HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-17 - Newport Balboa News Times~ THE ~~? SAND CRAB ., SAM fAREWELL! Nearly a quarter of a century ago, the Crabber, h is lovely Hell' spend and'chanrrdng.daugh· ter, got off a P. E. car at East Newport, to take over the job or publishing the Newport News, which he had purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley. Aside from the late George Pea body, the first person to greet us was Mrs .. W. W. Crosier with whom we have been fast friends aU U1rough the years. The ups and downs of the News have been the ups and downs of Newport Harbor , but through them all, con- tinual progress and ~ro\\1h hAvt' kept step with each other :rnd the times. When the writer was able to contact his office. after a .long illness in At;zona, whei'C he published a papt'J' at Chandler , he found a rather chaotic condition; u plctnt with little equipm<.'nt and less business. In one corner was a pile or papers which he discovered were the files of The N ews from the date It was establl<ilied nearly 40 years ago. It re- quired a month to sort out and make a yearly file of those papers, which today are Invaluable because they present a chronicle or the history of Newport Beach. Its early stn.&ggtes. its battle for a harbor. its political en- counters and all the things that come and go in the building of a dty. + + + Muy Moves. In 1933 when the f'ftrthquake struck Southern California, It also shook looae two brick walls in which the plant of The News was housed. Can ~ member Operator Wade. stiU with us, who watched his Linotype with one eye while the other was riveted on the outside door. to see whetix'r he could make it between quakes. He didn't tlave to. but oddly enough the front door jammed and he would have l:>ccn out of luck with thl:' rest of us in making a hast y exit. So what we did wac; to start n building on tho site n6w occupied by th<' hardware store of the South Coa.c;t Co. and pray that tht' walls would hold up until W<' could gl:'t out. Th<'Y did. + + + Down Cf'n t ral An' \\ 111'11 the war came along tlw Soul h Coac;t Co. t'xp:m rtro so rapidly with producin~ IJoats for Uncle Sam. that our Structure Wll S n{'('(iffi. So OUr present location at :~011 W. Central came into l)('in~. WhPn we put up a building with 5000 square f('('t of noor· spaet' the skeptics wantm tn know \\'hat we wen> going to do "it h all that room. \\'ell. it took about thrt'(' yPars to fill it to cnpt~dty anrl n numl)('t' of altern I inns \\'!'IX' nr•('f'S.c;a ,.,. to makP l-ofXlt'C' f<1r thl' evC''r expanding htLc;int•ss. • • • Co·sta esa Edit-io.n · Newport Balboa-News-Times ------------------------~~----~·~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------~~--------------~\L VOLUID Dli:VDI C'08TA MUA, C'.\U.'ORNIA, \\'f:DSt:JitOU', .ltll.\' ll, IHI • ' Yachtsm·an ~Flynn penies Love Su-~t Ch_arg8 Three Loving Cups Offered In Fun Zone . Bathing Girls' Parade at Balboa, July 28 Alexander Twins Are Among List of 20 Beau- tiful Girls Entered in Beauty Contest; Entry List Still Open for Others; Fashion Show for Children Draws Participants. Mono than h\o IK'On" C'Ofttf'Oobnt.. ba''" rntn'ed thfo bathlnl:' hfouuty poarudt-and nl'arly half '"' many ba\'1' o•ntf'N'd thf' kltldh• ,.._ .. hlon "bow "bkh "111 t..-h••ld at tiM-Ba lboa F'un 7A>Ilf' on Munday, l .lul~· t8. , Tbf' bethlnc ctrl•' ,,.""If', opl"n to all nOft"f!"fHalonalll Ia ttw- 1 harht)r *"'• I• apon-..ned by .\1 And,raon and Ou•tlln ~hool of Swim unr1 o•ntrii'S fo)r thi• phnsr ul rhr• --- ,.,.,.nt wilt du~r Thursdav, .luh· 2!\., Fi ch• f w Thl' fn~hinn •h"" I~ sr~mltflrt~rl by re Je arns Th .. Hohtw Shop. 'ill F.llllt Co•ntrul l A • t D n\·o•nu,., R;1lboa. and Bob and SRIIy gaJns angers Brown, thr prOIIrlt'l(ll"ll or thr Of G d u . I'SiablishmC'nl. roun swe s Whllr lh<' hathlri~ot tX'auty show I ---ll is a compc>llt lon In which (X'r· Caught In a groundswrll u h,. sonality and pulchritudr will ''ir trlf"d to rid<' our a brt'Rker off with rhnrm a nd lovf'Jin<'!!ll for "F..YI.'" l!trr'('t, Rall>oa fX'IliMUIII. 1 thrc.-e Iovin~ cup awards, onl.' <'3Ch : J ohn RiiPy of 824 MllwaukN' to a winner, tht' fuhlon ahow 11 av~nU<', ~ AniWII'!I, IIUfft>n.'<l CraC'· not. There will not be any prlu t.uro'S of 1 h<' hack and rlbll on a awards otrt'N'd in th<' lalt<'r phasC' Sunday. 1 ~ nf the event. Jo'lrtt (lth<'r hllthl.'rs W<'re knock· Oste~ibly a fuhlon 11hnw, thl' jl'd doWn by the rough w ttvt'l' a nd children, rangmg . in age I rom In-, aev<'n Wl.'rc caught in thr undt:•rtow fancy to 14 )'etlrs. will mool'l ap-until rt"Scued by lltt>guords ufldt>r parr! and paradt> beforl.' 11dults In 1 the direction of Chid Ufi'I(UArd thr samt' manner aa do prnfe-s-1 W. C. Mt>y<'rll T('n other pcnom sioilal modPis 111 a dri'S!I rxhibllion 1 wl'rl' aulatl'd and num~ r('· in a Nt>w York ulon. I quirt'(! flnt aid ~atmt'nt. In this way ~nts will be F'ir<' Chil'f Frank Crockf'r, Who J .. I - Barrett Co. Wiris Second I I Award for LayinQ Sewer Line in Corona del Mi Newport Reach Contradln• Coneern'• Bid Ia $3608 Under Eatimate of Clt.J EqiMir for Final Portion of System; City C... Refusee to Grant More 011 Le.uea. l''nr ttw--·oM U.. a. a,_. U. 1. 8. ·....,.... a....1 0 ••sA Ina o'l•n•.-, or IMO ...... .......,, N....,. ........ ,_. ._ •.., ti"IW•t '"' '")Ina ttMo -... a. 0..... ,.. Mar. i\ ,...,., -.rn, tlwo ......... _.....,_ •-r "' ...... ...... hflld,.r '"' Ia) Ina tho-.... 1e ............................ , It •boo• ,.,.,, ... "'"""&" ......., _... ........ W. fer ...,... .. ... I --,---of tlwo PIM' n..·..u..tf Mindanao Debris ~h·rn~· ~~~ ~ .. 1 0 d ed Re ed lft Monc1.11¥'• b&ddiftl, tt. ....... r er mov ClllfttPUI'I mat~ w1 ......... B F ..1 I Govt. ottwr rontraeu,.. CWK'nf._,_ •tw Y eu.era from l.oa An1•l .. aod :•,._ North HniiJWODd. Blltwtt'l ... TI~t• r•'llHIIn• ol the-Mlncllan.o, b6d •• ~... fw .. • nld ,., • ...,.., tu111lf'd out ot Nl'Wp011 ltflfiW ot wwk In the 11..0 ... , • ""Y hy thl' hatfl(lr'mMf~ .,_ u ... to t.. nm.tw.t wtth ....... lln41 h11rnl'd nrt !~ """' 11t1out a 1 ... etaUOR, lfllllllh "lltl, hAl ,_n ~..... R7 -~-.the ....... .. ""'"'""' 111 navi~:•Uun and the WM .... undrr Uw ....... .. Wllr I lo·p.,rtmrnl """ oiNio'ftd that by CltJ F.naiM« J. W. w.-. .. th" tlr•hrl• '"' n~<1~ ~tina thP work. Thl• lnfi'WIIIIlllfW'I ... CWIUUJud OthPr .,..,.,.,. Uld ........ '" lllt'nlllf'fl nf thr MlJ C'II!Undl matN ......,, Anb '-'-"'* el ~ Mnnd•y •ftl'rnoon In the-form ot Ia A....... 1101-..: a; A,; " mmmunlt'lltlon from thP W• Watiloll Clllni)Af\1 ot .._. ~ {)Clpartnwnt, whlo·h lll.o took ........... euo.~t~.tn : ... r. • - ·nlt~tnt••· of ttt«o f•C"t ll'lat the U. s. OoNtnaeUon ~ el 1.-.,. Ot.trlrt F:nttlnHn '"'"' ...., ..., ...... eno,M.15, ... .. ••• I m uch lnll'rt .. tNt In thto l__..te 0..... ClllftCIMJ ol I.M ' J 3 a wtthdraw111 of lhf' hulk ot the ,, ..... llurnMt c-ratt. r~ OtJ ~ W-1. I C'lty Altnm••y Rnt•nd n..,.. ,..U..,.._ w1thcJrt!w a ......... • civ<'n an opportunity to ~ hOW l is ht:'ad or lh(' Rl'd Croa .. rety lhrir own little childr<'n might program In th~ hll.f'bor area, luucd look in th(' same mod<'11 under ! a warning today to part>ntJ to l>e' othd' 'drcumatancee or on otht'r e•tra cautious with their dtfJdnon occuiona. in h&thlng during thr pr~nl 110n tofd tf'Mo ctl> t'OUnl'tl ,._. tw ..._ atrMa IIIII tlw _. ..... ----------------'----------------------------w,.~ In '"'"""lllllh•n wtlh atrldaJe OJwe cammunltJ • I I 1..., .. R~iatratlona for both ev~ts r•·nod. llr<' still beinlt taken at t'ither tlw \.rnund{lwl'll~ nrt' a 8eQUf'nC't' of Fun Zont' otri~ or the Bobby WH\'f'!l whiC'h ar t' Ot'C'Illlionf"d hy Sh srorms in lh<' ~uthf>rn PadfiC' op. 1nnd Wh<'n lh<')' r<'ll!'h thr locnl ACTOR REBUFFS MARQUIS' THRUST ur ""' 11 s 1-:nlllnt..-n ~ ..... , private prnpHtJ ot ......... , In l.llll An111'1 ... llncf I ,mow ft..dl that dfv•lopnw nt ah« M ' I nn lhr m111trr. · ot lbe dt7 ~ ...... -.. Two Judges haV(' be«n ch()ll('n bt•nrh arf'lt tho•y trnv••l with ll'r· f I $ H Rnd one Olhl'r JUdJ;:t' I~ )'('I to hf' rlfll' forrr :tm1 or .. tlltnj:t'l0ll5 ,.. ynn ays e "rhinks Slncrer's Cru.·se ~l'lf'('IC'd (clr t hP hnlhlng !)('aut~ hal hr rs llll "'''" fill j::C.CI<I !lwim-H N M a Planned Hubby Has Movie When 'Cry Wolf II•• rul"'"''cl th,. rltJ fat...,.. to him that It would Man • ...... uUihoorll•' hlrn tn ~tf' burclloft for lhfo ,...klenta to .... wllh ""' \\ ur I lf-tlflrfn"""t to thr Mf'm.,.,. ol thr ~ _.. ,.,,.,., ,.,,.., ""' •-fly rtf ~~ htm thlll '" ton1 u the ati'Mtll ll••rwlo t o·.1ltn•' ''"' r.-,11,.ir11nc pol'· ~"f'fn~Unrd prlvai41 t~ tt tlrm •If !Ito· 1111rn"11 "•-·I .. a WfJUflt t... lmJ)IMIIhh• few Uw dt7 ronii'S I Pno;lmastr r llf'rht'rl I· ··r~. Crol('hr IUurl I a-s ever e t Kr nny nnd llnrry A~hrry of lh·· l lorrin~o: thf'lll' npf'll':or:mt'o's of u.so ~~ll~. Rn~hon.' thr h\:~ Ju.dl'l';~ I 111'11\'Y ~rounrlswc•ll!~. I 'riH'kl'r lid · The Lady \1 111 !'c II.'• 1 tho th1rd olftt 1.t1 Jlloh: , •~•·r1 ~~~ Jlttro•nl!l lo k••l'p their for the event. r hilolro·n nut nf lh<' surf 11 nd nw11y ~ This ('OmmiiiC't' or jud~:c·s \111 fro.nl tlw llf'll('h s lnf'l'·• Grnunri-1 f .rrol f1ynn, Nf'M'pclrt Nt."\\'· ~rll'<'l th,. hf'nut il'~ ''" thr h11sl swl'll ... '"'' tril'k\' nnol l'urld••nlr port llarhnr ~·af•htMman and nf. 1 1 r .. rm anrl fl,.;llr•·. .: • lll·~t I"PP• ar in hro .tl<•'l'" "lwn l1'1t~<t •''<· not.-d motion ph•turf' utor, s1m llln ll<'uuly. nnd 31 ~r:oo·,. nnd p<'('lo'<l. today df'nl.-d fht• IU'C'IIMtlon poi~l'. T ho· frrr• du..r mad•· n ~""' ,., "' madl' Mnncla\' In " t•rr~-c·nm-Amnn~: thl' 20 J;:irl~ who h:1\'f' th•• \HI'"''' nt lh•· hnrfw•r :or•·r• "'"' plaint to a ··~ Anjtf'lefl cll-si~nl'ti ••n lry hlnnks lrlr th" t .. ·nuty notr<·••d '""' lhl· s ••r'1•·• of r .. ~it•h \'Orc•c• al'ficm ln\·nh·lng nl~thl l'flntl'sl 11n• thro Alo·'·'""', II\ n• w:1""' , ... m,.. in IJ''rio ori ... "' 17 to IR C'lub ~lnJ:f'r J•atrlda IA'4" Mar· .lnnr ~<ml .JC'nn . C.lnrrn ;\lntsnn and s••<·tontl 1111• 1\al• M nr th•• rot•• tJUis and hf'r htLt~hand, Rich- Pal Sti)T''· all of Hnlhnn nl t hrl'l' ",.,.,.~ " nlllllll<•. ,·ury-t :\1m·~· J>rir'l', nropr~l'tnr n( thr mg lrl'lm nuori.·r~o r.• In h• ll\) nn<'l' an Ml&rfJUIM, a Santa Uarbar:l rlr1y ;1nrl ~tlrf II• tttlly Shop1•·. 70:l Tht• "'''''~' f1nct "PI~<•nn< flko·· a ln"ur&nf'f• firm apprf'nfh•. Ea~t ('o·nlral fl\'o•nur, Ralltola, will mill f)flnd nnr1 tll•'n surlr!1·nly lu~;h. ~·1, nn '"" ,.. . .,, lw<l nn tit•• ~"' ~;rowom •111n1 nf lh!• l'e'llUi ll'< for dllf!J;:('rltll~ WIIVI'lt SWirl m tn lho• ul lltt• f-'11"'11 '\;,otu.nal !"l!!llto" 11l 1 hr ha 1 hln~ .;oris' p'lrndr. All I'll· ~uri Tht•<r· 11.'111111)' "'IIllO' in rvl'lrs I hr \\ nrn<'r llrnl ho·t • pr•wlt~r·lum~ rrll'!' l•l IN• sr·r'ic"rl hv h••r must nf lrnm "./'2 rn :111 minulC's. lnto·r-rn 114•lly\\owwl II•~ ""'"'· lit•· llr!<l '"' ,,.,.,r,.:,, h) 1i1r <~pnnsor~ mo·!lrnll' "'""'~ "'" in rn lll-mlntllr• ":l~·n." "' ""••P-el m tlu• IJu)', ull ol 1 lw lti'IIUIY purndr•. f'yclrs. :"t•\'fll>rl It• rll'h :trlll I• l~<•1n1: If lhf' h:orhun: ~:irl~' flRrltrlf' nnrl 'I'll filw l •l "arn ull pnr••r to; I• '"I"'" l101 11 l••nL: •'r1"~" tornund k1rld11' la•h•t•n :-hnw prow· siii'C'I''iS· und Ch1loh •·n In ""'''" '"'' lor ( '••I•' I luru "''"'' 11111111h fu l, AI Anrlo·r~c1n, pro!)ril'lor of llw l h•·••• .. wo·ll~< ~~~ 1hPy tor•• n • .,,,.,.r. ;\l11 rqul~. 11 "'"·" \Ph·rnn of I' '"''"' Fun :/.llnr• . .c.nl!l t n<la\ !hill '"'" \\'"'' •• bllrl lotofllo' h:otl ""'""· \\'•trltl \\·.,,. 11. duu , •I tn 11" I ho• \\lllllrl rn;ok" 11 an unnu.ol sum-:oncl "''II prool•:olol) h·l"' 111nr>· t .... 1•1.,,,.,.,.11111tt11n1 1., ,, oln••••, ,,, m1 1 llllrncriun uf th•• :omu~~·mc•nl fort• lh• ••·n,.nn '" o"·r." th .. ftr•• tl!'ln, tllnt I• lvnn \\,1.,. .,,,.. .. 1 1"" l'f'nl••r r•hlr l !'torwlur1o-d nntahlo" tn Ill•• "•·l11wlo·•l tn• ltl• I _ .. r "'' "1l• . :"1t:lr t l'lult S1m·• 1 Aspirations Is Ended '""'""'''' '" ""'' rl<~•rnl' lratnr, hut ''""'' ltrpuotmrnt to M iltoN detlrt. '""' ll1•• t'lt\ dllld ,.lrr• any lilt· and n lhfoto •••tr llM alao I,... loolt11 111 tlto• '"""''r .. blr few the-..tty In lnetall .....-.r Tit•· 1'1 I ' 11 r lort "'')' a litO ... rd •yah•m. tho•ro• Jo'lrf' and pnllot 'lllj;lf'r lll'(~tmplllliO'It F hnn IIIHI '"'' "''" Mit• k t;,,l\, '"''' '" I· lilt ltlllhuflt \ '",.,,.,,.In thfo War rlrlli~lon Jlki'WiiW' C'OUitl not .. ••lho•t 111t11 l.•n•l foo.:tlr• • '" '""''' '' l'"'"l'lllltll lnr 1 ;,.;,r~ow 1t,1(1 111• l~<•rutrlmo·nl lhlll lht• d ly WO!dlt l(rantrd rf'tllfttonlll nf tlwo Co-... ontl I~ 1• It I'""'' • •lid '" ntt:ltl '"''"' lw• "llllnr.: t•1 fill)' h11lf ltw r•prr ... .,. drr IUC'h a .,•lull. lhl'y laid • luh11. In ~·lrol••r ' •·I h• • ~·I'''"'''"' '' 11"' 1 •.,,,,,1 ~'"'''~ t:.IY'rrnlnf'nt fft otht•r w""''t.. "" IIC)vf'f'al CIIIUfto AI 11 <l•r•"H'"" lt•urllll' 111'111 '"·'' ·lro Wh~ "~l tll In I"''' wlllt """"' ltn11l !Itt' 11o•lorl• IIWII)' frt•n t'tlml'ft 1111tntM out )o Mr ..... \lonrluy. \11, \1 ''""'' ol• "'' d :oil \l.u I. ,., \111r•rtol' '""'""''"' f1lt· .,If llro· J•·ll\ t,.,-ttnn, ttw• rl'lllltt-l'lt• nf tlw C::.... llt'r husl111111l ' !Ill• I' tll"ll' •Ito I .oil• I''' lh tl lho• IlOilo I looolot!l 'rlt•• 'II\ Htlllll'll 11111 llflly YI.Cf'd NrnUnUnfly WfiUfd haYf' fO ~ I n 11 o·oolltl It• ''"'• 111 of 1\• Ill'" l•"l' ,,.,. looolh ''"I" ltllll """ " ''"' htrlhnlltto lto~n ••1 '''" rlty ltl· all • ......,. vlllll rw•r,.'MIIIf'tl. •hi· olor,,.,.,.ll •· '"1••1·"' ~rl11111•11\ """ HI• nltlr• •I oonly "' <'It"' k" '"rn<•v, ''''' '"")' ~IIJ(I(ratrd that Yf'f'llna th"t !l!f· ('tty of HfiW• ••I $(1(J "" ,,.., t• 1"'""'"1 tllo•n l)oftl "''"'""'"' lh••ro• lo11rl '"'''" 1111 "o·n· h•· ••onl• • ""h rru•m l..-rt of tlw Pfrr1 Rrart'l h•• nof ,.....,. ,........ •lu• 1~ 1111 •·~<1•·• '·'"' IIIHih••r "lth lo ,.,.,,,lit!: , "' • ··~'"'""' "' · IH '"' • " 1 1''""11'' r '•n1111) luoi'IHol o..-onvna.kll1 IJUrwd a• Wl'll ,.. 11fflt'tala thll\ll \l :trtf'l" 11411111" lit• "' Ill• 11 1111•l rloo· '"II:• 1 lur llu•lo ·"" h •• Ito !lor• IIIIIIIM' It ahould hllYI' IN'C'fl In thf' l'nllt• In 11 l•·l•·phootoo "''' '''''" \IIIII II• 1 o•ronolllo I wlul• h•• "11~ In Tl,.. Mltul10111w " ~lf; !(,.._,,,.., lf'f' '" t'tt)' lan(l, lrAJIMt for oil ""*I l'h•• l"o·\\• 'f'lllo•• '"" tnoorrl!llt.: \lr II • '"' toflol 11llo•l Ito~ IJI~•Iuon••• "11111Ju rnnto•r, Wro~ lllltrli'Ct In 100 drtlllftl I1Url"""'' In the-IJIUII, the f· '"'" Nlll•l 111 1 • I• 1 ••n•··· '" lh• 1 • " ,, ""I' :\lr.ror111" • huo :o-<1, I hill l.otl1""1' "' " 11,.. ''" thr I&.JI•II!I C'OUftriiiTII'fl un1or1lmouJI)' 1tpprvwod '''"''k" nt111l•· I ' \fo :0.1111 ''""· "I loo· 'I"''' '•lo·l•plo 'h llll(ht"" 11nd 1•'1!1 "".J\I,.noho\ "">' 'n, uncttor a ITIIIIlon 111 11t·ny 11!1 ftll\&r'f' appil· .,,."'n't houl 1111· 11l• "'"''' "' !11•• loo•l t•• '""""'" "'' 1111 ,.,.,11•11 .. r lito• No·w1wtrt har-••atklflll for thttl fllll'l.._. lt•d.\'" '"''I'"''"'""',._,.,,. IHI•honol 111 loo 1 ... ,. ... , ol 11""''' I" 111luu, '"''"'"•'• r " """' ur11l with llw F'nlltJWinl( nut lhl• tNVromn'W'nda• ""'"t hM\0' IIIII\ I•· '"'''''"""""·" '". :\I lot...... '""I '"' ..... •I ... ' •"I"'' \ 1'11111 "' It II ullwlt•l trnrn ""' tlon, thf-f'tNnt·ll 1\o·nll'd • n"QI.Iflllt """" '·"" '"·'' lu "'"I· o\o ,, llllll t•l ''''IIIO•'looollllllt•lll••l 1,. ... 1\rtl'•·l·, oll~lt lol ··nl(ln•"'" dt•· frnm. prlvttlt' ttl"lllrl'f' who want• :, "I"'' 1 1 r,11 '" ,, , ,11 , r,, 1,r """ ol ', "Itt• 11 r 1111,;,, loo r "llltJ•·h ~111 1•11r1tnror1t M to UIM' ''"'I nt thl' MMa·Hf'W• 1'111"· I" ""'' '" lo· I till''"' " f, '!Ill' .• ''"'"''" '""' It• I• '"' 111'11 .,. ... ,. ~ .. I 10.1111 lh<• llr'OJIM'I)' nt r•nrt trltt'l f .. r uii-WI'II-drllllnj~ ,, " 1 ""' , 11111 r. •I f ·r, \\, ,fl ''" """" ""' 11 1 It• 11 ... ""' "tlt•n' un 1 ' I' M• f.''' lrotul ;-.., wt•wl har11(tr J141Y'J)f,...,. 'l'h•· •"""''' uftl'rtod the tlr!• \\t1IHI'I 1:1 .. r111 " ''''"'" I , 111 •1!1\ I, l'tll\, tloo• !hull 11nnf· •~·~•~"'"" "''" ''''"lt.~hl It lnho lht' f'lly SIOII rrntnl lru lhf• fil"lll th,... In 111~ ~l.olotrlo tol \I."'