HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-10 - Newport Balboa News Times•. .. • 11 SAND CRAB ., SAM 912EPRONES. I'll no long- 1 ~er be a bad boy about telephoning and not getting Central as soon as a cus- tomer should because Chest- er McDonald. district man- ager . decided the best thing tb do was to show one the workings or the Harbor Ex-- change. So after !l few mys- terious raps on the outer door we were admitted to the inside ot the building at lsland and Bay avenue and this goof was permitted to gaze on the dexterious mani- ~ti~mafiocof~ on myriad wires; their nl.lfl:' ble fingers moved over the switchboard almost faster than the eye could see; plug- ging in cords. pulling out strands; connecting cal• as the little J.1ihts flashed on over a long stretch of boards containing thousands of me- t.alic holes into which fitted a small rod held by the op- erator. There are 72 women who l'elieve each other at intervals of foor hours; the pace is so brisk that they are exhausted when they reHn- quish their ·head phones. Behind this battery of op- erators are about eight sup-e~sors, whose job is to check the girls and watch the calls, thus trying to shorten the wait or the sub- scriber. 1t is a busy and fascinating place, to which Otief Operator Lelia Ruhi says amen. To give you some idea or the rapid ex-. pansion of the harbor sys- tem it should be known that in 1941 there were only 28 operators taking 1800 toU and 11,000 locaJ calls per hour while today there are 4000 toll and 13,000 )ocaJ calls every 60 minutes. New- port Beach exchange has 29J7 stations with 1700 at the Mesa exc:banae u against a· total ot 2022 In 1941. lncludin& the Mesa. When Edlson Co. lights nicker out, which is seldom, the girls must hunt the numbers with tJalhllgbta, which further complicates things at night. Summer days are the toughest and the peak comes about 10 a.m. when it seems that everybody wants to use the phone at the same time. Saturdays are especially aevere as thousands of peo- ple are coming in over the weekend. Trainees are al- ways being broken in, the hardest part being to find sufficient <ir suitable enJlgt-. ments. But once taught the rudiments of the art. it js hard to separate employes from their jobs, due to the splendid manner in which the company cares for its personnel. This. no doubt, is one ree._c;on why Olct McDonald has 24 years of aenice and Lelia Ruhl 23 years of activity with the system. Hen('('fOI1h will hesi- tate long and solemnly be- v o i c e sa y I n g "Number please.'' • • • Traffic SlowPr. Report from Cit y .Judge Cnrclncr re- veals slowing down of speed- ers. Bob stntinJ;:": "Tills thing (speeding 1 is dyin~ a slow death. I can't IM'Iicn• the Sand Crab is that cffl>etive, but somct hing has slowro them down. Thl' drunks. fighters. vags. 502"s go on, but the speeders at'e drop- ping oof. W~k of August 26 to 31: 62 complaints filed of all kinds. 14 for speeding; only ont' jailed (five days) for going 60 in a 25-mile zone. Rest paid fines aver- aging only $15. so they were generally going about 45 miles in the 25-mlle zone." + + + Barben Buay. Bu.<Jiest (~­ lows ln town Monday were the barbers shaving off the hlnrute adomm~ts of the Ptrates. all of whom were glad to ~ beck to 8 nesh- Unted fadal and look Jlke themlelves once more Cele- bration was one or the best ever held. the crowds 9m'e enormous and the old diffi- culty c:A no p&Bce to park )'OUI' car was palntully manl- fetrt again. "- J .""') Costa esa· Edition .,.., Onlllt 0 ' w.-., Newa,.,.-t ............ Newport Balboa-News Times ...... C:.ar.lllll .. .. --------------------------- Paddle~oards Will Race H·ere Next Sunday Vote· Today 1Jeep Will ---. Knowland iCoaSt ·· On Water I A~verfise Will Visit SaY+He- . Measure r Beach City Harbor Area .Defend Rcsldl'nls of tlw corporate arl'a A t•nmpal.:n ~dt funds from I or Newport &ac-h ~nd thE" unin-mer<'hants and promint'nt cltl7c'm e<wporated arl"ll of Fa1rvl~· FatmJ of !\'(•wport Ha1 hc1r for the pur- went to the polls In Ne"'110rt Har- 1 1 ch~ of an amphibious jl>ep which bor today to volt' "' a IIJ)('C'ial eire-can be usf'd by the harbor Am- lion to dctermlnt' Wh('ther the ('rican Ll'gion post for adverllaing communltiNI shall tx-<-omr annl'xf'd NI'WJIOrt Harbc1r Is undl'r w ay herc- to the Constnl Municipal Wall'r tnday. I district. a suhsidlnry or thr Ml"fro-Ct>nductinit th~> financial """'"IllS polltan Water d.istrict. for tht' Amt'rlr an LR~tlon post is tr the vote carries. the 0t)' Vlnt'('nt Cusumano of tlw N(•Wport nf Newport B<'nt:h will aJlSumf' " R1·1.c:h poll<.'\' df'parlmt'nt. who Is dr bt of $668.200 and F air' lt•w the• (ll'lJ:Inllh>r of 111 .. idea to hoot;r Parms 530.600. "hich would be:' the· hllrhor city thr•ou~:h tht• mf'An~ amortized ovl'r 11 :!O·yl'ar JX'rlod of mnl11lc• adwrti .. ln,:: i.n olh<·r s to•llnit with nf'xt f1scnl yl'nr. I <.'it if'S. At a previous mc·Nin~t of t hf• It wns hu~ SU1:1:€'ll1h•n that won C'oastill MuniCIJXII \Vatt'r distrkt lht• f"(l(ll)('rfl1ion of llnrry Wcol<.'h,1 in Lngunn RN1ell 1n Julr lh<' two r·xN.·uth•c SNTI'lary or the:' NI'W· Orangt' county nn•as Wt•rl' gTMnl -pnrt llar h•w Chamlwr of <.~m· r d annrxation \\;th the:' a})jwc nwrrf·. wh•• srold today tltl' Idea srhr dull' or IMU'' lc•\'i<'d 11nd the os ori~o:lnal nml u vt•ry ..:ood one:' Spl'·ci11l l'll'ciion w us sN for to., for tlw .city d11 y Jnn dentally. Mr. Welch wu the 111<' cl•'<'lions ,or~> lnd••JlCndt•nt. first Cltillt'n In mnk<.' a contri- Wi th ••11rh of tht• two arel\1 ublr to bull(on to thr fln11nl'ial campaign lii'C<'pt or r t'Jt>ct smncxnrum. HI'. also Mid he would ~rail' \'ot .. l"p to I :SO p. m . to the fulll'lt with the Arnl>rlcan Up to 1:30 o"rlock th111 llfll'r-IA>glon pott and with Mr. Cusu- noon only 436 r<'gistl'rl'd \'ilff•rs mano 1n tht•lr mobile advertlaing 1n thl' hnrhor ar!'ll had vntrd on program. tht.' rl'fr r<'ndum at all the nine Cwuma no said that the am· di'SlRnHH'<f precincts. Thia rPp-phlbh1n whl'n purchued at a cost I r('Unts only •ln~'·trnth of tht• or :SJ;.,oo. would IX' Wk'd hy th€' rl'~SIM't'd vote of the dty. Nc•"·port llarbc1r Am€'rican [A-glon A poll ronductrd by the N!'ws· post and other nvlc organizau oru Timt'll show<.'d th11t up I.D 1:30 hr rt· in adve-rtising the worda. p. m. 100 persona had voted In .. Newport Harbor, California. All· precincts four and fivt>: 93 voted Yrar -Round Playground," at all In the Balboa bland precinct: 86 state and national conv<.'ntloru In predncrs three and el&ht: 83 1 wherewr they may be tw114. In precincts one. two and n1nc Numl'rous mN"cha.nu and prom- and 74 In t.ht-Corona del Mar lncnt peopl~ In the harbor dty pndnct. have already made halldlorM do- Polls OJ)('ncd 111 7 11. m. and will nations to the cau.e, Mr. Cusu- clt*' at 7 p. m . mano laid. Un .. l.._.,a.a R'.-L......-a.tl .. ..... ... T 1 ~a~RIU ~ _. ....., ..a..._ ......, FroiD Pirate Clllll ..-. 11r "'nt•r• Ill Ill • .. Won by Celelll"an .. ~ "'W901'= .._IIIMIIItiiN_.•••• PlaATF. QtJZJr.N DOLOIIa IIAIUIHALL a.M ~r ........_·WaiU.. .,... ,.., ..... aile-. 'fteJ .,... -.., ol ~ tn 0.. --. More Homes Under Constraction (fo~l 14oft to rict't: ~la Myer. lkl••Y Hlanty a .. ~ u......._,.., (.......,.....) tlllt'XJIN'IPd rlmr.,..... ....., ~atu..n. Ia a..,._.. MaW llr rr;,·et:rn ~kmaa. Qtlfta Dolerft aed ...... s.,.-.. to.r.._,, llhot•l """>' IIIIo I he pooduo&a ol HalboaM tJw Jlf'OCli'M ttl ~ ....., .... As Fall Balldlng Season Opens; lind I.e. An~t'·r-wtww u. Arwt• CIIJIIP"', bra-. .,....,, .,......., Valaes for Augast Hit $279,176 BALBOA'S COLORFUL PIRATE FETE 1 !;~~~~!~!~~S:~ ~;'?~.S:..!.i r=,:;r~to~~~a :::: ~~t~·_!· ~N~: 1ENDS WITH PRESE11TATI0 11 OF QUEEN l ~:.:~;:~~~:~~r~(T~~:;= =:~=:=: :?:~ At -a.·. t'ed otl Saturday. Au.-t .... tetal of • '"'""''• Mowed I n n ~ltt"k III'U ~trranal'd ~ the ........ lOft. nat. eyllnctrklal, nart'OW ..... llu.lldlnc n luaUo'" unounttn~r t.o tt1t,n 6. ''"Y tVJrnmlft,.. lind C'I,..S. R.. Joe.. ar broken b)' kt')'w~. TNa,.... PI-• &1110 -~"' nhod for two mo .... ~-rdal IJalklblcll ... WVNI I .... n. prc'llldo'nl uf ttw> flalboll ~ t'fthod nwthud ma""-po.tW. eolll- more print# p~ •tnlc'hlrH. all of wldfil-.,... or will be_.,, Thr f1r<l pn,;l\\nr N•lo•ltrnt~om M lOll dAUJ!hlc 1 uf l\lr linfl Mn .I L 1 IS lft:H RP:Mf'UNNJr., Qtw~>n ,.,,.~lull • Inca at not unly fNtl~ to ...ul, ~Uon this montll. Pirnlo· It:\\' tn 1\nlllfoll ••nrt•••l In 11 Mar1h11ll of the• l.lndu ""''11ll'' nt1· llcoforn••• 11rur11111~1y llumkrd the' f•lc·n N. ~.vc-rf'ft, Be,.._ Whitt but to wood, Uitr, C'W"ftW'ffl, Otftlllll• Vlldrr the mi""'Uan-f'lullttlfo.aUOII, there were niM pi-for hlat•· ut .;,,,.>. w1lh llw r•rmvmntot dn•aa wns tlw rn•·1111 aurpri~•-.J hut j ~1,..,.,,,,1ra, the• phnlnjzrttplwr11 11011 Not •hOfl rw•rt•tu.nt, ... dw .,.... lew lind octwr materlaJa. a4d11Uon. or res-&" to pl"f'IW'nt '""'-IUI4I tlal'efl "'I'OClftftC ,.,_ "'""' nf Qut-.•n l>nlurC'll Mar,.hllll. 17. •1f happy llnll"""' "hl'n tlw rhrN• ll1f' ""lltlll•·r• (u1 l~<•m.; fie} II mil to t•rllrt> of l:l:IO. lit. Udult .,.. Ml!ta.llbltnc camto Into Ita _.. :=wt:tr Two -n-hant. ftled ':' ... for t..ta~Uac ~ ..... ~ Undo Awnuo•. B:tlhtlll, nl rlw juclstl'll l"hO!C,. 111·1 fqr lh•· qw•c•n 111 ho•r llllrtiiJ.: llw "'"'"llncllnn 1wtl •hr· clr•wn fr001 II kl'trfUI at tklwU br llhortjy tMofort! IM ltAr1 ttl WGII'td . placlM. I < nrnnt~lc•on B11ll, h..Jrt 111 llw Rc·n· lh•· """'''"' "" ThurKt1ny ru..:l\1 Anlll "'"' "'''"''' ,,~,. up '" th••lr ," nuerln•· ll•·•llf'nlml. War II, •net durtn1 th4o war aol¥1111 Po~.,n~ ftfl' thO!Ie who fllc:'d nt 419 Gnldrnrod avt'nll<', Corona 1 rio•;, 1111~ lmllrflt'rn, H111111111. nn ~un Thf· Qu•~·n·, t11 rtu•r 1~ ..:•·rwrllll ''~I"''""'''""~ .,f ,,..,1111 11 l:•l011 ,.n•l I S.:•N>nd Jll'lll• of fl!IO ._ ... the . prnh'"" t11 thou~~Mda .t planA for nrw homNI: · d r l M11r. $6000. dl!y nigh I manntot .. r ••f r 'hll,.,llnn"r; 11111 In lwul ,1111..-11 ,., •roll hy funy ll•·f"llhfy. fWt.. lalead -Uod man hoUnl, t«W\11 t1l ma. R M Dixon of • 52'!3 VIllaRI' . Waltl'r \' Johnston of HI!'"> MR· 'nw IM~r cia~ ,.,.,, hrtollun whwh B&lhHil ·Tit I' 1)111"1"1) "'"' Jlc•l•fHIIJIIIOII"II loy I Krtf('f•r. Third prl,., of "' .. mlnlt ptlrtl donrnfocl for ~~Crap, ... Gr('('n. Los Anl!£'1rll. :.!-story framl' I rme avc•nuc:. Ralboa Island. 1 ·lllory III'JO:Rn 11wrllduy "''"·ntnl( And '""" Juds.:•·~ Onn I •wk••rn1hn !"Ill flit'}' h ,, r lnlli•••·tn·~ullln..:. f'lorl•lll' ~lin hy c: W. Mr<;lnlfoy Ill 1:17 INUI)' unpt'fdil"t•~ .....,. .,.._ and atucco housr with n sinRh~ nl· dwrllln~~: With ltllraR<' At 4~ GoJ<J. llnuo·d 1111111 nulfm.:hl i'unclny ~~~~ Acldy nnd Frnnk Hwh of 11.,. 1 -11~1-1 ;1mlnl'r \flln·dln M••vl'r. I Iunny 1-•• Jl11y IIWI!UC', R.ll--. r..nt. al meta.l IIUrflk"lell ~tlrwd for OCif'o IAI'hf'd l(llrAtott' nt 130 Shdl !ltn•el, f'nTod IW('nUI'. Corona del MAr. inlo'rspt·r~· ,, Wllh Hit kmdJe or ('O· IIWII}I' Cluh. c'lll~l· lwr fur th•·l lllnvrol \' fo"\O•Iyn 1\t .. •llmnn flOc! Pill I l>rlt·· or ~,, 'NilS won b7 Keu.-........ An ....mple ttl ....... C'orn.na d('l r:'ar. :518·000 • I ~5000 lr rlltinm••nt lhnt krpt lhoullnnd~ royal honor 11111'1' ""'' "'"" W•·nr Sit\ rt· I •'rim• rurvt,. ••f 414 F. O.tral but mod!-m tf'C"flnlqtw llppiNd In C'~offord ( Nolrlr r . filA Pom· Mr ;mn Mrs. RAlph Brylll"'( of II( IM'IIPI•'. 1\ho mme to 1\ulbUIJ Ill 101>( lhl' ''""' lulllccrrll~ 1'1>~111111• """' t;orclncor v.n-"t••nllflro'<l hy l llld\111', IIMiho•• ""'' .. ..,... at t~ nllf\t •••lnat rt~ ... Sl'llla ovl'nur. \orona dr l M11r. 680 GJ,•nnarl'r :wenur. L11st11na pnrticlpnt•· In the t•vrnts In a ~ft\ or ""' ,., ,11,. ,V( 1,,, lv \:Ill" ,.11 11,.. l.ool .. 111,.,.1"' Ml"" M"Y•'r hy $;111 """" wtu1 l•y M.wlnlo ~ the "rnrtiLIII:rln,r'' nt tM . ,.,.,.. :.!-story StnRI£' ramlly housr. with Rrarh. 1-stor) !lin~tlr family house• mood . . l••rf'd ·,II th•· l'lrllll lJ• ... ;·n ·'"'":•nl' ,,,,. JI,JI,.III I nn ,.,.,,. 1\111111 lfiiiVIol y I of ! .. "' Anl{f'lf'C,. • IAIM'.AI!f'r bunltw-r. muahly eo llparlmt•n t Abo\"1' Alld Rara.:r bl'-at 703 Lark5pllr a VI'OUI', f'l'lrfona . t•onlo••l h\ ,,,, ""''''"d' IIIW •Ill Ml·· "····k -1 !-;ill:lh r•rl/ .. "' m ........ ._. pound~! nl mM"III7J't) I'OI'IUW ol I d I h "-) 4f r: F d 1 M ~~rv.r T lw t :rant! l'irnt1• flHrltd;· ~li1rlcocl " " "" ,,. ~~ , nw Tin mt ,,. nw. At 1.1 l'rn · e 11r. ""''"'"' 111,.11 ''" 1111, J\r,JI"''' 111,.1,1r1•. "nrl H1ul1ly W 11)n1· f) ~t••vt>,.. •If :ient• Jltl" 11lum.nu111 jlruti'C·tlnl Ita aJ • I f ~ d 1 M "'IO K I p T ~>«~> llfllntplly a l :l ll m Thur~tlny, wit It llo•r •·•1"1111111"•""' ,.lllu 11111 '" 1 .... I'A """n""· l ornnn " a r . o:-•• Rr . "K"Ir or tn.•• ~'""'fl0r1 lht• flrln" ol '' r~k•·l l~nJll ''' ''·'' Sit\,, .. ,,,. "'' Filii ''·""'' • .,,,. l\IHr """ ~n•nrh r~rl,__, til Sl5 Cl)' hi•"\ ........ l I • d r A .. I ~1 ., "' '" ,., ''\'(•r)t tfftfnll , 14 ''",. ,, I•IH I ur ,h. '" or I .. __ I ~ ~"'"· lOU • 'ar .... O(llft..--vr '' a r. --tllory . · 1,1 ... • 1 l•v ''ltr)~ Willi W1111 l•y Mtorlc• t-'1_. ..... .J ,... '"''""'' 111 ,,...,t.llffll'n n L' k ... u • ... ( 3'"' II hi .... Ill A;/ l-ore• ("fled Frank f"rn<•k••r , advt•nturou" li th ,., "'"'' ,,.,.. ' ····II -·· ~···n· .. ···· I • ..., .,. .160 h r rAn r. n (1(.,, o .,.. •1: :til•• uWr nf,!, llpArtml'nt nhov£'. •ln•thlr n1111·, 1 Ill I 1-: l "t•tllrlfl "~'''IIIII·. lltiltJOa. •:lahth "rtJOr af'f'ft ta ~1\r f~tl'l ttull "t.l plttCI', Mnnrovin. :t-story dwPIIins: ~!lrAJ'll' Ill' low 11ncl 111 orl'rOO-rl :tnt! l.l':vllnt.: ,,,.. f!rfK"••s•lnn "' ••I "' ran,.,•r -"1"" ""1' J, "'"'" '~''11 ~ ,.11,,., 11,1, 11, ·~·••'Ill• ,111, ... 11111•1~ f!ril•• .. r It lfl ,. ,.. wun h)' Jnn~ .. Du-and ln}f) •urfftl'l ... rn11y IN' "M"t•J-'""' J (' 11 1 1 1 1 1 7 • or1111•1\ tit "r 'tll<tf 11111• (I s ts "' dr('(b "' '''"I .. •• •I 11 ·•II• ,..,., "• 11 1 1 111 ,,.,.n•monf' two•nur. orona ,. llllntry rnttm:t l<'nw. al 111 . • • • • .,,1 •• s worc1 ,11 lf•l••ol ,., , ""'1· t.l•1k .. " 1,1,.,,11,\1 11,.. ,,.1•h•••lrfl Jcllcl k..th• ,,, flu• ltukt•ll•· •IIBTltnMit.., ~,..·· f•A:•un~t •••II 111~; t :'11nr. S!).ono. l.11rk~pur "'·•·nul'. C"uncnu cl•·l \\111· I '"n I'" k•• "'"" o.:raoul m rsh.ol ,1• 1.1 ,1,11 ~ """'"•·<I ,111111 111,, ,.f,;,.,. """""1. 1.,,, ,,,.. ninth alriv· u.f $111 '" f,"tuc·ntly u~W..-1 "' tht• !!hun>, on ~:11rl rtntl Vlolo'l ~tnnl'h:wk of Mi~<: r.JilciY!! l"d.:nl'r .. r ~;ilf'l nnd "'' 1"1·•1•· c·to·ll lruno lh•· 1·,.,, il<-lt ~l•llldo·ll "''" '"11"1'1''""" ,,1 ,11, , \• '"'II' ""' '"'" ,,1 .I 1\ 1-"llirfll•ld nl vo•vl• 11rul c.~r~ nny llflf'lk'l'ltlon ";)lj C'l•thhnu<:l' 11\"1•1)11•·. l'••q •nrl ('r nrl ~· (1'1 Alh mh n t I Ct\\lo~' ("hlh. ,.,,f .. llll ,,, I :'ohl ·~··rn~. 'fllllrlo I """ '"" ''" "''' •• I I I wtlt It II r I . • " r • . a r . ·~ nry ' •"\ 11 Jth lloh •I ..,,,,,,. ·"' "' '" '' • r Ill•• 1-T•wl "" 1"1\ "'' II .J,.hu•nn l•r<'lll I " :,,\ '' • ""''· ll~tlt--.. •n• lUI "~'!?'>' nr "" •ICC " """ lwnrh. :.!-•ro r)· "tnt.:ll' f11mily hm•••• "''"~lr lnmll) <lwl'lhng 11ncl l:••r:c~:1 ,\)l•rt•l,,,ll, 1.11• '"""''""' ·~··•' ,J, 111 ,., "" 11,111,11 11l11,,.,,·,,.1111,01 1 ""' 1 "'"' w 1nrw'lll ~trtd thrlr t'tlllnlt•mJ. wht•rt• n jottlnlc'fJ .. ur-_. .. h d ' .,,,.,., 't ........ , r c-" 1 ' " 1 ··•1 Ilk·· " ,.,.,,,,,,, ~~ I ct,.~,(ll r 1 t nnuw'11H' ,. garrli!l' il -''" ·'" Ill ...... )cv•an rront •. <1'1\)llrl r .. , ,,, . .,. ""'"'•"It ,.,,.,,, l'flf\11 •' ,,.,.,,;,, .. , "",." ~'"'l'"'•r•·•l rho , .. ,,~ W•·r· 11•1111 Klll.-.·r ,, lllly ,. •••. II n•tl n .. ,,,,.,.,., ur "~r· nmm· dnw·, R nll,1a. ~!lll()(l Br swh. ~.ooo. ,•,nl ~·~~~. 111 s. ,\rh II" IIIII· r ;tc\ I•· ''"'" Sit" •:" • 1 II • ••1•1"''" '"' 1 ,,, • "' 1" 1 I• ,, 1" . ., 1 ,.1, 1, .. ,, 11,11 ""'cl 1 ""' ~111, 1 , , ·1,,.,,. '''"''"" 1 I~·M'fl, f;IO: ""'"'· f'flltllnl(ll 1.1 lffV'·I ••nt h n( ,_. \\'1ll"'m 1\1-rry 01C I ..!"•:J~•Ih ~lrl'l'l !\tr r.nd ;\lr'l" E. 1\ Slr1 •111~ o•l t "rcr"l F r,lo1•r """111• \"..,inrli•·, I .• Whn,, .,,,, (ou l>o~tl\• \\ ~~ h•t 1,,, tf• 1,,1,.,11,.,, """' ., llrl•lfl llll>l lit• ·'""" II• II"' 111:\ Mcuu •lr•1 •t , I~)· r••rur·nl N~1hl he· !'XJ•oc'l•'tl tr1 alYI' ::-;rowpnrt f\l'ar h . :t-~t .. ry smr::l• .16119 ~; For-~1 <~lr~>••l , l..un~: 1\4•011 i'l, \'c•rn,. c·r,.~llln, t-ll:ol:•'nt• K,.nn•·•l • '""~s I ·''' II .. ,,.,.,,. "• tel<. u,,, .. , ... ,11.,11 1,1111111,.,1 1., rnukl· 11,, )),.,1. ~Ill, llollll tt11u.:l• ,, .f'rl fo: 111 lc•11•1 1!\ >'''"~""" lo( llf'YIIl'Ctlon , fnmil\ hiHIII<• with l,'iii"!IJ.:r lwlnw 111 :!·!'lnry 11\\,.lhm:. :tpnrtm~>nt rtlw • Mnru;oro·t ll1•tnh1111,, ll"tYI ll1ol lrcmo 11 lr<·.o ~lll•' , ... ,,, ,.,, ,1, l ito\~ 1, .• 1"'" 1011 11110111" 11 1 n .. , ,.,1,.1., II oil"'"· $111 Utll ""nlr wlthtt~tt funh••• tllnllllflttllnc;l.•. 111\ "ttovrr<~ic1•• tt\"l•nut·, N~>WJ~•rt 11n<i •lnuhl<' unra~l' IN'Iow. 111 fill l~<tJ.,,,.~ :\hci\IH11f. A11olr••v 1:., It """ 1111, '"'''"'" "''I 1, ,,., 1 ,11 1 ,ff ,11 111 11,.11lf, ,.f f. '"""'• ~'''· Mrs lllrtulrcl 1 ()I)(• •of th1• lut•••l undrntt.klna~ 114-lllh. S>t">f~l l..llrlt<~pur avcnur. Corona drl \l:tr \:l rt•ll '·· ••• ("l l~k•'r .. ) .. ,,., I'• IHW·I~ \1!11111: l :ofi••H'I ·' ...... ,.,, "' \l•l •lt•llll~ '" l"lffl· . .,, .. roll .... ,~,, •. ,, :tl~11\ ... ~llllh l lrf'f•l. rtf ntll'k llnrl Bllll'll '""' txo.-n lh•· \\":t llt"r 1.. II \.l'ld€'rl nf :::!II !..'lOOO. m•·r. 1.1 • I 1 n 11• ••kmnn. ( .,, •· • 1 1 tw l'c·\\ l'"r ' ll111l••• l••~:h "11.,,,) 1''""" .... ., 111 11,,11,..,, 111,. ,.,,.1 111, 11.•11••1•. $111. ( 'l)'rl• w1111,.r n1 4fil:\ tof••fftllhdl'\t( •If Kn) l',n1i1 t•c•r~tm- \\"··~1 Roll!< <>tro·,.l. Santn Ana, 1-J) II Putnnm ol ''"~ w .. ~:nHn · Gnrrt11,.1, Huth Turk1•r, """' ·· wnr•· 1c1 1101 l '111 ,.,1,,,,.,, "I It• , , 11 ,1 ''", 1..,,1 11.,.,r 1~ ,1 1., • "llon•I..J•'' ,.,,. ,,.,. Anl(l·lnt. •to; W.. wJljrh hllvt• fl/l.thwt'f.l flJit't•IINit ~Wry Sijll(lt· lanuly hnus1• at 61·1 Ktc•r 11\"l·niJI'. NPwporl liPiJCh ll'. 1 Mrllu. l l•·ll;o Ho·ul l'urry Ann !111 fltth•it .. olucllom "'""' ,h, tc1101 •l••cl•w 1111. , . .,11,r111 ,,11 11,~ ,,111 •• "'~f u1.,. ,,, r• (I f<w~ fir•l, 1\ttl• -ulh 1llo• ,nh.h•.,l f{~l'd l~'lrkllllll~ n\'t•nur·. ( "nrnna ti(•i Mar. !I lor~ !llns:ll' family hoURI'. n 11 &: 11 · l:f'r(ln. \l.lrf'<•llll :\!~cor. P:tl ~~~~ • • • wm ,, ""'" pro "·n••·•l ''' ,,,., ,,,. f l•·" 1 11, ,1,1,.111 ,r1,1111•••n hlflcl 11111 1 It•·\ 1.111• ~ , 11 I· 1, 1 ru ,,, 1 :t,f) Jo:. c;,11• IJIIMJI h)" throlr r•wlhntll• nttp•Mr t11. mJOO. l aji;C.III:115Smri17A'rl\\'!'nlll•.f" .. w. ·'''1111 AI••XIHJ<i•··· .Jam• Alc•XIInd·• I>Jckc•clfllln, IIWfl•'l .. , 1)11' ("11~111 I IO• .. k•••l tl .. ···~"'"''"'"'"'"'""kt ,,,, lf\lll•t•·. l:ttll"'"· s:i. u w .••·ofAI>Iitlmt•llll. F . E. Sturk<.'y. nddrrs!l nnl !1181-port ll••o~:hts. $:'\ClOt) ""'' l111nnv lflte~ol; Wft)'8 C"l11h 'fh•· '""1"" ,, An h"" ,., ,1, ''"'" 11011 1111111,1 ,1,1,,1,,11 ""'" ,, lh•· J1,.111t>nO R.rJUtn. $:'1, 'nlt• f""''~~'r'l'hll• •ol Manl(')l U. I'd. 1-!<tory. riv<' room sinJCII' f11m-Jark IIO!!U~ fif Z?:l 3.1rcl "'r•·•·l. Th••r,. "' rc· :~o final" •n tho II'>• Jf)flnl dH icrw lr•1111 ·'"''' 111 tl11\' ,,, 1• 1,,..,, W•· inl•·nol 111 t11,·· t ;l•·ll :-.; J· v••rr ll ,f thr Whitt Not r.l~trk. LMu l11lt• ,.....ldt•nl, tcrld F11y ilr MUS(• at 41~ M~tr~t~JI'rJir ave-1-•tory dwl'llln(t, 0 ~RRru~;r. at ,f mar• h Thi'RI' und 1111 """'' 1 kin~~:• 111111 """''"" u11tl " ,.,, 1 tor•· 1 '1"1•• ''''"'r r,.,..1."'