HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-24 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB ~ SAM SHELVE ME! Here ahd there sundry guys inti- mate that The Crabber is Pn& to be nicely laid out on a musty ahelt. Uuh!. It may interest ma.t of you well-wishers that <Bplte tbe fact I have abandoned the helm of the Publlsh.lnl Sb1p of State, after certain pec:uruary confabs, wW sU1l keep on ~ out thla wayward column. .,. true ooe of my chief items of l.n- ten!St is considerab)e exer- d8e In and around a houae oo Udo and one in the Maa. where the garden of the latter la producing a bumper crop ol ~~J while I have just ruuanea curing .:!'Veraf sacks of ODlons now u dry as a bar without a liquor license. And that ain't twm.y. either. Butlgetaround. Was on the traU of some ~ment brick. Les Isbell didn't have any, but he did have a ~ mark or two about the ~ pie who complain when the council won't give •em what they want and are as silent as a sleeping infant on the nloe things that are done for the city. Found them-the brick~p at Dad Wright's emporium ol sorts and can remember, before he became affiuent. how he used to aweat over the little cafe he bad on the Newport Ocean front. 'Then along came Guy Boldman. who wanted a bouse listing on the Mesa place, a returned war vet, who says he's "just an ex- aallor trying to get along." Nice boy and will. + + + No Cemetery, IDa. Meand- ered OVef" to ''chew the fat'' with an old Burlington frimd and his good wife, the Erwin Ludmans, and aCI'088 tbe 'Street Uves Leon ~ Inger, who originated the quickie that carries a piggy as a trademark. Leon re- tired. just Uke Ludman, sev- en.! years ago, and said the main reason wa-. becau.c;e he didn't want to occupy the IIBJlle spots that his million- aire friends did in the ccrnf'- t.ecy. A block down Lido Nord is the home of Ray Milland lind U any of you movie fans want to know which hou.c;e it is, I'll tip you off privately, so he won't lose his weekends. Ludman lives next door to Had Ring's colos.<;a] home, now building. + + + Ma~~~key 0pt"n1ng. RaJph Maskey held open house Sat- urday on his new building. down the block from The News-Times plant. and many notables and floral offerings gave him a nice sendoff. RaJph has a super office aJJ his own in the rear, a place for a deep conference or dosing or a realty deal. Then up to Milton's Flv~and-Ten on the Mesa, where hun- dreds of folks swarmed in and out at his opening. Has a complete stock of,• fresh merchandise in many lines that is hy far the lx'st of any similar slot'\' in those dig- gings; pri<.'t-s right. too. • + + <Stat.-Sfonator. Seems to be trouble in the r·ate fot· state senator. Clvrt<' Wat- son and .Jim Farciuhar are both runnin);{ on the' Repu!J- Uca.n ticket \t'hile Huntington Beach's McCaliPn will be on the Demo. ballot. Point is that the two Reps. will whi~w ead\ other and per- mit Mac to romp home with the plum. Now there is talk of somebody withdrnwiQg. but up to now it's hard to 1ay who will sacrifice hlm- ef for the good of the party. + + + .ludg,. W"'tover. Vl~tlng at the home of hi!; son, HatTY Westover, Internal Revenue chief, is Judge Westover. now in his 80's trom Yuma. Ariz .. and for years publisher of the Yuma Sun. The veteran news- l!&per man has often visited <>range county and is still ~ and alert in the af- temoon of hll well tpent Ute. ' Costa esa· Edition ·--Newport Balboa-News Times. --------------~---------- ,.. e1 Orc*M•• VOLUID lDI:SVIII l'08T£ .. DIA, (j,\UJ'OIO.&.\. \\ t;PNI£8DA\', .ltll.\' U, IN. ., SMALL HARBOR FACILITIES ·IN DEMAND • Beach Cleanup Is Problem Official Inspection Shows Corona del Mar Beaeh Beine Groomed by City Strfet Crew; Glasa Particlee Endanger Children; Area at Rear of Beach-Next in Line for Pickup, Covert Says "rt·· r<' nrr two sadr~ In 1 ,.,., y Althnu~:h Mn \rowrll rh: n11l q ui'Sitnn nnrl I wi~h I n pn·~··ut drll\ mHI<tnll th1• Sllll••fl'l"ol: nf•o m int' lwforr· hdnJ:: ronrll-mnl'rl h) wnttnl: llo·r •<~~:na tura• to tho· lr•llf'r puhlk uptnlnn all<'llll tha~ rc·ntlll n•cr•h'NI llv l\tr~ llnrr•·ll, :. !.i'-11'1' situnlirm," Mrs. l\tnry n ('ro,wf'll nf SUI)(•riP; . .l udllf' \'1(•\cr·r~ .. r :..~,. "¥,_·. nf 10(1 Fo·rnll'lt£ a\o•nu••, <'nrc>n<t drl i\ns;:r•lt•s, ~tr1• du1 !lay tllht s!i•• "'II• 1 :..., , • ;\1ar, SAid Monday nftcrnnon 1n an· surry that the !ltllllllwn h:oll '" ~wrr tu n I' tory puhh~hC'<i hs: nri~•· hut that Rhf' df'(!MIIt•ly d1d 1 ,,,,m ~.,,,,,, •·• ••rrh•"" • Thur~rlay in The Nc·w~·Tim,.,. nrl'd thr apArtm•·nt I A L~ G t M t JJ • t 11'11' !'lOry to whlrh MMI C'ro-Jlr•r rt·ll~llllS (ur \\ ·~'""" fnl:f'l · • ..~. ro y' 1 e a urgls wrll tonk <'X~ptlon wn~ on•' lwnd -! :o;lon of the apnrtm••nt tWCIIflil'd ))y Hhlu ..-... Uw· tllrlhiii~Wr "' A. r:. nrot,\. N>·~»r1nrr In lhf' firuty cd , ":'\ick Woman Nottfll'rl fi•·nt I ;\Irs llnrTC\1, who Is Mlrt to t-o· AI)Jtlhont•f' rompany at 1'181 Sf'Witf>r1 tonlry•nf. f 'n•t• """"· M• Hat!OI'd from $40 to ~~1 ... """ In un<lf'r thr t'ilrr u( a phy~lrl:~n at ".,. horn In l)f'IJihu., that "'"'''· \\hl,·h tl \\II~ satd she• hrtfl nollfu•rl l th• J•rl'l!('nt tun•·. •~ 1:1\1'n in he r IIi~ IMr• 11t~ mn\rd '" Fh1nol.o 1 1f1•• ll•om 1'1:\; ''' I'• I'•. r;,.,tv ·~··r to•n.mt, :'\lrll Lnu•s~ FWrrctt fullnwtn~r stalrm•·n t ,.,,,1 11,. 11 ,.,11,,, '" ('ulrl"''" ,, ,, 1 "' t • ,, ,, ,, 1 1•1 ,,. '" 1 ••o•l nr l..!IX llny V11•v. "''""""· that "In March. snr-.n ,.rtf'r my pur ,, l'ill lo• n i\lf·• t• • • r '' ... ,, ,,, •• tw•ginnrnl: Au~:ur;t l:l hc•r rr rrt rhnso• u( ttw l'nop<•rt)', Mr". ll:tr tiiiW Ill !--nnt:r 1\roll, "h•·l•· 1\ I •· r lo• · "nl too "'•I k "' "" 11l would hf' r Ru,C<J rrom $4il lo ~3."' r1·11 inforrn1·rl rn,. ""'' t h•· rl'•'''('t' c;r"1~ ""' 1111• t1 untl l!rl>llu:tl• tl '' • ,,,, rt t~ 1 ,, 1•1 '"''' a ·month hrotl oth l~•·rl h~>r '" "''''''' r,ut ot (n om th• ~·"''" 'Arru 111111 Tu•lu> • ''"', '""1: •mlrl 1'•1'• - An Authl'rtlatl\r lrttf'r .•t~tn•-11 th•• liP"''""'"' ,,.., uu~•· J::llll"l: up ~· h~~·l~ About Hl-1:1, h• u1111 It v. ,I•. by :'\1rs. ('r••"<'ll u nd rf'r<•l\l•cl h~ 11nd dnv.n tho· !111\lr!l tht•r•• \\aS ton In"' h•••' ·.oo•llll: '/\ J..:• """\' "''· '•' "·''"'" ollfl ''"' I• Mnt. OArTttl. notalaf'd thr lntt••r murh fur t ... r ho'nrl h llmtor1t and ·~ tal• "'~ 11.1 l••th mn•h••maiiM • n '" 1•1 111 1111 • '' '""'''" ''' •·I of the r llia(t in rvnt Thf' l••ll••r !~hf' ~11ltl ~hi' was Jollllnl: t, m 'lVI' hod n1• • "·' ""'' 1\1 I l>l d 1 • 1 "•Ill I h1• <'I"' 1 rlrnl KIIJ1ply ••· '' •· II•• i '~'&ll turnNl ovt>r to a L(1!l 1\n~:.-11•5 "Aft<'r Mn. RMr••ll .told m~ 'pll'tin~: ht~ ~1 ud11 h n1 llot• ru ... nn '•' w "l". ""' 111 ,.,,'"'''"'""'I' attornry who In turn took ttw thla, I tnf~ my uu nt , ;\.Irs D. I hh(h aehvol. young ':rorJ lllllrtNt "'lib Mt <:rot ) 11 hrt~th1 r, J .\ ~ttt>T up with Ralph P. Mu ke)l, Brn-'0 of Oh'lo, who 111 oi~ Ill, ""''rk on the or&nllf' rnn•·t. vwnr-11 c;1 oty "A, ~ ... '" '"'' n ·•t••d '" prftidmt o4 t~ Newport llarbor that ahc could COI'I'W out and Jil'e liy hi• puenta. I m4'UIIIur~t)' and Ilk,.. '" ,.,,..nd h ll Rutty board. (0Dat1Dued oe Pap Bla) Altft' lumina the plumblnc v,..•atlona proaprctlnac fur nw•tala 11,,.., \t'ftr OH1I .. fhJUt t t41, t,. • fl ~till!• d In 11ny <oltwr f•tll ,., "' 111 lh• htll(fllr~ ftf lhl f'llfH J•Itft\ If ~H' IH IIIIollfll'l'll tt~lav loy (' I \lo I"'" ultl •l,.trl••t 1111111111(1'1 oof lit• S •ltlllo • ru ( 'tt ltf"rnltt T•·lo·l•llfm• • '•"'l•llrt} I rn .I lin•· :\11 llwn· "'' r•· 1 1:1)1 Ml,•r t•·l· l•h•ont·R In ''1"'"1''''" tn th• '""'l•hllY'• SIIUIIU•fll c '111!(111 111/0 "t' 11 ''~ ''""'lf'tr•·d wo th I,II">+J.:t:n "" ,lllnrtury I, 1'111: Tlo• '"''' f••ll )' u ,,,.In".-. fhut1•· Itt l'•t"' \\h• '' -;-· .... ~, ,,.,,,.,,.,1 . ..,.. '-'•1• ,uJd•tl f ttt\l f\ /IIJ!Irtflhfll '" ,, 4 1ff I"'''' ,,,. ,,.,r fl"fHtf•· (· tlf1" "'"'' ,., , ,,.,,,,, ''' l••;nltl't ""'"' 'n,. nrunl11•r 11f P' ,,.,,,. """' • IIIJ•I••>, '' I•} '111• ''"111pllny I~ :::t .llfl 111 Ill •t•a•• oof :•l-oll •1111'1 llu (IIICI oof tlw W''ltr S llCI\ 'lf•V•·n noW lrUII<f ln1'-'" t.wldtnr.: rttldlll••n• ,,,,. ~dwdi&INI l'ltlwr to •tnrt or t•1 Ill" ''"mpl•·l•·d In 19-UI 1 1111~1111' fllltnt hn• llf-4'n mnt•'1'1nl· I)' im'TI'IIlll'(l ,..orty.fl\1(• mtlf't or fi4!W rond u It re rryt nc duct • or Communities Urged t() fonn United Front On More Ports Loa An,elea Dlata ld =Oatllnel Chaba of Small Harben t. Callfonda Cout In Talk at N BMeh 8tatB United Adloa WID u.-.. ~ \ • T. P. REEDER, M. D. Announees His associa~ion in practice of medicine and surgery with WILLIAM S. IllmN, M. D. Telephone Harbor 602 WE WELCOME YOU 10 OPEN & CHARGE ACCOUNT --...... ------ ........,.. .... you to c.DII ~ ........ c:Mrp-t. o.r...-. ... ~wttJa tM.aa.t~ol ........ ~ .......... ffio6BROJ &-~~ ........... ..,,. .. ... -.....:...., ...... . ... A.. .... , ... .. ... , Water Board studies Oty Membership 1 Mern.bfn o1 the bollrd of di- ~on ol the M~tropolitan Water I 41slrK'1 of 1..01 Ang~k>s ~ Fnday I nlgllt at thfo Lacuna twach CJIY hall will d«idt· wht'Uwr « not to a.N"f'pt tht' Cny of Nrwport Bt>'lch as a mMnl ~ ol 1 hfo dis t riC't s >'51 Cll1 I If tht' I)OIIrd 11hould !:nor m•·m- bf'rship for tlw CJI)' And aC'<'Ord d ty offlcla.la an Invitation to .)utn tiKo ••at.-r '>""'"'"· ttw C'll) will ,.,. uked to o.ll IUl Pl<'<'lt"n for th•• rt-t.;lllt'rt-d 'olt·r~ "'ho olso "'ttl hr 1'(1\'\'n .. n ov.~unrl)' 10 r.t-~1 tho•1r ball"l" ror ~ aa::uru~l lh<' IJII"'O))5al Addi-esaes Firemen Cla~e Trevor Has lead in laguna Play • I Island Bike Riden, Picnickers, W arnecl By Newport Pollee Stenclled warnin~s prohlbltJna bicycle riding and plcknicking on the bay fro nt sidt>walks on Balboe bland havt> I>N'n poated by the Newport Beach police. In uklng the coopt>ratlon ot aU clti:l:t>ns and thf'ir children. Chief Claire Trevor and Onslow Stt>v-or Police R. R. Hodgkinson tocta1 l'ns will play tht> atarring roiH In said hE' hoPl'<i his policemt'n would "Dark Victory" which Opt>ns at not have to issue citations for vioo Lal(una B€-ach Playhouse Tui'Sday , tatio'ns. July 23, for a weeks' run ... Rober "How('ver, where there are vioo Mllton. who stagEd the New York lations or the taw, there will be production. will he.• ~S:U£'51 director. citations issuf"d," the chief re. _ Mi.ss Trf'vor, who is under con-joln<'d. tract to R K. o . studJOS may cur-~:.::::;=========== rl'ntly l:l<' sf'en In th~ motion pic- t ures "Bachelor Daught<'rs," WORTH I NGTO "Crack-Up," "Murder My Swl'ct" · l and "DPadli<'r Than th<' Malt•." A gradUIIIt' or the Amf'riran Aca- d<'my n( Dramatic Arts in Nt'w York, sh<' made h<'r II road" II) dl·but in "Whistling in thc Dark " \'l.'T£RA.~!4 AU 0000 t'IS.H.EAMES .. l10 pronn by the llh&traUon •lloWD here. Thl• ~p of Rndlo puclit'n('<'S know hl'T as Ed-1 R~f rigeration f1Moar1) IUipno from tiM! t l. S. Naval t.c.plta.l at L one Be.clll C'aq11t a -Of flab lD a U)' a ouUac ward G. Robinson's "Lor<'lel" in I Charll-s. lf1lc:korbrand of Pruw-Ia •aw" off H•U.ct-aod Sewport ~liM. TMy w~re cue-ta aboarcl the ftaiWic boat, "'!"'le "Ri~o: Town" on which s~ appcar- dc>na. statl' lt-,;:1~lallvt> n-prt'S4'nta- 1 \\'~"· llldppe,... IIIJ ~. "**y Brockett. weU knowa !'li-port llarl»or ~=::\y C A. Griffis. ed for thr('t' years. j S •-to 10 ton Air Conditioning th't> for ttw California Stat«' Fire-• · Mr. SIC\'ens most recent N<'w ln(>ft'l .-onauon, wiJI addrn~ tlw 1 --E York apj)('arance was with Eli7a- ' N-port tlarbor ~~ drpartment Unkept Mainer of Some Beaches Many nter bl'th Rt•q;ner in "The ·rwo Mrs. at t~ dty hall, N--por1 Bt>ach., Carrolls." H<' hu pla)'('d In numl'r-~ Wtodnnday nicht, July 24_ Criticised by L A. Sportsman I ous Broadway shows and in mo- :GI-LL'S fun Zone's hu~nhpuict~.r-~nanadrflfl~arl!~t:_~!hyc~~ Mf'l1\bf>n or tht> Newport Harbor 1 wha t racJlltil'l tht'rt> are In good , uo." "'I · P8lladcna Playhouse actmg aml Kiwanis club were urat'd by Jam<'s ron .. linn . . "\\'t> do our bt>st," he said, "but directing. -Walla~. t.o. Angelt'l Kiwanmn WI' hsvl' no wsy of k('t'pln~t vand-Be Sh O th<'rs In the cut are Alice r-:D==E=L=I:::C.=A=T=E==S=S=E=-N-+'Ifll!~.,...,-....... ""-~~lll'--~~t!o fP4111 ' \:''?'kina lbf f'jr;t4<!w , auty ow Tallo~ Fred CIMarkcLa. Sochnldra R~g-. sponsor t~ projr<-t of a llf'nrh panNI In the r PStroom u they , 1 . en , r Tances a an. ..on C'lunup prowsm In thf' harhnr hav<' In ont> spot on t he pier." I Newland, Marjorie Eaton and arf'a. ! '"Therl''s 8 night patrolman on --Walter Rathbun. FOOD SHOP • • • • "Thl'rl' isn't a n~ Vsl'atlon onr or lhf' l'itv piPrs." lh<' t'ity Evcry1hlng is ln rl'adin('IS for spot In tht> whole United Stull·~ lldmlni~trativl' officer 1111ld j the opening or the nonJ?rofesslonat l Doctor's Car Struck than Nl'wport Harbor," said thl' It was the consensWI of the beauty contest paradt-"'l'\d kid~i<' I Dr. D. Raymond Dunmire of 1 l...o~ An~telan a t a ~tln~t or thl' par tv thAt thl' JX'OPit> who US~' the fashion show at the Ralf>oa fun llollywood r<>ported to police Sllt- duh in Whitt''ll Clift', Balboll. "hut twal'hr:o and plrr facilities for Zont-on Sunday urday tha t 8 car driven by W. L . it more Ideal " httll' mor<' rooJ)('ratl\'1' In not h\' AI Andl'rson and tht• Gustin the former's machin<' whlcl1 was Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AU rr-rea ... AU Uquo" Ia 8tock Call ~ .. • • • you could do 10methlnc to makl' hnlhin~t 11nd fishinlt could IX' a Tht> progrAm, which Is sponsored H<>nshaw of Balboa Island struc;-1 1 Wallaa-t hcn d tt'd t~ untidy !ll'altt>rinR debr11. I'S J)I'<'ially plccl't s 'wim Class and th<' Robby Shop park<'d on Thursday afternoon at should ~ raked and ch.•anro M h<-arhM the Fun Zone cntc>rpri~e~. • condition of thl' IX'acht'll at Coronn or Wr!ippinRII from ~~ pnckaS(t'!> or Balboa, promises to be one or 305 Adams atr('t't '---------------' &>I Mar 11nd &lboa '"'bt' bf>arh,... nnd ~a pop bottlf" around th<' the most allractivc arTanged by ~--::======================::;:::::::::=====t thf' drhrls." hi" 1111id, addin~t lhlll Aut " visitor wanted to know Thrcc tovln~t c-ups wtll be SHOP AT GILL'S It also would be ll won~rful lh1111( Whll l thf' proplt' \\'l'rt' to do with AWarded the first, second nnd NOW-'Round the Island Ferry .._ w. , v .. taN•• ........... ...., OncaiM If tht' Kiwanis club could usc tho•tr lhl' bottlMI and tht' wrappinltS third bcautlful girls adjudged by lnnu.ncr In obtaining bettn la,·a-SIOCt' thl' d ty dors not pro .. 1df' any a commlttet>' or jud~otes headed by torv f11cilltiH at tht' end of th<' rontain<'rs In which tht>y rnn hr Postmaster Ht-rlwrt Kenny and fishlntt piC'n. plal't'd "W P just <'8n't carr y thl' Mr Clyde Ashcn or the Balboa "ll'a a long ••111k In from lhl' ~tuff around with us t'Vt'ry timl' USO club. p.lf'n to t~. city's re~t room~ ... wr want t o wade In the watf'r or It 15 cxpe<:"tcd that 35 younlt I tht' t.o. AnRt>IPS aportaman said 1akt' a plunge," 111ld ht' with a women of Newport Harbor com- "-Paradiw smllc. I munitiH will vie> for the awards ln cla.ln2 Mr. Walla~ exprt'll!l"d "And WI' hii\'Pn't any contain-In the> parade or the bl'autiH . A t:M A. M. TO 11 P. M . South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Ba.y, Rlchardson'a, Evans', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin , Bt>acon Bay, Hatbor Island and South Ba.y: Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY I tht' brlk>f thst with a llttlr hl't-t•rs for tht' stuff " !!ald .. a spokl'll· complt>tt' list of tr<' 35 will be pub-I 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~at~~~~~~~n ~ t~ city ~M a~,~~~ 1n t~ ~-~~ oo could ~ madt' the paradiM of thl' I'Xpt'n!!ive." Thursday. • - Pad.f\c. So th('rt' the mstter rt'lts-for 1 'Twf'nty-thr('t' Pf'niOnJ who have ~;;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LE STEIB & c D. llf4111-.y I 'J1wo_ MacElroy. \'Ice pri'Sidl'nt thl' tlmt> hfoinllt Pntered thc contrst to date are: .i DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH HARBOR 1%-W ~ _..,ill ol Uw Balhoa lmprovrl'nftlt aii!IO-Jane and Jean' All'xander, Doro-,._,._ ,_., ....... s-• ~· fO .... '"' dation and II Klwanlan. told IlK' I Here Are Two thy Mal' Rishop. Barbara Oow-2004 W'DT ~ AVL. NnnooaT lkAOI ....utoes• u. An~tl'h"!! sportsman thllt tht> ring, lldt•n RoyB. Pnt C'icl'rO. A Ul!r Hu.ae H7'-J ~ improvrml'nt ltf'OUP Wll~ wor k in~~: I Reasons Why Gran• rrockl·r, narhnra !)(>Witt, vRA.nvl on trurh a M\.j(' pro.i«'''t nt the Jktty f'lahcrty, Sophit• (;nr7uchnv- pri'!M'nt tlml' Meats Are High ~k•. Hl••n"'"' .t •• rrl'lt, l'h~llt~ Lnr h-OWN "I nm 1mrr." !ltnrEiru\ tlo •c·tnrl'd. ml'}'l'r, Barbara Lang, Joan Mohr. l"thnt tiK> :tPntlm<'nts ju•l rxprr~l!-F tlwl f'lunk<•l 1. Dum• Pncl'. Lots FRIENDLY Nl wll1 hA\'1' !'Oml' bl'ar lru: on thl' nw rc'lftil prtrr nf mNit will Mn-l'urlw·ck, .ln)'CI' Purcf'll. F:hunl' nffki11ls nf our rity 'inN' lhcy tin•t• to '"' lm:h 110111 ('()ll!'Umf'r~ Quarrry, P HI Snyro·, .J11r'k1,. To•r·k- wo.•rr mncto• lo\ nn Otlll'"'' I .. rl,.,.,, .... n lnlll':t lflt 11101 anrl rt•ftl~t· 11111'11 c; .. , II Thlllllf""" ollll ~. ... ~ I'Tn Mnnrlny hlto•rrH""' ''hc•n n '" 1 ot\ tt ,,, ot~ pt• <o•nl fit.:ur••. Twrn• )' I'll\ til'lf').!lltinn \\:1~ :tiH•'I' In start "ll'h '"'' ttl" c•nnmwnl II( ll n111rk-\1;!1 1 ·, fl;o\ ollol ~lit 1 1\1 '"'' nn nn ln!lpr('llun or tho '"'1\ChMI. ,.,, ··r tlld:O\ ~hnp, 7o:t ... t'o·ntt<tl .. , •. , .. ,._ H.oi- C'oll J ohn J Sallnrs wa' ·t<ked If ' tr I hr hnu<o•\\'1\'1'< in I hr h:tr-boa. Is doing t hl' hair s1 yii'S and I h<' hlld hPard niWlut tht• o·rlticlsm l bor nrl'a cl,.l'lnr••rl a lfl-t lay mnr:i-tTtllko ·up for th(' h.-nut) eonti'St- • ----USINESSLIKE '· VISIT YOUR BANKER OFTEN . When this Bank actw u Trustft of yoor estate; you may be ll.lft your famlly wtl1 ~ sympa- thetic considentlon and undenrtanding. And you may be just u ll.lft that your estate ..W be man- qed wtth ~ ~ You and your attor.y are Invited to~ your Eltate Plans with our Trust <>tncen. i l m11<k> hy thl' I-n!~ An~:drc ~ports· tnraum on ml'at purrhn•I'S, l hr ;tnl!l I mnn_ prlc•• or nw111 """ltl tirc>p ho•t'llll~<· "No. but l'vt' hl'ard othcr re-1unlrss the• nw11t m;'lrkt'l •·l'r~ l'an BEACH SPEAKER JJOrll about thr hl'11chf.os hdtlg ln movr the commc'o!lily, th~rl' !I no . , • an unkept mannl'r." said th4' city , profit in 11 anti no sal~> tn d<'nd Spt>akr r r(lr thr dannn m!.'clrng administra tive officer, "and we' rm'at," the markt'IP<'r addl'd or tht> Orangc Qlunty League or I have arranet'd this tour tn ahow The marketeer gave out thll 1 Cit iPS on Thursday. at Sul)set you thst the at:THt dt'pnrtment lnform11tion after a numh<'r of his lkach will be Dr. Wtlton L. Jlal- t'rt'W Ia tryiJ\1 to do somethinl cwnoml'rs bl'ttan prot('!lting thl' V<'n on, director ~f th<' Statc [)('. about it." priN' of \'arious chmf"t' <'UIII of -partm<'nt or Public l_l('alth . L, W . "BIU" Covl'rt. superln-tht> meat. 1 Hnlvt'rsnn will ll1scuss snmla- tc.>nde. nt of the city strl't't de-"On. <' _r eason mea t prtcell nr<' lion. problt'ms of the <'?unty, ln- partmt'nt, who wu a mMn~Jf1' of high." the ma.rketet>r said. "is bl'-cludtng . matters d~ahng w1th ~ tht' lnapt"ctlon party, \'l'nlurtod the cause some peoplt> In this area waste dtspoaal, a sub,ect of Mlpe- informAtlon that thc ht'ACh arf'U wsnt only thl' choice cuts, IIUCh I claJ lntt>rcst to lh<' beach cit if's I wrre now In betlt>r shnpo· than 1111 fit<'! ml~~:non. trn!k>rloin and top , -------1 thl'y wcrl' whl'n first mnoll' the alrloln. :-lothing but thl' rl~tht can 1'\'l'r Custom made draperies Tailored sli jH:OIIel'l Venetian blinds Furniture s<>lcctlon and maJntenMce St'lcct wallpapers L----------~48 VIA OPORTO• NEWPORT &I ACH.CALIF- I hutt of I'Omplsints I "No onl' wnnls sit'" mt•nt or ht• <'X pcdicnt, s1nct' thnl ran n('\'l:'r "Wt''ve a crew or ntl'n clt>an-)l'avlm:s after th<' <'hnocc• cut~ 11rr ht• t rue cxrx·dt<'n<')' \\hich would in~; up th<' hf'Aclw!l nil\'." tht' m&df. sncra!icl' n ~tr<'atrr ~:ood to 11 lrss. !lltl'<'l dl'partmPn t ~tlp~nt •ndt'nt ''That mt'ans thv lo·flnvrr mral• ~~W~h~a~t~c~b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !lnid. arr WA~tl'd. 5c1 to mnkt' his !l<'l r·n "0 (1 nur tl<"t" to t('n ('l'nt profit on lhl' prtce nr Ttold nhnut thr L"• ,\nL'I'hln's ml'lll. thl' httlc'hf'r m11~1 m::tk<' up rrtlil'ism on tht• l:wk .. r lava-thr lns!l on tlw eh(IIN' clll!'" tor)' rncthtic•• a l ~h,. • 11cl ·.,r tht-,. OY'Ive ~rully-Span a Lite. Jllo'~. Ctwl'rt ~111<1 lh.ot t ho cil)'• had dnnr \\hal It c· .. utol '" kl't'p Quality Lumber and 8uildin1 Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. £, HO&TETLER ..... .._lOll Men-Women P~h-L" tM ,.. h.aYf' twwluw·h,.., l'a.IA '" ....... «"'1ft fiW ".,." of ~! A,.-r , .. ,.... ......... Ju"''''• lr-rltahlf' tt~Mt ,.,...,. ... ,! •• ,..... .... nl4 hf>tM't" )0 • ., 11 ... ~1 !'IIppi••' H••~ to pt ap ........ , ITS YOUR GLANDS O.r _.........._.utaod.-.4r _, -· _.... •·--..... at~&. No .-1• -N• ..._s. oarcery-Se 1,.. ...,._ ~. &. "· a.n. o. r.. n .r.. ••1 -"'-· !'!__. ...._ ....... ...,_liM fw ....,...-.., .. y_....-... .... ~ .... ., .. A.M ... t:ae P.M • ......................... We Wish to Express Our Sincere Appreciation· of the warm welcome to Cost~ Mesa g iv en !J~ ~Y the residents.and fell o"' merchants Milton~s~ 5 ~ 10 · 25c -Stores · VENETIAN BLIND We Make Them • A Better Blind "SUNSJHNE C'ORREC'TLY RF.OULATF.D IN YOUR HOME" Compl£'1£' Rt•novat ing by Our Modem Factory System Immediate Delivery On Made-to--Order Blinds -{J.p-"to 36 Months to Pay . Our Prices Remain the Same Estimates l'or Free saata Aaa RITE-LITE VENETIAN BLIND CO. ' '- I i I t i ~ .. e•wrwr e•.M• "*"!-!piP's 1!--n 0 ,.,..,..,, IW P. IW ELECTRICITY A SHOCKING BUSINESS - G. N. Wells Real Estate ...... .._ .... 1,.. N-..n Bl't'd.o.flll M-. Calli. 0 . C. HARR • • • C. C. O'ITO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Han's Jewelry Twin Location.o; 111%1 IIA.&BOa BL\'"D. Coe&a Mec· Be. 1111&-.1 Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room · (W .. l!:lec!Utc! OrUl) • EATS. DIUNU AND BOIIANOI: .._ Bart.r m.t HI P.a. Burt R.Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN r.o.e ._.. ,, .. 1111 v....t1~rt ...... o.llf. 0 . R. (Pop) Crawley-N. M. (Morrie) Crawiey Dt.Unctlve Home Fumishlngs Crawley's Furniture Ill! Newport Bh"d.-PIL ae-D· l85e Co&ta Mesa-"in the Heart of Town" • Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" 111410 W. 0e•tral-!'10e"port.-PIL Harbor "' AL ANDERSON Fun Zone IWboa G. T. Everson ManageT METZGER STORES . ... ..,_._ ... nil Newport Bl ..... eo.ta M-. a-IUI·W "Home and Auto Sueply Stores" U ·ELI'.CI' Jesse L. Elliott '-"••'--SHERIFF Tt1E8DAY, NOV. SUI Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 111 ~Src~Mln.J--I'IL a-Nll O.ta 11-. Calllonala A. E. Groty -j. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ~ ...... ,.... .,_..,,__.._aMI 1711 N..,..n Bl ... ~ ...... o.att. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Offtce PIL llutlor !OU Ill ...... 8trM&-8&1t.o., o.ut. F. B. Owen NeW])Ort Souvenir & Gift Shop . GIFTS OF ALL KINDS PIL Bart.or !llt·l lilt OclMa ..,_&--Newport BeMII. Calif. HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard'a South Coast Company HI! W. Cetltral-PIL llartlor !tOO HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing nu. a eout lllpJ-no.e ..--MN Lew H. Wallace Reel Estate and Insurance Broker .._: Offtce. Banor ~IIH. Hart.or 11511 Ill! W. Oeatral Aft.-N_,ort Beeda. Calli. COY E. WA TI'S Balboa Liquor Store 'JOt 1!. C..tnl Ave.. BalboL Ph. llart.or !4'71·.1 -rtae Bo.-of Cordtalllf"-0 . H. Bl'llder, Mer. .J. M. Miller. REAL ESTATE RROK F:R ML llarhnr 1'!42 IIUh at ~ntnl-~r·wport BMeh ·•on Your Way tn DJUboa" Bruce B. Johnstone at thl' Si.~;n nf thl' ''FL~O RED HORSF." JOHNSTONE SERVICE Harbor tm·.r . CoiiAt Blvd. at 101 Hl«ttW&f • Newport Engineering AMOCiatel FREDERIC J . SINGER. Prealdent M•alaol!taren a s.lee Enc1J1een t!15 c-t m-1-PIL ll8c!oll 11011 Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwe-&r for All the Fa.mlly . . 1'716 Newport BIYd~ta M- Ph""" Rl:aron MS9·W Dr. W. T. Moone)t PHYSICIAN and SURGEON S l•tll ... OMtnl ft. Harbor (U·•r. eentcle) 4e Robert L. Stwrey-Rl'Cordlng En~ Davis & Gay Music Co. ...., l'f_,.,. ..... .-ca.ea ,._ ~!~Mo. .,., •• , ....... R ............ Prominent Men of ~ower Industry Depicted As Leaders in N.ew Electrical Era '13 y HAROLD L. HAMM EJN-tri<'ity Is the force that m&VM the world. It ~·t maay yean ago that U~fnlnK wu an Wlknowa powf'r and fearful Ia ItA cUaplay. a.-d hulk~· ma4•hlnny UfM'd ud do away "'lth lhf' u_..h~· OVH'· heed "irt'IS nuw be-In~ t.-d to ctatribtaff' rlf'cotrlcity. Benjamin Fran'kUn, "ith a kJtlt and k.-y, opened fhf' lookf'd doon of power for the j)eneftt of all maaldnd. It i8 now C'Oilfrollfod and manufactured for our \11M. · Thia, the atomiC' and radloak qe, • ju!Jt oae more atep forward for thlll atomk fo~ tlhall be ~ 8urh .nwn aA drpit•lNJ on thbt a..-r, and thf'ir orpalla ..... "'ould au.lmit thc•lr .. nortA ud llut't't-would 1M' dwarff'd by C'OIII· pariAon to th"' nrw fon-.. Mtlll, lhf'lr l'llllf'rifoor-would be.IN'flliw to t'IU'r~ nn In thi!i Jtl'f'll~r dr,·rlopm••nC for the peaftful Ulle the Supreme Bf'la~ lnteaded. 0 Thl8 ooatrolled power wUJ eUmlJLat.e .enlfat'4"rtn~ of the co.Uy Mt'dic-al anti radlnnlr d"-c'O\'f'rW \\'Ill t&k.-\'aAI 11trid•.,. throuafl Utili fur, ... ancl man~· ~.-t unthota«hl-ilf ad\·antqN may t'Otllf! to • Uarou Jt h it . PORT Gerald (Tex) Liberty Geralcl (Tex) Liberty. ro-mnnagC'r with "Doc" Stafford, or Ets-Hoktn and Galvan. e lN'tl'icians. wa<> born in War ren Pa., but his C'<lucation was brokcn as his fathe r. being an oil expert. movNI about a · gl'(':l t dcal I o various oil ficlds. So Tex had his fit~'t ~hooling in thc gntmmnr gmdcs in EJ. dorado. Kan.: thl'O the family movro to Tulsa. Okla .. for two more years. He finishf'rl his fiflh grack> in San AngPIO. TPx., thm he ent<'rro San Antonio Military Acad<>my wherr he fin- ished his gntmrnn r grade!'. !lis high school years wf'rr spent a t Texas Mililal'y Jn.qtitut£', also in San Antonio. ThPn c·Ame two yea~ of college at Wf'ntworth Military Academy at 1...<-x- ington, Mo .. a famous school. "Tex" played drums in all the school band" and orches.. tras and after leaving Wentworth (raveled with name bands. Leaving the. musical field he opened an electrical business in Sig Springs Texas. He stayed in Big S prings seven years a nd then migratro to California. He then went to work for Ets-Hokin and Galvan. His hobby is boating, and he and his wife. Marian. SJX'nd many plea<;ant WC<'k ends in their 25-foot Chris-Craft exprt'S.<> cruiser. He dabbl~ in photngrnphy anti is a m<'mbcr of t.h<-Bnl- boa Yacht club. Kiwanis, Elks and Orange County Builders Exchan~f'. STAJtBOAUI> Nelso n (Doc) Stafford Nc·l~ St:tffonl, HlP ottwr hulf of lht• <'n-mann~c·mc•nt or Ets-llokin a nd (;alvan. kfl0\\''1 his hllriHII' ;m•a /Ill Ill' wnM born in S:en t:e Ana in ~~~!I 11nel spent man~· of his hoylmocl WIY!' at flus IM•;wh. l\1c1!'1 of hi), w hooli nJ;t was in S:111111 Ana. In 1!110 "Doc ·" 11s h1• is t·allt-cl hv h i'l frif'nds. tuuk 1111 colc'('- tril·al :lpJ•n•ntic,-...ht J• a nti lat.•r \\1:111 with thr t-:rliKOn t'OITI· pnny whic·h Ill' >;4'1'\'c'CI for c·l~hl ~ 1'111'~<. All in all, tw hnJC ))('('fl in thl'f'IN·trkal hu..;ilwss few :.~:-, yc•urs. '1\vf'nly-lwo y1•ars a~o tlw Sta ffor'fi family. mmdstlnJ"( of "Doc", his wife• 11nd (••ur ·<·hildn•n, movr-.1 to Ct.-Ill Mf'Sit. II£' sl1111c'fl with Ets-l lokin unt1 Calvan rour nnd 11 hnlr years ago, ont• da~· laiPr than hl'l })llr1rM•r, '"ff'X". TIW firm was sub-n~nlr:wtcw during the wnr· yNu'S on :til cWrtrknl rn- dar and fin' mnii'OI in.'ilallation!l, doin~oe 91J J.ll'r cent o( thlA work on th<' Padfk t-otel"t for Undt' ~m on sut.-cha.-n; and other lxxlts. They Ill'<' ()Jstrlhuto~ and tlt'ltll'rs for t'IN:·t rkul f'fJUiJinwnl ror boats of all IYJ~ from thr smnllf'St up In bnttiN.'IIJ<OM. Their "sllfm• work" is wirin~ ll(ld m:tlntainin..: Plcrtrtc_·nl instal Ia ti nns. "[)o(-'s" hohlly ;., hts y;u"t l and 1-{Hrclc•n. I h• l" P"*"'i<i(>nt o( • thf' Rotari:ens. 11 m•·mht'r ,,f lht· Or:tn~ro ('ounlv }-;)('(·trim ) so- d l•l y. lht• Orang•• Counl :-· Bw ldt•r-.; t-:xt·h:tn~c·, und o( th(- Nt•wpor1 llariKW ( 'hamlw•r of <"••rnnH'I'('f'. , ____________________________ _ A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C F. Df::--INISON, A~<:O<'i3tt> 1M C'oa41 Blway-Phnne BeiW'nn 111'7S "t1nwk''. mtlh & llromt>r Smllh. f'lt•JII'f••t"r.