~"" tf ,,, "' .. t ltl•rr "'''''"'''' llnll"'" <'lt111111••l 11ml """""off II tiff'"''"""' "nl1 thr•n $3 prr aaw ··~:•<l rloto l ""'" 11,.1,.,,1111,,1 "''"''' •'' , .,,1,,.,,,.,. 11, 1111.,. !\t1 ~ ''"' "''""''ll•tol •·""''' ICI•otll\ttJI 110tll lht•rt-Aitt•r Altr·r 1111' t'tollnrtl dfo. t .,n1 ,,,..\ .d ... 1 \1,. ,.,, 1 ,I , ••• 1uh•·r J. 1 •• 'l 1 d• "'' t1 dl lu 1 "''"" ,11-i " .LL•• '' \\ ,,., ' J" ••• h • 11 y f~MJnrfl u lt"ft tt.., ,.....-,, .. .._,, 1t t•'*'" MNan '•1· •. 111" \\ dt 1nld ,.,,,1 '••· '""' ltl 1 •• ,., ,1 1 "' • I' • 11 , •,rtq•f ttttf-.. tt)uf il w r .. •t~ttf..-t tlutl "'' d t•\• lu1.,·r• W~N l trt'• d• "'"" "''I• "'' Jl·''""''' nf pnylnlt $111 nn , ... ,,. Ill hi• rom• "'"'' ••• '" ,rnuulty I ConstructiOn for 12 Days ""::.:;:::.:.-· .. ~:::;.;·::::..., ........ .. Reach $140,850 Valuation ARMY 5~ASORGANIZATION '~~ "~ ltard Wnrk. Hut t h<' \\'ar y<.':ll'l' took tlwir lf11l on not onh llw "rilrr hut on his St£':idf;• : :•rHI ·inh'lliL:l'llf CO· workl'r , ;\:ora \\'ad1• With thnl thonglll in mind h <' llf"- gan t1> lo11 k aro1md frw lw lp anrl tlw d 1owr• f£'11 on ~am n. ·Filed Plans Provide for Erec·tion of 17 New ·~ .1'\ r_~-r .\_.,.,...,.. ~--(0=:::; '1(,_ War Department Streamlines Continental U. S.· Defenses P 011 er nr i!i\'l'r-sidf'. \\'ho nt·· • Homes---Alhambra, Altadena, Pasadena quirt'(! n pmi int<'r~"'1 in tht· and I ~s Ancrefes L'olk Ne\\· Owners Her" busin~s l:'!st &"-pl•·l~li .,.,r ar111 ' ~· ,.. r '" toda\' has t:l l\('n o n•r thr 1'1'· mainin~ ;m d I'Ontrolling pa1·1 of tht' busim-ss fr'"m thf' present publisher. \\'hro has SN'n anrl tx-<>n n J1:'111 of the great strid<'S marl<' hy !':£'\\'· port Harbor in the' last fivE' years. • + • I RetJrf'JMnt. Fe II o w s around town would s:~y: "Sam, you Cftn't retire; you'll have to do som<.'thitl~; don't quit!" All of which is as it should be. because Sam does not lntend to quit; ju.ort tak€' lt easy: just do thP things he wants UUIQ when he wants and how. Not tied itown to get.t:lng 6ut new~pers day in and day out: not forced to listen to what som<' grotL<Je h8s to say about the way thf' papef' ls run or the art:lcles that tlhould not have been (ConUn~ Ml Pqc 41 Thlrl~'-<•nP lll'rmlt~ rnlllna-fur run,frurtlnna \'aluood at $140,A.\ll Wl'rP I""""" h.\' ttMo :'\t>WJNort J~:u•h •·lh· lmlldlna df'lltlrtnll•nt I" ttw-""' I'! tin~·" or .ruh·, ('hll'f Rulldln~o: ln"l""''"r ,\, ~1 . St>lrwm rf'l"'rll'd Ind ... '. PI""' nn fll,. rnr thAt Jll'rlnd 11r.,,·lrt,. ror thfo f'f'N'tffln "' I 7 nf'W hn~ w11h a Inial \'Aiu&tl .. n of l ll!t.rNWI. OltMor 11laM "'"''" nlrd ror $7!t.'\O wnrth nf lm(Wfl\'f'mf'lll" In p,.......nt thulllnp 11nlt 11111111 wurth of llf'"' ... ~. I lnmt• ron~trurt inr• pl<~n~ ~··n· nunrrr a \·r·rflr. ~111nr<l\ 111, a nn•·· • flll'r1 loy tlw fnllnwinl!. 1•·r~on~ 8lory dupfr~ rPilirlf'nc•• with n I I :-.fr ;mrl Mnc Rirhnrtl n. AJ:Inn fi,ufolt• t;;llrollo(f' AI HI Golllo·nrr .. t or 31;) Jo: ( Cllnrndn Air"'''· Pa•n-11\'f'nllf', C'nrona dt'l Mnr. YJ)OI I drrw. n t wo-srory dwt'llin~t with Rolw rt S Holdf'n of 1716 Wat<•r· dnuhiP so:urAJ[I' al 214R ~an fronl drlvr, 11 onr-t~tnry dwl'lltnl( Front, Nl'wpnrl Ri'ACh, f'mting with drtnrhf'd t;:t~rAR:I' nt 42:l 1\tnr- !o:.'fl,OtJO. Rtt)o l.riR:I:ll llf I'"' An· I l!:'"'ritP 11\'f'noJr, C"oron(l dd Mar, ~rll'll. a twf>-story duplex dwt'lllnJ[ W>~'IO at :.101 1>1nm,nr1 R\'l'nur . HRIOOII I " L. Rnlll'riA nr 241() Elrir n 1\\'f'·- bh~nri. Milling $17,00(). nw·, C'ii!IIA M<"'•l. n oni'·Aiory Rohert c. Rurt or 327 ~uth rlWI'flin.: IO.IIh li••r:wh••rl Jotllrnr;r "' Mlrhlgan llVI'nur. P11•adrnn. 11 :'111 El ~l('l(lt•nn "'''nUl', N1·~'f)OI't nnf'·lllory ronc-rrll' rr11ldrn~r wil h ll••tcht ~. ~;:>1'1(1. f'llr f'O"I AI f\:tl) MaJl[\U'rite 11\'r nue, Alfrf'l1 (' P lrgrr or fl{J(I Avorado C'nronn dr l Mar. !.9000. nvrnur, Cornnn rll"l Mnr, 11 nnf': ~1no. R. S C'nok of Ralho11 111ory dwt'llln£ w ilh r~r po"' nt hl11nd. 11 OrM"·Siory dw~lllng w1th 100. SI'('Ond lllrN't. l'nron" del 11t11r,. llltArhf"d 111 310 Marine M11r, S(.O()() I e\'l'nU~. BAihnll b llln(l, ~ H. M. Siemon of 113 Purl J()l('phlne Standley of 825 West !Continued on Pqe •) .,. ............ / ...... "---,..., ---i-:; ~ " __ \ I II A""Y AHA ,:;;.;:::, • ___ ._, SA.or:n• I.Ptl'fl'Ru _ , ( •-·~ • J ... ·-v.. ·--, _ ___._ -;;:· \ 5(~r! ~~j r,;;p l'. .: . .._._ ' l " _,.t /· • : r) I r ·=rPy·· ~~~'~ .. .Rclrll.M.'d IJ} t: S W.or l .~o·l•n l mr·nl "''"'"" ut l'•thllr Ho•lrtll""' TIDfil ~i\P DI':Pl(,"TM 1.,., ftf'W dhl-'-of ttMo ('-Uftf'nlal I nllf'd 1'41 .. t,... lnl" •h. anny al'foM undrr Army flr-ou.4 t'n,_• IYtfttrol. a , .. rt of tiM! \\IU' llrparttnf'nl Rto<o .. nlr~tlttn 1'1~ whklh Ito now In ,.,. fMt. f ' ... r tldlt plaa anny AN' .. ,....,.._~ (;omm ... • .nd ,._ t.rUI-al M .. "1 M a"'&,_. -.d In U.., ....._ of flrouad f'o~ &n1Q ,_...,.~"· ..,...,uaf'U" fel' '""' Ill• U1i11M an !tOW ..._ ClaW at dloe ........ ..._I N-I'Mtl UtJ, ... U -l'ft, AUallta, ... Alt ..... , CIIIMp .............. ;\few ( ; ... ,,~raphicaf St"tup Create" More Eco- nomic·al and f~fficit-nt Operation of ForceR frum ('oaHt to Coast and lJorder to Border \\ \-.u"•;To". l irly IL--4'Ms ...... -JI wttll M '""'~ ,_. l(f .. lthll'ttl ,.,, .• , r .. rn, U... ...._ •-of Uwl onell""''"' llltiW Stae... "'"'''' thr .... , ttrr .. rt•-••'• I'IIJO'lf_._.._ plaa. '""·" rnrnnl&ftdr" ...... -............. o-.1 ,.,..,., r .. ~ o·uuornandlntr trrnf'Fa.l f'lf 1111! .,_,. ..,..... 1-. fnr ttw. fu*'trw ......, l•ll•hu-• "' ''"'"'"• .............. ..,.......,..., ......,.., ..,. -...,.,... mrnt ,._,""'...,._. ...._ !£·----. 'f'l11· ,.,.,,, l(toroomloun, Itt the ..,lf'T'· 1bf' War IH>plarlml'nt MI......_ I"' ,,, ,. oiiiO o•tl ···~··· ~~avtnca In Unn, on Ull' lllf) li•Vf'l. hu .,.." 1"'''''""''1 11111 th•• mnre f'f'ndpat ~ lo Ol4'C•t p·H~tlme con- ""' ''' "\"""'''" troup,., wlpN out ltltlona. with IIIJI.'f'illl emphule .,._ ""'"'I ul 1 It•· nr~C.ttnl7.1111•lflal liM up Ina Jtlvm to 11rlrntlfll' ,...,..I'd\ and • ''"l1lt~l" ol 1n !lol~ f'OUn try dllrtllc df•vt•IOI)fnf'nl. Sonv· of lhfo fCift!Wr '"" ""' \1 111M 'f'h•· r-:nJif('T'JI and Anny Sl'rvll'l' F'nr·~·· runctlolw \\ ··~•··rll r t. ''''"'" f'nmmarwll ...S "'"' llf'fnte takl'n .aver by the Wu I 1.,, 'l••lt,lv 1 .. • n r1h"••rbrd and """' Oepar1nwnt •JIC'd"l at&ff. ,,,.. IIIII• ••·• ,.,, •· <''"nm~tndla haft Ann)' awnm11nd<•r• have ~ ... I•··" •ll"'~ltllhltt• r1 1111 ltdmlnletr .. IIII1'M'd mc»t of lhf' ~~ ~ II\'<· "'"n" ttf th•• .~ anr\'1 mend houlek~nc tunctJc:ww, .., I M<·r vl•·•· lttrl'''" I,.,, WM rnadf-, c:.pt 0.. taltm owor bJ the~­ h""'''"'· •• r J<lfTW' rtt tM-otct llll!f'9tce ne,.rtnwat. atvlna ~ '""nm,.nd hi'Jclluart~re • ~· -lllld _....tratJw rrapaMt liN,. or lhtl now IU'm)' -(0.tlnulld Oft PJIII ol) --------• GENERAL EISENHOWER'S IEPOBT D e I RISE TO REMARK llf)S. I OfiN FrtiLI.IPS l latloniat. 1 am et>rtalnly not lhat. .PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY --All y~-. votee will oo call~od emo-~_17NTAN'I' BUII\'11:1'01111 Whllr thl' ll'r.:um4.'nt II:OH on. 1n tlonal. I do not think T am that. r-------------, :-------------M-e _, rNietAKe ....... duo prlacuiJf IO .. Jec:t... th(' ~·n!ltl', 0\'f'T pMC'I! COflff'Obl, W~ ftl"t' l!llkf'd 10 lftkt' '"-pro-... t..4 tolloo bod! -toee-poopor•d cl•lt>nau. AI lho --• U.. k · 1 d h 11 '·II dl k h I . 8 • W H Y T ll our •-otlooul'lo c:opobllltlu •••• , ....... d boca .... our IOfc.. I '"l'l"'ll'' wt• «·o·p tn '" n I 8 ~rnms u n )'. I do not lo e I at DIOOMa 'f4:1 COJI8Ul.T411T b.t. ill U.olt otrtro•oly oapld ad~oDco. olltdlotaocod 011ppty llaee 11· t~!lln•·~ cor rurtlo announr,•n,.•n!c, In rr ply to a lfUCstion. I myat•lf .t.oul>unud bJ' '"-U.UWid au. ... ,.,.._ •.. ,_ .... _ ...... ll aalotaiDod oaly by berc"l•oa .tiona. ly ..W· l':"tlll: prH'I'!! hrwc.> rlun, rarelyl waa told by a high OffiCiAl o( thl' lilT Doooari_, 10 ,..o......,DI dkou Ia --· . .. I -:"<OliO• ..... -. ._ 141: ..,..,.... ...... ., ew canal• Ia Ill• o•tb alld collt" .... -tto. .. 1 • • onl n rnnsldf•rHtton thr hidden Stat<> ~rlml'nl, that if was nvl •nl'l'll . ~tl'ft'lllfl nletl•elf .. ode worta~e -cllocod tbo tluoal of olablliM"-1WID ~~~lo~ldu ~ with wturh the• IV!n~Um· nN'enary to I,!IVf' Cangrt'SS full .OOU&ai'DICl uanca ...,. n• -'eo •-oo>&llaenl Oaak. wbote lotco• landed b-U.. •'r" hn\'(' ~'l'n foolc•d f~r thl' past I Information about ttw lnan. I Oft'-, ... ._ -'••·· r.-•- .... tenu ... ogal-lllo oo11t.la of Franc. Ill lllld·A>&9...,. lae4 ~o·wral YI'Rrs. • I think C'onl,!rt'U r('rv-.t•nts the.> •""'-,..,_ ..._ -.., -•1'4 aortb U..o ..... U.. tua-• VoJioy lo Uak wl\11 U.. c.....a I I .--r ~ Qro.p fll "'-'-... ct c1-10 tllo &.lfort Gop.. I 11•<' ttw word "foolo·~f' in•Pn· ph'. t:n~tlrond tlu a lowrr llt'r ca~ AI lkla ll-. •• p&cuaa•cl to .,tack qulcllly -tile aora.a j ''"nally "'httl els!' rAn I 11ay nf 8 Ita deht than WI.' hliV<•; tht' F.mpJrl.' .,_. la ... elort 10 •labliob ll brideoh•od onr U.e lo•ot lw.. pr••1•rnm "-hil'h hru h<'I!Wd WT'l'Ck has ll:rt'&lrr nAtural ro-sourr•'s. We wldlo tlao a.,_. cuaiH •••• aiUl , .. u .. ., b-our .,lowe. .,.. •·"•ry nntlnn thet ~tdoptt•d It In thP are to have no sPcurlty, and no .... ...,.. opotolloa aa .. acllocl ol Atab•• wu aol lllt09.U.. 11"'' whiCh is Admittl'dly 1nn11-firm promil(> to pay. ThP contro-~ &a t.lala ,....-., olllloliell ceul4eraW. 9'-.4 -I••· n1~ry. llnd Which sho'lif'l our food \'t•l'lllal lssuH are nut Sl'ltled. ....... ea4 ew pool.._ ill IIIia oroo '-Pf"•.t. ColadcloatciDy Iolii'! nvl'r. from 11 tifT)(' whPn we Britain, I think, would Ilk!' to .-16 ....,..._.tile ,._,.. •• ..-•tl-it wu lir~e4 IMt ......-..__ es-•• uodettokoa te cl-AafW•rp u a •uPI'ir peNt Oil tile ll.... :Or~' r..-tlt•r llt:llt> to pay th4'm, 11 al}'\llintaln her .supremacy, In a -dol to OtU COQti.auod olfeuf•• actioa.. Tlala wcu ·-~ tim .. ''hl'n we may hav(' leu chungmg world, on tht' basis of Armand Monaco AI&CJIJTECl' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa ......, 1714 J'nl .......... Aft. Loe .upa. NO,_. MU Raub & Bennett &&n.7on _. Eqteaan 1101 N.-,ortat'fd... o.lta ..... T11111tree a---· Hn W. C.lr&l Nawpcare ._.. Tdept:-llutMw 1.11 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ ... .,.... a. Jh'l..-.... . ftl llnrl{.o,or· wh('n th('y must be paid ht'r age-old conre pllons of sov(•t· WW&o-"' .._ _... .a.wty &a au.cU loddle4 at aolecte4 II.)' tho• hwn 111\d women wbo haVE' E'l&nity, while at tht• same timl', '---------------! 1......-----------' .,..... • 111o ar-t d-. .... JUaioo. dlo _, • It o.-. rl'!'l'ntly bf'ol'n away at war, and ahe tries out aoclalistic f'XJX'rl· o.DriClAJ. J.AI'O&ATO&J' Hours: 2-5, 'ot ~tReat ~ BeaCIIID 5ICI lJI~ 0....._ ---.. ~ltl 1 .... ~.I 1~......_1 I I .'1-f I t¥1-1..,.,.__ ... ,,, I I I I I I I I • OORRAL DUST Lft lwnucy ~ a pn"(lpk, rwc • poliCy • · • ir'• ctUy 10 brca~ : • pol•cy. : 11. a.--4 a .....,.... ~ lue ceut.,..._. 4ulpe4 lo who hnd no thought, when thcyl fn('nts with money aupplled hy ua. r------------• ..,_ .. -.. ... ._.. cliNf4« .... ,.. lloloy"' ...._.... fuu~;ht on evt'ry baut,front. that I She even plan.t to loan to Ruuja, -..., .... ~f· n.atteclr-... wiU...t 1'-......._ \111•) would hav~ to COJTI(O back and at 2'lt'~ . .orne of the money we Clinical Laboraforv ... .-.ct .... -tNt .... lltlll4y ......... t..::.. ... _ w.... • " " .. re,W ~ .,.... .. _ _..,..._. . a.-..._., pay t hrOtU~h tht' year, for the food loan hfor at 1.62'«. A• one man put ~ --.: t . , .. 1o a..-t'•......., ...._ ... tWa._....,. M4 teaM-. thl' people at home Wt'r'e t'aUn g, II. If we do not loan lhe money, ~ ... ._ .. Jlul ..-.-cWM ,JecH ...... ,,.._ ........ while ttw-y fought. England la mad at ua now: lf we • ... a., .,., .. tr ' My ,._ -to .....,. .. ~ ..,_ _. ., .. ..._ So let's k~p In mind the relief do loan It, Encland wtll be mad ftl.ai'IIOX. ••IUIO& .. Gerald Rausa, M. D • 28110 Waat Catral Aw . NEWPORT N!ACH ft.-W.artoerJOII ... __ , ..u ..._ ...... X-Rq Servtce j ACr; UNOSLt!Y • .._. .. ...,. .._.., t111o .,_. Ia a-'-.,~ W... from aubeldles. as we talk about aLua a few years from now. 1 am lUI W. 01wen1 A" • J' • 1 Ia .. ..tit. _. It .,.. .,. OQI ••lin tMI .. ~ llriC'\' con troll. or "riling pricH." a till llatenlll& patlt'nUy, but •t '---------------! r-----------... ......_ • M ....... Ia ·~· ..._.................. ...... In lhtt Loa A.ng~les area, the top the moment, my vot. II no . .. • ,.. ...... lo ..._... It •r' ., ... el.. ....... ~ priC'\' of round ateak wu 45c but .. * '--• -' ........,.,., lo ......., IIIIa .......,, ·lr hl're waa a h.lckWn aubsldy of 9c ................. __. ................. .....,. .. J••pn ... e1 ..n-....... 1o ........ 1 111.-1 M -.. SO the priC't' WU rt>alJy 54c and ...._ ..__-..... ....._. 1o ......W. ..,... .. ,__ W. until It IOH over 54c there Ia, of Ill ......._ ""-~ N~..__ the ICal'l ol an ancient feud be--.___ ...... eo nrll ~ a..c.-t111o _., I · .... course. no tncreaee In COlt . to the w-t~ae='="bordU.d.SeattleandTacoma arest.UJ ugly, _._ Corona del Mar News BJ BUaO: L. Bmri!DIOT -~ v.·~ :;t"'' d11 ~a .... ..,t .. IIIIa I I tr......... col\l\llnt'r. fut ...,... .. -...... • Rib rout was 39c wl a hidden ... 9"-...ay aN ...-•ln, ~~ '~d·"-~ a&Otn ~ o:.:-~ ~ ... -: ~~~ '-~ *:!;, subaldy of 8c eo It muat co ov~ Mr. -and Mn. James Por.t.er. lOt DAY kJBOOL Mortimer SehooJ -Canl .......... ..... , Oellap, ............, IVMMD ICIIOOL ::,-. G. A. • ..-. II. ..... Chtwl1 ...................... __. ~....,.. ol a JIIOiada · ._...._, u• v"" .,........ • _, ...._ ~·. uuafwy ~ • .. c.....a a.... .. ,...._ 47c to ahow an lnc:r-.ue. P1ttue Hellotropr avenut>, aprnt a week .... CID caUinc lt llount Tacoma (and old-~ Tacomans ~MaL ,..,. n-1"1 .... -lo ... Af' 1t11 lo 1M Ill • not~ that I do not take Into con-at their avocado ranch at Carll· -----------~ \ ·-• ... tDtbll..._ .. !) Rlval Seattle caDed lt Mount Raln1er.. ...._.._..I I w a.-e.. .. WI IMM., ._ .,_ sldt'ratlon j black-market prices, bad. DEN'I'IIrn -• ...., .. .._. 1t1 ..... ...._. .. -,...,_. lo •= which pre~aJied In many dty ma.r-Mr. and Mrs. S . W Burford and r--------------. .. .....,_ -""' It II ,.. __ t 'b-._._ In ----a-and on ... ••••« "...,_, .... ..,._.., ._ •••a•• .. _ It-•--•·•-_, _.......... D8. oo:D_, ....... _ - -__.-__. ._.n-•----..---....,. _. .. 1 • •• ., ~ ..._ .... ., .. ...._ .. ketl. '""' e ""' .. ......, "' -.. 1 .. -.. daucht~ Kathmne. South Pua-_,"" -. -.-..-...... IIIII ~ bl~ Uw. an, and 1a ~ very slowly. _,,11 1' 1 ,111 ...,..., ._ ..._. • ~. would In IU.If juatlfy l~ deat.h dena, ~ vacatlonin& at the beach DENTmT ~ ....... ~,. at tbe lfriola OOit o1 community cood 0.. .._ -... .W. lo WC. tlllo .._. .. d ......, of t~ OPA. I have no dKift to thla aumrner. Tht>)' reside at _. ._. la-.4 "' Ia ..., _.. ...-.... ..,_.. ......_ 11ft ua made Into a nation of crim.-Glyde Maynard'• pla<X', 314 Sea-..U w• o.tnl 7lii1&'"" .... ! a-7• ....,... a1 ..,, 1 .......... -_,. INw lnala, nor to 1ft the black-market vlt'W aventw. A ..,n1 at tbat 1JUUre II lilly to oontempia~ a ....... _. Ia .._ ... ., .._ lodr 1phd1Jr ........ .. become the rt>tular market, aa it Mn. Juanlta F1etchc.>r , 600 &-..._ ..,._ 611.., .. a • v-lt __ .... .__ tn C&Ufornla, u Paul C. Smith ....... ....,.. ••.l•rr ' Ia Wrtwr. n ~ ,... ........ • did In Fr~. ron la aven\.lt', Ia home for her two N...,_-t _,. -&-QIU.IU ,......_.. ......_.-...a.. 1o ........ ..._. -Wl., .. .._. ....... Pork chope, 40c plua 6c or 46c, monlha' vacation fTom teaching In -----------~ , ........ _.....,..,....at the S. F. Ol.ronide, wamrd 1 and ham Slc wtth a aubtlldy o1 Bt>rkt'~>'· ....... .., Ia a talk m L.A.. belen the Southern Callfamla 8"c maldnc ~%c. I'll aave tl)e~ Dick Markell, son of Mr. and R Quldl Be bu clrected laid lr(r SmJth. Chat l . I' the crounc1a and ~ld by lettlnl J'OU do JOUr own adtU-Mrr. Richard Markell. 602 I* a -. . LETTERS TO THE :.leal ~ a tion: liMp ln mind that until foocll Ionia and Bill Clancy, 100 of Mr. -~......,...,. Uout L. A.. or an)'~ Calltamla Of' CQLONEL TED DAVlS do I'HCh ttw total flrure. they and Mrs.. W. Clancy, Poppy ... 