HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-18 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ... SA.M WD WASTE. Have been trying· for some weeks tq aet down a few facts on wanton w~ wute that re- tumed anny and navy oftl- oers have given me, follow-cthe acandals now on the ln WuhingtxJD. 'lbe t Item baa to do with ~shipped to the South Pad.fte." Some 147 snow Plows. worth at leut $15,-000 each, were dumped oo ODe ot the OOCUDied 18lands for tbe navy. 1bla lldand never a-eta colder than '70 cteeree-above, but the snow plows went out there just the 118111e. And do you knO'tV what happened to them! 1bey were all thrown over- beard! At that ~. too, food was ICaJ'<le and the ~d ot the ahip could have been URd to carry grob. • + + a.ti • T)jNIWrllen. A warebowle on this same isl- and baa been built on a double row of boxes contain- IDe typewriters. · Tbe ware-~ 11 30x30 and ln order to avoid buildlng a founda- tion ao that the warehouse would be ott the ground. the engineers picked on the thousands of boxes, full of typeowriters, as the boxes were of heavy lumber and 8DOOth. So, IIOI'lletlme when you feel like taking a trip to the South Pacltlc . and are In need ot a mach!~. tip me ott and will put you ln touch with the officer who can locate them for yot.L • + • • .&lrJ' =-Now as to air- planeS. Whenever a plane had something wrong with tt. no time was wasted in having It repaired, although the ground crews were idle and Itching for something to do other than playing cards or mummley peg. or drop the hanky or post pinup gtrla. But here ts what they did with the planw. They ~ dumped on a pile, then precious aviation gas was pou.red over 'them and they were burned down to the metal. When t his pile got too high. another was start- ed. The point is that the big anny and navy officials claimed that t ime was too short to salvage any of this stuff In time of war and the quickest way po68ible had to be worked to get the men on the firing line. · All of which is 0. ·K ., but these things happened at the bases far from the battlefront, the crews there all eager for liOI'nethlng to do besides loaf-. lng. + + • OM F.qlae-8. In the aame way beautiful engines. gas and diesels, were sent out by the hundreds. As gas was short the gas engines were changed to diesels and the n they found they hod no fuel. 80 . . . you tell one! Had aome more but misplaced the da ta. • • + Dumpln~t RubbWt. Pro- teste; coming in thnt trnsh at~d· t:ubbish is being thrown on the hi~hway at M<"Arthur boulcvnrd. which lc; about a half mile north of Corona del Mar. 'Don't know If this is lnsid<' the city limits or not. but worth checking. + + • Gambling Ship. Get quite a "kick" out of thf.> efforts t o put Comero's gambling ship out of business. Can re- member when the legislature finally legalized horse rac- ing, but have never been able to see the differi?hce be- tween gambling on the ponies and doing the same thing on a ship at sea. 'Coune Cornero has an un- savory rep. and has been lr:t .. trouble, but the big boys at the race tracks. or at 1eut .arne of them, have been in a nwnber of un-nlce epi-.ooes. Seems to be all right to bet on the sport of kings but when you try to transfer )'OW:_ ~ance to a ship. the JepJJRO gamesten rile ln rtafltecM wrath to ~ IIICh effort• to take lOme ~ tlll!lr money, with the help ol tbe Loa Allplela .,.._t r~wnu votiYA IIDA. CALU'OUIU.. WKDNUOAY, aa"TDDBU 11, , ... Reva.mping of City Govt. Sys~em. Adv Kiwanians WAIISMUIICIPAt1iiEf ~u.-s. Seizes STAtE WGiiE OFFica .M To Organize 01 SPECIFICAnOIS SET J Corner o' s ALSO _ U __ Jud-i;~ a.-" Lagu~ Cub FORTH II AIRPORT-'RUttS V eSse r FOR Vm, CITJlEIS Demanded • Adive IIJDI .. of You're paid well w~fle you learn to lie a Ttlep_h01e Operator I Yo•'n paid whlJ.)-ouJ- 011 • ldtpi;OIIe Job ... a full '~lt:it::! altty, IIDd )'011 1•c •••cral ..u. the 6nt ,.., alODt I At I . •iMpaMr. JOU ' .. frilecllr, .. tMaC iDmucdOII I .... , ......... --: I •• 4 Yuu'IJ lil.c the omrlc. lt"a inter• cuin1, plus· anr. You'll like th~ airh yov work wilh. 100. Good W'Odtin1 condiritn1 tl· lrat1 the lclocl of people )'011 e.1o7 bowiar ud bciaa with.. ... __ _,_,_,.,, ---------------------·---------------------- Yo•'llltaow -,.... ..... ..a CFFDIItwa-.., ........ A tti•JI•o .. ,_..._.•PI • ,... cue.; ........ , .. _..,..w.yl .... ,._ .. ..,, I ' ......... ,I!!!# 1•4 • .... ,~ • .,. career • Good,,., while JOU ...,. • Good~ a.~~a- v ________ ..... _______ ® . . ~ -------------~---....,. S.eiLn c.•nia Ttl•, .. • ~••i•t Want to Buy a C-47? Go to Ontario Field PROFESSIONAL Bookkeepin• Servlee ()()UJif r . ..._. ( .......... , au-... ........... ... ~.-, ...... Dr. W. T. Kooile,r .., 't ....... ........ a.~~~~ ........... _.... ...... A. V. Aadrewa, II.D. ~ ... .a·-lila...&--..... ow:±::J·- Oft OOIOOA8JON8 .._,....,., .. D. Anaaad M•am Ills , 2 _. a a . Fort)'·thNe cadet. midlhlpmee a. wu Dlr t -f T • •• 1 ol Callfornla Who COinpleted their IU •• ..,. ....... II ... • .. I . I 2 27smonth coww at the Calltornla ...... 1116 -.. M.arttbne ~. Va.Uejo, Call· IDI I I m" .... -........... fomi&, on 8aturd8,y, ,....wei eam--l_soo~~·~·~~-:_:a~p~~2~.J milaiona .._ -..... JfOI n - u ~ m u. u. s. ~-----------------~ Maritlnw Service and the U. S. -r-"------------------Naval ft.-erv@. Captain O.ude B. )(-.yo. USN. (ftet.), SuperiD-r-----------tendtnt ol the Aaldenty deUwred I lJL-.,aD. ~·a. ... Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Qua!lty Feedl -I-.,_ Dill••> a ..... a&~ ' 187N.wpert....._ oom'.& II&8A the ...sua. Cll'dln. t h .'\.,1 '~ .... ,\.'-': INSlJf,:r\~(E ~ VET'S Taxi ~ PHONIC: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People ;...oua CU8TO!f"'l8 (Owned and ()petr:ated by v @lenni) - 1011 BROADWAY Oee4a ·- 24-Hour Radio Service BurtR.Norton ... Oo..a ....., ...... 1'111 N .............. o.K ONCB AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA OlllnYwa..._...._ • D1Zie Ill Orup Oa•tJ. All New· • • BY• the.Loeatlon .•• ODe-Halt ... m.t ~Old Locdcm aD Ccut flllbwa7. BeautltalNew CoektaD Bar We 1.-d Southml Calltclnda ID tbe Sea vbc ~ -SEAFOODS-.uo YOtJa ............ -v.r a. iLHUillh - S_.s S.. FOCMI 5pl ... ......... _ .... _ c ca-... ....,., ._...,. .. D •a Dr .... o. ..... . OdaO&W~ DleeiJitb Pla1llo. O"crie,.... -OMit ....... .......... .._._ Mertbner 8chOor -011111 .......... DAY -.oGI. Oftlllr8 001' I O.....s 0111. ..... .a._ G. A.-= ... &.. ~ .. 2 741 ......... . Dr. Obed Laeu DEN'D8T ... ~ "· Olatnl. ......... N&Wi'OaT ~ D&. 008DOH &. UPP DI:Ni'DH" -·-o.lnl ........... &11-6 ~· I ....... H ...... Uie IMcawO.. ..... _ ......... ca. ... - OCCIDENTAL Ul'l: INBVRAHCB 00. ftayNieleen ~ ............... ........ _. aua.-..... ...._ KO&TICI.&NS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W• Ounelva the Better Serw by ~rvtnc Others .... ............... v...... a... ... OPTOII&'I'aiiJTa E. T. Batter.~ 0. D. 0114 uet.W &YD I:X.UIDrJat L&N8&8 DOPI.ICA'I'KD -............ ....... ...... o....o.. ............ .. .......... Robert A. Crawford O,C.. D. OPTO~ Era £laun1ned • ca... Jl'1u.d 1"1 N-..n· a._.,.,. ..... __ .... Wft4 ... Ill" rtt&A-. ......... .......... _ a...a~.aa. PlnSICIAN ... au--... .......... ~ Ollllc. Jln.: 10-12 aa.; a.a.-. ...... .... Sf H. R. HaD, M. D. ftu;2? ...... &aan: :M. w •ss 2 2 1'1sl ·---......... --.......... .. . Hila...& ..... c.-... _ otftce Baan: »-II; H ........... _ S. R. Monao, II. D. ltC Ba.J A-. ··u ....... ..... -...... ~ ~- .., ·~· 0 9 1 Gerald Ra-, M. D. -.ow..o..cna ·-NKWI'Ut'T ••ra ............ .. _, ........ _. x..., ...... t'. P. p HM, aD. ... ...: .. 1111110lf, il. D. l'lo ?5 ......... IIIII. ..... o.s..s 'l'n s' • ...._ • JQaM.-IIN-W ......... ~. M. D. Keealina 1 ... .& N ....... Bhll. v...--. Raab & Bennett ....... -~ ._ ..... , ...... o..e. .... 'l'rt .. 'l I ......... . ... , •• CliJIIenl ,._,-...... -., s' ••• ~~~~- PIANO TEM'HEa PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Gnctu.c~ .. ,.. c ....... ...,.. JA,-e Ph. Hamor 1252-W 1526 W. ~an ~- C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S Nc:wpa& HOW OIW'l KVDIN08 MAI.ft e . . "' Delidoai)J Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE E. J. ·{Bud) JackHn ,. OOH'ftAOI'O& C E·M E IT W D·ll ftMW .... wrs 'a , O&U. 1111-1 roa ~DOH a.ING 'I'OIJa a&DIO '1'0 VII Oslle .... -Wd .... D _. 1'• 0.. .... a tile M.a. ~ ............. _. .,,, .......,.~ ....... Radio 80i Eledrle IIAIIOLD L. .._ ...... ._._ ................ '*' '"W*6 *Z . Newport Harbor Fishin1 NeWI · .,,, « .., Sportflahiq A--. of Newport Harbor BJ: H ..... ,....... j'" two hours 11 m1nuts Oft ~ a1x tac:klt' 1 18 pound tat Urw l I OM h~ nlnetef'n marlin from the boat !;port p&lot.d by and broadbUI la now the total oll Hft'man Fink. Th1t la the lf'ClCirld tJMow fbh "'t-llhed In at the New· thrt't'·IIX marlin thla JeUOA. .U.O port Harbor Mutn dock up to Oft Saturday a 1T0'11 pound mar··l Sunday nlcht. St>pt. 8. Thla doft lin b)• Stanley Arndt, 21~ A.datr not live the cnnd total ol flah St., San Marino, In OIM' hour 40 caucht In the watt'rt off Nf'•'JIOI't mlnutt-a. on hf'avy tackle from Harbor, u IOITlt" boats do not tht> JI&·An·RN'I pllott>d by Ed·1 atop to Wt'igh in their fish. ward C. Frut-han. SU{IdaY aaw IK'\'en marlin -lah· Friday a 137'-o pound marlin t'd hi. Saturday four. and Friday waa caught by M. M. Culver, 1261 OfM'. Sunday'• flah lncludt'd a 119 Cr)'lltal. Balboa Llland, tn OM pound marlin by Ray ~goll. 1316 a.our is minutt'l on hf'avy t.clde ! S. Downey Road, L. A., in four from the P11tutP aki~~ bY J hours on hnvy tackle from aboard L. J(J. Culvt-r. ThundaY a 119 the Kuan Vln piloted by Wlllit-pound marlin wu landed by }4S. ~goll. ,A 100'4 pound m,vlln by w. Hardy, S>ll s. O.nker Aw .. h'llft..;~:."-..,!:1~. "ll2 S. t.o. Anlt--L. A in OfM' hour 12 minUtfll Mt lf!l St .• ~, in 1 ~ mlnUtH on twavi: tadtlt' from the DUI7 n . ht'avy tacklt'Ji3n ttif..fOtlaa Bar· pilott'd by Jim Stt>V..-on. bara pllott'd by Marp Sloman. A landed 128' .. pound marlin by HaJTY Aah· Sept. Uh • marlin wu ton. 509 E. ~ntral, Balboa, In cww by Bob Stt'vena In 38 mlftutaa J: hour Z7 mlnutH on htlavy tacklt' ht'avy 24-t~ad line frclm from tht' Edna a.-. aki~ by Salt ~tH Too, pilotecf' tw· Ed Mrs Uta Aahton A 213V. pound Groet.enctykt'. On the ..... My, maritn by Morrlt'. Cain. Rt. 1. Box aJ 18.18 poundH-'-~:~gw~~ S~ 230 FUllnton In ~ hours 22 mln· · ""'"'n • ""'"" .... ., ' ut~ on 1~thread line fnlcD the GS.ndalt', In 28 mlnutft on hMV)' 1\o.Dar, pllott>d by J, T. #)Olton. tacklt-frodl the Tradt' Wlnd. Sid~ A 1~~ pound marlln by H . G. llt'rt'd by H. S. Graham. Fercuton. 