HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-05 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ., SAM ' R D'T OO!ft'ROL. Here's a better and more corrt"Ct slant on rentals in resort areas such as I'ewporl Har- bor, as given by Gregg Wat- son, area rent director, of Santa Ana. for Uncle Sam. Mr. Watson quotes Amend· meilt 88 to Housing Regula· tions wblch adds a new sec- tion 5A14, as follows: "A landlord may apply for ad· justment in rent on a seas- onal basis where the foUow- lng requirements are ~ ent: 1'he accommodataons are located in a resort com- munity. are p r i m a ri 1 y ada~ to OCX.'Upancy oo a aeasonal basis, are vacant, and the establishment of sea· sonal variations in the rent would not , ln the opinion of the area rent director. be in- conslo;tent with the purposes ol (he act.' •• Mr. Watson went on to t>x- plain thut a landlord can ap- ply for a change from p..levcl . to a seasonal basis. b'llt the house must be v acant. and he can then apply and ge~ his plat-e on a summer or winter basis. In the past the complaints from this area. said Mr . Watson. is t hat the resort rentals wen • too low. due to the rnct that the anny folks had come in and taken over most of the rentals; with their d<'parture owners can a_pply for summer re!'t- als ~nd it hets tX'<'n lht> pohcy ot the Santa Ana· offi ce to grant such request ~·h<'re a reasonable lnc real'C ts war- ranted. • • • Na\1gation M.-nac·co. Else- when• in this issue is a lettf:'r about the navi~a tion mcna<"e the Mindanao. -A•hich was burned &&at week. is reported to be. While not taking sides with the merits of t ht> subject tht• Crablx>r would like to point out on<' or two other SJJOts. One is a Navy target, 4!1:: milt''> off Doheny Park pier in the fis hln{: boat lane . It is n trian~:ular Hf- fair, about :\Ox50 fC<'t in size and partly !.'Ubmergt->0. The &eeond one is smother navy target, also out to S<'a. that can also prove disnst r(IUS to a ves...el. The" prO[ll'l' nu- thoril ies should mvcst i~a t<'. ••• A Jl'rft Pn!M. The U / S. SUpreme Court has jUSt given an unanimous opinion on the freedom'of the press. which has gont' further than any previous ded sion. It pennits comment on judges and court dt'Cisions, holding that comment. whether tn.H> or not, is privilfged. In Cali- fonlia a newspaper may at- tack a public official. p~ vided the publication be- lieves it is writing the truth. But the highest court in the land goes that opinion one better by holding that a newspaper can prlnt·w1m{ it feels justifiabl<' nhout a court and would rfot be in ·contempt and sug~l>Sls that lf the judge is not str·ong- minded enough to "t:lk<'" the criticism. h<.' s h<11tld not be on the l)C'nc·h . Out:h' • • ? Or~an Fund~. St .• Jnm('S Epist'Op:.J d HII't·h. nc 1\\ C'Jff·l • lng its C'difk P an till' Lidn l!:!f' area. hns g u rw nnrl pur- cha."<'<i a h and som e pifJ(' m - gan. But as I" t~unl in ,·;c:-.c•s of that kind. \\lwn ''"' in-st rum<;nt w:h finall." p;tid fnr witb fh<' chun II dippmg mlo it& bujlding fund. insuffid t•nf money wa. on hanc1 for tn· trtaU ation pur})O:'{'s. so a n ap- peal is being rriarte fot· $WOO more to help. Donat ions may be~ S('nt .to R. Donald Hall. 225 Manne Ave .. Bal- boa. Island, treasurer of the Organ commlttre or to G. A. Mortimer, 302 Coral Ave .. Balboa IslaM. Hon. OJ'Ran- ilt. ,.. Costa esa Edition \ . Newport Balboa-News Times ~'OLUM& xuvm ..... T N~tl In Car rash Rupert Clinches Seco._·d Place On Tt)umfay Pollet" C'hld P aul H. Johnson . • -------Ono• hundN'd anct ''""'-.,.... =~~ :~,~/~~:~~~:£:"~~~ F·tshermen's un·ton p·tckets Hutsell Takes Nat·lon's Ed.ttors Pleased· ~·~~~~:·.·>:~a.:~;¥~* IUrnin~; from Santa An~r was •·n ·l••.,. lol ho• tw-14 Ia the ~ ~~~~:~s:~.: ~~~~~i{~~·:a.~. ('~;' Two Wholesalers ·,n PLibl.tc Th.lrd Place 1 W h H h C Dec·ls·ton 1 "'7.:. ~,:;:;~~~~u~,~tt. := Cordon w Mc-('lun~;. 36. or Slln ... . . •It ·,g ourt I htl IX'IlfltJII hy the, ""R ;;~1~.~~;,7-hl·,.~:~::·::~~· or·tve to Stab.,l.tze Pr·1ces i In Log Race In ~j·lam .• l; Contempt c· ase \il~it:[~~~;a~~ . wh t•n Uu• cr1t~h 11('rurrc.>d. Ttw fYI :--tt~w••." N••vrn tplrH\tal, _, J ohnsons '' ••n' n ·1 urn en~ h om•· 1 fir Mit• rto)'W' l ii'IN ; "'"'"'"'- afl•'l' a ,·1sll to ""' Urnn j!c• ro unl)' p,..kt•hn~< ltt•ll•lll I•L:run~r ~:.w.• II\ ' I ' II~~~ II II \ttlltCt' t-:dllorw and puhll•hC'1'11 nr rw~~ •. nr c111·•1nn111•. '"l"'tM' 01ct - )ail. whc•rc• lht•) lhld do f){ISJ it'<l II jloll I l l:trhtJr I ·'• whulo-,.ulo• lll.tr s A ,, .... , ............... , \\ ...... , E 50 000 '"'"" ... "" ()Y('I' lh•· nllllcln Wo•r•• llllnN'," rronr l.tln•nt ; .. ~ ---_ unll ('tO ln!t·l nti iiOtllll F"l"•r m r n • fho• '"''''"I rail( ICilld ·,.,.Jl Ill lh•• ulooc'l l'lt'llfl n •pnrt or t ht' dt'Chtlon <:1 ... • t 'hch; "C:I·t·mllna," trorn l.olir-prisonPr for sllft>·kt•t•plng. kt•rs by u l\'111 ;\1,, !'/••wpnr l !W1w h • anta nan l~•u \Ill"'"' ltl llulh~oud ""II xpect J lll'terto•no•d locby hy T ht• AMo<-1· t-'Unll'llht," frnm (lfoftaa, -... :tnd ,\llt\'(1 ,,.,.,1 k•·r~ .. r ;\nlt•rl('ll ho·· ""''"'''"'I lttr , ..... "l"•lt ... tl'f'd It~ 011111·· hy lhc· llnltf'd Rt •t ... su. ""' IIOc1 "l\t·ll-or 81. M•ry'•" ,.._ • Iduna W'tns j:ll n 111~1 S:lltlrdAy nnd t•tonllnui'S fl·ned $200 IAHI~ U•····h \'A<·ht .... ,,. .. , .. , tho• v T l'fo'ln•• l 'uurt lr\ ..... rontr mJII ('11 ... Altnlll~. II)' lh4< C'om"'twd aile yr c un~ll!no•d o n 11 nr w coonrrurt. 1 °•"''" \ ••·h i o·hoh II" • ""' r•·r I nr11l II• IIJtJtt•"i!il•' f'dltor J ohn 0 . 1 Uw IIC'\' t 'Jt rl Jnhnaon. I Ius "'. k IIC.::IIn~l l\\t< mnr l<· ho IU! ,.,.,, .. ,,.1 llll\ .. , .. nino tol I h .. c ... I ote urnout hl:ltiOal """ MIIHnl ,,..,_) ll••r•ld r tuh. foil"'"''' hy rlrnt'CtlctkMl -~~"--'·- l ltorm.m 's F1<h 1\l;trk••t, :..o:t:.>t1 \\' ~nlat:" l•tt , .... """,... , ... ,., 1'""" l l't•nn..tucmp, whim I(Tf'W uut uf Thr ICraduntr a llr'\'! June zu.-'"""'8 ..,. 4 5 ft R ro•nln l nnd lh~·Ridl' Fish :\lilrk'N •IMI ''"11•· ""-1.12. IWO flllturi,.IJt •nd II c:artoon whlrh lll'th Allt•n, M tl(IIW'fll At'"'-. ~ . ace Lnflt)·~···(' st rl'~l. hnt h ~f Nf•\OfW'Ir ; Plf'Mitnlo! I.'UIIl\ II• ,, .. ~\'('\~11 ul-Tho•ft' ............ cuan ,. thrf'f' , ..... ~.. !-'ttllt• •'lU I 0111 II( " lnllll .. r M 'r f' vut.lhthfood tty that rw-wapeprr llnflll Alto n, l.>nrla Ari\Oid .... .:... • lk 1wh, ar1· llw ron rf'rns !"'ill h(>Jn,:: r •. .,.. (of cln m k •h 1\·lttl: v.clhm fur'"" r , ... 11""'" """ '"' tht• t \ t ·n ,1••• r• .;1to1o 1, ,, •·•I··•• '" 1 lrrtnt:•· In I!M4. lyu A llarkll'y. \ pll'kt•lrod AI prN'14'nl wh1ll' thn:••' lh""' molnlh~. Hryc·o• I I ~::.-1m1tn '""~' •1111 '"" rar r hll•'k """ '"' I o-uunl\ "''I•· ,.,.,,.., ""' In '""' let-In If• ~lon, thfo A.Mnct•t~ 1Jonalc1 ltay l\arncoa, Mona llrC, At nine o'C'Iock lnst W<'dn<'l!day nlhl'r wholi'!Ali'Nt sh:n~ n nl'w n l S .ontn i\n:o ".1 .. (InN I s.:..oc•1. hHd '"" J.ln I '"'I'">· •-......... ttw •In> •Tiu•<~ln\ 1 In •~·1•·•·1 thl'll' ftt·l ''~'•'• n-pnrta, lln'Or'dlrtl tn th4< UuiN'rl M hlllladttll. John _.. t'\l'nin~: Z2 boats or the 4;).fool ns::r ('<•mrnt "'"" tho• UntQn foil~· lll'• ''l"'t •otlll· .. lw.n··· 'll·t ~·nt'lo•d '"" ... , ,., .•• , .. , ...... ra.lct ''"'"') !,,..,,, I "l·loollolt• 1••1 Tho• , ••• , ... 1111 ,.,,. Af11{1'1" Tlmo .. todAy , thfo Su-U 'Of'l l't~ldWf'lt, M•u'"" 0 . c.. Rn('ll)~ ,\~sfldohnn ltnl'd up 111 I hi' Ins:: 'llr~k" Jl!'llnn Snt urday ft lf ~Ill flu ,' 11 nd I'"' 1:1\o•n 11 9Q. Of tho-tulal ""'"''"· ""'~ tlwo I''"'" , lo ,., 1oo11 111 :-.;'"''llll~t·r l l"'"m# C'murt un•nl~l)' ,._ t•nlfc. l•nvld ll c..·~ .J• C...' Nl'wporl pil'r for ttl<> lll'rlal hom h Th(' 1011•nt o)f lh1• fl~hl'rml'n, ar· tl.oy 1'•11.1111 ~ Jlltl "'lll••nc·c•, "'"l."'ncl· A tit•••• ''"'"'"''"'J lur ,..,. lr<~lohl""· \t, ... l •I"'' I> '"'"" •1•••1 (1..:hr t• u •r•••d • nontMnpf l'nf'IVktlnn 11111-. l laVId 1> C't\amb&on, .... \\hll'h !>lar tt•d IIWtn on rh,· way tMrdln g Ill r httrll'!' !\iCUlUI'h llln , I'll ton C'ltn!llllllll I hill h•• 1)11) I hi' ., .... ' '"'"'' IIIII• I ha•r ~un ..... ' .. ,. 1'1 •• In lh•· l'lllllltllllo(ll ror I lll[lllrwt thfo Miami •• ,.I Hrorald ' Click. ('h•rlh-C'Dfnpt-. ...... II) t'oron ado Yn('hl I lub Tlw wend Ufl llln hll.f;IOC'Sl' m,na~•·r, b In N'. fino• IIIII I '"'•'hll)l' lll\'uh ·•-« an n(l ,.,_ lln ol ........... )•rr, .. ho """ '"' ,,, "' I,, rHIIo(o• ..... 1111 1,1 Sll• <'!In-lln<1 Ita .-.n.t.-rdttor, on MIJfl• l'ook, nay r ook, Lola R. ~ \\'liS SSE nnd tlw ,,.a smooth. B)' M!lllr•'d or II stabili7cod rrir•> fo r ;u I'''' In\ uh '"I: lcJIIJIII' tnr II ~~·rlf'l'l la .... ""'' ri14'1' •• t .... "lcl .. tntr r •llllll lo•• '"" Ill I hla fllo'l•, ""'' nf till\' 'C'h•rl•'• COYI")', Joarww eo.. ,..., lhl' lrm•• tlw INHH~ n •lldl!'<l Pocnl ftc;h hrous::h l ln ln mnrkr•l nntl thf' n f '"'" '''""· m I'll~ m un ~c>n· -rtfto<, '""" n,.t P..,". fror th4-nHI lho .,. S h··rlll Flllnll, whn I• run ·n,.. ~"""""" C"OU1't a111d th11l l. ("l'',.,h>' and Roht.n AM .._, Loml! thl' wmd fall I'd a nd hR\In~ •••I tine o f R nunc mum pr iN' n l cia\ m•Jrtllll,: lt~1'.tucl~:•· 114·1• C '"' •I· """' ,...._ R "" thfo , ..... dnW11, an~ I nont• 1"' , , ··lo~·ll .. n 1 "''' "'rfnom ''hrld up Uw• law tn l lt•vra I lf,cJd, Jamra Rc...-c U... US('<l up nil <lf rlwir nllowl'd mot or l••r1no•r ('IrA ~··"·I• . n••r. r.anoe hAI·Ic "rth hi" IJUif' l.a4) 1\ l lpf•"''"l' F lhuU ~~r•· tt 1 pHiollo· ohh,.t\IV " It IICTf'f'tl wtlh ... )' "lld Julin Nlldlne ~ as.slstun<'o• wt•ll hi' I on· <"rMt.lnc the Prlr~ nf fr~h '11ry l'n n•lt!Pnthh F.astmon "'"' app1 o•ho•ndf'CI Sun· hi thr \ •·1-"· third ,...,.,. ht thr <'uluo ' ""''I' .. r N••wl"" 1 114•c•1·h. c h•· l·ln4"1cb Sui'"""" (''our I "fhllf ' ll(on ~'dm11n, Ronald ~ fimsh linl' \6 of thf·m wo•rt· dim· fru m \\o¥k In "•'••k. nrrnl'1ionc In rl:w on C••nlrul ""'"U'' In 1\tdblvl ~r·•ll ,_ "'1'" an rrrnr P"' 1 \\ IIIIo r I l1p1un .• ho11u·• Mu••••k '"" f~lrt.-.. ,. did nc1t sf11lf' oh. I •••l11 F•mk_ ~tnd ,Vtrna P'uftlr. •n tllf'U · MI'U tul•hlnn, 11nd rlrn p ,,rr rtun nl: 111o•r J'l•lll'•· •·~·· 1\o•fl a ('flmplltia t <'f'fltarr "' ll.ll' lind nrth 1'',.... In nnll F lto\11 ""'~lortl "' :O:~onlfl AnJt , jf'l'fiYt'l)' thfo •ttlludr nf Uw ltnhl•t l (1ttlum , n.oc.-J. a.-llml·~ "' pi••" I Ifill rrl!rlu·~ Tl,. '"'"' !o m~tllllo-1 '" ,, loo· hnol lw•-n llhr l.tn 1 rtw#'. • I I,,, rv 11•·11 .. r l'ull•·rt"n 1 lud11~ • It ~ thAt "ttw· full m•.n .• IOIIf•tth II •. C'ntel ........... <·.,men~ '" f1 t!ll wn~ !\t1ddk ton·s r 1 11 1 1 1 1 h _ .... 1 .. _. Jr II<! CriCfl ldun.c a l fl p m "II h II l'tJf'I'I'Cl<'d t~lwr"" '' ct. "'r" ··r· uo;nntol •l•· ~·· '""''"'lf•••l h~ ""' ''•" "hlt·h F:run-1 . ·• ''"' "' ''' '" 1: '"I' " II''" I 'nlll.,..tl "'"·o,..r•·• ull •t\'1•1 I h•• • t r ill wou ""' .,._ .. ''"~ loy • n. 1'11111 \ 111111• ··Ol'·ll'•'<'~ '" "'·•'<til\!" lll.ln \\" """"1-: 1-::t•lnllll) """" \\:, ... l 'l!ll.t k lllll•'t't'•llo·'lll•ofll :t:~l ·~·""'> "''' I~IIII ICit•nl thkc L,·,,r, tlu• rmrw•r " I F.tllllflncl A. 111111' ............. w. Ioiii<' of )l) hours. 67 mln U!<'S, 8 I I r II I 01 1 t I I " ' II\ InS: .. Md JtUI'h lnn .. ,111, II l<nri founll I•) :-.: ..... IJilrl poiiN', helm: ttUII I "' • ' I I I ~·" \V !'lllnl··· "' Nll•l••rt '"'111'1) ~·-" rr-..,. ....... _ H ..... f'4 111111, c:torllt """" fla-'---St'l.'c>nds. II R Warre n's 1'-:o'Um <' p < 711 h p 1 S 1 If ' ..... ... .. lit•'' Jo(>lio·v•· thnt lh• "'""""'"' lwlol II\ a rltl\••r 111tu "'llrl lh tl• 117" ·1 ·: '"" · ro• 1Y · ''.' '111• u.,. •ofl"l' ""'r Mr" •tr11t.•l)tl 1'111 11 Rut U1 ~. wrtttMI by "'"ry ll~trtman, W"ndll •---\las S«'lond wcth n rnrrt'CI<'II limP • ,.... h 1 1 10 1111 1 1 "' " ._ P'l'iC(' Will enable &:uaron \••t• ol !W h llll Ut'f'll flllt'lol oH the rvad I ",· • \••fll . \llfiCt h • ' '11 ul "'"11'1 AI'U l·•r t lu• Ill"•··· -····~-Ju•tln-n~ . ..-trd lhal "trfto "'""· h ick '"'*· J C'an ltcl~~~~~~ of 11 hours. 37 m inutNI, 1 M('Orll,. \1 ...... n l.h I h lh A Jf\!'OR ~ •.... ~ ~ "'"" .......... m .. ...;. . ..:· this prcm lt'C. h~ Ell'<llllnn ltnd hu(l ~:'w·n l'ha~ II, "' n ; (' 1: • trco . hi\ AI"" fiJnnln~: fur tl\111 offiN' d J •• ., ... ,on tfl tlw flf'tlbl~~m~ of -worth. narbltr• "Jf- thlr <l Wl'lll ,J Foy's Thoi"'brt'd. l:.l Thl' nf'w f'tonlr:wl. ~lr·n· <I I" the• _ •' •hth Jl, t1:"111111Ji h•l !111 ""'"'I! 1" 11,., 1'"11.,1111.,11 1 •11~,1,, l llt>lllo·•· 1'1t•rv IR "' r ln"dln11l ,..nn..tplf' t•t J lmm•· llcarl,.dn. hnttrs. l rt m tnutM, 7 so-rond~ \\'1tl· 1 1 tl t 1• 1 \ " ' ' r.•r Fra nt' i\m on t n ":C~ loourth . thr•··· mll r ko•to•o•l ll, 1'1111~ r .. r n llnl· ll • ..,: \4 ... ' lllnl I 1111 \ ; 1111 """ lla )llloofltl l;ltl ..... ,.. II TUJ\I trl Atnt'rh•ttnllun" ltnd ,.,,., tt .. • JH'f'llll llolnnld J llc'klllln. Marlt-rw P'. l• C Rohn s ~ul'<"r'ss filth lind 1'. m•am pn rr" "" fi\o• fllrfl'r• "' ~,... hlesansv Shghtly Hurl II ''" lllfto" '"I ltnl "'"!.: n l :!II~ I ''"t••nto·r ""m""'"' In qur..ttlon "NMtld not ,.,,l .. on, Mllr•'f'l J ran Jr .. 'nwtlme II'~ llf rc~h nnd 51altii1J'IIIinn n ( Ho'llllf' \ 1'•1 :.16 un tl :-;ll'h .. l I I 1n ''"' olll\\lt I ..... '""''""0: Ill tllr•"'"' llrf~" tt\f' judtel'll' "(' J M Dnd!t' Snntn :\In ria was stx l h, 1111 1 hN~o' ronr<'< 1111,.,,,. 111,.,.., 1,., ,.1~ .\ \\, ,, .!:' ,1 :!.\I ct "1 ,.,,1 111111 ,11 ,1 , ",.,,. 11,,., .. 1,11. 11, lm nnl tlnn• • •'11n ""d "rvln C. Johneon. on '.,r,.'f·tt n 11111(' Thr m inun11111 prH·t• r nn l11• r hnnc 1'1t'l 111 '". ,,,., <'"'I 1 '1•···• I• 1 .. 1 ' l>nto· T"' II 1\ .1no~t 1 '-'"'It I •hone fo't.~ J(.eported H '•l Nntr 'Ow' Nltlrl tn "" \\'"'111t111 1 1'11 K tt;t·r .• JtMn Ma· In t•lsq~'-t'cl llm t• thr Amnrlln, •·rl ll\' mt~luul ;'IL'TC't nwn• ,,. ,. •n I'C'I\O'd m111.,1 lnj111 ,.., _,..,.,,.1 I' ,.,1 l'lln l) ''"" tlotl 11,.1 111,1,h .\1 ,1,1,1,.n m .... ,.. frt"f'M"nl ,.,.,,.r<'fln -. rio· K• lly. S l••11h1'f1 ._......1, Jlmft\1 rt c;•nl "1nn•·r of lh 1• \'niii'J" rarl' 1 1 1 II 11 1 1 1 Khulormcl(lo, \\'llll11m Kltl l" 11M nt Sa n Frnnt'I5!'0, wa~ (,,..., w it h llll• 1\Pf'!'lo·~ " fl~h n, "llplllfll••d mmnm.;'" ,, "'"' ''" ,.,. l•lt•tt "'" '""Ill '"olio'"·'' '"' " I"" l'lto !'>•Hll h•n l l 'ulllurmu T•l•• '"II"' l•rtnd pl,.,. lAid ~.wn Ill lla .lnlll•·• F J<lltw 17 hmu ~. 1:.! m mUIM and .JU src· In lh<' N•ntr:crl :'t!r l.nowhl.on "''"rl. "••or olt wo•n I•~ ,fo~•·ph I' l l.ttl lw l ltr"•· lool·l; ollld "'h•'l Ill "'"'' pito n•· •••1111•1111 • ""I t I h u t o•tl ,,,,.,,,,." h~tnttrcfdown IW H. I!MI , ond!< ;u,ol thr• Santn :\tadn ~l'onfl Tho• •rll fll ttf tho• •wr,.••nw nt. ;w. -,1. "' '1'1 :oloo11't• Tho '"'''"11 l'nl• "''' I ' 1111'"'•·11• Toot II .1••11 \ ,,.1,., tl ,., '"''I"' ,.,.111 ttl 11, In Ill•· r 11,... u( 1lW' 1.ntt Anttd,.• 1••1•\ ,1•·11!1 1./lllr, ('11rolyn \1\llh li hours. f.() mcnUit'S nnd ;,s r•••r•lt'IL: en tho hq~in•··~ mnn11r•·r f•om o:1 htdt\\11\ l•lol ttol o•lll<~''" '" I'• •I • l'1111h •\1111 I· H111'1•·11 ._1,. .• 1, ,.,11,1 1,1 \1 " 1, llw "''Y -r111,., whkh ,,.,, tW'f'n l'hllrf(1'1.1 l.1olt1'• 1 ... Mnr· l.11111'lt", ()(JnJtt\y h:o;; J,.., ... In t•fl·t·l ftot ~·~·•·rill 1'"11••1 ,,..,,.1 .. 1 tin F l !"llo;llol II hn~ont Jll•k 1''"'1 1.1111• 11,.,1111 , l 'ttv 11•1,.11,111,,1 ,I A \\lrh •·•ttol•·mnt nnttw•hula oftlUio \1 l .••ttl IO:tt llllyn ll l .lhby, I~ 51'!'nntl~ Tlltlrohr••tl 1:-.kln~: I h11 ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 1 N J l rt \o "'' Ill fi<;IJJnl: <\"/tlo•r< nnr th o f l'•ltl, 1111• f Ollllh I It ':t•l Ill 1,., •• tl) t\• i".ottl \\I j .. l•t•• .. tl\ C o:OIII • I' t••ll Itt lito• 'II\ o·•-llll tl ll•lw<f o'fltlnrl~tlll rlt•llllnrt With l"fllll I ••r ' • l1j11t, ' llflt•y 1-ph fte pine,. '" l>~•t h !'lll(l~Wd an o'nrn •l·l. ~lint a l'ru~. "nrl lo "."I nwrnl" r < ••f ·~IIIIa c•tlll~ • n r•llttl I • ,,. ·uuf h '"' \\ o·ll• h '"' r ' ·" rll '' '' ·dNf \I, tt t•l •\ .,,,, T··l· '''" •II• ,.,. " ' 1'111• Jtn'tW•nt do·t•hllon full""'' l .lnll•• C 'In• •ri..C it• l~lt·krldjpo, fler. "d llll'lo' lho• unu•n ''·"'' •nt'lw:ot•••l th:ol lho·y I' •lit "•lolo•\ ·, 1.111111 •It• I ttool I" It ,.,,1111,,11, ,,1 ,, 1111 ,,.,1 "'' 1 ., 1 , ''" 1<'/l.,>rlllll' .,,, furth ttl 11111 1 ""'" r ... ,, '""'"· ltnymonct flr nry Bonis "'""'' thcl noll fllll~h ,,,.,,. l,o•li•·\o• t ho· 'tl:l •·•nunt o·an IH • c•n llw ''''"" lo I '"' llo tl•• I• I 1.,.,., ''lth•ttl ~11(74,.11 111<·11· I :tl• wttldt lljlhoold trf'f'flmll uf l.ttll\ll r nnd llulo~~•rl tl~trollt Me-Arrow, filth· J rty. \lwrl'lc> 11, !)no· I Na~y L'u ano on Farm I , I I ,,. .. c 1rlhmtJ. niAI t AJiphc-ohlf' in lh1• .~fllllh • f" ~ I \\••rt• .1111•· JOI \ '11 <01 I• I , I" I tk• II I!OIIII ll,..lt I'"' •Itt <oototlllt'OI foy lhf' .,..._) ~o; .. n. f';u th , v .. ur \\'JIIdS, :'lilt('! Urn• Tho• ,,,;, •. l•hwh "··~ l'llllo•d .. • , .• 'I"' :! •~r; t..ol. h q "''"' I'"" hi·~ ...... hl,:h rnurt'• op4nlun ... ,.. IIM'VI')' (' Ml'('tlf'khlll, t''ruk I ;\\itr lll·n , l 'hllatll'ljtht:\, R:tmparl. lu~l \\'rdno ~till) Ill lol lll"r <tllllhlanrl Tho• l'tomprll'l """ r•lll••rl Ill I: ' ... ·llltll. 1:1.:7 I\, II \1 '" I • • Sptl 1.,,. •. ,, "" ""' lllll .. tlfln M'ltt lito• I l\1o1 ,,,,,,In• .IIIII M Mr V">'· ~ Spcndrlfl. 1TI'ndo•\l\ny, T r uant. pnrl~. w·1~ l''<lk rl ltv lho· l"rnl 111111 lta'l• Ito • u<rtl tn l hr· "' \\ (Ar m II • \86:.1 Jun !'>lo••••lo"'' Alii'" ('l'ty ()ffl•(,.,.., ('foand lit•• ,.,fllllrll<l• 11rtd cartnon -r•• 11 ttrt'l M••lt•mlo1lt, l .rw•nn M_.,.., llull'llt'r 1\<1)·. \'cr..:cnlll und Rt'j•ll<'•'· :1!1o·r a m o·l•ton..: ni lh•· nwmlwr~. r.1tl1" Jorwk~ nrl' ltullt W1lh tb1· l'' I I lind Allin (',,w·~ \J,.,,,,. Ill '-., ~ "rl••ttr 11rtd I'Jf"f'IIMlC dAnl(~· ttl lh•• IC'nntlnu.•l1 on f•IICI' -41 40,000 Visit Our Beaches Memorial Day ropd rlo•o'J<IItn lo rtttoltn lh· pll"kl'lln" ~:om,. flrol ,.,.llull'r nrr n ns:•·m••nl "·'' tli"'lUitll lh'l'l :\11 Slot ll111' ,.,,, .,f ;oo..o•llt l•"' 1\•'1"'" ntllnlt'f· nfh uinl•lrllllon n1 julttll'f'. It a•ld llhl< 1\h I( wn<> mMI•· rl•cnn~ 11 ~.,,.~ whi!'h Jlrll\'f'd "" ru~:c•••l nnll tl•·· ro•1lc lho· l ttl'l• ltt.,.k ""I' '11~ t~.t ""'"'' "''''' olo,.....l 1oll111) In lhttl In "~'TIIIlf• llllllltnN'It alnn hi' Ill Munflll) ni~hl 1Jt ndithlt• In lilt• l~o~ll1 fi•'S ~~ttlu·h \t on I ·, 1111 ·, ;lta111 ,., •. II I " • .,, """ 1\ '"' • "' 1•1 "''"' V •l11y, In I(IY•• thl' •&~"<' f....-dllft1 11( vuhlll' "'""' \\'holrc;alt• mnrk••r~t In '·"~ An· I~"" 11•/1 !111• :'1/n'y ~ fumou' nr · •·•·1111 ~·th "J ~. l'r•·l,l \ !'·1""111 ""' lito 11 ,•'1111''"'''" '"' "l'l"'rtuntly '"l rut•nt llttotllct w••h:h '"'•VII)' a~tiiiNII l ~o:••I~·J<. in fnilinll' leo •i~;n no•w ...,,.,. 1111.-n """I"'" tho• "\-1'," nr r nd1o f111nl AM Air•·., " .• ~ loow ch 1 1 ••II' I'•" I) en I h• II H'"IJI~·I )V•• )II,. ,. s•lllltlh&.• ••·~ to lnllut'nl"' trac ts. hnvc mdlt'IIINI lhul ttw l""'lrtlll\ ft1~•· ICnnfcnu•rl l•ll J•,., •. II '"1"" l"''ld inK l'lt_ .. Al:rN'm('nl Is n \'lolalion of lh<' In l~'lllttllfl" nlni'Urrlng uplnhiM. Kenny. _Sends Best Wishes To Newport Slwrman Anlt·Tru~t lAw nnd rtro• ._ 1 lu~lln.. f'r•nllrurtrr, f\utiN11lr WAllin,:: IJt•IWlrlm<•nt Of Ju~l I('(' (l 'ontlnurd on l'aar 41 rulln~ 1 C11l!<c to · •10.001 J'W'01)1<> v1~il<'d lhl• twnr hl'• nf Rn lbrln, A.lllhm1 Realtor J . M. Miller Increases His Staff l<lllnd. \ornna rlo•l :O.lnr and Nr'"" T ho• J !\1 ~1 111t r ll•·AI E~TRII' ron nn !\lf'mlonnl D:-.~ nff1ro, 111 l:"'lh "'!'I C'o•nln tl. !'1•·\\- Th" ('rnwrl• hl'~;nn Ill •11r1:1' into t llflrt R•·•wh. nnn""""'~ tht• •,fl. tho• harbor aro'n hy hu~~' anti I ollltttn nl ~'"'' r :1l nto•rnl••·r< :onc1 hv r:u"' nt 9 n'r lnl'k in lh•• 0111m · l<!''""l.llt·~ l<o Ius <l;olf 1nst nnrl :1 <lrad ) ~lll'lom rtf pN\.tll R (' R•·nn•·r, (nl'llt•·,J~ •ol """"' llutnm•th l!t•• rnnconlll"l 111 h thtL: 111111 """ wn• :-.1 !'•,ttl 11 11 !. ... ("nl ''"' (,( n-:tofllt\ ,u lhtt t~-arh•·' rl•H tn.: th t• rt•t"('n ' unpf• :p;.Hnl n• .. , fl\'o•r all th o• h1$:h\Ao ,t~O: )o•.tt!IIIO.: I" I ll•o\• '"""''1/ .. lo"<l \\ll h \lr :\llllt r th•·m • ;._ \lr• .l:ono• :\11'1'••1 k• II ool II o1 \l,••,·h.tnt .. in :ell th•· 1-w•lu·h ar.~nco: '····• l r •• ,,,i,1tt•n t•1 ... "" •• r If diP· r. fl'" l••rl .. l:tnrl ,.ffiN' hlf'-1"""~"' •. :\loll•·l ,, ·111llllC '''" '"''' ttf!ll•• (oh lit·· fl.t~ llnl' 1•·•• l'lo':tffl. '<IIIII .I \1 \Ill'· , r• ""' "' , ho• .. r. 1 ••r\t ,ttn ·•ntl Jt',fJU,fiiUI Jlrt•pl'h ''" f H't f •I tlh• lt•tl'll\ lfHt~I J,IIflf:tl••ft In•· in -.;, 1\fl'll l llo·;wh ~rut1 hi' ll1tll•··• 1 '"'' t 1 • '' ch rll\t• ,.,, r••ptll f•'cf t h;' hi~L:•nt '.n}., ... 1••n '''' q,, ('n{t .. f lftL'h\\k\ ''''',I lf'l'f h'"ff It) \1•:1~ f) I \f 111 <10 ft\1 r-11 ,tfl :\•t .·n,.n, .. '' .. ,... .... , "nort;~d t., lho• I • ·1nd 1"•111'1' <I• I' o~II!Wnl • .111tl ~"' ""''" n1n~;~ ",., •• r••fltlrt NI <1tt o·m.c 11w tin' Japanese Glas~ Ruoy Found on Ou'r Beach S t•a<holrt• I l1 "'"· !l:r·wprtr1 R<•arh prowvl Snrurrfn~ lhnt lr f'llYq ''' hn,·r n hnhby Ill' i~ rnllt·r1mll nrlrl ~t'SI Wrt rl' frnm ! hi' llf'R!'hl"'· Tennis. l>illon, (;et fleer, \Vine License T h1 "' \\ t .IIIII I.ICI" ,,.,. ""' ,, •~~~~·\rt :-tn "" "'tlr h•·• r-1h I ".,,, IIN'n•:• lll'~'<•rdmc '" H•f•ol lll.tl to •l• 1·,.r('l\t cl from t ho "'"'' l;..,n l ••I E<IU;th7a lum Th•• "" ,.,,. "'"~ .t;rnnlr•tl Ill AI II T• IIIII' 1111! f\nrn- 111) l ltllnn "t••ralttl'' ''' lh•• r lult C)I,J) t ,t.••U\ l.t~.\1)'-C INt rf\•f~· ttf ruur•hlfliC "''llftU·tl au ttn \\ hlu•· • ••f ,~,,I ,,,., tl n \t tlfh•, f•t"'Mrtf 'fl\ltt ,,,,.,.,. Htt ll.t•'l. ••n \l••ttlur6 l'\l Uu \, ., t•~'' I hf ,.," fMtt l flarhu r·, ''''I'',.,." • t.u t .. tf••uC It lltteff" tu v. •r '""'"'' 1 l•fototlt l.t e,, I ,.HH 1 Harbor Patriots Pay Sjlent Tribute To War Dead as Planes Dip Overhead 1 City Civil Service Calls ExaminationR 1 For Four ~ositio~M I 'tt•t tttlll<l•·t t I F. I<"''">'· whJIII' 1111 '' flto llt :-;,.Wl~•rl llntl~o ol' for ,tl' l t tftllflf fi iUI ,Itltlf) ltf fttt J flttl~t)r l 'lty nf Ni"Wf"""' llf•~tl'h 1'1\11 "•~ ""'~' ('olo•ltlltllllll •1111 IIIII ror- ••• r1•tr•· ,..,mro lllllltrn nnnoun•~·~l lu j•·•·l llo• ,.,,.,., ,., 111 \0'111 ~ ,,., Jlc' •fltY ""lfllln n l.,wttt ("r fooqr tttllnlt'l ltl•tt I • "' 111111•l lh r· flit•' ""'Irk 1 '"I t• ,o~j 111111• will ho• hrhl Ill r 1!1· tl• ,,,. '" lit• 111"11•·• o • lu llu. ltrf'tt o•lt\ ''"" rtol~ Wr-dn<111111y nnrl "''"'I'""' 1,. • "m1nol•·1 "''Ill ""' •"~•-w· \\•llo,·•fftty t•••l II "''"r f1omnlll•t 1of t'••m 1'1or•·•• r Jitlllllrtllliun• woll I•· lo• 1•1 ' • o. l•1:1 '"" wlohttll! ,." 11 '''h \\'tl(1n•·'•'''Y ,_,,.,.y Jilt ', t•nr• ,,, ·' ,,,, • • ,,,. tl11 lfHI• •ttuah •• , t ltrt l•ltf'lfH~'( t urlt.t'O H1tll.l)l'"• fut II ' ttrd I"'''' "' ,,,,. (trt• tf•·p 11r trt1• ttl I' 'ff ''""'"'~ !<~tltu lr'!l t•.r ttu· ftr.o~. ••• I'• •1 '1111 ''"' lltll-11 •• $1Kt '"I . • '' \\ • •IIW'Itllny, lu11•· l :t 111• •·• /tUittr tltou (o r rhe• , .. ,-.t ,,r l~+tlt ••l '" ,,. tt t tt•• t~·h~· ''''l•ht 1ttuon1 \\Ill I • ,,, Ill Tlocc (""'' INOY• ~1 /"o I ,. ·tttltf\ f u fHI HtltUtttl rftfll~•·t nln•' Ull f t ,, It t•' ,., , 1\ Ill f J~, ""' ,.,.,.,ut. d h•• ' •ft'VI tlll••l• tl I,,, , I " , t I I If !--\I I " l ".. I ••• ~ ,, I f ' .,, L' t t f f I I 1• !f1 I I '"" I ltlt Co lit '' · ,.,....lllort'< •• l•t~~lt•d '"' I h•• I , • '"' lo~uol rl 11 1 tho· o•t l )' hull L:lJCUna 00l'fl~ 1\ nnual ('(•ramic·-4 Exhjhition HOT ('AU ' I ftl•, I It I . "' ,,, I "'•'•" .. r Atu•h• .,. f• '''"''' '., I II t • ',, ,,, • •r ••f ,,, '"'l ,,,.,,,. Mt•tn••rtal ''' '"'' "' '' , .utt• .. 'l"'l''' '. \ ,,, ,, Hftf,,.,,, .. ''-•If· "'" I"''' ,, 1.11 "'", J:, ~.,n ~''"'' ,.,. .. ,.r \YUI • ''"' "'''l'n·t, th, H "' •ln•l••r f •d ~~~ ,.,. ... •hth· .... "'"" ,.,. h ,., "· '"'"'" I trl'' l 'lw ,.,.r II llo.,.,Tiho;l u 11 \\'hcl•• hi'AC'hrnmhint: on lhr Snh· h111h, Jt<' Nome Upon a JAjlllnt•lW '"'"" ,,. ;:l:~<q hU11y A rnnty for lhl'•l' WRt<'l"': I •T.• h rrtl \'.H. hlnrk lu r••olc.r . ttllfl 11"' ''1 11"1 •1~'11'"''·•1 lo1 1,.,. Herron's l.oses Rike R' .rott" .,.,~,..,....... , ' w Ctt.p,•·l''"'t". ''''"''I •I ··•· •I !'11:"''' I~<·'"' 1•1lllll'" 11 ,1 ..,,,...., .... uw , .. ,1 ,.,.,,.,, ... , , . ., ,,., .• "•If''"''· 1)1'· Joi(• l te·rron nf J:J:! ·•:.!nd .. lrt'~lf, Stntpl•· )t•f tm p rt',M\1' •• ,, . (I t \ltfltlnt• f':1Jtf 'llr1 ,,.,.," (' tlfl'lt I ti;•J ''''"' ltt ,, rt•"' ''''"''' "-' ' ; vrf\f•tt , ,,,,. ,,,, I 'I 1,,,,.' tlttr lf •• r 1ht• ... fTIIIIW·• •rttlllSI'lflofl h)• :-; •. "'l~•rt d·l 'l.or 111111 \O o••cr•·r '•' tll/111 ) •tu~ ''" •1''' '''' ""'lltltllo~•· "'"'' rr .. n• "'.,.._.1 l ,to~'"l" "' 'I• rv ""' 1 .. tt1111··r ,.;,." l"'rl ll••~trh hno: Mll•od :-.;, ". 