HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-08 - Newport Balboa News TimesMillY SB·B·Bf Comes now W ~the dare-devilish C()fJta Mel& Globe-Herald and gtves our dty council a going over aDd the wa:y Globe Editor Lud1 would have them con- duct ita bualness. He objects to lnf«mal aessions and sa;ya tbat Ia not according to Boyte, although. every' dty ~ any size in the U.S.A. meets before ..Sons, in commltta, in committee of tbe whole, etc., to d1scusl problema. u does any large 0011XJ1'8tlon or other civic cu~ ... ml8h~~~ Commerce hu met time without end on IDcoJl)Orltion. without calling a general -.d~ that the)' h_ave ~ doU1g t very thing on the eelf-same subject for at least ftve years and yet Mr. Ludi .does nQt feel nervy e!"ough to ask them to come m the open and lay ALL theil' . cardl on the table. One eould, call the Mesa C. ot C. a muncU as It performs most of thoee functions. "Up ln Costa Mesa." says 'lbe Globe, "we're not a city and we're not used to city wa;ya . . . and have our own Idees on how a g<M?mment lhouJd operate ... not in se- cret sessions." And then he says Newport Beach people are mlghty smart. It's bet- ter to be smart than cute. The Globe-Herald says it is not used to dty ways but "Pop" do you remember the time when the attractive lady on YOW' left sat on the edge of her chair. eyes pop- pine, and just hung on the words of that dynamic per· aonality at the other end of the banquet table? She was trying to get used to your dty ways, Pop! 'Member? Why not be smart as well as cute, Pop. and you may be-come a councilman too! + + • 'DIIW ,.,.. a.r-. Mar- lon Dodd ts seeking re-elec- tion May 17 for trustee of the Newport Beach Gram- mar school. Marion is fin- Ishing his sixth year. the last three geing as president of the board. and while no one. thus far, has the temerity to nm against him, sWl Ma.rion feels the people's moral su(S- port could be better present- ed by a hefty vote-. The other two members aJ'e Gor- don Findlay and Weston Jay, and the trio Is vitally lnter- e8ted In the forthcoming hel- loting on the $150,000 bond issue sought for extensions and improvements. • + • Be Comes Back. An· DOUncement that George Schaeffer. fonner loc8.1 pu~ lllher, has purchased The Santa Ana Independent from Paul Witmer and that he in- tends to start a dally, will be reoefved with much interest by his friends here. George has been connected with the promotion department of a motion picture studio in Hol- lywood and has always had a yen to live In Orange county and run ·a newspaper. • • • 11M IDitiation. When Ma- 8011 Silet participated In his ftrst business session of the ctty council. he li!tened with deep con'rem as Kate Mc- Cann told about t~e "filthy" streets, alleys, sidewalks. etc. in her bailiwick. This quite distressed the new official and he gazed at his col- leagues for their n>action and noted a half-smile on their faces. Then Mayor Reed turned to him and gravely said: "'This Is a mat- ter that should be referred to the street committee; you are chairman of that com- mittee, Mr. Siler!" + • + nnt VacatSoft. Herb Ken- ny has been Balboa postmas- ter for ftve years and now he II getting hla flt'St vacation. Tbe department gave hlm .a month's leave of a~. 10 next Sunday he and the Mil- -are leaving for Lake eounty to attend the Post-muten' state convention and after that they wUJ en- train for Vancouver ,tbet.r old lltalnllbr croundl for a Ylllt wftb -reJaUWII and ..... Herb dabbled In the .p~tntbc~ . c ·osta esa Editiori Newport Balboa~New·s Tlnies --------.1 Nmi8DII Bus Line WarriS City Of Fare Boost Move / City Will Buy· Motor to Aid~ School Youth Two Sailors Hurt In Auto Crash P. E. Petition Before Railroad Board Would Rise -Rates -ts Pertent WAA Takes OverSAAAB Uniform Rent. Asked On City-Owned Docb N&WW ~A MWWD ......... w_,.rt ....... OrW l'*t ,...._,, llaJ" 7, JNI ~~~--------~--~~--~~~~~~~~~------~ a.~ ... -=--;.--::..~~~~.:':.t~I Newport Ra·tses s~o 9.32 !HIP••J P.trol Superv.tsors Puauc NoT1C£ PuaLIC NoTICD .......... dlleric:U pedeetre.. ty clepertDwot ol the NatlcMI '1 , To c•eck Can lted partner nanil'd 1n the f~ On thJa 18th ~ ol Alli11. 1Jee. _. face onmmlo& tratne bJ Automobde dub. • F H •t I 8 •1.1: u E · 10ln1 tnatrl.lrnt'nt. known to me to ~ore nw. the ....._........_ •- ... ...,..,.,. ..... ' ,_ .... _ -~ or OSPI a Ul Ulng ~~~e~~~:.~::E sf xpenses =~~-: ;Ee:, 15 ~; ~~e~~~~~~ While Oranse eounty oontribu· IK'rlowlly Ill ~tlent l.n a ntne-bt>d traffic lafet:y d\«k, bectnnln& aclcnowledced to me that such eor· McCARTNEY and ROBERT a. lioN for the new Presbyterian ward at St. Joeeph tto.ptal and May 15. Patrol OUef E. Raymond The board of au~ Wed-poratton executed the aame. MOBARRY, known to -to be hollpital to be built on the bluffs many doctors thr'ouPout th4'1Cato announced today. ~ ordered upendJtures ot IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I the penona whoae,.na.ma an_. overlooklne Newport Harbor have county are nnltlnl that too often 1 The cheek covers an l.nepec:Uon 514,035 and took into 1u treuury have hereunto aet my hand and at-Krlbed to the wtthln ~t. not• u yet reached 50 per ~nt of the!'f art> no beds avaJJable for or the driver's lice~ and plates 1310.!10. ftxed my oltldal aeal ·the day and land acknowledced to me that tlaeJ the 1500 000 needed N~t ·Har-.,-trents who detPf'l'ately Dftd hoe· and a tat ot braka, Uchts, tires. 'I'M frame boule at f07 w. year In thla cer1itlcate ftrst above uecuted the aame. bor baa ' ralaed •IJ htl over two· pi tal care. windshield wtpen and honw ot all Sixth atrftt, Santa Ana, wu lOAd wrttun. IN WlTNE88 WHI:IUIOI', 1 thlrdl ot Its qupta' o/$60ooo ac-It hu been pointed out that vehlc:lea lnt'Olwd ln movtnc viola· to J. 0. Throclonorton o1 419 AUCE DAVENPORT, have ~to aet rn1 band Uld corclln to cam 1 ch~an Oranse~county Is more than 400 tiona. It Ia apon8CirWCI by the· In-Franklin atrftt, aame dty, toe Notary PubDe ln and for atnxed my otndal INl the 411 IU!v ~ ~tt ":c~Farland oi hoepltal beda lhort ot '*tic mini-ternatlonal A.-oelatlon ot atw. $300 and 1• empty baznls at the . aald County and State. and year In t.hla «»rtlaeate f1rott Santa Ana_ mwn at the P"Mftt Ume and of Pollee and will. atar\ simul-county holpltal were aold tor (Sd.l).. above written. nd Wl\ile .the population .. l.ncreulne. taneously . In all parU of the 510.50. Pub:-Apr. 16, 23, 30; May 7, 1H6. CHARLES wooonu.,' County contributioN now 1ta hoirpUal space Ia not. • United Statea and ~ada. It waa Expenditur. approved were· at 1231,047, according to the Rev. Contributors are ukecl to aend tl.med to follow Preaklent Tru: 17:500 foe 124 feet ol lron pi~ IPICATI: or PAJrtft"ea. Notary PubUc Ia ad far ~cF=..:;'~~t H~ a m.ck or ~· to the chamber man's Tratfte Safety conference and 1900 worth ot water meten 0:., DOIN'O BUIIDI'IIB8 UN aaJd Cowl~ u4 8~ --a--wom!n or the A...~a!:nt.:t~.,!.l of cornrMTCe at Newpart &ach. m Waahtnaton, D. c ., May 8-114 far the Second Diltriet Wale~' DEll ncrrnoue N..UO: • <My Commlaloft l!:qJbw AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop ., ......... ..,. under the c:hainnanshlp or Mrs. woekl; 02300 tar 50 beck at the December •· ttn.) -===============·===~ Walton Hubbard. bfoclnnina thelrl CrNtloll of' New So thJand W f.e hoapltal; $1100 toe ftre fl&htlnl We, the underltped, do he«by <SEAL) • drive thia WHk to reach the quota. City • ..a& A-u u a r =~~~~ the n:e tel ~~ certlly. that we .... partner~ con-Pu.b.-April 23, 30; IIQ 7, 1 .. 11M. Cam~an workers are uralnl .. " w•1. 1'1-..nf CaDed ' oe oe · ctuetfne bulinea. M Marine £lee--$.IE, WE PAY CASH S • WB WILL BBITBB THAN IJIBt DL -OWBRS-ON YOUR CAR. • So atop tn a~ UQD CAR LOT lt lt20 Newport Blvd., c,.ta Meta, and get . tbe top doUa~ for your tutomobile. ev.ry reaidftlt of the Harbor dia· •. \.AI erenee Garden Grove protective cllat.rict; tltduw a t 215~ Marine A --.;....--------. tnc:t to contribute all they can Collll'ty lp Okeh -·-MlO f« a cam~ter f« .the IWboa :Uanc~. Calltarnla. ":: c L 0 T H E s alford at the prewnt or to make _ A Southem •CalJtomla Wale~' =-:=t ·a~tc;,=: tM DUDe .and acyle o1 MOBARRY a thrft.year pledie. LOS ANGELES.-Oftlc:Uis of Contt'l"eftoe, ~ by the U. home· $225. ioe a tile floor foe AND Mc:CARTNEY, aad that the Plana far the structure call far the Avalon corparaUon hftoe today State Oamher Water Raourees the new iherapy room at the COUD-DA1DM and addl ol all tbe ~ of a Clua A hoepltal ol said that wtUle ftnanda1 and con-Committee, wt.U be Mid at the ty hoapital partDera are M follaiw: eo « more beda with the number struct.kla p&uw .,. ~eel for Lee .\npiH BUtmon Hotel on L. It HOLI..A.J)AY, -~ Pa· ofll -..a &o be tncreaaecLaa .bmdl unit P"rtday, May 10. WilHam A. Smith. dfte A-..ue, Ll:lila BMc:b 2, C.U· are avallab&e. Alter the balk: units develop'nftlt foe the W•tmlNter ehati"!Mft ol ~ Loa A...W UaJli.O ICSD IIIUl fonda. ol the hoepitaJ audl u ldtdlena. area. CI'HUoft o1 a n.w Orance County Board ol Supervtaon and 'I'M manutaeture ol lee mJJk J.~. 21 Bii'ok .laboratclriH and tune!')' are built. eow~t)' munktpal.lty u.n mu.t a member of the State Chamber totalecl 5,0'1"5,000 1anon. ln CaU· Street. Poat Of'ftoe Boa D. South eddiUonal beda wt1l caat approx-walt unUl the Oranae CIOUI'IlJ plan-Water R8oureee Committee, wtD foinla ln 19&5, _, compand wtt.h ~ Calllond&. . lmately 11000 e.c:h, It ia stated. n1n1 ClCJIDI'nt.ion hM QIII'Vftd the ~· 'I'M rneetlnc. atartlnr 4.248,000J 1n lM4 and the ~year ROBERT G. lfOBA.RRY, Gl 1be \D'Jftlt nHCI for the holpital subclivtaJon rnap. with a luneheon, w111 open at 12:15 averap f11J1Bl.OOO. Jumlne atreet, t.apaa· Beech. becomee l"ftCJft apPU't'nt every day 'I'M clewloprnent, WhJdl wtll p.m. · Calllomla. accordlnc to c1oc«n and Health coet 1n the nellhborhood at $18-'I'M PI'OPC*d aaencSa lndud8 IN W'I'TNE:SS WHEJUIX>I', '" otnoer Edward Lee RuaeeU, who mUJJon to build, wW be laJd out talU..by Jamee M~tti, re.oneral Pu•LIC None• have henunto aet our ·banda t.hla cites the lncreaalnr,Jy cSanproua oa the 635-ac:re tract actJo'n1n1 the manaaer of tbe 'State ctuunber; 1Ith ~ ol April, 19M. ahortace of hoapltal bfeir.Orwdoc· northeut boundary of the Seal Harold E. Hedier, ehlef ensineer 'ODfD'IOAft 0'1' BU81ft'a8 L. M. HOLLADAY POl. MEN AND BOYS s •• ., • .a SpotJ.,. tor 1tated that he oonsitkred hlrn· Beaeh ammunition deppt. For the Loa AnaelH F1ood Control Dls· nc:titioQa nn. Name J . S. llcCA.RT'NEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~· ~w~lf~v~cr~y~fo~r~tu~n~a~te~ln~pl~a~cln.e~~~ time belna the ileWJoPnii!l W11J =~ Tre ROBERT G. MOBARRY be called, "Lana S.aeh Meadows." Howri cJU::Y COUMel, Metropoll-1be undenlfhed tlfy that the)' are ) •· I. 8. JPIIP.II£'1-· •• 1111'--·L .., .......... ........... SCENIC VIEWS ARE· BACK AGAIN! ·25 11111111, IICIIWakolor . wester• photographs to collect as you travel ••• eaiAND NIW ... aocl they're biggu. mot~ beauc:ilul chao che Standard Scenic Views miWoos coUemd bcfor~ the war. ScaUc Views are FRSE-10'lf Jift from ScaDdard of California. e WlmiH SCINIS IN ALL TMIIR lliAL-UPI OI.O.T ••. rtrotdcd by tbe coloJ cameru of act photosrapl.en. Ptom cbowaada of picnarcs, a jury ol aperu aelected the 2' fioeac. for 10'& eNANDSOMILT MOUNTID ••. oo a 12 x 15 mat, eecb ScaUc Vinr IDa.lllftt '9 X I), 0e Uw IDOUIMiDc ia a '!:"7 about cbc view br IUCh wric.n • Era.ie Pyle, lrria S. CObb, Eroat Ha)"(''x. eA MW laMe VIIW IACN ... ••• ~ DOW aacl for 25 .-.. )'OG caa p a uew&mic Vinr Clldl week •.. doo't-.. a ooel eNOW 1'0 COLLICY ICII•C V..S WHIM YOU TRAVIL ••• 11M W• a... beea clfriclecl mco.,.. .ad ID e.dl -. di.._ 5aak VJ.w wiD be of. ,.... ...... Several New Books At Public Library tan Water Diatrict, and Raymond radJ adar and electrical ------------------------ Matthew. chief enstneer. Colorado and 0i0:tallatton bualneu at New· r------------------------ RJver ~ ot c aufornta. will port Beam. California. under the Spn·ng Operun· a •peak on PropoMd New Federal flcttUoua flnfl name of J. K. ei PollclH , Threatening ~them BROWN CO. and that aald nrm A IK't of the latest edition of C&~t~ I Water Su~ly. f h ll compoeed of the following pel'· Hunt•lngto o· H . tht' Encyclopedia Americana in 30 t e recent meet ng 0 t e eons whoae names and places of n Inner ouse Illustrated volwnes hu ~n add· ~ard ;f i Dl~t!rs ~t the State residenc:t> u e as followw, to-wit: t"d to the non-tiction boob at the am r n ngt> es, a recorn-1 General Partners: Newpo!'t BE-ach Public library and mendatlon ot the water Resour~ I J . K. Brown. 1008 Cliff Orlvt.>.l other books of lntt'rest In J,llat Q>mmittee conc:t>rning protectaon Newport ~ac:h. CaJifornla. lll'Ction art' the Ciano dalries. St>c-j 0~ wat~r resources In the South-Robert Cu.ndJff. 645' W. 82nd I ond Carrot from the Encl. and or ~Ht ~u adopt~: This recorn-Street, Loa Ang<'les 45. California. particular interest In the oomlng l mendatlon stated. that the St~te Umlted Vartner: • WN'kS, Pest Control in the Home Chambt'r oppose any subatantull West Sho~ Company, l~t WII- Gardt.>n. I chang<' in the provisioN of the ahlre Boult>vard, Los Angeles 5, I In the fictlon line are some MW National Reclamation Act of 1902, Calltornla. books by favor\tt' authors with and Act• supplementary thereto, WITNESS our handa thls 8th day plenty or new mystery novels. In-Insofar u they may relate to the f April 1946 • cludt"d are: Rcllah. Ward Twenty : Pconomlc-feasibility, ~payme.~t o J .. K. BROWN Black, Tht.> Whltt>blrd Murders; and local proviliona of the Act. ROBERT CUNDIFF Bollomt', The U fe Line : Burt, Genforal Partners Lady In tht' Tower: Butler, Klu Directors to Meet WEST SHORE COMPANY the Blood Off My Handa; Cald-By Carlton E. Byrne well, This Side of Innocence; Carr. Memlx-rs of the boa.rd or dJ. By Esther Smith Byrne He Who Whisl)('rs: Chamtx-rs. rt"Ctors of the Kiwanls club of Llmlted Partners Death Agalrut Venus: Chapman, Newport ~ach and Balboa will STATE OF CAUFORNIA l I WUl Bt-Good; Cht>yney, I'll Say meet Thursday night at the home County of Loa Angeles ) u . Sht' Dot-1!; O.ute, Fliltht or An of the club'• president, Jan Bris-On lhla lOth day of April, 1946. Ancel; F.by. Tht' CAS<' of th<• MaJ· coe, 450 San Bernardino avenue. betore rtle, a Notary Public ln and evolent 'I'win. Newport Ht>i&hts. for the 11A1d County and State. re-- lidlng t~rein, duly oommlnloned OrlYe cantully-Span aut.. ror Bett« Prtatmc oau 12 or 1J. and sworn. penonally appeared -================::::;=======IJ K. BROWN and ROBERT CUN· r -,-·· DTFT. GeM1'al Partners. knoWn to . DIESEL SERVICE D~EL MOTOR SAI,E; RE-BUILT D~ELS nL&Mil ... LIDWI8 (L8111;r a.-ta) ow-r-•a•..- PBOMIB Oftlee: Newport !088 ...S Newport IOM-W .. ·~ Whether it is· saving for a . home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan J Par' o\ A/\ yv1.1 [.\rn t~ Youu to Savt! Roeourcea $4,Q06,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and loan Association · me to be the persoN whoec nal"D1'11 are subacrltH>d to the within In· atrument and acknowlt"dgt"d tv me that they executed the lame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. t have ht.>reunto IK't my hand and • afflxt'd by otfldaJ sui. the day and year In this oerUflcate tint above written. T. R. PHILLIPS Notary Publle In and for ~d County and State. (ity Commlulon Explres Aua. 19, 1947.) (SHI)" STATE OF CAUFORNIA l County of Loa An1eles ) ••· On thls 8th day of April, 1946, before me, a Notary Public In and for the aald County and State, re- sldlnc th<'reln, duly commlwoned and sworn, penonally appeart"d Carlton E. Byrne and Esthe'r Smith Bytne, known to me to be the Vi~·PrHi~t and ~tary of Weat Short! ComJMOY. the llrn- Sandy F. MaeKay Ute -Aat.o -f'lnl ~, ....... ....,.._()om,.... .... Uaaiii&J -AYiatloa l"'daaMJ • Sareq .... , Briggs & MacKay ,,, &. o.tnl ...... Liquor Store It~~ a o-a -B~::~~;::ton Beacb Under 8&.