ln._. ol DATED: March 19, 1946. . 1 OUIIdmg, Puad•·na 1, California. pr11 ,. )•••SIS h um pnvHtt' con<:ft'1ll The .. vents committee of the "bueballiape.thy" a dUeue rom· Francllco t.he alternb of Thun· business on the lot, leWd from _.. IN•.,ptent at the time ol CHAS L. OVERSHlNER,' all the right. title and InterMit or, only ,.111, v.o•r•• in a position tb dl.ambcr or commerce Is about" to mon to many achooll l~he roun-day. April (. Peter COok Jr., Rio Jack HaJ\IOn at a <XXI of approxi· ~ and all the rtcht, u Guardian, 1aid de<'Nlled at thr lime of hi•, handlt• 11,1• uusm•·ss. T he orl&lnal ltart work on a suitable affair to try., Harbor, 'which bou of many VIsta, •tatewide chairman today m&tely $6000: Allftt plaM1o opra tJa.-..nd tntnat that the -.te MUtual 9211. S t.alioo 2557 I death. and all tbe riaht. litl~t and nhjtoct. vi lbu mctllod was to elim-canmemorate the 'Tenth Annlver-championahlpe on the dlron, on reportl'd attendance will represent In approx!matA!ly one month. ot Mid Incompetent baa aoqyirod ' lntereat that the eatate or sa•d de· lnHtf' lrrr~;ular buying practiCN MOO of the Re-openlnr of Newport the hardwoods and on e cinder· all parte of the atate. by operation of law or etJMrw~. HAROLD W. KENNEDY, ('(•!\led haa· acquired hy operaiiOI'I 110 1 11,. oltlnlwn rn~trkN buill whic:b Harbor. W. J. Cole ,Is chairman, path, haa not beE-n richly endowed Memben or the State Fillh and ,,.....,1 other Ulan or an addJUan to that ot Count~ Counsel, and nr law or. otherwiiK', otht'r tha•1 r ·~•lltl'lt an so'\~'rl• louea to the and tht> date of May ~. 10 yean with champ bueball nlnet In put I Game Commlnlon and fish and Santa Fe Adela ... laccMnp.t.let. at tho tJme ot EAitL o. LIPf()LD, or in addition to that of aald dl.'·l r:~hl•rmt'n. ' er completion of the federal yean. :. game division executlvea have bee.n ~ew High s---a ~aco~npet.eney, ln and to aU that Deputy. \.oeut'd at the Umc~r death. tn and -prnvcmept program will un· 'nlere are many legitimate ex· lnvtted to d1scuu the rommiulon • ~ • ~ o.1.a1n .--1 property p&rticularly HALL OF RECORDS, w llll thai C<'rtllln real laroprrty Thc Ol'\lo tr•up 1~1 1·t'Signr' to doubtPdly see a yacht race In· ('\lieS for little bueball lnlereat preeent flah and game proc!'Am, ln-Trmne on Chieago Ran LOS ANGELES. I Mltuate It~ th4> CnuniY of Orang.-, muk•• avulla 1 '' to a arma nter-eluded. or partldpatlori at the local High eluding eatabl11hment or public · Attorneys for Guardian. State ot C'allfomlll. pnrticularly '''1''<1. nn UJJj)(Jrtunlty to purchase On Utt> program Is the flniah of -the main reason being that be-ahootlng g-rounds. Additional train aerVlce between C&.-1.11,._ dcacrilx-d u foil~ 'I: 'ui•P11''~ nr this s.-a!ood on an a race from San Pedro to the har· cau.e of the limited alze of. the Stepe to create legislation L to Chicago· and California and OU· Pub. Mch. :.16, 28, Apr. :.1, 4, 9, 194(; Lot 1!1 Olock II c1f tr;wt ::!34. "'lllltnhl•• hasis bar, tht> rcgafta to end In frontl atudent hody and Its number of eetablish a •tate IU'acoast l.'nginH>r· cago and North and South TPXBI 1 In the Ci ty of N.-wport At.•nrn. P:fff'f't,. uf C'llaare o1 the Newport Harbor Yacht club. athletes, doubLing up of boys on lng board, to synchronize actlvlliet point• wu announ<'f'd today by tbe No one who hBI auffered an ac· C'ounty or. Oran~;t•, State or Tht• pft,•rt~ Clf this change 1n It Is und(;'rtlood. The same club different teams Ia nCCt'Siary with or all fedcral and state agencies Santa Fl!'. "Wht>n equipment now ddc:nt ew r expl!'cted to have It C311fornln. u po•r mop rf'rord· lotlllt·y v. 1ll ht' rln<~Piy studil'd by hu its season opening on that day, 1 the retult that wht>n 8 track' meet concerned with beach protection on order la d<'llverl'd thia fall,~ wtwn he did. Cona\ant caref~ ed in Book 13. pll!!H 36 anti tht• '1Wnrt1f•shin.: .:rnuv during the and an a ll-Inclusive program will ls acheduled. no huehall ~tame or and managl!'ment will be diii<.'USSe'd Fred G. Gurley. the road's preal· la the price of aafety. I 37 of Mi!l<'i'llonrous Maps. c•uming IHIJIIIIlt'r 11s th£' manner 1n undoubtedly be arran&ed, practi<'~' can be skedded. Wl.'ather by Col. Charles T. Leeds, who w~ dent rcvealed today. "the luxury i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. rf'corda of aald County wtw·h it Is Hf'l'f•ptPd hy th<' whole-pt>rmitting, three da)'ll of practice " leader 1'\. the Stale Oam~r • slrt>amllner, th(;' Supt>r 0\lrf, and and ..... It· fish 1rad•• ~:<'nerally, wtU Wildcat WeD Drilling Is all that can be ex!X'<'ted out' of Jon~ study or statt> beach pollciet. our de luxe transcontlrw.-ntal chair Lot 20 ftlock II nf Trart :.!}-1. la r!(l'l)' dt•l••rmln,. thr future pol· J the wePk by a hard-working coach. The Senate lnlrrlm rommill<'f.' on • car train. Ef Capitan, both oper· ~-an .__ • .,. ............ ,.. ••• a r ...... zo>*e:t ... : ETS • HOIIil & GAL VAl :::4t.. . J .• mros """Q'JZ 1 • t • U. c-.& ilhra7 PbOM Newport lSM Aile ... l"rn • TT • & .... ..._'-... IMip-OM1ee4 ELECTRICIANS In the• C'lty of NI.'WJlllr~ ll.·tl!'h. kit•!; or lht' lt'I!'OCilltion, WhOM ~,.West Mesa Hu Bnsehall sh&r('!l little or I hi.' beach and.,•horellne problems. with latin~~: on • 39-hour 'and 4~mlnute County of ()run~;.·.-. Sllltt• of trwrnh••r<~ p . . · H. Ray oJUdah, Santa Cruz, asl acheduJe and pullt'd by hl~th lpeed C111itornin. as pl'r m~<p r!'('ord· mn}flr r<lrl1nn of ·~·:Jlt>ndenl boatl __ I funds, probably nt<ceuarlly so. "· Ia to p&illclpate. di~Jwt wUI be t.e4 ed In Rook 13, pages 30 and lo lht• South~r.n ( a.hr?rnla sword-011 inleretta are repor ted to be with the rt'Sult the I the varsity The proposed state park and dally betweeiT OU~ o and or:,•An· 37 of Mls<'t'llanrous Mape. fish r!Pt'l "h•ch mcludea boatl d oscly watching development work Ill playing in some nondescript beach developrtl('nl program andlll!'les .. I -•. • R«'<lr"-of SAid County. f Snnt. Barbarn San p...a-thr State Park Comrni&llon-re· · 1 "" rom " a . • .,...