1 "' ll:olhOI i\rw ·n l'"" L.rnton I''"' :t'll. '.I ·•'l• ,.,, lf('llttrl en ,,,., l'hi'IIIO 'I ",,,, •. , '""·'"' lltllt•f'fl II n ... tllltt•ti••ll "' r l..l'lnnd ""r--pnr l Al'or l1 fWih"' 11'1 IX' n n tho• ., "' 1 r ~.,.- Rumsey Is Out lookn11t fur he~ hh1•· anti 1ulvrr m.orkl'ft :-.;, .... ,,.,rr·Ortll/01• "'"•·rv· 1' " ""·•n :•· ''' th•• • '''"1111'111'' " ' ~;1 ,';'~'· ',' • .' •·~:,.1;:, 110{,1111';.',~"',';, A fferinJt RuildinJt ""m tur vo·IP. whod• 1\:t~ 11,Jt, n (rllm ltOI•' n ( Mo·m•1r1nl IJrr r 111~1 '!111trv "' f •ll l'tlfllll'o~l th" "ll'·hk ••t" 11ot• 'I• 1 Itt 1 p.· 1 1 Itt 11 I nft ''TTI"'nd L:lml·r Rlrm•l'", ~ fl o\ tln'l w.·~· r-'ltul•.:f '·~ ,,, ... ,,.,,. I' I IIi c· I II I I •' I 1'•1"' "•'II· ~ .. un•l•·cl ltv n • •r .. ~·~··y Ill m~ :,• til 1/l•dr-TAJlJ f:I'S "' " '· ~' ao n n ••nr 1111' Lltl11 lh t·ttlr•r ll••rr''" ' ' •· ., " ·· """ ,. ~.,, •. 1 )I 1111'' ' ooluon-tu ,,,... nfM (W '" ... IU TAKEN t1( P. R Rum~y. 244R S t'fllll Ana 11ron l'l'r"m"nll''-111 lho• B11lh•~• Jil<'l l ;olr• n anrl 1.1 T I =''•tiiiiHII ~1.11 '• lou)(l••r "'"' rronnfon" llr••nr 1 · J ~ • lAid th!' Yt'h lrl•• h11~ Tr•xns llllrt ,.,1 ,, ,1111,. 1, ..,111 111,, ('o(>rf'mtlfll"" '"" 111 :.!1:\ AtMtac-avrnu,., U11ll~t~t • 1\\'C'nUt'. Colli II MPaa. wu di~ChllrJO:• t~nd !I 111~h II(• III r•JIIIM IIll: ,, 1\hiJrt llflf;lllt• ylf,wn 'I •. , •• ti n "' Ttotmln ol J•lttllll ~ .. ,ttl • I L61k Lllertd. rod frnm t hl' NII''Y nn M 11y 29 C'•·ntrnl nv•·nul' "" · c•ttv•· l h•• fl"'nciJVII llltlclrP•• l'h• !""·"'" '"'""'" I•Y ,., r, """"'' wt•rt· llf''llli!d hy Dr. WIJ. :~fl"r ~PrvinA 1:.1 month-ovt"neu . lnl'tl•atl'on CIB88 T'he pttrati,. m which ~lx lnt'hl 11" th,. "l"'"k'''"' •I lind nnrl 1n· :">~••" 1,.,, 1 . '"'"''"·" w11r 11011. h11n11·1 1, .. __._ M t' . 11.1,, n l tulhu!lh, Olron.t ct.l ,._ llCCOI'dins: to lhr ~t'pt\rallon N'OIC''I' un ~~ Anci !I dcvl~lnn rof m~trdunll lr'"'"1'•od loy Carll r rlf)()"f"!m llh , ... 1 ... , Vlnl'•• ('u,.amhl\11, rnn•I•IC"d lllCIIl:~ ee tnc Yrlt•l ln•rlan, that hll home at- nt Ttrm lnal }.,.lAnd. ·S~tn Pfdro. !<~!lin,... from thl' Nav11l Air -I Alliin "' • M~tynr <J, II IV""' !larry 11t rt~•·inllt'r• ul l 'll't/1 M•••• Uo1ttOn j "I/' Jlr~t. ll•lbnll, w• "''..red Ru~ru~ry. " ~Adulltl" of Nt'w -N<'"'llc>rl Harbor 291 (IOI!t of '"" "' ~111 Antt p~~rt klp~~tl"ci, fOfTI'lNI \.~'··1 .h And r""'""'n~r non Ou· r-• ;o.:,.,vr-t lrK"AI o f An •• ~·~ A mHtlnc ., "-....,.. Ill dl-anti ranudlf'd by t~ • ,.._ port Jl~trhor Hl~th echool. parUd-Amt r lcan L.•~tion i!l hllvln& a n AI, lhP !'lly llbn.ry a nd pmt'l'f'd,.d rAni uf t hfo loc:al l""«lon flOI'll alnn Vr>'~t 291, • Boy Smut f'NJOp r••c-torw al U. O.C. ....._ OW. IIQ1aJ O.y. PoUett Mtd U.. Clair :Sn:st'dw~~t~~~;.,:!, =~!;,':~"~': O:~;;'~,;=·~~~~h~~~ •:: =t~~,_~;,tv~ :~~r= ~nr~~N~•=P ~t'-:.:.l~;; ~W:..:: =.:~~~=:.:~~~ =:-;,~ ,~ wtUl OM 1.~. InC the honon. preaeon~ Toro Mafine ..._ IAndw U.. )Nd• NAB bhlt~ (T .. ). ~ ......... :"1 Openllllll•rsday, June 6, 9 A. M. George's Super • Market ., Phone Harbor 356. Corona-del Mar GROC£RY DEPARTMENT I . An independently oW'ned market, member of a large co-operative, buy- Ina group • • • PLENTY OF~ FREE PARKING SPACE IN REAR Moaardt Chicken & Noodle Soap, ··-········-... IOY2 oz. lSc Alpine Milk, tall can ········--························ .......... 2 for 19c Carnation Milk, taU can ........................................ 2 for 19c • -Stn Fine Cream Style White Com .......................... -14c T..te Well Cream Style Yellow Corn ............ .. --14c .. -19c SUGAR (8k. 4) Monarch Cut Stringleei Green Beans, No.2 can . 1 7c Monarch French Style Green DeanA, No. 2 can ···· -24c · 32c Spal"f' Stamp No. 49 good for 5 lbs. or l'iugar. effC<'tivc May 1: ex· pir,.s August 31. Ben Bur. Coffee, lib. ean ___________________ ....... . ----M.J.B. Coffte, 1 lb. tin ..................................... ··:·· .... -32c Spart> Stamp No. 9 ~ood for 5 lbs .• sugar to be usro for canning pur~ only: expirt.'S ()(·t. 31. Val VIta Fruit Cocktail, No. 2¥2 ed .. :.:~ ...................... 33c · Banfe Fancy Prune Pluma, No. 2Y2 can ......... .. ... tsc Bukhers wlll Ki''e 4<' for every pouad of wn~NI kilchen fats t~l,•NI. CARL'S QUALITY MEATS Make appetizina dishes with the excellent offering& of our Super ~arket. Even tho' ....ae o( your favorite euta are not always available at the present time, you will find a pod U*Wtment to chooee from. You ean always count on Quality Products. • FRESH MEATS DELICATESSEN HEN TURKEYS A8801t'I'ED TAMALES OOLD CUTS FRYING MUSH FRYING CffiCI\ENS CIIEESE BAKED HAM ROASTING FOWL PICKLF.S ROAST BEEF FRYING RABBITS SALAD8 CANNF..D ROAST TIJRKEY BISCllTS SMOKED MEATS -ROAST CHICKEN \'I•:AST CL.IFF'S FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES OUR F ACILmES will enable us to maintain and carry the best quality of Frnh Fruits and Vegetable& as they ar- rive from the farmers - - -We mean STRICTLY FRESH. You will find a complete line of Froz~n Vegetable&---such well known brands as Bird's Eye - - -Picksw~t -• -and Polar Bear. , . With Our Complete System of Refrigeration We can serve you with BETTER and FRESHER Fruits and Vegetables. \ . •' ' .. " Hugh Wallaoes on Madcap and Reward for a Peke Kiwanis to Hear H b •t Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher with ar Or' es Howard Lockridge .. a gucst, on Atomic Power Talk board th~> Alief'. · Mra. N. Oal Sento ot t2-a5 Norlh __......,.._.""-"or-a...:..::;_. . ...-1 Wrek ending at the E. M. Har-Fonnou drive. Hollywood, lo.t, Ladles Nlcht 14111 be obet>rvfd Charlcs and Emma Holt are vey home on Harbor bland were ht'r tiny, blonde-streaked, white I by tht' Kiwanla club at the> new movm~r into lhelr new home on Nancy Pelton and a friend trom l female pcklnese dog, while motor-Lido Club on .-riday at 7:30 p.m. till' end of tht-R11lboa ~lntula r.oe Angeles. and Mr. and Mrs. In~: through Newport on Memorial Speaker )Will be-Cameron Thom, and Jack and Ohtn(' Hillman hav~. Pnul Fornlcarl of San Marino. To-I Day. She told pollee ahe would son of .Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thdn, ofrer sur~untang many diffil'Ul-day (T\.Jesday) Mrs. A. c. Sher-1(1\'e a $20 reward to anyone r('-of 543 Via Udo Soucl, Lido Is le, rlo·s. 1:"' tnro thl'ir n('w ocean, rltfs, dau~hter (I( thl' Harveys, t>n· tu't-nlng the valued peke. ~e dog who will dlsc-uss lhf' Atomic Age . lrunt plaCl'. h 'a just t)elow the t(•rlnlnf'd with a bridge luncht'On, was l45t acen scampering a ay In The Kiwanlans will al.10 preaent \'f1/lt; urrractlv.o Bruning 'residence,, guests be-Ing Cathy Gardner. Pat-the Vicinity nf ~ourl and cFad· rhe personal trophy to th~ Tar ot wllh all thai lovely wide beach aey Wall and Belh Eml~n. den streets, pollee say. the year, Ralp~ Freitag or Baloo- in front a nd they are pleased no Mrs. Frank Perew, West Day Island. en~ . avenue, had u house ttueata for which thf'y aall!'d down from San I Las I Friday, the Kiwanla club fhe Mark Prercea or Balboa the WH'k end Mrs. Susan Ford and Pedro with the Beardslt'el on 1 was addressed by Happy Jack bland lett loday for Seattle Mr and Mrs. H. A. Perk ina and board and have anchort'd 'Dlt at Kinn~y. the blind humanitarian whel'(' lhey have charlered a boat on[ Monday the four went on to New.,;,rt Harbor Yacht club. ~eyl of Shoshont> In Death Vallt>y. K1n-nn~ will spend a mo~th In th~ Del Mar where they will spend are building a lovely new home on I nt'y conducta a achool for he. loH•ly Prlru.'eu Lou!Jie tnlet, B.rll-lh~ rest of th~ week at the Per-the penlnstJla next door to the I habilitation or blind people at IKh Columbia with a couple of con-kina cottage. Howard Kresgea ~th ~Iandi Sho&hono. The school j,J ClliJe<l, ~tenlal friends along u guesta. Don and Charlotte Stevnlng, Coate of Puaden'a u architect. Rancho del Vallente--the ranch Thl'y recently made a trip to Cor· who wert' here durin& the war Wh h P 1 H ds let or the vaUant. onrtdo In their runabout. with the came back for the flrat time al~ t'n t ., au owar so ------- time clocked for lwo hours. thirty moving to their new homto at JU.d. their big house on Wcst Bay they Lo R . ded minules down and IWO houra, lands and were guesta of N~ll and kept the picnic houle and pier and 88eS ecor rwenty minutes back. The boat Ia Jim Rogers for the week end ot have recently added dreu1n& Fire Ol!ef F. W. Crocker r._ four feet •I'IOI't of the req\dredl he N Harbor y cttt dub rooma. The¥ allo have their ama1l pol'ted to the Newport Beach clt7 1 • ..... o1 30 t t ewport a hou.e and carMn lot, and wwre council Monday that $2!25 In flrt t>n.... eet to compete for 1 o~nlnc. nwy, u well u the Dldt down for the holiday with their loues and S340 In martnt> laue. th~ C'alg S4000 cold cup which 1 Tnkela, wen amonc thaN ~ cSauaht~r Carol. and a house lf\.lt'lt, wert' recorded by hll •ctepartment pt~ hu h~ld alnce 1941, 10 he attended Mn. Walton Hubbard a Min Joan Gilfillan. Both &irll for the tint four monlhl or thla could not ~end hla title in the party Saturday aftem()()(l. Aft« d b ta 1.1 lhll winter 1UI' J)1'edlcted lotr race to Q>ronado lht> party a.groop which dined to-wert' e u n · ' and back. geth~r at the club Included Mr. ,.....:~---------------------, Ray •nnand II doln& aome ex-and Mn. Andrt'w Brown, Mr. and t~naJw rt'mOCSeUnc on hll new Mrs. Roy Bailey, Mr. and Mn. hOI"'W on Udo Nord and over on Hook BeiU"dslH, Mr. and Mra . the other aide the Hnb Naclo Jurcen ~ntun and Mr. and Brown. have been r~atln& Mrs. Bob Raab. ~ their houa!· Othen down for the openln& Mr. and Mn. A. B. McCollum of were tht> Roy Balteya, Who were Udo Ia1e and Hoopeston, Dl., re-on their boat Vlr&inla. cently hoated a dinner party at FrenCH and Ira Chandler wt>ff Earl Carroll'a nwat.r-RHtaurant, at Ot~rry Cow , Catalina, for the Hollywood. Cuesta lnchldt>d their w~k Pnd on board thelr Guards- dauchtn, Norma. Mill Jane Me· man. Having no g\lettl. they had Ft'1'T'ft) of Hoopt'llon, Ill., and Mr. 11 ~rand time visiting everyon~ and Mn. J. A. Eisele and d.augh· f'lte ovl'T' there. Also anchorf'd at ter-ln-law, Mrs. Harold EiMie of Chf'rr)' Q>ve ~ere the Eight Bella Wntwooct and Roavtlle, Ill.. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph lj.oss on Th~ Rowans, George and Vir-hoard, and the Misty Til with Mr. gtnia and Lou and Betty, and and Mn. Clyde Kl'mp. Griggs Uugh Blue. Wt're among the Pua-Carlron hRd RUl'l!ts on thl' Mar· denana who week endf'd with Ed-queaa. as did lhP Byron Osborncs win and Dorothy Earl, West Bay on thl' Mar ianna. The Arlan avenue. I Moores and Ja<-k Cole Wt>rt' on I Louis and Vir~tlnia Cass have thl' Sklll!ll:~>rak. Dr. 11nd Mrs. J. L. got back rhclr kl'lch Vagabundo Willlnms had JI:UI'Sts nn the Tico- whlch w11.1 on J)8tro1 duty with! Tiro And llu~:h WRikf'r was on lh~> navy and has just been rl'-thl' Madcap. rondltlon!'d. It 18 now at the dock F;lennor and Tony Col<' havl' or their EMt Bay Front home sold thrlr h!lUSt' at Pns;~d('nn and and they arf' ('njoylng taking arl' now rwnnan•·nt ro'sldl'nts at Ifs Always COFFEE TIME At The . • • . • DOIIUTCE:WiFFLE SHOP . . . . . . . ~g COFFEE & OONt.ri'S • WAFFLES S'T'ijA WB.ERRY W A F F L E S (with whipped creain) • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island KeaaJ l'ftcboa. Geerp 8tetllna' Opea Evealop VaW I 0 o'Clock -Olotted oa W--..a,- friends out on hl'r onct> more. M,-s. llnrhor Island. Thl'y "''r•' dinnt'r ·-----------------------' Loulll C'ass jr hall just retur)loo t;:urttts of the Jl'r..:.-n L..nrf'nllf'ns. ::::;;;~~~~=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, from Englancl whf'rc Shl' spent lwo l as W('rl' the Harlan R!'ardslN'S, r months with her fnmily. She went who W!'re al the yacht rluh for nw·r and camc-hnck on the C'on-rhl.' four-day holltlay. Mrs. Lnr- stellalinn. and thts was hl'r flrst1 i'ntzl'n's son. Mtdshlpmlln T•-d trip hark sine<" sht• came here 11 l Racon. U.S.N.R . who Is nt thl' hridf', six years ago. I California Maritime acadf'my at The rarl!on Enfield! were at: Vallejo, had a four-d11y lenvl' and F'('lurth or July Covc over the Mr. and Mrs. G<"orstl' Sturgis or ""'.-k ,.nd and others at the Island' Pasadena were also gu('Sfs for I he I Wl'rc Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Wink· Wt't'k end. ll'r and Joan on Three Winks, the Pt'ggy and Andre w Bt OWll have Bill Hervey• on Moana Mele, thei R new IslAnd clipper. the C\tldado. ~~~;;;;,;.;;;;;~=~I WAIT TO SELL YOUR CAR? • • \\'~ WIU Pay Vou tht> HlJthf'f't POMible Prh~ . Stop in at: •• McCARTHY •• USED CARS 1920 Newport Blvd. S CASH ON THE SPOT Costa Mesa • YOUR PAINnNG DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. --tr-• Journeymen Painters, World War 11 seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at,.easonable prices. ~ PHONE L. L. BEAN BAYVIEW Builders Supply Ballclers' Harclware V. D. (Bob) Quk'k Harbor 2645 Going to You probably have your dream boaM~ aB worked out lD your miDd -or maybe your architect or coatractor already hu prepared plaas oa paper for yoa. l'..ledridt]t wiD bave a lup put Ia meldnc dream8 ol s-tww llvbac come true. WJaea you 10 over tbe plaas wttb yoar baiJcler be sure to ull bJm about the uweet clevelo~ IDelltl lD boaehold labor D'riag uad faao- Uoul beuaty. Our Experta ba everythbt1 fllectrleal wtll be p.d to help wttb la7oat pw. or probleiDt. ODe saae-Uoa may ~e a Jot of dllfen!DCle ID tbe ''Uv~biUty" of that bome. ETS-·HOKIN & GALVAI 8DfCE 4 1 tiO 1000 Ooat Rhny Pboee 8eaooa MH AIM Ia 8a P'nlldloo-W1J.mblple·8...._ ...... ~ ELECTRICIANS C-O-Two Jl'boe l'.qalpmeat lw P'ACTO&Y, PLANT, 8'1'0&&, OFnO&, FAUI. BOlD -NOTICE- Ke,.toae Ma•Uc 1 oa CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS has changed ownership- changed management-changed the quality of the quality of Board . llq. ft. (plywood ~ubstllule) MutUple 8trand, .,.,,.,. ('.,,... C lo...,_ 1.1 c 'u.e feot T P'outtdatlon 29" Vent" rllt'h •11· & !WHit. COMPOI'ITIOS ROOFINO ('orruptf'd Mrtal Sldln« Founclatlon Bolt11 . 1 Of' I l Ill. by HI ln. N f'h c ,\Rf>t:STJ:R TOOl~ l..ork ~ ... ~I!IC'. Bulldrn' Hardw.,.. 818 Coast Highway Srwpon S....b the work. The name has been changed to-• MERCURY CLEANERS &fl, DYERS, NO. 2 Your garments are processed and cleaned in our locally-owned plant in Costa Mesa. "' ~~\l 'f''WI Your garments never leave our hands until returned to you! Harbor 1347-J-PHONES-Beacon 5613 CLEAN CLOTHES LAST LONGER 0 Chrtat Chureh Fund ~ by $7525 At Campaign Meeting ROBERTS' OIL PAINTINGS '1.95 5x7 VlGN.t.~E • NO APPOI NTMENTS NECESSARY • Portra.Us of Bfoauty and Character plt111 Glamour ~ U• About 'l'out HO~ ASD ('Hl'R('H \\T.DOIS(; t•I<'Tl"RF~ . . Be Sure t o IDqulre About Copymr; Old PortraitA ..... Heen: It A.M. to 1 P . M.'O.UJ Distinctive b -. t 11 o t e x p e n s I v e ! .......... -' ... 111 pur•·hAM! l)ltn· tJt) )••·•'•• m•t~t I rom lh~ a,. • TrAn•o•rrnt .,.., \1:"",111 '. rteU"tt· rr.Tr'lr'r-1 1rn"T - n•l\nt t11•Unc1••,. ,,.,.,u"• '""" .,... ,..._ .. , .... , ............ Tb~ , ..... .__ Tr•n.,.,.,-,t M•v-n •• '' Uft· t Ur pa •eed fM lj,autJ, l'omlnrt a • d OlarahUur •nrt •I fnM• 1'1"1a.n7 EIJOY WliiUII YOU I IUTU WilLI PIYIII -\ p • r••••• ..... ~. c:.w-·. ia. •rei c...t , ___ ... ,,.._.~ 1\•1' ,n•a.t.,. h~tofOf"e utU:oown to ....... ,..,...,.. ""••· ~ ......... ..-....... ....... H ron-! A-. Mor!' than ~l(),(J(J(l,OUO worth J or sunkt>n ship~ nnd rar~:ot'l! Wl'rl' [ r('('(l\o•r.d 1.1} lh•• U. :0: 1'\11\'Y d UT· lm.: rtw \Htr m coa~tal 511hago• 1 ol)(•rataonll. ----- ClOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS g~ g~g~.op lt'f t\lart.IMI Ant. Bait.-laland .t"bone Ha rt.or 6'Jt SHOES RepUrecl While Y oa Walt Ray Pagan 515 Eut Bay Front Jlfat ..... .., "ftllw Olh ... -... , ... FOil IN8UilANCE SEE Howard W. Gerriab : 1118 NewJJOrt ~ C08TA MF.SA Plloae a-5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Lkl'n~te and Contract Bonm \\'ritt~n Expert Radie Service Phoee &.eoe 5816 Palmer Radio AND ELECI'RIC 1M3 Newp8ft at...a. 008'1' A JIIUA Liquor Store ......... ..,._ ...... ...., ........ ............. (f}]afboa U\farfrel IOIII&la ' THIS WEEK Gtx>I~GE D. BASSETT GeMnl .......... ~.~· ........ b_._, ..... ._,._. ,... ·~ ~IE \' Af'\JllM C'l.I:ASIEU -W. ~A-....._ llaftw 1 ... 1 .. ,....,.... .... LIDO ELECTRIC co. Ill State IIIPW&J' .__.. .... Newpm .._,.. ..._,r IJentae o-r.~ ...._ &Wino ·-·•14 A ... l••- IUdlntt Appa"'l fnr Mf'll, Wuf04"a AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop • Whether it is saving for 1 home, comfort in later yearS, etc., you can do it better thru our savings piM r.ut ot 1\1\ yow Earn 1\ Your~ to Savt! NEWPOJ( T BALBOA FEDER SAVINGS ••tl lOAN A~.~Ol.IAT.IOH aaaa ,'tllA LIDO NI:WfiDitT .IIACH, CALI,.DRNIA Are You- • Quality Conscious? W{:: ARF.!-and w~ b«ti~ve mou parrnta 1r~, whrn trw _.,..,. J tlt.ir R•l-•r• and \.hildrrn It con!'rrntd. That it WHY you wttl ALWAYS FINO dw WHFPI.FR SHOP ..• a CLEAN STORE ... a SANITARY SIUIH wt..e rh~ QUAlITY MFRCHANO ISF carrtrd, m•y be: SAfELY OfSPI..AYEO and f.: I fiT-unrd ir ftnd• tt'a w•y inro your o,. n hn01r to t.~ uof'd f..y your P rrclou' f\.lhy ;~~nd C:h,Jdrrn. In lonf' """ tl, WJ fJ Fl FR 51 fOP poW, of bring Ql IA I ITY CON<;f'l t )( lS, >'"" wtll di~ th•t r"- m 11 •.,.,. n( uut •air• •t~H •rr ,..,.11 tnf ,,,..,,.d rtjl•tr.ltnl( ,nur mft't'handiaa. You Will ~l,o fond Thry ll.av( rhr l>r\ltC' to .:•vr vnv ()llAI.JTY sr~viC:n A l.ulr '\lwppm~: "'"'""'" ,.,IJ ~'~""'"",. fnu e( '"f'M ( act•. Rrm,.m.,,.r ... Y•lu JlA Y N0 MORI· HI UF. fnr Ql lAI 11 Y MliRCHANDISH rh•n rl·rwf,,. "· ~n.t """ rrr MANY AI'PI I> ADVANTA<ii:S •'""" al•ot'l•ina ,,.,. .. tlllnl(• v•u• r~n nrvn '"'I,. ru art ,.,,,. r rl~r mo.r im~n« (,utnr ''" "SAil." r•l· • You m;ay huy':.t hr fmr;l crth n A"'""'~. I••H of nn•lt • f.amous K•n1 Wrr Manrc~" In tn.lltr b.1h~ ·, f,(,. h.1ppy and santury. Yr,, Kant-Wrt l nnu tJ>rlnll• arr nuw •va.la1·lt htrt ! KROLL BUGGIES, al!, WHilNEY Steer-o-matfc ~UCJCJies H' ' 0 CRIBS by KROL~. LULLARY and BABY LINE A GOOD STURDY PLAY PEN '" '"" A l~tl\U ry for MnthPr '"' wdl ""' tt n•' • •"U v '"' II••"Y ... to ,..,,,,., hi~ "'""''' 11n.; n '''''" 1'1"· l••mo••-H"mllt.on C hlltl ('ru!l, "'"' lluhv IJ11• urvl Chlqultlf 8te h,.rr' All, ,,fl tit• ll·••r I'~"" "•' h r•u y roll4'r. nn•l "" lulol r• >•I 1\ ~llA I.ITY 1-th"'" u "'"'"'! • Nor .•• ie • l'..od eeunlp HI-CHAIR by B•hy Ciu.rd. Chiqmr-., R,.ed~ -Appl.rtoa. Our f•rtt con .. drraruln, a aaf~ty rray .nd lep tltat •ot~'t rirl If it's for BABY, or that "Jack" to 6 yeara old, or our "Jill" to t 4, we haYe it ... in QUALITY -at REASONABLE PRICES! MOTHERS OF DAUGHTERS . . • rwu ro ( ourU!.trft Jf >'"" ltuvrn'l vl•ll"•l """ ,..,.,.,.,., ••• ,,.. ~nt "'' '"" ,, "' '"''· f••r ~ •• tt. ll<••fla .... o ...... lfala and ahoor appatf'l \\~; IIAVY. littTII MI!'U!V.O ROMr.TifiNfL ~IN!r, 7"" u e A(,\o\-A YS W~:IA:IJ~H:• All Steel Toys Are Back Again Going to a SHOWER? !fli--g- Wt~.:nn•. Trurka, F.IP\-trlr T"•'""· W"tiiJ>v l '<t<ol•. Gym fll'l..t, Tr• '" Tott,.r. and huntlrt·ll~ ,.,, ,,th•r or .. ,. t•• mak" th,. lc lol•l ~ft happy. Give the l<iddiea a Glimp1e of "Paradise" ... f)Ur TOT BA81tMr.NT, wh• '" ynu will find t h• l•rc~•t an4 f1ne•t 8el~llon 0( ToyJ In Rout hrrn ('"lft•~tnlll, WHEELER BABY & JUVENILE SHOP HARRY and FLORINE TAYLOR, Sol• OwMra 415 NORTH SYCAMORE ST. I DOORS N. el RANkiN'S ntEPHONE 41J12 ~tift ...... , .,_.,I a. a .. 11a p. 111. I t ..... I a.•a C. lrtl .... "'""' ,,,.,.,ud Uutt "<perl.lnrr Mntl'"' will !>" If ,...,, ••tt tD lt11r ~~Mr• lJa. Wh-Mr ._, et Qua!IIJ'. OPEN A r.t-IARGB At:C OUNT -buy Oft MONTHLY PA'VMI!NTS .. Corona del Mar Malt ShQp ... o-n ......... , • Old fuhlonf'd malta We IIMIID ~ th1a. WELCOME HOME! ... ,.,...,._P.t!ll •_.,AX LEOJOM --... . ......... .. ...... ftill ... ,.... a.. ... ... -A-..... ,_,a~a I Cuctln~ fnlfl'l Pac~ I I Hutsell Takes Third Place Dooa~ • MJdcDtton. Ethel Mult• I I l m . ~lrtdwU, Bob Monroco, Bubara n og ace ~~~00~ :~~r.. ~~: M\IJIOX, Bob L MWTQ &ad G.>ortc~ I 1 \ontlnuHt from Page ll Murny. __ Anita E. Nlck~ll. ·nrt• rsce ,.u,. Norma F. 0pp. IJf thi' 1\m••nt·un Crawford Earl Paean. Lucy cr11t1on F.liubfoth PlnkJ~y and V~lma J~an Uffl<'lll)l' prft't•nt inrlurlt-d St•nror Pr1dham. v1{'('-PJ't>hic.ll'nt C'. K1n2 Brui,'Tllllll Dorothy ~ ~· I anti Mn. Bru~un; Arthur L So- Ralph J<Jol' Rea. Barbara Jean brrrk, t·hninnan ,,f the •ac .. C(lfn· Rf'ed, Donna ~ R.oek. LaVenM! nui'o-''"n, Kt>nt H1tchruck, vice· R.oa«'n, Cuol Joan Roush and dlalrmiU'I, 0111t !>1n.. Hitc:hcoek ; Jo~u·s RWTal.'y. lfolli~ Strllll. commodon.• of RA>- J hllllp S haler, ~e Sherman . .:Jon 1:1. On the rac-e comnutree Karl Slhillinc. Rlta Lenore SUI. wr N" Ed Riel'f'n ot BYC. chalnnan : l ~oward L Slinkard. Faith Smlth, Bill Dennis and J ack Grirrin. Colf'nn Srnouae, Phil Staffot•d, Dor· othy Jean St.~anw. QUzuko Suclta' It wu one of the• most sU('C('1t.S·. and Joan Sutterf~d. I rul ~nlng program~ yadu . .smrn Donald Tate IUchard Taylor have attende-d and ~ fk>verly Jww 'Thompeon. Bett~l Wlbble proved a genl~l h08t. Staff LorTalne n~~Pt • n d Edmond COI"1'\I1lOCJore Ed BajJey Is Wl'U Chu1el ~ known In Nf'WPO'"l Beach and l • many N~rt Harbor people Betty Updib. and Jack Euae.w wf're pretft'lt lneludinc eommo-J Uidb. • dore HenrY B. Gnanclln ol NHYC Nation's Editon Pleased by Court De(ision m· Case (Continued ftom Page 1) and Murphy went even further than Reed. KNp olqN JadepttliiM\ Frankfurt<'r wrote that a free pr<>ss and an Independent judic- Want Ads FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on your home, call Beacon ~ "aater 4 :30 p.m. 10-Uc PAINTING and DECORATING By the how-or job. A1llo Spraying. Call Harbor 8701-J-2 From 1 to 5 p.m . 1 The opt>ning or Georgp's Super iuy are both ne<'euary to a free Markt'l at 601 C08Jilt hh:hway. Co-socit't)' and that "one of the po-l rona del Mar. on Thul"lday. brings 1 tf'nt mean• for assuring judges another modt>m busln<'S.~ to that their lndt>pcnd<'nCt' is a free presa." -----------=~.:...:~t< section or the Harbor area and 1 "Criticism thcrdore muat not wiJJ bfo opcratf'd• by a grocer ol !eel cramped," he continued, "even lone t>xpcri<'ncc, Geoi'it' Engelbert. criticism of the adm.lnlstratlon of Engt'lbfort, who say11 that the criminal jusUct'. Weak characters market will bfo the most modem ought not to be• judges. and the grocery sooth of Lone Beach was scope allowed to the press for so- formerly owner of George's 'Mar-clety's lAke may assume that they ket in Anaheim, but now resides are not." at 501 Carnation In Corona del Murphy auerted that "the free- Mar. ' dom of the preu . , . includes the A fMture of t.ht! dayllcht mar-right to criticize a nd discourage, ket, which h" 12.000 ~quare ft'et even though the terma ~vitriolic, ot space, 11 the ul.tra·violet light· scurrilous or erront'OUS. lng lnstaUatlon which 11 laid to Rutledge •aid that "11 every purify the air and kill ~nns pl"ft· newwpeper which prints critical ent In th~ ordinary a~. comment about courta without Free parkinc on a black·toppf'd Justifiable bula in fact, or with· surface at the ft'ar of the MW holdl tht' full truth ln reportln1 store, wUI be avallablt' to patrons. their proceedl.np or dt'dalons. or SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, Wlndoww Walla and Bulletins. Raised MetaJ, Wood and Plullc Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Ct'ntral Harbor lUJ-M COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone~ .. 38ttc 218 E. 20th St.. Cotta Meea --------------------=~ttc William G. w.,._, ~Elaine and Mn. Grandl.n: Walter Franz, ..._ ____ -------...J .Whlw and J.ck llarold Wood. 9amry urunan and Hook Beard£· lee; Comrnodclre Don Kemp of BYC and Mr1. Krmp. V~ Com-~ and Mrs. Bob 8o)·d, Staff In charle of the fruit and vece-even 1oea futht'r and mla-etata table departments wlll be Clltr what tbry hav~ daM, were aubj('ct Lowery. . anny vdt'ran ft'&eu.d on thne accounta to punJahmmt alter thrt'e yean tn aervice and for cont~pt, there would be few fomwr operator ot a fruit and not fnqllt'ntly l.nvolvf'd ln auch PAINTING 12 Yean Serviot 1n Newport Harbor Area IQtl' ...,.,..y ... "'U VAUGHAN,,..,..., •toarta~Mlra wM .... .... 11 W a___,.,--at tile lleblllow a-. Pa.lm :: =., ~ • iiiiiiiW ......._,at 1M...,._, .. ~ no .... WANT TO FLY? • • • NEWPORT BAY SKY HARBOR 1 ...... n.c-u.. e-ta -- for.., __ .. PHONE 8. A. litO ~t.. a..