HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-31 - Newport Balboa News Timesll SAND CRAB ., SAM NMJNCILII.EN. Got a load ~-Monday on how CO\lncil· men eam Lhl'ir munificent ( !) !'alary of 50 smackers monthly. when I listened in the city d t•rk's offi l'c to a di.~'lL"-"Iun of why too many fishem1cn (JS(' the beach un· der the Newport pier to go tiMing. City Deds Allen, Robertson and Siler were trying l9 work out a p~ lem of who gets money &ell· lng fish or just fishing r or ~ sport's sake. Seems like restrictlon is wanted on · number ot boats that can atay around the pier and the ca.ancil committee ~ the idea of limiting, llm1Jar to· the fanner' a market · around the Long Beach park. 1be Crabber has no comment other than to say that coundlmen must take time out from businessaS to 80ive the other feUow's prob- lems, which meens people are only inte~ in a pub- lic official when they want 110mething. Earl Abbey. county cor- oner, who came down to dis- po&e of the first rlrownin~ of the season, dL~'Ussed oth- er days with Frank Rine- hart and this put-veyor of opinion. You might not know it but Earl used to be an editor when he ran tht' Anaheim (or' maybe Fuller· ton) Plaindealer . Wh~n the Wheatleys ran the old New- port News, Earl HUed in for a spell and he remembers his first headline, which reed: "Live in Newport ; Trade in Newport; Die in Newport". That last pbrue hlta him because he lives at Corona del Mar today and bu been coroner ewr since be quit the Superior Court u clerk In 1930 or there- abouts. Earl works at his job, which is one reason n~ body wants to cross swords or skull-bones with him at election time. • • • Toarumeat ot upte. Saw about a dozen lines in two oot.side papen last week tha,&.-Gov. Warren was g~ lng to lead the Tournament of Ught.s parade. Suppoee Publk:ity Chainnan H1tch· man wanted to prove that he could spank the local pa- pers by gtvi.ng it to the out- side ~rs in the hope that they would "pt.y" the yam. 1bey didn't and they don't. All of which shoWd indicate that the home town boys are your belt friends and are en- UtJed to ftrBt ''bree.k.s" on ~ kind ol news, no mat- ter wbethel' It deeJs wtth eventa that require Ja.rKe lObs of propaganda or real news tell1ng of buslnela changes, realty S&Jes or .dvk and other happenings. t • • New Auto ~· Have been watching for many weeks the progress of the u1es room Joe Nlckertz has been b\lildlng at the en- trance to Lido Isle, adjoining Warren Bristol's Oil sta- Uon. Joe has been con- nected with Paul G. Hoff. man's uptown Studebaker plant and will be the dealer for the harbor area. He has a most attractive setup and ls just another evidence or the growth of this district. It was not so many yeers ago that Thco. Robins' FoJd Agency was the only one here, but since then the South Coast Co. has in- stalled the Chrysler line. + • + New Hel~r. Down at the Bay District yard or the Ward Harrington Co. Mon· day, ran into Supervisor Gordon in working clothes and a bit more meet on his bones. Inside the yard carne up with Bud Cordon. back trom the wars, who Ia u non-commlttal and modest u his Dad, and who ia working with him sawing boards unW s.chool opens in the fall . Bud has filled out. u have so many youngsters yfflo hit the battle line. and he, like they, have pined that lndeftnable .amethlng mlled .-urance that home and ICbool ooWd newr ....... Cos-ta esB Edition .... ...... . . .Newport Balboa-News Times ---------------------------VOUTMII JalA'III oo.TA IIDA. O&Lit'OitSIA, "'I!:DNEADAY, lt1LY II, INI ., ~--============~==========================~ =--====~,~============-===--~------ FEAR :DEPLETI.ON OF WATER SOURCES· S: D. IEWSPAPERMAI DROWIS OFF IEWPORT Nrwport Brach's clran rrcora well known local man, who at· for no drowninga wu broken • 1 tempte-d to aavc him without avail Monday nQOn. wht•n the rip tide Cahall reoovert'd the body and off 18th atrct'l and the ocean took I brou~tht him to ahore. t:trorlll oC the life nf AltiC'r l LeRoy Smith. the lif<' aavlng crt>W, heati(>d by 1846 David strt"''· San Oi('{to, well Frank Crockcr, worked fOf' an known nl'WSI~IX'rman employed hour In efforts to retUKiatr on tht> Snn OIE'I:O Trlbun<'. Smith. S mit h, who is the brothcr of F.IU'I Abbey, county coroner, was P arley Smith, dl·puty Oran~~:c ll'allt·d nnd •tatl'd that a.n lnquettl rounty d1stnct at too nt•y, Wl'nl to would n<>l h•• nt'Ct'llSAI'y. Smith, his dt·ulh us Ius wore und smnll son who was •10 y~·urs uld, hud I'Ofllt' ''FREE SPAll' MEETIIG ~:~ .... '-CALLED BY FISHERiEI • ".U a I"NuJt ott~ war, we> IOt l ar«"a rommahdtr ol Ute Abr8Mm rid of Hltlf!'l' and M..-.ollnl. but J.lne\lln hrhcculf' And a rec'IPfttb ,... "'" cannot ha\lt' a ~Tallc turllf'd Vf'hT•n or thto ~ world until wr haw ffflod Sp&tn th•••h•r In War II from fhf> dHpot, Franto," dr-1 lluff will rxpl11l~ the lat•t dl-WA.anrcn'Oif, D. 0..-.. C'lart'd 0\arlct ::llAuchlln of \'l•ln&mwnl• In tht" Ap&nhth altua-~ 111M ....._ , .. I• C'u.ta Mt'N, boll atf'nt of the lion, 1.1~ II afrt'<'ll IN> drmocratk flf ... 011 .............. , f • lntt>rnAIIonal FUt rmo•n'• union WNid • .. ......,. t ... ..., .. .. h••rr today I Ml'l..lllllthlln aald thto worid fed.. Mtk Mtw W-.._ ...___ Ml I ----~ r .autehlln m11&-lhC! dc'C ara-•·ntl11n uf trAdl' unkwll bPitew. .._ el a-~ .,..... .... lion 4>nly nn.,r ht• ltlln<IUOt'\od thAt '""' Onuuw t'OUIIIY ahould do ... ..... ....... .... .. •• watcht.'<l on tht• b<·ach nt-ar·hy ''' , •·wt•ort H"'"'" !';unduy with hia • tlw flllho•Mtwn'a unhm "''llll .)(•lnln~t flurt In ,,.,. 11l'llt>n to lUIIe tJpain ...,_ ... ..._ .. .......,.a.. tlw World )o.rdc>rMIIlln of '!Tall(• on~· ""'ro' 11 fn'f• n11tloft. ...... ._ W .._ .....,..., • Efforts rot n·l>t'UP w t>rc mad•· hy ran11l\ too 11 shnrt vostl With Ius Mtss Murtt>n Child. :t'.l'..!:l 1\u~•• hrotht•r. Purlt•y Smtih, whu hod slrt•N , Sants An11, "'"" "'U>o ''"''" •" . • " f•·• "" ••uw~·r of 1111.: "" •h<•f•• .tnll .lltt'l.. ('ulull. lith ·•••11 I.,., •• n I'""' ---------- FIUT ~LIN of title -WM .....Pt ltf Lt .. A. I:. s-lr. aboard Ute a...t, "Capt. Cart." wlllclt .. aldPPf'l'ed tar Capt. UUJ 8-. T1HI -t~llt of tlltf' IM-poaeder "u IIUidf' off N -·port flartkw -·f"rW&J. Tedd• ...c1 "'u a a.-vy U . Botll ('apt. Ully 8u-(tit• arnWq---.. at tlw ~It) -.41 ~Met. s-(le c-1~ at title rtpt) are _, proud of Uldr ~IL 11teJ aa-.Jd 11&--41 wtl raalle iood ••tlaa few -wf'ella to --Photo by Kent Hitchcock. t SRF.ATARLI: BEETS u e powe thl' hiK In I ""'• M••q !Moll. Thr ""''" """"" ""'" wf"t1twod H poued, an•l Ill' 1 ..-uand" r•.,.s-·thf'l). 'l'ho• cru .. o·r 111 W. A. llf'Kine•)' of 1911 l'oant" l•al,..l .,·,.nau•, ('••ta 1\t••"•· Thf' hAnd-tot In tllle t't'nl•·r 1 .. ;\II•"• St.-an .1111 t\ara .... . daucht .. r of Kay L ... ,.. ... of II Ill Urmtr•• "'''"'"'· ('n•la M ..... . ftuaf'tl I• a N,."a-'"-' U-IJ •""" tobntu~;rapho•r. l'h111u h) RAy F.. Jlarnl'l Six Lovely Girls Win Top Honors in Balboa Contest l!nlon.~ tn !IJ•'"''"rlnll A ..... 1'\'f' An 11l"llun t•onmmiiiH to CliiiD-...... el .. lliWD ........ ~1111111 m•~·tin~t In IIcht F'rlloww f ... ,.,.a Ita -u. ta a .. tt·mpll' in s 1111111 """ 1m 'ful"'day 1"-lfll' r fort11 uf tht• rount)' In U. ... ......._ w;; tile • • •• I'Wnln~e. AttJ:UIII 6 t111't'l"lion "''Ill lw named .. tile .., Wed •"-4 1...!~ ... 8Jif'llkt•r "-Ill h•• llurohl llnfr. lll'llr fUIIIrr•, ttkiAUilhlln addrd. • ._ ef , •• .,, ... ....,.., 'tiM! ~. It •doptH, ...... aooordtn1 to RM!IIli'Niflon ..._. ntrlcial•. <'till for tht" UM ot 1..- :WO,OOO ac:Tt! fl't'l of waler .. nuall)' tmm tilt" main 11,_ fit t ht• C'.nloradt1 rlv•·r r or lllll QUa. Wf'lllnn·Muh""' k lrrl1atlon prajed In Arllltlf\11, ~tlllfV1111 of IM 8t•t• fit f'•"lfornla h""" ll'•lntC'CS out tt..l the (lila bill, If enac:tc4d Into IIIW, would Ntabl .. h orw and 1ow.r atandarda ot ft<dlblllty aM,..,.... "'"'' on reclamatl();) ............. whim would wt a ~t ..,; Nit to a...S on othttr ..,... .. llw' Ooklrado rtvttr ba&tn w _. whlft. NKW~RT BAL80A NEWS-TIMES GEHEBAL EJSEin:O'IIER S REPORT v Helicopter Will Pickup Mail Without Making 'field Stops PROFESSIONAL DIRECTO~Y PBOJ!fD: WAWOa II ... II htMrfiDMrJ~ ... ft&-*'F Anln••-. v••-XXXVUJ o-&a .._ IDMIIIee P Q st hill &_,-........ , Vol~ 0 ~Payable 1n Advance:-$:~~~ year In~ County t2.15 ...-,_,.to 4th 11011e: S&OO per yar to 8th zcne LUI D. PORTER Publ.laher r. a. narr --. . . --. . -Editor w. r. DillON -• -• • • .Mvm 111nc ~ .._tills Plut., 3011 W. Oentnl Awnue, Newport BMch, Calllomla I I I I t I rt..tt ft ll:l ll IJ .. t (fto(lll...l .... ~ ....... --1:1 I I t• I• I I I t t •I I t t I IYI t : CORRAL DUST I • MnAt ~"pi~ lt'c In 141, abour rh~tlt>cs M.:, Sll~ncc " rht hardcll olr.l(utncnl tv beat · )M'.x LtNIJ"Lev. roo . .. ______ ,, ~~~•,•n••• .. tl•i,, ....... "'''' ~·lf, ... ~•· ... ,...._,,, .,,,,.,"' ... ,.j, r Lofty Thoughts This is written far up in the Sierra Nevada Moun- tain&---that chain of Iotty grandeur extending nearly the entire Jen(th of California. In Spanish any chain of mountains 18 a "cordJUera" and geographically the eordillera of North America includes both the Rockie ud the Sierra Nevada& But it is th e word Sierra, which al8o means "mountains" in Spanish, that better diltinguishes California's nnges from aJJ others in the country. .. t.. A pin's point would amply cover the spot where uais is written. And while from this point the human eye encompass towering peaks, peaceful lakes, a~e­ old glaciers and seemingly limitless skies, the vis ible world is but a fraction of all that California possesses ID U.e way of scenic wealth. Californians are indeed fortunate to be able to chooee as their vacationlands IUcli mountains as these, or the state's almost limitles.-! l"athea of seashore or its ~ves of towering Sequoias. Not far from . where this 18 written are gleaming ex- ~ of Sahara-like desert, part of it below the level at the aea out of which in one terrifying cataclysmic aaoment of ,an eon long past, rose these mighty J)('aks. .California ia eo old, and yet eo new. Its moun- ~ ita deeert.B, ita coastline all denote eternity. CoiDDared with ~eee, ita Sequoias-the world's olci- el& Jhtng ~are me~ infants. Yet Cali- fDnla 10 far aa ita people and its progress are con- • Did Ia young and vigoroue. It has built great cities llteNH.ed vut indultriee, spanned bays with ~ dJverted mighty rivers and wrested wealth froai Ita mountains, ita luah valleys and its 8Ull-scorch- ed d....t& Daily it draws into its veins the life- idYiu blood of new people from everywhere-new ir-Jtll, new ideas, new strength with which to do stiJJ ........ things. To relax'within these Sierras is to gain a new ~ve. Far removed from them is the world nca recorded hi8tory ie but a clock tiok compared wtth the age of these mountains-a world whose puny ' ~plea war on each other with increasing fury gener- idioo after generation. From mountain~ such as these ame the obsidian out of which primitive man fash-loMd his fint lethal weapoN, the arrow and the axe ; lrGm mountains web aa these man has extracted ..Uum, baala of bla new weapon of destruction, the 1t0m bomb. Yet the centuries which lie between that dim ltone age and the present are but a passing mo- IDiftt in the age of the SierrasJ new as t}ley are com- J)II'Id with the eut'e Appalacnians. • So ftlt are theee SieiT&8 that everyone who was Wid• anna in World War n could enjoy rest and Nluation within their confines and still not be con-.toa. of the other's preeence. Certainly their recent aimoeities would fade under the spell of the moun-tams. Perhaps in that fact lies the genn of an idea for future world peace. ~. 8. WRY Dteolla ,. u COif~,...,. u~ .. u.. c•w •~ ,.._. t:xhaWitlve testa have proven be made automatically and the :..!!':t..~J. ---=.-::. ~ the practicability of the ht>licopter ! mall d('ltlned foe Southaatt would &VDift • .,......... fur lltl' carriaae of mall, the Poet ~ dropped into a net~l' pouch ,.........,o ..... Orticl' Department hu announced wou.ld drop down a chutr into the om. "::...--::,..~c.. .._ as the thr~wet>k t>xperlment In po.t office workroom for immt'dl· :.,_ ______ _... ....... ___ ....;. tht' Loe An&t'les area wu con· ate proceulna. u t he helicop!J!r cluck'<~. •JX'd on to Montebello . The helicopter demonstrated P011t offire inspectors havt' sur· ,.-------------, th114 it can fly and carry mall vt>yt'd all contem plett'd stQps on Armand Monaco thntUgh the •ummer fog of the1 all routes. W1th the rt>location of ~ I.Al8 Angell'S area with a JX'rform·l elect ric power lines. h('licopten .trl('e rt'<vr d ld leut u &ood u could rnake pickups and deliveries 8U .W. llaJ A•e.. ....,_ 111111 of ronv•ntlonal aircraft. I on all the I(OV£·rnmf'nt buildings tnt~ A-.· TI1r dt'parlm«'nf disclost'd that 1 tm'Ol-.·e~ 'f'ht!t would remove one ut••n lht• tmsili of data furn.illhc.'<l of thl' diffiC'ultleli encountl'r('d in r.. ~ N~ 1&81 h) the C'ivil Aeronautil•• Bonrd thr exrt('riment, when it bt:camr e I RISE TO REMARK ·· .111<1 the Weather Bureau, routes nt'Ct'Ssar y to use landln~t arru at • ould bf' flov. n which would t•nal)lc Hnrf'a!i(tnnhle dlstan<'t'S from post tit•· hrlicuprr rs to pick up and offiCI'S, fl• ltwr mail on their early morn· Consl~ratlon is being giv<'n to 111: runs Ill such times ns to nv01d ,. sug~eestinn that a short wave (,,,, and st 111 sy~chroniu W1th car· n•rf'ivln~: srt be lnstollrd at each ,,..,. scht•duii'S fhc board and tht• post office serv('d hy helicopter. httn ·nu an• now prt'paring maps' Tit is would f'nnblr the pilot to give lnC'Orporatlng th1s Information. j lnform11tion of his approach at an l lunn~ thC' rxpcrimt'nt. Lock·! uMcheduh·d 1 imc or arrange for lu •·d lllrJ)()rt at Burll11nk was t he the rt•ndl'ring of nny nt'f'di'd assist· '•·•••• fur·OJ)('rllt lon.~ fo'rom.t hl' ~ anee. nos . .lOll!~' r·lln.Ln·~ ~o:mnin~:. 11 wns ~nderstood that Hj The Post Office Orpnr tme,;t llf'l'~'~"'at was gtven to hellcoptl'r paid tributt> to t he st'rvlce JX'r· '"' mo1t srrv1Cf' In the Los Angc-les formt'd hy till' Army Air forces In 111 •·a. tht' Municipal Air port would making the ex:j'i('rim~>nl a success. t•· usPd 'I'wo ma~n routes were Th~> pilots of tht> Army ht'licopters . llown, one .followtnj:l the coaat.,all of 1 hem combat vett'rnnll. flt'W With t:.on~e Beach as its aouthc•rn six days a wef'k ovt'r runs ul(.'('t· 11•rmmus. the oth~>r running inland 1 t'd spccificaly because they offered hopt•s to Santa Ana . A shuttle routt bt'· tht' most advt'rie condltioM. So ThPre Arr irnprov<'mneta In thP t • -k._~.. d h T I 'I w('('n . .....,.; "'""'" an t e <'rm na •.hat tht-aircraft could be kept Whr·n a lull •tr rt'"''tutinn l:tN'I new m~>nsur~>, and lOme good Ann•·x roof· wu also flown. rontinuously in S<'rvice. tht' Army CIIIIIOPilACTOIU!I Waper nr.ap. IMtltute Dr. WUa.r 0. w..