HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-10 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAN.D c·RAB .. ·sAM CBNTBAL AVE. S ee m a that w:wncldnc might be ._ about 'OIDtral avenue, bitt Sill Newpolt and Bal· baa. a .tep.chlld of a street that baa been buffeted hlthes: and yon for years, yet the cormect.lng Unk between two dtlea from the o u t s i d e. Ownber of Commerce, city dads and P . E. officials are about to go into a huddle and g i v e a long-suffering public a workable thorough- fare. ln those ancient days ot yore when the P. E. was given several blocks of land and a right-of-way to build here, the red cars ran to Balboa. 1be railway seldom thawed a profit and about the only money the rompany realized was from the sale of its land in the El Bayo tract and on the oceen side of the .treet: later it received about $20,000 from the city for its right-of-way, but In aU the transactions the land was IOld far below present-day values. 1be P. E. a few years ago pdly took up its ralls to Dalboa and It is the area be- tween both sides or the busy street that action ls being 80Ught by Balboans. There oertalnly is enough right-of· ::f to widen traffic lanes Una eliminate the ~ ards ot driving. because when cars are parked at the · curb, there is scanty pas- sageway. Some argument and heGtation appeers to be aver the power statton near 15th street. which the dty wants l"eDllYed to the wes- terly dty limits and which the railroad il not klcl1ned to do. But It's t1me all the fac- tions got togethe. r and a pre-Bentable highway with bet- ter movement be. arrange<J. + + • L Udo Project. ln a talk · with BiU Myrems oC Griffith Co. the other day he told why progress had not been made on the new prop<l6E'd business center. An appli- cation mane for a $.300.000 public market near the Lido theater, firs\ unit of the dis-- trict. had been made to the Civilian Production Admin- istration in Los Angeles and tha t federal board defe~ it. An application now in process for an arlministra- tion building, it is hopeful will be approved. While the county (X'nnit for its Mesa theater, Newport Blvd. and F1ower st reels , costing $50,000, had been granted. its application to CPA, now in pt"OCE'SS. is s o m e w h a t doubtfuJ of approval. Mr. Myntm~ makes these state- ments to• advise · the public that everything is being done by his company to go ahead. + • • Good Idea. .J. M. Barry of Balboa offers thr following on rent controls: "I just ·pas.c:ed Bay Side VIlla courts, com er Arlams and Bay, anrt saw a dam good si~n that they ar.e not ~oing to m ise their rent.c;-why don't o th- ers do that too? GoOO for the to\\-n." llt''s right in morE',. wavs than one. In orrl<•r to prove tha t landlords and merchan:s can OJX'\dte at a nonnal profit without bcn<'- fit of OPA. it would not be amiss for finns to'l.let the public know how they ((>(>). It is only the isolated rases of gouging that are given pubticity : the hundreds and thousands o f reputable con- cerns who do not intend to rai~ prices. never say any- thing. confident tha t their customers have faith In them and their honest rates. • • • Ou Oo. Growth. One In- dication of the growth oC the coost line is seen in a new expansion policy by the Sou- them Counties Gas Com- pany which has created a new post. that of branch~ reeentative for the town1 f1 Laguna Beech, N e w port Beach and H u n t I n g t o n Beach. Ray B. Hill. former Cftdit manager In Santa Ana f1 his company, h.u been u- lllgned td the job and ~B)'S the. c.oe.ital ~ h a • pown 10 fut that a more CIOOidbiAted effort II .,.._ ary, tD hal'6 tlw iieat!J Ina .., bullnea CoSta esa Ed·it.lon· Newport B81boa-News 'l'lf!!es VOLOMS--ZDYIII---------()Oft'A _._ CAUFOit.NJA. "'EDNaD&Y,ItJLY 1e. .... • ' Nv.aDU P-E Denies · Holding Up Central Aye. Project --"'-------. - Kiddie Karnival Coronaflon Draws Parents to USO Club; . Give Prizes on Wednesday ' Spectators Applaud Children and Infant Winners in Gala Program Sponsored by 1 b Pythian Temple of Tustin in Balboa Com-1 munity-Small War Bond Is W o"" by Balboa Youngster. Widening of ijloroughfcre Depends Only on How Soon · Meter Station Can Be Built Uailway fompany Anawerinc tlidclam Crop- 1 ping Up in DU.CU.Ion at C. of C. Dlredora M eetinr Char&'N City Offlclala Failed to l Keep Their End of Harpin on Propoeed Improvement. Ont:' hundr•-<1 and thlrty-thrN.• I>~'I"SOfl>' Allt'nC,.Il'<l tht• cnmnntinn j Ct•nt r"l ll\t'11tlf', fi'Uil a-t boulnard t o thto O&lhoe P"fti..W.. pas;:<'an t which wa<: h<>l11 In l'SO club h<"arkjunrtt•rs in Balbofl M~da)' I will l~t• wltl••nt'ft hy thr Ot)' cl Newpon a..dt u 1001'1 u tM Plldfto nar;ht II$ 0 climax 10 thl' kiddll' kamiVal WhiCh Was Stage<! withOUt .. :fo-t•llh' ftllllWII) l'lmplln)' of 1.-. Allplft Clan bullet a rwcatlw ,.. fanfON' nf publicity in Balboa \he p81Jt three Wt't•ks. hiMI IN'lo'l' •t~tt loa tO ~ t.ha prutl!ftl Jtn-et C!&l' naiiJ ..... Tiw camivnl. which was ;:poruon.od by Pyth111n Temple No. T1 oC nn• hcotnJI u•l'ft for fll«trirwl «<fflatt woril In mn'""''tloft WI"' tM n.tst1n and which was promoted by lhret> women who aald they were TU Tilt: REK<T£ ~ &.lw c..t (o-rd ,., .. ,., .. ,.,.. ... "· ft. \'akufl• "•It• Ia tala C'ttrtl• ·~ olliM·I'r phm t ul ""' I' ·F.. ~ Clll UMo m~anlclp&l. <'UnP.,...,..., members or the Pythinn Sisters, a\IMictt'd o great deal ol attention na~k. Navy ~t-CIIIaPrvaU.. .,......,., Ia s-potft ha). , .... ., .. .., "' .... rl<'ttt'la• moohtf' fa.Uurf' '"WI.. 1 lJffil'iMbe rt( tht+ I~ ~rtc: ~ ~ bt Laa ~ rrom protld parentJI of youn~; Harborit~ and there WIU an ardent nytaiJ •• a fcornaaUoa -~· ........ ., ......... thfo jrtl)', ,. .......... Ia ..... ttC'f'-aM .... ,_.... ..... lr'''"' Mvncllly llfll'rnoon told ,. "'-'""'" ol Aft ~ scramble ror hi~;h pla<X'S in the mam show whkh OC'CUrl'N l.ut nlr:ht. -••ty of tiM> ....,. ~Y a .............. •·t.art~ ~at. • l'hotn by (' A t:rltrla. I'C'IIt"htod hc•twN'fl lhll Cl~ ol N..,..n Belldt and llw ,..~ -. wereA~~~()(~~.-n~=. g[h~ ~~~ou~di~~ w~ a= w • E • 138 h I L t PrJ Sea ::-nn~ ~~,.. N~~~M:;!.~ ~ ~ tlwy,;:::"' o~'net :.'::': Miss Bemt'lla Shurtz ol Huntin&toa ~ach, who wu In char~ cl the rti penen t 0 ca. re I'INir tt111t t hfoy _.,.not .. .......__ In thlo -.. ol ..... -·..a'-._ ~J:::~/:ft!:~n~c!~to,t~~(' ~ a me X ces M--· ,_::·1 strtal wlthri: ~.~!r.t~rn!.': ~~ ~·~ -:·~ . culon will be aent to the parent.l Ed t v.. IIU Jurw of 19U thr a~ ol N~ .......... ~ ('II--· ~~;.he winnln& teams on We<lnes-uca ors Combat Ennineers Retailed Dfst. Developers ~-In ~~ .......... ~. ·-: =-n'tO..,f': lot'! ce:!~c:~:: t'!~~n~~ Ask Survey ll• Sk)'T'Of'kl'llnrr: of .h .... ~ .. prl"" Grand Jurt ::., ~':..:!. ~ .. .:w: tiona, "Prl:r.ed Baby Show," were "" lote In ttMt v1c.-lnlty ot N.-port ~ a~.•.•e!!!-t__.U.._a.. handed mothers of the wtnn1n& Veteran Deaeribee Adventures of CaHiornia-bouii'VIrd from 15th to 17th .... wwv ,. _ _,. ~· - children . 'nlele bore the ••en•-f . c liege Nevada Boya Who Repaired Bombed ::;;•:,':~:~~~.·~ Recommends = for u. ............. ture, "M & M Sewlnc O ub of or 0 -.1 M.-.a·e fl"t lnduatrlal dll trict, It Pythian T··mple No. '1:7." ~rkll'ea and Ruincu ToWllB Under Gunfire wu ~l'all'd by Ralph Muk•y of . ..::. r:.:-rhft ~paj ... : AJthouch It wu rumored In Bal-N.wpnrt ~~~ch to mMnhr" ot \M D c ol a-d\ hu ttlul f l.w · boa u late u Jut Saturday that -r.·o 1m t_t_t_ t ~ ot u.. 1-. lhlc'•••• c..fMt MC ..... ,.._ l..., hoard cl cti N'·C'Itl" of ttMt N11wpnrt og· on1r IIIN lt8 part of~ te _. a repraentaUve of Selmlck In· lhla w~kr-; ~~u~U:.k: N~ .... ~ ...... 11w .... ..,., ••• ..._..,41 ~J llaJ.I IIubor Ouomht•r of f'ummf"ret" ~ olftda .. ~ tMI ternaUonaJ Plct~aree wu to cive the Or :Count t I N-· Ml'a-o18aata A-.-.t dw .., ... ~ Ia u.. llettl.-1 Monday. cnetC. to Ttw N .... ,._ - a ~n teet of IOC'ne o r the In-_...__1 ~--_,_!.,. routowa-" h.!h .t , ........ at t..., -a.c ., ... ......_ re.lt Ia ..._ ........,. Mukf'Y. whn Ia ch"lrm lln of t~ _,__ ah« ,..._ hMr4l ...._.t -"':!. • fant.l entered In the kiddie car-'""""" ........ ""' .....,.... "" .... e ....... • a-... lA. .,....., w a. ctuunbn'' ell' 1 1 1 -nw .., .. _, -- -nlval It became known Monda organization of a MW junior col-_... " ...-. • I'Wc.ll. U.. ... ...,. of........... • ve opnc-n romm I· a PIJI'arancw -~ Ia ~ b1 Uw..,.. ot •lltlll nicht that this wu not true )' lege district . School truetees of ....... Ala.. ... --........ .t tM 'Ia ... _ ·-"' __,..,., t~ tft, clfocllll'f'd that .Vnythlna wu Oranp C'ounl)', wtwre -• el U. .-wport ,..,_ 0 , f . the four high achool dilltrk:t.t Cor-put Ia U.. ._.... wwtl.t Uw IDtll ..,._ c.-...t kt....._ l ~et to make l lw ipf!clfw.d aru an i<"UM havr rt'<'ftttly ............... fll ~ at tNk --S~aklnc for the women ~ war-ded to tht> State Supt'rlntf"nd· ~ ...._ ....... ........,. ~"-a-. &. D. CleeMII ., N--~lnd~atrllll dlatrlct wht•n tlw n.-• d ~aft.,..,..., molt'" of thl' event, M1w Shurtzj cmt of Schools tht'ir r ueet.l that pert a-a.. eau.ar-a o1 tiN! lfrOIC'-,_......_of tiN! auw .... l'lulll, lu kl'd ""' 11M lmmt'dllltc'IY land-C'ltH that t.Mre Ill pit -C ... ....... .... &ald that Hubbard Hunt agcnc)', 111 survf'y be mRdt> at ~to dfotrr·l w111o ..w • ..,.... M r a..... ., .. _. ........ aa a ...,.a ... ...,...... u.. f'f· owm•r• In tho• vldnlly r11l11''<'1 for thfo ~tahllahawwt ., a -. Olfldea. pa&nt.. aut ... • a Hollyw~ phot~a~IC' .•tu~o, mint> thl' pt't'd for ll collf'glat ... in-1 forb of ttany M'f'k-lt ... ,_""'" ,11,. did not ha\'(' ml tlv powt• prt ..... -. far out or rr11t'h for the• In-f•rrm ">'•••·n1 trw ttw ftllltnll o1 ..,.wutattw o1 h ,__ llilllO wa.s to ~~~ t' f('llll o w nnm& .n· llltutlnn for t he coastal a.rt'a. And _.,.,,.,, of tltf' !'lif'~pvrt ,,.,._,.. ' ' ' e r on d u&trlnl drv••luftc'NI to nlf•o•l •trro) ll•ll:•. df•rllfl"t'll Ow Or1uwfo lrtc! flnmiMn)' and Ma)"'r ....... la.nll .. ~1th the lnlf'ntlon of dill-t h•' Board of Su rvlaorw of Or-Claaalbf'r .., ('nm,_,....., I hi high'" 11>' Sh,. UJII'cl thft putt-' Arn•th1•r tt~~rc-c•l o l l11ruJ It oow C'fMJnt v c:rllnd Jur 111 1 ,_.,. olhrn f'IW'I a t the ell hall trrbuung th<' prints among talent "" ('~ t h JX'.___ . 1 ... Mlljor MI'IA'I'In said thf' romhllt "u" typr nf l'nRinf' lor W~tll'r ww unrt••r "'""ltl••rntonn ''"' thl• lim•• 1 1 ,Y....._ .. 1 ---..... ·-tft .. ....__ y --c ~ f II II ood v1 I j.((' vUn y ave ,,.,.n IJI'I'Sl'n I'U f t lilt ..... 1\•n 111111 ,. ,.._, 0 --... ~ --.. ..-..... ...... -agents o o yw mo ns: p C· wrth JOint pt'tot ions asklns: thlll l'n..:in('l•rs wc•rc• thr hnndy JTW'n for A lc•r f '" <~•mhnl c•n~:lnc"'" f11r •~trllnrlffl'•' dull11111111 •relet th•• lu•r• ,,1 11.,. ltu~trd 11r •ua~ b!l dcww about ta,. lmprou ..... l ff turf' compunlf'S 1 fh(' narrow rorndor now st•parnt-tht' arm)', thr• mPn "hn prodU('I'(I rrn ~·d the R~tllf')' l•rld~tl'. • aup-lnc'llflun wrtulel '"' •nf,.s:wucl•>c1 'l h•• .,,.,,•me·nl, whldl h,..,.. U.. UMo a\fftlw. . 1'1111 County . F'f'tf'l ing :'llt'WIIOI'f Beach rrom La~:una and di~triltul•·rl lhr• m~~ nnd tho• , .. rtons: 11011 or """'"~,... Wo/Ultl ro.:~ln•t ."~"' 111111\llf' t~ltllf·lty ~hill ~ll(lllllllft• .,, Jo:tmrr l.. (~nrd, At that tlf'IW' munk'tpal oftldall MIM Shurtl'; also tnfnrme<l thl' n•·:H'h bf' f'hminat<'d hy S:i\'lng nrw~ ~hn rf'hullf hrlrll!<l< ttnd lh,l' '"""''In, fttld up lho• Hn t•y hrhhw . IIIIKhl lo 11d In 11n11f ho r •l'hlrfitr In (ul't•lllftn, llfi.Of" ,,,11 t• Uw boerd IIOUCht lo l(f'l tM rallwe)' ~ s;:atheranl! or JlAN'nts and l!fll't'· hllll to t•1wh of thl' nnm. •I rll<t m·IK rnAd~< t~~l th:\1 th•• nlll•'d ~trmlf'l (OontlniH'd 00 .Pa,rf" ~V't') llll:h 1"1 J•rlo••·r~. 11t11f fh•• ~:rnncl Jury flret medr ntfk-tal to cv.nllf'nt to tlw kilN till ta lon; wh~ camf' Ill wltni'Sll' lh<' 11 15 ""f"''<'lr d thnt rnvor:lhl•• ,, .. t't~ulct nrs:otrl}f " th•·n1 """ I'III'T)' thl• ~'~'"""nlt·nflttflnn oa •·f'Ciruary dlapoatnc II# lla Pf'f'M'ftt ,.,._ ~:ala ff'Sit\'lti<'S that tran~pllr'<l t1110 Will tw tnkc•n hy lh t•rc•spun· fh•• Mll flph•"' n•·c'fi•<~l 111' 1" flw fr•mf 1 'ft•gh f s b d I L d ~·t. l~t•luF,. th•· rnhh,. ~ hr plant l11nd holdlnp MV dw tl~a l th.·r·· would IX' n ~~·unty-,,,,,. llllt.horlllt'll, lhtt~ mflkin~ If h nNI I t 0 now ,·r s ea s , .... , ... llct wl•l· ,,.,. ... d In '"" ouunt)', munk-lpal {'lmJI ICf'OUnda and .. wtdt' kin~o: nnd CIU<'<'n r1·n ••w tn pn,.;;i!11r for thi• disf ric·l~ '" ao•t In· ,....1'!'1 1 11, rf~:~.m, •. 'len~~ •.. ~'111u:o~. odn~·l:n.I1.A"'n.dl1 1 Th" ''"'••rrlt·nl fnlkiW'II~ rrlor11tr th,. Jli•W•'f' plAnt In 1M ~ant II Ana "~ Thursdny, July 1~. J;:l'thc•r lnr lhf' purpo"'' of nl•t.:nn-r • .-..n • .. , • " ~ .. ~ Wr, thr Or11111r•· ('ounfy (~8ftd ncl«hhorhcwod O( ~lit l ll"ftt, N ..... nnd lnt<'r M1ss ~hurt 7 nmrnd<'fl Inns.: rhr juna••r coii•·IH' distrtrt •ml• .,, '"u h:11l " m .e11 )1111 \\nuld A t p • H b ,lur) r .. e l!~l:\·41l, rNJif'("tf•lly ~ purt n .. arh, 11 IJKik, .. m.an for ttw thi!l 1'1'1J(lrf hy s tnlinR thnt !h<' "' II r<'f'l'nl m•·f'fln~ "' '"' 10• hll\'t• l::;trll' ln tltllo•ro•nl dir-··· ..... n, ugus rogram In ar or IIIII ... flu· (lrMIIIC•' ('"""ty ltoercl raJiway f'Ufllllllny 1111111 r'rnmMinn ~:roup W:t!' nnw trymg l••r.·~l• 11 ,.,.unl\ :-"h•~•l authoriltr~. It) 1ns;: In f1nr1 II•·· "n~ 0111 ~k "' SIIJM'I' 1,..,,.~ tlu• fnllowtnc ,.,.. 'Jlwo NI'WJKII't Ur~tl'h r lly ofnetaal tn tn/lk(' nrran~··ml'nl!'l ~\ilh ~h" SU!lf'I'Vi:<OI'~. ('o\H~f Alll<f}('tllfle'n 111• I~·An fon•olly 11.111 lu~ nrctl'rs In 1.1 •tiii'WI lh11t fw tlw r eaaldorata.. alao anu~~:hl to l t'f the r.UW., ~;enta Ann IW.mrd of T-.!ltt t·:otum lll'ltli••ll e· .. mr~ltl•w• ron .. T>r L'rnnk rncl\'1' 1n111 •·ru·m~ ••·rrofory h·otllt '"' l(f\'~'11 Itt 1111'11 n-c~~n.,wr*tktn flnmJMlftY to lmprnw It• - h r h h h " • " r I Thrf'c• 1111' o•\••nh ,.,,. llc•ho "'"'"' r .. r the~ ~;rt'lll Wlt f••r IJM'I'flll'l" ,.....__. fnr f ,. U~(' 0 I I' Sl'nlnr II: II L lnt!SII) or '"" St olt' l)(oflllrl-Anl\\•'1(1 Bclj.;llll'j. lhr<•lll! 1 ,,,.. .,, Fc•hlllllry :.!1, lf .. (l, In """"rd to bua and riiiiWA)' df'JIIII at ~ <diOt)l nuclitnrium for lhl~ rwnt. m••nt .,f l~lrl tllc· l m frtl!'llnn. l lr :\o•flwrlron!lo;, one•• llf'N•m l,.•r A• •f N<\\porr II '""'I r .. r Atll!'l~l II• lei Ill 111~1•1 flu llltlcrllnrtllun• til•' l 'tJUIII\ h •ll ntl, undrr lhr Ml'al P'addfon plaN' lind tn f'Xlf'Nt It ' • 11w•nln•· •·~er l\ 111 ttw rtumth ~~ ,,,.. 11( tlu• rl•·•••rl'll•'tl '""•'" lllt' r••fl .. •l 1 • "If We' cnnnnl 1!1'1 lh<' nudi-l.tnd~"Y pll'ds.:l'd hiS 111'11\t ~urt~trf •h• Y pr•·prer;od '" mnvl' tlnml'nnr• . Flh:llt "' 1111' """"'•lrrl•" This ··ol ""el fltllro,..·•l " thn•J•nlul fill,... 111111 I.IV•'llltwk ln•l)t'C'1tW, Ur flow. ftf'aN'r tn McJaddl-n plat't', tM tnrPim, "' ~hnll .•.r} to hotrl lhl' '" thf' lll.cn lit-lnrllf':ll•'f1 th·•t It 11111••11 th .• t lhr Mrl.rnn unit rl1d ,. th•· 11111 'llnnu . .t ,.111.,. "' 1111, 1., 111,, 11111,. ""''''' "' lit•• llnv •·r• rallWil)' 1pnk.-.m11n laid, rl'vii'W l'i!lf'Wht>rc, l\t1!'~ Shur1z wus t11d1 tinw lhnl lilt• I"'"PI•• nr not hn\'1' 11 1rn1l••r In mct\C' llw . 'llw IIJII"'"runc'f' of ratMra In Or-In a frw da)'ll thf' <.''hy o1 ,....,.. id P t r '1• in<> unci 1thc•r•d !"nnwhlrtl 1'1·"' .entl "''' l'fllflmflfC'.. ( ,, t'ftl friiOO lllf•l't• "Ill lllllct '"' fht• f'll"" ('rtt fllf " u.t-rA -tw-tv, --U..a...O.. .... ,, ~ -·-(1\ ai'I'O !I n J'TI1'1'•\\ nn "' fhl!l 11rc n !IIJOUJd tl'lifl:l'f' lhl'lr lljl-' h I'IC ' "' I ., w· ,. ~~-'"I ...,., nr "" ..,, '" ..... ve ,._..-l1:1rhorit~"< w••r.• jn\'ih'rl tn ,,,,.ntl IMlrlunt f ~ 1., hrc\t 0 colt~;~·· or lhf'lr Anoth1•r umt hnt1 n tr:ul1•r Anti '"I' flr~t•· 1~ •nttrlfln.: nn 1 h<mt~· Lnh"r llny lll'rt•wc "' ••V••nt• whk h ""'' , ... ., • haw· rN,.nllY t'JN'Urnod, railway Nlmp4tny, an ottlda.l tete. lhl' Srt ntn Ann ""''nt. M iss Stwrt% 11wn ~liS ffif)\t'tl in to •·ne'nn ,,.,.llt•r} 11' ,..,~ tit•• lone• r.t the• •t ~t rf 10~'~1111' .. nil rlrc~ .. ·~ "' ''''h1 r•,.·•• flltlh·ntt·• Hutt IN-,. .. piiZ&IItftll auatlnrr thai llw-latter.,.. .. <IAII'd thnl pri/I'·Winncnl! l'hil· . .. ' Rh<'nd nr lht~ Mc.Lcnn tiUHit Tiol~ An lm lf:Oittm "''~ 1 ..... 11 (l'(lt•ncJc>cl , ... """ ... 11''1~"""''>' , '"''''Mil fur no•c•el l .. e •.• , .... ll.hrtlt'nt ol a lll\1 tntrnd 1(1 mtWI' "• fJO'W« ..... rtrc•n from S ttntn Ann, Anllhf'lm, Pr . l.•ndsrt} said. ~ "."''"'lc.l Ilk' •rallf'r wn' s hut tn [liN"~os AI Ant In C<"O\'c•rn••r I'Hrl \Vrii'Tf'n '" """"' 'kttl In •wlmmlm( lltld tllvlnl( fnl\1 1 •>•l••m lur the Clllftlrol cl fr'flm It• prrrnl IOI'Itlon F II • I n -I Hnlhon ' to Sl'• not J\1~1 Rnolhtr JUnutr l'tll· Wl''l' Mt•lnlt~·r~ \\hn "''l'f' nrll c·~t~· ,,., Ill' offu•nl ~f fltl• r I .seMI )••:u ~lurh lift c'fell h·cl IIIII "ltlcullt tin)' •fl fiV ,, ....... Mll"il •• •• f"N"Qfn-,.. .. ..___lon fotl~~..a ._ II l'r.nn. .n~:unn o<cOI' 1• l"J:<' r,f th1• IJ~ttnl k md t.ut on~' 3 I '') --. .~ ..... u -'lnd Jluntm~:tnn Rf>:tch will 'Par · · unltiNI "'''" trnn~f!'l'l'''d tu '"' 1. 5 lonnls Rl nrft~ll 111 flu' rlll't' :oru1 utl'(nno~t•e prnartlln nwntl•·tl It~ •ntr ltcHI)' on 1tw at:xw.o QUI!')' whirl! Wall mad«-hy l..m• w ' • •.o h !<lllfed '"IJt• '~I) 1" J h •·n• •••I~ uf th I 1 1 nvrr 1110 llnl$h•>cl tl d I I .,, -•·t 1• I I -.t I • ticipntl''" the county·Wiocf' !I nw. t ht~nrrn lt !ll'l'ms tom"thnl)•r•Jr" ··r f"Ctnl'" I'OI:In'"'r um ' • mr·n IJII<' ,,.,. oe .. ...,. ..... ,rap, naur"rw-o• "'"' l'l"a ...... Althtllll:h MillS ~hurt;r. WR• nnn· prnhlt•m 1!0 In """ th•• 111•·11 I 1(1 ttw Nr w ftrldttf' , . ......, AlljCIISI lftlh "Ill .... ""' fit• I G ld N d ,..., '""' flw 11 111 .. that ..tahrd hrt*f'r "' nalh•"'· .. to wtlli"ttw com mlllitl R!! In who \\o'rt' fhl' I I j II ,. \\'hf'n fhf' unil ht•llrll•ct t.y 1.1 dAy of No•W(WII I lite I hor ··n .. ···· ou arne . <•ttl•l lllloJtl n •mile'"" nrdtnance t1ty lntf'nttll It) lmprovr ~ wnml'n promnt~'rs whn lll'l' arrr~n~:-1~ '·I• ,. ""n 11 "fl"'r ..... , ··r• ('nl \\.' n Purr..tl rtf Hlmllnt:ham Wf'l'k" whit h "ttl l•rlnl' '"l'•·tlwr •·urrluluh•a.t thr •• ,.,. cnndltlonl • awniM'. "W" l)llllt1 few ~ .... ln~t lhi'Sl' Affair!