•:r.-e•• L, C.mplete Fountain Servlee at HAN-SEN'S 1100 OoMa Jl?ollt NOW OPEN EVENINGS • IANDWICIIE8 • JIAIIIAJIIOER8 lee 0..... to 'hire Oat SEASON TICKETS!! on Sale Now at GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach ~layhouse TilE 8EA80N OPENS .Jt!NE Utlt WITH ''A.EL STREET'' John Emery 811 ·• !'WIIMI oe SUP Now for 9 Pla,s. $20--tu lite Mall ordeR ~tf'd-mllk«' ch('('k.~ payal>le to: .....-.... .....,.....,. t.ac-a .. ~ c.w. ft. .....-ttl ... • • I c.onv.odore and Ml"''. Ed Riesen. tn'AFP' C'O .. ODOII& _.u:y JU'A&aVE. -e1 ... ,...._. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack G~ne. }fr.l ., 1M N_,..n ....,._ YMM ....,_, chMc ._ ....... .,.... M • land Mrs. Alan Craltt. RllAt'U f.-1 "-r...W.C-tJ • ....... ..,, MQ U. • .meen •f CnJc and daugtlt~r Cla.lre, Staff • d• ..._ ,..._.. -......._ ..... et ........._ Col•"'~ and Mrs. Howard • I =~l"'~ :~ and Mr. 111tesan's Garbace Corona del Mar Vf'gt'table ltore ln Ont.arlo. proceed.lnp." Another Vt'teran ln the pt'nOrl He added tt-. \t part of auch attu- ol Carl Jones. will operate t~ ationa al't' "dllt' to careleuoeu, tnHt dt'part:ment. Jones, a naval oftt'n Induced by the hute with vet with 38 months ln the Padllc, which news 11 gathered and pub. is a fonn<'r salesman for the Wll· lllhed." son Packing Co. and also opcratf'd ------- a meat market in La W me. Ferry Fees Reported Harry Hall PAINTING OON"''1tACTOR PtloM Beacon :5259-J 274 E. 19th : .. :trMt 24-ttr PADI'I'IHO OO!fftACIOa PAINTING -P.A.PII:R)IA.NGINO ucl DIIIOOR.ATING B . E . McDonald 414 0 1(! Conty Rd. Cotta Meea Pune8 Lost Permit Pitked Up; News --Violation Charged ., ar.ssu: L. BZNZDICT G p t T The City of Newport Beach re- Two women reported to p.1lkt'l Mlu Patricia Al<k>n. dau~~:hter 8S, ~0per Y ax ceived $15 as its share of the ~~ Phone ~aeon ~13-J 85-ttc I Mt'morial Day lht' lou of thPir Snnwwhal runf'o•n'lt"d tJ.c:au.w of Dr. lind !\;frs . .L. s Alden. San Collections Boost collected on hoth mds of the Bal· PuBLIC NoTICU punee on Nt'WpOrt bc•ach. Mn h1~ ll'mp,.rnl) ~·nnll for plbll.:r Marino, and friend Mia Marlon • hOII·B8Hl08 Island ferry tenninal 1 J A Jlodm of 107 13th at ~~ C t Tr F d cluring May. City Treasurer J . A. . . an r • rilcpoo.nl '" the> Cl~·1 8 l\lpq an·a MOON'. Sl~c·rra Madrt', arc down I I y easury un Gqnt told the city council Monday. NOTICE OF PUBLIC' tiEARr.l/0 Nt'WpOI't lk·actl, 1111ld h(·r...._purs<' "'a ' ;>~r!(•~l up b) .,_,.~"'f'Ort polkt-for!' If"'!" da>' at the Aldt'n place, · contained SIS. Mn . l..ots uunlap, J,,,, "'~·k. c S. ~nttn£4'. prbllgc• ?14 Gol<k>nrod avenue. -• • of 1899 Oranl(e aV!·nut•, Costa ··•·nlr:.l'' l,ollo'<'tor fnr C"t•ta Mt"Sa Mrs. llooa·ard Rnrn<'S. 4HJ Nar-!"·total nf $709.t17.90 "wos rc:o· P1er Permit Fees $125j The Newport R<'ach City Plan· I Mt'Sa ..aald her'a rontalnt'd $4 and and Sant•• Ana. 'l•t~ o·t'd ~.fori' I'IU US av~nue. was giV<'n a baby rc:oiVNI and n tornl or $54,4~.5:\ Approximat('ly S125 in cash for nln,:: Co~mlsRion will hold n Pub- 1 ht•r I.D. card. 11~&· :'l:o·WtiW t "" ..... C"iry Courw-11 ,hower Friday, lJy friends in Or·' Wll~ ,, ... i~h n~t ~,~ .. h('f c .tt) h ~r Ne~: rirr l)f'rmils wa!t received by the ~~~:rar~~~ ::_hl~!!d~y, .~un~ 20tt~ '·''•net:" an1l ·"k1~l rtr.• rity fattM>r< mgt> who ''ere ht>r forml'r bus!· pnn rn• n · ·•Y ru , 1 1 matn I r rry of Nrwpon Deach from 1..,.. 81 · ': .. n c ;--ouncl l••r an l''fllaOIIIIOn 01~ QS!I()('H•It'S t ht'rc:' Th<' shower ·~·nr•nc·· nr thl' munt("l~lllt)', c~l'· ""''" her!• dul·int.: ~hi\' City Treru. ~hnmh«-~11, If C"ttr Hall, Nrwporl .Mrr)or 0 ~ R1'f'ii told Noua.:•· 1 "''' for ont' of t hose trumds. too. con:lin,:: 10 11 l'l'll(lrl malt' hy lly u!'·r J . A. Cant ..,.;,;.rtrrl to lh(' f'arh, al nrn n. TTNI'~ur't'r J A. Glint In mi'mbrr.c o~· Pl''RLI'"' HEARING upnn th• t,., """' 111 lll·11 F:m-t llamllhln 'lnt')' hod dinrwr nt Swanson's ~'II~ rouncil Monday '-· • 1)( lh!' rirv f'<Htnril ;,r tlu•lr r••~:u· npplkntinn of S r Mch ny for a uMd to pay $15 111••1. r ..... l;i \11 ., l hlll N~ \Irs JlamM ri'N·hl'd a bc>aullful lar ml)nlh·,, m•Y'l lll'' .~ion"~<' 1,.,JK-t• h:ul rnf1•ntlt-d Col. J J. St-1 ...,1.,1t rT ih hla.nkt>t. -' ' .. " ; !lO prr <'<'nl !INhac-k variance, for I• l'<i l'lh .1t1n11nl•lrBlJV4' olfi<"t·r. Em~• llt•rmo. pnstoffict' clerk. Amon..: tlw rhH'r rt'('l'ipl~ Wi'fl' R 0 0 F s..-Loll' 7 and <l RlO<'k 7:\6, Corona th.ll uno· ,,f th•' rnrrk.c in I ~"~to l'\(•t·' .1"'1 will' !l<•tfl{'(l in a trAiler camp .;roti' ~-:a.~ t:tx '-1101' "mroun11n~; Ill del ~lnr. Calif. .. ~1"'1\.12 41 and t•ollo .. •tion, or unal· .... P • .,.D OR --•ro.•n B" ordftr of the "ha1'rman of 1.1::•· ""''"'ra.:• "·'' -.f"(•n to "' n Jlunttnl(ton fkoaC'h r ('Ct'flll)'. be-~ " n.c _.. """"'""""-".A""' ; ' '" , ...... ~;arb.rt.;l' fmm i\11 an-a outJtido . 111~ or ltwo houstnl: liituatlon. taC'hl'd pcrl'Onnl prOfl''rl) IRXI'S ~ E.~timates & ln.,q:Jectlon thl' :-.:('\\'fl()rl Bro<'h City PlanninR ('.,,,' ;\ll .... l in•u a c~cpool b:l.cln lnl'tr trail<'r ~~ <"'mplctrly out· amounlloi( to ~I:? 1171 :l6 \\'hrlf' Commission. on lh•• (', ... ,, ;\1•·..;1 dt•· limits. Thl<o frtted nnd comfortahll' 11\(')' hav<' rhe pnn<'i[lal rll!ohlll•••ml'nt<. W!'l<' W • .J. Bfoabow Pl llt.~1ER J EI.I.F.RBROEK, 1 ,.1111 11"' .. r w I'll)' ordinance.' . _. h . Sl5 :l44 20 rnr thl' eurn'Tlt f'Xpl'n"' 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J JOII~ M 1\LLF:N, '·• ·• • · " palto I'CWt'r.-v Wit awmng fund and ~13.101 12 for th<' W;)trr lh•' rna)"r <aofl 1 "ht r.-ttw')' havr thf'ir refrigerator Sf'cr<'tnry. "H cum n thin,:: tlri'Urn'd" ll'ot· and ramo Jlf' uld that at leut maintf'nance fund Puh Junr 4, 1946. I:IJ.:i' a.n<;w<'ri'd 11 "''a." dorW' wnh· ' 1 1 til th Again on th<' rr<'dit "iilr of th<' .~11 mv ..,.nn1~~1nn 11 Is ..,.._lhlfo '1 """1 5 1"d P &ct' to 1 ay un (')' IHt~:f'r, Watrr Supl Jnhn R. Me-. .~ ..--r11n lUI ' M"ll · t J' 1 J • thnt <:(>ml'<ln,• o•mplll)•M hy rll" r a n lt accoun ( 1~r "'~'< ~<'WI r m11y hav•· madf' thnt mi!ltakt' 1 ;\lr and !\;t~. W . V. Hoyt. 224 conn!'Ciii)I"IS brou,::ht a sum total 11..._qjf'1' you It will nnt ~ Jl!'liotropt" 11\'f'nue. mo'ro Tt~t•sday of $377 SO ror tht• mflnlh. whll,. again .. 1nto ttwir plnn-thf'Y hought re-Tax CoiiCC'tor R. R. Hoo~:kinson 1 ro•ntl)' At 312 R Pllotrope avrnue. n'pnrtHt <·urrent taxel' nnd ns~f'!'l:<· At _thM -· -;·;~ : .. r nW'm~ of 11M' fonnt'T" O'A'fl4'f' hought it from m~'nts amounting to $6603.50 ann 1 thf' r11V cnunol. C'ul. Sclll'l"lt ~x· J. Murptw a fvw mllnths ago, and 1('<11·1nption~ al ~:1fl l f)!. nlarno'(l that th«' pcrmtl wa" IMued Is noturninR to Florida. 'ro Nottnltf' in 1939 afll'l "•'' con· -I linu•'<l on II l<'r.1JW'nll")' '""''"~' • ~ Parking Fees Up l •oa.~•" "''"~'" thlll timf' an•l •mtll It Traff~ Fines $.~0 ,.. Nn·.-port Br~c-h rolit'{' de-l '"a~ takPn h!f tht> pollcr IA~t Wft'k.l Trltfnc ti~.. for May rotalcd p.'1 r1mt•nl ('olle<•tffi S.1&1 76 In I • r.om rurlth'l' n'fnark.~ from the S384Q.:J0. ••hUe fines colle'Ctt'<l parkrng lot r~ for th<' C'lty trl'a!'· r I) admlnrstrntive ~fn("f'r. '' wa.<~ hrom viola ton during the Tll(lflth •·ury in May, a rc'fl(ll't to I hi' cit) lo•a. n•~l tha t tht• ett)' Of"lhn~ totaHod 11186. City J udge Bob counril Mnntlay ~non. I •tlf'Cihatlly statH that no 1:3~ Ga~ repx1f'd to C'il)' Tn>a~r­ ~IIN"tf'd from out~idr . th" city f:'r J . A. Gant. tht' tattt'r infonned hmll~ may bfo ~IIPd IMide the the dty council Monday. I Book Rentals High lrm1l.1< of ~t.e MMA. It pt'nn.IU C'ity Librarian Marlon M<'Olcs· Light Truck for hauling By tbr Hour Plloae Harhor 18'7%·.1 NOTIC'E OF PlTOLJC' IIEAJUNO Th" Nrwpnrt TW:rch City Pla.n- nln~: Commlst~lon will hold a Pub- Iii' l lf'nring Thur~dRy, Jun<' 20th, 19-16 "' 7:30 P. M., In the Council Ch11mhers, City Hall, Newport ~===========~~ n"r:~rh, California,· r PllOLJC HF:ARl NF upon the C ' eed cu~ ll[lpliclltlon (I( ChnriPS G. Boi~ arr s F ~re for a 50 f'('r Cf'nt lll'thack vnrlance. Hay and Crain I fnr Lot 27, Tract 8R4. Nrwport Rt-nrh. Callfornl11. Quality Feeds By order of the Chalnnan of -§-the Nl'wport Bcach City Planning Commission. JOliN M. ALLEN. PHlLMER J. ELLERBROEK. Dally Dfollnry-lleac'Oa 5!-'5 11%1 Newport Bl.._ 008TA MESA Sec:retary . :..------------...! P ub.-Jun<' 4,1946. f',. .,.,.,.,.,,. n~tnMl1· lou\.a ~. fuu• Ia• •nc. perm•••n l. &•'" ynur••lf • T on•' ~Uir~. p ntl•. ,....., ••• .-••• '" ~ \ll 2t bvH,.. at th«' dumpcng of ~~ pumpf'd I C Ground Funds ney reportl'd finc:'lt Rnd l'l'nt&l" on fmm ll';thin the,.rit)• limit!l nn ly. amp books issued by lh<' d ty library 1lW' citY coundl acn."f'd .Ao drfer 1 ~pes fr 0 m murUdpally· dunng May totaled S 166.RO. th<' BUSINI:88 GUIDE th«' mattt>r until t.he nf!xt council, owned camp grout1C1!' for Mayato-dty c:ounc:ll wat~ told Monda~. -------------------------- It 11 BU8!Jio'U8 OUIDE t=~~; ,.2~ rnc:-.>tlntt. Junt' 17, at wtlidl timf' 1alk'd $2163.47, a ~ by t)' the roun<-ll •·ill have a n-port l ~reT" J. A. Gant tnformt'd the j from both thf' pnlic."f' and •·at~ e1ty counrll lllonday. COI!IT UCEJ;D8 aEVI!NUE Rt'venut' for the salr or water to consumf'l·s ln the Nt'WJIOrt Beach city• area totaled 18177.36, Water Supt. John D. McMillan report('(! to Oty TreL~urer J . A. Gant for May, It ~t $13,101.12 to main· taJn the system In May. t-n IIOIJ ._- ..... ••'--•... dcpar11'Tlt'nts on the subject Hot- taKt" .,.. dir«tf'd to contln~ to Meter' CoJiet1ions coUft't prbagt' u heretofon', but Plirklna: nv1er coDKtklns for alw to appl'Br at tN JufW' 17th May totalf'd S1292 according to a m~tinr for final aolutlon ot tbr f"f1'''t made by 'aty ~11wn-r matteT. J. A. Gant to the city coundl Mon. INJURES HJJ> •• 1\lrs. Jotlf'ph I'lf'rous of ~ mud slipped 11nd fl'll whilr '"" A sum amounll_nlt to S84 or fh•<' tint~: into a brntt ill Por t Or.,., Pf""CPPII ,...,. recetvf'd by th~ C1ty Nrwport &nrh, \frmort11l Day, ol N~ BH_ch I~ ~ay f"":' lind 5Uff<'rl'd II hlp IO)Ur)' tht' po-the N_,.,rl pj('r fl~hrng nC(' . lin-say Shr "ns r"mo"ro to bel' C'ity ~uun>r J. A Gant in· homt' h)' amhul:.n•'l' fonnf'd ttM-Mty counl'il ~tonday. . . .. ~~'~ ' •.. ·~ 'I I ~~ ~ I : .. t ~~ .. '..;JJ,tt.; .... ' • ~ Mooring Fees Small MoortnJ prnnits for M a) 1 hrougtlt thr C1ty of !'1:1'wpor1 1 BrA<'h the totAl !lum of S29R45. 1 H~trlx>mutstt>r RU$.'"4.'11 Crnht told the cit)' COllndl Mondll_y ................. :=.: .... ....... ----------------·1 DRY CORD WOOD FOR SALE Jmmt'diatt' dtooli\'ery an~·twTt' In• bay an>a. P1L .,.,........... .. A-JMO-W t:Tfotll~t• Aaa M-60-\1' I ~~,t ~...¢.~-for YOUR ho.,.. ,.......---,=::--to ..,... -""' ""' of vour 1>-""""'' ,....,.,.. . Sea Trollt and Halibut Are Biting • • . off the Newport and Balboa Piers ~,.,.. ~to meW Y'GIUf ._,,c...,., 'hom-t,-. •hat cote' to<"" -~-_. fot yovt t1w•no rO(Wft , • , ~ c'e ' 1\• o •e• ct ·~ •"'tf Qv ... ,... -lwn'-cl dcilv on .,_ w-·· ~ ... ~~ Tltl CMitniAN KIINCI MONITQe '1'lww ..... Oful idlfoa Ote "phJ\ YOhA''' tf'\ .~ ... dO f ~~· fOI tt'l hOMe thot otv-n """" •f'Wid ,...., "'tr p.r-et..-J to ~ ttl ""C>«I 0t1 ~"" ond """" '""''"' ... --rn:.-c;;;.;;.,-x~-:~i::;.~s;.-;.-----. tw ,... Jlt• One NO'WOY ShM,. &ottOI"'' t'\ Mo\.4-"o.J~~••, CIA&. .......... I Pleow ~·•f' c ~·ol .,ttC'CS-.-... ,,. , c··:---., • I ~~ J .,.-..,. (hretiiOI"\ S.C~f' """''tor-S ~' 1j " u ..n • tt J ....... _...., I .... ,_ I CU.l. .... 1 .. A..t SI•Ht ____________ _ ~..!'I C•~ St-I -----.... ..J ,._. I :-~· .,ot ..!!v~ ~·. A~ George Hiner BRING VOtTR RADIO TO n~ 0.. Da7 -"'e11 &rp.lr It _. ,._ c-Raft It UN! S~t. .._...., Para. Work o ...... ~ r.tory TniiM!4 1:~ Radio SOS Electric HAROLD L. R.UOI 110 Mart-Ano.. .... ..,_ &laad -I N SUR AN C E -. • nRE e At.ITOMOBfLE e YACHT e COMPENSATION ''STU" DUNLAP COAST PROPERTIES CO. 703 East Central --BALBOA --Harbor 683 WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Hi&'hway' 101 • • PboDe 8euoD Mloi ''' Moorillp ud tpMe aft8able for .._.. for Sale PIMWeBoarcllforReat by tile""* or ~M~~tb. Announting the New Vibrapac Building Units . ALL 8IZM B~INO UNTI'8 Brlek aad o.e.pooa &loeb Now Ill Prodaetio. Walter Kline Concrete Products Co • .1S80 Newport A\·e. Voeta .._ ----.-.....--aUILDilfo II..UWIIIALI 11 HAVE a lood atodl ot roll roortna and Cacnp. Shlq)a. 111e Board 1a many colon, also Boysen'• 100% Pure Paints at pft..war prlcee. ~land Lbr. Yards, 5th A Artesia Sta., Santa Ana. C&l. Ellll'1..0 ___ nDDri' ____ OI __ i_&aaD ____ • ft7llllfln7aa POll a.u.& • IIPIJCIAL A.NNOllNC)aDIN'I'II. MAL UTAft :W-tlc t'1U.N8PORTATION •• BICYCLES Bold, Rent•d or RepaiN'd. VOGEL'S 100 Ualn St .. Balboa 208 U &rille. Balb<>a laland t4-ftr BEAUTY AIDS COL.Q and MACJUNLESS WAVES II nntJng a.nd Manicuring Even!nc Appt. Ph. Hubor 179-W · Vi's Beauty Sholl 1103 Coast Hlway, Corona d('l Mar 35-tlc umrr houle work by the hour, ironing or care of children "a. Phone Harbor· 1023-J, uk for Mn. Henneben'y. .U.t.tc L08T AND FOUND n CJVlL SERVICE r:..mlaatial will bt> ht-ld Junt 12. l!M6. t:JO un.. Council C'hamber, City Hall. N~-pon &acil, for 1Jt.. lpi'Ctor. Ene:lrwer, Pilot ~ Boat. Probation and Fireman. AI!IO fi.lr Patrnlmm in Pollcr Dt-partment. P'ormt" ma)' iw ob- talnt-d at any fa.re station or at Pollc.• D.·partnwnt. 44-ltc BOAT BUILDERS WANTED 011 Plywood Skiffs and Sailing Dinghies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS .. WATSON BOATS 611 Cout Hl&tJway Harbor 52T1 LOST-Lady'a roee cold Hialeah IIALE ~178 v.Ttstwatch with cold band, In • Balboa. Call Collect Lone ~ach GOOD. Ulf'd sprtnp A ma~ 84411. Reward. 44-ltc Harbor Furniture, 1962 Rartlor LOST -Cold framed gluws In case, ~lclnlty of Udo theater. Pho!M' Harbor 2033-W. ~ward. 44-1tc Blvd .. O.ta MetJ&. 318-t.tc FOR SALE-Silver Faa fw and OIJna Mink coat. P'tlofw Hartxr 117. G-4te FOR SALE -Bunk bfod, Kohler oventuffed set. Wlnclilor rocker. LOST-Gold mualc medal. ht>lr-(')ccM, dla.ir. d!nir~,~ roam table, loom, eng-raved T. H. James, oak chetlt and drawen. Call 1896, on bay front walk at Fun Beacon 5636-M. 44-2tc Zone, Sund&y. Reward. Phone ------- PiaC<'nllll 331. 44-ltc BENDIX Wuhlng loladUne. two REWARD _ Loat .. ~. ffmale, boy'• blcyclea, I pinc-pong table ......, and 54."1. 1 CNYJ~Jel set. 1 set cl white pcklnt'llt', black fringed tx-lls. 1 ~Har, 2 violins. J>t10fW I'&M!; 7 pounds; 8 mos. old. NG-Harhor 1819 or call at VI• Oviet tHy Polict' ~pt , 44·3tp Lido h11'. 44-2tc _EMP __ LO __ l"M_y;_NT __ o_F"FE __ R_E_D __ ft_ FOR SA-LF.-.-!Wnutiful RRd Foll fur coal. Thrr•' quartf.'n lc-n~th. sizc 16. Dou~ht la.st )'C'ar, Wilfll twiN'. $16."i. ~ Larkspur Avr . Corona d,l Mar. 42-·Up WA!VTEO-Rt'liable gem•rat main- tenancE' man. Udo Tilt'lltre. 26-tlc WANTF:D \\'nm:~n ro stny with school nt.:l' chtldrl'n 1'\'<'nlnl:l'. nc- CR.Sktnlllly n\'C'r night Call Har- bor :'99-\\' 41-Hr FOR S AI.E 1 "1rkl'f' hAhy strol- lf'r . Sill: a lo\'C•I)' tu'l fnr hab) junlnr ~iu• l,.'fl "i th nl'w innrr- SJ'f'ing mattr•~• and wardmlw'. SJ.'l 4 1 ~ F. Surf. R.1lhna. 4:!-•ltc TRAH.F:RS FOR REl\'T-Do ynur ''" n huulinl: ·tnd mn\ ing All n,...· M)Uipnwnt. S:! 2:; nnd $2 ~J(I pt'r dAy Wr furnish the hitt'h M~Tf'hn Bros g.,r\'IC'I' Sl:~tlon. ror 17th & Nt'wpnrt Rtvd . C'l'o!<ta ME'sa 42-1tc ------ BUNK BED, Complete wtth mat· u-. spinp A lactdtor. Jla.rbor F\Jmiturt'. 1982 Ha.rtlor Blvd., C'oata M8a. 39-tfc ARAND NEW Wlrlnbht'd ctwltl of dra""tln, all IIZH Harbor Fuml· ture. 1962 llarbor Bh·d.., C.C.Ia t'(IR RF.ST -------&l Mt"M __ _ 39-tlc FOH Ht-:l'>T 1\l~x·l::n fL lot In F'OR SALF. ,u rongt'; Hot-Point Mlntrlo• !'.till' nc'nr Grt>yhound f'lf'<'. "'atc-r ._tt'l'; Jlrl'·War kit· ll~ttlnn. fflr d l1play or nthC'r pur- dwn st.."k. 111 E. Bay f"ront. ~ Ph: llurhctr ~12 ~tfc Balboa laland. 41~4tr F'tlR RI-:~T --- BOATS. 8UPPLJD u 0 F'FICE SPACE FOR SALE -Outboard f'hllmJIIon for Rulldf.r C'ontrlt<'tor In Rt·al motor, 3.9 h.p , ltlnl concl. C.all E"a h· oftiN'. In an outsl and!q -r.;n Oa~ 4T74 L A 42-4tc lorntlon. Ph: (l(>IK'Un 5113. 44-2tc: 26-FT. AUX. SLOOP, alet-pl 2, Star motor, cood 1&111, $1500. W,Al\'TED TO lli:NT U Or tt'lldr for car. Bumettf', c/o WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed· f'kltz an... Anchoracf'. Sa.n room hoi*' or apt. Permanent. PMr'O. 43-ttp Call ('(lllf'ct Lonc ~ach 844e7. FOR SAL.E-Star Boat. Ucht con-Capt. MandMI. 42-41p atnac:tton. ratvanlvd machiMCI keoet, •t*'-atHl riulnc. J..o. cat.d at 1707 E. Bay Avt>., Bal· boa. Name: Hytltt>. 42-6tp W ANTF.D TO RENT -or aubw.M hoUif', 1\f'ar broach, preferably Balboa bland, be,lnnlnc around July 1. Write Box N. cl o Nf'WI· 1bnell.. . 42-3te Lehman Kits of Parts· To (UIYft1 Ford A, B. \'8.85, V8-60 A-PT--or--SMALL HOUSE wanted ftllbws to II\IU"bw we. Kits .,.. by man and wife. We do not campi. wtth diJ'f'ctiona. Cominl drink or 11m0ke, no chll4rf'n or aoon Ford •• 6, 8-eyl. ~ wmy·• pet.1. ~"hoM Santa Ana 0991-W uJ.ep" II\IU"bw encinft and ldtl. or wrtte Bo" ''X" Newport Bal- Sft ~ dNirr or wifte A1Ued • boa N.-.nmes. 37-t.tc w .. t I>Wtr .• 118 New lltc'Y St., - S. F., CaW. 42-3tc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bfoodrm. unfumishfod houaco Will 1-. Fire Eauipment Tests Call S&m Porter at Harbor 707 CO-Two, ~A Foam reftlll. or 18. 3S-t.tc <X> n.d aystem and Portables WANT TO RENT -Small upricht now avallab .... E"J"S HOKJN A GALVAN plano 3 or 4 monthl. Ph: Harbor -tl-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAL TOR-"k ·W. C. \\'u~o:nt••·. A~o~odnh• Ht'l>kt•r lt\1\ I :-.ll'\\'})1111 ntv1t. l'hono I \t'fh'llll 54:\tl-W --t\1--- Corona del Mar ~-Ht'lll'oom. hwntsht'<l; t'X\'\'IIl•nt C'k'\'41fl z1tl1! An .1rtist's d"•am. LHI~l' livln~ 1'\'Cltll with ftt,•plttl'\' Nl\,. ~t'uunrls "lth rlt>tthh• ~nt•tt,.:t• qulc·k ~'!tit• at $X.'li ;l. full pri"'· Balboa Island ha v vlt"\\• "'';' hrkk I 'tir'('<l for 1)\aplc•x. I .• hlo<'k to bav. Both units b.•lllltlrullv rum- bJ-wd : man)· I? XI n ts lndudin~ 1\'HI fll't'Jlhm· St't• tis ctukk 1111 this om•. New 3-Bedroom in Costa Mesa Lot ~·x:J-10'. ~. Lot 50'xX\O' nrtjuinln.,; mn~ I•• had for $1~. Y2 Acre in Santa· Ana H ei~ht s Modem 5'-room h~. Rabbits nnrt rluckNUl wtth t'Quipm£'nt. Nice gardHl. Gantg£' and wo rkldlop. $ROO() full pri~. Eaiy tenna. --- Newport---2-Bedroom Stucco 1-.: Block from OCt"ftn . Plenty of tile. Compk-tely and nia-ly furnished. $1 2,000. Nearly New 2-Bedroom East sl<k>. Hardwood noors and rlrt'plare. b6'x:\10'. Only $9750. 1 Acre Corner Nil~ 4-room honl(' eru~Uy built on to. 100 chlckt"M. Good milk row. A good buslnetla ~ ltJit'lf. $12.000. 1146-M 40-4 tc 1000 Cout Hlcflway • --- Ph. 8eecon 5522 ~tfc: WANTED TO RENT-Small oot-ltJANY MORE ... COME IN AND "TALK IT OVER" ta.:e by rf'flned middle qed J FOR SAl.E-16-ft. Dory, Johnson rouplr . No J)l'tl Pf'rmsnent. c/o --OPEN SUNDAYS--- s..ahorle Z1 h.p., camplet.-. $400. Box 8 , Ncwa-Timett. 41-4tp Ukc MW. Call at 127 42nd St , --0 5 NPWport. 41-41t' VE'JT.RAN and IJrldt> plannlnr to ALL PLASTrC t2-ft 1l0-ltl --.. rc!idt' In Costn Ml'!la. W&nt sm. "k-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAL TOR -"k ' ''-"'--r\irn. apf nr hn\t<f'. rlJnliiC" ..... JOO'f ,, ''"" ~· ·~ ..., r:., • H . AA.1t" 0-CAR ROAT and CARRJER Jorr;:r-N•'n at llllrr'a Jt'WI'iry · ...- Jmmcodillh• d<'l~vr~ 01hrr mOO· U!'ll llnrhnr 81\'d . C'Oilta Mc>U: -------------------rl~ IOOfl din~thlf'l. snllltunts. 41 tfc (' rt rl A W J l I runabouts. i.TUi~t•rs And paddlt'· __ _ --r_ t(' rU (> • a ( 1'00 board&. Hert> Is Th(' Answe r to Wm W. Rnnfnnl. Rroker P lastiC' Wnlt•rcraft rn :li~W M:mn•· A\'rnu•• 4117 Jo: C'rnlral. &lhon Your Fond r~·nhiPm J'hl)nl' :t:lt-R Philnl' Jlaroor. 2(\7:l 44-ltr Ltw ·:.t hut!'lll'r rV"•(I' nn•· ur two l .. 'ftrn .. rn hurnl'. fumt,h•·<1 <•r un· f'('IR SAl.!-' Ooat "Gale 'K ." ~(I fill nt'-h••tl. tW'ml:lll••nt nr for Hulhoa J:.danrl A. E. .JO HN~ON Hl•alt.or and As~ociat«•l4 l'hnnr lh•tt•'"ll :'11 11:.' M '"'In $CI"f'W n-uis.•r. niCf' ~all•'' J ul) nnrl Allt.:U~t ·n., ,.,. ndultll. wuh IC>' box. butane 110\'r nnrl (';m funu~h ~ •111 "II h 1111 the Tud a,v9~ Slu'<'ial' \o\'111 f'ltllumt.:•• '1\'ur th lin~ r'•lrnr•C' l·ll r .. r tn•ttl•· lf111lk'r1\ 1111"""'"~ I Nl'\\'fHII't (1\·d . J,,,~, :.' '""'''" ~:w••llo•nt lc.rn. Ill tMI ntlll nt 1~1 NJo.;ss plenty of rupboard SJll\<"'. hant·tf'-~•·t m•·ut ttnr1 l.,'l'ft('rry JIM'fll'l four. Mnh1X:11ny planktn~ llo•ms. ~uJtablt' for pa.\!W'n~ter <1r com· Wrill' A llrtlll·r~. Rnlh·on b l11nt1. mc•roa.l busint'SS. llaul.s 7'2 toni C~n,.rnl l>t•lt\l•n nr f"'h••nl' l.n· on dPck. ~"-' Ill nn hrtt•·r hrnH 1!110:1 :W9 . 44·2tp fnr Its size In Nc>wport l111rbor. ROOM a BOARil te A L. Matt~. 509 3111 S t .. N1'11'-port Bfoach Phon(' Harbor R00M & ROARO offc •rM fnr 3 llun. ~l:ctln·· An•n•h' 1\llrur llvC' !\-r•oulll """"' 1u 11l l:llfll~l' ~ ft lrwum•· I fnonltt\:•' I 'h•~•· In '" (·u~t u Mc,.ll -$1 a,r,oo ~4 r;un Down IIOli~F.S W•·ll hutll. ltor~otl' llvlnJC r•onot. flrl'- pl icc·••. ~:llcllll o•nrl(lflf'd rrnrct Jll'lrl'h, h,.flrN•m. lln•r~Jcln~ room. We-ll fuml1hf'd. 1 Bt·clron m llum(.• •;. hlodc froco otr•'nn l'nlln, IIlLI' 11"' nl't'lln ''11'W HELP W i\1\'TF:O flookkCC'rw:·r & typist. StE'ady t·mplnymt'nt. C;1ll Wrdnrsdax. J111y&idt' fish 1\lar- kt't, 2800 LnrnrNte, Nl'wport Bf>nch, 44-ltc ',!;}T7. 44-tfc wnrkmp-m••n Phon!' ll11rhor FOR SAI.Jo: Nf'W pl).,.·ood boAt. --.-------------92fl , 44-ltp ('Omph•lt• "ith oars and car-top 1111SI~AL .a KADIO 14 Tt•t'n" I mnwtl f\O!'IIMII Ion $f,!t76 HELP W Al\'TF.O -Middlt'-agt'd woman for hous,.kc>ep~>r and h~lpt'r. 2 11dul11. 928 E. Ct'nlral, Balboa. Phnnf.' Harbor 1916. 44-2tc SALESMEN Adv•·rt istn~ c-am· pais:n now in l'ff('Ct. EJ!cellent opportunity if )'I)U quallry. Ap- ply 5()8•, No. Ma ni St . Santa Ana. MillS Bayer. 44-Stc carril'r PN-war fntler st~. Jntl."rn:~t innal tr&iler heater. rompll'tl." c&mpinr· nutfit. l('nt, chairs, stove. rou. foldang tab~. f.'tC. Rand HW "1th lland and motnr Must 54.'11. ('All a t C'11hln Nor 3-A, tll'int K:uS('f'S 8a)' Shore' ramp. l"t•" port. 44-l tc Steel K itchenl' GLASS Tl.'B ENCU)Sl 'RES SIIOWER DOORS WANTED ~ H ousek•'t'pl'r, small .. home on Island Cook mull, light hOU!Il'Work, home nlght.s Good pay Phont' llarbor 2151-M Southern Countie!' Supply Co. 144 Coast Btvd N Ph. 5R52 Laguna IWacil 44·11c 42-tlc WANTE.D-Hom•: for boy 6 yean room, board & general carl." Father local man and would Ukt local home If ~slble. C&ll at 2908 W. Ocean Front. Ncwporl 43-2IJ DECORATORS KAY FiNCH CERAMICS has openlnp now for a ff"W Kiril OJ woman with art training or abil· lty, Ask for Mlu Dif.'rker, 121 Cout Blvd., Coronn del Mar. 43-t.tc YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own comm unity. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations.with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Ray Ave., Balboa 51t~ N. Main St., Sa.nta Ana or Aak the operator for the Chief Operator Southern California Telephone Compaay • SHIPS CARPENTERS WANTED Top Wa~ti.'S for Top Mf.'n Fb-e Plaor and Klndllnc WOOD DeUv~ H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 N...,ort Bh'd 3-t.tc ORANGE COUNTY UPHOLSTERING CO. Manut act\D"f'1'11 Of Upht)lstf'ftod Fumltur. 413 W. 4th St .• Santa Ana Factory and Showroom 504 W..t rf'flter St .. A.nahftm Phont' Anahelm 4TI4 coll«t ll-tfl .J m¢ Arrived n.b HKrin« Aid BATTERIES r.undf>,_ 0,.. Co. 117 Main St. Ph Harbor 515 110-tlc Auto Batteries RubbM' Sfoparat4'n l R-month -$6.15 E"- Compound ed Motor Gallon, '70t' Oil W e~em Auto Supply Author1~ Df'llft' 1R36 Newport Rlvd., O.tll Mesa ~1-tll' Wll..L P AY' CAeH for your fur· nlttJN' or what haY,. """"' Ptlon .. ~IIC:On :1656 0. R. CfAWll."y, l ltl2 Nt>Wport Blv. Co.ta MPSa »tfc f'OR SALF,-Upright C'mwn piano. $1~; M11rimbe.. $45. 2315 Old Santa Ana Rd., COlt& Mt'la. Ph: &aeon 5168-R 42-4tc ----------FOR S ALE-Marlnf.' radio, dirt'<'· linn findt-r. 3 h.'lnd. 6 voll f+.!Mr Nf.'ar}+• """' 509 31st. Nl'wport !kllch. Ph llarbor 25T7. 41-tfr KNARE Grand Plano, walnul ra.8,., F&mom Knakf.' tOM Also Wrhcr Grand, SohiTW'r, Schultz. And many othM' famous mnkl'!l OANZ.SOIMJDT PIANO C'O . 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 38-tfc STElNW A Y Grand Plano. Mahog- any case. ~autJful font> Mf'd· lum lllze. DANZ ·SCHMIDT PlANO CO., 520 No. M&ln, Santa Ana 38-tlc RADIO HOUSE CA.LLS- Now that additional competent tt'dmldans are avallable, we art' ab~ to ma.kif wrvi~ calli Ofl large oonaolf's. AU • work lt\J&r· antf'f'd. HAROLD L. HAMM. S O.S. Radio. 