-u, ot Marolt Co. on the· hoahack at practice unlfonns purch81t'd sev---------Terms of sale ore cash In laW· Newport A<-~~h and San Diego. Coila Mesa, just above 'the field eral yurs ajto. This ract"lsn't so ('{'ntly providl'd with $15.000,000 ful money of the Until'<! States on In. thl.' ,.1,.. tion of ofrirers for the at W<'St Newpor t. w .. -e ·-veral Important, but 11 doea help a from state ~pproprlatlone. to be Can Sell, Not Rent and balance rvldi'nCl>d by a not.e I • • ~ un~uc:eeufuJ wildcats have befon IQUad's morale to look 1\1 ~nappy local fundi-In aC(tuirlnl( and de· Owr "-"-~ef8 confirmation pf 1alt>, or part cash rommg y•:~r WAllace Year .. en. ,..,.. .... matched by an equal a.mount of I M •-Q_..,• chnlrrrdtanl_rm-dd .John N.orf't~· treandu· drill .... In r"""n t yean. ja• the oppo~ltlon. even though thf'y I I •·· d .... h will ~....... by a trUJI deed on the ~ rf' nom1na •n• "" '""" ve OfJ ng par... an ucac t'l --_,_"' urrr e, 1"' • McKee lntereata have leased do takl' a beating. The !local ~:ra.ss· c-d pro(IE'Pty 110 sold Tt•n pera-nt ol wl'rl.' !'UC<'I'Ml'<l hy w. 1.. Oleeen th<'lr ll·acrc parcel at Whittier lt'511 diamond isn't much help, be outUn by members or th(' Retail sales of motor I<'OOters, amount bid to IJI' d.-pooo~ited wllh and. Llo}d Munson rf'SIJ<'<·tlvely. and 18th atr~·-. "'-t.a M-a to cit her. for moral!.' or for game ~n-Park and 8<-ach C'ommlulon. This blcydet and otht>r such VE'hlclet in bid. f' 1 d 1 u ~~..,. '-""' ~· w additional aour<'l' of rl'venue will the city are all ri~tht. but rental Oldr or off••rs IO''bc In wrltlna ·<:'Cit' to st•rvc nn 1 )(• cxecu ve Walt Elliott who drllll'd the first ditions. . • • Allow upnnslon of the state"'• park or powerl.'d propelled Vt>hiclet of and will be-ri.'Cl'iW'd at thE' nfo,.._ majOr producer In the Weal New. I The belt thlnJ;t on the local and beach program to more than this nature Rrl.' forbidden by ordin· aald office! at any lime aftt>r 11» P UBLIC NoTICE port field lt'VI.'ral ~ars ago. · Sl'('nf', in .ract. Is the roaching. twice Ita prt'IE'nt srope 1 , ance. II wM stated by the city at· first publication 1\rrf'Of and be.fnr•j _ _ -Wendell P1ckf'ns. late rf'lurn('l' . • tornt>y when applic11tion wu made date of salE". firm is ""mpos•-d nr lht> followl• .. • New Insulated Bag from the Navy's muscle-bulldlf\lt Pays Maximum Fine I rnr an agency at 708 E. Ocean D ted P.ta h 25th 19-llt ,.. .... program. Is vilally interi.'SI£'d in Front Monday aftl.'rnoon a : rc • ·• · pt•rsnns. whrn<t> numo'S and ad-Keeps Frozen Food bast'ball 11nd In turning out a For Doing 70 M P H . · I GERTRUDE PAULINE WATSON l drt•5S<'S arr ns fnllttv. s. to wit:. • • • AA I Ia I f th I . Fro., .. n One Hour t•n'(lifahiP outfit. lie knows thC' 'fm n tratr x 0 e 1'11 81' John Aylln.:. :l117 N. Marenco. ..,.;;; rram<' And Is lmrutrlin" his knowl-D hi h ,.. of aald d~cnl. • • AltndPno, C'Aiif .. C' n. Rust('nbach, .. .~. .. ns ng I rough ' o8Jit Hlway Riccardi, Wf'b!Jtf'r &t Donllhue. 1631 Alli'J:rO SrJOIIrt', s:h Gabriel, Increased· USf' or frown edgt> IO his stud~·nt·8.11plrants with tratric at tcpe<'ds ranging from 70 Att f IIlla admlnlstr food each suct't'lliVt> practf<'f' Sf'~sion to AO mill's per hour rl'C('ntly. ornt'ya or • Calif : Donald \' Mun y. 1833'141 prod~.:ls throughout t~e country Is with the result that hill proteges cost Lyle• C Blystone.~ I E. 3r-'' trlx, 311 Flnl Truat Bldg S Atlantk . Alhambra, <!alif. creating a COrri.'Spnndmg 1'\p-eut' nrf' l111provlng. Pickt>ns Is looking Strt'<'t Santa Ana thc maximu~ Pasadena. Calif. WTTNESS our hand this ~th ~n the ck>velopmrnt of innov~tlona to lht' futurl.' In hullding this sea· fine r~r speroing, Sr)(l, levied when , • ~ 1262!>. doy tlf ;\IRn ·h. 1946. In the general rt>frlgerat ron md~ I son's IQUIId and whitt> I)Ot b8nkiQ~. hi.' appeal'f'd In justice court March I Wlllte House Cafe . fJbcJM SlM •...-. Beull. Calif. Put:r. Mch. 26· 21!. Af1". 2· 4· 9· 1~6 Signed. N Y lNG ~Y·E a~~lng kto a statrmr7t by I ton greatly on any winner ror •thls 22. • NOTJ,.. TO B.IDD .... " • JOH A L · ~ ltec · JC'cretary o the ycar. is ~t•vlng Important 'pracliC<'· --------__:~---........ -'"------------"Eo Eo_, (' R RUSTENBACH Froun Food Council of Southern under-flrl.'' to hla hunch of frosh r------.,.....-------------.....::..... ____ ......, DONALD V. MUNCY Callfornla. sopr and Junior atlckers. • The Board or Truatces of New-ST1\TE OF <'A I !FORN1A ) a A spedal ~ted bag, guaran· We think that his zeal ahouJd be J¥)rt Harllor Union High School COUNTY ()F ORANGE ) tt'<'d to k~p frozen foods frozen lrewardl'd with a little more en· diatrict request bids on one or two ON THlS 25th dlly nf March I for one hour and buill to hold thuslasm on tht' part of achool new school tMaue. to carry forty-~ A. D .• 1946. befOt't' nw. Nora elt)lt 1tandard packagea. wUJ 1000 authortlea and lntelftt rrom the llarM hJch IChool (IU.,O. or more. S. MarP,arth, a Notary Pub-be available In local marketa, RA!If-~ atudent body M'ust conform to California lie Ln and for l llld County a nd steck explained, and will ... ure Some n~w ~forms and a aodded School Bus regulations. Full aped· State, re•ldln& therPin duly proper tempt>ratur~ while foods are playln~t field. to he Incorporated ncatlon muat be aubmJtted with c:ommlaaloned and sworn. pe~ en route • from market to Mn. in -thE' l<'hool expansion pliUUI bid. Bids will be openl'd April 8, eonally appeared John Ayling, HOUif'Wife a own refrigerator. 1 might hl!'lp. 1 1946 at 4:00p.m . in the board room C. R. Ruetenbach. Donald V. Many manufacturers af ._, ------- of ttle High School. Muncy, known to mr to hf' the cbanlcal refrigerators are no~ 1 ~ Tht' 0o11rd rescrv<"' !!,,. rtght to pt>rsons whoan nnm··s nr.-sub-corporattn~ a spedlll frrezlnl{ rom· Father and Son rl.'j('cl any and all hids acrlh4>d to t.M within lnstru· partment In their units. he ~a.id. Admitted Recently A. II. 1-TI~PATRJCK. ment, 11nd ocknowlfodgl.'d to me to eccommodate larger quanlltlcs T Le . p Clerk. ftli\::~UH'Y t'Xt'CUW tht< ~Anl1'. . at frozen foods.. I 0 glo_n ost Pub:-Mch. 26. Arr 2. 