HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-02 - Newport Balboa News Times., SAM Costa esa E.dit·ion VOLtJID XDYDI Newport B8Iboa-News Times . ' REPORT FISHER SUNK AT SEA Pays to Advertise! 1111! _.... ~ ~ have become the neceuitles ot ...,, Why? •.. MWrtwac. ~ hu been a llow invention; the diaCovery ol 1M power reaaltlnlln the_ mo.t 'Hrectlve ald. to !lelllng. Geared .. advtertillal. modem~ hu found that It la a neces- -., tor movtrw aoodL .Adwrtllllw .. promotkln. Future bwdnea 1..8 dependent apon Jll'(llnotkJn. Without lt, demand 11llffers; neoe118ity wav- ... ~ keep the ball rolllng. a.1r rx ~ lt real eltate or the country st.ore--has ,....._ that wiR ~ IDcftues volume and reduces *-co.t of operation. lncreued demand resulting ln a ..-w tumover and moft production, with a notiOl'able de- ~ ID ca.t. benefttl the buyer or consumer ln that ln· a 1 u.rJ aJs lower cmta.. · 'l'odly, ~ are Uled to advertlalng; they depend on iL '!"My lnYtte -..aestion u to where to go, what to buy, and .... to~ lt. It'i deltred lntonnatJ.on! It's bargain day! Well ewer two-billion dollars was spent in one year for iitMtWicln the United States. Of thla figure, $555,000,000 ... tpeDtln newsptp.r adwa'tislng, or more than twice as llil*la • wu ..,ent ln any other advertising medium, suCh as • sf -rlld&o ,etc. 1W tl» bulinell man-or is he a business man-who ..,.. -.dan'tbeed to~." there will be a day when his au• af......U. c:wtamen (once upon a time) will occasion-ll:r ....an, -.Remem~ when ... '' a.ta defeat may not apply to all "deelers In stuff". but _, IUCUIIItUl men, and advert.18ers, remember the ~ _..... ward~ of John Wanamaker who once said, "I would •.,. think of dolnc buGnea without clerks as without ......... " M1piradent Lender II IIIICII.ol the tact that Uncle Sam Is already ln the hole .. •..tmt ol..,..-ox!maaly $270 billion thl.a doesn't stop llii •.., Oft)' from betn& ~ wortd's most generous lender. ftallp COUIItriel haw not found him hard to "touch" for ' , 111J 8l!%M.. Nor have .arne ot hla own "famlly" had -.aiel~ &fttbW a few bOUon here oend there. A. a Ma ol fact. bllloul throue'h government agencies to var- lliill ......._tlanlln Amerlca had reached the sizeable (even lllal) aa ol S19 bWion In June, 1945. ,._ orpnlladom which are tbe benefidarie8 ot Uncle .... 11 r Ollt)t lncludf both qricultural"'and non-agricui- .... I tdatiaM u well u prlva~ly. orpnlzed coopeontlves. ,..,..umeut neotwork ol credit agendes has become _, _....w Indeed In qrlcultuntl credit there are more ... 500 productloa crt!dlt aaoctationa maintaining 1460 M•JUt tlmeotl'loetl; OWl' 1700 national fann l08Jl8JI80da· .... wtdeh make land bank loens; 12 land banks, and 12 ,.._ Odt admlnlltratJon dlatrlct otnces and t.helr k maJdnc emrrgency crop and feed loens. Then ... II tbe hnn Seocurity acbninistration havin~ 12 regional _. .-tl)r ~county otnca Of COUI'Ie, by lending thl.s money the govemmt'nt gains a ..-t deal I"DDO'e ~r to control and to dictAtE> to the bor-... aa. '!be trolly ot It all is that private cntl'rprilK', into ..... fteJd ot actJvlty the government Is cutting cteepcr and ...,.., bu to help provide tbe funds through taxf'S to finance 1be ~·· competition against lt. ft laatlmated that It costs the taxpay<-rs ~1 2fi.!iOO.OQO M · ~ 1o tlnanoe Uncle Sam's lendJng activit!~. And that's a pntty p!M)' even ln this land of billions. ·~ ol thf' Mariners" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND ()()CKT AIL BAR noM' ••. .., ...... !111!!, ,._.e, -a o.x • ,....,. ,..,.,. ...... > ) 0 • &.~~!.:.--~ ~ ··· Southla~ Flow~ Sho~ th~':,!;;~ r.out':! 1t!: :!;:~ Si.:~lna the national atoclcpUln~: Will D~ Hel~ In Pasadena tlla t there it no auballtute for the j hll!, ~hlch pennitl the Nation to I)C U truth· that ahiflln& around it a boald atort>S of war-vital mat.wtala. poor 'auaran tet> of ultimate auc-Prealdent Truman made a cocent The Southern. California Fall show manager. 'nlouaAndt of dol· Flower ahow, annuAlly the souUI-lara In cuh prizes will be award· IMd"t lar1eat u.ntil war forM IU C!d. Thia wiJI be the flnt time poet~mrnt In 19tl, will fttum the 1h0W hu run four days, a 1o the Fannie E. MorriiOn Hortl-mo\'e dk tated by the •prlne show cultural center In Paaadrna'a which wt new a ttendAnce recorda: P. A. PALMER In buslni"U· that 1 thould ob;f'Ct ion to one aecUon ot tht• =e pride In my family and my ~uure. He d~.liked, he aakl, ttw nM\e and almilar old-fuhlont'd buy American clauae, w 1\ l c h 1 would pn•vcnt pur1:hues of mater· ~~v~ t~n thinking thit morn-i11l.s from other natioN. Inc. a1 you have, If you've read The oh.)4-ctlon to t he clawe an• the noapen of a man who hat 6een eully ~Hn. Preven ting ~ng arn!;tcd nine tlmea In hit life; who In a ,frt-e 11nd competitive marke t, waa depertcd aeven timet: who it ~Ill almoet certainly lnc:reul:' lt>ft the country favt' tlmea. u wt''d coats 10 the Gt>v<'rnmE"nt. It will say in thf' rural dittricu , "just for~ fur tht-r lnroada 11\tO naUonal ahfoad of the sherlfr': who rtcaptd resour~'H already aerioualy ltrip- atx limH from the custody or Uw pt'd by war demanda. law; ,vho has been married three RA!~~flnnlng red •. wh~.te • and timet and who hu changed hit blue huy Americamtm, we en- namt,' four timt'tl. d~ngl:'r our lndua~rlal a nd oonvner- 1 have a Jlat before me of 27 caal ht-allh. We glvf' n a t Ion • wriowlly made roatracta, algned abroad ltOO«f cauae to diatruat pro- betwt't'n 1939 and 194:>. I obaerve t"tationa of International co-op- certain omlllllona, l'VCn in thla t'ratlon u 10 many tompty Words. llat. F.vc-ry one of lhne solemn Congrcsa had beet rtovene l~lf contract• hu I>N'n brokt-n. on the policy at the flnt oppor- Yf't, In the troublt'd and 10mc-tunlty. t Louil Star-Tlmee. what stran~te world wp llvt' In today, hl' 8('('mt to have done pretty well. Ill' h11s a good job, which apparently hl' can k«'p u lona u hr w~tnll to kt>t'p it lie undoubtedly hu a 1tood income: certainly he can ltf'l euily any- thlnr hto WaJ\tl . llo· hat r ank. a'1..d mt.'<lala, and honors. He lnn~nCf'll two great rountr- I<"S. The lar~:rr of lhc two ht• manares dirt'clly. Th<' othPr he tnnuc-n<:t>l lnd1rrctly 1 hrou~th !I ~erut labor unlun ; throuJ(h his travrllna !IIIINimf'n; 1 hrough f•mo- tionnl a·nd short sl~thtC'd syl'oph- ants, and hf'raww of the.' W<'akn<'U of othl'r mPn. whom thr dtlzPna Plrrlood In tho' tX'Iirf lht>y would have thr ffiiii"III(P to ~:ovrrn t hr country thc>rm••lvt'll. His nllmt', now. Ia J06i'ph St11lln The "ron tracts·· 11 r " 1 h f' 2 7 trt'llt les 11ignf'd. on lwhnlf of thl' USSR, ht•l"-•'~'n M11rch 18. 19:l9 and Autnutt 14, 191!l. . l r ia(> to rl'mllrk 1hi1(WI' ahoulll face this situation. All this WN:'I<. the pap~:•rs and \hP rndio hRVl" brou~eht us tho• lllllnunding nrws ''Titto World OWee V-" This RKI' Sf'l.•m• plagul'd with th<· fa llacy t hat "'the world OWftl us a li\'in~t." But lr we all ta t down and adopted that attitude It would he a very akimpy livtns. It could rightfully bl' u ld ''tht' world otvf'l us the rlcht to earn our llvtna." Today the fate of "the rieht to l'arn our living"' IIH in production If production. which is the CUJ"e for Inflation, dol'sn't go up -the 00111 of llvlna will. Pr011perlty, in thl' fonn of hl'ttcr wages a nd thortu working hours for all. ~n"t ml'un a thing when ove-rshadowed by h1gh hving COlli. In othl'r wordt, prosperity mu.111 lie paid for hy thf' lncreaacd pro- duction or every individual. ThPro· nrt-many Cllllt'S todAY where the pfforts <•f Individuals art' beln~ fruatratt'<l hy lack of dlrl'ctfon and l€'adcrshlp, hut a n ho"nl•st effort hy e-ach or us to· work to tilt' bo~l of our ablllt y will ('Vl'n tually "Pn> off' in prO!!J)('rity.-F.Ikhorn I Man· 1toba 1 Ml'rcury. that tht' l'ox-·r•·tnry of Commo'rN>, N o C"atr JI.--.Iutot f'1111trol Mr. Walhoco', is !lfX'IIklng for 11 ' Princl' F:dwanl IslAnd is Con- fort'ign pnhc•y very dltrrrl'nt from .oda"s most hlr•!!oll('d prp\"lnce. It hn~ the forrl~:n policy prl'sl:'ntt"d hy no unt•mplnymrnt and very 111111' our proJl('r spokrsmAn. SPcrl'lary tJO\"Prty Thuu~:h it J)('nnits d a- of StatP TlyrnNI. Inatrad of dl'· vorct' ant1 hsos n dl\·orcP rourt pro- mnndlnl( ha~ lmnwdilll<' rl'sia na-ddt'd for, tlw court huK nt'ver hrld lion, thl' Prt-sidc•nt ""C'<mfPrs" with 11 so11sion, 11ntl only nnl' divorce wru• Walllle«' for mor•· 1h11n an hnur, J(rantf'it in 60 yrars. It Ill reportPd a nd announ<'f'S lh111 the-~erl'tury that ~tnt"<' 1937 in th,. whole pro- of Comm4'rCf' will not IJI('ak a~:aln vin~ thrrc has not lw-f•n 11 sin~th• on foreign affairs until after the cas<> of assault on wife-, indecrnt Parla confcrt'nce i1 Pl)dl'd. Wallace assault. drsc-rtion or family, nl'glect wavt'll to the rl:'por(f'rs, and the of children, or rontrlhutlng to the ~nt w I r f' 1 to ByrnH , to <WIInquf'ncy of a child tha nk him for not rt'plylng to the "'Thrrr arl' no highWayml'n, no Wallace attack. .:angsh'rll. no commt>rc1allzrd VI«', Am 1 awakc. or Am I dreamln~t! no rcal crime prohlrm ftnd no II thla tht' Unitt'<! Statt•• of Amerl-penitr ntiary, There are unly 13 ca! Almoet lrreparablc hann hal pollcemt>n for its 90.000 people, been donE' to tht• prHtlge and In-and it hasn't had an e-xecution in nuence of thla country, a t 11 mo-40 yesrs. Per square mllc the isl- ment v.•hen Republicans and Demo-and hilS twire as man)' peoplt>, crall, and ev€'n Nt>w Dealera. Arr four times as many cattle, and lr)'inJC h11rd to ahow a unltt'd front cight limn a11 much Pflultry ru1 to the world, In fordgn affairs. any other prO\"Ince in Canada. Itt Sena tor C..onnally the DemocrAtic per capilli 58\;ngs Ia grrater Lhnn chalnnan of the-Fort'lgn RA!Iatlona In any otht-r Canadian prO\'ill('('; Commltlet>, and Senator Vanden-a'ld, for Ita siu. It hat m()r4' nul- Brookaide park, October 31 to No-Indicating the magnl.tude of the vember 3, Lathrop K. Lelahman, event, there are 111 clllllft of pr~dent of the aponaorln1 Pasa-competition for private crowen LIDO Ism!~ • W. 0 BIXX-knu-~ ~lor ~1500 ~~ 3333 VIA UDO CA.LIPORN"l.A. dena F1owcr Show uaoclaUon, an-·alone and an additional 80 for-------------------------- nounced today. ama teua . Profeulonal nursery- Group rn trl" must be In the mE"n, the earden cluba and Clower auoctauon·· handa by Octobe• 19 arrangement contestanll will n . .J VENETIAN BLINDS and thoae of lnclividu+la by qc-twell tilt' "diaplays still 'urther. /1 G#fCitiGU tober 28, It wu llmultaneoualy Four large buildings and the WOOD • STEEL • ALCIIINUII announced by G. Wyman Hopt>, apacioua erounds of the hortlcUl· friends Boost Adk.lnson for .,........__._I·-~-........ -........... I tural center wUI be rcqulrt'd to houst' t he event, Which hu come 11' Co.t BJclawa1 ' Plaolle ....,_ 5881-1 to be recoanlud. u one ot the L--------------------------J nation'• largcll and mosJ lmport- an_t. ~man said . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LE'rtERS TO THE Congressma~l ;.._. -~~-D~U"-~~---:.....~881-~C~-Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN (~~arbor 11&4) PB1'81CIAN8 • 8\1110&0X .. D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooaey ~~udlarpla Ill llart8e AYe., Balbo6 bl. l'natll ... o.tnl .... (MoW._.._) ...... A native of his dlttrict now If the per10n who s•~~:nt'd' only sccking to represent tha t tame dls-his name a. "0. G. C'lrnll l"d" to 8 trlct i.n Oongrcsa. That'a the way l('tlcr defending fornwr S.•crctary his frienda and supporter• describe of Comm••rc(" H"nry A. Wallace. Ray Adklnaon. candidate for t hat will also wnd us hl~ addrt'Ss, we !.....-----------~ !..------------J •lffiC«-in the Nov. :> gt-nl!ral l'if'C· will be only too glad to !}rlnt the PIIYIJICIA.N8 a SCJ~eeoNa. .... fal)n. l('lf<'r. · Mr Adkinson was horn Nov. 18. 11193 in the-mounlairuJ which •WP· urate Orangl' and Rlvcrsid.l' cnun- 11<'5. Virtually all hit adult life hns IIPen . SJ'l{'nl in the samE' dis- trict. "hrr<' h" has hl'conw known nll an routhority nn the problem!\ of thr district and ita prot·l•· Ill' wns l'ducatt'd In Oran~l' t'flunty Sl'hools. then atl4'ndro 1 Ezpert Radio Service I. 8 . WHYTE QlleG.aTAS OOIIIR7WoUIT ··~ '" , ... t:lalled 1\alee ....... 1117 Doollw'\-1 1o .--al ..U.Io ta -uoa w1lllo -l&a IIA&IoN. AUDf!'IJ • ~ -..-.umo _...,_ ._ .... ...., ...... e-•-.._ lloeMe....., £'••mona rollegP. wht•r(' ht' lwrllnW I Armand Monaco a trark slar. sl'ttinsc a numbrr or AND ELEC'I'RJ() rt'Cnr~s for thr quarlt•r, ha lf, and ~ Newport lll..t. A.RCIIJTE(JT Palmer Radio noilt• raCM. II<' still holds lhl' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa l'omonn rollr~to• mil(' rt'<'Ord. COSTA ln:SA Harbor 1m F'ollow1n1: h1~ ,.:radualion from 1'7!1 I.Akewood A- A. V. Andrews, M.D. PBYIIICIAN ... SUllO EON U1 (Joaet IDrltwaT ......... Ill Coroaa del liar lolua K. C. CbUJII, II. D. ~ ......... 2 . 4 7 . 8:30 and by appointment Beacon~ UO Eut lltla Street O.ta K-. Calif.,...._ Pnmcmn h€' rnto•rc-d the army In ~=:=:=:=:=:=:==:=:=::::::~ 1.-Aaplee NOrm&DC17 1401 July. Hlll( ;Jnd was attl'nrllns: • )f.j l......-----------....:; :------------- fir••rs· Trnlncn~: srhool \\Ill' II rc-I a I I 'S lo•o!'•'it shortly nftrr lht• end IJI lho• \\ nr Ill' 1 h<'n lwramr lr·nck nnd o•ho!O.