< rnr fhf' Pvthi:lO 'l'hr "f?l'~kl'r .'1'"" IM~Inlo•d ..... i\111hamn, and Mlljflr Mr Lf'nn )'1\l'hlll tonrl •nill'f ftfl .,, 1111 ,., .. ~·1·'< '"' C'ttllltl~ llr•IIIIIOII<'t' No 4!'i7. hut ....... but nnthlnl( hu tiC'f'n ...... Sisll'tt!. It was ll'nrnt'd rrnm ufhl'r th:1f tn C ~hform~ our hll!ht•~ rrltt· rcllf•h••rt fht"ir rlt <II!Oitl<-<1 !oil II• 111 rlni'Nt fnr ,.,,.n I'IIIM~ ;ull clto• 111 T Cl b' • ~l n lo·(l 111111 ullttltlonal f•t111tlfw Oriii:P t•h~tllc•ntec-d r t'liuhlr !lllttr>'l'~ that th"!' AI'(' 1':\ltunnl tn<ltlttl lnn.'l nrc• mndf'· llnllrcnd, thf') fltlln!l fh:tl llw Cl·l· hoAI "·•II III h• lll •·n '"''""''~'""I una u s. """''I loll\• '" .... IT\IIItt· t.u the lff'l'bfort A K••nny, rh.tlnnan, lnr ml'n Rllrca nf nurhnnk. Fl,lllll' 'I!"''''· ,.,·.-n In '.u•rmnl .'lrrl·:~ Th•• mnn~ hll•l ulrt•nrty d··~lruy•·ll ,.,,,.. """ ltllfl ""'lilt fh•· ......... l r•tlllhtl' I '111111)' I''"""' ••• ''"''"'" lhr dr· ttMt hlr:hWII)I f~lrllmlttH of tM Jl11'rkl1' nf Lon~; T1<'nrh r1nrl 1\l'r· 1 n•vrrt~lfy nf ( alolurmn "'" l r)' mttntr:.tonn lone•• and I~••IIY IIIII' ll;~lhu" Tho' rru ,. m•••l ltrtm" ''• purtlll•'lll '" h1u•l1lo• .&tllionlll d11m1tw>r frf coornrr"•re~·. lltlll&hl to llf'lln ~hurt7' nf ~nn 011'1:0. '" :li'C'I)mmnclllll' :UC,fl(l(} t ho~ r '" , .. .,1 lh•· ltrirlgr!l l<tl'fhl•r !VI mrtll\ I r·ol l el hn"' I~'" N L d 11"1'~ f'JittlHin t hf• 1'1'14.1'"1· for lhfo &>lay, ~ourinll fhf' ~~~·~··WI'I'k !llissi AJI,or ttwrolll'f.tMIOf llw 111nfl'\\fll "l f~ll!I J')I'f'll)'rf)4~h~tnin~e frotltt C'MIIrod ..... Lare·hnoouf .. r 1111• ,., ew ea er l \\o ,,,,,,,,l lhiii ii•ITlDn'tfft... polntlacnutthatthfoPIIdfl('Jo..~ Shurt% hAll l'M•,.n 10 rhnr t:•· nf thr' t ry '•• nrrumm•WIIIII• 11/t,IIIIO. ~~~. tlwn t•n nttl Into th•· f'nc•m, ·• ,,., t'lflf' It t.rmr~ t•w••tlv·r .. ,,. "' ,t: ~'"""' "'">" 1" ,,..,.,u,. Ulf' atr•Y clotl trlc rumvanJ c.'\lllld nnt rt•rnQft the llunlinJ:fnn RNII'h phRqf' nf the• l'ruwellnl: "It is A hnl1 !ilfUAIIon rot11ry," Mnjnr Mr LNen <n1d. "'n'''" thf' ~r,.n lt•ct I'"'"''' I'll'• ,,, 111,.11 I•'''''" "' 1111<1 riiiJI'"' eontnJI, 'and old alrc't't 1'111' tr11rka until It W kidl1i<' Kllrni\·at An~ WfiS ln~t 1 he• s;nrl. """l'"'ri!I~!Y fur lhr• lnwo·r uno· 1l11y wr 1:01 11 pc•t'llllnr n~sit:n hf'r11 nf thf' ~ruhnt: lr11f••1 nil\' ron ~ 'Ilk• ..,.,.,, •~ " Ill• lllltii"P ~ M"ffnttfn)' lnat11llcod a 0f'111111Vc• ri'lurn JnPter rl't;:iSI('rffl In lhrtt ~munity dlvl!tinn sltllll·nll<. m•·nt '" 1:n ttp nml mnk•• II 'Ill'\•' th" P nrlfll' r nn(t Jt "nnll•lt• ,,, cl .,..,,. · ••WIIf•rl '1 11111' <'hilt, all ''' ''"' t'lfl<•• Mullt of tiM' f"'tlra l lllllcW\ In lhl'fr plnt't•, \Vhl'n thf' p.romoUOn for lhl'l n r. l.lnd~'l;.' A~!lrrtrl1 lh:\1 , "lh• fnr fht• Jlrlll~h. Th••rc• ~All A pnd 1 I with t•nl hUJIIfc~m h) nil ' 1\tuo \\tt e• l'fll,or lll•teiiM'HI of fhr-~Mitii•JI'I \\lo1tl1l loki l1t I•IOI'tlort undrr ""' llritti(JI l"hl fhnt tit<• l'lty «*id kiddlf' kRrrl\'lcl !lfArtl'd hl'rf' tltr•'" 11dditif•n of 11 jtminr rnllr•~o:•· In till" ,.( r.rrmans lylnR nh••nd And WI• fr•r " ~nolnr<> 11"' ""1 ''•whl f 1uh, tl•·drl• •I "1 11~ 1 "'"" II lV I ""I"' uf lto••m ""' r ntll'f'ly JMVr lllf' 1trr•••l frctlll Alvara.do 1e W!'t'k!IIIJ:O. nn l'mplny<' namro Miss nrf'n I~ "111nd Alfhou~th "''"rn1•~ hnd to hf' I'Xt rn rnufo•HI~ '"' " On S:thncln}. A•11n1~f 17th. ,,,,. 1"'' 11111' 1"~1 \\t·t·k 10 "·11 " 1111 ron I••• ~1111111 tn 11 ffr1NI lndlvklual l~th 1trl'f't, wltltt•ul lnterfer...,... Jrt'nt' Coll'man. who gavl' thl' nrl' c•r••al l n~t thr prM!f'nt situation, I mo\ rrt nJr,ns: \\'hy fllf'Y l11cl nttf T1ulhun Tl•ttrnArn••nf "' l.ll!hl• \\111 1:1"1 ~ 1" ltc· ton th,.lr ,.,... t 'o•·t· 1 1•••1nd~ nwl mn11y hJIVf' •krd lo With thf' P J:; ·-~v~t••m "Or dole Rn>:<morf' holt'l. Snnt:~ Ann. 8!1 hf'l' th•• nnrnHcl incrt>IISI' In population fir,. at 111e Is still 11 my"to•ry ·· ht> t <>l•>rn r.ft•·r fl\1• ""1'1'' ;,f 111ork 111'' l•·ull•·rtthlp "' .'""1 lrnlltlul Itt· llltltW,.II fit llllttfi11Mt4" In Uw llalhna hiiVf" Itt W~tlt until ~ A11rlrl'!ls. tonk l'hnrgc• or thf' pro-w11l n!'Cc>SIIIIA ff' mort' I'Oll<'~otes In \\'twn tlwy rf'arlt•'IJ th•• l<f~·' 11"YJI or wnr '1111' ~••11 '" ,..,.,,,.,, 1 •~!1•·11111111 ltlly 11 c ... ul•l '111'• ""~ l 'l•tlrtly l'ltoHHI urrltftKM'"''"'· port &w.. llt'ln'll'lhln~e Hlln\11 thatf" I(TIIm nut in lhl' cours,. nr lhrl't' !IOIIthrorn C'alifnmln." "b pllhhl' Wht'rl' lht•y wrrr In ta k•· 1)\'t•r '"''' 'inurnllmf'nl "' 1.11-ht-will lllk•· •l••!•l<·d ,,,... "'11''"1· " t•r""'''"" "'I w ... ,.. .. llH•rl'lttr• adtllle U..t lflti'T)' Wl'lt'h, l'lHMIIIVf! ...... Wt't'kll. Mi•s lnlt'mAn wns with· nplnion re•arty to go ahf'nd~ TIHtl I'"IIUild sumf' nf th!' dMtlrttt'llon nn a d ltr• rt nf """ no·\\ ""1"'''1 '' "~ "'"'1 1 ""~ nllllln•·d I >"'"I 1111.,.,., tt ... 1'111••• to jotn With tary of fhl' l'hr.rnl,.•r oi N~. drAwn from R11ltoon and Sl'nt r lsl'-ill yttur prnh11'm." I •Tous:ht fly lttf' lot'rmAn-. lh" ~~•m· Thl' Ttir,.,.tuM nt lit•• 'l'nurn"m' nf 1 hnll• ,._,.~ 1" nllwr (l•hittl' '1'111~ tlw C'nunty 111 ltrt11tlllnrr: atr•y clop. altld thllt Ill' unll••retond that tM wh!'rt' rnr promotion w ork, Min Thf' S tate Roard mM'II thf' m \rt. hut f'n~tlnf'<•rll tl!lcd the· l lrt~Jit· As!IOMntinn hll\'1' rl········~l ttn nn ... s••l '1"1'11 f•tr ltlUtnllmt•nfH Will W·· "I"" '" VctiN' uur IIPIJ'"O¥al r .. Jo: ('f)Uid ""' I(IVII up • ltr1p elf Shurt7 said. 1 dll' of July and aR.t~in ln OC'tollf'q mad,. Balli')' hridl:l'll to '11".{ 11•~'1 AJI-r,rlnthinn rwnt t'1vlr l'nfrl,.,r lw 1""11"11· luf ltll' !ltun~l lrtk••o toy ,..,ar bocbt land and 1tlll np;-ratr IU liM, • Slm'<' I hilt tlml' othl'rs nf thr thl~ yPar. 8)' hnvin~ th,. pt'titions riVN11 to ""' KuppliNI III.'TI"~ Will ,,.. lnl'tcJd•'f1 11111 "" rnlrh•• lkatrlllr monthly fl~l• Ill•·' "Ill "' r••Jo·dlni( 1111 "Pf•l~tkJnl for MaJor TaJiuJ kiddll' k arnlval promotion grn•1p fnr thP aun•Py b<'for t' that hndy for ''The R~tilf'y hrlrlRI'," M..t ..... anl mu1t •~· on bnnlll Jl••u\y, f'UJII· I.H' h•·lfl, nnd lh•• 'l'rr•l•lw l ',.llllrlll·l"'ldllu•lllol h•tl( rum•hMI, and hoPr ~· In lhf' 1(1'0111) ~ hAV<' bf>t'n In char~:e h<'rP. For the Jutr ml'l'lln~ woll in!lurt> thl' ~'Xplalnf'd, "h• n IYJll' nf hrldlt" th'f t l b4"rwom,. flnnt, w1ll n•1l ,,.. In th,. ••·•·. llu1tnlj)h Ky••·ln. ,..,,1ru11en, throl Y'•ll nml ufllf'r n«rnriN will Mr Wl'kh thtt t.hl' nty ot Mew- the past few daya MIS!! P I'Rg)' opt,ortunlty to prt•1wnt thl' matter far 1urpaaaed anythinR WI' f'nultl U~tht.l Pu"ll•' thl11 p •nr 1 "Ill "("''to It llelll t•rll• '· rnc~lul• '"' ahlf' to •llrrrlnllle tq r.nctwe pnrt llr•dt C'Otlld lnttltu ........ Simpson . an t'mployP of thf' group. nC organization to th!' people f or make. It Ia 1 IYIK' of l>ridR'I' tf~t•l j Dtftlrulty tn h•tntflllll! lhc·!lf' nnd 1'1)1 "rm f'hrun w111 '"' """'' 1 1hut 11rc• fN·11tn~~: ,.,..,..,. from drmnallon prOI'rrdlnp aca~ tilt wu In char~te of the final phav 11n I'IN.:tlon th111 '"" Oth<'rwill<'. a can be lhort<>nt>d or lm~tlh••n•1i ht>avy h3ttrl'·fllllll~ In thr l'tcrlcd" ~thlf' for lhl' l~t•tl fl•hc·11n11 n ",.I ,;our•·••• •••H•IIIf' ''"" r.ount)'. P11d flr •:1N:1 ric R11llwa)' _.. or thl' coronation pagt'ant. con~id<>rllhll' d"I"Y will bt' forcrd." and c11n carry tonnlll(f' from 11\f'l pit» the ft"l'nt lnrrc·:u'" in n•ttnltt'r aturylf'llc·r. I '"''<lf t hi• :.rHh daJ cl Junr, pan)' ttl for,. It to rtmOW , tilt Prl'«'dlng the 11nnouncemf'nl of Upon favorable 11cHon hy the llghti'St to the ht>avlf'at w"htht It of hnat1 In N,.wp .. rt llnrltt•r ,.,,.I flt·~eutntlnn 111rkl•· 111 fl'"II•TIItt•l1 1916 • raiiJ 10 lhat thf' rlty caUid ...... winners in the 'roy~tl fAmily di-pMpl<' of thf' four hllth l<'hool dll· c.-an b<' lf'ngttMtned to 190 fl'l't rmd rt'llponlllhll' fQr th,. rt .. riAII>n l 11· lty 1111 nn~:lin~: l'lttl111 m•••• l~t• u•f'd, I (JitAN(;F: ('OIIN'TY GRAND Uw ()mtnl avl'nlw lrnpro10,...&. visionJ. llf'II'Ctlon of wlnnl'l'l for trlcts, the roun ty auperin~ndent l'lln l'arry Up 10 70 tons. And It r11n v1tatlnne to Mtlr .. httvr ht'rn ,.,._ Ant! lhl' fi•h JJf'•JJlt'r ly wc•ll(hc<lt · JIJnY FOit 1~ Mr. Kfttny 1tf•ppod Into tJw .... the title of MasiPr and M llltrPU of sctlools will appoint 11 tPmponry b<' u!U'd on weterwa)'11 u Wf•ll "'I tendtod and A tl'fll'''""nf~tllvr n•Jm· Fm7••n fl•h t f·trlr•v•od fr•1m fnr Oy F.lm•·r f . O'.wtord. ~lon 1111:111n hy polntlnc oat a.t ot Balboe wert' made on the hull hoard of truetl'ft until th~ rt'lt\fiU' on pontoons." ber cl t>ntrl1'11 III'P PJriii'Mr'<l 1 "''" Wlllf'" Will Ill' arl'l'ptrod •only I J'~ anottwr ohatacte In ttw WQ elf .... of the greateet .. mount or applauae achool l'll'Ctlon In May. 11lt' elr~·ted ThiJ typt' of brictrr provPd vr·ry I 1be l)llrlllll' •1f IIRhtl'd •nd tire· hy t h•• RAII"Y crrw, --provtrw t.M avenue •• till ... ftlven by the audi~ at Mon-trustt't'tl mA)' tht'n emplo)' a IUJM'T'· IIJ('(t'Uful in fut oJI('ratlona. or11~ rTnft rorn"• durln~t R11~ F'rsnk Wlahml, rhslrm11n of thr NE'f THEFJ' ...natioN belnc made br till .... day nl~~:ht'e coronation ~ lnt"r!Mnt and call a bond tl('('tlon (Jnp N'uon tt~e· Gflm~tn• wt>re Wt"ek and thf' r"'I'S"m·c of m"ny FIJh Fry Commlltl'f', hu pt"umt•••rl I PORTEJ HERD IJhoM mmpan)'. ~. to provldr 11 111e and bulldlnp for Uckrd, McLfan uld. w u b<'c8IIM bo•U ttlf'ndln~t I hi' I'IIN'I ahould 1 pl,.nty nf flah Will two IN'T'V"ct ~at RE . ) D Up to Otis point In the ~ n.e prooeedinc wu the tame Ow coll"2e. repla~ It With a motl' JW'"""''"nt add to th<' ()('('~t•lnn. A lfl'l"at m11ny the FldW"rmfln'a Wharf Olnnn If I • -lkln ntU,...,. IIA)'Or 0 . B. .... e u that u.ect in the old-time ~ roaat high Khool d l•t:rlctl epan, and then ttwoy would "t'nd )'llcht and boat owiMTI Arl' count· hi' tlf'n•onall)l hu to aupply thr Thr tht~ft "' $2'ZIO wartb el OJI. S.llort, the latter tM _.,.. amattur valldevllle lhotln. ln-this Y"llr paid S44.m .oo for the the BalM-y bride• forwnd, Whf're ed on to· partld patl!' In thla "('r,. ~alhtct"Jr•• 1•hnrk r;l'la 11ntf fCt'.,. ..,...,.. ,....art· ..,..tndw otnorr. ._.. f1 stead ot a oo1n or dollar bUl M-fduc.-ttlon of ltJ at~t1 at Sent. It could be u.ed ac~a~ for the rtnUtlan" Tournafn('nt. 11nd to dM"-Aftrr fl)llr yu" of rt'lltrlctlonl l'rl ''"'"n lu th# Newpuet o...dl Whom wen Pfl"ftmt, ooatra .... lnC held t1W!t the hMda ot tbe Ana and Fullertoa JCI. f'UUertCIII aame JIIUI1IC*a. oraa and llhunlnate their cnft 011 fl•hlnr. rvi'I')'OM lookll forwwd p•1lh'f' fly T r~ttt,_ r1l 1!111.-• ~ ,....,.,.. to the ...._ ... eoaw.tanta. Ka. SINrU held al laud ltwlf oaly $41.250.QO. It 001t Teell a...-and jotn In the wain Plfl:f'Ant.,to 11 l(rtlnd llf'IIJIIln nf 1por1 All Nl'wpnrt llewh. ,,... I~ ....._ ~. alter p ... rtlltiCIII t1W!t the .... ot the lltU.IIIenta AM ~ SU5-,m.oo Ia the JIUih up to the JWae nw 8he1Wftd ••ter-of Nrwport lndl<-81 lon• point In 81) c-uly run of ,, orr Mlu lon "-acb .... .,.... ~ '-' ....... ll ......... (0...._. • ..... t ) to ~ thttr ~ o.-JMt. rlwr, the OOIIIbat metneen fou.d Rarbar alford • ~ lloce~ the blc ~. coonty. CO......_. on p._. ., . • • TO f{EMARK -• -'Round, ... _ State· · UON\' .Jc;»RN ftiiLI.II'~ Right now ttwrt! Ia no price ron-_, e I RISE THE WORW ... .•. AT A GLANCE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Follow Ameritan Line ~ • natural with steamed-up apeaken, George Mee.ny. ~-t.reuurer of the American Federation ol Labor. CJntorica.Uy went a bit overooard ln blasting the rival CIO, in hla ~ speedl at the AFL state convention ln San Fran- ct.co. when he declared: • "You AFL membt-rs ln Callfomla gav.-support to the .. t.ion'a delen.e effort a t a time when ttw M<16coW·WOI"· .......,.. boyw of the ClO were doing thclr damndest to atop pnQactJon d aircraft right here in Callfomla. The An Ull1kJna an this ltate did not have to adopt a new line on ~ 22, 1941.. when Germany attacked Ru8sla. You cu ~proud ot the fact tbat the Olllfom la State Fed· entlon d Labor wu ~UnJted States ol America when Hitler and Stal~ weft pu1.1le1'5. and you were p~ UDMed Slats aftfor the dktators haJJ parted company." Mr. Meany's pric» if! the general AI'"L reoord is just:ifi- 81*. But tt • an ~tlon to blanket an CIO wlions and .-mbfn u 11o.oow-wontdppen. ·· True enough, Commun· ... baw crnten!d tbftr borinl·from-wlthin program on CJO ...... IUt'U!IIded to ftdenhlp"' 80f'lle, and 80 besm1rehed the ao ..tty. Yet many CIO unlona honorably and patriotJ· cdy obia wd the ~ pledge through the war, and the ...... ilhcJwllw d the CI~PAC ln M!'Ye'l"&& recent election .,, 1 11 ladkata that u...andl d CIO union memben are at oddl. ... tlloulbt and In tbP poOinc booth. with their vod- tlraul. lelf41eftted. left ~ "..,_rwn" •auuu~..-, .. 'tr11tle A rklu ~ Aft. or em. ................ ~.-. ............. .._ ................ A ..-. 1M 1.-lien .............. ·-..., ~ ...... pwp. ,.__ ., .. ..........._... .......... u..l ... ...., 0 1 ......... ..., ........... oftllte ....... • .. .. ,._ .... ......., ..... ......, .. tlae MI"V· .... •1 ' C fll .. JI Jl 1111& tite JIMPie Ute c:na.-............... o.-.. ...... Aarba,.....- .... AW!IMI ftWJ .... t:.... ....... or wMiaJa. .. .. ....... ...... ..,. fonlp ldMioo that .. ulew .. sc •,.. • ,_. U. ...a lie •• ell fi'OID •-trtnl111ele waJ el ..... ov repaWku f .. of 1 trol la w. Tile Houae paued a ~). Tile wrltrr of this dumn Ia 11.1 ' day extcnalon. I voted qalnAt It Sparks from the eurinwl .. .ny of 1111 rf'&<kf'S to A t'mporary IDeU W'e ... pomt· N c· . lf'C' what will hiiiJ(ll'rl ho•IWI'f'll lhc• h·!'b, .. yuu have alnce obator'"' ews II'CUit tam<> It il wrsllo·n. <ln ;1uly '2nd 1111' So·rl·ll•· Isn't ll l'tlflg on it. \\ ,. By LEONE BAXTER i thc 1£-cond d11y of th•• s•••"nd c'fl ll Ju~t ns Paslly diacuM a •••h- 8 1 E DWARD ('LAVTOS frc•c'CSdml and thr d11y It IIJI(ll un btllutr• for the 1>111 the Pl'ftltl• nt LEARNING TilE &OPE.~ Mtz AMUJCA In t he papera. Thls wnuld ho• 11 \o•tOt'd A lt'fTIJlOrM)' meuwe unl) A tribute to tht> mAtur(' outlook f'lll8T~UIC& K••ld ttme fo haVI• ltlict ('r)~ot :ol l'onfti)('S ll'le J')('Ople, who ahouhtn 1 of thf' avf'ragc ex-C.I coml'l from That two-Wftk vacation is 00'\' hRII! f"oiling lh~et. l turn 111 a l.w L'HilluJ>C'd any more tha n n"" I thr S11n Francisco Y. M. \, A., lung enou.:h to enable you to see Uook mor(' comfortlnl( thun uny 1 \'Cllc•u fur a tt>mporary re nt ,,,,.. which has given fr('(• night NIUI"llt'l the Unitt-d S tates from coast to cryatal ha ll. 'lllc f'Xorfatlon nr tml, f•·r that ifl what Ia cau.~lu~: I on "Stu.rtlng Your Own 13usin<-ss" t:out a nd border to bnrd,•r If you Samud all&hlly ubbn•vl~tl•-d. ~····ms th(' "A<·un•" )n the• country.' 'n11·n· to 6!50 V<'ler ans. Dlsrov('rlng, Ia <'lin spare thr fare of 5785. The to spply: 11re ar~o:umt•nts on both aides, t•ut class. that th<>y were as short on !tNt plane carryln& 21 tOW'Iata "Be alrong, a nd quit y11urst•lvt.os II v.uuld have ~at ron<.'ft'n '" lh•· knov.-how or busineu u tht•y has let out from 'Newark to cover like men, and fil(ht." 1 Nlmc· out of th8t arll'dU&lJy. were lonl( on ambition, a third of I the importan t a~cenlc polnll In 1llerf' 11cver was 8 tim•• when With c IPA or without OPA.I the mt'n have d('dd4'<i to contlnuP Amt'rlca In a "nl&ht*!t'lng" tour courale and leadership W(•r" f\IOrl' prk••" will ri»e. OPA hal intfti.St-d worklnt;: (()r son:'ebody elat> a while ~hat will br ing th<:" back home in IW'C'ded In the C'ongr(>SS 1 wu not tht> prltl·s of 824 ltenu In tht> ln"'' l twforl' emharkl~g on ownership JUSt two w~ka. From thf> Shen-. he-re when WPA d't'd 1 1 th ,.,..,, months, IKiml' grea tly. 'nHII'~ \l•ntur"' of tht>Jr own. I andoah Valley to Boulder Dam, who were tell me 0/ th~ 1;1~1l11r~ snnwlhm& OPA doesn't Ukt> IC• "!'Cur h •uborcl!.-«1 of c-OC'kM&r~ and from YOK'ml!e to Niagara. Tile countl'rpart !I t that tlmp of publwlto>. Prices t.'Owd ao up 1 .. ~ .. , n ...... '" prud"'c-" -d IM'DIM'," INlY1I Falls the sky tOW'tsta wUJ get a t he h)'lterical a~d untruthful ·Mr without OPA than with lt. Til" Adulph 0 . Ktoll, P"utrram dlr.,..•lor, bird's-eye vlfW of wonders or Bowlea .of today, IIUpportMS IJy th~ futt· nr price t•ontroll rests ""' "mf"a•11• tb4'rf"'IJ bf'l r .. w .. r f.Uur ... 1 America. Thaa wtll be aupplemcnt· Jcoft-wlng or~tllnlxatlonll 11.1 n , With tht· CongTetll, but With tlw l •moatt lhf't>f" IDf"D Ia futuno wbMt I'd by motor vtsJta to lOme of the. IC!'ramed thAt lfnrv~tlon ~;d mnnufrwtun:n, and. the Wholo ..... f. th,. IW'IIrr', mark•t ,..ell -d _. spoU of lntert'lt. Tile fal't' Includes chaoa would rt'l!Ult. W PA WitS t>rs, onrt lh(' rt'tallen, and v.nh P"~~.tlua hw011M'e tuualln. Tb,.y'll a ll first-class hott>l and other a c- l'nded, and there wu no starva.t •h•· JM'I'tlll<' tht>maelvea. you and d u. rom~t1on11. At $7R5 ~r ht>ad lion and no chaoa. 1 do renwmtll'r you und you. as they aay OV(•r thPI IS VESTMENT It remama to ~ St'C'n how hea vy very w ell, whf'n California cndt'd rMIIn R<'stroin )IOUJ'St'lvea. •~· Procre!l~ and fmllnt't' wulk hund ·~·· df'mand Will be for reserva- lhe Staff' Rt<lll'f Admmullrlltion •tn>rn; and quit you.raelves like I in hftnd 11Crll51 the Jllli!Ni of hiS· ttons. B~t undoubtt'dly thE'rt' An' ISRAI. Th<' SAm•• dtre pn •dlrtlnns "" n. nnd ltght, a nd O PA, ltkt• tor) and forewr th•· 1~0 foet·' 1•nough mdlviduals wit~ enough wc•r• ht'ard, l'oml' from thf' '-lim<' \\'PA and SRA. wtll .ooa bl• a Wt'lt. mon<'Y to put the IW'rvtce on a J)('OJlil' who, now rmployed In rrwmury J.rt yourst>lves go, . .nd \ohfornla ifl homl' bast• noW for J)l•rm~nent bruns. A goc'ld many of Wuhln~tton ICI:t•nelrs, prophr'<'}' tho• rountry "'Ill hll\'e a price ('un· a mnn who las IISSISIIcnt to J•·ss<' us Will h.• \C•ry much lntl'rested d lau ter with t hf' c>ndm.: of 111, rrul iml••st'fi nn II thnt can ll·ad Jont'l!) uctually · handh-d morf' whrn 1~.rust 1:1'15 duwn Mound OPA 1'h(' SRA "'111 t>nd..od and 1111 •mh intu nat tonnl !lOCi a I Ism, "'h1th mf>nf'y 1 hnn any 01 hPr man In the I SIOO or "'"vu And ma)'he some day WU ('aJm In C'aJtfnmia. I~ lh(• I'Afni'SI d~irf' of the chm· hlSIOry 0( tftE' \\l)rJd Thl• "big· II Will The \on~:n'lls ll<'nl thr Pro~tdrnt ''r"ll~ I• 11·\\'tn~ t.tri)Upll who "''w l:f'SI mnnt·y man." St•m II. llus-fiRt:t:st:R a bill to continuf' prict' <·ontrols l•·act 1111' t•h• .. •r inl! lt'Ctlon for (IPA bands , hm; lk•l'n hrou~;ht Wt>st by I'A,..TURU for one Yt•ar I didn't llkl' II. ht•· ro•III,Htlt •n•'nl A r Bnd L. j\f Giannini n~ nf'W ·nil' r t'SIL:Illl lion of Audg!'l ni- I . 