1946. IN ~F'~S WI!F.RI-:OF. I Telephone 1347-J , for fiVE-DAY SERVICE 011 Cleaning and Laundry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1011 Cout mpway Pick-Up and Delivery Carl Philhart., Manager ~ , ha~ ~reunC(I '" my j&And 000 000 Pound c·ERTfFi :ATE OF ntlfUN£88 1 and af,_ '"Y official 8f'al Fl ' • k I I d t'ICTITIOl'S t'lllM NAME the day and year In this ('{'rtl· 8h Pac nc u es TifF: UI'\Of:RSIGNED dn here-1 ncate f1rst above v.Tittc.-n Local Product Fathrr llnd '!Qn wi'N' takrn Into 1 thr N~-por1 H11rbor Poet 2'91 of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;:~~;;;~ the Amrricon Legion at lh<'ir last I by <'f.'Ttlfy thnt tht'y &ri' o'(mducl· !SEALI In~:" 11 Mnrhlnt• Shop hUsinC!II at NORA S. MARGWAR11l r•w•t nr 31llt Stl'('('t. Citv of Nrw· Notary Public In and for pnrt Brach. County of Oran~te. sa1d Cou~ and St:tlt'. St11te of C'allfornia. un!Wr th!' fie· M>· l'omnvnion Exp1rt's tltlous firm name of R11m Engl· Jan 29. 19!le). m<'t'tln~t. L L. Lllvrlnnd, aulstant fl('ld dirl'<'tor nr the Rro Croa For the lt'COnd II\IOC('5!1i\lt' )'E"ar, at th<' Santa AnA Army Air h~UC Lonlt Beach-Loa Angele11 Harbor 11nd form.-r l'flmmllndf'r or two dif· f 1 ftah canneriea outltrlpped all other ferrnl pn111 wu lr!IMfPrrt>d from American canner jet in weight or La~tuna Brach. and his son, E. 1 r I tlah re-ceived. IICC'Ordlng to Ill<' Fish Loveland. v.·ho has rP-l'nlistt'd nrter Let Us ••• Repair Your Electric Appliances ~~. We Specialize -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nt Prlr~.~: C.1m113ny and that aaid Pub: Ml·h :.16. Apr. 2, 9, 16, 1946. and Wild Life eervice in Wuhin~t· an cxlt>nsiVI' tnur nr duty, was ton. The port'• total for 1945 waa acceptf'd RJl 8 nl'w m.-mber -480.000.000 pounds of fish, moatlr The eld,•r L.nv.-lnnd saw Sl.'f\'i('f' eardlnea and tuna. ~ 1 wilh th .. flo•ld Rrflllt•ry durlnJt the ~ra~~~. m ~~~ 1,-'1'-; \•~ '} ,/, •,'Q'W in Trouble Shooting ~. -... ~-; RadJos • Appllaoces -YOUR C~ ~ . W I T H G E N U I N E P R E -~VJ A R · P A I N T! But first rome in and take a look at our fine Bake oven .. then you'll see why our jobs are tops! (.)ne~Day Service --· Credit If Desired ALL WORK GUARANTEEU --JIARRISON PONTIAC CO. Phont· fiH!lfi Santa Ana Two other C'allfnrnia porta fol· rirst \Volrll1 \\'nr. nnd lht' ynun~tf'r lowed In the l!lanrlin~ts. oc('flrdlnl! m11n i~ rroturnint.: tn ~··rv1' wllh thr to lht> IU'I"' 1('('. whtrh hslro Mun· t'OI!Inl'f'rs terey and San Frnnc•s~'O S('('Ond ~!-~· · • SALES AND SERVICE .. Harbor Radio & Electric I and third The No•wport llnrh<lr Drive rot ••flllly :"parr a Life. total J~ includl.'d with that of S1m ' Newport Beula 2602 Weet Central ~. r-----------------------------~--------------~~~~ 1------------------- Boat . Owners ••• Can v·a s By the Y~rd Wide Wldths-AJI Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. !\lain St. l,hone 207 SANTA ANA Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey ~~rn;[/\i]~~ \@~~rn: 0 Boot8 ud RoJ Kf'eiHI ....... ud .,. Balboa PboM S91 . . Isbell Stands on His -Record Re--elect L. L~ ISBELL ·tor the City Coundl Your Community Needs a Ca pable, Independent and Cour- ageous l\1 an to \Vakh . and Safeguard the City's Business He is chairman of the important Finance Committee, ex-officio member o f the City Planning Commission, a )lard-hea9ed bt.PSiness man, managing head of. the Newpor( Builders Supply, a citizsn of Newport Bcaah fo~ 15 yea rs and a ~a n whose councilmanic actions show he represents the entire ci ty .. :\ -'VOTE FOR ISBELL IS A VOTE FOR PUOGRESS Election April 9 "On.-<'mod T"'"' ~n·es Another" t ft•~• Ati\1\I'U• m• nt ""1•,·~\~ikt""-.t f•) th~ r rtfllllt vi ''V."I ~~'J'~'emrftl'ot) -· . I ., Increase, lm.Prove Products Output, Scief\tist Urges ~ union ~aden know PAIN'MN~~CI'OR al offertnp clurlnc IM!rVION for FOR SALE- von Mise~ Ia ri&ht. Philip MWT&1 Phone Newport 83'7-W our law daurhter and alater, Sl!!t; rlrl'a bicycle, 2 double TET.EPHONE OPERATIN<1 PAY.S GOOD WAGES No exptlrience net-essary Earn while you learn There are many other advantages to being a ttl)ephone employee. or Alk Ow operator fOC' the OIW Os*'ator ' Southern California Telephone Comp••Y No Delay ]. M. M I LrL-E R--- Retll Eatate Brok~ 15th and Central BA'Y FRONT Neer Balboe In Ftnett &ctlon f15,000 LOT We Have for Sale Onf' ol the mo~~t bNuHf\JI hornee ln the Harbor Ara fad~ on the South Bay Front ol Bl.lboe Ialand. No Phone lnfonnat:Jon Full Price $65,000 Phone Your Liltlflia In and .. wt1l llw tblm ~ cxnldln11an j. M. MILLBR Jltla ud o..n.l • N..,.n ._. e "On Your Way to Balboa" ' A molt attractJve laland comer ~trw. 2 beclnMiaw wta 1\*t room and apaJ1Jnl!nt owr 2-car ......... and M9n"l1 L. Cook~ t>xpreued 274 E. l9t.h Sfnet U.tfc: Erma, who pueecl away Mar. ~. becll complete. Larte ftr. ec:r.n. the arne Idea when . tht>y wrote Mr. and Mra. Vernon Orr Phone 1891. -.2tc -----------at'7ulf-CWI'OIIft7Hil-• their book, "Oreanlz.ed Labor and PRIVATE Plano an4 VIolin La-~Family. -.He: J\UG A UPHOt...S'J"ERY Oftnlrw. Marine Radios ---HU~ POWERS, AGBNT Pbolw~W Production," back tn 1940. Tht>y aona by Miu Imelda Anton. 'I"&ANIII'Oa'rA.ft)Jf 11 Rues aluod, aha.mpood. deuwd. Ann.taa. lmmedlat• dt'Uv.Y. com-S'nJDY AT IIOME--R.eal r:.tat• dt><:lar~ tht> goal must bt' "opti-Phone 1.23jl-W. u..ttp SANTA ANA Oventufted turnU.ure clHMCI. pa.te ra~ o1 alz.a. Your In-~. Quick notNitl. Guaran-j . A. 8 e e k 0 f f. t c e mum productivity," which they dt'· • . , 3 day pick-up and clelJwry. ~ weklonw4. mGOJNS uoe. 208 itcwlty Bid., Pua~a. rlned u "the hight'st poulblt' baJ. FOR A REUABLE Paint Job 011 Auto Travel Servtee as Yt'&n elL latiAned cwtomen.. PLI:ASURE CRAPr, 810 CoMt »Uc FftTy Landini Balboa lllllnd anced 'Qutput that management your home, call Newport 10n Private can to all citift ln ORANGE COUNTY Hl,tlway AI: 11011. i-tfc rna UNT &1 •nd labor skills can produCt', after 4:30p.m. 18-tfc U.S. A. dally. TENT A AWNING CO. EVA F. RHODEN Newport Mesa 4·RMm houM on lai'J(e lot; 2 ....., nnlahed In knotty pine, ,. riR& ~ttJPKENT TI:8T8 ('(Jultably shar~ and consistent C E MEN T CONTRACI'ORS-UCENSED • INSURED 614 W . 