~ n fn•llhall {"Oill'h Ill Snnta Ana lli~:h ~rhool . pNI\ an~: • "CPil- twnnlly lUIC't't•ssful with h1s track to•:11n~. which won a numht>t" or o·hampionshlptl . Adkinson also was lrarhmg his- lory, ·l'ronnmics an<l rivtcs whpn named vicP·princiJ)III or the school. lie srrvl'd In that position for only two years whrn Ph:ctr•,t rounty superintcndPnl or srhool11. taking of(f('(' In January. 1931 lie tilled thnt post continuously until he resignl'd In J uly. 1945. ~~~~~~~~~~ The candida te is rn11rrl<'d and .. hu three sons, Howa rd, 25: Bc'"\K-e, :t3, and Don Ray. 1~. Bruce 11 a veteran of Wo.rld War II nnd holdt the Purple Ht-nrt and two Silver Stan for br avf'ry. Adklnaon Is 8 residt>nl or La- guna Beach, reaiding 1H 3'\.1 N. Cout Blvd. In tha t br'lch rlty. CHIROPRAOTOK8 Waper DrupM Iastltute Dr. Wilbur O. Wac- Chiropractic, Diftetics, Physto & Colonic Therapy 1110 OoMt BIM., IJoatlr Lapaa lleecll ,.. ... tOll DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School ... Coni a.n.-...... DAY 80BOOL OPENS OCl' 1 o....se.: OoiL Prep., A.rwy 0 . A. Koi'U.mer, K . A., Odord ......._. n.o-llaltler ta DENTISTS IAa.reace B. Dorey, II. D. Physician & Surgeon 321 Mari.De Ave., Balbo6 blaad P1aoee Harbor tiD Gordon M. Gnmdy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Offk».Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; 3-S p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall. M. D. ~ ........... Houn: 2-5, IJy Appomtmalt ~DeMon .. W B~ o.ta.._ berg, the r a n k I n It Re publican wayt. more post offiN'l!, mort> trlr-For office Dr. Obed Lucu DEN'ftST mMntM'r, have 11ccomp8inl'd Srcrc-.:raph line-s, and morc t·hurrlws Neow--Tbnel. tary Byrn('S to the Parla confer-than any other provlnC't'. , ~==::::::::::::::::::::::===============: t'n('(', to lndicatt' that unltt'd front. "It is cstlmatNI that thf•r,. arc If you had an employt'f', who 10,000 motor cars on l hr tsland, wu r11ther fC«-~Ir minded anyway, and t he roads HrP wry windmg and who pl:'nistl'd In amoklng In and dan11erous. \ i'l In >~nmo• r••nrs the room whl'rP you krpt the ltl\10-lhrrt' arP u low a~ two motor-<"nr linr, would you t('il him not to do accidrnts It llltRin. until afte-r the eii'Ctlons. "II Prince Edward !~land llf'a· or woUld you. for your 0 \11'11 IAft'ty \"l'n~ Tiwrc musl lw• s1•m•• ral('h and th€' sofrty nf lh<' nc-l~thborll, In 1111 thi!l. trll him to .:ct n j11h liOmt•wht•rt• ··No It I~ !limply thnt i~lrmt1o•l'l t>ISC'. and taulckly7 adopt('d prohihitinn mnn) Yt'Hrs NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 1:10 A. M. TO II P . M. SouUI O.y, Balboa Yacht Club. East Bay, RJchardson's, Evan~·. VUla Marina, Shlelda', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beaco'\ Bay, Harbor IIJand and South a.y: Hall from any dock or noet. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BA&BOR f!·W I wnnt you tn knoiW just what ago 119001, b<'llt•vp 11111nd prat·tcre this WniiAN' lpet'CII mt•ans an prac-llt. and hilV(' lt•t 11 '"'rk "Ul 1IS tical t<'rms of lhP Unltl'd NAIIOMI own ron~<.-Quences ·· Tho• l"hrost· ai{N'PmPnt, nnrl in ll'nnll or future Inn l'nlon Jlrrald, P. F: I ~========================~ world Pf'll<'t'. I Will hn\'1' to write -------_ thnt 11nolht•r tnnr Drtn CarefUlly-Spare a Uff. ,.... ______ ..;_ _________________ __, For Your Convenience We Will Remain Open .· Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday .. . ..... Balboa Central Market 24-Hour Radio Service Burt R. Norton Ill vo.t IDwa;t a-na Newpert ...... Oalll. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA orr .. y.,. tbe II'ID.t Place to DIM Ia Orup Ooaat)r: All New--- Even the Location · ... One-Half MUe Eut ~ Old Location on Cout HJabway. Beautiful New -r €ocldail Bar We Lead Soutbem CallfomJa ln the Servtna cr- . -SEA FOODS - ALSO Y008 ld.d of 8'mA.U -V1BlT ova KJ lau::N - S._.s Sea Food Spa '· ad FWa MU'ket 4 .c-.. ... ....., "" y, w. O.tnl. Bart.or ltao NEWPORT B&Aml DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST usa wen c-tnJ Plaoae Harbor Ul-.1 Newport INIUBANCI! LIDeola NaUonal Ufe IDsuranoe Co. ..... "·-lDdl~ ..... a.-'" DON nRNlOAN ~'~tofte Harbor tM·R Nl Mutae AYe. Balbo6 lal. OCCIDENTAL LIFI'! INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen ..._ ....................... ........... ......, &IS a..., ..... ...... MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W~ Owwlves thto Bettrr ~ • by St-tvtne Othen Deft"' ..... ..._-. o.la il-~onla OPI'OMJ:TB18T8 E. T. Butterworth. 0. D . Oi;t -trW ln'a EXAXIN1CD LEN8a DUPUOATI:D -................... 111a w. OlolaNI •-~ -... •u ..... ,~ Robert A. Crawford o,t.. D. OPI'OIU"'''Ia''' ~ l:amlned • Ga-PUted lftl "..,.... ....... ---------~-.& IIDtoa II. lluwell, II. D. 1101 a..&...., o..-....... Office Houn: lG-12; 2-5 ftoDe Harbor 1• S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A•e., Balboa llarhr 1'JU Ul S. Bill 8&.. Loe Aqe1ea 'PUoller TIU By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave . NEWPORT BEACH Pbo.,.. ""''-IelSe llo ...,. ... .,.; cau ~-lOtt-a X-Ray Service 'f. P. Reeder, M. n: Pley81clan and lilurl"flOII ' .... w. O.tnJ 'l'eleplaoee Harbor - G. N. PEASE, M. D. Oo .. altatto. -Dl.apoela Hours by Appointment PlloDe Harbor USI.., 8UIIWYOU Raub & Bennett ... ., ................ .. !f ............... o.ea.._ 'l'lhl••• .......... ., 1117W.O.tn.l N ............ t'wlfllr I 01 _._ lJI PIANO nAORJ:a PIANO TEACHER 0 . V. LINSENBARD ~~ ..,.. 0•-natw,,_..,.. Ph. H.uilor 12D-W 1DI w. 0.:... ,.,. .. Order Now for X.. Delivery 8tan-Bltowllird -P-t•-..,...a ... -Dhpw Orders filled for Xmas-free atorage untll spring N--.....r ..... -lleM Ceftn -'l'rallen • •• .U ,. ....... These boat. eonatructf'd ot tlnt"&t dried boat eectu and boat ~· Bnlme. . futeninp, tainleu st.eel rigiDp. bi'CIRR and plaalic flttin~. Open Saturda Sunday and f'ftnlnp M- Ward & Harrin~n Lumber Co. LUIOII:.& A!I.'D BUILDINO IIATEIUAU .. , IJWriet 1" .... ..._ ........ IU OOAaT BIOBWAY AT Til& .&.area Newport Harbor ~ ~ewa •.. .. "' . Sportfiahlq AIID. of Newport ltartior a,: HUGH lldllUAN S. fDU St., 1-A. In Sl minut.e fln OM h~ sixty-one marlin twavy tacklt" from tbe Dolphin lind broedblll havt" bHn wetahed akl~ by EdcHr orr ... a.. H ot In 10 far thla I('&IOn at 1~ New· belnc aatla.ttf'd with OM, Uwy turn-f'd arou~ and caucht anotht'r port Harbor Mutt-r Dock. With marlin wt-lghina 16314 poundl on ttw flahlng In full swing, \'('trran ht'IWY tacltlt' In 32 mlnutN. A sklppt>l'l are workin11 hard for the 112 ~ pound marlin waa caueht on hQnor or being high boAt at thl' ht>avy tackk-i{l OM hour ~ mln· t>nd or the run. Saturday and Sun-utct~ by R. A. PantacH. 623S Hall.)'· I day's tlsh included a 110 pound th martin on ht'A\'Y tackle In 15 v.·ood Bl\'d .. Hoii)'WOOd. from ''I mlnutl'll caur.tht by Ralph Larra-Chinapk, skip~N'd by lt"R Sodt"R bet'. 1306 W. Bay, N~wport. from A 148 pound marlin wu eaqhtl the Amlga, sklppt>rt'd by t::rnM!t on ht"avy tacklt' In two houn :10 8<-rry. mlnutl'l hy IJ"\in B. Gayer. 993 . One Carbon Finish 5x1 Size- A 114 pound marlin on huvy 3rd St .. San B<>rnardlno, from lht• tackl~ in Ollt' hour by J ohn Pt'irlck S klppt>r pilot~ by Ed E rickaon. :--•--------------... !!1111------~ '940 S. Oxford, L.A .. from tht' Sun-&-ven marlin _,.. brouaht In Mr.l. t'OIID A!I.'D'IIU I.AJIIID.,.. ..,_,111C u.. • ......_ ...._ ... riah akippt>rt'd by Edit> Clt>lllnd. Thunday. A 122~ pounder wu Balboa Oc-t. I. lw a -U•'• .... an..r a bu•)' -· 1~ te "'-"' OORDOI a~ FIIDLA Y OON'I'IUOI'Oa AlfD atJ'IU)D Oftloe: Mit o.a&..... .... ...... ,11 CABINET SHOP ·SERVIcE OABINil'1'8 AND IIILLWOIIK T. C JOHN80N, SUpt. FreJa Daily DeJJeioua .,.. J'oode Or. complete equipment When you want to catcb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVI.NUE, NEWPORT BEACH CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock . Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 1'7tb ud S...ta ADa Ave. -o-ta ll.a Going to Build Thlc Year? •You probably have your dream bOUIINI aD worked oat ID your mind-or maybe your architeCt or cootnctor ~y bu prepared plaas oo paper for you. Electridty wDJ have a larp put ill maldog dreams of podwar Uvtng come true. Whea you go over the plans with your builder be ' IUJ"e to uk him about the oeweet develo~ menta ill household labor aavbag aad fmu~ tloul beauty. Oar Experta lo everytldag electrkal wlll be glad to help wltb la,.oot piau or problema. ODe f1111Mtloo 'lday make a lot of clllfer.ee Ia the ''Uve-abOity" of that home. • ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN IRNCI: 4 l t I t 1000 CoMt ll.lway Phone Beeooa M07 Alae ...... ,.,~ !ftl ....................... ~ " ELECTRICIANS . ().0-Two l'lre ........ , ,_ PAOI'OIIJ", PLA.JfT, 8'1'0112. 6rftm, FAUI. BOIU A 17Ht pound marlin on ~svy caught on medium tacklco In ~ .,.. Dn'11 ~ al ... ,.._: C'.an.l ~ -....vWbdal: Mtll tackle in 50 mlnutl'a by Ed Read, mlnull'll by Buatt"r Saueln, 3929 t'ord, tile ...._: ..... , Jleldto•. paa)illc tw vtt.ra.,..._ ... _. ... 940 S. Oxford. J. A. from tht' Sun-Halcon,-bone ~ach, Calif., from -------~''"' llt<rilnt"r lh~tn. flah. sklppt>rl'd by Edd.ll' C'l~land-t h<' Alamo. aid~ by Wee Fow· two flab, one day. ler. A 171 pound marlin wu A 93'4 pound marlin on heavy caught on heavy tackle in 20 mln· tacklt' In 17 minutes by Harry utH' by Ted Von drr AM, 1182 KrOnman. 8851 Enc.lno A v e .. N. Wetbft'l)' Dr.. Loi Anat"lea. There's a "ann Spot In Balboa's Heart for Mel Ford and His Balld Northridgl', "Calif .. from the .0\1-f'rom ttw 111ht Unre aktppered by By ~AC'Il nowr l"'nrd ,.. . whn II 14 •nd who I• nook. aklppt-red by G lt'n Sock>n. A M. L ' DeGr...,.. Mt>l Ford. mal'ttro of the-Bamhnu atudyln.: p iiUHI Sonh' dA)', hla 161..., pound msrlin on b e a v Y A 129 pounct.•r wu caught on Huum ON'ho'Stra In tht' Ramhoo fllthrr hol't'll thl' lAd will makr 1 tackle In 45 minutE'S by Stf'v.•art ht>avy tackle.' In <15 mlnutt"a by Lfo(o ltoom, BalboA. wlll shortly •ay l'hiJ~ hit ln. tho• mu.Cr Wolrltl And Phllllp1, R ivt'rtlldl', from tht' Ela, Pr11tt, Rt. 1 Rox 606, La M«'M 11111118 In 11111 mnny hundrt'd of .l\lumm)' t'olm U )'ll lllll<'n tn tl\ltt aklppereod by H. P. Younglove. from the Jl~ An f«-<'1 pllotC'd by frll•mb In tht• Nl'wport llnrhur I lt'a antn.: to IIC' dirtlcull not A 155~ pound marlin on ht'avy Edward C. f'ru<'han. j 111"t'8~ llt'l•lng Mc>l Jo'nnJ and hla nN"hN· tackle In onl' hour ~ minutE'S A 1!\2"' pound marlin on ht'nvy Mt•l 15 IRking 11 month's vaca-tr" ftntun•l t.h•• """.'hoo R'"'"' by Will Barry, 7252 Wlllouahy ta<'klr in 15 mlnutl'l by FN'd Pfll· linn nnd will lpl'nd part of •It at llfh'r I l<'tollf•r t• I n•'Xt SundRy). fnr A\'1'., Holl~ood, from lht> boat II'}', 601 W 3rd. DoWTWy, fro:n th•• P•tlm ~flrln~t!l 11w Bnrnhuo Ru<1n1 11•' lind 111~'Y ltrf• •wo•ll R11>11 ~··I Tambor, aktppeN'd by l.avt'rn<' Sklt'l)er piloh>d by Ed Erickson. o1rdw.otr11 upo"''" to'"' lucatt>d "' sn)~ ho' wilt hf' ha('k rwlCt sum-· H':\65 pound mac.lln on ht'avyl A 135'1.. pound m11rlln on hl'a\')' 11 ~WIInky nll(ht !!put 111 u. An· nw~ nn1t th11t i11 lklfiW N'ln~OII\tlnn ta<"kll' In onl' hour by Gordon la<'kll' In on<' hour by B. J. WHt· ~o:•·l··• lot th•• ronriUI'IOn ur his \II· wl~~::: ~~~~~·~;. ~~~:~tru, 11nd hc•al AdgC'It, 1234 So. wooc:~.s Avr., L. A .. lunrl, 42R"' Country Club J:?r·· Lon~: 1 ·'""" • from thl' bo3t Earl 11 skipJX'rf'<l Rrnd1, from tbr At~'<' 11, ptlotrd h) ·nw huys \\'hn mukl' up hi~ ,., .. by Earl .... Hurst. Arthur Toylur. l'ht·~tra. c .. rrun llollw•rl'l, hiiM< \'our Friends and Mine A 123•. pound marlin on hl'avy A 17" pmmd nulrlln ron ho'll\') P 1' •' 1 "lull'!~· Jllnnl~t n11) llolldr n, • tacklf' itl 45 mlnutrs hy Lro Spill , llll'klo· Ill I 1• holll,.. hy fWn \'an \'llll'lll'htlllt• ""'' llrllll". Hnd Mo•l \lr~ .I (' l .lnnhnr~:··r "' n ..... ' 515 Lorna \'lstn, Rt'''l'rly lltll!\, 'rrl'>tS, ~37 Sn Gnfhth Park Driv<'. F""1 lflt'lr '''""''1 · ""''' r •• ,.,,,.,l Mo·~·'· """ rt·o'>'nll\ undcrw••rr ' from lh<' Jloalohn. pilol<'d IJy n Burhunk. from tlw Dolphin with _,., .. rul ll(lt'rll, "'""' ul \\hl!'h thl'V ""')'II' llltt'I'RitPII "' :-: ........... IIIU j Dunnins:. Eclrlu-Offoorlr nl thr wht"t'l. A h "'' 111'' •·fll·~·t . pllnl, '""II l t.•,wh. '' \lt•ll '"' tho• A 224 ·~ pound mnrlln on hf'B\')' 14R 1, t••unol n•~trlin on h" n v Y • • "~~~ ''' r•'''"'''' > 1tn1t I~ ~''I"'''INI I t at>kl<' m on<' hour :!5 minutt's hy turklo, 1n onw hnur 10 minutl'!l h) "~ M~:L S,\Y:o;, l'l~o• <t\\'llukh't """"' 'l'ttt•,.oluy Fr11nns \Vdnlll'rJ;. ~~•I '·• Nn. AI-~ Ma'< ~·hull/, 8f>fo ~ \\'o•Sjj:J"JI. L 1'1111 ' 1 "1'~ llto•m all .,,.,, \\o •'ro· !:1\'· 1\ •l11111:hlo·r. \\)In 1111• ~~~·11 ''·•I" I frl'd S t .. L A rr,lm lhl' Sunfish. /\. fn•m .. ,. Sktp /\Inn~:. pilott-d It) llll: " '"'' ·~·n•ul•TIIIInn.. ... ('h.orlo ,,. \till, \\/IC '"'"' "'' w11h Eddio:> ('h•land .\129 l"'und (';\I TUI·ko·r Tho 1'•1111"•1 l!o-un '"'''11•·'1'''1 •~ ''''"II) '" ~!1 httol l\1 " l'h~trl.- 1 tlu fu,, h.erut f~+r llt••d hv F n ttf ·-·r I t I' 1\1 • marlin on ~t·ll\) ttwkll' '" two Fotur mArhn o•nnw Ill"" Wf'dnt·S· ,, ul 'I' '""""·I ~• ~''''" ,., h ~ • I (' ,.. "'I ... ., ... ,,. Hr•• "'" tl• 11 •• •I ···,•·rul II• r ,.,11 A 1 , ·r• our~ :ta rmnul r<~, 'Y , :-. tll\'f'r. ria>· A 1:!:\ 1,.11111t.t\'r 1111 h('S\') ~ ·•· • • ••r • ,., •• nn~t''"'""· \urhna flt~l :\lur. frunl the' (~hf'rH· tHf'klt• in :.!1 nunut•~s h\ \V. E fn•·ttHut ... '''""' ,. 