HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-15 - Newport Balboa News Times' THE SAND CRAB .,. S.\M C HANGE. More than 100 years ago N ew York state was under the · feuruil sys- tem. The other night at the Udo saw the movie "Orag- onwyc k," a story of th e ee.rly days of the U. S. and the ownership of large trac ts by landed gentry, )"hO in- slated on rentals to tenants, despite the fact that Amer- ica waa-free. The owner of Dragonwyc k was a tyrant who refused to recognize that the laws had abolished his caste a nd system until a bullet ended his domain. Gradually the lands w ere taken up by free m e n and fn the yeArs that followed one change after a n other. m ost of which came the h ard way. were put into force by a lib- erty-loving people. . At the tum of the (;cntury the big corporations ruled the country and congress. Wall S treet was in the sad- dle. Then came the a nti- Shennan a ct, the Interstat e Comme rce commissio n , the restriction· or financial cent- ers. The die-h ards wouldn't play ball a.nd were swept int o oblivion. The fi.J'St W orld War brought the '29 panic and with lt R oosevelt. who promptly did a number or things that the old-timers could n ot st omach. The aecond W ar anr1 i1 s after- math would avoid th e pit- falL~ of the fi rst. with no apple-selling on sll'l'et corn- en. 1lle pea('(' has not L<-en 10 hot and the labor unions present arother pha.o;c of change. Confusion is para- mount a nd s till another cycle is en route. Whnt I a m t ry- Ing to say ls tha t we m ust move forward. w hether fo r good or bad, dt>pends on a ll of us-and God! ~ + Navy Waste. Story IMst week a bout grease belhg wasted off a U. S. warship denied today by Chief Boats- wain J . J. H c n drike, who ha s been in the Navy, off and on since 1907. Hendrike says the order to save grease a n d tin can s carne from Was h- ingto n in 1942 a nd h as been gener;tlly obsen l'd unlt>sS in difficult instant'CS. He pays his complime-nts to the k ids who have hcen in th(' scrviL'C and c.leclarcs thut ahout m pen:e nt o f the m have told their o ffi<.'CI'S t o go to hell: have misbehavt'ci a n d dis- obeyed: have s"ovcd mnny cases or foodstuffs ovcrbo<m1 at n ight w h e n it was in the w ay; h ave felt they Wt.'J'Cn 't there because they wanted to be: • h ave done about as they p leased while the offi- cers relaxed on discipline: have kicked thl'ir own food arowHI to 1 he d ist<tstc of their huddies. Hendrikt• ad- m its th:1t m any of tht• rooks a J't' n ot what thf'v should hP: that tlw . upplil~ :m~ A-I when IW'f'i\'('fl h11t t!Htl the fault Jay~ \\ilh 1111' Jtt'L•UI111CI in cook in!-{ 11 p:·opt·• 1:-. . . ~ J~dl:md!' C'ollt'~l'. AI .Joyc,. m O<k•stly Ja:-·s dnim to tiH• 'statemrnt 111ft! h t• h a ); l>r·out..:ht l!t•dl.uuls L'ollct.:l' stucknts t(l C'.IJ.M . :-.1 r;.tnd fur th!.' -=tlmn~t•t·, .);)IJ "1 r o n 1-'· Sa v~ 1 h11 1 tlw~1· \'ell mgo;t rr-... ha~··· lw.'(•Jl J.:OIIH.: io :t IM•;tdt fartlwr "''"'" lor till· t:t:-.1 1.• yl'n·r., Inti 1 h:tl :1 o;un ''·' llld!ll' by the ~II H ll•lll 11011;-Ill fll l'l~ revt':tll'd IIH' l!x-al ~h(lrr• 11 '' • bf's t 111 lilt· Snuthl:,m! :.ncl that on I'\ lay :! 1 I ht>;-"ltttlrl arn\'e m drn\ '"'· :"<In • work. AI. + • • Onf' o f the sermons o n Mo thf'rs wns tha t g-ive n 'by Hev. Peru· Sdl~Ot'k a t the C.D.~f. church S unday morning e n - titled "Sentiment and Sense A bout Mo ther's Day." The m others o f yeste rday, t oday and t om o rrow were pre- eented in su ch a way tha t you couJd hear a pin drop In that h o u se -so absorbed the congregation in the ..---~• tion. Perhaps the got a little better sennon. but the par- of today's complex face as many problema thole of yore. Costa esa Edition Oalboa-News ·Times VOLUME XXXVIJI <'08T.t M.a.t. OAI.II-'tlR:\1-\, \\t:no~a:su.\\·. MA\' 14, aNt ..... , Nv.-.a• Harbor Building Volume ::s~c:.~ U.S. Barrett 'I :!'~·,~!.':'!.., Soars to $150,800 Mark A:.:~~~~"~~~M"'"I Will Present ~~~-~~~""~~~ ...... . A Se d W k Be • for th(· l'\•11111\' 11t Armlltlct> Day Art t s h I'' i11l strll•· life' "" inlo•rl••rln.; with S Con ee gins ~t·ii'Ut'ilt hm• ~ol\' 11. to bt• spon-1 o c 00 rhl' mnnufnt·tnrlm: 11nrl .u~trillU· son.-d "" loll'rll r\'111 291 of the """ nl llj,:l lo•ofltllrlll lmplt•lllt'llll 1 11An,lc~!t1·0nnn .~ .... ,· 0 .: 1 t1c 1 •,n. ~•u\\n'catsl 'm'ot1·~••t'na~ thftl It"''",,.. 11 lo•n~: llnw t .... r.,r.- Permits Call for Erection of $72.000 Worth of New Homes--Riversider Plans $17,000 Commercial Building in Corona del Mar Thirty per-mils calling for the cons truction o f n ew com- m ercial and h ornt' buildings valucd nt $150.H()O were iSiiucrl by the City o f Newport Beach building o ffice in the first 11 w o rking days of May, ending M o nday. C hie f Buildin g Inspector A. M. Nelson r£'ported SS4 MO worth o f combinro huildin~ for the first four days a nd S!.l6.1l0\) wnrth of the sam e construetion fo r the second ~ven days of the 11-day period. mak ing the com bined to tal of $150.ROU' for the entir-e period. ..... " "' ~, ,. 1\nt••tl•'ll n l11rnwra. <'1111 •·qtlftl llwir in LI'IJ.:unn lw ltdt this wet'k. Pr• Jtd• 111 '-llrt r..t t of Ill<' I'•• •lw • lun r••••nn t "' In~ I 1 nr All ,.,., •.•• ,.tis nf tlw ct'll'hrntlnn Ncwr••rt ll.oth••r l 'llllmll('r nf Jn thnt Yt•ur 1olollll' ('nhl•>~nl:o o·venls wrll 1:0 I•"' a rd the nt'W Cnmnwrf't• "Ill fll'•'•""' the IWil pn~luc•• ,( ~1 .7~>11.(1('1(),(1(N1 "'"' 1 h .. r Pre1byterlan floaplial fund and It palntinJ:« "hwh ""II hl~thi,.t flNMh~t·•• f,r II)•• Amt•rl,•tw tlltol (.,r-1 wus un 1111' flt••mh••· tlw Sant11 awarrl~ tn t Ito• ro~···111 loll(h ~tdl!lnl dt·rt tllho kf'f, t1o•••htro•rt A .I Ana PQSI n •ltnquished·lta claim u nr~ nhohit1n11 '" tlw lt-...miJiy of N 'luolt.• uf Alltllwlm. In llnlbo.tl..l <'oRta Meu and N~wport Beaeh Gramnaar Schools Ask Approval of Bond Ia BIIJ Newport Harbor Union High ~hoGIS.b Go-Ahead Signal for Expanlrion Protr ra huNI c·ity the Nl'"l••rl llrorhor l t"'"ll Hh;h F rlrll" Tfu.• rount} round I also heard 11choul "" \\ • •hw<ll:l\ """ "'"1: lu ,. 1 1111 rl. ""'r•·•l lt••f,•rP u,..1 , Nt•tu;ly 7000 n>t.'rfKt«-1'1'<1 Vt.tc•J'!'I C1f l ht• C 't~ta MeM .... - "'•'WIM•rt J.•ulls pt1111 10 romJ.Iile a Mr II""' It "'"' ,.,.,.,,." h)' Uw 1111 tttlu" .. r th•· "'''"rw•rt llnt h .. r 'lf'\\ftOrt ll!'rtl(l r .-cilool ct1Rtric1 will ..:o to t hfl poiiJ f"rtddy hlood donor list 'to be Ult'd for board nf t111 ····tur!l In ntllllt• I hi" 1\l\\ "'"" l'llllt tot n hllwlu "" "" ... ltl !'nSf U\t"tr hllllotll on thn't' 1!14'hool pro pofiUIJt. o•m erAo'n•'ll'l! ~~~ I'UIIIIIY ht'Rith or-prac•ntnltnn llllfr lhco hh:h M'hOt•l tnt•. Ill \\'lute•'• (',r,.... Shop, on,. ru~kM nu1hor1zatlun tn rnilw' thr Pn~nt llrilool tax flciab and dit<'IOrs nnd II now offtclllil 1'Xpr<'S*N1 tlwlr ......... llflm · ~l'ltllllo•, "'"'' ·~ 111'•·······111 "' ""'' 'Itt(' In o mf'r to nw.-t the> C'OI'tl'l nf II tour-yt'ftr expt.rWon llrJ,linJ.: '""' nil fJO!>IS In the county 'lion lur lht• ('1\ II' \hl!•llll/lllt•tll II ( lrnnl.'l' C"llllllt v Fllfnt llur• '"' l "'~ntm ror ttl«' Ntowport Jlru·hcw linton lib:~ 8t-'hclol. adopt Ule llllln. coopc-rnltun Ill H l······r l'l'll<l Il l tho· \\Ill nod ,, lnllll~lr\ lnhoor IIIII ·•t:• I Two ottw•"' rlflllNll fOf' approvlll or " ~ 160,000 hond .... Wilh adoption of tho• piAn. which ~~~~~-· 01, ••llu..; 0111 :O.Iundlly c·ultttr•• •I" ""' ttnlt•• fnr II••• lw llo•t ur thf• ('Mt" MNit Grammar 1'1Chool and 8 No:>wpnrt lnttiat('(j In thelr lul BehoMi i AUihOrllll'•' ~U$tl:•"'t(od lnll'fl••l'l "' tho• llltltolll. tlwro llu· !ooSU(' rur fhc~ Nt""~ RNlC'h Gnlmmnr wc·•·k'!C m•·•·l tnR, the rounty will 'l 14111 11111 ll jlnrt, nn•• loy "'"' • -~ ------- I nduolo I '" 1 ho• i'l!'uanct> of Jl('r-• , " ~ ~ , ~ l I D ha\•n A c~n~tr\nl ~·1u·r~1, of IUpply that .01111' I'll< frum tho• 'chnmhcr Thr lnrrn hurt•lltl nfllroo·r •nld H'I~Titnl. nut:! thll on~ lht.' Jllt~l S<·VI'ii days eglon .s og for all hllk)(l I)'~S to b..• uaed ln of comm<'f('{' prl'll'nl I Ill' llttinl th•· ltortn '"lltl ly lliUJII '" lro•t• ,,, Wl"rl' Intis fur lh£' , . .,nstr uctlon or emt·r~;o·n~) ur 'rwt'dy er1J1t.1. l lnl" '" lito• ,..·lte1111 prolll't"' ''""'ll:h luh nn1l (,""' '" F c rt lt.•ehJ••!io Vlllillat for tchnQI trw- S7:.!,(1(1{J \\flrlh or no·W hllmC$ and -,,., •• 1 hntlt 1111' Am••rlf'llll IM'O'flll" aces ou -'""" "" ......... vnh•n will ,.. ..... . Sl-000 h r . I b ld Sh I Set nnl1 tho• IM'Hj tlo· nl 1111' WOll ltl "llttl I f'd ltl VOh· •uthorbiiUoa tq , .. ~1n'r)",:~,· ...... ~ •• n~.c~~-i"'.anP''I(::;·~~x.',i,:n,·"'.€roe~~nn·~~'~('c~r·r:lea~r\·~~r~eh--OW S • 11 Clean-Up Week, May 19-25 :~.;: .. ~:~'",';::.r'l; ~~:~ ::: .. ·:~.~."··,·;",;"~; ~ I A •cJe f ~~" ~~~~~~"'.~tct"~": .. ra':, '': .~, ~ .... ,.fi, ,, II "" ol .. "•I hll\ ,, lfw ••• ,,~' n CCI n ltlnr·· thllll '711" N'lll8 for ttw nMl1 · II .. • flied For Saturday 1 A c 11 t All c1t1z t H 1 "llh "·~~·::.::·.:~·~:.·::;,:~~:".. I C d , ~~~~ .. ";~~.~·~x~;~:p~l~~ ~= S;~l~d"J;:roY~l;tnh~en~~~.rl'~ •• ~.:·.·~.~no~or~~:Rslvlol·;c··: a 0 e~ 0 e p ~"''''' ,, '>till hr '''"·~~~ ,, ... tlo r F • hhzh ... ,,.,,1 ltullctinll fl"IJIP' .... • ' ' " " ' fnr Itt ""' ll'llf'lnr IH ltlt\lltlo• ltt.:O" ase r1 ay •"ltlmnl "'"''''IAitttlln&ll btlf1tt ..... llO'tiCitnl! wilh OIJitrtmcnt ubove. TRASH t'OLL I:(Jt'IU'S nntl " " t"lol I" I l11· "''"'"'"~"· tttlll "hll"h "'Ill rtnant'r th~> landtP-d 1 h t The firs t in what is hnpl'd l<l lloJW }'I'll• cun rllspo!le of trnsh. o'lc· ~·~r )OHIO o'Onvo•n wn<'•· lllrt•r '• dt~lrlhlllnr ''"' "'''' k thAt tAitlnl( \o.ltltln lh" r011r v .. 11r 1.,..loll an orbon l!ara$:''70"'1'1eo8n nhp~rh-be an 11nnunl S••rirs of Amcorirun trn'h I"OIIN'ttr.n• for CINtn·lttl Wt'ek wtli I• ""'I•·II••'CI. 11•·•'1111~•· ,,, th•• srrlltM m lnt1tullry ---"''lt h""' 11 lotttt.t t••rlott nhllalltlon, ment 8 "~'· 81 1 ast tg • Legion spOn!ll)rf'd D<lg Shows rtnd Tiw .!.Ch•'tlul}' fur Cll'nn·llp WN'k 01\I.Y •· 11,. follows . 1,.. rmtonhly w1111111 """' 1,. ",,1 ~~. nr~:•· WA•hln~tttKt llnn~r jr , ""~· l'nr!lnA del Mar, thl' same to Pnr~u11', "''II he hl'ld thi!l Snlur-t'l•llll C'nll o f'(•ninsulu w~·~t to 7th St ~•·•ndllv ltno1 TII!ns· nnnthl'r tR nto1nlh<t '"''"''' lh ... '1!1, 'I ::-,r.u •:ldt-11 IIVf'nllf', (',,.,,. Sltflf""''"n ftor "'" "lltllln .. tnn fll cost $17,000. • d M 0 tltt) • M• '"· "'Ill br .. rr•l.:n•'(t In thf• thl' IIIIth .,.,.,.,,, IHrllcttna ,...,.._ llume pl"rrnils Wf'rt• 1~sONI the ny, ay 1"· at lhl" l.-<•~otlnn F rum '"7th ~1 . Ito :lOth Sl T'lll"<day Jtnd )-111111) lnoo l••r "'"""' Ito• •l••lt'• no<1 1'' him """ Jll'liMtiMJinn fhcu""' wt\k:h ...,_ past we,•k as follows: l(rouno1s. 15th And lillY str!"l'l<. From :\lith St "''''I tu \\'1·~1 City U nut-Wo•<lno••dll)' rt~tol Anolllt• r lol"toor lft:tl '" h~tnt11· ~·"J:.' !~""'::.,. ~:,1 ~~::r=•~ ct1r 11tc that ••) llf"hoo\l ln the ... To C. C . .., __ n'tn" or p,'IS"tll n··. Nf'\\JNWI ~roch Thl" pnr rodC' nno1 Satutd " l'hf'fllnt.: lhl' Anwrh"oll fllrtlll'f •• I I t 'I I r ,....... lth , __ DU<' "' ~ " judc:t n<• 1>! r Iii t L' 1 · 1 1 1 ,.. ..a 1 M "" 1 1 "' rln rnk c1rlvlnlt "'"' c•ut»ina In· r <' """ .,.. •••In rl'n ru w --for a om•-story singlt~family dwel-" t•vo•n ~ w IC'J.tm ."· n ' •' IIIII ' uronA "'' a.r '•ll~•c uy tt n•l Fnc ny lhf' ltu•k .,f lt~r~to· nrrnJ& "' lllltci •·nrulhttr-nt• .. v.., thl-rw-•t , .. d pronlllll)' Ill 1 o'f'luck and nil dill· , "'''"I'"'' llo•o~:ht' 'l'ul'»clav und Frltl.t\ (ttr Mtltlvnti .. n unll tltl' lno•k nr lttflt• Ill ottwr ...... Ill now fr,.... l•n~: with Apartment 'attoch£' at drl"n of the !ll'l'll with elm~~< :•n· Ill ~'"''' lltl:lmu) frum At cht-~ eut-:o.i .. nflny nnd Thursdny. '"""fY•W• r '" fllndtte"' lhr fl""l "" lulU. "'~~~~ ttnlt lll"v pntnt nut thet 1:?~• F ernlo·a f srre<'l. Corona del 1 1 t:au ... ,, h l.•nrt llarhut J.;lunc1 nnd n,.,., . .,11 1\av 'lunolny 11n·' ll•orrwr Ia ~ hy -'I""' nf '"''"""' fno 11'1""' 11"'' ~~--M orC>iV\1\ \If d K R h v IE'I t<l r:.rtit-lpAtl" . •• " rrnm lht• h•nll thttl i!o ulrt•Act)' tn '""" t t .... __._ ar. _..""'~to ' re 0 •n•un A .. Th111 """ llf'in~: till• clrh~·r n1 lttf' unlhlhh-.1 or I ,,..,. 11.-·~•h A •~·room ~ nf 613 ~-Fi(\Wl'r strl'f•l, Suntn •:ron .. flrt.tc• of " rroph~ and 1'1• ,,:, kt••'ll 'tfl "lind Wll>l •· rnAtcn.l ,h.,•tiol ht• tn o'olnllllnt'lli '"11 ftl'••l•l•·liun "Y"'1 mny nut "'"'"' l•ttllollnl! 11M " •--.... . • 11 '"m.hullt tlt1~; lonus.• w111 be 50 k II 1 1 1 t • 11r whlf'tt la "llfo«rd to h•vr -•'" .,.. A11.o. f11r a om,.·slory framr ond nttl tu ,.'(l'•••'li l•>~~n•l~ 111 "'''l:hl Whr·n ltltt~l. ttntl 11hw•~l In ·now '11 nn Y ~··\r'n f"'~'""n drivf•n nn lhfo 'OII'inln._ alct. llncl tr ill" atvmniUllollt'l a l'f' two Gl tM SIIIC('O dwrl!,nl: v.1th attached Ill• M nto•rl to lh•• l.,'rand flriZ('• AAntf' fo• ,tlu•n II.!. thot u ... od fur reauJI!/. hOU't'hOid lnuh pick·U(I. pf I itt• 1111111 ltrt'll II( IIW World Ill ftlana flN'lJrll<•d for the! hiCh ICihoal • "A"A••n n• 7l '.! 1 '-"~n srr..ru_,.. .... ·,._. .. "rnrw~ :md lR n•lw r awnrd" "til I 'UJ.If o • .. nd 'MIIt:tuln.-.. •toOt•orr bci•N~ hundll"~. "',.it::ht ltmlt tr:IVI'n t, al[rw ultur•· rwodw·n .. n 1 --~1 tt c·•r drt\l"ft b., .,.,.._ T. .. • ..... • -><"n•.. "I '' I I I I r ~ I t.:h•. '''· ... , ... ·~ .............. ,wn 1 pori H1•t~hl' "''l<UI In llr .rntl .~ 1 o:ot •• 111" U< •m· ir<l . so•f'<md ·"' f'II'IUtt•' hi' nt1dl"o1 onrl lturd• tn :oil''''"'" JU·.:O.Ik"HI.I!, cl•l nnt p i.H•· wn•l• ur tr:o•h ton \.oo•nnt 1"'' ,.,.,, 1 .. q,, '•I trtl• .. r '"'"" ,.,.,., '\1•·• '· c•Jf 11!4' "''IHI "" N•·w ~""""'"• <If tlu• JIRO.OUO bond J Mr~ A. Adrt•a or Pnsad••n .•. for fl .)uti~·~ fur I hi Hlf:llr "ill "'' II II II< II """''' 1111':11\111' :IIIII ,, '"hj·~·t '" ,, fin·· 1•"1 I '"'"'''VIII ol. rwnr Bnltut .,,...,.,, ,, ... ,,. n .......... ,.rY fnr thf' r..ta I" l•·Ston f' ... , •. ;,nrl Sl IIO'('U II\\ ··I-\V. l\kf'l:un "' I"'' 1 ... , ,\ lit'• I· ' I! 1-::\H::\t .... 1<. ""'"'(' h··lll '"' lilt• J>llrt or ,,)1 'I I llt'n" "Ill .'~.:~ •. 1'111"·'1 ~',',r,"l' A:~,·.~·krll'l't·, ... n","',,lilf_:'r"lt,,;,·: ~~· Thw •·d.IIV nlutot ,.,,.~ • ,. rill""''" t.C'hfW'tl hu~ llm: "ttl; '1or:•1:•· rrx1m rtnd "rtrnge k 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 • '•' "' · • ,.. nffwo• ut till' ~111 . .,,1,, 1.,r 111,. 1•1,. "'" ,. "' "'·'I' '"" • • ·"' "'''"• It '' •'\'1'1) ,,.,, 11 • llotl) Itt 1 11 1 1 Allo·r ltfl't'illl! ttwo (Jtcl•• ••11r ufl 1''"1'1 "" 1••l111 '" t!oo· f•1•·t that e below Ill :!••I \.arrll'l "' o·n•t• I • h•·lp 11'' n '1' "1 ' "11 1 ''' ltn• ' ''1 I 1 11 h IJ-... vcnllolll II( CrtU'Il\ tol """"·'' ~· '1'1 ,. II I •In!'!" j'l.'l·· ""'II tfl .. ll, tlu l• .. ( II · r.,, .. """''' AfiY llolf'n••r'• ,.,., • '·l •••lll .. I llhm tn ' ,. ..... .... I Ish rut. S7;x)(); to "'· A. Rous-I \I . . I I 1•1• , ... 'I ''""' In r ... ltJIJll)' ... IHIII•IIIII' lt•ftt" • I.,.,.,..,'"'",,.,. '""""'r'a llllll'loltw, ,,.., ............ , ,.,,,, ll rour·roocn act. '>·loti of ,\r··:~dia.lt IWo)-~'01) lr.tm•· l•·rtt.ont "r"··. nf lhl• 1 .. ·~ ""· Tito• 11'11111\'111 •·I ""' "''' "' llllllt•ll tl '" tht• ''''l••tt'llultr) "' llw lnrtn "'"1•1• ,, rt lit•' , •• , .... ,.. IlL' IIIJ•Ir)' ... lolnuu•lf roNt to d ltt"ll '""' • '''" ....... ""r"~f' to the anrl !lfU('('O dwl'lltnr "I' or· 11'' I' j:l'lt"l ril) Arlllll:tl i"' I•····· I I· ('tottli.ll'l"l ... '"' I"''"''" 1<1 "''"''"' II fN•IInlt ·~ '"'"''' tit•· I .. ' ittol Ill .... '"'" '''"I I •• f. '"''' Ill .. , ........ '111:•'1, ,,,.,,.. M•· rnntll '"'"'' .... flo nltohYftV Ill N .... IIOOif' nnd J.:!ll'"fi:l' hf'!O\\ ami ·' rllilllt• <t'l•artnwut. torlf :O.It ('r,,• 11 ,.,., I 'J•''I~I~~~~I\\1~-·~. I l\111.a1.1t:\t'!1 !H~_I4-\ IMI'UttT,\'T l" ol1•' tl o.ol (otllnw•·c1 "'' It oil It: •t ." ••I .... ,II""''''''">· 1.,,.1,. I•••• '"'"'', ,,,, '''Ill IN· IIUffl-'-l t•l t,. ,\nll'rH·an Jlum.uto '>H"t• · ·' ' ·, • • ·' • L < 't , ·. I .; \'ITII TI!.\SII ,\T ,,;,, 1111 1 1 1 1 1 " · ...... 1" lttolr' anrl piny• oom nt ·till 1\lbt•r!' Millin~: ('., .,r r .. " ,, ,1• TI~II-, It '' unl;,"' I ul ,.,.;, " '' ho.;hly ol.on~:•·• "'L' '" lwu 1111 ''"" 111 ' • 1 "'' • "'! " " '" J\1,·,t• '' 1" ,.,. o "• "' llrr lnn'f't~•lna Ol'o•un lol)ttl••\nrrl, S7(l(l0; In\ ll'l"r ,.,.,, .• II."'' {'tlnlrtlttllt·rl -'ltl ''' ,. 'anll.•ll .. n lllh "'"''-''"''' ••It wlo~o t• ttn•,.hl•·nl uf lh•· dollt1 l••l•lllttllltll ]' ( 1• \ I n ,.. "' -p J \1 '·'\JI\L'I' 1 1 · I t I • ,, ... ~lfla" rt lut. •I t•h ,,,., .,( rh·· •.•• r~··n " ,,. n~:·· .. s. a 11('· , •• untl flold::~~:·~ ,,, .. I,,,,, • ., ...... • .. r . • .. \, t ... , ... ' •• , ' lll'orW•· o·;lll~ ,,,, II 1'111 ......... '" toul J'\., ..... ,.,.,., lfllrbnr I Jotulflry s,.,., ,,... """".. ••I lit• IU. ~""' """'· s1nr~ ~•n~.:l•··f.tmth· (rnm•• dwl'lhn~: 11 t l u .cl "''" • t •·It •. n lot •·.wh tonol •'\'o•lj' 11·~u11•rw•· ::',''1'11 1 1':1.','11· .. ::,"n'•lfo fW'~~:1,'1':', ~~~~'.':'1''r'::r· , .,111, "" ,,1 11:1 1.,.1,., ""''"'"'· "',. ,111 1,, ,,,,,.. 111 11,, r·,...ta :tntl dl't:to'ltt·d L:llrotJ!t', nl 11, '''''! otll•'l•ttll "'1 0(' 1111 '1r1 "tl 1!1-.;\ll :0.1111-Jt •'\'t·t~ ''""' \ootttiii"""IIUI J.:llfh.o~:•· nntl olo• n .. l ' " ·• ' I I I Mi Thtri)·O'If.:hl h~lro•o•l '-h:"lllll lh•· ''tttlljllilltolll/11\ dt•l! l•w •l .uol I'"' tl ttt~•t•ll t.:'ot lt;tt.;• '""' ~OUW\IIt•rrtl ~lot\nw lo•tr·l,l"'''"""l tl· ,•(.,It• In tho tllr•••·to .. n f•( '' l'"t•otl lttN ollr ''"'!"')'''• ,.. 1\f••• ••I t "''"'""IV lnlldP- Tn \V. W lltu:na•nn nl 1,,. 'tt· II h111•kl• t • llltllo·tl "Tho• Tr.oint,..; HV\11 .