58S5 lAmp, North Hoi· Tht' albacore n.hlnl eont.IDUft • b'wood. lb 3'7 mlnuta on ht'avy fairly 1oocl. but Yft"Y apotty. ~ ,.------------------------, tadJ)e troria a boat pUoted by Her-boata eome In with tht'tr ._.... Co(ker AKC Puppies-bn-t E. Qwek. A 13&~ pound nac nytnc. but othen haw thttr marlin by Al LarnbH. 2500 Callf. rt'd and whitt' albaclllft n ... ..u~ .......... or .... ....---ca -2 a a .. -..... = ..... St.. uattnc Park, Callt., on heavy P'nc In the ~-. Wdnrday ,_..,.-..... .-.., .. , ...... P a • a tac:kt. from tht' Amiaa, W~ Uw Jlodct't, .;th Earl Coleman a t wttla lila elww. -..... 14. ef ..... ........ .. ........... by Ralph LarnbH. A 1._,'4 pound the wht't'l, had 33 albocore 4fttlb· =........::: ;"!;:' .:,;:-~ ..... • -.. ., - marlin by Dick Ht'IIH, 129 S. HUI, Inc from 24 to 3'7 pounds and the -l'hcAo-1111W'Mn1 f11 J....,acse4. L. A., In 29 m1nutt-a on ht'lt¥y next day ht' had ~ aklpjacfl C8ucfll ---------------=------_..;. __ _ tadde from the Dolphin, pilolt'd by 4 flatwmwn. Tht' aklpjadl, rt.-and reorl. Tht' ne•t 10 fll6nutn W.. b)' Eddie Oftnl•. portt'Cl mG'11\C In • few clays qo, full or rut action and qWck th61111· HEADSIIIIh Saturday'& flah Included a 13.5 are now bltlnc. Tht' Conwt cot ln~t from the little boat, to llftp pound marlin caurht by Sam Bac ~~ !!_~l~n .. ~_.~·~ 71ba1'ueeda9Y·bl~ tht• hnes from tancllftc. AftH 40 cot. ~ o. Eat-. Jr~ a by, 1732 Olt'm& St .. Tt'mple City, t .. ., ..,.. ... ~ v a oort' mlnutt>a the tint martlft. a 15a ,~~ of tllorH ,.._. ..-vklr • In 20 mlnutt-a on ht'•vy tadde fin tuna and one aklpJack. poundt'r, wu lande-d by Ed Gro-thf' Aaatt.c--Pannr U..tft fll ~ DRAFTING . SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS ... Awcla._ ............ , PL~~~ • • ••••• Hamburaen Malts Sundaee ...... ~··· DOi'"'=f.JfiiPP from the Phantom, akl~ by Sklppt"r Gt!or&t' "R.t'd" Your~~ Pnt-ndykP, with •'hat .... ._ at"--_....,..,. ·~ • Norman aeu. A 136\i pound brou&ht hla n)'t'r lnlo ~~ whitt--that could br had from K-th C\WIWI.;__...t!nc of"fk'JI'or .. tlw ..... marlin by Frank Unnt-11, 26 Bay eea-bua-capital-ol · Nrwport·Har· Slmpaon Jr . f1ghti"-hla own fWL lnl-try ~ ..... ~ 0w11.-., Sho« Dr .. Nt-wport, In 31 mlnutH bor. the 19th Strftt Landi~. with 30 mlnutt-a latn hla flah wu land-Blil ~ tc.rnlw1 ltrt'w7 _. on ht'avy tac:klto from tht' Daisy 200 whitt-at-a bua abo&QI'Frida)'. t'd. s 131 pounclfor, on 18-t.hftad ~of tlw toll.h ~ c.~t- 11, pilott'd by JII'IUT\y Stt>V..-on. S.pt. 6th, cau1ht off thf' Huntlnc Lnw. fonl6e Hat-.a C • a r.. TIll • A111\ipoundm~lnby~ton~tL ~ttw~daya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fll~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colllngt-, 1S>5 S. Raymond Avt'., Skippt"r Bob Lewis ot tht' ~ marlin wu la.ndf>d by Dr. Paul uw 1•111 •wet wt ...we ..a .... •• Alhambra, In OIW hour 10 mlnutea captUff out of PO!"t Udo hu rHl· Murphy in 20 minut8 on heavy of tta ~ 1111 u.. Plldlk. on l~thrud lint' from tht' 011· ly been doing ~tood tht' put two tscklt-from the 'ncht UIWC, ~ __ ___::..._ ______ _ nook, pilott'd by Clt'n Sodt'n. da)'ll. Wt'dneaday h4' had tht' FUl-(X'rt>d by M. L. DeGr-. Hold your haU, dt'ar rt'adt'ra, lnton lkt' Walton l..t-agut' out and Nt'wport PW-r flatMrtnt'll haw ht'~ 11 another three-all& marlin. bf"ou&ht back 14 albaC'Oft, up to brt•n knocltinc avt-r ttw ~ A 123 pound marlin by WUUam 39 pounds; 6 yt'llowfln tuna, and 1 the lut ft'W ct.)'C. A adwol a--~~~~~~~=;~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~W~~W~.~Co~~~~~.~G~~~~~~~~~.7~.ck. Tht'-~~ht't~~at~~~-~ had·the Anaht'lm lkt' Walton Ln, in thf' watn lw1Wft'll Uw pWr ... • IUt' out and broulht In 208 aid~ the flahlnc ~· Gelldrw'. off ,, yGU have.~ A~!!! !S:..~d~S ! ... -wxt-~ it now and ~ive a sma" leatMrette frame (nttl back) FREE and ws~· out obliption; in ADDITION. to the portrait offer on the cou~ uncal SEPT. 30. 19-'6. YOtW ANSI;, StNM. C•I*U.,. ,.,.j,h tlflll will • .,.,. w ,_J rttntlhu .j "I'• but from now until nne ~: 3~ we ~nt ~ Jive our Early Bird Ouisunas cus~ this speaa~ Pft. J~ bt•na that .ct and your coupon to any Austin Studso. No appotnaneat II ~ry. .. ,, N. Mal• St AUSTIN STUDIPS [ We ,a,. fully .....,_.,to tal<e ,..,.,.,. ho -., Ch ... l ......... jack and 2 albaccft. llhcft. Orw hundred twt-nty·fln II now ----,.,...----- the total ol marlin and broadbW Scotch tape, vartaou. ....., • Wt'llht'd in at tht' Nt'W"port Harbor aaJe at U. ~n.-· Maatt'r ~ at tht' foot ol Wub· ~iXiiiCiCiiiiXiiii:iili:iiiiCi ln&ton S~t In Balboa. • Stanley C. Van Dykt-, 44 N. Madison Avt'., Puadt'na, hookHI a marlin at 7 :10 In tht' momlnc. foucht the fbh all day, and didn't land It until 4:30 p.m. thto 13mt' day. Tht' marlin wu hookf"d in t~ clorul fin to crt'at audl a atrugglto. t'hf' faah waa fl,-.t hook· f"d about thrt't> milf'tl off l.a«Una from a hoArd tlw Ksy· T pilotf'd I by Olarlt'l f:sslmnn Thf'y "''erf' Q11ii1 ........... .. Mar Catslina whPn It wu lsnckod I and th<')' were chit' to llsrt for Newport Harbor. AnothPr tnil, but trut•, tsl<' wu ~eportt'd by Ed Grf)j'ncndyk<' from I 'sbollrd hill SAlt Pf'l<'r T0<1. On Monday he was out after marlin wtth Kt>nll('th Sim~m Jr . :>A N San Rafsel Avf' .. Pasadena. Th••y hsd two lint-a out a.nd marian grsbbf>d toach. Thf're wu no onf' I to pilot tht-boat u t-ach ht~hrr· man had to fleht a nah with rod • Senlq lD the Patio u 307 MARINE AVE. ....... ~ ( ·~·7::;..) 4£ 'l'ou Would Preput It BALBOA I8IAND SILVER PLA·TIIG We Claim to Have AU of the Silver in Califomia!t! e For the lint UJDe ..... tile War, J• ..... " JO!flr hep h• aad n. tea eentc.r ,..._ ftftld wttJa .- PUU 100% ft1U I!IILVIa 00MME8C1AL. TRIPLE 08 QVADIItJPI.& PlATE • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS AU. WOIUl 017A&A...'n'IZD • e Rn"'cM ~ All .... (Co-..-r~cMIIIIIII .._.,) ..... OOft'Aim&\ -.._, 11114 NOR111 MAIN &IIC&&i Featured in the Current Issue of the .. Californian" t:.ctu.fwly 11t ablott's in lllmta Ana l...ynn Lf'tltf!f'a ,.._.., Fall lovf'ly ol llel .... Air Blipdf-. 8rnuhlnc btc prriii!U piUII two hHwt~ward ~Ja of buttOftll IIC'Ceftt Ita ....,..._ almplldty. In coni, eqwa. '"""'· maJ•. sa-10 to 18. ·~ J:• t " • SANTA A~A o,-........ lp. ....... , ......... ,.. ....• p. .. ......,.. ........ t!'t $ ... ., ..,....._. 'I~..!:-I B·~~!.~~ Co. I :.: I Phone Beaeoa 5358-R 1.--------------------rtl 1.:---'t.f ~ I:IOUD-DII6lJ: 1 :5 a.m. to 5:JO p.p•aH· ..... ~ N.T . Stpe. 11, 19M llku,-111 .. -+ ~'II" Doll's -'--_fJ,4towG,p e~MJJ. *Sets S.ll!' Opell111 11111nday ,NIIId ~ .. MOST UNIQUE AND ARTISTIC EATING PLACE ON THE WEST OOAST" ~ DeBdou CGmbination Dinnen ~ New aad Uauual Seafood Speeialties ~ BBACON 1485 ww ......... ,.. ... , .... . ,. -.. ~ c:ITTit. N ....... ._... N~----------~ _____ ........................... .... STANDARD SHIPBUILDING CO. LUI n:DIIO, CAUl". E ._ _ _. _ _...._ ................. _,, .. ...... ---.-.................. -...... __ .............. ..... ............. ..__..._ ...... _....., ........ OVI:R ---081GINAL VALUA'nON WIU. A 0111,a AT ft'aLLC AC('fte" Ol( T".K l'a.....,_. 711r1ARINA WAY, SAN PEDRO, CALIF. TBUR8., Sepll9, STARTING at 10 A. M. 6EPIEWJI.:a, .... HJch Low Ji1ch w 18 4:28 8:07 ., .. 3..3 3.0 5.2 'Jb 19 6':02 10:14 t :ta 3.7 3.0 ~.3 "-AT WOU AD rovlfDATIOQ -·-.u-........ t51 ... W WILEV'r REFRIGERII11DR JERVICE CllfiiiY JWEN-WOMEN Prostate - - -Pelvis ~ .......... , ...... .................. ~ ... ,.._ .................. ....................... ,_ ...................... ..._.. IT'S YOUif GLANDS ..................... ---_....,_..,.. ........ ,. ..... -H• ·-Jfe --r-Jt• .. .,.._ Dr. L r. .... -. c.. ft.C.. ,., . ....... ,.....,. ........ ,_ --lllM fw aoe I & -T-. ..... WW.. .. G~Ma Ill-. e::te A.M ... l iMP. M. ._,. ... ,...,.,. W JI•K hacdo.a1 N..,. ~ nch .. s~eep.l I -. Cn•t.t..., lbdtablUt,., =:; .N ...... a_..u. Pub. l!ept. 17, 1141. PboM Beeeoa 68U Newport a eo.ta .... CAB CO . U-Boar 8en1ce ~ Joar WGI'It 01' ... ....... U... tab I K&EPINO )JOUSE, helpin~ • I n-1 II taka eare of lhe familY-fOil 1 ..... i I woalcl r.llM that b11ainua ~rlt IUiaM • MenaeNII& TaWeq) an Mt tlM ODIJ' or.-'llll'ho eome- 1 ..._ ,.t B.-da~he and Tired ....._ T...&c. e.a mab A~ K\lldea. We 'home ....... .1*-J', lnttaW.. .J:. 1 ott.. 'IIII'Ork jWit M hard and ~ ~ or-loa e.a a.e N..._ ja& M 1U117 Heada,hu, juat u II ' +t .... N.,.._ .....,_. I 1Uft1 Stoeach UJJVte and ,et ... Ia ....... u..., ... -jlllt .. Tired. _.. =. D1a .-1 to beeoate ~boat a :r-r aco 1 Ant ueed •••• -..-.oaa aDd to • &~:..::t.=~:r. ALIA-SELTZER -eM ht ·~ 1 ... U..t It ..... m1 'Afhing _It _,.. clo DOt .. Dr. X net u--. tabl tiM k.lnka o~l of Tin-d. ........ JM e.a't now what it Addu KaKl• and bnnca ftllel .... fw ~ U eomet In 'IIII'Ma 1 Ja.n Add lndl~ettlon. ....... _. •~t ~eblet 'I'll¢ fan\01 .. ,. t am a lot .... ._.. ....UJ' aootbln,r to ...._ to Un with einee 1 have .._ _. cue WI'OQJht n4'rns. bowa allclft Alka.S.ltaer. D'f DOW'r YOU T.RT IT 1 .... • trtt4 ALKA-SELT• e ............ ···~. .... II" ......... 4~· ... ... a tMw. Mf aad 7r.t, 1 a~ ~~==lta,. -_. tlM. a-t diN'~·-, II\ ,...0 • Itt, al8o b1 ... -..., .. d.l.lwt..-.J. ... .... .. .... 'I' IALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Weddlac Amllvenute. ucl Etc. VUM X Jl'lgwbw ......... :: C.tame lewelrJ Newport Souvenir and Gift. Shop !101 0.:.. Froat We Wrap Gttta . WORTHINGTO ·•· .:.: '"'"" Refrigeration l"aa::N AIDIONIA I to. to It'- Air Conditibning a._ to.se eo. Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All rre..u,... &Dd All Uqulde Ill Stock Call .... ItS 8. LoA An~IM St., Aaalwtm Phon.-<tfiZ~ $393 ,, ...... Plua Tax Bowling Alley Reopens Sept. 23 After Repairs Sanlly F. Ma t Ka y INSJRANCf· Tr· •! •, l\11 ' ~ } . ' ', , ' : J'(\(L\ ,'· ,\ \1• ~ -\ Y ~ r • ' ~ •-•' • • ,' Sport lund BowUng Alleya ln Bal· boa will he d osl'<l from Sept. 16 to Sept. 23, arcordin~t to Proprle· tor Roy Keene. who hllli announced l the t .. mporary closing to enable -------------- rE'surfaclng of th~ all••ys. I fiJ••••••••••••• Keene 11uys that the alleys are 1 b<'lng renovated to conform with the Anwriaan Bowling Congress regulation• and will bt' In top lhape on ~ reopening date. CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS g~~ S,_,.J 8/u}p .., x.ut.e ...... ............ ............ 11 • WELCOME HOME! Newpori llarllor Poet %11 AIIJI!Ili()AN LEGION ........ ....... ., 3 ..... ... _ ..................... ... .., ................. .,_ ... .. Battery Service for. • Your Oat • Yoar Boa& • Your Mriuleal Equlpmeat .,,..._.* ........ .... le ............ ,.([( ...... ~-I STOREY'S Battery " ............. · (lletweae ua a ...,....> VOSTA IIE8A • a-co. 518S EiJalboa cJfarlret More ..,._ • y..,.. el ..,...._ to t1ae ~ 101 MAIN ,_... CUelaW. BALBOA, OAUr. WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTBACTOR Residential and Commercial Building • • Before You Balld or ReiiiOdel VIsit Oar Ja~ Semple ud Dllplay aoo.. Color guides, plan.- nlitg aJda, ccmpreba». lve ltock ot carpets and Unoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works liH.._..IIalallt. ............... _ DAVENPORT by Day BED b --"'----""""-- Bed Divan • • • • Matching Chair • • • • • Upbolltered Ill Tapestry 'THREE FEATHERS I Bed Divan • • • • • • Wood Arm-Maple f1alsb Choice of Coverings * EASY TERIIS! * • • !64~ ................... ROSSI'S Liquor Store , .. ()out IDwa7 .... ~ ........ Dnlir ..... Santa Ana Furniture Co . ..~If,· dl · e o.j, VjUu?. q.~" fie W.t ttlt 8t. ftoe.. B. Wlllla-. S..ta .&aa. P1L Ia • 114 W. 4111 St. PASADENA LONG BEACH C. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ~ .t .t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Palnted and Lettered. .t ~ ~ Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R • for Prompt Senice NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t :JO A. M. TO 11 P. M. South U.y, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay. Richardson's Evan~· VIlla Marina, Shields', Balboll Yacht Buln, Beacon Bay, Hnrbor Ia1and. and South Bay: Hail from any dock or n oat. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY .. - Modernized /State League .Officer Tel~ Story 'Judiciary ' Urges Vets' HOusing ' of-Jack Raub , D d d (('(lfliiiiUt•d 11<1111 I'4Qt• 11 IC'OD.UIIU~d from f>a&e ll l l'itlt 111 0 \'II<'UIIfllll \\'•• llt'\'tl em an e 11n hh:)l\\ '" III'••J.•,·t~. h •lt.:rttlon nnl1 ""'·• " looln nnd \4'' IIIUIII hnvr tunlly whnl Is nt't.>ded today b il 11 ,.,. ,111, ._,1lnw 1,, "'''''""' ''"'' Kutldlvl~"'" ~ORA LEE'S Wt!UWMW ...... v ... tl•n BIIIICis to our •took. Cu1tom Slip Covers -Draperls ph111s to ~~ervt• more than that I st111, ,oml 11111• ('\lfllmlmlth•'.. I k "''"' mn•l•• l'lllf't ,,f 11 !ltllrVf') • numlx•r of pi'OPI<'. \h(' speaker llo ~~~,1 ,.,ll(l lhlll Ofll' ut lilt• Jna.t lllll'l\' Ill tho• •tllrl. Wtlfk ln}l lljl :mid. "W e mu. .. t httve ~ans that thht '·''") ""''""' In Ill•• ~IIIIo• until tw ht'\'llllh' tho• l'hh•l ll'llidC'nf -au ........... A\'f'•tw ............ jud~;.-. h<' said~ "bul It 11 I'Xlr<'nwly p rovldt• for th<' l'hnna lnc ot t.hf Is , ... h~auah• "'"'"U•' ~)'~II'"' ••n.:tm-.•r 111 1~•:111 h•• l'lllll•· 111 Wt'f'k !.....-------------------------....J WAs tr ful." soclol ond cultursl t'haractt..UIIC1r Rntl 11, 111.~'"' thf' (.,10,.,.1111.,0 111 tnr llw rlty ,,r N•·••'l"1rt lt••n•·h . th•· • Rc•ff'$.K to Gov. WIUTf'n's M'· or our cit~ t o met•l thl' klndll .. ol Ia)' "" ~"·•mrtw.ark fur •n srt.•nl Vf'lol'lnlot 11nd ••na:ln••f'rln~; ltw l.loo I --------------------------- et>nl r<'mll rkll lh nt C'llllrorniA must ~rvl<:'e!l de>slrcd of th<'m today. sy,;1,111 II•• ,.Hid tr'fl rfll' l'(l"l r'<\1. h•lt• Jli"'jo...-t ~~-"''IIIII) dty f'llltl· ,---------------------------...., plan for a JlOvul&Uon of 200.000.·1 H• .-aid what hi nE'C'ded now ta'\.~'\\:0~> nnd ~ldo,owalks al!•rw "Ill ...... ,. 1-'n•lll l!l;l;' ,,, l!l:l(l ho• Will i On Your Way to San~ Ana ()(X) J)('OJIIt', the Jurist declart'd that Is not tht> mood to a('C('1)( thlnarl not .... h·,. ull tht> Jlmbii'O\Ii of lltl' (ltflf'o• t•n~tln~'<·r nnd ~"''''' r<'llldt•nt 1 "our ln111ituUons must ,crow with l u.~ th<'Y an>, bul thl'' ability to sta1•• ""' '''""'"· Whllt lA hadh <'naln••••r In lh•• l ' s ••nrcmr<~•rlnlt tht' IJOpula11on • • • our courts! mflke C'hangcs In me-thods that nl't'<l•~t ._ 11 map 11y~lf'ln, hi' !iald. dt'awtrtnwnt 111 ll w d••''''''''"'"'"' of I Costa havt> not ~ept _peet> with thll will l"l'SUlt 1n thf' ltl'ltjnl ot thlnp 1"'''"'\'••nwnts In th•• JIUbtlco Nl'"l"'rl lln11h11r ~·n•m 193(\ to ltf'OWih. They llff outmod!'d and I rton11 In a bl'tter way than ln the ht'uh!t "''''IC'I' Uld n '('n 'lltlonlll 1944 hc-"'"' loark "'· hl ' old p.•t 1 should be madernlud. and wr hert> po.st. Pit u Jd IIC'Wage dispoul ph""" nf 111 (' 11 1 il\'IVe<m lnf'nt,., of dfoputy city t'nl{im't'r untU hie in tht-.,conve-ntJon should ltl\'l' Ul· plAns now on thl' draftina boardl wta wh httw I'M<t•n lgnol'f'd too 10061, prtlill(ltlon 10 ""'l11111nt to R . L.. moet col\llderatl~n to propoeall ot many communltll's art' now In-ht-,,ud. und 11 mort• J:N~In.taklna P~tth•l'$0n, ··hil'f «'nQinN·r. tor their reform. ' · I adt'quate l\.ll thl'y do not meet the &lliludo• hv olflclnlll In tht• fll'ld In the> mltldl<' of 1944 R•ub A pros:w-al will be mad<' by thl' needs ot th<' awr~~.P c ity or today, of , 11111111;." rt'la llons 11 a 110 "'"'n<'(l hi• uwn ,;tflrf• llt're, aoon CaJJfornla State Bllr aaociatlon nor will they _be fl'Uible tor the barth n~. "Wt• h uvt" l'mfl&o)"' mu\'tn.: "' C•,.lst ~h•tut tmd a ftlllat· at the har lll'Uiona of tht• con· n~ or thl' city of the future. umun•-In ~· d l)' wovf•mmf'nta l'C1 v.1th J ohn A. ~lf'lrel who \•ler vtntion thle wet>k for an l'ntlrl'ly "For l'xantple . one city 1 know todt" ho'('nUje Wt' haV•' falh-d 10 ~~nld hit inll'rt'J I In lht• firm h l nt>w aet of lower courts than thl' of In this Illite thougtlt It ~-mt'•'l lhr l'ltua tk!n We havt' not 1-"'rt'd V. Bt•nnt•lt, who 11 now SUJ)('rlor C.ourts to take thf' place t'd only $26,000 for stl'i!oet lmprow-had Jl''r<OOal rt'ltt tlnns." R11ub'1 Jlllrtno.,., 11nd t ht• firm bf.. of prewn l juatlce, Municipal and ment ,'' Graws said, ''when on re-l'llml' Raub and 1\en.wtt. Police Courts. vlf'Wlnc thftr plana. dty oltldala In •·llll'!lng Mr. GraVt'li UJic•rttod This or~t•nlll\11110 •~ now han· Stop at CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwlcha--Fountaln S.•lci ............. ~Ill N...-t ~-(aft ._.., Th<' nt>w couru would be operat-found that one major l tl"t'f't ql thlll 'lly offkiall m~t rind a way d llnte aul'h n<'l avltlo'll u tht' I'W'W l'C1 by the county on a "clrcult"l lmportance. ln t~r plan would to rurry tM'Ople In lh«'ir rltl<'~< wtth Pn'lby1Pr1H r; h~llll•l '•Itt• IIDd It piAn, but with local trl'uurls aUII cost $126.000. n-ey hadn't view· tht•m und lw urltlt'<i \h(• lnlplrt· doln~t all th«> aurnoylnrt for tht' r'<'celvlna the rl'VftlU8 from OMS. l'C1 their ortatnal enlmate 011 the An<"' "1 1111 un~tandlng pn>;rram JrviM rom(lClny In tht" h11rbor The St.ate would s-Y the 1udlell new tenn of lhlncs." on mutlo•m d ty IO"f'mm,.nt IX'O-llrt'a. TI1t-y 11rl' now wnrklnc on '--------------------------- _, _ _. all ....... ..._ would have ~UI\' Ill' Mid Pf'Ofllf' havl' got-~ •h11n 20 n•w eut· .. lvla'-· and I s ....... ea. u .... .._,.,. He said city and county --h h bl ot lookln ... _ """~ • •. ... OUIW -------------------------.... to have five Y"rt letral expert. ment -~-n.wrs nwat ,_._•-;,::.;. tt·~ 111 1 1 "d a t · i to tf,,.... m11jor unprovt'fl'W'nt projf('ta heft. ' enoe. 'lbe plan It to 10 bet~. tM ahee.d ~en mald na "':':'.,.!;ticj ald"'''"'c1 nn ~~t?vtmmenta or Rauh Ia pn ardent followf'l' ol next ~ of tM State Leg11la--·-ttn In th«>lr • ~-:::;ius. _ .. ~~1"1 nnwk "h'e ...-., tyd CtW•1mmc.'nU h u k W111ton. t rout lwolntt hi• fa-t ...,_.., ~~·••• •ovu I Ia I' t l' I'll to nll'rprt'l vO..Itl' catch. llf' ~ a bl~ job ot ~·ty Atty. Lou1l H. Burke of ''TIIty must lay piAM for the dty bec.'omt• mort' l'fflcll'flt lind ~ aviation and tcard<•nlnc and for f'll· MontebeUo, fermer counael fM tM ol 19150-1980--and 1970," he add-to th,•ir IX'Of)le that they, too. clln lrll C'lCI'rrllll' Ilk•,. volley ball. He Leai[Ue, wu cfven a rowtnc ~ ~ ~~Yyou ~ -t~ve-=~ l'fft•Actr'"'' lllll go~:r11lmc•nt ~rdlt... Is a mMnlll'r o( ttwo Klwanll dub tlo t th• 1-al lunch-n .. h•r a · '""' '" ty I({Wtommrnt •nd I• 'hA ~nty ~m...._r to ""-t• to Ct'P n a · ~ ~·~· ""' rnt'lln. You found how Ahortlirht· l )'l"lt·m wu thl' foundation ol tht' • ' • •· "" ...,.. ... .., which wu held at the U. S. Gran t 00 were thto pla.n~~ of your prede-Anwrlcll11 polltlcal sy~tl'm." . have• 11 fl vl'-yur pin for perleet hotl'l followinl the openlng 14.'1· C'eliSOrl." attf'ndan<V' aion In thf' tht at.-r. • • • Gr..ow~ wu glv<'n 8 rou~<lni: fiVII·I JUt wife>, Mu jorlr, Ia an arct.t\1 Thr \'OCiferoua applallll(' followed GRAVES 8180 urgt'd lh<' Import-tlon a t•llw conclu.oclon of his nd·l C'ull Seout work••r and I• aiiO 11 his dl'Cia. ration that "the peoplc l 811l'e pi local govtmrnent.a ~ling drt'~s. ntf·mhM' of thr Pannt-Te~actM-r must fight ab\JM'S ·of power In mort' oftt>n ond more corutantly ------. <IOI(K'IIItlnn HI• wn. Jacll, II wn ~eovc·rnml.'nt -()r, God .~1'1(1 us. Wl' on ~ubjecU of chana-e. Ht' report. Mr :md Mrs. Kmnl'lh Olanrllrr y•·ttn nlll. tond tht• daulithtn , Kath- ur<' on the way down. I ed t hai munlclpftl ortlclalll ot ..tla-and Mrs. Bertha Uordt't' of Lnt< I IN•n. '' ftVI• yc-nrl old. 1\oth IU't' R•-cently returnt'd from thr('('l medo ond Contra Costa oountl• Anlfi'II'S Wt'no hOU"'-' ._'IJt'•'' lo!it nllth•,. huborlt<'l . yf'ars sl'rvtcc with the Amf'rlcan nrt' doing ju~t that. W«-k of Mr. and Mrs. J an•k Fm'ft, 1 Hnuh ""<I IWniiC'tt t mploy ff'Om Military Go\·ernml'nl In Gl'r"lany, , 606 '-1 WPM <'<'ntrnl ovc-nu1• Tlwy 1U 111 lf1 po·r110n. 11nd they both .,.. Burke ur~:t>ntly pluded for loc.al '1l\('!l(' officiAls art> meeUnr wrn· h<'n· for tht' Pln•lr Duyl!, 1 10ld on Nrwpo.-1 harhor'• future ndminlstrators to look at their C'\'1'1')' W«-k. ll11d In some ~ whach thf'y found amU.l>lnlt. nnd and art> maldna thf'lr honwe here own work In the hoJ)(' of mok ing Jlhcy Brt' m('('tln~r twkt> 8 w~k to al!141 r njny,od ric1l'll ltbout tht> huy.l fJ<'rman•·ntly it better thAn other typt'll or Ad· rormul~lc> pluns fnr th_e fuhlrt'," hl' ministrations which Wl'1't' forced "'lld, They nre trymg In l"Vf'l')' upon It In previous years, 1 way to bring unity on onl' prob-ll'm that Is now dlvid<'d amon~ot nuln('rous divisions or the-local govt'mml'n l$. CLARK & BATES ··-~;w~ Metallizing~ • ......... : Harbor Hi Grid Team Prepared For '46 Battles "In l.os Angl'l<'s, we &l"f' trying to fi nd a WBy to merxe tht 44 Of' 45 cities Into onl' great city ot Loa Anat lCll. J'm not makln~ot a CIUKl for unlflcatlon of and conaolida- Tllnks, Keell. Ru~·no, Shafts. Rdr1aenatloo -rr.ya, etc. • o-.w: Art Ohjc'<'ht, Doon, SllfM, Hardware, d e. lContlnued from Pa~re 1) tion ol Jtn"at many titles, but W ldl ~ SOfi'W:'how we mWII find a way to 8 RO'-• All TJpea. Spt'clalU.ta In StNI, OUt probably turn out to be a break-unltl' 011 pl.ana for the Improve-•• Aluminum. BI"UUI and Rronzt'. away threat u well u a aolld ment ot our 1\J"M'U, n ped&lly -ALL WOIUl Otl~ Iron, WE WELCOME YOU '10 OPIIN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ( ....... ,.) .. ............ ,. to .... .. ............... ...... Ow .......... OIIIIIPieW whit the ...... llrt. fll ~ ,.....,.... Naama'17 Al•a1k •• a&ADY ·'IO·WUS / mAABROS clanta ana, Ill ._., 'Til ft. ......... ,...., ....... . t:ll&.a .... P.a con tt ndET for oft-tackle thrusts. our t tl"t'f't.l ot major Import~ 1 lfiiWI'OaT II&AOII Ml .,.. ..._. ...... -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:~ · Buz Clambers, up from t.heland with our Loa Ancelea U.y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '--------------------------'} ti claay B team of Jut )'NT, wlll arM and thls Ia euentJally one _ • Trailer Canopies I ft)U CAK'T MilS! Hfibs Awnings · All Sizes Free Estimates probably handle much ot the pua-lrl"ftl ~t'm. It cannot ~ lng chorea and It no slouch at the handlt'd l'fticll.'ntly by 1~ or 20 runnln1 l amt' l'ltht-1". Working out In one backfitld, Plcktna had Hanu l, Roy Ward, Jlm Ashen and Dlcll &own with Clambers and Roger Hlllhowle alternating. MaJnstays ln tM llne abould tum out to bl.' ''Boley'' HOIT\'11, return ing ll'ttl'rroan from Jut year whert hl' wu \lied u Ct'nter but lh1l yur has been s.hlttt'd to Pnd, and Bill Wl.'athf'I'Wax, who shaJl('l up u a d<'flnite lu gue tockle thnat. thony of Lone Bea ch. The pract- let> tJtt will be ht-14 on tM An- thony f1"ld. 1'hc»e who anawt'Ted the open- In& whleUf' lut we.k Wf'rl' Ashl'T. Balch. Brace, Brinkman, Brown, Brownie. Chamben, Clark, De- Ruff, Dodd, Franklin, Glborw, Gay- nor , Hanson. Hillhouse: Hanzal. Jlorrl'l, ·llt>nroten, KJW- fer, Killion. Mello. Nourtlt', Mon- aco. Monson , Nobll'. Ptyton, Pat-~ ll'rsun, Roberts. Robert.aollt Rob-Sf'-'• Optoeer Ins. Ror ick, J .. Rorick, R . Sh11ft>r, Thl' rest of this Wl'ek and next ThomllSOn. Ward , Wl'A iherwRx, will be used by Pick«'ns to shArpen I Corhln. McCollum and Span~tlf'r 11 frow funda~ntal offensive• pla)"'l Handling tht> 19-16 mana~riall lo t.l,l(.' against tht' Tar openl'r a duii<"S ur(' Jerry Spanalc-r nnd 1 Wt'l'k from Friday a~ealrm St. An-I Sldny Dn,·ldson. HARBOR HI 1946 FOOTBALL SKED. Sept. 27-Harbor vs. St. Anthony Oct. 4-Hnrhor vs. Riversjd<' Oct. 11-Harbor ~. Gn rden Grov<' Oct. 18--Harbor vs. Fulll'rton C'><-t. 25-By<' Nov. 1-Ha rbor vs. Sunta Ana Nov. R-HAriX>r vs. Downt•y Nov. 15--!Harbor \'<: AnahPim ~ov. 2:l-Hnr·bor vs. l lunting!on f.Wn rh Nov. :l7-Harbor vs. Orange Thcr<· Here l lere Th('n' J len- Tht••'' JII"N' Thl'l'f' lf('l't' RADIOS Tl11•••• Ornn~f' rrotlllliau~ 1\••r• rr ~ru('(l lay lhf' ( ''"'"' (;u;u •I • '" SntHrdny lllltht a(lt•r llwlr :\.1-l•w•' t rishinl( f'rnrt r11n fnll• ,. n c • n ,. 1 rrouhlc· on 1 h•· WilY to l .. nm: IJr>M h Thc-y wr•rr. Dnus;tlaJ V. ~·II anct Kt'ith ]'l;aylr.r •1f Sunlll An.1 a nd Nick Nl~hol• of Anah•·un 1lwlr boat waa lnwf'd Into N••" por t hartXIT. New Ones Table MOdels .··· Portables Radio. Phono Combinations . Electric Irons Palmer Radio & Electric ·. Ma.nlla foldt'Ta at Nl'W'I-nml'll URGENT ..... ., • ..., .. -.11 -lll"'!'l ,_, ....,..._t or ..,._, Aflr'Otlllt.lt wttlt l~ ,...._f'C'lal Nrpt,.... Uoa. T,_,f'rrb!C ,,_ ... ...... .,...,.~ ~,.f~ , ..... ,, PHOSF. ('OLLr.('T I :M to ll P.M. AliiOF.Lt:JIJ lila.'! l:d••-at • WEJ:DNDIII A!lrD &VJamlfoe ATIAJiti'IO 1 ... HOW TO BE LA·TE TO THE KITCHEN , ................ .,W4k ~ w,. ,_,. it •coe•,.,..w. .... ~ • .-u.bea. .... bacoL A~,_·-10 • NIL IMr 10 dft.n tU It It IO UJI, ,.., .... It in udlllna tht wholt ra~J~t. Su inJ tmooth pol(tll ill tlltliiMI If'(JUIIft mill• imum woc~ A damp cloch dott mcl4t of th~ dton•nl an • ,,tfy ....... ................ . Wtlh tffl<lfllt~ IM..,.,.. bfoikf unit In mallf ..,... I'Wtt and hroil -ltllil Ill ,.._ nn ••irin1 Of 1., in ""'-~. ,... ............... _ ... b lfiC ,.. eMil ..... . ,_,~•IU •a k •• .. r&,ht d-. 11M k ._ •., funUr a. ,.., 10 .... f -~ 1n compr-tloe • eec. staa Pall p D ............ Boaf 1\·a-L.-AN BUNDI In Uw CMe o( IUdl veterarw A-~-~"'=·.=."!C..'= ar~, DCJHCIIG I IIUUU p.,.-..J VENm who ~ ~tore tM enactment -z -UVV' I WOOD e I'J'III:a. e ALIJIII1II11II ~ =~·~~~~ ~=-~ :::n:·f~= -:~.~ With Coon fa'mily A ...... J:IIIo ...... .._-·-3 r-.... -...... -........... retroactive to the dlite of lM tlon llwurance fund. He "'Ta 1111 AJliiCJ\II -.... !"-B•r= 81~ vetenn'a dea111 If the aurvlvors P. G. lllc:Whlruwy, who, alt.r 11 I ;;;ll:t;::()~I:M: .. ::...-;:;;;:""'::============~~, file their benefit daJma with tM yean of lft'VIee, hu ~, Uw banuaa blondewood aocJ other ~ Mr. Bftlbt'rton explalnt'd that nea.rt'tlt office of the Social Secur-reUrenwnt q e under, the !lat.,.... tu~ p~k to Uw boa~~ \-.1 in boat blailclinc and ~ ARD t~ new aec:Oon o( Uw act provides lty AdmmllltratiOfl before nud· tlrement ayatem . .I . Dock. NtwpOrt Hart»or, aft« a dalbed 1\&mlt.ure. WING SANG BOAT a REP AIR y ..... ...._.~ Act are Uw lUI'• r011 tile payment of monthly bc>ne·, ni&\Jt Feb. 10. 1947. Of courw. hin llleday trip to porta on Uw wect Same tripa have exceeded ..... _, WCII'Id Ww 0 who died ft .. to qualified aurvivora of vett'r· monthly lwrwfita oth<-r 111an ret-~ C a cout ot Mexko and Central Am· their ~IJI and have '.' 811 CoUt ~W&f 101 • a. r.g1t ., c:e~ not con-arw who die within 3 yean of tht'lr roactlv~ are . payable 0~. cl~lma Arthur Roy Cam ll, eoa ot C. erica. tumed into verit.ab~ e'ltC'VSionl, · _... wltb lbllr IDWtary MI"Vice dilchar1e under condltJOM oUK-r flll'd at Mny tmw by qualified per-A. Campbell, 2813 central aYW~ue, C&rryinc a crew ol 12, Uw lQO. when huntlnc aNI filhinl caw ,._ ••-10' ... W... the claw on which the than diaoonorablr and WhOIIt' dt<· sona. . Nf'wport Beach. aa\led from Oak· ton. 140-Coot boat haa a ate-el, emphula to routine. ~ Jut p lrarat ~ law, J-.net G. pendenta are not qualified to re-In «.:EUW& wtwr«' aurvJVon of vet ·l land, Calif. lASt we-ek aboard tht' flush rlvt'ted hull, propelled by trip produced two tajones, mem-''' a ...,...._ ID&Dal't'l' ol the Lon& oelve oompenaatlon or penalona f'rans who quahry under the new 10 ()()()..ton Crei&hter SS JopUa Vic-twin-screw enaines drawln& 800 ben o( tiK-coon family that re- ._. ._ ol the~ Secur· from tht' Vetnana Admlnlltrat lon. u~ndmf'nt already have flied to;.y. The ahip, carryinc army aup-hor-.epower. It 11 owned by H. aemb~ honey bHn. A.tao a pet • ............... a-.•He ... Ats' ' f:tatlon, aaJd tcda¥. Nation&~ Service Ute Jnaurance it dalm ror monthly lx'ndits earnf'd plin to China and the Phlllppines F Sampson ol Uw S&m~*Jn Ma-annadillo 1hat hu Iince ~n fer .... ,_ ..a. 1.--.-----------------~----,~IJy th<' Vf'tf'rar.. Ul'ldt'r the old· Ilk~ I will return In [)(umber. chine Wortua, Coeta Mesa. aweWn1 hll "buket" with din-• -..a.a.... • _ _._ .__ •-t • • 11nd aurviV<;fl, 1ntur11nce pro~:r11m Operalln& u an ~r'a carao ner table ~lk:ades, a tar cry ~ --_. -• ... · of 111e ~lal ~lty Adminillrll· lh<' deaths of Yt'terana ~ rur-boat. It wu conv.rled fi"'O''\. a f1"01'11 hll naOve fAn!. Huntinc ~tile Willi • -ala. i T R. ON ART' I t1on. It 1s po8Slble that the pro-vivon Wert' ellclble for Vewana )&Cht and has made 12 V'O')'alft expedition. haw retumed wtt11 ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ n c • visions or the new me&IUTf' Will Admlnittratlon pensJona. s.rvtv-to the aouthem climes ,.in tM jaguar udrw and Uw hidM ol provide ~~:reate!' bftteflts I h .• n • on~ ot only a amall percentaa'f of r)(lst year. crocodiJes and the liant llu.ard. t hOlt' <'arned by lM veteran. T ho•l(• 1 the 40.000 veterana would t» elilt· The UIWlJ routine ol but1neu ~ On one occu1on a va· aurvlvon are Included In the lm· I ble for benefits under the lllafnd. is export and import; Uw export riety ot varicolored t:roPea1 tllh mediate potentl&l bc>neficianes. ment to ttv Social Security Act. o1 rn.ldl.l.nery and bla, and Uw Wft"e t:nlpped, froan, pet tum- Mr. Bretherton, aald, and ahould 1 Future benefldariee ot t b e Import ol bananu, eoconuta, mat-ed over to tM experimental de- apply to 1M f~Jd office of the JlK'U ure, Kr. Bretllertlln tUd. wtl1 tine and lumber. ~ hlah cradel ......... _t of zool a t Pomona ........ ~ ........ Work 0. Specl•ltJ 81'11 ftllp,,., .... ,...._ ...... ..... -.. ,.. .... --..,.. ,._ M 1" .. • 1 0 111 all tr ... F I .... ............ ,.. ... , ................. _ ... . .. ........ _ .... .... ..... .,. ........ ,.., "' .. _ ........................... , ....................... ,.. ......... ·•IIIALVU •••• ... .,.... 0&' 1 · Any . Make or Mod'el Social Security AdmlniatraliOfl. I tw the aurvivors of quallftrd vet-ot wood imported ~ I"'Oe'WWOd, r--v-" OIY ~ aame applies, Mr. Bre111er-tra ns who die wi1111n 3 ~ after Spanllh cedar, mahopay, white eollep. ton added .• to survivors who have f.hrir. ~e and wtao..,. .. flied clatm for lump.IUin benefits charged within 4 yewa and a clay under t he old-qe and aurvlvors after the end of Uw ww • cle-- lrwurance procram on a qua lified termlned by a Prt'tlidomtial proc:- wteran'e ac:count. T h e n e w lamatiOfl or a f801uUon ot Con- amendment may make them t'llll· IJI'ftl· .. for monthly beMflt payment•. Jn all, 1~ II expected that Uw or It may lncreaae the amount of aurvivora of from 100,000 te 150,· Uw lump-awn benefi t. ln ttw la t-000 vf'tt'f'ana wUI reeelw t»aettta tw a., they will receive the diC· la1CJrr the amendment. r.wnce betw~ Uw lump awn '"" JlUTPOit' of the ow...,. la Uwy r«lrlved and the I a r I e r to brldae the l i P 1n aurvt.....tUp amount IMy are ell~tlblt> for under protection that II eflcoun._.. by Uw MW amendment. If they apply the t'X·It'rvict'men In the a.,_,. at tM olfklt' ol the Soc1al Secur-period followinc b I a di8c:hwce lty AdmlniltraUon. from ~t"rvice. "AI In Uw cue of all other pt'r· Many pt'raont. the aodal ...:ur- aona qullfled for IIOCial lt'CIJrlty lty offlct' manager aald. Joet Ow he file ~neflta. famillft ol deceued vet· rirhta they had accumulat.d under duty between Seff~cl~~ l6i~~ 7t ~· .: qe~. «ana to whom this new section the-old·age and survlvon u.ar· 1940. and the o a o q n or o1 t!K-law hu immediate appllca-anct' program through the PMiilt> 1M war, or mutt have been A&ed dependent parenta or the tlon ahould oomt' to our office to of time after thl'y had entered 111e diachargt'd or. rt>leued be.