HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-10 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SA N~D CRAB COST A MESA 'EDITION' ~ISLAID ASSOCIATIOI ' ~ 8 I~ . N -T.-. tSISFOREIFORC NewpOrt a l!_:.08· £l.¥S tme~;OF LAWS; CLEAILIIESS ., . , S1'MitF.Il !ll . ~ SAM L~G COSTS. Chester Bowles says living costs bav~ only gone up 3.4$b in the last few years uncrer our ceiling QP A prices. So-o-o-o just for lUn dug u.p an old is- sue of Nt'ws-Times, April, 1939, to compare with food prices in April, 1946 and that 3.4% is knocked into a cocked hat or at least .... , •• "='--'- than an OPA eeUing. -----(;roup R~eleds Beek J•resident; Ina ... • b II d R . b . t WI. n ~!~i::::!.!~and and Hay Front Owntl'l · s e an o · ·er son , ..... · ... ~~:..:-::[~~··~~~· .. ::~~.~.~ ~:~:;~·~::::j..,~w.::., ~ .1 El" . ttmoru: S()fTI(' 20U nlffi'llx-~ or tiM• Unlbou l!dnnd Impa'CJI'MMI't C • t c · t ns."'O·Iation Jo'ridoy night nt ttw BhllxMt Yamt c lub. J. A; 1 Y Ouncl ec ·Ion ~~~~~;~-~~s~~~~l'(~t(~~ ~~~":,':~~ ~:~,:r. ~ ~:~~l)~~~or:r're: · whkh lndudc•,. ufrh"t~,,. or tht• 1\n lll(llt island TllX~IIIII ... '-:-:.-..; o • • • • 'nntlnn 11nd the• 1\lty t'totlt l't'l1~'l.Y J._)wnt•r"ii aK~KX·I•tJon • Ill are a few examples: Fresh asparagus In '39 sold 2 lbs. for 13 cen ts; topay it ls 25 cents per Jb.; spuds were 10 l bs. fo r 19 cents; today they are 10 lbs. for 39 cents; avo- cados were five cents each, today they are 15 cents each. average size; apples were ·s lbs. for 15 cents; today 12 cents lb. Now Jet's touch up m t'ats: ground beef was 17 ·Ct"nts lb.; today 29 (.'('flts: 75 Meet-to -'corona del. Mar Contractor i :;?~?~;r!~~~:~:f:~·\~~:~~::{No SfnKe S4-e~G~.n · Protest COM 1 Leads Atkinson By 4 7 Votes ~gi~::;;f~~::::n::;;:;,(;;<~i·::~: In South I In Unoff.tc·tal Tabulat·t·on 1 :::~·.~:·~~~~,~:f ~~·::r:,. ~·~.;~:~·.~.~~:~~ Wage Issue State Park flu .... -.1 hun th~tl a fuii·Unll' potu"''-j ., . .., ""' would .. ,._'" h•• 11\'allabl" I<> ttw ,,..,.,,. aldo· ell tlw-hAy, hnth • _ _ -Request Meeting Fri- day With City Co~Jn­ cil for Review , fn•m" llf'IIC¥ rnr •I'd l hnl "moh'f· Nc•llltt•r thr <,O t~hlsno4t ...... • FlN AL l lNOFFU'IAL ( OUNT (')Tir "'"(¥' WOI:IId at~t.•. tx· .. " ""'"" m•·mt .. ··• rwor the ~ Lester Isbell -964 Votes (re-el~ted) jifu•r 1" th!lt "':~""· tncutuf '"" ~th et.at ·Jamb breasts were R cents: t oday 1P cents lb.: pork saus- age was 23 cents Jb.. today 39 ('('nts: wieners were 18 cents. today. 37 rents lb. RepreS('ntativ~ o f th e Bluff and Sand Lot Owners Associa t ion o r Corona deJ Ma r said to have numbered I.F.P'TJ:R I~ IMitf.LL ( \' Wu~dt·tnann llf'tll"*"' ,httt "'"'' ,. "" lk •• >''"" till' f'lti)I•Mtlla 0. z. Robertson 667 voteR (apparently ele<"ted IC'IU'II wtllc"il , .... ..-Jih lllf'lr rlmf· 1(1\•'11 ... lhl; Nf'-·'1'\mfotl --Thoma~ p Atkim~on . 620 voh.•R flc•nt 01"'" br '"''"~U\dl>d J . 1\ r t'lnll\• tn IIW .u ..... lti860M .. • ' ' S lc•nWlf\11 llt'('IIIN'd lhlll plllr.• ~ 1:•'1111: ttll ltc tc• 11<1 wdl U &• - IN"IIvn wu ln11drqualf'. 'l'hc')' uld I'"''' .. t• h• "''n '"" unlton •MI ~ )A''It•t J-.1~·11. llh'llllll~t•lll hi ~ c'ttlllll'lllll:\rl, \\11~ I'IY'It"<'tf'<i lhal olfia'f'll ol lhf' ~llllkNI J I"Ifllt'• •t'lt•h•\tnr; thf' I .. N~III !11 <Lflll'\' ,1nd ( 1. z. l<coht•rt ~<on . ( '••n•na llt•l Mnr t'\mt !'actor wns •lwtUid br murr IK'tlvco IJ\ lllll'mfll· 1 .,.,,.,, .. r ~~'""''' 1md H l'lltt l~'llll~· '(('lc'\·t r-d alsn h~· n rm n·rm· mnl):in in nne:-Clf' the:-Ina: tn ~ thr llttVIIttoft. '"'"'lc"'" .. r Anu•r lt•ft on do..,f"~l l'llttllt'ilmank r:ll'e'' in thl' lu-.tol'\ of NC'\\'J)(l11 l\4•nrh II .... Kt-00.11, •nutlwr prom-. ""1!1' _,.,.,,. l'ur·~dl,o\ '" unnlllc•nl III IH!I.tltctn .. \\1'1~' ht•inL: llllldc• in thl' 11'"'"11h~'SI, dl.'1,_n1! ... ''-"'""al~·l'l"~1~.~ Lui:Al ~.!. ul uu~.u.a111•1~..--~~-.,. I I nn 11 -'""' I anu • ·~"· "' · r .. ncllnlltt• '"' 1'1t\' '"'tin<'l 1 Most of thesE.' pri~ were taken fl'om Safew ay ad s. re- garrlerl ffS about the avemge paid for mc!se. a nd lndicatt> that pri('('S o f foorl h an• jumf't('d from 25 to 5CVr in 7 year.: .lust wht>re OPA j:!£>ts this low inrreaSt> is as puz- zHng as their ceilings on m e n 's s hirts. whirh ron as high as $5 a nd $6 for rot- t om; as against the pre-war $1 Q!) Point i~ th11t: mf~. can 1 11rfo rd to m~tkr the che~tpcor ~armo.•nts IM'<'ml"<' thE>\' 1.!1'1 mrot'(' ICII' lhf' 1)1•11('r bn~'nn,.., but wlwn a f<'llf'r nt'f>(l~ n ~htrt hP hu~·s 'em at anv fH'II'<'. inrta t ion ,,. nfl in- 0 . Z. M01tt:R1""P' • aboUt 75 m embers who are o pposE'(! to · the creation of a !'tate Pftrk in that.community. met at th<> Etx-11 club at BnJ- t 'ur""" ll•1 '1•' ''""'"'"11 ''· ,..,. bo:l S unday a ftct'Tloon . cl<'tl'r- 1 11, h til •·I••• 11.'" 1 1.,.,., ~>I tIll' """"' I.J-.1 1111.!111. tl• 11'1'111•111 lh,. ....W.t '-"tit··• In Ow world, ll•o• ,.o.,-•"l"r" .:a. ,~tlt'-.....a l•··untt .. •n t r•···,..l•\•f··~t t •• ,tt•·•·U) ~ 1 11 l '" ,.,. ",.. "" ...... .._.,... '""'nl il '" IH;t ,.,,, .... lura:•'"' "' "-' ,,. 11 1111 , I •el IIH" I ' 1\1 ''" "" ••rttll'l' :trtll)' n "''' 'Y t~nd l!ll tl~ ON' o( lhf' cllrtlftt llonttl "'''""';lllrlrnt fnr ttM> ,_ '""'111 ""'"'" 1" ·~ '""'' .,,,.r mirK'd t hat a ll r es id e nt s an' runlllllal• nth,. ftl\ ,.1,.,.11011 J, \1111':-. lut' lht• Olht•t· \at·anc·y 111 the• t'CIIIIWtl Hr Mid ,hat the C"'llnCC.Itlon ol tht.• ,11, '""'thwl llf'J)ftrMif' Rf'tl04la.._ Tu .. ...ta) ,1,11.,,., h) •••·thardl l 'Itt• '"'"'II"·''-.. •·1·-th•l •• 1111«-y., wtth piiPf!"'l and cane teal-,,.,.,.., ... n l tht• III'C.'UIIIIr ~u • tHnlU r ( ul 1 h••... J•. \I k ln ... u", '"•'b•... , ')"""' b) Li•, 11anllt should !cam o f Ult'ir feeling t oward t he state act)uisition Theater Planned In Costa Mesa · Would Seat 600 o f that property for park pur· pnc;es. 15 A S ld It l•·t•lu•ttr '"I"''" ··•m" l•tn ltwo tf'N'd ·~ wu a ~. A .w .. ttrn<Jin.c c·mr>loynwont 1ft ... -----cres 0 til\ h•ll II lui-ntot n•W thf' ft•al ll'llft' from ll.la)' R. ~ au-·INt•Wfl(M'I ~"""'·II Wlllalf'•rftltd ,._ State Contactl .. j tWM·Itt••l 1111-...... ,.d ''""' ".,. fhf' rd lhr lrnporlann~ of elHnll~'" t~•llltlfoll)' •IA•k•..,.nl•n ,..,. •-a ''"'"" clt•l•·rnlln•••l Thr n lat .. tabv· "'ed plr.....,t llvlna conc11Uona. 111'' lk•tlf m"""l1MtW'nl 11nd U. ..- lndi~tnnnl at th,. rl'portl"d schcd· ull' of priers which tht' slatt'' ~ will Ins;: tn pay, for. lhr ir lots and r~lins;: that all rr'llidrnls nr lht• ci ty ha\t' lhco rh:ht to tlC' heard on the mt'rils of 0 Slttlc• f)llr k, the ~:athl'ren~: hrArd a numhrr ,.,1 prominrnt ttllornt•)~ and nlhf'r~ COM Lot Owners I F $200 000 '""""' '......... thr a.,.,., .... , IW'Itf'W'a lllwlt eWtan bfoedMte W.Orf . nr•• .. ~., ... ,.,.,1111{ In twine ...... I or ''"'"''' ·~·unl \\hlc•h had ...:..m,..t '" much.,... llnpartant than" ne-w '"'llllllntlnnro "" IM wa•e ..... , .. On State Park . r · '"'"' "'"'"~'" '"' ....... .,.,, , ........ ~'~'>' haJJ. 1•re•"'i1•"l 1111r~eultr ,,.,"-·~ II""''"''• '"''' '"'"'•-frun1 lhf' C'l' SonwP otuit ......... havf' hf'fon rnlm: ""' 11 WIIJC•• t~r. .. Th,. propolll'd tht'atrr for C'08ta Mr~n 1110 3lrrndy in the rlan lltllRt' and It waltinJ;t for bw1dlns;: mn· ll•rtal not nl't'dl"d for vrtt'rnns' hou~in~;. n('('(lrdln~; to W • T Jt'f· fC"rson . ownl'r of the site on Nt'W- port Blvd . 'I' I ·.: ·"· In Newport , .. n ••••.• "·' ·n·· " ........ ·_:·.~ ....... madr"' ••• , .... In v.~ par·· "''1 .......... ~ " .......... WlUf "~ ..... ........ ,,, ''" • Jt,,.,..,._ • ... nt lhf' rity, R. II. ft.ottlna ~· ,.n.t•· , ..... , '"'" I•••· ,....., It II mara••· cod ,_. dW not lndk:atr any ttnd1•ntt•oo>tl Ahnut 200 .... -,.,., I nd , , Tho• 1tn11t ...... rn .. lat '"'" ""• cJisrrlrnlnaUon qun1l the .. a , l'fnrloyc'tl hy South C.O.t a..Jp ., .. ~ ',\ '!M!Il ,,,,._''''"I"' lh•· II l"'"o'l .. •t .. lw 1111ld, hut a~ turthf'r ahad)'. p11nv "~ rt•mflllt'f'd with a "'* 1 fla t io n . Just w h at the ~fli'IJK ngninst the• immint'nl "''' '" •' posal to Rf'1111lrl' 1hls al'('n fur " 1 pnrk sitP. Jnmr11 ln~;Tnm ·~r 1'·1'' .,.,,11 ~ .. ,,. "' npproltimalc•ly 15 rHTI'II "' .... ,. ... , tu ltnal •·h...-k, tht• If""" I Nrw otficton and trul'-wt~rt• "''"''"II .. r If•~' durlnc the..,, . l•·•1" •. 11 1 "" 1rr\lt' hlghwny 11nd th•· l..tMoll Df'4 ,.,.,,..., "'""''' .. "' Ml, r•lo'l'h'CI u fol!ciWII : l,...klrrtl, J. A. ll••IW•'111'nttt!IV•'II ot ~ ..... count rv has hoe<'n snvro from. "hc:-n a frl't"on is in dire nl't'<l of w eamulcs. is as tough a problem as m any other queer 'ideas coming out of Washington. Tht' lh,....lrr. which will St'f\'t' lh(' l'nt lrt' Hllrhor llrPII, IS r•tannc>d with a sctttlnst capacity of apprOXI- melt>ly 600, hut with lht' ttC"CC'nt strictly on comfort, Mr. JrffN·son said. d(•na prt'sidPd. G<'OrS:P Prnnrv. ll'\'ll knnwn I •• Ans:rlrs nttorn~y \\ho r..<·••nlh l'f • 1 It I I " 1\lkln..,on lltfl, ~ .. t&ll, llftd Hor·,f~·k; ftrwt Yklr~t. Jl. t: ttnll th1• Cllllllllln)' • haW '-• •t \\'o·•t '-'"~""1 channd. ly1nl( lm· ,..,.hnv"-1 111 '"'""· Mt .. htiJ'-Kcondall; IM'ClOnd ¥kwo prtoaldrnl. 11n11r11hl•• !IIII('U•IIIun ot tM ~ "••''' rw '" •I• '' "''"1•·rly of llw nw•r· tllllft • M prt , .... , '"'" " .. , ... ,, (1~ St...,.,..; ~tiU')', Kah• 1 .. u•• whlrh "'IIA ti'Cl0111.-a1 tilt W t I I .,, .. ,, I pur~asrd thl' J ohn \ n~:•·l hnm• •· h· .. t l>rtl1e.:•· fnr a rotUidM'IItlon of IMitF.t.l. MT1CHNCI I MrCa-: tr....-.r. LoWa (;. thf' N~trlonal 8t11htii•Unft c X fnrmr·rly knn" n n~ t he• II at 1 • l /11'1'\' • mAnsenn, wn,. rlc•rtc'<l hy 1 Ill' group In r rprNtl'nl thr IIS!UK'IIll tttn at a mC'<'tins;: whlf'h wns prc.pos;•d to IX' hrlrt thi11 c'Omln~: 1--rlc!ny nl~:ht with lh<' d ty ('ttunrll. C'arl Monahan wns ~>lrrtl'd St'CT't'lary "'" 1 "''" ·• 1, ,1• ,, :, , "'' 1• ehnn s:l(ltl,tiClO wns rompii'IMt \ furth• r hrNok ''""'" c>f lht• Hr~r: tnan-. R. H . RoiUM and ,,... of lh,: ahtpbuildlnte ........ • IM~t Y"~l•·rdll)' 'JlKo nrw OWn«'MI, thr '"'o"< 111 lttl>ulntrd ltN'01m·l hy liN'· RA-Y. l'-"7 W. White. lldd llbc"JUI IM (f'ftll PI"' ,_ • • • • ·nlt' site. which is 111 the Clvt'- Cr'O!IllinJ: point I hill face~ the rnd of Harhor boulevard at 17th llrl'('l and Also faCNt the l'rid nf 17th st ,.,,., whrrr It Cl'O!IS<'fl Nt>wport Alvt.l., was rhnsen hy Mr. Jf'ffer- son nnd thl' '"'" II J Sllt>r 1111 th1• mulll fnvorAhlf' spol to attrnct patrons frum coastal points. ,.,.,..,, rt•Vt•lll• t lu\l 1-hrll 1rolll'd ---I lhrll' t'->' f•hrl'lcA H.,.,..., It ... 1.• "'-'"'"' ~.:nn•· nut to ownf'MI Bttll104t C'ov,.. Inc ('t)ftllltln .. of 1 1 1 1 11 1--I ~ .. .. an·nntr y n " me• " I"'N '" ·•· A 1--A A 1., ''"'"'o"l out ""'' nlfiC'f•m .. n( t\11 f'lrflflf'r ty o[ll'nln~: 11"1Z1•1' thn"' wrll-1 ncYWtl rr111tnno, John M lre~llnl( to ttlll llllrtthc•r "''"'' l'llmll· ----~ _..... ""'"' wrrr unN'Tinln wtwtlwr-A New Star. Broce· M c- Gavron romped home with thl' ho nm"' at t he II. S . Fri- day night in the pla y. "ThC' M a n \\'hn Came to Dinm•r ." He> wAs rlam near a s dcvcr a nn as IXlis terous as Monty Wooll'Y· w h o won stardom in tha t role. 1n fact all the un- usua lly large cast p~ntro nllon• lotr tlw purl'hllso· Mell;•r. Tttm ll••nrl••r"'" nnl1 I• A l1111o•11 Ol\.h 111 1\lo fl"lltew pin.,·~ "P Be ~_.... •• Clfov ,...,11td 11o 1/fllllllt' IKltNiratf'ly ..... I 'tt!mr·t pun·hR~··tl tho· JWtlj• I I)' I •·· ,., •'1\ I II Ill• '""'' ~· nlllllllf•r nr I 0 ~· ., llf'f'IIII'W' lht \ Ill I' Wtlf'kln• nn ..... Monahan said lhl' MnS('n~us of opinion !'l(prMtsl'd ""~ tflat the city and stall' nlrrady providr mlln or pubhc hl'ttch and do not County Approves. fttr dt•\t•lnpnwnt '"'"' aumrno•r ll)lt) 1"11" .. Ill .. , ... ltlt'C'IIWI Nurc•lwr' I llrt' ""''"'' nnd ('Offtllll'rri•l .... 111 II,• II••·• "Itt• h 1:"' •· ht111 I• ,. 'rllr :500-.-.ncf andwlr, flahfod uul tnnldlnt: nnJy, oul nn navv ~ • bd • • • 11 unlit''" hn)··frnnl 'ulwlh l•lnn 'ur • 1, 1 • 1 ' Four Su lvlc10nS '" "'""'1n "hn r n "''' "nc nf ,,.. orr•n bPd nrar thr NI'W· 11rr tie•• nttwr )'llrt&a In ttle 1M )_ rnunden~: clrf'lh:Nt nut t'<l\'1'~ n•••·k wtth Atklnl'l•n until len ol tAl .. 1,.;r-t fllt ·r rtnd ldrntlrlf'd u t•lonte· "'"•"·I•·•· I ""It 1\t•tt<'h "'"''" art..w Elect Mrs: Viele Pres. Costa Mesa Red Cross Branch a fine performance. Great credit goes to Stage Ma n a - ger Virginia Bachman . O nly criticism to offer is thHI few of the a ctors or act res.o:;es t a lk loud enough for the au- die n ce to h ear. which was not the caRe with Bruce, who told a ll and sundry in noun- certain terms. what.he want- nt'C'd lhP adrll'd ari'A in Corona dr l F(lur "thdlvl~iom• fur (.,,..,., Mar. L.os Ans;:l'll'll rounty h!U nd· Mr~rc wt•rP npprcl\'rd 111~1 "''''I !11 dillonal mil,.s to offrr Its rl'l!ldcmu, tlw I'~'Urtt y pla'lning rnmml~""" and tht'y fc•l'l it ill an lmi)O!IIIInn AI'Pii•·llttiiP"-IIJIItrc•vNI w~>r,.· '"'' for thi'St' fl'•nplr to ht• lnvitro hl'rr do•wlnprn~>nt lr)• lll'rlrnm 1. Smtih fn dro\'M l o rrrat,. pollcl' probl<'m• nnd Wtlfnnl E {. .. rd n( thr<'f• "'''""'· In chill locality 11nd In depredate ,,101 hr·r1.,.1 1.,.n11 r "' t~th !ltr~>t•l ._etttl profX'rty In Cnrnnn dt'l Mar • \nnh•un ,11, nn•·. ('M ta -.\lt·<tA, '"'" ~fr!t C'nlln \'lrtr, "''rll known Mt'm!X'" or th.-ttsmclatiJn IX'-l•t lois hu~inrss wnmlftt of Coctll MMII wa.s lil'\'1' thllt lht' contlrr dty hu not ll(ovt•lnpmr nt hy John S.·e~t•·l "" unanimously t'll'ctro chairman of lx'i>n c:onaulted on the project, and 10 ttrrrro c•wrwd hy Mr" C. Jl. I '•1h· t hr Cn~~t a Mt>sa Branch, Amt•rlcan sugs:PSI an <'ll'<'lton lllk•• ~Ia~ 10 hon uf Santa An:t. lrt<'nlt.(f 111 !Iouth· Rc•d Cross 1111 the sprclal !Tl«'lin~ fpeol out I hi' aVt't'IJtt' man 1 I'W-f'IISI <Y•rnrr of ( lrnnR<' 11nd I It• I l\1ar rail('(! Mnnday, April R. Olht'r of-point. Furthf'r. Montthlln polnll'd nvrnur, f~OIIIII M'"'"· wi th ''~ I"'' fleers ~>lect.-d to serve with Mn our that t he atatt-I• exprctl'd to fXo,·t'lopiTl('nl nf Nrwport lin) VI 1 J d Donald_,l Dod ~lurft ovu thfo control of thf' at ate C'o on 30 llCTNI IX'twt'f'n Fltt'W9f" + + + i e e ~cot'" u . g.;. h D vt. ge, park to lhco dt)' which would takf' atr~t and 1flth tlrC('I Tustin And ' ce-e a rman , ug a '· ~e-a farce poll~ (<W~ to patrol on ' ed. Red 8hlr1a. Quite a con -tary and Mn Gunning Bullt'r k dl Th the' Irvin<' IV('IIl!n, C'OIIIa Mrsa, With test h as developed In Santa trt>uurrr Mra ·John Webatt'r and bill)' w~ en · "Y want 120 lois Ana bet"'_.. • •• ,·on p'-kets M J . ld S . I . I . t>ntlre mattPr lllrl'd which ttw •tatt' Oc\•t>lopmf'nt by C' n GrAnt "' ·"""""~--· ~ • rs. erro pan~ E'T were nom n is about r eady to c:onver1 into a of 110m(.' half dazen cafes a nd al~>d to represent the local branch bli k d • k th ell South Pttaadentt on five acn's nn d at tho Southern Orange County pu . c: par • "n u .1 h<' ~n lrvinr nv,.nur and 19th alrM't, H. S. l!rtUdentc;, who para e Chaptf'r at Santa Ana. to revii'W the matter w t lncm. I C'.oattt Mraa, wllh 'JO Iota. . wttJt the pickets and carry Notl('f> w1111 Rivt'n th&l nrw · Alao ttpprovPd hy thf' rnrnmi~'1o11 bannt'rs with such lnscrip-rooms would have to be found 11nd :O.foody, G<'nnan schnauur dol wrre busin<"U applica11nn• nf AI· tions as: "Why d on't you d r 11 ff r 1 Mrs. \'ll'le, Judge Dodge, Mrs nwnf'd by Mr 11n Mn1 Errol '".,.' Ar<'Y o mnn nr n It ' get 8 job?" "The AFL ain 't w ,.b!lter and or P. A. Cham!X'rllnl Fl)nn e!l<'llped in some manrwr ,lcln£lo• (Artory. 17th !llr<'f'l , n•·;H what s he used to be!" e tr. -..;11 art as 11 M O'lmillce to lnvcostl -from lhPir yarht Zara anchored S:)ntll An.o a<c·nw·. :e n<l , J I. The kids accuc;e the unioni~L--SZIIIP Inca lion~ And ,,.port at lhr I orr Lido, and "'"~ ktllrd hy a mo-·n, .. n•r ... n hillel ro·p'lir """" II,, of being pro-Russia because nf'xt ro•2ulttr ml'4'tlng Othrr dlr<'r-tnrtst al C't>ntrlll "'''nu•· 1•11 1." • n•·~or "''''"" ''' •·•·I thev wear red ('()8ts. hut the tnrs and l'hAirmPn p,.,.s,.nt wr rr ~--­ "unfaif"' men just plod back Mr~~. w R Mrlloll. MMI PAul N .. r. and forth anrl say no thing. m1cn. Mr11. l.lnyd GQbrirl, Mr~ .J L be<'<ILL<;e most of the sturlf'nts flarnt•tt , :'llr" . Jlnrr~· nurcltt•k, l\lr a re football p layl'rs just itch-II. I~ :"lk:"llurtn :0.1 r' ·' '' 11 \\'••lt-d ht ''' r ;orul :O.I r' . ~trln•' 1/1\ ttl-.•u ing for a rr;c~<;-~o . ou · I :-. .... \II',, , ""n'' ,, .,., '""'"''"" • · ..... In''' '""•••I tn rtu • 1 ·'' tu r tuunl' bland i\AA()('iation. G lad to · I ,,1 • '.! ,,., 11.11 ''"r t •• , .... , •• ; ,, ,.1, .,.,,. , n ote thf' Balboa. I~lnn~l Tm -''" ,,1,ril :\oo p1'Cl\'£'mf'nt a~srx·tntlon .•~ l:ek-1 lng up th<' cttrlgC'Is a~;nn fnr .Joint Harhor-MeRa m on' and 11('1 lt•r lmpt'o\'1'· • • L~ m<'nts . It w:l~ Jnt' ~·Pk ( ommlft('£' ~lem.Jt"rs who organizc'ft the ~roup ;\ amt-d h,· Pre~ident f;OntC' 1:1 \'C:lt~ ~~~~~in tlw · davs \\'hcn' llw Isla ndt•t-s h:1rl ,, ",., • t a dirrio·llll time grttinl.! an~ 1 • • h rlp fmm any dvk ho<l~·. • • • • Joe is s till pt"CSidcnl Ami Slt~·.., '"' '" I ,. • • •• their prnhl<'m~ an• j uc;t "" 1, ··' gi'Cnt . onl:-• mon' sn d11" In I•• •• thl' islo~nrl's rapid I'XJian~tttn. : "1 + • • Wilford Madlonalct. It took mm'C' thnn a dl"<·.ult• ,., S('J)I\ rA tf' t h£' p:1 rk~ ftY>m 1 h S11'N't~ af(rf' ftol IIH'nl "l:tn,J on thPir mm, a nd in nil tha t tim<' l\1:11'. wpnt al•mtz p.t· til'ntlv \\ ilh his w o rk or bf>at/ifit':et inn :--:1)\\' 1 h. 1 1 the rit~·,nado.; h.,,,,' rP:tll~t a 1, I new t1c'i'·"·tmo'nt and m;edt• , •• J! 1 I. h im p;"li'K Sllpl'l'. ~1:u· '~t il ,. \\ I'• \\ "" • IJ , , • I • h nn• fl'f'1' rl'in 111 c·J'I':ll tn~ .loohn :-;, ,., 1 t· 1111 ~ 1 •1u1t .. pro.k'cH t hat \\'ill rt•dottnd In 11• 1 trc•n ~ttnll• thl' ('l'l'dit of :'\t•\qt<ll'1 l3f';wh. Tlh· t'ollllll1ltl• •• II ti l f).,f,f II• He's 1 h~ right m a n in 1 hi' tntlt •' mr• 1 uw ,,n Tu· ~••••), ·'I" .I right piiH'C. 1\) ' ... " \ 1 I I :11 I 11''1 llli ll I'll\\ \II 11111111 •I •• fl t t I ltl' Ill} t I Ht t l ·' ''"' ,, ' ""'"' !-wh ·l• ,,,, .... t ,,1 1 ... tt1 , ,, • .,.,,,, \l tf\ II• \I•· ffttttl t U~.tlrut•l. "'' " f ''" • r i iH ht H ' , u fl;·r • lh'''' ~"'•·k ,,.,,., •fHI ltftltt ''••• ''''" ftt•t u.tlht• Lth•l .,. 1. "'' lH•Ir·' h tfu-•,. ... n n nf \tr"~ f.. t:. U~'h/. u ••"' .:••r ,., U a ltH•'1 l n u, ' It ,. lh•• • t•HPh' Art• fth\\ r·r~~ro14lttac. t phnt •J 1.) I ,, It · I • Th,. pro1••rl) "·•• '<otlcll•y 1-'rrt nk ul:cllnn, r"''''''''11 ht• l~t•e:•'' n•llll· ln..: lll'f>hllhly to onr of tllf• olt.l "" fltt• ""'"' \lfll;. \1 ~''"'"'"''''· """ h•" """o•il IM•r "I '"lo•• frncn l'r•~·,.,..t •,, 7, IIVlrufjnrnmf'f' IN'ilotlnM'tl "11lt•h c'ttll rno , ,.1 11 ~,.,.,. 1 HI !l Whll•· 11 lit·« ( · .. r""" ift•l l\lru . "luo·h ,, "• 111111 •••I hPr•• ,,..,1,.1• u... "''" .. r 1 ho• • ~ 1117 Atklll.tttl Ct't't•l\t•tl .•1 I tlr• '" '"'"'"'Y· will I•• ,.,. .... ,nlt•tl ... 1111' &uchey to Ask \\holly within lht' l'flllnly, •he· nt•W lhrct pro f'illl'l IU lw tllcl In tt tMtll•• • f'it y loy Juhu Nnrf'k rtelt.l hi• IT''" • rorpnntltfln t''fiM'i'l~ Itt (Itt· II Itt' _.t'or""" ,,,., Mrcl 1114'1'1111"1 Nn t:l .. r "-'"'""''"· II Willi r••l•lf'h'C1 hy ~ave Ew*enSIOD tilton '"''' I hi' f'il)' l"t1110dl ~·~ hll'h "t'lo\1\ IC"h••tt .. m 1:0i Wulto·t l.unr.mnu~. t11rt'f'loM' "' lh•• • • Mnndn\ ~.