\1111.1(. t:tl' ,.,.,,, oltw:o••· nntl ((,.11, 1 r, ,_ 1 11, ',','.t, ,,, 1 1, ,'r r.,','t',',l•1•11rt:•,n.,,,, 1 "1t 11 ;, 1 , 1 , 11 , 1 .• r.r111m •. ",",,t. ~~~·~'~~:~::-: :1 .. rr'r' ; .. ,., , .. ,.:_r1 ... ,.111111~J ~~~· 't'l"'' (', 1 • \1"~" lo•w.·r j(TII&ol '"" l'ar•· ttl Y11•11 I lo•l:.. plnt.;ot•· · " " " II"" luo\ • 'I., • 1"'1•"~ In llf)ih I J.;l'lt :.. 01\f'· >lnr~ >•111~1, t.ruod\ · 1 · k 1 fh••rf' \\tll lw ''''"~ rown rdr rl to liltt •:o:• t• Jltf' •~• up lht•••• llltl• 11 Wf•••k 111 t••odont·. •It 1,.,,, ltl~ ll><l•·n•·r• ·,.,tl' lit•• ''"'" rttrl •• "'lu~·l• .,.,,,,."'"nil ln•rr•••• rrl rl\\t'lltng :rt :\14 Ah.ttltfloo pl.wo·. I I I I I ltlf'f~ t ,,.,, """' "'"' ht• Willi drlvhtl! J;l"', uvror ln~f· ~rnr'll ••nr•ltt~nl rl:t!i\S#· ... ll··ld ,.,, r \ !-.11Unt,·,, lltnrn· . U :lt 10 pill our ~u!lr ""·'f hn~~' ,,,. ,.,,I I .,u ... "''" ,,,,,,.. tltt)IV -.he·n ...... M··AIIIr)' rnU·~· ~ r It N I I ....... l:"'r·wporl. S(.tl(t(t• l!l l.o•!>llf' M lltol· "' to·~• In r:w' " lh•• lrlunht~; RF\IF\11 ' .. • 'n•• "' th,. 1""1''" """ t1n • .. ~ brook of J.ns An,.;tl1•s. a two-lltory olay I• • ""' "'''' tlllttl ''''" ~.11 1 " . ""'' ''full • '"'"~"'" " 1" • 1 Y'flflf' "'""" olwo•liing Wtlh ~ana~to· hrln" at 51.10 '"1: h~ \'tnt•• t'u~mnno, unrl• 1 lit(' HF\1 1 \1111:1<. lnt """ "'''''"' •ntl ,,~u olul•h• 11 I•• .tlh II• "'" wn• 11 '''II "' l lw 1•11 lot• nlrrntlCJn 1" 11 e·~tr wh ll'h Wll• •:rttrtllltlll •• lo••ttl'• ~~~~•1•111 l11onlt Tturty·ftfl h ~•r·~ '· s:.;;~"' ... T r: liUSjlll'•':> •·f lh•· l·~·:ol l ~l;tlln '""'· hav•· ~:lllhltj,;l' r\'0)10\o•il ,., •. ,, ''""'1'11t;rt tl;,, ~·' ,, ...... 11 'rot! ,.,., •. rntw •fll •· loonrt .,.,,_,h '"' ..... 1" 11"' "'"-11'' dlr!"<'llllfl IUttf' ••• , "''•' "'"'"'"' II ,..~ Duncfln nr Slln ~1,111.1,.1, ·' 1,1,. nnct lhrl'• pri71"11 tn lh•• prnf, "'"'" ,,.h•odlll•· lulu" I•R\rrt• nl tornl'l"'" whll'lt It•• •ulol "''11"'111 111!1'111 •nd whll'lt WltA f•1r tlu• llltlltllnl( "' 11 nf'W _.,,.. " 11 -' d 1 1 J>L':\1 1 \lf!•"J' h 1 1 1 I oro\ •'lllnr. un flw wrunl( 11ldr uf ~ton O\o\t•ll•nl: With d!'tat·lwtl ~:ar· 11 ~ lratnr u 1\' ~i•m :trto tltr••l' •r .. ·.. r. '· ~;:u 111.:•· t',Oil' •h• 1 • ••• ~··Hitl•·d l•·<.'ttl.ll l\, 1111tf 1c ''"'''"'' tlt1• l 'nit•••l ~lo•l•·~ 'l'p .,. lit•• '''"" ••·ltt••l 1olnnl I>N'ftlllf' 1111 IIYIIII,.hlt! 8"t'-Bt :\:.:1\ Mart .. old :JV('nur, ,.,.r f'l'l/''' h•r \o\tnnrorl' uf tho t.:rrmrl lin Nt tT put llltll l•·'· hl,>k••rt 1!11" ··• '"'"' loi.od•, '" ~·'''"•~(•· •tn· ~171MtftOO,Oo'IO n , .... r "In '"""' ··r t•l••o1 .,, ... rlvf' ...If 'lit' nlllll. -til••~· '" n"w Ill IIIW' " .., para do• If 1~"'''"1•• loU I w::•ll.lltt.:• t·.on un ,, 'ltllttl •• 11 "' • • t, ool ''''1.:' f 1 1 .. • • " '" • nn:o tit I 1\l:or, ~:lliOO. and a on<'· Mrmrl:o~. \\'o•dno"oflay nnrl Frtd:t) "'~1 ,.,,.,,~ "" 11111'.' ''"* !rut """~ ltrll~r·lud bark on ltlf' n.111d ·n, .. y "1111'' lhnt flllblll" laf'N'pt• s rnrv d"-t•ilim· at :l..:l-1 :\lao ·~uld l •nL'<o • nl• r• I tn tho• r111rnc1r "til :t:lNI St •·aq. 11:11 l••t 1,1 ,11,1. j,, •'loll Hit) n:oll"'" 1,11111,1. "''',!', '1:11';.":;:~~tl:;,,~,'.'::·~:::~~ :~. ":;::: 1,, tltt· 11rtwr ,.111 ," 1 )J{Ir .. ld ln•t nnr.,. nf 11,..\r ''"'"' lu!W will ~ tl\·r~!JI". C'ornnn clo•l ~lttr. ~~,.)(~1 ht• jud.;t•rl pn ''"' l'i!":tnionl'~< of lit•• Lid·• l~h· frtll'r nl , • .,,.,.rnm•·nl ~~.,,.. rloo\ In l'o tfltoy l'lllltplld, !lor"" lltlnitll ' ltmttkr It aT'' Mar~ Janr ShN•II'y "' ~:111(1•• Jll•l:s sktn anrl lhr• I'On<iolio)n ••I hi" Tw•,cln~. TI111r•rlu~ •• not S.olntdn\ lh•• f••rm nr in~"n·n•••l lnv •• 1111011 ,11 111 lht• t'f'llllh wt•rt• M I~JI t•··•llrl• '" "'"ltllro lllntl '"'" 11 f..- P.•oo·k. II (ln••·!<lnr~ rlwt•illnt.: ·•' 311\ Nl:tl In lh• c.th• r ,.,, "''· In :ul :l~lrd St "'"''· ('urton .• d•l M.ll ·,,,"'1"'" ll•·o~ltl ' ""' l .••llll" l\f, ,\lht '· whu llltlrt-rN11w•rl-'""I ,,,,. -·1"••1 •lr.· In N••wpnrt .Snl••llto•r •tro•o•l , ·'' '~'t••rl II• 'It'll, tlll 11•n tn 1111' tlltr'"'· tint.:' \\'til t.,. IIU$lnl'"' do~tnrl I>AII.Y • lltl,.lth 't ""'"''''" '"'' •••nl f•ctll· ' on•• "'""'' thl-llf'ad, •nne. nc •f'l• • ~·-~)1'1 to l'h111tp ( .t .olll'r nf ~)111'1 •urlc••1 on thrir r• ~r•m~l' In l ito• II• ""Itt thf' l,tflll ''"'''"'' •• till hlirl l••w:•. ()K,If', whu aulfrr•~l II•:; "' ''" '" 1loo 111 lov nddl· ,. . I I 'I c·l1olrl nn1m· c1 I tl I I til• '·"•I' ••r•r•••• •I tn '"'"' r~1tl t • r I h ..... rr•tso;u~ 10\• 11!1•· 1 "'"'lit 11 ·' ar. ' o· ,,, ~ ;0111 ll' t,,,., llt•lol:.r \' ''"'''''''' '"""' •Ill 1,11 h•· 1,..,.111thonl ,., hilt l<'(f lrte ""tl ~"'I •• '" ''"'"'' l'llt " IIWf'rtl. :0 '""·~·~·r~ ''"'"'"' \\tlh 'll.ol!• l·r·~ :tlollity Ill ('nnttl'IAntl Prompt Act•lon by Mesa llttl "''' , .. ,.ltltl \\Ill ,,:: ,,,,..t,, oltt ~l . nno1 "'""'""·who lllff•·r···· "11<1 I ••• , •• 1. ''" (',r••nlf &-I ,ot tit• ... 11111' :otlolr•·-• ~· ••1, In Amtlng lorrol 111,..1h:onlo< 1 . .,,, ' M,,, •· '''"•I '"'''"'"'' wtotrlt Will I If I ( P I r r • \ t r1 '' nt II II• 'nlol 11,. l ttt t "'" 011 t 1 I I 1 .\ r11 · 1'1:' r <I ,_,.., ''"':tl•t to tlrllltnl-! prt71'll :ot l tdo Fit r•. t••• '"" "• "I' ·~ wnrt ""' rf'- 11 ·· n d 1 'I r ''' (' 1 II I l•l•t•••• ll,~l•t\<lrot• t llu t n1t•d ,111,11,, 1\'1'11111' , •lilt to ,. .• ·• :t II· '" 11 c1u• 11 ":1ro Th•,. • t Sllll'\ frnnt• :ttidltion II\"'' Jtl'l'"•ttl HOihtn• v .. rrl :tc• Ill'\ '''''~'"'I f·lremen Prevents Bad ~:,:·:... "":~·· 1' 1 ·:.··,·~·::·:·.· \' t•f Offen Unique .,,.., I' lnt ""' I hilt ""•·WIIOrl rt'""1'·n•···· S.1<~~~ • '1 • • "· '"''r ·'1• 11' • " " '11 ~'-"' •· ,. 1 , , • 1 ... • ... ,, ",,I· St•rv ice to lloatmt.'n 11' ' ' • • •· ,, • 1 "••·1 ·~·~ ',..,. l l•tttn' fur O th• • \\ .,,,, 1' 1 '' n c; J~ot;n1 .tlfl f ,,,1, 1 .., " tl ~ ,, j • "1 ,, •'·'( • "'~~~'' '~I' u '' tf1 t "-• t•u tlti •C lfl flu "'·•Y ••f "' t\111 . l'l:tll" '' "' ·of,., 1 • d •·· ,\ ' •'' ''1, '"' r•. ,f.lfll•, I' • In" B f Sh A 1, ,, 11 , , , r ,, ., I•• 11 """"''rM ,.111,1, ion' 11111 1,., 11 '" ' • ''"' •· 'I 1·'1 •n•l 'I fl I I "'' •·I "" .r ,\1 \\' •• I •• •It t • I ... ' ·n,. Pq I' till(\', I " us ·,re ·rn op rea ... ' ' . .... I ,, r .. l •. orul ... , .......... w I• " .... , .. I ''"' I' "'"'" I ~· l:liOf' ""''''ttl .,, \\flftt r I · I I ' I J DtJ11t J'\\Orth. ( ,,.1 E ,., ' ,, '"I I I " . .. . ,, I;, f tJ tt '( , J t t ' ,.,, \ """ n.:urf• l••tnot ,to11' I : .. 11 ":::" • Ill lo 11 t,::·~;,·::::::.~·; (~:n~•ll•(t'';;~:~,;,:OJ~~';: • '"I",.,,::"'" t tlu '"'" ,:·,.1·,;,:•::~ .. :·.~ .. :·t,o;:·~~~ .:~~:..,,:,.·;: :· l'tlo ',•':•::,,;·f,,•;~~~~~~',,::; , ,1• •. 1 ., r , 1,, ,., • , • , , , ••• r . . ,., ,, :., ",, • hi··• ""' .,;, \hldt·l t'l ,,,,,, •• ~ f't•r·•py llttt\ . .1of (r,;l\1t '-lt \fftr f• .• \tfH'H•It~lut+ 1l1tt•"'•d•l 1 111rHl••Jttlll"-,1111 If,,,, s ·"lt t1.r t\l\>•t rfl•••'l•thu "'''''(ltu h utft•l"l !'I '''' '·' ·I \lH•!••I f,,, , ,, ;u~~o;tort1 h••' l .nt•• '''' .,, ''' '•"t'l' J'4'~'''' ·•~ ,,.,, J u dl''·"'' '• ,, ., '~.1. ,,, •1•f•rHt •• ,,. 'f"l t••rttltt +t ' d. '' tht'y will I ,,, f • t .. , ••· 11, ,, " \\ 1c d~·' .,,.tf ,,, tl • '"'P"''''''' "' tt111 • ,,., • ,.,.,,",. ,. tf, • ,, '". .:! 1 ", , '""'' 1., ,,111 , , ,,, ,, v '" 1,,..,,,, ,, with ,,.., ..... ,, ~~~~~· '"vlnr. ~1· ., ·~·· rl rl·l•· d I I I ntl ,,. j '·'I' ·'"'',.,I I. I ttu· hit I ..... If fit ,,.,.j ., ,,., ••. t ,f, ••'II •hrt• ,,, ·'''I ···•"' '''"'l'·fll\ nA ,, httnl ,,, ,,,, "···· i. "' l•n·h,..r.' '-... II" I S~ders ('ontributt• , ~fi5 to Court 'Ki tty' \n •n It flu ''"'~'''' 1 t '"'' ',. · '" 1\rf•''' n · h·td "' ,.,., '''''"' I I •I l '~t<l.l\· \\• I'•' ;\I"'""' I ool• 1 '"'' :0.1 • ,,, fln·1i 'I"'"' lr.oll'lonl! :·. t•P•h u t ::;,.,nl), 1nn"" Vc•rna Lou llawq. San llH'i:ll, forfr•ito11 o· nf ~I:) f1or ~pl"f'o1i nA :Ji1 lllfoh I I II 3'>·mtll" 7t>ll<• ('h11riM P C'll~l"tll, ~llnmw•r. fnrfritttn • nr $15 for 45 in II 2!'> 7001"' .J:.mr" F Lnu~thran. Lnn~; HP:tch. ~:!!'1 flnl' fnr trnve•llng !I() mph In 1 'l'ntral fl\'t•nu!"'s 2:;·mil(' m nr. 1\•""b'llll ft t'tllllttl\'ltt c...!fl(,\''I'''''••PI'd "'''' ., fi•'-~t~t,,, • ., IU• l ~•tt tll~ ,.,. t lt~•l 'I"'' ,,• I r dt •fHt ..,.ul••f ,,'-\thrl,uat fo'••r .,_,,,,., tl fl h t~l'-tlnn-1 ttl tl \l•h t,ffl Hlf'l Ito 1 ' 11 tttJ,rt h •J1 if tl I fp tt1 tf tilt 'fi t fwtt I V.fl4l ttll tlrtt d f t lrttMtl llll' "'fr-vu"t• tw UJI\t-4 It 'ft 1 ttf u •tflttUtl htlfhnt tf\M \•Pu\\' ('(tl l;l'''"' .. r BltUtt;.t ldt• "\t' ,,.., .. ,,, tn (,,,,, "t r,.,,,. ,.,,,, t ,,, ••1•11 , (, ,,,,II\ t"u" • .,,,~,.., .. .,.ln., ... ,.,, d .•• t .. lt I ~H\' #tollltt ltfff•f'f " P11rt"nt~ ttf fhtltirf'fl "''h tift t ,, • ,,, .. ' •• ,,. 11"1 1''"1'' ,,,,,. (\..ft't'I'HI ,, II ' uf :h: I: •• ':·· ,·,,.;::.~~n',: ',/:\ftf••·''';:· ..... ,,,."\ ~''""'"K un•l IUtlOI Irt•• ~'11 ,_,,,,. '·' , •• ''1tl4l 04•f --"""' •••'•r•d tf111t• • •ll'" •tnrt tl · • 11-111'nt '1 I•UJt• •; 11 ' lt~tttt t, ~-'•'I r•l II••'"'' "T ff,,Jktt uti tt'l•lnt·lt••· rhll,ntl ltH' lit•\ "11 ' ''''"'(' r••flur•• lhl' • 1 ( ,. 1,, , 11 ,. , t .. , 0 1,, 1 ·n,f\ fir ,. ,,;,rt• tl .,, Ht• '' '""' t ,nk"' "'' ,,, • •~· '"'''"' H~• 1 ,.,. , ,)rt ,.rr, 1 ,,, ,,.,. u,,.,.., , '" , 1t.t· to , • ,.,, 1..,., ~100 ""haA• •It •••• '"' ...... lo "'' "" ,,, ''. "' •.• ,. I., 'I 1... '" I I I 'It• • k . 'rtl ,. " lito : ... "' ... I (• r ,, .. ;I• • ,,, lit~ II····· II·· " .•• Ito K nafon •Cf"'(Jr..... Aaa.·n "''" "' lit! "'" luo t "ll .. wllll: n ' tf! ursr•d '" p1.+tn ,,, rtrrl\'' ·"lfllit ,\t)ll l ' ,, ,,,,~ ltflt ,,,, •k ,,,.,l•t'''" li\ ~r t d f hltllt \ "" ~'--.;n ... J , .... ''"t hdH• In , •• ,.,.,.,_r.· ""'· b· :. ·~ lf,f It, I P -T \ hu' '''"' t ',.;ltl'tl• ft••t~\ :, 1, ,:,p • 'ttli1ft \1'\'l , ••l•t1 ,, I )111 l'ft't'hn~· :tf ''" m,...•ftnt• "'"" J(,,f,,n ,.,.,ntUnR fr-t•t1hn111 n ,,.,_ ftf ttti( I I •' '"" 1:.1 , '" to ll'Otl to<1 I' ·"' , ·olmllll• '' 1• oo1l 1 h t, 11 1 "" 1 • I· ,, \ l~llo", r I-' tv.. ,,,,1• ,.1,,1, '"' ,,,., ll I I lllrllnf 1111:11 !ll'h<r"l I tool 1 1 II I t ''"1 "'~'11 111' 1''"''""'1"'"""'"11'''1• ttll' n lortrkltt• "' !111• r nrlrttr•lllt tho' ,:,,, volttttl•'f It""''" " ' ' v.l,,.,, h"""' lit In (lllk 1'11rk, lll '"'"'"' 1 "' ''•llnlv llll't"1111 ~lr co • '"' 1 11 nt •·II•• • In '""'In Ann M •nrlny ~'"""' "" th•· '''"""'''' lr,tll\fl'orl, ..... ,, r•·ttt lt .. lllw ~~ • ., •. or tl ,.,, ",.,' "1·1••1 """'l•f'r ,, .... ,,y lrl ,,,~ l•orll' \\O ot l lh.ol lhlll ••fllf'(' lllt•l u•nt ooltrr It hllll I• I I lllf' .... ,,11 \1• """~ llo:ttt two """ Ill "'', '"' "•f r•rtot~tlnft 1111 (, vlrl•lf'""' IIVr'f' ••••I : .. ,,. lollllul• Ito No•wpoort ttnd El Comadee Is Safe, San Francisco Says t.11s ~to11 In'"'''""' I·"~'"'"·' •lrn ...... q t..t•·pt. .. n•ot '" "", l ~uRint'Rfil Men Aid •1 •• "'''k """ wt .. ·n hf' •1"'~'"'•·•1 .,..1111 """"'" 11, 1.,"'1" MMIA for I ron 1~111 Nro rro:· wto' ,. • • r "• 11 on d V J • /1 u•l• o •nn, ~:\. r. :l, In I tw• finAl• ul I lttit~•Urln~: ••I lwll\'~ lll:td< I " ; •nla Ann, h· 1111' '"" .. , It} " In Ron rJ ec·hon I II· • ,.,,, ... rn c ·.ur ... !I ill Trnnl~ In •t ·•"'" •~•lon •-<1 ~mokt· l'flllln~tl tttr 'rnta An.,·l.lrl:'tn" !>loll Htll whi•• 'lt,l tl•m•l hrlt1.•t '!"' I~ AOI(••II·~ Rrporl~·d mi~~ln$: 11f1er It ldl 111•11' lhl' ltu l :tnd mnlnrut••rntt•tn t· ·~ lin• !lo·d,1n ;olllll~: ~~··utlt ~trtrl 'I I •·• 'o 1'''' m•• •• r "'' hnr. I• I lot~ l"'ub Nl'"'llflrl hnrllflr Aprol l:l th,. <1:>· • nt·l• ... ur~· a t '"' rNtr tJ( t hr ltw lht· •llro•• 111111 .. r lit r· t' I••· '"' •I•"'' t• · "'"'" "I• •·1•·•1 ltv thl" l<•·•ltln'll Ylrtory '" HM' 1!\ yr•ur fool r nhin crut~l"r f-:1 C'omndt'f'. 1r11n~loflrl \o\h~ -l"rn lty IJY~IIIn<ll'r~ o N·lrtl' "''~ ol• t••' 1, '" •·I tlor• "'''' ••I lh· :"•·\\ 11ltl t,r,y'• cllvbtlrlf'l, m•d" It Ioiii \\ilh t\\n mr·n .ohnarct. w:u 1aid to "'h" •lltwkl\ v.nrn••d !)rut r•rt~~~·nl(· I"''' lltll)••r C'IH•mllf•r of ('••m· I"'"'" rnrojcw vktnry In ltont tll· r •. ,., ...... r, tl vu t• r~ F rr•m llo1 •oil I• •· .. r C'oty C1M'k I • .n•k II "' lttll I ••f Nt•WfiUrl ~ItCh, It "'•• lo '" II• •I ''"' till" ltut rf'ltW- trrollttn '"' tltl• ••;110111 dhofrlct wu <t71Jft , . .,,,.r• he liAfl'iy Ol()()r••d nt thr Ft~hl'r· •·r11 n( thP f trl". 11wrr•;. tf1 thrlr l•mrhrrm·ml t·lint{ vl•l"n th11t two h .. rapturf'd In thr I Jr.wt·•Jc•r, llu "•· I~ no nN•uralf' t'OICR~T.tl. IIALTlil. WA!'ITF. m<•n s Whnrf tn Snn FrAnr>laco, By '"" Um" the hu~ rro,·h•·ol AcCUHed '" \' "''' . c·,,rr,... ~t">fl M•Jn1tny ''' Soulhl•nd alnce tw caiN' to ('All 1 1 .. •·It •·lrt .• 1 h• n ••r AI thr· rourt- PORTI..AND lOr I May 13. :An Mondll)' aftrrnoon Brt,,.tlway 11nd l';rwporr hnuiP\IIrtl. . \\'riiiJlm Mltrl(nn nl 1\• llflr,w••r <YII')fll'rnl•• with f\ll'wpor l J lntl~m f••rtiltr "L· thfo atar·t of ttw l<'tlUII h01111<• In ~11"'" AnA 1111 to ttw ordrr tn hail "tmpropt·r diiiJ)O')' T h•· ~hlp"""" hound ror n r•·I'T'It'1'-dfondly fUJT'If'll and emokr wrr<' pcn· "'II• &N't'IINI Mono1ny I·~ p111rnl-,,.h••nl •ll•lrtc-t In thrlr l10n1f rl1 r-1, r11• \ I •·xtJ••f ntlmll('r uf Jlf'nlf•n• f'llelble to altlon" of Navy materials And food ton. w .. sh . wh••n r£'pnrted ovrr,.ue r tratlnR Utr lnald,. of the IJua an•l nol'n of thc C':.llfornl11 llh:thwuy d<'· n .. n 1-'1 '"''" At ~t. Dlllmllnc II undo>· I V•lt<' In lllf' ll('huul dl11tr lrt. 10 It waatl" hllll 1)(-t'n iuurd h)• Sccre-. tly Mr1. Robc!ort L. Wall of BlaJne, 36 peoflle, lnr ludlnlf the bua driver. pnrt.~nent on drunk flrlvin~: rhara,.• Thr ((lfTimllll't' lncludo.. J A f••lolrd In Surwet ~ pi•Y and 111 poalllhh· that thf'l'f' m ay ~ ~ taT)' or til(' Nl\')' F'orrfttal, the Wuh., wife of OM of tlw lklppt'l'l. made haatf' to lf'ave the tranaport .. rltrr t.lf'COmlnR lnvolwt1 In 11n ar· Rf'f'k nf Ralboll llland, Snmi.M'I ln1t wwJI bNtC'cl IC.rftny Knapp of th llll 7000 fi>I!QPie who may pre. C>n-Konlan l'f/'portf'd today ln a Chari..-Straub of Glendora la thiiM It pulled into ttw. cur1t Marl rt&nlt with Ewlyn II E vtTe1t of KlnlfAthc•r Olt 011lbo11 and Tiwo. Anttht lm,IMt ,...... ..... dt.amp, IW'nt fht~lr •'N'drntl•l• to the ·-- cop)'Ti&htH article. I other aldpper. • auolJrw NrVIce l tatJon. Nf.!WIICift a.adL I Robtl'll at NI"W'ppO't Beadl. I s. f. ~ l tJon boflrdl F'r1day. • PROFUSIONAL DIRECTORY NEW~DRT-AL8DA N E W S 6 T I M ES l'llOM NEW RALNESIA No. 40161 plaint therein within ten da~ .,;;;~;;,__ _________ ..o __ N_U. ......... ~ ~-----ftOl't. ~OHN Ptiii.I.IJ'M l .u.JA!t SUMMONS after the service on you of &h1a DXVIU •-Bcoy Cr...a.e. ....._1 by, IAetlon brought In the Suprrlor 8WJUI'\OrW, U ae.rvcd within the! .... ------------: papa C~~, ... ftuu lt~i.AfA! ~....._ A rurlmu thin~ Is hnppo•nlng. h•adln.: "t ht• Kl't'at£ .. 1 mllitftry OJl-l 0 lhl I a WBYT IJ Ololla .._ ...._ P', 7 0 tl ~ W • • I ...._.. • It Is " hr~trl«>nln.: thin~~: I have eratlnn of all tl~... C.pt.ain Cour t onhe County of Orange, Cod untlly of ~ang~hewlthln d rty IMoO .. ·1-.u (lOIIIIVL'I'AJII'I Ethel Neff, D. 0. ~ Payable-ln Advance:--..o,., ,_, • ~ O....J; lpokrn.' In prl'vioua oolumna. of Butehl'r II Aolwcll not only tn lmd Complaint filed ln the Of, ayw ~~en• e re, an you A~au.on..ecs .., u. Oallold ,..._ n-. 12.~ per ~ to 4th .-e; tLOO,., ,._,.--I hi' Nation" ldt' propa.;anda C"Rm· C',t>nl•rnl "lkl'" In My 'l'llrt'e Y•an fil:e of I he Oerk of the Sul)('rlor are notlflf'd th11t unle. you 10 ~O:C:"'::'J. ":..:::::-:'~~::.a: 'l'lleDr • ...._....._..,.,. ~ ,_ .... Vlnloa. -------f'll'l.:n ~lnrc <'arrled on by thto With DIW'ahow..;, but to 1~ Court of said County.) apJ)('ar and answer u above re-AO'Dml • .,. ...... Dltered u &....d<1ua m&tter at .. fW«...,. .. ....,_ ..... OPA, and of thl' flllat' lnform11 t10n Anwroc11n IX>Ople aiAo. It 1,1 a --qulred, the plalntltf will take judg-MOSnPDo .. Y1Cl8 ....., ....... ~, ... , .... '"""' ...... caJJlomla, Ulldoer the Ad fill ....,.. I. 18 k ,a jb tiMl ---... c-rt 1 th State mt'nt for any money or damages om. a.M ...._ .,.._, c.. .._ -------gnln~: out fr om OPA I()Ur<'CII. This suurC'e boo for lhe h .. torian. By . _.....,.or 0 " dem cSed 1 t.h Com 1 J t u ,.._ ..._-.... LA. MEYER • a ~ C"aOlJIIIikn Waf• hlll'kl'd up b)' aev-'lll'iSt' rondensnlion. It can ~~('I of CaJtforala .. -·~or ~ arlal~ upon" con~act, 0~ ~n· ap-::,.._ __________ ___: atmnYoaa DM D. PORTER a-..1 C n al or the mMt nott'd of th• lctt-la ~aeon for all reader.. Butcbf'r l o-ty of Oraa,e ply to the Court for any other re-.&JIOIIITa)T ;-------------J'. G. FROST • • s9 , • ~ wing columnist• and r ad1o rom-dh1ry I~ r<'plt'te with lntft"Htlng. lief dt'mandt'd ln the eomplaJn,. Raub & Be w .. I'; DIXON . 9 ~ A • ;.... ~ .:!...-•aM,, :: mmtaiOMI, nf whom, unfortunatc-onf1 Important lncldenta. World CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, Given under my band and aeal Armand Mon•_,. nnett 1', • • Plaat. 3011 W. C..t .....,__!.__... -? ly. we havr too many In thlat tlguN'8 parade by. But there la no a MunJdpaJ Corporation of the o1 the su~ Court of the Coun--.v ~ ... .., .....,, II'S ftUL.I ... I p of tiM CJty o1 New lit •••ala country, •upportPd by the thou~:ht-1 Mtf'ntatlon In the narraU_ve. The Sixth O u1, P laintiff, va. JESSIE ty of <>ranee. Sta te of Calttarnla. AlltOIII'IW7I' U. N..,..nJIIM.. o.e.-.. _..,__ :f:!' LMal ....... , -~o..J.,-1M~ wfiUnJOf'lll of thto peoplto to author wu coenllant of h68 rolf'. K. SCO'M', et al, O.fendanta. thAI 24th day o1 April, 1946. Blf W. •7 Ave.,...._ Telef'C.. ..._ .... W · -...-~~~~ A •••1........ , ~ l!H'p on buytn~ the productt they and did not overplay hl1 parr The P eople of tht' Sta~ of c.JI-B J SMITH ....,.... 