-M&~~Ap~~~e~~t Open Daily, Including Sunday Dbuaer, 5 to 9 $1.35 up 8udwlchea -A·Ja....(}ute Orden .......... GIVE YOUR CAR AN OVEN,BAKED THE~MAL-S£T IN A HARRISON AUTO PAINT JOI YOU GET AL17 FEAtURES-YOU PAY NO MOlE I OeMdlle, ..... -• .,.,... ....... 'hiller on--a ... ........................................ • ...... -a...~-.............. -............... ............ 3 0.... hhnl. ..._. -•n• I te at-,., rtrt + • • ·• • ,. .... .. _... at,.. -. ......... ....... ... fta..a _........, ••• 8 tl I _... ..... ,._,..... ........ ....-....., .... 5 .......... , ,....,.,.., , ....... ,, .. ......_ • ...., ... ~01-........._ ............... ....... 6 .., ........ ~_ ..................... ..... • ........ ,.. ...... H .... ...... 7 -...... ., ................ ,..a ............... ...... w ••• "" ............ . .. ...... • ' • .-. .. l • Swim Training Plan Completed ••• i"GM' ... ., ..... ,.IW" ............. ~--~---===·:::::=~·~llv=llo...Jj'·....::••~~-------:----.;..---------,r--------------I B~~f·~-:~~ 'E Arm~ Engineers Granted ~~~~"~= Russell Craig ~ I undt-r the diN-etlon of Swim In-$30 M·ln f 1947 LftiiO' _ ... ~...... I d ed Plana are complett' for • flrw ltl'\lctor Arlher Steck. I 100 or -··· ··~ ~· n ors as ~tk: traln)nr program In the The I('COnd two weeki of July • -~ thla IUJnln<'r, u announ<'flS by will bt' elven oveT to a Laauna l.P"'<t ~EA<'H. M~ S.-Bc'<r-i"W'~ CJoocker, chairman of watrr Ptllt;'':~-ht'rl:' and the local CoftlrNa hu approprial~$308.· dl.atrlct lndudrd In aflpr'OP'iaUon ntud l.urlr. "'ana~em.a dl~tor of H rbo M Mfety for the fWd Cr~ chaplt>r d &UH wlll be rt'IWYM'd July 29 845.250 for thto C'h'll Workl pro-with amount allqc-atC'd to Hdt, tho· J> .. dr•r <'Niat Sportamt"n'a a r aster .. weu .. fO{ tilt-NeWport llar·l for two weeki of Balboa l.aland vam or the Army Enginef'rl for ·~= Holbrook. ArlJ., $243.000; San Shol\\ ~lllf\H\IIll .. ·d. thla Wt'f'k that bor branch. and 1M two wet>ka endlna AUCWit tht' fl.cal yur ot 1947. This Gabrlt'l River. 16!10.000: San Juan ln;·r,·,.•m.: ''nthualaam wu hi-Ina ALLMARK 1be flrat d~ In swimmin1 24' 111 Ba.lboa. amount lJ contaiMd In the ~port , Rewrvoir, 160,000; San Antonio '"""'" m th1• I'XJ1Uilllion alattd fOf'l --. for beclnnera. intennt'd.Jate and Chi r Crock h-t of the conlerftt on the War De-/ Rt'k'rvoir, 180.000: Carbon Canyon Jul~· :\ I!• 1 111 lht• Munii'IPII~ Audl· C'onflrm~<llun ,,t Ill!' l'~~'rmaO<•nt 1 . e er announces t a j)llflmt'nt Civil Functions A~ Dam and 0\annel, m .ooo; Camp-tOrl\1111 In l..t'lllj! RraC'h appnlntmc•nl 1)( fhltUit•ll ('Tal& •• I npphcanla for clua Instruction prlatlon Bill. adopted by the H~ ton Crt't.•k, $35.000: Pacol.ma Wuh, · lnqulrJ,.,. ('Mntlnuc• to pour In harbolf' """'''r ,,r :-.;,.v.l'.,rt ll~trbor will ~ alx yean old or older and Th\11"11CUy, A~ 18, and by the I ~1.000: Rio Hondo Ch.IUU'M'l, MO.· 1!'1'•·•.1' n ... v nrul "" t•arly .. ..-11 out by thc· hc\Ard ol( •upo·r"l"'1ra waa CARDS For ~other's Day May 12th I hal If there l.l't' enouch adults, Senatt' on April 19. 1946. ooo· Rubio Canyon and Eaton ol' ~I'IIC"t· ,, lndkntl'd with many ' ron•ld,,r,od t'<•rt~oln I hill w,~k fnl-separate adult clullt'l may be w 'h .. ...,. 000. v 1 ... ~ ,. I'( .. 1 1 1 l lo··".. 1 , fonnl'd. Claasea will be given In Of thf' amount appropriated. ~ • -... . f'n ura "'""'"' ' 8 • urnue "n" na1 ona orcan u · ..... 11 11 11Wt•t n..: ••• I'll) cvunell· thf' W!Of'ning and altf'moon. $110.125.~ J. allocated to the lA'It't'S, ~.000: Loe A~IH tlnn' hc•mr;: rrl>r..-l'nt-•41."' a<'<'Of'd·. nwn 11nd h10r1Jor •~lmml .. ltlllf'nt Rl\'en and Harhon Olvtalon for Rlw-r. $3,000,000. and Al~mo RH· In~: '" t.urh• who annuunrt'l.l o•t~tk•nc•nwrH ot Rf'peatlnK the atatement made ni'W work and malnttflan~. and t'rvoir. S90.~. 11w lnh•rlor (loor aperr u well t"'rala fur ttw Vlllll. during the war by Navy Train· a vand total of Sl!M 315..000 Ia a.a 1h•· Marini' park aurroundlnc CraiQ. v.·h« Will " .'t'lt)• Jlul;c'' In& A.cquallc Ortlct'ra, that 50 P"' allocated to tht' Flood C-ontrol Dl·l Se . Man Aab th·· hmlcllnl( will jlj' utilized to offlr;rr prior to ""'Ullin~ ,lolh .. ~nt of the men loet In the Pa· vision. In addition thf're J. ·~ .-viCe . holtt 1111 lilt• t':othihlton f'XpP<"ted to utlJtant harbnrnuuto'r. hc'C'alnfl II P. A. PALMER. UOO 19t.2 PIIOPI11Q'1D ----·---- 1 W. 0 IMJCK -ll\tl\4rAnc:e Cotmaclor A..' J.SOO • &....d~ 3Jll VIA UDQ cA""'l.f""~ Vuee::~ Lampe :: CoetuL lewelry CJhc alon~ could have bef'n saved prlated through the RIVf'nl and $2500 or Boat . diSJliiH• ,,ll'lrtln~t atoodt matt'rtall Af"llnlt tulrhorm~a•to•r v.•hl'n ,.,mmu had they ~n oompetent fUilC-Har~ Division. $2,900.000 for l A d Dam•.,._ dunn-: lhf' rtv•'·dlly IC'Uion. In·! t-:. llol~·hC'y w~nl lntn ('nut t:uani .. -------------------------.. llonal or aurvlval awlmmen, Chief lhe Government's share In lhf' al· n .._.,..., dUdtod In lhl' dlaplay of ltooda '"'rYII't.• In AJWil. l!W:.! . Newport Souvenir, an~ Gift Shop tun 0ceu Froet We Wrap Gitts I CrookE-r Urt;t'l full participation In I tt'r8 tlon of brldat'l oVE-r navtcabl~~ . Will lw-~·fto'hll. alrplant'l, auto Oourh,•y all'\•11cl)' h,.. llnnoun<'t'd thlJ' program. bellevtnc that in waters of the United Sta!t'l and Who own~ or "'ho Ia cofnc to. tnllt•l"'ll. ''" m pIn 10: fQIIIpment. hi• form111 rl'llllllltlhm ll.· had (lf'acx> as well al war everyone ano!ht>r Sl ~ 000 for the Fort I operatto thf' tlahlng boat &-lptlrls IIJl(\1\rt'l. radiOII. camt'nl, Uk•'l.l lor II lo•ll\ ,. ul HIM•·•w•• t.-. sJ~uld know how lo awlm (« hit tPffk, Montana'. power plane I baloocl!a? That It 1M quet~llon athlo•toc· "I"IJX"f'nl and a lonl list yond ttw 90 dll)'ll ~<llullo"d to him saf<'ly na wrl~ as pluaure. CrockeT . "Ch 1l Worka" 11 no m1lnomer uked of aupPrlor court In a ault of oth•·f mf'rchandl~~e In tt11, ht>ftt· upom h" r4'1~·118,. frmu <'•>ft•t c;ul\rd &tatoo thnt stnl't' R.ed Crou aqua· . lh f h Jec 8 lk filtd by " local flthl!'t'man l•t tng n11tt ~~~~~rtln~t IOO!ia fif'ltlJ •••n·l<.'\• In J 11nuary. hut th<' 1~8_.., tic programs have l.lt't•n unckor '"f he caat'k 0 1 ~ /:"0 1 1~· u Wl'f'k. · F,,rh ""hihlt w111 tx-dllttnet lvr "''at ck-nh-d "·ay, drowning• here have de-0 1 e,. wor,1• Jf'ld Pt'C1 8 1 >'1 ,n 1 eicont • Edwin ~11rl1'11 sued Earl Hunt, and llkllkrn 10 dMI~n e.nd nhlhlt· Ct11111 n''" draw" S.VIO " mcw\in I • .-. nd 11 l struc ton e , 1 I' o pr va e 1 1 1 h Jf __ _. 1. • • • CT1'8JM:U a emergency ca • contrnctors throuath opt.>n bids. cam ng I tit urat -..~" to op-on .rm• h.-lnl( 1tlwn 11 (l'(>t• hand lfla •ttlnry 111 '"'. ld IJttrtly hy .lllf' 1---~ ... -llllllllllll ... ~-.... ~·'•~•a•t•ly-red-•u•ced-·-------r Each proJc'<'~ thus acoompltahf'l t'rate the cr~ft durtnr the tltne to cltSJ•IIIy llwtr !Jf'Od\1!'11 tu tht• dt) llnd partly by Jhf' •VIIntyi 1~0 objectiv~. 11 IM>nt'flts the-St'arln wu Ill lt'f'Vi<'f' from ()(-. bfocl t-te\<IJ.Ihh• ttdwlntllKI'. LlorKl' 1 Thla will II\• t~dJu•l•~l upw11rt1 ttl ! ENJOY WEARING YOUR PLATES W·H·ILE PAYING Take ad\'llolllaee of Dr. <.:ow· t'a'• U benl Credit 1"'-for·all braocltee of dMU.try. Arnap Co laawe aM yoar _,.,. work ~plt'IA!cl BIGHT NOW ... pay later la llfD&II weeld7 or -athly _.._ N 0 T OSI!: PI!:NNt' ADDmONAL ('08T. Make Your Own Terms • • . \\1tlilba ·-••• community In which It 11 local~ 11\bt'r, 19t3. and then rf'turn It to lh••mo· •PIIft'll w111 (>('('\ti'Y much o'\f , ut July 1. wht•n th .. ''"'"''Y'• flt'O'" I and ·rumlaht>a Jobs tor ft numbl'r of. him upon his l't'lt'aiU' from mill· thr· ""'" fond Will lnC'Iudt> tiHt'rt Pl*od ,.,.,. .. lllf)' ordlnaru'\' ~ lhe Inhabitant&. I tn.y duty. and mr•untllln '' tllnJO:I' 11nd varloual 1'4•nl•'• l'fft>ctlvt•. 11 wu k'an\rd. ' . • Now Chill he Ia. a clvtlittn again. apof'lh>.: •N·nr• mmpll'trly lAid ~ --I Army EngmNV Cl~il Worka 1 SC'Rrl<'i clnimcd that Hunt not out tu ~··1111' • pro.JI'cls undPrgO what II probably only rt'fUJI'd to rt>lt'lltl4' thfo boat. I ..,. __ , v• .... tracal tlw m011t daborale Cht'<'king SY1·1 but rrfUIC.'d to mftkl' lln al't'mlnt-'~· -&1~ IE'm In the Unlt!'d Statt'l Govcrn· Ins;: of Its profi ts lfr ask!'d 12500 Expensive Product Firm Is Ready 1 mcnt. Lo<"a led In all parts of the or lh{' boat And S1~ damagn u nHed s tat..s. I'll~ proj<'C't 1s I plus " •huf:' In thr protitt. ac· Cheap Outmoded To Supply Trade auggl'l!tl'd to tht' ('on~trl'llll hy thl'/ counting of which hr aaked the ' ' I rt>sldents ·0, tht' C'ornmunit)·. Tht' rourr to order. Says School Kt.ds Army En~rlneera 'are thl'n !Uiked to • Ita l"t'putntlnn ~tnd hu~ ln1: J'<•Wo'r makP a rt>port to Cnngrl'!is. Jt un· -· IH·Int: ao hlt;hly ratl'd t hrnu~lu.Mtl I favorablf', th<' project is droppt-d. New Cafe Is Opened !'•·n11l1• "''"'"'' kilt-. ,,,.,.k,.rt out ""' Jtatr. ttw Eta-llokln .t O~tlv'an aftt>r tht' propon<·nts llav~ had a I C d J M · In ttuy nlnf'll<•• t'olllfllnu·. 1~rndN1 llrm. <>n•• "' thr ,,.,,., •• , ,.,,.. •• , Chllnce to prt'S{'n! lh<'ir CRIIt' lo I he n Orona e ar thruu~:h tiO\\ 1\lm,•n •tro'4'1ll, WIIV· trlt'tol C'Cimpl\nh'll in ( '11llr11rnl11, Will I Board of En~ein('(>ra for Rtvrrs 11nd lng Jl<~l••r• whll'h •11lrl th111 thf'lr hnw n11 rllfflt'llll)' t:t•ll ln~: rnllll'r- Harbora. at Washln~rton. Tilt' Tr1plt' M caf(', 504 C'oaat achnol.1 "''''" "' nutm1>df'Ci ,.. rtw 11•1• l~>r l>ulldln!;! flllrtlf,..•a Wht'rt' 8 favorabll' I'C'porl is rl'· hh.:hwa). wn~ opc•nt•d Friday morn-clothf'8 tlwy .. ·11r1•• At Hll'lr '""""" Thnt ,..,., tho' Information lm· I turnt'd by the Army Engin('('rll lng for 11\llln<'lt hy ttw ownt'n. t'r~· prwu,.lin..:. lhr•> wpnt homo• (141rlt•d to r•'lll"l .. ••n!t~tlvr• llf the l tht'Y Rrt' !Uikf!'d to prf'S4'nt thrl; Mr and Mrs M. Pownall. Tht' end lo(lt)l,.r,.ol ttwrr Jlur••nta ilkl'· romJ)IIny In 11 Nmfo•ro•nl'r In IM findings bl'fore 8 ('{)ngrt"Ssion.tll I caft' hu a rl'd; whitt' and blue> \1.11•' l.nat "''''" hnrnuo·d flllhe•n moln 11Hiro• 111 S11n ~·,,., ... 1,....,, 111•1 rommitt~'t' which dl'Cid<'l wht'lh<'r color !!Chl'me ~l lh lht' walla In anti nmlht'r• ,.,10-.1 I'IO,onn 10 Jo'rHI11y, llt~'<lrcllnw tu No·l .. • "l >ot·M I thr proj<'<'l should IX' rC'COmmend-' pu;otl'l blut'. 15,().1111 11 $HI rnllllon hnnd IHI.IC' St1oflo1r•l 11nd t:•'T'11hl "'To•)(" l.Jb. f!'d for IIUihorlzution. Congl"t'SS . Mr an~ Mrs Po .. •nall pN'V· to huild fli'\Oo ~C'hOo•l• llnrl modl·rn· t•rfy. 1'>\-IIWnt•fll ur t.hf' Nt•W'fi!Jrt thrm \'Otl'll on this rl'«lmmendA· toualy wrrf' '" huslnt:'Ss In tht' San luo nlcl 111w• · ll>rllnt'h ol lh<• ro~. "hu rc.1 lion If authoriz('d. 11 lht•n tl('com<'l f'l'rnii,Tidu \'allc'y. Thdr spe-cial· \\ ... 11,. ~.,,,,. )llun~;~tt.·r• lurn;••l !'und11y f ' 111 mo.,•lln~,; 1 a pari of thl' C'iVII Works pi'Ojtrllm. ti<'S are rlul'kl'n frh'<l strak. l(lnll th,.lr ll·:wlwrlll llN'OOlJIIi.sh· Rrl'rf'!lo•nlnth·r• of lht• C"tlfn· I This proJ:Tam is lluhmlltt'od 10 thl' Fro·nch frll'd shnmp and double' Mf,, man) 11n11rh••r nry·1 o•l1untlono JHon)• "''reo nl,;u told II ul th•• \'llr·l I Rurf'rHJ of th<' Budgl'l and through 1 hn.~lhur~i"ril. wnn1NJ \\'coulrl llll<llll)'t'r" o·l81'-11111~ ltrnnt·hr' v.•l'ro• "" N>urdln11trd thf' ~ldl'nl or I hi' Unlt••d Stales. I~'' cto·vt·r n11mr ror tht'lr cah• wh,.r•· '""" 11 hint! 1 lh10t It wnul•t tx-1.,..,.1hlo• 111 KO'I 10 C'nn~;ri'S.S Apvroprtlltlons com-unJ,:mlltrd fro~ the·. 1nlllnla of Nt•\Oo V11rk f"IIV ~l'ht>4ol• 1<'1111 mnto•rlnla, uno• (rom tlu• t•lh•·• In mitll't'.S of ('liCit hOUS(' thl'n drrld(• ttwlr'l nnd lhl'tr ~on 11 nnmf'l. A 111!1 lo•t~<'lu•f'1l In 1!14!">. wo•r•• lo~t~ln~t 1'4111•· t•f f'ml'rll••m·tr• ul 11ny tlnw on thco amount of money to Ill' nl· ph•~tsln~; lldtllll•>n tu th••tr plr;N" I• m"rr· a noJ ""'r" t ;r .. who WC"r<' locall'd to tht' pt'OJC?(:t and aflt•r th<• bconultful fh>Wt'r ~tardt>n plAnt· nn<'•· lo•rof'ho·r~ Wf'f(' not IIOin~: R 0 u· ·l II ronferen('(' rommlttf'f' Irons out I'd hy lht• lnndlor!h. Mr and Mn. bark. lh•·rr Wl•rt• lw•llf·r-paylnjl ogers r.ns IS any diffcrenct's lx'twtot•n lh(' two Allison 1 .lt>h!o •'l•l'wh!'rr Se t • D • w\njtl Of ('on~. lht' 8ppropr1a• Jn fhr roJI('IOtf'll, !hln~ Wo'r\'1 na orta nve tion is tht'n mllde. Only aftPr the Mr. 11nd Mrs. II. L. Bogle end I ju~r '"' hncl f"rlfl('l'tnn rni!W'd fac· __ monl'Y hu bl't'n approprlaltod d~ family of fu•d.,ndo lk•ach' wl'rl' Ul!) li81Rri<'l 1 '" " S2!100 mini· Will ~WRen Jr . Jl;>mocratlr <'An· th(' Army Englnf'f'rs take ov<'r the Sunday ~:ursls 111 th(' homl' of Mlu1murn for inatrurtursl. j)llall('d lht' dldatl' for tht• tl s . St•n•torllll joh of ronstructlon. I El-tl' 1\'l•wlnnd, "•'I'll C't•ntral hlghf•r 00111 or llvln~ on tn IIIU·j nominAtion, nr.,.n•od 1111 inlf•nalvl' Proj('et within the l..o« Angl'll's avcnUt' d••nts. whOtW t111tlnn waa hoo•tl'd <'llmflotlln In ,s11,111wrn < •1111fOI'nlll, 1 frnm S4~ to $!litO. Colnlr 11nd todAy If•• will nddr .... thl' Ark11n • J Vlllanr hAd alrt•ady done thco Ju Stnt .. J'lt-nlf' In l111nnlna P11rk, For MARINE HARDWARE & PAINTS VARNISHES ·HOUSE & -----· Wilmlngt .. n. 111 1 30 p m Sun~. Warnro Dr Con•tann> M M1·· Cullrnll(h o( W..-tc·rn RA-.. •n•t•: I CLOTHES THIEJt' "Thl' II'IIC'I\4'1' Ahnrtlll:l' I• n(ll lht> , - mnlltdy; It It a symptom thc> Anwrk11n Jlt'OPlt' Ill'(' 1 r)'llll: to huy F: Lul'ftl of :.!04 Adllma al ,.,..,, 11n exptonalvl' product ch«'llJl .. Nt•wport. tulcl Jlullr•• Wf'dno••dMy, Thr NAtional Edu<'alion ,. ... ,....,.., ... h4t Awo6w ••arly tu find .1011w •'lfM! 1 lion f'Stlmaled that If woe11d c-n!l! Ot-.•ln~: v.tth clnlhMI which w.,,.. lhr U. s. $420 million " y1•11r to l t~k••n lr1.m hi• cilllhl'I·IIM rr;IIC' all tt>aCh<'n' ulnrh--s 111 wh111 II r('larda u a df'llrahlr minimum: S:.!OOO. Jn Mankato. Minn., th4t hoard of rod UCtl tion ._ off f'1"''d rvrry nf'W srhoolmann a pair of nylON Gust Trucking 1110 Newport ...._ 008TA MJiaA PllcJM Np&. Bela. t15 ....... ._.. Combining the sparkle of CHROME-LIKE BRIL-BuILD E R·S I HARDWARE Pianista Will Pay Tribute to Mother At Melrose Chapel Anltn C' .. ullJy. "Quecm ot the COWl' Olrll" and a quaJ1W jud~c> of I(UOO portraltur. la ~llahted w\th hPr photo. J:ntph hy llc>mard ot Hollywood. You wUI tJ. equal~)' plen..ed wlth your ~IWlnallty J>ortrall • o.r ....... till! ..,._ laa A..-..... ...., .... ...., ........ ,, J'rlda1 ud SudaJ. Hoa,. II to 1 .. a ,...,....,_ ll!r Aee n 2 •• o.~,. ...._ ._..... ..... .., LIANCE with the rugged durablllty of heat-treated eolld ....... .. aDoy, thls new line has sales appeal unique in lawn and garden furniture. F1owing, graceful frame&- O")'Btal-clear finish of the metal ltaelf, chemically treated to resist rust, COIT08ion and weather-plus the eye-ap- pealing colors or the cushions, In green, blue. yellow and rust. ' It's the Twf'nty )'OI.InK p\11nl1t1 will honor Mother's day In • prorram Sunday afternoon. M11y 12 10 hr pre.nt.ed undi'T the tflri'Ctlon ot Ml• Arline Rlrchud In lh4t Me-l· rf'IH Abbey chapt>l 11t 3 o'ciOC'k. f"11vort~ Mli'Ctlonl frnm lht> mod· em and dualc rnmpuao'r• will 'be (rlltU.nod In ApprN"hl!lon of thfo mualeal herllaKt' of Mothers 11nd 1 heir lov• t)f fiN' mtall' NOW OPEN • • • DeiUD Director's FOLDING CHAIR $1375· Deluu CHA I SE W VNOE $4995 AMhtaat'• Chalt $995 AnD Chair $2995 Pads Incl. 100 ~·; (Maple Cottoa Bl~. GrH'n Yrllow, Tnn Cotta • IABOE 8ELF£'1'10N OF OTHER PA'nO ITDIS • SANTA ANA FJJRNITURE CO. n-a...,._ ---·· ... """'" 23r ft A Ph. Central 2600 It's . Always •J. . t ... COFFEE T'IME At11te • • • • FRESH FISH Dally I Dlred from ~. Fisherman ~st:;";.ers 10 a. a to IS p. m. '-Oa tile BeHh l'eot ol Newport Pier ""IUT£tiRFFLE IIV 8HOP Boat OWIIen •• a tan vas . . . . . . . Servinlr COFFEE A DONUTS • WA.FP'ID STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (wtth whipped cream I • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine AYenue ............. 0... •• 2 r 0... II e'Oiol* -a... -W t , 0 By the Yard W1de Wkiu.-All Lf!nlthl Saata.Ana Tent & A wninr Co. 1 .. So: ... 8t. ......, SANTA ANA and ready to &en'e .11111 . Balboa lm.rs Newest Edlll Place SE RVING llRJ:AKP A!fT'8 SANDWlCifD you • • • rouNTAlN RPPX':'IAL TIF.S Drop in at the .. -• Island Snack Bar ............ ' _, ii1L-.~----~~------~~~------~------~--------------------_JH!!p!!~~!!~!8~4!'!A0~AL!H!e~W~·~~!!!!L!•!!!f!1!2!!~~c»•t•a~ ~~1 1, ~~------~------------~----------------------------------- ~~0!~ l ~e: ~.;~:;. 1Honor Lido ~tu.iu:. ~.:rs.:. Over S2-Million Worth · ~~:.=~~.~ : .:=. oiN~~~:-':~:. 2 :!, ~rsnE~~;r ~~ ,:nos~ M~sb~~t~~~~~~·~:n~;: Nat·tve Sons F::~:.~::~ ~:v:de by Bu.tld.tng Plans -f.tled ~~:: NoTICKS --.;;;;;;;;;:;;.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;=-=:::=::;-~ 1!-a, 57, 323 Avocado atrMt, O.ta home of thf' chairman, Mrs. Calle 11 1111,a Coves· Inc Newport · o111 ~-. ~th the IW¥. Harry Ow-l VIele. to cllscullll the drive for ~ h f w ' De ., t.ment lnp otndaUftll. 'Jlw dlrcr.-ed ,.. .. fundll whirh hu rulhm $2000 thor t ICuottnu.-!1 from Pqe One I •ac · d or,..~ a; par to .. ~:;; More than 12.000.000 worth 1~;:;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii CEilTIJI'IOATE OF a U8DI'I:a8 Expert Radio Service born In Kt"nt~ ·and had been nr Ita tiUOta of ~31 With 10 --mrtt 1" f ret-beel our coves! ..... low,. new commerd aJ and new honW FlcUUous Flrtn Name · d A 11 12 ............... 11 stx f'(' ow mean ower tr 1 k a l"8kkntt ol Colta lltlesa for 10 many reside nt• nut having ooen en on pr wu a..,....n~ i deal ted OW rona uct on wor . wu conawn--- yean. 1rontac:ted by workert. they are pr'*ecutor by the War Depart-~~~.~r·C'~v:'~; .. ~e .. ;':. an: mated throuih the otfloe or Ott,er THE UNDERSIGNED doer She la aurvtved by her widower ur.:••d to mall their contributions ment to try Premier Tojo and C' • "D .. the th 1 • ho Bulldlne lnlpectar' A. M. Nellon In tt hereby otrtlfy that he il coaduct.. I WIIUam Donk:a; one ron. Cllt: to Mn . Gunning Butler , P. 0 . Box other maJor Jap war crlmlnalJI covt• ' on nor « Y 1 re the Newport Beach dty hall d ur-£ lng a retail boat and rMriDe .qu.Jp. ford Donica ol Cort.a Jltlesa• ~ :t+t C011ta Men and the drive nnd IC)(t Immediately for Tokyo. 1 urr N~he exilt ~~~ w~~~?' ~ ine t~ put four mo11tha. ment r.ales bulineu at fJJT !!. c.-' • • • 0 •pwpor CH&y r.,n.....-u•l a,. ... --' -•-t-Mra Carr» Hoolt« ol wu extf'nded to J une 1 It wu Mn. Williams T7th 1 .,,..000 ' bl ........ ol Nelaon dllcloeed that $519,08:5 tral Aven~. City ol Newpcrt ........... 5816 Palmer Radio 1 ...... • • • mnt It' y .,.,, c:u c y .. UII rna-......., I Malden, Mo., one brotlwr, Charlie Of the two work rOOfT\I at birthday annivertary and her 1 • 1 1 10 ~ hydraulkally depoelted wortb wu done ln January; --.-117 BUO•·II I(QJ AN Beach. County ot Oranp, State Pmiran ol QuWn. MD., and ont 181 6'~ Newport boulevard one hu husband and memben of her fam· •r ~h an tront between 4bt 924 ,.. .. done ln February; $906,-,.., e of California. under the ftctltioul &Tanddauahter bHn retained and will be used for lly had a «f't'at deal ot difficulty lln d 4~ ~ tr t-1 the d t t m wu done ln March and $300,-With the trouble motorist• have firm name of PLAS'nC WATER-- I · 1toraae apaot The committee will I pcrtuadlnr her to Ita)' at home. an 1 ~ ~ ' n Y 0 718 worth of bulldine ,.. .. done In tlnd1n1 parklnl 1pace these days. CRAFT CO. and that raid ftrm tNI N....,.n. ..... 'The p-eat.est 6tance ~t to conlln~ to ~t'f't at Mrt Vlele'a for she had planned to vtalt Nl~K>r~ a~· in loca~ and April. TheM ftcures .added ~ D. W. Kin1 comes up wltb a park-1a corppoeed of the foUowlnc per- OCMn'A IIDA wet, In the Ualted Statea, il home. Prewnt at the rwuion were rrlendl In Puadena on Fricl&y. , 1 ~7~~e 1 ~ work 11 on aetber brina a total ot 12.025,804 lne lot within 15 feet of the dock rona, whoae na~ and addr 111 ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~3~,l~OO~m~'-~-------Mrr. U oyd Gabt-WI, Mn. Butler. That e-vmlnl her daudtter, Mn. r,l~n 8~ the J: Anceles ~ for the prevk)ua four-month at KlnCr Land.lnc. Of OOW'IIe, 11 are u follows, to ....tt: ...; -Mr. and Mrt. H. B. McMurtry, Walter Goode and huabancl. MaJor , ollice lnterested .,.. in-period. you ret there a little late. you RICHARD w. O'nllrfER. m ---------------------------------------, Mr. and Mrt. John Webtater. Mn. Goode. arrlv~ fl'9m SaAta Ber-,1 ed ·t 1 pect ~wti\C and · · .._. Ia llq mteht have to perk 20 or 30 feet Alvarado Pl~. Bal~ ~ Medler's Day -Ma,.u -- • VIew and Hueh Davtt .aecretary. bara ana Saturday e-vmtnc there ~ 1 0 na 1 Durtnc the ftnt rour dQs ln away from the dock. In that cue D1a. 1 • · wu a birthday party cornp&etr "lo submit In wriun:a. In tr pUcate, May hla department IMued per-.YOU will have that much further WITNESS mY hand thls 15tb ckJ -------wtth ca1ce and CaDdlel and the on or before 11 a.m .• Friday, ~b)-mlta caJUna for 1tha conatructlon to CUT)( your flah when you r et o1 April liM& Water Teets Deferred honorff wu preeentect ~th • bt'd 10• .1~· 'fyt ob= ~ on of new dwelllnp. tt.e total val~ orf the boat. aiouim w CYI1IMER. --• of c:ameUUI planta and a new ctreu. ~IIVIfC& ton~ ere:....k. Ob~ of which will be $54,!kl0. _.Jn.-Incidentally, D. W. N ys the STATE OF CAJ...IFciRNIA ) Pftiodlcal etwmlc&J t.Hll of the Other 1\Jfttl praent lncluded a a~ 0 th than avt atJon eluded were lloenlft for the erec-Valenda m baa been brinainl ln COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • wella In the city of N-port daurhter.tn-U.w, Mra. ~ Wll-j ~:.t'Fftl~n :..,:. ile ~ tJon ol two homee, one vAlued at ~ catcbta ol bart'a.cuda from OD tb.la 15th de.)' ol Aprtl A.D .. rpotable--wam-.upu,ty ays. ltama-of San Gabriel. Mra. G. 1 G 8 Debout hi 1 ot the ene1n 1&'500 and the other valued at around Dana Point. AU lut week l!MI before me Wm. H. Pmo a tern must be defen'ed until the Collar of Lido Iale, alater-ID-law . · di~ c ~ "" $8000. wu rood. Saturday wu aJow, but NoWy Public In and tw Mid Southern C.Ufornta Edtaon eom-ol General WllUaml, her d&Q&h-t't'rlng ; Mra. E. M. RJchardl of Pua-Suncky came back lood qaln. Count and State l"ttlldlnc therelD pe.ny can obt&Jn a new traN-trr Marian. and (athft. .. Jame~1 =:--~ dena flied plana ror the eftC!'tlOtt You can keep 10UI'.,.. opee for d\11 Yeouu ~ and .-an, fCJrTner ror !me In makJnc the Reed, Loa Angelea; Set. WUU&m l NO' ONE HURT of a t,..o-etoey. Ove-f'QQfn, one-. the Sport K1nc the DeW lift bait ~)' 1 appeared RICHAJU> anal~. Water Supt. John R. Me-Yoet. Lacuna BHdl: Mn. Wll· family dwelllna wtth a one-car-boet that will~ opft'&tinc W ~ Dow~~ 110 Die to a. MlUan lAid to4ay. llam~' daurhtft'. Mn. FJorenoe No Injuries reaulted Suncky attached prqe at 215 Topu from the landiftlzwxf" to the Udo. ~ whoM namt 61 ~ Andenon, and hft' erandchlldnn., from a car collJIJion betweal ve-avenue. Balboa Uland. to coet Iale brid.ee between ~b)-20 and ICribed to the wtthln ~t. Patrida and Eddie Andenon. hider driven by D. C Frlabee ot $8500. June l . 'llw Sport K1nc la to be and ~ to me ~t lie ~ 'I'Aa'I'INO Alter the pert)', M.r. and Mn , Udo ble and R.Q H MuWrw of w. L. Tubbl of P. 0 . Box m . Uw rnoet powerful 65-foot llw bait euc:uted the lUIIe. IIIDJ.INO JLUmUIMJ._ Wllllunr returned with Mn R ymond · Wuh t . 8II Cout CaroD&.Ael Mar, flied plant for boat on the cout. IN WJTNESS WHJ.:IliX)J' I 8ftA.U (rl •• .. ..... Goode. to Santa Barbara, where ' ht hw · lice ;.J. the bulldlne of a one-and-a-half-WhlJe barracuda remaln the ~ve twnunto. 'tet Ill)' haaCI ~ ~~~~~o8~1fa:f::: they ....W 1pend a f~ days. • K . ay, po atory frame and •!ucco ctwel~l mo.t popui-.o n.h bftna caueht atftud by olftdal .-1 tM - . ....tth attached prq~ at W on the live bait boata, calico bua, and ln thla certU'Iaa• tlnl S H APPI..&E p' s ' Harper GetB Girl' a Bike Foun~ ~~~e: Corona ~~ ~ar. to an ooeuJonal ....t\ite ~ea baa, hall-aboY:~-ttn .. ltll OOMT WOBWAr NEWPOaT -rile ao-of OecNI ...... Library P01t R. E. Clark of •17 19th atnet, Ia ..... 8rac'kel menu. The various live bait boata Notary Public In ud Far Real~nlng Monday u a member C'OIIta Mesa. reported to Newport E. C. Prairie of Huntington Park trom N~t Harboc are raactnc SaJd County and ltace. of the dty UbNiry board, Mayor· Beach pollee Suncky that IOI'neOne flied plana for .the construction from the flats off Huntincton to (!(y Comrni8lloD E:xptrw o. B. Reed reconunended the ap-' left a etrl'a blade bkyde ln lu. of a two-story trame and 1tucco below Da.na Point in their ~t April 20, lSNe.) I dwelling with gara~ee helow It at for fllh. 1 23 .,. u.-T 1 .......... po~ntment ~f Wa~ K. Harper to yard during the night. 'nle vehicle 116 Marine avenue. 881110& bland, Barge fllhermen rot th e Ir Pub.-Aprl • <IV, -• .., .._ ~~ vacancy. The oty c:oundl con-I wu tUJ"'1ed OWT to ttl~!' poUor de-the •arne to COlt $S!500. • I chance to start fishlnc at their •-----------. _ _ _ _ __ ~ l.lllrtment. s Fa.ter of 1000 Coast high-favorite 1port May 1 when the way, Newport Beach, aubmitted ~&e wu towed out of the bay . Espert Bepalrtllc pla.N for the building of a one-and anchored off the Newpor t T lte stor y frame and stucco home nt pier. Mac:ker~l and halibut l('('m ypewr n 707 lril avenue. Corona del Milt. tv he I he main fish caught In the 1 Off• E . t at a coat of $5000. wnters around the barge th(.>te ICe qu1pmen J. B. Slemona of 113 Pearl days, but sehoolll of t~arracuda can ' ltr('('t, Balbo~t bland. filed plant be l'Xpt'Cted about any tim e. So, Cleealar -OUI8tr VIOlATION OF TRAFFIC lAWS PA YS OFF · -. • IN. TRAFFIC COURTS • You'nt ""two feet,..from death •• -., atcb wben )"'U 1ee areen (lllbt) .• You1l !--a-rtY' late-Don't~ a jay walker. -Jack Undlley. This "Drive With "The Archett" .,._ • UttJe Bit Better-· CodctaJl Lounre and cate ~ o..rt ........_, at N-.m ...._ V aDely Boat RentabJ Motnr and Sail Doell .,.._. ..... Be.T........_n ----at N,__""'-e 11 HI-Way Garage Oftlda1 Souttwm C'allfomla Auto. Club Garap n• N...,... lthod.--ft. en Rleed'a Super Service ..... 00. Gu. Lubrteatton and~­ ... WeatO..tnl Port of Seven Seu Boat Landin• .... , , ..,.. w_,._.,n "--' ....._, Balboa Circle Taxi ~ .._, 0., er Nlltl ......... Np&. De Why take chances with your own life as well as the lives of others in your mad rush to reac h your destination---with nothing to do when you get there? Have some regard for the other fellow, even if you don't care about your own car and life. Drive carefully -have your car under control at all times. ~ brakea may 18Ve you (rom a serious accident Traffic Death ·Toll Moants A.Jnterica's traffic fatality rate II ahnoR baclt to It~ p~war ......, -·:. to tiN~ Nattoaal Safety Olund~ Dunne the fin~t three montha of thl11 yNr. R120 ptftiCIN '""' ltJlled In IUiomo-blW ecddlmts. Thla compares wtth IIZ50 dee tha ror the aarne .,.rtod In lMl. On the buts ot prewnt n•- W'fll the ooand.1 ettJmat~ 38.-000 .,....,_ W'CJUid & In IUto- IJ'IObiWIICddfnb thl• yNIJ'. 'Ille aD--tto. ~ddt ol :..919 wu re- earded In 1 ... 1. atJa wttlln~»e ~owat num: be ol t,..,.....tha by ~­ tnitJan rat. <number ol t.ralftc: dNU. .-r 10.000 ~tered ve--..._) In the t.tu"M-month per- Iod lnduded SantA MonJca. wNc:tt hlld no fatallt~. ... Keep Your Car • m Good Condition Have Your Tested Brakes Regularly Drive With Care 'l'llle ..,.. .... u to follow -- 0~ ear ..... _,..._... for _. tt IIIIJee el ...... Al II 11111ee -....,.,fer e......., tile rate *fol· ............................ Mr ..... • Safety" Message Sponsored Market Spot ' by the Following: later'• Reeapping ComDieW Tire 8ervSc» N~-U~~M.~~ ltiO W. OlolllirV-Newpert Anton H.nhe)' ... ....._A.-..-...._ ... _. Lido Richfield Station Wuh -Polish -LubricatJon .... w. O..tral -Erwta ,..... Newport Tackle Store 1te Me....._ ,...._Jifewpert Ccxnrnndal and Sport Gev Good Stock ol ~War UN Kena lib-. ll···p- Balboa Fun Zone ...... Author\zed Shell Dealer "' ...... _....,_ ...... "LubricAtion" -Wanhlnr -Pollahinc 'l'lra.lle-~ Oar .,.....ty Bale. ue1 Don w~ Htt-W Boyd'& Service Station Virg'a Garage anti Texaco Station MMW-Oioltnl AMOCiated Service Station Lyle R Pope and Henry A. Schroeder . !ttb • O..tra&--.Newporl Newport-Balboa.Auto Supply Automodw SuppU. -Open 8 a.m. to I p.aa. • Let Ua Help You With lrour Parta Problem Glt'n W. Oallle • ltlanapr - JIM W. O.tnl Aft. -N,&. a.IIL liD CarreU'a Garqe a.neraJ R.eJl&,lrtai -BNbl R.elbwd Motcw. Tu~Up • Whee1l Balancltd 1M 18111 l!lt.-N_. .. .......,. -. ... Culno Cafe & Refrellunent Loanp ......... _ ...... ,.~-...... Newport Auto Workl ca...~ _....._3Ht.r. ta-lervt~. SUnaft a.. It 00 .................. OoMt ...... .......... Auto. Cub Dnerpncy Statlali I ... WMtO.tnl-..._114 Mobllga~ and Moblloll Lubricatinc -WuhJna -PollahJnc Batteries -Auto ~" Kenneth E. WilBon Co. auu-o.tt Ctul~ ltlartne l::n&Jne. .. c... .............. ,......,.,. 1-Stop Service Station ~ Auto Servk-e Lullrtc:adaa -llnJnos Relined lnl ,..,.... ••:LCuta ..._ Lowman Boat Builden Baylide Fiah Market 18111 a IAia~ewport a..c. Sportland Bowling Center HBootn" and Roy Keene ..... l!ltn!M ........ ..... ,... ''For Your HMlth't Sake, Bowl" Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana-Callfomta Foster & Son& Tna.cott crut.err -9'JO Ooa1t Hllfiway ...... al N""J))O"t BMdl G111 Beach Hancock Station n-taee ~and~ a.. -.:.·ll!~~t,~ Bay Shcn Cafe O...t Hlahwu-T. F . rtort.. BI'Mklut s.Mcl S.turdu and !tundat-. <>,en T a. m. to 8 p. ~ MondQ "Ure. Your Drane lbltMd ol Your Hom" .Johnstone Seniee o.-t ..,... • ltl ~ ......... Pbone 167l-J If your tiN II flat 01' ~ battery NDl ClowD MoblJcM and llaiiOoO , Hlnin& Pleuare Craft 1 Dale E. Watt.. ~ tit o...t ••4-ft. 11M MaeCurdy A CaDdna. IDe. HP'&l Al'dllt.et~ -Boat adldln -Boat ~rille su .. Ava.Uablt fW Boata For Sale uu OrMl ... ~... .... 1- for the t'rPCtion of a on~!ltory tX' ready for tht•m any timl' you .......... -Oite~tn•llhc ,Ingle family frame and stucco1 do eo out. house at 709 Ida aveue. Corona 1 ,------------ dt'l Mar, to COlt $5000 Whi H Robert Pottf'r of 700 Heliotrope 1 te o•se ROBERT'S Typewriter Service avenue. Corona del Mar. submit· Cafe ted plans for the erection of a on~atory. single family .frame and 11ucco dwelling With attached ~ ~earage, at 711 lril atreet. to C'OIIt $5000. ·:;;;~~;;;;~db~~ Lincoln M. Dit'trick of 335 li Maple avenue. Oranr e. tloled plans for the construction of a one- atory, four-room dwelling 8l 514 Begonia avt'nue, Coron~ de l Mar. Arcade ANTIQUES IO C'OIIt $4500. I Robt'rt G8nnon. ~tddrt'lll not I given, filed plan• for the erection I I of a onr·story. fi vr-room house 1\1 605 Narcluus avPnue, Coronal del Mar. to cost 54500. .. Frank W Lloyd or Pasadena . auhmltted plans for lhe huildln~: or 8 on,...•tory. thrt'C·room dwelling at 434 Dahlia 8~nue. Corona del Mar. at a rost of $.1000. THIS WEEK · GLASS COFFEil • MAKJ:M Ll DO ELECTRIC CO. ............. _,. Beacoa NOIS -Newport a..c. (Oppoaite Arcade Cafe) 1.....-t ..... y ,,_ wtllc* to ea-. ... a.e n.-..,.. Ulat wiD --rtlaJ' ol ... ~-u-t~ ~118 'WELOOIIE RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS Drew A. 8(-mn.rd of Glendale, 1 wu l11ued a ptormlt to build a nne-ltory, single family dwelling I nut~red foe-)leVI and am 10 wtth attached garaee at 310 Ju-[ a.p.a, 8entae ] UaanktuJ that I can walk and wark mine avenue, Coron8 del Mar. at ~~thou-= ~:;. ~ a coat of $3500. o-.1 0 E1eetrto lntonnatlon. MRS. EMMA IVJ:S. Robert A. Puion of 1409 E. Ba r•DN .l.ppl'rc"' P.O. Box 189, X.0. ~52, Qa.llf. Bay ntreet, East Balboa. wu Pd. AdY.