HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-17 - Newport Balboa News TimesCo-. STA ll"ESA·~·, EDITI'ON BLUFF AID SAID .LOT '' Sand 1" .t . --. OWIERS PROTESt PAll ~abs ~~~p~rf ~~!~~-~~~~yts. ~im!::~ I OOROIA DEL MAR Vacation Throng at Beaches "i' Attorney Penney D«larea Appraiula Inade- quate; Saya Trailer Park Wo~ltl Reeult; Proponent. Det-lare Beaehet for Pab~, L. B. M. EASTD WEEK.. Although pallce say it isn't as bad u betbre the war. residents artt their teeth and stop up their evs u the avalanche ot vacationing kids descend upon NewpoJ:t and Balboa OYer the week-end. Added to their discomfort wu the bouaine shortage w h l c h iplDed them out on the blachel for noctuma1 rest (if there la such for them) atter the crowded theaters, cafes. Fun Zone and dance ·balls clO&ed for the night. Kid exuberance is certain· )y refreshing, but those who (ollow along to take advant- ~ ol them and the com- mUnity u.e an unwelco!fle light. For example. nmt> cues ol selling Uquor to minors were reported to po- llee and drunken k i d s brought U\, but only one sel· ler was apprehended. Re- move the P'*lbUity of their getting Uquoi and most or the serious cases on the po- lke blotter would fade away. of the the blotter end were or loud pipes, apeedlng and similar of- femes, infractions of traffic rules. + + + lad..try. The residents ot west end communities are pretty sore about the county planning commission and su- pervisors refusing pennits tor industry out there in Westminster. Garden Grove. etc. And they have some strong talking points because agriculturally-minded coun- ty officials want to handpick industry which does settle ln the county. Whether they actually try to secede is any- body's guess. but the plan-.,.a put a crimp in subdlvis- IS plans more than six modtha sao wlth a new sut>- dJvision ordinance requiring larger than usual lot& ln any new tnct. Fine for better type developments, but one- sixth more CO&tly for work- Ing ~ due t.O their insis- tence on a minunum or 60 by 1ro root lots. Supervisors. however. re- alize that before industry is adm!tted provision must be made for adequate zoning and sanitation. County en- gineers want a new sewer main d~ through the west end. connecting up with our outfhll at the Santa Ana river. The th~ 9f resi- dents In an area suited to in- dustry should have access to desirable factories ln which to work without driving half way across Los Angeles county. But possessing the right to select industry when It knocks at one's door is a responsibility as well as a p r tv tl e g e. Orange groves may concefveably have a few bad yee.rs, too. + + + Air Rue. Every commun- ity in southern Orange coun- ty seemed to approve ot l.b~ idea or a G. I. university at the Santa Ana Army Air Base. 0 t h e r schemes for aetting up a cotton mill did not click with residents as · did the UCLA 'Proposal for educating thousands or re- turning veterans. We hear with t't'gr-et that they hnve pral'ti<:ally abandon('() lx'- enu~ it is too far rt'mon"fl from their campus to admin- ister pl'CIIK'rly. 11w t•mmt y fair ~n\tnrls propoAAl has som<' merit hnt why should a ('nun! y SfX'I1rl a large sum of money for gn ~tnds In rlisplay f111·m ma- dlin<-rv ;mel fW:tng~ when oth<•r ·impr·ovl'mrnt:o; an· s11 b;Jd)\' l)f'('(l{'(i? J)OIISing for veh·i·a n.;. a <'fltmty df'trntion honw. ;tclrlt•d hospital fuC'ih- ties. hl'ltc•r road:-td l'>l'l'\'(' t ht' !{t'0\\111~ populnt ion an• n f t•w ii'IJ•:t... whi~h an' we> II knnwn and indisputnhl<'. • • • Staff' rark. Exponents anrl oppnnc•nl.:.of thr-Ccu'llna rlE>I :'11.tr· St:llt• P:~t'k t:dl•rrt for n~·arly font• honrs t lw oth<>r ni~ht n t th•' l'it~· h~t ll. For nnr-1 im<' dt iz..-ns rlid m<>!'t Clf th<' t :~lkin!{. 11nc1 thC' counc-il willingly li"tl'nf"d. The opponents were nbly represented by G<-org(' P<'n- nev. and he ·had some strong points. He warmed' up u he Youth ·Suffers Broken ,Neck In High Dive Glendale Boy Divee Into Shallow Water From 12Ft. Board A possible broken neck wu I the tragic result of diving into shaUow wat.cr from a 12-foot spring board on a float ln front of the Fun Zone M9n- da y afternoon when B o b I Ward, 16, a vacationer from 826 E. Acacia street Glendale apparently struck the bottom of the bay. . ' When hE' C'ame to the su:rfllct' could t.Ot ~wim He had to be' reiCU('d by Bill IJ<>nbow. youthful Nl"''P"'' awtmm.nr; champion. llECOilD 8ALE of Ulf tile N tote la ttw! -8M riew ltfqtlta IIICate. jw.t put on ta... -rtl.-t It~ 11:. M. INDI.._ tuo .... CIIIJit&Ua& tllrouct. Raapll Mulw,, ,.., "r * ef U... N .. ~port Harbor ~ty eo.,.., .... reportM wttlri. ... ,. ... • ...,, alter ,.,.., •• _ -,.,..... .. ,. u.. 8tae.. ._, r ....... Com ' d1aer. n.. kMO tnatlllc oa C..t Hicti-Y wttll -..._, ,..... ..... Newport Hftctlt• •• Youn~ Ward wu on top ol the ..... wtdl pntq ,_. ~..._ o-l"'"'.lluer ,_. ... ...,title tamJiy d-rlll"Cll 111 rear ot buJoe· 12-fool board and lntl~ad ol dlv-I -e.t~t. IIIIo-. a. ,.,......... FouM&U... tor NW -.e,_.. -on('(,,.,..,, wtth -rty rom· InK atr&lght out into th~ ~per I ......... ~-... ,.,..&are •re INIUdlac ... Jot..... ll'tlolu IJ) c .. ·rhanh l water, turn~ and dov~ alongs!M 1 _ ~~&a:::;_:.~:..:r.:~:~ . .;~ Half of New Boulevard Tract Sold ~~~~_Ii{~f:; In Day and Half After Opening Sale wflh vacationing students aa th~ • HomnltP lots In the ~ntly -------- champion 440-yard awlmmer got F" "' f ~'l()() Le .•ed I m m:•l• 11 d suhdl\'lslon &bov~ the-bl" h ' B h lk.ncuth th~ VICtim and star~ tn~~:: 0 ""' • VI Mtrac lt· Milt• $N'IIon on Coast u IS er 8 rot er for lho~. Theon th~ crowd realiud In Boat Brabe lli~l•\\0~ knCMn II ~avlew Veteran News Man, lhllt t~ youth might have been c t H bo I "('IJ,:hU F:~lllt•·• rutd &-vrlopc:'d b)' o· . kd I badly hurt. A.n arobulanCt' wu ase a ar r R.t-nltor Ralph r Malkey of New· te8 In Oa • e call~ by the fire departmenl. L t. Comdr John W. HoottPrwt'rl port nt-ach. wr nt on aaiP thlt and aid ru.h~ to hJm by Stanley sr .. ll. S. Coa•t Guard. Will flnNI W('('k followln~r r€'Cf'ipt by )\r Gon:uchovtkl, YOW\& veteran at-5300 and givc>n a one-yPar sua-Maskey of th<' crrtllicatlon o( ap- t&CMd to thP dcpartmt'nt wh?_wu ~ jail sent~ thJe Wffk In I pro\' a I h•om the state ..-.1 ~~ a recent candidate In 1M city U. S Judgt> LM'In R. Y&.nkWictl'• cnmml•t~itmf'r council raC't'. cour t for a<'ceptln~ a SI:?OO brlbl'. or tl'>l' ~!l lnr11r 11'\U in tlu' hl•tfr l.nul.a M<'yPr or Oakdalr , brotht-r n( Samud A. Mry<'r. publlllht•r nf tht Newport-Balboa Nt>W.·'ntnH. ctltfl Friday In th" Oaktl"IP. C'ttll· turnln ho<tpollll fullu• 'IIllo: a hf'ttrt 1ll:tf'l< \\'r·dno•"d•) Thl' "'ll'rlln t\1'1\~P/\IJ''r llllln~ "hu W/1~ (tWnf'r und tmhll~hr•r· nf ttw Ot1kdnlr l...('adcr, ~tnrl t~"IJUirlisltrr nf tht• The boy Will able to talk evr n The brlbl' was oi.U(>rt<'dly I C· eldt> loc11tlnn whll'h "''"' on , 1' thou&h seemingly pai-al~. He ~P~ by lloogerwr rf for npprov· :O.Iumtny mill n.n)!. 17 wrrr ~11111 uld ht> wu lOrrY for diving In lng a ~mall. V<'nC'I u !lt'nworthy 11'' Tu,.~tl:l\ n'"'" Pn<'f'~ nf 1111~ the wrong dlrccUon. and gave h1l whll~ the of(let'T' was port lnspc-c· r;nr1· fr•·•~ ~J;;.lO tn $H'\(1 •nil name and addrl'U. HP wu rush~ tor at Nl'wpor t S.ach. ht-rau~r nl thr rhotl'(' l(>('l\llnu r.~• to the Oran~:c County hoapital. l"'nNI SJOO and given the tame hnm··~ nntf rrlins: \'nlurs ,,, C'·' "I where h<' wu found to havP a suspcndt•d jail IK'ntenc<' wu F'r~d 1 :'l'' ,, ,, ,1,.,, 1 prop~'•'. In . n poasihlc br okc>n neck . Later hP Kempt'r. boat landing operator ·in , rnl. Mr . t ,1(, .. _ 1 "(fll"l''" n ,, , .. k l~>•l • 1'::1 I :• 11• I n ••I I hr· l'ttls- \\U transferr<'d to a hoapltal fl('ar Newport. who wu char~tcd u lm· sale. · hurg (('Ill ) POAI·lll1pntd1, WllA ll t'Ofr.mlltlll~ l•·"t1•·r nnd fornwr tnc>n1bf>r of thl' Stair• Advlll<lrY 1-ounr•t .. r rh, (',,ll•'f'nltt "' ,,. Glendale. pika I I'd In tht> fl'lony. I Sl)( nr thl' 17 lnts now -old v. ··r·· J)llfll'r l'uhll,ht II ""~" ••.• ,. .... pun•lu.-r d lr~ · 'llturn .• ~ '' I !nl,. \\'h••n ftr~l n• "• nf hi• l•t urlwr ll Seeing Europe Ahead Patton Was Dangerous But Exciting One> local u-Gt who won the t 'the PMpl<''s 11rmy, a J)('llet -shoot· Rranzt> Star for meritorious S<'f\· Ina air rill<' which Ia cocked by Ice. and uw most of th~ Europ!'an 1 brukln~ the barrt>l. and 11 deadly; war from the front line, or Wftl a F'rrnch La At-lie carblnt six· ahead of that Jlfl(> ltrlnglnlt tt>le-•hot nne: 8 22 cal. boy·· lUll. phone wire> tor the late ram pac·l and a .22 Erfur t. In addition to ln~t G<>nnal G<'Orgc PAtton, came two beautiful rt>votven, one of out of thP war's harrowinc P1tper-which Is a Luger and the ot~r lcnC<>S without a scratch, althou~th a P-38. ht> hlld aevl'n j<"f'Jlll shot away, I Thr formt>r s l.maJ corpllman &nd hill rf'turnPd In build & house alsn brflu~tht hack rour camPru, for h11 Intend~ brl<tc. a fin<' m N'hAnlt'al dr11wing S<'l. Dan McMlllal'\. one or lh<' alx field ~tl!tss~'s, an aluminum tl'11'- lfl'andlons of the founder of the acopln11: tripod. two knlvrs, of N~ Reach water departm~nt. whlrh orw i' tvmed a dre&~~ ha}'· snd : 011 of John McMillan. pri'S('nt ont>l, 11 hatr dtM>n \ri>rman mt>dal~ 'wnt·rr "'tp'f'intt•ndrnt, Is on I' lucky lnC'I urtonl! lh" Iron I'Tn~~. an old ~:uy Hr 1•-d a ch11rm<'d lifr NAflOII'Onir lll'lt ~:ow·n him hy a throulth th~ whole Normandy In· mnnk thf'y ~hrlll'rNJ , vnrinu~ vulon, and-~·en Into GPrmAnY ml'rllll~ lor pnrly nffkinl~ end nrrl- ahNtd or the· chnn:in~: Yanks N'~. <ttm<· ,.f whorh rlAI,.r1 h11rk And nltl'r thl' whortwin<l cnm· In 1 h•• fir~ I \\'nrld \\';~r. t II' nl~·• ptlll:n "'Ill! ""''"rl vlrtnrinu~lv. l>nn h;," pnpt•r mnnt•y nnd coins frnm wns still rn~tmlng llTnunrl Furnp•• flvr l'nllnt rlr~ 1111 fpW othrr~ rl1d in 11 j••r p. antf Pan h••fr1rndN1 11 tailor in lh•• rniii'CI<'d onr nf lht• '"'Sf llr"•·nnl~ ~inc 1-:rlw11rd hnrr·l in n ('h••rkn nf ltUn!l nnd lrnphir,t•rou~:ht har k 5111, tn "'" n anrl """ pr. "·nl• ,1 In Nl'w)'lort fll'arh "rlh 1 l•r:•n•1 n•·w ""'•han ~1111 f•\r ( •r••·n ••nlt·l lll~ ~· lttwn just 1111 hi<~ rlf••rfq AF lhr tnll•~r had 111" t;t•rman~ "'·rl' pulllnc '"1'-~-,oon """" nl ~~~~•inl' m nl• 11 t1 h• l•nn " 1~ ahlr 10 1'1 ~"11'~'nlr• '"'"lt1 ""' 1ak" '<I',,, frf!tn llw rt}lt'~n of lit•• ftrlll W~rl'l'" nf ~hnnl· hflii'J ht•(';ttl•l' tlu• I 'hrrk11. nu~ Int.: ~ultl1• r~ lie· l••lllld 11 :-.;,.,, ~hn" rtn•l C··rm '"" all WIHtl•·rl '' II •'! h:rn.:m~: out in lr•ml nl n th•· llll'.d l~tov ''·••rnru•rl " C"'" 1 ~dl•••ll •nll<;t• \l'hich I~ nll(l\lt HI fN•I In frnnt :•nd lillll'lr'<l t/lt• !t•~n:t' lnnt.' "' fnttt fl'f'l lllfi'IIS~ 1 lo ''"rt•• rnmp:11n In 1 h• hoi t•l wlul• (lilt k• rl lh•tl Ill ht~ j• ''I'· whic-h •It int'UII: It l••t•hnn• lln r• Ill lit• 11wulo n 11111\ \\:1!1 fii'O'I•'II In th•· \kinl1\', tr•1 •It '"'~' ,. In"'"'"'' ~lrnpJ••rl tn t he• h ont n lnmm,· l!tln slum: II· ·•''''''' rl llv I "'"' ''' '.,, ;dotrl): , tl tllr ., 11, •1 -~~, ,.,.,, i\1111 rwan furtfiam l pl ttlo,rl•h 'lll •·•l '"""hin• J,:lln llllllllll,.fl nn t .. p . nn•l ltl<. ll f•• ~··or II 1< "'' "'""I ,,. '''"" "11 '"' (l ••• r s .. '" 11 .. 1 mr•l· '"''"' uf ll•tr lorktt .. rtntl u '"' f'llll.,l•l·· lr•lktn~t ''•·hwl,. 111 'lr 'tl.dlv 1111 n• rl ''"' tt rl,.,tl•l• 1, hid, In riel•• t.rr ''''II <'Ill f.,r M• \T illstn tn Ill' T ropflll'l I'' ''''1 1 11• •II ,,1'1fonc h" '•"I'll''" ""' ~ Ito \\orh •II "''"'lift~· ·,•l••·nlllrt • ,. 1111!• Ht•tnnt..,:ll Shttll;lln ll•t·tl II\ )l;tll tl•drt I l\,•n1 lr I Ol lllC t,, • Ill'~ 1 l>:t' '' qltl hAV•· krp1 lotrll I• f" rr· Ill• "'' rd1 11 h td lw•n pr .. t (tt•d fl, ""·"' tho 1 tHHIIJ~ ,\•11 ('fjl'.tlt ••• "'I ·1 '"' I no I ' ,,, ., .• •' ,, '' I' '''•·n "'"I J• ol rt•J I Ill I " I 1,,, ~· tof lt.t Ill• l o f l .()n,. 1\••ltt•h whn fll"''' In h111111 tllnrAtt r nml' lotsl Wr-dnNI!Iny. l\lr. j h1~h r•1a~" rnr't)ffil' hungalowc "" and Mrs Sttht 1\fpyr·r ldl 11n t hr lnwr·r purllnn of ·lhP tr-u 1. mttiiRitl' ((II· (l;•krtnl•• 11tf') jn~t north nf Awtn slrl'l'l and far· I 11rrt~•·d t>< !•11l1'-I·•· ,.,, ••. it " "' lng lhr• hil:hwny H r wn~ hl~lth·~ rt·l:rtr•l I ~~~ n louo't· Anl••nr n•J · ....... ,. nutr hn ,. n•·s~ :tnd , .. '"''' h·n '!•: nr ........ \\1 ••• ,. F Ell•wurth "'I J:,• lt•n\"' '•I~ v.rdltY. ltdlr•. II n &lbon Island. rnr whnm Arr hllt•rl lnu~;hl t•r M·~ ('I "'"" N•lll. ('.or· Phil F:ltl'rhrtW'k IJ now dl'lllgnin~ rt n• • :wu ltrul hr·r• ~''"' 1\ ~1r·vr•r, SJl81'l<nl!l hom!' on I hi' rutt-rn $lt11' I.,,.,,.,,., ... , of nw :-.:.•wport·llldlroft ot t.h<' tract. "li'WII· Tlmr·•. and I (; M••yrr S t 01 1,, r f" r"h:tcl'rc Wl'r•• ''"" Loull, and a 1l1trr M rt< I,, 'I) P<'dl'r•• n nf !'\PWp<trl n.-nr h. n •.• I Bartlett, Dc-v<'rly IIIIlS nard L Eldru1gl' of Cn~ll1 M•·so Louis l\1r·yr·r hntl 1 t~tiNf 111 Nr•w· nn•l ItA\ I. Krllrr of Jluntinl(tnn port Btoarh mnn~ llnv•J S.ach. Mr. Mukty hu ~n drtt· 1 lgn&t<'d u aol<' a~trnt ror •11!1'11 In lht> •uhdlvislon. In whlrl't home buildinG: will bl' rt'ttrlc1ed to In- surf' (;rodr A dwl'llln~ts Hit Storm Drain; Shw~d ll ntil Polic·e Pic-kf'd Him l p Hr·\11111!.111 j10ll 1\ftontl;,, """ Fnnk H•• Prll or l"n.ln MMIIl, ft<'- ,., •• tf '•f 1 I ll!<t II til I, I '•I' t t • t h;rtl 1' "'I I ,,,,, II\ hi' ,.,, JlfHI ,, ,. 1• I "I I• •I '" 1••1!•·•· fpr hlt1 1nl{ , c:H•'II" <lr·•ll1 "" C'h f( (lnio\ •' In :"'t•w pt11l llo Whl M1nor In tttH' ,. 1 r.rl'lt lldr r; •• /(,\\1.1 Easter Week lures Throng To Harbor 250 Traffic Violaton Caua-ht by Strena1h· ened Police Force pl'l''t'ntr'<l hi-. Cit<;(• lo fl•r' ,ill r~ nr ('t lllllf'ilrnl'll. l)f'fcnd- 1'1-<; or tllC' ~~·r·k \\1'1'1' ho (,h •l t'i! hy t h•• preSl'nr'1' nf f h1• ... t;1t(' land :'l ~f'nt . ln<'QttiTi<'~ in the apprui!'al" were the <'hi<'f hone or roniE>ntlon. nnd the u~hot or the meet lng w~ts the decision to present a petition for a re-appralMl. 111 ''•II !J•• •I ,, "1\ II"'' l•n•' I •·•' •n't tlu ''' ,., h••r t..:rant1 ~nna nf rlw ;:\•'"l••rt p1""''' stnro'<l IIJI :•nfllll.!h ''''"'' lr·nr·••• In ~"·1111 rnr' n Q:Orod mnn\ ) c>nrs Itt \It 'Ill 1 '' \kl"t.' \J, 1111 lr" hi-hnmah l t>N•k It, II "' '""'"' 1"'''-til trt" ho • 11 "" l1ltlo ul r-l"ht , '"" uf thr \\h l,..r ,uJ.. ,,,."ftf"'nt , lh•n \J• \);•J•t~• ._.v" ,, rt ,,.,., H1o• ~.,,,.,.,. lh •t JH"'''"'' -''"' .. ,., 1r''"')l\ !H, "'"nH hr '''""L.. .... , •. ,.hnf\1" "'.,... ;u ,. .... ~ I ll , , ..... ,. ......... ttu• '"''" ••• ru ro\1 ...... ,~ ..... , 1 ('Qml' 111 tt'w'lr N--unlnn• It 11 "(htt\\n 111 plr l1trl' ,.,,·,httl ~un tJIINt h,V r'f'I>J,I I''• \1111\, ttlr llllt¥ uv••l hi h<•l• Ill drftlt"'• <~Ill .,,,.,. '"'' arn1 lr ''"'" rtlt'ital..., '""' S ut flaa 111 hwl&~tr"'""J "" "'''" In "' \1111"" ""'"''· • • I •• ,.,.,, hy (;t•fllllll/1 I "' l 'm tHt AMcw-iation \\(jlf UiH<'UMA Oil Pollution ''"n' .,,,. '" "'l"l", ,, .. ,.,,.1,,,, that • •11•·1' I',,,... .rul '"' '"'""'! ~ .. -,._ """'d••tt• t-. I• • • lt~t•c •~:•••u t<fl thll ~tr' ~e ''"'I *'IHt\\ '''''r "'h'tt'4 n( ~ ••ll••rhttn '" tlu latu•• • '11w•n ........... I II I I \\1 ,. '"" llf'f'tll• ,,, ut ••t tt•• • I 1nlu ' ol •·um- uu I I I ,, ... ,, "'IIV, It •• ,., '"' rd • t ,t , t • •· .. , •• ,. t'f•tJnf)' "" "'' •I• ,, ,,, •••• utluu fu ro- "'~, ,., , "', ,, 1-~u ' ,, the , '•'u••· 1 • ' ''' u"''" r••untJ ,.,,., u .. r ,, , uuf•1'-'l' v. nn.-f -.o l tl'lt'. '" I I •' ,, ltUI ,,,. W4 "' Or· 1111,• •• t II \ •II • '"" 1 , , ,, 1 ,,,., ~ w.·rc flUUt~ '" " ,.,,11 ,, \I 111, wl•lch wae 1•,. "''' •1:rrw•·r "' .. 