11M Jll'f w. O.lnl N_,.... ..... ac!vf'rtllt> , \.t'nrral lkto"l 1pet>ch on Amftican-fornla Send G~tlnp to: JESSIE County O~rk. and O~k of the nil 'ah ..... A-'hlephnl ...,._ 111 Acdft Twn of thf'm. you will ri'Call. Brltlah comity la memorably dt'-K SCOTT, ETHEL lONE FtJES. Superior Court of the State ot a-..,...._ Pfo.-.17 Mel M • ' uraed the Pf'OPII' to wri~ thfolr d alve: hla r«'marks on Gftleral SEL, E LMER A. CAIN, MIRlAK Cal1tornJa ln and for the Coun-L-----------~ Ill • Conrrewma n and lnslat that thto "Monty" la falr: h1l convenlon E CAIN. hla wtlto, ORANGE ty of ~. ()'J.DfJ().AJ, '*IK)RA'I'O&I' 1 _________ _;_ ef . Emf!raeney Price Control lectJla-ahout the Ruulans la 1111\lftcant.l COUNTY TITLE OOMPANY, a By ROY J. IRWIN, Deput)' . .------------~ tlon t» puaed "w1thout tTippOnc Thl'rP are rlu ms of humor tol C¥)rporatlon.. 'I'rwtee, W. W. (Seal Superior Court CU-l-l Laboratory PIANO TEACHBR amendmenta." Another demand buoy thl• padct't of nearly a ~· CAMPBELL. AR'IliUR H. RICE, Oranp County) IUIIQII G. V. ~ wae that lhfo St'nate "undo ~ and pacH. ~ PRO. for _exunplr. LULU B. RICE, hia wife. LE-Pub.-Apr. 30; May 7, 14, 21, 28: ~ ..._.1 t . ,111 GnAIMa thlnt the Hot.IH wu ruppoeed to And thto doee of the bOolr. took , TITIA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN June 4, ll, l& 29: July 2, 19M ... -••I 't ..... On 1 ''*"J• ....... have clone to the bill. Thl1 cam-plll<'e ri~tht •In Cautornla. Wht>rr ' W. SELBY, A. L. SHEPHERD, ., Ph. Harbor 12D-W - palm waa followt'd by more propa-thto IIUth<w N"tumcd for reet at hll JOE SHALLENBERGER, EIOIA 'l'aLRIIQ~ IIADOa-UDI W. 0c.u rr.& eanda, tt't(ardln~: thfo rHulta of tht' motht'r'e homP on Shaw't F1at. C. HAFNER. LOS ONGELES IAJIO& IIIL& U81:118 lila w. o.a.a A"" radio effort. to lnn uen<"f' Con&T'('M. near Sqnora. H I• thrft year'• mla-MORTGAGE uNDERWRITERS. truUution of m1lk by Calltor- I r.caU hfoarlng on«' hroackut. 1lon 11942-lMS.l for G.l. ha d lx-t'n rNC . a corporation. FRED s . nla COntWnen ln the form ol mar-~------------1 I'IIDICI.AJraaa~II.D. wttlle I wu ln c.JIIornla. Wh1ch accompllaht'd. EVANS. GIAN DESPALATRO. ket milk contlnUt'd exceptionally DAI' 80BOOL CORRAL ·DUST Sdaoo1 Bond Iaaue · ,... .... lllbt 'Mal cal why tile ~ ....... $1!50,, 000 for .eltlaa&l fiCboal fadUtiea ba the Newpa~t Harbor ~ IMuld be llwn a larp vote. aaid that Con,..a 'tVOUid rt'tUm "You know . .on, t~• ~· VICJr. M. L. JACK. JOHN lX)E h.JFl, e:llL'ftCtinl N2.000 callona :-----------H. R. HaD, M. D. to WMhlftCton, "ln a clwtt'_M'd thlnr l"vto hHn wantlnc to Rsk JACK. her huaband, STEDDOM daily ln ~her 1945, u oom-Mortimer School . .., 1 , mood" or IIOf'Mthlnr llkt' that. An, you." & BLANC'HARD, a corpora tion, pared with ,about T73,000 lallonl -o..a ...,_ ...., other It think th.la wu the notably "What, motht'r!" I u ld. STEDDOM & BLANCHARD. a a year q o, an lncreaae of over 9 O....a Olllap, ... , ..,_1 lnacrurate Ptoarwon column) 1poU "My netahbon and I h11ve .'0-parlntonhlp. KELLY ROOF· pel" cen t SUIOIER of tht' p UI\Ir up of matl In Con· teen you ae-ven l tllnft ln plr-rNG 00. Ltd., a corpora tion. ------------80BOOL =-• 'lbl7 aft: • 1. \Y.ltbout addltJanal ~ It wiD a. "•t•wlble .., malntaan t!w hllh .t.ndant ~ educatJanal ..... lltlneflt . JC'f'NIIonal olflcel. all (you WWft turH and movt• with Gencrl'll RICHARD ROE, Trulte. In Bank-~------------: CL A. lletf , M.A.. o.r... ukt'd to t»llne) •upportln& OPA. Ellt>nhoww. You'n alwa)"' bAck nsptcy of the Ktate ot KELLY R 0 0 F 8 l'riMI,.a ..._ ......,.1111 U>t'a look at IIOfM f&C'll: In tht' backrrouncl Why d ldn'L 1 ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor • Thll la a typical office. Other you Ret up fraatT" sCion, Bankrupt, WM. MERE· API'LIID oa _..u..D ~~-;;t~~==~~~~~i-i~haye bela deprived ~ .. : o1 tM ~ WOOd llbap too m g ..._.;the attfa, too, are m-.mc tbetr c:t... ta ewing. a. 1D ordfr to 1M lhop ct... t.dt to tbe buy~~ lt will ., .. ..: ry to haye hall-day ..... In the prtm,a.ry crades • tbe band --... not &AITY-.... n • wry .. ·ry that the Kboal plaDt at Corona ........ be ftnilhed and necNIUY equipment be .upplled. 5. IWvlllub lboWd be made tor 8ddtUallal 8Cbool fadll. .. Clll Nftpcwt Hetgbta by ~ • 8Cbool lite 801'lle- ..... In that area. 1 e. EdueaUonal opportunity InUit keep peoe wltb the ji'OWtb Ot the eommunlty and Ia cbMp at any ODit tf tt makes .. caatribution to ~ 1ftllare ~ ttac.e wbo Uw within ltJI .......,._ T. 1'be ~ 1Cboo1 buUc11n8 project aumot be D lid on ~ s-,y,...)'OU10 ml!thod without wOrtdne an ..... ~upon ~taxpayer&. & '1"1* buiJctln& propam can be canted out and at .. -time the tax rat. can be reduced tNtr that ~ last ,... . NGw that you kDow the reuon why ~ bond ...._. ls ..... tam to the aclvanoement ~ educatb:lln thla vidnlty, .. to tM paUl Friday, May 17, and aut your ballot on the ,. e ' c~~r:~m olfered you. ,_ .,_t need In our tchoo&a todlly. In aD our educa- ~ btltutionl. Ia not a rn«:ft carefUl traJnbw ol the ln- tlllct. but a deeper culture ol the Wnp that make for ctlander. SUD u ~ old. ~ word la tnle-Git ~ the heart ........ ~Ill~. 1lllta~ Ia not enoQib:' Norman ~ aid a few ,... .... "Who,"~ ubd, ''were~ IDI!D who phmgcd e. ...td Into Ita lut great war!" ADd in tM next breeth, A,.u aMwaed the ~on ,.._ t.. rema.rbd, "All ~ them were eduratled IDI!Il, men ., .--.1 lnteOietual power." Dllp wtlhln tM hMrt ~ man U. U. cp~ ~ action. WhiD tileR ant lelnah, inhuman, crwl, U.·bltter tratned tllllr .wnt the lnteUect, the more daldl.y the e¥11 it can wadL lAt \a buDd c:Mrac:ter, but let Ul bP .... tbat die elementJI tMt make for 1ooc1 character a.re there In tbe flllb from tile blltnn1nl to the end c:4 ut~. Bail to· the Volunteers! GBOJlGB D. BASSBTI' ......... _ ......... r e .. ······~~~·-.,, .. . Il l ... ...... Gllllllllil...., ..... --........ • ...... <'onRn'llmen havto mact. llmllar Capttln Butct.r doN r et up DITH, WILUAM L HOPKINS, rr. Ddmat.a A ~ rf1)0rtl In tht> Cnn«rNalonal ~, front, wtth thl1 strrat book. It dr· MARGARET U. BIGBY, LORNE ord. Up to about tht' nr.t ol May. 14'f'VH rt'adlna, and aloud. ln c-vrry ADDT KEMP, JAMES P. COS-W. I ....... no acc:urat~ r«'CCO'd wu kept In AmM'irlln homt>. ITF:LLO. COTNER SECUR111ES 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 11>12-J my om~ of thto lettnw whldl INVITATION 1'() SC'ANDAI~ In , C'ORPORATION, a corporation, 1--------------J r•nw In a1 thfo n osult of thla OPAl thr lAA0'11. wu a llcigh ridl' .. T I T L E INSURANCE AND !W'opa~:anda campalcn, nor of tht' "'*"yfncUaa Tim,. by Vlrttlnll'l TRUST COMPANY, a corpor• n o eftortw to sret l"tll'rt "from Dall' aa)'l' 80 Tn honeyfottl~'. nf &lion, Tr-uatee, 'J'HE FTRST NA- homto-'" At Oftt' tinw I flrurf'd we rourt«'. wu In butter-up wtlh n ONAL BANJ('-()P -DOWNEY, had ~v4'd 3.1 ll'ttnt f&vorlnR I WI'f'l l11lk Thl$ book Jln~tl~ a Nntional Banklnr Auodal'lon. 1 OP A. and 24 lf'lll'rl ~ln11: It, ln ntriPS. lln~IPI JOHN DOE ONE, J OHN DOE dlrf'(.'f ly tra1't'11hlr to Mr. ~·11'11 HE TI)RF: OUT EACH PAr.F: TWn and JOHN OOE C'ORPOR--Repaired While Yoa Walt t'Jirnettt toffnt'ta to maintain hia "-' ht> rto&d heRvy \lt'Oks Thut Mr ATION. Dcfendanta. arl'fW'Y t did not think of thlll ". rl'rf tl'lh! on rhltrll'll OlckeM Tn You Sri' directed to appear ln I Ray Pagan 11 strn t pill' nf mRII thto latH I ~Oil'kPm hii}I!Tnflh\" An nchon brought agalnlt you by Ah(m t t hAt tlml' Fulton l .t'wlll. "'hlrh requ ··11 four ~"Rr<i '"r th•• obo\'r narol'd plaintiff In the 515 East Bay Front Jr tw-~~:an to lti\'1' fll<'lll m•er tht' 1 Dal'nf' PnJ)('·ll,..nnt·~~~ 10 writ I' g,r Su!J('roor C'oort of the Stat~ of Ne•t ~r to Bay View o.te SHOES DD'li'Wia DB. OOBDON-E. B&PP DENTIST 1111 Wea& O.lnl ..... ll&rtlor Ul-1 Newport Dr. Obed IAieas DEN'l1ST Hot~ W. Oeatra.J. llarllor UM NEWPORT UACB 001QU.D JDC M-Il. D. ft>l' ........... a UO &J.Mat. COSTA IOU Houn: » 12 L11L; W p.J1L Phone Betacon ~ Dr. G. E. Tohill ...,.... ........ 2209 Cout 8lvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PBOif._ OfO..· Bar'-I N-W ._<Ill...,.; Bvbor tM-a II l'lo "-Wer. <"&II Rubor 1 11lr : ju11t RJI thl• rolumn hu bcf-n OlRrll'll IlPpe< forth 10 " nl'w P.1r1 Cullfornl" In and for the Cou t t &. na. to t p. a v;lvl"lit facttl for lf'Vf'rlll )'l'llNi., \llrtorlnn. W!IS hr~ :rhk, tdok! of Orangr: and to answer the C:::.''------------...J ;------------1\bout thfo.OPA. HI' told "' th,. Mnrl' nhout th,. lhf'Sp111n 0 11-k• n~ __ Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 WHt Ct>ntral Ave. llOOI'" Admlnl•tn llon· of thP dt'iii:Yi j ln " i!IIPr OrN'7.P 1-......:.------------------------, In Rf'llln~t t-1\rk Into production ··nt Y ROOKS TIIAT SMFI.I." due to OPA til' told of thl' 11m urd-WhR I hnnb hop, in whAt unlwr~t lv ill~ of OPA ri'I%UIIIIInnc ~~ of town. h ns ju,l u~Mi th i11 nt'W lllrl< all. hr told whlll C'onctrf'll!l wu In hr011drrutlnr.-il~ lltrrnrv ""r"~~ rf'toll)' trylmr to do. whl('h Is Vt'ry With orr~n~.tt> hlo!ulom.. of t·nur~f· dlffM"f'nt trom ••hAt thr OPA 11'111 Pnfumt'-Of·thl'-month C'luh• WhA I Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See Mn.. Boy &eelle. Pb. Harbor 391. SOl PUm, Balboa a-: I t &. 1L to I p. a thl' Pf'Ofllt' that CMR:rM~t is lryimr ntollt• to cto! MOST BJ:AtmF'l.n. WOMAN 1 ·-------------------------1 From May 2 to Mlly II lnd usivt>. JN PARIS: IMPERIAL VF.:"'US. ------------------------- 1 havto re<"C'h"t'd only 1R lt'IIPn hy F.drrar M11R1J. It thl' -tf"lrv l'f f1"'m tht' 22nd Olltrlct •tJAJOrtlnr N Apolf'On'l luat"IOUI •l•ttor Th~ OPA, and lt6 letten 1upport1ng F'rm<'h RPvnlutlnn and Thl' Rls«' thl' Conare.. and oppoet.n& thfo and Fall of thl' F:mplr,. Sf'r)'P u OPA 11nd lhfo OP A proparanda.j h11rk~rrnundl for lht' Part1l"n'"' Thill ckw. oot lnrlu&-ltotiPn on' who trt'l!ds C'IM('Iy on th,.. hl'l'l!l nthl'r subj('ct1, to which thto writrr of Clt'Oplltrll. In gettln~: h~>r mt'n hu apprndM a P S. or final pArR· A ~aatltaJ laad, a ..,,.., ~1,., lrf"&J)tl. tf'lllnc me to try and cor-11111 h1-11r thto WTNn J'l; 'niF: ri'Ct OPA ~~~ nr 11:«'1 rid of OU VF: TRF:F.S by Ahe1 P ll'nn: OPA lln't that ' 11n lnttorrstlng I ''NI'pntl•m. rorruptlon, strnft, ln- r('C()rd for ~ WM-k• tniM"Ilnt llltrolrv. 11nd rAIJf'IJII mAl· Breken Lenses Duplicated A. E. T. BaHerwortll, 0. D. I 11• \\' e.t f'fll t raJ rtto.e llalt»or U ll El?lllap by Appotaa-t More than thiJ. many 1,..ttcrw Admlnlstrlltlon hiiVI' •inrp thf' Vftry llllpportlnr OPA Wf'rf' ohVIOUIIY dAwn of modf'rn tlmM hllghtl'd ' from p«~pll' Wll<> did "ot unf1l•r-thAt rovntry al!Tl(lllt unlntrrrupl-l-.------------------------1 at and the 11tua tlnn. but who hac! M!ly •· SPIIIn. beautiful lrrrpn'!l· simply bfton told to wrltr tht' slhlto Spain Thto author hnd a rln~t-r-------------------------. (' nd I II hi 1 .. " •ld~at In Mltdrf'f'd. onrraanan a r m o 111 ,. nn: rtTLJ'TZtr.a R'fGATT\· • OPA." Many wert' prlm•rlly ani Bf'lt hl1tory of 1Q4!1 : 'niF;. AGF: a~al arainst lnnatlnn. which OF JACKSON b Arth N C'nnCI'ftl l• fhrhtlng dc't~ately Sl'hl 1 • J Y ur · f'Vt"rY day, bU1 which thf' admlnla, H n,.n .. r tTatlon rrt OPA lnvitt'll Many of • ~t American BIOj.tTnphv of the lht pro-OP A le ttf'r!l Wr l'f' typed I )n r . SON OF THE WILDER- on etatiOM>ry tmm the aa.me box. NF.SS. by Llnnlf' Marth Wolf~>. written on thto ~ t)'lll"WT1ter. Bf.lt phcy: STATE OF' TiiE 'MtM-~ mlcht bto ~vl'ral from thto UNION . by RUUf'll C'rouse and Howard Undlay · •amr f~lly, or lddNW D AMON RUNYON F"JNDS Wht-n thl' anti-OPA ltotlert ~-FOUNTAJN OF Yn tmt In hla ~:•n to romr In, thPy WPrto In-IAtHt till~: IN OUR TOWN. dlv1dually WTIIIMI lettt>"· ahowtnr Gar th William. hRll llh.,tratt'd It prnonal lfO(!Wit'dll:f' snd lntf'rHt, IPIIrklingly And thf' pohllaher qulfp oftm rh1nr thl' rf'L~. add.~: It mllkPS you youn~r n~:atn. fr om pPf"'IInal elfP""Ic>n~. why OPA poiiMH arto C'Rualng ln.na-OftM~ t ' think of thr hl"autlful Uonary trendl. and why t~y muat bto rortM'd. •town Th11t I• l<'llll'd hy lhl" ~··n· n rtr n In lh!'Uithl ItO up rtn!1 down TI1c p)('asAnl •lrrt"lll of that dNir nld to"11. And my yf'lulh romr~ IHI!'k '"me. t.onJ:fl'l'row. I have an ldl'll thnt lhl' proJlll· canda Cllmpalcn of Mr Rowles, buf"d In '1hfo opinion of many peoplto hf'rt', on pt-rsnnRI amhltlon,l hat bl!l('kflnod. Thl' fl"''f'lll' hAVI' dt>ctdro to think fnr lhl"m..-h •('ll I WMn l wu homr trn liars 1111:0. llrodl 1~ )Rr~r· 1ri ~rr11 Lhlln all J I laid thll thinking for oun<'1Vt'11 of Eurol>(' r xl't'pt R llliSIII waa thl' Jn(Jit Important matter __ befori.' thfo Americ11n proplr Arne Drive <::'aretully-8~ " ~. l)ltloua lndl\'lduRII an~ mlnorlty l------- lfT'OUPI would Ilk«' t<t think for ~ l eald. In thf' wnrdl of the PrHi· dent that thla ll truly, "the ye&r of dt'clllon." Now that thto prople'a lntc>rest Ia rlsln~~:. I wtll rl'pc"At and com-~ mPn t next w~k upon thl' llmend- mt'1'1111 put ln thr OPA EX1f'ntion Bill. wh«'n It paa!W'd tht' HOUit' (by '~te of 35.~ to 421 on April 17. Dean Achn11on. Acllng 5(-cre- lllry of State--"One "-'t c-ha~ to restorto world tnde 11 throu~~:h Brltlllh·AmeTican financial Rgree- mmt." I Howard W . Genieb IAN Sf'W)IOrt Boalevard COST A Mr;&A Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Urense Rnd Conlrnrt Bonds Wrlttcn Spring Opening Huntington Dinner House UIIMP .._ Mae•..-.eat Open Daily, Including sUnday .... Dluer, 6 to 9 $1.35 ap 24-Hour . Radio Service aoao:, Atrre, MA&Dir& Burt R. Norton til CoMt RIWQ Bt--17U N_...,.. .... Qallf, ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yo. tile l'llled Place to DIM .. Orup Ooaat)': · All 'New --• , Even the Location ..• Qne...HaU Mile Eut ~ Old Location on Oout Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We U.d Southern Callfomla ln ~Servin& ol -SEA FOODS -- ALSO YOUR ldDd of 8TI:AK8 -VISIT OUR Kl'I'CHEN - Sa•'s . Sea Food S,. and Fish Market ( .......... , Dr. W. W. Weltmorelaad Dentist 1•1 v.. m-7 OO&ONA DEL lilA& l'honl' Harbor H%0 Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE -1bat'1 All IJacola National Ute Insurance Co. ••ao. !Couue lndl'~ Ito Cbar-r•• DON .rtr.a~'JOAN Plaoee Harbor l U ·a 108 MattH Al-e. B&lboe. hi. New York Life 1118W'ance Company DON &. DV&ANT 418 Orddd A.-e. Bart.or 1155-~ CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIJI'E INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen ftOIIe Rut.or nat·l Ill 1:. lla7 A"" 1Wboa MOKTJCIA.N8 Harold K . Grauel Chapel ''We Ounelves the Better Se~ by Semnr Othera Belt" ftOIIe a-. Mlt Oo.ee •-Caaltorela OPTOMETJU8TS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D . OPT01t1J:T1118T Eye. Examined • Glaues Fttted ntJ Newport ~~oa~e.art ... _ ......... E. T . Butterworth, 0. D. OptometrW EYES EXA.111N1!D L&HU:S DUPUCATED oa-._...._ .,......,. •••• "'· Cloa4ral ·-.... --.... JIIWWFO&T 8&ACW NEWPORT ~EACH Pbo• Harbor I ot8 Ho .,..,.., ~ ~. ao.e-a X·ll.ay 9nvtce IIDtoe K. lluwell, 11. D. ... 1 o..t ..._ c.,_..,..., Office Hount: HH2; H ...._ llarllor •• S. R. Monaco, M. D. 8lot Bay· Ave.. a.Jboe llarlMtr l H4 t4l 8. IDU St., t. ~ · T1Jclutr Ttll By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbyalciaa aad 8~ 1011 w.-a_, A- Telepboae Harbor 80! A. V. Andrews, M.D. PIIYSJOIAPf .... 8vaG&oN N epboae Harbor ·H U 'I Dr. W. T. Mooney Ph,..._ ud Sarpo. Nbttla ... Oeetra.l ..._ ............... , ..... .. Waper nn.p.. ._ .. .., Dr. Wilbur c. wac- Chiropractic, Dietetics, PhY'!JIIo & ColonJc Therapy lilt OoMt 81 ........ lApea ... ..._. Ita ZONE THERAPl CLINIC Vapor Ba ... 9 ....... M • 8paetaJ TrMtmeata fer OaMa tJtY, EM& Ceetral, ..... RE<JORD l':HTABLJ81UD Commf'rclftl milk p-oductlon lD California In 1945 establlahed a nt'w 1111-tlme record for any yew. Utilization ln the form of market milk and In evllporated milk. cot· t J!Ke ch('('SC curd, ll't' cream. and 11W&bet also H tablllhed new ree-ordl. C.mplete Fountain Serviee at HANSEN'S NOW OPilN EVENINGS IIAL'l'S • ·MNDWJdaJ:B • IIAIIIIVIIOaa lee a... to TMe" o.& .. • ' • -•-:w aAUIOA !fii!!C!·!I!Ia Jlf...., 8Mc-... ~ ~:. My U, INt Newport Woman ~~:~~ ~-:~~~=~h~~tl~~~d 'Pioileer Cltlzetl Recalls Old Scelles four Enroll R:-ev-o-=-kes--=-L-=-·~-n-Re--........:.----~--~------ ChAa.a.n for Post d1nay1.he orange Gardena last TuH-As Newport Beach's ... A&:L. Blrthda 1 ~ -.vw :y llllfo•l 1\rhnc-C'd !lt'tl ,,, Orttn.:l' ~-H tl a Ventllatl In Music Group ~ ~~~c ~~.:~r~:= Celebration Is Plan.cl ·by City A,_ K• • ;~~~~·~·.:;~' ·~~;~;:·::~~.~:~;~~,~~~~·~~~ ~~::~ u.a H Ill 011 --aecretary-trt>aaurer. Wayne Crowl, a, lltlOB llelltu..A." ~ IWantans ..... flnt-d $I( I fo>r ~·.-dl~ tiO Geofae W. Burt, music ina true-Tw~n High ~ehool, la r etirlncl To lmagin(' thP stl't't<'h. of South·j ln 1927 1 bll!l nood thN'aterwtd to milt•• po•r huur In 11 :6·m1h• 7111\o' t« at Fullerton Union Hleh prestdt>nt. t>rn C&11for nla coast now known u brt'ak !h(• dam at Blll<'r Point a nd VII C't•nll'lll "' o•nuo•. ho'\wo·e•n Nt•w- achool, was £'1ected t&-the presl-A feature oC the evening waa thl' Oty of Nt'wpor t Btoach as flood down Into Newport Bay. TheJ ~o-..u, Ill'\\ Ill•'"'"''~'" '"'ft' lnl· purt 11n1l llnll"'" CHARIER & PRESTON dency of the Orange County Sec-the .report by lrt>n~ L . Schoepfle, no.th. lng but bart> sand du.nt>S. mudl water rouldn't ll:l'l out thi'OUIIh the tlato'CI tnt•' t h(• :-;,.,,.,nrt llt~rhor 1'\ll.,.nty ''"ll11n ."' tht• frrw• "'U mustc consultant tn thf: Orange rlllll, and shallow t11goons. It not Santa Anrt rlwr ,J.•ttr faat enouah.l Kt\\tonts l'luh ,,, th.