>· lnaured· veteran who leavee no n~ Uwlr benefit claims u aoon armed forces. The potential bene-cause ol diaabllity or Injury widow or child u nder 18. After u sx-lble," Mr. Rretht'rton aald. tit arnounta or ot hera were ,.... incurred or aggravated In January 1. 1~7, auch parenta may ''Tht'T'e Ia. of CIOUTit'. no action duet'd Ot her prraona who entft'ed aervi~ In Jl~ of duty. rt'('('lve bt>nef1ts even thou&h Uw to be taken undt>r the nev.• aml'nd-1 i · 1 lt'rvlce w&ihout havln& 3. Died Withfn 3 yean of the wage earner Ia survived by a ment by veteran• or ck•pendenta of ~=~ ~: opportunity to build 80dal dlite of hh1 diacharge. widow or child undn 18 If the Uvinl vetrrans aince the amt'nd· 1 1 t by meana _,-'-Survlvora of veter ana who meet widow or child can never bc>come . nsuranet> • a ua "' .,...,. .. -•·rl . nd 111ua II ibl f be.> fila Th narent'a ment affect• only aurvlvon of vet-cJ 111 mplo)'Jl'l4.'nt were depriv-thelt' q ..... 1 cattons 11 art' e g e or ne . e ..- «ane who have rMI tht' qualltlca· ~~ o:~;;ir chance ~r dolnc 10 by potential beneficiar~" of 111e old· bc>neflta continue for lilt' or until tJona o1 tht' new nwuure. lndudlng t heir military lt'rvice. 111e and aurvlvon Insurance pro- 1 111e parent remarries. Ineligibility tor Vl'lt>rans Admlnla· Tht' survivorship protection ex-gnm are 111e aame u In the cue In the a~nce of any penon tratlon paymcmL•. and who have tendf'd to qualified veterarw by of any fully inaured worker ~der lmmedlatt>.ly ellllble for monthly cUecl" 1 the a.mt>ndment wu llmlted at a the old-qe and aurvlvors lnsur-benefit payments, a lump-sum pay- It II estimated by the Vett'f'ana j 3-ar pt'riod after the date o1 dis, a nee procram, Mr. Brethertoo l rnent may be.> made to cer tain AdmJniatratiOfl that up to June c::,,e In tht' belief that by Uw aald. He lilted ttvm u : S apecifled relatives or to penona 30, 1946, approximately 40.000 vet-t'nd of that time moat veteran• Widow, aged 65 or over. he 1 woo s-Y burial expenaes. nana of World Wer 11 had d~ will have IUCCH'ded. In eetabUah-will receive mont11ly beneflta for ~ aurvivon of any veteran of attn ~re from aervior. Thlt In& or rt't'tltabllshJnc lnaured ata-life. or untU lhe ~ Th World War Il who died after dla-~. howevt'f', Mr. ~ton tua In aoclal aecurlty thrOUih dvll-Youna,-dependent · ey charce from the aervice are ureed cauOoned, Ia liK-OM for all ckatha ian work In employment COWftd will recetvt' bervflta unW they are to cet In touch with 1M nearH t attn ditcharae. and It includee by the Social St>curity Act. . ltJ or until Uwy ~111 oun ortlce of the aoclal aecurity ad· Survivors of vetn ana who cMed w: ~ aa:, the ~ miniatratlon u aoon u poulble. o.... .... ,..-..., w.t~ w ... a v ... _ ., ..... ,_,,. zmtpo.t ..... ,.t a p It ......... ., ... Phone HARBOR 2 641 IH1 •lid Hol .. 1 Lawn Sprinkler · Systems -F. H~ A~ TERMS No Down Payment-36 Months to Pay 8AVE8 IIIANY DOLIA.a8-Lowft' water bUla; a. ~tern cood for a lifetime, ending frequent expenditures for lpl1llkJ.1n& equl~ ment; a ~ 1n prdener hire ... all thew aavtnp enable a COOCH.led Lawn Sprinklln& System to s-Y for ltaelt m a llhort tlnw. IIAJU:S BPIUNIU.INO EASY-The weary worir ol watftinl by hand II chanaed to child'• play. There it no lnC)ft botbet', fuu or muu! To spr1nkle ~t open 1M valve and leaw ~ rat to 1M aystem. 'I'wenty nunutt'tl aprink.Unc twice a week 11 w-ually enough. -PHONE FOR FR1Z I"BB'DDATE- In wrvtce or from lel"\'kw coa-~ta ~ will The addreu ol thf Lon& Beach nected cauaes are protected ~y Uw veteran ln Uldr ~ta unJ they office of Uw Social Security Ad- Vett'f'arw AdmlnlatratiOfl procram. ~ mont111y ~the younceet mlnllttallon II 423 Jer&ina Trust l05 w. ftltll S..ta AD n.-.. Th~the~~-Uw~or~U~~~B~uU~~~n~g~,~l~OO~E~.~~~~an~~~;le;v;ar;d;,~~·~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ point wht're Veterarw Admlnlltra· ~ ~ Long Beach 2, CaUfornia . GOLDEN RULE SPRINKLER CO. World's Series On the Air Soon Ne~ Elet.1rie Applianee ('o. ... CeMt .... ....... tlon protection lraves off and Uv point where social aecurtty ~ tectlon may beitln, the new t'nact- ment givl'S t he vetf'ran the aoc:lal security stat ua of 11 fully lnsUnod workn tor 3 Y«'llnl aftt'r his arrv- lce dlachar~te. This makC'I hiJ aur· vlvon -elfrJhle ror tht' oNnrloua type~~ of lx-nt>fit!l provided under t!K-old-ap:e and survi\'orl illiUr· an<'t' aystcm. Jn orck>r tor his survlvora to bt> ellp:lblc for ~ial security bt>ne- fits under th<' nt'W legis I at ion. a vetenn must mt'C't thret' quaJJfl • cations. Mr. Art'lhl'rton pointed out. Thl' vetl'rnn must havc- 1. !Wf>n rli~chArrtt'd from the Arml'd forrl'!l und<'r circum- stanet>S othe-r than dishonor, ablt> within 4 ye-ars and a day afl<'r thl', n~ yet officially unproclaimt'rl, l'nd of World War JJ. 2. Had a t lt'ast 90 days or active ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! Ia: WIIMtow A ...... Door Boocll .... • Patio Cuoplel e ._ Old -• -Lldlt IB; e .... o.n.--...... IB; e._ xt .-. Ne oou,. • .,...,..": e ..... -• • Ne llattlee; ........... .,..... -.. o.e-114111&; .u ...... ~---~ Net&. Nowl Qaa1t7 Veaetlaa BIIDds (EIUwr Wood or Metal) Qtalcll ...... ......... r..u-tea ()a[) Reftrae Olarges • ~SI.ATS·II;dDDD AwUac Co. of Onap <lo. naa.........,...st. ·=· 'm, OaUf • ..... n7l:I.ZI&TON ~~ EMPLOYERS! D&VOT& YOU .. &NTI .. a TIM& TO OP& .. ATtNQ YOU,. •uat. N&M: ~ .. O~IT eY ~LACING ALL VOU .. LA•O" .. aLATIONa ~ .. oeLaMI IN a X"'E"T HANDI -AT .. aAaONA.L& ,. .... . . ' Haft _.. lttiOWiedn of encl •~tual ...-ne-In ,laMr relatlona ln. Loe ........, ONnle aM J other 8o Olol:tf, -•" .. t MII -:r o tll« pe,..,..n w .....,.tath>n fllnce 1Ut, eonaultA· • 1e 1 ollll'loy~r ueoelatlona tn 1 h• -ftllell eomprlotnl" onr t01 ~mill")· .,. ta pnctloaiiJ •••'l' tine or bllel· ..... INQALJST .. uw ,...,...,. -•wltatl ... a, taw _.,.._. 11-..tlatl..,_elloctl•a •• ,. .......... ,..,..,........ ....... . .... --tal leW ..... elM. lftHiatl ... f1f ,.._ ,....,_., l"llwetrlel relatoefte r:!!' IWW7'It pe.--11e1 allmhllelra· • • • kqsh ... llnrfiM,Ne.W._...... • • • ATTENTION! BOAT OWNERS ~ ~ ~ Pleasure and Commercial ~ ~ II. Now Is the_.,_Time for Your Fall Work on the ways or In Oar Slips II. I. I;. DO YOUR OWN WORK IF YOU WISH or HAVE OUR EXPERTS DO IT FOR YOU at a N ominaJ · Cost • • • • • SAFE HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT THOUGHTFUL REAL HANDLING YACHT PAINTERS EXPERIENCED SHIPWRIGHTS EXPERT MECHANICS ~ ~ ~ . Low Haul Ollt Rates and Lay Days ''THE YARD'' . (f0dlerf7 IIMCardy ud <Wid-. lite.) 1215 Coast Hichway Newport Beach WilL H. Carter PHONE BEACON 561·5 .......... 0 ..... --··---· -....·z= • !.,t~!.:/ :..--Slips Av~ble · for · Boats for. Sale ................... ., ... ~.'.;;------------------~----~~-----------...11 .. -Wanted to Buy: ..... _. ....... ... _ ... ....., .... ..... W1thiD waDdna dlatance of AJvando • Oeatn.l. "'"'· llh ~e dNertptJon and price. ROOFS ~-...... ~ !Wteew A >,I etlau W.l. ••••• .. ....,._ ft. ..... 1012-J ~OIIW ...... .........,..,.. • MAft. .,....._ • U'llOIAL AJOfOt711~. a&AI. .... .Aft JOlt SALE--Cit¥• "'*-13 ft. Carpenten A nilable FOft IALE 1 .-., prbbae----.... WANTED-Fountain Girl ~ Auto Batteriee aon'a Drua Store. Call Harbor Rubber ....,.._.. 515. 12·~ l.~tb -.._, EL APART'MENT, bcwd 6: wq-e to Compounded Motor OU ='OO:::c!k~= ~~-= ~-:;,:1~. 222 ~ W eatem Auto SupplJ E . Autharbld O.S. xpenenced Clerk 1.111 N~ 81¥4. a.ta .._ Preferably a mother. Good work· U-tft lnc condlUona. Recular houra. Y!:NI:"'1AN Bl.INI)S...-,AIUIIIIMa, PermaJWnt tmploymmt. na. .,... WDOd. OaJI Ul far,._ ani- Bobby Shop, 111 E. Cetatnl. mate. "-ovatbl A reftallbllll Balboa. Harbor 1151-W. 11-tfc 8o. ODMt VIMtiu ..... 0. .. WAITRESS WANTED Good HGUrl . We.t 1lda Md Newport A""'-O.ta y..._ Ph: a-coo &'JG.W. •ttt ....... Pl..,.-.... .,.,.... WO'OD Dellua .. '-lr. ~Under 8tuY ....... td lt\K'CO; 2-oar f&ra&\", d'tra Juat patntrcl. WlU tract. far 22 tOf' rerwral malntettaMe roonw: 1 aa. and amall """tal. ft. ar :M ft. houM traJ.Mr or wG.1 and Ns-ir 111.000. Owner, Rt. lt, Box 18 N. tU. cuh. 'r3l1 8eMhon Dr.. o. a. ~Jf ~tla ~Y.t'., Anaheim. Phone Newport. Ph H-1-.J. 'ft>~ Call Harbor 13 4TM. ~~ Balboa Canvu Shop ... ttc Two New Homea S.U. -~t· ODwn KEy 8 ftNdy for 0«'\q))lncy. Stall · Marine \Jpholatertna -.. ~ Gl .A-R At Corona •a Mar Unfiniahed Home NOf'th of 1Uth~ay i6.000 1 Bedroom Home SOUth ot lllahway $6760 Harbor 377 -2M" 21at St. Ma4e W'llale You Wd .................. au .....,.... up. N.wpan BMch n-ttc voom... Call 1622.J 2 Bedroom Horne NEW SPEED BOAT VENTN0a. lOO ~~-M., ..,.__ 81-tfe South ot lllahw~ ~~~~ • 101 llarine, ...._ ~ . Co&a Mesa Home 110•000 COVERS, ETC.. PRICE a.-. lltTRIJifU.S OPI'Oin'OMI'IUII .. ThSa auracllw email hc)mco la -u 2 Grand Homes PHONE HAJUIOft 1530. -..&e B . locatf'd near a ·~n• ""'ter and On Ocean Front ........ ____ URlnesa Opportunity only a bloctc rronl ttw-bua liM on &'--Prt-a- A&.Uaa.-For Accountant ar book~. a pawd atrHt. One Mdroom wtth ruo .. ~ ....... a.. lallbeet. ncellellt aa.etSaa. a11d/M lalfll .......,, on pU-t twu Vf'rY larae c~t• end 1 all'f'P' W. J . ~OLCOMB 12500.00: alao Wat.ol\ IIUIIal tlmc> bula ln f0U!1 ~ m. .pan'h. 'Jlwo ~ .. mmplett'--08foM dl!f Mat ~ 1150..00. 101 VIe U.. -Millt be alile-to lnveet 110,000. ly turniahcoCI and ,...cty fOf' trnm. '"Wtwr. the Flap F\Y' Lido 111• Clftl. H&rbar UOT-11. -...ee Wlll pay pwaetap of ll"lftt.. dlate CKX'Upaney. On a 1ar1e lot Harbor 2'718 T2-2k MOVING-MUit .U 22ft. cdla "''11h mlnlmum ol '" lD..,_t wtth ~ervlee al...,. behind, end wtth IAN nAHa.a>-~>a~ e.-• TWO t~C ._....._.. boat, 7 ft. 1 ln. -.... 1 ~ auaranteed. pka laluy. Wrtta, ~I ached 1arqe J7IOO ..._ ... .a ~til ,_ \,. Nll1 buy al ....... -....... __ .. .-~I G1JIDII 11 Sae Also ' FRY COOK B. w. WIUGJIT. ~ 'Ph. Beaeon He& . TYPING A AOOOUN11NG WORK MR. EAJU.Y (momlnp ODIJ) 1116 Nftrpart .... 1-tft con ..... w mot«, N'YW'M .,_., &lvlnl .,......... and ftnaada1 -· wiU ..U ar ..._ .. J M I(U.I.Rft N ... work. Seerttloe .. .. quallftcatlonl lD OWil handwrtt-J. M. MILLER N....,..-t H&rbar .. opii1J. ...... -• • tnde arM11 aloop arT 1111 We.t lfll. Aclclraa Boa 1111 8uta ,:_:15;;\h=and==OPn~t§ra~l=:d~~~~ =~-~1~-~-=~==~==~~~~~~~~;:====:;:-=:11 Cllllnl ~--.............. Ana. - ---1!-4tJJ ..;; Bar. 1*-J -.4tc I'Oa · llmft a Laura G. Belden . Kl1lc I..ancllnc ,.... .a-can 5Ja.Jt., 221T.l So. Newport Be;acb lAI\IIIA Aw., P. 0. Boa 941, O.ta ll·tfe JUit Arrived ft.-• ..._ AN BAII!RIES . Jolaa,Ca.Uf. wm Call Far and DeUwr. 