~ k en~t P•·rrnl••'''" ,,, '"' '''il"""" '"'"''" •''""'"'"' '" ..... ,, •. , "' nwrn11t·r• ... ,., .. ndny From C1ty Count-nrx •• to lh,. l'ily or N•'"'l••r' p,,., ... , t ~"" 'i, ''"t•tt t lt. .. h N"n•k nnff ltla ""'" flllll(lot tlu ' "3 n(•erh .. """ , ...... '""' ll~.l I ... ,.. .,, , ..... """''"" In Ut-•tr '"'' ,,.., • I d v I 1 ~ •nt "~t '""•-•• Jo: l14ltJdlf'V, who f,-.. .. n unu•uA ,. ,. """' ,... No·wr••rl I '' j.:htA ''""' I :,tt~ '' '"" ""'' ,.,, ..... ltwn It h•• rt•f•""'(! I".... --lcomrt1 llfll'r 11 "'~~'"''~~lui l·l·>t ul11 Sf'ltl ht-''"II"MI ,.,1,, ul Mji, lou t N" _ "'"""'"" ltlf' d &y )'ll.rt.l. f'UIIhod 1111,1 m••tly hrltt th,. !)IIIII nf h11rbor ......, . ..., weterfrf)nl projf-,.1 will prm ttk 1; ton llllllittll lllltmct 1.111,, s. ,., l4>i ", ,,1,..,. •~ '''''"· lly 1111 l""'ulh•r ,,,,. In ,N,.wpart II a~ .O:nd:r:tl • ttl111~on11l lou nt nn ru111,l•• '" tho· .,1,1 ,.~ 1111 qlnl( lhlll lttotrwt "'''' •hl'flf· lind,...,... llllari~Mt. 11 111 1,. •• lf•nVf' rom that pol I • e . ...._. hay, t'llf'h hnvlne.: it !I n" n prh ,,,,. 1•1• 11 St·ttl, ..,..ho waa f.,urth In llf'\'tod 1., tulwo brfon ctn·tA•-.t f,..,,11 '" ttak fnr • C'OflllnUanc!e - brae!' lind f'ttl'h prn\'l!l<od with " th•• \'Ill tnt.: rlln •t,.ndlly brlttnll ""' ttn ""'~··he.....,. whlrh ont't• dorltc<fj II'IIYf' until 1\f" le otnrtally ,., ..... •lip. A common wttlk •t tlw l'f'nt•·r I• 11tltn11 r·•ndldlllc'll thrc)lll!holll tht• 1,1 the P'ft'. • from llw-~· 11 ::::. ~ wUJ mttkr f'\'t'r )' lol t!ll't'f ... lhll' In lnlouiiiiiOrt trom John otrr )'ft J . _ t~ 11tpa In lhr n>nll'r or l'ttrh of A ourJirl•ln.: n11mt...r of ,11,,.,. l'br)''ll IIUiomallc: lf'a¥1! wu to....,. lhN'r C:OVNI, whll'h nrr II) hr , .. "''1: ",.,.,. """ lnr ""' '.ll ..... ,,,,, Wllr Rusine. Booming lrlln•plrf'd Aawll 14 wtth the~ .-d out from thto pr .. ~c·nl r•lt~llln1 1 1,.,,.nw S tnnt.·y t ... r1uduov•~~. Jn City CAMIJ1 ty ttnd tlwo followtn• wwk wt"-a lAIII P'la••rd "h" r<•t•t•l\t•tl h• -lttllllto'AI ~ttlo• lh«' rfl)'. A nt'W rnndway ls 'plrtnn•••l ,,,,,. 1 ,,m 1 •1 ,., .. ,.., "" H 111411"'"· whlrh !lltrlkl"'l may lnll'rlf'f? with IIOff'lto 'l"hr ftJMnf'r tulrb<w muter t1 llltl'llnsz th,. ~,,.,,. hll(hwnv. 11 "'"" , ,.1 .'I 1,,,11,1, 1.,,. 111111 lht•'ll nf IKIIII,_ ,.,.,._hrr••. hut •t!f•nttlnl( uw.t of hit llmf' on the I'Xfi iAin••t1 hv Tnm llo·nrl•·r•"" ,,.,. tin•· wnt• tn '"''' ""' ,.,.~1 Itt ""' d lv n•ert Ia lwt~onllnl( rltChl di•·IU't>l n•••r 2!) f'11lmt1 wbf're I.,... prrt!ldl'nl nf thf' "'"'' ""rt"" '''"" '" 'I '\/, "t••rl 1 lo•l!,!ht • l•tr II I' "'""It wtlh ttw ""'' •IIC1111 ttl ~ltrln.c t1h'111t• "' ruunty nlf'n ano p&amiJc Thl11 ri'IAd will ,.,..,.,.h nil 1\H '"'' ' ., 111 11 l.u•t """1tft J••h·•· """ (;11rtln•·r 111 ci•·Vc•lttp 11 ll1rl[f' tr11 ct Into a whll'h lin· pint,, tl '• ,, , ,. '" ,.,Ito ,.1, •I S\1-t'l:l '"""' ,,,.,. lu rho• ''"" 11•ll•• I loW•'""' hi' h11• nnl tlftee mull) "' :vi f,,,., "II •lu· t. 1' 1 ''"' HAULS 45-LB. · ,1 ,, , ... .,,_, llo· tuocl :117 ''""'.., fiiM1 ro•lo•fl-t-fl frum hollpiiRI trf'lltmlftt ;.11 In lh•· r••~tr ,.,,,It 1 .. '" • '" ,. •' 1 "' ,, rch·nr''"' wt•f't' m<•lf'fl '"'' In •·nllto·ly 1tntl '" lllllnnlnt( ,, rt'ql*t "1:1' ••f 1:.111 f•·••t d· t• '· ••1•• FISH ON LIN£ "'" --.,,.,. . ...,,., ... ••tut-.... ,,. ""' tlwtll VItllll •t•llltlyr••nc•whlltenll ptu'•"' ilt '"" _,,, •I • 1 • '"''' ' ''''I''''' ''''~'•' "'''h t tnttu ,.,, ••.• ,,, I••Hvt• "'' ''"'' h•• ruuy ~tum lt I~ ··~l"'•·•··tl ... ,, ,, I ••• "" AT PAVILION IJt)(l t\ ft •• .) t t ' If h 1 fJWitV ft~ "' t11 tO h t .,,,, JliiH't d ,,. ''" ··:tl• nd,;t Hflflr l¥1'ff "' .,,,,,, . ru nd• d " .I"" 'I II·• •• ••••utf• , IJtl ''' •tt·utl u • •I • ••• tr tff u ,.,.,.,. M '"'a "li' • tl "'' •"'••11•1 ,,,., ttl•• '" 11" ~" nt • lult 1 •I tl• II•"" Ito\ flt'lt · Ill II 11ru- ft•U ttlll I tifflttl.tUd• I t , ,,,,, f ;uur•l tn th•• t1 . S. I ,, ' • I f 'I ,,,, I "'' .,. ,. ,, • ~· • I trill I' It f '" \ "' ,.... 'lftl:e ,., \' . ·~ Newport Girl Hospitalized ~n Auto Crash I I,, I I I \ft•. ~'tnl• I Uf tr II•• I ,. \I t t I ~ ~ I I If t I lht' , .... , ••• " , •. ' Tho•ltnt1 )'nul :!11h •lro 1 I, ' ·lhol 1 I ... ,. ' .. .. • I • I •lrl\'1 n '" \\ ol!o ,., 1 ' •t I! • '"'I ~,.I ftf .\ ,, f ttl lffl • 1 '" f I ft• I j I ,,.,,1 nn,t \ , 1 tr • ,,, ' '•• IPH'' ~''"''''' , '• 1 11 • 1•1 t 'r .. • J tJ • ,.,.r, v. ,,, , , ,, ·I 1 ,. , , 1 • ' \fl'•• ll•·rtlo • I' '"I •' \• 1 • "' ' I I 1 .,1 t '''f.' II t · ... , , ..... ,., I • 11111 I 1\' ... ' tl f ,. ,, , . ''ltl I I tit~ t ttt • I '•I ,, ' II I '· I l '•If' " I ~ ....... , I• I ttl II !l11 I ' I' t''l I ., 'I •• ' , I It •• ' I I ( uunfy l'l;:rlllN.., I••·"' . \ pprm·a l uf "••sa \'••tt.•rinary llo~pi1 :tl , ·'f ·1 t., ., '" ,,, , f I " I ~' ,, I . " I It,, I \ • '. t Ill tt I I , I" I t 11 "'• \1 (fl ·I t I t U1 tl' I tl \ I' l •t1 ~l ft If Ut f •If'\~ I \1t·\, I "I tft ('t t\ • cl , )jll• '"'''' • :'>fl~~ , ... , 1'1• I' .. I 'A ttl k ,, l•f t tl .,_ ft1t I {J'tU f l •'I~ lito• :".' \!o t••t I f'l t1 o• t' II til lo, nt.l• tl• r•·tttrn h«Hr'l• ,. ''In tt r, -.\ ,,,.,,. II ....... ~ ~· ••• ,, Itt tit•• "''" 1 1•11111 11 UIFJll ttn llt\t Y I )( f•tlltt\" t'lt• H II 1 1 I•' t•1 th• lutd\ UU1t tfp lt•~tool tl Wf>Uid 1tf1Jto111 It 1•,.111•·1111 tl ~lll ... h\IAIII~IIflJir'J"Vt•tl Mrtl'l It !1. ''''"" first English War Rride Arrives; Wife of Balboan • •' ,.... I,,, r 11'1tlwn ·• ' '"'I I'"',, ... , \ " I 1 111• I I,,,, I' • '. I t II " . ,, ., " I 'I,,, " ••• I'll•• .. ·' I I • I ~ f I I ' I I • •I I 11 "' I tot'IIJih 1 t • I I ldft I ft--lht41 \\ hlr-h I I I •J <ttfflw 'rttt• (lf"U•• 1 it 1 t 'Ill' f htlf kiPfl, ..... I " It " '"I' lllll'k t1 II I 11 tt,llh 15 ''"' ,, "" ',, "' .. I I httt• II nnd ,. ' .. I ,., '. \II t I I I ' .. I I . 111••\HIJ.: tM • 'I·J• '"''r•• rnur· I I "' 1'1 11 • . ,, . I 11 ' . I • •' • • •I thnt •h~, 1 , 1 " 1\•• • who ··~'· lttt~plltl "hlp ~~~ •lu 1•111~ It, I" lie• I '••tl ( 'rllllll I! t• •t•l,.nlll will "·· ., ,,..,..,lltul r •I .\1• • , he• I•·~ \VK • .t ,. '" •••1r wrnlhrtt'1 I • '•·~ "fttt h1111 11 ~ ·~ tf~t• r•"'111•t r l'lrl'ft)f, \• t \.\ .. I fl I •1• ~ ttft h1tC n,nth .. 1 , , • 1 , , .... P• "" tt" 1tt • • t • h·l •' , •· • : ~ 1 ~ 11. "ftrr .,, ., ·• •' '' ,,,,,, ·• ''"' ~ n"'"'h "'' ', ..... (t•tt,•ln ~~nl• t:'""l '"~•·~ .,, 1~ ,,.1: "utut•tl, l• • l~trttl, t•e!IIH'''• r:c·rman) llttfl Africa. .. f • --...... -------~~~------:---------,_.N;.;.:;;E;.;.WPO=-=.R.!.. B~A !'lo'"E\\18·TDIE8, NIIWJOrt ~SMell, Oalllol"!!a, Tt_.•x, April_ I,_ INC:.:;_ _______ ------------------~----- N£W .. OAT-8ALBOA R C Conducts War Br.ldes to \ Corona del Mar sta~le Shipping for ~orld 'fr!lde Due, •:~~~..I.~~~~ -· · News BehevesN. Y.JoumalofConunerce ---N H H bb.. N t•t• d 1 Ay Rt>ssle L £Wnt'dlct l Ttw pOatwar ft"V<'I of ship freight •-;;a I-,.-11 ... ~.,....... v.._. XDVID ew . omes u les 0 I le D v aa· ·-.,._, : ~... ....._. u I :ltr' c G WnldC'Ck and mother. "rnl••s has yf't to be dC'termint'd '"I owney oters J8e i:~:.~:,.~::l; ;·A;~;:;~:v In Onnp O..ty; I I ~n~ ,,";~;:~;~\:0~ ~=~~~~=~~~: ~~~1n ~'!'::~~:~nt:!;~!:i~lrs .;:'k $525,000 by 111 to 1 ~.! 75 Jk'T yt!arto 4111 ZCJ)e; 13.00 per yeer to ltb ._ One of the mollt lntert'lllng 11nd ---I'"'' r~'• ··ntly for pornts east. They MmpPnsntory ra~,ts thd't will re· -- -------------helpful lt'rvicet lnauguntt'tl hy Co t C ) will drivl' by way of the Carlabad flei:t lncreasro opc•rnting costs and Voters of the Downey Union ···;red .... &•ound·Ciue matter •t the Poetotflcr lr.!~ Beedl. lhf' ~'<I ('ross sine<' •'nd nf the' war un y ounse Caverns. They e"'""Ct to be In yif'ld 8 rensonablf' rf'IUrn. HIRher High schuol district last week • CaiUornla, under the Act o1 March 3, uuw ..,,.... 1 hal be<'n that of hnndlin~ lnf11rmn· •A· 1 D • • 1St Louis untU June. , rates chargt'd by British and other vott'd approval of a J525,QOO bond t?:ER ~-· -· · % • .......... tloo •nd o<tuol "'M"'"".""" or ppea 8 e(JSIOD I ~ .. ""d M". R,.r~rt .a .. tc.. 111 ford&n ~per• tors will make the Issue by an unofficial count of PORTER • • • • -Gawnl ~ war brldt'l of Aml'rlcan GJ . from o· Se t• .. I ld boucllt thi' Cllrt compt•tlllve fiii'IOr ll'ss lmportant I 111 to 1. -lLLARV • · • . • • • M Edftor thrir port of tlPhnrkaliOn until 0 grega JOn t 81 10 8\'f'tl~,lll Mllri old .. In ~terminlng the level of ratt'l Funds recelvf'd from the bonds DIXON -. . A.,;nu.e, NewportAdw~.·~ thi'V ltrl' In the arms of thl:'lr hUS· I -~~~': :..::-t:e,. uve ..!. u:::. on AmC'rlcan flag lines. I will be .ust'd for irnprovl'mentl to ==-~A.::-r .. --:•.a: • Plant, 3011 W. Central ----banda. . An ltfll'll'lll has br<>n mild(' hv thr r••t ,.,..,, Tile leeks witll • lnten.ll' rompetltlon for a re-the a~hool facilities and campus, Off&ci;I"Paper of th; CitJ of Newport Beach Uttle known hereabout• rs tht• rountv Counsel J()('l Otzll' again~t frlrnct from 8&11 DH1ro wUI drive, duced volume of tr~c deprftlll'd t includmg a new audHQTlum. A D 1 w. a-1 1 t.Uadotl for Oftr n I'..,. 1 hu·t that the h""al rhapter hu .llx Jud~f'nt r<'ct'nlly handf'C! down_ ,..,., Raturdll,Y. to Bfolv~. IlL, (l('f'll n frC'I~ht ral!•s "lar l>l.'low an Jptn • • @) ~ 10 far In which their anxlou~ hv 11 fl'drral rourt ai!TW'd a~t•ln~t ,, h,.,. Mr ... '"•"• wtll Ylalt llerl f'<'nnomlc levl'l during the '3011. Ne'WTV\rl. BaJbea ToarUt BunMUI Acti•e · hubbies ~·ant to know about who segT('Illltlon or student• of Mexican parf'tlt•. 1'tr. ~ MrL Art MY-. W ith prc.pects bright for • sub-'"'I"' .. . . . ar.. f'n route to NMVpOrt llprbnndr. or l.atln d~nt in four Orange '"'" rouple owtD vt .. t Mr. o1Mk'l l 8tantlal lnr-rr11~ In the volume of All Model ot TraWII to n&rope, Kedco, Ha~ Mea~ber n vt' of whom are Englilh ~rl-.a rountv arhool district mothf'r "' o .. Kcdh. OCX>an frt'lght traffic over the next Rowld·the-Wortd Tripa lD the_.-future. -one an AUitrallan. The tlnrt onl', ~1 1 r . s A I f tltl h uld '-· of B Sch 1 1 Frl-'"' "· rounse or 11nts na, Mr.""""" wtn oro to .,_.,. ... 0 to I ew .Years, compt> on s o ..,... lin. 8oJ ..... I'lL .L I01 .......... Mrs. ruce 0 "· came n We«tmln1ter, GsrdMI Grove and th•· National ._.,.,.11 Couaril IHI lnteme. And 1ince coet1 will day and wal met. by her hUiband El Mnden11 school dlatrlct1 ..... · be IUbatantlally hl&ht-r. It is logical ...... 11 ,.. & .. 1 ~ & and mothfor·ln l•w at the tnln In • ,_ "A1hlr ll •ubl,.b ..-trac'ts to Ua'- l ·. that If the circuit court &oclalon """'"" of CallforaJa. tlw Ooobe., to expect th•t n tn will be ar.bll--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Loe An~~ R<X'I •~talnat the achool districts he Ru~r rto. Nortlt.nlp A!ftr..rt. lze41 •t • level weD •bow th8t ol • ~ t wh~ ~ th~:' will CUT')' the luue to thf' Supreme rnltf'CI Rtat~ Plywood Co. ... tile the ~.,. J)f'riod. Th.la wtU call Jt Ia eomewhat puz:zl!n& _to ua when ~ hear ftate- _. IUCb u were recently made In the Seftate that ~ UriMlld 8tata, ln order to prewnt an atomic war ol the ....... tbould ,. • world IQWiDihtt'lt. • Wbat wortd ~QYemment! ptft' a, . 1 expec to Court. . ll"atlooal ~h u4 Muatao-for conaldenble lncrt'uea ovn the ~!~~e~t~~~t~,: The r~nt jud(nwont which tM turin~ Co. of CorOlla del.__. ~alllnr )f'vel of Utt'l. ~from N y k f 1 county districts u e •PPf'allnc wu Ran Olf'11'o ,to d,.v.,lop a •-_, If th•t 1a t.:W ~r oi :'!b~~~':~~ m•df' ar•ln~t aecrecatlon, u • ~· hf'tt,., artint'tal llmb. Mr. ,,.k•'ll762 Empty Beds f her lhl M"Yft'a1 da)'i~bd . sult of a suJt brought by aevn•l f'Ofn.,.IIY lltrfl ta worlldll« • a 1 1':' Ia ~ ,: _arr1ve .. II her h:~ Latln-Amt'rlcan eltJuna on bf'tl.alf pl .... ,.-· ,.... 't'l!tH'UW AMilia-Available to v etl band f t her the th of their mlnor chlldrf'n •nd of t.tr•tlllll Ia ~ a~ I V A. H •tale chapt~~~hla f•ct wt~ ~ "IOmf' 5000 per80nl" almllarly .,. rrntrnm to .,.nlop limbe ot • .,.I n • oepl "'--th fected. ,_ typea. --Rtd "-._. •t •t port. -I Empty beda In Southern CalJ- 'nle U.S. mllltU"Y fOI'Cft do not Would Sto.~p Lahor ' ' '"'" •f'f'd I• p eat to euppb the fornl• Vetf'r•n.s Admlnlatr•tlon HANSEN'S • .. , .. a&.illrii*•• • •·-=e-~ ................. ton wbo made the ~ do not IDNJI the ........ Natlona Orpnbaticn, which tlwy opealy feei ~ • ...._ ~ praervlnc peace'.' 'J'bey appuently have In .... the·formation ol a ~ ~ lUre that ~ PI'Y her tr,rwporl8llon •fter ahe 1'7.0110 nl#raae le thle f'OUatry hoepltala or leased faciUtle. April arr1we In port, If hn hUibiUid DillJutee on Food I ••1111 IUitUie arttftcial .... Mr. 1 total~ 1762. Lt. Col. F. G. .. a... .. ~-' ~t.a her. It wu erplalned heft Pr Ide 1 A J Sch f Or-.a ... u •10 ro 1111 to tiM W81t.Pr Bell. mf'dlc•l dl~tor for .n v. ~~~;~~~ii~~~~~~~~i;~~~~~~~~ by Mn. Eve Hendridtaon, ln " " . · · utte 0 llHCI IH»plt~ 1• "!MialaCtllll to 1\. hoapUallzatlon tn the 1.2tl'l charre of horne wrvtcea. However. llllge County Farm Buruu lUI· 1,...,. •·lnt ,,.,. dttftcoaJtts are u4l B ch ld tod Th PIIOfESS1Aal&.l DI .. ,.,TORY ,_t --u oondlt.JGu ........... cr-wtU aee that .... nounced lut night hla orcanlutlon -t ""t llaad laf-..ttllll recv«J-railllll bl. .., ay. fesel hare nn.AI. ...__, ~~-,._..,_~----.. .., _ __._ ..a 1-'tl ... __ ... av .a f' or veterans o et er tit an .. lnternattona.l netkln," 10 to i!pl!ak, that .would bride and child, If •ny, are pro-...... _..,,. to .... ~ m m aTrn: rn~ '"" lltaattOII. · World War I or JI illl6l* aur own 48 states exist. -:~~~~~~~=:~~~~~..,~~lt~h~food~~wi~t~h~•~~~~~~.r~~~op~~~•J~o;n~the~~re~n~er~a~l~e~l~~tl~onth~M~I~;•~S~'~'~~jP~P~Ir;a~,.r~.~7~00~A~v~~;~do~.hn~~~~~~~·~~~-~==+r===:~&~OOO~~O~M~T~~~~:?==~~~~~~~O~~~ACIPDa~;;~;::-J .. ··~ wtth adftdent authority.~ " ,.. s •ce for 369 domiciliary beda ·-able, it mieht eo a long way toward Pft'WIJtinK a future her If lhe arr1ve. without money. ,~ ... hot car~.~:..!'~yndj~~~Rd~~:~i AI hrr home to II ltTOUP of ICbool be-en freed ·a, West Los Angeles J. I. "B YT-11 PIAN CllEK _ _. unfortunately, audl -----"-tkJiw canDO( be Thia Ia five dolllln Pl"' day WhJch c Opp8RI' !'IIWK-u • fril'nd.~. fnllnwf'd by a trt'at a t the __. I'U ~ ......., ... .--she may •pend u llhe chooaet. diaputH and otht'r l11bor union plrturl' llhnw Th1>11r cntoving MiRa by moving of the Loe ;\ngt'te« Re-••~ w * 0111.., "-,.._ G. VAI.JNSENBAJU) euatld OW!I'rlJaht. In tact. f'Yen the UNO, aJthough It II Red Crou •t•(.f ualatant.a ac~ practii'H which would interff're PII'CI'r's hnspitnlilv were Loll Rlonal otfiCt>S to the formu Doug· "'7 ~I to ,__ ..... .. Graduate ~lly impOtent beci!UBe of ~tiona and veto powen company thew fOrt'lgn born bride. with produrtlon. movrml'nt. pro-llolt7 , Snllv Mr MII1Rn. Jot~nnll laa Aircraft rompany plant adja-~n;:" ~ ~ --. a.,.l ~ • ...._ .... '-the BlC F1ve. 1.1 finding lt hard lledd1ne to go through •croa tht' country to \heir dt'l· l'P5slnc nnd dl'lh·('ry of food to I.ltholcl. Junf' K<'rnr. Norma Mar-Ct'nt to the hospital on Sf'pulveda aoouaumo .. nca 1.528 ~· ~WP'rant "'I tln•Uon. and ur•nac thf'm In ronsumPrs. 1 11 ,.. ,._ ... _ St Rlvd, AdditionAl spare for bt'ds om-..... ..,._ .,,. .. ~ •-.. ~ of ClliT)'lng out ~ IJUl1lC*S for which It was " H ll nrtlon was nnnounred fol-~ 111 • ''""r~" ' n&mn•·rs, ev(' will he availAble as soon as oth"r • ,..._ -----.-w IJ"'UPI for 1uch lriPI. Th<'Y see .... ~11ilnr. .tnhn Pnrk11, Dirk. J ont'l. offl-ror~s ~an ... ., mov--' to thn • Q I 5 th•t the nf'W citizens 81Tive safely lo,.~lnc thl' work stopplllf(' •t the R \\' II .. p PI ~·-" ~ "" ""' ~ I .__ :n II nPr anu f'tl'r eger. Doualpl bulldlna. ... ....... .._~ -...... --.J~ t Is tireJ at hornf>, and kN'p hubby informt'd1 norlhPrn C'111ifnrnin ran~f'r et1 ....,.. .. ... ~n.oac;va •-Ia ~ to lilY that a wv.-governrnen en Y of ht'r time-of arrival If he-Ia un· c11u~r of n jurlsdirtlo.,nl d ispute be· :II!"' J ohn ?.kl1nnnld. 312 Nar-The additional f•scure of 1393 r--------------r *'nary. 1be world may be fOI"'Ced to It 80ine day. But ahlt> to m('('t her. twM'n AF'L and C"IC) unions. "'"~11~ nvrnue. 1~ iJ'mverlng from I r<'prC'sent!l fh<' numtwr or lwdt Armand Monaro tiler ,__,._ of poUUcal and emotJonaJ devcl n rnnlor o[lf'rnllrm ol hf'r homt'. llYRilnbl(' 1\1 of April 1 In the g.en· .... ., .... 1tages op-• Slw rc•lurnl'd Tt'C<'ntly from Loa C'rnl hospital Ill Snwti'IIP. in Sir-ARCHITECT ~ Dationa simply do not IJ8el1l reedy to jotn such an or· England Strong for Social Experiment, An~:r·lf'S. mrnscham hospital. nnd In Army 814 w. Bay Ave., Balboa • , t'm How many Americans would be willlng to place n· h Pnl J\ndf'r!<on, dnlll;htC'r of F'lor· and Navy hClSpilnla With V. A. ron· Newport 1'7!, .. Nadon'• atfaln Wlder the control of a world state'! And, Declares. Richmond Times-tspa~ r nrr And•·r~n 1~ !lfnr~~ilf' lr11CI5. !'nl I.Aiu!woocl A•e. R\'I'O\If' I!< nl homr from thP C'nm" Loo AJaceJea NO~y 1401 .. If the majority~ wiUlng, would be Britllh, the Rus-The Rritl1h Lah<>r party. In con· munltv h1>11pitnl in Snntn Ana rr-------- ~~French. the Chlneee and lOme 60 other nations be !~~~ tl:t. !~~;~:~~"~',cf:r;r:,~~! c. of c. Oi»Poses-: M~~;ln~n~ro~r~nn c:•rx';,~;~~m7~1 lu~~ ~~~~~·p~~:s l)(~;!n dt~w~n~~a~8~ __.. polla lut summer. has rf'C<'nlly Ch I Se t Mnrhcold avrnuf'. rNurnt'd Satur-pnr kni:C' ahout "i~hte<'n Inches It would ..., that. lns~d ol ... __. .... the UNO over-l trmgthel'lt'd It• poeltlon hy IUC· a••e n ... e d r lh ... . I s lonsc ... ortJ·mer co:.hool uuv-u• •-a ny rom n r~'t"·11ll\' IMP n 11n "\\'ha('.s that•" l'fll QC ..__. • ~ And tr.yt.ng to .t up a world authority far ~ ln 8 numbf'r of locnl <'I<'C-R tatl n1t>1to 11nd JuliAn In thf' mountains 10! 0on1 11a111011 lalalld ~-.t._ tlonl in many parts of the country. epresen 011 'JlMo)' arriw-tl nt Pnlm Sprln~ Just 1','My ~,·if~'s aw11y, 10 I made my-Pr .• I r, we had ~ter do all w• can to ll:n!ngtMt me 'The party elthfor malntlllnro or I I r ...,. __ .,. aPe. ,. 0....._: OoUetre. ~ -.. a.... .. &-and --t.-It .. _.... U --~ ln I f n t ml' nr thl' 10th Annual..,.,.._..,, "A hit long. Isn't C't~", DAY SCHOOL ~ Jl I ot ...... -uun UJOM:' ~. we liMA.~ lncr.-ued Ita con .. rol of toea • . A propoeal to Chlln~f' lh(' I t& I•' Show thl'rr· Mrs. Grupe> Sllld the ' "Lo .. s it' I It' -- DAY BCBOOL -H. R. Hall, M. D. Hours: 2-5. by A.ppoJntmeat Telephone l620 111 ........ h .. ., OONRAD BIOIITER, II. D. ..... ,...... ... ...,.._ 120 E. 18th St . OOST'A !iESA HI'IUrs : 1()-12 a.m.; 3~ p.m. Phone 133 .... U. worid wt1l be better preplJ't!(l for a higher .tep. f•lrs In tt!He conl.l'tllll. repr<'lt'ntatlon in tlw C'nllfomin para~ wall two hours long and h ~: · ~rC' s ong-1 a ~..!;.~.orUmer, 11· ~:a~ Labor wu already pownful In lt'nate to plaet> It on the same waa d<'ll~thlful. Sallv Ml'lxmald. r_u ___ pl_e_. ________ ,_ ___ .