•lr Wo'<'kly IIUSJ)t'fldrd f<lr two )'t'Urt "" t-on.l County Schoota oHICt'. of her re-Imagination but actual mt>moty to His ton. lluah. with the help of IUnl'ho•••n 1111'•'11111: '" \\'hth•'s ('!If· dillon that Mu <h.fnrd 'hllntl' not •te lJr.i. HI Oontnc:toc' Carr's Feed Stoft Hay and Grain Quallty Feeds -I- rent att£'ndance o.f the National John McMIUan IT Hobart Ohowell took ahovela and fe<• Shup, ll,,u,. •. ,, Fnohw 1 11 1 1 .•• 1 1 M I ..,._. 1 Coni 1 · · -11 1, ro•rcu 11 .,, ""'' ''In~ *I""" nr t tat usc o:.uUCII ors erence n With the dty of Newport Beach cut a m•w outh't ht'twc-en the jetQI "'~ '"''· "'"''rt I. n"'""" of ---lit' .......... ..,.,.. ........ .................. ,, ................ .. Cleveland. achedult:'d to ('('lebrate Ita 40th an-and HuntlnJ;:ton ~ach. thus ell· tho• ll;oll'''' ll e~hh) "'""": Er11Ht L. pt•rloKI, and lwr '1111'rator• '""'111<' The 1~7~an~Coun~M~~~~~b~t."bh~~vnU~t hefl~~t~~~~~ &t !~~·~th, ·~'''"~~~. ~·~~u~rt:·:ru:k:·~~~~~~~~:·~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ale Fe.tiva.l wu awarded to Ful-believe that anyone In the J88C)'a way And tr1ln track wu wuhed W I ~tt\t>nc•}. \llft'(lflllthll' pt\.)'S· lerton with the proeram tel tt>n· could lmaginp lhP bustling ell)' out. Prado Dam In th<' Santa Ana lclan ami •ur~'''"'· 11.••\\ 111•rt l lt•ach, Dall7 De~m.,--a-. .,., JanN_,.rtBI..._ 008'1'.1. KaA tatively for March 14. l!M7. wp havr todll)' canyon will prevent any IIUt'h and IIRrr~ II 1-'n'<l••rl\·k. m•uranC\• "I thought. ba<'k In fh<lM' days, future floods. broko·1. •'' \ '•>~In 1\\•·•" Scotch tape, variolll atza. on that Newport would make a niC'l' .John McMillan Is now retft!d.' 11w I:Hto•r •111~t'll<'ol 1on offln> In I '-------------J uH at the NeM.-1lmes • aumrner N>SOrt and )'ac:htlng har-ll\'£'1 1n Nt•Wf10rl. and .kc'C'pa an Cortlll(l llt'l M11r Frid~ty. bcw," John Mc.MiUan Jr., said r t-· lntert'lt In city affairs u tw hu --j CC'Illl)'. ''but I didn't bell~t' ttwre Cor over 65 )'t'aMI. Ht• ,. 84 yeara Baptists Seek Air I would be anywhere near the num-old and atilt e-njoys • atrolJ out ber ol people u ~ llvlna heN' onto thl.' Nt>wport wharf each B H ltal., today. It will f'Vt'fl be a crt'ater mornlnlt. or ltopplnr to diiCUU ase as osp • place when the uppt'r bay I• affaln with townspt'Ople. drroged, but more "•ater should Pl"'••hillty c•f th~> •·r•'('llon or a be allowed up !herr. M k ' Req t hosptral 1111•1 1-.1llo•.:•· with " vah11> "The present hftrbor WU spoiled &8 ey 8 Ue8 of Wl')l t~\W $1.0tl0,mO b)' Uw with lalandl. A limit wu ~~ on For Ending Rent Soutllo•r, llrofltl~l Contc•ro•n<¥ with· 1!1 developml'nt right thert>. Udo C tl'OJ S t OPA In tht· '"''""lim•·' of ttw SAntll Ana llle and Ralboa laland should havt' On en Army Art· hn~··, """' 11•-.·lnro--d sur· been dredged out instead of built plus h)• llw \\111 do·1n•rtnwnt. wu up." b£' &dde-d. Mr. McMillan can Tht" offl<'f' of lhP Santa Ana told 11' 11,.. liol"f·rtnn•t•' nr th4' Alllq- remembcr h1Jtorlca1 lnform~tUon. r t"nl control hn11rd has no tified clatrd l 'hamh •. l.,_ ut ('uni!Jl«'r<~· much of which pouibly isn't of RAlph P M11skey, pn'tllct.rlt ol the. thla wro•k hv A H Fl'f'ftztol o1 rPCOrd. Fdr ex&mple. he remt'm· N~l Harbor Rt'alfy board. Wt>•tml.r"lt•r · ' l lx'rs thc first Nt>wport Reach that his rf'('('nl lrtlt'r llllklng for I Th . ,11 1 1 , llt• •h 1 -----------------..:..._--------~ G 1 hi h I Pllm ination of th£' rt•nt control ' ' ~ " ·11"1111" IH • ') •---------·---------------• ramm11r schoo w £' Wftl o-N't()lullf\rl fo1mall1 1 ru1e1Jittod h)' flw cated in h®llt" next to the NI'W· future h«'re durlnll t h<• vacation -· rt wha8rf Thc•re Wl\l no school lng rwa~n JunP 1~ to Sc-ptcm· city t'"1111~'11· 'n•lt•rso'it rho• ldt•a ul ) Anr:touncing Pe rmanent .Location Octice or W. V. TREADWELL, M.D., F.A.C.S. 101 No. 8..-dway, Saata Ana On May 15th, 1946 PRACMCE LlMTT'ED TO ODSrern.ICS AND GYNECOLOGY' • ·Office hours: 11 to 12 -1::\0 10 S IBy appointment only) Office Pbo.e 1144, Saata Ana I po · · ' • RCQUI~IIIfll\ hi llw t'!'llllh' ur lht• dl~lrlct ht're at !hilt timt' The bcr 15. Wlt!l ro•rrrrNJ lfl tht• Lo11 1 lilt · ' I n;arr«t on<' was In Falr vh·w·, four Angi'ICI district off1N" for ~··ply :ou::;,~ .,;.; "·.~:.'11;~; 1111:1' r •. :.~:~~ I mliN! IIWay. I Mukey mad,· thi~ rc-polrt Ill lht· tlon '"'~ rt'hol . lo) th•• rlll'l'!"ltll'~ I John ShllTp rurnlshrd a t~aChM' I board or dlrrr~o~ or the Nt.>w-1 Ot hi I !'II \ (•nomnl~ 111111 duuniW'rll room 11nft baAl'd ro ~t'11ch ..hltl t-wo pet<t Hnhor c hnmbc.r of Com-1 of 1~,111111,.,.. ... thr•ot•.:h·~• llw I'OIII~ chlldren. 11 .etas!' whrch 100n w~w m~·re<> on Mundll)'. tY 111 ,. un1t,.1.,.1,P<ed 1,, lw• •~m~td· to eight children as oth£'r f11mlhe~~1 t n his lt'ttc·l\ thC" really boarcS. f'rinw ~uu11111 •wliutt!' 1 ~l'nt theirs. This was In 1~. The urficutl poinll-d out that thl' NL"W· tt>RI'hl'r r('('('lved no pay, but was · port H11rbor 11ro•a Is not locat<'d ofCerN1 n h<'lt4'r po~~ltlon In Santa nrar 11 milit11ry l1ttse; that thc-r«' Is Ans and from tht>re we-nt to Los no t now any nt'<'d for Nlwr~eenty A warded Contract THf OFFICIAL OPENING Saturday May 18th e~ e.o~J SAI..ES and SERVICE ' Marine Specialties MtMI&.uutxM .. ,. 11111 llU·IILifUinl A New_. GOIN'etel)' .. .a....-cn.w---,_. ... .._. ...... • Photo .,ntahlng •, OPwkiJlftlR EqulpmH~t • F.nlar,ren • • Fllnll4 • Ji)'tlnf"J{ln~ LAms • fllterM EVEnvni~G lt'OR nlE CAMERA F'ANS ww ... 0,.. ......,.,.., .w ..... <J o•s IN AND Jt l:ll! ua I'NI N_...,. ..... Ang«'lt>l . Tht>rP "'"• no Or11ng£' housrn1: rn thl' art•&, And Newport . rountv thPn ~t~ a ~hool dl• llu~w lmil~ng o"~"" have fut-1 TIH ~·~·wt l~·ru•h rolyNmnMl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lr lct WAll forme-d. Th11t fint srhool flllo-d all prr\'lous contracta under on M:•IHIR\ '"' "rrlo·<l 10 1'"111"11''1 tu l !' ae.we-PlloDe Harbor I U 1·1 Complete Uae of ud 8addlery. for Mea, Women and Children AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop !05 No. Broedway, Saata ADa Phone 6722 f/We 4 7~ fJ4t ~ 4 TREASURED DAY v .· , t Beautiful Bronze PORTRAITS fOR CAINE 16) 6 xI Inch slae Ooe or u many u ~ Proofs to .elect from. CoMMUNION AND GAAJ>UAT10N PHoToGWAPHS A SPI!C1AL'IY. AUSTIN STUDIOS W • are fully equipped to hllre portrait• '" Ho•• or c•urc• ALL STUDIOS OfiN 11 10 6 P.M. IVIIY SUNDAY NfO twO 01 MOll MOHTS .. WlltC -~No ...... St. ...._ .... ea.taAIIa DAILY HOURS: I a.m. to 6 p. rn.. ~ and Sat~ 'til 8 p. tn-N·T S.14_. hulldinf.'( still 4'XIsts 1111d Is 11 rC's l· the t'ml'rRc'ncy mt>~t.~lln>S. I lh•• !'ull\ ~llll•·r c-.•nlllltll) fur l h,. df'net-ni'Ar 20th And C~'ntral todny __ _ joh "' ' 11lu1 .:•rot.: t "'" 11111u fiRtkln~: John McMillnn was born in I lot rol H .. II~''' Tho~ t••wnpnll)' " .... ("11m~ltown. Scotland. In 1R62 the-""' ,.,, 111 tim •· hlddrrs fnr tlw lie-madP marw trlfl!l ~~rnund Capl' HAPPY EVEN. TS wnrk II~ Ioiii ""~$:/Oil lo rHid ~141 llflrn nJnnln~: bt'two•<'n Australia! f£'t•t "' 1 Ill' loJI I ltnd En~tland aboard S.)UIIrl'-rl~;~tl'd In Harbor Area ship5. ~metlmN! lh£')' w4'nl Com· All k1•ul• t~P•'''n to•r r1hhoons In 1 ph•tely nround tht> world for ra-11ttwk • 1 11 :>It•\\ Tim s 1 1 \'OrRblr \\ inrls I l r Willi ll sltilmak<'r ' "' · ,.. t• • _ a nd Sfk'nl many lon~r hours In th4' 1 Mr 11nd ~''"' I >nrt .. lrl~· MC'! 'htr•• 'rl~~int.: rr pairinlt storm-dnmn~tt>d 242~ (lrnn.:o· ·''''nil• ( n;;tn Mo lHt, !lllilll l)ft pn cwt•r rou~h l t'as nff the 1nr4' llllr••nts tif 11 duut.:hlo·r. flttrn lin~. I April :lll at St .lu<~••ph hO!Ipitrtl He £'Rmt-to N«'wpor t In thl' Shl• \\r•~:twrl ' ' t~"lntb, to•n GILL'S t'arly f!lrs tn mt>C"I ·IIfl with his "\lnrt•'l. *' ln nthc-r, .lamP!I, who hnd orrlvt>d Mr nnrl \1,-.. h· nrwlh Lc>WIII'to DE LJ CATES SEN hl'rt' hy ""> olf ~ina Jam£'5 11ilot-1:!7"-21th '11 '''1. aro• l"•ro•nh "' ••d ships uvt>r thl' bar into Nl'wport n d~tu~:ltt.-r ""' n l\1:1y •I AI San Ill Harbor in those e11rly days wht'n Ann C'nrnnrum1y toc.-pital Sh" thl'r<' WitS no je-tty or drNhted \\'£'il:hood .. ,.,, n JK1Un(l5. ~l:f'll ••nrl £'hnnno'l!!. About 1889 a third II hnlf Olin<'•'-· brotht'r , Charll's, en me to Cali· , Mr ond .\Irs nnu ·la<t llrn,lo·~. Cornia and S<'ttll-d at Corona. 240 F-ast :.eot h "'tro·,.l. C'c'!ltn ~~. "" Wh£'rt' he still Jivrs. 8 1'(' l>llft'nls nr ll 8oln, horn 1\111, J ohn McMlllnn was marrll'd In 6 at ~11n1so "''1' C"o1mmunlty hull·' Snnta Ana in 1AA4. Aftl'r IPftvlng plral lie-"''o~;lwd !IC'VI'n p•1undl. lh(' 54'3 hi' workt>d on tht> Nt'wport fr,ur nunr··~ FOOD SHOP • • • • • • • • • Smoked Tul'kt~y Smoked Flab Bout Meat. 8w~f Pl«'kiM FrNh SaladiJ IJnDdked Fruit. ..,...._hlno CherriN Cbeele Galore f>ll'r unloadin~ frt'ight from 11ail-l'olr :onrl Mr' \\'IIIHJrn \\'rtrn •n, In~ sh1ps that doek<-<1 there. lAter 1>11hh:• Rl'l'nllt· C'Hrnno d,.l Mar. hi' \His N(•WJIOrl PMtmaslt'r , and 11n• lllln<~unt'lnl: the• ttrrl\'111 M a Spt'nt m flny Yl'l\rs ns supcrlntt•nd-~Oil, htll'n t.l:oy I a t t '•oltfornt» Lie· SHOP AT GILL'S • c-nt of th!' Cit)' Wnl<'t D<opartmc•nt. !ht>ran hrosvitai. l.•~ 1\n~tl•le•fl. Ill' hu1ld1n1! up thr many lrnN! It h;u weighl'd llllC pnuntl~. lwl'h•• :tnd 11 ----- today ""can ro•memlll'r the-Snnto half OliiiC'<'!l rtnd lrns l)('{'n nnnu'<l l'~or FrMh,.r \'e.:.-tahlt~ Ana rivc•r." which had rut varlnull John C'nvnnnul:h llf'tter M,.af~e outlet~< to the rwa dur1m;: floods. Mr n11 d ~lr-'1. Jloml'r ~l,.llult , FM«'~' O rcK'f'riM Jn 1920 thr ·Sunta Ana riv('r was :!611 Flnw1 r ~•• r•o·l. '·,.sift l'tlt·<ist, 11r•• 1 dh·,.rtt:'d dirt'<'! to the ocean. hut var£'nl, nf n hnh) d1w ght•·r . horn Liquor Store Boob ... .., ..... ....... ..., ....... ...... llutror ... ~~~~~~~~· ES ! CLOTH POR MEN AND BOYS g~ g~ S/u,p_ DT Mart.e A.._ Balboa Wud ~Harbor 51t Canvas .By the Yard Wlde Wldtha--All Length~ Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. . lal 8o. ..... 8t. ..... .., SANTA _ANA M11y 3 nt .SI Jourlh hn!lpltnl She wei~hrd six pounda. nin•· oullc£'8 11nd hall twol'n n11m<'d C"arolyn ROlle. W FoNl'lt A \'e. LAOt IN A BY.AC II ... ,.,. ....... .. .... ,_ ....... ,ertlc•l•rly l.c•• .. NM ',.,. .........•• , ... Ufe ..... H.. T ....... u .. t T~ • ......... ahetlecl to -+ell .,.. ~ ..., .... '*' ., -+ah tt. _._ cA your fec161 ......._ TM.,help ....._ ............. ertlfldel ·~· ENJOY WEARI YOUR PLATES \VHILE I'AYIN(; Trdcr· IWIMntar,. nf Hr. (!<\w· ""'• Ubera.l ('nodlt l'ta~~ fnr all hrtUMlhH nf dfonU•t ry. ArrM•fl to havr all )'our ,....._,.,. "1'11'11 _,.ww KIOHT l'iOW ... paf la"'r Ia email Wf'flkiJ "' ..,,.Ualy amount&. S () T o~J: PENNt' ADDmONAI. C08T. Make Your OwD Tenm . , . \\'ltHa--., ... Folding Patio 'll'k-n-'11 r hlrtflef\ ctlt'fw. rnt ''1'l'Xft8 ~ ~ spfeftJ. twf"lllll. and "'UClfl, n reol ~ ~ tend n oclpc huok In the r·hu.·k hox . .lu11lor O.uc.-ll Box 86.10 Hft11Jor CIIMk Boa .18M ...... ··~ ... , .,,....,., CHAIRS;~ Glfeamlnl and 1..-tro~~~~ MoOd .4.11'_.,._ • YoldJDl Ch&l"' Dynamically rllffcrent fm m nnythfn« w<• hnw• t"Vl'r offr rm . Vat-dyed ~ rics in fll riking c•nlol"l'' whkh hai"'DDD- 17.1' with outrloor ton~ . . -eoYend with wnlt•r-TY'pt•lll•nl hrnvy duck. l)irector'a Folding ('hair $1249 ANAHEIM 1%1-111 W. c..t.er Street PlioM 1115 Solid Aluminum CHAIRS ~ ~oldlnglng Chnln~ ,.,,. h.'fllht>r· Ucht to handle, an<f yet fk>Ki.cnecf to wttt.tJmd fURRed Ull(', Tile ~~ an d .oUd alnTSft -type huntnum rod, dtennlly treated to retllrt corroBion. 1'bq can't rurt! . , 0t I Diredor'• FoldincChair ..... $795 .... ._ 't:\\'tooi&T B4LBOA NE\\'8·1'1ME8. Newport ISt-.w•b. C 'alltt~r• • ~lay J&, .... ~~~~~A lW K Wt • N t ~~~~~ '•_B_L,-c~N~o-T-tC~E-s-~-.P~u-a_L_Ic_N_o_T,-C-E---~---------~::O~'e~~rger ; ~~rt a tns ,. ey H I r. .. essc'" esw~or ·g:-~:: f~~~·;~k~ts """ """""'" .,, '">' """' ""' """'~ """'""''" Bid •hall ... ~ .. ~·~: •• ~:T:£(1) ...... -D R d nHL-c!'tl 01}' ofrkinl Sl'nl IJH' dny sralr•d and flied with the City dar day where auch work Ia re-- lt Wll5 nnnootnN'fi ~~~tho" mt-t•t-IVISIOn ace oustng ase tlmmone I and )'t'ar in this c:ertifiC'Ill<' first C'lerk Ill the City Hall.' Newport qulred In cases or eKtraordl tn~~: of 1h1· honrd oll dln•ctol K of Clh' ('.'oi.P. '· ""''"'1"1') a hove writtr•n. _ 'lWach. California, on or before t>mer"t'nclt>s caused by fir•, n~ • I I'"" t'u th" ,.,., ... ,.,.,.llf'ntt·d de-~"'JIARL"" WOQlJ"'ILL \ " • ......, tM Nt>M'JlOrt Chamll('r or C11m-', c..::-• " • Muy 20, 1946 at 4:00 o'clpck P. M. or danger to life or property, and m.t'l"<"t' on Monday, I hilt tlw com-I --I mnnd tor t i<'kN!I for "Rnmflnn" !'l;otllr.V Puhhc In ~tnd for and will lie opened and publjcly for tlmt> on Sundayw and lee I mJt~ r t'OI'fltlV a.ppnlntN1 hy J s. WaJI<'r Franz:' Amorita. :'</('W• c·t J d . G d p t . D . . . whi•·h is t'VImplr·ti'IV sold out for said County and Stall' I rl'ad aloud at or about 4:00 o'clock holldaya. a Barrl'ft, P"f'Sido•nl. to milk<• 8 .rur-! port lluriiOr Yacht cluh's rha\-I Y U ge 1ar ner OS poneS eciSIOrt In n• v.1 Sl\ltlrdav 1\nd S11m111v II has !My Commission F.xpan•s p M. on t hat day in the Council It shall be and r "'o.v on the '~lbl~· consolidation \enginl': OO&t for t)\e San.FriUlclllt'l' Dwelling MaUer Until He Has Oral State-t\i·o•n dPd dl'd t_o,lndd n~orher w~k December 29. 1947. I Chambers In the City Hall New-Co t t t m h ato Y upon the of the city postoffiCf'll was making Perprtual 0\&Jif'ng•• trophy, okl-, t f S B d • W ··nrt tn thr l'('ason w11 h two ad-rSEAL l port Beach C llf ni • n rae or o w om the contract prociMI. . ! ~"'t and molll elM~ t~~y men rom an ernar IDO oman rllllnnal performanC<'.$ un May 18 Pub -April :!3, 30: May 7, 14, 19-16 . a or a. I'' awarded, and upon any I Ub-oon- 'Ibe cummltt~ lncludft Grorae nf the West rout. won In dlvlalon nrdert'd them to leave. ""'1 t9. I The abov<' mentioned chC'ck or 1 tractor under him. to pay not lea Weta and J. A. Seek of Balbo&;l7 and thf' pH'-ChaJlence n >gatta \'loiJJi uon of 11 rily .tnnlng ,,rdw-Judg,.. Gardner, set'mlncly In· This announr<'mPnl comes from CE RT IFICATE OF BUSINESS , bond shall be given lUI a guar-, than the said speciflt'd rates to 1un Me)!fr ol C.•ta MHa; Olu. a t the Corinth.lan Yacht club, San ann• on Dallll.)•l Ishu\d whkh rt'-r'•·.nSt·d uH·r the fact t hat IOI'I'lrone ,\drian A wan. m11na~in~ auper-Fictitious Flrm Name \an tee that the bidder w1ll t>nter 1 all I~ borers, workmen and me. J . CrAwford of Newport Beach; I Frana.oo, When 'It wu first In stricls thl' usc· or mon• than lWO was coman~e ciOitle to perjury In a visor of I hi' outdoor pagt>ant at Into the contract If awarded to chemcs employf'd by tht>m In the ODL F . C. Vrnn and Lew Wall&~:» both elapaeod and ClllfftC:ted time dwdllng units fln propt~rty s1tu· minor matter. called the recc·u Jt'lmona Rowl. who adds that thla THE UNDF.RSlGNl-'D d him and w111 be <h>clared forfeited execution of the contract. fJfl Conine del Mar, In the Va.Uejo race OUa put week a ted In R-2 zont'll, has orcasium·d until nl'xt' Saturday and ordered marks tht> first time In t~e 19-year 1 ht>reby certify ;ha t he l. oond~:t~ If t~e suCCE'Pful bidder refUSt'S to The Oty Council of the Oty of end, oampetinc ....,_t more than the apPt'arance In cit y CQurt of the subi)O<'na of Min Ivt>rson for hlstor)· of. thr piny that additional lng a retllil boat and m"rlnt> 1 entf'r Into aald contract alter be-Newport Beach rt'SOrvf'l the rlcht 160 northlnl baata. Mrs. Ruth Dll'sh•r of Balboa 1!11-thr n~>xt seulon. pE"rformanet'S h11ve rver been ment aaJf'l bwilneu 111 407 E~~ lng r('fJUt'l!tt'd 10 to do by the to rt>ject any or all bids or waive Willie Hoase c.te 1be ~foot ~ at tJie Call-I and. who II aecuted of housmg a Gardner mad4! It clear that he "lvcn. tral AvPnt:w, City of Ne t O ty Council of Newport Beach. any informality In a bid, forni& 12 c1.-Wt 'l1buron Satur-party of Easter-vaoatlonlng glriJ (~·It tht> llt'rlousnt'tll of the chbr~c lncll!dlng the performances next Beach, County of Oran&e, ~e Bidders art> hereby notified that FRANK L. RINEHART. day f~ Vallejo and M1led back I from San llern~~rdino In a gara~e dependt'd on the Intention of the Saturday and Sund11y mo~e Ulan of California. under the fictl~ pursuant to provisions of Section City Clerk of the Qty of 8undlu' with a carnded time of on Sapphire atref't whert> there violators. If the Dtestrra, u they 36.000 persons will have visited the flrnt name of PLASTIC WATER-17'70 of the Labor Code, Statutes Newport Beach, CallfornlL 5 bGUn. 2'7 IDianiUa and 32 arc-were already two unlu In use. • contend, were only he.Jptnc the Huwl during the ~arly ached-CRAFT CO. and that aald ttrm of 1937, of the Stale of Call(om Ja, Pub.-May 9, 14, 16, 1946. oac11 far tile ~ rece, wln-j Settlement of the case. which totlrls out for the wee,k end. It wns 1 uled ~lx shows, and w1th the an-11 oornpoeed of the followtn& per-the Oty, Cound l of the City of n1nc ~ Ia ab the Sell Fr-an-hu been poatpont"d on three suc-' a minor Infringement of tht> 111w, no1mrrment of the added two eon1, wh~ n&Jile'l and addreaea Newport Beach hu ucertalned :------------ c*» ~ MC006c to Franz. I Ct'tlllvr St~turdllys to· o&tllin more but If they allt'jJ('dly had enga~,ted !~a~ws on May 18 and 19 an ad-are u follows, to wit: the Cf'neraJ PftVaiUnl' rate of per Corona. del Mar who Dlw bltdt ..