1ftt•·-· tunn·un•lw•· dttUt•ht••r t•l ~1t '•n•t ~1•• ltttlph I kl'o', ~ktppo•r,.ct h y \\'h~ I•• \Vomal'k l'riH'"~'"~~· :ttl N < >ukh~nt J)r . 11 'I • .,,, lh•·n " I '"11' on·uodw•l rrt 'r11n1:• "'·"' oor 1 t:) '.!1tlt •I I•~ 1. No·w I L" t.1 • t 1 I I I 11 1' "1"1 '""'"' ho· dt•o·tol• d llu•t nn ur· J"lr l '''''' I'•III<IOfl r 1'1 rt)' ~ ~~I 1111' Ill 1'1 II •• tlt•\l•rly llolJ,, rrurn t hl• Skip A Inn~: ' y " • I pound mnrhn loy l>wk lll'llt•r. 6:t!J ~ "llh ( • ;\I Tut·ko·r 1111,1t in~o: , . .,,.,,," ltko· llw l'f''" 111 "11(' "'"" l\,,,' lilt'•· ht'''"'''K "'''I,. l••u••ll I lit• '""'' '"" '"1 '"1:''""' ariel t.lnl""' l1 •t ,.. k t I' I I \\'11 \\' I A lfoll'. IIOIIrlllo•r nn h•·••'Y lnt•klo· .. ,,.,. ,, ,,. 11 I "'ilt lh •• I '" ~o n<l """"' lo•\•'r" think "" •·, nt A I I I \ \"Ill I in :l hnurs -, lllllllll••s hy M11x ~ 1 0 nu. "'" · 11 111 ' " ''" l Carr's Feed Store llaw•t•hilol, )ot.l7 ;-.; .. Myrth• Avf'. 1'"' '1' I nf I '•·~·" l'tll·~ll In ''"""""" Suolllo· · ·"''' tlu luur ul "'·" <:n•s .1\to•l ~111 111 n .. '1ilr'' I I c1 H d G . Pnmnnn rrcom ""' Maunnt• 1\ Ill. ' -II " ·' rn•· ·"' ... ·'"' V, ay an ratn skippo•r(•cl lty Ala n P . c C'rllllt. ~~~ 11111111.:11 II·· Wl'fl' llolklrll: nr " Rulholl '" 1 '~<111111•1 lliU\IIHiplo ''" Quality F---1-" 1'111' d r I '""~'" IIIII~ ktll• I""'" ''"'' Elllllllt .lo·lln ~·11/\\lill'r, · ~ · ' 11"1111 mar 111 •>n r<'lolU II· ~ 111 ol 11 •·~I unSUN'I'~"fully In ( '•"'" M•·~n . Hnft In tlnn • '' J111110 ~ -§-ti"n ll~ht tm•kll' '" nnl' hour I!'\ o·nlhl In n mi11lfory ~•·r\11'•' olurl n~t nrul p.,J,.,..~ lr•'n•· Hnll""''· IIHI OalJJ DeU..,.-BeaC"o• $!46 minull'l' hy r F Stlmcllf( 411 llcl-llw 111,.1 ~nr nnd wn~ turn•od '""1 _ llroi)C' Coronn dl'l MAr, from tho• 11 h r1 ld4-cl h 1 1:1 1 ..... Newport Blvd.· Pha ntum ~ktpprro·d hy Normnn own: (' ,... • I at \1' N"l t Mr lind Mr• Julin !'l'l·llilt J r . WE C08TA MJ:8A llt•~tl:. ' h··~t "''':''' 1118 rount r)" hy l'llll'r· :!Ill Knox ••r•'t'l, c·,,..,, M•·tuo, 111 • '----------------J A 146 d h 1 IU · 1111:8 dl lf'n~W plant llr wtUI l'm·,pnrf'nC• uf 11 """· ""'" s,.1,1 19 "''r----r------------------~---... -1 poun c>r 1111 "8"Y fl<' 1 nloyf'd by I h Swl'dl A 1 S J -------m •I~ minur.•s tty IvAn Ellmo,rf'. 1 ,. . t', uw c>ro • 1 II'U'IJh h••f'IIHI 11nd \\I'IIChln~ 4t r----------------.,170'' s L A s A h •l r I('(IIIIJ>IIIl) "' C.J.nf1nl··· und wlulo· ~1'\t•n JJIIUIIII•. 14 '"'"". Co"'ker AKC " • • • t • na ( m . rom 'h h . I'' • r I I -~• " II th .111 f, 1 ki _.. 1 t'r•• " ~"''' ~· I''"'" u } """ A •uu Will hnrn ~·pi 'JII In Sl A LLM ARK I l' 1!1~ ~ar lllrll S IIJX'r•..., I}' f 'I • . Tommy Sl'n It'<'. . or ""r' l'f'm•:n ~ ·''"'''''" h<Hitlltlll In .Ill~ ""tf Mr'!f ' ' • • All hoat~< from Kinl:c'l L'lnJtnt:t .. , ,. ., llo•nry l'••miH•r·tnn. 'J'J.!. ~1rd Jlrf'•'l, I d-" i t I h c1 g I I MAY :>:• I I hll\ • hc•••n 11hlo• In Nc>WJW>rl f\rnd 1 II•' \\ f'l"h"lt ••" ,,11 C A R D S I oa '" up .,. 1 nrrocu n 1111 II)'. " Mockrrl'l rt~hin~ h8~ ~~"" l(tH icl llf't LI\C•nc•·,"·" !\1.-1 ~.I)'S .• hill I'm pnuntb, ruur olllno't ... from thf' Nc•wport Pil'r. l\lcCullnh 111111'~~• <llro• 11"' 1'111~0111 I Jllo\'f' Mr flnol lllr~ ltll'hnrd MM 'Ill"'· For Birthdays nrO!I Bar~.:•· off Nl'wport rt'Jlor ts hNu r111'''1 '"1111' "'"'""1'''1 fl~.:hto•r " l:"ti'J'~ 1-.n•t <'••ntr 11l """"""· lluf. m:H·k••rPI hHhhtJI nnd t'-nrrlll'lldn II •lui, M..t, tho• 1~'11 ('ru!ls c·ttn l•u•, wriNmwd " ft!llllth•c>r , lao•rn Wecl.dlq A.lullverurlee ht'inl( CllU.I:hl Ne\\purt B/1)' PMho•r· ll~~llro.· )<Ill of t hat ~··pl .~' Il l s""'" Allll (',11,1\lllllii,V aad Etc. ml'n h&\'1' lx'f'n landm~e •P''''" 1\o·fnro· .. r.::tnl711llo! hill '1"'11 nr· h••spltal ""'' .,.,.ll(htnl( f'll:hl tlirurllf, PBONJI BMOON ....., tlltfN ....... .._ DORA LEE'S Vues :< "gurtaes Lam .. :: ec.~ Jewelry cronkl'r on lncomln~.: tidt's ·~~'"" cho·strtt ;\I• I 1-"utol Phl)''fi "11h ""'' 11 m1 n hnlf """"''" razor l'lalflll for batt nlh••t· l~~tnot~ . .oil'll ~~~ Fr•••I•1Y Slru'k, It wtul 11 dlllll(ht•·r for M•· 11ncl --------·----f-:ddu• M1ll•·• unll llmr)• <1\\o•nJI fnr l\1r~ .I t• Plukl, M '• Wo••t lluoull-pr•rHtd.~ uf from '"'"' m11nth11 I•• Inn lllrc>r t, ('""''' M··~ll. holrn S.•Jtl we MWI ... IIW .. III v .. u •• 8111111 • Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Oeeu Front We Wrap Gifts WILLEY'r REFRIGERimOR JERVICE COmPAnY ... -~-8en1ce ttO Coeat 111M., C..... del Mar ...... ....,.. nat N lcll&, ~ 11- "A Place Where fishermen Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer , Mixed Drinks -Short Orders 1 07 2 ht PlaNo Special B A T T E R Y S a I e ATTENTION, BOAT OWNERS! Here's a bargain in BA1TERIF..S you cannot afforti to pass up. Bring in your old battery and we will rt'plan• It with a new 200-amp.-hr. $rl6 WILLARD BA'ITt;RY, fo r 125. These arc not ref)<'lired or rebuil t batteries. They are j~ .DJt new as if they were shipped to you from the Wlti'.~D factory. But the nwnber Is limited -so DON'T WAIT! • \'oar Car -·- • Yo.r ao.t We WhoiM&Ie • Y•ar aad Median leal Retail I'Aral...-& --- Storey•a·· Battery Service WMbnl ... te; 8tn!oe& lbctwem 18th and Mqnolla) Phone: Beacon 5183 Costa Meaa '"'' Sl'lt~,.n~ 1!1 In Sowt11 Anlo C'ull1numtty ht>ll• 1 11w Mot~·runlw•. tho· 'l'rCX'at.l<•ru. Jill Il l Rnd \\o•i~thlnl( 11111 Jlm:n'bl, lot I thc> Aml•a,!lrlflnr ftllll t ho• Grovr ou~. wo•r•: ~''""' ur rhr Suuth•·rn C'n!i·l __ _ __ f•?rnrll n it:thr. ~~~111 111111 tho• St , Scotch tapi', varloue altt"S, oo Jo rilnd~ tn Snn t rl1nf'l!~l'u 11nd thr ••I• at tht' N w .·J'I El C'rtrto'1 hut<'l tn S11n Oir•~tn Wl'rt• r 11 nl<'l · 8 f•·w or th•· ~'"ltnky phll'f'll whf'r•·',--------------. hr plllyl'd with IIWIII' on•ht'tllrttt I l\11'1 "~~~ hnrn In Runt• II, K11n~11• liE 1!': MAfiHIEII hi~ Wlfl' Will l.llli11n Arnl'll, whu wso11 11 """'~I phumst v.llh un ull-airl orchntr11 whkh """ lti••Y"'I.t tho• 1-'unl'hon l M~trro rtrnur In tho · Wf'~t wh••n 1 Ml'l rnm,. alnn~t nnd snld, "llonry. you'n • 1 l11· ""'' lur mt•" Th1• F11rd" h11 ' ,. •Ill•· ~~A on. M..t -~I roa IN8t111ANa aa Howard W. Gerrieh 1111 Newpert ............ COtri'A IIUA ..... ...._ 1111 Automobile • Fin Accident • Life Uct'R~~e and Contract l'lorwb Written Quality Lumber and Buildinr Material• ' • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. f1nt n .... MfW'haak>_, Work Mf)TOU Jli:BUILT • ,.. __ v,. • "p!'!C'taU )' • teo. ..... Cutom Slip Coven-Draperlee Ill Martae AYMI .. NO PLACE IN • •' 811:8VJC8 Hamburgers Mafts Sundaes 1. I ll E THE Coffee and Donuts Waffles' 1501 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE P II 0 N E II A 8 8 0 8 % I 2 5 .b • r--.. Plsed' ......... Stnlpteaed • Bod, ........ Have this 4-Point Check • Auto Paintlna $10 ....... l. .... IU!D • kllo'I'TIO" acaYII'II -~... -~- ... .,, ome - oans l•hrett CMt tlec,...._ ............. ,.w .... , .. will .... "' , .... NEWPORT BALB04 FEDERAL SAYINGS ••tl LOAN ASSO C IATION 8888 VIA ~100 NEWfiDIIT .lEACH, CALtP:ORNIA On Yoar Way to Saata Ana Or When 1a Costa Mesa Step at--- DRIVE-II t Rlldlo-Eiecblc lsl11d Record Shop Effective Odober 1st The Modem Store With Modem MetthandUe e PIIILCO e OICIU:aAL I:Lt:CTIUC e ADMIRAL e BOFYMAS e PACilAILD ftF.LL e WILVOX OAY lll'lCORDIO Olmplctc Llnl' of P opular Drnnfl R<'rordl' RadJo and AppHance Service Specialists Customers Now on Merchandise Waitif!g List Will Retain Their Priori ty Henry W. Brainerd 300 Marine Harbor 780 Balboa Ia~ NO DOWH ........ ., • • IIONIW t'O PAY WI SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 011 FHA TerRIS • ·Lasts a Lifetime · • Makes Sprinkling Easy • Lowers Water Bllls • Pays for Itself -PHONE FOR J'RD: mrDIATE- Sprlllder Co. ..__ --- <Cont. From Pa1e 1 ) MNa conb-actor to lcarn why the Yf'lt>rs n'a paJlC'I'li wc•re taken In thc fll'llt place and Why they hav" not been rf'tur~ to him. 1 The grPatest drnwback In speed- Ing up action on veterans' bulfd.l lnl( Ia the fncl that pur1.:hns" ord·j crs for huilclln~t mlllc•rlaJ. arc• m11de out impropc•rl)' "Pur ch&l(• nrdct1 muat l>t• aC<'Urllt(' m nrdcr 111 tw rated and valid ,o lhc Vl.'ndor ul I mlllttrlal." Handy explalned. Jf not pru(Jt'rly tlllt'<i out h} tht• war YC'It'ran. 1111' vendor cun ll:ll()rl' thc nrdr•r 11nd the fl'<l••rnl l ~eovt•rnnwnt h111< "'' b111la on which to lnterft•r1• Slat.-0-Wood AWNINGS .... CANOPIES • ..., ~-t ... offer .....,.... ......... ,_ U7 ................ c.-It wt• ........ llla.-e Uaee. ••. ..... .-e ... ...-rfer~ -~~Q:ao.=:; Benson Slain in Duel With FBI in Dakotas Veneti:Bnnds Wood -• Atlam • -Steel For f"'-Eltlmatea C&1J : SI.An+'NIII AWNING 00. 111 ea. ,...,...,..,. 1M. The naDlt' of John FGrederlck Bf'naon, fu~tltlvc from juatl~. wu acratchf'd off the llat at Ncwport Bf'ach pollee atatlon Wf'dnf'llday, when newa wu r~lvf'd that Bf'n· 10n wu killed In a gun 'durl wtth FBI apnt1 In Sanl.lh, N. 0 Jut S11turday. A==W• . ft. M'rf er-N .. D,.._ St.,~ ft. I...., . .....,_ 'hll cap.. Bf'naon wu wantf'd rot lhc •hootlnll: or an FBI &lent nt Kackley, Kansu. He wu 31 years old. "ANNOUNCING" A New Service to Ute People of Ute Bay Area lloar ..,.. ......... Deeorauac o-e by Es"Pflrl Palllt.f'ra. We have a vett>ton crew of po.lnten< and papt'rhan~ters waltlnll: to do your job. All wo~ Is gtvm a written gunrantf'C. Cnll u.<~ for a frt'e est imatc. mona. VI:TERAN FORO OF.AI.ER BrO.DH ftODV !'IIIOP RLDO. IN COSTA MESA AREA Ford di'Aio•r Thl'ndnrl' Rohinll told N'p()rtl'rs last wr•l'k hi' will bcgin conlltrurliom immcdl.1trh on a "''"' hullchnJ;t 111 Colllo M•'•:t houslntt n rnmplf'tc txld)' nnd pl\lnt I shop for nil rnnkcll nnd typcs of "Service Is Our B1nmts.s" 1\Utomohllr-Ground wn~ lrR~rd PHONE BEACON A.WS..M 1536 NEWPORT 81.\''ll. from Chnrlo'!l T<'-Wiflklc on thc BURTON PAINT STORE ;......_-------------------------....!.~ W('!ll llicfo• O( the )7()() hiO<'k on Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phooe Harbor 1033 BALBOA MEREDITH'S- PaJm Ave. 307 v e n e t i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Muafadurml of o.tom Bait Bllack Complete Repair and Renovatinl' Se"ice Free Eltlmates m ...... ·~.-..... Nc,..·port IHlUll'\'ard for 1 hi' ""f .th· lishmt'nt. Thr \'1'11'1'1\n Fc1n l rli~tnhutnr wns tho~ f1r~t ;cut .. mohill' rlo•~tlc·r in I thl' llnrht•r ;crrrt nnrl llunllm:lnn Bf'ac-h. Jljc t•\p.tn~ion pm~.:rnm lwei llf'<on pin nnc•ol fnr S<'\'t'ral ,·rur~ hut tht' rro•l'nt wur had int,.;fcr rrd A l'•lrct ~huwrno:mt 11nd wwtl c:nr 1 lot Will h.-;ulclo•d 'o lht• h•><ly umt paint ~hnp ·•• "'011 ,,,. lhl' IIW\'o• 1~ po!l~ihtc• o Stan)ey Is Host I Al's<'rnhl~ mnn • "'•'('! F. 11 r I \\' Stnnlo•y "i ll IX' ho."t l(l 11 pnny In·: cluclin~: Ll~ i\n;:t'lo•J< Cnunl) · IJj, , triN A IIOTJl('\ Fr('<il'rirk Jlnu~l'l I at bn'nkfn!'t In the Cn."HIWII\' rluh \Vcdno''cla). lloust>r 110 thr ill'puh.j lican cnncildntr for ~tntl' nttomt•y . Pueuc NoTICES • Sell Your Automobile to JOE NIC"ERTZ Studebaker Dealer r will pay you top legal ceiling price. If you have a spare or a second car, trade it now for a-194'7 STIIDEBAKER Delivery at a future date JOE NICKERTZ S4J5 W. Central A\·e. Newport l~h II T~~u!R!~~~K ij DRAFTING LAMPS 511 state mp-y ae.ooa M06 NeWJM)rt ~~Melt Why Sufferr ftac!ka.rhe. RM4aor'-, PalM ln Orola and t..ec-1-of \'lt&l- lty-"Aiwa;ra Ttnod"-m~tll and Low Blood J>re.,ure -"811~ plft&'" -Orowtq Old befol'f' )'Oar u-Aaeml-sktn and kklllf'y ""-ttta ~t quiC'k· ly to oa.r F.xc:'IDtllvf' T~ue Wlthoat DfUC'I'. Pala, 8a~ry nr lajfoeUo- C'-Itall"" F1Utl: 117 ....... _ DR. r;, F. B.~LL. D.C., PIL.O. 1., n.d Str'Mt N' I'W'pOrt ~~Met~. <'aut. l"hcMte Rutlor II J4 .... : llutlor lttl .... .... ·--n-. ....... ... ... ..... 7 ...... tw••• P & F LIGH~ PLANT 8ALE8 A..""'D SE&VICE 8ervloe ud Part~ for Fum ud Boat IJpt Pluta Watter p._,. Coe&a MeM ' 6Balboa c}(arlret More Tlaaa It y_,.. ol 8enlee to ... llartMw'a Ml .IIAIN l"'eMt CU.tele BA.LBOA, OALIP. THE SHADE SHOP Announces Its Opening Agents for AERO Custom built Venetian Blinds Wood or Aluminum We will l'OOn be abl(' to take orders also ror Quality Shades to fit your winctows 213 20th St. Fast Service Assured Free F.Mtimates Newport Ph. Harbor 15'70-W DRAFTING. SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates Ill CoM* IIIP....,. (Ia ... IIJnde lllle) .au.or'rll -WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout W.hway 101 • lloortulud ........... for Boe1a for a.le • Paddle~ for lleilt by ............. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin COSTRACI'OB CEMENT WORK 1'1at \\'ork a; FoundaUoaa CALL 15%% ·I FOR INFORMATION Aorence Bakery liain Stn' •t Balbo• NOW CLOSED ~or Several Weeki ~'e .ake :hi s oppor am ··~ • J .hank our many pa ~·ons and friends for heir liberal patronage. Watch Our Window for Opening Date Mr. and Mrs. Edward F\roank Ebell Club Spruced Up for Fall Opening, New Committee MemberS Announced Harbor EWU club mem~n. coming for the ttnt W I meetln• on Tilllrs, daY. wtU find the fanultar tan building coverro wt~ a new coat of paint In fl'Hh and attractive white. It wu applil'd Monday, and Jut week tht> kltchl'n als,, re· etlved a decoratl\'e coat In prep- aration for the tall ch•h sn!Kln. • Monroe Manning Is thl' ached· ull'd apeakl'r for opt>nln1: day on "It Happened In thl' Theatl'r." a nd the new president, Mrs. Bru<X> Me· BriM. announcl'S that Mrs. J . L..