-NUE-OVO Laborat.GIW ~ a permit to erect a one-~~~:::========~~~§~§§~~§~~~ 1tory, frame and atucco garagl' at hll addrea to COlt 11000 . Roy E. Satton of 504 'Tustin avenue. Newport Helghtt, ,..u luued a ptonrtlt to build a bed- room onto hll present house at the ~&me addreu. the COil to be $800. TREASURER CANDIDATE For the offiot of county treu- urer the prnent i.ncumbent, H. A. Gardncr. Is an unoppoeed candi- date. Three and a hall yean ago he ,.. .. · choeen by th~ Orange County Board or Supervilon to complett' the unfilled term ol the late T. E. Ste,·enson. Since that time the penonnel of thr offlot hu remained unchanged, although lhl'rc hu been 8 steady Increase In adminittrative retponllblllty. "I am not unmindful or the co- operation tht' trcuurer'a office hu ~ived," aald Gardner . "and io the voters or Oran~te t.:ouncy I wa.nt to ac-knowledge my enU- tudt' for thclr confidence and ~ port. I shall appreciate and e- cWavor to deHnoe a CIIIDitloluaticm ~ We Have a Complete Line of AND ·SALT WATER TACKLE FRESH • • • Rods Reels Lines • • • Leaders Sink en Hooks . and all water bait. kinds of fresh and salt PIER AND ' BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store 105 llad"addea Place Teleplaoae Harbor 9'7 fw Lat.t l"'lllJaa Iaior• ·~ ot thls heiJI(ul .... t'ei8UOeilldp." .. ----------------~ Wagons, Irish Malls, Out-Door Gym Sets, SlJdes. Wading Pools, Roller · Skates, Wind-Up Toys, Doll Buggies, and hundreds ot other itemJO. • We al8o relllliDd you of oar Funllture De'puimeat . . . . Famous Cribs. Kroll, Whitney, Lulla· bye and Baby-Line, Hi-Chairs, Play Pens, Training Chairs. l:verytblac for Ute Baby a.ad lavelllle -from IIUUI &o·lJ Seedling Plants, Finest Strain *** Sturdy U tue Plaata Beady to Pot Up or Plut Out CAMELLIA TYPE··· IN LOVELY OOLORS 25c each • • • $2.50 per doz. *** e Allo 'l'llAD...INO V ABIE'J'II:8 from taben. Nice, YCMIDI plaatl, reedy for h ..... pot or bMket 15e E&CB ' *** Cardoza Gardens · · Corolla del ..... Oalf. Pholle Harbor 41 CHOICE WHISKIES -AT- UQUERS NEW ROSSI'S LIQUOR STORE 700 COAST HIGHWAY ...,._., OOBDON'8 DRUG S'OORE -NO LDII'I'-, ,...._ ...... I a I D8UNIUIH DIUVDfO WIWDOW IIW" Motclrilta ........... .. "Com~ on, Rill, juat • ~· PubtJe ..,.., a..rtr t .,.. .. niOI"tt bdON' Wt' rtrl",. home," Ia Nat.lonal AutcnoiiOe elult to • (•fl•'n a pnoludot' to wrloua InJury ply I~ to ,...,., Ml • ..., or ck11t h, d<•f'hiN·-ttw-Pllbllo In • MWft-IMh ....,.. Ia till S~tfc•ty dt•l141t'lmt•nt ur tlin Na· k>wc!r corMr f~ ,_ ... tlonAI Automohllt" f'luiJ In wam· from the drlwr't po.&Uoa. ~ illl nwltorlllta who mual drink to l'ral aprtnkl!Ap ol ltidlan OD e. alii)' aw"y frt~m ihC' Whffl ot a windoW~ II on-.. --clfl Ill now 4Q l'l'ntt 11nrt um1rr thl' Alii· l'U . faulty vlldon. lll'lllrd rnlsc•, lhl' m lnlriiUIII W1111ld ,..--=---==---========:;:=====::; two ~~ Cf'n t 1 t lf'IN Prat ... t Col. A S F'rnnklln ~f 31!l Ruby tlrt't't, naH)OII ltlllnc1, 11 rc•portrr for thf' C"oet• Mru C.lc~lf'-Jirrald. ul'lrf'(l tht-C'lty <'0\ln('il to N'f'\.lf\· ald4-r Ita A('tlon to rllt' thco hua company' a AJlllllrat lon. Jfl' l liOHIC!d th11t (ll'f'hl~ It THE PET PANTRY Ill Apt.,......_ ...... WilL BIC OPEN 8UNDAYI IOoaed Th~) ttw nty of N.-wport 1'\(>am and j p;;.,;;.~;.-;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ lluntlnaton f\toaC'h Wf'f't' \0 prot,Mt 11 ......,~i'o!i thf' lncrt'Uf' hf-fort• lht rallroed t'Offimi.Mion thAt Ot!w-r cnmmun- ltlfoe mlrht do llkl'wl.llf' In thla way, h• addt'd. Nl""N}Wirt ~d\ mllht tw able to obtain a pno(~· ttal rate twn.nt to Ita dtiWNI. C"Uy Atty. Roland Thompaon In~ at thAI po&nt mark that ther. wu no ------------"T------------thlnr u • pr.f"""'tlal rate H~ ~d. how•wr. thf' d ty t'OUicl, It Dog Ucense Fees Upped PtMt9114~t VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUIONUII .._..,.__0_ 0 ,_._.,._ .... ,_._.,... ........ 814 Cout mpway Phoae Beeeoe 5881..1 W. V. TREADWELL, M.D., F.A.C.S. Announces Temporary Opening of Offices at 122 E. 17th St., Santa Ana Phone 2414 Thanclay ucl s.&.nlay OaJy Practlce Limited to Obstetrics and Gynecology New, Sensational Trolling Jigs For ~re and BarrKuda OOIOIERCIAL FISIIEJUIEN OOIIPLi:I'E SUPPLIES FOB SpeclaJb.lnc 1n Trolllnc Gear McCalJum & Harvey t.ll' Lela,.U. Newpwt .-._ Hart»or 811 • I Mercury Cleaners & D)eN- Offer Reaular ·3-DA ·Y SERVICE -1 • Day Special Service If an Emerpney Ari8ee _,....___ Your Clothing Is Cleaned In Our Aa.nt Which b Located at 1844 Harbor Blvd • 008TA IIDA We An .. a-to Y• • ¥oar Phone ~~~ 5613-J ~· ~ Cleaen a ))yen Mayor Reed . Presents . Art Awards For offlet-ewppll_., ll't' the I w_...'llmfs. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- .,..., OIIUYWJ II•-Uta ..., ,._,_. 8hC. C08TA II.:&A roa I NMVllANCIC 8D Howard W. G.niala 1 ... N-pert ... '-"'a.rd OOMTA MFJJA PhoN RMcon lU Ill Automobile • Fin Accident • Lih Ll('('fl'" nnd C"ont ract Bond• Written I.... --.;-;,;r..;;;;,;:.;--====~ f ELECT frill HOWSE ITTOIItY CEIEIIL Pledged to .erve • IlL TIE PEOPLE ·lilliE- It 10 mo.. won thnMCtt u. N~t Harber Chambe-r of Com· rYW'ftW, to OI"'AniR a n 1ht lllalnft the but companke' p.UUon befon It Ia ~tfd to the ralJrocNid Cllllftlftla&on. 'ntompaon uplalnecl that ttw r aUroed comrnltakln, WNdl "'II"" lllftta all the people, 10 wry CJU"eo tully Into problema ol U. nature. and tw wu Cft1&1n the lnt...W ol Uw ct t1.leory would .,. pro- tect.d. S..ts • 0 • Wood AWNINGS PAY 1'08 Tlii:II8ELVICI Freedom from upkeep and replacement expen~e maka the nnrt colt the Jut co.t.. r.a.te ...... '"'" ... --naM .. ,_, ,....., .... _ ... la- SIA'I'I!I· 0 ·WOOD Awalap M~ comfort! Prrmanf'nt good loobl Tailored to fit lhl' art'hl· t~ur. at YOUR homt"l roa UTDIATU PHONE 08 W'lllft Slats • 0 • Wood Awning Co. . ol ()run ()cNat, 'fJ. Be. l'lll'IMal.... l t. AM'l' OaUf, .................... , ...... Tell~ •L or aort ~pelS ~r ICCOIIt NBWPORT-B.ALBO.A PBDBRA;£ SAVINGS ••tl LOAN .. v........ w:a• ,,_.._._ • • NEWfiDIIT .lEACH, DAL?ni.NIA Mother's Dar Dresses ..... liP Gift Suueetiona • HATS • LINGERIE • • otaaE8 • BLOUSES ..• PUJUII3 • 8CARI"S • cds'nJJa! .JJ:WI:LilY MALCOM] fi\S~ION S .. OP fOa WOMIII 80H N. Mala 8&. PIIOM 0111 CAMERA FANS The second meet ing of our Camera Club-fo r beginners and experts-wHI be held this Thursday evening, May g, at 7:30p.m. Everybody with an interest in photography is cordially invited to attend. Everyone has fun and learns too l -DROP IN TH11R8DAY EVENING-- FORSYTHE'S CAMERA SUPPLY %15 IIARIN'E AVENUE ~..,~.~--·-...... -• 9 • OM fr¢'med -at. ··-~thla. ROOF~L_:_ ~oa_.ADmD 'l1iN8 o-Spe•d o., Ollt • Opell 5H Ultll Giird111181i lese.. Them 11w "n\J'M DaN Wl"flt a'flshln'' 'nrinc ol tN !lpOr1 In the late Jut Saturdtlv aftHnoon and there· allft'ftOOII. the three DAM pointed ' their collt>Ctlve bow toward the by hanp a tale. Newport Harbor channel and 1lle Thl'ft Den1, 11 21-root sloop home, but found themselves on the OWDed by Dell Corson or 113 wrona end ot a paulve·resi.snnce Grand Canal. Balboa Uland. and policy ol the elemE'nlll-no breeze. thl'ft oecup&nta, Den Sr., Dan Jr.. It looked like a Jon& n ieht ahead and O.n nl. J~t early Saturday In the open ua. llftemoon on a brisk brm-~c and Back at the Conan domicile, heedfd lnto the open teo where 1 Ml"'l. Coi"'Ifl. Senior that 1~. bf>- the tlahemwn l!Pf"lt lht! aftt>moon eerne sll&htly worried wt1en 7:30 CCifttributJJ\& free lunchelf to ape· ba w ~ roUed put without \-----:~------..J thetlc ldloola <>! fish. Ia lian from any ot the Dens---or ·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;1 any Pf"(»pecta or a flah dinnrr. .. No\trytne the Coast Guard ot the Anaoentin1 the New Vibrapac sltuatJon, Mhl. Conon, with a U&ht In the window. belan her vtkiJ. The Three o.ns with atl chilled p&lllt'n.eer list of three Dans. wu found at l. L m. Sund8.Y .mornin&. adri.ft and helples~, ott the Har- bor bl'ftkwater by Cout Guard O.ttt.t'r 83331 and towt'd back Into the Harbor whert' she Ill now be· In& fltted-d all things-with an auxiliary motor. - Baildinl Units . IOOj; G. I. Financing PHONE Un-R Deniaon & McBroom Sales 11M N..,.n ..,.,._ OOM'A IIUA lin the Mfta R.Mity Bldl.) Conon and Ray almfo YOml MDIO TO VB --~~----· ..... ,.. .. .,.., .... --_,... ,.,. ................ ~ .............. ............ ,... •. ..., ........... ,.,. . _ ... , -'• m el111~ taw IIYIIII _.. tne. ...,_ ,... .............. wltla )'OW baiJder be ............................ ~ _.. a IM~1tDidl labor •*I ud ~ _......,. o.r ......... .....,...... ......... be ....... wt w1t1a la7W* ,.._ or pn'le•• .. __ .... _, .ue. lot.,---- IIi .... ., • ., .. of ........ • •11 & GAL VAl .alai• ...... s..o-t-.... ...__Mtl 1a ..., .. vr , .... •• • s BLIICTRICIAN8 . ().O.Tw .... =:· -·-· ........ --. I'AaM. ..,.. o..o.r-w.'II .... II_.Y .. O..BaftB .. Nnt. ~ ......... O..•tll' ........, ,........ ....... Radio 808 Eledl'le IU.IIOLD L IIAMK ..... ,. .. ....-A..._...._..._. .. CHARTER & PRESTON Stat. lJeerlled Contractor --........... llab ..... ........ 8 IP ...... Ml6 1A ... f•N ..._ ... W tiN • Before Yoa B1lld or-Re•odel .... .• ~ a ,. •• , 'n1 LUDLUM Cupd'W~ ........... a ,..._ ..... .&a-Ulft'A AJIA Sto111aeh Troable a a • OAATIW ·I N'l'll8TIN AL MfWii!DU t. we .... ...,_. ..... .. ..,....,. .. IJJ11telll. ............... tile c.- of '"' of .a m-RMJt'-.,... ..-tort ... .._ ... ....... eooeciiiiJ'· We CIMIN ..-e • l!klore of ~ ..... ......., trMf•He • .... o-ae-rae.u.a~ tnclt .,.,.. .... ,..~ .... -.... " ......,ortiDA......_...,.._ •• .... • ......., ""-&-....... _,., ,_, u.. C)rw ....................... ........ -*mae.. .,.ppe1t. ov-••••ue•~ ................ ..,. ,_,. of ............ , .. ..,.,.... ...... We-NODrwp-NO MeA II Ne laJMII••• NO ..,._,._,.. _. Me6o61 .,. ............ ._ lt ............. taat,.... c.-........... ~ .......,,_ ............ . ..... ...._,._...,._UMfW -A:$)4l7rt7 I t -...... W ~····--.... .... ., &,11 kl L o& _... r. lla..L. D.O. I'III.C. 111a.l~ ,..,.. ...... a.. u ... :::.=:::::;&mil) In an effort to fUrther the eul· Mr. Ralph Rftd, aduJt edueatiOD tural development of <>ranee head, at Newport Harbor. Unlola county, tbP Newport Harbor U!Uon Rlrh School. HJit1 Sehool w attemptinc to form -------= a county-community symphony ordlet~tra u a part ot Ita rt'cular adult t'ducatlon proeram. In the formation of thia orchf!tl- Schleuter Retuml Home from Hoepital tta, Oranp county will join many Richard SchlUt'tt'r, flve-)'ftl'-old communities lD wnuar underta.k· aon ot Mr. and Mrs. ()rvllJe 1np. The OI"Chetttru of Puadt'na, Schlueter of 1801 W. Centn.l av. Santa Monica. Whlttlt'r, and Glt'n-nue. Newport Bead\, wtlo wu r-. dale are oceUent examples of cued from drownlna ott Newport ventures ot thla typt'. The mem-Bt'ach J't'Ct'ntly. il nO'I'I c:aaaiDI bft'll ot theM and moa\ of the along nlCt'ly at hil home. HJa OI"Chetttru lD California art' mu-' rather Is proprlt'tor of the Balboa IJctaN whole dHI.rt' to play tc> CUrio ahop ln Balboa. l t'ther produeft procrama of high ~ younpter wu rescued Inial mualcal quality. There Ill no doubt the watft'l off Newport Beach b)' t.h&t .uch a IJ"'UP could be very Mn. Loulae Koch, a rertat.erecl ~ul 1n <>ranee county. nurw and wife of Bernard Koch. Beau... of tM. na~ ot the PI'OIJIVtar of a lldll came con- aporworahlp of thla propoM(l or-ceeaion In the Balboa pavilion. ehet~tra, rt'hearula will eornmenc:e Her aon, Bernie, are three-end· ln the fall ln connection with the a-hal(-yNR and a chwa ot JUch- openlnc of the other Newport ard. aaw the latter In the water Harbor Hlih School adult actlv-and callt'd his mother who went ltl8. How"«· Yr. CUnton Sawtn, to the aid ol the Schlueter boy. Instructor · In lrwtrumental mualc at the Newport Hleh aChool and who Ia to ooncluct the orchestra, ia very Mi.roul ol accumulao._. a pei"'IIOUWl Hat cturing the remain- ina part ot th1a edlool year. Fur- ther lntorm.aUon may be obtained by WTttlng to t'lther Mr. Sawin or Book Ends Taken B. C. Koch of 405 N. llaJn atrt'oet, Balboa. reportt'd to police the t.beft oC book enda and a da· aret ll&htfr from hia conceDI6on reeently. WOMEI WAfiTEQ! NOW TRAINING FOR OUR NEW FACTORY • LADIES' FINE SPORTSWEAR AND DRESSES Single Needle Operators, Presaers, Help ln all .De- partments. Clean, llght, airy factory. Best work- ing conditions, the kind of surroundings you wt1J be happy to work ln. Excellent pay lt experi- enced. U not experienced, we wiU gladly teach and pay you while learning. U.ted here are addltSoaal feature. to make yoar work plea11at e Lunch Room e Hospitalization In· surance Plan e Nurse in Attendance at All Times e Public Addresa Sys- tem e Music While You Work e Transportation Good, Next Door to' P. E. Station and All Buses. F.Mtabtlsh younelf a~ ID a permanent all year 'round job APPLY IN PERSON NOW MAURICE EVERETT u~ -406 ,....da sanet -s..ta Au Post War Prosperity · Club Roster--Continued otttme. tbelr werk .. reiterated for the beMftt of •tmOIDM'a to tile ..._ ud to rellllDd .. oldlten" of tbeh cotdlibdoa to tile baMwc of tile Harbor ...W. New fatJee ud tbelr .tort. &he .._ldoc blltoliee," dllplayt.c them M __.. Ia oar mldlt. Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPI'OMETRIST tM N...,.n ~ ...... ODIII. ..... ..._ •.. ttt Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet .._lll-llei ... Pa.WO. ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor Ult Oout .,._.,~,... ._ liar. 011111 • Newpert a J' t t t AL ANDERSON Fun Zone ...... ..... ttt Bob Callis .,.... ..... ~PET& (ft.YDfO IIOIUII!lPOWSI&) 11'7 ... IM-New~....-ft••• m ttt J. E. Ragsdale. (Owner) Balboa Motel and ,Windsor Ill &.. C.tn.l • '" r... O.tn.l Ba.IMD Pll. a....r 1!8 llall»o&, Calif, ttt 'Y alter E. Tipton ~ 'FOR SHERIFF "IT'S TIME FOR 'I'IPTON" VOTE JUNE 4'IH Curt H. Bohman The Boh!nan Company T ......... ..._MiluadMil 111 ()eM( ........,_N.,...n .... Oallf. ttt ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage ..... "' Ul ... at.-N.,...,.n lleeclla, Qa,llf. ttt Jack S. Fred v. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS JIOI Newport ao.lenrd Plloae ~ 5808·W. Collta Meaa t.t~ T. LEFEVRE -"Frenchie's" Barbecue & DeHeatesaen . .., ................. ~ tt.t Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nl•tlll .... Oelltn.l ftolle: (U·Ilr. Mnlce) .. ttt G. T. Everson Mana~rer METZGER Sfi'ORES ... "' ...... . n• Newport .,...._ c... ...... .....,._ au-w "Jfome end Auto SUppq S~" t Good Government Means Select Officialdom ... --' . . . Harold· K. Grauel CHAPEL ''' A. E. Groty-j . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ~-..... ~""-···--1 ....... Alld --. o.a. ' t l..t John F. Sadleir Real Eatate-Insurance a.. ..... ... -................ o.a. t "'' HUBBARD HOWE .. ............... SoutJt Coast Q)mpany •u w. Ontnl ... .,..._. '~' HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Lancliq ntll ,A OaMt acaJ-_..... .__ Mil ''' Lew H. W allaee Real FAtate and ~ Broker ...._,omoe........._t,. -w. O.tNI • ..._,..,....,. ..... Oallf. ''' COY E. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store WI a. o.tnl A-. ....... a.t. ft. .. ,.., .... -.,~-G. ........ lip. ''' J. M. Miller 1U!AL ESTATE BROKER ..... uu s..•ca'kal M....-t...,.. "'n Your Way to Balboa .. ttt Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer .., .... 'A~ ... -.o.a. .................. ttt Newport EnJineeriq Aaeoclate. nt.EDiaUC J. SINOI:R. Plwldlat W 'tt•sA .... Dc' II uu c-.& ._,-n. .... .... ttt · Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy trcm Bo,r s. w. 0 .... Jf ...... •=• ftl£1- ..... t t t Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . P'oot1Ner tar AD Ute F'alnU)' . . 1'111 ....... ••J.O ...... ''' PRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Rdw. • .......... q.I&J ...... ..... tar At:' n• ....,_ ~. Callta ......_ IMJ If ..... ...._ ttt G.N.WeO. 1 Re.l Estate -............ 111 .. ,.. If ..... ••1.0 ....... 0&& ''' o. R. ~) Oewtey-H. K. (KoiTM) CrMfllr ~ llaaw P\arnJiblap Crawley's Farn'ture .... If-IIIM.-i"L -.. a;.. ~"'n u. Heat ot ftcfa• ttt W. L YA17011N -rmiiJ:nst::·R:.:trt; ... c..e.._-a.w.Pf..,.atA ... ''' Duteh ·ueaeock 801U111171LDD Ula.-...--N.--'IU ............ ''' ....... f &" 0 ...... ~~ity . Merchant Patrol ._,Detr •••~ .-& 0.. ,.,_. H..,..n ..._. I'll. ltll .. ''' U ·EUDO'I' Je~~~e L EDioU • .. • 'I&' SHERIFF PI' "'m, 1-. dl . The Voter I-s The Boss and ShoUld Choos·e ·Competent Managers For Civic JoPs . ~ JACK LINDSLEY Oa t uw•o · *It .. _.,._ ... 's' ., voter·-.~·••tea:iSf:ofth. 'ftllt...a.t. pod 10...,~ .. ••• t ..... .. I ... .. ... ncret for......