•••t 11,,. 1.111,1• 1 "1111t1 :~~:-.. "'"' Jtwk Ra ..... t of ll l&ili••N rtf Mnnllnr tun ~h. nlll', Corona d<'l Mnr. $7850. :.!:.!3 :\.1rd l!lrr-rt, ~I'Wf)()rt n.lwh ani.< lror lhr rl'lllrl1 .,, (,luo•o•u ,, that II '" .. , Jll ll•o·l···' l!oiU• 1111/ofc .. ,. ,, m~tny hto rlonr , •• ,,.,, .• Ill '""'H''' $~1 hhVI' t11Mtln~:ul..nt'll lh,.,r Jehorl by \V~trrrn J . \Vt•IJCr of 570 1-: S."i()()(l I h•· l'•n•• • • '' •·r•· ~IJ<IO!I.IIr"'' "' 1tntlr1uBrlan.•. 1 1 '"''"~~" prumlcu•nl r•••ul~·ur. .,1 II• ''tlf.._,..,. •Jtif»'. H11• ronly on~ In \\'nshinsrton !ltrcct. Pl\t'lldrna. two Alrrrd F: Wt~'l"l'r nf ~:\1 RivPr· m1•rr han1c it, t ho· ltnrlour Hr,.., I,,; !.Jill•· dnl 1 lif'k<•rn11111 ,.r An) nl I!"'"'" ,1111 l.ltl" hlroncl~. wlto 111 , A r d M f • ed ''";"· lh•·y dnlm 'Mw d•IUf'• llllr· l·lllor y frAml' lif!dlng d upll:'ll houset 5ldl' 11\'l'nur. !'I'Wpurl Jll'il(hta, ). Snnln Ann (1\flmlll"r nr Cqmm•·r··· lht• .j(~l ~~· ..tuiiJr~ "'''' 11'11111'"'''1 • ,,., "" f!lu)'lll•• .lllf!f' p.trl ill ,,,, ~e an njor (cttc• 1\flomnumt ~~ lht: rt'IUit of !1.110, ~enrn~::rs. on('' for $f;!"l/)() Ill Jl);i ~lnry hou~l' nnd drtal'hNl RIITAitl'. hru1 ll fl•1fll ""'' 'llllnl!Ciff"U Sllfll.o the l'c)l'llllllflloll kno,w ,,, tl M••• ' ''I"''· I•"'''"'" ,, ,,,,. f'•r ulo• ,,... I F II orr Stool Mto!lllll:tlnj(. - 33rd str('('l. l.akl' tract . N«'wpor l S.'lOO(I. lit l':tml' llddTI'A!I An;,· .• ("llnlt"111Jcnl (or lhr rn):oll) Marllhitll ,. ,,r rll)fll h• rll '· •·. "'" I •• AIT!fllll( tlu·~·· wu. ('flllll!hl n a Mlt~l·-y O"rk. formt•r l...lfoutrn- Aellrh. and for ~ .. ;(t) "' 113 32nd S IRnley nlllrkwt'll or Rl9 StAn•! hon .. r. l\tt!l.~ l>olurc•• ('rnnl· Ill II ,, rll(hl rei l•nl•'ll dc·~··••ttl '" I "I>Ar'lt If· II , ,, 1\to••k ,,, llllll)lll! ,.,.,, .. , .,, ( ClfnlllAntloor In lht> NHvy, wa. stnoet. N('~-port 8<'11ch. l<'Y HVI'OU~>. Lon~~; &-nch . 1 '~·~tnry rily man~~:" 11nc1 Kin~~: A If• ,.,1 rh" r ;rc•ttl 1.,, .• ,,,, 11r ,,, llu Tnurn1,11,..111 ,,1 l "lcnrl1 • ( • .(\w 11ttMd, 82. at tllR nttt~~·r In rh~tl"'llt' c'ff NIVI\J rcpalr F: N. LI'RIC of 25:.!0 W('lt Plco singll' fAmily dWf'llln~t at 7()7 JM· Onr nl ,.,,. r,.nlurc.,. •1f 11,.. I··• 11.nd C'hnrlo·~ I)JI' J-'lr~t Sh•• I• ,,, 1 .,,,. "'~"••IJotlun ,.,,,.,, lu,.:h\\ll)'. Nrws-t Beec::h, ttl Sutrlh ('rift~! MhlpyRJ'dJa from houlevard. L.oll Angc-1£'1, l·etory mine avrnuc. Corona dl'l Mar. rnd<• ~IlK ihi',JII'III'"'-"1"" ••I "''"'~ flr•t r1f hror ,111111~1,.,,. t111,. '" tw· 1 • '"(("''"'' h•·llll lnjuri... ~ he 1942 '" IM4 llllrf' whl<'h he wu ~lnRil' fllmlly SIU('('O with df'll\c hl'd ~900 :.!110 l"lw•·rlnr:: chtldrfln lllltred I•• CT"fJWrii'CI !I ttll•'<'ll, """""V•·r. llnll l (;JRI HIJ RT I 1··11 ..... ~,.•Ifni( In pttfl ...... tram • tnn•f•·rn'll to th•· f'lu'lflc ncrt .. ~rlrllll:l' at 3:Zl Onyx 8\'f.'nur. Ba1· II. 0 llil'kll of ;")1')4 Narcl~~us fJirltlc• (:1')~1\lm•· ·rllf'~l· ('QIIh r. Ojlfl f)l'rhllf" 111111 1., why 1111•· Wff• ''" .. ' .I ,,.,,, ,,, tlu• ,., flll'lll fluor ol ttw-~I l'lltcilll'l'r oUINJr fOf" ~rv. holl Island. $6000. avrnUI'. C'.or on11 dr l Mar. l ·!llory \rt~ious Jl•hn<•ls of thl' ('OIJnr > anol h•w> "hc·n '"" "',,, , h'"""" t .. r riro vlc•.unt1 '"'• «l1tlloa on C:C..t lrr St~uttdmn T•·-n Ill UulthJ and E. J . 1\N'hil' or R50 N oTtnn avl'· singl•• fAmilY hnu~" "' !'\13 Poin -lilt·)' "'Jn I hi' nppl11udll11 nf ,,,.. ttw htm,1 ,,, (.Juco<•n ,,, lh•• J •11 ~or~ • ll.ll l•1'"' l'•·uro•m. IN, ''' IJ.Vl Ju1·h"ll)', <·~erly ~unduy n\tctlt. Jlf" lrytc'. 11ntl latl'r WM uttached to nuc, Gll'ndltl<', l-111ory llin~tlc fam· """'" IIVI'nut•, C'ornnn df-1 Mar .l hunt1rNb ••f III'UJIII• "h•• i11wt1 1-"'' of Bnlhwc l l· !"1 nlrtd rovc·uw·. 0 111111111 w:o• "'" rr•·nlcotll.,.. J>r rJo,t1,_ ol ea.ta lhfo Thlm f1~t u madllnery at. lly rramr StU('('O ho\11!4! Ill 513 $4:l0fl C'f'nlrlll · 8\'l'nUI', fmm 1111· rnd (II Pin II' C'hlcoftnin J)o,n 1 lirkf'rm.n ''·•·loll~ '""' W•otlnr~lffl) llflc•r ,.,,.,.H fk'rr fOf" lVrvtor¥ OivhJon-102. Orchard avl'nUC, l'nrona dl'l Mar. R Mllrh,.lJ of 347 South Jt«ves I hi' Pl'ntn~uht tn Palm atrc "' of thf-C"lllln-.o1ya r1 ,,,.. n( r1tnol•·\ I --fl'luo Alit,.. W/1~ -........ _.. _. .... n~llon "ll•·n •t•lr l'llrl!l t•ru•ltt~ 1111 ~ ............... A ..,,..,, $6000. drivf', IW'H•rly H lll1. l-11tnry sln~tl<' 'I'Io\•o pirAte rlowns r·arr )tnlo' ·1 l1tllf All '"' lllotc'4'11 th,. hejc•w<'INI TY.r I.H THA the mtcf~n« ~t ttl Mr . and Mn. Geor«e J . Klu fllmlly hoUl!<' At 1R'.l41-t ()N-an k••~: 11nd pnrlllllll k(•pt lh•• cr""" crown upnn th•· u~oltlc•h·hldrt•IJ 1''1''' hlllh"'"' nNor ·rut~lln Aw•, • ·' .,.,..() n x. OtrtiC'lll'ftla 8h~ ~ nf 224 Prln<'f'ton IIVI'nue. Ontario. Front, Nc•'J)OI't Bell<.'h, 13000. l in llit<'h<'ll with th.-lr unu•ual hlatl ,.rhor11 actrl. ··1 r rnwn yuu 'hr· """' lrNIIcocJ Icy 11 llfl)'Jikl"n J'rroftlc· flnl·tt fur th4o IIIIMU. ttl Uon from IH:l to liB later ... 2-atory hOWl('. apj\rtriM>nt abov(' I Larry A. WhiiMIIM-11 or 33 Rea· I brand of mmlca. Q\lt'l'n of all thl• l"nrl or Jrlrlll••' r·-r ,,.,.,. lfiiY•rlllh M and k~. ~.u~~':.;=·.:: ;:.,.,~ eam~,. Pl't'llkllnt at ....:.u..- garllJtes In b11ck and ahow~r bt>low !Continued from Par~ 4) IIIMM MAMHALL. U'" ch,.rrn·, May you rt<laft tuprc•mr.. ltr•lhW't. •I ""'lt'rt Car~~., f $ ntpt. ~ llbtp ,..,..,. ....-..... .. WE WELCOME YO U ~OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT <ao . eo . eo Da)'11) Marbro'1 '-wtte )'CMt to come Ia and 01*1 a c:h&rle .ocount. Our ltecb ... eoanpleC.e wttb the latelt lt:Yiel. f1l Laca.' l"lne Apparel. 'N .. ,., Aclverta.ed READY· TO · WEAa n• WD'I' t'l'll n . ..,..1 .. .... a-n: .,.., .... , .._., t :• A. a te 1:10 P. K. Deanocrats Start State Campalp Southrrn C~ol!(ornla's ))('mo- ttallr J)llrl) \\flrkrrs 11nd candi· I da t11 oHit'n•ll> launrhPd the 1M6 1"11 pntltlrsl <'llm~ign ovl'r the ll.tll)()l' Da)• W~'<•krnd w1th "kirk· orr· rallirt1 tn LIA An~telet. Long lwarh. ()c1•ans1dc• nnd San Oic~,to. l Keynol<' or the IX'mocratlc "vktory drlvt•" wu sound('(! by JRmMI ~·wit. thf' party's stat<' chairman. who urgC'd an all-out c~tmpal~~;n to "l(rt out the vote in NOVf'lllh<-r." ' Roolc.>vf'lt pTomlsc-'Ct tl,lt "111 the Y>'<'athf'r gf'ta COOif'r. t.ht• eam1Hllgn ~jfl get warmf'r." I oAaor;s uosr: MrM r:o Bobby An<k>non of "The Doll H()WI(!'', Central aven~. Balboe, l"t'ported to pollet> the theft or a 60-loot g.,.dt'n hotle. CLUU( AND BATI!8, Mrt Dt=tq &M ........ ••' •• wtto,. ~iiiCiiiCiiiCiiiCiiiCqj -u,. or-4!4 for ....... at 50t still .ar-t. H....,.,.t lleeela..,., 11 .-. .... wtlll two e•-.J•W &ay •'\eell ... ....._ &Her Metaaua..r 1 f Beu. :h .. , ..... Ci ... lty Allow Stopping Space THIS WEEK roa &&HT: E.La7I'IUC n.ooa WAD& . \ft, "Following too cl~ly is doubly ._-=-=----=======:-=" dangerous tor motoriau drivin& on Dentists~. Will Meet SePt. 16 Final plaN for the 49th annual convl'ntjon of the Southern CaJJ. fornia State Dental Auociatlon, largest s urti organization west of Illinois and fifth largC!It In the nation, havt' been ttnnounccd by Dr. John r . Stt'Cn of Sttn Dit'&o. f . 411 ldDdl typewrlt.f rtbbcla. Ia I Kudla foldln at ,..,_.,._ atock at the New.-nm. rar Bitt.-Prbat&q OIA Jill • 11. Freala Daily DelJctou.t Sea ~ Or,' complete equ!p-t wbm you wut to c&t.cb your OWil. ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH prHidt>nt. The convention will be l-.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ held In the Blltmort' Hotel, t..o. Angeles, Sept .• 16 to 18 with 2000 additional guests expected. :--------------------------, Dr. Steen announ~ that one er the chlt>f alms of the conven· lion w111 be to help reorient the dentist vt-terana who have return · ~ to clviUan life, on• third or the membera having been In the artned aervl0et1. Scoret of clJnics and addreues by a number of natlonaHy-famoua dentiall from all part• of the country w1JJ aeilOm· plish thia. In addltlon, the uiOda· tJon wtJI •tee• its annual meetJne and election ot oftl~ . In eof\lunctlon wtth the conven- DORALEE'S we have DOW lacludecl v_.ttan Blinds to OQJ' .toek. Cuatom Slip Covers -Draperies 311........,Avea• tion wtll be the annual rneetlnp ot .__ _______________________ __, the Womt'n's Auxiliary, OE'nt&l H)'lieniau and OE'ntal Aulatanll. T R • the hlahway," cJeclares BeT! Stew· 0 ecelve art Jr., Public Safety Director of the National AutomobUe Club. "If .------: S S the vehicle ahead siOPI sud~nl)·, ............... ,. .._lUI N..,.n._. t t you may crash In to him and be a .e U m struck by th<' car following you. The rule of many motorilll to al· low onE' vehlcll'·length betweoen the A total of $1 ,593.347 Is available> car ahead for evt>ry ten.. mllet of to Orang crounty and the cities in sprt'd ia good but dot'll not provide the county from the funds voted lh<' nCC('Usry safE'ty margin de- by the J<oglslaturt> undE'r the Call· ntnnded during inclement wealh<>r. fornia construction and employ-I m<'OI sci, California Taxpayers' of t'OIIt of rights of way for roads assneilltion Sllld, today .find hlghwaytl in unincorporated 1 Tht• 11<'1 makP!I $845.842 avail· territory: two-thirds is to be used llthl<· Ill tlw eounty, with $287.715 for construction in which lh<'re is ~~~~~~~~~~~~ for ro11ds only und $1'>58,1 17 rur 11 st11tt' Interest, l'.g., hospital& and !! I roods rand other purpost'S. • .ounatorlums. df'lf'nlion homes.. Allnn111ons undt•r thl' act to tlw 't·hools. roads, hlS(hways. tubE-s. GILL'S l'ilit>S 10 tht' county art': Anaheim. hro(l,t.:c·s. flood cy>ntrnl proJects. fir!' "1fll.61l:!; BrNo. ~:.!'!.1~1'111: F4lh'rlon. Jlrco\'r nlllln and JJrol<'clion, S<'Wa~o·. ~~:!.-;It> I l unt m~ott nn Bt•Ju•h. ~.· 'nmlullllO, h11rbor, and \'c•u•ntns' :.:'til, l..a s;:una Rc'•ach. S39,1H4 ; Uo 1.11 1111 ••·!<. F"irst use or etty funds is DE L J C A TESS EN ll:ahra. $:!4.7111 : Nf'\\ J)Otl llf'urh ful sa·wngc• projN'tS. and funds not FOOD SHOP S.'\~1.~)•:.! ctran..:t'. S70,177, Pl:~c•·n· 1 "IUII'I'fl lor . <'Will:!' faciliti<'s ('an Ill\. ~13.1174 . S:m Ckml•nl!•. S-t,:Wf• h.· '''lll•nd••d unb for construction :'unla Ana. !':..'X3.5:.!1. S••al 1\rado. ••I major si n• '"· schools, storm ~1;\,1~1 . Tustm, ~.46.'l. rh .lln'. tmprO\a•mPnt or ('Xi5ting l'ndpr lhf' ll'rms o( IIW IICI tHIItlld) ·ll\\ n••d \\ ntf't'Works. and Hu W r S 'Y (' lJ R IHSURA~(E ? ..J WilEN Y()(l ARE IN SANTA ANA VISIT-'TJQ: RE- CORD DEPARTMENT AT TURNER•s FOK "A OOM- PLt~E STOCK OF FAMOUS CLASSICS. THE FOL- LO\\lNG LIST IS ONLY A FEW OF THE nNE AL- Bl1MS WJIICH YOI ' WILL FlND IN OI'R LARGE s'J'(X'K OF M ASTERWORKS. !'rll'"TA~OVIT<:H ~YM No !i UP -*1 ~'"k••\\•1.1 <? l'hll.aJ,I rh~o~ t'nh. . !•O,IWIO,()Citl IS approprlntro to tho· '• ,,.,,,ns f.oelhii<'S. Clll''" ami o•nunll••s throu~thout ""' c lffll'lals and citia•ns of citit•s 1 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o.;l;ola• tall 11 mlllrhmR bnsus . a COUll· "lid t•ounlic•s hR\'1' 11 ~ra\'e respon· 1_: 1y may apph lor funds for rond "'htltty m Sf'f'm~ that the monc•y RLRLIOZ ''IIARCILP I~ ITALY'' Pnnu-.. -.· K .. u-..-..,·lt~~y (r ll...,tarn Sym. On:h liANS0:-.1 SYM NU I ( '\.•r,ft.) PASADENA LONG BEACH • If ...... ft. lr· ~ ...... A-. c..,. a. eM..., I Nitionally Known Quality for COSTA MESA DIAMONDS • Quality "~ + Modtera Mtt.ib~ • Trw' , ... IH' WATCHES • Hamllt.on + fld • + Walthllm ·~ •o .... • Bulow . .....,_ +Bel..,. -SILVERWARE + 8opn + v-.naalty ... +H.,._ud llldwanl +N..._.. .... RADIOS .,.... •• , b a ...... '#WJ ... -••• t •·u ......... ....... ...•. , .. l"t'w. nntionolly adv<'rtli'C'd m<'rchonctit-<' will be tl"nturf'd In lht' mcldt-m ~·t•lry IIIOrt' to '"' Ojl('nt'<l In C.-..:tn l\tf«Q 111 1797 Nt"W}ll'lrt RHufc•\'Ju.,.l. on nr ulx>Ul I ktnlwr 10. 1~16. hy TNI W. llmwn, j<•\\t•la•r • uf Lt•n.t.: &•neh. Thl' Cu;.t (l Mt"<ll stOrt' will IX' 11n llji·IO.IhP·m.inut<' ml'lnlpOlJtltn c~tuhJI.,hmt•nt ... with th<' !o/tnll' t'<'PU· tahl•· quahty and inlf'rt'Sll'<i lt<'I"Vict' that Ita.'< ll«'n hn~ic ";lh th<' Tl'd W. 1\~ hu<~lnc.;s In Lon~: Rf'nl'h fur lht' l"'"t twc':JI.>'-I>nl' yror.>. "Ruy fmm Tro Brown ond Stwt' tl1<' l>lrff'rt'nel•" •~ not tllt'IY•I.'· 11 slogan ol meanln~:l~' word•. but n fnrt lon~: <"l'labli!lhed. BudgE-t tenn.~ mRy he on'llngl'd at no ~''l:tro <'<'St ... r111y wt't'kly oot or 11ruory. For tht• past !d.xtrcn ycot!l, Ted \'1' nrown, Jewf'lc>r. ha~ been in Lhe Mmr Long Reach loc11tlon ... 418 American Avt•nu<', two door~ MUth of Seers Roroud<. VIsit thla ltore. See ror )'OUI"5('1f th<> type ol bu.,IT\all 1100n to be ~!.&bUshed In Costa Mesa. Cl8 A 11"-a Aw.• ,.,.. ... ., ............. I Rnd hil:h\\!tY ··nn~truction proj~'' ,,,,.ilahlo• to thcom for the state --..::--------------- u'(1 10 110 lll!!:fe'!:atc or $75,()(M c"tmstructlon and comployment fund WORTHINGTO without m:oldun,:: 1S !!pt'Ot wlllf'ly and for necessary Rn.,h\·sh r Sym < h.-h C on1tl11.r(d h, Ca•tnro•ur MArt !.I R SYM. NO 4 1n <; MA lOR On<'·lhird or the total «<UIII) publll' works," lhe Taxpayers' liS· allocation is for the· state'11 ahan• &odntion &ald. ROY M. WATKINS and .A.Ioclate. •• CLARK & -BATES · ·-~:~ Metallizing-• l .... t.rial: Tllnkll, KN'ls, Rudders. Shaft!!. R<'frij:trrotion Tra)~. t•tc·. e Onl&mf'"t.al: Art Ob.il'ct:>, Doot!l, Signs. Hardwart'. f'tc. Welding-· All T.•·a-Sprciall.st!~ In StN'I, Cast Iron, Al11rninum. Rra.Gll and Rronzr. -.\I, f. "'ORK GU..u&A NTEF.D- S f:\\'J'ORT flf:A('lf IWI 30tJa St reet NO PLACE IN • Hamburgers Malts Sundaes S t: R V E 8 LIK E TH E • Coffee and Donuts Waffles S05 MARINE AVEN\fE BALBOA ISLAND Ketu~y Nklltoltt -Oeerp 8 ...... ()pea Event~ap Until 10 o'C,._ ~ • WedaUfltof :.,__ . ,., ....... $. Refrigeration nEON AMMONIA I toe to 10 lola Air Conditioning I to. to 50 toe Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AU ....._,_ ud AU Uqahh Ia 8todl Call. ... • 8%1 8. LM Ancele. St.. A.aahelm Phone 463! BRl'NO WALTtR t:' 1'\[\V YnR..: I'HILHARMONIC. SAINT-SAENS CONCERTO N(.) 4 m G MI NOR C.1s.1J<·sus R•...Jtln:-kr £i Nl'w Y11rk Phslh.1rmonic t ~ILRERT ti SU LLIVAN "YEOMFN OF THE GUARD" D:Oyly c .1rt.: Op.:~ eo. MOUSSORGSKY "BORIS GODOUNOV" Etio Pmt.l RESPICHI-"THE PINES Of ROME'' ORMANDY & PHILADElPHIA ORCHEST RA ROCCHERINI -FRANCAIX. Scoula de Ballo Baller 0.1rat1 fi London Phtlharmontc Orchestra DIE WALKURE-Act I Scent: 3 HELEN TRAUBEL -EMERY DARCY RODZINSKI & New Yo rk Plulharmon1c Orchestra. BP: ~URP: TO CHF.CK OUR FILES •·o'R A ('OMPLF.tt UST o•· ALL \'IC'TOR ASD COLlTMBIA MASTER WORil8 ON SISCiU: 10" ASD It" RECORDS. ----TURNER'S·___. Your Eledri(' Appliance Dealer Slnce 1926 ---:w:; W. Fourth Phone 11 72 Santa Au MIL TONS · 5 ·1 0 · 25c STORES BACK TO SCHOOL ACCESSORIES Complete Line of School Stationery Fountain Pens, Mechanical Pencils Kid s' and Misses· Anklets Kiddie Hair Bows Child's and Misses' All-Wool Sweaters I Boys' Crew Sox Polo Shirts JUST RECEIVED: Complete shipment of Mechanical ToYJ! nJl.L a5sortment WIND-UP TOYS, Mechanical Trains, ELECTRIC TRAINS SHOP MILTON$ FIRST 1801 Newport 'Blvd. Costa Meu I '''IW "'W M'*rn •"I .... QD+ D::1s. ,,. •• , '' ''" 27 SWI.fchboard C nections' Mextc.· P1ke1 Dr. Buhr• Talk Odd FeUows Hold OAAMOND''I'OLD on H .... rt..-r... Pleues Ki-..nlan• A I p t Gaa taxr. for lh;-IMllt ''" . ~ ~· At Ladi ' M t-.~ . nnua a r y nwutha flgttn'd ",.;..'\:,! 9:1, Control- PI ,. el ee ftf (I I l ( l , ( lt'r ThomM II t\udwl •tattX11'uM1· anned for New Phone Bldg. ....__ S('f'_:-;-;-bt> no C"nd to "Ki"•anleln C.Oar." waa thfo topic .,_0 ;···•, ""<,...::,· .'' ... ,1)dd lot'lllo"'1'1 ''1 IdA) nl~rht at tlw d t) l'<~tnwll nk't'l· 1 , ... ~ ,._ ot an lnt.-~tln, talk by Put ,.... ' "11'1 ." [' "" r annu• wac 1 In~: 1 t'l• quarnol about MuiC'an lnfla-Dlatrict Govt"rnor Or. Eroest Ba-par•.• ul l ••rnn11 d.-1 M 11r ho•arh -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;-;,;;;;;;;;:: tlnnary pclct>~ ror food. l •hur of tht' ~ Anl('le. KJwanla on :-;'"'''·'~ nftt•rnoon ..s lo:lh'ltls of I" ....__ . I AI '• 1 ,.,. fl•llllllar harbnrltr aud 1 ne nt'w telephone bulldlng now 1 which includt'l 27 switchboard po-• Rt'gardlt'U of what Amt'rkan d ub l'O'fOI't' thl' Ladle's Nll{ttt ""or 1 .• 1 ,1 , 1 uncSt-· · .. . • H bor "-•, • ht' '' ur '""'"N'JI~,una rt• r construcuon on ~ntral avt'-sltions. wtll stArr Ill 10011 '"' thl' travl"l bureaUI aay about Ameral"an mt'<'ltnl: nf t ht• Nl"wporl ar T1 nue at Coronado llrc>et In Balboa 1 buildm~; is surnclenlly ad\ nn<:e'll travt>l<'l'$ K<'lllna $3.tl.'l m Mcx1•·an Klw11nls rlull. Fr1day. ., 1 ~1.1 Frlh"H lo>clt:t• hnll 11~ Ia part or 8 ~9.000 Newport and lhl' noor spaet> Ia 8\'llilnble . I niOnt'Y to •'"''"Y onl' dollar,,, u . s.l Or. Jlashur ltddr.•lllltod the mN·I-, thrll I II• ,,, '"'' Tho•ln TUm t:lot .. Bt>ach expaMion program which ~1any nl'W cablt: at'Ct iol'tJ n!'•' curr·t•nl"y, prlc.•s or <-ornmudltl(•s In In~: whtdt was h<'ld 111 tht> Sand· !"lui• '1 I ""'''''"" :wl1 St~~ll'' An.o ahould rnatrrlallze early in i947 now llt'in~t vlart'<l to connt>cl •0 ow Mt•llit"(( City urr ns tut:h then• JJitx•r car" in L11gunu fkll<'h. Thr 1 All •'"11 ':'"'"'nlo••l :\lr ·'•lY•'•' PI\ With total facilitil'l ror about fl."l(){)l nPW Orfil't' 'f'hp busi.fw>u offit't' 111 hl•ro• ttnrl In I!Onll' ('11~1'. htj;ht'" Oh't'tllljt \\'81§ arrltnt:o-d hy l hl" (hr ''•' ·lo Ill •~•tllhthlll o>l th,• telephonC11 in the harbor area. it • will bt• nlO\t'd 'nro tht' nt'w hutld· 'fllltl wus th+• st.llf'mrnt tsFtwd !'llo·wporl t h11 hur rluh nntl ttw nwn he-n 1 Wft-d od b C I 1\1 ' ( " •t I 1 1 fh 1 t . \ f'.thn••t ''"" •·h,.urH1'tU •'t ... announet' t ay Y • . ·I'· ling soon 11 tr r it ill romplt•tl'd Tht• \\'t•drwsday ""''rnclCon In '11w llnu , It' r w \o'1i n ,.e -llllUntt • Donald, district ma. nager or the pn•S('III t't'lltral offit'(• at 100 E 1\c•\\~·Tinws nfflt'l· hv l\ll'< 1-'l't'<l E Khn111i~ tilth whil'h 1~ nnw ho•ln.,; lhf'' '1 1 .I •'"""' l~<•ou·h fUJI'!\ ''''" So th "" llr T I I 1~ ' f _. 1 '"11 1' • o111l h·· "·'' ,,hlv ""~l•l •.!f ''' u ern. o..ll orma e ep I''"" >II)' uvt•nUt•, who•r<' 17 .switrhl••··• d l'ootll'r ur !'171~ :"t•tuhor•· drt' , .. , o~''" _ t "'~''· • 1 • c~~~>· poitllon~o an• tn US('. Will ht• mmo>d No•l\tll)l'l Hl'll!'h.a fro>quo•nt "lfit\L'I· lh··. '" Kl\\lclllll~ ~tntlpf'UIIII('('-r.r-1"''11 Zllhko•, \\hn \\11< Ill It IS diffiCUlt to say l'XIII't!y1 Into thl· lafltt'r qul\rters whrn thc• hllrf'uu" tra"•l••r 111 Ml'l\lc'u whu '"'' ""''IUIIIIIIS "'"' utto•mltd l ht' <'h·• ' '"' "''""'"'" d t' ''1"11 ,.f Its pert Radio Service Palmer Radio ANJ) F.LECI'RIO Wht'n "~'can pruvid•• sufflcit·nl rn-~nf'w .lnuldlng 1s r('11rty. 1\kf'lllnllld SUI'I"II'la the stnr) h tld n •co•n;ly hy tlt ttn• r-m·~·ttnl: "'"'' h~l l'n•-d hi a tho· of,' '"''h) l'harll'' Z uwlo•·. cllltles to hrin11 back lhf' prl"" 1r doclart-d. I a Cc>stK 1\k~rt 1111,11 111111 tw ~'" lllltJ<it'nl lll'lll:rtlm lo ll h) Ktwnnr11ns F n .. 1 '"''""' 111ul l A••• "'"~11\1111 level Of lf'h'phone 11en·ie<• 'II lhts l\IC'Donllld pmntl'd out th.ot '.\ h1•n chKrto:t-.1 t'Xorhllant lll tt'l'l!\ fur ro·~ \\'olltlrd lllls.to•l I uu•l Arthur t'an· r-----~---------------------. l lmt' as progr<'Ss is go,·.