11 1"•11•1111'" ,,, ,.,,.,., '" " , mnx hy a recent ., t( I I,, ••. ,. ,.,,.,,, ru.A whh·h ,~,.ultt ,,, • ' ,, ,, ,,. tl I tt.mr•t r"f!fualna an '' • ''''"' ctnlllnr: rr .. m .. ,.,,.,,, .. ''"''', ,,. ",, h In "'"' DTl'lt, and ••I 11 ol ,.fhtworl from llttlllit)l(lllll Ilk• WI 'It 1 lu• ![..1"to,OO() r11~·01U1tlne ,., ,, I tf II"· <'<•nit lllftl.tft•ll '"II IIIli( ,., rill .. r ,, "' \ I. llnrvlll In an· 1 I '" f' • llttttlll'h Will lrrttltHhlv 11f11,,r IIN'IInn. ,,, • •' )• r t 1 '"' rhowrrw•tun nl Ill•· 'l'h<' :-. ,1,,, /\11.1 ll••11lty boar4 '"'" • f t~rnly f ',.,,,.l ,._...,.,.,,1ll•rr• 1 '''"'''' "·' l,..,,,,n hy crcattntr a . • ,,, 1\f'lll ;-:1 "" • llrll' nl ~''"'" l••tt•' ''''"""''i• ,, 10 "'"'' with ~· ~ I ••••I 1 nil' 111 ~''"' )1,""''1• """ r ,, '1f t~ hnurd~ to ~ ... , ·, "••lr·nl Jl fo' t<••fluy 11f l\ttl tltll .. •l" II ..,.,., •nl c1 that dnlrda "'"' Jlft'lllllr•, 1111<l rutul Ill!• I• •I~ "''''1 ~ll'tlnlll)' ~ '"'' h •<l w r t•k llw uti 11rllll111: 111111 If "flllld lrtkr• dl•t11nn1fti!CI Gl'o 1•11•1""'''' will ,,.ry llkt•ly Ill' dl~-,ltllnlttrll••n on ll~t•lr Jlllrt to ...... 111''' rl C llho-r IJIIJIOf'lant tlUIIt•·l'l ~'<IIIII' ln•luJilry llll)IWheore Ia U.. I Wlll 11.1411• ... '.!.vWwrd. l'illtM)'. -----...~>------------=~ MUOA nn,..._ M~ a...d!a_Oaiii:;::; ...... =::L..oJI!'Jelyi.II=::..•..:.:AOKpU ____ ... ...., .... , ______ --_____________________ _ ~~~~~~~J~ .. ~aw~P-o_RT_-e_AJ.•a• , Native California Flowen Face -.N~NIVERSARIES ~&~TIMES • • D to V d li 4' _...., ....N.r u... •• bMtion,. ue an a sm 1 ------California wild rlow.-n arrr 21 f-:aater Sunda,y, the ce e-M-Confederate Memorial Day ..._ A* v...._ .xxvm bratlon of the retWTe'CUon In Ala .. Fla., Ga. and Miu. • ax t • ~-.!·A~·~··~ ... ~?~·~~·~ .. ~,~"!'-~ I v.--u world famoua. Many of them a.re Ed a· tors, ~-.·entis•n • of Chriat; fr«n early .... !1-Fourth Draft, ~tration CliiiPa M-.~ ' _ -unique and crow no pia(» ~IM. ~ loB Chriatlan times It .,...... of men 4S to 64. ~la-tlo. Pv.iaa. ta ActftDci :~.:IO .,_. ,_,. • 011'-.. ~: but thry aft belnc destroyed and ~"'--me Out for Full celebrated witl' ~at 10l· Ulyues s. Grant. 18th $2.11 plr )'eV to 4tla zae; tJ.OO per,_,. to ltb 10M lOIN' face extinction by vandallam '-AI emnlty. ~n.lah -Anwrl-~ President. born 1822. ----------------of the people ClOt'IJidously or un-Ato • N ..,, D lll..ft'd .. s.oand-OaM matt« at Ole s>o.tolflce In Newpon 8Mdl, oonadoualy. . mlc ews CliO VVIU', a WilT Wa&ed Audubon, ,nat uralist, born ~omla. under the Ad ol Mardl 3, lB79 There aft In the atatr many agalnat Spain by the U. S. 1780. '" 1898 to liberate CUba NatIon al, Flahermen'a &. .A. MEYD -----• • ~ new reslcknta, a.nd ~rhapa some A~can ri&htl to t~ expres. from Spaniah rule. Week, AprU 27-May 4. aM D . POR'l'ER • --• -a-..1 llanapr of lM old OMS, Who dn not know alon of oplnlon and full lc.nowl-\!t-J Sterling Morton'a birth-National Boy.' and Glria' &. a. MD LARD • - -• -.. .,: .. H -J.~~ that the State of. . California hu ed&e of public affairs wen-at1'eu-day; founder ol .... bor O.y. Week-April 27-May 4. W ... IDON • • • -• -wr.:.-I __..r atrlct laWII retardlnK die pr.-.erva· ed thia week In demand for pub-"Y PtL-..... t. 30U W. Central Awaut. Newport BMdl. c.a.u.torilia lion ot naUve planta. ahrubl and Licatlon of all ,atomic ~ve•~ Seventh Day ol P auover. Samuel Morw, Inventor of , .....-ts-.Jamea Buchanan, ~th the telecraph, born at Official Paper of tM City of Newport a-da '-"-· flower ~enol~ ou~. na.1 nwntr u a1Uca ol &OYemmmt Presl~nt. born In . 1191. 0\arlestown, Mua., ln AD , 'h....,...._.._._ 0.. 11 W-. S«tton A e policy had continued &iYlnl vent Lut ~y'ot Pauover. 1191; Conareu acctpted 5 f) Codor 1tatm that It Ia unlawful to thf.'lr vi-.. % The Bo.ton News-Lett«, hia Invention 1n 1843 and , · to t'Ut. mutllat.e, ~e·or de-F.ducators u well ,u acientiata first newspaper In CokJn. -.-·-~130.000 fcw--Actiw atroy native plantl, ahrUbl or had conw out for tull news o1 ..,.._,..._ , · bll , lee, publiahed 1704. experimental line betw~n M-ber t.rwe, etc .• ,rowtnc aJon& pu c undert.aklnp and cSlac:overiee ln !&-United NaUona Confer-Wuhlncton and Balti-hJchways ar on privately ownf'd the a tomk: world, wtille tormer San -.. -.. ·of land wtthout written ~rmlt from memben o1 tbe armed fOI"Cft, ·~I ence a t Frandlco. ~. • the CJ!IrDB'. pearin& u wt~ before the 1...-----------------------._J ------------------------'TtWI law Ia enforceable by any anny'a "&ripe" lnvmtiaatinc G raJ' Re • . MOre Information Would Help- peue ~ and violation of it 11 1>oard, ~ preeent lOVern-ene 8 port on Army Com.mtuusts purUabab1e by a nne not to ex-mt'nt methoda. Sh uJd Be »--L-..1 ~-att) Tim Cftd $200 ar lmpri8onment for 1lx Cartoonlat Bill Maulclln tolcl the 0 C ~ e e8 montha, or both. · ann.y board r«enuy that 11 aol-----unla ._ .. , ln ,... .. &lorMtw up in thia oountr)" • crlUcal attltl.ad! Help keep the hlchway. and dlers had their own frft ...... \.AJOUUU ta aft uuutntlac to tbe ftullian eownunent ~ U. attitude Ia Juati· by•WAYW ol the 1tate U beauHtul there mlcht not be any work DOW kl'~poa~lone ln ::,.U~~ ~= fted. ,.__,_._ It aD the .tatementa that are_, .. .,. out • nature ~DaM tNm. ftelp pre-for the "&ripe" board. "ID .,... r"~~~ lnte~ of'tle« _..__,, . .............. wet the unlawful deetructlon or where the IU>'I had their own · ' ol RuiM an tn1e. then 1t belwcMa tbll cuuntry to keep a nacwa~ ot our wtlcl nowen. papers, cot •tralltlt neww and ~~w!'~:!:; ~:,!: Cancer More Deadly Than War, Deelaree Vtt.Adm. OldeHorf WlltW .,_ on her actlvltie& weno allowed to blow o1t •teem. lulu. There hal bee!~ rumor ol · But, it _. to thJa writer that the t..na& attitude we Voluntary Rationin1 there wu lea te!Wion," he Mkl • th1l for a 1on1 time. General SAN DIECO.-"Cancer 1a a JOKES-tat .. - Lacly CU.tomer -I doa't UU thele pictures. 11\ey don't do me Juttb . Pboto~r&J)ber -JuqJceT Lad)', what you want Ia rnen:\t. • I AM au:iJ:: "J am Mre," began the import- ed a~ak~. "In responae to • re-...... nan' • 0 t quat from your aecretary wbo ftOO&a .urD ~ wrote to headquarters and atated r..-_.._, .. that your club would Uke to have M. EJtiate A Co.. IDe. for thla occaa1oo ooe ot the beet .. ft. -......... apeakers Jn our cqanlzaUon. They !,!! ! • ... a ft. Mil e • tr tent me-to announce that none •-...... -- oould come." ---.......... -------- New~-H~~~~~~~-----~~1- Ailllodea ot Trawl to llllq)e, Maico. Hawall Rouad-U. Wodd Tripi In the DIU' future. 8le lln.~a-. PII.IIL.l...._%.s1 -. ........... .. C1 •• Poaatala .. . HANSEN'S ...... ' •'--• "-n.--. b Waldemar Katmplfort, ldlnc» Will hb cloee . than cUe ~ ~•db' wqpcn thaD war," llacluld taU to tbe ~ ~ mould be ~ rl. ~ ~' Y editor ot the New York 'nmes, J\lfy ~ ru!_. ~ .-rta ,; VIce AdmlraJ J-. B. O&dendarf, IIOW ....., IIVIIMmM .........,... camlcleratklll. What w.t lbauld do AI to inlllt WaD Street Journal lecturina In Ntw York. aaJd mMn-to be • fac:t... 'ClCimiD&Ddaet ot the llUI Naval ~~&.& • •.a----· -. --.a..a-... •-'--......aa-. and whl» that all Information about _ .. _ ,._._._._., ...... ·--~ .. ... ·--1 • -ra MM • WA__,_ -aur own penman ua~ ,_. _,...., "iJUI' ..--.~ the a'dlinlc bomb ahoWd be IDIIde Butultofl aaert the fact ~~=t u.uao;• -~ ... -·-....... CllldUct. To build up an an~ qa1nat ftw.. Formet PreelcJeont Hoov~. who all bl.e t the man 1 the atnet of 1 deney ln the '"""'"'''" tull.upport for the tUftd campelp' a. 0... ..... 0.. .. maJJlnc a hurried tDUr ol Europe av • 0 n · atance~. An otneer u hlchly now belnl eondlac:ted natJonally by .. ______________________ J .. t.led Gil c:uua1 repol1:a from Rwala, without aome 1\dd-to eetlmate lb mlnlmwn food re-"The more the pWI~c lmow'l placed u General WllloulhbJ the American CaDetr 110det7. Met traD tbe State Depu1ment 18 tD make up our mlndl qul.nmeftta. h.M pabtted out that ~::atrrthet:~~· ~ = ahould tell more, perha~ not to 'nw admiral quoted atat»tica , p-.ftl........ut¥ -.....,. ba.-.. olftdal lnfonnatkln OD wbldl to8 ba.w OW' "tbe ~ Ia ~tlally a prob-ea r · .. the prea jutt ~et; but certaJ.n.1)t ahowtnc cancer, a rnalk:loul enemy, ~ 1 vw 1 ..... 1em ot the M'X1 ~ da~." How ol world aecurlty. OviiJ&na qua:ht to thoee havln& authority to atop killed ~ Americana than all tbe ---- 'lbe p,e ....... -think-lonl would It take to n-fttabliah to be mem.ben ot a board. atomic the lnflltratlon and rid the anny weapona ol' war ot thla ~~try'~'~;===~~~~~~:==-, --~I'IAJf~:::_:ow~-,_::!=:~---. .. _m1 t ... lilt 01' ilmhllfVf ·~ r Row lf'C\Ire qalnat Jecal attack "" na e t .. ., m ary. The general wu 1pealdnc par-«n C&lllom1a ~ head-• ~ reCu.mia& GI who bu t.m JD CODtact with Ru.lanl ud tbty WW trankJy ay that they do not understand them. Yet. If we are not to have an enemy rl. that oauntry It 18 aur Jab to trY to Wldentand thaD.. But we are hardly In a ..,.. ... to do 10 u long u we pt ~ reporta wldcla a.. to. ua from ~ who are not In a polltion to Dow what IDOIYS are In prac~ea arid other fomw ol resiatanee At the aame meeting. 8ft\Jam1n tlcularly o1 two newsmen recently quartets, the olflces"'f the Am- would It be 1t It wer~ hurriedly F'lne, education f'dltor ol the rt'll'llsed from the Pacific Stars erican Cancer aoc:lety, 354 South M t up by ftet'UtJw-cwdH under nmes. praised the value of • tree and Strlpee becauae of "neptlve" Sprlna St., Loa Anceles. the dilcreodlted Second War Pow· preu In .. the education of younc loyalty; but what he aald runa far rra Act, which ta aoon to expire! people. Education ~nd the Pl'ftl beyond that cue. Do Communlats .And ln aQ a.ee, how effective muat work. together, he laid. hold key poaltlona In the aervlces could It be expecied to prove In or supplies! 1f 10, may we thua practJce! Shortage of Parts arcount for outngeoua extrava· None ol ttte.e q..-tiona can be M Ti U C ganet> and wute, and more rt'C('nt Senator Knowland Helps Divert Lumber From Exportation ~llably aNWeftd In advance. E11ch &y e p &r8 spoilage a nd aabotage of perish· of thrm lnvolvt'll a riak of failure Damaged in Accidents abll' supplies? Having won the fl111t round of whlcb It Ia unMU'aiU')' and ln· ' his st'natortal fight to atop large- ...,.._ble to take. It Ia better to Motnrlsu of Newport JWach ll('ale' exportation of lumber 't.o uk OUT people to enliat In • hu-who arc carell'SI l'nough to be-After This week, It's foreign countr ies because it 1a manltart.an cause than to attl'mpt roml' Involved In acddenta may 'We'ae weak week' badly needt'd for housea "here at to compt'l their aubmiulon to a fi nd thl'msl'lvl'S compelled to walk home," U. S. Senator WUIIam F. probably buncUnc ftllmentation. for a whllt", even though they In Newport Beach Knowland Ia continuing hla effor~ Annand Monaeo AIWIIITI'm' 814 W. llaJ Ave., IWboa W-.o~ STU nu I.Airewood A"' IAe Alt..,_ NOns a~ Mil PIANO. TBACHBR- G. V. 1.IN8I:NBAAD G,..._.. ..,..0 ..... , ......... Ptl. 1252-W 1521 w. Ocean Froat H . R. Hall, M. D. ..,"' .... "''d ...... .....- Houri: 2~. by A.ppomtmeet ~.., w ..........,. -eo.ea .. _ OUr •• Department VM!ll lt to the d Uiem rl. th1a -..try to be !!ped.ftc on the IUbject rl. &.la. Have we .._.. to leer them! Are we on t.d terms! Ia abe violat- llw bir ......,.ata with ua! 'lbele are QUNUona for whJcb • .ell an ..-..er. When we haw a State Department f11PG1t we are then In a po.ltion to make up· our m1nda and _. attl"*. UntU theca. -we are merely lloundertng. ~ .... ~ esca~ Injury, the Department of --1 to solve the nation's No. 1 head· '-----------...1 State Bills Help Motor Vc>hides warnf'd today. In cue you hadn't realized It, ache--houses for veterana. DAW IICBOOL r------------...,. Director Edgar E. Lampton aald last W('('k wu quite a week. • "AdjuJtment of lum~r price r------------, OONUD 810ti-M.D. ~""-ti Fi ht the current 1hort~e in automo-By Pretldentlal edict, It wu et>Uinga so that the milla can M rtim Sch 1 ft:r 'daa _. ..,._ UJUD es ~ bile parta now flt>qU('ntly make~ "Gl't Acquain ted with Public make a profit will help to atimu· .. !..a er 00 ~ E. 18th ... .... tlaaa ate that thele wW tR turtber buJas ln the Mosqd:to ena~e lt pnctlcally lmpoa1illir IO obtain Nurses W~k." "Public Schoola late production and will go a long ...,_ ...... COSTA MESA Ul •~ re~•-on vehlcl"' in,·olvl'd In Wet'k," "Be Kind to Anlrnall way toward solvi,ng the probrem." 0...._: Oltlllce. Plq....._J u-·-lG-l2 ._. .,... • . D.,., ai'OD()()L II ......... ~: . LJIL; <TV ..... eOn' , badoa'a -... line. 1be dedine In the volume ol wreek1. The 1hortagl' applies par-Week." "National Sunday School Senator Knowland oblerved when .a• """" .;: Phone W .,......,.. Reeocn~Uon b)' the 1taU' de-llculvly to non-wuring parta Week," and locally for council-M n ew to Los An&elee from o. A. ... ......_., 21, A. Chi..,. ...,. ~ due to the rW In labor and feed oo.tl with· partment of health u to the poa· such u radiators, gnll work, front manlc C'ORtenders It wu ''Thia Ia Wuhin&ton, D. C. to confer with ~ ..... 111 _ _.., --~ D ....-tiDe price ~ haa brouiht Wuhlngton albUJty of breeclina malarla-carTy-axles, fendera, carburetors. ete. • flell~va Week." • Southern California hoUIIn& offl- -r.ladan tbat ..._,___ • -more for their Inc moequitON wu the rt'UOn "Repair 1hnpa report to us that Thia week Ia, 1n cue you hadn't clala .•nd rt'pretentatlve~ of vet--,.....,""'"""'' m •"" _, bfoh1nd ~tot at ll'ut Jhey are able to get a fairly good notked the dull roar emanating Crans groups. II I I .. If aut&Jut II DOt tD ~ further eenou .. y curtailed. two btU. at the l'f'Ct'nt aped a I tupply of parta n~'CJC'd to make from vac.aUonlng younpten, ------------ • II W' qtJid tba~ mUk wUJ 10 up either a half cent or 11N1ion ol the 1tate legialatun, repairs due to ordinary wear ," Euter Wf't'k, and by Saturday It r----------..., .. -' • prt. A half cent nee would booR the c:ut of l(tvlftl ~t to dlltrlcta Lampton aald. "HOWl'\'l'r, mi\OY of will have picked up quite a few s H 0 E s ar eountiea to aet up their own the part1 ordinar ily damaged in other namea lncludlnr "We'ae ...... 1111 _,.. a pound and c:beeee three oenbJ, and a one ~to abetement diatrlcta. aC<'Idt•nta simply cannot be obtain· Weak Week.' · And If that i1n't -.... • In mUk would, r1. CIOW'Ie, double the other The ~t dl.acoveey of the eel bccauae the manufacture"' are enouah. Gov. WarTen has pro- .. &. Wltb dll1ry Iabar demandtQilncreaaed wages, higher malaria bevtnt type In Sand Can-no.t turning them out. . claimed thla u "Registration Repaired While You Walt • yon and Boalta lake wat~ hu 1"he aruw.•t•r Ia to drive t'are.. Week,'' and u we undcratand It, ..-aR allo cleemed ~ to enable producers to ·~ to Jntenalflcatlon of county fully If you want to keep driving !" aU ellelble a re urred to regiater ·Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front -U... wap demandl and avokl ltri.keL We OOI1IUI'Den flfforta to combat the menace, to vote. _.. ...nt bllber prka, but we InUit either accept them lone recoeJ~~ u having far Ge~~a Tax Revenue Nexl w~k 1a "Wonder What .._ ....... ~•chln« ~btlltlea. Two ~pa ..., Week Th.ta Ia W~k " --~-to an ewn lftll~ .cardt)' ot dairy products aft betnc obtainfod for the work AtoAII-Time High '· Nen deer to 8&7 VIew Cafe ....... to . p ..... ' .. ..., exllta. We can't have our butter and eat It, too. under E. E. Friaby, county aanl· SACRAMENTO. _ Producln& -~~~~~~i;iii;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tatlon en~. and special r~· hlghwoy rellenuca at the rate or • qwst hu be-en made of resldl'nta. $201.503 a day, Callfomla'e gaa-DEfEND YOUR HE" AL TH. WITH particularly In the harbor rt'&ion, oUnc tax for February has brokm ~ to not allow wet« to at and out· all previous rf'COrdJ. Wllliam C. ...., ......