4th St., Santa Ana. co-Two. Pyrene 6 l"o&m refine with a rational ronservatlon of Drlvewaya. walkl, foundallona, Ph. Santa Ana 6M8 Phone Mr. Benedict. 1569 Santa 00. nud 1)-.!em and Pnrtab&N hUI11an and physical resourcf.t." ... M L A'-h """'" 312 French sf .. Santa Ana Ana, 22-tfc: cur .... etc. . . . ""' er. "'""" 21 tf -antlahle. I!'TI HOION 6 Tht>rl''s Just no getting away Maple, Santa Ana or Ray Ham~ • • c: FOR SAl.E-Cuh rt'lirialt>r. OALVAN. 1000 Cnut Hltl'h•·~ty from the old rashionl'd truth thai ton, 394 So. Grand, Oranee .. Ph. ' . BICYCLEs-· ,. -C'.out Highway, &.1'1 UqtMW ~ 1!1114 T!.tfr the only way to ltl'l a blgg('r plcee Orange 1361-M. 23-4tp of pie Is to bake n blg~~:cr pi('. Bold, Rented or ~palre4. Store. 24-tfc FORSALF: -Motor llOAt, 1!\-ft "Ir may bf> your httl~ old, ahc:k dlmt' th!tt IJ!I\'CS 'th(' IA;ay to a curt> for polio "-Jack Llndslt>y. Attention!! Home Owners: Something Entirely NEW, .... PERMANENT, Deelrable -ArtJsUe AWNtNGS ud COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New .and Repair Phone 875-M 21G E. 20th St., eo.ta Meaa 20-tfc VOQICL'I!I FOR SALE N 'machine. com-ronebout. with J ohn.on motnr. 100 Malo St., B&lbo.a Ilk 208 llarine, B&lboa IAlaDd. • pr~:110r. motor. roll and unit: ~ n<'w: hont rompll'tl'ly C'()utp-H-ttc Shl'll Station, 2920 WN~t C~ntra! prcl'lc11'111 for bay or lakeo $?.10 Av('. Nt>wport. 24-4tc: CMh. 1fi00 F:I\Jt C"rntral Avf'. 8&A 17ft' ADM~ 11 &I boll 21-If(' OOLD aod MA~ ~~w~~~!\:b1~:: FOR SALF,.-20 h.p. Marine f>toiiM'I, W A V'!S den tractor, ~ 5 houra. with Uke IM!W, lltd/ orlr1oal I.'Oet. Call Tblttnr _. MaaJ~ 'All toota. ~-Pett> KeJul. 1560 N~t 2234-W. 14-tfc: PAINT'Il'O OO~CI'Oa Ev ... aa. Appol.ntmenta Pb.. lT._W Newport Ave., eo.ta MNa. Box lilt1"1C'AL A RAPIO M PAINTING _ PAPI!lR HA..NOINO Vi'a Bea~op 745· Z4-4tc FOR SALF: Up-ilcht plano. lhcht aa4 Jl!DOORA'l'DfO nos~ Rtw&y, del.,::-FOR SA~E-Squann1 ahear, » oak. aood tone, $290 cuh Phmw R. £.. llel>oMW I e lft.; 4-ft. x ~ft. ~pra)l Booth, N B. 2124-M. 26-2\c 414 Old OaGaty Rd., Pta: 1.64-W IIMPLOnn:in WAlfttiiD . • Com~, 1 h.p. Sharpe motor. Radio Repaira eo.ta Mea 85-tta ------------908 Cout Highway, N_.-port WANTED-Caaknlna work. See Beam Ph·~. 2S-4tc All makt>t~; tubt-1. f'tc:. AI. 2417. PAINTING and • DECORATING Interior -Exterior Spt'dallzinK In Marine Palntl Y)'t'ra. Box 103, B8Jboa, or 422 l' · ... ...._.. BURT NORTON E Bay Ave. 26-Stp Fir~ Plaot and Klndllnc 915 Cout Highway, Nrwrnrt WANTF.D -C11rdeninsc work. C111l at '!;30 San Rl'rnardlno Avenue. l"o•wport Hel~thts. , 26--trc W 0 0 D 2:1-tfr Delivt>r~ H . W. WRIGHT-Ph.~ 1784 Newport Blvd, 3-tfc: REAt.mF'UL Spln111 l>'llt' mirror plano. • hllt~raln Trrm1 Dnn7- Sc:hmldl Plano C'o , 520 No. Main Santa An11. .S.trc ·~R RENT-Stuf'«' bullc11na ~fiO. 1~1 fl't't uff -Nt•wport Rivet on Rocht•st•r S t , Coeta Mt'M C'all Nrwport .,.1.1(1 :l4-2tr "'Al'CftD TO.UMT d MARINE M t~jo1r 11nd wife dl'lllrf' furnlJhl'd hHUA•· or "I'' Jlhnrw S A ·4f,lll rAI 401, Ml\j(>l" Mlln· t .. rfirld. :l4·:ll(l WANT TO It 1-:NT A flt or ltn\uM', furn 1•r unfurn Vo'trrAn. pM'- • $4760 ·Newport Island 30 Fl. lot et """llent lnc:aUon on Ill and. $1660 """"·nt 11 • .,t rd•·rrnrr. J"rTWS Col¢& Meu Sr"t(ln, 237A i::1dl'n Av,.. C"n~~t• 2.bt'droofn houM wtth alnc\-1.,_ MHit 2fi..Hc a.att. on F.aat atck. 8 yn. old. W ANTr.D m RF.NT • Durlnl ~ion eac-ol .....W. FOR IAI..E-ln Uw hevt ol JW. boe, 11-\11\lt atu«o wUh -.ft. vacant lot a4jolnlftl, rwta _, monthly. Prb -.ooo. ... ,..... Brina wtt.h If. M. LAM .... Eatate: 3008 ("owi Aw., .,... alta dtr hall ....... MI. ll·dl July or Allcuat. t\.tfnl•hid • hOUtlf' $6600 · or apt C'..ont•rt Or. M.. Soeln, _ HAW: MW a.._._-.-. "- 17746 KlinK St .. No. Hollywood.. C · d I II M.Q.M. Want n.JMa • .,..._..,, Ph. ST. 7~19. ~tc orona e · ar wm ndMutt•...,. • •~· ~--~-----,.-~---2-bfoctruorn horne, to-ft. ......... A M-....o.--EX-ARMY ('~I and wtfe dMin tft lood \ncatloft. ,_ ..._ II VWJ .. __...,, ..-... ·- to rl'~t apartm.ont or •m•ll J" )'"an old and 1e ~ __________ ..... __ hOOlC' Wlllln1 t<• lr...-. Owtwr Hm.t" 1e vaca~~t and quick WILL EXCJIANOI! 6-tac8 ,._ of ~ .. n111 An" t>ullnMis. fuof~· .,_ton wtll be rtwn. nlahtd apt. ta &urw&Jow oaurt t'nCH evAIIebll' rail ~·vt•rly $10 600 In JfoU~ nomlMI ,_t, ,_. Hill~. ~ftiVII'w 14001 :r-'·4tp ' houle err apt. in Newport, ...,_ WANTEn TP llJo:N't' ll<•ll('h Corona del Mar or O.ta ...... dlehict-J .. w. MIIJW, nalhon lalllnd • .. ,. Vll'lnlty, No.W 'J llf'Ctrm ""'-on mrrM't' lot. • ...... t. QeoneraJ llell..,.,y, ...... 2 Wl't'kll tv :.! month•. July.Au.c-Flrl'i)ll\1'1', dhl. nonr furn•C"f'; • ,.... The PAint on Your Boat Holds Up WlLL CARE for chlldrt-n evl'S., Ironing In my homt>. 309 Marl- gold Avt>., Corona del M11r. Ph: 102l-J 19:-tft' Crystal Sets -$2.98 (BakeUt«> Ci.IM'l ~ 2-Tube Radio Kite ust W. flf'rw•·r, 711 'ntlo' nullr-hArdw•tOC1 rtnun A lnv,.ly ht~~Wf'. R.:.clPONSiftLE Tel•phone _.. GOOD uM'd piAnoll. Somr .. low Manl f'l' nulldlnl(, Lo.. Anl(t'lrtl, Qult'k fltMIM'Ullln. p1oyt' w•nt• to ... c:haftiW J.W. u $19. Fine for pnf'tlc.. F.aay __ A_-_16_26_· ______ 24_-4_tc-$9&00 room hnt-ln Wf'llt t.o. ....... DlatlqalaMcl I'OOCI looka wltll ~· ~-froee Nl"" &ae .... __. ..... feabafte of CHIJ' ...... .... cloor ·--..... We 8pedallu Ia Pwdl OaDop6ee The answer to your par- ticular awning and can- opy p r o b I e m s. These awnings withstand gales a n d provide maximum comlort. P'Oa ESTIMATES PRONE oa WJUTE Slats • 0 • Wood Awnihg Co. of Oniap Ooaaty n•::.~s; ...... l"'ttJ .... llll-1 ae.... Toll a..,... I WHY NOT PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH IT! We JlaVt' Fln.t Claa Painter~~ WorkJne H. SIMONSON 7311 Seuhore Drive Phont> N~wport 8701-J-2 E. J . JACKLIN : Bulldln~t ContrActor 400R Marc:u11 Ave. Phone Newport 1522-J 21-Stc TIDE TABLES APRIL. IMt ANTED-Carpet and Upholatc.