-., lditlt wllh subatantlal t>vldena-by thi de-' the lt'Ven ctrta for profit, then the cfaf'nnal ettt"ndance of ,12,000 coul~ RICHARD W. 011-fMER 312 diem waces and·ratt'll for' lecaJ M H S REFRIGERAnon •tort. "" tile rwce. He retuma fendanta. wu poatponed agllln' matu•r W&l more Mriou. and indl· I ))(• added to the record. Alvarado Pia~. BaJboa, ~or-holiday and overtime work In the a hop . We fay fer u. ChaUenae race alter a brlt>f hearln&.brforf' Judcel cated t.hat the penalty would l>f' Tickets for thHe two a~nal ru.. locality In which thla work II to 1118 OlleM lllllawa., S~. )1g 11. . Glll"dMI" Saturday morning. when severt>. l Jlt'r~ormana>t may br obtaJ by WITNESS my hand thiJ 15th day be performed, for' each craft or e Old ,_...._, __ ... malta -••-+-Wltb --·_the boat are Leo It became •vldt'Tit to t~ court \ ___ ~-alhng Ramona Bowl dlrect or ln of AprtJ, l!H6. type of workman or meehanic .......,_. ~.-.--I Loa .A.ngcles at the Southern Call needed to execute the contract We IDMD just thJa. .... -a.. ... -...... Benlln&. a.n.., r.....!llrnann and that f11Clft w .. hwolvt'd then t~ Raub Doesn't Ev"-n (t'll'nla Music Co . Also there ar; IUCHARD w. O'I1{ME wruch will be awarded the .uc-.:..._ _______ _ -a..t ..... 0... .. -x-t:b Walta. U tMy 11JClCt'ed ln minor tf'chnlcal Infringement of I · ~ · STATE OF CALIFORNIA) _ ..... bl..a..a-. --= --..... --.. . ~ _ _.._._ ........ ' L t F. h . K I IIVt'r 50 Mutual ticket acendea cetJN1!¥ ....,....... .....,. WJ ..---_.. .....--.._ ~ tt wtD be the thto ordinance after prt'llt'1\tatlon of e IS 1ng eep th oughout the Southland d tles · OF ORANGE ) •· The prevallln& ratel 10 deter-.-----.... -----... .......... lftllat. ~ ftnt time It .... caM to Southem afftdavtU. from two lnterHted Him from Kiwanis w::O are takin~ order~ for thf' On thla 15th day of April A.D., mined are 8J foUO'M : ....._ ... .._...__ -----~---a..dl CaUtclrDla. partJes, that wf're hlehiY contra-ttra ---*ormances 1946. before me Wm. H. Penn a 0 ..__,_ •• -..... • --ro-o--. dlctory. e ~·' · Notary PubUc In and for aa.ld .... y The atatementa. obtained rrom JRck Raub of 406 San Bcrnar-County and State, res1dlnr theft1n w ... e Dtem Typewrllen • It's Always COfFEE TIME At The • • • . . DOiuT&•WiiFFLE .HOP . • • • . • . Serving OOWEE 6 DONUTS • WA~ STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whl~ cream) • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 106 MariDe Avenue ..., ... · Balboa Island o-p•• ... o,aa ........... u• •• e'Oa* -a..e -,, .. ,....., ' ·son WATER SERVICE Ia Available to You NOW1 '· Soft Water Service IOives your hard water prob- lem. A phone cal} wW brine an etndent and reliable lei'Vloe man to your door. No obligation. ..... 6470 S.ata Alia . We Mft 0111J -....-to offer 70'1 ud tbal ...,.._II 8oft Water son WATER SEiiCE 11118. nR8T SANTA ANA .,,,.,, ;,,, ,,,, ,., ... ,,,, •.. _ ~yt011 Tllolnpson ~ ............ ..... ............. liN ttut>. o1 thf' rJrll who were houaed ~no ·avenue. Newport Heaghts, Dr1Ye carefully-Spare • Lite. \ dilly commilaloned and aworn, OlaalilftcaUoe JLa&e w ... e • In the Dleettr raral[t', two of aenlor member of t~ firm of penonally appeared RICHARD Muon ...................... Jl~ $12.00 Oftiee Bqulpment wtllch 1ubatllfttlatrd the conten-Rauh & Bf'nnett. dvO engint'f•rs PUBLIC NoTICES W. CYniMER known to me to be Operator'. trench tlon that ttw Dtesterl wert' actin& and aurve)'OTS ot 10 NPwpnrt the penon whoae natne' II tub-machine .................. 1.625 13.0b a·ntr-om._ Ml--. a..· ..... u "Good Samaritan.-· when they boul<'vard. eo.ta Meea. wae rhe acrlbed to the within lnltrument, Operator, ahovel or made ttl.tr p.ra~ livable b-y ln. redpir nt ot an award for flvr rt!RTI'FICATI! O'J!' amt-.ctmow~ -to-me ~l M clrarUne . .. 1:m... 14.()9 -ROBEtrr.S Typewriter Serviee atalllnl[ a atov<" 11nd Icebox In the Yf'l•rs' perft>et attendance In thl'1 81111' ..DOilfO BUSINZ88 11M-u.cut.ed the same.. Operator, a1r • rarage for quertf'n for 14!\'f'n Klw11ni1 · club at thto JunchPOn Df!R FICTITIOUS NAME-.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 oomprt'MO!' .. 1.25 10.00 df'll, and thf' oth~. from Chrl.s-1 m('("tlng of the Nf'WPOI't HRrbor 1 --have hereunto aet my hand and Operator , concrete tine Iverson of San St"rnardlno, Kiwanlt clu~ F'rld11y. we. the undersigned, do hereby alflxed by official teal the day mixer .................... 1.25 who uld that she hlld made the F . D. BlowPr , prt'llldent of the 1 Cl'rtify that we are partnen con-and. year In thil a>rtlflcate first Operator, pump 1.25 10.00 H11 Weat Vaatnl i~:~,~~~~~N~ewpm~~~lleeelt~~~~~ arran«~nta for the living: quar-~ duh. f"'l'll<'ntt'<l Raub W\th :1 five, ducting a buslneN u Marine EJee-above written. Operator, tractor .... 1.!50 t('TI a.nd had p~~ld $.~ rent. The year honor hutton at the ~n<'<'tinl:'. triclans at Zl5~ Marini' AVenue, ISEAL) WM. H. PENN. Cement flniaher ...... 1.35 Dlt'lltt'f'l oontt>nd that ttM!y only which M•as held in Whltr's C'offN' RalhoA b land. California, undt'r Notary PubUc In and For,Truck drivt>r 1.00 Intended th4' 1tirl' to remllin the Shop. R a I boa. Acet'ptln~: thr thr name and style of MOBARRY Said County and State. Carpentt>r . 1.35 10.M 8.00 lO.M 10.00 9.001 7.00 Expen Radio Service garag:e av"' lhl' wrek end unU1 a pr lzt', Raub admlttC'd that 1'\ll'n AN{) MoCARTNF:Y. and thllt the {My Cunmi.sslon Explrf'S Pipe lay<'r 1.25 rc~lar aperti'Tlf'nt was aval111hle. fishing, his most fll''orlle sporl, nam~'s and addrt"Slles or aJl the April 20, 1946. l Oller .. 1.125 but )flu lv<"riiOn's lf'tter lmplit>d didn't kN'P him away from the partni'TI arc as followa: Puh.-Apl'll 23, 30, May 7, 14, 1946 Commun laborer .875 th11t thr 1tirla Wt>rr moved only Klwanla meetings any whPrf' in I.. M. HOLLADAY, 829'1 Pa-1 Watchman and afll'r invHti~rators from tht> city the county. "I makt' It 11 point In cl(lr Av('nur . Long !k~tch 2, Call-P l'BLIC NOTICES '\. flogman .875# 7.00 WM't' wnt t.o the property and ha4 1 ~,.., there. wh<'r<·wr I urn." Rnuh fornla. SOTIC'f! IN\'ITI'NG BIOS /tny other elassifkntlon Phone ~n 5816 ~aid In conclusion •. .l. S. McCARTNEY, 28 Brook umittPd herein. not 1 I Srr~t. Post Office Box 326. South NOTICF.: IS HF:RF.BY GIVEN lrss than .875 7.00 VETERANS I Tars Defeat Sai nts. LaRguO'!:E· RC,:JlfGom. 1~1-0DARRY. 423 that thf' City Cnun\:11 of the City Providf'd, that one and ~nr-half n • " of Newport Tknch. California, wlll 1 11 * l times the 1ald prt>,·allin~ But Lose 5-4 Match J11smine street . Laguna Beach. rPa-ivl.' sealro bids for furnishing . rate nf wagP sh11ll bt> rmid. PXct>pt I r A h . s· I California. I all labor. mat('r jal, transportation watchman, flaRJTlan and any other I !148 Newport Blri. Palmer Radio ~ AND ELECTRIC ~bedroom homM ... ballt oa the lot you .....,.. 0 na etm lOg ers IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we and !erviccs to construct a vltri-non-manual workers. for any COSTA MESA _ --have her€'unto ~~ our hands thltl fiE'd clay sanitii.Ty sewer and ap-wo-~r:_:k~ln~g~tl:m~e~m~or~e~th~an~e~lg~h~t-I~R~I~=========::=::::::! SwN·ntn~ thr singles malrht'S, 18th day or April. 194fi. purtl•nant work, In and along New---- ro)r thE' nt'Pdrd (lVI' point! for vi<" L. M. HOLLADAY port l~urh Boulevard in thf' Coun.',------------------------- tor y, Newport Harbor tt>nnis t!'nm J . S. McCARTNEY ly of Ot'ang(•, from S tate Highway (i1•featt'd Senta Ana on lhl' local ROBERT G. MOHARRY ro Old County Road. ln accord- C\IUrts.last Wednr sday afternoon STATE OF CALIFORNIA l anC<' with plans and srll'dflcatlons to )(eep In the running fnr the COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. on fl1e In the offl<X' of the City 100% G. L Financing BBING YOUR RADIO TO US ODe DaJ -We'D aep.lr It aad 'foa ()-RaYe It tM Nat. f "aetof'7 PaRa. Worlc Oa&I'IUII&eed Fact.cwy Tnobaed Expwta. Radio SOS Electric Y011 paJ oaJy appnill&l ....... fee~~. PRONE !44'7-B Denison & McBroom Sales Sunset tit!!'. Tuesday 11fternoon On thi1"18th day of April, 1946, EnginN>r of Newport Beach. Call· the Tors JOlt • ciOII' match to' before mE', the undeTIIgned, a fomJa. HAROLD L RAMM Ana.h!'im by dropping: both doublt'll Notary Public In and for aald Each bid shall be mad(' out on Phone 'JIO SOO Marille A-.. llai1Me ..._. ~:: ~;~h~ng:n~:.~c~tvtng the I ;:~n~ ~~dMSt~~i..0.~~\, a[ I ~ff~:;'; ~~~;~~~~~ :~dtl~~:[t: I ~:_:_~:.~-:..-:..-:_-_-_-------------------.J S&llta Ana results: McCAR'I'NF.Y and ROBERT G.faccompa nied by a certified or!r-----------------------.., Singles-Df'imlln~ r Nil I d. Mil-MOBARRY, known to me to br rashlcr's check or bid bond for PtM«NUi VENETIAN BLINDS ler (SAl 6-2, 6-1: Thorn tNHl d. the penons who.e names are sub-tl'n percent (10'>) of thr amount , I Smith rSAl 6-3. 6-1; Yardley scribed to tht> w1thln Instrument, nr the bid, mad.-payable to the INHI d. C'ri'Nih&w ISAl 6-l, !}-7, and aCkJlOWII'dgt"d to me that they ord<'r of the City or Newport ' WOOD • STEEL • ALUHINUH ...... T.,.. -o........t-..__. -.._... .. _ .._ ..__ 1111 Newport...._ 008'1'A IRS" (In the ~~-Rftlt7 BJdc.) tl-9; Lind fNl{) d. F'rOHch.le (SA) executed the samr. . 6-1. 6-2: Fowler (Nltl d. Colel IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I ISA) 4-6, 9-7, 6·3. RHEUMATISM 814 Cout Highway Phone Beaoon 5881..1 Conon and Ray Doubll'l -Christ 11nd Tapeoott CSA) d. Spicer and Killefer INHJ1 6-3. 6-2: John10n and Johnson ISAl d. ~hty and Schulte I NH) 6-2, 6-2. For Sale: 12-FOOT MEAT CASE Newport Electric Appliance • Before Y oa Build or Re100del -~ 1 ~& t -..: ., ~ I • . J p ~ . -i :• . ._. il -... ' • .. I _., ' . ' . . t ,.~, 3: 1 J rt ~- ., J -~ J ,.. l vtalt oar late~ sample ud display J'OOIDS. • • • Color ~des, plan- ning ruds. compre- hensive stock ol rugs, C8rp('l <; and linoleum. ' 'll l ~ '~I 4 ~i =·~·~ a-.e4. ~~ -...a"" LUD'IUM Carpet Works am ..... Mala at. Pt.oale ..... .ba -8ANT!. Al'f.A YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. --(r- Joumeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patrorutge throu gh the use o f only 1st grade mat~rials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. PHONE L L BEAN Harbor 2645 - ROSSI'S Liquor Store and ARTHRITIS --------------_J I suffered for yt>an and am _, -::;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'Jto CoM& lllchw"f Fo..-ty Oordoa'a Drac &to~ PIL ae.oo. 111•w thankful that I can walk and work again without pain, that I wiU slad- ly answer aeyone wrltlnJ ~ fCK infonnatlon. MRS. EMMA IVES. P.O. Box 189, ~Angeles 52, Oalll . Pd. Adv.-NUE-QVO Laboratoriea Mercury Cleaners & Dyers Offer Regular ~ I 3~DA Y SERVICE or 1 • Day Special Service If an Emergency Arises -§- y our Clothing Is Cleaned ln OUr Plant Which Is Located at · 1844 Harbor "'Blvd. COSTA MESA We Are u Cloee to You u Your Phone Beacon 5613-J Mercury Cleaners & Dyers • ,. 1 Announcing the New Vibrapac Building .units AU~ SIZES Bt.TU..DING UNITS ' ,. Brt<-k an(t Ces.•pool Blocka Now Ia Proda~ -"' · Walter Kline Concrete Products (A). 18 N~wporf .h e. eo.ta lleea Washing Machine Wringer Rolls Rolla fol' aay make ,ap. \'oa tunalllb the Mmp1e. Brand -n bfJel', wW&e and pUable -OUARANTI:f!D-POSITIVI:Ll'! COMPLETE HOME SERVICE Refrigeration, Radios, Small Appliances Newport Electric Appliance Co. I'lL llart»or !118 .11M Oout BIN. Newport FA&M. IM4 WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? ••• We WID Pay You the IDg~t P088lble Price. • Stop la at: ••• McCARTHY USED CARS 1920 Newport. Blvd. dosta •-. $ CASH O.N THE SPOT • DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND R.concUtioned ~~~~ on haad with choice of NUctlort anita. • WE 4U WlliTtNG ORDERS ON IIIOBT· AND u:rr-RA~ I&OT4TION DU!8EU .oa TWIN INBT~· TION&. CHOICE OF UDUCI'ION 11N1T8. On Hud: 165 H. P. Geaenl Motors-New. See us for lnf'onnation on Venn Severin Di~Js Dleeel Geaerator Seta of AU IUacls. FILUUl B. LEWIS (Laell7 Lewla) OWwMr-M--cw PHONal Of&e: Newport 1088 aad Newport -...w 51J~IIAI'bleA.._ ~ ---------------------------------~~~I"OMT UALB04 N&WB·n~ N!WJ!!! ~ ('allfo . .:..rn:;,;l=••:.,_.,....;.,_"·.;;.;•l...;".:.:'"~''~"•>..:l~t.~.,, .:.'::.:•~:::•:....---------------------~~-------~!:!11!.!! l rEilKONAL ~t 'Disease, Death Toll as Hl&h In World Harh.or High Drops s s t \\'!1.1: !Sl)T IX' rt·.spons~~~~ for .•nY Today as It Was In 1920 Writer Says T~o Ill OranR~ Co. ea cou S, , Want Ads lull~ hut my ol\n on .1.0 Oc:l'em ' Dtam ond S csSIOtlS Blwt I ot 6. Block F. TrD<"I !\18. . ' ' • G• I AH d .. , Fft,\NK ~. LAMPERT. ", . .IHIIN UONIIOF.. r lr s en • Sth'l'rado, Orangt' ('o. •·Onl.' of th~ mO!It H•rrlbll' trftg·l l l.orhot lll.:h ' h '"·hnll I• 11111 36-3tc M ll'll In tlw hlit(lr)' nf thl' humftrt • • • • off the "''"' ''"" 11 '" ol••to·~tt n l th•• hntlll~ BUSINESS GUIDE T-.-4-s-·s_P_O_R_T_.\_T-1-0-N-----1• ra('(' 18 lot>tn5t t•nlll'tC'd wtthln thl' PORT "' '"'' ~""'''' l•·•ti:U• .. ppcmc·t~tll l A p rty broad jl(')l of tl'rrltory l~inl! II<'-I s 8 Ill> I '".I. '"'"II' ,,, '''"'"'''"'· I 3. -a HICYCLES tWI'I'O lhl' Baltlr lind the Black eam III II ,,,,,,. ""'' '"·'' •• ll lollllo\oli,l>o·o·n Sold, Rented or Hcpalred. and thl' Adriatic Seas. I -.• """""·'< t"IIIH '""' ''' th•• l=;rultn • • VOGEL'S "TI1r rl'pnrts which Cf\mt' to tiS --•• -'D"'" DD,. .. .,.,. ===::::::=V ,\ria S.11111•. I-I 7 '" ,, tr ,.,. M"rlnlt SIGN PAINTI N G Boat•. Trucks, Windows, Walla. Bulletlna Ralsed·Mt.>tal, Wood artd Plu tlc Letters. 100 Main st., Balt~ makl' it cll'&r thft t In thl'l(' warr JlEAMNalacw '"'"'''~! thltt "·'" lll•t.l"or r1•1tn· Sl~t····n ""'m'h,•r" ''' tho• No•w 208 Mt.rlne, Balboa lalaud. ra''l\iti'd rountriMI clvtllzltion has The c-u~ of Donhoff Ct'rtalnl)' tllttlh nn I'Arl\ umtn.: t.-u~l ,,, :'>· t I'''"' I'"''"'' St•lt ~•·••ul !"hi I' No IH·t1C: brokl'n down Ollt>llll'. 'bt'rt"a\'c>-did Its dirty work on thl' Harbor R••s1111~ ••f tit•• ,.; .. .,,..~ nntJ hnc•-tel 11ntl tlu•tr ln•ll•·~ Wt'rl' .:tt•'SIJ of ml'nt and Jufft'rlng arl' ~nl In llil!h s('hOOI tl'nnla tl'am-the eoelf· "'~": ttw IA.•8 1\n~owl•·• th'A ••'illll tW.I I"\ll 81:.\UTY AIDS 11' pra('tll'ally ~vf'ry hoUJ4'hold. whlll' larrK' tt-am thla depnrtment plck· .\naho·hn In ''"' l.()jl At'l:f'l ... l'lltllll)' l\rh1.:•·' AL LAC HMEY~R FOR S ALE-Permant>nl waves In focld and clothlnR sre lnauffldent (-d tn win the IUR~ champlorwhiP All R H of llnnnr It'll' ~.;1'1•11 In t ht' 1.N your home. SIO up. Mn. Bortd.l to make life tolPnblt> ' h~· taklns: thrlr rl'ttarn match trom Stl'ttrns 3h 4 11 1• An.:••lc'll ~:lkM' dllh Frhltt~ nl1tht h e mgr 19 years exp. Box 414.j "M~n. womM\ and chllc!Non art' lhl' Santa Ana Sainta. ;rl'kr e· • 4 0 1 Sklpt~·r t-'rank t<h ol!'r ·of Ship Newport. 38-4tp d)'inst hy th~ thouasnch and ovn Wt•ll. th~ T.,._ bt'at saata Ana Hh•lcoft•llf' p 4 0 0 Nc• tO and a l'\ltumtll•'<' lndutlhll: I 36-ltc -vast. once d\illzrd art"U theff art' all rlf!ht. jUJI u we prt'dictf'd. but 1J,.,.Nll,1dl'z rt 4 0 1 A M. ltl\tnbo, Rlly Marshall, ___ P_A_I_N_T--IN--G --COLD and MACHlNLESS to be found nelth~r medldnal a~ fnrstot about a little Item b)' the F•·•lt'rsJlfo'l If 4 1 t Sti'WIIr t Jlunlnp 1111d ~:d. Mu~y 1726 West Cent~al Harbor 1243-M WAVES plla.nces nor m.c!ical •aklll to I niiiTW' of An~thelm on the day be--111ur tnd., cl :\ 1 1 l'hntM'rf>twd th.' ~mup which rno-, 12 Yean S('T'Vlce In Newport Tinting and Mankw1nl cope! with tht' dt-vastallnl pl.,uea. Core and wC'rl' knock.cl on t.twtr Alltl n lb 2. l 1 torc-.1 tn thc-hltf city f11r the affair H•boi Ana Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor t~W "Wholesal~ starvation It thrf'at· collf'Ctlvr cat·(Utl by the under-P<mnln u 3 0 3 Aflt'r thc-award.ln1 of achhwc· Harry Hall Vi's Beauty Shop enC'd lg Poland thl• aummrr unleu doll Colonlau. 5-t. t·,~·n 2b ~. o o ITW'rtt N'rtlrl••"tNI to EfOUpe In the PAIN'nNG CONTRACTOR 1103 Cout Hlway. Corona cSel M,ar ahe can proc:w:e food auppll~ tn Tht. defeat a t the h.u* ol Ana· -I tAll An~reiNI <'<mnty rt'l(1on. the no..--lk 5259-J · '""'tfc larste quantltlee. ·-'th 1 1 1 Totala 30 4 9 ~:attwrlna •Jll'nl the remalncSer o1 ... ,..,._ aeon ...,.. "A port from v•-nna ~-t_.. h~lm, t<~Jteth~r ""' tJMo r ear Y· n· N I th I d 274 E. 19th Str~t 24-tfe -------------1 re ,... • • ... ..... the-aeuon lc. (o Santa Ana. vtr-~t llubor " f'VI'n na snt'lnlt to the rhythm FO R A RELIABLE Palnt Job on Atri'O SERVICE • . Feh. 12. rewala that ~e are tually knodta the Tan out o1 any AB R H 1•f 11 flnl' OC'd,.•atra I ratlona Cor three-week•. ~ath chance far an undiaputed title. 'lbe Ward 2b 3 0 o t --- your home. call Beacon ~ atalkl through the atneta of belt the local ~uad ean do Ia to Smith •-. 3 2 2 Cement Theft attn 4:30p.m. to-tfc Vll'nna and takes \Ji\b1ndeftd toll" -'a-In a ... ~w•v ••-for .. _t_: Wulht-rwax c 3 0 0 Now HERE Th bo t t1 could lf It .,. ~ uu~ -., uc ....-. F I 11 Outch lluCO<"k, local contrac!lor aUBDIJ',8II GUIDE 11 e a vr quo • on ' that Ia lf Anahelm avences an re> tag P ... 3 1 , 11nd bulldfor. Thund&y momln~ 'rfo. . bad mentklned the mllUona ol ear. lin cSefut by the Salnt.--1 Hotx-rta 3h 3 0 01 vortt'<i tht' th,•ft to Nrwport poll<lt' SIGN PAINTING -atarvtnc ln conquered ~· whtch wouJcl 1\nd Harbor .A.DabetaD nrown 11 .. · ............. 1 0 0 or 15 h11p of aoment trom a con· __ Ubt'rllted ~\oV:'l•lher pr~ and Santa Ana all with iwo 1..-T'IUrkH t'f · 3 0 1 etrut'1~ job al (Amll'&l and S. ao.u Truckl WlrtdoWI Your authorized Ou'ysler· ~ OUn• and acoret~ ~ ... c;:n· qalnat them. On the oOwr hand. Shafu rf .. :. 0 vtll• av.muc., 1101'1\&! Ume Wf'CinM· wall. aJid. Bull~tlnt. Plymouth ~aler. = :Ut~ :"" MWW~ .: tf the Sainta ~at tMtr viet~ Robertaon 1 b -2 ° 0 "-" nlaht. Ralaed Metal, Wood and ~ .. t.horized parta today -but the quotaUOn was over the Coloniata. they wU1 wi Totala :JS PluUc Lettrrt ,_ lnted ln the Newport News ol up u undlaputed champa. AL LACHMEYER Complete Lubrication and rune 18 1920 and the article WM BLUI........ .. .. "- 17'26 Weet Central Maintenance -quotlnl. trom an ~ ...S. by Q)ach Wendy PickeN' tlnd ol AB R H Harbor 1243-M 38tfe Expert Mechanics •. ·· ··-~~~ ~~~~ -:c:: ~ .. ~~~~~: .. ~~!: ~~:,::S;b • ,. ~ ~ 01 COOPERATIVE Kendall and Quaker State ollal otMT Great War. thia year to Harbor. Smith wu Grou U·p 2~~ bro4.11f\t up f~ the junior VU"'l~ I Fourh ,..If .• ... . .. ; ~ • ROOFING CO. New Mesa Shop Opens ror the Fullerton tame aad wu MtFa.rtiUI d --·-·-2 0 Q N d Re . uaed u a relief chuckn for the p111~ lb 4 o 1, ew an pall I last tWG lnnlrtp and tMn pla,y.c! I Mnhont'y p-I' ~ 1 l Phone 875-M Coata M~a·a new~t at~re. the ahorlltop for the Anah.etm ·lafM. Rrhmldt Jh-c 4 1 a 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa NEWPORT Jr. Jack ~ Jill chll~n I cloth-Agairtlt thE' Colont.ta, he rapped Turlcoy rf 'J 0 ol HARBOR MOTORS t ln~t phop. opt'n.ci thla week at out two hill for thrff at bats s nd ll4tt'J"U 11 2 1 1 17fll ~ Nt-wport boulevard. Cotta 1 then took thf' ·mound qalnat R11:., r1 ... _ .. ,_ .... -0 2 BUILDING MATEJUALI'4 11 2616 W. Centra.! AvE'. Mesa, wh~r" thne I& plen ty of Santa Ana the MXt day wht-re -. . ~~ HAVE a good stock of roll roofing I • fr('e parklnp; ap~~ce for &hoppers once agaln he proc:HCkd to hit Tnt"'' 33 14 14 and Comp. Shln&lf'l. Tilf' Board Phonf' Harbor 1564-J 1 .i 'who wish to browse a.round. There Ilk~ ht' en)o)'ed 11. With the b~ N_,_. 8 .,.._ lrt m any colors, also Boyaen'l l 38-Tfc Is a nice atock of clothing for 1lrl1 loadtod In t he third Inning. S mith AB R 11 100 ,..,. Purt> Palnll at pre-war up to tht' age of 14 and bo)'tl up atf'Pf'l'd up ond r ll'allf'd thc-billieS Smllh p-d ..... -5 1 l ICt't Co land Lbr Yards Sth • I to 6. In charge of ttito atore are w1 th ·11 n~st tri-plt' down thr lhird Rnlwrlll 31, 4 0 0 ~ r Artl'Sia~ts .• Sftn~ Ana .• Cal. Have Sur.plus Lists Fay Mea~ws. who COI'Tlt'S from thE' I tillS(' II~. !"" tram h~ N'rt'ftlnly Wl'lltht•r""OIC (' 5 0 1 , .... 34-tfcl The N"wporl Harbor ("hnmher Chlldrf'n 11 Shop nf Anllh~lm. and rt~~ a hitter to help alon.& aome Frl'llall d·p 4 O O ------------of Commt>rrc' in Ball It~& hM rl'-Joyce Bakt>r, former Air Wac. t bt'ttr r -lthnn • O\ l'rn~t•• pitching by ltrnwn If 5 o 1 HowsE pAINT[NO OONT&4<":J'OR ccived a numbt'r of fl'dcral ti!'lt· -I Ace-RaiJlh Frcol,lll>t and. Smlth'a slt .. ro·t rf 2 0 o · PAINTIN_ c _PAPER HANGING ing11 on the amount of aurpiUll Al.l kinds typcwrltrT ribbons In I presenN' In thl' lint-up may do 11 W11rd :!h 3 1 0 &nd Dl!lCORATINO guods now avallablt> Cor sale to I! lock at ~he News-1'\rnes. aoml' r~:al good. R Ward 88 I :! I ITT 0 I. ( y H. E McDooald 1 thl• public. Pvraona tnten-atl'd arc fti:AMnur11rd Huhertllun l it <1 2 0 414 Old Conty Rd .. Costa Mesa askl'd to contact the cham\K'r of·, Offlrllltlng 111 the local ball Hurrell 3b o o o Phone Beacon 50l3-J ~tf~ flee. TJD£ T JdiLES gamf'~ hnt lr rt much room for lm· M"or11 rf . 1 0 0 1 C £I (II L KAY, ll6t prov~mPnt II Is thco opinion of EPAIR YARD thla dC'parlmf'nt that the-!ocala Total• 32 7 8 Pled ed. \VING SANG BOAT & R High Law 1llch Law haVC' 1051 ll ·~)IIJliC' of bllll 1(011\f't! I I to terVe ._ I w ts 9:~ 2:59 a:sa s:ta becalllf' of hum d.I'Cistons w~ WSES WALLET 811 Cout Highway 101 3.7 -0.3 5.5 1.5 know that umpirl't! cannot bl' pt'f· • ILL 1IE ·.r .... r Th 16 9:44 3:32 I:M 1:• fl'<."f -thl'v'rl.' hum11n hut thftt ~ ll LECT Anita Colby, "Queen ot the Cover Glrta" and a qu&llftld ~ ot IIOOd portnltuN Ia drllshted with her~ lf'llph by Bernard Ot Hollywood. You wUJ bt equdJ plf>ued with your ~lty Portrall IIIAU \'OVB APPOINTIIUHT NOW • Ottr •t.,l9 Ia U.. Bal.._ ••• tUNIM a. -.... ..., 'hMday, Friday .... Suday. u .... lt .. , .. ~ Bit ....... , " ..... ._. o.a,. ,.._ ............. .... Pbooe Beuoa M14 I 3.5 -0.4 5.5 1.11 fAI't Alone· t)URht to ht'lp them ('aU Rollf'rl T hompeon of 312 Santa I ~~~ F 17 10:29 4:06 t :lt 1:01 _,. plays rlcht. AnA avt•nUC', Newport a.<ach. ~~ .lilliE .... +++ 3.3 -0.4 54 2.1 ftEAMISOM port•·•l to '"'lice the.-ION of Pill , 1-.. Is 18 11 :19 4:42 t :tl 1:14 Spt'Ctotor lnlt'rf'llt AI Uarhur WltiJet. ._ __________ .... ·------------------------· • IIOCM'iaP ud .,...ce ............ for Doala for SUe 3.2 -{).3 5.2 2.4,aporta 11ff11lnt hM (X'rkf'd up. Q\1111'1 1--------------------------., I Su 19 12:20 5:25 1t:ll 1:61 a few townsprotlll' ar<' turninst nut • Paddle Boerda. fOI' .. , bJ tbe week or 11101ttiL I 3 0 -0.2 5.0 2 1 for 1 ht• te>nnt. And h&llf'hall "',,.. r••: .. are pt..,.., tn orcs-of_,_ tMI~. . . Svrln~t foothnll pr;w I ' •c111 OprM., w.:..,.. ~ P..,. !"<"' stu lli this WC'C'k at ltarlwor --~ --. Han1:.nl Is t hl' ortl)' rf'tunun~ ---~-flr~l·tll rin~; ),arkfl<'ld mun. . : Post War Prosperity Club Roster-Continued Tbe full·.-P art layout by .lack lJDchley, ClOWboy u1kt, lit our way of een'• Ia& our readers wtth portnyals Ia proee aad peedl, the raoe aad Ufe storiea of our IMdlag d~l')'. Oftlmfl& t"helr work hl reiterated for t he beaent or newcomet"A to the arM ud to rem1ad "oldsters'' or their contribaUoa to the building of the Harbor district. New faces uad their storiea give ''beeldog hlttories." dlsplaytag them u ..,.. l.a oar midst. Theodore Robins FORD DEALER !lit w. O.b'al PhoM &anor !II ~!~ Stanley James Barden MASI'ER MARINER ... a.1 Eetat.e Broker-YtU-Jat ud SWp ~~~ 811 COAAt RJway-1'1l. ~ M IC . .t .t ~ C. F. Dennison .u.od& ... wttla A "'BANDY" 8TEIND -llealter tM c-at RJpwar-1'1l. Harbor !611 .t.t.t jOSEPH L. MARSHALL Ch'rl;ti&n~ut ...... MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmaey lltl ~ FTOZt--ft.liarM1' I ~.t.t GlADYS BEVE1LLEY ~ Beverley Realty Company M'7 E. Oeatnl-i'tt-Hartter 1'188 ...,.._ .t.tt ...... ~h~itY ...... Merchant Patrol Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH neecon 608'7-C'ooota ttr-neo Nf'wpon BIYd. :t .t ~ Arthur Sllv1•r -Bob PadCicld New Blue Room (Waa ~ Ortll) EAT8, DIUNKS AND ROMANCE "'' Harbor !2'!4 !tt h.IM :t.t~ BurtR. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN PhoDe ...._n 6'711 llll 0oMt lllcftwa7-N_,.n ..... o.lll. .t t t 0 . R. (Pop) Crllwley-N. M. (M~) CrawiloJ OlaUnctlve Home Fumllhlnga Crawley's Furniture 1111 Newport Bl•d.-1'1l. e-o-MM Cotta Mesa-"ln the Heert-of Town" ~ .t .t M. L VA1JOBN "'I'm no 1teel'-my 'aole'1' In this b~" Modem Shoe Repairing OM& Jl.--8. W. !'f..,.n A"' ~ :t t Dutch Heacock BOlO: B1JtLDD 1!5 E. .. , f'I'Oitt-Piao-...,..,, It! -111 .... .._ ...... t:t~ G. N. Well& Real Estate ~a ...... ...... .... ~ ....... "'!.",_.;..--.ft.. ........ .. h PrOllpo"CIS oro· pretty mudt 111 11 r)UNIIon mark FRESH FISH Dally Direct from Fisherman -to- C ustomers 10 L m. t.o 5 p. m. lit On the Beach Foot of Newport Ph-r Slats • 0 • Wood AWNINGS PAY FOR THEMSELVES Freedom from upkeep and replacement expense mnkeo~ the first cost the last rost. Faa.to wbldt tr.ya ud .....,. ,...... .. -· ~ellndaaWia- t· SLATS -0 -WOOP Awabl~ Mo~ comfort~ Pcnnlllll"nt RfY)I! looks! Tailored to fit the> a rrh•· lecture of YOUR hnme~ FOa E8TlM41T.8 PHO~E OR WIUTI! Slats • 0 • Wood Awning Co. of Oraap Cooaty 111 ... ........,.,... '"'· An' I CaUl , .......... ,.,.:..,., .... , ...... 'hill a-.- C. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ~ .t .t Moorin~l> lnstnlled nnrl lk paili'fl. Buoys l'airtfN I nnd I.A'tl l'""' .t .t .t Phone: Harbor 1698-R for Prompt f'Mor'VW Going to Yoa probabiJ han YOIV dreuD ho.e al worked o.t Ill JOur miDd-or _,.be your arclhltect or noatnctor alrMdy hall prepared .,.._ oa paper for JOO. F.ledrldt,. wW baYe ..... ,....t .. _...._ c~ream~t or s-twu llvta& ~ tne. WMe JOU p OVf!r the plaM wtt.il )'OIV ....... be ANl to Mil him ahout the IN!w.& clevelop- IMIItl Ia hoUMJhold labor •Ylq aM faao- UouJ beauty. Oar Expert.A Ia ev~ flleetrtcsl wU1 be clad to help ""t.b aa1oat ,._ 01' pro~. One IU!Qtf'tltloa may malul a lot of clltf...ae Ill the '1Jv&-ab01ty" of that...,_., HOME L.OANS I -I \. TO BUY, BUILD, REFINANCE 1"-v I I lome own~•nthlp IH the gonl ol mORt . Amt•rll'IJO rnmlllf'R. Jo:vet')'()l'l(' knuwA Rf lt11 ltdvantage'll. And OOl' of thl' ·mORt lmpor1nnt (&ClOI"'' of home owncNhlp Is th<' proper ftn- nndn~t. It D<U:s make a dltfer- ,.n<X.' WI fF.RE you flnnn~ your homf>. Conw In, dlAMJM tht' low co.t. convenlmt. ttulck a<.'tlon hMtnH made by the l'intt Nntional Blmk ln Santa An11. ETS 4 • HOKIN & GALVAN I Complete Loan Service . 81NCF. 4 I t I e .-.. .. 1000 CoMt HhnJ PhOIMl Beaooll M22 AIM Ia 8u ~-~·~·IM·Dieco•o.ll.l ... ELECTRICIANS 0-0-Two ,.. Lwlp llllt fW FAO'J'OBY, PIAJifT, HOD,-~t'riV'E, FAaM. BOllE I II~~ I \ \ II ( > \ \I B \ \ h I ~ ~I(,.. .f\t .(. f A .~ (, ,•, ' I 4 I 1 Ji ' ~' t 1 .._._. ,', •,. • ~, ...... .......t ·--····· a.,. .... • The Motivated Age Continues On ·The Move 11&-JWaor Jeeae L £llloU ---1.-:, I I ....... SHERIFF py1 ...... ~ ... ttt Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL ttt A. E. Groty -j . A. Groty Groty Appliance CG. nwf'• ... ~'w ...... 1 ,......,. iitn ...._ a..t, ''"' 1o1m E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance ocn.ft....,..rMM -........ _. Ba ...... ()df. ttt HUBBARD HOWE Prea. Hubbard'• South Coast Company lllJ W. O.tnl-ft. ...,._r Mil ttt HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1,. a o.-t .... __..._ ._ Nit ttt Lew H. Wallace R.-1 Eltate and Insurance Broker ...._,orne.. ...,..r ...._..._ Barllor 1511 -W. O.er.l A,._Newpen ..___ Odf. ttt COY E. ,WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store .. & O.lnl A-. ....... I'lL Bartler lt*l ... -., ()w a n,--o. & ......... lip. ttt J. M. Miller 1\EA.L ESTATE BROKER n..~~ut~or IW lMa&o.tna-Jif ........... "aal Your Wa)' to Balboa" ttt Walter J. Gerhardt ' Our Photographer .. Pa ' ' Au 1 () .... M liar, c.M. ftl...,._tii·W ttt 1 _Newuort Engineering Auociate. -··fiUE:DiEIUc J. SINGER. Prft.Jdent u.ll':~.lll"lfll;.~~~~:~:..~·";:.:~.::!. ~ ttt -Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station -you Otto~ tram ao,d'' ~W.() tal N .. ~llutlerlll ttt Walla~ C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . rootw.:r ror All the FamtJy . . l-N ...... ....C1 ta 11- £ t t FRANK A. AND MilDRID WALSH Colt& Mesa Paint & Hdw. D WIII·W'IIIu. q.lt}' ...... . &ehtmt. App"e·a. ....,_~.C .... M-. IMJ N_,.n ~ ttt Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOm:rrusT l,. N.,..ort .... .-o.ac. M-. 01111. ....._....._ .. ,. ttt ~au1 Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet n.. llanw 111--a.n.. Pa.oloa ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor uu o..e ~ ... liar, o.w. • ..... llutlor a ~t t AL ANDERSON Fun Zone • ..... ttt G. T. Eveno( MBTZGli'iroRES ...... 01 ••• ·-•• ..#L .................. c:la* .... -..... ........ a.eo....,_.. • I Distance Annihilated For Pleasure and Com1nerce Via Sea, Road or Air . GJ3, "Doc" NELSON STAFFORD .. The roiDUICf! ud COII\Jnerce of tht> 11M -'lbOM CODCI'ete rib- . boM Uta& OOIIIIfld every~ udcltyofourpeati&Dd aoobweb of I"'OWWA that oontrlbu~ to pleuure driving aod frtJicbt haallac- Our ludlns fields with air tramport pluM for .,.-.eapn ..t •.tell deHvery of perlflhable oommodltiH-ue truly oa the IDOVe. 'J'hM period Aho"-. aa ln~uity of purpoMJ Ia the dally ~ IIMIIlt of all thetM~ meaD!II of traaspprtatlon1 Tbe pa motor • hlttlllc 011 aU "12" aad 1nt showtag ('oatdaAt Improvement Ia each step. The ... motor. depuda upon elfdriclty to functloa-wltboat It NO 00! -llectddty mth HJ~tane ~ and proper lubrtcatJoo wtUa Uaat ftaely attUJied motor surely Unlhllata dl8taaCfl8.--Whether OD ...... 1M or lD the air. · Ilea of llcleace aad Ingenuity are the. "b.cli-lop" for aD ~. SALE-R OF BOATS Curt W. Bohman Curt \V. Bohman. OWll{'l' or the Bohman Co .. 901 Coaiit highway. was born in Minneapolis, Minn., :l2 years ago, anci nt· tend<'<! d ty s1·hools nnd the Univ~rsity of Minnesota. He caml' to Califontla for the first tlmt' In 1934 and two years later cam(' to stay, enrolling for a busin('!'S ~ngineerlng course at U.C.L.A. Boats have always been un interest. particularly power boats and h~ ha.-; ownc•d fi ve. two on the lakes or his nativ~ state and th~ since coming to N~wport Harbor. Thl<~ love or boats w"s the stepping stone to his present business. for in 1944 hi> purchased the Peyton Co. lntert'Sts. chang<'<! the name and has specialized in ma1ntena ntt-and rt"- pa.Lrs on all ktnds of boats. power or sail, big or little. He has 30 employees and n payroll of $75.000 a year. Jesee Hinsley a•; yacht broker nnd his son Doug Hinsley, who is in charge or reconditioning, are chtef assistants. Music ls one or Bohman's hobbies and he plays both the plano and organ, having played in orchestras and with show troupes. Other hobble!\ are fishing, golf and fast cars but he has little time to devol(' to these pleasures. He lives on Balboa l.sland with his wife. Ma rian, and son Gary. thrlr scientific deMq hu perfected motors, pa. oO aad electrle&l equipment aad l•*•OetioD aad sUD the.e eapaeen are lookbta far lD advaaN-for further lmprovemeata for our ever-power-mJDded world. .... There are two domiDatbts factors Ia all t.lllD&s pertalalaa: to the.e advaacemea~e 18 art-mechaaleal u wdl u cleooraftw. 1' our auto, boat, home ref~ ud eleetric equipment pJ~erally Is effected, In fact, aiJlroducta at'e depeadeat upoa art. aad cralta. Thrn C()lllM the aeoon-~'O•mblp. U thNe power aalt8 and Dais= were aot meebaaJcally aad u1lstleally ~peel. enpaeered. y streamllaed aad saappy lD color sch•me~~-No Sale. Scr art a.ad seiUaa: 10 baad lD haDd to a aever~adlng advaacemeat Ia this motlvateCI ace. ,.. SELLER OF AUTOS -· Dennis Hogland Denni!' Hogland, Dodge and Plymouth d~aler of 1760 New- port Boulevard, Costa Mesa. is equally well known as a business man and as a golfer, for he is one of the top ranking players at Santa Ana Country club and has won numerous champion- ships. He wa., born in Hugo, Okla .. but left there at the age or six. The family spent two years ln Phoenix. then came to Cali- fornia and has lived in Orange county 25 years. His father was a golf course architect and foreman in constructing them, so Dennis literally grew up in the game. Dennis went through high school and Santa Ana Junior college. He worked as an automobile salesman for three months and then openec;l his own business, handling used cars, at his present location. Two years later he became authorized Dodge and Plymouth dealer and has handled these popular cars for 10 years. offering a complete sales and service business for the Harbor area. He believes in a big future for Costa Mesa and ls pest president or the chamber or commerce, charter mem~r of Lions. and member or Motor Car Dealers Assn,, of Southern California, and of the Automobile Club of Southern California. Dennis, wis \\ifc. Virginia. and children Leroy and Diane, live at 265 Broadway, Costa Mesa. t.tt "CHUCK'" SMirn-nt'W ·owner Thomas F. Norton NELSON STAF'FORD e GERALD LIBERTY • .. Manag<'n .. , Ets-Hokin & Galvan Balboa Central Market (Wu fta.lllo&Meat Market a Delbe.-) 1011 r.. c ..... traJ-Ph. Hanor n2a .t t t Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge tf't Mala 8t'"'t-fta.lboa-Pil. Harllor 'J'J9·M tt t J!:!!~r!!"~~~h . . ftoee ._.. ll6~NC&~ 1• NeWJJOrt Bl .. .-()oala 111-. ()wilt. !tt DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market ttM <lllltnl A___.., llutler 1M ttt Bob Callis l*be • ~ Pln'll (n.YDfo ao....-owa> m ,... st--New.-rt-PIL ...,... m Prop. BAY SHORii CAFE Pho'"' a--on au~ntll a OoMt m ... , SERVING l:l NOON TILL 9 P.M. t tt A. (Sandy) Steiner ~ rn:ALTOR c. F. DE:-.:-.nsoN. A.Moclatt' 134 C'oa.'l llh•ay~ IIN«'on 511!1 J; ~ ~ DAMIA I.OPTIEN, Mllll&gt.'f' Orkin's Department Store Reedy-to-wror. Ik acb Top. Pie«> Goods Infants' \\'Nir-HOUHhold Ware l"'low Be..-on 1\'761'>-l n 1M IIMrt of ('Mta M- !, t t Bob' Allen COUN CILMAN Prop. BALBOA• WAND V AIIISTY 8'1'0&E !£t VOl.!\ EY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" lift N•wport Bholl. -()uta 11- SPORTLAND ·-BOWLING-PAVILION ~ewport Beach · San Francisco • Wilmington San Diego · Storkton F.Ll:CTRI('IA .... S 1000 Coaflt Rhrd. Ph. BfoiW'on aau · -1 ~: Beacon ~S·~ .t .t .t Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe Pcd1cure and Man icuring lOS t:. Cftltrwi-Balt.o..-Ph. Harbor l964h l Thru tho: IJ.ar~r Shop . ••• t t .t Braden L. Finch c-Mer. Finrh Cer&blics t.tt Robft't L Sh~-Recordl.nr ..-.. Davis & Gay Music Co. UIO'J Newport B1 ... ~ta M-BMooa 5117 •uwa~aee~ • ._.. t t t Dr. W. T. Moon.e ev PHYSICIAN and St.TRGEON NlaJII ... <lllltnl .I'lL ~ (lt-lllr . .n1ce) •• Ph. Harbor 2402 BALBOA . .. IUOHAJm L. PA'I'TE&80N Ct.U J:ac'-n Patterson & Boyle ....,,_ .... -I'lL 5815 -Beata Au 1M ()out Blvd: N...u.-PtL 6lD--Upu .t t t Capt. B. j . McNally lkN.un Balboa Boat Livery 'JIG E. B&, Ave.--,.. Bart»or tot ! t 't Dr.,Conrad Richter ()oeta .... ..... Beacoa 5015 •srttnce 16·1 ttt ' Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA CaW. .t t t Ceo. Weiss L Elaine Weill Coast P~~!ties Co. 'JOS E:-~1--a.lbo-Ph. Harbor as .t .t .t W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe llat ~.Newport t .t .t Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Ph. H art»or ~~ MalA St. ttt jack· Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods I'll-Harbor !tl 1.101 Cout lllcbway-Newport BMdl, ()alii • .t ;t t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob, 8taUoaery. Canb. Ar~ 8upp1Jea S08 Maln St.