-rnc-d hy the uddlllonal switchmg , .. ;..,.,._ wu1 .ont rood nun, l1111h nf ~lotllu Anu the uniwrsnl shortiii(I.'S of crlticul mt>nt. r•nd att('ndant plactn~ ••t . "\\ 1 'I 1 c· 1 rnatetta II lUI .. CXjU Pfl\Cnl, Uw cabll', Ill t•omplclf·d the t'Otllplln~ l ''rlll othf'r Jlllll't'S In I hi' 1\to•).io'lcn ~anta nan atms 'ld l ... l • ' \)',lno>l'!>t'tl ll}un•~•'\·., A CJ " manager said. hut the lt>ll•plltllll.' will rontact applicants to tx-st•n ·-1 1 1 id •r ~1 r '· boa l ki II 'b s II • . !Ill .:0 ·" nr II l~l\'0\ltto:•· Assault ··n Bal oompan>: •. ma n~: 11 po-.sl lc I'd. Th()jl(' "''ho hove bet'n wnltho" o l ::,1 nt ril:ltrl'llt•,," •h•dm 1'11 • epee<! wllh 11s progr am, not only lo~gl'lt '"UJ. ,, .at 1111 posslhl". r•·-Mr!l (\><t K'r Cafe Pohce Say in the Newport &>ach t>xch mgr. et>rve St'n'kt' hnt. T<'lephonr or I 1 ' but thrOUilhOUl the COnt[}nny'!. ders arl' rilll'd a('('Ording to dut•• Sh. said tho· r .•• ,u Ill lhr C'tln· lludl<•lll l\ld (o··· nr 409 s. l\lmn I Southern California .urea." of apphcatinn so that thr ~>lcll'sl fuslnn of .tho' Mo Xt•'''11 l'rll't' 11~1 l ••r•'f'l. ::;11 ntu Ann, who i~ mtlO·I Tht' picture today is this: Thr ordl'rs in each priority ra•··~nrv ' lws 11111 wlllo 11"' Anwrkan lrtt\· 11~rr or n Snnln Ann mtod.1cal auv· new ont'-ftory buildlnl( ill eXpP<'l~'Ci In! takt'n CMe ot rlrst, wher~\'l'r .. t.-r lout Wtlh lht• lrll\t•l bur•·•ula.r I houlf', rtl'd to Nt'wport ' to be compll'tcd about F('bru11ry I there are wiri'S and otht'r fanlitu•s "lnsto·MJ or h•llm~: th•• trawh-rs. ~~lrr Sunda~nt h<' was 11uault·l The instlllllftion or the $25'1,01)() avallahle. as tho•y told nw. tltat )'Oil l:t'l I'd In A HalhoR <'Hfo· unit or et>ntral office I'Cluipmcnt, The manngrr said that there ar.-$3R:'t ur 1-h ·xil'un rurro'nc·y In I'X· Al'<'brdln~t to thl' IICIIIN' rt'port, now almost 42QO ll.'lephc.nt'F ln chanto:l' ~or ,., t'r) ono• dol her 11111 tht• polll'l· lnvo'Sltto:Hh-d 1 ht' S11nta ALLMARK ll'n•il't' 1n I he Nt'wport Bt>ao:h ,.,. or Amt'rtcan mont') .. thl'Y should Anan's romplalnt and IParned fr.•m changl.'. which is 1650 mor,• tnan advtic• lhl'm lht• pn('('S or food th•• C'll!lmn '""' 11 man known tn in 1941. [)('spllo this lncri'OSf' thc•rl.' thr rP art> u high 85 tht'y an· lwrr. lht•rn onl\' "" llurr)' d1d t ~tkc• cart' art' still about 9!'10 held ordl•c·~ fvr ltnrl .. In some cuell more lhnn of thl' Santn Ann husin•'SI man I ·Portraiture and 'Commercial Photography New Sui'ts. h 1<11 1 rtallv l'all 1111111 \till I'( ,!:•'"';' o/1 1(11\l I'll(' ...... utu• • ,,lfr, ,,..,, 1•/ I t~1r: U'otoll ,frt'A\HIA~tr ·'"'' :-.,. ..... '"''''''• oo ol/ lft.l~( \<'1'' IC•H if 11•f•t II llh.tl\ f2t.75 to $49.7~ lelrphOnf' Sl'r\·i<'f'. Durin~: lh(' wttr hl'l'(' 1\ ho·n Ill.' bt"''!oiiiO', to quoit• one or thP Southt'r n Callfornln Telrphnn••l th•· c·nfr t'mploy!'l', "uhnoxlous " BALBOA CARDS Palm Ave. I"Mrttl .. ........ • .... AM For Birthdays Weddlq~ ud De. Hnrbor 1033 307 I Company added 170,000 I•·I"Jlhnm'lt Scotch ta pt', \'&rlous alzes. o" The• toolu·e said !\-tr Kl'l' hila not1 to its syatem and hns nt1<1c•«< :en· sale at the Ne'lfi·Tirncs . I yc•t 8tto:no-d an n~snult rumplalnr.l a.-------------~------------_. other 127,000 srn('(' the end or 11w 1 ---- V .... X Jl'lprtae8 ........ :: o.t"WI hwelry 1 war, and yet thcrl' are still ll~tl()tl twld ordt•rs lor tl'll·phono· Sl'rVIC\' drsp1t•' thrse grc111 mcrl.'a~.·~. Me· Wonald atatl'd. t •Rt:t: !'C'tiOOLINO Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop IAI'o-a .... t We Wrap Gttta Pay )OJUr v.ay th(' Army wn)'! Gc to srhool frl:'r aflr r enllstmr nt in thr nt>w ~gular Army. F.nlisl before Oct. 5, wht>n the GI Btll ui Right~ <'Xplrt'$. Inquire at U S Army RA•cruiting Ser vtet>, :lt):ll" W . 3rd street, Santa Ana. I ·P.APALMER UDOISIJ8~ ~------·--------w. Q Bl.KX-U:.aw-anoe Counaelor .4W.t 1500 ~Jl.( 3333 VJ.A. I...IDC;) CA.l;lPOIUUA Short Sleeve Sweaters or Long Sleeve Sweaters in Every Color . OOO';r 'pure woo)} From $1.98 to $8.98 Skirts of Every Description and Color • BLOUSES • SLACKS • BAGS • TOPPERS JUMPERS • DRESSES • COATS SLACK SUITS ... Here you will find everything you need and you can buy It for .,_ at The Sport Shop IIJ Welt Fov&ll 8t. S..ta'Ak Playwriter Houra and houn of play fun for lhe 2 to I year-old tot. Made of ha.rdwood, bolted to• pther. Sturdy IC"at.. 01114 an kwp belonlinp tn dNk. Clllclren's Rockers JWit like ·crown-up' turnltur.. Upbo1atered In I o n If • wearlnl tabrlca. hardwood rramM. Some plallorm roc'cera. $4.25 up Dol tflth Cha•rs Bea.utUul little bardwond hlcb cbalra for b ~ r favorite doll. Some de luu modele, 10me upholatered. $2.49 up Doll Houses K&IIJ' atyiet. from a eut~< N>t- tagl' t., 11 'l'"rlr'IU~ ~nuthPrn manainn. M11•le <~f mouof\nlt" an!l wood. h~l•l together wtl h 8NI'wt. $3.95 up Side Board WCMJOII We han the larre-t lltock ot llteel w.,ona In Santa Ana ..• at pr1-1.-than wholualer• are ulrlnl . . . for u low u $3.95 up 8t4a'er l lde-boud WIICOfl baa all-~1 undercarrl.,.., bard-.ooct Dolled fr&JM. PI!IBOft ... akle-boudl. $19.95 \ ~relude To A Child's Christmas "' w~ pr~dict TOY STOCKS EVERYWHERE WILL DB GONE LONG BEFO RE CHRISTMAS! You w1ll ~wise co SELECf TOY GIFTS NOW ••. USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN In WliHI,r'e 'KJO. DIES PARADISe!!! For thoa purpoK w~ tre NOW oprnina o)Ur '20,000 acock of ftnt loye, pur· chutd urly this apr~ng b,forc prec~ ra1te1. AS LONG AS THIS STOCK LASTS, we will noc increue nc~il pricn ..• TA..:E ADVANTAGE OF THESE MARVF.LOUS SAVINGS. You an alwaya wei· come co come in and shop tn our K1ddu~1 P arad1ee .•• a loolt will convinu you tfia c Wf' htvt the laraut uaortm~nc of Qualiry T oys 1n Southern California . Scooters All·JINI ~-nottn ••II• hr11k1!111. &,v<'rlll rl(dl'la S n m f' wiLh atm' '" l",llllr tlrr• ""''" llkf' th• r ;.r ~ bf:ort' I'• nrt Harbor. $2.75 up Hundrech of Toys i11 Kidclies' PCII"CCcche Thrill' are on a quot. bula to WhNicr'a and 11rr atilt on thi! hard-to-pt 11•'- Wind-Up Toy1 81M>I Whrl'lbarm• ... Hook an'd l..&dd•r &,ta Dump Trurlu So mAny o t h • r toya •nd gAmeM. lh~y drfy lo•lln1 ... Th• thinK' to C"ollk• a chlld'a ey,.• ~:lhlrn "" c 'hrlatmu morning' Chrl\lm~l \1 rC~al LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS lAy it nway fnr r·t ruotrnu thl")' won't In_. I lunl! $12.50 to $50.00 Table & Chair Sets SfvC'ral •tyiN•. All •turdlly ~n· atrul'll'd ll~~rdwood IA~I llolt.d on to "'''tv tRnd h• rd uaqf' $6.95 up Blackboards Crlts Our 8f'I!:C'IAI. whlll' th")' latt - ar!Ju•t•ble a I ,. "I •r•rlnr, full r11n• I olror alol" 'rill •· Hh &en• uln• ~>rt I''""' ""'"rNa. lurn- 1 I If' fnr ,~,. ()thf'ta, romplrtf', tor •• low .. $29.90 Pllt laby 011 Top of Your Chr;stnlcn Ust ( !Ill• for h.' nl• "'" Jolt nttrut ,., Wh .... t~r • 14hnw•r J•rt•· ""t• nr t 'llrt"l """ r rnH"t.l· bnonc "•· ynu It tlrod I h ~ m l'lll.'llo l'm•rrr•l (J olllr d l'aill !(Jolin l)llon loltl• 1'1 .... •1 • IAOun<lry lln~t• ~"•''" ('\wrtl"t$11" lto tH"P .~ ......... l>!•mnn4t H lnu&u t-. tit•·•·ruua n~•J:• Y:tuhrt,ld••r• I t(h"• '""'"Itt 1'111· w ( • • IC .. not ~tnd•• 14A ~"'' '" 1(,,~,_ •11• • I 7 ttn;l :\ Mt,.rllt1il ~lht t t> • r I nu•f .. ,, ... ,. ~'" Anfl •1')7t•n ,,, ,,, • r t•••utlfql ""'' '""' t •• ,.I • ''' r .. r c h• t t tt]t ftlftf I I o.s, • .wotrer ~ ...................... .......................... ..... Now ....... . .,.. . ..,., ..._, .,... ,.._......,. ~ MA TIQ. Jlle u,Jq .. b1ra ---............... ,....... ,.., ..... , ...... ~ ....... ., , _ _,.......,. ... ... 0&-. ................. . $14.95 'Oft "'"·"-play P"n•. l!:ull)' IWIYILbf• ot1 ala r .. t.ra fl'okfa "'' In a jiffy. Jl'ull 40 by 4ll •1 ... $11.50 Woo ai!OQ hav~ "•• t•mnl&ll H•m· lltnn Cllll Jif'rtAtrr jllhy pen, w. 1 ,,,..,.,, 1'••1• to fll RADIO-STEEL WAGONS \\'hf~ tH )t•t 'luU Jl lfll"wHI fr,tmrt~, w lh '" '"t h'•Ul 1•1• '"'" mll•r•. 8omr 10 oth •• 10ta. Th~ Wlo...,lo·r ~"'•I• '""''""~ ""IV w•ll-•n<owll, ..,.,u medt', quality ftlfrollure tnr ,.J,IItfr.,n ll,.r•• '•'• ,., .... •41,,,.., aert tdt f\11 With •"rnl-rnl'll· mt~ttl'' Hr"~ $12.95 I n Our Crirls' Girla do lovt prttty clothu .•. and cht Whttltt Shop hu auch ch.armina ont1! AJI.wool -auitt, loafer and dra.y eryla. St.tn 7 to 14. Picture Mode Ora-• S..nt~louKa-Co.la • ahe mauninr floor. $2.95 up Hobby Horses 'Hualty' and mM)' otlw-r• that wilt dellp to the little tot. Ha.rdwoo4. Left1 rock•,.· All --. _$3.95 up Mlltlr f:at"• 1 o ""'"' ,,, "" I'"'' 1 "' lth,. lnllner wblrh flta uy l••llelJ. J uoror"r 14wlr•~t• ·' '' •l•oroor. "' , .. ,.lfy ltt han& In thl' d•>'Jrw•y. 8 ~, \ 1f I 41 ' NOkTJ ~AN'I /'o. ANA, · 5YCAMOkl CALIF. H•rry and FlonM T.,&.. Sole 0.... Store Houra: f :JO AM. • ';JO P. II.. I • • .._, s. • .., • '• ... 0 ~ UDio '10 118 ::-.--.... ...-a ... Y-a.a .... bU.Nen no ............ 0.... ..... ~~....-. Radio 808 Eleetrie ILUIOLD L. IIAMJI ......... ,.,. ............ Winter Maintenance fw Your Boat ................ : ............... ,..., ..... .. .., .... OOIIPUP:I'IC IIAIJIITEHAHVZ A IUU'Aia ..... -.,., •• ...._ , .... ·-p. .. We Ba.-e a Wide SeJeetion ·-of -Trailer Canopies. ,.._. n , •A-r,_, ...., Awalnp Made to Order • " I • ...... Wt'1I ..... IVI! F ........ Mhn ··· ... ..... .. ............ ,-. - Mtll't thM 1.)7.000 teltphc-tnft t.w beat addtd in Soue~m Call· f(Wtlia le 11M 6nc full tnr tin~ 1M war. Outinjl c.h~ fine l,lalf of 1946 -8CicW Ml~ almotc twice as la•e a• tnr fw.lort. Due !iolatJwN Calllonaia hu ben! JltO'IrinJl ao fuc •.. and nnr ocdefoa lew tlfl~ haw coow ia .., npiJiy ... chtt •till manp people .,. watti"A lot wnin. Our cqneructic-e pt\)fiR411 ~ 011 ae a cNutancly ar<·tlcracinl JIIICC dnph~ maetrial Mnnaltft. Ac many placn we mu•c teart fro~~~ 1M Jlmund up btcauoe ul11ina huildin~ts al~ady are uo-decl wlc.h cquip<Mfte. Due tbrouth<"'e Snuthtm Califnmla the ~ able, 1M twiKhhner<h. aJI of 1M cf>ft•!'linltd "'J".'P" _, aoil ftried -ttrial ,..ired, fa bftna iluealltd as quld.lp M-CMptit. You CM t. ~min ynur etl"""'-lnt ism 1~ way. 'll'r art dnin1 _,-, w• can 10 ,:rc ic 10 )'UU iu•l •• .,..., •• l""•ihlr. 11lanlra for )VUf patitfl('f. Your symrac~dc un<lrntllDdit~~~ Ia ~-SOUTHIIN ClllfOINIA TUIPHONI COMPANY UI-A-·® ..,.__,lUI 'l j More Homes Under Construdion ISDe•ken Usted As Fall Building Season Begins l J:or Pia• Meet So • • I --., ~ Den\J !Continued from ~ 1) I Ptun~ for ml•cellllfleout work Th. e Orana~ Coun. ty Plannln& . --"t>r" flit'\! hy the followtnc pt"r· rommlulon wiU ~ ~u to dele-"Gentlemen and assodat.8' ·~n nay, :.!-story and stucco ~ suns. l ~:at~ rrom th(' plannln& ron began the ~ "this week's "ith ~:arhl(t'll uctachro on Lot 13. 1 Me· nnd ~Irs C. Inman el 115 which wll) ~ held In the Or= Pep Meeting of the J . M. Mil· O('aN'In Bay. ~:tSOO. Sapt>lurf' avenue. Balboa laland. Woman·s club on Thursday Se t Jer Real Estate office will be Plans for rom"wrdal structures, \\hu will I1U1Id nn addltlon or a 1:.!. ' P · \\r·ro• rllcod by the followlna: I IH'ftruulll omJ a hath to their prt..S·I Short talka will be alven by devoted to a serious ~ed." N~·wport Builders SupPly com-c•nl nostdf'nN', ~~~. prlndpal speakers. Speakers and ~t really has me WOn'l CORSON & RAY Building Contractors Phone Harbor 2447-R Phone Ha.rbor 1520-W 69-ltc pnny. 1-story frame and 1tucco, Alh~n A Ruth of 713 Poppy subj~c'Cts are; 1 You had~ to WorT)' material 1upply and 1tore roum j slrN·t. r oronn de• I Mn, who arc I Dr. W. L. Glcham, Chairman of about last week • objected atruceun· at 3100 Weat Ct>ntral addin~ a b•:drnom and bath to Orange County Plannip& Qxnm1a. Holly the office boy, "aeein& av('nuc. Newport lk'ach, $4000. I lhl'or home•, $1000 I 11on. "Coo~ination of 'Piannin&.'" It was locked -tight the whole TYPING A ACCOUNTING WORK 1\11-Nt•ll & Rc-nnt>tl of lSOl Wl'llt n Ivn,n !Wiman or 113 36thl Willis Warner, ~lrman of time." L G B ld C"f'ntral avcniJt'. Nt'Wport lk'ach, strN't. Nl'wport Beach, who are Board of SupervOOrs. '"Commun· "What W&S locked tight!" aura • e en 2 l6x.l9 ltorace bulldln& at 1509, m;eklng. n 3xl~ t•xtcnalon to their lty &orvices.'" '"!be ltamp dra~ ol Phone Beacon 5186-R, ~172 So . Wo•sl Central avt>nue. Newport porc·h. rtu~ well rost an eatlmated Walter M. Loncmoor, Prealdent course Isn't that what ou Laauna Ave .. P. 0! Box 941, eo.ta flt·ach, $300. I $12!i 1 of Associate-d Chambers of Qxn.l alwa • bout•" y Me1a, Callf. Gar¥ge plan1 wt'rC' flll'd by John P~tul .A PalrnC'r of Lido lale, who merl"f', "'N('W Factors ln the Se-t u ys worry a • WUJ Call For and De)lver. '10-Btp s. Hotean or 3:.!1 Poppy strl'l't, Co-IS mltklnl( Q ~4x22 addition to hll lt'CtiOn of Jnduatrlal Locationa." Holly, this ia. even l1lOI"e _______ __;:....._ ___ _: rona del Mar. at that addrrss. prrs•·nc hulldcn~ at 3303 VIa Udo.l Vernon C. Hell. representin& serious than what 8 been ~ Bayside Plating Co. $800: ~. B. ChaiiC of 1701 E. I $1000 Orang(' County Farm Bureau, I penJ.ng to the stamp drawer, 19&3 Newport Avenue Orance Grove. Pasadena, at 1040 Waltrr J . Reckman, who la mak· "Protection of Apiculture." I countered the Boea. looking Weat Central avenue, Newportl lng nlt~ratlons to hi• buiJdlnc at James Workman, Vke-Prtsldent reproechtully around the dr. COSTA MESA, CALIF. Beach. 1750: Bryant R. Harper. 1003 \Mst highway, Newport or thf.' Santa Ana Realty Board, cJe of too innocent faces su.r-Phone Beacon 6358-R 3703 Cout hl&hway, aamt-, $600: Bfoach. $000. "What Ia I>Hlrable ne.lden\lal rounding his de8k "This (Refer to dlaplay Ad. Pare 5) Otla LARoe or 306 34th street,1 M. J . McCaffrey of 7201 Stoa· Development!" looks like the beginning of the 66s8t.c Newport &ach, aame, 1600: Ed-1hore driv(', who Is makln& a Uxl7 Hf.'r~rt F. Kenny, President of nd of the real estate business y,•ard B. West of 510 Poinsettia frnml', add1tlon to hll buUdlng Orange County Cout Auociation, r Calif mia." avenue. Corona 'del Mar. samf.'. $7~. '"Highway Bulldln& for H1ahway n.. 0 WANT your terminal pay s o o n e r ? Discharge papers copied. Th1'8e- day service. Gerhardt, Harbor 292-W, 487 Femleaf Ave., Corona del Mar. 70-ltc $:500, and by G. H. Wright of 6701 Jack Hamon of 307 Marine ave-Safety." Boa, you better not let S.uhore drive, Newport Beach, nul'. who ls puttJn& a 10x15 ad· William Gallienne, represent.ln& the boys in the Olamber of for an addition to his garage at dltlon on his prciK'nt bulldln1, the Olamber of Commerce Secretar-Commerce hear you SaY that addrt>u, $250. I cOAt to be> S300. les, ··A.JrporU of the Future." that." cautioned Russ the er- John T Stevf.'~ of Corona del rand boy. "Just the other day Mu, who Is placlnf a concrete aJ:()Z I heard ooe of them cJa1m Corona del Mar Malt Shop I nooring for a commercial bulldln& IPT8 aEPOaTED that --• estate ln the ._ __ to h•• crcctt"d al 315 Cout hJgh· Lut month Balboa parkin& lot '~ &uu- ll way the noorln& co-t 1a et~tlmated rect'ipU amoUnted to 11187.17 bor area was here to stay. 11t S1500. Durl T1pplng, recorder, told th~ ''That isn't the point", said ltll 0.... ....,_, A. B. Wf.'st of 804 Weat Ocean city council aj the Tueaday meet· the Boss patiently. "I've been COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. • Old ruhloned malta I Front . F:ast Newport. who la re-lng. readil)g the report of the mi· We mNn jult th1a. glazlnJ: a window acreen and lat· grant st,atlons at the Callfor, New and Repair ,..----------1 tlcc> work nnd doing amaU repaln at hla home, the co.t estimated at nia borders, and do you real- $350. iz.e what's going on!" ftoM ~J( Does Yoilr House Need Paintl.-c? tr- Owned and opera~ by World War 0 Veten. eeeldq your permaueat good wW a.ad patrou.p. -tr- For Fret! I'Attmat.- Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holnaa• · DO YOU NEED -ADDING Machine? I Saw Valuable Man Hour& and Money, Too] • • TOTAUNG CAPACITY 999,999.99 • DIRECT SUBTRAtTION • QUICK SUB-TOTALS • RAPID MUl TIPUCATION • AUTOMATIC TOTALS • CREDIT BALANCE, Ideal for Grocery Counter Use. ComblnM heavy duty construction ond compocl design. It le well worth your Inspection. An actual demonstiotion of your own figure-work w ill prove in short it'l obility lo mole• your office f iguring octuolly show a profit irt time aovlng .••. Pit Ill II Wort •• •• Yo1r Wen I I Tt~ay! PHONE 743 51t:PTt:~Rf:R. I M6 lli):h Low High l.O\\ 11 9.16 3:0~ 9:0l 2:~ •1.9 -03 5.9 1 I 2111 t:.. ~ St.. Coeta x .. · Z.ttc SIGN PAINTING Perm1ta to erect signa on their "I haven't realized ~t's bualneu places were granted to going on for months," admit· C. R. Ide. 307 Marine avenue. Bal· ~Bid the Assistant Janitor, boa laland, and to John P. Hamaill "but I hate to have it thrown Honnan of Nl.'wport Beach. up to me in front ot all these '\.. Plana for re-rooflnl jobll were I .. ' BoaU. 'l'ruckt. Wlnttow. Walls ud Bulletins. filed by Harry Archibald of 326 peop e. Undo avenue East )lewport $250· "Don't feel badly about it, I L. Valkergo ~f 4304 Ocran 'Front" I Bid," consoled Jane the of. Newport Beach,~. und John s:r fice girl. ''You know as much Hogan of 321 Poppy strt'Ct. Corona I as some. of the customers we del Mar, $126. get.,.Almost anyway." "That's just the point I was P N I going t o make!" exclaimed UBLIC OTICE J . M. with a "wild look in h ls NOTICE OF INTENDED A 'eye. "There .are ~ many CUS~ __ 5 LE 1 t omers conung an here now Uml~r. Fe>o·ll"n ~440 of lh~ Co vii C<ide . buying up all the real .....+nte 'r '"" Stare nr C'allfurnla. I <=WI ~'?TIC'F. I~ IIERF.BY GIVES Thai in the harbor area that it'S It S ('()OK ano:l OORO'I"IIY COOK. . t . th b . 1., hu•lmnrl ""'' Wltr, dtoln~r '"'"lnua "" gotng 0 n.un e USlness. Railed Metal, Wood and Plutlc Letten A·L LACHMEYER 17~ West Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 12 Ye:sn Service In Newport H.-bor Area Harry Hall P AIN'TiNG CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J 2'74 E 19th Street 24-t:ft •• 3.•1 Marin~ A••nuf' In the Clly of .., P a l'nt1'n(J" De"oratl'n(J" t•OT , ROB. V~rus .................. add ........ I "Why I thou ... ht bus"mess s~ .. p .. rc a~ru·h. c .. uncy or Oranc~. was good with all these clients ~ -" "' Slut~ ool C"ullf.,rnlot. Intend lu 114!11 en . , ~TEPIIF:N A. SEYMOUR. V~ndN!. practiCally scuffling in the R. E. ANDERSON whuH Addr•"" I& 12H7 P&rk Av•nue d t-AruY t t th 1 l"lly t•f S~W\)url 8 .. &eh, County 0 ( Qr: oorway UJ'U&£. 0 ge e r ""''"· s ... cr or Calllumta, the f•oll•owln& money intO the escrow com-ct,.,..,•rll"'d pl'nt()D&I property' •, • The r .. ni!""Uon. lnod ahd drink pany first, ' saJd Jane. hu•lntN known u DOT A BOB In· "J . t look cated at Dl Marine AvenUf'. New· &ne, We Ve got to a t ~~r.:::f.h·11,.~1~!~~~~~~~t<t~~i\~d~~~ this business objectively from rQOd and drink cnvl'n~•ry th""'"'· the loog tenn viewpoint. So and tbat a Mle. tran•ft'r ud .,..111'1\-. • llin lots f ment nf the rtame will be made llnd were se g 0 p roperty. co;>ruldf'rallun the ... ror paid at 10:00 So there's thousands of new o rtr..