>r-inr clt>anlng In your home. 'bv To build your own f'lt'Ctrtc ra41o. loc:al Vt>teran World War l a: n . Ml'l& Radio " Elrctronlc:. Co. Work ruarantt't'd. Color buuty rt>Vtve-4, givt' new ah~. 1~ Nt"NppO't Blvd, 1.&-tfc Phone Nt'WJ)OI't 2056:-R. 21-Bt.c ORANGE OOUNTY WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN-UPHOLSTERING co. Manufacturl'n dayv or t>Vt'tl. Ph: 180!>-J · Mra. ot Uptlolattred FumJture Sht't'tl. 20-tfc -413 W. 4th St .• Santa Ana EMPLOYMENT OF'FERED Factory and Showroom !!104 WMit ~nter St., Anaht>lm WANTED-~IIAhle gPnt ral main-Ptlont> Anah,.l.m 4714 ooiJt'Ct tcnancc.> man. Lido The11trt>. 1.2-tfc l6-tfc -------------W_A_JTR.ESS ___ ES __ W_ANTED ____ Ba_y Just Arrived ,..,... ~Aiel l.., Hleh Law Hleh " 3 10.00 3:52 10:01 I 4 8 -{},1; 5.7 ,Th 4 10:!'i3 4:41 10:41 Shore c.r~. 17th A Cout Hlch-BATTIRIES Law I wey. AI: Newport 2344 14-tfc: Ounden10n nnac Co . 1:41 WANTED-HOTEL MAID. a.lboa 117 Wahl l!ll Pb. ltttl 0.4 Ian. ~ 88(1. 1-Ve to-tie 4 2 ~fi 57 4:21 1------------ 0.9 \VAN'J'El)-H<lUIIt'kN"JX'r In lovt>ly F' 5 IL'>R 5::\R 11 :U 4:51 homt>, 2 In (t~mlly. Prlvatt room, 36 ~6 5.5 1.6 good wAitl'l-Ph: 1075-J. 24-tfc s 6 6:46 1 :tt 5:41 2.2 1:01 ~.3 ,_s.1 Su 7 12:19 8:15 I:M 5.2 -0.2 3.0 2.7 Tt4el..,.. .._. .. ...._ el -u---- lt..leld ....... La,; ............ a For Qui!* lWUJta '* N.-.. I '1'\mal dumfled oolwnlla. ,~----------------~ JUST RECEIVED ~ WANTED <1 Skilled i acht -nainte• Auto Batteries 18-month -S6 45 Ex. Compounded Motor Oil Gallon, 70c • Western Auto Supply Authorlud ~Iller 1836 Nt>Wport Blvd . C.O.ta Ml'lll 23-tfc BAR.G AIN S Slnglt> Iron bed with aprlnp, lnneT aprintr mattrHI, acnuatlcon h~u­ ln~r ald. latMt modf'l : flnP vlnlln and CUt'. Phon~ N. B. 296-J. 2.4-4tc 1'1111 Sapply ol - PAPER CLIPS ============· • Small Deep Freeze For The Home ~ lt"mW. Or will rmt. Dlln~ WANTED Vt>IM'IIn anll wtr•· nl'f'd tOf' ••m.-In Slntjl Ana or wldft. Schmidt Plllno C'o . 520 Nn. Main rurul•htod llflllrtnwnt ur •rnnll Costn MeM lty, C"AII 8nuthrm Calif. ~le- Suata Ana. S.tfc h p t ,. II N t ...., __ .., I , I I h ..a.--Cu., Santa Ana, !Gil ntlllf" .. rrn11rw•n , • •·wr•x , .. .,.... to 14•1 • :l K'dtm. I()UIM' wU .., .... ~ ~tic Arvin & EmP~on RADIOS 24-Hour RAdio St'rvlot Short C:ircuit Radio e P~tlm, Ra1~ ~ 1631'-W ,1S-tfc ---------------ST!:INWAY r.rend. llkf' ni'W, OM of the world'• lfeale~t plarKMI ~ tOM. Aeautlful CUI' Thla II an lnatrommt far tM cUec:rtmtnatlng bu)'Pf'. Dan~ Sdunldt Plano Co., !120 No. Main . Santa Ana 1-ttc RADIO HOU811: CALLI -Hcw tbat addlllonal rnmpetent tach· n.kla.ne ar-av•ll•bl•. we are allle to lll&lre Hrvlre caUl on tarp I'ODIIOlea. A II wnrk ruaranteed. HAROLD t •.. JfAIOI .. A 0 . 1!1. Radio, 300 Ma.rtn,. An. Ph~ 711). 11 A L'S Radio Electric Service 920 Olut Hlway Comn11 c11'1 M 11r Pk:k Up 11nc1 Dr'11v,.ry Phone 47o-MK l!l Rtr RRrli o Rep~irint!' H~ callA dally <'XN'fll S11t 1\nd Run. Compl~tf' ati'W'k of IUIW'• ... fK1ory rt>pl•l'f'm<'nt p~~rt• ~h · MS. MESA RAnT() A F:LF:r- TitONlCS m . 1194 Newpnrt RlYd. !\.tfr. IW1wh 59 :lG :Jt1• IC""'~'''· rlf!IN' to ahopplna cllat. WANTI:O 'f'() RENT -Vf't<'re n I 'II Y"11" uld II ..... O...,..H,..,.D=-tto~-~I.O~&Jf,_,....~.-~-.., .• ~ wl.!u'tl 1 or 2-IJ«'dnn apt $6~00 houJW. furn <Jr unfurn. Vo•ry, - vtory dMPf'r"t" Call C"r.llrct EVA F. RHODF,N (Jnnltl' 1r~. ~2tc Brohr WANTED TO RENT nr I 4'1'0 Nrwpott Blvd .. Colla M ... LOAMI ft IIU'II..D, ............ .oclltraiM or reftnan~. Jf_,...tll&l .................. ud 1.-. Arr 11•"- IUeVIa LtdD ....... , •• 1W llcntJW tor upt . turn ,.,. unrum ELTON 0 RARNF.'IT, Bal.-nan l'••·l,.r ll/111"'" N••rd July 1 or Ph. Newport 1981\-M A(!T(lMfmVIC a ~ llllllon••r Wrll•· Mrs JU-nry Voo-~:Ztc: _.. ____ _ • llo>sco•l, ~t4:J l'alrn Or., Glf'n4'tlc 3. 2 Small H•IUAe8 ··oR ~ALE -'31 Modltl A r..a C"allf M-:ltc " mu1.-. ~rood oondltlon,pM u .... UAI. PTATE n FOR SAL.F:""':.A (",t)I)Cj Ruy. Nt•~ r uh. .... fiCIN' 1111d 3-hf'i1rn""' franw l11otiAf', lurnl•hrd T~tkl' nvl'r ll:\1111 note nt S~'O ,..,.r 11111 ~:\500 C'IJ\h l nq\llro· :l.l:J 0.•1 M10r, C'~t11 M··~r. No r•~.:•·nt"' :ro-lfe BUILD NO W LOW COST HOMF:S See Models · At 711 Be~1mia Ave., • lf<'liotropt' at 4th Corona del Mar On Lot Zontod for Dualn.... t~ w flay Av•. •1tp ........., $10,000 Choice Bay Front T JOt Prtc:r-d Rl.rht 2 Hou~e on 1 Lot At Q)f-ona df'l Mar $18,600 Income Property 2-n.clroom Ut~u~ and 4 Smell Rrntal tlnlts Ocean Front Lot ChaiN' l.llC. t Inn $3000 W . L .. JORDAN 700 l:ut f.Mitral. Ralboa Phon,. 1!\:\ 2:\-tfr At ())ron" tt..l Mu 60 F\. Highway Frontage $fi200 FOR !iAU: -Two 7 00..11 ..._; atUt1lo trrand 11lano; hJch dullr 6 rrth, ftrlll Jlf'rM, ~. vt.: har hrll•. tl'nt and «'&mp ...,.., JOIJ ~; t :di('Watt'f, f~ a.ue . Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Ua. BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR ·.BUSINESS • RHEUMATISM ! and ARTHRITIS tOe ,.. bo• of 100 ... " Experience ~ Boat Builders Newport EIH.'Irk Appll11nrr Ch • nooe, ()Aft A l"r.Tff' Phone.> 21311 II Phtonr• H701-J 5 Slllf!llman Will C11ll W. J . HOU"'MD 1~17 C"out fflahwey CoronA df'l Mar Storey'" Battery Semee WJo:STMtN!n'!.:Jt AVE. I auffert'd fOf' ye&n and am 110 UwikfuJ that I can walk and work aaa1n without pain. that 1•1llelad· ly anawer a nyone· writing ~ for lntonnation. MRS. EMMA IVES. P .O. Box 189. l..ol Anplt>S 52, Call!. News· nmes Ta'lf'Wa Jf~ U •u w. o.tnl ..... WING SANG BOAT & REPAffi YARD 811 Coast Hl•hway 101 ,._N..,..t.- ££' . • Hooriap aact .,._ aftllable for Boata ror ... • Paddle 8darda ,_ a-t hv tM ...tr nr ftMIIJifh. • APPLY Mr. Petty Pl'riiOnnf'l M11negcr SOUTH COAST <;0. ~3tc: 26-ltp FOR SALF: Am!rr ftltl"f''P11. (llwn, ---:-----.,..------A.K .f" f'tl"mf1lnn lllnt"k f>ttnn<' ''Wlwff''!tit' f''IIIJWt'"l)"' ~.2tc· Steel Kitc'henf( N. B. 24!'i2 or (11ull'fltll0 R/Wll , PICO DUfl ,DING MATERIALS XII 1ttn& typi·wrlter r1bborlt lll l atodc at th" NI"'Mt-n~. Uktwe.