- Chlropractic, Dletetk:s, Phyado & Colonic Tbarapy ltJt Clout..,.... ..... i.apaaB-.11 .......... CUnical Laboratory Of.llee ...... : I • I:M . ... ..,......,. ..... ftLI:PBON& II.AJIBO& -Jill w. o.etnl ~ ... DAY 80BOOL 1o.rh•· Hul•' t · .. mmllll·•· 11nd latt•r thlnj;:s . th;·rr on· mnr r ronfualons And \Jn~·rtalntl'~s. Pri-a-ri•· '1111.' ~>xpcrimt'nt brou~tht nut the pilnts drvoted their Sunda)'ll to thr r------------, ronk~ In flu• Fl"•'r. I! """ II ('('Om· " •· .. ~. • ~ 'd f '-· 1 1 I , In", With nr without OP A. Prl-n~>• nr t~u .... tantu.l mod ftcallons lnspcctlon and malntl'nanct> or Mortimer ""-hool JIIIOYIII~ '1 11 r•t' , "111._ m••ttnl II .. "'" ln. roUit'll and procedures. lf. m tht' thl'ir aircraft_ Army oper a tions ~ rf'SOIUIInn "''11101: uut how It shall ri.sfos h;l\'t• t~N>n inevitable tin<'(' lu•lti'IOit now schc.'<lult'd by thf' Civil wr·rp dirt>ell'd hy Captain Camp-Ill Clon.l a.llloe ....._. ht· "'''"''''(' 11nd '"'''fl on 'Ou! rult-Pn•;;lllcnt Ttuman hrok~> the wagl' ,\, n'nautlcs board for Septembt'r hl'll Y. Jackson.· 0...._: CJolletre, ~ •II•>WII ~" mud• ttmr fur tlt>hah•: linl' nft"r v.J nay. Tht' problt>m 1t lhl' d<'partm!'nt r<'r1rmm~>nds 1 Post ()fflco' n..•partmo·nt otric1als St ....... • SCHOOL tl'lb v.11111 urn• nclmt•nh may hi' htts lt<••n 111 rf'II'M"' thr production I •tu.m~Jt.ft nrfr•rr·tl 11n•l M'lh fort h prO<'r-dural pow, • ...., ut AmPrtrlt These things h• ltMfll•·r St'rvir.· fCir ~ An~t•·f••s. m .. d,. 110 tmur-t)y-hour chrC'k of 0. A. Ilona-, }Ill.. A.. (htord dctall!o Tiw nul"'!! ( '•tmmhtt•t; is. Will pl'f•\ ••nt mfl<llit1n A balan('('d thP rnutH su..-:r;:t'Ytl'd unc!oubt!'dly th(' orii(in, drofltination, nnd volume 1"1111dpal l'lloDe Harbor IU "Ill t)f' horl:wntal lnoj"\S ralhl'r of air mail 10 ail c-ommun\tu'll af. thf• OIH~t I•U\\f'rful f'Ommllh't' In hudJ:N, fl hrnkf' f)O the pnur ing Of lhan in lhl' form nf the Vl'rlll'lll l ff'<'lrd. !I~ 1\o'll 115 thf' priii"IJCnhility .DENTIST8 tt .. · l 'un~n·~<l', nntJ is ro)ntrCIIh·d "'""''Y lntu art f·N'Inomy thrt'alen-I'""' flown durin~: thr I.'Xrx•riml'nt of !Itt• SChNiulrs ti'Strd and thr ~lrll'tl) h} th{• Admlm&trlltlon m •'<I \\lth 1nflariron, and a rc-lf:'nse nf , ,-------------. I" ullttrttrm \\'1• had 23 days t'Vi· 11au.~;, hc-liropl,.rs flyin~.t I)IJl C'O"il nf hf'llroptt•r !l!'r\'iCt' M. H. JXIWI'f I r I r od i frnrn lhf' Munlripal Airport at lliX I Ack••rm:m, post t•ff•ce mspo•ctor· Th•' HuiMI Commlltl'f' nllowtod WI ( r·nrr n 1 w J¥•Wt'r" pr uct on . .,1•1,t('k in tht• mrlf'ning rould fly ln·charg,• at Atlanta, Gn., dir<~C'Icd 16 hours ~.tt>nr·r11l dPbar.• on t hf' hf'fnrt• WI\ ~It!• '<I 1" go bllck "' rh t ht• hu1r or th1• dn" that bit us ""•·nrl nf fng, along tht' two loops, ~ surwy . . flritiSh loon, lind 4 hOUI'll !(enf•r;,l "' rht• da ta Will hr ~u"'mttl d 1 \\'t• ar•• nnw httrk wtwr!' ""<' werr tl,.JI\'I•rin.: t1nrl picking up mall nl '' •· o d<>hatr on how to control thr s•.. l·nr·h post offil't'. Thl' fll~ht timt' Pl'lslmasll'r Gc·n,.ral Hr\ht'rt E. creta of otnmlr rnl.'rgy The ad· Tit(' lull Is 10 I tu• Sr•natr. Black· ,,n !Ill' nnrthern loop wnuld bt' emf' llann•'l(lln 11nd S('('Ond AssiStant ministration allowrd us unly one rnarkr•t O(M'ralllrs Will rl'joice If It hour and forty·twG minutl's and Postmnst~r G('n,.ral GAt'l Sulll\'an hour on th<• report from t he Con· I:OI'll to rh" Wh1tr llou.~l'. SubaJdles 110 thl' southern loop, onl' hour and upon thNr rr turn frnm Europe . ft'rMK'I' Commit!('(' which brnughl Wt\Uld 11111 IJ(' w1th us. The Prftl· lhlrty-slx minutes. Thirtl'C'n post I Mr. Jilftln!'gan and ~1r Sullivan ua yl'lllerday 11 complt•t(•ly chanj:l· rtrnt ''t•t()(~ a morr workable b ill. nfrio'M wnuld llf' !lt'rvcd on lh<' prt>-are dl11cusslng with rorrlgn postal cd and re·wrlrten OPA bill That What will lw do with this pnsed northerri loop lind elt'\'en on administration modtflcatiOM of in· wiU clvt-you :lOrN' ldra of relatlvl' monsrr<'Sily! th,. southern loop In addition. 61 ' tt'm atlonal air mail rat(.'S. value. in Washington. at the mo-In the IJoUJe. Mr. Lea 'or Call· nt•ir;:hborlng offices would bt'nefit rnent. 1 fomla mnvt'd to recommit the re· frnm thf' ll('rv\ct'. You will read in th(' ~pen. and port 11nd hring hack only rrnt c:on· ~ surccu of tht' s huttle •erv-Mosquito Lake Trout MOIQUlto Lakes. Calaveru c:Oun· ty, havt' produC't'd a ft'W limits of E11att>m Brook from 5 to 6 lnchl'l. Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'I1ST lift Y, W. O.tn.l. llarllor tW . NJ:WPOaT B&ACB DB. GORDON E. 1U.PP DENTJBT lUI WM O..tnl ..... ll&rtMw 01-J Netrport hear over tht' n 4 1o. that this OP A trois. Thr vote wu 135 ayc>s: 219 IN' bt>twf'l'n downtown Loe An· nUNion proteclJ frt'C! enterprise l nOI't; ~ palrt'd 11nd lhl'rcforr vot-j:ll')es 11nd the alrJWlrl wns ont' of and allows tht-COlli of production. ln..-: "pr~>!lf.'nt," and 74 abt>nr or not the outstanding featurf't of th~ but only In t hhl column and othrn votlnR. Thrre ar r 5 vacancies Of expe-riment. Thl' dl'par""en t. in like it will you rP8d the thrt"(' thr California dt'lt>~tation. 4 vut<>d the ev('nt th11t hPikoptt>r urvlt"t' lines, which immediatc>ly followed aye, 13 votrd nnt to rrrommll, and is adoptl'd. would link tht' Tl'r· that section of lht' bilL Hrre lllfY 6 w .. rr Ahscnt. minal Ann<'x. rour otht'r Los An· &rt'; rr11d them cart'fully: ' ' On th(' flnnl vot<'. lhp HnUSf' geles JlO!II offlre J!latlnns, Snnta Groulot' CrN'k 11nrt Spll'l'n havt' r--------------: both turned out 11 fl'w limlr.. The road to lllj:lhland Lnkl'll Is in j:lood condition. although the lakes Art' heavtly fishf'd from l>oth llhOrt' and bo~tts. with fev.• fish takf'n "Nothlnfl herc•ln shall nullify thr vnlt'd ~Ill in favor or nc('('pltnl( Monica nnct tht' airport w1th two powl'r of the Adminllltrator Ill tho• n•polrt; that ill In favor or morning nnd IWn aftf'rnonn fli~hts. M e n -w 0 m e n makl' rl'a!lonahle ndju."tmPnt' hrtnJ;:IOR hark thr OPA: 142 votc.'<l In 11ddlt1t>n. 12 dlrN'I flights hf'. AND EXCEPTIONS in indiv1ctunl ""'mnst it, thr hll(ht•!!t prnporlinn IWf'l'n tht• Tt'rmin~~l Annl'-c and thl' 1 Prostate · • -Pelvis CU('S undc•r thr provisions, , Ju~t yt'l to \'otr "nn,": 2 n1:111n \'ntc'<J ulrpor t would IIC' nm dnily j rt'fl'rrrd t~' I" "J>ri'$Pnt," nnd 76 wr!'l' Rhsrnt or On lh<' northrrn nnd ."outh~>rn Thr """" Art 11rov\d(•!l ctl\"ld"d nM vutins.: ThP C'altrnrnia <k-It•· IOOJM!, morning and afternMn authority, Mnd S<'tll up 11 "~n· .-:allon vort'd 12 in ravnr and 5 ni~thts 11re projt'l'trd. f trol Boord." tcivins.: It mur(' 11hso-81>.'1111151. v.lth 6 abSt'nt. Tht' ht'liroptrrs, o(>f'rar<'d hy lull' power than C"nngrc•'Qi h11.s giv· Army Ai r Fon·rs pt'rsonnc l In tht• "' any pi'I'Vlous board or lllti'OCY. w h Th s PXJ)(.>rimt'nt. Wt•r(' d...,.;lgnrd for rt'S· WltnMill thia: "Ordrrs of lht' hoard atC at pare CUe work and not for the rarriagr I aha ll nnt hi' suhj('('l to modi fica· of mall•. On aircraft nd11pt nhle for lion or rrvlew hy any othrr de·l '"6;par(' tir es oftrn arr those flying mall. fundr1mentnlly ditrr r· parlm<'nt or ll~trnC'y or hy 11ny which 11lready havt' sr!'n consufcr· ent OJX'Tatlonal technii]Urs would court." 11hle• l<'rvlct> and art> occupylnc be followt'd. ITS YOUR GLANDS Dr. a. P. •u. D. r ., ,.._0., ,_, ,_lit.. !'C...._.=...._ "~ 1154 ,_ ... .... .. ,...,.......,.u.. •• o ...... ..... .:M A. II. \0 TIM P. II. .. ....,.. -,...,....,. Who ~ill IX' 11ppolntC'd to this tlw1r prt'S<•nt position only as su~ Ualng a slmplt' devlre now avail· Decontrol Board . at salaries of stilutH v.·hen one of thl' good tir:ee able, tht-h('licopter nl'ed not stop I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 112.000 each• I wonder. With rnf't'll misfor twtt>," df'C'Iares L G. to pick up mall. The pickup would :;; rnerNWin of Harry Hopl<lns plaet'd Evans. gen£·ral 11erv1C'e mam111er of be eff(.'('tc.'<l by tht' h~>liroptt'r slow- In charge nf vnd·LeiiSt'. which WI' NatlnnBI Automobil<' cluh. "\'t•t. It lng down and havlnl( a lilting dr- S<'ttled a few dn)'ll 11go by wiping fr('(]urnlly happt>ns thnt wlu·n the vice bring t~<' ~all .sack. Into the , off a 30 BILLJON dollar lou. or sparr is callt"'d upon to fill 1n. Ill alrcral t. [)(.'hvertrs hkl'~lse w<!uld Mr. l....c'hman and Mr. LaGu&rdla ,,.nure nn tht' wht•f'l 1~ mm h lon~t-be made withnut stopping I lnt'ftectivl'iy trying to hldt' lhl' in· l'r thlln thr OWnt'r IIOIIPip:ttt'd. Thus, hl'llropt('r nymg lhl' ROOFS APPLIED oa aao.uao ~ Estlmatea A Inspectlort W. ~. Beabow ()602 Man:ta Ph. Hbr. 1012·J rompetenci(.,. nf lJNRRA, and with Thr sparr. thus usi'd. may b.• s;:ood nor thern loop would alnw down , Mr. Bowll'tl' ob,•ious rf'lirf on get· r.,r hut a frw hunrlrrd mill'S It is O\'er thr South~:at~ post. office. ling aw~ty from lhr most monu· lu•flpr tl• tuke lh•·~·· .,111 In small The pickup of outgomg mml would lll('ntal failure 10 the history ot m~rnllmrnts thnn 1111 ~t nne• tune. -----------.---------------- Kovernmrnt. tlw former OP A, 1 \\'ht•n th•• ~o:ood t1r" ~~ f1 xf'd. rJUt Dr.W.W.WMtmorelud Dellu.t tMt eo..t m..., OOaoNA DEL MAll Pboae llarbor !ttl lNaURANCI: Uacoba National We lasiJJ'allce Co. "lea lf•me ledlc•IM lt.e Claaro.:i~r" DON IEaNIOAN PMIIe llarllor U4·a .......... ~ ....... lal. OCCIDENTAL LD"B IN8URANOB 00. Ray Nielaen ____ & ................ ...._..._......, ••• &. .., a... ..... IIOBTIOIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel admit fr11nktr thnt I do nnt face 11 lottl'k '' tlhmu ct.-lay 11 ~pnrH Ask Little Woman lholw appotntnwnts, Wllh hi~h 1111' nlrl srJI;Irr." A sudden flurry in the chi'nchilla•mt\rket in Cali-fi~art. R<'fnr<' you<ink the-~amil~· pul\l' in that Jlt.'W fomia is puzzling Better Bu!'ines!' 13ur('aus. report~ ml company, tll' lt•ft-ha!Hit•d monl<l'.\' \\TI'nth fat·lory Kra. Muriel Tsvetkoff, general manHger uf San Fran-ur chinrhilla ranch. it':' hr:'t to a:-'1\ ( \dth a ca:-'u:d ai; cisco's BBB. A pair of breeders now co~t from $1 200 of ma:-rulint.• l'nndP:-'<.'<'II!'iul1. of· cour:o:l') thl• adYi l'l' of 24-Hour Radio Service "We O~lves the Better ~rve by ~rvin& Otht>rs Best" to $1500, whereas a check of the Nation's fur irulu=-try the Iilli«' \\'(lmail ~ MOWS "there is little if any demand in the fur pelt r;;;;;;~~----:;;;;;;;:;;;.:; ___ ;;;;;;;;;_-_-:.,-;..;.. .... market for chinchilla skin~.'' There's nothing wrong about laying out $1 500 for a couple of these soft-furred little rodent.~. if your ambition is to have the most expem•ive pets in r our community. But buying them to get rich quick 1~ in IIDe, according to Mrs. Tsvetkoff, with a public plung-baa fever that is giving Better BuRine"" Bureaus a lot of ead eomplaints theae days. And her ad\rice to mar-ried men~specially to returning G. I.'s who've been oat of touch with civilian ways and wiles-is to ask the elinging vine what she thinks before risking the famil.y avlngs in some glittering investment adven- ture. Swindlers and racketeers find women a lot harder to fool than their menfolk! C.mpJete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZIOO Ot....a Frobt Newport MALTS • NOW OPEN EVENINGS 8ANDWICJU.:8 • HAMBURGERS lee C...... to TUe Out BOMF., AUTO, MARJ:NE RADI08 REPAIR&D Burt R. Norton 915 Cout IDwaJ Beecoa 5111 Newport a-la. Calli. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yoa t1ae II'IDelt PIMe to DIM Ia ()rap <Joaat)': All ·New· • - Even the Location . . . One-Halt Mile Eut fA Old Location on ~ Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lea.d Southt'm California ln the Serving of -SEAFOODS- ALSO . . ftoDe a-. 5811 eo.ta M-Calltorala OPTOMETRI"TS E.. T, Butterworth, 0. D. Optomettt1t EYE8 EXA.MINED LES8E8 DUPLICATED 01-._.,.... -"',_.. aut w. c.t..a &-,.._ ._._ •u Mnt1'0Tl'r a.&CII PHY81CLUI8 • 8UBOZON8, D.O . Dr. W. T. Mooaey Ph,..tdM aD4 &arpo. Mild! ... o....a ,._ ( ........ _........, ....... \'OUR ldod of 8TEAB8 Dr. G. E. Tohlll -VISIT OUR Km:HEN - A. V. Andrews, M.D. I'IIYIICU.N ... BtJIIOEON lllo...tlllall...,. ......... . 0.... ... .... ~oba IL 0. Obuc, II. D. .............. ,_ 2 • 4 7. 8 :30 and by ~tmeot BMcon 50'1'5 1!1 t:ut Udl Benet c.ta ..... Oalll ..... , Laareaee B. Dqrcy, II. D. Physician & Surgeon S!l llarbae Ave.. Banloalalaad Plaoae Harbor !at ,...-------------------------· H. R. Hall, M. D. .._,..... .......... Hours: 2·5, "Y .Appob!tmaat 'Nepbone Beuoa ,... llllto. M. llu1NB, M. D. lMl o...t llhn.r eor... ....... Ottlce Hodn: 1~12; 2-5 ..._ llarllor 1• S. R. Monaro, M. D. 814-Bay Ave .. &~boa Harbor I 7lt Ul 8. RUI 8t., Loe .bp1ea TUeker 78U By A ppol.nt:ment NORMAN NBCON, K. D. Pedlatrtdaa Certified by the Americu Boa.rd of ~t.rlca teen O..tot.a Dr .. ~ ..... ,..,...... ....... 1-11M Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 West Central Av.. NJ:WPORT BEACH ....._._IOU Ito __ , .a ..._ ~· X-~ ~rvtc. T. P. REEDER, M.D. and WM. S. IRETON, M.D. ... ,..._ 8Dd s..,._.. S4ot W. Ceatn.l Teleplloae Harbor eet PUBLIC 8TZNOOR..&P~ Plaoee Beacoll 5188-W M. D. Keesling 18M-A Newport ....... C.talleaa Raub & Bennett 8llnwJwa ... ..... 3 OIU 1M NMr'p01181 .... OD.ea ..._ T'pla• .....,_ IIII·W ten w. o.itn~ N.wport ..... Tal..,._ But.or Ul PuBLIC NoTICE "Mott of the inquiries about investments or new bUBinela ven~ come from women," Mrs. Tsvetkoff revealed. uAlmOit without exception they bef,tin by aying: 'My bUBband would Ahoot me if he knew I were Calling you'." Mt>n, says she, tend to be cock- JUre of their own busine98 judgment, while women ''ueuaJiy aren't afraid to admit they might not kn<>w ~h to avoid bebw swindled. They don't want to deft•te the ego of tAelr spouaes-but the wi8e wife -,..... make,.....h .. mantm•ttooled." • ~ lm't too tlatte~ to tbe ft71Aeiu ... ::r-Sam's Sea Food Spa ~CW'JhCH vooc~ <'ne.umed . and Flab Market om.~..... The average hUmlln oonsump-~-aa:-;~--~ braiDJ u.e ~ 1IWl Calffomia iiroduees irli , tt mq1bt well for all of Ul to take It to • 1-~ ... ~~0.~111:11:~-~~·:·:-t.-------!="~--:.! ... ~·~·~ .. ::~·~·~J ......._: • .,.._ .,... tlon of food 11nnu111Jy Ia 1500 -, .._ __ u_•_•_-+-•,..•_•,....o;;;;..;•;;;•;;.'-:;;:..:•_-J powfda. Of th11t amount l'lt'arly 400 poundl Ia dairy foodl. • -~~~ ----~---. ---- Corona del Mar Malt Shop l t ll o..ae .....,_, • Old t~ malta We mean Ju8t this. LOST-t. nr ._, U41o n-. u... M-·· lllr-. AWaator IMilfold. "~ _, Uld ••• ,_..,. f or r f'tUI'II or blWold aM ......,... \\'rftf' Bull wM,• t'lo N••-..Tlmtoe, or ,._ .. llarlltcw lt . ....Jtcl Mussels Kill One, Hospitalizes Two, Says State Board Harbor Sno~r~s P1ogram ! :;~, .. r;;:.;:·~::~ ~,:::.:; .. ~·:-:.;·::-;..;.~=-·-~-· ... ______________ _ G. n Naflonw·lde· P bl·c·ty J ·=n~wll··r· ••• :"" ,·~~~·~~~··~~lll ... · · IVe U 1 1 cormm df'l !\1111. n·k·~~ llr" .. ?''' ,,, boratory !Hill rt'\'t'll uo&t t (' t' , •II • t t I · •I 1 h ('I'· N..wnnrt JlarbQT Ia thl' rt'dph.•nt --I ·""' 11 11, ""' '""t ln~t 1\pn l 11 . La 1 ... h t~ wtU ut hit IIIII' l11tho•r, '·•~11'1(1'1 tox city or muu• s 11 nnlt t <' • 1 • .. ..., 1 al R••"l JW'OJJe•rt)• In ~ant• ll«rtwa :::==-~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~ ronlia shorf' Is hi!T<'asmR th«'/ttf " ronlll<k>t'atJh• prol;110t on C rt R I I St~tt(' l"lt> )l)rtnwnt of Puhlil' bc:loet this m onth with an artlallc ou ev ews I t'\)UII~Y 1• ''"'''"''"'· """ ~: ..... tu H I I Th Ill I photo of t'--.. .,.Jin"'t of IM s-· s I th(' ( llnlllll dC'I M ill 1"'1\IIUIII'f 1\lll:l t'l th announct>S. (' pu) c " ..... r .... ~-uspects' Ca tt . I • h If I IISHMCE P.A.PALMER U OO IS!.