'J'0...8tp a.ARK 6: BATES lletalllzlnc Weldlnl Sped&JJata !101 10th St.-Harbor 2508 Newport ae.c:h ._9te BaJBfde Plating Co. 1N1 Neowport Avenut COSTA MESA. CAI.IF. Phone Beacon 6868-R (Refer to dllplay Ad. Pqe 5) 66-8tA: Storeys_ Battery Service Westminlter Stnet (Between 18th and Mqnolia) Beaoon 5183 Coata Mea 72-ltc. NOW la the time to waterproof your home--average 5-room 1tucco In rood condition for re- paintlnc aa low aa $175 lnclud- ln& trim. Only the belt oll palnt.a uaed. Reofert'ntta gladly fumlahed. G. E. Van Hall, Tel. Harbor 89-WK. 72-2tp COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone~)( 111 ~ 311Mb St.. Coata Mesa 20-tf( SIGN PAINTING AIL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... when )'OU cet a job aa a telephooe operator. Good pay from the lt&rt ... yes. even wblle )'OU are learnlnc. Ralaes at ~ IDtei'Yall ... and a dlanct! to~ Good wor1d.nc condltJoaa ... attrac:tlve, pleaaant IUr· I'OUDdlnp • . . friendly fel- low-worker.. Pald vacatJona, beneflu, etc. In many caaea, work ln • nelghborlnc central office near your home. One of theae lntereatlnc. weU-pald joba Ia waJtlnc for you, too. SOtn'HERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514~ No. Main St., Santa Ana or Call Ollef Operator o=s._ ~o.. UT Mala lt. JilL lbltlar 115 -..u. Order Your Servel Gu Refrigerator Now· at Vogel'a 100 Main 8t. Hartlor t• ....,. TIRES FOR SALE e ft. cebla CI'WIIr; FOR RENT--au.,. Uld ~tanp .... lb; ...,., ........ ._..._ room. wlth -eq. ft. New llulld- .... wtleel boUle .... OOCilllllt. lnr. at 2Ith and IAIQ'ettl Ita., Cllllllliet.IJ recoadtu..&, .._ tlo ~.00 pw month. ZOMd far Item; a.r,.ler marine ...... buslrwaa. J1t1c1M Hut.-1100. S. Olrner, 111 Apte Aw., llal-._tte boa lalancl. lf.:tte ron RENT-Four ._,..,. roc~~~~~ on Oc:.an n-ont, Balboa far men Docking faciliti• only. Phone Hut~or :M. '72-ttc. for Charter Schooner. FOR RENT-Nice roam far man, on Canal Front near Ucla n..a- Call Harbor 1729-W trr. 402 a~ Ave-.• New-'{l-2tp port O.ach. 72-2tp. --::Fi~""":Eq~~~ ---.T~ .. -......; FOR RENT -N-on.-bedroom · J. E. Ramee 6 Boa 1101 N....,..-t ...... aa.ta..... Pis: ...... Furnished f'cqo houMa, OM IICft land, Hit l1de: aood 1oc:a tloft. o.. nw- roam and thrft four·roam ~ lftcamt, about 1U0 .- month. Pleft~ ot room far man houll'a. P\all ;rtae on.ly- $16,800 OM-halt cuh. n . U pment ap!lrlment. <'..all Harbor 213'7: We 1\W'IDlee our "eap." to t.t ~'rtfo, P)oNne 6: FOUl nftll& 909 E. Cfontral Ave. 12·1 tc 0 Bedroo H .OC> ftM4 q~tam &ad Pw'tb'n w.urnm YO IIIDft" a ne. m ome 20.000 MILES and thafa not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete ~et we wtU call for your car ln the momlnl and deliver aame day. .A1ao-a $2.00 Mobllatatic balance job when we recap your tires, tar $1.00. No lead weqtltl ar ••extru.·• DOW~~ A GALVAN Eatahll.ahf'd local Bualncwman and Partly 1\Jrnlahect ; one acre of 1ud, 1000 Oout 1Ditlwa1 wlft> want yl'ar ll'AM on ~· near Country dub. Loti of fruit JilL BMc!on 1&22 ~Ut prt fernbly fumlatM>d. w. H: '""· aarace. l"r1afd a~ only- NEW AND USED K11app, Harbor 2232. 72-2tp. $6260 Cub EJ _...: 1 A 1' Yach Ski~. wtt•. youna man 8. --e<~:w &Ca pp lances nN'd fum. C:Oital(l', apt.. 3-4 9-Bdrm. Home. Furnl8hed Of All Klnda room/. Oon't claim to belftl N"'IIOrt Electric AppllaDce 0.. an,:cla, juet eontlnuln~e « o o d OM acn of la..._ ""' countr, 2309 Cout Blvd. Ph. Harbor :nJI family tralnln1. Pleue call Gur-club. L.arae Uvtna-roam wttb 68-8tp hoy. llarbor 9'21. 2tp ftrt'J)Iacr. Furnllu,.. lnc:h.S. =-=~~~-=~=~:-~ electric: N<fHitntCJr, CIIIIWOie 32-F"I'. CABIN CRUISER, launch-W ANTF:D TO RENT mall hou~ n4lo and wllhlnc rnadt!M. ed May 1~. Nrw a.r,.ler 0~ Apt. hy couple: no chlltll't'n. Otldct'n equipment and laytnc Crown ~lne. Rl1~ tar char-!r.or lnformetlon call Harbor hena. Prlccod to ~ell lt- ter, live bait tank. Ice box, 14-,..,;.,.w blotwl't'rr9 a.m. and ~ p.m $18 600 T foot aldff (new), complete albe-•'X('('Ilt Sal or Sun. 7'.l-4tp I -erma core and mackerel cear, SS525. WANTF.O 1'0 RENT-By rt'tlrt'd Inquire 202-B 20th St., Newport. army major, two-bedroom houae, J. E. Barnee & Son et-tfc furnlahl'd or unfurnlehed. For _S_M_A_L_L_B_O_A_T_S_ wintc>r or pennallftlt.. Phofko 1101 Nt!WpCII't Bh4 LAcuna O.ach ~ 72-4tp Oaeta .... Ph. a.... aDO ~-Of touch. ll1ht marine pJywoocl.. WANTED TO RENT-.U.t. "'IJ'. ----------7...:.1_-l....::tc Costa Mesa Tire Co. -Molded hulla ar nat-bottom. Met. Ute, dealres leaae ar rent Balboa Pennt·sula Home Windows In Rev at -Skllfl. ~. Sallboatl. unw Jan. 1 ot 1 ar 2 bedra.l s;:a.u. ~ 1760 Ne~ort Blvd. ~ARTIN O~ARD MOTORS houM. ear. ruar. PhoM a. A. If w• ClOUld afford It wr wouW Jt-.ecl lletal, Wood and 88-tfc COSTAY MESA 'Fiddclrtve Bhatti for 1Dboardl 1di-K. 11-tlc buy thla OUrMiva. It le artlellc> , ~ LetUn Ph. Bncon 5741 WATSON -BOATS "WANTED TO LE.ASZ--1 ar 2 ally laid out In lrW'rY ctttd ln a LINWOOD VICK Brokw U.lboa w.-1 ....,.., ...... BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND "Little laland .. 'J'hnlt--room cottaae. Good comer Jooaticm. p.rqe. ac-to Eut Bey- Price fl 0, 7~ . . Well·buUt all ~ood ttu. Mdloom ~ two ....., BeeuUIUl Uvtn&-room; two-cu..,...., lac1' t ..._. tim. Good bay W!w. l.rnmedlata J'l( 'y $21,000 P\amllhed ( ...... ) Near South Bay AL LACHllEYER UL& ~178 • Allr tar AJ ar Hank. "Small Boat Headquarter." ,_,., tumiabed ar untum houM n.trhborhood of ftrw new honwa. l'TIS W•t OIDtnl FOR SALE-1946 nearly new 611 (/oat Hlway Bncon 577'7 or-Alrl plaee ln N~ The hoUote II ... ,-eara old wlth -Balboa Island Income lnveatment~o--- 11..-r l.MI-11 llttt white baked enam.l Cooleontor 84-tfc: • ..ttc or Oaeta .._. dlatrict, WIU fts three bldroon•. two tiled betbt, _,.:~~~=-=-=-==-=:-:-:~:---N'frtceontor. 75 1... capacity. MtTUCAL • &ADJO M up at own npen~e Pfi Santa outalcle attower, endOil'd patio and P A I N T IN G 425 Marcumteo, Corona del Mar. IJAJI'D:D YO llt1Y 11 AM 10M. · · -..q, wpa.rat• aundeck. Hardwood tloon 12 y-lel"'lce tn Newport 72-2tp EXPERT piano tunlnc. Reliable. thi'O\&IMUt. 1Wo-ear aarap. 11.-ar ArM :==-:::"':"":"-:=-~-~--..;.....:..:.:. WANT TO BUY-1 ar 2 pair anny quick aervice. Lowest prioes. WANT TO IU:NT~ or J beclrm. Complt'tf'ly tun\Jahed lnchadln1 au BarryHall POR SALE-"' h.p. Inceraoi-Rana plnka; 15 wallt, l1 lenlth. Ph: Send pmny poata1 carc1 to J . unturnllhld boUle. WW a-. atovr, el«trtc ,..,rt,...atar, 1\ar- rG 00 compr'f'Al'r, atmo.t new at bll Harbor llt&-R. O ark, 320 8th St., Seal Beach CaD lam Porter at Harbor 10'7 naet' lwei. 1'ft'mll may b. arTanted PAINTING NTftACl'OR cl1acount. H. 141-J . 304 28th St., CASH FOR USED P"URNJ'n1RE Of' phoM 622-51. . T.l-ltp • U. 36-tfe w11h OWMr 121.000 l'tloDt ~ 52!5e-.l Newport. 72-3tc 274 E. lltb 8trMt 24-tft PRONE BEA<Xf" !IJa..J. HIGHEST price paid for your pi-APT ar 8MALL HOUSE wa.ntad J. M. MILLER FOR SALE-Ice box, ~lb. capac-D-tfc ano. Duu...schmJdt Plano Co., b1 maD and wtfe. We do DOt l~th and ~tral llarbor l.l4:l tty. Nloe c:onct. 211 Dahlia. Cor· wm Pa.y c--"' Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. 'ro-tfc driU ~no d!Odnon ar one del Mar. 72-2tc IIDil .-.. ta A.fta 0991-W Far your t.niture or wt\at haw FOR SALE-Foll ~et trap drwnl, ar wrtt. "X" Newport 8&l-l'~U:.!~~~O.a~S1if~: yw. Phone Beacon :sese. Craw· load condltlon, 615 Cout RIP. boa N~Tinwa. 3'7-tfc Free Eatlmati"• ,., Furniture, 1.812 N...,ort way, phone Beacon 5833. 70...tp ::w:'7:==-=-===--=--~~..,.. ... 70-tfc ~ ,.._,.._ ~ ~• tf ANTED TO RENT-2 or 3-bf'd-=~~~------....: 0 "'u., ........... _... -c USED Pfanoe from ~. Or wtU -nn. ho·--. Will rum'-h , __ ...... _ r'bone Beacon 5780-J 47-tfc FOR SALE-3 coli bed sprlnp. PI -.. .. mvnn& ~~-==-=-:-::::-:=-:::-.--:-;~-= tull size: ] with rolln frame. I"U&&Q'''tJD roa ..... a rn~t. Dan:r-Sdunldt ano Co.. late priority on new Cht-VTole-1 fOR A RELIABLE Paint Job 011 31:5 Fernando St., Balboa. 72-ltp 520 N. Maln. Santa Ana. 70-tfc u bonue. Phone La«Una Brach your borne, call Beacon ~ FOR SALE-MahotranY Duncan FOR SALE-Uprtcht plano. load 4422. 69-4tp alter 4:IO p.m. 10-tfc FOR SALF.-1500 Watt·115 Volt Phyfe extl'nalon drop.leef table. condttlon, 1200. PhOM Beacon W".....-.roD TO &~...-A. c-. Plant: 600 Watt-32 Volt-Call at 550 Heul Dr Corona ~ · .u .. • a:. .u:., .. • --Vclf'ran, • .AINTINO -PAPZ'R RANOINO D. C. Plant: 150 Watt-6 Volt· del M ., 72 1 511 • or caD ~ WNtmlnater combat nmeraman wltf' & onP __ ,. ... WVV'\D ·~o ar. · tc Aw., Nrwport Hetchtl aftl'T child, wanu amall a·pl or h•1"an, ..... ~v...-auo D. c-. Plant. P & F Lhtht Plant 5 30 M-f ' ...... H. Ill. MeDoaal4 Salt's and Service, 1595 Nwpt. FOR S ALE--Junior tx-d and mat· : P. m. t c kefplnsr rooms. fnr frw monthl 414 Old Collty Rd., Oolta M.. Bl\'d , C'osla Mt'lla. V2·llp. tre111, wut'd birch. excl. cond. R F. P 0 SSE SSE D Mirror Typo• ~rty owner, trylnK to llulld Phone Beaoon 5013-J 8&-tfe $42.50. Harbor 2306-M. 72-21c. Sp4net Plano. Now only $295. a homt'. Corona ckl Mor. Phone FOR SAL£-16 fitOUste double bar· A tt t Fl H-...._ 47'~J 71 21 U FOR SA' "' ,..._~terfleld set·, very pre Y P Rna. ne ton•• .... ..,.... v-• • P ra&NIIPOilTATIOM rl'l shotgun $10 Monterey Style ....,......._,,..... o S<:h ldl PI 520 N bed davenport and c:halr $35.; Navajo rug, 9x12. Slmmons day anz-m ano, • 0 · II&AL I:IITAft ., bed and mattr-a. 513 Nar· Maln. Santa Ana. 71).tfc -----------Double bed lnnenprln~t mat-""' · B lb p · J H tn-ss, box springs $:50. Call Har· clnua Ave., Corona del Mar GOOD Granda. Mehlln. Kurtzman. a Oa enm~U a orne bor 1982 J . 72-2tp. 12·2ll' Story It Clark, Chue, H111ltt & Thla 11 a rarr I)J)Jlurtunlty tor a BICYCLES G. E vat'Uum cll'ancn 11938l: 50-FOR SALE-Small Ice refrhtera· Davia, Kimball. Weber and nth· youna rourll' "'ith lnltlallv,. and 8ol4. Rtated or Repalre4. pound i~ box. white l'namel, tor. C'all at 31 Bc11con B11y, ""· PTI~ atart at ~. Terma. lmqlnallon tn aCflulr;o a wpJI .,llf Painting -Decorating Jl. E. ANDERSQM Balboa Flv.-.ttl"droom horne; fireplace and oomplrlt'l)' fumlahf'd: llf'tr to 11\opplna cc-ntf'r and library. lmml'dlalf' poaff'Uion $12,000 Balboa Island lltra mode-rn Jiawallan nodwood horrw-, % block from aouth bay on two Iota: tlvf' bedroorNI, lh1na·room 141135 ft.; built 1~ then yl'ar, Balboa Peninsula 60 root trontan on bl,y rl~tht $31 ,500 Well oorwtnJeWd •x-untt aputment t.•~ wlla * prqes. ac.e to North ~· s.w'"~-tbat"·et r • Marine Ave. <iood lnccmw undtr OPA wD4 Price $40,000 ·-Terms CORONA DEL AMR 1..01"S-&..