0.. .......,.t,y, .,....r 1D h11 paper--ad be 1m-NEWS-TIMES • General.lbnq~. hav• not b!a'fll1111n coat. Bacon aVf'fttw, walk~ on aJr, "'en = ...... nllt WDUid.,. a aooc1 one faro aD edlton. after ..__ ---------...:. __ 4lc plua.I.Ac: butter nc plua 19c. tboueb c:a.rT)'tiiC a US%-pound bll.lt' -A8ll8 IIICLP Ol!f IIJI:IIo()'JIAJ or a total ...-ent coat ol 90e and ftn tuna home from Cryatal Cove Dr. Obecl Laeu DI:N'I'IIIT -K w. o.tn~. _._ Ull HWWWaa.tal .-3 a_ cr:+ •+n, 111a wrt..,. and othen wbo haw ua••t-1t0011 LI8T8 8&AIIAJMJ IIKU17U CCIItlnc men thaa that to ~. reeftltly . ....,_tDtbtpubllc...-. ....-o A.I'I'&&CIAftON J\117 10, li46 whktl rentndl me to •Y Ulat YN. air, th1a one did not cet ----------....J , i· Ollllandul ol that In Newport BHch. Dev Edit«· IIOmt ol tboM loodl'"" not • away and It reaDy rneuured 4ft. r----------~ ~ ;n a " ........ ........ eoune. July 10, u. Now that Uw llleorchant Sea· talnable .... wW ..,.,, wtth OPA ~. It IIMmA Uwy ~ Jooktnr •• w. w. " 1¢ PI I p' 1 -5 ftr Wia ?wed ~· OCIIDIIU'dt)' powth n.:r ha~'!"..:, rt'ed tM micl-we8 man'e BUI o1 JUPta and a.nef\t.t ~~s-.;..s C:: bedl ~~ lor ftah to lpHI' and oould hardl ...... -..... pvwdt, 111111 U..t aft)'tbtnc wtUdl ~'~Card~ one ,_ hal beet report~ rawralllY out ol .. _..._ • • ... ~ ....... t.Utw their ~ whftl they ... • r -7llldlt.....,. U. tatl.re ltat.e Aa Paul Smith ldUon ol rour newwpaper and I commlttee all ol ua lbcloWd pt to-lftcreiiN, lhoulcl eventually eonw thJa btr one betnc pounded by the 1111. a...._. • -• .a _. · want to eqJrfta the thanka and ,.u.... and flcht for Qlncrwl to down In Jllic». wawa. 'ntey dimbed ov~ t~ ...... 0sMt ~ .. nee I ry'IO tbat the entire .....,.c::taUon oC t~ library lt&ff ~ It' 'nw Merdtut s..rn.u Ml1k. I think Ow Jlft'WI'l Jll1c» I'OCb and waded In and .&red oo.GIIA ... liAS lliillle---~&Qtorwud"'ntbellft'-l~ lor Uw YWY nne pubUdty J'OU ... In ·actlon lone btfare a cun waa 1~ pi\11 Uc but that II him before~ ooulcl cet out to ..._ ....._-......___............ " haw ttvm ua durtnc ttw put wu n,...s. 1bouaancll wen killed aornethlnc to cauae Uttle eonoem dati) ....,.t«. Th1a wu the nnt ------------~ --...,...._ ,_.. and especially thw .._k In and wounded. and many .,.. etUI to C.lJiornlane. We ha~e the bed bta one tM>-ca\llht. :.;..:.__....:!'!!!111~~111, jaiD Oil the ... .....,. or ~ ~. prtnu.,. our monthly hoc* Uat.a. milalnl. ow oountry hura't done rnUk eontl'ol law In Ow oountry, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Delhi and -111 111'-dtd n.,. tald to ltick and bum 11.-.y of 10'1" ,..a4en and our a thlnc for them yet. Wrlt• 10'1" and~ e.ll m.Uk at tM lowest IJOio-famlly, g Col~ aventw, ~ ' ,.tnlnl haw ~ntionfd tMk ~n today lnatattnr 011 llble COlt to the consurnt'r. 1'M vlalted Mr. and Mn. Sam Hook-phar du. ~ U &IDOJW Individual nellrhbon. ......-. In rt>ad!nc tJte.M articles. aonwthln~t for thole ht'roft. Or problftn wu to ret OPA to~-ham. Vista, tor two da)'l, and BI•E TlaiD-olbumorwtDnewrndeout iOOdnatured Ulra.l M.ARJAN M<'CHF..SNEY writ• fTI(O and Jtllllt't' that your nb.e thla law: that &at'ney JJft" plckedaprfcot.l. a• I? 1 But let'a a.p GW' bumot jabl &bow the belt~ UbTartan. ltttft' ~u to f.ta. prOfl"' cornmJt· 1lt'IT'fdthlnklllbyownt .. -~~tJ~n· ~hottenln. • 01-. and Mrs. E. M. Johnltone t~. ~ra do IOft'l('thin~t NOW for • '""' -·'"" .. _ -• and daucht« Sally, Puadena, are JLLINOJIIII 00\'I:JllloiOa WILL t~ fort:otten man htt helped to ventrd thE> psychic bid. at their place, 524 Poppy aventw ADDa£88 FO&IIE& U.LINI aave us and our alllea. Br~ad, JOe plua lc; nour 78c for the rest of the aummn. Thelr Lonr Bt'ach.l FAYt:: HYDE. plua 9c; ch~ar cheew 57c plua aon David Is at camp In Santa July 11. 19-66' 17'11 1 fl N. Syrllrn<Jr?. 1~: tornat_<>H 2lc a can, plua 2c: Ynl'z mountalrs. Jtll __. phe•nt to pr8Stt the unvamilhed truth when DHr Editor: alllllftlaad bAialt. So Jt lftfna that Simeon E. Leland. OU-Knowin~t thAI thrr(' lltl' man) Hollywood if', Cllhfomia. thll will gtve YOU M ldt'a. If you Mr and Mr-5. Gt'orll:t' Woollt'y, lllltoa II. J1arweU. II. D • 1111 o...e...., ~ ...... otrJee Ibn: ~U; H ..... ..... 1_ T. P. Reed•, M.D. ..,..... ........ ..... C..tnl 7?' .~~-... - A. V. Alldren, M.D. l'lll'aUJf ... -W o..t Ek' :f· ...._- o...li. - Ill llartlle .&..., ...... ...... ................. ... ~-·~ .. .,_,. ol ~t and nr.nce and ptOfliP llvin~t In your elly ... ho llrl' Pr'-DUfrn ......._, fnmlf'r tf'tlllrnt• of thr tlntr of I W 8 Woodburn. chll'f of thE> --AJKIY'e Bank chairman. .tKluJd ~ entitled to 8 nllnola, Wllh to Inform you that bureau of mlHc control. l!llid IM ......,.., -u (Of'~ ~ In t.elUn& the American ~ Gowmor Dwiaht H Grf't'M, ~tnv-ln<Te~U4! In the price of milk In .. die -.t~ yean wtll br the hardest for them. f'rnOr of thf' 11111e of Jlllnol1 wtll California from l l,ic to :.!c n•pre· gl't. 111 I did YNic.'rday throu~~:h 210 Iris IIYI'nue, have enjoyed a thr mall, ll J.C'ttre letter fl'om some two w~k• vlllit with thc.>lr gTand· ~ynthrtlc Otll:llniZAiion of which eon. Stt>ven, eon of Mr. and Ml'l r---------------: r--------------. C1\t'stl'r Bowlt'l Is the patron saint, Ronald Woolley, Lon~: Beach. 1J11eo1a Nat&oaal Life ~oba IL 0. Cbaac.'ll. D • ....,....... .......... 2 -. 7 -8:30 lNikt' ttw> addrt>u At Bhchy Park, aenta the approxlmah• diffl'rl'nce lit prwdk:ta a 100-yea.r war on debt that will call for ONlle-Saturday. July 27, at 2:00 Gav· betwf'ol'n lal'lor and fHd oosta of ... liard WOI1c and~ ol thrift. Our federal public debt .-rnor Earl Warrf'n or C11llfornla produdnc a quart of milk and f/1 8) bGiaft cloUan. h pnlle.Of' po(nts OUt, mNJlS j\.-t this: haa ~:Moton rt'q\H'SIOO to lnlrodU~ What the governmt>nl has t-n ll 11 U\ obll.-tm o1 ROVVV\ ,_ ---'ta. ~ Amertcan thla diatlngulahed gueat. Thla will paytna to producers for lll'veral ----~ -· ...,.... ...... ~ ~ tlf' an all d11y picnic In hls honm-. yeArs to kf't'p down prices or dairy ... aooo ol that debt. plus Interest. 011 his shoulders. Ewcy wlth food. coff~ and cold drinka producta. llllllr ol ftw owa $10,000 ol lt. To pay the debt off In 30 ,_.. waukt l'eqU1ft annual Installments of 11 bUUon dollars action on the part of individual states and institutions to help .,... than the awrqe annual aovemment lnC<lmE' 1n 1ft-COIJf! wtth this problem. He Nt.Jmates that 8.$ many as half a wv ~ Nearly 6 bl.lJiorw yarty would be required to pay million students, including a quarter miLUon vets, may ~ .. dlbt Ill 100 ,_,., and that n,ure more rwerty oolnddes turned away at the !IChO()l doors t.Blless "more far reaching wllh die taxpa)Wa' abWty to pay. Sobering facts! action is taken." Plainly, u Pnlte.or Leland wams, the pn!t'ISing and im· Certainly. every effort should be made ?" all levelc;;, na- •• %»11ftd,la 1D pn!W!Dt the cola.al debt from growing a!\)' tJonaJ, statf>, and lontl. to tul!ill the nation s promise of an ........ and ttie tlnt step to that KOftl must be a balanced education to those who sef'Ved ln the armed forces. fldln1 lJudaet. It la encouraging to note that two l1leQ8UJ"eS ~ ex-Gl's have earned lt. We should see that they tD tbat end, the Tydings bUt. to curb both over-spending and get lt. ~tJon by govemiTIE'flt. are befOI'C the 9eflatl..' ---------------------- ...... Yet once the ~ hM ~n balanced. the aim or ealtiiEW thouJd ~ to redUct' it, l.n coming Yl'IH"S, by resol\Jt(> atiqJaUon ol every gm·<'mmentaJ expPnse not ju.c;tifk!od by n.J nece.lty. And the sam<> rule of economy !llhould guide- ~ sta~ and kX-al govemnl(>nt_ in America. • GEORGE D. BASSmwr AOOOUNTANT Moath.ly ~ Seniae Only by the balancing or aU public budgets and utmOf\t -;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ are 1ft public spmding-from city hall to national capitol-P may the rigoR ol the war on debt be at all eased at the 80W"Ce: 1be ~·· paycheck and tht> merchant's till. At blllt, a long-haul Job ls a.hee.d-for all Jiving Americans. -tt.lr ~. tbelr gnmdchUdren-and greet-gnmdchildren. Vetenn Eduation n wu ~ th1nc for u~ Sam to pi"'fl'l18e returning W't· ..__ __ -a ~. He 18 finding that it la quite anotMr .... to aany oUt that promla>. C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S 1100 Oceu l'rwt IIALT8 NOW OPEN J:VJ:NIN08 . '&I; I • 8ANDWIOIID • IIAIIInJIIQ.II: Ice en.. to TaU o.t Nat t:Mt tbe ~ pntleman'' lacks money. He doem't. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lD falrt. be II piamlna to IPl'nd a cool bUUon on behall ot UK> foaaw G. 1. Joea and Janes durtng the 1946-47 school Y"J', aat ewn a biiUcll\ dolla.rlln t.beR days can't provide enough ---eocomrnoclatlona and 8Chool facUlties to take care or h enonnoua number ol vets who want to n>tum to the duwoaaL . M man:Y u 100,000 ex~ and women may en- ral tor tbe tan term. QJltomla aJonr ~ about 100.000. Or pclll6bly ~. ol ~ ~t capacity ol unJ\I't"nniUes 1111111 col..-Ill ~ ICatt .. about 80,000. Wlth the normal .. ot ..... .:hool Jftduat& to collep. ~ wtth the ln- .. ot ........_ tbe,...,.... jam 8bouJd rnab-a New York -., ....... lUib baUr INift .. roomy by tunparia\ ........ - ....... .. 1 JaiiD w. _.. ...,... ~ shO'O'•In..: food COlli rhtin~. I)(' surt> Mn. Blanch MRrll' Quine.>. J(WI l.asuruce Co. · the aubeldy costa were added b(o. trht avt'nue. has her dnugl)ter. Ml'l "Ita ,._ ~ h• ~ .. fort' the pPrccnlall:'t'l were.> figured. Harold Haught and her two It will AVe.' you mental concern grandchildrl'n, Diane.> and Paul in this hot wuther. and It may with ht>r for tht>ir aummer vaca- 111\'l' rcpr1;'111'nlatlve govt>mment In tloll the United Stall'S! DON II:II.NlOAN ...._ llartlor IM·• IMIIutaeAft. ....,_..._ and by appointment ~aeon~ ltt J:Mt .... ., ...... o..ta ..... Vallie .... Whlll' the St>n~ttt' !lt('wa ovl'r It's okay to tell a gal she hl\s r-------------. OPA. we diiCUU the Brltilh loan. pretty anklea-but don't compll· CRDIOFRACT088 AND 08TEOPATRJC8 W e havp 16 hours gent>ral &tbate. fl'I(Ont her too highly. btforf' w~ start to r~ad the.> bill for ------------ arnendmt'nta, which will mt'an r------------. daye more. The choict> J.C'f'ml to be to vot~ for the loen and IJX'nd tht' rett of the yt'ar explaining why you voted that way, or to vot~ a~talnat II and explain lhe vote. The best way Is to vot~>, and not explain! All no votea will bl' c11lled 1.so- ROOFS APPUD oa -Am&D Free Eltimates It JwiweUcat W.l . ._... 38CX'l Man:ua Pb. Hbr. 1012·J 24-Hour Radio Service Burt R. Norton tll OoMt IDW&7 ........ llU• N_.,.. .._,., Qalll. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA otr.. Yoa 1M .,.._. PIMe te DIM Ia Orup ()oat,: All New·-• Even. the. Location ... c.>r.Halt Mile Eut ol Old LoeaUOn an Cout fllabway. Beautiful New Cocldail BU' We Leed Soutbem Calttomla tn the SeMna d. -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOOK~ol~ -VISIT OUR JCrt'CHDI - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fiah MU'ket ~~...... (,.... ........ , OCCIDENTAL LIFE IN8UBANCZ 00. Ray Nielsen ...................... ,..__.___, lla & ..., .... ..... KO&TICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OurwlvH the &tter Serve by ~rvlnr Othet1 ~ .. ..... Beeaoa Hlt OoeCa M-CaWo...aa OPTOMETIU8ft Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OI"TOMETIWIT E)'t'l Examined "Glanes Fttted J7tl Newport BoaleYU'II ....... ......... (' ......... E. T. Butterworth. 0. D.- Optometrt.a IEJ'D DAIIIlQ:I) L&NSU DDPLIOATED -................... aut w. a...... •-ft. ...._ ,.11 ............ Dr. W. T. Mooney ..,....Uid ..... ...... 0. .... .... ( ........... ) ....... Dr. G. E. Tohlll ftv'l'118 ......... D» Cout Jsml NEWPORT BEACH -P'IIO~ otfloo: •""-ue.w .....,_. Bvbor ue.a u llo --· ...u &arbor t Waper OniP-..... ....._ Dr. W111Mp (). w...- Ollropractic, Dietetic., Ph)'Sio & Colonic Therapy ltlt OoMt ....,. ..... .....,.. ........... FUIIUC 8TENOORAPJD:a M. D. Keesling IIIG8-A Newport. B1..a. <lotlta M.,.. Newport· Balboa Tourist Bwreeu All Modes ot Trawl to Qlrope. lleldoo, Hawaii Round-the-World Trtpaln tbe near future. Set 11n. ao,---. Pia. Jlarbor •1. ao1 ......., ..._ ...... , u ......... .. _ ROOFS e __ HOSS l. BMHlOW't 0\o\t£ N " . ... . . '' ' ' • ..... ..... =·· • ,... -.... o r .-. ,_....,, ...., ae. .... -.GJID& WA!Ift P .,_ .... JRJUAJfD Oil lilerch 1. ... th pt'lllllkiN ::.:.:. .. ~~ To Consider to buy blr that W'CIIIdertW bQ Wft'e belnl pUIS by the Vetenna front home jult Uat.d at .J . Ill. .Adminiati'IIUon to t7S2 vet.ru 11Wer1, l&th and Otn~ ~ in Southem Call· JU.rt)ar UG.-Adv. fomla. Central Avenue Project· ·. · Sb1 Pa'J)Ieling-Problem =.,.=t!~~ College P-lan'-------:""'""'---~~~ I ; FoJJowinc a report pubUIIMd tn meettnc with an otftda1 ol uw Jut 'I\.M!Mia)''a N.-.nn-t o 1M railway company, requ.ted the eftect Ulat the Padtlc El«trtc tranll« ol the propft'tW. 10 the Railway company would not con· 51at atreet looation a.nd the .U. aent to mow Ita power plant fToom by 1M railway company ol tMtr Ita pneent ioeatlon nur munid pal prewnt land hokllnp to the Oty camp crounck. Mayor 0 . B. R.-t ot Newport 8Hch. O tJ olftdab a.nd other Newport Bead\ otfl· atated that U..y wanted to uw d&1a hutened to Loa AnJelee for the P.·E. riJht..ql-way u part ol a conf~ with the railway of· 1M widrnlna o1 CoUt boUlevard ftdala. • and Central avenue u a alnak The coni~~ wp held in the biJ project. Jeneral otftCN of 1M railway 1l\e rallway otflclal .. UHd the company on·Wedn8day. Pretk'nt dty otfldala that hla company wert' otclciala of the ralhuy rom· -..'OUld be 1lad to C'O()j)f't'ate in all¥ pany and Mayor ft.e.ed, Col. .J: J. worthwhile •r*avor for the lm· SaUont, exeeuUve -latent to the provenxnt Q( thr munldpallty'a mayor : City Enltlnet'r J. B. Webb traffic aituatlon 'and ht> dted tht' and Harry Welch, ext'CUIIVt> secre-19U ~t'l!lllt'nl for tht' oMclt'nln& tary of tht> Nt>wport Harbor of Central avenue, from McFad· Clamber of CommerCl'. den pia~ to 16th atrf't't. u an f'll· An authorl\all\'e official of thr ample or hla company'a roopora· railway comp~~ny a.uured the Nrw· tlon. port &ach city orticiala that lht> Howt>ver. thP railv.•ay offida l • t'f'C'oPnt &l\ftOUnol'rTWnt tram Sat'- ranwnto that atat«' offkiala had authorllf'd purchaac-of 9M a<'l't'tl ol lhl' 1001 Ranch IW&r RIVC'nUdfo at ll roit of $140.000. An lntM'nl4'dlatr vocational Thr Orance County 8oU'd ol Suprrvtaon on Tul'l<tay, July 10, wlll rondu<'t a hurlne of an a~ pllc.'atlon <'Allin~ for a rt'ell1nment nf C'lc•mc-ntary achool dlatrict act1onl. rt•piAclntt lt>mporary quu- tl'ra nnw at Lan<'aatt>r, Ia contt'm· boundarlt-a alona tht' aouth coaat, pllttf'd, "''hlifl thr romplf'tC' pro-1 to pavr thf' way for ultimate-H · sram lncluckt a<"'OO1UTlldat lona 1 tabllahlnf'nt of a rout 111M' ctia· for 1:!\Xl lnmatl'S, 700 of v.'hh:h will trlct junror rollc•l(t>. br provlckod for In pr•llmlnary ron-&hool diatricta of NC'wport atruC'IIon to start IUQn.11A ataff of Ll<'ac:h and l..al(una 1\(•ach w111 3()(1 cor rnorr. with lin annual pay. apllt, undf>r Itt~• propolotl. a "C'p"- roll o•'ICC'f't'dln& $I ,llOO.OOO, "'Ill bt• riti(M'" or San JoatjUln Sch•NII 1>1a· m atnllllrwd at t h•· Institution trlct. v.•hlm tnumt•s thf' ahun•lhwo whto'h will lM' "l~·rull•d In 1'(11\nt•c-lllnd I'XIl'nch, r.>r t.'t'hnlc11l 111.11 not lion with thl' ( Allf.urnla lnl lltu·j r11r Jl"R<'t k al purpnllo'll, ''' ttiC' tlon lor M1•n 111 rtuno. thr•'f'·mllt> limit otfshnrr Vets Can Buy 25 Trucks from Ua S. ltt-ahgnnwnt. h.. 1:1\ '"" half 1 h 111 N.lrrtdor h 1 N "''I• •r t lie• ad\ company would not withdraw from aald that h is company would takt' y,.11.r11n~ mil)' now I'Urt'llltM-1u. Ita atand not to mo\'t> Ita proper · under advlac'mPnt thco requt>at to mnn) 1,s :!!