£ PllbP!!AnEs ·----w Q BUCK-IRsurance Counselor ~1500 ~#.,( 3333 VJA UDO CKL-t~--H-- 4 DEFEND YOUR HEALTH It's Always COFFEE TIME· ' At The . • . . • DO IIUTce:w;RFFLE SHOP . . • . • . . Serving COFFEE & OONUI"S • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFF L E S (with whipped cream) • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island d l<'d I h I birds" helng Cl\ffh'l1 on ''"' ('0\'~ ses II 111 II r .. It I ..... (\ ''""'' '"111111• II \.I . lhOl ho Kf'Y btl·'~ 11~1\1(' QtUhllf-~1 of thA AU"'UJt IIIIIUI' of II nc!'W ftll· s tu d , I) lk'l\\l'\'11 """"· \\'1/1111111 t:IIIC~I-IIOtiOI' w {' or oD ,,,. ga t>r· ~ .. a r a A 10 I • I r • I . • . . f 1 f M 1 thru tlonal mii~IIJint•, 1'rll\'t•l lind Cam· y u• .. r ll t 1141 1111.11 .till ~ran~ ..... 1011 ° musa E't1 rom RY 1 era. ' a• ~:colh··• 1 ol B11lt•·1 •lt<'ll l, 1111.J M1'11 Octobt'r 31 from all California bay . -M11r) Hllt.:lllnol ,,, M11ntu1tt1111 anl1 oct'llll watrn. Tht> ph(lto 10 t'Oior, pir turH th.-:-;,11111 "·" Au.:u•l Itt, 11111 '"'''" llc·.wh cl•w~:hlo 1 ,1 I Ill' dt~'t·t~t'tl. l nnt' fl"nl(ln ts dc:'od and two arc:' 1 ntN' um11•r full aall And is belnc WI •·~ Sup.·rlur \ ·,, .. , 1 1,1 1 h•• •Itt)' ' sttll skk rrom t'alln~t mu!!.A(•Ie ua~od In th•• promullonul lld\lrrlla-1 to rc•\ "'" 11ntl !'~'~'""'"''"' jutlw· fiijiiii~~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil lakt'll from tht• S11n Mlllf'O shor t> ing of tht• m11gatln<' In no•wspapc-MI m t•n• 111 tho· o·,cs.• "' 'I'• "'""" !'>tllun t\\'1\ Wt'l'kt!i 11511> when lttxtl'lty wru; I thrnughnUI th1• rountry. ""'" '" ·'"" ~:tno·sl l·:u.;o•uc• lf1•f. lowl'r thlll) It Is at flrt>sc.'nt. The llttrry \\'l'lch . \' flr C ~c·c·no111ry, bl:wl< "liu "•'ro• unhho•d It,\ :-;,."'. toxin whlrh Is prC'Sf'nl In muUt··Js f<'t't'ivf\d 8 <~•JIY ol tht• Nqw York port Jll•l 11·,. "" ,Juno• '.!:1. J(l tllltllll••s during tho' summl'r 11nd t•arly fall l llt•rald-Trlhun<' 111~1 w~k In af•··1 • "'"""""'); '"'" urtw·d rub· montM b one of. th.c rrulll ~which tbr NcwE2!'1 acrnc.' wu ck-t>t•;•··, known polsona. Thl' caUit' b lht>j pictt'd In a 11u,nll'r J>IIXI" alt tor· ~JU! duu .l.ldruJitt'<.l w SuJt~•rt~~r· pr<•sen~'(O in California ()()('an tht> new puhlkallon. I ,lud~:o· h •onkltn \; Wo'lil in Sttnltt wall'n of a mlnutt' organism, th~ 1 Will ('on no 11. Wl'll·k~'Jl pho-Anu t •• ~r \\ '"'k 1 h .ll 1 ho•> holll h<'ld gonyaulax, which Ia in&Htl'd by tognphl'r from H ollywood anap-up. 111 ~:un 1>111111, lkryl .lo•n1fo•r the muuels. • J)('d the> pklurt• in last yt>ar's raC'f'. llncl '1l.o•n -~' lhPn (' I. Zn•rrow Thl' state hl'allh dt'p{rtmt>nt On thr N'litorhtl page• of tM from "lwm tt~n ltlC'lk !il:.!!'i •'n~h also warned that the dark meat of maa:ulnl', IJ!ellkln& of thf' attrec-and " w rist watch. clama ahould be trtmnwd ott • ltv<' ~ the l'dllora of Traw l l u ''" allt•mpt to Avoid " tf'rm fo~ cooking a.nd that only tM and Cam<>ra wrotr: In lhl' po•nirC'nllllry, Mark• 1111d whitt' mt'at ahould be eaten. ''1Tavl'i and Camt'ra'a edltona, Ht>thlt~<'k hll\'(' uko'd for prnhtt- . Balboan Leaves Navy; Talles 011 Deep Sea Dl¥1111 who'vc.' known tht' g('ntlem&n for linn · many y••ara, arf' Jay.lng odda tha t fun-lovinlt. outdoon~y photocn· u s Cha be pher Will C'onnl'll ~:ot aa .bll a ''Flight of lht' Sn~·birdl" u did • • I kick from photoeraphlna lht' . m r tht' youngsll.'f'l tAiling t he little Off I w 12-foot craft In I hi" IM'a·cool IM'f. e e •11 Aftt'r thret> yean wrvlcr and' tln~e shown on thll month'• ()OYK. ICia s·~.. I 34 months OVC'rllt'U duty, John c.j .. _ Connt'll Ill nnl' of the na· Au1orn:k. Box 171. Ralhoa. wns dts-1 " Thf' !K'f'ne Ill Newport Aldoock. son of Mrs. Paulina tlon's mp-flll:hl phote llluatraton. fa I k Ton·tght chargl'd from thl' nnvy last Jlarbor. C'ulll., 11nd tM annual race Wt'd~W~iday. of lh,. sJ)l't'dy 11111lboats which ~ Aidoock. who was emrtoyro at 1111 popular u hi<'yclt"S and rollf'r I I tht' Las Vf'gU Army Gunnt>ry lsklltl'l with I hi' •mall fry of t he .IIIC'\Ih E. Allt•n, Ollllunlll a(f .. tr,. (;:JCIC:x::liCII::CDCXiCaX:ax~ s<ilool twfore t'nllstmf'nt in tbe area. F:11ch Aui(Uit. 100 or moi'C' nctll••·r rnr lht• p 011,.1t s1111,." I navy, sl.'rVt'd a hoard various ships Snowhir<h I'X'IWr lly handll'd by 7 I 'twmlw•r (I( < ·,,111mf'ro~·. nnd w 1; and part lctpatC'd in lht> Okinawa tn I ~yf•ar-old sklpJX'N, ra~ down It iforrnn, h >fl<•r111 ('flf\llttlt11nt tnr th1• I rn\'asion. t hf' hay and hack jp II t!JX'~tacula~ I d tllllll>\•r , ''til be• lito· pruol'tiU•I lit' plltns tn _c-Cinllnu: tht> work aatllng competition All lhf'tr own. ~r· .tk•·r• ,,1 111,. 111,,1,11111.: ,.1 ,11,. that h<'. partiCipall'd tn while In ! I "'"'"'"''''rl C'hllmiN'rl ul 1 lrtllllolP tbr Sl'J"\'ICC-dl'l'p sea dl\'ln.:. T d H•t I'Ollltl> at Sttm'l' ~··u F••"l l'tofo•. rage Y I S ll'ton" I lkth h. lnntt.:hl 1'1'"''~1111) 1 Anaheilll Chosen 1 AIIt•n ~tnd llo•rron, Whn , ... ,. (ruut \\MI\In1:111n, 0 ('. hrt"' ho~·n Ill· F Cltl Meet B lboa H ll'ndon~o: lhl' \\l'fllc•rn C'\lllfl'l'••ttf't• nf or es a om· e I 111111\lll:t'rll or t•hantiN•f.. ut ('IIIII• ml'r('•· 111 W lu t I tt·r Till')' ul~'l'' o'fl ANAliF:lM. July 30. Thla city Ill'!• ln\llllllt~n ur Wtll1111n t;ol-~ I hu bcf>n IK'l('c-tt'd ror lh(' Augwt IIO'nno•. llunttnglon lk-111'11, lo ad- R mt>i:!tlnlt or lhl' exN:Utive board! Tra~l'dy strut'k lhl' Taylor home 11rt"11~ '"" Onn.:" C'\>Unly hody 1of lh<' Oran~~:<' County L€'ogul' orl11t 311 r('rnondo str ('('t , Balboa, Tlt·~o·t'""""" rt'<'o'l\'•otl 111 c;,.t. CittPS. Final pha''"s for thr plan Fridll)' lto•n•"'" llunllrtl:llln 1\o•owh flffll't' In the K-\lerAI cltlt'S will bE' dls-nf'arly drowned whl'n he fell from THIS WEEK ~UtTABI.t: t'LOOU l.AMPM • WMthar it'• ..... .,..... car, or uplr. ....U neat.ioa. JOU ... .._.,our .-1- quicklr if JOU111tart .... bit IIOW ia a Bank of Am.riaa 'I'DIJ"'IILAN .......... S.Ylaa u. .............. ...., 11...,..-.. II JOU amply depoll& • .. a ct~o .... &-it .. • U little U fl.OO-d .......... II,...,...-.,. M~Dlmoothlr or aDoeW,. Your Ma!MIM .__ l.Dt.waet aDd. .. 8dtlldoll, ,. dntlop tM ...... ot~•W...Droptaa&..,a.uot America bniiClla ...... tMiftllllri'I'LAM accowat that wW .... ,._ ..._. ~ tnel ...... " ........... __..... __ ._.. .... __ ..... ~~~---, INTEiuOJil DIIBION a.tc.n .....S.~ ~~ .... VeMUan bliftdl ."umlban ..-uc. and mabllf'NIN.'e !f.~ ...Upa~ l 10 lnslttute on~'·h. alf;C'C'nt &BINI Ia. x Flrsl. Ernc'st Taylor, 17. W85 tnrtwal• 8 lnq;o· ottt•nolll!tt'••. '-------------------------_J cuasC'd Thl' l<'a~rut•'s 1\nnual·mt-et; thf' 5allho~. Cnr511lr. Into lhr bay Planners Re-e)o..ted ___________ __.. ______________ 1 ,nf: "''ill bt' he ld Aug. 22, Mayor HI' w11s rMcurd hy hla hrolhcr. "" -------~~ "•"•o• ••••·• , .. " <*orgl' M. Welnl<'r or Oran.c•·. Rubt'rt, 2(f. and his alstc>r , Dorae}. n ......... ,l.,n of oil nwmt"'"' 11r '"'' ................ ,.. prHidt>nt. a nnounC'C'd . 116 !"t•w t""' Ho•t~t•h clly plllnnln.: 1•11111• I ---' Later, whiiP thl'lr fnthf'r. F.rnt'SI nlllllllon W/1.11 ~tnnounccod lud:w ~~~~~ stoc~ in t~ Unll~ Th~~ S~ w~ ~lkl~ with n Th~ mm~uwn lncl~N ~c~n r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Statf'S today stand at more than physician cont't'rnlnlt l'h<' heallh or M. Alhon. r h11lrmnn: PhtlmPr J , l~Ot AHOutt WE W·ELCOME YOU TO OPEN A 3.650,000.000 ~~:allan•. an lncri'IUC Mrs. T aylor. who had •uff..rro ft f:llo•rhrf)('k, IU't'ri'IM)', lind ltlf' (t)l· NOUI'WOOO L E s TEa· & c D. of 250,000,000 eallona ov" 11 )"('liT 11trokc-. hf' walkt'd toward th" ~tntr lo"'1"1t '"•ll'lmls~lnn•·r,., M J Jflhn -/ IOHO N AN ···-" -·· tO_,. CHARGE ACCOUNT a.co. I to his homl' and droPPI'(I dead of 80n, Wallf'r M Lnnl!mocw, ,._ rASAMHA /tl-~ ,.., ~ 1,_6 ~· a hurt aflark. I u-... ,, Bill I/ Vlln Whltl' Rlly y ~ 2004 w~·T C:~TaAl Ava., N I WIPOWI Buat ......... R 0 S S I ' s I(' I . . llltftiiOI or~· '"· R II Pll'tWr ttnll < • U 1 .,.""" """ tf.UllllR 1 H+ J L i q u or Store S. F. June Net l~nu;:;"'-';;;;;;.;;;,._~· ...;._'==-====:::;;::::;:===~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~ -(30 • 60 -80 Daya) M.arbro'a lnvS~ )•ou to come tD and open a chalp account. OUr ltoc::ka are com.,..~ with tM Jatat styles of lAdJes' nne A.pperel. , .. ooua -..-7 Shows Decrease N...._DJ AAhwUiecl U&DY-TO-W11:AB na W'I:8T ''~'~~ n .. PBOlU lHI 8ton Boan: Dally ladaclblc s.tan1a1 9:10 A. II. to 5:10 P. II. Fo.--.t7 Oo.._•a Dnw ... ,.. ()pea~~ Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard WJde Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. liD So ...... 8&. 1'110118., SANTA ANA VEIETIAI BLIID ' Man•fact•rers We Make Them • A Better Blind ''SUNSHINE CORR..ECTI.. Y REGULA TED IN YOUR HOME" Complete Renovating by Our Modem Factory System Immediate Delivery On Made-to-Order Blinds -Up to 36 Months to Pay · Our Prices Re~ain the Same RITE-UTE VENETIAN BLIND CO. ...... ...., • • J Sant11 FC''8 nl'f rutlwn\' ntll'flll lng lnt~>mf' for Jtmf•. 1 'l<U1. ...,,,. f.J.OR2.123, A('rording '" 11 ~t111•·· mc:'nt rl'lt>IIIIC'd by f'rt'llldo'nl F 1.. Gurll'y tod11y Thitc Ill 11 dP<'ro·.•~·· or S2.936,S66. rompart'd wilh Junl', 1945. Groaa for thP a)'K t('m wtts $,'\:l,- 908,965, a lk-<TI'a!l<' undr r Jun ... 1945, or $1~.743.801 Opt>r11t1ng expc-niiNO Wt>rl' $21>.· 3.,JR,75(), a d('('r('aiW of $2.7!'11,1()4 undPr thf' s11m1' month of 194!\. 11,.11 194& Juft~ G,.,,.,. Junf' !'If'\ 1\y s 33.~.116.~ • ~.662.M4 Oswr In< S 11112 123 II mol' Or""" 1!!6,2•1!1 hPJ 8 Mhl'. N~l R y I 0 !"'r In,. 20,7&7 !WI 1 ou M!l 2112.0H7 N!lll J(l 471.712 Esperi Radio Servite Plaoee Beaooa 5004-w ._ ....... .._ ......... _ Palmer Radio AND a..mnuc IMI ,..,_,. ...._ OOft'.A ID8A WORTHINGTO ·• -~ Refrigeration P'UON AIDIONIA .... t.o ..... Air Conditioning ........... Preuure Pumps Centrifupl Pumps rw All Ps1 rw ... AIIU......Ja.._. Call ..•. ................. 0 ' ....... NOW READY to handle your electrical proble• The war is ovrr. All lhOtOC l'if'<'trlcal appll· ant'CS for which you hav~ l.x.oen waltln~. and somt' you m•vf'r dreart'K'd o( having, are fast bcroming availabk>. We ran ,_,, your electrtc motor; or tn. lrtaU • MMD lamp wtlldl protects )'OW' mrrwory wtfh a badaiddaJ ll'1"e(ft. No st\"'nnW CM JlP( put It olllve. (We haw the lump. now.) But there'• no need to cata- IOJ( all the Rl'Vkll!ll that aft avaUaa. to- day, or wtD be available tamot1ow, nnt week or next month. WbOe an fNf!r the <."'l.CDtry tbftoe II ldl !talk fA poltwar .,.. <'Onvendon., Etli-Haktn It 'GalvAn haw .,.. convM1L'd. We ant-ready to t.ake--'01\ al- m<Mt any ftectrbJ ~. taim, 1ft.. ctwrtrtaJ or rnartn&-r1abt now. We 81"(' m1dy today to Rtart ln"tnlllnK most uf thf' following: More lights to brighten your home. shop or offl('t>; " small boot·t~shore rndlo by which you can tell your wifr on the hru8e telephone to Jet ht-~ know thAt you hAVf' C'11Ught lhr fish for dinner. (We ltrt> really ,.r1ous about this one. S(>tJ; will bP o.vaUablc thi,. month I . Durin~ lh•• war. whlll' wt' WI'~ ttw-"f'lf'ctrirnJ dt.>partment" tor shlpynms (r.flfll OfM.> l'nd of thr NI"Wport: watrrfront to the other, • Wf' supplltorl s.coori joiJH for 225 N~·port mm. With aJI the nrw tl~~ for ('lf'Mrldty that havP-'"""n dl~~t'fJV(•f'('f( or perfected in the war y to:t n;, ttwn• Is l(oinl( to Ill• i>n<JUgh work to k~ \M and the oltll'r Nt•wpm1. flnnH s.coinl( 111 f ull hla11t for yoont to come. Re- mmthc•r lhut the quality or F:lA-1 fokln & GAIVJln wor1c .. topa. During lh<' war ·~ mat::W inRtnllntltlf'UI an 0\l<'r 2000 ~t and trnru.port VNI&f'ls, a nd then-an> no trt.n.ndflrd"l In the world u ex- lcll11ns.c M th()IIJ(> of the Navy. ThAt liJ tht> !ltandant ol wen Wf! will put into your hOI'l'W, yft~tr t~hop, your fltore, your fann or your boot. Ml~c ·r. 4 r eze ETS-HOKIN and GAl .VAN 1000 Coast Highway --Phone Beaeoa 6C07 Al.o lit "-t'~ e \\11m&qt0ft • Ilea ,,..., • CJoalrl •II e ........ I ELECTRICIANS C·O· TWO FIRE EQUIPMENT . roa BOAT FA C TORY PLANT RTOR£ OPri08 rAaM· •o•• . . . - , . \ . ... BLtc NoTICE PuaLI~ NoTacEs BUDGET T1,L~~~r~~T Lights . City Building Two .Million State funds nWP0aT IIEAOB IICIIOOL D18ft101' OF Oa ANOr. ('Ol'NT\', l''mot. Stlrllng J111ydl'n, who 11 CA.LD'OIINlA FOil TBa 8VIIOOL YI!A& UOINNISO rlliL" I, niKlUI 10 -latH' a liit.T('(•n CQm!'hack. PtUecDGd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STIZL • AUJMINUM . ....._. T---o---.. -._...-.. £ • .-.. -,_ ........ SC't·n strullin~t alonr• along Oc-t•an Volume Up G·lven fo' r County Schools a.J.~. AJQ) vi ==Q IUQIDJ ·" j;'l'.!W6 7 1: I 9\10\11\12,13 14 ~~('~~(>~~ ~~r;:.,~ '~: l:::::# = ·l I lx I I I Carlhbt•~tn. Much rt'fr..taed and !Continued from Pqe 1) 'rtw pubUc achoot. or Oraftae apportionment to the public L-------------------------· • lowMt rt-J for each ~I 10mewhat aUrnrner than ~n he -Nlunty eot $2.064.728 In apportion-1Choo11 would be 1142,000,000, u · 81f Cout lfl&hway Aftr, Dally Att.nd&Dc!e (aD ptldla) 1J6.41 Actual '787.75 came here Wl.'t'ka a&o, Sterling 11 Bc;chB ~). f 113 Pe 1 mt'nll from the 1tate treuury for turning the 194~46 attendan~ C. R. S T A A F ~ Bu~ eitlmate 1100 In tM pink. 1l1e boy hal ~nt · · ~'"'001 0 ar the 194~46 achool year, California base of 1,121,278 and lncludln& an JfWWI'OIII' -.a.o. ~L Q)Jf'I'IUOT aJid lhouJd be ~tven another avenue. Corona del Mar, a 01T Trtxpayert' auociation laid today, estimated 62.000 kindergarten at· M 0 0 R 1 N G S £ R V I C £ - 1 chance 'story, slnglf' family with r arq e 8 • mukinr public the IK'COnd aectlon tendance. With the uptrend In en· Put ~reND · • • • tacli<'C!. at 612 Larkspur .venu<>. of Itt atucfy of ~hoot cllltrict n. rollmenta thlJ could reach $220,- (R .. rn._ ~ ...... -)Col 1 Cot 1 18LAND LEASED \orona del Mar, $5000. I nanclng· In Callfornla.. I n addition 000.000 In ten yean," tht' IIHOCia· t t t ........ l..c.ue of Jim' Cagney's Island to I nwll{ht s Tipping or 530 IUVI'r· I to the I tate apportionment, the tion.tald. Moorings InstaDed and Repaired. Art,.al, or t t4a_.1 Richard A. Gearing and Jeromt' Ride av.:nUt'. r.;..,..-port Hei&h tl, a property tax levy for the school -------Buoys Painted and Lettered. ~ ....... J . Brashear for development Into ont··sfory sln~le tamlly ctwellinc 111 dlstr:icts In the .county wu $3,707,· Find Trouble Ftr' st L .aDrJirDIO aAJANe&. IULY I 118.211.00 "PleuW't' llland" for chlldren wu ~111 £1 M~t'na avenue, Newport ~)3 for 1945-46. ~ t t • OMh Ill ~~ ~ ...... _.-............... -... $3&506.00 18,21.1..00 confirmed Fr1day. Mrs. Georgt• E llrl~hl~. S:\OOO. ~:h•mentary school cllltr lctl In ~: ~--u;bw~. :::::.-_-_:_-:...-.-... -.. -_ .. -... -... -... ~:=~ 11,457.00 Crane ol Hollywood, Who conducts A H Cl!'ndt>nl'n of 13M Elrn lhl' l'UUnty cot $1,376,308 out of' Bef:"'e_ lnsertflng a newhfuse .. Phone:. Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R Net Uquid .Aaeta __ ., ... ···--· .. -· ........ _ 27.257.00 1,154.00 a nursery actiool on Cagney Island, nvt>nu.-. Gtcndalt>, a one-atory. lh • state trt>asury, high school dla-a su ltltllutc or on!' I at hu for Prompt Servtee Total &!Pnnlng Balanoe __ ...... -... -.......... 27,257.00 1,154.00 sa)s ht·r ht•adqunrt<'MI will, be o•n· !linl{l•· fromllv Cl'm<'nt block dwc1· trwls ri'Cl'lved $620,916, and junior burned out. it Is dl'darl'd to be an l.....