-________ __. r------------1~' borou~rh •nd urban dlatrtct.a. hasls 111 that of th(' IISSE'mbly.l ~andd•u~thter of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. G. E. TohiJt London wu rulf'd by • Labor m•· which the Mulpoaa County Cham· John McDon•ld, 311 NuduUI 8Vf'-RHEUMATISM ' DENTISTS D-8 : __ 88 Boom jorfty before the rK't'nt t'14'Ctlona, ber of C'omm('r~ rommunlcatl'd to ' nue. was a Dutch tdrl in the achool l d-li.'RTHRITIS UUBIIIe but now Its majority therf' II In-1he local group would he dangf't'()UI n08t The Grupe. viallro the Jack an n . • c:r?ued. The party won lR lt'alll to 11maller communith•a. esf)ei:lal· Mcnonald!!. pannta of Sally, who I sutren!d for years and am 110 Dr. Obed Lucu DEN'I18T • .It Ma been MkS that there never was a ~ favorable from the Conaerv.tlvt'l and lost ly c itlf'11 or Orange rounty. It was hav' " lovt'ly hnme up on thf' thankful thllt I cnn walk and wor1< ... to 1tart a new ~ than at ~t. How tnJe that four. two to the Uberala and two stat~d by Joe Beoek. srcrPtary of mountalnsldf' t~·arda Pa lm C'an-again wit hoot pain that I will glad· .1. ll!!l .. we don't know but Callfornlana by the-thou· to the C'ommunlats,borln the muhnll~ the Sl'nAtf', who was aske-d for hla yon. Thr Grupt'l ~tnt'd at thl' ly aruwer anyone. writing me for not% w. Ceatr&l I'lL. 1481 -· • • pal COVf'mmf'nt La now 0 view at the· directors mf'l'tinc of Wlnt<'r GIIJ"den hotPI •t P•lm Information MRS EMMA JVES NEWPO&~ BEAOB ~-to l&lft with it. ~·,:;;::1~0 ~ Conaen~ativf'l tht' chamher Monday noon. S~lnp, run by\ Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Bnx ts9. Lntc A~gt>les 52. Calif.' ,. ........ ol DeW enterpiUel betng Bet UJ» ln the state . I The belt lntf'rHt.ll or Onn~te Tauchrr. 423 Poppy 8Vftlut". The 1...-------------' . ~~~~~!£ aU .A-In · th . U than Moat of the county counclla put· county cilit't would !)(' scrvl'd by GruPMI found the mountalrw •nd 'Ill • recoh-. one mon recen y more aide Qf London have bet>n tndl· k!'<'ping the rt>prt'A('nlntlon. in the dC'St'rt In full bloom. Expert Dr w w w tm relaDd ... were born. tlon•IIY anti·Lahor. but In the UPJX"' house u It Is. lk'ek said. • • • M 0 or CIOUIW mc.t ol thew are smaJ.I--.gu stations beauty elt'ctlonl the perty gained control because If II is chang('(! Ill propos<'d w-t ytyearnnrt Field Shoe Repairing DenUIIt , tid • • or slx countlea In •ddltlon t~ four on a hasil of pQpUIAtlbn. thrPe ~o l,_ .... I"' ::-=::..... ntall lton!a. But IIDall .. _.,.... expl'~ the It .treedy held. Anti·Sociallats counties will control the statt' he Heads OiJ DriiUng W1dle You Wait ltol CoMt BlWQ dlllre UDOI'IC the American peosR to be "on their hold . JICJ'IVft' In 51 rountrll'l. but said. Thollc counties would be .LOI Permi•-for State OOBONA DEL MA& --ol tban llart thel unde.._~rt .. ., with the Labor rl•lma that lt now control• Angl'les San Franc•sro and Ala-us ••• PboM Newport 1011 -r • .......... local .tfaln for 25,000,000 of Brit-f'd · ···-~ tbe.y baw awd or with ~ help ol f.riellda cr rela· .tn'l 48,000,000 people: m •· ,.._u. --n The prl'tent s)'Stt'm works wrll JD t'-day~. and e.pedally here ln '-A&.I&Ornia, .,..,.. Sl~ thew f'ltd lona wl're con· In stabilizing the 1tate economy, ~~-~~~~--~~· QUI ~ obtain ftftandal ...wtanoe from C8'ned with Joc8l lu~. the re-glvinR the producing 8reu equal ~ ault.a cannot be retr....s.d u C.pt'C· lb fad, baDka bl thla ltate have ion& made a prac--lally 11ptncant with ~ard to the rt'prt'lentatlon with the heavily .. fll .......__ i!pedal attention to tbe needs ol mnaD busl· pubUc'a •ttltuck toward ttM-Attlee populated one.. ht' pointed out. .,..,... 1 .... t .... ff d 'nle d lrei:IOMI agr('('d, and votPd -..;.. --..._ ___ ..._,of "llttle fell~' who bave thrtYf!d ~ · uu u .. ·y • or 10me · -a.--...,.._._-lftdic2Uon th•t tM Britilh u e atlll to hav<' their l<'rlslatlve cnmmittl'e ... pown Into '* companAea bu been ~ ~ no amalJ •tronJr ln their auppart ol the So-.pr~pare 8 rt'IOiution oppoalng any • I n to the advice and ~ prcll\'tded by Calllornla d.tJat nperimttnt. l<'f:lalatlve rhange of this nat UTI' 1--------..ta fl'om throulhout the state Indicate that 80ine of SAJC Claa1ee to Hold 1 ,.0 ,. INtuRANc~: ••• .. '-t ~ for new en~ are In eatlnc and Ann. Dinner April 11 Howard w. Gerriah ........... food .torea, .port.ln& good~~ ltona and Jug--- .... ..._ Other llnetiiUCh u mUik: and rw11o ~ fum. AlUIJUll of the 1926-27 dlllllt'l --.-• ol the Sartta Ana Junior rolleae ..... tobecco, liquor and jewelry are aJd to be"-brtlht. will hold tht'lr annu•l get-t()JPtht'r At any nte._ tmaD bullnNa In CAllfomla Ia ~ dtnrwr April tt. at the Frf'nch (. ~ • cale tn Santa Ana. •ccontlng to a Doom. Allm Goddard, chalrman of the committee on arrangements. Down to the Bone ... It wt.U be an lnfMmal aff11ir. Godcbrd diacloaed, wtth • dinner and IOdaJ hour. 1 MiA Thelma Patton will be touatntiatrcu for 1 .._ ... Automobile • fire Accident • Life UceDH and Contract • Boacia Written --kine ol -·-. and txwity, p!l'hapa the. lbng ._ .... neowiPrtnt short..-. wOOid· provide an enr~ the evn.~na. 1 ·-----------~ ICfaooi"Wln the art~ epitome. . DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH .. Marolt Co. of the Weat Newport field wP. pl•ced at the top of thf' l Jilt for the state for thf' flnt tlmf' lut week wtth the filing of noll~ to drill on sev~n Wf'lll on t hf' Ban· nlng l<'ue. It Is pl•nnt'd to drill Noe. 48. 56 to 59 lnclualw, 62 and 63. Ray Pagan 51& East Bay Front Hat .._ .. 8a7 VIew Oale ta .. a.tolp.m. of this a.an, Family N~ Till OIIUsTIAN 5aENCZ MONITOI ............. .... ......... ......... ........... ':-11 'I~ ............... .. ..... ~. .._. .................. .... :J I .:;;.=.-:a:.:=:,.,~.-": -~~--------------·---·-1 cc:-.e:n-~---Di%~~,r ....... _._.,.._ ... _ ................... _ .. . ...... ....... .,. -·······-·······---o .... ~.-• .,_ r ,, ·-..... -......................... -.. M· .... r . ._________________ • -P: ONCE AGAIN • At leut Brtt.lah ,JoumalMm found .-nP truth ~ such a ..... wbm ~ restrtctiona reduced Ita ~ to four- filii dally new~papen. Tht. mNnt Uttle flair for Individual ...... ~Uon or approach, but the papers told the story or • war and the pu~k knew as m~ aa UttJe...-.u any ..... ~. 1 SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Yoa ._ ..._. PIMe to DIM .. Olrup eo-t,: 18 taet the Je.on .eems to have~ too well. Britilh ....... wiD keep thftr reduced size under government dlrec> alii wblle Jle'Wiprint w exported. 24-Hoar Radio Service BurtR.Norton tu 01M1 ..._, ,.._ Mit lf....,.. .... a.a f; ... ,.-_.. .. . ·' ,. All New_ .. • • Even the Locadoa . .. One-Halt r.me Eut ol Old Location on Cout Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbun CalifoniJa Ill Ute Servtng ~ -SEA FOODI-- AUIO YOUR...Sttf__... -VJU!' OUit X»*"" - Sa•'s Sea Food Spa and Fllh llnet , ............ , INaAANOil New York Life IltiW'ance Company DON L DUUNT U8 On:ll.ld AYe. ..,._. 1161·1 COR.CliN A DEL ,MAR OCCIDENTAL l..D'E INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen ...... u .... Ill &. Bay AYe. IIA.Iboe MO&TICIAS8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelva the Better Serw by ~c Others Beat" ..._. Newport Nl OMela ..... Oalllonda OPTOJD:Ta18T8 Robert A. C~awford ~D' • OPT01111:'111UT EyeR Examined · GIURel F1tted 1 Til Newport lloaleftrd ,.._. UIO 008TA 111:aA E. T. Butterworth. 0. D. ow-t-trtet EI'E8 I'1UIIND) LENSU DUPLICATED _._..... ... ..,..... au• "· ~ ,._ ~ •n ,.....,._T ltfloU1I •uanvou Siegel & Raub'-· ..... , ......... , .. ·-Pf~ ....... 0.. .... T' e' •• ,_.., nn w. o.tNI ~-.wt .._. TIIJpll I I Ita ...,..... ........... 2209 Cout 'b1Vd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES-Oft!~ 286·W ~. 28&-R II 1\0 aNW«, call New-port 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 Weat Central Aw. NEWPORT IlEACH Ph. 1028--Ne answer oall 101·M X -Ray Service IOitoa II. 11uwe11. II. D. ••• a....& lllwaJ eor-... liar Offtce Houn: 1()-12; H ..... ,......,.... ... S. R. Monaro, M. D. 814 llaJ AYe .. IWbo& Nawport 1114 "' .. Bill 8&., Loo ....... TUeUr 'Jilt By Appolntm('nl "T. P. Reeder, M. D. Teleph~ Newport 801 A. V. Andrews, M.D • PBYSICIAH ... · •uaozoN Dr. W. T. Moon.ey Pb,.....udSarpo. Nlll ..... O..lnl Pbone (U ·II.r. ae"b) 4t Waper D,.se. t...utate Dr. wm.r o. w...- OtJropractic, Diet.Uca, Phylio & Colonic Therapy 1tlt.c-t Bl .... ...... ....,....._. ...... .... ZONE mERAPY CLINIC . . .. .. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -I- DUb" Debftr)"-ftoee 1%'7 1a1 Newpon m..c~. OOI!lT A ME8A Dellcl01.18 Sea P'ooct. Or. COIIIplete tqulpment wllm you want to ea ten your own. THE ·HURLEY BELL 135 COAST OPES DAILY AT. P • .W..· I 8Widar-at ! p. m. "The House of Fine Foods" IT'S YOUR GLAM[)S! P,_..C. BaekaciM, lleedaebe, PaJn1 le lep u4 pof_Ac.._ .ad p.a.. aad "dncJ'Id·out" feell .. l• woawn. ..._ of VtlaUty _ .. AIWil,J'I rtred" f~-8Uppllllf and Growtllr; O ld belon1 JOUr aa-. Aaem1.-mcb and Low Blood Pre.lll'f' BroftC!Idal ~Eesenur.-Non-Kid~y and He.rt Oondlu-, re· tp011s a~lly &o oar l:xdllll1ve Glaad ~ue developed ~ 11 ,...,.. experteece. NO PAIN-NO DRUGS--SO 8UIWI:BY-NO INIECTJON8. CONSULTATION FaR Bl' APPOINTMENT. PHON~ 11M Dr. E. F. Ben, D. C., PhC. lt'f n .. st. ewpon ....._ 0a111. Boon: t:lt &o l :IOMOINlar-_....._I'M&,_ I ~U~11111111lll -l»oth .c-c-lalm and 1"1"" Nlll'lrrM'I'I4 tM IM'W Tr.n"pa,..t and Sf'" llttf" Tran•· Trub> u-TMU. •• ttf'ln& lhf' ('lt.-t ~mhlan••f' to !loa· turo··,. O"n Tf'4'th and' (ium" ... "o "llrllllkc" In dfotnll. they t••n•l tn cnhant'P ~ onr P""""nal ll l'l''"ar:mc.... Thf' ''"'f'Jltlnnal llathl ""'l:"bl uf l hf'...-:\r" ~Ia· lf'rtal• rMult• In addfood ('om- lurt. EASY TO WEAR . . . will 110t war11 or 'hrlnk . . . hf'lt• a\·uld c•llc•klna, c.·ob- hllnr;. Irritation ,f'k. Or. ('o"'""'• Uhforal C'rNIIt y,.,.n ... l\o lntel'ftl or any u · Ira r har'I(P; •pl"'"ad thf' ,,.y. nlf'flt.. O\'f'r any ,..._,nablf' lf'nl{1h of tl~. Thl• llfMoral of· fr r appllM on a ll •t}:IP~ of dl'n· tal pia..,.,., lnl'ludlniC UpJlf'nt, In'"'''"· ptlrth•l~ and nw~tl.­ •lrnlur~ STEAKS P""""'W by Prof-ao-1 and Amat~ur DUIC'f'rw of T1NI ORAC'F. MHIJ>MAN II'CHOOI. OF DAN('JNCI. Of' MANTA ANA Friday, April 12, At 1 :411 p. m. NEWPOR T H A R R () R t ' S I 0 !1- HJ(;H' SCHOOL F1'11tur1n1 "'"., .... ,.. ... d LlNI)A BLlTE 'rtth r! ;,, C'"u-.tM \ff•,n. ~, .. .nvtrNt hy th,. (IIRI.'N ,~,\4,( t: , fnr thf' 1\fon,.tlt of thf' Orange County Prcsbyt('rian Hosa)ital Fund \•tult .. '7~'hlldn'n ·z:,. • -- 0 (IJ{ • . SPECIALTY (i t: ~ I I ~ t: ll I ' T T J; R ~ILK HOT CAKES • • ( · nmph•t•• l.undwnn----r.~w • 1 t·• 11 'i ''' 7 Suno111~ .. R ,,, :; ~~;,11 't "1""' II"'"· l'ol lto\ ond AI. Pmp••. '(*Ia M..,.. ..... Boat Owners ... Canvas By ·the Yard Wirlc Wlc11h. ,\II I A'lll'lh" Santa Ana Tent&· Awninl{ C'n. 16~J ~ Main St. l•hnn•· ~l'i' SAISTA A ':'A MAHOGANY CEDA R S 1-: 1·: T. S • Sam p~nn Machine \\ ork~ I 801 '""I"''' ftl\11 ( '"'" ""'" .. ... .. Council Accepts Subdivision Planned Near Corona del Mar 'l'ht' boed ft1)NII4 • • -• No. 400. "'t\lch proh.lblt.d ~ WI<' In snd armmd 1..01 A.hunl ... but ln<"ludf'd thl• ..,.. terri"'J' In t~ new law. • Thl' untl-11hncll lna nrdlnanee alite llpplll'll to the-to'alrvlt"W ,..,_ an•a whk h lit~~~ north ol the .,..._ ll•hf'd C'\lfliOIUnlty ol Coeta ...... - A~--- Shonllnw at r eta bla.hed , ..... ,,..,. riflt'll, n •volvl'rt or ahotcw-.. ptorml ttt'd. ' THE OPENING of 1n the 'FRIDAY, APRIL 12th INt VFW Post 6886 I·'Jh M Wh ( · f UCLA Still Hopes 1 ~'::8~,:n::E .. .!:T~oA. P_u_a_LI_c--=-N:...:o:...:T..:...:Ic=E=---__ ,I PuaL1c NOT1cu Owlld'l Move Here Meets at uso . e an 0 arne 0 For G I University Gws Van dcr U ndc has IOid hla Prior to Store Opening • • lhar<' In tht' Balboa Market to h1l thereof are rnpe<-tl~ly l't'QUcated Court, on or after the lOth day ot . --Head ... arters o· I I R. t t F t H s At s A Air Base par tner, t'rltz Goouena, and will to prc'Scnt said hens, claims,! Apr il, 1946, at 922 CJVJC CEN- D v H ~ow cr-or tht' ...-Inner s 10 0 un a . . 1.,-att' a malt ahop in h1l home and/or dt'fTiands to the Harbor TER BLDG .. 2M SOUTH BROAD-~opn.·t f"~~~iur" M:;.t whl('h Is Th.-II('CI(md mf'oo•tln.: of th•• Vt't-• • --t..wn of Garden Grove. Goout>ns Muter of Nl•\\'J)Ort St-ach at the WAY. Oty of l..o. Anaeln , County ..rpected to Opl'n Wlth thc com-eraiUI of Fol't'lgn W an Post No. .. 1-:\r·ry rommunily In the county ti sold a fourth lntercat Itt the above address on or bE-fore the of Lol Allleles. State cW Callfornla, -a-ou... of thA •to•• butldin" on f'onaldl'r~>d 00 ,. nl thl' hMt ~ct11101 v.>hu·h hns t•xpn'SS<'d an opinion on market. whj&h t. at 301 Main 1 elate or sale. 11 h 1 ht tltl d 1 1 -~" • • ·~ " ~ wa• lwl'd at 7 :30 p m . at d' 1 1 fth s 1 a-a-1 a I e rc , tan ntl'N'St o Clout hlghv.ay ~llnll.!.time In May, the U!';O building ovf'r Gunder· pla)'11 ~'"" prnliu<'l'rl hv thl' stu· IJI••S t nn ,, l' an a ...,,a "' ... y II n-et, Balboa, to Woodrow Cooper, By Or<k'r of City Council. sald Incompetent at the time of ... movtd to BAlboa bland with sl)n'll .. ~.-.tore. dPnll. The Mnn Who C'nm{' to Air nnsl' IIRJ't•('ll that a proposal the aale to bfo I.'Wllpleted Monda)'. Newport ]l('ach, California, Incompetency and all t he rlcht. ....... If d 11 da ht Th ... -Olnnl:'r" h11t Frll1nv nll!ht ttl the to i'Siabllsll a C I unlvenlty there April 1. 1946. -w e an ema ue t'f'. c MoniP Rou Gr\rn8, DlatJ1ct high srhool hrnucht storms of undo•r ou~pir<'s nf thl', University of RUSSELL E. CRAIG, UUe and lntert'tl thot the etlate GChrr partn('r, L M m aketley, is Dt·puty Chl.-f of Staff n llfod the lauahtl'r from a IArlCi' audience. California nt Los Angelea would t. PUBL1C' NoTICE• Harbor' Mp ter. of l&ld lncompt'tent has acquired to ("()m(' to tM bland I ~tlnl[ to order .. temponry with Bru~ M<'CIIVTI'n In lh<' tltlf' th{' most Wl'lcomt•, It was aiJ'eed Pub. April 9, 11, 16, 18, 1946. by o~ratlon of law ot otherwlae, • April 20. 'chairman. and It was d<'dckod to roll' of the wealthy and eccentric by dlrl't'\ors of the chamber of . NOTI<'I: OF PUBLIC HEARI'NO other t han or In addition to that of 1be partners have announced hold anotht'r mt'tt lne at the USO writer. 8 ,. BUOB lli!!.II'ILLA.M ,. rorrun••re,. In an Informal diacua-NOTrcw; OJ!' PUBLIC tli:ARINO • aald I ncom petent at the time of that the furniture ma rt has ar-1 '1\aHday nle ht, April 9, 7:30p.m. --.---. alon Monday noon. The Newport St-ach O ty Plan· tncompetency, in Uld to all that ,....c~ for excl1.11lve• dealenhlp In I All corrt"'pondtn~ ahould be The cu t woa hy far the largnt Some of the tall fishin& tale. Th<' unlvcnlty still h as the .mat-~ Newport St-ach City Plan· 1 Co 1 1 certain real propt'l'ty particular~ Zen!th ra41PI. ABC wuhJna rna-addre11ed to Olarla T. Roten, trained by thr dra..ma dl'pertmf'nt ttolna th{' rounds thl•ae da)'11 art d l · d 1 nina Commilalon wiJI hold a Public n ng mmlu on will ho d 8 Public dHCTibed as follow., to-wit: ....... ~ M.·c·"c ...... _, atov-and P. 0 . Box "'"'~. n-•o......-. • of thf' acllool 11nd Ruth Fr0f' .. 11ch t. h k fl h • !Pr undl'r S<"USIIon', an ocal men H r1 Heulng Thursday, April 18, 1946 33 Co -Iii' "''""' n ..,... ...,.,... • tl 1 ...., 1 __. 1 t ;u h l'nOU& to rna <' a 1 ehnan 1 hair whO contacted Dr. Clare~ Dyk-ea ng Thursday, April 18, 1946 t 7 30 p M 1 h Co Ch Lot 15. Block 7 of rona O'J(Hfe and Mt'f'rltt "81\1" In ad-A mem-.h!P commlttM con-en t...,. to grea .,,......., or t t turn arey. AI Foralt has the one f·~tra provoat • of the Institution at 7:30 P.M .. In the Council Cham-a : · ·• n 1 e uncll I""· del Mar, as per map thc!reof .._ to 8 comjJiete llDe ol qual-a1atlq ot Dale L Jobnloe and way In which the ctrl1 and boys about a 1urf ft.herman cat.chlnc arr .,'nrouraged 10 believe that tf-bfon. O ty Hall, Newpor t B«!ach, ~~;0~11:. Hall. Newport Beach. reconted in Book 3, Pace. 41 ., IWftlture. Much of the mer-Richard R. Moon -appalated curled out their pull. Vlrttlnla a b&rTacuda on a aand crab a t 38th forts uc tx>lng made to locate CaUfornla. . PUBLIC HEARING upon• the and 42 of Mlle. Mapa, R.eeordl * aa .. 1n atorace 1n the Kar· and ~My u.ured tlw paat ot lDUQ' ~chman u ata~te managt'f' did a atrHt, 2 p.m. Saturday aftt'f'noon. such an t'nter pt"lae there. Santa • PpiUBI UloC HEARING upon the matter of a petition of the prop-of Orance County, and located .... waltillc for otelpkUol\ new t"l''f'mben bJ tJw aut meetlltc· wonderful job In an'a nttfng the The fish wel&hed 7 poundl. I don't Ana, It wu rewaled, holdl the ap cat n of S. N. Yale for Lot l , erty owners ot Bl k 634, Canal In Newport B«!ach . .t .. ..., ~ 'IbamM w . ...,._ .. appo&nted ~ and thoee one hundrf'CI and aee why ~couldn't happeo, lf a kt•Y to the lltuatlon, because they Block A. Tract 518, Baltq, .call· S«Uon, Ne~t t:ach, Callfor-TERMS OF SALE: Caah in law-1iiiii:iiiii:iCiCi:iiiiii:iiiCii chainn&n ot the buDcUn1 commit-one detail• needect to make any 1urf ftaherman had h1l bait out have under long t~ lease the 400 fornla, for a 50 per cent aetback nia, for the IW-z.onln& of Block ruJ money of the United S tate. oo 11 tM. and ta to wwtr wtUa Jot. L &how-a hJt. far ~h. arn'l upon which are located moat varian~ for above mentioned Iota. 634 from R.-2 to C.l . conti.JTuUon ol aale, or Pf"t cuh .....,.... 111 the. mpedtJ. Ttw meqer plot deall wtth the Sand craba and muuela for bay of the utlJIUN . watn wella, major By order of the Chairman of the By order ot the 0\alrman of the and belance evidenced by note -,_ ~ ot U. ft11Wt7 farm-arrival ~ a celtbrlty, ~ Me· tlahln& Ia anolhn aeemln&lY ut-buildangs and facllitlee wh.lch .., Nf'Wpol"t B«!ach Cty Plannina Newport &ach Oty Plannini c:ured by morteaae or Trult Deed ed ~---..._ ,...,.,.. to a GeVftft. In a 11'1'\&1) town. an acd-terly rldiculOUI batt to old tlme Institution would need to operate Commilalon. Comm1ul on the propt'l'tY ao aold. Ten per vwy aetJw aad pacca:awlw ctwp. dent wtdch maroon~ him In the tw~enpe.n. It was nevn heard of I the bate. · JOHl)l. M. AU..EN · JOH~\1 ALLEN . cent of amount bid to be depo&lted w ... oae 1Mt wU1 ~ aa home ot a wealthy dtl.lft\ and his aevnal yean q o. Now Carl E . CltlnK the btneftt which an e4u-PHILkER !. !:LLERBROEK. PHI1.MER J ELLERBROEK with bl~ ~ to U. tJ aad the utter cJtwesard ~ JM oonYenUorw Soma and Lou Stein, of .,.9 Uclo1 catlonal INtltutloo ml&'ht brine. It Secntary. ~etary. • BleSI or etten to be 1n wrltln• 'V'I'tenD. • tw takft owr the houM and Saud. Udo Isle. uae auch batt to! wu pointed out by Preeident Ju. Pub.-AprU e, 19M. Pub -April 9 ~ aad~wW be neelved at the at~ rww It Uke M ~ hla ~nee. ~ ntch apotfl.o and corbtna . from S. Barrett that this mlcht obviate NO'I'IOK or 8AU or a&.U. · • · l&ld offtce at any .time after the Warn:! Permit apedal -.nery bullt by Arthur thtlf' homt. The)' cut the1r llDell the neceu!ty of another Jun1or PIIOPDTI' AT PUVAft IAU tint pubUcatlon hereof and before A-LecJ 01_ Wonleft wtUI the aid~ John Nolan out the window. f'8d thdr paper coiJege In the IOUthem part of the No. ~122 !fO'I'ICZ Or 8ALIIl Or UAL date of l&le. .. 