-n 1 IJtt) A Mai"CJUa) (X)8'T A MESA CLASS TIIA F:NO .ftSI:RES Jlurbtlnk 2'\-21r S IIOWl:R ~t)()( JR~ Southern Countie~ Supply \,n. 144 C"out Olvd N Ph ~~2 l.s~~:unll """"" 26-ltt• 11 W AJ'II'IT.I) TO AUY OR RENT - Jloull(' nn 81111~<1111 hlnnd only. ~ullahlf· fnr f11mlly Yo'lth 3 f•hll· «fi',.n J>hnnr 15,"1.')-W :l4-llt· ICPilCIAI. ANNOn~n:~n:NT~ U KEYS ~------------------2r._,. __ trr _A_vroe __ ~w~AW--Y~eu~-------•~•~OTOe~~w~~~-i-MD~--------•- vac~. Wlltl4t Tou .wa~t -F11r Sale WE NEED LATE MOOEL CARS VOOP':L'8 I \'o·ry lll llltl'llw 'J I,.'IIrll• lo•nw·. 100 Main .. t .. RlliMe nl•··· 1"''1111•10 IA·U thlln 7 )'l•llr" and Will P.ay Top PrJcea ICM llar1ne, Raft)(ill la1enll •1l•l t 'nu~wollv lnrl(•• llvtn~.; "''"'" 94-ttr 1 End•,.•/! 1"'11" klldo1•n hf\ll tluo SELL YOUR CAR NOW no-Ito· I lullh, 'L •lr•'!<~lnl( r oo•tu~ While Pr1cPe ~ IIJ8b. Carpent.P~ A vRil;lh)e tor ~eral m•lntl'ftllllf'• CUld ,...,.tr J '11r rut ••.:•· Pric•• $1 fi,OOO JltMJD! for our CGUI'tllaul blwtr wato wtU eall and lldwt.you~OPA~.~ ..... and......,...~ . . WlLL rAY CASH tor nur fV· N.-•11,.. ~ta _.. Dlturt nr wbat havt you I~ ,_. ru'de to etrldewt ecwr41ic. Nwpt. 2000. o n r.ra~y. 'nl• 0. Z. "o••"TION can N~.n -~ ( ;<·11.rudf' A. Waldron Wm. W . Sanfr)rd nnnK~R ClJL86RTSON CHEVROLirr CO., Inc. . Owt•*t a.ct OltmnebOt DleJen 30M W-.t C'l"fttrtl, Ntwpnrt ""C'tt, !0'2 ON-11n1 H~~t~tlnJ:fllfl' ._,,... .......... :\liN J\11trln• fl:oll"m l•t .. fl/1 f•tuon•• :.!:11 It f, fr,. ----.,.,_., ""•"'"' tal'! N~>.-f"'"f n rlv,. c·a.r .. runy Spare • Lite •'• If hi. ,._ H 't" ' .. ' . ' Guest Organist, Soloist, Please Large Audlen~ at COM Church Vesper Service , . Poatponed from January when Next Sunday, April 7. members the ~ cledicatkln of the\ of the church are Invited to be ..., pipe..-at \he Corona del PftWnt at a rt'COIJllUon aerv~ce .._ Carnaau.tty c:burdl wu lnter· and reception at the Brea COn· nlll*4 b7 f ..... ol the power crec•Uonal church, bonorlng the IDe, AJaancs. F. RriUJ ot I.a. n-paator of that church, Rev. Harbor Feminine ActiVities Mrs. Mamie Foote R-esigns After l9_Years In Charge of Mar Casa, ·chur,eh' Home 'n\11 weell a familiar face 1•,•------------- Phones 13 and 208 Scouts Sponsor 'Jeep Herders' Film •. At H . S. April 19 .u.pte._ _.. orpnllt. and hil Halllt'y RhiM Car•tena. wtte, AUde Alldrewa IUUiy, con-~ tn1to .... t. 1ave a procram at G. I A h l tM V.-per MrVkle at 3:30 Sunday Jr t eteS. Planet Pictun•s, Inc. of llolly- .,..__, !Receive Letters wood. who haVt' IWUnK Into pro- ()peelnc nwtlber waa the orwan __ rlurtlon of rolor plrturl's on 16 Jnlude, Berenade (Schubert> and With Mothl'r Goose 111 th<' th<'m<' mm. £11m expr('&!lly made for .... Aftlelkua (Ceaar Franck)., for aklts and d<'COraliona. the Girls' achoo!t and churches. will show ...S other M~Uona played by Mr. Athletic Alloclatlon of Newport the feahlte "Jet•p IJ<>rdf'n( at the .Rftlly lnc:Wed Getu Batnblno Harbor Union High school hl'id high school auditorium Friday (Pietro 'fOil), Wedltat.lon (Roland 1 1 their Initiation banquet Friltay nl~tht, April 19, It "''aJI nnflounct'd Dlale), R.ewry JRoland Olgle), evening at the Wom~>n'a cluhhouse, hy Hurold Hall. scoutmast"r of Air on G Strine (Bach), and March Coeta Mesa and prNiented awards. Troop She In CO!Ita Mesa. Ahout Triumphal <Voct>. I Senlon receiving !etten for 60 2000 parentl and Scout~ will prob- Tbe tr10, member~ of wh.leh ~1 points were Lola Strunk, Loretta ahly aee the picturr, he estim~tl'd. • Br ~ Barbre_~ ' + l Children'.s Portr ·aits R~ PboDe 1831-R Mesa Girl Scouts Hope to Have Hut· ml.letng at Mar eua. 1310 South VF'v' A ')' t Bay Front, Balboa llland, tor Mrs. • w UXl tary 0 Mamie Foote, w~ hu been In Install Friday muce ot the church hQI'Ile for 19 YHn realcned Jut week· and re-ffl f ~ turned to p de d hfto 1 Inatallatloft of o om o ua na an Pace V~terana of Foreign Wars With Coeta lCesa Girl Scout l8 betnc taken by M.lu Smlth, who Auxiliary will be held Friday 'I'roos-all tweet and muy DameS wu formerly at Mon~ Vllta nine at 8 p.m. at the Coeta on the waltln& llat, with a n~w Grov~. Puadena, • re~at for re-Arfwrieen ~Acton han troop ltarted In the fall, plana W:: ~yted~ mh~t.t:S.P public Invited to attend. Opal obtaining a Girl Scout , hut ,r wu ••"en ° e ua-en and the driD tam of the wtuch to hold meet.J.np dena Presb)'!erlan chu.rch In tm helm Auxillary will pUt the att~ntion of Scout leaden at by the tat~ Mrs. David B. Gamble work. f.or the tadiN and the rneeUn& held Monday evenlna and hal been Uled for eonfnences ol Santa Ana, put at the home of Mnr:-A. L. Plnkle• and rell(iou. retreatl by ......... ----wtll lnltaD • J • ol all GLR ..-.. a a>mn..,....,.' 153 Broadway, l'etlrlng prealdent. 8ro t nd YMCA Gl ,_ f men. Refreshment• wtll be New olticefl ln eharce for the u 1 • groupa. r .. 0 Louise )fcCracken being ehiLllliiiW! flnt time were, prealdent, Mrs. the Puadena church enjoyed surr-ot the eommlttee In charc•- Vh non Ma~~~taryG ~ ~~~ ~O::c~e:!->'u~~ omorn of the Auxtllaryand. retlltrar, ~. n.aopb ravea, lng __ _,. -·"' 1 d aJ _ .. electlv~ and appointive, ....... ..._ J r---.......,11 · lliHl •w•mm n~r un t'f' tr no::-u • , .. _t Beulah ParlJer, Laura Joiner and Colt'man, N11ncy Neice-. Mary Whill' C.amillar mo\tle ~tars art' !l.----lllar:J,....Jilat1111a-B:Laflre.~~~~en-.nPIJ He Hewe -.nd .J,W.Ien Bean wbllc }(m·er lndudi-d In Ute-picture, Feed 'Hll Flock (Handel) I cla111women receiving Jetterw for of thll particular film Is n machine ,nth MJaa Margaret ~ at the 52 points werr Jean Trom!X"Ier, -the ~p. "Jeep llerderw" is th~> · Gf'IUL Fred Munaon aang I Am the 1 Vema Nlt>IAca. Margie Prle<>. Dot rntl'rlainln~: atory of a KTOUP of au.tJder (Cadman) and the 1\iCft Wrl&ht. Nancy Wllaon. Gloria paratroopers who comr to the tololat, Mrs. Reilly, aan11 The Pt>n-1 Ma1410n, Nod Can. ~rgia Rris-rescue of thl'ir pal, rx•cnrporal ltent (Van de Water). Th~ anthem. I roe. Thlrty-aeven ~tlrls recf'ived Bob Mar tin. Thry actually ht-rd Hark. Hark My Soul (Shelly) wu th('lr 26-polnt G.A.A. ahl~ldl and cattlco with j{'ep!!. .. ...,uurer, ...