_ II ~-,..__ --.a ..t-.. t-aide ~ It might attract rnoa-Bonelli, Fourth district ml'mber ...,..... renova-. uuiiC', auu we are~ .... up our ult ,._ our'--and our mannen we -•nht ...4ve a th'""_.,t q U~ the A.embly Bill 27 of the atatr board of equalization, ,..,~--=~~ .--. ..... .. .,...... made thl1 revelalion herl' today tD .......,.,,. out our dapx1Jnent. . lnl*lulto abetement dllt.rlcta ma,y when he announced that thl' tax 0. ol U. -.one Clll tl» ltnleta theee days is the licbt be formed 1tfll'OUihout the atate for the month had bet'n $5.642.092, -., • under the aCt of 1933. Bill 28 based upon distribution of 188.069.-flla WUIIIUl amoldnc WblJe lhe hurries along with the crowd. authoriaes the State Dt'p&rlment 739 ~tallonl of motor vehicll' fucl. .. 11M W dp.rette biandly e~ and dan&linl Crom ber of Public: Health to make a atudy -... _,_ -.'d .. ,_.....__ to -·-·...ea .. -_ -to what~ and .,_.tratlon to c>radlcate .., wuu ~ IIIIUI&Aa'a&ll:' -·--......---the menace, and to detftmlne the Linseed Oil Blazed; .... Nedion her~ mJabt create. ~-wtth a high~ or ma.· S ked U Bo Admittedly. there .. more than jult • preml8e to the qutto borne ~ It ~ta up mo p at • tund Of ~ 000 to hAip th-A Th)•ln"' to cook some llnsl"f'd nil 'lllna--ot -·-11hl. w-ba--condulslvelv delnon-.......... ~ "'""" ... -... ~-·" .,.....,~ n ; <J di1trlcta control thla. anct turpentine on a eto,·e abc)ard llrUICI tbelr abWty and thelr right to share the evei')'Wly Then 8Ul 61 lncreuca the mini· the 27·1-'·893. w. c. Wright dis· wadd wtth men in every J"eell)eCt. but there obviou&Jy are mum tax rate allowable to be covl'rt'd that It auddenly nnred • ~ for th1a JIUTliOM' to be ln· Into a blaze and threatl'nl'il tn ~ de8reee ol Interpretation. A truly emancipated ~ Cl't'ued from 15 omta to 40 omta spread in the documt>ntl'<i boat -. ~r. will not cheapen the hard-won dlgnlty ot her per 1100, ln diatrlct1 which ml~tht In the bay last Friday. TI1e flrt• JDIIItkn aeek 1uch a lrvy. I dt'partll\Cnt was summoned. hut the fire wa1 put out bl'fore any , • ·.. All ldnck typewriter ri~ ID damar e wu done exet'pting for a The~ man who recently caught a *-foot..fllh.. ... at the N_..nn-. smokt'd·up cabin. I 11M blrfct a man to go around with him and help deectibe IL-aln Mlller-Reno Evening Gazette. ... Ubde Sam bas fn9Yed to smash the hoA.rdi.ng by manu- lldlaas of nylon ltocldnp. U they get some good sock.a, ~we wtU.-Arlzona Dally Star. -_ -!f tbe boutlng shortage gets any wone !lOme future Presl- 41.a _,be able to u.y. ''I was born and raised Of'l the beck ..a til Ul aut.omobUe. ''-Lou..lsvtlle nmes. 24-Roar Radio Service Burt R. Norton o.udoua ... rooct. Or, coapl.ete equlpmeat nen you want to catch • rour ~. HORIIE.N fiSH MARKET C* eaNTRAL AV.NUE, NEWPOIIIIT a&ACH Telephone 1347 -J ·-FIVE-DAY SERVICE -Cleaning and . Laundry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1011 <JoMt IIIP--1 .Plck-Up and Delivery Cart PbUbart, Manapr Olfal AGAIN · SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Oflln Yo. tiM~ PIMe to DIM 18 Orup eo.tr: All New· • • Even the Loeation ... One-Halt Mile Eut rl. Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California in the Se~ dl . -SEA FOODS -- ALSO YOUR ldltd of STEAKS -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - ... Dr .. Obed Lueu DENTIST ft.l&lll Dr.W.W.WMtmoreiMd Dee tilt .... OeMt....., OOaGNA DEL MAa ....._Newport 1 .. New York Life IBAranft Compuy DON a. DuaAlft' Ul ~ AYe. .._ 11.11•1 OORON A DEL MAJ\ OCCIDENTAL LII'E INSUBANOK 00. Rar Nieleen ..... ....., Ill & ~Aft. ..._ ---IIOIITICIUNB Harold K.-. Grauel Chapel ''We Ounelvea the Betts S.W by Se~ Others s.t•• ,._. Newpon Ml eo.ea ·-Oalltonla OPI'OMI:TBIITS Robert A. Crawford o.t,. D. OPTOME'I'IUBT Eyes Examined -Glasaea F1tted 1111 N-,ort llo....._,. .._ UN 008TA 11E8A E. T. Butterworth, 0 . D. ~trtat Enal EXA111NED LENSES DUPU CATED o .... ._.....-..,_ I ll. "· c..... ....... ~ llll !flnrPOaT auca suavzvou Siegel & Raub ~ ... .....,.., .. Dr. G. E. Tohlll ft7rtrt · ......... ~ O..t lsi..! NEWPORT BEACH -PHONIS-C>tnce ~w R-. 288-a U no ~r. call Newport 5 Gerald Rauaa, M.D. 2830 W•t Central Ave. NEWPORT B&AOI Ph. 1028-No anawer caD 301~ X -ftn.y Serrice ~ ._ lll:&well. •• D. s.eto....~ c.-... _ Ottlce Houri: lG-12; H ..... , ........ ~- S. R. Moaaeo, M. D. 8U .. , A..._ IWboa lf.....,.a .,.. "' .. 'wiD ..... a.. &..-. T17-. 'Jill By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. f'll)aWws ud Sarpoa .... ""'.., .... '~ Newport tot A. V. Andrews, M.D . PIIRICIAN ... IIJI&OEOJ!r rir. W. T. Moo: I Pbyakjuud~ N1a ..... O.tnl ....._ (14-lt.r. ~) .. _j Waper Oracle-l..tltate br. wm..r 0. " ...... Chlropractlc, Dletetlau. Physto & ColonJc Therapy lntOout .......... ..... a.....-a-. ..... ~ ZONE THERAP1 "' CLINIC IU OeMt ..._, ........, un N"'1'M1 a.-e.. c-. Ill. ·Sam's Sea Foqd Spa ••N....-rtaa..._o... .... k Tth,••u 1111.., v..-....._ . ....., •so .. and Fish Mar et nnw. o.tn~ "'~..,. .....-. Two. ...... rw o-w. '--'•"'-' .c--".'.m••~'·"-wa•'•------·'•N•e.r-•._. __ ..... __ ,_..1 .;. ____ T_II_a,_•_•_ne_•_u_· __ ......~j 1 u... ua , ..,._ ._ ""**a • .. l • F&e Goes to f'iremen .All aCcamrnodatJna auto owner left hla ear out In front ol the • Balt.o. Ialand fire hall ont> d&,y *' week, ud lt proceedt'd to calda • ftn.. No ftlft ..., nece. ...,. tor the Mp&rtment, who qumchecl the blue t>ully. The ftre wu reportt"d al10 to the polb, but wu out upon thelr arrival. Ha · , Mesa Scout T roor)s Gird for Bike Meet on lido ~~'b~~per:'~!~ /Harbor High Usts 39 .Students ~:,~ ~~~~ ..... ..! On All-Class Honor Roll lC 'OU want to lee how • boy bona clven for both. I mana~rl.'d and dlatrihutcd by tho• I llllll<)f Slliiii·OI8 ,,, llnrh<)r lll~o:h can ~andle a bicycle. make a 2. Knot tyina r~lay open to rounty round! of lht' Arm'rlcan fur 1/11· then!. •tllrtrh·r ,.,.,.,.., nn· rt•servation for a curbltonf' ~at all. Followtna knoll will bto tk>d: Leclon v.•on approval ol all poeta 11"11111~··1! 11> l"ruwiJ}jtl Sldnf'y thla C'Qffling Saturday 00 Lido lsll' IQUIN', bowlln~>. allp knot. ahHp-within OrAnl(e rounty lut F'rl· 1 llr:' ub,>n .:"ul ll~to-.1 ~!) •llld,.nr.' for the Bike Meet of the harbor lhank, 2~ hltchf'S, cl~ hitch. day •• all p~•IJI lt'nt delf'Cale. tu in• lu•hn~: -1 ~t•nlnrs. lit junlnrs, 12 area Srout troo~. v.•hlch wUl ~ AU knoiJI to ~ lnapt'Ctf'd bfofON' ttw La H~tbra dlnpc>r mHtlnc. l tr.":h "nd H ~opllllnlO~·~ Navy Cross Found In Sand Near New Church ------ Admlnl Wllbley To AddreM Society Of South Dakotans Th .. •1•rln1( plmk nl tht• South I lllk<llll •••drly will lit' !wold In Ulll.l\\1 P11.rk, l.onl( t\coa1•h, Sunda)', Aprtl ~ Admiral Wlll,lf'y w111 '"' llw IJM'ftko'1' a~ thr l .onl{ 1\coarh Munld&Joal bMd will pia)' from l:l::tO lu l.lU 1• n1. All South 1111 COAft IIIGIIWAY BCNit Owners ••• I co d ct od by Troop Five ot New-ol. t~ ttw xl knot The fund. to which "'' mem· N1un,-d Ill lh•• honor roll wrN': po~t u s:;och under Harry Lace; J 1 3~1 Slow ,..:-ror th4' alowe~~t j bert will ron tribute a amall • ~FNH IlL~· Huth Aldrllht~. \'lr- Troo Six or Colla Mf'U under rl~. Rl~ will bfo di~quall-amount, Ia for emt'r~rency account. i:HH•• B1U'hrn11nn. Mnr)' t 11rrull. dlrec~ion of Harold Hall. the Bat· rlt"d for touching 1m-ground. and la to be diiPf'~ u &ifta. ':••h nou~o:hty, .l,·~n F.dh•k. Ci~tra boa laland troop under John 4. Dreulna ~lay-oJ)I'n to all. it ,, undl'nlood. Acoounlina will ~ llklldrt, Nllrmn '·""'"· Ann;o IIIII· Abdi and another troop or whil:h Firat atop, ~move handkf'rchlef: ~ made-to the roundl Mlt'&atH "''"ll~h. llul1b11n! llt>"t', lf••ri)C'rta Harold Knighten of Coeta Mesa Ia llt'COnd atop ~move ahir t ; third N'gUlarly of the purpowe for 1 Jo•hust1n, H1~~><' Knt.·w. ttruN' Ml'- llak<Jiana liN' lnvltt'CI ~ attc-nd.l -n. ..:....w::. ._,. ~nw huld••r or llw navy·a -;-;-;-;-~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;~ IIC'<'tmrt hi~o:hN&t AWard lor llr11vury, f th1• • NaV)' <"hW.A, l• pruhAhly •c•Mrhln~t r .. r lhr rrW'd11l And rib· oon l~t••tow•od up~o h m hy" 11 qlllo•ful rountry w tw Jf)lt ~11\1' flm•• fAa( •k In Nf.w. port Wr hnpr thai tht-unknown naval h<•ru IM'(1I thil •tory nr hc•ftrt ah .. u! It ~uw ,.,. know who found thf' I'OVI•tf'CI award In t h•· llftnd "~'~'~•• from thto nrw !tt. JanM'a ctlur.•h un VI, Lido. Canvas By the Yard Wkte Widths-All ~ Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. lat 8o. ..... 8t. Pbo.e to1 SANTA ANA aroutm .. ter. I atop ~mov~ lhnt'll; tour th-nop, &he ..-y Ia. io_ b&t UMd...-G.n n·n~ ll.cn4to -Mnnaco. lkvcrlY •-' aox' the bout Ia~ and Fiw l'f)('mbf!ora of Po.t 291 at-lll)•t·rs. Jnt\IU•·IInc> f'uk(', R~t·r Probably 100 Scout.a will race u• remove ; n a 1 tenck-d the mf'elinc Wht-n a dia-11'a iii'Nlon NAn Plt'MIOn l':llrn I di~ t •v•n•• They will ~ace all IU'tlcles. Stand ntPf'C· · · · & x u eren ~ ~ .... t C'UIIIon waa thrown Opf'n aboUI 11'<•1tcr , Chnrlntto• Prleat, J()l(>· be given ribbon a warda, for flrat, I km. aJiow(ng younrrt'r rtM'mbere to run pt.uw l'tmllo• DuAne> Thurn ton aeconcl and third places m a aerlee 5• T~am ~lay-a• many teanu arralra o1 the po11t a harborttc> ll'!': IPRS P11uiA C"acllr Rob· Or t'Ye'nta which would tax a vet· of four u pouibl~. up and back aroat' to tt>ll the too' or ao pretent ;or; (:111'11"''.' Kathryn C'unnl~lthAm ('r a.n blkC' rider. The Ct'remonl~ COW'H .tour tlmH. lhllt nearly evt'f'y oftke If' Polf 1 Owl Fr .. nkiln. Jllmt•S CibaOn. nu.: Will o~n with ll narr aalute, 4nd ~· ~~;::: C:'~nners 291 wu held by a vett'f'an of the 1.,.11 Cllbt>rt. Prll<'llla ~. cl<*' approP,rla~ty. The t'Vt'n~ a a~ tt . late war. Commander Don Du-1 Ja•·klt• Goodyt>sr, 114-\'('rly GnN'. ar~: · rani 8nd hi• vtct" c»mmandfor ~ Jand RrO<'h, Mlldrtod Gurley, Jo 1. s~ ra~vided loto Another Ecfjann unablt> to eo. 'but Mw:~ .. r1~1pre~t-1 Jftotf•''~· Andrra• Jt>n~n, .. _R 1 ay cou t'd, hy Byron ~•a , u,,n }<<nt'll, Frr-d 'MAI<'n. ' lllu.-r Of' apacin& and atandard bikes. Rib-Steam-Electric Plant George Gordon. VIncent Cuan\a'no ~1101111:. Pnul Srhult(', Dorothy p:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;;;w and 1.. B. Millard. \\'rl~thl. To Cost $15,000,000 1 SOI'IIOMOnF.s Elt•anor Ad- Terry Gil*Wt, 11-~r~ 110ft of Morrla R.. Gll..on, round ttwo mc'Cial, caM' and 111. lui l''rlday, and Ia holdfne it f<lt' the' CJWne'r al hla home at 1~7 3."1th Sl., Nf'W· port Detach. Collina Voted Apinst Bill, So Appointed Flowers· and Potted Plants * for EASTER Order Early Phone 590 NORMAN'S FLOWER SHOP * NURSERY 1314 Coast Highway Corona del Mar AnEITIOI! Boat Owners! We Have About SO Large Heavy Duty 6-Volt BA'I*I'fRIES Which ... W e Are Putting on Sal e at onay s1a.oo Each who Wan... a Boat Rllll'hllk. 'R<•Ity 'R<>11n. Rill Rrownh•, Tht' Southern C&llfornla Edl10n I.e 1 t;tlld~~ Goll'w, .\nn~> Ritl,.r, <'on· company is aoing to buUd another Free for COlt of I ~lllno't' Shook, Jamo>a Slt•ff('rtal'n, To Overaee it llt'am-t'lt'Cirlc genl'.'raUng plant. H U A ' l'lnlon'!l Vnun~:. W. C'. Mullen4orl', Ed l10n com· aU ng Way • FRI::SIIMJo;N -Norma 1\llrtlnf', AM4'mblyman Sam I. C"olllne o( pany presidt>nt, an nounet'd that the --L• ~l)nl" J-:v<'rf'ltf', K<'O fo'llhM', .-.u,.rtnn wa1' a(lpnlntNS lut ~k company will spend approximately I The Mindanao, once a handlome Uo·ll~· Ann Flory, Shlrll')' C"n•hriJ. 111 11 mrmtJ('r ot ttwo two-man C'Om· $15,000.000 for the lmmt'diate con· Jchoon<'r. hut for the put live 1\l.oq::ortot Kfpp. M~try I.Aurll', May-, mlltN' of lhr IIIII' h'JdalatUf'C''t atruction of a nt>w att'am atatlon or 11~ars a headache to tht-city mm1 l..oh.-11, C8ml Mfl<'h"ll. low•·r houllf' to ovf'f'IIM' dlatrlhu· ol Retiondo Beach to supplenwnt tx>cau. he hill rt'IIM on the bot· J .lultnnn,. l"rl'ntiN'. Huth Ann lion 1tf thr SUO.OOO,OIXl dt.y and thl' pr('IC'nt l(t'neratlng llatlon on tom' o( I lOUth channel ott tht-ThrtiChl'r, Arly Toulnww . l Nlllnty runct. • . T~rmln81 Island. city Camp grounds. aga.ln Camt' up Sf'rvtnt on the-I'(WnmlttN' wlttl Thl' new plant Is requlrf'd, Mr. for diacuaalon be.fore the directora V . . CJi' 'i C"ollln•. who w.tf'CI lllfllll"'llt tht Mulil'ndorr uld, to mt't't the In-of th<" t'harnber or oom~rce. accanabon n c to I hill v.'lll '* tht-author Gl ... crl'asins:: demands on the company, The ownu. W. C. _McfaJ:lao4. H. Held Wednetlday waial&tklft. <'. Den F~ Gl Gh-n- for t>lt'Ctrlc aervlet' in Southern had orrerf'd to dt'ed tht-dert'llct I dalt· Th«' hill pruYidft (Of' build· and Ct>nlral C•lifornl11. Pre.E'nt I to lhC' ctty, but befnre acet'ptlng At C. M. Main Schoo lnR !'OntlnwiJM In Mtlloe and dC'mandl for clt>Ctrlcity exc«'d the the coundl deciMd to IN what 1 rountlc,. uf tht-atalf', tundl r~ most opllmlstlc t"Stlmatft, •ncl a11 11n-na nand aaai•t ttw 1\ulk otf l'lr Rltll:ttrll. munt)' tM!•Ith of-wh~ wt11 bto turntthfod tf U'il studl~ or population gro""th and I 15th atreet. Wht>n thl' navy wu r!C)f'r, Will condurt a vsrclnlltlon pro.)f'cta h.l\l't' a atat{' lntftftt. potential uae of electric aervlt't' app~fhed durlnc the war and rltnl,. nt Main F.ll'mf'ntAry lldlonl _ -- point to ·continuing growth of el~-uked to have ~M aunken eratt 1 tn (~n!tta MM11 today, Wf'dnlotld11y, Ramona P•-nt Will trical load. rcmovt'd, they refused u not ror thr JlllrpcMK• of lmmunl7ina -- romJnK within lht-lr jurtldlcUon.l <'htlt1rf'n of achool age aplnet Be Stqed April 27 Get Licenses Early fu>cent efforiJI to have It declared Kmllllrw'll ' a ml'na~ to navl~ration have alao 'nl•' vardnation• Will l:wo~tln AI UF.MET-The Ramona Pqt'ant Anglers warned falll'd, Hubbard Howe tlf th~ South 9 II m. And 1111 rhlldrt>n OVM' onl' whlf'h, prior lo Prarl Jlarbnr d..- SAC"R.\MF.NTo.-H. R. Dunbar. Coast company N'port~. SM clo8 Y""' of 81!<' ahould tX' brntJRhl to thouaanda of C'allfornlans arid chil'f .or the Bureau of Llct'nwt not ht'long to Smith Brothers, u thr rllnle AI thla tll'l'll', Dr. RUJt· vtaltont tn tht-twin communltiN or the California Division or Fith rrronrously reportr-d prl'vloualy. ~1'11 ""'"nNI. or llrl'l'll't.·San Jadnto, will ~ and Came, wornl'd all anglert to The hArbor mutt>r Is studylnr dla· 1\foomlw>rs of lht' C'0111t11 Mraa held April 27, It wu al\~ bl'gin buying lh<'ir liC't'nses now to position of the hulk. PTJ\ "Ill 111~8111 f>r RuaJCC.•JI and by tht-Roadll to R.omancot-a.~>- avold th(' rush that ill t>xpectl'd at ll'honl nHMlt'll in conductlnlt the MAllon. IIC't'nst' a.1wnclc>s jUIII befort' til~ Tw. f H bor t•ilnl•' Prf'C"edt-d by an outdoor .,_rtN'- IK'a!IOn opens May 1 0 rom ar cue at Gilman tfot Bprtnp at I Ounhar ('Xpt'Ctl sate;s this 11(08· Region Now Citizens State Guard Centen ~· ttwo Pac~>ant will opm at I ~on 1~ hrl"ftk 811 ~xl•~mg rt"C''rds ln cc•remoni<'S ronduch>d by thC' 2.~ p.m. In Runona ~. '"' mcludmg lftllt yt>ars h•Rh mark of Amt>rlc"n Ll'~tion and thl' o11ugh-Named for Calif. cordll\lt to Oavtd Olmateact. IN!I'f'l- 1 $1,100.000. and said late sport•·, t l'ra or lhl' American Rt'volutlon. SACRAMF.NTO -Cllllfornll\'t tary of tht' aMOdaUon which mC'n mfty fi~ a temporarily ex-2'2 Orange county men and wo-pn8tWar National GUIU'd air fnrN'I maln\a1na headquartf'n Jn Munl- hausted sUpply or licenses at tht'lr m<'n becam,. dtluna or the nr nearly ~ l'f)('n rf'(JUf'tltr-d by d pal Auditorium, l.nnK 1\rat'h and ~ents. Unllr-d StatPI In Santa Ana IIIII the War l.X>partmt•nt will hl' <'\'n·l whor nk•mllC'rs hiiVI' lt~'f'n allot lt-d I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WC'dnl.'srlay 11flrrnoon. fo'r"d In Snn Fr11nd •m nnd J..tM a bloc-k of ... ,.,. ftW' thl' '""""'· G I L L' S I lncludro In th<' jO'oup who tonk t\01(4'1<'1, with R<'l t"' unlta 1n OAk· lhdr 0111h or allc>i:lanC(' from land, San P l<•l(o ttnd ~acramt•ntc•.1 . IIF.IUli!'IIO rna ('UlNA I .. Prrsidlng Sup('rior Court Jut1'!