\ ,,.hH'Io ~ rur huslrwss til'S from near lht> municipal camp move ita prl't!t>nl pnwt>r plont 115, woth lhl' hfhn~ hv tlw W11r gTGUnds to a p11rcel of land In o!J('ratlon from nconr tht> municipal A•, 1, AtlnuntslrMi wn ;,r "un•··h>- 51st liN'<'\, as wu requt>Stl'd by camp grounds to a point in th\' 111.,.,"1"nwr" r• ~trlt'lltln~ 1 )nl) •~·r· Mnyor Rt'C'd and some olh<'r ci~y I vicinity of r•lsJ strt>t't \\'ht•n ad· I tlf~o•o1 '""'rnns .. r \\'urld WAr 11 otrlclnls at a prlvot~ mt'<'lln~o: aa1d vlsl'd ln.st Munday ur the ck'batf' an· ,.1 1~1111, •. to h'av(• bl'('n hC'Id tn on<' or tht" amon~t mt>rnht•l'l! t•f llw Nt•wport 11 , ,. ,.1"''"'' 111111 "''''''"ns yacht clubs. ht>rc a ~nth a~n. Jlarlxtr Ch.tmht•r or Comm••rt•t• mu"l 1. ,:,.r;orlt'<l 1,, hu' t t·o~o·k~ nr , 11nd llw n·nu~tnllo•r '" Lui(Ona lktll'h. will nuo\,,. llw humul•riH ur lht• twn g,lt ... ot dlatrlf'ts ron· IIJ:UOUI. Tilt•) llt<•ll "ill Ill• abk' lu \lf'fl('('<'IJ \\I til lll'l(t)tlllliUIU for II I'C•IIr<t lin<• C'llllt It\' thl ~ ~~ )"(.l\.1~ INSURA~(E ? At that lime, the City officials. hoard .~r dtn't'tors 1111 to rea10n1 houloow tr.otlo·rs fOr US<' In huJ<i· f om Wolfi wos o skoppe• r There once f hos sools 'I so s11•• 0 I rnr th<' dt•loy . In wldt•nl'.'g tht• n•''> .. r r.or·muo~ nt~rr~tlllln~. 11ncl avcn.ue. tlw r o1 lwny orficull dl'· m1~,1 111'\:~··nt 1·,•\tlo-no•t• nl lf'~l ll· • In~; up lht• Jlro!N't. Jar~·· ooomtlw•r nf lrtlt'k~ Ill''''"' •·•h· II ALLMARK nlt'<l thai his company Will! hold· m;,1,. ,1111111 hu5ino'Aii ,111111, A Who wosn Hos riggong too I lit• J!tUd thnt hiS C'Ompany and II l'nr I lluo·no•nto• cARDs tht• C'ity or Nf.'"'porl B<•ach had ai~;cnPd a n a~:rN.'m<'nl In 1941. with Food ()rive ContinU"8 Fo .. r a:.-.hdays lht' railway rom(lHny lransfC'rrlng ... u~o tud<'"alk •I»H.'(' to thr ('XtC'nt or As MiHions Starving Wedclial Aaa.h-enariee 10 f('('l for thf.' wodo•nin~; of C<'n· add Ete. tral av<'nllf.', from Mcl•"addl•n plal't' Aflo·r An ,.,lf'ntl•••l nolsRinn l••'u to 16th slrC't't H<' llald ·lha\ the Latm nncl l"••utlt Anwrw11 ''' In• ~ v ... :: ~ City or Nl'wport hlld falll'd to til:nto tho• \\'ntld rnood ~IIUIIt lnll, wt~n tht> strC'C't as part of thC'Ir form• I l'r••,ltlo-nl llo•rh•·r t "'"'"'" Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop NOW BEING SOLD ZIG! Ooeu Frollt We Wrap Gltta Indicated aueptance of this pro~ suggests that those interested should act promptly. ''Tht CoiiSI;s Most Distin&tiv• Rtsidtntilll Community" Here's your first opportunity to purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mar, where the ocean shore line cakes a pic· turesque bend ... noyural setting -unex~~l!ed beach, all improvements: underground uulaues, sewers -architectural restrictions. Large sites. each with its individual appeal. If you are ocean· minded and want somdhing neu· on the co11st ... this is it. The long-awaited opportunity to purchase one of these large ocean-vinv homcsites. Sec chi~ propcrrr ... make your select ion ,.,,·h. by Developers of Santa Anita Otdt.s Ayman~ A.l)Qrn Co. evelorers 340E. reen St. u.r~ SYcamON 2· 51QI l"ua4&n . Calif.. U.'l•l-6164 TRACT OFFICE-On Ocan Htpway. JISt Sou lit II Cofou Dtl Mlf. p bArgain. wht• r••"Hk~ tn l'10ltl Altn. r• purlo 11 ArtC'r lrnrnlng In l)l'non that "an oml•ro>ll'rnt•nt l,n tht· would the railway C'Ompany would not food nutll;ok" nllhou~th t h · ""' h - rons<'nl to movin~ Ill powC'r plant tlon I• lltlll <Tot u•al proJ)('rtiC'S from thco munld,pal Lnhn Amrrtca. h·• 'aid. ·~ nuol4· camp ground arn. the city offl· InK "''RIInhlt• l'I!Wl,OCIO <'Xlrn tnn• clnla aakl'd lh<' railway official of <'•'r""'" 11nd t~o•11na for tltP nrxt what could hi' <'Xpt"Ctl'd In lilt' way fl'w mnnlhs or cooprratlon for the wldenlnl{ of both Cout boulevard a nd <A-ntral Drlv" c .. r .. l1olly ~;..,,.,.. 11 t,l(,. avt>nur. City offldal• polntrd out that the Pacific Elt.>Ctric right-of· way 11 an ohltacll' In tht> pAth of this lmprovrml'nt pro~t. Aftl'r somt' discuu1on of thl11 phiUIC' or thf.' mattC'r, It v.•as "lfri.'M'I hy both sldf's that tht•ir t:'nglnf..-r· In~: d('partml'nls should draw up lkC'tchM of th<' disputl'd arC'a 11nd aubmit them for gem•ral di~L"UUion at a future datl' to be lt'l hy hot h par t lr~. If and whf'n thl' · widcninc projC'ct ~l'l!< und<'r WRy, It Is lw•· Ji<'Vl>d It will IJC' On(' or I hP hi I!. IWSt J)08t·war con-trurtiun pr·•·· jt•('l!: in N(•Wporl Tk:tf'h I In•· Orfll'l81 hill.DrdPd i1 ~li•'"S thftl ltll' pNijoY I niHY not ho• 111111 INi fnr 11; munlh!!, f'\'l'n 1f tho• l'nr•tlll' 1-:lo•t'· I rtf' l'ilntPII n~ ~1\'o•s up lllllrt' 11f II' , ril!h l·uf ·ll'fl) ill' I'<' I CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS ga41.~ GpMiS~ I' _,...,.._A_ :to ........... ........ IIUtMJor 6'7t ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! In: \\1ndow Awnln,;w, · Door lloodtol ' Porrh 1.: Patio Cano.,W. • IWn Out • • • IJ«ftt Ia: e Ratn Out • • • It,_, ln.; • h..-nt-··No .. .,.,. • Do"'""": • fUa-t ••• ~ .. Rattlet: • ~~en ••. <'ua'-ft•llt: • n-t ,._,. -.. l.ona Utt~, No......,.__..._ No•·! Quality \'f'tvtlan Blinds I E11h••r \\'•10(1 for Mf't•d I Quir k 1Wn1...- t'or f''n"f' F..-Uma.._ ('aJI Ht'\lt'f"<(• Chiil'l(M IIHapp ........ Whitney Steer-o-Matic Baby toach n.iped for uc.c.t coelo« ....t aalay. "'-"'• - lippinc _. "J' for ....... • -••• It haa a ....t ..,..u....a fr-1 the n..c ..-Jicy I_. ad• .•• ..tj.eaWa....., ••• .-, fr1ll ab •• ....._ ... .WitfoW.....-,. < A~Product For Baby's Home Comfort 0. Bnra SpecW Pull P .... Crib .... "'-.S. Seeft ~ -'**' _., be ,..... or ~ et wt11. And. _. important J all, It,_ a -pot-finieh. Thla CCII8o p&eer outlit. indud.inc the fe~• ICantwd lr-•1fMiutl Maetra~ -4390 .. _.,. (White <W Mfurel ltnWt.) .............. ., _ _,...,_ ..... ~ -........ --r ...... .., ..... , .. s-r ..... ... .,_ ........ ,... •• •••MIIft••,..._, ...... WHEELER laity & Jw .... Sllap Harry Md P1on.e T.,l«, Sok <>-ra ·' 8'1'0111111D-· .,.., ,._ •• ~-..... ~ ... -............. ,,_ trll ~ -....... "' 41' Mc.6 ~--Two Coon No.th J R..._.'a ,.,_ 6JIJ.~ Santa Ana r .. a,'" Fia'" O••lit1 -PrtMct• $32.95 .. · Other Quality ~ Models $14.91. . ....... ~, ..... , •• ..,. T., Ita ,.._, ................ ,.. .. ...................... ....... ~o,.... ,. ........... I'CM!h. ..._, ............ . ............. T .......... T .... .... TI'tr,...., ......... ... n_.,....,.,..._· ....,.,,, ............. .......... _..,IIIMII Ia I ",.. Olllf_... • ' --------l'!l!!!g•mt.:•!!•!•.ao~A aew~ w,..,....., <W~w-. TwMaz, hk ,., tNe ===N=A:.:.M=E =,=a:~A~,=E=s =.=:iconstruction fOr 12 Days '~:~,~:.'Pa!k War Department Streamlines w1LiEY'~ iiEFRismnnon ~ •. _,POR BOAT s AN ~~~~/'~ Reaches $140]50 Valu~tion . ,~~~~~~~: ...... Con 1nenfal U. S. Defenses =~~ Heavy Br&88 .................... 2.00 3.00 5.00 c\r.nnmwd hmn PaRt' 11 1 n .. "' "'' r •luultll· ~>:&ra~:o·, sanv ad· I c · ., '"'"'('ol vn Monday a h£·rnoon ICooUnued from Pa«e 11 retained u a aub-ornce with Maj. CUM Beoadl; ~ Nltlbt. i.1ee:f 1"1..--% 2.50 4 ()() 6.50 dr,•-..."1, ·.r~rou ''"'""'''' d \it) F:ngcn~r J . W. Cerwral W. S . U vesay ln com· ..._.... BeMtt ~ ... um ........... -.......... -. • ttrt'f't, Jll'llbou h l11nd, 11 c.on<'·lltory Juhn J1 l>••m• Is of Cottagf' 8, \\ol•l• CfO draw plllns and sf)l'<'ifiea-bilafy as weU as tactical rt>Sponsl· mand. ftlll .,._., ......_ •... lUlL oa ... ,.. YtKla oa»aa "o• '1'0 National , Eqrarinc Co. . Agency a... .. - Shipment Spdrt Slllrts --.... dwl'llln)l lit 5(17 Tulltln awnu<', Bay lsl&nd, a uno··Story dwe!hna j •J"n' !11r lhC' seltin~o~ utdt-of addi-blliry Cen~al JORph W. Stilftll .-------------! Nt•V.JlfJrl Jlo·t~liS, Sfoi1CIO wllh cll'l:ochc-c:l l(ar&l!l' Itt :.!033 f o11n.ol !find on . ON•11n Fronr. Bal· Cen~al Courtney H. Hoc!cea commanda Uae Sixth Army and the R 0 $ $ I I S Frank W R lrhards of Balboa :O.Hramar uvt•nuo·, Rall~na Pencn-t.rort, l11r thl' parkin.: of 150 au~ t'Ommands·tht> Flnt Army and tl\4> Sixth bmy art'a, whtdl lncludea Inn , BaiiiOI'I, " f>nC'-story dwrlling sui&. $5()((). mnluh·s Flnt Army area, which lnclU<Sea Washington, Oreton and Call· L • S t with llllachl'<l l(llrlll(t' at 211:.! Arrhur Smllh (I( ~3.1 Simla Ana Th• c•ounril approvt-c:l thP prl> Malnr. Nc>w Hamr-hin'. Vermont, rom la, With headquartt-n at San I q u 0 r 0 r e Oct•an JJvulc•\ urd. S6(X)O. ltVt'flUt•, Nf'wpoft H,.l~;hta. a one--I~''''' m11rlf' l.y the 881boa lm-MllSIIachusetts. Rhode Island. \on-Frandll<:o. 'fht> Ninth St>rvtce 1tt OoeM Illata.., A. M MnJI(on of l:\00 Mal'f'ngO srury dwo•lhnt.; 81 233 S11nta Ana pr .. ,•,.mo·nl 115MX'iatlon In a roll-Mctlrut, Nt>W York. Nrw Jc~ Commarwl ht>adquarters at Salt avt'nUI', Soulh Pasadt•n/1, a one~ avc·nw•. N,,,,.~Jt~rl llt•t~:ht!l, 15000 1 r•,.ll \'totl', with M11yor 0 . B. R«'d and Dt>lawU't', with hradquarten Lake Oty Ia now a sub-office, with ro..-1r a....•a Dn~e ...,. atory dwr•ltinK en t:w 11ttacht>d to .I :\f Yut!OI: ur 7.17 South Car. rt'~"'"''nll In stating hla opposl-at NPw York City. The old Fln t M!Qor General W. E. Shedd tn 0... ..._, De,J pr<'8\'nf loul(dinll: and prclli'nl ltvinl: '"'lrl "' •·n•A•·, ;\l!utlllliru, 8 one·111on t•) llw plan. thr mayor ex~ Seni~ Command ht>adquartrn at 'I command. 1 rnom Ill I)(• t•nnl'c•rtr-<l lntn a douhh-"'"ry '"'•·111111: 111 115 43rd ~lrHt,, ••'""''" ltull h<' dld not fe-el the Ro«ton will b<• retained 11.1 a aub 'Ill(' rrorganlz.ation CQntioues I gar1111•· "' :.~1:\ l'•·:crl avr•lllW. Hul-:-;, "J••rl Ho :wh. S411iKo odct. tlll•lllcl pnrkln~ would solve the! or dlstrlcr offlC'<', Wlfh Major G<'n· tht> military district of Washing- hou lsluml, ~~WI t~ouls :-;,•hiCHI "r :l:.>:!.'\ c 111\'t' ave•-,.r .. hlo•m r-r:-.1 I ra T. Wycht> In command ton embracing the District of ' w. n. l >llnbllr ur f,()4 (II o·htll nil•·. Atl'trl•·n.o. a '"''' ''"' ~ dwell· ,, c·nnunillt•(• from the Balboa Lieutenant \.t'nt'rlll William II. ,Columbia and lldjarent military • HVt•uul·. ('woonu •1··1 Mnr . 11 ••n•·· itw .. t 'l~·t Pntnsf'lt" "'''nuc. Cor-lml'rU\l'fl,.nl n~<~ot'i&tion obtnint>d Sim~n commands lht'. S.:-<:ond imlfnllations ns a separate com-~rnry c1wc•ll m~: "tlh dut11r·hf>d 1:·'' "" • fl.-j ~!.or, ~IIlii( I tit•• n onw~ f1f all lou r nnl' prop-Armr and th(' 5.-Nmd Army Area. I mand dlr<'Ctly under the War De-1 rn~;o•lll i;l~l l h f'lllolll\•'lll" V~·~• .I 1-' Hhotnr• uf :liX X Mllt11n ''""'""'ron" !)f'Cirinn l,lppro\'-l"hkh Includes Pl'nnsylvl\nla, partment. w ith Brigadier Gener al l Wollt,.,., c •. nrum olf ~-.4.111 :-.,orl'l~-·"' ""' \\'hillto·r. II on('·Story 0111.: nf till' propc.s~~l rN'f'ntly. ,Mttrylanrl. Virginia. W<'S t Virginia, Rolx>rt N. Young In command. ,-----------~ llll.l av•·llth' ('ornn11 dt•l MRr. It "'"·liens.: "tth dctach•-c:l 5:11ra~te at """' H't', I hi' rily <.'Ouncil tabled Ohio, Jndla nn and Kl'ntucky, with Posts, camps and stations, ex. I onl'-strlf) 1h"•lhnr.: 111 :'IIi l'cll n· ,;I t H•·r.:••nHo n\·~>nur, Corona df•l •h•• unprowo'nwnt ~(roup's pr oposal h<'adctuartl'n at Balrim6re. Md..l CE-pt for' Air Fore,. in.stallatlons' !Willi uv••nw•. ("11ro1no do•l Mar, .\l~~r. $3901'1 l••r rho• prnhthillon .of parking Thf' old Fifth St-rvt~ Command, and orrtain ex<'mpted stations un·1 S60f)O All,.ra!hon• 11wro·r l'tliiN•riuns In Balhoa on hc•adrcuartprs at Columbua, Ohio. dcr W u J)(>parlmt•nt control, are .Mr 111ut Mr~ \\'11rn•n l'l{•menC(• lmprm o·nwnr Jllan.5 Wt're tiiC'd ~unc1ars anc1 hohda)'ll Thrs mat-• will 1M' kt>p t as a sub-offlet, with now under lh<' army commandert tot 4:11 llahlla IIVC'OUt•. c .. runa del t.~ thr followrnr.:: ,,., \\Ill '"' dist·u..w<'d morr• fully MaJor GPnf'rlll Roht-rt s. IWI~~:htln ol tht-gt'Ographic arl'as. Mftr, It onc•-story dw<'lling at 511 l'aul F 'l'humtl!!On nf 4:.!1 Dahlia ,1 tlw n••-cl mN>tlng of Llll' city: in conunand. Narclnus avt>n~. Corona del M ar, •tro>~'l, Corona del Mar, Interior n •unc.·ll In August. 1 Ueut<'nant Cri-neral 05<-ar W . $.'\500. • t'hangN\ fo prl'lWnl llulldlng at ___ _ Griswold commands the &-vt>nth 17•1'"ltl'·01d llrldf' Ab&ad~ecl SHOES Repaired While Yo. Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front and St.b Harry W. Melct'el ol 604 South115ll Cn.o•l hlghw11y. Corona drl I Army and the Third Army area, hope of t-ver finding an attractl\'e ~ Front, Balboa Ialand, apart-! :\tRr, s:.t: .. on Th s d Crab Which lncJu<k-tr North Carolina. homt' until hC'r husband dropp<'d In • R R. Httdr.:krnson of 115 VtH e an l South Carolina. ~gia. F1orlda, at J. M. Miller's, 15th IUld Central. Nest doer ,. a., VIew o.t. tLa.tolp.ID. SPORT SHIRTS with hand picked collar and tabs in Solid Color Pastels a n d Plaids ... SLACKS Gabardines Worsteds Shetland Tweeds ,,_\, Sensational Sa I e OF THE YEAR STARTS TOMORROW! THE VALUES WILL TRULY ASTOUND YOU IATHIIG SUITS Z.Pieee • • -Reduced from $5.98 PLAY SUITS a-Pt.ce -......... from m• Made by a ramoua maJc« ~ ~~ )'OU wi!!ll....!l«':.:;.. ____________ _ PLAY_ SUITS ' 1-Piece • • • Reduced from $.3.98. & $4.98 PEDAL PUSHERS C-LAM DIGGERS Reduced from f4.98 BLOUSES ...... from $5.98 and $6.98. Whir. and aD~ 32 to 46 SHORTS ......,_from $3.98 White and colon -------~----------SKIRTS White-colors & peasant styles ....._.from $5 .. .:::98=------------~- Oenww Dlaatic Jllllf'flt -wiD not ~~ or crack, Black. White. !Wd. Cn.-en, Brown. NaY)'. ... .,.. from $5 A: 16.98. ~---------------- $298 ssoo $198 $298 $298 $179 !!~~$ ssoo . ...... tram $9,98===--------------I slooo ·wHITE TOPPERS ~ lAIIItb and beautltul •ll•nt from $15-:.:·.::.;98:..._ ___________ _ ALL WE CAN SAY IS -HURRY -AND BE SURE NOT TO MISS THIS SALE ' .. THE SPORT SHOP mW.4tb~ WHBRE ALL SANTA ANA WOMEN SHOP AND SAVE ! l>iJ<m, l.idu Ish·. hulldlng a be<J. tContlnued rrom Pace 1) Al~hama, Mialiuippl and Tt)J\nel-HArbor l:l.J:Z.-Adv. '-------------..; rl')(>m ow•r -fl I:ILrn~:e a t 115 Via l ~. with ht-adquartl'tll! In Atlanta, DIJon. L. 1., $~-'()()(). puhlisht'd \Vhether right or Ga .. formerly WK'd by the Fourth ~---------------------E----: n. Jlltr hnf'r nf 1004 W. Surf · . ~ ,15 Braden Finch I Srn•it't' CommAnd. Fourth Servic-e 1 I E s E L s E R vIc IW~>nuo·, addition to prl'aent build· 'h'·'~gt'r 0 • Jrt publi~her' I Comm and h<'adqua.rtt>rs at AUcm·1 . In~; In Nl'wport R<•ach, ~. lms<' an O .,. , . ' -' ~...oits !x>ln~: dlscontinu<>d. bUt thr John L Smirch of 312 35th 1olrl. me today: It S a great ph)'lli<'al hlcllltles will be ~tilll<'d l Jfr""'· Nt•v. pnrr RI'IIC'h, Rdditlon '" f\'t.ohng to he your own bo5s. by the &-venth Army Thf' St-v('nth prMI•'nl dwt'llint:. $7:,0 Sam. and tell the world to go Army which W81 lnat·tlvatt>d in Murtha K. Kno~tt~ of 308 Poin-to -heJJ. if yOU reel like it." C:l'rmttny prior IO Its prNI('nt r<'· st•lta 11\'t•nur, Cornnll del Mar, \Vhlch 1 won't. orl(ltni7_atlon now functions In the t.uilrt a rt addtllon t o pri'lll'nt dwt•U· But rollss. my fingt>r will Tilirr1 Army orl'n sinef' th(' Third lnl:. ~~~-· still hC on the pulse or New-i!l h<'inl( rontlnued on ()('CIJPiltictnal J111rry .I nil MOo of 215 Marine I · H bo . l'v<' had a swell duty in \.• rmany. I "'''n'l", R11lhoa Island. <'nclose ex· l~rt ar r. d bWt h I Cen('ral Jonathan Walnwri,ht tstcn~: pord1. $400. j time. you are .a gran .c 1 't'ommandl! tht' Fourth Armv nod • Rot .. rl Olln!!kln or 730 Poppy or_ fotks and I tnle~d to abt~ lhl' Fourth Army llN'a, Whi~ti ln- '''''nlll', C'oronto del Mar , addition \\'lth you nil and h'lye the dis-cludtos Tc·,..ns. 1.1\ui<t:onll, ArknnMI, to pr'l'lt'nt dwdlin~:. $400. tMct my very lx'st m my own Oklahoma and N{'w :O.tl':<iro, with F.d~a GU)'ll'IOr ot 1802~ Oct!an wny and when I please. hNldquarten at Sttn Antonio, T<'X· Front. Newport I'Wach, change Incidentally, 1946 rounds as. Eil:hth Scrvi~ Command ho~d-plumbin~: and partlllon, $300. out 50 vee~ ot 11('\\'Sp&per -quartl'rs at r>allu. Texas W81 di.I- F'elix Banu ot 120 '1\trqUOiso• lng · continued. . NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Recoltdltloaed Dleeels oa baad with choice of redudJoD unltli, e WI: AilE WBJTING OBDI:U O N RIGHT· AND L&rr- HAND &OTATION DU:SI!UI FOR TWIN IN8TA.LLA· TIONS. CHOI CE OF UDUCriO~ VNIT& O.Jbad: 165 H. P. GeiNlnJ Moto,..._New. See us for lntormation on v enn Severin Diesels DieBel Oeaelator Seta of All IUadl. nvr>nu,., BalllOA lslund. conv~t In-~· . II but not goodbye' U eutl'fUlnt Cc-n<'ral Wnlton Jt lCrtor room v.olh knotty pine, $250 fll"('\\(' • • I Walkt>r command~ th(' Ftflh i\rmy om-·. n-~ "'-w S. C. Ol(•n nf ~!0 Dahlia ltre<>!, and the Ftfrh Arm)' an•n. which Shop .t Ways: Beaooa ~1 ""' __,._ UOOCMP- PHONES Corona d<'l Mar. sun porch Addi· People Swarm Beach l inC'Iud('j! Michh::an. llhno'"· \\'Is. at Bohmaa Co. 415 Flftftntb St. tlon to pr t-sf'nl dw<'lhng. $100. H "d"ty ronsin. Minn~tn. Iowa, :O.Iis..