-.. amH ~~ • leaclenbJp. mlttee heada, are. prea ........ Harold Hall. 12 dormitory rooms Oda Wella; junior A aultable bulldlnc may be ob-upatal d downatalrs the Loulle McCracken; talned from the war aurplu. board ell 1 rs an d 1 11,,... Marietta Wlllll; BeCret41')', and Mn. ·Plnkl~. Mn. Ball and n ne·room an arge nur-room -... by the ehotr. 33 ~d1 their 4-polnt nuiTK'rals. Girl Scouts ot Costa Mrsa will' . Mn. Matthewa were appointed u I which overlook the water" have a building commlttee to 1et eatl-~n favorite meeting placea for matea on the value of the building local orranlzations. Each month and turn In a bid by next Tueaday. the Women's S?Ciety of Chrlatian The final meeting of the year will Senice ol CJmat Church by the Appropriate oeremoniH,...,-~~·······--have t harge of eoft<'l'ftions In thr planned Cor Euter with a• early MMI. Pc:rt"y J. Wilson. East ('rn-rvt>ning'l cntert~t. Thf' plc- INI'Yk:e at 1 a.m., the moat lm-tral, Ralbou. is r<•coverlng from ture Is beln& ~' hy thr ' be the Court of Honor to be held Sea hu held Ita monthly m~tlng May 10. and this will be a pot luck there. u hu the Balboa ·Island dinner for girll and their parents. circle. and durin& the war the of-....-tve one of the dlurch year. jan apen l"ctomy performed Snl!Jr· Roy Sroul§ In t.he rn ~ur 11\Vn Rev. Perry Schrock, putor of the day morning at S t. Juaeph h01pital. way" program. -whlt'h inrlurlf's Attending lhe meeting were the fleers wive>• group of the Am- Mc>s,t:famea Pinkley, Matthews, :..:~n Red Cross met there each rneana, Loulae McCraclcen ; wtUa Uw dlureh and to brine their Mr. and Mn. Clem Chrlltle, 411 KI-IJ. The joint Boy and (;irl du'cb, lnllltel dtlaefta to unltel --tht•lr 11nnltAI summer ('limp at Ro- c:b&Jdrea for baptiam on Euler North Bay Front. Balboa bland, Scout affair. or jambort-r. will havr ~. the moat llanifleant day paJd a vlslt recently to thelr aon. thr 11ddrd nttr11ction of rontNitM cl the church. In ail. three aervleee l Cadet Colllna Chrlatle, atudent at ll.nd eluntJI, 111111 said. Gravea, Campbell, Hall, Loll M · pttallty Edna Jonea; ~~;:~ Sanda, Mary Lone. Mary Knlpp, rs. Foote, lllliated by one Mar~tle' LaPerle; wl'lfare, I Roberta Schaefer . Hazel Rallmua-!',!lper, hut ~rvtied tromnd25 ~0 lSO 1 Morrll!on, and membership, wW be held at the church on tbat Brown MWtary academy. San d.a)'. I oteco. FRANC~ BEAUTY SHOP Helen .Curtis and Halliwell Cold Waves Spedala on Machlneless Permanents ·Hair StyJ.in& • Dyeing . Manicuring 1WO OPERATORS -MOZELLE & BONNIE 1111 ...._....._a-a..._ ...._usa sen and Elizabeth Schlegel. ,...rsona a a me a figUres Dodd Mrl Dodd II retiring aomethln~r like ~.000 persona de · · aerved during the y"ars 11he hu nt. been there. Sh«> will make her two 10111. Her daughter, Mra. A 'd Visits .on Lido Isle Qorothy Foote, who Ia • nurae at I To J Four songs writlrn I"' (;rarr ' ~ Good Samaritan holpltal, Lol ~:__==-=~==~ ShAttuck Rail 1 Mr11. Dan ln~trl\· An lnterellted and lntcreatinl An&elea. waa down for the w~k-A aeavenger hunt ham I, 105 Elghtccnth strH t, re-vialtor In the harbor area recently end and took her to Puadena. an uproarloua evening of ceiVl'd nattf'rlng comm('nt wht·n· THIS Ul'SKY YOt]NGII'I'Ia wiU.-tM blf browa llYN Uld lldlt -· aa...._ ,.---., _. Bul .. --'a where ahe II under -the doctor'• a net retun\ of uaeleu and f hrown hAJr Ill John a..-~~ pk:tured wiU. .... IIIOtller, M..... --.._....,.. ""'-"'1 ... .. .. I • _ _._ t t k I ted artld but t .. _ were sung on the program o N ..... _, __ .. .._ ._ __ .. of ,...., Pra~--v ch .......... _ .,.....,rs o a e a comp ~t~ rest. aseor· N nc Mart.! Story (Tickle .8tardl , &00 IIU. atreet, ewpon -· ._ ,,....... !;"-• ..,...,,. w uoe. ed 1 >... th y th t-he Schubert club Wl'dn~day t•ye-·llvflA "1th hi• aun&. ll.n. Pattencla, and M__., .Wta .._ 1 thJa'~lf7 who wu a gueat ot~tag rt'Ct"nt Y "I e ou nlnr In t.o. Angc>ll'll, accordlr(g to • Yieek elidA for aile a Ia dd..auriCe ln Lott ~ n.1a !lOiter ~ the home ot 'Mr. and Mrs. Her-. Mr. a~ Mn. John Golllng of lowshlp of the Colta Meu the compoeeT. look ....._ 111M cMneW, .. 111e ....... IIIOet of tM u.ae, 1e "'7 bert B Klftc 2l1S VIa M tone Sukatch('wan, Canada. were r~ munlty church brought In Others on thr program were cood anc1 hardly ever en.,~ ..._ dhuaer Ia _, eenoell M -UcSo JAie Mr •and Mrs ~ ~ cent gueatl at t he horne of Mr. 250 cant of food wh.lch will Dr. Mary Carr Moore. who gave u be Waka It alaouW be,,_ lie UkM to -L for 14 ~·In Bulcarla u mil· and Mrs. J. K Elliott. Balboa. and Ute needy of E\a'ope. A ru.XJ-.~tll part of her opt'ra. David Rizzfo; , alonarles and heada ot a m!alon others were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene houae canvua wu rna~ ~Y Charll'jl Wakefit>ld Cadman, who lnterestmg Program Harbor Ladies Take ICbool De Bra and children of Jngl~ young people. played the plano part.for his Violin For Ebell. Club Country Club Prizes Tbe.blahop wu fn this country wood. ------- Concerto In thrl't' movClJ1l'nts.. and · for four years u head of the Bul-The Callfomla-Ariz.ona dtrua -----------.-__,.-------------Grace Buah, lecturer 1111d rom-! --ri Or hodox h h f th '1'17 wortdn1 today'a croawonl duatry uses 200,000,000 board pouf, who gave a planologdt'l'·The · Some of the Intangible thin~ Tall callas, hand-painted In ~t!t.._ wl~h ~~a~u~t~t! puzzle. of lumber per year for boxes. Brok• A4Qt*' • rr.....,....... .,_...., ' rll . . ~ T. Bwtterw• ... 0. D. IUCW..aCt 'al ~ "'-e%511 ••~w.u •'••• ~ ..... ._, ~~am fratur&l new Amerkan v.11irh lo(n· ,,, make the thlna Eaater colors. macte a ~~In New York but apendlng mOIIt of mualc and Mrw. Ball's numl)('M! In· called "charm" will be outllned by d~ratlon for the entrance hall of h1l time visiting churehN through-:------------------------~ eluded Whrn Sprint ('om(:os 'Round M•-s (irarr• Bt•ardaley. apeaker at the Santa Ana Country club at the out the countrY. He later went to .