01'-c.:~" and John Johnlon l.n the achool unW the click 1tart1 ain&ln&, and county. By all oddl, It would be Ia 1M~ e-n o1 1M Ita .. PIIOPD'IY AT P&IVATS 8ALa DATED: March 19, 1946. In C---1 0-~-woork ahop, edded tO the NCCeU then run for their pole.. Sunday j much ITl01't deslJ:ablt members o1 Calli_... Ia ... f• 1M N6. UONI OL\S L. OVERSHINER, ...., ~ al the plaJ. they cauaht alx apotnn from 3~ aeretd, than the ~ntly nunorecS "-11 ol a-.._._ In J" Superior Court of the 81 ,Puardian, Applbtb ,_. .._ IMdt bJ MUIJe NJ.ctlona by the hlch to 5~ ~tach, ancfthree cor-cotton miU alated for Coeta Mesa. State of California 1n and for the MUtual t211, Station 2557 B. r. Bailly. ·2'nt 0 au-t. San achool and N.wport B«!adl Gram-blna. 1~ poundl each. Ralph Mukey, realtor, aal4 be In the Matter ot the Eatate of County of Lol An&elea. ~ Calllonia. for war mar achool CJr'ChntNa, dlffcted by l'wo Army ortrce'n from San would Ukt to aee thla and other DONALD F. TAPLEY. Deceued. In the matter of the eetate of HAROLD W. KENNEDY, departnWnt l*'ftlt to~ a L C Swain, ahowed 1ood practl~ &rnardlno Wt'f't fllhln& off Bay non-tu paylng property returnecl Noll~ is hereby &J4en that the Eu.EN McGUIRE. lncom~tent. County Counlel, and p~eaun pMr with J.uclinc float at alll4' ttchnJque. Followln& t. the bJand Ulln« mUI&t'll and ruor to the county tu rolla. undenl~ wU1 aell at private Noll~ is hereby etven that the EARL 0 . LIPPOLD, ba)'warcl .ad. to a. locat..t In cut: clama and caught a 6% and an 814 aale, to the hiaheet and bHt bit\-undenlped CKAS. L 0~ Deput-y. fnwtt ~ a..o. 1, Blodl 231, CUaJ Mn. Eme.t W. Stanley. Her-pound a,otfln. piUI four 3 ~-l • All der, aubject to oon flnnatlon of aald SHINER. u Guardian, will aell at HALL OF RECORDS, and ~ ao feet Into u. Neice; RJchard Stanley, Jimmy row boat anchored In the chaonel. 19th day of April 1946, at the of· upon the terms. and condlUona Attorneys for Guardian. LIDO EL.aentac Co. aecUon. on the ~ ~~ct. fll berta Johnaon;...KS. Preen, Nancy en. 'I'MY did their ft.hln& from a eg1on ows Superior Court, on Or' 'after the private aale, to the hl&hest bidder, LOS ANGELES. RJvo Alto dlaNiel. a ..urt.y arm Bailey; June Stanley, Sl.llll" Walk· 'I'M ocean dory flahermeD of flee of her attorney, Ronald H. hereinafter mentioned and aubject o a..-ne1e. ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ot~N~..,;;~;;rt~~-~;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; f'f': John. Jim Rubel; Sarah. J eanne Nf'WpOrt arf' enjoy1n• a aood 1'Uft N p rt• Coombs, 9648 Culver Boulevard, to conflnnatJon by said Superler PIJb. Mch. 26, 28, Apr. 2, '-9, 1946 Edick ; Mn. Baxtt'r, Jo Schll\le ; of !ICUipln t'heae days. 'J'Mir ftah on a 1san CUlver Oty, County of Lol An-Mra. Mc:Cutcheo;n. Nancy Ptenon; IJ..told from their dor ies pulled up • eeles. State of California. all the Mr. Stanley. David CrMa; Mag.;e on tht' heach nut to the Newport • rl&}lt, l\Ue and Interet'! of l&ld CHAJnER A PRESTON • .... _ ... O.tnet.or ........... a .. -_.._ ... ._...._.. .. ~ • .-....--A es ........... - IIESE'L SERVICE o...-•-pr .... N..,..n!OM-W . ._ ........ Fluorescent Lighting IDause Your Sales ' IUt ... OoMt lllwa7 ,.._ Newport lSN ................ TV,, ............ ~ ELECTRICIANS --- CUtlf'f'. Jeannie Lou Grund: Dr. pier. Sculpin are good t aUna and o• • de-ceased at the time of de:tth Aradley, Ralph f'rf'lta~; Sheridan you arc lUre of ~:ettlng fresh ftah l ISCUSSions and all the r ight. tlUe and Interest WhlfPIIde. Rru~ McGa'T"n: Har· from thl' dory flsht'T'T11E'n. The ftah· that the etlate of said dl'Ceued rlt>t Stanlf'y, Char Pr!C'It! &-rt rrmPn arr l:l't tlng tmm two to ftve haa acquired by operation of law or JrffrriOC'I, Dick WaiiMr: ProfCISOf' hunrlrrd pounds of fish uch day --otherwlst', other than or In ad- Mf'tz. Bob Douahty; thf' lunchron It Is 110 unUiually large run of .Mattl'rs of non-partisan. non· dition to that of said d~ascd. at jtuesta. Lronard J)l'flllrd, Nolan srulpln. • untrovf'rsial na ture which will the lime of death. in and to all ArchPT. Calvin MclntN' Mr Ba· ~I rnA Jonea and f1orf'n<:e Bakl'r · •1'Vt' th~ good of the community, I the rertaln rrlll property partlcu· k.-r. Richard Rul'l\lf'y: rxpreumnn. ur Nf'wport. caught alx scuJpln off st nil' or nation will lM' proper sub-larl)' desn-lbcd as follows, to-wit: rWf'gen Hesa; Lorraine Sh{'ldon, 1111, "'""'f10rl pier Thursday nltJhl jrcls for diK'USslon heneeforth In An undivided one-third ( ~~) O ui 1ty Gardnf'f': Snnd)•, Jimmy Othf'r pll'r flthermen art! atlll tlw meetings of th~ Newport Har-lnt('r<'st j_n a pareel or unlm- Net.on; &overly Carlton, Rena to ealchlnst halihut from the pin Wlr Post of thl' Aml'riean U>gion. proved .AI property In the Monaco: Wt'llcott. Jack C..a1h ; u_~n~r llvr haiL This wu made knn\\'n by Com-County or OranRc. Stale of rad.lo technician, Roct•r Lind ; FAdl Hill ht 10 urf prrch mnndcr Dnn Durant fnllowlng a Callrornia. d<'scrlh<-d u : Lot 5, B,janjo. Du&M Thornton: two ck-pu-f' caug 1 )Jrt'\'IOWI disC»&Sion liS to whether In Block 2 of Traet 626, In the t•-,..._ y dl J k M on sand crahl In thr surf at 38th t ld .,_ 1 f h • n-., U<V~Kf' ar ey, ac c-1 1 r m;•m ~ers cou ...,vall' rom t e O ty or Newpor t &ach, Coun- KJbben; a plalnclothN m&n. J ohn ~~~k,.~n~:f eHu"n:~~:::-8«!::: ('S,'ablished policy of non-political I ty of Ora nge, State of Call· f"owln. CAUght 12 yellowfln Saturday d( bate~. .. . Cornia as per Map thr rPOf, re- nlght hetw('('n 9 and 11 p.m. with ~e Lt'glon 11 not gom~ poilU-, corded in Book 30, nt peae 40 ...,.....,. Alamad Ohavun of lraa annd crnba along the some 1tretch cal, Hw commandcr lat~. The and 41 or M18CC.'IIant'Oul mapa, -"With Manha.ll Stalln'a stood In-of heach. l preamble to their coMtltutJOn ,nl-rPeordl of anld Orunste County. te.tlona toward lun a.nd the Iowa progr1'111lve and construct ave , Terms or 11alr cosh In lawful money frlendllrw-ee nl•tlna betwt'tn Ira n Q~t ~lg w~~r ~~~ ~~~ =~I dllcusslon. hu~. mattera "rcpub~lcan of thl' United Stille• on oonflrma-a.nd the Soviet Rcpu ... llc I horw> eaug rom e " or dc>rnocratlc art out. he pomted I lion of Rnlt' or pnrt caah lind bal· v ...-Dina IA't' from the Balboa Pavilion out. , · In t he Nrw Year to bring ahout an I I hill W('('k Halibut nnd biU'TAcudll a nee l''\ ld('nccd by noll' 1('("\lN'd by undentandlnc bcotw~n tM two al'f' t)(>inst caught bv lhl' Jlvl' hall Two nl'w memlM'rs WCTe elected Mortgagl' n~ 1'n11t Dt-ed on the countrltl and to .....,In a nt'w ane ..._._11 11 th. d 1 to th<' t'X('('Utlve rommlttee of the prorlt"rtv so solrl Tl'n prr cent ot I ~l!i .. ""'" ol)('rn ng f'SC aya rom t ..... _ .. _ 1 h • 1 'd ·\· 1 In our ~lations with Ruula lay-Nrwport II arbor poa • \K..,.....y n g t. Thcy were 11~ount 11 to llf' dl'po!l trd with Inc bllatt-ral rnpcct on a tastmg With th berra d b k 1 1 1 Pnul De Ruff and Dr. E. T. Rut-b1d foundation." wat<'rs th: troll~g 11 l=t~ ~ trrworth. optometrlat. Four olh('r'S Bids. or offl'n to \x>.ln ~Tiling -=========================po=-: arc automaUcally members, the Rnd w1ll be r• c•l'lvt'd nt the aforc-1 r-commandt'r, first and llt'C'Ond .vice-said offiN' nt ony lim" oftn the convnand"rs and adjutant be-ing first Pl•l>iirntirtn hrrr-of ond twofore It's Always COFFEE .TIME At The • • • • • DoluT&lWAFFLE SHOP 3 . . . . . . . Serving COffEE & OONUTS • W AFFLF..S -SANDWICHES • MALTS and en tlllt'd by rf'ason of thelf' office 1 date of '"'"' I to dirl'<'t th" potici('tl of the V<'lt'r· Datt'd. thi!t 2nd d11y of April . allJI orgllnitation. 1946 . During I he next few weeki I BERNECF. S TAPLEY, Durant cxpe<-tl to put on an In-Administratrix of the Estate tenaive campalan for new mcmbfon of salrl dN'edt'nl. 1n or~r that tM 21st dlstrict. 1n 1 RONALD II. COOMBS, which this post 11 Included, may 964R C\llvcr Voult'vard have an ucellent chance to show C\lh•cr City. California the greatcat lncrt'ase in the stat<'. Attorney for Ac1mlnl•tratrlx. Al ready thla district has het>n sur-CR-l!IN paued by only one for tC?jl honon . Pub.-Aprll 4. 9, 11. 16, 18, 1946. Gt>oree KcllotJg, district &mmand-, er. who wu preatnt at tht m«>etlng NOTJC'E OF rkT'ENT TO 8ELL thla week, will repre~ent the Or- ange county poata at San Fran-· Tht' City of ~rwport &ach In· ct.oo. lt'nds to purchuc from Cll'O E. If yo u arE: --ur~.-~blt to co me ~ = in dur ing - office ho urs, why #not save by mail? Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan J • . Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and loan .Association IApD IIMeb. Calif. -Ph. S90 ••• SUNDAES • COMPLETE FOUN- TAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island Ket~~~J N\dlola Oeorp lterllac have a ehance to try their luck. 0nt flsh4>rman had the thrilling experlenee of having all of his jigs load up with f11h a t the aame Ume aa he trolled along. To have 1lx or el&ht fish righting In lhe \\•ater lM'hlnd the boat a t the ~ Lime leave~ a f11herman with his ha.ndl full. McFarland, owner of that errtnln barge known n11 the "MIN- DANAO.'' ex-Documentro Num· ber 107-786. County Barge Num- ber 0-144, huilt In tht' y{'llr 1002 at Aberdl't'n, Waahlnglon. 11nd ap- proximlltt'ly [>66 gr(IU. tonna~~:e. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ said bllrr;t' be-Ing now located on propernr owned by thf' Oty of Newport IJ«>actt between 16th and 18th Street In Nt"Wp()f't Harbor. 0,.. EYMIJip t:aUI It o'Ciodr -a-d oe \\'f'dftf'tlday CA~PET & UPHOLSTERING CLEANING Local Veteran of World Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUR HOME Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen Dean Ward PHONE NEWPORT 2056-R • Before Yo• B•lld or Remodel vlllt oar lllierM"-8 ~ample ... ..,..,. toome. ... Color ~utd~. rl:tn· nin~ 11irt!o0. rnmrr"f'· hen~l\'f' c:tnck r)( n.tgS, ('II rp<'l S Ill t<l linoleum. ...... ~ Carprrte .~ ··~ ~ . .,. llepa.lr..cl LUDLUM Carpet Works tat 8Mttt ...... 8t. ,.._. 8ellta AM -l'1~TA A"\ Drive Carefully-Spare a Lite. Said sale will take ploee and the pUrchue prlee mont>Y paid Mon- day, April 22, 1946. at the hour -ROSSI'S Lictuor Store tobs OoMt llhray ~ ....... .,_ ....... NO LD11T or 10:00 a.m . at the offlee of lhf' Harbor Muter. located at the Wuhlngton Str<'t'l Pier, In thot portion of the City of Ne\\'J)Ort Beach known as Balboa. All per· aons havinr or clalml!)l to have any llt'nll, clAims, and/or demands 1 aealnat said barge. or any pe-t Permanent Position Offered To the Young Woman Who Can Qualify Qualllleatiou- Young (Under 40) Bright Attractlv. Reliable Neat AcctJrate Permanent (Reasonably) Qual1lled to- TAke DictAtioo or Do Bookkeeping If Qualified, Don't Phone, Call in Person " P. A. PALMER. Incorporated SIN VIa Ullo~ N~rt "-rh ('aiUonla ATTENTION! Boat Owners! We Have Aboat 50 Large Heavy Duty 6-Volt Which We Are Putting on Sale ;t - _. J • 'BA'I*I'ERIFS Only SliaOO Eacb 'J'hfllfJ t.ttenes bave 41 plate. per·cell, welp 150 lba. and are HAted today by the manafaeturlq Co. at t88.00. 'lbey were _. for the IOVei'IIIDellt, bat were never u.WJd and are aot old .took, \ We have just recently opened a battery aervice here ln Costa Mesa. and are using this method of ma.k.lng some new friends, for we khow that 1~ what you wiD be if you get one of these batteries at S18.00. for that ls less than it C06t the manufacturer to make them . STOREY'S BATTERY SERVICE WMtml.aster-(Betweea 18th & llapolla) COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA - .. ~ ~~~==k Girl Indignant NBoataT !A,L!OOwA nNKerwa_:.TDIDeU.nN ..... Ied ";~i: ~·:iit-,7::: .... ~ .R ... ~J Cross o'(l\~·~~~::.·: •. (~~l~,:_~~~~~~ ,~-~~ur::;.l A vc Chapter. :; "" F M ' C\J "!''''II'''\' "" c· .. u, """'" "• lt.ott Apr. 26 27 28 Da~ or aterlal to Make'Weddln& Gowt 35' M f 22, B .... ,. """~ ..... ·1 • 11 '" .. ~"""' •r··~~~,lr .. ,. Mr lh'(IWn ~~ " 1,. 8 ' ' ..,. By -BI'.88 1E L BENEDI.CT I and ahoH too. and es......raiJy tht' oort·ng or oa· t l"prtu~ 1111• lht• Nears Goal,· ~~~:ll;·~;~~t"'~"'n~:~:;::~! ~:~ ~~·,~: or tate Convention Forced to dig ditches from 7 coffee. That wu tht' fu.;~ 1 havt c-&:•• '"111•11'' t)m ., .. : pr.~c'lllllt~n wu tf'ndi•N'd Mr. llllk·· t'llul)t\'1'1 In all part• ol tbe o'clock In thl' morning until 2 In had In six Y<'Bnt. Wht'n the Gft The ever -present problem · Tht '11''1 r~ hi·"~IIIIJ< h11w "'-,•n ll•·n ft~r hi• fh11• a.•r••j•'l' to Rt'd 1t11tr ftr1" now lft)ina plane to .... the afternoon for the Nazla be· tapo came my folks had two cows boat owners li\'lng Inland who In bl.-•lll Ill \\'"hill.: I till, lllltl 11)1)1'1' o· I PI ( 'rtlllll. I mu lmum dt•lt•.:atlona to the ftnt :~u:: ~~n;~r~n~011or~ R~:si:u~ ~dt~:o :!~·bf~~h~h~::a:c,t:~ ::.· ~~ ~: :~!· ~('~r~y ~~:r~ ~:;~?~;:.r:.;.a;:.am E:'.':i/:~~~~~~~:." .. 1::~~~~ ~~~~~·butth~~ ISC oses ans •h~~~~~~-~~;r~ht• ~:~4;h,·11~~'<1,•;:..:>. and ~~;~: s~l~~,~~~~ven=t.: J)Qlnt to gl\·e up her watch which bic'yclt> and wrist watch. I fought bor confronts tht' Harbor Depar t· • •' 1 1"1"·r. ' 1!._11 thf'y auddo•11iy • _ alattd for AIJI'II :.!ti, 7f and ga at ahe wanted dcarly to hold,-thesel for my. watch but they put 8 gun ment reRUiariy. pt'rtisten tly, and ChOice Left Open !::;"" "·•r••ron trc,-., or orwntal .. • · , . .. , Sue to Comr\D) tm• Al.-xandrla llo1tel ln l..ol AD- are come of th<' expt'rll'nces re· on mr 10 I let It go. In a rec..·nt Cut', volciferoualy. A __ -1.1-ll'f't'tl I ncovt•r thou~ht tht \ 1 "' ll<'t pu-h 11n•l "'' tt• c•V•·t . ~ I" I '"le.. ·J _ la tcd to Mrs. Oorota Deyhle, 710 I was forced to dig dltchea at lot of ar gument was exchanaed tx--'Thr third pea ct>llme clau of c~<'rr~ trc•t•• hr~tl mu<'h n·~t"'"''' "'''u 11"' '''1'">illn"ly hupdul rom-Property Owners to "All w t .. rftna of Worlcl War D Marg"Uerlte avenue. Corona del -,nc front with the Gennan of fore th<' applicant wu finally sat· the famed V-~ Naval Avtallon Of· btllt ~, fur tht• '' ar. an)' m~~,, than I nwnt ot Mrll. VII' tor GraCI!', chair-' Compl t 1933 f) I I wtU be wt<lrornt' to attt nd and • Mat...Rx_~ nt-ice in Cuchoelo-ticent yeUln&, "Hurry, don't you Lafled. flcn Pilot Tralnl l thou""'· 111 1•111. th11t C'KIIIn~t i t · m11n of the• R,,, Croa fUnd r•m· · e e e& lft'Vt! A\:C In ar UM " ~ vakia. hear the Ruulam coml~ you Why Ntwpor'tv Harbor La 80 now& open for m~~~ ~~"Ub.•1 1\ Sh·a l. · t'hftn~tNI tht' "*· !'llit.:n lc1r tlw tiCih Yt'"" u ahr L. Ali•t.t.a-Ccl!". and EmmA ~-Larry n.chm•n. chal~ Gil U. IAppt'aling to her aunt for some Czech and p~ t>.uaT" w~ dUJ wtdely advtrtlaed u IUCh a nice nounced Com ..... ~ ith a; ture .. r hnmt.ur)ll'r. With I he IUf\'C')'t'tl the• N'IUltl of the' I11Jl C'ox llf 007 ON'I\11 Orlw , NrWlKif't I Nnvt'ntlon committee. material wtth which to make a In the rain and lleet, wtth wet feet place to own a. boat u well u to J amt'S, direCtor;-of navale offl~~ cbt-Tr) htne~~nnu Clime•, thl' rquttlly 1 nilnutc• IIJil'~'": tn ~l&ont1, h•ft\'·, Jlt'lllhll, flk'd 11111 M.m.tn)' In au· wedding dreu, the alrl wrote .that from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then live st umped Mr. and Mra. R.. S. pro<"\..l'ftntnt, Loe An lte. V-& 11 bfoautlful rnn~tnoiiM, whidt do not ln~t hut ~ lo l1t' ralltd of thl' pl'rlnr c'\l\lrl to romr~t•l lA•n• A .----- she expects to.,. married ln May had to march with our shovel~ Jeney ot Montebello who wrou tapa In a\1ation tral: and havt Ill .:!'C>41 n vrcaa aJt¥~t. 1$14.000 \jliOta for Nrwport lla.rhllr lllaholp to lk livrr lit h·.,, tlw l)fOI)-a 0 0 F 8 and that the small amount of ma· on our ahouldent for two hours. the Newa·'I'1mt'l that thfoy worked who want to fly and ~ men • • • s .. m T'eJll•nt.:lll 1aya in hi• Tht' rlt y La c,Lradlna the county 1 c•rty h> th•• CX'rllf~Anta. 'rh"Y r.on- terlal there La nor 111eable beca111e And now I do 80 want to have a all winter at home on thdr boat, wtU receive the flneat a~= ayndt~-,•l•>il r'lllumn that "Our Stant d n Ita ertort~ l o Jt•nu-e ~nouarh t.nd Uwy rontraectc"'t to 1"'>' aWlO J .....,_ ---~ It II made of wood and paper. nice wt'dd.lna! So, ean you pleue waltlne to hear from t.he harbor training In the world.. and Strtpc's till'S ovt•r the only un-money for the' ycoar'• total, Mrs 1 for thf' Pf'Opl'rty In 1933 and al'1' f'Tw !:.timet• 6 t 1 ,..., Since the end of the war they cSo helpT" . departmmt to .ret a moorinc In '1'tw Navy apenda saO 000 1 ed defeat I'<! ~rrst nation In thfo rn· Gr111¥ u ld r nthu.laatlnlly. Ncoar· rtoatl) to pay tho' ltalanl¥ of ._,1100 .. not have mu n11 with which to t>.uy Mrs. ~yhleo thoucht ~ mlattt dt'lperatlon, ~Y laid. ~ 'ran eating ~ach and e~ry npU ~ tire world,'' •lnr.• t~ "d of thfo I'Y $."1000 •hort a Wf'f'k aro, thr now duo•.-Thry also •r••k $101~ aa W. L ar' Hf weddlnc carmenta. be some one who would (lve aome an ad ln thll ~papa (or' OfW, Tralnlnc lnctudea up to f¥ W:,. apan1'8" wMr 0 ,K., r·nf wtUinr to workrra undtr hf'r c'll1'1'r tlon man· It II customary In her country ttrn. or any part of a wedd1nl and aot an lmmedlate aMW«. eattn of COUf"le followed ()y com-let It 10 111 that, )Kat did you evert qf'd to obtain Marly thr t'ntln dalfta4l, .. for. dt>la)' In ohtalnlna _......._ ......... lOIN tiUe. ~ I 'o t>. marrled In whlu ln the outfit to thia airl '!'he« La 80 much Olmlnc down to make arranp-J)lete and lntenalve COW"MS In nY· aee an undc fo•atrd c:hamplon with· amount of thfo anel by lut mlnutr church. She lonas to have a nice duty charaed on new th.lnp. The mena for It, they were told In no Inc. When a candidate hu cOm· out .a lot of would-be ronteatana cotrort• tn eaJUna uron many who wedd.ine , she wrltea. clrl .. ~ feet 1 lnchea and wel(hl uncertain t.m11 by the harbor pleted the rtqulred ntcht train· t.ryin& tu IE'\ him to defend the hftd not rtwn. and fH II that It all "'The boxea you sent were fllled 105 pounda. muter that they could not keep lnc. he La oommiaaloned u an ol· title. That'• why champe keep who lntendf'd to rlv• would arnd In' with wonderfuldothea for the men the one they propoeed to buy. ncer ln the u. s. Navy or Marine t.hemJ(o lvrt In good physical con· a check, the drive would be over SI'UlfO RVJC11 Some hot wordl were exch&nced. earp.. The Navai•Avtatlon ~ cSIUon itt. total. ....... Deaplte the r lory ot aprinc, the and they wmt home and wrote the vatory procram 11 the only otncer • • • Wr rot another ehampt,.... · A •lx weeki water aatety cam- careful motorllt wtll nma1n alert peper. They planned to apmd a tralninc procram open In the lhlp out of t ht war. The publle pa~ II planof'd fM thJa 1\IJNM't', whlle drivlnc. atatea the pubUc few clays a week here flahlnc, they Navy at the JlftMilt time. debt of the Unltt'd Statee .. now un&or thfo dlrf'Ctlon of Frank safety &opartment ot the Natlon&l laid In their 22-foot boat. Candidata who .,... adacted and equal to t he public &obta of all Crocker. loeal Red em. wat• Automobile d ub. Sprinc f~er. Harbor Muter RU&MIJ Crall roe· enlllted now wU1 report to any 6ther N)untrlr• · of tlw world. safety chairman. An Instructor, lnattmtlon, or drowalneal may re-ea.! led the lnddent , but &onled that accndlted Anwrlc&n Uftiwralt)' 'Il\ankl to r~nt lJic:ftUft In rtvtna dally claQt'l 41n awtnvnlnc ault In a aerioue a.eddent. he had (lven the Montebello J'e81. cot~. or Junklr coli~ o1 M population, tl'.e Treasury hu fl(-and life savlna Will t>. ln the har· &ont a rouch t1me of lt. In fact. t1f own choke at the ~nnlnc ot the urec1 that "only" 12.1}8 .. now bor, and datea of ttw elUift to ; ========::;:=====:D:rt=va=C&n=:tull==':-8::para==·=W=•:·:. remarked. JenowakJ Uoatead of fall term to be rtv•n up to four ow«! by every man. womAn ~nd be announ<'ed lalft'. Jf!VY wu the c;orrec:t name of the lfrnt'ettn ot collfle by the Navy child In thr Unit~ S taiN. Mdlti· Nutrition ct..... W\11 be held owner of ~ boat> did not do TMy moat apply and laln admit~ ply by 4 to aeC tht-drbt which aaaln tn the fall, laid Mn. Ralph B&ING YOUR BABIO TO U8 moet of the arculnl· I t wu hll t&ncf to colleoce by thftr own f'f· rftS. on the averq~ Amfortcan Ran&ol, c.ilalrman She atatN that , .. -.......... 0.. Day -We'll aep.lr It _. Y" 0.. lla'N It tile Ned. companion. forta Whilt attmdlnr collf"le the famll)•. the cl.