-BaJboa Central Market (Wa" Ralhol!l~l~at Mark~t II. J»elln lf'!O-) ~ 1011 f:. t ·~nt ral-l"lt. Ha r!Mir 2729 I ' Bo& Callis Dl•trtbator GENERAl. Pr.TF. (FLl'lNO HOR8F.POWD) %27 20th ML-Sf'•p0rt-Pit. Hartlor 19'7 AI and .Jim'8 MEATS A~latf'd Wit~ ('nttlf''" ~~ c·~trai-Hartlor 801 J ohnay A~ll Balboa Island Sporting Goods "Everything for th(' SpoM~man" %!%'1 Marti'Ml AVf'-=!:!~ tNI-I'&alltna ~ MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy %108 Oeran Frnat-PII. Hert.or II OLADl'8 BEVEJU,J:Y llealtor-3roller Beverley Realty Company IW7 .E. Cftltral-ft. Harbor 1'7.._....,_ Harold L Hamm Radio S 0 S Electric _. Mart~Bal.,.. Wand-n. tlarhnr 780 PN~. 0. r:., 8ortnwa. A ..... ral. TMr -..o uwl Appltace fllervtcfl 8pfda.IWa Braden L. Finch Gt'n M~.rr Finch Ceramics 1 >AMIA LJ)f>TI J::\ ~lnnn~:•·r Orkin's Department Store Rc11dy·t1r-wcnr. Beach T ~"· Plt•('l• 1 ;,,.,,,~ lnfunta' WNer-l l•"•~··holti Wttrt> MlnM Bc•I&C'.on 111M-In thn tlt•art of c ... ta ~,.-• Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HOR SE RACES . Woa. Wot1, \\'ntl M•ln Mt~t.-Balboa ANTON HEHSHEY Prop. lll'r~h··y's Market Spot Pia. Hamor 104»--B•Iboa laland NELSON STAFFORD • GF:RAI,[) J.IOF:JlTY .. Mnnn~;l'r• . • Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newport ~ach · San l-'rnnrt8C() • Wllmlnl(ton San DI<>J:o • ~•·.rktt>n EI.F,(J'fRif1AN8 1000 C'na•t Rl~. Ph. Bfo~Won Mft7 ... ft• ... : .... ,...,'" MU-~\ Mary's Bay & Surf B('auty Shoppe .. Prdlrurr and M<~necurin~: 7N E. C.lnl~al.,__l11. Hartlor JW I Thru lh!' Bnrl,.r Shop Lou is Verwey, Prop. Cuino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge Ul ..... Rtr-Mt-Balht_l ... lla,.,.r '7'7t·M Thomas F. Norton f'rnp RAY SHORE CAFE l"ltun,. 1\.-ao·nn IIH~nth &• f 'na•t lflway "I II \'I'" . I:.! IW K 1--: '111.1. !I I' M fill"" ( ;J(f-.1 1.1-v ''PIK-UP'' f """''I .... , ......... -••··· (., .. ,.,,, "hltt•tl \1111<• -llflt .... ,_ -,.,, .. , ,, ... ,. '!Ot \fain -""""'" Dr. nobert A. erawford r)(!'lY>M E'THIST ,In "1-pnrt Rh•d.-('neta M,..., f 'allf. J"ltnon., n...rna IIIII~ Paul Lorentzen Balboa SportfishinR Fleet · l'1l. llamor Ill-Balboa l'avtllnn 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor 1!11 c-t ....... f~Orofta ... Mar, C'allf. 1 .... Harbor A3 Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company T~ ..,._ SUI 841 114!Z "I CoMt Ht .. -1-S-.ort .._.Ia, ("altf. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage l'tl. lfart.or .._., Ut Mtll lt.-N-..ort ftf!ec!la. C:..l.f. .. EARL W. STANLEY ..... Owf'f'ln« O~tH' !"*t>WpOrt llarbor .. ............... ........__......,.. 11. o-.t -~ ....... ....-. .... _ 1111 c• .. a.. A~.,..rt ..... "'"'*o::J.•&t). ....... Merehant Patrol · A .. Duktlw ._.... .... o.-.............,......._.... .......... . Theodore Robins FORD DEALER llltW. O.lnl ............. C. F. Denniaon ........ A ... AH~=~----.. ~• ...,._u,. Jadl s. ·~ v. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SUitVEYO RS ....................... ..... ..._ -··· ()eeta ..... jOSEPH L. MARSHALL chriati&n~ut ..... 1". LEFEVRE "FreMhie's" Barbecue & Delbte.en .. , ............. ~ ~--.. .... .,.. a.--.., .. Pattenon A Boyle .. ·-... ..--I'll. ... -......... ... o..e--.... .... ll--......- Capt. B. J. McNally ......... Balboa Boat Liven ,_ & ... A--........,._ til E. C. "POP'S'' LUDWIG FUN ZONE uf'l8t Number Out GunN on OoMt Pla .... RaJI wtUI Dol .. .... .,._ ...... Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER .....,,. Odf. a-. w.-. t.. F;JaJM w• Coast Prooerties Co. RN~ft~ .,.. 11:. ,......... ...-. ..... ....... - W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 11 .. ....._.,~ Fritz Goc:azlw -Woody Coopw Balboa Market ~ .................... jack H~milton Beamn Sea Foods .... .-or nuo..e .... , N..,-t .._., o.lll. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails ...... ..... J , o.r1a. Art I ;;Mn .. ..... ... ..... ..... Hartter .,. Robert E. Arvin's Jew-...udW~ lie ~-IIEJAI ...... Jtl_....n ....... o.w. WilHam MacCurdy W. II. (Skip> Otlldnl MacCu!'h:.~n£~~~$, In~ M . r: Nu.t"'"'t"r, SN-t\ Trt-"~ Ill& fW 111-J··I'I-pnrt ........ ..._._ Ml' r ,.,.. ---RI".AN It IIUUIAN · · · Boh PAINTJN(~ eONTRAt'TOUS MO ....... Orl-'._.., H4~·.,,_ df'l Mar J. E. Ragsdale ((}wnl-r) Balboa Motel and Windeor t1 a 1!. Ollwtr.l e II '7 1!. C.tnl ...._ n. ...,._an ......., Oaltf. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN ULIIOA IIJIA.:ri't AIU1I:T1' IJ'I'OII8 VOI.NEY 1 •. flAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" •-................ -o.e.w- tlHAaLr.Y C!eX. ,_ owa..r -rmliod:nsh:'R::irt~ o.l .._ -a. W. l'f_,.n A.._ Dukh Heacock BOIIF. .lJILDII:& . 111 r;. .. , n-.._..__ ...,._ 111 -na ............ .. • N'?'" ..... o.es......:. ,.._..,, .lub !!, INA! N~PORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES · GDfERA1 EISENHOWER'S REPOBT IV PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY e I RISE TO REMARK PHOHD: IIAUO& lJ ... II iP;;i;aiin~·;;;iafi.._i;;;:,.,1t'hl:;;;;;.a;l¥~ ... ;;iii~ii; A.n.e.-\'ol-XXX\"lll 0.. .._ ~ ......... Eftr7 ,...,.._..,. Vol-II ~ ~e In AttVanc~>:-$2::50 per ~V In Oron~ee Count,)' 12.~ per year to CUt zone: 13.00 per Y~'llT to 8th ~ Dltered u Second::a;;;;;.«;r -;tt;; Poetol!l~ In Nc.,;port J3eacn California, under the Act crt March 3. 009 · ' HOJIII, .JOliN PIIILLIP8 AOOOUNTA.NT 'Ill(' Rntlsh loon ha$ ~Jt'eo and liOn•·. a nrl th(• rt'Sululion opnrov-~--~ TU wco'!.!L~~ an~: It has tx>t·n slgnl'd by the •~~~ 117 , ... 1Jalled 1~ ,._. l"rN!ldenl. He USI'd <!6 pt•ns for 1 8)' JllJOII lldUU.AN .,. ~~ 10 ,_01 diMIIe 10 thnt slgnatun.>, and if you count Ont> broadbill and one m!ll'iin -,.. .... two-Ia& -..-.. thr 11'111'1"1 In "HarTy s. 'l'rumat~," 11\\0rdfhsh Wt!re brought snlu Nl•W· =~o1~ E. T. Butterworth. 0. D. Opa--trtat zn:a DAJIINI:D LENIIU DUPUOATID a.._._..._...,... ••• , "· ~ ·-........ eiU ...... .,_.CII you wlll rt'allz.e he muat have port Harbor lhll week to brin~t the om. lNe ._... ....... ..._ .._ cha nged pel\1 for «'Vt'ry upatroke total to thrt't' awordfish caught 10 ;.... ___ ,.. ____ •_••...;.•:.;.....:M..:;.III;;.:.:':,_ _ __.: -------------..J and downstroke. He used four rar thls season . In swordflshin& 81711V.1'0U &AM D. PORTER Publlllher P. 0. n.osT EdJtor W. F. DIXON · • • • • • AI!Wrt llina Manager PnatJac Plant, 3011' W. Cent.nal Avenue, Newport Beach, Calllonua Offidal Paper of the· City of Newport Beach A Dtl ' th a-1 b • ...._ f•r O..W t'f y_,.. .. &tec.!:b:r 41\ of~ ' [ ........ ~\I ..... ,. I t ll~ltHicHII'!.Ii ...... 6e11811etfe ....... l411tt hl i l .. Itt I I I I I rl I I I I ~ CORRAL DUST : II'• tougl1 fut tmdnaa,cu • • · no &elf Juf'Ol >ll<'ll hy them. : . j ,o.r.K U NOSU!Y : ~-. .-...... Lft4fbe !I I I I I I ., 1•{1 I I tl•fiUI·i~tiKii+ll tl!!l.itltt.l ill I !I l >ll itl!!l tii!IHIJ>f~«l I I 11 t ,.._.._. .. ..,...... It ... Ia w,. ~ a...u~~ty .. J'M'M. when he limed my bill for Newpor t Harbor r anks high u AIICIIITEOI' ..-a.la We ..-.. ia u.. leW ~crt tile ·-'r'• ..... •-"-thl' Spanllh·Arnrrican war vet-I the world rt>cord striped marlin r-------------- a.y, c-.. • w. ..,c• lla4 • e.a •• _.. IIHd _.... ... l'raN . Rnd 1 thought he was &wordlish was caught In 1931 by Armand Monaco aet -•Ill. ......_ .. t.lle~ 1e ...n.o. w...-, _.... sprradlng hlmaeU. so 26 rather AlphonSt' Hamann from hl•re 11-. .-4 ...,. dale ,.. liMn. ...t 11M .._. .. 1a.a _. tWr 11ppall11 nw. which weighe-d slx hundred ninl'IY· ' ABCBITWl' .,.. ..... lectieal -loWly .. cfw1adle .. .... ........ ....... .. ... 814 w. Bay A-Balboa U.. lcue •09• .. U.o c-P'll9a tlloy c:olalcl do little·-· ._ wtdl l votPd no. J bl.'ar the British two pounwo. , • ._ '-U.. Allied a•oJaaclle to .... , .... til--. no 111-wlll whnte\'er and J havr 8 Tlw hroadblll rau~tht thl!l We<'k ntl~e!r!:' An. r • .W. .-ate .. do.it• •• Md. U...o oJL .. ~ .,......, 1e firm ronvtction that In thll! trou-weiJ:ht•d lhn •t-hundr<'d forlv·nlne ._ wcwll o1 tile Allied crll loru a. l.oo9 htcwo woloa4e4 Ia rnaoce. biro world thr F:nglish·IIJ)('flklng pounds by Mr M A Mnrhns. 701 1.-.Aacella NOrma.acl)' 1401 tM .. _..., ~ ... ll.od t.01JUD tllolr tcaak ol dotlero,.._. U.. co• p•'Opll's mu.~t stRnd hack to back. Arden Dri\'C, Bevt'rly Hills. This ·------------....! tan ol Pfod"ctl-upoo wblc:ll tile eoellly rolio4. .-4 ..._ lr..lla n ut J long s.lncc h•a m -... In lint· fish was brought In aboard the CHDIOPBACTOKS .. UUo ollon ••r• o•idoot imaocliotoly the l .. d eowp8i .. t.ogo.a. '"' ~ p' r------------. FoUowiD9 tho iA•uioa.. tii•N allategic: blo-at u.. ..._.., Gw· tllng ronfrovt-rslal math•rs. that h&ntom, ll~ipiJ('rt'd b)' Norm -lad..-try wwo ~-liauecl. o.od lito tuk ..a alM ~oa It Is hcst to srttlt• th('m lwfore l.WJ::,:t. WagDer ~ IDstltut. ., c"lllog tloo ... pply u ... wbk ll Uobd tloe to~oo .... lroota. thP ronlrart Is slgnNI, and not Thr marlin swordfish cau~tht Dr. WUIIal' c. w..-r MooowhU• tllo tortic:al a itc:roJt. by tlooit lace...e ....W.. .. d ~len the rontrnct. and then disrull!l this "'Cf'k Wl•ighl'd 1wo hundrro Chiropractic. Dietetics, IICro.intl at tloo ••••Y bolo•• 111 iA til• i~ld. Moko W. ...... ., thl' rontrO\'eniH. six pounds und w11s caught by Lt. Ph rMI.ItiCUice oad poopcuod tho way for tho grovad ad•-wiUcll A J-' S J fta • ysiO 8f ColonJC Therapy aiNck lowcud tile coatot of Goraooy. n.. ~ -•H. In thP prPSt•nt loan agr('('mrnt. I · .. ucss. r., ndolph Ftl'ld. woro aode witll a ropclity wbiclt only lila .,..clio!M .. --.. thr Admlnistralion. and the-Stule TeX!lA. SkipiJ('r was Lilly Sui'SS lftt eo..t 81...._, .._. a"pply could 1.,ppo1t. n.. ... ,..11e1w1.o9 AJllocl •poriority Ia 1/l'pllrtm('nl. IW'Cn'l('d harrlly &hiE> nnd thr catch was aboard the boat ._..... 11eae1a , ,..._ .... .._ oil -lodoo4 o-otioJ 1e our orictCMT· • at -.... ,. In con tain th("ll'llll'h'~. thry wrre C'apt. F:arl. It took two hours to alaocl tile ~Hula of tile ••o•y'• ••..U. a.acl ...W.. • to pc., !!O arudoua to complf'tc this loan Jland. OLINIOAL IABOil.ATOKY pouo .. c1 o•oaato ovr ow. .. __. oporoli-ia e••••••• MC\&rity. Tht> C'on,.~atlvA Party mnm"-__: Two days of strong west wmd ;-------------, • • k Ia cWicvJI •••• I« o pcoleMiODOI Nlcliot .. .,_.,. U.. ~' • ' ' ~"'~ I h C •-••......_ ,.. • ., .. ~ ... ociU.,•d -11M IHittSoi.Wa aad Ia of Parlismtont wore against It put a crlmJ> n t t> albacore nnd linical IAaboratorv 'Jbe Senate~ of wa1' proftb ha.tl•produced U.. oldoo ... __.. IE\Noopo by U.. coec«tocl .......... Allied Onf' or lht>m wrote to a friend or Uvc bait boat fishing ove~ tht> ., IDOI'e flrewortta than an old-fashioned Fourth of July ~ -"-Aa ••tocl oott&M Ia tWo r•...-t. __. ., .._ • ••iluo..a minP. "lt ll<.'t'm& nrccuary that WI' I weck-t>nd, bu.t the good fishing Olftoe laoan: t · t:IO bratkln. wiLlet. louvld Ia U.. loloc .,._ .. _, ...,...._ •-ar..wt-Uy ,hould have dlplomats to makr our I of t>arlil'r In Ute We<'k Wall rxiJ('ct· _. ~ appola.._t War Profits Inquiry ralatowco4 to • ••..U.., 17.000 -• t.y taalr. lllall ......., •• oad miltakH for ua." e-d to return lhortl)'. Pier flsht>r· Raub & Bennett lane)'en ... .....,. l I ' 1801N~IIh'd..o.ta..._ 'I'd ......... --· Ml1W.C.Inl H..,..... ..... :hltplr 1*1 Ba.nor 1JI Plll'81CIAN8 a 8UJWIJON8, ... H. R. Hall, M. D. n,...e&u _. sa,._ Hours: 2·5, Illy Appolntment Telf'phone Beecon 58&1 Ul Bro.d_.., Ooeta .._ ,Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 We.t Central Aw. NEWPORT REACH ... _..,_lOla lfo ..... , t'all ....,._ ...._. 'X-~ Service Many byltaDdera ln W~ have fOWld the~ udoJrcrell dec......, Aa Woe .. ...,....._....._. upoe • men have ~n catching yellowfln DI..I:PIIONE IIA&BOK Ill .a .a.. t ...._.._ ..quJ •-~--H-but th tn ...... -I..L. lila MU war -ciU8o c-.,_ -.ld«olioe • .._ ._... Ito-California has jult had a aad croaker both mornlntt and t>Vt>nlng 1111 W. c.tn1 A-. ..,IUI«L .......-Y lie ..-;a~• .... •• 08e u~~: uaa.Dt ..-• .we. .. , raPf.-.l. ., lila -., .....W C.,. ood rxprrlenet> along thf'Sf' Unt>~, 11nd Halibut are also bE-Ing cau«ht: ;.... ___________ ....,! r-----...;.> _______ _ ~ tt. .ad\ .. Kentucky'• Repa~tative Andrew Jadulon Anay artWorr wiUdt -PIIIf1H ._ ..................... ,...,. lhe l'l'l('f'n()ry ll IIIII ~· The avera-'ng thrt't'.poun.a-api'""". At .,at_ U..1 .... olaocl...._ ...t .. ao tletdi~Wty wtdl wW4 t"•w St t De tm t f ced "'' ..... ""~ DAY .o&OOL IIJitGa M. lluwell. .. D. lMl o..t....., OoNIIa ... ..., *J, haw bea1 too Uy dodiiD£ "explosive&" to derive any-oll,rt• colal4 t.o o...,Uo4 t.y-., u.. .-a-1 • a11-11 <' pal' l'n M upon n ight 1poUin croakf'r are bl.'lng r-----------...... ...... but acute dia'omfort frun til@ whole altair. I JII•ca. for N!Wad "'--"ol oai .. ._.._. .. I..._... Southt>m Callfornht what ll added to thl' yellowfln h<-lnr. c.•t.•t -· ••• -"" ......._ ... .,...... .. ~'•let knOWTI as thl' Mt'xlc11n WAter caUJtht. R.uor clams. anchovl~: Mortimer School WbiCher Mr. May adually prolltal from the deals in til• m Ia ac11oa. Wo coll14. Ia oiKt. apply ...._. .,.. -Y • AIUt-enwnt or 'l'rraty. Wt> strovl' aand era be, and m ussels are bt>lng wt.kfl be dnlttedly bad a band, or whether, u he claima. th• Coallaoat • lwc. ~ "-• ...... u tlla AIMe4 ..-.. wiUa patil"ntly snd f.'arn<'Stly for st'vcral l UM'd for bolt. 4of-to4 ... poolooo • tile ........W at W-'-'-Ia Mclili-. yl'ar!l to rtmvi C'f' th Sf' t d be wu.Aftb'. trytnc to help ~ the "nt'C.INUfY munitions •• .... •••Uot.la ...ty 11.000 .. .,._ .-4 ~ Uploo.. n I' nil e an Barge fllhftmt>n arf.' catching and _ _., }or the ••n.ower ol our vnolfta manhood" ls wlt.cHo ... u. ltapoww -w .,. •JIIII&ocl •• ~ _,. polat I hi' HouAt> lind the Administration ' barracuda, halibut. u nd hau, and ~-,~.. •• ..,.d. " 1 llo•• )ul da"'CC'i"ri .-4 wa.--'Wlotiag th!lt th<-dlffl'rent lntt>rprl"tatlons, mack erd. Fllhln~o: at night can bl.' lit ODral Balboa 1a1aM o ...... : Oollep. ... .........., SUM:MEB SCBOOL o.-,.., . o. A. ••rU-. )(. A., Odof'OIII Prt.ldpal ,..._ Barttor 1U ltdl bela& areued· The Se!Mlte cornmlttee. howeovet', lhould olecto .,. ~ ~ lila ~ .. • ..-:odW •tl-'o In Ml'xtro snd ht-rr ,should l:lf' 11~'1• had from the bartte Gander , an-lit to the bottom CJt the matter and etther clear Mr. May ddoo. lH•IIIrioo . .-4 -oaic."-...t ~1' ... '1 rt adl-ol IIPd ~for~ the ~~~('('mt'nt wss chorf'd nrt the Nl'wpnrt PIPr. Last .. u lwcoo wla1dl del-dod •-To dUa ..-w -oddocl shmNI, and that If not St'ftleod. boat out II! at 5:00 p. m and there DENTUTS or Jh:Jw wbaem hr Is gul)t;y. ::.::::::. ........ e.c. ., tee .. '"W. ....a ._.. thl'rl' would \>e futurf' rompllca·j are no more boats until 6:00 a. m r------------ BeiOft the CUI'n!Dt lnv.tiptlon .. completed lt will un-lions Wf' Wf're l:lf'aten. the nelrt day. so you hsve to ~ DB. GORDON E. RAPP ~ \8k'lOYer more deall that wW call for a lot ol ex· For thf' put St'\'f'ral w('{'lu, u prt>p~re-d to stay all night. Ll~hts DEN"n.ST pa.netton lt not proeecuUon. While lt la ~~ that r--------------. a ml'ml:lf'r of thf' HoWle Commit-are fumh1heod and during the fuH med Supplies of food are not mo\·· t("f' on Irrigation snd JU.clamatlon, of tht> moon nice C{ltches of balTa· 1111 Weet C..tral ~~ ~ flrml 1 .~~~~ unfwar COil~ THE WORW •• • ln.: Inland u they &hould. nO' only Id'~~~-".1ttlvt-n hqt!_MI 1and hour~11 to a cuda snd thr like can be expected ...,._, ll&rttor Ul·.l tD-u...., .,...,.,ta or U111:Sl..n~ uiC'I~ aa, ortuna~, hf'c-nuse or Inadequate transport a-"""..,..on on a'b"'ft to re-s OC'a te as these rlsh ret-<1 at night Wht>n ........ DeW In tbi1f pnctlce. It bu happened tn virtually ••• AT A GLANCE tlr.n but mor~ bc-caUM of pohtlca, wah 'r In ArlxonB F or the first they can aee their rood. N_..ort ('OrT'Uplion and ••coJolaal graft." tim!'. t.M UJ!Pf'T Basin StatH are The borg!' Retrlevl'T' Is anchore-d ,..Y war ID the Natioft'a hW.ory. a1 EDWAJlD CLAYTON Rc:oporU u y that art'U which a rt' ahowln,:t ~m that the Admin· near Abalone Hill with shorf.' boats But tbe unedUcal or dowfllilbt dilbon8t conduct ol -------------_,: in political disravor with the Nan-lstratlon Is ~~:enf'rnusly supporting from the Fun Zone Landing In -blarh llfll lbould not be taken U an lndicatlon that RIOJD:II. HIOIID lUng goVt'm ment have rf'rC'IVffl dMnllncb on tht' Coloudo Rlvl'T'. In BaJboa 1tart lng s t 6:00 a. m. · Wh I'Vrn leu rood than oOM>r at>etiol\1. I'XN'II of Its ('apA<'Ity, yl.'ar In and Tht>rc 11 no night fishing. Dr. Obed Lucas DENTI.ST --~ tbe others, or even a albltantial part ol them. made ~J~1 te.ts at Itt-Sands, New A ma n can't eat hla poUtical prln-year out A 11mall portion of this AlbaCOrt' day bolita from Por t .... than tbek ~timate protlta on war contracts. Bull· e co, t.M German V-2 roc::keU ctplt'l but ln China his pohtlcaJ ron N>m . hf.'forl' the Mexican Orange lt>aving at 6:30 a. m. week p m aa a whole ~ undoubted)y•linoere, as well as ~ ld~y «"ttlng .:·up In t.M prln<'. i.ples IHtn to dt>t,.rmlne Trt'aty was 1lgned. would have I daYI only have !wt-n brlnginJt In notY, w. o-tnl . ....,_, 1610 NZWPOBT BEACH • - & In ........a. ----to ---4 war _....,... 1betr nrn. orld:' ':w~br. out ol thil wht'tht'r or not he wm have a ny· lll"f'd poulble future argument nice catches of albacore. Doing --.., ,..._. cuu... ~ ....,.._.. r-wor w 1 mort! accurate. thin to eat with Muico. To u y, "We told you both troUintt and live baH. thl'tt' ..... l'tlODI'dl ..-Jc for therrwelves. ~ helcht al 83 , mJies ~ntly IIIT~EM COIIIEBACK so." Is ~mall ronaolatlon . I boats, have been nshlntt Bbout 14 =--------------' en. Senate ooaunlttee should push ahead v\gonJusly N'llc~ one of theM ....U. Without havin~ his nanw apJ)l'ar It will ~ ll'TIAll rnnsolatlon to mUH out from Dana Point to off r------------~ ~ To ap-on the bBllot Hart•lct S t.uli'n for· say . "1 told you 10," If aJ'1tUmenl.l! the Hunlln~~:ton nat!l. Dr W ... )It tbe beads fall~ they may, .,..~.ate J t how _hhth that is rrwr go\'l'rnor of Minnesotn' and '1'11h F.nRiand res~Jlt-,from this loan ! Balboa S port F l1hlng FlN'I,;s • • W. Wedmorela.ad c;:si:f I facts . An airplane the ~lve .. whit<· hopf' •• for a~M'ment. PC'rha~ s tomlc t>nt'f'· trolling boal.l! arr br infling In good DeDtist I I lmbll elght mJiet above the thr r.OP l.'l'ldt>n tlal nomination ttY. the rontrol of which ll the catcht'11 or' nlh11core. The F ishing '!be lon&•waited peace conr~ l~ now 8Cheduled for ~ J9 Ill Paris. Bot the longt'r-awaltcd peaoo tn DJropl' .. tid nOwhere In sight. . 1be CDinferena.> may sct forth tenn~ for the formt>r AD atellta, but theE tenns will have llttk> m('Sntng unJ<'S." -.:m-~Its conduct tn East~m Dtrope to n very _,ad depw. Aa lt Ia, the~ have acted much as they plea.4!(!(i t'arth Ia doln.: very wt>ll In~: In t!MJI h: · . C't'd .. _ nrxt mntter bl.'fore ua for vnt.l', F:xpr<'SS rontinut>s to leave tht' 1101 eo..& llhraf and tlw> bMt anti-aircraft IZUOi t f 1 · :., l'X~rwn onrl u:·-will com""'l rellliOn and a'"'N"mt>nl BAihoon P nvillon a t 6·"" a m and CORONA DEL Ma• ..... d 1 1'8 onn onr \'Irion' rl'l't'OI y 10 •-"' · ·'"' · " • .,... 1-=v ur n~: the "'-'liT ll'nt thr lr th~ 1111 1 · ,...._ .. _· To nrlrl to nur lrouhlNI. tht> OPA C'XN'PI fnr th<> ft'w da)'l! nf \H•SI Pboe• Jlubor .. ..... .-he-lls up ~thout 12 11 Th • flO ,., nrl'na. • nt' •K·fral 1 . · ~ .... ...., ' m t'11. C' \1!11 Will r "f 11 w N h I< • r•">n 11110n Is h~trk ARIIin, lnnklnc wmtl. hA~ bt'l'n hrim:int: in ~uod rorkl'l Whi('h !l('f thl' nt'W rt'n>r d ' t 11 1 ' A~ tn I' rl\S II Jjkr 1\ tnm (';tt nflf•r fl rniiOrl nf ('!l lo•ht'b nf af'nl'ral fl~h ------------..1 Jan<INI 63 11 . r " ,, n h•· ar·u• ••lv loa• 1<·-d r>wiJ:Itl ,. • · · m Ml """Y rom lh•• r. 1t.1rkntrd nr~umt•nt" n u· llousf' -----IN8UBANCI: luunrhina.: "'''' :•n•l \'liS in tht• 111r ,n~wnld fur 11~·· P.o•pllhllr:tn srn-tllrln'l ,.,.,,n nrl"f'pl it fnr dehntc II lilt It• vw·r (jl. nunuh·"· I( lhttll :IIU~IIII ""~'" ollf•n 0 11 I ~lntfnrm Ioiii ~l'nt it d iro•r l 1(1 ronft·rl'nCf' ~ 11\1 r.ll:•· \\ll., s~•:'\ll ,onl1 ro•mo·mlw•r. I)'Pf' of rnrrk r can ('\'Cntually be ".' .'"1"~'""111'"111 I'OOJ• r;o llon nut mn~l unHsual nctlnn npt nt nll .ln thl' prw•' 11"~ 1" 1' :wh ~:!I ';(I nr dt•v!'lnpo-11 '" llw point Wht•r·c II r .n:ownt.l ''"'' rn lnC'ltml .. •nt llu~h lin•· \\ilh ru,.lnmn~y lcr:lslrtli\'1' mnr•·. hdor•• II ,,lll'tl< th•· "''''"'I' can bt' accurately mntmllt-d and , nul!,..r . It~· a wtdt• mart:ln. Mr. prort'rlurl'. •·••ilin~.; plu<~ llllll"l<h . lt·l ''""" I hi· .nade to land without crashlnR: It Sln...~:o•'n s pro~lctf'ntial ~lock sag-t do no t kn(•W hnw Inn~ II will hl:wk mnrkl't nn•·· < nd wlthnut ('OUirl lht•n Ill' use-d fnr P'.,C't'tlml' ql'd , Nnw Sta~J,·n hru~ r••~o;:tlm'<l his IIC' In confrrl'nr(' but th•• lon~:l'r rnn""'"rin~t '1"""" II I< llll•'ri"SI· car~:I'Cll lmtlellrl of wart im,.. rxplo-lcl!lt flr<'l'l •£•' '. hrnur:h ll.w \1l'tory Hit> h<·ller F.ll<'h. rlay showa t hr In~.; II• nh"f'l''" I hnt hl:ll'k markr t !II\'~. 'llutl's a bl~t ord••r hut It 'll of Minn~t a ~ Oo\'o•rnor Thye consum"r" thr untnlt hfulness of nprrntor!' art' workim: h11rd to wr ll worth aiming at. OV<'r b nlllllomst llrnn l< Shlpatad OPA propn~randa. Prkrs havt> nnt hrlp <'liU!~I' unrl'SI and fenr, a rl'· FOOD AND POLITICS !nr tht> GOP 14•natonnl nummallon yr t rl~~en, save In rRrf' cn~!l to the turn of llPJ\ now, means a killing 1n that 11tate. Thyt> \\n~ actively ld 11 .1 f .11 1 • r .. r tht'm, Hold on. fnlk!l, for a'fc~· Oftl.ce Houn: 10.12; H ............... S. R. Monaro, M. D • 814 Bay Ave.,..._ Buttorl'rM cu s. RUJ at.. ._ ........_ TUebr 1111 By Appointment T. P. REEDER, 11. D • and /" WM. 8. IRETO'l'tJ, M.D. l'tlya&daM ... s.,..._ 309 West Central Teleplloae ll&rttor tot A. V. Andrews, M.D. PRJ'IIICIAN ... 8UKOEON u t OoMt m~tt..., . ....,.., • Coro.a del Jlu NORMAN NRON, II. D. PedJatrlclan Ccrtllle-d by the Americaa Board of Pediatrics 100'7 Oa,-tnta Dr .. Laruaa .._.. Telt>phoM Lacuna t·UIN Laurence H. Dorey, M. D. Physician & Surgeon ' S21 Marine Ave., Balboa lalaacl ""-Bart»or !at ID tbe ueu tmder their control, with Uttle regard for thE-ir ----'Ibere Is acant reason to believe that the drafting ill fonDa1 treaties with Italy. F1nland. Hungary, Roumanla ..S Bulprla wiD au~e the K.remltn to alter its ways m the ...._. tbfte countri8 where Its troops ru1e with an Iron hand. -I It Ill QUtW appamtt that Stalln 1.s det.ennined to 10 weak· • Dlilllm ~ economlca.lly that It will be at the com- ..... merey ol Mmcow t!W!ft when RUIIdan troops are even- The-problrm or getting food to supportro by Stassen 110 the aamc 0 1dl nu ~ 0 «'I ngs fl us IIUb-day11 morr: dll'lrq:ard the commu- hunl[r)' proplf' lnvolvN a grt>at 1 platform of lnternatiQnai cooper 1 <'II. e !)I'Ople llrf' saving nisi nnd CJO inspirro advl'rtist>-deal mol't' Utan appl'an on the otion tha t f~ll nst in "t>bruka. n'IO~f')' f'Very day. Meat is flowlnR ml'nts. and you'll ~non agflin bt' r-------------, !..------------1 surfaC\". It Ia not onl.) a prohlem l ActuAlly. nt>lther 4'1f'rtlnn (lves ~ ~ ~ ~keta, 57 carloada reach-breathlntt thf' Crt>i! air of America. Llaeoba NaUooal Ufe lolua IL C. Cbaq, M. D. .._,.... .... a..,.,_ 2. 4 7 . 8:30 " tiiiBy wtlhdrawn. It ls abo interesting to note that tn thole _..ta ... IUCh u Austria and Hungary where the Convnu· lilt Party did not fare ao well at the polls. the Soviet3 haw .. .,_ e.pri~Dy lf'Yft"e economic penalties. 1be ooafiscatlon ~all "German" 8S9It"ts tn the Russian· oeac mne of AUitrla. and the manner In which Hungary ... .tripped of livestock and supplies thuc; spurring ~ .....,._lntlation, are two illustrations of the Soviet t.edmique ID ~with small countries which do not swing lnto the Rulllan political orbit. ~ apite ol the cloud under which It ls meeting the Paris ~ conr~.can 8UC(."l"ed.-lt can 8C'COI'1'lplish t\ great deal tDirard th'e 'stablimment or ~ter condition" in D.lrope. art·to do thb th(' Western Nation." mum rn-nJ even more ftnnly with Russia, refusing to be bluffro or blQUed tnto ac- cepting the dictates of the Kremlin. At thr samP time diplllmal'i must continl.IC thclr efforts to convince the Russians that no nation_;not t"Vefl the Soviet Unlon--WUl gn.ln In the long run from perpetual chaos In lluope. Auto Production nf food production and tranaporta-, tl'\k' ptct\m' or thfo ~·>Siclentlal ..u n..:ton today. a~d will be, lasuruace Co. tlon but of such things u poUtlcs. u plrant's political !llrf'n~th Iince on the shelves tomoiTO"'-. I r-------------. Wile •-lmtt-•• a..rwt.r•• "l'lM' recf'nt action or UNRRA In too ma ny other factor:o ent6 Into Tht> prop&R&nda machinf' Is still I R 0 0 F S cutllnc off sonw aupplll'll for •uch contn U We'll h~\'1' to walt hlttin,:t on hltth. A seArf.' hl'adllne DON IEJlNIOAN Ollna hlghlltthts this fact. Mil-j until 1948 t~ Hnd ~~ ,1\a.t how said rnltll' priN's rrachPd $:.!5 I per APPLl£0 oa II.EPAIIIZD l'lloee Harbor !M·R and b5' appointment BeacOQ 5075 lions of OIIIW'St' are t>llher atarv-much punch he cnJTlt'!l In the na-hundrrd pnunda) .on the Chlcago ~ Free Estlmatesa A Iupectlon 101 llarbte A"'-... Balboa w. lng or arr St'riou!l undt>roourlsh~. llnnAI political r ins:. ~IU'krt. C'IU'cful rending disCIO!Ied UNRRA wants tn hd p them. But ___ F~ti:utC'~;~~ lO,OOO cattlt> sold, 3602 Ma'!u." ~~~. l Ol2·J no EM& tsta. 8treet Ooeta K-. C.Wo...._ lht' n>llt-f ngrncy has found thst It S<>ldi<'r: What """lrl do If . ADS. posslhly RO l.a ont' thlnl! to , ... nd fi')O(j tn China r kluf'd you? ~"11 chotre. ll('l'n, sold a t $25: the '------------ nnd quite anotht•r thing to gpt It Girl: I'd r:~ll ITI) hruth• r. to l.ht" pNlplr who most n£~ II. Soldit'r : H O\\ llld is ,,..~ Wnrchoust-s 10 p11rt l'lliPs nrt-jum-Clrl: Two )'l'ars old GEORGE D. BASSETT ACCOUNTANT I Monthly Bookkf!f'plag Sen·~ tiOt W. C'f'etral Aft., Pboee llalttor IIIOihl., Newpnrt Bf'JWlll Cemplete Fountain Service at "" HANSEN'S 2100 Otleu Froal 24-Hour Radio Service ROME. AUTO. IIAIUNE RADIOS UPAIRED Burt R. Norton Ill Cout mwa1 lleeco1l 1111 Newport .._. Ca111. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Y oa tbe Jl'laeet JIIMe · to DlDe .. Orup Voaaty: All New· • • EYen the ~ation ..• ()ne.Half MDe East ol Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California ln the Se!"Vini of -SEA FOODS - ALSO YOUR ldDd ol STEAKS -VISIT OUR Ja'JOIDl - Sam's $e• Food Spa and Flab Market ... OIMt •• , •• , ........... , OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Niel~n .... _ __. ........... ol~ ... ·~-....... ~...., Will&. t1a7 ....... ..,._ MORnCJAS8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OuN:eh·€'~ thr Better Serve by S€'rvin~ Others Best" Phone &e.coe MlO Collta M-Callfontla OPTO~TRI8T8 Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. 0PTOMETRI8T Eye. Examined • Cluses Fltt~ 1m N-.ort~ ............... PHY81CIAN8 • 8UROt:ON8, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Pb)'Udua aDd 8arpoe NIDtll an4. C.boal . • ._ IU -111. --""1 --.. Dr. G. E. Tohill Ph)'llk:Jan a.od SIU'poa 2'..!09 Coast l:s1vd.. NE\~RT OEACH -PriQN'EI'--0111 ..... : a....._ WJOfl." RAooltlconoe· o.,.,.,, t116-• U l'fo .,.,.,..., l"r.ll Batbor I PU81.JC 8TVoiOORAPIIEK M. D. Keesling 18418-A Newport 81.._ Coata .... Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau A1J Modes of Travel to Europe Mexico Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near fubare. See Mn.. Roy KetiHI. Ph. Harbor 391. SOl Palm, ....,_ B-.: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. "t'L ~~ JJ d -Dred • 1Widow Receives J1 !Cirl\ S an g1ng I B•lk ·of Estate Extended By Supervisors · .. N~:T~~~~~ }:~ VIa Lido l':ord, Lido hi«', WIU dl- velopm,•nt hus (l(·('urrt'd in r~'<'<'nt r~·tt'<l by ord1•r of Supt•rior Jud~l' months. Raymond II Thompson m S~tnta On recommendations uf Engi· necr H. Morgan Nobh•, tlw C'OUnty harbor t.'Omnti5SIOn last W<'<'k ar· ranged for additional dro.'d~ing in the north channf•l ncar Shark lsbmd ar<'a of r-\<'Wp<on I hu·llor at a cost of apt,roxlmatdy l,f.l'i5a.l. No ad\'l•rtlsing fnr' hids on the job ls 0 \'<'t'S!;Uf), lu l'Otdlnl: IV a ruling 018tk hy lh C' CI!Unl y ('(IUnS<'I. 10 Nohle sa1d h1• ••xp.1:ts tu h•·~-:o­ tialf' for tlw drt-d):ln.: a 1 111\l't' Pnrt of thl' matl'rirt l to tiE' Ana rourl tu N'C<'I\'1' th(• Nll~th' drt'dgro from tht' channf'l will t)(' of h«>r laiC' husband , Walton lluh- detJOslwd on Shw·k Island. thl' bard jr .. Nt•wpurt ll11rbor IIIII"' r••m:und .. r alon~: nay Shor,• Camr1. yard cx~tivl', "htJ dl<'<l May 13. wht•r.