300 Marine Avr Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tlc Radie Repairs AD makea: tubrs, etc Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Cout Hlpway, Newport .. 23-tfc SEE thf.' """"' 1tyle world famous upholltenod pi•nos. Many colon to chooaf' from at OAN7.- SC'HMIIYT"P1ANO CO., !\20 No Main St., Sa.n tll Ana. Wt> &1110 rent pi&noe. 38-lfc REPOSSESSED Spln.-t 't)'Pf' mir- ror-Piano Thi1 11 a reaJ bargain. Ot.hr.r usid pianoa Ill low u .-;, $87, 1125. $1~. OANZ- SCHMlTYJ' PIANO CO., !120 No Main, Santa Ana. 38-tlc ror Ct>I'IC'Tal m&lnlf'nAflCf' .. nd rePAir 0 . 7~ KOBDTMN Ca.ll Harbor 83 34-tfc -Apply now - Central Boat Works Foot of 311t St:rrf.'t Newport ~ach fTJl.N1TUJl& roa SAL& It FOR S ALJo: I rol'nf't and 1 SuJ)I'r 43-Ctp .iOOD. U!lf.'d. ri"<"'ndltloned Gu S~n R11y SAilhont Top CQndltinn -------------Rangl't, ,13 95. Harbt'<r F"wni· '-'Ill df.'II\'C'r 2004 AMh(>lm, SeD that unwanted tlwvuib N~ 'nrDell ada. &r(tk:le tUft'. 1962 Jl~trbor Blvd .. Coata C<l'ta MI'!IA 43-2tp Mesa. •ttc Drtft Oltftt'ully-~ a Late .. W AN"rt-:1). Room & mt•(\111, In prl· vall' hl'rm•• hy youn~t mnn, to lw' rmployr'd lo('Rily Hnlhon hlnnd or \'lcrnity Rl'lumlns; to rollt'g•~ In fall. 1'\rst of rr fl."rl'ncM fur- niahl'd Rox MC, c-'o Nc•ws-Tlmc-s 4:.!-3'tc $1 n,ROO Vrry oltr..r•th·••, n•"" ly fumlahC'd, :1 ll<'drooms, 2 blilh~. patio, nc-ar North Oay $2!1,750 2f.. At re Ranch Ramhllna-nnrh IYJW• h•omr. turn. lmmed. pmt~~!'_:Jun and To•rms I •! Wrll lf'l('atMf hiiJrn••ss Jlf'ilj'le'r t)•, 11torc-nml w••ll fumi•h•'l'l llvlns; qunrtl'r~. Shown hy llpfiOint· mf'nt 2 t .. •rlrc~orn., nk••ly fum FOR ~ALF. -A tw>autlful 2-~tnrv ON·11n Front h'l(Tlr riM~> In p,;. ll'ntllll Income' nf $15 per day. C11n I)(' lnn-••nsrd 5 hf.'drmll 2 ll<'f'pine: pnrt•hrt, 1'y hsth. largt' Uvtng room "i th rl."'ll flrt'pl•l'f' NICf' dining ronm, k itchen 11nd utility porl'h. Partly fuml1ht'd. $23,5(Xl, by ownt'r. 41R E Surf. Balboa Ph: Harbor 2739. Uvtna roum ~ 2 l11rrc-bl'd· rnomJ 1111\1 •lo .. •ftlna r•urt..il. 1Ar1e comh kltl'h1•n and breakfast f'O(>m Mnc1c•m tllr h11t h Obi ll''r"k•· lwnurlful Lt~nd~"plnl wit It t rt<t·•. ~hrulltl 11nd flnwrn An ldC'al "''111ns: far JW>nl•'()n~ whn w•nt!l IH'h'•ry ft." n J!i ft ut $1 0,400 41-4tc FOR SALE-Chol~ lncated Iota and ~ al'n"S, $400 to $3.000 A rIll tlc: S-rm hlf'. 2 bc-drm C ar. agf' with CUf"JJt rm On 2 big lots, flnf'lt a\'r., view of ocean, near all convf.'nlt'n~. S11n C1Pm1•nlr 112,500 unturn: $14,'750 fum ~rm hom,., 2 twodrma. & gllraRI', hardwood floon1, IJIC lhowl'r & sink, largf' <'1081'11, fireplal'f' Prl~ 18500 Adelf' \.lmbcol, ~ ~I M;cr A VI', PhOnl'll 31 1 or 316. San C'lf'nwnlf· 43-tfc Ralboa Peninsula 3 ~odrr••· 2 baths Mlld••rn homl' I-'m'"' lncat lun ttnd rcm- dilaon I mml'lhAII' ptl!l5f'!II11Qn. $25,000.00 Ocean Front Aflr;,l'li\'P 3 hc•drnom hnm(', fliT• n•~h<'d. with ammrdlnt<' J)OC'~· '""n A rl'nl huy a t $15,750.00 ('orona del Mar Mod••rr1 homr• w1th 2 ht-droom~~. hardwOC'td flnor!l an(l flrc•plaN' Brand new. $12.500.()() Bal h<1a Pf•nin~u la Lot: $2.!•no.oo Up .JOHN E. ~A DLF'T r. Jlfl Main St , O•lbna Phone Har. 2034 44-1tt'l 2-car ~turng•', whir lnt nttra!'· - Uvrly prlt'C'rl · I (hi N('\\'))OI't Blvd. _ _ So•\••rul l11h fi:'i I to :";1 ~1 fl front· &vnal Rood huya In duplrllN . 1<~(1' ( 'ttll 1111 ft,r prku Iff lf'MYUI. Also furnlsht'd hnml'll with ltUI'al ' - apa.rtmc•ntll. Prii'C'd from Slll,f)O() I n ulhnn Peni n~ula to 130.noo Marvrlnu~ Bnv View So. Bay Loti. EIIN'IIf'nl ltt('Siinn. OtiPI.Jo:X ur home• ·with lilv~ly Corona dt>l Mar 40-ft. Lof, CX'f'3n \ II'W, ~tnod )OC•· Uon, bf'low hlahw11y, $47!50 00. ,._,o ON-an Front lot• Roth priC'f'd t n wU. 1~)-fl . Lot. vlrw, South of S.a VIew 14'750.00. H ou~s :l-hf.'droom., 2-•tnry, 10-ft lot . Sn nf Su View, $15 ()(tO F'urnlahf-d 11ncl mnd•·rn hnmf', 1:\ fl'f't Wt'll land~r"P"'i. •outh yl hltthway, 2 lll'f11 "'' nnll ckn. lar.re living r•••tn til•· kltr·hrn and b11rh. ••·•' tl'c• IJ()r•·h. :l·•'11r aaratt~ $1~000. t nfurn. ~mall attrt~e•t h•t• h""~" wl1h Vlr•w, pltr tly furnllh•'l1 NII'C'Iy IOI'lllrlt. lOUt h of hi~th" '')' l.nr~•· llvln~: room, fiN·Jllllt'l•, pntlu. .! rnr J(llr~<str l'rkf' f•lr quh·k '"'I" '$8,750.0,0_ -------.-----El Bavo Tract Lot on B11y A~ue $4000 View I ,('t On (1Hinnr•l Rilnll nt ••rid of Penln~ula $()2!)() On Pt-ninsula 2 J'Wdrooun "•·ml• $13,500 Income PrtJtwrt.v :t I'W'()rnom hnu•" nnrl 1 ·~rnsll rrnt11l units. L<Yr ON OC'EAJ'II 1\1.\'1> $:JOOO &.• t'11 f'nr ( llllf·r I l~~tt'lf·~. $6!i(J(),IINJ l'p A I~ 1,.,,,,. W . L .. JORDAN '700 t: (~nt rlll, Hullw•ll Phone Harbor 16!1 4-t-tfc 1111od,.rn lllllllalt"' "1''-l..arr• romh llvln~t & lllnlna ronm ~:ttr· f'W't l'd well lo w•ll Flrrpla~. :\ nlf'f' bc-drOC'•mt ('omplf'tf' ~th, tiii'Ct Colori'Ct tllr kltt•hf'n, many hullt·ln". w•n hllnl1a l.nwn apt hllll lllrltf' llv rctOm, nrrplae~!, hMriYifTI, kltC'hl'n "nd II(, beth. Outaldl' 11h<1wrr. p11 tln, h1r~. doublr It"~'"•!~' IT S 1"(1PS rnmplrto·ly Fumlahrd f{(.•cl u<;•·d to $22,fi(l0 A. E .. JOHNSON 'IIi(! l'>•'"'l"'~'' lth d . n .. t,. M,..a 1'11 H••n11111 O,llt:t M -11 l tc HEA L VALU E~ I IM'rlrunm hotml· r 'l•ott•• In Nrw- t••r l 111\tl ~,,.,. yl!rrt llnrdwood rt••oe t 'r•ntr•l••lt·ly fw r11,hrd Jo'ull pi II o• Wily :1 IV'tlrn"'" h<orth' I lttrclwuod nOtWW lloru•••ll Ttl" t•'•'h rond kllrlvn. l'lt••JIIItt'c r lnl.v •, ) r-11 uid l.arrr• l••v•·l lttl In Mlrl""Y C'lly d!laf' '" , ot ~ ~'""'"' lw 111rr "' .,... 11tl' •tn• '"''"' l'rlr•••1J tu ..-11 111 "nly ~I 0,2GO f ;. l~<••lrrll•tr1 limn•• ""ly 1 )'Nir nld ll>crt1"'""' "'"•t• I.MI((' rll'•ms Nll.'fllv hcnd!cr'"l"'t1 'J. rAr l(arnl(e l, .. t f'iloll:ltfl. (;II'M'I llffll llll\1 J(IJfJd •ll~trl•·t Thl• 1 ron 1..-f'Urd\lur•rl flllltlllh• II "' ttlll ltr nl•t••"l net~ I• ,. ttlly " J(t)c){j lluy l ,~>t m,. Jtrll\1' It '" "'''' !-'co li 1''4"'' ronly $1 o.~r,u \\I. All~: l II Ill. TO SP.RVt: Yt II} B. A. N~;HESON lli-:AT. F'$TATI: llt"ln""" t Jt•J••rtwcll 11·11 1'17:1 '-•·wpnr\ lllvtl , f'r•tn M••11 l'lo II• "''"" !'l.l:l~• 44 ltr Sro trll lllfl", vnri•Jwc 11/J'A, on onl" nt thl' N<·Wli--T im••l' All klnltl t)'J)I!wrltrr r1bbone In stock 11t tM Nf'WII·Tim.; Jr'w Bett.r Pr1DUDC C.ll U or Ill. aa.u. ....... ft J. M. M I·L L E R n ... ,, E.ltnte nro kt'r 15th Md Central Bal hoa Island Lido Isle 2 Bl"'<l rotlltl honw fttt1tl!dloo: nlso :!-h .'<1t'\l0lll homf• nv('r 3-,·nr lo:ltri t).:t•. 1'11 t ln. hn rlx•· <'l!t'. \\' • •II ~~~it h'l I ; J l(l8..'1it'tl· 11100 t'f1fl tl( t'?'\'1'\IW , ·1-Bedroom home, 'JS.ft. ~ R~l·-t -"fKe paUo anct, but. <.'\X'. 1-'low~rs: lhn.abe. D mt'dhtll' ~ $19,000 $29.500 For LeaN Balboa 4-Dedroom. ~Wl1pl.-tc>ly l'l'fin· L\llt'd nnd nf•wly dl~t'Onlt('(i. lmmediRIC' J~'llon, $17,500 1&1 Jo'l"f't on bay and.__,. "Mira~ Ml»". Balboa Peninsula Lot $3000 Phone Your Ltatlnga In and we wU1 lfve theln eYII')' ~ : --J. M. 15dJ A Centnl • N.wport S.ch • r • A C1JI'E. 1WO.BEDROCW, SMALL ft1RH. ISHED HOUSE. GOOD l..OCA110N. IJOirr I DI.ATE l'OSSm'JION. St2,500 -·LINWOOD VICK r .1. ..Bfel Etltlltto Broker 3t :l M_fu;ne• Avt'. BALROA ISLAND 44-ttc FOR YOUR NEW I lOME (now u~ C"'OUUlnactlon) - HUH I'OWETtS ~tt J, A. DUX orne.. A~ two-and tlu't .. '-hedroom htJ~nCa bcln.c built few IALS ·m Vt:rt:HAN~ at C.P.A. m llna prtce. • -·Will b •·n t Mt 11n 1 !lt h 111 fl't"t "t Ore nact" a VftNe, New ptOIIt lll.'ll(hhc. WE IIAVt: A :l-lUDROOM HOME available now, Do NttNf un !"hort Stl"(llf't , Mftr The AI"Cha. Pltla $!M)O(I~ l 'n--w~tr mt'UI1n1ctlon. --1--' Phone Harbor 62-W .. HUB POWERS, AGENT j. A. Be e k 0 f f t c e Ferry Landing Balboa lllull...._ ---------;-~ EVA F. RHODEN -A. L. Matthtw1 N~ lot Oft N...,.,... ,........ .... Lido Isle 2·ai<Jr )' :.1-~drm hom1• with at· t111'hood 1:11r11w•· All rucln'lt are larR,. "'ilh llvlnl( room .,.,.,_.. t'ntlrr frmll· o( -h~ ~ blodc from 1141)'. $2o.onn Newport Blvd . Cornf'r lui, «.., f!..,r fmnt••" on Olv •;III.N'IIrnt ln .. lnt• .. loc:atkln $6000 Cn rona rlt"l Mar FUntlthtd f·mom hnmr VI-. Ouuhl~ llll'lll" Yard ff'nr i'Ct. E"· l'f'llf'flt rondhlun F1nopl.,.... $H~60 C:oRt.R Mel'S 4·Room huuiW', Nlmplrtf!ly fum• hthl'd. V1•ry rlroafl ~&nd att,..,-. tlv,.ly rlf'rnr11ti'(J tlaa NMJCf' ,.. fr11Cf'ratar, """ ••ov•. etc. Fndt ,,._. l.IK'fltNI rJ,_ In on Eut td(JC' ,r,:ll)n EVA F. RHODEN R.foaltor 470 Nf"WJ)fH't ntvd , c.-.ta Mea F.L'J'ON n fiARNJ-:T'r, flroker Ph """"''n !'>7 13-R I 44·2tr "T ('O RONA 11~:1. MAR (< Rix J>nyl' ('ash Rai~in~ Sale Beautiful LolA fl(r ll I IR f••rl $:!70() <_;c.rp•·r ,,.,.,,.I fill " I I~ f•·•·l $2Hf10 ('ur-n,.r I .. •Vt•l !Ill IC 111'1 f••f't $22!;0 ' I 1111 aldr or.en vt.w. P'l1c»- • $1850.00 Four AI'T'8 In Ootata ..... w.& ~ HOO ft. frant.,., $1 AOO per acre TWo lndUJIIMIII lot1 In ........ wtth l'f'CiMncP on .....,., IJ•tlntrW A~t.d A. J •. M atthews1 Broker !!(18 3 hi 81, Ph. Jlatilcw .,., N.wpori o.dl ...._ • LOA""I TO lrtJILD, ~. ¢ OS4 ~~-or ,..,. ..... N....,_.llal..,_._....,...,.. ... Lou ~IIIIU.. ~ V\a Udo Pta. ....... - AOTOIIO'I'Ift a ,.._ • P'OR IAU! OR TRADE-.. Qwr, ............ :100 mllel ....... tor rwbullt, """ brak8, ... and r.ar f!ftc1 a.ut _, 111111 runnlnc oond. WUit ~ a. _. t'Uh. rtl: Harbor 1ti0-J. ~ AVTO navro. • ______ ...... NOW HERE Vf•llr authMbf'd 0\ry~J.r.. P1)'Tnt)Oih 0.•1•. Authorlt.NI pctr.._ Cumpl11t11 Luhncatkln ud Malntf'flanM F.xJierl Merh11nll'l Kr ndall 11nd Qwakr+' State alii .. NRWPORT HA RHOR MOTORS :.11\lfl W ,~,.ntr11l Ave. J~nr Jl11rbor 1 :164-) a-uc 1 ~. 17 f'urot~l II ta,:hwtty ---_ ------f'rorttnn d••l Mror lll\rl••r 2700 f'qr nfn1:0e "Wh,..rc· n ... ~ I"K" Fly" H -:lte N_..·nml!e, • AUI'Oa, W ANftll • •AUTOfl WANTaJ --------''--.,;._ ____________ _ WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW WhU. Pr1~ Are HlJ[h. Phone tor our courteoua buyer who wtU call and advtle you n!Pf'dlnK OPA regutatSona. oeUinc pr1ciell11nd tUTJl'Wf aJt cletatlA CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. a..rokt .ad OldaniA6o o.lln aoot w• OlnUal. Nf'WPCJI1 ....., a~ a ••• ._. ..... P_u_a_L_I_c_N_o_T_IC_E ___ I Pu~LIC NoTICE __ _ I PuBLIC NoTICES PuBLIC NoTICU ---PuBLIC NoTICE ------PuBLIC Noncu ~~~~~~~---~~P~u~•~L~ac ____ ~~r---- 1611 make a ch.tr~t' ot .00 (or t•t ch IYion••('l l•1n rhr rt•with, lhf" sum o' have to r-Y llw lirm!K' f£'f'S herein ~t1011 "· The ratt> of license •moklng fish ah.tll be $15.00 pt>r ronductlng a daJry , the license tax l'n~.:aglng In lt\1' bWIIO<'SI of re- I duplleate IIC4·nRe lalued to replllce $."10 no pl'r day, If u l('f)l)r~tf• 11d. provltll'd for o111l that t'ach of N 1d fl')r runnln.r « op.>raUng a milk annum and the ra~ of licente for shall be $25.00 fK•r annum. C'<'lving nnd transporting pE'l"'Inl ,...., .......__ ... , f the Cit of 11 ,. IC' 1 .. uc-d under thf' pro-mlMiun fN· Is chor.ll('(! to ~u1'11 rt'Jirt·s••ntnt•uns ar•' true. wagon ~ vto_hlclc 1hall ~ $1 5.001 oondocrln~t lht> bualneu of ••ltlng, 8f'C'CI011 11. For tllc busin<'Ss \\1thll} thr C'ity of Nf'wport St-ach, -v ............,.. 0 y I any c n ....... e rnf(' nl l,~ .. ns·· rnr • IPAA-al h for ll"'ronsld~rarion. In S""<'<i boatl ..... rt a.ach. by IJid throu&h valona of thla Ordina nCe!, which ald•·shnwt • •" " • • • •~'""'' Jll't annum •or eac such wqon pickling. preserving or clll\lllng of conductmg a carnl\'ltl or d rcus. • r ~. do ordain 81 fol· hu bfcn l~t or ~troyed. ~~~-ll. Thf' ratl' nr tirf'n~·· contract11r. otho'r than •~fifod or vl'hlcle. fish or thcir by-products •hall bt> olht>r than a fun zonc as ht>rclo· and snll boats, shall be s:.•s.oo per That 1\(l llcellS(' 1ha.ll be KTant· for PVt>ry shnw, Mnt>f'rt thNII•·r hl·r,.in. shttll lw-$:!5 00 Jl('r annum. AN-Uoe • The. rate of llcentel $100.00 pcr annum. fore dl'flned. In thl' City on 11ny annum per boat . 1. Jt wll t. unlawful ro undl'r thla Ordln&nct-or under l)r siml111r •·nl,r talnmrfll r•<•ndwt· NU'I'III plumhmJ: •·nntracton and ft>r C'llrrylng on the business of s.c-tlllft tt. No 11~ lhall occulon, the lice naP tax shall be • fil,...tlnn '18. The roll' or license _, ~~· firm, co-any other OrdlnanN' for a busl· rd or prl'~(·ntr>cl within tht• lllv pln!ih•rlnl: l'ttntrlll'turR shall pay a pawnbrokl'r. or ronduclln~t a be grl&ntl'd exct'pt upon permit of SIOO.OO per day. Writtt'n appli-fur cngal;(lng In the businl'ss of ...... .., or ·eorporat1on. ~ far MilS or buslnf'~ to be! conductt'd nf Nf'Wflurt n,.,,.·t>. ~IIMl nn ·pt·r 1111· $Hill (II) r•·r •nn1•m. a nd tile and 1 pnwnhrokt>r'a ahop 1haJJ be> SJ20.001 the City Council for tht> conduct· cation must oo madt' to th•• City n~ruHnl;( li li\'t' hail h11nt In the ,.... M aamt. clerk« em-on the puhllc strN•ta or hl~thwa)'ll num, pro\'h1o•l1 1h11t whrn lh•' prn-N1mpo1i1Uun rontral'tors shall PIIY flf't a nnum. ing or a hsh markt>t or o( a place Council for suctl lt~nse. and rh<' C'1ty of :'oll'wporr 84•nch, whellter •· -'tlwr for himaelf ar for and It t hnll be> unlttwful at all c<'f'd!l "' on) "IH'h •hnw rnn•···rt S.'VI no 111'1 unnum ,.,....,._II. Thfo ratt' of liOI'"nSt'l at which fish is amokcd, 1alted. City Coundl und<'r its pohet• pow. thl' samr tiC' opcratrd from lht .a.r n co-part tlmn to conduct a husln<'U on th(' thl'llt••r or ~im1lar •·nt,.,rlnlnmrnt A "Uh<.,lntrnrtor sh"ll oo ron· fnr can-ying on an a\JC"tlon houle1 pickl<'d or otht'rwis<> treated. t'rR rf'Scrves the right ro rl'ject l wh11rfs l'X II•nding Crnm thr main· :..... or =~Uon rm,;,lthJn .,; aldewa lkt or hlehway• of the C'lly a rf' to I)(• cl••\ntr•(f irJ d111ri1y ,.,. ctn w<t rn llf• n Jli'M!nn, ·natural or or selling goods, wares or l'l'lt'T· ~·-50. The ralt' of IICf'nlle 1any 1111ch application, and 8hall I anti Into tht' wlll('l'~ of the Pli· _,..te Umlta o1 the City o1 of Nt'wport SPnch. and any rw:·r· 110ml' •>dUI'IIt l"rtfll f'>!Jrpnsr>s. llw nr tlrJI'lal. whn ~hl\11 l'nter lnto 1 rhondla<> a t auctfon shall be $35.00 for conducting tlw l>uaincu of lt'll.l further havl' thl' right to mQuirl' cific Oct>an, or within Nl'wpor\ •=pat a-ch. to tranaact, en· eon _violating th11 provision shall C'ity• ('ounr ll mto)' nwhorltt< suo'h l'nntnw1 with 11. ~n•·ral contractor J)Pr ~ay. lng new or used a utomohill'l ahall whar shows, exhibitions o•· 1 nl<'r· Rny. shall be ~:.15 00 pcr annum .... Ia or carry on any pun~ult, he deemed guilty of a m lsdtoll1Nin· Pxhihitlnn w\th11111 thl' J'A\ml'nt or to r>nnlitrurt ur rr·pnir Any portion ""'"-lt. Thf' ra tt> of ~~~~.h.-$25.00 per annum. j talnmt'n t• are Proper, and lts ac· l"'r hollt. and in this conn«tlon • ..... ~don. avocation. em· or, and IJ1)0n conviction b)' an) 11 liC't•m•• f• •·. r1nd 11 hc:•'n~l' for of n hulhltns;: nr c:tru<·ture, Wh~>n for lt'llln~t or contraclin~t to wn s-ea-&1. The ratf' of license I lion In all respt>c!J shall he riM I llvp hnll boat. for thr purJl05C ol -::wt. .......,_ ~ calllnr. Court having; Jurlldictlon tht'ri'Of. nnv s•tt•h ~how, r onr•·rt. th""'"' th•· rv•ntrnl'f prtl'l' thr>n 'Or lhall b<' nrtlrles of wearing apparel, dry-for conductln~~: tht> buslncu of and ronclusj\'(•. thls O rdinance. shall be drem<'~ ... lhrr .p.dnCc!, until he, •he, ahall bt' fined thl'rf'fOr In 11 sum nr 1im1Jnr l'flfl'rtlll nnwnt ~111111 '"' f.~tll(l nr mnrr>. ronti fur the pur· Jtoods, fancy troach. notion.!, jpw. publi1hlng. circulating and dia.l ~tloe 88. E\'t'ry pt>rson, firm ht>ld und constru!'d to m<'nn a ~ ar It aball fll'tt ohtaln a lf·1 not ex~lng $200 00. or by lm· iuut•d only upon 1•·rn•lt from th•' pt101• •·f rhl" ~r>rtinn. 11ny pel"'In, r lry, cutlt'ry, ~rorerlH, hamcu. tributlng by carrier or otherwl.tt'.l or corpora tion carrying on 11 floAting strut•ture that rect>1Vt'1 -_..,or u tn this Ordln-prllorlment In the ell)' or county City ('(lunrll •·n·nl1rtn"r.,hin firm. nr rorpor· plana.. or~tan.s. machiMry of all • nt'"'Sflllpt'r in 1ald city, or ron· wholl'sale buslnl'tll in said City and trnnaports JM'rs.ons in tht' Cit) -,....tnd. jail not n~lnc twcnty·ftvr 12:'11 ~110ft u . Th•' rntr 11f llrl·n~•' ntlun wht• ~hnll rnm!TK'n~ th" kinds, hardwart>, tinware, mlll t ducring a printing shop. shall bt> shall p3y a n annuol lice~ tax of Nt>wport 1}(-srh, for the pur. _ ._. .at eft'I'Y day ~ frac• days.« by both auch flnf• and 1m· for l'ttrryln~.: Pt.•~<~t.•n~;"rs tn Al'rl'· 'rrl'tl(ln, mn.~trul'tinn or rt>palr of products or any merchandlw of SlS 00 prr annum. I of m .oo. post' of llffordln~t such persons a n ....a part ot a day that Nld pur· prlaonmenr. plnnM! Is hl'rf'l•)' (I'CMf nr ~:.!i riO nJI\' portlrtn ~>f 11 huilrlin~t or atTUC· whattOeVer C'la11 or r hnracter l 8N-tlna 6!. 1111' rat(' of licens('l RHtloe •· Every p('rson, firrl'l opportunity of rl~h\ng from surll -. ....... OCIC'QIMUon. avoe.Uon. lkorfloll a. No Jil'rn~l' ahnll tW' l"'r nnnum tur<•, wh•·n thr v11 h1f' or Jald f!ft'C· from h'~ to houS(> or upon the for 'maintaining a captive bulloon or corpora tion who shall en~.:agt' l s tru!'tUrL'S, in th1• wuterl! of thf 1 ,.. fWIP&. ~-ar caWnc. In laued for any cAnnln~; or rlah . MN"tlrm 16. Thl' rnt" or lll'•'nv· t Inn mnstrurtlon nr rl'pAir •hall public at~ts and not to prnons for carrying pasSt>ngcrs for hir<' In the business of rontn!C'tln~:, ( Pacifi<' Occ11n. for rt'Crt>a lion , a t ... 01 1 a-ce 1pl'Cit\ed II eon· pr~rvln~ plant, llvC'r )' or f,.,.,., fnr r11nductlng thl' ·hut.in"~" ttf lw• ~r.,o M nr mnrr . shllll hr dN>IlW'd rf'!llJiarly 'f'n.:agrd In cBM'V'In~ on shall hi' S25.00 per annum. 1 grading or laying str<'t'ls. sid!'· a ronsidl'ration. with llw h11it, and ..... • e-rrW on without auch atable, public laundry ~'hrr" ws~h. rh•"'kln,:: r0f1m or ~1111111n. "hu·h 11 "uhrnntrAI'Inr, M hl'rcln &-nnt'd a hu.~lnt'!lll in the> dty of Nl'w.' "'-tl-5S. The ral<' of llccnst-walks. drains or srwf'ra In said whic:h boar carrif"a a "''<' hall lank ...... ebaiJ oon~Utute a vtolaUon In& is done for hln •. h<tt .. r. l•1<f~.tln,:: shn!l hP do•finl'd tn ""'ftn '' pial'•· unri shnll hP llnhll' to PAY the Jl. port Bf'11ch. for tM wholMial~ or for maoaR,in~t or carr)'ing on th«'1 Cit y shall p~~y a n annuaJ lict'nlt' and pump, bul surh llv<' hair boat ~ ... ~ and any p..rwon.l hotat'. l't!OI'l hotat', cnff<'<' hnu~P. 111 whsrh haJ.eC'Ill:<'. porN'I•. '11lu r·•·n~·· ho·r••Jn nrn\'idNf for unleu rrt11il of thc above mf'ntloned) busin('ss of s.,.lllng or distributing tax or $100.00. shall not lncludl' l'hnrtr>r hoats 111 .. Ill" bbnlelf. or for any other bakf'ry rt'llloun nt, lunl'h l'OUnfPr. nhh•s or dr.•thm~: ,.,,. rht••'k•·d f•lr th•· tl\\nt•r ' nf 1mld building or ~trflriMI of IJI•rscm nl pr(lJ)l'rty, and I~ crcnm at wholl'Salc shall be MN-tloa '10. The cnndurlin~t and hr>rf'l naft('r definrd ..... lhaJ1 violate any of tM,Ihoottng ..:allcry, llllltnrd ru<•HI. hir". ~h:dl '"' !-15 00 ll('r nnnum "rur lurr> •1r tlw nwTlP1' of thl' 111 thr>lr rNJpc>cth·e pia~ of bust-Sl5 00 CX'r annum. carrying nn of whoiPsalc or retail !4N-tlt•n 11. 'Tht' rAi l:' nf llccnH lJilth ft1 , .. ()rdlnance. ahall, pool room. pockt•l bUllard r(ll•m !Wc-Uoa 11.-Th" r~ttc of hl'rn~· hntl Ufl{lll "hlrh sttr h hulld~lt or nrs11. $100.00 p..r annum. ~u-M . 'n1" ralt> of li('('nsc i'Siabllshmf'nU. slorNI. or places for rarrying on or l'ns;:ru::ing lo the lir .... ~lion thenof. be lkatlnK rink. mt'rry ·ItO· rounrl, fnr rondui"lint: \hi' hHqln• "~ ••f ,frur!lrrr 1..-h!-ing t'r('("ted, con· R .... ca-IS. 'Tht> rllte of li('('nlll' for conrluctins:. manas:in~r. or ' of hu~lnf'Sll of ever}· kind and de-business of rt>nlin~t or hirin~: boRis ;::._.. __ .,,....__ .. ,..at¥ ol a ~anor. howlln~t aiiPy, ror tttnl' tl'lhnJ,:, rard writtnl:. Sl:i oo 111·r nn11um \trtll',,.f1 or rr>palrcd ahall first fr.r I'Vf'ry &OIIcitor . p!'ddler. or rarrylng on. the bUiint'SS of post· srrlprion not othrrwist> provided to c·har t1•r parlir>s shnll he $15.00 .... C!OftVk:don by any court ! cfalrvoyllnN', "nd klmlrMS prar· ~rt·tlt•n 17. Th•· r11t.' nf lir••nso• mAk•· ,, o,wnrn "' ''""'Pnt thai tho•\ hucksiPr of I'VI'ry class and char· I in~::. !ltil'klng. tacking, artllclng or for In this Ordinance, whl're pt•r nnnum per hont, and in thla ...... ~ tht'rrof, 1ha1l IIN't!, ~nrn~o~c•, cr••nrrll'r~. uuclun\11.' rnr rru•ln!nlnin~: 11 l'ttrli lilhl•· 11t ~~rr> n•·,·•·tlnc. •·onstnwtlnl;( or. r•'· nrfc•r. rx~pllng drummel"!! whn. JllllntinR hill• <>r si~ns to or upon , artldl"!! or pe1110na.l property tor conm•c·t10n for Ilk (llltpose of this ._ ..... Ia a IWII not more thanL auc:tlon hnHII!', J•tnk drlll .. r-., which ''"rtl~ 11re rln)'t'<l, ~2011 00 nnirln~: a pnrti"n nr surh bulldln" oiN•I dirPrtly wilh Hta hllllw!d pt'lfltll, fl'nrM. iNUdings or other US<' or consumpfion lir!' loaned. Ord innnrl'. a chart<'r party sh11ll . -.ao, • b)' lmpri.tonment In the \\Tt'<:kml: hm~•·. or IIUtomnhllr· fnr lli'r nnnum f~>r r>nrh s•wl• •·ard or ,trw·tur•• n~ tho• nwnf'f' th~>r•"flf I'IIIIC'f'l! nf huslnf'!l~ in th,. City or 1srrurturc>S exttplin~t hill boards or rC'ntN.I. It• I, scn·<'<f or sn(d as a be ('(lnstrul'd to ml·an and shall ..., jill 80( ~I[ tw\>nty-nvel hire. tllanc~. or plllrt'lf on thl' 1111h· tohl•·. ancl ntt <:u<'h lu'f·n"'' <,hall'" •n•l ''' '' .tiii'V hll\'" not enter rd ~f'WT'Orl !Wnl'h. $tmno JV'1' a n-aclv,rtlsmg si~ hoard!!. thr rntr busini'Ss, shall 1)1' km'"'n :tnd dt's· mean an)• j')l'rson or p('rsons who = or both 3UCh nnr and 1m· lie lt.rt'f'f•. or pen nul \'enli(lrH , 1SSIH'Cf f•Jr n <'nrd tnhlr> \\II holt II lnt" • ""otrar t, l'lfhf·r \'l'rb11l 1\1" num. ztnd o•vl'ry WC'h p.•r5tln shnll, of IIC'<'OSI' ~hnll llf• $1.00 J)l'r dny 1gnatr:t ns a Stl'no'rnl bWiin<•lls, 11nd shall, fnr 11 ron.~idPrntlnn. hlr£' 11 wt; provt~. however . tamalf' 1111nlh. or lun•·h wn~;•m' nn nr<f••r •1f th•• r ity ruun,.il 11utlt \\roll•·n ~<rth ronv •·onrrt~<'for nr hdnrl' cn:::,C"In~ In '"'' hll~inf'l<s Jl('r Jl('rson l'n~;1111,,t1 In ~ny such the hCf'!1S~· for cond\Jc•t•ng th•~ fish ing hnat or uthrr vessf'l for n ... ~ hoNwab1y d:lsch11rled at atatloni. MIAnds. nr plnrr~ ·nn nrl7in~: th•• I~MllltWt• tlll•l·•~•f. unri ~uhl'nntrzll'tur. or uny pl'l"!!()n ''' !lnllciffn~:. !'ll'f1dlln~: (lr hav.·king huslnou. prnvidc'd. that ir lhl' same sholl II(' dl'sl~:n111td a i;r>n· d,•siltllllf<•d sum of m on•·Y. tor a • a.anar.bty ... ~ toldler, the> publlr strN'IS, hr for nny .-thl' City C<•ltnr ll fllfl\ In ''~' dis-\\h,~t!'•~<'V•·r. '·'' •:rl'c·t ''""';lruct or <"llrPS mo•ntlnnl'd in lhis '«'("finn. llrf"rul:' sh1111 I)(' 1'-"'d monthly ln ~>ral b~ini'S!t lic--'nsl': pmvided, ~l'slgnutt'CJ purpose nnd for a dt'S· .... • m.arifw ol t.he Unlte<l ~ta.mc. or for any whoiN>nl•· nr r r• tl••n d••n\ nnv llll<'h nppllo'11 ll11n r••pnlr un' l'"r''"n n( !Hlld hulld· prnr·urr frnm !hi' C'hll'f nr PoliN' ad,·nnl't', lhr>n lhl' rlltl' nr ll('('ns" hOW!'\'C'r. that wh!'r•' a g!'n<'ral tgnatrd tlml' . ..... wM hea een"t''d In the O vtl mAnufacturlnl: bu-'lni'IIJ, "' for nne! thf' sold C1ty Counl'tl ma) o)n 1nc t~r strurtu11• and that a IJII1'· ·• oumh!or "h•<'h shllll he> dillplayrd shall hr SHl on pl'r monlh. husinr>ss liCf'n54' Is granrrd, thl' SH IIIIn 80. Tho• rnle of liN'nS<' Ww, .., Iadlan War. tM SJMtn·' any factory, t•xn•p t nn th•· •1rd••r hr>Arin~t rNillw 1ony "'"'n~,. f:r,ml· ''"" of !'Airf hu1!riing or lllructurr tn a-l'nn«Jli<'IJI'IUA pia('(' upon thl' ~11011 M. 11'11' rnl(' or llrl'nSC hnldl't lhl'r<•nf <;hnll not ha\'t• th<• for l'ng!igln~: In or l'nrr)'ing on thl' .... Ar r'lem'l War, anY Phlllpplne of tht' City Cl)(lncll (If th•• t'lfy nf ••d f()r th<' 1'<1nthH't •1f l'llrtl rah11·~ lo< lll'lng •'rl't'fl'rl. l'(ln~lructed or "'JICnn, Vl'hk lc, I'Rrt. hru•kl't or for the• OJ)I'rall('ln of 3 motor • or ri~eht to rondurt 11 rPStaurant In businMs of a tishlnt: burg<', as· l sevdoft or In tM Chlnet~e R.e-J Nt>wporl Tll'ach . ani! WIH'nl'\'l'f Mny H. '" thr IIIJini(ln ,,, "'" C'ity f'OIJfl· rr lmlrNl II\ dll\' lllhllr of a stlpU· •>llt<'r rl'<'l'f>lllf'll'' u!ll'd ror ltll' M n· Olh('r Vt>hlcle for lhf' Pllrfl()S(• nr cnnn('rltl'ln .\\'li lt llr as a pnrt or that lt'rm Is ht•rl'innfll'r •h•fl nro, ... ~tioft or In tM World ('el"'If''. ~ru. ftn n. ro-partm•r · I'll, 'lr*-· ~'hall No tlo'!rim r nt"l lr1ft'CI " .. ,.,. ''''Ill w:u:•• to hf' lpl'l'-"''linN' of grtOds. warrs and nu-r-,shnrJ)I'ning a nd gTindins;: kni\'PS, SU<'h ~l'nera l husinl'ss, without sh11ll ht' Slno.OO J)l'r annum p..r Ww ftlltt4 aDd yean followt.n1 • .nip or CCfl)Oratlon. ~lrl'l\, to or don~tl'rous Ill (l t>fft'<'f th•· f>ll,h· 1fi•'(l In <;alii stAir>mPnt.