8. WHYTE Dfeo•• -.AS C0Jn1171.1'An Aulll«t.oed tw tloe Oalled 1...-~ 111'7 O.Oar-1 14 ,.,...._,., ...._M Ia -Joo on~ •-••• aaiWn- AllDmt • .......... aoo&&KUpiO .. 'I'KS otn.. ,_ ........... ('-... ~-....... r---------------------~ Armand Monaco ABCBlTECT "' 81fW.IIayAve., ..... ...,._ J'JM nil •u ,_.A.-. ._........_ NOt '147 ... Clinicalw:uaboratory Olllea ...... :·I. C:ll ... .., ...... ~ TZLEPIIONE IIA&BO& .. 1111 W. Oelltnl Aft. DAY 8CBOOL Mortimer School Jet Coni IJ&IItoca ...... 0 ..... : CoiJep. ...... rat...,. SUIIMER SCHOOL ~. 0 . A. llorttmer, M. A., Odord Prttlelpal ...._ ....,.., U l CAUS41 It •ull ('Onllllned the ron-•·>-•'I'll II\'(' vi<' prrsident !Jf ·rr;ms-f('('tor llarold -0 S nuth has add1-d sumt"r lllhlld} r riii.'Titm whll'h hilS Corona del Mar ;'"" l'll'lt llnlolh• I lllomf' to I hi' list nf C"liJ"'lllt• DENTIBT8 delatroyed nations nnd c-ould d.-. Rlllltlft, "l'"a hllllun' lll••r"ll) Gnlo•rnmt'nl o(f~t·ials "'hO hll\'f' r------------.. It roy this flllllun. Mr. flowh•ll dtd· News pa.........J tl\'l'r llu·h-d .. ' d .. "" clur-tr rt \\'nshtn~;tnn (nr P'l'('no•r frn:on- n'l llkf' It I>N'uus•• It tOtlk htnd By BE.tiiSIE L BE.NEIUCT tn~: hi• many yt•ar• u ., .... uf th,. rml n:tslurt•s ~m1th sh•ps Into thr C<lnll'l'ol from t.lm 11nrl ~:uv11 11 10 lop mr n Ia R FC. Of our ,,.,,., thlt \'l('l"·pn•sid('n<') or thi• no·~ Jnt{·r· t tw-5«-rtota ry 11f As:rot"ultun> It !\lr nnd ~trs. l..A."ttllc Stt'Ht>n£•·n •• ,.,.. rHAdra t ... , .. : ••("allfornla I• natiunal rlank at a tax-frM' salary "'10 u.ld any farmt•r nr nny Ollf' 11f tbr S a tlua'• ow•uad .. ,t In· of ~2'.!.:'i00 annuall~ l'ncll' S11m m•nulaAt•~. r ~·rt• ••nt'tl-... tc• th~ ~'11!1 Mllrl.coltl rovt>nUi', enlf'TIIIIII•-<1 t t I b t d h. •to 000 d k b k .. .. w•~ ~ ~ ' ' • .,. • ~ fnr llll'lr ~lln, Jam.-s. In honor or ,.,.,. mf'tl .. D t p uturr." '"" lm ~ . on IIWI 8l' ll I"'OItJI' nf pr<lducttol\, plus 11 r•·t•· 11111 l•lrthcloy •nnl\·••rsary, Jul) !l T lr: THAT ltiS ilM ~uhstan,ilol rhunk in Jnt'Otnl' tal(('S J'Oftablt• profit. nnd l can'r rh1nk A numtll'r nf Jam•·~· friends amon~ Wht>n the Sta tr Su , (" Mr ~mith's d<'parturc> fron: Gu\- ot any rnorf' h11s1c American IJrln-thf'm S:AIIu und Ror"" Bl•l-. Allfo· ruloo ,_J. 11 t h•trn:-!'"1 1 nurl ('t niTIC'nl servtce onr" !IJ!Illfl fo-dple ' ., ~ ""' rt"-"" Y " '3 .' nr nta C"U!K'5 a ttt•ntion on tht> fact that · drnA, ~ ho weN' !!U('Itl OV<'r the courts nei'd not rt"CORniuo dl\or l'o•s . . Tile f>Tnid<'nl VC'IOtod that bill. Wt..,k-l'nd, hlld 1e W*IM r bak•• tn oht111ned I !': d If · · h top-flrt.thl I'X('C\IIt\'1'5 I."Rn I Ill' hired "' n """' a, 11 IS s own rn srco d o th'rd t I · The kindest thlnl( to thmk. '" lht• yard Nevada rt'11tdt>nce wu Hlllbllt~ht>d r n r 1 -ra t' 18 art.t'l quotl' Mr. Fulton LPwls' brottd•'""' Lt \~1. ond.Mrs. ~o-. C. Vt•nn. pur f'ly 10 fulfi ll dJ 1 In aC<'t'ptlng his rCIIIgnatlon, wh1ch ol J uly t.t, who. In turn. quOit-d .,30 Larkllpur IIV('nu•. 1._n1 thft ITI(•nta th •r kvorcel dr~fu rf'-, Smith {'XpiBincd was for financial ... "" .-• • e. 8 mur Y c ou 0 un-r<'asons Pri'Sidl'nt Trum&n declar-Sc-nator Whf'rr)', was that the' wN'k In San F randlro. Thl'lr l'vrtalnty apread OVf'T th(' marital . · DR. GORDON E. BAPP DENTIST tal \\'eet C.b'a.l PlloM llarl»or Ul·~ Newport . Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'I18T ltel ~ w. O..tnl . ....,.., 1 ... NIWPona&Aca Prf'lldt'nt had swallowed thl' doiU' frit>nd:a, Capt. and Mrs. Klrhy. status of thousands of peoplt'-f'W-ed, 1'hls 11 o~~en t~e tragt'dy of admlnlatert'd hy the (/PA. thf' Rf'dondo. n('('Upled the howloe until peci81ly around H ll ood. All public lt'rvlet> It 11 a tragroy. PAC ot lhf> \10. lind the \ommu· thl'lr r('rum. sor ts of m lxuJ»--.0 oto":here wl'd-howt>ver. WhOIK' cause ahould be -------------.---' nlat Pllrty, and hlldn't l fUdlt'CS th(' I Mrl . Harold Bcn<'dlct, 427 Nar-tbck enda and blaamy begins. 81 ('~':It'd, for r'' U~cll' s~ ('V~r ·-----------~ rnattn. I ~YIW'If called atr ntlon c\IIWI avrnue. l't'turned ho!N' to le~tallty of wtlla. settlement•.' n men . 0 rt'a capacity P to the fact that the' Vt'to ·m('Uat~el Wf'dnt'today "artrr a I ()...day at&)' at aJJowanet"'. CWitodY of childrl'n-':::t: them rtght now wu not t.he Prt'lli~nt'• St)•lt>, but Community lloapltal, Sant.a Ana. Wt>m poulble. ALONE wu t ~ style of thl' llowll'tl' followln~t an OJX'rRtlon. ~ C'load _,., .._r vf'r , llAVI' broadcastl. II waa Ill ina<'C\Jrate l F1rst Lt. Guy llarriJI?n Ander-a .Un r lla lac tor CaJitoral• di- u any of the OPA l't'INI.set snn. aon or Mrs. n~ And«·r-•or~ laWJ•n.. Partlllc NH.p1,.. Mr. Lrwls chN:ked the Vf'to ton. 428 MarK\I('Tl te a venue, ar-111111 tfttd to .. ....._•a te" Ill Call- •tatmM'nU, Ilk«' thoafo about 1teel r lvro hom!' Thursday from ovf'r· fon lla. IIIItH'• tltat tlf' r...U1 Wacla and automobllf'l lie found no IU'all duty sin<:'f' Apr il, 194~. 1ft> tW It'• I~ ltJ a hnntf' Judl'f"! thouaht on the!' P"r t or thf' lndua-w111 m"t at BurhB nk alr· flt>ld. 8UVCEK8 MTOilV tri('l thnt prlt'f' would odvanct' on wh••n ht> flew down from SMTII· thoe4-commodltk>ll. Tht' lloUJic.• did m"~tn, hy his ro-pllot C'harl• F.d- not PIUI the-bill ovC'r the V('to; a wardA and wilt• who ltrn\'t' hlm to m inority JlN'VPn tro lt. OPA died Coronn d••l rtbr whrrC' a wt-lcomc> 111 midnight S unday. I N'll'bratlnn was sta~tt'd hy hiS Pu~tlllttlcally speaking. JO" Louis Ia vt•ry m uch alone lh('l(' da)'l. Having thumpt'd Billy Conn, thf' Pittsburgh challl'ngcr , Into rt'- tlrement Joe now linda himaelf without 11 serious contender for his world hra\')'Weight tltlt'. But .•• c-......., CO&OHA DEL IIAII Pillleee fbrtlor ISM Raub & Bennett .... yon ... ID!tlh Ill& •• N-..n lllftL. o.ea._ 'hlep·-...... --· MI'J W. C..tnl N_,.. ..... Tdaf'f I ...,._UI . PBYBICIAN8 A au.o.oxa. 11.11 H. R. Hall, M. D. ....,.... ........ HoUr.: 2-t, bt' AAQat.zt ~ ..... -I.Jl........, o.ea .... Dr. G. E. Tohfll ... ,...... ..... 2209 Coat Jsavd. NEWPORT BEA01 -PliO,._ otn .. : Bart.or ue-w ....~, aan.or ue-a lf Jlo .... .,, <'all BArber 1 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central A v.. NEWPORT REACH Plio• Barbw lCIIa l'fo ..,....,., all a.-~ X ·Ray Serviee IIUtoa M. ManreD, 11. D. •• 1 o..t~ {)o...,.. ... ...., Otflee Houra: ltH2; 2-6 ..._....,._ ·- S. It Monaco, M. D. 8lf BaJ Ave., IWboa a:.art.or 17M C4l 8. BID 8 t., a-·~ TUaUr 'JIU By Appoinunat T. P. Reeder, M.D. Pb)'llelaa aDd Sarpaa Met Weet C.b'al Telepbo.e ll.vbar - A. V. Andrews, M.D. PRY81CIA.""i ... IIUIWI:ON UI Coe.t JIIPway.ll.&rtlorlll O.r-. de! ...., Dr. W. T. Mooney Pb,..... ud ..,...,. Monday OPA lpt'nt ita time!' T('· f11mlly ,.lth on.-u( M<~m'~ dmnf'rl h•ulnit Wllrnln~: lltatemf'niB ahout for w hll'h hr had tk•('n lnn~tlng. r lt lnlt prit'(•S \ongrcu l pt'nt IU Lt Andc•rS('In flew his pl11nt'. ro time expoc~ln~ their lnaccurnciC'I. R-25, fiAt ill l"f-w Guiner1 H•· St"'<'n lll'l'rc rrportt'd llt"llln~t on 11 5.-.r·vl'd in the PhillprunNI nt l.l'ytf' wtld marke t . inllll'lld, they lllld Jlr ,..,. stflliorwcl at d klnawn .&_..._ .._ ~ ture article ln the Ncw York ~. for $22.50. onl) S4.5fl OV<'r lh~ nnd rhc' lost 111'\'t•rol monthll of his ..--. ..., a N ( IPA N'lllng whkh has driven R3', ~•·n tC•' ht' spent In J11pan Wr hB\'1' ......... elfdric oornpa.nils of the United States have 8Ct nf our ml'nt Into unrc~tulotC'd •·n~1yf'd th(' '"'"rf~llng h•ttt•n h" -·~ d $300.000,000 to~ spent during the ~xt thrw •lau~:ht.-r Jln~:s '"'('r e up. but drop-'" nt. hom.-Rllfltlt his ""rk thcr•· \Vh('n Louis Marlx·rry nr San to comfort him in hl1 "IOiitudc" BM-n11rdino. now 18, lost his right ht> has 40 J}('r Ct'nt of tht> approxl- arm In a hunting acddrnt tour, matl'iy $1 •1 million ~:atl'-01' }'tars ago, hP JJUI his tal.-nf.s and whato>v('r por tion of thar 40 pt'r rrmamln~t 11rm on I hf' horti<'S and Ct'nt h(' c11n ket'p for h1ms.'Jf alter won. Jl(' dc,.-sn'l ht"t on tht-m-he hi' ~Ns throu~th p~~yin~t his """ trains 'rm lfr trarhl'!l lho•m to fox JX'OSt'll and the 111x m lll't·tors. trot ond "rount. Add and suhtrart Whllc he didn't h&Vl' to work v('ry l>('tlt>r than somr t'oll.-gr frNih· hard in thf' rlnlt to l'Arn his mont')', mt•n .. F:llolhl of hiS train('('S hii~'C dUf' thirfly to thc• "hll )ChnJ(' of wnn horl(' •how prlll"' Jl~>'s plan-h1~ npponr nt, Lot.h!< 1$ s till fAr NID_. ... Ceab'a.l ning u hor~<' 11how lor his ff'llow nhrnd of Ius prr•dt>CNISOI'I' in thr ,.._ (M-o.., . ....._) • .,... .. tar ......_----~-d electric llne5 ln rurallll'l'8& This pt'd S2 on 1'ueld11y Ml'at Is com-~ I 1.-hns rohhon!l or Arm> nr Oc-,.,. ..-~~-..J ln..: Into lht< mnrktt 11nd you'll cupation. Philipplnl' UlW-rnllon, _,. .... expended wtJl create 888elll8bk> property on the hiiV(' It llltllln. Orango-s Wl'r(' r('-A81RIIr·'PRI'If11' Tht•lll rl', Aowrlcan taJr raa. oldie comrnunltles Involved portt'd ~oomlnt~: lnatelld lhl'y W<>rl'l Tht'ntrC', nnd \'i!'tory. "" hn~ ~n -~·----'-ba _....._t to cooperate with the a dollar undlor lhf' rrlling on te-n awnrd<'d thc> PrNI Idrntil'll Ctt ttlon. •-...... ...., ~-Ye _...... , principal mark.-ta. I Air Ml'dal. Bron.r.f' ~tar and Sllvtr aA A.,.......tor to~ eJectrlficatlon of the nation s ~ wtll h4> lncrt•UI'I When Star. -...ooo tanrw. but have bfieon ~fed. What IIOUnd exC\U!IIe Wt''V(' ~n tryin" to fool our-Mr Bnd Mn R K Jlarvry, 1406 t\Jde whJch deJa !I fann electriftca· IIC'IVt'S for thrf'O• Y1'1ll'l; there must Sf'avii'W a v r n U r . rnlo•rtnined II~ for ad an attJ Y con'lt' An cvrntu81 11waJw nina. J ust u S \ cnllt>g(' fril'ncb nnd their .. , k~p In mind th111 until you pny ramllif'8 In a n nil d11y 11ff111r on .... and mol? onP is k>d to the conclus.lon that the na-IYMW'i' t hAn 571." for round lfeak: th(' Fourth, Wllh ltJn('hron and -· , ---n.-.t ownership or the elect.rtc ~-47c (or rll• rflfl~t . 46c tor pork I dmno•r Thr ~U--~1 ~ rnju} 1'<1 II 11811 -procranl •01" •-·~· ·-·-·· C'hop!l: 71r for httm, IR(' for milk, nn thl' llnrn•}''s llflfol und 11 swim .....,. .. not .0 much conoerned with getU~ electric power and I havt'n't l [lftrt' to ~ti\'C mo1re. 11nd llllrl}' ot thP IW"IIC'h, Cu•'''~' f'n· .. a.~ u lt Is with driving private compa.nies out or llnd f'm'IPmbt•r .'hill ~ts \'Ill')' Jll)'llll( tlwlr hnspllnltty "' .... Mr. ....... and 8lablish'--socialized t'l«1ric system In their ••a•t And WI'St, )OU llr l'n t pnylng and lllr~ Rlrhard Mo~o:l• notl •·hll· uoe a morl' than pr.-s.-nt costs. Ill )OU, rlrrn or C'hmn. :O.tr nnt1 "r-i\u-llllled. Whftoe private oocnpanlew plan to put up ~.000.000 through sull!'ldh'l', l''IN'PI thnt h4>-llro·y S1mon~ nnrl (IRIII:h•• r Po- ,_. fanD ekoctJU\altion. f.M REA hM ~ tryin$t to get a for.-you al~<n 1111ld lht> SIIIRrio•!l '!' mona. Mr :onol :'ol r~ C.ul t'.11n ,10d --• __ ..J ... ac. 000000 · •• f ds to 1 to tax-sub-th.-thousnnchl nl hurrnul'rnt•c farruly. 1 · .. , 111:~, ~J r ;111rt ~h·~ frl'd -.. -.. ..,. ~JIOJ, • In u.X un oen pftriUih•s wtlo Rt1mlnlstl'rl'<l lhr m 1111'1' 111111 ~nn, San (;:~hrlrl :\fr IIIIIMl electric <."'C:lpf?rati~ durinR the ne"(f thr't'e ycnrs. A Mr. Lrwi11 lnv!'llllgatMS on(' of und l\lr• ('Ia~ 11•n llulom a~ !'nuth ...... part d thl5 mont'y would be I..L~ to duplical<' or Jlrt"-lhl' OP.\ nt•W!C 1'1'11'11!11'11. thnt SAid \.nlr ;\Irs 1-:linur ~h···h '" ond ~ ....a....te M_1 ·. . · ( l"l'1ldt'rina ~rviCL'S in the "UIIo•r wn~ !'o•llin~ In lh1• I ht.trlct dulrtr<'n. \"ll'tun'tlll' \lr ontl \Irs. ........ Mt: ('()fllpnlli('S rom "' for hh;h llrlf'('~ I It• n•porl• II M .ltH'k StHIIIh'l~nn, I.Hio:ll!l.l \lo ond ... ilbw lnvolvl'd. untrut>. H1• <'ht>rk rd nil ('hnlnt' und l\11'1' l"rowhull Wn~hhurn. I h m •onR· What~ ls t;h(-n-for tn~ ll.'dut:tion or ('ncou~t of many lndt•pendt'"'"· all wo'ro• "'rll-ton l'nrk. 1\tl~, \'ortH\1,, ,\, ·•··ld ......_._ ,._ r1 w'--. ,..._, rftll O\'('mmmt blireeu takes in~; at 6'k.(lf I'OIIr!lo' 11 yf•u rrRIIy nne! ;\lr """ ~lr" t 'h:.rl··· 1. l,r r ,. .... ....,. t!llun'P~ •~~~:~• a ,~ ... v ~ . wnnl buii•·T hnl'k ••n t hl' m11rkl'l , :1n•l dnu.:IH•·r or l.fl!l Ant.:• I , 1 htJ .... a ~tlw atUtu<ko toward the mdcavors of pn· the priet' will hiiV(' to 1'0\'t•r thr II I hi' ftr~l 11011' th•· fr to•nd• h l\'l' wt. dtb!nl and'taxpeyers anrt fosters unfair competltiQil~ ('Qkt of mnnufAchtrl' l l~t't·n toa.:••tlwr ''"1'1' \\ar '""'' , OBiy tbP people can corn-ct such a situation ln their exprt"88('d wdla~t for or agab)at il Powder Keg ,. lrxnublc fftquency and Intensity o( anned viol· -Ill PaleltiDP llhouJd 8et'V'e to warn our government _. to pt lnYotwd ln that troubled area to ·any greeter ..... tbaD It alrNdy hu. ....,._ Ia not a problftm for the United State. to help ..... cooperation wtth the British; it bone for the United lC r -eo ....... Our Jolnlne 1n the n.'Cl'l"'t study d the An1J J#lfl aJfttr'cMn)' bu not made us any more popula.r w111 .._. llde. · In fact, it has weakened our posltion ln .. lllldlle Dllt. Nor hu the report (X)I"ttributed anything &uaud a ..a IOiuUon of ~ problem. Natir, If we permit OW'l!ll"'ves to ~ led Into anned lnt.er- 5 U.. ID ~ we lba11 only ~ injuring ourtelva stlU -..s &Mini man eftectlve the ~ propagan&\ .....-wtdctl .a to portray MQ8CIOIIN u the •'protector' fll ._ I8Me Eut ...at the Western powers. Wille ..aJemart of the dllpute ~ the Araba and ,1"'".;::<;::5 .. •••-DOt .....,-likely In the foreeeoble future It must 1 •t ..-dltloft to tM lmpule can ~ found. -... Ellt 11 a pallebl powder kec and the woHd J~··· ~ ~...: :.:= ~ CXIIlfUct bum there C.mplete Fountain Service HANSEN'S Newport NOW OPEN EVENING8 at IIALTS • SANDWICIIIB • IIAMBUJIOERS F uturf' fo~nrnwrs. He's made numh<•r of llmf'll hc hns dt'fr ndr d r--------------. '----------------' rnou~th m(ln•'Y for his coll<'~te edu-his tTown Tht' Conn fll!hl "'M 1 he ~Jacob~ Natloa&l Llle C'atlon :t.lnd l•m•' hr hM n~kl'd th•• till•' luUJ'U4le Co. Hla tnnftll: -l 'oo NUl v.ln 011 lltfo In , tcw of h•~ lli)llily 1\8 a Ught,.r. "Ita If,... Joodl-Ita O..llti«" NORMAN NRON, II. D. hor--but nol lbrouclt • a nd his C'haractet 11..~ 11 mun, th~> blooklf'! llslil." husinNIS coulrl ~lund mor<' -----I m.-n uf his type a lot mor('. Flsht>rmon Say, you've been C'AN IT standmg thl'r.· watl."hlnl: me for ftf: TRl'E! two hours Why don't you try fish-l.imhur~o:<'r Ch{'C'S<' hM bf'ton 1111 lng yoursdf ! but drodoriz.l'd. says a report tn Sp.-c11110r Mr~ Aw, I ain't got thc San Francil!C"o C'hroniC'lt> th1• patll'nC't'. I Many p<•rt10ns will br('othe ea.s l('r now. Mrs Rntll'rt \alhs, 718 Jasmine ll''<'nuc. alllo'ncll'd hrr l!4·win~: rluh Thc U. S. 'national deht Will to- at t hr homt> of Mrs. Ed Pankey, tal ST.:i,{)(l(\,000,001 by July 1, Tustm, Wl'dnrsr!oy. l!MC., nt"C'Ordm J.: to SN:retary of DON IEilNIOAH no. Harbor uc-a ... llartae """ ... ._ Ill. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00 . Ray Nielsen ... _ ............ ......... "'-... _....., tll &. .. , ..... ........ H ORTICI.AN8 PedJatrldu Cert.tned by the Amerlcu Board of Pedla trlca ltt1 0aYiolal)r"~ ...... ,..,.,._ ~ 1·111& IAUIJ'eace H. Dorey, Ill. D. Phyaiclan & Surgeon 521 llarllle Ave., ~.,_ lalaad Plloae llarl»or !12t fotr and Ml'l' II fiT\ •'Y lla~ l\tr thr-Trrn.;ury \'mson. v.•hn nu~:ht ond Mn (3(-n l'arko·r ancl dau~th-,to k nfl" ·n,i~ os ahnut $:.!()()() for ll't, ('ht>r~l. !'\11n \.ahrlt•l. as lunch-C'\'t'rr man, v.oman nntl chtld In r---------------, ('On gursts Fridroy thr n:1 tinn 'Harold K. Grauel 24-Hour Radio Service RADIOS IUtPAD.ED Burt R. Norton ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often l'CMitlle ............ to DIM Ia Orup Ooa&J: All New-• - Even the ~Acation ... Qne..Half Mile Eut d Old Location on Coast Hlatnny . Beautiful New Cocktail· Bar We Lead Southern Callfomla ln the Servtna of -SEAFOODS - ALSO YOUR ldJid of 8TEAU -vMr OUR ICl'1aiEN -, Sa•'i Se• Food 5pll and Filh Market ... OMI& ........ (Jif .......... , • Chapel "W e Ounelves the Better Serve by Servine Others Best" Plloae Beacoa IIIJO c-ca M-CaiUonala OPTOMETIU8TS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETUJ!JT Eyes Examlned -Gla.ues FUted 1'711 N~rt Boaleftrd ..._ .__ •rl ~A IDIIA E. T. Butterworth. 0 . D. ()pto.ebW En:e aAJIIN'a) UDIBU DUPUCATm _._.,... ... ~ lilt •. eo....~ .. _ ........... .. tor•wPWt..,.n .lohn K. C. Chung, M. D. l'bywlclaa and Surl(eOD 2 . 4 7 • 8 :30 IUid by appointment Bl'ocon 5075 1!0 r:ut 18th Stnoet C011ta Meaa, CaUfomla Waper DtuP-lnstftate Dr. \l1Jbv c. w...- Chlropractic., Dietetics, Physio & Colonic 'Therapy 1ft0 ea-t BIT4.. ..... ~---..... ,.. Scotch Tape Now, on Hand Supply Limited -at-. 'NEWS-nMES Newport. Balboa Tourist Bveau All Modea of Travel to no-ope, Mexloo, Hawall Round-the-World Trlpa lft the oear future. See lin. 8oJ ...._ ft.......,_ .L 101 ...... ....._ .._.,Ita.& ..... -. -ROOFS~--HO C,~ l. Ul\fH?OWC, f )~ f "' • IIICWI'OIIT MUOA ~!l!!!!'r !f...., .... ~ ~. ~ .. , !, 1 ... ·-----,.------------------------:;:!R:tr~ Operations · Cost Exceeds --- S.. Tro11t and Halibut Are Biting Morris Urces Crusade for • • • off the Newport and Balboa .... Piers ' . = .,o~~ ~.A~ George Hiner ' ~~~~~~.. Revenue Municipality '""·k ~~ ... ~~~~ 1 Bob J~'· RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polllhlng • Lubrk:atJon nn_• Recapptng • nn.ot~ R.ctrMdfod BaiNG YOUR RADIO TO US 0. 0.,-W ... llepalr U Uld Yo. 0.. Haft U tM N..t. ~ Puta. WIH'tl 0-..-teed. hoctorJ ~ bper1a. Radio sos Electric BAIWLD L. ILUOI • ~, .. 180 ......... "'"'· BaJIIoa ...... . -' PtMCDGd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • 8'1'1ZL • ALtJJONUM ............ _._ 0 ,_._.. _ _....,._.._ .......... 8U Oout lfl&hway Pboae Bee.ooD 6881-.1 d Go~nn "9 yochtsmon nom• There wos o yoo~ I ng did sho~n Whose ..,,fe the boot pfo•n ' 1lh the uu To dospens• w She come over to uib ore second to ,one. 10t 10 S 'Couse our po WE WELCOME YOU ...... TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30-60-90 Days) Ma.rbro'a Invite you to comt' ln and open a chllrp account. Our atocka are comp!ete with the latat stylt'S or Ladlt'S' Fine Apparel. Ne&e•Dy~ READY-TO· WEAR mRRBROJ cJa..da ana, PBONEIHI Store Roan: Dally Ia~ Saturday 9:30 A. II. to 5:30 P. II. I nation& I CongTt>U today WN't' con-mo•nA<'I.