------------------------..1 D. DIOOIIE 1ar~ti'Ci to II('C()mrnOdnte mt•re chll· I me 111 :!:!:\ Aml'thyst avE'nue;. B2_l· , rrlll'f.:l' districts $67,505. excellent idea by the Nat l t.ate Sdlool FUnd Apportlonmenla . ...... .. 21.124.00 18.898.00 dn·n lrl'lm two to 111 )ccnrs. "'~' l~l:mrl, S l~. • l'ropOSitiOn 3 on the November! Autnmohilo.• l'lub to discov!'? . State ~ "-tnd apporUonmenU ...... -34,808.00 30,83-\.00 • • • tlr•nrv .Johnson nf 609 N. Vnn lrll tlol would fix state IUpport of rl'uon for the dl'mlse of th~ f1rtl DA.trict Taxes on UIUI«W'ed ~)' ···-·.... 7,848.00 19.413.00 ftl 'TTON (;)' :'1/r·<;~ a'w•nuo•, Snnln Ana, a two-111n public schools at $120 ""r pupil on<'. Allowing thl' troubll' to rc-Dellnquent Municlp&l and Dlllric:t Taxes 2 367.00 3.~.00 ' b ' .-1 'II 1 h f OtMr l~KlDn'M" -.. ... ..... ... .... 326.00 Annount·t•nknf llt rnudr• t hut Sllln ' l'l'm••nt nn'!,_ rick s tboucco m a\'l·ra~.:l' druly attendance. The m~t Witt mt-an t •,at ~ .. eflnt'twCuse Total ~ otMr' Own C'UrT'efll Dlltrlct llunald n ut IIIII, Ko•nnc.l•lll .... ,rrns. rlwtlhn~: "ilh /ln n .. artment a ,., prl'!lo·nt tJuse Is sao per pupil for WI go le way 0 l " ,.. . .on- Tall.ea _... . .. -.. _... ... . 66.4T.l00 72,rl:!5.00 OJtta Melito, 15 1111polnt,.d Or.anj::t> •·nd t:<~rllll~ lw•\11\\ ~nd 11 two-story. lhe l'il'ml'ntary achoolll and $90 tinu~ efforts to s;:C'I rt'sulU Wllh- Onn!nt Ohltrict '~'axe~~ R.ccelwd l tM5-46 . 109.576.00 County rt~nlr~l•uflm: t«luor 11nd ~111':1••-f~tmlly rl\\o•lltns;: llt 127 33rtl 't11r the secondary I'Chools. This out f1rst finding the. cause of lhl· CUlUlENT OISTRJcr T AXES RE· ' l!uh~criJll ll•n llullcllur r .. , "'rallhnrk "''"'1. :'\'••WJ••TI R•·nt>h. M500 each 01, .ons an mcrl'ast' in state nppor-trouhll· m_ny n ·sult m damage to QUU:O TO BALANCE BUDCET 194&-47 ... 100.:!91.00 und Turf." rho· StiOrl) t'(juuu· 1'"1" E l\1 P:,rsons l1f 1201 S. FlowM' '"'"mo•nt or 5() per cc:>nt on ell?'-the <'IC'Ctrlcal system. 'hUI IJicame ---· .. -... -.... 176•049·00 175·916·00 l1C11tlon. !Jvn nlso Is <'c.htorutl C..lll· ~lrt• I. Ru•l•nnk, nnt>·&tory llng)l' mo·ntary pUJ>IIs and '33 113 ""r' -'I'O'rAL•IIICOIN'NINQ IIALANOK AND IN· r 'I d II I '"" 36th tr I ,... . sull)lnt for Suns•·• m11gnzinc·. am• r \\(• lnl! 11 ....,.. 1 ee · cent on secondary pupils. In add!· RJ'1110hardson Released • <. ' ~ ........ Tiiii'iiii:iiii • • • 1 N!'wporr Rt•nr h, $4~. 11110. sta te support would be pro-· '- &JifD 0 aAIAHC.) ..... -.-.. -.:... ... tei,IM .. 111,1'7t.IO WORK,~O MAN Artllur F Wnrd 0~ 4028 Chan· vided for kindergarten pupit. for J .,,_._ ,.__ ..... ~ AJifD nAN..-... lludlu rt'ff•l(mud Nl•al Beck-' 1\('1 plat'C, Newport Beach, one-lheo tint time. ack H. n~•;.nardson, son of u"' L 'a ' ' I ... ner, Balboa b land photographl'r, t~tory, single family ctwellln& at Total state apportionmt'nt .to E. B. Rlchardsona of Balboa hi· a.laJW and Waaw ... _ ....... _ ... _._.......... . &160.00 When he approached the Newt--606 36th strf'<'t. MOOO. tht' public school dlatricu throueh· and, wall rt'leasro from the navy Otb« EltpMe ··-.. ---·-----....... -400.00 'nmrl office Saturday. But there I Robert Prldgl'r of 3M E. Foot-out the state for 1945-46 wu $96-Jut week alter 14 months servi~ ~ ......... -........ ----.................. 7.430.00 ~.00 t ,_ b hill awnue. Altadr na, one-.tory, M 1 2 • at Camp Elliott and a naval am- I. lwtnw... wu a reaaon or the ,.-t· lackj 1 1 r mlly dwt'lling at 6308 Sen 157.1 , w th $65, 19.246 for the phlblouJI training base. 2a -r.adwft a..a.n.. (Cft'tlftc:ated) .......... 77.Jm.OO 100.000.00 beard. He and tbe Mluua were ;~g" ; 1 S4000 • Ph·rnentarrachooll , 129.310.273 tor n Is 2b Other ~ ol t.truction -.... 4,669.00 havln£ a rime moving tile r.est of orl' 0 ony, · f 453 lhr· h1gh schools, and $1,6:.!7,589 lchnrdson a graduate of 8alal'ta and Wlllft (NW~<ft'llflcatf'd) their furniture from &te JloUy-j H~trold L. Conr~tray o Santa for junior collt'ge districts. In ad· N!'wport llarhor lllgh school and Other Ex&wtue .. , ... -...... .... XXXXJOUCJt 8,700.00 wood honl<> tu lhf·tr nrw resldenCf' Ana 11\'t'llUt', l'rwpor t Hetahu. dttion. total property tax levy for plans to attend <'OIIrogc thiJI full. Total lnst.ruction .... .... .. 81.974.00 108,700.00 in C11;11a Mt•l;tl und tho'rt· wns no ~~ \' 1 f 3448 VI Oport schools was $131,965,112. 1 I. ·~ el ~ ..._. time ror shaving soap and aafety '111~ddiX'r 1 11 t'1° · t 0 d elllno. "lt proposition 3 wert> to be Scotch tape, various alzes on 8aJuiee and w a-. ..... .. .... .... 11.940.00 Ill" II II on 0 prN!en w g ed b h . I • ·--8.(16000 rator. 1 · k . 1 ·lor _ .. a_ vot y t e people, the total state sat,• at the News-Times . t. =~~7~:~·-~·:::~~=:=:.. 15,362.00 20.ooo:oo WEWOME. ~ • • I ~~o ma n '" er "' .... , •• 1 ---- ....,.._ aJid W&I"J Ha rry C. Dawn. addition of one-.. • ~~ .. ·. ::::: .. :::::::~:::::::::::.:: 4,116.00 4,000.00 rl::r::g~as;,ou~~: ~~~blicnnllsiiC ~~~~n~~~;,a:.rdl:;d at'o;~oomw.!~ Bob Jayred's I. AaiMu7 e.nto.. 4,000.00 ml'ndatlon two Rlvt•rsld!' county Ct'ntral avl'nUt', Nt•wpor t Beach, R I C H F I E L D S S. Truwportatlon o1 Pup& ~YI who have J>Urchaled the Tus· 11!'100. E R VI C E 8a1arletl and Wlllft ............. -. ............. 6.375.00 tin Nc•ws. a wc•ckl)'. Thl' bo)'ll, Ed Olhf'r Work Otber ~ ... ·-··· --.. -· .............. 2,625.00 Rc<>d, Jr .. rorm!'r night dty l'ditor Plana for mill~flancoua typee ot Total ............... -........ _,_,.............. 9,894.00 9,000.00 of Th~ ~\'ertlde Entt>rprise and a building work wt>re tiled by: 1 5b Otherr Awdllary ~rvicft phyalciDn s aon. and Ray Bakt'r,l Wllllnm U>tts of West Newpor t, Salaries and Wq'M ................. " ... _.... ... 5,680.00 former mght fort>man of The En· I who 11 t'rectlng a fTame rarqe ~.?'~. ~:~~==~=:=:::::: .. ::: !::::::~ 5.=:~ tcrJ)f'ilf', ar<>. worthy of public sup-hulldlng at 320R Ocean Front, Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Cars Pickt>d Up and Delivel't'd. Phone Harbor 497-M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa Thea! Auxillaty s.n1cN ·--......... 14,.573.00 14.880.00 port. !Wtlt o luck, klda. I Wt'St Newport, $850. & .._.a..--THE UGHTHOUSE KEEPER. Torn n. Atkins of 222 Abalone a <>chw f1Rd o.ara-····-----.-.... 5.244.00 6.000.00 avenue, Balboa Island, Who ia to ;;;~~!;!!!!!!!;~!!!!;!!!!!!!;!!!!;;;;;!!i _________ ;;;; 1\MI ~t ~ ... c;ppikibi;"io"iinli 5.244·~ 6•000·00 hulld rooms acrou the rear of hlJ oa.t caJeulaUona) ....... -... -.. ·-... -........... 128,709.00 162~.0.00 pr('!;£'nl home at that addreta, '1. &?:,' ~ Groundl ......... -........ _,_... 5,000.00 ~pt. H. C. Scranton of 310 ...... ··-·--· .. ---.-............... --.... -........ 5.000.00 Marhtold avenut', Corona del Mar, - k sot -·-·-·· .. -··-·-.. --.. -· ....... -.... 4.000.00 who is t'l't'Ctlng a porch to hlJ --Total ............ -....... -·---·-··-·"-· 72.1Hl.OO 14.000.00 residence, $400. 1JMDia'nUIIUTm RDDVE .. _ ............... lccncooa 1..530.00 w. F. KlJtenger of 2014 N. ~and Tftftlters.~}..5.50.00 177,170.00 Btoadway, Sa.nta Ana. who is ..,_ •· ....,. IUXS • d<Malnr a patio and chanrtnc OMit tD ODunty ---........... -.. 18.21l.OO partltlont on h11 summer place a t 'nl4al Ucau6d ~ -.. --.... ·--.. 18.2ll.OO Carr'1 Feed Store 1310 Occan boulevard, Corona d4!l ~: O...t LlabOltte. .................. -... -............. Ul,457.00 .... UlNAd ~ June JO, 1NL .. -...... ,_. 1·154·00 Hay and Grain Mar , $350. _ -.. ~ Dtclbw BalanCie .... ;;;;.;·..-;;·....,. ............ 1.154.00 W. W. Hodgkins of 1602 Bal· .... ~-~ ._,.., QuallJY Feeds boa avenut', Balboa Island. who 11 ...a IDIDIXO a.u..ufCIIl (-' ..-a m -1-making an addHlon to h11 resl-~,~0 a&IAHC:S AND--... --.. .,..,.,.. •• ,~--11&1 dl'n('l', $300. . ~ _ ....... __ ...... ·~· ... -.... -................. _ ',,..,... Dorothy Sanborn of 309 E. Bay Put .,.._.OILDINO Jf'mro (•t nee-V... ...,._ , ...... foiJewblr) -.caDrlfDfO LUANVJ:, 111LY 1 ~ • 0Dunt)' ,..,...., ___ ........ ___ I 2.131.00 N« --·-·--....................... ~ .......... _.. .... 2,131.00 & moo .. .... vi ac..dl --·-...... _ ............................. .. ~al ............ -.... -.......................... .. -ftri'A.L IRGDfl'fiNO BALANCE AND 250.000.00 250.000.00 DfCOIIE . ·-... IY. DI'SNOITU&a l,lll... u. ..... oo '·~o.u..,. -~al ...... . ::::: .. ::::~~:~· .. ::·:::: .. :::··=: .. ·:~: ~:at~ Y. lllfDIXO a.u..ANOII. rnNE M 1811 N.wport 111• avenul', Balboa, who has applied 008TA 10:8A I for termite control treatment de-·--------------J vil't' for a house at 204 Diamond ------------1 avenue, Balboa bland, $200. SHOES Repa.lncl While YOtJ Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front I Bruce Taylor of 3510 Narcissus av<•nu<', Canal ~ctlon. 11 roof on I pri'Sent dwelling, $100. 1 Look Before Backing "Be surl' thl' wny is <'l('ar h••fore 1 you start to hack your car," rnu- 0.. In Oluncy 'I'reuW')' ·-·---.. -..... Net ........................... -........ -....... .. tltm!l o.>rt Stl'WI\J'I, Jr.. public snfl'ty director of National Auto- 0.00 Nat ... , .. a.F Vkw Oale mohill' club. The rt'Sponslhllity for 0.00 250.000.00 t a. a. to t p. a. l l)nckiniZ 11afely rests l'ntirely upon ft. mi'A.L DPKND1Tt111U AND ENDINO -------• the d.rivt>r ." a&.LA.IifC. ..... ... .... ......... .. ...... -.... -uaa... ue.ooe.eo .-------------------_.;. ____ 1 IWt 'ftn~e BOND INTE&aT AND 81NIUNO FUND (!~!~!!~' a o.ta Bectaa• 1Wf, 'JUl. ., .... 14U, 111• ... 1111) I. _,.DfQ BAIA~VJ:, IULY 1 ·-t 11,1 .. .ft t ll,t'lW.IG a aroo-~ tnc:onw ... ..... -............. . Dlmtrt ~ R«'Ptwd 1945--46 -.. 17,463 9ft Dla'ntlcr TA.X'D RI'QUJRED TO RAL- ANCE BUDGET 1946-47 . x:o,x,n~ Tot&1 . . 17,46.1.~ 'I'OI'AL IIIWIJfNlNQ IIALA.'~CE AND INOOME .. .. .. .. . .. 9,!!4-W IY. DPI!l'f01TUU'.8 AND TkAN8f"'I!U Bond llltl"''''~l .. . ... Bond Rt"C1NT1 rt ioo ~Jill nf<flll~ Tot~tl EXp~•f11111Ul'P!I and 1'nmMI'N V . EJIIDINO BALASCF., .nwr: M . YJ. TOTAL I:XPr.SDITT'RES. TRA ~sn:Rs f.,145.00 1:.?00'00 • 1~ H5 00 II.07t.JO 4,127.50 XXX XX XXX 25.29R.20 29.425.70 4G.J\M.OO 7,R70 on 21,0(1() flO 9'.!:1 fll) 29',79500 10.710.00 AND P DISO BALAS.£F. .. •. H ,!t4.10 40.603.00 Part •1~AtT.Titlll.& AOC01!N1' , (Ed-Uott ('ndf' llft>U-1 .. 1 to ltJI!) L a&OIN!\1 SO ftAI.ASCE, .111L\' I Cash In BMktr;t 93900 Ne1 939.00 D. INOOMI: Calcteri11 SnJ~ 4,000.00 T1>tt1l -· . .. 4.006.00 DJ. TOTAl. Bt:OI.N~'l:SO BAI.ANCE AND INOOirE .. ..... __ ......... -...... _. 4.-.a.et 1\', DPENDITURI'~ Salaries and Wag1!S ..... ............ .......... ... .... 7'29.00 Food .. ..... ... .. .................................. • ..... 2.338.00 Total ............................ -~ ........ -............. -3.067.00 Y. IINDCfQ BALANCE ClUb In Bank( I!) --........ _....................... 939.00 9J9.ro !\19.00 4,006.00 4,006.00 _4.f4L .. 729.00 2.238.00 3.067.00 GEORGE D. BASSETr AOVOUNTANT Moatbly Bookkeeplq Service ttol W . Ceetnl AYe., no. lla11»or Utll·~ •• N_,.,n li~Mc>lt BIUNG YOUR RADIO TO US o-Day -We'll Repair It ancl \'oo C'an One It the SuL f'aetory Part.. Work Guarantelod.. FKtory Tra!Md f:'lot'r1A. Radio SOS Electric HAROLD Ia H AMM Phonf' 180 SOO Marlrul 1\W'~ Balboa l"l•nd Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumbe r Co . PboM Bf'aron 6111 Ill OOA8T RJOBWAY AT Till': ARCRI:8 Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting ••• off the Newport and Balboa Piers Net ... -.......... -.-... ... .. ......... -.. 939.00 ~:l'o~~~ve ~-A~ George Hiner ~.00 ~----------------------------------------~ ft. t'OI'AJ.BPIC]Q)I'I'tlal:8 AND ENDING -.&LAJf(S -.. -.--.. ·-· ...... _ .. __ .... ............ • ........ Amount Ratt> Umlt Fresh Daily Oelldoua s. roocs. Or, oomP'ete equlp-t when yoa wut to catdl your cnl'll. HORMEN .FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AV ENUE, NEWPOIIIT BEACH Our Specialty: saving you money on light! .... Our complete 8uoresceut meiatenanc:e eemc:e aowenil.- ab)e oa a coatract buie at low moalhly ratee - iaduda ~ needed to keep you hore.ceaf IJiPtinf .,.a-at peak elkieaq. Call • todaJ to( .apelt, &boroaP eemce. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SIXCF. ~ 1 t t 0 1000 Caut Jlla·a~· Phone Bearon 5522 Ahola Sail F'ra~trl_.\\11nllnKfoa-Stod(toft-.8aJI D~aklancl ELECTRICIANS FAJUI. ROM.E • ATTENnON!! Home and Boat Owners " Sinks, Drainboards and Galley• Built to Your Specifications e DIJaAa............._ ..... ...W. e llrUfiTA.IIY--.Jfe ...... -..., ...... Aft .. ~...... .. .... -·-· ·~-.-...... e IUGID _..... I ltlo.. e IMJDDUT8 Da..ITDY. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. ..._cro......., ..... ~ Before You Build or Re1n0del VIsit Our lntereaUac Sample. aad nt.pla)' aoo- Color guides, plans nlng aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works lat 8outat Mala 8t. ftoM Sua&& .ba U11 SANTA ANA If your husband ft' . by the hour-at,. i~ t oday 's wages-~ror the · time you spend in the kitchen, think i t wouldn't be make your kitchen all-electric. ... PLUMBING J. H. ESTUS HARDWARE GENERAL ELECTRIG RA,~GES e REFIUOEBATOR8 e W A811EJL8 DISBW .UIII!U e &AD I Ott Phoae 118 ·-- I Permanent Water Source uM~~~~::C~an I Want to Buy SOught by Newport Beach. ~s~=~~~~!~?M An Iron Hut, W.\S IIIM;'T\1:-;, 11 c , July 2'!l M v 1 m« month• or an aWT ... ol 2.-_,, l'nlh'Ct StM('tl ~pu'tment r eteran 800,000 callona per day for tlw of A~trlt•ulturt•'a lnVI'IIIht8tlon lntu e .. river bu1n And a thrt'atenecl ln· )'t'ar. That would mean a dto-t~ 11umpln~o: or ht-an rult. In E. J. t Bud) Jacklin ( Coat1Dued from ~· 11 OOSTJL.\("1'08 CEME .IT WORK l'1a& Wetll w r. 1 t1 • c.n.1on ot aalt wat~. mand ol 31*> ac:r. r~t a year at UNHHA .. r ks on thr hanka of ;=~=~~:;:~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i '1mportatJon ol wam ll tJw an Inc~~ ol 1310 acre feet ~ Cor11na dt-1 Mar, C'allf., diKio.ed Hl~thll~htln11 CIH' multl·mllllon ()ALL 1 1 11-I IP'O& INFOaii.ATION only permaMn t 10luUon for tJw tlw 194-4 pc'T'Io4 thto fi>II<IWinR fac-ta: dnllar hlwntllry 1ot war aura,lullf .. --------------------------= water problftn ot a crowina com-By 1980, lw fiJUred that the 1 I The:' FBl weN uked to lft.1 1~t•lnt.: ofrcort-d thl1 "'N'k, ~xclu- angone "'"'" pongs 0 young ~ There .,..os ed d some rrngs I ddotoon she ne e no I tor /ll.nd the poor ltll e mo ed new rotor h Requor 0 II f these I ,ngs. S 'h (oosl foa~d o o Sui ou . ~~~-.._- Tile Openl~~g Aupst 1st -of- ' STERLIIG Boat Works Formerly Albion Boat Repair Boat Repairs ud Maintenance Marine Way.s Expert Painting aad Motor Work plu~ t.ax 615 Coast Hwy. New Owners Doris & Orin Thorkildsen Manager V ollie G. Dlltoa Phoae .,...,_ 5S8S J,HREE FEATHERS IIIIIVI ';1114t A•~,, ';t.e 1fii14Mu STAG LIQUOR STORE munlty," lw laid. addl.na "ln con-efta e uppUed by 1M city would be YaltJJ:Iilo•, Rnd l'tllablllhfod that tlw alvcoly to W1>rllt War II Vl!trrana alderlna annexa dons tlwH la no uk.lna for :s.oeo.ooo aallona ot been!! "'"rf' not ownf'd by the 1 "' Put-t I '~"'''lW n•" al haJIC.' rwar local water IUpply available foe wat~ per day for 1M thrfot'-month Unil•·tl ='tatl'tl 11ov~nment or O~mard. art· ~'W llh¥1 truu and tlw new area, theref~ aU terri· period or appooximately 3.8!SO,OOO UNRHA, but had bfoc-n th, prop-rorruuh'd lmn llull11lngl!l, orl&ln- torial &roW'th muat be hued on c aUona per day for the entl~ )"f'U'. ft'ty of private-Malt>l'l In C&ll· ally dHiarwd rur Wk' hy vur arm- avalla bUity of imported water." Thll would mean a dftnand fat torn111 At'('()rdln~tly, the FIJI rc-l,'\1 torN•' ••• IWlWdo•r 11\AIIadne.. Sonclereitger exPftUed the gen-41~..,!cre ftoetf per .year 0~ ~= terr1-d tlw mMttt•r to Cnllfornlal Jolin •·. 