(' /l('('Qrdln~: '" llri~ f:t•n Victor R. n ll' hii(O'jff nnlinnt•l hrrrinl( Kt•nnl'th F: Morrilon Wl'l"«' Ela llllnllf'n, Sl;tl<' Adjulnnl (';!onrrpl, I'Rir h In !our r••ar1 I• l~o•ln• 1 l\f8ry Wood. Ralboa laland, fnr· who ul11o 'lnt<od thlof lp!'{"iflr Ill· lakf'n In < llnAdlan wal•·na nnd Ia DEL J CATES SEN m~·rlv of Gro'IJI Rrllnln and Tttro-rallon11 for 11lr for,.,• unllll hiiVt' IH•Inl{ ahltJJ.llod from Vnnrouvoor In FOOD SHOP .• Fruit lello • CheeM Galore • Rout Meatlt • KJtebea Fhlelt don "' R<>r~tPr: C011ta M~a. furm€'rly ~n lndkatNi hy th,. NationAl <:hln" Tht> WH,' ~>lUll .,,.,,.._, nf Aut tria. Guard RurNill In Wuhlnuton. ~ hlrh lhnw . I.~"'·~"J ru.... fur ( llnfl(ffl 11IOOf', 11r.-urnlt•r 10rrl••r .. -----------------------.,from l'NRRA far <1unn ahiJI• llli'Ot Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Drive Carefully 8pe,... a r.u. ALLMARK Eader Cards Pw ..... ...,. A ... IW ~,. :: v... :: .....,.._ :: · Occ1 s IIM!Ii'J Newport Sonellr 111d Gift Sllop ........... .,.o-..... Di•tifteti"e b•t expe1slvel .. __ _ ............. _ l-· ... ,) ....... ... fnMIIt ,.._ • • • ~··· ................. , ... "' ..... ... ..., .._.. __ , .............. ._... .. ........ wttll•• ·--,.,.. ...-. .,., . ...,.,., "'·-·· ... . ... , ...... .. ......... ~ • n o1 0\o,.NJHr ...., ... , ........ _ IIUI1 ..... ,. IUTII -,.,. .... :i :::~ \:.~ .. ........ ., ... ,., ....... ,..,.. ... , ........... ·····~-.......... . ""•-<• .................... ... e ... .,.v••4 ........,..,.,, .-, • .......,._, Th~ batteries have •1 plates per ceD. wel1b I 50 lbs. and are Usted today by the manufacturin1 Co. at $68.00. They ~re made for the KOVeroment, but were never uecl aad are not old 111toek. • 8alacb aad : ~Tane,. We Have Juat Received a Shipment of SHARE ·IN TH~E OFFERED BY We have just recently opened a battery service here tn Costa Mesa. and are using this method of making some new friends, for we know that ir what you will be lf you get one or these batterl~ at $1S.OO, for that ls less than it cost the manufacturer to make them. STDREY'S 8An:£RY SERVICE I WelltlnmateJI-(Betweea 18th a Mapolla) '· 008TA ME8A.. CALIFORNIA I 1 ~:4 w. 4th Sl Ana 8ASTA PASADENA LONGBEACH Jt N. Z.U ~ 8T• J-ull Nl ... A"' L. II. _. .. , • ,... a O)"'ten SHOP AT GILL '5 Par Jl'rMber VeptabiM Better .... Jl'uey G~ Slats -0 -Wood AWN I N(; S Pi\\' ron n n:.wn:I.V&'\ riY't'flnm fmm trpkl''l'l a n I l'('p),tl~'nl('O! (':\ 1)1'0S(1 mil ke'!' 1111' ftro;l , . .,~t I ht' );hi C'(l~l. 1 11hrlr ~ hlrh ''"·'"' anti " .... '" '""l:'''d I~ 1'11111• Jllrl<·ly l'lhnlnniNt In - SI..\TS · 0 · \\OOU ,\ wn In It" ~!u ,. t't•rt I• •' r•. ttl .,,, nt t-' ""I lo~·l-·' T:ttlf• 1 1 111 lot •h" 'll•'ht '''t 1111,. t•f Y• '''I' h~~nu • • I Htl t .... ll\t \Tt ." f'lfl ~' t: 01( \\ R ITY. Slats .. 0 -Wood r\ wning Co. of ()rnn~tr County 'tiS (4(,, PhJiadf'lphl"' f'l. .An...,.m. ('alii. "'"-....,.r1_ lUI·.I ....._ ,.. C1tlarlrM HARD ··To GET RADIO TUBES Maybe W~ Havf' the Olle You Nef'd to Pot V our Set a.dl Ia Operation Hurryl Hurry! Hurry! PALMER RADIO and APPLIANCE 234M Nf'"'por1 Blvd. rttoa. 24S2 ('c.-.ta Mf'Q Vacationers AHention! ·.A ~i ft for the ~pet --'you lc ft at home or frc h ,government in"pcctctJ . horscmcar dry foods and rcmcdic" tc1r the luck y do~ or cat that came with you. . -· Cnme in THE PET PANTRY 113 Apte An. Balboa bland N. 8 . 1'72!-W ~ Bile. Ntwth uf Ferry Laadl11« SANTA ANA FURNITURE CO. NUMDAH RUG INUiaP'.A 'T TIIOII"J a . WILU.&- Jiluta AM BROADFELT '229 ... , .. ..... JlfiM'PA'I"''Waaf. Gold Sell CONGOLEUM RUGS . ,,,,1695 .. .... FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS $169;, 1'41111 ~h ..... .. ~. ...... '"" t: \ "Tt:l(' wour.KN Ma~le Maple Tables Living Room Fc~t tools fIll It .. T \lll.t. 11 •••• , TABLES I \\II' "I \tll.f': N l"• $695 ,. ,.,, .,,.,,,. ~~.~,,, \\ 1tluul or IUo-·hrd t 1fta.ll ,,.,.,,,.,,.,., Maple • ' ........ ,,.,Ill Cricket Chairs Coffee Table 'S"r• Clothes Hamper $12!);; End Table -'4"r, $6 !)0 II Hfh\ ...... I ,. .. ,..,. Lamp Table '4 ",. "' I "''•t'lool f'rful" \\hill" I 1) -----Play Pen SHOWER Folding $8 .)0 Baby Carrlale '"'"'"I l•lrtl•h CURTAINS \\HI f ''"" $14 5 ------, llr i•\ \ .\lakhcd 2-pc. Rets ....... Jl •• ,,.,., lt•Hifn~ tlltlt,\. '"w Slipper Chair l 'ur Whws-•IIMI ~ .. , --- ttr.utwr.n ·ru High Cltalr $1075 .. ~6~ Nat..m.J $775 .., .... . . _,. :::s -~ a _.. ..,.._ ~ A new tne ol opUca1 I1MI ==..-... ·-1 , aea . ------:-.. _ _... ......._ -t o1 t.tw latra· ____________ ..;:._...;.;_______ red 118t ,.~ ol Uatlt hM ....., _..;.... ____ -_. ------~ clrvelopt'd ln ttw Uai.S Stat-. a«''r'CClnt to OW Better Vlalon ln· atltute. nw , ...... IU!table for Ulle .. a 118t ~ in optJcal Wlllte Hone Cafe .._ __ .• -, . ...-.o.a I • projrctloft cllmofe ~ brl,ht, hot liltstL -----~u · that unwaa... arUcle throteh News-T\mte ...tl. Vacation Th~ngs Hit Beaches · .. ., ...... , .. ,.~_,__ ,_...... PuBLic NoTICE Harbor Hig~ C Track Team Wins 1Biuff and Sand Championship in Sun~t League Lot ·Owners Object caTD'JcAn: or BU81NU8 ceononuro from Pa"t' 11 Finals; B Team in Second Place To CDM Park Ftcououa Finn Name polnta to kto<•p ord .. r A num~·r \r Cee traekstera of Harbor Hlgh1' --(Continued tram Pap 1) The Wlderstped does hereby minor tMfta w.-n-~purtC'd ln were the proud paueaon UUa L th J •t --cerlll)' ~t he Ia conductln& a calla to the department. I w~k of the champlondllp trophy u erans DVI e bad no idea what wu aolnc On, General ln.uraDoe Aaeney and The orrenden u tabulatl'd by for winning th'• Sunaet leaeue AJI to Joa·n Them tht> other aide told of obtalnln& Brokerase b\aineu at 114 Eut Olll'f Jlod&klnaon at noon T\.18-track finals ht>ld in Santa Ana 600 algnatures for the park In 24 Central Avenue, Balboa, Qdifor· day wt"N": Balboa laland, 102 last Jo'riday. Tht' Ct>ft, favorites f Easte Se • houn and Helln4."&Hy 1ald every nia, under the tlctJlloua firm name cues~tly nol.e and 1pHdin1; to rop tht> tllll' on the bull of fi r rvJCe step of the plan u conaldered by of BRIGGS A MacKAY and that O..lboa. 113 eUC"'. 79 of whrch thc-rr undefeatl'd record ,n league --the atate had bf.en In the Loa aald flrm Ia compolt'd of the fol· Wl're for noiiK': Corona drl Mar. I ITlf't'ta, went P"fiiY much accord-I'IRnl! for a Community Sunriae ADJrelet u well u local papers. Jowin& penon whole name Ia and 51 eaaea, 34 cues of nol.e on InK to dope and were never In I S••rvlce at 6 :00 a.m. on Easter He also aald no prHent homes place of reeidenee Ia u follow. Sunday .only; Nt'wpo. t, 3:t cues, danger of dropping the ball to Sunday,.mornlnK are In Prottreu built In the aectlon would be In· to-wit: moetly 1pe4'<1 Totala of pollee I Anaheim. who wnund up In aerond undur thl' auapieea of the Newport eluded In the par k. Sandy F. MacKay, 1521 Ocean euet bookt'd thouaht the harbor place, as t>Xpl'<'tt'd. llnrhor Lutheran church. The Mn. Hazel Klnr of Puadena Boulevard, Balboa, California. ln all artU for other than traffic Harbor· BcH wer~ not u for· ~"n rce will be held on onto of the made an eloquent plea that the Wltneu my hand thla 12th day \1olaUona Vl(ere 51 ovt>r-the w~k tunate u tht>ir lltUe brotbera, m~t ecenlc loeatlona In the com-land be kept for the people, aay. ot April, 1946. t'ncl 'lllese ranced from ateallnl howt>vt>r. Eatahlished u at leut munlty-the hluffa of Newport In& that many drive In from the SANDY F. MacKAY. to drunkrn drlv1na. and Included ro·favorltes w 1 t h Hunllnaton 1 lfl'ighta affording an lnaplrlna hlchway to tee the view and l&tt'f STATE OF CALIFOJlNIA., ) adul~ u well u youthl. 1 Reach for the title, the locals vlt'W of ttle aunrl~ refleetC'd on I come back to live and be taxpay. O:>unty of Oranae ) u dropped aome Important polnta In rh•· watera of t.he Padfle. '!be alte era. J . A. Seek, aeentary of the On ... ,_ •"th "-~ ot A-'' 0' ed the daahet and had to aatlafy t<hotwn for the aerviee Ia located State Senate, told ol the pajl&1nc u ua ~ ~ ... " A. · B~ary Re(fafrt ~lw. 'wtth a~ to the lon Cliff Drive at the end of EJ of the bUt and ol the atadal ot 1~· btlforePu~· ~.;;· ~Brlna I 8 a e rounded squad to cop the trophy from the Cout Hlehway by "ray appropriation be ai.IGirec1 R ub-tb 1D dul. ~· .;: . ' . Puauc Nonca exeeutC'd the aame .... In Wit""' W!Mrd, I ... ,. hereunto set my h&ncl and atftucl my otfJclal 1eal the day and ,_;. in thla certlfk!a te ftnt ....,.,. written. -LOUIS W. BIU008 Notary PubUc in Mil b aald County and State. (My Comrn.laion ~ (Seal) May 28, l9C'7.) Pub.-Apr. 16, 23, JO; .._,. 7, lNI. ROOP8 .DI"l.----~ ...... ~ .. ,., JHdiM "· '· ..... aiOfl lila.rftw JilL ,..,._ MIN Gust'l'ruckinl At •te' f Ollera. who turned out a -u- 1 Modena street.· It Ia &CCftllble appeala to the rovemor that the ~d 0~ty ~. ~ta t!tmthe On Balbo I I d Santa Ana took the A lltJe u t.f San Bernardino atreeL · bard Howe aald he oewr once t'ft • Y oner -;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;:;:::;::;;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ a S an IK'heduled and the Harbor vanity Sunrlae aerviCH In other ·com. heanl &n)"'De apeak iialDat lt. ;.w~~~ared ~ lr I collected six polnta to flnlah way munltles have a ttractC'd wide-and Braden Ftnch, former pnst-the whoM 0 me11 to~ I-Newport~ OOCI'I'A IIIDA· ...._.Npi.Bela.l'fl ' A BREATH OF OLD LAGUNA . at M I M I ··s 1745 SOU'I1f OOAS'I' BOULEVARD • DOWN '!HE 8TAIRS UJNCIIIIO!If 1J to I -DIHHD I .. I 8tartbc Satanla7 Satina' Slzzlln• X.... C1V 8feeh ai'Wiro WJ:DNI:SDAD ••----YA~Ra CALL ~ --also spread intt'rftt. 1t Ia felt that thla dent of the chamber ol commerce, penon name . Sometime bt'i.wH'n 12 midnight I' out ::f ~e ~":y,BOb H :.:d rommunlty hu all the .nat\D"al aald the bulc r.uon the people aertbed to the within lnltrument ...... ....... and 6 a.m. Saturday ~"'I :CO:Ce ·thee re!;:·s mile 0 record bt'.,..y to uaure equal aucceM for of thla arta wanted the-. park wu Uld __ admowledl ____ ecl_to __ me_tha __ t_he ____________ _ ~I an enterC'd the. White • Park when he ced hinwelf to _. beau· thil ~ee. Community oreanl· becauae private oiWnera would r--------------------------Awnue cafe on Balboa bland by tlful 4 rJ: 49 2 four-lapper and 7atlona lnterestC'd In promotlna take all, for the dty had only ' jimmytnr • rear window In the I thrt't' other. r~ were brok.en this aervice or hav1f\l part ln the 40 ft't't ol bay and four to ·m kitchen and emptied the c:uh rec· tn the other dlvlalona procram ~ lnv1tC'd to contact hundred ft't't of ocean trontaae In later of a38.35 which had .bf.en . · , Paator Roth at 21~J. 0\alnnan Corona del Mar. Jeft t ln an open drawer, It wu SummJI'y: of the decoratlnr committee Ia Said Coundlman Earl Stanley, reportC'd to pollee Saturday morn· "':;':' .. ~ ... 11u...u-o.aarr 01111. 11" Mr. Kenneth Quarry jr., of 1236 "We ar. not 'lncreuina the beach ln&. Nothln& elae wu dlaturbed. o .... '"'· u.: JO'm• • !IRI -Hlllllou .. Garnet avenue Balboa ltland. The but merely kt't'plna that Which the Althouch pollee protection had '",~.; "/': ... -1U 1, ••u• lnterett o1 the oommuiuty will pubUc .hal alwa~ uaed, for 95 been lnc:reued In tht' Ia land, u ,1u • • n.-•,.' ,_ Ul.e... dt'tcrmlne the aueceu of thla and per cent of thete owner. have ..... _ I ._ __ h .. t th It d•-'-• IIIIII-OIOlo •RBI, o.l• !Will. liMOn • • .,...-t , ... t rou~t .. ou e e Y ....... o •K•. BotT7 •!IH i ,......,, 1 .... ttte future aervices. All are lnvit.C'd to chued the property within the Euler vacation, an unldentiiiC'd Wto-Por"'' l U I , ·-ll.u ........ ruortld-te lut two years " With Penney re- I l -~ the l lfB io O.ft&Jo IRBI ,_, !S.'7o • •-r-• , prow er &an .... l'ntrance to ItO lo• lluM~ 1811 . .Jieer•• lteratin& the theme of "the will ot Brok~ Ohn111~ --E. T.Bitterwcw ... O.D. I ll' Wei& O..tnl .._ 1111 cafe f()f' the aole. purpoet' of ob-,,.,, M•ll<> '""' lll•&er IRI I . n-,.. . the peop~ by a vot• of pro,_ty ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~' ,. ....__ 1.'1\! ., ..... ,. ....... a~oo •• 1811. VI· A k City R I . ~ ,.._. talnlnt: money. po ICE' say, .,.,..auae diOI I Hill . c.-I !flit ,_, a .. 10 I• 8 u e owners only," Stanley uked with he dld not l'nter. the bar In an 11'10 ,..,..,.-•ma Ano.. •lla-. ll""'•n· Q Sh tin G IJ a amlle "Mr Penney do you real·~:~;:;:;:;::;;;;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~~;:;:;;; •""-lnin d.Jd t t k /Ira Por1..,, llmllhl . lluniiMioo ._.h. n 0() &' a ery • · • -vo-un' room or no a e r ull•r1oll. ~~~·•"'''· ,..,,.., I Ill. e.k , ,,. ... , , ly think 1uch a vote would be ....... -by App*M t t -~ ~ ~ Azaleas, Rhododendron, French Hydrangeas, Calceolavla, Cala- dium, African ~loleta, Primroses, Easter Lilies. ~ ~ ~ MANY onu:& A'I'I'L\O'I'IVE PIA'NiB BeautLtul Plant. -• Beaut.ttully Wrapped ~ ~ ~ Cardoza Gardens v..r-delll.r,C... LIVE STOCK LOANS Ranchen • • II yoa need money now, consult the Fint National Bank In Santa AJIL Uve ltock loaN are a meana of aecuring ready cuh today. H you equid uae prompt eredit lee the First National Bank. Jt'1 tood busineM to borrow from your bank. You #build valuable bank standing and pave the way to quick future endit when you need it. Collplete Loan Senlce Ill?\~ \\11<>\.\I .B\\1\ '• :1 C~ (I { , < I " , .\ T I '-' l,; R T H u M .\ I N anythlntf etiM'. s ....... ~.oowu~ "'"""''11 In Balboa tegal?" Tile bur&htry wu ttiacoverC'dl"":h?~~."'i!:. :Zr 'o..~"':6 ,:o~·,,.~'· __ The sand tot ownera wanted the UM> ne1lt morning at 6 a.m. by thah '""'~~ ~.., .. "A I, .....,.., dl de 1 ~-...., ... S .. he '""'Mil Poll""" l !CIIl !llllpl.U. IBII When la a ahootlng gaJIPr)' not coun to fer act on until a new .....-. nn ... t-eett wnen 1 open-R• ,.h• 11 ,, 11 •• r{ ahootlng galiPr)'! That wu a appralaa.l based on present priaN cod the doora. , N';l¥~1u.!.'!.m'i;~~.·•:,_.,,,:.a~~A ~~~~ ponderable quHtlon for memben could be made and were told they ~",~:1• 4 ::ull-ro.rnuoll ... r rAt, '''"""' of the pollee &>pA.rtment, city at· muat make aueh an appeal at the Scotch tape, varloua IIZt'l, on ottlll n.ho...,.. 1 "'· u .... " • A, llotnl. torney and tht' city p1Mn1ng com· Tuesday council meellne. Approxi· tale at the Nt'WI·~ · 11 r~.~.~· .......... _ -~~ .. ,..,. s-. mlulon to deddt' '?" they conald· matt-ly 80 parcela will be affected Elm ••• a..rte.W. LYON coVERMOrt C h arlea W. Lyon haa ae rved 30 ~eara In tbe Staw Lealal•ture u Sea- a tor a ncf Aaaemblyman, tht' l ut fi ve y eara aa Speaker ol the .._mbly. Th• ex.,.rlence aalned durtna thew yean wW prow Invaluable to the people wtth Lyon u l...lev- teftaftt Governor. """ "...-~~e •~,, ,....,. A .. " a•. t>red the cui' of a new com-at ~nt, and valUt'l would be l r,~!:"~ ·~· A_,...• 7• ,.,..._ •· pressed air iun rf'cently lnataliC'd IK't by three unblued statt' ap- "'' Tt~ ,..,. .. I Al ~o~~rt """""" IAI, to ahoot at strel plates In the pralsera, Hennt'SIK'y atated. "'111,.',="1~•,,:.~::~"".':."'·-:i.";i~ 0 ~11 •• arcadt' adjoining the Fun Zont' at '""'h •Nn o. u,,,. ,,., ,..,.., 111 11o Balboa~ Eyes of tome typea of youne I M>~ -lltu ... m•n •I"H •. ,..,,..,..,.. '"""I RHidt>nts of RaJboa llland hear monke"" hav• a range of a-· Uw 1 .. lfi t Al. U.nw·tt t SR t T\~ lm ,.. ~ """'"'""'-• I ·•·• •· • thf> rcsoundJng ping of the little modallon of 10 dloptcrs, u com· t •!n In• hn,...tl,.,.__f:t..."hlfl '1t. t. BPN II t i h 1 h 1 ,~11 1. 