••· Ue Steffeoaen. director of tho Cedllan Slngen o.f Santa Ann and l'Hident of Coro011 del Mar, will be guest soloist; also ths: Mn. Sidney Blackbeard' will . be In charce of the tea table Committees announ~od by Mn McBride Include: Program. Mra L. L. Isbell, chairm an ; i•1rs. Harold Woldcnberg. Mrs Obcd Lucu and Mn. Wayne Harper; ways and means, Mrs. F. A. Youn~e. chairman, Mr11. Altx•rt R<'Cht,•n, Mrs. Georee Walters. Mn~. AI !lor· vath, Mrs. Robert Wal•a·r. Mrs. George H. Stricker, Mrs lll'inz Kaiser and Mrs. Sam Klnafuther JUowrvatlon•. Mn. Alf1'1a K. Blodirt>tt, c hairman, Mlu Ma1"da Phonel 13 and 208 Coombe; house, Mra. S. Heyman. ---------....,.---- chairman. Mrs. Roat•r \Vood: ml'm· tx-rship, Mrs. P. J . W illon ; welfurt', Mrs. E . E . Boudlnot : arts and crafts, Mn. Vernon Orr. eh:ur· man, M rs. Albert ~n. Mrs. C . L . Thom : book IC!ctlon 1, Mn. Newport Members H ostesses to F AC Bridge Section · Obed Lucas, leader; book a«:t:un ---2, Mrs. H. V. Snodgnu, lu der,l So•w n t11blrt WPre In ~lilly fol· hridgt' section t which met'll the lowin~ a dl'llclous d('U('rt lunl'hecx~ th ird ThUJ'11day at the (')UbhuUJI('I, Wh('n the.-hrldjtl' S('<"tiOn Of lht> Fri- Mn.. S. W. 8\ackbeard, ch1tlrmnn, day A(t.-rnoon cluJ• wu Pntt'rtaln· and Mrs. H. M . W elsh , co-chair· I'd rl'('('n tly In t hl' Newport Bfoach man; reception, Mrs. Wayne Hn· homt' of Mrs. C. V. Un~<f'nb~tl'd pt'r , chairman. Mrs. H. E. Fr~..._ Mrs. Henry Eg~tcrt waa joint h(lf>· man, Mrs. H. M. Wt>lch; publicity, t~. Mrs. L. L. bhell; Federation, Mr11 Jnt'luded among thr brld.:e en- Robert Jayred; C'OW'tt'ly, Mrs. 0. thuslaall atl4'ndlng th<' aJfalr were z. Robertson. .M~sdamt'l Charlt'l N cAJary . .l011i~th Mrs. Harold Woldenhcr~ Is di· K•rby, Cor nt>Uus Pia•. William rretor of mualc with Mn. Harold Kr<'drl, G. F . Ludiow, II. 11. Lie-' Ahrendt as accompaniat. and Mn. nnu, lh•ln:r; Kals1•r, Fmnk Twit· Robert L. Jayrcd ia chairman of chcll, E. I. Moore, J <'rrold Spang· the fall ~•uzaar. which Is to b" lt'r. W E. Nlckt>IJ, G. II Rldlt>y, ht>ld No\'t'ml~rr 16. Florcnrl' Shl'llrl'r . F.dlth Cooper, Eugf'nf' Frnrlon, Boyd RollC'rla, E. Or1ve Cantully-Spare a Uh. J . \\'right, GM rgt' Gny, C'. G. Hua· ton, C'hnr lf'll Andrl'W'!!, C. F . Hand, foi'rd Haurk, P . V Parki'S, Misses Alirl' Plumer and Lyda Conant. WE WELCOME YOU ------- .Cub Pack 105 Organizes for Year TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ; -60 -90 Days) Attcnd.-d by 60 parents. Scout offi~rs a nd committc<'ml•n. an or· ~ani7atlon ml'l'tin£ of C'uh f'nck I();) wns h4'1d Friday t'\'l'nlng at • Feminine Activities Cub Pack 110 Committee to Meet Wednesday ·· • • Mil. A ND MR8 . LYNN KI:PI•t:R nf {'.orona drl M., .,... ""'nu In a pee.lw _,.. ... tllry have dln-r .. tile p~l#ntlou• c· ... t .... -.~ .. r lub OVf'rlooklnc Balboa Kay. Sute tiM! .,_,.ful t:,. Tan1uay lan111 un tbe tabW. Botb lantp UNI table Wf'"' lulntl·fA•hlunNI h\' tlw lnlmll· ablf' Do!!_~kf'!"UUt• ('a•tal4'1l llldpprr. -1\o•nl llltdtt'<ll'k phcrlcr Ralldence Phone 1637 -R Costa Mesa PTA Will Meet Tuesday \ 'cr!\111 M•••n l ;1 <111111\ltr Sf' he"') l'nro•nt·T••Iwho•l ll~~"l'lllllom "til huhl th<'ir f•r~t nw ••u ne: nf 1111• \'1'111' Tlu·~oln). \ h·l ~ 111 2 :141 p 111 111 lht• m:oln Ko'ho>o'l nutlltur lum "lth llll' lllllt1CIIIo'th•ll ttl I""' ll'lll"h01'1"11 "1tnd ~ I ,elk ~~~ Slll't'l'l!l· r.·ndr nt l-'\o'l •'11 It••·• The· l'hAnl(t' Ill nit"' l in~ elulo• ftCIIII I ho• fil"'ll '1\wllldny ""~ o'HII••~I I\\' "''' lt•l(lll· ltell\'f' ln~ol l11tlo· twin <ol t ll'nn~;•• un l hnl du)' All n\uth•'l"" 11ro• Ill\ llo•el lei Kt · tl'ml nnd ~•nttll duldn •n "111 lit' Ink•••• rur.· "' nn thf' pln) e:n•uml. "r If till' wo·:o llwr I~ hntl. In 11 t<e'IIC" •I roo om. Tilt' f1r~1 hunnl "''"'ltn~ Wl\a lll'hl ln~t 1'111'1"'"> in tlw klndl'r · 1:11rt<'n With Mrs 1-(,·nnf'lh :<to•Wtlr t 1'1•''1'1111~ 1\t r'l l .ln)'Ct ~IIIIJioun . ~lr~< """' '\ .. n 11n11 nnd M" ,,, .. ,.,,h II1JIIlhl••l \\'o'rt' lll'l'l'lnlo'll n• tlo•lo· !:lol l'~ ''' r•l le•ncl llu• le·~~•lu!IV<' hi · ~tlluh• New DauRhter at Q_ouglas Priest Home <'11h ~'I Ill lin.: "Ill jlo'l uncto•r wny for I 'eH'k lilt uf ~ '""''"" til" I 1'\hr· 1\1111~111 1 ~1111111 \\1111 II t'llflllll llf't' me't•lln~.; '" ht' lw lct WNlrll .. d&)' e•\l•nhll.; Ill 7 ;\1) "' till' 11•1111(' "' ~1•· 11 1111 Mra J~trk M"''""· I Ul l'rr •t"l A\'rnu«-. """"'" talanct, \\ lwn II ~~ o'"I"'Chod 11 l 'llhllllllll'r will l>o• ao•lt>t·hod nn11 pll111• nuuk• ft1r tlw fh·~t IW&"k nwo•tlnR ~ 'onllllit~~l .. nf'r lh>l~o•rl F 1ut 1111111 \\•Ill he· JV'f'lll'nt nnd t"lllmltto..- nll'tnh••fll 11ro• lloh l'•••k .. t.oc•k Mil !itlll, Hnr11ld lloltt, <tt•>~r..:•• L < ;uthrlf' "'"' Harry llhwlwo•tt llt•n Mt•lhl'ra wtt1 ml-t'l ttl the' Mn1<nn '"'"'~' 111 !) :10 n 111 Jo"rlct11y nwrnln~t fur Nlrfl'f' 11ml d•HIIthnula, Kll(l to r•'<•r~llnl:r;,• 1111d diaf'IJ&II 1•lllllll fcor Hw )'f'llr Vol~ ._.111 l10• no'f'lh'll 11• m11ny llt•n Motht•n h11vt• h•ft tit• e"mmwlil ~ nr ""'''' h11d Cull,. ouh uru't'fl to Sroullntt DDF Club Meets At Island Home '!(to • W11llo•r NHIIttl .. r No•wt•nrt lal11n11 \\'lUI hl,..lo•ll>!!l Frlel11y o•\'f'nlntr '" tho• )) I) Jo" e·h1h Whe•n hrldlt' ""I ,,,. "•'1'1' o•nunll'ol nl I hi' l'l<* of lht• ''"'nine.: Mr~ llttrr)' U11kl'r hl'lel hi~th And Mr., Rtt • fT11l1: hf'ld ,., ho\rtoll /1. mlelnl~thl !IU(l)'f'r N tm• l•lo·INI n tll'lh.:h• rut 1'\ o•nln~: lllt•mltt•n prMrnt lndudfod _ttw> Ml 111111 Mrll J'l,turtlu" l'rl•"''· 91t) M•'~~dllnl•·ll l'lwldem Smith, Roy I 'fll:o'. t .. ·wl• C'mc, Rtty Crnl~t, lllll(t•r ('cor,~l hl.,;hwny, ur•• fllll'f'nla o r II el~eu..:ht•·r, l11•r11 ~•'I'' !!'1 tn ~~ :~~~~~·,;:;·;..ll~';':~illr\"k.o;~,;'~~~:'':.!:: .Ju).•·l'h h<~IH I KI Slw "''le.:lu'll '"'"o•n In~""''"' (lf'tol~<or II 111 ttw htJrne I"'IIIUI:c 11nrt nine· emnt""'· 11nd h11a .• ... ~ "Cap'n?' Don'• e.~towG~ (J~ .... _. I I ... • ... Artaa* lla~ ... "'-..... w ... OeMt" -~ eo.:bi.:'tton Dlnnen L:. NewMdU•.....a Seafood SpedaltJee ~ ..... .., ..... , B&A.OON 5465 A ~11-.'•N._...OIIII, N..,.n ...... Marbro'• Invite yO\I to come In and open a charre account. Our atoclu are complete with the late.t styles ot Ladlea' I thl' Nl'wport BE-ach G r ammar ~>rhcl>tl auditorium with C'ubmastn II. () Boywy In char$:1' Capilla Circle Hears Claremont Speaker P arr nts of ni'W C'uhll J:(lt llC· T II f o· . p j A 'd d b F d I quainttod with C'uhbln~:. boys Wf'r<' e 0 lStrtct ro ects 1 e y u n '"'''" nr1mo'fl lo:Aiht•rln•• Mar~nro't. nf Mra JOIK'(lhlnt• 1 ){julat. Nt'W· port llelahta. 1 ;r:utrll':tl o·111 • uf t ht• htth)' 11rr Mr. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. u11d Mrs I 'hnrh'll l'rie·~<l Fine ,Apparel. NatloaaDy Adverttlled READY-TO-WEAR mARBRdJ c/ania Qna, na WEST 'TB ST. PHONE ltol Store B oon: Dally IDcludlng Saturday 9:SO A. M. to t'i:SO P. M. r••e.:istrrrd. th('re was. 8 g('nl.'r al Thrt'l' e C'nls a d;l\ Sl'''"'~ .. ~mull nllt•ncl fe•t \!II' eliCit" ll!l wo•ll II~ I dl~eussion of probll'm!l nnd the sum inc1•~·tJ. hut tlw ce•wl II l'lln ~· .. un~: I•'" '•· "' tl,. olulrC'Ih•• progrnm forth<' )'f'Rr \\&.~outlined. Herberta j o hnson Honored at Redlands do ""s ..:r11phkall). rl'lnl••el h~ Mrs Mr~· e • Z Hcoho·r t"'" I'FI"'""~' :-:nmcd 11~ nldo; to Mr. ik>Y"'<'Y F rnnkhn \-\'nrnl'r of ('lare·mont. nnd W• lo .. n~o•d fl hoi c•• ..:• 011p .ol :0.11 .. " ll••rl)t'rlll .luhn11<1n, •lnu~h· 1 Wf'rl' two l.llllli~tnnl C'ubrnnstt'MI. SJK'II ko•r nt the• firsl llf'll~t>nnl mt•e·t · hnlh nlol uod n•" 111•1'11~·•' J\1'" •··•· nf \lr nnel Mr• llo•rho•r l ·1"11"'1 I \\';JrrPn W.-ilaor anrl notl<'rt Re:-<'d, f I r' I ( I ( • Ft•r",USCIII t.el Ill e,,.,.,,,,,,,, ,.,,, ''"'· 11 11 Nurlh llny l"ront, llal· Thf' P arf'nt·TC'achr r ns,.oclotlon In~ 0 t 1" '-apJ In 'lrr" 0 I ..... • " of lh<' Nr'' llOrt Brnl'h Grammar onn d1•i Mar rhurl'h, h··ld In 1 he K A I~ lltwkPII "~~~ "l'l-•llllo•d 1 h"n hlnncl, 1111d J.:l'llllunt•• thh• yo•nr !IO("i,d •·•til WNtnesday hosl t·ll~ e·h 111'1111111 len llw '''·" , .. nf No·Yo'lllll'l llllrho)r \lnlnn lllwh I ISI'h(l()ISiSSJlOnsor ofthi"Cuhpncks . rr roltu··· '1.· .I II ~·lll'h . ""' .. '' neol\l'el lh•' 1\(ln••r .. , , ... nnd Mr!l Viola Pf'r klns, coordl· :'>It'll Warnl'r and lwr huslJand • 1 1 1 d Mr« II• r '" 11 l\1111: nf t.11t11 hi•• ln~t l'hol!ll'n ~torrr•tnry of tho• Crl"'lh· nntor for Pnck Hll and Mrs Jack "••r•• mi!\Stun:-~ru•s 11 111 111 1111 omt• lllllll l'l;os.ll ''' lt""lnn<l• 11n'"'""', I ( tl '-1 f ·t wt 11 ~ ~;llnh' ·• •·1••11 e.n lit•• t h·t~•k .. r "'' ' Mason, roordlnator for Puck 110. 0 • w torn,.•r s "r "' 1 u. "h••r•• sh,. mnlrll'lllntcod 1111~ ''" \V<'re prf'S('nt as \Y8S Oi~trict Com-thunk oHe'I"IOJ,: or t hrt't• ~·,ts· 0 f•"f"ln~ '" tll\tfat1Uf1 \\,IS ' \1t•rut I mlssionl'r Hollf'rt Ea!ltman 8~ thf' d11y ItO!'~. IS thr• wnrk rot llr J.IIU· •·•I h~ th•• ~;"11 1 ·• ""' ~'""I• tel pack lrl'llSIJrt'r, Mrs. Ro~rrs l hllrk In ll'flChmg tht• llhlo'r:t le " of mt•l't l\llh ""''11 "" <lo·tnl ··r :• l:i NOT ES of the Mt>mtlf'r~ rlf the pack commiltf'(', thnt I'OUntry lo rl'nd, tht• prganrzn· nnd II "" '"le·•l tu uro••·t•l ~·rv I B lb Y ht Ct b I I "I · tl 11 t I L C':11.t"'·' ~lo.on llllll(lllnr<'ll lho• a Oa aC U Wf'rl' Ja1•k Rnuh, \\'iltinm ('Q\'l'rt, l iOn I'UI)JI Y 0).( ' IriS lin I ••ra llrt' Rotl<'rt Rf'<'d , T om H r ndrnson nnd t u th<•m 11f1rr t ho·~ """' t .. •rmnt• musk e "OIIntll••e• I'-~"""~"rlrw n Ylnrren Wl.'lser. prnflcl('nt hf'nPflt t•r••~:mm fo r lht• ··•••un Thursd ay of this Wr'ck at 10 Th1s J>IISt yt•ar I~ \\o\nll'n nf w••c•k In --:11vc•mlof•r . with .lrnne'1" I fund It "111 '"' h••ld tho· M'e'lmel a .m . a Dt>n MothPrs' m<'<'linR will tht• Southl'l'n Califnrnrn-Routhwt·~t I be hl.'ld 111 lhC' Doyvf'y homl'. 1139 distriC't rnist'<l $1R.fi\let thmu~h ttw Ot> Grdrn 11'~ gur!lt nrti~t. 1----------------------------..J Wt'lt Crntral avenue with all Den off<•rln.: Thrl'<· p1 nj<'Cl11 art' un-An lnto•tl'lltln~: prnl(rnm 10 whirh .. ---------------------------· MothPr!' and others lntcrt'stcd df'r takt•n <>ach yf'ar, one always be--the pulllu' Is rordlnll~ ln\'ltc'<l II' :u kl'd to Ill tend. A Den Moth<>r lnR ni'W. The S<'COnd onl' Is t lnmr IICh<'dull'<l for Frldny 1'' ""101:· C)( 1 IS ni:'Cdcd for tht' sretion nrnr 36th MluioM, to rstabll~h church<'!! In 11· w hc•n Mr aild Mn. W arnr r will show coton-d pii'IUN'S of lnrtln 11t The nt."••• l.hthtnln~e cll\ll!, tam- nUll on t h<' I-:11AI < 'nnJ<1 , h• In hr olri(Rni7f'll 111 f\Yl' 11n0 I'J)ut •nn nn· \'l<'f'·ronunodort• 1\olt ll<1yrt, .lilt' llo.,.,lo, Bnrhnrn Mr•tr·nlf, R11 rt ll••n· tle•rJIIOn, t.lunc•l Jo:v11n~. Jo:nrl YctUIIIC ttnd Lnrry \\'ht'1'11'r, The l f).ftcot llltiOfl' CArr)' R r~~trnl'hUh' PplnnllkCr and thl"y will l~o• hullt nl lltl' S hnm· rnc·k Umol wewk11. ('o011 l.r M••M lnditndU4l.ty for the "M orher·ro·be • • • If we do n~t have 1t, we mal{e rl, \IOU sa ! Ill N. Mala St. Blanket Club We Have Received· Another Shipme~t of St. Mary's and Chatham Blankets ·Ideal Xmas Gifts Pay for Them on Our Club Plan at SOc Per Week You don't need to worry about storage space ... we will store them for you . Orkin's Department Store 179S Newport Blvd. ...,._ ba aaq. llart»or liN BALBOA, CALIF. • Hours: 10-6. J:.venings: Mon., Wed .. Fri .• Sat .. 7 to 9 Gabardine Slacks Hand Picked . ExceiJent Tailoring. Good Variety of Colors --··· Water Repellent Zipper Jackets Woven of "Club House Fabrics". Does not have to be ~ after cleaning. Colon: Tan, Blue, lr Bnlwll .... slret>t, Mrs. 8o)"'<'Y rrpnrts. this rountry and the· third Is tht• l hl' church liOf'lal hllll. Thr first park m<'C'I ing wrll be C'on.:n•glllic•nal <·hurch summt•r Friday, Oct. lR nt 7 :30 p m. In ,•ump at Pilgrim Pinf'll, whf'r<' the g ramm11r srhool audrlorlum summrr confo•rc•m•e•s arP hdd with \\ilh a progr am of Impromptu thl' fin('lll of lrndf'~ UndrrpriV· stunts. tlrgl'd yming po'Qplf' arf' aided to Vacation-Bound Corona del Mar Matron s Honored at Pretty Dessert Bridge -r.'o surprlst' party Is qult e as Orll'Ans and in FloridA. During :u~ faund:~bl~n~u~~~~:sr'.u': ~~ ;::;.:~ :~~~\~~~I'.Kl';:;~:;';J~~<-; lhf' ('R~r· wlw n Mrs .• fohn Sadl<.>lr M<'Kdor IN1vt• Octnll<'r 6 and will 11nd Mrs. Sidrwy Bl<w khf'urd <'n-~spt>nd 11 mr•n th in Mlsaouri.' while• lt>rtainl'd Friday with a d<'ssrrt Mrs. lllarkht•ard l~t lravinR Oc· hridgo• Rl lh<' Blackllt'ard homr. Iober 7 In apt•nd JWo wo•c•kll wit h Th<' next N.'I:UIIIr mc•<•linll; .~r thr dr1•1t• will ltl' h<•ld 011 W<'Cin~w •• y, Oct . :t3. and lh<' lmuar \''Ill IX' Frida~·. OC't :.'5 Mn Rnhrrlaon Ia gl'nt'ral chalrm11n for thf' h117.1111r. aulated by Mrt1 Rtdnf')' Ol11ck· tl<'ard. Lunrh wtll '"' ~prvrd TCt noon at' 11 mcxlrrntr fro• :md any. om• havln~c foocl tcJ dnnnlf' "' lh•• fnt.M'I booth mnv f'll ll llnrhor I1.11R-W. In rhar~<' of\ 11rum11 hnoth11 nrc• C:lf110, Mn Jcohn Sndl,.ir, Mrs E A K Har kt'lt 11nd l\1r11. Ronald Bl'l'lllltJroni: lt prcon~. Mrs II K. Alle•n. Mr10 , C:•·corw· llntc·5 11nd l\·lr!