-BaJbQ-Ph. Harbor 6"lll .ttt Robert E. Arvin's ,lewelen aad Watclunaken Itt ~ty-Seeoad Street Newport Be-.cla, Calli. t tt WWJam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calldns MacCutdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCmTECTS M . .}:. .• Niedecker. Sec. & TTea.s. U15 Cou~ Hlway··S ewport Bcb.··Beacon Mll ttt Walter E. Tipton FOR SHERIFF "'IT'S T IME FOR TIP'T'ON" VOTE JUNE 4TH .t t .t J. E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Windsor 115 E. Oeetnl • ,.., E. <lllltnl Balboa Ph. Harbor U8 Balboa, OaUf. .t t ~ Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES W-., Woa, Woe Mala .. ............._ .tt .t ANTON HERSHEY Prop. H~ey's . Market Spot Ph. Harhor l~Ralboa bland .t.t.t Curt H. Bohman r- The Bohman Company Tei4!Pbo"" Beaenn ~Ul and MS% tot c-t mpway-N_.port 8Ncll, CaW. t.t;t ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Ph. Harbor US ue IOtla, St.-Newport Beada, c.w. .ttt Jack S. F«>d V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS · 1-N..,.n---.... ..,.._ 8eaeea aiOI·W. <lolita Meaa !!~ T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delieate.en . .., ................. ~ ' ' • t M BOATS, .8UPPUD __ 11 SPJ:CIAL .u!NOUNC'DI&N'ft. I&1U. E8TATr._. ___ _ :------------ALL PLASTIC 12-fl, llG-Ib. TOP· HOSIERY MF.NDrNG -Edith .n 8ALJ: ~ISCI:l.J .• Al\'EOV8 •1 REAl. F..tiTATI: LOST-Left on L. A. bus or In Electrical 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Smith's. 408 No. Syc~ St .. Ft'IT)' atatlon at Balboa, brown R . S . lmmt'dlatr dt•llvM"y. O thl'r mod· SantA Ana r.taU S..rviOC'. !W.Stc covt'red book, owner·• name on e pa1r el'Vlce ]. M. MILLER rtrol }o:o;;tntc Urok('r 15th nnc1 Q>n,m l A-'i }J M .._ a 1-~ft -dln&h•H, 11a1lboata. oa ..... T ,. -ny leaf. Call Harbor 1449-M, or .,.... anct'S. •Oint'. oton .,. ~ .. """'' t ' -" wrltt' Box 511, Balboa Jaland. Marine Sen-toe. Immedl&te runabouts. crull('rl and paddlt .. t'OR RE.NT -lll5x-420 ft. lot In Reward. ~2tc Atten tion. board~. Mlradt' Mile ll('&f' Gl"f'yhcM.md S. L FRANKuN Plutlc Watercraft Co. atallon. fnr dlapl~ or other pur-LOST-Or takt>n by mlatake, hl&h Ph. Harbor l78l -W 407 E. Q nlra1, Balboa ._ 1 school notebook and ,reen J>ath 2818 ~ntral 32·th: Phont' Harbor 2673 ~ltc po11e. Ph: lfarboc' 212 .x-t c: towt'l, from Balboa Ferry walt---:-:-:---:--:-=-:-:-:-==:----..--:--WA.NTED TO UJn' U PI Boa R UG • UPHOLSTF.R --~--ron SALE float , "~Vt'n Seu." lni room. eue return ~o t • Y Clt'........ New Chr•"'lcr motor, 40-ft. ovn w ANT 2-bdrm. h()UI(', bay front. operator at Ferry. 38-I tc: Rup aized, ahampood, cleanecl. ~ ..,_ Overstuffed furniture cleaned all, d ean for M<'x .. 3 tona. Holda 1 month, July, Aua. or .,...pt. 3 day plck-up and dll'Uveey. ~% tona c:r\.Whed let>. Moored Phone collect Glendalt', CltTUI Balboa Home Vl'ry clean; 2 I~CtlJ"ooms: hll'b>t' Jut. Nror South l>il~' fs·ont. I mmt'C!In t t' J)06S('AA!on. Full Prici, $15,500 Lido Isle Ont' u! tht' m081 attracuv;. Compl<•h.'h' furnished hOI'l'N!C In th.-llnrhor lll'l'f\. &4utJ- fulJy landscnped. Raad)f fb movt• ln. L()S1' -LadY• Helbroa wrlat watch on Bay Ave., nt'&r N.H. Y.C., alto keya. Phone Newt- Tlmel, Harbor 12. Reward. 38-4tc 35 yean of aatWled C'Uilomen. Kine'• Landlne. ~ V. L. John· 12840. , 38-:hc Oft.ANGE COUNTY 1101\, 1~ Newport Bh'd., Mon., WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 ~. Tem lS TENT & AWNING CO. Thura., Fri. aftn 5:30 p.m. unfurnl.lhed houR WUl leue. -Full Price $3~.000 Tt'rmS Dlft,OI'JIIZNT WANTED II EMPLOYMENT WANTED u cht'f, or cook, wife u helper. Phone Beecon 5240. 37 -2tp 814 W. 4th St., Santa Ana. ' 37-ftc: Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7C1f ~Mr. Benedict, 1589 ~J: Fire EQuipment Tests « 13. »-ttc Balboa Island Home- C.()..Tw~>· ~)Tt'ne& Foam ~nllt. WANTED TO RENT-2 or~3 bed· lnoomt-property; choic-e loca- uoo L.~ Bay Front Home Fln Plaoe and KincfUnc COo flxed aystem and Port~lea room houae. furnlahed. for 2, · ,..__ Mod nd in "'-t W 0 0 D ' now available. or 4 weeks, Ialand pnf YUtJ, <'m , a •ulJ DeUvered ETS HOKIN & GALVAN Mn. ~th. 10'78 S. <>~*"'Dr .. class condHlon throughout. 4 Bed.rpoms. FUmiAht>d. Pier and rtoet lnunfodiAte Poueeslon wANTED-Employment for man and wife, ranch, rata\Dant, or boule and yard work. Uve ln or out. Phone Harbor 1&4S-.J 01' eall at 309 Undo Ave., BalOO.. H. W. WRIGHT 1000 Cout Hl&bway L A. j5_ Phone col)ect Willtney Ph. Beacon 5665 Ph. Btoaoon j5o522 Y3-tfc: 8419. 32-8tc -- l?IN Newport BMl. a.ttc 1111ali.u. a &ADao .. wANTED TO RENT 2-bfodroom Balboa Peninsula Lot $.3000 · 15-ftc EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Two clrla want put tJme houlework. Dollar an hour. Phone Harbor 900 bet-n 12 and 2. 38-ltp Oft.ANGE COUNTY KNABE Grand Plano, walnut cue, bMch bowie for awnmer manU. UPHOLSTERING Co. F ., __ .. t Alto Weber only. Mr. A. M. Younnan, P . O . . &mOUirv,_e OM. Box -ro., Ca)eaJco Calif. ~tl) llanuf.etunn Grand, Sohmer, Schultz. And • Of UptHtered P'\lmtnn many othn famoua makes. w Am TO RENT -One or two 413 W . 4th St., !JMta ADa DANZ--SCHMIDT PlANO CO., bedroom bowie or apt. Pftman. Factory and ~GUill 520 No. Malnt Santa Ana. eT~t. Balboa.. Vetft'all and wtte. :104 Weet Center St., AnaMim 38-tfc: Rdt'ftnOt'L Call Harbor 53'7-R. Phone Y-ear biatings In and we wtll Kfve tbem ~ ~ration Aaone ADahelm 4714 coUeet FOR ~ radio-~ J8..4tp J M M I L L E R 12-ttt craph, thart -.w. automatic: w~ or 7 room t--. or • • ---'L-.~--.a.......:_•_-.a___ ~ cNrfer, $125. 212 .~ cott.qe. turnilhed, few Ow.... 15th & Central • Newport Beach • Pb. Harbor 1X2 • ~ ftCDY~ , th.yst. a.L ltl. • 38-2tp 11011, up to 1:100 per month. Jn. 38-1 tc ....... llea.riq AM FOR SA.LE-Small uprt&ht ttudlo terwted ln buytna lf ,..~. '-----------------------BATTERIES plano, walnut fl.n.lah, aplendJd Phone Santa Ana 4.288. ._.tc WANTED only Experienced Yacht 0\m.._ ~ CD. ooncUUon. $150. 212 ~thyst, APT cw SMALL HOUSE wanted 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 BaJOO. 1t1a.rid. 38-2tp by man and wife. Wt' clo not *tt& STEINWAY C and Plano. Mahoc· drink cw amoke. no c:hllctr.n cw -----'--------r ~--J»U. J>hoM Santa Ana 0991-W Auto Batteries anY cue. Beautitul tone. _.,.... .. _., Do .. ,.,.. N t BaJ. lum tlr.e. DANZ. SCHKIDT or .. ., ~ x A ""PPC' 18-month -M.e b. PlANO co.. 520 No. Main. boa N_..·'nlMI. 3'1-ttc Painters Compounded Motor Oil santa An,. • 38-t.fc: aoo• A ao.un tt GalJofl. 7t)e Western Auto Supply Authoriaed Dealer RADIO HOU8f: CAU.S-wANTED:-Board & room. aln~rle, Now that add!tlonal compete-nt employed Vi'ICran, Ph. Harboc' and Boat Builde rs 1836 Nt"WpOrt Blvd., Cotta MeN tt'Chnldant are avaiJable, we are 9fr1 38-:Ztp able to makf! tler'Vice calla on · • 23-tfc lal'le conaolea. AU work euar· -a.u.-~a=T::-A:-:ft=-------:::., antHd. H AROLD L. HAM.l4, S.OS. Radio. 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 7~. 34-tfc See Mr. P e tty SOUTH C OAS T C O . VENETIAN BLTNDS-A1umlnum. stt't'l, wood. Call us for free eati· ma ll'. Renovation & renniAhlng. SQ. Coast V~netlan Blind C»., WE-S t 18th and Newport Ave., Costa M('Sa Ph: Beacon 53.55-W. 38-tfc Radig Repairs All rnakH ; tub<-1. f'tc B eaco n 5763 BURT NORTON FOR SALE-SIIvt>r Fox fur and 915 Coast HJ&ftway, N~ C'hinn Mink coat. Good rond. 23-tfc Call Harbor 117. ..L.J8.1tp S EE the new atylc world famoua FOR SALE-Brt>akfast set. table uphol.atl"'"ed planoa. Many colon a nd 4 chain: S-Coot vr netian to ch~ from at DAm- blind, green & white high kit-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Chf'n stool Call Harbor 549-W . Main S t •. Santa Ana . Wr also a J8.2tc rent pliUIQI. 38-tfc S tee l Kitche n s 38-1 tc GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES Sf lOWF.R DOORS Arvin & Emerson RADIOS 24-Hour RacUo Servtoe WAN'TED--HOUit'keeper ln lovely S outhern C ounties home, 2 In family. Private room, Supply CQ. &oocl W&JH. Ph: 10'75-J. 24-tfc 144 Coast Blvd. N. wANTED-Reliable general main-Ph. 5852 Laguna !koch tenanoe man. Uclo Theatre. JR-1 tc 26-tfc FOR SALE--Double tiro, mllltrcll, WAITRESSES WANTED Bay aprinp: 2 kitchen tablet. 2 Shore Cafe, 17th & Cout Hl&h· chairs. noor lamp, table lamp, Short Circuit Radio ~ Palm. Balbota PhOnt" 1-W 13-tfc: RI-:POSSESSED Spinet Typr mlr· ror·Plano This Is a rt>al bargain Othf'r uatd planoa u low Ill $85, S87. $1 25, 1175. DANZ- SCJIMITYI' PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main, S11ntn Ana ~ttc way. Ph: Nt'WJlO"t 2344. 14-tfc bird cage, mirror, 3 ahlp lop, boaJ oompua, pelorus nags, model sailing sloop, 32-ln., tech-0008, CATS A PJ:'I'tl nlca1 books. Nav. ecle<.'tr . Pic· F OR SALE-Pointer pupa. rrgls- turn . :'\12 Newport Blvd., COIIta tt>rf'd gun dogs, Dr ·s Blue Will· Mt'SA. 38-2tp lng and Mnnltoba Rap blood lines Grant, Irvine Horne Ranch. HELP WA.NTED-Care of c:hUd WANTED TO Btl! 11 3 mi. uat of 'l'uatln No phone. tcw worldnc mother. Your home 37-2tp or mine. Phon~ Harbor 106. WANTED TO BUY-Need immf'd· __ J8..4tc lately, good, dean IIJtht car. WTLL GJVE ·AWAY 3 bt'autltul WANTED TO HIRE-Two gtrls tor waitr~. Expert~ not l'lf'Ctlaal'y. Full or pert time. Good hourt. Apply bland Snack Bar, '¥J7 Marine Ave., BalOO. Ialand ~3tc: Ptitf' no obje<'t. Phone Hunting-Pf'l"'lnn klttmJ. 2 mall'S. t te- ton Beach 3521. 38-Uc mal~ Phont> Harbor 2384-W. WANT ..... 2 <'nd tables & matchln.g 38-2tp coffre tahle. W UI trade or sell FOR S ALE _ Enftll&h Sprfnrf'r all-metal ateameor trunk & two puppies. ~tered American llhf'n table cloth&. 8 napkins, 3 K~nnel Club. 7310 W. Ocean odd pain drapes. 2001 W. <A-n· Front, N~ Beach. 38-l tp CHAUFFEUR WANTED -Forty tral. N~'POT~·--.._ 37~ 8PUIAL .u!JtfOUNCEifJI:Nn II clollan per week and room. No WD...L PA. T C A.an • .,.. JOUr ntcht work. She days a week. olture or •bat ban you. Pbooe Gar&n. Own car neceuary. Beacon 5656. 0 . R. Crawley, Write Box J, c/o New~·Tlmea. 1812 Newport Blv., Cotta Mesa. A . E .• JOHNS ON R e alto r and A~ciates Phon<' BI'IIC'<In 5 10'J·M N e wpo rt. H ei~ht.s Co1y 1·11f'drnom homo'. furnlthed. lnrl F.lc"('trolux N"fr . table top &10\'f'. rtc Nr11t anct clrnn and you can mO\'l' rhtht ln. Garare & workTO<>m. Lot tOO' x 121. &"'·t·r In and m nnrcted Sev- l'ral fruit trf'<'l! PTI<'e only $7850 $4750 DANDY 1-IH.'droom hnm<' do.t-In, near Harbor Bh•d. Garsae and workroom. 72 f•·•·t fronta)rt' Ptict'd for quick aalt>. 1 {, Acre R a n c h NTIT. ~'hrornnm homt' Lovc•ly kltrhPn & hr~nkfnat rnnm All m mJlklrl) rf'dpc·orntcod, IMictl' & out Cnrn..:P. rhlrko•n hi•U.Sf• and run Jli~o:hly d•·vrhJjll'd, 1-1 IIN'f', all in fruit, t~<>rriPI lind ~~:ardPn CIO!W to Nrwrort Rl\ ct Qulc:k PQ~~teUiun Only $7£00 Balboa P e nins ula Marvrlou~ B a y View DUPLF.X or homt' wlth lnvr ly modM"n Uplltllir'3" IIJll Lilrli(l' comb li\'lng & dlnin~: rnom car- pr>!f'd wAll to WAll f'lrt'plaoo. 3 ni<'C' bl-drooma \nmplr tf' hath. 111ed.. Colored tile kltchrn, many built-Ins. vrn. bllnth Lowt'r apt hu larRe llv. room. flrt'plllt'<', bedroom, kltchrn and "• holh Ouul~ sho-r, patio. barh••n u•. doubll' garaal.' IT'S TOPS Reduced to $20,500 COSTA MESA 2 Bedrooms, frame h001e, hardwood noon, stucco lnteriOt". Available now. Located on Short Sttwt, dose to Arcbe. t9000. Terms --1--, H U B P 0 W E R S, A G E N T J•hone Ha rbor 62-W j. A. Bee k 0 f f I c e Ferry Landing Balboa bhmd 38-tt.r -----REAL V ALU ~ t Balboa l~land H o m e I 2 l~<•llmom t'Urnlttuod. 1 -l~o•drr~<>lrl hum••, lllrJ:r ltol G<ll.ld d1•trll't $6,900 No•w ~ lloodrllntll h<lmt•, fW)"~ pl..t••ll, nn I 11rrr Nl~ .:round A hu)' nl nnly $6,750 2-bt'\lru<l:r h~onw. hwcl•• and 1111', 71 >'" ol . ~ood locetlon. Only $7,950 $1 1.000 O cea n Rlvd. Lot $:l,OOU Bay ft'ront Lot C.ond Location Prl~ to Sc-11. 2 ~mall · H o u ses On Lot j'.vnl'd for DualnrM $10,500 3-lx·d ruom hume, ., acrl', lilood W. L .. JORDAN 11011. Clor.l' tn c-ver)lthlna. 1tnnd 700 F:a.t \o•ntr11l, Jlltl~ lllatrlct. t'hlrkl'na 11nd rahhH1. Phone Jlarllor 1!\3 36-ttc t:noct ln~•mr lf!f"lull 1.:811 ra nl(&l F ....., ~At F. I . 1 1 nnd tl'lrl,llc'r•ttor (k,.., · · · \Y ~T~r1~"' •.JW .. ~ •R or.o f'l prll''' llfll,.., s.· ..... rm ,..,._. "' ,,,) on IHth St . m·ur NrWJ)()r't tllvd., oor wffl adl hniiM' nnd lot, lo'U ('o.tn M•"'ll 7 .. 1111-d folf' hualnt.., ~loo<'k fur A li:<aoO llflltl 1••1 I01Url111 Nlllr11 $7,950 Lo t f• :1w ,,.,.1 '''"''' lmmrd Thi1 Is ro•AIJ) " llood l111y tf jl(JIIIIt'IIJIInn l'rl•·•• ~I() Call at -11'.'\:l Jrvtno• Ave• 31'1·3tc .! l.tt'droom hf>m4', till', hwd4>. and 71rc-pllll'l', II \lOCO On ly 5 yn. old. Incom e Pruperty 'li acrP kround. nlcorly lnnchnp-_ rd Bo•tto•r ll'f' thi8 lndlly Only ~-llttll) IIIUI'f'tl hldJt , 8 apertiTII'I\1 .. $H, 950 ' '•·ry lo,rtM-.d lot"atlnn 'nlcd and _ hllrtf"'•ltlC.I 1 ICilrql'll This I• • :l-beclroom hnmP. hwtt.o thruout.) Rnoc1 lnootn" fOr tutu~ Yf'""· Lou of lllf• Nlr•••ly lnn<iM'Ilped Prll'<-d to IW'Ii 111 f'"ly GU4'1Jt hou~r· nnd i:"'""'' a, ac:rr I $29,Hr)(l 111ndy lnam ao1l on ''"''"'' lot - Good dlttrlc:t. This lncomt' prnjwrty In f111lhoa. $12,600 • Stll('('to hldlt . lnrnm•· 111 j.lri'IH'nt • _ limn a bour $(,.'lJ PM' nM• Tht. Ia II AVE DUYF:JlS WAITING f'OR rhch! In ""' hWIIru-.• c·•·nt••r Of HOMF.S r)N 1.11)(1 ISLE YOUR c-Ity. Ynu l'ltn'l 10 wrton~t oo thla LISTING WILL nt: APPRF.. """ Full prh-.• only nArr.n $:10,000. T e nns - 34-tfc JO.tfc: ---=:--~=::-:::-:--::::--;;::-;::::::: WANT TO BUY -Balboa Dinghy, TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES w,. 11110 hiiVt> nlN · llullllm~ 111111 B. A. NEHESON A. E. JOHNSON 111 low •~ lind up RF:AI. F:STNJ1o; 469 Nf'wpnrt Rlvd , C'nt~l 11 MI'AII - WANTI:D-R()'T11;L MAID. Bal~ wlth or without t~ll. MUtt be lnn. l'tU>oe 8&0. In good condition. Phone Garden LOCAL or traveling In bualneta Grove 6256 or write P. 0 . Box tor yoUMif'lf. No money ~ulred. 64, Gardf'ft Grove. 35-4tc Good Income. You arc your own rt1JUifJTtJll& P'O& SALE n bota. Apply 508.., No. Main St., CASH FOR USED FURNmJRE. Santa Ana. 36-7tc: P HONE BEACON 5538-J. HELP W ~D -Elderly oolortd 23-tfc: man or ..,oman who appr~atea DINETTE SF:T wlth 2 extension a nice permant'nt home at beach fl'avcs Yo1th 6 chain: allo u- No experience necessary Earn while you learn There are many o ther advantages to being a te lepho ne e mployee. Apply and wlth light work, to act u IOf'tf'd picturet and tampa. No 7 houtek~r to mlddleaeed r en-Beacon Bay. . 38-ltp 100 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa tleman 11v1111 In Balboa. Must 1 ,;;;~:S,ill~:&;r.:;;;;;~;t,";;;~ t\ave unquHllonable reterenoea. f1-...... ~ALE-Bedroom aet. comb. !514% N. Main St .. Santa Ana 1705 E. Central A\'t'., Balboa.. h1hoy wardrobe, aoUed rnahoc· ar ~tc: any round table. seau 12 when ..:·.:..·-----------open: ltTill. chain, lawn mower. BOAT BUILDERS WANTED on Plywood Skiffs . and Sai1ing Dinghies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS WATSON BOATS ell CoMt HI~ Harbor 5717 35-ttc: 111'1. eire:. range., oddt a nd mda. 661 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach. Ph: Beacon 5968. 38-4tc FOR SALE -Hand-made, hand- carved Old Engllth oak dining- room set; refectory type tablr . encll ext eJ)cl to set t ten: 6 high- back chain, all exqul.IJte piece~: also ~erVing cabinet; total prir.e $540. 2651 Crtostvlew Drive., Bal· boa Bay Shorft. 38-ltp BOATS,~ .. FOR SALE -Snipe. Hull recon- Aak the opeora tor for the Ollef Oi»ntor Southern California Telephone C ompaay Carpenters A vail able for ~rencnl malntenam.-c- and rt>palr O. Z. ROBER1'80N Ca II Huhor 83 34-tfc: clltloned. Salla fair, $325. 2 Bay ____ K_E_Y_S ___ _ Island. Ph:-Harbor 2875-~tp Ka4e Wblle You Watt VOOI:L'B 54-Ft. nsmNG BOAT,. 6%-ton tOO MaiD st.. BaJboa hold, 'l'w1n ~ 0\rysler ~ '108 lfartne, Balboa I.a&lld ton. Mackerel and alba~ M-ttc g~ar. 653 W. 20th. TE 2-304-4, ----------- San Pedro. :r7-4tp No Delay --~==:-=-~:;;::;;:-~.;;;; FOR SALE--1r.llo'o 1425 h.p. AIIIIJOn ~ ~US en(lnet. 30 1lOura on Path. Alto Ph lw n('!ln !lltYl·M 3R ltr WF: ARE HF:RF: 1'1'1 Sl':rt n : ¥0U I n•urllnet• and Hwaln•·•~ I )jiJ••rt unll ,..,. Corona del M.ar F:~N'ptinnnl Vlllur M~m ~-bood· room hom••. llvtni..'Tflf)m. fir<" plrii'P, <ilnlnJ:: lllf'O\'''' 11ttr JVlllfo, l·~·nr j!H rll ltf' ('....-.I ltlf'RIIolll, bo .. lllW hixhwny, n .. nr "'h(Jfll Cnn· VM)II'nl In ~htlflf>lnl: o·rntt'r pnrl ~nf'l'l. F'nr quirk ~,,,. • $9,500. Unfurn. B. A. NERBSON REAL r$TA'J"F. JnRuronce 11nd H/7'.1 Nrwpt.rt fll'11 . l 'tlllll MNa Plllln<• ll•·"f'"n r,'l'i~> 3A Ill' I__ - EVA F. RHODEN Bualnc-u OJlportunltlo•JC - 1972 Nl'WJ)Ort Blvd . c·o•lll• M•,.11 C'll!<l <J MeAa Ph Jli•1Jr11n ':'I'll~ .lR l I•· 1 \'rr~ 1 l<·Ar\ '1 1..-o;trm ho"IJII• on % -1 n•T•· 1111• nl"'' )'Arc1 ,,,.rl JC~Wdrn F. S. 0 W EN C.n•.wl l•ll'r,tllln nn Eldom ~~ -$7fi()() Nice rMidMltlal lut nn llfllllllfl r .. mn-ulll $-'ll.lf,ll'l llO ' J .ido ll41e W••ll hull! hoo.~1·. n,.nr IIC'N in l.gf'. livingroom. fll'f'Jllarr . ~ i:K"1nn~ , hath, klld wn·rlln,.llt• lll'rvlr,. pon'h. Jrounrlry room, n1m1"'' ~ tWI'r l;·ar J(Rril~tP p111 1" and hnrhforor Lot 6/nc IIR (I W••ll Janrl'lf'lll•od Bnd JllnntMf . A rr111ly bNoutilill 3·1u-drm homr l'wn mduttrllll ,,,,_ In ~rwp;or t f••n{'rd with '"'"'Y yard C'«n· $1 R,OOO. U nfurn . With "'t''idl'nf'f• rm fl''lr f Inc• for JIIPI>')V f•lrnl•hMI thrll·tltlf N•tw mnd1inr 11hup lolf'l\ltnn vncattt 1•1111 IC'"" 'tlllr k polll• I Building Rites $7500.00 ' A buy at $1H,500 0rl'111'! "'''" l•o l :;-N•·wpnrt IIICI•Ix. , /J- wilh •·nii\Wh lurnh··r r .. r tw .. ho·d · ( (l((ta M ('!'18 Let us ll!ll'i~l yr,u In '-''t'\lrlnlt II llo· cntlon ''' ~\Jit your rlNo•IQ W,. hsvr 11 wirlt· llrlt>f'tinn or dtmt••• lots. Balbo a Island &autlful 3·1wrlrm homt• U v1n1' , nJOm an•l flr1·pl11r". "\plnrlun• with rharTr)lll hroilt'r npo•nln~ '"' Mlrl~ pn11o tiu""'' Ap11 r•.!