1~""" 1Nut. w.or.l huuot rNli J, I'll.' «"I aga nat I e atee w en CUI· parl'd with tht' diopten o~ ,, .. ,.., •• '!.• 'toml'rll ahoot In the gallery at children of the humun race, ac· 11,:.~11',.;;,!~·~~ ~"h•h••;:,, "' :t::•· n...... nieht. and when John Alll'n, chair· cording to the Bettt>r VIsion Inati· 1· .. r. nuh -'1'1~ .. ., ... ,.,. '"" •· ,.,.on mnn of tht-planning 'eommlulon tute. ~·!,',·h .. ~!.."', ~:1~110:,., ~;;;~"';~';" "~;'!~:. 1 could find no license luul'd· rcn-a ;------------, " u 11 I• I shooting ~tallery, prohibited by or· ,.,',":~. ~~·~:~.:.:~;·;~ 11' ," 1 .. :'~ ... :;;:::-:; dtnanee, he wu pUzzll'd by Ita "''' lln••kh.. • ~" 1 n-.•h• ~ 11. 7 tn. prl'lll'nee. Introduction of the new •N,;;:,~u,':::~~:;',,';,;,;·•~;., ,._ w I~ I'M' of air guna which anlpera uaed :"~~'' •NH• 'll'•u• II'RI. 01.4 , lt .. tL iduring the war wu the reaaon Cht>l 1111 llrnwtt 1 S ill :-. ..... ,.,. 1118.1 ~1\·t'n for the lallt'r)', WhJCh JUt n o ..... '"'· p,..n ,,., r~o., .,. '' "'" sraaon wu apparently the harm-...!:'~~~ -:..~ • .!.-:! .. ,.~• ~ ".:,: less and nOIMiea type. • '"'· ...... ...--~~ '· o.-•· Allen Ia aeeklnr an opinion fro Robbie's Rigging ' Loft Oty Attorney Roland Thompaon I on whether the gallery ronat1tutes a nuisance. All klnda typewrltt'r rlbbona In atock at the Newt-Times. Howard W . Geniah ......) .. Automobile • Fire Accid .. t • Life wae-JUc WIU.O.\ a-rtoa tile~ 8pedalty: Wire Cable 8ptte- IA&. Soeket.. Faney Wnrlr. •£tc!. JUST ARRIVED - - -New Shipm ent of Contract or Time and Ma· tt'rials. 8orT)', 1t0 plloee-Drop In or drop me a card. .Jiobbie'• JUaiaK-Lott JIIM Suta Ana AYe, OoeCa ...... Calli. -FRONTIER ·~MI~ P ~NT 5 ud Boot. for IT'S YOUR GLAND$! Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., PIIC. an n ... SL ewport BMrJa. c.ur. Hoara: t :H to 1:10 Moadaya ud Tbancla:r• ll c l''' • I I &. 1 '1 C I I C I I t AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 205 No. Broedway, Suta ADa Pboae 6722 New, Sensational Trolling Jigs · For Albacore and Barracuda COMMERCIAL nBIIERMEN COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR Speeiallzrng in Trolling Gear· McCallum & Harvey 281 4 La Fay~tte Newport Pboae 81S PRONE 1687-W Mercury Cleaners & Dyers Successors to Ernie's Cleaners 1844 Harbor Boulevard r • .. -. If vou are -ur toble to co me § -= i,) during - r;ffir.e huu rs, .~. h y .not Sd ve by ma il? Whether it is ·saving for a. home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru o~r savings plan J • . . Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal · Savings and Loan Association Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales 'ft'tiftMESS fti'C\MG 11 ,,1 s lS ·~;1\l'l&to ~~'118 We 8J'(' now nhll' to ~1\·t> you thl' l>eltt work po~~J~Ible with the 11vallnhll' hl'lp w" have. We have creeted the ~pl'<'t of the l(f'nr rnl puhlic In Long Bt>ach over a p<'riod of ~ 1'111"5. \\'t' r.illcl'n>l~· hope to gain the rontldcnc-1' nf the• prople of lhl' Harbor Area. \VI' Of')('rllll' our o\•·n ch•nnin~: plant in Costa l\f('1;&, a.nrl it I~ th1• nnly one In thl' tx-och \·iC'inity. \'oar P"'""''' IW'\'t'r lf'a\'f' our hand~t unHI thl.v an~ re- tuntfld to )~u. I ETS-HOKIN & GALVAI ft 1111 u nu•n ''"'"' u us llllt fUI·a tJil\S • I SUI1 l U tl tU11 • Ull1 I l U I f•• ,.,, • c" .. 81M ti'Wtait .. , ........ . ~ ou are as close .!/ us _ as your Telephone. Phone 1687-W -PRONE 1687-W IIINCE '·4 JUt 1000 Cout lllway ft-. Newpclli liN ~a. ... rra.etaco·~·....._. ... ~ ELECTRICIANS fw P'ACI'Of&Yc:=.:::... ~tro.. .,.. • ._ • Soldier 'Bowled Over' At·Ead of Bay Ave. LIJI'E -AUTO -FIRE -lllAIUNE INSURANCE "''TJtpt'a .All" WI'Liall+.. &' ...... ., llarMr IN'J -llaltlor 6M 8arety ..... . ----...... a ~~~&AI' 11' I:. Olatftl BALBOA, OALII'. 'h' .,, -ce-•-.••~ -.. .... -AY~ataoa-Jlarilu'J, rAe. ..... , .. IIA&OLD L. IIAJUI lttllart.eAft.,...._ ...... Hook, Line and .Sinker !IJ' Bl1CJH Mdllu.AN t:yH e1 JtW11 .,.. at tbe .... '--------------------------' of n .. xlhl•• t~ntaciM. whldl can be 1 Sl'otnn l"f'N'ktor flshrrmM~ ron· "I•II'Ulahlnt~ CI'\IIMr ~ lit pOiu'CI t~Ut o1 the abth to llllkt tanll•' "' ht•ld thl'lt' "own fn. N••W· o'h11rf1•r out ••f J'o\rt l.tdo h)' Ut14ll diulttr• a~, to Lbe a.t• vurt lilly ,,,. 1111111ho•r nf t~•W· L'nrhT If into•t"l'lh>d &lhunc-lfnr· VIsion lnatltUIC! .. II • •• • ll ItS Ill 111 ... . .. au ... 110 ... lll llollltl an<'lwr•~t nnln!l f\11y 111111nlt 1 bur :.'Ill · In lht• nutln o'hAnn•' l'fl'lll• tv ""''' 1111\C' 1111 latr '"'rd lrum 11urf rAil' thl' l't'i'lllkrr 11 • t"ntlnuln~t to flaht•rnwn. but '"''""'\1 a fl'w sand WEJ~CO~ HOMEI hltr thf'rt 1llf' lw t rrolnko·r •tnry 1l•nb c~ttdu•n \\oll'klrliC In the 1urr N ------•t nt thto WN'k ('<'"''''lf~•m Ill•• l 'l'll't 11fto•r thl' 1\Jtlt lhf'llf'd ont'a Of 1 ewpol't-.-- bAy. Thirty-two JN•tftn M"onktor iC0\1...,', you tkwa't hav• to-buyl AIIEIU(lAM ~ 18 .. ""''"'' r111t1:ht hy (lno• tlaht•rr•v•n l()ftiH In th,. tAC'klt' aUW"M. '(ou =--. .. ·•• ~· s '1....., from l. A •"•"'" ttlf' ahf'll ltrecf11"r ran always hunt )o~ur u10n alona ::-"6...:-.:\.,. .:=_ 1 ., ~ I tt t To a~>t. th•rf" tllktl thf' nllt t'\IUUI)' thf' llo•llrh . roAd out of C"nrnna drl Mar th11t 'u • ·.>. .. ... .. ToW ..., • • tal na lilt ~~-Pradlld Itt R . P. YarMU., I 1 1La .. Mt'!C:Ma. I ~ .......... , ............. T...a .............. v.._..".., lf'Aitl up ltmund thf' ""'' eldf'. or C"oflf'y bl11nd Jltah clatna 410n· tlnuc-to N> thr bHt batt . Celt to l•lkln~t to Kf'rtn In thf' Nt•wport TArklt" St(lf't" ahout tml· llnl' "" haul• out a ncow Jla ralll'd t.hf' Nf'W .1Aih Lul"f' and <'lallllll the btlrnettda are aolnc crazy O\'ft" lt. It It tnol"f' or 1...-tranl· pal"f'nt and down ttl,. Ct'ftter II a CGunty Smut Troops Get Permission ~~~ :~p.:~ ~!,!!; !!," .~~~ up and cambl8 MW IW, and for T Install s . . p I looks llkf' an Anrnovlf' nuhlftl In one nl_1ht only, Sldnnay Ennla, ln 0 00 Ow wat.r and thf' barTacuda can't a Htum en~aaement: PimUiilon wu reeelVed rwilt lt. I 'll atlll ao for tht-aoocl HW'e ~ which has a atyle by Ow <>ran~ ~ A.rH Cowl· Larg M Ch • . ol' Jap boN> Jla. lim11&r to a famoua ~n'OUI dl Boy Seouta ol Amn1ca. from e e&8 011' ~ IIVf' btllt boat Valf'nda atumnua, stan Kenton, hU man)' ~ United Statee Foreet s.rvtet To Render Cantata c:ame In Saturday wtth 48 wt11te lllqlpCJI't.en "amana dance mlhual· to ~ • .-.ct.IQo ol Jenkl ..... ball. '1'"hf' n)'t'l' loaclfd up uta, an4 hla enaaa~nt for Lake at· Barton nata ln ~ SUI On Easter Eve·' Sunday with barn<'Ud&. So. thle Eutn W~k Ia a popular choice. Bernantlno mountaiN for 11M u mt"ana Ow llvr bait boats are do- Sldnnay Enn.ll, orch lnder on a .wtmm1ftt area for Boy Scouts lnr: okry In tht-lr hahlna. Ow Bob" Hope ahow and a ~n· campb\1 at Camp Ro-KJ·Ll. It wu The famoua F.utrT cantata. Bar«" n1111na froom thto Nf'WPCl"t nlal naUonal faYOriw. will appear reported by Georp Toblu, VIce-"Sfovf'n !.Jut Wont. ot Chrut," pl•r tan't tehedulf'd to ,., under on ThUJ"Ida.y, AprU 18. to round President of ~ Boy Scout Coull· by Duboia, will br pr~ntf'd by a way until May 1. Rar1• rtaMrnwm out a eolld lineup ol mualcal tal· dl. 3S-volce choir at tM Coeta Mrsa mUll bt lf"lflfll a llttlf' ~ lmt for Ow expected jive hounds. Plana for a IWimmlnl pool at C"ommunlty <'hurdl at VH~ lef'V· with all thf' othfor t&ahlna IIIIOI"t• Ro-KI-LI' ue unci« way but until let'S Eaatn Sunday. dot,. en rood alrddyl" Clinical Labontory matenala are available • noatlnc Thl' <'holr, which will hf' l"f'mMn· Pll'f' rllhlna mntlnu... r:ood wtth tarttn :-W k dock and ratu will br CONtructed berf'd by lnrala tor IU Chr l•tmu blllll'lut thf' main Item bf'tna W'•• r•• IOIIOW MOIIff , .) ... ,., . ,,,, ••••r'• werti I I ....... ....,... ,... -.....,. ~ ...... dll. I.GMI ... t'f. •noci. No~ • .Un•l ..: ~ toa..aleo...eoe.-.a•U.. ...... ...., ,.w ....... "--' .. be • laM ol A..ldla .. uh WHY PAY MOll tHAN THill LOW IAUI t ,..... .,. ,., •• u .. -........ . ....., •. • ... 12__. n__.. 11 ..... Moadalr ,.,..._ ..... .,... ..... ...... ,..._ .. .., .. _ .................. ......... a,..._ .... _ ........ .................... .,-...... I s g Thaa ee at the mountain lake attn the lnVICl', ff'atUrH the·aolo vol:i.lr•uaht. ot rourw, It Ia a. little Jn· Newport . bottom of the lak~ hu been of Cort'nf' ~ttchn, mt"zzo.ao-tou~th tor t hf' natwrmHt to k.._, :------------------------~ ao-apf'd to removr marine crowth. prano. Malcolm Rc:ld. bar1tonr, runnlnrr In utf thf' plrT 10 drop a -;;;;;;;;;;;;J~Lioil""iifTR'NA;r.J~~;;;;;;;;;;;; A new clinical laboratory spec· Swlmmlna and lite. Nvlnc In· lind Dnn Ylnal.'r, t<'nor, Reader for nldsd.lr• thfolr J)l'rklna nwtf'r 1lwt • FLOOR FURNAC atruction UDder the ~lon ol thf' . pr'O«'''am will be Undaa.y ta ...... l• 11_ "-v• ....._ _.,...,_1 1 laJirlng In runnlnc blood tHta, ....._ CUJ .. -Arm and~ w k d _.... 1 .... -...... ......~ ,,. ~ ._., _,...... battl rnt'tabollam, gutrlc and R~. t """rtaon, Y or man an the .,. ·~uct on 11 lot ot ftahf'rmcon Oft &wna Uw Inst.allN Immt'dfately Temu If De"Sin!d • LOW COST INSTA.J,.L.U'ION • NO EXTRA FLOOK CUTTING • NO FLOODING OUT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Hardware PERRY'S Appliances ..... 114 IMO Oout Blvd., Coroaa 4lel liar "' . - "'Nflf'l lltiW JH CAll MANI JtiUit lfAifl LAST Ftllf JfAiflt• Don't u~ a hammer if your truck or craaor is a scubboro shifter! RPM Gtar Oil cushions gurs and makrs them work easily. It'• a srniaht mineral oil chat pro- tects gears from griodinJ war. h fto .... s fretly at low temperatures, and ac all tcmpuatutes its stability prevents che · formacioa of depo1it1 Jft ~ea'r cases. Gan lut for years with RPM Gcu Oil I Clayton Dompson Wboae.le Dlstl'tbat&oa Pboae 156 R& Pboae l«MN EYES EXAMINED! CREDITI ... •. cor.. -& SYCIMORE wn• ... -.ca s••• .," ........... .... urlnai)'I('S, pre--martial blond testa Q-ou . aquatic lnatructor. and • Wldf'r t~f' dlrt'('tlon or Kl'nne~h D. 1'011111 to l!l't AWitY from ttw! f'VII and similar cllnlcal work Ia being staff of aulltanta will be atrealed Boettch<r-. Some-. haw llllllft'lll'd thfo l turf'l 0 ned this WHk l't 2833 W. Cen· at the Boy Scout aurnmn <''!"P A Nordtlll Imi tation hu heC'n JIUI In bnutlut 111 lltkf' ,.,,.. of Uwo 1 IX'1 this yt'ar with an t'ffort bemlt JsliUI'd to the pu~llc to a ttl'nd 11nd flnl'll of fl~hrrm,•n to uv,. ttwm ________ , ....... -~-..... r -------·------~·--------------------- '~,:v~~~ will ()('('Upy one-half ma.lte to CJUaiiCy every Scout for 11 llitv~'r nrr:•rln< will he tnk"n to maklnr 1 trtr 10 thfo rlftllcr ata• f bu"ldl bo t bl k s~'lmmlnJt r.nd lite aavlna merit ddrn) f'lJP' ra11. tllln. W~at a llff'l o a n-1 ng a. u 0~ oc b11dges, Toblu atatf'd. lOUth of the Nt>wa-Tim~. H alf l Bo. lit rowlnl and ca.no«''nrr In· will be rcntt'd by Dr. Gordon Rap, atrut'tlon aliO will br a vallable dentist and the OChrr half by for tauallfi<'d f't!immcn . 69 Sorority Girls Mary E. Modd~n, M.S.. M. T.. Camp Ro-KJ-U will open on A.S.C P who wtll IUJX'TVIse the J e l8 and opt'rate tour lo-day woTk, and ht'r associate William ~oda with Huah M. WUcox. 11. Drush. Both werl.' slatlon<'d at Scout t>x~tlve aa camp dlr<'Ctor tht' Santa Ana Army Air Buc fOf" and a Cl'fltral adult ataff of flftet'n In One House-- Some Sort of Record! Just how O••xlble the w•ll• of onr hmtAI' ran be Ia " qul'lllon, and so Is the-number nf IK'niOI'II I thnr r nn 11«1Jpy thf' 1\l~ly fixed cubic IPflet' of 11ald ho~~M In any d<'RTet' ot comfort : hut t hla oveT thret' years, ,and alt•r th• mt>n In addition t'o the adult lead· war Mlu Madden opened the lab-en In charge of t'ach troop Toblu oratory at FuiiCTton h011pital. aaJd. ' They have found a great n~ for tht>lr lt'T\ices to phyaldans In lhla ll'rrltory. ' Manicure Service Started in Balboa Ru!Jy Wtltoeln , who hu had 14 )'Mira' I'XJX'rlrnce m pPdi('Urc and manic-ure haa jolnl'd the staff at MAry's Day and Surf Reauty S hoppr, 7113 East Q>ntral a,·cnu<'. llalbon. Ml•n are lnvlt<'d to make 111e or this servlcc and will find It convenient, u Mary Ia locat<'d In the rear o! the barbt'r shop at that addrl'll. WN•k 69 alrla are tatlna. altoep-N81118 "'"'.A~~ lng and cnjoylna tht'mt~dvt•s In I N ~!.::"''t'.:::::. ~ Ill rl'tlldence on the Balboa ew .,.,...malftft:"'" <X'ftn fTont. Jmtallallon of otnet>rs ot Cout· From t'uiiCTton Junior COIII"Je I line Poet. Veterans ot Forela-n I.,. 30 Kappa Lamb• Slgmu whn Wars, Jut w..ek watPd John had expeoctN! to hrt\"<' thf' hom,., Thom,.on, c011ta M..a bWiin<'la j this year. u they did the prt>vloull man, u comm11nd<'r ln ccremonil.'tl ytat. lt IN'mtl, how<'vl'r, thl'r,. ~~~~~ C.)nduct<'d In L<'glon hall. I are two lnndladles and rat'h Auumlng dutln with Thomp-rented It to n ltltfPrt'nl lrfOUp , lfl 10n wf•rt> Jf R. ·Roberta . .wnlor the KApJlrul arl' up~~taln and vice-commander ; 1. Bclotr jr. ~talnl art' 39 hl~h IK"hool junior vki'·<'Ommander: Hnrlnl'y 'l'twt11 Nu Thctu from North WUIII , chaplain: Jame~ H. J'JJ•n<'· Hollywoud and. Glendalt', which diet, quartermuter: Arthur Ynm· mu.t bfo soml"thanJt of 11 rrNlrd In b<'rt, judge advoca te: Bill Sav· oecupancy. ArnonE the K•PfMI• 11r" J a~re. 1urgeon: Jaml'l Vandl'rnr, two local a-lrl11, .Jt>11nnll' Crrrlah trusttoe. · and Diana ~1Rrparth -........ --_ .... Otto Dodd. r C'tlrlna commonflrr. I ELI:OTRIC \VIlli pr~('nl<'d II put·commanclrr'a Alclt B. n-.rmon. S/l r, IR17 w NEWPORT pin by Jaml'tl Sullivan ot Sonta ~ntral a venlk, N..wport Drach. APPLIANCE 00. Ana. who WAI In chargl' of In· hu ~ honorably dllf'hartr:f'dA 1111 ~ .,..._ n..e II II J'..xpert ·~· Typewriters Office Equipment ~-OIIblc .UJuaU.C . ~ tlfRIIIItl()f\. Arid talka w•re lrivt'n from the U. S. N11vy 111 thf' N~tval l FA...,. hd a-.. by Irvin ~gt' Gordon and , Separation Ct•ntl't' In Shnc•makM"', ~;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ altf'r Tipton. California. ; •c...-~ .. -.., .. ...., nhse. H..d.o.c ........ -nor ..... ... ..,. ...... Jciea. -~-aMdeoain ........ ~ .. low ~~ ... oe ... 01 decuic -.. (ool •• ,.,. ~ --~~ ... 1 .......... .., ............. des& ................... ......... 0 .... .. ...... , 0 .. .... -~-- TURNER'S ..... u ... FOR SIGNS 'BENEDICT The Sicn Man e BOAT r....s:rt'li:IUC A. SPEIALT'f • M.AIIIN. WA Y8 · ~UPA .. IIIAIJ'fftN'Al'fCS • ~~.. 8Ju,tMf etullf'tl"f . WE NEED 25 USED CARS GOOD IMMEDIATELY! Before you ~~ell -stop ln at McCarthy UR('(i C.1r lot. 1920 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. and sre how much MORE CASH we wUJ pay for your car. McCarthy Used Cars· ' l . &. ~--. •hn • 1910 Newport Blvd. Col.ta Me~& • 8efore Y 011 B1lkl or Remodel 1'111& ou .......... , --.pie ... ...,..,,.,... ... Color guldea, plan- ning aldll, oompre- hen&ivc ~ock of NgB. carpets and linoleum . 101 eo..t HJct~waY I LUDLUM Carpet Works Phon8 ~ lilt ao.tat .... 1M. ..._. ..... A.. 1111 8ANTA A.NA 1---- and~-___ ! __________________ _, Quiting Business ·SALE • DRUG ITEMS & SUNDRIES AT NEW LOW PRICES Buy Now -APRil .. 16 to APRIL 22 -and Save GORDON'S HIWAY PHARMACY 700 Cout lltway • • Thf' stohl hu t.,.....n lf'.Mf'd to Mr. and Mr~~._ R4lMI lor a l.lfaoor, Win., uc1 Beer .. tahiWnMnt wiU. Toha.crola. (Judy and lt.