< Nwk llaugne·~~; pl11n ts and tn,lllll, l\1r11 II. <'Art).,, II Sln11n 111111 :.tr" I :.!16 Orchid 1wenue, Corona dl'l j hl'r mnthl'r rn Oh1o Mar. For lhr o1e·~lll'rt riiUI'llf' irl.' <Tt'am Th<' parly was giV<'n in he1nor was moulrle•d in tht• furrns nr vnr· 1: A Nor m••·• ••tlllko'11 fon•l. ~~~"' .of Mr!l. Arthur A Kf'll1 Jlf'r a nd iuu~ full flowrrs, r('p<•a ting thl' ~_uln• Y Rk•l'l..lw •1n1. Mn lle•r 1 .. r\ Mrs. John l\lt'lldllr. h~tlh e)f whom 1 he nw nf thl' t loll' III rlr1·or11t hon~. I K 1n~ and Mra lle1yt : fish jl(onll, an• h•a\in~ 1hi11 "''"k on \ill'lllions.l 11nd ""~ Sl'l'\'o•d """ two hl~o; Mr • C'coop nnd Mr11 c;u~·nvo• Tlwy "'l'rt' "'"""•·n ·rl With pre•ll) l ''"''"nnut 1·ake·• c;,,, •. ; . wltlll' o·l•·l•llltnl~ .. Mr11 handkt'r t'hu•f!l. and n(tc•r all h:t~1 IIn dt• pn,.·• "'''ro· hanrlk1·r · ll.err~ Slltlll'h unci Mn (.rnr~e· t,.., n ''"nmen<'d and a clnurrd . tlw tlw (• a nrl '"·nl 10 \1rs Mnn I ~'"~· hahy tHIIlth, ~lr!l R"h' r I I. I'XII :o ~ur·pri~f' !'ami' \\ tu•n ~It s < '••·" e II. \\ ltu lle·ltl lllt.!h •1•op•, ;\tr ~ ( ,,IJ,, ltnd :"\t r-. II I.) nn l lu~:tu .... I Rhod.IH·nrd, \\ hco IS rtl"" lr•R\'1$1f.! h \' IIIII•, ~e, e•rotl, ,11 II ;\Irs <,;,•r ltml lte•om l'tlllltntll••••. \ofr11. Frnt• • thiS \\'e•f'k fqr lht• t·:r~l . tnund twr-.• td lt ·lrh~c ·, lo" !\tr'< llurr~ I'• "• r•. M rc '"'"''II '\;o•\\ I"" uud st•lf 11 tlunl lwnvn•o· as wrll 1\!< \\o ld 1 .,.,.,.1\'o•cl llu 1r·:11 IIIli~ pr11.•· ~lr o, t :nr(lcon lo(np p 11e'kl'lfl f1or t no· ht>~I•'"S and R l~co ,,,,,.,.1\o•d II ~illl\\l•r l c ••Ju I• PI'I'S• nt \\l•t't• lht ~le 'IIIIOII'S Ito lltltforl haiHI·nllllle• qlllll \\lol l'h uf t~r••lty no•t'f'SSilif'S, c· 1.• '"' Halt1. JJ,,,Iol \\'uhl••n '"" 1"' lr\l /lfd• t1 !\l" .1 '''"''••rl4 I :\lr. nncl ~11, 1-(,.rtiiH'r hfl Tur•o;.l t··lt', ('tor11·.u1 S h'"'" 11 -; :\lc' n, .. m11~rntl l''"··•:•m ol 1h•• ••f· da) a nd \\Ill Ill' f,!llnl' 11 memlh. l"une~. 1111 lwncol•• otllcl trw he•'<· 1'111'~'" Wll5 h) Mrs /\rll1111 A \'lsrlinlo! en l.ouisvtllr. Ky. In New '"~8··~. I\• fiiiN'r, "''"' •~on..: TI111nk-. lt. leJ 1 ----_ I r;.,,l 1S1:111Ie•y I llt·k~~~~. t'lt'l Thht !'-1• • • I Sleu} co( ( llel 1.l11hrt \\',·sl) 'l"t •I Wlt..S St1r\'l'd l1\ t f1p ''"'"•M:i e·~tuuni llr·{', Mr~ II 1, All•·u, '·' ~. I J(e,wcld lwrnllll< ••OI "'"' :"\IrK (;U'<· '''' • t;ru).)(' In lhr 1'. 1' r rl'wrl' rurf' <•f l'o•JJI 1 ~ Frc'tl Sdwnck In !1:11 I() "u fm•t, H Jut.~ II HI with No :\41 waa :u•cond ><nd I h•lnwr nlrk••)', llklp- J.N'rin).! No :l9, wu third. Tho• I' t ' Aaaoclnllon ho 1•1 ll mCf'tln..: re'('('ntly 11nd ~t'('id• •t lcJ hold tlwlr 11nnu11l d lnnrr lind f'IN'· tl11n Mm1<' time' In Ortntwr, Whf'n thr• wtnt1•r proteram of rlll'llltt will IN• maflo• out. l n Ocfotwr th••y will Alan hnhl ttM-Ir third a nnuttl ln\f't'· tf'am rlll'l' with SAn lllt•l(n Vtu•ht rlub, I he• I' ( · • from Lna \ rll(l'll'll Yacht c luh jwnlnR In fur tho• flrr•t ilmf' N•·W mrnrl,.·r~ rN·r·nt ly nl'l'''l'll'd 111 RYC' wo•rt• S J Alrh•n t-7 S l'ulri••r und fo'rr"t II Smul••ll Deliciously Prepared PASADENA UONGBBACH II Jf, llllcM ft. ., . ._... Ml .._Aft. ' a._..., " .... \ . .-.. ~···· ~~ • i._.. • -~ •, ' _, . . • • • • EWPORT CAFE " .-e.t limn !WrviC' .. - • 110 Mr F.,..drn 11&1'(1 S~rt "-'11 ! LIDO THEATRE 1•11.: llarbor 2114 F""' Parklnr; ,. \\'F.UN&'-'OA\' lhrn SATI 'UUAV • • • at fi :4t; II U:l~ _j __ ~- Tullo• I rlo'll, Sl rN•t Jo1r•>t' taJirr way to rv·m.ove eahd make-up J.IQUID CI.F.ANSER To &4'1 your M.ln 111'r upuloualy cln n walhout ecrublli.ns ucl mauJw g it. UM1 Tlt!'f·CI·IIX. TI1i• JiepliJ cJranarr I'* alter nery bit or atul.l.om, c:aJced makl'·up ... rcomonw art.. • thoroushly. Arterwarda, ..kin feel• liotly·f reah,loob ~lllf Penl'ct for oily or norm•l .kin. AppTy n::oc·o·l.ll nlchtly and alway• lwfore rnaldn~ "I' ... 1hen watrh for complimmll eo your pretty complniftn! Fut1rth nnl1 Sy<"•moro~ Santa Ana ANTICIPATIC)N SHOPS flJ/n lhPJ fot 1/ur arfrr/,nll IJUJ{/,p) .... t lf'l AN HOH-0. ro tUVf A eAeU1 WILLIAM P. MEALEY QIDf-.&L OOlf'IJIAOIOa tt.ldrtitl and O+iin•dal BuDdin& ., Jlf..,.n .... o..-.... We H•ve Now PIII'CMsed A lEW BUILDING • We Claim tb Have AD of the SUver in California • o.r New ftaM: ...,.,. 6113 • SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Sllvtc. • Ti\4MII • Jewelry • Candl'e· bna PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom Flxture8 • Baby Shoe. • Marine Pia tin& • Badge~. Sooven1rs Contrad Plating by Estimate • • BAYSIDE PUTIIG CO: ~ 1914 Harbor Blvd. ~ ~ c.t&Meu ~·=I ••••n• • 111et .. ~••r kltche• ,.. -~····••lc ......... • ... fl....,_, Wile iea'tl Ulleeo ..-d letl time in the kikMn .... _.a......,._._., 1no....Wn'cl 'l1leo ic'a.biah tinw rou .... .... 10 ... _. ......._ ,..'U .,c with aa __ lk,......,l.ik IO'CP -.datcla. Sllp dluer loco ............ .w.. ,.. ., .. ,.,.., ... ....._ n. -.ac CIIIMrol wW cwa c1w-• _, •I• . ... .. .w. .__ .... ., ..a'..ty, pi pi., bot _, ... a ........ ,..,. ta-. A.d. il eben'• ...... --....... clo ct.o. -"•,;.. 11f ...... will .... it .. fl .. ..., Ia .. tiel. No ... tdt, DO ... _ .. ...., .... .,._ ............... _,..ol Olfllltlll'wj;; -.. for .. 0-.. ..,,....,,.. buy. ..... a ......__,00111,, llu ih ·ln piddle cau l\lrn 0111 • ~filM in no rime. TM """'hNc insurn n~nly-<lont ~him, qp, blcon. c..l• • CM-hr-Kirn· ci6c in.wl•:;on ol CP,o•'ttlt llolda !wee Mn.Jt •htre ic bf.. loclp. S.fttlurl cootumpcoon -Jlft'I"''U --li"-., kildlla ........ ,ea-~ ..... i-..dyad~ lOp llllrotn. .,_u-.. lip__,tair.a ahoat a CP Ga ... , It tt\11.....-d 10 ..-d~ easier-/.,, ______ ...,.,_ .............. .......... c... •• ;., Get c.-_, Driver Fined $100; LieeJUJe Suspended Puauc None• ,.,. ...., nmm • -------'------1 LOST-a.l .uk p-.ea prir.taiJ Ca"TII"ICAT& 01" •uatNa.M IC&If 35 hL eQ\&aft Oft a.u.o. ncuu-",... H-Ialand. ~twn to 211 Enterald, ---+- TM not aullt)' ~· of n .omu C. DennlJon, 160() Cout hiRhWIIy, arre.ted S.plcmbfr 22 In vioi«IIOfl o1 ttw> ~2 act, turned tablt>tl In 1 Judllt' Bob Gardner'• court Satur- day morning. 11M uaderwiped do berebr eett.l~ Bal. lal. or phone Harbor 8113-W. ~t "!:tei",.:~,:...ca: m• 1'&-lte ~. =~·the·~noua~ = L-osT-OM~ ot me'tal a.u.. of OCilAN J'RONT CAn:1 •• L~f 11that ~t"'ffn ltMIJ:. A 2525 Or.,... Pro!IN•utlng witncues ronflrmt-d (he d~>fendant had drlvt'n throul!h 11n arf'a of hrOkl'n ICIUI on Nf'l'l· port boulf'VIIrd near 30th strt'rt, the rctult or an accldt'nt. Thr I acattered J(lau , whirh wu ltl)llttt•d by a red lhcht of lhe d ty t)('part·l mf'nt, wu heln~t aw('pt to lht' rurh hy J MII<' R111ckatock of N•·wport and R. L Mo(<:lnlti~>. Cllmnn del Mu. Thry, a lon& with O UiCC'r L. V. P hrbus, who wu patrolling I ttw! at r~t. Wl•re forrt'CI quickly uldt' with the oncom1mt or D<onnl· aon't c11r. t ht'y said. Ptw>bus ~,;oVI• C'hU<'. Thr dl'f('ndant wu ttoppt•d a: Newport boult'Vard and M cF ~tddrn place and wu takt>n t o lhe pollee 11atlon and booktd on suspicion or drunk driving. H~ wu fined $100 and his II· ccnlf' wu suspendtd for 30 days. CAPT. P1:TU ll'l'alif'a PAAAGON _. CAPT. O. T. CLAU880N'8 CUIU.EW are ..._ _,... •' tile OrMp o-.tJ ...... p,..,.,.e.or, .. _,.,. .. I ...._ ... __ .. for •vtMu.a te Ule ..._ ...,_ c.au..-. ...... .._ -Nee.l Beckner to BurtOfl N. RUIIt'lll of Beacon Bay, and ttw> L. M. Parlt:ttcs of South l.a&Ufla. and o ttw>n. A Believe It or Not : Well· An armored battalion requlrt>s 17,000 Kill of ~t..OIIne to move 100 I rnllea under Ideal conditions. Castaw~ys' Membership Program Proves Popular known local newspaper publlaMr spending hil own good dollars and brushing uidc the t tC'ak-knlve.,- "ThetW" flirt• are so tender J wouldn't Insult lh('m for t he WORLD!" -I BJ NANCY NzwPOitT If Mrs. Don hu not had tlme to cover lhc> deck, don't feel alight· ()alllenda'• N.,._t ... Meat MM8111 Motel Miracle Mile Motel '706 OOAST mGHWAY ._ ,_ .... "'"'• ,. ... wit• .... llowl .. l ...... , a 40 Units and Baths • Unit lleat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses PH. BEAOON 5~ WELCOME HOME! Newport Harbor Post 291 AMERICAN LEGION ........... _....,~ .. .. -.. ·-... ,.,1.. lilt ...... ... ..., "~ •• a...,.~.,. •· •· Surprltw! What! No du<·s ! ro ror the big pagea In 'the "log-Fioodl'd hy ·personal appUcallonll, phone calls and lett.cn, about the book," made of driftwood pulp-- w " 1 b" idea "Cap'n" L>on In tht> Ca~'na Cabin have Iota of ne . c u · room for your name and addrcss. laughmg ly admitted that h4• ~·1111 , J t it IAinly .o he can 11110 a "very poor pirAte," and m11:ht us wr t' P • . bP burying more gold by sdllnt.: I mull you his 11~tal announce· • 1 h' th . n b dt'f.yin , tht> I ml'nts. ~urh as ""h"n th(' Crull· m• '::1l<'rs '~th 8 Y t food~:, uw11y11 Will comply with those many 1 pro <'mil 0 e rur:en '""r· r('(tlll'lllll to ~.K'n for lunch('()n, or ko•t, hut that his 1dea Ia pru1 tnl: 11 1 th · ( 1 hipmcnts of thOIK' 1«.10 "'r ocnt ~~rut 111 • r trs s I I tro·ml'ndous ond fnmous San Fra n· I l<'rt' 11 1s. and W(' like It ! lit·'~ n~co soft shrll •·rahs hoi'(' orriwd ! '""'n on lh<' husinr·ss for 30 )'';4rS An t1 :•1""11Yll was lc>Oking (or a "l'••r· man<'nt homr-por l, wht•re he• l'l'llld r<'a lly want to drop his AnC'hor" 11nl1 has fnund it. l!is pla1·o•' '" Nc•w York. Wa!<hm~;ton, Jl < • · F londn 1100 llnllrwnod hnl•· all l~o•• n I'"IIUI IIr nnd SUCCf'Siflll, hut 111-:RE, says h<'. h\f' thr htr.:• q l"'ro'o•nlllltl' of "J.:rAnd folk~·· .ont1 "swo·ll 1:11)~" hi' hn~ "''"r nwr I lin· In~: ttl<' 1111~1 ) l'llr. whilt• s''"''l!· Hll: lu~ l)lunl·hrush 111nd n>.o 1 hi' mun) I( liN! I~ on t,lw hilltop h,,, • "'I" 111•·111y ll arnl'd him thhl tho I tom.· \Would l'olmt• "hrn the• 11011111' attrnrllotn~ nntl thr dmrm of lh• lfK'IIIICin 11f hi~ dub would 111'1111! Thf' Parrnt Squa\\ "" \\'AS \\'ALLY'S F'ACF: nod! "\\'h,..rr's yrr rnmrra, \\'ally~" turw••l rlw Cqpn's parrot. ~win~tins: o•>e•·•l•·l11\ Hhntll in his <'111:<' aho\1' tht· "Qu.nrt••rdpck." "Shul up )IIU "'11p1tl hun11rd." "hips(ll•n ·tl I )un ,•;on 1 11 "'"'r ~:uy h'l\o' n ni~tht nff4 '' "\\'mofrrd Rnrhrf' W•'lllld I HI\ I' ln\l•fl I ha I p1r t un•, ' ~ll~~N1 tho• p:orr111 anl1 "l· unmoi!'SI••d. In ""'""" \\',oil~ :ond hi~ frtt·nds (;tutl o ""'' Rill \\'tut••. Tom Rrad· '"' f1 11f Htmumr.h:m>. AIR.. th1·ir h••ll"' I;Uf'"l. Rl't h 1-:mi~lln nf Rf'o·l • 1•11 Bay :ond .:\l r~ Ph.:..:) Sf'f'lf'y or I I ~:,IIHoa !~land n111re •·u~toml'rs than hi' ''"lllol i t SJ\ ~l,.rlln : • Prontl,... K"tlt hondle. SO h•• nlf•d•· up hi~ uun1t .fu~t tlwn th4• ph,.,,,.. ran~;. II thi'rf' J\II'.S'I' ho• n wny to llaVf' nm~t "''~ (;olrrlon \\'1'\'tll who hnd h .. tp- (01' ali i "' ht' br;;t tahh'$ oiiHI I'd ('l'tiWil t ho• Plrnt•· Q UI'o·n. [)o..i l)follt ruts lor thro lfK'III rC'sidt•nt~.1 'on~ l\·l:oro;;hall. and th<' vrr y night frll'nll~ ancl nt•t~;hhors, • • h;•fun• hud thrl'ntt•nl'd to ratrh Pon Sll, don't l11• altornH'd whl'n tho• 11 J::nnd ••nnu!;!h marlin to mount gracious Mrs. l)nn appears 11t I a~ 11 ('(inlni•UIIOn to the> nauticnl your tnhlt• ""1th h<'r litUt• pad I Atmosphrrl• Don had sa id , "Oh aflli JX'nC'il Shl' Is not ~'•'lhng you yrnh" Pr<'IIY sur1• nf )'Oursel!. ('h,j photn!::raphll hy Gt•r har rl t or Do)I'Jl'.l piratro:'" Sn, thi11 nt'lC! mot'nlnt:r; or " srt of f'astiiWII'' d1shes Cordon hod honked h1m a 13.'l that you would hav(' in ,\S K for pountlrr nnd hod it on ic4>! Jlow Jt is just that you art' >thnUt tu nhout T il AT for 11 n sh 11tory--but bc!-com" a mt•mbf>r of thl" cluh! rr ur! T1No llla.rk Spot l'lmaJI Dorld, r:tt~ And nt'xt to my tahl~> sat the Srltmck c-ontrac-t ""Titt'r Bob C':tlh1·rwood. ""ith "';rr and dau~th· tl'r, jU$1 Off his }'IIC'ht "Lively L.tldy'' Wll$ rrminisc-m~; with Don allout Don'!! mothl'r, who managed his Rlur I lorst• for him in GrN>n· Briggs Joins Steiner Fred Bri&gs, local noal estate l>p('rator, ha.~ tcnnlnatcd his L'l· sociatlon wtth the H. M. Lane ortice, where hi' has been for the past two )'('81'S and will now 1M> t>Stablishl'fl with the A. Sandy S tem('r offic(' a t 634 Coast high· way. Mrs. 'J'n>ssa M. fkigg!l will a lso lx• in bwtin!'ss with her husband, t he two llf>ginnin~ at thl'ir new lo- cation \\'rdnl',.day. They will handlf' n ·al "'1111<' snit's. llstingll a nd rt'ntals. a' ""I'll 11.' insura nct'. \\'1lhs E . l lunt of N<'wport R.•arh rl'fXIr1t'<l to f"}h(>t' lht• thl'ft Snturday n11:h1 ••f his a utomobllt'. II \\II" lult' I o•t'O\'f'I'NI hy the' ~'llrr. M.ld tlrm Ia rompoMCI o ....., o o•· h Rt tnc per110u. wbOM -&ad ad· Aw. Write Clydl.> Hlg tower, • d,.._a are u tollowa. to-•lt: 1 Box 343-B Colla Meu 76-ltp ARTHUR L. LAWRENCE _::.:•~::_--~·--.---:-------:-:--f-21~.~ =~~ Calllom la LOST-Hamilton pocket watch. LEBTI:R CATI: dlaappeared between Friday A: 11{1.~ ~t Calllomla Sunday nlf'htll. With inltlala "E. wn.Lux L. DAm • Me. •H. Tr~~ln". Will the penon 2114 Ocean J'ront • , ...... 1 1 t Newporc, ~h. Calltomlll who ptc .... ·u t up p case re urn W ltneoa our h•nda lhla Jrd day of \o 117 O nyx Av~. Balboa Island, Septem~~T~rJR L , LA WRICNCE. R.<-ward 7~tC WrLLIAitl L. DAVIS. LESTER CATJii. 8TATI: OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANG&-.. t:MPLOYIIENT WANTED II On IIIIa lrd day of S._plember, A. D. 114&. before me. ROBERT B. PQWI:LL. • Notary P)lblle In and for M.ld Count}' ud Stale. """*'-~~ CAN TAKE care of children enn· lng & Wl't'k "ncb. Mn. L. Pedi· go. 320 Alarado, Balboa. 