-11 A.M. on the I lith day of Set>· IMDber. lt46. ae the ortlr u of Harbor people pouring through the tn .. eatmenc Company at 30th and w~.t I . . Cenlral Avenue•. In the City of New-m grant stations mtO CalifOr· gf7:aJ~J&. Cl•unly of OranKe. State nia every day. So all of them O;oced : September a. IHC. ..J... want to buy property. So we 'fTee Estlmatln& Phone Beacon 578>-J 47-tlc roR A RELIABLE Palnt Job 01 your home. call Beacon 5S30 after 4:30 p.m. l().tlc I> AINTINO -P A.PICR HANOINO and DJDOOR..A TINO H. E . MeJ>on&ld 414 Old Collty Rd .. eo.ta Mesa PhoM Beacon S013-J ~tlc R. 8. OOOK, --1) rty So p DOROTHY COOK. VPndors. IK"1 more prope . pretty ub -S.t>t. 10, ,.... soon there isn't any more Storey's Battery Service NOTICE OF INTI!NTION TO II!LL real estate left in the harbor ---area. So we 're out of business. Wrstminater Street fJWtw<'i'n 18th and Magnolia) Nollee .. hereby 1tven punouane co Th • thl sell I he pro .. tlllonl \If &e.-lion 3HO ()( the ere S "nO ng tO SO we Cl .. tl Coda of lbe. State of c-.. ur.,rn ca, go broke." fkacon 5183 that JAMES I"RED HAOOARO and IUTHERTN 8 HAGGARD. Vendora. "Isn't there some Way We Costa Met~a 70-ltc of 1923 Anaheim A"nue. C0011a lllr~~a. all California, Intend IO ""II 111 JAMF:S can stop these people from A. MONTOOMERT and rRENT L. buyin ll th a} IIONTOOIIJ;RY. Verld,...a, ul Boa 92, g Up a e re es- Wutmll\llerl C'.Allforn la. "" lhal ....... tate?" asked Holly. "Can't \Ve laln ~,..,na JJmperty r"n•,.llnll< .,rn-h 1 · erally nr All •ht<'k In ..... , •. fllliiiN'I, get t e c ty counctl to pass a equtpmf'nt lind KOoid will ,.r o rrrt,.ln law Or something?" ~ura_nt h\UIJn~M kno•1n u · • '"KATil'!"S KITCHF:S" In ("""!" Mr.oa. '"That gt"ves m e an idea 1" California and '"'""'~'I at IS31 IIArhor I · · Boulevard, Cm•la Me"".· Callloornla, kn<l exclaimed Russ. to thC' gn'At that thf' t>Urrh~ t>rl<'e lhrrl'flf will Sltrprlse of everyone P"''"'""nt be peld at 10 o t"lr>rll a. m "" thr • """" · Steel Kitch ens GLASS F:NrLOSURES SHOWF.R DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. 14<1 C"oal't Rlvd .. N . Ph. ~~2 l..aguna Bench 70-l!c:-b'~" f:t..~R~t~~''W~'·A1~8·A~1 :.=1~! i"\:Vh1Y not gt>t thf' zoning com-Bran.-h. In RKII'o.tA, C••unly uf Orono:• miSS on to restric t the whole PT.RSOXAI. Slate or Calltumla. 1 t I bl b II :::-:::~=,----,-------- 14 O.tl'd A~ac 21. 19411. area 0 g ASS owers, \1 DESffiF. to rnllnboratr with scrE-en .I A .s FRP:n I·IAr.r.A Rn, I fiddle plav('rs onrl jtt~lers story \\Titer llavr sc\·crlll KATIIRYN S. IIACOARH Th t h.t f . h Jd d . . i J v~n.:tt>r a oug o o own the s torrs romp Nrd. materinl fnr JAMl':S A. ~~"~~~c"'MF:RY population for a while any-othrrs For lntC'rvlrw. \\Titr: IRENE L. Mt)STr.il~::n~~;.~ way.'' Wm. T Sindorf, nay Shore Puh. Sept. 10. 1946. "I think you've got some--rnmp. Nrwport f:W;c ('h. f\9-2tp CEA~If'ICATE Of' BUSINESS • Ft~llllou• t'lrn. samt thing there, Russ.'' said the rRAN~PORTATION u Boss. "I'll get in touch with C'OSTA MESA srhnol tracher the zoning commission rig ht w•nt!l ride 'rom Corona d 1 M Th~ \IIHI~NIIICIIf'ol J f' h~rf'hV rrrtlt)' a • I C ar, thllt '""'>' ,.,.... ,.,.,.,,.,,.tin~.: " '"'~ ,.,,, away and see if we can "t put AYocad~ Avr. tn C"n~ta Mr~a or ~'!;";'"~! . .;;nc.-~;.r~~:.~;""lr;;~h ac ,?~111~ it over. But in th~ m ('antimt• thl' Arr hrs. tn arrivl' at C'ostn fornla. un•tn thr f•·trlooouo ltml "'""" if a n ybody comes a round Mr<;c R a.m. <chnol· day!l Pr. or ()("EA:>: F"THl:00:1' CAI'"F., onol lhut II ho 7"'" u ld rtnn 1' romi"••NI nf u ... r .. tt ..... h e re t o }5th and Central to ar r 1 .,. ... w. f\!)..2tc :;'!.~'!"~\,. .,.f~.ii~ ... n":!!~: ,c"n•l '"1• buy property you might ns "~;';~n0~.~~·,; ~¢.~~~Esn: w<?ll S<'ll th('m. lX'causc I d on't N•w..,.•r• R--11• h. C"atcr""''" I want to hurt a n vone's feei-L~f~"~.!:~T~",.,' ings.'' • Wti~~~~'M''l. SO"A t,J~nllt .. rnl" So that's the way things BICYC LES Sold, R~ntt'd or R~palred. VOGEL"S ~oo Main Sl. Balboe 208 Marine. Ralb<lll la11Uld 94-tfc 2114 O.wan y...,,, stnnfl right now. U vou're w.,,.,.!!, .. ':':f.'~"h•~i;·"ihf."'l,';:r:r ... .,f ' no t a glass blowe r. bu·u fil'f. '"'""":,o:-::~:-::T::---:A:-::N:-::n:--F=-o-tTN---·n-. ----!1 g..ptem"l~T\n~n L t..AWRF::-~c-r.. die player o r juggler you'd wn,t.tAN L OAVI~. I better phone Harbor 1242 and • M"ATE '(J'i.~T!;..'i.,~1ni,A. get your name on the list be- C'OtrNTY OP' ORAS(;t~ ... ~ fore the n ' rdi oo chis Jm ''"Y ,,, !" .. 1,crmt ... , ,. I ew zonmg o nance n. 19-48. ...,, .. ,... m~. noufi:RT a: is passed. Only one house or POWF.t.t. •. K Nf'lllr)' l'uhllr Ill .... ., r .. r I t t t ,..,d Cnunl\' and !HAlf'. J)f'r!lnnAI,l?j ~-0 0 a CUB omer while they FOUND Rk~·c•lr. Au~: 2fi. Phonr Harbor 2HO. 6!l-2tp EMPLO\'MEST WANTED %8 TAILOR-Experienced: all kindJ rr palring. remodclln~~: and re- lining. C"all 13c:-aron M23. 64-tHl) Bookkeeper and General Office Worker Advancement opportunltl"!J. pleu- ant . surroundlnp, offices ln Nf'wport. good 1t.&rtlng 1alary. Apply 1840 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mesa, Mr. Whyte. Phone Beacon 5892-J . 68-tfc WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per W~k and Meala Good Houra Also FRY COOK -See--· MR. EARLY .(momlnp only) I<Jng I..andin& Newport Beach 61-tfc: AUTO MECHANIC EXPERIENCED Ford mechanJc preferred, but will consider gen- l'ral mrchanlc and rive Fonl tra.lning. Good pay and the best of working oondltion1. Apply at once as we need more men Jm.. mt"dia tf.'ly. THEODORE ROBINS Ford 04-ll.lcr for Harbor District 22nd and Ctontral. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 28 7Q-ltc ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... whf.'n you ~:ct a job a1 a telrphont> operator. Good pny from the !llnrt ... .YI'll. evrn whilf.' you are lrarning. Rnl~cs nt rl'gular int<'rvala ... and a chance to advance. Good working rnndltiona ... attracliv<', pl<'asant sur- roundins::s ... friendly fel- low-workr rs. Pnid vncnt inn~. slckneu ! lx'nrfits. etc. l.n many cn.~cs. work In neiJ:hhoring c-rntral bffice nror your home. One' of these interrsting, well·pnid jobs Is waiting for you. too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPIIONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 'McCarthy's 12 9:12 3:30 9:41 S:S"l 5.2 0.0 5.6 0.8 Md• .,. p&a.cee Ia oroer ot ~ ua11c n,,.. .. -.; ..,. ncww p .... , ______ _ ~u"~i~~R •n~ ~it~~l1-N'J<" ..:. last. No. C.O.D. orders ac- oAVlll. kn(IWft IO In(' to be lhl' rr-cepted Or lots 9eflt OUt On ap-=-.j.~r;' ~~::·;:~,.",.';' :~~,.,.~~.'~':.ow1e proval. , ~11"'11 tn 11M' that lhl'y f'llf!<"Uit'd 1M -· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--ln ••llnf'll• wheN!Of. I hKVf' hf'N'ontn \VHITE \\"OMA N. 20 yrs. cxp., wants hou~cwork or ironing by day. IA'a\'f' phone numlx'r In Box X. r:~n• News-Tim<'ll. 70-ltp 514 ~~ No. Main St .. Santa Ana or Call Chief Operator 1936 Harbor Boulevard Free Estl•tes · on METAL AND-PAINT WORK JW Complete Paint Jobe • Wrecker Service CaD Be.eon 5625 WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE CDIDPnnY Carr'a Feed Store Hay and Grain QuaJlty Feeds -1- .,.., .,.. .. , B -IMI 1111N ............ 008TAIIa& :!t ":t~ hr.~ ·~~ a~':rfl<11n111th,•;rt~~~ Uflcat• ttnoc "bo"e wrlllt'n ROBERT B. POWl':LI •. · Notary Publlr In and ft>r Mid C'ounty and St.atf' My _.,.,... ml .. ton upl,.... 1910. f'ub, Sotpt. tO, 11. 2(; Oce. I. 1141. Merle Newland, S. 1/c of San Dl~o. wa1 a rt'O'nt w('('k end guest at the homE' of hill hrothcr . Marla Newland, NcwpoTt Heights. and enjoyt"d 10m{' drcp IK'a flahlng. WING SANG BOAT .& REPAIR YARD 811 Cout HIJhway 101 ...0.Beuaa1Klt ''' • llodrtlllll -.............. ,_ ... ,. ... ..................... ., ......... nn SITUATION WANTF.D -ExpE'r· i<'n('('(f cashlf.'r and rcstaurant mannll:l'r. 6 yrs. in lost PC>IIition. •tfc Would ronsldrr nl~ht clt'rk In SALE MI8CELLAN"'CCua • motel or hol<'l. F:xCt-llent ref· ::::::----....:::=..:::..:.:=:=..;_-= erenct'S. Call Long Beach 6!'i0·126 f'OR SALE--Neon Sign Cafe. bfoforP 1 1 a.m. 7G-2tc Rl"asonabl~. Call Beacon 5117-M. EMPLOYMENT OFJ'ER.ED • 10-tfc: HELP WANTED-Girl to work In clcanlne •hop. 113 Palm SL, BaJ. hoa. 69-2tc FOPl"'fiLE-1(.'(' box, rood c:ondl· tl~n. 50-lb. capad ty. 4.32 Avo-c~. Corona df-1 Mar. 10-ltc FOR SALE-small rhlcken hoUioe MAID WANTF.O for hotel work. 5x6 Y>'ith aun pen attaehed. Pb. Mr. Munsey, f\10 Coast Highway. Harbor 589-W. 10-2tp Newport Bt>ach. 20-2tc ;;;::;;;---;~~--=~~--~:...:::! , FOR SAL&-Doub1e barrel :lO "1\NTF:D -Woman for light gauce shotgun, Phone Hartlor h('lm<"kl'f'l)ing. care of ehll~ 589-W. -ro.- Walft and houn opm. Phone ~ ·~ Harbor 10Z7-R. 70-ltc 't3t SALE-Air COtn11181ft',l100 . ilianna foldln at N..,._T'tmes Bea~ S.aat~ore Dr., N~ I '"' .,..,. fi::!s. •••• ..,, ,, , .. .......... , .,.,.,. • l'l1aMiftJa 1'011 Ml.a • 'lOBS. ......... a~ • i&.u\.nAft ~--~--------...:;._ ______________________ ___ ., J'OR ~ blah OYftl cu DINTNC ROOM SET. Walnut FOR SALE-Star boat. Call ranp, U5.00. Odd dWn, In· tablt', buffet, 4 chairs. Nice con· WlUttlt'f' 41~ or wrtt.e Box valid walker. M4 Orance Ave., dltlon. $60.00. 519 San Btoi-nar-248, Rt. 2, Pue-nte. 67-4tp Oafta Mesa. 69-2tc dlno. Nt-wport Beach. 70-ttp ------------FOR S~ amp. electric NEW portibJe wuhlne machine, FOR. SALE-Uprlaht atove, $10; *lve Unclo1n weolders, clean, .:za. 322 Flower St., Coata tricycH!, $10; •mall doll bUOY, $225; new aurplus light planta; Mesa. Not home t'venlnp or $.'5; rocklne horw, $.'5; Royal 6!5lll'f%x7 ft. army frelaht and Saturday. 69-2tp vacuum cle&nt>r, $15. Call Har· pult'nater botat ; 120 h.p. KahH!n· FOR SALE-Wtetinahouae Elec-bor 1861-J., 7 to 9 p.m. 70-2tc brra dl~l. boUt 1942 at ooet tric range, A·l condition. 515 FOR SALE-I('(' refrigerator In of f77.000 l.n Seattle, ~.000; Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Helehta. Cood condition, holda about ~ abo t.hrft oout cuard cuttel'l. Santa Ana 8716-J-3. 6$-2tp pounda. Price, $50. Apply ~ F . A. Sherry, 306.'5 Anwrlcan FOJl SALE-Monroe electric caJ. West Octan Front, Balboa. Ph. Ave .. Lone O.ach 7, Calif. Ph. c:ulat«, $150. liMO Harbor Beacon 96-J. 70-4tp 475-87. 7().1tc Blvd., Coata Mesa. &.aeon FOR SAllr-Dinlne table and e s. M A L L B 0 A T s !lllrJ.J. 61-ttc dlalrs, oak library tablt', et-t --S .. • ~uut--.room -t. ~ of draweors Tan-nutt MAC 18x12 -Ot touJh, llaht marine plywood. .. ~ ~ ..... --,.,._ 8 . • . -Molded hulla.or nat-bottom. 'electric water. heater, table!-top ete. 11 Apolcna, Balboa laland. -Skin., Dlnahlee, Sallboeu. FORS~...t....­ ahop. Priced for qukit N it. Pb. Lquna tm.\.. 69-Stp roa &IDfT &a FOR RENT-Room for m..n. near Udo ~ater. 40'.l Ctu~ Ave., Newport Be-ach. 70-2tp FOR RF.N'T -8codroom for one, •1th connectlnar -btlth. Winter l'('ntal•. H 50. 70-ltc FOR R.ENT-NiCf'ly tumlllhed room. claw to bath. M.n onl)', JWaaonable rent. 516 Mtb S t., Nt'Wpor't Beach. "70-ltc FOR RENT -Furnlahed l-beclroom ~ until JUM 1, m .OO month. SOl Finley, Newport S.aeh. .... p electrte, ranp, 5 h.p. outboard 69-4tc MARTIN OtrrBOARD MO'roRS motOC', etc. !'bone Beacon 57.S. FOR SALE-New 3-plece Myrtle "Fielddrtve" Shalla for lnboantl FOR RENT~araae and atorap 81-tfc wood vanity. May br uaec1 u WATSON _ BOATS room, wtth .00 IQ. lt. New bullcl· =ro~R~s=-ALE--G':":"':=--=:-Ir-:1'::-:24-:-:-:'lnc:h--:--:IMeycle-:---:-ISHk. AU or part. Mornlnp or lna. at 29th and Lafayett. Sta., ___. c:ondl • 1 ttree' evenJnp only, 616 Larkapur, ''Small Boat Headquarter~" m .oo per month. Zoned tor :;:-Call Uon..;... extra36 Mt N • Corona <kl Mar. ~tp 611 Cout Hlway &.aeon 52'Tf bualneea. Phone Rartxw 1100. _... at ....., th St., -· 69-tfc • .. tfe R-E-A-L V-A-L-U-E-S HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE Nt~,. 1 -Bedroom h011'K'-Hdwd & Tile -Nlc.' It~ lot GcJOd dlslrlct-1 cur gnm~l..__J)r1<'t-d to 8Pll at only • $7 ,;\,')( ).()() 1 &.'<iroom & large slet>ping po~i' on 1', ncros. Good anndy loam soU-l car Jt&rnge uttnt•hl'd. .$9,7ro.OO 2 BMmom beech hon\(\-partly rumiahed-$2500 atAh. $:l0.00 per month on balance-1--'\tll prit't' onllC $5,:500.00 ( 'cmtplet(.'ly tumllhed 2-bc>droom hOI'llt' -tcood rumJture lnl'ludlng ra~. retrtgemtor Md washtng machine. Poe- St~~ion cloee or HCroW. Priced for quick sale at $7,950.00 Own.--r leaving town-must sacrince 3-bedroom home-. Ni~y landscaped-'ler'Y.. clean lnsldco and o\at -2-car gnrage. a~ ln-;rood dlatrict. It you want ll home, you can't beet thla one. FUll price onJy $7,960.00 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU port. • ~tp BOAft, 8UPPLD:8 a -----------~'='==-~=~=-=~==- 'U' 0 T 0 R B 0 A T s DELUXE APTS. FOR RENT-B A N E R E s 0 N VENETIAN BUNDS -Steel or FOR SALE-FOR SALE-Snipe, m SlnJiett « double. Com&lletely . . aluminum made to~ and $300; Nil•. land clolJy and tra!H!r READY T 0 G 0 ~ted; lnMI'COU mattna 1 REAL mt'ATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES U.talJecl.. s.yvt-Bullden Sup-Included. Phone H-1160. 70.2tc Take away-juat a ff'W da,ya after You tumlah a.cs linen a ~ PbU 0. Solomon_ s.Jetanan f'!::~8 ~t Hl1hway. !:!'~ FOR SALE-Snowbird and dolly, ~ Onter-Price rlftlina tram 110-!!0 to , John Bondra -Saletunan ~ .-Jo. ....-.tc excellent condiUon. Watta raclq 1-Your cho6oe o1 any oluur boata Jl5.50 per week. WUI tab daD· Phone: Beacon S225 t GLASS SHOWER DOORS made 1alll. Bftt offer. 107 Sapphire (8 to 14 ft.), made ol UJht, dreft, 11ft ll or man. Prtvate 1972 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mella to meuure and lnataUecl. Good Ave., &lboa bland. 69-:ltc touch, wat.erprool plywood wtth lhowen. THIS WEEK ONLY. --------.------------------ deUverift. Bayview Bulldfts WIU. EXCHANGJ: 50 tt .Up In 2-An extra efftc:Wnt 1 ~ h.p. In· Addrae: 1007 E. Central, BaJ. Supply, 818 Cout Hlahway. Ph. WUmlnaton for aame in New-board motor lnlt.allecl aDd boa. Phont' 2380-M. ..2tc Bncon 5007. 69-4 port Hartlor. aau Erwin PWnan S-A patented ..,.adrtve" flaS-W.urn:D '1'0 JIP'l' a BARGAINS' t .,..._ ..... ·-... o.6 ble llbatt-~ unit (~ • a nnnu -. --~c peUer lleerw "116at. lltta up la WANT home for partial lnva.Ucl Loweet pt'ic. In fUrniture II mJ FOR SALE-A D~r aaJ.l.lnc dink, bea.china boat). a•ntleman. Phone Beacon-~ motto. r buy rllbt. r .u rilht one month old. 228 VII Udo ... Complete, I'N4Y to ahove off, ......... I al80 buy tumlture. Nord. Phone Harbor 1194-J. at t.heee typ&eaJ pricN: ::W:-:-A~N'TE::-==D--=TO~-:R::-::ENT=::-:::=_--:-:H:-ouae--or Needle's Furniture ~tfc 10 tt. lkttf ... _ .. ___ .. _ .. .J282 Apt. for family ot 4 for wtnter. 230t Newport Wvd. Cmta Mea FOR SALE-1946 John.10n 2% h.p. 12 tt. aldtf .. ,_ .. ~ ..... _ ... S'JN Up to 180. Box ''T' c:Jo N.-- 57-ttc outboard motor with 12-ft. row-Cwtille our lrtodc luta) 'J'lnwe. 70-ltp ---A=-u-to:---::B=-a"'""i:-:-te-n-::.-ea--boat. 11~· 1104 w . Bay ·Ave., WATSON_ BOATS ANT TO RENT-JWilable tenant Ru~ Separaten Newport. 70-ltp "SmaD Boat Hdqra." want• ft.rnl•ht'd or untumlatwd 18-month -$6.7'5 EX. BARGAIN-Going ~ut, muat 1ae-611 Cout HIW&y Beaeon 5777 hoWN' or 1uite In Newport Beach Compounded Motor Oil rifl('(' S LIP and one-year-old 18 60-tfc or Coats Mesa by Nov. t. Bea· ,._,._ 70c: ft. sailboat "GUiy," only $195. con 5250-J. 70-tfc ~.. Slip No 5. Alk Mra. Pollin• at 1117810&1. a a.uno M W A S 1 Villa P:tarlna. Balboa. 70-4tp HIGHEST priC"t> ..... ld tor your pi· estern uto upp y .... -Authot'lu!d OHler FOR SALE-I C. lnghy No. 4, t'X· ano. Danz-Schmldt Piano Co .• 18a8 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa ccllent condlt1on. new paint. rea· Snntll Ana. !'120 N. Main. 7().tfc U-tfc sonablt>. 66 0Pocon Bay, Nc>w-FOR SALE-Full IK't trap drumt, Concrete Products Dtv. of Fostt'r Sand & Gravel Co Ph. Fullerton 283-W 1015 S. Spadr._ Bulldlnc tle. building brioo, faet brieka, patlo tile In colol'l. See our dilplay. port. Phone Harbor 1521-J good condition. 61 5 Cout Hhth· --::----------7_()._1...:;.tp way, phone Beacon 5833. 70-4tp FOR SALF:-ARMY HARROR USED Piano. from 165. Or wUJ BOAT. NEW IN MAY; 18 Fl. rt'nt. Danz·Schrnldl Piano Co., 6 IN. WITII EQUIP. MOTOR 520 N . Main, Santa Ana. 7().tfc 52 H P. GRAY. 1409 E. RAY ==-~-:-:::---::-.:-~:-:--::-----: AVE., BAL.BOA. PHONE HAR· FOR SALE-Upriaht plano, load BOR 1900. 70..:.!tc condition. J200. Phone Beacon 62-8tt' 5712, or call 205 Wetttmlnater ===:-:-=:-:-::::-::=:=----:-:---:----FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 2'J. ft. Ave., N...,._t Hel .... t.a after VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum 1 4 11 d4> s ·-..-· ... nee!, wood. Call ut for free etttl· onj;l. -cy n r tarr motor. 5:30 p. m. 55-tfe just p&Jntrd. Will trade (or 2'.! WANTED TO RENT from Oct. 1 to Junf' 1. amalJ houac-, ocean front. Couph.•, no chll~n. no pet., good CAN! of your tl)lnp. Referen~. Richard Carver 2821 Holly, Arcad1a. 7()..2tp WANTED TO RENT -School tracher. wife and child deslr8 n.lcr house or apt. Call Santa Ana 5671-J . 89-2te WANTED-Winter rr ntal, Oct. 15 to May 15 or? Adults, no peta; furnl1hcd ~taraRe apt. or •mall houM> on Balboa lsland. T . W. Soule. Oran~;e County Title. Phone Santa Ana ~100. 68-Jtc mate. Renovation & rennbhlnr ft. or :.14 ft. hou•r -~1Jer or will REP 0 S S ESSE D Mirror Type So V tl B,._., Co. " ".. ln .,.,.. WANTED TO RENT -Balboa . Cout ene All ......, tllkr cash. 7311 St'llshort> llr., • Sp rt Plano. Now only $4.,. .... W 18th nd N t A A t · Fl bn•lnt'U man and wife want fUr· tet a ewpor v•~ Nc•wport. Ph. H-14~3-J 7()..trc ~(Pry prt't Y ptano. ne tone. ..-Coata Mesa. Ph: &aeon 5762-W. Danz·Schrnldt Piano, 52(1 No. nlsht'd houae or a~rtmcnt. No 38-tf< NEW SPEF:D BOAT VENTNOR, Ma.in, Santa Ana. 7().tfc pt'll. No chlldrl'n Harbor 2729. 1946. PERFECT CONDm ON. 68-4tp Fire Placr and Klncll1nc FULLY EQUIPPED, c ANVAS GOOD Grands. Mehlln, Kurtzrmtn. ~W::-A~N'::-::::1:::E:::D:--:::T07'"-:LE:-=AS-:-::-E-=--::1-or--::2 W 0 0 D COVERS. ETC .. PRICE 12.250. Story & Clark, Cha~. Hallc>t & years, fumllhed or unfum. howle Delivered PHONE HARBOR 520. 69-4tc Davl•. Kimball, Weber and oth· H. W. WRIGHT era. Prict'S 1tart at $485. Terms. or apt. Any place In Newport Ph. Beacon 5665 FOR SALE -».ft. Fi.ahermAn'a D&nz·Schmldt. Santa Ana. 520 or eo.ta Mna dbtrlct Will fix dory, 2-cyllndcr ~ Wing gu No. MaJn. 7().lfc up at own expenae. PI\. Santa 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc Inboard rngine. GoOO rondltion, -=--:-:::-::-::--:::-=-:-=-::::--::---:::-Ana 7048. 66-Btp Just Arrived S395 C.all Harbor 813. 69-2tp RADIO REPAIRlNG WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bectnn rr.b Beutnc Aid ALBATROSS Experienced workmen who know unfumbhed houae. Will lee.w. • BATTER.IES Clau aallbollt, exC'CIIent condition, how to rt'pa1r your .et u It wu Call Sam Porter at llarbor .707 ... 500 00 1 w S 11 wht>n It lr ft the factory-author· or 13. 35-tfc OUIIdereon Dru1 Oo. ~ · ; 8 110 atson a.i ng IZA.'d Philco RrviC'C. Phone> Snnta 117 Maln St. Ph. Harbor 515 Dinghy, 1150·00· 7M Via Lido Ana 130, Knox Hardwal"(',,420 E. APT or SMALL HOUSE· wantt'd 80-ttt Nord .. Harbor 1107-M. 69-4tc 4th St., Santa Ana. 70-4tc by man and wife. We do not LINWOOD VICK Broker Dalt)()8 bland Ha.rbor :wft-M R,U.OOA ISLAN Thrt'C' bl'd~ room. larr• llvtn~t·room. 4oublt~ ~tllrAgl', ouulck-ahower and rtrf'M- InR room ("emJ)lrto•ly furnlaht'd lmmroiMii' Jlflll•l'lllliOn Vrr) nrw lot.'