\Jl.tl. Again, Our Dr('ams. A ar bor Song I the di•SS('rt mr.>etlng of the Ebell_ bridge luncheon held Thurllday ror latanbul for two yeara, tryinc to ~-tv"" lind Reltleas Wings. Several of cluh at 1 p. m. Thursday aftrr-memhen only. M.rs. Les Phlllipa ret bade lnto Bulgaria, but could her~J)O('mt and songs are Included nuun, acc•ording to Mrs. Wayne of Balboa wa& chairman and hoe-not enter and wu forced to return In the big volume of Radio Book Jlnrpt'r. program chairman. Mrs. leues Wert> Mn. William Hutchlna here without evl'n aeeln& hie U • E of Verllt'. juat off the preu. (J(>ardslt·y hllll h('ld poaiUona with of Santa Ana· and Mrs. ~ mother, now In Sofia. 0 ' . sueh wl'll-known storea u But-1 Pete~ of Udo late. ,...___ f 1 11 V •EAUTY · Wll hi d I M·-'"• and The callu had been done by ~.,...r o a arge "' a at arna, W. H. Pilley. t23 Short atre<'t, lock 5 ~ re ~n · _..... · on th• ahorel of the Black Sea. the WHERE HAIR STYLING JS AN ART Cotta Meu. ls home thla We<'k will talk on des1gn In clothlng, u Mrs. Hutcht.na, who also arranged bishop YO greatly Interested ln from hll 30-acre fruit ranch near weU as other thlnp of partlcu-the nowen for the other rooma. N t .. ~·---' It d I I t t t w-n. Mrs. ~tft'l had char-of the iong ewpol' anu ... v ....... ~ • ('-Auburn but eX)Iect.l to return ar n f'res 0 .... ~ luncheon tabl~ whidl•;.. ~ Uchtful place. While a .C.t.hollc. ,__..._~_'!"-__ _._ _____ _.;;;;.. ________ .....a lhm'tly. with a bowl ot pink and whi~ B1ahop Andrew II very Uberai and double ca.mellu and pretty figur-II vialtlnc rnllalonartH of other InN beartna IWHt peu on eadl crftda who have in the put wark- Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. • ... There's just the right hat to be thost becom- ing to your. 'Easter Out- fit. Hats and Bags to match by Sherman ••• 14.95 ~p. Hats 4.95 to 25.00. Bags 5.95 up· I Cardigan Suit with deep set sleeves .... Front tie belt ... all wanted shades i n- cluding, grey 29.95. Oth~r suits 24.95-t~ 69.95. -- I 1\H H' Ol't:S : 11 .:1 I \ ,, ,, • 1(1 I'. ~t. ~.\tt 'Rfli\ VI'; t:/IU ,\. ,\I, t11 l(·,ltJ 1'. \1. ·~ 1./.f.e New Tunic Sui't 111 i_!rev or b l ac k ,,.,, i tc check, J0.9~ It's important ~n select your Eas- ter outfit c~rc f11l ly . It's imrnrt~nt too. to make your se lecti on at Malcom 's where/ you will find s t y le and quality. MALCOM] fASHION S~OP FOR WOMirt . 60S N. Main St. ~~u~a .\nl\. .. HEAD ro 'roE BEAtJTY SERVICE 11~. ecS ln hll ~tty. ~--------------------------------------------~ Harbor ladiH were lucky at pl~cy with M.rs. Clifford Nolder taklnc nnt prtze and Mrs. F . J . Parke, aecond. Present from the Harbor aec- Uon were the Meadamet Peters. Nolder Parke, W. 0 . Haldy, Robert B. Powell. L. L. Isbell. Ralph Mukey, Warren F1e.tcher, George Lowe, H. R. R.lng and J . K . Mc- Donald Farewell Party for Eastern Guests Honorln& the three couslna of Mill Allee Plumer, Newport Helahta, who leave for their Mua~ achuaet t1 home on Friday after apendlng the wtnter here for the nrst time ln aeveral years, Mn. John Coopft en~rtained Monday r-------....;..,. ____ "\ with a ~llghtful luncheon at her home on Santa Ana aven~llt­ lnc th~ .)MIItNI wu hn cSauehtn. Mrs. Ernest McOenan. The ~Mother~ to-Be Will Find Individuality Here Dresses • Suits • Jumpers Slack Suits • Robes • Bed Jacketai Donna-Marie Shoppe 515 North lbla St. Suta Au Aftade Jlld&. HAPPYE~ In Harbor Area Following the luncheon hour -------------------------1 Mn. Cooper'a gueatl •went next door to the Plumer home for an r-------------------------1 Mr. and Mrs. Merl~ Eldrldae, 121 Flower atTeet. Coeta Meaa, are P-renta of a 101'1, born March 26 at St. Joaeph hoepltal. He ·welehed eight poundl, l1x ouncN. Mr. and Mn. John Sinclair, 1005 Weat Bay avenu~. welcomed a aon. born March 26 at St. Joaeph hoi· pltal. He W('igh('d seven pounds ~n. • afternoon of rummy, at which han- on were taken by Mrs. Bertha Davll and Mlu A&tl~ Yeaton, two of the honond cu-a, 8DCl Kn.. Myrtle Kin&. Third gueat of honor wu Mrs. Emma Eatabrook. • PI'Nent ror the enjoyabl~ after- noon were the Meadame1 Davll, Eatabrook, KJng, Sam Meyer, Coo~r. McClellan. Mlu Yeaton, Mill El'nn)a Baker and Mill Plumer. It wu a daughtft' for Staff Bit- and Mn. Charlt'!l Henaon. 118% Broadway, Costa MI'!IR. Sh(' was bom Mareh 26 at St. Josrph· hoe· Robin MeG John jr .. son of Mrw. pltal and W('lghed !lt'Ven pouncla. Wayn!' K. Ball. 2610 West Ocean Lt. and Mrs. CharlM-W. Web; Front, h8ll been pledged t.o Sigma 11ter, 10!'1 F.l~:hth s\r<'N, are paren.ts I Phi Epsilon fratrrnity at thr Uni- of n son. born March Z7 at Fuller-V<'rslty of CaJifornia, Berk<'ley ton CottaRe· h011pltnl. He weighed <'llmpus. and is livinj;t at thco frn-~even pounds, t('n and a hair I temlty house. He enterl'd the ouncea. univ<'rsily in Frhrunry after 'P'adu- SEE OUR JUNIOR DEB "FASHIONS OF ntE MONnl" SUITS and COATS AS ADVERTISED IN VOGUE. GLAMOUR. CHARM AND HARPER'S BAZAAR TWo-AND THREE-PIECE lN DRESSMAKER CARDIGAN OR BOLERO STYLES MATERIALS OF GABARDINE, COVERT AND SERGE A SELECTION OF MANY STYLES AND COLORS ALL OF 100% WOOL -SIZES 10 TO 18 EXCLUSIVE IN SANTA ANA wrni ~.:coso & nlco,\oW,\Y !38 :Ycond ll. Rroadway Blcftr. 8Al'IITA ANA 8ecoad F1oor Mr. and Mrs. Wa)t{'r Browning, atlng from Harvud Military 921 Eal!t Central avcnu<', Ralboa, acaderrly, Los Angeles. !..--------------------------1 ~~~nts~a~~ht~bom~----~~~~~~~-~~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 211n St-. Joseph hO!!pltnl.l Sh" wrhth~ scvrn pound~ thlr· tren oitnel'S. I Orlve Carefully-Spare a Life. Mrs. Frank Bates SPIREI,LA OORSETIERE atr olcldd Oorona •lf'l M1u --" BOOKS TMEY'R E HERE at our n ew location 605. N O RTH MATN ESTf'ElLITA~ (Formt-rl~· Arnu'lt> Bid~.) Phon~ 5!41 S Santa t\na BOB MURPHY'S B.AMBOO ROOM • • " • ~ l., ·Balboa -· .. SHOCKINGLY Presents • NIGHTLY . Except ~londay .. ... HOLLY & LEE Southl~ud's Favorites APRIL 5th •