_-e1 u.. e1 pod F!8l ad II a-......... .,..... .. a'riiJ_..a••rr'mlr..,.._trte., ... ,_... ........... ._.....,. · .-rllllll.ftPt•tri-.. ._.llllM&•...,IIIIa•_. ........ pMiiit ~ra '1 _, ... .,.,,_,.. ,_...,,..., ..._ l'or rratakw tMt ..._ ,_ ... r-.,.,.....,...,..,. .......... r=-·b,., .... -;:.7!,·· ...... ......., ... ~ .......... ---........... ,.. ... .. ' •*-fit 11 ••'~•• _..... _,_. p& lat.,.... .mit tM tJfe e1 \er}lqra .... tille,fllll¢ tC I & ,.. .. ef .. )Wialt rttiii'Me: Ill tM ee tr&. A ,.... _.... .. 1o p ,_ .. tiiiWretlr &p••W altJ • ...tJ :r:::.o:.:z.~ ...... ., ..... .,. .... -~...., .....,...t. • •· .. ., ............... ..., • ,. .... o: : ¢1b" ............................... ~ ........................................... .. eiNIJ•••• .. JMtel ............ _........... ..... - .. ; . ·~ ' . . .. 0. K. jesse L . Elliott ... Sherttt ... Jeae :Dllott.lherttf ot orange county, hu made one of the mc»t eft\dent, a.s w~ as one ot the most ~ortuJ lheritfa, since the days ot 'lbeo. Lacy. one ot the early day sherttt. who ~ed nw tenna. Sheritt Elliott hu 8en'ed the people ot Oranae county tllrotwh one ot the most trying periods In hlatory. Serving during the thlft critical yean ot ~ Precedine the J"eCft''t Great Worid War n and the put flve yeen, u everyone knows, ot the terrible con· flict, lblelt. pnMoul to UU., he eerwd the.~ for ~ 19 )'ean U constable and policeman, lee..mirw,. enfOI'Oeblt!ilt work from the bottom up. Twenty-~eW~t ~ ot experlenoe tn law enlor'Ol!n-=nt work in Oranae county .ei&ht ot theee yeen u a real Jber1tt is the kind ot experience that wanna tM taxpayer'• hee.rt, when t» is putt1na real money out for salary. It is thfn that he conaklen the ~ and executive abWty that actually dertwa l1'om thla lone experience In law enforcement work In <>ranee oounty. In hJs ~t for ~on he says, "I will app~'"te your conttnued aapport at the oom1na election, and as in ~ put wUI do my utmo.t to aerw you." 'Ibew are not mere words, as hiA reoord in otnoe, ~ th.la beyond a doubt. , o.z. 0. Z. Robertson . .. CouncUinan ... 0 . Z. ~rtaon. d ty counetlman, contractor and builder, wu born In Decatur, Ala., a raUroad ornter ot 1000 people. Hla fatMr wu yardmuter ol tM L. &. N. R. R. all hJs Ute. 0 . Z. u he 11 fa- mWarl~, went through high rd\001 and after wortdna for a while the anny, aervlng on the Texu border with the llUr nola rd dJvlllon in 1915. H~ aJao aeawd a year and a halt In F!'anoe ln World War I. Alter the war he lkM<f electrical appllancft for a Ume, then ,.. tumed to Alabama and married ~ Fiest. 'Jbe)' mowd to M.efn. phil, Tenn. and he ~ a trawlllne auditor and wu In charp ot lnwntoriel for Plgly-Wigly ~tore~ for 10 yean. Continulne west to DPnwr and Colondo Sprtnp. he manapd wholelale crocery storea for 10 ~ then on to Lana Beach where he wu .upervtsor of Red If White ltoree for Smart lr FlnaJ for 12 ~ He opened "Rob'a Market" on Ba.lboa lJiand but In 1942 went to Certlt\ed Whg lrv le GrooPn, L. A. u pel"lliOanel manapr. Retum1n& htft he entned pneraJ contract.lnl ~ btcaJM lnterwted in poUUca and won a .. t on the dty coundl, ~ dty atfalra shoWd be nm in a bulineei-UU, oorwtn.lctJw and f\a\. dunentally aound manner. .He feela Uwre Ia now a hormonloue &I'OUP ot otfi~holdeR who wUl ~for t.tw aood 01 the dty u a wb* . L. H. Ewm -Proprietor Mea Radio & Eledronlca Co. A. (San.J!rk~teiner 4 Mary's .. Bay A. Surf Beauty Shoppe ........,.. and Muaourlnc ttt Louia Verwey, Prop. Culao Cafe & CoektaiiLGup -............. II ... .,.. .. ''' I C.F.~.~u .. CtMt BlwaT-1'111111 ..._ 1111 ''' DAMIA LOPTIDI, ........, Orkin's De~nt Store ~ ..... _.r;;::.~.,.oo- ..... ...... ,,._,. ....... ., Cse&a .... ''' ,.. IL C £1 al •rDsa ft I I I..., 'nina u. ll&rber ~Atop ... '' t Braden L Finch a.. ~~cr. FIMil CeruaJc. ''' ~ L ... ,., It I " C .... rw Capt. JU. McNally · Balboa a:t Livtw"J W&-Aw. REI- £££ Dr. fANtnd JUetat. . Oslla ... ___.. .......... _ sse 1,.., ''' Herbert '· KIIBJ POSTMASTBR ·:r &&t ~:!:=&£'! ~·~ ' Y . B. Rowe Starek'a Cafe . -........ . &&& fttll oa . • -WcatJ ea , '!' Balboa Market .................. '& & & Jack HamUton Beaeoa Sea , ... ............ U.o..tPW14 ,. .. ,. •. ._... .. &&t A'' .. N DAJtTr'ORD 'lbe Blue ee• ,::r:;r-b•t;::•jJ& :'k.~= .. &&& Bohert E. Arria'a Jswelli:J ... WfQ Q I 1M Ya 0& II , ..... .......... a.a t&& Stanle..JL~ .... ........... & "-~!~ ........... 111 Oselt ..... ft.-.... &&& C.F.Dennilon tmd trl .-. A...,....., ... ___ -OMit-· ....... ·-''' MAC PELLETIER . Newport~ 1111 0... ID'Iadt n I • ''' ANTON HERSHEY : b\:tliot .... , ......... t&t Donald J. Barn• BALBOA HORSE RAC!S -.w-.-........ , a· £&t Dennis B land PLYMOfWH ...... ..,....()sate ......... ,.. ............ ''' Arthw' ..... -.. ,....... New Blue Reom Davia & Gay Maaic Q,. ua ~~~ ut'JH ....... ~"-._ ... .,., ........ • ... Bob Allen COUNCIL'MAN Howard W. Gerrisla I ... ,,, DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market .. O&ldNI Aw. ft I -,,, "CHUCX'' SKml-tWW OWIIIf' 'Balboa Central Market ••• ... Mnt .... AD" t ) • a OLf'kal ft. .,. ..... ., • .,. -.&JOt y.._..-.,... ''' jOSEPH L. MARSHALL <iriati;J. fiat ..... ''' ThomuF. Norton ..... BAY SHORE CAFE ..... .__ .,..._n• A CsMt m.a, IIDVJNQ U NOON TILL t P. M. SPORTLAND -BOWLING-PA VIUON ----- •a•,..~;,•••._.. I . &&t .,. Theoclore Robinl · Burt R. Nortoa . FORD DEALER RADIO ELECTRICIAN ftll w. Oaatnl .... ''' NELSON S'I'AFn>AD • ODAU> UBERTY ...... ~ .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan N~ 84!llctl • -.n Jl'r-andsoD • WIJn\lnctAin a...~.=:-.. .,... .... I'll. ._... 1111 • • • ._, ...... IMI·W Telephone 2402 BALBOA OIADft~ _ .... arOI&r Beverley Realty ComDDY · _, & Orll$lsl& I'll. I,_ Rlillaa--. ''' IUmf+D I.·-· .• Owll ..... Pattenon & Boyle .I ••.• ...._..._ .. _al:!t.._ OsM.....: ,..... ... . ..,. ... ( C'Anlia .. .. ~1!5!i;li~;~~~~~ ~~·· =~-o:.~ .J ·~ ~! ~ \ ·--~ewr ... , ~'---•...!.!:!' .. !. -.-• prooeu a ~tiw a..u coee Mr. and 111& .,._..au-. ..... ---· ----dlf'OOitf betwwn tM ..._ tt ill a. '1'118 OLD P.6MY 1 a vwa a. .,.arJ atory__.,.eant ol tbe oa.d u.tNW'CIIIIW .._.. t.tur.d.,.. ,. Ia a.... o.-tr; troduoecl and the time lt Ia etped Ired ott In t.U. week' a bGund cww by IUr.tt. ~ lated • ~t cnt~y from a trtp ~ Deadt Val· • :It Ji~• ~ .. .. lib lliille by the Phaldent. ~ ,oul the Utenry main. ~. _, and the O I;J'. leoy 1fbere tM7 obtained a IIMl1 ,.._ .. ..-.. t:·---lll&tW a& die • ,.._a. .. , ,-t....., would like to know what happena cou.ne, the Mlc hty Mauahan. Wbo dARE1 THEl'ta•·~~f ~ amount o1 Zabriald os-1 IJied· .r=t" 0..':':. li,l _.. tM Aft o1 ...,.. 1. J,ftl to an appropriation bUI. All ·~ hal juat preeented the oriclllal • vert l('men t.hl ·~:-111 • mana. 'I'My Ylltted Furftaee ~ em. .... ...., -... c-. ._ • lo •, ' - Ethel Neff, p. 0. ftiiDr. ............ ... 1\ I 9 ....... ftllla ._.. ...... -............ . .... _ ....... .................... - ~WM • • • • ~~the Houw of ~p!WftltatlvM. Tbe to the U brary at eon.r-. aa.. Walle ot tM ... Wt~u b1s-o1 lntenet. ~ -.nt ,. _ _;, __ ... __ ,_•_• _ _. ____ -. proprta tlon a.tUa mUit orllfnate lnl menu.cript "Of Human Bonda&'e" current mon Y •-· and from theN made .-veral lade ;.... __ n_-__ ...._ ___ -.. ___ ~ D. ..:.am · · ' · ' 1:41f« Oommhtee and Appropriadona • t'nft Ma\lfhllll feela thla • a atr11111e • dP¥t1 u ""' ..,.._ • tJ\roUih tht drtw eelled. "4rtllt ASCWIW ·G. niOIT • • • • · · ·All • u, '1 ......-the lariMt of all the cornmlttl!ft, tokrn of a ppe"«latlon for wbat woman or ran • ahtp into Ita Drtw" where the ~ .. al· ~-----------, Raub & Bennett ~~ ~-. o....;a..;...... ... t 0:..... ~ and hue "nweben. It .. dlvtcledl A.mnlca haa daM for him and erave." Surely . South Sea aac•· moat OYe'lm ln Ita rich AnaaM Moaaeo ... .., ......... en 3 ' -into 12 .ubconlml1tNL Ttw ~ bla, and the Er\lllah 1*'1*· 'n. aakJ. ,. ..__ ud tbt &old ean-AWMO&a.7f ~. ... ...... c.aa.._ OlflcW PM. e1 .. a.. of Jilewport a-da propriatlou Cbnmlttee Ia U.. fJl&Jiu.cript can-lea .the lift~ llha-Ba&en el a-. ~ yGn whale two a e. ~ 11, W ._ A ..._ • ..,.. , -A 8 ;cs ._..~tit?\ 11r o.w ft y.,. mosl tnnueontlal of the commit-atory wrttteon, perhape, ln the a tine. ~err!~~· b~~ ~~ noon Ule emor • pure told-In the • ...._ ~ ... :r,'w:"•.~~..!. ... Acdft zenl who have tpc!daJ l_ntft't!lta Claret a novel ahouJd W a ~ akiOIIIinl t trlped pulliea, U 'Soq M '""M•~Ifs CIYf W..,. to poola of l 1 ..... J.. .... f I f) t~ In the Houae. althouch d U· twentJeth century. Somenet de-Klplln& I th..,,.....,, Y atauuq ..... Devll'a Golf Course the Knded 1ft a A -· 'I' ,...---110 a a;;-u.- .....:;....._, ·~ r t __ , .. n A'$--... --J-... ....._ na., ... ~'--~""----~----nllturally _J:Onllder the o;,;unumt"""" atory, not wrmon,, ptCJI!heey ten ff _. • ., · ....,, " aalt. Uttle brldaea and the level '-------------il' ' M • • ha.n4llDR that eubJect the moat lJn. propqanda. Bloo4 of &lie ...._.., aoutb of IPOb atw It the .....,... o1 a ---~I'UJfO~~~-~~.,_~~~.::.._~ .J. portant to them. We would prob-TOP u:ca&'T by the edlt.Cif ol Tobacco Road, the l!'klri4a cndr· IOif caiii'M ~ u..,.... r. ~-CJLIJfiQAL----~------'1 .,. ably con~ldn' the Comenlttee on PM wttJ certainly enapt boalclen. m ." ~hape Erlki.De WI marbd at' W'IDUid M ~ to -:-PIANO ftACIIJIIl Acrlrultun-a1 the moat tmpor1ant lf\l~'a book baa hit the b-oat haa takrn you deep enGUitl eouth pia)' 08' lt. CJinleaJ f..boratory ri>r us. An appropriation dies with pq~ at thfte l~edlnc bwrary alrt'ady. · . .. At Zabriakl Point the foothllla 0. Y. ~ the end 011 a flacal ,~ 110 Con· rnacuift8. He Is Wllfr'/· Y8TY TIWI 8kle of a-u~ turPl& are ,...,. of rich co~ and re-om. ..... a I • 6111 ..,.. O• •*'»• .._... Donor 'I1ty Mother •• • ::::':~~a -:r~u:! ~ :,-~::, O:C,MT~:::p.and.,:: ~~oc;;.:t:;,~ ~~: :'~v~;::.=-:.~ ma.:.:~·~:;,; • & llarlxlr lZ2·w 4 'I'M .a .... In the ye&i wbsl \W should bestOW addltJonal ApproJl"latlon BUI Ia born In the consider the unfln.labed bull-. you thouaht 'Taylor Caldwell wu and orance on top. Ne• l\lrftace -w. OllriiNI Aft. W. 0... ft.-one~ ~ ln tbe world-your department or aaency wtrleh w~n on the world peace acenda De-11 man. No. creek the deeert hollY ~ akl t1rt1JuW IQ)Oil tbit mc»t beloftu pertan f'Wf!tualiY IPt'ftd the money. nual flnttive btocraphWI of the A.b.r. or-da for Llvtq, "a rt out-growa more aMndanft; IIMl.....; ~.-_.....;: ________ _. .,...... II a-lay, )fay 12. deparj.mlnt, bureau f!C ~~~lean and Britla.h ci'MI'ala _.. yet doora and be~ to Uve, a book than &n7 other pa.m. 0... ol the DAY -.oe»L If----------~~. No oCber one except the Lord hlmlelf, tboulders 80 much makes up an estimate of Ita re-to appear. 'nle full doc:wnlatary ror lazy peopl~. .. n. •• ~. holly bulhet wauJd be pblk, an-~----------., IL Jt. HaD, M. D. • a.-..1.1 motheP She ls qul~nu. That ll aent. not to fVidmce Ia yet to be a.-embled. T1le ltlalwuk. of a ,......eor other blue purple II'HD 01' wblte M' tim J.e:: .,.... __ -tbe ~ ........ ol tb1a Wl.IOY .. your . the Concreu. bot to the "Bureau Mrantlme, ~ach American la duty-whou devout faith cl~ wtth and al hlih al ~·. waist. Gl F . "" 2 a ... ..,,_ ~near~~ ...S bel' aclvt~ on the problema which of the Budaet." I bound to read this eruptive broad-:lflth century matenaUam. Dreia-Thef drov~ to Bad W ater. the • Olnl -..... Jtbun: K ., Aa+*ltaiiat -lrt She 11 always thin to brtlhten the dark ~. 1'1ill bunau Ia u ndf-T dll'fft con-aide. Tbe top ~t eomt!tl out er'a last boolL Will you ever for-1oWfttp1ace In the w•t.m hemls· ~~ ~ ftWA*'I 5IN8 • ~ ......_ --..-CICidd be -a.a to ber May 12 or any trol of the President. It repor t•, In to the open, for full, ~-dlas get his Esquire article bn Mark phere, 270.6 feet below tea level. DAY 80IIOOL = ' Telllfnte BNoaa ~~ ~--\.PUUu:' .,.... f to him. It Ia a powerful bureau I cuaaion. 'nle Ana~Amerlean duo 'l'waln? Dreller wu fort hrl&ht. 'nley paued Stove Wella and came .. .., .... ,, M. A., G-.. Ul ......... c.aa .._ atbar day In the year tt.D to lhow her with the greatest 0 an4 lt ftnally writes Ita own ree-l broulht hoi:M the bacon. Or wa1 The Cue Aplut Ute Admlrala. hoi:M b y way of Lone Pine where ..._ ...,._ ID taN aad ~ ~t )"CCU have not foraotten all the many ommendatJonl. not only on the It only "a piece of the Rhine," "why we muat have a unlfted they could tee Mt.. Whitney, the .._ __________ _, .-----------~ -entln-Appt'OIIriatlons 8111. but on ataln! Aak the tntarmed leTV· comm11nd, \book to wake up Am-blpest apot. D&NIMIB 00.,. • ..,-M.D. ldap ... bu daae &.,. you. lndMdual Items In the blll. 'llleW Ierman from OYf'rW&f, ·Prod the f'rlra" Who or what can deny Mr and Mn Follom 319 Mart-...-----------..., ""_., ~-~:..~...,....-r u mOdler Jlw. a peat S&not. ~ ber a bouquet H!WIJaMndatkMtll co to the~ dutiful dtileft. \ ·-I arluc\'ement to teamwork f cold 'avenue ~Mr.· --...4 Mn D&. OOBDON &. IL&PP .., 2 2 ..... ,_ a Jt lbe U.. at ~pn!l!!flt them to her. And Approprlatlona Committee. l t hM 'i'IIE rD1LD8 by~ Rleh· Bravr Adm'r'l, U.Y but one l ood S.C. Olen.~ Dahlia avenue. left DEN'l"JST UD E. lith at. '':"-,illlw:iift'd make thll. her day the lfMl.est diY of all. SO that ~ I&JC! that tlle1'10USf Appro-t~'t mlal• thla oonquest of word; Sunday for San Franelaco ~ catJ'A ~ ~.:2;..... •L.-whol . •"-•"'h l01W priatlona Commltt.e ll very ~ wiJdWfteal by Town---. HqUel to What ahall we do when ~ la they wtU vlalt Mn. Foltom't all· !Ill We.t C.tnl Hnun: 1~12 ua.; H..-, will MIIJI9"her Ita hap,..~ u..: e year Ul&""'& tlve to the reeomrnendlltJona at • .,. Tftft." By the fl'onUerl gone? ter lin E L. Velilow. Mr. Fol-Pbooe BKcon 5075 l~s;;;•all•lluCI'er"' Day looms Into view. th~ Burt'aU of the 8\ldr;et, bUt way, h•ve you reveled ln Jamn Thr wordl leap llke • leapln1 ~ wtll ~e thla a bualneu aa P'MDe .......,_ Ul,J ________ ..;,.• only ln one cllrectlon. "n\e ~ Dauaberty'a drawtnp In DANIE~ nvord: well a1 a pie~ trtp. Re Ia the Newport , mlttee rare 1 Y lncreues the BOONE AND AB.E UNCOLN. I S11n on! Sail on! Sail .<Jill Uld Southft'n C.Ufornla &.tributoc '----~-------...a ., _ _..._of 11A-.JI Alnencan Cash amounta r.cornrnended by t he Bu-BACRZL0&8 Aa& IIADI: by, on! for the Universal Dairy Equl~ ·" llltleiaD UUUU reau althou&}l It may cut ttw.e Ele anor Nuh. Soundl Uke •I He gained a world; he p ve that ment Co. of-San F't'ancll<'o. Dr. OL-...1 'I'----..... ol __. AIDerbD doUar'l ~ belnl wuted yearly amounta f\lr1her. double entendre. S.chelon are I world Mr. and Mn. Harold WUaon, ~ ~ ---a-t The Nbcommlttee oon4uctl e?C· Made ... -wonder IIPMre. It's grandes~ 1~: 320 lril avenue, leav~ Saturday 8rt'•Qy tbrqwll ~both the federal ~ tmdve t&Nrinp on the bOl. When a&riiUHD aJCADING-you "On! 81111 on ! for a month'• trip to Wuhlftcton DENTIST .. bt Jldfttlt ....._ ~ wbo tum out by the theee are ended. the aubcommlttee mUit be rMdy aaain for that atal· -Joaquin Miller. and 0recon and to Vancouver and 1%0!~ 'w. C.tnl. Harbor lMt -~~~ ~ prtnted and typewritten fonna what coee Into esKUtlve ...alan and l VIctoria. They will co the. Inland ..__...._ . b• }li'OOefda with .m.!. lt calla, Supe-"ar~ors Appoint route an4 return the oout route . NEWPO&T HAClll _, . ~-1 •1•-"markJna up the blll. When the R• ht G •d 1 T ADV Mr and Mrs. Harold Brown. 428 L-----------....1 Utttt ot .. pi'CIIIIIIInda wbk:b comes to an edltor"l delk IUbcommlttee ftnlahet thla work. lg Ul e Men to County Jobs Orchld aveonue. n-tumed recently ~----------., *"Ill ..S dq CMl 11 .-bie, for tbe llmple reuon that the the bill l8 ~ bt' t he en-I The board of aupervilon ·~ trom San Franc:laco. where they "--..-&tbiDIIII .. tbauld .0 bla story In a thouland or tire commltt~ of 45 mernbeft, and pointt'd Walter Honeycutt al ~ Uwd two yran. They weont for a ..-....._ "'-· ...._ _1_. .... _ idee that they ftnally la reported to the floor. Thil column Ia deiJcned to todlan-caretllker for the Coata vlalt of two weeki and thrn atayed ---~ .... ol _.. uaft ~ uu-.....