'I'H!lll••rt, r•'lllt)nal War cral brUef that join1na the Coutal of "'v &crt' eel alnce t .authoronr~ AMC'II admlnlatrllllon IRII'tl chle( MwUclpa.l WaJ~ diltrict wu the 11.Jure "'U HtabiLJhed. 21 ·~ •. ~l'llrlm>'lll Of Agricul· nnooum~ Y•'lh•rlin)•, ... lhf' lll&an- only way for tlw Oty ot Newport }na flcurl'tl wert' 'Supported by tur•· ,, 11~ 1111 .. ,.n,.•d that tht' bt•an• tk t'OntlnuOli} t~llo• .. Air f'llt•·l'f'd Ita Beach to obt•ln an lnaured and trcondl In population lhowtna the had l><'<'n t•unolo•mn;•d b) tho• t 'um-81'4"1lnd WN'k prrmal\('nt aupply or available growUI from 1~ through 1980. mlssu•m-r or A~:rlculture In Call-Thf'~•· hulldln~;• 11r1• "II nr w and softened watt"r from the Colo-ln 1930. th41 winter populatl~ tor111a 11rul .w.to•r>od tn tw !k'lltroy· •till In thl' orl~ltllil rUIIIIJllna rado r iver whLch Ia now dt'llvcr-of Nrwport lWIIC'h llN'a wu 6750. rd. soru•o• tlu•) •~•111.o\mod nbn<lxloua ' •·•·uto•11 Thrlr I"'''''"" dhnt•nahma ed to Corona dd Mar . tlw summrr population. 11.500. HC"ds 1\JIIJ for•'ll<ll mnto•rl11l. 1 "'r)• fr.•m II by :Jel fl. to :..'6 hy :'tO In ore~« to retain IU rights ln ln 19<10, the:' wlntrr population 31 •n\4.' l>eana WC'rt' dumped ln It . 111111 tlwy Arll rur !'\II w nllo the Sa.nta Ana ruv•r buin the .... 8250: the aummt•'r, 16·"~-thl' hny "hN'l' Hw IuS.• WaJ •UJI-, •. ,. f;ljltlll'l' (o)<ll, r ...... l'olrl IIIII'· uJ 1 1 ·~ Jn 1944, thr "intc:'r popUlauun • tWIIh' roM t ng ~nit nN'r rt'C.Omme wu 13.$; the summer, 22,6:50. p(lll• >I to wu:.h tht•m uut. I that the City of Newport Beach Jn . ~ the:' wlntf:'r population 4l ·nw hcana w('rr In no way In llllllnlun rm • <13 ltulhtltll!• to'n should continue to pump Ill w~ll• , r ' 1 t lX' 14 !SOO. t he oonn<'l'h •d with liw \lN ltltA. fo¥1 ll<JURrr; l'l~tltt ,,,,..J.fl'llnlf'<i to the amount of at ll'u t 1150 "aa Ort'CU 0 • • , Jlllrlll'IHII<' lull IJulhlln~~. :.!0 lly 40 summer popUlation w be 27,500. r acre feet per annum. ln 1980. thr wintrr populat\on t . M>l 17 r.oi'I"UJ:IIIC'd Iron and ln th4:. Santa Ana basin, the wu predlc:Jed to tx-33.500: the Saves Ch.lld "'t't'l rrnnw h'lln •~t)'JlC' lxM,,,, IIIOUJ'Ce of 1upply or water. the City aumrMr. 52,000. room., Ill A hy '.!•1 ft of Newport Beach then had four ~er wu 001 rar oft Ta111(art polnh'\1 out that UINK' shallow ~pth -111 on 93-acre In his population prediC'tlona a.nd F L 1atruc.-turt'l art' btolna 10ld for UN tract, known on th~ dty'l booka hf' probably hit the buJI'a ~)'(' In n .. war.•hCJUIIf'l or othrr commer- .. parcel No. 2, and which La lo-hiA Klimate that thr Newport rom agoo dill (lUI1M.*ot, and llllll lh(')' can- cated two and three--quarter milt'S Beach c:lty area wtll ~•ch a ''"' •~· •••u.:ht f11r Wit' •• l(•m· from tM ocra11 and on the wHt wintc:'r population of .14.500 and __ 'f>"ATY hauling. ~ver. "'-· aide or Ul<' Santa Ana river. 8 aummer population of 27,500 by s, I . I ltd n II f t:llrt tlaltod, 137 tiC the window· h J ~ 't' n1: n <' 1 oa n~t a~ 11-»·t)'JII' ftUUnJ(•t hula l l'f' at.lll The City of Nf"''J)Of't &Ac a 10 the:' y('ar 1~. 11"''"" ,,, 11 111 rlw IRI!non nt•Hr :18th I O"'TII 34 acres of walc:'r-bearlng Today the 11ummer populAtion ~t r•·•·•. i·'rldlly, Mrs. T. M. P<•rkint Al(~H,.hl•1 fur ri'lldc•nllai uar ftnd land I No. 3). Which Is lo-I!! COnll('rYAtiVf'l)' figt.IN'd a t 13,000,1nf :.!I I :\(1th strt-.•1 Xo'"l"'>rl B<.•rll'h I tht)' C'~~ bcdf'OnVf'rted to IUCh l t~~-!~~~~.o~~~~~m~ll;c.>S~o~l!,!th~ou~gh thc:'re 'hiiV<' befon UmH t•lun..;o'tl "' 11nd ,.,,~nuod t hrl'f'-yo·ar~ U.'C cou Y an •·huply hy almply from the ocean ond on tnnux of vlsitorw hal old \'in•'•·nl Swo-.•lso·r nf 36lM hurnlnfot wmdow·llllllh oprnlnp al~ of the Ssnto Ana riv('r. ~lted that fiK\lff to 25.000. The COMt IMlUh•,ttrd l 'hrou.:h thr rorru~utf'd aldlna Thla original water supply ronlc:'rvatiw• all-yl'ar·round popU· "'ht•rt• (j("lrrd. d _.. f th latlon ll ..._II-•_. to bC" n<'llr<'r the:' ...,..:"<' boll')' 1,"'~~ lrCJndiC'd hyl Drl I R11il frt'IRht rltl'll ftrl' "I.IOIC'd tlw ty wu secur .. :u rom e ""' .......... • rK.•mm. ,,., ... rr " wa.s a l'r " well• on a flv«>-aCTt" tract l pe.ret'l 10.000 mar~. nmovfod 10 his hom•· ; 111 w•., rrnta po·r. hund,..-dwrh:ht No. 1), which Is located one mile Mor('()VI'r. thl' mor t' bWIIn{'fl!l l In c-arln~tltl, 1•r :to! C'"n u In h ... from the ocean and on the wt'St plaet'tl 11nd th(' mort' propl~ U1erc --.-~ 1th11n 'r~trlond Iota. side of the river. Weill at thLJ are brlnga RT<'IIter dem.l\ndl upon I Thorklldsens Open Tlll:l:llrl IIUQt:f'llla thAI ""'l'rana site wer~ abandont'd In 1934. due the dty'l water IUpplJc.>S. Bo 'Re • Sh r•·hrrk Wltlf thcolr !(\('Ill bulldlnc to Jalt wat~ Intrusion. In an art'll llkr that of Nrw-at patr op I ltUthorltlt't for flC'rmlll hrft""' pUT· '!be wat~ demanda of Nc:'WPOfl port H~trbor. which hu far mort' • chuln~t. I)M'IIU114-' ullhouah l..na An · Beach and IU nt'lghboring com· tha'.' the:' normal proportion of all Here August First Jtf'lC'tl rlly hulldlnjt ofCic:'lllla haVf' munltift durin~ .a Pf"Ak teuon In th01r f<'nt urc.>S which attract the ' clvc-n llpproval for tlw f'rt't"tlon of 194-4 wu 2,160,000 aallona pc'T' day. public, thr tn'n4 11nld Son&-r· Thl' Str·rlin;"&:'t Re-pair for· qunn111•1s fOf' trml)l>rMry n .. ldfonc:toe, 'Jbe pumping capadty at that time <'gR<'r. 111 dlfflrult to Coret~ll. but mcrly ;h•· AJhlon 1\oat Rt>p~lr at flC'nniiJ ror rornmf'rC'lal pU~ wu 2.250,000 calion~ a day. It 111 rC'asonahle uaumption that 1615 C'on<t 111 hwa , N_.......t arr 1111ut:'11 al.'rordin~e to •pedal I t ...,.. M<lf'UU'Y at that time It will IX' above that normally <'X· n __ 1 11 It A ), 1 1 ~-~ zonlna 11nd hulldln~; r('aulatlona, to ~~~ ~ pum~ COlt of ted ,,..,.<' 1. "1 opt•n ug a un r S2l ~. to C'&H tor th<' peak pee · thl' nt•w vwnC'rshlp or Doria and Oberto Diach•..,ed wat~ demand, with a mar~tin of S ff B 1 Orin Thorkil~n. -• U ers urns Mnnt~~:rr of 'thr ron('cm unlk'r Jafety for breakdown~ In pump-Mrs. W. B. Clark of ~ WHt-1 thr n<'W ownrrw will bt" Volllc G. in« equipment. I h h ... ~I Sonderegger figured that the minsler avPnUf'. l'lewport Hf"llthU. 1 na lon . .., o ataiC'11 t at .... 1' rl'.,_.r 194-4 and future water dMTtanda Is r<'COverlng from scald bum • ynrd wiW handle ~p11lr1 and main· would be ~ for the city. IWitained when a pot of bollln11 It nan~. Jl81ntlna and motor work H~ took Into conaldcratlon the In· coffee Upped •llchUy, a pollee rf··l fnr all boat1. '!be yard alao hal c:reue ln popu]allon ln the rot-port atatH. marlM waya, lowtna two y<'an and up to th~ pc'T'ioda of 1960 And 1980. Lights Fete Set for Aug. 17 Carl Oberto. 10r1 of Mrs. Mary Oberto, 617 Camatlon, Corona ~I Mar. wu diadlaraed from llw navy '"'' .Wftk altrr ahno•t two yan 111•rvlee a nd 12 monttw O¥~r•• duty. ObfortD la a rraduat• ot New· port Harbor Hl1th IChool end at· l<·n&-d Santa Ana J . C. bell)f"e rn· An INVITATION to DINNER.! llnvf' )'OU rvl'r h11d thf' "Ctlfc-Jlltrr~~f" You know:·· • all"'* to tuko• tl"' fnrnlly Mil fur· dinrM'f', and the qUNtloft _...... lhall w(• tt•l "lth thr rhlll1~n· ••• "i \h f'WI')•thlnc 110 hllltl. WIU tJw nu•11b ln•'htl1t• ''"•'f')'lhlnl! f • • • '"' wtll w•• hllw fo dwdl the "'""" fur hkkS.·n IIMC'f'll -• • be ('11\harl"'l.-.d whc!n ..., c:u.t out thi• ... thAI And f'f'l>l up " ni'I"Vout wn'Ck • • • not"'~ It.,... """"' n( wUf'ltlrrin.: wh11t lhr ~ wtll bt•. It II), fCirfl"'t lt. ..... "n""'' wt• h""" ··llrnlnnh .. t 111 u.._ ••• worrit'tl hy alvlnc you the hall nu~tl, fl'1ttn 11(1\t)l to «lo...-M1 for thr pri~ llatt'd. llnd tw-ltl!'l' ,.t wo• Ill'<' J>rinlin~t 11 ,,..,,)' ol( 1•n•' of C'l\lf 111111)' nw•rut• tM )'Oil to look ov ... · S.1 th•• """' t lmr th~> fiUnlly. "1fco. or Klri fn.-nd M)la "J•. 11'1'11 >>41 out hlrllt:ht 1" N lfll4' Oil (J._., tO John..nn'a Cat., 511 £iMt ('t•nt ml, t\RIIW\ 11nd f'njOy a n-111 ~ cookC'd ~. 0*1, t'lilp ""lad~ 1'111 I'N'II IIJ' )'UU will Jllcl' tllf-m. pit'tl •nd rohhlrni mede Ill <~~tr nwn hnklna ctrp1u1nwnt. ot 0.. puNat ~t.1 • -• ~ liM' no ~uhlatlltrl>'ll No fancy namMI 011 (IUf' nwtMI • • • ~ ..... whoii'IWlmo• fow:l. •••• PINH1Ca, liM ONF.-IIAU" f1llED srRINO ('HIC'KJ:N C'ltE.UI OIU.vY C.R 1 LLF.D llAI.fBUT STEAK wlt.h T AJ\TAJ\ SAUCE , ROAST YOUNG TOM 1'\JRKY.Y SAVORY Dlt.aiiNO ORll.LED I'ORK STEAK with A.PPI.E AAUC::S DRAISEn SHORT Rf1)8 Or Br.EP' ud DROWN OltAVf FntF.O MONTEREY An At.ONP: ~n?;AK with T AKTAA IIAUIS GRrt.U:O RIA sn:AK with t'1U.:NCII PlUED f'O'I'A~ ••••• OINHD, t iM C111C"Kf:N f1lt F.O SEAK with CR.J1AM SAUCE lo'RENf'll ntli.:O 8KJUMP and HOT SAUCE C'ORNEn nf:D" and CARBAOE C'AU~~ UVE:R SMO'MIER.m IN ONJOtcl ~n;AMF.n WIENF:RA aftd BAUER KllAUT SI'AGIIETn with ITALIAN MEAT SAUCE •••• "t:KVUJ WITII AU. PPfW ... SOUP AND S At.AD I'CYT A TOES vmETA.BIZ 1101' ROUJI and Bt.rn'Eil CJ IOIC"E Or HOME IIADE D.,ii88 ... D~T COJTEE 'l"r.A IIIUC teo t.kpJr •••• Johnson's Cafe 511 r...t O.tna. ...... O.Oy •• p. .. By 1960, hf' t'lltimated that thf' population of tlw area aupplled by tlw Oty of Newport Buch would be demanding 3 777,000 gallona of watc:'r per day for the t.hret" 1um- Governor Earl W. Warren will definitt'ly IX' hei"C' Aurullt 17 to a<'t • tl'rlna tht" navy In 1944. lL'i ~ tor thf" Tournnml'nl ot.tlw U~tht• thf' tnCJeOol lmporlltnt I fNIIUre of Nc:'Wpor't Harbor. Wultl'r H. Jlltrhmnn. J:l'lhhMty man, 1111ld r-------------. today. Hitchman wa~ ~a('hrd 111 hi~ hnm>" nn Ar11C'nn Bay. He-l!t onr :~~:;;:~;~~;;;~~~~~;~~;~~~~~ of a commlttl"(' from thr Toummnent of lht• U .:hll as.owdalion whk h J E A L f s ----Is in chnrg<' of fe11tlvltl<'!' for thl' 11Cfak Quality Lumber aDd Buildinc Material• Tht> Toumammt or the Ll!;hl~ ft'le will be Jtivm In NC'WJ)Ort Bay Md 100 belluttrully desl«nc:'d CUJlll ond ti"'flhl~ will l11· ""urdrd win-NOW 'Ro d the •-Janel P ni'I"S of the various elM........ \\'urkinl( With llilr hmnn nn lh•· f'ommlt· Famo··· -un Ill .. err, Ice ore: Harry Wt'lch, Hubhnn1 Howl', C<~mmodo1re '-"'nttln und (~-... modo,. KMTtp, Dn1df'n ••lnrh nml l<n~ Fmeh. Smoked Fish till A. M. '1'0 11 P. M. • COSTA MESA "LUMBER CO. I GORDON a~ FINDLAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEK Alwa,. FI'Mh 110 McFadden PL ..... •t.or.: 111 JllpwaJ ~tb !My, Daltx. Yacht O ub, Eut Diu'. ~· .. .._,, Vllla Marina. Shiel&', Balboll Yacht a.,An, a--..... ....._ b land and Routh Ray: Jlell from any dodl • 111M. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY ... E. HOSTETLt " ..... ..__ .. 111 WIU.EY'r REFRIGERRTlDR JERVICE CDmPnnY la.a.-.......... -..... -OeM& ...-. ~ ........ Tftnporary Pttoneo. Day 654 I.A· ' guna Beach; Phone-Night. 11G62 Laguna Beech Want to Build? 1 • Wr can help you. • \\'(' hnve matNinls on hand. • Wr <'I"C'ct the frnming. •' We r n.n supply thr plum bin~. • We supply 1).1 lnnce of materials to finish:-- • We buUd any size • -- your plarn: or ours. Phone Beacon 5283 .. R for~ ClOTHES · fOR '1 M.EN AND BOYS ·S~ g~g~.p ll'r ...,_Aft. ............ ............. ,. I ...... llutlor ,., CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINET8 AND MILLWORK T. C.' JOHNSON. Supt. PlloM: !~~arbor 1111·1 CONTRACTORS; RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Confractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'7da ud &uta Au Ave.-eo.ta M.-. I ' .. .. " ............... ....... IIAIIN& -.w CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC OWNERS Your· Complete Service Center in Newport Beach Factory Trained McchanicR, Genuine C.en('ral Moto~ Parl8, Factory Authorized Servicing by Your Authorized Oealer. G M A C Payment Plan iB Provided for Your Convenie.nce. Hydramatle No Down Payment EaAy Budget Terma Specialists New and Uaed Tires Rec-applac for All MakM ........ ~.,, ~ ..... and TRI'CKS CULBERTSON CHEVROLET co~ ltll W. C.trsl Avl" . ............ IU Warner Police Crack Down on Car Lagerquist Entertains Redlands Want Ads ausrNU& omqz u Tills Panel Av•llable Chrome Now In Flexible Sllafts Ellcl• Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALV~N aviCE 4 1 t! t t• <"-" Hlway PhoM 8M.aoa 6522 .. rADI'Oill', PLANT,IITOII&, OPnCE, FAJUI, HOME Pace Makers . I i\ l'•n••lnnll tlon und n M•11m111n i w ('rl' nmon~: 1111' 5<''-'''" motoriSts I Sl!lpJlf-rl h) ~. Wf\M t O.·arh poh('f' ((:r lnfr:•cllun• elf thr municipal ! V••hwl•• I'IK.Io• Uf• In Sunday. I All \H'rl· I nld Ill APJX'IIr I:H-fnr(' ('ity Jull~:•· Roll Gardner hC'rl' to- day 11nl1 Wt-dn•·sday for plt•as.• 1 1 J . :\1 c;&rvl'y, ~1 . or RR 1. Shll" n•·•· road, C'ancinriati, wu cit· 1 I <'<I fur driving !il) J'Tlil('t an hour I In 11 :\.'l-mlle-an-hour zone at 10 1-A I and San Bernardino a\'t'nut•. Gar· VC'Y al110 wu cit~ for not having a driver's tiC('nle in hia pos~M'Uion. J. W. Blankenship, 24. of 3170 W. Ei&hth strt"et. MlamJ, f'lorida. wu &toppl'd for doing 60 miles an hour In a 25-mlle zone at Central avenue and l Oth streeL Edwin Adlar Rrown. 2'7. of 310 REDLANDS, July 25.-Robert D. Lagerquist, aon of Lt. Col, and Mrs. Howard D. Lagerquist. 107 Collinl street, Balboa Wand, was entertainer during ll)termiulon for <he student body of the Vnl· verslty of Redlandt s\)mmt'r scs· tlon Jut night In an aflt'r·dlnner dan.Ct'. Lagerquist Ia a graduate of Carl Schurz High school. Chicago. He gradual~ from Santa Ana Junior college where he was a membt>r of the band and chorut. During the war, Lagerqultt ~~erved In the Army Air Forcet~. He la majoring ln mutlc at <he University of ~­ lands, and It an f'X~Ilent plano perfonner. Meean Finds Puree LA WNMOWERS aharpent'd: mod· em machiM equipment. 515 &gonia, Corona del Mar. 5~2te COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-ltt 216 E. 20th S\,. O.ta Mea& »tt• BU81NE88 OUIDE SIGN PAINTING Boatt, Trucks, Wlndo- Walla and Bulletlnl. Raised Metal, Wood and Plutk Letten AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1.2Q.M TIDE TABLES JULY, JMI w 31 11:51 5:22 11:01 1:11 4.5 -0.5 5.4 u E. Central avenue. Newport Beach, wu stopped for spet'dlng at Coronado and Cf'ntral avenues.! Balboa Br own It an t'mployt' or thE' COIJta Mesa Lumber rompeny, thf' poliC(' report salts. and the car 1 he wu drlvln& I' ~lttc·red to AREN'T THEl' LOVJI:Ll't l'ot' BETCHA!-'hMe 8ft Ute lb.,..,_ ~rle whe •-Ute top llaeon Ia tiM! bata.-. .,.._~ .,..._. c·•Mtduc-tf'd at tile rua Zoee. ......._ Tlwly -art~, tr-left &o rtc•t. Lola Purbrt'k, a...a.s n-)', ,_ Alexaadf'r, ,_ Ori!CIIII loye~ Pur~ll ... Grac-e Crodler. Ia tiM-&« la lu .... W..._...,er, fUM atar 8ftCI lJt Ute a...ck&TOUII4 ue, PWI II. ...._ .. , P .. tmuw Herbert Kraay aad Cb• A...._, title jlaq""-photo by Gerhardt A wallet wu found by Uoyd Crane of 319 E. El&h<h street, O.ta Meta, and turned over to <he fire hail In Balboa, police wert' told. AUOU8T, lMI Th 1' 12 :32 5:59 ll:M a:ee 4.5 0.1 4.7 2.0 F 2 . .. 