-our ~ele<.11on ot choice Corona cW Jig buJidlng altt>R. FaJrly priotod. GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD , REALTORS ~ Marine Av•~ .. Ralboa lldand VQGE.'B Newport .72·1tc Dllnz-Sc:hmldt. Sllnta Ana. 520 tw~ruom fuml.tM"d hom4' with 100 Ka1D St.. 8&J)M)a good condHion: new balhlllt'tte. No. Main. 70·tfr IW!H'IIr ltltrllllf' In 11 hull dc>vclon.. 201 ll&rtDe, Balboa r.J&D4. C'all Hsrbor 1797-M. 72-4tc F OR SALF: A·l cond ition. 1 bmc -=----------•· _ ,...._ N •ttt FOR SALE-Mo!U'Oe el.ct:ric cal· sprin~~:: 2 mattr~ln~tlc>: :l RADIO REPAIRING ~~~ r;:;~e~~~~;'t.v~'.:nt~~ JOHN E. SADLEffi UAJ. ..,.Aft DCJR.ufOS M 'I'ILUL-a -:-:::-~=--=:===-----;; rulator, $1!10. 1840 Harbor tx-d sprln~~:s-slnglc. 431) ACIIda. Expprh letnc»d WI orkm4!n twho llknftW r~lllinl( •ul .. lllntlally lnc·ro•ltCW C'OIIple trade modf'rn nay RhorN P'OR SALF.-Dy OW'!Wr, Otrdl •,on AND POUND It Bl d "-t -M-..,_a_ Corona del Mar 7:l-2tc ow o r epa r your Ill' u w.ou ... _ G · 302 Main St .. Balboa hom f pie-I I A "'I W 1 ht .. ___ tr·"-... v .. ~ a ".a. ...., """ when It left the faetory-author· ,,,... lnvM<tm••nl vAIUf' . t. r~'· ,. ur •• n • .. ., f'n· r c ...,... ... ..,..., new; LOST-In poet office. Coat.a Mt'!la. 5892..J. 61-tlc F OR S ALE -3 Iron twds. box lzed PhU 1 . Ph Sanln frla:,.rator 11od tnhle-topp<'d ~ea• Phone Har. 2084 dalc> art'll Ptt. Budk111c IQ0-71 1wo mnnthl; aleepa four. lee at c:oln purse with "Char!otte FOR SA~Uvlnc-room set. MW sprlnltl and mattrt'SI, exoeUent A 1¥ c:o lfTV ~one 420 F. ~tovl". Rl'ody for lmrrM!'CIIal" ON"II· ----------7--0-_l_tc m llf'l't. 7'.l·:ltp :144 lff'llotrcJS», Cor.~~ M. Prta. Dunn" engnvt'd Inside. Call •lectric water heater, tablc-tDp condition. Hsrbor 39fi..M. 71 -2tc 4~a ~. ·8~= Ana. ere, 70.41~ flllnl'y. ~hi'('Oiec-owner wllhf·A lm· ll:lm: coat lt!JOO. 72-ttp Nfwl-1'\mes. Re-ward. 72'2tc: electric ranee. 5 h.p. outboard FOR SAL&-1~ refrlgeratoT In mt'dl•tl• ~Bit' and hu aet a rr11''' At t'oronll do-l Mar IIOIIfD YO LOU • FOR "ALF-'fouM trailft', ....,. KIIIPLOTIIENT OFP'D&D • motor-, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. ood co dltlon holtla about 250 RADIO HOUSE CALLS-that makH thl• Pf'OJJfTIY " n•t~l For ... Grant! LOAHll TO BU11:P . .,_., ~ 2• FuJI prb llftO. Nf!WpOI't Auto 81.tfc ~nda. n PTI~~ $50. Apply 804 Now that addltlona1 competc>nt ''"r'lilln •to.rJOO .. ...,.,_._ ., reftaalloe. Sales lot. 21801'1 block on c.ntNI HELP WANTED-Female, cook----....,.-~~=--=-~-~West ~an Front, Balhoa. Ph. tedlnldanalft ava.llable, we arf J. M. MILLER Ocean ~~ront Home Jf-.ort a.Jboe ,._,.., Jllavtnp Ave. Tl·2tp general. for a family. Day or VEaNETIIumlnAumN maBLINDde tos_-;:.~.:e;l_~ Bt-llc:on 96-J. 70-4tp able to rna"-aervtce eallt on _.. ... a.... A~ TRA" -· ro•s full time poaltlon. Harbor ""'--~ .. .,.., lerae ooniOies. AU work auar· l!>th and Crntral Harbor 1242 F'urnl•hrn ur Unturnlahf'd lUI V1a Ucla Ph. 11arbor 1800 ~~...., n ALE-The belt 2l50-J. 72-2tc. Installed. Bayvjew BuUclerl Sup-FOR SAII.r-Dinlnc table and 8 ant~. HAROLD L. H.UfM. 8ft In trallft'l tor rent and .... Wo ......... for '------k In prl· ply, 818 Cout Highway. Phone chairs, oak library table, chest S.O.S. R.dlo, aoo Martne Ave El Bayo Tract w J Ito • ,..,..,Mn AU'I'OJIO'I'IQ • ... • 'l"'hJlltn made to onter. ~ !OUU.. ·~-~· Beecon 5007. 69-4tc of drawera, Tan-fluff rut. l8x1J, Ph. Harbar 110. 34-tfr """ Trallfor Rftltah, N.wpori ~ vate family. two ~r:' :ve~~ GLASS §HOWER DOORS made etc:. 118 Apolme. Balboa ltland. Radl R l Home on Bay Ave. C'or()f'IA ~1. Mar CUSHMAN SCOO'J'ER. Pre-war Ia,.. lot, _, block on Otntnl 11·00 per hour. So to -uure and tnatalled. Good 69-4tc 8 epa rB 3 Bf'd Roomt, 2 Bath1, rn1 tAr~e Lot "Whrr,. ttw> f1•«• Fly" quality. 2" h.p. Gee ~ Avlll\llt, .... only, Harbor 754-W. 1404 · ..... AU mabe tubes etc. Jl L-""""' en«!,.. Ia ln 1ood ah•IM' lnalde BaY Front, BaiOO..IIland. 72-2tp deliveries. Bayvll"W BuUden FOR SALE-Nl"W 3-~ Myrtle : • $25,000 ar..,,.. .£,..., 12·2tc end Otll, haa had llftlf' UN and ftAD.ftUI n>ft R.Dn'--De ,_ _::::...:...:.;:;::..;.:-:-::::::--:;::-:;d&JI~ Supply, 818 Cout Hlghw•Y· Ph. wood vanity. May be \Wed aa Beacon 6763 CHARMING new modfom 5-room haa hHn .,,.II rnalntalrwod. ••• ..,. ......... ad ~ .AI WAri'RESS WANTED m!! Cafe Beacon 5007. e&-4tc desk. All or part. Momtnp or BURT NORTON Furnished Duplex ~. cedar and rfldwoud thru-raah. Mark Healy, Her, 14l~W. ..., ..., .. ,.~ Mil .. .,..k. Norton'• ~v 5-tf~ FOR SALE-Air compreaaer, $100. eoventnp onlll. 618 Larklpar, t1a 0out ~. N...,.,.-1 out. Nrw modf'l'n llvln1 and din-Tt-4k .. dlr. We tM ..... . 17th and Oout ~··-....,. 7311 Seuhore Dr., Newport Col'ona del Mar. 69-Ctp 23-tfc $26,000 Ina room fllmlture 2 bloc:kl from --.,-,.,..-..,...-------=....:..;.;: ~ ._ ......._ ........ .:=:: W -..._. 2 ..,,.,.._.........,, 1 Ba'.. ~ _ ..... _I It• linn' • ._ C' •-lell tMt ......_... ...... eor. 1-... a. N--1-..... ---... ·IUOLol" W~ oman""~ Beadl. ~tie ST!:INWAY GRAND. Beaulltul ~~XUT.,.. .. _ u• o....-wn .._... · """"' """ amet.,..,, .........,. N .... ,_ ada "-. 'Ul• ,........_ -.-.;::::;;; far pnan1 hi:JUMW'OI'k~ . IIOA'I'II. 817PPUD • rnocSern In blacll and sliver. GM· 2 Bcdrooma, 1 Bath Up Cerone ~I Mar. Call Harbor wqea; 1M In ar out. Motte Steel K1tchens FOR SALE-2S ft. S.ablrd aloop. pou~ tone. 'nlla 11 an art plano. 2111-W. 7l-4tc 1.112. GLASS ENCLOSURES tully equipped With North Bay U JUU are tumtahlnc your homP R lbo 1 1 d Fr t H HELP wANTED -woman tor SHOWER DOORS moorina and n~man lit• raft: Ia "'lode.nw" thla lnatrument 111 W. L. JORDAN a a "Jln on orne clean.lnl. Mon .. Wed. and FridaY. Southern Counties alftpa tWO; very waworthy. Pft'fect ror you. Reuonahly '700 1!. Cl'ntnJ. a.n.. Thll marntftomt !My ,,.,.,.,, homt' frun 9 to 1. ApplJ ~ 11~1. C'..all c. F . Brown, Har-priced. Danz.Bdlmldt Plano ro . Phone Harbor 168 wtth private pier and no.t c:en· Apartrnenta. 1414 See VJew'Aw.. Supply Co. bor 1&u. Aftl'T 7 p.m. call 520 No. Main, la.nta Ana. 70·11<' 72·tk not br dupllcated today at any Ccnna del Mar. 89-4te 144 Coaal Blvd., N. Harbor 2003-R. 72-4tp 0008, CAft...... . M ---------'----prlet' Two bf'drooma, bath and Ptt 5852 l...a(una O.ac:h Ltoo ISLE HOME llvln"-ro(lm upatalrw, bf'dfflnm. WANTED-Woman ar flrl to •t&Y · 72-lt~ WILL J:XaUNGE 50 ft. aUp Ill FOft SAl..E--ODclcer ~. rea· on ~ lot hllth. kll~:hrn, bar, .ntn~ hall wUh two UtUe Jirla occaaJonal W1boltllctOn far aama tn 1':\laW· b'-H J ...__. 2004 2 BD up--1 BD clown and playrot~m ~tal". Two- • -·~ -evmtnp. TraJII.. BARGA"''S t · -,.._........_. ,..,." ~:rwta Pterwon ~-=~ .. -..:..... ;._::::=::..«1. ..... .. .. ...,....,.,.._ .... ~ -· ..,.._,. ...-_.,"' •• .._ ..,..,_,...., ....,, • nrepa.oe--Double Gerace car 1ara1l' with •xtra lerae IJH'OI! fumlclhed. Box P. c/o ~ ~t pnc. ln· tumlture 11 nq at K1mble 52&\. !1'2-~ Hamlltoft. eo.ta M... ft9-4tp Walled Pat~ tor atoreat and l~n~t aur. lt.nth 'l1ma _ . = matto.. IINJ rtPt. I ..U rtabt BARQAJN-Golnc eut, ,_.t aae-ut JOCil 1'1 A wry Uveable honw houaf' and pkor of aupert, oc-truc· LOCAL ar tnvellftl 18 bdl~ -1 etw•••· rtf1ce ILIP and one-yMI'-dd 18 -125,000.00 -Ternw tlon end In top condttton 145,000 ..._ ,..._.,. No~ a ec • ... N 'a J'um.ltw'e ft. ..._t "'llly," on11 nta. FOR SAJ.E.-..Oetle .... hnrW. ~ P. ~ J M MILLER Good 1aa11DL You .. ~ "!" 21M -.._ o.ta .._ 111p Mo. 5. Nil lin. PoUtnl at ..,-.. Ollar. t12l. ... at 1-N11 W. Olntni-Ph. Hartlor 402 • • ._, ,.,_, d No. llalll ;;; lf41 vma llat1M. ......_ 10-4tf .'IWtlll A ..... Ollea--.. ~ .. tto 15th and C.tnl HmJcw 1~ ......... ,... . WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prlcea ''t~' mL YOUR ·CAR NOW Willi Plbl ..,.. I:IIIIL ,.... r. aur ....-. 11u7w no wt11 Gill 1111111 edwlle~ .......... OPA ..... tWw, •• ...... .,.,.... .. ...... CULBBitTSON CHEVROLET 00.; Inc. Clwtl•t .. 10'' ••• o.a. • -.._ o.r.a.,...,... ...._ •o-. n a • ~ 1~...-.---., .... .._ ... -. -. ud aat ,...,. u-e wm be Harbor Feminine Activities Harbor Area College Women Invited to join American Association of University Wome~ .... --. .... 1IU & 1abar lbartap. 1be pnlftlt • '-_.. • 11q lt .took a bottletwdl ll the c: u • b or t· Phcll-. 13 and 208 ,. .......... -.... :..et ...... 08llt. wttJa ... qe. u ~ coukl haft cot ...... ---------- • 1lle Oranp oounty branch ol for hlcher eduoatJon for waDIII the AIM~~tlon ol Uni· and the promot.lnl ol int~matiQnal ~ .,...,._. llutn + Jlee¥-e• PbaDI 183'7-R venlty Women will open ltl 21st IOOd will and ~nderatandlnC. -----:::----·--~-~-_.;:.._ _______ MUOn an the ewninc ol ~. 26 Memben!Up Ia ratrieted to ...... • Jwl:l," &Ud Mn. L. wttbout llt1'iu. tb11 put yev Hostesses Entertain I. -....... atat. ,c:ba1rman o1 ln· .pica would now haw been cry-~ _. c rmnw problema. ~ to eune doWn." At Bridge l:.un cheon • S' 1 at t1w att.mooa ae..acn Moat people have. •vtnp ac-__ J -' .. ._.. taD baud meetlnc ol CCJ~at.l, the ipMker alated. but are Mra. Ht'lnz Kalter and Mn; Or-. O..Q-FedenUan ol Wo-holdlna then to buDd MW homes. Sam Kinlfatht'r entertained Frl· -·• cluM. held J"riddl)' at O.ta She aaJd I.e. Anlela hu made day with a bra<4ct' luncheon at th{• ... o wdt)-c:hurdl wttb a phenomma1 rile U &ll lnCluatrtal K~r h~. VlrglnJa pl.aet> and lin. 0.... ~t pnaidlnc. dty, now leadlnc New York and Etdl>n avenue, Costa Mesa. ~·.:.L""r·"'"""'.,...lftlll ·a·,_,.-at ,..ee, Wit h&ve Ol1eqO and belnc wcond only to Tables were laid with colorful ._. ....... but peaCI' an the ln· Detrol.. t. How.ver. wacea are Spanish tublc.~:loth" ond napkins .......... friiat.• ~tlnued the fUcher than in tN MSt aDd IOfne and food wa..; Sl'rvPd at a lana .......... • ~ ... not .vm a firma hay~ mu.ed to loCate Mft bulft't Lable. Under one plate W88 ...,....... "'""V.J cia)' an• pro-an that. aceount.. l the number 13 for Friday ltl~ ~ w.nt lMxlmlnc akJDa, but At the CIIOI'nin& lel&lon Edward 13th. and th<• holder, Mrs. G. y. .... II 1t1D a dtMppnAnttnc am-Alcott ol ~ p ve an intl'~: UniW'nbnrd. was prevntcd with a .tL .. acxiLJIIL the.. Abelws-fS1IDc tAlk .on GWI and auna. • SJ~K'irtl gilt. :=;::=~-;;;~~ ~ dDinl wbeD they teWnc o1 our Amrrican factoriee 1 Ml"'l. 0. M. Campbell w4~ fin~t ...._. euppiJee are lhort; while wtUeh now make china u fine u ot bridge. Mrs. Ralph Maskey wu., -. II 'ftl7 .,..,. full anp~oy, _, ewr made in EUrope. Mra.l st'<'ond ·and Mn. Marpret Nll'- .-t. theft Ia ~ .a..ttee-Cart llodl, c:ha1nnan ol Waial.a- 1 mP)'<'r was low. Mrs. Ralph Mor- If .w do MC h4vc it • .w ~~ ic. yo" au! ....... ean r~·f\'t>d tht' prize for Liver· pool. l Pn·!'ll'Tlt were thl' Meldam.