• "•• r .. y.·:· olo·o•llll'•••l H 1 aldrrlnl! aubatltute ol a •tol)-gap Coats or OJM'ratlng tht' city ot (("\lbal Mnrrla, •tato• hl~h\1 II)' llll· mNIIur~ to prt'Vt'nt Inflationary Nr"'J10l"l IWIH'!l ha\'t' leaped h'on'l • Valuations IN\ImAn lln!t n·-hll'nt II( No'\\'1101'1 price and rent advanC('I all over ~.606 for thl' 111"81 yrar ot rlrA<'h, m nn IIIIth-.·~• ho•f1•r•• nwm· ht• rountry. bualnC'U usoclaUOI\I 1941-42 .to $360.000 for the-)'HI' Top ·~s Rec' ord bt•ra or !'Anlll Allll ...... 1:1' N •• :141. n C'\'l'ry lint' of romrm>reial acUv-just bt'ginnin~. an lnCN"UC' of ~7 .. ' t •. A A. M . "'rldM) nl~:ht • 111 ..__ Pt'r rent. areordinc to a atatt'ment N 1 R rts I I ty "t'l't' ~a ng on ml'muo.·rs tO•Iuued toda h Cound lrnan Bob e son epo Mnrru1 WIUI diii'U.Uin~ .0111<' nf u~ N'lltratnl on the' imi)UIIIe to Alll'n ll!ld.:. l~yhbt'll, M<'mlx-rs or l lho• ~lllll~o·C ,,, ••• , .. htl(hWiiY l\1\lrul i skyrockl't rommodlty pri<.-es, , 1 • 1 work In tlw \lrllnl>!t' ,-.,unt v nro•11 From N!'W York City. tht• Na-'I tht' city round la flnllnCt' comm I · \ uluath•ns ,f hull<1~nl! t't)l\lllrUt'-Tho• h>lrk "'"• "T't'lllfll· S~tfrl y," t lonnl Rttail r>ry Goods llli!!OCI!I· tl't'. • tlon rt•t•o•r!lr•c1 111 111•' 1'\o•Wjlort 11/lr·l ron!l tho• p111r\ll ''""'''' ur~;r•1l hill ion <'nliC'd U()()n l'lll'mbcrs to 1lw budj:l'l for .lhl' last flacall bar 1~'•'11 tho• 111151 •lx monlhJ C'X· IIU!III'Il<'<' tn joltn In 1111' •'lll-flllt• pl!'dl:t' th!'y wtll not "t'xplolt cur-)'C'Kr wa.s L~.OOO. . ~··!I '''luntlons ft•r llw o•ntlrt•l fnr •nft•r drhln~: 1111•1 Jlrt'\o•uth•n rt'nl rondltiona hy inrrl'aslng Th<' rommlttco• n •poru-d that I P"'' h•l.l~ )"ar. IJI'<'<•r•hn.: lo a rt•· uf ll<'<'ldt•nl~ un lilt' h•~o~hwlly I pria'S or rommodll it•s bcvond lht' th(' !'lty's lnt•nmu hilS rist-n alljthl· C'llllllllloolll11l ntllolo• tud:ty hy C'hlt'f . I I .. .,-' 1 d 1 tl 1 nUitth . 1 ., • A ~1 N 1 ... )~'"r .... • • ~"'''•un• wrrt' public's rl'a<'h lt'Ss lht> pubUc n:•at•t y U!' o m•w <'Onstruc on n· . n.,; n~i"" '" " t'll(l" klllr•t! "" t 'llllttlrrllll I •h • .. I • by not buying 111 all. tTt'llslnJ: th•· •u•~··st~Nt valutUton. or 1'\o·•lf••rt I"I.•!H'h 1 ~ 'd l ,1 , , u.: "~~~."· li ~~ out undt'r wnr llmltntlonl build-I WI I 'I'\ ' •. ' . I •111 II ' f lln;:r l'flllfll)' .• ' ..... From SatTanwnto. lh<' Stall' Dl· , 1 1 1 1 '' "" lllh•ll-nncl "'"' ~~~ l.or t ho~ 1o•ar tho•n · "'"''' vision of Rl'al 1-:stllt!' rC'mind{'lt ln11:1·1 th1f"Y lllld,dc'fmldt notr kt'C'p l>l'11 N! IWIIr•·ll' "' '"1'"''"1: "'"'''rtlllS 1 ..,,.,.,. •,:. t ,11ft,• ,,;,,.,,u,." tr Ill ill W l nt'ro'IISI' 1'\lS S n OJlt'rll On bhllll<• IIIII' ~ II I • andlords or a stall' law rt'Quirin5r d 11 11 d 'd d .._ Ill 1 · '11 1''11 111 ,.,,. " r1111o1 ko'<'l., up tho· '"'"I \\Ill I'·'"~ I I ho•m to S:h'<' ad\'an<'i' no!lr.• to un It' rt""' II( u <'('I !' crAm~)-.,u I "'>: lo••lll '" un o•nrun•o·ol IIIli to•annts u•uHII\' 30 dEl•-lw•foro o-d ft•c.ohn~ ·•~"•lllllrl lh!' (lllhlk JlUrlt'. mlnoll ''"'· II•" o'o'll~truo·tlnn hn.K • ~ ~~. " • Tt f'O Itt d-"" 1 1 "lltulll.. lltll1'n• 11ro• lho• l:t•'ulo'!!l I r't•nls ran bt• p~~h!'d upwnrd. w ' n,lm ,.,. rt'<'tlmnwn '" nt'\'o·rt "' •" r. :who•tl 11 h•to:h ft•r • tllnt tht' cot)' fmd mc•aru1 of in· tht• 111 ,, "" 111,111ths ,, tlw }'''tr "" '"'t'1' 11 " l:w•· All)' •·llo11•11 11h11 rhl' pC'rlnd or notlr.' must IW' t:ro•uslnl( 1111: IIHllllrlplll r<'\'<'nUt' to whio'h '"I'' '"" .... ,,.,. lit' Ill .... fur III II" Ill II tlo'HI'I II•Ihlll "''" .......... . tlw Sllmo• as thnt covo•ro•d hy ono• kt•t•JI tho• mt•lllt''lllthty our nf do•ht tho• )• "· 1,11 , hto·h· 1 111 11,.. hi< ''"'"'"'r ool 11 ol11111ll dt'l\o·o '" 11 rrnt llll)'mt•nl, un oHH'IIIi nf lhr Tht• ro•uno•:l uduptt-d hn ordl-ror) .,1 ,.,,. , 11 , '""'''' Pllto•o·l. "' cllll!ll: " ~r•·AI real llfllaf(' d1vlslon Sllhl tnday 1 nrono•o· onrr.·a~ln..: dul: llr.•n,t'll 10 \\ 1 1 t.:••>~l II·· "'"'' noll IIIII•' to• ,,.,., L ell ds h r II II ,. lolllltlllll' , .. 11111111 .... ·'""' I I an vr " t> nr(' not amo 11r ~:! nntl S.'l 1111,1 ut.:l'o~-d 11, takt• 1 d " 111 " '~>lc•• 1"1:''"11 nl 1111111 Ill• r " ·tthth t r h 11' '''"1''''"""''""1'''"''"11 1 " " P HISo'S 11 I 1' Sllll<' lll'l furtlwr Sl•'""' "ll•·no q•r l'll,;i~thlr IIIIo IIIt.: "'" lulk 1\lo~ool• 1'11"'~·•1 d · ,.., pr<'\1""' llloolll h ••f tho· '""' '' an• 11 111'"'' ''1 t•nmmunlrato· Wllh to 1·1ko• In mort• nt) ro·\'l'nlh' 723-·• 1 1 ' -ollll """'lui plo•tu ... ,. "' """"' Inial thf"ir ln('fll rt•ll l C'SIIIIt' htlnrds for ' ,II-i I II II~ " .. ,.,., •111 I'I'C'!lf'll l.tr • : A pl<'n fpr V.ltrhns:" !'nos to ht• tlw ,,, 111,,1111,_ ,,. ·•.:·otust $'I 07 1. trnlfh' <'l'll~h··~ 111 !lh· c~HIIll) ""'' 1 furlht•r mforrnutlllll c•n lh<' suh· t•l a!'NI "" 1l1o· ""' rn1111 wus rn•tdt• 761 1 1 · · • ·: · '''1'1 '"~~"" tlwm ~'oollow111 .. hi• j 1 · ' ' 'I 1•1 l •·.or .onol ~llli0 1 ''1 "' I'C . . .. . loy Mrs II. \\' S to-\'o•ns, "'"' s,.,,J fflr l~lll 1111, no·\1 1~.,1 ·.,·.,, · -· lnll. lor• ·"'~"'' rnl 11111111 quo•~lll•lll F Htlll Lot!~ An~l'lo s • am<> word Jllt'kllh'l.t·r~ fill lht• tr·lqhJJQ•u•!l 1 1 · · · • . · I 'h h •S h • Clf 1 . '" ' 11 1 1• I'·'''~~~~ rnolnth~ '!<'' Ill I • . nut • r n A • ornla lollt'l 11nd ,., 1·n 1 hr front vards nr ro'SI· I h , --I t M • • II I h I ~ • IIU~o ·" Ill II' 11111i.•r C'C>n~trW'IIIIII ~n ern 18lnna II~Sfl<'lll on, t 1rnug IS roun~l. d<'nl<t In thtot rlr•':t \\1th wnl!'r· • ·1 • . .1 & R• v 110 d V IJ · II • 1101 "' t'llllonu·n ·oul htult 1111:~ 11~ II It II I •1~' . n •••un. un a orn!')',1 nwl1•11 nods 111lo..l 111JWr ro•f11sr 11nd I · ,1 :\''II 1 . 1 .1, •. llnnt•n '1 I·.,, "1111 111'1 ··lurlflf''1 tho 1101"1 altuat'ton ll!l . . llj;:ltlll . -IIIIlS• 8 11111 -·' • IIIII "II fi'J••rt I I I II II ft ' " u ' ' I thRt C'lt)' ~::n rhnt.:o' !'~•lh•t·tors dt'· mt•r!'o:ol lillllolln~:s hr I'll~ In 1'11 1 • . ,., '' JIU II'•' h' II' fullows : r lirw In l•k k II" tht• l!'trbRgt' I II I ltJI . ' I . . . ••t It ro·•l lllnl ~·rn rr"'" u tnlo• uf "H 1 1 1• • war w 1 "" n~; c nw n ''' 11 lnw 1 ..,., 1 \\' 11 0 !' RUt'S IS On a l)l'rmanl'nt sinC'o• II is not 1ll gnrtittV.t' CHilli ( .,., ~ 7• I ~lo Ill It I "-II)' II\ I' IIIII' dttr· ba.t8 t •·~ ,· 3() d ' () .,..,.,.,, .~1 out IH."1 IH'W hnnw• , II •I ( J I ., 1 mus .,.. I:IVl'fl a ·· ay no-'1 ht• mKIII'r "•os turned ovt'r to d .;:1111: 11' 1111' '\ " II> ·•' tl tire In lht' <'ast' c.f ll'nants on a IIH• l'tly ~·nv.on;.,·.r and the atr('('t A~d ~" ''"'~""'~t·utl hwlolllll:~ Wo•r • " • - -;;.;£....;.:.;..;.;.., __ _ W<'('kly basts I pr~ume tht' hotl'll di'J)<trl mt•nt 11 1 lc1 1 ,. c 1 y. ,., 1 •) ''"'' t'lln .:ivo• tllt•uaurr In 1 or our usoclatl~n will follow tht'lr Tht' Nl'wport llnrbur C1taml)('r soo1111· "'"> Ont• ,,.•raom nu•y do It prt'vlous practi<'C of g ranting a or C'ommt'n·••'s application to Sweethearts Play hy mmlnll 111111 .. rtMIIII. Hod on wt;k's notire. , chnnv,t• thr naml' of N~oport F othrr by aotng out! llott'll may no" bt.•rome all &arh to N!'W])()r t llarhor wu or Rendezvou s transll'nt or a ll pcrmant'nt In hl'Rrd and t11bl!'d by the rouncll D Ol)l'rntlon instead or t>ach catt"gory pt>ndmg circulatinR or pt'tltionl. ances All Week I as tht'y were forCt'd to do unc:k>r THIS WEEK te1~~~ ~~~~~~e~:~~~~m~,~ Plan lnst•ltute bt' able to brtng aubscalt' rooms , up to atandard rates." Bronze Medal Given Gardner Lt. C'omdr. Robert Gardnl'r. To Visit Here Thl' California Plannf"1'11 Instl· tu1\>, which includPS r t'prt!IK'ntll· livt'l from •·arlous planning gTOUPI In Southf"rn Caltrornla, ll arrang- Ing a visit to Nrwport Harbor obout thr mtddlt' or July. In rl:'sponse to a rt'QUt>Sl made Tl'rmlnal bland, San Pt-dro, thl' throu~th th<' C'hnmbt'r or Com- Navy nnnounced Friday. m('rce. thl' illdlrs nr th(' Commu- .In 11 citation sl~nl'd by Admiral nlty C1turch htH'<' 11~:rllfd to fur. USNrt. Nt'wport IX>ach Municipal Judl(e. has been pretented the Bronu Star Medal by Rt-ar Ad· m iral L, J. Wlltsl', USN, Com - mandant or the U. S. Naval Bast'. Ntmill, Lt. Comdr. Gan:lnt>r was ntsh lunchron for thr party of 5I) ror:nmcndrd l or u cellcnt prl'UI or mort' who 11rc• l'XJ)('C'It>d to ~1111 hatllon ".'ork on Salpan, Guam. tht> arn. Now f!'tolltrrd ,.; t-hr rt~·ndN•vouJI I ballrnnrn 'n 0hlhnu. h-.ln)' lhrotuth ' S&turtJay I~ u hfllut lh11t lln101!l8 pll'nt)' uf JIUichriiUd!' 11• Wo'll fll 101)-n(llrh lllWIII' tht' lnh•rlltl· tlonal s"''~''lht•llrts of Rhythm Ml'mht'f\ of thr RIUtrl'!lOIIOn 111'1' atar Ktrl m~t rum<'ntaliata, and tlw band hits juml'lf'd from ohecurlty In natlonul llrtllllln<'ncc In tho• IIlii fl'w month~ Acrordln~e to thoar who h:t\'!' hc•ttrd tht' S"'t'C'Ihl'urta. the hand Is an <'Yl'full as wt'll u an earful!. Dogs Ruin Lawn ~tr11y dott• tore up th(' l11wns 11nd II:IU'dl'nll of P J M1'1.4•11n 111 4~ El Mnd<'n8 av,.nur. Ntwporl lfl't..:hts. ho' rc·porlf'tt to poll('(' Thursday. El.IX"I'aJC UNO~ Ape. a-sa.. Ill lt.ate RIP_, ..__ .... Newpwt ..... ...,...,..__ o....a • r..a.vtc B•-•11• A ... ••- and durmg thl' occupation of The Chambrr nf ('omm<'rce will Yokosuka. J apan. Ill' was chief ! nlsn prn\'ido· n h<)DI rnr 11 triJ) C('n~or for lht' Pacifl!' OC<'an art'tl. nrnuncl thr n11y 111 nrlf••r In l'lhuw •••• Juds:t' G:crtlnrr w rnplrtl'd his Whllt ha~ ht~ll d<Jn(' In lhl' W/1)' undr rv.radu:ctr and l11w studlt's 111 or harbor dr\'t'lnpmf"nt in thtll tlw l 'nh·!'rsity nf Southrrn Call-area. ' fMnrA I I•· was usoclat!'d with the MAyor < 1 n. rt!'rd und r<'prl'· d1slr1rt uttornl"y's offi<'o.' in Santa sC'nlaliws frum th•• P IAnnlnv. Com· Ana from 1937 to 1939 Ill' rl"sidi'S miuiun nf ttl!' Ctl y will allcnd th<' with hill wift'. and thf'lr dnughtor, lunr hl'nn In rt.'prr·sc·nl thf' City Nnnry. 3. at 80~ South llay Front, and tho · locnl plonnlng Rroup. RailH1U Island l'l11n~ lnr thr n~lt arc· in lh<' DEAL'S Famous . Smoked Fish Ahraysll'lwll 110 McFadden PL llalaatore: ltl ~ ..At._, t. .....,_ ........ ~--------------------~ hantls .,r < • II 1111:1:~. artms: for Or~tn.:•· Cnunly. ur11l Tnm 0. <:ovko· 1 ur Los Anv,"l<'l!. nctins: for thl' C'allfornln Plnnnf'rll lnslitulr I ~t•wport R<•11t'11's rir!lt nld llfJUnd had 11n t'IIS}' F'nurth nf July. Th••r (' I Wt•r•• no drn" n11111~ and o.nly one po·r51Jn had tn Ill' asstlll'd in the wntl'r. Four "<'rt' Rivrn first 111d tr<'alm<'nt. GILL'S I DELICATESSEN Statement of Condition at the RESOURCES Ca sh and Due from Federal Reserve and other banks $ U.S. Government Securities State, Muni ci pal & Other Securities 4,704,764.32 22,6 14 ,9 11.59 .J lot ANOflll IIOllTWOOO lONG IIAOI LESTER & Co. INVISTMINT SKUIITIIS TO Min 1141 INVlSTOIS' NIIOS FOOD SHOP • FrMh Apple Muee Federal Reserve Bank Stock Loans & Disco11nts Overdrafts 841 ,0JJ.9~ .l(). 000.00 2.778,034.9R 4 ,976.~0 40tl,R06.00 96,947 .1J PAIAIMNA roMONA IIVIftiDt IANTA ANA M,.,b~ L.os A•••l.-s Storlt F.xrb•"6' 2004 WEST CENTUL A VE."' NEWPORT B EACH HAUOR 1.\74-J No Price Advanc·e Regardless of OUR PRICES the Elimination of REMAIN THE • • • OPA SAME Culbertson Chevorlet Co. • :a..J Crab Meat • Dreo.lap • PlckiM -OUvM • CheMe -Mala • Sard1DM -Aaeboviell • Craekera • Bllealta • Freach Rolla -----------------------SHOP AT GILL'S For FreAher V fl'ltablell Better Meat. Fucy Groeerlea U5 Fonld Av~. lAGUNA BrACH I Bank Build ing Furniture & f ixture'\ Uncoll ec ted Accrued Interest Other Resources Total 109,401 .22 4,7fiS.J7 $3 I ,658,6J I .0() 416 East Central Ave., Uowntown Balboa II E P. A. PALMER. ~ PllbPiwnll\ W. 0. DOC~-fn:nu-llncc CoumlClor ~ 1500 t!J.-:1 "-' 3J1J V IA U DO cALl~lA I ... ntiY COMII MIIIII·Nw/1 IIGINNIIJ' •01.1.1• IKA,II wet• RUIIIR WHIILS .,. ............. ., .......... , ............ .._.,ldt,...,l•-'ll,.......,. ...... "' tw•., q..a W.W-Itwtk 1~ ................. t::.= .. ~,.,.01 ........... _........... .. ..... .u ....... ., ... ,.,, .... ~~ ...................... L -~·f' TURNER'S YO\IR IIUlC"'''UC U'PI.IAMCIE D&U.II\ ---W. fill lt. -&UI"rA AJifA -.._ 11'71 Close of Rulrinea June 29, 1946 LIABILITIES Comhined Capital and Surplus Com mon $600,000.00 Surplus $600,000.00 Undivided Profits Rese rves for: Taxes, In terest, etc. Income Coll ected Not Ea rneJ Other Liahi lities Oeposit~ Total ,.., f. I ,2~000.00 ~.091.68 208,778.67 .1,130.96 28,257.81 29,712,.171 .94 $3 I ,658,631 .06 Chewolet a Oldlmobl1e DM.Ier 3011 W. Central Newport Beahc • • • Hydra • Matic Specialists f ClOTHES- POR MEN The First National Bank in Santa Ana Welcomes Inquiries Regarding Financial Problems. Quick, Courteous, Confiden ti al Service on Loans Makes It Good Busi- ness for You to Do Business With Us. ••• Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs • • • PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS' AVAILABLE FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS AND BOYS g~ $~$~ .......... ........... .......... ,. MEMBER FEI>ERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION • • \ i ------------------------N!Wtwf I"PA PH±'f" .... Widening . of Thoroughfare ~=t~=wou Award Kiddie ~1t~:;.~·::::::= 'n\11 F U I 8 13 Hlah Low TlU l :21 u 0.2 8:::. 2:02 3.5 ~.1 i:<M 2.35 u ~.3 i :39 3:01 .3-T ~.5 Rfcb LGW ... 111M u 2A , ... li&M 5.8 :u ,:41 .... 5.i 2.5 1 :16 ... 6.0 2.5 n.a.. ... .,._. ta ~ ol ·-m- "-' .....,... OL ... ; .... .....,._ ... ' 111Mn& .. W-10Wlllftll .. UI.BOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND WAN ASSOCIATION Newport leach. California SJU Via Lido Harbor UOO ~ 0~ , ,.. JOdi ~ ... ...,..,. .. "' fnM ,.. •• Landlords Church School Plan Change Is Announced Are Warned On ffentals Th,. corona <SE-t Mar community D ds 0 I H s Bayshore Drive Sh p • pt'ntcr. J a&eph DeTemple, DenaU §i~~~~1H:~;::H !:: ·.~~~ e~ ~ y on OW 00~ J •• ~.;·~~:~;:; ~~~"~~ -:~ OW r1zes ! ~ra~~ :~~:::~:..~~:~:~~=i3 Meter Stahon, .... rcatlnag nln thebematte·rB. ullt I ~S~u~n~da~ay~.·&:~~i-~.~~~:?r~:: w edne,sday ll' ~~?!~t ~~~:n:~~}: mHtlnl: In two llo'!INIOns--at 9:30 (Continued h'om Pl!.ce 1) I'.,.. (ConUnued from rae• 11 MISS Dorothy Keller ot 810'4 E. Lancllordll ln tht' Nt!'wport Hor· and 11 ·00 8 . m I turing th!' 1um· Another spokesman pointed out Tht> boat was chriatt'ned by children 81 they vlt'd for the ap-Surf avenue, Balboa. wu adJudaecl bor .,._ ..,_ reminded today by nwr months only one seulon wUJ said he lhou&ht that Kenny had I !tot It ap(X'ared that the Pacific Paul F'ruehan, son of Capt. Frue-plause or the spectaton. 1 winner of the $25 war bond bz. OPA reat otndala In Santa Ana txo held AJ)d that at 9:30 a m. exprt'lled a correct viewpoint or Electric compaey would not give han. It will be used for charter The ones In each of the dlvi&lons Miu Shurtz Monday nl&ht. Ml.af that ewn 1rith control provlslona A nurRry will be maintained the whole matter. thro fool&!:<' necessary for the fishing and Ia now moor~od In c.-&lvlng tne gnater applause KeUer was not present to cla.lm remowc1. CaWotnla law forbldal durlna the church hour to can for Mayor Reed, however , did .ayrnvenUt• project. 11Ial<'y's Yacht Basm on Oarshore ~as told that a prize would be her award, which wW be malled the n.ialnc o1 rftlta or evictions thl' little Chtldrl'n of par!'nts who thttt thl' city wu stymled for two "We c11n't widen Central1 drive. · sent to the parenta o.f the winner. I to her. o1 uaaata 1ritbout one ~th'a wlah to 111trnd tht< church service. rN1sons : ont• that the PaclJlc Eitot··1Hvenue near the southeast bceaUH Capt. Frueh,YIIated that the Arter thHe selectlona were! -------- IIIOtiot. tnc Railway company had fall~od the Pacific Elt'Ctrlc would not I boat has an army aurplus J-hull made Mlu Shurtz introduced the I ManJla folde~ at N..._'nmes ar.a Wa\Jion, d1rector of the Father, Son Team to ~ive the city a commJtment and ll!iVI' the footage," sald th!. spokes-1 and '-powered with Chrysler heack of the royal famiUes of ~------------~ CIDUD~ IWit orne. ol the Olflce ol !K'<.'Ondly, whether the widening man. "and we can't widen Cout Royal moto~. It accommodates three d ivisions runnin& by ages' Price A.dm.lnlatratlon, uaerWd Snag 14 Barracuda was for appearance or whether it houlevar~ because the P.-E. depot eight persona In a li1hing party. ~om ·Infanta ~P to ttu-ee--and-a·[ that a lltatut.e l.n Section l946 of l O 1 .. th B Jboa Try was to be clone to Improve or rc· Is thrr!' 1 Qn a trial run off 14-mlle bank half yean old These were cholen the ~ Code of the State re-n ... a lleve the traffic coneestlon ln thl' "It's a tough deal," 1ald another ' here flahermen caught four aiba· In advanoe ~ the bula of health ..,_ a landlord to noilly a ~ number .. 14.. aeema to be areas mentioned. l llpokesman core an~ reore are expected to be £'xamlnatlona conducted by local tenant In ..n. tlng that he !. can· lucky for the C*rlachl or t.o. .An·! H It "011 to relieve the CIOnl:<'t· Walter Longmoi)r, president of I caught from the . boat on future physlclana who volunteeN'd their 1 m ine .. tmancy or charwtn.: the ltt'letl. A father and IOfl flahlng tiun or traffic between the points th!' chami.M.'r, suggl:'stcd, tha t the tripe, Fruehnn IBid services. tft'IM oil the t~mancy. tl:'am. the Gl:'rlacha, John and hia ment ton~ '<I. the mayor saJd. th•·n I Bnlhoa Improvement auociatlon ~!:Teet addrelll('ll of the winne~ •u u. ._.,.1 I• _ • -•"· aon. Bill, caul(ht 14 barracuda on tht' improvement of t))e avenue. appoint A rommltteto to discuss the L A A • were not obtainable from the ..._ .. llut• tiiNI laadlord thc>lr 14th trip to BlliOO<t Sundr•y 1 wnuld havt' to be done from Coast I m~tc~ "'1 ~'r'· 1 ~ostmut~r t ~en~ rt1st promotron group taa.t nlgnt u 'l.only t ..... rtv" kim a -.til'• The Gcorlacha. who Uve at 343 tut.:h"OY all the way to the •·nd an city 0 ar 8 5 on "' a • names Wl're announced. The royal ...._ (...-Jpt It ciQ•); ll WNt 52nd 1t ~t. t..n. Anstt'll'l, ur the p!'nlnsula. "If we can 1:\'\ lnl: don!' ,and what <-nn be fon~ • • famili('S w('rP hull£'tincd u fol· -• --~~·, bula, .... ..... were abo:ud tho"· "WMI I'rwlh'h . a ~'flmmitmc.