\ and fur· l'hnnd~~ In tiC' ll(>)d or J)l'lidlrd in aJtt'S, ~isSiln or othf'r rullt>f)'. proc~nng lhr rC'I'taurant IIN'nS•' hllrl('", and in this <'Unnectinn. for • Ia t:111w World War ol lJNl and open ~ kN-p any bu1ini'U lpt'CI· Ill' JM'nce. he11lth. or •lui••! thl'r that th•'V 11rl' m11l<ln11: such lh•· Cit y of Nrwporl Bt>arh. Sl M JX'r annum fnr t'&<'h such prov•cll'd fur In this Ordinancr, In,. pur()OSC of this OrdiMnCf', 8 ,_. ~ 1fbo • pb)IIScallyl fled In thi1 ll'CIIor:. he. ahe. l))ey ~""" 111. The rnt1• (If lir<'nsr rl'flr~>~•·ntation~~ In nr'Cfrr th11t sah1 I'<-I'CI011 14. Tht> r<~IP nr IIC('nS(> v~?hiclt•. ltnd 11rovld•ng furth('r, that wh••ro• fishlnf.! burg<' shall lw rll'emcd. ~ to obtain • U~ by or lt ahall petition thr City Coun·' for condurtln~. mnnngin~t nr pl'rs~>n, firm nr rorporaflon will for rnrrylnK on th,. busfnNI!I or ~lhlll 1141. The• rate of liC'<'nsl'l a l;(l'nf'rnl businc·ss licens•· 1s held And t'Unstrut'd ro m<'an e -a ..._., and Wbo ahaiJ be a dl to ord~r a IICf'nse lhl'rc fetr, c11rrylng on thr husin~ll nf 11 puh-nnt hav!' In puy lht• IICf'nRt' f""~ II flt•<frllin~t m11rhlnt> and using for oJ)f'rating nr maintllln~: 8 issul'd a nd thl' husinus t'Onduct· noatin~ ~tructurl' Anchored In the V~ aleetor ol the Slate oil wt\lch pttlllon 1hall 111'1 forth the )il' danC'<' hall or ptlhllc liallrnnm hrrPin prrwld•'d for. a nd that e11ch m•11o1e or olht<1' df'viN• for a t· hlaclc!!mllh or mnchtne lhop. l'd lhc•rNmdrr cons1sts in t hf' ~foil· wntl'rll nf the Pa<'ific <::)('('an, 01_........ ...U haw the rlctlt to name of Ow! applicant. the> char· I or dllndn~.: aC'udl'm )' "hlch Is de·· nf "••ld reprr>!l••ntlllt(lM arl' trul' trllo'llnl( CTOWrls. SIOO no pt>r l wh.-rl' the aamr is not used in tng df fruits, ronf('(·tionl'ry, KT<>-within fh<' I'XtPrior houndarles of • 3 a ate ~ and to hawk. actft' of the buslnftl and the lo-I tlnt•d to !)(' 11 plal'f' whl'rr dAnMn~t Th!' rail' nf liC'<'n~<l' per annum 'lllnrfl'r. conne-ction with n s;:ar age, $25.flfl rl'rll'$, dry~;oods. hardwore and lhr C'lty or Nt•,.·port Beach. for ...... _.wad an)' aooda. Warftl cation of the premllcs Wht'rf' the 11 raughl for Nlnsid<•rlltlon. l'holl r,., nny liUtll'nnlrlll'tnr shall bt> a• ~ ..... u.,.. Sll. The ralr> of license! pt'r nnnum. other nrtwlr·s or lt<'nl'rnl mrr· thr purpost• nf r<'<'<•h·ins;: pt?raons ,_ __ a •• ~IUChaooda. bualn«''l Ia to b<' conductrd. and tit' $200.00 llt'r «nnum : lind In follows: to-wlf: r .. r m nrll!cllng a phOIOJitraph gal-Sfortl-&1. 'Tht> rate of lki'M!' c handlsl' ()r thl' loaning or '""on btlllrd thrrM f for a <.'01\Sidt>ra· -_. ~ M the on the twarlng or 111ld fM'Iitlnn, this ronnl'('tll'lll, no llcl'n.sr> llhllll ~nr plumhlnR Nmtrnctnr $100 Oil l•·r~· ~hnll N-Sl!i 00 (l{'r annum for the bu.'lint>Ss or junk rolli'C~r. rr>n.llng nf fishml;( IA<'k ll'. or nthf·r lion .... ......... the aa~ thereof, the Mid City Council may li(TIInt 1 luul' for aald lmsinl'U rxttpt on F nr r nnr1nt-m ntractor ?.\ llfl ,.,....tloe !MI. ThP rate of IIC'I'fllll' junk <Wale-r or malntainin~t A junk arllclt•'! c1f pt>rson~~l prn(lt•rl)' tht• ~finn Ill. Tht' rat!' of licenllt' -..a ..,....., ol any lJornM thP aame tn wtlolc or Ln part. or ord<'T of t hr llty C'ounc•l. and For r>ll'f'tnral mntraC'InT 100 00 f·•r "''ndu~tln~: lhP husiO(>S! or 11 yard. SIOO.OO IX'T annum. holdrr of thl' l?l'n•·ral l.usin!'ss It· for thP OJ)f'ration nr conductln~ot • ... wbat.wr and tt. Olun· may re~t the-same and no II· the City Counrll m11y r l'flll!f' to F1•r nnlntmr: I'Ontrnctnr 2:'i 00 ltlnntnc mtll or luml><•r yard nnd ,.,....u ... M. 'Thf' ratr of IIC'<'nsc ('f'ns•· tn so <'OnduC't surh J:Pm·rnl of an 1,.,. m11nufacturln~ot plant. or ... illllle to IUdt .o&cUer, cenae .nail tiC' luut'd th••rron I'll· li(TIInl 11ny 1111C'h lkl'nsl' or to nrdr>r Fnr pl11~11·nnc rontrlll'lnr 100.(10 fuulrlinc "lll'li'IIINI <~hall til' S1 5 no for l'lln.ductin~t th/ husinl\.c:s of rr>· husin('$!1 shall nnl hll\'1' the• ril>(ht any hulllnP!Is dc111lng In the 1aJc • IMI'IDt without 0011t a eept u OTdrrrd hy 111ld City ('nun· 11 llr('n••· thl'r••e~n. and mny rcvokf' F•1r """'.''"' l'"ntractor 25.M 1• r nnnum. provldr>d. however. if flnln~t. rr'Cfudn~.t or distillin~t Pf'· In t'<lnduc·t in ''"nn•·c·linn th(•rl'· nf icf', pif ht•r at wholl'~llll' or rc- ...... : and pr'0\'1ded fUr-cU. Whe~ any hulln<'U In this, 1.! IIC'«'n&c· 1 •11NI 11ftf'r o hrurins.t. If Fnr hnrk """'rnl'tnr :.!5 no th•• '" n h•t~inf'!IJW.!! shall tw-Mn· trulrum. shall' no I. tar or a ny oth('r, v•ilh a r•·'ltaurRnt l)r lunrb C"'tuntt•r tail. i" hc'rt'hy fi'CI'd at SlOO.OO M liceMe. c:a.n be ool· aectlon lpi'CUit'd m ay \l('('1)mt' In lt. judl;(mf'nt 11 sh111l dt•h•rminr> ""'" 111•· nnri ""m~i hnn •hll't•'CJ t~l'lh,.r tbcn the llccllSL' h)•drn-rarbon substanc. s. shall be• wll.hour orOC\Jrtng th(• rc·•tnur11nt p.·r ann• 1m. ond th .. till<' or license ...,-ptdiSIIty ,._. the -AOn· 4aJ\al't'OUI to 01t aJfM:t thl' puhlll' 1 I hill thr I'Ontmuan('<' l'r stud Jl. Ntntrnrtnr ~(VI I• • 'hall tiC' ~:!'l on Pf'T annum ~2rlfl no po•r Annum. for t'ach such llrt·n!'<' prn\'id,.d fnr in I his Or· fnr nJ)f'rBtln~ lrf' Wll£nn!', whlrh ·~~::.:.._=., tllfeii'Ced acaJnat health. pre~ or ••fE'Iy, or \l('('1)mr «'<'Oil' w(luld Ill' d('trlm('n\al t(l r nr llht'l't mrtnl roni TIII'tOf' l:'i.Clll s ..... ._ al. Th.-rat.-of 11~!1' rt'finrry or dbtlllrry. and no Jl. dmunN>, prm .. •dPtl, thnt thr hnlt11'T lirE' hrrrhv 1'0rist1 ul'll rn he vp. ..... lldal traw&er ~ dan1erous to aurroundlnlt! r>rup· I lh!' publk fll'nllh, fl{'nrl' M Mft•ty ~'nr hnrcf\\OOCI flnnr flnl~hrn lor l'nnt1ur tins: lh!' tn1slnr>~ts of l't'nsr !lna u ne lrf'llnl('a for I hi'' or nny g!'nrrnl hustnt'l<S hc•t·nsl' hlclr>~ "Jll·ralo•t1, run fir drivPn l f Ia lllldt..s to Ow IQC)da, erty, tM O ty Council shall n •fWil' ~Ciott II. Thr rttll' or lic•'M•· nnlllt•)'f•r~ 2S.oo It r•·•lroUrll nt, (•nfr>. hmch I"<IIJntr•r, ront1uct of such• husinN~s <'XC'<'J'l . whn Rh;tiJ in t"(lnnl'<'tion "'''"'· from hmt~•· '" hnu.~l'. nr to bus!- -_. ~ 1014 or to rrant thco llt't'mf' lor Mndurt ln~ ,r rarrylng on I hi' (o'11r ,.,rs~·nlt•r lr1hor •·:•I• l••nA. ~<h11ll tw-~Ia 00 flt'r An-upon Pf'rTOII of t hr City C'ouncil. wtth cn~RRf' 10 any nlhl'r trlld•'. nrss pllll'l'll, h(lt••ls. rr staurantl, .... Ia Ia u.-Ita~. at ~ Should the Clt,y Council or l&lrl 1 business of auto "'n•ckln1: "" c~tntr:wtnr 0'\ 25 ('Il l n11m, 11nd "'h<'r <' Mid rl'5tnur>~nt ,.,....,., ... MI. Thl' ratr of li('rnse llu.~ir'lt·~~. C'allin~>: or oc·c·upahnn rnr lixli:inst housNO or apartment ... , " City at a.ny liiTK' d~tcrmln(' l h11t I malntlllnln~t ft piiiN' lit which F11r pllll•· t.:lruA s••ll•·r~ 25.('11• fhllll I'AY A F•<df'rol AmuJWml'nt for l'(lnduclin.: or mllintllinin~ 11 1 wh,,.h 11 hrl'nSt' is lmposN.I l•y this hnUl'<'S, wrthin lht" ,.,,,, of NeW· 'ftltt ... fJI .... tioft of rvwy th~ prt>miiM When-In any hualncu automohtii'S nrf' wnorkM. ~hall lx-F'ol r t•hlmnr>y Mnlnwtnr ?"'no I ~'I thr IIN•n8f' for Sllid hU!IInPSS ~hflf' 10hln!' or h()ot hlack 11tand. (lrd,lntonl't•. th••n llt' llhall pay th<' port TlPIII'h, f()r thr> purptl!lf' uf -.a.D be AMual unltell dek'Tibed In thll ~~«lion Is ron· I S250.00 J)l'r hnnum. , Fnr 1111 nlhl'r 'uhrontrncfllrs •/IIIII lw• ~I flO m pt'r annum in· $-'l no l"'r annum add1t wnttl III'C'n&l· ro"'quircd hy this Sl'lling (lr d<'lln•rlng lrr>. shall t\( J8 a?r ~ ln the aect~ d\K'Led, ai'C' not In cood and u nl· ~11011 !O Thr rntc-of IIC'<'mc nf 11n,· ollhr>r rrarlr> <ll'll<f nf ~15 flO (l{'r 'tnnum ~Cioa eo. 'Th,. rail' 11f liN'n~r Ordinnnc<' S t l)tl tltl flt'r Annum. r .. r l.'ach per· Ill' lsi;. ' tary condition. or 1)01 properly · or rrnft ~--00 ~~~ ... Ill Thl' rnrr nf lil't'OS(' fnr mniniAinln~: 11 t!C'11ut" J)llrlor Sfocotlnn 1 1. Fur !'\'l'r y buaini'SS, snn, ftrrn nr rorr,.,>rntlnn l'nnducl· A-a.._ ahall date t1'0m dralnl'd. ~ havl' bo-<'om~ danKer· for Opl'ratln~o; or runntnK Anv l'art, ~ .... uon !ll. Thr rnt" ~>f Ill'• n•" l'or n lunrh stnnt1 nr '<trw! kitrhf'n ~hall N-Sl5.1l0 J)f'r nnnun; lrad{', callin~t. nrcuparfon, art . or inJ: or c11rryin~: <m thr> husinrss ol ..... W fJ1 July, of tJw n-J OUI or affr<'t lh<' Jll.lbllc pt>aC'C', dr8Y· "".",2on, truck ~r \'l'htrlr fnr .l_or Nlndortln~ thl' h11~lm·~~ uf II Is hl'rl'hv fixt'rl a t ~2 ()0 JV'r day, ~tllltl 81. f'or t'\'t>ry J)f'tS(ln profN;slun not llf·l'n!lt'<l by soml' ~"lllne or tf••ltvrnn~t il'•' within lhl' ,_. Ia wtddt u.y .,... t.Uf'd. health ~ Qtlll'l, It mAy rr\'Okr "' thr ~I'IJ\Pry of frc-ls:ht fir l;(nods 'f.arklng pill('(' or sta tion, and nrovidl'd t hat no lun,.h atnnd or rondu•·tm!l. mana~ing or Cllrryln~ section nf thi~ Ordlnancl', th" !:llh1 C'tty nf !"1'\\l)Orl RraC'h. by A -.._.. lhaJJ date from ordn' refllllrlnl: thf" ll('('n.l{' Cor r~~r hlrf', or th,. ~r>lh,.,ry or rock, whi•·h is dl'fin<'d to tiC' 11 plnro· or 1 ~rr,.rt kitchpn 11h111l rprrh·,. 11 Ji. on thr· husines1 or con~llltl'd in any ra il' of lirc·n~<' for rarryln~ on mr>nnll l)( trl' wlt~nn~. unlrss.•how- ...... .., ot U. month ln such busln('Q to l&liUt' nnd no fur· lHlnc1. J.!l'fiVt'l or dtrl nr nny (l!hcr~ sfntinn Ill which automohllr·~ are CW'n.JF• f'X('('pf upon flt'rmir of thr huslnl'$s ht'T'rinnftl'r !'num('rotr ti. lh,. ~lim•· shall lw ~~ O(f JV'r nn· 1'\'rr. !lllt'h if'l' wacnnc: nre O(l{'rated ..._ tllfO .. ~~~Qed; no UcfeM thf'l' JlCf!n!H' shall lX' IIIU4'C1 lh<'rf'· mAtrrlal. for hlrt>. for coach CIU't. rN'!'iw•d fur lhr> pUrpmll' of ho•ing C'it)• C'ounMI, 11nd in this ron!K'C· shllll pay a liC'<'n!W (If :!1015.00 per num. nnrl Wht>r!' 10 this Ordlnnnt'l' In ronno·r110n "''lth on icc ma nu-• ... ._ ...... ,_. ttw fredJonal on until tuch pl'f'ml•es shall havl' duy, Wllgon or vrhll'll', $I~ (IO JV'r pnrkN.I for hirr , 11hnll bl' Sl5 00 tion. 11 lun<'h s tand or 11trl'f'l annum. nn)' lru11in~s. trArlr·, csllin~: fir f;IC'tunnc: husin•'lls "hll'h has AI· E f1 a --. AU &ace-af\a1l bfoen put In 11 511ft'. prOJI(>rly d.ra.ln· "nnum. IJI'r nnnum, vrovtdl'd. ho"<'\"<•r , kllrhl'n sh11ll N-ronstruf"d tn ml'nn Arl'hit{'('t ~C'•Jpnttnn """ hr or ill rnnstruN.I rradr (l/lld thr annunl license of .... ,_. 1111.....,. and ao "'". f'd and aa nitiU'y condition. 14N'tl011 21. Thl' "''"or liN·n~c l!uch pn.rkm~: plnl"l' or ~tnt ion ~h:tl\1 n ltAnt1 or k tH'hl'n 111 whk h J)rt'· Al!snyl'r to IH' IICI'nsc.>d. undt•r two "~'l'tlons $J(l(J.00 . ...,_for 8ft)' &lri\JM'd porUoft Sec-U011 t. 11'te rate of liCf'nr.r for lhr operotlon of II laundry Is nor ,,.. un '""" dlstlnd and ~"l'a· pnn'(f food lA !!Old or fond is Attornr>y zci L1tw nne! In !ltwh SN'tion.s a differl'nt !Ort'tlnn M'!. Thl' rntr> or lken.sf tC .. ..._ for carrytnc (10 I hi' punu1tl, lradr, ht'rrhy rixt'd AI $.'}() 00 I"''' annum. rat I'd p11r1'••ls or land. nnd for Plll'tl rookN.I f<lr imln4'<tiA!t• sail'. IUld Auditor rnt<' of li('('nSI' 111 im)'lffll'd. t h!'n fnr ('nt::as::m~: In or rnrr)'lng on All .,_.. .._... \Mdlr the occupation, avocation. t'mploy· and t ht• ratt' of IIC'<'n~t' for oprr· such dlstlnrt ror('f'l, a lil'•·n~·· or l lhf' lunrh 11111nd ~ strt't't kilchpn Al'f'Ounlllnl thl' hi~hP!~t ral«' of liCf'nsr shall h(' the hucml'1!s nf !lc•llln,:: a t rt>lall q p o1 tbla Ordinance lhall meat, bullnru or calling aped· 11t1n~: lounttry Wllfl(lnR which aha II $1 !'; 0(1 p.'r nnnum $hull lw Jlll•ri 11 portable nnd 10 conatructl'd C'hrmil'l dt•rml'd to Ill' tht> licensr fiX!'<l or at whol•'llnl<', cut n""'"~· tret'l, li-...... ta .._ p1aoe ot .,...._ fled tn t.tlla Ordlnanet' 1hall bC' u be-ronstrut'd to lit> " Vl'hiclc opPr·l !Wc-lloa ,_._ 'The rail' ~>f llc-•·nsc.' tt.At It C'an hf' movl'd from plaN' Chiropodist for such lr<~dr, husln<'ss, c1111tng, llhruh~. 1·lnr>~. ~:rowint:: fl(lWel"!! or ., 11w ._ ...,..S an IUdl II· folloln: ator, run 01' driven from hoUit' tol fM ronductlng thr hu~lnrs~ l'f 11 to pia('('. Civil , E le-ctricAl, C'hrmlcnl or nr ocrupntion. plnntA. fl nrnl piccr>s nr diAplay1, -. .. U. aaAd ~ lha1) Jiledhll 't. ThC' rate of ll('('me hoUit'. or to buslnf'lll plaC'l'S, h11rl:lt'r 11hnp Whl're hut two chttlr5 IIHU011 II. Th•• rnlt' of li('f'nlk' M('('hAnlcal Engineer 1 ~·lion 1%. Ev!'ry pt'rl!On. firm pottr ril'1! containin~; planta or ._ JII .. Ctd bJ the.,..._ wt.n-for conducting, man11~ng or holl'll, rcst11urants, lod~lng hoUSI's .lrt' used. $15.00 J)('r 11nnum. 11nd for ronductlntt a hroker'• btalness. C'hiropract~ , or rorporation not spc-clftcally flo"·ers. shall be> $15 00 pt>r an· .~ .,_ .. _.. ..U be~ by ~na on the-buslnna nf a ~ apartmc nt holll!CS, within the for !'ll('h additiona l chalr us•-d, N'al H tllll', fir<' lnsura nN', stoch Drnlist , m<'nlionrd in this OrdinanCf'. ron-num. and m this oonn«tion. the .. C1111f ot J1!01b f/1 any olnetor bcat.h houlf w~ IUltl an rt-nled City of Newport IW.111'h, for rol-l $5 00 IX'' annum. and bonds. or any othPr kind or ()ptnm<'lri.st dueling, mana~~:in~t or carrying on <'n~taltin~ in or carrying on the • .. atJ. or room1 are r.nted for thl' r h11ntr:· l~lnlt and rl'C'f'lvlnl;( clothf'tl. If a m11nlrur ltt is r>mplny!'d in elan oC broker, 1hall be> 115.00 Ocrulist l l hr business of runninfl, drivin~o: business hcrt'in sprcifi<'d, shall be b at ......, mJtdt t1w dut)' ol lnl ot clothfa, ahall bC' $~.00 J)f'r rabll' or bl'd linen, and other ar· <'<mnf'Ctlon wtth laid barlX'r •hop, per an.,um. OpticiAn or o(l{'rallng any a utomobile, auto-co~trued under th" t<'rms or thla .. 01111 cl ,.,.,.,_ to _,aree alJ annum. tlcle. to lw washed and r~•turni'Ct.l lln additional JICf'nlt' of 15 00 per ~tl-4e. No I!Cf'nu aha II bel Ostr>op~~th or Ostl'Tpath lat 1 mohllt' truck, automobile tank drdJnan('(' 111 a separate and dis-.. Jl.,..._. ol thla ~. ~ .... a. 'nle ratC' ol 1{cenl<' and unleu auch wagons art> Opt'r·l annum. rrantf'd f~ t>n~tarlnc In lht> busl· Physician wagon or any other motor vehicle tinct buslnl'I!S and n('l penon shall • JWJJ •' clllnuld or DOtke br for every artillt. acl'nt ~ can· att'd In conn«tlon •11h a lllundry ~-••-u. E\•t'ry "AltOn, or nen of wlllnr tarnalt'S, und· Surgron Ulf'd for t ht' tramportatlon of bait· be entitled to E'ngue therein 0 1 • a.f fJI Pollet to IUCh penona vuacr. eolldtlnc. painting. re· which ha1 p~~ld t he "'llboVt' llcenl(' I vehicle liable r~ the payml'nt of wtchft. let' ~eam. pt>anuts. bPAn!',l Slltll Painter 1 gage, fr~>ight, household Roods. carry on said busines11 without oh· ..... --* boiMe tax lflaU be toudllnc ~ fumllhlne p6cturn of I tu. lh!'n thC' license for C'ach laun-1 a llcenllt' under the pro\1slcms of candles or other edlbln of Any ...,l'tl'rlnary • merchs ndise. lumbl'r, brick, C'<'· tainlng a 1epara te llceme there· •u '1 to lftCW dw ,...JU. ~err deecrtpUon, where oo ratf' dry runnlnlf or OJ)f'ratln~t wagon!! th11 Ordinan~ ahall have " num· dt'scrlpllon from WliROnR, hancl-, and t'ach J)l'rson carrying on or ml'nl. 011, rock. or graw.•l. shall pay for. II 611 ~-a. f~ed by thr. Ordlntnce, and for In sa.ld Mt y shall tiC' $."10 {)(I pc•r bn prlntrd or painted thl't t'On or cartl. trays or buk.-ts upon l hP engal{t'd In I hi' bu~iness of treat-an annu11l licente tax of $20.00 for SN'tlott U . The rate of lkente ...... I. AD Uclnatl -.ed P'lft'Y book arent. or canvaster I 11nnum. attachl'd ltlf'rc'to In soml' Mnsplc-public atr't'(ots, or \'ending of any ins.t. C\Jr ing, adminis tering to or cach such motor vehicle. for rng11gin11: ·in or <;arrylng on ....... bJ 'ltrtue ol t.hAa Ontin-IMJ1 be and the aame ill hereby I Mt>CtiOII U . C'on tracton l'hall uous pla<'l' In plain ar~tbic figures k ind. J.!h·ln~ trf"'ltmrnll to tht> sick. "f'<'tlnn ll. The rlllf' of liCf'nlt' 1hf' buslnr>ss or soliciting order• -lhall bt priDttd ln blank flxed at $!.00 per day. bP l'llher a l;(<'nrral 01' 11 subron· nr not ll•ss than one inch In lrnl{th. 8f.rtt• U . The rate or hCf'nSt' woundt>d or Infirm for the pur-for carrying on or engaging In for nowl'rs. trees. shrube, vines • ... ...... b)' the Oftit ol the ll4!dSoe 1. 'nle rat!' or IICf'!\1# lrnctor. A IU'nl'rlll rontrllctor shall ond or a prnportionate w idth. and ror t>ngagln~t ln. rondurlln~t or posl' of hrinscln~t about their r e-the busint>ss of renting r ow hoots, grow ing flowers or plants. floral Qtr ol ,. • ..,..., Beedl, ClCIUIM'J'-for conductln~. ma.na11lng or c11rry· tw conslrut•d to Ill' 11 l"'riiOn. na t-1 or auch ('(•lor as to !:It' rcndlly carrying on thf' husincq of lhfl(lt • rovr>ry. hy any mt>thnd or pur-caniJI'S or out-boa.rd motor bont!l, pil'CPS or dl~pla~. or potlf'riM ...... b1 Uw OIW ol Pollee. who Inc on a bUllard. bagalt>lle or pool ural nr llt'llflrlal. wh(l r ntt>MI lnl('l dlallnguishrd. whil'h numht'~ ah~1 lng ~tallery, $1:'i 00 prr annum !lllll!ll to any t!C'Iief. doctrine. or 81111 boats. In-board motor boars mntninR planrs or flowerR. or -..D aet forth the name ~ the tablr. l'liCt'pt auch u ttrr ILvd In ron1r11ct• to ('O!UIIrul't nr rt'pllir ho' dl'111~tnatl'd hy the C'hit'f of Po-St-r«• U. The-rs re of ltC'<'nsr "Y"'"'" othl'r thnn thO!§<' hr>r<'in· for htrr, either 1111 own<'r or OJ')I'rll· flt'ddllng flowen. tr~. shrubs. ,.tJ to wham the ~ Ia ls-priv ate hotne!!, $6 00 l'f'f annum. huildmgs or lllnlcturl's or nny kind liN' who 1nnll krl'p a r('('()rd for NmdiK'Iin~r a skating nnk abo\,. spec•ficaliy named, and tor . nr 85 t hl' a ~tent. servant or 'in!'!<. gro\\1ng fi('IW{'tl! ur plants • ..... the nature o1 ~ 1t!* ar pe-r tabl~. and tht>rt> 'hll\1 -bl' no In thf' City nf :'>J<'WfiOrl ~nrh th••n'Of. shall tit' _JlOO.OO JX'r annum rharglng a fN' or ('nmpen~Atlon empl(l)'t't' of AnothPr , shall tit' floral piN.'•'tl or displn)~. or pot· ., •• t.. abe. the)' « It a.. 11-t>XITII ll!'t'nH char a~ for l•n~taliCII'IIt rnr n rontnct pritt or for n pt'r-!4rt•tl~>n 28 .. -Tht• rAte' or IICf'n!K' ~tl• u . n w rotr nf lll'l'nS<': t hf•rrfQr. rtu~ sum nr Slb.OO per s1;, M (l('r nnnutn whr re nnt mnrl' fPrlo·s ronlnlnin~t plrcnls or nnw-....S to punu~. tM ll.nw for In the butlncsa of 80ft drinks. N'llflllll' of Its cotlt . whf'rP thl' fflr rnrr)ln~t nn tlw pracllt'" or for carryina on or rnnductin.: t h{' annum than fi\r• honts nrc w;rd. and ~2 fl0 ••rs. from rll')l')r to donr. i~ ht>rl'ht ~ the NIIW ta trantecl. tM candles, cigars and tnbJtcros. '" 'nluf' nf nny such Jtruclurc whl'n pro>frssi,,n nf nstrulo~:y. palmtstry, b\Wni'!IS of a tr!Pphnnl' !'Xchnn~:l'. ~tlfln 8~. 1-:w r> pcrs(ln, firm Rdd•l•(lnal fnr I'IICh row boat. fixrrl 111 $2~.00 J.lf'r nnnum. · ... third, and tt. amoun1 paid ronnN'tlon with Rl\ld hu.,inl'!ll! f't!lfiVI••It••l nr thf' ronlt·•u·t 11r11''' phn·nolo'~)'. fortllnl' t•'llln1.. hfc ah11ll tiC' $15.00 J)f'r anr'lum, unii'Sl< M rnrpnrntinn who shail Pnf:IJI!C cnn(ll', or nut-honrd motor in P)(· ,...,.lion M. The rnll' of liM'nllt' ....,,.. Hnwc-ver. aucl1 annunl IIN'nSI:' !!hall thc-r~'r !-hAll h(' S.t,O 1'41 nr morr> rf'Rihn~. rntomnnt~. rill'""~ ""•'<'. OJ.lf'rltlt'd uncll'r /1 frnnrhi!l!' in rho' husin«'Sll or l't'llrrhin~: l'"~lk CC!'s uf fl\'1' for r•m::nglng in lht• husin{'ss of 'l1w Clty,Cierlllhall cauw to be not. In a ny cas<', tW' lt.'11S than Anl1. rnr tlw l"lrflO!I" uf th111 s••l'· t'r)·~tnl "lltln••, ll)"nolfl•m tnt>· fiW'of'tlot~ u. 'Thr> rarr> (lf lirl'n~P r•'I'Orcls m ~a•d C'ity shall P.'~Y un <.'Onductln~t or opc.:•rutin~: hott•il!, _......... -... t .__ f · 1 1 ... "' ,.. Src•tlt•n 1.-. 'l"hr raft' nf li<·!'n~l' .,.._._ a IIUu""en numun o $1!>.00 ~r annum. t Inn. 1'\'l'r~ fll'r~un. rn-p11rt nl'rs 1 Jl. •liurn~hlp. prnJIIll't'~. nus;:llr) dt\ n· for mnlntnlnlns:: a ny N•ntrh·nnct·· Annunt hc!'nlll' In:< of $1~ ()0 f opnrrnwnt hous•·s. r "om In g IRICfl .__ al m•y ~ rt!qulred Thr ("ll'rk nf tlw City (lf NI'W· firm nr t'Orfll'rntlom """!Chilli c--1m· 111 ~~n. IIIII I; II' ur 11, ''r"fll 11 ,,·y, or dt'\'iet' Ill whh•h thr ptthlic Is ~ .... unn fiS. E\'Cr) Jl('rliOn. firm nr f·nrHIUI'IIn~t. mnnngin~ or housr!l. honrdin~ h•lu.qt·~. mo tels, M one ~. Ill hoc* f«m. wlth port Rt·nrh ,hnll m11k1' 11 IIlii of nwnrr th•· ••to'('th)n (If N>~l•trttf'tlttll ,, .. , r• " r,~, 111 l'llltr"'••<i .Inti ro'l , iv· ln\'ltrd (lr prrmlttr>rl to thr ow nr rorporat1on who shall con· n•rryin~: ••n. or <'ll~/l~mg In the auto ('olUrtc:. hun~:olo\\ cnurts, and ....... _.. .. ... to ~ .. __ ........ 11 ... _ I .. t • I I " ., .. ltustnrss "' ll'a.<~•n" or hlfinn . h -,,,... "'"'' ...-.. ,a ur conch surh ll\blc ml'nt nnl',., s 11nh · t>f nn~· )1111 1 tnl: nt ,ctnwturr ••r ,.,1 t.>r thf' prllclw•· ••r ,,,111h11100 rint::l! or hAlls. qr (l!h<'r uhic'rls durt 11 \'N <·nnan· hmpit11l in said ,. " mns. " f'rr> not morr !han fi, I' -the aame to tt. Ollef ot In" In lh!-nlare nf hUIIn<'J~c whr rr ,hall rc·•111lr In nn,, mnnno•r an) r 1 11r kn1·,~. wlu.,.,, d•1ll!t. nr nlh<'r rtf,\' shnll nn'. 11n nnnual lt'~n~~ rhArf••r lt0:1f!l fnr rod and tl'\'i units nrl' n·nlcrl to lll"commodAtf' • .,._ " ,. ' ••t ""~ ~ltrh prnrtu••·"· ;:> Ill•• to('r ~o tN • ,. " -• fishlnJ: 'II J11D1c» tbtrewit.h, who shall ap-th<' 111m" ls mAint nlno'<l, 11n<t l'tulldml! nr strii<'IUr~' In '"" Cit~ l'lttY thln~:s for a pri7f', shall I"• s;"..O.OO 1.1x nf $:.!~.no · · l'l •cr ns O\\'JII'r or op-,:tUr!'ts. roonwrs . and ll'nants, ~hnll ,..,. et the olnoe ol the Oty chMitl' 11 th.'<'nsc whl'lhrr 11nld of N\'Wport Rr'Arh. shnll Ill' d••r>m· '"'r Annum. ~··•·ll<~n M. rt'r r>wry prnnn, l'tator, ur as lhl' lll!r>nt. !lt"rvnnl h•· $l.'H~J pl'r nnnum, nnd for "ll<'h a.rk 011 the fti'lt Monday In each tahle 111 usl'rl or nor. I'd " N•ntrni'IC\r 11s hl'n ·in dl'finO'I! 10''f'11''" '!7. ·n,,• rr•l•· "' 1" nse r .,_111_ .......... ,. r, .• 1 ... or 11,.<•nM flrnt nr c·or).IOranon who shnll or ••mployl'f' of nnoth{'r. shllll l~r !'l'pllr:~tr nl'cnmmnd,olinn •Wcr fl\'e, _ .. _ _.. ttl f ,.,_ 11 r 11 h 1 fnr ''"'1riur tm..: nr t'llrl\1111!. 11 the ,_,. -... "' • • ~· S I!>OCI J)f'r 11nnum IX't hnAt • '""I ~ .,... W t! ar Uft' ~ ~N'tlfln 10. The rRII' f) Cf'nl(' ancJ Rhnll ht' lflthlr• 11'1 pn) I I' I for llll ct~~t ~vtllhltl.l'l"• ~llllll o..... C•nj.:~f' In fh(' IIU IOmClhill' Jitllra"''' ' ,:.:._'" rN'•r 11nnum ntldlllonal to said _.... • .___ .............. I ....... I f I I r h ll'>llh ' ··f II m••rn .••• ,. 111\llh l d r· 3 • n 'A ·~· -.... .. a tl 1• Tl I f ,. ( -: --flOW uno ...., ....-for ronduct ln,R'. manag ng or N'n~•' h••r1•mn ll'r Jlrfl\ 11 •'f nr. " 25 00 d 11 11 h 11 hu~in•·~". thr nnnuAI I.JI't'nsl' tax ,..f'C' on ·•· II' r11 <' n lC£'n~r rt•s. -far ,._ tJmt for wtlic.b INch ln bo 11 II "'15 00 d h h 1 t l'lllhr S\\ •n~-:. ~"""~~' rat It 1'·111 1• 1 rill $ · · lll'r ay nn no N'n!'•' tt 11 11 ( for rnrrylng nn nr m11nngino nr s t1 ... Th --t'IIIT)' It on " w ng a cy . ., , . pr o\'1 in~~: I nt I <' ron m r pru•t• "1,. ,.1, n,.r011111n,.. ,.1111,,, ""In. or bt' RTAnted t'XC!'pt hy SJX'Cilll pt>r· ~ha hr &15 tO , ,.. . ,,.. nn "''· <' rntl' of liCI'nRe -wen .....S. J .,..r annum. ror each 1\lll'y, Wlll'lhrr nr th•• VIIIUI' or ~111!1 l'lrurtur•• .w ·• ' 1 f h Ci C 11 <'nJ:n~tinJ:l '" thP buslnt'.~s of 1<'11~-f(lr opcrArin~ or rnnduclinn the -...... _., ,.. nlhl'r llimilnr ,,,., •r.•· or ,J,.d••, 111• or I m I (J t c ry ounc . 1\lltnmoh1f<' ..:nrn~.:r> I~ h«'rf'tt\• dr-. 1 " 'l1w ae.y Clerk ---on 11..,...-the s11mt' he ue~ or not, And for huildln~t 11\'h<'n rompiPI•'ll shnll N-~ flnrd 11.~ and cf('('lnrrd • 10 jW' 11 lnJ.:, rl'nt ng, or lhr> hirln~e of h<lal~ husinr·~.~ elf l'l'ntin~t hicyclr>s to 4latiOII ot t1w OtW ol Pollee. 11-1 oarryln.~ on the bullnru ot 11 box· m(lr<' than ~"\0 00. unh'~<!l thr nwn· nn)'lhinl! of 11 suml;u· ·n.lllrr<'. ~·•-t41. 'nlr rnle of ficl'nst> plntt whrt(' aulomobiii'S arl:' llllc:t; lo nthf'rs. for laiC! !l<'r,·IN', {'ith!'r th" gl'nl'ral public In thf' City of .......... ,_ Md blank Uc:trnt8 u baJJ ... mt' or .11lley, S3 00 n.or 11n· er or ~niri bUIIdln,. or structure. <>r SIOOOO J>l'r "'"nth, ''"'''I'll l\ll•re for ronductin,:: thr buslnt'l.!! of 8 liS owner or op('rnror. or os th!' Ne"onnrt Rl'11ch 11hall N-!'501"' per -..... .... ,.. " h b 1 _ _. d 1 · o 1 th 1 s ton'f'l or rarcd for. clranlod or rl'· '"' "" "' -• ..... __..__. and take bla num for Aftch such alle)' In such thr fl\\ nl'r of thP lnnd on wh1rh 1 <'St' us nl'liM'S ar<' l'c•nn•' 1"" ry c t'anm~ r c 0 I'S Jll't'Sll ng ag••nt, SCt'\>ant or !'mplo>'N' or an· &nnum. l'nAnr thf' trrm,r h••r~f. --·--' lth , .. _ "f · .. t hfl h nt ... h-1 h h 11 •· pairl'd, And when • lhl' ni.'I'CI!Iary 'If ~ .. ~ fWCIIIpt ......,_, .... lbaJ1.ftU Ow 1ame. whether the lllf'IW hr ~such t111lldmg .. r .struo'turr is hi"· w '"' 1111 zon,. ''1181n'"~ ••1es a 5 me -c 8 a L'lf' ro.n· othr>r. shnll ~ $1500 pt>r Annum 11 bicyrle is dr>fincd liS smy two or _.._ a,._........,. tMreto. wtddl atub ~ l'l(ll. aflft In connection with s111d In" rr...,.tl'd. runstruCtNI nr rc· hrrl'lnafter I1Pi tnl'd ali'\M'd to be 1 plaet' where clntht'\1 machinl'ry is kl'pt for thl' purpose Wh••rt' not morl' rhnn fln;o hoAts lhrl'(' \\'hl'rlr d v~hlclh wht'ch •--~-., .,. 