&Uon. $111.000 7(1-111' ----------------------- Two Lots at ATTRACTIVE LOCATION Well planned protective r"8trictiona u to occupancy and architecturnJ planA. Ample Aize Iota li0x127.5 tt. on 15th st.reet, Newport Hetght.a. Prif'l> $1250 N . Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W j. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing El Bayo Tract Lot on Ba7 A...._ $4750 Large Comer Lot On~.wtthYiew. $5750 Busine88 Lot 70-2tc FRANK P . JOHNSON Realtor AND ASSOCJATES 1184 N~t BJ...t. a..oon !K.M-W SPEC IAL ! O verloo king Ocean %·11CTI', 4-ronm horillt' In Vft')' clran condition plut l ·room apt In rrsr with hath •nd N'fnf'nt B~~~lt .. Wt•ll-bullt all 1'\'dwood •three-bedroOm home; two bath& Beeutlful llvi~·room. tw<H:er K•rqe. Ex9ellient )oca. tlon. Good hRy vlt•w. lmmedlrttc ~ $21.000 F\JmlAhed (~nna) NEAR SOt.rrn BAY Attractive thre.-...lA!tfroom, complt>t-"Y fumllhed: ~ IUld garn~re. ITt<'C"d to .. 11. lmmedtate p] I $16.!'100 North Bny Lot; K'OOd two-ca~pra~ .. ·-·~---...$15,000 Comer Lot on Nonh nay ····--·· .. ···-·•15,!100 ~r aood lotJt rrom . -··-.... ···-··-·-·v..#f#X) CORONA DEL MAR BMutltully tumlahed modem home do. to oc.n • e tt. lot. EX<'ellmt view. Two bedrooma, two taU.. laJ'lll' Uvlna-room. dtnlng-room, paUo, 111bted .,...,... ton rourt. Immediate polllleMlcm- Priot S29.MO New two-bedroom, larp Uvtnat·room. well ~ • oomer lot ln aood locaUon. Immediate ~ 1 1 <• •n.soo ~ our ~on ol ~ Corona del liar bulldlng aftet~. Fairly pr1c»d. GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALroRS 308 Marine Ave., Balboa laland HarlxJr ~W .... SEAVIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES l..rarp Rtlllrk.Ud BuUclllw Lea UDobMruc:tlld V1lw ot o..n and HartiGr A4ja.oalt to w Orowtrw 8bcW*'c ~ Pawd 8tnlta--AU UU!Jttee tn and Paid hr Tenna ot S.Je-.Outt or 1-3 DowD Euy llollt.bl)' Payment. --o-- Nrw Subdlvillon SeWna J"ut -Act Now For a.a..o. LocaUon' --a- RALPH P. MASKEY, Realtor Mll W. Central, OppoU ... Udo Thlat.w (~ to Rtalton) FOUR·BEDROOM HOME. near ocean; o:•t~ and very a.rtlatJcally tumllhed. El!etrle ..,._.. ft'lltor, flectric wuher. but)ecue. N.-outdDcir fumltw? ln larp compounct. Thla holM .. .,. cated oo thrt't' lou, all zoned for lnooa 1 18000 Down BalanoP. $100 Atr Month RALPH P. MASKEY...-iealtor 3411 We.t ~traJ Phone Harbor 402 Nfwport a.dl 88-dlt Order Your Serve] MOVJNG-Muat R ll 2.2 ft. CAbin RADIO HOUSE CALLS-drink or 1m0ke, no children or hoat, 7 ft. 8 ln. beam, 6 cylin~ Now that eddltlonal competent pct1. Ph~ Santa Ana 0991 -W w~rllf'fl Jllllin. Rllrdrn ~rnd C'hlll ------------------------wl th two amall hou.etl $10,600 Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's ioo Main St. Harbor 145 5?·tl< Ffl'T('after If wc rec:ap vour TIRES co"'·crtt'd motor, rev~ Jtt'IU'. tf'Chnldana are available, we are or wrltl' Box ''X'' Nl'WJ)Ort &I· Nf'Cds work. SarTiflce S3.''i0 or able to maJc. .ervlce calla on boa Nt'W\·TIIYM'!I. 37·tfc tradl' •mall shop or? 1813 \\'('!It WANTED 10 RENT -2 or J.bffl. Chnfrlll Avh., Nh .. •nnrt n -Qch. larce console~~. AU work ruar· ' ~ ' -r-· "''" _., HAROLD L JJ & U'10.• -rm. hoU.'If'. Will fuml~h lmmcd· Har. l~J 69-4h· ant.,..-u. . -.~ .... S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine AYe late priority on nt>w C'lwvrolt't BOAT FOR SALE-Only genuine Ph. Harbor 780. 34·11<' n~ honus. Phon(' L.'lgUnll llrnrh trokwond lady In Calif. Built In 412'..! 69·41p Hongkong In 1!HO Complelt'ly Radio R e pairs gone OV('r nt ~otrvat ('X'J)('nsl' a All make~~; tu~ etc. month a~-:o. Z26 \'in Lido Nord. • Be;lron 6763 Phone Harbor 1l!)ii.J. 68-tfc BURT NORTON WANTEII Onr' or twu lll'tlroum hnml' for ~ lntrr month~. hy Nrruwrvativr roupil•, nn chlldrrn. nn J"'f'lll; In nnlhon. I':Pwporl, .u rorona rl•·l Mar. Will takr, II Several rood Bay Front Lou LOT ON OCEAr~ BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. C1'ntr11l, Ballrn~t Phone Harbor 163 51'-tfr "flllfl llurll<)r lllvd. $94fi0 M ut<' I-f' ourt rrnr l hullln•'" llllr , r!tr!ll' In ('(l(ltlt ,.,, .• ,., r,o~:w1o 11 $!i·lf1() '1:! Acre On Com er We guarantet' our "CaJlll" to last F:XCJIAI'GF: for cahm cn1iscr. 915 Coflst fDgtrway, Newport Chrysler Cullom Jmj"'f'rial liP· 2.1·ttc dan. pr rf rC't rnndi t ion. W 111 It' or ::5-::::T:-:::F::-::. rNW::-:. ::-::-A~v=-=--==c;:-::R:-A:-:N:-:-t=1--:::84':-n u-:t7:1 f;-:ul call 63S W. Garvy Rlvd · Raid-modrrn in hlnck nnrl ~1)\'f'r C".or· f'IO!'!IIhlc fnr JonRr•r tr·rm. Phont ---A:---=---::-::0:-H::-:-:-:-:-::-::-:--- l..al:lma :lr1!l. fl!l·2tc· . F.. ,J NS< )N !t-rr10m hou"" plu• dbl. ruarr wllh ll\ll'lf ruum On Wf'lt ltdl- wlth /)('rlln v1rw v,.rllnt, move rhtht In 20,000 MILES and that'l not all- WE WILL GfVE YOU $20.'00 Tf' ONE COMF:S OFF Rr~:ardlcss of Spl'Cd. ONF. TIRF. REC"APP.F.D TN ~ 110\'RS. for 11 rompletc set wr will call for your c~r In lhl' morning and drllver !'amr day Als~ 12.00 Mobilstntlc balnncc joh when w e rrrnp your tires, for $1.00. No trod wc>lghtl or "extras." Costa Mesa Tire Co. ln Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Bt>ncon 5743 Ask for At or Hank. 64-tfc If AJfTED TO BUY It CASH FOR USED FURNtTURE PRONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tlc win Park, Cnllr. Rr no Nron Co. 67-1tp J.tf'OUs tnnr Thi!l I~ An nrt pi:•no. H you ar.-furnishm~ your hom.- FOR SALE I) lt. <'ahin crui~rr: in "Modr rne" rhi~ inqtrumrnl jq sll'f'flS ~lx gall.-y. dinr tl(', h.-od. fl('rfrrt for you R.-n!'nftllhly lnrJ.lr whrf"' house a nd c-ockpit, priCf'd. nnn7-~C'hmidt Plano ru . romplrt.-ly r<'ronditloncd, bow to !\20 N11. Mnin, Snn1a Ana 70-tfc stem: Chr>~lrr marlnr rn~rine. Scr n\\'nrr. 1~3 A~ntr A,·,. .. nnl· Radio anrl Electric l10a hlnnd fi7·t I<" RF.PA IRS 15·fl Thomr!lnn hull w1th 22 h p. 24·Hotm SF.RVTCF. E\'inrlldf' nnd arC'rsqorir'l wllh All Makl's __ Pk k Up ~ ()f'llvrry trnlll'r, $2;"!0: ~ft. 1\!ontrrry DW R"" dnuhl<' I'Orl<•r. C'hry~lr·r l'nJtlnl', PF.RRY HAR A r. complrtl' romnwrrinl ll~him: ric, 1Yl5 Co1111t ~lvd. Hnrhnr 232 rxC'<'ll,.nt ~h>~Jl", SI:J50 :-.tu~t !lf'!l. C'ORO!'A DEL MAR Phonr l111rhor 26!\3-J 67-4tr ~-tfc AI.I.·PL ASTlr 12·0 110-lh TOP 1 1.(~ i\ R IIOA T n nd ("A R R I F.R. ::F:-::0:-::R:-::g:-::A":'L-::F.:-,-C::oc--::k-r-r _p_u_p-:pl:-,-~~.-r-r-11· Immrdiatl' dr•livrry. Olht>r mod· Mnahlt'. 11. J . Shnffl'r. 201).1 Two N e w Home!' Rt•11dy for Of'l'llpnnry. Stnll showN'S Gls111 dot•rll ltlll!ll Ca I I 1522-.J fi.1.1f•· Want Income $1()(1 11 month nnd n pltwr In llw 7 <I ur'ro holl~""· pnrlly furnl~h· r•rl. (\ J.lllrlll!•·~ 1 All I:"..Ox:VWI '., ~~~ lf•r lllszhw:ty n lrk Jl•'ll''' q. l'il)(l rluhhuu•r 1\vr. l':t•wporr f~.J Ill ~..,.--...,.-----,--------FOit ~ALF. -H:•ltiOII l~lnn•l. r·nn· ffAC'tOr'll fnrm••r hnmt•, I 1 nJ•~ k frnm So. n :l\', l>r•nulcful !!lr•·• t w••ll ron•trurtr•l. lnrnmr• pr• ,.. rorty. Srr r.wnpr 107 Snpplurr rl~ "llOn -dln~o:hlr!;, !lllllhont!l, Mryrrl' Road. hriWI'I'n 19th c\ runn~UI'I, rTUillrr~ nnd Pllddlr-llnmlltnn, C"olllll Mr11:1 . 69-4tp --:---::---.,.--,:-------:-.,.---:-~ hoard~. FOR SAL~: R-room !lf'hhh'·d;"h Ave•. Art 'J•r PLASTIC WATF.R\RAF"T m . DOGS--All b~. ~tr1Pf'l'd. clip. r<t 101urro, 2·rar KAragr, ,. ''" 107 F. Cl'ntral. Bnlhnn ped. and b11thed by A.K.C. II<-rflOms : 1 n(Tr 11nlt 11mnll rt•nt 'I Phonr Harhnr 2673. 7().1 tr ~sed handler. Free pick-up llfl.OOO Ownrr, Rt 3. Rnx !\i -.: and c!t'UYt'T')I A(>TVI~. &-Tid l'ard. Pla<'c>ntia Avr., An11hrlm. Ph .. n•• Fire Equipment Tests Runell L. Kt"tcham. t21 Pofn. 47~. f\!1·11•· C..O·Two, Pyrene & Foam rt'nlla. ~ttlA Avt'. Corona del Mllr. SAN FRANCIS("() -2-hf'.drMm COo nxcd l)'ltfm 11nd Portabl" 52-tfr homr and 2 apartml'nta for In· now l\'llilllb1e. LI'V'Ein'OCil n come, will llf'll or tradr r('Jr ETS HOKIN & GALVAN FOR SALF,....Gf-ntlr sllddtr horse. Newport J111rhor property, t111r· 1000 Coflat Hlchway IIOITI'l ('tllor, $l2'1 St>e at lf\.'16 bor 1800. 57 tfe Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc '1\ullln A\'r. COlltll Ml'la. 69-tfr FOR SAt.F: rlf)O(I ~-ruom piu~t- NEW AND USF:D (lrl'd hnullf' with np11rtmrnt. I'Pr£1A.L ANNOUN~ • C-abin rrntal In rr11r Fin" I~ Will Pay Cash Electrical A~pliances Clition. Clalf' to hut. 1110,...·~ nnd F« your tumltun or what haw Of All Kinch Carpenters Available high I<'Mc:>l Ov.rrw. ~"'-' ''lr· ,.,._ Phone Bearon 5658. Craw· Co ftnRr Avf' !lOUth rndl. ~~~-m. -.,. FUrniture. 1812 N('WJIOr'1 NM'-port Electric Appllll~ · for pneral malnt"'ance C01tn M('illl, ~!Iron 514:\.\\' Bhd.. Cotta MeN. 48-tfc 2309 C~11t -Blvd. Ph. Harbor 2138 end repair f;8..8tp rii&NiflJD FO& IIALE II 0 . Z. IIOBDTIIOJf I"'R • u,.. .. ft. O'Ketofe & Mer-~-FT. CABIN CRUISF.R. launrh· CaU Harber 113 o~ ed l'd May 1945. New O.ry~IM' rttt Refa .. ~; alto ctmm-nn Crown en.rlnr. Rlg~rt'd for chllr· chair J5 29 O.aoon Bay. New· trr, llvt' hAlt tank. 11'1' box. 14- part Be~. 70-ltp foot 1klff tn('Wl, complrte tllMl· Mil SALE-Bedr. sultt. walnut. core and maclu•rt>l ~ar. ~. 125· Wd dawn~ m&Jjle Inquire 202·8 20th St .. NI!WlJOrt. IMtcNftl d\all'l, S30; dinette fl8.tfc tal* 4 d\alrl, $1.5. 122 TtJP!U -=----:----:-:---=---Aft.,' Balboa Ia}and. ~ltp ~ ltMdl at ,.....,...._ KEYS "*'-W1d1e TCIII Waa YOOICL'8 ·lOOMabllt., ...._ -KutM ..... lllud ...... mR SALE--<'oron" 111'f· MAr. 4:'.- ft. lot. 1 block fmm IIChonl, '""'h of mvd., r-ood I~&Cjnn frrr tno- C'Oml' Owner. f'tl. 11-2139-W ~n that unwant~ tlroul'h N...._'niMI ... (\:\. tfc: article lAdlt-r theetll at N.-.11""'"· llalla faldln at N...,.n..,... Realtor and Assm~int<•!' Phonr flf'nron ~l fl:l·M Today·~ Srw d all . _ Newport Bl\'d. Home $R7r;o il-Bedronm Home and m·s1:-;~:ss l:l.f)(; I 2R ft. X 2R II wllh ll\'101' qoullll'rll Hou.e.-In rrnr. \\llh IIIII•· flllinl! ThrN'-BC'tlroom Hnme rould hr mltt1•· tnl•• ~''",.' r••nllll I Furnl•h•·fl Thl_. I~ 1J ~pl••rttlld lii"Pf'rly l :ll. ('('Jil'nt J,yntlrm quirk 1111,.,._,. '7 lrM'I', l•nrnl''' l11 rr·11r lh"t r>oulrl 0 I ~ J l 'IOO hr. mwl•· inltr r.llf·J t ""'llW n Y •lJ ,I 1 t•rrll" 2 Bc <lro()m. Nl'w. :1\fi><!iU 2 RNh'IJflm Jlr,m1• $fl7.-,f) } I J f'lt'' (: If 'H't• n nr-n 3 Bcdronm If 11mt' S7%11 ( ;,., ,.,.,1 l Bedroom. r-;(·w. $?;1on 2 Declroom Hom(· $7!H)() FurnlMh••cl G :trtt(!P 2 BNirno m J I "m•· $H41)0 llnrdwnn<t Tllr• 3 Betlroom H ltmt· $><460 I llrlf 1\rr .. I ::rr ttV" 2 BPdro()m Hom 1• $~41)0 2'1, AI'TM. 2 Bf'droom H om,. $k!)()O 1 1\rr" I.Arl:" c:t rlll{" 21 ~-AC'rt• l ndu~trial Site· I In \\'11•'10 n' 1 MtiP •tr•rm~r $ttflfi0 JJnrhor ntvd. Frnnta~<' 1\ •Iandy IH.IIIInr u nr motrl '"" $fi7r;O MANY MORT-: . rOMF: IN ANO "TALK rr f'IVF.R" -()pm ~und11 FRANK P .. JOHN~ON Realtor li t liM Nrwport hlvd JlrftN'In ~'W·W 70-111 I 1.100 fSI.F: flt)Mf~ on C"t')rn• ·r lnt 2 nn up-1 nn &,wn Ftrr111"'... Douhl,. Garlll!" 6-Room Hom<' $10.500 1 2 llf'droom• 2 1(111 I WttliNI Pfllll) -011rhl'r11,. A '•·ry lt\'~'nhl,. hnmr S:.>:..fllVI ~~ -TrMTUI f\lllrlh P. Mukry Open Evenln£1 t~nd ~unl111y A. E. JOHNSON 489 Ntwpart Blvd .. \(lllla MHa Ph. &11con 5102-M 71).111' 3411 W lrntrNI 'Ph TI11rl'lnf' 402 II!).. ttl' FOR SAI.F: Onf'..Mdnn. hrtfn", oor•n vi~: c:all tor llppolnt- mrn t n a.rbnr 1D-J lw-tW1'f'n A lnd It p m. 70-2tc: BUY GOOD REAL ESTATE FOJt un lnv<'fltmmt that la pnctJcally fooiproot rn101 "ow,-odut1lnn.'' FOR A t-ommunlty whe-n> MJmmer r8ltAla pay a n.'j(talar. amplt', bornu. rtlvldend. WE RF..CYlMMENJ) nn lnv,...lrTW'nt In Bolboa J.w.d. -t-nn YOUTl l.ISTING--- CJtll HUR I'OWf':lt." Rt llorbor 82-W or 794-R F.venlnp j . A. Beek Office, Balboa Island 1-'t•rry Lnndlnj;t 69-ltc I~I.AN I1 llF:/\I.TY I '() ('.,mpr At.ITONOTIQ a TIIIIJa • llr.} Fr .. rll lui. l•rll'••r lh1r11 u~rllll l'r IR ~AU:.-IIf'¥.1 OcoSotn. N ..... "In·. ttluld lr~tv hull lnt•·ro ••t In min.,; ,.,,1111ir•. 711 Nllrl'il•u., Co- l•lt·l', ""'.:"rOfl l•l•rrrl ltl'lollv ,.,. • run11 •1••1 Mn r, •1r lllllllfHI Donut :101 AI'""'· 111111""' h lnntl l'h , h"l' ~ltc: llrtrhnr :\17. W 7fl :.!tc F()H ~J\1.1-: r~u 1,..,11111 J, .. ntr • Th"U.F.kN II ··~··• pllnn~rlll w..tl lrttll l. """ '''· ~ ••H SAI.f>~ IH ft ,lriJJif'r houle. n1•·· h '"' 11 ll"'' •I'''''· r..rc 11: "n'"""''"' M .t-M Trail,.r, 7D) ''""''' """" ll"r. Lot 11nrl half ' r·..,,_, lltrhwny A•k fnr Paul I• t•••m '"' • 'l•lln•l•tu, ""'' lol k ~•""" 70..2tp fr••ll• I ul .. lhr·trt•; ""~'"''"' •·•~•! l;l.lltl•:rt 'II lrui)rr, :.!1ft .. 3 rma., n•·•, rl•~lthl f toll :111H .I l-rl-11 ~I•·••Jr~~4 l.l•••·h lrhrr•k"l, OutllJM!, • •l:1v, Sf·Jrl I 'I '"' ••t•J••IIIItll•·lll $111'1·, 1~1 :-.I•·WJ•Ilrl Tr11ill'r Park. N··~v·• r """' 7t•·:.!t•· ,A,, 1:.!:1 G9-ttp KF.AI. r:N'rATr. F.lllCIIANOF. "'1 Wlr .,;'J' nil klndJI ,,r tr"ll''l'l tw Mf•I':-;TAI!': C'AOIN "I 1.~ rrn1 111111 '"'''· 'rrli1'1rr mude~ to rfiWh••l!rl. f·X• IHrnl(r• rr.r '"''"''' rtrrlr·• llunl"ll 1'r•lh'1' l\l'nt .... l'fllllli;" l'h•m•• fo'tlllr·rl••n 11"•0·.1. No•Wtll•rl A•lln ~1111'-1 Jot, 2800 f!H·41p f•lfork un f'•·otrnl Avo•, ~.ltp ----------------------~ MOMEY TO I.OAJt u 1'RA11.ERS FOR RDIT-0. ,_ awn tt.ullnr end fftMtnc. AD U )ANR TfJ HUtLf>. buy, :m~'"' nf1'! fiiJUiprNnt, 12.25 and ~~-m~~mJ .. or ,.fi'UUII'<t per dlly. W" tumWI the hitS. Newport Ralboe .,...,era.l R"vtnc, M)'rl'hn Droa. ~ ltadall, and Loan A _,.JilUon C"'''r. 11th A NI'WJIOI't ftMl. o:.t.e :\.33-1 Vl11 Lldt) Ph. llartww 1!!100 Ml'tlll. -.eft A~ WA.H'I'IP) .AU1'08 WAJnD • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW Who. Prta!tt ~~~ HJifh. PhGne tor our ~ buyeT who MD eaD and ~you .......... OPA lle8Uladonl. ...... prtca and ..,.,.. aiJ detalll CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO .. Inc. O.u••• Md o.&o a'lle o.a.n IODl •• .CIIMNI. ,...,.., ....._ a ec-. n r a' -r.. Beaeh Man Dran· Term for DJ1vlq , Floyd c. Pt>tenon, 213 38th street, Newport Beach, wu aen· tenccd to servc ~ days In the Nt•wporl Beach city Jail TUt•lday morning in dty rourt Mlll'r plf'ad· inK guilty tn rharges ot driving wluh· intwor~<lt'(l. WILLIAM P. MEALEY OENER.U. OONTRACTOR Retlidential and CornmerclaJ BUilding I Pt•tr•rsun "'us orrt•sl('d early I I Suntl1ty nl<lrnllll( 111 918 W. CRntral HI rrr r'folhclrng "'"h four park I'd A ..-, Newport 819'4. t.'o.t.a M- , .... j,.,. s I ~ _ ~ --··oN,.__ 1 Scutch tatxo. 'arrnus alu.'l, on , ._------------------------J aul\' at the News-Time• . WhE'fl you want to borrow for any sound bullneM or other purpose at low airt and on favorable t.enns-remember this bank Is the best place. FINANCING BwineM ia &nk BUS INESS ---- WE HAVE D .E D I C A T E D OUR SERVICE and PAm and ACCESSORIES ---PERSONNEL ud FACILmES to the Automobile Users of this -. . For ---. . Today and aU of the -·' • Tomorrows to Come. You ean eX))e(t: • COURTEOU S TREATMENT • IMMEDIATE ATTENTION • FULFILLED PROMISES • FAIR PRICES • GOOD WORKMAN SH IP AT YOUR CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE ... · .. DEALERSHIP .. Hydra~natlc Specialists No Down Payment Easy B.tpt Ter• Front End Aligning _Fra111e Stralglltenlni Lllbrlcatloa _ CILBERTSOI ·CHEVROLET co~ .. ..._..,._DI ,·swim Classes ; By Red Cross Are Finished I In the• thr('(' cami)Aigna thf're wrrt' 1030 rl'gistrants, 700 partld- pnnts. and 380 who qualltil'd for ,., rtiricat\'S 1111 follows: Non·S\\ tmm«'rll, 154. &>ginners, 9R. In u•rl}'lt-dla h •s, 81. Swimmers, 19. .lunior Lifl't~avl.'rs. 24. St'nior LICC11aV(•ra. 4. Frank Crocker, chairman or the "all•r safety committl'<', expreut.ll g'rl.'al satisfaction with the rcsults Newport Harbor's summer "wa-or th!' compatgn and Is planning a trr safety and l!'arn to swrm" cnm-fuJI season's program for next paJgn t'ndl'd ~·lth thr romplt>tlon ot ycar. 11w Rt-d CT'O<U program. ear- th£> Balboa bland campal&n on. ried on as a part ol the aervtc., Sa"futday, Aug. 24. provid<'s instruction absolutely free Arthur S teck, Instructor aulltri-l to all.· Through Ita National Aqu- NI from Pat:rCc area otrlce a t San 111 ic Schools. training Is provided Francisco, who Instructed the for instructors to carry on the pro classes during tht> she Wt!ekl for gram. Much dr the work II done Newport, Balboa and Balboa lsi-by ,·olunt('t'r pt'n()nnel. Funds for and, reported a suCC'HIIul series the purpo.e are derived from the and had high pratllf' tor the coop-public donatlona ~ived In the f'ration of thl' public and hil as-drives. siltant, Miu Joan Zube, Barbua ------- Whitt'houae and Mn. Hont. • 8en1q Ia the Patio .. SO'JliARINE AVE. Going to You probAbly have yoar cJnuD boule aD worked out ID your mlDd -or maybe your architect or oontract~r abMdy bat prepared pluM on paper for you. Eleetridty w01 hav~ a 1up ...,.tID maldac dnlams of pMtwar li\illl eome true. WbeD you co O\'fr the plarul wltb yoar ballder be .are to uk him about Cbe aewe.t cleftlop- IDellta 1D hoUMb~~ •ftlc ud fuo- Uoul beaaty. Our kperta Ia everythlllc eledrieal wiD be clad to help wttll layout ,.._ Or JII'OIII-. ODe MQMUoD may mab a lot olcBff.,.. .. the "llv&4bllty" of ......... , ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN IIIHOE 4 l I I t 1000 Cout Hlway PlloM IIMeoe M0'7 ..... ..... 'to* ~ ......... ~ ELECTRICIANS ().().Two ...... ~ t ._ JrADIO&Y, n..utr, -= FMM. .,_ Mo.t towna of Southern Cali- fornia are C\lnled with a •hlttinc population, dliCOW'acina to thoae powers that be wtUcb ml&ht under normal condltiona cet out city ell- rectories. -The-ahlftlng isn't en- tirely thl' fault or the cltiu-n~, who for the mo.t part wou.ld be &lad to. stay put, but for reasons an too Wf'll known are forced to &et out and warc:h for oth«>r QU&rt<>rs because thc owner. havine been forced out hy some one else, wants ln. In :-.lewport &>ach. cven more fluid of po'""latlon than molt town•. the champion moved Ia un· doubtedly Volney Hay. In the spring Hay aold his Balboa Motel and movcd to the Sea-Esta Motel at C011ta MesA. August 15 he boiJiht proJ)('rty in Balboa consist- ing Of a small cottage on Central avf'nue and a 14-room Oct'an Front home, and on Friday or that week had movl'd Into th£> cottage, happy at being .back In Balboa. tar tbt ..... IUIIIIlY u. Ia .. world ..._ tbt war. He ._ baiL 111 .._q _ .. ~tbt au--- Bunna·lndia theater , openU.. MaJ. Gen. W. E. R. CoveU, a thl' lilt' line rtom thl' United Stat. partner ln the New York enctneer-to China that kl'pt American and Inc finn of Penon. Brinkerhoff. Chlncse troope supplied durlna the Hqan It MacDonald, has pur-war. He wu also responS'ible for chued a flve-acr"l' ranch and hill-the construction ot the f~ sick home In Rancho Santa Fe.l Stl.llwell road that linked lndil nt'ar Del Mor, and he and his wife with the old Burm aroad and will make their home there. Kunmine, C)lina. For his part ln Now retll'f'd trom the army,1 the war hf' was award!'d the DSM Maj. Gt-n. Coftll was resgonsiblel w1th Oak ~af Clustf"T; . .............. :=::..:-.... ....... Before he had been in a week 'I~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ ht' had sold the two houaes to Clyde Price of Chula Vista 'for $38,000, the new owner to take oVPr in two weeka. Whl.'re Hay ll going next wcek, he doesn't know. What Mrs. Hay thlnka about a.ll this moving, we wouldn't know. Pedestrian's Rights ·1 On one question of "rights," as betw('t'n drlv('n and pt>destrians, thc car owner appnrently Is too o!ten rn th~> wron~c~. reports Na- tional Autornohile C'lub. That seems to apply In the case of thl' green light giving th~ car owncr an unqualified "~o~o" signal. Courts havt> held that his r ight to mow• on the signal rs not unqualifil'd: that pedmrlans In th\' intetsectiO'l must be allowt'd to clear befort' motorists wattrng for the signal ' may mov«>. It Ia a "right" of th(' pedestrian u thf' court sees it. Battery Service • Yoar c:.r • Yoar Boa& • Y oar lleehuLcwJ Eqal,....t u,.. ............... to tile_. tehpl••• ....... _ STOREY'S Battery WMfmlneter St., • (betweaa IM a M ....... ) V08TA MESA • BMooa 5 188 ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! Ia: WIDdow Atnllap. Door Boocll Porch a Patio CaaopiM .... Oat • -....... 