7S-2tc f."...J¥'t:R ~!I~R ..3 Jitb L: ~~~'!;"~·~. ":. 10aua:...:::J-io tba wtlbla ltutl.-u.>eDt. &ad adu>owl· eci..,S to -lb&t the, eueuted the -· In 'll'ltn-wbe"**f, I baYa hereunto Mt m y band &ad attiied m y offidal _, tbe cla, and ,..,.,. In lhla cer· tlflcate nl"'lt &bon 'll'ritleL ROBERT B. PO'WI:LL. RELIARLE colored help. Men A: wom('n C'OOkl, hoJel maJdl, dish· washen. janltol'l, couple.. howe ket'l)('rt. U ve In or out. Gar.,e h('lp & hour work. Peteraon's Employmen t Ag('nCy, a27 Cali· tomia Ave., Long Beach. PhoM 752-01. 7&-4tp Notary Publle In &Ad tor M.ld Couet, .. d Stete. ltiT com· ~ataalon uplree 1160. I:IIPLOYJIJ:NT OI'TEII.ICD Pub. Sept. 10, 11, U : Oct. 1. tMe. • Purt1ua.nt to lrutruC'tlona of ttw> City Council of the City or New- port Beach, Ca!Uornia, notice It hereby giw n lnvitinf aealed pn> pocals or bleb for printing of all City Ordinances in book form In accordance with copy and specifl· calion on IUe at the City Hall. Bids ehall be S('Jlled and filc>d with the City Clerk at the City 11all In Nl'wport Beach. Califor- nia, on or before ()('tober 7th., 1946, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., and will be OjX'nl'd and puhlicly read aloud at or about 4:00 o'clock P. M. or thttt day in the Council Chambers in thl" City Hall, Nt'wport R,·ach, Colifornih. ·n ,c C'lty Council of the Cit)' of Nl'wport !Wach ;·eserws the n~ht 10 rt•jl'Ct any or a ll brds dnd to waive any Informality in 11 bid not t•frl'('ll'd hy law. l la 11'1! thiS ::6th flay of SC'piPnl· 1m•hart CITY IJF THE (.'1T\' Of' NE\\ PORT 1\EACII. CALIF . BOSINE88 OVID£ II AHE YOU doin~o: your o""'" paint· ing? Why not grt your advice from lht• J)('Opk who k now how. Bring In your paint troubl<'s 10 us. W (' IOV(' t hem. ServiCl' ls our Busim•ss. Rurton P a I n t Store on N"wport Blvd. 74-4 tc LANDSCAPE D<osigining. 2 6 6 8 Newport Blvd. Phone Sa n t a Ana 11:>-J. 75-Gtc; TYP IJI.:G & ACCOUNTING WORK Laura G. Belden Phone lkacon 5186-R. 22172 So. r .... ~, .. ..,,. Ave., P. 0. Box 941, Costa . Mesa, Calif. Will Call For a nd Deliver . 7o-8tp CALL BEACON 5503-M for fri!i! rs tlmates on your painUn~:. serv- Ice ia our business. Burton Paint Store.. 74-4tc DESERT RANCH btwn. Indio a.n4 Palm Spga., wanu couple with own trailer. Sl('('p only, board at ranch\ Salary. Husky, handy man outal<k! work. Woman cook, houtek('('p for two. ()('t. '" May l. Glvt> r('f., rt'('Ord. ph .. addr., age, e xper . Doyl<·. ph. 30;,4, La· JtUna or writ(' Bx. 15, 1000 Palm.tl, Cal. 76-ltc WANTED HoUS<'k('('llf'r, good pcrman('nt homt> & wages. Will <'XCt·pt somront' who ha8 child.. Phont' Rcaron 566(). W 76-2tc WAITRt:~ W ANTED -Cottage O.mut & Warn<' Shop, 305 Ma- 1:104' A\'l'. Ball10a Island. 76-2le 111-:LI' W A:"TF:[) -Experienced J;r(~S<'r, C H II llorbor 596-J ., f'' ""'"j:; or · mornm~;s before 8 A. M 76-2tc WAITRESS WANTED S37 50 Prr W('('k nnd Meola Good Hours Also FRY COOK --Sec-- MR. EARLY (mornlnp o.nly) King Landing Ne wport Beach 61-tfe w A NTEU Part t tm(' assiatant hookkN'pcr. Ca~tnways Club. Phnnt• fkoocon ~16:). 76-llc RO .SSI'S Liquor Store 111 o...t m.-..., Yt's, it's just that simllle-and then nil you have to do ~~ to re- main th" "sw('ll gu)" thai Don is sur(' )OU arf', and not urtlrr on<' too many, nr throw yuur dlAhMt through the window If you do, he will "t ip you thl' Rl:tl'k Spot" and th('n you'd just have an AW FULLY Iough tim" ~:etting ANYthin~t to e11t. or rt'SI'r\ mg your jX't table OV('r t hf' phQnl'' WICh \'IIJill(l' t""l"nty yean 810· ============= Shf' twd pallrd Boh on the beck CLARK & BATES Metallizing WANT F.D Srnm.ctnu <'Xpcrlenc- l'd 1n high J:rftdC <'U8tom Wt.rk. Sew In Coronft de l Mar studio or a t home. Writ(', statm~ ex- l)('r., salary u p., r('f. Do'< C. Newport NC'W11. 76-~tc ,...,_., o-.loe'a Dn11 .._. 0,.. lllftrJ .,.,. ,.,,,,,, (~ .... , ... , SIIVICI '• •••••••ri111 Cities 68 Departures Daily from NEWPORT BEACH Junction Plan your trips ~o suit yourself. Grey- hound's frequent, convenien\ly-timed 'de· partures make it easy to come and go as you please ... for business,. shopping or pleasure. This "tailor-made" travel service for you aod your neighboring communities saves you both time and money on every trip. Your local Greyhound agent w"\ give you full information. Cl. C. SWAFFORD 608 CoMt Hi&h"'ay Ph. 84-aron Mt2 ,. ~GREYHOUND and suld. "You'rr lh(' only col- legia l" WhQ romt>s in here r('gU· larly who gi\'I"S me nothing to worry about':'" Th<' E. II. Fraz<'r!l of Balboa Island were "on d('ck" too. thl" Lee H. Wood11 or Santa Ana. and the A. M. J:Xopews or Riverside. Chief WI'IIS of Costa Mt'Sa. U>C' Shipley of Corona d('l Mar. thr VET'S Taxi CompuJ PHONE: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- <Owned and OjX'rntcd by v ('\ ('11\Jl!l ) 1011 · BROADWAY Co&ta MMA Refrigeration P'II.EOH AMMONIA • to. to 10 to. Air Conditioning I toa t.o M lOa Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AU .._..,._ ... All UquJb Ia Stock Call .... r.s s. LoA Anr:fllee St., Anaheim Phonf'l 48'!1\ ~ CLARK & BAYES · · · ~!;.::~~ Metallizing-• lAd~:::~= K~ls. Ruddt'r!l. Shafts. Re frigeratlon Trays, <'IC. a Onaamt'ntal: Welding-· -ALL HJ;WPORT BEACH Art Object11, Doors, Signs, Hardware. et c . All TypH.. Specialists In Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum. Bnus and Oronzc. \\'Oilll OUARANTEED- 601 IOtJa 8t?eet llarllor t501 CENTRAL BOAT 'WORKS Dr:81G~'T.Il8 aad BVILDr:118 YACHTS COMMERCIAL hwer or Sell -1'1!1111q ao.e. or Pony Cnahen swf-Plu11c "\ ~ T. I. OWkml, 1'\nal Arellll~t L\ 50-TOS CRASI: 8ERV1CF. ~ of the AII-Stf'el CENTRA.LINERS ( ,._,of It• St. ~: llart»or lilt l"rowport 8Mdl Wt>ldlng Specialisll 506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 69-9tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO . New and Repair Phone 875-M m i:.. l!Qth St.. Coeta MeN 2(Hft SIGN PAINTING BoaU, Truclu, Windo- Wal.la a.d Bullelinl. Raised Metal, Wood and PhutJc Letters A·L LACHMEYER 1726 West tentral Harbor 1243-M 38tfc WHY WAIT mon ths for your vcni· tlan hlind. we C'an give 7 to 10 days delivery, S<'n;c<' is our busl- nt'ss. Aurton Paint Storr. <:nil R 5~~M N4 k PAINTING 12 Years Service in Newport Harbor Art'a Harry Hall PAINTI NG C<.ll"TRACJ'OR Phn&W &aron 5259-J 274 E •• 19th !..trect 24-tfr, f OR A RE LJABLE Pnmt J ob oa your home, call Bt'acon 533l after 4:30p.m. 10-lfc J'AJNTINO -PAPER HANGING and DECOR A Tl.NG H. E. McDoD&ld 414 Old Conty Rd., Costa Mc18 Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-lft TRJ\N~PORTATIOS 1• \\'ANTEn Ridr to Lus Angt•l•'ll dally 9:00 to :: .Jil Phon£' ~ae-on ~.J;-,.q. \\' 76-21 c BICYCLES Sold, Rentt d or t<.-p&lred. VOGEL'S 100 Maln St .. S&lboe 208 Marine. Balbna Ia1&nd. N -tf< 18 MAC1lThT. anti ~fACHThiT.T.t.SS Permanent Waves Tintln~;: and MAnicuring F.wninr;: Appt. Ph I! arbor 17~-W Vi's Beautv Shop W A NTED -HoUit'k«'pl"r by day. Phon<' Harbor 2150-J. 75-3tp TEACHER offered room board, and 11alary for rcfin(-d woman to care for child & help with light hoU~Cwork. P hone Beacon 5577 after 6 p. m. 75-Uc WANTED -Lady for g('neral 4 housework, 1 or 2 days • week. PhOhe Harbor 1244. 74-4le WAITRESS WANTED a1x d&yw we.k. Norton·• Bay Shore Cafe, 17th and Cout Highway. Stfe HELP WANTED-Woman or ctrl for general housework ; &oocl wages; live In or out . Haru 1992. 56-tfe ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOlJHS fJ . \\ hl"n you I!<' I n job ns a lt'I<'JlhOn<' opcrnlor. \. 'XI pny from th<' st Rrt ... ~,.s, "''"n whill' yQu ar e lrnrnint::. Rni~f'~ nt n•s:ulnr intC'r va.ls ... nml n cl11mc•• to ndvQDce. Good worklnj:; condiliun1 ... a ttracth't', t•INlsant 11ur- rounding~~ ... (rit'ndly fC'l· low-workers. Paid vacAtion~. slckn<'SI benefits, etc. In m any case~. work In neighboring central office nC'ar your homr . One of th('SC int<'res Ung, Wl'll·pald jobs Is wa.ltlng for you. too. SOtrniERN CAUFORNIA TELEPHO~ COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514 ~ No. Mnln S t., Sllt)ta Ana or CaU Chief 0 Jl('rntor • 1 1103 Coftllt Hiway. Corona d"l M11r 1&.----------------..---....; ~tfc • I CW#Nfi fAifOA tift..,... JfsarJ ...... ~ b:::!e,r• Ot--..-I, lttt WANT AD.S Oxltinued WAMTD '10 MTI'· ll II1JIUCll.L aUDIO N WANTSD '10 IIIIJft' 61 ~ U'I'ATit •11L&AL ~Aft Will Pay Cub-GOOO..Crandl. llehlln. KurtzmAn. WANTED-To rftlt or..,._, 5 « ---- from preced1ne page Fet your tumuun et What haw Story a O ac-k. Out.le, Hallet A 6 room houk. By Boat Com-BALBOA ISLAND ~ Phone BMcon 118M. Qoaw. O.vta, KimbAll, W~bft-and oUI-pany executlw-. ~nt'nt. Ph. MLII ~oa • Jo f'unaltun. 1112 NI'WPGI't en. PriCft atart at $485. Term~. Mr. Hot.o(l. Harbor 151t0. 76-4t.., FOR SALE -HOUietr.aJ!er, ._. ...._81~~ ,Colt& Meea. •ttc Danz-Sd\mldt, SantA Ana. 5lO WANT 2 bedroom htouw or 1101\AbJe. P.rlce $425. PhoM &.a-____ ~ •a•-No. Mldn. 70..tl~ apartmt'nt, tumllhf'd or unhar- eon 5156-M. 76ltc .-... ~.a..,_ rva..,...... It Rad' Re afn nllht'd. Pt>rmanc>nt couple-with FOR SALE -Practically nc>w ac-FOR SALE-M~tal bed A coli All ~'!.; tul!.. etc. • baby.128R~~t'rNE'net>SM. piRo! .. _!~· b • lprlnp. Alao ice rE'frlgerator at~ "' o. a e, ~. =· ·=R.Y SoPranl. ~ 312 Alvarado St. Call after Beacon 676S Calif. Phone' Chartatone 8~. TuNClay. 1s-1tc BURT NORTON 75-4'P GENUINE Ruaalan Squirrel coat. ... ,. "--t tn-u N-•.Jt.. FOR SALF(-Whlte t-t""""' .A, .. ...., .....,.. ._.~....,, ·-r-· LOCAL DENTIST and wUe w,.n LAteat atyle, new. Slu 14. Priv-four pieces. Good ;;.t~~ ~-ttc to rt>nt fumllhed hou8e or apert- ate party. 306 Saphlre, Balboa aprlng tSlmmonal 1150. Allo STEINWAY GRAND. &.autitUl 'hlent. No children. no petL Ph. llland. 1 76-2tc new Hollywood ainale bed 150: modt>m In black and allver. Cor-Harbor 421-J. 75__.tc FOR SALE-Two matched fllh-No dealen. 1M~ N. Bay Front ~tone. Th1a II an art plano. WANTED TO REN'J'-.Aiat. "WJ'. ln1 chain. Call Harbor 2414-W. Balboa Island. 76-2tc II you are ~ your home Met. ut. deall'ft leue or 1'8tt • ~tp FOR SALE-'l'w Uvtn t ln "Mockrne" thll lnatr_ument II until Jan.' 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom 0 . aroom. wo perfect for you. Reuonably Steel Kitchens bedroom. ont' clln1n1 room, stove, pri~ D&nz-Schmldt Plano eo.. h~. Care auar. Phone S. A. CLASS ENCLOSUJU:S and othen. 214 Opal Ave., BaJ. 520 No. Main, SantA Ana. 70-ttc l428-M. n -ttc SHOWER DOORS bo4l IIJand. 76-2t~ APT ~ SMALL HOUSE wanted S th C ti FOR SALE -Plum colored rue UVDTOC& 11 by man and wife. We do not OU em OUD es 11'3" x 14' 14~.00. Dinette aet FOR SAI..E-<Antle saddle hone, drtAk or unoke, no children « Supply Co. 115.00. Phone Harbor l869-R 110rrel colet, 1125. ~ at 1656 peta. Pbone SantA Ana 0991-W 144 Cout Blvd., I" after 1 p. m. 7.__.tc Tultln Ave .. eo.ta Mtsa. 69-tfc or write Box "X"· Newport a.J- Ph. 5852 J..aiuna Beach ===--=-::-:-::--:-----....; ---• ' boe N""'-nn-. ST-tfe 76-ltc FOR SA~Ret'rigerator, C. E.; aPilCIAL ANNOtTNCEIIEN'l'B. WANTED TO RENT -Onc> or two bMroom houae. Furnished or unfurnlahed. Cardin Grove 122. Call collect. 73-4tc ---------------~ ranae; kJtc:hen table and Venetian Blinds chairJ: dlnlna-room butret: aurf FOR RENT-16MM Motion pic- tun Projccton-Sound or aiiPnt. w I 1 h or without operaton. FILMS RENTf-:0 -Your own pk·turc ahow at h()fll('. features, aporta, mulllcala. fnr partiH, cluba, churchC'I. Harbor 2598-J . Steel or aluminum made to meu- ure and lnatalled. Bayview Builders Supply 818 Cout Hlway ~h. Beacon SOOT 73-4tc Jo'OR SALE-Nron Slrn Cafe. Board and misc. articles. 217 Ab- alona, Balboa bland. 73-4tc 9xl~ American Oriental (K&ra.- tan) Kuhan design, pract. new, pre-war, red background, 1125. Call Harbor 2247-W. 73-4tc 76-lfe WANT TO RENT~ or 3 bt*m. untumlahed ~. WW a-. Call Sam Petter at Harbor 1(1f or U . 35-tte •uonable. Call Beacon 5117-11. BO~TS. 8UPPLIEI!I 70-ttc u . Carpenters Available tor ~ malntena.noe and re.,.tr -.u. mr~n ., El Bayo Tract Home on Bay Ave. Hereafter It we recap your TIRES We IU&J'antt'e our "Ca(JS" to Jut 20,000 MILES and that'a not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Rt>Kardlcu of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we will call for your car 1n llie mornln& and deUWT same day. Also-a $2.00 MobllJI.Btlc balance job when w~ recap your tlrH, for 11.00. No lead we~ghll or Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTX. MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Aak r& Al or Hank. 64-ttc FOR SALE-Air compreaaer, 1100. 7311 ~ashore Dr., Newport Bnch. 65-ttc BARGAINS! FOR SALE-14 ft. maho&any speed bollt'; V-8 motor ; excclll'nt condition: reuonahly priced. Phone ALbany 5005 L. A. 76-2tp FOR SAL.t;-20 ft. Phillppint' ma- ho~:an)' sJlt't'(l boat. In water and \4 1\1'<'1 trruler. !il400 tal<es: 3.'i04 l\tllr<'us Ave. Phone Har- bor :.1497-W 7o··ltp 0 . S. !OBEBTIION Call Harbor 83 KEYS ltladit 1Vh1le You Walt VOGEL'S 100 Kalil St., B&lboa 108 ltlarlne, B&lboa laland 3 Bed Rooma. 2 Baths, on LAr1 Lot $25,0QO F~rnished Duplex $25,000 FOR SALE -25' Lowman commer- cial hoat Vl'ry good coo(Ution, H -Ue 2 Bt'drooma, 1 Buth Down 2 &'<irooma, 1 Bath Up all J:I'Br JWaaonablt' Inquire BlJ811'fE88 oPPOaTUNJTIU .. Asso. Dock 261h St. 75-lfc ------------W. L. JORDAN DESIR!:.: TO BUY -Cull snowbird FOR SALF: -Conr.