1 _ _. , _ _. ... of rt'pairinR AUtomobilt'tl and • "' .. ... t be .._ ln U.. Clllllce ol U.. buslni'U 11nd 1.1 a p11rt lhtort'Of, nalrrd. shAll !irst mnlcr 11 sworn ~rt'tiOft !II. Tlw rn1,. "' Jt.•,·nlt' are c can ...... renova ...., or pt1'111(;'"• arr usrd, and $'..!.00 additional for operalr d by man power a nd t'"--..-,.-.. _,, oo ...... 00 ""'r annum and Wh!'tl' automnhilr IIC'Cf'!lsoril'!t, gas· ,,... ,..... c:s.tL lOft drlnu. candiH . cl~tan snd ln-11tlll!'mrnt lhnl they IU'I' eri'CIInll, r(lr runnimt 11 "fun l<ln,." shnll ~ .... ..,..,, .-• enrh h<111l In t'XCI'Sll nf fivr> tt'rm "Tlirycll'" d()(>!l nol ·1nctude ...,..., ........ j y laundry "'.l"on that roll~u ollnr. olh• 11nd suppllt>S arc kt>pt ._...,. 1. Eadll._.. ...,.._ batto may bf-10ld without th4> oonstru<'lln,.; nr f'Ciprtlrinl;( such s:.!50.00 pr•r 11nnum. a nil •' fun •n • " and sold. Sf'f'tiOft 78. The ratl' or licente m otor drf\·en vehicle-s or any de- W a.uet under UlJ INOfWoo ol payment ot furthf'r additional bu11dlng or strurturr IIJ thl' owner zonf'" Is o1t•ftn•cl ;1~ n pi;~,~· of or N<'t'lves clotht>S to hr clran<'d. for rnrr)'in~t on or rngaging In thl' scr1ptlon ... ~ lhaU •~ till liofftMI. thereof. And that thf'y have not llmUSt'ITlf'nt ••nclo r On<' man.tge--~vated or preued. !lhllll bt' F.vrry penon OPt'T'Ilting, ron· tousin(>SS of rt'Cf'ivln~t And trans· 81"C'tlflll M. The ratf' or li~nl<! -. ~ t.rariMd f/1 c:.n7 • ...,.._ U. Th~ rate of llrenlf' t'nl('rcd Into a contrAct either mr nt and on lnnd~ I hill 11rr• .. on-SMI.OO pt>r annum, and any du<'t•n~t the huslnns of lt'rvtoo porting J)f'rson~ within the City of fl')r npernt tnl! mUIIc machines. as .. ._...... • caiU... theniD tor arrylnl on the bu&lncsa of Vt'rhlll or \\Titt<'n, with 11ny ron· tl~~:uous Wht'rl' runusl'ml'nl I( l•1rn· laundry wqon thllt rollt'CIJ or f ('· station deallnR In oils or gasollnf', Nl'wport FWach, in boats or otht'r that f!'rm 1s herelnaftr>r deflrt('(!, _..,at U. pac. thenAn dllill'-..nine breed from a wqoR or I traC'tor o~;. su~ntnctor. or any lshNI tn thl' puhiiC'. ln•·huling ct'l\'es clothes to oo cleanrd, reno-JM'IMI<'um pToducta, or other auto-watl'r cr aft. fo1r the PUI'JlOS(' of In any plaC'f' of b uslnf'SI in t he ..... _. at M ottw ..... 8lld otiMr whlcle. Whether tM brl'ad J'ei"!IOn wht~IIOt'Vt>r. to t-r«t or 1 ft'rris whet'J, mt'rr) ·1-:••·rutlncl. dr· vared ~ pr~ •hall In .11dc:lltion mohllc or motor \'t'hicle ACCCS• nHorrim~t such ()I'I'IIOna an oppor-Ctty or Nc\\ port Df>ach, shall be ' .. IIIII ._. lihtiD 80( be • be llekH tn tM City of NeWpOrt cons tn 1ct or rc-pttlr SAid bulld1ng rular •~1nlt. lll'l'nlc rniiNAd . M'ro-to the lltti\M' · hl'relnbt'forr im-sorlf'll lind supplies shall pay a.n tunlly (If \iewlnl;( plact'l or In· $5.00 llt'r nnnum, for eAch mualc ..,_,_,......_ a.--.._..or not, tar •ch 1ueh waaon 1 ~ strucrun>. and that ~aid buUd· plant' slide, II\\ '"It or oHto'r stmilar ~ upon any such laundry annual lif't'nRe of $25.00. terc'!ll in 11nd ahQur the C'lty of machlnl' or phonograph installed, ., .._.._...a lie • .......,.. \Mill In IUdl Nlneaa. lnr or 1truch~ l1 being erected ! devtet' ~ dodi!Pnl. I!RnH'll nf ~\till, waaon. P11Y an additional IICf'nr.e SM-tlna 16. For thl' bualnn s N<'"'J)Orl &~trh. for ri'CT't'alion. at altJ~chcd or operated in the City -.. fJI 111te .. U. .. ftl 125.00 Pl'f annum. ar oon.structf'd or repaired by day and penny nrcnt11'. ami nt her ol 1:50.00 pt'r annum. or conducting or operating a c11n· 11 consldl'rat ion, <'llh,.r as owner or Ne"'J)Ort Beach .. 111 t t .. .. ...... JJ. 'nw rat. ol ~ labor a t a ltlpulated wace (said 1 vmn and d(\'lff!l of l'ntrna.ln-~ tl. 11\(o rate of ~~~ nln~: or pn'len1n~t plant. the lf. (lf opt>ratnT". or as the. a~tt>nt, serv-The tl'rm ·"music machine'' 11 ._ ......... ..,_., dreua • ~ •· -.p to be~ ln .. kl at•tf'-nwnt and amtw>mrnl. but ex· f«" oonductina a fish miU'kl'\ ahall ceflS(' tu ahall bt' $100.~r a n-ant or t>mployt'C of another, shall used In this Ordinanet' is'lnjerwkd ...... _.. .. .. • ..... h ~ ol New-mtnt) and f\lr1Jwr that tMy .,. dud.ln« 111f'rc-from the•' Op('rallon be 11~.00 ptr annum. • num. be $50 no J)l'r annum per boat. to mnn and lhall mean any ............. -4lf --.oo per IDUdlltl IUdt •ev-•tatklnl lrl and cond\K't of 11 rHtaurant or ._.... .a. 11w ratt> of II~ ......_ a For every penon, I Set'Cloll n. Tht> rate of llct-nlt' machine which hal rcc:ordlnp ,.. ca. Clllll .... llr, _. .. ....., 11 ·_, II ...._ that eUcJ ,...._ wOl not "linl pla<.'lr. for conduc:t1nl the bualn8l oldlnn ar euporaUon op«atlna or I tor man-.~ or carrylnc on. or (Contlrtue<l on Page i ) ' ( Camera Clab Formed c ·me Detecti Labor t PuiiC..tc Nonca I Pu•uc NOTIC. r For Harbor Area n on a ory . Dr Roy,...... ol ~Harbor ------laJud. ~td to N~ ~ A ntH KEMP, JAMf.:S P . C'OS· of ttw-Supt"rlt~r C"ourt nt ttwo C"nun. I Lut Thund&y ~~~ a I1'0U.P 0 • • • Sheriff' oo· lice M~ l>a¥ that ~ 1 ~:1.1-t'"l. C''OTNER SECttRmF.S ty of Oranp, StflC' or C'alltornla., ot amateur ~ tana met at perafing In s ··ce fllii'N'd hll bunkhouM and n,....cl f'l 'HPORATION, II OOf'poratlnn, I hi• 24th day ot,Aprll, t!l<t6. the home or Harry For1)'the for f 11 up, bUt notbln& wu miMLna 1' l T I. t: tNS\IRANC"E AN 0 1 n J SMmt tM' purpolle of Cormin& 1 camera from It, ht-uld. 1 Hl 'S'r. C'I'MPANY, .~' rorror· \ •1,1101)' Cl~rk. ani\ ("'t•;k of ttw- d ub for the Harbor area. The For the first tlmf' In the hl.,tnry ~ adentlllc analylft ma,y 4 ~.'":11•• lru~lt'<', TI IF.~Jolns-r: NA·I ~lll)l'l'hlr C'ourt t11 lht' ~lair OJf VENETIAN BLINDS. Wood • Steel • Alumlnuaa ..._t s.nioe -FNe N' ... CaU t ta ud ~ PbON a.r&w ~Untr wu prt"SicSed over lly Mr. ot OmrijloJ cuunt)' It Nllllplete. (either lt>ad to the convic:tJon ol Pu•LIC NoTICD '1 11,..;"' \I. :•·~Kkl OF flO\.~ NF.Y. Calltornla, In and f•Y the C"~n· Fo.l"'ythe. Hu.&h Davis of Ca.ta modPr'r• ""11 S<'lt>nt;flc \'l ime rlt·· an accult'd or It may «lffvl~ a an r~11"1111 " ng Auoc "111'n. t y ot ()rana... Jntertit L • Shad :esa ~~~ elecMtedMahopretldent and lt>CIIon IRI.Ionuory hll$ h•"'" Sll'l <'OW't or jury that tJ\e dtoft>ndanl No. 40161 ;"\\\) n~~~i:;-;,~O~n~i~~ lly n OY .J lRWlN, [)coputy., ~· , y J00• e Co. n . )'~ (' n, alllo of UIJ by Sht>nlr J~·"M.' L. Elliott in! Is not &Uili.Y ol • c:riml'. A 1'1\1 > • !Sral SUptorlor Court um E. WIU"ddow .... C:O.ta Mesa, wu elected ~· the ret'flrd.~ and tdt•nt•ticullllfl de-Nothln& Is con~alfd from tht-ALIA8 8UM1IIION8 N, {)(ofl ndanta 1 Oranae l.'ountyl I tary·treaaurer. purtment of his oUIC1? and It b ultra violet ra.y machlne. 11 c1u1 C AcUon · brouelft In thf' Superior y,,u U l' dlrrcll-d to aPfll'ar In Pub ' Ph~ Lotaa ~h 461·18 The Idea of the club is to a.salt now undt'r t.he supervialon or a 1pot anythin& no matter how C'OUJ't of tht' County or Oranae. a n llrllun b"'ueht a~alrwt )'tlll by J Apr 30: May 7· H . 2J. 28: • ___ .... __________________ ..... ~a~w~~~~P~~.~~~ede~n.~~.~M~~~tht-. h~ey~ ~~~~~ andC~~tru~intht-~thr n~~named~alntiN ~t~1 r-•u•rn•···-·.1•1••1.a.~-;•J•~•Y•~•'•l•~------------------------• Alon& th1l line the prOK'J'am com· Curt. dire-ctor of that dtopartment. powerful and as ~avealin2 u the CIN' ot the Oerk ot the Superior Sur .. •rlvr <"'ourt of tht> Stair nf j mlttee hu arranaed for many Hel'('aht•r, trained penonnel m1rroecopic camera a nd tht-ml· C'ourt ot nld County.) C':tllf..rnlrt. In 11nd f•1r t he County prominent photOKT&Phel"' of will tx> able to cope wlt.h any 1 c~ l~lf wtUch h.u been --of Oranltf', and In answer thfo rom· {I Southern Callfomla to flvt> a suuation lnvoh'lll& criminal ac-added to the new laboratory Ia tiNt ......... c-t ef 1M llta .. pllllnt lht•rt'ln within tf'n days aeries of lect\I{H at the various tlvny in Orange cou. nty. No lon&er I equlprnt>nt. MICJ'OICOI)k u.amina·1 o1 Oalllenia Ia Ml4 rw tM aflo'r th<' wrvl~ 01;1 you • thla I m~tinp. There will be club dia. 1 "'Ill Jt be necessary and flqlfll· tiona will be preaent~ In coun. C...t7 o1 ~.... •· aummon•. If lt'rv~ within th~> cuulons or pictures taken by the s1ve to send samples of blood and Coun, jUry and spectators wjll be --County of Oranat. or within thirty ~rl .00 a1ao projt>c:tlon other specimf'nJ to Loa Angele!! abl~> to view Ow evi~ on a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. 41\ys If lt'l"\'l'd t>IHwhfft, and you ahoWinp or the member~' koda· I for chPmiCal and micro.ocopic ~l'ffn. the rum and aUIII pro-a Municipal C«poraUon ol the ar•• rfntlfll'd that ttnlt>e~ you 10 c:rcxne plcturea. analysis. ; JecUd from a llpedally equipped Sl.xth CIMI, Pt.anun, vs. JESSIE appt'ar and anawt-r u abov• l't'- It wu decided at the meetJnc When any type o1 c:run. occun, photomlci'OCT&phk canwra with K. SCOTT, PI al, Defendants. . qu.ln>d. the plaintiff wW takf Jude· that the JUUne for the club would from arson to murder or man· I are lllbta. 11w ~ ot the State ol Call· m•nt for any motwY Cll' 4amaces be the Harbor Camera club slau&hter trained detectives In Y urdfor ~,_ will be photo-fornla Send Gl'ftUnp to: JESSIE de-manded In the Complaint, u AU f 1 1~ the sherii f's otfll:1? will be able &nJ?hed with specially f'QUipped K. SCOTT. E'nlEL l ONE roES-arlaln1 upon contract, or wtll ap- the ~ra tin ana -: :v d to to make their own probes. collect I'DNiatu~ moYie canwraa and •UU SEL, ELMER A. CAIN, MIRJAM ply to tht-Court fOf' &1\Y other l'f'- 13 ';:;15":-n! to •laat:: the evidence and submit it to Capt. ~. both capabw ol t.aJdq E. CAIN, hll· wtt•. ORANGE lkf demanded in the ~t. Ial!cs_ The avenue, Mc:Geff Who with Dr John Yon· In t-very dtotaiJ ol tht-c:riml'. One COUNTY 1"''1'l.£ COMPANY. a Given unde-r my hand UN! IHl 7·30 runa bfa1na at tanua, ~nty au topay ·IU~ and of the c:amet"U wtU be equip-CIJI'liOI'&Uon, Trustee, W . W. ------------ . p.m. chemlat wiU &nalyu lt and then ped with a sbtch board. an in· CAMPBEU., ARmtJR H. RJCE, r------------ preeent' their concl~ iD the valuabw uwt in cov.rina a vio-LULU B. RJCE, hla wtft>, LE-• N~ •=ttwsawta an ronn o1 &nalytk:al opinioDa to lent ertnw. TrnA w. DYMOND, BENJAMlN IA•t ""'Wrllln ,_,. ..... te ~t IIJU...... court and jury. Pr1nt.a at teeth. feet. doth. W. SELBY, A. L. SHEPHEJU>. .._ V1 8 • 8 -;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;; burclar toola and ewn prints ot JOE SHAUZNBERGER. DOIA r flrinc pine In ~ aheDI wW C HAFNER. LOS ONGE'l.ZS two ~loped by the poJiao 8clen· MORTGAGE UNDERWR.ITERS. tilts. Print• ol Utft, t"e'Vee.llna l'NC, a CIJI'liOI'aUon, FRED S. the various pattl'ma, wiU alao EVANS, GlAN DESPALA'J'RO. fumiJh clues to th4' ~~traton VICH, M. L JACK, JOH)l DOE ot futu~ crimes in Prance county. J ACK. hft' husband, STEDOOM • Before Y011 l•lld or R•••del ~ new labonltory 'ts equipped A BLANCHARD, a corpora tion, to do all the.-nt'("~ry pla.~ter o1 STEDDOM A BLANCHARD, a , f){lrill 1\nd moulae:f' Jotw;: that wf're .. '0-p&rtnel"'hJp, KELLY ROOF· f(ll'm('rly done in 1M c~ dr-tNC CO. Ltd., a • COfllOI'&tlon, I tN'tinn bul'ftu of thf' Lno: Anll:f'lf'l" RJCHARD ROE. Trultee In Bank· ~lwriffs nfficf'. Heads nr both rupiC'y or the Htate ot KELLY livm~: and dtoad per<on.~ will I)(' ROOFlNG Co.. Ltd.. a rorpor· • Canvas Santa Anat. Tent & A wnin&' Co. Ja8 8o ...... 8&. .._., SANTA ANA HYDRA · MATIC SPECIALISTS o' • Oldsmobiles & CadiKacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLB. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC . PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS ufbertsori Chevrolet ·Co~ . . Newport B•ela • mnli4-whi'Tl thf' O('('Rslnn dt'f'f\and' 1\tlon, Bankrupt. WM. MERF..- thl'm !lands and f('(•t, t<ven shoes 1 Dml. WlLLJAM L. HOPKINS, and th~r ~ttemL can 11~ will i~A~R~G~A~R~~~~t~I.~B~I~G~B~Y~,~L~O~R~N~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lw done in molded form m any l'mt'l'gl'n<')l LUDLUM Carpet Works lin ._.. 11.a. k ftoDe Buta Aaa J101 SANTA ANA Fol'('(' and pN•ssun> of firt'nnn.~ ur I'VI'ry IYJII' nnd bUJI('IS of t•very I 1 natUI"(' clln be• anuly7t•d unrtcr h'<'hniral proc'I'S.S('S lkvt>lofl('d hy -Announcing- thl' laboratory. Soon thr lahoratory will add a •p•-rh"ll:raph rn Its wtluabll' t>qUip- mc>nt. A •fl<o('IOgraph workin~: 1n PAINTING CONTRACTORS I h" \rislblo• SIJI'CI rum wiJI bt> UJI(':. rut whc>n rt~>tennlnln~t the pn•s· l•n('(' of m'lllll QUMiitil'!! O( meta\, a.~ m annlydn~ trnct~ of ~tUn· J"<''-''tlt•r. Blood and unnhn Inks ('an nl~o \x! analyzl'd by it. I Another e'I1Wntial ond valuble a<.-..•1 of the> nl'w laboratory llJ an t•nlan:•·mPnl apparttru.~ with con· rlf'nlo('r Thill i..• ('!<!'X'('Ially useful in f'nla~n,:: typewritten lettPI"'''. • INTERNIOR AND EXTERIOR I £$tlmatel' fo'l'('('l Patton & La Veque • il.oc:a tlng in Corona dc.-1 Mar Soon) Still an()lh~>r vl\luable ln~trument w111 rf'veal whPt hl't' mnll h&.'< bo'MI t omJ)('I'Mf wllh whPihrr It has t)(~·n OJK'nf-d und rr-~t•al('d. wht>ther lh(' writln~o: hall bt~n chang('(! nn thf' f'fWtiOfl". wht'ther t'l'rtain 1 · fin~o:c•r prim" "'r~ lrfl on it. Sl'otr h tRpc>, \'arious alzcs, on salt• "' tht• !':rws-Timcs . Post War Prosperity Club Roster--Continued T6i fuU-.-p art layout bf .ladl LIDdsley, cowboy utilt. Ia oar way of IUV· 1q oar readen wltb portrayalS ID proee aDd peadl. the facle ud Ufe .tone. of oar ~m~d~. . ~ tbelr work Ia reiterated for the beMIU of DeWcomerta to the area ud to remiDd .. oWsten" of their coatribaUoll to ~ bulldiJic of the Harbor dlrltlid. New tac. ud tbelr .torte. pe .. becldollUttoltee." dlaplayiq U... M .._ .. ID OUJ' ...w.l ....... A~.~ Beach City Merchant Patrol G.N.Wella Real Estate .... .,__ 8111 ..,.. lf.,...n ~ ..-. Oallt.. A.lld Detect~,. llerrioe 11M~ rr-&-Newpon..-PIL BanoP lUt·a ttt ~!£ Theodore Robins FORD DEALER till W. OIMNI Pliloee Barttor U £tt Sianley Junes Bardea MA.ST!:R liARINER .......... ,...._., ............... Ill OoMt ID-1-ft. ae.c-Ml& tt t C. F. Dennison I Aa:uate ... wttll A. -sANDr etlliHD-.._.._ tM OoMt RIP-~ Rartlor 1111 .t.t.t j{)SEPH L. MARSHALL .............. ~ Ckristian's uat ...... MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey t lM 0aea11 ,.,_&-Pit. JlartMir 5 .ttt Dennis Borland PLYMOUTH ...,....,-Coe&a l(-111t Newpert 81 ..... t£t Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New )Jlue Room (WM JltMibte Grill} &U'8. DllmU AND ROMANCE ... ~tnt MIP'u. .t.tt BurtR.Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ...._.._,,a U ll CM11* ~-!f_,.rt ....... a.. t tt 0 . R. (Pop) Crawley~. K. (MorTie) Ctawte, nt.UnctJve ~ F'\JtnlahJnp <:nwley's Furniture lllJ N....,..n 81 .. .-PIL .,__ aiM eo.ta Mesa-"in the Heert at Town" t t t K. L VAUGHN "Tm DO ~1'-my ·~··· in th1l ~ .. Modem Shoe 'Repairing Ooet l(e.a -8. W. N~ A"' ttt Dutch Heacock ,. GlADU UV-.a.&Y .... ~ .. Be.J~.rJ!t, ~aJ.t f!m~y HOME IIUJLOEa • JU E. llaJ rr.~ llutMtr 1ft -Ttl .............. .. PRESIDENT TRUMAI ASKS CURB 01 RECKLESS DRIVIIG DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOI'II nRm HAVE THEil RECAPPED This "Drive With • "The Arches" "Ju.t • Uttle Bit Better' Cocktail Lounp and Cafe Oe o...t HJpwaJ al N..,..n 81 ... V al1ely Boat Rental& MotOf' and Sail Boet• Ofe' .......... ,.......... ... "' rApwat.er ., .......__.. = '71 HI-Way Garqe OMclal Southnn Oalllomla Auto. Oub G&rap n .. ,._,..... ..,.._..,._ 111 Reed'• Super Service · Shell 011, Cu. Lubrication and A~ ... ·-C...lral Port of Seven Sea~t Boat Laatlinc a..a ..,___ .. _,_ We~11 <JeMt ...._, Balboa Circle Tui /WI ... ,, DIIJ or NIP.__,.., H,t. .. Newport Auto Worb PRESIDF.NT TRllMAN C'&Ued upoa tiM~ aaUoe'• tralfte d\Wh to halt "111JJU)D" ON 1D ... W A VS by BARRl'NG "MORONS A.ND NUT8 .. ft'Oftl the drtwr'• ...t. Ria ...... f• ......... halt tM DEAnl TOI.I. --.NOW NEARING THE t;qttlVAI.ENT Of' T11U1t AU1Y ~ A VF.AR.-wu a•.....,..t.d to the NaUoul Htpway 8alety 'Ooalet'f!IIGII Ia W .......... r1 n'IJ. ~ 'Jbe ~at •ta~: ''Tbe uUoa NllltOt afford aad wUI DOt tolerate u.la tn&to ..... CJf '- reaour~:· • Deaths 4 2 Percent Higher On Rural HighwayS in State "Slow down and Uve looaa,orl" l lllJtl\Jnl!tlt.ed. ".AJmc.t wurnlabt Titls tei'IIC' hit t>f advlcr to 'C'&U· we hAVt' n:-tuml'd to J>f'I'·WAr ron• fnml11 motorl~tl' Clllllt• f(ldny f""1fll •llllnn• ot tmUic fflflltt'llllnn, ~ F.d~:ftr E. Lltmptnn rh•• rww Dln'f'·j uv•'niMI' car 1111 thf' hl«h•wa)'ll Ill tor of M01nr Vt•htt·l•'<l. flfh•r 11 n"w mnrr th1.n Ml(ht Yt•llnt old. ~tudy of IV't5 trufrlc I'ILIIUIIlll••• C h11 fin•• will 11111 r;Cnrwf f•lll't'lliiiVI' rtiiiCIO!It•l 100:1 urrJtl••nlll Jn whkh •r•'f'lf. onl' Or "'"''' r~·NAJnrt I,_. lhl'lr "'lllt• uh VhiWI 111\•wrr 111 ltl alow Jivl'!l hfo(-au"• tt( truwllnl{ t•Jt• f11.•l .,.,...11 to 11 ru~ft' ~pe<'(l ttnd avnlli for the ('IJIH111iun~. lt•'ttln~ Into I~Mihh•." Thf' 5tltnt• ~olutly ~~~~~·NI 10,4111 tll'<'lclt•nh In which hn•• ur m••rt• l.llmptMl tAil(lf'<'l lhlll h.-h~ta In• prr-.on11 w••H• lnjun'11, all allrlbut · •lni<'IN1 C~tllfomlll lll~ehw~ty I'll· II bit' to I'XI'r~<~lvt.• Hlll"od ~~h~ tlfl I r'lll ntriMIII~t to pay Jill I tlrular at· rural "lghwny~. wh••rt• tfJlf'fofJinlf l•·llrlon to ~Jl!•tod vlnl11tlnn11 11,. usu111ly ()('('Uf"'ll, W•''" up 42 4 ,.,.r r"'"'"' an ovi"Nlll not.!Uc!tton In t'f'nt 11nl\ lnjurti'S 1X 'l pt-r rrnt "'"""' llmltrt until Mll'h tirTM' u '1lt,~· fi&;,'Urt',; lndlf'll!f· N)O('iuro·l "'''"' out toqUiprl'lHit f'lln hfo ,..... lvcly th11t m11ny f>"t>JIIr arr· flrlv· Jllaf'f'd and IC"ff~'rtll oondltlona ,._... lng too fut for S~J.fety," Lllmptnn tum mono I\I'IU'I)' to nonNll. GOOD .BRAKES MAY SAVE YOU FROM A SERIOUS ACCIDENTl I Safety" Message Sponsored by the FoUowin1: Market Spot An I Of! J{f!'l'llhey hi ,..,._ A,., -llellil<le ...... I .. ldo Richfield Statton W111h • Pollah • Lubrication Mil W. O.'...a -~ "- N~wport Tukle Store 111 .. ~ "---Ji-..rt OlcnmerdiiJ antt Span o-r • Good Stoclr or ~War Una ............... Authorized Shell Dealer m .. .,... ,,._ ..._. "l ..uhrif'•Unn" • Waahlnr • Pollahlna · ,I'll ... ~tiC O.r 8padalty l'leiN _. 0..-W_,.._~ HII-W Boyd's Service Station '· 1 ... WMt O.tral-...... -ll(.bll ... and IIDblloO Lubrialttnr • Waahtnc • ,Pollll\lnc Bettf'rkw • Auto ~ee LMW'a Reeapplar _ Oami!Mt• ,... lervt.e NtW-U-.£-~ . ....W:. .. "· O.tNI-flf_,_. Vlrr'a Garare uul Texaeo 8tMioa Mllw•o.+-a Balboa Fun Zoae ..... Newport-Balboa Au&o 8 • ..., AutomotJ,. 8uld* -~ I Lm. to t jUtL Let Ua ll..tp You wtth Yfi/IU Pan. PM1111111 o...., w. ConkLe · ......._. 11M W. o.tn1 Aft. -.,... .... 1 .. Carrelr• Gvqe Gf.Mral ~111nr • o.....ar... RaiJald MOIOf' 'J'uMo-Up • ~ ~ 1M 11t11 Itt--Hu t te .._... • ......, ... Culno Cafe & Relre~hment IAtmp ••••t.-IAIIIIv.....,_...._ a--.1 ~~-hr. tow ~rvb. Surwat 0.• lr OQ ilu1 ~ • o..rt ..... Bay1lde Fish Market ~ . ....,.,....._,_,_,_. ....... Kenneth E. Wlllon Co. Olri•·Cratt Crut..,._Ou·yW-r MariM ...,_ -CMII* .....,.,-:"" ..... National Auto. Ouh ~ Stadon Hanahaw'1 1-Stop Service 8tatlon ' Olm~e Auln ~~ Lubr1cat10fl -n rakftl R..IJ.ned 11'11 N.....,.,rt IUfll~ l(e.a Lowman Boat Builders til Newport 81\'d . ..()NM ..._ Et.,-Hokin. & Galvan • • ElN-1 ni"IAn• C'O-Two nrt F;Julpmrnt tor Factory, StOI"'!, ornr ... F11 m'l, ~ 1 ... Ooul Ill.-a~__....... 111& Dean Termite Control Guarant~ TPnnlt~> Cootml LAtest tmpro¥e(! M~ ltl1 ... llala 8t..-8a11ta A•• Pit-- Sportland Bowling Center '1Jnota" and Roy Keen" ..... ~"" "'F"Ilr Your Hnlth'•-~•. ~I" Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana-CantomiA Foster & Sons Truacott Crullw>rl -900 Cout lflahway ~ 836 Nl'wport llHttl GWI Reach Hancock Station Fll'f'Stme Produrt.a and l lancnt'k Gu Home Suppl..,_, Appllan~. P•lnr, Hnmware 1111 l'ffl'llt'Piri 81 ... -eo.c.. .. ,. Bay Shore Cafe Cout JO ..... y-T. F. Norton nrMidiiAI Served Saturda~ and 8~ Open 7 a. m. to I p. m.-ar:..ct M.clndiai "U• Your Brakf't f~ ot Your Hcln" John1tone Se"lce ·C'W 81 ... a lt1 -.pw.,-..JII....,.n Pt\one 1872·J It your Urw Ia flat or your batWf'Y ,. .,._ Mobllca. and MobUoU I Hlrrins Pleuure Craft Del! K W11tta. Wan.pr ItO O..c ...... ,_,., IJM ·MacCurdy & Calkins, lne. NavaJ An:hlll'<:t• -Ooet Butlden -Dollt ~ Sl~:.~v•llllbie For Dollta r or 1aJe lltl ...,...., ...... CORRAl: DUST "Soon nn 111vrt ua•SJC~ntu . rlaty'll JU.SI GU' · 'Do 'Otol IIIJ\1( ~rruiM·(t.Jr. "-.fAt lt LtNI'I~I I'Y. ~ Wright Brothers. a t the time of their hiRtorir fi rst fU1bt. would have been astounde-d if they could have looked · abe8d to the manner in which the airplane would soon l.ll• uUibed by imagtnallve man. Tht~y would have bet>n amu.<:ed too at eome of the cargoes carried. Het't•nl shipments h;a\'l' IDduded Incubators. broken-in shoes nnd dead monkeys. ' Not )on& ago the bJ rth or trlpljcatcs tn a Kansas City ,fao~Ptal created a lUdden emergt>ncy that would have mded bqicaUy 1n "the good old days." Howpver . an lncybator wu deUvered by air express in a few hours. In another· lalt.ano!, a number of dE>ad monkey~"> W(>re aiN•xpi"C'S.."f'd to tt.llu.um of Natural History In New York, a.JJ the way tram Colomblf. South America. Speedy transportation was w-ry to prevent deterioration of the carcasses befot'' tlllily could t. treated by taxldennl'its. The oddity of the ~ wu ooeuJoned by the va~tionlst who wanted his ~t. pair of broken-in shoes delivered quickly to hlm Ia MiniM Oty.......nd t.My +.rere, by air express, the morning llftlr a ~ooe call to hls wile. 1DillpaJ Outlook Tbt utmty lnctwtry planned to lalUlCh a large-scale Jl'lllaDi ol plant expansion and Bervice improvement in Jltl. 'J'boR plans have been wTeCked hy · strikt.>S whi<'h cratld llhort.qes ot necessary materials. lnstt>ad of spt>nd- -a contemplated $750.000.000 this year. the industry will .. b::lo' lt It can lpend $300.000.000 toward more and better . ~ .ervice. Wlth prices or equlpme(lt averaging 50 ~ above the pre-war level. the $300.000.000 exp«.>ndi- •~.._;...~~ .. -....... 11--~ lea expansion t.Mn was made in the dcpres- ... ,_.. 1933, when $164,000,000 was Bepnt-at depression ..... A late report ln a leading financiru publication observes 1 tllat a qui~. ~~-by-Item IU.I'Vey or delivery time now quoted ,til lllilnufad:Lrera on key equipment needed !or electric d~ ..,...,.,, lhowa how dismal the outlook is. 1Nula- tlal"', _,Ual on polee to support electric wire. If ordered t todl1 would I» deUY'en!d a year or so from now: transform- ... Ja till or twelve months; deUvery of electric meters may be~ u lclnlu 18 mortths; wire, nine to twelve months. A.lljd • It l'Oeil throueh a long Jist or Item.-.. _UP·.Wt~es·-·UpRates ~ tbe war the railroads managed to meet rts.inK CXIICa ol operatioft without rate in<nases, due to a stagger- 1111 \IGiume ol tratr'lc. Since the beginning or the war. wage~ alone bDe rt.en ntty per cent. Prices for materials and ~haw rtaen one-tlllrd. As long as volume remaiMd at amomamlly high levels these CQSls could be absor be-d. although ewn then the effect of rising costs was such that tbe railroads reaUzed Jess net operatine-revenue and less D1t income from the heavy tratric of 1945 than thy did from the Ughter traffic ot 1942 and 1943. But now tratnc II faJllng otr. 'Ibe rallnMda face an emergency in their revenue pnsi- Um. In their l"Kfttt pe-tition for a general and immediatt> ~In freli'ht rata of twenty-five per cent. they warned that the combined effect ol lower volume and chan~c in tbe composition or the traffic will mean a reduct 100 or twelty-three per cent In 1946 opemting revmu<'S. a$ t·om- pued wtth 1945. In vlt"W of the adverse effect of Ac'h day·-. deJay upon both the carriers and the national t'<.'Onom\', nncf the fact that 1ncreued rates cannot be made rf'f~1•·tivt' (recent waae inO"eUC'S aN' l"l'troactivt> to J anuarv ll. \\'hll(' lb.lppen can be amply prote<'ted by awards of ·rt·pnrnlion, the l'1lllroeds ask that the Ol'W rates be JlPrmit'h.'ll to l'lf'· l come effective at the earliest possible date. sub.)ect to s ubS(•· . quent act1on by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Tbe question ot adequacy of rat~ is not n problem which II ,abe ~mat the railroa~ alone. The rnllroado; invol\'~ tbe ltabOity ot the "national economy." Millions or Pt>r- _. depend upoo them for jobs. Healthy 111ilroncts mean a hflh leYel of tax revenue to national e>nrl JoeaJ units or Corona del Mar YoUth One of Survivors in Battle of Bulge, Home Pa'ES$19,NAL DIRECTORY on fishing • hll;.