-nt from the Pacific POIItm .. ~•··r Kenny 1\~aln ~ nl~ v· •t COM lows: '*" uae a-ut • wrfo.lr'a ... and orr thf• Willi'¥ of Jtuntmt.:lr•u Electn<-company, we can 1:0 1 out lhnl lmprovem<'nl ur C rntral lSI s ' Suprf'tnf' Dhi tdoa u.... ,..._ applu. to t ile raa.. Beach wtwfl lhr flah w•·rc cau~:ht ""' rtd," ~11ld Mayor Reed. nwnu<' drprndrd on how soon the King, Lest~r Hartrord: Queen, ... _, ,_ .. 'ae "''til .. .....,_ 111t-y r.-turncod to fi411bc.Hs P8<'k• 11 BrtiUlS ,entered thl' fray a~;am t••l••rhone c·otQPany complc•trd I til l Annl'tlt• Van Ordr n: Prine<', Bobby -.." a box c.l filih tn tll!'tr mafilloc und , ,. tlw nlltyor finash('d by dt'claring "ork. 1•1" 'aid h~ .bt>lieved ~c I --Shipman; Prin<'f'Sll , l.lnda Car- went ~lome. that th£' city delayt'd the.projectt'd rtty of ~''"()t\rt a. .• ch tv•u ld h~'01 Miss Dorolh> l~'lnl:t'. or Loll An·lpPntl'r ; Dukr. Budd)' Bishop; 1be OPA prier nnd rent control Ttw 10c•nlor m. ml ... ·r ,1r th!' c;,.,. llltl•rn\·c·nw nt on Central avenue lht' plans fur th!' a'rnut rJroJt'rt rl'l•·'· not<'fl contralto, visited her Duchess. Dahr yl Ellis: Count. ~ In Santa Ana are lnopt'ra-l8Ch ramily 111 ,, ~:aamnkCT und has dtmn~; tht• "at on the eround l n•?d~ by nf'xt summt•r ~lhll·r. :\Ins. llnruld ~·-rantun. 310 I:knn1s CRr(X'ntl'r: Countelll, floh· U 'tbou&h atllnd.lna by and em· h•·•·n !'mplo)d l!y lhl' Southtrn t h •• t th••••· "'"' n shortage of labor n us ddny m••t Wllh dlsf:l\'.or Man~:nld fl\t'nlll.', th1< past wef'k.lnv Grnre Ross; L()rdJJ, Dt'Xt£'r p&oy. are atiU 011 duty u a raault ('pltfom111 (;8 ,. l'tlllll'llny lor 'I1 and m8tt•rtnls, and ht• repeated he lln~;~:s tlwn ~alrl ho• hdt•'"'d r.h,s l.o.~n~:• !>.on: .,. rudiO 11 1 oCloit1• and Joseph DI'To•mJ>ll'. and yt•un. "ll" n .. nason f<Jt' res\lr'reetin&c that 0 pro.:r• .. , n ·p,lrt shuuhJ tw 1{~.1~,\ 11nd KMTR \\'hile sincinR Lady-ln-\\'111ting, Carol Wlodeklng. thnt !''I"U51' I'"'" lie SaJd lhC' 1J),oi1t• of \\}\:II 1),,~ Ill 0 n tlttn:• ~-tot th< ~11nt.1 rl,1rhr11 II fitS In Ctfl•• S.Onlor Olviatoa Jlfi'St•nt rondllutn uf the a\'enue ia dntt' hy ''"' '''" IIIICI (•nmmttr~·lr \"..jar ,.ll"'l"' I, minl~tl'r• ur Ktm:. Jphnny JonPS; Quc'<'n. of ordt-r1l r('rt•h'l'll Munday from nn I•)I'·IWI't'. rrnm tho• l'httnth•·r 1'r •'•lm.tnt•n•t•. 0 ducat ion or M£'xico, Invited her ~nndra nirrt; Prince. Michael ht"adltuur tc•rs 111 \\'ru.hln~tun. 1> ('. A..l< Aid Jlt• aid hunrtro·d~ 111 I ••uplo• hnvr tl• ~101: 111 t ht 1 h•··• In• ul t h1• · Ho·l-l .o,•in~: Prlnt't'SS, Barburn Cavin; Jl INSURANCE • PROTECTS • . • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. l::vt•n If lh•· !lUI••· "' Prot'C' Ad·1 M~yor fl••l'd d1d not unawer the come to hi1 1'rn"'' tn r.~l< "hY 1 1.1~ ,\rto•Jt" In Mexiro Oty in 1943. Pvl< ... Alan Mruim:: Duchess. minlatratlon "' lhJUidatt'd, \Vot10n rt•mark the lmpro,••not.nl uf tho• '"''nUt 111 . 11, 1,,., "''d SU<'h mTI:tlm •\nd de-l.lndn \hrlc,.. lind Carol" Enrlr; explained. emplnyf'S nnd offtt't'T't l At thts juncturt'. Thro McF.lroy, tlf•lng drln"•·d mnnds litr hc·r ·•IIIJt .u.tn<'•' 1n C'ounts Lindrll Colltns a.nd Merle would hav{' 10 rl'rtl~ID on duty 10 vlcl' pn•s1d1•ut of the Ralboa Im-\VPirh lntt>rpmoo;i 11 r•·mnrk to <.Inti'S 1tf TI'axnculp and Pul'hlu in Po•nrso;,: ("ounh'SS, Landa Stewart· work out lht' n•rnalnlng dNalla or Jprovement a.uoclntion, who al10 Is lh<' effect lhnt thr slat•· hlghwuy o'nni'•'rts and npt'rfl thnt sh<' to'· t.A1rcl! •. IO:t·l ry Stutz. MichiWI Mur-. ;;;;=:===========~ th<· cloalna. Volumes of docWTI4.·~t11 n mrml)(•r of the hoard ol dlrec;ton department might he ln~t·r<'stl'd In m:unt>d for two yt'nn In Mexioo. ')>hy ana Dobby Jonea; Lndy·in·l and p~~pen must be filt'd away I of the Newport Harbor Chamtx•r n pion to make the A\enue vart She Sl\01: in "Rigoletto" with. w itl g Sandra Shl'rwood and peckt'd for ahlpmen t to ware-of Com.mcroe, 18ld that hla usa-of a state hlgbway IK'h('m<'. run-' Rruno LAndi of the .Metropolitan, a n . lafut Dh1111oa . houaeapr~;:!:r!~n 1°c~~~:e:~~::! dation 1ympethized with the vie"• mna from Coast bopule1 vard over , also with H1lda Rc~:gant and Ar· Ktng Bernard Hofrmgt•r ; Queen, ·-t•xprt'ucd by Briggs. I Centrol avenue to 8 m avenue, mando Tokatlan. Melltza Korjua, J nnet ' Metcalf: Prmcr. T('rry kept on file ~rmant•ntly In C&.le Mayor Reed tben said tha t the ,.rossing the f~rry, through BaHI08 star of ''The Cr('at Waltz," sane While: Prtncl'ss. Marie Wolfe: Espert Radi8 Service Phooe 8eaooD 5818 llJalbua c_)v[arket there '-ever • nt'ed for prloe or Newport Beach city t>n&lneer'a of· lslllnd to Pacaflc pathways. with her In the s<•xtl'tlC from Duke, Glenn Meyen; Duchess, An-, reat control qaln. flee hu gone u far u they can President Longmoor reaolv«l Lucia . nette Blank: Counta, Davia Ge try I on their plans for the lmprovt•· unanimous approval on his recom-Sht• ill undf'r the tutelnge of 1 and William Slemp; Coun~eu. ment and arc now await1n1 word ml'ndatlon that Poetmuter ~n· Maestro Frrrazzano. former pro-Unda Hoyt and Kathleen Wright : from the Pacific Electric Rallway ny'a highway commltt~ subnut 8 1 tege or TetrazzJnl, a.nd expectll Lords. Wayne Francia and Daryl company to aee what It can do progreu report on what the Cen-soon to accept an offer to tour Dlerleh: Ladles-In-Waiting. Nancy about lf&ntln.a ,the footqe neeet· trai avenue altuatlon II 10 that I South America ln concert. She hu McGill, Marilla Nott and Mtckl White H011se Cafe Palmer Radio AND I!LEO'I'BIC -. ... w-................. .. ..... ..... a '1' ..... rW • . GBORGB D. BA8SBTT &coomft&lft' •••tMJ •••'* a' 1 e.me. -•• OaiiiNI ......... ---u.-.1.. ,___. ...... Newpol1 a ~ •~ CAB CO. sary for the widening ot the the ch11mtX'r of commerce will heen resting a year. reco\'erin& Dexter. • aWftue. 1 have the actual facts. from a t4>rlous lllneu wHh whiCh ~auty Wlaaf'n Kenny aroee to point out that Mayor Reed then Injected the l she was taken whil£' In Mexico. A F~t place (boys): Letter Hart- the Pacific Electric Railway com· remark that the membera of the concert tour 11 \'cry atrenuoua, ford, Be1'nard Hoffinger, Dexter pan)" a commitment mlcht come 1 city rouncll re!t that It w~uld be sh.c. said. and one mwlt be In (X'r· lk>lolte, Michael Murphy, Michael any day. "It 11 now In the top qUite .a flnanctai undertaking for I feet health to und£'rtake it. Loving, Bobby Jones, Johnny drawer of the Pacific E lectric the ctly to lmprove the avenue! Jones. and (~tirlal : Judy FuUer . company" he saJd I out of city funds. However. he Welch . ex~ the thought added. perhaJ» a little closer study v alued Rods Taken that maybe If the Balboa Ira prove-by the rlly council might brl~g 1 R 0 0 F S ment &UOClallon wrote a letter 110me Chllnl:!' In ttw m&ttcr of their Theft or two t'.X(X'n~i\'1' marUn APPLIED oa ami'Aia.ED Men-Women Prostate--Pelvis to the P .-E. company the latter' views on lhl' subjt'Ct. I rod.~ And n •..ts rror• tht' Bonnie Free Eltlmatea It Iaspectlon I rnJ&ht aee the expediency of <'o-Door moort'd 111 \hrlstl11n's Hut j ;iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiaiei:iii:i:iiiiiai:iii:iiiiiiii:iiaieiiieiCiiiiiCiii=cia :ij:iaXiii:Xiii::idEiCiCi=cia XiiCiiiCXiii::iicciCi:iCai:iiCiiiCq Eva Com· stock Leaves Sunday nrllht was rl ror~· '1 by I hi' w. I . BMbow oj nwnrr nr Frnnk J\ \\ IIIIa~ or 3602 Man:ua Ph. Hbr. 1012-J I Do ,_ ..... '-dl4C!IIe f ...... lll lep. CTOba 01' .... of bead ! Are )'Oa Dervoaa, ,_.py, lrr1taWe ... eraak)'f O......ta« okl before J9U "-' su,...ar Ra.e to cet upaJc1ttaT BATH·I·NG GIRLS ... SUI DAY, JULY 28 AT THE FUN ZONE NON-PROFESSIONAL Sponsored by AI Anderson a nd Gustl in School of Swim Entries will efose by july 25 th KIDDIE FASHION SHOW Sponaorecl by THE BOBBY SHOP AGE LDIITS-Infanta to 7 yars old. MODELS wW fuhion exclusive dslgnl tum.llhed by-• TIIB BOBBY SHOP RmiSTRA110NS will be taken for both events at elther the F\ut Zone or the Bobby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDNESDAY 12 N0011 to 8 P.M. • • '' ( Co•ceuloaSc Sunday for Mi880Uri P:umtl;·nh, to tl11• pulu··· nn :O.Ionday. :O.tiss F:\'A Comstock or 116 22nd . N!'wport J:Wach, a !IOOa Ct•untnin t'lt'rk \\lth thP HaMen Confectlonary store nt 2100 Ocean Front. No•\\ purl 11••ach. leavt'll Suaday for Pans. Mo. "'h<'rt• sh•• I \\Ill IIJII'nrt th<' I!Ummo·r with hM' rnthl'r, John Comstock. of that j l'On1DIUDI\)'. Ledger 1hects at News·Time!l. For Your Home! Dlst lnfCU}8hf'd Good IAOk.'l • our p!'rmanent "1pdow awn· in~:t~. rloor hood~. rorch. pntil> and 'un d£'ck canopit's pro-,·ide Ma'ltlmum Cnmfort. (The ltun. heat and weather are kept out anti the light and brene come through I. For f"BEE ESTJMATJ;S Call SI.An-a··.vaoo Awalnl Co. of ()nap Co. 115 eo. .............. 8&. • ... ......... OaMI. ...._ rt1LLE&TON 1....., c ... lrl:<' :-;,.\\ rnrt n~rl o.ttnrl) of Font 1nn ar•· .ot th• 1r Ct>ll81t"· 7'26 \\c•st U<.•o·hn ~·runt r .. , th!' sum- m('r. Carr's Feed Store H ay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Oa.IJy DeUnry-Rf'acon 5~~~ 1811 Newport Bh•d. COSTA 1\II':!'JA FOR IN8'GRA.'\CE SEE Howard W . Gen isb 18011 se .. ,ort Boulnud COSTA ~SA PltoDO Beacon IJIIJI Automobile • f ire Accidel)t • Life Ucen~ and Contract Bondi WrittM ATTENnON!! Homef'and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks, Dr ainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications • .., ... ,~.-.. ..... ....-&. • ""'~·'·'"-"• ... 1 ... -._ .~.urr .. ~...... .. ....... .... -· • IUII!IIl.I'IUJT-4!ta .... ,._ ...,_ • ...,. _..... • ......cAn KU"D Y. CUSTOM METAL PiODUCTS CO. _ ...... .-._ ITS l'OUB OLAl~D8 Oar f'lr«liU!iiVf! tecludque cet. FHUIL WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE CDffiPnnY I No pa.ln, 8uraery or la.Jeo- t1on .. COS8l7LT ATIOS Fftl;E Call Harbor lls.& for AJIIIOintment w ea -Eart-rtac -Semoe I t'lO Oout BIYd., Co..-a clel Mar T~porary Phone. Dfty 654 LA· guna Reach: Phone Nl&ht, 11J62 Dr. E. F. ~II. D . 0., Pll. 0. 10'7 ttncl St.,~~~~ !0 ,,_" In Ol ... a Laguna Beach --~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C. R. S T A A F . MOORING SERVICE Moorings Installed anc1 Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 739-J for Prompt &-nice GORDON B.· FINDLAY COSTR ACTOR Al\P BUILDER Ofnce: s•to Cout Bh·d. Phone Harbor tn CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK ./" T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. 40'7 10th sn-t . P\tOJltl;~mor ue.1 Breke11 Lenses Duplicated G-.. Ac~J-W • ........_ Repe.lred .,. Enmlned E. T. Batterwortll, 0. D. l iM Weat Oeatral ..... ~ 1111 Eftablp "' ~h' t WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 PIMMB•-.KU • • ~~' . ................. -.... ,_ llooda ,_ ... ..... ...... .... ., ..... ...... ../: ........ '• ··".} 1 I ,·t~.;/,t'. ·,,; ~ I . .... 4. 4:ti:. -~.. •. r.:< · ................ •' PI ..... • ..:1... .... . ..., .. HOLLISTER FJ&I Brothers ~ LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Cor. ona del Mar Cle~m· an Wart·lme N'I'Uirt'd and ('Uilc1lll0nc-d fOC' lfll·l Scotdl ..... v ......... Clll l l ~ ., ............. .. "''· thf army t'nnUI'IIltttl« wnl .. ae at the' N...,._,_ . 1todc at the N..,....,._, \\nrd tn 11\Mn th.l'l thf•r• ~n' • ntho•r hrldMl• In bt• ri'JIIIII't..t, onr ..--------------------------""""\ Tells Of Orphans Of ature Ex~r.lences In ~:::~r ':.'.~~~~ .. ~~.~. ·~.,~',-:;,'~·:.. It's . ,,,111., .. , ··n.:h"'''''~ w•·n• ""•'••d. ,., .. 1 Always \l•nd lhr \\'r!l<•r 1'1\'rr, to 1\lwk,.._ •~..ur Sunday mornln& the Rt-v. lil• pUp. All or thl.•m louclk'CI hU·I Are Told :~;.~ A!.;;·rr~ l·~~;;·;,;:~·~."\~~;:;:)~1 c 0 F FEE TIME· Pt'rry F. Schrock wu back In his man ht'arla. human l)'mPI'I~ • llu~l' hrldll•'ll. HlttO ~ ••• , loon.: ~tnd pulpit In the Corona del Ma.r we drow along the hi&h...,._ ~~~ :.'11(1 fro·t hllth ... , ... ,. "'""11 ••ut Community Oluretl, Co~&•-mcdltatt'd. Wh)' II II, that Pf'OII&e tContlm~<'<l from 1'1111«' .I I 'l,u• (;l'rmnn• oluln.: 1111 thl11 In tionll. after an ablence of four ··an be 10 movfll by an orphan 11 lht'lr ..rr,..-t "' •"'I' ttw Allu'tl' ftc1· wt>eka. Durin& thew four weeka lamb or 1n orphan lkunk oc ul 1 11."' toll'll' 1''" """' •'"""'PY \'lln<'C' P.kt.r .. n •nld It '"lXIId tllk«' nd M ~-.. ~k t ....... orph and .,.., -.n 110 lndit· '\\ ,. 11•· • '""'hY • tri\J'~Jl"<i lht• Mr. I rl. 'D\:IUU\0 mo O•~ (a-natn tpuo plh" mi,~lll-• ol .--... brirl~t••• ltlld nunt'« to k~p our-tl)() Y''"r" hi r<'l'lHr th•· c11\maaC' Eaut to \1111 frienda and relative. ''"' • ""-... ...-.,, 1 1 1 klll>d <lontl iWro• hy th" t:o•rmllns 111 tlwlr and to attend the bieMial meet-human babll'l throUihout t.tw .,. "'~~ rum "' n;: 1 ••n routf', rt'lrt'lll ,.._ I ,.._ ......... 1 f Con worldT w~ ,., .. ht not be lndltter-.,., I: HI tlw llrlll&h mo' t'd up to lng of the .....,nera ~.1\01 o -' t t the ;;::: of animal Ol'llh&M. Brtllln, oJo ... pllt• lilt' (at't that the' "WC' '""'"" rhthl In thr midst ot gn>iatlonll Olurchf'S. They travel-t n o ~·~ 1 . not foraet Gforman~ hl•ll hluwn UJl ttw hrldaH n•J.N~Inn~: 11nmr o ( t h''"'' hrldaN t'd u fa.r Eut u Mbt.abula, Ohio, or ('Oilii'W. But ~t ua taw and ttw town wu 111 rulnt .. '"lu•n ttw ""r ••ndo'll. '""' '""" mm and J~nnenatown, Pennaylvanla. lht' human bablft wnd'ho ...:!.'-)kl.t•nn 11101d the' rombat t nJI· Jllt'lo'CI 004' or thr m ufh·t \' -t-: day," Tile Genertl Counell tneeUJ\1 -wu mil~ and a~~ ~ld a IM'<'n. hnd mor t' trouble rC'mov1na 1 Muj<tr P.kl.t•nn '"'''••d held at GrlnneU College, Gri.noell, and unloved. Uw •I• lon a, nud thrn t.My put the Whr•n hi" ,.,,."""' t•neln4't'f11 Iowa. Ballo·y hndae 11111, tl()l'rltlon acaln nwl\'~t UJ• tho•v fnund 11 ("..-rm"n In The Scll.rocka have a houle c . -•th' .; ani.! hklk '" ,.,. ctw surroundln~o: C'hur'w or " lfl('(tmutl\'t• and wh••n trailer and they took It with tht'm oppersml countrrsld(' Tho· !'\lnth ,\rm) 'III'IIS h .. rt•fuiiNl to fllO\'t• .... train, thf. and thus had their own hotel ac-tht'll '" tho• 111,1 th n( thrm Tho•n o'\tllohnt t'nl:ln<'t'MI toook II OVI'r 11nd commodatlons with th«'m. The th•· ·~otlthlll ,.11 .. 1111,..,.. waa rlvt•u n1<w<'d II b11rk till mil•... whC'TC' tra.ller pr<Jvtd.ro thC' 1ubj<>ct Cor the p• ked l • tbr ns.slrnrnent 10 ttf'll trowa.rd to tho•) lli,.·ld•'Ct 11 hy cnr• lntu ttoro..- sermon Jut Sunday. Mr Schrock I I( eglon tho• 'O'l'Ond ,,h .... of the c:arnpailn. ""''" .. n.t 1110\ ood lht•f7 ol IlK' J))Ot took 1\11 his aubji'CI 'wl'ralllng thr Aflt•r ltCttinl all the roedl tftto "ho•r•• thl')' II0'1"11t"'l a llrlol~t•• 'J'rallrr." The talk was not a lra· • lhllt•· ool tlllnd llrtlnn, •h•·,~o~••Hio', . "Tlwn hy 1_181nt.: r rnnC'• '"''.' to10k At The • • • • t ,. . DOiu'i£ *t;.iit:FL.E .HOP rom£ a 'ooNtris • wJ;tlJ STRAWBERRY WAFFLE 8 (with whipped cream) • OOM'PLEI'Z FOONrAJN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue ...,,......... Balboa laland ............. ()pie ~' hp ti•UI It e'Ciec* -a..... • Wt t ' • Orchard and ornamental shrub pe!'l control Fertilizers Vf'logue--a nport or thl' trip. It c d f'flltlnN·rs were a.:l,•en pol!rn\1lsloon I·•·• man tuuh•·r nnc1 put It '" "'"'"' I was r ill her a gathering lOI{f'therl omman er to rrcrOAI the Rhine. '"We lOt '" ··r ,,,.. ··nr' ,,, 111/lkf' " In hhtr or Incidents a nd lmprcul.ms t.hBI I••····· "' R p.m., and It • "lrflo·l··n~l\ '-ll'l>nl: t•nnlllth In l'llr· •U~tltt'tltt'd lln<'S of thought worthy o'd Q ,.,. cut ordC'nt 10 move to r\ llw •I'·'"" 1111ffh• thnt "IIJ Yard and Orchard Maint<>nanec Advice on Planting and Soil Conc1ition.c; lnqulrt-at CARR'S FEED STORE JR27 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA 1'. 0. Box 507-Phonl' Btoa<•c.m 52-15 71111'1 A IWI&& Tt•r 70171PD ,,, ,...,,, ••. Utt Scaodarcl ~luy H~ Spray ro kill mites, deb and Aas. Coma miud, ready 10 u-. A ~·,worth covrn more chan 100 lqUUC feec aDd tays eaift for days. Aod 11M Scaado ard White Oil No.9 U.S.P. ro .up up cg producdoa froaa listless bms. Mix wids feed. lt'l oon · irrirarinR minrral oU lha& btlps bowel movcmcou. ~ Clayton Thompson ~ \\'holeMie DktrfbuUoa Phone 155 RM. Phone 1094 STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS Travel. EXTRAS for Travel EAST MORE Daily Schedules 6 MORE Conveniellt Deparbares MORE Scenic Routes Yoa.-bipwaycnm,-oo aGreyboaod buiiYoacaa ao ... uay day, MY way, till the way, by GteyboaDd. A daob of roallel lea yoa ao ooe 'Way, ftCUI1l aaochu' .•• p._ yoa .on liJbC-...-. pieuwe, COO. Kon daily KheciW.. roaackbe<lock ~ lUke it ...-to Jene a(,fOV OWil ~. Get dMM CRTeJ GdNI •• , .c ,_, coet dwa driTiaa. Let you GreybOUDCI apat piu JOW aip-complnely. • e•l WA'I' fA811 .... T ... , ,._,I cw.p ......... W tlni'• .. U.1e .............. ..... ·-a.,. .. ,.,,. .... o.te-...... ,_ u. foi-l ,., 0 . (). 8W AFFORD-808 VoMt llilhway -Ph. Beuoa MZ2 ~ GR EYHOUND of Sunday mt•di tnll<m. 1 __ th• l!ulot l••'k••l nhl\ 1111: ••I' IH·~"'''' UJ<," till' 111njo•r "l want tn tell nhou~. soml' an-Heading lh(• ~o:old hrnld Cor the \\ 111'11 lltf')' rl'arhcd thl' nuhr, '''plulm.,l tmal orphans "''. m••l. said Mr locAl Amt•rh•an u g10n po1t of 1 th•• •nnrw•'l"' r"ro•lvl'd word that II "•· lotl~"'ll•l•• (no tlw Alllo•, Schrock_ "One mght Wo' parkl'd, No·wport Hrorllor for tho• romlnlt the• L•t•t• rh·o•r t•rk1gr mu_,., tw ro•-In '"' 1111· rht•r" lw'l'. IIlio' thr lhf trailer in front of a farm Yt'l.lr will he EArl Coppcramith of palrl.'d. ''11\e hrldae hllll IIN•n olo·l·••' I• I tlo)· lho• :oll h'•' l••ml11oo.: 1 I hnUsf· in llll•h. \\'e hNtrd. the C'onm11 oll'l ;\lnr . (nl nwr Marlnrj hlt ·l•• 111 "' th• ,;,.,.,11,,11,, ~k· •·I lh•• brul~:o·~ ~oo l'lult o•t•~l up tho• hknlln~o; of lmnhs \\hr n "''1\ITI\'l'<l. flyt•r In Ow I'Rc•t(u·. whu "'BII'II'CI· Lo•.,., •It•'•·' ""' "'' '" '' II"''' "'' I' tlo .• c ,,,,,,.1 ""~ ""'"'""'''''' We uskfll r>ermlsllltln of lht' l~d. •'<~ '" llw .... ~. or O'\)tnOIRndrr ut i twoo "'"~ too put II Ill shut"' lo "11k o'<llllhnl f'III;IIII'I'IO \\l'fl' ,,r thr hou!l<' to p~trk our tratl&•r l'IN•tions lwlll )Mil "''l'k at thl' carrv 70-ton tm frk. So tw-rore •••II 11 ''"'' '" "''"''' 1111.