6:36 l tU 1:11 0.7 4.5 2.0 :=r,~·c!!,~:a~rd of 245 Pcnhln& B k• . B d c I f' Rkhard--C Olivt'r. 23. of 4:10 uc 1ng oar s omp e e !:; ~~;:~uPro~~:::g a~~~~~~~v:~ ~~~~u~n ~·nr~:~(' .:~:.~·N(~~;~: At Hermosa Beach Aug 11 Bt'ach He was dnvmg a car reg- ittl'rt'd to Bt'nrwtt & McNeil of • 15th 11nd Ccmrral s venul'. FrC'dc•rick t: La~t, 36, of 405 Jllllminr av«'nu • Corona dt>l Mar. was cited by liC\• for doing 50 mil('l an hour In B • -mile zone a t Central an•nut> and th l'treet, poliCE> reported. Harold Carl Nylt'n of llollywood wu cited for paumg 11 bouJ~vard stop In violation or the d ty motor vehlct~ ordinance . Thrf't' form.-r winnt'TI of tht' cl~tssit• ironing board derby will mount lht• bucking boards for the f•lj;;hlh annual running of the Na- tional Aquaplane Raccs at HPr· moss Bt'ach, Augutt 11 th, U wu announet'd today hy tht> Calalino Island, Manhattsn. Hermosa Beach Aquaplane Race UIIOCiat ion. nounrf'd tlwtr lntt'nlion of match· 101: l h••1r s;:ril nnd stamina against thl' allo·f.:(•cl hardier males. ('nmpc•tttton Is k••en with the r•nr t' uf I Ia\ ,. , Vachon. Loll An· t:•·lt•.>, winn••r of lhr Cross Olan- n••l Evt•nt in 1941 ; Dob Brown, lluflt•n~:rnn Rt'nch. 1940 winner, and c.,,r~;c• Mtnn<'y. Los Angelet, who placf'd hrat in 1939. Although cir cumstanc<'t •this S 3 12:52 7:15 I :M a:tt 4.0 1.4 4.6 2.Q PuBLic NoTICE Newport Beach InVIted to Join Big Water System Su 4 ~:15 8:00 !:51 lt:tl No. 141141 3.3 1.9 4.6 1.1 NOTICE Or 8A.LE OF IlEAL r-.,. ..,_ 1a .., .. .,. 01 uoc:- PllOPEaT\' AT PIUV ATE 8A.LE ~ a.w-._ .... , .....,. ac-p. • LAGUNA BEACH. July 29.- Memben or the Roard of Directors of thE' Metropolitan Water d.lstrlct hert' Saturday set St-ptt-mber 10 IN TifE SUPERIOR C'OURT OJ- TilE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR TitE COUNTY OP' LOS .ANGELES. as thr datt-for eiE.'Ctions on the In the Matter fo <he Ettate and ann<'xation of the Citx.,.of New-Guardianship of F . L. KEN, port !Wach and of Fairvfew Farms NEDY, JR., Minar. The contint-ntai United Statet contains mort' than 1 ~ ~ ~uare miles of territory favorabk for the accumulation of oU, onlJ half of which hu been thoroughJJ explored. in C08ta Mesa u members of the NOTICE is hereby given <hat p Coastal Municipal Water l)'ltt'm. the undersigned, BERTHA L. uauc NOTICU Both Newport Beach a nd Fair-ALDRICH, Guardian of lht' Et· vit-W Farms were acceptable to talC' of F. L. Ktnnedy, Jr .. a ml· CERTIFICATE OF DOINQ 8 UIINE .. the I'XE"CUtiV(' board Of tht' Water nor , will aell lit private sale to UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME 1~-----------------.------•l SeD that unwant~ throuP Newt-'I'lmes -* Rt.'lurnptton or the raet'S, orw of tht• most gruelling competitive cnntt>s ts m sports, w111 mark the first time thry h~tve lx'<'n hl'ld slnc<' thl' w11r hlltcked out water sports s ctivllil"' on tht-California C'naAI In 1~1. )'''"r pn •\'t•nt thl' race> from orig- IMtinlt ot Catalina, thl' commlttCE> J>uiOt •·d our that the coune r hnrtr-d. paralleling the beach at II••• nit"·' und 1\lnnhottan would dlstrfC't. It was said that <he City <he hlght'st bidder upon the terms Th• undenla-~ w. BARTI:II• of Newport Reach will be asked and conditions hereinafter m<'n· f.!~ T~!f<>th~y ~~~Lt~Y ~e,::~ 'i:i to pay an a~egregate tax of $668.· Uoned and aub•~t to confirmation t.tl of the partnerw. of t. JHOrtA4r-Mtr. l ~ .... .. ' : Studebaker announces the appointment of . J 0 E 1.1 CKERTZ I 3415 West Central Avenue 01 ill new tkaler in NEWPORT • BALBOA anJD~AkD Ia pL a ell to pi'II!IIPDt .:::1 .... lllltelllller ol the ......... ,.., .._...._r cleale.r or"a.UuUoa-a ..... , ..... aDCiequJppecl to pro- .W.Itud-N .. o...en wltJa proaapt, • 'rat...tee. ,..., ....... , .. America'a .. _,..tely .. ., poefwu car-the .. aatleally dlffereat aew 1941 . ,, .... . lt'a .,.,. ...... "' •........... ,., ... 1 m Ill I II .,...._ ... ................. _ .......... ~ .............. = , .. ............. . .....,._,...,.. ................. ..... __ Willi! _..,.... ......... ...... _......,. ................. srt.=--= ....... true-thnllln.,ly new (rom~ riew-• RW!IodY Ia metal t Here'• more than radically ad• .. neec~ new .,.twu atrU...· lleft'a the world'• naeet motor car ride- Nmarkable operatJq ecoDOmy-a t..llm uAIIIN ol Studeballer'afamoae top-qua.Uty wwlunaaahip. Come In and 11ee th&.low ,loq, hna- noua ne'f Studebaker-America'• ._ ..-ul.ae,lully tc.ted poeewu..-1 This yt•nr's rat••· w ill Hl~o fmd 1,,.,, ttl•· 11 fur mnrr colorful event tho · lnr~:tost numho•r of feminine ''"'" tlto• ~pt•t·rarurs' point of view. Tldi'Mi t•omrx-t IOK 111 1 h•· h1story or Th•· 'rr)Uf.:h, ch•IPJl>' water ciOS<' to the event Alr .. ady lll'\'Pn mrr-1 ,flun· .1nd tlw shnrp buoy turns on molds uf lhr hriny dN'p have an-tlw t·pur~r wtll add to the hazard DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Recloladltioaed Dlelel. oe baad wttb cbolee of rechldJoa aaHa. e WE Aa& WIUTINO OIIDE&8 ON UOBT· AND J.arr· BAND &OTATION DIESELII FOR TWIN IHSTALIA· 'I'IONS. CBOIOE or UDVCI'ION UNITS. 011 ~ 185 B. P. General Moton-New. See us for Information on Venn Severin Diesels • DIMel Ge...tor Seta o(AU K.l.adl. J'SAK& B. L&WU (LIIeQ r....rt.) o.r--vampr HOLLIST~R ~-~ Brotllen ~til~ LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and omamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Malntena..nce Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions bqalreat CARR'S FEED STORE 18%'7 NEWPORT BLVD. V08TA KE8A P. 0 . Box 50'7-PltoM BeMoa 6Z-&6 If You Like Bourbon -TRY- . Three Feathers Reserve Pints, $2.45 ; $3.93 BALBOA UQUOR STORE ,.. IM&v.tnl. ... Aile hi u. o1 n. .,,. •• rrr ....... ..,. .......... ._,,.. ...... v.c•'•,._..v.._.,. .......... .,... • • J"'-known by th< forro ~ &rHI 1 200 over a 20-year ~rfod begtn· by satd Superior Court on or after of • Y • nlng July 1. 1947. July 31, 1946, all the right. title Tha;·M,hA._Cy~':S"1'1 1 • • ~ .. r" , ... MIJ ~ OWO~rA or the Fain 'lf'W Farms would amortize and rnlt-r<'St of F. L. Kl'nnf'dy, Jr ·I"""' tlltrtflero<lllp klll.l ..,. ... ,d part· a dchl of ~'30.600 over the aamt-1 a minor. and all the . rlgh~. title 1 tg"·M~~~· :;~~~ '·~~~~\~ .. ~~~"1::..ct' period. land tnte resl that <he s:uard1anshlp c .. llfvr!'l• and HfJ ,.,.,,. lf,,N!f't Bat: Rl'prrsrnttng Newport Bt>ach f'Siate of said minor has, by ~per-::r"'or~;!~~'li~i~ ~.~"c.Wr .. ~~~ .. Count, Wl'rt' Mayor 0. B. Rel'd ('oundl· at ion of low or othei"'Aise acqUired, That '"" nanw~ ""'I "'"' ... uf ""''· .' lh th I dditl to th t tlenc4' "1 1'""1 IJl>Mn•n '"' •I the pe · man Mason Sllt>r, admrnistration ° er. nn or n a on a m•na ''"""u• u11~e ,....tl buao:1e .... "" !. offlet>r : J . J . Sailors, watt'r super-of satd minor In and to that cer· fvtluwa lntendent · John D McMillan snd lain lot, piece or parcel of land R ... ~· . BARTISt: ' · · I )•,. d '--1 .~.., "'"''ltur A,·envl' Wolter Lon~tmore, chamber of 1 tuate. _,..ng an ""' ng In <he 1 ~"" J•••l au .. h. \:a.llfurnta rommeret>. County of Orange, State of Cali· THEO s. MrELROY f I d 8111 ('Itt! Urrv~ F F I I F . orn a , an more particularly de· . NewPvrt S.•ou·h California or a rv ew arms untncor· ICJ"ibed u follows. to-wit: WITI'~;::;f. our hamta'. thla 26th daJ porated area wrre F. 8 . Owens, of July, 1~. president; J. D. Jeanes. director ; An undlvic!M one , twelfth I THEODORE s. McELROY LeRoy P. Andenon, attorney, and (I/ 12th) Interet! In and to <he STATE ~,.. ~Aff.'{;r~f=A . R L p tt · Sout)lwetterly rectangular onC's 1 COUNTY OF ORANC~u. · · a en10n, engmeer. half of Lot 9 of Tract 376 other ~-0fn tht. the 2lllth day of July, lkl, • • ·~ o~ m~. ··Rp;J) J DUOI..II:Y. & No- of the ra-. wl14! known u Sant!t Ana Helghta, ~ Public In aad for Mid Coua!7 '"" In Orange County, State of Call· a~R~~~;; ~Z''T'~'Y0appe&~c••R;,.oWT .. Sanr t ioned by tht' Amrrican f . 11 lE s . -......... . POWAr Doat assoc•·au· on. the ra~ ornra. as per map recorded In nown '" m~ tu ~ Ll•• per110na ,...,_ ' ~"" Book 15 p 29 f Ml 11 n.am... •~ .UbJOI'rltM.d to 11141 wllhla this year, in 11ddltion to the 20-• age · 0 !ICE' aneous truolrunoent and ""knowt~dled to - Mile O""'n AquapJa~e Cla••lc. Wl'll Mapi of said County; and one th~~'!.'l>' •xeruted lh~ eame. .... ~· Da share of alock In tht' Santa Ana ,.r:sg my hand and otflclal -•· Include a 10-MIIe Men's Water Ski Helghlt Water Company appurte· l'utary p~~co ,~· ~~~!f~4 raCE> for record and the first run· napt to said 1s.nd, 88 evidenced (:-iotartal ~~r\Y t.nd Stat~. nlng of the ~Mile RoURh Water by Certificate No. 221. Pub. Jut1• 30. Auc . 6. ts. 20. lki. Women's S ki race ror world rec· The terms and conditions of ord. sale: Cuh In lawful money of the CERTIFICATE o,-•uatNEM F4CTITIOU& P'IRM NAME __.__ All ldnda typewritft' rtbbonl ID United States; ten per omt (10") of the purchue money to be paid stock at the New~-nmet. at the Ume of the ul~. balance on Tbe WHierwttrned do he~b7 ~n=r lh&t theT t.M! eonducu.,. t. Meat Q~ry bualntu at 701 &ut C.. A•ettue, Balboa, Ct.llfomte.. under the ncUUowo firm narne uf Balbo& C..tral ll&rtret &nd.. lbat Mid firm Ia com. pOIMld nf the fnltow1n1 perJIOfle. •'"-~':!~. &nd adtlnowo an~ u followa. Ho_ward W. Gerriah ..._..._ 1111 Automobile • Fire Acdcleat • Ufe Llc:eMe and Oont:rnC't Banda Written ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! Ia: WIHow AWIIlap, Door Boocll Pordl • PaUo CUoplee • s-o.t .•. ..._., la; • .... 0.& .......... a.; •..., nt ·--No -u,. • .,.,.... .. , • .._, • , -No lletUM; • ,..,_.... ne.lp ••• Costom Ball&; • utm.t r-)' .. , ~ta. Now! Quality v.-u.a Blllldta 1 Eltht'T" Wood or Me tal) Qtlk* llentNt Fw ,.,_ l'.e:O ... ('all ~ene~ conflnnatlon of tal~. The purchuer Ia to t&ke Ole aald parcel of real property tub-- ject to conclltionl, rettrlctlont, retervatlons, t-uementt and rtahta of way of l't()l)l'd and aU tUft a lien U!n-f'upon. not delinquent. All blda or offers mutt be In writ· ing and wm be received at th~ of· fiCt' of ELMI.1t H . ~-HOFFMAN, 1024 Row1n BuUdlna. LOll Anaelet, California, or may be tued wt<h the Oerk of tald Superior Court. or deUvend to aald IUUdJan per- aonally at any time after nrst publication of thJa notice and be- fore maklna tale. • Oat~ <hit 8<h da,y or July, 1946. BERTHA L. ALDRIOf, Guardian of SaJd Minor . CR-1!101 Pub. July 16, 18. 23. 25 and 30. 1946. • CHARLES t •. SMITH 11101 Eut CentMII A•enue Balboe, C&llfomlt. HOllER M. SMITH loot Eut Central A•uue Balboe. C't.lltorala WITN1!;88 our ht.ttdo tlll• 2tth daJ of July, IHC. CH.ARLER L. SMJTH, HOMER M. SMITH. STATE Or CALIFORNIA. COUJIITT OF OR.ANO.:--.. 011 tbla 2tlh d&y ot Jllly. A. D. 1941. before IM. H.. M. HOLKER. & Not.t.rr Pubttc In tu>d for llt.ld County ~ Stt.te. J,Mrlll>nally apJM~&"d Charlflll L. Smllh aod Homer lr. Smith, known lO -IO be the peroou. whc>H nt.rnu are aub.crlbed 10 the within tnatn.uneat. ~edt.e~.:'.,o=.ed ro 1M tl\t.l t~y ues IN WITNE!'6 WHEREOf' I ba•e IMireunto '"'I my h•nd and e.irll:ed my orttrl&l ..,al the day and rear In tht• cer11flrt.le flrw\ t.b.we ... rt ten H. M HOl.Kt:R. Notuy Publtr trvand for .aiel CouSIT t.nd· State. My cc.l· ml811oa eaplrl!a Mt.rch t, UNt. Pub. JulJ 30: Autt. 6. 13, ~-1 .... WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout mghway 101 • • ....... _604 • MooriiD...t.,._a....._ ,_ ..... ,... .. ............. ,... .... .., ............... Ow1led ucl operated by World War 0 Veterue ltflt!ldai )'oar----· pod wiD ud _._ ... _ -A I r-----..-............ _._ Phoae HARBoR 2 6 4 5 Be11 ._, Hoi••• ' . I . • _ac_fWii_rE_~ __ s _o_u_ID_E _____ a_e EMPLOYMENT OrF&Il&D M BAU M180ELLANF..OU8 • 1 aoATR. 8UPPLIJ:a U .... ,., IAI. ANSOl'Nt'lr.MENT!Il II HAL DTAT& P A I N T I N G . SAU:S.,iEN -Advertlslna cam· FOR SAL.E -Ga• cook stov<', $20. 1 26-ft. ·~ boat, poWt'rt'd wtth ., ..... . 12 Y~an Servtcr ln Newport paten flOW In erft'Ct. Ex~ll~l\t · ~19 C'oronaoo St , &lboa. 59-.3tp Olryal<'r Ace MArine cm&lne; Harbor Area opportunity if you qualify. Ap. 3 cockpUa: thoroUc hly OvC'rl\a'll· KEYS lltlld~ \\'htle You Watt VOGEL'S FRANK P. ,JOHNSON Rcaltur SEAVIEW HEIGHTS ply Mlu Van 'U ew, 508~ No. SHABBY FLOORS l'd: ln Wlltt'r now at AlamUoe Harry Hall Main st., Santa Ana. ~2!8tc: Made Beautiful Bn.y. ~ or ·trade for cab&n 1•10 Main ~1. Oal~ W. (' W~t~~;nt•r, A~•'"-'lrtl r l o~• I)Ct~ llt>~th1(1t'tl Jlulldlng Lob Un ohstl'\.1\'tt'll Vlt•w or 0ct'tln ttnd Harbar ActjlH'I"'ll to Fust('St Gmwtng Shopplns c.dlc'. l'•w<'fl Shwts-AII UttltUl"8 In and Pakl b" 'PAIN'I1NG CONTRACTOR typr boet. Courtc:ay to brok~ra. Phone Beac:on 5~9-J WANTED -Ma n prcfeTTed, to Takf' off old. &rimY varnlah and Write or call Jim .WIIIIOI\, S5 ·1•'~> ~htrlnr. 111\lh\lll laland N ·tlfo 1664 Nt•Wtx>rl Ill\ tl llo'A<YIIl 5434-W 214 E. 19th Street 24·tff head areountlng department and &N down to the frt>sh, clean &Taln Santa Ana, l..c-:'11 Beach. M -ttc teach allied commerdal aub-of natural ly hand8onv wood. roRKiNT--.. SPECIAL ~ta. BualMa Inatltute. 415 Rent Our Hiloc "':~~~ ~:. ~ Painting -Decorating No. SycllJTI()ft, Santa Ana. 57,2tc S d. M h. Santa Ana 4148 b(twMn 1 a. m. FOH IU'NT No..,,l~ furnl-hc>d r1••n1. "'llilt l\11' rntranM', f'lc,... · In 11(•1\t'h Stn~th• m11n !\16 :\fit It S t :'l!l-:/1 Jl :'1-ruom. 2-lX'<.Iroum atUI)Nl, latl(f' livbla 11nd t11ntnll rooms, with r'f'al fil'c·rlal'l', hllrdwtiOCI nt'Wit'l thrnuachout, l•ral' f\IC'tl t mom In rt>11r C\•nK'nt n oon'CI ('hlckrn hoult>. ni('l' y:ord , with lllrnty ol Ia "'" and rt''"'''"· f'l~ to tc:hnc•l and ahc•pJiin~: Thnm nt SnJe.-...("um or t.;l Down-Easy Monthly ~ · New SubdlviRiou &•UlJlK Fnst -Act Now (Of' Odce I Dtllttca R. E. ANDERSON WANTED-Dicnlfif'd field repre· an mg ac me and 5 p. m. ._tfc aentattlve for well known por----..nd do It yourself. FOR SA' t" New Marine Kohle RAt PH P. MASKEY, Realtor trait atuc11o. Man or woman.· Eut to Operate -Duatlna ....,...... Gene.rator, 1500 watts. ~ volt WA~'Tf:n TO RENT Ph()n(' HRrhor 402 Phone Beacon 5780-J 47.tf< car necnsary. U beral corn.mia· Burton's Paint Store D. c .. retall prict' for thls powe1 lion. See Mr. Fo~t. Bernard of Newport Blvd. near 16th Street plant Ia $516. w~ have 10 len BY t-:l.l•~:n.t.'\' ~tc·nt tl'man or rl'· flnC'nll'n t f,;llc~ h~thlt• n"r1 QUII'I ltft• ~mall t'ttllltl:f" nr IIJlllrlmt•nt T'o·IIIHIIII•Ifl \\'rllt• ll.t'\: ~. 11 .. r"l''' olo•l Mnr 5\l-::!tc• W. C'(•ntntl, OpJQlltt' Udo 'J'beeUe FOR A R£LlABLE Paint Job oa )'OUr home. call Beacon 5330 after 4:30p.m. 1Q.tfc Hollywood Studio, BaJOO. Inn ---:~--:,.,---..,-.,..,...-,.---Arcade. Phone Har bor 1048. ~ PlaCY aod Klncllll\l for clearanct' aale. 1374. Yeokel OUrtl'fly to R.eell~ 58-4tc W 0 0 D Broa .• ~ So. Vff'mOIIt, Loa An. -------------....:~ tc.>lea. Phone F.X. 0882. 45·tff IncunH' ancl Hom<' I COSTA MESA . PAINTING -PAPER RA.NGlNO and D!XX>RA TINO H. E . MeOooald tl4 Old Conty Rd .. Coata Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J ~tft I'SANIIPORTATlON • U YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. De II vered H. w. WRIGHT Fire EQuipment Tests Ph. Beacon 5665 C'-0-Two. f.