~rc. Newport BeaclJ NeMrport He'«bta SJ)('net>r Jluwland of 320 Alvar. To Escape uml I Kan!lall, NC'braskn. South Dakoln,l!.------------------------- Ado phtet>, :-;""''POrt Ba)•, build I North OakofR , W yominl: :tnd Coli)------------------------------OPt'n porch to (lr('l!('nt dweiUn~. Thmcsand..~ of l>l'rsons swarmed rndo, v. it h hudqu:.rt<'rs &I Chl- $50. '" it<·nt·ho ~ 1n the Nt•wr<•rt Harbor 1 <'ago. Ill. Thl' old Stxth ~r. iN' I cft~trtcl "'t'r lht• Wl't'k·o·nd and on Command h<'adc,uarll'rs a t ("ht· Mond<•) 1111:h1 to sN•k rl'fug(' from cagn has ht't-n dJscontinu<>d and tht• hc•nt In chrlr inirtnd l'ommu-tht> Sevl'nlh St>n ·ire Command nllic:'S. headquartrrs til Omaha, Nl'h., wu CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Quality Lumber On Mondny mght both Balboa and Buildint Material• nnd Nf'\\l)Ctrl R(>llch Arelll were r------------- • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. jammr>d wtth llUtomobilf'S and mulrlludt'!l of Jlt'npll' 11\y on the sandy ht'nrho>s 118 honftrt'S burnt>d I hrlghtly nnd tht' rough Wfl\'o.•s !Thllhc'il ilRilirtllt I he shnrdin('S I Mrs M~TIIc' G o rotT of Minne-- White House Cafe Pboae SlM ....,_. a.ch. Calli. jaeger Com pressors Comet Saws R. E . H OSTETL£" ~ne-on 5016 apolis ~~ It .,:U<•SI ,ol th(' home Ofl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._..;;;;;..;;. hl'r nunr. :\Irs Nl'lll<' Wilkinson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:f~L~t~dn~l:s'~"~·------------- Cement Mi xers I 9 CUB-IC FT I c E c R E A M j • . . . or Deep Freeze Newport Electric Appliance Co. UN Newpor1 Blvd. IIMtMw t lll BRING YOtJa RADIO TO US 0.. o..,y -We'll aep.lr U _. Yoa 0.. Haft It tile Nan. Jraete17 Pwta. Wottl 0 _,_...._ FMterJ TnbMid Eqoei1L Radio SOB Eledric HA80LD L. BAlDI ...... ,. ... llartM A...._ ILallloa ..._. PtUtOOGd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • ST!ZL • ALUJIINU)I ...... ~-~-....... --·---,__- 814 ()GMt Wgbway Phooe J1Mc?oa 5881..,. JOHN oo~r NO \V OPEN Choice Marine Foods Fresh .Fish OPr;N DAO.\' U:ti"'J'O l :tl P.M . 801 Marta~ Ave. ~ • ATTENnON!! Home and Boat Ownen ... .... "'""' ............ ,_ ('('....._.. ...... Mea-Women Prostate --Pelvis Wood W orking Eq u ipment Do yoo have Mdl·...tMt! Pale• 1t1 lecw, &'")ta or bec'k ef llead! Are yoo aerv-. jampy.lrrlta ble aad ~raaky~ GrowtiiC old before your u-t 8U ..... f Rant .. I'd ........ , IT8 YOUJl GLAND8 OU eiiC!hlltft ._...... pta .-lt. No ,..., ~ or bjecl- Uoaa. Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock OON8ULTATION nu:E 0.0 ...,.._r liM lor Appl ... !I' D~. IC. F. lieU, D. C., PIL C. IO'J Hlld 8t., Newport lleldl !0 y..,. 811' ......... 180..... Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Suta ADa Ave. -eo.ta Mea tOI -l fl NOllTWOOO tOMG aUCM '"SAOINA ~ IIWn iDt UHf" ...... LESTER & Co. Mnt~b" 1-o• A,,,u,, ~toclt ~ch-1• 20M \VEST CtNTU L A V~ .• N£1itPORT BEACH HuBOa 1374·J tNVUTMINT SlCUIIfiiS TO Mtll TMI INVISTOIS' HI lOS No Price Advance Regardleu of the Elimination of OPA SAME OUR PRICES REMAIN ·tHE • • • Culbertson Chevorlet Co . Orle•I'Diet a ~ DMier 3011 W. Central Newport Beahe • • • Hydra • Matlc Specialists • • • Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs • • • PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE FACTORY tRAINED MECHANICS l • ... ,. ,.,.,., •••en• !lf!!'"'·ft!!& ,...,., .....,.. Ctl!f• • Tt • ....,. htr ., .... --Puauc NoTICE In"' 1111: in tO I he' J'C)Int fnt' l'f'j.,'U)at 1~·1110: •'11\ll:hl lhl't•UI!h<IUI 1111• tillY PUBLIC NOTICE • -~ 1"11''""'''' t n.olllrt~ ollll~lll•• 1\l•ft~ro• 'nell In lho• llhllllllllot lloolllllll """• . . • H k, Lin fl~lo·IIH' 11lo•n.: \\llh 1114\c•k•t•l 1\1 n110tlt NoTICE n F A"~Rll OF For furth{'r p;~rdcuJari n'fN"-00 e I , .... ,.i.· ( ..... Iring "' C'hllrl••r t>o.t• )'t'llowfln l'f'Oftkt•r ttn!l C'o•rhlllll III'L' ('0 1\'TKACT c•n{'(' Is hc•rc•by mndt• to snld R{'$o-1 lir -. .. ui\11,\'11 h• m.•'-•' n •••r,•atl•on• t .. '"•: , •111~111 ~,11 1 n~hlu.,: hn~ Pursuant to the StatUI{' h{'rt'ln lution o ( lnh•ntlon No. 3327 Knd and Sl•nker I Ill lo IIJI l••o Wo'\•ks -in Ad\•ant{•, 1~·•·11 >oloil • • nwntlon('d nnd Resolution of to t~pluna, I}I'O(U01 and clraWlnp Fa.ho•rnwn ck'~tlnn~ to 1:" OUI "" 'I tu• (,111 1., 1 ;111111, 1 1111, 11,,1.,.,1 Ill( Award of Contract No. 335:.!. of o1n rife In the. ofncc of the C'lty 8 lfUOII Mr)llu.AN r«'~:•tl.u !11••· hnll lk•.••• w•ll f111il ,11,. N··" 1~,..1 pr .. r •• luml-hlnlt tht' City C'ount'll of the City of Englne<'r of s&d City of Nt>wport 'I It '"" "uhlo• It• 11111k• ,,.,,.,q ,thm• 1 ,~11,.,.,"'11 "lch , ut.·h··• uf hlu t a- Ncwport Bt'lll'h, California, adop~-I'WuCh, and to th{' lpeclflcatlonsl aho•tul uf lullt• 1111••. •'"' "'"" lnml• rtldlt, hl\lll•ut •tul llllll'k••t't·l. ~~~~·e ed on the l~th day of J uly, 1948. for thl• aald work hcr,•tof,lrt• 'J'h(' Hnt broadb .. UI 1wordfish ot flllhl'rm. t•n ~tivln~ot It u try. Barra-l ln~• art• tYI'n lomJu11: thdr '"''r· hoAt• nm frnm 11 ... .-nd 1,f thC'It dlrecUna lhb noUce. adopt~-d by the aaJd Cit)' Coundl the 1946 tlshlne I('UOI'l wu cuda and hAU W{'I'C' t'aught. Sh«t lcllul boau to ''"'"'''tty. 1 Nl'"''l101't plo·r lind tlwr.• 11 llttllfly NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN and on til~ In the office of the brought Into Nt•wport Harbor boat to th•• b&r~w lnVI'I from the l llunt~ front P•~rl I 1111111:•' r.ro· Itt'"' h'o· nh•\llrd I that the aald Cit y Council in ope~ City Onk of aa.ld City, and all' S~turday, ,July 13. Tht-bro&dbiiJ Fun Zom• landlna in Balboa a t hrnll:mw In harrarul111, h~tllhut., '11w 1\Rtl!>\11 ~l•'rt ••tJhlnll FlN•t .eaton on the lSth day of July, o.f aaid plana, profllee. Jlrawlnp ""'~i&hed 398 pounds and waa ~ a.m .. 7. 9, 11, I p.m . 3 and 5 1 wh•h• "'"' buu. Alh~t•'Ort' day hns llw .. ~l•hlll~ot F."'t""·u lt'll\'lniC' 1946, opened. examined and pub-and Apt'Cifltatiom hf'retof~ ·~I rAu..:ht by How~trd E . Earl. 2919 p.m. Uv{' b11lt Is furnlsh l'd and! botlt" ar{' run on w.-.•kd~t)'l only. 111 li 11 111 •1111,1.,, Is '"' 7 11 m. 11.,111, 1 llcly cleclared all ~ealed propou.11 proved by the City Council of aaid W. t2nd St., Loa An&«'ICI, aboard tht-r{' Is g1JI('y lK'rviCX'. All t .. ~J~tJ 11,.,, l~>'ln~ l(llld.'<t 10 ,.~ 111,, MHidl'n 11111•1 runnlnll now or bids, offer~ for doln& the fol-Cit~ are lnco~ra:ed :;e~:n andl thc-Dolp~ln skippeN'd by Edd.ic TI1c nc•" ll\'e b,-,11 hoat Sport CAJIIII'il) MluAwlt ls the ri'I(UI&r 111 lloat tlnw '!1u· Nm11 1\nt•t•ttn. \oWtnc described work, t o-wit: ~ah I' 8b part d er<'Oh •t n f re erenoe Offt•rlt', H•tf'ran flah~rman. Kln~t wu low.•rf'd Into t he waters II<··· halt boat .J n. '''"''l• at 1.,,.,., I AWo• """ 1-'nto•q •• Acnlo,•r lin' .., erf' Y rna I' t ere o or a more Twt'nty-four thread lin~ Will f N. 1 H "-th'-' k a nd ' 6 ·'\o 1 tl ' Ski 1 7 The construction of vitrlfl('d lcul d 1 tlo ot ld . '' 1 wpor a.ruur "' lllt'C • I ·• nn! 11 P·A· A Ill nt '"'"· .. nwr· '"'"'~ """'""''' lo•r de11r1t•r. clay pipe sanitary sewc>rs, vltrHied partk ar CIO" p n II UJ('d to land the flah. It was offl· NurntRn llua.;o·n ,,f Km~·s l.undmg 1-"'m llw No•Wtll•rt pi•·• •'<lffi4'8 T lw For•'' •·r Aml .. ·l •~n I '' novrl,l clay pipe house connt'Ction St'Wer wor · d all)' ~t'lg}!l'd In at thl' harhor rt•J~t~rta h ~Ill '"' r··"dy tor IIWI'\'· wont ,,, ll11• • ""'"•'S twin.: mttd•• II'• 11 ,1,. 111,, 1,,.11 , ... ,.1 t.·•· ht\lll, llnes manholrs cast Iron manhol<' I Said City Coond l hu dctC"MJJIn-I masto·r s NfiN' hy Harbor Muter lt'l' in ul"'"' Ill tlu) ~> '11111 bf'au· h)' "·' tl h Hlnuc "lilt 1111· :~,,.,,sll\1' "etlt tlutdt I ri•ldth" IIIIo' •nd Jim tram'es und co~t·ra, "Y" hranchl•s.,.t'd and drt'h.rl'd tha t the contcm-RUUC!ll E. c::r~· ' • tiful llt>W t.oul hi~ thr';'t' pi'O·, 11 To•n nnll 12-Jlllund lu•s~ Ar•• '·"··II· 1 ""''""' - lamphol{'$, wt'lded stl't•l pip!', -vump Jllatt-d worlt anl1 Jmpro\'t'mcnt I Th(• n .. w ft~hint:t hnr~tt' KNncv~'r pt'll•·rs, \\ htdt hhuul!l t•UJh tl slong '" lrt rnu~ht . :ll•m.: -wrllo hotl u,.,, Kt" fthl11•1 1111 11 111,111 lht• 1\,.lho•CI I at a tiona. tntt<'lhl'r w\th appur-hcrNofon• mt•ntiont'd was In the tc now nnC'hort-d off Ahalf'nt' lit II u\ " t.:••l(l ,•lip l'h•• lllunt'htng. raculiit. l•·•'lh••u l'j' ''" '''""!! ··nt.•h.-ll llf ' tenant wor k in ronnt'Ction with opinion of said C'lty Council of and Sunday, July 1'1 saw lh.-f•r"l ""~ quct•· un 11Hulr nml }•rlnll~ '"'·• :olhu"''' "' ,,. I''"'''"' 111 ,, , ""lll tnlll•lll '''"' .. nil •·ru:ol. any and all ltl'ml uf Improvement ! more' than local or ordinary puhlic IInck nwmolrh'" 11f lht· '"lit.: Sunny ~""''"~ ''' 1\u t l.lolo• nl'l•tn•l tht• ,., . •:•1111: lho h,ul "ltlo'lt '" "'"" , hereinabove m~ntion<'d. aU a.s ll<'m•flt nnd I he sttld City Council p N • nnd yt>ars 1:'"1'' hy. p,u; ''"'' J II 11, rt" :\1111• uf 11lo lo 111 Jlw 1111\ til•"' Mud1 .. r thl-• more particular ly dcscrill<'d in has made' the ~ltJX'IlSC.>s ot said UEM..IC OTICD One' da.) lh,_ wt.,•k :!li ult.a-tlw I o'l'llll l'al h.o. ~~~·11 ""''rlt~l"ll •~on~o• fl11hln,: ···mllmwa In ntlwr Resolution of lnt{'n lion No. 33:.!7, wor k •·hargl'able upon u dlstrlcl. h frl 'f h ('' n I< f ld wn· "~'"' •·nu.:ltt nhone•l tht• tnun six to 35 11lhll<'t•r•• •l.otlv J'MI!O of tlw htt) p&llt'd nnd adoph.-d b)' th<' Cityt For the partlcular delcriptlop of ~~~ 0 Ct' 0 1 '' ely ••r " •11 Rocket. sk ipr,.•rtod h)' Ear l Cole-f il•hH•I: 40 mclc•a 11u111h ••I '"' ''" Council of said city on the 20th the aald dlstrlct reference is flr rc-ty. . man. Frank Kt.,•IC'r und Normun '"'II lloorh••r jdl\ 1\o•rt u, •• , 1-4'&• c·ut Uff I day of May, 1946. and on file in I by made to aald Rt>sohrtlon of ln-lent ion No. 3.'Jl7. /ll~:~~;••n w1•n • ln. ••n tltt' ··nt<'h. Flail-~ ,,.,., h•·• > ,.,,.,"'",I~. """"''"'..: , htlll'!l ur tcohk,. 111 "'" hunw Said Oty Coundl hu dett>nnln·l in£ on lhv flhl:> orr lluntlngton bon· Jh.:s \\'ho•n ,,.. l•ll'k' 1111 II ......... , lhrnUII h thi• ull ll'l' will be~~ln~t lott'r<'lt Ill thc ratco of"'" nnd man)' Ncwport Jlarbor live llw h111t l"'ruJoy Ill' o·:uc~;ht :.!;1 1:1111 nntl t 't•nlrnl 11•\rhor 12•2. WE WELCOME YOU , CHARGE ACCOUNT (80-80 -90 0.)'11) Marbro'1 lnvt\e )'OU \o come ln and open a charp aooount. Our 1tocla ant <'011\plete wtth the l&tNt lt)'ll'1t ol l.adlft' Flnt' Appan'l. NatSoaally Ad\'t'~ READY-TO · WEAR Ill waT 6TU liT. Store Hoa.n: Daly ......... .._.., 9:10 A. M. to 5:10 P. II. ( ElJalboa c)(arket • M and dt'Ciart'd lha1 l('rial honds. ll<•l\('h !ll'f'II\S let 1)0• Klnwin.: d.nwn 1'1'111~11, lul\\'t'\'1'1' Ill' ,IIIII" 11~11111 luo\ •. Ill .... IWlhl r... .I M MIIIC'r,j 16 • I rx•r ("('nt JX'r annum and I'X·1 htclt and trollin!l bouts od• movlnll nlll,,, "''' 1 Atlv lt'ndln~ ovcr a pt'riod r ndlng nlne• l•nl'k to fbhln~: off Dnnn Point.! t•,,,, ll:<l ... mll'n hu\o• l"·•·n ••11}ol)'· • L---------------------~-_.' (9) Yt'an h'om theo lt'COnd day of ;~:on~l;t·;boa~t;•;HT;;c;m;l:xim:~e~l;n~a:..;li:tt:;le;;;l;n~::· ~~>~"':"~··~..::··":ld:.:l:•l•:rr:n:t·l:lll:ll~fl:•h:l:n~t~' -~r'l:r1:ve:.:.C:•:r .. :n:d:ly~8:pan::.:•;UI:•~·..;:::==========::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i J11mmry nl'xt ~IIC'C'N-dint.: tht' next ( • October 15th following their date. Jlore on.. M y..,.. ef ......_ to .._ .... __.. will he l11ut'd hcn·undl'r In tht> "'-t on-t.e~e manner provtded by the "Improve-_~SO~l~M~aln~----~Ph~·~Har~~bo~r~85~--~Bal~~a.o..~~Ot.lll~~·:__ rnf'nt Act of 1911," bl'lng Part 5. nivildon 7 of tht• StrC'I'II and ....------------------------, l llghwya.s Cod!' of the Sta t<' of .Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE ('uJifomll ,tO rcr~r('Sent ~ll<'h U · l ,(•ssmt>nt of Twl'nly-fl v<' c~:Z5001 1 Onllnr.« or mort' rt'malnln~ unfll'lld for thirty 130) daya 11fll'r th•• tt11tr I of tht' warrant. All nr lhP Work hrrf'in nrdrrt'd Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Tire Recapping • Tires ·Ret.n.>aded ~ 11hnll ht' doM and caalcd. UU:UUi:;.D.fjl--~ in pur.«unn('(' of an nl't nf lhP Ll'~tir.lnturt:' of tht' Stall' of Call· fornln. dM!Ign&lt'd thr "ImprOV<'· 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa I m~>nl Ac-t of l!U 1 ," llf'lng f18rll 1, ·------------------------2 and 3 . of Division 1 of th~ C. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ! ! ! Moorings Installed and R£-paired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ! ! ! Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Semce VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel . -: Aluminum Fut Service -J1'wJe I'Atim&tee · .. Call Us and Revene Phone Chal'gM Lino-Shade ... Intercity 1095 E. WU'dlow Road Phone Long Beach 453-28 Co. • HOLLISTER f!AI?- Brothen flfJ LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and SoU Condi tions I.Dqalrea& CARR'S FEED STORE 182'7 NEWPORT BLVD. OOSTA MESA P. 0 . Box 50'7-Phone ae.con 524.5 ATTENTION! S lr('('l.ll and llis;:hwaya C'ode. I 'J'h(• a11ld City <'ouncll did hy said Resolution of Aw11rd of Con· tract No. 33.'\2, award th<' con- tract for tht' doing of th~ sa1tt wnrk to t hi' I owN! I, r rstular. 1'1'· ~pnn,.hiP hlddC'r. to-wit: To J . S. Rnr-rl'll, at thc-prkc~ nam~'<1 In his ht!l on fill' In ltll' 1'111 IC'I' of 1 hi' C'ity rlr rk or said C'ity natt-d this 16th day nr July, , 19<16. rnANK L. RINEHART, C'it) <1<'rk of lhr C'tly of Nf·\4 port BC'ar h C'alifvrnln f'uh July 16. 23. 1~6. Pboee BMcoD 6824 NMtpOrt .t eo.ta lieu ~-:tAB CO. 24-Hour Sen it"e Expert Radio Service Phonr llearon 5816 o ..... ,... ... ,. ,,_ It~ ...... ...,.. Palmer Radio AND ELJ:CTRI() !UI H....,.rt ....._ 008TA MJI:SA DEAL'S Famous Slnoked Fish Alwa)'l ...... 110 McFadden PL Mabl liMon: 101 BJ.cltw-r "At ...... llal ............ LINCOLN-MERCURY OWNERS KNICKERBOCKER SAYS , I want to REPAIR your LINCOLN or MERCURY MOTOR as I economically as possible, BECAUSE I am yQur only AUTHOR- IZED DEALER-and I want you to know how economically your CAR can be maintained. • Our • Service is Better Our sentce Is QuiCker • Badget TeriM Knickerbocker's YOUR LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 1118 N. Main St. SANTA ANA PhoneS. A. 7171 1801 NeWport Blvd. ' .. HOUSE WARES Bread Boxes Cake Safes 89r 89~ Cannister SetH 4 pes. 89c Jumbo ~aMte Baskets 129 All the above 3J'l' ~1rntcd and of mc:>t<.al constnwllon Triple Ccl&t White Enamel Ware 8 cup PercolatorH $219 8 cup Dripolaton $219 10 Quart Dish Pan 98c ---- Blue Enamel Ware Tea Kettles 7 qt. Cld. Pk. Canner $198 1-2-3-qt. Sauce Pans 29c 39c 49c 8 qt. Dish Pans S9c Rotary Egg Beaters . 49c Wire Dish Drainers 89c A COMPLETE LINE OF GI..ASSWAHE including PYREX ,. Saturday _July 20 YOUR NEWEST STORE ' SPECIALS , ~adies' Rayon Hose Oil Cloth . . . Turkish Towels Wash Cloths ... Shelf Paper Kleenex ... Diapers ELECTRIC TOASTERS and IRONS Aluminum Percolators En a m e I • I CANDY and Wrigley's G U M ~en's Knit Shorts Broadcloth KIDS' CAP PISTOLS K i t c b e n Curtains Sash & Panel AND ABOVE ALL :0~ ~~~,: of the fosta MeMa, Newport Reach area quality Honest Pr·1ces merchandise at COSTA MESA LADIES' WEAR Rayon Pantie~~ 79c 89c Rf'J.'IIInr nnct F.xt rn Sl*"' LadieH' Sliptt 9C)c and up AnkletH 29c and up Cuff 1tnd Mfnabcht tc)()--Ril coolon ,._~Way-Ht"'t4-tt Panty Girdle ...... 259 Handkerchief• 2 for 2Se WhltP and Prtnta Men's & Boys' Wear Men's Sox 25c and up Work. f>t'f'M. Lon'-t & Slax Ml"n'" ud &)'It' UncterRhirt.. RoyM' Knit Short.. SSe 'A' ReitH, Ne-cktieA. Garten ud OUNrr Aec~ Crochet Cottons and Wool Yams ... Stamped G~1 .•. Embroidery FloM ••• Floral Tea Towell and I ~uncheon Cloths • Vi sit our Cosmetic, Sta- tionery, Hardware, Elec- tric ·and Notion Depart- mentK ···they are all com- plete. . . . ~ ~ o::.