• M.ma.:•·r llt•inl. Knl~1·r Will J94.f makt• impro\t'Oit'nts alon.: h 1s Tlw •'Stall• w 11, ~uhjt-t'l of lilt· shorl'ltnt• jlalinn lnslitutt-tl hf 11 dlvon't•d lnddt•nt,dl)', nC'rord1ng to th•• wif•·. C\\t•ndol)ll M1lnf'r Cht'l'~o'­ !'\oblt· rl'port, llu•rf' ar<'n't :m y wri~:hl. on t.xoh:tlf of a nunur sharks 1n Sh:trk ( 'hannd ur ttw dl\lll:hler of lluhhurd's f1nt "'"r-Approl\tmatt·l~ ~!:'lOll nlhtt• ~ ..ril~ 5hark lslund nrC' a ruo..:t•, Mnrtl) n Jluhha.rd. who·n I Ill' of moterjal w•ll I)(' drt'tiJ:o•ll (rum • 8t'(•und "''ft' ;md Wlclow t•lft•r.'<l ftlr the C'hannt•l to m11kc It a umluo 111 So 11'1 11 1.>.·. In •Gtld's olWn nu~ht prt1hllt•• 11 "k~~~ will." depth of !(J fo·<•t from t lw Co11"1 \\'(' ~;rrd us for "'" eurmn~: t1.:ht. 1lw will whrd1 t .. (t lh•· d.tu~h· lii&hw~ brrd~e to ~hark lsluncl. Aad. stron,~; 111 J11m whost• caual' trr only Sl lx'CIIUSt• "shl' w nuld Thla channel hns shoulro t o such ill ours tx• 11mply rak••n l'llrt' c•f from twr an ~•tt-nt that it rs only six f>"t"t in In conflict wnh unholy powers. math<>r's targt H tiiH•'' was firmll) eomc pl!tC'I's and not d•••'P enoug h We jtrup thl.' wt•apons He has admrltl'd 111 Jlrohall· ''h••n. it wns ' for yacht paliS&g(' ~iVI.'n-~ dl'st:rlbcd \'t•rhutlm uy tht• dN't•d· THI~ JtUTI''U I.J171.Y. ('RF.A.TllRF. (on IN lu~,.r f'M uf llw' It Is in th1s area tha t consider-1l\c LiKht, and Ttuth and Love of C'nt's pannts .• Or Wl\llon H ub-laook. ut c .. ,u,..,..l '' • Munrt•ll. ""''"' .-4,. .... ""'' quilt> a ,..,.., .. ,. ... ab~ yachlin& &f\d anchorage de· Hl'llven.-Whlttler. bard. liT .. nnd Mrs. Maudf• 11•111· ablf' "ti("C'InM"n 114' 1... Thl' 60-lb. rarity to ,.,,.., ~.,,.,.. n ... c hi• f'Oftd ______ _::__ ____________________ ( bard. I t had been lt>fl in tht' 10 mil,.,. nff ('tln>ft8 •t-~ ~ar. oar-of W• rt~n• ~unC.. too-... thoo IISV..,P.;;cE P. A. PALMER t..too ts:.:e PWPEm~ ::.:..:....;;._:.:._. W. 0. BUCK-Insurance ~lor ~1500 ~~ 333' VIA. LIDO CA.LIPORNLA ' DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reoo.dltioaed Dleeeh oa hand wttb cholcle of reductJoa units. • WE AILE \\'RITL'\10 ORDEU ON BIGHT· AND LEn'· BAND ROTATION DIESEL8 FOB TWIN ~8TA.LLA· 'liONS. CHOICE OF RF.DDCTIOS UNITS. · Oa Haoth 165 H. P. General Motor11--New. See us tor Information on Venn Severin Diesels DiMel Geaerator Sets of AU KJ~. t •RANK 8. LEWIS (LoekJ Lewk) OWMr-Maoapr .PHONES l laltl.'~"""'•••s:tion and Wfl• ln.~t loUrfa.·t> "' thl" oc't'an, and ..... ~ for w-''"'"'hn,_ b) ,......••h1fl.l r·~ •-but~&-f'nd ur a "I"'•' ~ lty yoanlt tlunttll' .. .,..,.,,., whu aorrwwherP in Los An~:rlt'S Ia dh•playlnc JlJ• a•ri•A'. tla'1C'n''" '" Uif' "'~" "' '''· and M,.,.. \\'11- ln thC' dlstrihution lhl' Wldnw Uam Har~~T&n nf llnll)"•ood, ""-lbnal "\h t•lrtt .. ·• I• _.~rood I rCC<'hl'd approxim~ttt·J~· $1<11),1•1(1 at RaJboa \'114'ht K. ... tn. l'h•ltll I•) t ;,•rlumll 1 nnll lhl' dlluf!hl•·r $1 11llhm1~h a clflml hy the llntH:hto•r for $:\7 .!3 was npf•r•)Vt't'.l "' 1 Itt· (lOUr I Hnfl p!till Mr lluhh~trol "''~' t•o-pkrtno•r In thl' Opo.•r;&IIOn tl( lht• South 1..'01151 ~hqt~nrrl." fu t't\ \\ht'rt• ~:"4'·"" \tU( 111'!~ \\'C'to• l'llll'ltiU'I••d dlll lll~ 1111' ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! Ia: Wladow Awalap, Door Hooda Porch ~ Patio Canopies • 8aa Oat .. • .. upt la; e Kabt Out • • -B~ In; • Pe,.._nt ---No ulf.,. It JloWM"; e Mlll'nt ...... 1'\o RatflH: • llannonluua 0.0.11{1' --• ('utotum Built; • t 'tmc: ... t F.A"Onomy --- lAIR![ Ufl', :\' U ltt'pl&l'f'nteDl•. No"·! (~uaJity \'.-n.-tlan BUnds 1 F:itht•r \\'nod or M NIII) Quk-lc I'W'n1~ J-'or 1-'N'I' r.,ttma.,_ ('all HC'VI'r.;l' Chnr):l'~ hATS·D·~.VODD Shop & Wayw: 8eaooD 54S1 Office: BMooa 6889-W at Bohmaa Co. 415 fl.Heeftth St. I' Ne"rport Beacb Newport Heights I' Awnln~t Co. of Oraage Co. 115 8o. I"'IJiachtpiWI 8L Allabelm, Calif. CONTRACTORS' REITAL -EQUIPMENT L-----------------------------1 Ptloae FULLERTON liSa., fe C. D. U:\'D~J:\', T.P .• \.' ,._, s . \fain Mt.. P1ton,. 4M 8aata A-. C.Ufora\8 jaeger Com pressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything Jor the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-\V 17th and Santa Ana A', .. -Cllflta Mt"'Ul • Before You Build or Remodel VWt Oar lntere.UA~ Sample and Dhlplay Roalll" Color guides, plan- ning alcts, rompn>hms- lvf' s1ock of ca~Lo; :mel llnpll'um. LUDLUM Carpet Works lin hetll M.a. 8t. .,._ 8ut• .U. !811 IIA.NTA ANA .... HI«' rttftm riV«-r. Ill•' lllf~•' ('t\1\'(l mobt and pondr-d ar.:•a• on our/ to l"'lduc» Uw basin on tho• lhtl'lh nni1 lht• 'l'l'm~· · all'\'llml IUld In our not!U"CMnc ...... .a.ort -wb~ ''"' •lr r'oortonll ""~11' ''11 tht• •o•uth ftl'f'fu< IV t•llmhl"tl' \'YIII'ttr~tllon and ------ • ()ruar n .. t'luriiC" 1 lrftn•plr,.rlom ,,_,., And by ln-J'CII' orne. ........... .. ~u llt'tll!!l l'h<trta.:•• t•l ",.,,., ,., , 1,.,~ In tho· h4,.111~ "" 1111• tl\'l't ('l'Wtlllll: •lltr lrrljtlltlnn !'tflrlt•nc:y Newt~--n.n.. ,.,, .. tpf Sn th.• ''u.ud~•l ''''"'" •'I l lrllnlt•' 1'\1111\l >. "ho·t ,. 1111 11111111111 tl\'l'rolr~tfl 111'1'~'""111"1"'0: 1.: ~• Ml h•T•' f·~·l hnl' l••·•·n ~·•1111!.11•"' '" tlw Ill\ lhhot< ,,, \\ •• 1. r lt•·~·•ur • .,., 'l'hl" nppo'ltl'~ I•• l•o· lltt• 11<'1 dt•· ftc•tt uf th•• '' I I•"" nf t••''"'"' ,.n lito• lllllltl ~111'1111\ Thl' •kt .. h '" ' " Ill hh't ,,.,,,, '' tlh •'~'"' ,tua.••1 ur,h ·tu ;uut lthlll,lrt tl olr ,olt• "1'"1 lh•• •~"1111\<•11 \\ lft•r ""1'"" IH tlh• tl11t I t'Htii,Ht I ll'lt\'o'r"-.1 \o\ lho• Ill• 1 •1111ol lf11• ""''•'ll~o·ol •l•lldf \\Ill lt;• o•lll• fh 1111 hh "'~~1 l•o ,,, 1, 1•'1' lilt"'" tit• "'''' '"' ,, """' ····~t '" ct .. Ill '""'Jill." ,,, I h·· I . ... I:,'''" \'l•'nl ~,., ',., I '-IU\' ,lUI\ "'' ••ntu • ,,.,,, :•' nn tnd.' t tu ,, "·''·' -..hn\\1 thut th•• ptu..:r'''"""• fc•l\·~··"r utt•un Juh dt"'h.tt ,., f••• tit•' '"'' k•\ 1'1:\1 41, l tW tho• ~t\111•• .\nn 1'1\'t'l' f 111 Mo•nlollu'. lthu\ o• I Ito• l••lnl.!l <I( l uaf•, l"lllllll•••l 1111•. nt tho• m rtln 111"'"""11•' fttr .luly, '""' o>l 1.)'114' tTo'f'k, 11 trllllillltY •·nlo•l'll\~ 1111! I 'lllr•'llll\ niM\\ o• lliOiol pulnl' t•f c11· ,,.,.,.,,fi, '"'""11·11 1~:\· •. \1 hil•• lhf' lt>W•·r rl\'o·r ••ntt•rlnr.: llr~tnl(l' 1 1'<'11111 ). r,:ttj!<'<l Ill 1'1 tlllu, Njllltllt'/1 """ ••I', .~r I"" t!lo'a tl moot II hly t1t.,·httrl:t' t .. r .1111\ Tho• l'lmtoo l>l"ttl 1111•111 •l ' to tlu· S t•nt._. \ua '"••· ha" '"' ,,._.,, 1l1hh•tt U\tl\h uft t~l 1Jo\ltllllll HC'ff' ••• t -----------~·- f /..' -:~1 ·""· \ . It's Alwaya COFFEE TIME AtTbe • • • • • DO• FFLE CoFFEE A "ooiwit • til" STRAWBERRY WAf' f' L El wbl&lold ~) • FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine AYenae Balboa Jg'p ... O'fl or r•ous .. os or ueof,UDE•T MOIILCAS IUSIIIlSS Mlll T.). (I rmr) Krht<J h,n brm 1111 ittd• pwtlrflt /lhhtfK"' dMitr i11 \1111 lhtf:'l f•r ltn )mrs. h<Jr i11g lrfl u JOb 111 tt('lltl'mlltl Utlh fl 1'>/d lf'llil~t fi rm ID f" utlo ""'"''" for hiwur!f {t II j/i )III'J o/J, "''"'''"· toth lu" chi/Jr "' TolfJ is ac/1/'t "' r11u lllfli loJt.t"lf•m. ,,Jhis !tfobil!(lll "'-''•" is .,, •ftht 111011 (Oiff· f'lttt HN,jct tlt,.ll ilf th.t ""~· ._, ,....... a..wa--. o,.. s-. s •.,.. .. ...a.1k-c-.. • w a ,, Each One of Us is Part of a Great Nation-wide Family of Independent Dealen • • • In Business Serve You Better If (satisfy you with aJc~courtcout scnkc, and keep your cu o~rarins ar pe-ak pcrfor- maQcc wicb Mobilp aad MobiloiJ, you'U probably come back apjn and IIUn· MOIC people do, and that' I wby my indcpcndcndy opcrucd station d~, a nice businns. Jf you knew I had a brochcr opcratins a M()hi lgas sratina on the same ~asis in ano ther town on your motoring trip. thances arc yuu'd drive in and expect the same auvice. What's more, you'd get it. Th:u's jusc the way che Mobilg:u family of inc.Jcpcndenr deafen iJ sec up. Each one of the cbousands of friendly independent Mobilg:u c.Jnlen strives to mainuin the hip tlandard of MobilJII service: to mororistt. W c all think of the other fellow. . . and benefit accordingly. Wherever you so, drive in at tbo &ign of the PIJi"g RtJ Horu for Mobil producu aod fricndly,depcodable acrvice to keep yoar motor sivins top performance. · T. J. (T..,} u... S.• DNp, GJif. I INJURED Raro1cJ Cwtnn, 2'5. 40 Gardeft Orcwe Road. Carden Grove, ~tv­ tel minor lnjurin and wu remov· tel to the Oranee County oo.pitaJ ~ Saturda¥ morninst u a re· .at ol an acddcn t tn Newport Wlmlh!p. Gwtan'1 autemobllt' oolUded With a car driven by Shc:-rman P. W•t.. 416 Old Coonty road, Co.ta ....._and Gwinn was t il(' only orw ncelvtna Injuries in the acdde•t. Beach ~leanup Is Problem, Official Inspection Shows (OoDllnurd from Pace 1) I up IJII thf' tx·al'hes, "aud wht'n that h~tpl)l'ns," Satlnrs nddt-d. · tht• ~ ci;y wtll haw· to hav(' Addlllhn:il Covm f'Xplalnl'd that t~ funds with w~.ich to mt-el th1• brla 1.1 alftf'd. th1• ~Ius particles I addt>d .. xpenw beln& pla c:'\c'Ci by thPmlW'Ives; lhl' ·nw d ty ~tdnllmstra llv<· foHil't'l i Mrs. Crowell StateS Case CContlnul'd from Page 1) with me as my apartment would soon be vacant. Want Ads IIU8D\"E88 ~UJDE AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FREE ESTIMATE 111e1111a folcla'a at N.,..._nm.., papeor be-InK burned and 11ny un-hinte-d !hut tht' I'IIY wun<'ll rnll(ht "Mrs. Brown aJTived and I ask- ed Mrs. BaJTetl if she had foUI•d another ap&rtment yet and 1hc replll"d t hnt shr ha d C'hany,'"d hC'r mind and wasn't going to move. I told hl'r that J nf'edl"d the aJ')Ilrt- mcnt for my aunt, but Mrs. Bar· r('tl said that she intended to on House Trailer Paln Unc Por(able Equlpmt>nt • Mite H011se Cafe burnable truh Ia pl11.fcd In 11 truck ha\'e to consld<'r th" ~dovtJon uf • and carried to thr city dump, 1ales tax to m•"~'l this additronal wtw!ft It Ia sortl'd and sold, If poll· PxJx•nst• to lhl' rlty. alble, by the rarf'takrr, whOIK' In-And wlwn ''"" or 1111'. n••\\'SJII•I'•·r cxwnc:o 1.1 dt'rlvC'd from lt. r('prc·.'<f•ntalh•11 :.uid it mu:tll 1)1' Kt'lp or II<'«Wl'<'d 11 not burn-a .:nod 1tl••11 l•rr thr f'IIY tu htllld 11bll' on tht• lw·nr h and IUl It iK 1111 lnrln• rafolr tu di~J.<l:<o• uf 11!1 canif'd to th•· t'll) dump, ("u-.:•rrltagt', th•• •~•lunl'l saod. · :-;,~. vert a&ld. 1 Whllt I rn• .on~" Covrrt 10aid that th<'rl' nrl' 40 I Jn tlu• Htlwr h~tnd. 1111 rn•·m- mf'n f'mplnyf"d In llw ~:•·nf•rlll tw•rs 11f th1• di'IC·I:IIIInn act•• d 1h111 ~tarba~te and tntsh JollltW l•.v t h•·· till' m•W!ipar••r r<•pr••snt ult\1' h:rd Oty of N<""l)IJrt fl1 •1tch. Th('r<' 1 m~tdl' ;, M'IIMhlt· IIUI:t.:• st "'" "h• n 111110 tU'<' flv•• trur·k~ d!•ployl'd hy sh•· cl· 1 : .. , •·•I till' til} •lumv 111111 the atrf'Pt dl')'lnrlnwnt for thf' inllis!t•cl th.11 thl' l11 1111tl 1,( du,.~·l­ plrklns: up of nth•·r dl'hrl~ nnc1 ors of th• I Jr11 n1:• c·ullrll} l'r, ... t,\: ~orlJIIii:" uhoul thl' city ~•r•·•'lll trrlan """l'llal \\lluld ui•J• •·I to Ill• 'Ml<'!w nth('r m••n, morro\lf'r, llr<' lnrrnint.: .. r 1:-rrlt:tt.:•· nn ·• pint uf not ww'<l f•1r twarh work. They ..:rmmd "ll lun odurtl• ro•u• tlt~tfllh'• havr r nough to 'du now with th<' nf thrir hll!lprlul huildmlo! 11n :-.;,.'". geMTal pickup work, Covert e.11-purt llrights plalM'd. Ottwn n....... s· c d ~adlft In thf' Balboa and New-I g row port Bead! ar<'a W('re not vlsltl'd by ~ dty dell's:atlon on Mon-:!:'~t!: ~~ ~~~ ... ~:~~~~~~~:.~~r: I Sought For I mmt UIIOCIAtion hav.-assiste-d d ty 1 llrt'c'l dc>pn.rtmr nt workmt•lf In j ~u::-. \T Woa&-'J'Iw abo",. ,,;,·tau .. la aaolliiH "'" ... .a..n.U.c ti!M--at work la tile ~out, Jae.. •hi I•.""'' hrrt'. "hldl ..... r •·•·• ntly .--vrrtrod front "arllm.-to pNM't'tlnw ··-•II'UC"tlon. Thla \'tew 'h""" Ill•· ,.ifova~eA c:arrl~~&o· 1rurrr;roulld) OD "IUI'h boonhar .. haulf'd to thfo launl'hlac way ... Photo by Kent llitchC'O<'k. rl'main. "I th('n wPnl to thl' OPA nft!C'<'s and asked if I rouldn" hH\'1' 1 hr l u~C' of my apartmrnt Aft('r eon- sulltng Mrs. llarrett's physici1111. 1 told Mrs. f11rrrP1 t that I hAd I gnn!' In tht> OPA. but sh(' still n·- rus~'<f to mo,·<'. 1 "With the rl't't•nt l·nrtinl( or OPA r••gulat inns, I rl'la ml'fl an al'ur- nl'y in Los An~:••li'S who mr .. ruv•d m l' or l ht• Jlrfl('t•d ur lc' t o follow ,,, ~11m lh<' apartml'nt. I "My purpo6e in doin~ot what I GEORGE'S BODY & PA INT SHOP 2920 W. Ct'nlral Ave. Phon(' H~trbor 826. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair 54-4tc wish to have the apartmt>nt to Phone ~M l havr is not nwrct'nary M I only hot~e my aunt." 216 E. 20th St .. Co.ta Meea Mn. Crowell's aunt. Mrs. ~tft Bruwn. is now li\•ln~; with Mrs. =====-:--:-:=:------=:.:..=..:: Crowlc'll in hl'r four-room home, IIUI!IJNESS OUJD~ U tht' fonnl'r saJd. SIGN PA~JNG Area Veterans Office to Open At Long Beac~ Bo.u, Trud el, Windows Walls and Bulletlna. I Raised M.-t.aJ. Wood and • ·• PluUc utters A-L LACHMEYER cleaning up f111 lboa bt>ar h, th••rt• • F• I s I haln't bl'l'n CIIU!Ie ror compllllnt Ina cene 1 Uw>re, and Nc•wport f1Ntrh hnsn't )'t't reachr-d tht• point wh<•r•• one Ninr!y thou,nnd VC'H•rans livln~ot I e.n point 11 finwl'r 111 It and s11y,l --on thl' ~lullwrn Cnlifornia area 1726 West C..ntnl Harbor 1243-M "lntolc•rablt•'" "\\'utf'd-lhrnolro·ol' uf JM'Itplr ht•l" •·••n Rt'dnndn Rl'nrh nnd La- l llowewr . Cnl Sailors, thr rlty too •taad ,.. ltlo-harot .. uo·.. l'au·ht !!llnll f1,.rr<·h will II<· ~l'n'l'd by th(' ladminlstratlvt• uff•t·t·r. lllalt-d that l.aadln~r atul "" Ultlr IJalb"a n••w ~ull-retzional offiC<'S of the PAINTING 12 Ye:ll'l S~>rvlc.-In Newport Harbor Area the time I• not too far distant blaad no Thur ... ta''· MaJn ta•lc '" THt:Rt: Llil A CER~UN _, ef r..un. Ia every trttrr val oat by 111M> Balboa lrn&MV\?nM!tll AMo-\"f'lt•rans Admmistrntion recently when thl' city may have to I)Ut [to ahool or "'avr a llaadkrrr hlf'f riaUoft .... llllele a...l7 ctna • .,. rr ' ,....., for 11. Thl-y 8 ,. lrfl to rtpl: Hf't~'ll Lehman, Pat l)a\'id· ;1pprov<'d by Gr n. Omar Dradllc'y, ._ ____________ -..z l addlUonal m<'n to work to ciC'un or lf'ap fur Jny "h"11 th" rM illa: -..,. ~ IAIIIla.. 11hnto h)· Don Hannon, Balboa. c1irC'ctor o ( \'f'lt•ran!l affnlrs, and i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ -II• pouooo b)'·~· '' hkh w1ii h(' OJ'lf·nl'<l in Lon.: H;\rry HaJJ PATNTINr. C'ONTRACTOR Phon(' Beacon 5259-J Lamber and BuiJcllq Materials Bay District Lumber Co. ...__lUI 11.1 OOAft ----·~ AT TBa ~--- S. TI'OIIt •.t H•lbllt Are Biting • • •. oil the Newport aad Balboa Piers ·:::!f ,t~ ~.·~George Hlier CAIOES! Aluminum Ullat-8tu.rdy-Non-~. Latta .,...._ without paint or ..,...., Alloy Writ<' (or Dt-taila Dr Ordc1· Now From C., t•lt ~ A\'Mlae, LA. U ....... " .,, .. 'hi: AJL...,. We Have Beautiful New Styles. .• , •• And •peekinG of home.' It',; an =.-:tab~ f 1\ c t = noth.lng brl~th­ up a hnm<'. pedtiiN the atmos-....,. Uke an n trn ..... or two. Stun· .._ new cf"t'atinns Ill --.,._. and rrer· • accompanying wtU do won- hellhtenln& otyour Headquarters for Beautiful Furniture $15.75 $12.75 (Santa Ana furniture Co. •11. ~. ~· tJ}~M q~" •••Mila a..a.w -s..ea.ua.Pta..m CX)NVEN'IDn' PAIUCJNG SPACE HERE I Monostrnm Por t uri'<~. lnr . m•1=h1 u eel t F G t Setb k 0 PI F Jk:wh. Thursday. haw• rHO thl' advf•rtilW'ffi«'nt IO rg 0 orm .ran ac 8 n anners rown I Th·· nlfll•t•<; ar(' on lit(' righth, draw II llirJ,tC' \!1\lhl'rm,: hUt to \'.II-un.·ted Port Front Lot Bo_ ught Under 0 3 St u •t ninllt •. ncl ···nth floors nf th(' 01'1111 tht• lakin~: or thl' nlitiO l!ct'nPS Ill b w n -ory Rl Tmws I•Uilrlm£, :!li i\m··ricun for lhl' film. "SWI'('Ih!'nrl n ( St~;ma CContinUf'd from Paae 11 U8JOn y oman 8\'('011<', I.OnJ;; 0('8('h. ThC' main Chi." on th(' hny hi' I"(' Thttr!rl~t)' Fruin~: to St·t 11 pri'CNI••nt, rt'l"<'pllon 1unms Will lw ln~•n h·d on JIOWI'\'Pr , ttw motion picturt'jor finish('d by March, 1948. Thl' <'mbnrraS!Itnll flU!III inn of a nw mbt>l"!l nr lh(' plannln~ rommill-!h" I'IJ;hlh flonr. Th<' 100 Wt't'kly company dOC'1I nN'd a crowd to I Farton ._ woman who porchBJWd a water-!'<ion tza"l' no rncourn~ott•mt•nt to rntrrvit'WS now l:x-rng handled hy ac t u thou~th t hl' shd l ract' was I s.-vf'n fact on are consi&-rC'd front lot on NI'\'"JIOf'l bland only Mr. and Mrl!. \'ktor Stc"''ar t. Aba-j lhc L"n~ !kach office arC" ~·xr .. ·ct- the real thing. 1\nd Rotlf'rt Stunrl hoth by .the U. S. F.ngi~ cor()!! :::. ~nd Ow pro1Jl('1rty ... ~as all s~t-Inn(' avl'nUI' Ralholl l~land whl'n <'d ''' tnpl(' by (ail. Wallact', Newpnrt .llnrtl(lr yar ... t~-and hy t he-a~Honl commit· c "'!1.5 1'('\'en N Wno•n the Ortl(· lh ' .I'd I f . h . hod ----- man, who Is to'<'h"1ral adviS('t' and I IN on hnr bors in Wuhln~:ton on ina! nwtlM' apPf·Brc'CI tx-Tor<' thl' ...,;~llJX'IIr .K' or~ 1 at Y U'Ciger sheeta at N~"-nmes. ualatant produe'ff of the tum, wh('ttlf'r a dt-wlopnwnt plan u; d ty plannin~ rommiuion Thurs-1 sion 103~~d~\'l'nr~~i ~~ •~g ~nnis­ hu uk~ for 11 good turnout for f('aJible. 'fh('S(' an'. 11 aafc •·n-day and askt'<l that body to ric'-Pxisting 1 ~ 1 r "~ ory 0 110 thf' Thursday ll('('nMI. \'I'MI(' l!t'tbar ks on thl' small block l 1 rue urE'. ~ ICenE'tl lll'f' thf' rno.t lm-lrllnct'; 21 prot('('live andlOrngl' of lhr~ lnu. Th!'y admitll'd the proposed portAnt of thfo wholE' continuity ad<-quacy for boats: 31 lldt-QUn tlc' 'Ill~' oris:lnal proprrty had con-plan "'M VE<ry attracth•t• and ot the pict~ which is 11 mual~al fTOOtage and channel• for small si1tf'd of foor lots facin~ot thE' Rivo would add much to the n<'ighbor·l extravacanu 'w1lh ndnr; dr11t~ll boat lhdls; 51 pohllc utilities, I Alto. 1lle owm-r had tumf'd thlc'm j hood, !tlso thut the• hl'ight nf 25 One o f thl' pllrli<'lp11nts In 'h~ Ia~. lu~icant And pntabl~ W:at~ into thN't' lots. facing rut on the fl'f't was. under the limit of 35 shfoll ract' will ~Tommy Harr1"0n atahons, 6 1 dockllf.tl' nnd. n prur1 Rialto chann<'l makln~: the m wid· fl'rt, WhiCh applioos to two-story of Michigan. tlw formrr Ail-Aml'r· cit-pots, "nd 71 fin' a nd JXIIICX' pro-er th1ur the nri;;nlll lots and J;;h;ng strurturN~ lean football star who was rect•nt-teelion. a morr M l'lrabl<' ori.-ntatlon. 'llll' A~kt•d rr thr buildin~ot could not ly slgfM'd to play "'lth thfo Lea Cosll' of ~uch proj('('t5 nrl' borlll' O:tw In thE' Mhf'ml' was that this II(' !'XII'ndl'd toward 1111• front of Anrt'l('ll Rams. A crrw fTnm UCLA p~~rtly h}' thc-Nlmmuml)' !k-!oirlng l~>ft thr onl' lot. which h11d urig-thP Int . thl' archit1 •rt r••pllt'tl th11t will also takf' J')llrt In thl' raN' th,. fllcrlit~· lind partly h) the f{'d-lnrllly '"""" lhf' frl'nl of nil four it cv•uld, hut lhnt it W11uld Ill' a Lt-11dlnr r oles arC' playl'd hy ('r.'ll I?OVt•rnnwnt loll'. \\ ith a 30-f• ()I ~Nhnck nnd h:trtl~lup nn holh thf' fl\\ nl'rs 11nll El)'ll(' Knox, Wifl' of llnrmnn. Phil I.OI":tl into•rf-~ls nr r f'\Jl('Cted to lht• pttrf'hll!!rr. rtJIJif':lring for 11 lln nd ltllning (lrnro·rh • '''" nl'r , R~an 11nd Phil Rrito, lingers, M ntrihutr t·u~h to"arcl thC' work huilclon~.; ))(rrnit. ""~ tulrt l'hl' <'flUid \\hn<:r· lh:ht. air :•net '"''\'would bt• 11nd R08!I Jfunt .. r. Marjorie Ann or to dunntr 1tr m' .. r \ ahr(' in not pill UJ1 nn~ kin• I nf n huildin~; <'Ill off a net '"hu "uc: J•rrl'•'nl to H<lf'rner nlso has 11 part. kind. Jl'ltil'~. hr••nk\\;rt•·r. maln Thr romm1!'sinn rn\orl'd th•· IWIJl lhl' IJ\'""""" '''""tl tht•1r ra~r The play is tx-lng prnduct'd by rhanrwl, ro.'ld~. plrn>. "lip~~ and rhnn~;•• of "' lhnrks prn\'ldrd 1'1\St'· Artl'r mrn:t ml'mh .. rs ,,r the J effrey lkmard and 1.1 ~lng ctl· olht·r rf'fluirrml'nt-. in th(' poblk mf'nls be> J:i\'l'n on~1cir tf1r !<rc1rwalk rommisslnn had n;or•· •"<< lh('m- rectcd by Jack &rnha rt of Mono-I dt,mnin W('J'f' mrntlonl'd hy the on 3Rth slrN't for ww,•rll nnd th11 t st•lvl's as 11~;nin~t mnkipK nn r x- ~ Pictures. IJX'Oker. s~>wrrs Ill' tn:<tallt-d at u\\ ners' t'JI· Cl'plinn in I'll lSI In~ r<'C\IIAtions for I AIIIO In an)' lCUI"h lll:l'l'l'fnent be-pi'OSf' lhi~ f'll<;l', th(' first or its kind 1.) hi' P I . twN>n the community and the:-fl'd-1 pr~rntrd. Philrnrr f:tl('rllr()(•t•k.l DROWNS eral gO\I('J'Omf'nt. thr Unite-d prOct'dure from thr local rommu-a rchllr•ct nnd St•(TI'I&ry or tht' WUUam Mohlt'r 215 30th lt., StAtes must be> fl"('(' from any I nlty to tht' distri<'t enginl'f'r's oJ-commission, st11tt'd thnt in his I N....,ort Beach , .:u notlf~ Jut <'hums ror damatrt'tl lncur'ftd ln n~ and tlwnct' to Washing ton. opinion fh(' QU('!Ition or 1'5tablish- Wedneaday by thfo Oran£e count)' th.:-construction work. ~ ctlvi· D. C., •'here It Is considcrl'd by lng a prl'('('dent was not so much 1 lherlrf"l offl~ of lhf' death of h1s slon of CCIIII a~ ba~ on ~ be-the War 1)(-partment In the-light nf a prohll•m as thr othl'r mE'm· broltM!r, John D. Mohlt'!' of San U('( that thfo Unltl'd S tates '-to ot military matters and th('n by hPTs ft'arl'd fnr with RAiboa Island Rafael, Calif.. by acddent&l PIIY for itM"'11 fully and equally a comrnlttf'e of the Congn't'.~. If 1 gPt tin~t noar its maxomum capac- drownln&. UM'd by all crafta and locAl Inter· tht' Jli"'PPSSII is .)u.tlrll'd and has ity bulldln~ot~ of thrN'. r~·('n up to 1 41i.~ll'b~ · · l «'1111 lll'f' expect~ tn pay fnr t~ merit, the Congreu may be uked eight stori<'S mlght be> <'Xpectcd In I A atate to~. must 1M' built Ul('d for recrt>atlon or bUill.-to makl' an a ppropriation for the l tht' n('Xt fivP to 10 years. an foundatlona of a moral charac-1 enterpriM-. project. W L Longmoor ralscd thl' til';· and lhll characll'r 1.1 the prln-Abovt' 1111 a sun'l')' mu~t •h<J'A·, Co.lo~l Hun~l'r aaid thAI district l]tll"!!tion of whl'lhl'r a thrl'r-story dpal t>lt'ffi«'nt of Its lltr<-ngth and thAI a ~Ired facility Is f'Nlnomlc-Pngl~r s . oftiC'f'tl al!!(t tak<' i.nto building would not 11Hect insur- the only guaranty of Ita perm&· all)' juatifll'd. Annunl ht>Mflts ronsick'ratlon thl' lnt.f'r('l!tS or f1sh-anet' rnt~ or the whnll' ar<'n, hut MI'ICe and prosperity -Jabez r m~t rXC'f'l'd th<' <VI!' IS e>f lh~ pro}-cnnen bc>forP ~~ fmal .rl'pnrt ill the nr('hilf't't rrpli('d SfAIC' r('fluire· Olrry. I'CI. Each proj«-t Is ronsid~ on madP to thl' n~t1nnat_ cap1ta l. Thl')' ml'nu In thnl r<'t.:ttrd hnd hrm m<'l its ml'ritll Fully ll"''"'•'J'Il'fi port hll\'1' <'Prtaln n~:hts tn tht> wnters hy inrludin~t l\'l' s tairways teo the proj('('tlC ,.0hnnet' tlr•• \:thlt• of ad-I along the corrst, too. ht' said. upprr floors '*"-____ .... _.. .. _....,. __ ,_.._suo,.r,· ...-..••·-.-.... w ..... ....,:JO ... ~ IINJUUTION 274 E. 19th r trPet 24-th Painting -Decorating R F.. ANDERSON Free Estlmatlnr Phon(' Beacon 5~J FINE FTh'lSil KONCR.ETE CO. Cemt'nt Work of All Klnda. !l18 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Nt>wport Be11ch 51-8tt FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oe your home, eall Beacon 5530 after • :30 p.m. 10-ttt PAINTING -PAPP:R RANOJNQ and DI!XX>RA TINO R. E. WcJ>ooa)d 414 Old Conly Rd , Co.ta Mesa Phbne &aron 5013-J 85-tft I"RAN"POilTATJON ll BALBOA IS LANO r('sidPnt would llkt' daily traMJ>t>rtalion to and from Alhnmhr:~ Call Mr. Wal· trr. 11-213<1-W 57-ltc BICYCLES Sold. Rmt~d or Rep&Jred . VOGF.L'S tOO Main St.. Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa lalaud. H ·ttc BEAUTV AIDS Ul COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES Tinting and Manlcurtnr Evening Appt. Ph. Huhor l~W Vi's Beauty-Shop 1103 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar 35-tfe Blondn mak<' the best h\llo bands. Mam11 · "What did mama's lltU~ b11by lear n at school tod11y ?" Boy: "I learned two ft'llows not tn call m!' 'm11m11'll little baby'." PuBLic NoTICE ------WILLEY"~ REFRIGERnTIDR jn<'Pnt tnnd 11nd ~~~~~ in the &--Aonthrr qw-s!tonrr w11nt,.d 1.. ----___ _ vl'lopmt'nl nf OI'W hu~in··~• an'lll!. know he>w long II look Jx-fcorr lhl' p b t • CERTIFICATE 01' I)USINESS: :===· ERVIrE romP"DY Manh lnn<l hN'nm• < rt l'r• Alional ff"drrnl jlf)\'l'rnml'nt would IH'I ''" res y ertans I'CMI U'Oe~ ANO ~-· FICTITIOUS I' lAM NAME ._ ......... __ ..,. __ """".-,l c_.. ... ...,....,.,. I, " H lnnd )ln•rpliln-inf··~lo'ci nr• '\$ dis-n mattrr of port dt'\'l'l~pm .. nt N • CJo -...... .._. -..-., Th-un•lt-rolro'7,....-;;::... h•·rPI•Y N!r -C 1 'I II t i f 1 eartna se tlh ,.,,, 'ht"V ,.,.,.. ' .. "' .... fin.: u r r1nt . 8elee -~ .. -~ :IJl)'ll'ar. .\ut,.mnhol•• :mol l~'ll o nn, un ••r aJ;:a n rt' l'l'TI'( In fi'l t ...... ..,.. -._.,.., __ .,,.. rn . ..r ''!'" l'uloll•h•n~ ~~~·In··~· "' :1/111 no Ooaat B IYd., ConlftA tiel ,. .. trnVI'I :'lrr ,,<<llrt'1l (1\f r ,,, ,, wn!t Itt(' • ~tl'p-h~-!'II'Jl prox-..·durr i\S H •t ) D . I'CMI n4l HOMI ~ ~~"'"'I A•·~. 'I~WJ'"'' s~"rh 1 I 0 nd dct t f ospl a rive ( nltr .. r iHtt untll'r Ow ,,_ tlf1t111C finn Temporary Phone. Dn.y 654 La· nnN' rliH•r·1111 lu~:h" " ··nol wnt<'r-prl'\'IOII" Y IIIII In• n n N ' r:t t :;..!:' • .':;;;':,'"::::'::..;::!':~ "'"'~ .. r """ll<'rt 11 "'"'' l'uhll•hln.; runa &ach; Phone Night, lla6:l \\II)'!! it rtll dt J\(.'OdM ""how. lmJ•H'I,JOI tnl:ol "f S:.!!lf..ll.l.'\h h:l~ llf•f'n l .... 1\1101 ,.,.,, •nl•l ''"" I• ...... ,.. .... ,, • lh · I h '1t I h,. f·•llu-Int.: rwr"u ·nil "'tw,.~-nan'"" Laguna BenC'.h Sa\·~· f''""" Rn•h···· •. prOJ• (' \\liS In I (' ('()Oltntll111\ r lo1h·· tl In dlllt' '''I '"" ''""'"'II('· N t El t . '"" ·"·lr··· .. ·~ Kl'f' ,._. '"""'"'· 1 .... ,, ---------:"t'\\ fotr•hl l•·~ rrt •'• "'''' C'OOo ' 'lf "tlt•• :"u\) Nlnli'S into lhP jill'· 1100 nr lhl' Pr<'oth~III IIO htl~Jlil :tl e\\·por eC rJC ""I I• l'•rt•·r J:,o;~ MINlmsr Lnh~. n,.u ... " r r,ljfornll\. nomic-:~ I rr~url"l'" \\1 , 1 hrndit ttl! • · '" ~·· nlw:od imm('drlll•·lv in ="'•'\' port fkarh In th•· Nlllnl) Appliance Co. . ""'n R w .. ,1~ ~nr, w •• 1 ... 111~t~r Av•· Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Qual1ty Feeds -~- Dally Delh·_,.-ae.eo. IU5 tmN~~- 008TA MUA :til thr P"•lpl•• nr n ,. ,, .. lltnlty. nnol mnkr lh(' l'\lr\1'\. S:tld \\ iclt· dri\'r II> rn•~·· tho• n.-11 ~· tr) :-.; ... I'"'' B•~<• h r""''''"'" (' 1 Ill 1 •L'"' • 2• \\1lrt•1t" uur hAnfl~ lhh• z .... r11t ''••)' Ct\l llllnll'r ~airl. nntl I ;~•n tkore n 00(' un :"r ·.-or rnstnnl'l'. \\(' S:l()() noo. fiC'('flrdinc Ill llr. n 5cQII .. Oil :"t'WIIOT1 Rh·d. nr .luly 194~. Uo to hd p ~f\ll in nny,,;,\ I •·m ." drd th:tt m l hl' l":t~·· nf thl' Sl•'<"k-:\lar f'nrland. r hArrmnn Harbor "1:\8 ~AM 0 I'ORT F:R. Onr 111 thl' qur~t '""~ put to tC'n lind ~an Frnnc1sro llhip <'llnnls A $100.000 don11 tion os pJ<'rl~wc1 • ' l':TATr. oF"~'-~?.1~~M"': (".,toni'! 1 luntl'r in tl•r qu.•stlon-It nil cli'JW'nrl• on thr si,;r or <'raft hy G l('nn Martrn. fa moll!! ail·•·rnrt l TIDE TABLES <'•111NTY OF' (lrtANCJO:..-a. '-h· .. On thl~ 22nd (lfty of J111y A. D. nnrl-nn~" <'r fnr um whkh r .. nawl'd w.,. IOJ.: to ~~~·· port faclhli('S. I'JC<'CIIth·e wt)o fonnrrlv II\ rei in 1!1'16 b<otn.... m" Hf'lf'n o. klatr. • WI\~ wh:tt ~II'Jl!l Wl'r(' rt1"ltl ll't'd in 1llc mmimum tim(' for any con-Santa AnA. if the county c1rh··· .It'Ll", 19M Notarv Pulollr In an!l lor lhl' ... ,d lo .._... d k b W 24 6 30 12 14 1 county ""d •tate. re~ldlna tll~,...ln, !lllhmittin..: plAns f"r n r rnpoaed 1truct n ~"" un ('ria C'n Y the nC'Is morr than $400,000. : : IS: 7 11: duly romml8l!lnned llnd •wom. periiCln· port d('\'('lnpml'nL E'n~otiiW'C!' corps I~ two yean , the Fi~tUrrs ri'IC'all<'d by Mar Farlan1l 3 4 0.1 6.1 2.2 allv "I'~~ Sam D. Porter aDd Th 25 7 .,,, 07 Ntii'S S Wade. lcDOWll to nw! to be 1llc l'nginM>r rumr~h.'<l the an· l'n~tlnCf'r concludrd. show the followtng d tl('s' dona· ;,,,. 1: 6:!1 12:08 thl' ~nnns •hnae n&nH~• • .., wb· swl'r, dMn-ibing thl' <lf'p-l>y-etf'P After lhl' mf'etin~ot WM finished. I Uon11: SantA Ana-Tustin. $119.-:n ~1.6 6.6 2.2 ;~~...'.~g .. !!J"10•~1~h~~t~;':~~~ ---------------------------~the gathc:-ring wcr (' gm•s ts of the 388.~; La~tUna Beat:h, $45,340.73; F 26 R,:Z4 1:54 1:18 1:01 U)Q _ .. v .-----------------------------; Ne"A'POC't Harbor Chambe-r of Com-Huntington Beach, $29.046.70; Or-4.0 -1.1 6.9 2.2 In """""" whereof. 1 ,_., .. herwnto rnerct' on a boat trip 11round the a nge, $20.671.00; Caplatrano, St!'i.-S Z7 !l·07 2 39 8:08 I :5! ::!t "lte h~·~~ ~~ a~edln m~ff~~ N 0 W . H £ R £ • I bay. Postmaster Hcrbt'rt K.-nny, 105.00; C01ta Mesa. $6!)42.!