-Vflf&Kf", OIJf!n .... about May I. i:r J. H. Gordon takes thi s occasion to thank his many customcrc; in the Harbor Area for their loyal patronage from 1939 to 1046 VETERAIS 1-Bedroom Homes Built on the Lot You Seled • . Paym_en~ AbQut $30 per Mo. l.OA, G. L FIUICIIG ; Y oa P.r Only Ap~l & 'FM.row Fees .,....._ & MclrOORI Sales Conoll a •• ,, Ge-. ~L Judg8 Dodge Warns -Traffic Violators As _ --Auto Deaths Treble Last Year's~igures . . ... W'HY TAlE CHAICES Keep Your Car ~- . \ • Speeding along with tires that have seen their day, with lights that won,t worlc., or steering gear that is unreliable is trusting foo aaeh to Lady Luck. ••. sooner or later the Inevitable happens ... and yod meet with $D Mddeat ••• possibly fatal. It iso,t worth It to take these chances. Have a heart for the •fety of others ... have a care for your own life ... drive earefully. m Good Condition Have Your Brakes Tested Regularly • Don't Drive With Smooth Ti~es Have Them Recapped • 31 TRAFFIC DEATHS THIS YEAR! The coroner of Orange County reports 31 death" in the county~ thus far ~ year from automobiiP acdden . The National Safety Council Reports 'fte MINt ....,_ to follow -u..r eu .. -,...,.._... for eMil II .....,. of ...... At It....._-lilov, for~ tile Mle "fol......,.. •, ·on ...W .. ..,_ .,........_ , "WWM!!i .,..... JOU C!U, ... 't eft ~,._. to • ..., U-," ' I '$ • Bert Stewart )r.,,......, Mle&7 dlNc!tor for tile N......a A•e-M~e d.._ "'Y-_, ... tilDe at tile -a. lillat I& ClUI .a. .. a ~-t to a .. ,.._ Ute ... 'l1lil "Drive With Safety" Me888ge Sponsored by the Following: HI-Way Garage OMala1 Soutlwm Callfomla Auto. Cub o..ra,. ., .. "..,_. ............... .., Reed's Super Service hO 00, Gal'. Lubrication IUid Acct's.cortr~~ DMWNtCNtnl Port of Seven Seu Boat Landing lieU a.a-MartiM' "'a,_...n Ceut Btp-y 4 Balboa Circle Taxi Aa7 Boar, Da:f orr: S lpt-Ph. ~.,t. 3!0 Newporf Auto Works o..nJ lf.top&Jrt.n...-24·hr. tow st'r\11«'. ~Unl'!'t ens & Oil ltarl Mlklllem IOtll a Cotuit Rlvd. NetJonnl Auto. C'luh Em<'f1:1'nry St:Hion llanahaw's l·Stop Service Station Compll'lC' Auto St:'r,ic<> Lubrication -BrnkC'" ltt-HnN1 17'71 Nf'WJ10r1 Blvd.-C.,_.ta Mt"tlll Lowman Boat Buildrrs W Newport fth-4.-CO'ta l'lf'I'A Ets-Hokin & Galvan EII'CI riel on.~ ~TWo-Firt> Equlpnwnt for FAt'IOI'). Stol"l'. Offk t>, Fnnn. J lonw 1 ... Coaat Hlway-~ I Ml Dean Termite Qlntrol ,... Olarantct'd Termite Control l..&tC'5t lmpro"ro :'.tf'thod" ltl' ~.Main 8 t.-8aata A-l'!tofM' IllS Market Spot Anton H~rshey IMMut.!A..__...._..._. Lido Richfield Station Wuh • PoUM • Lubrteadon - Mil W. c.tral-Erwbl ,._ Newport Tackle Store 111 Ml'f' ...... Pt-Newport Comml'rdal and Sport Geer Good Stock of PT"f''WII r Lint> ._ JUma. Ma.apr Balboa Fun Zone Balbna Authorized Sht>ll nealer ttl M•rt-1\alhna hland "Lubrit'lltlon" • \\':-.•hint! · Pnll~hlnst Tl ... R#-{)a~n« Our ~JW'C'Ialty • Rf'lf"n and PM! Wooct-P1lone t"!I&-W Boyd's Servire ~tation • I~ "'""' C'f'ntn~l -l'honl' f\11-' Mohih:n:o: Anrl 1\tul>rloil Luhrkntlnf;: • W nshlnR -l'ntl~hinf;: Tl(l tt l'MN , A 11 to A('('('SSori~ Bayside FiRh 1\farket '!lith It l.afllyf'ttf'-~1'\\ JlMI 114-!M'h Sportland RowJing Centt>r .... ~oM~" nnrl Roy Kf'f'll(' Main ~ti'N't-Ralhna-f"ttonf' !40! "F"r Y1111r liC'nlt h'~ Snk<'. T\nwl" Exc~lsior Crt>amery Santa Ann Cnlifornin Foster & Sons 1'n.HI<'ott Crui~C'~ 9:.'0 C'n.1•t I li¢1wny f'hnnl' ~'lt' Nf'WJll'l1 &-nch GuR neach H aneork Station 1-'•n·-· 0'1<' r'r•>tlorrt rtn!l ll:~nrnrk Gn< lt•'m•• Soq pll•·'· i\I•JIIInn•·•·"· 1':-.int. Hnrdwnn- lto'! ~C'WJ)Or1 fthd. -C.,.ta M- later's Reeapping Compl~te nn Snvkle New-Used~~hr. 8ftvlee ltlt W. O.tllal N..,.t Virg's Garage and Texaco Station 1411 .... O.tnl A880Ciated Service Station Pope and Sch~T ""' a c.tna-Newport Newport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotlvr SuppiiM -Open 9 IUT\. to 6 p.m. Let U~ Jll'lp Ynu With "/oo.r Pam Problem \.ll'n \\' C'onkle • Man~r ~IOfl W. Cf'f!traJ Aft. -NP'o Bdl. !Jr. Carrell's Garage \.t"nf'r rl R•'p.wnng -Bmk~ Rl'llnro :'\lot or 1'un. t 'p , Whet-l~ Billa nero SOl '!lith !olt.-''''' to Laclllf''a BHaty f'hop c,sino Cafe & Refreshment Lounge '!0': ·'"''" !-It -r.oaia VNWrY ..-Balhn11 Krnncth E. Wilson Co. \h11+-Cr dr r·:rr' r-Oll")'l'l<>r 1\hu"inl' En~;inn !I'!.'• 1 "•''' lllqhwa y-P1lont' Ml Ra!· Shore Cafe r .. I I l it .hi\'A)'-T. F. Norton 1\r . .11 1 • ~. p •·tl Snlurda.y nnrl Sumlor I 'I• 11 "7 1 111 'tl !• J1. m. Cto~'<l :\Iunday "I ,. \', •. ,, 11 1 •• , l n~tC'IH'l of Your llom" . Jnhnstone Service C''""l llhtl. ,,. 101 Hllflwa,--St~wport Phonr lt;i:!·.J tf '. "" , 'i 1s n. at or your battC'ry run down :\I• • .;:l• anrl Mobiloll Higgin·~ Pleasure Craft It ,1,. I WAlla. ~innngl'r IIIIo C r•.h t ID-J-Ph. tiM 1\larCurd~· & Calkins, Inc. N:wnl i\r. h. ·• 1 Aullrlt'rll -Bolli Rt•p.'lirin~; ... '' •I• For llolltf For Strlo• ,,, ... ( "·"' llto;lm .ty ~ ttii\4J -------. . .-. -------. -· ----- Sunday Globe Starts May 5 The newrst joumalllltlc venture lln Orange county will be the Sun, day Globe, forerunner of thc Daily Glotx-. to bt> published In Santa I Ana starting May 5. 'I'M ncow paper. carrying Unltf'd Pn>a dia- patches wiU appear at tint only on Sunday, with comics and week- I end neW. of Orange county . 1 J ohn W . Dunlap, a native of I Santa Ana will bt> manager of the paper. and GMrge E. Hart. well known ncwsman and brother of ·ooRDOI B. FINDLA-Y- CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINE'I'8 ud MILLWORK T. C. l1'1 14 lept. .., ...... GEORGE D. BASSETT ' Ge~~eral ACCOUDtiac • F'-hel"'llf!il's Bookkeepbtc Income Tax 8en1ce ten w. o-tna Me., l'llo.e 1801·1, Newport 11eee11 Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER a PRESTON •• State Uctnaed Contractor ....... ........_ ...... W.,.nteete ..._MIN W 'f1nee ,...._ NG er 11M I the latt' W. 0 Hart, veteran Or· ange county newsman, will edit the ~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~ji~~~~~~~ j GI~. Liquor Store Boot• 1111d Roy "- Palm and Bay, Balbo6 Plloae all _, Frozen Food Cabinets RoD-A-Door .. , 623 !;o. JA.-. .\Ui:;f'IM~ St. .\nnh~lm. C'nllf. &\lERG~C\' l !10~1; AaaJwolN •6.\:! GIVE YOUR CAR AN OVEN,BAKED THERMAL -:SET IN A HARRISON -AUTO PAINT JOB YOU GET All 7 FEATURES -YOU PAY NO MORE I Genuine, rrr-war, Dupont ""'4'Afhl'r Tr•lt'd" Tllr rnoal ,..., . • eeltlnc rnanM-1, or ..-t·w.,. l'namrl If dl'alr"CC. 2 l:nllllnel "CIIHnl-fiiMd" to m,.taa or C'IMIIinlt wllh ~tlfflal 4 Al'a.lrr blndf't . ~ Onn·h&kt'd. thl'nnal eoowollrd to al"" ,;rrrl-lnn rhruolr~l ~. l"'!·.,.llon to rnamel--ciYM lll'ltonlh, ala ... ·lnnr flnl•h. 4 . Tllrm•l I'OIIlroUNI. o•en-hakfd l'namrl ai•r• aranil••·llkr • n nlall of ..,,,,...'"" l>l'aul7. 5 f'pNola.l WMlher·proof treal.rnenl """''out m oloturr ,,..,~.,.~" • m,.l.al ~ -L Gh'et~ llaht-arll'r•lnr , IOIII·l.,.llna flnl•h. 6 Brfo"' JialnlPI' t'\1'1')' NU' hand ..andrd a.nd rubbed a• nl'"<i-• f'<f lo tri•e ) ou a .ll'rk lu,urlou_, flot.h. 7 llarrtotnn'• •7-Polnt" n:wofhod ll'l\'tt ) nu a paint Job that ,.,. • ai.W WNther, o)ddatlon, wl'ar a.I>,...OQ.. 4f , I . 1- t- t- -. -- ( Puauc NoT.acu ., .. ! Bt111J(Q8 QVIDE 11Bt18lNaa OVID. 11 8.u& IUIC&LL.UIIlOlJ8 II BOATS, !SlJPPUIDB II ..-.rLU. ANNOlJNc&MUT8 U "iali&a;AliLu.iiit~A~Riil---:---::-.ttti•iiU•~a:liaifti&~BB-=:::=-~;;..;,'j.l ___ _..:...__:_.:_._________________ ~os.1-·r 1'\\'t) MASTER YAWLfor ----• -. -~ ·-or RUG It UPHOLSTERY a.uuna. ...... ur trll''lt• ""'' ltllmtltc-No De'-·· . t ;r .. _._'""" __ .. 81]8nn:88 F I R E y A c H T s Ru.p -'~· ahampooc1. deuwd. ' ~ ~· ~ J. M. M I L L B R l'k:tldCMII Flnn Name Oventufff'd fumlt\IN clee.Md. UlWoJ at ~··~o<o'IIOI'I -~ an)' ---AUT 0 M 0 8 I L E C 0 M PEN S AT I 0 N ... _ pi-" d dell . nt~:ht rrum .tl h• 9 p.m. Rt .. ltknN' Reftn.lah )'OW' ldtchen ;bathroam R1!eJ Eatate ~ 'ftw u.ndel'licned do hereby Ct'f' 3 -Y ca·UP an Vft'y. 2~l I IJ>al St • llatboa bland. wtth new U&. boArd. • t•th and "'--• 3& )'t'an of tat~ (UilOI'nllft. .... "tp _ oJ ~•w,.. tlf1 tJat tMy .,.. mnductlnlt ... • • s T u . . D u N L A p ORANGE COUNTY ...,..... F p Wal ndiO. redar and el~cal "'" r"-TENT • AWNINO (X>. u • . • · dron end IMtallatJon butlnna at New-( n S U fan C e 814 W. 4th St., Santa Ana. Mll&nne Rad108 ~ l34W. 1-4t.c part a..eh. California, undPr thl' Phone Mr. O..nedkt, 1519 SUt.a Av..-abll' Immediate ~Uvery, oom· llt11l1JIIf'D8 OPPOantNma--..:.;;. neudo-.. ftrm name of J. B. Ana. :z2-t1c plrte ran111' of ...._ YOW' a.. ------ Bit()WN CO. and that Mid firm 7 0 3 E. Cent r a 1 p b 0 n e NUmb • r aJ.lt-ctlon wcrtmmed. HlOGINS S'JVDY AT HOME-Real Eatat. .. ~ ot tM followtnc fM'~'-Fin Plaee and ~ PLEAS\TRJ: CRArr. 810 OoMt UCPtiN. Quick rHult• Guaran- .... wtiOM name~ and plal'f'l of 8 a l b 0 a 6 8 3 W 0 0 D H\~rhwar J>tl: 110. t-tlc lN. D S«urlty Bid. Puadena. ratdence aft u follows, to-wit: -DeUvered nu -.ulPIIIIN'r ,... -~tic ,GIMnl Pcrtnen: ' HOUSE PAINTING p A I N T I N G H. w. WRIGHT-Ph. DIO · C-O-Two, PynM It"-..nil& WANT&D TO UNT t1 J . It Brown. 1008 Cliff Drive. lntBior • Exteriqr 1l Yean Sen:See In Newport 1Tii N..,..-t Bl,._ •* 00• t1Md ..-.... ud ~Nil&• -----------.:.: Newport BMd\. California. • ILibor Plus Materlall Harbor A.ne -• ......._ ... 11Q1Q1t It WANTED -Gar...-. prt'ft·r•hly Robert CUndlrt: 6459 W. !Dnd Phone 87~.3 Se.nt.a .Ana H~Hall WILL TRADE-One Ul nun tur-O.ALVA.N, lOll Oout ...,_..,. doublt', 6 montht leuct P. 0 . 111net, Loa A.n,ei~S.. California. 30-2tp ret-type Bell It HoweU. tele-p._ 13M. ft.t* Doll .6~. Ral~ »He Umittcl PartMT· • PAINTING NTRACI'OR 1100plc ll'lll, wl~ anale lena, w LL 80 us --~eom· 1-1 WI Phone N_,.,..,..t 837-W f-1~ lf'nl, full tlltlna ~ut,...,_nt, FOR SALE-Motor bo.t, 1&-ft. r PAY N for-houae or .... ..t -~ pany, au I. TIDE TA811."C: ~-....-· ,...:-4: run bout wtYt~ IDOtar apt., 1 or :t b.di"'Oina. No d\11· ahlre Boulevard, Loa A.nJP.Ies ~~ ~ _ _2U.Ll.it.b Su.et 34-':fc tJ!lpod, .:750-waU movt. .. r ~-Ilk" n,.w: boet eom-•ate'u ..QU'j~ drett or ~. Phone t!Tt.J. Ci1lfd'tda. uan.. lNI FOR A pn.uar,r PUtt Job aa tor. UM'd only once. Will trade t:-~ --. ,. 2T_.t Wii NESS our handa this 8th ~Y mp Low u•.o. for 1o00 aPHdboat. :r.M VII UcSo pt'd. 1~•1 for bQ or lab. IZIO • c f!A A-'1 1948 ._.. Low J"'Ur ~ • ..U Newport 10tT Nord. Udo llle. Phone 119C-J. c:uh. 1600 Eut Central A.w., SMALL fumlatwd .__or apart· ... • • · W 17 9:52 3:44 •=• 1:11 .._ 4110 ,._ Je-tte · JG.4te Balboe. 21-ttc: mef't dft!ffil by worklnl lUi J . K. BROWN 4.o --0.1 ~.2 1.1 COOPERA~n:o aoeau . I ..... ROBERT CUNDIFF Th 18 10~30 4;17 I:A '1111 J.J.. D s·-I x··-h FOR Slt.l..E-lO h.p. Marine Det.l. y en\11 o,_. Newpt. BHeh General Partnf!n :u --0.1 ... 1 ROOFIN. G CO. ~e 1~ ens 111w .... Hall~ c.'Oit. eau preferred or Balbo.. Write Boa WEST SHORE COMPANY ~ 1.5 GLASS 'n1B ENCLOSUJ\ES Newport 2314-W. 16-tlc 151, Newport BMch. »-:ttp F 19 U :14-I~ \1~11 ~· SHOWER DOOU --8r -Cu~t.oD E. Byne 3.3 o.o u u New and RapaJr Southern Counties ALL PLASTic t2-rt ttO-Ib TOP~ • By EatMr Smith Byrne S 20 11:11 5:35 tt:U ':II 0-CAR BOAT and CAJUUER. ST .. -OF c A.· ~ted .. Par) tnen 2.9 0.2 4.7 2.3 211 -. ~.t.I'1'WII, ,.._.& .. ....:_ • Supply Co. Immediate delivery. OtheT mod· ••c. ~rvRNI." Su 21 I:A 6 :30 11•11 •=• • ...,... ....,... -144 Oout Blvd. N. el1 aoon -cltnahles, 1a1lboeta, BEVERLY HlU..S C'OUI)&. dalre perrnanPnt cott.,. or apart· ment, Balboa or v'dnlty. Mn. J W. Roblneon, N.wpon 8Mdl County f!A Loa An&elft l a . · JO..tte ...... bou .............. On tht. lOth day ot April, _1948, 2.7 0.4 4.4 • 2.8 rn. 5IB:t l..quDa Seed~ n.tna II, crulwn and _...... 107. ~te Balboa Income Property ' · St\l<'l'O; 4 unlta: completely fumlahed. Pre-war CCJD-at~ctlon. 90-rt. frontqtt. Good potenUal htw4n•m lonitlon . $32,500 Corona del Mar BeeutlfuJ view: C'Ornf'r lot South ol Hlway, 35x120 $6000 .. Newport Heights BMuUful ()(8ft v1fw 45xl2S $4000 Balboa Nicely fUmllhed. 2-btodroom home. $12,100 Lido laie ~ l"~ Jocat.d loCa. Prlald to 1111. Peninsula Ocean Front Lot ~ $6000 befCift me a Notary Public In and ~.,.. ..._. • ...... ., PltllftiKe ~ •m• »tte boarda. Pluuc Watft'craft eo.. WANT TO RENT Apt. or houM tor the ..id Olunty and State, ~ I.6IM ~ ~ -.: ........... -PAJJft'INO -..... JIA!fQDIO ~-' Seta -12.98 703 E. ~ntral, Balbo.. Ptt: ~ tum. or unt\lni~ Vet«lft, ,...: Phone your Ltetlnp In llcJinC tMnln dulY eomrniaaloned • ... ~'l'llftJ v •3-JC).ltc manent. S..t Nf..-.neN. Jam. .. and • II &red B. a ICC df (au.lit. 0..) ....... , lt. & IIADIO M 8ft't 2311 Elden A Ooata and .. wiU lift th.ft..., ~ J. K. ~~~.j~ CUN-1 a.. w No 6U OM ~ M. ft: lM-W 2-Tube RadJo Iftll FOR SALE-Bendia Radio Com· M_:'• w., -.tte DDT, GenenJ .,artnen, known to Ollila .._ .....,. To build ,_.,."'"' ~ ...._ pua Dl~tlon F'lndn. Roc-k-01• ~-'-~RT bual~ man, -'ft It J • M. M I L L· B R me to be the Jlei"''Int whoee names Admlnlatratrtx ol the Eatlte Juk Boa 18 rw'Of"da Suit ~ ru;\'¥rv ,.._ _, Sla _. O.tnl • ,. • ..,..,..... • .._ U. •-aubecribed to the wtthln In· ol aaJcS decedent. 'I'S&JfiiPOiri'AftOJif , 11 .._ "**lo 6 ~ 0... e , . a 5-yr.-old da\Chter MtM! ~· -"' RONALD H COOMBS for dm. ent ~. One two or three ''On Your W,..v to B&lbo&" »he ~~~~~~~me 9648 Culver . Voulevard' BICYCLIS l'PM N...,..t..... ~ r Short Cir cuit Radio twc!roorM. Ral~ leland ..... ----------------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I CUJver City, Callfornla Bold, R•W • ..... .,.. . ORA.NOI! OOUH'n 305 Palm, Balboe ff'ITtld. Wllllnt: to~ ON )'MJ' H U B p O have hereunto tet my hand and Attorney for Adrnl.n1ttratrix. ...._.. UPHOLSTERING CO. PtiOfW 1138-W 30-tlr In advance. PhoN N. 8 . Wl·R. W E R S, A G E N T atnlled by otndal teal, tM day <Ja-UM • 100 Mala a.. ...a... --.._~ Radle Repain »-4tr BALBOA JSl..ANO and year In this certificate flnt Pub.-AprtJ 4, 9, 11, 18, ),8, 1946. Jal II.UtDe, ...._ r.lud. 01 U~ P'umitwe _... ·--··---_ _, ~ .,,. W. 4 ... II• •--o-•--All maklll; tubea. .-te. Ph. ~. rv _..a tJ .,.. a~e wnt~. • !~~~~~~::~~~f-~~~::~-!:~~~--~-~--~~1r~flin~TU2fRT~~NO~Rl~TO~\~N;t-r~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-·~·'5·-f·~·~~-~~~ ~----· ·--T. R. PHILLIPS ~CATE OF BUI!IINUI!I DA~ AJDe • ·~~-- _ ·-•• .. n.-.. .. • ltVII' YlJl ~'"V~I~J NO\V Notary PubUc in alliS for uCTITIOt18 FIIUI NAJIIE ~ ... MA• I IIOt W•t 8t,. ~ tw ())ut Hlat'twu, Nf'WPOI't prlvU1"11t'lt for brNkfut, for ..-t IN lni·& PROPER'.!:! ~.A ta.ld C'ounty and StatP. TirE UNDERSIGNED do hnoe-W & ~ Pldw Avt•hn CT14 oo0eet 23-trc to huai~WM woman. ~16 Orchid P<lSSESSJON 11liS SEASON fMy Commission Ellplrcs by certify that they are condiJ<'I· • ......__ A •-U.Uc BEAtmFUL Sptlwlt type mirror A.v.-. C(lr'Onl drl Mar. rt-2-UnJt l1st1nl on Topaz Ave. nNr South Bay P'rcJiit Auc. 19, 1947.) I~ a Machine Shop bull.neM at • •..-.-. _. Me ' ... piano, a harlaln. Terma. I>M•· 169 »tic FU t.htod .16000 (Seal) Foot of 3bt Street, City ol New· ~ AJI I , ta ft. lt.Jr Jlalt Aftived Sdunldt Plano Co., 520 No. Main ROOM FOR RENT Twtn bt-da. m --·-} • STATE OF CAUFORNIA l port &>ach, County of Oranae. Vi•a BeaaaY Shop ....._.. .._.... Akt Santa Ana. 1-tlc 1."1 J)('r prnon or 110 tln&le. ,_. County of Los An~t>letl l a . State of California. under the Oc· UGI <W ....,-;-~ _. -BA , .. IP'" ,._.. On thla 8th day of April. 1946, tltlOWI firm name or R.&m E~-'t* 0e o -Dr-. eo. Radio Repairing niKht. 217 VIa D\Jon. Udo lale. befor. '""· a No$&0' Public In and nE"ering Company and that aald Uf .._ a. ..._ ay Pick-up and Dl'Uvery 2t-tfc tor the said County and Stlltl', re· firm b compoeed of the followtna L08'I' AJifD tyt!MD • 10-Uc 24-Jiour 54:-rv\C't' F'OR RENT -Larrl' turn. llttlt llcltng'1ht>reln. duly commlulonl'd penon•. whose nlllU'I and act. LOST-Saturday. Ccwla Mrsa ... Newport. Electric Appl. ronm, nutaldc-l"ntr•na-, near and IIWOm , personally apprarcd d.reuea are u followa, to wit: Nf'WllOI"I lh•lchtt, oW brolrft Auto Batteries 2305 Coast m vd.-Phorw ~138 h11throom. Man only. 5UI 3ftth Carlton E. Byrne and Eathc>r John Ayll.ne. 2111 N. M.arenco ahouldn ttrap pocilc1 btooa. • t~111011th -11.45 Ell. 29-2tp St , Nrwpwt Bea.ch 29-:ltp SmJth Byrne. known 10 mt' 10 ~ Altlldena, Calif.; C.