~, .. ~~!~~,;a~-~:..!n~M ~ Scheduled <>f lhf' Nrwporl pier. 1lle Sunahine "n~ thl' fu;u II VI' bait boat .to U) Kt:",cu ; 1 .. Bt;NEDIOT ~ ,_ 1 flhh o. ut of N<'Wpor1 HIU'bOr TwO cornmerdal flshlna areu in , ,I u·k """ ••r•. BPn nt Mr lllld 1 kn k • LE 1 Rs To ats nanw lrVlltS ·-c warm merp-Southern CaU!ornia, one near :\lrs t rani\ """ (•rs. tiOt Margul!r· -~-')4; THE urac~ to lhr many flaherrnen that! Newport. may be ciOIIed 10 flshlne ,,.. ""'nil•·. C'c.runtc rl.-1 Mar. whol hl.l\f' ('IIU~ht good catc:hH from 1t leJPslatlon which both the rw o•nlly rf'IUriCI•d from" Sllalfe}d~n. NEWS-~ lwr drclt.. The "UtUe Sunnie" Sou them eou'ncu of Con~rvatJon \ll,lrlfl, \\llc•l•' he• WIIS llatiOnedl l••fl\'c'll lfalfy at 7:00 a .m. aJong~clubs and ~rct&l nshlni ln· "" ••t'~'UI•ICiltlflal duty, said only BOAT CAPTAIN PROTESTS Wl\h thr 7.ootl Me. If "Old Lady te-resu -k 11 enacted. II '"' 11 "'r' 1\ ~·d. nu l "' !'iOII In the WI l EitE .. MINDANAO" 8U'NK Sunshlnr" was bRck on the pier The IIJ'('a.t are beiW'H'n Salt ht I•••" cllc.n. :lUnd lnfnnlry RA:g-Fi~h Jl bo n~:llln. lhr pic!Ure wouJd be com-•Crcek and San Mateo Point off tmrr\1 l:!rcfl ''"'ll>il•l'). an which he Tt:rmln:f la~· d C.. 1.1,.,,. tl('r barking for cuatomen1Newport-Balboa, and bet~n I. a. WHYTE ..... YU....UW.urr .............. a.... .... or.-""~-\e _, ....... 1. rwa..,._ wt&.a. a.co... \&& ........_ At11trn . nft1Dit MO&&a8rQciG ... nca .,._ .... -... .. ..a..c_._ ...._ _ _..... Annand Monaro A8CIII'l'I'.Cl' 8U W. -J Aft.. IWboa 1lartlor ~~ nt1 .......... ... .._ ........ N~MII Sti"\'HI n lhc· lucll ll' of th(• La!ITe M 31 1946.,' Jrf for atw "1.11111• Sunnle'' wuaome-j Point Lorna and Bird Rock ln San ~ul~;o llr rH'••l\'••d the Sliver Editor NeWII-~im,s: · lhcm: 11 rx•rson can't foraet very Diego county. ATI'Oil.NJ:Y8 S111r, l nf111~trr \•mcha t, Unit Cita-, NeWpOrt Bt>ach, Call!. suM The~~e areu would be cl<*ed to r-------------'TI ''"" ~oncJ '·•••I C'oncluct medals. f RK't"ntty the city admln.Latr A 22-lh. hal~but wu causbt seiners ror ,_.0 ye"an and l't'OPt'11fd \\'nil• ~l•l'innrd ln Au•trla, the tlon of l'lfe.:V.X,rt Beach. aa exem ~-c:llndAy off lht'· Nt'WpOrt pier by for net fiahlng for two yean ro- ho>• Ill hi~ fll\'ISiCtn look advan-lifif'd by Harbor Muter era.'· Mr l..l'e F'ri'T'I<'r. 352 W. 47th,tatlng every two years. ~ding I.e~•· ul o·nlt·rt.llrt~n•·nt offrorvd of I undt•rtook to ro>move the old wooct' ~trc·rt • Los AngelH , 10 r eports At' passage of ~~ law, the areas will sp." til .'" I hill n•·ra:hl.nrhood One I ''" hulk "Mindanao" from lis ~ora: at nf Nrwport Tackle store.l ~ open to commercial fishermen. "11~ Ita•· ~k1 Jl!miJinR contt>tl In mQt'll'in" at thl' cily cam L~ i\1 also ro•j.ltlrls that a mesa of tar "hh'h ,, 1 !1·~· 1tr-nld G.I. who had 10 " final rt>stlng pla! ~~~'" h:c~ rtl)atr rl In oo tht-beach mak-~ £"-. d J M 111•1 lr111 ned lu t~kl wu lht> wl~-co<';>an t.eyond till' 'hundred fathom 1111: surf fishing louay. I gueu the ~rona e ar "''' murh tn h11oo ,urprisf. Jark s1ud hnf'. llcnk••r~> 11rf' hn('k In their old habit N hi~ ~kiln!! rttor tl W(Te on the llarhor Mastt'r Craht •• ~Jt ('5· .. r l'lraninl( bilg4'1 just before hit-ews ~l11pc·~ .. r \f t Smitl'nhau lmml'd-IN•mrod 581\•alft' mast<'r did 1 tim: r10rt i111t•h ·"""~' th<• tnwn. Onr rode! n-.1 the conauJtaUon ;,. ad\~~ ,, :2!1-lh whit<' le~, bau wu By Bf:88lE L BENEDICT clp un lhr• ~ki hfl In 15 nr 20 or nn on, of 11 d 1 ,. cua:ht Sunday on the llvt' ball Mr. lllld Mrs. Fred M oa and mlnutr~ tn llw top of the :.!(~(X}. I " >p' __ : ... ?zPn I'XfX'Ber 1 11' t~n t Fl)'"r hy Cor~n A"n4'tt 1234 Mrs. J. Smith. Burbank, lp('nt d J I .. "11" •-uro. or .-<'wpor1 arh • -· S turda wl h 1\f d lflnl ~k1 run an ('011 1 rom,. unwn who kno•w soml'thin f h .' !':tlllth \\'flod strl'l.•t, Loa An.:t•lt.-s. a Y t • r. a n M,... M an fl\·r mmut••s, that as If )•uu wr-re -trllt'l'lnn nnd b It 0 1 ,~' hcon ·n ... F1\'l'r n Klmhall live bait Pownall of the Triple' M Cafe. The I .. t h .. k "' " uorant'e 0 t r~t . • p 11 . M I "'-l•n '""l"'rl I I' 5<.1111 H' a11 I~ tn r roht lumhc>r 8Choont•n t111,11 l•·.,\1'5 dnlty from lht' 19th owna s son ason. wt I ..., out MAX HURWITZ ATI'O&l'\"':Y AT LAW Hll We.t Ceatnl AftaiMI llariiNw t•l·W Newport Clinical Laboratory Ofllee ...... : • -t :ll ... lirF .,.....__ 'I'ELEPIIONE IIAUO& Ill JID W. Ollae..t Aft. & r. Battenrwt~a. o. D. O,t•••tr~~~ n-a DAIIJ:N'D) L&N .. DOI'I.IOATICD· o._.._...._,~ ...... ~ ·-ft. .......... ....... , 11&4Clll llarpret Dant Corbett ~ llle opealJtc ot a .._. aciMiol of r.:,.& r.A-uoa E. Neff Woods, D.O. IMQ-uctop --· .... -.. , " .... -.. 101 lie ..... ""*' ............................ H. R. Hall, M. D. • .~ ... ea...- Houra: 2~. by Appo6ntmeat T~l.epbooe Beecon 5848 111 BI"Md~ lh•• run In stop nffs. Unlll hu Without fl)ll<'lng any addilion.cl :-;1r••• 1 r ... nrlin~: 111 7 :00 a.m . ThE· 1 o f t he So. Cal ~llhtary school. kn,.··~ l('nrn•·d to hr hovc• l l•all!l.St to Wc>i~th thf' hulk dov.-n . ('o •nwt ldl\"~ from thr sa me spot Long &aC'h, nnd Y.•ait allf'nd Fort '---------------..: ;-------------. lie· llrOIIIthl ht•m•· his :.kl ~hiK'~. h . 1 ro 1 h U · 11 "'110 , I'' daily lind fishi'S Cata 1 Ord for extra trnining two w~ks DAY -OOL flhtninPd fur ham It\ thro rw•r<t~rant ~unr 1 115 15 hrrqu r .... 1 1Y L e sri· len·, ''".'"'""'c•ly The Srout IPav~ hC'fore coming home• for the •um-;-------------CONRAD RICHrEK. M.D. · r . It nN>n~, e raul!t><a o ,...,. moorr · Jlmm c ld d f _ ............... _ l'ffurt ~ of thl' ,,.,,. nl •h•· '"~''{l lhls nld hulk in a direct lint'""'"' ,, fi·.1n "m now Incld.-ntally. ~Prf . d Yf ,o(l 'c'"· an ot am-Mortimer School • ...,_ ... ...,.... \\lth v.lhnm tw lc•h:••ll II wnq I · f lh !)(' t 1 1:oo.1 rnlf•hrs Qf harraruda h all· Y rarn • rum anon. Kansus, 120 E . lSth St. (lrult If\ ~:rt lh•• c•nllhh'r"i to )'lr ld 1 ~nl' 0S ~I 8 V;:;u'P ('(IUr:<c'' 11111 phc~ r1 rrw lnr.xr whii<' SE'a , startl'd work with tlw Pownall11 Itt OtrU ....._ lal&lld COSTA MESA lhc•lr lc·othrr lu makt• Shl'l('s for i r'1'm1 anld h('l:lok tn <'"1'PCJ1 r tdBak\ It t<s arc• IH>Ing rllught nn tht'SP 1 Tuesday as ('()()k As soon u . the 0~: Collelre • ......,...,. 1.. to-2 • ' I I I h d h ,., 0 u now es ('(' ~ • "'0\" ~ I • II f I:U~•n 8CU()()Y --.nurs : 1 a .. m.; 3-5 p.m. the · (,I s. 1ut t 1111 >oY 11 t <' w h .. 'th 1 11 ht hi 1 hn·ll~ 1111 w••llns nit thr f\ther boa•• ..... rnm,·n assuru lt'm o sup-"'"'~. ._. ~. Ph~ o-·~ aNft< n as . ~·• ou ~C s. w st (' ,, • ...,. r h witt ... _ h 1 k ._, ~ .... ~_.,.. >IV'~ knuw how twtl m •n~t no '• ""I (lf l':o•wpnrt Harbor. pu-s e "': t P r lll.l.lllry <'00 0 A. II rU M. 'l1w ~mnll hny" nf llw town wc•rc s<•l ·~~~ th~ ~"'~~;~)' Har~~r8'' '-· !'h:t•'•'n hnnts Wf'nt out from and as Mrs. Pownall WlSUrt'l us, ~0 ~-~= t~rc•onapll~h•·•1 <~k l .. rs nn<l nl moun· f d I ro•:c. 1\m;:·~ l nntltng Sunday. D. \V .. "He is 1t gllOd cme." !le and Mr. '--------------...! ~------------- taln <'limhina. na nne or thf'm :h sour:;yo 00:1n~~r . 0 anlyhot nf~i 1 1'1 ham<rlf. rrnnrts th,.rr Wt'r«' ap-PownaJI workl'd to~tt>thcr several flrU\'f'll hy hrin.:ma: hark a sou-. r m s 0101t n 11: . 5 1 '"' yell(S ago. vrnfl' for Jnr-l< of 11 l'll.ll!tor ur 101: Man y boat ll l1pronchln~e N r" l'lct\lnmtc•ly 300 boats rishin~ JlOrl Ha.roor In a fo~ or at nl~:hr .• r,.tn~ l111n11 Point Sunday, Finl l'rl'rlm {'n\or(l(i wnxy plush leX· p N I -·• ldr•IW"I lh "dNIIh now-Ttu~ Is In contrast to the t'lltah· tlclm: you know. Stop nnd Cf\ UBLIC OTICE ur•-u e ' ll.!l, " ' tl•l•t•d policy of th U .. Co ~~···n· " itt hR\'n to "'-I t 11~"' --------------('r ," as thr nhii\'NI cull It, t"'cause o ~ "'· vrrn-.. ' ~ •· """ ns 8 '" or thr d lrtinalty In c limbing the' ml'nl. an~ a violatiOn ot. Ule Ft•cf. 11round thn• to k~p the hoaf!l «>ral Marm<' htWI n-gardan~t 111.. frum humflln~: into on" another. CERTIF'ICATE OF' BUSINESS t'lrttllou• f'lrm Narne Slf-1'P <~lor!('s or fho• snow-CO\'(•rcd nno.at of wr£•cks and "'Ar-11 1 11 lhll f,.r 1111 nmund .. ~ ... fa'sha'na mountuln5 ,~ <K' r C 11. ,.,.ovu .. Th~ UDdU»h<D~'II clto lw~hv ~f'Mcty P('UPII' .''f th•• tctwn wrn· friNld· ICrt I~ the1 policy of Ilahrboc1r Mll.'ll•, ll:cu.. Pntnl <'Rn't hr hr111 l'rn ~~·~ \~~:an'!.':. ·~t~!',6'1~1~1!:r-tt~ ly antf kant! 1., tlw r. b , hi' said hi ~~g . o thmoor such angrNr''"' r clh•·r r rllwlllnt to !Ill)' fillhing ls Cu t· .. , s .. wp.•n S.O••h. f"fll.cnl)' vr Or· 11 1 thu •11 0 'r 11 ~wrntrr a s an r approer t'S to ''" C••lll on the-110)111" for fear vnu f.~.~~ ... ~~~n.','' ~~~~~~~'·:~,0'"· u011n lhe f• l' r n J!c \o (ll')rt Harbor, thrn it Is tlmr I• \\• n I h.-ta .. ,.,. me•, hut whrn 1i •s f"I.ARK A fi ATf:s c'OMPASY his mothl'r Is knalling for him, liS mllkf' a dH•n~tr a nd gl'l anothc ' i•~~l. hkr It hilS l>l'rn fnr ltll' ptt~t ,.,.., '""' ""'d ''"" " '"DlP..,...Il .. r lw !liD\\ hao;; landlndy C'nl<'h thC' h J~ m I lh,. 1•·11"" ona< ,,..,~ .. n• "'h"•" n..m~• d 1 d d .tr ~•r 85 rr. \\t'•·k. It mu~l tiro admiltt'd. An<t ",,,1,....,....A ,.,... "~ 1,,11,.,.. 1,,..,.11 .•h•'<'fl, sh••ur 11 nn 1 wn rnr an :"ow I \\iSh tn not if) thl.' ('c' H•·~id•-s thf' Tlolboa Po\llinn :L~ • Ll~lt.~c ::~~ 1 '..~~"1~'~1 ~~.,~1·c~~~~~~~= ~rln thr w (IOI ll<>wl'vrr. ht• WR!I ;,, :'llr\\l•lrt llt>Ach thol I do r• ordrr "d lanmo' lOti SetOn lnr thl' ~:ord thl~ mispl<t•'toO sunken hull ... , 'J'lOf In huy livo> ball for hll) ha~~·:,'n ~~ .. ,!!.';,'"•c..-J:~:~:;:' ~,,....... Man "'"'' In '"' ">••d f,,tun~:. lhrrt' Is thr Pori ( lrnn~:•' 1\'ITXF::<:< ·~•r """''~ thl• ::oth rlay Th \.1., tc.nk mllnV Sli:hl· II~ :t me !ltll'f• IO thr Ofi"Tallons col ~ •liHIL: I loll' This is II h<U'Jtf' •·I M">· I'•~A,'\:J.~:y II I'I.AI!K " • 111) fa.cham.: f-C'S~I. ond. If v.'hllo• 1n uo•lnrc d an thr bny nt f'ort Or-~·"v n PJ\T~.ll 11'"'1n~.: trip., If• 1101"•••1 lntrrvsL lht• rll.!hlful and l••~tnl OJ)('rrltl"lt ell'• \\hrrr you pay one-huck to RTATE OF 1'AI.I~Vllt:"'IA ln llftm<· Jnrk W/l~ nn•· n( mllny ttf lilY \'f'S~rl I ;wC'Idf'ntntty lltroko ( t f h I) d I C'ttl':OTY Ot' OR.A;\C:t;, ... hoys tht.•l hold nutlll'nt'c• wtth thr I has unla\\ futtv mllintnin('(! mc•n 1' 1 rom t r llrl(t' an ll.'(c• al Ou 1111• ••~tel) rlft11 day ,.r Way A f' \\ t, 1 win, 1tt ruin!! nf J ''''' llw hail you wl~h. Yo>llowfln ~~ s'.~~,v'·;·.~·1'1':j,. "\'~ ~~~ftr,:! !.,1j"p,~~~: Oil'' ••n \ ~· to: 1 • · n(·•'. 1 pr111.11~ to sur lh(' City 11f .oncl <JlOifln CTOIIko>r, hnlibut, plus ay "'"! StHI~ '"M"II"It th .. ,.,.ln ,11•11 a t'hUr<'h AI ~~ J uhann he said Nrwp(1t't JWnch. Hart>or M&!llt•r 1 h •••t I " I II tilt')' dls<'""''rl'd thf' prc·sc·n •rd Crai". llnrl lhr "'l'ty ""nun~lt, Ill ''ll•• I. w t'n lh.<'y run. nrr twing ~;;~~~''"' ••rJ~;"I'/it ·r~~·;; .. ,~P:,';'*' rl' d f 1 1 1 1 ,.. ' '-" r•aua:hl hrrr It 11 an idC'a for any lint~~ "'"'"',. '" m" 1,, ,.., lh~ 1,..,...111 han ° 11 t•n ron ~~~ n nn< rt'· diva dunlh ;ond ~IJrrllvrly for Ill•' ( h 1 " " II#> t Ill jJt lh h h w !1 )1111 f Il l l(cn'l tikr• fO !{II OUf :1;1·,-::-, ;·::;~•;:., .. :~·; ~~~llltl·~kt;,,.,.','~l..t'Nj IUrnr t 10 r •· urr · $Um nf nnr hiUldrpd thou~11nd lluf ''" lht' ()('f'on tn no• th•t 111~,. ·~·c·ul •rt lhr '"m~ l ine• ant••rr•stan~: pitH'<' WIIS thr lrm ;, t$1!1(1,000.001. I 1'\: WIT~a~liS Wllf:nP.Ot' 1 hav~ t.ndwl~.; caJII•'. whrr(' ('\'rry lhlng l'ort Ornnl!•' hnd 11 hoats out lll'tt•una .. .,., my h"n'l un<l Mftla•d 111y \\II~ mndr or ~:ntd, r \'\•n ttw chnn-. Furtho·rmorC', 1 om !luK tJ.,\ !'\unday. lnl.'ludtng the Missawit, :·~~,';~~.~ .. ,~ .. ~~:!~~ ~l~r ... "~~rlfr:: In '"'• dvllrr1. Thf' dN•r•nc1nnts of l.url· proh•stlns: '" the tl. S En..:lnt•rr• J . n. Sklp.A-Lou, plus thr oth!'rs. ROI.A:-.'11 A WRIC:IIT wl•> wrrr• ~til t hlllldlnR thr <'nstlr Ill San Pc'dro. A copy n( lluq lt'l-'l'wo boola to Catalina came hark Snl"ry P1tl•lh Ia anrl f,,. •MHI ~ I d f 'I f h l",,u nty tllttf Jo·4•t" )I)' tum ju~t hrfor,. thr wnr l.uclwaa.: rr ltn a c•upy ~ m)' prol•''l wal w I no fl~h. On.-of lhf'SI' boats ml""'"" .. ,,,., •• fJrlc•IJu t9 stnrtl'd II In lhl' I!'Hh C'f•ntury. h(o mallrollhyl lllr '" 111" r~unmll· l<'fl NI.'WJJOrl llorbor nl :l:OO am •SOTJ\Rll~\~~AL' Aftrr thr war thl' Amrrac11ns dis·' 1''1.'! "1 ar lOrs a nd Ill\ ,•rc an to lt<'l to lhP bland for <'arl)l l'uh "'"~ 28 .• luu~ 4, 11 1~. tH6 covrn>O n Grrmnn r.r'nf•rlll and Congrl'$s. morning flthln~:. Nnt t o catl.'h any n-fugN' r hlldN'n hlddPn Chc·rr I Yours ver) lrul\ fi11h is dlscouraltin~. NIJX'rinlly Rar~c fishrmwn nut of N""'port Jll<'k Mll('t'<l stnnr!t nn thr roofs CAPT JOF: Pll.T('liF:rt whr n the hoats along th" kelp ar,. <'njoyan~ rnt<'ht'!l of h11Ji/Jul, n nf 5n m11ny ho~1·s nnd found thf'y ~-'•sh Ho.rbor. nr~~r Dona Point did 10 good lot nr mn('ken •l. and rrc.ntty n wl'rr put thcrr In hllld thr roofs T('mllnat l~l'lnd. Calif Port Lido rl'pnrtt-d good catches fr w whitr ,..,11 hllss haw hi'o'n down hloca~ua.-of pr('\'llilinll high on 11!1 boats for Sunda)' and caught. /1.'\•Wport-Oalhon plrr rash wind• Thr dlvt•lnn wn!l fJIIaTtrrt'd l May Building Higher through the w~k. Port Lido has rmwn ar .. catching halibut. mack- Ill on(' tlmf' In Count 7..4-pp«'lin'a lht' N<'ptunt' luvang at 7:00 n.m , erel. plus the othC'r nuacellant'OWI ho~ 111 Mulba~ck, from where . plus lhl.' ctlartf'r bQ.ol111 Rt'caplure, variPtars. Evr nings !!polfln and DENTDTIJ DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST usa "'•' OeatnJ r.a.e llallloor Ul·J Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'11ST no:r y, w. c-traJ. Bamor l.aG llt"EWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmorelaad DeDtlst IIOJ Cout BhtraJ OORONA DEL MAA P lloae Rubnr t%!0 lSSVRASC!; Sandy F. MacKay --·-INSURANCE-Tilat's All 71t E. c-traJ "'"· ~~.~._ -llarMr 1581 thC'Y \'tlltrd the C'rlmmt'l Falls, Eaghty-~vcn buitlhng (ICI'lllllS Ernl,. Pyle, Suenn. Marlllllne. yrtlnwfin croakC'r, and corblna art! tht' IIC'<'Ond hl~heat In the world', vnlurd at ~~.997 10 "o•n• I'•UM 1 Ohlu. Earlt'n~. The Balboa Sport being caught on soft shrllt'd 811nd ,..--------------..., on thl' S11lzhack rh·rr by Chief BUJidln~: On•J)('('rur A. M. I FiBhing f'I<'C't hu the Fishing crahs. t n a ('liStie abov(' Salllfrlden Nelson of Newpnrt Tlc•arh an :\lay. Exprl'lll leaving at 6.00 11 m. and ,-------------. lhf'y s11w one of Mozart's pianos. the M11idC'n ot 7 :00 am. from the also heauliful Polish paintings Small Craft Harbor Balboa Pavilion. 1 'n\e worlu were ruardc>d IVld witt ~ 23-pound halihur "'RS raught I White House Cafe be l't!turnt'd to thC' rightful oWTlC',.. Plans Confab Called by ont' flshrrm11n aboard the' Mar· t'Vf'fltually. gare t K from Earl's LAnding Sun- Jar k 811id lhl' returnf'd veterans Small craft harh<lr rl••,••l,rmen t day. The Mtalc Is th,• O(X'n hoat , PboM 8181 appt"eclntf' the wonderful e fforts plans of Mill'S alon~; th·· c·oa"t of from Ear l's Landin~: lra\'ing 11t j ~ Beadl. Oallf. m~tde by various or~ranizllllons In Callfomaa !<c1Uth 1,( r.tfl'• San 7:00 a.m. dnily. -------------· their bt-httlt, hut it s.-ema dlHlcult Martin "'" l1<• flhl'll''-'d .cl two for veterans to ohtllln work ns so ml'<'tingJ> "dwdull'tl lc,\ l-s . en· m11ny lmportllllt J)(*ltlonl are "'"'"'l"'i for l'llrl~ tha~ rn"nlh nlll'd by mC'n drff'I'J'I'd durin~~: thr ·nw ran.. I m·~·l int:. f··r •'1111'S In war. Rut he anld It ~C-Cms )(OOd lh<' northr'l'n nrra~ ,, I~<'"" held to ~ bar k In AmrriCA. an San LUI'-t lh''l•) '"" ·~ :end on Mrs Lllll11t1 ll••nnl'lll'rry, 311!'1 f~<~ldrnrcltt Q\ rnuv, rC'Iurnrd Sun- dny from II 10·dlly \'ISII Wit h fra ••nch. l\11~~ LUian Parry and :\IN Arthur Lr ddy, lAI!I An~tC'h·~ June• 12 lhr '''"'"d mc·c 1.01: will tw hrlrl In Lw1.: ll•·lwh ,·a•) ~I "' 10 n.m • Th•' m•'•'l ant: \\ •I I" 11'1 I· 1 thr drr.,.'<'l ;," nf 1'••1 H 1 ll!lllt ,. r dis· lract rn.:inl'<'r. c .• rp-or F:,, tr:•>ers. • Gas Heating & Ventilation ---·--- CHARTER & PRESTON State Uoet\M'd Coot ractor ...... r....u.UG~~a Make Warm Frt .. nd. • ...._ .._. MN ••~~e~~ae """'"" 848! or :!ll!t"• 24-Hour Radio Service BOMI:., A trro. IIA&INK llADIOS a&PAIJI.E.D Burt R. Norton 815 CoMt lOw~ llfNco. 17N N~n....., CaUl. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Y oa tbe l'biMt Place to Dille Ia Oraap Coallty: U.eola Natsoaa.l Life IDiarulreCo. "lc. "'"-lDdlrat,.. tc. Clo....-r" DON IE&NIOAN ,.._ llarllor su-a ......... A98. ... .,.,. .... New York Life Insurance Company DON IL DUIIAN'T &II OftAid AYe. Harbor 1116·.1 CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE IN8URMNCE CO. Ray Nielsen ___ A ......... tPIIIk ... .,..,,.. ·-'l~..., till&. .. , A-.. ..,_ Harold K. Graue) Chapel "W e Ourselves the Better Sen>e by Servlni Othen; Bt'st" l'lloae a-. 54110 eo.ta ..... c.u.ro,.,. Dr. G. E. Tohill ... ,.... ... ...,.._ 2209 Coast bavd. NEWPORT BEACH -no~-a­ omc.· •-· ""'-'" ~: llarbor s~-· lr ~o anew~. rail IJ.rbor I Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West O!ntral Ave. NEWPORT tlEACH J'Cn a.n ... ,.,.. NtJI n...,..,1n 004~& X-Ray Service Mlltoa M . .Manrell, M. D . J 101 eo..& BJw_,- Coro .. del Mu Office Hours: 10.12; 2·5 l'boae Harbor I Oft S. R. Monaro, M. D. 814 Bay .Ave., BaJboe Harbor I'J!t tU 8. IDJI St.. Loe ......_ TU«*er 7111 By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbyaldaa aDd 8urpoe 1101 W•t Bay -""' 'l'elephoae Hamor 60% A. V. Andrews, M.D. PBYSICIAlf ... BU&G&oN ~ Jl,vt,or ltll., • Dr. W. T. MooDey Pb:JIIdu aac~ s.....- NlDtll ... O.tNI ...._ ( ....... --· ..... .. NORMAN NIXON, M. D. Pedlatriclaa Certifil'd by the American DoaNI of Pl'rllnlrlcs 1007 Ga,1ota nr., Lacu-&-.. Te~phone Lapaa 1·188t Laurence H. Dort::y, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 321 Marine Av~ .• Ba.lboa lalaltd Phone Uart»or 2118 10ft11'Jm81l Elftclent nlilroeds mean k£Oeplng opc>n th~ "':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------= c:bannell ot ~-, l11e people can forget these fact!IJ - onl,y at tbet.r awn perU, u the past war has so clearly dem -~~ $ -All New • • • Even the Location OPTOMETRISTS --\\ ,' /;'-~~Ang ~ .......-,.........-. ,. r reJa Daily ~ - DeiJeSola ... ~ Or. ecllllpl«e te~U~PD•t Wbea ro-wut • _... J'QUr OWL Hq~ nSH l14JIKET ... One-Halt MlJe East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California in the Serving ot -SEA FOODS --. ALSO YOUR kW or S'tEAJL8 -VISIT OUR KI'l'OtEN - Sam's sea F~ Spa and Fish Market .... o-at ......... , (N-&.1 .._., Robert A. Crawford Opt~ D. OPTOMETJUST Eyes Examined -Gll\l!S("S Fttted 1111 New-port Boalnani ,.._...._••a Waper ~ IMUt.te ' Dr. WU..., 0. w .... Chlropractic, Dietetics, Physlo It OJlonlc Therapy I ftt CoMt BmL, eo. .. a....-. .._. ftotle - DEFEND Y.OUR HEALTH Puauc NoTICE 'PuaLtc NoTICU Puauc NoTICE Zaeca Seaman Loeee Beacon Staff Takes Car Registration Tal' Journalism Honors \Continued fTom Pagt' 6\ t'nch diUerf'nt &.lime 10 conduct· ruu force &lid ~ff~t. Bill P8Hf'HOI\ of t.ht' yad\t In College Contest either mua.lc or talkln&, and which <'d. S«tloa .... The llct'nst'S N'-7.3<'1\, moort'<l In Nt•Wport 'S.y, I ---I Windup Friday lha1l produce music or talking, ~I'CtiOD tl. !t is not Intended qulrcd by this Ordlnll.n<'t' shall be would hkr I~> l11y his hands on tht> "•'" 1,.1rt llarh1n· 'JII.:h ~dll'K'II'~< 11pon the placing therein of 1\ roln. in ~his Ordlnanet> to llt't'nse any annual llct'l\letl unlt'SS otht>rwiae thu•r wh11 tnmpo'rvd with his sta· *'""''"' '"'"~J~•lll.'t'. I \PH•'•'"· <'IIIII<' 1 - dllk, slUi or other representati\'e hUSIOfSS. oc<·upatlon or proft.>Ulon •tx.'<'ifll'd. and shall be paid In tu•u. w1111nn. whlt'h waa parkf'd In 1,11• It,; ~11111.,, uf fl\\lll'lls In 111,. With nnl.)lt thl' tw•~slhHit y of of value, prohlbltl:'d by other Ordinances of ,advanoo, and no rebate given for 1 Mar VIa l.ldo, Sunda)'. ltllllll.d tua;h -.t•h,-..•1 ttr•·~~ \'lllllo''' ,w••hhllulln.: tlw O tllhlllltn Ht'lll'l' SN.·tJoa 117. For t'nch mt•r-thP City of Nt•\\'J)Ofl H!'nch. 11nd 11ny un~t'd portion of lh<' ll"rm Pnttrrson wid Nt•W}:l(>rt Bt>ach '"""I"' 1,.tf h) llir 1tq~lllllt('nl nt ,.,,. ""'"'nd t>l~t••o fllwltlon nt tr>tnkt•, chan~ vrndlng maclline opcr-sud1 nth<'r OrdlnRncti!J prohibit-for which thl")' nrt• l~llued, and poiiN• thnt th•· thtt'f stole hia «'It· Joum . .t1,111 ,,1 s011111 Ann .h111111r • '••lll'h 1\rt lt.-u·hl••'!< l l('t,,o\ luuw- atcd In tht• wCltY ot Nt-wport Rt>ach inl' N•rtllin busln<"Ss<'S, occupa-shall d11tr from th<' First dny of istration slip and raa for the t'C•II·· .,. 1 ,.,,,.111 1\ hnll l••11m wu1th upth•• 1 1~11\ ('IliA by thl" lnsl"rtion therein of a coin tlons or l'allingl! In lhr City of July of th.<' fiscal Yl"ar In which m11chuw . ·n :.. ll<'n•··m· wn~ 111111wd tlll"l nt('\' h~ pill) 1111: t h•• 111 t ... wtllnllllt of the vatu<' of $.05 or more. $2.00~PI!o'J)Ort &•ach shall rcmnin In they ar<' t.ssuf'd. bt·•l alhll't•ullil H''""'' tl(ll""'r ,,... I I!'\(' "'"'Jitn~ fo't'llln~ nt I I< 'LA 1111<1 1 per annum per muchin<'; and for full forC't' and .-ff<'ct and ahall RN-tioe M . lf any S<'Ctlon. auh-1 Reports Theft hind '"'' ,\1wtwhu A111wnnl'l• uml l SJ.tlunlll~' 111 \l~C. merchandiae vendln~ machines not in any way be atnt•ndcd, re· seetlon, at>nt<'nC(', clausl"~ or phrRSI' tho• Pmn~:•· l!t·fiPo't"r nntl tl)llk I 1•11•• ~~~~~··· •plillln~t 11 l'-'~·l(ame where coins are lnsflted of tbe Pt'lll<'d or modifit>d by the provls· of this ordinanct' Is h<'r<'after for i T. G Kibler of 2001 S. Sycamore hl~:t1 ,,,,11,,1-s 111 two utlwt' lllvhc·l ,.1•1·k~ with tho• 1\o•nt.,. "''' W<'l'kl! value of less than $.05, the sum Ions of this OrdinanC't'; this Or-a.ny r~ason hl'\.d to bl' unconstltu· atrl'<'t. Santa Ana, ~ported to 101~> l n.:1•, tlw llrulnK l'nn 11111vuro:•• ~""''' ot $1.00 per annum per machine. dinan<'t' bl'lng a IIC't'nse ordinance t10~al or un-enfort.'t'abl<'. such <k'· NI'Wp<lrt Beach Sunday th~ tMrt I l'lll' Tnlk. w1.,..kly mlumn t.•n· h11nnr h) knnc·klnl( uft tlwh· IMitll ·l 8focottoa 88. All machines known lind li<'t'nliing only such bus1Jies84lS, cisron shall ':'ot aff<'Ct .thl" ''alldlty 1 of a leoather case ronta.lnlng a p&lr hiH~I ••n th•· •'(lttOI'IIII f'l/lfo:l' of tht•,ll(lflnJ r1vAl~ In ""' Wll"""'" 1\n.l u "penny ~" and which orcupalions and professions as are of tht' rt'masnln& portions of this of driving KI~UH from hU earilklu·oll. Wll$ munf'IJ the• Jl('!lt 1'01· twn <:'n('ount..t·s. thl" \1('1/Uu limp- are pot specifically enu.ruerated or not prohibited by othl'r Ordln· ordln~n('j'. The C'\ly Council o~ whl\1' !n tht• L•do theater. w.nn .. r 1111 puhli'Catlons nnd \Wn ~p•-tl " wl'll·.pln y•·tl 1:.'·1nnln~e tu~- mentlonf'd In this Ordinance, and anN'S of th<' City of N<'wport the City of Newport Beach•hf'rt'b) edll•ll'tlll~> wert• p{a~ l!<'"md and ~<lc•. :1·1. nn(f th••n n tl-4 •l~lslon I where pennies are inserted thrrt'tn Beach. declares that It would have paSI4'd PuBLIC NoTICE thu~l 111 that division. Nominn· to T'"' T1w "'""'' hul'l•t,,. for for service, ahall pay an annual s.-.-u011 tt. 'l'tlls Ordinance thill ordinance, and E"IICI'r section. t iun~ nnJ RaN• Prejudlct' Wl'l'\• the 1 ht>lh <'l;th• will 111\>hnhl> •lnt·t this I license of $1.00 per machine. shall not rt•peal or amf'nd any sentenet', clallM', or phrase. hl"reof, f'dll .. nul~ iaklnlt th.-• hof.ors. 1 wt'\•k••lld .lim l lnnll•l nnd Joe lleedoa lt. ~ ratf' of Ucense'·ordinance or ordlnllRCH of thel trretpKtive of the fact that any 460. 471, 47:'i. 476, and !102, of All winn.•rs will tM-awanic-11 ll•'lnnn h\r l i(1 .A ami lX>Utt Ea· for the buslfleu of operating or l aty of Newport Beach except Or-~ onf' or more other acct l.ons. sub-the Oty of Newport 8Mdt aft Ct'naftcnttos by tht• junior colll'ltl'. lih'k and lll'lll W••hlltPr f••r the Tro· conducting \he business of placing I dlnanCf'a numberM 393, 340, 371, seetlons, aentencea, clauses, or h~by repeaiM. It WfL' nnnoon<'t-d, jlmlli. punch boar<U In t~ City of Nf'W-,416. 446, 458, 460, 4TI, 475, 476, phrUH be d~larf'd unconstltu· s.c-u-•· In no cue ahall t'i'>mpiPtf' ,....ulta wen> as fol· Thill fina l fiPriN mA.)' mark t.ht' port Beach, shall be $1!10.00 per and 502 of aaid O ty, which by tiona! or un-enforet'ableo. any mistake made by the City IO"'ll; N'IIJm to thr, llneUJl of Lynn annum; and for every punch board the pUaagf' am! adop tion of th1a Sed~-N.. Jt tbe U~ In ~k or thfo Ch.lef at Pollet> ln Btos! all around p&Pf'r: l -Ana-"Ru<'k" Compton, Uct.A'a cat('h· In exoeu of fifty, sa.oo In ad·, Ordinance ahall be specifically re--thif ordinance providM for shall atatlna th~ amount of a llcenN h••tm Anoranro; 2 Oraa&e R(-ln.: Jtar, who was op.