-.. ~ntly c:oncludfod. l'llcto17 Parta. Work a--teed. r.eto17 ~ ~ Cralr called their attention to atucknt La on the aame bu~ u • • • "All tupa.)'i'n 1hould tlaht· provf'Ct 10 popular. and the need Radl •o SOS EL-6..1-the d ty ordinance which prohlbiU dvtllan atuden... .-n thf'ir hl'lt~" Thl• Ia cu~nt ad· hf'rr 10 lndln ted. that fall r ia_.. rc.;W'Jil: a amallt'r clau boat ln an anchor· vi~ from t hl' Allmlnlatration. l.hould be wrll fllltd and datN IIAIWU> L IIAJIOI a•e dt'li(ned for a lar&f craft. Thla C M G Cl-h ) quotrd in tht' Wll.lhlngton Nrwsl will t>. announf'f(l latf'J' . ... ......... A................. wu the cue at the 19th atrfet • • rammar ,;:,c 00 [)laeat. wh ic-h uka Whftt aood th.. ·-~ ~ ... area where they were about to buy Gives 36 Membenhipe wtll do. 11ftl'r the tup.ycr ha• at· Jlomr '"'n'~""' hu IOITW' prnon· --BAY . VIEW C~FE Fe..-rty Tile PaJme Ca.le 8ame .._.._t: L A. W.O. At the FeJTy Laadlng-Palm aDd Bay Ave., 8&I1Mia BREAKFAST SPECIALS a moorina. a.nd pay brokeraae for If C!-h J--6: Soci ready lnl't his Jlllnls! rwl rhftnll... Mnt. Ray Alford reo· aettJng lt. The real problem II to l n ,;:,c 0 ABLIC ety •• ~ Thrrr hill hl'<'n II lot of talk, all(nl'd al chairmAn, •'ld "'Ill aC't gt't l p&C(' for tiaherm<'n wtlo are . &olllwntc>ly rwomotl'd II)' New ftl vh ... ·rh•lrm•n. will! Jant• f'alk- lpt'nding thcolr entire time l'am lng The following a~a of the Deal fiT'OJ"'IIRAndft ~trnupa. "hnlcll 11 ln.1 "r tlnr aa l'halrman. e nd •:vr a livlihood fiahin&, and not for C'OCita Mesa El('mentary ~ehool I N'('('nt "' .. rAIIo'fl "\'C'tc•rftn• Jtou•lnr llrndrtrkson, nrw •tl\fl f>XM'Utlvr. th05<' from tht' outside who In· I won mc_mtx>rshlp in tht' ~eholar-, Bill," whlt'h 1 tr1MI to <'llofllllln in T'nlly Wftlkf'r ftn(l Mra f\IMc Whit-~ tend to mak(' a part·tirTI(' bu.ineu ahip socte. ty for tht' tftlrd quarter , thi~ ('rtltlmn. will hulld n(l houaf'tl IOfl, who hMvt• '""II IU'f\'1-d In honw of it. · I il wns announCt'd thi1 W('('k : 1 for vrt•·run•: 1 wundt•r how mnn)' ~r·n kr. will runtlnur tn ~tlvr "' I'he harbor maatCl' is constantly Eighth gndc-F alth Smith, Bar· PN>Jlll' llf'llrtl ur r,.o<l 8n Ntual lt·a•t unr "">' " wc'l'k tu voluntN'r I bcoi!IJ:l pri'U<'d by tht' Fl~hermen'a bara !..on~:, Dorothy St~arnll. Shir -l a mount nl trclk ohnut ,,thf'r hill• rlllll' wurk. I Un1on for more anchoragea for ll'y Griffin. Joanne Cox, Lucy to Pf'O\'Idt• t1m1"f'l! fnr the vrttor8 n1 The· lwu! nnw inrr••,..-.·•. III'Nlf'd• I Th rcRUiarly f'mployed fishlhg craft. Pinkley, Uowann Meulnl(, Velma I to Uvr 111• Twt) wrrkt1 IIJ!fl thl' lm: ttl Mf'l All11rcl. •InN" Nt'wport ---J $ Ptu~t»tJ•t VENETIAN IUNDS WOOD • ......-;··· AUJIIIN1JII ...... .__._ ._ ..... _._...,._,.. ....... Itt o..& JIIPwaJ ..._N..,...,._W ----T New, Sensational Trollinl Jip For Albacore and Barraeuda roMMF.RCIAJ.. n8HEIUIEN OOliPIZI"E MtJPPLII"..B roa Wa.tnee or Calute aDII C4ffee . .. 25• lrty to 40 boats arc bel~g built I Pridham. Joan Drummond. Wanda HOUINl m trcl ~:.!r.O.OOO,OOO f(lr 100,· hill tftkc>n. rw,.,r thl' Wilt"k fMml'rly Ent. Potato.' 35f 1 hN·(' right now. Where-wtll they be l Hitltt. Delay Lane , Ch11rlcs Covey, 000 tl"mpur11ry hnuain~ unlta. 10 tw lionr hy tl11' (:,,.,. Ml'tln rtrtiUJJ ftnd and Coffee ........ ..... , \ put, he asks. Ra lph Rt'a, Marvin J ohraon. Mar· mo\'f•d from wllrtlmr lOC'IItlnnw "nd'" rf'tlOrttod 1:.!:\ f'IIIIM t·nrry u\•rr PIES • CAKES • DONUTS I Subsequt'ntl)' 8 mooring wu ll'ne Jllcobl<on, Moon~n AUE"'I, rf'OOI"'\'M'IM tor thl' lLII4' of \'f'ti'J'· from t hi~ month h i "''''-Set bu.y -' McCallum ,. II_ Harvey JC'rse~. or J l'rzowskla, were ac-, Mae Lauri(', Jimmy McVay, Bar-wtll lnf'rcn •Juirk •helttor In th~ thll t a mmmittc~ t•l rttluom r~ ZMI4 l.a Fay•t&e N...,.t ..... Ill llound for a 22-foot boat, and the Wanda Ku pt'r. Dorothy Leal. Lo •M Thr m ti' Wftl 347 to 1 Thi.'Sf' I• thto hOrTI(' IIM"VI~ df'JlllrlmM~t CMo ()pee t L m. to 11 P. m. _ C1oeed ~ l'Ommodntt'd. Hl)wever 'the same 1 bar a Moort', Phil Stafford, 01. lzuko emrrJrf'nt') whllr we work for thl' !ll'ntlnR doctor~~ 11nd arhonl• wtll I:M' 1 ._ ________________________ ...;.....; .. :......--------------------------1 quest ~()('I on for moorings, and Sugita and J oan Sutterfl~ld. lona·pull llfflltl'llm. OlftnR('tl tn formtd to advla~> with thr atafl. -=-=----I tiCCOrdm~: to the harbor master , Sevl'nth 5:1'adt'-Lola Stralln~t.l OPA rl'ltiJIIIIIona would hu tr n the ------- )l•are·h )lea~f••r,,·urli~ un t'nluntlti.a llt•t·urd~ ~~. 1ko new symphony recordin!s headline the list of ColiUftlo bia record! mmlr tll'flilable to mwic Ioven tlail mont/a. Bi1~t: Symphony inC ~fljor. PMl- hi!rmllnic·S)'IIIJihony Or~·hNtra of New York, Artur R ocbinski, conduc• tor. ColumlJia Mu lcrworiLa 1el M-)JlJ.S% • S.J.SO B~thoYen: Symphony No.2 iD D M•jor, Op. 36. PittahurJh Sym• phony Orch estra, Frits Reiner, con· ductor. ColumLia Muterworka tel M-)UJ-597 ; "·50 . Pav,l 'fl-tilc: Sta Chaaty for Harp and~tring•. Edna Phillipt, harp, with atrins quint~!. Columlti• Ma .. tuworka .et X-MX.:S9 • $2.50 ~ lorocllD: Prince I@Or-Polon.aian Dartea Th• PhU.delpht. ~eetra, Euaeae. Qnuody, c:oadactor. _ Colamhla record 12269-D • $1.00 lhtold: Zampa-0Yert1n'L Em-Jtarta c:ond~l tiM PbU. ~ympboay Ordl~ of New York. Col ambia record U270.D. • tl.OO Jhl,ert Bath: Comiah Rhaptody (from the film Low Story). llarrid Co'-eq. p iano. with the London Symphony Ot,eheatra, tolld.cted by Habert Bath. Col~bia record 7..o-M • $1.00 DuDy Boy (Weatherly-'hadltional). TIM. Old Refrain (P(attDDaeh.:.Kreieler ), M.a.. Eddy, baritoae, with orcbeetra oondnd M by Rn~ ~a-. Colombia record 433S.M • $.1, ,_.... ........ ..,., ... ,,_ n.~ 11fM1 Columbitt rel.HHs fll"e MtO ift st«1c ell .. -~-· ~ TURNER'S Tour Ekcrnc A ppli4nu Dtakr lbee IIH 2{),j W. 4th St. SANTA ANA Phoae 1172 ' thc propt'r ty ownent. m uat be taken Eddlt Pftul, Patty Huffman. Beu· latter. care nf as well as fishermen . .And, lah Henal'n. Charlet Ch('('ley. Mary • • • ~me conslltul'nt 111kl'd mr. Craig asst>rtl.'d, he Is playing no Faullin, Rilly P~>nce. J11rk Allan-a whllf' huck. how much thr llnltt'd lavoritt>s ns the Montt•hcllo couple fiCh. M~trlrn•• AndN'!II'n, J Ot' Rr('('t, StnlrJ would Rl't In rl'lurn for chargt'd, but b tryin" to crowd C'Arnlyn Johnsnn and' Jf'an \Vt'st. IA·nff·l.i'ntll' T ran nn~wrr th11t ~thout 50110 hotlts into some 4000 nnw 'Wr ar~> ~:rttln.r hlll'k 11'11~ thAn· bt'rths. J F •1• II r~'nll nn rnrh dull11r "'" &fl"nl apanese amJ Jes for Lmd·l.rn'l•' mnlrrinl, 11ntl thr The flrat common cnrrlrr steam-A o· d ~f'nnt r ('rtmmlllf'l.' lnn'llliRniiQit train carriN! coal 11'1 Its major re ISpossesse Ill!' ~ltllatinn IIAYII 0\lr diflpt\!1111 lood. bu t add<'d flour In sacks on At A• rt m"ll>M '" N>ntrlhulins: tn " t~)'l'l•·m top of tht' ronl. \\hilr passcn~;ers lrpo ,.f l'llrtrl!l, nrnnn~t fothrr thlni!S, nnd sa t on top or th<' sncks --1.,.m11t• countrl~ ln•·nsv .. d tn ,,.11 frozen food . Cabinets Roll -A -Door Since 1898 A trailt'r )(l(•allon in Cost" Mc•sn tlw ~:nods "' n rrufi t 111r ruun· nl IRih nnd Whitlil'r Ia now llll' lrll''l prohlltlt rti rrrt IIBII'1! hy ll1r hnmt' for n Ill nnd ll~l'd Japont'11l' ''nit•·d Stnlt-~ to )OCftl fl"OJtlr, thu• families who wt•rr rnovt'd from I• 11, 1n1t th•• fnn•is:n !ln\'o•rnrnr•nt ''" thl'ir prevloUJJ lt.trntiun at Oranl:f' th• nnly pn~l>l<-huyrr rounty airport IMI Wl't'k by thr ••• Wlllinm n Murrnv. Who W11r R••lttCIItlon Authority. "rlto-s a !•ulumn f'AIII'd "Cnpllol A total of 73f1>c'orsone wc>r/o di•· ('IIJI~IIIMI," tf'lll nhout tlw OPA posscsst'd from I he nlrporl nnd •·~· rutlvr.f who w11ntrd tu wrlll· 11 hiiVt' lx't-n mnvl'd to Lon~: fkoach. !':prlnR lovr lrltrr hi l\1'1 111r1 II•• San Oii'J:lo and Costa Mc>sn. lrt"rt to lillY, "l lov" you " ·nw At onto time some 300 prnon' h• ~1. and hrirfrst. "" N>uhl ltf't ""' ., ... -_. ..,. ot Japancst' unC'nstry werl' housl'd \\:I~. "Comph•t,. IIII!IUrllnl'l' of ma.-1· r::.:::::-1 .... ........,_ Nac-.. nt thl' harrncks of thl' army air· mt~m a!frf'llnn IR hrrrhy lmpll"''.. .W.. 'hw r.qulrt'd amoWl"' tor drome. Mnny of thrm hnv<' sinrr _ _ _ ;~"f.!nc:~f.~~ baw aaut rrturnt'd to thf'ir former homrs on A Unlvf'rllty nf CAiifnrnlll 1''1 • M.ony people do nat ,.t --.uah tJl ranches 1111 ovrr Oran"r m unty. u--llal VItAmiN DO \'"oUt I" rt hu nr hll'vl'd 11n lnrrl'll"~' In Why not p'-l' •f• b)' ta!Unc '""of 11 self'ctrd linr or J .r~·h'''" ONE A DAY IUNO For offir<' supplies. I ('(' th,. r lurkm .!l for thl' ll'\'t'nth ron••'~"H· • • VITAMIN TAlllm N••\\-s·Timrs. Ill,. ltf'nrrAIIun l'.al'h OME·A·DAY Vltam1n A aNt __._ • D To blet c-uniAIN 25"11-moN of the • I I I I I I I I I 1'1 I I t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t t t t I I t t t t t t t t t •• ClOd hver oll vl ... mlt~ l.han the mini• mum dellt ~rn.nded quan\Jt;r. Eac-h ON I'!· A · DAY Vttamln B Cumpl~x Tahll'l t""tfllaln.J full mini• mum II .oily n:qulr~""'nl.l of VllAmln.J fll and BZ and 10 000 Mic-TufCT.4ffil of N•rotmamhle tnt~,.lhl't wllh a lfllh· et•nUal amount of ulher 0 Vllamln•. • ~ • • . • - A BREATH OF OLD LAG UNA at M I M I ' s • 1: 1745 SOtml COAS'r BOULF~ARD ~ Whf'ft )'OU buy Vltam•AA c-.. m,. ol" -:'t pol#nrlrs arvl p rl\-otl. Nnllt ltow ONI . A • OA Y Tab!•"' cnnfm ut &o t li• a ve...,. h uma.n requ1remanla. St • huw rrn•oQAble the t t>A. WNGBEACH N ........ A.a. L 8 .••. ., Oct th..,...at your tlru« N;"'• I ' •.= !>OWN Till-; STAIRS _ LrNCRmN 12 to 2 -DINNJI:R ~ 1Al f) : Starting Saturday :~r========..:==========~~~=~=-~~ ! Serving Sizzling Kansas City SteakH :' ................ ~ 623 So. ~ AD~ St. AaaoiiHm. C.Uf. DIEROENCY PHONE A•ahftm ttl! • CLOSED WJ-:l)N~DA YS • 1 ; I"'R Rr!8ER~TIOS8 CALL lotS : ~ ~. ••el•t ·•l• I I I"'" • I I t H1 t I ~' t I ... I I> t• I t t t> t t I I I f f f f f f f • JUST ARRIVED! ~ring and Summer " SWIM and PLAY TRUNKS (C.Callaa and clanblea) t -~ AND A NF."' ~ OF ADAMS TRUNKS (Ia printa) NOW OPEN With tomplete Automotive Repair and Maintenance Service • -· ASSOCI A TED Gasolines - V eedol Motor Oila Lubrication • OSt;.IM \' BRA KY. Mf'..RVICF. "Q1 .1CK·UfAKHY." BATrY.K\' MERVICE ot•t;s llAII.\' t 'KOM 7 A. M: TO 9 P. M . HARBOR GARAGE r ..... nn Mt•Gnvn~n e fLt)' 'Frnutwr•or) e l'nul 1'rautwrln e OlariM~ KalJrcer Jlarbor Blvd. ud Benaard Mt. ---~~-----..__,~ .. r • ... • .. -: ~....!a~j T· Robins Reetlls 'County lntGina =.-:=.a.:r~.:-n~,Growth of B.S.; Increase 129 Pet. · · · · ! off&M = ~:UoM Sat\riay~ Favors Expansion From 1939-1944 sPORT ... ... I Mrs. Oecar Moe. 316 Undo ave-p ' -. Btiboa, entertained with • _u_a_,;;;u;;.;c;;;__N:...::.:o=-T.:.tc=ll=---- blrt.hda)' dinner 8\Uiday haaar1Dc I tht> ni\al annlvenary ot her 1ru1-....nna Company and that• MN A marrlaae ~ has lw-m t.-1 Throdorr ~mf•mllt'r of ttw .Individual ' incomes or Orana •• ., ... "' a ........ .. .uecl to Otdl Jamft OllvM" 32 of flnt Board of Truatet'l of the rounty'a clviJian l"e''ick>nU rOle ON TilE BUll • band. Places were laJcl for Mr. and nrm 11 corn poled of the fdllowlaa Mn. Charles PllkJngJoo o1 Santa peraone. whoee namea and ad- Ana. Mn. Jack Pllkinetol1 a~d dreues are u followa. to wit: children, Carol and .John Leroy, John Aylinc, 2117 N. w.,....~ Burbank; Mr. and Mrs. Phllllp Altadena, Call! : C. R. Ruatenbach, Hayden and dau&hter Katherine, 1831 Alle&To Square, San Gabrle~ Mr. and Mn. Hu&h McMillan and Calif.; Donald V. Mtlncy. 1833% Newport Beech and C(t>~ Muy Newport llarbor Union High rrom $67,049.000 In 1939 to $153,-Ralph Reed. dlmJnutive and Vlncen aehool and on(' of ll• nwot t•nthua· 691'.000 In l!H4. aecordln& to a &enlal coach at Harbor Hl&h t, 29, awbo)t&an, Mich. lutk tJoosh·r•. recllllt'f:l whPn In-H b H• h B c T k T iUf\ l'Y by thl' resl'arch dt>partment sN>ma .to enjoy a rare comradethlp Slm-O...WOod :AWN IN G.S PAY POll 'I'IIEII81'..LVU J'Jwdom from upkeep and ftl)la~nt expenae makes tbe tint cmt ~ last 0081. ............. ,.,.. ... _,..... .. _. ~X 'vW la- IIA'J'8 -0 • WOOD ....... f tlf'm('d of 1111 s•h•NI lor t•Xpanslnn r r g rae rn ot the Ca.llfornia State Clamber of whh hla boya that la boU) a pleu-Mr. and M.ra. oe. S. Atlantic, Alhambra. Calif. llital he and nthrr dlr•·•·tnrs had to a 0 I , ea s ColllnWrct'. announced today. Thl.l ure and a joy to lee. Reed, who a•••1ur•· 11 sp~.•caal llt'l thruugh the was an lncr('aSC' of 129.2 pe-r eint baa to ~ctically atand on a hur-' llalt• lf'KISIIftUn• hack In lhe 19:vlo. s A h E II 0\'t the flrc--yf'ar period. In com-dJe to i(}ual the height or mo.t PuBLIC NoTICE ·In ordt•r 10 fif>lijlrltlf' thll from amp na e·m rt par on With II 144.6 per ~nt &aln Of hl.l athletes, appev-to be a the Santa Ana a<:huol dl.ltrlct. w I u e on for fornaa and a 109.8 per ~nt P4l u Wl.'ll 81 the "big boa" to the NOTICE OF 8ALJ: OF IlEAL 1 It "·a• nne of thc-first cues on f -ror thl' nation. fellowa at Harbor who t\lm out for PROPUTY 4T P&IV41'1: WITNESS our hand th~ 251) day of March, 1946. Strned: JOHN AYUNG C. R. RUSTENBACR DONALD V. MUNCY STATE OF CA'UFORNlA ') • 1 record of a joint oommlrtrr of J llarhor. Jllgh's mighty' B and c 10.7s. Impact of wartime populatloo the varlou. apor'ts. All of which BM.&. both Nt'V.1l0rt nnd Coata-Ml'lll tmck nul fils .:avo their league 660-Kiuum.an (NH), n.vlson· and lnduatr'lal changes on the may be one of tht' reuona that the No. P-3383. chambtT1 of oommer('(' workJn& nelehbora formal notice that theyi 1Ntfl, Bennett (NH), Nielson ~·conomy of California counties 1a S&ilors always ataod pretty 'N•h IO&etht>r to "'Miff' a ('nmmon ob-are out 11, capture tht' SW\I('t I 1 NIO. nnw. lm. 36.2a. appraised in the atud,y, mt>as~ in the activities In which Reed jcetlvl'. The)' unt I..t•roy Anderson, rrr.wn 111 I host< two clult'l In the 120 lollf6 hurdla _ Bell (NJ.I 1 by net lncomea from waaes and coacflts. Recorda revea.l that Tar Cotta Mesa attor"t'Y. lind Gror(W all-league tinala to be held t.ht. Brown ( NH) Woodhcx..e (Nil 1 ·, sallll'ies, proprletof'l.' proflta, prop-outfltl a.re always threata In baa- MeLt-oct to SatTam('nle to hrlp Frldny hy overWhelming Fullerton U ovanoe fO): Time 14.:. ' erty, and other aow-cea. ketball, tra!=k and football and a Puaclena Dept. A. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • ON nns 25th day of March In the Superi.or Cotjrt of the State A. D .. 1946, before me, Nora ot CaiUomia, Iii and for tbt S. Marparth, a Notary Pub- County of t..o. Anleles. llc In and for aald County and M<:Ure paua~4' of that IPg~l~lion lind orange• In the aeml-tlnala lut Shot _ ~ (•Nl{), ·French Wagef and aalarlet accounted &ood •hare of the ~t mu.t go In the Matter of the .Batate ot Judae n. J . Doc:hte of thl' Nrw-W('Pk Pnd. 101, Prell 1~). Hanaon (NH). Dis· ror $41 ,069,000 of lncllvtdual In-to lht' coachln& atalf, u exempiJ-Prea Lucu, Dect-ued. port TownJihlp rourt Ia tht' only• llarhor'a Ba.amaued 70~ pointe tanct' 45 ft. ~ ln. I comes in Orant:te county In 1939, or fled by Reed. -,- member of thllt originAl board with Fullrrton taking 37'-' and HJgh.jtuqp-Carter (F), Fert:tu· 61.:.!~ per _cent of the total, ac-OFF THE BUll · Noti~ 11 hereby ctven that t.hfo alii I IM'i'vlnt:t. which ron~~latPd ofiOrnnt:tf' 12. The local Cs won withjaon IF ), McDoweU (NH), Ambler cordmg to the · aurvey. By 1944, Took a poke Jut week at Har-undenianed will R1l at prtvat. Thffldorr Robina. vroy And£•r'IOn 6:! und Full4'rton tr11lled with 23 1Ft. Heleht. 5' tt. 4 ln. I wagf.'ll and salllJ'Ies had jumped to bor High bueball. or r,t.her the aale to the hl&het~t and best bld- Cprwfckont), Mra Fnn<"'t :>;eiJ~>n ~<ntl 13 respectively. Broad jump _ Smith CNII I, 00.701,000. or 58~36 per cent of lack of Interest In th~ national der,IJUbject to confllmatJon of said a nd tht' l11tr Dr Fen')'. Robina r•~ Tilt' Sailor A team camt' out II<'C-Kru~tarud IF ), Council (A), Watts tht> tota.l. . puttlme and Indicated that the Superior ~t. on or after ttw I r11lled thAt thf'lr m11ny Mtl7rns f~>lt ond lwst 1>4'hlnd Fullrr tori who In-( NHl. Distance. 19ft. Propraeton net Incomes-prof-local team wu rather a woeful lOth day of April, 1946, at the ol· that thf'lr plana for a 600-atudrnt dll'lllro that th('y will conteat Pole vault-Tie Hay (Nl{) and its of proprleton and partnera In aquad. So. what happens! Wendy flees of RJccardl, Wet.ter A Dona- plant entlrrly too ambitious. Jt Santa Ana'• powerful tr am coml' Pn-11 COl: Woodhou.ae tNJII. mm-ror.porate farm and buallleu Plck4'na' aerapping nine takes the hue, attorneya, 311 Ftnt Trult actually open('(! wllh 200 and 12, Friday by takJng the meet with M1•11ra •Nil). f.telaht, 10ft. 31n ~·ntM"prases -rose from 110.315,000 TuaUn TWen Into camp by a de-BulldJna. Puadena 1. California. trachfn. , 16() polnta 'lo tiarbor'a 31 and Or-' H O relay -Newport, .Orange. m 1939 to m.l33,000 In 1944. dalve score of 12-Q and Indicated all the ri&ht. tltle and Interest of "Sin~ th<Wt' diiYJI thl' KTOwth of anRc>'s 23~ Brian Hanzal wu a FUller ton. Time. 48.9a. Property I~ 1 that they "'-Y be a aurpriac to •aJd deceased at the Ume of hl.l tM l('hOOI hM h('t'n phrnumNutl," douhle w•nncr ror l~ local• bag-Pointa: Newport Harbor 62, Ful-Property income-;-lncludJng dlv-ll!'Y v111tor that t. looking for euy death, and all the right, title and Ina r cmarkf'd "T.nrollmPnl hns glng both !l(lfinU ' jll'rlon 23, Oranae 13. · ldf'ndll. interest. net rentals and p1ck1nga. We mentioi'W'd Jut week Interest that the estate o,...ald de- tnplt"d. TellC'Mrs h~tvr been In· ·• · , . royaltles-ecounted for $8,741,000 that Pickens t. a whale of a coach ceued hu acqulred by operatl~ c-rrlliro rrom. 12 In :u . . Stlllis· Q\aRIIryl~~ In the A r~ent.a "ere .. Cor 'of Oranae rounty'a 1939 lndivlduaJ and that still standi. He knows o( ''-~ or otherwise, other that tb publllhc>d by the Orllnl:•' Wttllnt'r with • aerond In the hhth 1 011~~ •ro !income. By 1944. thl.l typt" of In-the game and hll team learns a or In-addition to that of aald de I County Suprrintendent's oftll'l' hurdlrs, llnr;~zal _In thP 100 and 1 comr had rlaen to $18,687,000. lot with each practlct'. Who knows C'eued at the time of death 1n and 1 ahow that our hl&h IChool hu ,.1_ 2'20. Martin with a third in th<' Sa Pr~rJ--Other lncomr. Including pen; but that. by the time the preacnt to all that certain real property weya .,.., amon& the J.aw COlt 100, McKihhl>n with II third I" the ~-bll-r-Fiee-. 1 sions. diN'ct rellrf. compensation, bunch are senJors. Harbor may altuate In the County of Orange, ~moo~~ with an avenre Clift per «0, McCallum with a I4'COnd In u.M RCr t' soclaJ security-and In 1944, mill-tum up with the horachlde pride State of Callfornla. parUC\Jiarly State. l"e''idlne therein duly comml11loned and sworn, per- aonally appeared John Aylln&. C. R. Ruatenbach. Donald V. Muncy, known to me to '-the peraona whoae names are aub- aerlbed to the within lnltru- rrwnt, and acknowledpcl to me tha( they executed \Jle ume: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntp ae.t .. my hand and affixed my offiCial 1eal the day and yelll' In thll ~rti­ ncate flnt above written. CSEAL) NORA S. MARGW ARTH Notary Public: In and for aald County and State. My Commission Explr~ Jan. ~. 1950. Pub: Mch. 26. Apr. 2. 9, 16. 1946. pUpil 1n1 than that of thr county I the 220 low hurdlt'l, Arctaer with •-a tary dt>pendenU' allo\lnl'nta and of the SW\I('t league. described as foii0\\'1: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN llfE SALE OF ALCOHOL- IC BEVERAGES. a--.. a lf'('Ond In th,. shot put. W~tllner l --• veterana' muaterlna out pay..