-.• At thla potnt, you would tee a alve o.ftlcial VA arwwers to Mt'SII public park Tuflday. Honey-in San ~andaco. Mrs. Brown will M »f • • ,.., CJQIIIt to look twkle In the mirror before ~at -akn81 In the method of vett>ra,na' rca<Uuatmr nt prob-rutt succeed~ David c. All~n Who be remem~ed a1 Brownie or Me-.._..,... dalwll to plu& out IOIIIethllla for the tx._ maklnK·Iawa. Let me take the ftn lema. Send queatloNJ to: was earetaker on a part·tlme bula Glnltle'a lfOCt'fY ltore by the bay. ~ a ....,. llr ~ •-or Public RelatJCllll Man· cent qriculture appropriation bill Right Guide. 1041 s. Broad· nt the 10-llcre park alte. The full t•-. ..,.. . ......:7.~~ ___ .....__Inn--u an~· That bnl came ~~ way, Loa Anet>let IS, Calif. timP salary Wal .et at $175 peor ..,,., ,au--,... R\1&& ~~"~--.. ..,........... ..... ....... tbe Floor. accompanied by lnoo month. ..__.,. ,ag'd blbtr 11111p It lbort. ..y 300 warda or ae.. It committee report. and • trai'IIICI'lpt M08t of the questiOJ\I which are Also on 1\lesday Glr M A. P at- llflatlon VIa OPA ._,.:;.. to-eclltor of hesrinp. which made a book. now beln& received by RIGHT tr rson of HuntJngton ~ach, vet· -• ~ _.. -' In nne print. of 2000 pages. Lut GUIDE Involve questions or a erllrli' tervi~ orrlcer for Orange Shoe repair ahopa may charge year It wa1 over UlOO PAit"· It la technical nature and ~uire an-county, aubmltted hla re~lenatton lS to 25 oentl a pair over the-Ir · On quite poaJblr that a dltCUDion of awera too leonathy ror publication. to the board and 8eTJ Uebermann. regular ceiling prlcee for the ... ~1 Jaee Ja an app-opriatlon bill may bealn on Theae 11re turned over to the VA director of the Veterana' ~nter, !rather aoling of shoes when they f '1 ·~ the noor the day after It It re-department eonceom ed 11nd 11n· was appointed a1 ~porary aue• use t.hreoe apecl11l types or aollng • rr 7 ....... CIIIMINt.a are DOW atartina their porttd out or the committee. and awe.rs at'n.t directly to th~ veterllnl ., Cl'&IOI', holdlnc down. the two joba mat~rial, th~ OPA announced to-...,.···~-the.........,..._ and_, elediona to follow. therefore the day atteor these-twAr~ The followtnc. howf''er. are of without any pay lncftue. day. "1 ~--__.-lnp are avaUable to the Members general lntft't!lt . The eoxtra chargee, rffectlve ...... ~ ...... ol falldMe* lt appeeiS that Callfonda pneoraDy. Once \n a wtlll~. t have-• • • ~ than merely filing llppllc~ May 8, will apply when the ahopa ••• OaMt lllwa7 0080NA DEL IIAa Phoee Rubor tnO Sandy F. MacKay -·-INSUR.A.NCE-That's All ~J.1IiillliiiJIIIirit WID be ID a-._ tavonbW polltbi relaU~ to at'en a bill. the nHd for the put· E. w. M. or Glendalr a1ks: I kl tiona. The nature of th~ disability, uw-Avonlt~ full aoles. O'Sulliv11n l'l .. illlill:dllll 2D tbe CaUfGnda Allembly than they have ace of which wa1 rather IJJ'It'f'lt, 11 veteran of the flrat World WilT aptitudes, lntt'Tftta, aultabUity.and men'l brown 11nd leather color 1------------~ L 'nle 11_ ... ln the State n-ported to the noor before the t would like to know If I c11n malce other racton are carefully conslds pla1tlc haJf aolea, or Neo-cord full --* ._ two I! IJI"'I.. _., heartnp 1lll"t'n' returned from the-a Gl loan to buy a home7 erect In e11ch veteran'• ca~~e. aoles. N y k Lif n-. .... --.... ~II OOOCMIJid lbouJd lhow very printen. It ll phyalcally lm~· Answer : Ellllblllty ror befW'rill • ·• • PrevtOUily, 1lmllar addltlonlll e" Or e ... td: .R .. ttM. ltate ~ wtdct1 effect admlnlltratJ~e alble to read all of the hearinp tn under the "Servicemen•' Rea<ljust· A Bloomington moi.Mr whole charges had been aDowed when J C .f' ~ 'n' 6. Poll""-' at.. -ny the avallable Ume. Thl1 Ia a l't'aton ment Act " CGI Bill I Is halM'd upon liOn .Ia ~ atlltloned In Japan NeoUte or Panolene aoles are uted. JUAir1Ulee ompany ~I I ~ 118'1 ~ ...,.K>i... why ~ence beeomel lnc:reu-honorable actJvr l('f\'lce "on or wanta to knOw just how to ftgure Thr lnc:reued charcet are nec8· DON a. DtJ&AN'I' iJ.IIIIItW.,.,_ CNer ~y for GoYemor althoulh theY ex· tncl7 valUable ln aD leclslallw ann Sf'pt~bfor 18, t!WO and prior the amount ol time he wiU h11ve altated by hlcher price celJlnp ua OrdiW A"' ...,._ ttN-.1 s_, tD put up a aooc1 eampalln-Te Is an astute poll-~. to the t"'""na tlon 011 the present aJlowtd fc» Khoollnc under Se.rv-aranted for thele aubatltute ma-CORONA DEL MAR -• ... _ 1a. -.-..a to _, _.___.y to Qfoneoral d~ may be for war.• ~· ReaclJultment Aet. terlala at manufacturlnl a nd ~.-_________ _..... a-iCiJIIft .-• -.-..--•-•uue'6• one hour. or for wveral daya. • • • Answer: Any veteran with ~ wholesa~ Ieveli. ;ti~:;J-m-. JlltbtraceiDr~tQovemorwblch la beln& Arter the ~Jon. the bill Is A.E.F. CArmy CWO RlvM"Side: than 10 da.yw ot lef'Vlce between .....-----------, --~~~-rn fit~ Gcfftlnor H<Jli!N. State Sena· rMd paracraph by parqraph. un-m rd Ilk~ to 1mow If the ttme 1 September 16, 1940 and tenn1ns ot Ban tr.Dcllon. J:)em,octatk cadlldat.e, .. sen-ckr what wr eall "the nve-= .ned 11'1 Workl'War n will count a tlon of the war Ia entitled to , be has the rule." Thl1 meaN that an for Ovft a.nb n-\iftoment. (2l tralnlnc at the IOVernment'l ex-SHOES ,..C • I~ J:. bavln& Ul advantap became ~may be otfeored. and the Wheft ..ad.,. the best pla~ to ~rwe for a period equal. day for tcaart ot bad~ Orinn.,... del the cxnervaby tl~~ ahut _:! !.'!.tu•nlft'lto~-~...,.,., for •1*11 ttony W1t~~b ~to.!!.._tu..a~t tnpl8mltoe •d llep'P...t Wllle•Y• Wlllt ... Ia ••:• 17 ~· 'M l4 Willi Ulctaled two ..... .,..~ ave .......... _ ---A.ww+: ( ) ... .......... le ~w-.. .. _ ... es Ul one • · Ray PaO"ttln a.;.;,._ ......_.!......._ ,_ ,_..._ Goodwin v .. 1.,...t ol From ttw H~. the aND tote to ~ In tliM o1 war wtll count dltlanal ~ar. not to nceed a tol.al &~• -----.--\oAA" .. -.... "'"..... the &!fta~. It lfftM to be • ,... rar ~ P*IJCII<'S wtth the fll teur ,....... In other wonll, If h..._ a-AZI 'rn aDd 0wi11 W. Lyan, pn'!ltlrt .pee.k~r ot•the era! pnctiee on that -* ol the a.o ~. !f. ~. you the wttoran W'fft ln .rnce 31 515 Eut Bay rront I ..., wbD bu a111o .w4 In the Senate .• Both appar-Capitol, to add other ltrml to the wtah to naetw annuity bent flt• IDOIIU._ he will be .uow.d 43 1 !fat .._ • :-f ftiW 01111 ._... !....... ..... ·---'fOt.e --'y favon S==ker bill, or to. ln<na.P the ,appr'OIJI'I· for liUdl time It wtll be ~ montha 131 piU8 12) or tralnlnl. I a.-. te .. a ......., are a-IDIII """ -a.ann •w"'... ~ a tiona. One Jok"' aaid, the reuon to ..., to O.U Service nw ptr • baa no bearlnc on ell(lblUty. .._ __________ ...,: .... ._._ ot bla ~ ---tJve record on bebalt ol the Senate wu called the "Upper Clf'llt ol your but pay while In ---------------------- 'aa11'M ~ b1a entire JecWaltve Houae." wu ~ tt . alwQ'I ndJttary ~. 121 Jobt are open • --~ ~ Ill =w+n4 to return u Secft!tary of "'Upped:: the -~~ puMd tn neerty all VA dt'partrneonts. K' ~ __....-.. by the-Lowe-r Houae. . ~ are Ovtl Servl~ but a~ ~ Kucbe1. anotber &ood friend ol qrtculture, The peoplt at hoi:M IOOMtlmes plication Ia maM directly to the ~no~beretumedtot.heOfftceolControUer .. Stat.e thlnk •. whfl"' tM Senate ClOft'lllletft ~1 ~ment of the' VA. -. Jolla"' bM do &illbkln In the race for At Its action on an Appropriation • • • ,U MIM« • ....~. , • Bill, thAt thll putt the bill In final R. E. D., ol Verne. etarted on- ..., a.ih) 6lre aN~ caDdlclilfea. Of the le'Ven, the rorm. A1 a m atter of fact. the b ill th4'-job tralnlnK undt'r St'rvl~­ -wllprat Ny aanvw cbwD to thn!e ol-tbem. Edmund rornrs bat'k to the Houae. to be mfl\1' Rea<ljuatmf'nt Act last Sf'p-Q. ........ 8ul f"rand8CC DUtrict Attorney, wW obtaln m ost llCCP~~ted or rt'jtcted. ao far al the I temper. March 14 of this year hf' ch11npt are .~. and alnct waa awardt'd 10 per <"ent Jl('nslon the c.LO. "'t willl JUppOI't pha lOme leCtional no rthern 11 trill 11 rAN>IY a<Upted In ~til Ita for a w rvlce eonn('('ted dbnhlllty ) q 5 art. Fred )1. Bowa', D11tJ1ct Attorney of Loabl An~~es, dec t111lsl.t It .. IP'1'1 t1o "~r!"'prt'nacec He ~~~~~intt'ly t ru~ a~llhc~!ion -reoelwe Flti"'OIC A.F.L.IQIIPOI't plus conaidera e SOUuft:'m omm tH. This • Wn.: ~ • for ..... trcouo It 0 ·~ '"''(' ·~ to _..._.. ~ _ ___. tkally all lmport11nt bllll. are put P.L. 16 IVOCIItlonat Rehabilitation »-Hoar Radio Service Burt R. Norton •I .,._.,._ ~ ...,_... Into fin" I form Act for \'eterana wtlh 10 per r~'nt • The Confert'nce Commlttt'f' M•ndt or more pension !. "" wants. t(l ; "';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;-;-;;-;-;;-;_;_;_;_;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ,..._ __ "Sq a}" thr hill bark. 11nd both Houset know If ttw ttddt"d suh!!!lllf'nQI' AI· ··JIDI Even ••n: ue must At'('('pt the Conference Rc· lowance under P.L. 16 is rctro-~ port befor" thr bill aoes to the active to the date hf' stnrtrd hi~ .. Pltftte eaWpa11e continuM to buDd lts ~tatlon 8.!1 a Prcaldf'nl. H t'lthcr Houae rt'f~t'l tnlnlna undt'r St'n 'il'l'mrns' Rt'· I. -""-' ---,___ ot tbe recent devef~ lo IIC't'I1JI the Jt.port , It hal to go, adjustment Act IIIII Sf'ptPmM II '* -MMMWA ~ ~ -... bac-k to the' Con-ference Commit-Answer : Sublllstence allow11nCl' !:"~i~•taa tW. dlrectlollla a $9,000,000 pa ~ plant t...-for fUrther work. Many under P.L. 16 stArts nn lhl' datr --~·-··~t!< ~ taDed u. acme ot natural J"eeiUU''O!S oorwervatJon. r hanjtt't actulllly tllke place In an thr V('terlln Ia actually plarl'd In ONCE AGADl SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA OCCIDENTAL un: INIRJUNOK 00. RayNieleen ........... ftlts.l IU E. 8q A.,.. ..._ IIO&'I'ICIAJf8 Hanld K. Grauel Chapel -we~ tbl BlttB' Berv• ..,. ...... <*11ft Bat" ..... --· eo.•-~ OPI'OK8'1"&18'1'11 • I Robert ~ c:.awford I OPI'OMETRI8T Eyea Examined · Glasaea ntted 1111 Newport ~rf "'-...... 11)1 <WTA IIDA E. T. Butterworth. 0 . D. Op ..... tsW I:FJ:8 DAJIINm) ..-N8D DUPLICATED o--...._.... ... ...,_. 1116 W. c..tn1 A-,.._ ..... Nil ,. •• , •• ,-.an Dr. G. E. TobDI "'Q~b a N&WP<Wl' BSACII -PPOJra-OUice: Bartlor .... W ...-: IIAI1>or .... . II llo --· t*1 a.-. a Gerald Ra11ia, M. D. 2831 West Centre! .Aft. NEWPOJtT BACH P1M>De B.,bor lOU !olo an.ow~: eall ...._ ~· X·JlQ' Sentce lllhoa II. lluwell. Jl, D • ••• O...t Bltnr o. ........ - oroce Houra: l<H 2 : ~ PliloiMJ JlaltJor ·- S. R. Monaco, M.D • 814 .. y Aft.o ..... BariMir l'fU "' .. -................... 'I'Oelllr 'Nll By .Appotntment T. P. Reeder, M. D. PltJIIdu ... 8ala- l.l Wed .. , A.,.. TelepboDe Harbor 801 A. V. Andrew., M.D. PIIYaJIU .. 81JMIIOM Dr. W. T. Mooney ............. Jiflrlll ... Oaw\nl ........... -, ....... ZONE THERAPl i CLINIC ' j~- v..-................... .,.._. ,.,_, 1 tit .. r OIMII ........ .vc.te 1"'t.!~~ J7ult CIOD\'8'ta c:a.alnlbead (low p~) gu into me-Appropriation Bill, 111 In any other tralni"Jt "Unde-r thr bill rrgnrdlns ..• ---(.._pi) ~ ~-.... ,___. by lndustrlal and resl· biU, after both Howes haft acted of date of 11ppllcatlon. "Pia red" ln ~" -~ w.-Qlll ~ ~ ,....,. upon lt Ill Ita ori1111aJ form.. tralnlnc under P.L. 16 in,·olv" : ..... __ _... C...,.._. au like ...,une was once Ullllll• ot ..0 1 commerdal vdat. Private en~ tumed •t::l .... •'•tl_ ..... prici!J ·-tural~ .. Offe"' \ ou '"" ,..._ ....._ to Dlae to Oraap Coaat,: All New-: • • EvPn th~ l~tion ... One-lid .... ot Old Lcatfaa-Oout llllb"¥- NewJIO!l-Balboa T~ Buneu..., All Modes of Travel to Europe, ·MexJco. Hawall Round-tile-World Tri~ In ~ near fUture. See lin. Boy K--. Pb. llartJOr .L 101 PYa. IWboa -..: ··~-....... ,.. ,... plant .. lit ~ to hand)~ 30,000,000 cubic reet lw>flll ... PI aDd ~.000.000 wbic feet ot h1gh-p~ · a II CWI1illnd abcMt a concrol room havlna 45 automatic .. ----........... t~Dpentunt. preiiUft M4 1:~• .. •--• ar·a. .. •at 11 tna~tOC"'Deilmto --~ tonn. -IMD wat.tt. tt. ccmtrola ~ four others check 1 111taa ...,...., ~. valves and other pleas ot ~~~-'iii.llikilw .,,.. ... ...... to hat thr fuma<B ,... ........ "tlit plat We ................. ~ .. tDIUtry deecri~ u Ul ~ ...... tlWI'Mi:t ....... , ....... tiUt tbe IQ\Ml·ol the ...... 111n we ftDd wt.at Ddabt ~» CIIIW the .................. Beaatifal New 1 Coektall Bar We Lad Southenl a.lllomk In tbe 9lrvq ol -~~8- '1'0011 ... " . .,.... -vmr ova &HCR&N - . . Cemplete Fountain Satke at HANSEN'S · ..... ....,.... AJnfOVJfalllmtlll ...... _... FIRE AUTOMOBIJ,..E · YA. TS COMPENSATION S I Kl h FOR SALE -Out~ motor tee tc: ens ""'h utn. •~· ~~ w. arntn1 GLASS -TUB ENCl..OSUJ\1:8 .sHOWER DOORS ,Avro, after !\ p.n\. ~2tc Southern Counties I'OR SALE-Snipe. Hull neon- Carpenten A vallable for .-.raJ malntmanc» andnopalt "STU" DlJNLAP Insurance Supply Co. dlttoned. Salle falr, $125. · 2 8a)' 144 Cout BIYCI. N. b lnnd. Ph: Jiarllor ..,._W, 0. a. aoaD""<»H can Harbor l'S Motte a&AVTY AIINI ll Ph. 5152 lAI\IM BMeb · ..._tp COLD and MACHJNLESS a.1 FOR SALE-"I'.w !l().ft by 12M! ft. ____ K_E_Y_S ___ _ 703 E. Central Balboa INTERIOR-EXTERIOR PaiDtJna Mil Decantlna. M2 No. Drane•. Ph. OrPDie 247-J. R. W. Stlmp&e. ~2tp SIGN PAINTING Boate, 'J'nldra, WI.Ddowa, WaDI. Bulletlnl Raa.d Metal, Wood and Plutlc Letter~. Phone Number 683 COOPERATIVE ROOFING 00. New ancl Repair W A:v:BS round bottom 0..1 Water ....,.. Willie Tw Wd 11Dtina ana-~ LeValley's Food Kart Tu:». Built "' 1M2 b1 Shain · vooa'a Ewnlnc Appt. Ph.. Hartaar n~w Neowport BHeh Boat Worn ot S..att.le, a&\JJ.UUIUI 100 ..,... ......... f'adl .. Phonto Lone ,JIMch -u--~ ._,......,. • .....,._. vt'a Bea~op Clothes Pins ' --· ----;...,. 1101 Cout ~. de~":e Sprlnc ~ and kKI ol u:-2te FOR SALE._ fllhlna roc11 and ----------- ----::::=-:---:---:----N'f'la \for tuna ud IIPt tackle) No DelaJ LOft'~="""~AXD.,....--ro_11JfD _____ • Eledrieal Alan wood fOf' 1Jrind11nc. can REWAJU>-,,.. returp o1 Wack Repair Servlee Harhor 1479-R before 1 :30 a.m. ~.r:,. ~~---- PIMIM 17&-11 bWfolcl at Wed. ew til O.ta AJIP'enc-. Home. 1i1oCGn 6 21.1 E. lOCh at .• O.ta ..... ....... Navy ..., on ... w ._. lil&l"tM ~ IMfJ' ..... AU. PLASTIC 12-ft. t l~lb. TOP• r p Wald z.tte I. D. c:ardl. Phone HU'bor 5.30. Att.ndaft.' • 0-CAR BOAT and CAJUUER. • • • roD ==-=----~---...;_-•1tc S. L. FRANKLIN lmmt'dlat• deiiYil'f')'" Ot.h« mod-TtJet'rs *W. a.... BUD.DDfO IIATWI4 1• ll L08T _ llu'l cJartl brawn hat Ph. H&rtMir 1m-W ela .oon -dlnch .... ..Uboata. POa....... U HAVE aloocl•todt o1 roll~ with J'twtaant Lea. '!Aew at :1118 Central :::,:uu. cndMrt and ....._ ROOM ~ JU:NT-'rtrtft bedl. and Camp. Shln~Ma. TUe Boerd Keene'• eara.r Of' N ..... -nm.. iuo • UI'ROI.a'JDJ' a=n k Pl~tlc waten:rah CD. • ,.. .......-• ao ....-. ,.. lD many «*on, al8o .,._.. oftJce. ~ IC-4tc Rup ...... +• II a dl 407 E. Centnl, B&lboa ftllht. 2t'f Vla DUan, J...ldo f.lle, 100" P\are Palatl at pn-wv ~ WA.If'l'a) • o..m.tfed f\lnltun et.r=' PhoN Harbclr xra •ttc AL ' prictl. Olpeland U... Yardl. 5tb _ • I dQ pleko41P ... WMJ. -=.~ ... =-~-=-~-==--__;:.:....:.;; LACHMEYER A .A.rteeia Stl., Suite~ OIL W~t r.-• ,.... ol•lWW --~n.ILEAVINC CITY, mutt a.crillel -·-&'V -· 1726 W M-tfe aad wtfe, ruch, r.ta.....,t. ,.. OllANOE OOUN'n' •P"dboat. 22 rt~&oac. Itt. WANT '10 a.Dn'-:1 • • ......_ eat Central PAIIflllfe ~ ..... ..,_, and yard wan. uve 1a TDfT A AWNINO en 1e.w Studebeker Marini ............. ..... ww a.... Harbor 1243-M . out. PboDe Harbclr 160-J,.. caD 114 w. 4th St.,lluta .AaL .aoeptJonally pod eoadltioa. C.U .._ Pwter at HU'bor 10T --2t~ P.\Dft'DI8-P....a BAJICIIXO at D LIDdo Aw., BeJboL ~ Mr. Bw s•et. U. very Met &ooldnl and 1\aU)e • lJ. •tte BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL 89000 SmaU dwtUlna on h-ont ollot. In t.w • .ectkJn, on Aaat~ Ave .• near f'en')t Land-ana. Avallablfo now. • --I-- HUB POWERS, AGE"NT Phone Harbor 62-W J. A. B e e k 0 f f t c • , ......., LandlJw .......... .. ltr j. M. MILL B R Real ........... USdt ud o.nJ. . CHOICE BALBOA ISLAND HOMB 2 a.dnxlml· ...... 6ft. :~r , J\amllhtd ai II. .......... II ' Full Price ••s.soo ......... =.