~. Ruat~bach NK'd k~ and t.ttl'ft "-'ard ~--ded M to Oil ~~~-:--:----::----:-...;. the Vlce-Presld~t and Secretary 1631 Allf'ITO Squart>, San Gabrlf'l off('rt'd. Pt1onc-!M9 30-lt<' vu.-poun"-".-• --0 r GOOD IIM'd planoa. ~ U low a&AL aT Aft 41 o1 WP~t Shore Company thl' lim-C.allf.: Donald V. Muncy, lW" .... ,....,.. """ u 189. Fine ftr practlee. Euy w. lted pertnB namt'd In 'the fore-S. Atlantic, Alhambra, Calif. ~ W~ • --t.rnw. Or wYI rent. Danz-EVA I'. RH ODE)l aolnc lnatrument. known to mr to WITNESS our hand this 25" W~ wan. ._ We!tem Auto Supply Sctunidt Plano Co .. ~ No.~~~ - be the per.ons who exPCUil'd thr day of March. 1946. M Box ().1 BaJbaa, m Aut.hcrilled O..lfto Santa Ana. lhu; Newport Mela within lnatrurnent on behalf of tht> Slcned: E.>;Zy Ave. 1 • ~ 1D N"'PQ11 BML. Colta ~~-Arvin & Emenon 4-Room houiC' on larae lot; a mw. corporation herf'ln naml"d and JOHN A YLlNG 2S-ttc R A D I 0 S tlnilbed bt knotty pine. ' ac:knowlf'dced to me that 11ud\ cor· C. R. RUSTENBACH W ~ardrnlna work. Call S4760 poratlon CUJ."Utf'd tM t811lP, DONALD V. MUNCY tt 530 San Bemard1fto Avenue, WAJ!fTED TO aUY II 24-Hour Radlo ~ee _ IN WI'TN'ESS WHEREOF. 1 STATE OF CALTJI'ORNIA > a Newport Hellflta. -.ue WANTED -To buy addina rna· Short Circuit Radio Newport Blvd. have heftunto ~t my hand and af. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) WANTED-Gardentna and Land· chine and flllnc cabinet. 3 or 4 105 Palm, Balbo. ftxed my offidal teal the day and ON THlS 25th day of Much acaplnr. Write to Bobby ~t. drewer. LeVaDe)"s FCIOCI Mart. ·Phone 1as.w U.tfc: 50-ft. frontal~ with buatnr. build· year In thiJ ceT"tlncafp nnt abovP A. D., .1946, before rne, Nora P. 0 . Box 413, Colt._ Mesa. Phone 415. 28-4te Ina It ~. F.iln3ellent locaUon. written. S. Marparth, 1 Notary Pub-..c. ..... WILL P'AY ..QAIIft ror "'OV tur-STEINWAY Grand. llk• new, ON $11,000 ALICE DAVENPORT lie In and for lald County and _... .. ,., .1 of the world' a lf'eatftt pAAnoa. _ " Notary Public ln a.nd for Stete. resldin& t.hft'eln duly WORK WANTED-House work ~ or what have J"'l'L PbODe ~ t~. 8Mut11\ll cue. Coeta Meu NC!W 2·tJI!'droom home near South Sa)' Front on full.alzll!d lot. $14,SOO Rc-Qonable Offt'f"' WUI Be Conlidend --·-·-H U 8 P 0 W E R S, AGE NT Phone 62-W . J. A. 8 e e k 0 f f I c e Ferry Landini Be1boa WaDd NEW CORNER HOME COSTA MESA ~ tledroomcl, hardwood fiocln, us. 1lnk and hllth, doubW 1ar .... $12,600 Ralph P. Mukey 3410 \.nut 81¥d., Nf'WJIC)rt F'"dt· Calli. Phone 402 »Ue P'OR BALE-Far...._ t.e- or ap.eulatkln, at tnetm loftiL 1-llOf")' houM 011 ...., ...... vard lll!nM'r. DeauUhll .,._. wtth IP'OW' ot tall .,._, ........ eu., lUy pool ... -..... houae .... OWMr, 1100 .......... Blvd. Ollta ,._, ... a&ld County and Slatf'. commiaaloned and tJWOm., per· by the hour. Newport or s&lhoe. Nwpt. 2000 0 . R. Crawlcoy, 1812 ThJa IJ In lMtrUment for dw Prlotd to ~IJ ! 2-bedrm. hnuM wtdl CSeall aonally appeared John Ayllnc. Box 148. N. B. References. N"wport plvd., Cotta Mesa. d1ac:rimlnatlna bu~. Dan&· lar&Rf', doef' to •hoAltn~ cln -......... -~~---:-:~:---»_t_fc Pub~-Apr. 16, 23, 30; May 7. 1946. C. R. Ruatenbach, Donald V. 28-<ltc . 30-Vr Sdvnldt Pt.ano Co., ~lO No. MeJn At Olrofla <tel Mar Muncy, known to me to be tM JI'1JilJiillTUaE Foa SALE n Santi Ana. ~tic 1 '4 yran old, B BTOR.K BUIL.DrNO, ..,.. mJ on Monte Vleta Juat crlt ....,. port wvc~. ao x e hNVJ ao- ()Oftllt. Lot, " acrw, 1a.ft. ,._.,_ ql", cnmpietf'l)' fenc.d ,...,... peddoc:k at,yS.. Or wUJ ..U 114 'maD) fM'Piltll'-~· ........ 2!100 Newport 81\1111. O.ta .._, NOTia OF SALE OF lli!AL penon• wh~e names·are sub-wnL CARE for children ('ves., J $6 00 Beautiful • acrtbPd to the within lnltru· lr•onlnc In my homl'. 309 Marl· FOR SALE-t tsrd dQuhiP hc:od and RADIO HOUD CALLa -Now -2-Becfroom Home PIIOPDTYN!~ ~~ATE SALE nwnt. and acknowlC'dced to me • cold Ave., Corona ~I Mar. Ptt: mattn'M. As~~<lCiatl'd St'n 'IN· ~~:~::":..~:~ '::; Cof\ta Mesa ,lc-ronr. fiCI-ft lot. N .. r ()('f}an .... .. tiMl 8upt'rior Oout of tiMJ l!lta&e that thf'y eJre<:Uted the aame. 1023-J. 19-tfc Station. ror . Palm & Ct'ntrnl, to make Hnlc:• caD. 011 ...,.. Lovely 2 hf'dnn. humr In hf'ilt loo $18,000 flf C.Ufonla. .. ucl few Ute JN WITNESS WHEREOF, I MA8TER MARINER, 30, de~~lret Rnlboa. Phone 166-W. 30-2tc ~1 ... All work l"&&"fU'teed. cation In C'oetll Mesa. nullt ln -WJLL TRADE for ............ c_.t7 of a-Aac~ have hereunto act my hand poaltlon yacht captain. aalcaman FOR SALF~ nlnln~t nr patio tat.lf' R.A.ROI..D L.. HAliK., 11. o. a. ~ -1~1 . Hardwood flool'll, dhl. car· w J. JIOI.A'OMR court ~half 'blolll ott ODfo. __ and a/fixed my official teal marine auppUetz, marine inlur· 6 by 3 fet't, 2 bE-nches, hand· RAdk>. JOO Marine Ave. Pb: 780. aar. Attflllt'tlve throuahnut. JM7 Ct"MIIt JllahwQ rado Blvd., I'Acla 11o11t, trw .... In the Matt~ ot the Eatate of the ~y and year In thla orrtl· anor or any almllar poaltlon. Box hewn. v.Touaht iron bracn. firl' ll·tfc $1 0,600 Corona drl Mar home tn BaDMa. tilt vtdftlty~ DONALD F. TAPLEY, Deceuf'd. flcatl.' tint above written. "C" c/o Neww-nmet. .,., "''-W f'l F1 " <SEAL) ...... ,., and wntht'r proofC'd. 428 Orchid Radt'o Rep•'.n'n~ _ " ~,. th,. ap )"' ».tc A.Jbuty 1171. Notice Ia M~by stven that the 1.,_, -... Ave., Corona del M11r 30-tft· .. 1------------dr~Ciertlgnf'd will tell at private NORA S. MA.RGWA.Rnt ..,. ••.111£~T u r.n;KI!;U •• Howe calli dally exeept t. and Newport HeiJth~ JU:8IIOiGI8L2 ~1-•r ... aat., to the hlrhetlt AA4 best bid· Notary PubUc In and for WANTJI:O-HOTEL~ FO R SALE -Twin hedronm aultt>. Sun. Oomplrte atock of tubes a New :t bedrm. Mn'wl juat com.,&.t· A Real Value ..,_ WUII8 to •• FJI ....., del', aubject to confirmation of lald aald County and State. 1nh.. ""'"-eeo '"* compl('lc.-: pr('-wa.r dllvenport & faetcry replaeftnent parta. Pfl: ed. In block with IW!Wer and llJ I"'CCM heUM In w• ...._ ....... Superior Court. on or after the My Commlulon Expire~ c:hatr, dlnett.e tel, platform 145. MESA RADIO It ELEC olhn ut,Jlltles. C«npa.t.IJ fur-:.1-bf'droom homr, tlw kltttwn MCI for IUM hi lanta AM • .tllli 19th day of April 1946, at the of· Jan. 29, 1900. HELP WANTED -Experiencf'd roctt€r, 1taa heatn, wool rug, TRONICS CO., 17'N Newport nlshf'd wUh best of rww fundo lhower bath, hardwood Ooan ICJ. Call -.u.r. Olllt ,. nor of Mr attom('y, Ronald H. Pub: Mch. 26, Apr. 2, 9, 16, 1946. rountaln strl. Pt)one N. 8. 73. curlalnt anct drape. mt.c. ar· 8hd. 9-ttc turf' ~al"ff, h!U"dWood Ibn throulhout, bridl and .,_ .... a.., llaftta AM. -. Coombe. 9648 CUlver Boulevard, 30-2tc Uc:lft. 701 Acada Av(' .. Cl)l"((rra and rxt('ntln landlcaplnr. _.truetlon. 1 ,..,. old. 1Ar'lt 0 ... CUJver Oty, County of Loe An· NOTICE or INTENT TO SELL w~ ::p ... ~;:--In ·~alv dfol Mar 30s:.!tr IIUBICAL. aADIO .. $12,760 ..... lnt, ~ty lanctac.ped .... --;•= I I S f Cal ~ •v···~ FOR"iAJ:i::Medlwn lll.za uprt..t.t ~ ..._._._ _.._ -,---. -re I.'S, tate o lfomla., all the --home, 2 ln family. Private room. FOR THE BEST .... -• ..--~l ..... .a -Wiiiii5"1i.i;"i;;:iiiiiiiiilll ri~ht. title and lnterftt or .. ld The City ot N•wport Beach In· good wares. J>tl: 1~J. 24-tfc ~~a.-::~~~~~ltlon.~~c Ranta Ana Height& bouaht turna.hf'd nr uniW1IIIh-W.. 5 •· 3~~~ dect-ucd at the time of death tt>nda to purchue from Cleo E. WANTED-Reliable ccn('l'a.l maln BUY 2 ~. hotUf' with 2-a.r ••rae~ .ct. OC'ttn '"' thAI ..,. a 1 q .:.:.~ .._ and all the right. title and lnterMt McFarland, owner of that certain t~~ man ~do Th t:N: • ....,.AI. ANNOUNCEMY!NTtl 18 and ('l(tra room, on "" 11rr,. &v· B A N _, 1.-a a ' • p . that thl' t'!lta~ of sald decealcd barge known aa the "MlN· . ee ~tfc USF.O F\1RNTTURF., • Charlotf4 IMcCorkrlll nucko In· craJ frult tr"'" Quirk pou. • . ereiOn -Wa ~ W II I.,. hal acquired by operation of law or DANAO," ex·l>oc:umfonted Num· RUGS. TARLES. " W72 Nf'WPOI"t Blvd . C'nltll M.a ;:;. _ othcrwlae. other than or tn ad· ber 107-786, County Barge Num· WAITRF.SS WANTED-Cheryl'a CIIAIRS. HARDWARE vltP~ you to BETH'S OEAUTY $7900 10-lt.c A17!'0FIOnY8 a._ • dltlon to that of aald deceued, at ber ()..144., built In the year 1902 Cafe. 322 Marine Ave .. Balboa AND ELECTRICAL SHOP Mnndlly, Thunutny, ,..rl· _ the time of death, tn and to all al,A~rdeen, Wuhlnaton. and a~ bland. 29-tfc F1Xi1JRES day nltMt '1 fl o'rlork etartln~t l:"VA F. RHODEN FOR IALE .. ..__, 615. th 1 1 1 1 1 April Z'.l. C11ll 114·W t71 J-: no B U 1 L D N 0 W DetUIIIt W.. Ra6t 6 ._.., e ~r 8 n rea property part~-proximate Y ~ grOIIII tonnaae. WANTI-:0-Men for work In Plaa· lu 18th St , CrHitn Ml'i'lo. 3H-2tp R.raltor A· I roftdltlon. 10 a., Aa-n, larly dC'ICTibed u tollows .• to-wit. llllld b&r~P btolng now located on tl~ •fr C A I I 1 470 Nf'Wnnrt Rlvd,, C'-te M-· A divided thlrd (""l f'd b h a of ~" It o pp y n pt'rsnn a . ,..... ·----,.......t ....._ ... nun one-property own Y 1 " ty 101~ C'oast Blvd Co d 1 Harho r Furniture KEYS f:LTON D RARNF."IT. nrokf'r LOW COST HOMES lntf'rt'st In 1 parorl ot unlm· Newport ~ach ~tween 16th and M · ' ron~ f'f Mack Wh.lle Tou Wa.lt N ...... M provt'd real propt't'ty In the 18th Strfft In Nl'wport Harbor. ar ..,r t c 1962 Harbor Roul('vard VOOEL'8 Ptt. cowport ),.,... County of Orange, State of Sald aale will tak~ place and the WAITRESSES WA.NTKD _Bay Coeta Me.. 30-ltc IIllO Malo IJt .. B&l-29-2tc California, described u : Lot~. purchue price money pa.ld Mon· Shor~ Cafe. 17th It Cout Hlah· DOU~LE Coli Sprln~ta. double 101 Mann., Balboa .. land FOR SALF,-A C".nod Duy. NMCI In Block 2 ot Tract 626. tn Jhe day, April 22, 1946, at the hour way. Ptt: Nrwport 2144. 14-tlc eloeet ht'i1 with mat treat, lllrltt' H-ttc ruh. 1 '4 afTf'll •nd 3-tlf'droom Oty of Newport J!k'ach. Coun-of 10:00 a.m., at the office of _ _.:. ___ ....:_______ ------------tl'IJ'I'Iof' houaf', furniahed. Take ty of Orange, State of Call· lhe Harbor Muter, located at the WA.NTED-H~fe with 4 hn slvo davrnport. excrllrnl ron· J O't'~ 11300 nntf' •t 120 JJPr mo. fornla •• per Map thereof, re· Washington Street Pier, In thet fr('(' tJrne per day to repreeent dltlon, 6)19 rug. occulonAI labll', Carpenters A Vjlilab e 13500 ruh lnqulrl' 333 TNI Mv. cordt>d In Book 30, at page 40 ~tlon of the City of Newport Avon ProdiJ<'tll Inc. In Corona O'dora w~~rdJObe cloeet. 416 lor l9flenl maintenance Coata MMIII No qf"nt•' 25-tfc ., and 41 of Mlacella.neoua mapt, ~ad\ known a.t Balboa. AJJ per· del Mar. Write Box 177, FUller· 32nd St., Nl'wport. 29-tfc ' Z and ~~;ION rtcorch.of sald Orang" County, aona having or claiming to have ton. C'allf. 29-:ltp USED PRF.·WAR FURNI11.1RF: 0C.U ~~ u · T('mut of aaJe cuh In lawful moneoy any Jl('nl, claims. and/or dernanda HELP WANTED-Male . Female. Walnut cktubl,. bt'd, boll aprlnR&. ol the Unltf'd Stlltes on confirm&· agalnlt lald buge. or any part Local or travellnaln.tK.tne. for lnMT·Iprln~ mattreu, • taffl'lll tlon of aalc.-, or pert cash ll?ld baJ. -thereof are rftpe<:tfully requetted younelf. No ~ ,..qutred. •pread. 3-pc. Map1• wt. Douhlt> ance evidenced by note wc:ured by to prMcnt aald IIPna, clalrna, Good Income. You aft your own !lt-d, coil 1prlnp, mettreu, chest, Nortcar(' or Truat Deed on the and/or demenda to the Harbor bou. Apply H. Van Deren, 508% clua·top vanity. 3·nc Mont<'rry • propc-rty 10 sold. Ten per ornt of Muter of Newport Bea.ch at the N. Maln St .. Santa Ana. 2619tc wt . .double.> bed, roll aprlnp, amou.nt bid to be depotlt~w1tll above addresa on or beJ~ the HELP WANTED _ Woman f« mattrt'H. chMt & vanity Van· bid. date of aale. houM k IA"D&ll houM tty, glua-top. mirror and atool. atlh or often to be In writing By Ordc.-r of Oty Council, adulu. ~~~ate · ~;: Kitchen pdreelaln t,p t11hlr, 4 and will be received at thr afore· Newport Be •. California, tr N t ~· ouk f chain. Eatett' ru nnce. porCf'· tald dfflor at any Ume alter the April 1, 194tl. en aaor. 0 enoul wor or lain, tebll'·top, hu douhlf' own, tlnt pubUcatlon h"reol and before RUSSELL E. CRAIG, all day. Llv.-In, but ('(lU]d haw ltrlll. hllth brollrr, at.-am' ,.n,k••r. date of we. Harbor Muter. IOI1lC' frft houra. Call Nl'wport 60-cyrle ove>n control l'mhrrlla Datt'd this 2nd day of April. Pub. April 9, U. 16, 18. 1946. 89l-J. • 25-tfc table. umbrella A: 4 c)ullnt. Yirr · 1946. SALE lllfiJC'I:LI.Al'IIUS • pia~ ~n. BERNECE S. TAPLEY, Drive ca....tutly-1.,.,.. a ute. FOR S ALE-Wardrohe trunk. 2 SACRJFICF. AT 141!\ 00 amnii trunlu, 2 rowho&tJ and Phone NPWJIOrt Arllrh 151> kayak Ptt: ~·34-J., 29-2tc :Y•-11" --WAR SURPLUS t<'nta nn 111111 "' CASH FOR USET> n.rRNmJRE McMahan Furnltur,. Co Snntn WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD TELKPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES 42·Uc No experience nec~ary Earn while you Iteam There are many other advsnta,Jte& to bt>inJt s telephone employ~e. Apply 811 Cout Highway 101 ,._N..,.t- PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. Ana. 16xl6 pynmldnl tl'nl •·•1m· 23-tfc 100 E. Bay Av(', D~tlt~~>ll ------------plctc with aontPr nnd l'<Jrnf·r !114% N. Maln St. S•nta Aoa '£t . ............. .... . FOR SALE -J">o•llvt•ry hiryt'll', polet and JMIW. W11trr·pronf anti IITIO:f' l'arrlrr. $4~ 1704 W fir.-rl'lllltllnt For Wlf' for mf!Un· Ot-ean Yront. f'honl' 7RI -J . 111ln, dl'llert or ·hl'ach Vll<'lltinn 30-ltp on f11rm11 for prot~tlon of v nln ro-...,..-R-S_A_l-.F:-,-A-nd-lro-na--&-f-lr-l'-pl-ace~ or hll)' or any ~ •• tnrp~~ulln IKT('('n, Rood IU ~. C•ll 169 or 1.-than uauaJ wholl'llllll.' ros1t 318 Orf'hld Ave.. Coren• drl Save while avall•hlco 11t on y • !+t ~ Tr rm• M r Mnhlln Furnl· Aak the OfW'rAior f~ \hi' 0\~f Oprorat~ 2 Small Hou~ On Lot Zonofod fur Outl- $10,500 Choice Ray Front Lot Prll'f'fl Rltcht 2 H ou1'~R o n 1 Lot At C'nron11 dt'l Mar $18,600 Income Property 2·8.-dronm noc-lind 4 Small ftlont11l Untta Oce an Front Rlvd. Lot .. $3000 --w . L ... ,JORDAN 71'l!l r..ut C'f'ntr•l, llallxMt rt•on~> 1 !\3 30· It r A i c '11ron11 '"'I M•r a Lo~ $2100 Jt;J7 ('''"'" JJIII:hWII)' ('orrlflll rt..l M11r "Wh4-rl" th4-.,,.lfll F1)"' .. ., ......... -. I 1 ,.tAr. 3 ' 'fc turc r'ompllny. Second & Ornttd 1 l---------------------·-r/1 l>rt¥e C&Nf\&lly-ap.ra a l.Afe. way, S&nta Ana. 28-2tr t Southern California TelcphonP \omp:H~\' For oft\f'f> •u~lew, IN thf JI.Ue N..-nm.a. J • . ~-f ~-. • Be Sure and 8". Modele At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar Brlna Your BA'M'ERY TROUBLES To UL BA'M'ERY PICO BUnJDING--- MATERIAL8 REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSINESS fo'OR RA U : l.nt. 6ll ~ 300 on Acada St . S11nlll An• Jlf'lllhla, S11100. Ph N. U. 164-M, 311-:ltc ror a.tt.r PrtJitl8a'<i11 H or 11. !torey'& Battery~ .W!!8TMtl'fSTD Ava IDetwwn 11th It Mil cC ) C08TA MI:IIA • • WE NERD LATE MODEL CARS ud WW Pay Top Prlcei ... SELL YOUR CAR NOW While~.,. Hllb. ~ for our caurtiiOUI btlYW who will aiD _. act.t. you ......... OPA ~ ... ,..... .. .,...-,..all detdl CULBERTSON CHEVROLET OO.,Ia& nwo•t ... ot•• -. DNien JOin Wilt Omt~l. Nc:r 1111'" 8Nell. ~Ocean, Hunt.,.._ ... • .1 . ~ I ) .... , r I Bon Voyaae Party Honon B~PW President H b . F . . A . dena have l"t'nted a boule on CcD· Scout Leaders in Who Leaves Shortly for japan ar or -t . • t • trat-nwn.e 'Of' a rew mbnths. T Co )tn. Earl Stanlq, No. t Rudder port Beach Public library a~llr: em 1 n Ill e :· ·. -c 1 v 1 I es Bal~ ~Mn~u;· e~r:al~ ~!!~~~~ Boy u!!, ...... RNd, ~ Sa¥. waa boiU., IDa bu ablence a.tn. Manan Me-l . . eel out-of·atate &~II •• Earl car-attended the lint ....