-ll•·l~r~J und bl'cum<• Ol~JlllllnH-d \\lth the U·~lnn llut. -. da~to~:lol t'ollUtlf'l l'llrl'o·ll untl I l•hon I loll . \l~tjur Mol .. ·rtn ~rchl family. Then wr 1<-arncd nhnul the f-.IN·to•d tn ttw pnsltton nl ft rst """ ,, o1 '"'"·•r•l coo l••>k llw ""'11,. "ll<•furo• I lo·fl 1-:nrut"' th•· utlwr h•mhs. That young WCiman WRS \kl'·c•umnwnrl•·r \\Ul! .John Damcls 111•11 ''"' \\'o• utrl\••cl '"'' hours '""'" "' ,.,. •. ,,,~·•• '"''n ' t•r••Jonrln.: ft•t'<llllt ~~ orpnan lambs ~y 110\llo>. ntid Maunf' Stnnlt') ... Wt balluh'<l lx·l·ot·o ••'II ''"'' , •. ol .... ,. '"" 111<'1<1111• ... fool (~•'11111011 Jlrl ... •tWn or ~ ..... fl'd lht'm at rcJ:U)ar lnll'rVals , Into tht• 8<'('0111.! \'l('("·fflnlmander I m•ulo .• •l.o to •h, h~lllll: Olllotl'nlll~ \\ Rl Th·· (;, IIIIIH" '""' IAko•fl lht'lr and Shl' m<'tc~url•d thl' amount ~:lv-spot h) rtw Lt.·~:inn l'ledorutr. thltl "'' ""uld Ilk•• coo h.o\•· l••l' '"' rollin,;: ••·w·k lntu tlw ••·tu·, 110 111111 ('n to t'ach lamb. She had four Othl'r oflt<'t'rs who '"Ill IM'I(in N'Jitllr J•••• th•· o•na.:•n•••·r·s hrul h • taler "11111 t'hildrl'n or h••r o~ an_d aU or the thrir· oCflt'1nJ duttl'S soon ore Bill ~llh••r unot~ nn ,, • c1 Int. 111 tlu· huulw·r th•·> oooutd find IU a aull- dutl<•s of ll fnrmer 1 wtfl'. But ~~~ Bannlllh•r. chuplnln; Wilbur nld·l evf'nln~; 1111d flrlna wu< l.:"in.,; olfl In •111111•·" also, found time to feed th~ dll', (mnm"'' t•lf•c-.•r , \'InC<' Cuau· both So'<'llnns whl•r.-tho· ''"mhat ;---------------: orphan lambs. mnno sl'rt:t•ont ot arms. t•n~t\n,.,•r<> Wt'ro• "Urklna. Tho Gt•r· "ln Nebraska we sa. w another !· F.ll'~tcd tCI the t•Xe<.-utlvt:>. com· man• ktiO'w that the brld~oe•·• "''n ' orphan--an orphan &k~nk. A 12-mltll't' wrn · Ed Rur ko. Phil Hay-Cl\ll Clf o·nmmts .. lnn "W<• llbt·r~th-d )Par-old n iece wu carmg for UU. dr n and n r E. T . Butt~rworth. enctneenng e<Julpml'nl "' "''' v.o•nt orphan. She fro It with a medl-~ Co. lor RUnrd!l will h•• r.Mrgc-Van picking ur wht~h·vo•r "'' m uld cine dropJl('r and she had warm Pelt and Ri ll Thompaon. find: an· w••ld••r" Rnd 114'11rchll~thta. blnnkela for h . No mother could ---and put th<'m to work Our mt•n 1 care ror her baby with mon· In· Opens Swim Class WM't• Jll·rl•·l'l tart:•'" for th«' (;(!r. ten•st and tc ndl'rneu than thll mans but they didn't fire at ua, 1 young &irl carfll Cor . t hf' baby J at'k Gnffitha, Corm('r awlm· 110 wc t'ould proet"ed with our skunk. In Missouri we became ac-mini( Instructor with lhl' Navy woc-k." qualnted wHh 11111 anoth~r orphan. and former Ufe-guard captlln llqr 8,._1 aa.. ... Wr apent the night 1n a "Wa)'111de openfll his 1wlmmlng clau Mon-Sit'*\ wu badly n<'f'dcod !Jut Park." Whl'n we arrived we .wt'T'e day at the bay brach at the Coot I non«' muld IN> found, but the' rom· I greetfll by a half-grown Collie of 19th street. He hu recently bat cnaln('('n "'rrc JU<.'Ct"llful In pup. I n~vn-rectolvt'd • warmer heen diachargfll from the Navy finding aome 111 the Hamm worka. grrt'llng. She juat poured out htor and Jlvf'S at 114 19th atreel. They put 1t('('l raU. t01ether and Boat OwwerS. • • I Canvas By the Yard Wide Wkttha-All lAnlltha Santa Ana Tent & A wninK Co. lft98o. ..... k PltoM20'7 SANTA ANA · CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMEIY. Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everythln1 for the Bullclln1 Contrador Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beaeon ·1108-w 11th. ud 8uta AM Aw. -Oolea .._ ntrectlon upon ua. Sh.-waa hungry tndividuol ln11trucllon II clven found 1om(' other Ill'<' I parts on I and 1he lookl'd as though lhe had at any timr by appointme nt, for I can fnr ahf.ad or lhC' t own. M not eat('n much lately. W e ffli her I both chlldrcn and adulla, non· aoon u the Upp~> rh'«'r brldJw """' '---....._"'----------.J :_ _________________________ _. and 11he 1lcpt under the trailer swimme n or th~ who wish to 1 1 ----- Oiat night. \mprow th<·lr awlmmlng 8 e 1 "The next morning she wu juat ' as cordial AS e,·,.r. We called hcr N""·'nmel advertlw~ta an I Orphan Annlf'. We couldn't ri'Jillt your auJc»4o e•ldent IIIPft'Cilnc. hcr and Wished W«' could take hr r · ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . ~-·--I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• , ...... with us. S h«' llf'~tl'l'd ua ro takl' • hr r! E1lh«'r she \OM 10111 or sumt' on.-had di'Sl'r tl'fi her. lt d1d not s«•m wis•• to try 111 takf' h•·r nl<m~t but wr r!'all)' Wl·r~· 11vrry "f' C't1llld ROSSI'S Liquor Store '700 CoMt mctnoray not. "Hcr c werr thl' thrN• ki11ds o( orphans orphan IHmh~. r.rphun 1 skunk a nd Orphan Annlc the Col· Fomwrly Oo"'-'• Drwc B&ore 0 1*1 r.;wry 0.., VENETIAN BLINDS Wood Steel Aluminum I Fut Service -Free FAUmat. Call Us ud Revene Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlo\\' Ratwl Phone Long St-ach 4r.S-28 Before You Build or Remodel Our Interesting Sample ud Dl14play Room~ Color h'llirlt:'S. plan· nin~ nid~. r'OmprC'h<'ns· i\'c-stock of f'<t f'J'W'L'i ancl linol<'um. LUDLUM Carpet Works tan 8Mtlt 11a.111 st. DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND ~UoMd Dlelela -bud wtth ebolce of redaetJoll ..... e WE AU WIUTINO OI&DDB Ollf atOBT· AJifD UM'· RAND aoTAnON DO:SEL8 JI'Q& TWIN INM'Au.A· ftONS. CHOICE OP' II&DUCI'ION U1'fiT8. 0. Bucl: 185 R. P. OMeniMotor.-New. .~us for lnfonnation on _ Venn Severin Dlese!A DINeJ OeMrator Seta of All llbldtl. 'P'&ANK B. LEWD (.._., IAwte) o..r-.....CW PBONI8 . 8bop ~ ':r~ 5411 ·Newport ~~eM~~ ,......... . ""·'I" hot ro( '>uf f<'"("l V~t ,o rt•orl' I II• It (t thr (J~ntl) '"'I v.lo1t h hch~vnf ltlt~ .& 1 hut• ooo,·l ol>tt"<ll ~• 1) fo • •' ool thC' vo~ I •• - Ht n,.• how 1t rtlii,J iuvc l'l('tn -tnrntyin~ ddayt. Ul!! ~j'('l tC'd lXJ'CII\C' C.uc h .I OIIIUlt 111108 ~'a "'"r" •"'' (,.n hell •~•~ 'l~•ol yuut (uo ---------------~---------------Do this you S .. 'lhll But the Sou wu unan. ~ cht B•J Day he .Jrovt his Ponl Dedi home" ltld ukcd foe our "•10hoa • chtd up I VIII•'• '• -.dr Home. i.J htrt. ow lhop •hrrt tord-lllitlftf lnC'Chaala. •in& f01d _...,. Md tMM·wovin8 t<da puc,_, ford ill ~ for • uip &hal ends bapptly Immediate Service and Pair Prlc•• fNm TH 'EODORE ROBINS 1118 W. Oelttnl, Newport IIMr.h ( . -. ·~•••-=-BJdldln• M~ S.y Dlstdct Lumber _Co. ..... -.. ·· -00.181---AY AT 'I'D....- DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH DIUdciQe .. Foodl Or. cc.lptele .,.ut.pcDeDt wben you wut to catcll JCIU.I' OWL HOlMEN RSH MARKET ..... Apparel ... .......,.. ....... Complefe Line of W ...... Apparel for AI Sbenrili Riding & Sport stlop .x ....... ,. luta.U. NOTICE The Name of the- N~nGNAL RESEARCH & MANUFACTURING CO. Has Been Changed to NARMCO, Inc. H. R: JENKS, Manager 1015 Cout .Highway Phone Harbor 487 Six Booked For Shooflng 1 Fireworks ;_ PuaLIC Noncu ART LEATHER Hand Made and Penonalized HIDEAWAY 1Do..&al..a.s.. ....._. ..... • On 1M Patio Just South tA 1M CUff Hotel. MORE FREQUENT SERVICE ) • a.t hal anelen will teU yoa the ooe t:IWlg IIIey nlue 11101t about GreJbou.ad .enice is ill ~. Tbey lib co be able to JO ••. 8Dd come t.dt ... wheD cbey t11t11lll to. ) GteJbowadJCCOIOized this importut faa &oaa 11M ICaft ••• plaued aod .n.l accord· ' m,ty. a.a1t: GNJhoaad,coday, hu built up \ a rnaly •CNriDI &eqaeDcy ol dai11 serrice IIWf'I"'W , _, llllw ,_, ., iMrdiJ , .,.,,.,., ' 'I'WI adaienaleat ia pahlic lenb hu ..... ,_..ol po...;.,. apaieoce. •ar-t ..... .. fteec of buses, willi.agoess ro acnpt fi.aaocial ·risk ... and, most imporuat,rnl faith ia tbe future of tberommua.itiesGreyhou.od senes. For Greyhound looks ahe.d, aad ofcea io· aeues frequency of serrice Nforr increased paaoease exists. Greybouad -.,your commuaity ... ha coofideoce ia ia PIOiftll· .• aad ,nn coo- tiaue to tdlicr]MU ita growUag tn111portatioa aeecb ia the yean abald br proftWaa beaK. ~ ' I II day, l-'7 .. IHI ---------------------------------------NatiOnal Offlcen of Deb a.-·Want Ads 1 I Feted In wa:ter Spicer H .. ii. Lll•d ·· Beauty, Charm of Ni..-t arbor -=au=sm-.=~e=t11D~. -=-==-""":"! .. ~ , National officen or Delta Gam ~ • rna. women'• colk>glate fraternity, HoffNn Given ' In Southrrn Calltornia for the SIGN PAINTING Boau, ~ Wlnclowa WallJ and BuUetina. Navy Dlscllarce Railed' Ketal. Wood and PlutJe fAtten Noe-F1.-tlun Brodir. The Ah!lolut!' Weapon; Rn>mfi<'ld. A Frw Rrass Tacks; lfurok. lmprPSllrio: Loo, n Is Dark l"ndt•rgTound. Mr~rmand. Wntf'rs or th<' Goldl>n Trout Coun· try; !\1cKinl!'y, Old Rouj;th and Rt•ady. !\fonaghan, Lnst or the Bad M('n; P!'allic. The Pacific Cos1.st Rlln..:r~;; Pitkin. The Best Y1•nrs; Pylr. Last C"haptrr; Rosa. North Africa Spraks. Smith. Tht> Housatonic: Sm1th. Into 'slam ; Stimpson. A Book Aoout a Thou- 1!1\nd Thin~:s; Strutht•r, A Pock<'!· hd of Prbbles. and Wilson, Gc- raniulllll. England now hu 240 oil wells. producing about hatr a million hqrrels of crude oil a yrar. Th!'Y w('re drillrd during the war hy an Oklahoma contractor ror the Brit- Ish government. Going to You probably have your dream h008e aD worked out ID yoar m1Dd -or maybe yoar architect or ooatnctor already hae prepued• p1aM 011 paper for you. · Deebldty wm have a lup pari ta maldD& ct.... of postwar Uv1D& come true. Wbea JOG 10 over tbe plus wttb yoar buDder be RN to uk blm about tbe DeWeet develop- _._ .. b~olcl labor •via& aacl fmto- beutJ. ... kpe11a ID ev~ eleetrical wiD be to help wtth layoat plaa. or problems. saa-Uoa may ...Ue a lot of dlttertlllce ........... ty" Gl. U..t ..-. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN 8DfCK 4 ltlt • " 1000 VoMt m..., ao.e Beeooa 66ft .u. 1a ... ra r wn , ,.._ • ....., .......... ~ ELECTRICIANS ,_ rM1fO!Uc:=, =-~~ .... .,.. AL LACHMEYER 1726 W.st Central Harbor ~M Special Lighting Batteries 31tft We have a aet or H~avy Out, lighting battt>riH (or a 32-Vol\ • syatrm. These are very flne bat. ~rin. ma~ to lut (rQm ~ to 10 yl'ars. ~ r egular ret&U prlee is $361.20; our price Ia $:.!00.()0. We also ha\'l' many other tint ltattrries for boat or car at bargain prices. We apecla.llz4 In batteries. Storey's Battery Service WrstmlnftCr 1 ~·lw•·•·n 18th and Magnolia) Costa Mesa, Callrornla 52-2t4 SHOES Repaired WhDe You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Hen .._ • IIQ """' o.~e ...... eotp.-. YOUR PAINnNG DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. --t:r- Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only lat grade ~Jtaterials and unexcelled workmaJUJhip at reasonable prices. PHONE L. C. BEAN Harbor 2645 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ~ --1200-MILE GAS PIPELINE • • • • ASSUIES ADDITIONAl GAS SUPPlY FOI GlOWING SOUTHIIN CAUFOINIA 0.....,., J1, 11M ........ ,._ t-...ltoleol et'P' ..... ,_,.,.,..,. ., • , .... .c.lif-le ,...... ~·ltd •• 1M ··~ ....... ., -· ...... 170,000,000 ................ ,;.... ef _,._. c.llf.,. eft4 s..t~>ent c-tlet o.. c_,.. .... , .... 11 ,_ .....,.., o.. c~. tiM~_..., 1o .. -.-• Cellf-•·· ,..._ ......... ~.,_tiM.~ -Ill,._ eft4 ..... Meake. Te 1M _......, f• tiM W..._ el lt47.-. You and your },500.000 Mi&hbon rojoy ltvtng sundar .. s wt br Soutlwrn C.ltfornte's fabulous Horn of PltntY ... • wu hll ol naNral rnouHts. a cltma~ 1h11 h unsurpesM<l. • fulltr. ~er way of lift. Bur u .. t arow, rht ~~~ ,., "" ,,,.,, '' i"'tun•& 11t.dlly: and matnlltn•nl rhtw sundards it 1 <hllltnrt ..• Tht conrinuanct or a pltnttful supply of naNral aas. lor t'llmpft. is viral ror OUr mtllioru or homH 1nd fuNrt d~lop­ ment. TM tMrJY rher narural au .Jr,../y dtltvtn to Sou1htrn C•ltfornu tS lttmtndous, and our JQrwu butldinJ program has Y" 10 SIIN1 Future Supptr Sourhrrn Ca.ltforntl haJ mtrrht challtngt or ~~ fururt "'ith •n•on and d"tnS rniUJlll~. Connruetoon Of I 1Jl«12CUiar J]QO.molt rt~Jint 10 UJnSpoll 1 conrtnuong supply of natural gu from rht Mtd-ConiiMnt Fttlds tn Tuas hi$ now bttn fully approvtd by r~ Calofornia lbolroad Comromoon and rh~ Ft<:ltral Po,.tr Commiuton. Cali· rorntJ gas <OmpantM Will tonstfU(I !ht I'OrltOn of rht Jont rrom rht C.hroro•• bordtr •·rnwarch, and rht El Peso N•rural Gas Comptny. "'htch "''II supply 1~ j!U. "''" hutld lht balanct of tht lint Sour~rn C.l.rorma is indffl:l fortUnatt in btin11 ablt to tap rhr •bund•nr rt1fl\'ts of rht Mtd·Conrintnr Fotlds Tlw ~ rroJc« wtll rur ro u~ • 1"8t vnlumt of ,.u no"' btons waJtt<l for lack of • marker .. and 11111 gtfartr rt~l\tS aJt avaliablr for furutr n~s! 111 Project Tho! 1200·milt ptptlont. cronin1 r~ Conroncnul Divodt. is to bt ont of Southf'rn Ca.ltforni•'s Btrtr tn.A•n~r•ng undtrre.k· tnp. lr u 1~ lu gnt. lons-<~•sranct au rnnsmtUton ltnr tvfr buolr, "orh a prptlont mtuurons up ro 30 tnchts tn drJmnt r! Thr narural gas '' is ro rrans~ort ••ot!ld <arr ror cvtry homt in rht four mt uorolru n cilltt of Aluon, San Anron•o. De Mo1nn and IndianapoliS coa~h.ntd. Ar '" ulromarr capa(llf, ir ... u dtlovtl ~~ ~utvaltnt t ntl&'f ... ,,, of ~7.000 barfth or oil . • or 189 carloads of roal . or lb<rt ''"'" 1~ rltorocal c:nt rl)' producf'd by Booldc:r Dam. Work Starttl Prtliminary "'ork is under •·ay ordtrs ror the 25S,OOO tons or pipt havt btfn pia~; a SUIVff of I~ I 100-molt" IOU If hu nnrly btftt complntd Anual constru«ton will providt mort than •.000.000 mJin· hours of work. It sum tttly rh11 fell and wrll bt rndy fot d~ Winttr or ·~~7-48 TM •PP'b-'•1 of this pro)«t, 10 •iral eo Southtm Calorornta 1 fururc dntlo~r. 11 a autofitatoon wr btlt~ t CVff)' homt owner an &hart. • -.;rw1"0R't ""·HCI \ •t ""' Tl~!':!, ,__..., .,.,._, C'e.latono&a. Turtoday, ~tall..;;l,.,,..:lr.::!f!~----- ..,..,._ GVID& 11 U1P--LO-no:NT----O-rftaED-II IIA.L& MISCt:LLANiim ·M ~---------------------PRE-BUILT HOMES CO. GAJtAGES -l.lTIUTY I·IOUSl:S HOMES J.mmedlate IX'livery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Westminster Ne•oporl Ht'l&hts 51-4tc OOOPERA TIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair PboDe 875-M 216 E . 201.h St~ Colta Mesa »tic ·PAINTING 12 Yurt Service ln Newport Hliboe ArM Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phdne &aeon 5259-J 274 E. 19th Ctret-t 24-tfr Painting -Decorating R. E. AN,DERSON • Frt'(' F.slimaling Phone Beacon 5780-J 41-tlc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W, Ontral Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Newport Rl'ach 51-Stp FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on your home, call Beacon 5330 atw 4 :30 p.m. 10-tt<' PAINTING -PAPF.R HANCINO and DllCORA TIJIIC H. E. )fr J')ona)d 04 Old Conty Rd., C:O.ta Mesa Phone Beacon 501~J 85-trc ISANIJPOilTATION' 11 BICYCLES Sold. R4tnted or Repalnd. VOGEL'S 100 M&1Jl St.. Balboe -K&rtDe. Balboa llilaAd. M-ttc COLD and KACHINLESS WAVES 11 Thltlnl and Manlc:urtnc EwninC Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W BOAT BUILDERS $1 .47 per hour SEE MR. PETTY SOtrrH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 51-Ift WANTED -Woman, l'ltp('rien<'t'd in go:onc<ral hoUSC'Work for two da)s each wt't'k Phone Mn. l.an~t. llarhor 614 or call at 605 \'ia Lido &lud . ~1-trc YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own . community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Avto .• Balboe 5H" N. Main St., Santa Ana or .Uk ~ ()flft'ator for Ow 0\1~ Operator Soutltern Catifornia Telephone Compaay 42-tfc Vi's Beautv Shop U03 Cout HJway. 6.-una del Mar L\L& IIJ8CEI.IAIQOU8 • 35-tfc L08T AND FOUND WlLL woman who found Bulova wrist watch in Balboa Fun ?..oM call Miss Battle, Harbor 1169-J for rt'Ward. 53-ltc REUAJ!h:E child cartt. day or eovenlnjt. Call Ha.rt10r 141lfi..J . 53-:llp FOR S ALFr-Goodyur Rlcyclto, nl'arly new. balloon tires. Bou· quct Shop. 409 North Broadway Pholw S. A. 1900. 53-2tc FOR SALE-75-plect> Havtland china, floral <k>lilfn. Phone 10, 216 Marine Avf'. Balboa bland 52--4tc FOR SALE-Double decker single bed.~. prings Md m.attr'VUC~i. $10.00 complett'. 500 E. Surf. Balboa. 52-2tc FOR S ALE Swordl1sh rod. rc~·l 11nd lint• romp1Ne. $R'1 John T S)'mJl!lun, 512 38th St . Ne"· pori Bf'arh 5J.tfc Steel Kitchens GLASS TtJR EN(~LOSL m;s SIIOWEtt txxms Southern Counties Supply Co. Jot4 Coa~>t Oh d. N. Ph. 5852 Lagun11 LW'R!'h 53·\t(' Don't Mi~ The Boat E:veryl'\ne's aaylng, Rohblns has the stamp~~. U. S . and Forelif' ~u on approval. Robbin's, 515 No. Main Santa Ana. An-ede Bide. ~tp SHABBY FLOORS Made Beautiful Takt' off old, l{rimy \'llrniah and get down to the frt'lih, clr·an grain of naturally handsom" wooJd. Rent Our Hiloc Sandin~ Machine -·ltn4 do tt YOUrS(' If Eut 11,1 01'ler:tlt· Dwth'IIS Burton's Paint ~tore Nt'W).IOTI nh·d. nr·ur 16th S trr-t•f !"t3-tlc 1-~R SALE-Man's prtt·WIU' blcy. d(': ju.~t Ukc> ni'W. lf('ovy duty t ires. $.''1('), 51:.! 38th S t . Nl'W· port. 52-tfc F'tre PlaN' nnd KlndlmJ[ WOOD Dcllver<'d H. W. WRlGIIT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newrort Rlvd. Just Arrived fl'r1leb Hearing Aid BATTERIEg GundelWOrl Dn.tJ Co. "' 3-tfc 117 Mllln St. Ph. Harbor 515 &G-tfc VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum •t~l. wood. Call Ul for fret> estt. mate. ~·atlon A retlntahl~ So. Coast VeMtlan BLind Co. WHt 18th and Newport Ave~ Colt• Mesa. J>t\: Beacon 5355-W. 38-tfc: FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle. Pre- war model. 28-lnch whet-Is. Ph. Harbor 1146-R. 1409 West 8&)' Av~. 52-2tp WANTED TO IIUY 11 WANT TO BUY-Will pay auh ror cooc1. clean used car. Phone Htc. Beech ~21. 52--4tc Will Pay Cash For your fUrniture or What haw you. Phone Beacon 5656. •eraw- ley F'urnltllrt', 1812 Newpor1 Blvd., C01ta Mf'Sa. 48-llc CASH FOR USED FURNl'nJRE PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 2S-tfc n FOR SALE NParly new ~ dsl\'· l'nJ'I')rt and !'hAir: light mApiP FOR SALE r-Kins uprl~otht piano. whitt'. $\Ot).(IO. ~ Oinmond. llarloor :.!139-llt M·Ztc FOR SALE -Bargain. ~I atudlo upright plano. f'\111 keyboi\J"d, wnlnut fin&~~hf'd. $125. 212 A~ thyst, Balboa lsla.nd. ~-:ltp Radio Repairs All makH; tutX'I, c<tC: Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 91.5 Coll~t HJghway, N~ 23-llc RADIO IIQUSE CALLS- Now that additional rompetenl l t'<'hnJdana artt available. we are • able to mnke acrvlet' calls on lllrgC' rontoli'S. All work CUI.r· antf'l'd. HAROLD l.. HAMM, S.O.S. Radlu. 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Hnrhor ~. M -llc REPOSSESSED Spinet ~ mlr· ror-Piano This Is • rul ha11taln. Other \lk'C! plano~ u low u $85, $87, $1 25. $115. DANZ- SCHMlDT PlANO CO .. 