-: traltk =~..:aa~~tielt •· C ~,oct-"!. l.a&on's u.wv Store ~ ' ~l~e ftCineer for the city o1 t.. An-~.. Jf • BUUHRCI fYIOII f ~ ~IJ \IJIQ I) w 17 12:01 5~ tttll 4:11 ===..~-:a . .:: :: ~-:=: ::.: , Plans -~ .. ~ .. -= 'In fosta MeSa-on Saturday Th 18 ut~ ]i ll~ ·~ .o per cent o1 them are k1llld on pn1aed R.elerVH and ROI'C unJt. the produc:ta ol Calli~··...._ F 19 ......... S:M h JI tilt fara" He ...._. tbat 100 Uwa a us, mWtary aub-dlatr1ct.a head-fornia lndu.trial Expoaltlon wW Mllton 1 ~10 and 2.5-c.nt va ....._. .. ...._ St 20 12:25 7:US •• 1:11 our lJ poGIWt Ucfla.d thoroulb-In etcht Sout.twrn cautornla coun-Be Studied trial lnaenulty, the Southern Call-• 0.3 4.2 2.t ~ar CIOUlcl be aawcl by Uchtinl quarters have t-n stablbhfd In open in Lot Anceles on Aucuat 2f rtety clrpartmtnt ltGre a t UI01 c.ufCJI'Ida 61ributan ol dairy t .t 0.7 4.5 2..1 u.o. U ltrMta. the Federal Bu.lldlnl. Lee Anaelee. . and continue untU September 2. Newport boulevard, Colta Meaa, producu will pneralJy adiMre to Su 21 1:43 8:0S l:tt 1111 ~§§§§§§~§§§~~g~~~;;;~~~~~~under ~War Department reor---To be ~ld In the Pan Pactnc :: be opene-d to the public on mJftlmum prteea stablil.hed \&ndel-&.7 1.2 4.9 lA 1anlzatlon prc>grl'm. Col. RJdlard SACRAMENTO. July 11.-~ Auditorium, It la dfticned to~-urday. uw Calllomla M.Uk Cofttrol Act. 1122 3:2f 8:~ 1:11 lltll w. Hobr of the fidld artillery ta State Boar4 ol Education at lu cue the producta of Weet Cout Thil la the newest In the c:haln acoordtna to Alfroed M. Ghormle7, U 1.8 5.3 0.1 N-l N'IL.t-"'--.• u.a.-_.n.. American In command. ~ rneetina wtll CONAder !N manufacturers ln the 10 principal ot enterprlan founckd by the la~f viee plal4etit ol Uw Camatba !'Mila _ __. 111..,.... •- 'Iii" I. n.-&...u.auvuau..J . peUUona o1 Oranae Count:Y eout-avf'nues of World trade. IIWton Fanar o1 ~ .\naelee 111 CGmpeny. ....-...._ • -.1 ..,. _...., • M AD llil* typt'Writa" ribbcna Ia al dllea for the formation ol jun-The tberM of tM qpoaiUon, ae-1931. :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A P L E B E D R 0 0 M ! atodl at the Newa-Tbnea. lor colleen In N""PPO't Beach. cordln1 to manactn1 ~. After h1l death, the enterpri8n • . Oar Priee8 RemalD the Same .. Prior to Jane 30th Laauna ~adl and Capgtnno Everf'tt H. Bumalde, wtll be "Deo-have been conducted by hil widow, Does V ~• Hn=-o UnJon HJih echool dlatricta. cala&! of World bade" -and It Mra. Edna Fanar, &lao of r..o. IV.. .,......- B t Owners Request. for aurveys on the aet-will ck>pict the varloua compoM~tta Aftcela. Need r& I t1 1 08 a a a tln1 up of tha hwUtutioN of of world comml>r~. SM opn-at.-atOI'ft ln Venice. r8 • Ill learnlnl were made by the coYern· Special entertaJnme nt will be 0eun Park, Ea&le Rock, Pua· J.___ Canvas ln~r boarda of tht: achool dlat.rtcu. ft•atured, with a ralaxy of atan dena, Montftlello, J..ancuter a.nc1 H ~ · Sbould the atate educaUCnaJ to be on hand for eadl d&y'a Norwalk. No~· .. Won dolle lw-e*ately by blallb'. By the Yard Wide WldtJ\1--All I...eqtha a~thorltiPI .favor the plam, tllel showing. The Coata MPia chain store will eldDeclloarile,.._ Palll':t:tJ. the .....t .Dod- auperlntendent of the Orance WI! h lt>U th11n two montta be· abo be aupervlaed under the dJ. en eqalpmeat aad n.e.t County achool l )'ltem will aet til,. f~or~ actual opening datl, Bum-rectlon of Mn Fanar with J E J.___ date for elec:Uona on the aubject. I $1!\1' warned manufacturers tiJ hur-McKibbon of Coata M~a 81 ~: H-- rl«<l>• aCQuire f'xhiblt spa~ u aaer. ' Owaed alld opent.ed bJ World War 0 V.,.._ F1aal W.....tA,! only a llmired amount remalna. McKibbon Ia a veteran o( World .....adac yoar penr·MMt &ood will alld ,......... Santa Ana Terit & Awninr Co. 18t9 So ..... 8t. We will pc:M~itlvely not be re·l Soul~l'rn Callfoml.-lnduatrlal Ex-War u, havlna ~erved with a para-_,.___ lponalble for any atom bomb dam· IIOI<tlton hea~uarten are locat~ troop until M auataln~ an Injury H a((e done to any property not aold 111 ~15 W•lahlre blvd.. Beverly and then hP wu tranaferted to thrOU6th this ortl~. J. M. MJUer.l llills. the Infantry for duty In Europe. l!lth and Central. HArbor 1242 from which he returned r<'Cently . -Adv. Hug'e Budget Seen Manager McKibbon aald that thp Malton enterprises buy all . ftoM 107 SA.NT A Art A For Free l¥trete. Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean · ad Hol~~~a• Manila I olden at N.-..-~f'l If Voters Approve their ml'rchandist' direct from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sch ) M manu~~uffnand t~t t~ ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • 00 easure ton StOre.'$ are c:ompetitiVI' in pri~ with all orhrr syndicate chain Now-'Round the Island Ferry· I Plly 1111• 19.:17 stall' le~ttllhturl'' SIOrt'S. t:M A. M. TO U_ P. II. South Ba.Y. Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans'. Villa, Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Baaln, Beecon Bay, Harbor 111iand and SouUt Bay: Hail tram any dock « noat. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HA&aOa a-w l'nnfrnnlin~: it will IX' the proh- lo•m of h.olancm~o: 8 ro·rnrd hud~:rt CMla Mesa's new variety stort- M n IHihot} dllllars. accordtnl: r will sdl such ml'rchnndlsc u l.t'L:i'<latiw Auditor Rolland A cl~thing for thl' l'ntirt> f11mlly 1~rom \',1nd(•groft. tn ants I ogrownups as we u r>oinling out tllat srarc trl'asury nousl'warcs. ,.,,.,.nul's "will not rontinue 10 in-Wh<'lher or not thl're Ul an f•rt•ast• at lh<' ratl' tht'Y havr tx-en OPA. lhl' store, ~hi.' managl'mcnt dOinJ": during lilt-wur )'t'ars" and made plain .. ~hc~ca in hon<'st that state exjX'nditur('J k~p pyro-priCe.'$ a~d will Strictly adbt>rc to I midin~:. he warns that I he poor that basts in Its dt'allngs with cus- 1 h•Ri~iators· job will IX' no IX'd of IOMl'rs. ~:;;:;:;;=====::;;:;:===========::; r011r~t The Milton F:nrerprtscs. Inc .. • I llr adds that fixed char~cs In ha\'<' tak('n a 10-y('ar lt'asc on tht' the hud~o:t•t will go up $100,000,000 CostA Mrsa buslnrss property, the if voro•rs Rdopr a proposed lnitta· ownns ilcing Mr. and Mrs. John tivr at the NO\'('mb<>r general elt'C· GN'cn of Costa Mt'Sll and Palm • Before You Build or Remodel ...... ud DllplaJ aoo... Color 1\lidM. plan- ning alda, oompreberw- lve stock ot carpets and llnolet.un. : tion inrrl'asinJ( 1ta1e achool appor-Springs. 'I tlonmt'nts and guara.ntl'4!ing mini---~·--- ~mum salarlt'l of $2400 to trachera. Watch the Oa.utned columna. Going to Yoa probaliiJ ba~e yoar dreua bo.e al worked oat Ia yoar aalad -or maJbe yoar a.rdllteet or coatndor .ar..dJ .._ pr.,.... pia.-c. a-per for Joa.. . SrM Ana fLmiture Co~ s+ MOORE'S CHINA AND GIFTS l:ledridtJ wt11 have a larp part Ia ....artac c1ream1 of ,.,.tww Uvlac come true. Wbell yoa co over the pia.-with yoar balldN be eare ~ uk b1m about the DeWellt develop- ._._ Ia boGiebold labor a.tJaa ud fUDc- taoal beaat,.. LUDLUM Carpet Works J-.... 11a11a 1M. ...... ._. ..... UM BANTA AlfA BATHING GIRLS PARADE SUIDAY, JULY 28 • AT THE FUN ZOIE NON-PROFESSIONAL Sponsored by AI Anderson and Gust1in School of Swim . , Entries will close by J u]y 25th KIDDIE FASHION SHOW Sponsored by THE BOBBY SHO'P· AGE LIMITS -Infanta to 7 )'t>O.J'S old. MODELS will fashion exclusive desigrw tumiahed by- THE BOBBY SHOP REGISTRATIONS will be taken for both events at cith~r the Fun Zone or ~Bobby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDNESDAY 12 N0011 to 6 P. M. , Coacesslons 5c • . . N E W L 0 C··A T I 0 N 422 North Broadway Santa Ana Formerly Located at II 0 West 4th St. ENTIRE NEW STOCK of Crysta~ China, Copper, Aluminum, Fig- urines, Wooden Ware. ; VACATION AHEAD A VOID EXPENSIVE ROADSIDE DELAYS Any Make Car-Immediate Attention Oar Experfa ID eYerytllblc eleetri~ wiD be ~)ad to belp wttla .. ,.oat piMa or problems. ODe aagt)SUOD may make a lot of dll!erea<-e Ill the 41v..tJOity" ef that home. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN smcr: ~ 1 • ! o 1000 OoMt IDwaJ ~ lleacoD 6522 Alae ................. ~-·todlt.M-Baa-~-~ ELECTRICIANS C-O-Two l"'ie BaaJpmea& t.r FACTO&Y, PIAJI'I', 8'1'01U. 6rn01, FAIIJI. IIOIIZ NWW!"W\ M'f?t •-·'lila& Jfts ........ a...-.,._..,, .lull'l ·'-·'.He,~· .... _ acsiN'J:88 ovma 11 BU81NJ'M GUIDI: It J:IIPLOY11D:N'l' Orru&D -------------- AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FJU:F: ESTIMI\TE on Ho\U(' 'l'r111lror Palnt&ng Portable Equlpm('nt SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks. Wlndowl Wnlls and Builetina. RaiSC'd Metal, Wood and PlaJtlc uttt>MI A·L LACHM EYER 1726 Wl't\ Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 38tlt KJTCJIEN HELP w11ntl'd. App\y Chtoryl's :u2 M11rln<' A\'e, Bal· boa Island -:>4-Hc 1 BOAT BUILD ERS • IIOAT8, 8t1PPLID lll UHO!'l, t'AT1' A PI':TI' II UAL DTATit &1 =~o~t-::-:"\R:::-· -=s~A-:-l.~Jo:~Tio\:-1-:-n~2':-,-:-_h-.I,.~J-:nh-n· -.. ~MALL RO AT--fl()(~ &II bi"'"Atoc. lft1i11'1l0'11. f'llf:: f:OUA.N K P. .J 0 ll NSUN s.•n uutl .. 'llrf1 rootl•r <~nil J'c'aron · ''" • H nQRC .. I 111'<1. 1\011 hl\ll\4'<1 by A.K.C, 1-t> I • :.r.ul-R, :.'71 l1n•odw11y. Coets ·"· ,.,.0 ,4'<1 hru11nrr •n."' ~('k·Utl . • .'I'll tot• M•'llll ,\4-2tv \\1 \I \L"L' 1 .onol ol<'ll\o•n "''rvi<'o• So•nd 1'1\nl \\ 1 \~111:11''' A•••'<'lalo• -• n.r """'' tilt ,,., ~••u . . . I'"'·IN I\ nm ~AIY 1\..tl 1\nd ftuwc-11 S""-kl 1 r 'kill r1 11 11 11""'11 I K··IO'IIIIIll , ... , l'ulo ,,.,. t'\4 JIIlrl l\11 "''"""' MM·W ,....-n• ~ " " ~ :rro tn~."hu•s. ·,. -• !'ltll 70 I" A . hl~h •fli'C'd. lf'f\.S(•, anll lho· ·•wabt•ll 1 ooul." ''''"~ ''It Ito Avo•. l'llhll'lll ,lf••l 'ltl\r • t..t.·~'"'"u· "'"····. "'d•· angle' ..... 1., , __ t~:J.trc srECIAL lo·u~··· toh ln~t '"'"''"'wnt. trlpud. ANI I f'll(lolt. 1,.,1m t.. ~rfltll,\t:-Assu••srr.Mr:N"" 18 '\ n"""· ~Ito'""\('"' •tu'""'· It~...., lil:hl m..to•r ColnltJII'Io· t'ltiiiP" \\1 .SI.I.I. utlll'r 1.,.,.1 """" ----llvlutot ltllll dlflllll' ''"""~· wll h ""''" \ '<o•d o•nl)' ont••' C11ll IIIU'· ,., ,., 1 1 ho t•lu-. 1\o•l'''" ~ ""' ~'I ll( s,\ 1.1·. \'o•r> """' 114 C1 IHn, "''"' lor. plno'o• h••nl"'""' "'"'"*' 11(11 11\li·J. ~truuml 6 p m l"l,ot ho•1ot , ~I' IWIAllf'lll:•'o's. t~t•rl•ot·t lhnouwhnllt, lllrl!o' ll"'"'t '"'''"I !'1-1-41<" 1'\ondllinn. "1111 trnol••r , $:..~10 In rl'l\r ('o•uwnt "'""'"I •·hh'k••n F.JcJt-n Ave. 1At !'lllxll'IO. Nrw S-ronm ""-h"""'', l'rao•tlf·nJ ly ronll)ltlt4!Cl $:WOO Co~tn Mesa Lot !l('llrl:'>.' fl lnt loc-at4'd l blk. ... of Nt''"'lll•rt IIIVct. $900 GEO RGE'S BODY 12 Yean ~('('.In Newport Harbor Are8 Harry HaJI PAINTING CON"m.ACTOR Phone Bf<acon 5259-J \\' :\ TSON . BOATS l'honu Snnt11 """ 1!1-.1 !\3-Ift· h••u••·. n1 .... >"'''· \\llh ""'"'> of Cotata M esa F llR S ALE ~~\011 stm o• rtr:ht -'""" ami llu\Wr~. "'"""'' tul:.!·tle'dml. ttmiiH' with ......... hand nv.on. \4'olh lwol t'Ooltrol. oi ll l'w~o lltl!hw;o\ H1\M E"'t~INFJo:R1 Nc ; ('ll Mil· ",.11,.,.,1 111111 •h••tlllllllo: ..... pnn:h un NUl ald.. ~ .. SJ.'•. l'ht>SI bnd bt-d, motlr4C'Ia, -·· !"•·" polrt 1\. ado rltw m~trhlno~t• m11rhlt11' w,1rk . 1 1'1" 1)11 a roll •t•rln~o:s, $.~: hrand ,_cia\· "' 1111 tH"'~' rt•·k "'' (Inti 11.~v-$~.S r~n • a 1 • ., .... PntJOrl wllh. Jp.rln~:s. mat~ot:Rn)' 0 1' I·' N S l1 N II A Y. P M l'r)· *"r''~"''· tlrwl< fnMIIIII'tl whll•· --· • $6660-1/~ down lilt tuhlco 31:.! :\.'ith St . t-!C'\4>pot'l ~-·(·· lln•lu t•'l)lllr \\'114 ,to work nil)' Jncoml• nud Hnmtt -- -54-41<" ron SAU~--Lari,;• .~nkablt< hour nlttht Ill' ,,,.,. I~IC'fth'(t At l•rsw lut l"J" I 10. 1 hlolo•k rn~n Llclo lale 274 E. 19th f.tr~t 24lttr $1.47 per hour & PAINT SHOP 2920 W . C..fl tral A\'~. 11iR SALE 75-pl<'Ct' luvlland ~new•. 1'\'IIS.Iflnblto, 116 4lat 111. l'l•ntral l'-"'1 Wnr.I<J Vnrc1. RhlnC' N•'"'lll>rt Blvd llloiA:. un front' 3.'·ft Ol;li'M!' lot c-hina. rYIJral ti\'tlh:n. Pho~ 10, No•\\'pllrt :'i2-4tt C'hannl'l, r ..... '1' :\hi S l Phunt• W\"lhl makt• ldC'III 1\lwh•IOCI $50()0 • 216 Maline• Aw.•. Aalboa hllllld L....,. II art .. ..-:.'f\7 .J Rrorr·r,•, bf'1111ty ahnv. •'I c-. t..ra" !10-tt. front Ill" ot lna&dtl loCI R. E. ANDERSON Phone Ilarbor 826. Painting -Decorating 54-ftc Free Estimating Phon~ Beacon 5~J 41-tle SEE MR. PETrY SOU111 COAST CO. "''·'..,,A r vR SALJo: Fl~>tth• c.'\'lfltplt•h· "Wl J..raom fnOdo•rn 111,, In r Nir, •GOQO .,..."'"' with doUy ,.od rwYo· ran\llll I'OV· • IIIMINC IN :1 I.F.SSONS • =..,.-....,.....--...,...--------. R 1 1 $7 tlO •l''"r t•Atr• lar.:c· t\otthlf' aararrl'. __ COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. FOR SALt: S wordfLih· rod. re-el er ••t&WnA 1 co ll~trlo<lr 1 14!\ Thl• 1or......,rtv 1a an f'atra aooct NEWPORT BEACH and lin(' romplet~. ~. John T. M·•IC' Art of Swlmmln..:. FWlnt and ·.-" 1:.7.• Lot FINE flNISH KONCRETE CO. S "'12 •oth St N-flaclc Crawl Strokf'tl, lnvc·•llnf'nt. Only ~ nA ~ 1~ ....... )'TTII)IIOn, " >X' " ..... WILL EX'"" lANGE ""' rt r.llp In .,_ I -I •1 $0 4f:() ..,..,.,..... ~ta _ ...... Cement Work of All Klndl. t 8f' C'h M-tf '-1 "" ....-vm ....... ~ on• • 5 00 ,. u vd. New and Repair Phone 875:)(__ . . 216 E. 20th St.. Colta Mm· :li()...tf( 918 W. Centra1 Avenue por • c W llmlnRton for lllln"' In Nt•W· DAVIn RI~IIT l _.... on 81 Ph: Harbor 435-WK ~1-Uc FOR SALE-On~ oak dwtte art. port llartloc'. Call Erwin J>te~-.on Balboa f'olnl llottl New 6-Hoom Home $4500 N~wport Beach ~1~ YOUNG WOMEN four uphoht~~ d\aln. 145.00. at Klmbl~> 5283. 52-tfc 1115 E. C-entral Av.-. 4&-atc :l·bt.'<lroom In nle"''et l'f'tlldfontlal FOR A REUABLE Paint Job on On~ ~ o::*~ a~t 26-ft. •JlHCI boet, PQWI'T~ wtth l('('tlon o1 C'e»ta Mf'U. ~ EVA F. RHODIDf PuBLIC NoTICES T 1 h t. ~. ~. . rua. _... Olr)'ller A~ Marin.-C'nlhW; Carpentel'8 Available flnrpla~. twtw noon. loti ol ..... your home, call Beacon MliO e ep one opera tng One S1npr HWII\I eablnet. 115. 3 t'OC!q)lts; thorour:hly 0\'M'haul-tile ln bath and kltdwft. Ooaet 410 N .. wport Blvd., C.ta ..... after 4:3() p.m. 11>-tlc positions are available One 1arJe two-wheel luaap ed; In watrr now al Alamltoe for pneraJ rnalntenancoe apat"f' 11lort', double l•r...-. ELTON BAANI!'IT PAINTING -PAPER MANGINO to · trail« wtth 12x20 t.arp.ullll. Bay, $2850 ur trade for oCebtn lftd "PAir Vacant mow rl,ht l.n ~USM:LL W. aARTAINia IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP and DIIOORA'mfG YOU ln your OWD ~~~ W., llZ.~ San52~· ~boat. Courteey to broken. 0 . L ao~M $12,260 PEftH1I!L 0 . 8AIUd'ft THE STATE OF CAUPORNlA H. ll. KcDould community. .,.........,, Newport ..... t.a. -tp Writ~ or call Jim Wllaon, IS CaU Harllar D ...... :J:. ~ ~~ri:f: COUNTY ~Jd~ ~U.?-ta ~c Starting pay ia good, FOR SALE Santa Ana. Ll-!11 a.a~. 51-\fc ~tte • Overlo~king Ocean Ph. S.IUXID aTa-a .. 1111 Jn the Mattt'f' fo the Eatat~ and WELL BRED •plriW NCicSle ITAR SAJJ.BOAT. Ju.t ...ea. I tull ec:no 4·mnm ~ ln wry Guard! hi f F L KEN I'LUfiii'OaTAftOif 11 experience is not required bent'. aood westt'f'n Nddl~ dltloned and new paint. PttOM K E Y 8 clf'An C'ONtltlon ph• l ·rocm apt. aau. ~Aft am•-• ana P 0 · · • BICYCLES and brlcll~. N. W. comer o1 Santa Ana 4148 betWfft\ 8 a. m. Made W1aUe Y• Watt 1 NE'DY. JR.. Minor. Freq t . t"'th _ .. s t .. _ A A_... -u v~ n ~ wtth ~th and kltct.. w .. ._..,. TO _ _. ........ ·-- No. 253140.-NCYnCE OF SALE Bold, tt.Dted or Repa1re4. uen tncreue& "' a,,..C :::. ""a w ., ..... " p. m. _.. c lOO K·k.~ b&rbecufo and t'lftMtll ...u.d ~two-~;;;------" OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRI· VOGEL'S Vacations with pay. 01 eM 54-tfc roR SALE-New Mar!M ltohllil 10I KariM, ..,_.. ...... patio, a arden and ct\la equip. ca1111n wtth nr.,a .......... ,_. VATE SALE. 100 lllaJJI at.. Balbo& Gtonf'r3tM, 1!100 wattl. S2 volt 16-U. $10,464) ..... watar, ..... ....,, -• ...,.. ... -=- NCYI'ICE II hereby RIV~n that 101 KariM, Balbo& llilu4. Advancement SHABBY FLOORS D. c. notatl pricP for thAI! powWI -ciMcW lot, tor ....... """"" uw undentrned. BERTHA L M-tte opportunt'•:-. Made Beautiful plant 11 t:.'i1&. w~ have 10 WI roa ~ u 1{.. Aere On Comer • w 1....