18; ..... Oat •• -11..-Ia; •... _, • ··No "tJ!* " .,..._ .. : • .._, ---No aaw.; e ............ I-Delrlp • • • c-teel S.Ut; • 11-..t l:c••., ... ~~~ ... Now! q.lltJ V ewtt.• BlbKIII (Either Wood or Metal) Q-.. ..... For..,_ I'M• tee 0111 Rewrw Outrres hAn+t¥081 Lawn Sprinkler Systems OD F. H. a~· TERMS No Down Payment-36 Months to Pay 8A\'E8 MANY DOLLAR8-LoWI.'r wat('r bill<o; a system good for ft IICNime, f'nding fre<juent expenditul"t's for sprinkling equip- ment: n di'CI"('Ml'it' in ~ardt-neor hire ... a ll the~ savingll enable a C'onCI'olro Lawn Spnnkling Sy!ltem to pay for itself In a short time. !'lAKES ~PRISKLl:~;o f:t\8 \'-Th(' weary work of watC'ring by hand as changl'd to child's play. There Is no more bothn. • fus." or mu~s! To spnnkiC' ;u<~t open the valve and leave the rest to thf' s)strm. Tw£>nty nunutcs sprinkling twice a W('('k is us- ually t•nough. · -PHONE FOR FREE E81UIATF- GOLDEN RULE SPRINKLER CO.· 105 W. FUth Saata Au. SILVER PLATIIG We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!! e For the lint Ume llaee t1ae ..,., yoa eu ban JO. ae.-k. M Mel fiDe t. lfJI flcM ftiii- Vered with- PURE 100% nNE 81LVD OOJOIDCIAL. TB.iPLE OR QUADIWPLB PIATI: • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS ALL woaa ouAAANftm • e JIMdUcllt aeoect.ra. AD ..._ (co--elal Ptate) Bay~~!~·.!~ Co.~ .. COIITA MUA :::; Phone Beacon 5358-R You're paid well while you learn to be a Telephone Operator You'rr ru id · ,...hilr) C>U I urn on a rrJrphnn~ joh ... • full Niat)•, aod )'OU arr srvrral ~ IM c.,., year alnnr ! At 1 lwginnrr. )'OU 1ft frimdly. petim1 inuNCtion "-' undrruandins tuJ)«,...ison . : I I Yuu'll likr •he "'ur!,.. rc, iru~r­ ~·cins;, rlru- anr. y,,u·ll like lht f!jr), )'UU work wirh, tOO.. Good working conditions ar- rracr rhr lund of ~plr you ftljoy lmowin~t and hc,in,: ••ith. Rur rvcn mor. imporranr • , , ------------------------------------------- You'll know chat .)'OU ha,. a raJ oppomm- iry to-~ &had. .A t~l~pbooc ioboiiJ~n a ajrl • real career, whh msay •dnotllf". Why .... ,_-IU fodey? Here's .. y you 'll ~~~" 0 ~.,.. .. ~, • Good peJ' wbiJr )'OU 11'111'1' . • Good workillg roodit.i- • Jt~lu I'IUn • V..doo willa s-1 • A dlaoc.-c 10 att abead -----------------®. ~ -----------------,,,.,. ' .. S.lthtl'll California r•'•"hOIII c ........ , "Call Chief Open&or for A~" Look INCUine will rua an ar- ticle with pktures of loc&l piratee fe&tured ..in:J lM prewnt Pirate ~ celebration In a future laa~. It wu announoecl by Bill Fox of the Balbo. atudioa of 8ftnard of Hollywood, Tuesday. Puauc NOTica · NO'I'ICK or AW,\U» OF CONTaAor Pursuant to the statute hereln mentiOMd ancl Resolution or Award of CoDtract No. 3379, of the Clty CoundJ ol the Ctty Newport Beach, Callfornla, adopt· ed on the 3I'Cl day of S.ptembe:-, 19t6, directtnc thia notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVI:N, that the said City CouDd1 In open IIMIIion on the 3rd day of Sep&em- ber, 19M, opened. examined and publicly declared all sealed pro- poaala or blda. otfeftd fer doing the foUowtnc deecrtbed wock, to- wit: nw IJ'adin& and pav4nc with uphaltlc concrete pavement wtth a deeompoeed IJ'anlte bate, ce- ment concftt.e alley approedlea, vitrified clay pipe ~ sewer oonnectionl, water lft'vtce connec- tlona, cut Iron pipe water mslna, ftre hydrants, fitt:IQII and es.pur- tenanoea and appurtenant work ln CIOilMctJon therewith In alleys and etreeta in Sect.lona 1 to 5 lnclualw, of Balbo. Ialand and Tract No. 142, all a more particularly de-- ICribed ln Resolution of Intentloo No. 3279, paued and adopted by the Oty Coundl of said Oty on the 4th day of February, 111-t6. and on file In the offl!."! of the City Oerk of said Oty. For further partlcula.N ref€'r· m ce Ia hneby made to II&Jd Reso- lution of Intention No. 3:.'79 and to said plane, profiles, and ae~tions No. 409 sheets 1 to :?5 Inclusive, and Standard Plans N~. 1()16 and 1061 on file In the office of the City Eng!Mer of llllld.Dty or NC\111• port Beach, and to the sperjflca- Uona for the said work heret:JfoN' adopJed by the said City Counctl and on file in the t~ffic:e of the City Clerk of aald City, 3tld all of said plana, profiles, sections and apedflcatlone heretofore approved by the City Council of l>flld City are Incorporated her€'1n and made a part heri!'Of and rcfeftncc it hereby made thereto foe a more partlcu)ar description of said work. SaJd City Coundl has deter- mined and declared that the r-on· templated work and Improvement heretofore mentioned was In the oplnlon of said City Cqunci1 c.r more than local or ordinary publi(' benefit and the said City Council baa made the expl'I\K'S of saad work chargeable upon a distrl('t. For the particular description of the 1aid district reference II here· by made to aald ltelolutlon of Jn- tmtlon No. 3279. Said City Council hu drtf'r· mined and declared that serlaJ bonds bearing Interest at the rate of aix l6% l per cent per annum and extending aver a period ending nine 19) yean from the second day of January next succeedlng the next October 15th following thelr date, will he Issued here- under In the mnnncr provided hy the "Improvement Act of 1911 ," belng Part 5. Division 7 of the Street• and Hlghwa~ Code of tM State ot Ca]ifornla. to repre- sent each assessment or Twenty- nve ($25.00) Dollart or more re- malnlng unpaid for thirty (301 days alter the date of the war- rant. All or the work herein ord€'rt'd shall be done and carried through In pursuance or an act or the ~lature of the Stnte of Cali- fornia, detl~tJ~ated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911," being Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Olvi~lon 7 of the Streets and Highways Code. The said City Council did by said RC'1101Ution of Award of Con· tract No. 3379, awa.rd the contract for the doing of the said work to the low€'st, rl'gular, responsihlc bidder, to-wit: To Sully-Miller Contraclinsc Company, at the prices namt'<i ln Its bid on file lr the office or the City Clerk or said City. Dated this 3rd day of Septem- ber, 1946. FRANK L. RINEHART. Oty Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California. Pub.-Sept. 5, 10, 1946. EMPLOYERS! DI.VOTI. YOU" I.NTI .. I. TIM. TO O .. I. .. ATINO YOU" .VII· NEll. .. .. OP'IT •v .. LACING ALL YOU .. L.AaO" RI[LATIONI .... O.LI[MI IN I XPI[ .. T HANOI -AT .. I[AIONA.LI. ,1'1[1. •• • • • lla,. more llnowt•d•• of and a etoal ...-n.nc:e In labor relation• In lAe Anpiaa. Oran1• IUid I other Su. Oalll. coanll" tl\&11 .,., otiMr .... ,...,,n -..-p~~tu.tlnn. !lnc:e lUI, COMull••' te t employ-r ....,..,.,tatloM In "" _ .. u.,. Mmprl•lnl ovn tot •mpiO) • en Ill pracllcall7 •••fT Una of bual· --SPKWISY IN LeiiW Nlatlane caneultatlene, llli&P _.,.._. -•tl•tl•n-llaetlva Nr• .. lllllll, ,._,.....,tatlan .. ,... ...,. --lltll IIMr .......... mMIItt.ft f1f IIMr • ....,, .. , lnd ... trlel relatl.,.l ~ ~~ .......... ~ ldl'l'lllliWI• • • • .................................. • • • W111. H. Carter ...._......_" a ~~o•=--.• ..... ~ =·~0:...1- ~ ..... to ... ...,.,. w.,A-. . ; !' E ! . I I ... L l etfier For a o.me or For a Profi ~ Walter J. Gerhardt 1Wbor213-W OUR PHOTOGRAPIIEit .., rw hd A~ ... - ~ L. ~ DlciMa' Davis & Gay Music fA». ..., If ....... ~·-. 5..., '"..._..._a ........... G.N.Wells Real Estate .......... 1111 1"' N ....... ...._~ tt ...._ OIWL 0 . c. HAJlR--. c. c. OTro Otto's Sportinao Goodl an~ Saddlery Barr's Jewelry '~'rift Location~ ......... 111.\'D. o.e.•-.... -... Arthur 8Uver -Bob P..m.ld New Blue Room &U& ~~~.b.wro. ........ liM ....... BurtR.Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ........... .,. 1111 0.... ~.!f...,.n ....... OIWt 0 . ll. (PoD) cNwley~. II. (llarrie) ~ Iist1DCt1ve Hamt Jl\unlah.lap Crawley's Furniture l8U N...,..n .,.....__.., ...._. .... o.ta Meu-"tn the Heut ol'l'owD" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station ''You Otto Buy boom Boyd" _.. - 1 ... W. ~b»-Ne~--A. aan.r ... AL ANDERSON Fun Zone ....... G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES ... ..,,.._ ... 1'711 Newport Bl¥4.. Oo.aa ._, ...... IMI·W "Home and Auto SupplY Stores" U:·ELECT Jesse L Elliott -~&- SHERIFF TUUDAY, NOV. Mil Harold K. Grauel . CHAPEL ut an ...... ,._.._ ...._. lilt Ooeta M-. Callfonda A. E. Groty-J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. f"rtcNaaN ...... ,... ~ .... tm Newpert ~ .. ..., o.lll. John E. Sadleir R eal Estate -Insurance OfftcePII, llartlwltM 101 Mabl 8~ Oallf. F. a. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFrS OF ALL KINDS Ph. Rarllor 1118-W 110! o-.D no-t-Newport lleMia, Oallf, HUBBARD HOWE Pr'H. Hubbanft South Coast Company lUI W. Ceetrai-Pit.. llalllor Mtt HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 17111 a Oout lllpr-PIIone a.-MM Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker ..._..: Offlcle. llartMir 1--Rea. Rubor lilt ~ W. ~tr&l AYe.-Newport lleedll, Oallf. COY E. WATT'S Balboa Liquor Store 7M IC. ~tr&l A.-e.. BAlbo&. l"tl. llartlor .14,..1 ""I'M ...... of Corlllall!z,:: -0 . B. .,,..._, Jlcr. J. M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER ........... ,,w IStll a& Oelltrai-Newport II-' ''On Your Way to BaJtx." Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sl111 of the "Pt.YINO UD ROUE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE 11art1or 1m-1 0oMt m... •& ltl ~ I Newport Engineering AIIOdate. FREDERIC J. SINGER. PnetlldMt .. 'u ....... a ........... ,. 1111 c-t .... ,_..., ..... ... Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store •. Footwear for AU tM runtly .. 1ftl M..,.n ~ ·-fteee .. ...__ -.w Dr. W. T. Moonev PHTIJClAN and-SURGEON ...... c. ..... ft....., (1&-?lr • ......_) .. I' .. Inv~ting In Harbor Real Es~te · . . Is Sound Business Sense By GEORGE B. WEISS wiw. a few ,_,.. tMI ..._ •1D beca-.e the ...-1 ..,.._ ,..._., dlltrtct Ia ._ wntrrhal --*J. 'l'lle ...._ ud ........ WOC!b will ....... ....._.,.. • • • So. ,.. far.. ........................... u.e ................................... , ••• r. Mt .. J-c .. tile)'-·-... M tM allhleat .. beMre--&o baUd tWJ. en¢- $UCCE$$ I ~~ 11 1 I iii ll1 jli n •it l!i r· ~~ ?H ::i ~~· •• ~~-•• -~· ~=. ••• a il! •• . -~ ••• ... ::: &e ~ !! i • I . ~ ~ JOHN E. SADLEIR from Gc-rtl•nlt photo lORN£. 8 ADU:I&, a-ltor,............., ._. _. • ...._ ........... of""" at let lbla ............ • • llld& wu Ito,. Ia Dlblola. 'W~Wa he wu a-re C!lll .. .._ faraO,. -¥H to M•ta.a to ,_ Her.,._. C!MUe _. Jll&rveM a .. aerw el lftla Ia the OI'Mt ~a•u. ....._ A1ttH lite trrMl ......... U187 _.... .. .._ Aaplee_..._I ..... M.IIe•......_. wtllt llte8..-rl\7 P'li'M Na.._, ...-. n...,....,. law.._ ............... t ...... wtllt ........ ., ~-., wu~ ... altt!r ... ,...,. -.aM --... .,tile ...... at........... nw-'"-liN .. , ......... ,...... 1M! .......... ,_. ............. _ ta a "booe-a-tile-wall" _. u _,_ ---. • .,..._. It tato • n-. ..._. orne. wttat ,_ ......._ _. -lMal'aalle -. Offerl--c _......_, -~ of • ota17 puhUn .-leiJ bosf'l IUICt ltoa4 eaba. • • • ,._ ,.._,will aiiiOw Ia l'elll N tate ._..,_..tile tfoftllll .... _,__ • • Two,_,. aco ............ a...._ a& Ill N.,..._ AYe.. ('orona del ,..,, from _..... W. w If~ llattl, a!lftljfe lwr _.., MU.tu-. • • • .. ......-• ........._ -wUI .., Ia 11er ...,. ,_,. Ia CIOI!ep. "-l ehn Kwt.h. .. a Ju.UOr Ia ....,...r BL • • • lob, 41ariatr lite __. -,.,. .. d1rfocltor tor -.,. CNM, lr&l.,.. Ill "'Mhl...... D. 0 . _. _.... at a..p Y-c, 'h.,.._, T.elalld and UN~ P.-.lo. "a-41 Ia a.lr, feet a1D011C flowl"ra" for lie Jad ftehllwlf II 1 bou,.. 41ua.l IR•frwU.. aad wtll-fty ..... llltl lat.ll a-o-.. a lbow.-n for luberoue ........... .1..-k 8adl.tr'• -brand~ IMIIWiac wtll lllfl ,....pi1W aad ~ •t. Ue& <'-* lliP'"Y • or abollt Od. 15. Karolcl L lkmm Radio S 0 S Electric 110 llut_...,... b...._PIII ........... Ttl Plallco, 0. 1!., Hoffman, Admiral, n.or -.,Jo aad A.,u.-8entee 8PI"'elhg 0. Z. Robertson . General Contractor IJII ()out IIIP-r-eo,_. clfol Mar, Calli. Pll. Rarllor AI Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company T ...... Beacoa Mil and aut Ill ()out ....._,._flf-.,ort ~Calli. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage ... llartNtr .. ,. ut lOIII IlL-Newport ,......._ Oaftl. A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNlSON, A.Pnclate .... ()ou& ..,_,_,.._ ,..._ 5171 "i:it:: ~~~I'M:d;i" (WM .............. Marllet a De•eah R) ~-• • 7111 1!. ~tr&l-l"tl. lblhnr t'nl Thomas F.· Norton ProD. BAY SHORE CAFE ..... ...... 5'7U-11tlt • c..-__ , SERVING 12 NOON TilL I P. M. AI aad Jbn'• MEAlS .&.1II•W Willa Cottle'• 1111 OMtr..a-H.,...,r .. lohuy Abell Balboa leland Sporting Goode "Evft'ythlnc for: the Spnrtaman•• Ill~ .. .,... A~r tMI_...... We MAC PELLETIER ~~~rLP~':!!..-?' OLADft BEVD~ .... ...._.f'tiiiH Beverley Realty Company .., .. C.llal ft. lla.ltMw .,.. .. .. a Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge tOI Mala 8ln!et.---ftRIINie-PIII. lla,_r ni·M Bob Callis Dltttrlhator OENEUL PETE ( n.n:HO BOUI!POwaa) H'J IOUI 8t.-N"!!P'rt-Ph. llarhor Tt'l ROSS < tnfo;J-;u ;y "PIK-UP" Carmel PfltM'O"'-h C,_.. IMa.IW IMIIka -Hot Dotrw -C.W Q.alfa %04 "'.... -lt&l.,_ Dr. Robert A. Crawford OIJ'fOMETRIST nn N-port Bl ... ..-()oela M-. o.at. Pllloae IIMMa Mil Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishin~ Fleet Mt. llubor u._.... ............ Braden L. Finch r..-n MJCT. Finch Ceramics OAMIA LOPTU!:N, Maaac"' Orkin's Department Store R.ndy·lo-wt'ar. Beadl Top, Pk-oe Gooc:tA Infanta' Weu-Houlletloltt Ware Pti~Bne ""'-17tr-IR tile Bea.rt of o-ta Meea Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES w-.w-.w ......... .............,. ANTON HERSHEY ~~~L .. NE'I..SON STAFTORD • GI'!RA.LD LmERTY .. M•nacen .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan N.wport Beach ·San FranclllCO-Wllmlnct~ San Dlf'lgo • Stockton I!II.(J"TIUCIAN8 ... eo..e ..... Plt. ....._ 8W7 ••• a-.: .....,_ aM.I-W Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe Pldkul"l' and Mankur1nr ,. E. O. .. al ..... ft. ......, ltll·l 'lbru the 8aJ1»er Shoo Duteh Heacock 110 .. a1l'111*a lJI .. ~ ..... "''''' ...... --ftl ............ URL W. STANLEY ...... ow.rhlc Oteater M""'''II't ...._ ............. ., ......... , .. Rlo.tat.I.OM ...... _ Dhd- 8111 OlatNI • .........,..,... .... ....... 4 9 a A!" a 9 ·~ '-'.!11 ' Merchant Patrol A-' Dttt ... ........ ... o-...... llf .. ,.. ...... --... 4 Theodore Robina FORD DEALER . 1111 W. OIMNI .......... ~~~a.: C. F. Dennilon .. ... >t .... A. -..umr aam.-..._ .. o..e . ........,......-.. ... J.-•. ftonl v. ·Raub & Bennett ENGJNEERB ancS SURVEYORS ·-llf ............ .... ..... ........... o.ea.._ jOSEPH L. MARSHALL chriati;.:t~·lat ...... T. LD'EVJUf: "Frenthie's" Barbtae a Delteate••en . ., .................... .... uau.ao L. ." ....... . ~--lift Patterson & Boyle • ;w ...__.., ltll -..... ._ ... OIMt ..... ,.._..., ltn ..... Capt. B. j . McNally .. ,..,.. ~~"~~e!l E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Larpet N~r Dart Clanwl on ODMt Ptlly S.lfl witll Dolle ............... _ ..... Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER a.u.aoA (Wit, Cleo. w.... L. Elaine ...... Coast ~-Jl!rties Co. , .. IC. o.~ . ..,_- W. B. Rowe Startk's Cafe II .. ....__,.,~ Fritz Oooltnenl -Woody CGoplr Balboa Market ... ...,..., ~· ........ jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NI!W "P'OT liN CoMt lll .... r -N.,..,..n ...... o.lll. A LLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails :=--: .. ~·:~-~ .. ~ .• :'::.::,•:: RDbert E. Arvin's IMrflleN.ucl Waw....lutN / Ill ...... tJ ....... •"-' <' l'f...,.,rt ...... O&llf. William MacC\.Irdy W. H. (S1dpl eatJdn. MacCuJ:~rL ~R~~a, Ine. M. 1'!. Nl~ker. Rfoc:. A 'T'rfo••· IIU 0... lllwa,.-·N ..... rt ....._ ........ MU ~ · • · BP'AN & HOJ.MAN ---Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS .. ..._. Drl_,..,..r 1166--()o,... .., ._ J. E. Ragsdale (Own.l') Balboa Motel and Wlnct.or Ill a. C.&ra.l e tn & 01MN1 ........ ...,.., Ill ....... o.ar . Bob Allen COUNCILMAN •.u.ao• 181.4~ 4AII:TY 11'1'011& VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel ''SIMp by the See'' 1-,.,....,.... ..... -e-ta .... OIIAaLEY f •oJl, .,_ OW... urm Moct"':nsh:·R::~r~gobllhlll•ar•.,.~ o.t .._-& W. llf ....... Aft. . . ,...,..,.., 'bl.c' 1old' 1n Utt1ft rluar wtU... -jACK U NlJSLI!Y Grand Job, Pirates! Pirate Days' celebration in Balboa wu a greet success ...,.. ... It wu well~ and lt was entered lnto ...,)'ODe conoemed with lt wlth the KJfttftt of goodwill and 1111ftt. No one penon can be complimented for its outstand- ... •JCICIII'; lt wu an IM!'!Wbelnllng triumph slm~ly because fl!l tbe ooopention of all thoee who participated 1n lt. '11\at -tor aD the OOIIllllittes and aU the performers, the pirates ..S tb8r arand bunch ol Jlrla. 'There ls no doubt about it, tile Ptrat8 celebration can be one of the most potent adver- ... mediums for Balboa. the all-year-playground o( New- ,.t Hal'bal'. All It needs to malce it that ls the wonderful IIDclplra.tloo it received last week. ' Q)mpetition? We'll~ Cowmor Wan'ft\ ia l)'inl awake nights W'Of'T)'· ..,.,... tbe ""Wiiipe'titian" be's lOIII& to pt from the Com- • .W J1UV aandldate In tbe Nowmber electlon. Aocording tD lUI eaw'date the CcJmnalniQ are fOI"'Ding a party to ...._ tM WalftltoKnowlabd maci\IM.'' W.O. U. "0••.;.'•" caD6ilte, who wtll be a write-in •11 1 of tbe IO'¥WI*· mq provide "tenUlc" com~tJon lilit .. .....a felllal Ia tbat Mr. Wanen. wtth iood luck, -....-k tbiWib ....,.,, M to the othet' halt ot the -.n± c2'*w" --81nator KDDwland--be too, ll expet:Ud to lUI'- -111 ..... o1 a. CJliiO*ioD o1 the Rd. ~ from the a.t M lbaul4 wtn ~ on tbe ltftnlth ot his excel· ..... a. ..... the lftCII1a ot the CornmunlaU. who ,._. --bf tbe <;:10-PAC Ill an attempt to "JJUI'Ke" hbn, wU1 tWiillllllllldl:r JII'Oft a help liDit..-d ot a hindrance. · j -.... ....,.n.a ot nat Clncldata In the primary election • .._.-..._. bJ tM ec..udlt and CI~PAC forces wu iiJIIIIa t1111t ._ who cld IUI'Ytw are putt1nc the IOft.pedal on ... ~ OUr ...-! fore. baw ~ ., many new and start- -plluMa Ill reaart t:tm. tbat we have I:Jeoonw vtrtua.Uy lm- -to .urp1le alone thla Hne. So frequent, ln fact, are tile IF • w Mta ot new dewlopnaata that lt may &eem that -wanden ot the a1r are being dNiened and constructed ? .. CJWiel"'lllbt. But IUCh Ia not the ~- ~. tor example. the ~~&antic XB-36 wh011e exist- _. wu k~ by the army in the 'put ft'!W weeks and wllldl ac:tuaily dwarfs the ex-~r B-29. Thls air monster, with a 10,000 mJJe ranp-(t could ny from California to Ja· pm and bade without nf\lellng-wu first conceived when j 8rttalft wu ln dire pefi.1 and lt appeared that we might have I tD build a akysblp capable of flying to and from Europe n011- lliup. That means that the XB-36 ha.s tftn under devt'lopment 11 b' at leut f~ yars-probebly doeer to five. I 'Jbere Is no magic by which plane!l or other ltnplemt>n1~ of I war am be created within a few weeks or months a fter their ...S becxJrneJI app.nnt. Our military expt>t1s mu.