<'SBIOilll fully I or Jl('nguan 8811 boat an cXet'lll'nt t'Quippt'd. ready to Jo:O. A dand,y condition, rrudy for lmmPdlate l!t'l·up fnr man and Wtfr. ~ l 700 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 16S 72-tfc. use. Cash Phonl' llaroor :lt5(}.J E. C. IPopl Ludwig, Saturday ur Sunday afh·rnoon at Fun ------------=~::-:-::-=~...._.,.-----7-5-_l.....;.tp 7..on•'. nalhoa. ' Two New Homes FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 rt. 75-2-tp long. 4-cyllndl'r Starr motor. just painted. Will trade for :!2 ft. or 24 fl. house trall{'r or will tnke Ctlsh. 731 I Seashort' Dr., Nt'wport. Ph II· 1493-J. 70-trc WILL PAY l!'"'ld honus for botH :<lip. H av<' 40' custom b u 1 I t ~·ruls<·r Writ{' flux .. S.. c 'o l"rws-Tim<'s. 7:>-tfc FOR S ALE 1:.! ft. ~tRII hoat & S!ltl, ~uod rondtlion With or 'Aithout trailt>r, Reasonable. Ph. Harbor JIH a fte-r 6 n. m 75--lic Balboa Canvas Shop Salls -Boat Coven Mnrint' Upholstt'ring Harbor 207 -224 ~ 21at St. Nl'wport Beach 71-tfc Ready for OC\'Upan<'y. Stall FOR ar;NT ,1 1 ahowt•rs Chua doors. RU&•· ~----------! Call1522-J FOR RENT ApartmPnt (or two .:Iris. 1\alhna Islnnd. \\'ntr P.l ____________ 63_-t_fc () Box R1.'l, Ralbon 'jf\. 1 IJ> FOR SALE-Corona drl Mar, 4:'). FOR. RENT ~i n~tl" n••m ... utsidt• ft. lot, 1 block from school, 110uth of Blvd., Rood location fur In· r'ntrflnc•t', ajolntn~t h11111. Coli llurt10r r..o. 76.J tc rome. Owner. Ph. H-2139-~tfc FOR RF:NT -Sl~ptn~ rooms •'lr . • ha th. HalllOa. f'RII aft•·r -1 :30 FOR SALF: By owner. '1. hcdroom p M. Harbor 13.'\6-R 7f>.:tt hom<'. plus ~tlll'8 set'{'l·n purch =-~~~:::--~-.,..--· ____ c I rumlshf-d, $17,5()0 Phom· llnr- FCIR RENT -Sin11l<' r<>Om. down bnr 20<11-R. 7·, •. lt1. tn\4-n Balboa. Call S.•a('On :>43:.. .days. ~-lie ~-'' IR SAL!-: 7 unit a1mrtmrn1. FOR RENT . . . j SIKOOO. 1v down 10'; diSCOUnt -At1raCIIH room for rnsh S.•l' 11wn••r 30'1. F:ast with prl\'alr l'ntran~ & hulh.l ON-an Front BalboA 76-4tp 215 E. Bay. 8:.11108. 76-llc ------·------~ F OR RENT_ Rooms apts. nvrr-FOR SA~I-~ 011lhoa hlancl, hy lookinR harbor & orf'Rn Pall-"" nrr. 'J l"·rlroom he mil'. plus sadc.>s Hotc.>l 1414 SPa Vil'w Avf'., i:lll!<.S ~CJ'l't'n Jlnrch Furnlshl'd Cor ona dt>l Mar Phtlnr· Hllrltor & Carn~tl' ,17,501 Phone llnr- 1456. 76-tfr hc)r :.!tHJ4R 76-Jtc: FOR RF.NT -&>autifut 2 l)('(j. IMMEDlATJ:: POSS F.SSION ·- Jmnwc:Uah• posst"S8lon-thrt't .. room rottaRW". tw()ocar aar- &J.:l'. On ~ood COnK'r lot MOM to East Bay on "Utt.Je bl~ml." Prke -$10,750 G<.X)O LOT -CLOSE TO SOtrnl BAY F.XCEPTIONAL VALlTE Pric'l' -$6500 CO.RONA DEL MAR &nutlful ~ wcll-)lullt two-bt'droom horne. South ot highway: ronvt>nlt>nt to sc.'hool Rnd AAOilfllntt diRtr1ct. Floor to l"t'illnst windows ovc>rlooklnR pt\tlo In dining- room and breRkfast nook. Limit ht>IRhl ft•n~ t•nt·108!11$t entit"C' mlr yard. Mu!lt tx-8('eO to hfo RPil_n><.'latl"d. Immt'<llntc• pos.~~lon. Pril'e -~~~.000 CI IOIC'E CORNER HOME-SITE IN BEST LOCATION -l50xll~ fl. Pri<'t'-$1:\,500 &•atltiful two-tlN1room home: large livlnJ,t-room. l>rt'ek· fast room , tl11>d kih'ht•n. l>nth. rumpus room owr ~at'ft~. attral'live patio. fiO-root lot d ose to CX'('(ltl. Pri<"{' -$:ll.000 L<Yf'S-..Scc our *' J(•d ion nf t•hol<'t' C'OI'OM dd Mn r bulld- ln~ sitrs. FniFiy pricro. GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD HEAL TOR :\<)>( Mn rint• Avr .. BaJhoa I ·Junrl Hmi>or 2:\4-W 7S.2tc Apartm'en t House, Balboa Island OI'A inc-nnu •. $.'\110 rmmth; ~i'i units. fuml..tl~. -- Pril'f' :$4:l,!l00 h•rms Orange Grove, Valencias, Capistrano Oist. ~:! at•t·~. $:"\:'>41(1 Jll'r lll'l't'. ComJ)IIf'ttbl t• tll1 oflwr cn1\ltos cat $!1<)00. Tt•rms. "DOUG" WHITE J•. (I '~" 7t'l. B:tllMl:l l'hmw Hnrhm· 1Kl!\ 70-l tc CORONA DEL MAR l'r-.1.JSU A L 110 M E. buill l'SPl'<.'ially for 11 t'OUpll' who dt'Sil't' IUivacy. Hom~ nnd gtU"fi).:P on the front or thn:"P lots. Has lhrw mon• lot~ adjoining, a ll fenced. Concrete l'l'talnlng wnlls. la~e mt·lntit.-'<1 patio, bar- hl.'cue. over two hundN'rl R!l"'rtro fruit nnd Rhadt• ~. vlnl"S and shru~. Ult n1 mc1rll'm h~xtra largt• living-room with fit't'pltlr<', lu ~" tx>droom. All dOM>ts rt'dar lined. Am!ll<• klt,•hH~ with dln..-tte. Guest room, if desiN'd. Lots of ldoragf' Rp&t't'. You can actua lly st.'(> tht·n~ is no inn atlon. RALPH P. MA SKEY 3411 W. Ct-nJ rnl A\1('. l'honP Harbor 4<Y.l 76-lfc Lowest pricea 1n furnlture II mJ motto. I buy right. I aell rlaht I a18o buy furniture. Needle's Furniture FOR SALE....-40 ft. cabin cruiser; al~pe six; gallt'y, dinettE', head, large wheel houae and cockpit, completely rE'COndltloncd, bow to a tern; Chryalt'r marine engine. Sec owner, 133 Agate Ave., Ual- boa Island. 67-Uc room complrtely furnu1hed tlvc Furni11h~ <'<111nl(r on beach room ap1 lncludlnl( lln('nll Also front. $195(1. Tukt' car part pay-RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 2204 Newport Blvd. eo.ta MeN 57-ttc Glass Shower Doors . made to measure and In- stalled. Good dt'IIVcriH. Bayview Builders Supply 818 Cout Hlway Ph. Beacon :'i007 Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten 18-month -$6.75 Ex. 73-4tc Co111pounded Motor canon. 70c: Oil W estern Auto Supply AulboriU'd Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd.. Colta Mea• 41-tfc VENETIAN BLINDS--Aluminwn atet>l, wood. Call ua for free estl· mate. Renovatlo" & rennllhJn& So. Coast Venetl&n BUnd Co. WHt 18th and Ne>A'J)Orl Avf'., Colta Mella. Ph: 134-acon 5762-W. ' ' -38-tft Fire PlaCY and KJndlln& ·woOD 'Dcuvered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-ttc -----Just Arrived P'reab Rearing At4 ' BATTERIES Gun4efll0n Drug Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Hlrbor 51~ 80-tff Order Your Serve} -Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-ttc Fire Equipment Tests CO-Two. Pyrene A Foam refills. COo n.xed ayatem and Portablet now available. ETS HOKlN A GALVAN 1000 Cout Highway Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc SMALL BOA T S -Of tough, li ght marinr plywood. -Molded hulls or flat-bottom. -Skirrs. Dinghi~>ll. Sailboota. MARTIN OUTBOARD MCYI'ORS "FI<'xldrlvl'" Shafts for lnhoards WATSON -BOATS "Small Roat Ht'adqunrters" 611 Coast I Jlway Bt'acon !lm 69-tfc 1 room kil<'henrttr Apl!t. LAm· mrnt Ray Short' Auto Camp. fV'rls Muto•l 1010 Coast llil!hw.ty, Newpur1 .RI•Rch. 76-tlr' Nr·wpor l fk11t"tl 1-l-:.'tc --- ROOM rnR RENT ( >cr11n Fmnt. Bectutiful Home douhll' room. Twin hrds. prl·l 111 vntr t'ntrnncc Sln~oth• rt"'m. pri- vate• l'ntranC't'. Rc•fl'rl'n<·•'ll liar-I ('api~tr·ano Tlf'ar h hnr I R>IR 7!\-4 t c FOR HF!\'T ~ w n I •• I \\'ondf'r vlrw. I hrf'l' hc'flruum~ · · I' u "" rnom two hath~ A rt·nl hu) llnrl privnt•• hnth, til•· ~howt'r stall. 1\\·an nr dnuhlf' ll<•dJ>, l10't $20.0()0 ~prlnl! nncl lntl'r~prln~.: mnllrr'!· Sf'~. l"nt hl'flt. SfV'<'IIII rlltl'l' for I p<'l'mll npn I £ll"" Is M rlfl'll' l\1 ill' :'\fot..t 711ft rn11s1 lltl:'hWII\. ~(•\\ • 110rt O••arh. l'h 111'anm i\~'l!~-.1 7!\tfc Fl In RENT P<•Lu'tl' room~ & l'ltll'l' W .J HOI.< 'I 1\IIC C'ttlltnn dt•l :\fnr "Wtwrr· !hi' Filii!~ Fl\ .. llnrl~nr '1.76f> 7ti ll• a pill. Prwt'!l ramer (rum '-'l to I MUSICAL a RADIO N r·· " ~-----:---~~-~~---~11 !'lO p;·r \.\•r•·k. ur monthly ·""'torey··:-o Hatt(•ry Ser vi<'t· RADIO 111 tl 'SI-: CALLS r ntt•! a~ Jl('r (l P .\ N'illn~ J(lfl7 Now that Additional conmp;•t••nt E C<'ntrnl. O:~lhuu P h :!3611-M 1 1•rhniri:~n• l<r{' nvnllahll', W•' nrr 71-tro• 1 B••tw•·•'n 11-tt h 11n•l Mnunttltu l 11hl< lo makl' ~··n·irl' •·a!l~ •'n FOR fiF:NT ROO:'\fS -IH)llhlr lan.:r ron~nh•s All work J.:llo<r· n•uly ~,,,.,.11'4' Adult~ llnly ~:!1 R•·:uT~n :-.11t, r·,,..l:t :'of, ... ,, nnt•·•'t1 IIE:"rtY \\' BRAJ:". 7fi·l ,,. Jl:mlint!, Ballw•n. C111if. trc I ERn. n{'W (l\\nt•r Sl s Rmllo. Ba lhoa :1(1(1 l\111r1nc A,,. Phom• trarh .. r "'A:STP:D TO Rt:ST u J-:xrd•·nt \'Ahlt· I n•ntnl umt~ lv 1~1 ' 7ti Ill' :1 r 3 1 d A 1 HEADA CHES? Rm'lios nn• Tr""' IF Thl'y Arc-Not f'•·rrurminf't Right LA-t u.~ curr } our 1 rnuhlc wU h t hr latl'llt ·...,lllipmt'nt and t'Xfl('rt Repair Ml'n AUTIIORIZF.:D PIIILCO SHOP We l!J)('Cia ll7t' in Philco, 7..enlth. WN1tln~hous1• and Majt'ctic RaidM 420 E. 4th Santa Ana Ph. 1:10 73-•llc \'l·"fERi\N s 1 \\' f · nr ~:ural:!'; I r npl nn 1' ~~~· • 1• " • ~rn:.n 1 1 " of ··~crow_ Can lx• !anan,t'<i 1 ft'lll'hl r 1 t11·~lro· r u r n , ~ h •• rl lfllRrtm•·nt 11r hnu~·· for )<•ur. 1 $1 ~,000 unt tl '"'" hrorno• t~ luJil t Nn '1. stor)• -5 R<ir & Firrplncr C'om- f'ltllrlro·n or p<·t~ IJ.r•m• I! I"'" pll'l<'!y furnish•'d '' ilh lnc-nm•· ,,.,,. C'nll Klmt•r1ll ::111 1 r .. u,.,., ~IIJit• 71>-4 '" \\'A NTF.D TO Rfl,rr Cnrn~tr 1n vicinity nf I 1!\ -29th ~~ Ph•tnt•l llarlx>r :.14 7fl.:ltc , $12,000 P rnln~ul11 L111" 1-"r(lm $2750.00 up WANTED 1'0 TRAOF: Rc>ntnl :.1 l!l'd.room h1111~1· in L<.m,:r Rf•nrh for same-In Rnll10a or vl~inlty. f'nll Jl-:n29 nr Aflrr I> p m Lnnlo( Ri'och HR76. 75-41Jt JOHN E. SADLEIR 0 302 Main S t • Bathnn Phone Har. 2034 ' V-E-T-E-R-A -N -S S e.e For Your se lves ,HAYWARD HOMES Being Completed 60 DAYS House i n & 'rn·l tr 0 Lot A. R. Ebrife anrl AssociAtes J. W. Dook Beacon 5R57-W 1 9:Wi Newport. Blvd .• OJMlu Ml"SR I Bring Your BuytnJ;: and Sf.lllng Problc>rru; to Us. Costa Mesa F'JVE-HOOM I lOME c m Vlf"J:inia Plac'f'. n<>ar Nt'WJIIJrt Blvd . Lot 50x150. Back yard. Very prlv:ltl•. l'rkNl ror inamroiotf' AAit•. 1 lomr Is vue-Ant. Sonw ll\Onf·~· in c•serow n llow~ you to mov" in torloy. Tt•r-nl~ ACHE CO!--'T A ~11-~"A HANC'JIO Two-IX'tlrnom hotiS<': rlotll1li' 1-{llr'ag••; c·hkkt•n hrKIIW'. ~Hx 1:..10: 40 r-:1hhit huldu~ unci dw·kpn JlC'n~o~. Lot '"' 1 :~5x :tiO. Cit~· to 1'\1'\'T" wt Blvd Pri<~· ~!1:6o TC'I'II)~ NEW JIOME '1\vo-t.ll'droom f'Omplt'h•ly furnl'lhNI ,.....1ragr, c·hic·k"n <>tfllipmt·nt. Fin-t 1\lvd. I mmc~llat •· JXIS.~-sston hom•• on hnlf 1u·rr; hnu~ orr NPWport Prir•• ~~:-.,11 BUSil\ii-~'-;S 1\C'HE IIOMJo: Two-ll('(lt'OOm hnmi' on· Hull lOll ~t tV"f'l 110 lnt 1 :1:-,~1:~0. m mplt'ti'ly fen1Y'fl in. ,..,, ... , d,ui n irllc•rlr.IC·kin~ ft •n•'(•. ,.,,ry good t>tll111 s it•• 11r l ulttt'l' murkc•l llt•vt•lopmt•nt. p,;,,. !t;Jit.ll(l(l fo'OH H 1-:NT c IH I .J-:ASI-: Five Acre.;; :-.=EAR BAC1< HI\ Y. ~t~tJtl soli: ull frn(Y'fl , wnl•••· ln. Pri•"' $!().!)()() I nco me Property Cm-onn rli'l Mar-~·w•n mol•·l t·ahlns. IIII'Kf' 1·ar,. nnd ,..,•rvice ~tAtir>n . nM•m for mon• t•sahln~ ·or lllht•r tii'Vt•lt)f._ ""'?bt Prit•r• .. :lX,!"ll .If I GOOD BM1< Hi\ Y VJF:W 2-Bedroom h omr. I'QJTlplrtt•ly fttmi~;hNI: vt•ry rwar: \!<.: su.~ of land; corrul ancl pi nto hoN •; ,·hit·km,;, ••t1·, Pro- perty all renCf"(i ln. PriN'--~50-T('rms W A..NTED-New and uaed electric motors. Hlchett prlcea peid at PNM~t. Call Harbor 2138. .,....tc "" ()pen 7 DaYM Every Wl'ek, H a . m. to 6 p. m. See DENNISON & McBROOM RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO 498 Newport Blvd. ·. ' eo.ta Me. A. R. DJrite and AModatel J. w. Doek ~t.c a.caa 87-W 1936 'Newport Blvd., ec.ta Mas 76-2t.c .. '" E-X -C-L-U-S-1-V;E ~ Acre. 66' frontqe on Newport Blvd., a.ta ..... Modem 2-bed.rooma A dfn. Hctwd.; modem ldt.chlll . .. _.rvice porch. Two-room hou.e In the ree.r. ~r p.... Thla la at preent a Kennel Bull- Mel with 24 <br ttalls ... but It lallaltable for molt any kind ot bualne.&a. Good bullcUnp In rear ot lot. U you want a homo and bualneM location you can't beat thla one. Shown by appotntment onl7. . $15,000 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL PSI'ATE BROKER AND A&90CIA'J'I!Z Phil D. Soloman-Salemw\ John Boodra -Salaman Phone: Beacon 522S 1972 Newport Blvd: . • 76-Uc J.INWOOO VICK Broker llarbor 548-M BALBOA ISLAND ATmA<'TJV.Ii: DUrU:X In nlc. ltx·•tlun 'f'wn IIC!drooma In eedl unit Uoubh• wall NWWtructlon. Nl('t•ly l•ndllnp.-d Patio. ~ 11\c.'Uilll' JH'Opt•rt)l Jmfnt'diAif-JW!e• •••••hm. A rf't~l value• A 1ood In· vl'tltmf'nt !othown hy avvolntmf'l1t only ISLAND REALTY 201 A~t"te. Balboo 181And COMPANY Harborm-w BALBOA ISLAND Very nttrot11vt• Rht-tlt"droom home on .O.foot lot. ncer South Ray. UntumJ!Ihed. lmrnfdiate ~ IW'Mion. _ $23,750 -Terms ISLAND REALTY 201 Agate. &IJ>oa laland OOMPANY H.arbot' m.w .... -GOOD - USED A P P L I A N C ·E S nurrct m uc1t"' Jlofx'r StO\Ir . All llotpotnt El«:tr1c pon'f.!lllln; 0\len control; JX!r-Iron; o. k. ·-···..a·• ft•f'f rondltl()fl; only $2n.~ Coleman GuoUn..- ('ulrman ~aMIII'M' "-_ l.~tntem -· ---· M.e Rsullnnt J lt'fllt•r $4\.w.'l RiKHCJia Caf'PI'l ~. p .e 9-1\1111' SllvrrfrlfW Rltdlo: Lttrllt' lll7.it' walnut C'sa hltlf•t : like• Wnnlrotlft Trunk . 118.75 ~. only $.17.!50 New ~f!tdion OU Hat«: Mn~k M~tlrl Mix(•r : all porcelain enamel .ae.• I(OCwl c·ondltlon $R.7:') Ollvur Typewrtter, .. ta. ss• Gafft-1"'1' & S11ttlrr nil-white-4-Bumet" low oven 1Jc.m1i10W HI Ov••n Gtu' rt.nnK~. Gu Ran~. wtth clt•nn $13.~ broUH .ne.75 ~ HARBOR FURNITURE Phunf' Rf-11('00 ~5:JH..J 1 !lfi:l llnrbor ntv•l. RUL F.I"TATE t:'WfiANOJ: ... TllAIJ.r:M e TrtAnJ>; 'J t ... ltrnmn h,'•nl<· ln-;;,I Fnn SA Ll-: Ill ft. trnlll'r houw, •trk t •·•I llllllrll'l In I 'tt~fll1o·nn •·11hun11 f l1111r t:ICI'rllr111 N>f'Wfl· ,..,.r '"""'' In Nr•wpurl H 1. Me I llun, lw·•l hw;11tlun. 114~1. l{coa. t 's11 ""'>'· 1~'1.1 w p.t1111t nm1 !'