-ol tM at a bon voyace put)' Monda¥ Chesney Will be acting hhrarlan f'bcJD. 18 and ~ + Br 'WWred Barbre + p......,.. Pt.c.e 1887-R roll's "Sketchbook" review in tnlnlnc course In the "DIIneDta ~~-M~~~~~P~~------------r------------~~~~~=~=----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ot~~~~~~ •• .. -.a..-•· , .... 1 hor''" f t ...... '--t t 11 t ... '-··'f t ----were Dr. Frank B. Moon of Dal· eel W-t--'-.-u• e~-·--•· tbl w._..., "''"' .. oc:av na I .U,I or ~ ... oeau I u )' appoll'\ll'u .,... p B I c· 1 M b rs Holy wee· k Observed l·n All Chur·,.hes ~ 1u T .,...~ ........ Japu. ~~ wt!H fellow·mem-table thfoy admlred thr l'('nlt•r·. • -• 1 rc e em e ~ H bo . t'JCU, Major Bob Van Vua-Corona del Mar-.Grammar acbool. ~ ol the B~MU and Protet· ~ ol pink-flowered branehet,• Note Hirthdays With Many Services on Easter Sunday ar •t kirk of the V\4)teen AlrUnet, Den-It ,.,.. reparUd by 1.yDn Craw-. but It took sharp t'Yt'S to cllaeover I -.. , es ver, and N.r. WUllam McC'l.!flonda· ford, leadership tralnlna cba1rmaD liooa1 Women a club. that the grffn bows which w~r~ ---Once ~ to the natlona of 10 a.m. ____ t_ _ &lao of Denver. for the <:>ranee EmPre ~ Mill Wllaon will be at Yoka· Uf'd on u ornamt'nla were new ~lbrrthd__a] hllnntvh('riBII~:. 7 f r ~I the world COinft Holy W .. k, dedJ. Coqrept.l-al Clnardl Oet' Boyd, •·"''t' of VI~"'----The K R. Rinp of Grand Canal council. -~ bam& and Tokyo with the Army d 1 h ,_ f h ce ~ at.,.. w <'n 1 e 3 1 an cated to the aullerlfta and cltoath At Corona del Mar Communttv "'" .. ...-'-""•u....-bolted ._ __ .._ k di one ol ar 11.,. a u1 1 It~ 1 e 10 1 th M lu home l 1 dore Bob Bo .... of BYC and Ju • ._...,.,c~ atea nner Walt~r Tipton led a ~ o1 OocunatJon and wlU be in honor~ (rAm ~tu' h ml•mtu•r• and rc e met at e • ov or Our Laid Je.ua Christ and end· church there 1.1 to be a --Easter ,.. ~ U ..-~~ " ' ~ a ith M 0 k h t d ..-~ Henderson. whoet' husband 1.1 a n y, &Uetta belnc the Tom on the "Nature of the Boy" and cftarle ot eatablilhlna Ubrarlet for with Which ahe decided to • pur. I w ra. a • aa 01 .::.:. Man ling In tM joy and &lory ol Eu\er Comrnuntnn ~eTvlce Thunday eve-yacht broker, "·ve ...__n havln• ~~· J ack Coles and the Gl~n A. Andl'raon on ·~ the Army, th~ work eomlnc unclel' chase a dreta I th0114' honorl'li w.-re Mrs. um· Slsnday annlverury ol the ....U, nrng and on Euter Sunday then ,.. ~ ... ~1e p t r Udo 111 qvil .ervice. She Ia on leave of M • hlng ~-brun,' Mra Annie Barden. Mrs. I ~ton . which Ia the. pa.ramowa; w!U be three ~ one at 1 more fun! They are atartln& the-Mn: ~o e. of the '!'roo~~ CommlttM." abMn<'t' f_or a v~ar from the ~--t~ ,_~~~t a ~h!J~ Ill so pre-f Sarah Bohman, Mn. Loull<' Sf'hllh, mywtery of the ChrtaUan reUa1on. a.m., othera at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Stork Penthoule at Corona del drove · ~ck ~th ~~r:'· :J: The nut meet inc will be held ~ ...... '"" ....... "Wilson with tilt> plllt-Mr.a. Hcl<>n Hargrave and 'Mrs. I ThroUihoUt the diatrlct churche5 Nl·W members will be received at Mar and have aurmounted IUch llamaona from Ar1 e arry • next Wednesday ev~nlnc. April 11, -prl.'tlldent'a pin, for she 11 rt•tlrlng Mary CUmmine. 1 are holdin& .peclal aervtcee from !he early servl~. ot:.taclH u retUne rurs, atock WMU ol viAltJ.nc ::::tab~~,!> at th~ aarne pia~ With Je.mee THIS WEEK ,-LIDO ELECTRIC CO. .... ................ , ....... ,.. "..,..,. .... prl.'tlldcnt of the club and will he Mra. Smith presided at the I Wedneaday onward. On that day In Newport Helch~ the Luth-and a telephont', when the powen w honored vr ....... Kent leadin& a dlacuaaion oa tbe In Japlln at th«' time of lmtalla· meetlnc. at which two new mem· the reruiar·6:30 pot luck aUpper rran church will have a aunriae that be aa1d It "couldn't be done." u at • deUchtrul lunch-plltrol method. Robert ~ ·tlon of new offloen. bers Wl·r~· arc~pted, Mn~. C. 0~ at Chrl.lt Church by the Sea Will scrvi~ at the ~nd of El Modena Ada and Stan Chamben ue all ~ve Wednead.ay at the Miramar wUI be In charee ot ftnt ~ ~ who wer~> prt'IIC.'nt to con· Rftd and Mrs, Delavan Frdt11g. be followed by a apedaJ Holy strt>el on th«' bluff overlookinc the exclted about their CDI1\ln& trip to Carty ~ ot Mn.t C. V. :::;. cames and contet~. Hl.llb II. cr•tuJate their .prt'lld~nt t~n tin Mra. E. D. Gv<'ldcU led ln the de· W~ lft"Ytce. 'f1le Good Fri4ay harbor. Thil wUJ be at 6 a.m. and Banff aod Lab Lou.lae. They are . praen ~ Wilcox and Rua Campbell are ~ intereetlnc nMV work Wl'rt' Mlna votJonal talk. Th~ ni'Xt mN!ting service wUJ be held from 1:30 11, I he community 1.1 Invited to at· cotne up by train June 7 and Harry Willl&m80n, Mrs. Emma ina scoutmaster and ~t Hershey, Ev11lyn Rldrr. Mujtlll'r· wll~ "May a me-Balboa laland 13 p.m. at the Balboa Ialand chapel ll"nd so that It may bftlome. an plane bade. HU&tw. Holt~ Mn. HomPr Clark of r--------------. lte Way, Wlnlfred Barhrt>. Carol chapcol, A~att> av~niJ('. and on Easter Sunday UMn wtll annual event. Other services will ~ E. K. O.vlaea and their t.a.una Beach, Mn. Joe Ancle, Dt-nton, Mt>ta Bachman. Muton ~ I be 14.'rYiCt'l at 9:30 and 11 a.tn II\· a1 th(' usual hour. · twin dau&hters Sally and Nancy Mn. Dean Campbell and 14n Fred Mrs. Frank Batea McChesnry, Ruth GPrri)lh, Aida Sunday Dinner for with apedal mualc: by t.tH! choir. 1 At Costa MHa Community of P ... dena ~ vacaUoniac at Qoder · GDII'D-•"' Gorton. Sui' Hor,·ath. At.:n<•s Rlom· The tint service wfU lnclude thr church a spedal vesper 14-'rvice the EUg~n• JaeUorl home. · or~ qutst. Mer('M('S Vnl<>. Crl'ths Returuing Guests appearance of the primary chll· will lx-ht>ld at 4 p.m. on Easte~ Friends kept droppln& In at the ~Mrs. C. H. Martindal~ 0088E'I'IEU Tuhhs, ('Jarll'<' Rrown. Mtldro-d drt>n In an Eutn-song. ~ eholr Sunday and at thl.l t~ the choir Ev Morrllt'l Saturday afternoon 'of Loe Aftp,Se. weekt>nded at the I StanlE'y, Maurlnl.' C'rAII!, Larr)' Mr. an.; Mn~ F. A. Abbott of numben ~ "nle RHUJ"rt'ction of 35 volet.'l will give the cantata untn the a.tfalr t'nded up With a Cclrilna ~ Mar home r J~ Stt'phC'nll. NatahC' Michaud, M11rit' Strrlln~: Cit)' ldt lnsl Wt'f'k afll'r Of. R. Shelley), an anthem In 1'ht' Sfovcn Lut Words of Chrlat cocktail party for 16. aDd Mn. H P • Ehlen. Carn<'ll<' K~>nn•-dy. t-:l~ttn<' ~t'X'ndlnt.: t-.ro "•'«"ki "'tth ~Irs. Ab-1which Mrs. Delavan Freitag will l[)ubola), which Ia comlcltored one Dick and Vircinla Terkel WHk· ____ ._UTY_.:.._W_ea_tov_er_. ___ ~::::::::::::::::::::::~ Wtw. Ellet>n Hlbhltts. Marc:(lr<'t hem's J'Wir••nls. Mr and Sf1a Ed sine: the soprano aoloa and obll· f'( tht' moat dramatic Euler can-ending at NHYC and memben ol Co_ ....... Esrt> and Hilda BriSNif' Wl'llk••r, 11fi ~lh slri'N s:at<>J, and anoth~r anthem. Unfold tatas. Solois~ will be Corene a party of 16 whJch dined to- [ ......,. 8enlre ] -On Sunl1uy 11 famtly par ty and Portals fC"harlet Gounod). Thr ll(ll'ltrhPr . mnzo-soprano; Mal-&~thou Satl.ll"day evening. Also r Mor(' 11 1n hnlf pf all bhnlln•"<J tlflt.Juck dinn.-r .was hrld at lhe ladlf:'S' double trio W!U ala~t I N>lm Reir. barltonl'; Don Yinger, aeeft w~re lM Albert Brlttlnc· ......., ~ J:1eetrtc1 Is prC'VI'niAhlf• hy pr11J'('r ~'>'' ••ap•, honw ol Mr. 11nd Mrs., Walll•r Walkf'd Today Wh~re Jesua Walk· ro·nur. Th(' reader will be Lindsay ham!l, and Ruth and Olear Clevl- 81 ¢ It .\Wfa r lndustriol l'Of<"~:uardJI 11nd nr tu·r lloni')I'UII, JluriMlr IJoull'vard. •'<~ ICroffrey O'Harll). The lt'r· \\'t~rkmon and it will be direc1ed dence. ~ ,. prt"("autlunary mt•Mur•\1. lll"l'<lr(llng l'11s1a M••sa. '"""'' 1"''8Nit bt'lng mt~n topic lll'ill be Because I Uve hy Kcnn~>th Boettcher. Jane and Ed Groent'ndyk<' re- NEW JUNlOR SlZE DRESSES INCLUDE CLEVER PRINTS IN COOL CRASHES RAYON CHECK SEERSUCKER BALLOON CLOTH. PRLNT JERSJ:.YS SANFORIZED BATES CO'ITONS COLORS: !~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~t~o~th~I'~Bc!~·l~t~er Vl•ion lnKiitute. Mr. nnd Mrs J>:d \\'olkf'r. Mtss At St. James Episcopal churl'h ~ntly boucht an old speedboat 1 ~41na Walkl"r. l\lr ond Mrs. Waller Ia thrff·hour service will be held Stamp Collectors and have Plllnted It up aplck and ------------------------Alvord. Or. Evl'l)•n Al vord, Mr., from 12 noon to 3 p.m. on Good span and Invited friends for a Easter . Preparedness Come as it may ••• Sun or Fog • • and Mrs. Ahbott, Miss Dora Moul-I Friday with addrenea on lh(' T o Hear of Exhibit . crull4.' .• It hu twin motora and tor., Mrs E~thcr Wihama and son· aeven Jut words of Chrlat from ~ does a good 40 mph. They have no~;er, Mr. 11nd Mrs. Honeycutt the crou, with appropriate de-llighlr~:htl of her two viii~ to named It Salt Peter. Mn. Groen- ond sons Llirk und Don. votions, ailenct'l and hYQUII. !Ill.' exhibition of the Federated mdyke had a birthday Saturday People may come for one word, Philatelic clubs or Southern Cali-an<t<wu one of the au..~ at din· B an hour, or remain for the full fflrnla which was h<'ld last week ner at the Jureen Lorentzen ay Island Matron time. On Eutn Sunday there will Rl the Elk• club, Loa A.ncelea, will home, others belna Mr. Groent'n- Entertains at Tea b4-llervicetl at 7, R:30 and J1 a.m . tw given by Mn. Frank c. Perew, dyke, &rmlnla and Charlet !\Irs. J~n Vonlcll. No. 8 Bay with an Eutcr 14.'rmon at the lat-t'Orrf'lpondinc 14.'Cretary, when the Emery, Mn. Josephine Wayne • BLAC"K AND WHITE, PQIIK. BLUE CHARTREUSE SIZES 9 TO 15 crhe Frances Norton Shor ~·~ !N 8eeolld A .,._..~ Blq. Dress. ter hour and a choral Cl'lebratton llarbor Stamp club rm-e~ Thura-and La.rry Mitch~!. All of them Island. t'ntertain<>d Tul'Sday after· by the choir. Including an anthem. day at the Mesa Radio Shop. wer~ at the Lorentzt'n home on noon with 8 l<'n for mt>mlX"rs of The pl"t'CX'dlnc S11turday afternoon At tht' previous m('('tin& of the Sunday, plus Edwin Earl, the lhe Drama aectlon of the Ebell there wiU be an Eastt'r party for club Mr. Fletcher of the Lone Georce Rowans, and Bfll Herveyw.l club. Plans WC'rl.' dlscuued '?r the th~ Sunday school at 3 :30 In the lwarh Stamp club, who had at-Huch 81~. Mra. Eddie Flynn,l ~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;~ ~mlt"JI: ~fct whkh ~he ~t•~n,:: Ehf'll cluh holk'IC with the Altar lt'nded several rm-eUnp, wu Mra. Lorentun'a slater, Mra. I' 1 811: n~tF ay even ng, pr Guild provld.ing the reft'Hhment1 madt• an honorary member and Jayne Lawrence. and Zlzl and I • 10ft white or putel ... Coat. Purse . ' • • • • • SANTA ·'-'A atdthe rlday Aft~l clfubhoul4.'h '1 11nd th£' Sunday achool commltt~ cave a talk on the presentation of Rufus Spalding. a.nl mor ntelykwtu turnl-v n rom t e In charsce of t'nlertal~nt. stampa for auction and tradina Th~ 32-foot yawl Mickey hu the bt'~uutuJi a int~ tab~e On Wednesday thne Will be prt>sided in the at.ence of Pretl· Wet of four P ... dena youne men. aa ~~ C c ~ '·Deakina red t I Catlaobe ~ Vr~·Pretident J. 0.-Jentdr;. just lx>en purchalt'd by t.M fam-~ lind olht>rs ~ ~~ t w Mn conft'SSIOtU from 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 d<'nt Kt'nt Hitchcock and acted as Dlck Richardson, Coburn Haakell. Slrpht'n Wold, r Mr; Dor~~~ Lt-v~ p.m. at both Catholle chur,dles, auctioneer, the 14.'Ulne being fol-Thad~ua Jones jr. and Henry , ,.. R , w--.. Y M Our Llldy of Mt. Carrn~1 and St. lowed by lively tradllla. O'Melveny, and will be moored 1 t rmrr. ...n . OJ:I.'r vvu. rs. J h VI r n -1 ..... -•-•--.a • R be t All M Doane Mrs s I n n ann<'y o u.. uua ~...... orr th(' 0 Melveny home, Pelican 11° r t'~, ~/·· .. ~1 . .r.1 . On Holy Thursday there Will be Famous Pianist on Point on Udo l&lt> along aide Bill r~_rr;:~r!~n 0/~h<' ::t7:. or-Holy C'.ommunlon at 7 a.m. and at Joyce:, Rhodes Crulacr (Joyce _ _ ____ a a.m. th<' m1111 and proct'Uton of Fri. Aft. Program havtne r~nted the house for the tht' Blt'W!led Sacrnmf"nt to thfo AI-winter). Tile four men. who tried tar of Repose. At 7:30p.m. Will be Maurice Zam, famous pianist out the boat ov<'r the w~kend Holy Hour. ThiJ i .. at Mt. Car'mel, and radio artlat, Will be the tea· wtte runta of Mrs. Otla Buck: 11nd at Balboa I""'d on that da.y ture of the evening ~Unt to be Ingham at ht'r Bay Front home. will be ma.u at 8 11.m. and Holy held Friday, Aprll 19 at 'the Fri· Incidentally, the coming weeddinlt Hour at 7:30 p.m. day Afternoon club. It Ia to be a or Joan Hosking and Henry At 8 a.m. on Good Frld11y then planned potluck c1lnner at 7 p. m. O'Melvf'ny 11 to be one of the will be the mau of the Prl'!laneU-With Mra. P . V. Parkes ln cha.rce, big events In Puadena. flcallon and at 2 p.m. the Way of and With the proeram to follow. Tile Rufus Spaldlnga of Paaa· -for ftJJttr TOYS Staffed A•lmala 8howerGIItll and "=o~" the 0015, while at 7:30p.m. there will be the Way of the Oos.<~ and sermon on the puslon. this at Mt. Carmel. At Balboa bland thr Way of the Crosa at 2 p.m. and 7:'30 p.m. and .ennon on t h<' p1111ion at the l11tter hour Holy Saturday thrre will ~ the blessing or the bapll.lmal font and Paacal candle, with miiJill at R am. and confHIIom from 4 to 6 p.m. and from aeven o'cloclc on. On Eutn Sunday h11th mAU wW u oelebrat.d at I a.m. wttb the choir takin~t part and Aml'lda Anton at the console. whll<' there wi1J be low mall at 10 811td 11 a.m. On BalOO. laland high mass will be at 8:30 a.m. with the choir, and Mn. UlUan Scanlon-Gee at the con80le. whlle low mall will be at IN ...... Aoww JWboa....._._.._.m ()pan S.tun~Qw Until M•y l.Bt a-doaM~ WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim Is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. HEAD TO TOE B£AtJTY SERVICE The Mother-to-Be \Viii Find Individuality Here ' llresses • Suits • Jump<'rs Sla(•k Suits • Robes • Bed Jackd~ Donna-Marie Shoppe 516 North Main St. Sl\nta Ana ..tTI'Itcl•·~lUcl~. of thfs Clean, Fomffy Newspaper THE CHRisnAN 5aENCE MONITOR ... lroal u-.... I I .......... ·-&ooa, polflkal .,_ ••. ,,.. ~lal ...._.. a.aol ... Prw eo _.I ,._ .. _. aho.c ..._, •• -~kl-wtde _, ol ('()~ ....... ~ l'R -.... -ADd .. _,.,. 110 .-oa _._,_ faaily .... .._IIW _.. aaiq. ..U~ '""',.. ....... ---------------------------==-~at L:t::'\---, -.-.. .... ·-····-·········-············-···· ......._·-·----·········-·······---•····-····-···-~ ........ ~ .... . 0 ,._~·­..w .. tt ,_ ...,,. -----~--------------~ It's Always COFFEE TIME At The • • . • • DO IIUTCTlMiiFJ:LE. SHOP . . . . ; . . Serving COFFEE 4: DONUTS • WAFFLES SANDWICHES • MALTS and SUNDAES • COMPLETE FOUN-TAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue ~Mellola Balboa Island Oeorp 8t.erllq ()pela ~ UaW 10 o'Clock -ao-.-W~ THE HURLEY BELL I OPEN DAIL\' AT 4 P. 1111 ....-,..at t p.m. '"The Hou!!e of F1ne Foods" For Reservations JUST ARRIVED .•. 127:1 CATALINA TRUNKS . In print!' nnrl plnin c·OI•H" with mnt chin~ -:hu ts Knit Net Shirts • Catalina T-~hirts Complete line of ._lantz~n T-:-\hirts Sawyer Sport Shop T H E B 0 B BY S H 0 P Now Open with a complete line of Children's Apparel and Accessories Come lD ud See Our FrMII, New Stock 711 East Central Balboa ---Open From 10 to 6:30 Saturdays.----.:. SillY Tl IAYE IE.PT (- I Ill IAITIII! . fASHIONS HAVE ARRIVEDI Altboagh somt Swansdown coats and suits are 41rriYin& ~ ~ just cu 't ~ them coming I• enouab for all ol you ! You see Swansdown ~lutes to .... .ai6« quality for quantity, 10 tbcJ ten<! as ooly coats and suiD that •~ pufea i.a ~tyle, ~ aad fabric. Solne of thew fashions an~ now but not. for long! So come io and be .an to lent ,o.r ~ with 111 in ordu that we fD111 adYile you wbeo onr ~tyla .ftm. - HI· Til I! -il T~ !'H 'to'\; II f J.t I( In Foartb Sti"N't and S)'f'amn~ SAX"A A~A