-u BEAMTNG8 Lot 19 Block 11 of tract 23:a ~._._ 0 Wood ·~-· · · · second In the high Jump Pt'ytpn-tle lt app8J'S that Southern C811-$6 924000 1939 K . · ...... • • nw WPIJ known auto de-aler aald for IN'ond In the broad jump and fom ia's gambling nHt t. due ror i •. 194.4 In • and Sl2.1T7.000 ~·c::: Dlemllng lind Caml'ron In the City of Newport Beach. ..,..._ '-'Uo uratnc the pa11lnc of the high 1 ult 1 well beyond the territoR&! ch Principal sourct> of wage an. d llke tht' best bt-U to lead the local Cali"fornla, as per map record-April 4, 1946 A _._ ~:.. further. "l hav~> no hesitation In ' RoiK'rlllon wtth a I«<nd In the o n-a ppearance In cout&l watrr'S n . . gh IChool tennla aces look Cou,rtty or Orange, State of ef ~ Ot R&J tcbooi expanakJn proeTam 00 May po e va · of the law. accordlnr to w7,! ::..~ salary lnoome to Oranae county aquad to the top of the league net eel In Book 13, pages 36 and TO \VHOM IT MAy CONCERN: _Ill ~ hWL M. !7 The harbor dlatritt de-velop-0.. B porU resident. was trade and aervlce heap. I ncidentally, the two net ten 37 of Mlseellnneous Mapa, Notlre is herl'hy given that flf. _ ~ Ol)lt. ~t will UCt'ed the propoaec1 In-120 high hurdi"";-OeRutf CNHI, Th~ rl'tum ot 11!e fleet, whk h enterprises where ~olla In-and Pf'Thapa a couple from the recorda of aaJd County tM'n da}'l after t he dale poated, ""-,_. .._ ~-~ creue of eapac:ity to 1000 enroll-HJJlhoWW' INHI. Rtma !Nlt), Me-wu decommwloned by a atate crrued from $14.116,000 In 1939 Tar nlnt--man team. plan to en ter and the undt>rsigned propous to aeiJ ....._ .._. a..p. mem In a VffY lhort time. Rlatory Graw. IF I. ,mf', 9 ~. supreme COl.lrt dec~lon in 1939 to sp .sRO.OOO In 1944, the State the Douglas CUp compeUtlona_ln Lot 20 Block 11 or Tract 234. alcoholic tx-w•rages at thew prem· .., ______ .... ____ _,I will repeat ltlelf, only faster." 100-0sborne IF I. Davis ~Fl , wilt alliO brine back • tamiUS..: Chamber's repo.rt 1111tl's Aj;TiC\Jl-LA during aprlng vacation, aaya In the City of Newport Beach. lses. ~aibcd as follows: 1301 Gr11ban. (FJ. Young (NHI. Ttme. name. aa It Is ~por'ted that lhe j•un· acoounted for $13,406,000; Coach Harryman. thrlr net mt'ntor County of Orange. State ot CoaJit Highway. Newport Beach, GEORGE -D. BASSETI' 0 I I el AAI t I ..... • .,.. mvn•• llookkeepbac .. _, TuS.tb -W. OIMMI A-. ~ 1~, Newpert liNe-• 1 10.71. ht'ftd of the new syndicate that tran•portatlon, communication and · · · · Brian Hanzal, lUre-fire cln-California, as per map record-Oran~:e County, California. 660-Maaon INIIl. BPrry INJil, in tend.'l to run tht' gamin ~hl utllltif'tl for .J-4.978.000 and manu-deT path point-winner In the du h-eel jn Book 13. pages 36 and Pursuant to such Intention, the J llmf!IOO 101. Spangl4'r (Nftl. '" "Admiral of the F1eet~ TO:, I fact. urlng for $20,717,000 In 1944 ea. looka Uke a sure-fire bet on 37 of Miscellaneous Ma,-... underal.rned Is applying to the Timl', lm.34 211. Com ero ) local payroll•. the local ~rldiron this fall. He Records of aald County. State BQll.rd of Equalization for t.- 220 Davia IF I, Youn~-: INHI.I · . ahould be able to lklrl, the e nd ala Tl>rm~ of aall' arr cash In law-suance on orllelnal appllcatloo of Nulty fNHl. Grahan IF I. Time. A r~r traru:AtlanUc luxury Sa n• Seeki Turley of last year's Santa Ana ful mon4'y of the United States on an alcoholic hl'vl'rage license (or 2~. liner. IS now undergolnf e'Xten.~IVI' n Jego ng championship outfit. ... On the confirmation of salt', or part caah Jlct'nst'lll ror these pret'flrii8 U 220 low hurdk'l Mt'Graw cFI. rvpaars ond Is being remodc•I('(I'M W D S j}J . natlonnl aport IN'ne. It Is the talk and balanct' l'videnct'd by 11 note ,follows: . -';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MPIIO fNHl, D«-Ruff CNH\, H11ri· ~tiY a swank n011tln& cutno. ~ut • • • Up Y of the basl·hnll world thr way the I('('Uft'd by n tru.t deed on tiw ON SALE REER ~~ son f Nil I Timr. 1:\.RI. wom,.ro., N.'Calllng prevtoua run·tns PI\Bflurl brothers or th<' .Mexican property ~ sold , Tt>n prrcent Ill( An)onr drtclrln~-: tu protest the 1320 -Straw f Fl,' Coyle 101, llh th; ~aw.hldld not reveal thr With the purpo!lr or obtlllning a major h:•ague art' knocking orr amottnt hid to I If' dE'pc»ated wi•h ll'5U3n('(' or such lict>ns<•ls) may fUt CrnM f Nll l. ('rais: , Nil 1. nmc, naml' 0 I e" P or Its location . pl4'ntlful and . perm,nent watrr hl~-:h·stllarlt'd plAyl'rS from thr 1 bid. If Vf•rifled Jlrt'tl'•l with thl' Statt 3m..34s. supply from the Colorado RJvcr iStatl'!l lhr hl~tKt'St namr pla)·er to Bids or ortcrs to be In writinl[ Ronrrl nf F:qunli7AIIon at Sacra· Shot pUt llonum INIII. Hirks Co t orr• • Is AqiK'duct. tht' San Diego County join lht> 'below the bordl'r' leai{Ue and will lx' rt'l'l'ivro at the afor-mrntt•. C'alifomtn, statmg grounda 101, KJIII'In fN III. Pinklf•y fNHl.l un y ICI8 Wa lt>r Authority on April 5 filt"d rrccntly belnft \'('rn Strphrns. for-]sald offict' at any time llftrr ·~fur di'OH\1 as pr<J\'id!'d t.y law. Tht Diltanet>. 43 ft. Decree Gamble with the Roard of Dlrecton of th(' I mrr B!'ownlr llhort-stop of Long flr!!t publlf'atlon hl'reor and Jxofn,. .. prPmillt'S llrl' 1101 nnw llct>nsed for High jum Pollock f NH l , lie fS Metro politan Watt-r District of Reach -hut It was to bl' I'XJ)N'tt'd date of salt'. thl' snl!' of nlc<lholic IK>vcraget. lflllhoulW' INII• and Will'!' rF ).I Unwe)com H Southern California an application bN:ause &ftrr all, the only loyall)· I Doted: Mar ch 2!lt h, 1916. RALPH G SESSEL. Comrr IF ) Height, 5 ft. 6 ln. e ere I for consent to annex to the dia-0~~ hy pro.fenlonaJ llthll'tel Is toiGERTRUDE PAULINE WATSON Pub: Aprtl 9, 1946 . .. Rroed jump.-Rimll fNHI, Pol---trtct. ltie ~ IIJUI Stephrna Is reported Aclmlniltratrlx of the eatat. lock INHI, Mrllo fNHl. S truvr Gambling ships. such as thOle In addition to the dt of San j to havt' signed for In ex~ of of aaJd ~nt. 1 1 F l. D~ttln<'t', 19ft. 11 ln. 1 nppar.-nlly plannl'd hy Tony Cor-01 0 ~he wat a tt!rlt 1 ] $18.000 and. If St Louis wont pay RJccardJ, Webster lr Donahue, Robbie's Rigginl' Pole vault Tie Olborne c F l 11nd nrro ort M111ihu Be~ will not be clu~ eight otht>~r cit I~ and~~ 1 him what hc'a worth. he mig-ht Attornl'ya for salcl adminlstn Loft Ward (NHl: Thompaon fNH). •·rlcomf' near oran~-:e rounty re-1 the tht' . t 'Ille ,~~~ wrll &llffl with the hlfthl'St bid· trtx, 311 Flnl Trult Bldg I Pt>ntc·coet 10). Ht'lirhl. 10 ft . 6 ln. 11orts, It wu st11trd laat w~k by ~ 1':u !{' ~Y· N ~ ~ der. The Mexican league should Puadena. Calif. ReillY -Newport, Orangr. Ful· Shrrirt Jl•ssr· F:lllott and Dlst. Oty ~ui v:-ona th · La a Mona • tum out to be rl'ally big time. The CR 12620. lerton. Time. lm.12a. Ally J11m~ L. Davis when q\18-Le~ Gr!ve .!:; S;;n Vale::· peona rrom thr South may takP Pub. Mch. 26. 28; Apr. 2. 4. 9. 1946.1 Polnt11: Nr•'J)Ort Harbor 70%. lloned about the various rumors Jrri. tl District, the 'L.kesl~ time from thrlr pUIQU«'·!IQU('('zing Fullrrton 37''· Oran~tl' 12. ia•t W<'Ck. Irrl::u: Dlatrict. the Fallbr'bok ~h~akr thl! Whole Vl'nlure worth (~ERTIFJ('ATt; o•· onUNF~qs . a-C j "Thl'y hll\'1' nt•\f•r lltt••mpted to Public Utility Dlatrlct and the Ra· TEAM BEAMS FJC.'TITI01 1~ FIRM N t\ME ~\Au~~nFf NJII. Bell I":Hl. 1 operall' rrom hr r,.." Davts..sald. "I mona Irrigation Dlatrlct. Total es-Pickl!n!!' n.ln~ wrnt down ht'fore l THE UNDERSIGNED do h~rt'· 5 .8an n I • ergllliOn tFt. Tame, aC!C! no n•ason v.hy t~ry should timRted popUlation of the nine WUson nf Lont:t Oeach on the local by certify that they are ronduct- . choose to t ry It now. ~owev~. communltlf'l comprl.alng the au· diamond Thursday afternoon 8-0 lng a Mat I lne Shop bualnl'lls at (Fll~-lt:-~~tll ~l . (~~~~lftheyahouldllltt'mpt It, ttwycer-thorlty Ia 370,000 and they have Wilson 1.1 one of the bt'lter bat<'· Foot or 31st S trC<'I. City nr New· _ . m • es ). • m,..., taJnly Will not he Wl'IOOme. We a combined IU't"a of 150 aquare bllll outfits in the Southland and port Beach. County of Ornn"e. .mJies, with an aueued valuation Ia set'dcd In thr rorthcomln~ bast'-S tate of California. under the fac- of S270.000,()90. • ball tourney In Pomona during tltJoua firm naml' of Ram Engi- Euter vecatloa. • ~-RJ~ Wlthotlt Remo.t.. tbe Mut" 8~lalty: \\1rt> Cable 8p&- lna, &K:keta. Faaey Wolfll. r:tc. Contrnct or Time and Ma- h•ria ls. !lorry, no ~Drop in or drop me 11 card. Robbie'• RigiD' Loft 1561 8aata Aaa Ave. Coat• .... CaUl. • A. F. of L. Opposed. to don't want that type of people in Orange county." Coach Lamp Cafe Reopens SaturdaJ Sht'rlff Elliott aaJd he hardly expected tht' matter to come up, but that the aamblera would not be welcome In Orante county. Opening date for the Coach Tony Comeoro. one-time ''bli Lamp cafe, 504 Wes{ Central ahot" &ambling boat owner t. 1wenue. was aet for lut Satur- rumored to have tleveral luxury da)'. April 6 with the new achedulc lhl.-In the ~ of hllna rt--ca!Ung for the aervlng of dinners ntted to be anchored off the only. While k<'t'pl~ to the theme Soult'lern California cout. Instituted by "The Boys," who Communism • Tile Alnerlun Federation of Labor has been on record for ower two decades as being opposed to the Communist Party and us Rlllde~ a consistent fight to expose tbPir r~: eth~' aud t~ro­ .-.•lld• as evidenced by the records of the A. F. of L Contained· herein, In part, Is copy of Articte 2, Section 2 of the constltation and by-laws of lhe Orange County Central La- bor Co•ncll: , • ARTICLE II, Section II .. No organization officered or controlled by Communists or. ••r person espousing Communism or adv~ating the vi o 1 ~ n t . owa lllrow of our institu~lo~:., shall be allowed representation or recognl~ion in. this Ce~tra~ Labor Council" .. ORANGE COUNTY CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL A. F; of L. 0. C. r:lUILDING AND CONSTRUCT~ON TRADES A. F. ofL Beer Wines Liquers Whis~ey atarted the popular d•nnl'r house, the plact'-hu ht'rn newly decorated 11nd thl' countPr takrn out, allow- Ing r oom rnr ~ix morr tahlrs ,;!'at· lng rrom two to four f'IICh. Thl' nrw arrangrmrnt will al· low fur mor<' Vllriel}' on tht• mt•nu. A<'I'OI'Ilir>L.: to Clllflll'd Rrnd••n. pro· I pr il'lor. And hi' hAS pr,.,m1st'd · to makt~ h•~ fnmous Gl'rman pniAtol ' pnnrAkl's mort• o(ten ~lr. aod ' -~ ~Irs llrrut.-n n•turnP<I (rum 11;-lwrt ~ ~ ~ ~ 9~ 11111 Sprm~-:s l:tsl W•'<'k , -, @ ~~ ~ o · llifY'r REFRtGERmon 'I I ~ -~!l}I~COIDP~E! I Boot. Uld Roy ~De tne C'oa•t Bh·d .. C'or<Jn" ~ Mar Palm ud Bay, Balboa Trmpornl') Phom-. nny S.'l-1 La- ' Phoee S91 J:'Uni\ R<-nr h: Phnnc-N l~tht. 11362 1 1 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - --Ull."\1 .. BNidl --' Expert Repairing Typewriter$ and Office Equip~ent Cleaning-Oiling-AdjustinJC-Overhauling Robert's Typewriter Service 26ft'! \\'e!'lt Cf'nfrnl An .• S~>wport $400,000,000 construction program under way on the Pacific Coast o.ring the out 6Ye yean, 1 four hundred milliCln dollar cocuuuction program is planned to impro'e and expand ulephone service on the Pacific Coast. · .Tb.iJ program ia already under way and is soinll ahead -.dily. ' Ia 19-46 alone, mort than 70 building projects. inmlla- cion of eighc billion feet of wire in uchanRc 01hlc and • coosuuction of 200,000 miles of toll and lung dU.unce circ:Wa ere expected to be cotnpleced. Work will he srartrd oa the Western part of a nauoo-widc coaxial cable net· work for lonJ distance and trl~·ision tranJmi~sion, and in che nen fr:w yean many new stJ'\•ires and improve- mena will be latroduced. For it ia our purpose ro ~ow with rht' West and to hdp the West grow-<o pr~·•d' an ever-widening. n •cr·im- proviog telephone service. Souther-n California Telephone Company . ............ ... ........... .... ® • • ' -----•---------------------------.::H~E:.,:WI'O:.:..;::;.:a::.T.:...::IlAJ.IIO.\===..Lgwa;.::.;~..:·'IUU&:.== N~ ...... c.ltforllla. ~. ~ t, IMI , l . .... Harvill Charges aus&NII:88 ou•p• teatatNus owoE • " EMPLO\'MI:NT orn:ai:D • a&NT. ~~~•~r.LI..ANF.Otrs -ul 11Pr.c·1.u. ANNOl!Nn:Mi'NTtt .-lULU. .,.an " ....... ~-• County Planners -----------' ---'' '' r r 11 lllll lo:L ~\A,ll Balboa \\'Ait ~l 'ttl'l.\'~ trnta Ofl •"'" 1\\ ' · --------. ........,,.._. __________ _ ) F I R E Y A C H T S InD. ~ MO. • t·tla M··Muhnn ..-.,,.,,tun · Cu ~,ntn r ....z-.=.,..;; Throttle Industry AUTOMOBILE COMPENSATION'~ wArTRF.ssES wANTEo -&1 Ann ""11;•·~··,mtdllttl·n•···""· TELEPHONE j . M. MILLER • J Sh~ Cafe. 11lh 6 C'out Htch· pl·•tc-"'11' ,., . .,,,.r llnl' c.>rrwr OPERATIN', RH.I Eltate Brok« . Pf'lt·• ~end plna Wa tcl"prool and v Olar&H tha~ the county piAn· nins oommiaalon Ia blocking d~ velopm«'nt of Industry In · Orange county were made by Ht>nry L Harvill. owner of 500 acrH In Santa Ana canyon, Whoat' appllca· Uon, to Htabllsh a $3SO,OOO dle cutlnr plant on hla prol)l'rty wu t~ down by· the oommiulon .. s T u I •• D u N L A p Insurance wa)• Ph: Nt•WlX)rt 2M4. H ·tfC: ftro> rr•lll•t~ont For uN tor moull· ' pAYS 15th and Omlral WANTED-Houwkt"eprr In love-ly ' taln, d<·M•rt or h<'A<'h vacation ~ -. homt'. 2 In tamUy. Prlvaw room. Ofl tnrtoul '••r r•rntf'('tiO(I of craln GOOD WAGES Balboa Peninsula Lot good ~Aag.-s. Ph: IO~. 24-tfc: 01 hay ~·r &n)' u..-u larpeulln •• , W ANTED-Rrllable cent'ral main· ten~ man. Udo Thea~. ~~ LK~ than tt~lrtll w'holt.,.ale 0011. Buy •'ront -Bait LoattJOQ .,.. whllr 11\'allable at only No t'Xperience nere!olsary • t 5,000 7 0 3 E. C e n t r a) Jut Friday. • The board or supttrvl10n, who must aPP'OYe or dlaapprove the tlndinas or the planning commit tee. meet today ('l'uesday) for nna1 41apoeltlon of thla appllc:atlon w 10 aa 1ftU aa wvera1 other ~ which weft turMd dowll by the 1b 11 ~ In their l&lt mfttinl Eatabllahment df a veterinarian F 12 boiP't&l fn Ol«a Mt>~a Ia one dis- approved appUcatlon that will be s 13 ~ Harvill contmded that "the at- titude of the plannln& oommiulon Su 14 Balb oa TIDE TABLES lt.P&IL, lMI HlP Law HiP Law 4:39 11 :57 ,,.. . ... I .... 4.8 -0.8 u ' .. - 5:46 12:06 'J rU U :M 4.8 2.0 4.4 -0.6 6:39 12:52 ,,.. lila u u u 0.5 7 :23 1:29 1111 1:61 4.9 0.9 4.9 -0.3 8:0I 2:05 ,,.. l tll u 0.5 5.1 o.o wW enctanrer the future pro.prrtty ,..._-__. 18 ...._.,-,_ of the county.'' · ~ ...,_ L -: .._--.. • "I understand the auPft'Vis9n -------------have Instructed the plannlnc oom-Puauc NoTeca Phone Number 683 t44 '.1'• Trrms M~Mahlln FUmi· Earn wh1'la you learn h11 ,. t \lrnJllln)', S('('()nd 6 Bro.d· ~ HELP WANTEf.)..-Woman to train Wtl~, Sant& Ana. :l8-2tc P A I N T I N G for t'OOktna at the Corona drl MM' IChool cafeteria. c.ll at WANTI:D TO 'BUY 11 12 Yean Service In Newport tchool !»tweoen 8 and 2. 25-4t.c ------------ Harbor Area HELP wANTED_ Woman llaht W A1'1T.D -To buy adcllna ma· There are many other advantages to btin~t a telephone employee. Harry Hall houlek~n& and aome c~ eld· dll.nro und flllnc cabinet, 3 or 4 PAINTING OONT'RACl'OR erly Ja41. a to 4 houn daJly, draw•.•r 1~\'alley't Food Mart. IOO E & A &Jboa Phone Newport 137-W 10 a.m. to 1 or 2 P.m. Call New· Ptlon~> 415 28-4tc 514~' N: w.J. S~·Santa ~. 714 !:. 19th Str~t :U.~c: port 2007-W. • 28-2tc liFJI,.L PAy c.uH tw ,_, n&r- f'dR A R.El..IABLE PUnt Job Oft HELP WANTED-W&le·Female ...... or wW .._,.. ,.._ ~"baM • )"'Ur home, eaU N~t 1047 Local or travelJ.Da In ~ f~ ~ 2000· 0 · ll. a....,, n. Alk the opwator f01 tlw alter 4:30p.m. t~ttc )'OW'Ielt . .No ri'IOIW)' reqWnd. f*MI BMIIa&.. 11U M~ 0\W <>p.ntar COOPERA Good lnc:qne. You are')"'Ur own -.ct .. o..&a ...._ ~ TIVE -..Apply H. Yu o.r.a. 501\6 iiiiiiTUii roa 'aA.La 11 Southern CaH!omia ROOFING CO. . N. Main St .. Suta Ana. :ISltk ~P'Oil=-..,s~ALE--G-------E-a-ut_oma_tic __ H_ot Ttlepbnne.Compa•y. New and Repair 1fELP WANTED-Woman far Point clothee dr)'tor. Excl. cond. 7' ··u· houle work, lmA1l howe, two Phone 281..J. )8.,1\c: __ • ________ .._ __ .. ~~~~~w~ N tftb'Ue». Not ftiOUih wartr 1Gr FOR SALE-2 lln&le lron bedl, • 0 Delay all day. Uw ln. but C!OUJd haw 1 malll'fta, warclrobe trunk. Ph: /--~ houn. CaD N.wpart 2187-W. ..2tc IW'lalllb,..,.. kUGheft .Mt.tnom or mJulon to enoourqe Uw establish· ment of citstrable lnduatry In the <lQUJity but the commlulon 'Ia ~r­ tainl)l not followtnc that polley," NOTICE OF PUaLJ() DAIU!fO PMH'IIM'e ~ lll..J .. wtth ... We ........ · ttc FOR SALE -A .,.auurw daven· __ Harvt11 ueerted. Tbe aupentlaon are abo alat.ed to take action on the auto ra~ track lll wHtem Orance county propoaed by Arthur Lan~r. Ac· tbl on thiS land-use application waa d.fnnd from the IMt mftt· 'nw Newport Beach Qty Plaft.. nlna eo.nnu..ion Will h014 a Publlc Heartna Thunday, April lB. llM6 at 7 :30 P. M ., In the CowM:il Cham- ben, Oty Hall, Newport ~. Calltornla. PADn'lltO-P.u.l ILUfQDfO aM~ftlfO H. II. NrDeMN U4 Old aa-tJ M , Pll: M6·W o.ca ~~~-~c: GOOD POSJTJON for u.. rilbt part and emir. Exc:. cond .• 1115. F p WaJd Pft'8Qfl. Four Ia ra.m.ll)'. all..Wta. 7T1 Broadway, a.ta Mesa. Ph: 'l'rkmtt.;_1 ia.w. roll ._.._ 1\6 dQa otr..,. ..a. BIDdla 11'M-M. 28-ttc -.-- wul\lnr mach!ne. p 1 r a • a. a& BIIALL DA VENPQRT and 2 OWf'· 111111~ OI'N&i'tJHIYIM 4t WMhlnl and lroDll\r daM at .tulfrd chalrt· enamtHop ldt· home. Privata room wttb baUa, chen work table· ~mall IU nut>Y AT HOIIE-_11Ml Batate ndio. Uw ln. SUO per IDCIDth. r&nll" 109 30th St ' t N t DC»~*. QuJt!lr reeulta. Ouaraft. Lido Isle 2 Bay Front Jots $10,000 & $12,000 Ea. One lnll~ lot !K>x88 $5000 Costa Mesa Balboa Island BNutJtuJ 2-atory homt • Sou&h Bay Front. • ..... rooma, 2 bat!w. boaU..., 4 car a.,._. ....-• JUNt ~ wt• 2 ..... rooma. Thl• ll • wry exchiiMt ...... Prloe and tM'ma 9l*d • ~ueat. Lup, mocWT~ ~tucco locatect eo· d I M on ~qnoUe street. Practl· rona e ar cally-new, wit!\ all modem I.AJp tot ...... oiJ¥~, ~ Extra 1a.rp (WI Poppy. PrtolllfW ... -.... . Business Frontage MIRACLE MD...E One ~Mot on ln1and lldl. • One p~tee on Bay lldl ot ~. . Phone ·Your Llatlnp In _ and we wUl at4 U.. fte17 em t' ••*- j. M. MILLER IJte. PlJBUIC HEARING upon the application ol J. S. Brown and E. D. Jones. ownen of Lou liO and 31. Bloclc 11, Seoc:tion 1. Balboa bland, for a aetbac:k varian~ from 8 ft'Ct to 4 r~t for the !bove men- tlol\t'd Iota. PAINTING and DECORATING Submit qualltleaUoN by naaD 9tac:h ~ • ~ tw. D Secur1ty Bid., Peeedlna. and ananae for lntwvtrM. Wrlta · c ~tte • ... .. a.cna • .....,.., ..... -• ,_..- Box "R", N ..... nm.. »-ate P'OR SALE-W"tlna~ Elec. a.u.& IIIIIOII:LI..AN178 • ranee. automaUc clock and oven _ro_a_wz_HT ________ u "0.. Your w..-to ...,. .. Drt'" Carefully-Spare a ute Interior -Exterior HEADACHE Spedallzin1r In MariM Pal.nU FOR SALE -~ wardrobe trunk, 135.00. Ph: i:il: 71-2tc: control. Exc. concl Call 1\~W . Z7·llc ~~c!~~vs!~~~~[~~ H U 8 P 0 W E R S, A G B N T By order of the Olainnan of the Nt>WlX)rt Beach O ty Planning Commlulon. ~ Paint on Your Boat FOR SALE-4.x6 foot tic-el body traU.r, rooct tires. m . 381 E. 18th St .. a.t.t Mesa Z7-2tp .. prrft'1'TN1 311\ Orchid Ave., C. 1 rona de\ Mar. P1\: 169. 