-..._ nS2L ALDRICH. Guarclian of the El· _ .. _._ ......... w~ for c.Waranc. aale. A74. Yeokft Yk Writ. Paul u .... _ iir......a;:;. 1 tat~ of F . L Kmnecty, Jr .• a ml· ....,..., •• ~ U A-a.. Tak~ olf old, crimY varnlah and Broe .. m So. Vtrmont. Lela An· ROOM FOR RENT-Small cloui:IW ~roam heM.-piUI dbl. ....... .._.... ~- nor. will arU at prlnte aal~ to COLD and MAOIINLESS 100 E. Bay 7n., Balboe ~t clown to ~ fN.ah. ~an p-alJI .. !ft. Phon. EX. <lll2. 6-tlc room fOf' IUIIUner vlalton, wtU wtth f\INI room. On ._1 .... r.n. ........ c.MI. ..... ttw hlrhest bidder upon ~ terms WAVES 514\6 N. Kam St., au• ADa of naturally handaonw wood. Fi E . t T_.-eerw a aood brNkfut at toe =t ~ Ylnr. Vaout. ..,.,. -•• 1'0 L0A1f 1 I and condltlona hereinafter men-Tlntlnc and MtaJc:urlnl Rent Our Hiloc re =en ~ • .cn. 408 D-!'11•. Cnrona dtl ;:: ~d~=c!.t~at~ Ewnlncv·•ApptBe. Pb. HarborSh 1~w Aak Uw ~-for tha Sanding Machine ~~ .,.tem 6.:S-::..= FOmarR R,._,..,.-.. _aut• .. ·• -~: $ 8760 ~~.:::;;."'iii · 1 8 ·~ op vaJ1ah&e ""'"I ...... U\N ........ v•-8-Bed H ... -.=. '"" ' ---. July 31, 1941, all the rlaht. title . · Odolf Op.ntar -.Mi do it )'OW"Mlf. DOW a . look!"-OCKn wtth tW\n bedl, room 0Jne -.-... r · ,_- and lntereet of F. L. Kmnedy, Jr .• U03 Cout Hlway, dellolu Eut to Operate -Dultleel ETI HOIClN 6 GALVAN two 1wi "-klonMe,IIO I* wwek. KM1 lAde lot ...... 0.. Ill. 1M,_........ • 0. .. • minor. and aU the rt1ht. title J5.tfe Southern California 1000 eo.t HlltlwaJ PboN Harbor :.>u.w. nut eg450 ..... AIIL andlnterftt that the cuardtanahlp LOft .AJm romm a Telepltone Compuy Burton's Paint Store Pb. BNeaa 5a22 ~tfc Eut OcMn n-ont. ~ttc ~-LOAM8 '1'0 MJIIA •· ~~~ol~-lal4 m~~~· by-~--BIG REWARD--N ....... Blvd. .,..,. 11tb ~ ..,..AI. 6 IIADIO .. -~ ft) ~ • NeW'N'Iort Htl ..... '-....... I a 5 4 a._. -·or o~ ..... aoq .... ~ 0-tte FOR .... I r u -<..a.t .... __ --~ r-..... llnpt ..... ,.....-- other than or ln addiUon to that Bl~ ~·: ':!..:.-.; ~..:: UJ.a ~ • -.-Auto Batt.eriM condl~ .-:--~a.:= WANT ro RENT~ w H;...~-.. wtG~-:. 1:; _.a.. •a '· L 1 ol aaJd minor ln and to that 011'-Alrllnft tlek.t to Nrw York ...._. --_.. 5'712 nr call D w..mw.ur lt11tr11p ..,... for fwllltwe Ia • ---...... ~ ....... ta1n lot. p6«<e or p&r'(:ti ol land FOR SAL&-EJec1ric rdriceratiJrr, --· ' ..,. 01r9na del Mar. Call KuW ._ lituate. I:Jtnc and btina In the Clty. Notify Ann Delafield. 215 .-f.eet C!CindiUon. ll!IO. 210 V1a 11-tb-a1'5 ElL A5.~. "Nmewport Rftlt\ta ~tf.. ~. ~1te tt2,460 &Ill LIII.:UA a ._ • "---ol "---Sta ol ,.._,. Ruby Av~ .• Balboa Ialand. ..--""----.aecl Moto OlJ .., ,.. .,.,.. ... '-""'U... ...,._,..,, te '-A4J· :!6-2tp Koran. Nrwpart Beec:h. ~1tc ~-1"'~ r --· __::...__·-------IWA!ft TO llDfT~ w 1 ~ roa fOR •AJ 8 O. II. ......... ~ • ~ :"rC:. ~~~ly de-IDII'LOnm:ft WAXDD • FOR ~22-foot whit~ p6cket ~ 10e RadJe RnaJn .,....._. ....._ WUl ~ ~ ~~ ACUI j~-ij~ra•Ci:a~l iii;OII;;ii ..... iriQ:~~~ An undtvidfd one . twelfth f~. 17. Pbone Harbor 1283-M. W A S 1 All ..-;-tuiM.I, -'e. CaD ._ ,__ at ...,._. 1Vf TWo .,_..II ,.,.... to leiL " ., • Ull2th> tnt.rftt ln and to the w~1ron1na .... c:an 1011 319 Anade. Balboa. • :!6-2tp eltem uto upp 1 Beaecm &711 • lJ. •* roa •.u ~~. =th~~~of~m o.: =:m.:.·~M=~~!~.!:.t~n;= ... N~~~ ~~~~.:0~.2~ ~=-~.:.u=:.-=IIANY~·rr:!"AHD :=--..:-:~ i. wt1e known u Santa Ana H~l1ht1. 1023-.J. 51-tfc clleboardol. One ''Tailor-llaM • w ' 21-* drtak 011 IIDOke, .. ~ • ......0,. .....,._ I ._ tn. lJIM ...... A: In Orance County, State o1 Cali· WORK WANTED -Younc KlJ1 Roc~." S!IO: one Roc~ 1ty&e. POit SALE M•n'a ,.......,. llkJ'· ,.ea."'-IMta AM c.l·W FRANK P. JOHNSON 1_ ... __ ... _•_•~---.....;-...ji; famla, u pe-r map recorded In baby lttt.r, 50e per hour. 'J'nN. '$45; one dlvi"-and abalone de; jult Ub DeW. Heny dutJ RADIO HOUU CAU.__ or writ. Boll "'X" H...,.-1 a.&-fte Jtor IM'II!Wia Book 15, Pa1~ 29 ot Mlaciellaneoua porta lion ~ Har. 1!551-W. board, MO. Beat atyl~ and ~ 150. 512 at\ St.. Pkw-,.... thet 1 ••ttaeel ~t boll ,......_,__ IT-tte 1 .. N ~ .... A_........., -& ~ Mapa of laid County: and one 52-4tc ~Ia. £x~llt'flt condition. port. 52-tic tedlnkiula .,. a~. we .,. ewport ._ _.... CUI\ tor ,.,_ .... -~ of •tock In the Santa Ana Write or call for-•how1na aflt'f' nr. Pta~ and Klnclllllc -able to m.a. ..-wkle caDI ca WORKING Moth« deelrft room 116-ltc ..U ,._. tor ... .,._ II Helchu Walt'f' Company appurt~ W ANTED-Dc-ck·h•ndinlt job on 5 p.m. Let" ~nun. 210 Pall· larp ClOMOla AD work .-r-for wlf and S.Y"ar .on. Would FOR S ALF..-Balhoa l•land. ~mall Leiter' O K R b~ nant to laid land, u evl~nced private ya('hl or charter boet . uda, San a~nwni~. Cal. 55-llc W 0 0 D antftd. HARO LD L. HAJOI. ~~~! ~~nf ~~lqftl1d Mit .. ~ houle with IOOd foundation, IW 'td • U UOIIIIf by C.t'Ttlflcate No. 221. Bf'acon 5529-M. Bf'tW('(>n 6 tllld Dellver.d S.O.S. Rad&o. 300 Martae .... IIIIU ·-"' or Ul • a '"...... evatlabw lOon Own4rr mUit llf'll e 11'1 ~ term~ and conditions of 7 p.m . 55-Ill· A P R J C 0 T S H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Hartxr 780. 34-tlc not Mn"U&ry. Call Harbor ~1 PTI •10 !'100 half Claah Rac!lllptftl W..... •• P ¢1 ~: Cuh In lawful mon~y of the YOUNG MAN would appr('dat(' TRF:F.: RIPENED ROYAL APRI-Ph. Beacon 5665 REPOSSESSED Sptnet T)pr mtr~ 8:00 to 4:)0, S.th Wll10t1 c aar' Hub ··,...~""· ffar~'= lll!ct1on Wwk. United Statee, tern per t'f'nt 110~ l Saturday work. Hall Rood car C'O'l'S .. {)fl(-pound. Jcm 11prlrots, 1'7'84 Newport Blvd. S.tlt ror-Piano. Thla Ia a ,.aJ buaaln. ~lp or 79f..R •vrnlntr• :w'l-111' 2100 W. CWntraJ. Nrwpwt ...... ol Uw purd\IUJ(' mollf'y to he paid Write or oonracl D. E Shaver, .04c pound. llillllldt' Orchard, J Arrf d Other Uled ptanoa u )ow M II&U. _..Aft ft W... at t.M tlnw of the salt•. balan('(' on Ne-wport Be8ch Munlcfnal T!lllf'r ~tWM'n 22nd & 23rd on Tu•tln ust ve -. $B7, $125. 1175. DANZ-NEW MOT ~L -~ 1 1 ,~ (' M ""1 rr.b H-..... AJd ._.., t'OR SALJ; -<"llll'kt n l"ryr•r plant, r. UJ<Uirmat on of u co. Park. N!'wporl Jk!lf'h, Cal 2-tp Avr . QAt a ""' ·'•" H' -w• SCKMTDT PlANO CO .• 520 No. AND n tmn: •• ~ 1 k BATTERIES M ill' Bantow. output 1200 try-purchucr s to tft e th~ WORK WANTED-Painting SU· r OR S ALE-Dawnport and !"hair. Main, Santa Ana. •ttc "" Pf'1' wt•t•k F:x~·llmt rqulp. laid pa~l of real property sub· perlntt'ndc-nt, wUh 25 yean ex· 9xl2 Axminstrr ruR. oAk dlninR Oundenaon Dna,r Co. KNABE Grand Plano, wa~nut caw. Tlo\•u mnct.-rn tiOUIM"' Good wale!' ject to conditions. restrictions. perl~nce. deslrf'11 conMctlon tablP and alx chaors. onk dro~ 117 M8ln St. Ph Harbor 515 ramoul Knak~ tone. Abo W~bet' •upply r'h llubor ~J l'fteTYatloruo, ~8S<'menta and rights laftf lstbl('. 1-00v , 1""7 ""· 410-tfc ,, f f d d II with lilT!(~ building contractor. .-n A ,,., ~. Grand. Sohtntor. Sdlult.z. And :\4:-:llp 0 way 0 rt'COr an a laJCMI a C't'ntral. D11lboa fY.l.:,!rn '""...-AN 8" ~S-A1::Lnum ~n thnt'upon, not d('llnquC'nt. I have my own truck, ClOfl'\r'l\el'· , ... .,_.,.,. 1 1 .,.,..,..., unu many other fa~ rnakN. All blda or offet"• mWit ~ In writ· cla1 1pray outfit, l8dden, drop LADlE~' BIKE fur 181c. In r.toood lt~l. wood.. Call ua f« frH etU· DANZ.5nrMTIYT PlANO CO .• lnl and will ~ recelv~ at th~ of· cloth, brulhel. Good r~fn-enOI!. condition l:l5 39th St., New-mate. Rt'flovatlon 6 ,.ftnlahlftl ~:110 No. Main. Santa Ana. fkle o1 ELMER H v. HO FFMAN, CaU Harbor 8701-J -2 from 1 to5. port ~ach. ('1111 aftf"r 5 on So. Cout Venetian BUild Co, a.ttc 1024 Rowan Bulldin~t. Los Al')gc-1es. 49-tfc wPekdays 55-1 tp ~~ ~'::.. ~: ~~ ~';: SEE the _.. 1tyl~ world famout~ Callfornla. or m8)' be W<'d wl\h EMPLOYMENT OP1'1!!1li:D It r OR SALE Whitr elt'Ctrk cab-.. upho18ter.d planoe. Many eokln tJw Oerk of .aid Superior Court, II'W't ~ewih" mach inf'. 413 Ed"E'-tlr to chooae from at DANZ-.. _11 _ _. • ld -dl W ANTED-M8id (or mott'l work "' "' a~ 0 co 20 N or.., ve.~ ,o Ia g ..... nn per· ·w&trr . Balboa. 5.'>-llp Order Your ~..,~ PlAN .. 5 o. .onally at 11ny time aftrr first In YRUn8; hAir d11ys, Rood Jl8Y. . Main St .. Santa ~. W~ al8o publication or thla notice 8nd be-Phone Harbor 20111 !\~2t<" Steel Kitchens Serve) rPnt pAanoa. •ttc FOR SAI.E Ni'w :.!·ltfodf'O(llll atur• c"'. hArdwood lhrou~r:houl, 1:lJll5 hMtrooma, 7-fl rlfllt'U, plrnty tllr klt!"hC'n and hath. L.arrr llv· Ina room and dlnlnr room. dou· hl4' aaraa., Furniture opllon•l 372 Broadway, Colta M- :H-41p COSTA MESA 123 FLOWER ST. honw M bUll· Motel ~iteH W J . IH li.('OMA 1:\17 C'n••• lll11hway C'nmna ct.-1 l'tfllr lfarhtw :nM "WhM'C' rlor ~·1111(• F1y" !\~21t FOR SAU! N~ Uul'h homf'. t,; blt~t•k rrnm CX'f'lln, 4l't- ft IM, a~rlrtlt'nt u~talra, ~· wrwMI floJt)f'tl, lllf', oc-ean vt.w. l)lown•IAira, dl~tJhlr llll' .... laundry, hath, tl('(lro..om and pl•Y ronm Yard c:-.omvlrtrly fcmcrod. 11:.1,!'10(1 PhQrlr llarbor 41l8-R. NOW HERE Your authcrtllltd ~ PlymouUI Deeler. Authcrt...t pu1a Oump&.t• LubrteaU. ... Matnteunot Jl::apertlbc:Mnlal JC.ndall .... QuUer ...... fareD ~~It ule. HELP WANTED-Lolt class pelnt· GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES Gas Refrigerator STF.TNWAY Grand Plano. Mahol· at.,., t 11 flth day of July, 1946. ~. Sympeon A Nollar, 512 38th SHOWER DOORS Now any caw. a.autllul tone Mecl· n•'t\8, II larcf' room~. S beclrOOI'M, FOR IIALE-f~t Newport a..dl· douhlr aara.c~. lot 50 by tSQ. 1 LoU 18, 19, :.>, Rlk. "· ~ BERTIIA L. ALDRICH. St .. Nf:Wport Beach. ~2-tfc Southern Counties v 1' tum elu DANZ . sorMJDT Gu8rdian of Said Minor at Oge 8 Pub Jul 16 l8 23 . .,., d 30 WANTF.D-Galley Rlrls; attra<"tiV(' Supply Co. 100 Main St Hubor 145 PIANO C'O .. 520 No Main. block to Cflltty ot town Jm-8«. M:M>O. tar all th,.. Writ• 1941. · Y ' · · ~.> an ' waRrs on !ll)()rt fLihlnc bo811 144 Cout Rlvd. N 52-ttc Santa Ana -.uc mrdl•t~' pnaa., $13,000. Ownft'. OWMr, at NIIOI'ftl Ave .• J.r. lnqulrr at Scotts Landing, 1101 Ph. 5852 Laguna 8e1tclt 11 ----------&2--tf_c: caclla. 5.2-4tp NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 81taaU.. UIH'Iaaal.,. Uttl~ cha'lge In tht butt~r llt- uation La seen in th~ near futu~. delpUe ~oval of price contTo\1. Butterfat La being consumed to capadty In othf'r formll and de- mand ror thoee oth('r products will tak~ prf'<'edent over butter manu- facturinR. Coni II•RhWAy. NeW)X\rt 55-ltc ~C.-ltc WAl'IITI:D TO IJUY Radio and F.Jectric A. E. JOHNSON Realtor SALESMEN -AdvPrtlslng cam· FOR SALF: ~rmotn S\4nrdll5h WANT m BUY-Will pay cuh REPAIRS pltilt" now In efft'Ct. Ex~lJPnt N'l'l. lim• 11nd NlW·hidr• IH•rm'!l~. for rood. d~an ~ car. Ptlone 24-110\IR SER\'H"F. opportunity if you 1111nlify. Ap-n""''· Makt> orff'r Al~o F.;o,t· lltR. l¥ll<'h :\!'i21. 52-4tr All Makrt P ll'k 1 'fl At lldlv~>ry and AMOCiatea Phon,. l\o•111't1n 5 102-M ply Mlu Van Llf'w, ~~ No nwn mnviP prnjN·tnr, If\ mol l· WANTF.O lJt'c-d portable t)'P"· PF:RRY IIARilWAIU: Main S t . S11nta An11. 52..St<" m<'lf'r. ~111 H :.!Ol.R ·l:->-2tr "TitPr In "oott rondltlon J' 0 LP TF:D ----Ro1t 145 Oalhnr. hl11ntf ~-:Ztr 1:V15 Cout ntvd lls&rhnr :.!:1~ HE WAN • -S~l8ry. FOR ~t\LE ,..,.,,, Jltll·""" pro-COR(INA lll<l. MAlt Today'~ Rpecial Newport Blvd. Home ortllt f II 'S I N F'1'S fli.DG l!trnogr&phl'r, ~xperlrnced and jo·rlelr Cnmph•lo• \\ ,, h ~Ill·· Will Pay ca~h ~ . .; ,,,. lnt('lli~;('nt . SI'C Mr. Wright at I'IIAOJ:f'r, ~t•'rn prnj•·f•tilr l••n!ll', · R k ( r nr your rurnltun• or what hiiVI! an o Amer1ca, Newport Bch. , "'"""r nntl atlopto~r rnr ~~, mm Branch. 52-4t<" '""'"'A lt·n~•· l )llJI•r IH'"' ~~uri•·• YMJ Phonr ~con 5656 Craw- t'"f~I\1 ... :--Ktn~ ~~t;t l•lltno 2j:l rt x :.!11 rr with llvlnr rru11rtrn JluUIIf' In n •tor Yo•lth Jltllf' nxtnc tvoulrt hc:.,I'Tuldr· Into Rood r"ntel '11all IJ II ~l>l,.ndld III"OJ)('rty Y.ll· N'll•·nt lfl('llflr•n Qulek pt)llllf"ttl. whllt', ~ llfl '.!'l:J U11onomlll lry Furnltur,., JR12 Newport HELP WANTF:D-Ry hour. ;,..-;;: ;10.1 Amrthy•t. H;r lhmo h l .. nll 1U\'d . C'ot~ta MMIA 48-lf,. man fnr grnerAI housework _ _ _ 5:::._1~ llnrtw~r :.! 139 M ·,·, I If\ I,HANO PI ANOS y.,,, \\Ill 1-· a404 So 011y Front, Balboa hl· r OR SALE L<'<"ra mrotl•·l 11 all CASH rOR USF.:O flJRNmJRF: and. Harbor 7a4-W. 53-2tc rhruml' with F-4! !lurnrnPr lrn~C' PlfONF. BEAC'ON ~J. nRIIIundooft 11 luur !!'''" 1 11111 ~tl)("k K lmh~ll !';ro·ln\\11)'. N•h tni'T, Jlloltr•t nntl C'l>l\'1•. Sltory Only $1 J ,000 WAVTED -Woman. exprrlencf'd In Jt('nPr81 c1c-aninR Cor two d11ys each week. Phone Mn1 LanR. Huhor 614 or call at 605 VIa Lido Soud. · 53-tfc W ANTED-DIRniri<'d field T('pt'('- sent811V~ for wrll known por- trait 1tudln. Man or woman; car n('('('U8TY Liberal commill· 1lon, S('f' Mr. Fnx, Rt'm8rd of Hollywood Studio. B11lboa Inn Arc11&-Phanc Hubor 1!»11 5·5-2t(" nnd 13.'i mm. lc-nY', ,.,,.r-rf'lldy -----23-tfc anll c-omhlnatlon carryim: calK' flOA'rft, I'IUPPLIEI!I a 31'13 Ame-thyst. BaltiOII blllnd FI)R SALE Rnwbolll. 9'~-font ~~1tp 1f..'l7 1-: C'rntr81. R111t)011 !\:').:.!tp 11nd <111rk (trw ~:ror~t'""'~ l'hu•k Nearl y New MinR 11nrt II Ia th" r•·nl C"llll'k•·r 4 U · C lnl[, IfNI M~tny rotlwo~ t•• ('lu•ll''' l nJt OUrt tfllfn J'Tkt>d fu Rlltrl Ill $:1!1"> tJNJTS mmplf'lf'})' turnlahf'd, 1 • • unlull', Cnrnt'T lot 150 ft. x leG 311 ft rnmmPTrlll1 fishlna ho11t . lrrmR fir rr•nl ll1or11 Srhtnull 1'1 1 ft. Brautllully lanctaca___.. In· M mpiNe ~rel!lr, 72 h p ("hryal('r ann ( ·n , Exrhl~'"' v 1>11111'"' vr'-' ••na-lnf', 200-RAIInn fuel t'llJlllrhy. :'olothlralt f'lrw• ~:.1(1 N M11in, rome $1~1.50 l)f'r month Room FOR S ALE-Apt liz•· r11ngr, $211. $400Q, Kim. C'llrf' C'rrtt JfntP1, RaniA AnN ~,.If,. for 3 ~ unlla C1nw In t: II.S., gladlron, 122: on,. mapl,.. '"'" San Pedro Tc-nnlnal 2-0961 (';. I()O ua•-d '"""<"" rr.r pnrtorf' ~..C::t~:~~:rry nut and at- ll•van. 125. All In rx~ll('nt ron-5.')-:ltp Somr 111 1,_. 111 ~'i7 Anti $1!l rw $19 950 dltlon 3708 ChRnnf'l, Nt>wnnrt -:7:-:-:-==---::----.,..----_.:. t 1 'r "'" I I' ,~. WANTEO ~now Rirtt In Rood rr·n • 11 11nn fir .. , l)f'r nloo ,.., blAnd. ~!l-1 lfl condition H8rhor 1!\~. !'>!'o-ltr •hfo C'hlldrf'n l~'llm flnnt,;Sf'hmltlt F()R SALt: 1-:IIIIPrn hullt houl!f' l'onno C'u , ~:tel N M:oln, S:•"'t 1 lfa Arrf Ranch .. tntllf'T' nnd nf'w callan11. ~lr·P~ ~. FAST S IIIOP· Srn-tW Bird ll.t:r, Ani\. ;-;.,(r :.!-llf'llroom ll'luar• I•Arn doll'l<~"n I<K:nted on hay. Ne"''J)I)rt llc~tch A:f)Q(i Nondltlon Fin" trAIIf'r. h UAr 1 n4'w llr"" Nu ullll' to own•·~ 1 :,\::~r.nA:'olll Rl·s•u•~ .. u•~l :""" 11 • fl"rt' Tt&IIPr P11rk · WriiP ownf'r, P ~47 1:.0 Rest ri'IIJIInAI•If' r1f(1•r. SN-n 11t nn Y $4H5 'l'llia l11 11 t.trrrol ''''' 4' •J 0 Box 1¥'16. RAihoft tor pttont• 1 Ht~rhor 2056-R bctW('('n 9 11 m P11li .. dl'tl A!lllrtmf'niA. C'nrnn11 r11 n D~tnz-Srhmltlt PiliP" , • ., . - r n n SALE '•·h fl llU-V . 0 C r.-fri~tr•rntor motor. P.4>acon ~34-W ~~11,. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 and 4 pm ro!l-llp d--1 Mar =-~lit I s "_n•_a An~---_·_,..,_.,~ I ~-A(•rp HRn ('h FOR SALJ-: Mo<~rontt •t Emr•nold \\'' IRI.fl fum•l\1• s ,,,,.,,t typ•·l lmntly •' l""'r'"''n """'''• n• wl v ('AN OELIVER MillOn fir K.-rr RR)'. C'AtRiinR, •ut18hlf' ,,,r :ti ••• mirror I"""" R•·l"*"''~ ............ w tlt .. 'IJrhl•·rl llo•tllt• ""'' IIIII c;n prf'JK>rvln~t j&n. 1 Ql Jill'. •tl'H' 41~,. )'llf'ht l'htonP lful,.,r I 1 •'<IU<·,..t tro ~~Y.i T••rno~ S11t"'' h i rro~t•• ''"' n • ho~ h1o11~•· ~only d07Pn . 2 f!Unrt '<171'. !Y)(" .ttm"n ::r:\fl:l.J ·,~, 1 ,,. tun.-~~hhnt(Hny I'll•• 1" "'totn•oft $6!Jl)() ..._ Btr-&ll4 ''' . ....... ... ~ ........ , ..... ,.. ... ................. ., .. ~.-· ... • P_h_o_n•_' l_la_rl_aor 1~1 !'I~•· I II· _ _ _ _ ' l••r 11t ylr an•l l••nl' "'·nl<•· IJunt m ·r.s FfiR S i\IY (;r"' 'b7. S.1 Al .l. PI.ASTIC l:.!-ft llll·il• '1''1 '1', '\ohmlrll I'"'"'' ~'~• ·,_'II :" :O.troon, f)j!l·n f;vf'nl;;;-,.nd Sund11y 2xi\, $3. 4<e7, Sl4 12il nt .. mond (J.("i\~ llllA'f """ ('i\HHII'.I< I """'" """ .,, ,,,. --lfllrhnr l 139-M !'