••1 look w<'ll 11 ~ and try to detennlne future n.>quirefll('nts. and then 11 JII'(JOeed to meet tho8e requ.irt"ments. 'Ibat's what It means to be prepared. BUS SCHEDULE Newport Harbor Union Hllh Sehool BAJ..ItOA-'-" ..._. a&. ...... ..... • .. 1.11 Miramar and I ·-_.. • ...... 7 :39 Miramar and M .. 7:40 Cffitral and J . .. 7:41 NEWPORT-111& Trlp IA!ave fleMol at .. 1:11 <>ran~te It 101-W. Nwpt .. 7:23 COILIIt •nd 39th . .. . .. 7:77 {'out and 30th 7 ·28 LHio Soud and lhrca. ... 7:33 Lidn CluiJ House .. _ .. 7:34 Llclu Nord & Vla Undine . 7:35 Udo Enrrance ..... 7::\8 Central a.nd Mlramar ......... 'J;G Central and D .. _ .............. ,1~ Maln StrHt ......... -.... _.7:~ Coronado .. 7 :.S Sitek to IChool ........ -· -·· .... 7:42 ~ ,.,.., Eaat Nt'W}lOrt . . ............ 7:55 Central and 9tJ\ .. •... .. .. _.7:!§6 Central and 13rh ............ 7:57 Ct·ntral and 17th .. ····-·. 7:!1 Pont Gerace _ ............. -.. ...1:00 Central and 26th .. .. .8:02 (J08TA ~t1'.8A-IM ;rrtP Bu. I LMv.-8c'hool at .... . ..1 :M Santa Aha 6: Mna Drive .... 7:40 Santa Anu and 22nd . 7:26 Df.l Mar and Elden . .. 7:42 San1 11 A011 an!l 23rd ... .. 7:28 Mnnte Vl11t.a and ~ ... -.7:43 Sunta Ana and St. UabeL 7:29 Santa habel and EldM ... -.7: .. Stlnta Ana & Mnnte Vl~tta 7:30 12:\rd and EJden ............... 7:~ e I RI8B r------- TO RBMARK • • • ll.tiUiZB8 TO TO ... ~aa........,. NliW'B:ftiiB8 ThAI .. a --alljlut u. ---------====-----· polltkal !Mftalert.. We a.ccept -.. JUT J1NCH rlous symbols, for tM pertlft, and O!orunlel rart"IY t'ONideP hoW they ltal'ted. DNJ! Editor: ean...•J Mar California The ortclnal Idea. I II\IPPOM.... About tile mo~t fool!M thine PIOFESaONAL DIIEC'IOIY Bookkeepln• Servlee OOLDI r. UOWM ( ...... 1M6) p .................. .... ............. a.-.a.o. Dr. w. T. MOODeJ ..,..... ....... ...... o.er.a .... , ......... , ...... to ~ aome Pmblem, at the hea4 the voten ol Newport Bead\ could of the party ticket, on tbe bUJot, do 4WOUkl ,.be to tum down tbts 10 that It could ~ ldenUfted eu-chance ~~n the NWD and cet lly by thf voters, and particularly Colorado rtver watrr ptpecl tw~. :.....-----------~ L..----------....J by any \'Otl'ra. in thoae early da~. Such a tr•rtc mJ•take would PII1'IIICIAJf8 A e17aGaOH& 11.11 I who could not ,.ad and write. The IOOIWr or l•ter conw home lo rooat r. • . "By r B 11 Republlran Party uaed an ea.cle, when our domfttic wale!' supply ...... t'.All ~ Rnd 1~ ~mocratie Party uaed a II either uhau.tect or a»lluted by .. .......,. w.,. .,.._. .._ ~ h\'e·polntf'd atar, and 1tlll ctoe. wawatrr: the oommunlty would wP ::::-:-:. •-=-::..-=.: I m aorne stat('ll. ln the J•duon be ~leuly ~truna: prtsent AVMN • .._ 1 1 c11mpaJan. tlw hiclrory pole and hlch ~rty va.l!k'*-would toppl~ Ill • uc _ ... I lht' broom ~re ceoerally au~tl-Into the uhhe•P· No one would -~-::._--:....., .... ._ tuiJ.'d Col' the star, and In UWO the want to own or buy ~rty ln a ::..__......;;,..;.;;~;;...;.;.;;,;;...;;;;;,;:.;:.. __ ....: ~ V. Andrewa, M.D. PII'DIOIAJif ... ·et:raemOM Ul OeMt 8Pwa7· --..r .. C...... ... Mar Sarna Ana and Del Mar 7:31 1 Orance and Al~rt Place. 7:46 Arurta and O~Thard ~... 7:34 ..,._. Tfip 1 ll, DelllOCfatk Party got tne roe~~trr, C'ity w~~ w•trr had to 1M! ra- vJhlch 11 probably atlll In ttl of· tloMd. Ba rTh und Orchard 7:3S Oranre and Broadway ..... 8 :orl I flclal emblem, In apite of the com-Make no mlltalte about lt. water ....------------, po------------. mon ww of the donkey. may hav~ to ~ rattqned IIOti'M day Armand M lolal IL C. (Jiaaq, K. D. 1n that yesr. the Democrats had In Newport Beach unleu t~ MWD OftaeG 1tq 'da= ........ ll•rt·h 111111 Pullsad<'1! 7:36 1 ~ and 20th ........... _,8;00 Santa Ancf nnd Palisades 7.38 Santa Ana and 20th ....... 8:<M tJ Sunrt• Antt urad Orcpard 7:39 Tustin and 20th ·--.......... 8:<16 , a popular and aucnaful Concrea-.. UMd to reinforor ·our prnent AJI.CMI I~ ·2 ... 4 1 • 8:30 sionaJ c-andidate, JOM'pb Olapman, t~mporary, eontamlnable, exhaust-IU W. Bay Awe.. ..._ and by appointment au. :>to . .__ a-,.., tldlool at . . ... 1:tl Back to IIChool -....... -.•. _7 S Baker and BananA . 7:36 Harbor and HunJIIon .. ... 7:41 Thurin lind Hamilton 7:42 Victoria & Old S. A. Rd. 7:44 23rd •nd Elden . 7 ;46 201h and Newpon Blvd. .7:48 17th and=~· .... 7:111 19th and .... __ ..... .I:CIO Brolldway 6: Nwpt. Blvd .... .8:01 Broadway and Santa Ana .. I:G3 Back to IChool ........... ....... .. 8:07 "-Ne.~ IA!ave ....._.at ... . 1:U 16th and Placentia .......... 7:46 WIIIIOfl and H~rbor . 7:35 15th and Pl~ntia .............. 7 :47 WIIIIOfl and Placen d.a 7.37 17th and Monrovia ........ 7 :~ WU110n and· Canyoo Dri~. 7:38 17th and Whittle!' .. ····-··7;51 Victoria f Canyon Drive ... 7:39 18th and WhltlJef' ... _ ..... _T:&J VIctoria and Placentia ... 7:42 18th and Moorovia ............ 7:53 19th and Plact.-ntla 7:43 18th and ~1m .... • .. .. 7:~ 18th and P~ntla . 7:44 OO&oNA DEL IIAa ud BALBOA IAL.UID LMft ... 1:11 Bac-k to school. Acacia and 101 . .7:26 FemiPal and 101 7:28 ..._.. Tfip Balboa and Apolena ....... _ ... 7 :55 M8J'IU('r1te and 101 .. 7:30 Ba.Jboa and Collins ........... 7 :56 F~leef and Pacillc 7:32 Topaz and Park ................. 7 :57 Harllor Wand .......... -.......... .8:01 Yacht Club . ···-... 7:34 M&rtnc and Park, 8aJ lsi.. 7:38 Bay Shore Camp ... -............ .8:00 TENTATIVE BUS SCHEDULE lw&M Newport Beach Grammar Sehool ' .. Corona del Mar School r• ..._ Year 1M6-IM1~ ......,., ...... ,~t~c.-e• 1e, .... All Sth. 7th and 8th cnacSen attend t~ NtwpOrt B.Mch ac::hooL Ollldrm Uvt.n1 In Balboe and Newport east ol 46th ltJftt attend the Newport Beed\ IChaol. All ot.twn 10 to CWona deJ Mar n· cept \M 5th ~. F\fth VAden Uvt.na wtst ol 36th St. attend Corona del Mar. Due to \M fact that ~do not ha~ bus facllltlts f« tnlnlport· Inc all the d\lktren, ~ hav~ addop!fd 1M foUowinc pWI: MAD! tiCIIOOl-TM , .. ......._ .. NO'I' IIIDE 111788aJ: 'Th1n1, fount.. tuth, sixth. ltli and ~ldlth craden Uvtnc ~t ol B St. In Balboe and eut ot 30th St. In Nf'WPOI't. K.lndeJprtm. tat and 2nd ~ u~ wtst ot \M u- tJruy In BalbM and eut ol"24th St. In N"ewpon. OOIIONA DEL IIAa-'nMft.,.. thrH atopl In Corona del Mar fOf' children Uv-blc 1 ~Of' moft tram ..:t~oot. <All cradtsl. Th~ •tapa aN at Marlco'd Ia Seevt._. and on both ldcl8 of 1M HJ,ti- WIIY at~. Ia Cue ., .. o..riM4. <11AW-11&7 ... ~ .. "' .. * ................ c.D.II. l!k!lloel 8:42 St-evt._. and M11rieo'd 8:43 Coost a.nd Poppy 8:43 Beecon B«y 8:42 Bay ShorP . 8:44 Bay ShOI"t' Camp • 8:40 Vlklnp Port 8:34 AN'hf>ll ' .... 8:32 COA.~t Hi~wa.y It SlgnRI Statloo 8:3.1 COMt N1ghw11y 6: Orange St .. 8:34 Co611\ HJghway 6: H~len's St11nd 8:31 Coact Blvd. & 38th Sl. . R ::10 I Sfocond Bu11 If Net'dt-d) Coo~t Roulevard &-30th St. ........... 8:00 8:01 8:<M 8:<16 8:06 R:07 ti:Q7 8:09 R:IO .. R:ll 8:12 &-8:20 Coo"' Boult-Vard &-24th Sr. . .... R:t:t 8:14 1 Klndt>rvartf'n, lsi & 2nd only 1 8:311 14th & Ali!!O R::r7 141h & 'nu;tln 8:36 14th & Santtt ~~~ C.D.M. Ac-hool 8 :30 LIC'IO Sood A Coniovn 8:31 l.•do Sourl & C'luh llnu.~ R::\2 Llclo Nord & VIa WniPn."' . R::\.1 Lillo "'on1 & Via Rn\'l'nna C'f'nl rnl & Finlay 1'\stl~lll 8.· Dinmood Pnrk & C"'ollm,; Pa rk & Om' On·nn & .\t' l'lrt711 0!>1 s-ur & 1 l'••nrrnl & n I '••nt ral & All,•m~ 1l\mrl1'1')!11111'n, l <t I<· :!nd nnh I t'•·n1 ral & Lthrnrv ' ll.(inrlr~arl,.n. j,, & :lrl(l 1•nlyl R:OO 8:01 8:0'..! Mall! Sdlool R:05 R:OO 8:<17 ~:OR R·09 ROO R:OI ~ 0.'\ R 11(1 ~ 01 $1 0.1 ~:10& H·:to who k<'J)f a tavern at Gt-eenfleld, lble domfttle water 1Upply trom ..,._ 11M Beecat !1075 Indiana. He had a habit of c:1a1m-the rlvrrbed. Just u aoon u nil , ....... Aw.. 1Jt J:Mt 11111 ....._.. Ina all of the "prednc-u" u we ~~h pe-ople mov~ Into thle l.l"t!a 1A1 ~ KOI • '7 .... OMea ..._, ~ would IIY now. •nd thll biennial and ~nough water II pumped tram '------------...1 !...-----------· "crowlnc" amllle'd the people. He the dty well pi"'prrt)', the •!ready . was a •~ful eampaJcner and DECLINING watef' ~vel wtll 1lnk tht" party used h1m to eampa.lcn to the dlsutrooa point where pres-,------------..,. for National candidates. aur~ from the ocean becomes too In 1840. the Van Buren-Harrlaon creat and SALT WATER lntrodes right wu a hard one. A Demo--and t.Mn 1M water )"'U draw cratk news~per urgfd Olapman from the t•p will t.ute juat Uke to crow. The Whlc papers took you dipped It out of the bay. You it up and the ptlraw. "Ctow. Olap. miaht u weU try to drink pollon, mun, Cr-oY.•," brought about the land five of ~ dty'• wella have llduption of the roe~~ter .. the alre•dy tum~ wt!) Df"mocralic embl~. n,e domestic water IOW'ce II The donkey. the elephant 11nd •lowly app-oachlna crrtaln ruin . DAY INliiOOL rhe Tammany tleer came out of 'nle only other available aupply•r----------~ thf' aame Ink bottle. that of Thol. resu wtth t~ MWD. My author-Mortimer a-hooJ Nut, II~ famou.t polltJc&l car· Icy for thll atatement Ia drawn 0\::: IOOntBI. The donkey appeared Jan· from the •tullJfd reports of ~v~ry • Olnl ........... uary 15, 1870, for the tint time. eminent engineer who hu ewr •P. DAY IIOJIOOL 0~8 001' 1 The car toon Ia unimportant now; proac-heod the probl~ ol water for Grata~: o.u. ....... -"-7 it showed a donkey kicking • do!•d South~m Ca.lllomia In the tuwre. 0. .&. --. ... A., 0...... lion. and wu captioned. "A 11lve We are u.lng the natural 1upply Pt' ,.. • ..._ ....,._- Jackass kicking a dead Uon. And futn than Nature II ~enJahtnc '-------------1 such a Uoo! And such a Jac-kual" It with raiN-In the watenhed. It had to do with the attacb of That la why the voten In practle- some papen on Stantoo. the Sec~ ally every othrr C'ity of any raUnc ,------------~ retary nf War. who had only re--In thll area h•v~ already markfd cently died. Nut lntendf'd the t~lr ballotl In favor of MWD. donk~y to ~ an M1bl~m of noUt> 11wy don't want to waite up ICli1W and obatructJon: the Democrats morning and tlnd the f•ucet dry took It u an emblem of humility and have to 10 to C'ity h&lJ to cet a and hornellneea. Popular acxlalm ratloo book for • drink. ~tradually accrptfd the donkey u The only objection I have toYer Dr. Obed Lueae DEN'I'I8'I' DMJi W. O.tnl. ...,._ 14ee M&WJPO&'l' a&laCB th~ party emblem. h~ard to jolnlne t~ MWD 1.1 that ln 1874, Nut C~lt that the ~ lt wUI oo.t rtiOIWy. Well. what of ..._-----------'I pubflcana were ~Ina 1~ utray, It! Tile harbor COlt a lot of money. !lnd uwd an ~~~t In hll car-So wtll a new dty hall. An)'thln& toone, lhowtnc It In precariou. worth havinc oo.ts mo&ey. Even altuatlt}M-n,e Republicans wlz.ed ~~~~ for breakfut oo.t money . DIL OOaDON &. I&&PP taNJWI upon It u an emblem of dlanlty, Moet of 1.11 are coin« to want to .a r..ar.ee B. o.q, K. D . Pb)'lldan cl: S\u"pon ntllartMA""' ............ ............ Gordoa II. GraJidy, II. D. PHYSICIAN ancf SURGEON Balboa Inn ArcaM <>me:. HB.: 1().~ a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phoae Harbor 17 H. R. Hall, M. D. ""'!d .......... .._M.IIu:1Na,K.D. 1.111 c-.. .... o.-... _ orne. Haun: 1~12; H ............... arr~nath and int~lllcmce. and like k~ oo havtnc ~· for breakfut. -W o.tNI th~ donkey, a cartoon c:haraetrr And we are coin& to want to haw ..._ ....._ &11--1 S. R. Monaeo, M. D. Intended (Of' rldleul~. becarrw a ~nouch water to mak~ eoff~. too. H...,.... 11' Ba7 Aft.t ...... party ~mblem. The Tammany l.At'llft a certain and l&fe wa· ~.-. ____ .:..._ _____ ....: ...._ l'IM Ucrr wu uaed ln the rltht &ealnlt ter supply from the MWD be!Oft lt W & -.... .._ ~ "Sou" 1'WMd. Ia all allocated ea-whe~1eavt.nc llfetJIIANCS ~ ,.. n,e "Bull Moa~e," for the ~-us altlln.l ~h and mJchty DRY. B7 AW 4 t reulw Party, ~from 1'heodore BRADEN FINCH. ,.------------, L----------__,) Roowvelt'l ldtrr to ~ator ..._.. N.....a IJre Hanna. Jn which he laid. 1 am r-------------......._ ()o. aa •tronc u a bull ~. and you s H 0 E s "1 ............. n. CIMneW" c:an uae nw to the llmlt.'' It Liter DOH n:aNJo•-bec:&me tM ~bl~ of th~ new ,.... puty, bom In 1912. wtUI a &Tad-.......... Wille. Yoa Walt .. .:::: ::_"-=-w. ua1 ·~ after 1916, · and final m.o1ut.1on thla year. Ra p The camel wu a natural em-y agan blem for the Prohibition Party 515 East Bay Front and wu flnt used In drawings by Alonzo WU.on of Chicago. a Ch•ut•uqua lecturer. Ht> felt that the w~ll·known &billty of the:._ _____ .....~. ____ _, camel to go without a drink made lt a better emblem !han lhe foun- tain of water. prl'vlously uaed. Like the other, il C'a ught popul11r fancy. The Socialist P&rly us~ the up- held torch; the Communist Party I hu t~ htmmer and Aickle; the ,, Labor Party. or thl' laoor move- 1 ment ce nerAII>•. USI'S the emblem I of th~ cla•pt'd hands. and the So- da! Labor P&rty uaed the arm and h•mmt'r. Thl' m0101 rt'<.'t'nl addilion " to the list of l'mhlems. and to the menagerie, was thl' Hoow r owl, tn 1932. 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO, KA&IN1I: OCCIDENTAL I..II'B INSIJBANOB 00 • Ray Nielaen ....................... ......... -... ..... -·-.... Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelvn the Better~ by Servtne Ot.Mn Best" ..._S....Nlt Ooeta .. _ CalltoNia OPTOJO:TIWITB E. T. Batt.erworth, 0. D. Optometlt.& &TE8 li:lLUfiHD U:NBU DUPLIOATJ:D oa.-._,.,.....,. ....,_... •n• w. o.war.a •-n . --•u tnnrPOa7 .aAOII Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 28aO West C81tnl A ... NEWPORT REAal ,..._--lOIII .. __ , ............... X·Ray~ T. P. REEDER, M.D. and Wll. 8. IB&TON, II. D. ~ ....... ... ,., o.tnl ....,. IM ..... - Nl.tat-IIM-W ..... .....,.. ..... ,. M. D. Keesling I~A New)Mtrt Ill.._ O..ta .. _ 8U&VI:YOR6 Raub & Bennett flanow1on ud ED~ 1801 New1JOrt 111\'Cl-. Oosa. ..... Telep.D .• II Beaeoft /UJOI·W un w. O.tnl Ne_,.,rt .._.. Te~llarborlU Must You ~uy a House? Het-e ls a bit or advtce for pr"(l8J'leCtive homc huyer~: u Got Yours? RADIOS ii&PADli:D 70U can ~bly get along without buying for a while don't . ~ buy now, especially tr you are not able to Pf\Y t'a~h for the ~I'~· s . T l"\'fl!'Ury lf:l)flt:mt'nt ."'11(.)11., that ..:votw inrli\'ld· bDu8e you want. uaJ shnl"\. of tht' fl11111<'Y m t'lr<'Ulatum 1s :::200.1 L lt arriw..; '!be reuon for this. o( COUJ"!!e, ls that at pres4'nt inflatro at tllat fi).,'\H't' l>y d\vi~ing the:' $2~.2·J:i.7~>9.7H2 in drl'ul11 1inn vaJus you'll be paying considerably more for what you gl't during July hy th<' esllmatf'<l popuJation llf l-11.107J)(X) Chan it is worth. And a few yea.n from now you mny still Got your ~har'C? Oh. thnt's too h;~tl. 1\\'l• h;wf'n't <'ittwrl. ~ ~on your home than It would cost you to buy a new GDe id@nUcally the same or better. It's not pleasant to find one's self in such 1\ situation. lt prMenb a temptation to "walk out" on the contract-and if IIIia were done it would leavf> a black mark on one's credit re- Gal'd that would prove a serious obstacle in futun-credit dlaJlnp. . DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH U your pn!8ellt Uvtng quarters are intolerable and you IIIUit have a place of your own then be sure you ~fully .-l,yae the house you want to buy. Ask yourself these ques-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tlana; ww the ·oou.e be adequat(' for the probable future r aeedl ot my tamlly u well u the present? 1s it weU located til ncard to tranlpOrtatlon, shopping centers, schools? WUI It be expenlllw to keep in repair! Is the neighborhood likely tD dllldJne befOft WI')' long? U I were forced to '!leU for any ...an wttJdn d» next few yee.rs how much of a JORS would lJII'C)babb' haw to tab! ~··~ ... ~is~ o( Its biggest Ill ~ .,._ art a JlttiP restraint and wi8dom exerci.CJed ID cmmectlon wtth hOIDit bu1tne wtU help to prevent It from __..... 1he nadolit Uawt heartache a ff'W )'t'fU'I from I C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S JIOOOceu..,_t NOW OPEN EVENINGS Burt R. Norton t15 eo. m,..., a..c.a 5781 N.wport ......_ OaiU. ONCE (AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yoa the ~ Place to DIM lD Orup ()ocmty: All New· • • Even the Location ... One--Halt MlJe Eut ot Old Location on Coast Hijthway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We lad Southern Callfomla ln the ServtDg of -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUR ldlld of 8TUK.8 -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - Sa•'s Sea Food Spa and Fiala Market ., o-.t ·as ,., (1feg ... ._., : . ..._ __ _ Robert A. Crawford ~D. OPI'OM:J:TIU8T Eyes Examlnf'd-Gla.ues Flttfd I '7t 1 N t!WlM'rt 8oaAeftrd .............. 3 (or1ve Carefully-Spar~ a Ute. Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES Bob Jayred's R I C H F I E L D S E R Vtl C E Washlng • Polishing • Lubrication Cal'l Plckll'd Up and Dellvrred. Phooe Harbor 497-M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa I C>O-.----------..._..c _..x-· -, Vq,lleybaU Ia Slated.~ PtMCIJdU VENETIAN BLINDS For Area Busineumen WOOD • 8TIZL • ALUMINUM ............. _._ ...,._.....,.. __ , ___ ,_....,.. 114 OoMt JDcbway E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CEM ·EIT WORK Ttw H arbor Butlnt>a Mm"1 Vol· lt>yball class Is sctwduled to lx-a in Thursday night at tho-hlllh IChool gymnasium. This mak1'1 the-16th lt'IISOn for this N'crt>lltlonal ~p. which Will organi:t.f'd and has car· ried on continuously aln<"'' 1911. 1't1e cluss will m~'CI 1.'\'<'r)' Thlii"S· day <'Vt'ning 111 7 p.m .. and is OJWn to all m<'n In tht' Newport HRrbo~ district. Both \'ett'ran \'Oiit'yhall playl"rs and he~:lnnrra art• wd · come. Artl"r a rouplr mN'tingll oi war min& up and limbt>rlng up rlay, a rf1tllillr vollt>yball league "Ill b.> fol"mt'd Ill w u t·arrit'd on last lt'8· IOf\. ExcE-pt for a nominal towel ft't', Ow ciUI Is frt't' All JMn In the community who art' intert"ttted In a lltUe pleuurable ex~ and recreation are Uf'led to OOf'IM' out and join t his &rOUP· Remember the date, Thunday Night, St'ptembt>r 12 at 7 p.tn. at the high achool gymnulurn. The following wMk, ath.lcttc claues will be held every nl•ht ot Ow Khool WOl"k , lor adufta. Bu- ketball wjU be played on ~y CALL I 1 •1-1 roa INP'OIUIA'I10N evenlnp , with badminton on Mon· ~-----------------------..J daya and W ednHdaya. and volley· 6~a ·Mud~~ .... ,. tQ eni«J fl~ There's only a _(cw J~)'S of V .