1ft.ltc ' - -ae eUCII A BIG JOHN M. ALLEN PHli..MER J . ELLERBROEK. • Holda Up WHY NOT PArNT YOUR HOUSE WITJI IT! FOR SAI..E-Thr~ wt II Mil, ~ hooks e&ch, nl'arly nt'W, 361 F.. 18th St .. Co.ta M<'M. Z7·2tp FOR SALE-10-ft. Top of Car pJy. W• have liiJ'Yel'aJ attr"ac.1We Balboa llland ~=~~~~~~~~~~ .III'OOd boat. $511.00. Al10 16-rt, _w_A_NftD ___ TO_JU:_l'fT ______ tl fto.OOOOJ.'OU tnd .. .._. are~aed to 1111 DOW _. az. Mr HaU, Dayshor~ ·rralln 0 .. _T 'J ~ Park, Hom., Sunday. :l8-ltp SMAJ.L APT., room or hmllle fM 1 • · Good two-4we Uhlt ·lilrtlnl at •1 ,000. iD4 UTILI 'IMIM. Secretary. W~ Have F lrtl Clut Palnten Worklni mlddlo'·tl&f'd larty Call Mn. ot~ • Puh.-April 9. \946 NOTICE Of' liALE -..--, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tht' BordPr Fish Corporation, ll3.'lr c oast lll~;hway, Newport &a<'h, California, has pUrl'hascd from R A. MilchPII. 11 35 Coll.llr Hlghwa.y, Newport Beach, Call· ~ Cornia. tht' cabin crulscT .. Alut" No. 27 E 518. a oommrTclal Hah· ALL SET for a ~rood fall daY. intot boat. All l>('l'lions having or work Ybell a ~IIC "-4· d armmg to have any lil'M . claims. IIebe ...U.11p oe JOV:Yoa •dtr and or drmands ag11jn51 taJd boat aDd 10 d-JOV work. ., .. rl' n.•sl)j'Ctfully rt'QUt"St£-d to prc- Jte.ctJ for u nenlDc of nt.az: S{'nt said Jlena, claims. and/or de· ::Sac~m=it:~Ua :o:-t!t mand.!r 10 fWbt. R. Sttele, Port ~ _,.JliMD, ornJen"OG I Orange, 1135 Coaat Highway, New· port lk·11ch. Cahforn111 on or bE-fori.' D&--April 20. 1946 . Adi-Pa .. Plls ~~;1 R. sTEELE. ...U7 nlien -' Olll7 B.... Pub.-April 9, t946. edle. bat Sl•ple N.val;ta. ... ftlu Palaa ..,. F•actleaa1 J1..aw, p.... A spokesman for thl' lliiVY aa)'11 Do 7'011 1111 Dr. IIU.. :Aati-Pala It is n>sen ·lng lu ronclualon about Pilla? U no\ YbJ' noU Yoa.. tht> approaching atomic bomb teeU 1-' Dr. llilee .ADU·Pala PW. .. or war veuels The bomb hu up- Joar cb'U aton ba the ncu1ar 1 aet so many oonclualons already ..-.. '-GlalJ' a P1U7 apiece I that nont' will be tale until It Ia a.lla tM ecoDOaJ' J)Kb,re..,.. hased on on established fact.- ........ 'WlaJ not l9l a peekap Kanau Clly Star. =t' Yoar dnaniat baa th-. dinctloae ud .. onl~ -......._ Yoar 1DOM7 a.q if Joa I "Take the ·dau' out or night lire 8n 'IIOl •u.e... 'I' and you may have a dull evenlnc." -J adt l..lftdl1ey H. SIMONSON 7311 Sea1hore DQve Pho~ Newport 8701-J -2 E. J. JACKLIN Building Contractor 4~ Man•oa Ave. Phone Newpol't 1522-J Z1-8tc TllAN8PORT A TJON •• W ANrED-Rldf' lo Huntington FOR SALE Watt'r·proofl'd flah· In~ wull , llt\()(>s, bohy huJu:y, baby t"K'd und mat lrl'll.ll • ~ Eldt>n. C"011t" Mtu 28-2tc CAS~· FGR ,.l)g£,D_FURNJTURE. PliONE COSTA MF.SA 740-W. 23-tJc: FOR 6 ALE -OfflceT'a uniforma. Some nt'ver worn. Pfiont' N. D. 764. -26-Jtp RED FRYERS Park or vicinity, daily except FOR S ALE. Call at 1805 Tualln Sunday. 1532 Ocean Blvc:l.~al· Ave., C0111a Mesa. 28-2tp boa. 2tp FOR SALE-Studio COU<'h, foldlng SANTA ANA lronln~t board. Excelsior blcydf' A t Tr I S • (pre-warl, Rolli razor floor u 0 ave ernce lamp, 00)>11 toys. dc.>cwative Jap Marine Radios AvallablP lmrr\C'dlatf' delivery, com- plet.e ranjlc of alz.ee. Your In· apectloo weiC'Oinecl HIGGINS PLEASUR.I: CRAFT. 810 Coaat HllhWIV Ph: 1104. 9·tft" nRJ: JeQ\.JU•W•NT TESTII - c -o-T>v.•o. '7"n• • P'O&at refllla 00. ttaf'd ., .. ...etll and 1"'11~ -anllable ETa HOKlN 6 OALVAN. 1000 c-.t Htcb"'•f· Pllorle 13a... n .ttc: FOR.-SAL.E-Motor boat. 1.5-ft runabout. wt th Johnaon motcw. like ni.'W; boat completely equl~ peel, ldfoal for bay 01' lake. ~ c:uh. 1600 Eut Ct>ntral Ave , Balboa 21-tfc: FOR .!-;AJL..-.20 h.p. Marine De!MI, Ft't'lry at Hlah St'hoe>l 1400 nr tlrtr r 4 p.m ct11l 14.'2l1·M . Z7-tlc WILL PAY OON\JS fur I\OUSC or apt . 1 or 2 tw-droom11 No c:hll- clrt"n or p('tl. l'hont> tnt.J . 21-4tr: -WANT TO RF.NT At•t. nr l'tOUM', turn Of' unfurn. Vt•lfTan, P""· ml\nrnt Ot-tlt rt'ff'r.-nrrt~. Jam•'t 8t;11ton. 2378 F.lsi"n Av,., C"oeta Me.aa. 26-lf<" WANTF.D TO RENT -Durlna July or AUCWtt , fu ml.ahffl hOUM or l'lpt. C"ontlll't DT. M Bollin, 17146 K.llna St , No. Hollywood. Ph: $1'. 73519. 2$-4tc: Prlvatt' can;· to all dUee In glau Ooats In nf'ts , On.! 40-II)Ch ucr:fs~ A: ~~i.nu:D !l small. 104 Errwald Ave .. Sal- EX-ARMY Colonf'l'ancl wu,. d8.1re to r.-nt apertlm'nt or email homr Willing lo II'AAf• 0wnrr like ...w. Hall ortrtnaJ COlt. Call ot Sl\nta An~t btalni'U. Rrfn-~~ ~~ __ I4-ttc 1-rncee avallatlle. Call Brvl'rly ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-Jh. TeP· IIIIIs, C"Rfttvlew 14001. 25-4tp ph S . •-boa bland. 28-llp . anta IVla ~ -·----3I2 Frt'nch St., Santa Ana Steel Kitchens __________ n_-t_rc: GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES v BICYCLES S HOWER DOORS 0-CAR BOAT 11nd CARRCF:R lmmf'dlatr dl'llvt>ry Otlwr mod· U.U. F.8TATE • ., els 100n -dln~thiNf, ulloo.11tJ, ------------.:... run11bouta, crul•<'rll and f\ltddlc· EVA F. RHODEN\ SoleS. R.entrd or JUpaJred. Southern Counties VOOCL'& • Supply Co. 100 Ka1D St., Balboa 144 Cout Blvd N . 208 a.rartoe, Balboa Iatud. Ph. r.&S2 Lllguna Beach hc>nrdll. Plastl<' W11trrM'Rft ro. • 703 E. Ct>ntn.l. Balboa. Ph: 683 ~-111' t4·tfc "'28-ltc MU81Cl.U. a aADIO U -----------------------AAUTJ' A.JJNt 18 RUG A UPHOLSTERY Cleanlnc. Radie Repairs -Rugs IIU'd, thampood, clfancd All maket tu'---t ,.._ "~17 COLD and MA0Hl'f'ELE88 Oventufred furniture cleaned.· ; ""'"• e c. rn, -· W A VIS 3 day lllc:k-up and c~.uwry. BURT NORTON. 'ftaUnr &ad ~ 3S yean of aatlaned c:uatomen 91~ Oout Hl&hw~y. N(WI)Orl EYeiD. AJ.!~ P1L l,._W ORANGE COutfTY 23-ttc Newport Mesa 4·R.oom taou.. oo lara• lot: 2 rma. flrtlahf'd In ltnnuy p(ne . $4760 i' Newport Island 30 Ft. Jot at r xc:.-llent location Ofl I a land. $1660 Vi's Beamv Shop TENT A AWNlNG co.. DEAtmnTL Spfnet t~ mirror 11011 eout m.RY.~., x.ar 614 w. 4th St., SMta Ana. plano, a barwaJn. -r.nn.. Danz· Nt>wpor1. Blvd. 1'1-ttc Phone Mr. Bened!ct, 1M9 Santa SchmJ4t Plano Oo .. 520 No Mala !10-ft frnnl~tter with hllJIIM'M build· HARBOR FURNITURE 1962 1-f.arl)or Blvcl COSTA MESA. __ ....__________ Ana. 22-ttc Santa Ana. 8-Uc ,lhte 6 hhUAf' E~t~llrnt !oration .,...LO=ST~A_N_D_F_o_UN __ o _____ n FOR SALE--Squarln• ahHr, JO. GOOD UNCI p(anc:~~. 5ofM u low $11 ,000 LOST-Small tricycle, name Carol In : 4·f1 x6-ft. Spray Booth, u •. nne far practlc:.-. Easy Ann pelntt'd on lt. Phone N B: CAmpreuor, 1 h p. Sharpe motor. term.. Or wtU rmt. Denz- 822-M. 28-2tc 908 Coa.al Hlghwa,y, Nt!'Wp01'1 Sdu~~Adt Piano Co., ~20 No. Main For the Buy of Yqur Life Shop with Us! Good Used Furniture, Rugs, Springs. Tables, Chairs, Hard- ware, Electrical Fixtures and ~ many other items tFonnerly Trickey's Second Hand Store • .. w ANTED-GArden Inc work. See Myrn, Box 103, Blllboe. or 422 E. Bay Ave. 26-Stp WANTED-G11rdrnlnt work. CaJI at 530 S11n 84'rnArdlno Avenu ... Nrwport Hf'ith11. 26-tfc WANTF:O-Gardc-nln11: nnd Land· tcaJ"'In~t Wrltr to Rohby Thrurf't. P. 0 Rox 413, C"ost11 MI'M. 28-ltc • ~41p -·--~ WING SANG BOAT A REPAIR YARD ill tout Hiahway 101 .. ftoM Newport- \ '" • lloortll&tl Md ..... •-'h .. ..... , .... . ,...... ...... .... ., .......... .... ------Wf)RK W ANTF:O -Jlous~> work hy lhl' houT, NI'Wpnrl or R11lhoa Dox l oM, N R. RrfeN>nN'~ 28-4tc I W A NTED--<'IITJ)('t and Upholatn· ln1r clr~tnlnr In your home. by I local Vl't,._u n World War l & n. Work lf\.III.TIIntef'd. Color and btoauty rPvivf'd, ~rlvr new ah~n. WILL CARE far chlld~n evct . • I lronlnr In my home 309 MArl· f Oid"'V('., Corona del ~· Ph: 1023-J . .J9-tfc I • .t I Ph004' NPWpOrt 2056-R. 21-Rtc ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ l'tfASrr.R MARINER. 30, de11lrn • pollltlon yAcht captAin, niPSman NAGGING BACKACHE marine supplies. marine lntUT· . 11,nee or Any similAr position Box BI-Jtl'h. Ph: 2560. 25-4t.c Suta ,._, 8-ttc: Fl.re Plaoe and KJndbnc WOOD O.llvned H. W. WR1GHT-Ph. 203fl 1784 N~t Blvd. 3-tfc Crystal Sets -$2.98 ( Ba.kellte Calle) 2-Tube Radio Ki~ To build your own eledric rtldSo. Mesa R.edJo t1: Elt"Ctronlcs C4J. 1794 Nt!'WJ)OI1 B]_Y4. 19-t.fc: ORANGE COUNTY UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufactur.n Of Upholsured Furniture 411 W. 4th !t~ !ant.t Ana Factory and Showroom Mot Wf'St ~nteT' St .. Anah.tm Phonf' Anaheim 4714 -ilOIIect 12-ttc J Ulrt. Arrived Ftaah ~Aid ,BATTERIES • Ounderwcn Dnac 0o. 111 Main Rt. Ml atr. Arvin & Emerson RADIO S 24-Hour R.edlo Sf-rvl~ Short Circuit Radio ~ Palm, 8slbo11 Phone 16.'18· W 1:4-ttr STF.1NW A Y Grand, Ilk,.-;,.;:-;;, ot Uw world'• rreatest plollnos Gore~ ton~. fW~tutltul r11ae Thll It an lnatTumcnl tnr the •c!tacrtmtnattnc bu~ 011nz· Setlmldt Pleno C'n • 520 No M11ln Suta Ana. 8-tlc RADIO HOUBI: CAL.U!I -Now lb.t &ddiUODAJ competent lec.b· nlal&na .,. aYaUable, •• an able to a.Jce ""'Ice oat• on ~arT• eouofel. All Wm'k lr'J&I'II1l-.d. HA:ROLD L. HAMK., 8. 0 . I R.dlo, 100 Marine Ave. Ph: m . 11-tfc Radio Repairin~ HOUM eau., dally ~x~t !fat. and Sun. -comllft~ at.oc:k of tuhH A tact~· rf.p~Jnl'nt parts. Jl")) 34.'1. 'MESA ~ADJO A ELEC· , TT>0NJrg CO., 1794 Newport Blvcl 9-tf<: ------·-----l.fVUTOCil . ., f'..orona del Mar N~>w 2-hrdrm. hnoa,. on cnmer lot. FlrPpiiiN'; dhl noor turnac:.; hardwood floor~~ A lovf'ly houae. Quirk J'l011111"11lllon $9600 (o~ta MeRa PTIN'd 11"1 !It'll' ~ lll'ltnn hlli.W' With g~~ra~:•·. t'lrtt~•· lu •h•1rpln~o: dial 1 1~ >'''111"1 nl11 $6ROO EVA F, flHODF.N Brohr 470 N....-port nlvd , ro..ta MI'Sa ELTON n. RARNP.M:. Slllf'lm&n Ph NI"WJ))f'l 196!'1-M FOR SAI.E ~ rtf)o'ld IIIIV N N-d Pnlh 1 '4 11rr<'" 1111!! 3 J ... •trf>~•m tram!" hn•lllf· fur nl~h•·•t Tl\k,. OYPT' II :\00 nrlt ,. n t S:dl (lt'r mn 5.'\!500 rn~h 1nqwtr,. :l.'\.'\ I 1•·1 Mw. COIII11 M•·•n Nn nl(l"nh' :lf>-tfr A HEAT, VALUE $7,4011.00 A most att.ractl~ la1and C'Omft' dwelllnl. 2 bedroom~ wtal 1\M!f!t room and 11pertment owr 2-clU p.np. $26,!K)O I HUB POWERS, AGENT Pbone 62-W j . A. 8 e e k 0 f f I c e Fen-y Lanctlnl Balboa Wand -For Sale - Balboa laland VC'f)' attractJv,. 2-bednn. home. nJc:e locat.ton. IAea thaft T'"" nlcl \lnuaually lara• UW.C 1'018. Enc-JoNd JMtlo, kltdwm and din· nette, 1 hath. :l cbftalnl rooma, 2-car aua.re. Price $16,000 Gertruf;l~ A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford BROKER 308 Mar1ne natboe Illand Phone :.1~-n ~tte 2 Small HoU~ee On Lot 7.onf'd rnr Bulan.. $10,000 ... Choice Bay Front Lot ~ 1\ttht UAL I:IITATIIIIJUJIIAJif08 M 2 Houaea on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar $18,500 Income PropertY. 2·n.droom Houile .... 4 Small ft.ental Unlta Ocean Front Lot Choice Loca t 1on • $8000 WJU. I!XCHANa& ....._.. tw- nllhed a". 18 8unpJow 0u1 In Holl)'WOI)d, nominal reat. fw houM or apt. In Newport. JIAiboe or Cceta .... tiatrtct. J"* W. Bt.-..t, o.twral O.thwJ, llalboL ...... llESPONSmt.r.: Tei4lifhCIM ... plo)oe wanu tD .-.c:haftp 1-W- room hooM In W•t Loa Allplle fot" aarM In Santa Ana 01 Yldn· lty. Call Southern CaHf. T .... pholw ro , Sllftta Ana. IIGI. W. L. JORDAN,. -~ 700 P:ut r~nlral, Balboa aML UTA,._ WAJIIT&D N Ptw'tn# 1!1.1 2:\-tf~ INOoMF: PrtOrERTv In 1~ BUILD NO W trle1. Rmalt hlltrl, 11pt. 1\ouH, lnn rlf" aton hulldln•. F.dwSn Kokko, ~~ 29th Av,., Wf'tlt, S.attt., Wuhlnrtoo 21-2tp LOW COST HOMES IIIOI'fW TO LOAJif • fle Rur•• and · See M oriels At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar f'l•nnr ~:w RaiMmlln Will C~l PJC~O BUJLDING MATERIAL" .. F"< 1R SALt: Alrpl•n.-, 1!Ml Ta)'· lnrcraft Sldr-tly.SI&t. Ship II ltl I'XCVOIII'hl tvmd ltlnn lind priced to ..-11 f'tt~h ,,,. lt•rm• MAy he! ~~ten at OrAnll•' (~ Airport. 8ft Mr. X.ttc Boalf')' or c:~l ~tintnp N. 8 . -4 1 ••ct e 1o Nf'ws·T lmf't. 27.-ttp \ 1 St111ATION WAN'tr:O -Com~- a=~·=l:ie_g';:k~ trnt IINTf'tAry dNIIrrs position In lforhnr orea .• Srvrr11l yrarw exp liS J"'TIVAII' ; l'fVTr ta r}'. $tl'nerlll bookkHplng. PRX Opt>rlltor and Auto Batteries 18-mnnth -S6 45 Ex. Corupounderl Motor Oil Gallon, 7()c Ff tR SALF---<"l!lld'11 P11 lnt l o;;, .. ''"'ry lt~'ntlc. 2<tiJ.'; Tu11tln Aw·n•lf', f'o•t• MPIIA. ~-21 J'I 2 llf'(jrO<om •I IJI I 'll J!flm" :> Vt•fOrl' nllf rl)rnlllhMf ('hh:bn houle a: • ahrlut 2(1 lnvtnl( h••n11 Nl•·r• ~~r f1,.n ~nnt TtiP kltl'twn I..Arl(l' lot c-,.,.Jd tll~l rll'l 11 ol• wun't IA~t. 110 "'''' II ltlliny• --:-:;:::;:--:_:-=::;:====~~174;!. n 2T·2tp A IJ'I'<M W AlfTIID .A(J'I'Ojl W AJII'nD • ~~ ,.. • ...,....,~ ~ .. .r:::-:; .. ~ :. .==-... l'iliiGUa ....,. ~ ......... ............. &II-·~~ __ ......_.........._ ......... ....., .......... ...... ... . .... , .. ·" ...... .. a er ••••• I lie -· wo...;,•e... ----~ ..... ... ..;.., ..... ... ;ct:::.:. ~~ ~ .... -Ia .. .... ..... • 0... .... • t It wlo? -• ., M ""' •. • -..111111 .... . !'; ef W7 ,.,..,,!.. ..., -.,.-.,.._ ' II• ... ..-M;I~.:.: '*-""'-...... .... 51 ..... - ..... If -.~o~a.,. ·-"'· ....... u.., _ _....el'4 ..... --l"-'•,.., ...... _, .. _ ............. ...., ..... _ ..... '" ~·--'""'-·-.................... ..-. .... o-o· ................ - DOAN'S PilLS r f'<V'J"'t lnnll! Box !l07, B11lhn11 b llllld Z7-21r Thr 8\'r rAII'E' AI!<' of mmor truck~ in this rnuntry ts rou~:hly rl~th1 ')'Nin Fnrml'r& own thl' nld•••t vrh irll'll, . 2~) prr N'~t nf th,.lr lr\1('~1 avt'l"lllting ovrr 1:'1 )'I'Af'!l of 11gr. with 4$1 JW>r N>nt of th,. truck~ l'l~ttlnte from l!lJ.') or e~trllt>r. All kln&a t>'l'f~WT'it"' nhbonl m atoclc_JII th_:-~~-nft'\1'1. 1 W e!'ltt>rn Auto Rupply Aulhorf71'd 0<-alPT 1R.16 Nt-wport Blvd., c ...-111 MNtll 2:\..trr FOR S A Lf-: P~trtdl"tx•~trrl~ TI1r,.,. Jlllwall~tn Surl Jlonnt mr:>rfr•l J"'n tl· dl••txl11rrt~ Ont> "t n.lf1r . mr11l;. R.oltt>n" $45.1)() ~ R ll$lPMI Jill) I» ~ ()(') flnr dlvlnt.t hn11rt1 SJ'loO Rf·~t stylr and rnock>l11 F:~tef'll,.nt rondltlnn, Wrlu• or call rnr r.hnwlna 11flfT 5 p.m. 1.-Lt>n7Pn. :no Pallzall.rt, 5411 Ckm(ontP. c-,.1 28-211.' SPF.CIAL ANNOUNOJ;Mr.NT"' Ill KF.YS Wade Wlllle Tou Walt VOOICL'R 100 Main 8t. R~tlhnll 201 Manne.. R11lhn& Jal•nd 84-ttr --------------------Carpenten. Available for rnerat malnlA!nll~ ' aM ,..,. 0.2. "Oea"T~ o.JI Jlf..-,ort .. 42-ttr B. A. N•·rt•l40n I 'n'J :-,:,." a•url nlw1 ('t"-fll MNIII ----"' ('"'''"" dr l M11r Lol'4 $1 !)()0 Choi rr (' ornr•r $2000 Have Somr Fine Buv!4 ,, Tn H•,ul••v:.rfl Fronta~" • W. J. H(IJ.(Y)MR 1!\l?l'r ollat Hhr:hw"y C'ornn11 ttc-1 MAr "Whnt~ ,.,,. f111ra Jq y•• WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW WhO. Pr10M 11re Hlrch. Phone for our court11ow blow who wtU cd ..S edYW ~ ........... OPA ~Uona, .... prtlw .... ., •••• dltaUI • a.u .BERTSON (l-JEVROLBT CO. lne. a.ooat _, Q 1 • oWt 01a11rw ' -..... a..a ..... ;:at ...... -a.-. ........... • Harbor Felnl. ni·ne · Acti~Vl.ti.es ~=~og~~!~~~~c~~~~ ~X~~:~~=~ in Mn . ....., NcBride o1 Loa b drama ~«Uon. ot which M.n. . . • Ont' of the loveliest btides ever .... wu ~~ presldef\t ot the ~nee Morrla Ia dualnnan, Ia to pau the portals of the Flnt ~ H bor• EbeU club at the detlf>rt luncheon atagU,g at the Friday Afternoon' Phonel 13 and 208 • By Wimfred Ba~ + Reddence Phone 1637-R Coi\IJ'elatlonal church, Loa An· ar tfes ~ and the and ot~r ot-club hOUIC!, Cotta Mesa. Mn. VeT· -gelea, wu Annbelle. Lei IU>mclln. ncrn will be lNtalled at the May' non Orr and Mra. Victor Grace, 0 z. Robertsons Host Bosses' Night Dinner of B-& PW Best Yet dau&'hter.of Mr. and Mrs. Eldrect' --.-tl"•. 1 ~·ill be ln charge or ticket sales. · Lea Rftnelln 221 8 ""'1~ ' .... 'Th G A . o· G N Off N . ap..,~e avenue. I Mill Mary Estelle (Mimll Sa-Named to wrve •1th Mra. Mc·l Tile perlorman(."(>, . e reat nnlversary mner Say uests; ew irers amed Balboa bland, who on Wednesday con. dau~>htAr or Mra. Jur~>en H. Bri .. _ were Mn Leeter IabcU, vi~ Western Ml'lodramu," Wl\.i WTitten A Co CJ b r v•nin April 3 _.. 1 • • " ..,.. t U n try U ~ g ' repeat~ m&IT age tLo tun 2009 Eaat Bay Front, praldtonl: Mn. Richard Othnwr, and staged by Mrs. Murr•ll and her I Election of otrfct>rs for the com-DtMer tables covered ln red vow. with Lt. John Robert Cov· Ba~• h~s resumed her studies at recordln& aea-c.-tary; Mn. II B. ballet students will take part, u --lng year with Gertrude Collver ot and ~n checked cloths with pot· Jngton, U. S. Naval Rest>rve, 1aon Bennt~',ton colll'~t'. Bennington. Beetz, corTespondJne secretary; 1 well as prominent club ~;omen. Concratutatfuns and he-at wl•hc-• Udo Isle naml'd as president, a tl"d geranlunu for decoration and of Mr .. and Mn. Olarlf• A. Cov-Vt f;er the three monttw' non- Mn. Susan Rutherford, truaurcr; ' we-re ahowl'rl'd on Mr a nd Mra. noor ~ohow din>cted by Natalie Ml· lighted candles ln beer bottles Jngton, Youngatown. Ohio. Thc ~~~ t term Mimi 111 majorlrc Mn. Willard L. Killion, p&rllamen· Stork Shower Honors 0 . z. JWb;•rtson oN'oruna del Mar chaud of Litlo Isle which brought gave a hint of the entertainment, ceremony waa performed by Dr. rn ar~ and p~lntlng and ·~ an4 ~n and Mn. VIctor Gra<•v, di· whl'n thl'y l'ntt'rtalned a ~:roup of downt the house and an evt'ftlng ot when a group led and directed by Luh In Shatto Chapel In the pres· M Lo e tz:en drove to Mexioo. ftctor. Mrs Irene Morris l frlendl 11t dlnnl•r Saturday to\'lcn· fu n 1hat was voted "tops" by busl· Natalie Michaud c&J"M out to alna ence of 350 eueata. I n . r n Nam4!1 we~ prt'11ented ·by fhe · lng at I he Santa Ana Country nr'SS men or the distric~. featured such old time numbers u ' ........ e Th b ld h · 1 spending two month• In Mexico 1 -• n e r e w o wu gwen n mar· Cit C Acapuloo and nomtnatma ~ltttoe. Mrs. K. V. Sharing hoett'u re•rx>nslhllltlea club In r~ll'brntlon or thl'lr silvl'r 1hc ttnnulll Bosst'S Night banquet Blnl on Nt'llle's Hat", ~d bird rlage by her father, waa gowned In y, utornavaca. • Dilts, Mra. 0 . Z. Rotx>rt10n and W(•re Mra. AI Ho,rvath and Mra., wt'ddlnl>l annlvt'nary. . of the l}uslnl'ss and Professional havi!)f a spread of about alx feet. white satin with a lona fitted otht'r d tlts wherl' much sketch JIJ't. ft.lllph Holden. at the bualni'IIS Clifford Var~r when a pretty Mrs. RotM'rtaon wore an orch1d Womt>n's club held Thunday eve-Takint part were Ruth Geniah, ·laod.lce, loni pointed sleeves and a lflg and painting for ht>r aenior -'on pn>slcled over by Mra. VIc· atork shoWer h~nored Mra. Bert ,COI'll81te, ~tift of h••r huahand, <tnd nlng at the Newport Harbor Yacht Cay COI!Igrove. Betty Bantad, M". sweetheart neekllne, and falling ~jet't wu done. She drove hd tor Gract'. Morris of t.o. Angeles Friday eve·11m•ely rrm!'mbrancf'tl prnentl'd ~v !'lub with over 80 prewnt. Michaud. Clarice Brown and vt.r-to the en4 of the four-yard train own car back to Vermont In com-ProJram of tht' aftt'moon wu nlng at tht-home of heT mother 1 thl'ir rrlenda lneludt"d att>rllng Dorothea Wilson presided at the ginla Shirley. All were In busUt'd was the veil which fl'll In graceful pany with anothl'r Bt-Miniton ifrl b)-Mn.. Craot Beardsley ot Loa Mra. Mary Stanley, 1629 West 1 •liver rAndlf'ttlcks and buffl't bowl. "ttort business session at which coetumet ot the Victorian ~ RV· folds from coron t 1 h 1 1 from Puadena and a Yale man. ~lee. Who gave an lntft'Htln& O!ntral avenue. The affair had comf)Otl', salts and pepJ)I'ra and other otflcera named by the nomi· eral of them heirloom affaloa ra.e point 'r:ce. Th! t!uqu~~ C:: Mr. and Ml'll. Clifton Cole have 811111 perth"'t'nt talk on fuhlons. ~n ~tponed r01r a Wl't'k, be-plt'e('l to flnl.ah their flat altvcr nu1ln1t .committee were Doroth) which had belonaed to Vlralnla of whlte orchids Which M IU> .