\6: Ann· 4.2 -1.4 7 0 2.0 llllr"l" llrat abo•• wrtttea . • Our 1946 Model Key CuHing Machine Good Stock o f Key Blanks Keys Made While You \Vail Harbor Radio. & Appliance Co. ,.. Oeatnl • S 28 1' e.r. 3 21 HELitN 0 . KLA'M'. Cout Alsocialion offict'r. mt'ga-h<'im, $1030.00; Fullerton. $5742 ~;I u _,;,,., : I :ISZ !:~ Notary l'ubllr In and tor aid • phorwd thE' 5JlOU or lntf'rnt from Plact'nUII. $1600.00·, Cllrdl'n CroVE', 4 3 -1.5 6.9 1 9 County and 8tate. ..,. coa-8'118aloD nplrH Doc. I, ttlf' Fun Zonp E'Xcunion boat In $6515: Newport ~ach. S4:\.09R39, n._ ua pi~ ta orqr 01-lt41. •·hid! tht-tr1p wu mack-. l .tnd non-<Ounty. $?.'\WI OO. Ultlt .,._a.. •-: Mn a.v-p.., ~-tr:b.ALJ.)J F"' r u U y 21. 30; Au.r. tl ud IJ, 1 .... r---·~~~wwww~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Of'llctou. lea rooct. Or. I'OIIIplete ~ent •ilm you w11nt to catch your 011r11. HORMEN FISH MARKET I WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Hl&'hway 101 PboDe 8eMoa Mlt • • ''' lloorllwa Md ..,.._ a...alablt tor ..-.. ,_ !ale ................. .., ........... 1 •• I 18N'AL • K~DIO .. WANTEI» Tu I<I:ST &t ai!4L UTATI: -------------------------------Pt;RMANI vr nt-'sii,,:~T. t:" t ·u~u' M.-sa IS 8AL& IIUIC11:1.1.AN11:0\J8 -LOS....,~T::--ln:---Ba=--:1::-boa-.--:w:-::-l.-:d-.. --:-la-d';';'l-t-' \\ ti.L TRADE \\'•·•"'"' M.ast..r Order YolD' IA)8T AND FOUN'D • .Bollva wrist watch, r05(• gold E:qJosun-Mt-tt-r for aolf cJuha. Se-1 wtth bronzl' t:ord. Annh r111an• or part of slu~. 2'2(1 A.:•tr, n't Radio Repairs All ma.kt'S. tubn. ttc. Na\·al .-11 h , r (f, "• '" : \lt ~\ h.,,t .. NIOCll hllll)• )'oil I 11111111 1\ltll••l• N•·" 4·nu. h,111••• '''' '''111'1 ·~ gift. Will flnd.•r pkaM· r~•turn Balboa Island 1 in ri'or• !'i7-21c.-Gas Refrigerator to Mrs. H . Cunninghum. 3.!·1 AI· Now Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON hlflnd -.. 1 ''"'""'''" 1\nrholl' aN'II J',ooll l,h •to I ~.Olllh l 'ltllil <Wt't' I'III~I••N11 1llli1 ... llh'I'O l\1ud: ,•rn 111111·""' $'.!'111 HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors Balbo II ?795 57 l FOR SALE -Harvard tJ~ano, varda, II, • .J -lp da 30 at V067el's w nport, tabk!, · lulctwn """ 81J'L()YltiE.NT \\'ANTED II cha1rs, fl\'to-plt'Ct' bfodroom aullt>. 100 Main St. flar'tlq IG tl.5 Cout Hlch-..,-. N_,an 2)·tfc Co. l't. .. m· .~.,, "' , i:\.\\' $1 inn n,,,,." ~i :.!It• II&AL DT" TIC ., Eltl~11 A\'('. F i t 11 n -.... tf RADIO IIOUSJ: CAU.S-WANTED-lronlng and care for or appo n n~nt Cll uodtC\JI\ ._. ~ N.-th.et adclstlon&l rompetmt chlldren evenings. 309 M~trlcold !>209-W. 57 .... tc ::::W:-'Al'l::-:=t::w.:D::::-,-::'WO:-::--::IRl=l'::--------:fl:: t~ an .,·aUabl('.-.,.. Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor ICF: BOX-»Ib .. good condluon. --------------------abW ro _.. M"'"it>t calb on FOR SAl F t 1111'1"'" t-'r)<'r lllllnl, ,...,. n ... ~'"". fill 'IIIII 1:..'00 frv f'n lll'r \\ ,., lo, EX•'<•IIt•nt t'<lllill Two m·~l··t 11 hott8<'11. tl•1<cd Wftl••r IUJ'IPIY I 'h II n rhnr ~:\-J l,.(lt ~~"\~I Nnv ;\ fUOOI)I rrarnf! h<~t&M', tlrll•'ll\'.111\ o'\111\j)ll'to-d .t .t .t ..t ABALONE BUSINESS t02S-J. 51-t!c: $15. Phorw Harbor l~M. Will Pay Cash larct' ronsol.-. All 1t'Ork ruar· WORK WANTED-Palnllna lU· :::-::-:::-::--:--:::-.....,,------"""""-57_·_1_;,tp For JOUr funll~ Cll' .-bat lilan .ntf'C'd. HAROLD L. IIAMM. I 2 f~oR s I "' n...,_ and )'OIL Phoat-8Hoon 5856.. craw-s.os. Jladlo. 300 1\larli'W' Aw. prrtntendent, w th 5 year1 t>X· ALr. '-""' man's lad)•'• lry F'\lnaltur'IP, UJ\2 N~ perlent>t, deslrce con~tlon W('lh'm Flyer bk)•ck> with 2 BMl. a.ta Mea. •tt< Pb. tfattlor 180. 34-t!co ____ _ ---- with large building contractor spo..'t.'d gt-an . $35 t'3('h. All-stl'f'l Radio and Electric FOR SAU ' :'\t•\\' :.!·h • ..tr.\om ltUI'· ~~-21Jl I have my own truck, comm<'r· constru~tion patio swine with CASH F'Oft USED f"URNN'ruRE 00, hanl"••l<l lhrnu.:hnul. l :!lll!\ cJal 1pray outfit. ladden. drop canopy, s:ood u rww, $25. Pair PHONE BEACO.N ~J. RF:PAJRS bt'droott" 7-t t rlu~•·h, rMnt~· cloth, brwr.he.. Good T't'fcrenre. of French Rx30 pr·ism WnocuiiU'I ~tf(' ~.t·IIOI •n SF.R\,CT. tJie kil• h. n 11n11 httth J.ur.:r h\'- Call Harbor 1493-J from I lo 5. W&th CIUW, $35 lit ~tal ::nralf=="'=::,az=-roa=-=--=a.u.z-=-=-=-----a= tnr n w•11t '"'' ''"""" 1.,0111. dou· .9-t A D II I I d 57 ., All Mak., 1•1l'k l 'p A ll..tiV(•ry " t c 'f' • a w•a san ·-tC hit• s;:" ,I,.. ~·~~· cutur•• """""''' IDIP ___ L_O_VME::.::-::-::!11-::.T::-:0::-:FF=u=-::£0:::----:::tt FOil SAL~: -llox troclo•c, ssmn-\ki.F..AN'S FURSfn'RF. ro PP.f\RY Jfi\ROWr\RF: 37'.? R<oo11<l"'"'· t'.~!!ltt 1\11·~~~ \\ ht't'l, hlll·h. iron frnnll' and \'ar· Villit our W;u fU'lliUS &"Jq rf· 130:) ('OilJt Jlh'd llarll!lf :!3:! rN·411l HELP WANTED Woman or ~I nlsllt'd wnod sldl"< SilO Phooto ment-a;.inrll wk do"Sb .. wnr ffiRO~t\ llf.:L MAR ----:::-----•or "6 nl'ral htJIIS(•work: oood anaJk'T ··--rii•T cin;u •t ... •J • .,. f RL' \I \rAt 1 J L'~ " •" .. llllriJor :!l:tS-J 3.., Rracon Bay. n --• · ..... , r r ,.'"\ ' '' r,..;, wagt'S; ll\'l' In or ou1. llurbor 57 2tC' and "'ClOd fil;-s, tab&n... all SOT~. ~--~-:------------....,-., hfod11 •• 1., ll u 111 , •• , ltnflllh•h•'\1 1992. 1 56-tfr =---c---....,---,------------n(ficp rf1atrs Prwo• n ,;hl :.'1).4!! CIL\~0 PIA:"\t )S Y<lU will hi• 1211:..'0 1 11 ,,1.,. ""'' u~··•l 11~ II\ H:ELP WANTED Lady to do SOUTII ('(1,\ST R\'ILT FAGLJ:.: So. MaJn. S~tnla Ana-~7-:!lr utoundl<d II tuur gr.•nt big lng 1.1"'"'"" 1 111"'' 1111 \II 1,1 l'l-ft kc•d dny sail(•r 1~:! ~-:-::~-::-:=-lt<IO'k "''"'"""· ~'' in\O ay. Soh· family ironln~t. Phon•• li:Jrh•1r \\' 80"TM. 8l-rrt.IJ:8 • lfV'f' II all• 1 •111d llll\ Is, Story ~:!(1(111 lll·R. ~4tc II/II'Ni, l.ldo 151'' ST-tp •~I l'\tirk Onc• ~HTJ:<'O\Ill l'hkk· WILL TRAD~. :\-dittm<md rin~t for FOR S ALF. R.ann~ srnpr ;t.t WANTED Middle a~:e houst~ n-oondlf'--" a-..o ,_ .... lnt nin~: 11nd It If th•· r••nl <'hlcker -l'l<·<'tric r..fr l.,;t>tator in gond ......,. ,,.. .... 1 "I h koop<•r; light dUties: ph•asnnt 391)9 Mart'\15 A\'f'. s,_.__1 1st.• n.a:. tuu "11ny M ••rli to c:hOOIIf' mndltlon. 301 '• ~lh $1 !l7·21p -·--1 "'-' -• ..-. 1urroundlngs: room. board and Sl-:ttp run. ,-,J<"t-u ''' ~tart at ...,.,. ). aalary. Call Jlaroor 2016·J. ZENITII C't.lMR RADIO. Auto. =:-::--::--:-:-::::--:-:--:----:-:---_;.. Tt'Tl11ll Or N>nt Oant ~midi 56-4tc r('('()rd <-hanJ;I'r, '41: Beauty, FOR SAL£ H ft tiinkrr t>'JW' Piano Co . Eadusl"'')' plllnot. -...,.-=:.-=----:----:--------:---"'hill' rotary sew. mach.. just *iff. IZU10. 25 BNcon &y. Nothing ~-~10 N Muln, WANTED-LBundn'lls, one dti,Y a OVI'rhuulf.'d: c.-arpt'nh'r tools. J:.'() X-'J)Ort Bt-a&.. ~lfr Sant• Anll ~tfc wook. Call Harbor 2016-J 56--4tc 311th St . N R. 57-ltp FOR SAJ..E-.-2'9-toa llpUr-Cf'U GOOD 1-.1 ~tianw fOC' practl.of' -----------.,....,...,...,.=---::-:----"'!""' FOR SALF..-s -.ord(ish ""''· PPnn dWn faDa. m . ·~ 2497-\\' ~ .. low .. $57 a.nd $79 Cll' WANTED : WAJTRF.~rrry's Senator 9/0 with 450 yards 2.. 3504 Ulll"n!! A\? .• N~ ""'' a piano fM ~ JX'r mo. l.At Cafe, 322 Marine .Ave .. Bal110a lhr<'ad lin<•n lin<.'. Phont> ll•rbor :-:::::-:--:=:=-::-:-::=::-::-=--:::---:-56-::--2-:-tc tM rtilldrt>n lt•am 04nz-Sc-hmldt bland. 56-tfc 700. dh-tf WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft sUp In P\ano Co .. S:\1 !'\ ~taln. Sftnta HELP WANTED-1st {')a._~ paint· FOR S ALE C'ht-st and ht'd.. mM· \\'llmlnc1on for IAftW' in N--Ana. ~tfc er. Sympson & Nollar. 5~flth trt>U, coil sprlnp. SJO; brand f'Ort Hart»or. C.D Erwin PWnan RAllY GRANTl ftf'~-d Xn\\ St .. Nt.>"'ll011 Beach. -ttc nMC-davt•np .. r r. with spriop, at Klm~ 5283. 5:!-tfc only J«l. Thi!l b a KT'f'at h:tr · SALESMEN -Adv<'r1isln~ cam· mahogany lilt t&bi<'. 312 l.'ith ALL-PLAS'TIC" 12-ft. tt~ltl "N)p tr:ain. Dtuu-Sc:·hmidt l •umo Co . p8lgn nnw In l'ffect. E:<C'Cilcnl S t , :'lil'"'f'Orl 56-~c O-<'AR !l(IJ\T and f'..\RRIER. Santa Aha. 5.~tfr opportunity if you qunlifv Ap-ATI'R.ACI'IVE back bar. l6-ft. lnunrd.t.att• dt>li\'K)' O,lw'f' l't'ltld-WO RLD fttm(>US Sp1n..t t)l•• ply M illS Van UI'W, 5M': No Jon~-:. 9-ft. hhth. m~trblc> top ord •·Is 500ft clindliN. ~JJ~IIbf>il t•. minvr plano Ro·('<!!>$•.._,.,... Nnw Furnhcho·<l : hc1lto """ hnnw kilt I di-n (;,~•1 •h•tru 1 "'w•• !.•! 1!11:.! rf'fril:•'"'"r <HU1 111111''' l"'tt••r hWTy I IIII) $7500 Bfoautlful :.! ,.,.,,.,.,111, hnnw llurd wnod nnll Ill•· Jo'lnor fiiMlliCA' Nln>h l•mdll<'nJ•••I !'S (t'l'l nn llnrhw ltlvcl Wo• jll-'1 l'lm 't II<'· u-riho• '''" plrtt'f• It mu•t l~o• "'"'" to \II• upJu •·•·m toorl O t11• hlo~C'k frnn1 '''"' ,., nf 1 '011111 M•·~<n Prlc'NI lot ••·II WE ARE IIFRF: 1'0 S Eil\'F. V0t1 R. A ~ NERESON $:lti()l) Lirln ble ~-fl 1'\•rn .. r lot $!lfll)(l •t:'l.r• rr .. n~<•):•' $f.:!f,o !l7-(t I .nt ''•'IWC'I'II (',.~,,. M ...... IIIHt N••¥~,art (Ill I til II $·1 !;flO F.V A F flHODF:N J'l Nollnr ;1711 N•'"'"'' I 111\•1 l'olot!n Mt'llft F l ·n 1N flo\HN~Ir Rt'~'Wl.l. \\' 11 llTo\INE N~llNI':I. C: llARN~~r·r nro•k l·r~ Ph O.•rll"'" :'\71.'\ rt :'11 lit• A. ~-.JOHNRON Rt>altor s.nrl AAAOriRtPI' f'hnnr RcollC'On ~102-M Tnrla:v·~ Rpe<'iRI NPwport Jllvri. Home 11nrl ntt~fN'F:~~ RLOO ~ rt x ~ ft wllh llvlnt.t flllllrten. HOUIII' In rl'lll' with llttll' nldna mulrt '"' mnt1•· lntn stt'll'd n-ntal. Thl~ 111 " """'t'l11tt tornprrlv. Ell· l'l'llt•nt ln<"tllnn Qull'k pnui'U Only $ J 1.000 Main St . Santa Ana. !'i2·8tc c.-nlumnr;. rx•rf('{'l. Full platt-mir-runabouu. ~ and Jlllddk'· rNiua>d to $:.'!M. Tc·rm.~~ S up•rl• KITCHF:N H ELP Wl\ntl'd. Apply ror, $375 Ph. Santa Ana 5429 IIOal'ds. ION' Ma~uny C'lllW' ~l.:twd ln\llrnnl't' nnd N"',"rlv N"'w Cheryl's. ~ 111arrne A\·e . 0.1· ~t.· PLASnC' WAn:RC'llAFT ro. lor ~I) I•' and Jun.: N'f"\1('('. Onnt · Rw•lnt>u Oppnrtunl!ll'tl .-.. ~- boa Island. ~-tfc =:-::--::--:-=::-~:--"'7""-----:-----t07 F. Cetltnl. BUbolc Sdmudt P\an&) ('o. 5:.!0 N Mliln. 197'2 NrW)lllrt Rlvd . ("OIIta Mc'l!ll 4 Unit C-ourt FOR S ALE.-Bkyck-, man's Jlft'-f'twJnt' Hut.or 2673. ~1-ltc Santa Ana !'i.~lfc t..,., I WANTEI"l -Cirl for .:rm•ncl nHirl" ":~r Sch"lnn lc~thtwl'll:hl :\l2 Ph O.·a•~•n ~l:.':.''l ~7·1 1<' 3 ,,~rrs mmplr ll' v turnl11hfod, t • FOR S ALF' Run~~bnut .. ......___. •"'tmlt'R -'·· 11 1 St unfurn C'om--r In! 1!10 ft ll 18." work and bookkN•J)('r s IIS!II~Iront llc•htropc•, Corona dt-1 Mar. --• .... -..... ""' • ""'lo:" ln•n • ••tnway. SAN f'R.\ "'I 'l:'t ·o :t-ho'(lrt••m Apply 3410 Coast Blvd 57·\lc 56-2tc Mou.e" U -ft.; ~"'• 5: t'1l("('lk'ftl Nf'dtum ~'" Braut•ful muhoto:· htlfT\1' 11111 2 npnllm•·n•~ for In· tt flrllttllrullv lnndarAIV'd In· -------::---,---,::-------------~h<WI. tliOOO. t~'ller ll;v-any rn!W' Thf' JAAn•l ()( ttwo I'OITII". "Ill ···II .. r ,, "'''' (ur l't")fnl' 11:'17 ~ !V'r month noom WANTED Woman for houae BARGAIN~! bnr ~.&St .. w 57-21p Mu~o-nc l> n~·Sdlmldt Pl•no N••"t•nr• lll\••1 t•r•·r~·r!•· ll"r· rnr ~ mnl'<' unllll f'h-ln F. Ill&-. cleanlntt. 01"1(' d&y per W('(lk. 1!)2 l \ ( ' r I • ""o ..... , N M s I A ' '~ J " <"naiR MNIII Vrt \' ~A,., and at· 2 ..o ''"" prtCN '" urtu urtl II my ROW OOAT-14-ft.. ftlt'Wiy """'lnt-•, ., ·~ . am. ann na. hor lfiflll ~7-lt<• '" Wazlcn, Ltdo 1111'. 57• lp motto. I huy right. 1 wU rigllt. I'd. In ~ood cond!Uon.. ~..... 5.'>-tfc .....,.--tnrtlw Onlv WANTED-Woman or man tn do I ~~~buy fumiturt• llarllor I2I6I -W Sl-:!tc =DOGA.:-::-::-::--,..:::-:-A-::'1'8-:--a-=r-=E~I::8:-------.:-: F()R SA l.~ :\-r.w•n• frltm~> hu\uw•, $19,!lo0 housework. half days, days. Wtek Needle's Furniture rhrop Til t)(' muuod ~11t4 Nrt or month: live> In or out Call 2204 Nt••oport Rh·d. c~r..,..rsa f'OR SALF: -16-ft aailboat. ('(1m-FOR SAL£-6printtrr St'"nit-1 Rlvd . ('"''" MI'SII. :\7.:Jtr Harbor 1523-J !'t7·1f<' 57·tfc ~1t> •ith 2-wt.e.el flk'fo."Y·built pup; m41l•·. I mr"' A K (' R~ =::-:::-:-:--:::--::-:-:----:-':":"""-:-~-traik-r Prn. J400. ..._ 7310 w. an-an .-ront ~·7-:.!tp FRANK P. JOHNS. ON WANTF.D-Experlcnccd fountain FOR ~ALF..-&11 and HOOA'I'Il s.,.... Anceha 100197 or C\1. llfl62 girl: must be> 21. Ml'lla Malt rial 70 P.A . hJgtt s~ ae-. 5T-2tt GORGEOUS pc-d1~ Srarrl(-Realtor Shop, 1790 Nc·wport Blvd • Cmta trlt'Smpic IN\.It', •'Ide an«tt' -------------------~~~u,.nst&ru'l""',.~.,.••·r:l~. llv.';',!., st:;c.ukt: W \ Wntmo•r, Aall.rllltr Mt'!la. 57-4tc.-lf'nSt", tilting eqWpmt'fll, tripod. ..SMALL . BOAT ._...~ J "~ ...... r. li"hl ~ter. Ccmplt>tr .......... S.y ln·ar '-"· Balboa bl· 16M Nf'"'lJUrt Dl\'d. fk11ron 5-U4-W WANTED -Man prl.'f<'rrl'd. to " ~ .. -..-HDQRS." head accounting department and mf!nt. Used only ont>t. Call lw-and 57-ltp tHCh allied rommercial sub-bor 1194-J . around 6 P. D\. WE MAKE ~ .un and DOCS-All brftdl. stripped. cllp- jH:ta. Businl'U Institute. 415 =:-::---::-:-:--:=---:::---:--------54-4-:-:-tc klndtt at aldtfa 11nd dindl~. JWCl and bathed by A.K.C. U- No. Sycllrnm"t', Santa Ana !17-Ztc FOR SALF...-Good atov~. right and tJw "Watson Dtftk" c:1ai1a CftiM'd handJrr. ~ pfdc-up SJOPPF.R f~1r n~>w 40.ft \\'ht'i'll'r ; hand o,·rn. •1th ht'al rontrol. sailtT. IUid dPlivery ~rvb. ~ card. 13.~. ctK>st 1\nd bt'd. matt:rt-u. AND Pac11Ueboank. Rt.aWU L. K~cham. 421 P<Mn-mu.t lx' sotM-r. n••ut apprarancc. S(lft.ia Ave. Corona tk-1 Mar. geod ri~h~·nnan, <'Xn'lll'nt var-coil llprln~:s. ~111; brand new-·-WE s~;:u... other coocl -.11 "'2·tfr nillhrr a nd g()()d lr<IUble shooto•r . rnport with ~t•rinlt$. m11~·)· rraft Jlultht's Krbon. Fold " have local rl'f('ri'II('<'S. Must !')(' 1111 table• 31:! Xirh St. !'I"A-porl n at. undl'r 41l ~ .. ars of a~te. Apply 54-4tr In per, on.' 7:!4 \'Ia Lidn Nord. FOR S ALE .S'••ord.fish rod. ""'' Lido 1!111'. SaJary ~125 per mo. nnt1 linr romplet<'. $85 John T 57.:./lp S}mpson. !112 ~th l':t .. :-; • .,... ------------------------port n{'nch 5..\.tfc WAJTRE~~ WA NTED FOR SALE $37.!')() WAT~ON-BOATS r.11 \out llldltra.J X•"'T'Jl"'t &•~trh 0 P E N S l ' S D A Y. P . U. ~~If(' FOR .SALE nattk' -mmplr tt> .. -nh d(>lly and ,._ rnm·u Nn'· f'T. R4';u.onahlt-. Harilor ttG ------~-------------- PRE-Rn.T IIOi\IES CO. l ''fll.l'f'Y llrlt'!-'1:.._ 1111:\IFS lrnm•--d•at.-l't·lf\ rr) A . M. OJXON , Ol·al('r · Pl.'r \\'l'f'k nnd • ~ llours --S~ ~·(' . ~~~~~~--~~....,_~,.--54-tte FOR SAU: -Swonlr"llh ~1. PC'nn F'OR SALE-Vrry nll'f' IR-Ct. 6-ln. :..lflt w • .,.tminstl'r Nf'Y>'(o(ol'l llt'11;-hl'< \\'F.LL RRF:D spmtl'd sad<f.ko hnnw-. ~o:ocxl Wf'Strrn 11adrtl(' nnd bridle>. N. W. I'Om('f of 15th and Santa Ana AVt> .• O.ta Uewa MR. EARLY lmomlngs only) King Landing Ne-A•port ll<'aC'h Experienced /""'-'" BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR f'F:TTY SO UTI I COAST CO. NJ·;\\'PI 1RT REIIC11 29-ltc: -------------------Sftlator !t 0 Wllh 45() )'aJ"da 24 boat, IV{ p!Uilll'ngf'nl, perfrct Steel Kitchens GLASS TIJB t::SC'LOSt.:RES SHOWF:R lXlOR.._ Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Cout Shod.. N. Ph. 5RS2 Laruna BHch 57-ltc SHABBY FLOORS Made Beautit\11 Take> off old . "rimy varnillh and gPt down tn thl' frMh. r\l'llll IO'IIIn of naturall)' h11nd~ wood. Rent Our Hiloc Ranrlinsr Machine -and dn -,, ) OUJ'To\('1( F~t•t ,, Opt'rllff' -I '""',,.,~ Burton':' Paint ~tore 1'\I'Wflllrl fll\lt nc•.1r !lith ~ll'<'rt Auto Batteries Ruhbc>r S#pnrRfr~ 18--,onth -$6.75 E:~~. lhrt'ad lr~~Pn lint' ~ Harbor ronclltion. with traiii'T, $2800. 107. dh-11 Pt!onr Santa Ana 19-J 53-tfr 26-lt. IP"'d boat. pow't't t'd wllh Otryslft' A~ M•rlM ~; 3 ~u; tJMrouchly overh.eul· ed: In watc.T now at Alamltoa Bay, 121!50 or tradr for c:abbl ~ boet. CDurtr.y to broken. Write or calJ Jim Willlon. liS Santa Ana. ~ Brach. ~t-tfc STAR SAn..80AT. Just ffCCID- ditbwd and IWW pe.int. .,_ SMta ANI 4148 ~ 8 a. m.. and 5 p. m. 46-ttc FOR SALF..-s-Manne KohJft r ... J)('T'ator. 1500 -~atu. X! \'Off n c . rl'lllll pri!'f' f (ll' lhJ,.~ po>WC'f plant b $.0:,16 We h4!1\'r 11) koft for ck·arnnn> S.'\1". ~TTt Yrokl'l Rros . :..z; So \'f'l"mmnt, r ... An· 1!*'1"" l'hr•rw· f:X fiARZ <t...,_th Fire Enuipment Test-; r .n .,....., P,>n-nto & F OA m ,...frlls (Y). fi~·'<f "~"'""' And P6r1nhll'1 M \11 10\ l11lnhlr. t.:-n: HflKJN A CALVA!'\ 1000 n "'"t Jllt;h"·ny RAM 'ENGINEERJNG ('I' -Ma· rilw mach\n~t machJI"M' -.'Ork of aU t)'J)E'S, rirk-up and di-Jiv. «y vn~. cit>c'k facnm,.. whllr undrr rf'p8.1r_ Will do W(lrk any hour nlt ht or day. I.orall'd at <A-ntral Ro.t WQf'ka Y&rd, Rhln<' f'h:tnrl"l, foot nf 31.st S t. J'hon<' Harbor 2B7.J. Carpenters A vail able tor gt'rk'ral rnalntl'nancr and n·pc~lr 0 . :Z.. KOJtF.NTl'ON Call JIMI)IIr RJ KEYS »ad'e While You Walt VOGEL'S 100 lolaJn St.. &llloll "H). ~arlne. Halboa l~land 1.14·tr• -F-0-R--R~--~-T-----------41 SPEClAL 5-room. 2-bl'droom atui'CO, larttf' llVIra& and dlnlnlt room., with ri'llf (jrppJIIM', hl'lrdwood noor11 lhroucMul. lnrf(" lr\14'1<1 room In r••nr Ct•mc>nt fltMirf~ •·l>lrkt>n hull-•·. nh'•• r~ort1. wl!h !)lo•Oiy of "'" n nnt1 no" •·nc. ..,.,,,. tn lll'h•••l llflrl •h••flJiinlo: $. •1!)0 Inrom1• ~111t! Hom<• I.Hrr·•• lot I 1'11141 I loln•·k frum l"o•WJW!rt llh tl ftldr, un (r~tnl Wnttld n uck1• 11lc·111 nlorhoco~l r;tr(M'f'ry, h;·r,ulv ~h~>Jl. I'll' l.<1q(l' 3-room m•.drrn 11111 In n•11r. O\'C'r ext 1 n l11r1:•· l'l•oo•hlr ~en.rll£1' This prr'l"'f ly b nn l"'lllrll ~trlfcd iflVt.'lltmt>nt. Only $H450 New 6-Ronm Home ;1-llf'droom In nlc·t"lll rraid1•nttnl ~l"'('tlon nf ('f)Siil MNa LMt.:'' (lrl'plll4'(>, hdw noon. lnla nf tile In hath 11nd kllrh,.n. n,,..,.t Apat~t ~ealol'<', douhll' l(ariiJ:r Vacant movl' right In 'J 2,2!)0 Overlo(Jkin$! Oc•·:m 17 ·11crl'. 1-ronm ""'"'' In vrry clran t'lll'ldlllt.n plu• l·room Al)l In rPnr wllh lmlh ~>ncl kltcht·n. h11rbf'r1u• nn•l-~·mr·nt wnll•·d Pllflo, ~·arrll'll an•l 1'111\ •>~itliJI $~17!';(1 1{, A('r1· On ('rc rnf•r ; ""'m ''"'I" r•h" tlt.t I'·",.,., "II h 1:11o''' 1 •><1111 lln Wo·•l •lrlt• "'lh 1)/'oflrl \(n\ \'lll"tlll, II111Vf' rl~tht In Sl·tf( Co~npoundecl :\fotor Calion. 70r Oil Ph. Rf-acnn !'\<;:z2 73-tfc ~ • 1R SA I.E . :\tust <-•II lmmr- ""' I I' I)' I !l fl Tilflm P8Qf1 'fX'('(f !)oat, /2 h p F.nnn1~ oulbnard motor. CTadl,. boltt traii'T. 16-ln. ll''h«'b: ht)at and rnnlor 1n - cnndif ion. ~ 00 lnrluirt' Port nf No'\'l'n Svu. 817 Cout H il:lh · way. 56--ttc: :l-TlC!tll'otlm H 1rme t '(IR RY.:\I--;\tr~l$1 I. '"""' hr 1-:11111 sit1t> 1,1, 1;:-,~:nll l 'l•-...•• In mutol,. n•·:tr h• uoll :\I:.! llolt YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave .• Balboa 51t~ N. Moln St .. Sllllta Ana or Alk thC' operator for tht' QliC'f Opeorator Southern California Telepltone Compaay 42-ttc Western Auto Supply Aut horiz.ed IX'aler 1836 Newport Bh·d. eo.t• Mewa 41-tf(' FOR SALE-Man's ~war bk)l· clr: JU-t like ~. Re.vy dut) tlr..-. $50. 512 38th St .. New· port. !\?·tiC Fn Plac-" p Kindlinc WOOD ... ~Uwred H. W. WRICHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 N"'opnrt BJ,·d. Just Anived P'rwh HN.J"ln( AJd BATTERIES Gundl',.,n ~ll' Co. 117 M l'lin Sl Ph Hl'l rhnf' !l15 116-tft VF.N'ETJAN Dl.r,\"0~--Aiumlnlf" steel, wood. Call u. for ff'f't' 8tl mat('. ~·atk:m "-norlnlsh.ln« So. Coast Yt'fM.'U&n B]incl Co Wwt 1801 and N~ Aw .. ec.ta Mesa. Ptl: DMeoft 5J515..1V JP,tlt .. OR SALE-1.. fl chnkl'T t)'JW ale iff. $3S Zl Rr~t<'Orl Bay. :--; ...... rort RMII'h. 56-tIc FOR SALE-~ II mahoeany ~1. V-8 Paracon llllriDr motor, •1th air ..,...., traJ)er: boat In watM'. will cirmnnltralr. $1r'-"l Hart~ :?l!n-W. :\..,,, ~hrcu<t A' I' . :-.;,....,.,...1 Rco:lrh 51>-21(' F()R ~AI.F • ~ft L.ar~tr"k" rltnlth) "11h I~ 3 1, h p OIJI· hnnrd m<ltor Fnf"''o'lllr.t ~IN-r'1n.: Rtrhuftv n Y art! I AIV'hl'lr;lll.'• IIIII'V K ;lf;!l ~Jtp I '"I"' I'•Jrnn:c tl•·l ~!:or !"o/;.:,!1•1 R< If rM FOR R t .:-<T Furnash• •I. ('\r ... • In h1tth. 111 .slnJ;II' mnn 516 36th St 57.:/tt•l 'f·W 3-h<-dn ..-.m "''h niN' v)l w JMw. (1,.,,111, nll'f' ) nrl'l Sunrl• l'k on top $12,4!)0 ROO~ A:"D . flATII Cor r• nt h~ Uw day. S.."i fr•r llrt(';17 ~I fnr I two. 429 Short St.. Nrwpnrt Ht-lchla. thr,... hi<OC"ks fr<>m lh• ArchH !l7 rl• I ... Acn· "'ANTZD TO am U l llvr•rlooklnr;t ,:.. .. un , Whlf•r; l(llrlf••n; nrur r"I'II''Y '""'I"" II ~···nt "' WANT 1'() RENT -2 or l hf>drm I unlumlsht'tl ~ Will lt>IIY' $20fJ() Can Sam PorteT at Huhnr 7117 -- or 13. y·,.tfl ~·on RANnWS l '" tn M'TH~~ APT nr SMAI.L IIOIJS~; w11nt•orl S"t' I ·~ Tn<lhy by mAn :md "If I'. Wt> lin n• • 'f-. o SIJI rttd• l'rlrf'd to ~II drink rr 11mokl', no r hildrf'll •·• ,..,.,, J'hnn,. S.nt11 An11 r~r•l w ,\fAI"Y Mnnr· r'UI\H: rs A:-lfl or writ,. Rllll "X" Nt>-.·pnrt lhl ·~riii.K IT 11\'Eif ' bt.-:-.; ....... ,..nrnc ~ :n • I• 1111 Af:r(\ Ranch ':!-hl'ctrnom hn~•~·· h~trn, rhll'lttn hotl!ll'. pMC'«' $47oo 1 { ... A<'rc Ranch 011ndy 2:hl'drnnm ~. nrwly d•'<"'lf'nlf'Ci ln11ldf' 11nd •1\Jt Ca- rag(', h11rn, rhl<ot hnuae only- $6~60 Oprn F:v<'nln~ and SundAy A. F: .JOHNRON 4G!1 N••wpur-1 l llvt1 . f~notl" MnA l'h ll.·.won 'olll~' M ~7-llr ---------------------El Ravn 'T'r.act lo~ll nn now A ,.,.nltf! $·17!i0 Lsarj{P Corner Lot Or) p,.nln11u~. with vlrw. $5750 On P('nin~ula 2 Be• I room H omP $1 ~.f>OO tJnfurn. $1 4,o00 f,um. I nco me Property 2 brdroom h01..,. and 4 email N'fttlll untu. LOT O N ()('T.AN RLVO. $:1000 W. L . .JORDAN 700 f'~ c~c•ntrlll, R~tlhnlt Phon1• J I arbor 1 5:l ~141--t r •. ,Jfl hn D. Hurham ~1()!11 (lt'l l\11 '"''' "''""'' llarl.,,r :II :'• llnlll'W\ ·~ l ,., ,,. ( ·,.,,, • •,.,, ,,,.,~,~ ,n t ''· ,,., r ·,,,,,, •• , th, ... Pt•nin1411la 'Jirlrll r I< ·r./1 '\1 ~ Ill r:"\T l ~•,.rv n11t1 a hnlf, 'J 1 .. 11"~"1'1 h nlh lhtV<' rOIIII\ IIIP!IInh ~· fot 1:'"'~'. ll\'111~ r""HI. fir•· pi Ill'" kll•·h••n hNirr.om "'"' tu,ch ''"' r l:llr'llt:••. wnll h•·1•l•·r- 21M nrF:IIN FJtn~;T t Jlnry A nit n h111f . :l l>n•lr..,.,rn "'"' t:utlh, lnrv.,. rromn UJI'IIIII" r .. r st\lf'111, llvln~e r"""'· flr,.plllrl' dlnlnte roorn. k lrr t ... n. ,.,w,.rf'fl pnrr h with l>ltt l,.•f'lll', lnwn nllWI'f'~. l11t"h1·• lorlr k Wlllk~. !)lrkrt f••nr·,.. '"'"''""'llniC ,,,.,.h llf'lttllltlll IIOrMI rlr iNI VI <•W ro( r""'"" Th• '" h••u•• • .,,,.n ll11lly for ln~[W'f'IIOI1 '17 I fr ('()STA ME~A 1:'11-J i o\.\1'11 C.:T hto!OI' ••r h •l'l· 11• •• ~ IIIIJ.:<• Pl'orn• \ l>~·tlru"tiH, ""''"'' l'~llll'•' '"' .,, "" ·~MI. I ,,,,,. . .., ,,, ,., "'', "' ''"''ll lm· m•·•i1:1rc '""~. (.j:l lr/fl ( IWn• r I '(Jl!l !'ll\ I W I . 1\!Ail hv ''""''r :l'i f•••' '"' In 111'• I tlo •h ulol• •• ,. l( .. n r 111 I ·, • nl• 11f I ' lol•o~·k• ftom ~"'•f• lin• I"'"'' \Mol l'n• • •I ltr •,.II nn '''''"'" l'r•ll I ~~­ Anl•••l•·• l'hnnr• Clrlll>~t ••Ot· :.!f(.'J I'W•nln~;s tx·IWN•f'l '\ nnd T ·~ :Jt r 25-n. hnnt. t:m h.Jl. motor. C\wn~ dlv- lna rqulpnlmt nnci pmc't"S8ln.c planl Nee. ~1 200 n month owr n )'('til'. ()nJy $7000 buY!' t hlll hu.U~ .t AN11Ql TF. SHOP _:_. Thil• low·OYf"f'tH!ed l.~tl~<ill('t(S j;!l"\~ dr...~ 1cl $1!'1.000 per year. Jr ytlll c•un tf'll ~pc:ICic• ft•nm Mlnsc. hnv.-yoUr nfh-.tTioon~ r"-..-nn11 ~i7M to huv the-Nfi •. mntro h1wnhwy . yntt rnn tllk~ owr t~ m om)\,, In n r•INuumt nnct pm(ltnbk-one- mnn l (•r womnn) rntl'rpl'i,.·. .t. f'")()T> MA HKF.'T..-'Mtc• '1\tb-IMlil'll pay owr n hunrtn'rl ttolhn"M mc)r{• thAn lho mAih!r '''"~ nnct the' rrmrkrt r\C"ttf'llt jlurt undfto ~:..)f)l)() lrt .Jurw. Owtwr wtll wurk a month wllh huy.•r tn ~otiVf' him thf' tow-down. WID hwmto ry $1~.000 \\1th a rt'ftaOI'Ulhle owr- IIJ:t' for plus (lrnf'ttll ltnd ('ftmlng potentlall.. t. .t .t t TAC1<LF. ANO WATF.R SPORTS- GI'OIIM'f! amund R hundred thOUMnd a ,.ar with About $.'\0.000 atoM<. ~ b!n·)'M.r a.-,.~ ~ wtth ttw 11tocit at a third OYer <"'Mt. ~ hooklc ~ ••t.tandal am-ln~. Ex<'f'llmt loc-ation. .. .t t t t HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors 30th •t OPntraJ Ptl ...,.., 11110 • \a 51-lte " --;;~'()RON"A m;. _M_A_R---;F;::"':::R:-::8-:-A:-U=:-:.---=Ra:-:lboe::--:-W.~.e,~-'!!1- 2-flNlroom Hom(• hOuJM! wtth lood ,. I a .. AVail•.,., .oon. OwMr ....... Nrw f"tl..., SI0,:\00, halt CMh, w-. $11.ooo <'•II lluh "--'""'· ...,. a.w "" m4-R I'Vt·nlnr•. 8'7·2• l Jntfol ! 1 tiOO .., --- W . .J. Hnlromh I ,I~ mn 111AJX-Ry _.... ~ on nay A,.,, neu ,.... lnctulr,. P 0 . Doa ... ,.,.= f:l!f'ht•lw• Alwnl A(]TO "DVIO. • 1:'117 C'011111 Ill'"'""· ('('"""" •k-1 MAr Wh•·r•· th•• F"lnu• ,.,Y ____ !rf-2~ NOW HERE F\YI'·rnum h•lltlW', It'll "''•1M; n..w: N"Wfl"f'' !lf'll!ltl•: ,.,,,.. l'llr &rtrA~t": 1 '-' hlt)Ckl hlrh IK'hnol. Mlltl """ Aa a• )l'aV· lnr fM ra•t JIW)()I) M" R rr R.Nd. 3M F: t~th l't . rr.ta M"•· Tour authort-.cl OlrJ';Itll Plymouth ~. AuUtart-t ~ ~ ................... Main~ ~ llo+n's Kftldall ucl QMa. ..._ ... ·mAr1F. RF.NTAI. 2·111'itmom, N • rr n II ywt\l>d. h II r ht-~•1),.. t "" ' nr 2. hM1 r()()O') """"" flhnn,. J. A ~H 1ft1U or ffftrh .. r 1f1M "" l~'n~lnn 14, \\'ll,,.l,.r !'i7·2 1p MOPf'E1' 'I'() LO. N LOAN" TO mnt.O htr,, tJI'Iproft mrv'l""''""' nr ,.,n~tn,.. N~rt llalt)t,. v~,.,.AI 1\avtrc~ I NF;WPORT RARDOR MOTORS 2fllfl W C'~tral Aft. f'hfln,. n.rtww-1!MM-J •"" ln\11 A....-J•U"" I •• :\:11'\ \'In l.lt1r, Ph !lftrllln,. 1 'VYl _ ------TllAIU"lU4 Ji Ar-,.n~OTIVF. • TIRF.I' lUI --------------- I llfl ~ \1 1·: r. ,.,, 'VI IIIII" .. Inn ftllllfto I ,.,., "'" l•nr '•'~ • "''n1n''" ~,·. ftf• I'Y.'H N A ~II 1 '''"'r ""'"" r ;0'"11 •• w111k •·rtr 1-t-,rrf) :\~i Armrl" 111111"'" !•h llnr hnr If ",~ W !"tft 411' TIRES C'uh f1•r ynur ruu•rf tlrr•a ~c·ll TI1I'm fnr IOfl rrrlrP 111 TJ~•!-!l,•r'~ 0 . K. flubht'r WPhl<'r!4 R••I'IIJIJ•Inl( Whr·•·l llt~lttnrlna ~"""" W••rk ~illt't W ('<'nlrl•l. N <•WIIitrt f\toftrh :\4-fllr -------'·~ ------------------ WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wtll Pay Top Prices SE'Lt. YOUR CAR NOW Whn. Pr1Ciell are m.m. Pt\~ for our tXliUf"ttlouA htayer who wUJ call and 8dvt• you ~min« OPA n!'l\datlonl, C111111t1 ~ Md ~~~ aU Mulls CULBERTSON CHEVROLeT CO., Inc. a." ... and Otdlmclt6 .,....,. • .. M01 Wl!llt Olntral, H~ Reed~. ICYJ 0cN.n. ............. ·--...... -.o 'fOtJil UDIO TO t18 ____ ._.. ........ Y•O.. ... U .. N•&. ......, ...... We* o.w 0 I ~ ~ &a:parta. Radio 808 Bledric ......... cBalboa c)(arlret ...... Balboa, CaW • - •NAMEPLATES• FOR 'BOATS AND HOMES ----·~ ....... t a .,. IMp •w.~• Rea.-, BI'UI .................... 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Quooaial ........... -............. 2.50 6.50 W. ... ., ~y ••• -.&11. -~WII ....c!a ..... !'lOW 1'0 Natlcmal En..-avinc Co. ... ·c too a--... - Does Y011r House . Need Painting? ~ Agency ---- Onellud operat.ed by World War o v~tera. II ... .,.., pel e-t &oocJ wiD ud patroaap. ~ ... •rtee J!Wiyy •• Phoae HARBOR 2 64 5 Bea1 alld Hol111aa •You11 make ... , riel• a loy rlclel• Itt _, ...~« .-. faJUna ola .. ! ,_ frt Cllnroa Supre~~~t iD ,.., ...._ 11'1 ........... co 70101 car .... .. ..... .w -,..-femd .......... ~ tyias fuel&. Mtw "ksfl•1 ap10ia Chn-loa Suprmw pn yoa f .. --. __. aculendoa, piaala~ ~rformanct. lr'a the .... ...,.., foel 5caadud "" productd-)'ou can bank • ...,. aip bciat a plcuun uip wicb Cbcvroa Supreaw! W...aa'-ulete.,........ .... 141 .. -..PIIOMlON ....., '""' ewe rn !f...., ,_. o.w..-.. ,.,...,. , .. , a, 1 ... ' ..... l Federal Agency's Huge Responsibility OBITUARIES I City Takes r::r =·w:··- ls Placement of People in Postwar Jobs, F.;~~~~~F.Er:E~:~:: Title to 50 . N~· <AIII···o~~ Santa Ana USES Officer Tells Kiwanians ~~::,p ~~;i:~r::~~e:!~:~~~~ Beach L t . ;i;~~~!~~~~~·~:t :~neor:r:.i:. __ • l in California lor 28 yc&n und U1 1 0 s, "all ml'l'l 111 Sunta Ana on Au&. Balboa f n 1 h 5 for an all-rl:a,y hl'arlng. l'l••·•·m,.nt .,, tlauu•an•l• uf \\urk••r• In thr avallahl~ h1d11•l rh•• uf Oranl(r C'uunty '" unly Ull~ of the f , ::_r \'I' YNirtl. rom nq f'rto 1 ""fendant 1 -• 1 A m~'l'llll~ u l city officials and otutlt· .. ul th•• t 'nlt• .. t :o.t•t•·" t :IIIJelu\ ""'"' S.·n lc·r at !olanta Ana. leo• I rulnln~; uf lhuu .. anth• uf llll•kiUf'd for r•1m .._...,. An~•· IN!. , . 5 n Ont' \11111'1 Ill(' I u.,. ·~111•·•1 _..,.,,. uf 1111• futuro· 11, .~··II .,. tho• r•·ad.Ju•lmf'nl uf ... ,, .• 11,._ ''""' military tu tofvUian f'fllploy-Survlvln~: art' hi~ widow, Ro!w a~·tlon tnslllut!'d by the dty ~r tht• l><lurd vi supe.