520 No Malo. Santa Ana. 38-tfc KNABE GrAnd Plano. WalnUt cue, Famowa Knake tone. Abo Wtober G rand., SohiTlC'r. Schultz. And many othfor famo~ makes. DANZ-SCHWDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main. Santa ~- 38-trc SEE ~ new 1tyle world famoua upholtterf'd pi&J\011. Many colon to choole from at D ANZ- SCKMJDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana. We alto rent pi &nOll. 38-llc STE1NW A Y Grand Plano. Mahotr- any C&H. BuutJiul toM. Mf'd· tum 1l:u. DANZ • SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. 520 No. Main, Santa An11. 38-llc FO R SALE-Marine radio. dlr~ Uon tlndt>T, 3 band, 6 volt fisher Neuly new. 509 3llt. Nl'wport B<'ach. Ph Harllnr 2!177 41-trc 1~8. CAT8 .t PETS II ftnh•h . 15 Bny lslonl1, momln~V' I"X>GS All hrl'f'(l~. ~tnflt~tod. cllt.- Aft••r Wto(Jni'Sday 5:.1-:!tf'l pt'd, ancl llnthM1 hy A.K.C. u. Rl'i.S FOR ~i\I.E GrH)', '.!x7, ~1. C't'nS<"tl hnndlt•r f'rN> pkk-up WO HK•ING l\lullltT dt•llr•~ nMtll'l fur ••·If nnd ~-~ t•lor -..~,., -W~uld 1•1.·· kitt'llt•n 11r\'IIII'RNI or cnn• Mild hoa rtl fur ('htltl. 11l11u1111:h nt t nr·•~·•~llr) ('nil llsrhur :J;').'\1 8 '"' tn 4 •Jil. Ht•th \\'llsu11 ~3-ltp n FOH SAL~: < 'h,.k .. n Fr~•·r ltlllnl. n•" Hur .. ttm. ""'"u' l:.)t'lll frr ,., ' I"' \\"l't•k E"···ll••lll t'\fUif! T\'" "''~I·"' hwL,..·~ <':oi(MI "·''''' Sltl'l'l\ 1'1• llarhur :'ti . .!!\ .I !"\:.! !!11' ( '( >~TA J\1 ESA 123 I l,ol\\l'H ~T h .. nw til''"''' n• "'~ to\ l.tt • •· t ~~•tn,.,, ,.., tw,troott\~. dlltllolo (.!ill II'', f111 '111 h\ 1•t1t I trio~ k '" c, 11t•·r "' tu\\11 lm m. •lt.tto Jlt"'~. l:ll~lCI llwno•t !'1:!·111' ----~-~-------,-F\lH S •\1.1·: ln No·1q11tr-t lwnrh L<ot .. lit. 1!1 :.!0, lllk 44, Hl\'!'t 5I'<-$1: . .'00. fur 1111 1 lli'I'C' Wrih• OWIII'r. ~3tl Nn111111 1\\o•. Ar· cadla. ~-4tp FHANK P .. IOIINSON H<'n It or "' ,. "'""'"'' • J\"'·~·lflh• llitvl Nt•WJiflfl Ill\ ol llo•no't•ll .>•134· W ~PE(') AI. ~ roM)fll, ~ h··•lnwotto •111''''" lnr~tt II\ lnac 1111tl dttlilll' I ohlttU, Wllh l"t'nl flro'ltlll"' harth''">d "'"'" lhN.>Itto:ht>UI. h;r·~o· l'llt .. l 1'<1<101 In ro'ilr '('o·tth'lll flo~lro'11 !'hlr ko•n huUAt', 111\0o'TI Mt'llllltl Incomt• and Homt• I.Jorr•• loti ltWt\'l Itt I hloM'k lomn No•"'t••rt lll\'ol llltll( ttll fr•>nl \\liU I/1 IIIHkt• lllt•;ol IIIII ht'tlll 1:1'\lt't·r ). '" 11111\ ~huJI ,.,,. Lil t II•' :\-rut>lll """''''" "''' ln ro•11r , •1\'o•r o•S.IrJI h41 I'•' d,oulolo• f,;lltlll:•• '1111• "'"l"'rl, " :w ,.,iru .;: .... r 111\ ··~"'" nl llnh $~r.oo Nl"'w H-Hoom Honw 3 I"'IJn>nu1 In nlt·•••t r.••ulo•lltilll "''l'linn nf I '•ltll ll 1\tl'!ln I olir~·· ftt l'jtlll!'l' llcl" rtnl>rll. luiJ o1f ru .. In ''"'" 11nt1 kltd1.-r\. (,t,.l'l ~lltu'<• t•rrl•>r••. lt.tuhlo' ll"r"ll'' \'ac·:eut m""' 'h:hl In $12,450 Ovcrlooking Ocean full 11r ro· 4-r•Mnl1 "'·'""'' In Vl'r y !'If' lin l'lmdl I lun llh lli l ·rOIII'II •pi In r e-ar with h11lh And lcll,.hl'n. h~ri)('{'\JC' ttnc1 o't•mt•nt wal11od ptollo, l:"rd!'n Hnl1 !'hill I'QUip $10,1l00 OWNIIl \I!'ST ~A<'ItlFic'E I bfonut1f11l hum•• 11n Bulhuh "' o·Hn frr•111 lluohhnto: Jlll•t l'tllllltl•·II'Ct, h11~ n•·\ o·r lw .. •n Ofi'IIJll!'d ·I flir t.:•• bt'<lrno1m•. ;i 111•"1 ltnthrvumll. 3 flrtM'Ifl("t•'. ftlliJtio• <•luct nnd 'ttlp- !Jcmrd ~1""'!', krltill•n rrHwio•r11 In <"•'ry ck t oul l r"UI•• luorho.'<"\W In dlnm.: r'"'"' I •wno•r .:mn11 C'AIII within wr-t•k nntl hlttt ,.,., l ht' 1/., Acre On Corner ~-~ hOlaf• plus diJI 1ara1• with lf\U'III room. < )n w"' ~ with onoan vtt-w Vacant, mov• rlacht ln. I"'""' IWIItW ll!'IUiol Nll'l ttf c•on· 11ro1r1 11•11 lor 11n lmmcodlllll' llttll• Rt•nd) for tmm•'fllllh• tt('f'Uteunry $4:\,600 J. M. Mfi.LER' l."lth ond C'o·nlrttl ll11.rbor l:l4:J 53-11!' BALBOA PENiNSULA LOVELY C'llVO' < 'ud olt't'an front honw. lar1w hv•nto:·room. flro,._ phH~·. hllrht'f'\11', f'ltfOJIIt•lt• lund· llellVInl( rtrnnd n•'\\ Jmtn•o(llltlt• , ... !W"!lJittrl I' 1'1 tl\11 •·••tit nl $~0.000 BALBOA I ttntt Apt ltt•ll"' 1-.x 1 nrutttcron '"' '' loloM'k" lnurw· •h:et•· , .. ,..,,,,.,~no $9250 . 3·Bedroum Home Eaat 11~ lot, ~. C\c.e In $8450 Newport Heights New 3-htodroom wtth nll't" vii'W, Rdw noora. nll'f' )'ard. Suncko<:lc on top $1 2,450 t"OR RANC"III·:.<;, I lu 1n M'RES Sf'(' l11 Tud11y '1'-v S1••1'llll• f>rh'f'd fu S.•ll MANY MORF t 'O ME JN AN ll "TAI.K rr (t\TR'' WORK WANTED-Painting IU· perlntf'ndent. with 25 ye&J"' ex· perimoe. dHircs connection with largC' building contractor. I have my own truck. commeT· da.l spray outfit, lndden!. drop doth. brushH Good rt'ferenre. C&ll Harbor 8701-J-2 from 1 to 5. 1.).f\, ~l. ""7· S.~ :.l!'i!'i l)IAntontl nnl't t!f-hv••f"\ "''r.l('(' &:-nl't rnn1 FOR S ALE It rlt•o·trk rrfrllt· llarhnr :!1:\1'1-M ~3-'.!to' Ru~-tl'!l L ·Ko•trham 421 l'mn - ('rnlor. good mnt1111on. om· st'tlln Av,, Cor·nnn dPI Mnr 1 $17.750 Opo•n Sunc1nY!' FRANK P .. JOHNRON Rt•altnr 49-tfc W ANTE~IroniniC and care for chlldr~n evenings. 309 Marllfold Corona dd Mnr. PhonP llarbor 1023-J. 51-tfc WORK WANTED -Young girl baby sitter. SOc per hour. Trans- portation net'ded. Har. 1551-W . 52--4tc UCENSED boat operator . me-- chanJc. cook. chauffeur : live aboard or ln. Will take over w ork on "returned" boat. Wife avallable as maid or house- kN>per. Write Box R OT phone Nonn11ndy 11 716 52-3tp EIIPLOVMEN'T OFFI:IlED II HELP WANTET>-1~1 claM paint· l'r. Symp!!On & l'olla.r, 512 38th St .. Newport ~leach. 52-tfc I lELP WANTED-Laundf"l'l\~. one flay A wl'('k, havl.' wn,qhlng ml'l- chint>. telephone. Lido Il<lt> J lnr'- hor 1912. 52-2tc ~ALESM EN -Ad\'r rlislng ram· pnign nnw In l'ffM"I. J.:.te('('\lrnt orportunity if you qualify. Ap- ply Miu \'an Lll'w. 51)8~ No. Maln ~~ . Santa AnA ~2-8tc IIELP WANTED -St'f'rctary. !'I enOgnffihcr. t'lQX'riC'n<'t'd a nd intelligt'nl. SM' Mr. Wright at Bank of Amerira. NC'wport B!'h. Branch. 52-'ltc WANTED-Women with produc- tion experien<'f' to do rod wrap- ping work. Apply In penon at National Re!l('ardl Mfg. Co. 1015 Coast Bh·d . Corona dt>l Mar. PAINTER SMALL BOATS Experit'nced 52-trc SimmoM stngl!' 1'1<-d, &prtn~ts i SOATM, 8UPPLIE.~ II 5'2-tfl' ('()HO~A ))EL MAH (lol.l :-.;1"wpttrl ltl\11 111-ltt'llll :i l;ll W ~.:1 ltr nn~ m nllrlfKS. :.116 E Bny I up-FO R S;\1.1-: tf\.ft I'll nil''. ~:elM !'Pl"~IAL Allo'NOtJNCI:liENTS Ill ~1311"51. 53-ltp c'lli\1t~11 :"-t: '"" '"""'"'nl h"m' fut.ll )''·"' .. 1r1 l u•·pltH••• llt~if furnh'''' Cllltll,l••t• I} r•..._l••f·,,u,t FOR SALE -R~tby's wardrt>b.·. baby bugcy 11nd f11nc)-b:Jby ha~­ ~inNtc>, and lccho"' Call Bf'acon !>466. 1251 Broadway. ( nst11 Mesa 5J.ltc FOR SALE TWo nC'w ~lcovl fold· ing cots With mallres~. nt>\'t>r I.IM'd. $J:l ""rh Also rhild'~ "Ta)•lor Tot" walkl'r. !..'l. 2"21 ~anta !sahel. Costa r.f,.l<A !lJ..t fr FOR SAL!-. -t:asiPr n hutll housf' lrailc>r and nl'w rah:m n, ~l•..,rlll 6. loc:HM1 on hny. l'o-wpurt llt'nch T'tatlf'r P~trk \\'rtll' O" n!'r. I' 0 Rox R(l!l Balht~a ur phun• llnrhclr :..l(l:;ft-R '"''"'!'I'M 9 n m Anti 4 t>m -5.3-llp FOR ~ALE l'rnr·ti,r11ll> 11•'"' j'le}rl· ablr harlle<'U•' All mi'lal Phnnt• llart •• r 2,1:.1:\-\\' 53-1tp ri\~ DELJVt-:rt MII!IOII nr K•·rr Jlrf"'t•r.·mg jl\1"!1, 1 Ql Stlf', .JII t1o7rn. :l q11nrt Slit'. ~" o do7• n Phunt• llnrhnr 11(9 !>3-lf<· Ffln S i\LF. M111:1r f"hd 4·1ntrnl'r ~;as r nn11!' Apartrrf.•nt house "'7<' t-:.te<'t'llo•nl o'ondrlrun l'h f lari~Jr :l03R-J 53-:ttr F(tll S i\LF-'l'wo-whr(·l Ullltty traiil'r. ~:K>: new two-burnt>r ~ta~ platr. S$1 : n"w door with !'hrom<• hardwnre; kltchl'n dnuhl" faucet. swing spout. 1612 First Ave. C"ornnn drl mar. 53-2tc ~tood t'tlndtt inn, •rt'll!lonnltlo• Ph w A;\:TEII Jlurh"r 23~13-J 5:1-:.!tr ft hwtl Mnorrn~; 11r "It II lnr :t I l'hctnr• ll11rh"r 7kl-.l '•3·11" 111\l.llt •.\ ISI.,\~11 lr"nr•·. ''"1"'''1111 I> rlo·,ll!ttt•<l f,r n \udrt """''' f'rl\hlo' pl~·r •IIIII 11<•111, ''"'"lot'' •1•111 •• '"' •hlp ~ ll•'llf . 71t..t ,, ••. , lrnnlttl'•' "" ~""'" louv :l IH•t1· rtiOIII~. :l lottllr•. o•rlf'lt tllt'IJ lliiWM f•11 llf'l\'ltt'), :.! , • .,,. l(llnu,w d•. lllt'h• •I "'f\nnt•' •t'lllfl• ra Mnl•·· otub 1\1>11 \\ .. rknH•n~h•l' In """ lu\'<•1) hnmc• t'Hnn•ol IM· tiiiJttl cut•~t ''"luy '"''''lf'""''Y ttl dullit' llf o•••'HIW ( 'ntlrlo••) f•l fu ol({,.rll fh 1tlti\'•1Ct llll• Ill 11111\ • FIIR S ALE Ornnd nrw l :!·fl ('(! ply\\ nod 1111111 11nd 3 h J> mulnr Fltll !'AI ~ B<·aron MR:l-H !i:'\.ltr \'o·ry nrl'l· lR-ft fi In FOR S ALF: La rgr unl<inkabiP r:m<X'. n •a$onablc>. 116 41st st. ~"wport 52-4tc \\'lLL F.XCJ lANGE 50 ft. slip In Wilmington for l'llml' In N!'W· port Hamor. Call Erwin PI!'~ 111 Kimhlc !'i2R1 52-tfc i\1.1. Pl.i\STH' 1..!-ft 1111-lh TIIP c I-CAR nOAT 11n<1 CAIUHt-;R l mm,•tluol,. rlrllvrn I Jtl ... r ,.,.,,1. • '" "'"'n ctrn~:hl~'•. sailboat<; lllriiiiHIIJI< ITIIf<l'r' :lnf! p11flt111'· IHmrds Plr1<tir \\"at••rrr:olt l·t• 1fl7 ~; f'o •ntrnl 1\1111,..,, Thrc.,. !'iO'xl21~'x:\1,' Sh11ln "Trim· ml'rshlp" exr>r"Sl' rru1Rrs, round looltom . twin C'hr)'3lcr Ho)·als. Hurtt In 19-13 by hr'lt ~ .. oltlr ~ ords Full li\ lng ~crommoda­ tions. 6'4" hf'adroom lhnJ(oul. $15,000 00 each 'l'wn 37' llrt::t::in~ rrscur lnunrhctl. Douhl" pl11nkf'd bottom, ~ h p. Ha11-Srott In· \"Bd<'r engine Rullt In 1944 by Wilson Roat Worl<ll. $3500 !'ACh. Ph. L. B. 4758'7. 47-8tc 26·ft. 11J)f'ed hoat. powcrt'd with Olrysler Act> Marine l'nl(lnC': 3 cockpits : thorou~ehly overhaul· t'd: In Wllt('r now at Alamlt011 Day, 128.'50 nr tude for cabin t)'Jle boat. Courtt'ty to broken. Write or call Jim Wllaon, 35 Santa Ana. Lc!llt lkach. 51-tfc hn11t. sllc flltlls!'nl!•·r~. po·rf<'<'l rttndrtinn. ""h trsulo·r. s:.~w•• COST A MESA f'hono· ~:ont:1 ,\nu 1~-J r-.J.tfc FIVJ.! AI 'H~.S un Sa1tllo Ar111 Avo• \\' 1\;\:T.,-Tn .nt 'Y Stllf•· ur "'""II c'lltSll sstt II'"" t t 'httnl' l in rlt~•r ~·inn\· r1:l-11" f-'1 If( !:;A 1.1 Hi fl •lft<lf'. !lntnll c·sthrn. ~l· ft '"'""' ,.,r••ll•·nl •~•n· clllrton. $1'~• :.01:; F II ''• I lid· llwo P hl'ln•· ll orl••r .!0:'~'1 .1 5:\0:!11' 'm11ll hi•''", luor" Ho·hl h11 v BALfHlA I'ENINSl LA Clll iH'I ,,,,~, ,, $>-11011 $fi!i, 01 Jf I .J. M ~1 If .L EH l'ol h It till I o 1111 ol llllfl .. ll 1.!1:! ll,\f-1 t-.-.:c:r:-:1 1 ltl:-.t ; 1 .,, :'ll.c nn" mnrh"""" ru.tt•hin•• ""' 1 .J 0 H N E. S t\1 li.E II~ ----'•:\ II•· "' ·•II' l\l"' 1'1' I< urr ""!l •l•·l•' :Vt.! ~ u n '' 1~"11"''' ('1)!-ll;i Mt·~l Lot • r) ~··nH·• '''''II l.ot•thtr•·' wl11l• Phont• H ar. :.!11:\ \ I ~ ... ,~~~ It '"' loK'uto·d 1 lrlk ..-~ .. , •mrl•·r 1•'1" or H oil do "111 k 1111\ ~.:1 t•• .,f N1.,...1~,1 1 Ill HI ltollr n1~o:hl '" rl:l\ t ... W'Jtl •-<1 ·'' r·rntrlll ll•o11t Won"" Y11 rt1 HI""' Ft Jf Salt• h\' ( h\ tll'r $!Hifl ('ltann• 1 r ••• 1 "' :\ht :0:1 l'htt tt•· ('oron:1 d1•l Mar IIHrluor :.!W?-.1 I I ~WlMl\11:->:C 1-..: :'\ LF.S~I 1;'>rf, ~71~) :'\ ht11r<•orn ltutt•• "" I lnl• I• ""I . ., 1:ill 1,., 1 ,,, 1,.,111 '·' \'•I \ 1 ,11., • IH•drm """"'' "llh •1-rtlnll h\ttll' 1,,.,111 1 '\.'.' 1, .ol ,1., t••rrlt "" • 'l•l •1•1 .. Routna arf' flrl of Swimmtn~o:. F mnl nn•l n nrk rruwl Sf rok•·~. Ill'"'" A II hFtrol"'" '" t '"'"" \, '\ laq:.. I 11,1 l(ftrf<l(•· - .,)rrh:•· k••• "' 1• , 1 Ill• ,,.,., .. 1 $1ill!i(l 1 {, down S t'\'t n 1-"''~'l"ns ~I~~ 00 • D A \'Ill fill. liT 011lhon P•Jinl llotl'l lll:l E r!'ntrrtl "''' SWIMMING rN ONE l.F-~~n:-.; j $3.00 Crawl lllrnkl' In thrl'l' lt'Sllon5 $7 11"1 DAVID RIGIIT Balboa Point Jlolc<l 1115 E. Cc>nlr11l Ave 4!'1-Rt•· "ink llllhill lor ... lt '"" lo oh ••I •·11pl• •lll'tl 'I'"'''' I olo· lmt It '" • wnr hlltllr•' II• ''' ·~"'" I.'' I I !ll'l:J. ,.<cllt F•nnc•ltt•tl wrtlo 'I IH'flro,Am ~llrt•·~. "" ltr,..n• krl r h••n 1111;1,.. 4 d 111rr' "'''""'''"'' RA!I '''" ;·, i,.,. tw,x ~ .,,,.,.,. llvlrrl' roworn rut. J II""' 1111111"' Sm111t outlollcllllnl:. 'h 1:!. flnt"h rod "' r Hrrl ~;u··~l ,;r llltriY r •,.•m Jim•"' n•·wly cl•·•·nrrt t••d ln~irll', will furnl~h lnl~>r. mnlt·rlhl 11ntl J)lll(ll ottt~td•· for louyt•r l'flll .,...ion 111 rnd •tf ,..,,.,."" '1111~ Lirln l~le lt• II l"••rn•·r 1•;1 $f>0(10 ~,1) fl rrnnt11111' ,,r lntldl' luta $f,(l()() 57-fl. Lot k-twM"n (',,.lit MM~II 11nd Nc<wptJrl flfl Ill vtl $41l00 EVA F. RH ODRN .__ • NEWPORT HARBOR REAL ESTATE ~~;.~ A HI·:At. BUY In a ntotk•m, aUnt{"tl\~ hot.-ol pre- wnr I'Oil~<1nwtion. A t\lt.ltny. 1w()obedroom, one-dory hllla~~t•. with bu,..•nlt.._,,. c11nhqc nook, Jltltlo, a«Uobiliw I(Ut~l hOU.'M' with two-bt'(h~lOOU 11nd bath. -Ex~ '-'nl ttn t1~tw vh•w fnltn Nt"\\'flOJ1 llt•~hf8. • '1111S ·IS A l11~-.1NC'11VE HOME that h.taa an·«-X· "'ptintutl vlt"\\' ~ih• nn " Wt'll lc,..•utt'Ct <'Onlf'r, utl1lzln& thn."l' 1HI).:"t' 1ot" lo'ur ln."Jlt'<'llotl ol hou.-. and turn- lshlrl$!1'1 t'llll lluh P(~'C"Nl, nt Harbor fi2-W. Pri<.-e ~\O.fltlll. T(•nns If (k~lml. ~£~ J. A. Boek Office, Balboa Island Jo'NT)' Lu ndln.: S:J.-1 tc REAL VALUES Nf'". ""'' t.-.troll>nl hum•• lAra•· lh lnl( rnoHtl Nk•• ktldll"ll nmJ ollnlrl£ r'"'"' ll~trtl"''oc•cf "'\d lllo• S tm<c•n '"''"''"'''11.-.n •·••nr ·~ '"I!'' '1111,. .. '''""> .. ll<"lll 1111.)' llo•t lt•t It urn ' $7:u;u 'h "t• UUNte•ru ... h t'(lf'fWlU\ fh'f1h' "1'1lr• lu•r<l"•wMt 11111! ttlll••lltl!lh• IUr-tlllt't' lin 1t l>tt•lltt'1i' 11'11111 111:• lnt c 'I••••• In Nh•d v lt•rnl"'"llf'd "''" """''n nml •hrul~ I rnr )11<1'"10\ll' If )1111 llll' luo>lcilll! folf a hu•tn• .. ll lind IHttllf' luo•r.fltlfl for lltt• ftuuro•, ,,,..,., 11411 '" ,.. ... thiAt h U) tndA)' Wt: AIU: 111-:JUo: T(l SERVE YOU B. A.NF.RF.SON RF.At .. F.STAft lnaunutee and Ruatr,... Opportunlt'" 1972 N('Wp01'1 Blvd., Colta ..... l'h ll•·•ron ~~.o:\ M-llc< OALflOA IIOM•: VffY alttlll'tlw 'l IM'f1Nw"n ho< ... •• tllt'd bialh anl1 kltl'Nn, llf'lrkf'd t•tlo with piM) he~ and fluwn brda, ft'fl{'ood for prl vacy A charmlna 11nd romf~lf'tahl!' home, ntad)' lur r~lrlf1 "'"'~at recrvw A b11.rttaln 111 $16,1l00 .J. M. MJI.~LEH l~th and t ',.ntu l llutror 124:1 ~ltr --------------- A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and AMOCiatea Phonoo IWacon ~Hr.I·M LAGUNA nt:M11 honw. ~ ~ ,_., I~ halt~a. Ot• ol ~ l'tll l•ll"llllotN In l.41ll&na O..et._ wUt) OC'('an and muunta.in vteow. R.olnm on lot ror addiu...l huuJt<• f\o'ady fc.ll' lmmcodlate _.. C'\IJtllnry Twn-nr aarap. l'11Af'llllnto: l\lllkl and ,...._, $1R,OOO J. M. MILLER l~lh 11nd Cc<ntn1l, lla,..._. l:ad U.Ue John n. Burham :lOll! Ort-e.n IUvd. I 'hone' llarbur 31 ~ n.tlboe 2 rww t.._.,.. C'od houNe oa '""""" Front on the Peninsula 4!11(10 oet:AN t"l\ONT 1·alory and a half. 2-.,....bfellro ... DOII• twlth, h•rfltfl room upalaln ,_ IUHI, llvtnc room. ~. klttilr". twdroom and hath.._ 1ara11•·. wall tw-atl'f'l, IIOlfU '1'0 LOU • WILL LOAM ,_ ..._, • 1111 ....... t~wt ..... .-:-1 pucptt;) ......... ,.... ..... ,.... ,_,_...._,P.O ... ~ .... ta..... .... L.OA.M8 1'0 W1Ul. •· a a 4 ....... ., ,.....,.__ ~ ................... ... ~.-. liJI 1 a F DaiVIaLMe .......... _ . .,....._,..., .. ,_ . Today's Sn~>cial FOR 8ALP'.-'40 lJiiMlola ....., t"~ wc~an. :l:'Al mUM on ,... ..W. Newport Blvd. Home n.w bnau., 5 """" u ..... ,....... lln4 DliSlN~~ RI.DG lhafW' thmuchout ....,. 1151W 2'R ft x ~ fl wllh llvtn1 qua.rtrre 11t Slflllll <'aU e~nilwl, ..... JIOUIW' In rrar. "'llh llttk! f1.llJnj& Ana 'l41~W 8ft!' It a1t« I .... rvull1 II{· tttll&• lntu llood ....ntal at f40f So Main, Santa ._, TI1I1 Ia " •rolf'nftltt JtrOfll"'l)' f:a. -.u. •~·llo•nt lul'fltlnn Qtck k ,_._ ------------~ Only $11,000 N('arlv New 4 Unit Court J 1 •:-:rrs mmllli''"'Y rurnl•tw'C!. 1 unfur n ( •,.,., ... r lftl I !'Ill ft ll 1~ fl lt.·r~uttrully lflrnlllrapt"d. In- ('"""' I "i7 ~ ,..r nlo1f'lth Rnlwn (or :\ mnn• llnlt• 1 ,,_In t: ..ulf'. ('ro~~ln M""" Vrry nr•t and at· lr~trli"• Only $1 0,!.50 RECAPPING Rt'cap All Five Tfre1 In One Day Wheel B•lancfng SectJon Work LF.STERS O.K. Ruhher Weldena 2900 W. Cf!fltral, N......,n . ..... 11 1 Ac·rc· Ham·h .1 '""" '"'"' ""''"''· lo~orn, drtc•krn AVYO "DVIf'E -------------------• lr,. ...... 111 ,., • $-17fl(l Nc•wpnrt Hlv!l . JlltMt-: •ntl IIITSINF:."-'\ ~ r••m• ht.r"' 11nd .:•r•.:•· !II) fl frt)MIIIIt'' ("It"" 111 In ('ucla M•'U $1 4 .r.ou $4 !ioo Oown A. E. ,JOHNSON 4f;'l Nrwl""'' lei\ t1 • (',,.1 a M••" "'' lt.•nt'10fl •.t••J " ·.:1 Itt· IIAI.It••A ISI,•\'-1• h<~m•· f~tt rot•h t"'tl •' t;l •lr•~<~1tfl huftt l lru 1·~·,.. tJt•tt • 1,..,.., ''' t ... ,, lun'•· 111 wk•~•t ''"''" umt 1 "' ot • All '""'' th •· '"''"It '"'""' wp It ..:r••111 1""''11•11 I It t•·• H••nolv f••r IIIHII•·•IIrtl•• t>f'· t'lllhtllt'y .J. M. MII.J.EH I~•'" nn•l l't•nlrrel lltorlonr 12-t2 ~:l-l tr NOW HERE Yoor aulhorb:rd ~ Mymouth r>f'al•. A•Jttroriii'Ct part. C"omrt11'te I.IIIJrlr•tton ... MatniH\A~ .:.,..,., Mechanb K•'fldall and Quaktor ltAW ... NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS :1118 w. C...tral Aw. Mione Har1lor l5IW .... FfJH SAU; Twro llllll J.ldo !ioud. edjtti'f'nt c>c>nto•r walk. I'IUt end, ft.UJ.&IUIJ • 1~ fl lmntar,. Ca.ll Ktmbflll 1'RAlLEJtS P'OR RENT-Do,_ 71..1 ~1-4tc own hauUnJ and mowt..,. AI Good WagMI-Overtlme Watson BoaL" 611 Coast Hi~thway FOR S ALE-One oek dlnet te lll't, four upholstered chairs, $45.00. One victory model apartment ntn,e. $30, On~ 9xl2 rug. 1~. One Sln~r IeWing cabinet. 115. One large ··-two-wh~l lugpge trall~r with 12x20 tarpaulin. 7:00x16 tires. $125. 442 San Ber· nardlno. Newport Hghu. 52--4tp Order Your Serve) FOR SALF.-46x13 partY fishing boAt.' suitable a.lbaoorr and mllCkt'rel 13 5 a-r0111, under ~ ton net. will ll('('nM for 33 pus nr haul 11).ton commer cl&l flah· ln~t NearinK romplellon. Phone Harhor 1~. 52·2tc Carpenters Available for renenl malntenanc:r end reptalr o. z. aoanTSON Call Harbor 83 j'll11•·•· m•t•t IM· '"''n ''' lwo llflftrc•· 1'1Bit•c1 filfl :-.;nri'II<~IIJI A VI'. Cornnn do•l M11r Fttr nvptlnt · rrH·nt ''"""'' l l~trl~<•r 1'17!•-J ATTt-:f'TliJ:-.; BrtftKFJL'i' Rf'altor H •I< S AI.J.. '.l ltMir•l!orn h•.u.,.. un-pt1r ~. Wf' furnllh t)W bltciiL I MW equlpmf'nt, $2.25 ..... '"' tto•h•.,t ... ~1(') lfi~:t W.-.t. M)'TMm Broa. ~ ltadsa , • •lltr~lt·r St . N•·wror.rl I lf•ltJ:hta. cor. 17th A Newport 8!¥4., 01s1a no Nf'WJVlrt Rlvd . r ..... " MHI ELTON D RARNF:"f'T. nrokn Ph RriiNln !'171 :'\ R ~ltc HELP W ANTED-Ry hour. wo- man for ~tenenl hnU!f('worl<. 