\'l-llp lnorrtf•nlllll' d"lt''"r) c "'"'r m•otl· -__ _ _ _ ••1~ v.nn r1lnghu•t~. ,11,11,.,,.t~ 1\ ',1 fnfl.H mro~o:mtlrf'nt ~t••lnv. ">' A E J 0 HNRON A rrnArrtVE h11ck har. 16-CI runlll~<tUU. rrulou·r~ 1\l'lll piiiMI•· :O.troftlum "''' Ao•AUI 1f11l rnlol\loll • "'· ' • lonjt, 9-ft. hltrh. mArblr tnp 1\rd ht:>Arda oony CAlli Tit"' pl .. nro ,,( tho• oNI9 NI"Wfltlrt lllvd .• C"uata Ml'tla columna. Pet'fl'l't F'ull pllltf' mlr-J'LA!'iTIC WA'TF.:RCRAtl CO Mutrn IJIIII7·~hlllltft I'11 M Ptl llf-Ar't•n ~J()'.l·M ~!\-Itt' ror. 137S. Pt\, Sa.nta An• 5429. 407 f: ('Antral. RaJhoa r·o., S20 N Main, S11nta Ana P'or otftct ...,u., ... Uw 54-4~ '""'-Harbor liiJT3, 5s.llc 5S-tf1' ,....,._, LOTS FO R SALF: Ry owner, IIOil7!i on R.y Avr. Mar Palm lnt~ulrf' f' II Rtox 64, Nt•WlJIIlf'l ~-4111 ., lell w. C..tral .... John D. Burham 2001 ( lf•t•lln ntvt1. PhHM J lllt'h•lr 31!\ ft11lho11 'J nrW ('loJif' ('rJ/t ltuCUII'tl 1111 f)(••·lln l'"runt on thu P<·nimmJa 21«• c .rJ.:AN rnoN·r TllAfLJ:U G TRAILER.S FOR RENT -Do Jflllll own haullnr anrt movtrw. AI ni"W f'Qil lrlfMflt, t2.25 and a• P"r M)'. Wr fumllh the hltab. M )'n'hn a,., ~ Stadia. ('or, 11th 6 Newport Rlvd., Oalta Mf'U. 41-c!ft I atory and n '"'"· 2 hrdr•1utn h~tlh, lllrtcr• ru .. m UIMIAIMI fM Rrll that unwantrd ICUI'tll, llvlnll room, flr.-plllcc•, -::'h-::-rou __ trh_N_,.... __ ,_m_,.. __ llda_. ____ _ kll<'hf'n, l"'oftmom 11nd h11th wrr AlaPI.Alll ii"J' • ICIIrNI(t•, wall ht'lll••ra _ _ Jf\.fl ft~l'lrory •••11 •l•·d hydrsltJiane, 2()()4 (')(""F:AN m oNT tWr) mrkplla, :l:.l·h Jl Johnaon 1-•lnry and a half, 2-bf'dmom and tlllllur, romJtll'l••ly nv,.rhaull4. bath, larl(" room upatalra fM lnf'ludlng r,.bt.rto . ha• ~tl'ft'trw 1\M'Il, IIVInl room, nr .. plaoo, wh,...l tf'ITl()tt· m nlrnl, lot• ol dlnlnrr room. kltchMJ, ooverrd rhrun'll'. very ra~r . lnchJda porrh wtt.h barbfocue, lawn, tralln, 1450 Alii() :.1:.1-h.p. E.-en: fi'IWI'nl. buahfol. hrle!k walka, ru&o A-1 rundlll<~n, $125. t43 111f'kt t frncH 1urrr.und.lnrr e.ch, ~ant11 Aft• Avf', Nr·wpurl O.ach. lw•Atlllful un'"trlctecl v1f'W o1 -~tp •K'•·an. Thf'V tloUIIC'I open daJiy Sell U!al unwanted ~ ,,,. ln•prrllon 52·tfc throuDr New.-11rnee ada WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prlcea SELL YOUR CAR NOW While Pr1cel Aft H1lh. Phone for our. oourteoua bu)'W who wUJ a.D uad = ..::' ~":1 ~ f'e~Uladonl. ..... CULBERTSON CHEVROLET· 00. Inc OW.ualltt _, M' M .,...... ' ' • ---Oulnl,~....._ ao....n •• ~ .. . r (' PHI l"rt'PPS!Pft Miss Shirley Hann • • Ac • • • Lutiebelle Williamson Becomes Bride of ·.::-u..:;~;.~:~ :~;;~;;;~.~··~~~~or fe~!!!e -. ~~I~l~-~ ~~~~~~?~~~~~~~.~ .._ted hAl 'Mth ~ Fn.s., J~ ~~ ~0: :~· .. -:. :: ace. Lut1ebelle WIUJamaon and San Dl~o. _., M i Ce ~ Frt'Ci Louis Undeman repeated The weddln& cake and pund\ at u. 'r.UO. Cottaps Wtdeh tw orinc Mt. Shirley Hann. Who Ia Your 'friend• and miD• Former Newport Girl arries n remony Harbo· r•ltes vows Saturday afternoon In a were ~rved at a table coverecl ... OWbeCI and manqed for 4C to be an AU~U~t brick' and who I F B Ch h S A ceremony attended by 200 frlendl with lace and decorated with • ,...... "'1w JUNta, rno.t ol Whom .. leavln& Wt'dnf'lday f(Jf' [)(-troll. Ml"'. 0 . J. WIIIOn, Who wtth her At irst aptist urc . anta na and relatives. gardeniu and white candles. Mrl. -. ,_.,. atur YMr and .,.. ~ and dahll.u were US4'd for husband, Ia the new owner of Miu Lou Ann Acrcf!, daurhtcr j wltl1 delphinium. The bride la the daughtt>r or a C. V. McCarthy helpln& serve. lecllliecl • aa penon.a1 f'riftlda, aur-the deroratlve note and a cnkr. Bay \'lew Cuurt, B~tlboa. hu n.•· nt Mr. and Mra. Ho~r ACftC of A n-ception wu held at the Mr. and Ml"'. E. T . Chapman, former mayor of Newport Beach, Many lovt>ly wt'ddlng gJtta wen JliMd llr. 0\ace with a birt.!wky btauUtully dHigned with n do\e 1 cx•nll)' an-lv1•d from Vista and Mr. Ontario and fomwrly of Nn~·pt•rl htom£• of thl' bride's uncle and their dllughtt>r. Patricia. and h~>r ChiC'f Pharmacist Harry Hays on diJplay. , ..., In the pat.Jo, .ome 200 and ~ centl"red the buffet Wilson will <"'mf' 81 lOOn as they Rf'ach, waa mArried 111 4 p. m.l r.unr. Mr. und Ml"'. Jt>~~te L. C~p-fiance. RoJx'rt Hadd<'n. have ~n Williamson and Mrs . WillllliT\IOn The bride thr<>w her bouquet, ...... to wtah hlm "Happy Birth· table and wu ncromp11nll'd '•> Ire hHW sold th•·ir IIVOCado ranch Wednclldlly, July IO. 10 Olivt>r Fcf,. 1~ Jl .• 1.13:? Sycamore atr('('t. Mtu vacationing at LakC' Arrowhe11d of 1520 Miramar Dr iVl', Balboa. which was caught by Misa Helm Ia:/-:' cream. 'pa~ laJ)('rs nddl•d thrtr tlwrc•. Tlw rCIIIJII•• 1111\'C thrt'<' worth Modln nr th•' Ma rine ,\1r I'll\ IIi~ I•" tru•h pn •sldro at the! fnr n wc:>t·k and rrturn•'<l hclfll<' F'rl· and Mr. l.indcmnn Is thl' son uf l::stus, lind llll<'r chungNI to nl!r 'n.. .,._ cake wu .baked by. the nott-Of gr~IOUliJK'SI! lo. thr I<C'•·n•• f'luldrf'!l Cn'1'"· thr Ct•rt•mnny bl:>lng I",.. ,.,,,,I hoolc nnti l'ltr:o Rl-th Jordan, dAy, A )'tlungl'!' d?ughtr r. Judy. Is Mr. and Mrs. Fr('(i L. Llndcm11n,l going away c-ostumr. a suit oJ ~ bakC'T)' end. Wll.l llC('(Jm-1 Brtd.:c waa fliU)l'<l and nllt•r-:llr untl ;\tr~ llarolld Thom~on rorm~d 111 tht• First Unptlat ch iHcli "l· .. 11.;t11 .,{ tho• hridr. was in char~ hnrlc from Mel ram('·~ rnmp_ WhC're 2374 Elden avcnur. Costa Mesa. black and white Ch('Ck with Shock· ~ b)' toe crum. Sally \\'ilk wa rd miiiCC'IItJnrotlll ~tlflll W('ro• of tho· 3Wh .,,,.,., ~··nc-<'r?' rt•tumro 1 San\ll AnA, with the ~v. H:u·ry "' 111.. loufrl't t ahlr, lovdy with 1 "~" was junior counc111or wrth t~t' Their romo. nee began In their 'lng pink hat and blark aoceaon. ·es. lillllped lfrol. Olace serve the pr~tt'd ttw honoree. Mrs., 1/dt .. ·t-rk lrt~tn ft Yttcntton nf fiv~ Owings ofCkiatlng. 1.11·,. C'lolh, candlt'S, and a bouqut't Gtrl 5;C'OUlJ for two wet>ka. ' IIChool daya when both attended, Crt•stllne was the destination of t::::::::=:.J .... ~ 1111 J....A...~ took pkt~~ Anhur K~ml'£'r took Orat pna·, "'"'kll S(M'nt with rt"lativcs 111 The bride ivrn In marrla ,. II\ of white d.r·lphinlum and allidi· Wl'stw~ ~llllrons "~ho have 1 Nl'wport Ha.rbor Union high the young couplt', with the fll"'.t fll tlw a.tfair f« a t .. u na re-Mia Marll)'n IIIII wu aecond and ltlah11 h • • 2 ,, 1 g · 11t,1• T tw hrld~> cut the three· been vacatlonmJ: at Ralboa are I school. ni,..ht s""nt at Mission Inn ruver· ..-....r Mlal M "'-•I ' Mason waa con-· C!r oathr r, worl' 11 urf'lll 0 Whitt• · k d " Mrs Rl 'hard Arf.,"lle and Mrs Mer 1 '"' .,.. · • • ar,.,. ~ Mr and Mrs Wilham Mc[)(m. creJ)(' In atreC'l length and carn •·d tit-rr•fl '"~'hill: CA e an :r..rs. · c · · -~ Chaplain J . C. Gluck Jl('rfonn('d side. On their rt'tum thf'y will Uve ~;ld nnd lnmi!y uf Hntboa iJ)('nll 11 whltr Bibl(' on which wert' gar· lw nnl'lh G•·11r!:C U!lslstro Ml"'. Jor-rill Richards. . the C('remony and the bride wa .. at the Miramar Drive home for 1 . th•• "'''<'k l'nd at Snn IJu~eo. . tit•nill.!! In ahowc•r l'rfl'ct. Her 111.1 cl;on In s••r vtng. Dunne Dt•nkms .. son .of Mr. and given In m!\rriagc by hfor father. time for' the bride's pa~t>nta left When You lake , . ,\lr·;, M. K. Jvcs or Pandl'na Ill t('ndant Willi Miss Lola J n\n,. Thr bridP wt•nt through thl' Mrs. C. M. Denkms. IS hom<' onl she wore n str('('t length dreu o( Sunday ((II' two months m Wuh· at her COllage on Anadc• nr~t. Aaron a school frit>nd who v.••••·' lcK'tll J:"rammnr school, Ni'wport vncatlon and plans 1(1 rntE't mro-white allk. huttont'd down the ington and Ca.Jlada .• BaiiH)II, for the summ<>r. Rray ~f'JX' and carried a 00111.~a)' 1 llarhor Union high school and icnl sch~l at the Univ<'rslty of back and with elbow ll'ngth bouquet of yellow carnation• co•n· 1 Santa Ann District Junior college!. California In the fall. 1-1<• KJ'Ud· li('('Vet. Hl'r little Vl:'ill>d hat had To WJtom It May ('~: Y PI s<.riM. IPN'd with rt'd roaebudl. She hns lx'en atlc>nding Redlands uated this spring .from the UnJ-p off the face brim in swet•thear~ The blamcdrst plaN' you evet . our unge Best man Willi Albert Hamtllun. Unlvrrsity and will complete herj verslty or C"!.lforma a.t BerkPiey. outline and l.he carri<'d n .shower did any real ('Stilling at is at J, Pri.'Wnt Wt.'re lh<' Mesdames 8 university friend of the brldt•· work th1•re nl"lCt Y•·ar. Mr. Modln Next weddmg in the William bouquet oC gardenias ~tnd bou· M. Mllll'r'a, 15th and Central Kempt'r and Sadlelr and the &room and uah<'n were Churlrs ~orraduatE'd from thr Unlvcl"'lly of Bola':ld family Ia on Wedn('Sday vardla. HArbor 124.2.-Adv. ~~'i':niX'~:.rjo~=rll~~~il, ~':~ ()('wey Rnd Douglas Slden or 1hr Kansas and 'sl!rved with the Ma· ~r th~~'et>1k .when ~:lll~~dBol~~ Mrs. William Murphy, sister or Your Hair Will GriiCX'. <lllirl' C'ral&. Shirlt'y Hann Marine Corpe. Ml"'. Acre-e worr rinr11. HP hns aceeptPd a JlOIIilion r · e olm 1111 1 'de ,.:: the bride, Willi her only attendant. Corona del Mar Be n.-• • • I and the hol!teu. for th<' occasion a dress of ftuw-1 with thr Knop-Snydcr Mortuary Edythe H~llon of k Rlv~rsl ~· he Her dress of aqua blue was madr &I&T -... -erro silk jerl<'y and her flo'"'rs in Colton and the younsc couple C<'r<'mony 111 to 111 c P A<:<' '" 1• e In a style almilar to that of th<' Malt Shop fiJICII::X::ICICX::CCXZQXCCX=it w<>re i'lnk and white carnat tuns w1ll mak<' their home in that' city rnron~ ~el 1M~h ~mm~~~~Y ~ bridt' and l hl' wore bouvardla in II You Wear One of Our Bathing Caps We Have a Complete Line of Swim & Sun Suits for All Ages Orkin's -~ l..oYely ..... ~~.Ko­JIIIIk7, Odna Mink, ridl' II t D lr Wended Mulk:rat. FWIIan Lamb, Beever . . • lfqnlflcent Mink and kMtly 1ft')' tun! churr an . on >' c lmm a e her halr. Serving u best man WAS ltll OeMt ._..... THIS WEEK M H d b Mrs. Kemper Honors rf'laflvt's ":'II m: ~resent. Chit'( Pharmacist William Murphy • Old fuhloned malta eS30S 0n0re Y Tht> LoUis Rntllnghams ArC' all of the Tr rminal Island NI\Val A1r We nwan just this. ft. E. Jlt:ATINO PAUl' AN'Il LAMPS • Proudly we present our 1947 FUR Collection f eMore Exdtln~y lov~ly thaa f-";er ~fore Starring . FINE FURS In the New Season's Silhouettes! ~ • ..-1 h··1r full ~" m~:lnC hnd;•. luxtlt ""'' nrw hnllow>n ""'1'\'t'~ d'"'Jl t llm·l~o~ek e\lfll'. !'11:'1\ <' n!'Cklinr-: . tir(initi'IY WArm f'W'IIIII ifuJ fut ('(>(II !I ~oM I'll J)MZ<' for !'l'll~lfl~ 1 Plaa to Buy \'our Fur Coat OD ()ur L&y-... \\'ay Plant 218 N. Broadway Santa Ana Ph. 373 "oaANGJt COUXTl"'l ONLY UCU7SIVIC l'11a STOIU:" Church Members COM Bride-Elect lh~<ir Lidn-tslc home a nd Mr. and1Stlltion. All the mrn or thv brid11l Mrs. AJ IJ<>rt Brittingham cam<' J)llrty were In uniform. At Wednesday Meet dnwn ~·rid11y rnr thf• wl.·••k-.·nd. "--ti t th h 1 ~~~~--Shrr h·y Jlarm, dau~ht<>r llf rt ~ p 1 Lo u..-..vra ons a c t' <tpc• wrrc The! Rev and Mrs. Charles ll:tntt ~'"' llann. 1101 St•a\'h•w IIVI'nuo·. Mr. an "" t·s. nu rcntz«'n white gardenias. larkspur' and or C'0111a Meaa. who have 1•· '11 c·. runn d••l Mar. nnd the IMP left Monday ror the East coa&t l mnny lightro .taJl('rs .. At the Wil-~ nwmlx•rs or Christ C'hurrh b.) tho :ltr•, llnnn. WliS hunurro Ill n milt-lind will a ttrnd. thP scradulltion o~ Uamson home! In &lt'loa Mrs S..·a for Ill X years or more. nrt-,.,.llnncoou" hnd~tl "howC'r WC'dnrs-Mrs. Porentzl'n 1 daughter, Mimi W illtamson re('('ivt'd f\K'Sts at the NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards 8tatloaery tra!llft·rrlng to the Co.ta ~t ••• 1 Bacon frnm Rf•nninscton collc1:t' 1 Brookinp V ariet:v Community church and W<>dnt•"-day I'VI'nin..: hy Mrll. Arthur A. Vf'rm~nt. Thry will rl'turn Hhout receptJon W('arlng tt smurt black day eyen'tng a ••"'Ciel mnntJ.na fln·' K,.mrlf'r r It hrr homt• on \11'->ar. July 20 hut Miss Bacon will re-hnnd Mgold ~ess and lar&e black I .. 0.. ..,.. c.-..... ~..-~~ ,., u hnulrvard I . h _ __, ( J d at 1"1 Ahce Spt'rbcck matcrnnl "festival of ft>llowwhlp" wu llf'ld ~tl H ,_ 1 · \\ . mam for I f' m w • aage o u Y at the chureh alter the U8Ual pot d 'r81 .;_nn 1"' l\~a~n~ 1 ronr:-Horton or Wo•stwood. whkh w11l ~ ..... -~ ..... ' 1 .. _ ... din-Ar with 50 .,...,pic 111 -~YII "1r1 v,,. tro 1• 1 tc .. d w 'eric Ms t' take! plac·e m Roston on Aug. 10. """ '"' • ..-~ wt v" t wr unc I' an nun . r. tendJng. and Ml"'. William Hann. until Mr. and Mra. Jeff Cravath and Rev. Hand Is a ~tired prt>at•hf'r some timf' in Au~usl, wt.cn !!he 1 daughters, Ca rol and Ann of Loa fro~ the l ow a-Des. Molnea Mrth· 1 will h(• marnro to Lt. ( ict 1 Harry ~ngelet1 who have been occupying odi.at confl!rence and ha• been !lUI>-llf'ndrcn. who i.a 11 friend of Lt. lh(' Udo Isle home of Dr. and atltutc preacher at 0\riat Church Bill Krmpt'r and IPft here rCC'f'ntly Ml"'. W. E. Mabee, left. Monday by the ~au well u teach<'r nr aftrr SJ'f'nding 50ml' tim" at the ! for lht-MatH.'r/1 an.d lh<'lr_dau~h­ the Pilot Ctaa. Both Mr. and Kl'mpc·r hnmc. ten are expected back lhLS Wt'<'k Ml"'. Hand havf' bet>n mcmbt'n~ or \\'hilt' flow('J'S were uurt in the from New .York. wht'N' t~ey ha\'e the choir. dinlnJ: room and pink hiO!Isoma I been vacatJonlng and vistllng Dr. Teklng part In the program and !'C'ntr n>d the brldgl' talJh'll w. here Mabee's mothl'r In Connecticut. expreuln& appreciation for the thf' deuert luncheon was OW"r\·ed. Thl' Stephen Roy('('S and sons Y<'al"' of aervlce r endtn-t'd the Art <'r play, when prlzl's were S~evle an~ Dannje, are thrilled chureh by the departln& mem!)('rs :m ardl'd. the bride-to-be rC<Yived I with the1r new boAt, Boll ton Wt're D. W. Holtby, Richard Wall· tov<>ly gifts. Firat prizl' wt-nt to Co~tt'r Jll, a 42-foot schooner ncr, president of the Methodist Mrs. Harold Woldenbt'r,::. second I Wh1ch ~as ~nt .around thruogh Youth Fellowship; Haro&cl Gla~'l. to Mrs. J ohn Meador and Mrs. the canal by freight and which dent ~f the Pilot CJua; Mrs. Lockwood was consoled. will be kept In the harbor. John K. Elliott for th(' choir. and I Gul.Sts were friends or Miss I.., h f M d the Rt>v. E. D. Goodell. 1 Hann's mother and lncludNI the Guest11 at the Om<' o r . an 1 M<'Sdamt's WoldC'nbf>rg. L.o<:ltwood. Mrs. D. T. Hebert. 2464 E.lden nve- Mrs. Norma Hendrlck10n of Loa 1 MPador. Carttcr, Krafft. Ronald nue. Coat a Mesa. arc thc1r dau~:h· Anaelet Ia vacatJonJng with her lkrniiSCOnl, W. F. Mnson. John tcr and grandso~. Mrs. Gt'orge parenta. Mr. and Ml"'. Charl<'s Kcl-1 Slldl('lr, 0. Z. R.ohertson nnd Miss Krauss and DaVId. ~ho. arrived ~y 110 East flay, Balboa. I Knthlt'<'n Sadleir. Wednesday from th((ir home In · PhOt'nlx. Ariz.. ond will SJ)('nd the It's Always COFFEE TIME At The • • • • • summer. Mrs. Krau..~ drove them O\'Cr and returned Sunday. Also lcavln~: Sunday was " nll'<'f'. Ml"1!. A. R. S pik('s of Bowie, Ari7-, who Wt'nt to Rl'dnndo to visi1 Mr. 1 Spik<'!f mothrr nnd who w1l~ rl'· l turn home llus wcf"k. Mr. Spik('l; is ownC'r of 11 lnrg<' ranch nnd I reprrS('nls hi!! district in the state Jq;:isla turt'. Drive Carerully-Spare a Ltte. DONUT:tJi~FFLE DODD'S coiFEE &·ooNuis • WA~~ I STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with FOU NTAIN SERVICE. whipped cream) • COMPLE:I"E 1 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island lletU11 Me-hots Oeorp 8terUac OpeD Eftlalop tJnUI 10 o'C1ock-Clotlf'Cl on w.-c~..-., ••• Tal( ! &J.ftt(;.fanl ~ <JJ/.1tfn (}!..;'1!411.~ ,( 1.] ;.: 4 J695 c.; 1': -20th Century .lt*r,\' l fl TH1U ' 21 :n I RC'SCrvC$:1 &a ts Available at J I BLUE SAILS BOOK SHOP ....,_ ...,._r 171 ()r ........ 181 ()petUq laly !lrd: <'I.AIRE TREVOR A~D 0~8LOW 8Tt:VI:~8 In :: /ndn11du.alrr v foT the "M othtr·lo·bc • • • If we do rtot have 11, we ma~c rr, yC\u scc1 ~onnar~rie Shoppe 61~ Areacle Bide-....,.._ SLEEVE fNTEREST IN THE NEW DRESSES VARIES TO SHORT CAP £FFECT'S P SH·UP STYLES -LONG FTITED, SHOWN IN TWO-PIECE CREPE OR ONE-PIECE WlTii PEPLUM SKIRT S IZES 10' TO 18 NE:W BACK TO SCHOOL DRESSES INCLUDE 100~ VlRGIN WOOLS COTI'ONS AND GABARDINES LOVELY COLORS-S IZES 9 TO 15 WHATEVER HAPPENS TO OPA. WE STAND PAT ON PRICES crhe Frances Norton Shop ~ * &portrwtar !ECOND a BROADWAY !If 84laoacl a B.,..Sw"y BldK. r c. .... ,. .. ,, --.... ~~ ea.oo (plat»* r• r~ ...,_ ---' Tnil<'l rif'!l S tN'C't Floor SANTA ANA Seoolld Floor -