·n I burs waa held flle•nt ... •'"' a •mnll ""'' ... ""' \\urk thllt thf' l'IOF."4 '" ··•II···· .. , ..... tu v••rfurm In thl• pooot ... •ar prrlod. one· son, Ernrst Tu)lor or \\'r•st N,.W(IUrt 11t•lldl I'C'l'()\'('rt'd tlwlr last <'\'I'OIIlJ.: Ill '"'' l'OUnty oourt- l'lum .. thllll( "' the• '""l:"ltaul•· .. r thl~ tr .. m••ndu,_ JWa••••lh"'' ,,.,,.,,n .. tbtllty "' tta;o frdrral uarm· Hollywood; '"'' dnu~o:hlt'I'K, Mr~. prnp;•rt) hut tlw ctty W<Js ~ranh•d huusc• Ill lormulato• 11 str~t and t•lu~m··nt ••'"''''' """ tultl "·' t .. A. n~r.l, ""'"'•tant man&«"'"' th•· {lr:tnK•· ('uunty ufflt•c· nf tht-t',r:t-4, to 1-:ttw l Smith or Wt'st llollywc•<><l title to utmost 50 lots as two uth1•r lu~:hwtly vohl'Y fur lhc future and an•·nllwr .. uf ""' .S•·"'"''' lt11rl•ur Kh•anl• dub at thf'lr lunc·l~e·otn J•····linK at \\'hltr '• ('aff', Rallma, oa and Mrs F lorcnrl' Cnllowa)' rf procct•dlnJ.:S W<'r(' adjud i1·;et1•d in tu l'ttrl'l'i"''' lh•• ''lll'hJUS (lrCigTBnW l t'rl~ay. . f · ._ Oruzil, Ind.; l hN'e hrothr·r: favor n! the city hy !'Ufl<•nur wlth1n tht• ci1h:s. 'lhr 'lll':tk•·•· ":" 1"""tl111 'oJ ''' "m·k••r '"his Jnl>. the• llp•·llk•, .. ,. "You mi~-:ht I)(' surprised when lJ;trolcl of r.rnnrl Jtnplds. Mirh ' Judgl' Franklin C. \\'t•st In Sunta Ttu-st!llf' t'wllmlll•·. under the 'ht• It·' I A (,, .... ,,II I h.llf'llr.en 111111111'1'11 lhltl hiS uf flCt• hied I' 1'1 1\ ···II )UU thai \\\' also hll\'l' 900 Th<'Odorc or Allwrta. Cunadu. anrl Ana las t \\l'('k. du·t·('llllll ut Se•n. Haymond Col-• 11! llu· 1":'~111111 •••IIHIHi t.r "1 '1~~"l •d ut•pllrio·s from a rtunll"• "' l"lltlm·~ mad tw•rt ••rs right hr rc in Alfred. \\'t•st llollywnnd: on!'' Mr. nnd 1\l rs. F'ranklln \\'indlt• lit•r. IS st•t•kHlJ.: hl •·stublish a poll- h,ll\ ftn1~ 1lul.1 • l t••l .. ntuol munufa('lllri•rs "j.., 1t, .. ( 1run~;e• ••uunt} "h11 wont jobs at sistl'r, Mrs. Mmnil' Walski of W(•re awnrdcd titll' to Lot :.! tn cy t•l lughway t•on~truction Which H}rd s ITH'-.)1•!:•' 1'111"'1 ••wei tlw -•r•· tu t.wuto• !ut•tory site·• 111 ttr-t lh•·•r trad.... nr:uil, lnd. und t•iJ.:h t grnnd· Ulock' 433 Canal St·ctlnn wlwn shuuld st•r\1• tht• vunoUJI counties 11111'1 \llttl f-•t•lot 111 tlu· ''"'"""II'' ·•"1-:'' county. -;--.lubl""' oe RoUa chlldrl'n. ' 'they agreed to pay $1000 to the In future )'t·ars. O n ita recom- l•f•• nf lit•• •·ount~ lit•· :-a rul'lur.el l ll,.('o·ntralization of intl•u.try At the pn•scnt time In tht-S..rvit't'!l will hf' hrld Wl:'dlll'll·l City or Nt'wport Beach and $100 nw nd!ltlt.lnS the statt• probably will ~ttftlnllrullun HI "1111tk•~nwnl · 1worb to th(' l'COnomlc adY:Int:•t:•· J<oulht'rn llllr of Oran~:e county day at '2 p.m. fTom t he-Harold K. lt•cal fN-a to City Atty. Roland base 11s program of major and , ~rt,,.r ltrt•f~·r~ng the• Jlrl11.''11~1t· of all IM>t'lluse lt Is fundunwnl.ell) tlwr•• ar•• 6-'it)O un('mployt'd people Grauel chapel, Costa MP11a, with Tho!""pson. serondary highway tmprovementa tIt 1111111 n! h1~ t.tlk "••h "'1111stu ul ,ound, Hyrd said. 11 , •• h rd r wh , _I thr Rl'v E. D. Goodell offl loti Title was vt.•stoo in the city in to be undertakl.'n in the near fu. lnfvrmauun r••lntl\o· tv h1asu· "aJ.:\'5 n 1 1 0 om art> ~omen · . c ng 12 1 · Bl . ~ t • 1 _d\11-lnd1111t.r y E11paad-"llh nu prr' ious work history t he I and tnt<'rmf'nt wu be prtvatt•. ots m ock 14.2, rormer.ly l ure. fur llu• \\Orkt•r and I ••• nt•f' <"'itllll: a survey madt' II) lhl' ~JII•flkf•r poantt'd ou t . ---ownt'Ci by the O range County Rt'- &I'INJU811' transt-"lrlatlon It• t;t•l th•: lllJUl.U!a(•turimclndustry ol South· "Many of tht'se p~CS('nt a prob-.SORA BECK fi ning. Co. Thrt'e partners, A. G. S . • D te Se ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t•rn CAlifornia , he auert•...t thllt j('m," h<' said. 'They are, in some !'etrtl. Nora Ek'<'k, 69, died Sot-Vermlch, R. M . Thomas and \\'il-Wlm a t th,. 101111 numher ot andu,lrlnl 1nsiHnCN. tht•y do profess being urdoy at hrr home, 669 West 18th llam C. J_ones are d('ad: their I SY.tm classes an the Balboa \\urk••rs in Southl.'m Cnhfurn1a 10 tht• laltl:lr markt:'t for the t:'X· strt'<'t, <"'oslo Mesa, aft<'r a hrlef widows fa1lt'd to make appear-phase of the annual Red Crou Industry r osr from 2'15.01"' an lh•• prr,~,·d puqwtSt' of drawing un,>Jn-illn<'SS. Sht• was a nati\·e of Texu &net'S and the proc~ings were program for :>:.•wport Harbor pr~··\\ar fl"rlod' to 711,t1011 IIJt In pltt)m•·nt anHuranct>." 111nd a ri'Sidt'nl of Costa M('!la for rompl~'tl>d 6y I.'Ourt apPOintment •start nt'xt Monday. 1 \'.f-: tl.o\ Ttw US~;S ohji'CIS to this phil· 19 years Of Frank L Bowman 8.!t admaniS· '\\'e• know th111 25 pc•r ,., 111 .. 1 O!oOJthY 11~ mu!'h as anyon!• l'lso•, SurviVII'l'J: lift' tv•r wldO\\('r, Fn•d tr:ltor n( th•• I'Stata-s. • l~•h<·~". \\'t1rk••rs c11mc· rron• ..; .. u•h 1,111, H)rtl ~wd. tht• JX'Opl<' whn 11,., B<'Ck of C'ostu Ml' 11 ; onl' son.' f~trl}·s~x lots scattl'n·d through •·rn ( ltllfetrnm Tlwy \\'t'rl' olal lltr\1 llll.tflllnL; I hi" ml'ans or J.:t•ttang ~lonlt•} Chann .. l ur Los Ang('lt·~: tht' Mty . tnl'ludt'd Rln•r Sf•ctinn. rt''Jtl• nts Most uf lho·m h ... J ''" 1,.1,1,.,, tn~urlan«'t' bt'l•••vt• that tiH'y l one• daughtt-r. 1\l.rs Nurn Scholrrl Lakt> 1i;u·t, Canal St't'ltnn, ~:m.t 111•·\ie111~ laltor or fut·tnry 1"''"', 11 ,,,. 1 n~:tll to it. o! Lumlllt twel ~lstrrs. !llrs. Muy Nl·W~rt: llitlhoa Tract 1111d Sl'a· THIS WEEK -trUN...__ ....... ,.,_,. -.................. ...... __ "-_...,.. _ _._ ....... .. ll" ..... ,_ ... , ..., ... "'• ____ ......, ........ ... -· .. 1 ................ ._....., -.,.....,.. ........... ... .......... ~ .. . Ll . ..._ .. PIAaiiUII IUIAICS CO. ..........,,_, • Attention ... MPORT8MES -t,MHF.RMF.S BOAT 0 "'11iEK8 LIFE for fabrics -wt.en applied lo H&Ua a.nd ('1otlalsltr will keep u.em l)ay -AHa No \\'elpL --8EE -- BALBOAf', MARINE--=== liP! fill • WHOI.F.8AU: -RETAil, Ill ('out Hlpway .__ &101 I i\ le1,: JH'rl'o'ntnge• camt' from uur The· <J~·:Iko•r did say that th••rt' ( uuk of ~.-otn.ta ltnd 1\lrs. Muril'l , llhoro (ninny a~cns \\t•n• alsu ~HI•· thr s t11to•," Hyrd addt•tl 1~ 11 IIIIo: rh·mHnd 111 tht• Nrwport Luntl nf San ~-t'llllllro: two hroth· 1 awnrdrd '" tht• City wh .. n a st·or.-, In .lunr, H146, tlw tot.al 11u111t~o·r l l.•rl•ur ar••lt for skilltod rnachlnr~ls. <'r.l, fle•x llul~o;1n of Ht•no, !':t•\' and nf _J•stl·d . ll1•f1•ndants failt',d to op- of \lork•·r~< t'lllllluy,.d in ~ ..... ,, t'rt 1 1 t 1., 'ld. ('onst Hnt l tud.l(ln~ of S<•urcllll••ht l !JQSt' uctwns or waiv!'d tntrrt'lliS I · c•ltrtk'n ,.,.~ am ton .,ua t'rs. • · · • j 1 'alott~a'fllll \\'liS :.?ftl,OOO. Th" 1' •'' 'If 1 t~•ultl loy mv hnnds on borlt Nt:v. I a reodul'tlnn of o\·er 51 ...... ,. 1'1'111 1 J·' 1 ld pl. ~ th,.m dO'"' Funl'r11l Sl'r\'it•cs \\'('r(' held nt 2 1 New.·Tlrnel advertiaementa an. • • I" illl uo•r,: l'IIU a,e . . nn • od . ..., ... _ -~--l SlOt'<' \ ·E day. . lwn• "h••n• th,. dl'mand I'Xct>l'l'il p.m I ay 111 lhl' H arold Graurl )'OW' ., ... ....w to _,t ll)e'Ddl.nc. At lfw present limt' tht' lal•er tlw ·~u J ,1 :· Addt•d thl' nssistnnl chapel. CostA Mt•sn, ~lth lhe Rt'v. mnrkt•t m Southt'rn Callfo. rnHI has manra~•~·~ ~r U. SF.S Carl Jo~nson ortlciatmg a nd infer -s H 0 E s a trem('ndou• number of p.•opl•· Thr various cla~>sificalions of ment Will I)(' In Searchlight, Nev. 75 J)l'r Ct'nt is lhe rough III(Uro•, ••mplovc•n dcmandin~ ht'lp are I for the work that wtll be rNtumod 111., nnrl structural. .___.._. 08 TRA \'F.Ll.SO IRONS Who haV(' had little ~r no trlllllllllt l;m:\11 'huslnt.'U("S, r('lllaurants. tex: Rent Rates a-..-WbDe y Walt of thl'm It lht'y should apiJI) fur lob!! Alla.I)'U'd Ra p Industrial jobs in the f1ri'SI'Ill "In lht' lut thr('(' Wt'ekS the y agan [ ..... ...... ] pc~~-. k d . I h . l 'St;s has receh•t'd reqU('IIt~ for H•lt County 515 East Bay Front • W (' now ur ng t (' "nr "''ml'n in clothin~t and leather in-o-..1 a..trto the governm.,nt contractt'd P '<'•Jllf· d ~t r't's and th...rt' Is a demand Hat.._ t. ~ ~ Oah Ba 1,~ .lf9" ! for work In .the planta an" ~h1~ !t~~ :,.rtaln types of workers ·in t ._ -. '-1 p. -. r '/llrds prlmanl~ for one Opt'riiiiCtll 01:\l'hlnery-auto and fann rna-Poor Board ==============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and In SOfll(' tnatances aklll "llll ,.11 f' .. not requirt'd " Bvrd ld 111 r) • ~ • 18 ·· Ryrd next explalnt'd t he pro- • l!lkW ()e=a·•ed N'SM'll or analyzing prospective But m the r~nvnsion (lf'raod JOh holders from 8 personalized pravate Industry 11 de-mand1og a 1, d 1 t Tht' county board of supcrvis- higher dt'gr<'<' or skill from tis 5 ·Th•n <~ ~~rvf'vw' h<' said will one ors w as ha nded a ht•adach(' Jut workf'rtl. ~ .. ~~-• . . week in tht-form of rent incrc8Se11 "We take men and build th<••r dny be the pattern by "''htch all and It looks as if there Is noth· llkills up and within lht' ICO()I' of lndUstrlt'll ~~ l'mploy people. ing for that hody to do but pay . fivl' yt•ars Industry will ab!K•rlt \ "11 Aldrd l Welt are Dlroctor Thomu P. tht'm much bettl'r than nO\\ ... ' Sf>rVIC<' to vett>rans 111 anotht'r DouglAs lnforTned the supervison~ Byrd df'Ciart'd. one of lhr job!!,J)t'rformcd hy the that a doZf'n casC'Il of increa_ws in Explaining ttw prOCt'dun· or•s:· Unltt'd S tates E mploymf'nl Serv-N'nts paid for quar tt'n for WE>Ifare lnaUng with thi! Unitt'd Stuta•ll let'. patient~ have bct>n reportoo to his Employml'nt Sc:-rviC<', ht aaid Hlmaelf " V('tcr An of hoth World office. He also said that the county I'V(•r y applkant proceued tor a War 1 nnd IJ. tht' employment will have to pay the lncrrnS<'s or job is fllX'Itlont'd nhout his work 1 llrrvlrf' offiet'r sa id h,. has an at-look for othl'r living quortt'rs tor history, "And wht're thrrl' is no 1 f('('lion fo~ ""l'ry man who hnsl the JHilil'nts, something that Is oth('r hackground or ()(•t·u~)ltt mn, worn II uniform. . , wrll·nlgh impossibl,.. II permits us to find othl'r llk1ll1 1 llnwrvrr . h,. SAtti, thE' Vt>leran , On<' Wt'lfarl' Clit'nt living In fnr thi'St> people." llhould not 11lways dt'pend on his 1 N<'wpo~;:t Rt'ach ~:ot no tier that ·nw l lSf'.S no"· hllll !r.!,IIO(l Jl('O-r:l~.ry In lt~'1 h im a good joh . 1 his $10 a month room will ht'n('('· ph• a,a,Jnhlc for truo•krlrl\ in.:: flo' ~<hould h<> m~dl' 10 n•ahz,. forth <'OS I him S.'iO monthly all 1 72(10 fnr wt•ldin~: wc•rk , 7, .. , l"le·rkfl thAI h!· Wll~ 11 rivahan hf'fnr<:; h(' th1t1 the• rounty a llows him for I'Xr!USI\t' of ~l l'nl'l;rllf/IH r~ nnd W<'nt 101•1 thr !'CfYI('l' a.nd a ('1\·aJ. h\ lllJ! I'XJ)t•nSl'S. VETERANS. • • We will build you a Three Bedroom Home in Costa Mesa Come In and See Us Newport Bay Company t)Jeists '"11w ~:n·ato-st •I• mand Is Inn "hc•n hr ~:ot nut ()f II anrl lh~l I Anothl'r rlu•nt in Costa MI'S:'I fnr sto•n01Cfaph,.rs nnd '''""'"·" ht• h~ mra~l mmJ)('II' ",'h. f'll.~rr !'I· Y.IIS tnfnrnwd that hill room rt'nt ~llld 1 Vllr:en~ rn ~cunn).! a JOh. R}rd was r11ist'd from $2!'> 10 $6(), and 17th and Fullerton, COSTA MI';8A ThouAaDda A\aJiahlr l satrl !'<till anolhf'r In th(• !18111(' rommu-G~~f' M. Hols~in m llusmt.-ss dl'rnancl~ ra lu;:l"'r d<'-M'"' ',.l,•rnn~ \\ant to he A nity got notil'(' or 11 rAise from $18 , fZl't'(' of l'ffieil"nt·r Pc•farl• f11r lh!'Ae· C'llll•'n and ronpo•ratt• wat h th,. to $2!;. positions mu111 shuw ,., Hlo·n1..-of Unil••tl ~fait•!< F.mplnynwnt ~('n'-Onl.' 11111' ('\1Ciion agninsl n wl'l- nhility In prod uct•. tha• Sllo'llkl'r I('(' In thr lulll'r·~ r ffnrt In piA('(' !nrr· rlif'l?l has bt•t'n llou~:ht, Doug· addt'd. thrm '" J•ll~. thr f•mployrnt'nt or-las s~d. nnd this at Corona del "The wcatNII d,.mnnal 111 this fkh1l nrlr1Ht , Mar rlassifiration is ro1r ""'""L:r:tpht•rs "llowr\'t•r, wh('n you ronsidt•r nnd typtsts: W (' connnt 1:••1 e•nnugh thai thl' }oung mnn WA~ ynnkf'd of ttwm to supply all r"llii'Sla.'' out of his hnmf' antn lhr !'I'T'\'Ire hi' said. snd wn.~t thrn"'TI mto ph~·stcal ron- Sf'\'l'n lhuusnnd d,.rk:e; are· slso tact with nth<'r pha~f'S ()( military nt't•df'd in Orang!' t'mmt), Ill' rt>· lifE', you l'llll r•'nd•ly undrrst and porll'd. his rmotlonnl rl'nl'tion," lhl' spcak- Thf' USES also h11s 11\'Arlahle rr stnll'ff. 92,000 poopll' for tr urktlravlng: 1 Thl' l 1SI·:S h11s n d<'partml'nt 7200 for WC'Iding W,ork. :.!'w() for whkh mllke·~ 110 l'ffnrt IO adJUSI mN'hanlral wnrk: J(IOO (111 a~llt'm· ''l'lr•r an,; tn llw altf-...1'1~ of 1'1\'il lifr . blf'r work : !10Cl for mo rr no• rna· And m I h1~ \\ ··~ lu~ l'llnnre·s nf ('01· o•htnl'r}. nnrl 7;;(1 for t rur'lllr opcr· plpyme·nl Ill'<' o·nhnnrf'd. nlion 11nd 7tl0 guoNb I Plat'f• llandluppc-.1 ~Inn) or tlw JXY•PI,. m the• rna· JlnndH'lti'J'll'd prtoplt• "hn arl:' Drive CanruJly-Spare a Lite. FOB lNSUBANCE 8U.: Howard W. Gerri•h 1101 Newport BoaJenrct COSTA MJ:8A PltoDe BeecoD 5151 Roland l~erlof ~- VACATIONING EAST? • Go the thrifty sipht-seelnp war .... rhmt' shop and alitl'rl CW'!'Upntlona, 11 k 1 nre• JlllSSNI lhc lll:l' hmll hut art' pnt,.ntltl Y ""r rrs ar(' a~" prn- l'<'••rlll) o•mpln)uhlt• nl•ml( \\llh the I ('('ll.~l'rl f•)r •·mployml'nl thro111:h -.> t•ungo•r nlt'n, ll) rd !<llld 1 hr ft·d••r nl • mplrl)Till'nt !'•'" lf'o' REALLY DIS TIN·CTIVE Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Lirens(' and Contrnct Donds Wlittt>n VENETIAN BLiNDS B UDGET Our Blinds Are Guaranteed Phone Beacon 5881-J Wood Steel Aluminum GORDO.N . B. FINDLAY COSTR \('TOR AND BnLDJ:R O tnl'f': MIO Cna't Rh·d. P11on'" Hamor U t CABINET SHOP SERVICE CAIUSt.;TS AND MU .. l.WORK T (' JOHNSON, Supt. 40'1 30th l'li'N't PboM: Harbor !888-.1 ATTENnON!! 0 Home and Boat Owners Sinks,. Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Speci fi9ations • M"aA.al.&-1-o ..... -..a, • M NI'rA.aT-l'l• ...... -._, • aDI8TA!{T .. -~ ~.._ ......... .... ...... • .-u&."11'---,_ ....... • arom _..., --• ...aNATa D&UYUT. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. .......... _._ -------...JJ DEAL'S • Famous Smoked Fish AJ"'1l~"8 Fn8h 110 McF9r,dden Pl. Main Store: 101 RJrllwar "At aMid to Balboa I....,. Boat-Owners ••• . Can v.as By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1M9 So. MaiD 8&. • Pboae 207 SANTA ANA Greyhound gives you •• ~ ereater Variety of St•nlc Raut•s. Y o u can go o ne way, return ano ther •.. taking your pick of numerous scenic routts in both d irections •.. all o n one r ound-trip ticket. . ~ Mare Dally Departurea last. Plan your trip ro suit your own conve nience. Choo~ fro m numerous, round-the-dock departures to ~nywhere Ea.st..,right from your home rowD. l.ow, Dallor-Savlng Parea. Greyhound's thrifty f'areune you more to spend o n other thinga u you go. San wear ud rear o o your car ... traYel at eue for leu COlt daaa driYiog. 10~ extra aavin1• oa rouod trips. U SCHIDULII DAILY PROM LOS ANOILII ..... , .... . ..... ,. ..... , ..... u ~-·· .................. Q.11 ......_ ..... , ••. ,._.. ·-Clt}r ..• 29.N Newo.tee.e .• MAl P'-'IJ" /.J..wl - C.(', 8"atford ~ GREYHOUND • • I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY -----Giving Mmes, nddrcs.<;('S and telepholll.~ or Mnnuracttu;n~. Busirl<'SS nnd Pt·oft'S-1\IOII.d lnle'I\'SIS vr Nt•\\ (lttt1. Hnlhou, Cl~tn Mt·~. \III'Ollll dt•l Mnr. Huntington Beoch and vicinity. Heproduct10n of this Dll'l'('t OI'Y ln JI(Mik l11t'lll ''Ill ht.• 1\'mly for FHEl·: cUJ~t t1huth'll soon Corrections in addresses, telephones, etc, an~ ad~itim1al listings may be made up to 6 P. m. tomorrow do not write but p1Pa8<' phone Harbor 12 or 13 or Harbor 595 ACCOUNTANT~ Al'TO RF.PAIB A"D 8EK\ I("E BEAt'TY MAl.ONM I ('F.~~t>OOI>-;r.R\·IcE--~-~TH \I'TUUI"-'t.UUSt: -,-ii:'t:t 'TJUI AI. ut:\u:K~ \SU u.COn :tUir.M \Nit MAKIU~M l .(fllftD BASSETT. GEORGF: D -2004 W CULilERTSON C ll F: V J'l 0 L F:T IRF.NF. SCULL'S BF:Atn'Y SH\ll' MtiN\ lZ Ht\\" :.."11 Krl<lll. Custll CROt~r ~ :\I· \'ll.l.~' I Nt' 1.\ll I !OY.K\ H't. r:t-:ntu~t-: !" ~l 'f't;n M Altt-\1-~1' II IM IH'l ~ntral Ave, N1•wport RPach CO, INC-30()1 W Ct-ntral -ll"f'ne &oull, 0"'Tll'r. 30!'1',1 llll•fR.llNil'(ln !\-147 S.OptlcTank ('nallt II\\\ No\\foort 1\t·u•h l""F\\I'Illt l'll.l-'1' AI'PI.IANl"l•;...;l tltll\'wut llwy ,t"nr,,lliii1••1Mm ~~~\~'A.:J;:..~~h.·:~DBeedL Harbor 1805-J At"t.'Ountant Avf'. Newport ,l3(-ach Harbor Main, Balboa Harll4rr 1AAO nnd Co'!JSI)Ool P umping Alao O.•twon ··l.lT I' 11 114•x t71 :!:ttl' t 'u·o~t II"'', No•w111,rt , llllrh;or :\.'It\ l'uurh~>UJ S.•rvlro• tlarhtlr 2._\4S COLEMAN, D F -11104 w Cen· 513 Complete Aiitomotl\'f' St-rv· Permanent Waving, Shampoo-I C"4'UJl(Xll and St•plk Tank Utllld· Rulkhi'll•l• Pro~l.:rna: l\tlt<lrtOIIII I l\t·ll<'ll ""' .... , :!I \IC , ... , fo'C'(lltl l Qultllt) Mo•rt'hllmll•·· l'lroul)' or \\' ARn .tHARRINO'mN LUIII· tral Ave , Nl.'wport 6<'ach Har· let' Chf'vrolel . Oldsmobile, Cad· ing, RIMing and llalr Tlntfng 1n1: 1'1oat1. I'"'"' 1111!1 '1\•"'lnt: l 'tllllllu•rl'llll It• lrt.:••r nth Ill l'hll· t'f.o'f' f'nrkln,.: 111 lto•11r nf ~ION' f\ER m 1\a Dt trtet Yri bor 1374·J . illuc, Hydramsllc Part A Sf'rv· Comfletf' &auty S..r\'1~ --('tiiLOIIES APPAICF.l t 'O!'It'TR \C 'Totc--...--;\MTF.it sfll "' Ho•fn~:••• ,,.,,.,. 1111ol Fr,.,.,,,,.~ IIFII~IIt-.V:-AN'I'UN MArtKfo-:'r C 'O Wnd, .. '( (' 'narrt~ HAFENFELD. B N -7H E Ire Towin~~: Sf'rva("(> Unlop 76 KEfTI ·LF:E BEAUTY S ALON-• • -' ' tuu.· I' hurh Hda i~1t•ut.or11 uruJ 1 Sl"-''r ~l()l) MArino' Ave>, llnl· W II S Sp& I. l1l Ocean' Front, Balboa Harbor Gu. Oils :md Grea~. . 209 Marine A\'1'. RIIIIIOD laiAnd normY SliOf', TilE lltlh And nPPS, l 'IT \S (' l~l() ~''"' ,, ... I '"'' l rna:·· ( ·,,.,,, '" I\,,., ltdrttl '""' lalnnll Hart. .... IMO r:roil' t (' n rr " ~-.~ 726 Res Harbor 1429-R Book· DA \'EY GARAGE-M M Da\'ey. Tl'lt>phnnl' II ru bor 261 S!X'<'I•I· Snll)' llr'()Wn 711 t-: \ "('nlr!ll An • ( ,,, 11<111 oh•l Mnr llltrt .. w I o'l'llllttll I'IJIIIftlllt "' ;\l•n Hluluol .......... .,. •. "" Mt•l\1• ''""'''""''"' ,..·"'· it: h 11 ....._ keepmg Systems Installations o-. ner. 2 1292 Newport Blvd.. izlnJ; in Cnld Wnvf.'li, Dyl'inJit, 1\\t'. 1\alhoa llttrhor ll~W 11~7· \\' ''•u I Wnne•n llo•flt'"" Snlo • 111111 '-I," h'o' "nfl f'rult• Ho••''" '"' fo'n••h I ••wport AI' A nut._ llnd Monthly St>rvlte AuditS COIIIII Ml:'lll Beacon 520l ·J . Hair ('\lltin~ and Stylln~: Jane•t • Now·lty nnd To';~. . :\1110-J I "I pl~t<lo•rtn.,; 1'1111 n ... -I ""'" 1-'1111 l.hw ul I h!IIHI'II, 1111· ~ .. talf'rlllhl f'lvr YArd. In o...._ Tax St'r"'lct' C'omplel•· Motor Ovl'rhauhn~r:, nnd Mary rn 1\ttrndi\OC'<' S'f\)llt-\ l'F:NTII\ll !'F Jrm tlt•n· F lpflll. •••• ~ Hnc' !-\n ntn t\nn f .Sc.t,P:)4 /ll'r''"' 11n1t 11oltll•••ll•• c nunt)• HOFFMAN, A (" 3102 Lafny· <Tackrd BI<1Ck5 \\'hi'<' I and Axil• \TS BEAl 'TY SIIIIP 110.'\ C'u11st rk t'llnn nm1 Do•• llo•}lf own,•rl< I Ph ('II'" \1 S l \lit i,\ II I ' I t..\1 II ';\II :>:I' t 'I I 11 1.1 'I'll!' M ARIH"J' l 'ltntnn 1. Jlt1\('lffNP! Nll(ll"fll ettc AHL l"r" porl St'ltch liar· AIU:nin~. Trri' flnlancing. S ll'ltm llwy ("Mnna do•1 l\lur llarhor 1211 1\\lllll ""' <'nrona do•l --C'JU:IltT Rt:t• •RTt~CI '1111' I 'o ,., I tlh•t II"' Ne•\\ l'• It•\ ot\\ tto•r, 1 tT No•\\ t••rt •\I 'TOMIYI'lVF flART!'C 8F.RV1CII bor 71~ Puhlrc Arrountant. In· Cll'llning, Nl'w Hnllt"rio•s and 17~\V Mnr ll~trl,.lr llt.!'l \l .t:si·t~~"' ' t••r t It• '''' H·•~•"ll '\I'll l •t. llh ol 1'••~111 l\1·~" llo·ttt•nn <t(\'1\\' :lFfiSt ~a~taAfta Ph. com<' Tax Counsl'lor, Yacht Rl'('hargang. BJilU •·,uulfil C'IIIRUI'RAt'TUKii4 , . • lrrl"'''"' '"' 1 .. "'rat l\1utnr~1 IOt:!'\7-.1 ('t~tnpl"'•' 1 '''""'" M .. r. l''i2 tl··~t 1-' IIOW't'lt ~ Broker. G<on4'ral ln~ur.tn~o> l HI·W AY <11\RACF: 17<10 N<.'W-I ("\ lAST 1 HI P IT nt rtf •\\ 1 l'l "" ~ ... I llt;llu'' I''" ~lC\tl flo,..~•· k••l J."r, ~It }.'••nt" ~·r••"h \'o'tt c· 1 I 1 I 'M hi ' ~ PIERCE.JI\MESO 17~1 N ow-ooriRhd.,l'fflllt·Mo•sR fll·nt"On ('(tSTA MF.Si\ HIHn FArtM GHI-T~III'I,H:.t\LII 'I, \\'ll,n~:n., lloJ """""' ~·•11\lt:r '1111 I"''''''""' l .. r M•••"•"' thtl·l "''""I··• '""' "'rull-f\1'11\••n .. tl ~:.'~~~:.;:··~,.;..~~lh·t'!."1~«'R*"'" d ,... •1 J'~ 5Jo O ffl :X~N•"I'I'r' R"cl (",,.,,, Mt'ln l J) t :l./7 n ,~ (,,,.,,, M•sn ton-I It"' :'\'"l'"r t tlt·tt•h "'"''' ~''''"'' 1 1,1.1111. f(.turllo l 1,1111\ •1 ~ •, ,n., port lllv "ostn ·' '~.l ,.-:~ron I l'nll Stntinn rnr Auto-Ht•SH•on 'l:llt II. nron :l.'\11(, I ll(lw•· hrs ".!·7 Tlt·tol'o•tt ,,,: t I 'r•••ltt H• t••rlll•t· 1111!. All 'II•'' 1 I• ",,\"1 ~ 1''1 H •ll I 'I.'N'I'L'J' •f,•tt I A"tlll I '.': .•llllnw ... ~~~vrptltftfadnc, 53.'l5·J. Audtts, llnokk<'I!Ptnlt mohlll' C"hth of &ruth1•rn t"nll· 11 Ill ~h•ntl ,1 \\ ,,,111,.~1111, nnd 1 _ ___ __ ~ • r ' :· ,, ttn "'"mine: r .... ,. <"'cup ... Setups. lll14tkkl'<'l''"l: and Tax fornu1. 24·tlour !'f'nlrr 110.'\'f IU'II.Ilt~RI' A:\U l-'rtl1il\' '. UF.P.;f'\1 t.\1UIIt\1'11Rit"~ t.\F. Tlt\I'I;ISII 1\1 r ltiH 1'1\lt~t Ill\\', (o~ttnll f\o•ll"·n • Sf'r\lco• J<FMI' ~ nF:AC'U:-.1 SF:R\'ICF. -RF.I'AIRS / III'~I'~:JNr. nrllll-fiT J p C.~\\ FNJ)tl 1 lil lY I t fo' :-.1 I' J\ 1. ""~: .. 'F \\, 11 •P:-. 1 1'111 1., P II tl• I Mn~ llnt,)~ot1 IN, .I 'I .r,""" );i\Mf'O.:IIN MAC11lN·~ ~HOPS- AIRPOitTR llttV R Kl'mp. prOII ' R'.:'l ..: 4th. Ltt\\ MA:-.1 IIC\A r Mlll.nt-:n~-1-'ullt• :0111·."'!1 \Ill~ I lid~: •lth & rJ-:<1 1\ ,, 'I\..... 11'1(1'\ .. ""''' '"" ~,_, ~ lin) "'''"' llull••ll h lunr1 I ..... , •. : ''''" r.~ •. , •• i \ j'll• ·~·I··~ I II "' l"l\ml*"' ,_,..f"r, teeM ~antA Ana !'l!ll;n romtJII'II' Mo-N L Lo\\man 1'1(-sr~no r nnd l\lmn. SRnl:; 1\n .• l'h ti4'lJ,; n • .,. Ave> I .... l.t 1\lo•\,1 llo tto\tll ' tl,t•l•tt ,::'-.);.' ,,, l l~tlo ... Ml'lhol\l ,·:11 I . IIIII~ 1'''"' "'' .. '''"I No•wro;rt "\'ti C'naiA M...a. N~Vl9p(thlllTanRdAYI,Is.~C'':ynti~I.A~~t~ lllr ()\ rrhauhn~: Motor 1\Jm•up nurldr r ,~,nr, No•Wj)(lrt 1\1\'d 'I Ph Sant I i\nn I.!C.3·M Untxoln riii.'H -\\' I "' I \ ,. I 'I II I IIIII~ I ", .... ; I ~·v ' .. II II) Mil HT II'' '"'""''n !VW!t. Lhrht and ,..., " ' -"'~ Body unci Ft>ndror Work Wt:'ld· ('1•str~ l\te•s:~ Ro•.u·on !l:.!l:! ('or· Oradunto• X·Hav LniM1r111ur~ --t . • -f>'Y.F.n HTUKf'l" '· • "'. 1 , , -Mn1hlnl' Wttf'k ~llNI'I11llrlna ln l\11.'511 C'all Snnt.J Ana2110 Fly· in!! C'umpll'tl' Pt~int lng nn of 1f\rh und :-Jj•\\porl fllvd I hours !).J ' I·'• nntl lo) atJt)(lfnl·l I r."Ttsl'lol 11\tli'II•\'AI It'• H ·lll ·.,.."'lll-I l\lt''",'"''",',~' I , N<\\fk•r t llo llrh I M~trlnt• lind l\1',.1 ~uPf'IIM. lng lnstructtun Atrplanl' Sa1r s Nl-.WP(IRT At'TO WORKS -124 \\'1• SJX'I'IItll;w rn Jo'n~t <Tin!! 'rs 1 • -· KFLTI-II I llA:>:t'JS I' I t 11 S I '" "'' • · -~ and Sl'rvtcr Olartl'r Scrvt<:C.' 30th at C'oA'!I Olvd . Newport • and Ullht llouts Also n~thJ ~l'_n__ nrnc··· .''oi'• Pn\'t A''' llnth1111 J.:<lll ·N••wa••r! 1\l~ol i"o,.lll t~'I'A:'II 1-'ltiiNT Mi\rtKt-:"1" '.'110 NAI.T lltiiOP -r Beach FJarbor 1l:l0. l\tntnr s 111 , 1 Y t'IU'Kt'lll"~"' hlnnd Hnrl"•r -''o(\.1.1 M• .. ,. lle•""'11 "'1><1 !'t•t~l.!l, ll't'll• llt••·"o "'"''"' N••"'J'Of"l l\o•111'h MF.qA MAI.T lf'tfOr• ~ R. AMBl'LANCF. SF~\'U'E ASSOCI A TED A M B ll L A N C E SERVIC'F. W ll Smat h. ownf.'r Cnll operator for Zcntth 6040 24-hour . AMl'SJ:MENTS BAY ARCADF.-706 E Bay Ave , Balboa. Harbor 136.'>. 703 Edge· watl.'r , Bathoa F'ountnm lunch Roof Gardrn. Spedahzlng ln &tf'aka F;or rf.'SI'rvaUontl phon(' 0 \Prhaullng, Tune lltt. Parts wi~n"s~NG BOAr AND R F:·I <,IRIS J' C11 l11l('l1 BV ·n tt-: ~FA ,I.tiCM; ellll tt llll~ .:_'1~ w c~·::i't ~ .. ~";::··~!;::lilt-' IN'J 7 N • t11111w ,_!'-~', l1nndM¥r\lfl'.' t-'r1•1·•h l C11r\'ln anrt RAw M Joh~ and ACCCISori('f;, Nt'\\' Tiri'S PAIR YARf}-C"npt s J . Rllr• 11:.11 w t't•nlrHI AVI'' NI'\\TIOrt C••ntrul ,,,, •. Nt" ... ,., 1\t'IU'h . ' . '." .. t ..... ~ rll 1-A , •• ,., .. I Ml 1)\\'1\f•re 1170 Nr wpon m ....... Tutx-s. Rt'Cap:rln~ Ralll'rirs, dr•n EC11 ('out l hvy Nrwpnrt l1 !Wach Jlarhor ~;t').W twv t: tt11rh .. r 11"'11 1 I 1~~~ lll\ol . 1 .,.,,. l\1•·~11 "''111 '111 lt•'"''r"ll••• nmt MIM'II : AI.,-. f'olt11 Ml'llll ~aNln !'12:M..J. OW' Ht>charglng an J«>n tals Arrlll· lkRC'h lkacun rl41 t R··· Rfoar on n Gotldl'll 3(.)1) Ot·•·nn Front, RAPP • '4 •Ill ' . ' • ' -'1 . ll· .. ·r 111111 \\'trw • I ~IW'f'f•llv h .....,...,)' Malta. Aile nted with National Automohlll' 5636·\V Jfsndil' noats U to Nt'-.port llt•nrh llurh..-.r 16~l-R ·. ' 'lllN 1-. lJ 1 s .~'\.'\ •·utl:"uou \\'t\\'Jo:.~. 'I'IIF 1'111 11nrl 0t'IAI """" M11IIM Milk•. IC'I' 0... C"'ub :!4·Jiour Towing Servlct' 65Ft. Long and 100 Tons dr1w.1 ~ S 9 r,c) 11 m , Mormn~t WM· ~11,.\;,~''1 ~\ ~\1·' No "'1"'"1 ll.•tu•h l Wlllt:JIT l.liMIIHl 'I'Aill\ 171(1 I lnthln un , own••re, f\."1110 rtl4tft tn~ T11k': Out and e..nctw1etwe. NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 11hlp 11 (10 n m M,.thodh1t -_ _ _ N•·"t••rt 111\ot (',110111 M1,.11 I ""'. N•'"'l"•rt llf•11rh l111rll(lf 'Mff.t.MA~ MALT fllnn "n..to -2616 w Central A vi'. New-BOAT BUII.DI':RP4 ASO RALM Youih .... •llnwfhlll 6 30 p m Ot:l' \ICT~t: .... T I'TURP'-'4 I l l<•olf'Uil :lfifl."' t'lrt•JtiiU'f' w •• llt .':!'\:.! J C'omplo•lf' l.ln•· of t:nw'· mil W~tiiiOtl owrwr. 1"111 N .... port Beach H arbor 1:\&t-J WATSON BO ATS 611 C'oast F.vrning Worship 7 XI o m OJlKINS Ill I'T ~'T'I)HF l\1r" p llrtrltt•t'llt' Ch~tro'Vftl, Cnnl an.l frlr•J t)Jwn '1 1'a,>._ II W"·k mort Alvd. ~ta MNa .._ C"ompll'lr Motor 0\'l'rhnulin~:. Hwy. Nl'wport Bi':ll'h fk>aN>n Mirl Wrf k \\'nr~hlll Wl'dne~~dny LotJt\1,0 011,r li't:l N••" l••rl llriqU.'II l r''"'"'" f'too'lul"t• ( nmplrtr Mo-5414·W Tune Up, Balletii'S IU'Id BattPry sm. "SMALL BOAT lfOQRS " 7·30 p m nALOOA ISLAND Rlvtt 1·11~tn M;.,.;r lwllrt•n o,;f\.'\ 1 , ''" Oworhaulln11. Tul\f"·Up. ----..:\1'111J'~ &>rvrC't'. Complete Brakt-Sl'n·· ~'(' MAKE Msny Slzeos and C'llAPFL-t~fl Agal«', Ba1~ WFSTt-'."t!~·:~~NANNN ... ~~(' W j ~rt>t••lnac. f\alntlna:. Aul.,nlflhll" .. .t f) M t_A,__INO ,_ _ IC'I'. GrNtsrng and Lubrtcnttan Kinds or Sklffa 11nd Otnghii'S hland Or !larry While Mini... UH1'CIIIN1'TM · '' " '": 1 1 AN"'f'Q()f'l,.. "' AN '" • 1 u n '-"-R )R Quskl'r Slatr·Mobtlml and Ken· 11nd thf' '"''ntson Dank" Clas.~~tcr 1lfl-1 s n 11y f'ront 'nslllOn ("('I'ITi\i;l J t(l N trr ANP WAF· M Lt~tla.;lll410r. J ~. St)lllll!lo•r, ----owAa ---1l0 Rn..-ctw.y. C.ta K-. STAG AMUSF.:\IF:NT PA L(B ,-dall 20QO.Mill' ~.ulrr Also Pl\ddll'boards WE Jslnnd H~:~rhor 146.'1-R: S S FI.F Sl II'" L'"nlt'' "''t~h-1• ,,,,., T A 't'tlllnHt» n-. nc>r•. !l()iltl '"''I I ·'miAII I r. W •R.... Al-aNln MI'T·W. Manuf~ Sam Zastrow and Frank 1 a, RALPH'S GARACE-Ralph E S FLL Othl'r Good Small <Tnrt 9 30 M 1 w I 1 ' "' ., • •· • f:l\••11••. N•·wpnrt n.•111'h lf11r· l\;\ Y HS IC"T l " r. ol Kl\08-0 owners. 2111 Coast Blvd . New-Fclkt'r, 0"'Tll'r 16.''i6 Nrwport 11u~thl'l Kl'lson Fold Fist OPEN 11 00: mm.. orn ng orA 1 P C.I'Qrt;;• :-;t••rlrnr.: ownr•r!l 30'• low 1t13 M~trint> ~lc. :t!nt lA· :!ltLMacl~ A\'~' ~~=~~~~:nct=t~~~~~~~~~~~iiii;::~-~ Harbor 1677 port Beach Harbor 1276 Bl\d . Costa l\t nsn n-11~n SltNn y Mnrlno• ''"' llall)ol1 l~lrmd '"Y""" Nrw1111rl tw.111·h 11 rl~oll' ~lllf'hor 11 .1.\V • •~· w A P M CoSTA r.WSA FOl'rt SQllARE ll~rtu'r _.,,7~' t ~•n•at" 11n .. W11r. " '~r • T 1""" •N"' -M 5R17 W C'o 1 M t 0v • ~ C' " ~ --" • " 19.'\."1 Gumr>lo•h• Ltrw ur Sh('ll 011 t •S A ,.H ""A 'A "• " ,, RA Y.NOINT.r.RINO Ull.-~ ANTJQtfES haulinl{. andm~e~~ u: or er· BOAT DEAI,ERS, SALJ:~ AND C'~U~C1f......('c:nrr <';( a.:rllo OMI n ~tw'f'IAII\ C'(t111llli'lo• F"t~un· l'u f>rnt1uc·t1 t '11rihllt•l fur l'n· IIAilnWAit~: ~Rf: 11'-42 ftU.II'fth.m. Dnfta)d , .......,. BOB'N DICK -50412 W Central ROBINS. THEOOORE-21 16 W MEIIVIC'I': 14 ranK~ Vt' • tlf!la "• Ill n "' n "ll"'' lotttl'llnlt Fl1h Nf'WJWW"I Hh-d f'l•ta M .. a J•l'k Arftte, __..,.., lbt .... A\t'. Balboa Harbor 2770 An· C'l'ntr al A vi'. Nl'wport Bl'ach BAUlOA C'AN\' AS SIIOP-22 Rev nnd Mrs <1 Wtllard ltR \tTINfl HF.R\'IC'Y. • --llrn'""' '7~.1 ('t>mlllf'll' I.IM nt Nf'WfWlr Afoam Harbar ..,..,. tiques Bought 110d Sold Por ce· Harbord ~ Author ized Ford 21st. Nl'-. port Rl'ach llsrhor Stearns ~'al'tlO ~-'6 S. S ' . . ~ 1."'1•1 !'fAMKr.TM. l'ht'rmnn W llll11m• l'alnt11 ('om. Marl"" Mamtnl•t• ..laJ"• Glass. Silver, F urmture. Suit-and St•r,•i~ for Nc·wport 'KJ7 Saal Mllkl'rs Ro t C' " 9 30 a m Mornmr.: WurJhlp liARRit:; .lA~ 1\ 1:.11:1 ~ 1-. 1111.\ !'II t-. foi S if :.fMlKI'. r 2Hth Jtlf'lr 1.1"'' nf 11•ntwaro• ---....... -------- (] ·~· o D " -• 11 0 " rs 1()·4~ a rn C'ruand••r Scn'IC'f' ltt)("hMto•r 1 · .. ~'" Mc>-n llf'ltt~•n S t No·wp>rt ll•·tll'h ll11rhor fi1 :'1 -----MAIIINW IIII:PAIIUWG LamPA ''The Roys" BI.'R~h Harbor Art-a ~~~~ Marl~ ¥f:holstf'rtng 6 00 p m lll'rr11n Sf'n tr~·. fl.30 !