¥ vldmi Pxrr•llt•nt lntnm,. \.odd V~UI' Ill rOI'llll hoUJt> :: t11odrm h llllllf• Wi th (lnrnl(t• ••n ·~ $4000.0() I tll'tt• l ..tiC'. Jual fo•w ltltll'kl frnll\ 1 •h•lllllln~: r••nt•·• ••n ••11111 aldo· $fiHOO EVA F. RHODEN $27.500. Unfurn. WI' II huilt hflm••. 'l' l)f'(lrm• It\ ln.- ruom unrl flr••rlnr r With 1111 ~·· 2-h<-.lrm lnc:onw• Afll •N•·r '\· ('~ r J(a rase('. .laundry ,..)flfTI P.x. r,.Jio•nt WJltlf' at ~(t frnniiiV•· 111 :"r-wpnrl tntlu~· trial m n•• F:x c luRivt• $200 Jl<'r frunt fmJl $19.000. Furni:-~h ed F. R Owen, B rok e r l"ll·autlf>ll IV.n·klnry ,,.,u..,• n••111 :-Jr·" lofiTI llf'll(hta lltmlw•.w"l 1 "'"'rr. lhrnur:h~ttll AI•" flllrlol:•' llp;trlm••nl wllh tC•orotl lniYorrl• 'IOI.a la rf'nlly " '"''•llflful tlmYif' PTI~:~• SJ!),:')(IflfJI') r Jnt' Ill• If rloah, Shnwn I~;~ 'l'lllllfltod lluy•·ra h)' lli>JlOintnwnt unty. ....... • '(;(-FRANK P. JOHNSON-REALTOR--A' l t~i·I~BJvd. OUR BEST BUY '1W~3tory tx-ncll hOtlX'; 2 bedrooms, d1n1na room, kil<'h('n, oothroom are lower ltory. Upt~tal,_: livlng room. 1Sx27-hu unob- l!Jlructt'CI UL'•un vlew; UPJ)('r sundeck, 6x77. Hardwood noon. thruoot. Newport Beedl. Partly rumilhc><t ~. tL•rma. Quick (JOIIInlldon. CORNER !12 ACRE RANCHO NEARLY NEW, 2-bedroom !illlcro, la.rp Uvtng ~. kltt-hf'f\ very modem. Gu.t howte, qrqe, chick. and fftbblt equlp.1 COIT'al. CdmPr lot, 66'JC..'\10'. Stnet pawa aU around. 008e In Fat lAde. ~ tor 2 or 3 more hornet. Pri~ $12,:500. TenN. NEWPORT BLVD. CORNER 3-Bedroom. deft a Mm 1'09"1: lO.nn. tn.-. Uvtna' room 20'x2t' wttfi ftrepiat"e, dtD1nl room »'xJO'; t..rp kltchm wtUl bUUttnl elaborately tn.talled. Vftl. bllndl; ~ ~and CW't.alnl. Lot 132')(255'. COmer an feoct!d with ~ ln concrete· ... inK ~bb\. poo1 a berbealtt. Fndt &..; back yard. Prt~ $21 .soo. TenM. TWQ..THIRDS ACRE RANCH 2-BEDROOM. 5-room how.-nn Sant& Ana Aw. Knotty ptne Wlllllt; partly turm.hld: ne-w KC'I vlMtor ~rrlg.: 4·bumer ltow, 2 ~. oct•wiiOMI ct\1tlr. $44~. '1\onna. CLIFF DRIVE 6-ROOM HOME, ooe.n v~ ~. aU-n>dwood hOWie. gocltt rounctatton, newly redec. I~ and out. Sun room OYeftook. 1ng Of'efln. Prl~ $\3,000. Tmna. --OPF.N SUNDAYS- --Q- *-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAtTOR---* 1664 Newport Blvd. ..UI -----·~ --------------- FINEST VIEW LOT ON BALBOA ISI.:AND ---101--- 0VF.RUX>KING EN11tANCE TO flAY _ ___,n-- ' lAS 7<Y FRONT AGF: ON ~ BAY AND ~)' FltONTAGE ON EAST BAY FUONT. FOHMER LOCATtON OF BAt,. • BOA Y AOIT CI.l 18 . f36 .750 --"""101--- ISLAND REALTY C0-..20J Agate Ave. BALBOA ISLAND lfARBOR m4 BEST BUY IN BALBOA 1 J UNM'S AND PARKING In!' ADJOININO GROSS lNOOME, $.'\84.00 PER MO. $.30,000 H. R. SNYDER • Real FAtJttp 1Jmk4!r ..ue ;w.; Palm Avr., Blllboft. PhotM!: Harbor 158 38-ltc WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW W'hDe Prt-. are HJah.. FtMxw f« our ~ buyer wbo wtD c:aD Uld ..tvt.e you NIWdltc OPA J'el'l)atklal, .... JrioM and ............ ct.taJll • • FOR SALE-12-ftlCJt thow CMe. r•CUo compaa, complete with Newport El«tric AppllaDc:le, automatJc cflrfction ntte~er, loop 2305 Cout BJ¥4., Newport. Ph: antt'nna. ~ Ed R&mwy, :no F. P. Waldron ,..,...,.. 2MW. G e rtrude A. W a ltiron Wm. W. Sanford, Broker 308 Marine AVft!Uf' Lee M atthf'w~. Sa lt•Rman ~ ~tal ~L. Nl'wport ~11ch • Trl tbrh(ot 'r.l77 AA-2tc Bell that Clnw'llnt(-d ar1Jda CULBIRISON CHEVROLB'f QQ;; Inc. f S OWEN a...MIIilt _.me v a.111a 509 S1~t. St., Nrwport to--W-01t11itn1. ,....,_. ....... -0.., T " &' .... 11arbar 21M. IT-2tc Apte, Balboa lt1and. ST-2tp PhoM 234·R throush w_... nme. ada. Ph. llarboc' ~71 ~:Ur · ....... ... t"' . -----------------------.;,NZWPOa;.=;.o.;;.=;,;,T..;pAUIO-.-=.;;;,;;;;A lQ!l!!-ftlla !(....,.., !eee!a, C'allt.rala, TIMlallar, Ill& It, .... _______ __ --------------------------._En DOdp Children All 1 The Don Normans_ I H b F • • A • • • Norman-Park Newport Heights HonteonMother's Oay .MovetoNewport ~ ar or . eminine cti VIties Wedding~une ~~:·sa~b~:r~~~st It Will a W'ry a{»dal MotbeFI Mr and Mrs. Pon Norman nnd Announct'mf'nt la b«oln~ made of Mr. and Mn. H. E. MrDona14. DQ Su.day at the home ot Judie son ia~ haH• n•turned from a l 3 and 208 + B Wln1tred Ba b + ll8idence Pllont-·n 1 the t>ngaet'ment ot Mill Grace D. 414 Old County Road, Newport ..S Mrs. D. J ~. C.O.IA ~Ma. abc weeu' trtp thrOUih lht' east, Phones l y r re Ill. • ( ' Puk, dauahter of Wlliam B. Park, ll~lghtl, held O(>('n house Friday lar all their children Wt'rt' &ath·l '-'lsiUn& hll p&rt'nll sn l'lftrksi:Jurg, -\ l attorney, 217 Dtamond avt>nue, ~·t'nln& wben tht>y entttta.lned for • -"around for the flnt tlmt> In I w. Va., a nd he r parent• In Ham· Newport H eightsJ..,ad'l Church People N ow Harbo r Scouts A id C ub Scouts Have I Balboa bland. to J~ph Dall Nor· Mr. and Mn. HoWard Ucht ol ~ yon. Tht>rt' waa tlwlr llton Ontario. Tht'y also vlalted In Cel b Th.-d 0 ·y t ' . E t p b t • H 't l De M t f 'd lm&n. 10ft ol Mr. and Mn. Edward Lansing, Mich., who are vlaitinl .. uchtn Dorot~y and her hwt-f Buff~lo. N y. 0 1\Jo. nnd Ontario, e rates lf n aca IOns m as res y ertan OSpl a n ee rt a y I Dall Norman of Lo. Angt'lel. Tht> lhelr daughter. Mn. William Me- ...... Lt. Comdr. BYTOll n. John· C'aneda. TtK-y had ni~ weathe r Birthday Anniversary ------rouple will be marrl('d In Junt> DonaJcl. &lboa. Flowen from the eoa and UMtr thrt~ ctdldrt>n: alao I all during thr trip th•·Y report<-d. 1 Jtcv. and... M.a. Perry Sdvock All Cut» and Boy Sceota of thf-1 Tht-Mlly PllC'k ~ of DMI 1~. ·upon ~tlon ·or Mlu Park's garden or the hostess were uaed uother d&Uihter. Belt.)' Adami oiiSTncl' tt't.urnlnr the>> l111\'t' mo,•·tl1 • be If 1~ k n'"' Coronii del Mar Community llnrl••r ur"a are l<'lling tlckt>ta ,C'ut; Scouts. will be h«-ld Friday !'adct nurw training at Hunting· for d~rationa and buffet ,.... 1.-AnceH-a, and J:>onald Oodil' Jr. from 16th and Nacc.-nt1a 11vf'nut:~ A a~t u P n ca e Wit •·hun h fll'<' lakin~: tht'lr vacation for a motion picture •how to lx· evenin~e at 7:30 o'clock. In ttw-ton M<'morial hoapltal, Pasadma. rreshments wt>r<' ~ervl'd. aDd hla wife and th~ children C'Otit& Mt'lla. to ~12 Jl!ct strt'<'l: "~ite d0\'1'11 ro·ntPn·d lh<' hut{;~ • tn .Jun•• and l'XJ>l'<'t to attend 1M J.!l\'t•n hy Planet Plctur<'tl at the Nt'wport 84-ach Grammar ldM»ol Mr. Norman wu a pharmacist's Thoac prt'sent lncludt'd Mr. and .of ~ Beach. Newport. Mr. Norman ts mvno•r "' "n~ thP ~hrN~ ca~dl7 ~~ h· mro•tmg nf th!' gNwral cound l of high achool auditorium on the 11udatorlum and In addition to malt> In the U. S. Na\'Y. Mn. c. H. Weacolt of San Dl~, Oommander. and Mr.J. JohniOrl f tht> nwat mMkt•l at Cottlt•'a En~t 11'1 thr st Y w Pn · as t•r nr s I <"t•nt::'ro·~,:atmnal chyrch1•1 at Grin· .. venin,:: of May 23. Proeffds will [ U1'e rell'Uiar procram of aklt1 M~un. and Mesdames R. C. Owen, laave been Uvlne In San Bruno. N~"1lUrt '"'ocer u. n•t·~~rd l'f'lt'hra tt•d h ill bi~thda~ no•ll collq:l'. Iowa. They an-leav-t>.· ~:iven by ' the boyw u their th~rc will be Jn0\1.«'1 al~>n by Mr. Herbert Ford. WH I<'Y R . Fowler, wtwre he wu public woru orrtoer. ... ' Hnnl\l.'rsary Saturd~ty. ,1"" 15 tht lng 11w laet of May and will villi contribution to the Presbyterian <'ulhcrllon and the rww chartCT Catholic Women to Harold Glall. F'ted Woodworth, L. but he hu now been tranafrrrrd ~00n of Mr. and Mn. 0 · \\ R!chllrd.l r••latlvcs In· Ncbruka, Ill1noia and 1 hO!Ipillll fund 11nd they ~ tht-• will be prewnted. M t •· 0 H Ft>rguson. William McDonald. 1D Seal Buch and. the family '-. For quldc ~Wj.Jitll Ulle Ne'Wll· 400 ('Ia~ II'N'f't; Nrwport. Hrll:ht~. I Ohio befOrf' golnR to the leneral , public will support the project. I Den Moth<·rs will ,_t Th~· ee tn range Howard Ught and thr hoat and laokina tor a honw an that vldnJt.y. nrn.. qusln~ colwnna. and 11(>\rral >OUng fri~nda llnd t't•uncll which will be June 18-26. 1 Jt will be .a full lt>ngth show day momln~e. May 16 at the hom<' hOlllesa. lh<>lr m1 °1 ~ wt'r\l~\·ltt'dl ~or 1" Durin~{ Mr. Schrock'• ablencx· with a lravelocue on Old Mexico,, of Mrs. H. 0 . Bo~ey to make1 A meetinr of the Orangt> C'oun-:.:===========:; \) Now Open -,,,,. Jack GHtl ~;,/,/,II CHILDREN'S SHOP 1761 I Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • Locat~ in ·~ Fonner Greener Bldg. GIRLS Infanta to 14 SUM MElt SPECIAL -···· BOYS lnfantR to 6 • Just North o( Woman's Club House • PLENTY 0F FREE PAnl\1 "\JG $1.95 8e. V. .UO..t HOMF. & CHI'RCH \\'EDDINUS nuon unc: 0 e P <'<' e r,, I' the Rev. J amea II. Batten. nwm·l a mm showing the Toumamt>nt of plans for a party to be atven the ty DeanCTy ot Catholic Wom<'n ,.. th~h(~'('IISion . h ld I th . I (' l>t•r o( the board of d('aCOna ot tht> I Ros('S, a -currt>nl nt>wa feature I cu~ ut the end of the school will be held May :l3 at 12:30 p.m. Triple M Cafe t party "81 <' n, 1 u;~t 1•hurrh. will occupy th~ pulpit. and the main picture will be tenna and to plan prizea for Cuba in the p&rt.lhs,.hall of the Church 1 sun·rnt)m :;df thr re ~c.-r(' ;•'t' ()thf·rs (rom the church who aJ'(' "JI'<'p H('rders". " thrilling \\'n · aelllnr the moat ticketi to thP 'of the Holy FamUy. Sl!S Eut w-. .......,. ... 'Trtl..._. for J ohn a avores 0 gay 8 1• a" ay :~rl' the clrrk. Mn. Andrew tc·rn a tory In full color. 1 tw.pltal benefit motion picture Chapman atrt>et, Orange. Reser· Mee& &o Eat 1 ball~n~ and m~nkey: on f "1 ~~~~~ l l)o'nsmorc and her huaband. who IAhow to be prt'lt'nted at the high vatlons for the harbor area ahould I rohrl dr1••!' guests. .u~ ... eon, or 1 1e1 ha\'c' ~one for a summt>r In th•• Ebell Drama SectJ'on school auditorium May 23. 1>e mad~th Mrs. Colin Bro\\>n, 504 Coat Boulevard c 1 f•n was il''r\'n• a sma ' d · · d M d I H dd Ch • bo · R d "-· b I bl t1 th . th . t-ldC'Sl·rt un mountains an r. an Luncheon Guests a en-apman rfar r an must .,.. In Y. !_ __ __:Cl:..:o:..:.roaa.:.=:......:de_I_M_u ___ ..... Ia 1'1 an e mo f'tl wert' ua Mrs Grupt> who are vialtlng tn May 16. 1 f'd at card tablea. . I Illlnol1, Pennsyl"'anla and New --Engagemen,t T o ld ,..-_-_:.._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ..... .:.""'_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-=---=---=--=----=--=.,-' Gur~t• lndudt'd Tommy Kir-ch. ~:nxlund. M () T. Johnson l'ntt•rtalnt'd --Johnny Portrr Pt•ggy Ann Rl.'ln-1 rs · f I • l rrt lind RobPrt~'Strain; M~aml'tl o -----.--•tn{•mlw•n of thr ~ama SI'Ction o Mr. and Mrs. Edward r. Chup- 1M. Reln!'rl, Dare'. (' G PnrtC'r jr .. Church Chotr Has In•' .F:bdJ club Fnday at h('r hom!' man. 1~ C\c(>an boUI('VIIrd. Cor· S I (' bl' d FrAnk I D ' p . "" .!lilt str('('t. Mn. Rogt>r Wood I ona dt'l Mar. arC' announdn~t the R?bert Iran. num an Inner arty I QRSi.stl'd ht'r in servln~e thl.' dl'lh:ht· l'ngagt•m('nt of their daughter Kti'Ch. Tht• choir of Christ Church 'by ful bufft't tunchron, and ml'tnbt'rl Patricia to &lx'rt Clifford Had-~ --- -the 5(>a held a party Thunda~ !'njoyt"d sf't'lng Mn1. Jobnson'e den. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 Mn. llermun Jlnns.•n of linn-('venmg bt'forl' practiC't', t>n.loY· uniqul' and luxuriously furnished I J. Hadden. 219 A.shbourne drivl', st•rl'll ('onf.-ctwnt·ry ldt hast w«!k mg a apaghettl and hamburg1•r hume. Sooth Pasadena. 1 rur Sc>attl<' wh<·r<' sht' will spt•nd a dinnt>r. lJosti'UPS were Mn. C. F . Pri.'!Wnt a nd makln~; pluns for l>tlss C'hupman attended New- \\o'<'k \\llh rL'IAII\~. Hand, Mrs. J. K. Elliott and thl'ir thi~ "'''"'st of F:b<'ll st•ctlont W('T<' port llurbor Union High school I NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards S..UO.ry Brookinp V arieb' -~~. e.-..... ~.._.,....._.._ uslatants. Mlu Craig and o~Mr Mrs. Mnr) McBride-. nt'W club 1 and Long &-ach Junior collegl'. ladl<'tl of the choir. 84-aul,l!ul or C'Sidl.'nt, and Mn. VIctor Grace, 1 At prrs<'nt she Is one of the junior r06('1 hrought by Mn. A. J . Rut· rl'lirlng pr.~dc•nt : Mra~ Jo~lorence decorators at Bullock's a tore, Los t,.r wrrl' ust'd for dPcoratlon and ~torn-.. s.•ction choirman. a nd the ' Angt>ln. Mr. Hadden Is now at·; t'J. m('m!wn were pl't'l('nt. Mtosdnmrs Robert Alle n. Har old tC'ndlng Occidental college, aftt>r Ahrf·ndt. Harry Carr. Jnhn Daniell, serving with the Army Air corps., G 1 c· M. [)('akins, Ooans. Margaret I The two ramlll.-11 havt> an assocla- 1 Local ir S i n 11(-arhorn. S llt>yman. G. B. tlon of long standing for Mrs. FDJC Musical Cnok,.nt.· AI Horvath, Dorothy Olapman and Mn Hadd~n were NEW ONF.· AND 1WO·PIECE PASTEL WOOL JERSEY DRESSES FINE FOR GRADUA'MON. COLORS: ROSE. LIME. 6LUE. GOLD. SlZES 9 TO 15. NEW BLOUSES IN DRF.SSY CftEP~: AND TA.ILORED STILES WHlTE AND C'0LORS • SIZES 32 'l'O 44 -qhe Frances Norton Shor . ~·~ar Thr('(' hx·al girl!! took part In IA•\I•rmfO(. "'"· V. Snodgrass. A. friends during th•·rr girlhood days the pt>rformance of "Say It With Pearl. Wood and Johnaon. l in Minneapolis. No rlatc has bet'n 1 288 Sec-ond and Broadway Bid&. Music." prt'S<'nted friday evening -------aet for the wedding. !-------------------------~ by thl' music: depart!TK'nt of Ful· Balboa Circle C lears ________ t _o _________ _ 8aata AJla I ll'rhm l)latrlct Junior college, Vir· $11 5 at B azaar Your friend• and minf I ' . s A N H 0 N 0 R • H A v 1: A a " p y glnla Fl'rnand~l 81 a mt>mlx•r t•f the cut and Jeanne Ann Ot-rrlsh --Miss Mabel Onl>pp of San Fran- and Diana Marparth u dan«!n . ~prlnl! rtowrn 1n various shadi'S cisco n •ct>nlly vls•tr-d hC'r nl'phew ;.===============---==:._ _ _:::::....:-::-:_-:.._11 :mel t'fl'l_. J~;~per slrl.'amers made and his wifr. n un and Glor101 11 ()f PII\' dt•corat.Jon for tables at Plucl'. dining with them at thl.'lr tlw lun~hron of Balboa C1rcle and t·harmlng hillsldr hnme In O:rrona C7" ~ .th G at .1. l GApprecr·ah.nn lho· 1•(1\ jtUPSlS W{'t(' enthus.iastic dC'I M~r .Sh(' olso ~isiled II ni£'Cl'.l lJl/1 r e) u c./1 '-&.\.! l uiKIUI lht' mrnu or turkl'y su-Mrs. }-,\'a J Gu•'llP rn Lon~: n.•ach I prem<•. rnadc by J';lrs. F.. A. Our·! and hnrlf'd to see thl' la tter's thrN' to our IDIUIY frifonck no 11. tho· salad. cake with choc· sons. ••ach in a difrrr.•nt dl\•lsionj ulatl' ajlUI't' and th<' hot r olls mack of th,. 1\er\'iC(' thl' ml'rchant ma· for a mC*t su~ul y..ar '" ;\lr~ \\'•·atho•rfnrd. Fifty pco-1 rino•, :.rmy and navy. udfJd pi•· ntt••ndt-d th•· lunl'h<'on and \\ 11111\m and Dorut_hy Dalye, just t'OIId • ~o111111~r. "ht•rl' mAny lltlracth't' Marl(ttl'rlh• R\'l.'nue. C urona d<'l l Donna -Marie Shoppe 515 North Mala ArcadeBiq. Bath Towels Orkin's Department Store and Wash Clothes Martex and Cannon 1'79S Newport Blvd. eo.ta MN& .ortli'II'S w<'re on sale. and the sum l l\tar. l..rr last Wt'(•k Ill their car u ( ~ll:i was clun-d. rur To·'!'''-' wtwre th<')' wUI Vtsot ___ ---Mrs. Daly<''s sons John. Rudolph Mrs. DeakinS, Judge untl ()SC/If UWi~. and hl"l' d;Ju"h·l tt•r. 1\lrs. ~lari!'Sr<'l Novak. Tll<'Y At Flower Show ('Jql('l'l In IX' !(On!' II month. r---Mr nnd Mr~ J lo·rt Clevldr n<·•• or Mn \ M n raklns. 306 Alvu-flC'vPrly IIIIIs s!)l'nt a r <'Cent wN>k 1 rado atrc-.•t. BAIIIoa. county chair·' • nd at thrir SNIShore Drive homt>. man of C:ordrn~. "as judge nt tlw Huntln.:ton flf'ut·h G.udrn cluh I rJow••r show Ialit Wl'f'k, ond r~­ portt'd 11 a \'er)' Jm·rly ~\'ent. ALLMARK -···~------CA RDS Graduation and Father's Day ~~~~ v... :: fi'1«uriDe8 Lams-:: Oolttume .Jewelry 1-~ Evea1ap. EstlepC Moada7 -_, Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop %102 Oceaa Front We Wrap Gifts THIS WEEK MAGI<.' MIST l nWOC'Udde L· DO ELECTRIC co. 611 State ln(II"'Y Annou ·nci.ng · Of>ai'On M05 Sl'wporl Beac-h l --~· ~~--] Another Modern Factory Distri t:t • In " the Bay V·ENtTIAN BLINDS Aluminum Steel Wood We Will Als o D o Renovating and Refinishing (;f'Rf'ral ~~ F.IHtr11' lfllu!W'hftld Arpllan!'C'" 1.000 Americans Die • ' '\ t ~ '''''" tl • h .u .. ,., ,.,, ...... ,... tl ' I I tU ''' t• I ttt· h lt .. r ,_ I • .. ·' "• t, 1 .,.,,.. ,, Th \Ca•t~: h tl 'It '. I • ·I• .... • It• II• ,,, I• till II II• "' •tfHitll' •t!tn•l 1l til\" •f1h ...0 • tlh•tl " t J ·• tro mn•th l•ro•ucht , •• ,,., ,., th. h au ..... , f'rr••u,...- ~h" f",,f ,,..u. IW'11~1'·• Rl·ll•• )C"' '"'' 1 ,, .. tu •• t• "11t ••f IV •lt ... "' uf ft HI' ''tl tH (".tt ftl•lltl• 1l'1•.. ftf"llt I"• tim HI I • IIIIIPH"''I ~IUnw nt Nl '"' • tho "'•uU I" rm Ult 1. I l'htr ... ... FOR THI g xjl«l4n/ G11"1ht1 ~: L--.-._.--to-lltq-~--A-t.o.-t -Co-Pfla«--0-ld-P.o-rtral--ta----11 VISIT OUR NEW. MOm·:H:\,J'LANI' OR CALL L'S FOR FRF.E ~U::.ASUR.& MENT AND ESTIMATES rr. .w ·1 ••• ~·rr ..... , .• ~'"' ... '""" It• .rt tu n t , •HII~ U• fA• 1 th,-B•:ut •• '''' r •llu n•··t •H I lit~th ltltt'11 II ' I h '' • •hh\ •I"' It•'' h•~,...t ''"'' 1 111 t• .. , •• ,,, 1'\1·• k •hnul, .. r• atWI ~-"' tl 'o•.tr .. j • .,. ll ~ott ntttu IJ ·'lit Sou·th Coast Venetian Blind Co. WMt 18th aad Ne'tfport .A\?. no.: a..ooa 'MM-w f11l ,.. t~fnr-)nu ba,,. .,. •lrulil• r~o... ,,,._ 11-.. 11~4 r.r ... ,P_.''"'""'"' .. ,..,....,. "" n.,.. I IOU'•· eM a. II· ... &...a ... h1 All· ""'"'-""' I 1. ..,.,_ pltOIM' Hut.H liN for an Appotntme~~C 011 MOIIdQtl or Tllundayll. t :eo &o l:ile. 1!:"'· ........ by Appol•t-t. DL EMU. F. BELL. D.O. ft.O. 107 ftiMI Street Newpel't ...... <Wit. PASADENA LONG BEACH