1404 So. BAy Front. BalboA ~l­ and. Harbor 754-W. !'il-~tc Gas Refrigerator Now WANTED-Drivt>n for dry clean· lnR routN' Gdod rral for ri~tht fllf'n Apply Mercur)' Cle11nen, at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 14~ 1844 Har~ Blvd .. Costa MMta. Auto Batteries 53-Ctc Rubbfor St'piU'at~n --------=-:-:-1 ---: 18-month -16.'m Ex. HELP WANTED-El<k>r y man~ Co111poundt'd Motor watchman on construction ..,. new telephone bulldinc ln 8&1-Gallon. 70c: bo&. 64 hoUn per week. See Harrla 113 E. Oentnl. Balboa. ' .. tie 52-tfc Oil KEYS ll&de Wblle Tou Walt VOOEL'8 JOO Ma1D Bt.. BalbM FOR SALE -B<'audful CUI tom hullt 9-ft. trndi'T'. Plywood Mll· hogany •tra.Mom and trim . aolld hrau flttlniCll. oar11 tnrludf'd, $90 6wneT 701 Marigold. Corona drl Mar Harbor fWW-R 51-:\tr 108 Marine, Balboa laland 84-Uc WA!'IT TO RENT-float or An· FOR RENT " chorAl:~'. 11pncr for 111-foot aall· ------------ boat. or will sharC' tll't' of bost f."OR RENT -In Nr•WI~<trl , l.o• .·e for use of n oat Phonl' 11. W . m om with balh And kttr h•·n• "''· Saulsl)erry. Anllhc<lm 2614. '"'~' of hrach and d•l<'k I t1r 5l-4tp sumiTif'r rnQnthl John I> l\t1r n· ham. 2001 Oct-an Dlvd , 1\n.l••ll BOAT CHAR~·ft IIChoon· PhoM llubor Jl!l 't.! /tr er: .ccomrnod.8 t lont for 6: la~ partlft a~ptt'd. P. 0 . For otnct Box 7U. BeJbo&. 51--4tp N~11ma. Real lrlV(•stmt•nl Opp11rtunity '>:'\ II r> J,.ffrll!" ~lu•·rn ~101 •· ltull<lllll' 7 ("fohin~. r;r,. Slfrlrnn On lsrttl' I'IJrnt•t 1 :.!~• frnnlll\tf' fin lll!:hWII\ l'ncr· nnl> $:\0.000 lur •tuic·k Nltlr- W .. J. Holcomh t :KI'IUIU\'C All""' 1 :"i 17 C'o'"' If I" 11y, ( ·nr•mll rl.,l Mnr Whl'r•• lh!' Flttlt-Fly :'>:l :lt•· • .,:\ Itt·' ~13-ltfl a.ce.\. ..... COSTA MESA I A1l'T08 WAJ!IftD •• VI'08 WU'nD • ()n Rrosdw11y. tlr•tltlt· c•orn•·r ni'W ml!d,..rh r•·~t•l•·n• •• I front r()()m 11ll HI. ""'"' nttw "" l•u•ln••u I Sp!"''' (•<r 14 ,..,,,.,., llltlldln,c wllh tw .. •Itt ... •·nlrltn!'I•H I t.lk rrc.m N>nll'r "' tnwn 1'1''"" to llvr wllh ""''"" lnVMim•·nt $2 1 ,!)()() Ralph P. MaRkey 3410 rout Olvt! Ph(mP 402 46-tfc WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top PrJces SELL YOUR CAR NOW While Pr1<:ft .. ,.. HJch. Pbalw for our ~ buyer who will call ud lltiMr. you reDI'dlrw OPA r'el\datlonl, C31G1a1 prtae. and anUwe &If ctetaUa CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. aw .. .--.~ O" " n.~un ..,. ·-Ollllnl. ~ ..... o-. ....... _ ~ -.. for Mrs. George RMtftd•av Party lnatalled President ~~· ... ;--...... ,...... County Federation Harbor Feminine ACtivities H. Erickson Takes Catalina P C Race For Strom Trophy Fonner Church Oaas Holds Reunion Plans Memorial Gift ..... -10i:rf « wtth ....... In a lptdal hwtallaUon ca-.. ~ 13 and 208 + a, Wlmfred 8ut1ft + p""""'" ~ 1&17-R H•~ Ericluon wu lint over WHJt IIWnl til tMir II'OQt \~~~~~-y~M~~~~-----------~~~~======-~~-~=========~-----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .....,. -a! ,....... ...,.. .. w lbe anmaa1 l\llN'nel' 'conter.nee ot Catalina over the w.ek-end, takin& of the former Uiht Keepen• ct.. .._ &..ar. ~. 108 al Ill'. Ute Oruc• eount1 Fedlfrat.ion o1 Ebell Leaders Balboa Island Circle ttw G.orc• strom Per~tual tro-o1 Chrilt Osurdl by tbe 1ea ..... ._. .., •~ f"'etcbw, 214 women·• clubl Mra. Georp Gi H ' t f Installs Officers, phy with h1a 1~ points, r•verse Friday evmiQa for d1Dner at t.be GilliN ~. 0... del Mar, Wl!Ht of NewPort 1aJUd took Ve lfl S 0 acorin&. Winnen of a.rond and Hurley Bell wtth a ~ meet. ............ ....., ...... ctv« u pnlddent ot the F•r•· Coming Programs Observes Birthdays third places will receive lndlvtdual In& and ~enlna ol c:batt!Da.,. A --of .,.._ _. Jlllklw doll and Mn. .\qUit Schumacher __ __ trophies f1"orn the Balboa Yacht ward at tM home ol M-. ~ ..... ws 8IM..,... tile taWe _. o1 ADalwtm .,.. ma~ vt~presi· Glvtna a hint of IOmt' of thr Mra. Harry White, wtle o1 ~.I club, and were Strom with 4 points Milia, 19th atr .. t. ....... Ia A_... WM a cba--cleftt. ftne prorramt In store for Ebell Whit., putor o1 Balboa 1a1and and Wllklf\&Oil with 8. winning on Aa the clue baa been ~ ... ~~~ 8mall ,.e_'! Mra. Wbrat waa electf'd presl· dub IM'mbera Mllt year, Mn. • chapel of ,Olrtat OlW'Cb b¥ ~ e'!PNd time tor Hammond also for several ynra, It wu cledded --_._ room_.... dent rec»ntly tollowtnl the reslr· Bruee McBride. presi~t."' and Sea, lnatalled new otrlc:en ot Bal-l had •l&ht polntl. to take th• money In tM treuury, ......, 8lrthdaY' ..,. aftao ..._ oaUon of Mn. Arthur May ot Mra. L . L. la~ll. vloe-prni~nt ' boa bland prd e at the mHtinc, Othen finl.ahlnr in ordi'r named add to It ttw IUDOUnl made bf ..... ~ fC!Wid &t their Dlao. AnaMlrn. Inatallln& ottlcer wu and chaJnnan at the pro&Tam ~ld ~Uy at the home oil were Smalea, H enley. Wh.eler. the sale of ca.lendan thla ~ter, .. ....., ~~ ~ Ml'pllltlne Mn. E . H. Smith ot Orance and commiU.e. a~ tcllln& IOC\Wthlnc Mn. E. O. Varley, 207 Sapphire, McFarland and the J ont's'brotht'rs.l a~d give a small ataJnecl r1Ue _. cwa;xs• fCII' & ~ the c:onf•~noe was ht'ld In t.h~ or apeakers sel<•cted durinr five avenue. I'The lin t tour boata all arrived wmdow to the new church u a ~ time. • Oran&• Wonwn'a cluhhoulot. c1aya of auditions In Loe Anrel.s. Takln& ottlce were Mrs. IAon-within flv• minutes of each other. I memorial to John MeAdaml. ~t.~ AJr:•a~:l u!o':'.m the oo:'=: ~~~~ !~~ w~::· o~r~~~n ~-•1~ ·., I ~!a ~:~:.v~cepr;:e~:t: =:,to A.~;d 0:: ~:e~:~~ ~~oo ~;~~;ly':=~r t~ ~~-:,::! rr.kMa and Salb' Schult&. Denny outJOinr Jll"ftlck'nta or each ctub prorram c:ommlttN', Mrs. Harold 1 Lottie Donker. aecre t&ry. andl Sunday everung, and the skappers has hf~: during the, war. , C s' eU. lloyd and Craie S..U.y, told of thftr outatandln& procra11111 Wolden~rr and Mn. Obed Lucas • Mrs. Bettye Fink. treuurt!r. reported a wondreful time at Ava-I Treasurer of the clau la x-. -.:y .......... N~ Gary o1 the ~ar and oftt>f't'd sunH· One of the top speaken Is to ' • f t Ml'lll. Loul~ S r_nlth prnided at lon with Commodore and Mrs ' F:lsit• Newla nd and ~ O't ell ... Gall Andenon. Allo tlOM. Alao maklnr ~porta and ~ the radio ~'OrT\m('ntator and ~ ' the m«>t.lng, whaclf o~ned with Washburn and Secretary and Mrs. I prcS('nt we~ Mrs. Elno OlWa, hera ,._t.,... the M84ames TotuU, IUUf'IIIOna wne county and dla-,authorlty on "international affalrs.l ' ' ' the Lords Prayer in the at.ence Norman Pabst giving them a I I rom ll<'d Bluff. Mont.; MJaa £dnll I.-. Olnlller,. Sdlults., Camp. trict chal~n ot all departments. Kent Rl:llx-r ts, who will appear In { ,..,...• · . of the devotloual chairma n, Mra.l wondt·rful wl'lcomc at thl.' yacht }••alkt'r, Be\'erly Hills; Mra. N~ ~ ~. N1dleU. CaldweD. New county Chairmen announc· November spea klng 011 "Wuhlnt;-E. D Goodell. club. while Ca:-1 Reed <'nt<'rtnined l llt•ndm:ksbn, Los Angeles; M-. •--••-end l'letdw. eel by Mn. Wheat were Mn . ton Fa<'M thr World." Another "11 ~Jill • Mystery pals tor the year v.·cre 1 I hem with 8 cocktaa l party at F:l Lornn Mills, Mrs. llu&h McMill-. F• Birthday• WeMic.u.lftl..,._ ...... ·-:: ...... 22 Jllln8 E . DonN: an or Oran~t•'·l topnott'h lfli'Aker will tX' Mason ~ rcvealf'<l and birthdays tor recent • Mirador. und Mt s. Charles Porter. American dtl:wushlp; Mrs. GrnCt' RMP of the ataH of the Unh·Pr· months W£·re observed. Drawing ~ Rat't' Chairman 1-'rro j3rcwPr R. Loxley of La~tuna ~leach. c•rn-alty of Southrrn California. prc-s<·nts werl' Mrs. D: Beals. Mrs. clockrd the race and Tupman s Drive Carefully-Spare' a ~·· blenw and M-all; Ml.ls Barbara AI Christmas time will bf> an " Dl'lla Carro}l·. Mrs. "''ra Rickard.1 fine power boltl and Ed 'Fr'a;r.lt>r's Heddon or t•ullerton, preu and Ctl(lr<•ially wond('rful .,prngr am of l,. and Mrs. \\ hlte. Mrs. Cummingaj •peed boat wert> ust'<l as t-ommit- publlclt,y: Mrs. ~rg<• TeiCord or Olr iJtmas musk hy thc Callfornill dr~·w rur Mrs. Millard. who has Ire boats. PlaOl'ntla, cratta, lind Mrs. Arthur Singl'r~. Pi~tht In numher An c•r-be<>n ih. May of Santa Ana, song leodcr I fort has I'M't'n mnclo• by th" t't•n1· Thla wu the final ~tlng of thPII mlttl'c to h11vc• a varil'ty of sub-I seuon a.nd thl' nrllt fl)('('tlnlt will j<'c:ta prr-so·nto'(J durlnK ltw )'t'ar. so tw the board mco-tln~t of St•ptrm-th11t t111·rP wall bo• fJrograms stut-, ,. ber. c'<l to thc• tu~tc nf t'\'o•ry(mc. Ebell Food Sale MR. .-'-."\0 MB8. DAVID A. Gt:STR\' eut --bMe'a eake toUo..U.C Uwlr marrla~tr c-rrrmoaJ ,._II~ I• {'bri•t C'burC'III by tit~ 84-a. The Wednesday at B. I. Altar Society Meets I brtde '" ,..., tonaer ......... ('oiiW.r' HUII&oa, daqlllter of Mr. aad --IAt Balboa Mr ... Marvt• A .... ..._ tU s .. ta Aaa .,,..u ... N""'port lldcltta. This was the closing m<'Ning WSCS to Meet of the summ<'r for the circl<' and the next m<'etlng will be held In Newport Beach W S (' S. or Sc·ptc·mbcr. • I Christ Church IJ) lit" St•ll will Rev. Ardys Dean At Summer School I m<'E'I Wl"dn<>sday, July Ill, at I :30 p. m. at the church. Dcll'gat<'s to 1 the annu111 dist·rict cnnrer••ncc will I bring rcpt>rts and tht·re will be a I dlscus~lfln of post-war problelllL A CIOObd food aalc Ia being j -- sponsored by thc scrond book I('('· -M . J R d j H b G ' 1 The Rev. Ardys Dean, vtcar ot Fellowship Class don ~ ttw 0,.11 club for WednC'II· The Allsr Socil'ty of Our Lad)' I tSS ean ee ar Of If S St. J ames Episcopal church. at· ct.y, July 10 at ll a.m. In the oC Mt. Carmel and St John Villn·l Hostess at Birthday Graduate at tended the di0C1?1an aummer Meets Friday .. tlo o1 the Colin Brown home, ~y met July 3 at the U.S.O. IS 'd H 1 school at llllJ'Vard School for Boys, The Fellowship clan of Christ I 217 Putt avenue', Balboa bland. rooms, Qalboa, and aftft' a lhort Dance at NHYC east e ospita Coldwatn canyon. se\'eral days Olurch by th..-Sc>a Will meet Frl· ..... It OJ d I le•*7 Vacatlonlnr hoU~rwtvee will find talk by Father Noonan enjoyC"d l Celebrating ~ 15th birthday r«t'ntly. whPre Dr. Goodlpeed. day evening. July 12 at the home 1 ... _11 __ _._ t ... _ ,._.._ a social hour and refr"hments. ' Thr«' Ne..,.,......t Harbor r lrls f th tst di A 1 t M d M R 1 21 ---------------: many ....-~ or ...... ......, M J _._ Sulltv•• wu a.._ Miu Jean Reed. dau&hter ot Mrs. -....-· one o e ou an ng mer can o r. a n rs. . H. HI I, 1 NeWpGirt 8cJayenfr larcler and bwJneal )')f'OPJe are In· ra. a"" ... r--Walton Hubbard. Jr .. ot Udo Ial• were Included In the clau of ten tranalaton of the Bible. waa one Albert place, Costa Mesa for a N & W L 1 N & vtted to drop In berw .. n 12 and 1 pointed to lake char&• of altar wu boat..a to lSO younc frk>nda which rraduated from tM IChool of the speaken . Another apeaker IOCpotl~.lulckhoudl.r.nner, followed 'by a . Craft Greetina c--.a- ... ~_u. aa.-p.m. tor ~ and colt~ dKloraUona durin& July. ~ f'Yenlng at a dance at of nunlng at Seaalde hoapU.al, wu Dr. Whiston of the Padflc ..-u. vu• ........, aerved tn delJchUul IUITOUDCilnp. Recently the Altar and Holyl Newport Harbor Yacht club, She Long Beach Thurad&y evenln& u Divinity achool, the Eplaalpal 1 St.....,. .. o-..._. Mra. VIctor Grace and Mrs. Nun. IOCI•Ues •ponaon'd a aur-~ wore yellow marquJ.t'tt• wtth a nuraes aides, wearlnr Cor the ftnt theoloc\C&l collee• at Berkeley, Miu Edna Wa lker of Beverly B 1-:n Vari ._ 8rOWil wW !» uaiaWct by lin. priae party for Father Mulcah)' fl&ll aldrt and ,moulded bocUce. ita tlme their white cas-and unl· who gave a serlcs of talks on the Hllll Ia a~ndlng a vacation of two rGOIU p eu We Wnp ~ Robert Klllefer, lin. Cart. Krt. on tM t~th annlvenary of hla sl\lrred top ending In Uny puffed; lonna. 'J'tKoy wer• Charlotte Lou Lord'• Prayer. . weeks with he r parents, Mr. and .. .,_. ..,. o.-.., .. ~•-------------S. Heyman and Mn. E4 Roten. ordination. It wu held at the 1~ves below an ott~~ Fr~man or Balboa, Marcaret Of particular lnt~t waa the Mrs. E4 Walker, 27th str.et. o..w. u. • ..._....,. U.S.O. wtth about 75 In attftld-neckllM and ln her hair were Nielsen of N.-wport ~ach ~ c:oJI«>tlon of 10me of the molt rare -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 t • 1 A w " 0 11 0 1 • T 0 M A Y I A I ,A I Y anc. and blnro the amu.mwnt of garckmlaa. Kathryn Louise Smith of ~ta and famous f'dltlona of the Blbl• P the •v•nlnr. wtth priZJN ol cMw· Flah net draped the ~pea for Meaa. owned by Dr. Goodapeed. Only Inc IWft and Henfwoy ban,award· u,. ordl4-ltra and tlx blr net baa·' Many local ~le att.nded t~ a few of them are In elllatence. ~ kelt hun~t from the cellln&. lllledl exerdl(-s wtllch becan with the ln· mo.t oC them In mllllt'urna. In- fOI THI g~Molh. V; z c ... wtth colored balloons Which W<'re vocation by the Rev. Orval Awer· eluded were the flnt Enaliah Ortft OualullJ--8J)aft a~ re1•ased Cor the balloon clancto. kamp, followl!d by a aolo, "Ave translatlona. done by Wlclltf In Por 1 Week BLIND ALLEY ~uJy 9 -thru ~uly 14 Limited seating Capacity Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAILS BOOK SHOP ...._...,...,. Or...,.._ ltl KEENAN WYNN .... T.ui.AKA OEVA .. 20th Century ruca: a .•• a tt.81 lacl. Tas ~uly .. F.-toons or ere~ papn-draped Marla" by Jean~ Ann Gerrlah of the fourt.H>nth Ol'ntury and the ctw wallt and red and blue Uchta Newport Beach. Aft.r a mono-followlnr orwt by Coverdale and shone on th<' younc ooup&a, the 101\W by Edna Ha\\1\'er. the aradu-'J'yndaJe. ~ were alao the ctrla pretty In their IWN'I'Ift' for· atlnr clau aenr "In the Gar~n." Geneva Bible, lint Puritan trana· mala. and another 1010. "'l'rl'C'II" by latlon Into English, and 1M Prizt'l were awarded few a dant'e' ~rl•y Rudd. followed the ad· Douay translation, the flrJt Ro- oonlest 11nd on the buffet pundt dN'SI by JWv. Awerkamp. man Catholic Bible. Olhen were and lt't' CT?am and t"AKf' cont.c:-The pled&e and conferrlnr of the !Wfonnatlon Great Bible. tht> lions we-rt> scrvNi Aul.ltlng Mn. diplomas wu ne•t. with the bene-Blsho~· Bibles. which were the '0 Hubbard aa ch&perOfK'I wt-re Mr. diction and aln~tlng or "America first two authorized editions. and :X: and Mrs. Charli'S Tanner of Bev-the Bt'&utlful" cl011ing the eller-j the tlnt pre!W'nt King Jamcs' 0 rrly Hlllll, Mr. and Mn. ~e cll1cs. A mo~t appropriate little venion. z Yardley, Mr and Mrs. Jamc:-s Roc· motto had ~n chOS<'n by the [ -------- <'NI and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert clus. "It Is better to llght a Davidge-Staats Thomas. little randle than to curse the E '0 Amon~ thr I:UC!IIS Wt•rf' the dark." I ngag ement Told " 'l'.lisS<>W Nancy and G<·n•· Lnntr of \ 0 C"m'IM .and Julll' DHSS('I , Clf Rev· Birthday Break fas t o r local interetlt Is the an- 0 l l'rly lhlb. hou~W ~:t~Nht tlf .UU F W F . nnun~ml'nt this wl'ek by Mts . .:: RN'd Or ayne raOCIS Holm Rrown. •1M Allandale road, n ----IJ'"' -F'asad('nll. nf ,he t'nJiiii:Pml'nt of -i Birthday fete f o r Wht>n a frllm~ hns n lnrthday hrr dnu~:htPr, M11ry HE'nrll'tta tht> rarllrr hi' g.-u: n st<\rl on 1 SHtlllt~. to Thtlmos C'rury Davidge, 0 Newport Lad ·N·ll'hrattna. th(• '"'""'· nnd Maslt•r son or Mrs. Thom311 Q;ary Da- Z Jtmmy Em<'rS<In, S<lll 11f .:\lr and Wayn!' F rancis. son or Mrs. 111'11)' vidgl', 1.1 10 N<'w York drive, Altll· 'A M~ Rnll'h-Em•·r~11n. '\.)10 \\'I'St 1 Francis. 106 ~rh s trP<'t, lw~:an 'j dl'na, nnd the I Rtf' Mr. Dn\'id,::e. or.~nn Fmnt, Nlt·hmtl'd his his wlrh a birthday hrt'al<fast Mun-nnr1 ~rrnnclson of Mr!l. G. Gifford Pia)lth hirhtda)' rl'~nlly wlwn rei-rtnr momlng. Davidge and G. Edward Ray- r" 111'h·N 11nd frknd~ ~ol IOI!<'Ih•'r for Wayn<! was four ~t'fiNI old. nnd mtlnd of P:tsn~l'na. I > a ,,.,, luck dinnt•r. w.·,n··r nndl the birthday cake was In rolon of , Mis!l Staats is the dau~hlrr of :; ,..n~•a...,,,flnw rn•"'' 1-:wryone yellow and bluf'. Enjn~inR th~·; Rob!'rt Vlssclwr Staats. Nl'wport Z ltllltli>rPd nround the fll'l' "hair hel brrokfnst and watching him flf.>I'O llPach and Is a ~raduate o.f West· OP\'nl'd the many ni<'f' ,::afts. hla ma ny pr~<'nts wrrl' his wnnd·l r idge !!rnool 11nd Occidental <'OI· > Hr lplng Jimmy ~lt·hr11t;o wc•re pMents and aunt, Mr. and Mn . J. l<'Jtl.', whrre shr was 11 Delta Oml- his KJ"IInd(lllrrntll. Mr. nnrt Mr<~ R. E. Van Wig and l'tflu Marj<lriel cron Tau . ll W Curry nf Placenti;a nnd ~lrs.1 \'an \\'tg of Ralhoa; his patl'rnal Mr. Gifford. who Is the nephew =" p, ~~~ F:mrorson of Garden Gro,·e; ~ttandmotht?r. Mrs. Frnnk F'rnncis of G. Girtord DavidiZe or Pass-> Mrs Elht'l Ht'mplh<>ll and rlnu~:h· or La!! AngPlet: Yvt>s Lcllorgne l dena and Lido Isle. attended :"> tt•rs, Barhnra and l\farlynn and or Santa Ana. Mr. and Mrll D Snuthwrlltern Militnry academy, :X: Jatnmy Gilillpic or AnnhPim: 1\!r. B. 8<-nn of NeWJIOrl nrnch, Mont<'7uma school in Los Gat0t1 slstl'r, .lutly Olanr. 11ncl hi~ I' r-wUh more IN' l'rc·nm and calw • lndividU41ity [o1 the "Mothcr·to·~ • • lf we don't h4vc it, we ~c 1t, you suf COonna~arie Shoppe 811 N. JIIAIII SL 11nd Mrs. llarry Rn~ttrr tonr1 d:•tll'h· Wayn\''8 small brnthcr. Robfor t.! 11nd II 11 graduate of the Uni· tn. Sharon, l'otr 11nd ~Irs. E:arl and his mothrr. \'!'rslty School of PasAdena. He St<'n.ms nnd son, D1n-ld, ~lr. and In thr aftrrnoon Mr. and Mrs. l f'r\'!'d four y<'nrll in the Coast Mrs. John U'R<'n, Mr~ T;'ll":•l··r, J()(' Cupin and rwrn~. Oolor~ 11nd Guard. No datr has l)<'('n 11<'1 for ;\,u Ednn Str;u n!l. T{'l1d~ tt~k. Otto of Santa Ana <'flme ro wish thl' wt'ddlng, hut it Ill cxJX'(."tcd to (':H·,.J nncl P.tll) CHnn••r, .hmm1·'a Wayne "Happy lllrthdoy" 11nd l h~' In lhc f11ll nr winter. l'nts, Mr. and ~,., F.mo•r!'tln It was nlmosr a ~<'rund part)'. -p;;i;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;.;.;;~th.he;-;ne;;w~ly·~-;;,ope;;;;n;;ed~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .------------------: 1 Corona del Mar Malt Shop .. at 1131 A&•te Ave. -BALBOA ISLAND • Jut Ys Block from Ferry II Now Seniq Breakfast Lwidt ' Dinner- DBIJCIOUS Why Ask: We Have "What Shall I Wear?" SWIM and PLAY SUITS • and For All Oeeasions 0 r kin' s· Department Stce 1111N..,.nBtN. lOUt 0ocut Blpway • Old fashioned malta We mean· juat this. ' .. PASADENA LONG BEACH t% N. J:ac:lld Ph. Sy. !·!4N 548 Pine Ave. L B. 4r.C·OT WE ARE NOW DISPLAYING , NEW SHIPMENTS OF ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE IMPORTS MANY DISTINcnvE, OOMESTJC GIFIW ARES LARGE WHITE PAPER DINNER NAPKINS %14M• .... Ave..