\.412·.1 Ntl\tll Arr hit••NUrlll t-:n. \\'o· <'nh-r to lff•lrl1. Mvkrt.. tfONr. IUTit.Pf!IIN RA'TT.MAN Lr.F., Ill Aft~ U. A.PUTME~'T!i4 WARNER'S. BF:N. BO nY & p'oi~JI~thn~r .R;nAF'T4aPf: p m F v•· F:vangf'llstw St•n·l~ kin••••m•r.: Sl'nil'l• 1 111111 lt•••tt~urant• !)folly llrlivM')' WArtJo'JFI.J) ('O J•-ph W,..lflfl PAlftfNO _ -0'4 Lat.,.. BEAC11 HOUSE APTS. THE-FENDF:R WORKS-lOA W 2nd C"l'ntr al Ave ' ;{ ,:;r. II be; I lit 7 Jtl P m . Tu1'11dny Pray«'r WATKI:>:~ nr lY M iiHI ruut 1•r Ft•~'" t'lah nn•l Sht•ll Fish r .. ,,, 11wy 1tl 17th, NrWf!Ot'l A\11'. N~t ftNdl .......... Mrs Robinson. Manager 516 W Santa An11 50~16 or 3110 OHI· 2673 Chf'moid &a/' Mar 1 r Sf'rvtet', 7 30 P m. Youn~ f'l'()o Jlwy :-.''"tourr lll'nt h 11MllC1r lli'J\I,'S SMOKI-.P FIS II f'o1n111 llo•arh ~ ~'177 Iilli c,.,.nrr•l Mat'hlnlfl«, $ Q.>ntral Ave. Balboa Har bor eta! Auto C'luh Gara~:l' nf South· F: 1 1 T 0 ~· A:; nl' pi•'S &>n llf', F'ndAY 7 30 p m 71JI H• •rd••ntt111 nn•l flll•ln•·"~ II-.) nntl 1lnlho11 lal11nl1 Jlnn1t -OvM"hauJin• aftd fNta11a 154-W ClOS<' to shopp1ng center I'm Cnhf Motor Ovrrh:mlrn~t ·~ ~mrdt' op. • r ats F1RS'f C'lll'RC"II OF (,IRIS't. Pl11n• t'umpll'tr Wurklnt.: rl~nc l'urt•n~t •I• I Mar llttrhnr :..!1'1.,, tiOI'PITAI.III Marl"" Wa)'l aftC1 All~ P lenty of parking apact' Only 1 Tunl'up llody and Fl'nder s~t'J.n.t ac::oeAWf"~ 23 SC"lF.NTlST -Lido Thcntl"T', 11nd ~JY·•Ir~o·11t1,111~ for Sc~·11rln..: Ill 1RMAN .1 I' FISII MAitKt-"r Nt-:wt•nnT 1-'Mt-:nn~:N("Y fl~. w rtdlnc block to bea~ Works SJ'l('i:iahzing In Ht-avy • -rd and C"t•nl r~<l A\l'n\lo• nnd \'ill Udo P•·rnrl" Pt~t••nt nrnwlnr.: nnd 21.'0 W C'•·ntr11l Avo• NP"' J ITA I. 1lt:Wl W c Mitral Awo • =-----CARTER'S APTS -Mrs F:unlct' Towlns;: 24-Hour St'n >IC'<' Framl' \\ C'e~tral, N r-.J:r t Tkach A Br11nch or thl' M(lthl'r C'hurch. C'u t h t F 1 '"If 1 l••rl f"'lu'lt llltriK•r 11 2 All N•·" pori ll<>~troh lfllrbnr tfY.IA MAIInnl fQaiV1('111 Cartt>r, own«'r and manager Strat~~:htl'nt'd a nd Wh("('l AliRQ· 1.~:r'S;11 ~~~~R~~= utaE 'iula· Ttw Firs I C hurrh of Christ, Sd· --~ ""' 111~ tur.:.!_...:!.!'~ K tnl1• of .. r•••h 1-'ooh 11017.1.111 ALRJON ROAT ftJ':PAnt-J!, 1025 W. Cf.'ntral Ave . NPwporl mf.'nt ~1arlnt' llard~arl' "::':d ~~~~i:· rnltsl, Bc>~~lnn. !'.18!111 S S 9 30 URt'(l ~THRP'Ji' f'lli41tiNU--Mf>CUlT 1!'1 ANI 1 fl()()M~ p: (' and Hl'hn, OWMr, 1\& Q)Mt Beach Harhor 920 General and Bu td ' liard' 8 m Sunday Sf'rvll"f' l1 a m. BAL.nl tfl PIIARMArv -Lonnie> KIMIIAI.l . .S LIVF: nAIT IIOA'I"l' c~r"'"' 'N11•h ownf're, 177 Aratr Nl'wptW"t Andt ""-t HA'RDING APARTMENTS AND • AlTTO WIIEP:L. ASO BRAKE war!' Complete ~:Irs Bulldl • Wf.'d TNIIimonlal M•'«'lln~; noon R \'rnr••nt """'''" 1\fllr\'ln Frlt7 llll)' Klmlollll, o"'"'' r , t'Jl 19th Aw n,.tl\011 h lllnd Jlarhot cw.nrral Rnat Malnt,...ftCII, ROOMS-Mn Loulll Verwey. RF.D'S FRA~r~' ~f,~F.F:L-c; AND and Repair! Oil: ng I RI'Rdrn~; Room, ll I Pill Ill Slrl'i't. PhRnllltf'lst 716 J.: C"o•ntrnl Avt• 'j llny 1Anl11n..:, N•·WtJhrl llf'arh -2:\.'\.W """ WA)'I " ..... aftd naoro.::a 421 Hardmg. Balboa Harbor RRAK F: SERVIC'E-429 W 3rd I \\'II..SON. KF:NNETJI F.' ("()-~~~~~~ ~pco .. nx~~~itlyS~~!~;! ~d Rl\lhnn llllrhur 11~ Dru~... llnriiOr .l:d. 1ll\ll)' Llvr llall ttm•Mr. c·e.i:\Niiut--., ~ C'aht""e. and KE2204EN.E BUNGALOW COURT-Santa Ana. 337 f'\"amf.'ll, "hN'II 925 S tate Tlwy on Routt• 101, holldn>s Puhlrr lnvitNI to 8 1· PrNUTrptrnn~. Fountll ln l.unl'h !\'"''" AIJU• 1.1\,.. 1\1111 (1lrtrtrr 1\1 'S lf0\1SI-' ANn WTNnOW JOHNMN MAftiNE IIJ!ItV'ItS.- .-wu Adams. Balboa Rarbor Strai~~:htl'ned. Brakl's Repnlrt>d :o./l'wport Bl'llch Rfoaron !'1271 I lt'nd thl' church a.crvtct'S and Mll~tn7in•'!l llru~: Sundrifo« 1\<\ata (,.1-:ANlNC: AI Pow""' ~ 0 II Jt.t\MOI'\, OW'IW'f. 111J a..t ~ and RI'Jin<"d WhN'I Ahgnml'ht C'hrts·Crart •. Utility Ool\t!l, R un· 1111(' the fuoadlnR f\oom CYlST;\ Mf'.SA PIIARMAC'Y AI HAL(\( II\ !-41'(11\1" 1-'18 II t N G :100 ,,. Rlllltn NI'W]JOrt Rf.AMI Hwv . N....,.,... .......... !Ji 224-W RT w 11 F n 11 Ian r In I! Huh!! Drums I a bouts, C'ruilK"ts. Motor Yachts, 1 AOV OF MT C"ARMF L CATll· Plnkl••v. own••r. Jlt..!O Nt•Wpolr l FLF:P.l' 1-'nnk 111'11. Rall~ne tr11rltttr n!) . .J C"omt)lf'll' "'"1.,.. ~21t2 l"'iilN aftd ~. MA'M"SON cou 206 r.' em' i Str alghtl'n<"d nnd 1"urn<"d Ex· C'hrysll'r Mar ini' F:nglne•s. Chrr~· • 0 1 IC" rURC11 Rt•V 'fhomu n I Rlvd . C'r,.;tn M··•n llrllm n ~'Vl5 PAVIlion, ll:olhun llllriMor :\31 '''"""'"It !Yrvt..... Jn('lOOlnr "'""" J:ntrl"" Ovwtta-...., McEwt-n, ownl'r, l41/'n ra J)('rt Brakl' S l'r\lrt> EI4>C"trtc nnd <Tnft Msrlnt> Enr.trnl'l' :-.~nnn 1423 W C'o•ntrlll "' ,. C'omttlrtl' Fount ~tin S!'rvlf'f' ll>~lly l.h" 111111 llrntta C'hartf'f'll Wlnftn.,... noon. Kltrhl'nt. «irw"' Rnuaht and Raid. ~XN ~~; l'.;t!S~Katharlne Act'tvll'nl' Wr ldtng WholrSAil'-1 ROAT RENTA~'IIARTP:R I No·wport Th'ill'h llnrhor 214' .. lim TH•\I•Inpnwnt F lnl' Tnllo•l· Arrnn~:•<t1 C'Mulklnll. 11nd ~flriiV Palntlnl NJ:wl'OftT f!NOilO.EkU«J ... Wehb owner and mana~:er. ~ Rt'lrul \\',. Fl'alurf.' Ill'l' Llnl' ~1 :-.11\Ll y S RALBOA BOAT M fiSMII Summl'r , ~Oil 10 on. rl~ :~nd ~llltll'nt•ry C"ullrut ""''I I>( lit r O il ANt;~: .ANn SC'01T~ tiOM I-~ !' ·" p •: R ~F:RVlC"'t: M)('"IAT!ll-12'11 o..t :J E . oCelln Front Balboa lfnr· Systl.'m · ~I\'FRY ~ 70~ F R A n 1 1011 II :\(I " m Wlntt>r 8 00 I Prompt Allf'ntlnn to PrH.rrlp-LANI>ING .I S Rl\rro•ll, own r,.""'"'' \ "" C:rtahrn ownf"r, 11'11" Nf'Wil"tt Rf.ac:h. a.-- bot 78 AI'TO WMP:C"KISO l1011 •ll11rh1•r 400 1i?fcN'At:L :·s 1 ;tnd 10 ,·., a m ST. J l)] i:o.: \'1: 11""~ ·;~111Gjj~t'r tl /'"1~," "',..~,..;'~r ('nut 1~!vi1 · C"Of'ona ttl' I Mar M~tnutllt'1utiftC fill Octet£ 0~·10 •PTS A='n ROOM!;-\~IF:RIC'A~ At'·rn ~A'\'\~"""' ItA! n OA 1~1 1\ND BOAT • '\' A:'II NF:Y ('1\TIIOLIC' C'IIIIRC'll CT! \\\ FORIY~ SAM f'ltl-' na• •1•1 • ' ' I ort llllrl••~ -~74·W Window Wuh· tl ahlnc OHt' aftd ....... -.. r1'-. "n' and" Emm.~ Ract·.~r ... ~ 119 . . . '"' I ~"'• -~ • • -• ., 0.:( TIII'"J'Irl:>: I'IIA 11\1 ·n~·r I 11• 1'" ltt•llf'Hn .. .~I ,,,. llo•tii'O lnv \\'ull w,.ahln~r All KIMll nt -'Alii-. -'V .. • .. "-f-nrrN;I Alm'llllSI 111111 IPhman 1-:RY :"\tll.l ,,, lht• ... ,.,.p Land· ,. llrlnt' /1,\t llnllt .. I hlnnol . " . '•I ,., • "' k I n I n ·~ 23rd. !'f.'Wport RNICh I lartH>r ,\lmqut~l JlrfiJ)'I. :!Rill "" :\I ''" rnr.: nalhtt I lslunel .ll.orhnr ll.lrhltr .'II l\1 111'"'''< "untmrr 1~111 'II" 1111'' Ill\.. ('I"''" 1\1. ~it (. ""l"'"'''.r ~ .. r k""! "':!' n~t ~ANOAnn on. .. A ft f". 88() Snn111 Ann ~ C"t~mplo•lo• ~~~~~ k i:r.!·lt f< '10 llncl 111 O(t nl Wrnlo 1 II· 11 "" •..n.~ I l'l"rtiNII I'I'I'I'I,IY.M 1 unomt•n I~ I Wn", St(lf'f" r ,-olnt• r•RI')nHC""f'R "A" Nl ..... IIIII PJ\LlSADF:S AJ'TS -F r 11 n k ••f I 1<1'11 Pnrl< T11 • < To tit• ~. \It\ HI :...;~. SI\LI'S I ~C · ·)o t 'll>t'i ~ Ill a m I ;t' I WltSI '""' I •Ill 'e; 1 ·n~tl 'A 'IY l\1• ''\I I I :\1 .<. ll t\1(\'~' I 1..;1 I "'" hln•• 1-lnnr I nll•hlllll n,.,, P l'nnt. ~A1hoa fl.,._. - Schtrrhnlt n"nf.'r St•:WlCW A~l', 1\.olltl l<'" -.;,w ott•l , . ...,,, r.l"'"l S R11 F11•nt ll:\ltl<'l't J•lswtl '\:1 \\'I'IIHf111\ltJHti((,I 'I'IIFHA:O... It A f:urul•·i~"" n\\n••r 117 1 '"'· 'l 'l'l't.IJ -: .'l-o ll l.nftt\ INI'I ItA~c ·r: -' fllf ~ Cnrnnn dl'l :\lnr llerbnr 11~ ,.,.,., l'nr-T~•trt:hl :1ntl ."nlrl lttrlwor 11.: 1'1trl\" ':\tnt•ll C'III 'Hi ll II•'\ ll•rl~<•rl (' "''" nat•••r l l •d ••r"ot; ('ulll •11' ~'>•"llflt l llt ... •lo 11"'1"'' IIJIJr:•:o;:/\Nitl\1.\I'I<A'\'INSHrt ~ .. :III~ATIOD SF:A AIR IICYfFL A:\'0 HAC"ll~~· l lr~h•·•r Prrr"~ 1'.11ol r .. r ('II < llnot!; ='•'" nl•lll•rn '''IIIIPnt•rrl f!•,rlo :t:t ,,,,,..,, ,\,, f\1'1••• ''''""'·"'' "' 1 "'' T~otl•lr""lln•l 'LI \ <"""''''''' '"'' '"' th•l \'lt'J.' '~1'11.\'r'-~ \ll " 714 F' \fAIHNF' ~TF:J.'I, ya-.-,.,._ Ull'l APART:\1F.:o.!TS -1007 E.l \\'rNko•l1 or Runnrn•· for r•nt111 lito· \11.'11 nf II\• Th l"l'ond l l orhtot _rp..,·, I :-;,.r\11'•' -:ratlnn•t I "'' Aul otul II•"' l •ttulll••r•t••l ~r•l1•llll llt t ',ntrnl ,\\• 11'>11••1• ll11rlwtt ,.on.o-.- ("l'ntrnl A'~' 11all~<•ll llurbor Cl. HK <:: \\'f1 F:C"" I -.:r ; Y \ RP \'ALl.!-. L' Ill li\T H 1-.='T \1 H or Pr• .-, nt or I :1 ,.,, I t 'h·•l• I ru r nl "''1'1 1<• • l 'r"~' rlptlnn~ At• l'l "'lll :'~> 1, T \C 'K l .t •• ,,,,. tt .. ,n•· l l.tt t• •r tt>ol t.tr•· TIPN~ I"'" C,arll'tl lind ~~ C. 2360·M 1l nrh11r !Y..!:l Pri\Aie 4THl \\ ;lh.~n••llll'll'k \\'•~1••1 F \r~lll'h """''•:.! f,.•Jtlr••rtl!, t'n~l.t:\l"a :>:o•\\ l,ot'J'""" 1'1111 ••rnol"" l"'"l""ln<l"l 1:\1 1•\'...; 1 \t'"·" t..;f'lll(l 1,.1l A ult~l'h• Mrtr!iw C"tttltl••nlll•ll ::~'!""'~,~..':"'"'~a~t~ shn\\crs Prl\atrc:IN'prnl! rfllnns ll .. rtv•r Hhrl . Snnlft ''"' f'h C"or 1: l'olt.:e\\nh•r -''' nnrl l>r Ill l.n•l ul llrn llll••nll St . JIA'1P1'11'\<.; IIAHIII•Jt JIHI 'I; ,11,1 \tr• 1 ,, 1•.,,11111.,. 1.,,1,.. "'"' l .lotltUII\' lhrq•l"" A1l1 '\•..tr. SJlN"illll.,lnc In ..... C'nn tnkr cnr .. or parlti'S up to / :\t,tn \\' .. <'nrr\ II Ltr.:• <::rtl('k l l'alm, 11:-.ll>nn ll:trlll'lr 71 ~ ~ .... , •• rl "''""'' ...; s 'I :\41 INC' 1-il 'l c ..... , "'" ,.,,,..,,.,, I""" ''"' n ...... ,. lll•lt· ~.' .. I 111111 '"'lith ,.,.,, I:Jto•• Arol ,..,,.,h ,.ntt "''"' Rrokf"r1UU''>. 40 5::\II"SlS Ha1 hi'I01 ttpl "ll!l nr Nc\\ and \'•••41 l'lrlot, T1r""· So fla~ Fronl Rnll10;t l «lflnd 1 rn l\lttrnm~.: \\qr~lup, 111:111 t1•1 M.or llllf,.1r :,:·.,y, lor111.~ r••rl l l•~t•h llurl•tr .''ol p.,l••l '''"' ••11! lll'ollh private sho\\ 1'1 s Pt .. nl)' or park· ruhl'~ n nlll'rlo•c; nntl ""'" G1:t.<~ llnrhnr ., .! H••ntnl< or l'.ulr11o• fl m p,., <••rltol1rtn~ Fltllrllltifl 1 IIIII ,, r ,., Ill•" lin II ''""""' lf'l• I ~···" I :t Ill('"'" I ll tWA 111) w II'¥ a.« -MAIUNfl ,.,,...._,. mg space.' ,... I lll'pii.IC'e'ml'nl <1··n• r.etnr and l"koarrls Snl1 Bol\){1. U-1 "'"I' Mn· I 'Cfo'\.1'1" n I I IA ,.. AI t\'1-NTJST Mnt:a7ln•' '''Ill' "•rnclrlf''t ,. .. ,· llh' S~tpplt•·• I I ·. ", •. , t Ill\ •I ,....... M/'1111 NF-"WPflRT MAftrNJ; 8UPPL1' SEI\ t:EVEL C'OTTAGES-,nr 1 S tnrtr r Exc•hnnl!<' Arc· \\'tldm,; lorOn.tt• Rn-.huntsllnd t'nnuM 1 l'llllJlC'll llltJ711 1ntJ ltld 1·111111 trt r:ond~ · 1 ' I I!• ""'" '>1.•1 !"•"'In~· l111rhnr ('() AU C'OAat KwJ.:L.N...,..... A Monahan 0\\~1 r Trhel:n~ ,u I "'" nuv lt ncl Sl'll Junk I BOAT RP:PAIRi"NO'" I) Hrl . :-.; .. "'l"'r' llt•tt.:hl~ llt lll'rtn PF:I.LF:Til·ll MAC' ~f:WPIIIIT . -..... 'ltRIP'.M_. ' /\o•ll (''."''" M··•n. Nf'\\fiUI"I f'lo•t~rh Jlfo~ !tMJ.w ........ n ull managt:'r 4.!:\ F: l:n \(' RIC'F: \\ RF.C'KJN(; YARn C"hnr· . -,(fflR.W F:lc "r ('11'11 r GoHIIr flf'AC' ., . • I \If tl(l J z , I I llllA~S ~OliN llulhout I ••r""" ,,., Mu , A•tl•.. liM lnl'lllltrlat ~u........ ... Bll1b0a Harbor :!'m-1 hP IIIC'k~nn nnd Waltrr NI'WI'lt \\'()().P._otJR' TI)M-!;1R Rc(!., ~llntstl'r . 3i-.l t'I<~Wt·~ •("""'" ''1M J) rt IAil~Af'Y S l:-.11 loltY l !II Vlrl(lnln 1'1 C'n~lll l "'""II•· Fir•• /\• l"t•f••nl. l.lff', Mtt f:trulpmo•nt and Y•t+tt "'~ SVRF APARTMF:NTS-Lr>lnnd L PrQ~. 'll't:'l F: 2nd. Sanln Ana' Ia~..,. A" ' ~""'Jllrl fk'llch M••sa JWnrnn !l:""tt. W 'sahhllth • ., ... , "r••lll ', '"''"'rt I M• "" 1\t ""'" '•:i7'i . llrto~<•. rln• l"n•umnu•. (,nntriii'IJ Jona!l 1000 E Ocenn Front Ph 1M'\ Cnr~ Rolli!hl l lighi'SI n .nron ;..tGR.\1 l.'l YPOnl Ex-Sl'hnol 'l :\41 " "' r r•htn. :i";'"'h ~lnrhor ,, llri~K """ I llronn• nnfl Alllnllnllm I .t'llllll(• "'""'M Wrlllo·n Ro•AI F:•lllff' MAt"'''I-- Ralboa. Harhor 2140 C'llsh Prtrr~ Pnld. WrN;kl'd, fll'rrl'nf'f' on l'actf:r ("Q~St All·l Sl'rvrc~ 11 'ou'a "' rl'>t t.: ~ "'·1 ro 11;"'111 .nn• "ntJIII't,. YRU7.r.N YHHU1'4 1.1-.. I A MF~ :Xr l Autr, Oalhtlll ('f I~T'A.MF~CIA MA'M'ft .. 00.- Ylc-rQRY COURT-Mrs June Burned or Runntnlt Thousnndll j Arnund Roat Mi l hanrc -C'ar·t .. . -• > F' IUn a in ~ n ,,.. ---\\ '' I.KFn·~ 1-'RilZ~:N 1-''( ll'll IS hlunoJ llllrlttor :rn W ("..,n,.rtol 71'\0 N_,..,., At\111._,_ ~-.,._, Knapp. 5H! W. Central A VI'. of Nr" nnrl l'~N! Part~ And AC'· fl''nlrr Work. Plllnlrn~:, Engmo-.,; j .S r J AM 1-~ "F. p I.S (" 0 f A L P:I~P'A''TRif'AI. f 'HNTRAf'TOR :IIH Mnrlw "" . llidhon hlnnrl Jmurr~tn,... 1-'ln', Mtt riM. C "~t• """mn WI We Rl4liutN = Bll1hoa Harbor 2529 N'ssorll'~ ror All C'nr< O ld nnd I nnd Rl~t~nk r iiUR Cll . ;JI• W c •·n tTIII Aw· 1 '"'""· l.i111ollllv l.lfl' and RondJr 0111 C'11tton Mattr.a. .. .... YF:LLOW HOUSF:S -E'err tt F: Lntf' Mnd,.l• A" C"losl' II" Your BOOKKP:ItPINC' ~ER\'It'E nalhon. 11-,hl'll C"'uhhoull('). Rrv 111 .1\CKnE ARI' <; \\' :!IIi ,,r. tlr;rt~.r Hi71 M ,,.,. l'rl'llm, Rol\l S urv•·v llllif l nallf'l'llnn rr,llot~ Matt,.._., ... a... Ch d Lora~ne E C"hact'. T w .. , A • ' 1 Ard)'Jl T l)rnn. Vkar R.30 11 m •·hill Avt> r .. r"M do•l Mlor lfnr 1 Milk nnc:t 1-.~ta.t• trlrlnn All 81 .. fttr --~ ace an 00 F: C'C'ntTal Ave l'll'phnnp «'~I'll for ( n~h ut OROWN, C'OLJN 1-' -3 13 Marine Holy C"omm rmlnn 9 . 1; 11 m ltnr 2'.l F:l••••trl• u1 Contr•u'tur 1 __ f'l_'_N___;,F._R_"=I,:__O_I_R_r._.-,-'T-f_•_R_K__ fN,.fliiAN("I: ~nrln1t11 tM HOfM • a"':'~· ~arh(l~ :\0 Gt npart· We &-11 fnr u-s~ I """, Ralhoa bland. Harbor I Sunday ~t·ht••l 11 no n m , llt\1.'1./. MCIII rt'i\ll Y I'IIAI'Jo'J, I'A!.Mf.,R f' 1\ fNfYlRPORAT· _.:-:!'_r M~tb Ynur t.Jtnc , ~ ll cl<l!'t:' tn "hnpplng ct-nter AWNISO!' 1644 ~!11rnrn~~: Prn)'l'l' 11nd Sl'rrnnn P:I.F.("TfCI( AI. UP:AJ.r.R,. ANft IIY '!1!1 ~EA ~··r' I nil thr 1'.(1 W 0 lhwk fn•Urltnno ';\~ k frnm hay and ocean SANTA A'NA TF.NT A ="'n A\\'='· BOWLfl\10 ('f:NTP:R I 'F INO I Sundn}s llol) C'nm ~t:R\ U F. lluh"r ""'" 1,,.,h . A llurlt~tnt ('nun-..tnr :\..'\~!\ VIII l.ldn N,.w NI:AT IIAU .... oc: r~n C"<l -lf\2f\ S Mnln. Santn R M rnurrlon l IIA Y EJ.n·rnrr F rl .. ml F Wll 111 c·,.n""' ,1,1 ""'" ll~trhnr <t:l t••rl '"'""h llnrhttr 1!Wl ~A MP.SA MI:AT MAJUOC'r ATTnRNEV8 Ann f'h O!lM Ro.ll C"o,rrs :\H:SA ECRF:ATHl:-.1 -G ~~~n. :lR1R W l'o•t~lrtol A1•• Nt•w ~I'IIINCI-n lftl(;lf f\ 2t:t Pl'>~rl l'i.W Nrwport Blvd , 0.C. ASHTON HARRY-509 E C'en· t\Uiomohllf Tturk anr1 II:!\ Mn!ll's own,.r IRIH l"t•WJllorl ('lffAII~ rwlrl flo•:tth l htrhnr 17)11 W t'l KNITt ICY. UI':.\I,P:R<c -'"' nt~llwtft l~l,.ntt Jlt~rltnr MN11 ~ai'Ofl :vt44 Quail~ .... tral A\~. R11ll>oa Harbor IKl~-J ~tnrk (" o v" r " Wnt~"rproor Bl'd C'n•ta Mf'sn B<'IIN>n S:\tOKE Ill 1\JS~. llr.l P.tlm. 11 .. 1 Rf'wtnt11nr 11nrl r•'"""'''"'' 011, I c 't rS'I A MF"A ~ 1111:"111'11 'Rf: :t/M1 It"""'''"' "'"''"' rnr .Pr~Mfl•· Jl'r,..h M••nta, Jl'blh 111Mf ._ POWELL. ROBT B , ATTORNEY J.f'nthl'r YllrtiA~I' Rl'fluond nnd ~=~:~. l\1••sll C"nh ('n 1'3rttl'(tn lo>R ll11rltnr :t.">4fi toNI nn•l ~.:• n•·r ''"r" \11tlnr• ,111111 C 'lt\!I'J\ ""'" 11~~~ No 14 Jt"rt Mlot ou.J l .lf, ln~ur11nt•• C " I .If,. ·-•:~toda -Santa Ann 6401 Mr< Robert C:nrti"n Fnrnrrur,. fnr Rumpu~l ('I.F.A!Iif:RS A!\U ll\'ERS L:~'n••r11tnr• f11r ~nlo llh•l l '•o<~lu M·~•• II•"'"" 'i'))(.'l 1\"lfltrrt ll•·allh /\rulultl•·• Nf:Jii'" P'1TIIIIN,.Rt,.n• R PowellandMrs "·" Pnwell. Ro11tm Pnltll .tlldf:nnJ,.nFurm·' Bt'ILI>F.Kl-4 I MERI'lR' t 'LE,\='l·:Rs "~" I111 'M'~ n~t·mtr rtii'Alll "''"''II' lh• "'"'"'' ""'rt \Vo I ~TY.RIUIC UP:f'OM.\THKI" Sr' 916 w ()(-('an .. rnnlo Nnl:~· lllrt ;\lanur:or~ l~llr T'lrtnl Ill .AI'(\{'1\. Dl Trlt 12'\ tiny I,, ~;ItS Wllllnm """'"'' """ nq Wnln···· PI ' ...... I ~.. . p 1\ ('~··h "'"""'"I II< tilt "~•" \'A II .I ASJ•J:rt :l-11!'1 \'In lll••f lllf"KV'S Mfo~N ~HOP -ll. •• JIC)rllWIIch ll:~rhnr All r } I nun !-41101'"' 1-rnnt .Ftlllhnll l~lstntl IJ,,rf~•r •r c;tnr•• J"o 1 11111 ll.orlt•tr l!.·11rnn '•71111\\' <;,,.,.,,, If•• 11111 1 "'1 1 "11'"1'1'' "''."11 ','1 111 "''"l••rlll<iuh II"" llrul••r ~~:k":;:~I!7;'~A,~p~:t.~ ai·LRW. .~.,. Cl'lllrlrrn ;\ppan•ll olll:t H••ntul l-:'fii1JII1Wnl flhrl f'o•l n "'~" llo rtr"n ~~·,··"~.',n""ll·','"" ltllllll•ltlfl "" ~.:;•::\' "'~l .'';~·:~1,'"',,1.~·· y~ .. ~ t:•",)l \\ llllo rlnr lh ~·~·n ( "~'''"' nntt Jll•lhii'IIVI' Mm'• w~ A1'TO ( Ol'R~ I . R \KF.RIF.IOt J fti'II,UF.KI"·:-11 l'l'l,tt:~oo. ·,r,J:l. I. Slltr• "" '.! I '1117 I·.,,,,, r. N 1 r" It \ppltr!IH • • """ \\ 1 ~lrHI• 1••,"1" t l••• l'llll"ol(l , Sltp fiiJJNiro•l SIIMNI, At -· lei flALHO \ :\IOTF L 31 ~ F. C'rnt rat • . , , . , • 'o;I'\\'POIIT nt. I I I·~ H'-"' 1'1'1 y ".' -I "'"" ' tl• I M ur 1111! '"" r.'llllfln" nl I " ' l'r• ""I' ""' \. ·~·: 'Ill I' Ill II '"'' '; \ '""tltllo nttrt~l• Jo urnr ""'' I nn" Rflnt'l•w,.. Shtrtll , 'n 'u 'Jl,arlw1r:l:l~ ~I OJlF:'IC L TMKI-fl' 111>;\l.t~n ('11\IP \:\Y ,·, II I '1C I lll r J 'I 1 ~~~~~~"r;',.. /',',,.,,,, .,,,' '1 " :~·,:,·;~,, ~1''1 ''"' "•l••'l"''"nd\1 •11•1•111111•• ('oto\'llh Nhthlwf'nr, WaJieti A\1 o"~;~ll\ ltF.I'\IRISC. 11nllwt;l 11Rrlw•r1_ \\' ,~· I ' . '"'·,I, t l l':i\:'l>f:R"' \~1) 1\t t IV •• AY \11 '1• I'll lojl•f•l ,,,,,,,, '"''""''"'" ......... w.n .... ,...... 11111ll""'h••r0o.ll1• At 'T ' . S HO P f:F'o;F:'!' HAI(I'R\ r.••n•• flol'rn •nlra "'' ''"l••rt • · · · ) ,((..., Jt.11tl" ;(. '••rr••· .._,,,. ,,11,J .._,,, ~~--- SA"'rA ANA noJnd n I \1 f1\\'n~'r it)') f'na-.r ""' C'oronn Ht·nrh llorhor 1:!'1 \II "•\ C'Lt 1\:\I.HS :\lr~ A It ''' 1)11•7 ""'~""' Hl\11 '"''• '"''"' 111•1 '''·"""' • '''r""T\t r.~T-. ''" 'tr.fU'ti•\'T J'ATJili)J, "1':11YICII FrrdX \\llltnm~.:~~ \~''"lih tl"l \hr llarhur~1 ll ~Jlllt:h .,_.__lll ;-j)t~•o1-. --, (;rrt,:r.,jt l'r••l' 11\.'l-1 ='•"I"'" \1••" 11•1.,,11 ";j71 / l rt~olo t ,IJ:~f"'ll_lll'"' "'I',CtfCITtr.oc 111'/\C"Jf f'ITY MF71lMIANT PA· I mml'l .rw·~·,·'!, r'~mpll'l" Auto rill '" I ~ ko• O ut f)lnn••r" "' Ap· I' r. r \' IIIII "I' rfl; s Ill-I'( T . r ! Ill •1 ( .,,.," ,,,.~ I H•• '" II \ ,,, IIIIIT1 I 'I•• '"' , ' I'"' A 111' "' I" I ' rl•• ' .• \ 1•1 I \1 \T( I ; ll·r ,., f l I II ~ .. :.· ~· :' .... ~·. ~II!., I :·;~.·' .. \~ : ;· .·: '11(1 tl, :•111<1 w """lin F'ft:lnt, SnntR An·1 " 1 1 R purntml'nl •• 1 · ' 1 ~rx. I ll•·~:ulr.r 1·1 lilY ~n '" \II ~1••••1 1\ ""'' '" It 1 ·A ,.,1 II In I "'' ,, I .,tf,. rnt 1 """ ,.,,rl ll•·ll•·h llnrt.1w Jn'J.ft. f\ndv IIOd Fi'nrlo'r ,··,~~~~,~~:"~ Qt. A LITY nA "' RY -nnn llnti ( ""'I r .. ,.., Al;l'nl foiiR ( • .. ~~· I .. ,. ' till S· r\'11'•· fill It" I'"., "I! llflll .. •rv ' 1111•1•11 I! ,,h .. ~ I·...... Ill tl ' II IIIII I •I• I \1 ,, 1"" I '7" I 1\ Jf• r fir ' t "' \' nr "I•" J),.,, """" S••rvl~ EIPCirrr nnd Al.'l'l)l' 1"1•' r " nr.: Cl,.n \\'••lll'klnC """''r•. '"~ '!'"' Th•• ,\ro•h•'~ 111'111'•111 :\-1:./:l ----I' otl••! .' II<• "'If n••w It~ '''"" '' lit• '"'"''' ----C'ompll'lf' Aulo Ptnntmc. Bear "\ \\f!Orl Rlwt r,. .. 111 Mrsn 1-nunlnln l.umh. :\lllt.;.oLtnt ~ ('UI.It "'TOKAClf: r~t t""'n Al'l'l It\"'' I "11"1' 1.,1 II 1,A'\ (I I( Mil"-I I "' l'~tlm ruul • "''' o1 llultu,. NOTP:I,M Frnmr nnrl Frnnt l-,ntl Alh:nmg ~~~rnn "> 1 :l:l I :ag,tr~ ra~;,,r<•! I• ' ( 'u nc1v nnl1 111\r( IV m ('I 11.1 1 .._.rc tJlll(; 1 1.'•· \ 111 •nt> A" . II III""' I-I '"" , ., ,,.1 ", c.,,, ,,11 1 tl• 1 ,1,11 1 1,11 ,Jf:\\ f:l ,Y.fl/4 I. A \fi'FH'i~ MNI'J.:t. ~: Jl'. 'J'U. Equlpmnnt. (.wn. :\l,r'< ( ( :-;\\ufrnrrt :ltllh , :...;, .. r.,rr Ill ll'h ,, .. ,, •• , ll•n1 ... r :111:1:• \\ o•lllltl' \I'''"'". lolrt I>Wfll'l 1111 0 r, •• , R-' ,.. 1 L' ""' .''i •'I \1 ,~., .. "' ~ rn• I'••' (J lll•r Sll•ll'l'l ;~t,•, Mttlrr llul ~ -,, -=:.=!:...-----::-.,.~.L .. R'"' RASKS 41\\nl'r , 1-tlltnl.lln l.ltnl'h "',1( lttll••r" '''"'" I I••'"' ,111111,1, L • 'lr¥.1,.,.1 fl•'ltl"h f'lo.llf'tln ..-. Al1TO O r,n r. ,.. U. I 1 1 1 1." r h'lll"' ''"'"' o111l \ rr•• • 1,,,, ll11rl•o1 ~:/.Ill 11111111!•11•1 , .. , • R ~tOTORS nA='K OF' AMJ;:Rl("A ~ T & S f'ARtNr.T HIIOI'~ ('()"'-'TM'''TO ----,/'' ~·n• "Pl ltdt"~· I••• I• .._ rtu 1•1•11 r r I 'I I ' ' lllfll'~ \\'~tt•ltt• ~t•IIIIIV ~II"'' Nt.Wrl(rJt l' IIA!lBOR M01'P:t-NE\Vf'()RT IIARR(.I . A II !.1 llnlkl'r m~.:r fl17 F: ., '' KI"-81'11.1U!IOH r r< ,.,,. '"' T\1~'" "I I nltl• \p •' ' • ''' ' . '"'" ,, M ~~ I II M••••llll ,_ M -:!616 \V ("rnlral A'e • Nt>W· ro•ntrnl, Ra lhnil llarhnr !'\711 rii\\'Tnso :-r·<:: F I', ('AIII:>:ET A!IOU (oE!Iit.KAf. pll11n•v•" i\l•n 11 ,,, ll••mr 1111 ""' l '••r••nn •I• I \I" ••••I r;,Jt• uf /\11 !(Inti• c· F llf~trl"•m, m~nll':r. l1i port BI'IICh IIArhor 1 ;,64·.1 F.•C'I'OW TH-pAr lml'nl SilO I' :!i i \\Ill nut t'llsl n ',I( F:t-.NLEI\~ A Nil Wr .. •I .. ~ " ""' "~. llttl •on•· Ill oil I '" '. ICH( P:ltl r."' " ... u \f \IUU T"' I.A n(tfCATflkiP:'I Nr "'TII'Irl Ill vii ' C'OIIta M .... Chr}SII'r.d P2ymo,uth c:~pet~~~ M:\'K OF A:'o1F:f\IC"A. :\ T & ~ ~~~~ !(~:··•~"" l~r•,J DC'r!'w"'!'.:', nNF:R(; 2R:f2fl W l'rntnd /IH• 1~·111 11{1;'11 1(. r;AJ.\'1"" llnr 11,\llll•t\ 1'1 ~lltt\1 \IAIO<I I 11'1 1'.11 ' I 1 Af\<lltAI'flHY :.1,'11 Ill'"''"" ·~~";7W Sal<'!! an ,-,rn'Cf.' " n otandA Wright mgr ·~·~ 0 .-... I'"I'JIUrl \o·ruh llnrh••r .!~71"1 (toro•t IIW\1, ''"'"''' 11 .... , 7111( .. f't nltlfl A\• Hull··· w ''"""' Aw· N••WJ••rl -'Wfi\'INn .... ,, -... ... n-Stock Parts nnr1 AC'<'eliSOI'II'!! :02011 w C'rntr11l i\\'1', 'N,.wport \\lnd"" Fnmu·-. Sl"rl't'OR Ftc r.1·nroral C'nntrnrtrn..: lll'11tvm 'l"i:./:.0 lruh .. •nul ''"'"'' 1 ll•11l.r•r 'L7:t11 (.,1111 •1••• l,rt••••rv ll•11•l• ll~erlw•r 121 W It '"' "" "'1 ",..., ROBINS THF:OnORE -2\lf; W Jlf'uch Hnrhor 264 W0(11JWORK SIICH~. Till-: ·467 JACKLIN F: J .&(lOR Mnrr11, llttu~•·hold, t-111111 1.,,111,.,01, ''"" llrt•l "''""' M11rk•l h••l• M•.tl• '"'~"''',.,II llnrl~<•r kl,. ~,1,.,1,.,. MOVI'IIt; TnAN~fT.R.!tJ"'RAOI: Ct>ntrnl A\1'. Nrwpnrt Rf'ach N••wport Jll\11 , r·,,.,ll M··~n NI'WJ~<ort Bt•fllh IIRriiQr 1'1.!:1 1 l'honnln~. lrt•r.111:or1.,n 1,n11 w11 ""'' \'r~:••lr!ltlo • 11•••1"'" 1-'r••lt • utlt••r.lrllphlo• S•nl•'•' In Y1tur l:ltl1 W r ••nlrlll Avl', New- HIIrbor :lR Authnrlz~'(!. Ford RJ:Al"'Tl' ~ALO!IOS ll<•:tmn :i39:1 All T) JX"' C"tlbtnt>t (;,.n••rRI ('nntrllt"tlna: I of ,\II t onu Strppltf" 111111 1 'lttlllllt• 1,1 ll.tllv 11••111'111• """ I " Jllol '"'' "' I I""" ''' f 1111••• '1'1 ••111 ... wllh tlflrl flo nl'h lfllrlwlf' 21~. Baa· Salrs 11nd Sl'r,,l.'<' for Nrwporl A:"DY S DF:Att'Jl' ~IJOf'-:\fahrl W t1rk Krnct. ~l•llor s111,.., nntl H•t•·'''' "''' I111/\.HI,•\1AN lfMIII•IJ( ~t\1(1(1 '1 lut••rprolllft••n• lt1111'' t-:~rr~·••. 1-'urnltur•, Ctat. II bo Atra A d 12" R d n.. I " u I I Int.~ Shl ttpln~o: lint! Rtnrare .• -Bench ,ar r n l'ri!On, I'WTit'r, ·' roa way, f'P:RAMU " MAS n R.C:. I 'liAS \\' 711 J{. n • \'rnt I ton •fAIIIIIml• nl 't ""rln• \'' In I "'' •·nl II nil l.nnll Jll•tanN". -.:J.~t A ...... o ....... T .. &"'-,' 0 !U"J•Pt.R:R r~tn Mr~a RrtV'On ~'il:l C'om· ' I • I A 'lor lllll\1L~ •J•J•IIt\"1 '1' "I 1'\'lf '' ,,,,.,,.1 llllll••r 11 7 I 'llllt•l· ,, 1,\t'NUKir."' •• I -~I • "n "' "'" ~lf'IP Rfonutv C"ultUI'f' Sl'f\IN' \;Afli\11 C'AT IIFIU:>:F:. rF:RAM· l:flll A .,,,. l'urnnn •I• I ,, I r " ~ ... • r I ll r I L I ~· I )1 ,\HJVII( S f 1!\'rr r-: I \1 ~fillY miiV nl(" s , ...... lllty lt~AI)AY·"·PHit.LTPS l NC' loco )"A .,,. ( llarl~t•rHRfl.\V "' \\' :o-:•lt~ll••r ''"' 171,)1 ;'' '' 'r"""" r""' ''' l(.l >ltYf'II A'f 'll~ 1 l'll .. lr -----'-"-n.. " R.o<'h . l•'f'inli7tnK rn f'~'rntllnl'nt Wn\·1 < ,, .,.,.J.,.., \ lr..:on•' 1'1 . "rt!llll s''"'l 1 111 1 ' ' \ • l'•''ioltl• ~ ,,.,1 1 '"'' I~·,,"' t1 ' " sr.""'r•Ar'P:II fU"TIUBO'I'Oa -Auhrl'y Oll..:rr , mur . I'S· in"' I M1•"1n n. ""''" "•lfl7·W :\11'(1'1.LIIf11, ('1,,\1(1-..,.I 1-. }1<1 j · ~·r '' I .,,1., \1'"' I-t• •)1 1,, 1, /\I I'•, 1 11,1 .1"'•1• ) II l'ttl11o llnfl,.., llstrh••r IIL.'f 'lf'fCtJ.II, IJL',NRY ""• ••• t-and Newport 81\d . ("osta ... I \'' "''llf'i>n "ll'l'l <.:1"'' I,,,,,,,,. I ... ,,, " ,.. ' A', r r , ........... .,., nALRO A 1~:'11 BF.AtrrY SAI.O~ f'F.S"f>OOI I'IP:R\ If r: r lfl \~ ttv I"• "port ll••11r It • on <• "' ., ('1111~1 Jlwv NI'WpOf't Beach. M~ll IW11con !"i73.'' Al!UI ~10 Jrd. n11lhna Inn Arrnd,., ()r,.nn . • . , • t '1 ' . . ' 1 II orlt~tr 1'\k-W I;, n••r11t llllll•ltlll' Ololrln1• nl All 1'1•' 11" tl Applr 1 t 1~'1'1\ \II \,1\ ~ 1 ,, •I t \1/\lth 1 1 I.Hlf uH "CTUflt."' 1t.•11r,..on '\fl!\ ftt"'l Harbnr 212. H unllnr.tton &on~h l.'i2 AI Front at thl" Pu•r. Hnrl10r Rl7 ( f ~;"rIll 1 & p l1o1r'I='C' SF: It V.· f't'tnt rar t urM ""'',.. 17 II •., "I"''' Ill •I ( ·,,,, , A\ 1 -.; 1 'I' Ff 11 •• T A 1 'I "I ll\ w 1 '""' AIIICI'I"• .. w·nlntt Jlf"rldd Ex· Oi>hnl' mgr S t'PPLY-W. F'"fll'rllll'nul.irinn~ for :\1t1At1v l 1(1-. ~ S("Nnttucr. ll&&1 f. ltWF:\ H C' :l7n:t '••tt~• ltl••l \!f tllAf!rtY \kf 'AII I''\I V \\:I t \1•~• ,,.,.,,,.n"•kll ,.,,,.,,,,1, t '•nlr•tl llu lloun lltorl•"~ :n tor•~• p,,.mlnl'rllndPaltyN..,. \\'ESTF:R:"J At'TO • 1 T'l'rmrt!'lrnto: C'olcl \\'ll\"~• lf111r ~lli,mll ~~-' t't!ll ll :'tl•'lllt O..R•"•on ~''"l">rl lll'nth l lorlo~11 7•• lfttfiAI11\Y !I •' \!tn t11• 1··~1 \lorl •l 1,,.,,,,,,,. l.tllt•t. I .r,••• !-\1•~~ .,f l 1,,111,~rl• '""'' ll,..,l••r c' 1\Jrnl'r O\\n•·r tit~='~'''!~~ ~''""~· II ur TtniiOII:. nli'Af'h· ···-:· 1'~'· 11·;'"'""~ s •m·· "' llrl• k C'ttnlrrl•ltnl' ~~-' llolll "'' 111111"'' l•lontl "'"" r "•It \I· •• I,,.,. I,,,,~ .. " llltJ~·•I "I J.r,, .... ,. ""I Witt•' N--. ..... , ... • Rhd . \~1n \I' .:tn 1'\.,nrnn ~t l lf\1.: Ann ( .tnnun F· .. l,t uruh: tJr, "" And f'lh ,,, n an.tw'f'. ,., ,.. '"' ftlrt' •' , ~'f)I,Y \1 ., ' ,, ' ~ .,,,. ., h ' .. ,,. \ • ~,, t,.f,f• Jt . •' I', •I •J ' ,, '"'' \1r·•.. '' '""'' t ,,,.,,, un !'-'• • ,, ... ,....,. r'" Rnrlio-F.II'('tnr .\pphnnrM llrlng l llo lrn•' r urt rc l ',.ffl \\'u\1~ \1~•"' <.;I r i SSI'!ICII, ~f.P· _,11,,0 K '"'HAl ll"''' ln•l••'''"l ""•I• ... If:,,• l •oth I'••' ol l'llkll•' •1,,. 1,, 11 ,1 S•tro•h ••• ~lilt'"'"'" 'lltfl\1/\':~ Ji'I.I')WF:R RUOP A '.'llUI' AIIIOmuhrl_• I ,. .. .,hit c In u~ ()no n ""''" ••.• , ,,II llt\ I ·" I I•. T \'\I' "' R\'1('1-s F ' n I II .' ',1 ',: • \\'It ., ' Rn•l<t f' oth · I ,t ~... I .. ,-,1 I ' I \' , ,., \\I'(,,. I' ( If ,, .. I I . ,,, ,,, ' A,,. .. s. I''"'' Nl'l'<.:l ltV l.rnmtn "· H-('... ,. I I I.• l\.-1 \l or t int • ntlo.tt l•l m• I n " I ( , .. -At'TORt:f•\IRi\"'ll fiiP:R\1•· AJ11~,'1~tml'nl~ . ,. • 111"11 ""11'r, I~HI•I I I P1 1n~tt••l1 ••"11'· '''' f'\ l',•f,,, 1 •11 f,/!••'11'' •1·\\ '·••r •l r ,r, '"''"'''"'"ltnd l tm•h•• 1"'11 '\1 :1 'nlllll lf"''Y.~ " f:ARACF: -(' I nn• IW:>: RF:TI1 nt-.A l rY ~HOP ( 1"'11' 1\1• ~I lt. """ •.r.r.t '1 I' I " ' ,,,,,,. \f•u •• I'IIIYII.. ''"' (,,'I \ ' ''"""'" II,,,, .. , II ' ' 'II "I ,I "' 'i 1,•111"•1.1( I ltJI '!Ill ~~ '~ll'lr :>00::~·-----C'ARRF.LL ' 2f,.yf, \\ ('t•ntrnl l 17 1 f l"lh (''"''·• \!•~II ('nmJtlrlf• f'l·~cfln"l And ~"Pill' ·•ll dll•l:. •r.vlr •· • • ••rr•'••• J'l••lolr \f,,,,,, \\'.ttor I ll .''fl11 ~·I 1,/fllt ti•Y "'I'•Htt \1o ltrl•l \1 r• 11•tV II Nf'II"FA C'nrrl'll o\\nl'rt .R<-nch lJIIrhnr llrnron ~.t'lfi.!·.l Pt+rnAn,..nl~ of ·r :mk !'•nll'o• SJI•<I•tltllnl.' ttl "~~t.nl rrt,\!'T l lt'\"1 1'' l<t•l•l f ,,o..;. ··rn•'ln•ll'•'•'•'• ''""' V. r.,111rol ''"I""' Ko•n•, ''"'"'" ;v 1 11 r·,t111 Sl lll olt<;t' F".~:R M .lt. N;;:t 1\w•J, ~~I'WlJ'l{1,.,..,.hnUIInll: Tunl' All t-\rrttl~ 11 Sl~tnlty All,.,,.~ nf ;\lnm :-;•1\••r ('tot)-:•l'n':"''t'r.'l~!\11 ,<•••""1"1•1 \I !':•tt f • ·~··.:\\llrft, '"'' 1.,. II• ,fl, ""''M•r 1;1)1, 1"'"1'''' ll oll~··• fl,rt.,., Ill llnnt""lllh '\lot•rlhlr•• AVf', hallloa ltl 141· •• ntnr IRI'fltllrlng' l)odyl ('li;\RLo 'n'E'f' fii-:AI'TY sun~ "'"'"II-Hllllftlnc. ltqt'lll ll'\1! rw;r "I trolll'lt ,1)"\\,..,. ,,,1 S\• I I ..... , ""~''' ,,,., l hJtl• ,,,,, '"''"''''" l llfllll,. "''1111·, llnrhnr J"t;:l-w Up 11~d_q~r~~ork Auto P aint· -609 Stnte Hwy •. C<,....._ nrWI 1•umprn2 Doy nr :"1s;:ht .'I'M:\11-:R$ 1-'HJ\""1< Ill I ,., '""•r>l fn•tti i11H••n~ J.'llln"'~"l 1-II·Nh \q•••lr,l,l" ''"" lrtrrr~ '/''""''" l••r N••w1.,rl.fltrlloutt l --------- and rl'nuco-' M11r Hsdlot 1:526 8f'rv1C'<' I• t r nl AW·. R11I!YII\, H11rl"''~ l'ill H)'tlrN•rlir ('~ontrulc llJtl'l IV• tl Fr• ~~~ I IIIII> ''t1url~l rl•1rrnu IC'•ontlnw-.1 "" nf'lrt ~) In« .. • .. AID PROFE .SSIOIAL a·IRfCTORY 01"10_........ PLATING "·o••~' I aEJI'IltGEaATtoN 8ALES 1 HEilVIOE n'A'I'IONM l TEIUIITE OONTIIOL GOLF oouua Blm'DWOR'J'!!1 ERNEST T., HARBOR PLATING CO R. W. AND 8E&VIC& ASSOC'JATED SERVlCt" STA· C'l ti\ST TERMITE A FUNGUS HUNTINGTON BEA<;H P UBLIC 0. I),.......S1J4 w . Central Aw., ShJII 8nd F. R. StilllniJ1, nwnt•nr. VOI.EL. JOliN F. 100 Mo10 St.. TION -Lyle R. Pope ~tnd llt•nry C'O:-.ITROL CO -1216 S. Main, COLF COURSE-An~e Mollie&, ~ 8Mch. Harbor 2511. 2t107 W. Central Av"·· New. purt l n~t lbon. llllrbor 14~ :!ON Marine I A Sdrroeder. owners, :!~•I I W. Sunta Ana. Ph. 14R9-W. We Ex-Mgr.. 17th' and WHiy Avf> .. C&AWFOitD ROBERT A.-rm &ad\. Jlarbor t42l·J. "l\Nt" ~vt•. Balhott Island 118rhor Central Ave. Newport 1'\f'arh. t('rminate All ~ of House-Huntington &ach. Ph. 2704. Na•tpuat IJIYd....__ Coet• trteea. In Marine Platin&. Copper, Nick· 'J.Z9'J.W . Harbor Art>a U11trlb-Harbor 1406. A.Modatl'd Cui hold lneects. Only thf V~ Lat-Prompt Starting Time AvaUablt> ...._ SJ!. ~:.yes ExandMd. el ("hrornn' and Mf'talpollahlng. utora for St'rvl'l Cas R••frhtl'ra-and 0 11.1. Waahln1. GrC'aslng. H I and Approved Methock Uaed. Always. ca-. ntuct. ' If'~. Rlcyclt' ~ntals and K4'\rs TlrMI Tubes Batterit'fl 11ntl Ac·1 A11k About Low C:O.t Fl Con-FLO R rADn~Mo AJR) DJa()()llATINO CRAMER rL.'