(t •ltll' Trnllf'r P111·~: l'ltlllf' tn flal· )·,,~11t!£·nn 1'111 ,11,, 7 IWd 7'\·•lqr I"'" llll~tntl M1'11. I t•ltt•nl. 76-ltp W A.J'~IT ll,.u,.lt 11r llrty trnnt """''' TltATI.~:rt."' fo"(lft RALJo': -The .,._t 111 "~'h'lnl!<' ,,,,. Jw11 '"'11tn••m In tr1tlle111 for rrnt and ~. '"''' ~l•••·pln~ l•trt·lt. H y1 ntd: . :''rnllrra m11&-'" nr!k>r. Dunl.p ~•w·•·u hum.-In ).11 c·,,.,,,.11,11 ''" :rnlll'r Tt~;ntllll. Nt.wp6rt Auto 1 :ol't'•' voun•l Jl14r .. tt1 H ,,,.1,. ~"'"" lot. 2fiOO hlock on Contral '"'"· IIIl i I WiiiChir•• lllvd , 1. A Avt•nu•• 8&-8tp !I l'lt 1-:X· HIIU H ·Jir TRAil..ERS FOR JU'ltri'-Do ,_.. ---nwn hauiJna and ~ All u n-f'QUipnwnt, 12.21 and •• LOANR TO BUf LJ), "'-J, !JDpnJft m'*miM or Nnf\&ne., Newport Ral~ hd_.., S.Y1n1• and Loan ~Uan. fll!'r day. We tuml.atl tJw httciL My""'n 81'01. ller¥lct Mabla. cor. 17th A N..wport Blvd., o.ta MMil. tl-aft 3333 VIa Lido Ph II arbor 1!00 MUUNTAI!It' I'RHPF.RTY • AfTTOMOTIVI: a TlllD II LAKJo; AltftC>Wifi-:AO -F or tale, ....,-------..,.....-----aiJC lui• lllf'l'''r"tl'ly or al to-~·,Ill SA I.I. lll:l.' l'lyrntnllh ll<•ilftn a••lhf·rl Nl'llr lllk" and yra.r- l.x•·••llt•flt 1111·•. ~.:••~<1 runnlnl( 'tmmcl luwny, t-,..Avlly woodecl. •ttndll'"" $'1.~~· lltu '••r t'1.1n-W 1 lwnt•r , It 1~. l'owt'f', 767 Cut.e- 76·2tc l11r St • I~" Ancell'll 12. 75-:lte ••V'J'M WAJrnD • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices !ELL YOUR CAR NOW While ~ are Hlgh.. Phone for our CXJUI1lloul buyer who wUI eaD aDd .._ ,au l'll&l'dbw OPA NIUiatianl. --prka Uld arran.. all dlrtaUI CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., I~ awvaa.t _.oM' a"t o.a.n .............................. 0... .... ' '. Mexlc1• ...... TOWII .. 111roes Of $25-MIIIon CoBbKtloll Job R.eornt harbor vtatton to .n. proaperity. T• of tile Week MJDer Piau Call Procr-• hilled For 17 Boat sup. CAroaa del .. Malt Shop IIUOIMI ..... iW • Old t+'md ..... ____ .... Juana ~port lhat the nee tr11ck l t il eatlmated by one olfidal d ty ol Mexico il ln ~ tbJws of that there will bc about m. a bl& bulldJnc boom. : million wor th of new conatrJJCtion For lnstanet', tM bla cMwnt In thr city bt>fore tht' end of the atructure on the l~ft Ude of the i Y~'ttr. Memben o1 ttw board o1 direct· lion than 400 fRt ol water on ol the Newport Harbor Ki· r......_. ia ....._ .....-red ,,. ~ wanla club wW make a cl«iiion ~ o1 17 new alipa, kick· ahortly on the plan to aponaor a en ancS other caawnlmcel for "Tar ol the W~k" IJI'OII'&m In boatlneft, ln Newpart Hut»or. 'nle Newport Hatbor. · boat lite wu boulbt rec:ently by ---------------Or(cin at,.or of the l~a. Harry Wade MJUer, dlstributfX' fiX' a new highway on the WAY to Arua Cali-1 ente race track. which atooct ror Plant W ute Studies many )'t'an rooOesa and windvw-, • ed . C lesa, now hu It roof llnc1 windnws. Continu In ounty The building has bt'ftt compll'h'· ly tlnlahro. with a hu~ Jal aloa court runnh•ll lhe len~tth and half IM brt!adth of it. S..ta ha\'r been inatallt'd for the aocommu- datlona of 300. Ban and l ll•IIJS v.111 run around the IIJUrts Cf'nter when II opena Nov. 15 ~ Other conatruction In the bordl'r town lnclll.tdea a aix·room• hotel on the mail!' atrHt: a t~atory <'On· crete atructurt> on 1M alte or ttw old Foreign club, between Serond and Third alret'ta; on tM main avenue, and a doun otht'n art' bt-ln& built In the central part of the dty. Studlt'S of wuws from citrua plants. cannerit's and lndl!Jifial a•stahllshmenll in Urangt' county are s tall being continuPd by Health u ffic('r l>r. Edward Lee R).llllell Hnd S11nitatlon lns~or E. E . .~rlsby, a hf'alth department re- port Monday dJscloaed. Nick Miues T\re Alhen. ot the USO club, auuested type ~ watft\':l"att. that ttw Kiwanla club father the 1ll,e'favallablr alipa are betn& program u an inlpration to mem· doubled Jn atu to~ a visioned ben of the Newport H arbor increue In bualneu, ~ly Union High school football team. durin~ the future aummer rnontha. Part o.f the plan calla for news· Don Watta, COitlltructlon mAll· paper Pf'J>mot ion by publltU'Iing a,ger of tM bulldinc, and &eneral namea of gridiron men ehOIU'n Ill ~r o1 the allpa plant a rnar- lhe "Tar of the W~k" as well lne rallway, to br built alon& w1th u phottoa of them. The phot~ ..U lodcen, and aix PJ"alft for eraph.l would be shown •lao In the the convenience ol but-of-town windows of local atores. boat ownen. Can Collide New Houae Underway Mn. Ant«t HenMy of 201 Marine avenue, Balboa b land, hu made arran~nt.a to build ia tw~at.ory, IU'ven-room ~ and a t~car aaraee at 2(!1 Onyx Ave., Ba.lboa Ave. The bu1JdJnp wuJ CLOTHES f()lt MEN AND .BOYS fl gtU4~ $pMJ $'-fa 1ft ....... .&w.. ............ ..... ..... .,. Mf'l'dlants and citlun. ~ look· in& forward to a J)t'riod ol great It jUJt couldn't happen, Nick thoueht. But It did. When Nick Suttora, Newport Beach employe of ·tlw city st.r~t ~partment, pickro up hia pushcart at 7 a.m. Monday, he found aomeone had stolen a tJr~ .hun lt. Can driven by C. W. Murphy of Pomona and A. F. AclaJr of Newport Beach collided at Sixth ltret't and Central avenue, New- port, Sunday af~rnoon. Pollee laid both drivers took care of their own damares u they wne ln- aured. coat $16,000. l--....;;....---------1 Total ~nroltm.nt hu reached 1326 atu~nta at tM Santa Ana Junior eollf'lt' It waa announ 'nile CaliiCII"'da tncorporated earn-''The atate charnber'a award~ are today by Dtr«tor John H'. McCoy. -.::....-.---uv whole ottlcYJ vota ln N~ betna made.on t~ rve of an ~I«· Of Uww. 884 11rt' In the day IChool, .-.r ahowi tM hi&Mit J)f'fOPrit-tlon that Ia of utmoat Importance' while 4-t2 have re&latnf'd thUI ... o1 reslatered voten co1n1 to to f!Vt'r)' dtiun of th~ nation. far for tM f!Venlntt aeuJona. a. polls will be hononed with a "Wltll the maJority'• opinion eX· Regiatratlon for full time stu-.,.cMI award. J arnea )l~ttJ, preued a t the polla. tM world denta In tht> d11y school Ia <'loeed. _.u .......,.,. o1 the Calllornla wUJ know how America atanda. but tM night aehool. with a total ltate Qtamber o1 Conurwl'clf, an· and ~ el«ted to office will of 40 courae~ to chOOIM' from. will k '--· h •'--b ld .... of mntinu• to aC'Ct.'pt f'nrollt'N until -ced today. now t ..... J" avt' ""' ac ... ...... --~t and t '--•-1~ b further notice. . ... ---a.u -'11 ... _ aw-...a. """' ,...,..., y no ~ m .. ...., y . •-.. ..,..., ""' ..,.. ,..u _, _ _. Veteran~ at Santa Ana. as elsl'· .. ._ • ..__ ata•• ...hamber to tM the effort II of n unu• ot)' preuurt! "'~ ...., .... "'1 1 •-tJ th 1 wht•rf' In thl' nntlon'11 coiii'JCPI, con--......___ offldaJ returna ahow IJ"'Upa, na.. n1 11pon e r own -"' ,..,.._,. ....,.. t " atltull' a large percentage of the -.... ._.__. -ta•• o1 balJot-..,...nt o Vo«"W. --· .-·-·· • · at~nt body. An l'tllimatt'd tw~ !Ia._ -.. . .-.......~ vot·-Awards "State and natlonel pollclea: . "'~ •-.-...-. ".. thirda are formt'r IIE'rvlct>men. &-.. bMed·upon olfldal canVUI Initiative 11nd refert'ndum ml'aa-cause of the lnOux of vetA, the ·:.rrtale o1 resMtered voters UN'S; propoula effecting workin~e average agr or th<' male student J.._ .-.. •• ..__..__. -. and economic: conditions and tax ----. ,....~.1" '· population now ho,·en 111 about ~ ..S ewry eomnNnlty-rat" dtlzena muat pa,.-theae llrf' 23 yean. w)lilr the girls remain .... •• ol populatJon..-...Nia a dedcled at · eltctlona. California 11t their prt'·War average or 18 .. .....,. to wta thAI l'fCOII'lUon. eaecta a U. S. eenat.or, ~ Although hllmpered by crowded • ""'fttle atale ~ cledded to man, atat.e otfldall and membcn facilltil'tl, Santa Ana. In eontrut _. ...U. thAI ,_r the trophy ol l M ~lalature In November. to many aehools in C~tllfornia, wu • tile lliallponted CIOII'IInllftitJ California voters will pua Jude· not forced to ri!fUit' adml:qion to '-' fiiiiiiiHnl Ita ~ at the IIM'I'It on aeventeen ballot ~u-any qualified, proapectlvl' atud<.'nta . ....... .._.tU Mid. "However, uree. We, the prople. mUJt Jive Until the completion of thr new ........ 1[10 recocnldan to the up to OW' retpon~lbllltles Ill dli· 17th ltl'fft C&fllpu.l. however, • ... .a.a 111 tile IWII --. llt'M and go to the poll• on N~ Santa Ana will still rt'main among ii a.......,. trGpby WM 8dded. to vembt-r S." the> amaller junior collegea in the .,. 6e Cdlanlla C~Mtt:J poll--------Southland. With bt-ttl'r and -......... ....,.. .... ot Ita t>urinc 1944 tM U.S. produced larger facilities. tM junior colleg(. = "" Oftlclal.-et~GD Ita-u much oU u the whole world did would bc among the lt'adera in ~i;;;;...a;;~';'1;;';;tlle~;w;1;;r;;.~;m;;l;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w total eMO __ l_l~_n_t_. __ __ Trailer CANOPIES Want Wlrt·loola:ins ronfs whh lons·lastins prottctlon apinsc all kinda of weather! PrefMrl'd·papu and rtlt'tal roo& really alidt up whtn you r•int them with Standard Alllacae l oof Coetin&. Ita firc-raistins quality ia in its larse ~cap ollona asbat01 fibt'rs and mica: and ch~ allow .....wa, and bMdins wit~ ruckina. h'a co.-. too, fOI ~ iMide ol frv.it-.WpburiA' ahecb. ....... , .. hie Dkb ..... ..__ ....... 1. Fullerton Coli. Renews Aqua Progam · After a war-time auapenalon for four y<'an. watn aporta are be- In& rl'newed at Fullt'rton Junior colleae llllder tM leadenhlp o: Jimmy Smith, vett'ran 11quatic cpach. who Is returning to the janior eolletrt' aftn three year~' IM!rVIee u a commander In thr navy. No m,t't't achroule has yrt bt-cn. mapped out for the IU'Uon, but Coach Smith lllld that Compton, Calt«h. U.S .C. vanity and fro~~h, and U.C.L.A. vanity and fr011h tt'ama probAbly will tx-ICheduiPd C011ch Smlth had '-'n wtth the Horne-fa for 11 yl'an hefore he entered the Unlt.ed S tatra navy For both water polo and awlm- teama, hia aquadl have an t'Xct>l· lent rt'COrd In the Southern Cali· fornia Junior Coli"~" lt'alt\!4' ~ FuJJnton Junior collf'lt' water polo tt'nms wrre S.C.J.C. champlona for the Jut six yean bcfore tM war. "''ht'reu the col- leae·a av.1mmlna tf'amR held thr C'h11mplonahlp for thl' la.st Jeven years bt-for~ tht' war. Jn 1!»0. Coach Smlth'a awimmen Wl'nt on to win tM championship of the Southrm Pal'ific Amatt'ur Athl<'tlc union. Men rrportin~t Cor Jwimmin~t practi<'C' rt'JO:Ularl)l lncludr Don Rradford. Marvin Rurn!l. Duster Brutt, Jim D1wls. AI flowden. Jim Gehdrrnowc. nud llolll!leholdt•r , Bob Hamilton. Ed lllslry, Ball Krupp, Mort Pr171'{. Wl'll Pristw•y, Frank PoOI'hrr. Roland Shutt and Hownrd Chipman. Side of Central Torn Up for Bldg. Work Motorl!ltJ Wf'l't' CorN'd to park cl!K'whcre thnn In thl' four hlock11 from nt'ar the St. Georgt•'s llp&rt - men t hoiJI('S to thr rnd nf M11in llrt"('f on East Crntral AVl'nth' Mond11y, due to the reN'natrotclion work aoinlt on there. PRTt of the work is bt•in~t d<>nf' to lay nf'w llnl'll to ronnl'!'; ur. with the new Balboa rxch11nge I bulldln~t of t hi'. South<'m C11li· I Cornia Telephnne mmPAny Thr telt'phorw company ~tllldly delAyed I : this work earlit'r In the midawn· mrr In defl'renrl' to Raltx>n hul!li· nep and Ill now rontmum11 from ..,hPrt' thl'y It'll off at tlull tlmr Wlllte Houe Cafe ..... 1. ~ .... 01111. -------- SAVES YOU CAN ENJOY ·Soft · Water. IN vouR HOME ON A SERViCE BASIS ••••• A~ ~-~ ~ ~ fu aLL ~ ~ ~. Think of it I Plenty of silky-smooth soft water ... all you want, at a turn of the faucet ... without any investment, any bother, any work, any deprecia !ion. ~ Water, adually eofter than rain water, for laundering, bathing, shampooing, cook- ~\~ I Ina ... for only a few cents a dayl '~.:::: A NEW SERVICE- I I We laatall a softener in your Jllorch or utility room. We own it and we service it. It provides 100.% SOFT WATER at the tum of a fauce t without any attention from anyone· in the house- hold. rf!J. TRY SOfT WATER THE CULUGAN WAY lor thirty days and convinc~ yourself. Don't delay. Call us today. We are as near as your telephone. kouty poriors, bartMr lhopl, r.ttauronh, Mfte ~ apartment houseJ-4nvettigo,. ftte economy Gftd great lnt- pi'O'tement in your ..,... wllh ~5oft Wotef Senb. CALL YOUI 10ft WA'III ..viCI MANI --ONLY ,•250 • Pf'r montll for tJMo ."",....... famu, • .-----------~----, I 1( .... -.. ~ """' so~~ ft..W.e I I '· CUTS SOAP COSTS IN HAU I I Ower one-half of the lOOP you 11M In hord water Is contumed In I I O¥etCOI•tine horctn... Y041 ttr~e from one-half to """·quorters II of your lOOp ••• and get thir!gt deoner ••. when you wolh with I toft water. 1 I 2. LENGTHENS LIFE OF WASHAILES I I Soap cvrds. fonMd by hord water, comot be rinsed out of fa~rict ( ond couM I'Oftin9 and detfNction of doth. Soft woter ellminotet I this condition ond reduces clothrng and linen expenditur... I .1 3. cUTs WATER HEAnNG ••us 1 I The elimination of acola in the wa ter heatin g coils. through the use I of taft water, maket the heater more effiCient , •• heoting the I water qulchr will leu fuel consumption. I I 4. CUTS PLUMIING REPAIR IILLS I' I Mudt of lha plumbing e•p-In ftte 1 home Ia covted by acole fonrted irl pipes I by hard wor.r. 100% Soft Water ellmi-I I notes ecole Gftd c:uh pfumbJn9 billa. I I I ntl SAYINGS All GHAna 1 1 'IHAN 'ntl COlT I I L----------~ BEACH HOMES -· SOFT WATER SERV CE :~R~L ~ fi _Q_i e. H ARB 0 R 114 9 r• ,,