=--:-:~~~--~--... ,.. a.ocaAftJIO -.... ~ eqwpp.c~. f1rlt 8100 taa. tt. w~ ro aarr-:~ • a -... p A IN n --G IL .. HoC ll lnt~M ...... ..... .. ...... ........... t ... -.. a c H . 11 y_.. ._.. 111 :;'ewpart •1• ow Canty RL. o.ta ..._ ~on..,. • BATTER IE 8 Man&. 8a)' a.. c.mp. nth A • • ...._ ",..i ~ i:i&lt Newport ome Ocun Front Moine - 11-'-.,._ Phone a..con 501J.J , WANTED H·, '1 ,.. 1a ..,._ ,... ~ ..._ ... Cout mwar, Newpcwt IIMdl. lli'L lltnlth. 10"1'1 a. ~ Dr .• Moe. 2 bedroom·" f\lmllhed. a.n, ~!m;M •n 1 A Hany Hall bcae, 2 Ia ,__, ........ .-. ,_ J'-rillc AltiiL L. A.. a...._. CIIIIWt .,_..._, flo nton at IIKI pt _...., ...__.. --1 dr ......... PAIM'm«l OOtfTR.AcroR WILL NOT a,. nep0n1ab1e fOf' any pod ...... Pll: WI'W. Motte JluiDe ..... .... -• -..e NJ prb ,. IT.r=.= ~J Mode bW.butrnyownon2UOOc:leu W~~a:--1?N N.....,art..... • ...... , ... ...., .... WAMTED'rou:H'I'-By .15.()()() --• POi A anuw.w: ....._ M • Blvd., ~~ [i.=~· •"---==---=---=--=-D-·*-=:-~ ,fl ....... .=.:: = 1 "; a-=:-."'.,:!.... -BaU*-= ,... ...... «*~ N...,.n 1011 suvendo. 0ranp eo. w~~===-w=-AN~Im ......... -~..,..;;;.;: ·nr. ..... aed .,.._ PL&AaUU ~. • c.. taJtarWara. Pti=---t. c.u 100 Feet, Miracle MUe 2 =a ••t .._. eftlr ~p.m. »til .. 3tc Sban Cafe. 1'ftla 6 OoMt Rllb-W 0 0 D Hlrhway. Ph: BHeon 5418 _ ~ dill Mar ecilltlllll 1110. a.tw .. n ky and HJahW'I)". • -• II -... WQ. ft: Newpcwt-., 16-tte --:=-:----=:-:-----=~-~-tfc WW .... all or part. .12,200 ' Pu•LIC Nonca~===r~~~~~~~~~~-::1~~~~;~~:"::::+=~~!~ip~m~e~nt~T~e~sta~:Jw:ANTED~ TO RENT or r...&AU:. .. ~ or put time. Alita woman hcMa. or R.w .,... put tJme houM work and Pft'· 1.,.. MeW'pGit ..,., COo nxf'd .,.t"" and Portab&N ~-,~~~~~~~!f'------I~Oil ... ~O&I~LJlatlnll In lfOI'ICII:!: ~ED l.u.l: a Munldpal OorporaUon of tM IOft&l laundry. Apply Sll 01lf --~Oit.UIOZ=-....,;.,.~-OOUNTY..,..-.,............,--now av.Uabht. boftU.. Pwnnaneflt. Blllla• 0... u.. .. ... s~ ClUI, P1alntlft, VI. JESS1E Dr .• New;port ~ach. Ph: Beacon UPHOLST~ ERTNG ·co. ETS HOKIN .. GALVAN coupl•. no c:hlkhn. clo N.... $2 are et.a CoM el Calllon.La K.. SCOTr. et al. Defendant.. MM. M-ete 000 "----• .._ .. _. -..... 1be People ot the State of CaU-~ 1 ~·-t Hlrhway • ..._ -"" _....,. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: fornla Send GrHtlnp to: JESSIE IDIPLOI'IRNT OPPDED • Of Upboliltered Fl.ralture Ph. Ot>acon !1522 73-lfc HOW ABOtrr trad&nl homla f• That Hannah M. GIUia, Vendor, K. SCOTT, E"niEL lONE FUES-WANTED TO HIRE-Two &1rla W W. 4th St., s.n-. A.M FOR SAI..E--20 h.p. Marine o.t.l, a month or 10 thiiiUIIIIMT'T We whoH a4drfta Ia 2614 Weat C.n-SEL, ELMER A. CAIN, MIRIAM for w.-ltreues. Experie~ not Faet.ory and SbowiOOIIl : lUte NW. Halt orictnal ooet. Call would lUte a place at lM bHeh. tral Avenue, Newport ~aeh. Call-E. CAIN, hil wtte. ORANGE ~y. Full or part time. 1504 W•t Olnter St., ~ Newport l:IM-W. 16-tfe Wouldn't you Uke OM "'-" Ia fomla, Intends to aell to Roy R. COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, a Good houn. Apply bland Snack PhoM Anaheim Cn4 coUeC:t> IIUIIICAL a &ADIO M Beeutltul Alt.adeu? Con~t Shelley, ~. wtw.c addrea Ia ecrporatlon, Truat~. W.. W. Bar, 307 Marine Ave., Balboa 12-tlc to ewtfthlftc,' )'ft quiet ud 211 20th Street. Newport Bead\, CAMPBELL. ARTiiUR H . RICE uland. 3&-3tc ---~-=-------RADIO HOUSE CAu..s-,_tl\d, WW.et101 ........... Calllomla; thf' following detlcribed LULU B. RICE, hla wiff', LE: -JU8t Arrived Now that adclitlonal ecmpetent H. H. Wataan, 2154 N. Gerftelcl. penonal proJ)f'rty: TITIA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN HELP WAN'J'ED.-.-.Cenal houlle· ....._., s.an.n. AJd technlclana are avallable, ~are Altadena. Ph. SY U3112. 11-Ctp All 1tock 1n track, flxturea. w. SELBY. A. L. SHEPHERD. work. No ~g. Two cia,_ off BA 'IWJUES able to make IK'f'Vlce calli on - equipment and &ood·wtll of that JOE SHALLENBERGER, EMMA a Wftlc. Uvf' ln Of' out Good sa.l-~ ~ Oo. largt' roneolft. All work ruar-WAN'n:D TO Rf:NT-:l-bidlocwn Cft1.a1n cafe bualrlftl known u C. HA.FNER, LOS ONGELES ary. Two edultl In family. r..all 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 antf't'd. HAROLD L HAMM. ~dl M~ ': aurnnwr monlhl "GUU. Cafe," located at 2614 Weat MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, Harbor 704. M-ete ICHfc S.O.S. Radio, 300 MariiMI Aw. on '1· r. A ' Younnan, P. O. Central A venue. Newport Beach, INC., a CCJI'PO"aUon, FRED S. CHAUFFEUR WANTED -Forty Ph. Harbor 710. Boa 704. CA&Pilk-1:1. C'aiU. »-4tp California. and that the nlf', F'V..\N!'. ColAN DESPALATRO-dolllll"' per -ac and room. No Auto Batteries 0000 ~ ....,_ a... ,. IGw WANTf:D TO RF.NT H~ Of' transfer and usl&nmcnt of the 1-vtCH, J4. L. JACK. JOHN DOE n.lcht work. Stx dar-a week. a-month _ •. 41 Ex. I~ _.,. Phone HarOclr au&, aame will be mack and 1M con-JACK. her husband. STEDOOM Garden. Own car Co ded M OU • •· nne 1"' ~. EaQ uk for Earl Doullal ~ lkWrllt~ thcrefOf' wtll a,. paid at A BLANCH.A.RD, • corporation. Write Box J, e/o Nrn~· •POW!._ .. _ otor --. Or wU1 l'ft'IL 0... Pftt. ~.2tp 10:00 o clod: a.m. on Wednesday, STEDDOM A BLANCHARD a N-tfc ~. '70c Sdllrddt P\ano Co., !DO No. ll.alln the 15th day or May, 1946, at the eo-partn.-rshlp, KELLY ROOF--lluta Ana. ~ttc WANT TO kF.NT-<>-or two otnce ot Tom w. Hencknon, At-lNG ro. Ltd., a ecrporatson, \1\'ANTI!D--HO'n:l. auro. IWboa Wet!tem Auto Supply FOR SALE-Bendix R.e4'o Cam-.,..000" how.c-• ape ,..,..._ tome:y At Law, :nl Weat 30th RICHARD ROt. Truatl't' In Bank· lnn . ....,_. 110. ~ Authortl:ecl Dealer PMI Dlftoctioft P'lnder Pftt. Llboa Vetft'M .... wtt.. Strftt. In thf' Oty of Newport ruptcv of tM eatate of KELLY 1811 Nf'WI)Ort Blvd., O.ta M-Juke Boa, 18 ~. Sui R..f~ Call Kwbar llf·L Beach. County of Orange, State or ROOnNG eo.. Ltd., a ecrpor-Experienced Painters 21-lfc for ciiiD. ._.,P Callfornla. atlon. Bankrupt. WM. MERE-H. E. McDONALD Short Circuit Radio WANTI:D • or 'room houlr • Dated: May 1, 1946. DITH, WILLIAM L. HOPKINS, 414 Old County Rd .. C011ta Mesa WAJfTI:D TO llt7Y 11 !05 Palm, Ba.lboa Mttapo, furnlaNd, tor Itt. .... HANN~ ~GILLIS, MARGARET H. BIGBY. LORNE Beaeoo ®13-J 36-2tc W1LL PAT CAiftl tor )"Ollr l\::. ·Phone 1838-W 30-tft aon, up to QlO pel' month. la- Pub.-May 7, 1946. e . ADDI KEMP. JAMES P. COS-DRY CLEA!IIlNG•DRJVER-With ...... or nat._.,. you. ~ trrwtf'd ln buytnc tf ,.._..., TELLO. ·COTNER SECURmES or without route. Mrrrury Bfoaoon !56."16. 0 . R. crawlf'y. Radie Repairs Phon., Santa Ana 41M 38-Ctc Cltll'IIFICATE OF BUSINESS roRPORATION, a corporation, Clt-aners, 1844 Harbor Rlvd.. 1812 Nt>Wport Blv., Colta Mesa. All makea: tubf-1. N c WANT TO RENT _ ProfNaional FlctJUoUI Finn Name ~J~ E ~~~~~ ~ _c08_ta_M~. 36-2tc 30-Beacon 6763 man, wt~•n. dNitf'll to r .. nt atlon, Truat~. nfE FIRST NA-LOCAL or tr11ve1Jn1[ In buslni'U WANT TO BUY-Balboa Dlnct\)', BURT NORTON furnlaht'CI M untu.r'TI ._.. ~ 1be undersigned doel hereby TIONAL BANK OF DOWNEY, for your~elf. No monf'y requlrt'd. with or without lalla. MUit t. 115 Oout ~. Newport apt. Will pay maalmum rftlt. certify that he Ia conductlnr a 1 National Banltlng Auodatlon, Good ll"'oCCfnf'. You are your own In 11:ood condition. Phone Garden 21-tfc Ph: Oran1r 1688. Jl..:ltc General lnluran~ Arency aa4 JOHN DOE ONE, JOHN DOE bou. Apply 5flfl'-t No. Main St , Grovf' 625& or writ• P. 0 . Box BI:AtmnJL ..,.._t t)'l)e mlrror II&AL D'I'Aft ., Brok«qe bullneu at n4 Eaat TWO and J OHN DOE CORPOR-Santa Ana. 36-7tc 64, Garden Grove. 35-.Ctc ....._ a busaln· Tlnnl. Dana- Central Avenue. Balboa, Callfor· ATION. Df'fendanta. n1a, under the flctltloua flnn name You are directed to appear ln HELP WANTED--Elderly colored malf1Tt11liC roa .ALII II 8ctln*lt ~Co .• D) No. M&ln EVA F . RHODEN ol BJUGGS A MacKAy and that an action broulht eralnat you by f!l&n or woman who appredatea f"'R SALE-Gu ran~f'. eofa, wall _ ...... _~Aiw-,-_. -::• ~~---- uJd nnn ll eompoied ot tM fol-the above named plaintiff ln the a nl~ pennanent home a_J beadl brei, 3-yd. linen tablf' cloth, new. Anin A Emet'IIOn CoHta Mesa Jowtni penon whole name II and Superior Court of thf' Slate of and wtth Hrht work. to act u Phone Harbor 314. 36-ltC' R A D I 0 S Vt•r)' f'lnn 2-tMNtnn. houae on \i place of residence il u foUowl. California In and fOf' tM County housekt'f'per to mlddleared r•n· :K-JIGur Radle S.VS. arrr llu niC'f' yard and 1ar*n. t~wit: ot Qrance, and to arwwer the com· tJeman living In Balboa. Must CASH f"OR USED FURNITIIRE Good location on Elct.n St COSTA M E·.SA •, 2 Bed1"0011'W, frame howe, hardwood Goan, ltuclco tntetior. Available now. Locatf!(l on Short ltJWt, cat ~ .vet. tQOOO. Terma ---·--HUB POWERS, AGENT Phane KutMir 6:1-w J. A. Be e k 0 ffl c e Ferry Landini ...... AT CORONA DY.L MAR Fine Level Lots W. J . HOLCOMB 1~17 <"'out Hlpway Corona dftl Mar "Wtw-r• ttw n.,. ny· REAL VALUES 1-hedrm hom4" :l yn. okS. Hard· wuud and 1114> Duubllt rarap with uUIIty room. \i .en, nlc. i«'Yf'l ~'round Oood cllltrlct. Bet• t.-r hurTY on thle one. Full prb only- Oeean Front La& 0.. .......... "'750 . Attnetlft Balboa PenJII.IUla R~ 0. 1 .. IAtll ,28,000 San4Y F . MacKay, 1521 Ocean plaint ~In within tt'n da,_ have unqueatlonable rt'fert'ncea. PHONE BEACON 553S-J Short ClreuJt Radio $7500 BouleYard. Balboa, Callfomla. after the aervlc. on you ot thlt 1700 E. Central Ave., Balboa. 23-D Pa.ltiiD, a.Jboll Havr bUP" waltlnc for bla'nN Oft of ~~1= hand thll 12th dQ ewbiDOI•. If ...-wei within the J6-.4tc f"'R SALE-Bif'adlt'd Philippine Pha. 1-.W lS.tlc Lido ble Udo lat.. Your llltlnl will be .,. .. , · County of Oranre. or within thirty maholany aoiJd top dlnlnlt !rri!INWAY Gr.a4. 11M new, one A rr11lly IJO'aullfui 1-t:wdnn. alllll'fdatt'Cl SANDY F . MacKAY. days If ~erved f'lwwtlere. and you BOAT BUILDERS tahle, carved ~tala; 2 mu-fll tJw warkt'• .,_tat ....,.. rrfK'f'd wtth I~)' yar4. o.n.. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) Pft notified that unl8l you 10 ter and 4 1lde dlalra PhoM 0arpoua tone. J)Mutlf\11 cae. plPtrly fumlahf!d thru-out Now We alao "'" nkll Wldlac letll • CoUnty ot Orange ) •· appear and aNYm" u above reo-WANTED 11 ._ 1..,.. J p .... 1 '11111 11 a lnatrurrwnt fOf' the va~·nt ''an rtv· qul~lc -. low PI 1710 and·-, W• art lwn On this 12th day of April A.D., quln!d, the plalntltf wU1 takf' judg-arwr ~..,'. . . m on y. ~ " ~ .._ ...---.. 1916, bef~ me. Loull W. BrirP. ment tor any mont'Y or damal[ea on ___ __ 35·2tP cll8cl1ndnatlnc bu)oer. Duta.-A buy at $1 8,600 to MrW J'OU. 1 Notary PubUc In and fOf' the dfmanded In tM Complaint. u PI d Sk'ff FOR SAL""15 1 t doobl ~!~Co., 5lO No.~ - laid County and State, resldlna artalnc upon eootnct. or wm ·~ ywoo 1 8 b\lnk11, ~ .,.uCX:.':'P$~5• f'ach S ;; ..... ;;;;; ... ;T.--;-;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; .. ;-.. ;;"' Costa M el'& therein. duly cornm.'-loner and ply to the Court for any other re-and take all. 418 E. Surf St., Balho11 aPIICIAL ANNOmf~ • 2 IW'drm llt)Uif' wllh carat• on '4 IWorn, personally appeared San4y lief demanded tn the ecmplalnt. Sailing Dinghies M-4 HOSIERY MF.NDING -F'Atllh ac:rt•. Lnr Ju-t ,_ blodla from F. MacKay known to me to a,. Given under my hand and ~eel Smith'•. 40R No. Sycamou St , •hopping N-ntrr nn ,. .. , aldr. tM penon whole name ll tub-of lM Supertor'Court of tM eoun-ONE Kroehlrr Lv. Rm. Sullt', 11nt' Santa Al1a. Mall Service. 34-8tc $6800 ICtibed to the within Instrument, ty of <>rente. State of California. TOP PAY Ott. chair. onr Duncan Ph>''" ~-=..,_...........,..........,.....--.....,.....--- and ~ledced to me that he thll 24th day of April, 1946. ('t')ff~ table. Ofl«' dlnettr •ull<', M011{ER.S DAY -Gtve tMor a E .VA F. RHODEN executed the aame. 13. J . SMITII. OVERTIME h•wn f'Quip. Ph: S..aoon 565H-W Canary and Care. Love·Birdl, In Wlme.l Whtftof, I have County Clerk and Clerk of the BONUS 1777 Oranre Avr .. Coet11 Mr•u ParrokN tl, I(Tay and white Rt'altot hereunto tet my hand and af'flxed Superior Court or ·the Statf' ot 36-Hc Zebru. 50!5 E C'ftltral Ave., 470 Ntwpr:~rt Blvd.., Colt. W.. my offtdal ~eel the clay and year Callfomla, In and for the Coun-Balboe. 32-Stc ELTON D. BARN'E'TT, Broker In thla certificate first aboYe ty of Oranre. TIIERMAOOR Electric Rllnl!f', ----------Ph. Re1cnn 5711-R written. By ROY J. IRWIN, Deputy. WATSON BOATS ltudlo couch, dlnnt't lt'l, plAt-3&-2t,e LOUIS w. BRIGGS CSf'al SuperiOf' CcKa1 ronn rock~. tablf' book n•rk, TRIPLE M CAFE B lb [-I d H "'o•·-PubUc In and tOf' Or• .. -"'-·-ty) 811 •Oout Hlchway lamp~, 2 bamhoo ahadea, 7x9 8 08 .,..an Orne •~ ._1 -.. ~ \,N\&11 H bor •m N 7 n-n. Whf're F"rlend1 11nd TUvf'lf•,. 2 ......, y· .......... aald County and State. Pub.-Apr. 30; May 7, 14, 21. 28; ar " o. ' ....,aeon oeY 31>-llp M«-t tn Ji:at. .._...,mom urn ""'· (My ~70ft) Elqlk'tll June 4, 11, 18, 29; July 2, 1 • ~tic f"'R SALE -lland·madf'. hanrl· $11,000 (Seal) May 28, 1 ...... · 8AJ.m IIUICJIIILI.AlQOI • carvf'd Old En11ll1h 011k dlnl111t· :104 Cout Boule-vard Pub.-Apr. 16, 23,30: May 7, 1946. f"'R a•,... ...,.. -. ..__ .... room ~t n t 1 t II Q wona del Mar 3&-tfe Ocean Blvd. Lot $3,000 No. 40161 AUA8 8VMMON8 (Action broU&ht In tM Superior Court of the CoUnty o1 <>ranee. w and Complaint ftled In the Of-nee of the O«k ol the Superior Th Court of aalcl County.) ,. 110£ T A DL£S s~ou. 10, UUA, ••~· """' ; l'e .C or YJlf' a J C', ftU . ~1 W. Central Ave., after 5 l"nda f'lltt'nd to ~eat ten. 6 hlll:h· KAY, 1 ... p.m. 35-2tc back chain, aU uqul1ltr plt'CE'tl ala() aervtnr eabiMt. total Jl"lf"" $.540. 2651 O'fttv~ Ortv('. Rill· hoa S.,y Shorn. 31>-1 1 Jl HIP Low HIP Low F"OR SALE -Boys tNcycle, ~ 8 2:48 10:20 6:11 II:N war. In &ood condltlop. ~.15.00. U ~.3 4.1 2·3 507 Larlopur St., Corofijt> del 9 4:16 11 :13 t:el 11 :61 Mar. 3!)-:ltlJ 4.2 ~.2 4.~ 1.7 10 5t25 11 :57 1:11 f"'R SAI.E--&vew~ drawer Slnll:l'r NEW '& USED FURNITURE TELBPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES Bay Front Lot Gnod Location. rrlcrd to Sell. 2 Small Ho~e On Lot Zoned for Bual,_ $10,600 BUILD NO -W LOW COST HOM88 Be Sure and See Kodela At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor MS-W ... "W1U 0111 PICO BUILDING MATERIALS Ia .._a...-o-t et .._state 4.2 0.0 oL8 Se'Mnc Machine, tnadlt' 1tyle; ., Callforala Ia ud ror... S 11 6:21 12:39 I:N ell'ftlatl~r;;~er. llke C..tJ e1 0ruce 4.2 1.1 5.0 0.3 new. Call at ~ Nt'W· C hairs No experience MC811&1'J Earn while you learn There are many other advantage! to beln« a W . L. JORDAN a.tte 700 F.ut r.,.ntrai, Bal~ ~~~~~~~===J~~~~~~~===:4I nt. .................. -77?F& port ~ach. '11=2t1J RT Be-aCH t.laM ,.._ L a ; _. ....... .. .;Cl;;;l;Y;O;;;F;NEWPO;;;;;;;;;;;.~.,....;;;;;;· ---~-------, FOR SA,LE-Younr laytng M nl ,II $1 40 u ch; 1 laytnr; or hrollf'r RBP. YARD coop: 1 baby chick bTOOCin with WJMG SANG BOAf A . AIR tw-at ln~~: unu . 3-bumt'r ~ta• plate, rrouonahle. Ph. Rt!11con 520R-J a.l ~ R ' M., JOl or 165 E. 23rd St . C011ta M~>aa. era vu--S.1tc P11oM BellOW MU- "' . :u:::-... •• Machine Shop Equipment One amall Ia~ Onf' lart• lathe VIIW.'II, clrlll prdat'S, etc. Call Nnrpt. ~act. ~aeon 5561. · M-4tc Stoves Tables Beds Springs RURS Lamps Ice Boxes F.vrrythln~r f"t•r thfo Hom~> S<... tla n.ffiN' Ouytnr HARBOR FURNITURE Phnnt' ~mn M.,._J ....... d .. ... ., ...... ~ ..... ertlcle 1912 ,..,.._ BJ¥d., C.O.ta Mf'M . -1 telephone employee. AMIIY 100 E. S.y Avr., 8eJboe 114" l'f. Mata St .. Santa Ana (IT A.llc thf' oprrator fOf' ttw 0\Mf Operator SouUiem c.Hfomla Telephone Compaay Phonfo Hnrl.or I~ 36-ttc _ .... W..,.._, ....,... WWS t~OR SALF.. A VI'T)' dl .. lr11hl,. tvorM, tllr.ly I~ l"atl'd aouth of thfo hiiChway. :l bc-ttt1ru . lariC~ llvlnr ,.nom with fi"'J)IaN" • nnor fumllt'f'. 2·t'ar ~raral[f'. Jlf-arlnl rrull tr...-.. a w~<alth of ahruba 111d Ol)wf'f'll PriN" I• IMV nn pr...,.nt markrt, $11,(1()(1 1-hf'drm. htll.lllf' If,,.,.,. I• •mall hut convf'ftl«'nl, attt'llr tlvr Ao fum A vrry <lfotlnblf' k>t 4ftx1:'!6 nn ra· viM _... of PoppJ Avt> 1'1800, H. CARDOZA trt.OAN 1!03 Cout Blvd , C".orono dr-1 Mar PhoM H.w 47. -.2tc ft NE8D LAT£ MODa CARl end '411611 P.Y Top Ptt•• -.L .,_ CMJt MOW ............ HlltL ... ------------------------------------------J!!!ft!!tf91111LIIAL!0~!9AW~~~~~_.JU!2~~~~~~~~~~~~~L-----------------------------------------------------------­. Je1aurer..Qahill Rites Solemnized at Pretty HOme Wedding; Couple to Live in East 'fte ..., e. ot Mr. Uld KrL I want Bums pla,yed oo the ceUo &I.. ........ 22130tll .u.t, wu "'CU't'~n to TeU You," then -.. llc!fM-..1 a pt'Mty home wed-the weckllnr nia..,.tt rrom "Lohen-41111c Wfdrl u-,, April 2ll when a CJtn," end after the ~r{'mony "l Harbor Feminine Activities LocaJ Man Weds Oakland Girl in Church Rjtes; Couple Now at Home on Oce an Front ln the Cenu-.1 Lutheran church r - ~ 11 and208 . + • R....,._,. ~ 1637-R at Oakland at 8:15p.m. Monday, Lions Q ub May t!l!lftrMMY •t lp. m. unJt~ 1n mar-Love You Truly" and "Drink to M-rs. S. 0 . Chambers • rtap Alma K•ltb Ctthlll. dauah· tu Only Wtth Thin .. Eyes." w o1 Mra. ~B. Cahill, 1810 A ~tJon was hr·ld 11ftf rw11rm Elected President OcNn Front, and Ftank Earl with Mrs. Buraess ~erving, l'!nd p· B Ph· A Miss Marian Gartler Defines 'Gentlemen' ·Mrs. Herts Opens Shop in Costa Mesa WCfU Hears Reports, Enjoys Luncheon April 27. Pbyllla Ellen Gilbank. S C M Sc ts dauehter ot Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. ponsor · • OU GilbanJc ot tbat city became the Camp NJUipment 001tJne ~ . has bt-en purchued and will be bride or Wlltiam Jo Kraemer, son distribute<~ 10 the slx patroll ol lbul'ft' Jr., 10ft ol Mra. S..t.rice after a r-days in Long &>ach I I eta I ssn. lllauret', ~delphia, Pa. the youne cooph• will go to Phlla· --• White 1.r1s UUH and 1arre bird dt>lphla where tht•y will make thrlr ,J\frt StAnl••y 0 < hflmht•rs. Rl:l fJ1 paradile howl.'rs made a love)¥ future home. \'In L1do Nnrd. was rh-rtf'<l pro•st· f1anJ Mttlna for the r1t8, which d.-nl of PI Brtn Phi alumn.lf' ....,. pertoni'M<I by the Rev. E. D. 1 ali10CI11tion at the t•nnunl Junc•h•·nn Goodell Lido Isle Hostess 1 h•·ld r1t th•· S11nt.1 Ana <"ountr>· 'Jbo bride chOIM! a navy blue Fetes M. esa Matron I c·l:~" with :l6 mt•mho•rs llff'lil:~' m ... 11tH with tchlna hat \.\ ant' cnrnAtlon~. till' cluh fhi\\t r, t.raw-~_ ... urted ~white Bible 1 W('rt' U-11'<1 \\lth silve-r hlut• dd· and wU ..... c Mrs. Jerrold Spanal{'r (.'Tlll'r-phlnlum and prt'tt >' plru o' l'ards ~ with blue lrls and atephanot1a. talned I'C<'C'ntly at ht>r home on tn mokr 1111 nttntCth·~· tttl./lo• Mlaa U J• crane Wftll brickoamald Udo blc hmwrlnll: th•· hlrthday Othl'r offirr•rl And c-hnirnwn and the wore a auJt of yeiJow and annlwnary ur Mrs. \.I'Orge Gay n·-...a "'ftrP Mr• r. B •1c1nor brown her flowers ~ine wtUte .......... ". a . .... • " • • Jac.k Olhlll b~r of Cotta M('lla Many pretty l{lftll vic·•· Jlrl'lllic·nt ; Mn. Myn·lla prden.lu. • were received by the honorE"C und Thomns corr<'lptllldin~ st>crrlul')' ot the bridr. ac tt.'d U '-1 I man the larae birthday cake borr 16 Mlu ~~~ Wl'l&h ro•£·orrling so•c·o o': eel a1ao p ve the bride n mar-candles ' ~ · · tary: Mrs l.kJnald r.riffcn. ltf'll· ,.....:.,_ arri i FA DHNrt Willi rolluwed by brldg<' urt>r all of L1111:11nn ll.-r1ch. On .... ,_ I\Mit.l wer. V nc • with Mra. EmMt McClellan hold· tht> '{'X•·cutlvl' hosml sri'. Mrs 1 1na hleh 8COrl'. the hoateu at•cond. Waynl' llarp•'r, l'rttlo·ml'nt srhocll t Mrs. Jack W('St wnn th{' fTswt'lllng chalrmah, ~11'1 !Wihtt Wflnkhn jr. prla and Mrs. llo-nry Eggl'rt w;a memt>o•rshiv rh11itm11n. ).1rs Thn11 c:otwoled. Rl&kl'. ro•rnmm1•n•latlons rhuir- O ther 5ruesta prc"!•·nt included man, Ralbon Islund. anrt Mr~ L. :'ol is.s 1\ls.r111n Gartll'r, talent•'<! the Mesd&JnEos Hnrry But dirk, K l':ll~ht'rry, program chlltrmotn,l dau~.;htc r uf Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Kcnneth .Stewart. und Richard l.us;:un11 R4•nr·h Cartl••r o( !'l;ewpm-1 ll{'lghts, a fro r Dittmar. Mr8 Jnrk "'"""' of l.fii:Una ftnlo;hl ng school· W{'nt to New y.,. k ;=============:::::========..:...:====. Ho·a{')t JII'I'Stdo•d. flrllt lh•• lmprt'fiSI\'t'' and IH'l'am1• assnr1att·d with a hrnt l'llndlf'·ln:htln~: n •rNnony h•mol'•od 11f al'l'uunt"nts Rlll'<'ntly l.tl11k For Mother Daniel Green Slipper MArrGON'S SHOE STORE Footwear for All the Faqilly 111t5 N..-part 8Ift. th1• 1:l Wllm•'n sllhlt-nts \\hn ;:art,. MaguLinl' c"niiUI'hd a suno•) rrNi at ~lonmouth rollrgr. Ill . 19 amnn~: r.otham ~UIIIlj.( po•oph•, ask· )'0•/1')-s ll j:!O tu fr,und rhit< f1rSI o•ol-Ill~( tlwm tu d1 IIIII whO is a l;l'tl tlt•· lr•ge 10rority Thry wt•rp thr first man. I to o'lllllhlish 11 scttl!'rnl•nt lichool in _\1iss Gartl.•r. Yo'hoJSt' pir tur•• Htf· ltw r.n·lll Smnk) ntmantrun.; nnd. 111.:on•il "ill\ h<'r ('Ommcnt. aahJ fnr !)() )'o'11rJ1 hm'o• lll"•nsorN1 I hi' ":'\!Qsf nwn arr l.:<'ntkmen inatln< 1·. l'l'ntll~sr.nr•,. or \\'o·n\·in..: nnll 1dlu•rl 1\1'1) YI'S, 1 r1•ull~ know mony hamlwrnrc~ .tnd hiiVI' rr1·11t .. rt a 11f 1 lwm. TI1ry'r<' all-uround lw · I n111rk1•t lor t lwm nwn, l111t not tuugh. They know Aflo•r tlw h1n!'ho•on tht• mo•cn-_tht·) n• ml'tl and don't let It im· h•·rs "1•11t '" tlw hom"' 11f Mr~ vn·ss tht•m." S(lf•nr;• fnr flu• lHul!nr..s mc•f'tln~: Mrs Cartier hilS nown to Nt•" nnd pn 11:r11m lnslnltntion \\111 !)(' Y11r1< sl'\'('ral timf'tl to visit ht•r 111 tlw :'ll t1)' nw..tln~; nntl th1s dnu~tht('r. Daddy Gartler Is n month th1ro• w11t nlso lw rt rmh welt known Newport boat ownl'r t•·a for h11;h sdtool o~:irls to be ----- hl'id n1 Mrs ~ 'hamtx•rs' hom{'. t "Fr~m of th-;;;as .. 7s" se~m{'-H. S. P.-T. A. MaRe,s Plans fo r El ection lthlnr: WI' haw In PI'I\C{'·time but :....--------------------------~ l011e In war. All m••m!Mors of th{' N{'wport llnrbor ll1~;h School P.·T. A. puh· licity rommlltl'<' wtlt m<'<'t at tho• hum{' uf thl• chn1rman. Mrs. J••r· rnld S palll;l!'r. 113 \'is Koron. Lld!l lslr at 1IJ am Friday. May lll \\ llh tho• t'flrnJOI! rlrrtion II! M n) 17 as lhr subj{'Ct und{'r discus· sion It Is on that day c:ltlzo·ns will vut•· an lltr "Pay-as-You-Gu" plan rnr prn' irlm..: llf'l>tlt'd 11dch· tinnrtl fnrilith~ r •• ,. th{' high school nnrt at !has mc•••tin~: final plnn~ w11l "'' draltf'd to enroural;l' tht' puhlk to '"'" Wherever Smart CAN THE Women Meet You Hear Th~m Say: BUY IT 5 PO .RT FOR .LESS SHOP" AT ot Mr. and Mrs. William Krae,mer Troop 6. Costa Mesa. accorcUrw A most attractive and modern Newport Beach W.C.T.U. met ol Newport Island. Pa5tor Se\ert-~ tu th<' announc<'ment made lut httlo• shop just completed by Mrs. Wednt'sday at the home ot the 1100 perfonnJn~r the ceremony. "''' 1( ll> lh<' troop stan at the Lt•~>na l.l<'rts at 118 Eut Broad-presldt>nt, Mrs. May U'Ren. 35U The bride wore a !'own _with_ a bo~rd or rt'\'lew. Commlt~mea "a•. c o~tn ~(·sa, was opened West Ocean Front, with Mia princess bodiC!t' of whtte saun wllh. Cliff Liunbnr~~:<'r lind R. G. 0\amb-~l"n.!n) with 11 full llnf' of ma-Elsie Newland leadln& In devo-pulled slt'('ves and a ruffled nt>t •rs nnd Scoutmast{'r Harold Hall t .. n .tls for m·••dlework. I tlonala. Ht>r aubject wu "ln Aa f skirt with modified train. Hl'r l ~iscusst•<f pluns for the propoled ' A strlk.n~ r .. acock blue out-Much" and atrft~ the Idea of fingertip veil wu held with orange )sponsorship of the troop ~ the Nid<', with ornamrntal wrought sharing w 1 t h lesa fortunat~ 1 blouorns and she wore quaint !l<'t 1 LIQfll club thl' Costa Mesa aaa.. ironwork. inside the gy-~n reveal peoples: a point which wu takel! mit,. A White Bible Wll$ ~am~'ll. munlty M~thodlst church belftl r11ftPrs and floor combm!'d With I up at a round 'table dlacuaalon. on which was a white ,orch1d w1th I wllling to .rl'llnqulah tht>lr duU• whltr "'oodwork make a cool color It was voted to continue a Ugh t satin streamers caught with bou· 81 sponaoring body. srhc•m«' with floral draperies over Line union through payment ot vardla. warded \'t'nc•t)fn hlintls. With one wall de-· S.'l toward the aupport of a m.IJ~ Miss Mildred Gllbank was maid Merit badges wer~ aN t Will# to di5play bins, space is sionary and a aubacrlptlon to the of honor. She wore pink tatrt>ta 1 Da~~d HCardnl'~, T!: Trom~ '!: lt•ft fQr a drsk. divan and coffee Union SignaJ. Mrs. E. D. Goodell, and carried a sheaf of deep pink R?uo>rt ancoc • pe ' tuhlr to mnke an attractive sew-treuurer, report~ $11 paid In the ~ and sweet peas. Bridesmalds o;ck Hln~dK<'n~et~ ~al~ end in~ rclOm. ' trf'aaury alnce the lut meetln~ were the Mis...es Norma Occelli 1 R c~ard · w 0 :c Y '-: Stock includl's all kinds of I Mrs. Flora Beatty announced the an~ Ellen Henry and they W{'r{' m<'rtt badge to attaJ ~anlr thft'nds, yarns, material f or L.T.L. boya would have an {')(-gownf<t alike in aqua satJn bro-Eagle Scout. crodwt. crosll llt ltch and chenille 1 h1hit at tht> bazaar und dlnnt>r of I cade and carried pastel T'06eS and Troop~~ 15 and 6 an~ a rw:!l, nurst'r.Y pictures a nd IO)'ll, the Balboa Orcle on Friday and SWt'el peas. Best man was Marris, "r{'d·hot" bost>ball game to be SI'Winl; rahinNs, needll'!l of alii also r.tvic•wed world news. L. Groome o1 Pasadena and ushers playE'd nt>xt SundAy at the maiD d~·,o-rlplions and stamped pieces Mrs. Mary Baxter was welcom-were Robert Henry and Harry M school fil.'ld. The public la l.n- '" ••mbroid{'r. ('(] as a new m{'mber and Mia Weld o~ Oakland. vitl'd :md Captains Munsen end Tlu• n11mf' of 'thl.' nl'w store 1.! :'oi{'wland, S<'c:tl'tary, wu ask!'d to The reception was held at tht> Nl'ttles promise 10me good ball. 1 hr !'l;l'edlt>point Shop, and Mrs. 1 Sflnd {'1\rds to six former members., church where various flowers Ho•rt< Is ~nt<'ful to members of At no)()n a sack lunch w11s enjoyed 1 were used for dE-coration and the NEW L I N E 1 h• 1 lub or that name rur allow-1 with tht• hostC'SS providing extra wl'dding calce, circled with a ring Craft Greetina Cards In~ hM' to use it. disht·s. of gardenlu, W8!1 St'TVM. Tht' Stationery• Thr nrxt m('{•tin~,t w11l be nt thl' hridf'groom has recently J'eCeivt'd 1 Mrs. J ohn Webster hom(' of Mrs. Beatty, 307 Lindo his di. charge from the u. s, Coa!'t l Brookings Variety Named to Red Cross avt'nUI', Qa1boa. Guard 11nrl the young couple ar<' 1 .. <'-• ...,. "'--.,. .. mnkln~ th{'ir home on the ()C('an o...w. u. e1 ~·· ...._ ---. ~~ NOTES from the front ncar 32nd stl't'('t. · j _ ___;, __ _;_, ___ ~....; l\tr~. .John Wf'hstl'r of -Costa I ;\lo•,a wa, o•lc•Ctf'd to the bonrd of Balboa. Yacht Club r------------------------.. rl1r• rlors nr Southt·rn Orange . ' !'uu.nl\· Ike! (Toss at the annual Larry \Vll{'t'~OSl' outstnnd· I ' ' M 0 T H E R ' s D A y G I F T s ' ' dumo·r· hl'ld lnllt wrek at Santa in~t P!'l'formant•l• In winning thC' · ,\n~o anrl wlll srrve a thr{'f'·year PC rae£• at thl.' E11stcr r{'gatta t1•1·m. was highlight of thr affair. sold W. R.' Cnrmlchaf'l prcsld<'d in thf' hoat. Tlw Squuw, to Mlkc- thl' ah!lrnce of the chairman, D. M. Fll'ming or 5:nn Dll'll:O and it Is K"IIY Dr. William JOMS, pr~ lost to lite IO(·al Clt'et. Wh<'cler cf1•nf of Whittit"f COIII'ge, W8ll On{' eX)le'C:tS to pun·hast> 0 n{'W Onl'. nf th{' Sl"'f'llkl'rs anrl Walter Mairs, That s;:rudt:<' rnrc' bt>tw(.'('n Stan frr•ld dm•ctor or the Am<'rican j Christoph{'!' of San Dl~o and Ho·d rrnss. c •ld or his eX)le'rit>nre.o H{'be Erickson isn't srt tiro Y<'l: ""h th{' Four:h Marine Divislon lstan was up r!'{'('ntly and this \\h•r h s11w ~r-r\'let> In :"te South time Hebe wns the "winnah!"- Fo r th e Mother-to-Be -a Nice Li ttle P lay S~i t Featured by Do~na-Marie ISIS So. lfalu Pilrlfil' II<' s,ld that supplies were Staff Commodore and l\trs. Arch IS~III'd to th ' mt>n without ch::trge Bish showed motion pictur<'s at L--------------------------...J 11ntli a ~!'nrrnl ordl.'r rrom the the club rt'«ntly, thr films lnclud- • r·rr!'tary 11f \\'ar. d{'c:r('C'd that ling somf' takrn by Capt. Cast I<'· all rnmmoditir< be sold at a nurr.· man Smith \\hilC' in Italy, thr 1n.al sum to in-.urf' <'QUill distr11J\J-1 victory In Sirily rend som<' r~>vh·­ lll•n nmon~ thf' fi~:htim.: mf'n. alii of a Santa· Rnrhnra r<'gatta. Rt•JJn's<'ntcn~ the Costa ~I{'Sa the• Cnmmodorl's' rrUIS(' nnd thC' hracwh at th{' dinn{'r, which was rirst R\T r<'s:ntta. "o r\iod hy m{'mbeNl of th«' Baii'O:~ H1 11 Cross rantr-.·n. were M:-s. , .dla \'lelr, Mrs Lloyd Gabriel nnd Mrs. Jerrold Spa.n~~:lt>r. ·nus comins; Sat urdny 1'\'l'ninlt a hnard m<'<'lin~ is·~<'ho•dulrd for thr club. RrN'nt nnmMO ;cddl'd tn t hr cluh rostl'r wert' tho~r nr 0('VC'rly P. Balboa b llllld -~ Buttor lii'J Open Saturda)'l Until May lit Cloeed on Mood4y WH ERE HAIR STYLING IS AN "RT Doroth ea Wilson Lit•nt7, Balhnn r.~tnnd: .r . w. Me----L f T k I Farl:,ncl nnd r.r·nr~:1· McRoh••rt<~ Ill Ham 'n Eggs for eaves D r 0 yo-of Sit'l'l'!l Madn· .. Junior ml'mb4>rs Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty .. care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE Dresses PWnl:y Marked Below O.P .A. Celllnc Price Blouses QAB&8DINE SIAOU ALL WOOL SIAOU PDAL PV8BDI8 IIACK 8Uft'8 81101n'8 BATBING SUD'S Wlth La~ and Strings PlAY SUI'I'8 SUN SUITS I&IIC1'8 aad SWEATERS H811C1Ba~2~ .... to 8ell for t5.00 eo.. 8ee fer YOVIMM -<Jovte~ P~MMnt Glrh to S.rve V ou THE SPORT SHOP 212 West Fwa Ill St. • Santa Ana HWbere Smut Women Shop and Saw'' C t M Wscs I w{'rc• ClarrnC't' \\'llll'rrnan nnd J::d-OS a esa Mist Doroth<'u Wilson, city li-ward Witt«'. A hiJm .'lnd I'J.:g )Jro•iikfll.lt 111 br11ri11n 11nd retit;lng president of lolr.nno'<J h) th<' ,.,-,c;cs oC Costal thu Btsim•ss und ProrcssJonal 1 M I'SII Community church for Womt'n'5 {'luh. lrft Saturday for Di nne r Dance at Thursday, May !1. Ill thr gpdal St'attl{'. WhC'I'O-lh{' will catch a BYC f R t . ns hnll. 1\lt-mtwrs an· (II m~t nt holt! ror Jllpan. Shr Is On{' of or 0 ana 111 a.m. to S• w fur thl· bazaar a nd four womt'n who will work in civil ~ -- <"'ircll.' I Will <:rn •r hrrakfast at servk<' establiflhing libraries for La~ii'S' nlt:ht wns thr thrmC' of 11 ·30 a.m. W1th Mr" t' D. 1\ipp; the Army or Occupation. Others th{' d~nnl'r-danet> hrld Ill th<' Jlnt·l In charge. Rt·\·. Cnrl .luhn!lon "111 arc from N{'w York, \'ir~tinia and boa ) arht club r ('{'{'n\!y by lora I speak And the Girls' Sl·xtcttc will 0 Montana. j RotariAnlO. . 1 gh·l' the• muslraJ progr.1m Mlu Wilson will be gonl' A year Takinf: l'han:r of thr nffn1r . thl' nnd Mrs. Mnrian MrChrsnc•y. who 1 past pri'Sidr nt!l plnnnl'd thC' 1'\'1'· has h<'<'n on the hbrar)• staff for ni~g. or dlnan~. ~anclng nnd lnt{'r· some tim<', will he librarian. m1~s1on cntt'rt:unml'nt. At on{' 1 pomt In thr prol:(rllm a group danl'<' was drdicnt!'d to tht> few original chartrr m{'mhen pr<'S<'nt Au ction Nets $59 f,~-i~ Qv{'r $59 was rt'alizl'd by mf'm· ; bt'rs of the Pilot rlass or Christ at thl' tim<'. . ·~ Thr yacht club or<'ht'$trft furn· ish!'d the musical numbers for the I lar g{' crowd of Rotarians and lhrir r gUC'SlS. Church B~ the Sea at their auc· tlon of hard·to-&et articles which followf'd the dlnn<'r S<'rved Friday t'Vening at the {'butch by men or St. james Au xilia ry th~> class. Thf' menu r<'atured c reo I{' St. Jamrs Auxlllar)' will mr<'t mrimp with rice. and during the Thunday at 2 p.m. wilh Mrs , dinner hour Miss Betty McCubhon Harold Bendrr. 23rd and Orang<' ~rav<' twn plano l{'l('Ctions. Twenty·j!'lr£'f'ts, Collnge No. 4, Hunting- Monday ~{'Vrn meomhers wl'tt> p~t. ton Beach. RA~DKERCIUEF'8 . . SO!lll' In ~J){'C'Ial ~!othl:'r's Day box. COSTUME .IEWELllY . . . pins and matching earrin~. COATS AND DRESSES Bring "MOM" in for a. New Outfit Orkin's Department Store BAGS Calf or pac-t piMUe. AsS..n:n MADEMOISELLE So f.minine, so Nntimentol It this "KHpso.a" l*Me, $2. '70 Jo.itttly cletifMd by 9d m'IM . 1M eyelet.elftbtoi~ joWt !nO ... cnJ.orfftlftt fmfl ot th. Meiti~te of your .... 'Print tui+ In aponkiflt white wcnhoble tayoft ere,.. , PLAY'?~ STREET FLOOR r~ l!ltnoM ... 8~ 8AST A AS A