&..:at ion rr:m.1ioing .. , just time enou~h for a trip to the mountains or bnches with the chi ldrm befor~ school surts. They •·•II love it ... and so wiU you! MAny Jel•1:htful spots art avajlable in ~ 1 ""'-: SteniC s~n fkrnardtnO mountains where rruJc--' ~ high rn<>tb for htking, li1hing, boatin&. swim· min~ and relaxing arc easily reached from any point on the extensive Paci fic El«tric sysmn. Southern California's m.u velous beache1 from ~·· S.1nta Monica to Newport·B~Iboa 8Jy are all , , II just a short ride by ratl or motor coach, from your horne ... enjoy the fun zone1, surf b.ath· ing, beach sports, s,ailing and cool ~~ brtc:les. Malee-the most of the~ glorious days for fun and relaxatioo for y~r entire family ! Any PJcilic Electric ticket olfic~ or lo· fomutlon Bureau w,IJ gladly help you plan your trips. W hmt~·n-possibl~, pia• your trips_ bttwn~~ 10 ••tl 'I• or •ftn-6 p. ,: l•stlte••tl Tr•velers ,in tile. knew" Pick the GREYHOUND W•y te lo! •'"·-······ . .. l ( .,,,, ,, ........... , •• , •• .... . .. ,.,. • • • · 1•r~1,1 1 •\\ ttl• lASJ ...• " W'HEJU! ILSI these days, can you buy so much for 10 Uttle1 bpm-wl bus cnvd m wiU td1 you Gnybound gives you -.r• for your money thao aay other way to tnnl You OlD 10 east by one 1cenic route, ftNID by anothu, OD OM ~lllfli•t rfHIIIII lril' tidw. You abo ban more ooo- na.lear depanu.rcs. more Jehedules to choote from in aay di.rectioa. Scop ovu anywhere .•• u long u you like. Lee cbe Greybouod ap1t in J04U community help plan yow trip. %3 DAILY TRIPS EAST FROM L08 ANOEI.X8 0. .., lWtW ... Y ...... 41.11 ................. W '' ..... .a.11 • .., ... lUI ._a., ..... ,. --~ .. ..... -I,,,~,,,. -l ~ .. --. ,_, IJil lr*aM ... C. C. SW AFl"'ilD 111 Cout a..,. · .__ Mft GREYHOUND ball on Thlll"'days. ~ recrea· tlon&J cluen will all be carried on u part of the Harbor N\tEht School procram. Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A . £. HOSTETLER ...._ ..__ lila FOR INSURANCE BIZ Howard W. Gerriah 11108 Sew-port Becl&eftrd OO!JTA MESA ftoae o-n lUlU Automobile • Eire Accident • Life Uccn.~ and Contract Bonds Writtl!'n ROOFS APPLIED oa UPADUm Free Elt.l.matel " lnlpectjoo w. '· Beebow 3602 M&n:ua . Ph. Hbr. 1012·J CeiJMlllt aDd Jl'laptoDe Coatrador FLAT WORK Al'D POUICDATIO~S 11J r:ollmale Harbor 25'7f-W Qulek oer•lce. •• ba .. U.. ..a>eftl OLDUT OD \'OlJllf018'1' PIIIA'I'U Ia Balllo& ,.,...., DaJS C!llle-....._, ...,.,._ .,......., tlitiiP&. llept. 4UI, are pActuM a-. rer n.rat .aa.. aa hiD ......._ TMJ ...., ht.tmut.-r ......., F. K_,- ... Du)1 ~ ap 11 _..... ..,... lat..,, le u..-ol Mr. _. ..... ._.. L. IMetrtdl ., .. ltMt O!tltral .............. -phOtiJ by 1\t-m ard or Hollywood. Record Enrollment Starts Fall Term Of Area Schools •No ll('('Ur atr flaur£' of iht' total cnrollm••nt of pupil11 or •tud<'nll fnr lht• rww rlsc11l lt'rms of I N t'wport llarbor l 'nion IIIIth sr hont und ~trndt• 8rhool~ WIIJJ availabiP today as t hl' t'durutionnl lnatltuti••n• <'tlll\"t'rwd for "nothl'r 1Ch011l ) I'll r Tht•ro• '" " l'unsldt•rllhl.-ltlt'rt•MJW in Pnrultnwnt ovt'r pro•\ IOUI' )o•:cr,., IK'hclt•l .,lfwlnl~> u\ld URo\SC'II Ul' li'ER\1U 'E ))u ~1111 knOW l hlli R ~Oidll'r ~II lhl' '"'" ll••~:utar Arm) rnn n~au~·~t tlw IHI•n<·h "' se•rvlc't· l11• W~<nb • lit· • "' •f tu· •·nh~ls '"''''rt' thl.' Gl lttll "' Hl~;htl' ••:,.;pir1·S <!rt !I ---- GORDON B. FINDLAY CONTUCTOR AND BtJ1l.DER Office: U IO Cout mft. CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt . 401 IOUI 8tr-Mt Pbo-: l:lubor !111·1 • Before You Build or Remodel Vlllt Oar ID&endq Suaple ud ot.play 8ooiM Color guldea, plan- ning aJda, comprehens- Ive stock of ~ta and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works VET't Taxi r am IJcHIUt .... 8t. Company PHO'S~: BEACON 5659-W W e are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- CO wnf'd nnt1 Oprr{ll1•d hy Vt'trrnn.~l 1011 BRO-U)WAY eo-e. MeAa :MEN-WOMEN Prostate ---P elvis IT'S YOUR GLANDS O.r __ ........ , _, _,. _...,. ·---_ ...... "'" .... _,. • .._JIC. ~"'· ... ,.._ Dr. &. P. IIIII, a. C., .._C., twr ....... ,._. ............. ...... 1114 r• .. , I I ,.. .. y ................. ........ .... ....... .. .. , .... .. • .....,. ... n...-. Uae VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local drua1st -·-THE MOREY CO. IUW.ItltM. '-.~11 r-- • CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT j aeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement M ixers Wood W orking Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'7th Uld Suta Ana An. -c0.ta M~ On Your Way to Santa Ana When in Stop at CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwich~Foontain Service It L ....... ttL 1.111 M~ ...._ (~ 8entee) ~Balboa Boab Collide 1 ·---------~---:..-.... .,\,~~~~~~:~. :.~~~:~! " Cotk-er -~~~K~uppies lour ~po.>rt 1•~11111~ rc, ... , 1'•llldo>tl ui I ~.·nl 11..,11"11 ~und11) nlo>rnln~r 'l"h••j PHONE BEAOON aaos-.1 1-'l,fun..: t:"l"" -"· rn un ttu• 1\AIIIO& Uti N.,w,_rt 81~. v.&a .._ t•.,n tum, Kll.t th<''Miu I''"""· frt\IU IL-_'·---:__------------------..J "'"~·· lo~m•hu..: o'ltllll" : .. .,;.•th•·•· tn •------------------------ 1 " fr1•11k lll'o'lde•nt. 1 T tw Mb• 1111\n,. • P••rl ru(le• "II• 1 o'll\l'il In 111111 I he· '"'!II wn• lfl 11 1 "nkln~ e\tlltltlunl T he• hoat'a l·"'•·t 1 •t'n~··rs "'""' •:u11·kl trnn_r,•rn'd I j lol lh•• 1-"••hln~ 1-.l\J)I'C'II.!I and lh1• 1 JlUHliJII JIUI lnlol ~~~·f'11iloln. Tho• IIIUniJ.III 114'<111 lor uu..:ht tf,.. lnrii\W of I ~ att>r und••r ,.,11111'1•1 ""'' tlw Mlu Olnna ""'IU •blf' 111 nUikr JIC:M"I and 1 th• up "' t<ln~ot'fl I.AndlniC While• I'""IK"I11ott'rs we•l't· •hnuk up by llw ('t\lll•lnn, no ""'' W ll.• hurt, a nd l ht• t 'IJitun.: ~:xprM• waa 11blr ~to contlnur on ltl rtahln.: trlr with l hC' adde-d pauen~el'rll lm!l' tho Mlu l>lan11 DEAULINE NEA& Ueliciously Prepared + • + + NEWPORT CAFE -st Hou S.W. . + .................. N..,.rt._. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry I .. A.a'I'OUP.a Young nwn of the-future! En· lhllmf'nt 1n lh•· rww R•>teular Army hf·forr OC't. !'1, will pey off with a collf'lt' N Uct!t lon. lnqulr~· at U. S Anny Rrcrultlna St•rv1N>. ;.!0:.1" W. 3rd alrfft .. Santa An L South ~. Balboa Ylldtt Oub, llut a.,, .....,._ ... .._,, VU1a Kartna.llhlektl',lle.lbM Ylldtt ..._ .....,_ ..,, ........ lalud aad SouUI Jla7: HaD ,.,_ U7 docll • ftiM. , .BALBOA ISLAND FERRY CLOTHES ........ I .. POR MEN AND B-OYS Sa""'MA. g~g~ ..,......._A ... ............... ...._Hanori'JI • :., ... C. R. STAAF MOORI-NG SERVICE £ ' ' l:loorinp IJWtaDed and ~ 8uoyl Painted and Lettencl £ ' ' Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1118-R . ,_ f'roa•• ...... MEREDITH'S Venetian Blind Co. Now Open lluedMJWaen ol a.ta. -* .... Complete Repair and ftenoyatiq 8& tkc Frfoe EltJ.matel Sofa Beds Reduced 10 to ~5°/o All the latest im provements covered in th e newest fabrics. . • . Your cnance to solve the extra bed room problem and save mo ney t ()o . Hurry, While our Stock iR Complete FURNITURE 3 RloC'kA 8oaUt of The Archie Everyth.l•a fo r Ute Home nJRNITlJ RE • Radio • ... I E D· L E P 0 I N T E R .. l'eaturlq . Columbia and • Crochet ftnMI • Uaea • r.~anWerr Bernat Yarns COSTA MESA Harbor Feminine Activities Hostesses Entertain With Delightful Yacht Club Party priZit aDd other wtanen were lin. Earl St.anWy, lleCOnd; M.ra. lilal7 Crowell, third; Mn. B. z. Mo- KinMy, fourth. and Mrs. C. Ltwt. BalU, COMOlation. Pbclael 13 aDd -+ -Wlmtred 8artn + 0\Mn ~t tndudtd the Doyle-Tuffree Vows Repeated Friday at -:;~;CO;:-un-ty~F-e~d.-e-ra-tion St. Boniface Catholic Church, Anaheim To Meet at Mesa -New Officers Honored at Tea Mn. 0. Z. Robertaon and Mn. M~ F. Lee TriM, Harold Conrad Shook Wft'e hoateues Fri· WoldenberJ, C. B._ Rudd, Peter day at a lunc:Mon and card party Dllu, Gordon Findlay, Ralllll at Bal~ Yacht club. One long Mukey, John Sadltir, Black-..._ table wu Itt for 30 auests. wtth Donald Hall, ~ Reinhold, Joba dahliaa, zlnniu and brilliant Meador Mari\ierite PenMy, 0.. I At solemn high mau In St. Richard Dohertn 0\a.rie. Ste-Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon llonlfal.'l.' Catholic church, Ana· pheru1, U. Angelea; Edward Smith club will br h01ts to baud mem- 1 htfm, t~t 10:30 to.m. Friday, Sept. of Inglewood, and Frank Hart, bets of the Orange 'County Fed- 1 fl. Joycc Kathl•-<·n Tuftree. daugh· Santa An.; eratiorl of Women'a ciW. at thelr ~o•r of M111. und Mrs. S . Jamea Mar&aret Smlth of Puadt•nlt flnt 'fall meeting on Sept. 13, ac· '1\•ffrec of llalitOII und Placentia s11ng "Panis Angl'llcaa," by Ca esctr cording to announcement by Mra. I hN·um~ the ltrid~ of Leonard Franc, for the offertory; and J.H'I'· H. B. McMurtry, pruldent. ,Josc1..h J1oyl•• Jr .. son of Mr. an IUdlftlt thl' nuptial m&M, "Aq• 'l'hl' affair will ta.ke .place at 1 ~Its. L< onard Doylc llr. of Yorba Maria." The pAriah choir provido•d Costa Meta Community church, I tlw tlnuhlc Nng ceremony were mau. schcduled Include Edward Alcock, Mn. ~ur A. May'a home, 730 colden cockiCOmb making a color· aid Jtlt~hle, EuceM FeMion. L L South BIJ'Ch atreet, Santa Ana. tu1 floral dlaplay down Ita iength. Isbell, J. A. Gant, Marion Dodlf. waa the acene of a formal tea At e.cil pl.oe wu a favor ot P. A. Ctlambt-rlln, Hal WW Smltb. reamtly, honorjng Mn. ~e lnce~. daintily wrapped. Each Lee Metza~. Arthur Kemper, Wheat of Newport Beach and hoateu wore a lov~ly cor1111ge and Ralph Holden, Obt•d Lucaa and the Mn. Auguat E. Schumacher or one wu presented 1\tn. SidMy hOlt ~ ~lm. Incoming preaidt>nt and Blackbrard, whole birthday It wu . ~ · vtce president reapectlvely of the After -luncheon tablet were 14.'1 ------- Orange. County FederatJbn of on the aun ck>ck for bridge. Mn. All klnda typewriter ribboN Ia Women • clubl. Harry M. Welah captured tin t atDck at the Newa·TimH. 118 E. BROADWAY Londa. A&ilisting Father Groa at tne · mualc tor the hlch 101t-mn IM'glnning . a t 10 a.m. Speakers _.,. ________________________ _. t'lllh<•r l.f·hanc>, fo'ather Ferguaon I Mn. Clara Faust 111 thto consol!' whose announC<'d aubject Ia "Giau '11 I ul t...1y,llt university. Father ,Me-of the organ played the tradltlonnl und Chin11;" Cupt. Willis W. Brad· _____ __;_ _________ ----'Cunmck nnd F~tlh(•r CaUaghcr and wedc:Unr mualc. l<'y. USN. who wUI apea.k on AalatJng the outgoing presi- dent at the h01teu dutica were her daughter-In-law. Mra. Douglu May and her daughter. Mn. Wll· liam Wau; her niL'ct, Mn. Ha.r- riett Huffman. aliter-in-law, Mn. Ethelyn Hendenon and memberl of the board. I 111111111111111~ ;uo gut·815 wilnl'SS<'d the event. The rect>ption wu held at the.• "Guam," and Mn. L. L. Slndalr, Quan11llc-s or white gladiolus Anaheim Ebcll club with Mrs. state chairman of Industry and I mndl' 11 floral act tlng of rl'gal TUffr~ In the recelvinc Une, wcar· consumer problr ma. who will talk ht•auty und baskets or thl'm were tnr a royal blue suit with matching on "Con~umer's News." There ailo tiro with satin bowa to the tall feathe r hat accented with a pur-wiJI be apeclal mualc by Corene • l'andeiahra which flanked the pie bow to match her Ol'dUd cor-Boettcher. 1 whtte-carpeted aiale. aace. while Mn. Doyle wore a gold' ·ro Cllarlea TUrrree. brother or ~~ and orc:hldl. j Police Auxiliary Colora of the federation ._;ere combined ln the tea table ~ter­ piece, a cr)'lltal bowl filled with delphinium. yellow roee buda and peruvian llllea endrded with yel- low vlolu and fern. On elthef' aide lighted blue and amber candles in tail aUver holden com· pleted the decorative effect. Ideal Combination for School Wear.! -a:AIIIcs "'. , ... by"'~'""'"· .,.., .. Tilll·U·~ Swuten an Mlian&Uy f~JDCJU~ ••• fuhioned in ca.n.iacl,,eoh 100" wool in slip· own and c:udipna. Sec abc-ftOIU in either 8aJbc» c:w ea... MeG •orca. thc brtdc, went the honor of &iY• Following their honeymoon tour tnl: hl'r In marriage. She wu love-of San Frandlro, Mr. and Mrs., M~ets at Mesa ly in a gown of while n tin, the ' Lfoonard JOS<'ph Doyle jr.. will Membera of Newport Beach ne<'kllne bordered with aatln Oow-m ak<' thcir home at Palo Alto. Pnllce auxiliary rMl r~'ctntly with 1 en embroidered with pearls &r¥1 1 For traveling the new Mrs. Mrs. Pt•arl Waterlue of Coata 1allver t»ada above a band of aim· Doyle jr., chOS<' a rrtY lUll ~11h :\ll'sa with Beverly Hoffman prea. liar t'mbroidery. The bodice wu alligator acceasorles. a lftY hot ent u a new member and Claudia j fitted, with long alqt>Vt'S and the with o.trlch trim. her alll&ator J>ay liS a SJX'cial guest. full akirt waa ext'ended Into aJ iuggage matching hcr accesaorit·s A proj<'Ct now und<'r way Is tbe court train. The Cull length veil The bride Is a li:faduate or Mar)'· t•ulll'ctinn of clothing to acnd to Cell from a silvl.'r·beack>d halo, lin· wood school, Anah<'lm and of C'hina with Mrs. Worley, who \ahl'li at each side with beaded Anokia. F llntridgr. She attend••d lravl'S this month. Bingo wa.s the aatln now<'n. The bc>autHul show-lhl' Univcrslty of California, B••r· nmuso mt>nt (I( the evcn lns: with (•r bouquet Willi of phllano!J8ll and I ki'I<'Y campus. ond Is 11 member or Mrs. Hortman taking first prize. 1 eatteiya orchids. arranged with Alplw Jkta Pi sorority. She wa~ Aida Gerton l'!lpturing second and atl'phanotia, maftnc and ~adcdl n memh~-'r of Shak('spcarean Group L .. rr:unc Munt~:omc•ry consolt'd. aalln ll.'avea. nl Anokln and was on the ataJf of Othcrs pn•11cnt were B<•e Lace, I The bride's attcndants wcrc Studl'nt Literary publication. Sht> :'.IHbel Jonn, ll«'lcn Jsbt:•ll. Lor· gowned alike in whltc tX'riod atyle 11 actlvf' In dramatic grou~ and n unc nay, •Mary Cusumano. EIIM· , frockll an·rt-they carried pink is a s tudcnt of Daphne Gou Ht•l· hNh Walt71.'. Audrf')' Cottle, La Prealding at the aUver c:olfee and tea url\l were put prHJ- denta: E. H. Smith of Orange, Mrs. C C. Bonebral<e oC Orange, Albert Launer of FuUerton, Mra. Fred Roland oC Santa Ana, Mra. Reuben Day of Costa Ml'Sa, and Mrs. Alfr~ H. Halleck, county parliamentarian. Honored ~:uest wu Mra. Arthur KJser of Rlvf'rsidc, Southern dis· trict preaident of the federation. Oth<'r lfllt'Sl8 wt-re Incoming and retlrin~ members of the board. district and county chalrm<'n. tUIX'roua bc>gonhu, chrysanthe· Ierman. \'1•111 LnCX' and Ruth Gerrish. \lipl)('rs disqunllri!'d for only 1 '' I rac<'s: Gulls. Bill Lee; Dyer 8, Barton lk<·k. Jim MunrO<', Sandy Club I MacKay; Ralboa Oinks, Collins. mums snd carnationll, shattered A ml'mi:K'r of pion<'<'r famllie:~ a( an!\ rcarranged with (link mallne.l Orange county, th'' bride Is thl' IIDiln Juvea and J)('arls into lovely arranddaughtt>r of Mr. and Mrs houquets. Miss Mar<'n Jorgenacn I 11. M. Pl.'<' lor and of the late Col of Puadena was maid of honor. 11nd Mrs. John K. 'ruffrt>e whilt• 'Brldeamaldl were Beverly Rolen· hf•r artl'at-grandfalher was Charll's thsl of Piedmont; Charlotte Men· Polhcm\111. on~' of the owners nr ~ NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Smith, Gram, Hammond. • • • No1 A rh:~ns;l' hll$ bel'n mad!' in the marl' sc.hcduled ra(.'('S for th~ year. rlnl<' of th<' trophy d inn«'r. which I bu' PC s will have a cruilc race • 11·as schrdull'd for Sl'pt. 28 In th<' Sej'}t. 15 and a womc·n·s race Sept. I dellohn, Oakland; Mary Allee A1-l the Sterns rancho. yt•or hook and which will be held 29. len. San FranclJICO; J~tckie O'Har·l The bridegroom Ia a m<'mi:K'r of ra. Orinda ; Joanne Kracnvr. Mar· two pioneer famill('!l of Colorado ga.ret Jcan Bradford, Shirley I He is a graduste or Fuller ton High Smith. Plarentla ; Barbara Lockt>.: school and t.he Naval V-12 Gon· Puadena; Peggy Ganahl, Ana-l zaga univcrsity. He attalned his helm. and Pt>ggy Caahlen of Den-commlulon at Northwestern Mid- Vl'r. Colorado. l•hlpman school nr Chicago, and hnll SRturday, Oct. 5 Instead. • • • :--------------, Best man wu Robt'rt Bolton or r<'Ct'ntly been rel~ased from th<' 1 Oakl.and, with uahen u followa: 1 USNR. havlna aerved 10 months Thomu Doyll', San Joee; Butter with the armed forcea In Chln11 Bruce, William Ka_num>rer, Wil· and Korea .. llam Stl'tle, ~t Seaman, Ful· ------- lnton; Robert Philllpe, La Hsbra: Opening Plans of High School PTA Nati11nal onc·d('!ligns raC<'d Satur- tlay and Sunday at Alamitos Bay. The) took th<' Ray EnriRht trophy up and ll'ft It there, Alamitos win- ning wilh 70, BYC at'COnd with 76 a nd Leway Sailing In third place "'ilh 93 points, reverse acoring. • • • Fred Barker was winner of thc pr<'dicted log cruiser rac:e to Avalon over Labor Day, his per- centa~ot<' error of 1.01 being the lnweat yet ~. Race wu for the Paul Franklin Johnson ·Sir Thomu Upton trophy. • • • Ractt Opening activities of the new, resulta for July-August wries club year were diacusaed at a were, Falcon~, A. Newport. Ken :z: called meeting or the exccutlvt Moraan. Younclove; Balboa Dlnka,, u board of th<' Parent-Tt'ach<'r uso-Marshall Gram. Whiting, Dea'(er. ~ dation of Newport Harbor Union • • • For the Labor Day regatta w High school h<'ld lftt week and one race reeulta were, Rh<Jc~H, Grif-Ill of the main lhinga wu a benefit fith. No. 25, Beardalee. Fred Lyon; d('IS('rt card party to br held Pea, Erlc:k.on, Strom, Wheeler; Wedneaday, Oct. 16 In the Am· Albatrou, Meqher, Whlpplrr, ~ erlcan Legion hall. In charge of Peanon: PIC, JWmple, Holateln; ~ Pboae BeeCOII lS8U Newport a eo.ta liMa CAB CO. Gryphon Product1ona ·~:::: PlA Y~OU~ OPENING 'ftJI.SDAY SEPT. lmt Cl ,. "4 .. = 0 z l r6ervallona Is Mrs. WIUiam 'l'Tus· VlldrtR. Campbt-11, -.A. L. Gramm. -Thru Sept. 15th ty, Beacon 5417. • Don Pederl<'n; Int. 14 dinghy, '-' "0 1 Mrs. J<'rrold Spanglcr, program Dick Fenton; Snipe. Deavcr, Phil ~ ::'11 chalrman. outlined programa for Greene, Drew Gram. Giddin~: ..l SJGNE BASSO 0 the ensuing year. Another board Faison. A. Nt>wport, Ke n Morgsn Cl lndivJdU4ltty for the "Morhc·r-to·bc · • • ff Wt do -.Pt MVt II, Wt ma~t 11, )OU Stt1 'Donn~rie Shoppe 116 N. llalallt. .~ ..... ......... Jacquards Cardinals Slip-Overs See Our We Have 'em All ' OBKJN•s 'Department Store 119S Newport Btvd. ec.ta liMa SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish 5x7 SiZe meeti.ng Is slatt-d for Sept. 24 and Jr .. Unda Lewia, Ben Younglove; I rtl lD ~ 1 the first regular me<'ting will be P 14 dinghy, Sertell. Kylt'-Royce; :Z: n OctotK'r 8. Snowblrdl, St-ymour BE>ek : bland ; 'GEORGE' ~ (Proofs Shown) YOUNG VIEWPOINT iu o PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR Sl 00 W omm 's \\'tar for ft•cryurhcrt The Bobby Shop Cost CLEARANCE SALE .. Infants' and Children's APPAREL ' ,. 71l Eut Central, Balboa "Pirate Days" -September 5, 6, 7 and 8 •o R E S S E S = an ortpaa~ paay by ~ CJ .loha Mer-Myth Lucu WITH FIGURE SLIMMING STRATEGY IN EVERY LINE GLAMOUROUS BLACK FOR AFTERNOON OR AFIER SlX JN RICH ANlJ IJF:AtJTIFUL RAYON CREPE SOFT DRAPING T OTHE SKIRT C'OLORF1-'L S~UlN TIU MS SIZES 10 'rO 20 crhe Francea Norton ~hop ~ * &pmtn~Jtct'r 2H ~nd 1: Rro~tcl"'ftY lihlr;. (8eclolacl Jl1oor) -Mutta Ana I ~ wttll ·,ORN NEWlAND ~ Q.. and OON HAGGERTY g I z -z c Reserved Seats ,. .~ BLUE SAILS > BOOKSHOP 0: ...,._. Barllor rill Or 1....-a 191 Staged by Robert ~lilt on CLIMAXING Ot R BUSINESS CAREER IN COSTA MESA \\lTII STAUTUNG .JEWELR\. VALllES FOR EVERYBOD\' C. E. LO:UCKS COSTA MESA DlAMONn~ -.JEWELRY -STATIONERY -:-GlFl'S & TOYS IT'S OUR I .. AST DA VS IN BV81NE88 -P08ITIVEL Y EVERYTIIING GOES! Saturday, Sept. 14, Last Day In Business It's Our 'Last Days' in BlllineM, AU Remaining Stock Ordered Sold .. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PORTRAITS StucUo -Home -~hureh Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! lt A.M. t.e '* P. Jl, o.ll7--otlw 11me by APftlatlwMa ' I