?'~~~C)IUI Uwy Made. ('('S.'IOries. . I frol for Your Uoml' or Bl.lllneu. FARWELL'S ~~~·N~INCT ON ANDEIUk>N. R. E.--21011 Paclnc Nl•wpori A..lwh "''ll~n ~1. I Rt:f4TAt'RANTfi4-C"AI'"t:!4 nALOOA ISI4AND !-it-:lt\'I("Jo; ~~lnt ~ra~g': County Since BEAC'H NURSF.RY AND Aw.. O.ta M .... Jiracon 578().J. . ' ARC'HES ("AF'fo: John fll!••llr·, STATION-J. T. Keelt·r oond ~L • . . mlth. I I FLORISTS-Leo w. Farwell, p, 0 . 8cPt 4»8. Rt. 2. Spedallz.-PLtll!fltlNO ASll lf~ATINO ""''nf•r. No•V.JJ<trt Alvd. and ( 1111.51 A. Cox. ownt'n. Marine• "'"nuo·, ro~.AN TF.RMITE CONTROL -. nwner. 708 MRin. Huntington IDtr Ia Wat nne and Com-.HOI.BR()(~K. If II -3:.!00 run~t llwy, 1111 Alll-rnat<•, NcWf)()l'~ Balhoa tsllmd. Harbor l:l~l :.!117 So. A~oadway. Santa Anu. Beach, 6324. Full Line of Nura- ,JIIete Deeor~l Servin-of Ol vd .. "'""'flMI lii•RI'h llhrhor • 1\f'l•l'h, llcoRc•on r1 t6J. SJ!l•riullmtl! Wushint.:. Poil!!hln~t, (;n·asonl! . ~\(If~. Str~l~turnl Repairs. ery Stock and Cut Flo'!"cra. -cout&J Homea. Offl~ Houn 141R-W, • , . I in S h111kl. ChDfltl. Cltick••n, Sl' .. ·l and Lubrication. Firest1mo• l'o ro•!t 11-.Rn1,~TF. PE..cl l AND FUNGUS -I:OO .S·OO m vn:u ; PI.IIMnJNt; A ;'I: f) !'lll·.f:"l' r()(td Also Cock lull I..A)IInt.:o' I untl Boltc•rlf'a. Also Rf'~~I'JIInl: ("()N fROL John A1tkcn, own-FUNt:RAL lliRI!;C'TOR!il JR:AN t:n· HO~AN:._300 Jfnzl'l M~:rAL W~lltl,~ IK.~l Nf•W• llALRf 1A INN CAn: R11lhoa Inn N•·w Willard and FireslOJll' u,1,. <'r, ~3.31 No. l\ful!', Sa~ta ~nu SMil)IS' MORTUARY-Roy . K. Dri c cl 1M H rttor l port Aw (o<\t;o M""'' 131'nl'nn , Arrndl' MAin llulbon Hurt.ur l ll•rir11 St•rvk-e With a Strul•• t f>h 3675. Spc'cluhsts 'lerrrules, Smith and Howard K. Smtih, ••. I ~a (! ndar.F:•~·rlor 511)7 Slll';lllffy. """' T unks I :n:t HI'IIUtlfui C'ockta•'l LroUill.:.!l Jl( IYD'S S fo'RVJCE STATIII:-.; WOI'tdl)()rt·rs, Funj;(l,lll. Mothproof., 627 Main. Huntington &•uch. ar =· ft.n~ck>noe or Comlnf'r· TWIN CITY POlli.THY MARKI-:T 1 wit'ho·~ ~.nt,•rlulnf!wnt • 7 3ll &•ach. Harbor 985. w11~loem:. \~~ Go A:;,t"h~rE. State Uc. AtH nda.~t. A Trrbute Without Palnd n :ndor.,..;...tJnll': S~ayl POI'LTtn• t•RUlli'C"Tl'i 1 anrl lb1r. ~<·Afooda und 51111(~ f:i(l(l w. Ct'ntral ~Ave., ;-.,."j~•rt "'1:; A!l TYIJI 'II !'f.t-:,xtermlnatlng. 3n., Ambul~ncl' ~<'r\'lee. Lady dal. P..,erh•nclnc . Call Us ror _ 2010 w C't•ntrlll Aw Nr•w., p m to l:t:OO M•dneh•, t-.xr·••pt· Poltahlng. Greuaina, Lulu,,.,.,,.,,. \ I, r~lor.,J..,...A S~te ~ontrafcptor:s Burdrn. he. Eltlmate Firat Ail Work r••rl &•11rh llsrhur ~lll'i l,l\ I' en~: Tu••!!dllys :-.lf'W Tirea. Tubt'tl, Betto·r'h' lk ·l ~~~ · 0 """""'· .' l'm•A"rll 0 ··~t I llOTEL'J au.r-teecl. f>uultry a"d nahhlt•. BAY S ill Ill~; t"AF"E nmst llw>. I'HIJPin~:. Re<·harain(C, l1o•nttol,, ( O,"!rol Au~lat lon of Cahf; BREAKERS HOTELr-Mr und DANIEL, ROBERT H --:100 Santa PUBLU' MTEN()(iRAJ•Ur:RM _Nr·WfM~r,t B;rll~h: lli·AI~ln 57<1~ At.'N'IIIOrit'l. Cars Calle-d fur uml ~-~",' ICUI'lll. Cali Now. 16 years Mrs. Ke nneth Harrell, props., Aaa Aw. Nt•po~ t llts. Bucon KJ:ESLlNC, MARI.Ut:Rl1'1': I II IX 1MI-.S (Ali Jo • ..("harlcs fu~s.1 [){>llvl'red. pc r r nce 106 ()c(oan Avt>.. Hunten~:ton 51!1()1.M. b2ij Sou. thWf'11t Nl'w-twtl-A Nt'wpnrt nlvd .. rt~lllll ~~ ownl'r, 'l'M (l<'t'an 1-'ront. Nf'W· C'OU NTRY C'LUB SERVICE ~T.\-Tltr:ATaES Beach. Ph. 604. Also 3 Cabins part IIIYCI., C.Ca MN&. NCYo' Mt'IJII. ilPIIC(Ifl !'iArWJ-W. tJOrl llt•ach ll!trhor l!lJO. Also TIO J. E . Kntlng. "" n,•r, llALROA THEATRE -Balboa and 6 Apartment Acoommoda- Star.-PalnUnl. Watf'rprooflnc. aABBITM-----Cork IIIII . ~un.1:~ 1 :.!600 Newport Blvd., Cos Itt MI'Sa Th1'11tre Uldg .. Ba.lboa. Harbor tiona. ....., Palatln&. Ail ~~._.. Jn-LONG'S, JIAP RAnDITHY rnr·l BUSY r::if.~ ~1-•• &MboWol~ o~·~ lk'acon 5123-R. Slrna1 Pr1rducts: 26. U DO THEATRE ~Centr11l ----0-PTO--MET---R-IN_T ___ _ tC'riGr and Ext~ 1:!~1'j!: 11M' or Hlth'and Tustin. ('cl!ltn ~21 SPf'd:IJ;ing ln '8re&:r11~1~l ~~ Ti.n>s aComnd TubH1 . F"!rt"''"n'; ~t~~· Newport Beach. Harbor ,J<AUFMAt;J. HENRY ·s .. o. D - M<>sll !WAcon 5611 Phon•· Or-l.unch S t('aks and o 10\18 ndteLrtes1 ·1 • p. ete Grl'olllllll: · 112 M111n, Huntin~tton I:WRch. .. _ • t...a · a u lroclltlnn. Ph 3472 QOIU( A1.LA E. -1567 San-..,.,,. ncnop '"· CASINO CAI!'E 20'1 Ma n, Bal·l\., . -. I TIR£1'4 AND TUlE SERVICE · · u Ana J.tft~ Coeta MHa. llADIU DI:ALEIL~ ANU hoA IIRrhor T7~M. uJC'K S SERV1CE-l120 C r).'lsl C'OSTA MF.SA TIRE & RF:CAP-WHITIAKE;Jt. L. F .. M. D.-302 ..... 533'1-W. Pa1nllnl[ Con-"U\'IC"& I CHRISTIAN'S mrr 325 F:. Edgl'·l Blvd .. Corona dt'l Mar I l.orlo<lr I PIN(;.. SIIOP-H. J . Mitchell. 3rd, Huntrn~l on IJ(-Ach. Ph. 143. ar.etor. BROWN J. K .. ('(J!\1f>A.:'I/Y l:.!l!t wat,.r Avt•, Rfllbo11 Harl)or R71 441 -R. Wuhln&, Poh>Jun~:. 0\l'"Tll'r 1760 Newport Blvd., If no lllUI"cr call Huntington lli~iCiC: EDGAR B. 143 E 18th, ("out · It . Nt>wpnrl lkAC'h St!'Ak". ChOpl!l, S.•afooc:t.. Fllfod Creasen~t. Lubrication, l\ ,. "' Costa Mt>Sa. Beacon 5743. Com-Beach. Ph. 330l. fkoacon 5~ Paint-Ma.rinl' R:bo Sa1rs and S!'rvln· Rnd GrOft SpN·iull7.1nlt in ·rror>-'[.;;~'! ~'t;':~g~eca~ntl! 1 1\atd I P.ll'lc Ltnl' Goodyear Tin'S und RESTAl'llANT8-CAFt:S l £:2.::.-... ~~=~~0f~ O.alf>NI rnr Karr F:ngtnN•rtnll ical Rum Urinks. A 1 • • I' &. n n b !l11 l'ubl>s. Truck 11nd Put«'nger HUNTINGTON D1NNER IIOUSF. I" L -260 22nd. ("o. nnd Rfldiaphon" Inc_ In· OOLI~ lfOttSE '"~ t-; ("r'ntrnl CC'f':SIOrtt>l. A 1 Garagt' 10 1 nn-Ttrr~ l1c·copping. 8-Hour &!rv-~ Ocean Ave. IIUJitin~tton o.ta Jkaron !'IC~J. • 1tallation and Si·~·e('(' on All 1\H•. H11ll10ro l lnrhur :.!1111 n;~unn, same address \lnllrr IN' 'I'm· Bulancin~:. Tires Loan-JWarh. Ph 1961 Speeiali7in~t In ...flamlr llalllltnlfl('e and Rf'palrl. t.fRrin•• Ell•f'lrnn!c· EqUII>mt•ul ELt-:<•rttJC' I :Jtll.l. A Nil lll.l'F ~ H'."hnultnt: Tunt: Up. o·d Fro•f' Wh1lr• W£' Haw Yours. ChickC'no;. Sto>nks nnd Lunch•'{'n J»a!atJill Contrac1or. NORTON. OURT R -!115 c·,11ht ROO~ : . .'IN. Pnlm. llorll~<•a I Gt-.Nr.n.AL ~1-..-rROLEUM l 't •IH' TRAU.r.:a PAKKiil and CluiJ l•arli<'s. Bulldin~: u nJ1P10N A NOlLAR-~1 2 ~lh, Jlwy N1•wpnrt l~·ncto lli·llr<1n l lorlour Z.!:t<l. ~po·tiAiiztn~t tn 01-( ALIF -R. L. Call1~. 1Ith Banqul'l I htust•. Capacity for J11ewport Btactl Hnbor 1:117-W. 5763 ··Mn('int' Sul<'s r.n(l S.·~·il't' St••att~. C'hr11_. fond .S.•affllrds. trlhutor. '227 :.!Oth, 1'\t·WI••rl BAY ;:;JIIJtU: TRAII.t:R & BOAT :..>0(1 Ask Us About It In th<' l"'rr1 Clue Palnt1nr and [)(o('. s. 0 . s. RADIO &. 1-:I.F:C'TRI(" fkllullrut f,()('kfr.ll l..uun~l' ~·t~rll 1-lnrhor 797. M•'~'"" I.A:'\1 •l :'l:t : lllt•n:r. Klll~~t·r. own-F:nd 11r AliJ.:USI. .. I.Jfte. Bttt tJ1 M11terla .. U84.'d CO-300 Marin.<' A\'1'., Ralbonj GALI.EY C"/\1'"1-7 & C'<I("KTAIL :SirN•t. and Hwy. 101, Snn .Ju 111 1•r John Mm·u. munugt•r. l71h 1\ft',\LLIST~.R l'AF"E .l!wy. 39 Jaland. HArbor 7RO. rlf'alr•rs fnr I.OIJNGE 3152 VIa Ol•>rlo. C'npistrano. J>h. 20. Wh.,l•·'·'"' :.ntl < '•>>u.l IIW)' .. NeWIJo)rl f:Wach in OCI'IIn Vit•w, Huntington ••• ,;:;.... .. PA.Dft'p .. .,.....flrOSTOIIDJR.E 'larry Phlloo, Cc:onl'rAI EIC<'trl('. Atl-l l.itf•• h<l•md llurltnr 271<9. Lx•llverlt-. to Ranch and t'oun-ll•••wlon ~1~. ('umpll'fl' Rout lwul'h. Ph. 5761. Fratunn~: Jum· _.._.,._ ---·~ • r mlrsl, Packard·r~··ll nn<l ll•lff ·I (.;JI,L.IS t'A•·.: Mrs, flonnsh GH· ml'l'riul Accounts. 1-'<tr'lhlit•s fur Salt• Rt•nt. Re-tx1 f'rcnch Frll'd Shrimp nnd ~~~~i.~' ~~= man Radioa. C'ompklf' Rl'111ur lis. nwNnr•r, :.!f\14 Wh. c,."1ntboral JOHNSTONE SERVlCE Till' l>illrtL __:S:.:h..:.:o:.:r.:.t_O_:_rd:.:('_r.:.s_. ------- ... Patnta and Woolwy"l Ma· &-rvice on All M&kl'll nf RadiOil ~\'('. •·~1l0rt fll•ac · 11r r f"lyinR Rl'd Horse. Coast lllv•l TRU('KINO SJIEET METAL WORKH .... PUnta "'imaUr.t'd lor Stoa Ulllvf'TMI Wuhcra and Jronc·rs :.!lit TilE C'OA~ll LAMP 504 and 101 If~ .. Newport 1\l'ho'h. GUST TRUrKJNC -1630 Nt•w-pA C IFI C SHF.F:T M F: T A L ... ..,_,. A Paint for. Ev«Y Vacuum nt>anera. , All 1'yp('1l of W. f"ntrul Avt .. Ualboa. Har· llarltor lfi7:.!-J . Mobil Gros 11nd port ntvd . Costa. Mr·sa. ~aeon W.ORKS-J. N. Martin and I. J . ....._ Pa1at.n' SUIIIIUN tt..c~-Table-EIK"Irlcal Appliantx'l. bo_r 'l'lGM. OILI. Washln~::. Pnllahlne. \.ro·:t~-!\126. Gl'nt-rai Hauling, Gravel. Rennt>r props IIR 3rd llunt- ••• •• tor ~~;iii; Pallltera. TRONART. INC. Rll Cout GRF4 Y GOOSF: F 0 UN T A 1 N lng and Lubrirll_tlon. New T•ro·~. Dirt, Lumhc•r. No Job To Large lngon Beach. Ph. 6512. General __ HW)'., N~t Beach.. Beacon LUNCH Rlllph and GeoriCla Tubes, BattC'nea. ~••pptnl( or Too Small "Gi\'l' ME a Call." Sheet Me tal Works, St:Jiallzing JWI' ~ 5237. New location-2905 W. Wrll, owne-rs, :'101 F. Edgrwater F"rt't' Pickup 11nd ~II\•'~') ol · · v w ..lSI' PANTaY-Mn. 1aocqueUrw Cmtral, N.-wport &acta. &aeon AW., Balboa. llarbor :l7 14. Spe-Your Car. I VAJUt."Tl' STORES ~tr!:a~~ ~~~ksl'ntl atlng. e ........ prop., 11:1 Apte Aw., 5237. Radio TeWphone and Hnroc ciallllng in Breakfuts. Lunches. LIDO RICHFIELD SF:I1\'H 'f: BAL.R< lA ISLAND VARIETY -----·-----· ..... ~ Harbor 17"D-W. Radloa. Marint' Equlpnv'nt. Spe-Steaks. Olope. Malta and Sand-STATION-Erwin Tonnt•. ov.n-STORE RoiM'r t Alll'n, Prop .• AIII!CIIIdl ol Food R.tYNd6ee and dallzina In All Typt"'l of Sound wicht'l. ()pf-n from $1:00 a. m.-l'r , 3413 W. Central A .. ·e. No·\\· :113 Marine Avl.'. Balboa Island. PuBLIC NoTICI!S I II 6w for All Peta. Frfth Equlpment. Complt-te Une of 2:00 • m Mond11y Eve-to 8:00 port Beach. Harbor fi!H·.I If arbor 2111-W -2 W Harw .... L ~torola R.adioa. P· m. . Wuhlng. Polishln~. Cn•ns1n11. ...... OONftOL Dbf~Ti£iPiioNI! 8£1Vicl! HURLEY BELL. TifF. -13.''i C'(ldt . Luhrlcallon. New Tirt!s. Tul,l{"to VETERISARIAN .. m PEST CONTROL BtrrC'HERS. R AD I 0 TELE-Hwy .. Corona do•l Mar. Harhnr 1 nnd Rath!rtt'll Ren~J~II and lt.·-lll'l.flliSII. WM. R .. DR.-1000 • ~105 w. 5th, Santa PHONE SERVlCE-Crorae E 1273. SPtdalizlna: In StukJI. rhar~ting ('O;t'lt lfwy., Corona df-1 Mar. ,._ -. "Doe" KJlzum. Butdlft', 625 Cout Hwy .. New· 0\ope, Olickt>n and ~at~ I MORRIS WM P -1951 llnriNir llnrbor 24:l:l R~·a. 338 "L", Bal- Plltilllb AD. Die .. Tlult'a port Beadl. &aeon 5651-W. U· Coc~aiiSu~na:e and0Pj1~11~ no I Oh·tl. ~ta M<'SR. Beacon 5!1111 hou IIRrbor HlFI7-J. Wlw Ill .. Pwamount 1ft Con-~ Tedlnlcian. Radio Telc-· ::00 · .>'\ da C'l~ A.utomotive, Tractor and Marm•·l WI:LDI'NO ...,-ol ltata, Mk», ~. phonM. Radar. Lor11n Fathom· ~ ~ "~ ya. F.n~:i':l" ~pairing, Creasing ant! KNAPP. w 11 , WELDtNC AND ..... ........,...., P\Ha, trtottw, etft'a. R.dlo. Dln>ctlon Fincten. KJNC'S LANDING & CAFE R l.ubncaiiOf). New Coodru·h nLACKS MITH SHOP-W. H. ...... ........_rue., S..., Su6-a&AL 1'.8TAT& J. Early, ov.nc-r , 611 3tat. New· Tlr~ t~nd Tuh<'s. Goodric-h ll ri-1-i:nupp, ownPr, 2fi09 W. C'~tnl No. Ull4e ~OTICE OF j;lALJ; OF REAL PllOPI:RTV AT PRf\'ATE SALE II': TI IE SUPF:P f(ll'l ('()!lilT 01· THE STATE Or CALIFORNIA 1N AND FOR TI fE COlJNTY OF LOS ANGELES . ~~o:r::--~ BARNES, J . E., AND SON 1806 por. t Bendt llllrbor 1934. SiX'-lt'rtf'S. Rentals. Rechar~ng .tnrl A.\1•. Newport &ach. Harbor ~ N~ Blvd., Coata Mesa. clall:dnK in All Kinds of Sl'a· Rrcll()(llng I :tl:l:.! Sl<~·l Fabricalion. Ct•nl'ral In the Mattf'r ro thl' Estate and lk'•con 5320. foods. MYREHN BRlYnH;RS SF:RVH'E Wl'ldtnlt, Portable F.qulpmrnt. Cuardinnshlp of F. L. KEN- BEVERLEY REALTY COMPANY LA POSTA S. J . Reynolds, own-STATIQN )ilh 8nd Nt•wporf ' SMITII, 0 . R. AND SON Wf'ld-NEDY. JR.. Minor. --80'7 E. C..entral Ave., Balboa. er. 2~ Nl'wporl Blvd., Costa . nlv<l. Costa Mt.'sa. &aron 51-11 ing nnd Shl'f't Me tal Workll, NOTICE Is hereby ~tivc-n thai Harbor 1788. M!'lln. 84-acon 5641 . Df'Hd oua Luhrlcation, Nt•w Ttr8. But·i Orange A VI.'. at 20th, Costa the undt'rsigned, BERTHA L. BROSE REAL TY-1307 C'011st MNdcun Fooda. tt-rlt'l, Re<:hnrgin~t. Rrntal~. Ar-Ml•Ja. Beacon 56()5. St.ainleM ALDRICH, Guardian of the Es- HW)'., CnTona del Mar. Harbor NEW IIARBOR CAFE-J. W. cessorltos. TrRil(·r~ flrr Rent. St~'<'l Md Monti Welden~e. a tat£' of F . L. Kennl'dy. Jr .. a mi- 2()48. w .... ,, ownflr . Cornt'r l..afayettf' REF:O'S SERVlC'F. STATION I Sp<'ciolty. Round and C'onlcal nor, will S<'ll at private sAil' to BURNHAM. JOHN D. -:11101 11nd 30th. Ac·rou from WMirrn Flnyd anlf F:mmctt RN.'<I. 0" n· Buo)'ll. I hi' highest hiddl'r upon the te rms Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Harbor Cnnnrrs. NP"''porl Belich. Spt'-rrs, :t9'JO W. <:rnlrnl Avl' .. No•w-l'A('IIT ANf'fiORAOM and condHionl hereinafter m<'n· 315. J dlllllln~t In Good Food. l>pr•n port Bt-11ch. Harhor m . Body ' C 0 AS T PROPERTIES C'OM· MondJIY thmu~:J> SRturday, 6:~1 I and r•'nd(>r Rc-prurln..:. Painting, RIC'li~RDSO~. A. S. ,v AC'IIT lionl'd and subject to confirmation PANY-703 E. Central Avl'., a. m Jo H:OO p. m. Lubrication, Wuslun~:. l'olilihrnt;. AN< IIQRAGF: -naystdf' Dr., hy sald,Superior Court on or after Ba.lboa. Harbor 2868. NEWPORT CAF'F",-110 McFaddn TlrH, Tubl>s. EJall•·nes. ~-Nl'wport Beach. Harbor 369· July 31, 1946. all tht' right, title DODGE. DONALD J. 1849 Ana-Pl., Nrwport Bea<'h. Harbor chBT~tln..: t"omplt>fe Lin<> of Ac-~lstrlbutors ~ y H~~t~r1'!!t and lnterHt of F L. Kl'nnl'dy, Jr helm and Ba.lbM Ave., Co.ta 1360-W. Good Old ll<?mt> Cook-cnsori~ IIIOII'nancl' an ar a · 11 mlnor and ali the right tltl~ ~ BeaW conB ~11 7· ,.__ __ Bl d Ina:. SpPCI&II:dnR In Famrly RlCFIELO SF'RVICE 1-'TATION VAC"IIT ltll()KER.~ and inte~HI that tht> guardl~nshlp .. ~..... . .-.-.. ~ ... t v ·• Tr11&-. Tacoe 11nd F:nc-hlhtdas. "Boh" J ('d • 416 1-' ,-.n<ISIFR FRF:D J YACHTI · Newpor1 Beach Hsrbor 24 SF:A SIIF.l L CAFI--w 11 , l\1 k I -II)'!' • 0"""' r • 1 '-" · · • • · esta.te of satd minor haa. by OJX'.r· HARBOR INVEsTMENT 'ro 'I i lty And. Joe• Nr~hoiS: >ow:c;rs· C'l9c7n~rlal IAI "''' Balholl II,IBirhobnr fniRIOI KF:RH 312'.l ,,Isll2andN Avl'd. ation of law or oihl'rwis!' acqulr!'d, R£ALTO .. ., """h W C' • • · .,. own 1 o wn •• 1 " n 1011. nr 'lnr .t. •·w an ddi 1 h ~· at . t'n· 001 1::. Cf'ntni Avr. Balhu11 WastunR. Polishlnf:. Luhnl'ulion, l'~r·d Hotlfll Sad nr Pti\H•r. Alw otht>r thsn or in 1.1 t on to t at tral. Nt>Yo'J)orl &adl. Harbor Harbor 840 S~J~·ctnltzlng In St·n-Nev. Tir£'8. T\lhcs, Hnll;•rlt•s. Mnnnt· lnsrtrll'lC'I' or ~aid minor In and to th11t ccr· 1600. Spt'(ia115t In Harbor Prop-food. CocktAil Loun~~:l'. RPntnls. Rl'<'har~:m~:. ,,, ... , '\SQrtN! St ll 'TII ('OAST Ct 1 23rd IUld \\' tain lot. pit'('(' or parCf'l of land mlft. SHAMRO('K CAFE 1$124 Nf'"6. 11nd Rccapp1n1: "St•rVI<'I' As You ('f'ntral A\'l'. :-.;,."'l)Ort Beach I situate lying and helng In th4' ISLAND REAL"J"Y COMPANY-, port Rh•d .. C011ta MN!It Bt•aron Rc-1rlly Ukl' II." IIRrhor :.!6{)11 Yacht Brokl'rS County. nf Orangl' State of Cali· 201 Agate-Ave., Balboa bland. :wn · H•bor 377-W. Complete INur· SHEP'S CAFE-L. O. Sht•ppord TF:XAC'O MAR!:"'F S~:RVlCE T\.1nt Bulldin~: and R4'pl.\lring fo~il,, ond more parli~larfy dr· anoe. OWYI<'r. 1015 Cnast Jlwy., Nt>W· STATION-:.!4(16 W ("l'ntraf WING SANG OOAT AND RE-scnbt'd 11~ folloW!!. to-Wlt : JOHNSON. A. E.. REAL TOR-~t fll'ach. 8(-&ron !\111~, Avt>.. Nt•wport Reach. llnrbor PAIR YARD Capt S. J. Bar· An undivided one -twelfth 488 N~ Blvd .• Colla MHa. ND r AF"".-Jim Ow•n, ~op 127 Machinl' Shop, llarbor dl'n Il l I l'oast llwy. Nr•wport (1/12th) lntt'rest In Rnd to the n 5120-r. ~ 1144 W Beach Bf'uron 541<1 R<'ll. Bearon Beacon 120-M. Hornet!, Income, 514 E. Occ:o11n Front, Be boA. TOURScHER, AL. MRS Coast ~W Moortng and Spat'e Southwesterly rectangular one-~~andT~~rothlnr WEH~~~.~34 1c·R. Hwy an~ Marine Aw . N<'W-Av&llabl" rnr floats ror Sale haH of Lot 9 of Trat:t 37&. other- JORD or oo · """"''nc. AFE KeUey and Be H bo 2653 J wl51' known as Santa Ana Hclght.l, _}N7 AL ESTATE BROK-Sherfick. 0""T14'ft1. 2.'160 Newport port ac . ar r . . \'A("IIT ('HARTER.'4 In Orange County, St&te of CaJI- c.no-00 E. C.ntral Ave., Bal-Blvd.. C'oeta Mt'SII Bes<'On 8HOU MALIBU YAC"lrr CHARTERS-~ Harbof 153. 5131-R. SpcclallzinK In Steaka MATTOON'S SHOE STORE-2802 Coast llwy., Newport fornls, as per map rt>cordl'd in LANN E. H. t.!·~ch HCourt Ave., C'hollll. Chlckrn. , Alao Home 1795 -Newport Ave.. Coeta Reach , Harbor 1114 CrulsH BooM k 1:5,( Pag'led 29Cof Mlacell&dncous ewport ..... , · arbor 343. MAde P11•try and Pies. Also Melli. Beacon 5639-W Mrn's, from Silka to Acapul<'o. Quail-ape o sa ounty; an one ~~iiii~~iiciii~triii~rr I =lin All 1')'Jit'l of Harbor Sunlit'! Trnill;'r Court in Con-Women'• and Childrl'n·a Foot· fie<l Opo'rntors May Skipper zhare of stock In the Sants An11 1 "· Quick Action. Alao nN:tion. M<ldl'rn ("onvenlenl't'S wnr Thl'ir Own 'Yachts. Hf'it;hts Watrr Company appurtc· UDOAII of Property lnaurAnC\• WIIJTf:'S C'()t-'F'EE SHOPS ,\ nsnt to said l11nd. liS l'VIdl'nccd ISLE PROPERTIES-P. A VAUX'S RESTAURANT 1110 1 !'ION~ • B h by CM"tificate No. ~1. PNalmer. ~~ltor. 3333 VI• Lidn. F.. O!ntral A\'1' .. Blllhoa. liar· BF:l':EniC'1'-TitF: SIGN MAN-Hunbngton eac The tl'rmS and conditions of ~~ ...,ach. Harbor 1500. hor ~-t:n M11rinl' Avr., nnl-~ 427 Narcissus Ave .. Coron11 &-1' MASK:EY, RALPII P .. CO. 111 ht'll I'lnnd llnrl•or 46.'\ Mar. Hnrbor R7 20 Yl'nrs In tht> AIRPORT" , 1sa1e: Cru~h in l~twful mune•y of thr W. ~ntrAI, Newport Bt'RCh Hnrbor Ar!'R. Sp<'clnli71ng In SUNSET BEACH AIRPOnTS -, Unitl'd States; ten ()('r Cl'nt (10~ l Appralaab and SRII'II. ROCli'T.Rj;l Cold IJ;tf Ll·ttcrln~t, Wnll Let-Maj Rlrhnrd F.. W11hsl', m~rr ., of the purchnllf' money to b£' pnld MATI'HEWS. A. L. 509 31st n~:NRO\\'. \\' J Runfln~: C'nn-tf'rn~. Window l.t'ttt•rin~; Truck Rt 1, Rt1x 437. Wint••r!lbUr~t Rd .. 111 the time of l h" sail', balance on Newport I:WAch. HRrhor ~71., trrrr t11r. :lf>IV.' 1\l nrf'U~ A\ 1' • N"w I..A'Ill'rin~. JloHI IA•ll••ruu: Per-JlunttnJ:tnn ll!'al'h Ph .'l:!7:4 confirmation of !lOll' McFARREN LILA B AND FRFII port IINH"h llnrhor 101:!-.f Fl I I A' I • F: Smith R. EALTO.RS 107 "A' ('rllnpl••lt• R purin~: l'l'n'lt" f,,.•tio1n or 1-:1~•· yn~:: n~•rur·twn trcra I Th_ e purchlls<'r ts to takr thr . \.ENVR1\L :-;~:11:-.; n l\11'.\:-.IY Rr•nflll~ l'a><~c·nr.:•·r F'h~:hts. A1r-d 1 r 1 1 b Blllboa. H11rbor :t517·M, 117 l':u "\'''" .. •:r ll•·p ... r~ lt•••(<o -Fl,ol 1023 1:: lth. ~·'"'" ,\na I'll 6640 craft !\lninll•nnnrl' Arljilct•nl to ~111 par('(' 0 ·rc-a profl('r y su · Bitttl, Salltll An11 Ph '715~-\\' \~··d. fil•• ·"'11 1 'nf!'JYI"'1'"11 Ro·~ I'll !"z1n111 •\ll:t tifolto Com· lhl' Lnnt: R.•nr h Cnl( Courso·. Jl'<'l to N•ndrtiOns. rl'slr!rtinns, MILLER. J M. ANI I A. S()( 'I· ~ ro•o• I n~l""'llon nnrt I '""''''" 11,..1 <"I " ~•r.:n~ i\ 11 'I'~ 1, , !lull<>-form<'rly 1\tc•alf•m lnrk rt•C:I'f'\'8 t lc>n!'. c·Ac:l'ml'nts 11nd rlj;(hl~ ATES-I!lth sntl W l 'l'ntru!l n-':,h,:'u~1~1·•r·\l::'' L ' ,. ~) 1111 ('(lffillh'rrr.ol. l'll'lnriAI, T --t••• .,.,. of way of r!'COrd nnd nil tnxl's a A\'~.. NI'"'TlOrl Of'nrh ll.orhur nit:-; ''" I "' tf 1r I :'I: I • l I _ • • I I 1 · At 0 I' ARTS .\:00 U s I I Lh.. li<'n lhl'rl'upon, not dl'finlfUt•nt H., M.D.-\:.!1:.!. Rf'nl E!!tnte Rrnkc-r!l l ,h•\\.onl 11<.'~"""" ""'n,••r ... •-~1 :-;,., "'''· (,o, .. ·at :-1'""'1111111' 111';\'l'l:-.:CTII:-.; HF r\l"ll ;\l'Tt t All h., ... or offftr~ mu.•t t~ in \\Ttl· _n,,n.a:.n•-.r. 1 1 .._ A 1 1 t trnnr.:•· ('nunl~ ·, t •Ill\ <'PIII]lll'lf' ... , • ~ ., " Balboa 1aland. PAYNE. J . C.-111 F: 1~111 <"'Mi ol 1·"'1 •t · ·'"' 1 """ 1 hhlto Str.:n Sl'r\11.,. Sl'Pf'l.\' ('t t:'\ll'c\:'I:Y .:to >\l:ron. in~ and will Ill' ti'Cf'iVI'd nt lhr nr. no 'nswer Cllll l l\lr'lla. Bearon :1213-M ti•PI ' H· I tl\ •. ,, ... >IIICI llo p.oll'o•ll I \\' :\ ·-II t 'M I A l lunllnCIIIII llo :wh 17 1 ""'" . • . RJir lPF:>\. E \'A F. •1711 :-.;,'"l"'r' t-·rc, I'''"'·'''' In !'olnlll An I l'n;~~.<:f·:. n:•al'ttll ·-:;~1 1./' Suppltl'!!. SJ~•rfl m: <:ood'-. Painl fic-o· of F:l :'llr.R II.\. llllF"F':O.I<\:'1:, M M .0 -BalllOA 1 Bl\d Cosln l\1 ,~ 1 lie• 1 \':Ill•' S11wo I'll•• f!. I ''<'0 · IA:k nnd Ko, S<'n'irt•, 1024 Rnw:m flulltllnf:, Los .\n~t£'11'~. ea'l~ Harbor 37 "\71a.:R. ( I 111~11 JH''I;Io(J :'I:' ltlll ll·t•.r: I 0 :'\I Pi\:"Y !htlll! tn =--·~"" C'alifomiA, nr mny '"' fll•'fl with M.D.-131 Brond: RITCHIF.. CF:RAUI \\" 1:.!1.'1 llrrt.,• 11nol \\.uolon<t<f', 111 7 ltf1:",,,"11·"1:,·rl·~,1,.':'1._~·-·-·-~·l l'llrrl, Rnl· At'TO Kt:l',\11& \SU l'if:R\'H·t: tht'CII'rk of~rudSup<•riurCourf, \\ I h .._ \ p II--~ ' ' PL.'",' ('L'. RR(I!' 1\l ''l't I SER\'ICI·: ....... Beacon stWt!' Cnll$1 ltv•) .. Corflnll ot.ol Mllr ' I •• IIIII ''. "'.l • h . '·' l':"Jt 1:-.; SH~:>: t 't I ,.,.,-, ' ·lth r .~ r ru rll'lh·erl'd fn •tHd gunrtlinn flt l 1-ilfS\~~G~., M. 0 .-0ffh.'t' IIRrll(\r ~ lnsur:tn('(', R••RI E~· < ''1111"'~"1111,1 :"lllnt.:l< ~ \\o•••l St. sa111,, i\n.t l'h 1;17'• 1\ny· ~20 j th. llolnlllil:lnn l11'1lt'h. sonally 111 nnr limr nrtrr flr,..t Blvd., COla tate. Notary Public. S hm11h • lifo· ,\~1""'1''!' n,.,,., thom: 111 :-'1~11-1'1u•;. \\ 111(111w 11H3 1'1' ;l~!)1 t'umplo·l•' .\utnmn-pultliration of thiS nntl('(' nnd ht·· sas& Res. Reacon SAOI.F:IR. JOliN E. 3(1~ MRin. II,UIII ·U.P ltuor" R'"'r" R(•p:uro••l .._1 . 1 ,1 1 . \\ 11 o ''''''· Tl'll<',k nncl lmph·mrnl Rl'-f ki 1, Balh<~n. H11rhor :l034. 1!'\0C. C'r)nsl f-rrr• 1-.llttmnlo·~ • 1111 "~"~ ~. •' "''' :--.. '" a 111·1 pnlrlng I•.IPt'l~ll' nnd \cl't) It"" •Jrl' ma ntt ~n < • , • Ill)~~~ MILTON M., M. 0 _ II"':.Y. c11ron11 dl'l Mar Grnl'ml ROSS ANO llARRt l\\'l' Sui'•'•'~· .,. H•,rllo·tlll , ., o\ll' \N'" l\lnchinr Wt•ld•n~:. Dated this Rth dn> nf Juh. l!l lfi a.-. Corona de-l l lnsur11nre llors to Owl'n R011ftn~ C'n. !'lil!t '~A:'\:T,\ 1\~/1. "~''" ' ' ' ••K""RI"""' I BF:RTHA L. ALOIUC"ll . .. iO&:z. Res. Call S ANFORD.· WILLIAM 1::. 4th, Snnln Ana, l'h. ·1;\:\.'1 --!1~• J._ Fu\lrth, s.,nl 1 Ana .. 0 ". ~· ,"''"' • Gunrdi11n nr Snhl Minor I Marinr Avl' BAll \~ , ... 11.~ j A~:enl$ fur "Juhns·MIIn,illo•. l'h. ;\I~. --·--EAOt-.R S .nAKf.R\ .f. II. ~,nrler.l C"R-I!AOZ M. D.~4 w. Harbor :.':14-R: Retllt~aant15 G~n: l 11nd "Pionr•rr-FIIntkote.. In-Sl•nRTISc; t.onn~t Pro~· ~:19 .. ~tn~n, 1 1111,':ltrngton Pub. J ulv 16. fR. 23. :15 nnd 30 Harbor 1724 era! InaurnnC(' llpt'Ctlon St'rVIr'(• Hoof ltr·pRir~ o1·r1 '· l'I.Yf)f· 1~oo~1 llurhnr BeMh, •1•4· Slnt c 19111· 1946 -. . RLA('KS!\UTU ~tiOPj;l I • Loa Aftcela STEINER. A SANOY. RF:Al;-TOR f4AND AND oaA\'P:r; Bhrl . Hent'm .-.~,;,.,f S,,tfdle TALRt~RT JIL/I.t'KSl\ll·rn SHP I' ' AIIPolntmenL --6.'\4 CoA.SI llwy, on t he-MtrRcll' McC''LF:LLEN. R W., Itt Sl ll'\~ 11nd Lt•nthcr I ;,•Ill~ "I~·• tlnlr _ IA'Inntl I' l\lf'mh:trrll, Prop ., NOTIC'F. OF A\\'ARll OF , IC'. D.-3409 Milf', New~rt Beach. Rf'llr:on 2617 w. Cl'ntrRI A\'e .. NI'W)XII I (;flll!11!. (;un~ Anti Fl~hun: I' oo•kll'. Talbt>tt nncl nushnrd, lluntinr· CO~'TilA("T Nc.owport ~17~ '\!;'~HI Opportunltr('l IW•c·h. llnrhor l:l3. 1'ruckln~:. I'I'URTS\\ t:.\R ton lk•ch, 5ft7 1. Specializing m Pur!lullnt In thr statttll' hl't<'in -~-.-. Hrol h~. us,~~~' lnf All TyPf'~. Exrnvstlng. Jtock and Oullrlinc S,\ \\'\'!-It ~PI IHT Si I< 'I' SfuniAy H&rd Farinv. I mr·ntlonl'd And R!'snlution of a way "'":Ill on AttrActs Mat.-rillls · ' · ~-lwq, Many Out flf State Buyc•rs I . · . 1'. S:t\l~o·r. prnp. -'"' Mnrine C"llt'RCUES Awnrd of Contra!'t No 33.~2. of Looktnlt for p usinl'Sll and In· _"A\ ~SOMA Nil t.O.AN!i( A\o'. nnlhwo lslnnd ll.u hor >76, ST. S IM\)N ANn Jt1DE C ATH· the C'lty C'ooncil of th(• ('lty nf roml' l'rorrt~. NF:\\ P011 r BAl.RUA I'F:DF.RA I :'ltl'n's end I'-·~~· :'1"1 '"'' or. OLIC C'l ll'RC"ll R<>v. Thoma~; Nr•wport lJI'Arh California adopt· TWIST. A . AND F. (' VENN--~A \"1 NGS' AND LOAN A SSt~-S l 'Rl-' i\:-.:11 S ,\ -.:rt :-1 ~'It I'S \P· F. Lllhllrt, 321 lOth. Huntin~ttnn I'd on thl' t:lth 'd&y of Jul~. l!WS. 807 t'out ""'Y .. Coronn d,•l M•r < IATION -P. A. PAiml'r. Pt•·111· PAREL-~.mmn \ ll~t):llo ,. 701 Beach, 1~. Sunday maMMI fl:flll dl tl thl ll Harbor '3412 dfont. 3333 \ Ia Lido. l\1'\\J)tlrt 1-: Cl•ntrAI. JlRih,,,, llnrh.lr 1 ~. and 10·00 a m. I rec nit 1 no re. . VlC'K. LINWOOD--312 Marini' TWach llarhor l:iOc) C'hnrtm'<J Tt\XI St:R\'Ic t: - . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN Aw. Ba.lboll Island. Harbor by Unltrd Stlltf'll Covrrnml'nt Di\LRl>A l'lllC'LI-. T.\~l :'lt.•'\,•nl ELECTIUrAL CHSTilAC"TORlil that thr'sAid C'lty Council In nprn ~ .... CCI .. _ 548-k. Rnl F.atatt' Brok•. SJI('-A!LI('tl in Ell('('llll of S2.01lO.rll~ And f'ennl'tt, "" n. r-. 1 ~,.,1 w. MONCF:ON ELEETRl C -L. C. sr.ssion on the l~th d11y of July, ;..~ ll. Jt"nka, Ci~lll:in in All Typn of H&rhor f'U\'ICI! ICTATIONI' ·' l"t'ntr~t.l A'l'. :-;""lll•l 1 l\.•nrh. Mongron. prop., a'l'l Main .• ~lllnl · 1946. nprnl'd. ex11mlnl'd nnd pui)-H~Coron• ASSOCIATED SF:R\'ICE STA-ll:trll(\r 3-~' S•·nen~ the• ~··W· ln~ton &nrh. fh J.41>4. W ill ~ licly dN:IarPd all tcall'd Pt'OPQI!I\11 · "*'~ W81¥d. ·~· ~.-1790 Ne'tllJOTt TION AND USF:n CAR UYf -, port ll11rhnr Arc·n . .!l·llom H•'· ~r?I."Jt1 aAp~it'J:~~~I.' a!;"~nl'Filt-or bleb . offen-d for dointt thC' fol· ~t~~~~~ii:~~~&~::--I ta I'U. Ducon 51Rl. GrAnt ltnd Cal F'UIIrr. 0 \lo'Tl('MI linhlf' So'r\ll'o' t ~ r o'i ' Us 8 Cnll lowing described work. to-wit: ....,ODAT10N 8Eil\'IC'I: Cornt•r ot Palm and t-: ('entr~l 1 LAL'RIE T ,\XI :!3cH \\' 1 lt'<'An urt'S. '<' . · Th<' rons tTtlftlon ol ,,trifnod COSTA MESA RF.FRIGERA· A~·e.. RAihoR. ll•r bor lft6-\\ rront . Nt•\\ 11o.1r1 n.•.trh. ll.triiOt oaOCUIF.S ANn MARIIlETI' t')n) piJX' sanitar)' twW<'rll. \'ltnf!cod TlON SERVICE-,R.oy W4!'ndt'll, \\aah.lna. Wt~xlnc. Polishln.:.1 :l579. \ l'tl'r·:.n nf \\ c•rld w .. r II. DARROCK. PF.:I'ER, GROCERY c-\sy pipe hoWl~ connt'cticm ~w('r 1106 r\t.U«ton Ave .. Cwta MC'Sil. l.Aabrlcatlon. Fl•k Tt.l"8 lind I 24·Hour S..•r\ i~·. STORE. JluntlnJIOn Be&c.h, Ph. 8Hcoft 5QM.W. ltt'pia.lrl on All TU.,.._, Arrooa. ' Balt"'lt'IJ. Rent11ls NEWPORT AI'\D C'l 1ST ::\IFSA )G2 All 1)tpt>l of Crocerk't and lirK'S, manholes, ca1t Iron m•nholt Jtlakfe cl JtefriaeraUon. HOUM-, and R.edlaralnc. Also R«ap-CA.B C'O.-@ t"I>IIHI ·llw)'., Frwh Mt'ats .SPf.'(:iaUw In btll·l frames and CO\'ers, "Y" hrand!ca. ho6d ud Ouauiwdal. "l!lftl, ~ s.rvtce. Nelo\'J)ort Beach. fii'II<'Oit 5R::'I. aatMI!fn Foodl. lam~. welded steel pi~. pump \ .. PuBLic NoTicl! stations, tocether with appUr- tf'nant WOiic In connection with any and all Items of improvement hcrclltabove mentioned, all u more particularly described In Resolution at Intention No. 3327, puHd and adopt~ by the Oty Council of aaJd city on the 20th day of May, 1946, and on file in PuBLIC NoTICES locat..t at 21212 8ou\hpf0101 N~ llo\IUnrd. eo.ta MNa. Callfonll~ u4 =~ ~ ~'A~·.,f~ ~~~ :. u J;: 311tb <lay of JulY., I!H8. •• B&nlt ot Am<'M<a N T 6 co A. Balb(• Braadl. In II&Jt>oe. County or onon~r•. State or Callfomta. Dfted July 11. 1 .... A. 3. BtmTON. B . 0 . RABB. Ven.dor . R. R. DANIEL. Velld-. For furlhu particulars n-fer-Pub. Jul)' 2a. 1944. l'nce ta hereby mad<' to saJd 1teso- lutlon of Intention No. 3327 _and NOTIC~0~~A~.I~l~~~T~ON o,. to tht-plans, profiles and drawmga Th" cOpartne,.,.hlp •• r s. A. ~yer, on rue in the ortlce of the City i:~Lu?..; • .,P~7~~n •·~~d~:'~ '!a,... w;• Englnl'el' of sf-ld Oty of Newport •tyl~ ut Newl"'rf llo.rl .. or J'ubllllhl nl'aCh and tO the snocifiCiltionSICu .. 11Wtllt \\, <""ntral Ave., NfJwpo • · ,.. .8""1'11 Or•nll:~ Cuunly, Slate ot Call· for the uid work heretofore fornl•. •• 1hls day tlluvlvroJ by mu• d t d b th ld City Co clJ lu•l "K"'"""'"' and '""'""" uf lb4 II Op I' Y e Ill un partn.-ro. llll<l lhe p"rtn.-r;ohljl bu;ol ..... und on file in the office of the h"" •-n "<•ld •nd takMo ,., . .,, by a... "'it C'l k f ...r...o Cit d 1J D. l'~>rt•r and Nun~ R. Walle u lb4 \. Y er 0 1..-~ an a U"'ll"l'l Whv Will CcolltlllUe tO Operate of 111ld ·plans. profiles, drawin~ I he bu•ln~•• al the ~"''"" addre. un· {lnd u,..,cificationa heretofore a~ d~r the nano~ and •lyio ur Newport ••~ v llarl~or P\IIJII$hlnlf Cu. proved hy the City Council of aaid D111ed thl• 16th day or July. lH&. C'lty are incorporated hert>ln and L~· D~~\1h:n " m11de a part ht>reof and rt'ference NORA s. WADE. Is hert'by made thereto for a more .Pub.-July ~. 