-ntl'd on dlUon to ~ Ucense fee! of $150.001 pealed, and all Ordinances or not be p&ld-on or befo~ the l~th ~Vf'nt or preJudice the collectJon flt•<'to~r; 3 Nt'wpor1 Harbqr Bee· for appendlriH• two wN·ka aao. 81 aforesaid. I parts of Ordinances •1n rf'ff'~nce day of the month follow1nr the for tht' Oty of what. 1hall be ron. His phytdclan Indicated -that VENEnlN . BUNDS WOOD • • ..,....,...__0_ t ,_._.,._ ..... __ ._.. ..... .. Newport-Balboa Tourist IJureeu All Modes of Trnv~l to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the--World Trips 1n the ne&r tutu.re. See lin. Roy Kee~~e. Pb. Harbor ••• •1 ....... • .._,., .. .. .. .. ... .. . I BeeUoa N. Any penon, • firm 1 to th<' llcenslne, recul. atinr. or dat~ when th~y ahall btoc:orne dUf'. actually dUf' from anyol OM carT)'· B••l't rolum_n: 1 Tar Talk, Ne-w-Compton could notum to hill back· or corporation ronductlna ~ prohJbiUng of buslneuee, occupa-thf'n a penalty of 25% of the lng on ,a trade, calUnr. protei-port Harbor Be.con; 2-SI~·I atap po.ll lon if lile f<"lt UJI to than one bualnf'U In the aame lions or profesaiona ahall rerna1n llcenae tax du~ and payable ahall alon or oeaspatlon, aubject to a Ugtm, OrM~ Reflf'<'tor; 3-Grov· j the chore. -------------------..------... --. ltOff room. lhall not be ~u!Md In full force and eff~t. and ln be a~ therf'to, and no llcenae ll~nse undf'or thla Ordinance. ~..,. at Won and PI_,., Garden Corft.ct CJBA •tandlnp· I I E s E L s E I I c ~ to pay more than one llcenae tax, I the eovt'nt that th~ shall be a ahall be laau.d until auch penalty RM-Uoa ••· Thla Ordinance Gl'\wt'. \V. L. p.:.. GBL provided, how~wr, auch additional· oonnlct betwE"en thll Ordinance shall have been paid, and In ad· shall be ~bllltM!d once In NEW· Bt>5t fpalurt': 1-A.U.H.S. ~d. So. C.Jifomla 9 1 .900 _ . , bualneu ~conducted by him ahall and any other Ordinance recu-dltlon thento. auch dellnqUf'nt l?ORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Anahl'im; 2-A. G. Stf'Yf'f\1 California 6 4 600 3 vlded for In thll ordinance. I latlng. u~nsln& or prohlbiUna shall be Uabl~ toe proeecutlon a ~paper ot reneral drcula-l..t'a\'I"S, VaiM~da ; ~RolllckJnr UCLA 4 6 .400 5 NEW ftf)lf H. P. DIES ... a ON·-_-;'" .:t- tomarily conducted ln connection buslneuea auch other Ordinances and the penalty herein provided, tlon; printf'd and publllhed and Comedy, Ora~. Stanford 1 9 'too ..U DIQ IIAI'IU with auch other bualneta, and pro-I shall be ~ to hav~ ~pealed for failure to pay hU ll~nae pro-drculated In thf' Oty of Newport lJI'st t"dltorial: School Spirit, . . . 8 vided further, that thole conduct-/ thote portlons of t.hla Ordinance vided for In this ordinance. Beach, and thll Ordlnanee ahall Annh1•im ; 2-Nomlnatlons, N~· BeeoedhloMd ~ ~ wltla .... el lng ditferf'nt kinda of aarnes un-In connlct thf'rf'With, and auch ~ea.. M. Thl• Ordinance ta.k~ effect and be In foror from port Harbor; 3-Race Pt. Horrid Boys Take .__ - der one business ahall pay for other Ordinances ahall ~ma.ln ln ahall Mver be held or constTUf'd and after the first day of July, N•'"'l>(lrt llarllor. Swa·m To_.. Abandon • WID AD WIII'I'DfG OIID"I OJf .._.,.. .umiiii~jii._l as lieftlalng or permlllln& the 1946. 1'\Ht 'f'K'Inl! story: Colonlats Dfo-.. .,., BAND &O'I'A'I'IOH on-•a 1'011 ~ <'&rrylng on of any unlawful trade. Thl" abovr and forrgolng Ort11n-fi'IIINI, Anahl'im. 2-Vanlty Girls at Del Mar TION .. V.OJCS.cw IIDOOI'IO.X 1JJOft. Movies in Your Home PARTIES • CU JBS • CHUJlCHES • CAMPS Any Kind of Show You Want OPEN AIR • INDOORS 16 M. M. Sound Prpjectors Your Film8 or Mine • ~asonable Rate~~ . ~ Aereo Movie Service BEACON 5078-..J • • vw., v .... .,.. ... ,.,. ·~;ttf~-A GIVE YOUR CAR AN OVEN .. BAKED THERMAL-S£T T JO\l IN A HARRISON AUTO PAINT .101 YOU GET ALL 7 FEATURES-YOU PAY NO MORE r I a. ............. .,..... -w..u..r 'rtllter ftlen.l ... ............................. If ...... 2. ...... ~ ......................... ..... ............ 3 0..-W ..................... ,..et ........ . . ,. ....... --· ,....._.., ~ .... ....... 4. .,...... .......... ·-................ man. ... ...... ., ........ hM&J'. . • s. ............ ,_,.. .. , ....................... ....... ........ ..-.~.QI ............................. ....... 6 ..,_ ........ ...., -...................... ..... ' ........ ,_ ....... _._ ........ '7 • ...,.... .• ., ......... ~ .... ~ ...... ,.. ....... ........... vdt"•·'"" ...... .. 2nd ancl SycatnON Sanla Ana Phone 6036 calling, occupation or game and ant.'\' No. 548 was passed at a Swnm)~eo Poly, LA~tuna Be-ach; ~ every I Uch trade, calling, OCCU· ~gular m(('tlng of thl" O ty F'{~;htmg f'anlht'rw Downt'd, Or-Olla...l: 116 B. P. o...l ~-· · •· d Two Lnnr "''uch ~lrla cumplaln· patton or game .. prohlbitf'd an Councll of the City of Newport nn~:<'. M to l.ll~otllmr ~~~~~·h pnll('j' at mid-See U. for lnfonnaUon on no llcenl(' ahall bt' &ranted or !Wach. hrld on thr 27th day of 111.·~1 fl'nlur!': John Owt>na, Or· 1 1 V-.. o---t-rw---t-. uf'd h ef n lot 11 ~umlay thai two boyw rldlnJr ~u• ~vnn ~ 1ss t er or. May, 1946. by the followtne vott', 11n~;t•: :l Studf>nt Orlvt>r!t. l.~tlo."'Jnll 11 """' ~~·nwrtll.•l•• t'OUJX' with Or••· SHUn1JI t1. Any conviction ofj to-wit: J\o•H•'h . :\ Evnr S•-e " Si .. -wulk rrw--a ,.._____ .. _ ......_ -""" _.._...._ f I , • "'' )(On lh'<'llllt• vlllll'. ldt tlwm strand· .,_ ~ ---,.. -any holdt•r o any I cense herein AYES. Coundltnl'n Allt'n, Siler , Wntk. An~hc•im 1 · " ,,. In < ·nn>nlt 11••1 Ml!r mentioned for hrcach of this'Or· Jshl"ll, R.oh•·rtson, RN'd. Jlui~,.,. uf thf' l'nnl•'~t wo•N' ,...,, FU.Na a. L8WI8 (....., ....._) o...r-·II•IM•IIf-dinance or of a.ny convictton of NOES. \ouncllnwn NoM. ilul whlll tx·••vrct tht' ~:trill mlllt· llurt..,<-<lit<lr 11nd Jl(oh Guild, l(ll(lrtl' l• tl t t'-1 , .. 1 k ~-nny auch J)f'rson. firm or cor-ARSF:NT, \ouncilm~>n 'None. ~ ""8 '" n<' 11>rr " )())'I too ..-_,"' .. • Mtlt .. l' ,,r lht• S:111111 ;\n•l (~lul~t• 1 1 1 1 1 poration for failing to <'Ondurt tht' Thl' nlxw<' 1md f"r<'gOm"' Or· l 11' r 8w "' '111 Ill IHH lltlrll'l, •1 .. an.t ~Y,'(i lll'i'k "' s .. utlt C"ult~l t N ,.. I II busin<'!IS so JICt'nSI'd in accordancer dlnllnl'c• No '"'D is !illpr"v-A and r•·t,..,r ttl ··wpurt ,..,.,.I llO N" ot'flae: .7 " v .... " Nrw•. l.u••11nl\ llo·nrh. ld 'l'h 1 with lht" Ordinanr<'s of lhl' hiy of "''~nt·d 11.~ m" rhls :!7th day of " lilt 1' ..:tr • 1:11\'1' tlwlr n~tnwa Newport Bf'R<'h, or slatutt·~ uf lht' MAy. t9-16. ~~~ Allt•t• lwtty nntl Flnrt·ncc Gil-l Statl' or C'ahtornia. shall Ipso o R. RF:f:P. Hike Stol~n ..... ,... · '---------------------------- rnrto work a forft'iiUr<' and can· l\lnynr nf lht• Cit)' of Nt•WJXlrt 1 cdliltion or such llcC'nS<' and the Bc11ch. ~ami' shall not IX' re-issued \\'llh· AIII'SI : ••ut a new application being made FRANK L IHNI-:IIART. th<'rdor as provid1-d for hl'ro•ln. l'ltv ri•'rk or rhr City or ~f'('Ooa t8. Ordinnnct'fi numb-1 N•·wport R••nch . t'rl"d :193, 340, 371. 416, 446, 4!18, Pull. June 4, 1946. ,. \ PLAN fOR THESE MODERN "SERVANTS" ••• on Automatic Gos Woter Heater •.• o new "jet·prope/fed" Oisltwoslter ''Llq JNJ 11" .•• "tlb JIJt nn. ••I•"'•'" D11hu •1hn! T•fNMt· /rN, IOf ,.,.,,, •• U111'.f 0~ ,.(JIII't jrtl"' b.t "•In l)lff<ll . ... NotHING syml;>olt2c$ up·IO·the·rnlnute, tjorllm house· keeping more th)n the new hydraulic O ish'W:asher you'U tee at the Fri1z Burns PoSI'"'ar Hi>wc And your priu "modern servant" ,...iJI be 1hc Automatic G111 \l'Jtcr Hearer 1ha1 supplies hot 'Wattr enou&h , .. for your au· tomatic \l1ashi~g MachiM .. , and for auwmatic ~ washing.~ ,,_. 'rita I . ltmll POITWAI MOUII ..,.~&.,~Jit MODIR• .-PUCTICAL. tOOl n on W•~irlll of :!7!\ t•: l~llh •trl'•'t. (''"'" M•·s11. r•'l•~~'t•od tl1•• tlwfl ul II ro•fl 11nd whitt• lowv•·l•• Wllh h11l · loon t lrf'l'. SundA). • nrn'lrdtn~ to ll ="'''"'l>'lrf li•'At'h t••lll'j• r•·('K'Irt UJillEY'r REFRIGERnnon -JERVICE CDffiPnnY Blllea -EJacteMiiac -S.r.toe tto eo .. t Bl..t., Coroaa ... liar Tempor11ry Phonf', Day 654 La· cuna fleach; Phone Nliht, 1~ Lagunll &-tldt 1 ·0 S S I' S Liquor Store 100 eo..t IIIP••J Formerly Oordoa'• Druc 8tan~ OpNa r:~err Day 1,000 Americans Die .,..,,.,., da.t trnttt Mll't\ hlt~OO t~.,.,., v v•nr·•tlnl ,,. tn 1\1"111•1,. tu th• ~""'"'' • ~ .... ,. wbt• h ,,.,,.... • u '"""'" M u Vtir lllllfof" T our n~"••Pt.e""' ~II• of NtMnliV"Ilt .,..,.,.,._. ttJin• •lm•••t daiiT wft& ao t"allf!d .. HfiUt 'a,ttu,... ... tHH•IlJ t.ruqbl I'IJOUt b7 H '1h Ul1uol1 , .. ,... ... ur,. nur ~•du•lw~ ()1.11•1 ..... f\1-fl,.• M• 1 h••l ,.,...,fOt·••"• H nllt of I 0 r..-. of U 8 I• ~~ lit 60 J)()lnla Cb~ f',..f 'rr••ttHM'It f'••nttnu"'t ~ati'NIW1t ma.kN ttv• ,......ylt ~rmu,.nl. Our 'rNoatmt:~nU t)O "t'Yr 8UPPrHe tbP tf••a.rt t~ w•t. ,....ulw. -tn r.,.-t. ttN! Reart t• "1,_nw\h,n~W1 a.nd J.-n,.fHlf"t'S If Pt•u ha'ff' ''ttlaa7 ~···-~ ,,.u f~U piLin• In n--k. t ho•t1ft,.,.. .M tt,...,..,_if JOUr .,,..,.., at n'f hl i• "fh fut••. .,... u• t•fu" , .. u b••• a '•trnk•'' P1eue plloef! Hamnr liN for 1M .o\ppofllt-at 011 Molld.a111 or Thal'tlllaJIIo, t :Ot ~ 5:00. w:--aJ•cw by AppolntmenL DR. EMIL F. llr:U .. D.C. l"h.C. 107 22nd St..- Newport ~b. <Atll. ~I T .Mortd to fie Jto. -.lwtuto~or o$ , • .,, t. ..... SlATS.O· WOOD _.....,. ... f OOd loo~••t, lo~t leot••t t•d •co,.o"'•'•l. A plt.o.-t f .11 ...II br"'t o..e -.,,.,..., •o fl.• yov • Ire..,. .... _., o• , ... ,. <11010., lloollt eldo IO ..-lott.lolo li·loot SI.Ats·a-·.vooa A wnlntt: Cn. or Oran~e 0 1. 1111 .. ,......,~ ..... "--· ('.Jtr P"-nu.r.arn..-'*""·' PRE-OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT l ... Ow. Vltw ............. ON SAU wltllll a sllort tiMt ••• IIGISTII your IIOMI tow for ttrly cltolct of locatio••· ''Th1 Coast 's Most Disti.uli11• RtsiJ,nJi.l ~ommu11i1y" Here'• your 6nt opportunity to purcbue on the tcenic cliffs aouth of Balbo. and Corona Del Mar, where the oc~an ahore line takes a pic· turesquc bend • . . natural wrtina -unexc~lled beach, all improvemenu: underaround utilities, ~ewers -architectural restrictioru. Lar1e lika, uch with iu individual appeal. If you are ocean· minded and want 1om•1bi,g "'"' 011 lh, to•ll • •• this is it. by Developers of Sa'tla Anita Oalu TRACT OrFJC[-On Octlfl HlfltwiJ,lust Soultl e1 COtont Otf Mw. Pilot Class Meets at Church Mr. Bnd Mrs. R.ou Owen and Mrs. Mary Stanlt.'y wert' host.s wtwn th~ Pllot du. met recently at Cllnat Church by the Sea wtth tR m«''TThcrs Vffl!('nl. Arter a 1hort Harbor Feminine Activities Retiring Costa Mesa Teachers Honored at Tea Given br P-TA and Friday Afternoon CJub PlaslMd to honor thn>e rt'tirlng Phont>s 13 and ~ • By Wlnlfl"('(i B<t rhn· • Resldenoe Phone 1637 .ft ·~•chen or w Costa 1\t('Sa i.'T&m-I p G' I mar school, the tea given at tb(· uente If buame11 &e~•uon hl'arta wu vh•>'· Mesa Co upl e Back r<S w1th Mn . E. II. U &ht, mother or Mrs. w,ulam McDonald, w1n-1 From Honeymoon Costa Mesa Couple Make Home in Wash. I Local Scouts Get I High Awards at Co urt of Honor Friday Art~moon club Wednes-Honored at . day af~moon under tht' 1ponsor-. ship of the club and th~ Pan:>nl-Kitchen Shower nlng fmu prltc for ladlrs and 1 --Tueh<'r assodation drew 1501 --frl~nds to bid fart'WI·II to '"~-' hon-Miss Dotll ROSt' Rllth or Puen te Mrs. Ar thur PriCl• oonaolrd. l§n I Mr. IWt! .\11 • 1 ;,.,., . .:•· 1-'1111. 13:.!·1 · Fl'r guson won flrt l for men .. and l~rnMt~·ny, I·.,,,., Mo>tiJ, Hre back Jlarl)ld Glass was low. Th~ next honw <•fl<•r 11 14rrk's hOn<'ymoon meetinK w1ll aiM~ be M ld at lht•, 11t Sant11 Rarl~o~rn '!'heir mar- I IOnl'ymunnon~: In S&n F'rhn· t"i~ ar(' ~lr And Mrs. Olesto•r Nnvr~. "'htrso• mnrrurl'(l' took pial"' ro'(•,.nti) In lhl' .chapc~l of Costa M•·~" <'11mrnun!ly rhur ch with thP R,,,. r :orl .John•nrt nffiri11t in~: ored gu('sta. Mrs. Clara McNaUy, I daughtt>r or !\lr$. Ruy Craiu. wu I principal of ~ main school,_ la 1 honored guest at a kltcht'n shower Jtm llitrhman Of Boy Scout luvlng aft<'r 21 )'Carll of ler\'lCt', I J IVcn Friday l'VCnlng at the homf Tr•)(IJl 17, Balboa lsl11nd, received Mrs. WlnifTt'd Ta)·lor hu lW'","ed 1 of ht·r aunt. Mrs. U.·}'()· Franc~. a l.rfl' nward und Don C'u nrrc!l n:>-16 yean and Mrs. Martha Pick-27th atrt>et with fk)ty Rean and fY•I\ t•d a S ta r award at I hi' 24th cnpaUC}I has ~n wtth the school Ruhy £ngh h {IS'fr(os11 liSt'S. 1•nnual Orangt' Emptre Area Court Cor 14 yt'ars. Euch was prcs~·nted ch urd r. rl61:<' lt~•k pia···· .Juno· 'iO at 0\ir ----IJodv nf Mt l'.mw I durrr•h, Nrw-r---------------------------; purr .. Be•ot·h "''" ,.,,.. It<''' Jame1 GUT SETS ..... .. 2.00 lu 700• INDIVIDUAL AFTERSHAVE. T ALC OR COLOGNE, ~ach. .. nNE TOll.i.IRIES. 1trec-t Ooor. ·-Piu. Tax. .. 1 oo• ro.rt• a 8 )'C'IIIIION SANTA ANA ·Glamour Knows No Age * The Distinctive Style of Bernard o f Hollywood is as recogni za ble in chil- dren's portraits as it is in our portraits of movie stars. The most discriminat- ' lng parents will be pleased with the ex- ce.ptional quality of a Personality Por-. ~ trait by-·- OP'm nJESDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS By ~tment Only .......... 41U ........... ~lult':.hy rt uolon~ thr songlc ring t·••rl'mOn} ;rh•• t•nd,., wh,., wn~ th•• forf'CM'r M IS/< R··rineaN-n unch. dauahtt>r of Mr (tnd Mr.. Chnt'lo·~ :11 I Bunch of Ld•amon, Mo., wnrr· 11 tallor1•d !!Uit or 'lh••phr•rd f'lll'l'k wtth hlal'k and "lu1t• arcrss-•rr•" and nn orch1d o•orsagr l\lrll t:u~<'nt' II Ik•·lw or um~t, lwa<·h Wlt.<~,..trrm oC ho1nor. Shl' wor<• hlark and t •.t!W. and 11n nrr·hld C"'r· sit~·· :\lr I"Wl'IX' wn·«< ns bMit m11n. l ACit'r thf' ct>remony. whk h took (\Ill("(' at 9 a. m \hP \\o'ftthn~: hrl'akfnlll wns St'r\'N1 at tho• 1\o~·t .. home In Long llt•nrh Mrs ..-.,, ) has liw•d In f'n~t '' :111'"111 f11r 11 1 Y"llr und is • fllltlll}t'IJ tl"' D lo1k· \(('l'Jl('r at 1 hf· T•· \\'ink I•• I I :or d· w11r" stnn• Mr. F ox, whu l~ frum Gillette. Wrom lnJ:, 111 w.rtt tltt· Wr•lls lto•11l F:sl«l•• offil'l'. Sta mp Cluh Thursday Thr:'nNO m••o•trn~: ••I rlw I l~tr· hnr St rutl[r cJuiJ "rll tw TilUrs· 11." Junr: 6 ar i :111 p 111 In thl' M1·~" R&d in ami I lrohlly 11hop of Mr . sn<f Mrs. l.:orrv F;wo•n, Cost:J M<'sa. Kr nt t fllt'hl'<l<.'k "'oil pr••· &ode. ------------ ALLMARK f ~~~~~----' CARDS Father's Day June 16th Vue~::~ Lampa.:: eo.tume ~nr~lrY. Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 0<-eaa Front We Wrap Glflc; Tit•• hn1l,. " thl' fnrm('r Mlldr•'<~ 1\fnrl', rl11111:111f'r 1•f Mrs. M&y 8ul'' lnnol, IRII HnrlwSII'r str eet . Shr wn~ 1{1\'t•n in mArriage by ·ht•r brul ho r, C 'hllrfl'l' Fl~iekland. S hl' wnr•· " "hitr nftrr noon fl'()('\<. \\hill' hrll 11ncl t'llrrled a whltr lllhlo• IOJII••d "irh 11n orchid. ~!Iss \.r11N• Auckland. m11ld t•l hnn11r .. , "r" licht hlul' with whrt• .,.,.,,~.,,.,.. \'11n Vnn Ditto wu• ,.,.~, m11n 10nd \\'11rrl'n Chest•·l ll~l!l'rNI ~1r" f'o•hll V11n Alko·n piA)'<'d till' wo-ddtn~: music. Followtnl: lhf' ritt:'S Mf.'lldamr•!o Rurh Tnrn1111kr·. Oorothy Grldic~ rond t-:llo n <'rO'Is R5lliSI.-d 1\t a r <'· 1 o•Jitlnn 1n I h•' C'haJ')Pl •n tl' Y•'llnl.: roul'lt• will muk• lh• 1r hnrnr· ln Jo:ll,.nshurg, Wuh Balboa Gi rl Is Westl ake Graduate \lo"' \l~tlnro•s 1-:lth•r, dRUghto·• "' ~t~ l.•"•t•·r I~h··tl, 1305 E"'~' ('r·~tlrlll :r\ .. nUf', w•li ~rltdw••• \\'o·tln• •tl '' . .lunr 1:.!. from Wf.'st ltrk•· !"rllrl(tl (.,r Ctrls C'omlll4'n('o "'''Ill •·ll•·n·•~··~ will ll<' hl'ld 11t I I ,, 111 ''" rho• tr•rrnrl' lawn anrt "'""'"~ "til ""~" a Inn~ nn aisle ul \\ hllo· ~;of'" r11ti)(>no; to a 00Wl'l · lt11nkr·l1 plntfru·m. Tht'Y '"til "••ur ~•mllar froclu or v. btlr mrorqul~t'l ll' and carr~ i\m••rtt'lln Ao·:ouly and Cedlr llt·unnf'r rnst·~ lll'd with Amert· o•ron llt•auty snrrn s trt'amcra: \ll~s t:;ldl'r wpnt through tht• lcw.ol l'!rmentary I'C'hooJ. from k tndl'rgarten anrl a ttended Nl'w- ~lrl llnrhor \ 'ntnn High school for two )'Nirs. Sh<' plans· to ent<'r thf' l'nh<'r~ity nf Southern C'alr· forma ln 1 ht• f111J. 't_ --s:::~. ~~.~ ~ .. ).~:d,:~ will rt•sut•ll' tht•tr rnr'l'l mgs, whil'h 11o•ro• rnl•-rrUIJII'tf "hr·n Ut<' M..so rt10d 1u !"hup I\"" l'lusr'li for r e<IK·- nrlllint.: ltnoJ ll \H(':Oiion ror thl' prutrl t• l fll!'o !\lr nnfl Mrs. Larry !'"''" Thurstla~. Jun•• 6 11 thl' '"'"' m•···lln~ d.olo• 'j ~· p. m . 11( Jlonor hAid F id I t Many IO\'Piy urJts \\'t'rt' rN~Ived • ~ r ay even ng a with a lo\lt'ly, corsaae. ., lttr• Santn Ana High school audl-by tht' brlde-to-br, whole mar. •ov tum ..;th Ge,· F:arl Warr<'n and In the r(>fi•iving line wert' Mrs. riaee takft. plaoe t.h~ lattt'f' pari Thomas Kuctwl, alate controller H. B. McMurtry, new pr-esident of this month after hfor graduation prl'sl'nltng the awards. or .th~. Friday Alt~ club : on June 14. Ga~ wen • pla,ycd, All trOI)p!! wert' repr('S(•nted and Mrs. K enneth Stewut, pre.ldent f wtth Betty &an, Miriam Nash nmong leadf.'rs from the Harbor of the P·TA; Mrs. Mauct.t Kne-and Ruby E nglllh u prize win- <m '.l WE're> R.obPrt Eastman. scout nrdy and Mrs.. Maude Da\·11 ol Mn. commission~r ; John Abell. Scout-tht' ac~l faculty. Gut>sts prrs<'nt Included Mrs mfi~>lcr Qf Troop 17. and Ed St<'W· Pouring a t the beautifully ap..l &an. Mrs. Craig, J!'annle Rath, '.' art. HarTy Lace, Scoutmaster or pointed tea table lovely wtth rt'd Lorrairw Bn-sl, M11r jorie Van Wl&. Troop 5, Newpor t TWaeh; H aroht l r011ea and ligh ted ta!l"'s W l'te the Mrs. Brrst. Mr. und Mrs . J. E. llnll. Scoutma.stl'r of Troop 6. and put preaklents of !he P-TA, the Van ·wig, Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Flor- llarold Knighten of Troop 15, M('Sdamrs A. L. P ankley, Sidney f'nce Torr<'nct>, Mrs. William Akt'r, f"QSta MHa. H Davidson. Claud(' A.nderson. Miriam Naah. Mrs. Joe s~. 'II' "\ L l n t: tu:u .t: \\'llr A rccord total of ~ awards John Wthslt>r. HalT)' Burdick and ~~. Arthur Blwlln<'r. and Jot~e-u.u:so·~. II ·ll':lot• r "' Ur. aad \l'l're prcacnted to 246 Scouts at Clyde Otto. plilne Oqulst. Among t hose aend· :\1". """" II. \\'11111\m w n. 1620 l ch<' court . 18 m<>rnbers or Tmop 17 nurin~ the llfl<'rnoon Kf'O in~t gifts but unabll' to attend were ~llr.un11r olrh ••. »•lbo.., n bntN-rrc('ivlng \'arious ont>s. T~n Eagle Fisher lJI&yed 1('\'eral plano num~ Mrs. \\'<'lis, Mrs. Elsie Pattenon ••n:.:IOJ:•'''" nt tu .,,f"d Lind,.~ awards. hlghnt honor In Scouting, er~ and thl'rt' wpre Plano duNs by a nd Miss Leslyn Evert'tt. Jr., "''" "' f-'r•-d \. Llndrma11, we re prHrnted by Govl'rnor War· Lucy Pnftdry and Doris Btllings. ~-----~------- ('(oJ>ta M,.••· wa' rf'C'.-atly all· ren. Mrs. Cor<'n<' B<x>ttcht'r. ht11d o1 nuunf•o-d. T ho• \\O'dtUn~ wiU Ccor (' Tobias E'nt'r al chair-lh<' !Whoul musk d4-partment. sang ' I a I I 'S taJcP t•f~Kv 11001r tim• thu• •urrt-mHn. o~·ned lh<' '-co~rt and intro-,. Ca\'orrr,. ~nj.l tor <'a<'h or th<' I mt·r . 1 d _ .. S . , honort'('l! Joor M rs McNally was -IIC~ UIX'rtor .Juds::c-KE'nneth F. I "The t-:nd (l( <I PC' r D .. f Mnrrrson. mnstt•r of cl'rl'moniC's 1·;J r <'Ct uy, or Holstein-Hobart Engaement Told I Tl'ndC'rfoot Fh·"t ('lass and Sta mrs. Tarlor. "Ah, SW•'E'I Myster)' I · r of Lrfr•." 11nd for Mrs P rck<'n· awards \\o'r(' prr~l'nto•d b\' Ja mo·s h "LA M So · ~l1•ri~old, prt'Sidr nt of -county 1 1'~~~~1 :.. ·t · Y ng f 111 Your st•outrnt::, Mayor Asa Hoffman and ;\1r unrt ~Irs. Ch:or ks 1-: I loh.trl \\'lilts Warner, chairma n of thr . Olhl'r numbers sung by ~lrs.j of .. :ns::to• Hock arr nnnouncmg th<' t•r>unty board of IIUpC'rvlsors . H'· f\ol'lfo·hrr mdudr-d "I'll ~'(> You 1 • llh'o..:• mont ol lht•ir da~ghl('r 1 !lP<'Cilvely. ~r:~m." "&~!s rn l~~ ~ountry,", l ltrtlll' lu r:,·or;:(' M. Jloi~I!'IO Ul. F:nt<'rtalnml'nt fl'llturr or thr s~~" .. llf(XIdS and Wttnout •j ~"" o( ;\lr. and Mrs. Gt?<rrg<' l\1. I C'Ourt wall t h€' appl'arance or "Ish ~ go; llolst,.in, :?1:! Via Lido Nord, Lido Knhibblt'." romrdlnn of th<' Kay l~l• Ky!ler "Collt'JtP nC Musical Knowl· Th. m.11 t1asc;•· 1~ '" takl' place I <'dl:e" radio show. ••II July .!R and w111 culmmatl:' a roomano·r nf school lla>s \\h<'n both _ , "'''. ""~"ndini: Pnmcm., colleg<'., Your friende and Minr ~lr llot~l<'m is in husln<'ss with Ius ra rlw r nnd ttw ynun~: rouplf.' Mr. a nd Mrs. J. E. Van W ig!{ '"II mnkt ttw1r hum" In N<'wport or Pu<'nlf' moved thiJJ past w('('k llo'~tch. I r nd to tht'lr """' homf.' ar Ralt10a J une Weddin ~ for Beacon Bay Girl 111nd their daught('r , Mrs. Rov 1 C'ruig smd h<'r husband, 117 27tt• strf'l't, mov<'d to thl' Van Wi~tl: ranl'h wh<'rl' thl'y will hi' in Ch'lfg('. Sl'll that unwanted :uncle through Nt'WS·Tim<'!'l ads. r 0,.. Ev,....,.. E.anopl Moacla7 If u·c Jon t'hat•t 11, we ma~c •t . )'Oil su' 'Donna~e%arie Shoppe ~~~~ S . Mala St. )Irs ·'"''k fltl\l,tn .,f B••llr'r'n nav I' onnounl'lnc I h·· ··n~3$:tt'ITII'nl of I o•r dnlll:hlo•r. Rill' Vir~:inlll Sh1'))- art1 tn .lnmo'~ \\'tllinm RoJt•ll. son "' \\'illinm n .... ft ol llr•rtnOllll n. 'lrh ~fro; ~lnry Wrntlrin~l'r, wh11 has l1<·<·n ~>mployl'd at the d ry hall at I ,·nrlous ttm<'s o,·,.r a l)l'rlod of l<'n yrnrs or mor(', h11s now joim•d th•• ~r:.rr 111 thr nffo<'" orR. w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ MrC'II'IIan nnd Son. \\'l'st C'l'ntral - 11w hrido•·••lo·rt 1"1 a ~rrollllal(' of Paandl'nn Junlur rtrll••cf' nnfl thl' a\'f'nUI:'. r--------------------------~' l'alladPnn C'nmmunrty plnyhouse, Mrs J'rw-Summrrs and 11 frll"nd frum Lns AnJ::I"I<•s W<'rt' down for · lhl' Jl.~~~ '''f't•k ,·lsirln~: :\In; Sum- m• r~· mnlhl'r. Jlln; Florl'nN' Tor- rrnce, :r.tn strl'\•t. nnd lllr. Sum· nwn nnd Gl<·nn Nelson SpC'n t the Oceans of Cool Clothes FOR Catalina Swim Suits Laguna THE Trunks and Beachcomber Jackets Sack Dresses Anyone can make their own in 60 min. !14atf'rlal' and modf'l oa di'CII•)· 1ft our "1ndn" Orkin's Department Store 179S Nf'Wport Rl\·cf. {'o01ta Mf'.AA eotDFilthiiii~ T~ Only Safe Protection Against MOTH-HEAl FIRE-THEFT Cold Storage Vault On PNml~e~ HAVE YOUR FURS REMODRED NOW AT . LOW ·sUMMf:R RAnSt Santa Ana Shl' srrn'li for '"" )Nlr!l 111 tho• \VA \TS <:tnltf•nt·d rn \\'il~lllnl'(ton, D. I ~lr 1111•'11 w:o~ in thr N Avy \\ f•o•k ••nd h<·re. I 1 for thrN• yflnr" m 11;1\\;ui 1 Th<' Wl'ddi n~ '''Ill '"' in .Junr. Rnd nurnhnm nnd \\'r·•ro 11 .111, I st~ill'd on '"" Amnrirtr 11 •rlt \\'~ti­ ll'r Frnn/ In I hi' r:"'' '" I 'nrolnadn Thun;dn) l'orllltnl: '" l •r~t l11r tmw 1 and rourl h un l~;~mlr···• I' ~l r ·•nd ~Irs. Ll'lnnd J . Dil'lrirlr of Mlh\ nukl'f' nr(' ~tur•sts for rwo \\l•dr!' a t rhc lromf• of lh<'tr ~n. Ru.~sell Dil'frich. pulolisht•r of llw Hc·nchcomho·r. :uttl hr~ wtft.'. ~-~~ ~:asr ('<'nlral n' •'nlll', Rt~lhol\. Thr c:f'tlrl:l" llrtl~l o•tr]S \\ htl arr : in I ho· middlo' of ff'lllol([r•linl: 1 ht•ir hm•~·· un Liolo :"orol, cntc•rlalno·d \'l'ry rnfnrmntly whr•n th('lr son's I flnncct', Mi~s F:llnor llniiM'I of Engle Rrtek w:~:o dr~n·n ~uncia' wtth a group of frit•ml• · :\Irs. Pnul lln!l, t h,. llarottl r :dtl· wt•tls nnll .Jnt·k Zdlt•rs Wt·nl ""'r to Cat11lin11 la~l W<'<'k "'"" llu 0<-an C'nmpiJt'lls on t hr• \'idl' Ill 1111d had n j:lrnnd Hnw Rl llw ~ulf rournAm r'nl nlthnu~;h n\'lne of tl\1 crowd tu.rl)('(j in a ""'"ning scnrr ~TYLE n t:TA I L S • ()F 1 lt'R :-.:r.w S UITS 51111\\' 111~: :-.lEW PE:">iCIL SKIRT F'l.'Ll.ER SLEEVE NE\\ :"EC'KLI:-.IE TREATIIENT )1),\C;ONAL~ TIJCKS 1\ I>RE."S~I.\I<EH SOni'F'~'5S \\'ITII ,\TRIM LOOK F1:"E 100• • \\'OOL CREPE S IZES 10 1'0 18 crhe Frances Norton Shop .. 0rtSJeS * &port5'Wtttr l "'N'ond • R rnarh4 "~ WE \\'ELCO~IE YOU TO OPt:N A CHARGE ACCOUNT (311 -f141 -00 Oays) Mnrht·<o,: '"'I"' )tlll '" C'l>mi" in llntl nt••n a dlllrt;r• mx·r•un r. Our i>ltl\'k' :t['(' cumpl••l•' Wllh thr Inti"' I ~1) l1•!1 o( Lllllif's' Fin•· Ap~m·l. NationaJI~· Adw·rt~ READ\' • TO -WEAR IJI WES T 4TH ST. 8tol? Houn: Dally lndudJar Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. .. • f'n11rth Sll-ec't nnd Syramor(• S AN'I'A ANA Vacatio .. Varieties Summer is calling ... warm, lazy days ahead wh en you'll be wa nting r play togs des1g ned for com fort and sma rt ap- pearance. We've every- thing for relaxation, play and gardening. SPORTS\VEAR. Second Floor. 114 W. 4tll St. Ph. «M$88 PASADENA LONGBEACH n N. ~ft. a1. t ·UM l:tl,.._ ""' L. B. lh-t'f '