>)orcne & Foam l"t'fllla 1184 Newport ruvd. 3-ttc ('()t flxNi I)Stem and Portablct now a vallable. Just Arrived ETS HOJON & GALVAN Freeb HNrtng Aid 1000 C'onst HighWAY BATTERIES Ph. &aeon 5!'122 7J..trc W 1\i):TI· P 1\ hnnt•\lt1ttl111 ntllllll•' rn tt lhtrlnwnt n•·~tr twnt·h from i\u ·u,t 17 tu S t'l•h•nth•;r I" l lr \' I' K•·ll~. :1113 N I :!tIt, Allt11 'Ill' I '!Ill' !\; :\I r~l.:.'t (" HEAL VALUE!'\ IN Bt J~fNESS 0 PPO HTU N ITI t:s 1-'n n SAI.t>: 1\,Mh nm1 trl\tlt•r "nrk,. 1\ llh tilt > tnnkf.r C •wnt•r 123 n .owtm ST., home or .,_.. nNIII; 8 ltr .. rooow. 5 bidl ; dnublfo 1at111", lOt ~ by lit. 1 blu<'k to C'rnlrr of Iowa. r.. mtdlat .. pillll .• •ta.ooo. o..r. .... BICYCLES Bold. Rentt d or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Malo S t. Ba100. 208 Ka.rlne, 'Balboa I.iand. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Ounjler80n Drue Co. FOR SALE-Must ad! immc- 117 Main St. P h. Harbor 515 ' diatt-ly 15 f l. Thompl()n apo't'<l &G-tt• boat, 22 h.p. Ezinrude outl:xlard -----~--:~-----mot or. cradle boat trail~. 16-ln. W A:\T 'l~l nt:N"r :' .. r :\ h4>•1rm ttnfurnl~lt••d houst' Will ll'MI' <'1111 ~11111 P(lrlt·r nt 111\rhor 707 or 13 ~'-tfe APT nr SMALL 110\ISE Wl\ntcd I"• nutn And wlf•' 'Wt> do nn.t drink nr emokc. no C'hildrt'n or (V'I8 Phone ~llnll\ An11 0991-W or writ,. T\(lx "X" Nf'wport Bal· hn11 Nrww.'l'lrnf'11. 37-tfc l .str~tc• lut IOOx t ill. 1 hl01•k from Nt•WII(Ifl Hlnl lllrl~: on (ronl WtrUit1 11111kc• lclt•nl nhrhoOd I:I'I>N'ry, I"''"''>' t~hup ... tr. l.i\rll•' !\.room 111<'<1o•r n ""' In rc-ar, ovo•r ""' 111 Inn:•· t1<111hlo• l(llriiiCt' Thi!J 111 niM'rl~ I• nn ,.,.. I I'll ltfllte.f lfl\'f'I!IIIWnl I )nl)· $~·S5U N~w H-Hlwm Humc mu~t ~u··rltt<~· '"''" 11111 •'"''' <:twill ··~tllhll•h••tl hu~l•w•• t\trlna ft'llllll k11l•ly w.-.11 7~•'• n mc•h t nuk N,, '"'"'I"·'' illun ~ .. llinR Jlt'WI' llldlltlt'll lulllilllll(, 1:<10d ~~llllpttH•ttl ltlt!l lllol<'k N1•t In· flnlt'li '''"' ·~·•I '"'til II )'t<tt Wllnl " hualnt•M t1111t llll)'11 c.tf. hC'ff It lit 1\f't tC'r ('<tRli' ovf'r and lt•t tta I"""' our pulnt REAl. MTATID DOIIAJ!f08 tl 'MtAOf: R.F.NTAl-2·~ "· Hollywood. harbec'utl, tor l • lo ho-dronm ht1UIN'. ~ L. A. Sl f 18313 or lfat't>or 2100 .. tf'nalon 14. Wheel..-. 51·-M-tfe BEAUTY AIDS II COLD and MACHlNLESS WAVES 'nnUna and ManlCUilnf Evening Appt. Ptl. Harbor l~W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Cout Hlway. Corona del Mu 35-tft LOST AND FOUND WORK WANTED-P ainting SU· perlntendent, with 25 yeATI eJr· ~en~. detlirPS connection with l11rge b uildinll: contr11ctor I have my own truck. commer· claJ apray outfit. h1dden. drop cloth. bM.IIh('l. Good re!eren~. Call Harbor 149J..J from 1 to 5. 49-tfc DIPLOYMENT OFFERED HELP WANTED-Foun tain ~tlrl. Gunden on'a Dru~:. P hone Har· bor 515. 59-1 tc HELP WA:"Tf:n Girl tn r11r,. for child from 12 to ff d11ily. Pht•n,. H11rbnr 'l72 !l9·2tc KI1'CHF:N HELP .w nntf'd. Apply Cheryl's. 322 Mt1r ine A\'P., Bal· boa Jaland. 54-tfc • Frequent increase&. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514"' N. Maln St.. Santa Ana or Aak the operator for the Chief Operator Southern California Telephone Cornpa11y FOR SALE -Washing machinr In PXN'llrnt condition. $4!'i OC). Fnur· burner gas stove, $40.00. Jlar· hor 2041-R • !'i9-2tc FOR SALE-Coals. dr~. Ci n('lt quality .allghUy ~. bargain prices. Call Harbor 1486-M. 58-4tp FOR SALE WF.T.L nREn splrit<'d IIAddlP hOrlW, l(ood W<'Sit'Tn MddJI' and brldlr. N. W. cornrr of 15th and SII'Tlta Ana Ave., Cotlta Meaa 54·tfc ----~----~----~-----WANTED-ExlX'J"IC'nced fountain Auto Batteries lb'l: must he 21. Me!"a Malt Rubber Separaten Shop. 1190 Newport Blvd, Coata 18-month -$6.75 Ex. Meaa. 57-ttc: Compounded Motor Oil BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour Gallon, 70c Westem Auto Supply AuthortRd Dealer 18M Newport Blvd., ea.ta MRII 41-tfc: Steel Kitchens G LASS 11J'R ENCLOSURES S HOWER [)()()RS Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Cot~st Rlvd. N. P h 5&'12 U lf\lnll Beach <' 59-ltr VENE"MAN BLTNDS-Aiumlnum atee1. wood. Call Ul for "'" "ti· mate. fteno\·AtJon • ~nl.tlln& Order Your whet•ls . ooat ond motor in new Serve} condition. $600.00. Jnqulre Port Gas Refrigerator of ·Sewn Seu , 817 C'out Hlgh· Now way. .. 56-ttc at Vogel's FOR SALE-I• n. cllnkt'r t )'J)f' )OO Main St. Harbor 145 aklff, $3:5. :25 Bea con Bay, New- WANTED TO BUY Will Pay Cash 52-tfc port St-ach. 56-,ttc l1 IIUIIICAL a LU)JO M FO R SALE-E lec-tric S panlah JtUitar And ampllfit'r . practically nt•W, $150.00. '107 19th St., N. B. 59-ltp FOR SALE-Upright plano, 1ood -----,--------R~'NTAI-'i WANTf:ll 1, 'l ur 3 "r'f•k8: "dull rourlr· or Ph••·nlx w11nt niN•, tnndl'rn furnllhrd dw..tlin~.r, • shttl'k ur ttpttrtlnf'nt \\ tth 1:11rn~ee 111 IC'alt lint· hc'f1· rt)(,m wttlt 11oot1 IH'd. klldlt'n unrl ltitlh n•·nr 0\.'l'lln. MAxilllttm, r..">(ltltl i•'r WN•k Phnnt• lluhor . :lt\.'.X ~H-It 1· F or your fumltun! or what haw yow. Phone Beacon 56.'56. Craw· lf'y Furniture. 1812 N~ Blvd., Coeta Meaa. 48-tfc: CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BE ACON 5538-J. 23-tfC' condition, 1200. Phone Beacon ;.:R.;:E.:..A:..:L:.:..::U::T..:..:..:A:..:TE.::.. _____ --=.:n 5TI2. or call 205 Weatmlnst~ Ave.. Nt>wport Ht'lghta after 5:30 p. m. M·tfc FOR SALE -Ford V-fl marint> enj;!lne, exct'llen t condition Ph. Jlarhor A61 !')R.2tp 4·C"YL., l!l-KW, tlOV, n. C -11'111 • Oi('l('l G~n. $1000 cuh Fun 7.(lnr Boat C'o .. Balooa. Ph. Har· bor 6. 58-4tr FOR SALE A'<hhrid,.;r . huilt . dlnllhY. ~ klt)'!tkll nnd suit nf Snnwlt1rr1 ~nil" Trll',uire nflrr ;, p m 117 S111•1•tun·. Rnll'lnA l<~land 1n lowo•r Tt·:~r 11pt ~~!l-1 It' CllftiS·I .RAJoj l!l·f•~tt ~fl<•NI lt<11t l. I! I'll mutlrl. 1 :JO h 11 : w·ry f:tlol rmrl In lll'ltllltftO c·onr1il ot1n 1'\IS· tom''"'" nil ~11'1•1 t1 :.1l• r lh\n· ••r. f. t:.! \.lrt J.hJ" :\tort!, 1.11111 T~lo• ;".X.:.!Ip WILL F:XC1 1ANGE 50 ft. 11llp In Wilmin~tnn for samr> 'In Nrw. j'lOrt HArbor. Call Erwin PIP~ nt Kimble !'i283. 52-tfc AI.L·f'LI\STTI 12-ft llll-lh TOP 0-CAR RCIAT nnrl <.~ARRTER lmmHitnlr dt•ll\·rry. (Jth"r mod· Pill !l()fJO -dinghiPII, Sllilhflltt!l, runnoouts. crulsl'rl and paddle· hoards. PLASTIC W A11:RrRAFT ('() 407 E. C'l'ntrlll, Ralboa Phnn,. Harhor 2673 ~!l-Ite .. SMALL BOAT HDQRS." _ Radio Repairs • AD makea: tubes, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Cout Hlpay, Newport 23-tfc BABY GRANL>-Repoaaeued. Nuw only $4R5. Thl1 ls a RTeAt bur- galn. Danz-Schmldt Plano Co .• Santa Ana. t 55-tfc WORLD famou1 Spinet type mirror pl&no. Rt'~!K'lll<'d. Now reduced to $295. Tt'rma. Superb tone. Moh~any calK'. Deaignf'd for 1tyle And long lt'rvlet'. DanL· Schmidt P IAno C'o., !i20 1':. Main, Sant11 A1111. ~,_trc AN(mrER mR~rniflet'nt Strtnway Medium aize. Rtoauttrul mAhn~o:­ any ca.'!e. Thl' piano of thP MastPT'J. Danz-Schmldt Pinnu Cu . !"•2Q N. Mflin, ~an to An11 !l!'i-tfo NCtwport Hf'i)Zht.~ TillS 1\'lrRM'Tl\'J.: IICIMJI: will l\t· ~~·•npl•'lo'f1 thla month. '.! IW'(I· rt~t•m~. hntlt. :Z·f'llr l(ttrn~:•', on larK•' lut tn n nlo··· n••t.:hh•trh••w1 "' lww hlllllP~ A I t lol~ pr..Oo• It "t•n'l he• ICtn~o: 1111 tht• mnrl.o•t p,,.,,,,Sllillll 1111 t'!tlflpll"llon ~oiMI J l\1 Mll.I.F:R. 1~1th 11n1l C'••n lral ll nrh••r 1 ~4:.!. Balboa I~land Bay Front A HOMF. d!'l!igned And built for 11 dlacrlm lnAtlng yarh h ma" l'r lva l•• ·pl!'r nn!l rto111. lltr~ot•· f•'lli'••d Jnwn. httijl hntJIII' f~trill­ tJrll :'·CIIr ~ltrrt~ot•·. t~t•rvll"h' qunl'tt•r~. l'l•·rtrk lwnt m~r 11)11- trrrl. rnn~lrut'llun 11nt1 wnrkntfln I! I up I lt:t I o'IHIIIIII '"' dupllt'IIINI lftci~tr i\JII~•Intm,.nt onl) ~.mn .I M MJI.I.I·:II .. l5lll lltH1 Co•ntrul ll11rhnr 1:.!4:.! ro~ta MeAA Nrw 4-nn h1111~•· 11n CO'll'l '» llC'rr Pln~l1•rNI 11n1l o;t rtMl l\tolli. rrn I hru-nut $!'i2~~~ $1 7n0 Down Elden Ave. Lot 50lcl~. NPw 3-room fram• houac. prartir~tlly complete-d. $3600 Lido JaJe M-ft. e:>mPr lot $5000 45-ft frnniiii{C' $52!i0 67-ft. Lot Betw~n CoatA Me11A and Nrwport on Rlvd. $4500 EVA F. RHODEN R.C'11ltor ..,.f)()(j~:-:'~..:'..,.(-'_A_T_S_.:..a_P.:..ET_.:..R:._ ___ aa~ 470 N f'WJ')'lr 1 I II\ •I . I ·.,~I 11 M f"(ll r,l lfH; f.: I II ·s IM·th~;r:~·•l Silt Ill• ,,. F:l .'J'f I "''I I 1/\11 :-.;liT klllt•nc fnr 'ttlo• t•xl'o llo·nl •l•wk Rl'~~l-'1. \\' 1\,\Jl'll:-o.:l lll'nllllful ··~·· m lf1r :.!:13 1-::"1 PF.'R:'\I'J. l; JI.\H~l-''1'1' D11y frc•11r h•••l~c·l. RllliWtll 1.1 l lrflko·r~ • :mtl ·,7 llfi PI) u, .,.,,,, >71:1 H oor.~ All hrl'rrt~. "lripllf"cl. rlift· 1.11'(!, 11nt1 bathl'd hy A K C h· CPil•l'!l hnndlt'r. t'rl'(' pick-up nnd dr>lh•t'ry IIPrvlcc. S,.nd r nrrl Ttu-.ltt'll L. KPtcbam. 421 Poin "l'ltln Ave. Corooa del Mar. 52·1fl' PRE-BU .. T HOM ES ro. GARAGF:S -UTILITY Jll)l'St-:S fiOMF..S Immediate [)(>livery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 WN!Imlnstt•r Nt'wpnr t llril(hll 57-•H,. .. ,., l•f I .aJ . ..runa Hf'ath u;;-nw 111-:/\I'TJFI.LI.\' l.t 1('.\T~ I 1 '"'' h.-til "''Ill hf••n•i \'"''' '" o t n ,,n•l nlOIIIIIIt\1) \II\\ .' l"tl l'o~r.tl••. flltiHr, fo•nrNI lnl , 111•1 If JHolfl l• rl Own••• rnltY ~rll "''"' '"lntlttll' T'tlll\1·~~~~'" o•lot!4o• '•I f·~n otW ~tH.ru, .1 M :-.ut.u n. l '•th ll 11l~•r 1.'1.! J ohn D. Burhnm 2001 Or<'nn ntvtl Phonl' HArhor 31~ O~tillfiA 2 nt'W CApe lod h•1tl~l'll un Orrnn 1--ront nn th,. Penin~uJa :\ IH'IIrnnm Itt nh'IOJI ro'lldrnlllll tWr t lun "' <'c•t11 Mf'11a l .arl(l' flrc•J>IAI'I', h<lw rtoora, lot11 of tllr In h11th nml kllt'ho'n . l,llllf•t &J'NII'I' tJ:fl lor.·. dotrlillt' ci.r•«"· V1u·an1 movr rhrht In $1 2,250 Overlooking Ocf\an tll -acr\•, 4-room hoWk• in very dun oonditll)n ptua l·room apt In rur with hath and kitchen, barhrcu,. t~nd N'nwnt walle-d patio, ~tnckn and rhlx rqulp $9750 lf:: Acre On Corner ~-room hou14' plua dhl &ArAICr "'\th lrllNII Tf111n1 O n Wo•1t 1ltk Wllh <1C'I'Iln Vlr'W. \'nl'lllll , rTiq\'tl rl~ht ln. $H750 MOH'U '1'0 LOU • t.OAMI TO IIUJLD. Mq, 'PSJ ...._ m~MMmlM or ....,_._ fo't m SAI.!o: ·rw ... .-halr tM•a uty N~ .,.,...._......., .. .._ ~~olt111 In Ow-tiNI <1411 Mar llocllnl Mel I.Aaa A ud '"=· l(t1tld hu•lno'U Nc•IJ 8JlJlriiiCI· 8M3 Vla Udo PIL R ...... - m•ll•ly $ft(KI ,. month Kelllna MON&~ WANftD ii Jlf"k'l' lnd udrtl hualnru t'QUII._ ------------- nwnl nnd fh't! yl'ar lr iUM!. Thl• WANTY.D rttvata loian, llO.OGI. I• l"f'lltly a apnt far • Uv. ••Ire. S4"<'\lfl!d bt •ltC.'ellftlt 111....-. t'ull Jrlc,.. Rox ltm, BalbM Wand. ... $6600 Ati'MMOTIYII • ,.._ • WY. ARE UF.RE TO SERVE YOU FOR SAU:-'31 Ford ........ kloka llko~~ the dftU, Mt ~ l•nt mM'tttuttc-.Uy, ..., M R. A. NERESON 19th ~1., N , B ..... m:AL F.sTATE roft:"ArJI: 1 ,_ ttr., I ....... 1n•uranl'l' and rW'ft tlr'f'l anct tu'-. II• 111& Ruallletllt Opporlunltlf'tl ~'\10 ~n P'rnnt, f'toftt -... 197'.l Nrwi)Of't JUvd., O,.ta MI'U •tt• I'll 1\i•n""' ~!!~ ~J·I lc ' F'OR RAI.J'.--'.tt nodp ....._ .. !l-RedrOtlm Home n It • I dlln Wll1 takf! '3111 ~ .... f:Liat aid" lt1t, G.'lx3..111. CIO!I(' In a loa 0 Ct'an }o runt Home u flflrt N)'mllftt Call .,_. I A I.AitC;t-:, t'l'ITiltlt'lrly fumlaht-4 p m . 1Y.t Vlt'l1,.'ta Pl . C... $H450 ltunw, rc•11tly fur lmn<o•oll11tr ·~· MNA. .., .. 1'111111111')', 7 lw'lfrtllllll' 1 btlU••, Newport H f'iahts 'J ''"Ira ahnw""'· 'J •'Mr ~e•r•ar. FOR ~AI~. M. ·• tNGk, 'l• "' J(ll• furnttt't', llullt 1ln 3 ocean ton JMlftMI. C'all Harbar -.,, Nl'w 3-ht-drnunl with !liN· vl,.w, fronl Iota 111•urlna ftf'lvary f'Wftlnp. ...... ~~d7. OOOrll, nk'l• Yttrd Sundt'ck Wt•ll l~tnd ~ut rnr a«ottnmldat: 10 NA!JR 4..toar ..... Q op ~1 2 ,4r=.0 Ina t"r"" hnu!W' partlft or tunny wnrll C!U', ...._ D ~ "' u &TOO ... ~.oou. J M MIU..t:R. Balboa. Ph. ,...._ 1ta.W. 1!\lh and C'•ntral. Harbtw t~l. ..... 11._:-Acre Ovcrlooklnl[ tx'l'an: Willer: &ardrn; rwa r C 'Aitfl('Y ~>Statf' A l tt'al a t $2000 Five:.Room Home FO R R F:NT UR 1~1-:A!'t: A. E. JOHNSON ~ealtor and Auociatee PhoN a..eo.t &103-M ~ TIRES Suit llhlr> fur pnrlnr. '' (',,.,,. Mo'llll Today'B Special Newport Blvd. Home do~rtur nr '"''"''>' and BUSINES8 DLDO. htht.'C.I hl•)('k tiUW!tiOWn :z8 ft, It :ztl ft. with Jlvln1 QUArt.rl, CnmJtlrtl'ly rurn• HnwM' In n-Ar. With IICU• lbdnt $1 0() l'<•r Mnnth FOR RANC1 1E.". 1 to 10 At1U:S 5«' ll11 TndA)'. Two SriN'Irtl• Prirrd tn Sf-11 MANY MOHF: .. f'OMF. JN ANn "T AI.K rr OVER" --Oprn Sunda)'li- FRANK P .• JOHN~ON Realtor Ul64 Newport htvd. fk11con 54-'W·W Y.J-ltfl' Lot. BusinE'AA J.ocation ~ ft. rronllllfl' on Ctontral AVrnur rwar llt'W Civit> C'l'ntrr A tn1ly lllrAtc-rr:lc: lnl'a tlnn In fl r ap6dly C'JflMndlna htalnt•aJI t~•·•'llon. An lntrrc .. tlng flWflo\lllllon f'lr an llnni)IIII'AI lnw·!llllr fl7.:'iCJO J M MII.L~:H. l~th ~tn•1 C'~n· 1 ntl Jlnhor 1 :141 El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avmue $4750 J ,ar$te Corner Lot (Jn f>•·nln~ulin, With vlrw . $fi750 Bu~i n•·~~ l All \\lot h IWro l<rrt:lf f Jo11IIAI'II $1 () ,f,ll(l Sf•V••rnl l(fwwf llltY 1-'rtml l.rrll -*- L(fl' ON r ><'Jo:All OLVO • rou.ld tw m ade> Into cood N'ntal. Thla la A IJ!lrnt1id Jl'"OPft'f y. Ex· l'l'llt'nt lorntlon Quldc ~. OnJy $11 ,000 Nt>nrly New 4 Unit Court 3 UNlTS oomplrt.-ly t\lmlshecl. 1 unrum. Cornl'r lot 1!50 rt. a Ull5 ft. Beautlt\JIIy landacaped. In- come ll!J7.:'10 Pt'r month. Room for 3 morr unlla. n oae In r; ..sde, Cnata M .. a. Vf'ry f)l'at and at· tractJVf!. Only $19,950 1 ~Ia A t're Ranch 2·tlf'dronm ltOIIIII', harn, c:htek.n hoiW', prll'l' $4760 11:)-AcrP Ranch Jl~tnlty 1:bf'drnollll t\llmf', n....wly ~atl'd im•ldl' and out Ca- ract', 1t11m, l'ltllt hollll<' only- $~4nH NOW HERR Ymu 1"thor1 .. Ow; ... Plymautfl DMJar. Authortnf puU C"'..nmpltot• ~ ..... Malnt.nenoe E!rl*'tllecflllll• x.ndall ... QMIIIr ........ NEWPORT HARBOR 110'1'018 3111 w. OlfttNI .... ....... ...,.... ,..., ..... • 0 Jif'n F.VI'nilll(l And ~undAYe 'T'RAn •. Jm.CIJ ron RJ!!Pf'I'-Do ,_ tM'n h•ulln~r and rntWtn~r. AJI A E Jo''NoON ,_ l'flttiJ'W'Il"fft. 12.25 •net llM i • '· ' :., fl"t t111y. W,. tuml•h tt.. ......... .,fj!) NrWflllrl lltvd , (~~~In Mr 11r f M h n !llfontl •ta..a-- 1'11 111"111'111• 'oll l.! \1 'VI II • 1 \ITI' n rtla, ,. a •-· --------------' rnr 17th .l N~ Rlvd, o.ta ' Mr·'" -.eft ~--.. 1 •r.: n ',J'It.\1 A\'1 '"'·•• , .... ,,h ~A•nrt.AN"'" • 1 ••11 111~fu rf 1\n I< I II If lho• '" 111·h I '"'". '"I ,,, oil r .. ., .. ,\ Twn •TAI<fo' II llflP IIVf'r ,.,.. Hllr11Gr h•·flr•••"'~ ""'" IIIII """II '"'''' ••n·•• '-''.(lfl; ~tl•u flyln~r ln•lrue-irtf'llt ~t•ll'•"•l"t.: l':11111.,. A linn ''•"'f"•tr•nt riC·AAP' ln- d tullnliw l\1111111 ltr•IIOI \'ljlh ~rt•UI "lttll'ltor~ 1\1'10 /11'ft1C'r'l fot 1..,,.. .. 111tllllf ,. ~~~ 7~,11 1 M A.-.ronrll !lnlf l hr n-«''obe 111.1.1·.11. I "'ll I • unol 1 :,,111r;,1 "~witt " fllllnl'!l C..om11 tn Nf'W-Jlnrl~•r 1:•1:1 JVrr t Ortv Sky Hnl'hor, nn,. mile _ ------_ WPJtt nf f'f'Htlll Mr1111 nn lOth lit. fYHIIlNA T>~:J. M AR. hy .,wn,.r: •tte $:J()00 W. L .. JORDAN 700 F;. C'PnlrAI, OalhoA Phone Harbor 163 !"IR lfr BUY FHOM OWNEH Savt' $7t600.011 Balboa lfllnntl flay •'rnnt llomt> :1•, (11111 lfll In "'"•' 1'1"tctr,.t.l,. ~ lilln nn Frrnlt·11f. I 'h hloMc.1 fmm Ahorrlln•· t.(lulrvnrd Prl~ In IW'll lltl lllll'niJ C111J f-oe AnrtrlNI l'hr.nc> fiiAdlllnnf' 2021 rvrnln~t!l bl'twf'f'n !'I s nl'l 7. ~ate Fl ITt SA I.E J.nt ~IK I :..'7 fl fl In . • ~··•·ll••nt l~tl'itliun. N .. wr••rt llh l'1ol111 .. ~ $17lfi'J ('fi ll Jlrtr (.1'74 •. 