1~. particular description of laid NOTICE OF INTENDED IALil work. Under Sect1o11 ,.411 ,,, the Cl•ll Cod4 of CallfornlL Said C't~y Council hu dett>rmJn-N<YI'ICE IS III!!REBY fHVEN~ T'luoJ I'd and declared that the contt'm-LESTER J . HEHN. V~ndur. wbOM ad· pi -.a k and 1 a.... I• •tr. C<oUt Hl&hwa)'. In tb4 at~ wor mprovement .Cuy 'If Newpt•rt &oarh. COUJIIl ol heretofore mentioned wu in the Onn••· St&te "' Cahforllla. lnlen • to opinion of said City Coun cil of ':~~ ~~J~."!'111~Rt~LU~ .. ENKo~-:'.i more than local or ordinary public tbt Clly or N~wpun B~"' h. Countr of .......__fit and thA aald City "-·--' Orance. State or calllorula. the follow· uon.., ~ ........,,... InK d~"' rth .. d IM''"""I<I pro~r1y: hu made the expenses o.f laid 1 All ........ In ''"ll" flatu~•. ~ work d!araeable upon a dlstrlct.l ~t;:;.~.·~:ft."'~~~ 1~116 °t,,.!/b!fr hway t For the particular description of I I'Oew~rt Bear h. C'alltoornla. an~ thai the sald district reference Is hrre-!..~ ·~l{j'",'!'"~.~r~~~ ,.':::j'f;;~"::·.~.::~e~~ by mncl~ to snid R.esolut lon of In-"·"" 111~"'''' '"'" ,,~ ....,.,,1 at tO oo o • h-. k a rn .. on lh,. l...,t \J¥,)• ~tf Auc·u•t, lhl' pffit'f' of th£• C'\ty Clt'o'k of said 1~116 "' lh• ulflr ~• .. r Jlurhur lrnPat-City mrnl L".•onpcuoy, 111 ~lllh onol Wul 1'~11· · 1 tn.t AH·uut•f8. •n 1tw (''Jty .. r N,..,,. .. rt f(•ntlon No. 3327. S..tot'h. <'vunlry .. r Onon!f"· t't11t• ool Said C'tty CounC'II h-<ll drtl'rm!n-('"~!?;.~'"July ~~~. !!II& I'd and drelurPd that serlltl honds I.~:!!TEII J. II EHN. tK-11rlng intf'rl'st ot the rate of slx f'ul, July 23. I&IG Vend!lr. lfi"l I jl('r Cl'nf pt'r annum and rx- trnding ovt>r' a period ending nine MUUua• fCN" Milk (9) Yl'an fl'om the second day of Over the put four years neariJ January next succeeding the next $fW.OOO.OOO of fl'dcral ta.xpay(.'f"S October 15th following their date, monl'y hu bern paid to producer1 will tK' iuued ht>reunder' In the In CallforniR to enc;purage produo manner prov1drd by thr "Improve-lion of milk, according to the biAo ment Act of 1911." bring Part 5, reau of milk control of the atat4 Dlvlslcm 7 of the Strertl and &partnvnt of agriculture. Highwyas Code of the State of ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M California .to rt'prcsent each as-I scumrnt of Twenty·five '-$25.00) Doll11rs or more remaining unpaid for thirty 130) days aftr r the date O( thr WarTanL All of th<' work ht'rPin ordered shall tK' donr and caTTied through in pursusnt'e of an 11ct of the Legislature of thE' Statt> of Cali- fornia. designated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911," bring parts 1, 2 and 3 or Division 7 of the StrP.<'ts and Highways Code. Thr said City Council did by aald Resolution of Award of Con- tract No. 3352. award the con- tract for the doing of the said work to th<> lowest. regular, re- !lponsihle bidder, to-wit: To J . S. Barrt>tt, at the prices named In his bid on tile In tht> office of tht- City Cll'rk of said City. Datl'd this 16th day of July, 1946. FRANK L. RINEHART, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. California Pub. July 16. 23. 1946. Going to THREE FEATHERS -,.,.._,... ....... ROSSI 'S Liquor Store ,.. (}oMt .,..., FonaertJ Go ... '• o,. se.r. l"ou probably have your dream boOM aD worked out lD yoUJ' mind -or maybe yonr archJt«t o,r coatractor already hu prepared plaas oa paper for you. Electricity wUJ bave a -iatp pari In maldn1 dreams of postwar Uving come tnle. When you go over the plus with yoUJ' buUder be aure to ask him about the aewMt develop- meat. In hot~~~ehold labor uvlng and runc- Uoeal beauty. Oar Esperta In eve.rjr1hl111 eledrit'.al wUJ be 11ad to help with layout plus or probleiDI. ODe suae-floa may make a lot or dlffeniiCle ID the "Uv.-b~Ut}" of that home. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAI IIINCIC • 1 t t t ac.e ae.eo. 55ft ................... ~ .... ELEcrRICIANS . ().O.Two I'IN • .._, ,_ rAOraal'. PL£n. noa. 6mm. r.QM. 11011a l • == Maskey Now ... ~~~;·~~ In New Bldg. .-u convinced today that ~ • ... Fear Planes Bring Pests I C. D. M. Realdenta Sue Santa Fe R. R. l>•maiN ol $5."1.!\00 W't'N-.. kt'CI Ill au,••rior \'0111"1 Yf'tto•nlay by lfowanl K. llnd M)TCIC' Allrn of < '•ltQI\8 dt•l Mar, for tlw tlo)jl(lh ot ..... Radie Servlee .,aa ~thlna to thll l~a ttiat Ralph P. Mukey and hll ata.U tt 1.1 ~tter to drive aafely ln Santa ~ now located ln their new I-Da than to apend three daya In realty om~ bulldinc at 3411 WNt I S t ht•lr !lOt'. Mt'lvtn L.~uw All fin, In nto tate a tnK'k-traln ('f"a-.h at "'" c'om - IIIUft" rail h a\'niM' ._.,..,..,htl: of t ht• I S.nt11 Jo'r railroad 111 t\lllt•rton on July 21. 194.'\. ...... ,,_1111 ..... ......_. .. ...... l._ thdr jail for apeedlna. Central aven\K', Newport OE>ach. Browrl ~an aervlne three daya Th(' firm wu formerly located Wldfotlprract ---;:;;-nalon of air-Ml'lvln AIIM waa drivl'r ot t.M P.lllnr UJII' throu~:h(IUt th<' f'aMrk ' tr!M'k ln'ffllv~ tn tlw M'IUh , AI .. , tincrUT enfiil'li'N'aa hila ·~b.La! ll•fl'd .. ooff'ndanta WI'N' (errald "''"" m<'na<'C' to ""rlf'tiltUrf' and M1Uiklln an4 Roy C. Pll&r<.'C~ trAin· hort lrultuN-In I'""'"" aa w,.ll 11111 nwn . tn the Oranae county jail late lut at 3410 Cout boulevard. week aftft" he plt>aded guilty to Aulatlng Mr. Mukt>y 11 hla a IPftClin& charee and read "And saiH manager, Ray Y. Copelin Iudden Death," the artlcl(' on ! and ·hill sales aecretary. Mila .•. ~JIIIfety, before the Santa Ana Llona AgnH R. Cuon, both of Newport dub. Beach. '!be Mntence WaJ. lmpos«l by 1 M11skey, who is prPsident of the City Maglatrate Ronald M. Cronk-N('wport llarhor Realty board jlhank arter he learned from th~ l und a prominent Mason and Santa Ana police that Brown sped ' Shriner, h1111 been en~ota~ot«l In the till automobile 60 miles an hour j!rni'ral rral estal<' busint•ss h<'rl' trom Chcttnut atr{'('t to S t. An-since 1929. on t tl<• n111inl11nd, llu• I>C>IIrd t>f dl·'r----------------------------.. rf'f'tCIMI of tluo t 'ttllf\•rnlll !'~I ttl•' <'hnmho•r nf < \unmo•rt-.• lto•rlnrf'd '""1 ct11v 11olntln~: 111 tl1r dlllll!•'r nf !lhlnl lntN'I 111'•1 ~1\ft'tlll Wilh 1 h••n,·y M'Oil ''""'' unl•'*• lltron~: ft-dt•r~tl ln•l'•'1"1 11111 '" htmH-rllnl o•ly ' BAYVIEW llrew. place, July 10. 1 As a suhdlvld..-r und home &>- ,..---------'-----: 1 VI.'IOJX'r, h1· has more r<'Cfntly bu11t ' irt•t lhtt•••l T n ft~r~lllll lnh•o>lillrllun uf ~tlrh flt'.-1~. lltt• lllttl•· l'hllmho·r h11-to'· 1111•'111•>11 tho• \\"111', 'N<t\V 11nel Al:tl I <'llltur.· dt•ll/lrtm .. nh to lmmrolatc• I lv undN·tftkt· thr follc•wln11 tll"n•l ltl"/101: BUILDERS SUPPLY • CLOTH E.S R5 hnu ses on 19th strN't, Flower 818 Coast Hlpway POR and Rro11dway. Costa M!'la. II•• 1 also f'rt'ctcd mnt' houses on Santa Ana a nd San &ornardlno avenul.'s in Kewport H('i~othts. He Is belt known as the developer of New- port Island. MEN He Is opening hls new office 1 "BBY, TIIAT8 A WHOPPalr' ........ LL c-dr. C. a. tlllluw, ...,.,.. ... n!('nocaUotl otftcooN> el u.e U. 8. Na.al Hoapltal at a..-c ......, M OM o f Ua ve.._.,...._ .. ,..... ta a harnc.k u.e ott.er Uy fi'Oftl ~ MM, '"'1"11111 W-". ttldppM'N hy Capt. AJ14b 81N•et.t. N.wport KartMw ~ -. Ptltoto alaow. u.e •tiler ..,_,.lalbt4!tl war '' el4-raaoo a. IU'U.. a& u.e ..._ .--at of a .._ Cla&dL n.. .. ~-.,...._ ot u.. 8oet~~NA aoca • o-"'"' e1 S..tll o.a.. savy MoUwn club MrYM tile lc.M for u.e Utp. -Pttot11 hy C'. A. Griffb . \ Arm\• nnd N11vv lmnu'ftl1111•lv 11nd rlaldly ,.nfni'C'(' i>ublk llr111th I ~1n-~\lltlon• for. appllr11tlnn of lni'N'tlrillf'll fill l'lllnl'll f'n Nllltl'l to JIAWIIII from point• nutahl" AND building in the et>ntral ar«>a of Newport Beach ' !or the pur~ BOYS or conducting a gen«>ral real et1tatc brokerage businc>ss u Wt>ll u sub- di\·isions. He rrcc"ntly le~ one g~ of the oHices ln tht> new build· Ina to Dr. T . P . Reeder and hil as~ociat<', Dr. William S. Ireton. g~-~~ Tht' new building which Ia unique-In design waa plannf'd by ,.., .......... the architect, George Und. under ........ lalaM the supervi!!IOn of Mr. Maskey. ..._....,_rl'fl All kinds typewrltn rlbbonl ln -stock at the N~ws-Timea. - c. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE t t t Moorings Installed and Repaired Buoys Painted and Lettered. t t t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt 8ervb Bob Jayrts RICHFIELD ERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication nre Recapping • Tires Retreaded Recreational Value of Ports, Park Projects ,Are Stressed Oldellbergs Buy Palisades Hotel thf'lll' ltllllndl 2. U S RuN"au ol F.ntomoh'tlY and Plant Quu11ntlnr lnltlatt' 11 Jli'OI[T'IIm fnr ftltfn..-c-tlJ.Inl 1111 plan... Jm~'dllltt'ly upon 11rrlv11l In H &wllll. ~ Ruro'IIU of F:ntnmnlncy and Pl11nt Qu11rnntlnf' lnltllltl' with Army 11nd Navy roopct'fllllon .,. Mr. and Mr' WilliAm Oldi•n· rontrol pro~o,'l'am lll!llln•t llltrif'tll· tural ~JM~Itl of I"C.''nClmk' lmpor- SAN FRANCISCO. July Z.l. -Humboldt Harbor. Noyo RlvPr, burtt. Who tum• hlllt yrRr!il ol ('II· tance on aurh outlytn~r lalandll Preliminary r<'porla on poaalblc Bodeea Bay, San Francisco Bay Jl('rlcnrt' In NPw )'ork Ill' hnh•l whPrP It m11y hr dfotPrmlnl'd and .Jmall harbor location• a ll along channcla, San Rafael ('r('('k, Pcta -mllnal(t'r. u r "''"" uwnt·r-nf 11'"1 dHir111hlt' "nd fr .. lhll' the California COIIItllne, and for-,luma CJ'(oek, Napa ruvrr. San old C'.orona d••l M~tr ~nndmuk, thl' I 4. Army, Nil\')' And Rurt'aU of mul11tion of policies for COOJX'ra-Pablo Bay. Mar€' hland Straits. PallaadH hml'l. hlll\'lnl: vurrhn!M'd 1 F.ntomoiO«)' and f't11nt Quarantine.• lion with communlti~ ll<'eklng Richmond llarbQr. Oakland liar-put of thf' prupMI) frum Mr. nnd I'OOJ)I'ratlvt'IY t'lltahllah dlalnaN'tl7· harbors featurl'd the lfntlal mH t· bor . R«Swood C'r('("k, Lowt'r San Mr.. Frank ~l"ltio·rhult · owno•ra for In~~: at11tlont on ltv ~llnf'nllll ing of th~ California Stat<' Cham-Franclaco Bay, Mou L8ndln~r 11nd 1 yru. t lnltf'd StatH 11nd C'M"Ialn "'lt'<'tftd her of Commerce's atatewlck> small Monterey Harbor. Thr old tnwm ~lrltt'l llr•• of lrn lal11ndJI WC!It and lOUth ot lfawall harbor dPV<'Iopment committee>. Projt>ci.JI und.-r Pumlnatlon or apartn'lt'nta lind 1''" rtMlrm ·" ilh 11 lo dhliniiN'Ii7_1' all pia.-t11kln1 otr The m('('tinlt. In San Francisco, aurvey -Richardson Bay, lhtlf lot 100 by 1 HI fN't hrought 11 JlriN' from th<*' ltclanda or t tw main- and att~ by commercial and Moon Bay, Alhany, OE>rkt'ley 11nd of S.~.OOO "'1"1" t hf' annt•x of •he l11nd Jli'O'VIoua t o tMir dco!:*rtur" sporta flahermen. )'IIChtamen. F:mer y\"Hie Harbon, South Basin AJ).!lrtn'lt'ntt~ 11011 lnnd '"'" 6.'\ ft•t•t fnr H11W11II or ('lltlrnrnla. Army <'ngl'l('('r. and others from l GwathmPy 11lso ll•t«l 1~ pro}· or rrontlli:f' ~~~s k•'l'' hy lhr 5 Furthe-r rftnr1a llf' made-by all ov~r the state. aavt> flr.t or-c>cts previously rt>portf'd u un· Schlem olts Mr ftnd Mn °1'1· thr proJX'r attl'ney to dcovelnp eanlzed lmpl.'tUJ to the small craft favorablt>. and liatf'd 34 poulble t'nburtt N'<'t'ntly p~Jrrh!U«t Oranttf' structuntl dfollrn 11nd to devlw and refuge harbor pr oject. I r efuge harbor sltH bt>tween San property C'OI\"'15111111 of nii\C' unit• methnda and APPiillnN'tl to tadii- Hubbard C. Howe, Newport Fra nci!ICO and Humboldt 8 11y. and a two-ll(-dmnm hnm•· And thl• tall' do.,.lruMion of r-ta which ~ach. chairman of tht> committee, PrON'durt' for small craft h11rb-may be> lnd udl'd In th,. Mill 111 m11y 11tow IIWIIY nn 11lrpla.w.. prt"Sid«l and outlined nl.'<'d of ora, from inception to ron~truc-pert of tho• IIIJrc"hllll(' prl~. 11 wu 6 FullNit IUilf:lOrl of all ~r1 - lmall VCUt'l anchorages. &>tailed Uon wert' outllnPd hy Mt•rvm C stated. ITll'nla of thf' anvrmml'nt two alvt'n specific I'COnomlc benefits follow-Collins, chie(, rivers and hr~rhors Mr. And Mr~ Sl'hil'rhult. w~ to I'T't'atlrfR 11 JKOIII'T li4-fto~ lnlt their conatruction, lit> dlstrih-' reports M'<'tlon, South P11clf\c dl· flrat advf'nturP In thl' hotl'l hual-altlllnat lntrodoll'll<>n of danaf'roua nesa this wns. likr C'ornna de-l lnJM'<"II Into Hawa ii 11nd thfo oontl-utt'd a m anual prc>J>.!lred by his vi•ion. He str~sPd lh!' n~'<l or MAT so wc•ll thry hn~ to rNltairi m•ntal Unltf'd Stat• ... committt'C.' outlinlnR the proet'd·l intt'IIIRI'nt, thorous.th local org11nl-ht'rt' 11nd Hl'\'nrdlng to tht>lr son urea to be taken by local romfnu .. z.ation, and lh@ nN'd for loca.l In· Jfarold. etutl••nt at N""'port ,,,.,.. ---- nitlt>s In se<'klng projpct,.. 1 lt'rPl'illl being ~trtivr In nil phn~t'll h .. r Unlun lllll:h ~e·hool, If thry f'IBAI ... 0 '- R«:reatlonal as well as l'COnom-Yal'htsmrn, fl~h,.rmt'n and ot h· h••vt', It will l)f' without him! Nt~mt'11 Clf llfi.OOO John Smltha c valuH of small harhor-purk de-rrs told of haurdll 11nd dirfir ultlrs 11ro• on fllr· with t'tw' Vt•trrllna Ad-I 36-ln. 18-mesh Bronze Window Screen 2-ply J 4 inch Waterhose -50 ft. (Bra. Coupll~) All Steel Wheelbarrows 6 ft . Step Ladders Long Handle Shovels Building Hardware OPENING OFFER DJ'.OOU'n WITH VELD U RO -One Coat Wall Palftt Per Gal. Reg. $2.G8 J-in. Brush Reg. $2.Q8 Total $5.gcs S.le Price-Botll For '421 ( Cbab ol Colora) Vt•lopmrnt wa11 str<'Sllcd by Col. F.. clur to lonl! di8tnnCf'11 twtw~·n In, 10 0 • ,, • , mlnl1trntlon In Wuhln&ton , 13.000 H M k d. 1 1 1 A h11rhors. and of ""'"n~ivr clnmn.:•· I: D4' nl, II ~thtnd. Who "Ill hAYin11 n•J mlddlf' Initial Sf-rv\~ · ar ll, tv son l'ng nrt'r , rrny . . 1 l"tut\"f •rf It inln :1 II 1 1 11 1 1 1 k :n~:inr'l'r Corps South Pllrifir ctl'· to fl!lhlll~ f11'1'15 In foul WI'Athl'r '"" rll'llr futuro· '~ nr u " I' n I ~t·rlt• num 1\'rl l't'\1 thln~r• 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa (f Phone Beaeon 5007 • New Higher Pay for the Army! NIW SCALI Ill~ 10 ClONNO, I'OOQ, ~ -.cAL N*J DINTAI. ~ Me .._AI. tfTIIf.WfT NMUQIJ ...-. ......., . ...._..._ ..... ... ,.., JOY..,' JO"f ..... Master s.,. .. nt ,.,,..... ........ ....... or Fint s..v-nt $165.00 $107.25 $115.63 Tedlnlcal S.,..ant 135.00 17.75 151.11 StaffS.,..Ont . 115.00 74.75 129.H s.,. .. nt •••• 100.00 65.00 112.50 Corporol ••• , 90.00 51.50 101.25 'rivote Flr•l Clan 10.00 52.00 90.00 Privote • 75.00 41.75 14.31 .. ADOITl<* TO COlUMN OM"10f TMI AIOYit ~ -·-,., s.. .... o.. ... - 50% -·-·If ........ .,, ....... ~ v-J'J{. ... ,_ ,. ,.., ,., ,_,. J ,_,., s.n;.... 1;,6/if#lts of lerullf Army E•listme~t 1. &nllot,_,U I<>< I~. 2 ot l 1""· ( 0.,._7"' ""IJolmento p«•• mltt..l 101' ,_ flOW In lbe Aomy .nth 6 .,. .,.,... moalht of _..,~•-1 2. Jlallrt-t ... from II to 34 ,...... bx-I!Hift 1 17 with fle""l•' -...nt) ....-.pt fOI' --In Ann)', "ho _, .-liat ot _, .... and for-_..,,~• ....., ~"'« (>II '-ctll o( ..,._ I. A -llolfllM'I boftue of UO for .-cll"'Per o( Ktlft ~ tt- oudt bootue ..,.. a.. peld, or tt- IMt _,. ltMo ....W.r pro.W.. ,. llftllot~, 1e witble 90 .._,. eltor , ... .._. .... ~ '-Up to 90 • .,.. ~t.t..-t fwttou&b witt. ,.,, ~~.. -'-ctb of ~. widl ~-.. ....... e11ow.-peld to ""-on4 root-f«--"' tt.. AnDy .,... ,_,, .. I. CoMalt .,_, Arm1 ll~'-e OlkOf for eM« furtouclo P'i..U..• .... '"'"""'""''' .,., ( "" ..... U1'0fl lt!ro1th of won•r•l 10 oil """' ...tlo ere dlecho<1...t 10 enll" or ,..,.nlloL '7. Oplion lo o~in •• holf P.J lot ..... ,_. of ,...., lofe .... 20 ,..,., ..,..,;l"e--il)("f'ftt•i.DC to u.r ... quen•n poy eftet JO ,....,.. wrYico. t Retir•m.nt tncome in lfede ol Wotlor or Fint s.r, ... nt \lP to f IIS.6l per -th 1.-life I All po-nlout ortl .. , ....... mlllt.ry --..... -ta ,_ .... rwt..-1. ......... ....-tho 01 11m "' RicJitt --.1 f«-who -'let oe or w-<Xtob« S, tM6. •. Chab "' .,....... .. ~ ...S --tbeeter (Ill a.-ltW ... )-)·,..,~ INLIST NOW AttG.-.....W U. &. ,.,.., ....,_ tiAftOII U. 5. Army . "' , ...... ' .. , ' .. 'I')' ,, "' ""' 302 City HaD Santa Ana • ,ision. who outlm•'d pr.-c:-l'dr f1t for 11111· tn inMt••t~wlfo· ltnchor,.c•· ~r~~~~~~~~:x:x:::~a:x:~~~~~r~'~'1~~:t~"~r,~~r~tl~1'~' ~v~·~"~::x:ICioc:X:~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~iii~~ii~~ii~iiiiiiiiii~ the• ('altfornin dt·\l'l.,pm1•nf In 11 \lom11xin~ t h1~ "''" lhl' rl'f'llnl hy simllnr project ('CWo·rtnj! thf' GrNtl l,,•nnArd "' flr tlll tof Ius \"ISf't"'l· l.okl'l! lit• poin t<'d out thnt the t uo1"~ in ~~~•lin~: hill :t!·flltll "'Mr~­ Armv F.n~tlnf'rr~ ns~t~l . h111 11ro• k11a " fr11m Kl'lr hiknn. J\ltt~kA " to 1 not ~. 11:rn11fllr• ol tiW'>f' prujN•f•. <:an Frron•·•~~·n 1\11~:-w,111 hwk "' nrul lhlll tlu•y mu~l fw· ••nc1n,1tNI lo"rf,.,.·~ n•·•""'-~l l iil llll! 11..-<~mall hy ltJ<"IIi tnll'rf'!tl~ C'tlnl:rf'l>~ hiL.'-l'fllfl kr .. JUOI: (ar n(f<thoJt•• nuthort/t'd pn•limmnry !'llr'r~s P lrons . for · tosso~r uno·o• 1•• lhnol (rum Pt Pinos to thr M<'"'"k•on line. rommuntli"s 1>111 no) o·ndnr~•·mf'nl and th<'S<' an • undl'r w11y ht• stnl•-d. of prnjN"ts until nfll'r Am i)' •~n~tl· whlll' au\ilnrl7A~Iion for slmilnr~ n•'<'r llflflTO\IIl ;, 1:nnl nf 11 1·haln prrllminary Atudy to thr On·~m of s mall hArh<lrl' lvo\Wf'l'll :vi nnd h11c-nnw Is tn thr J)l'nd1n1: Rlvr r,, 40 moiM apnrt nil nl'lnl! thP rons t· and Harbors mu. hnr . and for nnval r••ltn•1111~hmrnt A report from Col. Robert C of t>xceu hnrtll)r fal'ihtll'S antt1 t!Omt' or the area rf'lltrlctlont made' Hunter, Los Ana:eiN district Pnltf· In Wllrtlm~ Wl'r<' oth('r pollciH dla-~ n('("r, revl!'wlng tht' statUI of In· veatigatlons llnd prottr"" In custK'd. Southern California. wu rrnd -------- "All faclllllct ror 11ma11 craft In Buy Sherwood Tract I the Los Angt'IH-Lons: Bt'tteh har· f l bor area ar«' In US<'; sales of watt'r For New Friday A t. I craf t art' 11mlttd by mooring fa-N CJ b B •ldi cllltletl," Huntl'r dKIRred. "Ahl· oon u Ul ng mltoe Bay, ciO!K' to Los Anat•les, --I would ~~ervr thAI Rrl.'ll, wh\lt• thl' Purchasr uf H 111tr in thl' S hf'l"· Pl11ya del Rf'Y drv!'l<r(lml'nt wnuld wood trart fHrin~: lhl' <"~'»~11• Mt'1111 ar('ommodatr 9000 "mull craft And l>llrk was mat1t• 1~<~1 Wt'l'k hy thl' 1 l>e lnt('grat«l with V JS An~:rlrs I Fridny Aftl'rollOn Cluh or \OS Ill county's park-h{onr h d••Wiopm••nt." 1 M•·M nt " N.st of !o:iMlO. Prf•s••nt !lflllus of ~mAll h:trl~<~r 1111' rluh'~ loui lcltnl( ct~rnnutro.,, projN'Is In Northl'rn t'nhfnrni11-of Mr~dl4011'!1 .lt•hn F Wo•hstt•r. wherr nut hor lntlinn r11r surwys Is c;unnin~~; But l••r, C11tl11 Vi••ll' nn<l ~till Jll'nthn~: wl'rr outhn1•d hy \\" B !\1••11••11 rl•l!'••o:l !111• tran•nt · C'roll<'ll (;"athmt')'. n~s1~1nnt • l111 (. finn f•tl" lhP s•'" It rn•·11~unot: 1:..111 rnRm<"'rlnt: thvi~um. Snn 1-"ran· f••••l h~ :!Il l f••••l 1111 \"loin l'lrol't" , ('i!lm dl\'ISlnn. tu tnl'lucl••: 1n th• n"w ~~~1·1""''~"'" u f 17 '" ,. ... Ac-tivr prn}f'l'l< C"l"l "i'o•nl ("it )1. Th\rluh r•·l'•·ntly lUll II 11~ hu1hl MOSQUIT·OS!! Famous Formula 612 Insect Re~K;Jient WILL KEEP THEM AWAY,. Available Now For Civilian Uee 35c Bottle Newport Marine Supply 814 Coast f.-fi ghway, Newport Beach Phone Beacon 5881-W Tell ·Your Friends 4J BATHING GIRLS PARADE Klddles' Fashion '· SUIDAY, JULY 21 . AT THE FUI . ZOIE IN BALBOA NON-PROFESSIONAL Sponsored by AI Anderson and Gustlin School of Swim . En trie s will close hy jl'tly 2~ Hair Styles Make Up MARY'S BEAUTY SHOP JUDGES-.f·ferb Kenny and Clyde A shen Show-Sponsored by THE BOBBY SHOP AGE LIMITS -Wanta to 7 yean old. MODEL8 wUJ fuhJon exdu.tv~ <bi)...'AA f'umiAhro by THE 110118\' 8HOP. . REGISTRATIONS wUI be taken for both event& at ~ther the Fun Zone or the Bohby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDNESDAY 12 Noon to 6 P. Ma Rldeslc ) •9 I p -- 8oathem District B. &. P. Women Meet At. fullerton; Local Members Attend llllblltttln& the ~them 6-! oolor1ul for IWl\JlWt' and oon~i.at­ ~ --ol ..._ and Pt-. ... tl ..... ud lldrt ~ ln C 'ONI WOIMD'I dut. held SUD-cut weft dlaplayed. 1be ak1rta are Harbor Feminine Activities Phones 13 and ~ • • -at tJw M.....te Temple. FuJ~ lonc.l'ftdllnc the IJ'<)UnCI. fc. the -:::--=============== lettOft wu the talk Oft·~ Fttth women MVft' ahow their te4't. ~ ln Korta" by Page Gil-l n11 ~rrltt. dutrlct vlcx-presi-~ ..-ua, mOltar)' aide to GeMT-al H. dfnt, wu chairman In the ttbaenex> a. Arnold and bettn known to the of the prealdcnt, &utah ~lx>r, Ndlo publJc u "Jack" ln tht> pro-i who 11 Ul 1n a ha.pltal In LaJolla pwm ''One Man'a FamiiJ." After the mecotln& all the flowcn With the Koruna UlloCin the Wft'e aent to Mn. Seelx>r. 6llnlnatlon of the Jap.IIK'tle for 351 lAura LorTalM, flnt vi«-pl'('lli· ,_,. they hfd the l~a whftt they dent ot the California Fedt'rallon, ..,. Ktwn tht'lr "frf'C'dom" It brou~tht reports from thP hlcnnlal -'freedom from work and the CODvenUon at Clt'Veland, Ohio Americana had a dlfncult tlnw Carolyn W(•bl>r of l.aJtUnll Deach, 1DIIdJic them lee! they mY!t work put alate prMidcnt, 1Jrt'1ilded at 1 tar t.hanlelwl, It not for an C7Ver-the luncheon aeu1on. and Elnnor a.nt. Mc:Oukt>y, dlr«lor·at-lar~~:e for Kana 11 under a truate8hlp of Southft'n otatr1<"t . wu alao a .._.. 1n the narthem .,.n and apraker. Olalrmen outlined pro- the . UNted Stat.. ln the aouth, varna lc. the year. ,_ ....-.. alated, and the clMcl-Hoetaa clut11 Wt're Newport ... JIDe II Wee an Iron wall. Gll· Beach, u.una Beach, Oran&t'. -Qpld the 11 cop&ee ot the ta Ana, Fullerton and . Ana-_...., acreemmt ot trwteeshtp ht'lm. Floral decoratlona of chltfoo wldds .,.. tam up by the R.....,_ .daialft and oJ*lllhllla were ar- lw It ....-w to atate Ul)'thfna l ran&ed by Malle R.olUnc of th~ • ..._a "dlmocntk" torm of lOY· N.wport Beach elub .,c1 pia~ ...._,t. It .,.. the ipMWa eanta were by tht' u.una Beach IMIInc that we are ~~antedly elub. nw mualeal procram fea- w.ried about U. UnJon tured Dr. H. S. Galbraith. barl- lw tM7 are an amedlncJy JJtn-al tone. JIICIIIIe, he atated. Attenclina from N~ were c.t-worn by native .~ GertnJde Coll\'ft", presldfttt; Nata- ... ~ blact.for wtnta' and l~ Mkhaud, AJda Gorton. Doro-r'-------...;;;•---~ thy Sut.hnland and Edyth~ Up-plncott. ...... _ .. ......... ~ .. CAB CO. Npt. Heights Circle Newport lle1ghts C'i rch.' will ITW't't Thursday, July :r.'i, at 2 p. m. at the home {\f Mr1. <iPOrgr Mort'- land, 225 :l3rtt atrt'f't, Nrwport Hr1gtlt1. lndi11idt.l4lity [6i rhe "Motllcr·ili·fH · · · If we do not lt.vc 1f, ~« m~c 1r, you uc1 'DonnMtlllarie Shoppe ~ IUJf ..... ll&. ......... .._ .. Brek• Le-s Dtlpllcated . ....._.,....... .,.. . ',. E. T. a.tterwortll, 0. D. llM--~ ................. • , 0 I'" -.... \a$ ' Roberts' Summer Special One Oil Painting . $195 1&, ~ --·--·-·-····-····-···-················· THE aJ:\'EIU:ND AAD\'lil DF.AN, \1c-ar of thr a"wly rompl .. trd lilt . .lamH Etll~ ("lilurc-111 a-.r Uclo I.a.. alllla b.,._.qa for thr INW'rl'ml'nt• wttlc-11 ha\? .,_. don:at•..t a• mrmorlala f.:w thr """' rcllftt·f'. Tile altar n-aad c-andlf' orii.UIM"'It ""'" triVf'n by Mra. Matw-1 Mow .. r In mrmory of hrr latf' hu.tt .. d, ('ol. 11.,.,.._ C. M«M'"'· Thr Amntc-aa nac 111'aa prnl"atf'CI hy ~'"· tlf'nry ('. Uavt• Ia nwmnry nf hrr ._ "'lilo -·rUic·f'd laJa I Iff' Ia till .. ,.. • .., Ia tlilr PIM'llk:.. 1'lw> titan, book ,_._ ~ b)' Mra. 841e mkh· -Ia -ry of Iller f.U.., Albert t'raaklla MIIHpa. The rbu~h flac ,.,.. tiMJ .-trtbuttoa of llile y._.-Peoplell' Fellowahlp t. -ry of U.c.e lo.t In the,. .• ,, Photo by Kent Hitchcock. CI.AIRt; TRE\"OR Dark Victory .IU L \" U TRKU til Umltt'd Srtltm~; Capocity Reservro Seats Avallabll' at BLUE SAILS BOOK SHOP About Home and :z c :r A. Ottellhllt .lUI)· 30th: KT..t:SJ\S W\.,S _. TAMAR:\ c.t;\'A .... <lturch Wedding Pictures ......... ocu .. &11. .. 1.-P.IL~~-'-111 t' t Petrified Forest ... c.:s: •uo a tiM ...... Tu .n::o • R......,. Pbone 1837-R Easterners Feted, Take Local Scenes For NCR Travelogue Mr. and Mn. Elmer Workman, former Balboans, of Oran~:e. were hoetl 1\u'Sday to their N>phew and nlr«-: Mr. Bnd Mrs. Edwnrd W . Link and daughter. Maryanne of Dayton. 0 ., at a boating and •wim· mlng party at &lboa, and 1pedal gueat.l of "Francol1" Marshall at Olrutlan'• Hut. Mr. Unk hu been with National C'a1h Regi1ter Co. the past thirty yean and 11 making a 10,000-mlle traveloru~ movie In color. Many ~cenes were made In Newport Harhor which will IX' 1hown In the N. C. R. theater. Dayton. and a1lo ln the world-wide N . C. R. mqazlne. The eut~mert took pletllrft whll~ trav~llng the 3000 miles 10uthern route ttere. and th~y resume the remaining 7000 miles 1\Jelday; north via Sequoia, Y ~ Utile, 'Friaco, Vancouver, B. C., Lak~ Lou1ae. YellOWBtone park, Pikes P~ak. Bed Landa, Montreal, etc., and home SeptemiX'r 5: IUmlniiOt'nt ol old time~, "Dad'' Workman was "Francois" Mar- shall's first Balboa "boss" on the ocea.slon ot the opening of the Casino. April, 1936, and their rt-- unlon ls always a happy occasion. Newport Residents Back From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Roes Owrn and daughters Eloise and F.llen. Coast boulrvard, have retumt"d from a vacation or two and a half weeu during which they toured Arizona, Utah. Jd.aho, Montann, Wa~hlngton and Ort'gon, taking In the BriOt> and Yellowstonc <."anyor\1, Zion and Yellowstone parks and Crater lake, among other points of In- terest. They reportrd a wonderful trip. m aking good time tor the 4000 miles traveled, and runnin..: from dt'Mort heat to 1now,. from sun- shinr of the south to rain in the north. where they marveled at the trf't•s , fl'rns and many wild rtow- 1 en . During the owner·s absen<:t! Mr. and Mrs. Phil P ikl' and children or Van Nuys occupied the Owen homr, enjoying a I:X'ach vacation. Corona del Mar . Malt Shop 10111 ODMt lllcftway • Old rash.tont'd malt• We meen just this . For Birthdays WeddJn~t Anlllve~ and EU~ v .... !! f1guriDe!R Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop !lot Oceu Froat e Wrap Gltta Santa Anan Honored By Group of Cousins Gregory-Heger Engagement Told Mn. Tarvcr Montgomery of Mr. and Mrs. Han*! E. Hedllr San_ta Ana wu honored guest at of 225 Diamond awaue, BaJM1 the horne of her coualna, tht' Island and Gl~nda~. are ~ Miaft Gertrude and Louiae Mont-· Ina the eneaaernent ot tMII gorN>ry, 2117 F.ut CE-ntral avE-nut>, d~u&hter, Barbara, to WUllam W. Balboa, at a luncht'On Monday. Gr~&ory, 10n ot Mr. and MJ\ The occasion wu Mrt. Montgom· ClarenOt> W. Gregory of GlendaJ& G'YI bit~ and guest. wer~ aU No date hu beftl aet for the we6 eotlllna of the honoree and hcllt-c11na. cue.. Scabl<1111 In ahades from dnrk· est maroon to lavender and white Book Section Adds in a clear crystal bowl Cl'ntered T Eb IJ CJ b F d the 1uncht'On table, laid with anl 0 e u un s embroiMrl.'d rover of Chin<'Sc -- grass d oth, and petunias were Th<> goodly sum of 160 w• uaed for the rooms. Many pretty cleared by the lecond book eec> gitt1 were received by the hon-tlon of the Ebell club at lhetl ~. rf'«'nt food aale held In the ~Nttle Place~ were laid for Mrs. Mont-of Mrs. Colin Brown'• home Cl8 gomery, Mn. Arthur G. Coona Pearl avenue. aoeordlnc to ._. who la at her Lido Isle home for leader, Mn. Verne Snodcrau. tht' 1ummer. Mrt. John Wilson ot That aarne day Mrs. S~ FuJit-rton. Mn. Gladys ThomJIIOn ent~rtaJnt'cl Mn. Frank Pftoew of Balboa and the two ha.tHit's. and Mn. 0. T. Johnson at Junc.ho Another couaJn, Mn. Clara Nluen eon, when plana wtore cll.a••r• of Santa Ana. wu unab~ to at-fc. anoi.M,[_plan tor ralaJDc...,.,., tend fc. it wu a1lo tht' birth-for the c'Rlb. It wu dedcled t. day of her IOn, Matt, F. J . C. take over a magazine agency, .,. athlet~. who 11 back from the war Mrt. Perew will be In charp. Sbe and completing hia junior colle,e may be rtached by ea1llnc Hartx. work. H~ wu named "Don" of 622 and wUI take both subecrtp. the IChool at the r ecent fieata and h1l mother ent~rtalned with a •ur· tlol\l and r~newa11 tor popular prise INlrtY for him yesterday marazines, all ~ IOb1c to evening. the club. Las Costurans Dine, Play Cards DODD'S Members or Los C01turaa ml't for dinner Wednesday t'Venlna at Christian's llut. afterward goln~t to thl' home 'of Mrt. Lucille Mullns. Balboa lJland, ror an evenlnc spent at carda. Prizes went to Mrs. Jran M<"Donald, tlrtt; Mn. Doris Ferguaon, ICCOnd, and Mn. ~ce McDonald. consolt'cl. Pri'Sl'nt were the Mesdames Lillian Owen, Mary Stanley, Joycxo McDonald, Billlt' Fowll'r, J ean Mc- Donald, Doris Ferguaon, Iona Trusty, Lucille Mullins and Trilby Ford 0,. ~ ll:ulpt ...... CLOTHES FOR THE 8%jttclanl @oiAtA DRASTICALLY REDUCED MOSTL\' HALt' PRICI'; OR LESS Dresses, Suits, Separate Jackets · Ploy Clothes, House Coots All SALES FINAl AnTICIPATIOn SHOPS 114 W. 4th St. 129 W eat Third Sl L9ng Beach Pllollf) ., 15-M Ph. 6688