• 10ld their Pasadena ho!Tl(! and will , atat.inl that one should drfta to cause little Mill St.ephanle'.,-rlvf'd DlnnPr wu aerved at a long . Sutherland. vice-president; Ald.a Shirley's grandmDthcr. lin had nown from. Hon~iulu n;:r j be Installed In th.elr Harbor laJ. IUit one's own style and not followi before ahto waa expected, and was table.~rated all In white-. ~1th Ctlrton, recording secretary; ma-Agnes Blomqultt, pianlat fOC' the the occulon, and which were aet and home aftcr the fifteenth ol faAb1on bltnmy far While fuhlonl chlef attraction at the party. atoclu and awN>t peu and lighted rie Ehlen, corresponding SEcre· group, and Marie Hell»ch, who dl-ln a turroundln« ahower of white I April . .,. o1 tbe mo~Dft\t.. c:onllq and I • I candles. while fh(• many bouQIJI'tS tary: Natalie Michaud, treasurer, rected 'them, received compUmen· gardenJu Mn. Walton Hubbard Jr. of Udo Jo111C tt.yle ll buic an4 always 11w Euter motif wu used In 51'nt by (rlt-ntll dl'COrated lht> ·tnlt Gretha Tubbs, parllamentar-\ary nowers from Mn. Michaud. The m~Jd of honor Min Doria Isle hu returned trom two WHO rana1-. I deeoraUona and ramea wt>re rol· rooms. ln_n I Chairmen who ~ responsible Leavitt, and the brid~ldl MJsa ln San Francia~. where ahe Durlnl the afternoon theft wu lowed by refrcahn"'t'nta of Cllkt' and Ladies rt'Ct'lving priLl'l at hrhll:" ~A~::-•• ~ .:::::t,.w:; Mrs. Sutherland introduced the ror the affair we~ Dorothy Suth· Dorothy Ford Ml.u Leal! 'w t 1 vtsltt'd rt>latlvea &nd frlt'nct.. • ~Interlude .....tth Mrs.. E. E . Ice ~am molded In thr shape of wton.• Ml'll. Lctltt>r Jahell, ... ·hu also Balboa llll&1141, wliMiee weddlniC master ot ceremO(lies, J . Lealie erland and Mauri~ Crali: ln Mlaa Shirley Somerville ~d ~ ~Unong them Col and Mra. Robert Boudinot ~adlna In .u.tna. Mn. bootees. W inning priU11 were took thl' tr&vl'llnll prizl': Mr.~ John tnok pi-Apnl s te Slultto Stcfte-Men, •ho announced that I chaJ"'t' ot d«oratlona wt're Malle P&trlda Covington slater of the MIIIPr, ~o are back In their Bur- IIU'Oid Ahrendt ~ at' Mn. Earl Stanll'y, Mra. John Gil· Meador and Mn. John Sadlt'ir chapel. f1rat C'oq....-tluruol ~hl'n boues Wl're Introduced they Rolling, Mildred Stanley, Virginia bridegroom were gowned alike In lln~:ame homr aftt'r llpPndlng RV· 1M pUna. • .. , I Ill and Mrs. William Kmnt"dy. I Mcn'll pril('l! 14'l'nt tn Rnlph ~~A~· c-hurt'h. Loot AAae&M. were t'Xpect,c:l to retrpond with a Shlrlt>y and Dorothy Suthe-rland, white m 'uiaett 'th 1 erel yean in the Harbor area. New members aeeept.t lnto tht' Present were the> Mesdames kl'y. J A Ganl 11nf! l.l'wis Rlllt/ l photo by La.nsdo.,.·nt'l :1011g a ppropriate to their business, l and the very clever hand·paJnted lum overU:boutf:O~kJr.S~:.i Mr ·and Mr.~. How~rd Wright of dub w.re M.n. Hmry L. Potter Stanley, GUlla, Frank S1tmm~>rs., Gu('lt.J pr<>st'nl lncluclr·d MMI~rs ----Ill' I'I!W . . . Don (Tax Collector ) place cards were the work ot Kay carried red tuli . The littie n w Pasnflr na tflOk lhl' Sl"'llllh over to ud Mn. Paul RMtner. while thoat' Spalding_ Eutman. K•'nnl'dy, lin-a nd M~>sdRJTI('fl J ohn MradCir. Juhn Womack-Fleming Mozll!y Wall t hl' most popular man Sanson ot the public library 11taff. glrl Tiule KJe':i w . 0 er Cal a linn for thr wrl'kr nd an4 eccepted recently were t~ M8· mer LoCkhart. Kennl'lh Gor ton, Sadlrlr, Arthur Kto~r. C'onmd . A d or th£" gathl'ring. being greeted Ticket salft were by Margaret lde~tical to that 'r th:r~ ~d go~ 1:\IMts on hoard \wre Mr.~. Stt>phen ..,_Paul J~. J. A. Glllla.jJoc McChetney, l\IRry Stanll'y, Shook, Sidney Rlacklward. c .. rahl Weddmg nnouncc with "Boos" from evt'ry side al-Ege, Mcta Bachman Greth a her b lh Fri~ KJ 7 ('an Royct'of lht'lloti'I Huntlngtonand Howard RobftU, Ven Doane,1 Agnes Blomqul•t and tho guCti t of Rltchll', l..t•wls Rfllll. w 11 llito·H·! --.l ho!Jgh hP ond hl~ hostess. Mrs. 1 Tubbs and Cay Cols~e 1 bero er,p zp . ess g, :/eu Mr. and Mr~ . .John Chapman. Dorothy ~. Ruth Horvath, honor. ·~ndln~ot Jtlfta but unahle man. Frank Lf'Fr'VTr'. K. v. Oilts Announc·••mPnl is li<>lnl: mnrlr· or C'onvc>r. kindly refrainf.'d. from . ~~ a~er. :rry eron was at l Mrs. F:t1 wln Earl of Bay avenue Oralee McDowell, H. 0 . Boyveyl to attt>nd wen • Mra. llfort Morrl.a J. A. Cont. t...·sll'r Is~ll. Cnrdon the-mnna~o:" or MIRS Lnura Fli'm· ~ln~lng "Jin~le Jangle Jlnglt>." "' an u.s ers were Eme rson Is at Su~:ar nowl for thl' akll~. Md H. E. 1<4-odall. lar. of Areadht: Ml'll. John Tuh~. Findlay, Rlll ptl Maskey: Mra. &•tty In~:. dAul(h tl'r of Mr. and ~~~~. Pollre Chif•t Rowland Hodgkin-I Lucy Pinkie~ in i!~:~· n:Y.Zthllo~ard, Robert Mr. and Mrs. Lindl~>y Morton Slated far Friday. April 26, Ia Mrt. Anton Henhey, Mra. John Trine: Mn . F:u y«' Wlllllhan or Loll Frllnk Ftr·m~n~o:. ~lttTurnent " tr1 ~on won lhP award ror the most 1 G •. . an . ur enu.me. I of Pasadl'na and r>ous;:las Mcl..e1- Cbe t..elltl*'formanoe which tht-r Upeon and Misa Oorotlwa Wlbon. Angt'IMI. who is Mr. Rohr•rrsr~·~ Maurie«' f:. Wnmll<'k, 110n of \l r~ orh:inal number whl'n hl' sang the raduat10n eCJta} h The r~~tlon ~as~ld ~ \he 1Jan, thl' noiPd architect, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·-·······-~ mothr•r, Mr. und Mrs. U>cW etz:l'r Frr•d ·\'nncr• or-G~trdt'na an71 form· "Prh•onr r'll Song" and the• best ome o r . an· . ares • ~ of Sonta Ana. Mr and Mn. Ttr·utll'n rrly 11 n·~tdr•nl or Nr·wport 11·· u·h. lt•ntliUtm wa.s Judged to be that ot An accompllsht'd pianist at thr Lorc-nl lAlf'\ homr Anot Laraon or Lnnl: JWncn , and Paul TI1r• l'"'' mony 1ouk place l\IF11 ('h lfownrcl CtPni~h who sang ''My agc of 12 and alr<'ady a tracher When the young oouple left for wu Luclll<' Leimer!, who FURS .<u-or Easter and cA{tert ·-~ ~ I I ••• .,_ F• Jakets Md SCIIrfs! .Buy Now 091 Our uy·A·W.ay Pldn .FURS Remodeled Rep81Nd ud Cle&af'd at BedUCPd Rate!lt 218 NorO. lJroadway UR ,,,:e c,,, , 1,·~ I Fr lltl M{.KT f 1 " I \ ~anfa Ana Phonl' :J 7 :J Cold Storage Vault on Premisl'S 11nd 7,('tl<'r jr, snns "' thl' ho!!t 16 In ltr·no. Nt>\ . nt th<' homt• ur Wild lrl~h Ro!K'", which the two In her own rl~ht. Lucy Plnkll'y pre· Chicago, where they will spend da.y with Mr. and Ml'll. RuaeeD and hOIItt".. lhe ofrlc1a!lng mlmsh•r, who 1S a latt•r ~IIVP ns a duet. The prizft aented 11 recital at th<' home of her their honeymoon before 'iOing to Havrna of Holmby Hilla In thelr rrll'nd or the hrldi''S family Wt•rf' thoughtfully lurned back to parents. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Pink· their future homl' in >:oungstown, privatt> plane for North Carolina. I Mrs. Hart Honored I By Club Members Mr. Womllck gradll&ted rrom tht• club Md were auctioned wv-ltoy 153 Broadway Costa Metia Ohio, the new Mn. CovJnaton wore whC're they Will vts.lt the newly Nl'wporl llarhor Union llil:h (•rul tlmcs ovr;>r to lntert'Sted buy· Saturday ev("nlng. 'She had bee~ I a ault of gold gabardine with a marrl~>d daughters of the two st"hool in 193M and lalf·r altl·nrlrd ••rs . Also adding to tht' club funds a student of the Sherwood Music poke-boMet hat and acceuorlea of families. Ludlle'a column may be Fullcrlon J>1atr1C'I Junior N>llf'l:~'. was the drawing of a wool blan· achool, Chicago. for five yeara and ~a:lk bblut'. ~~he is andgr~~ l'xpected to have a vhrtd dt'SCI'i~ wi'Jl'rl' he majore-d In acronnulll'S k<'t, which went to BorghUd Stc-thla, her JtTaduatlon progTam. wtS ~I!..: ~ge br~"~ Ia 1 tlon of thelr "picnic In the air." Mra. Charl«'ll llart of· Nt>~'port Aru r gTaduation he acceptcd a phens. escort or Col. Tommy At-glv('n In memoriam of hl'r, teacher. • . t e """''""m a 1llland wu honort'<l when he-r rum· ctvil aer\'iN" pnsition with IIW kinson. thc l&te Mrs Leora Cuatl'r graduate of Ohlo State unlvenlty H b6 . J , d my club mPI ar thr hQme of Mrs. Army Air dl'pot 81 McCit•lland Mlu Plnkl~y's numbt'rs l~cJudt'd and law school. 1 ar riteS nvate Margaret Craig. Gltondale. Mr. and Flt>ld. Sa('ram.-nto, and ll'ft thrrc Party Honors Pomponettl'. Op. 80 m urandl, Pol· Mr. a nd Mn. Covington and To Exhibit Here • ~~~~r ~~~d~;! ~~~:~Y t~~~ on an inderlnltr furlouih to r'ntt•r Ish Danct', Op. 3. No. 1 (Schwar-Dorothy were guests at the Remc-l __ "' thl' army in 1942 Npt. Heights Matron cr1kiil, Military ~olona~ In A, lin home for a week previous to A spl'chtl lnvlt&tlon hu been ~~ :::h~~~~:~f'~Ar:s ~~:r;c:~: He lU'rvc-d thrCi' ycnrs, eh:hti'<'Tl --Op. 40, No. 1 IChoplnl, Claire de Slhe Wl'ddlnll: and ret~ed to Ohio luul'd to r<'llidents or the Harbor tiona. whllr I he lunchi'On ~rt months, l.x•ing ll('nt ove~aa al tlw Mrs Edwin Munsey or Nt'WlX>rl l Lune I Dt'buJ!Q'I, Sonata In Cl ~ur1da~ :tr. ~t'mehn, .who hu arra to participate In the annu.al w _..dl k A 1 1 Hawaiian lalands. Palau. Angunr llcl~:hts was lot\J«'St of honor 111 a Minor IBeethovt>nl, Dolly's Fu· n n ° yo With the Air Trans-Flower a nd Hobby show at the aa a w,~ n~t ca r. ovr Y and OkinAwa H e was a trchmrnl drll~~:htful bridge luncheon and neral March tTachalkowaky). port command. waa in Honolulu Anaheim F.J:x>ll club April 25-:IS. I cr.yatlll •ugar and creamer. Inlaid scrg<·ant with the 494th Bomh showrr Wl'dnP!Iday at the home or I Pupils preaentt'd Wl're Ann durin~: the Udal wavl' but he ar· Mrs. Arthur A. Kt•mpcr, 900 Ocean ~th allver, Will prest>ntcd the squadron and rl'n'lvl"d his hom•r· Mr11 Francl!l J. Horvath. 1 f 6 35th Trautwl'in, who played The.' Goldotn rlvl'd 81 9 a .m. thl' mornJng of the· boulevard . Corona d"l Mar. Ia In o;r~· 1 1 dl"d M A ; nhle flisrhRrt:c-January 17. h> an tlfr<'<'l. Rule 1 Martin I, and Hl're We Go wt'dding. I chargr of clanlriclllinn, which will ,~ul't 8 nr u rs. nne odd COinrldt·nC'I' exactly 'J.7 >•·ar!l Ctonterine the luncheon table Round the Mulbf'rry Bush <Rkh· Local guests who attended the , "ot only lncludr sea.snnal nowen , I MrLuckl~ and Mr~ John Me· artcr his rath~r was dlst·hnr~;r·d was a mlrrorrd lakc bankrd with tc-rl. Rnd PAt ricin ShAfer. who ct'remony were Dr. and Mrs. W. 0 . hulbs and orchids, but nower Luck II', J II.SAd••nA : Mrll. H. D. Mc·j aftt>r the first World Wnr II•' ferns. backgTound ror a aailboot gave ~tman IThomJ*)nl and Haldy. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dun· a rrunllf'mcnts and school exhlbl'•· t Gt>nrhlc-. Clarr'nulnl · Ml'll. William 1 has now rNurn~>d to his wvrk nt flllcd with sweet praa. A gold Dl!l'p Sra Diving I Schaum I. Pl&y· lap, Mra. lrene Hiller. Mrs. Louise Entries ~111 be recc.ivc-d April 25 McCowon. Glrndall'; Mra. J . McClelland Fi~>ld. stork bearing a pink and biUl'' ed All a duct hy Misa Pinkley and Hanson. Mrs. George Hanson, from 7 am. to 10 a.m. and all C'oop.•r ot Rl'rltr•ll'y, " hoUIC' gueat bundle was at onl' side of the lake. I Miss Doris Blllln~:W waa Blue Da· grandmothl'r of the bridt'; Mr. hobbll's must he-in place by AprU lor the hoett•u , and Mrs. Hart. Cub Scout Kt'te For the lt\ll'llt of honor tht're waa nul~e IStrauul. and Ml'll. P&ul Mantz. Mr. and Mra. 24. a gold baby shoe fllll'd with a cor· Jamt's Van Evt'ry, Mr. and Mra. Lifeof'PigmyTold ContestSunday saiJleofviolets,herravorlte nower , !Charles Egbert, Davia Hatch, Mn Tl<'rt MorriA nd new Newport Cl. rete and fRVOrl Wl're miniature pink EmeriOn Egbert. R<lbE>r t Sattler,l dau~>hier Srr han II' :ho have . . . &nd blue thrl't'·oornert'd pin-ups HAPPY EVENTS Mr. snd Mra. J. Gordon Smith,, bc<> • P ' , __ Thl' kltr·fl>•m~: ron tMI wluch Ia with almonds In pastl'l oolor.~. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Stuarr Last and Mr. n at the home or Mra. Monil Nrwnnrt C1 I f't Wl'd cad ! to take plact' at 2 p m Sunday,1 r th 1l . • Mn M and Ml'll. John Broughton. mothe-r, Mrs. MilT)' Stllllll'y, Ceo-..., rc e m n ay April 14. will 111kr 1hr place or n e vtnlt room · unsl'y J Ha bo A · tral avenue ror two Wl't'kt, left will't Mrl. William Ellis. 1511 "' thf' rr~tular mN'hnK or Cuh Pack round a pink and blue p&riL'IOI n r r rea --I Sunday ror thl'lr home In Loa Wnt CPntral avt'nUt' with Mrs. W. 100 a('COrdin~ 10 C'uh 1\tllj ll'r H. O. flllt>d with manS' hwely i!lta, and Guests at the homl' or Mrs. Flor· Angt>lea. S. llunallk«'r presldln~t. The faith ' • sh«' a lao took flrat prize at brid~tP en<'t' Torre <'t' 27th t t jar WRI op.nt'd and provldt'd $18. Doyvey, And lhr regular aclvan<'t'· li«''nd going to Mrs VIet G ' l\fr. an·d Mrs. Elml'r Hartford, Thund n . a rl'e • on r------------- Mrs John U'Ren gave an In· ment awards Will Ill' mnde that Th t . ~ :,ace. Dox 721 Costa Mt>sa. are par· ay and Friday were hrr M-Frank Ba•-arurnoon I Ole prnen Wl'l"l' . un· enta of a son born March 31 In brother and sister. Wallace lind • o. KB tl'rcatln~: account of the lite ~f Place or thr contl'st 1~ on tht' acy, Mrs. Gract', Mn. Vt'r a Dt>anl', S · . 1 Eva Kennicott South Pasadena· SPIRELLA Apollo, thr natlv(' pigmy mlulon· , Mu C B Rudd Mrs Sue Hor anta Ana Commumty hot~pitol. h t M •Els ' ary or the Relgl&n Congo a nd blutrs by t hr• Prrsh)•li'rlan hOI-·at'h M . Jon Gllll . M cui He wd~:hC'd Sl"'c.'n poundl t'lght er aun . I'll. le Hagerman of OOR8E'J1ERE Ml.aa Ellie Nt>wland gave the devo-pita! sire wrt~t or I hi' O\'t'rht>ad ; d 'V f?· ~ th ~t ra. · ounces ' Idaho, and Mrs. Daisy Schmidt, tlonal talk on Modern Conven-bridge on C"'r•ntral aw nur and or arner a e esa. Mr. ~nd Mra. Oo~ald Stanford of South Paaadena. len<"H. The n<'xt mcetln~t will be ~· wi!l guldl' 1? the location. Corona dt'l Mar are parents of a on. --------Coroaa.., llu at the home of Mn. U'R.en . 3512 us Wlll bt:o lt"·r n ror thl' small· Popular Mesa Girl son, born April 4 at Santa Ana ___ ._eare __ rw_J_y_-s_p_a.re __ a_w_e_. ____________ _:_ WestOOct>an Front. est and lar~tMI klh'~. I hi' one-Oylng T el. Is of· Engagement Community hospital. He weighed Islanders Celebrate In Death Valley the hl~tht>st, the onr showinc the nve pounds, alx ounces. heat workm&nshlp. nnd two aur· Jt wu a daughtl'r for Mr. and prtae awards will l>c mAd" Announcemt'nt Is being made of Mn. John A. Lowe. 307 Bay Ave .. Thl're w111 also bP prizn for the engagement of Mist VIrginia Balboa, born April 3 at Santa Ana Winners of thl' thr"r-lr~t~t"d race. Loulllto Fernandes, daughter of Mr. Community hospital. She weighed Mr and Ml'll. William w .. San· alao on the proRTam Is n haaeball Tultin avt'nue, Costa Mesa, to Mr. and Mra. Don Fllckwir, 223 the aack ract' and relay rnre, and and Mrt. C. W. Fernandes, 236911tx pountll, nine ounces. ·~~ MtL"'~ualt e}'~r .EAUTY 104 ........... .. llalboe ...... -..._ Ul7 Open Ia~ Untd MA)' lilt Oleltd ., Monel&)' WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART ford, who hAve rPcm tly purchued game and trl!lltll for r'\'<'ryone. Glade McGowen. son of Mr. and Coral avenul'. Balboa Island, wei· a home at 309 Onyx avt>nue, BaJ. Scouta are Ukl'd to hrln!l their Mra. A. L. McGowen, Nlcklett I corned a daughter, born April 2 boa bland on which they a.re plan· families for thr run avenul', Fullerton. In Santa Ana Community hospital . nlng extcnalve Improvements, art' Miss Fernandes wu one of the She tipped the acales at eight Our aim is to enhance Mllad•"s beauty and provide \'atationln~: ,'hla WN'k In Ot'~th Mr~ and t.:frs J ('xsr R Wolft' Jr. moet popular Md ICholastlcally pounds evt'n. • :1 V•llllcy In qil bratlon or tht•lr third are rt>aidlng; at 437 Dahh.t ~trHt, outstanding gnduatet or Newport! Mr and Mr.~. Byron Robinson, the ultimate in beauty care. v.t'ddlnR RnnlversMy. 'Coronit dl'l Mar Mr WolrP haa re-Harbor Union High school last 1:zoa East Surf. Balbo&, art' par· Thl'y an• rormrr Glendali' real· turned 11rtf'r sr rvlnl: 1.,..0 ~··ars u year. and is In her fil'llt Y«'ar at l'nts or a son, born April 2 In .HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE drnta nnd aceompanylni! them 1suman thlrfl rl~tss ;~honrrl .lhr VIc· Fullt>rton Dlatrlcl Junior colll'gc. Fulll'rton Gt'nl'ral hospital. Hl' '--------------------------.....:.·..J Wl'rc Mr. and Mrll r>onald Cowlln tory shill :\lr•r<'l'r Jlrr fiance atlt'ndr>d the Fullt'r ton wchthc-d l'ill:ht pound•. 12 ounces. 1---------------------------------- of that c-Ity. Mr. Sanfo~ Is a Mr arru :>fr" 11 \ :-.;.,n hrUp 11chools and junior rolle~t~ and Is Mr. and Mrs H. H. Ro~ters. 525 1 ~-----------------------........:=~ hmker w1th G· rtr ud1• \\ alclron·s h;~\" 1,..,.11 ,1~ nrltnc , '"' k lll I hi' 1 now In the Mt>rch~nt Manne-Tht• M~>sa drh'«'. COAt a Mesa. arc par· ro•lll ('IIRII' nrfirt• nnd bott Ill' and t'h:'lrlr·~ :'r rn' 111 h"'"'' 1,11 4llt <IIlii' (()r lhl' wcdflm~ has not ye-t r nts nr R dRURht c-r. bc)rn April 5 !\frs SanrMd .u,• . n ud.t t"'n to q r1 i'l. ;-.;, ,, i••rt l~l.uul \It· '\orth·l hl'i'n srt. In Santa. Ana C~mmunity hospital 1 thr• bndmlnlon • 111 hu.. .1.. and ru)l hn~ n '" nih 1, 111, n• r1 from I !;h(' Wl'l~hrf1 r1~ht pounm. fl\'1' hll\'!' '"'"'" lm tt•'d to ln<"rl th•· IJ.·~t 11 1 \1 h W d H ounl"f's. ~ lrt'C' yr•ar~ Ill I )I ' • !IIIII' 1\ crl' I o n er orse at pln~··r~ or l.a..:uon llrno'h ho• was \\'llh thr• 111 " l\tr nnd Mr11 C1nrenrr Myrrs. . • --Nwpt. Schools Friday 42:.! F:nst Any avt•nul', arl' pnr~>nts r-----------------...._---------. nf n ~em. horn April 7 Ill Snnln Ana MR. FICt:n Bt:CK \\'ill At'TO(;RAJ'II tri .. j,1111J. A rhnn~rr in ~m-;-h:.~ h!'Pn maflr Vummuntly hn~ptt nl IJ,. "'''lltht'~ "Second c t f th E d" (1\r tlw f"'rforrn:~nr••s of ~rrr:~nu .. 1\1'-ponnrl~. l'tChl nunt•r•,;, arro rom e n I hi' "wnrhl s tw!'t rdtlratl'd hnr~1·." II \\.1 ; 'l J;"tl ror ·~lr and :\tr~. , I,, ho n•MI~ minriJO 1100 sprlls wnntr: n r \\';rl lr·rr:, :!Hi Coronudn ~ln••·t. at our N E\V store ~·. or nn~ lr•ncth in :111\ hn~!\1111:1' .1oft 1~ .. ·~~ '· '!"' 0 April 7 nt Snn.l~ An:. S f d ' A 'I ) • h Vi • who wtll appl'nr I· rlfl,1y. Apnl 1 ~ ~nmmunal~ hn~plt11l nnrl w•·•chtrH: ._ a ur 8}.~ llfl .Jt ."()~ • < \ \ I'll I hi' 1\:!'WJlOft ~r'hfl<'l~ fir• Will hi' l'l$:hl JlOIIIUI:<, ~t'\ < n IHIO\'''" at 'J·OO p m I nt lhr• \'lll'llllll <lr l ;\lnr ~··htHII from .;\·Jr. An<l Mrs. Jn.hn nunl.or. R.'H c ... • • ~l f\l.:\1) lrl !l:;lp nn<l \'Ill gh'r' I \I'll r~·r· \\ ''~t J.Rth ~lrl'f'l . ( "~1 ? ;\!r•"ll;. \\l'l· E II 1 \' ~~ rnrn1111w1·~ nt th•• :"••wporl llNil'h rom•·d a !:on. hn~n i\f"'rtl 7 nl S11nt11 S t r e I• t a s fiO!i N. 1\lain ~1rc.•(•t SC'hool. from 111 1;-i II'\ 11 anrl rrom A ~n ('nl)lllltll:··~ ~ h~l.spll nl:,. llr• (·. ,. f 1•'311 lo l :.!·~1 Prtt"C'S r.lr chilth·t'tl "' igh r'rl six I" 111111. ,_ !tllll(< ~. Santa ~\ na. .I I • I Ill'(',, n \'I'll!!' nnd 1\\f'nty·rivc• c·r•nls l'hunt' M i l\ (t'lltflll"rt.' \rr ... t. lllrt~.) E a s t e r S p e (' i a.l s on our Perman e nt ~ -'t:whinrlt:'S~ 1~rrm.1 ,.; i1t, llnir· St~ ling . l>) r•inc \1 · , ,, : FRANCES BEAUTY · ~IIOP TWO 01 'EJ1J\ TORS -MOZI::LI .J-: ,\' I:, • ' ; , I ~H tllart>vr IU\·d~ CO'OtA ~II'N · 'l'h••Hr• 'I ·~ (or nd\IIIS. Rldin~t AJ1&Ktn·l and Soddlf'r)', EnJ;:Il01b llntl AI Sherwin 2o:; No. Broaclwa~·. \\'ntrh tlw Cl:l!:~trlrtl rolumn~. Shirt~. llah nn tl Roots f4lr oncl ('hilllrf'n Riding & Sport Shop li'anfa Ana l'honr 6i'!'! • • DRESSES Made o( Luxable Luxurious Fabric~ Be lll'n r·t l\trll ing in -· Sparkling White or Pastel COATS :t • l~n~.tths l.n t~£' armholr~ !"; •!I h1 h 'HI ~hnuldcr'!' l '11lh"l in dn:-:.'1~· nt th(• \\ ai'l I ·~· ih. IN•II ~., Orkin's ~ nepartment Store r;n:. ~f'" pc1tt Rhd. C'o-.ta M~> ... a - '