1 59-2tc: 16-ft f11c-trrry ~,.n t~IMt hydroplane, twn I'O('kpi... :.2.h.p. JohniCift motor, mmpl.-t;oly fi'Verllaut.d,. lnl'lurllng rl'hnrt'; h u atHiillf wh.-c-1 rrmotn control, Iotti fll r hrnmf', vrry f•t. I~ tr tlll,.,., $4!VI. Al..o 22-h.p. Evtn- n•dfo A·l rondltlon, 1125. ttl Ranta An11 Av~ •• Nt>Wpnrt ....._ .... "' WF. MAKE many 1117.es and kind~ or 1kJff• and rlln2hira, and the "Wat11on Dink" clau IIAIII'r. AND Paddlebosrdl RAM F.Nr.tNF:F:RJNG ('Q.-Mn· r lne mnrhlnlwt m Achln,. w•,ric nf 1111 IYJ)I'S. plrk-up and t1rliv· c-ry IU'rviN', dock fot>illtiNI whilr- undl'r rPpllir . Will do work ""' hour ni~ht or day. Loc:ntf'd A.l <'Pnlrsl Tlo11t Works YArd, Rhln•' f'hAnnrl, font of 311ft St. J>hont• Jlubor~·J. 20()() ()("F:AN F'RO:-t'r 1 -tory And n hnlf, 2-l'll'<lroJ(Im hath, IArjll' room u['l'llnlr• fnT ~t. llvlnll room flr•'f'l""'. kltchPn. lw'f1rnr,m 11nrl h;tth nvf•r gar11gr, wnll hr111rrw "lf•\01 llnd llf'"llllfulty rurrudwtl -1 lw•t1rl'tlfTIII, l11r~>,. II\ Ill I( 1 '"'Ill, '"I Jlllll'l', :\ 1111111•, r .. r ... •I >lr ,.,,,ltltlluninl( 'J.c .. r t.:ur Notthlllt.! fut•·• trrt I hi l~lhntl .A tJ'TOIIt W AN'I'IID WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices • WF. SF:LL other good amoll rrnrt JlughPS K1'110n. F old Flat 'VATSON-BOATR 611 Coast Jllghway Newpt~rt BeAch Carpenters A vail able $f,2,!t00.0() l•u\lnl' fmlflf-{1111• SELL YOUR CAR NOW While Pr10M are ID~h. P'taone for our oourtllowJ buyer who wtl ed and 8dvtll you~ OPA ~deal.~ prica and .,.,... .. ctetaU. SI:E MR. PE1Tf SOlmt COA!JT CO. NEWPORT BEACH • So. Cout Venetian BlAnd Oo.. Weat 18th and .Nf'WIIO" Ave .. Cqlta Maa. Pb: BHcon !SB-W. 0 P -E N S U N D A Y. P . M. M-ttc for Ct'neral rnalnt~ and ,..,..,. 0 . Z. IIOIIII:IrNOJf ean Harbor a CULBERTSON CHEVROLBT CO., Inc. Owvl~ Mel Ot«• ... o.a.. JS.ttc Manila fold«-~ at N.-.TIIDtl ..,. .... Caetnl, ff""PGP't ..... -0.... .... ....... _ ... ....... a..ea ... CAB CO. ............ Balboa Girl Grad~ from Vennont College ' • e•IHM "'PM P*'*mrr ,....., • a r r ... ,,,,.., ...... Harbor Feminine Activities Costa Mesa Girl Reveals Engagement ~ l"eCfttUy at a dlnnn IIIII K a r y Eatelle (Mimi) Pbcmel 13 and 308 • -Wlalfnld 8utJn + p 1"-w ...... l837-R at the Jay Beardl.ley home, 190 Becan. dauahter ot Mn. Juaen 23rcl ltrftt, Cc,ta Mesa, wu the H. Lorefttun of ~ Eut Bay H l t · H b R' R d S d Y fri ..1-d _,_ N t H i h C ) mcaaement of M1u Evelyn ' HEW LIN • Craft Greetiq Carda .... ., Brooldnp Variety -.............. .. -....... ... -..... ..... Front. B&Jboe. wu _of a dull o s em-o art .ttes epeate un ay in our enu. an ......... P . e g ts ire e Bearda.ley to HaJ wrtaht, 10ft ot ot 5T )'OUnl wa~Mn who r«etvect Shatto Chapel, First Presbyterian Church Mrs . .Anita PhlWPI of. aewrt1 Hears Reports Kr. and lift. Harry wrt1ht, 1784 =---........._---H-~---.. -- tMtr Ba.ctwlor ol Art ~ at ln Shatto chapel of the Flnt Hilla wu a fU"t thla put week·. Kn !:lnwr ~ 225 Newport bclulnucl. The wedd.lna n•w vw.v I the eleventh commencement •xtor· Con&re&atlonal church, Loa An· end at the home of Mr. and Kn. tfte · Col M 2!lrd date hu not yet been clacJoHc1 c.fe cM8 ot Bennlncton ooUere. Den· Bob Davis New E. L. Moore. Eut Central avenue. 'to .... ~' N_!.. ~-wuat ... _•~ Jr&illltvdlley Ia employel _ ... ... nJ •-V t "Ald S tu "·y l t'DeS, at S p. m .. Sunday, July 28, .. .., ~~..-. ~ r..-r ,.__ .... , .. , q...... ermo~. '"" a rua marrlagt' VOWJ Wert' rttpeated by Snir Chamrrion, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rutherford Thunday attemoon with Mn .. ~ s.nta ADa boerd or education .... 11. mornina. July · M t;llnor Hobart. daurhtrr ol Mr, and son Stephen of Balboe Ill· Gladya Woodworth -lA•--t and 111\ W~t Ia a.aaoc:iated with ,_ -.... ...... --. Cornnwncement lpt'Bkt'r was r. M Cha I E Wi l Enter nternat. lind reoeently attt'nded a family themeetlnaandMn.&'"i;;H~ h1a fatMr Ia the Wriaht Lumber ~--~. Re<lnhold Niebuhr or Union T1wv· ~':'~ d':.ic VI~~~ ~=~. 31~ __ , purty at Oranae p ty park. hon· leadlna In devoUonaJ.. Yard. locical aemlnary. New York. Misa I GIV rgc M. llolattoin III. aon qLMr Bob Davia of Newport HartlUr' oring the 78th ~lrthday annlver· R~porta Weft liven .by chair· .::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Bacon m.prro In painting lind ~ Mra. George M. Holltttln, 212 Yacht club II new champ6on ot the sary of Albt'rt Brubaktr of VIlla men of •tandtna oeinmltteet and i ~~ ~ ~ ~oo!:,"~te:~ t~. Udo Nord, Udo Iale. Snipe neet and will Fepreeent I Park. Twenty-nine cuettl at· Mrs. Flora Harrla ol the Wayl and her mother, paJntJn1 many tcenetl Dr. Janw. Fifie ld jr. rttad the 1 Newport Harbor at tl;M Intern•· tended. meao. noted $54 Ia net retuma o1 that country. Sbe wUl l'pen(tl mAITiage llna before an altar tlonal Snipe ,_t at Lakewood. Mr. and Mra. Arlene upln, 165 from the luncheon recently MrVed aome time In Boeton bt'fore re· lmnkt'd with whJte gladlolua a nd I Nt'W York, AUIUit 21·~. SUDday Crcil plaC't', Cceta Mesa, are par4 the eount;y harbor commlulon and turnlnc home. tall candelabra. O ther ~labra wo the flaal day ot the 8WIVDI.'r 1 t·nll of a eon, born July 22 In Cout AuoclatJon. Rayon Shantuna Tailo red Loun,ging Robes flank~ the alale, roped with u tln I aerlea aalled at Newpcwt Harbor St. J~ph hoepltal. He Wt'l&h~ P1&nl Wt'Te made Cor the W.S 1 ~-, •z., ~ ......_, onw Oanlully-8p&n a ut.. ribbon, down which the bride and Yacht club and on the final ch«k t-Ight pounda .vm. C.S. plcnlc which wUl bt' held -~----------------------her attt>ndantl walked. SHe wu Davia was winner with 15841-. Mra. Rou Owen and daucht ttn Auauat 7 at the home of Mn. Stzea 1 2 . 2 0 $16 95 Pa s t e l C olora • and Blac:lr aalf ..... a ...__ Roberts' Summer Special One Oii Painting • & ' Vlpelte --·--- ___ _!,95 • ... te ...... ..._. OotJiaa Old Portnltat and Oturch Wedding Pictures ·Each dress on our center racks have been checked and - - - RediiCed to Clear I MaaJ Bueptional V aluea Ia 0. Spatll Depertment given In rnarrtaae by her father. pointl. Elolae and Ellftl ol Cout boule-Harry Watovt'T, Corona del Mar. Whitt' eyelet embroidt'ry wu Davia wu compeUna ln uu. ae-vard are leavlna Saturday for Van Durina the aftemoaa the ll"'UP u.d tor t.1w weddtaaaown and a lies wtth Bob and Betty Wldte Nuya, wbel'e thl!7 wW ~pend a worked on acr~ boob for the flna.r4 tJp veU fell fTom a Uttle winnen of lut year'a lata'nation: week with MrL Oftn'1 father. ehildrftt'1 ~tal and aftft'Ward De au vi'lle cap. The bride earriH whit. 1ladJ. al, and lt 11 belJeoved tw bM an JohD U'Ren. 351.2 W"t Ocean the hoet.aa aerved lndMclual birth· 1 3 7 S o u t h C o a 1 t B 1 v d. La 1 una Be • c: h olua arranaed ln an unuaual aheal. ttxcellent chance for the Iaten!•· Front, who hal been IUffedna a day cake. Ia honor of the annl· ~~~~~--------~~-...;;, _______ ,~. A atmllar bouquet In uJmon pink Uonal c:hampionlhjp. He w the 10n ~vertt attack of mtentlnal lntlu· Yei'MI'Me ot hlnell and Mrs. --r------------...:·:.....-----====~ wu carried by the matron ot ot Mr. and Kn. ~n Davia ol r..o. f'IWI, Ia abl• to be up and around Edna Hart. honor. Mn. Ben fUe., llater of ,\naeJ" and Balboa. again, but Ia 80fiV 24 poundll EleW!D memben were pnwnt the bride. oontrutJna Mtb her Larry Wheelf'l' o1 Balboa Yacht lllhter. t.nd thl'ft l\lfttl, Mn. VlratnJa lOW" ot turquolle eyelf't etn· dub wu wtnner for 1M leCond A dauahter wu born July 23 MaWIOn, Kn. E. D. Goodell and broAdorry. OCII!IeoCUtJve year of the PC IWn· ln. St. J~ph t.o.pltal to Mr. and ~· David Holtby, president ol William Hollteln was bt'lt man mer c:harJ:Ip&onahlp and 18-year-old Mra. William Shaw, 1.53 23rd be·!·tC~ ~ ~~ ~ 1~ and u.Mrs were ~ Adklnaon, BIU Flckn of BYC, aaJUna Ia hla atreet. C~ta M~ She weighed Church ltnt't Colt M ' Holmes Hobut, Howard Adkirucm. aecond aeri"· won the Star ellm· six pounds, ten ounc:ea. • a en. Don Van Slckltt and PaJae Hiatt. lna'tlon aeri". He wu P 1• ebam· Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gort>ntlo, SOCIETY- Mrs Hobart wor• pale pink with pion for two yean. AI winner of 1(18 27th street, havto purchued F a biUI!' hat and. acCX'UOf'let and thll l<'rl('l he will go to San Fran-, rrsadrncl.' property at Huntington ormer Balboa Girl Mn. Uolstd n wore a fu('hlla gown I clsro for the B. lue Star eUmlnaUon I R••n('h and are preparing to move Home from East and her flowers wr rt' pale pink j series A \Alt. 1&-18 which wiU deter· ther e. gladiolus. mJnr thf' Pacific Coaat champion '·lr~ .. "'-y Craig of Pur nte was M Ed -d--·~d I " ~ rs. ~ war . P. Lynaugh .... Thrre hundrrd gul•sts nllr nck-d u Jundwon gueat at tht' home of hC'r sma ll son. Pa trick, arrived by thl' weddln~t and rt'('l'ptlon, whl~h Downey Miss 1 h• r n11nt. Mrs. Elsie Starck, Court plane last wr••k from t hl'ir homl' V.'a!l hC'Id In thr rhurch patiO Entertains Friends 11\o'nll(' today (Thundayl. I nrnr Philadrlphia nnd arc at the I \W'alh•.~:l~dlolu~ ~nd f('mll df'<.'Orat· Mr. nnd Mrs. Shl'ldon Smltb home of !ltrs. Lynau~:h's par<'ntll,, I'd llu lal'l'·CO\<rrd bufft't whr re At Wiener Bake anti ~ons &b and Jack nr(' on I Mr. a.nd Mrll, Ll'o MrCavr<'n. 61 3 puntht' :;:ur-tal'rrd "'~In~: cukl' and ---n two wl'<'ks' vncallon 1n th(' 1..3· W~st Bny a\'l·nur Thry will stay ROIIANnC YOUNG DRESSES PRETTY CO'ITONS F'OR THOSE WARM DAYS NEW, COLORruL SHEER WOOL • "HEAVY DATE" DRESSES IN PASTEL SHADES FOR BVENING SELECr ONE OF THESE TO FRESHEN UP YOUR SUMMER WARDROBE SlES 9 TO 15 AND 10 TO 20 ~e ~c:S~n ~hop U e 8erond ~ Broad•..,. Blclc. ISeeoocl f1oor) -Suit& Aaa Wl'rr serv · !\11~!1 Nanry f>owrll of Downl'y ...:unn rnnuntn1ns. . :'\Irs. Smith's hcre until thr hot sraaon in the The bridt' 15 a ~:raduntc of \\as hosti'SS nt a wien('r b&ke hroth,•r·in-law and sistrr. Mr. and East 1s f>Ver -'------------------------..) Pomona colll'lt(' or thr claM of '45 Thurl'dny rvl'nin~: on the prnlnauln and a nwml:Mi'r of Mortar Board, tJ<;arh front ~War thr jell)', guests the hrldt•~rroom ~:raduated from includln~ Fd icla Carhart of [)ow. Pomonn in '44 11nd 15 11 mrmbrr n•·)', "hn Is \'lSI lin~: hl'r ~erand­ of Sl~ema Tnu frato•rnlty. llr s••rv· Jlllrt'nls. Mr and Mrs. Hubert t'd on a d~tro)'l'r In thr Pad fic Cn·n~lt<(l, !ll l C"ntrnl avt>nuc : wht'r.-ht> h~ld lh<' rank or lit>U· M~~ry Ann W 11tts a nd Mn. Arthur t('natnt ljlt), nnd is now In busl-Pow"ll of Uowrwy, nnd Mr. and ness with h1s father. Mn! S A Ml'y('r · Thr two-weeka' honeymoon will Mn~ Pow<'ll and Nancy Wt're bt' apent at San Frand sro nnd WN k rnd lt\JM I!I nf Mrs. Powell'• Yoee"mlte, and the bride chO!I«' for pe.rl:'nts. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mtt)'er he-r c<Mnc-away ooatume a dreu of at th('ir Udn Isle homr . p.Je IJ'ftn print. On their rtttum. they will live at U do lale until SOC-.. 1 ... thcolr new home In Colla Mf'H II Pot Luck Supper for l"'OJ''pl'ttted. Ph 'l t· G Comlnr from her hOme In Plain· 1 ate 1St roup Mr~ 1 •''""'~ Cock, ore In charg(' 1 of the :15th atreet grOCX'ry storr /a durmc the o\Ynrn~' abaen~. I ;\lr and Mrs W. S. Hunsakr r NOTES from the Balboa Yacht Club uf :..'6th strN't sprnt th<' f1r1t part] -- of the W('('k in 'l'ral)uco canyon llt•rman Dllhndc.>r, by special I at the home or thdr son-I n-lAW rNJUt•st. ~~"'" 11 rr JX'at showing of a nd daughtt'r , Mr. a nd Mn~. LA-wla his rolor«< motion picturcs of the I Stonr. but thr hot weather drove mldwlntr r rrgatta at• BaJbon thrm home earliE-r than they hod Yacht club and also rct>ls of thf' lnh'ndcd. spredboat races at Long Beach field. N. J .. for t he wedding wu the brldecroorn'• rrandrnOther. Kn. N. C. Barnhart. Who will ·re- main for a month with hrr daugh· ter, Mra. Holatttln and family. .:'\In~. Gladya 'nlompeon, who Ia and IIC('netl at Palm Springs. living with her daughtt-r. MMI. Th('S(' picture~ have bcton lhown Archie Madsen. 101 1 1~ West Bay by tht> yachtlman and pholott· avenu(' wiJJ spend two wettkl with rapher a t Larchmont, New Yor k her so~ and daughtt'r·ln·law. Mr. City and Washington. D. • C., and Mrs. Joe P . 'nlornplon Jr. of Ya cht clut. on hll trip tout, u Santa Ana Whllf' Major Madlen Is well u at Newport Harbor and home on l urlough from Wuhlnl· Cabrlllo Beach clut., among Mem!)('rs of lht' HArbor Stamp ton. D. c. others of the oout. · club are rrmlndcd of tht' pot luck Mn. Everett Nunan. 36th atreet, At the aemJ-annual meeting of Prices Lower Here Say Oklahomans aupprr achcdulcd for Thunday who hu bt'n attr ndlng aummer BYC Commodore Don Kemp ask· rvenlng. Aug 1 at 1 p.m. ·at the aehool at Whlttlrr. rompletrd the ed all boat ownt'rs to decorate honK' or Mn. Ne-llie Spencer , 'lZl courw Ju t Wt't'k. Shr 11 a teacher their boats and t'nter them In the Eut 20th 11treet. Cotta Mesa A In the Newport lchools. TournamE-nt of Ughts Aurust 17. good reprt'IK'ntatlon is di'Sircd and L t. and Mrs. PerTy Rowland, mt'm!)('rs an ukod to trlrphontt 104 East Bay avt'nue. Balboa, are A son was born J uly 18 In St. tht' hoateu at Bearon, 5066 lUI lhe peri'nta of a daughter. horn July J~('ph hospitlll to Mr. and Mrs. Property In Oklahoma City Is would llktt to know in ad,·anC't' how 20 In St. Je»eph'l h~pital. She Beverly MrFarla nd, ~~ "31st hlatwr than ln the Newport Har· mnny are coming. -lghed ~vrn pounds, eight ltl"t't't. bor anoa, ac:cordlng to Mr. and ounoea. ------------ Mra. Httnry Head of that d ty who, Mr. ll.nd Mrs. Howard Barnet, Mr .and Mrs. Wlllla.m McDonald r-------------: with their children. ano lfUCIII for 410 NarrlPua avenue, Corona del and two cttlldren of Balboa are II ALL U ARK an Indefinite 1tay at the home or Mar. art' parenll of • son, born havtna their vacation nttxt week it& • Mn. Hfoad'a slater. Mn. William July. 25 In Santa Ana Community and ano leaving Saturday tar • • Trulty, 330 Santa Ana avenu.,, hollpatal. He weighed ~ven pounda, Grand Canyon. Mr. McDonald CARDS Ntwport Heichtl. ttlaht ounoee. worb for the Edlaon compu~y. 'nle Oklahomana are oonalderlng r;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. For Birthday& loeaUna here and a re looklna at W......_ .... _._....._ propeorty with a view of buylnr. -.-,_,..,. __ F'ood. they uy, Ia about the "me ... De. twr.. u In the midiDe wat. Sunday there wu a family "t'- unlol'l at the Trulty home wl th a third at.tf'l', Mrs. Rwaell Bellomy, and he-r huaband ol Mon~y u .,..u. Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA .. MELLOW FELLOW" ---has topped "Ripley" "BELIEVE IT OR NOT -" ... ... .... :z Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop %101 OeNa ""-t We Wrap Gitta OPENING TONIGHT 11117 SO t.lln A..-t 4 Umit~ ~·tin~ eap.dty Reserved Seau Available at BLUE SAILS BOOK SHOP ..... ...,...,. Or ........ , ruca: ., ... • eue bel. 'IU C o,..lac A..._. lttll Ill • CLOTHES FOR THE 8%fitclanl .QdoiJtJ DRASTICALLY REDUCED MOSTLY HALF PaiCI: Oa 1..1:88 Dresses, Suits, Separate Ja(kets Play Clothes, House Coats All SALES FINAL 129 W eat Third St. Lon&' Beac=h ......,, ...... . . :!!_0! ·=···~=····-··-····' 6 98 ., JUST ARRIVED • -• Beautiful WHITE POPLIN :r tor I WMII 1'1 1c. TEN NIGHTS IN~ >< A BARROOM % c:r: CJ Store o.e. .... Sport and Dress Shirt 114 W. 4 .. St. . ..::U ~···· PASADJNA LONGBBACH • Jf.-.. ... .,. .... -.... ·-I. .. _.....,