-. I E:ugPne Fenelon. L. L. ~U. Uw • WallaCP, H('nry Eaert. Linwn- bard. E. I. Moore, Nil'meyer, Jay Hardlman. S. A. Meyer, ~ Cat- 1 Un. Mukey. Ma~l Andrews. Frank Sawyer. EUZ&tM'th Wd»- rnan, . Qlarles Hand. Campbtoll, J~rrY Africa and Ralph Moryan. tJan, talked on twelve amendmenu before the l~slature and Mrs . Frank Rollpaw, editor of Federa· ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: tlon N~. ~ta ~~'~I ~ natJonal convention held In I Chlca,co. Blanket Club New Shipment of St. Mart's and Ch.athams Have Arrived (U ... b .. , -o.r CLUB PLAN a& Another 11~akn was Capt.l WUU. Bradley, U.S.N., govemor of Guam trom 1928 to 1931, who con- tradicted a ~t artlcl~ writtPn . by Harold Ickes in dh1parogement ol U. S. ruJe of the Island and .Uted that on tht' contrary. mUl'h - aood had bt>t'n dOfW.' there. pllr· an. A.ND MU OLAD& a lleOOW&N .,=.., ,_ .n. tJcularly alone educational and tllelr -mace wtddlt too1r=..-t17 a& ..... Aatai~M. health linett Tbe brlcle .. u. ,_ ~,......, ., llr .... Ml'll. Cor?ne Bot'ttcht'r gav<' ,.,., C. W. Fe.-=ad 1, Ull Ave.. Ooe&a 11- thl'ft delightful vocal numbt'l"5 _....... • ._ and an Pncort', and group singln~t I M · B b H ' d W d GJ d ) M wu led by Mrs. Mary McBride. ISS ar ara e ger e s en a e an prt't.idt'nt or N"-'POrt Beach Ebt'U Recently at Rossmoyne Christian ·Church dub. The noon luncheon was I llt'f'Ved in thf' church social hall MiSill Barbara Lee Hectaer. by ber rath~r. She wu ~Y in by mm~h<'rs of lh<' Friday After· daughter of Mr. and Ml"5. Harold sh<"t'r white marqu.llette with in· noon dub. Hedger of 225 Dabnond avenue, scrts of lace and her fi.ngl'rtip veil · I Balboa, and f48 Woodbwy road. fell from a crown o1 bouvardJa. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Elliott or Glendale. WM m&JTied ~nUy to I The bridal bouquet W8JI a spray ol Balboa ~turned last Weot'k from a William Wt'!lton Greeory. liOD of I l:'llrdrnias and bouvardla with an trip to Kueblrr'a Camp, Lake Mr. and Mrs. Cl&J"t'nCe w. Gt"E'-1 orchid center. Balboa Islanders Back From Vacation with ' ~P party. whet! women boldina ~ clecJ'eel pcOIIPfCtln memberS are invited from the a.uodaUan'a approwd to be eueeu of the exi!C\Itivt' Jist ol coU~ and wti~U.. board. ThoM Interested ln attend· Women who have completed two Mr. and Jlra. L. r. Morrill. 224 lne lhould mak~ reservations years ol ""?"' ln coU~ o1 U. Ruby awn~. BeJhoe IaJand. have throuch the Harbor reprftenla· lilt are ~Ug~ble for &S!IOOat~ IDI!IB- ftlumed h~ after apendina ten tJvtt. Mrs. Robert Hom of Corona berahlp in the local brand]. weeb 1n the San Jac:into moun-del Mar. chart~ member and pallt California colleges and unlverst- talna at Herttey Q'ftk and th.l'ft preeJdent, whOI!t' t~lephont' number tiel on the list are: Univ~ralty ol weeki In Wulllncton .:nd ~. Is Harbor 1525-R. California, Stanford . UnJv~nUy, 'nley ""P'f'ted ram nearly all th.e ftecula r meetings are held on Pomona Coller~. OcCidental Col-~ they Mre In the north ahd the second ThUI"IIday of each lege, Whittier Coll<'gl', Milia Col· that Sout..hem Califomla looked month at 8 p.m. in the Oran~ lege, University o1 C8.Ufomla at goud an their return. Women's club and the first ~t· Los An~les, University ol South- Inc wtll be October 10. Programs em California. Redlands Unives> 11ft foUowed by IOcial hours. 1bere sity. Scripps College, Claremont are three Jtudy sections • whJch Coli~. College ot th~ Pldllc, a.l.lo meet monthly: International Dominican CoUe~. F'retiDo State I'Mltlona, book ~view and arts. College and San Diego State Ooi· Balboans Leave F<?r Hunting Trip Recent ruesta tor a four-day 1lle recent craduates' group, com· lege. ApproVed d~ are A.B., weekend at the honw ol Mr. and poaed ol t.tlow who have rractuated B.S.. L.L.B.. the Muter'a ucl within the Jut ten yMI"!!, has Doctor's <Jeirees. and from UCLA Mrs. Sam KJNfather, Balboa, In· monthly aodal rneetlnp . onJy-B.E. QuHtlons ~ c:J~ llr. and Mn. ~rae Moore ;I'he American Association of collecee outside of California, and and Mrs. Paul Wendland of San Univeralty Women, a member any other queetlons about mem-~urday .venin .. the Kl.natath-group ol tM lntemaUonal Fed· ~rshJp will be gladly llnSW1!I'ed ~ -• enatlon of University Women, em-Mrs. Robert Hom. ena entertained at dinner, other erpd trom the Aaodatlan o1 Col- ~ l.ndudinc Mr. and Mn. T. lectate Alumnae which wu fonn- R. IWx. Mr. and Mra. Walter ed in 1882. Itl fOI'l'mOit alma are All k1nda t)'llleWTlter rlbbom la Stew an<\ Mr. and M.ra. WUliam the cSeveiopnent o1 opportunJUee atoc:k at tN New.-Times. Blanc:bard. Coa\& MeN; Mr. and Mrl. Frank Steve ol Santa Ana and lin. Ida Ctiriatian, Orw\1\' · ~ 1 1 •, 0 a Mn. C'tuVtJan, well !mown in Newport Harbor area u the lomwr Ida Brinkman, J~ thll w.t-k for MJ.ourt, where abe and ~ h~ wW Uve an a ranch wtUch they hav~ l'f.Cift\tly pur- chaaed. Mr. and Mra. Kl.natather alao left Monday for Woodford. Cal., where they will jol.n Mr. and Mn. Jack Adami for .everal weeks ol hunting and rhlhina. B&PW Holds First Meeting Thursday Bualnesa and Profesalonal Worn· en'* dub wtll ~cin the fall lei· 1011 with a closed meetlne to be held Thuraday evenine. Sept. 19 at Wh.lt~·s cafe, Balboa Wand. with dinner at 6 :45 p.m. Mildred Stan· 1 ley, l~slatlve chalnnan, will rt'· port an action ol the 1tate board in regard to Issues to be voted on and Doroth~ Suth~land. procnun chairman, will outline prorrams for the year. SOFTLY TAitOUD COUVUT ClOTH OAT, TO.IIe All. 'v1aY COIICIALIIIe TWO PlfC! $UIT 12500 Orkin's SOc Per Wee~ Wohlford, ~ they enjoyed gory, l830 ·GJ~ Bvld., ~· Mlu Nancy Vlrclnla ~r some eood flshlne. I dalt'. 1lle wedding Willi held at was maid or honor. Her a»twne I Longmoor to Address the Roumoyne Chratlan chureh and thO&e of the bridelma.lda ~ H bo K• • White H~-l and tiK' Ct'remony was performed also ol white marqul.let~. Miss ar r 1Wanl8 Deputlaeat Store VW.V by ~ Rev. A. V. Havens. Hedg~r won! a pink ha;Jo in heart· Walter Longmoor, preslck-nt or .. _,. The brick-was given In maniqe shaped outline and carried a noee--the WHtem Cannns company, ..,. gay ol plnk amaryllis with car· will addreu the Newport Harbor FAC Opens Friday, denla Ct."nter. 1lle brideuna1dl. KJwanla club Friday on tb<> aub- F · L Miss M.aren Marie Grqory, &ister ject oC "New FactCll"' In the Se-eaturmg ecturer ol the bridecroom. and Mia Mar· JectJon of Industrial Locations" Ellis L. Spackman, lecturer, 501d1«'r and world traveler. will be apeak«'r for the fi~t fall ~t­ ing or th«' Friday Artt>moon rlub which will be held Friday after· noon at 2 o'clock hf th~ .Amer- Ican Legion halL His subject will be "America In Relation to Eu- I"'fX'-Our Old Jleritag«' and New Destiny." Joey Ann Hedger. cousin ol the Lonemoor Ia alao president or the bride, wore blue hale» and car-.Auodatcd Chamber of Colnmt'rce. rlf'd nOM'gllys of blu~ astm and p.rdeniu. llAIMI:Jl PROMISES l t .... l uaUn L' Amoreaux was best NEW HOMJ:S FOR SOUTHLAND man and ushers were Robert Cedi Geor'Je and William Donalcll!on. Vocal numbers sun~ Included l Loll~ You Truly, Bccau.~ and ~ Lord'a Prayer. Aft('r the cere- mony a re<'t'ption was held a t the Glendale hotel. Construction or 10.000 n ~ w holll('l by the Kaiser Community Homes In the Southland ar«'a was promlllcd today hy Henry J. Kai- ser, lndustfiahst ptf'sldent of thr 1 con<'l'rn at his offiC'E'11 In Los An· 'r "Mr. Spackman," AAicl MT'L Skllt>!t, pmgn~m chairman. "is a fonn<'r military intl'lllgf"nCC off!, C('r wl10 directed the BJT('St of 55,· 000 of Nazidom's t'lile and thP set- 1lle bride attended G1endnle HJch IChool· and Chevy Chue, Md. 1lle bridegroom attt-ndcd Glt'ndale Jnch school. Glendale coUege and Purdue unlv~rahy. He served with the U. S . Anny in Europe. re- turning In March or this y<'ar. geles. A d~lly' output of 100 ncw l ltt WEST THIRD STREET hom('S was an the offing, he added. LONG BEACH PBONZ 11.._. Tlte plo1'• lite lltlng.; I • aL ,.. ,,.,,., . ; .. , lAST PlAY oltbe-.._... ~ -. ........ ting up and ~upervisng of all ln- :'l temm('nt cnmp~~ In (;('rmnn)'. H~ ~ will bring to th(' club th!.' fruit ol < yean of stud, and travel in E:ur~ "0 ope, Africa. 't.~~tin America and :z: thf" Antipodf"s. To thc ~cholarly 0 backgTOUnd of an historian and z thE-ob~rvation of a traveler have ~n added the experirn('('S of a ~ SIGNE BASSO ~ I!Oidler frt'llh from tl\c:> hattie- ,.. fields." 0 lll!t ~nlatlons are Mid tl> be 0 up-to-the·mlnute. lively, lnforma-~ .. 'GEORGE' ::: Uve and entertaining. Forum dla· cu!llllon.c and questions from the u: ") noor •1JJ be Invited. :z -i lnstt'ad of lunchf'OI"', tC"n \\ill ~ ..l 0 ... !!t'I'Vt-orl nf~o<r t hi' m~linl!. 1\fra. ... A New Play by 0 11. B. McMurtry will prt'sidt• nnd f-.lob.a llleredytb ~ z on thf' li~t or W('IC'Oillin~t h~t·"'~ 1 c.; with .IOHN 'NEWLAND 'fl 1 are the M~ Sam Ci"Bwford, aDd Hnrry Bun1ick. U>Roy AndPr!IOn ~ FRANK SUNDSTROM ~ 11nd M. J. lllll'h'IIC"r . -- It ~ Reser\'ed Sents :z BLUE SAILS c BOOK SHOP X Plloi'M' Hart.or 818 I). or l..acua& 191 > -.uDiil Tlnli':T'8 rna trt:JIOID -I zl DODD'S l:z! IN1 _,. &tal....._ Wrtto O<r· 4 ~ C. ,.... ..,,.. • ..,_ r-,.._ .... II .., -_.. rw ,.,.._ later-~ ...... .j -Stapel by -~-·""'_.,..,__-"' = ........... en-on to light yovt ... -..... c.rtoiR to ... "'., MOIOit&l ... ., ~ ••...ca ""· ,.... ...., ... , .... , ... ~ t.l' Ul•fn.tiWIO, Ul ..... .....,._ .... .,~ ,...._........, ...... ........_.., ..... .......... Portraiture and Commercial Photography .. BALBOA ; . Palm Ave. ?J.'/1 'Ill~ new Mr. and Mrs. Greeor>· spt'n t their honeymoon in YoscmJte NatJanal perk. Balboa Circle Balboa Orele "'-Ill ml't't WednH- day at 1 :30 p.m. with Mrs. H. K. lvt'll, 315 Anade atrfft. Duane Dl'aJc.ins. son of Mr. and M.ra. C . M. Deakins of Balboa. en- tered the medk:al school ol the University ol Southern California this week to ~gin his tralnina . 'I'M ~ualft ~,..... 1n1 me4hocl aan a. :t p1-nt waJ' to coatour trot -tUt proteda ~ ~ ~talJtJ'. &iiCOai'IICII &oocl poatUrw. No clnap, .a.. trtdty. IWem 01' ~ .. dlaroblnJ. lt'l l'!ftde -.. \boC'OUib -lf l fUll. Ufta .. ataPIM IITt ............ J'ellpboDe --A&IPI*t-- STAUFFER S Y S T·E M .... Mil .., ...... _ L&CRJJIA UACII Models by }Xallon.JIIy Knou•n DtS!Ilncrs : G. Ho~ AR.O Horx;E DELL DoN~! GeltMAtNF. everything is FEATHERED with beauty this autumn There's a new softness •• a new luxuriousness • • • a new radia nce about this season 's hats. Exquisite feathers abound on quality felts to add a richness and grandeur to fall's shapely mi llinery. ..